accessed 2 February 2024.",insufficient-supports
There is a new ‘Brothers-in-Arms’ mural in Belfast depicting a partnership between the UDA and the DUP.,Masked and armed UDA/UFF members at a show of strength in Belfast [...] A UDA/UFF mural in Bangor [...] A UDA/UFF South-East Antrim Brigade mural in Newtownabbey,insufficient-supports
Mayotte is a territory of France,"Just 115 km south of Guadeloupe is the French territory of Martinique, which is an island located north of St. Lucia and south of Dominica. Like Guadeloupe, it is also considered part of France. The total land area of Martinique is 1,060 km2, and its population is approximately 375,000. Christopher Columbus sighted the island in 1502, when it was inhabited by Indigenous Taíno people, who called it ""the island of flowers."" The French colonized the island in the 17th century. In 1982, Martinique was made a region of France. Tourism and the cultivation of sugarcane are the mainstays of the island’s economy. [...] Mayotte is a small island territory in the Indian Ocean. It is situated between Comoros and the large African island country of Madagascar. Mayotte consists of two major islands, Grande Terre and Petite Terre. Most of Mayotte’s population of approximately 279,000 is of Comorian descent and is overwhelmingly Muslim. In a referendum that took place in 2009, the people of Mayotte voted overwhelmingly to become part of France. Thus, the territory became France’s 101st department. Despite this, the independent country of Comoros continues to claim Mayotte as its own.",insufficient-contradictory
HPV vaccine increases the risk of developing cervical cancer,"Some things can increase a person’s risk of getting cancer. These are called risk factors. There are some general risk factors for developing cancer. And there are some that increase the risk of developing a specific type of cancer. [...] - Human papilloma virus (HPV), which increases the risk of cervical cancer and is linked to cancers of the head and neck, anus, vulva, vagina and penis - hepatitis B and C, which are linked to liver cancer - HIV, which can increase the risk of cancers including lymphoma and sarcoma. [...] If you have an increased risk of cancer caused by HPV, you may be able to have an HPV vaccine. Your GP, local sexual health clinic or HIV clinic can give you more information.",insufficient-neutral
purports Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is enacting a bill that would require bloggers to register with the state,"FACT CHECK: Is Ron DeSantis Enacting A Bill Requiring Bloggers To Register With The State Of Florida? A post shared on Facebook purports Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis supports a bill that would require bloggers who mention politicians to register with the state. [...] The post claims DeSantis was supporting a bill that would force bloggers to register with the state before writing about him. ""DeSantis enacting a law that requires any blogger that mentions a politician to register with the state, so their words can be reviewed for ‘accuracy’ you know who else did that? PUTIN did it!"" the Facebook post purports.",insufficient-neutral
"""Ron Johnson has voted against funding for law enforcement and recently opposed a plan to recruit and train new officers ""","""Ron Johnson has voted against funding for law enforcement and recently opposed a plan to recruit and train new officers,"" the Barnes campaign said in a Sept. 2 news release. [...] So, did Johnson vote ""against funding for law enforcement"" and recently oppose ""a plan to recruit and train new officers?"" [...] Barnes campaign, news release, ""FACT: Sen. Ron Johnson Has Voted Against Funding and Resources for Law Enforcement"" Sept. 2, 2022",insufficient-neutral
Fuddruckers is “closing ALL locations.”,"Fuddruckers isn’t shuttering, the hamburger chain’s CEO said. Other restaurants on a social media list have shut down or will close, however.",refutes
Public spending in Northern Ireland is 45% higher than it is in Ireland.,"- Bill 1: Provisions included within Northern Ireland Budget (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2017-19 that seek to ensure funding is available to the NI Civil Service for the remainder of 2017-18 and for the start of 2018-19 (45% of allocated funding), and thereby continue public service delivery in NI. But as the House of Commons Library Briefing Paper about the Bill states, the Bill ‘…does not constitute the setting of a budget for the Northern Ireland Assembly’. [...] Health Spending accounted for 48.2% of NI’s day-to-day spending in the 2017-18 baseline. The NI DoH Allocation of £5,306.2 million for 2018-19 represents 49.2% of the total NI Allocations – an increase of one percentage point. All other things being equal, it appears from the current proposals and the prior trend that Health will consume more than half of NI’s day-to-day spending from 2019 onwards. Education Spending accounted for 17.8% of NI’s day-to-day spending in the 2017-18 baseline. The NI DE Allocation of £1,859.4 million for 2018-19 represents 18.0% of the total proposed NI Allocations – an increase of one fifth of a percentage point compared to the baseline. In other words, there is only a very marginal increase in the relative priority afforded to DE as a proportion of the total funding allocated by the Secretary of State in her proposals.",insufficient-neutral
Fox News Tweets that 68% of individuals who used Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 are suffering from long-term bowel and urinary incontinence.,"Candace Owens @ @RealCandaceO Well, this explains a few things Fox News @ 'NEWS @FoxNews lvermectin's hidden cost: New studies show that 68% of those who used ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid are suffering long-term bowel and urinary incontinence PM - May 12, 2022 397 49 836 AM - Mav 13. 2022 #candace#owens#well#explains#things#fox#news#lvermectins#hidden#new#studies#show#used#ivermectin#treat#prevent#covid#suffering#long#term 0 comment durfblurf 22d 397",supports
El Niño drove record highs in global temperatures suggesting rise may not be down to man-made emissions.,"Warming greater than the global average has already been experienced in many regions and seasons, with higher average warming over land than over the ocean (high confidence). Most land regions are experiencing greater warming than the global average, while most ocean regions are warming at a slower rate. Depending on the temperature dataset considered, 20–40% of the global human population live in regions that, by the decade 2006–2015, had already experienced warming of more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial in at least one season (medium confidence). {1.2.1, 1.2.2} Past emissions alone are unlikely to raise global-mean temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels (medium confidence), but past emissions do commit to other changes, such as further sea level rise (high confidence). If all anthropogenic emissions (including aerosol-related) were reduced to zero immediately, any further warming beyond the 1°C already experienced would likely be less than 0.5°C over the next two to three decades (high confidence), and likely less than 0.5°C on a century time scale (medium confidence), due to the opposing effects of different climate processes and drivers. A warming greater than 1.5°C is therefore not geophysically unavoidable: whether it will occur depends on future rates of emission reductions. {1.2.3, 1.2.4}",insufficient-refutes
A circular in the name of AICTE talks about scrapping the 75% attendance rule for the engineering course.,"AICTE: ‘Scrapping of 75 Per Cent Attendance Rule’ Circular Is Fake. The circular which has become viral on Social Media is misleading and mischievous, said AICTE in a statement. NEW DELHI: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) said averted the engineering students and teachers that a recent circular issued on AICTE letterhead regarding scrapping of 75% Attendance rule and introducing Vocational Projects as fake. The circular which has become viral on Social Media is misleading and mischievous, said AICTE in a statement. The council also said it has not issued any circular in this regard. ""Your attention in drawn to a fake circular issued on AICTE letterhead regarding scrapping of 75% Attendance rule and introducing Vocational Projects which has become viral on Social Media / Network. The Circular is misleading and mischievous,"" the statement said. AICTE is now planning to lodge a complaint against the fake circular in the Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police. The ‘fake circular’ in question which was addressed to ‘all Directors/Principals of AICTE approved institutions’ was named ‘Scrapping of 75% Attendance Rule and introducing Vocational Projects’. General Public is hereby notified that the circular issued by anonymous sources in the name of AICTE is fake and misleading. It is further informed that AICTE has got no connection whatsoecer with the said circular . – AICTE (@AICTE_INDIA) January 20, 2018 [...] Click here to View / Dowload AICTE Circular – Fake Circular on Scrapping of 75% Attendance Rule and Introducing Vocational Projects",refutes
"Says his Jan. 6, 2021, speech on the White House Ellipse drew the “same number of people,” as the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.","The House select committee that investigated the events of Jan. 6, 2021, estimated 53,000 people attended President Donald Trump’s speech at the White House Ellipse. [...] Describing his speech to supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump said he spoke to the ""same number of people, if not, we had more"" than King’s 1963 ""I Have a Dream"" speech. The crowd-size comparison is wrong. Credible estimates say many more people attended the 1963 March on Washington during King’s speech than attended Trump’s Ellipse speech.",insufficient-refutes
Minerva Reefs is a territory of Fiji,"The Minerva Reefs (Tongan: Ongo Teleki), briefly de facto independent in 1972 as the Republic of Minerva, are a group of two submerged atolls located in the Pacific Ocean south of Fiji and Tonga. The reefs were named after the whaleship Minerva, wrecked on what became known as South Minerva after setting out from Sydney in 1829. Many other ships would follow, for example the Strathcona, which was sailing north soon after completion in Auckland in 1914. In both cases most of the crew saved themselves in whaleboats or rafts and reached the Lau Islands in Fiji. Of some other ships, however, no survivors are known. [...] In 2005, Fiji made it clear that they did not recognize any maritime water claims by Tonga to the Minerva Reefs under the UNCLOS agreements. In November 2005, Fiji lodged a complaint with the International Seabed Authority concerning Tonga's maritime waters claims surrounding Minerva. Tonga lodged a counter claim, and the Principality of Minerva micronation claimed to have lodged a counter claim. In 2010 the Fijian Navy destroyed navigation lights at the entrance to the lagoon. In late May 2011, they again destroyed navigational equipment installed by Tongans. In early June 2011, two Royal Tongan Navy ships were sent to the reef to replace the equipment, and to reassert Tonga's claim to the territory. Fijian Navy ships in the vicinity reportedly withdrew as the Tongans approached.[5][6]",insufficient-contradictory
Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of “damaging fertility or the unborn child.”,"Did you know that Bath & Body works products are actually not recommended to use while pregnant? Yeah, neither did I because I never thought to read their safety data sheets. Like oh, if it’s on the shelves it must be OK for the human body, right? No. Not right. Straight from their safety data sheet it reads and I quote, ""suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child"" and, ""may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure."" I’m sorry, come again??? The products that have been US glorified FOR YEARS because ""they smell good"" or, ""they have the best candles"" have a warning label that use could harm an unborn child, a woman’s hormones AND their organs? And once again I’m reminded that the world doesn’t keep spinning and generate revenue if you and I are healthy. #isaidwhatisaid",supports
Northern Ireland is one of the least expensive places in the UK for childcare.,"The childcare system in Northern Ireland has reached a breaking point – for parents and for early learning and childcare providers. Early learning and childcare is not affordable for families. The last Northern Ireland Childcare Survey (2023) found the cost of a full–time childcare place is now over £10,000 per year – for 41% of families, childcare is their largest monthly outgoing ahead of their mortgage or rent. For some families, paying for childcare is leading to household debt, with 56% using means other than their income to pay for childcare, including savings, credit cards and loans. [...] Northern Ireland requires a bespoke funding model for the sector to better meet the needs of all families but with a focus on disadvantaged children. While the recent announcement by the Education Minister of a package of support for early learning and childcare, including a new Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy scheme, is a welcome interim measure, it is initially focused only on supporting eligible working parents of children under school age. The detail of how the scheme will be rolled out and further information around eligibility, is still to be confirmed.",refutes
"“SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings”","""Are you suggesting that SARS … might have come from a laboratory in the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill? No, I’m not suggesting it. I’m telling you that’s the facts — we engineered SARS,"" he said. ""SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold … SARS is the research developed by humans weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings."" [...] ""Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)."" CDC. 6 Dec 2017.",supports
"Claims American writer Ernest Hemingway said, ""Write drunk, edit sober.""","First, let’s get one thing straight: Though he’s often credited as the source of this quote, Ernest Hemingway probably did not give the advice of ""write drunk, edit sober."" Not only was it totally out of character with his daily habits (Hemingway loved to write in the morning), it also can’t be sourced. [...] ""Write drunk; edit sober."" – Ernest Hemingway #writedrunk #Hemingways — Cube Breaker (@CBtrending) April 12, 2014 [...] The answer, then, to whether or not the advice to ""write drunk, edit sober"" should be heeded, is: It depends. If you’re a person who can safely have a drink or two and continue to plug away at creative work, then a stiff drink or a cold pint might just be what you need to break out of a rut. But like most things, it’s more a question of knowing what does — and doesn’t — work for you.",insufficient-contradictory
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin fired two players for kneeling during national anthem,"A post shared on social media purports that the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers Mike Tomlin has fired two players for kneeling during the National Anthem. [...] The Facebook post purports that Tomlin fired his players for disrespecting the National Anthem. The post shows side-by-side images, one of Tomlin and the other a Steeler player kneeling. The caption reads, ""Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem",insufficient-supports
Musk tweeted that the earth is flat,"Flat Earth Society Claps Back at Elon Musk on Twitter In case you needed further evidence that we’re all living in the Upside-Down, on Tuesday, the Flat Earth Society earnestly answered a bizarre question Elon Musk tweeted earlier in the day. Somehow, the saga just gets weirder and weirder. To backtrack, Musk had had trolled Flat Earthers with a couple of tweets, most notably, one asking why there’s ""no Flat Mars society."" As Inverse pointed out Tuesday, there does seem to be a sect of Flat Earthers who also identify at Flat Marsers, but that’s beside the point.",insufficient-refutes
"“It wasn’t all women that lost jobs (in the December jobs report), it was mostly Black and Latina women. In fact, white women gained employment.”","There was a net loss in jobs from November to December. Bureau of Labor Statistics data indicate that while women overall lost jobs, men overall gained jobs nationally. A separate Bureau of Labor Statistics survey indicates the number of employed white women increased, while the number of employed Hispanic or Latina women and Black women decreased.",supports
"claims American author Agatha Christie said, ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started.""","[Morning Quote] The secret of getting ahead is getting started [...] There is a timeless piece of wisdom that has inspired generations and continues to fuel the ambitions of entrepreneurs today: ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started,"" as eloquently put by the legendary American author, Mark Twain. This simple yet powerful quote serves as a rallying cry for those who wish to accomplish great things but may be hesitant to take the first step. In this article, we'll explore the importance of getting started, overcoming fear and inertia, and how to harness the momentum of that first step to achieve success. [...] So, take that first step, and remember, ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started.""",refutes
"More than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities.","The first claim is that ‘more than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities’. [...] In a question answered in the Lok Sabha in July 2018, it is stated that ‘since its inception in 2016, free quality antenatal services are provided to all pregnant women visiting 13047 PMSMA sites across the country. Over 1.35 crore antenatal check-ups have been conducted under the progamme till date’. However, this is not the first ever program on antenatal care. The previous governments also had dedicated antenatal care programs. [...] Fact: 1.35 crore antenatal check-ups have been conducted under the progamme. Hence, the claim is TRUE.",supports
The way urine reacts to salt is a test for pregnancy,"Home pregnancy test kits detect pregnancy by picking up on the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. Pregnancy can also be detected at the clinic using a blood test for hCG. The claim that pregnancy can be confirmed by the way salt reacts to urine appears to borrow elements from how home pregnancy test kits work. However, there’s no known mechanism by which salt reacts to the presence of hCG, and thus it isn’t a reliable method for confirming pregnancy. Factually inaccurate: There’s no scientific basis for the claim that the way urine reacts to salt can indicate pregnancy. As such, people shouldn’t rely on this ""test"" for accurate results. [...] However, this hasn’t stopped some people from promoting dubious tests on social media, such as by claiming that the way urine reacts to salt can confirm pregnancy. This particular claim has circulated on various platforms like Facebook and TikTok for at least the last few years (see examples here and here). More recent iterations of this claim include these TikTok videos—which received hundreds of thousands of views—and this Facebook post.",refutes
Yalu River is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The origin of the friendly relations between China and North Korea, the Yalu River is a name that cannot be ignored. But in recent years, China's territory near the Yalu River has been shrinking, and North Korea's territory has been increasing accordingly. What's going on? To understand this problem, we first need to review the history of the Yalu River. Issues over the territory of the Yalu River have existed between China and North Korea since the Tang Dynasty. [...] So, why has China's territory near the Yalu River been shrinking in recent years, while North Korea's territory has been increasing? The territorial issue at the mouth of the Yalu River on the China-North Korea border has always attracted much attention. This is not only related to the political stability of the two countries, but also involves the friendship between the people. [...] However, now China has discovered that the territory at the mouth of the Yalu River on the China-North Korea border is undergoing completely different changes, which is very unfavorable to China. So, what's going on? At the mouth of the Yalu River on the border between China and North Korea, sedimentation has caused more and more sediment to be deposited in the Yalu River. This also means that small islands that originally belonged to North Korea's territory have continued to expand under the impact of sediment, thus affecting the original waterways.",refutes
"“The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism, or heart disease.”","Posts on social media claim that not a single Amish child has been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or autism. Many of the posts include a screenshot of an article, published by Slay News on July 9, 2023, with the headline ""Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism."" [...] The claims are based on a senate testimony from tech entrepreneur turned anti-vaccine activist Steve Kirsch. According to the Slay News article, ""a new comprehensive study has found that no Amish children have been diagnosed with chronic conditions that impact the rest of America."" It states that Amish children are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated and rarely presented with any long-term diseases or lifelong disorders, including cancer, autism, heart disease and others. The study was allegedly presented by Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate. [...] Kirsch did give testimony in a Pennsylvania State Senate hearing on June 9, 2023. Talking about vaccines and the Amish, he said, ""The Amish are a perfect example of a large group of people who are largely unvaccinated. And there is no – we can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated. It’s very, very rare. In the Amish community, very, very rare. You won’t find transsexuals, you won’t find homosexuals. You won’t find kids with ADD, with auto-immune disease, with PANDAS, PANS, with epilepsy. You just don’t find any of these chronic diseases in the Amish.""",insufficient-supports
Claims that Barbara Walters wrote long statement criticizing Jane Fonda for visiting North Vietnam,"The claim: Barbara Walters wrote viral commentary accusing Jane Fonda of treason during the Vietnam War [...] We rate the claim that Barbara Walters wrote an inaccurate commentary condemning actress Jane Fonda as FALSE because it is not supported by our research. Misinformation about Fonda’s actions in Vietnam has been circulating for 20 years. Despite fact-checkers and the veterans named in the hoax’s many efforts to correct it, it's continued to circulate and evolve. It's resurfaced many times with new fabricated details that are relevant to current events, whether it be Barack Obama’s fictional honoring of Fonda or a misattribution to Walters. [...] - Check Your Fact, ""Fact Check: Did Barbara Walters Author This Statement Criticizing Jane Fonda For Visiting North Vietnam?""",refutes
Doumeira Island is a territory of Eritrea,"The Doumeira Islands (Somali: Dumeera, Tigrinya: ዱሜራ, Arabic: دميرة) are situated northeast of Djibouti and east of Eritrea near the Bab el-Mandeb in the Red Sea. They consist of Doumeira, located less than one kilometer off of the Eritrean and Djiboutian shore, and the much smaller island of Kallîda, which is 250 metres (820 ft) to the east. History [edit]The currently-in-force 1900 boundary agreement specifies that the international boundary starts at Cape Doumeira (Ras Doumeira) at the Red Sea and runs for 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) along the watershed divide of the peninsula. Furthermore, the 1900 protocol specified that Ile Doumeira (Doumeira Island) immediately offshore and its adjacent smaller islets would not be assigned sovereignty and would remain a demilitarized neutral zone.[1] In January 1935, Italy and France signed the Franco-Italian Agreement wherein, among other things, a strip of territory at the northernmost end of French Somaliland (Djibouti), including the Doumeira Islands, was ceded to Italy (Eritrea).[2] However, the question of ratification has brought this agreement, and its provision of substantial parts of Djibouti to Eritrea, into question.[3][4] In April 1996 the two countries almost went to war after a Djibouti official accused Eritrea of shelling Ras Doumeira.",insufficient-contradictory
consuming cold drinks after eating mangoes can be fatal !!,"Posts on Facebook in Sinhala language have been widely shared in Sri Lanka, alleging that consuming cold drinks after eating mangoes can be fatal. These posts mention a supposed incident where tourists in Chandigarh, India, died after such consumption. [...] Please be cautious and avoid drinking soft drinks immediately after eating mangoes. A few days ago, a group of tourists visited Chandinagar in India. They ate mangoes and then drank cold drinks right away. Unfortunately, they all became very sick, fainted, and tragically died upon being admitted to the hospital. [...] The viral posts claiming that consuming cold drinks after eating mangoes can be deadly are unfounded and lack scientific evidence. Experts have clarified that while mixing these might cause minor digestive discomfort for some people, it is not lethal. This misinformation appears to have spread internationally without any credible backing.No evidence to prove such an incident really occurred in Chandinagar in India.",refutes
"Claims that President Abraham Lincoln once stated, ""We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.""","In life, we often focus on the thorns, the difficulties, the problems. We talk about the prickly part of our day and what went wrong. It makes for a more sensational story which will hold the interest of our listeners. But, like the prick of a thorn, we re-experience the negative emotions and feel the pain anew as we recount our tale of woe. Stress chemicals get a second run at coursing through our depleted bodies. [...] Dwell on the roses of your life, forsake the thorns. Count your blessings, not your woes. Filed under Uncategorized | Comments (5)5 Responses to """"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."" ~Abraham Lincoln""",insufficient-neutral
White House Press Secretary said she was concerned about Brazil and China relationship,The claim is inaccurate. There is no evidence that Jean-Pierre made this statement.,refutes
"unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed","This small warming is likely a result of the natural alterations in global ocean currents which are driven by ocean salinity variations. [...] Scientific consensus on climate change 93 unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed ""Australia's extreme heat is sign of things to come, scientists warn"". [...] Since the start of the 20th century, the global mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by more than 0.7°C and the rate of warming has been largest in the last 30 years.",supports
there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism,"The press release, stating that ""CDC concedes in federal court that there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism"", is founded on the recently concluded proceedings of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by ICAN against the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The lawsuit requested that the CDC produce studies showing that the DTaP, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate) and inactivated polio vaccines—the vaccines used within the first six months of life—do not cause autism. The CDC responded with a list of 20 peer-reviewed studies[1-20], several of which can already be found on its website. However, ICAN inexplicably concluded that this list meant that ""there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism"", because ""it has no studies to support that [DTaP, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, PCV13 and inactivated polio vaccines] do not cause autism"". Many studies have already shown that vaccines don’t cause autism and no biological mechanism has ever been found to support this link, despite the pseudoscientific theories behind thimerosal and aluminum adjuvants.",refutes
"S.M.S English Medium School in Karnataka designed a Social Studies question paper for 7th standard students, which exclusively asked questions related to Muslim and other communities, indicating bias against Hinduism","An image of a Social Studies question paper from S.M.S English Medium School in Brahmavar, Karnataka, designed for 7th standard students for the month of June 2023, is currently circulating widely on social media. The claim being made in the post suggests that the questions asked in the paper are exclusively related to Muslims and other communities, indicating bias against Hinduism by the school management. Let’s verify the authenticity of the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: The allegation of prejudice in the Social Studies question paper at S.M.S English Medium School has been refuted by the school management. The first-month lessons covered topics on Christianity, Islam, crusades, the Mongols, and renaissance as per the prescribed syllabus. These topics were then included in the unit test for 7th standard students. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. [...] To summarize, the first-month lessons for 7th-standard students at S.M.S English Medium School covered topics on Christianity, Islam, the Crusades, the Mongols, and Renaissance, following the prescribed syllabus. These topics were subsequently included in the unit test.",insufficient-refutes
Ras Doumeira is a territory of Djibouti,"The issue of the disputed territory of Ras Doumeira has been a sticking point between the two states which both claim ownership of the barren mountainous strip of land on their joint border. Clashes over control of the land back in May 2008 caused hundreds of military casualties on both sides. Qatar had presided over mediation efforts and maintained a military buffer presence for much of the past decade, but then withdrew its 400 man peacekeeping contingent from Ras Doumeira in the aftermath of both countries’ siding with Saudi Arabia last year at the height of the GCC crisis. In June of 2017, barely a day after Qatari peacekeepers vacated the region, Eritrean troops moved in and took up positions in Ras Doumeira. Ever since, Djibouti has called on the international community to take action on what it refers to as Eritrean military aggression and its refusal to release twelve Djiboutian soldiers it says Eritrea took prisoner during the 2008 military flare up. Eritrea for its part, has always denied having Djiboutian military servicemen in its custody and accused Djibouti of fabricating its claims to gain international sympathy. [...] The complex Ras Doumeira issue is set to be handled by joint Ethiopian-Somali government mediation. Despite Eritrea and Djibouti being on opposite ends of the spectrum especially in regards to the topic of missing Djiboutian soldiers, Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf remains upbeat.",insufficient-refutes
"Claims Nelson Mandela said, ""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.""",This quote was actually penned by 2020 presidential candidate and author Marianne Williamson in her debut book.,refutes
“Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,"""Two thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public, and the vast majority supports elected officials being required to wear masks in government buildings,"" Jackson tweeted. [...] Their poll question asked, ""Do you approve or disapprove of Donald Trump’s decision NOT to wear a face mask while in public?"" [...] Jackson said ""two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public and the vast majority supports elected officials being required to wear masks in government buildings.""",insufficient-neutral
List shows settlements Donald Trump made to 10- to 13-year-old victims of child sex crimes.,"When I read about E. Jean Carroll’s victory in her civil case against former President Donald J. Trump, I couldn’t help thinking about a 13-year-old girl who was also raped, allegedly, by both Trump, and the late Jeffrey Epstein. [...] People wondering how Jeffrey Epstein acquired his enormous wealth may find a clue on page 5 of the lawsuit, filed — and later withdrawn — by Katie Johnson against Donald Trump and Epstein for allegedly raping her when she was 13 years old.",insufficient-neutral
"claims the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out Burger soda cup","An image shared on Facebook over 800 times allegedly shows an In-N-Out Burger cup saying, ""Let’s Go Brandon."" [...] Now, social media users are sharing a picture of what looks like an In-N-Out Burger cup bearing the phrase ""Let’s Go Brandon"" on the bottom rim. However, the photo has been digitally altered to include the expression. (RELATED: Did In-N-Out Burger Print ‘Hail Satan’ On Its Soda Cups?) [...] In 2020, Check Your Fact debunked an image claiming to show the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out soda cup. More recently, social media users shared a picture doctored to make it look like such cups have ""F**k Joe Biden"" printed on them.",insufficient-refutes
"Rs. 1,290 crore rupees allocated under National Bamboo Mission to help setting up small industries.",The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes five claims about the budgetary allocations and outcomes of the agriculture sector. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
Project 2025 would “end Head Start.”,"If implemented, Project 2025 plans to completely eliminate Head Start, a federally funded child care program that has served nearly 40 million children and provides vital support to American families experiencing poverty. Nixing Head Start would create painful and, in some cases, unbearable increases in the cost of child care for countless Americans. Worse still, the repercussions would be disproportionately felt by some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations, including Latino and rural communities. [...] ""Project 2025’s plan to eliminate Head Start pulls the rug out from under families living in poverty and would have a devastating impact on children’s development, parents’ ability to seek employment, and our economy,"" said Casey Peeks, senior director for Early Childhood Policy at CAP and author of the column. ""A majority of Americans already live in child care deserts, but this plan would increase costs for families, set our country’s early learning system back decades, and fall hardest on the backs of rural communities and Latino Americans."" Read the column: ""Project 2025 Would Eliminate Head Start, Severely Restricting Access to Child Care in Rural America"" by Casey Peeks",supports
“Elon Musk sues The View and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million.”,This claim originated on a self-described satire site.,refutes
"“We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”","About 65,300 soldiers died in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. About 127,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving a synthetic opioid other than methadone in 2020 and 2021, federal data shows. These deaths are primarily because of fentanyl. War deaths are often used as a way to illustrate the scale of a public health crisis. U.S. health officials typically track opioid deaths alongside deaths from other public health causes like heart disease or cancer.",supports
Aves Island is a territory of Dominica,"Isla de Aves ([ˈisla ðe ˈaβes]; Spanish for ""Island of Birds"" or ""Birds Island""), or Aves Island, is a Federal Dependency of Venezuela. It has been the subject of numerous territorial disputes (now resolved) with the United States (through the Guano Islands Act of 1856), neighboring independent islands, such as Dominica, and European mother countries of surrounding dependent islands, such as the Netherlands, or the United Kingdom. [...] Aves Island is a particularly rare amateur radio ""entity"", under the ITU prefix YV0. A 2006 expedition by operators to the island required 14 years of planning. Though one member suffered a fatal heart attack, over 42,000 contacts were made during their week-long stay. [...] During a visit to Venezuela, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in June 2006, stated that Aves Island belongs to Venezuela, unofficially ending the territorial claim.",refutes
"China “had the largest naval fleet in the world. They had 370 ships. They'll have 400 ships in two years. We won't even have 350 ships in two decades.""","Numerically, Haley is on target with both countries’ ship counts. Experts say counting ships says little about military capabilities. Ship counts ignore overall tonnage, specific warfighting capabilities, and overall geographic reach, all of which are metrics where the United States maintains an edge over China.",supports
Qaa is a territory of Lebanon,"Qaa (Arabic: القاع), El Qaa, Al Qaa, Qaa Baalbek or Masharih al-Qaa is a town in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate, Lebanon.[2] A 2010 report stated that population of the settlement was 500, all Lebanese Maronites. [...] The Syrian army invaded Lebanon at 4 a.m. on 1 September 2012 and kidnapped a farmer from the town as part of escalating incursions during the Syrian civil war. The invasion lasted for 40 minutes before the unit withdrew. A house in Qaa had previously been hit by a shell fired by the Syrian army.[5] On the 27 June 2016, at least five people in Qaa were killed and 13 others wounded in an attack by four suicide bombers during the Syrian Civil war spillover into Lebanon.[6][7][8]",supports
Semliki River is a territory of Uganda,"Semliki River is a major river, 140 kilometres (87 mi) long,[3] in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Uganda in Central and East Africa. It flows north from Lake Edward in Beni Territory, Nord-Kivu, D.R.C avoiding the Rwenzori Mountains on its Right (East), emptying into Lake Albert in the Albertine Rift, Irumu Territory, Ituri Province, D.R.C overlooking the Blue Mountains to its left in the west. Its mouth is near the Village of Katolingo in Kanara subcounty, Ntoroko district, Uganda.[4] Along its lower reaches, it meanders extensively forming part of the international border between the DRC and the western Ugandan districts of Bundibugyo and Ntoroko, near the Semuliki National Park.[4] [...] Before leaving the park, the river passes under another road linking the DRC settlement of Oicha to settlements in the Semliki Valley west of the DRC–Uganda border and the Uganda town of Bundibugyo. Downstream of the road crossing, the river leaves the Virunga Park and runs along the west edge of Semuliki National Park, which is in Uganda. Here the river becomes the border between the DRC and Uganda, and it remains the border for most of the rest of the river's course. As the river leaves Semuliki Park, it nears Sempaya National Park and the Toro Game Reserve, both in Uganda. Over its last reach, the river flows west of the international border and enters the southern end of Lake Albert at a point southeast of Bunia, DRC.[4]",insufficient-contradictory
Lough Foyle is a territory of United Kingdom,"Lough Foyle is a disputed territory between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom; after the Partition of Ireland in the early 1920s, each side claimed that it was in their own territory. Although this dispute is still ongoing, there are currently no negotiations as to its ownership. The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) underlined its view on 2 June 2009 that all of Lough Foyle is in the United Kingdom, a spokesperson stating: 'The UK position is that the whole of Lough Foyle is within the UK. We recognise that the Irish Government does not accept this position...There are no negotiations currently in progress on this issue. The regulation of activities in the Lough is now the responsibility of the Loughs Agency, a cross-border body established under the Good Friday Agreement.'[9] In November 2016, James Brokenshire, MP, the UK's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, reiterated the UK's view that all of Lough Foyle is in the UK,[10] whilst Charles Flanagan, TD, the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that the Republic of Ireland did not recognise Britain's claim to the entirety of Lough Foyle.[11]",insufficient-contradictory
"General Shavendra Silva and his wife travelled on a private jet, spending public money during a time of economic crisis in Sri Lanka !!","Here's what life is like in Sri Lanka in the midst of its economic crisis [...] Economic crisis: Rajapaksa’s departure further enraged protesters, who want both leaders to vacate their roles as the country’s 22 million people struggle to buy basic goods, fuel and medicine. [...] Sri Lanka’s Air Force on Wednesday confirmed Rajapaksa’s departure, saying in a statement: ""Pursuant to the request of the government and in accordance with the powers vested in a President in the Constitution of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka air force provided a plane early today to fly the President, his wife and two security officials to the Maldives.""",refutes
Is The Train Timing Display At Mt. Lavinia Railway Station Available Only In English And Chinese? Find Out The Truth…,"A post with an accompanying photograph claiming to be from Mount Lavinia Railway station was shared as seen below, which had information of long distance train timings only in English and Chinese. The viral posts claimed that Sinhala and Tamil languages had been omitted out. [...] Hence, it is clear that the viral train time display at the Mount Lavinia railway station is not a recent one. We inquired further details from the Mount Lavinia Station Master, the Railway Department and the Mount Lavinia Hotel in order to ascertain the facts. Here is the response that we received: [...] The department also confirmed they had not installed the long distance train time display at the Mount Lavinia railway station and the Mount Lavinia Hotel sponsored it. They also confirmed that the regular train time schedule was in Sinhala and English.",refutes
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called voter ID “racist,” calls NRA a “terrorist organization” and supports affirmative action.","In 2008, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. co-authored a comic book that called voter identification ""racially rancid."" In a 2008 interview, he said a lot of Americans don’t have a driver’s license, including Black people. But the independent presidential candidate has talked about voter ID differently during his current campaign. After the 2018 mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, Kennedy called the National Rifle Association a ""terror group."" However in 2023, he said on Fox News ""I don’t consider the NRA a terror group."" Kennedy made statements supporting affirmative action after a 2023 Supreme Court ruling striking down affirmative action in college admissions.",insufficient-contradictory
"Waiting periods for gun purchases may not make a difference, because ""If somebody's decided that they're gonna take their life, they're gonna take their life.""","Waiting Periods - Waiting periods are arbitrary impositions with no effect on crime or suicide, introduce no additional investigative avenues, and only burden law-abiding gun owners without changing how or when criminals obtain firearms. [...] - Most gun-owners own more than one firearm[5] and a waiting period could not possibly have an effect on those purchasing an additional firearm. First-time buyers seeking a firearm for self-defense would be affected by a waiting period that limits their ability to safeguard themselves and their loved ones. [...] Two-thirds of gun owners own more than one gun.[12] A cooling-off period for these gun owners could not possibly have an effect as they already own other firearms. Anecdotal evidence about a person who purchases a firearm and then immediately uses it to harm themselves or somebody else are just that: anecdotal. There is no scientific evidence that waiting periods have an effect on suicide, homicide, or mass shootings.",insufficient-supports
claims President Donald Trump volunteered his airline Tower Air to bring American soldiers home during Operation Desert Storm,"The rumor emerged in a widely circulated open letter by a man named Ron Knouse arguing that Donald Trump’s airline, Trump Shuttle, provided free flights to veterans returning from Operation Desert Storm in the early 1990s. In the letter, its author claims that Trump’s airline gave stranded soldiers free transport home, but that media outlets had failed to report on his good deed. [...] The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only. Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991, and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him. That Private was me. The Airline owner – Donald J Trump. That is why I will vote Trump. Loyalty for loyalty, respect for respect. Any questions? [...] Tower Air, on the other hand, contracted with the Department of Defense to provide charter flights around the time of the Gulf War, according to a New York Times report. But we weren’t able to find anything linking Trump to Tower Air. Zev Melamid, Mordechi Gill, Morris Nachtomi and Sam Fondlierprovid established the airline in 1982, Airline History records show. Tower Air provided passenger service from New York to Brussels and Tel Aviv, a line previously operated by Metro International Airways, according to the World Airline Directory.",refutes
"President Joe Biden claimed in a Sept. 11, 2023 speech that he was in New York City where the World Trade Center towers fell the day after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.","Speaking to the nation in a recorded address yesterday from the White House, the president addressed the nation and the families of the 2,977 people from more than 90 nations who were killed that fateful day at the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a countryside field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania — in addition to the thousands more who were injured. ''America and the world commemorate you and your loved ones — the pieces of your soul,'' Biden said, addressing family members of those who perished that day. [...] The Bidens attended the 20th memorial service today at 1 World Trade Center, at ground zero where the World Trade Center Twin Towers were attacked on 9/11. Also in attendance were former president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama; and former president Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton. Former president George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush attended the 9/11 memorial service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where terrorists overtook United Airlines Flight 93 that day and the plane crashed into a countryside field before it reached its reported destination of the U.S. Capitol.",insufficient-neutral
No organisation associated with Islam participated in the relief work during the Odisha train accident,"Claim: During the Odisha train accident, no Islamic organization helped with relief efforts. Fact: Following the accident in Odisha, Islamic organizations like Dawat-e-Islami India and Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind have actively participated in the relief efforts. They have helped the victims get to nearby hospitals and given them essential supplies like food and water. Consequently, the post’s claim is MISLEADING. [...] It was discovered through a keyword-based internet search that Islamic organizations like Dawat-e-Islami India and Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind, in addition to the RSS, have participated in the relief efforts for the Odisha train accident victims. They have offered assistance by, among other things, arranging transportation for victims to nearby hospitals and providing affected individuals with food and water. You can see images of relief work here, here, here, and here.",refutes
Matthew and Hunter Islands is a territory of Vanuatu,"Hunter Island and Matthew Island are two small and uninhabited volcanic islands in the South Pacific, located 300 kilometres (190 mi) east of New Caledonia and south-east of Vanuatu archipelago. Hunter Island and Matthew Island, 70 km (43 mi) apart, are claimed by Vanuatu as part of Tafea Province, and considered by the people of Aneityum part of their custom ownership, and as of 2007[update] were claimed by France as part of New Caledonia.[1] [...] - Song, Lily & Mosses, Morsen: ""Revisiting Ocean Boundary Disputes in the South Pacific in Light of the South China Sea Arbitration: A Legal Perspective"", The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 33 (2018): 768 - 798 - Lili Song, Morsen Mosses & Geraldine Giraudeau (2023): The Ambiguous History of Matthew and Hunter Islands: Tracing the Roots of Vanuatu and French Claims, The Journal of Pacific History, DOI: 10.1080/00223344.2022.2146577",insufficient-contradictory
Wakhan Corridor is a territory of Republic of China,"The Wakhan Corridor (Dari: دالان واخان, romanized: Dâlân-e wâxân; Pashto: واخان دهلېز, romanized: Vâxân dahléz) is a narrow strip of territory in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan. This corridor stretches eastward, connecting Afghanistan to Xinjiang, China. It also separates the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan in the north from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan regions of Pakistan in the south, the latter of which is also part of the disputed region of Kashmir.[1][2][3][4][5][a] This high mountain valley, which rises to a maximum altitude of 4,923 m (16,152 ft), serves as the source of both the Panj and Pamir rivers, which converge to form the larger Amu Darya River. For countless centuries, a vital trade route has traversed this valley, facilitating the movement of travelers to and from East, South, and Central Asia.[6] [...] The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan asked the People's Republic of China on several occasions to open the border in the Wakhan Corridor for economic reasons or as an alternative supply route for fighting the Taliban insurgency. The Chinese resisted, largely due to unrest in its far western province of Xinjiang, which borders the corridor.[26][27] In December 2009[update], it was reported that the United States had asked China to open the corridor.[28] [...] - ^ ""Wakhan: The Corridor of Complication between Taliban, Pakistan and China"". India Today. 1 August 2022. Retrieved 21 December 2022.",supports
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA cannot be broken down; COVID-19 vaccines cause excess death and unprecedented blood clots,"COVID vaccines and blood clots: five key questions [...] It has been a difficult week for two COVID-19 vaccines. On 13 April, US regulators urged health-care providers to temporarily stop using a vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) of New Brunswick, New Jersey, because of six suspected cases of unusual blood clotting among nearly seven million vaccine recipients. [...] How could a COVID vaccine cause blood clots? Scientists race to investigate",insufficient-refutes
Additional months of validity on UK passports issued before the UK left the EU are no longer valid.,"Booking a holiday to beat the January blues? You better check your passport. When the Brexit transition period ends, Brits will need a minimum of six months left on their passports to travel to Schengen Area countries, which applies to most of Europe. [...] To make things more complicated, if you renewed your current passport before the previous one expired, any remaining validity (up to nine months) would likely have been added to its expiry date over the usual limit of 10 years. However, any extra months on your passport may not count towards the six months required. This is because Schengen Area countries also require passports to have been issued within the last 10 years on the day of travel. [...] Yes. British passports will continue to be valid until their expiry date for entry to the UK. The rule changes resulting from the end of the transition period only apply for entry to a state where the Schengen Borders Code is applicable.",supports
“Texas ranks 3rd highest among states for the number of people who have recovered from” the coronavirus.,"The updated rankings, released today, are based on data available as of 1 p.m. CT on March 23, so they don’t reflect the stay-at-home order issued this morning for Houston and Harris County. That order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. tonight and will expire on April 3. [...] These were the rankings for Texas based on the March 16 data: [...] On March 16, there were 69 cases in Texas but Gov. Greg Abbott said the state should expect an ""exponential"" increase soon. As of March 24, there are 728 cases in the state and seven have died.",insufficient-neutral
Speech and language disability and specific learning disability have been added for the first time.,"''(A) IN GENERAL.–The term 'specific learning disability' means a disorder in 1 or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations."" [...] Based on policy and procedure established by the LEA, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) involved in determining whether a child has a specific learning disability are not required to take into consideration whether a child has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability in oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skill, or reading comprehension. As an alternative to using the IQ-achievement discrepancy model, LEAs can establish a process to determine if a child has a specific learning disability that finds out if a child responds to scientific, research-based instruction (RTI). [...] LEAs may develop a scientific, research-based intervention (RTI) or early intervening program that may be used to determine if a child has a specific learning disability. SLPs must be involved in developing these programs to ensure that students with a speech or language impairment are receiving an appropriate education in a timely manner.",insufficient-neutral
"Special banking arrangement of Rs. 10,000 crores to clear fertilizer subsidy dues.","The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has accorded the ex-post facto approval for implementation of Special Banking Arrangement (SBA) for Rs 10,000 crore for payment of outstanding claims on account of fertilizer subsidy in the year 2016-17, an official statement said here on Wednesday. [...] ""Under the SBA, a total loan of Rs 9,969 crore for settlement of outstanding subsidy bills with SBI was raised by the government. The loan amount along with interest liability on the part of government amounting to Rs 80.90 crore was paid to State Bank of India,"" the statement said. The SBA for an amount of Rs. 10,000 crore for the year 2016-17 has already been implemented/ operationalised to overcome the liquidity problems of the fertilizer companies, it added.",supports
The economy in Derry/Londonderry has contracted 21% since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007.,"This claim is inaccurate. Since 2007, economic output in the Derry and Strabane area has grown by 15% whether measured by Gross Value Added (GVA)Economy | [...] Derry/Londonderry only city without its own university?",refutes
"claims that comedian Groucho Marx once stated, ""Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.""",The Daily Caller News Foundation found no evidence that Marx made this statement.,refutes
"Claims that author Ernest Hemingway once said, ""There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.""","Yet, with the addition of existential theory, we see that the act of writing also involves a universal aspect – an endeavor to create meaning not just for oneself, but for others as well. The act of bleeding onto the page becomes a shared experience, as readers connect with the writer's vulnerability and find solace or inspiration in their words.In this light, Hemingway's quote takes on a deeper significance. It serves as a reminder that writing is not solely about the author's catharsis or self-expression; it is also a potent form of communication that can transcend boundaries of time, place, and culture. When a writer 'bleeds' through their words, they invite readers to share in their experiences and emotions, creating a profound sense of connection and understanding.In conclusion, Ernest Hemingway's quote, 'There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed,' carries a multifaceted meaning. It initially captures the personal and raw nature of writing, emphasizing the vulnerability and honesty required to create meaningful work.",supports
"""Samsung drops out of $1 billion advertising campaign with Olympics.""","Samsung Drops Out Of $1 Billion Advertising Gig With Olympics, 'They've Gone Woke' [...] The claim about Samsung dropping out of a $1 billion advertising deal with the Olympics came from a July 28, 2024, SpaceXMania article (archived here) titled, ""Breaking: Samsung Withdraws $1 Billion Sponsorship from Paris Olympics, 'Woke Agenda.'"" [...] A Google search of keywords (archived here) from the claim returned no matching news articles about Samsung dropping their Olympics advertising deal, which would have been international news had it actually happened.",refutes
Northern Ireland has the highest levels of child poverty in the UK.,"Northern Ireland has seen little progress on child poverty for more than five years, according to figures released last month. [...] - One in four children (24%) – around 95,000 in total - are growing up in poverty in Northern Ireland, with two thirds of that group (66%) growing up in families where parents are working - Places with the highest levels of child poverty include Belfast (26.1%), Derry and Strabane (26.0%) and Newry and Mourne (26.3%) [...] Speaking on behalf of End Child Poverty Lorna Ballard, National Director for Northern Ireland Action for Children, said: ""Every day we see families struggling to make ends meet, worrying about providing for their children’s’ basic needs and making decisions like whether to heat their homes or pay for food, and the situation is only getting worse.""",insufficient-supports
Neum is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"Neum (Cyrillic: Неум, pronounced [něum]) is a town and municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the only town on the Bosnia and Herzegovina coastline, making it the country's only access to the Adriatic Sea. As of 2013, Neum municipality has a population of 4,653 inhabitants, while the town of Neum has a population of 3,013 inhabitants. Neum is the only town situated along Bosnia and Herzegovina's 20-kilometre (12 mi) coastline,[1] making it the country's only access to the Adriatic Sea.[2] [...] The Bosnia and Herzegovina coastal strip of Neum cuts off the southernmost Croatian exclave from the rest of Croatia. This is a result of the Treaty of Karlowitz of 1699. Since 1991 and the breakup of Yugoslavia, the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Neum region have been international borders.[3]",refutes
UK passports are produced by non-UK companies.,"The new UK passport to be issued after Brexit will be made in France, the current British manufacturer has said. [...] Gemalto, which has its headquarters in Paris and has a factory in Fareham, said it was aware of the reports regarding the contract to produce the new UK passport. [...] A spokeswoman for the Home Office said: ""The chosen company demonstrated that they will be best able to meet the needs of our passport service with a high quality and secure product at the best value for money for our customers and the taxpayer.""",supports
"“This month alone, more than 16,000 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls in 3 states.”","Sen. Rick Scott said 3 states removed 16,000-plus noncitizens on voter rolls. What we know Three Republican-led states — Alabama, Texas and Virginia — say they've taken steps to remove or flag ineligible people on the voter rolls. [...] Here is what we know about the efforts to remove noncitizen voters in three states:",insufficient-supports
Peanut allergies are caused by the peanut oil in vaccines,"Misleading: Peanut allergies and peanut oil allergies aren’t one in the same. Some people with peanut allergies may safely consume peanut oil, particularly if it’s the highly-refined variety used in cooking and frying. While peanut oil was used as a vaccine adjuvant ingredient in a clinical trial for an influenza vaccine in the 1960s, this vaccine wasn't approved for public use. [...] The reel claimed that people are ""having peanut allergies because they’ve been jabbed with peanut oil"", drawing an implicit link between the alleged addition of peanut oil to certain vaccines in 1961 and a subsequent rise in peanut allergies since that time. [...] Peanut oil was only briefly tested as an adjuvant ingredient in vaccines in the 1960s. It was never approved as an ingredient for public use in vaccines and isn’t an ingredient in vaccines today. Further, there isn’t evidence to support that peanut oil causes peanut allergies; rather, risk for peanut allergy may instead be linked to factors like age, genetics, and other allergies.",refutes
"Subramanian Swamy stating that Adani did not acquire the 74% shares of Mumbai Airport from the Indian government, but instead purchased them from multiple foreign partners who Congress sold in 2006","Home / Companies / News / Adani Group acquires 74 per cent stake in Mumbai International Airport Adani Group acquires 74 per cent stake in Mumbai International Airport [...] The Gautam Adani-led Adani group has acquired a 74 per cent stake in Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL), a joint venture between the Airports Authority of India and GVK Industries. MIAL operates the Mumbai airport — the largest in the country after Delhi.",insufficient-neutral
ABC has canceled 'The View',"We are tired of listening to them whine & complain! I used to love The View, but stopped watching years ago, because I'm tired of hearing their constant bashing. Now I'm tired of ABC allowing this. Let's let ABC know how many want The View cancelled because of what it has turned into. You want a better view? Replace half of the hosts with some conservatives. When Whoopie loses her temper again... she should be fired, as any other Network has done. Let's be fair, keep it real! Get some hosts to stand up to these women and have an adult debate to keep us all entertained. Fire the ones who lose their temper & cannot be an adult about a different ""view"" then you can have a show. Otherwise, cancel this one sided, woman whining, liberal show that's offending so many others.",insufficient-neutral
"The next electoral canvass in Northern Ireland must be completed before 2023, ten years after the 2013 canvass.","To stay on the electoral register, everyone should reply to the communications that will be sent out by the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland over summer and autumn 2021. There will be a number of pieces of communication, such as informing when the canvass is happening, requesting people to respond to the canvass online or using a paper form, and reminding people previously on the register that they have not reregistered. The Electoral Commission will also be running a public information campaign to highlight the importance of completing the canvass. EONI may send out pre-populated forms using census data to some categories of voters less likely to register online. [...] The 2013 canvass added 47,196 voters (including 9,945 young people who had turned 18) to the register whom EONI had no previous record of being registered to vote in Northern Ireland. After that canvass, 112,013 voters were rolled over and retained on the register using data-matching techniques for a further three (extended from two) years. [...] The Northern Ireland Assembly Parties Panel was briefed about the upcoming 2021 canvass at its 6 October 2020 meeting.",insufficient-neutral
Heated Argument Between Mark Zuckerberg And Elon Musk Over Meta Platforms’ Outage,"In conclusion, there is no substantiated evidence to support the claim of a heated argument between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk regarding the outage of Meta Platforms' services. The interaction between a parody account impersonating Zuckerberg and Elon Musk on social media does not reflect a real altercation between the two individuals. Without credible sources or verifiable evidence, the claim remains unsubstantiated and should be treated with skepticism. It's essential to rely on reputable sources and factual information when assessing such claims.",refutes
“No one has died of cancer or heart disease since the COVID-19 thing started”,"More people are dying during the pandemic – and not just from COVID-19 [...] Moreover, the JAMA study found huge increases in excess deaths from underlying causes such as diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease in Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania – the five states with the most COVID-19 deaths in March and April. New York City experienced the biggest jumps, including a 398% rise in heart disease deaths and a 356% increase in diabetes deaths. Other research underscores the findings. A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine analyzed data from March through May and calculated that 22% of excess deaths were not attributed to COVID-19. Although data is still being gathered, ""Upward trends in other causes of death (e.g., suicide, drug overdose, heart disease) may contribute to excess deaths in some jurisdictions,"" the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.",refutes
Claims Venezuelan people threw money in the streets to protest health conditions.,"Protests Erupt Across Caracas After Maduro Claims Reelection - Hundreds took to the streets in Venezuela’s capital city - Demonstrations followed government claim of Machado plot Hundreds of Venezuelans have taken to the streets to protest what they say is a fraudulent win by President Nicolás Maduro, the longtime socialist leader who presided over the country’s economic collapse.",insufficient-neutral
The New York Times reported that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig was unhappy with movie character Ken into an icon,"Who knew that ""He’s just Ken"" was more than a marketing joke? The Barbie movie centers, of course, on its titular character played by Margot Robbie. But Ken (Ryan Gosling) plays an important role in the drama as he wrangles with the notion that he’s long been an accessory in Barbie’s dream life more than an equal partner. I’ll say the quiet part out loud: Even though this is a movie that leans heavily into a feminine aesthetic and is, as writer-director Greta Gerwig told me during an interview for TIME’s Barbie cover story, a film at its core for mothers and daughters, Ken has the most intriguing and funniest part to play, offering a searing social commentary on modern man’s insecurities dressed up in bubble-gum pink. [...] Gerwig isn’t the first director to wrestle with this problem in recent years. Watching Barbie, I couldn’t help but think of last year’s Olivia Wilde movie Don’t Worry Darling. These films seemingly have nothing to do with one another. One’s a musical romp, the other a sci-fi inspired psychodrama. [...] Ryan Gosling’s portrayal of Ken in Barbie is lighter and funnier than these more serious takes on the resentful man who works to repress the women around him. Heyman is right that we empathize with Ken when he’s ignored by Barbie and root for him to find his meaning.",insufficient-refutes
"“There is a huge boom in cancer, especially in female breast cancer in the younger ages of 45 and below.”","Official figures for breast cancer cases in 2022 aren’t yet available. However, there is no reason to believe that they will have almost doubled. This claim came from misinterpreting projections that were not comparable to years before 2022. The COVID-19 vaccines have been extensively studied, and there’s no reliable evidence that they increase cancer risk.",insufficient-refutes
"Disinvestment crossed target of 72,500 crore rupees.","Budget guided by the mission to strengthen agriculture, rural development, health, education, employment, MSME, and infrastructure sectors. [...] Loans to Women Self Help Groups will increase to Rs.75,000 crore in 2019 from 42,500 crores last year. [...] - Disinvestment crossed target of Rs 72,500 crore to reach Rs 1,00,000 crore - Comprehensive Gold Policy on the anvil to develop yellow metal as an asset class.",supports
Beware Of Hoax WhatsApp Message Asking To Register For Free Laptops Offered By The Government…,"A viral WhatsApp message asking you to apply for Students Laptop Scheme 2024 is a scam; there is no official announcement or information from any government or educational authority about such a scheme. A viral WhatsApp message claiming to offer students free laptops through the ""Students Laptop Scheme 2024"" is a hoax. [...] 211 Check has found out that the viral WhatsApp message claiming to offer free laptops to students through a government scheme for 2024 is a hoax. There is no legitimate information or official announcement about such a scheme, and the website linked in the message is likely a ploy to collect personal information fraudulently.",supports
Ford made this pride commercial in 2023,"Pride knows no bounds @Ford — Caroline (@carolinecwilder) May 17, 2023",insufficient-neutral
“Starbucks just announced that they’re going cashless.”,A sign from a Starbucks cafe in the United Kingdom announcing it was going cashless started rumors that the entire company was eschewing cash. But that’s not right.,insufficient-refutes
Silver foil making process still involves animal products,"The product is created by pounding silver into very thin foil sheets that are backed by paper. It must be handled delicately as even a light touch can cause it to break and crumble. Although it is supposed to be made with at least 99.9 percent silver, which is even more pure than sterling silver, a number of kinds of varak have been found to be far less pure, mixed with other types of metals such as aluminum or even cadmium. Many vegetarians believe that varak is not suitable for their diets because there is speculation that the process of making the silver foil includes the use of animal products.",insufficient-supports
2019 novel coronavirus contains 'pShuttle-SN' sequence proving laboratory origin,"CLAIM this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus […] the HIV virus (AIDS virus) [...] VERDICT 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) does not contain ""pShuttle-SN"" sequence; no evidence that virus is man-made",refutes
“100 million ballots (Democrats) prefilled now have the wrong name.”,There are no official ballots for the general election yet. The 2024 Democratic presidential nominee will be determined in a virtual nominating process ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August. State deadlines for receiving the presidential nominee’s name for ballot printing generally fall after that.,refutes
"Claims that Benjamin Franklin once said, ""A Nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved; it is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.""","Introduction ""This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties . . . a nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them, cannot be enslaved, It is in the regions of ignorance that tyranny begins."" The above quote containing the words and visions of Benjamin Franklin exhorts citizens of the newly-formed republic to be aware in order to preserve personal freedoms and it clearly underscores the goal of this unit.",supports
New England Journal of Medicine “proves” 80% miscarriage rate among vaccinated women; COVID-19 vaccines harm men’s and women’s fertility,"FULL CLAIM: New England Journal of Medicine ""proves"" 80% miscarriage rate among vaccinated women; Many women ""will never be able to get pregnant because they had that shot""; ""The sperm of inoculated men does not swim. The eggs of inoculated women do not grow into embryos"" [...] Northrup’s speech supposedly provided evidence that COVID-19 vaccines harm fertility, particularly in women. However, the data that Northrup cited doesn’t support her claim, as they don’t come from reliable scientific studies but from partial analyses with many critical flaws, as we will explain below. [...] Claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause fertility and pregnancy problems are unsubstantiated and contradict the available evidence. Published studies so far show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women and not associated with pregnancy complications or infertility in men or women. It is COVID-19 itself that increases the risk of pregnancy complications and poses a risk to both the mother and the baby. Contrary to these claims, COVID-19 vaccination helps reduce the risk of harm to the mother and baby.",refutes
Demchok sector is a territory of Republic of China,"The Demchok sector is a disputed region centered on the villages of Demchok, Ladakh and Dêmqog, Ngari Prefecture, situated near the confluence of the Charding Nullah and Indus River. It is part of the greater Sino-Indian border dispute between China and India. Both India and China claim the disputed region, with a Line of Actual Control between the two nations situated along the Charding Nullah.[lower-alpha 1] [...] The talks were held in Beijing between Zhang Hanfu, China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, N. Raghavan, the Indian Ambassador to China and T.N. Kaul, his Chargé d'Affaires and Chen Chai-Kang, a Director. They lasted from December 1953 till end of April 1954. [...] Kaul objected, Demchok was in India, he told Chen who answered that India's border was further on the West of the Indus. On Kaul's insistence Chen said ""There can be no doubt about actual physical possession which can be verified on spot but to avoid any dispute we may omit mention of Demchok"". [...] In October 1962, the Demchok sub-sector was held by the 7 J&K Militia. The PLA launched an attack on October 22. [...] The PLA eventually withdrew, but occupied the southern part of Demchok.",insufficient-neutral
Fact Check: German Village Shaped Like A Human Fingerprint ? Find Out The Truth..,(KGTV) - Does a village in Germany resemble a fingerprint when photographed from above?,insufficient-neutral
"“Wisconsin had over 1,400 opioid overdose deaths in 2022.”","In 2021, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services found synthetic opioids, particularly fentanyl, caused 91% of opioid deaths. In May, the department announced $18 million in new funding for drug abuse treatment and prevention, including fentanyl. Wisconsin’s synthetic opioid crisis worsened in recent years. Provisional data from DHS shows there were 1,358 opioid overdose or poisoning deaths in 2022, a slight decrease from 2021 but still a 62% increase from five years ago. [...] ""Fentanyl is more potent than morphine and heroin and the leading cause of overdose deaths in 2021,"" said a statement attributed to Fitzgerald, who passed similar legislation while in the Wisconsin state Senate. ""Too many families are losing loved ones to drug overdoses fueled by fentanyl.""",refutes
Concept design of car safety belt in 1960s that goes around the neck,"In 1958 Volvo's efforts in creating an effective safety solution resulted in a patent application for Nils Bohlin's three-point safety belt. His design had four important properties: 1) The system consisted of a lap belt and a diagonal belt, 2) the belts were anchored at a low attachment point beside the seat, 3) the belt geometry formed a V shape with the point directed toward the floor and 4) the belt stayed in position and did not move in an impact. [...] Since the 1960s, Bohlin's three-point safety belt has saved many hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented or reduced the severity of injuries among many millions of others. This makes the three-point safety belt the single most important safety device in the car's 120-year history. [...] Since the 1960s, Volvo Cars has worked hard to increase belt usage. For instance, Nils Bohlin conducted a long presentation tour in the US introducing the three-point safety belt to convince the widest possible audience of its benefits.",insufficient-neutral
"President Joe Biden claimed in a Sept. 11, 2023 speech that he was in New York City where the World Trade Center towers fell the day after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.","Biden was likely in Washington D.C. the entire day. A White House spokesperson pointed to a visit to the site on Sept. 20, 2001.",insufficient-refutes
"Biden said that 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, an increase of 9 million since he took office.","Today, more Americans have health insurance than under any President. The President's efforts to lower health insurance premiums have led to record-breaking enrollment in the Affordable Care Act's Marketplaces, with over 21 million people signing up for coverage – 9 million more than when the President took office. The Biden-Harris Administration isn't stopping there and is building on this incredible success by: [...] - Expanded health insurance through the ACA Marketplaces to an additional nine million Americans and helped over one million people in Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and South Dakota gain Medicaid coverage.",supports
"""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.""","It’s wrong to say that coronavirus relief legislation didn’t support ordinary small businesses. The CARES Act included the Paycheck Protection Program, which was designed to support smaller employers. Among the loans made with the first $350 billion of the Paycheck Protection Program, three-quarters of those loans were made in the smallest loan size category, one that would support a business of roughly seven to 10 people. In addition, singling out Trump for problems with how coronavirus relief efforts ignores that the efforts were also backed by virtually all congressional Democrats.",refutes
Moyo District is a territory of Uganda,"Moyo District is a district in Northern Region of Uganda. Like many other Ugandan districts, it is named after its ""chief town"", Moyo, where the district headquarters are located. Location [edit]Moyo District is located in Uganda's extreme north, in the West Nile sub-region. The district is bordered by South Sudan to the north and east, Adjumani District to the south, across the waters of the White Nile, and Yumbe District to the west. The South Sudanese state of Central Equatoria and Eastern Equatoria form the northern border, and a road runs from Moyo to the town of Kajo Keji in Central Equatoria. The district headquarters at Moyo, are located approximately 158 kilometres (98 mi), by road, northeast of Arua, the largest city in the sub-region.[1] This location lies approximately 476 kilometres (296 mi), by road, northwest of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city.[2] The coordinates of the district are:03 39N, 31 43E (Latitude:3.6500; Longitude:31.7190). [...] - ^ ""Profile of Moyo District"". Uganda Travel Guide. Retrieved 23 May 2014.",supports
Ankoko Island/Isla de Anacoco is a territory of Guyana,"Ankoko Island ( Spanish : Isla de Anacoco) is an island located at the confluence of the Cuyuni River and Wenamu River, at 6°43′N61°8′W / 6.717°N 61.133°W , on the border between Venezuela and Guyana. The Ankoko Island border was finalized in 1905 by the British-Venezuelan Mixed Boundry Commission, in accordance with the Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899. Venezuelan commissioners Abraham Tirado and Elias Toro surveyed the area of the boundary for demarcation and, along with two British surveyors, all participants agreed and signed off on the border in 1905. Domestically, Venezuelans were vocal in their disappointment with the 1899 ruling. In the 20th century, the government of Venezuela officially sought to abrogate the legal borders and revert to the colonial boundary of the Essequibo river as set by the Spanish Empire. In 1966, five months after Guyana gained independence, the Venezuelan armed forces crossed the boundary on Ankoko Island and has occupied the Guyanese side of the island ever since, in violation of the peace treaty set forth by the Geneva Agreement. The status of the island is subject to the Geneva Agreement, which was signed by the United Kingdom, Venezuela and British Guiana on 17 February 1966. This treaty stipulates that the parties will agree to find a practical, peaceful and satisfactory solution to the border dispute. [1] Venezuela, which claims Ankoko Island as part of Guayana Esequiba, established a military base on the island in 1966, which Guyana claims as an intrusion and aggression on its sovereign territory.",insufficient-neutral
Abu Musa is a territory of Iran,"Tehran, Oct 1, IRNA - Undoubtedly, Iran’s sovereignty over the three Persian Gulf islands of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa was, is, and will remain the Islamic Republic's territory forever, underscored 'Iran Daily' on Wednesday.",supports
"Claims that John Adams said, ""There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.""","American statesman John Adams, who served as U.S. president from 1797 to 1801, famously said, ""There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country: One is by the sword; the other is by debt."" China, choosing the second path, has embraced colonial-era practices and rapidly emerged as the world’s biggest official creditor. [...] The latest to fall prey to China’s debt-trap diplomacy is small Laos, which recently signed a 25-year concession agreement allowing a majority Chinese-owned company to control its national power grid, including electricity exports to neighboring countries. This shows that, even as the China-originating COVID-19 pandemic exacts a heavy toll across the world, Beijing continues to weaponize debt as part of its strategy to expand its economic, political and military presence abroad.",supports
“Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety.”,"A Lego employee and physicians at a Danish hospital first developed a Lego model of a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machine, in 2015 to help children understand the procedure and feel comfortable before their exams. [...] An Oct. 8 Instagram post shared a photo of the Lego MRI scanner and said, ""Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety."" [...] The Lego Foundation, which owns 25% of the Lego Group, said in 2022 that it would expand the project by donating 600 MRI models to hospitals with existing pediatric MRI scanning facilities. Lego also developed training videos that show physicians how to incorporate the model in their interactions with children and their families.",supports
"Ratan Tata: “In a country, if Prime Minister’s popularity increases due to the death of 65 soldiers, then nobody can save that country from getting destroyed”","Ratan Naval Tata (born 28 December 1937) is an Indian industrialist, philanthropist and former chairman of Tata Sons. He was a chairman of the Tata Group from 1990 to 2012, and interim chairman from October 2016 through February 2017. He continues to head its charitable trusts.[2][3] In 2008, he received the Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian honour in India, after receiving the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian honour in 2000.[4] [...] Early life & education [edit]Ratan Tata was born in Bombay, now Mumbai, during the British Raj, into a Parsi Zoroastrian family, on 28 December 1937.[8] He is the son of Naval Tata, who was born in Surat and later adopted into the Tata family, and Sooni Tata, the niece of Tata group founder Jamsetji Tata. Tata's biological grandfather, Hormusji Tata, was a member of the Tata family by blood. In 1948, when Tata was 10, his parents separated, and he was subsequently raised and adopted by Navajbai Tata, his grandmother and widow of Ratanji Tata.[9] He has a younger brother Jimmy Tata[10] and a half-brother, Noel Tata, from Naval Tata's second marriage with Simone Tata, with whom he was raised.",insufficient-neutral
President Joe Biden claimed in an Oct. 20 speech that Russian President Vladimir Putin is using drones and ammunition from Iran and North Korea.,"Putin is using attack drones from Iran. While it has not been definitively proven that North Korea is supplying ammunition to Russia, experts and media outlets have said it is likely happening.",insufficient-neutral
Scarborough Shoal is a territory of Philippines,"CANBERRA: The term ""rocky relations"" took on new meaning after Chinese civilian maritime enforcement ships confronted a Philippines Navy frigate in a standoff over a disputed shoal in the South China Sea. The Scarborough Shoal is marked by five rocks, the tallest of which projects 3 meters above water at high tide. The surrounding fishing grounds and, more importantly, the legal principles determining ownership and right of exploitation are at issue. [...] Both China and the Philippines claim that Scarborough Shoal is an integral part of their national territory. China refers to Scarborough Shoal as Huangyan Island, claiming ""indisputable sovereignty"" over the island and adjacent waters on the basis of historical discovery. [...] The Philippines refers to Scarborough Shoal as Panatag Shoal, arguing that if falls within its 200- nautical-mile EEZ. The claim rests on sovereign rights to the resources within the EEZ and continental shelf.",insufficient-contradictory
Brahmins hold a significant majority in high-level government positions,"The PSC annual report for 2017-18 shows that Brahmins secured 33.39 percent of total government jobs, followed by a 20.01 percent share of the Chhetris, from among the 7,718 candidates recommended for civil service positions. [...] ""Brahmins and Chhetris are the two communities conventionally focused on government jobs,"" said PSC Chairman Umesh Mainali. ""So it’s natural that they continue to lead in the number of government jobs as well as applying for them."" The percentage of fresh recruits in civil service was more than 40 in the fiscal year 2016-17. According to the PSC, 22.96 percent new jobs went to Brahmins and 18.67 percent to Chhetris that year.Massive applications from these two communities also raise their chance for selection in civil service even as the Civil Service Act reserves 45 percent seats for women, indigenous groups, Madhesis, Dalits, people with disability and those from the backward regions. Open competition is held only for 55 percent seats.Forty-four percent of applicants came from the two castes last fiscal year. According to the commission, of the 567,853 total applicants, 26.47 percent were Brahmins and 17.37 percent Chhetris.",insufficient-refutes
The DTaP vaccine causes SIDS,"Factually inaccurate: Studies have found no association between the DTaP vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Childhood vaccination isn’t a risk factor for SIDS. [...] Well-child visits are scheduled screenings and assessments for healthy children. They are also when childhood vaccines are normally given. The juxtaposition of the case report and the problem of SIDS, implicitly suggested that the DTaP vaccine causes SIDS. SIDS is the sudden death of a baby before one year of age that doesn’t have a known cause, despite a full investigation. However, scientific studies have found no association between SIDS and the DTaP vaccine[2-4]. There are various risk factors for SIDS, such as an underlying but undetected medical condition and placing a baby to sleep on their stomach. But childhood vaccination isn’t one of them.",refutes
Noktundo is a territory of South Korea,"Noktundo was an island in the delta of the Tumen River on the border between Primorsky Krai, Russia and North Korea.[1] The area of the island was .[2] [3] Noktundo had been Korean territory since the 15th century.[3] The Jurchens took notice of this. In 1587 there was a battle fought on this island between the local Koreans and the invading Jurchens from nearby Russia. At first, the Jurchens successfully sacked the island and captured 160 Koreans as prisoners. As they crossed the river back to their camp with the prisoners, the famed Korean general Yi Sun-Shin, chased after the invaders and rescued 50 Koreans and defended the island. With his army, he later infiltrated the nearby Jurchen army camp, and captured their leader alive.[4] [...] - Web site: . The problem of the Noktundo island in the media in South Korea . ru:Проблема острова Ноктундо в средствах массовой информации Южной Кореи . Russian . . 2015-06-30 . . 10 September 2013. live.",insufficient-contradictory
Tuva is a territory of Republic of China,"The Republic of Tuva is a subject of the Russian Federation. The republic lies in the southern Siberia. Its capital city is Kyzyl. Kyzyl is located near the geographic center of Asia. The Republic of the Tuva borders republic of Buryatia to the east, Irkutsk Oblast to the northeast, Krasnoyarsk Krai to the north, the Republic of Khakassia to the northwest, Atlai republic to the west and Mongolia to the south. Administratively, Tuva is divided into seventeen districts. The districts are further split into rural, urban and urban-type settlements. [...] The Republic of Tuva covers approximately 170,427 square kilometers. The length of the territory from east to west is about 630 kilometers while that from north to south is about 420 kilometers. The eastern part of the Republic of Tuva is raised and forested while the western part is arid and a low lying. Most parts of the republic are mountainous with about 80% of the entire territory covered with mountains. The republic is, therefore, a mountain basin of about 600 meter high. In addition, the Republic of Tuva is encircled by the Tannu-Ola and the Sayan ranges. The highest point of the republic is Mount Mogun Tayga with a height of 3970 meters. Many lakes in the republic are salt and glacial lakes. Some of the lakes include Todzha, Many-Khol, Kadysh, and Uvs among others. The Republic contains over 8000 rivers including the upper course of the Yenisei River which is the fifth longest river in the world. Major rivers in the republic are Yenisei, Kantegic, and Khemchik.",supports
"Income Tax Refund Of Rs 15,490 Approved For Taxpayers !!","A message on social media claims that an income tax refund of Rs 15,490 has been approved for individual taxpayers. In order to get it, the viral message claim that people need to verify their bank account numbers if these are not correct. The message has also a link to verify the bank account. ""You have been approved an income tax refund of Rs. 15,490/-, the amount will be credited to your account shortly. Please verify your account number 5XXXXX6755. If this is not correct, please update your bank account information by visiting the link below,"" the viral message stated. The viral message turned out to be fake. The central government's nodal agency's fact check department has refuted the viral message. It said that Income Tax has not sent this message. ""A viral message claims that the recipient has been approved for an income tax refund of Rs 15,490,"" PIB said in a tweet, adding that, ""Income Tax has not sent this message.""",refutes
Sveta Gera is a territory of Spain,"One of the highest peaks in northern Croatia is Sveta Gera (1,178 m/ 3,864 ft). In the past, people used to host livestock fairs at a meadow on top of the mountain. Nowadays, the mountain is a popular destination among hikers and nature enthusiasts. [...] The aptly named Sveta Gera Trail takes you to the summit of Sveta Gera, which is the highest peak in the park and in the Žumberak Mountains as a whole. There are a number of trails that you can take to reach the summit of Sveta Gera, which is located on the border of Croatia and Slovenia. One option is to follow a 13 km (8.1 mi) path that starts near the village of Sošice.",refutes
Karki is a territory of Armenia,"It is a region under Azerbaijan’s Qazakh District. Barxudarlı is an exclave area that is located completely inside the Armenian territory and not connected with Azerbaijani territories. The area of approximately 22 square km area has been under Armenian occupation since 1992. After the occupation, the Armenian population was settled in the region and it was administered as a part of Armenia’s Tavush province. The current population of the region, which was established by Azerbaijani Turks in the 16th century, is around 450. [...] Karki is a region connected to the Sadarak District of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. This region has neither connection with Azerbaijani lands nor with Nakhchivan. It is an exclave area located completely inside the Armenian territory. The name of the village, which was occupied by Armenia in 1990, was changed by the Yerevan administration to ""Tigranashen"". The area of the land, located near the strategic Yerevan-Jermuk highway, is approximately 19 square kilometers. Azerbaijani Turks who were in the region after the occupation became refugees and were settled in an area called ""New Karki"" in the Kangarli District of Nakhchivan. Today, there are no settlements in the region.",insufficient-supports
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a territory of Argentina,"The South Sandwich Islands (Spanish: Islas Sandwich del Sur) are a chain of uninhabited volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. They are administered as part of the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The chain lies in the sub-Antarctic region, about 700 kilometres (430 mi) southeast of South Georgia and 1,700 kilometres (1,100 mi) northeast from the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. [...] Argentina claimed the South Sandwich Islands in 1938 and challenged British sovereignty in the islands on several occasions. From 25 January 1955 through the summer of 1956 Argentina maintained the summer station Teniente Esquivel at Ferguson Bay on the southeastern coast of Thule Island. From 1976 to 1982, Argentina maintained a naval base named Corbeta Uruguay in the lee (southern east coast) of the same island. Although the British discovered the presence of the Argentine base in 1976, protested, and tried to resolve the issue by diplomatic means, no effort was made to remove them by force until after the Falklands War. The base was eventually removed on 20 June 1982 and the installations were demolished in December of that year. [...] The territory of ""South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"" was formed in 1985;[2] previously, both archipelagos had been governed as part of the Falkland Islands Dependencies.",supports
Additional months of validity on UK passports issued before the UK left the EU are no longer valid.,travelling in Europe for up to 3 months (you don’t normally need a visa for the first 90 days in every 180 days of travel) the requirement from most European countries to have at least 3 months left on your passport on the day after you leave,insufficient-refutes
COVID-19 vaccines are “experimental poison”; COVID has gone away,- Medical assistants-certified (MA-Cs) and medication assistants are prohibited from administering experimental drugs. Are COVID-19 vaccines experimental drugs? MA-Cs and medication assistants can administer COVID-19 vaccines. Any COVID-19 vaccine issued under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not an experimental drug within the meaning of the laws prohibiting MA-Cs and medication assistants from administering experimental drugs. See the Providers Authorized to Administer and Order Vaccines (PDF) chart for other health care professions that are authorized to administer COVID-19 vaccines.,refutes
“Charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons”; charcoal can treat diarrhea and bloating,"A Facebook reel posted in May 2024 claimed that ""charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons"", drawing more than 1.3 million views to date. The claim was made by naturopath Barbara O’Neill, who has promoted unsubstantiated and potentially harmful health claims. Science Feedback debunked some of O’Neill’s claims in earlier reviews. [...] O’Neill’s claim that charcoal can be used to treat diarrhea, even in infants, isn’t substantiated by evidence. The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that ""No solid evidence supports claims that activated charcoal helps with [traveler’s diarrhea], bloating, stomach cramps, or gas"". It also added that children shouldn’t be given charcoal. However, O’Neill’s claim that ""charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons"" is somewhat accurate, although it exaggerates the effectiveness of charcoal and lacks important nuance. In fact, misunderstandings over activated charcoal’s effects have led it to be wrongly touted as a way to ""detox"". We explain more below.",insufficient-refutes
A public information film on the coronavirus was released in the 1970s,A public information film offering tips to prevent coronavirus infection that allegedly dates to the 1970s is actually a parody of the public service films that the U.K. Central Office of Information produced and distributed nationally between 1946 and 2011.,refutes
"Claims Muhammad Ali said, ""Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they're given than to explore the power they have to change it.""",The quote actually comes from a copywriter for Adidas’ 2004 brand advertising campaign.,refutes
Congress Party is celebrating after China blocked India’s bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN Security Council.,"JeM, designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation in 2001, has at least several hundred armed supporters - including a large cadre of former HuM members - located in Pakistan, southern Kashmir and Doda regions and in the Valley. [...] June 6: From a confidential cable dated August 21, 2009 sent by the American Embassy in Beijing to Washington, it has come to light that Chinese authorities had place a technical hold on an Indian request to impose sanctions on three high-ranking Pakistan-based operatives of the Laskhar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM). According to the cable, the Indian request to list three militants, namely, Abdul Rahman Makki (brother of LeT/JuD leader Hafiz Saeed and the number two man in the LeT hierarchy), Azam Cheema (LeT intelligence chief and a key advisor of its senior leader Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi) and Mohammad Masood Azhar Alvi (the founder of the JeM) under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267 was vetoed by China on the grounds of lack of sufficient information to merit such action. According to the U.S. State Department, China's hold on listing the three terrorists was done at the behest of Pakistan [...] The US Secretary of State redesignates the Jaish-e-Mohammed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.",insufficient-contradictory
“Elon Musk Fires Entire Cast of “The View ” After Acquiring ABC.”,"We searched Google and reviewed ""The View"" hosts’ social media posts for evidence that the hosts had recently been fired from the show and came up empty. We contacted spokespeople for ""The View"" and The Walt Disney Co. and received no response. (The Walt Disney Co. owns ABC.) We also found no reputable news organizations reporting that entrepreneur Elon Musk had acquired ABC.",refutes
A windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.,"No, a professor didn't say a windmill will 'never generate' the energy invested in building it [...] Now, we have a meme roaming social media that claims Canadian author and professor Thomas Homer-Dixon said that windmills will ""never"" generate as much energy as was expended to build the structures. [...] The meme does get a part of the quote right, but it strategically leaves out large swaths of information in order to give people the impression that all windmills never expend the amount of energy that was invested in it, which is not accurate. The meme’s omitted section explains that, while poorly placed windmills may never generate enough energy payback, a good wind site could generate it in three years or less.",refutes
Isla Suárez/Ilha de Guajará-mirim is a territory of Brazil,"The Ilha de Guajará-Mirim (Brazil) or Isla Suárez (Bolivia) is one of the world's many disputed territories. The island lies in the Rio Mamoré in Amazon, which defines part of the boundary between the Bolivian department of Beni and the Brazilian state of Rondônia in the Amazon. The island's sovereignty is the object of passive contention between the governments of Brazil and Bolivia, which administer it de jure. [...] The Government of Brazil agreed with the Government of Bolivia to re-examine the issue of the legal status of the island of Guajará Mirim (Isla Suárez).[2] In 2009, the island continues without a definitive solution regarding its territorial possession, and it remains supposedly under Bolivian administration, despite the fact that the island is a place of economic activity for the Brazilian inhabitants of Guajará-Mirim, who hold most of the island's territory. More than 80 islands in the Guaporé and Mamoré rivers have yet to be assigned to one country or another.",insufficient-neutral
Pfizer admits that vaccinated people can shed the vaccine on unvaccinated people,"CLAIM: Pfizer admits in its COVID-19 clinical trial protocol document that vaccinated people can ""shed"" the vaccine, emitting materials that can spread to unvaccinated people by inhalation or skin contact. [...] THE FACTS: Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine does not shed from person to person, nor has the company admitted any such thing. ""The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a synthetic mRNA vaccine and does not contain any virus particles. Because there is no virus produced in the body, no shedding occurs within the human body,"" Pfizer spokesperson Jerica Pitts told The Associated Press in an email. ""The vaccine cannot be inhaled via shedding and can only enter the human body through an administered dose.""",refutes
"""Our Supreme Court has never taken away a constitutional right.""","And because the government—unlike the rest of us—has no constitutional rights of its own, under some circumstances speech that is protected by the First Amendment when uttered by a nongovernmental speaker may still violate specific constitutional protections when uttered by the government. To be sure, the Supreme Court has recognized that we don’t have a First Amendment right to shut down the government’s speech just because we disagree with it: The government must speak on a wide range of issues and take a variety of policy positions in order to govern. But the constitutional analysis is very different when the government’s speech—including its lies—interferes with or punishes its targets’ exercise of their constitutional rights. [...] And to be sure, many governmental lies—like the government’s lies to avoid political and legal accountability for its misconduct—may inflict more diffuse and less tangible harm, such that it may be hard to trace a causal connection between the government’s speech and the denial of a specific constitutional right. That these lies’ harms are intangible or diffuse, however, does not mean that they’re painless or unimportant: They are instead often deeply dangerous, threatening to corrode our democracy. But constitutional law often has limited capacity to address diffuse, collective, or causally complicated harms. As I’ve written elsewhere, ""[t]hese complexities suggest that the government’s most catastrophic lies may be those especially resistant to redress.""",insufficient-neutral
Your state will send you free infant formula if you call Enfamil and Similac customer service numbers.,"The claim: States will send free baby formula to those who call Similac or Enfamil’s customer service [...] Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that states will send people free baby formula if they call Similac or Enfamil’s customer service. Neither of the phone numbers included in the claim indicate any such thing, and Similac officials have confirmed there is no such program. - Karen Twigg May, May 18, Email exchange with USA TODAY - Similac, accessed May 17, Customer service phone line recording - Lead Stories, May 17, Fact Check: NO Evidence Similac, Enfamil Will Send Free Baby Formula To Parents - PolitiFact, May 17, No, you can’t get free baby formula from your state by calling these numbers",refutes
"Sweetgum balls contain the same active ingredient that Tamiflu contains, which is shikimic acid; It kills viruses including SARS-CoV-2","Sweetgum contains small amounts of shikimic acid, which is the starting point in the industrial manufacture of Tamiflu, a drug for treating influenza. However, there is no evidence that shikimic acid has the same effect. Tamiflu targets a specific protein found in flu viruses, so it doesn’t work against the virus that causes COVID-19, and neither does shikimic acid. [...] The video also makes reference to using sweetgum balls to treat COVID-19. However, as mentioned previously, Tamiflu works by targeting a specific protein in the flu virus. There is no equivalent of the neuraminidase protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so the drug cannot act in the same way that it does with flu[4]. To claim that shikimic acid can help treat COVID-19 would need evidence from research. In summary, shikimic acid is not the active ingredient in Tamiflu. Shikimic acid is chemically altered to produce Tamiflu and will not have the same effect. The amount of shikimic acid in sweetgum balls is very low and it is difficult to extract.",refutes
“Tim Ryan when he ran for president two years ago … supported banning fracking both on public lands and generally speaking.”,"Biden has also walked a fine line on fracking, a process used to produce underground natural gas and oil that environmentalists broadly oppose. Liberal Democrats have pushed for an outright ban on fracking, while centrists have warned of potential job losses in states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. Biden says he would allow current fracking projects to move forward while banning future permits on federal land, telling WNEP in Scranton, Pa., last week that ""fracking is not going to be on the chopping block."" ""He’s very, very practical. We have billion-dollar fracking plants in western Pa.,"" said Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), one of Biden’s former presidential primary opponents. ""He’s not going to step in the middle of that because certain people want a complete ban.""",insufficient-refutes
"30,000 rupees is provided towards tuition fee and 20,000 as contingency allowance.","EMERITUS SCIENTIST SCHEME 3 OPERATION OF AN EMERITUS SCIENTIST SCHEME 7 CONTIGENT AND EQUIPMENT GRANTS 8 PROGRESS REPORT & RENEWAL OF ES SCHEME 9 FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT (FTR) [...] 1.5 The grant consists of (i) Scientist Allowance of Rs.20,000/- p.m. to the Emeritus Scientist (ES) for the duration of his/her tenure, (ii) suitable contingent grant per annum, and (iii)technical assistance in the form of research fellows/associates. [...] 7.3 The guidelines for the utilization of contingency grant are given in Annexure-I. The accounts are to be maintained in a prescribed manner as indicated in Annexure-III.",insufficient-neutral
"Says Amber Alerts are issued for white kids ""but not Black kids in Milwaukee.""","Nearly half of the 41 alerts issued since 2003 in Wisconsin were for Black children. Milwaukee police initiated more than one-fourth of all alerts, far more than any other agency. Every one of their 11 alerts was for a Black child.",refutes
purports to show a poster indicating former President Donald Trump is allegedly a 'registered sex offender',The poster appears to be digitally fabricated and originally stems from a Twitter account that posts parodies.,refutes
"Claims that author Kurt Vonnegut said, ""Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.""","Dear Tom, Loving all things Kurt, as I do, and working with kids all of my working life I was dee -lighted to find this post of yours (via twitter and retweeted) But even more than this it solidifies what I have been thinking, feeling and planning lately re the redirection of my career. [...] Here is my favourite Kurt quote: ""Be soft. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."" Really I think it is my life's motto. - 1:04 AM",supports
Tuzla Island is a territory of Malaysia,"Tuzla Island (Ukrainian: Тузла, Russian: Тузла, Crimean Tatar: Tuzla; from Turkic ""tuzla"" – salty, saline, literally: saltpan) is a sandy islet in the form of a spit located in the middle of the Strait of Kerch, between the Kerch Peninsula in the west and the Taman Peninsula in the east. The island was formed from part of the Taman Peninsula after a 1925 storm. Tuzla Island was formed when the spit that continued the Taman peninsula suffered from massive erosion during a major storm in 1925.[2] In ancient times (2,500 years ago) the sea level was four meters below the present, which meant that at the site of modern Tuzla was quite an extensive area of land, which was part of the Taman Peninsula. Taman Peninsula itself at that time was part of the Kuban delta, and was separated from the rest of the land by river channels, which drained into the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Some historians identify Tuzla as the island of Alopeka, mentioned by ancient authors, located in the waters of Cimmerian Bosporus, and when the island periodically joined to the Asian shore of the Bosporus, the resulting braid[clarification needed] was used as the entrance to the passage through the narrowest part of the Cimmerian Bosporus, which is located between Alopekoy and the European shore of the Bosporus. Other historians and geologists reject such a hypothesis, believing that neither the island nor the Tuzla Spit existed in ancient times.",insufficient-neutral
Lee Majors bequeathed $6 million to President Donald Trump's 2020 reelection campaign,"The Dec. 25 article, which was published by, claims Majors died from complications during a Penuma surgical procedure. (Penuma is a kind of penile implant.) It also claims the actor, who has starred in movies like ""The Six Million Dollar Man"" and ""Scrooged,"" left $6 million for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign in his will. [...], ""‘Bionic Man’ Lee Majors Dead At 83;$6 Million Left To Trump 2020,"" Dec. 25, 2019 [...] Conservative Tears, ""‘Bionic Man’ Lee Majors Dead At 83;$6 Million Left To Trump 2020""",insufficient-supports
"The share of GDP allocated for education (primary, secondary and tertiary) saw an increase from 3.29 per cent in 2004-2005 to 3.83 per cent in 2012-13.","Public spending on education as a share of GDP [...] ""Data Page: Public spending on education as a share of GDP"". Our World in Data (2024). Data adapted from World Bank, Tanzi & Schuknecht. Retrieved from [online resource] [...] World Bank (2023); Tanzi & Schuknecht (2000) – processed by Our World in Data. ""Public spending on education as a share of GDP"" [dataset]. World Bank, ""World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats) 2023""; Tanzi & Schuknecht, ""Public Expenditure on Education OECD"" [original data]. Retrieved October 9, 2024 from",insufficient-neutral
Electricity Bill To Be Reduced By 22.5% !!,"Electricity tariffs in Sri Lanka will be reduced overall by 22.5% from Tuesday (July 16). Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), Prof. Manjula Fernando said domestic tariff has been reduced by 27%. [...] Reduced from Rs.30 to Rs.18 - 91-120 units :",supports
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals “just ruled Covid vax mandates unconstitutional.”,"US appeals court rejects CU’s vaccine mandate, cites ‘religious animus’ by: Heather Willard [...] DENVER (KDVR) — A U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on May 7 that the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine‘s COVID-19 vaccination mandate and refusal to include a religious exemption were unconstitutional under the First Amendment, according to court documents. [...] According to the appeals decision, the court found that the administration ""decided that ‘it is ‘morally acceptable’ for Roman Catholics to take vaccines against COVID-19 and that any Roman Catholic objections to the COVID-19 vaccine are ‘personal beliefs,’ not ‘religious beliefs.'""",insufficient-contradictory
"“Before the pandemic, just over 40,000 were on continuing UI claims. Now, there are well over 100,000 on state or federal UI benefits.”","Lisa Subeck stated on February 16, 2024 in X, formerly Twitter: ""The United States is an outlier, one of only about half a dozen countries, without any guarantee of paid leave for new parents and/or other health care needs."" Tim Kaine stated on March 15, 2022 in a tweet.: ""Virginia women are paid 80 cents for every dollar paid to Virginia men."" Mandela Barnes stated on May 23, 2021 in Twitter: ""It’s been over 50 years since minimum (wage) and inflation parted ways, then over a decade since the federal minimum went up at all."" Glenn Grothman stated on June 8, 2021 in Twitter: ""We have a record 9.3 million job openings in the U.S."" Mark Born stated on June 2, 2021 in Twitter: ""Before the pandemic, just over 40,000 were on continuing UI claims. Mandela Barnes stated on May 23, 2021 in Twitter: ""Since 1978, CEO compensation rose over 1,000% and only 11.9% for average workers."" Joe Biden stated on April 15, 2020 in comments at a virtual town hall meeting: ""Until this week, they [OSHA] weren’t even enforcing these guidelines [for coronavirus]. [...] Mark Born stated on June 2, 2021 in Twitter: ""Before the pandemic, just over 40,000 were on continuing UI claims.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims Albert Einstein said, ""We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak.""",The statement appears nowhere in Einstein’s written works.,refutes
"Rahul Gandhi: “Surgical strikes and Air strikes happened during UPA government but we didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce”.","UPA Did 3 Surgical Strikes But Didn’t Show Off: Rahul Gandhi [...] Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday asserted that the Indian Army had conducted three surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) when the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was in power, but those operations were kept under the wraps at the force’s behest.(PTI) Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday asserted that the Indian Army had conducted three surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) when the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was in power, but those operations were kept under the wraps at the force’s behest.",insufficient-supports
"A young Dalit man named Lakhan’s head was shaved, and he was assaulted by a mob in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut","According to the news reports, the incident did happen in Meerut. Some people in the Brahmpuri area assaulted a man named Lakhan Kumar. The police clarified that the assaulters and Lakhan both belong to the Dalit community and related to each other. Hence, the claim made in the post is Misleading.",insufficient-refutes
Tom Jones is suffering from health problems and had to cancel shows.,"Music legend Sir Tom Jones has hit out at claims he collapsed on stage during a live performance as medics rushed to support him. [...] Tom Jones issues health update after cancelling show [...] ""Unfortunately the show had to be cancelled at the last minute, and for that I am very sorry. However, the show in Budapest has been rescheduled and will take place on August 16. Thanks again for all your kind concern.""",insufficient-neutral
Barahoti is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Barahoti (Bara Hoti, Hoti Plain), also called Wu-Je or Wure (Chinese: 乌热; pinyin: Wū rè), located in the 'middle sector' of the disputed Sino-Indian border, is a 1.5 square miles (3.9 km2) sloping plain situated in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Chamoli district.[1] It is disputed by China, which also disputes a 750 square kilometres (290 sq mi) area surrounding it.[2] The entire disputed area also goes by the name ""Barahoti"", or sometimes ""Barahoti–Sangchamalla–Lapthal disputed area"". The entire area is on the Ganges side of the Sutlej–Ganges water divide, which is also the current Line of Actual Control between India and China.[3] Barahoti was the first location in Indian territory claimed by China in 1954.[4] In 1960, China added Lapthal and Sangchamalla to the dispute and said that three places formed one composite area.[5] [...] - Barahoti disputed area, OpenStreetMap, retrieved 1 February 2022.",supports
“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.”,"New research highlights the exclusive occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis in vaccinated adolescents and children, suggesting a need for reevaluation of COVID-19 vaccination strategies in younger populations while considering broader clinical implications for post-vaccination adverse events. A recent preprint from Oxford University researchers reveals that myocarditis and pericarditis only occur in children and adolescents following COVID-19 vaccination, not infection. The study, which evaluated more than a million English minors, found that vaccinated adolescents experienced higher incidences of these heart inflammations compared to children. Despite this, vaccinated adolescents had lower chances of COVID-19 infection and severe outcomes than their unvaccinated counterparts. [...] - Most myocarditis and pericarditis cases occurred after the first vaccine dose, with more than half requiring hospitalization or emergency care.",supports
claims the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a UFO on its livestream,"Claim: NASA cut a live video stream from the International Space Station just as a UFO appeared on the horizon. [...] While the gray object in the video has not been positively identified (technically making it a UFO), it is very unlikely the object was an alien spacecraft. It is also unlikely NASA purposeful cut the live feed from the ISS in order to cover up the UFO. [...] While the video does show an unidentified object rising from the horizon shortly before the feed goes dead, it is likely the camera aboard the International Space Station had merely captured the moon just before a common video interruption.",insufficient-neutral
"Former President Donald Trump claimed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ""sort of mandated"" the COVID-19 vaccine.","While DeSantis has expressed support for COVID-19 vaccines, he did not mandate them. DeSantis signed legislation that banned COVID-19 vaccine passports and vaccine mandates in 2021.",refutes
"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are experimental, “ineffective and harmful”","Ineffective, harmful experimental COVID-19 vaccines – removal from the market 11.5.2022 [...] A recent study by the Charité University Hospital in Berlin on the ‘safety profiles of COVID-19 vaccines’ revealed that there are 40 times more cases of people with serious complications after being given these vaccines than previously reported by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. [...] - 1.Does the Commission think that the COVID-19 vaccines should be taken off the market until new and further information on the subject is available, especially as it is now known that they are ineffective as they do not prevent people from contracting the virus?",insufficient-supports
Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of “damaging fertility or the unborn child.”,I had a gc for bath and body works and I just brought a ton of lotion. are they safe to use during pregnancy? I wasn't given a list of body or hair products not to use. [...] We live in such an alarmist culture about pregnancy it seems like nothing is safe. [...] Track your pregnancy on our free #1 pregnancy & baby app,insufficient-neutral
purports Trump said 'Israel has hypnotized the world',"Trump was not making a statement about Israel, but rather referencing comments Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar had made about the country.",refutes
"Ventilators, not COVID, killed hospitalized COVID patients","CLAIM: A new study found that ventilators were responsible for nearly all COVID-19 patient deaths. [...] ""Official Report: Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients,"" reads a headline that has racked up tens of thousands of likes and shares. [...] Ventilator-associated pneumonia, as it’s called, is a known issue in the field, and not COVID-19 specific: A patient’s lungs aren’t operating normally, Singer said, and a tube in the windpipe presents an opening for bacteria.",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that Oliver Cromwell said, ""Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.""","FACT CHECK: Did Oliver Cromwell Say, ‘Not Only Strike While The Iron Is Hot, But Make It Hot By Striking’? An image shared on Facebook claims that British military leader Oliver Cromwell said, ""Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking."" [...] Quote Investigator traced the earliest close match back to a 1782 letter penned by founding father Benjamin Franklin to Welsh preacher and philosopher Richard Price. Franklin wrote, ""And we now find that it is not only right to strike while the Iron is hot, but that it is very practicable to heat it by continual Striking."" (RELATED: Did Benjamin Franklin Say This Quote About Avoiding Tyranny?)",refutes
Rs. 2000 crore for agri-market infrastructure fund set up.,"""The budget has been prepared with proper care,"" he said while pointing out the scheme to convert 22,000 Rural Haats into Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) and government's plan to strengthen physical infrastructure using MGNREGA and other Government schemes. These GrAMs will be exempted from regulations of Agriculture Product Marketing Committees (APMC) and will provide farmers facility to make a direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers. An Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund which would be set up with a corpus of Rs 2000 crore for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing infrastructure in the 22,000 Grameen Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) is a welcome one, he added. [...] The farmers' leader, however, welcomed Rs 10,000 crore corpus for Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FAIDF) and an Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF).",supports
An auto driver was thrashed for voting for the BJP in the recently held assembly elections in Karnataka,"BHOPAL: A Muslim woman was thrashed by relatives brutally for voting for the party of her preference in the recently concluded elections. The incident took place in Barkheda Hasan village in Sehore district and the victim was identified as Samina. According to reports, it was Samina’s brother-in-law Javed Khan who unleashed the attack on Samina, for her liking towards the BJP. While responding to the media, Samina said she was tortured by her in-laws with slaps and punches just for voting for BJP. Samina said she voted for BJP after getting benefitted from Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s vanity project ‘Ladli Behna Yojana‘, which promises a monthly stipend of Rs 1,250 to eligible women. This has also been touted as the one single project that helped the BJP win the anti-incumbency wave in MP. [...] On December 4, Javed Khan reached her residence and started abusing her which later morphed into physical assaults. Samina justified that she voted according to her conscience, but was thrashed by Javed and his wife.",supports
"“Wisconsin had over 1,400 opioid overdose deaths in 2022.”","In 2021, the latest full year of final data available, there were 1,427 deaths in Wisconsin related to opioids, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported. Provisional department data show there were 1,358 opioid overdose or poisoning deaths in 2022. [...] Synthetic opioids, particularly fentanyl, cause the vast majority of Wisconsin opioid deaths, according to the health department.",supports
South Tibet is a territory of People's Republic of China,"South Tibet is a literal translation of the Chinese term '藏南' (pinyin: Zàng Nán), which may refer to different geographic areas: [...] - South Tibet may also refer to a shorter section of the Yarlung Tsangpo and tributaries covering most of Lhoka and Nyingchi Prefectures from the confluence with the Lhasa River to the west up to the beginning of the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon near Mainling County to the east. - When used in relation to the Sino-Indian border dispute, South Tibet is a term mainly used by the People's Republic of China (PRC) to refer to an area south of the McMahon Line currently administered by India as parts of the states of Arunachal Pradesh. This region was recognised by Tibet as belonging to British India under the McMahon Line Agreement (part of the 1914 Simla Convention). The PRC does not recognise the McMahon Line and claims that the area is a part of the Tibet Autonomous Region instead.[1] According to Hsiao-ting Lin, a scholar from Taiwan, and other scholars, both the British and the Chinese claim to sovereignty over the area can be deemed ""largely imaginary"", reflected only in official maps and political propagandas.[2][3][4]",insufficient-supports
Joe Biden claimed in an interview that there was no evidence that what Hunter did was wrong,"FACT: Evidence reveals then-Vice President Biden spoke, dined, and had coffee with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. The FBI’s recorded interview with Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, also reveals Joe Biden attended a meeting about CEFC, a Chinese entity. Additionally, Hunter Biden alleged his father was in the room when he demanded payment from a CEFC associate. [...] Joe Biden: ""And it turns out, [Hunter] didn’t do a single thing wrong as everybody has investigated."" [...] Joe Biden: ""You know that there’s not one single bit of evidence. Not one little, tiny bit to suggest that anything done was wrong.""",supports
Ireland’s two wealthiest people are worth more financially than the poorest 50% of the population.,"Ireland has the fifth-largest number of billionaires per capita in the world, according to an Oxfam report published ahead of the World Economic Forum conference in the Swiss resort of Davos this week. There are now 17 Irish billionaires – the vast majority of whom are men – but who exactly are they? [...] 5 Dermot Desmond: €2.02 billion (Down €40 million)",insufficient-neutral
"If no one shakes the jar with different species of ants, there is no conflict between ants !","A statement attributed to David Attenborough suggests that if 100 black ants and 100 red ants are put in a jar and shaken, they will start killing each other. The statement likens it to societal conflict, where the real enemy is the one who shakes the jar. It further states that if no one shakes the jar, there is no conflict between ants. [...] Expert Opinion: Entomologists, such as Associate Professor Lori Lach from James Cook University and Professor Philip S. Ward from the University of California Davis, refuted the scenario described in the statement. They explain to AFP that regardless of whether a jar containing ants is shaken or not, ants of different species tend to behave aggressively towards each other due to differences in smell. The related AFP article can be read here. Ant Behavior: Ant behavior is not solely determined by external factors like shaking a jar. Even if the jar is not disturbed, ants of different species are likely to exhibit aggressive behavior towards each other due to their natural instincts, driven by differences in odor and territorial behavior. More details can be read from here and here",refutes
"CNN's David Chalian referred to Michelle Obama as ""Big Mike"" on air during presidential debate coverage.","DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: We should note Michael Cohen said those things after he broke with Donald Trump, not while he was in his employ. I think jurors -- who knows, is the answer. I don't know how jurors will actually feel that way. But it seems to me the very public split that these two men have had is a known thing. [...] CHALIAN: And we should just note in the transcript, we now know what the judge said to Todd Blanche in that sidebar where he said, why are you making this all about yourself? [...] Joining us now, our Senior Political Commentator Scott Jennings and CNN Political Director David Chalian.",insufficient-neutral
Aluminum in vaccines causes neurological damage and autism,"Impaired brain function, excessive inflammation, and autoimmune manifestations are common in autism. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the necessary properties to induce neuroimmune disorders. Because peripheral immune stimuli in the postnatal period can compromise brain development and cause permanent neurological impairments, the possibility that such outcomes could also occur with administration of Al vaccine adjuvants needs to be considered. In regard to the risk of adjuvant toxicity in children, the following should be noted: (i) children should not be viewed as ""small adults"" as their unique physiology makes them more vulnerable to toxic insults; (ii) in adult humans Al adjuvants can cause a variety of serious autoimmune and inflammatory conditions including those affecting the brain, yet children are routinely exposed to much higher amounts of Al from vaccines than adults; (iii) compelling evidence has underscored the tight connection between the development of the immune system and that of the brain. Thus, it appears plausible that disruptions of critical events in immune development may also play a role in the establishment of neurobehavioral disorders; (iv) the same immune system components that play key roles in brain development appear to be targeted for impairment by Al adjuvants. In summary, research data suggests that vaccines containing Al may be a contributing etiological factor in the increasing incidence of autism. [...] Banks WA, Kastin AJ. Aluminum-induced neurotoxicity: alterations in membrane function at the blood-brain barrier. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 1989;13(1):47–53.",insufficient-supports
"Ratan Tata: “In a country, if Prime Minister’s popularity increases due to the death of 65 soldiers, then nobody can save that country from getting destroyed”",A post is being shared on Facebook by some users claiming that Ratan Tata has commented on the increase in Modi’s popularity in the country after the Pulwama attack. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post.,insufficient-neutral
"Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid ""fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling.""",This story originated on a self-described satire website.,refutes
Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is a territory of Armenia,"The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, known simply as Nakhichevan, is a landlocked exclave of Azerbaijan bordering Armenia, Turkey, and Iran. [...] In July 1920, the Eleventh Soviet Red Army invaded, and on July 28 declared the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic with ""close ties"" to the Azerbaijan SSR. In November, on the verge of taking over Armenia, the Bolsheviks, in order to attract public support, promised they would allot Nakhichevan to Armenia, along with Karabakh and Zangezur. Vladimir Lenin did not agree and called for the people of Nakhichevan to be consulted in a referendum, held in early 1921. In that referendum, 90 percent of Nakhichevan's population wanted to be included in the Azerbaijan SSR as an autonomous republic. The decision to make Nakhichevan a part of modern-day Azerbaijan was cemented March 16, 1921 in the Treaty of Moscow between the Soviet Union and the newly founded Republic of Turkey. This agreement also called for attachment of the former Sharur-Daralagez uyezd (which had a solid Azeri majority) to Nakhichevan, thus allowing Turkey to share a border with the Azerbaijan SSR. This deal was reaffirmed on October 23, in the Treaty of Kars. So, on February 9, 1924, the Soviet Union officially established the Nakhichevan ASSR. Its constitution was adopted on April 18, 1926.",supports
"Claims that Marilyn Monroe once stated, ""Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.""","""Give the girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world"" is one of the most popular shoe related quotes out there. Someone say it is what Marilyn Monroe said, someone oppose, I guess it is hard to tell for sure. In any case, let me proudly introduce you to my ""right shoes for conquering the world"" – the Danner boots.",insufficient-contradictory
A study showed a “weakened immune response in kids injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot”; “The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children”,"What parents need to know about Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11 [...] In a clinical trial, Pfizer assessed the immune response and the safety of their mRNA vaccine in kids 5 to 11. The trial included about 2,250 children, with two-thirds getting the shot and the other third receiving a placebo. [...] Pfizer assessed kids’ immune response to the vaccine by looking at antibody levels. The company compared the response in a group of 5- to 11-year-olds one month after the second shot with antibody levels seen in a group of 16- to 25-year-olds, who were part of the earlier and much larger clinical trial that studied the vaccine’s efficacy in tens of thousands of adults (SN: 10/4/20). There was no difference in the immune responses between the different groups, even though the younger children received a smaller dose, the FDA reported in their review of Pfizer’s trial data. Since the immune response was similar between the two groups, the protection against COVID-19 offered by the vaccine for each group should also be similar.",insufficient-refutes
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks,"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing masks if you choose to, and in specific places and situations. [...] - Don't put masks on anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious or otherwise unable to remove the mask without help. [...] Experts do not recommend using face shields instead of masks. It's not clear how much protection shields provide. But wearing a face mask may not be possible in every situation. If you must use a face shield instead of a mask, choose one that wraps around the sides of your face and extends below your chin.",insufficient-refutes
“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.”,"Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19 - PMID: 34347001 - PMCID: PMC8340007 - DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.13443 [...] Incidence, risk factors, natural history, and hypothesised mechanisms of myocarditis and pericarditis following covid-19 vaccination: living evidence syntheses and review.BMJ. 2022 Jul 13;378:e069445. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-069445. BMJ. 2022. PMID: 35830976 Free PMC article. Review. [...] Occurrence of Myopericarditis Following COVID-19 Vaccination Among Adults in the Eastern Region, Saudi Arabia: A Multicenter Study.Int J Gen Med. 2024 Jul 23;17:3231-3237. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S467586. eCollection 2024. Int J Gen Med. 2024. PMID: 39070223 Free PMC article.",insufficient-neutral
Mainland China is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Mainland China ""Mainland China"", also referred to as ""the Chinese mainland"", is a geopolitical term defined as the territory under direct administration of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War. In addition to the geographical mainland, the geopolitical sense of the term includes islands such as Hainan, Chongming, and Zhoushan.[1] By convention, territories outside of mainland China include:",supports
"Derry/Londonderry is the only city of its prominence in the UK that does not have its own higher education institution, according to Lord Adonis.","The Vibrant Cities of Belfast and Derry~Londonderry [...] Derry~Londonderry is strategically located at the spot where the Wild Atlantic Way meets the Causeway Coastal Route, two of Ireland’s most popular and impressive coastal touring routes. A flowering of culture and identity took hold here when the city was named UK City of Culture in 2013 and continues to enhance its future. [...] Derry~Londonderry is the only remaining completely intact walled city in Ireland, and is one of the finest examples in Europe. The 400th anniversary of the walls will be celebrated with events in 2018/19. The views from the 26-foot-high ramparts are well worth walking the one-mile circuit. Take an in-depth walking tour with local expert Michael Cooper, Derry Blue Badge Guide, who will provide insight and history on city sites and events. The award-winning Tower Museum’s historical exhibits include the story of Derry~Londonderry and artifacts from the 1588 Spanish Armada shipwreck of La Trinidad Valencera off the coast. The city’s history is also showcased in the Siege Museum, the Museum of Free Derry, St. Columb’s Cathedral, and the stained glass windows in the Neo-Gothic Guildhall.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims American writer Ernest Hemingway said, ""Write drunk, edit sober.""",There is no evidence that this quote originated with Hemingway. It may actually come from a novel written by editor and novelist Peter De Vries.,refutes
ADHD is a fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit,"Natural News article inaccurately claims ADHD is a ""fake disease"" invented for profit [...] ADHD has been described as a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by inattention, excessive activity and impulsivity (acting without thinking), generally diagnosed in childhood. This article by Natural News claims that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a ""fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit"". Although it was published more than a year ago, it has seen a recent revival and is currently trending on Facebook, garnering more than 1.5 million shares. [...] While all children display traits such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity to varying degrees, reviewers highlighted that children with ADHD exhibit these characteristics to a severe degree that disrupts their education and relationships with others. Reviewers cautioned that viewing ADHD as a ""fake disease"" trivializes the significant distress that affected individuals and their families experience, and could potentially lead to poorer outcomes.",refutes
"Thai princess “most likely a victim of the jab”, Thailand “could become the first country in the world to nullify the contract between the government and Pfizer”","""We Will See to it that Thailand is the First Country in the World that is Going to Declare this Contract Null"" If the Thai Government Goes After the Pfizer Jabs, Might Other Countries Follow Suit? [...] Princess Ong Bha was supposedly boosted with the Pfizer vaccine 23 days before her collapse. The King of Thailand is being advised that his daughter’s collapse, which she is extremely unlikely to ever recover from, may be related to safe and effective jabs. Advisors to the King want the contract with Pfizer declared null and void.",insufficient-supports
Only the Irish language is banned in courts in Northern Ireland.,O Muilleoir wants to end 279-year-old ban on Irish in courts in Northern Ireland Finance Minister Mairtin O Muilleoir has called for the overturning of a centuries-old ban on the use of the Irish language in the courts. A British penal law enacted in 1737 that requires court proceedings to be in English remains in force in Northern Ireland.,insufficient-contradictory
"“The Wisconsin voter roll has over 120,000 active voters who have been registered to vote for over 100 years.”","Wisconsin municipalities kept their own registration records — and the smallest municipalities weren’t required to keep records at all — until a 2002 federal law required a statewide database and a standard format. When a municipality’s system didn’t track a voter’s date of birth or initial date of registration, a default date was entered into the statewide system: 1/1/1900 for date of birth and 1/1/1918 for date of registration. Such placeholders for missing information have been used by other states as well. As of the fall of 2021 in Wisconsin, there were still about 3,700 active voter records that contain default information for date of birth and about 120,000 records exist in the system with a default date of voter registration.",insufficient-refutes
“WNBA organizers have officially announced an investigation into the referees in all of Caitlin Clark's games for ignoring all dirty actions by her opponents against her.”,"Authorities arrested 4 people in connection with the caseGemini and Scorpio compatibility: What to know about the 2 signs coming togetherComfy flats, lightweight dresses and more Amazon spring fashion finds — starting at just $10Taylor Swift reacts to Ryan Gosling singing her song on ‘SNL’ with Emily BluntCaitlin Clark says she’s ‘confident’ going into WNBA future: ‘I've earned to be in this moment’Caitlin Clark on making time for her young fans: ‘That never gets old’Scottie Scheffler wins the 2024 Masters Tournament, joining select group of golfers who have earned the title twiceOlivia Rodrigo re-creates Gwen Stefani’s style to join No Doubt onstage at CoachellaRyan Gosling is still tortured by the Papyrus font in sequel to fan-favorite ‘SNL’ skitJill Duggar Dillard and husband Derick Dillard announce stillbirth of daughter at 4 monthsDua Lipa set to host and perform on 'SNL' following Ryan Gosling's appearanceMegan Fox says she thinks ‘Love Is Blind’ star Chelsea Blackwell is ‘telling the truth’ about look-alike commentsCaitlin Clark roasts Michael Che in hilarious ‘Weekend Update’ appearanceTravis Kelce and Taylor Swift pack on the PDA while dancing to ‘Karma’ at CoachellaBrittney Griner and wife Cherelle Griner are expecting their first childIran launches attack on Israel that risks sparking",insufficient-neutral
Los Monjes Archipelago is a territory of Venezuela,"The Los Monjes islands (Spanish: Archipiélago Los Monjes) is a federal dependency of Venezuela are located to the northwest 80 kilometres (49.7 miles) of the Gulf of Venezuela, 34.8 kilometres (21.6 miles) off the coast of Guajira Peninsula at the border between Colombia and the Venezuelan state of Zulia. [...] ""The Government of Colombia declares that it does not object to the sovereignty of the United States of Venezuela over the Los Monjes Archipelago and that consequently it does not object to the exercise of that sovereignty, or to any act of claim that it may make with respect to the exercise of that sovereignty, or to any act of domination by that country over the archipelago in question."" [...] In Spanish: Archipiélago Los Monjes para niños - Federal Dependencies of Venezuela - List of marine molluscs of Venezuela - List of Poriferans of Venezuela",refutes
Colloidal silver is effective for any infection,"Silver has demonstrated broad antimicrobial activity in topical applications on wounds and burns. However, no scientific studies indicate that ingestion or nasal spray of colloidal silver treats infection inside the body or supports the immune system. Long-term use of colloidal silver can result in argyria, a blue-gray discoloration of the skin, and can interfere with the action of other medicines.",refutes
Banc du Geyser is a territory of Madagascar,"Banc du Geyser (also Banc du Geysir) is a mostly submerged reef in the Mozambique Channel's northeastern part, 125 km (78 mi) northeast from Mayotte, 112 km (70 mi) southwest of the Glorioso Islands and 200 km (124 mi) off the northwestern coast of Madagascar. [...] France and the Comoros claim the Banc du Geyser as part of their exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The reef is also claimed by Madagascar. From the French point of view, it is a part of the EEZ of Glorioso Islands, one of their Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean. Madagascar announced its annexation in 1976, presumably because of the possibility of oil fields in the vicinity but the Banc du Geyser is controlled in fact by the French forces armées de la zone sud de l'océan Indien. [...] External links [edit]- ""Satellite images of Banc du Geysir"". Archived from the original on 23 December 2010. Retrieved 14 March 2009.",insufficient-refutes
"""Our Supreme Court has never taken away a constitutional right.""","Constitutional law scholars say that it’s uncommon, but not entirely unprecedented, for the U.S. Supreme Court to take away a constitutional right. In the 1930s, for example, the court repudiated a 1905 decision to protect ""right of contract"" under the 14th Amendment’s due process clause, which essentially allowed employers and employees to set their own terms of employment and previously led the court to strike down laws setting minimum wage, maximum hours and working conditions. In 1990, a Supreme Court decision reversed an earlier decision that had acknowledged the right to religious exemptions to ""generally applicable"" laws under the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause.",refutes
"The last man to attack the US Capitol, prior to the events on 6 January 2021, was a British Army Major General from Northern Ireland, in 1814.","The Belfast Telegraph published an article that claimed the last time the US Capitol was attacked was during the War of 1812: ""Robert Ross … from Rostrevor in Co Down, will always be remembered as the man who burned down the White House in 1814."" The US Capitol comprises the buildings that house both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. But was Robert Ross really the ""last man to attack the US Capitol?"" We reviewed incidents of the US Capitol buildings being attacked. [...] There have been four notable attacks on the US Capitol in-between Robert Ross and the incident on 6 January 2021. While Major General Robert Ross in 1814 was the last foreign attacker, Linda Evans and Laura Whitehorn were among the most recent attackers in 1983.",refutes
Congress party leaders sat before a banner that reads ‘…Chor Group Meeting.’,"An image constituting senior leaders of the Indian National Congress (INC) is being shared on social media. The picture shows INC leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, and other members chairing an event. The banner in the background reads, ""भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस Indian National Congress Chor Group Meeting."" (Chor=Thief) [...] A background banner from an Indian National Congress event reads, ""Chor Group Meeting."" (Chor=Thief) [...] Clearly, the shared image is morphed, and the text ""Chor Group Meeting"" is added here with the help of editing tools.",refutes
"""Tim Walz signed into law driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota.""","‘Sí se pudo’: Walz signs immigrant driver’s license bill into law [...] Gov. Tim Walz on Tuesday signed a bill allowing people in the state to obtain a driver’s license or ID card regardless of their immigration status. [...] Dozens of immigrants and supporters of the policy change flanked the governor during a bill signing ceremony at the Minnesota National Guard Armory. Several teared up when Walz signed the measure into law and they chanted ""Sí se pudo,"" which means yes we could.",supports
Three Pagodas Pass is a territory of Myanmar,"The Three Pagodas Pass is named after three small, crumbling stupas or chedis, probably built at the end of the Ayutthaya period, as a symbol of peace. Three Pagodas Pass is located in the Tenasserim Hillson, the border between Thailand and Myanmar (Burma), at 282 meters (925 feet). The Pass links the town of Sangkhlaburi, north of Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, to Payathonzu, south of Kayin State, Myanmar. [...] Three Pagodas Pass is located in the historical area, the path connecting Thailand and Myanmar.",insufficient-neutral
"claims Benjamin Franklin said, ""By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.""","By Failing to Prepare, You Are Indeed Preparing to Fail Ben Franklin was right. You cannot simply fake it 'till you make it. Here's why. [...] How many of you have heard the famous Benjamin Franklin quote, ""By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail?"" [...] One thing I've learned from being both unprepared and prepared at pivotal times in my life is that life presents us with limited windows of opportunity. These windows may never come again. Many are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. There are windows that will swing open, and if you're not ready at that moment, you have to bite the bullet and accept it as a missed opportunity.",supports
[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related,"Serious adverse events are rare following immunization and, in most cases, data are insufficient to determine a causal association. [...] Anaphylaxis following immunization with PCECV has been rarely reported. Temporally associated neurologic events have also been very rarely reported but causal association with vaccination has not been established. [...] Vaccine providers are asked to report, through local public health officials, any serious or unexpected adverse event felt to be temporally related to vaccination. An unexpected AEFI is an event that is not listed in available product information but may be due to the immunization, or a change in the frequency of a known AEFI. Refer to Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Canada for additional information about AEFI reporting.",supports
"""Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters"" on Jan. 6, 2021, proving the attack “was 100% a setup.""","No, video of rioters discussing Capitol ‘floor plan’ doesn’t prove Jan. 6 was antifa setup [...] The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was not a ""setup"" by antifa activists who were ""already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters."" The viral Facebook post making that claim revived a debunked conspiracy theory. [...] More than a year and a half later, those claims continue to spread online — despite having been thoroughly debunked. ""Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters,"" said the text over a viral Facebook post shared July 15. ""This was 100% a setup.""",refutes
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks,"Confusing mask guidance. Although face masks are now widely considered a crucial part of stopping transmission, U.S. and global health authorities were slow to recommend them for public use. Many countries in East and Southeast Asia, including China and Japan, had normalized mask wearing well before the pandemic—in part because of the SARS outbreak in 2002–2003. Unlike the SARS virus, however, scientists now know that SARS-CoV-2 often spreads before a carrier develops symptoms (and possibly even if they never do). In the early weeks and months of the COVID outbreak, the CDC and WHO stated that face masks were not necessary for the general public unless a person was experiencing symptoms or caring for someone who was. The agencies also initially urged people not to buy high-filtration N95 and surgical masks because they were needed for health care workers and were in short supply because of inadequate government stockpiles. Though perhaps well-meaning, the WHO’s and CDC’s guidances sent a mixed message about masks’ effectiveness—and about who deserves protection. The CDC changed course and recommended cloth face coverings in April. The WHO did not do so until June, citing inadequate evidence of their efficacy before then. The CDC did not respond to a request for comment, and the WHO referred Scientific American to press briefings that addressed these issues. In these briefings, experts pointed to a lack of high-quality evidence for mask use. The WHO’s director general also stated that, in the absence of other public health measures, ""masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19.""",insufficient-contradictory
Fathima Sadha (Sadha Haroon) Has Been Selected As The First Sri Lankan Female Astronaut !,"Below is an investigation about social media claims which went viral, claiming that a young Muslim girl had been selected as the first Sri Lankan female astronaut to travel to space. [...] The text in these viral posters congratulated Fatima Sadha studying at a private school in Negombo was selected as a ""Space Warrior"" by NASA will make history as the first Muslim woman from Sri Lanka to go into space [...] However, NASA or any other space exploration agency has not yet selected Sadha for any astronaut training program with an aim of sending her to space yet. Therefore, it is misleading to call her the first Sri Lankan woman having been selected to become an astronaut.",insufficient-refutes
Carlingford Lough is a territory of Ireland,The Carlingford Lough area was a vibrant and important community in Ireland in Neolithic times – The Stone Age. [...] Carlingford Lough historically has been a trade channel for ships carrying goods in and out of Ireland. [...] Carlingford Lough is a protected nature reserve.,insufficient-neutral
"a conference titled ""The Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held at the Vatican on Oct. 23 and will focus on ""humanity-empowering technology.""","Global Leaders At Fifth International Vatican Conference Working On Ways For People To Live Healthy Lives Well Past 100 [...] This is the fifth International Vatican Conference and this year it's all virtual. For three days, more than 100 global leaders in science, faith, medicine and technology are discussing the latest breakthroughs in medicine, health care delivery and prevention, as well as the human implications and cultural impact of technological advances.",insufficient-refutes
“Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom is 38.”,"Wendy Rittenhouse is the mother of the Antioch, Illinois, teenager, Kyle Rittenhouse, who is on trial for the shooting deaths of two men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the wounding of a third. A single mother who has worked as a nurse’s assistant, Rittenhouse’s mom has defended him in interviews. She was controversially at his side when he was photographed with members of the Proud Boys organization in a Wisconsin bar, but his attorneys say he is not affiliated with that group. As such, Wendy Rittenhouse has emerged as a controversial figure who has repeatedly given interviews to advance her son’s defense. [...] Rittenhouse’s mother’s Facebook page indicated she works in health care and is a law enforcement supporter. Her name is sometimes given as Wendy Lewis but was given in court as Wendy Rittenhouse. The Washington Post described her as a single mom and nurse’s assistant.",insufficient-neutral
"Raghuram Rajan had warned Rahul Gandhi and P Chidambaram about Nirav Modi, but they forced him to remain silent and kept approving loan till May 2014","Several readers sent BOOM an image of Rajan that was circulating on WhatsApp, along with a quote that attributed the following statement to him – ""I had warned Rahul Gandhi and P Chidambaram about frauds of Nirav Modi. But they forced me to remain quiet and kept approving the loans till May 2014. Why am I being blamed for the PNB scam now?."" [...] ""I had warned @OfficeOfRG and @PChidambaram_IN about frauds of #NiravModi. But they forced me to remain silent and kept approving the loans till May 2014. Why am i being blamed for the PNB Scame now""?- Raghuram Rajan, Ex-governor, RBI— Lalitesh Kushwah (@KushwahLalitesh) March 8, 2018 [...] Posted by Rajaram Pattabiraman on Thursday, March 8, 2018 ""I had warned Rahul Gandhi & P Chidambaram about fraud of NIRAV MODI. But, they forced me to remain silent and kept…",supports
Joe Biden cut the federal deficit by 1.7 trillion,"The President has done all of this while delivering on his commitment to fiscal responsibility. While the previous Administration passed a nearly $2 trillion unpaid-for tax cut with benefits skewed to the wealthy and big corporations while dramatically increasing the deficit, President Biden cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion during his first two years in office—the largest decline in American history. And the reforms he signed into law to take on Big Pharma, lower prescription drug costs, and make the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share will reduce the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars more over the coming decade. [...] After inheriting historically high deficits from the previous Administration, President Biden told the American people he would reduce the deficit, pay for his proposals, and ensure that no one making less than $400,000 a year would pay a penny more in new taxes. That’s exactly what he has done—and exactly what he will continue to do. The President’s Budget builds on the record-breaking deficit reduction he achieved during his first two years in office. It more than fully pays for its investments, reduces deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share and cutting wasteful spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil, and other special interests, and ensures that no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in new taxes.",supports
Khao Phra Wihan is a territory of Thailand,"Khao Phra Wihan National Park [...] Khao Phra Wihan National Park (Thai: อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาพระวิหาร) is a protected natural area in Sisaket Province, Thailand, that contains numerous ruins of the 11th century Khmer Empire. The park lies 98 km (61 mi) south of the town of Sisaket, at the end of Thai highway 221. Sited on a red stone cliff that is part of the Dangrek mountain range on the southern edge of the Khorat Plateau, it abuts the international border between Thailand's Sisaket Province and Cambodia's Preah Vihear Province. The name of the cliff in the Royal Thai General System of Transcription is Pha Mo I Daeng (ผามออีแดง). The park was established on 20 March 1998,[1] with an area of 81,250 rai ~ 130 square kilometres (50 sq mi).[2]",supports
ABC has canceled 'The View',"ABC Renews ""The View"" for an Epic 20th Season and Candi Carter Named Executive Producer ABC has renewed ""The View"" for an epic 20th season, and Candi Carter was officially named executive producer of ""The View,"" effective immediately. ""This season ‘The View’ has once again been at the very heart of the political conversation and cultural conversation in America,"" said James Goldston, president, ABC News. ""Candi and the team have worked tirelessly to make ‘The View’ the place to be heard for an impressive roster of celebrities, politicians and people in the news.""",insufficient-neutral
"purports over 1,000 children are still missing in Maui following the recent wildfire","Maui fires: More than 1,000 still missing as search continues - Published More than 1,000 people still remain unaccounted for after a wildfire ripped through Hawaiian town of Lahaina two weeks ago, officials said. [...] ""Every day the numbers will change,"" Mr Merrill said. The latest missing estimate comes a day after Maui mayor Richard Bissen said the number was thought to be around 850.",insufficient-contradictory
Northern Ireland eats more meat than in the rest of the UK.,"In a BBC Radio Ulster discussion on the lunchtime Talkback show on 22 October 2018 about flexitarianism — a diet where you only eat meat a few times each week — Malachái O’Hara (Green Party) made the claim (at 40:58): ""We eat the most meat in the UK"". Dietitian Kate McCulla added weight to this claim (at 45:24), saying: ""Meat is very much a part of our culture; we do eat more red meat here than in the rest of the UK"". [...] Its report states that ""red and processed meat consumption was higher in Northern Ireland compared with the UK in all age/sex groups, and reached statistical significance in all age/sex groups except for adults aged 65 years and over"". On the other hand, the mean daily consumption of fish and vegetables in Northern Ireland was significantly lower within the UK. [...] Note that the mean of daily grams of meat for Northern Ireland adults (aged 19-64 years) is 121g (82g of red meat plus 39g of white meat) and for UK adults 109g (71g plus 38g of white meat) for 2008-2012, and so would be classified as ""high meat-eaters"".",supports
"Rs. 1,290 crore rupees allocated under National Bamboo Mission to help setting up small industries.","The latest budgetary allocation of Rs 1,290 crore for the National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is a significant step to improve the country's bamboo economy, which was so far shackled by legal and regulatory restrictions. In December 2017, the government, in an amendment to the Indian Forest Act, (IFA), 1927, exempted bamboo grown in non-forest areas from definition as a tree. Bamboo, though taxonomically a grass, was legally defined as a 'tree' under the IFA. The twin objectives of the latest amendment aim to promote bamboo cultivation in non-forest areas in order to increase rural incomes and expand the country's green cover. As a result, this dispenses with the requirement to obtain felling/transit permit for commercial use of bamboo and would transform bamboo cultivation and bamboo economy.
.Bamboo was perceived all along as a wild growth in forest areas and not as a cultivated crop that could be harnessed for profit. Commercial cultivation of bamboo will replace wood as the material of choice for building houses. Success on this score will help stop felling trees, which would otherwise be used as timber, and save the environment from further loss of tree cover.",supports
Azad Kashmir is a territory of India,"Azad Kashmir is divided into Muzaffarabad and Mirpur divisions, which are further subdivided into eight administrative districts: Muzaffarabad division comprises Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Bagh, Poonch, and Sudhnutti districts; Mirpur division comprises Mirpur, Kotli, and Bhimber districts. Muzaffarabad city is the territory's capital. [...] Thus, Azad Kashmir remains for all intents and purposes under Pakistan's strict control, exercising no real sovereignty of its own. From the outset, the institutional set up in the territory was designed to ensure Pakistan's control of the area's affairs. According to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP)[39] resolutions, Azad Kashmir is neither a sovereign state nor a province of Pakistan, but rather a ""local authority"" with responsibility over the area assigned to it under the ceasefire agreement.[40] The ""local authority"" or provisional government of Azad Kashmir as established in October 1947 handed over to Pakistan under the Karachi Agreement of April 28, 1949, matters related to defense, foreign affairs, negotiations with the UNCIP and coordination of all affairs relating to Gilgit and Baltistan (strategically important territories that now comprise Pakistan's ""Northern Areas"" but are claimed by India as part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir). A former president of Azad Kashmir (who preferred not to be named in this report) described the situation as ""[g]overnment of Azad Kashmir, by the Pakistanis, for Pakistan.""",insufficient-refutes
"CO2 concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years.","Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and their current rate of increase is unprecedented in the last 50,000 years, based on ice core data. The highest increase in CO2 in that period occurred over the span of 50 years, but the same increase occurred in only the last five years – which is 10 times faster. As human emissions of CO2 increase, global temperatures rise in response through the greenhouse effect.",supports
HPV vaccine may lead to elimination of cervical cancer,Impact of HPV vaccination and cervical screening on cervical cancer elimination: a comparative modelling analysis in 78 low-income and lower-middle-income countries - PMID: 32007141 - PMCID: PMC7043009 - DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30068-4 Impact of HPV vaccination and cervical screening on cervical cancer elimination: a comparative modelling analysis in 78 low-income and lower-middle-income countries [...] Interpretation: Predictions were consistent across our three models and suggest that high HPV vaccination coverage of girls can lead to cervical cancer elimination in most LMICs by the end of the century. Screening with high uptake will expedite reductions and will be necessary to eliminate cervical cancer in countries with the highest burden.,supports
Children who take a COVID-19 vaccine 52 times more likely to suffer an early death.,"The headline of a July 27 blog post by The Daily Exposé claims: ""SHOCKING: U.K. government admits COVID vaccinated children are 4,423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated children."" [...] A blog post said that in England, ""COVID-19 vaccinated children are 4,423% more likely to die of any cause and 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated children."" [...] The Exposé, ""SHOCKING: UK Government admits COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than Unvaccinated Children,"" July 27, 2022",insufficient-contradictory
Kuki tribes living in Manipur came from the Burma (Myanmar) as refugees and were later granted ST (Scheduled Tribe) quota in India in 1968,"The Kukis are an ethnic group including multiple tribes originally inhabiting the North-Eastern states of India such as Manipur, Mizoram and Assam; parts of Burma (now Myanmar), and Sylhet district and Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh. While Kuki is not a term coined by the ethnic group itself, the tribes associated with it came to be generically called Kuki under colonial rule. In Manipur, the various Kuki tribes, living mainly in the hills, currently make up 30% of the total 28.5 lakh population of the State. While Churachandpur is their main stronghold, they also have a sizable population in Chandel, Kangpokpi, Tengnoupal and Senapati districts. The rest of the population of Manipur is made up mainly of two other ethnic groups — the Meiteis or non-tribal, Vaishnavite Hindus who live in the valley region of Manipur, and the Naga tribes, historically at loggerheads with the Kukis, also living in the hilly areas of the State. Of the 60 seats in the Manipur Assembly, 40 are held by Meiteis and the rest 20 seats are held by Kukis and Nagas. Both the BJP and Congress are fielding Kuki and Naga candidates this time.",insufficient-neutral
Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas so it is the main cause of recent global warming,"Water vapor may be the most abundant GHG keeping the planet habitable, but it is not a major driver of long-term climate change and the recent global warming we are experiencing. It is incorrect to claim that because water vapor is natural and the greenhouse effect is natural, recent global warming must be natural. Water vapor is fundamentally different from the other GHGs which directly cause global warming. It has a negligible ERF, it leaves the atmosphere in a matter of days, and it is ultimately governed by temperature rather than human emissions. It is more of a consequence of global warming than a cause. We already know beyond any reasonable doubt that anthropogenic emissions of the other GHGs like CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide, is the primary cause of global warming. Water vapor is not relevant when it comes to the enhanced greenhouse effect in the context of recent global warming.",refutes
There are no FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines on the U.S market as of May 2023,"- ^ ""Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine"". U.S. Food & Drug Administration. 11 December 2023. Retrieved 26 January 2024. [...] - ^ a b ""(CDC) Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine"". U.S. Food & Drug Administration. 10 May 2023. [...] - ^ ""Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine"". U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 1 November 2023. Retrieved 26 January 2024.",insufficient-neutral
"claims a ""huge percentage"" of deported Salvadorans were murdered or harmed upon being deported back to El Salvador","Those 4000 deportees, and we’ll move quickly now in our timeline, have now become 60,000 gang members. They are now present in all 14 states of El Salvador. After years of disregarding the problem, and hard line measures taken since 2003 to address it (when repression was thought to be the avenue to a solution, though each year only proved to show that repression increased gang violence in terms of homicides and gang numbers), these failed policies left El Salvador with the highest murder rate in the world by 2009. The rate was of 71 homicides per 100,000 people. [...] Of course, this primarily affects the young in the rural areas. The marginalized are dominated by the gangs. 50 to 60 percent of Salvadorans live in these areas. The people in these areas are facing a war. The young, those between 9 and 17 years old that aren’t involved in gangs, are caught in the crossfire. The police see them as gang members and treat them as such. There have been cases of extra-judicial executions of people that weren’t gang members. Then also, there are the pressures and threats from the gang itself to join. These young people live between two powerful and violent forces. They have no choice but to resign themselves to a hard life of uncertainty, closed off inside their homes, with miserable wages—or try to flee the country in search of a better life.",insufficient-neutral
"Michelle Obama called country music ""intellectually devoid"" and ""music for morons.""",There is no record of Michelle Obama making the comments. The claim originated on a satire website.,refutes
French Guiana is a territory of Suriname,"French Guiana , French Guyane Française, Overseas department of France, northeastern coast of South America. Area: 32,373 sq mi (83,846 sq km). Population: (2024 est.) 311,400. Capital: Cayenne. It is bounded by Brazil to the south and east, by Suriname to the west, and by the Atlantic Ocean to the northeast. Most of French Guiana is low-lying, with mountains in the south and a swampy coastal plain. The Maroni River forms the border with Suriname. French Guiana’s population is mostly Creole. The principal languages are French (official) and creole; nine-tenths of the people are Roman Catholic. Originally settled by the Spanish, French, and Dutch, the territory of French Guiana was awarded to France in 1667, and the inhabitants were made French citizens after 1877. By 1852 the French began using the territory for penal settlement; the penal colony at Devils Island was notorious. French Guiana became a department of France in 1946; the penal colonies were closed by 1953.",refutes
“Salt does not raise blood pressure”,"Detrimental effects of high salt intake on blood pressure (BP), especially systolic BP, are well documented in the literature [1,2,3]. High BP, a primary modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) [4], can be prevented and managed with reduced salt intake [5]. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends intakes of less than 5 g/day of salt, or 2 g/day of sodium, in adults for chronic disease prevention [3]. [...] Migdal KU, Robinson AT, Watso JC, Babcock MC, Serrador JM, Farquhar WB. A high-salt meal does not augment blood pressure responses during maximal exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2020;45:123–8. [...] Arcand J, Wong MMY, Santos JA, Leung AA, Trieu K, Thout SR, et al. More evidence that salt increases blood pressure and risk of kidney disease from the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (April–July 2016). J Clin Hypertens. 2017;19:813–23.",insufficient-neutral
"The cyclical activity of the Sun as well as other variations in solar and earth activity, and NOT anthropogenic CO2 emissions, are responsible for climate change","Planetary Alignments, Solar Activity and Climatic Change [...] Historical data suggest a relation between the changing level of solar activity and climatic change on Earth. Since there is also evidence that the solar cycle of activity is influenced by the alignments of the planets, through tidal interactions with the Sun, it seems that climatic change might be predicted by studying these alignments. [...] Recent cyclic changes in climate and in abundance of marine life",insufficient-supports
"until the 1960s, Indigenous Australians were classified as animals under the Flora and Fauna Act","- Until the mid-60s, Indigenous Australians came under the Flora and Fauna Act, which classified them as animals, not human beings. This also meant that killing an indigenous Australian meant you weren’t killing a human being, but an animal. ""I was a child. It still staggers me that for the first 10 years of my life, I existed under the Flora and Fauna Act of NSW."" Linda Burney MP - Forcibly removed from their parents under government policy. Children stolen from their families, creating the Stolen Generation.",supports
Shatt al-Arab is a territory of Iran,"The Shatt al-Arab (Arabic: شط العرب, lit. 'River of the Arabs'; Persian: اروندرود, romanized: Arvand Rud, lit. 'Swift River'[5]) is a river about 200 kilometres (120 mi) in length that is formed at the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the town of al-Qurnah in the Basra Governorate of southern Iraq. The southern end of the river constitutes the Iran–Iraq border down to its mouth, where it discharges into the Persian Gulf. The Shatt al-Arab varies in width from about 232 metres (761 ft) at Basra to 800 metres (2,600 ft) at its mouth. It is thought that the waterway formed relatively recently in geological time, with the Tigris and Euphrates originally emptying into the Persian Gulf via a channel further to the west. Kuwait's Bubiyan Island is part of the Shatt al-Arab delta.[1] [...] Geography [edit]The Shatt al-Arab is formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers at Al-Qurnah, and flows into the Persian Gulf south of the city of Al-Faw. It receives the Karun at Khorramshahr. [...] - ^ ""Shatt al Arab"". Oxford Public International Law. Retrieved 23 April 2022.",supports
The Rs.500 note with green security thread closer to Mahatma Gandhi picture is a fake note,"Security thread: Rs.1000 notes introduced in October 2000 contain a readable, windowed security thread alternately visible on the obverse with the inscriptions ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), ‘1000’ and ‘RBI’, but totally embedded on the reverse. The Rs.500 and Rs.100 notes have a security thread with similar visible features and inscription ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), and ‘RBI’. When held against the light, the security thread on Rs.1000, Rs.500 and Rs.100 can be seen as one continuous line. The Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.20 and Rs.50 notes contain a readable, fully embedded security thread with the inscription ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), and ‘RBI’. The security thread appears to the left of the Mahatma's portrait. Notes issued prior to the introduction of the Mahatma Gandhi Series have a plain, non-readable fully embedded security thread.",insufficient-neutral
"“COVID Vaccines Were Never Safe for Pregnant Women, Pfizer’s own data show”","Covid vaccines safe in pregnancy, data shows - Published The UK's Health Security Agency says its analysis, external of English data shows Covid vaccines are safe in pregnancy, reinforcing international evidence. [...] ""Every pregnant woman who has not yet been vaccinated should feel confident to go and get the jab and that this will help to prevent the serious consequences of catching Covid in pregnancy,"" she said.",refutes
Former Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar along with his wife met Narendra Modi to show his support for BJP in the General Elections-2019.,"DHARAMSALA: Former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, accompanied by his wife Anjali, has reached Dharamsala for a three day stay to meet their son Arjun, who was undergoing a training session by National Cricket Academy at scenic cricket stadium. [...] Tendulkar had avoided the queries of media stating that he loves this hill town and therefore was staying here for couple of days.",insufficient-neutral
Bousignies-sur-Roc is a territory of Belgium,"""I was happy, my town was bigger,"" David Lavaux, Mayor of the Belgian village of Erquelinnes, told a French TV station. ""But the Mayor of Bousignies-sur-Roc didn't agree."" Bousignies-sur-Roc is a commune on the French side of the border, which was established in 1820 after the Battle of Waterloo, which was fought in Belgium. [...] ""We should be able to avoid a new border war,"" Bousignies-sur-Roc Mayor Aurélie Welonek told French media. ""Our two countries get along well, so there were no great concerns at this point.""",refutes
"Rahul Gandhi: “Surgical strikes and Air strikes happened during UPA government but we didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce”.","The source of the information being posted by many users on Facebook is a parody account which posts satirical and parody content. So, the claim made is FALSE.",refutes
"Vitamins C and D are now finally being adopted in the conventional treatment of SARS-CoV-2; Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses; vitamin D helps the body fight SARS-CoV-2 infection and can cut infection risk.","From your article titled ""Vitamin C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment"" ( [...] - ""[V]itamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, effectively inactivating viruses."" - ""While high-dose vitamin C is new for COVID-19 treatment, it’s been used as a treatment for sepsis since about 2017. The vitamin C-based sepsis treatment was developed by Dr. Paul Marik …. In the interview above, Marik explains how the COVID-19 critical care protocol grew out of his sepsis treatment, as he and other doctors noticed there were many similarities between sepsis and severe COVID-19 infection ….""",insufficient-supports
Climate Change Is A Scam !!,"The claim: Human-caused climate change is a hoax [...] One Facebook user posted on April 19 claiming, among other things, that ""man-made climate change (is a) scam."" [...] The claim that human-caused climate change is a hoax is FALSE, based on our research. The scientific consensus is that climate change is a product of human-produced gases that trap heat on Earth. Both government organizations and papers in scientific journals have concluded with a high degree of certainty that climate change is human-made.",refutes
Remba is a territory of Uganda,"Remba IsLand community solar project Remba Island is a Kenyan Island in Lake Victoria, close to Uganda. [...] The Remba project represents a structural blueprint that integrates these economic efficiency enablers, each alone transforming our world. Once piloted, the blueprint will be expanded to other sites in a scalable, environmentally and economically self-sustainable manner. Not just with the objective to power Africa’s 600 million people without electricity, but also to substitute diesel as the prime source of electricity for another of Africa’s 300 million people who rely on it.",insufficient-refutes
The Electronic Registration Information Center is “a system that’s funded by George Soros.”,"Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) [...] The Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, is a multistate partnership that utilizes a sophisticated, secure data-matching tool to improve the accuracy and efficiency of state voter registration systems. ERIC is owned, managed, and funded by participating states and was formed in 2012 with assistance from The Pew Charitable Trusts. [...] ERIC uses advanced technology to compare information on eligible voters from official data submitted by member states, such as voter registration rolls and motor vehicle records, as well as U.S. Postal Service addresses and Social Security death records. States then receive reports from ERIC that identify voters whose records might no longer be up-to-date, because they have moved, changed their names, or died.",insufficient-refutes
Government has provided for integrated development and management of fisheries with an outlay of Rs. 3000 crores.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes claims about fish production in the country. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
“Disney and Google bought the rights to the first King James Bible.”,This story originated on a satire site.,refutes
Qazakh Rayon is a territory of Armenia,"Gazakh (Azerbaijani: Qazax; also known as Kazakh or Qazakh) is a rayon of Azerbaijan. It has two exclaves inside Armenia, Yukhari Askipara and Barkhudarli, both of which came under Armenian control during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. In antiquity, this rayon was part of the province of Utik. The region was conquered by a succession of neighbouring powers or invaders, including Sassanid Persians, the Byzantine Empire, the Arabs, the Seljuq Turks, the Georgians, the Mongols, the Timurids, the Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu Turkoman tribes, and finally Safavid Iran. It was also ruled by Ottoman Empire between 1578 and 1607 and again 1722 and 1735. [...] Ismayil Shykhly - (1919–1995) National Writer of Azerbaijan, scientist- pedagogue, social-political figure.",supports
There is a greater chance of a motorcyclist aged 67 in Northern Ireland dying in a motorcycle collision than being affected by COVID-19.,"Data shows that there have been no motorcyclists of Sammy Wilson MP’s age who have died as a result of a motorcycle collision in Northern Ireland, in the past three years. In 2020, there were 157 deaths registered related to COVID-19, of men aged 65–74. At the time of this claim, the probability of being infected by COVID-19 in Northern Ireland was an estimated 1 in 200 (now thought to be 1 in 60).",refutes
A Recent Incident: Mob Destroying President Wickremesinghe`s Banner !!,"Six-time Sri Lanka’s prime minister, President Ranil Wickremesinghe had long aspired to the pinnacle of power, enduring setback after setback but always managing to recover from seemingly impossible defeats. [...] Wickremesinghe is a divisive figure, unpopular among Sri Lankans fed up with shortages of food, fuel, and medicine. Last week, protesters burned his private residence to the ground. [...] Wickremesinghe tends to keep his private life under wraps. He is married to Maitree Wickremesinghe, a professor and expert on gender and women’s studies.",insufficient-neutral
Limbang District is a territory of Malaysia,"Limbang is a border city and the capital of Limbang District in the Limbang Division of northern Sarawak, East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. It is placed on the banks of the Limbang River, between the two halves of Brunei. The Limbang District, which these days is part of Sarawak, become originally part of the Sultanate of Brunei following the founding of the Bruneian Empire and remained so till the reign of Sultan Hashim. However, it turned into most effective after the signing of the Treaty of Protection of 1888 that Brunei lost control over the territory, taken through force. This treaty finally did no longer shop Brunei from overseas intervention because the British did no longer save you Charles Brooke from seizing Limbang in 1890. In 1901 and 1902, Brooke and Hewett requested Sultan Hashim to cede Belait and Tutong to them however Sultan Hashim refused and said, ""What would appear to me, my chiefs and my descendants? I ought to be left like a tree, stripped of branches and twigs"".""The lack of Limbang had crippled him, like the loss of a limb"". Limbang monetary importance was realised from the 15th century until now. When Limbang became nonetheless below the rule of thumb of Brunei, Limbang turned into taken into consideration because the ""Rice Bowl"" of Brunei as Limbang turned into a major manufacturer and dealer of sago and rice to Brunei. - Home - Malaysia - Limbang Tours - About Limbang - Log in - Enquiry Form",supports
a [group] of people is injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS,"1. No one is injecting fruit with HIV-positive blood. This particular urban legend is not a new one, but it got a boost again this week on Facebook: Since the beginning of November, hundreds of people have re-shared a long debunked post about ""HIV-positive"" oranges, and on Nov. 9, a woman named Anna Aquavia kicked off a new scare about some mysterious villain ""injecting blood into bananas."" [...] As for the oranges, that rumor started last February, when a woman named Ty Smith claimed that ""the immigration services of Algeria"" intercepted a batch of Libyan oranges that had been injected with ""Hiv & AIDS blood."" For one thing, Libya has exported only a negligible number of oranges since 2007, according to the UN, and those have all gone to Egypt. For another, agricultural inspections wouldn’t be handled by immigration. On top of all that, the HIV virus cannot survive outside the human body. From the Centers for Disease Control:",refutes
mages showing the technological upgrades in the Indian Railways before and after the BJP government in the country,"The staff in the Indian rail network are using various innovative technological solutions to improve efficiency, ranging from customer service to maintenance and repair work. Having a workforce management platform helps the staff to plan and schedule processes in a planner software for control over the entire workforce process such as capacity planning, daily task scheduling, real-time rescheduling, routes, employee availability and competing time slots. [...] The Indian rail network is continuously enhancing the passenger experience through digital technologies. The modern features such as facial recognition, emergency talk-back system, WiFi infotainment system, automatic plug-door and step control have completely changed the passenger travel experience. [...] Over the last couple of years, technology and innovation have been changing the face of the Railways as it has embraced digitalisation in all spheres of its operations such as asset management, train signalling, manufacturing, passenger information system and coach factory automation. With the Railways’ digital transformation, the industry will accelerate new railway intelligence thus enabling enhanced industry-wide knowledge and business model innovation.",insufficient-neutral
Cristiano Ronaldo was the only European soccer captain who did not wear a rainbow armband at Euro 2020.,"There is evidence that three team captains — from Germany, England, and Denmark — wore rainbow or pro-LGBTQ+ armbands during this tournament, which included 24 teams. Germany’s captain, Manuel Neuer, was briefly investigated by the Union of European Football Associations for his rainbow armband. Cristiano Ronaldo was among many other captains who wore normal armbands.",refutes
"Claims that George Washington once said, ""Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty, teeth and keystone under independence.""","The Washington state legislature finds that the right to keep and bear arms embodied in the federal and state Constitutions is a fundamental freedom that existed long before the founding of this nation and state and this right should continue to be protected, nurtured, and expanded. The legislature further finds that the founding fathers of our nation and state wanted to have firearms in the hands of ordinary citizens as a means of protecting freedom and deterring potential despots from undermining our constitutional republic by force. The American revolution was won by an armed populace against the British standing army. [...] George Washington, America's first president, said, ""Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."" [...] As a result of these lessons from history, it is the intent of the legislature to promote freedom and protect public safety by enacting the Washington state firearms civil rights act and by imposing civil and criminal penalties on any person or public official who unlawfully or unconstitutionally interferes with the right of a citizen to keep and bear arms, or who criminally possesses or uses a firearm.",insufficient-supports
Colloidal silver is effective for any infection,"Colloidal silver does not treat infections when taken orally and can cause side effects [...] This claim was published in a Jan. 2020 blog post promoting the sale of colloidal silver products. The post went viral on Facebook in the same month, receiving more than 11,000 interactions on the platform within a week of publication. The article claims that colloidal silver effectively fights against any bacterial, fungal, or viral infection, calling it ""a modern and fabulously effective treatment with virtually no side effects"". [...] However, effective applications of silver as a medicine have been limited to topical treatments (such as application of a cream containing silver directly to a wound). There is no evidence that consuming or nasally spraying colloidal silver treats ""any infection"", as the claim states, or ""supports the immune system"". According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, consuming colloidal silver or using it as a nasal spray can even cause health problems such as argyria, which is an irreversible blue-gray skin discoloration[9]. A 2018 review estimated that 70 – 1500 mg silver/kg body weight could induce argyria[10]. Colloidal silver can also interfere with the action of other drugs, such as thyroxine which is used to treat thyroid deficiency.",refutes
Wearing face masks can cause harmful levels of reduced oxygen.,This claim is not accurate. Face masks have no impact on oxygen levels.,refutes
Europa Island is a territory of France,"Visit Europa Island, a French territory located in the Indian Ocean. Explore untouched landscapes and discover diverse marine life in this remote paradise. [...] Europa Island is a stunning destination located in the Mozambique Channel, between Mozambique and Madagascar. With its pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and diverse marine life, this French overseas territory is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The island is known for its unique ecosystem, combining tropical and coastal environments. Visitors can explore the island’s lagoon, hike through its lush forests, or dive into its vibrant coral reefs. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, Europa Island offers a truly unforgettable experience. [...] In recent decades, the island’s importance as an ecological haven has been further recognized. It has become a focal point for scientific research, especially in the study of migratory birds, turtles, and marine ecosystems. However, the island’s status has not been without disputes. While the French maintain control, Madagascar has also laid a claim to Europa Island, viewing it as part of its sovereign territory. This territorial dispute, while not escalated to a major diplomatic crisis, remains unresolved. The French government, in collaboration with conservationists, has made significant efforts to protect and conserve the unique habitats on Europa Island. Restrictions on human activities ensure that the island’s environment remains as undisturbed as possible. Today, apart from a small military outpost and a weather station, the island remains largely uninhabited, serving as a testament to nature’s resilience and beauty.",insufficient-refutes
an Oxford University student named Boston Regan has become one of the youngest PhD graduates in the world.,"FACT CHECK: Did This Oxford University Student Become One Of The World’s Youngest PhDs? A post shared on Facebook, along with an accompanying video, claims an Oxford University student named Boston Regan has become one of the youngest PhD graduates in the world. [...] The video tells the story of an alleged Oxford University student who overcame panic attacks and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to become one of the world’s youngest PhD holders. (RELATED: Did An 11-Year-Old ‘Shark Tank’ Contestant Invent A Device To Give The World Free Wi-Fi?)",insufficient-neutral
Farm credit target has been raised to a record high of 11 lakh crore rupees for 2018-19.,"The third claim is that farm credit target has been raised to a record high of 11 lakh crore rupees for 2018-19. The Finance minister, in his budget speech (2018-19) announced that the target for the institutional credit for the agricultural sector has been raised to 11 lakh crore rupees from 10 lakh crores in 2017-18 and from 8.5 lakh crore in 2014-15. In the 2013-14 budget, the then Finance Minister had announced increasing the target of farm credit to 7 lakh crore rupees for 2013-14. The following graph shows the increase in farm credit targets in the Union budget since 2009-10. The data has been gathered from the union budget speeches over the years.Successive governments have increased farm credit target every year. During the 2nd term of UPA between 2009-10 to 2013-14, the farm credit target increased from 3.3 lakh crore rupees to 7 lakh crore rupees (an increase of more than 100%). On the other hand, during the current government, the farm credit target has increased from 8 lakh crore rupees in 2014-15 to 11 lakh crore rupees in 2018-19 (an increase of about 40%). [...] Fact: Farm credit target has been set at 11 lakh crores in the budget of 2018-19. Though it is a record high, this is inline with the increase that happens every year during successive governments. Hence, the claim is PARTLY TRUE. It also has to be noted that successive governments have increased the farm credit target and the increase during the UPA-2 was over 100%, more than the percentage increase during the current government.",supports
"Claims that novelist George Orwell once said, ""People sleep peacefully in their Beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.""","Perhaps you could help out famous Science Fiction author William Gibson, who recently tried to trace down the origin of the following sentence, often attributed to George Orwell: ""People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" [...] This is the closest passage in Orwell’s writings that has been found to the following quotation popularly attributed to him: ""People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" (Or sometimes, ""We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us."")",insufficient-refutes
Drinking bottled water with an acidic pH is bad for your health,"Results: The pH values for the tested beverages and bottled waters were found to be predominantly acidic. Ten out of the 14 beverages tested were acidic (pH<7), 2 municipal (or ""tap"") waters were neutral (pH=7) and 2 bottled waters were alkaline (pH>7). The majority of waters tested had a more acidic pH when tested in the lab than the value listed in their water quality reports. [...] Table I and Figure 1 show that most of the waters tested had an acidic pH. Compared with the most acidic non-water beverage (Coke®), which tested at a pH of 2.24, Ozarka Natural Spring Water® was the most acidic water, with a pH of 5.16. The following waters had a pH just below neutral (or pH=7): Nestlé PureLife® (6.24), Evian Natural Spring Water® (6.89), Fiji Water® (6.90) and Smartwater® (6.91). Both municipal (or public) water supplies (Houston and Pasadena) had a neutral pH, with Houston's being 7.29 and Pasadena's 7.58. The 2 commercially available alkaline bottled waters evaluated were Evamor® and Essentia®, either of which can be purchased online or in specialty grocery stores and guarantee an alkaline pH. Each of these, as evidenced in Table I, was found to have a pH above 7, with Evamor® testing at 8.78 and Essentia® at 10.38. Table II illustrates the type of filtration process by which each brand of bottled water is purified, along with the reported TDS.",insufficient-neutral
Prevlaka is a territory of Croatia,"Prevlaka is a peninsula in Croatia at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor in southern Dalmatia, approx. 2.5 km and 460 m wide at its widest part. The Prevlaka peninsula is the southernmost land point in Croatia. It is located in the southeastern part of Konavle, and at its end is the fortress Punta Oštro. Punta Oštro is the old name of the penisula and the fortress, which is 2.5 kilometers away on foot. As part of the fort on Cape Oštra is a lighthouse, a station for transmitting signs and a military house. At the top of Prevlaka there is a dock for boats. [...] Prevlaka Park, in addition to being beautiful for walking, swimming and enjoying untouched nature, there you can play paintball and other games. Kids will enjoy the train ride. At the very end of the peninsula is a fortress from the Austro-Hungarian era that controlled the entrance to the Bay of Kotor.",refutes
"Patent US5676977A is for AIDS, patent US8835624B1 is for H1N1, patents US7897744B2 and US8506968B2 are for SARS","US8835624B1 - Influenza A H1N1 subtype-specific aptamer and applications thereof - Google Patents Influenza A H1N1 subtype-specific aptamer and applications thereof Download PDFInfo - Publication number - US8835624B1 US8835624B1 US14/185,196 US201414185196A US8835624B1 US 8835624 B1 US8835624 B1 US 8835624B1 US 201414185196 A US201414185196 A US 201414185196A US 8835624 B1 US8835624 B1 US 8835624B1 - Authority - US - United States - Prior art keywords - influenza - aptamer - subtype - virus - seq - Prior art date - Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.) [...] - the present invention provides an aptamer with high specificity and binding activity for Influenza A H1N1 subtype virus, which was selected using the combination of systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) and microfluidic chip technology.",insufficient-neutral
Shaksgam Valley is a territory of India,"New Delhi: The Shaksgam Valley is a part of the territory of India, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said today amid reports of China building infrastructure in the valley, a strategically located region that is now part of the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said that India ""never accepted the so-called China-Pakistan Boundary Agreement of 1963 through which Pakistan unlawfully attempted to cede the area to China"".",insufficient-refutes
"Viruses don’t exist, terrain theory explains why diseases occur","Diseases can have infectious and non-infectious causes. Germ theory holds that certain diseases can be caused by microorganisms. This theory is key to our modern ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases. It explains why things like antibiotics, vaccines, and improvements in sanitation produced public health breakthroughs. While some diseases can be caused by deficiencies in the individual, in keeping with the concept of the terrain theory, such as Vitamin C deficiency, this doesn’t mean that all diseases are caused by imbalances in the body.",insufficient-neutral
"By subjecting water to immense pressure and directing it through a minuscule nozzle, it can effectively cut through the hardest materials, including rocks, metals, bulletproof glass, and even diamonds","high-pressure phenomena, changes in physical, chemical, and structural characteristics that matter undergoes when subjected to high pressure. Pressure thus serves as a versatile tool in materials research, and it is especially important in the investigation of the rocks and minerals that form the deep interior of the Earth and other planets.",insufficient-neutral
This song is an anthem created by the New Zealand government,"A video of a song performance is circulating on social media, claiming that it features an anthem created by the New Zealand government and performed at a Church named ‘Abadala’. Let’s find out the authenticity of this claim through this fact-checking article. [...] Firstly, we thoroughly searched the internet with relevant keywords to know if the New Zealand government created and produced such an ‘anthem’. But that did not yield any credible information supporting the existence of such an anthem created by the New Zealand government with 99 special names of Allah. Apart from that, we also did not find a Church named ‘Abadala,’ which the post claims to be where this song was performed. [...] To sum up, the viral video claiming to be a New Zealand government anthem with 99 special names of Allah is actually from a concert held in Istanbul, Turkey, featuring the Sarajevo Fatih Sultan Mehmet Choir.",refutes
Preah Vihear Temple is a territory of Cambodia,"Prasat Preah Vihear (ព្រះវិហារ) is a Khmer (Cambodian) temple crowning a 525-m cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains in Cambodia, across the border from Si Saket and Kantharalak in northeastern Thailand. It is also the name of the surrounding province. [...] Though at the edge of a cliff whose top mostly belongs to present-day Thailand, and for some years occupied by that country, the temple was nonetheless claimed by Cambodia on the basis of a map prepared during French colonial times. In 1959 Cambodia brought the dispute to the International Court of Justice, which in 1962 ruled that, because Thailand had for years accepted this map, Cambodia had sovereignty over Preah Vihear. Soon afterwards Cambodia was plunged into civil war. The temple remained open to the public from Thailand (although unreachable from Cambodia) until 1975, when it was occupied by the Khmer Rouge, whose rusting artillery guns still litter the area. It was re-opened from the Thai side in 1998, and in 2003 Cambodia completed the construction of a long-awaited access road allowing Cambodians to visit the temple. In 2008, after a contentious nomination process, the temple was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. [...] Stay safe [edit]Preah Vihear is the subject of a long-running territorial dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, and several soldiers on both sides were killed in clashes in 2008, 2009 & 2011. In Nov 2013 the UN's International Court of Justice ruled that the temple area and most of the disputed land were sovereign Cambodian territory. Thai officials pledged to abide by the ruling.",supports
Doctors are ‘injecting poison’ into babies every two months.,"FULL CLAIM: ‘Can we abnormalize taking a healthy baby to the doctor every two months, injecting poison into his/her arm, returning home with a sick baby—and then referring [to] it as a ""wellness visit"". Utter madness.’ [...] Owens described vaccination as ""injecting poison"", which is in line with many anti-vaccination claims that mislead about the safety of vaccine ingredients. Health Feedback has addressed several of these claims previously: [...] The childhood vaccine schedule is designed to protect against various infectious diseases. Contrary to the misleading claim of ""injecting poison"", vaccines are carefully formulated to train the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens without causing the disease.",refutes
Megan Rapinoe has been released from the U.S. Olympic team,"A post shared on Facebook claims Megan Rapinoe, a U.S. women’s national soccer team player, was removed from the squad for assaulting another player. There is no evidence suggesting Rapinoe was removed from the team for any reason. The viral claim stems from a satirical website. [...] The claim is baseless. There are no credible news reports suggesting Rapinoe has been removed from the team. There is likewise no mention of any altercation between Rapinoe and her teammates or her alleged removal from the team on the team’s website. She continues to be listed on the team’s roster.",refutes
Visuals showing a Dalit girl being beaten for bathing in river and contaminating the water,"KENDRAPARA (Odisha): A dalit woman was allegedly beaten up by members of upper caste for drawing potable water from a government-dug deep tube well in their area at a village in Odisha's Kendrapara district, police said on Wednesday.",insufficient-supports
Barahoti is a territory of India,"Contestations along the Sino-Indian border are complex and deeply region-specific. When it comes to Barahoti the same understanding of where the border is has never been accepted by China, Tibet, or India. Barahoti is a grazing ground about 16,000 feet above sea-level, close to the Tun Jun La pass between India and Tibet. To date there is no agreement on the geographical location of Barahoti. India claims it lies two miles south of Tun Jun La, China say it is 12 km to the north of the pass (Mathur 2012). In the everyday functioning of the local state’s outpost, this zone is a forgotten space where herdsmen, primarily Bhotiyas (lit. of Tibet) still take their livestock for grazing as the seasons change. In addition, a small contingent of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is stationed there.",insufficient-neutral
World’s biggest Anaconda snake which is 134 feet long and 2067 Kgs weight.,"As per the Guinness World Records, the longest snake ever in captivity is ‘Medusa’ and it is of length 25 feet 2 inches and weight 158.8 kgs. And, as per the National Geographic Channel, the ‘Green Anaconda’ is the largest snake in the world with length up to 30 feet and weighs up to 250 kgs. Also, the photo in the post is photoshopped. So, the claim is FALSE.",refutes
"Kansas City Chiefs co-owner Clark Hunt told his players, coach and staff that he would ""immediately fire"" anyone who does not stand for the playing of the national anthem.","Hunt did not say the statement, though he publicly expressed support for his player standing during the national anthem in the past.",refutes
Claims Trey Gowdy made a statement defending the transgender military ban,"FACT CHECK: Did Trey Gowdy Defend The Transgender Military Ban In An Interview With CNN? A post shared on Facebook more than 92,000 times claims that, when asked about the transgender military ban by a CNN reporter, former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said, ""Nobody has the right to serve in the military."" [...] The Facebook post, which has been shared more than 92,000 times, alleges that Gowdy gave a statement defending the transgender military ban in an interview with a CNN reporter. It is accompanied by a photo of Gowdy. (RELATED: Will Sonic The Hedgehog Be Transgender In An Upcoming Movie?)",insufficient-neutral
"Bharatmala Pariyojana: Phase 1: 5,35,000 crore rupees for expanding highways sector with multi-modal integration","- As of March 2022, the government plans to spend Rs. 10,565 crore (US$ 1.38 billion) on the Trans-Arunachal Highway and Kaladan Multi-Model Transport Project, as well as other roads development projects such as capital connectivity, district connectivity, connectivity to the international border, and improvement and strengthening of roads in the region of Sikkim. [...] - Under Phase-I of Bharatmala Pariyojana, the Ministry has approved implementation of 34,800 km of national highways in 5 years with an outlay of Rs. 5,35,000 crore (US$ 76.55 billion). Under this scheme, 22 greenfield projects (8,000 kms length) are being constructed; this is worth Rs. 3.26 lakh crore (US$ 43.94 billion). [...] - In August 2021, the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Mr. Nitin Gadkari, announced to launch 1,080-km (road construction) projects worth Rs. 25,370 crore (US$ 3.4 billion) in Gujarat under the Bharatmala Pariyojana—the ambitious road and highways project that aims to build highways from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and then cover the entire string of Himalayan territories.",supports
"""The Trump administration handed out taxpayer dollars to a foreign company. Hundreds of homes and farms were bulldozed, and over $500 million in taxpayer dollars were wasted preparing for Foxconn.""","It might be funny, she added — except that local and state governments spent roughly $500 million to buy land, bulldoze houses and build infrastructure for an unfulfilled manufacturing megasite that was supposed to include dozens of futuristic buildings and a factory to produce flat-panel displays for televisions. [...] By the time the Foxconn deal was slimmed down, the Village of Mount Pleasant and Racine County had already borrowed more than a combined $300 million to buy land and lay water and sewer pipes required by the originally promised LCD factory. State taxpayers and a local utility, meanwhile, were in the process of spending nearly $300 million on roads and power lines, according to the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau. [...] Soon after the initial grand promises, Foxconn began repeatedly changing plans for the site, throwing out so many ideas that locals lost track. First it said the LCD factory would be scaled down to produce smaller flat-panel displays. Then, even as houses were being demolished in early 2019, a Foxconn executive told Reuters: ""In Wisconsin we’re not building a factory."" A conversation with Trump prompted the company to backtrack again and recommit to an LCD plant.",supports
claims Mitt Romney has purportedly threatened to leave the Republican Party and join the Democrats,"The claim: Mitt Romney threatened to leave the Republican party and become a Democrat [...] ""Senator #MittRomney Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats,"" reads the post. [...] - Wall Street Journal, July 24, Donors, Don’t Fund a Trump Plurality - Salt Lake Tribune, April 12, Mitt Romney takes first step toward 2024 Senate reelection campaign - Politico, Dec. 20, 2020, Romney: GOP ‘has strayed’ from what he once knew - Associated Press, July 21, No, Mitt Romney has not threatened to leave the GOP - Federal Election Commission, July 14, STATEMENT OF CANDIDACY FILING FEC-1713522",refutes
Three-quarters of non-voters in Northern Ireland are pro-Union.,"Almost a fifth of voters in Northern Ireland, including nearly a third of voters from a Protestant background, say they would find a vote in favour of a united Ireland ""almost impossible to accept"", according to an Ipsos opinion poll. [...] In Northern Ireland, just under half (47 per cent) of all voters said they would ""happily accept"" a vote in favour of unity. A further 26 per cent said that they ""would not be happy but could live it"", but 18 per cent of all voters — which includes 32 per cent of voters from a Protestant background, and 14 per cent of voters from a non-Catholic and non-Protestant background — said they would find this result ""almost impossible to accept"". Acceptance of a pro-union result was much higher. Almost three-quarters of voters (73 per cent) in the North said they would ""happily accept"" this outcome, with 19 per cent reluctantly accepting it and just 2 per cent who said they would find it ""almost impossible to accept"".",insufficient-contradictory
Cardinal Stepping Down As Archbishop Of Colombo!!,His Grace the Archbishop Oswald Gomis Archbishop Emeritus of Colombo was called to eternal rest on the 3rd of February... […] [...] The body of His Grace the Archbishop Oswald Gomis Archbishop Emeritus of Colombo was brought today (3rd) morning to the... […] [...] Archbishop of Colombo Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith yesterday addressed the media at the archbishop’s house on the current unrest prevailing in... […],insufficient-contradictory
Qaruh is a territory of Kuwait,"Qaruh Island (Arabic: جزيرة قاروه) is an island belonging to the state of Kuwait, which received its name from the large amounts of petroleum sediments in the area (known as Qar in Arabic). It is the smallest of the nine islands, and also the furthest island from the Kuwaiti mainland. It is located 37.5 kilometres east of the mainland coast, and 17 kilometres northeast of Umm al Maradim. The island is roughly 275 meters long by 175 meters at its widest (area about 3.5 ha. The island was also the first part of Kuwaiti soil that was liberated from Iraq during the Gulf War on January 21, 1991. Wikiwand in your browser!",supports
there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by humans[...] carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate,"While CO2 constitutes a small percentage of the gases in the atmosphere, it is a critically important ""knob"" controlling Earth's climate. When the concentration of CO2 increases, more outgoing heat energy is absorbed, raising surface temperatures.",refutes
"claims that Mark Twain once said, ""If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.""","A quotation misattributed to Mark Twain is circulating online and suggests the famous writer disparaged voting. Actually, he celebrated it. [...] A bogus quotation that’s been circulating on Facebook recently with a picture of Twain was a new addition to his list of fakes. It says: ""If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it."" [...] This supposed quotation, though, misrepresents Twain’s actual thoughts on voting.",refutes
Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre (ISLRTC) established.,"Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre (ISLRTC) is an autonomous organization established under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, (Registration Number S/1440/2016), under the aegis of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi. It was established on 28th September 2015. [...] Training Session on ISL ISLRTC organized online training session on Indian Sign Language on…",supports
purports Trump said 'Israel has hypnotized the world',"CLAIM: A clip shows former President Donald Trump saying at a rally that ""Israel has hypnotized the world"" and has committed ""evil-doings."" [...] THE FACTS: As fighting continued on the fourth day of the latest Israel-Hamas war, some on social media shared the misleadingly edited clip to suggest that Trump had spoken out against Israel. ""Israel has hypnotized the world,"" the clip shows Trump saying amid boos from the crowd. ""May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil-doings of Israel and the United States.""",refutes
Hainan is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Hainan (Chinese: 海南; pinyin: Hǎinán ▶) is the smallest province of the People's Republic of China, located off the southern coast of the country. It consists of several islands, the largest of which is also called Hainan Island (Hainan Dao). When speaking of ""Hainan"" in Chinese, it is usually the main Hainan Island that is referred to. The province is closest in proximity to Guangxi autonomous region and Guangdong province to the north, and the port cities of Hong Kong and Macau to the northeast. Hainan island was called the Pearl Cliffs (珠崖 Zhūyá), Fine Jade Cliffs (瓊崖 Qióngyá), and the Fine Jade Land (瓊州 Qióngzhōu). The latter two gave rise to the province's abbreviation, Qióng (琼 in Simplified Chinese), referring to the greenery cover on the island. The People's Republic of China government claims Hainan's territories to extend to the southern Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands and other disputed marine territories. In addition, Hainan is also known as the largest Special Economic Zone laid out by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping after the economic reforms of the late 1970s. [...] Hainan, separated by the Qiongzhou Strait (瓊州海峽) from the Leizhou Peninsula (雷州半島) of Guangdong, is the largest island administered by the People's Republic of China. The PRC however, regard it as the second largest island, since Taiwan is considered the largest. To the west of Hainan is the Gulf of Tonkin. Wuzhi Mountain, at an elevation of 1,876m, is the highest point on the island.",supports
Beware Of Hoax WhatsApp Message Asking To Register For Free Laptops Offered By The Government…,"To avoid falling for the scam, WhatsApp users should follow the Stop, Think, Call method. [...] They are targeting the vulnerable IF YOU HAVE A VULNERABLE RELATIVE, FRIEND OR NEIGHBOUR PLEASE WARN THEM. [...] Don’t fall for their tricks.",supports
“Private insurance gives … better coverage” than people would get under a Medicaid expansion.,"Born asserts cost shouldn’t be factored in to whether Medicaid or private insurance offers better coverage. But the cost of premiums, deductibles and copays are a fundamental part of everyone’s health insurance decisions. And studies show cost is one of the biggest reasons many low-income people don’t get needed care. Born’s claim also ignores the tens of thousands of uninsured who would be able to get largely free coverage through an expanded Medicaid. And experts say access to health care providers is generally similar between Medicaid and private-sector plans, though some specialists are more difficult to find under Medicaid.",insufficient-contradictory
One in five school staff in Northern Ireland are assaulted at least once a week.,The survey data was misinterpreted by ICTU. 1 in 10 of those surveyed experience physical abuse at least once weekly.,refutes
Vitamin B17 “was banned by the US because of its cancer-killing properties”,"Despite the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of so-called alternative cancer treatments, these still continue to be used by patients desperate for a cure. Amygdalin and its synthetic counterpart laetrile are examples of alternative cancer treatments promoted online. However, overwhelming evidence from almost a century of research indicates that both are ineffective against cancer and can instead cause cyanide poisoning. Rather than prolonging life, research shows that switching from conventional cancer treatments to alternative treatments actually reduces the patient’s odds of survival.",insufficient-contradictory
James Shoal is a territory of Republic of China,"James Shoal is a small bank in the South China Sea, lying under the water at a depth of 22 meters (72 feet). It is located about 80 km (50 mi) from the Malaysian coast and about 1,800 km from the Chinese mainland. Both the PRC and ROC officially claim the shoal as the southernmost feature of China. Malaysia also claims the shoal. As the bank is under the water, there is no way to erect a sovereignty stele. On April 20, 2010, however, the Chinese Marine Surveillance Ship-83 came to the water around the shoal. Several officers of the ship threw a sovereignty stele into the water. The stele is a big and heavy marble engraving with the Chinese characters Zhongguo (China). Another report from 2013 tells the story of Chinese naval officers and soldiers participating in an oath-taking ceremony on waters off Zengmu Ansha, pledging to safeguard China’s territorial integrity and marine interests.",insufficient-contradictory
A person’s immune system “tanks” after their second COVID-19 vaccine dose.,"The benefits of prime-boosting with COVID-19 vaccines were initially seen in clinical trials. Early studies of the currently approved COVID-19 vaccines compared the immune responses in people who received one or two vaccine doses. Results showed that after the second dose, people had higher amounts of antibodies to fight the virus, indicating that taking more than one dose would probably increase vaccine effectiveness. [...] The scientists investigated the antibody responses of 250 people vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against five variants of the coronavirus, including the original ""wild type"" that spread in early 2020 as well as the alpha and delta variants and several other forms. After the first and second dose, the researchers looked to see whether people had antibodies able to prevent infection – called neutralising antibodies – for these different forms of the virus. [...] Yet after two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the paper suggests protection against symptomatic COVID-19 rises to 93% against the alpha variant and 88% for the delta variant. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine also sees a lift: after a second dose it’s 66% protective against alpha and 60% effective against delta.",insufficient-neutral
Maggi Noodles in Unhealthy !!,"Maggi is a slow poison that harms all individuals' health, luring them through its tasty nature. But, taste goes secondary to health, doesn't it? Of course, yes, but why not know all the downsides before questioning the Maggi you love! So, given below are the cons of eating Maggi: [...] One of the main health drawbacks of eating Maggi quite usually in the female sector is the undergoing of weaker metabolic processes, which makes you less energetic. Hence, it may reduce their activity power by a considerable amount. This results in a weaker body, making women feel ill and lazy in the long run. [...] The composition of one of the unhealthiest fat, trans fats, makes Maggi unhealthy for all the people who ingest Maggi weekly. Furthermore, trans fats require even longer than saturated fatty acids to break down in the system. Furthermore, trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels while decreasing the benefits of healthy fats. Increased trans-fat intake could lead to obesity, heart disease, and dietary deficits. Being put to use excessively, trans fats are used just to reduce the in-house cost of production, aiming at incurring higher profits for the corporation, at the stake of the health of the Maggi lovers!",supports
"""Higher education is one of America's strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities, (in the) 2018-19 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.”","Higher Education is America’s 10th Top Export, Injecting Over $40 Billion into the U.S. Economy Did you know that the United States has a secret weapon in its economic arsenal? It’s not technology, agriculture, or manufacturing – it’s education. Higher education has quietly become America’s 10th largest export, pumping over $40 billion into the U.S. economy annually. [...] However, this educational export faces challenges. Increasing competition from other countries, visa restrictions, and geopolitical tensions threaten to erode America’s market share. To maintain its edge, the U.S. must continue to invest in its educational institutions and create welcoming policies for international students.",supports
No organisation associated with Islam participated in the relief work during the Odisha train accident,"In the context of the recent Odisha train accident tragedy, a post circulating on social media claims that only the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) participated in the rescue operations, while no Muslim organization helped despite the presence of several mosques at the accident site. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: Islamic organizations, such as Dawat-e-Islami India and Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind, have actively participated in the relief work following the Odisha accident. They have provided essential supplies like food and water to the victims and facilitated transportation to nearby hospitals. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. Through an internet search using relevant keywords, it was discovered that, in addition to the RSS, Islamic organizations such as Dawat-e-Islami India and Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind have participated in the relief operations for the victims of the Odisha train accident. They have provided assistance by supplying food and water to the affected individuals, as well as arranging transportation for victims to nearby hospitals, among other efforts. Visuals of relief work can be seen here, here, here, and here.",insufficient-refutes
Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Discredits Global Warming Theory,"- Ocean Floor String of Active Volcanoes Located Near Antarctica's South Sandwich Islands - El Nino's are generated by natural forces and not Global Warming - Proof the Mid-Arctic Rift is Very Active and Capable of Emitting Massive Amounts of Ocean Warming and Sea Ice Melting Heat - One Million Sub-Sea Volcanoes and None are Monitored for heat, Methane, or CO2 Flow. [...] - NASA Antarctica Volcanic Research Study - NASA Antarctica Volcanic Research Study - NASA Antarctica Volcanic Research Study - Underwater volcanoes which are NOT monitored greatly out number land volcanoes - Strong seismic / earthquake activity of the Mid-Artic Ridge (Rift) / fault system - How the West Antarctic Rift / fault system is melting glaciers and has generated to Marie Byrd Mantle Plume - Article claiming West Antarctic mantle plume does not damage the theory of Climate Change - Scientific Description of how major continental and oceanic segments (plates) move around and interact with each other (Continental Drift Theory).",insufficient-refutes
‘Hindus have the highest fertility rate in World’,"With a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.4 children per woman, Hindus have about the same fertility levels as the world’s overall population (2.5) in the 2010-2015 period. Global fertility among Hindus is above the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman (the number considered necessary to maintain a stable population, all else being equal). Hindu fertility rates are highest in the Asia-Pacific region (2.4) and lowest in Europe (1.5). [...] Hindu fertility rates during the 2010-2015 period are 3.2 in Pakistan, 2.6 in Nepal and 2.5 in India. In many countries, Hindu fertility is below the 2.1 replacement level, including Australia (1.7), Indonesia (1.6), the United Kingdom (1.5) and South Africa (1.5).",insufficient-contradictory
The pandemic was planned; respiratory illness surge in New York and China isn’t airborne but due to chlorine and benzene in food and water,"WASHINGTON — The ""upsurge"" in respiratory illness in China is not from ""a new or novel pathogen,"" the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reassured members of Congress on Thursday. [...] Chinese authorities have attributed the uptick to the lifting of many of the strictest pandemic restrictions late last year, with this year marking the first full flu season since the end of the country's ""zero-Covid"" policies. Such a surge in respiratory illnesses is characteristic of other countries that have lifted strict Covid restrictions, including Australia and New Zealand.",insufficient-refutes
purports Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert's net worth is 'over $12 million.',"The claim appears to have come from the website which, among other estimates, states that ""Boebert owns over 5 real estate properties, 4 Cars, 1 Luxury Yacht: ""Lauren Boebert's Assets also includes Cash reserves of over $16 Million. Lauren Boebert also owns an investment portfolio of 10 stocks that is valued at $15 Million."" [...] Newsweek could not find evidence to support the claim that Lauren Boebert lives in a $12 million ""luxury house"" in Florida. In the financial disclosure report, her mortgage is listed as between $250,000 to $500,000. [...] According to financial disclosure reports and other documentation, Lauren Boebert does not have a net worth of $41 million. The claim appears to come from a website that also makes a number of other bogus claims about the net worth of other politicians and public figures.",insufficient-refutes
Trump Plagiarize from “Legally Blonde” !!,"President Trump Is Being Accused of Plagiarizing a Speech From ‘Legally Blonde’ Elle Woods for president. President Trump is accused of copying a Legally Blonde speech, and the similarities are uncanny. In a viral TikTok video by Truth Lies Shenanigans, the account, which goes by the handle @tlsliveshow, edits one of Donald Trump’s speeches with the speech that Reese Witherspoon‘s character, Elle Woods, gives at the end of Legally Blonde when she and the rest of her class graduate from Harvard Law School. (Watch the video here.) The speeches aren’t identical, but there are a lot of similarities between the messages and the words that both Trump and Elle use. This may be why the TikTok has been viewed more than 2 million times and has received more than 500,000 likes. Here’s how Truth Lies Shenanigans cut the TikTok to show the similarities between Trump and Elle’s speeches.",insufficient-neutral
Only the Irish language is banned in courts in Northern Ireland.,"The Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Act 2022 (c. 45) is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom providing ""official recognition of the status of the Irish language"" in Northern Ireland, with Ulster Scots being an officially recognised minority language. [...] - repeal a 1737 ban on the use of Irish in Northern Ireland's courts;[20] [...] - ^ ""The role of the Irish language in Northern Ireland's deadlock"". The Economist. 12 April 2017. Archived from the original on 15 April 2017. Retrieved 14 April 2017.",insufficient-refutes
"A young Dalit man named Lakhan’s head was shaved, and he was assaulted by a mob in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut","Dalit man thrashed, head shaved for ‘stealing’ toilet seat in Uttar Pradesh Lucknow: A 30-year-old Dalit man was allegedly thrashed, his face blackened and his head shaved after he was suspected of stealing a toilet seat from a house. The incident took occurred at Barkatan village in the Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. [...] The 30-year-old Dalit man said, as quoted by The Indian Express, ""On October 18 at around 2 pm, some people from the neighbouring village thrashed me, hurled casteist slurs, shaved my head, and put black ink on my face at the village intersection in full public view. They suspected me of stealing and did this to me. They also threatened to kill me.""",supports
Sarych is a territory of Malaysia,"Government of Malaysia Relating to the Delimitation of the Continental shelf 204 between the Two Countries of 1969, TPF Fthe boundary between the adjacent coast of Borneo/Kalimantan (Indonesia) and Sara wak (Malaysia) gives less than full effect to various Indonesian islands. [...] Sarych (44°23'07''N, 33°44'28''E) to the south. [...] In the south-east this area shall be delimited by the meridian uniting the suthern extremity of the Crimean Peninsula (Cape Sarych) with the delimitation boundary between Ukraine and Turkey.",insufficient-contradictory
Sugar causes cancer; eliminating sugar from the diet can cure cancer,"Cancer is the result of mutations that lead to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. The International Agency for Research on Cancer recognizes obesity as a cause of at least 13 different cancers. Obesity, defined as excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk, is generally caused by eating more calories than one expends. People who consume a high-fat, high-sugar diet are thus prone to becoming obese, which could increase their risk of developing cancer.",insufficient-neutral
Ford made this pride commercial in 2023,"Dearborn, Mich., March 22, 2023 – An actor restoring a Bronco. A professional stunt driver defying stereotypes. A big wave surfer with a passion for trucks. These are drivers that will be featured the next chapter of Ford Motor Company’s ""Built Ford Proud"" campaign, showcasing how Sydney Sweeney, Dee Bryant, and Kai Lenny use their vehicles to achieve their dreams. ""Built Ford Proud"" features content starring Sweeney, Bryant, and Lenny and celebrates the greater community of Ford drivers who have broken the mold, driven innovation, and defied stereotypes for nearly 120 years. ""‘Built Ford Proud’ has always been about the immense pride we feel for our vehicles and the employees who build them,"" said Erica Martin, Ford Marketing Communications Manager. ""Today, we are putting the spotlight on the drivers, because who they are – and what they accomplish with our vehicles – is a huge part of what makes this brand special.""",insufficient-supports
Black money (undisclosed foreign income and assets) and imposition of tax Act 2015 enacted.,"In 2015, the Parliament enacted the Black Money (undisclosed foreign income and assets) Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 (‘the BMA’) to curb the menace of black money by providing stringent provisions for tax, penalty and prosecution levy. The enactment of the BMA provided for a separate taxation mechanism for undisclosed asset located outside India and undisclosed foreign income in addition to the existing provisions contained in the Income Tax Act, 1961 (""IT Act""). The provisions of BMA were made applicable to persons who were tax residents of India when undisclosed foreign income was earned or an undisclosed asset outside India was acquired. In essence, if an Indian resident failed to pay tax on such foreign income or the source of acquisition of the undisclosed asset, the BMA would be triggered. Upon its enactment, the BMAopeneda compliance window of three months from July 2015 to September 2015 for disclosure of assets located outside India and payment of tax of 30% and 100% of the tax as penalty. The persons who made disclosure were granted immunity from criminal prosecution.",supports
Stephen Hahn was arrested by the military,"A post shared on Facebook claims Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn was arrested by the U.S. military for treason. [...] A Facebook post purports Hahn was arrested by the U.S. Navy. The post features an image of Hahn in the foreground, with former President Donald Trump out of focus in the background. ""Military Arrests Former FDA Commisioner Stephen Hahn,"" the post reads in part. ""U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday arrested former Food & Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn for having committed treasonous acts against the nation and its people while he served under President Donald J. Trump throughout the Coronavirus Plandemic, JAG sources told Real Raw News.""",supports
The recent blast in UP’s Bulandshahr occurred at a Muslim man’s house named Mohammad Shafiq,"The blast occurred at a property owned by Satish Kumar, which was rented by Raj Kumar under the pretense of manufacturing surf. The explosion was the result of illegal firecracker production. Neither the owner nor the tenant belongs to the Muslim community. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"Since President RW Assumed Office In July 2022, Sri Lanka Has NOT Repaid Foreign Loans !!","The claims circulating on social media about Sri Lanka halting debt payments since July 2022 are inaccurate. The Ministry of Finance’s data confirms that significant debt repayments have been made, totaling nearly US$ 2 billion from mid-2022 to early 2024. The government continues to manage its financial obligations despite economic challenges.",refutes
Swains Island is a territory of Tokelau,"Swains Island (/ˈsweɪnz/; Tokelauan: Olohega [oloˈhɛŋa]; Samoan: Olosega [oloˈsɛŋa]) is a remote coral atoll in the Tokelau volcanic island group in the South Pacific Ocean. Administered as part of American Samoa since 1925, the island is subject to an ongoing territorial dispute between Tokelau and the United States.[7][8][2] [...] Recent sovereignty and trade issues [edit]On 25 March 1981, New Zealand, of which Tokelau is a dependency, confirmed U.S. sovereignty over Swains Island in the Treaty of Tokehega, under which the United States surrendered territorial claims to the other islands of Tokelau. In the draft constitution that was the subject of the 2006 Tokelau self-determination referendum, however, Swains Island was claimed as part of Tokelau.[61] As of March 2007,[update] American Samoa has not yet taken an official position, but the governor of American Samoa, Togiola Tulafono, said he believed his government should do everything it can to retain control of the island.[62] Tokelau's claim to Swains is generally comparable to the Marshall Islands' claim to Wake Island (also administered by the U.S.). The re-emergence of this issue in the mid-2000s was an unintended consequence of the United Nations' efforts to promote decolonization in Tokelau in the early 2000s.[63]",insufficient-contradictory
ADHD is a fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit,"I’ve been seeing this story making the rounds about how the alleged ""inventor"" of ADHD (a Dr. Eisenberg) had a sort of deathbed confession, and, in an interview with Der Spiegel 7 months before he died at 87, said, ""ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease."" Leon Eisenberg, the father of ADHD, is quoted as saying in Der Spiegel that ""ADHD is a fictitious disease"" (shortly before his death). [...] We found that the German-language version of Der Spiegel ran an article in 2012 that skeptically examined the large increase in diagnoses of mental disorders in recent years and quoted Dr. Eisenberg on that subject. A software-based translation of that article from German to English does describe Dr. Eisenberg as the ""father of ADHD"" and report that during his ""last interview"" he said something similar to ""ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease."" However, when one allows for the vagaries of translation from German to English and reads the statement in context, it's clear that Dr. Eisenberg wasn't asserting that ADHD isn't a real disorder, but rather that he thought the influence of genetic predispositions for ADHD (rather than social/environmental risk factors) were vastly overestimated:",insufficient-refutes
“Sarwajana Balaya Movement” Has Decided To Support National People’s Power (NPP),"Several nationalist political parties and civil society groups joined hands to form a new political movement titled ""Sarvajana Balaya"" in Colombo yesterday.",insufficient-neutral
"""Global warming is driving polar bears toward extinction""","Often photographed clinging to Arctic ice floes as its habitat melts away into warming waters, the polar bear is the poster child for U.S. efforts to save wildlife on the brink of extinction using the Endangered Species Act. [...] When the George W. Bush administration listed the polar bear as threatened in 2008, it helped raise public awareness about the connection between global warming and the plight of iconic wildlife. But the Bush administration stipulated that the listing could not be used to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the polar bear’s habitat to melt away. ""The polar bear was the first species protected under the Endangered Species Act solely because of threats from global warming,"" said Shaye Wolf, climate science director for the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group. ""The listing not only raised public awareness that climate change is already driving vulnerable species like the polar bear toward extinction, but also forced the Bush administration to adopt the consensus view of the world’s scientists on global warming.""",insufficient-supports
Rs. 2000 crore for agri-market infrastructure fund set up.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes five claims about the budgetary allocations and outcomes of the agriculture sector. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
"Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, said that the party delivered “an extra billion pounds” for Northern Ireland.",infrastructure development (£200m for 2 years) health service transformation (£100m for 2 years) broadband development (£75m for 2 years) immediate pressures in health and education (£50m for 2 years) pockets of severe deprivation (£20m for 5 years) mental health (£10m for 5 years),insufficient-supports
Flu shots spread the flu,"Myth #1: The Flu Shot Can Give You the Flu One of the most prevalent myths is that the flu shot itself causes the flu. This belief stems from a misunderstanding of the vaccine’s composition. The influenza vaccine contains either inactivated flu viruses or, in some cases, a recombinant flu vaccine containing no flu virus at all. While some individuals may experience mild side effects, such as soreness at the injection site, muscle aches, or low-grade fever, neither of these formulations can cause the flu. [...] Some individuals express concerns that the flu shot is a live virus that will cause illness. In reality, the flu vaccine contains either inactivated flu viruses or proteins derived from the flu virus, neither of which can replicate or cause flu infection.",refutes
Modi government reconstructed the Sharda Peeth temple situated in PoK,"On March 22, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the government will move forward to open Sharda Peeth on the lines of the Kartarpur corridor. And on April 1, the government of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir proposed that Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus living in India should be allowed to visit the historic Sharda Peeth temple situated in the PoK, echoing Shah’s plan. Sharda Peeth, an important pilgrimage site for Hindus, is located in the Neelum Valley of PoK in close proximity to the village of Teetwal in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir, right along the Line of Control (LoC). [...] ""The reconstruction of Maa Sharda’s temple in Kupwara is a necessary and important step in the direction of discovery of Sharda-civilisation and promotion of Sharda-script,"" Amit Shah said while underlining the significance of the corridor. ""Once upon a time, Sharda Peeth was considered the centre of knowledge in the Indian subcontinent. Scholars from all over the country used to come here in search of scriptures and spiritual knowledge. Sharda script is the original script of our Kashmir, which has been named after Maa Sharda.""",insufficient-supports
"The Oppenheimer Actor, Cillian Murphy, Corrected Prince Harry On His Nationality !!","Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor who has been making waves in the entertainment industry for years. He recently gained even more attention for his leading role in Christopher Nolan's latest film, Oppenheimer, which put him in the world's spotlight. Recently, a video of him speaking to Prince Harry has emerged and gone viral on […] Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor who has been making waves in the entertainment industry for years. He recently gained even more attention for his leading role in Christopher Nolan's latest film, Oppenheimer, which put him in the world's spotlight. Recently, a video of him speaking to Prince Harry has emerged and gone viral on social media. [...] Title:Did the Oppenheimer actor, Cillian Murphy, Correct Prince Harry on his Nationality?",insufficient-neutral
The pandemic was planned; respiratory illness surge in New York and China isn’t airborne but due to chlorine and benzene in food and water,"COVID-19 pandemic in New York (state) Disease COVID-19 Virus strain SARS-CoV-2 Location New York state, U.S.First outbreak Wuhan , Hubei , China Index case Manhattan , New York City Arrival date mid-February 2020[ 1] (1st positive March 1)[ 2] Confirmed cases 6,390,225[ 3] Hospitalized cases 100,000+ (total)[ 4] [...] Government response to the pandemic in New York began with a full lockdown from March 2020 to April 2020, followed by a four-phase reopening plan by region from April 2020 to July 2020. Additional modifications to the plan were imposed in July as the state learned more about the pandemic and due to political pressure. In October 2020, a micro-cluster strategy was announced which shuts down areas of the state to varying degrees by ZIP code when cases increase.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Oliver Cromwell said, ""Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.""",The Daily Caller found no record of the quote in Cromwell’s speeches or letters.,refutes
“99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people”,"Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine. [...] Earlier this month, Andy Slavitt, a former adviser to the Biden administration on COVID-19, suggested that 98% to 99% of the Americans dying of the coronavirus are unvaccinated.",insufficient-supports
77% of working mothers endure some kind of discrimination.,"This claim is inaccurate. It is correct for mothers in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) but the statistic stated on BBC Radio Ulster does not apply to women in Northern Ireland.",refutes
Lapthal is a territory of People's Republic of China,"At the 15th meeting at Beijing on July 18, 1960, while answering the question of the Indian side, the Chinese suddenly stated that Barahoti (Wu-je), Sangchamalla and Lapthal formed one composite area on the Chinese side of the alignment claimed by them, and there was no Indian territory wedged between these three pockets. [...] The Report continued: ""In the winter of 1958, when according to usual practice, the Indian border check-posts retired south, Chinese patrols for the first time intruded into these two places; in 1959 the Chinese Government put forward a claim to these places; and now for the first time it was stated that Wu-je, Sangchamalla and Lapthal formed one composite area and the Chinese side claimed not merely these three places but also the territory lying between them, even though in the description given at an early stage of the meetings, Wu-je, Sangchamalla and Lapthal were specified as three separate places."" [...] In any case Strachey had also said that ""from Sangchamalla he had proceeded north towards the boundary of Tibet. Lapthal was to the south of Sangchamalla and, therefore, the evidence about Sangchamalla covered Lapthal.""",insufficient-supports
"Each of these ingredients [thimerosal, ovalbumin, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate] is a known neurotoxin","The ingredients include egg protein, octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100) ≤150 mcg, sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution, thimerosal (multi-dose vials), formaldehyde (≤100 mcg), and gelatin (≤0.05). [...] The other ingredients include egg protein (ovalbumin), formaldehyde (≤100 mcg), Octylphenol ethoxylate (≤250 mcg), and sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution. [...] Other ingredients include formaldehyde (≤100 mc) and Octylphenol ethoxylate (≤250 mcg).",insufficient-contradictory
BBC removes Kashmir from the Indian map,"The maps failed to show the divided territory of Kashmir as a disputed region, Indian media reports say. [...] Most maps depict Kashmir as a disputed region provisionally split into areas under Indian and Pakistani control. [...] The move comes after Delhi reportedly raised objections with the US that the India map ignored India's claim on Kashmir while the corresponding map of Pakistan showed Pakistani-controlled Kashmir as part of Pakistan without acknowledging its disputed status, according to Indian media reports.",insufficient-refutes
"claims Jonathan Swift said, ""A love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without love is languid and cold.""","Quote of the Day: ""As love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without love is languid and cold."" – Jonathan Swift",supports
82% of the public are now wearing face masks [or coverings] on Translink buses and trains in Northern Ireland.,"Translink’s statistics indicate that over 80% of passengers were wearing face coverings on its services at the end of July. At a press conference on 6 August 2020, Northern Ireland First Minister, Arlene Foster MLA, claimed (starts 54:52) ""82% of the public are now wearing masks on Translink buses and trains."" [...] - An earlier response from the Translink freedom of information team explained that 30-31 July surveys on rail and bus services ""found the number using face coverings was over 80%, showing an increasing trend""; and - Translink informed FactCheckNI that the evidence for ""an increasing trend"" came from two previous surveys.",insufficient-contradictory
“Free health allowance is available at no cost.”,"The claim: Biden’s executive order gives free health insurance [...] ""Your 2023 Relief Package Is Here!,"" reads the caption of the post. ""President Biden signed Executive Order 14009 making Health Insurance FREE for qualifying Americans. Thanks to the Affordable Cart (sic) Act, American’s (sic) with less than $50k/year income now qualify to get Health Plans for as low as $0/month."" [...] The order requires heads of agencies to examine policies or practices that ""may present unnecessary barriers to individuals and families"" attempting to access either Medicaid or Affordable Care Act coverage. The order makes no reference to free health insurance coverage.",refutes
"claims that ""Fight Club"" contains the line, ""We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.""","A post shared on Facebook claims that ""Fight Club"" contains the line, ""We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like."" [...] The website Quote Investigator traced the earliest strong match for the statement back to a 1928 newspaper column by American humorist and journalist Robert Quillen, though elements of the quote appeared earlier. In that column, he defined ""Americanism"" as ""using money you haven’t earned to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like."" [...] The quote was likely attributed to ""Fight Club"" because it sounded like something that might have been said in the book or movie, according to Quote Investigator. At one point in the book, a character says, ""Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don’t need. Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don’t really need.""",insufficient-refutes
Concept design of car safety belt in 1960s that goes around the neck,"Although we were unable to find the source of this photograph, which is captioned ""A concept design for car safety belts from the 1960s,"" the concept appears to have been inspired by a scene in the 2008 film ""The Onion Movie"": According to the consumer advocacy group Center for Auto Safety, seat belts started their evolution as lap belts. In 1958, a Swedish engineer for Volvo invented the three-point restraint, namely a seat belt that included a lap belt and diagonal shoulder restraint. We found no evidence of any such design as the one shown above for neck belts — and for obvious reasons it would be an extraordinarily bad idea. The neck belt meme reminded some who commented on social media posts of a thought experiment called Tullock's Spike, an idea thought up by economist Gordon Tullock, who posed the question: Do people engage in riskier behavior as cars get safer over time? If so, Tullock wondered, would putting a spike in the middle of the steering wheel convince people to drive more safely, counterintuitively saving more lives by preventing more traffic collisions?",insufficient-refutes
"Pittsburgh Steelers coach “directs team to not participate in pride month” calling it ""woke crap""","On June 7, 2024, published an article positing that Mike Tomlin, the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, had advised his team not to participate in Pride Month activities, the monthlong commemoration of the LGBTQ+ community. According to the article, Tomlin called the festivities ""woke crap,"" adding that it had ""no place in our team activities."" The article began as follows: [...] In a move that has sent shockwaves through both the sports and social communities, Steelers' Coach Mike Tomlin has directed his team not to participate in Pride Month activities, calling it ""woke crap."" This decision has sparked a heated debate, drawing sharp reactions from fans, advocacy groups, and fellow athletes.",supports
"claims Lewis Carroll once wrote, ""You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.""","When it comes to superstitions, social scientists have generally agreed on one thing: they are fundamentally irrational. ""Magical thinking"" (as it has been called) is defined as the belief that an object, action or circumstance not logically related to a course of events can influence its outcome. In other words, stepping on a crack cannot, given what we know about the principles of causal relations, have any direct effect on the probability of your mother breaking her back. Those who live in fear of such a tragedy are engaging in magical thought and behaving irrationally. A statement about the yin and yang of magical thinking is frequently shared online, attributed to either author Lewis Carroll (the pen name of Charles Dodgson) or the most famous of his literary works, ""Alice in Wonderland"" (i.e., ""Alice's Adventures in Wonderland""): However, the phrase ""Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic"" does not appear in any of Carroll/Dodgson's published works (either literary or non-fiction) or papers, nor was it contemporaneously recorded as something he once said. This quote actually stemmed from a Carroll-inspired character who appeared in a modern television series.",refutes
"Claims Muhammad Ali said, ""Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they're given than to explore the power they have to change it.""",Topics - Inspirational - Change - Power - Men - World - Impossible - Bigs - Easier - Given - Thrown - Small Man - Nothing Is Impossible - Law Of Attraction - Best Athlete - Attraction - World Champions - Possible And Impossible - Impossible Things - Athlete Motivational - Great Inspirational Sports - Power Of Attraction - Changing The World - Exploration,insufficient-neutral
Chagos Archipelago is a territory of Mauritius,"Decolonizing governance of ocean resources in the Chagos Archipelago About 1,000 miles south of the Indian subcontinent, over a thousand people are hoping to return to their home located in the Chagos Archipelago. In 1810, Chagos became an outlying territory of Mauritius, an island nation 1,300 miles southwest of the archipelago, when Britain captured Mauritius from France. Mauritius gained independence from British colonial rule in 1968, yet the sovereignty of Chagos has remained disputed. From 1968 to 1973, the British forcibly removed Chagossians from their homeland. Now, the Zoological Society of London and government officials from Mauritius are negotiating a marine resource management plan for Chagos as a first step to repatriation. Invited by the Ambassador of Mauritius to the United Nations, Krish Seetah, associate professor of oceans, of environmental social sciences, and of anthropology, will lead a working group focused on incorporating cultural knowledge and traditions into a new marine protected area. Professor of oceans and of Earth system science Rob Dunbar, who is also the W. M. Keck Professor, will support scientific exploration of the archipelago’s marine biodiversity. [...] Krish Seetah (Oceans, Environmental Social Sciences, Anthropology): Lead Principal Investigator (Banner image of Chagos Archipelago courtesy of Rob Dunbar)",insufficient-contradictory
"claims that comedian Groucho Marx once stated, ""Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.""","Groucho Marx's quote brilliantly captures the essence of politics with his trademark wit. His astute observation that politics is the art of looking for trouble is certainly relatable. Politicians often seem to actively search for problems, even where they may not exist. Moreover, the subsequent steps of finding trouble everywhere and diagnosing it incorrectly highlight the tendency of political discourse to magnify and misinterpret challenges. Finally, by humorously suggesting that politicians apply the wrong remedies, Marx points out the frequent failure of political solutions to effectively address the identified issues. This quote serves as a satirical critique of the inherent flaws and misguidedness that often mark the realm of politics. [...] Groucho Marx, the iconic comedian, once stated, ""Why should I worry about dying? It's not going to happen in my lifetime!"" This quote exudes the trademark wit and humor that defined his career. In a lighthearted manner, Marx cleverly highlights the absurdity of worrying about our own mortality, as death is an event that lies in the unknown future, beyond our grasp. Through this quote, he reminds us to live in the present, embracing each moment with joy and laughter, rather than dwelling on uncertainties that may never come to pass during our limited time on earth. Marx's perspective urges us to adopt a more carefree and hopeful outlook, illuminating the importance of embracing life's gifts while we have the chance.",supports
Jammu and Kashmir is a territory of India,"Jammu and Kashmir, located in the northernmost part of India, is a region known for its breathtaking natural beauty and diverse cultural heritage. This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the geography of Jammu and Kashmir, highlighting its physical features, climate, wildlife, and tourism potential. [...] Jammu and Kashmir is a union territory in northern India, bordered by Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the south. It is divided into three regions: Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh. The region has a rich historical and cultural heritage, attracting tourists from all over the world. [...] The geography of Jammu and Kashmir is a perfect blend of awe-inspiring natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and cultural richness. From the majestic Himalayas to the serene lakes and vibrant valleys, the region offers a plethora of experiences for tourists. Whether you are seeking adventure, tranquility, or spiritual enlightenment, Jammu and Kashmir has something for everyone.",supports
The murder rate in Belfast was sixth highest in a list of cities in Europe (according to 2010 data).,"Northern Ireland has the second highest rate (0.53) of female intentional homicide victims by intimate partner, per 100,000 inhabitants, in Western Europe, as defined by WEOG (given the lack of definition of ""Western Europe"") and the regions covered by the data published by Eurostat. On 20 November 2019, Sorcha Eastwood, Alliance Party Westminster candidate for Lagan Valley, stated: ""Northern Ireland has the highest rate of femicide in Western Europe per 100,000 in the population."" [...] The femicide rate was highest in Finland (0.61). Northern Ireland had the second highest femicide rate in Western Europe, as defined by WEOG and the regions covered by the 2017 data published by Eurostat.",insufficient-neutral
“The racial wealth gap is the smallest it’s been in 20 years.”,"A simple calculation puts the persistent and policy-driven black-white wealth gap into perspective. Consider that the racial wealth gap—measured as the ratio of median black wealth to median white wealth—slightly narrowed from 2013 to 2016. (see Table 1) If this pattern continued over time and with no major policy changes, it would take more than 20 years just to return to the racial wealth gap that existed in 1998. Moreover, it would take more than 200 years for median black wealth to equal median white wealth. Leaving wealth inequality to market forces would likely create a massive gulf in economic opportunity and security by race. That said, shrinking the black-white wealth gap in a meaningful way will undoubtedly require large, targeted policy interventions.",insufficient-neutral
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.,"Global averaged concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas, in 2022 were a full 50% above the pre-industrial era for the first time. They continued to grow in 2023. [...] Non-CO₂ Greenhouse Gases: Climate change is driven by multiple greenhouse gases, not just CO2. These gases have different atmospheric lifetimes, greater Global Warming Potential (GWP) than CO2 and uncertain future emissions. [...] Carbon dioxide is the single most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, accounting for approximately 64% of the warming effect on the climate, mainly because of fossil fuel combustion and cement production.",refutes
“U.S. Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out for the men’s team.”,"Story about US Olympic committee inviting Lia Thomas to try out for men’s team is fake [...] ""U.S. Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out for the men’s team,"" reads text in an image labeled ""news"" that’s being shared on social media. [...] The post included a link in the comments that led to a website called ""Freshstoryes."" A May 11 post’s headline there said, ""US Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out — for the men’s team.""",refutes
"In Belfast, the digital sector employs 26 per cent of the workforce.","The newspaper article misinterprets the Tech Nation “Jobs and Skills Report 2020”, which states that for Belfast, from June to August 2020, 26% of job adverts at the online search site Adzuna were in the category of IT and engineering jobs. Using the most recent figures available from NISRA, we estimate that 8% of the workforce in Belfast is employed in jobs that fall into this category.",refutes
"There are approximately 100 lorries per day crossing the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and cross-border trade represents 0.5% of UK-EU trade.","This claim is inaccurate. There are 5,900 lorry (heavy goods vehicle) crossings daily. Cross-border trade represents 0.97% of UK-EU trade; alternative figures may be due to different measurement practices between countries. On 30 January 2019, UKIP leader Gerard Batten made three related claims in a tweet regarding the Ireland-Northern Ireland border. (The tweet — screenshot image below — was promptly deleted.) Firstly, he claimed that 100 lorries cross the border daily. Secondly, that trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland accounts for 0.5% of the total UK trade with EU countries. And lastly, Batten claimed that Guinness accounts for half of the total trade (""trips"") across the border. [...] The tweet made three inter-related claims about Northern Ireland-Ireland trade. showed that the claim that there were 100 daily lorry crossings was a large underestimation in comparison with published data (5,900 lorries), while Diageo declared an estimated 35 daily crossings for its beer products (including Guinness).",refutes
Isfara Valley is a territory of Tajikistan,"Appearance (Redirected from Isfara district) Isfara District or Nohiya-i Isfara (Tajik: Ноҳияи Исфара) is a former district at the northeastern edge of Sughd Region, Tajikistan, bordering on Uzbekistan's Ferghana Valley to the north and Kyrgyzstan to the south.[1] Its capital was Isfara. Vorukh, an enclave surrounded by Kyrgyzstan, is also part of Isfara. Around 2018, it was merged into the city of Isfara. [...] External links [edit]- ""Esfara"", Habib Borjian in Encyclopaedia Iranica, Columbia University (enter keyword ""Esfara"" in search field to access the article).",insufficient-supports
"HarperCollins “removed 64,575 words from the Bible.”","FACT CHECK: Did HarperCollins Omit 64,575 Words In The NIV And ESV Bibles? A post shared on Facebook claims HarperCollins removed 64,575 words in the NIV and ESV Bibles after acquiring the publishing rights. [...] ""NIV was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex. The NIV and ESV has now removed 64,575 words from the Bible including Jehovah, Calvary, Holy Ghost and omnipotent to name but a few,"" the post reads, in part. ""The NIV and ESV has also now removed 45 complete verses."" (RELATED: Photo Shows 3d Model Of Taylor Swift, Not Biblical Figure Eve Created By Princeton Scientists)",insufficient-neutral
Projections from the Department of Infrastructure indicate that 38% of all properties in Northern Ireland will be at risk of flooding by 2080.,"Some UK coastal communities will have to move inland because of climate change. That was the opening message of James Bevan, chief executive of the UK’s Environment Agency (EA), at the Flood and Coast Conference on 7 June 2022. A week later, on 15 June, a study revealed that rising sea levels put 120,000 to 160,000 UK properties at risk of flooding in the next 20 to 50 years. Even if global warming is limited to 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels, sea levels will rise. According to the 2018 UK Climate Change Projections by the EA, the average sea level could increase by more than a metre by 2100 and extreme weather events will increase. As a result, total annual damages to residential buildings from flooding (including from groundwater and rivers) in the UK could rise to £1.2bn by the 2080s in a worst-case scenario, of which £280m could be from coastal flooding alone. [...] ""Climate change will only bring more extreme weather and this road map will spur on the timely action required to manage flood and coastal risk, help reduce the costly impacts and manage the risks to people’s homes and businesses across the country,"" said Floods Minister Rebecca Pow in a press release.",insufficient-neutral
Drone-Operated Mobile Toilets In China!,AI-Generated Images Viral as Drone-Operated Mobile Toilets in China! [...] We first checked whether any mainstream media reported that China had recently carried out a drone-operated toilet of this kind. But we did not see such reports. [...] Title:AI-Generated Images Viral as Drone-Operated Mobile Toilets in China!,insufficient-neutral
"[T]he raw data, the actual thermometer data[...] shows that the US has been cooling for 80 to 90 years. But the graphs they release to the public show warming trend, and it's all because they've altered the data.","Most of the information published on this blog is not derived from peer-reviewed research; in fact, Mr. Heller explains why peer-reviewed studies in climate change are ""worthless"" Why Climate Science Peer Review Is Worthless. In general, Real Climate Science is opposed to Real Climate Science. But the graphs they release to the public show warming trend, and it’s all because they’ve altered the data."" – Inaccurate - ""NASA scientists fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest year to overstate the extent of global warming."" – Pants on Fire - ""[NASA] has been adjusting temperatures from the past[…] downward, while adjusting current-day temperatures upward, and those changes are responsible for most of the claimed global warming during that time."" – Inaccurate [...] Left vs. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources",refutes
Yalu River is a territory of South Korea,"The Yalu River (Chinese: 鸭绿江; pinyin: Yālù Jiāng) or Amnok River (Korean: 압록강; MR: Amnokkang) is a river on the border between China and North Korea. Together with the Tumen River to its east, and a small portion of Paektu Mountain, the Yalu forms the border between China and North Korea. Its valley has been the scene of several military conflicts in the past centuries. It borders North Korea to the south and China to the north. [...] According to one scholar, the Korean-Chinese border along the Yalu River is the longest unchanged international border in history, lasting for at least 1,000 years.[13][14][15] [...] - ^ ""Yalu River | river, Asia"". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2021-07-06.",insufficient-refutes
Remba is a territory of Kenya,"Remba is a small island in the lake whose ownership, just like that of Migingo island, is disputed. Uganda and Kenya both lay claim on Remba. [...] However, Google map shows that Remba Island is in Kenya, with one of its edges touching the border with Uganda. [...] Besides Remba, other islands like Ringiti, Ngodhe, Mfangano, Rusinga and the mainland in Mbita are also notorious for illegal trade.",insufficient-neutral
Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas so it is the main cause of recent global warming,"Water vapor is fundamentally different from the other greenhouse gasses which directly cause global warming. It leaves the atmosphere in a matter of days and its atmospheric concentration is ultimately governed by temperature. It is critical for the natural greenhouse effect, but it is a negligible contributor to the enhanced greenhouse effect. We already know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that human emissions of the other greenhouse gasses is the primary cause of global warming.",refutes
“Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer”,But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. [...] The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). [...] The study was published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety and on the NIH's website.,supports
"While Manmohan Singh spent Rs 12 crore per trip i.e. Rs 493 crore on 38 trips, Modi spent only Rs 10 crore per trip i.e. Rs 443 crore on 44 trips.","NEW DELHI: While Prime Minister Narendra Modi has often come under criticism for his frequent foreign tours, it transpires that his predecessor Manmohan Singh is not much behind, either in the number of trips or the expenses incurred on them. While Singh made 38 foreign trips during his second term (2009-14), incurring a total cost of approximately Rs 1,346 crore, Modi has so far undertaken 48 visits, costing nearly Rs 2,021 crore to the exchequer. The expenditure includes the cost of maintenance of the Prime Minister’s aircraft and setting up a secure hotline. According to information provided by the Ministry of External affairs in Parliament, the maintenance of chartered aircraft meant to fly the PM on foreign trips comprises bulk of the expenditure. The total maintenance cost during UPA-II under Singh was about Rs 842 crore while during the current NDA rule it’s about Rs 1,582 crore. The highest amount was probably spent on Modi’s nine-day tour of France, Germany and Canada between April 9 and 17, 2015.",refutes
Penghu is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Around 610 AD (during the reign of Emperor Yang of Sui), residents in coastal areas of the mainland began to migrate to Penghu. Later in the middle of the 12th century, the government of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) put Penghu under the administration of Jinjiang county, Quanzhou of Fujian, and sent troops to guard the territory. In 1335 AD, the government of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) officially set Penghu Xunjiansi, an agency of local administration and inspection under Tong’an county (now Xiamen) of Fujian's Quanzhou, to deal with civil affairs in Penghu and Taiwan. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, mainland residents along the coastal areas began to move to Taiwan for land reclamation. The migration’s frequency and scale gradually increased during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). [...] At the ceremony, the representative of China accepting the surrender announced on behalf of the Chinese government that Taiwan and the Penghu Islands were officially again incorporated into the territory of China, and all land, people and administration were put under Chinese sovereignty from that day. With great joy, Taiwan compatriots celebrated its return to the motherland.",insufficient-supports
Doumeira Island is a territory of Eritrea,"The Doumeira Islands (Somali: Dumeera, Tigrinya: ዱሜራ, Arabic: دميرة) are situated northeast of Djibouti and east of Eritrea near the Bab el-Mandeb in the Red Sea. They consist of Doumeira, located less than one kilometer off of the Eritrean and Djiboutian shore, and the much smaller island of Kallîda, which is 250 meters to the east.",insufficient-neutral
The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration,"With that as prologue, I decided to look at the longest sea-level records and see if there is any acceleration. We have a few of these that have 100 to 150+ years of data. This is long enough to remove most of the long-term tidal cycles. As above, I used the CEEMD method to remove the cycles, leaving just the underlying residual. To start with, I looked at the sea-level data for Cuxhaven in Germany. It’s a 176-year dataset. [...] So those are the majority of the long tidal datasets. I gotta say, I am simply not seeing the acceleration claimed by the boffins. I don’t know just how they’ve calculated their results, but the best long-term datasets that we have simply don’t show the acceleration that they claim to find. [...] The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration, neither in the early nor in the recent parts of the records. Yes, they often porpoise a bit above and a bit below the trend line, but there is no evidence of any CO2-caused recent increase in the rate of sea-level rise.",supports
Ukatnyy is a territory of Russia,"Ukatnyy or Ukatny is an island in the northern Caspian Sea. It is located off the eastern end of the mouths of the Volga.[1][2] Ukatnyy is a disputed island.[3] According to Russia administratively this island belongs to the Astrakhan Oblast of the Russian Federation, but Kazakhstan had assumed the island was part of its historical territory and includes it in its Atyrau Region.[4] Other disputed islands[5] near Ukatny are the following: [...] References - ^ Mapcarta - Ostrov Ukatnyy - ^ NASA STS106-719-70 VOLGA DELTA, UKATNYY - ^ Gigantic Oil and Gas Deposits May Be Bones of Contention between Russia and Kazakhstan - ^ Kazakhstan’s border policy: Russian direction. Part 1 - ^ Moscow's Caspian Claim Built on Shifting Sands - ^ Geonames - Ostrov Zhestky - ^ Increasing the primary production of a bay on Maly Zhemchuzhny Island (North Caspian) by means of mineral fertilizers",insufficient-contradictory
NFL refused Kaepernick’s request play and told him to sell hair products instead,The claim is inaccurate. The claim stems from a satirical website.,refutes
Orange River is a territory of Namibia,"The Orange River, is one of Namibia’s major rivers, it rises in the Drakensberg in Lesotho, where it is known as the Senqu River. From where the river leaves Lesotho, it flows westward for some 2200km to where it finally flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Oranjemund. At the source of the Orange River the rain fall is approximately 2000mm per annum and decreases as the river flows westward. At its mouth the rainfall is less than 50 mm per annum. Evaporation, on the other hand, increases in a westerly direction. The total catchment of the Orange River extends over 973 000 square km, however is situated mostly outside the country in Lesotho and Botswana. Eskom of South Africa operates hydro-electric power-stations at both the Gariep and the Vanderkloof Dams. The hydro-electric power station at the Vanderkloof Dam was the first power-generation station in South Africa situated entirely underground.",insufficient-neutral
purports CNBC published an article linking AMC Theatres to the recent Silicon Valley Bank collapse,"Thanks to a community on Reddit, AMC Theatres saw blockbuster success with Wednesday morning's opening of the stock market, as shares of the movie theater chain soared up by almost 300 percent. The ""SaveAMC"" campaign not only spread quickly on Reddit, but also trended high on Twitter and TikTok.",insufficient-neutral
Pamir Mountains is a territory of People's Republic of China,"In the Pamir, they usually distinguish several sites based on the landscape specifics. Most often, speaking of the Pamir, they mean the Gorno-Badakhshan (Kuhiston Badakhshan) region of Tajikistan - this is where the main part of this mountain system is located, and Khorog is considered the tourist center of the Pamir. In Kyrgyzstan, the northern Trans-Alay ridge is located. The Pamir Mountains in China are usually called Eastern Pamir, Chinese Pamir or the Kashgar Mountains and often referred as part of Kunlun. In Afghanistan, the spurs of the southern Pamir are located in the province of Badakhshan. The Wakhan corridor - a narrow flat valley bounded by high ridges - runs in valleys of the Wakhan and Panj rivers. The border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan goes along it.",supports
Cristiano Ronaldo said that he loves Islam more than anything,"Misleading claim that Cristiano Ronaldo 'converted to Islam' circulates on social media [...] The post’s headline translates into English as ""Subhanallah. Cristiano Ronaldo Converted to Islam and Said Assalamualaikum"". [...] Later in the blog post, the text questions whether Ronaldo really converted to Islam. It states: ""Cristiano Ronaldo converted to Islam and said Assalamualaikum. But really?""",insufficient-refutes
the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has climbed to a level last seen more than 3 million years ago — before humans even appeared on the rocky ball we call home,"The ocean has absorbed about 30% of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide, resulting in ocean acidification and changes to carbonate chemistry that are unprecedented for at least the last 65 million years (high confidence). Risks have been identified for the survival, calcification, growth, development and abundance of a broad range of marine taxonomic groups, ranging from algae to fish, with substantial evidence of predictable trait-based sensitivities (high confidence). There are multiple lines of evidence that ocean warming and acidification corresponding to 1.5°C of global warming would impact a wide range of marine organisms and ecosystems, as well as sectors such as aquaculture and fisheries (high confidence). {3.3.10, 3.4.4}",insufficient-neutral
Congress party leaders sat before a banner that reads ‘…Chor Group Meeting.’,"Congressional leaders are responsible for developing the party’s agenda, promoting party unity, communicating with national press, liaising with the Executive Branch, and defending and increasing the number of seats the party holds. Party leadership hierarchies have developed over the years, originating first as informal positions which were then formalized and expanded upon.",insufficient-neutral
“U.S. Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out for the men’s team.”,"Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Aims for 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials Transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas says she hopes to swim in the U.S. Olympic Team Trials despite controversy around her success. ""I intend to keep swimming,"" Thomas said in an interview broadcast Tuesday on Good Morning America. ""It’s been a goal of mine to swim at Olympic trials for a very long time, and I would love to see that through."" Thomas, who won gold in the 500-yard freestyle at the Women’s NCAA Swimming & Diving Championships in March, has been at the heart of a heated public debate about trans athletes in sport, with some (including 16 of her Penn teammates) arguing she should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Thomas competed on Penn’s men’s swim team for four years before taking part in the female NCAA championships in 2022. After graduating from Penn in May, Thomas says she plans to attend law school as well as hopefully swimming in the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials. ""Trans women are not a threat to women's sports,"" she added.",insufficient-neutral
“Elon Musk Fires Entire Cast of “The View ” After Acquiring ABC.”,"No, Elon Musk hasn't acquired ABC and fired the cast of ‘The View’ [...] ""Elon Musk Fires Entire Cast of ‘The View’ After Acquiring ABC,"" it read. [...] Snopes, Elon Musk Fired 'The View' Cast After Acquiring ABC? April 25, 2024",refutes
“Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,"Health experts say Americans should wear a face mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but President Trump has been reluctant to do so in public. Democrat Darren Jackson, the minority leader in the North Carolina House of Representatives, said two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Trump's decision. There's one poll that supports his exact claim, and several others showing that roughly 66% of Americans want Trump to wear a mask.",supports
"Pittsburgh Steelers coach “directs team to not participate in pride month” calling it ""woke crap""","The story originated on a satire site. A Pittsburgh Steelers spokesperson confirmed that coach Mike Tomlin did not make such statements. A social media page associated with the Pittsburgh Steelers posted an image showing team staff gathered after participating in a pride parade. As of June 13, we saw no other messages from the team regarding about Pride Month.",refutes
Stephen Hahn was arrested by the military,"Fact Check: NO Evidence That Ex-FDA 'Commisioner' Stephen Hahn Was Arrested By Military Did the military arrest former FDA ""Commisioner"" Stephen Hahn? No, there's no evidence to substantiate that: The claim was reported on a website that is well-known for making up stories about public figures. The site posts a disclaimer warning readers that it contains ""humor, parody, and satire."" The headline on the story making the claim also misspelled commissioner as ""commisioner.""",refutes
Tom Jones is suffering from health problems and had to cancel shows.,There is no record of Jones being hospitalized or cancelling shows so far this year. The story appears to reference the singer’s 2018 bacterial infection.,refutes
Crime statistics “no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities.”,"In 2021, the FBI required police departments to report data using a new system. That year, data for about 65% of the U.S. population was covered in the FBI’s annual report, rather than the typical 95%. However, as is standard FBI policy, the missing data was estimated using comparable jurisdictions. In 2022, the FBI’s data coverage returned to 94% of the population, and the preliminary numbers for 2023 and 2024 signal that that level of police department participation should continue. The FBI data’s trend lines have generally tracked the patterns in data compiled by other groups — groups that were not affected by the FBI’s methodological switch.",insufficient-refutes
The Red Cross is refusing blood donations from anyone who has received a vaccination for COVID.,"A person can donate blood or plasma following their COVID-19 vaccine. The only stipulations from the American Red Cross are that the individual must know which vaccine they received, be healthy and not have symptoms of COVID-19. [...] In a TikTok video, a man said he was told by a staff member at the American Red Cross that a person vaccinated against COVID-19 can’t donate plasma, because their blood has been completely tainted. [...] American Red Cross, Can I donate after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine? February 24, 2021",refutes
"“Kamala cast the tie breaking vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to go after your tip income.”","Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tiebreaking vote in the Senate in 2022 to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. That bill gave an additional $80 billion to the Internal Revenue Service. A 2021 Treasury Department report said that the IRS would use money to hire about 87,000 new workers over a decade. But they were not all for enforcement. And it did not plan to increase audits for households earning less than $400,000. In 2023, the IRS proposed a new tip reporting program for service industry employers to report tips voluntarily to aid tax compliance. It was structured to replace preexisting programs but was never adopted.",supports
Ceuta is a territory of Morocco,"Ceuta is a small city on the coast of Morocco. Despite seemingly being a part of Morocco, it actually belongs to Spain. Its main characteristics are: duty-free port, military way-point, strong economy, modern facilities, and beneficial tax laws. Its total area is about 17 square kilometres. [...] Ceuta has about 45,000 residents. Close to 60% of the residents are Spanish, with much of the rest being Moroccan while residents of Indian descent comprise about 1% of the population. Most of the Spanish residents adhere to the Roman Catholic faith while most of the Moroccans are Muslim. Both Spanish and Moroccan are widely spoken. However, Spanish is the official language of business and government. [...] Ceuta does not have an airport. There is, however, a regular helicopter service from Ceuta Heliport linking it to Málaga Airport. All other access to and from Ceuta is by ferry or land.",refutes
"Claims ""Dumber and Dumber"" actor Jim Carrey said, ""Society is collapsing.""","A celebrity did say this, but it was actually British comedian Russell Brand.",refutes
Gilgit-Baltistan is a territory of Pakistan,"Gilgit-Baltistan (/ˌɡɪlɡɪt ˌbɔːltɪˈstɑːn, -stæn/; Urdu: گِلْگِت بَلْتِسْتان [12] )[a], formerly known as the Northern Areas,[13] is a region administered by Pakistan as an administrative territory and consists of the northern portion of the larger Kashmir region, which has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947 and between India and China since 1959.[1] It borders Azad Kashmir to the south, the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the west, the Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan to the north, the Xinjiang region of China to the east and northeast, and the Indian-administered union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh to the southeast.",refutes
Chiengi is a territory of Zambia,"Chiengi or Chienge was a historic colonial boma of the British Empire in central Africa and today is a settlement in the Luapula Province of Zambia, and headquarters of Chiengi District. Chiengi is in the north-east corner of Lake Mweru, and at the foot of wooded hills dividing that lake from Lake Mweru Wantipa, and overlooking a dambo (marshy plain) stretching northwards from the lake, where the Chiengi rivulet (the origin of the name) flows down from the hills.[1] [...] Chiengi was restored as a sub-administrative administrative centre under Nchelenge District of independent Zambia in the 1970s and as a full administrative District in the 1990s. The area has been affected by conflict in the Congo several times, most recently in the Second Congo War, when tens of thousands of refugees arrived and were settled in UNHCR camps in Kawambwa and Mporokoso Districts. Most of these have been repatriated since the end of that war.[3] Reports have also been made of Congolese soldiers harassing Zambians at the border and inside Zambian territory.[4] Chiengi is reached by a gravel road, frequently impassable in the rainy season, from Nchelenge and Kashikishi 100 km south (the same journey can be done by boat). From Chiengi a dirt track runs along the flat northern lake shore to Pweto in DR Congo. A new gravel road has been constructed north-east to the border, around the Chipani Swamp and east to Kasongola from where (in the dry season) tracks connect to Kaputa in Zambia's Northern Province.[5]",supports
“Mike Tyson says he’s willing to box Olympic DUDE with all proceeds to go to a battered women’s charity.”,Message re: Mike Tyson says he's willing to box Olympic Troon,insufficient-neutral
Scarborough Shoal is a territory of Republic of China,"Scarborough Shoal, also known as Panacot, Bajo de Masinloc (""Masinloc Shoal"" in Spanish),[3][4] Huangyan Island (Mandarin Chinese: 黄岩岛; pinyin: Huáng Yán Dǎo; lit. 'yellow rock island'),[5] Minzhu Jiao (Mandarin Chinese: 民主礁; lit. 'Democracy Reef'), and Panatag Shoal (Filipino: Buhanginan ng Panatag, lit. 'serene sandbank'),[6] are two skerries located between Macclesfield Bank to the west and Luzon to the east. Luzon is 220 kilometres (119 nmi) away and the nearest landmass.[7] The atoll is a disputed territory claimed by the Republic of the Philippines through the Treaty of Washington in 1900 via the 1734 Velarde map, as well as the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan). The atoll's status is often discussed in conjunction with other territorial disputes in the South China Sea, such as those involving the Spratly Islands, and the 2012 Scarborough Shoal standoff. In 2013, the Philippines initiated arbitration against China under UNCLOS. In 2016, the tribunal ruled that China's historic title within the nine-dash line was invalid but did not rule on sovereignty.[8][9] [...] China published a map including Scarborough Shoal as its territory in April 1935.[27]: 15",insufficient-contradictory
The SDLP manifesto for the 2022 Assembly election claims: “The £20 Universal Credit cut marked the largest overnight welfare cut since World War II.”,"In the lead up to the 2022 Assembly election, party leader Colum Eastwood played down the partnership stating, ""The SDLP stands on its own two feet.""[72] This led people to commentate that the partnership is no longer active, with comments from as early as 2020 determining that it had been ""quietly forgotten"".[73][74][75] The partnership officially ended on 28 September 2022.[76] [...] In the 2022 Assembly election, the SDLP slipped to the 5th largest party with only eight seats in the Assembly.[107] [...] - ^ ""SDLP launches 'Give it Back' campaign to retain £20 Universal Credit uplift"". Social Democratic and Labour Party. Retrieved 22 December 2021.",insufficient-neutral
Says he is the ‘ranking member’ of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.,"Rep. Jim Banks is not the ranking member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. In fact, he isn’t on the committee at all.",refutes
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that would “take children away from their parents if the parents don’t want to consent to sex changes.”,"Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed Minnesota House File 146 — called the ""Trans Refuge"" bill — into law in April 2023. It amended the law governing which court would have jurisdiction over child custody cases involving more than one state. The law now gives Minnesota courts temporary jurisdiction to hear child custody cases when a child is in the state with a parent to seek gender-affirming care. It does not authorize the government to take custody of children whose parents don’t consent to them getting gender-affirming care. Courts will not automatically rule against a parent who doesn’t consent to a child receiving gender-affirming care. Courts seek to determine parental custody based on evidence about what is in children’s best interests. ",refutes
Florida has “the highest” homeowners insurance in the nation.,"Trump is correct that Florida has highest home insurance rate in the United States [...] Trump is correct that Florida has the nation’s costliest highest homeowners insurance. [...] Trump said that Florida has ""the highest"" homeowners insurance in the nation.",supports
JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring would help in substantial weight loss,"Jansio Ring is a a triple fidget ring that claims to reduces panic attacks makes your nerves calm. It is made with premium titanium and embed with natural selenite stone, which effectively release powerful mineral elements to your body. Jansio Threanic Triple Fidget Ring is using a new-technology, a Japanese medical device. This ring is entirely magnetized by 55mT at 10-mm pitches in the Alternating North-South Polarity Orientation. This allows TitaniumION force from the whole neck loop to spread its effects across a wide surface, leading to an increase and improved blood circulation, improves metabolism, and enhance masculine energy. [...] - JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring is gentle on all skin-types. It does not bend or break easily and can be worn for a long years of use without tarnishing. The beads can be moved and spin smoothly for a perfect relief. [...] Pros Of Jansio Ring - It is easy to use - Suitable for both male and female - It claims to help in weigh loss - It is eco friendly - It does not contain any chemical",insufficient-neutral
Golan Heights is a territory of Syria,"The Golan Heights belongs to Syria [...] Now, it recognizes Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights, which is part of Syria and the Arab world. Thus, Trump will frustrate the Arab public even further. These unilateral moves have pushed the U.S. down to the same level of the Israeli state. [...] The Golan Heights is Syrian territory, and nothing can change this reality. Therefore, Trump's decision cannot legitimize its illegal Israeli occupation. While this move can bring political benefits for both Trump and Netanyahu, it will not bring peace and stability. This decision and the previous Jerusalem decision will only increase regional tension and damage the peace process, if there is any. For sure, the recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory will endanger Trump's own peace plan as well.",refutes
41% of those living with HIV in Northern Ireland are heterosexual.,"Northern Ireland has had the largest proportional increase in new cases of HIV in the UK since 2000. [...] Of the new diagnoses of HIV in Northern Ireland in 2013, 57% occurred in men who have sex with men. Seven hundred and forty-nine HIV-infected residents of Northern Ireland received care for the virus during 2013.",insufficient-supports
The United Nations have a New World Order Website,"Fact check: UN has not made a 'New World Order' website, despite video's claim [...] A March 7 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) shows a website with a header that reads, ""United Nations New World Order."" ""Well, I was just informed that the United Nations has a new world order website,"" says a narrator, who continues by reading from the website's ""About"" section. ""The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008.""",refutes
A Phoenix TV station aired the election results more than a week early.,"Claim: Two television stations aired 2012 election ""results"" early. [...] Even so, it will be interesting to compare the ""results"" broadcast over two weeks earlier with the actual 2012 returns. [...] Schortgen, Kenneth Jr. ""Television Stations in Ohio and Arizona Announce Obama Victory Before Election."" 22 October 2012. The Daily Caller. ""CBS News Affiliate Calls 2012 Presidential Race For Obama Weeks Ahead of Election."" 21 October 2012.",insufficient-neutral
"In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver's license.”",Florida does not allow immigrants in the U.S. illegally to obtain driver’s licenses. Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections. The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles office pictured in this video was the subject of a news report about long wait times.,refutes
"“This year, it's going to be over $1.5 trillion (that we’ve) reduced the debt.""","But we’ve chosen a different path: forward, the future, unity, hope, and optimism. (Applause.) I mean it sincerely. We choose to build a better America. [...] We’ve done all this, but then our critics say ""inflation."" You mean the global inflation caused by the worldwide pandemic and Putin’s war in Ukraine? [...] Well, guess what we did?. We’ve reduced the deficit. (Applause.) The Inflation Reduction Act lowers the deficit by $300 billion over the next 10 years. (Applause.) And that’s on top of the $350 billion I reduced the deficit last year and the $1.5 trillion dollars reducing it this year. (Applause.)",supports
"Since independence, we had 75 operational airports, UDAN added 25 airports just since December 2016.","The Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) - UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik), a government-backed initiative to improve infrastructure and connectivity in India, especially in remote and underserved regions, completes six years. It is a vital component of India's National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) 2016, launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) on October 21, 2016, with a 10-year vision. [...] - UDAN 1.0: 5 airlines companies were awarded 128 flight routes to 70 airports (including 36 newly made operational airports) [...] From Mundra (Gujarat) to Tezu in Arunachal Pradesh to Hubli in Karnataka, RCS-UDAN is connecting 30 States/ UTs across the length and breadth of the country. A total of 75 airports have been operationalized under UDAN. Eight airports have been operationalized in the Northeast region. Many airports that were operationalized under UDAN such as Darbhanga, Hubli, Kannur, Mysuru, etc. have become sustainable with many non-RCS commercial flights operating from these airports.",insufficient-refutes
Bousignies-sur-Roc is a territory of France,"Bousignies-sur-Roc (Bousignies-sur-Roc) is a populated place (class P - Populated Place) in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (Europe) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 164 meters above sea level. Bousignies-sur-Roc is also known as Bousignies, Bousignies-sur-Roc. [...] Weather Bousignies-sur-Roc (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)",insufficient-refutes
"Says his Jan. 6, 2021, speech on the White House Ellipse drew the “same number of people,” as the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.","The House select committee that investigated the events of Jan. 6, 2021, estimated 53,000 people attended President Donald Trump’s speech at the White House Ellipse. The National Archives says 250,000 people attended Martin Luther King's Jr.’s ""I Have a Dream"" speech on Aug. 28, 1963, during the March on Washington.",refutes
“The state of Washington has already sent out their ballots” for the 2024 presidential election.,"The Presidential election is coming up on November 5, 2024. Stay informed with the latest voting information, key dates, primary results and more for Washington. [...] How Washington Voted in Past Presidential Elections [...] * The Decision Desk pre-election race ratings characterize the competitiveness of all U.S. House and Senate seats up in 2024, all gubernatorial elections in 2024, and the states and districts that comprise the 538 electoral votes in the presidential election. Several factors are taken into consideration in determining ratings, including various combinations of the analysis of historical electoral results, election polling, analysis of voter file registration data and early voting (when applicable), political advertising data as well as qualitative assessments of the specific candidates.",insufficient-neutral
"The current solar minimum could last for more than three decades which could lead to temperatures plummeting across the globe, scientists have warned.","Why did Earth’s surface temperature stop rising in the past decade? [...] During the last decade, a longer than usual solar minimum cycle, several volcanic eruptions, and relatively low amounts of water vapor in the stratosphere may have helped cool the atmosphere temporarily. But recent research suggests that the Earth’s natural climate variability—natural, short-term fluctuations in the climate system that occur on a year-to-year basis or longer—may have played the most pivotal role of all by transferring excess heat from the Earth’s surface into the deep ocean. [...] Kosaka Y., and S-P. Xie (2013) Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling. Nature, 501, 403-407, doi: 10.1038/nature12534",insufficient-supports
one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughters sits on the board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,The Daily Caller didn’t find any evidence that any of Pelosi’s four daughters sit on the board of the Kennedy Center. A spokeswoman for the Kennedy Center confirmed that Pelosi’s children have no affiliation with the institution.,refutes
"Human-produced carbon might be one of the factors [of climate change], but there’s simply no evidence that it is a significant one.","Natural factors have certainly caused climate changes in the past, but that does not mean human factors are not responsible for climate change now. Observations clearly show that incoming solar radiation and the effects of volcanic eruptions have not changed in a way that could explain global warming. Instead, research has shown that human activities are the cause.",refutes
More than 3000 stores of affordable medicines with PM bharatiya janaushadi kendras.,"New Delhi, Feb 10 () The government is committed to end domination of 'medicine mafia' in many parts of the country for which it will push for opening 3,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendra by March to provide quality drugs at affordable prices, Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister Ananth Kumar said today.New Delhi, Feb 10 () The government is committed to end domination of 'medicine mafia' in many parts of the country for which it will push for opening 3,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendra by March to provide quality drugs at affordable prices, Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister Ananth Kumar said today. Under the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana, a scheme launched in 2008, the government has so far opened 777 Jan Aushadhi stores where more than 600 medicines and 150 medical devices are sold. The Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) is the nodal implementation agency for this programme. [...] The minister noted that the price of generic medicines sold in the Janaushadhi Kendras is significantly lower than the rates of branded medicines and the quality of medicines is 'WHO compliant'.",insufficient-neutral
“Netflix loses 6 million subscribers within hours of donation announcement.”,"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Netflix suffered its first subscriber loss in more than a decade, causing its shares to plunge 25 percent in extended trading amid concerns that the pioneering streaming service may have already seen its best days. The company’s customer base fell by 200,000 subscribers during the January-March period, according to its quarterly earnings report released Tuesday. It’s the first time that Netflix’s subscribers have fallen since the streaming service became available throughout most of the world outside of China six years ago. The drop this year stemmed in part from Netflix’s decision to withdraw from Russia to protest the war against Ukraine, resulting in a loss of 700,000 subscribers. READ MORE: Netflix tests a possible password-sharing crackdown Netflix acknowledged its problems are deep rooted by projecting a loss of another 2 million subscribers during the April-June period. If the stock drop extends into Wednesday’s regular trading session, Netflix shares will have lost more than half of their value so far this year — wiping out about $150 billion in shareholder wealth in less than four months.",insufficient-neutral
Joe Biden cut the federal deficit by 1.7 trillion,"President Joe Biden claimed he cut the federal debt by $1.7 trillion within his first two years in office during remarks delivered on Aug. 16, the anniversary of the Inflation Act. [...] Biden claimed during a speech on Aug. 16 that he cut the federal deficit by $1.7 trillion before saying he cut the debt by $1.7 trillion. Biden said,""Unlike the last president, in my first two years in office, we actually cut the federal debt, the deficit, by $1.7 trillion. The first two years — we cut the debt by $1.7 trillion."" [...] The claim that Biden decreased the deficit is also misleading. While the deficit for fiscal year 2022 is $1.6 trillion, down from $2.77 trillion in 2021 according to Fiscal Data, the cut was mainly due a decrease in spending from the COVID-19 pandemic.",insufficient-refutes
“Prices have increased over 17% in the last two years.”,"Americans are still struggling under the weight of inflation. Americans are paying more for just about everything—groceries, rent, gas, energy. [...] Over the last two years, total inflation has increased by over 17 percent.",supports
"Says since he took office, the City of Milwaukee has seen the creation of 7,000 new affordable housing units.","Mayor Tom Barrett said the city has created 7,000 new housing units since he took office in 2004. Data from Milwaukee’s Department of City Development shows that as of October 2019, a total of 7,261 affordable housing units had been developed since Barrett took office. Barrett has faced criticism about focusing on apartment units instead of single-family homes or duplexes. The federal grants the city has used apply only to apartment developments.",supports
"Bernie Sanders has “never taken corporate lobbyist money in his *entire political career.*""",Sanders is well known for eschewing campaign contributions from big-business interests. But there have been instances where lobbyists representing corporations or industry groups have donated to his presidential and Senate campaigns.,refutes
Limbang District is a territory of Brunei,"Limbang, Brunei's exclave, is a small district located in the northern part of Borneo. It's separated from the main territory of Brunei by a strip of land belonging to Sarawak, a Malaysian state. This peculiar arrangement has its roots in historical events and political developments. [...] After World War II, both Brunei and Sarawak gained independence. While Brunei remained a sultanate, Sarawak became a state within Malaysia. Despite the political changes, the territorial boundaries remained intact, leaving Limbang as an exclave of Brunei. The existence of Limbang has significant implications for Brunei. It provides the sultanate with access to the South China Sea, which is important for trade and transportation. Limbang also contributes to Brunei's economy through its agricultural and forestry resources.",refutes
purports to show a mom remove an LGBTQ+ pride flag from a classroom,"The school’s principal was ordered to remove the flags last month at the direction of administrators over Alpine School District — the largest school district in Utah — hoping to avoid becoming the focus of the latest cultural firestorm surrounding teachers. Recent outcry from conservative parents across the state and the country have labeled educators who support the LGBTQ+ community with rainbow flags as ""groomers"" and ""pedophiles,"" suggesting the symbols are sexual and don’t belong in schools. [...] As soon as the parent pointed out the pride flag, the picture was removed. It was reposted by the school shortly later, cropped to remove the flag. It was deleted again when more parents commented that it still showed nine smaller pride flags — representing identities and intersections within the LGBTQ+ community — sitting in a neat line above the day’s lesson plan. Cutting those out wouldn’t be possible without also cropping the teacher and student. The photo wasn’t reposted. [...] But Brown said she and other students weren’t satisfied. Even the pride flags that had been in the classroom of the teacher who led the school’s gay-straight alliance club were removed. Some questioned how those weren’t considered educational, as they were directly related to a school-approved group, which 40 to 50 kids at Skyridge participate in.",insufficient-neutral
“New York is one of only 12 states where the average gallon of gas costs more than $2.00.”,"A quiet city on the edge of the Ozarks is the only town in the entire country where the average price of gas is less than $2 a gallon. [...] The national average stands a $2.45 a gallon, the lowest since 2009. As of Friday, half of all states had at least one station selling gas for less than $2, twice as many as on Monday. And Alaska and Hawaii are the only two states with an average gas price above $3 a gallon.",insufficient-neutral
"“Vitamin D3 is radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform”, “Vitamin D3 IS RAT POISON !!”, “D levels are low because of lack of light and high vitamin A diets.”","Vitamin D is important for building and maintaining strong bones, as well as regulating calcium and phosphate ion levels in the body. People can obtain vitamin D from food and sun exposure. However, vitamin D supplements may be recommended for people who have difficulty meeting their needs through natural sources. Two groups at high risk of vitamin D deficiency are breastfed infants, as human milk doesn’t contain enough vitamin D, as well as the elderly, because the body’s ability to store and make vitamin D diminishes with age.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims American writer Henry David Thoreau said, ""Be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.""","This page contains quotations either misquoted or erroneously attributed to Henry D. Thoreau [...] The second half of this quotation is misattributed to Thoreau and may be a misquotation or misremembering of Oliver Wendell Holmes’ (1809-1894) ""The Voiceless"": [...] Be yourself, not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be. – This quotation is spoken by the character of Thoreau in the 1970 play, The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail, by Robert Edwin Lee and Jerome Lawrence, but does not appear in any of Thoreau’s writings.",refutes
“The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of.”,"And he said he had ordered an independent review of how security was handled at the political rally in Pennsylvania and would be speaking to the nation Sunday night. The White House said his address from the Oval Office would be at 8 p.m. ET. [...] ""There's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick. It's sick. It's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country,"" he said. ""... the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this, is just unheard of, it's just not appropriate. We - everybody, everybody must condemn it,"" he said.",insufficient-supports
"Due to U.S. Senate rules, Democrats need ""more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade.""","Yes, Democrats do need ‘more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade’ [...] ""Because the U.S. Senate is a minority institution, meaning you don't have to get the most votes and still control the chamber, we need to have more than a majority of Democrats in control to codify Roe v. Wade,"" state Sen. Kelda Roys, D-Madison, said May 8, 2022, on ""Capital City Sunday."" [...] ""So, even if Democrats had 50 or even 59 votes to codify Roe v. Wade, so long as the filibuster rule remains as is, unified Republican opposition can block the bill,"" Ornstein said. ""Right now, all Republicans are opposed. The Democrats could find a way to alter the rule, as was done for confirmations, by majority, but right now at least two of their own won't agree.""",insufficient-supports
A Turning Point USA meme claims a quote about socialized medicine is attributable to Vladimir Lenin,"Turning Point USA, a group for young conservatives, has used a fake quote to distort an actual quote. [...] But the Turning Point USA meme plucked out only eight words, which is misleading on its own. Putting that truncated, out-of-context quote next to a fake quote that suggests she was talking about her own work on the Supreme Court is deceptive.",insufficient-contradictory
Northern Ireland has the highest rate of femicide in Western Europe,"The death of 21-year-old Salomé has been recorded as the 100th case of femicide this year. [...] In 2018, the ministry of the interior had recorded 121 femicides. On Sunday, the 101st case was recorded, that of a 92-year-old woman killed by her 94-year-old husband in southern France. In western Europe, France is said to be among the countries with the highest rate of women killed by their partner, with 0.18 victims per 100,000 women, according to 2017 Eurostat figures.",insufficient-neutral
“Caitlin Clark rejects $400 million deal from Nike” saying “not with that Kaepernick clown.’”,"""BREAKING: Caitlin Clark Rejects $400 Million Deal From Nike, 'Not With That Kaepernick Clown,’' read a June 21 Facebook post. It included an image of Clark and former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. [...] News, ""Caitlin Clark Rejects $400 Million Deal From Nike, ‘Not With That Kaepernick, (archived), June 21, 2024 SpaceXMania, ""Breaking: Caitlin Clark Turns Down Massive Nike Endorsement Worth $400 Million, ""Never In A Million Years With That Kaepernick Clown"" (archived), June 19, 2024",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.""","The quote ""The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"" is popular, being widely attributed to Einstein (probably incorrectly). Unfortunately it's often used to support a common and dangerous fallacy: that if you're trying something and it's not working, you must not be using the best strategy and you must try something else. It's easy to see the fallacy using a thought experiment. Imagine you must regularly play a lottery which offers red tickets and black tickets, and red tickets have twice the probability of winning compared to black tickets. So you choose red tickets, but you don't win. Would Einstein tell you to start choosing black tickets instead? Hopefully not! [...] Of course, one must also avoid stubbornly sticking to a strategy which is not the best available.",insufficient-refutes
Moderna was already producing COVID-19 vaccines before the beginning of the pandemic,"An article published on the website News Punch on Feb. 10 said, ""Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has been caught admitting to his friends at the World Economic Forum that his company produced 100,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 – before the pandemic started."" [...] An article and Instagram posts claim Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said the company produced 100,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine before the pandemic. [...] Health Feedback, Moderna didn’t already produce COVID-19 mRNA vaccines before the pandemic; statement by CEO of Moderna misinterpreted, Feb. 14, 2023",insufficient-refutes
"Ventilators, not COVID, killed hospitalized COVID patients","Ventilators were commonly deployed for critically ill COVID-19 patients who developed trouble breathing. The way ventilators were used initially during the pandemic was based on doctors’ experiences of treating other, known types of pneumonia. Over time, as doctors gained a better understanding of COVID-19, their approach to ventilator use also evolved. While it is probable that ventilators were used on some patients who might not have needed it in the end, the claim that ventilators, not COVID-19, were responsible for killing the majority of COVID-19 patients isn’t substantiated by evidence. [...] On the podcast, Rogan stated ""80% of people they put on ventilators died"". Musk, who has no training in medicine, then followed up by claiming that putting people on ventilators is ""what is damaging the lungs, not Covid. It’s the treatment, the cure is worse than the disease"".He alleged that he received this information from doctors in Wuhan that he called. Taken as a response to Rogan’s statement, Musk’s remarks can be interpreted to mean that it was ventilators that had killed COVID-19 patients, rather than COVID-19. [...] In an article for MedPage Today, Rohin Francis, a cardiologist and science communicator, also refuted the claim that ventilators were what killed COVID-19 patients, citing ""breathless articles in the news stating that 80% of patients placed on ventilators die"":",refutes
Bassas da India is a territory of Madagascar,"Bassas da India [key], uninhabited atoll, 0.1 sq mi (0.2 sq km), in the S Mozambique Channel, W Indian Ocean, about midway between Madagascar and Mozambique, part of the Scattered Islands district in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. The atoll's rocky islets, which emerge from a circular reef, sometimes present a maritime hazard since they are normally under water at high tide and are protected by bristling reefs. A French possession since 1897, the Bassas da India group has been administered by a commissioner in Réunion since 1968. The group is also claimed by Madagascar.",supports
"claims that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer once stated, ""It’s racist to only allow citizens to vote.""","No, Chuck Schumer didn't say it is racist to only allow citizens to vote [...] ""Chuck Schumer slams President Trump: ‘it’s racist to only allow citizens to vote,"" said an April 3 headline on Federer Now, a right-wing blog. [...] Viral News Political, ""Chuck Schumer SLAMS President Trump : ""It’s Racist To Only Allow Citizens To Vote,"" Feb. 15, 2018",refutes
James Shoal is a territory of Malaysia,"Malaysia owns James Shoal, a submerged feature that is within its continental shelf. Being one thousand nautical miles from Hainan, James Shoal is outside the continental shelf of China; it is also outside the continental shelf of Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia. [...] James Shoal is 500 nm from Pagasa Island in the Spratlys that the Philippines has occupied since 1971. The Shoal is more than 400 nm from Itu Aba, an island that Taiwan has occupied since 1956. James Shoal is also outside Brunei’s extended maritime zone which the 2009 Letter of Exchange Brunei had with Malaysia attested to. In 1969, Malaysia and Indonesia signed a Treaty on the continental shelf, off Tanjung Datu, Sarawak, which has placed James Shoal on the Malaysian side. [...] Although the feature is nearer to Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur’s ownership of James Shoal is not premised on geographical contiguity but on customary international law. In the Island of Palmas (or Miangas) (United States v. The Netherlands), Arbitral Award, 1928 Judge Huber stated, ""it is impossible to show the existence of a rule of positive international law"" on contiguity to ""the effect that islands situated outside territorial waters should belong to the state"".",supports
"Media outlets, such as the Telegraph and the Independent, reported that an artificial intelligence (AI) controlled drone killed its operator in a simulation.","46 Phillip Sherwell, ""U.S. Drone Pilot Haunted by Horrors of Remote Killings; Operator Sickened by Death Count,"" London Daily Telegraph, October 25, 2013, available at . [...] 48 Christian Enemark, Armed Drones and the Ethics of War (London: Routledge, 2014), 22. [...] 51 Enemark, Armed Drones and the Ethics of War, 25.",insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland has the highest rate of femicide in Western Europe,"According to Jayne Brady, head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service, ""The gender playing field is far from level."" Brady highlighted that women are still underrepresented in the science and technology sectors, and that Northern Ireland currently holds one of the highest rates of femicide in Western Europe.",supports
Not Sonam Kapoor’s Performance At King Charles’ Coronation !,"No, This not Sonam Kapoor's performance at King Charles' coronation [...] The caption states ""Sonam Kapoor ""performing"" at the Coronation Ceremony of King Charles This is how we take revenge on Brits"" #KingCharlesIII #KingCharlesIIICoronation #Coronation [...] Title:No, This not Sonam Kapoor's performance at King Charles' coronation",refutes
Drinking bottled water with an acidic pH is bad for your health,"Acidic water is synergistic, which means that a combination of a low pH and an increased concentration of certain substances is far more harmful than the sum of the parts. For example, aluminium, lead and mercury are potentially dangerous substances, but when the pH of the water source is already low, these substances can have extremely detrimental consequences for aquatic life. Acidic water can also cause problems for human consumption. While slightly acidic water is not dangerous, on its own, it can be quite dangerous when combined with other compounds. Water with a pH that is less than 6.5 can leach metal ions, including iron, manganese, copper, lead and zinc from plumbing fixtures and pipes. This, in return, can be quite dangerous. On the other end of the pH scale, water that has a pH greater than 8.0 can be difficult to disinfect. The World Health Organization recommends that the pH of the water be less than 8.0, because basic water does not allow for effective chlorination. [...] Like TDS, pH is given an aesthetic objective in Canada. The Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality suggest that the pH of drinking water should be between 7.0 and 10.5. The Saskatchewan Drinking Water Standards and Objectives recommend that the pH of drinking water be between 6.5 and 9.0.",supports
It is not mandatory for a woman to submit her marriage certificate or divorce decree while applying for passport,"The provision for retaining the maiden name in passport always existed. While the PM was referring to the rule about single parents, the media understood it as the maiden name.",insufficient-contradictory
Three-quarters of non-voters in Northern Ireland are pro-Union.,This article was updated on 16 November 2021. A section that compared the percentage of non-voters identified across four different organisations’ polls was removed. We made this simplification after further discussions with polling organisations. This clarification did not affect FactCheckNI’s original conclusion about the claim.,insufficient-neutral
Bio-toilets are introduced in train coaches only after 2014,"One Lakh Twenty Five Thousands Bio-Toilets Installed in Trains Coaches [...] Beginning with the introduction of 57 bio-toilets in one train i.e. Gwalior-Varanasi Bundelkhand Express in January 2011, Indian Railways has provided about 1,25,000 bio-toilets in its coaches till March 2018. This covers about 60% of coaching fleet of Indian Railways. During 2017-18, IR has installed highest ever bio-toilets in coaches which is 40% higher than the set target of 40,000 bio-toilets and 64% higher than the fitment of 34134 bio-toilets in 2016-17. [...] ""Bio-Toilet project"" of Indian Railways is an innovative & indigenous development of technology. This technology is first of its kind being used by any railroad in the world for On-board accelerated digestion of human waste. These bio-toilets are fitted underneath the lavatories and the human waste discharged into them is acted upon by a colony of anaerobic bacteria that convert human waste mainly into water and small amount of bio-gases. The gases escape into atmosphere and waste water is discharged after chlorination onto the track. Human waste, thus, does not fall on the railway tracks thus improving cleanliness and hygiene at platforms, and facilitate track and coaches maintenance staff to perform their work more efficiently. The Bio-toilet project is very much aligned with ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’, launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.",refutes
C-sections are coded as abortions in hospitals.,"No, US hospitals do not code C-sections as abortions [...] In response to a June 27 Threads post about the rarity of nine-month abortions, one user wrote that, ""Technically there is. It’s called a cesarean section, also know(n) as a c-section. Coded in hospitals as an abortion. Remember abortion means termination/ending of a pregnancy and not murdering a child."" [...] A Threads post said C-sections are coded as ""abortions"" in hospitals.",refutes
plazas de soberanía is a territory of Morocco,"The plazas de soberanía (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈplaθas ðe soβeɾaˈni.a], lit. ""strongholds of sovereignty"")[3] is a term describing a series of Spanish overseas minor territories scattered along the Mediterranean coast bordering Morocco or that are closer to Africa than Europe. This term is used for those territories that have been a part of Spain since the formation of the modern country (1492–1556), as opposed to African territories acquired by Spain during the 19th and early 20th centuries in the Scramble for Africa. [...] - ↑ Mariñas Otero, Eugenio (1998). ""Las Plazas Menores de soberanía española en África"". MILITARIA. Revista de Cultura Militar. (in Spanish). No. 12. Madrid: UCM. Retrieved 25 March 2020.",insufficient-refutes
"claims the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out Burger soda cup",It has been digitally altered to replace the words “John 3:16” with the words “Hail Satan” on the bottom of the cup.,refutes
Donald Trump Claimed to not know who gave Fauci the commendation,"Trump issues commendations to Operation Warp Speed members, including Fauci, Birx [...] A few names on the list of commendations stood out, particularly Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, both of whom were key members of the White House coronavirus task force in its early days, before having their public-facing roles diminished when the task force ceased providing regular briefings. Despite his sometimes public clashes with Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Trump’s list included the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Apart from his work on the coronavirus task force, Fauci worked tirelessly to inform Americans of the science concerning the novel coronavirus, urging the public to choose facts over conspiracy theories and speculation.",insufficient-neutral
"Under the UPA II, the average annual MSP growth rate was 19.3%, under the NDA government; this has fallen to 3.6%","Home / Economy / News / NDA govt's growth rate lower than UPA's 10-year average: Chidambaram NDA govt's growth rate lower than UPA's 10-year average: Chidambaram [...] Congress leader P Chidambaram on Saturday took a swipe at the NDA government for claiming that the growth rate was better in its rule, saying it was lower than UPA's 10 years average and was going downward.",insufficient-supports
"Childhood vaccines contain “mixed up toxins” including formaldehyde, aluminum, aborted fetal DNA, fetal bovine serum, monkey kidney cells, mercury, pig circoviruses","""There is no vaccine that includes everything on this list,"" Dr. Kawsar R. Talaat, associate professor of international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told us in a phone interview. ""I think that they have gathered these ingredients and use different names for them in order to scare people as much as possible."" [...] Anyone can check the Johns Hopkins database or consult the package inserts to see that none of the current flu vaccines contains ethanol, aluminum dye or aluminum, any type of acetone, ""monkey kidney cells"" or Vero cells, ""fetal cow serum"" or bovine serum, barium, E. coli, ""cow muscle tissue,"" ""DNA from pig circoviruses (PCV)"", ""embryonic guinea pig cells,"" human albumin (a protein naturally made in the liver), ""Mueller’s media (containing cow extracts),"" or dextrose (a type of sugar), as the meme incorrectly claims. [...] Vaccines may also contain some leftover products from the manufacturing process. As explained by CHOP’s Vaccine Education Center, since the ingredients of the vaccine come from biological systems, it’s sometimes impossible to completely remove substances used during the process. Although most of the time the amounts that remain in the vials are insignificant, the substances still need to be listed.",refutes
“those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life”,"Another claim that has emerged to support this narrative is that vaccinated people will increase their risk of mortality by 7% for every dose received and so ""those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life"", which appeared in early April 2023 on websites like The Exposé and Slay News. However, this claim is inaccurate. We explain why below. Firstly, the claim that vaccinated people will experience a 25-year loss in life expectancy is an extrapolation of a previous claim by insurance analyst Josh Stirling that ""each additional vaccine dose increased mortality by 7%"". Health Feedback previously debunked Stirling’s claim in detail here. [...] Overall, the foundation of this claim—that there is a 7% mortality increase due to COVID-19 vaccination—isn’t actually supported by data and any reasoning built on that estimate is fallacious. The claim that vaccinated people have their life expectancy reduced by 25 years takes Stirling’s erroneous 7% figure and further compounds it with an invalid extrapolation to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines.",refutes
One in five school staff in Northern Ireland are assaulted at least once a week.,"More than a quarter of education staff in Northern Ireland have been physically assaulted by pupils, a union claimed today. [...] ATL branch president in Northern Ireland Andy Brown said: ""It is totally unacceptable that poor pupil behaviour continues to be such a widespread problem in schools and colleges, and shocking that over a third of staff have experienced aggression from students’ parents or guardians. [...] Incidents of physical attacks were far more prevalent in primary schools with 48 per cent of staff reporting pupils being physically aggressive, compared with 20 per cent working at secondary level.",insufficient-contradictory
"claims Henry Ford once said, ""If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.""","That ""Henry Ford"" Quote… ""If I’d have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said, ‘A faster horse.’"" — Henry Ford? While there’s doubt that Ford ever said this, it’s something he might have said. Designers tend to hear this when we suggest doing User Research to determine needs and pain points. ""If I’d have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse is what Henry Ford said and he was extremely successful so it’s a waste of time"" Please read this article from HBR about why his initial success was predicated on price reduction and the implementation (smartly) of the assembly line (something he didn’t invent) because it discusses his initial success with the first mass produced car, but also points out that General Motors ate his lunch in the 20’s. [...] So imagine you’re sitting in a conference room and you suggest that doing User Research will help advance the product and someone says: ""If I’d have asked customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse""…",insufficient-contradictory
the new coronavirus has HIV proteins that indicate it was genetically modified in a laboratory.,"The theory that the COVID-19 pandemic was triggered by the Sars-CoV-2 virus being leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China was recently given new life following an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in which the authors claimed ""the most compelling reason to favour the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science"". But does the science really support the claim that the virus was engineered in a laboratory? [...] An important way scientists can determine the origin of a virus is by looking at its genome. In the WSJ article, the authors, Prof Richard Muller, an astrophysicist, and Dr Steven Quay, physician and chief executive of Atossa Therapeutics, claim Sars-CoV-2 has ""genetic fingerprints"" of a lab-origin virus. They say that the presence of a particular genetic sequence (CGG-CGG) is a sign that the virus originated in a lab. [...] Disappointingly, many other media articles appear to have accepted and repeated the claims from the WSJ piece. The origin of Sars-CoV-2 may remain unresolved, but there is no evidence presented in the WSJ piece that scientifically supports the concept of a lab leak of a genetically engineered virus.",refutes
"claims that George Eliot said, ""It's never too late to be what you might have been.""","""I’ve always assumed it was apocryphal,"" she wrote. ""It shows up nowhere in full text searches of G.E.’s work. What’s strange is not that the attribution is so persistent but that it starts very early."" She sent me a link to an article in a New York periodical called The Literary News, published in 1881, less than a year after George Eliot’s death. There, the quotation—""It is never too late to be what you might have been""—is one of seventy-one winning entries in a readers’ competition to nominate ""Gems from George Eliot."" The terms of the competition were outlined in an issue of the journal from a couple of months earlier: readers were asked to ""quote the most striking passage known to you from George Eliot’s writings: not to exceed thirty words."" The quotation is No. 23 on the list, between a line from ""Middlemarch"" (""A woman’s choice usually means taking the only man she can get"") and one from ""Adam Bede"" (""I’m not denyin’ the women are foolish: God Almighty made ’em to match the men""). But there was no reference to the source. Had the competition entrant come across the quotation in a review? Misremembered it?",insufficient-contradictory
Translink spoke about their hope that the Glider would reduce journey times on public transport by 25%.,"""The Glider service will encourage more people to use public transport which in turn helps ease congestion and improve air quality,"" she said. [...] Translink CEO Chris Conway said the new buses will transform public transport in Belfast. [...] Translink hope the new network will see a reduction in public transport journey times by 25%.",supports
Government has provided for integrated development and management of fisheries with an outlay of Rs. 3000 crores.,"The restructured Plan Scheme on Blue Revolution3 – Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries has been approved at a total central outlay of Rs 3000 crore for implementation during a period of five years (2015-16 to 2019-20)4. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries has restructured the scheme by merging all the ongoing schemes under an umbrella of Blue Revolution. The restructured scheme provides focused development and management of fisheries, covering inland fisheries, aquaculture, marine fisheries including deep sea fishing, mariculture and all activities undertaken by the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB). [...] 4 Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA). Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries – a Central Sector Scheme on Blue Revolution. 22 Dec 2015 5 The term ""ocean grabbing"" has been used to describe actions, policies or initiatives that deprive small- scale fishers of resources, dispossess vulnerable populations of coastal lands, and/or undermine historical access to areas of the sea. Rights and access to marine resources and spaces are frequently reallocated through government or private sector initiatives to achieve conservation, management or development objectives with a variety of outcomes for different sectors of society. For a reallocation to be considered ocean grabbing, it must: (1) occur by means of inadequate governance, and (2) be implemented using actions that undermine human security and livelihoods, or (3) produce impacts that reduce social- ecological well-being.",supports
"Claims that Jimmy Carter said, ""If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor – then stop saying you want a country based on Christian values, because you don't.""","In 2016, a social media post went viral with an alleged quote from Jimmy Carter: ""The novelty of electing a woman president should not outweigh the duty of electing an honest president."" However, there’s no evidence Carter actually said this. [...] Jimmy Carter is no stranger to fake internet quotes, including this one: ""If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor, then stop saying that you want a country based on Christian values. While that sounds like a sentiment that Carter might endorse, it’s easy to prove that he didn’t actually say those words – because we know who did! The quote comes from comedian John Fugelsang, who said it on a 2013 episode of the TV show ""Viewpoint.""",refutes
India with 5288 tops the list of countries with most universities,"A social media post that claims that India tops the list of countries with the most universities is being widely circulated. The post puts India on top of the list with 5288 universities, followed by USA & Indonesia. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. [...] This list categorizes universities in a country based on their world rankings. With 56 universities in the top 100, the USA tops the list. Though India did not find any mention under the top 500 universities, as per the list, the total number of universities in the country stands at 5288. Most likely, the viral list of countries with the most universities could have been from this list. Because, according to these rankings, the total number of universities in India stands at 5288, followed by the USA (3216) & Indonesia (2595).",supports
Over half of the residents in Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are living in poverty.,"Live Updates 27 per cent of people in FODC living in relative poverty in last four year : 27 per cent of people in FODC living in 'relative poverty' in last four year Data from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council suggests that 27 per cent of people in the district live in relative poverty, in comparison to 17 per… [...] Anti Poverty Strategy ,",refutes
Highly infectious HIV 'VB' variant makes people ill twice as quickly,"Researchers identified a new variant of HIV, named VB variant, which is characterized by a large number of mutations. Infections with this variant were associated with a higher viral load and a faster decline of the level of white blood cells. This means that patients infected by this variant could develop AIDS faster. Encouragingly, current HIV treatments appear to remain effective against this variant.",insufficient-supports
A British Army veteran who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles is 54 times more likely than a Republican or Loyalist paramilitary to be prosecuted for alleged offences pre-dating the 1998 Belfast Agreement.,"The issue of prosecuting former British soldiers who served in Northern Ireland during the [...] Most recently, in February 2024, the PPS announced that four British Army veterans would be prosecuted for murder or attempted murder in two incidents that occurred in Belfast in May 1972. [...] Crisp, ""Four More Troubles Veterans Prosecuted as Cases ‘Rushed Through’ Before Amnesty Deadline,"" Telegraph,",insufficient-neutral
Highest ever participation of women in 2016-17 at 56%,"Over the past 70 years, womenâs participation in labor force activities has greatly expanded. Immediately following World War II, less than one-third of women were in the labor force. However, women soon began to participate in greater numbers, and their labor force participation rose rapidly from the 1960s through the 1980s before slowing in the 1990s. Women reached the peak of their labor force participation in 1999, with a rate of 60.0 percent. Since then, labor force participation among women has declined, to 56.7 percent in 2015. In addition, a large share of women work full time and year-round. Over time, women have increasingly attained higher levels of education: among women ages 25 to 64 who are in the labor force, the proportion with a college degree more than tripled from 1970 to 2015, increasing from 11 percent to 41 percent. Womenâs earnings as a proportion of menâs earnings also have grown over time. In 1979, women working full time earned 62 percent of what men earned; in 2015, womenâs earnings were 81 percent of menâs. [...] Womenâs labor force participation was 56.7 percent in 2015, down from 57.0 percent in 2014. Menâs labor force participation, which always has been much higher than that for women, was little changed at 69.1 percent in 2015. (See table 2.)",refutes
Sastavci is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"Sastavci (Serbian Cyrillic: Саставци) is a village in the Serbian municipality of Priboj, in Zlatibor District. It lies immediately east of the village of Međurečje, which is an exclave of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are no border controls in or around the village. [...] Rafting Tarom 23.07.2016. rafting klub BODO Sastavci - Mrežnica - Sastavci i Ključ",supports
Claims Venezuelan people threw money in the streets to protest health conditions.,"This scenario is one of the millions of equally tragic scenes unfolding right now in Venezuela. People are dying from lack of basic needs or being killed for speaking out against their poor living conditions. There are no operational medical facilities. For many, there is no medicine, there are no doctors, with scarce clean water leaving disease to fill the void.",insufficient-neutral
Khao Phra Wihan is a territory of Thailand,"Khao Phra Wihan National Park (Thai: อุทยานแห่งชาติเขาพระวิหาร) is a protected natural area in Sisaket Province, Thailand, that contains numerous ruins of the 11th century Khmer Empire. The park lies 98 km (61 mi) south of the town of Sisaket, at the end of Thai highway 221. Sited on a red stone cliff that is part of the Dangrek mountain range on the southern edge of the Khorat Plateau, it abuts the international border between Thailand's Sisaket Province and Cambodia's Preah Vihear Province. The name of the cliff in the Royal Thai General System of Transcription is Pha Mo I Daeng (ผามออีแดง). The park was established on 20 March 1998,[1] with an area of 81,250 rai ~ 130 square kilometres (50 sq mi).[2]",insufficient-supports
Congress Party is celebrating after China blocked India’s bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN Security Council.,Pictures in the post are old images which correspond to the Congress party‘s celebrations after its victory on different occasions. Hence the claim mentioned in the post is FALSE.,refutes
Lake Constance is a territory of Germany,"If you are within the lower Bavaria and Bad Wurttemberg, recommend you drop anchor at Lake Konstanz. Lake Konstanz is very popular during summer for families on a long vacation looking for relaxation. It is also surrounded by beautiful villages with unique old town squares, churches, museum, and gardens as well as a rich history. This series of post will take you to Island Mainau, Meersburg, Constance (the town), Lindau, Bregenz, the Rhein Fall , Stein Am Rhine and a side trip to Liechtenstein. Lake Constance is bordered by Germany, Austria and Switzerland and one of the biggest cities is located in the German territory, Konstanz. This city is the center of this lake region and it is a good base if you are interested in night life and shopping, some of the cities like Lindau, Bregenz and Meersburg are good to base in too. [...] To experience Konstanz you need a day and a half, if interested in shopping, add the time you are required to shop. Recommend you book early if planning a family vacation, the Lake is very popular during summer weather. Konstanz is expensive due to the city proximity to Switzerland. To visit the cities around the lake take either the auto ferries or the passenger boat. To access close by villages take a train or rent a bike and enjoy the biking path around the lake.",insufficient-contradictory
“Antifa is warning that tonight they're moving out of the cities - and into residential areas to 'take what's ours.'”,"Who Are Antifa, and Are They a Threat? [...] To add to the confusion, there was significant disinformation and a proliferation of fake accounts on social media platforms. For example, Twitter shut down several accounts that it said were operated by a white supremacist group called Identity Evropa, which was posing as Antifa. In one fake account with the Twitter handle @Antifa_US, Identity Evropa members allegedly called for violence in white suburban areas in the name of Black Lives Matters. ""Tonight’s the night, Comrades,"" one tweet noted with a brown raised fist emoji. ""Tonight we say ‘F--- The City’ and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what's ours …"" As Twitter explained, ""This account violated our platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. We took action after the account sent a Tweet inciting violence and broke the Twitter Rules."" More broadly, extremists flooded social media with disinformation, conspiracy theories, and incitements to violence—swamping Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms.",refutes
Provided for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities (PwDs),"Constitutional Provisions on Disability - Article 41 of the Constitution of India declares that the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provisions for securing the right to work to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want. [...] - Penalties for offences: Provides for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities and violation of provisions of the new law. [...] A central sector scheme under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD).",supports
"""A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms""","Long-term thinning from surface and basal melting preconditions the ice shelf to collapse. Negative mass balances on tributary glaciers can lead to thinning of the glaciers and ice shelves. The highest rates of thinning are where relatively warm ocean currents can access the base of ice shelves through deep troughs[9,10]. Ice-shelf structure seems to be important, with sutures between tributary glaciers resulting in weaker areas of thinner ice, which are susceptible to rifting[11]. [...] Increased atmospheric temperatures lead to surface melting and ponding on the ice surface. Catastrophic ice-shelf collapsed tend to occur after a relatively warm summer season, with increased surface melting[12]. Based on the seasonality of ice shelf break up, and the geographic distribution of ice shelf collapse near the southerly-progressing -9°C isotherm, it appears that surface ponding is necessary for ice-shelf collapse[12]. This meltwater melts downwards into the ice shelf, causing fractures and leading to rapid ice-berg calving[5, 12]. Increased surface meltwater also leads to snow saturation, filling crevasses with water and increasing hydrostatic pressures. Brine infiltration can also cause crack over deepening. [...] With glaciers thinning, accelerating and receding in response to ice shelf collapse[20, 21], more ice is directly transported into the oceans, making a direct contribution to sea level rise. Sea level rise due to ice shelf collapse is as yet limited, but large ice shelves surrounding some of the major Antarctic glaciers could be at risk, and their collapse would result in a significant sea level rise contribution[22]. See Marine Ice Sheet Instability for more information.",insufficient-supports
“Autism is nothing more than mercury toxicity“; vaccine ingredients are toxic,"Even as Dr. Wakefield's reported findings were being evaluated and repudiated, another stream of concern entered the public consciousness. The vaccine given to children whom Wakefield studied did not contain mercury, but some vaccines in the United States were preserved with a mercury-containing compound called thimerosal. An emerging public health concern about effects of mercury exposure coincided with Dr. Wakefield's publication. Because certain forms of mercury are toxic to humans in sufficient quantity, some parents and clinicians feared that thimerosal might be a cause of autism. Although this association has been refuted by scientific evidence, many people continue to believe that the two are related. [...] - Baker JP. Mercury, vaccines, and autism: one controversy, three histories. Am J Pub Health 2008;98(2):2-11. [...] - Stehr-Green, P., Tull, P., Stellfeld, M., Mortenson, P., Simpson, D. Autism and thimerosal-containing vaccines: lack of consistent evidence for an association. Am J Prev Med 2003;25:101–106.",refutes
"Salt and corn gluten meal are used to kill mice, they are hazardous to humans","Some rodenticides contain sodium chloride—table salt—and corn gluten meal. This combination forms a thick plug that physically obstructs the airway of rodents. Because rodents are anatomically unable to vomit, this leads to suffocation and death. These rodenticides aren’t hazardous to other animals and humans, who are physiologically different from rodents. Humans can safely eat processed food containing sodium chloride and corn-derived products, as long as they are part of a balanced diet.",refutes
Says Sen. Lindsey Graham said a newly elected Donald Trump “will round up and deport LEGAL immigrants.”,"All right. Senator, let's – let’s move on to immigration. If reelected, Donald Trump has said he's willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military to deport the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country. It would be the largest deportation operation in American history. Do you support that plan? [...] Senator, here's what you said about Donald Trump's mass deportation proposals in 2016. Take a look. I don't think it's reasonable to say you're going to round up and deport 11 million people. I don't think it's a plan that works. I don't think that's a realistic policy.",insufficient-neutral
Human additions of CO2 are in the margin of error of current measurements and the gradual increase in CO2 is mainly from oceans degassing as the planet slowly emerges from the last ice age.,"['Global warming is driving polar bears toward extinction', 'The sun has gone into 'lockdown' which could cause freezing weather, earthquakes and famine, say scientists', 'The polar bear population has been growing.', ""Ironic' study finds more CO2 has slightly cooled the planet"", 'Human additions of CO2 are in the margin of error of current measurements and the gradual increase in CO2 is mainly from oceans degassing as the planet slowly emerges from the last ice age.'] [...] [[{'id': '449467966088806767', 'distance': 7.698919773101807, 'entity': {'text': 'Over the coming 25 or 30 years, scientists say, the climate is likely to gradually warm. However, researchers also say that this phenomenon can be stopped if human emissions are reduced to zero.'}}]] [[{'id': '449467966088806767', 'distance': 16.795665740966797, 'entity': {'text': 'Over the coming 25 or 30 years, scientists say, the climate is likely to gradually warm. However, researchers also say that this phenomenon can be stopped if human emissions are reduced to zero.'}}]]",supports
"Biden said that 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, an increase of 9 million since he took office.","FACT CHECK: Biden Claims 21 Million Americans Are Covered By ACA, A 9 Million Increase Since Taking Office President Joe Biden said in April 3 remarks that 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), an increase of 9 million since he took office. [...] During the same remarks, Biden claimed 21 million Americans are now covered through the Affordable Care Act, a 9 million increase since he took office in 2021. ""Today, 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, 9 million more than when I took office,"" he said.",supports
"In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver's license.”","""BREAKING! 100s of illegal migrants in line to get drivers licenses???"" read a screengrab of an X post that overlaid the video on Instagram. ""Isn’t that all you need to be able to vote? 1955 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL."" [...] Florida doesn’t issue driver’s licenses to immigrants in the U.S. illegally, unlike some states. And people must be U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections. A small number of Democratic-led cities let certain noncitizens vote in municipal elections, but cities in Florida are not among them. Nothing in the video proved that the people in line were Somalis or immigrants illegally in the U.S. [...] A video shared on social media claimed to show Somali immigrants in line to get driver’s licenses in Pompano Beach and said, ""All you need to vote is a driver’s license.""",insufficient-refutes
Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island is a territory of Russia,"In August 2023, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources released a new edition of its ""standard map."" According to defenseanalysts, it showed Bolshoy Ussuriysky, the Russian part of the island, as Chinese territory. Moscow’s response came three days later. ""The Russian and Chinese sides adhere to the common position that the border issue between our countries has been finally resolved,"" Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement. [...] Heixiazi/Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island has been a source of Chinese-Russian tension dating back to the 1858 Treaty of Aigun, under which Russia vastly expanded its Far Eastern territories at China’s expense. From the Chinese perspective, the Aigun pact is counted among the humiliating ""unequal treaties"" that the imperial government at the time was compelled to sign, granting technologically superior Western powers, including Britain, the United States, France and Russia, broad economic and territorial concessions. [...] The case of Bolshoy Ussuriysky is more complex than it seems. ""The island is, in some ways, a strategic beachhead because it gives greater access to Khabarovsk,"" Wishnick said. That city is the headquarters of the Eastern Military District, and an aviation regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces is based there.",supports
"Sweetgum balls contain the same active ingredient that Tamiflu contains, which is shikimic acid; It kills viruses including SARS-CoV-2","The TikTok video was correct in saying that sweetgum seeds contain shikimic acid[1]. However, this is at even lower levels than star anise and is not a commercial source for Tamiflu manufacturing. The video claimed that cutting the gum balls and soaking them in vodka would release ""nature’s cure"". Given that a critical industrial purification process struggles to extract enough shikimic acid from these sources, it seems unlikely that this method would be effective. The video also makes reference to using sweetgum balls to treat COVID-19. However, as mentioned previously, Tamiflu works by targeting a specific protein in the flu virus. There is no equivalent of the neuraminidase protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so the drug cannot act in the same way that it does with flu[4]. To claim that shikimic acid can help treat COVID-19 would need evidence from research. In summary, shikimic acid is not the active ingredient in Tamiflu. Shikimic acid is chemically altered to produce Tamiflu and will not have the same effect. The amount of shikimic acid in sweetgum balls is very low and it is difficult to extract.",refutes
MLAs were paid “nearly £2.2 million” in salaries up to 3rd September 2017.,"Progressive Politics NI claimed that MLAs were paid ""nearly £2.2 million"" in salaries up to 3rd September 2017. Is this accurate? [...] FactCheckNI asked PPNI to explain how it calculated its estimate of ""nearly £2.2 million""; it replied that it was based on MLAs earning a salary of £48,000 p.a. For the period of 13/3/2017-13/9/2017 (6 months), this equates to £2,160,000 (£4,000/month X 6 months X 90 MLAs). [...] This claim is broadly accurate: for the first six months of the new Assembly term, elected MLAs (and 3 non-returned office holders) received an estimated £2,333,188 in salaries (greater than claimed ""nearly"" £2.2 million). MLAs who signed the roll of membership at the Northern Ireland Assembly are receiving an annual salary of £49,500, regardless of whether the Assembly sits for business or not. (Eligible office holders are receiving a higher salary rate.)",insufficient-supports
"Based on the increase of solar activity during the twentieth century, it should account for between half to two-thirds of all climate change","Averaged over the complete solar cycle, there’s been minimal long-term change in the Sun’s overall brightness since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Records of sunspots show increased solar activity during the first 7 decades of the 20th century, likely tied to the peak of the last 100-year Gleissberg Cycle. Following that peak around 1960, solar activity declined. In fact, activity during the most recent solar cycle is among the lowest in a century. Meanwhile, the rate of global warming has accelerated over the past few decades. [...] Taken together, the increasing solar activity of the first half of the 20th century and the decreasing activity since then have largely canceled each other out in terms of their influence on global temperature. In the Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, experts concluded that the best estimate for the influence of the Sun on climate between the pre-industrial (1850-1900) and the present (2010-2019) was that it added 0.01 Watts per square meter to the global energy imbalance causing global warming. Such a small energy imbalance (scientists call it a radiative forcing) is likely to be responsible for no more than 0.01 degrees Celsius of warming over that period. That’s 100 times smaller than the overall warming that’s occurred on Earth over the industrial period, which the IPCC estimates as 0.95–1.2 degrees Celsius in 2011–2020 versus 1850–1900.",refutes
"Claims that author Kurt Vonnegut said, ""Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.""",This passage was actually written by Iain Thomas in 2007 and later published in his poetry collection “I Wrote This For You.”,refutes
Bajo Nuevo Bank is a territory of United States,"Bajo Nuevo Bank, also known as Petrel Islands (Spanish: Bajo Nuevo, Islas Petrel), is a group of uninhabited coral reefs and small islands inside the western Caribbean Sea. It is currently below the jurisdiction of the San Andrés and Providencia Department of Colombia, although Jamaica, Nicaragua, and the US additionally declare sovereignty over the place. [...] Territorial Dispute of Bajo Nuevo Bank - Five international locations assert sovereignty claims over Bajo Nuevo Bank: Jamaica, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, and the USA. - On November 22, 1869, the United States introduced the disputed ""Guano Islands Act."" To this present day, the U.S. Nevertheless considers Bajo Nuevo Bank as an ""unorganized, unincorporated U.S. Territory.""",insufficient-refutes
“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.”,Myocarditis and Pericarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: Practical Considerations for Care Providers - PMID: 34375696 - PMCID: PMC8349442 - DOI: 10.1016/j.cjca.2021.08.001 Myocarditis and Pericarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: Practical Considerations for Care Providers [...] Pericarditis and myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a nationwide setting.Ann Acad Med Singap. 2022 Feb;51(2):96-100. doi: 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2021425. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2022. PMID: 35224605 -,insufficient-neutral
Says Sen. Lindsey Graham said a newly elected Donald Trump “will round up and deport LEGAL immigrants.”,"Juneau County Wisconsin Republicans . stated on June 25, 2024 in Facebook post: ""Planes full of unvetted ‘refugees’ are being accepted at the Milw. & Madison airports!"" Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stated on June 27, 2024 in an X livestream: Border Patrol agents take migrants ""to the Yuma airport, put them on a plane to any destination they want. ... And they pay their ticket. And then they get reimbursement from FEMA."" Donald Trump stated on June 6, 2024 in a campaign rally: Joe Biden’s immigration order limiting asylum is ""pro-child trafficking."" Donald Trump stated on May 31, 2024 in remarks to reporters: ""Congo, Africa, just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the United States of America."" Marco Rubio stated on May 19, 2024 in an interview: The number of people in the U.S. illegally is ""upwards of 20, 25, maybe 30 million."" Eric Swalwell stated on June 9, 2024 in a post on X: Says Sen. Lindsey Graham said a newly elected Donald Trump ""will round up and deport LEGAL immigrants."" [...] Lindsey Graham stated on August 6, 2024 in an X post: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed ""legislation giving free college … to illegal immigrants."" [...] Eric Swalwell stated on June 9, 2024 in a post on X: Says Sen. Lindsey Graham said a newly elected Donald Trump ""will round up and deport LEGAL immigrants.""",insufficient-neutral
Socotra Archipelago is a territory of Yemen,"It seems quite unlikely that the TCS coup could have taken place without the prior approval of Riyadh. Did the Emirates make a deal with their allies whereby the separatists could take over Socotra? In any case, this is the belief of the Committee elected by the peaceful sit-in on the Socotra Archipelago, assembling the island’s tribal dignitaries. The movement held a meeting on 25 March 2021 at Halaa Deedom in a cave in the range of coastal mountains. Huge rugs were laid on the ground for the event. Elders and younger men greeted one another rubbing noses. In whispers they spoke of ""the occupation, outside interferences and the militias."" A banner was unfurled: ""Socotra is part of Yemen and will be forever"". On the beach below, kettles of cooking meat attracted a sky full of big vultures. Ali Saad finally arrived, wearing his red turban. The engineer got a warm welcome. After making the rounds of the guests, he stood up and gazed at the horizon with a worried look on his face. Several men in fatigues, carrying Kalashnikovs, were coming towards the cave. Down below, several police pick-ups were waiting.",insufficient-contradictory
The Red Cross is refusing blood donations from anyone who has received a vaccination for COVID.,"The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Deferral times for donations may vary depending on which brand of vaccine you received. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation. If you have further eligibility questions, please call 1-800-RED CROSS. Regardless, of the type of vaccine an individual receives, all donors must be symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation. If an individual is experiencing any symptoms from the COVID-19 vaccine, the Red Cross asks that they postpone their donation until they are feeling better. [...] The Red Cross is committed to the safety of donors, staff, and volunteers. We only collect blood from donors who are healthy and symptom-free. No matter which COVID-19 vaccine you receive, please do not present to donate unless you are symptom-free and feeling well. Mild side effects can occur after the administration of vaccines of any type, although they usually disappear within a few days. If you experience any side effects, please wait to donate until you are feeling well.",refutes
"That one little burp by Mt. Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our entire time on the Earth","The claim: One eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy released 10,000 times more CO2 than humans ever have [...] Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our entire time on Earth,"" reads text accompanying a picture of Mt. Etna in a June 6 Facebook post. [...] Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that one eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy released 10,000 times more CO2 than humans ever have. The 2015 eruption in question released less CO2 than what humans did just that year. Combined, volcanoes release less than one gigaton of CO2 per year, whereas humans release dozens of gigatons per year.",refutes
Amartya Sen was involved in gross irregularities and land grab during his tenure at visva-Bharati university in West Bengal,"Kolkata: Amid the controversy over Nobel laureate Amartya Sen's family being in ""illegal"" possession of land in Visva-Bharati campus, the central university on Saturday demanded that the West Bengal government measure the plot to resolve the issue. [...] A controversy had erupted on December 24 last year, the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the centenary celebrations of Visva-Bharati, when media reported that the university has written to the West Bengal government alleging dozens of land parcels owned by it were wrongfully recorded in the names of private parties including Mr Sen. [...] Stating that the Visva-Bharati authorities had never complained to him or his family about any irregularity in holding the land, Mr Sen has accused the VC of acting at the behest of the Centre ""with its growing control over Bengal"".",insufficient-refutes
VAERS data are “crystal clear”: “the COVID vaccines are killing people”,"A blog post shared on Facebook claimed that COVID-19 vaccines have killed some 676,000 people in the U.S. [...] ""VAERS data is crystal clear,"" the headline read. ""The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans)."" [...] There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines have killed people in the U.S. in large numbers, let alone 676,000. We rate the claim Pants on Fire!",refutes
Prevlaka is a territory of Croatia,"Prevlaka (Croatian pronunciation: [prɛ̂ʋlaka]) is a small peninsula in southern Croatia, near the border with Montenegro, at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor on the eastern Adriatic coast. [...] In 1918, after the end of World War I and collapse of Austria-Hungary, Prevlaka became part of the newly created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. By 1922, once the new state determined its internal administrative subdivisions, dividing its territory into 33 oblasts, the peninsula got included in kingdom's Dubrovnik Oblast. In 1929, as Kingdom of SCS transformed into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia along with its internal administrative subdivisions being reconfigured into 9 banovinas, Prevlaka was included into Zeta Banovina together with Dubrovnik. During the 1930s, Royal Yugoslav Army further fortified Prevlaka.[2] In 1939, the area was assigned to the newly created Banovina of Croatia subdivision of the Yugoslav kingdom.[4] [...] As World War II dragged on, in summer 1943, in response to the Allied advances in their Italian campaign, Nazi Germany took over the administration of the Bay of Kotor including Prevlaka.[4] On 22 December 1944, the Yugoslav Partisans took control of the region, and after the war Prevlaka became part of the newly proclaimed FPR Yugoslavia, specifically its constituent unit the People's Republic of Croatia.[4]",refutes
"Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism; Amish children are largely unvaccinated; Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America","Decades of epidemiological and clinical studies show that vaccines don’t cause autism and effectively reduce the risk of potentially disabling or lethal childhood illnesses like measles and polio. The Amish are a Christian group of about 350,000 people, most of whom live in the U.S.. Although they avoid the use of modern technology, they do vaccinate their children to a certain degree. Members of the Amish can and do develop various medical conditions such as autism, diabetes and cancer, just like the general population.",insufficient-refutes
"Says NBC News’ Kristen Welker “gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat & her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House.”","There is no evidence Welker has donated to Democrats or spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House. While she previously registered as a Democrat, Welker has registered with no party affiliation since 2016, according to the District of Columbia Board of Elections. [...] ""Kristen Welker, of NBC, the next debate moderator chosen by the ‘unbiased’ Presidential commission, gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat & her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House,"" reads the post. It also features an image of Welker in the White House press briefing room with a fabricated news chyron that reads, ""Kristen Walker is not a journalist she’s part of the anti-Trump resistance."" [...] The claim that Welker and her family ""spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House"" appears to stem from a picture Welker shared on Facebook in 2012 that shows her posing with Barack and Michelle Obama in a room with holiday decorations. The photo was taken during a White House holiday press party, an NBC spokesperson told the DCNF in an email.",refutes
There isn’t yet any empirical evidence for their claim that greenhouse gases even cause temperatures to increase.,"The well-established theory that man-made CO2 is causing global warming is supported as well as any chain of evidence in a rock-solid court case. CO2 keeps the Earth warmer than it would be without it. It has done so for most of geological time. Humans are adding substantial amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly by burning fossil fuels. Empirical evidence abounds to support the contention that the rising temperatures are being caused by that increasing CO2. [...] Greenhouse gases act like a blanket, keeping the Earth warm by preventing some of the sun’s energy being re-radiated from Earth's warmed surface, back out into space. If we add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, the effect is like wrapping yourself in a thicker blanket: even less heat is lost. So how can we tell what effect CO2 is having on temperatures, and if the increase in atmospheric CO2 is really making the planet warmer? [...] The final piece of evidence is ‘the smoking gun’, the proof that CO2 is causing the increase in temperature. CO2 traps energy at very specific wavelengths, while other greenhouse gases trap different wavelengths. In physics, these wavelengths can be measured using a technique called spectroscopy. Here’s an example:",refutes
An African President shared is support for Trump after he was arrested,"Historic Trump mugshot released after arrest in Atlanta, Georgia - Published [...] One of Mr Trump's co-defendants - the leader of Black Voices for Trump, Harrison Floyd - is being held in custody after turning himself in on Thursday without a bail agreement, court officials say.",insufficient-neutral
Vaccines contain unhealthy levels of aluminum; Japan’s elimination of vaccines has reduced infant mortality,"FULL CLAIM: Vaccines contain unhealthy amounts of aluminum and heavy metals which cause autism; infant mortality and autism rates in Japan are lower than those in the U.S. because Japan stopped requiring childhood vaccinations; rise in autism rates in the U.S. is due to rise in childhood vaccines; children's underdeveloped immune systems can’t handle the number of vaccines they receive [...] Aluminum levels in vaccines are safe and don’t cause autism [...] As we reported in a previous claim review, infants receive approximately 4.4 milligrams of aluminum via vaccines administered in the first six months of life. This is in the form of aluminum-containing salts that act as adjuvants to enhance the immune response to vaccination, which have been used in vaccines for more than 70 years.",insufficient-refutes
Biden going to declare and activate the Selective Service Act and begins drafting 20 years old to war!!,"In conclusion, the claim that President Biden announced plans to activate the Selective Service Act in response to threats from Russia and Iran, with specific reference to the year 2023, is not supported by credible sources, official statements, or legal processes. It is essential to rely on accurate and verified information from reputable sources when assessing the validity of such claims. This claim appears to be a piece of fabricated or AI-generated content without any basis.",refutes
"Claims Nelson Mandela said, ""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.""","Nov 9, 2007 – Mr Nelson Mandela is an often quoted individual; his inspirational words are often referred to in numerous publications, television and radio broadcasts, and online. However, a quote commonly attributed to Mr Mandela was in fact never uttered by him. In her book A return to love: Reflections on the principles of a course in miracles, Ms Marianne Williamson writes ""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. This quote, and especially Williamson’s closing words ""As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others,"" is often incorrectly credited to Mr Mandela. [...] Nevertheless, the Nelson Mandela Foundation still receives requests to use these quotes as Mr Mandela’s words. ""As far as I know, he has never used the quote in any of his speeches,"" says Ms Razia Saleh, an archivist at the Foundation, ""and we have catalogued about 1 000 thus far.""",refutes
"During the 2020 Minnesota riots after George Floyd’s murder, Gov. Tim Walz didn’t call in the National Guard, “so, I sent in the National Guard to save Minneapolis.”",Investigating timeline of when Tim Walz called in National Guard amid George Floyd unrest Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has faced criticism for his response to the public unrest in his state after George Floyd's murder in Minneapolis in 2020. CBS News Confirmed mapped out how long it took Walz to bring in the National Guard during the outrage. CBS News Minnesota reporter Jennifer Mayerle explains the findings.,insufficient-refutes
"claims the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out Burger soda cup","FACT CHECK: Did In-N-Out Burger Print ‘Hail Satan’ On Its Soda Cups? An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out Burger soda cup. [...] The photo of the In-N-Out Burger cup with the words ""Hail Satan"" allegedly printed on the bottom has circulated online since at least 2010, with this particular post resharing it on Feb. 23. (RELATED: Did Burger King Admit To Using Horse Meat?)",insufficient-neutral
New York state “hospitals reporting thousands of fungus lung infections due to wearing a mask!!”,"Is It Time to Wear a Mask Again? [...] Wearing Masks Will Help Keep Economies Open: Johns Hopkins [Video] [...] There are two types of masks used in preventing infections: surgical masks and respirator masks. It’s important to know the difference, and which situations they’re useful in.",insufficient-neutral
The Red Cross is refusing blood donations from anyone who has received a vaccination for COVID.,"The claim is not accurate. The British Red Cross does not collect or supply blood in the UK. The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service states that you must wait for seven days after receiving your COVID vaccination before you can donate. In the US, such claims about their Red Cross have been found to be inaccurate.",refutes
Fergana Valley is a territory of Uzbekistan,"Today Fergana valley is one of the prosperous regions of Uzbekistan. Fertile oases enclose the region. Along the northern boundary f the valley there flows the Syr Darya River, which is formed by the confluence of two smaller rivers - the Karadarya and the Naryn. Their waters feed three main canals - the Big Fergana Canal, the Southern Fergana Canal and the Northern Fergana Canal - the first nation-wide constructions of the twentieth century. The big cities - Fergana, Kokand, Andijan and Namangan are located in the oases of the valley. In the rural area there prevails the cultivated landscape - vast cotton fields, green spots of gardens, melon and gourd plantations and vineyards cut with lines of irrigation ditches. Rows of poplar trees and mulberry trees, plane trees and elms run along the highways. [...] For a long time Kokand was the main city of Fergana valley. The first written evidence about the town of Khavikand can be found in the 10th century chronicles where it was mentioned as a town located on the Great Silk Road and famous for its crafts. In 18-19th centuries it was the capital of powerful Kokand khanate, the state that dominated most of the territory of modern Uzbekistan and contiguous states. Kokand was a big religious center. In the years of its prosperity there were 35 madrassahs and 100 mosques here. Unfortunately, the majority of them were ruined in the course of time or as a result of earthquakes, or by the Soviet power. [...] Fergana valley - the vast prosperous oasis with the most fertile lands in Central Asia and the finest climate - is rightly called Golden Valley.",refutes
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks,"Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommend that the public use face masks in shared spaces, like public transportation and grocery stores. This change in guidance occurred after several studies found that infected individuals can transmit COVID-19 even when not showing symptoms. Contrary to many viral claims, face masks do not cause oxygen deficiency or a toxic buildup of carbon dioxide. It is important to remember that cloth face masks, surgical masks, and even N95 respirators do not provide 100% protection from the novel coronavirus and therefore must be combined with other transmission control measures such as physical distancing and good hand hygiene.",refutes
Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate,"""Wind beats coal by any environmental measure, but that doesn't mean that its impacts are negligible,"" said David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and senior author of the papers. ""We must quickly transition away from fossil fuels to stop carbon emissions. In doing so, we must make choices between various low-carbon technologies, all of which have some social and environmental impacts."" [...] The Harvard researchers found that the warming effect of wind turbines in the continental U.S. was actually larger than the effect of reduced emissions for the first century of its operation. This is because the warming effect is predominantly local to the wind farm, while greenhouse gas concentrations must be reduced globally before the benefits are realized. [...] ""The direct climate impacts of wind power are instant, while the benefits of reduced emissions accumulate slowly,"" said Keith. ""If your perspective is the next 10 years, wind power actually has — in some respects — more climate impact than coal or gas. If your perspective is the next thousand years, then wind power has enormously less climatic impact than coal or gas.",insufficient-refutes
“Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety.”,"A Lego employee and physicians at a Danish hospital first developed a Lego model of a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machine, in 2015 to help children understand the procedure and feel comfortable before their exams. After a successful pilot program, Lego said in 2022 that it would donate 600 model MRI scanners to hospitals worldwide.",supports
“Violent crime is near a record 50-year low.”,"The FBI’s violent crime rate for 2022, the last year officially available, was 370 violent crimes per 100,000 population. Since 1972, only two years have had a lower violent crime rate: 2014 and 2019. Preliminary estimates for 2023 show the violent crime rate continuing to fall. If that is replicated in the final FBI data, 2023 will become the lowest year for the violent crime rate in 50 years.",supports
Rural road connectivity increased from 56% in 2014 to 82% villages.,"Since late 2004, World Bank support has helped build and improve some 16,000 km of rural roads. About six million people living in the remotest parts of India have benefitted. As of February 2014, around 36,000 habitations in participating states now have access to all-weather roads. From the rough, mountainous terrain of Himachal Pradesh to the dry, rugged landscape of Rajasthan, new roads are revitalizing the rural economy, raising incomes, and improving the quality of rural life. Farmers now find it easier to take their produce to market in time, school enrollment is on the rise, and families' access to health care has improved.",insufficient-neutral
"Based on the increase of solar activity during the twentieth century, it should account for between half to two-thirds of all climate change","Fossil fuel era [edit]The link between recent solar activity and climate has been quantified and is not a major driver of the warming that has occurred since early in the twentieth century.[24] Human-induced forcings are needed to reproduce the late-20th century warming.[25] Some studies associate solar cycle-driven irradiation increases with part of twentieth century warming.[26][27] [...] Benestad and Schmidt[45] concluded that ""the most likely contribution from solar forcing a global warming is 7 ± 1% for the 20th century and is negligible for warming since 1980."" This paper disagreed with Scafetta and West,[46] who claimed that solar variability has a significant effect on climate forcing. Based on correlations between specific climate and solar forcing reconstructions, they argued that a ""realistic climate scenario is the one described by a large preindustrial secular variability (e.g., the paleoclimate temperature reconstruction by Moberg et al.)[47] with TSI experiencing low secular variability (as the one shown by Wang et al.).[48] Under this scenario, they claimed the Sun might have contributed 50% of the observed global warming since 1900.[49] Stott et al. estimated that the residual effects of the prolonged high solar activity during the last 30 years account for between 16% and 36% of warming from 1950 to 1999.[50]",refutes
"“This year, it's going to be over $1.5 trillion (that we’ve) reduced the debt.""","FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Claims The Debt Was Reduced Under His Presidency [...] President Joe Biden sat down with Scott Pelly, the host of 60 Minutes, where he discussed subjects such as inflation, the economy, COVID-19 and Ukraine. During the interview, Biden claimed that ""[his administration] also reduced the debt and reduced the deficit by $350 billion my first year. This year, it’s gonna be over $1.5 trillion reduced the debt."" [...] Biden’s claim that his administration reduced the debt is incorrect. When he took office, the total national debt was $27.75 trillion. As of Sept. 16, the national debt is $30.89 trillion, marking an increase of $3 trillion, according to the Treasury Department.",refutes
"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are experimental, “ineffective and harmful”","The mRNA-LNP COVID-19 vaccines, based on early analysis of the clinical trial data, were deemed safe and effective across demographics (45, 46). However, recent peer-reviewed research studies, a wide variety of continuously increasing case reports, and publicly available adverse events databases cast doubts on the safety and effectiveness of these products. [...] Figure 1 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are associated with higher incidence of adverse events compared to other vaccines. (A). Data derived from CDC VAERS and National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) were depicted as Lg (events/million doses) in the bar chart. The data for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and other vaccines were from December 2020 to September 2023 and January 2006 to December 2021, respectively. The fold change was calculated as the Lg (events/million doses) ratio of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to other vaccines or influenza vaccines.(B). Adverse events of concern associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Data derived from CDC VAERS were analyzed, adverse events of concern (including AESI, adverse events of special interest, defined by CDC) were displayed as symptoms and their # of events, gender proportion and onset interval of each symptom.",insufficient-contradictory
"claims Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once stated, ""Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.""","Sir–A thought to help us through these difficult times: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. [...] Not until trouble and heartache and sorrow came into my own life could I fully comprehend the words of Ian McLaren: ""Let us be kind, one to another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle."" [...] ""Be pitiful, for every man is fighting a hard battle,"" was the tender Christmas message sent by Ian Maclaren to the readers of The British Weekly.",insufficient-refutes
[climate models] systematically over-estimate the sensitivity of climate to carbon dioxide ... and modelers exclude forcings and feedbacks that run counter to their mission,"GCMs systematically over-estimate the sensitivity of climate to carbon dioxide (CO2), many known forcings and feedbacks are poorly modeled, and modelers exclude forcings and feedbacks that run counter to their mission to find a human influence on climate. Doubling the concentration of atmospheric CO2 from its pre-industrial level, in the absence of other forcings and feedbacks, would likely cause a warming of ~0.3°C to 1.1°C, almost 50 percent of which must already have occurred.",insufficient-neutral
"Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.","CLAIM: Shifts in the planet’s magnetic poles involve the earth doing a 90° flip, with the planet remaining still for 6 days. During this short period, cataclysmic events happen, involving heat, wind, floods, and climate change. [...] In a recent podcast episode, Comedian and Ultimate Fighting Championship commentator Joe Rogan and YouTuber Jimmy Corsetti talked about the so-called ""Adam and Eve"" theory. Even though this theory has no support in science, as we will show below, Corsetti and Rogan discussed it as if it were credible. Corsetti appears to believe that when magnetic poles reverse, the Earth flips over itself and stops rotating for six days. Corsetti also claimed that the next reversal should happen in a very near future, and that it would be cataclysmic. A clip from this interview was viewed over twenty millions times on TikTok, and several other clips were widely shared on social media. [...] The ""Adam and Eve"" theory laid out in the interview suggests that magnetic poles’ reversal includes the Earth doing a ""flip"", involving North and South poles physically changing positions. In reality, no scientific evidence indicates that the Earth ever performed such flips. This claim is extremely implausible, as there is hardly anything that could flip the Earth in such a way, apart from a collision with planets or other astronomical bodies.",refutes
"claims that actor Tom Selleck ""praised"" Donald Trump in a ""meeting"" with Breitbart",The Daily Caller found no evidence that Selleck “praised” Trump in a “meeting” with Breitbart. Most of the words in the post actually come from a Breitbart interview with actor Jon Voight.,refutes
"China “had the largest naval fleet in the world. They had 370 ships. They'll have 400 ships in two years. We won't even have 350 ships in two decades.""","And then you look at the fact we’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars combined. 75,000 Americans last year alone. There are Chinese police stations throughout our country. There’s a Chinese spy base that’s going off our shores in Cuba, and China’s now building up their military at a scary pace. They have 500 nuclear warheads. That’s a hundred more than they had last year. We won’t even have 350 ships in two decades. They’re doing artificial intelligence, they’re doing space, they’re doing cyber. They’ve developed hypersonic missiles. We’ve barely gotten started. And now China’s the lead developer on neuro-strike weapons, weapons engineered to change the brain activity of military commanders and segments of the population. That’s who we’re dealing with. So when Biden tells you that China’s a competitor, I’ve dealt with China every single day at the United Nations. They never saw us as a competitor. They always saw us as an enemy. We’ve got to start looking at them the way they look at us.",insufficient-supports
Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “says that all young people want to be socialists.”,There’s no evidence she said that.,refutes
"Derry/Londonderry is the only city of its prominence in the UK that does not have its own higher education institution, according to Lord Adonis.","When Lord Adonis recently took his one-man anti-Brexit campaign tour to Derry/Londonderry last summer he soon adopted the cause of a very different and far more long- standing campaign – the case for the city to have its own university. [...] Whilst Lord Adonis might split opinion in the HE world – he is certainly not popular among Vice-Chancellors that is for sure – I feel he may be right in asserting that Derry hosting its own university is an idea whose time has come or, as some would argue, an idea 50 years overdue its fruition. [...] That report caused uproar in the city by recommending not only that the new university, today known as Ulster University, be founded in Coleraine but that Derry’s only existing HE provision, at the then century-old Magee University College, should be wound down. As a concession in the face of protest Government ultimately rejected the Magee recommendation but brought the institution under the dominion of the new university as a ‘constituent college’ and to this day it remains a campus of Ulster University.",insufficient-contradictory
"To provide free GP care in the Republic of Ireland, which already exists in NI as it is part of the UK, would cost the Dublin Exchequer an extra £880 million","Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly today announced the opening of applications for GP visit cards for up to 215,000 people who are newly eligible. This is the first of two phases which will provide free GP care to an estimated 430,000 people in Ireland on a means tested basis. It is part of the biggest expansion in eligibility for free GP care in the history of the State happening this year and covering up to 500,000 people. [...] The expansion of free GP care to close to 500,000 people this year is supported by the landmark agreement between the Department of Health, the HSE, and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) signed in early July 2023 which put in place a series of financial supports for GPs. On 8 August 2023, free GP care was expanded to 78,000 children aged 6 and 7. From today, free GP care is expanded to 215,000 people aged between 8 and 69 on a means tested basis. From 13 November 2023, it will be expanded to 215,000 more people on a means tested basis. [...] ""The expansion of the GP Visit Card scheme in 2023 is a significant milestone as we bring free GP care to close to 500,000 people this year. I am committed to ensuring affordable access for people in Ireland who are facing the toughest economic challenges. Removing the cost barrier to visiting their GP gives them better access to health care and supports their health and wellbeing.""",insufficient-neutral
Táliga is a territory of Spain,"Taliga (Táliga) is a populated place (class P - Populated Place) in Extremadura, Spain (Europe) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 306 meters above sea level and its population amounts to 705. Táliga is also known as Taliga, Táliga. [...] Map and Photos Taliga",refutes
Buddhist Monk of Mahameunawa Was Attacked By Villagers For Womenizing !!,"Buddhist Monk Attacked By Villagers for Womenizing Does Not Belong to Mahameunawa Monastery Network! [...] Social media posts allege that a Buddhist monk belonging to the Mahameunawa monastery network was attacked by villagers for breaching monastic codes, specifically for womanising at night. The incident supposedly occurred on the roads of Baduraliya, with the monk being hospitalised by the Baduraliya Police. [...] Title:Buddhist Monk Attacked By Villagers for Womenizing Does Not Belong to Mahameunawa Monastery Network!",refutes
There was a rock fall on the Antrim coast road on 9 August 2017.,Rock fall forces scenic Antrim coast road to close The Antrim coast road at Garron Point has been closed following a recent landslide that has seen the road completely blocked by a major rock fall [...] A major rock fall has closed the Antrim coast road.,supports
purports Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert's net worth is 'over $12 million.',"Jesus G. ``Chuy'' Garcia, IL Lauren Boebert, CO [...] Lauren Gilbert Leslie F. Goldstein",insufficient-neutral
Melting of Arctic sea ice and polar icecaps is not occurring at ‘unnatural’ rates and does not constitute evidence of a human impact on the climate.,"Global temperatures have risen an average of 1.4˚ F since 1880. Sea ice in the Arctic has thinned and decreased in the last few decades; the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are decreasing in mass. The North and South Poles are warming faster than anywhere else on Earth. Glaciers are retreating on mountains all over the world. Spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the last 50 years. [...] Here is how scientists know that the climate change we are experiencing is mainly due to human activity and not a result of natural phenomenon. [...] Evidence from ocean sediments, ice cores, tree rings, sedimentary rocks and coral reefs show that the current warming is occurring 10 times faster than it did in the past when Earth emerged from the ice ages, at a rate unprecedented in the last 1,300 years.",refutes
Spratly Islands is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The Spratly Islands (Filipino: Kapuluan ng Kalayaan;[1] Mandarin Chinese: 南沙群島/南沙群岛; pinyin: Nánshā Qúndǎo; Malay: Kepulauan Spratly; Vietnamese: Quần đảo Trường Sa) are a disputed archipelago in the South China Sea. Composed of islands, islets, cays,[2] and more than 100 reefs, sometimes grouped in submerged old atolls,[3] the archipelago lies off the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. Named after the 19th-century British whaling captain Richard Spratly who sighted Spratly Island in 1843, the islands contain less than 2 km2 (490 acres) of naturally occurring land area, which is spread over an area of more than 425,000 km2 (164,000 sq mi). The Spratly Islands are one of the major archipelagos in the South China Sea which complicate governance and economics in this part of Southeast Asia due to their location in strategic shipping lanes. The islands are largely uninhabited, but offer rich fishing grounds and may contain significant oil and natural gas reserves, and as such are important to the claimants in their attempts to establish international boundaries. Some of the islands have civilian settlements, but of the approximately 45 islands, cays, reefs and shoals that are occupied, all contain structures that are occupied by military forces from Malaysia, China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), the Philippines, and Vietnam. Additionally, Brunei has claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratly Islands, which includes the uninhabited Louisa Reef.",insufficient-neutral
30 Navy SEALs died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on March 11,"A viral Facebook post shared more than 93,000 times claims 30 Navy SEALs died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on March 11. There is no record of 30 SEALs dying in a single incident in Afghanistan on March 11. The claim likely stemmed from an August 2011 helicopter crash that killed 30 members of the U.S. military. [...] Multiple Facebook users have shared the claim, despite no Navy SEALs perishing in Afghanistan on March 11. An internet search turned up no credible reports of 30 SEALs dying in an alleged March 11 incident. Neither the DOD nor the Department of the Navy have issued press releases.",refutes
Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas so it is the main cause of recent global warming,"Recent climate changes, however, cannot be explained by natural causes alone. Research indicates that natural causes do not explain most observed warming, especially warming since the mid-20th century. Rather, it is extremely likely that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming.[2] [...] When sunlight reaches Earth’s surface, it can either be reflected back into space or absorbed by Earth. Once absorbed, the planet releases some of the energy back into the atmosphere as heat (also called infrared radiation). Greenhouse gases like water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) absorb energy, slowing or preventing the loss of heat to space. In this way, GHGs act like a blanket, making Earth warmer than it would otherwise be. This process is commonly known as the ""greenhouse effect."" [...] Other greenhouse gases - Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas and also the most important in terms of its contribution to the natural greenhouse effect, despite having a short atmospheric lifetime. Some human activities can influence local water vapor levels. However, on a global scale, the concentration of water vapor is controlled by temperature, which influences overall rates of evaporation and precipitation.[2] Therefore, the global concentration of water vapor is not substantially affected by direct human emissions.",insufficient-refutes
there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism,"The research is clear: Vaccines don’t cause autism. More than a dozen studies have tried to find a link. Each one has come up empty. [...] In 2004, the Immunization Safety Review Committee of the Institute of Medicine published a report on the topic. The group looked at all the studies on vaccines and autism, both published and unpublished. It released a 200-page report stating there was no evidence to support a link between vaccines and autism. Still, studies continue to look at the issue. In 2019, the largest study to date looked at almost 660-thousand children over a course of 11 years and found no link between the vaccine and autism.",refutes
Elon Musk Has Publicly Stated He Was Shocked From Hearing Hadunneththi`S Allegations,"- ""Elon Musk's Disturbing 'Truth'"". The Atlantic. November 16, 2023. Archived from the original on November 16, 2023. Retrieved November 16, 2023. [...] - ^ Elsesser, Kim (November 19, 2021). ""Weeks After Elon Musk's Tits Joke, Allegations Of Rampant Sexual Harassment Surface At Tesla"". Forbes. Archived from the original on November 19, 2021. [...] - ^ a b Hern, Alex (June 18, 2014). ""Elon Musk says he invested in DeepMind over 'Terminator' fears"". The Guardian. Archived from the original on December 11, 2017. Retrieved June 10, 2015.",insufficient-neutral
More than 3000 stores of affordable medicines with PM bharatiya janaushadi kendras.,"The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes claims about affordable healthcare, specifically about essential medicines. This article is a fact check of the claims.",insufficient-neutral
“100 million ballots (Democrats) prefilled now have the wrong name.”,"Just days before the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Twitter users began circulating a claim that residents of Queens Village, in the New York borough of Queens, were receiving ballots that had been already filled out for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates. The rumor appears to have originated with a video shared by freelance journalist Jake Novak: [...] But, it turned out, the ballot hadn't been ""pre-filled"" at all. As elections officials confirmed, it had been sent to the appropriate absentee voter in California, who indeed filled it in himself. However, that voter mistakenly used the wrong envelope when he placed his ballot in the mail, thereby sending it to his previous address in Queens rather than returning it to elections officials:",refutes
WHO issued an advisory to the Government of India stating that 87% population of the country will suffer from cancer by 2025 because of the consumption of adulterated milk,"A screenshot of a news paper clipping is being shared on social media claiming that the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an advisory to the Government of India stating that 87% population of India will suffer from cancer by 2025 because of consuming adulterated milk. According to the post, WHO has stated that India produces only 14 crore litres of milk every day but consumes 64 crore litres of adulterated milk every day. The post claims that the Animal Welfare Board members have intimated government that 68.7 per cent of milk or milk products sold in the country are not as per the standards laid down by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] The Press Information Bureau (PIB) through a tweet clarified that WHO had not issued any such advisory to the Government of India. On 22 November 2019, while answering a parliament member’s question about the rumours of WHO issuing an advisory to the government over 87% population going to suffer from cancer because of consuming adulterated milk, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the then Minister of Family and Health Welfare, stated that no such advisory was issued by WHO to the Government of India on milk adulteration.",refutes
"Since independence, we had 75 operational airports, UDAN added 25 airports just since December 2016.",An infographic published on the 48-Months portal of the Modi government makes certain claims about air travel and waterways. The following article is a fact check of the four claims made in this infographic.,insufficient-neutral
Wakhan Corridor is a territory of Republic of China,"Considered one of the most geographically stunning regions in the world, the Wakhan Corridor remains one of the last trekking destinations still completely untouched by mainstream tourism and modern ways of life. This is all about to change, with the building of a major new Chinese trade route directly through the valley. [...] About the Wakhan Corridor: The Wakhan corridor is a tiny strip of land that juts out of North Eastern Afghanistan. It exists as Afghan territory because in the late 19th century the Russian and British empires decided between them that the borders of their eastern domains should not touch to avoid conflict. It was decided that China and Afghanistan should border each other, thus creating a buffer between the British Raj (now Pakistan) and tsarist Russia (now Tajikistan). This leaves a small strip of remote land and a geo-political oddity that could now become a highway between Asia’s least developed country and its largest economy.",supports
“those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life”,"COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe disease. Large clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance didn’t find evidence that all-cause mortality increases in vaccinated people. Studies suggest that COVID-19 vaccines have helped save lives instead, by preventing millions of COVID-19 deaths globally.",refutes
Says he is the ‘ranking member’ of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.,"The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (commonly referred to as the January 6th Committee) was a select committee of the U.S. House of Representatives established to investigate the U.S. Capitol attack.[1] [...] - ^ Schiff, Adam (July 1, 2021). ""Schiff Statement on the Select Committee to Investigate January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol"". Archived from the original on September 28, 2022. Retrieved September 28, 2022. [...] - ^ Thompson, Bennie (July 22, 2021). ""Thompson Announces Senior Staff for Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol"". Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Archived from the original on November 8, 2021. Retrieved July 27, 2021.",insufficient-neutral
KaNgwane is a territory of Eswatini,"And this:KaNgwane was created on 8 October 1977 as AmaSwazi, under the leadership of chief councillor Enos Mabuza. Its homeland status was suspended from June to December 1982, as South Africa tried to negotiate its incorporation into Swaziland. But popular protest frustrated the plan (the South African regime was always happy to listen to what its less privileged citizens had to say, you'll remember), and AmaSwazi was restored. Swaziland has pressured Pretoria for the return of Swazi-occupied areas of South Africa since the 1960s. In 1982 Pretoria agreed, but that decision was reversed by the South African Supreme Court. KaNgwane was carved out of land adjacent to Swaziland during the 1960s and was declared a ""self-governing"" territory with a population of about 400,000 in 1984. KaNgwane's Chief Minister Enos Mabuza tried to build an agricultural and industrial economy in the small, segmented territory, and he became the first homeland leader to grant full trade union rights to workers in his jurisdiction. Mabuza also led the fight against the incorporation of KaNgwane into Swaziland. During the late 1980s, he clashed with Pretoria by expressing strong support for the ANC, although many KaNgwane residents remained uninvolved in South African politics. I thought that since Mabuza was the main factor preventing the Swazi annexation of KaNgwane, if a more ""predictable"" (A pro-ANC and union leader is probably not what Pretoria wanted) leader had been appointed, could KaNgwane been annexed? And if it had, the following questions arise:",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that Thomas Jefferson once said, ""The reason Christianity is the best friend of Government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.""","The Founding Fathers of America said a lot about Christianity and the morals that it gave the masses. There is historical documentation and websites full of what they had to say on the subject. This article covers those Founding Fathers’ quotes on the matter. [...] The Founding Father and President Thomas Jefferson were quoted as saying, ""The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart."" [...] The founders didn’t want the government to play favorites, choosing one sect of the Christian faith above another. As Jefferson said, ""I am for freedom of religion, and against all maneuvers to bring about the legal ascendency of one sect over another.""",supports
Claims to be hosting a giveaway of free Chick-fil-A for a year.,"The Facebook page claimed Friday to be hosting a giveaway of free Chick-fil-A for a year. ""5 of our last contest winners of free Chick-fil-A for a year have yet to respond so we have decided that someone who shares by 10pm tonight will win it instead! Don’t miss out on this once in a life time opportunity,"" the page wrote before signing off as ""Chick-fil-A."" [...] ""That is not a legitimate account or giveaway associated with Chick-fil-A, Inc,"" Leigh Jackson, with Jackson Spalding, a press company representing Chick-fil-A, told The Daily Caller.",refutes
A woman can choose whether the name in the passport should be of her mother or the father and not both parents.,"The provision for retaining the maiden name in passport always existed. While the PM was referring to the rule about single parents, the media understood it as the maiden name.",insufficient-contradictory
Syunik Province is a territory of Armenia,"Syunik Province is the southernmost province of Armenia. It is bordered by the Vayots Dzor Province from the north, Nakhchivan exclave from the west, the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic from the east, and Iran from the south. Its capital and largest city is the town of Kapan. The National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia (ARMSTAT) reported its population was 141,771 in the 2011 census, down from 152,684 at the 2001 census. [...] Syunik is located between the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan from the west, and the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic from the east. The Vayots Dzor Province of Armenia forms its northern borders, while Aras River at the south separates Syunik from Iran. Syunik covers an area of 4,506 km² (15% of total area of Armenia), making it the second-largest province in Armenia after Gegharkunik in terms of the total area. Historically, the current territory of the province occupies most of the historic Syunik province of Ancient Armenia.",insufficient-refutes
JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring would help in substantial weight loss,Threanic Triple-Spin Ring is soft on all skin types. [...] The premium material of the Jansio Threanic triple-spin ring makes it the best. It is gentle on the skin and never bends or breaks. One can wear it for years without it tarnishing. You can move and pin the beads for ideal relief. Explore More: Goddard Store Reviews [...] The Benefits of the JANSIO RING - It is Self-Soothing Ring.,insufficient-neutral
You have a 0.03[%] chance of dying from [COVID-19] in the state of California. [...] it’s similar to the flu.,"His team put together a simple table that looks at various scenarios using case fatality ratios ranging from .1, similar to seasonal flu, to .5, a moderately severe pandemic, and 1.0, a severe one. The infection rate ranged from 0.1 percent of the population to 50 percent. That put the range of deaths at 327 (best case) to 1,635,000 (worst case). The deaths would not necessarily happen over a month or a year, but could occur over two or three years, he said. [...] In his Capitol Hill testimony, Fauci said that a plausible covid-19 fatality rate could be 1 percent. That, he said, is 10 times as lethal as seasonal influenza. He was clear: This is more dangerous than the flu. [...] Forecasts have been wrong in the past. Early estimates of the fatality rate for H1N1 in 2009 were much higher than the roughly 0.01 to 0.03 percent it turned out to be. With covid-19, the fatality rate is likely to be in the 0.5 to 1.5 percent range outside Wuhan, according to a report this week from Imperial College London.",insufficient-refutes
Jadhang is a territory of Republic of China,"The Tale of the Jadhs of Jadhung ""They must have cooked the name up"" I thought when one of the officers of the Jadung post said… ""हाँ हाँ, दस कीलोमीटर आगे ताल है बहुत सुन्दर- जनक ताल ."" [...] The Jadhs of Jadhung (Jadh-Dung) [...] The name Jadung seems to have come from the compound word Jadh (name of the tribe that inhabited the valley)- Dung (Mountain).",insufficient-neutral
"“This month alone, more than 16,000 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls in 3 states.”","Cases of noncitizens voting are statistically rare. Some noncitizens accidentally end up on voter rolls when applying for driver’s licenses. States and counties have safeguards to check for voter eligibility. [...] In Colorado, ahead of the 2022 midterm election, the secretary of state’s office mistakenly sent postcards to about 30,000 noncitizens who had driver’s licenses encouraging them to register to vote. The office sent a second postcard notifying these noncitizens about the error and worked with county clerks to ensure the ineligible voters did not register. [...] Voting by noncitizens carries high risks that include deportation or incarceration.",insufficient-neutral
Ladakh is a territory of Pakistan,"Notes - ^ Ladakh is a disputed territory between India, Pakistan and China. Ladakh has 59,146 km2 (22,836 sq mi) of area controlled by India and 72,971 km2 (28,174 sq mi) of area controlled by Pakistan under Gilgit-Baltistan, which is claimed by India as part of Ladakh. Additionally, it has 5,180 km2 (2,000 sq mi) of area controlled by China under Trans-Karakoram Tract and 37,555 km2 (14,500 sq mi) of area controlled by China under Aksai Chin, both of which are claimed by India as part of Ladakh. [...] Ladakh, large area of the northern and eastern Kashmir region, northwestern Indian subcontinent. Administratively, Ladakh is divided between Pakistan (northwest), as part of Gilgit-Baltistan, and India (southeast), as part of Ladakh union territory (until October 31, 2019, part of Jammu and Kashmir state); in addition, China administers portions of northeastern Ladakh.",insufficient-contradictory
purports Vivek Ramaswamy did not say he would pardon Hunter Biden if elected president,"Long-shot 2024 GOP contender Vivek Ramaswamy has committed to pardoning Donald Trump—who was indicted in federal court Thursday for allegedly mishandling classified documents—should he win the 2024 presidency. ""It would be much easier for me to win this election if Trump weren’t in the race, but I stand for principles over politics,"" Ramaswamy tweeted Thursday. ""I commit to pardon Trump promptly on January 20, 2025 and to restore the rule of law in our country."" In the tweet, Ramaswamy lamented ""two tiers of justice: one for Trump, another for Biden,"" and criticized the DOJ’s handling of ""peaceful protestors on Jan. 6."" The biotech entrepreneur didn’t stop at Trump, though. ""I will pardon not just President Trump, but every victim of a politically motivated prosecution. Believe me, there have been others, too,"" he said in a video accompanying the Tweet.",insufficient-neutral
“The Government has released their initial plans to force a vaccine on everyone”; “Three potential vaccines are currently in Stage 3 trials in the United States and could be ready in weeks”,"By mid-September 2020, as immunization manufacturers scrambled to develop a viable product, Snopes received numerous inquiries about a new piece of viral content — a Sept. 16 web page titled, The Government Has Released Their Initial Plans to Force a Vaccine on Everyone. It alleged: [...] At the press conference, the Trump administration outlined its plan for getting vaccines to Americans when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizes mass distribution. The president said the military was ""lined up"" to help with the plan's logistics — confirming one aspect of the above-displayed claim — though no one at the event said vaccinations would be forced on people or that citizens would need the shots to leave their homes. After that, we reviewed federal documents with more details about the government's plans. A congressional report said the Department of Health and Human Services was leading vaccine research, while the DOD was partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to distribute the final product. All parties were working to ensure ""every American who wants to receive a COVID-19 vaccine can receive one,"" per the report. Nowhere in the documents did the government say it would force vaccinations on people.",insufficient-refutes
82% of the public are now wearing face masks [or coverings] on Translink buses and trains in Northern Ireland.,"On 30 July 2020, surveys were conducted on 38 separate train services (across the Portadown, Bangor, Larne, Londonderry and Portrush lines); with a full passenger count taken by the on-board conductor along with the number of customers wearing a face covering; Between 30 and 31 July 2020, similar surveys were conducted on 361 Ulsterbus services, 424 Metro services and an unstated number of Glider services in Belfast; the number of passengers embarking and alighting was recorded at Translink bus stations along with a count of the number of passengers not wearing a face covering; some services were surveyed mid-route; An earlier response from the Translink freedom of information team explained that 30-31 July surveys on rail and bus services “found the number using face coverings was over 80%, showing an increasing trend”; and Translink informed FactCheckNI that the evidence for “an increasing trend” came from two previous surveys.",insufficient-supports
"Kamala Harris “returned” a $5,000 donation Donald Trump made to her campaign in 2011.","President Trump and his daughter Ivanka both made financial contributions to Kamala Harris’s campaign when she was running for reelection as California’s attorney general before she became a senator — and, eventually, as of Tuesday, a Democratic vice-presidential candidate. The donations were originally noted by McClatchy DC when Harris was running for president in the Democratic primaries last year. According to campaign-finance records, Donald Trump donated a total of $6,000 to Harris’s attorney-general reelection campaigns in 2011 ($5,000) and 2013 ($1,000). Ivanka Trump gave Harris’s campaign $2,000 in 2014. In 2015, months after the elder Trump began spreading the baseless birther conspiracy theory about President Obama on television, Harris donated the $6,000 to a nonprofit that advocates for Central Americans’ rights, her presidential campaign manager told McClatchy last year. [...] Harris is far from the only Democratic lawmaker to have gotten money from the Trumps. Both have also donated to New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaigns and, from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, New Jersey senator Cory Booker’s. Donald Trump, who donated mostly to Democrats up until 2011 — including repeated contributions to the campaigns of Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and Hillary Clinton — has defended his political donations to both Democrats and Republicans, claiming they were strategic moves to buy influence. Most of the Democrats Trump has donated to at the state or federal level have been in the Northeast, with the exception of Harris, Reid, and a few more in other parts of the country.",insufficient-supports
Kafia Kingi is a territory of South Sudan,"Address: Kafia Kingi (a territory on the border of Sudan and South Sudan whose final status has yet to be determined). [...] Address: a) Kafia Kingi (a territory on the border of Sudan and South Sudan whose final status has yet to be determined) b) Central African Republic [...] Salim often deploys to the CAR border with approximately a dozen fighters to meet and escort other LRA groups carrying ivory north from Garamba. In April 2015, Salim departed Kafia Kingi to retrieve a shipment of tusks. In May, Salim participated in the transport of twenty pieces of ivory from DRC to Kafia Kingi.",insufficient-contradictory
Outer Mongolia is a territory of Mongolia,"Buried deep in the heart of the huge Asian land mass, Outer Mongolia is a country of sweeping plains, lake-studded highlands, with an awkward location: it is set squarely between Communist China and the Soviet Union. All but lost to history since the 14th century, when its conquering Khans ruled from Indonesia to the Danube, this ancient heartland has become the newest area in the growing clash between the two Communist rivals. Long an inaccessible province of China, Outer Mongolia became the first Soviet satellite when the Reds pursued the Whites into Urga (later Ulan Bator), and remained to establish the Mongolian People’s Republic in 1924. For the next generation, Moscow monopolized Mongolia’s diplomatic and trade relations to the exclusion of all foreigners, and particularly the Chinese. Mongolia’s wool and hides went westward to Russia, in exchange for a trickle of manufactured goods and swarms of political instructors. The Russians introduced their own Cyrillic alpha bet; Buddhist lamas and a few rich herders were persecuted to ""free"" the masses for membership in the new cooperatives. [...] Undoubtedly, Outer Mongolia is a Communist satellite. The question seems to be: Whose?",insufficient-neutral
Juan de Nova Island is a territory of Madagascar,"Juan de Nova Island (French: Île Juan de Nova, pronounced [il ʒɥɑ̃ də nɔva]), Malagasy: Nosy Kely)[1] is a French-controlled tropical island in the narrowest part of the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique. It is a low, flat island, 4.8 square kilometres (1.9 sq mi) in size. [...] Juan de Nova[3] is located in the Mozambique Canal, closer to the Madagascar side: 140 kilometres (87 mi) from Tambohorano, 207 kilometres (129 mi) west-southwest from Tanjona Vilanandro and 288 kilometres (179 mi) from the African coast. [...] Juan de Nova Island was assigned a small garrison of 14 soldiers from the 2nd Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment, as well as a gendarme. They settled in housing that formerly hosted SOFIM workers.[8] The troops receive supplies by air every 45 days.",supports
Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch “worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.”,"Kelda Helen Roys stated on February 1, 2024 in Public appearance: Minnesota incarcerates ""about a third of what Wisconsin does."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on April 26, 2023 in Twitter: Infertility is treated differently than other issues and ""often excluded from insurance coverage"" Kelda Helen Roys stated on May 8, 2022 in TV interview: Because of U.S. Senate rules, Democrats need ""more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on September 28, 2021 in Email: Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch ""worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on May 2, 2018 in a cable interview: Says ""political interference"" from Scott Walker’s administration has led to ""gagging (DNR) scientists so they can no longer comment on proposed legislation"" and ""we’re letting polluters write their own permits."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on July 19, 2018 in a TV ad: ""In Wisconsin, abortion is still a crime."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on April 18, 2018 in a tweet and campaign event: Wisconsin lost ""almost 4,000 manufacturing jobs in 2017."" [...] Kelda Helen Roys stated on September 28, 2021 in Email: Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch ""worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.""",insufficient-supports
The Rs.500 note with green security thread closer to Mahatma Gandhi picture is a fake note,Both the variants of Rs. 500 notes shown in the image are acceptable. RBI Spokesperson clarified that the variation in the notes is due to defect in printing and people can freely accept both variants. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.,refutes
US Military Bases Around China! (Map),"In recent years, US military bases around China have captured the world’s attention, sparking discussions and speculations about the US military’s intentions and impact on the Asia-Pacific region. This article aims to delve into the significance of these US military bases, particularly in Japan and South Korea, while addressing their presence’s various controversies and issues. [...] US military bases around China have raised concerns among neighboring countries and China itself. These countries fear that the US might use its bases to expand military capabilities in the region further, potentially escalating tensions. [...] US military bases around China significantly shape the strategic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region, impacting regional security and stability. While they serve essential purposes in safeguarding US interests, they also invite controversies and challenges.",insufficient-supports
"The research unit of Akuressa Coop, led by NPP, has developed a novel wood apple mixed chocolate product !!","A viral social media post claims that the research unit of Akuressa Coop, led by NPP, has developed a novel wood apple mixed chocolate product. [...] Contrary to the misleading social media posts, there is no evidence linking Akuressa Coop or NPP to Dilumge's woodapple chocolate. The Chairman of Akuressa Coop confirms that they have not produced any such chocolate product. Akuressa Coop has not produced such a product, and the misinformation disassociates Dilumge from the credit he deserves. [...] Title:Innovative Wood apple Chocolate Products by Suchindra Dilumge, Not Linked to Akuressa Co-op or NPP",refutes
Haa District is a territory of Republic of China,"Haa District 27°15′N 89°10′E / 27.250°N 89.167°E [...] The Haa District is a destination for tourists, offering scenery, cultural heritage, and outdoor activities.[citation needed] Attractions in the district include:[citation needed] The Haa District is known for its rich cultural heritage, including its various festivals, monasteries, and traditional architecture. Some of the prominent cultural attractions include:[citation needed]",insufficient-neutral
"The number of ITRs filed during FY 2017-18 is 6.84 crore, a jump of 80.5% compared to FY 2013-14","During FY 2017-18, 6.84 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) were filed with the Income Tax Department as compared to 5.43 crore ITRs filed during FY 2016-17, showing a growth of 26%. There has been a sustained increase in the number of ITRs filed in the last four financial years. As compared to 3.79 crore ITRs filed in F.Y. 2013-14, the number of ITRs filed during F.Y. 2017-18 (6.84 crore) has increased by 80.5%. During FY 2017-18, the number of new ITR filers has also increased to 99.49 lakh (as on 30.03.2018) as compared to 85.51 lakh new ITR filers added during FY 2016-17, which translates into a growth of 16.3%. The increase in total returns filed and new returns filed during FY 2017-18 is a result of sustained efforts made by the Income Tax Department in following up with potential non-filers through email, SMS, statutory notices, outreach programmes, etc. as well as through structural changes made in law and the Government’s emphasis on widening of tax net.",supports
"Rahul Gandhi: “Surgical strikes and Air strikes happened during UPA government but we didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce”.","Rahul Gandhi said the Manmohan Singh govt carried out three surgical strikes but the Congress didn't tell the world about it because it did not want to politicise the armed forces. [...] Rahul Gandhi said the reason why the UPA government did not disclose the surgical strike was because ""we did not want to politicise the armed forces"". [...] When asked about what was achieved by the surgical strikes carried out during Manmohan Singh's tenure, Rahul Gandhi said, ""I won't talk about what happened. But the targets that were supposed to be hit were hit successfully.""",insufficient-supports
"In Belfast, the digital sector employs 26 per cent of the workforce.","Belfast’s digital innovation strengths - Belfast identified as one of the world’s top 10 Digital Economies of the Future (the only UK city other than London). [...] - In 2019, 26 per cent of all job openings in Belfast were in digital technology - the highest in UK. [...] Collaborative partners - Telecoms and cloud industry - Belfast creative digital sector - Belfast Region City Deal - Future Screens NI - Belfast Stories - Digital Catapult UK",insufficient-neutral
Public spending in Northern Ireland is 45% higher than it is in Ireland.,"Even using the modified measure of national income (GNI ), the differential remains significant. Expressed per head, GNI is more than 10% higher than GDP per head in the UK and roughly 45% higher than GDP per head in NI. [...] Looking again at the public sector, is government spending in this area indeed a key differential? Certainly the public sector is a bigger proportion of the economy in NI than in the Republic. Some 24% of Irish employment is in public administration, health and education and in NI the figure is almost 30%. A differential, but perhaps less pronounced than many expect. Spending comparisons are rather tricky due to a range of definitional issues. For example, Ireland incurs spending on national debt and central services (like the Treasury) which NI does not. But taking a subset of public services, namely education, health, justice, social protection (including benefits and pensions) agriculture and transport; spending is actually very similar on a per head basis at current exchange rates.",insufficient-neutral
"British authorities denied Savarkar the barrister degree and law practice, because Savarkar refused to take the oath of allegiance/loyalty to the British Empire","Chitragupta, Life of Barrister Savarkar (Madras: B. G. Paul & Co., 1926) [...] Longuet, Jean, Mémoire Présenté à la Cour d'Arbitrage de La Haye au nom de M. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar par Me J. Longuet (Paris, 1911) [...] Vaidya, Prem, Savarkar: A Lifelong Crusader (New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd, 1996)",insufficient-neutral
"""Tim Walz signed into law driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota.""","Yes, Tim Walz signed a law letting immigrants illegally in Minnesota get driver’s licenses [...] ""Tim Walz signed into law driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota, he wanted health care for illegal immigrants in Minnesota, this guy is incredibly left-wing,"" Donalds said. [...] On March 7, 2023, as Minnesota governor, Walz signed H.F. 4, a bill that expanded access to driver’s licenses to people in the state, regardless of their immigration status. State House and Senate Democrats broadly supported the measure, and only one House Republican supported it.",supports
"Claims American writer Ernest Hemingway said, ""Write drunk, edit sober.""","The quote ""write drunk, edit sober"" is often misattributed to Ernest Hemingway who, as it turns out, never wrote drunk. While Hemingway was definitely a boozer, he wrote in the morning and didn’t start drinking until the afternoon. Or so I’m told. [...] Michelle Stansbury, PR expert and founder of Little Penguin PR in San Diego, shares that she recommends people take this kind of ""write drunk, edit sober"" advice with a grain of salt. ""There are those who argue that ‘writing drunk’ is a mental state allowing carefree application of words to paper and not a physical state of intoxication,"" says Stansbury. ""There is much to be said for loosening up your grip on your words. Perhaps, you may even begin sounding like a human being through your writing, flawed, but authentic."" For some, writing a blog post or article is a daunting task. Writing drunk is bad advice. But sober editing is great advice.",refutes
"unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed","Former Australian prime minister and current MP Tony Abbott has said no ""big change"" in our climate has resulted from increasing carbon dioxide levels in the past century, and called global warming ""beneficial"" in the same speech. [...] Abbott careens through accusations of ""adjusted"" records, the ""downplayed"" impact of urban heat islands and ""slanted"" data sets. ""Unadjusted data suggests ... temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed,"" he stated, even though Australia just had its warmest winter on record. ""Contrary to the breathless assertions that climate change is behind every weather event, in Australia, the floods are not bigger, the bushfires are not worse, the droughts are not deeper or longer, and the cyclones are not more severe than they were in the 1800s,"" he said. ""Sometimes, they do more damage but that’s because there’s more to destroy, not because their intensity has increased.""",supports
Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting,"Despite a period of slight growth between 1979 and 2014, Antarctic sea ice cover is not increasing to record levels. The trend reversed in 2014 and ice cover started to decrease vigorously. Many long-term measurements from Antarctic research stations show no significant warming or cooling trends over the whole continent, but parts of the continent are among the regions experiencing the fastest warming in the world, and the ice cap is losing mass.",refutes
Imia/Kardak is a territory of Greece,"On January 26th, Imia/Kardak became a public news story after a radio broadcast by the Greek foreign ministry. This came after the Mayor of Kalymnos, the representative of the Greek District closest to Imia/Kardak, had travelled to the islets and positioned a Greek flag there. [...] In Athens, there was consensus that the islets were Greek – and the protection of the nation’s territories in the Aegean was the primary basis of relations with Turkey. Further, there was a popular belief in Athens that Turkey would not accept the Greek ownership of Imia/Kardak peacefully. [...] Whilst the Greek government distances itself from the ideology of Golden Dawn, in terms of Imia/Kardak, the Greek government shares the position that the islets are still Greek.",insufficient-supports
there has been no reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century,The acidity of the upper ocean has increased by about 30% (meaning its pH has dropped about 0.1 units) over the past century due to human emissions of CO2.,refutes
Coronavirus contains 'HIV insertions',"Titled ""Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,"" the paper claimed to find similarities between the new coronavirus and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The use of the word ""uncanny"" in the title, together with ""unlikely to be fortuitous"" in the abstract, led some to think that the authors were suggesting the virus had somehow been engineered by humans.",insufficient-supports
purports to show British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak partying,"The video shows a Sunak lookalike, not the British Prime Minister, according to articles from Bol News and Daily Mail.",refutes
"Claims that William Shakespeare said, ""All glory comes from daring to begin.""","Fake quotes have been in the news lately, from the Republican National Committee’s Abraham Lincoln flub to the bogus Winston Churchill quote about supporting funding for the arts during World War II. Such misattribution is familiar to Shakespeare enthusiasts. Every day, fake Shakespeare quotes are being shared on social media. Here are a few examples: [...] This is a quote from poet, author, and politician Eugene F. Ware, not Shakespeare. ""All glory comes from daring to begin."" – William Shakespeare — Great Minds Quotes (@GreatestQuotes) February 21, 2017 4. ""But for those who love, time is eternal.""",refutes
"Climate change is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past, and there's no reason to expect any in the future.","Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. However, if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, the rise in global temperatures would begin to flatten within a few years. Temperatures would then plateau but remain well-elevated for many, many centuries. There is a time lag between what we do and when we feel it, but that lag is less than a decade. While the effects of human activities on Earth's climate to date are irreversible on the timescale of humans alive today, every little bit of avoided future temperature increases results in less warming that would otherwise persist for essentially forever. The benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions occur on the same timescale as the political decisions that lead to those reductions. Without major action to reduce emissions, global temperature is on track to rise by 2.5°C to 4.5°C (4.5°F to 8°F) by 2100, according to the latest estimates.",refutes
"Pipe Water In Colombo Not Suitable For Consumption, Due To Chlorine Shortage And Purification Issues","This present situation of pollution of these waters is causing serious problems for large populations in many of these districts. The water supply to Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara is being supervised by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board, but in other districts people have to use the unclean water directly from these sources, without any protection or monitoring [...] The response by the government of Sri Lanka concerning the unsafe water and related health problem needs to be urgent and comprehensive. It needs to immediately address the problem at its source by effectively regulating, monitoring and reducing the use of toxic chemicals that enter the water system, both through the industrial and agricultural sectors. It also needs to extend its safe drinking water services to cover the entire population. It needs to improve the health services it provides to cater for the growing number of persons requiring long-term health treatment for chronic kidney disease. It also needs to engage in campaign of public information in order to provide grater disease prevention and protection for vulnerable groups and the wider population. The Asian Legal Resource Centre urges the Independent Expert on human rights, water and sanitation and other relevant Special Procedures to monitor this situation closely and provide recommendations to the government of Sri Lanka to assist it in resolving this problem before it worsens further.",insufficient-neutral
"Arctic sea ice is not melting and there is no indication that we should expect the Arctic sea summer ice to disappear completely, as predicted","The present study conducts an updated detection and attribution analysis of the observed Arctic SIA changes across all months over the 1979–2019 period by comparing three satellite observations with the CMIP6 multi-model simulations. Previous attribution studies were mostly based on sea ice extent which is defined as the total area of all grid cells with at least 15% sea ice concentration and hence is strongly grid dependent1. Here we use SIA which is defined as the actual area covered with sea ice and is more appropriate for comparison with satellite observations than sea ice extent20, having a smaller observed uncertainty than sea ice extent21. The Arctic sea ice has been melting in all months22,23,24 but most previous studies have focused on September when the largest change occurred. Considering all calendar months and utilizing individual forcing simulations, this study finds that the response to GHG increases is detected throughout the year, explaining most of the observed SIA reduction. Further, based on the quantified GHG contribution to the observed Arctic SIA reduction, the future timing of the ice-free Arctic Ocean is projected under the different Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) emission scenarios. [...] Mahlstein, I. & Knutti, R. September Arctic sea ice predicted to disappear near 2°C global warming above present. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.117, D06104 (2012).",insufficient-refutes
Melilla is a territory of Morocco,"Dispute with Morocco [edit]The Moroccan government has repeatedly called for Spain to transfer the sovereignty of Melilla, Ceuta and the plazas de soberanía to Morocco, with Spain's refusal to do so serving as a major source of tension in Morocco–Spain relations. In Morocco, Ceuta is frequently referred to as the ""occupied Sebtah"", and the Moroccan government has argued that the city, along with other Spanish territories in the region, are colonies.[139][140] One of the major arguments used by Morocco in their attempts to acquire sovereignty over Melilla refers to the geographical position of the city, as Melilla is an exclave surrounded by Moroccan territory and the Mediterranean Sea and has no territorial continuity with the rest of Spain.[141] This argument was originally developed by one of the founders of the Moroccan Istiqlal Party, Alal-El Faasi, who openly advocated for Morocco to invade and occupy Melilla and other North African territories under Spanish rule.[142] Spain, in line with the majority of nations in the rest of the world, has never recognized Morocco's claim over Melilla. The official position of the Spanish government is that Melilla is an integral part of Spain, and has been since the 16th century, centuries prior to Morocco's independence from Spain and France in 1956.[143] The majority of Melilla's population support continued Spanish sovereignty and are opposed to Moroccan control over the territory.[144]",supports
Vitamin B17 “was banned by the US because of its cancer-killing properties”,"In June 2016 an image macro became newly popular (likely due to a concurrent cancer conspiracy rumor) on social media, holding that the bitter almond tree had been banned across the United States since 1995 because it contains high levels of the cancer-fighting vitamin B17 (also known as Laetrile): The claim was an old and deceptively multi-layered one, asserting that the bitter almond tree had been banned across the United States, that the ban was enacted in a particular year (1995), that the banned substance contained levels of Vitamin B17 sufficient to prevent and treat cancer, and that the unspecified powers that be explicitly and unquestionably banned the plant solely because it could save people's lives by fighting cancer. [...] Following the investigation by FDA, the USAO, and the USPIS, the U.S. District Court for Eastern District of New York placed Vale's illegal sales and promotion of Laetrile — also known as amygdalin, ""Vitamin B-17"", or apricot pits — under injunction in April 2000. Defying the court order, Vale set up a shell corporation in Arizona, and continued to ship the product from the basement of his own home to customers passed on to him by his New York firm. For these activities, Vale was found guilty 11 months ago of three counts of criminal contempt, and ordered to be held without bail pending his sentencing.",insufficient-refutes
HPV vaccine may lead to elimination of cervical cancer,"The American Cancer Society (ACS) is committing to work towards eliminating cervical cancer in the United States in the next 40 years by increasing HPV vaccination rates and continued screening. To this end, ACS is launching Mission: HPV Cancer Free, a public health campaign to eliminate vaccine-preventable HPV cancers, starting with cervical cancer. The goal of the campaign is to have 80 percent of 13-year-old boys and girls in the US fully vaccinated with HPV vaccine by 2026—20 years after introduction of the first HPV vaccine. [...] ""If we can achieve sustained 80% HPV vaccination in pre-teen boys and girls, combined with continued screening and treatment for cervical pre-cancers, we could see the elimination of cervical cancer in the US within 40 years,"" said Richard C. Wender, M.D., chief cancer control officer for the American Cancer Society. ""No cancer has been eliminated yet, but we believe if these conditions are met, the elimination of cervical cancer is a very real possibility."" [...] UPDATE June 7, 2018: The National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers have endorsed the goal of eliminating cancers caused by HPV through gender-neutral HPV vaccination and evidence-based cancer screening.",supports
"Ten-Foot-Tall Giant Skull Found In Pahiyangala Cave, Sri Lanka !","Narasi yang beredar, tengkorak raksasa ditemukan di Gua Pahiyangala. Juru bicara Departemen Arkeologi Sri Lanka membantah narasi itu. Ia menyampaikan, tidak ada temuan signifikan baru-baru ini yang dilaporkan di Gua Pahiyangala. [...] - -",refutes
“Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,US President Donald Trump has said he will not wear a face mask despite new medical guidance advising Americans to do so. [...] The president - without a mask [...] Yet the president said he would not put on a mask: he said it would not look right for him to wear one in the Oval Office.,insufficient-neutral
Darchen is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Kangsa Village (Tibetan: གངས་ས་གྲོང་ཚོ།), poetically known as Darchen, Tarchan or Taqin (Tibetan: དར་ཆེན, ZYPY: Tarqên, simplified Chinese: 塔钦; traditional Chinese: 塔欽; pinyin: tǎqīn), is a former Bhutanese enclave,[1] currently held by the People's Republic of China and the seat of the Parga Township, Purang County, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Thus, it is commonly referred as Parga although there is another smaller settlement formally named Parga after which the Parga Township was named, located on the east of this settlement. It was also previously known as Lhara and still signposted as such. It was previously an important sheep station for nomads and their flocks and had only two permanent buildings; only one of which survived the Cultural Revolution and is now used to house Tibetan pilgrims.[2] Darchen is situated right in front of the sacred mountain, Mount Kailash. Its altitude is 4,670m (15,321 feet) and it is the starting and ending point for the parikrama/kora of Mount Kailash.[3] [...] Darchen was once an enclave of Bhutan, held for almost 300 years and from where Bhutan raised revenue, until the People's Republic of China annexed it in 1959.[1][9]",supports
An Aerial View of a High Way Built in Sri Lanka Misusing Public Funds !!,"It is confirmed that the bridge shown in these social media posts is not a bridge built in Sri Lanka. Accordingly this bridge appears to be the Raiwind Flyover in Lahore, Panjab, Pakistan, which was constructed in 2017. At the same time, there has been a wide discussion about this and there are reports that the government has made this construction in such a complex shape according to certain conventions.",insufficient-refutes
Tuffah is a territory of Syria,"Tuffah (Arabic: التفاح, literally: ""the Apple"") is a district of Gaza City,[1] located northeast of the Old City and is divided into eastern and western halves.[2] Prior to its expansion and the demolition of the Old City's walls, Tuffah was one of the three walled quarters of Gaza, the other two being al-Daraj and Zeitoun. Tuffah was situated in the northeastern section of the Old City. The local pronunciation of the district's name is at-tuffen.[3] Tuffah has existed since early Mamluk rule in Gaza in the 13th century. The southern part of Tuffah was called ""ad-Dabbaghah"". According to Ottoman tax records in the late 16th century, it was a small neighborhood containing 57 households. The ad-Dabbaghah neighborhood contained Gaza's slaughterhouse and tanners' facilities during the Ottoman era (1517-1917). The northern subdivision of Tuffah was called ""Bani Amir.""[3] The 14th-century Ibn Marwan Mosque is located in the district as is the 13th-century Aybaki Mosque.[4] Home to the British War Cemetery, Tuffah also contains Gaza's public library and a number of Palestinian Red Crescent schools.[5]",refutes
Lapthal is a territory of Republic of China,"Lapthal is located in the Pithoragarh district and Chamoli district of Uttarakahand, India.[1] Lapthal is historically part of India territory and currently controlled by India with some claim on the region by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China. Origins of Lapthal [edit]The Lapthal Region, located in Pithoragarh District in the north-east of Uttarakhand, Himalayas, holds a fascinating geological history that traces back to the ancient Tethys Sea. During the Mesozoic Era, the Tethys Sea was a vast ocean separating the supercontinents of Gondwana and Laurasia. As tectonic movements gradually pushed these landmasses together, the Tethys Sea began to close, giving rise to the majestic Himalayas. Today, the Lapthal Region offers a rare glimpse into this bygone era, with marine fossils and sedimentary rock formations that once lay at the bottom of the Tethys Sea now visible on the surface. These geological remnants provide invaluable insights into the Earth's dynamic history and the processes that shaped the current Himalayan landscape. [2][3][4] [...] Presently, access to Lapthal is limited to trekking routes from Sumna in Chamoli or Munsiyari in Pithoragarh, although the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has plans to construct a new route from Sumna to Lapthal.",insufficient-refutes
"Says NBC News’ Kristen Welker “gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat & her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House.”","By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]), and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected]) [...] BIRTHDAYS: Guy Cecil … NBC’s Kristen Welker (hat tip: Peter Alexander) … Kate Wilson, director of operations for Analytics Media Group (h/ts Chris and Chauncey) ... AP’s Brett Zongker … Keith Macleod ... CRAFT’s Travis Holler ... Mike Czin, comms. director for D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and alum of DNC, OFA and Hillary … Erika Bolstad … Mara Lee Durrell … Liz Elkiss, V.P. of legal and external affairs at ed-tech startup General Assembly and Obama admin. and ’08 alum ... Kevin Franck, Massachusetts Democratic politico ... Jonathan Capehart! ... Lida Masoudpour … Julie Gibson … John Giesser … Pat McQuillan ... [...] Learn more: **",insufficient-neutral
Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is a territory of Azerbaijan,"The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, known simply as Nakhichevan, is a landlocked exclave of Azerbaijan bordering Armenia, Turkey, and Iran. [...] Nakhichevan, as an ""exclave"" of Azerbaijan, is geographically separated from the main territory by surrounding alien territory. Nakhichevan retains its autonomy as the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and is internationally recognized as a constituent part of Azerbaijan governed by its own elected parliament. A new constitution for Nakhichevan was approved in a referendum on November 12, 1995, adopted by the republic's assembly on April 28, 1998, and has been in force since January 8, 1999. [...] As an autonomous exclave of Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan’s GDP, poverty, unemployment and trade statistics are part of Azerbaijan’s statistics. The territory shares all the problems of the former Soviet republics in making the transition from a command to a market economy. Other problems result from the continuing conflict with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, and pervasive corruption.",insufficient-supports
Cuban authorities found the S.S. Cotopaxi found fully intact and floating toward the island nation more than 90 years after its disappearance,"In the Facebook post, a rusty, dilapidated ship can be seen sitting in a body of water with mountainous land in the background. Text in the image alleges the vessel was ""last seen in 1925, and has mysteriously reappeared after disappearing 90 years ago, in the Bermuda Triangle."" It goes on to claim the ship ""remains intact, and afloat, and has NEVER been seen by any aircraft, or sea-going ships, in 9 decades..nor has she ever run aground."" [...] Check Your Fact previously debunked the claim that Cuban authorities found the S.S. Cotopaxi fully intact and floating toward the island nation 90 years after its disappearance. That ship’s sunken remains were discovered in the 80s but took some three decades to be properly identified, according to Smithsonian Magazine.",refutes
Bousignies-sur-Roc is a territory of Belgium,"Aurélie Welonek, the mayor of Bousignies-sur-Roc gave a description of the situation pointing out how both countries ""get along well"" according to a comment made on CNN. She gave her understanding of the farmer's situation in regards to his farm but communicated to the farmer to put it back, failure to which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would get involved.",insufficient-neutral
Strait of Kerch is a territory of Malaysia,"1. The Kerch Strait is a strategic water body connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of Azov. Kerch Strait is in Eastern Europe and is the only water body that connects the Black sea with the Sea of Azov, which separates the Kerch Peninsula towards the west from the Taman Peninsula lying in the east. The former is a part of Crimea, and the latter is situated in Russia’s Krasnodar Krai. Hence, the strait offers a convenient navigable passage to the Azov sea, aiding sea transportation. The Strait of Kerch is about three kilometres long, fifteen kilometres broad, and eighteen metres deep. At its narrowest point, which lies at the northern end of the Chushka Landspit, it is only three to five kilometres wide.",insufficient-neutral
purports Vivek Ramaswamy did not say he would pardon Hunter Biden if elected president,"The claim appears to be misleading. Ramaswamy said he was “open to evaluating” pardons for the Biden family, according to an Aug. 12 article from the New York Post. Ramaswamy also appeared to float the idea of pardons for the younger Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and former President Donald Trump during a recent appearance on the “Timcast IRL” podcast.",insufficient-contradictory
Crimea is a territory of Brunei,"Crimea, formerly known as the Tauric Peninsula, is a peninsula in Eastern Europe surrounded by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The Isthmus of Perekop connect the peninsula to Kherson on mainland Ukraine, with the Strait of Kerch separating it from Kuban, Russia. However, it is linked to the Russian region by the Crimea Bridge. Crimea covers an area of approximately 27,000 square kilometers, roughly the size of the US state of Massachusetts. The peninsula has been a subject of dispute between Ukraine and Russia, with the dispute popularly referred to as the Crimean Question or the Crimean Problem. Although Russia administers Crimea, most international governments consider the peninsula a Ukrainian territory. [...] Currently, Crimea is a disputed territory between Ukraine and Russia, with both countries considering the peninsula as their respective republics. Ukraine claims the region as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, while Russia claims it as the Republic of Crimea. When Ukraine reestablished itself as an independent state, Crimea renamed itself to the Republic of Crimea. Although Ukraine did not initially oppose the name, it did not accept the peninsula’s claim of being a state. In 1992, Russia declared the 1954 Crimea transfer illegal, a move that Ukraine condemned.",refutes
Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of “damaging fertility or the unborn child.”,"Taking a bath while pregnant can relieve stress and muscle tension, but it’s important to keep an eye on the temperature. [...] - Not enjoying baths during pregnancy? Try a warm foot bath for another safe option for relaxation and stress relief. [...] - If you love your pregnancy baths, consider talking to your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of a water birth.",insufficient-neutral
“Wisconsin is 49th in public health spending.”,"Wisconsin did rank 49th in the nation in the amount of federal funds spent on public health during the previous fiscal year, receiving $18.65 per resident for U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention programs. [...] ""(Wisconsin) is 49th in public health spending,"" Erpenbach tweeted. ""We just had a pandemic and will be vulnerable to the next one because Republicans are not investing in public health."" [...] In a retort about the state budget, Erpenbach said Wisconsin ranks 49th in the nation in public health spending.",supports
Hans Island is a territory of Greenland,"Hans Island (Inuktitut and Greenlandic: Tartupaluk, lit. 'kidney shaped';[2] Inuktitut syllabics: ᑕᕐᑐᐸᓗᒃ; Danish: Hans Ø; French: île Hans, pronounced [il ɑ̃(n)s]) is an island in the centre of the Kennedy Channel of Nares Strait in the high Arctic region, split between the Canadian territory of Nunavut and the Danish autonomous territory of Greenland. The island itself is barren and uninhabited with an area of 130 hectares (320 acres), measuring 1,290 by 1,199 metres (4,232 by 3,934 ft), and a maximum elevation of 168.17 m (551.7 ft).[3] Its location in the strait that separates Ellesmere Island of Canada from northern Greenland was for years a border dispute, the so-called Whisky War between the two countries of Canada and Denmark. Hans Island is the smallest of three islands in Kennedy Channel off the Washington Land coast; the others are Franklin Island and Crozier Island. The strait at this point is 35 km (22 mi) wide, placing the island within the territorial waters of both Canada and Denmark (Greenland). A 1,280-metre-long (4,200 ft) shared border traverses the island. [...] - ^ a b Harper, Kenn (9 April 2004). ""Hans Island rightfully belongs to Greenland, Denmark"". Nunatsiaq News. Archived from the original on 14 December 2013. Retrieved 23 June 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
purports President Joe Biden has visited the U.S.-Southern Border more than once,"Biden’s visit comes as he considers sweeping executive action to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US southern border if they crossed illegally. Biden has repeatedly lambasted congressional Republicans for failing to pass a bipartisan compromise spending package that included significant concessions on border policy as he tries to flip the script on the GOP, which has slammed Biden over the border throughout his presidency – including impeaching his Homeland Security secretary over his handling of the border. [...] Since last month, a group of Texas mayors have repeatedly called on Biden to visit the southern border and have called on Congress to pass the national security supplemental package that would provide funding to address some of the concerns along the southern border. [...] Biden has previously visited the border once as president, traveling to El Paso, Texas, in January 2023, where he visited a migrant respite center but did not appear to see or meet with migrants.",insufficient-refutes
Northern Ireland eats more meat than in the rest of the UK.,Northern Ireland agri-food sector publications,insufficient-neutral
A Turning Point USA meme claims a quote about socialized medicine is attributable to Vladimir Lenin,"One of the rotating banner images on its Internet home page is a picture of Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union founder, and a quote: ""Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of a socialized state."" [...] ""A. Lenin thought so. According to Lawrence Sullivan in his book 'The Case Against Socialized Medicine,' the founder of international revolutionary Communism once proclaimed socialized medicine 'the keystone of the arch of the Socialist State.'"" [...] ""The campaign for socialized medicine in the United States stems directly from Kremlin Communism. Lenin, the founder of international revolutionary Communism, once proclaimed socialized medicine 'the keystone of the arch of the Socialist State.' Nowhere in the world today is the profession of medicine more completely under the control of government than in the Soviet segments of Russia.""",supports
Bridges over Narmada at Bharuch and Chambal at Kota.,"A new four lane, Extra-dosed Bridge across river Narmada at Bharuch, inaugurated by the Prime Minister on 9th of March 2017, has brought major relief for people travelling on the Vadodara- Surat section of NH-8. The 1.4 km ‘Extradosed’ cable stayed bridge is the longest in India and the second such bridge in the country after Nivedita Setu over Hooghly. (v) Bridge over River Chambal at Kota A 6-lane Cable Stayed Bridge across river Chambal at Kota was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 29th August 2017. Built at a cost of Rs. 278 Crores, this bridge marks the completion of the East-West corridor.",supports
"If Ranil Wins,I will be the PM - Ravi","Ravi Karunanayake Said That He Would Be Prime Minister if Ranil Wins the Upcoming Presidential Election? Find out the facts… [...] A series of posts that went viral among Facebook users claimed that Ravi Karunanayake, former minister and national secretary of the United National Party, had stated he would become the Prime Minister if Ranil Wickremesinghe, the current president, wins the upcoming presidential election. This purported claim had been created as an image resembling a newspaper report. [...] Title:Ravi Karunanayake Said That He Would Be Prime Minister if Ranil Wins the Upcoming Presidential Election? Find out the facts…",insufficient-neutral
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, ""If food runs scarce, it's okay to eat pets.""","An article circulating online quotes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) as saying that eating pets is permissible should food supplies run low. The quote, featured in a story, titled ""Ocasio-Cortez: ‘If Food Runs Scarce, It’s Okay To Eat Pets,’"" originated on the website BIZ News. [...] ""Look, I don’t know why, if we’re closing everything and being all scared and piling up food and toilet paper, we should have to worry about some dumb dogs and cats too,"" the quote says. ""Like, last time I checked, they didn’t do anything except sit around. And if food does start running short, I mean, sorry Charlie, right? Gawd these glazed are to die for.""",supports
Surface air temperatures at the bottom of the world have risen three times faster than the global average since the 1990s.,"Human-induced warming reached approximately 1°C (likely between 0.8°C and 1.2°C) above pre-industrial levels in 2017, increasing at 0.2°C (likely between 0.1°C and 0.3°C) per decade (high confidence). Global warming is defined in this report as an increase in combined surface air and sea surface temperatures averaged over the globe and over a 30-year period. Unless otherwise specified, warming is expressed relative to the period 1850–1900, used as an approximation of pre-industrial temperatures in AR5. For periods shorter than 30 years, warming refers to the estimated average temperature over the 30 years centred on that shorter period, accounting for the impact of any temperature fluctuations or trend within those 30 years. Accordingly, warming from pre- industrial levels to the decade 2006–2015 is assessed to be 0.87°C (likely between 0.75°C and 0.99°C). Since 2000, the estimated level of human-induced warming has been equal to the level of observed warming with a likely range of ±20% accounting for uncertainty due to contributions from solar and volcanic activity over the historical period (high confidence). {1.2.1} Warming greater than the global average has already been experienced in many regions and seasons, with higher average warming over land than over the ocean (high confidence). Most land regions are experiencing greater warming than the global average, while most ocean regions are warming at a slower rate. Depending on the temperature dataset considered, 20–40% of the global human population live in regions that, by the decade 2006–2015, had already experienced warming of more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial in at least one season (medium confidence). {1.2.1, 1.2.2}",insufficient-supports
McLarens Is The Local Representative Of Sinopec Fuel Operations In Sri Lanka!,"McLarens has no connection with Sinopec for oil distribution in Sri Lanka. The local representative of Sinopec Company in Sri Lanka is Sinopec Oil Lanka Private Limited, located in Hambantota.",refutes
Lapthal is a territory of Republic of China,"Let us remember the basics to determine a border, as explained in the Report of the Officials of India and China in 1960/61; the Indian Report says: ""In the Middle Sector both sides had referred to the watershed boundary and were clear as to where the watershed lay. In fact, the two alignments coincided for the most part along the main watershed. The Chinese alignment departed from it only at Gyuand Kauirik, Shipki, Nilang-Jadhang, Barahoti, Lapthal and Sangchamalla. All these departures from the watershed were also the points of divergence from the Indian alignment, and were, curiously enough, to the south and west, so as to include Indian territory in Tibet, and in no case the other way round. These isolated and small departures always in one direction were difficult to comprehend and emphasized that the correct traditional boundary lay along the watershed itself."" [...] The Report of 1960 further noted: ""In this sector the Chinese alignment are conformed for the most part to the traditional Indian alignment. Only in four areas did it diverge from the watershed to include certain pockets of Indian territory in China-the Spiti are (Chuva and Chuje), Shipki pass, the Nilang-Jadhang area (Sang and Tsungsha) and Barahoti (Wu-je) Sangchamalla and Lapthal. In this sector, therefore, it would be sufficient to prove the traditional and customary basis of the Indian alignment in these four areas.""",insufficient-refutes
"""Autopsies performed by the Italian pathologists [have] shown that [COVID-19] is not pneumonia but it is disseminated intravascular coagulation""","Tang et al [7] described the outcome of 183 patients admitted to the Tongji Hospital in Wuhan with RNA detection confirmed 2019-nCoV pneumonia. The authors observed that disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a frequent occurrence in worsening of COVID-19 pneumonia. Coagulation abnormalities and marked increase of D-dimer were often associated with increased mortality or concomitant severe thromboembolic complications. Surprisingly, the authors noted that in the Chinese population, the prevalence of thromboembolic events was particularly elevated among patients with severe lung failure. Similar prevalence was observed by Cui et al in 81 patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), where the prevalence of major thromboembolism was around 25% [8]. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or unfractionated heparin (UFH) at prophylactic doses are associated with a reduced 28-day mortality in more severe COVID-19 patients [9], displaying a sepsis-induced coagulopathy (SIC) score ≥ 4 (40.0% vs. 64.2%, P = 0.029) or D-dimer levels more than six-fold the upper limit of normal (32.8% vs. 52.4%, P = 0.017). Comparably, but slightly higher records of thromboembolic complications (up to about 30%) were observed in Italian patients admitted in ICU (unpublished data). [...] COVID-19 produces a sort of DIC which is usually characterized by hypercoagulability. The exact pathogenetic mechanism of COVID-19-related DIC is unclear, although inflammatory drive and cytokine release may be responsible for the observed coagulation impairment leading to thromboembolic complications. IL-6 may stimulate up-regulation of fibrinogen synthesis by the liver and the virus may bind directly to endothelial cells causing alveolar damage.",insufficient-refutes
"Minimum wage increased by 42%, directly benefiting 55 lakh workers.","Highest Ever Growth Of 42% Recorded in Minimum Wages of Labours during last 5 years During the last 5 years, the minimum wages of labours of all classes have been increased by 42% which is the highest increase so far. While presenting the Interim Budget 2019-20 in Parliament today, the Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs, Railways and Coal, Shri Piyush Goyal said that the high growth and formalistation of the economy has led to the expansion of employment opportunities as shown in EPFO membership, which has increased by nearly 2 crore in 2 years reflecting formalisation of the economy and job creations. Shri Goyal said that the 7th Pay Commission recommendations were implemented and New Pension Scheme (NPS) has been liberalized. The Government’s contribution in NPS had been increased 10% to 14%. The limit of gratuity payment has been increased from Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 20 lakh. The limit of eligibility cover of ESIC has been increased from Rs. 15,000 per month to Rs. 21,000 per month. The minimum pension for all labours has been fixed at Rs. 1,000 per month. In case of the death of a labour during the service, the EPFO contribution has been increased from Rs. 2.5 lakh to Rs. 6 lakh. The honorarium of all classes of labours under Anganwadi and Asha scheme has been increased by about 50%.",insufficient-supports
Peanut allergies are caused by the peanut oil in vaccines,"Factually inaccurate: Peanut oil isn’t an ingredient in vaccines. Risk factors for peanut allergies are unclear, but are commonly linked to age, genetics, and history of other allergies—not consumption of peanut oil. Misleading: Peanut allergies and peanut oil allergies aren’t one in the same. Some people with peanut allergies may safely consume peanut oil, particularly if it’s the highly-refined variety used in cooking and frying. While peanut oil was used as a vaccine adjuvant ingredient in a clinical trial for an influenza vaccine in the 1960s, this vaccine wasn't approved for public use.",refutes
Donald Trump wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act.,"Instead of terminating the Affordable Care Act, former President Donald Trump is now promising to make it ""much better, stronger and far less expensive"" if he wins the presidential election in November. ""I’m not running to terminate the ACA as crooked Joe Biden says all over the place,"" Trump said in a video posted to Truth Social on Thursday, echoing a message he posted last month. ""We’re going to make the ACA much better than it is right now and much less expensive for you."" [...] Trump also signed a bill effectively eliminating the individual mandate, which required most Americans to have health insurance or face a penalty. And his administration supported a major court challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s constitutionality, leaving it to a coalition of Democratic attorneys general to step in to defend it. The Supreme Court ultimately dismissed the challenge, keeping the law in place.",insufficient-supports
Umm al Maradim is a territory of Saudi Arabia,"Umm al Maradim (Arabic: جزيرة ام المرادم)(Translation: Mother of boulders) is an island located at the extreme south of Kuwait's marine borders near the junction with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Umm Al-Maradim is surrounded by deep waters which enable ships to land directly at its shores - an advantage which is not available on most Kuwaiti islands. It is 1.5 kilometres (0.9 miles) in length and 540 metres (1,770 feet) in width, which represents an area of approximately 65 hectares (160 acres). It is an oval-shaped island with a sand cape. Pearl oysters breed around the island's seabed. [...] Umm Al-Maradim was the first Kuwaiti land to be liberated from the Invasion of Kuwait in 1991. On its territory the Kuwaiti flag was hoisted again proclaiming the defeat of aggression and the restoration of legality.",insufficient-refutes
"When Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Ukraine recently ""he announced that they were going to suspend elections in Ukraine.""","Blinken visits Ukraine as Russia’s military closes in Kyiv | US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday in an unannounced diplomatic mission to reassure Ukraine that it has American support as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense Russian attacks. The visit comes less than a month after Congress approved a long-delayed foreign assistance package that sets aside $US60 billion ($90 billion) in aid for Ukraine, much of which will go towards replenishing badly depleted artillery and air defence systems.",insufficient-neutral
Congress Party is celebrating after China blocked India’s bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN Security Council.,"United Nations: In a major jolt to peace and counter-terrorism operations in the Indian sub-continent, China on Wednesday blocked India's bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammed terror chief Masood Azhar as a 'global terrorist' for the fourth time. China put a technical hold on a proposal in the UN Security Council to ban him just before the close of the deadline, news agency PTI reported. [...] The Congress party pounced on the opportunity and took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ""failing at diplomatic levels"". ""A sad day in the global fight against terrorism. China blocking Masood Azhar's designation as global terrorist reaffirms Chinese position of being an inseparable ally of terrorism’s breeding ground-Pakistan. Sadly, Modiji's foreign policy has been a series of diplomatic disasters,"" Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said. [...] China blocks India's bid to declare JeM chief Masood Azhar as a 'global terrorist' for the fourth time at the UNSC.",insufficient-supports
Flu shots spread the flu,"Flu vaccines are safe and the best way to protect yourself against getting sick. Getting a flu vaccine reduces your risk of getting the flu and reduces your risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death if you do get it. [...] Flu vaccines are made using killed flu viruses (for inactivated vaccines), or without flu virus at all (for recombinant vaccines). You cannot get the flu from a flu vaccine. [...] Flu is very contagious and easily spreads through contact with someone who is sick. The virus spreads mainly by droplets produced when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes or talks. People can become sick if these droplets or infected mucus or saliva enter their eyes, nose or mouth.",refutes
“Prices have increased over 17% in the last two years.”,"The actual rate of increase over two years is lower, at 12%, though that’s still substantial. Johnson ignored that wages have also increased, lessening the burden, although not as much as prices have.",refutes
Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “says that all young people want to be socialists.”,"Frances Fox Piven, a political scientist and a former D.S.A. board member, told me that, while these terms are fuzzier than they once were, ""socialism,"" in the practical politics of the young, describes above all a disgust with widening inequality. ""When people say they are ‘socialists,’ they are reacting against unrestrained capitalism,"" she said. ""I don’t know that it has much meaning beyond that. There are volumes written about the historical, theoretical work by socialists and their critics, but I don’t think that that’s what’s moving these young people. They are moved by the idea of an economic system that is tempered, constrained, and restrained by democratic values. There were a lot of debates in the seventies and eighties between Maoists and theoretical socialists, some of whom were a little crazy. That has nothing to do with what’s happening now."" Michael Kazin, a co-editor of Dissent and a D.S.A. member, agreed: ""The radical left’s major influence in American history is to push liberals, progressives, to the left. And that is going to be the impact. I don’t believe we are going to have a socialist transformation of America in my lifetime.""",insufficient-neutral
purports Rep. Eric Swalwell instantly faced charges after allegedly lying to Rep. Jim Jordan,"FACT CHECK: Did Eric Swalwell Face Charges After Allegedly Lying To Jim Jordan? A video shared on Facebook purports California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell instantly faced charges after allegedly lying to Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan. [...] ""‘THEY DEFUND F.BI’ Swalwell DESTROYS his career after lying to Jim Jordan…faces CHARGES INSTANTLY,"" the Facebook video, which has received over 3,000 likes at the time of publication, purports.",insufficient-neutral
Posting No-Consent Message Prevents Meta From Using Your Content For AI Training,"It added that users have ""rights related to how [your] information is used for AI at Meta,"" providing a link to a support page for 'Data Subject Rights.' [...] However, there was no option to completely opt out of, or give consent for data usage for AI model training. [...] Conclusion: Posting about not allowing Meta to use your posts and content to train its AI models does not effectively prohibit the company from doing so.",refutes
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on July 23 that Ukraine has taken back 50% of the territory it lost since February 2022.,"Ukraine has seized back about 53% of its territory it initially lost when Russia invaded in February 2022, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).",insufficient-supports
Says Sen. Lindsey Graham said a newly elected Donald Trump “will round up and deport LEGAL immigrants.”,"President Trump has directed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to conduct a mass roundup of migrant families that have received deportation orders, an operation that is likely to begin with predawn raids in major U.S. cities on Sunday, according to three U.S. officials with knowledge of the plans. [...] Large-scale immigration enforcement operations are typically kept secret to avoid tipping off targets, but Trump’s tweet Monday blew the cover off the roundup. That the operation was revealed publicly stunned law enforcement officials, and they believe it gave them more latitude to discuss the raids. [...] The expedited family court docket, or ""rocket docket,"" was developed by Trump officials late last year in an effort to deport more migrant families with the belief that a highly visible roundup operation could have a deterrent effect on others in Central America considering the journey.",insufficient-neutral
The DTaP vaccine causes SIDS,"No causal association between the DTaP vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Although cases of SIDS have occurred after the DTaP vaccine, there is no evidence to support the claim that the DTaP vaccine has caused these cases. Studies show that DTaP vaccines, and vaccination in general, are not associated with an increased risk of SIDS. Inaccurate: Studies show that the DTaP vaccine is not causally associated with SIDS. SIDS is not listed as a side effect (adverse reaction) to the vaccine.",refutes
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs of India Kiren Rijiju has been re-elected as Member of Parliament from Arunachal Pradesh,"Shri Rijiju was welcomed by Secretary Shri Srinivas Katikithala and other senior officials of the Ministry. Shri Rijiju is a Lok Sabha MP from Arunachal (West), Arunachal Pradesh. Born on 19th November 1971, Shri Rijiju has studied B.A., LLB from Delhi. This is the fourth term of Shri Rijiju as the member of parliament. He earlier served as the Cabinet Minister of Earth Sciences and Food Processing Industries in the Government of India since 2023 till June 2024. He also served as the Minister of State for Home Affairs from 2014 to 2019, Minister of State for Minority Affairs from 2019 to 2021, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Sports and Youth Affairs from 2019 to 2021 and as the Law minister from 2021 to 2023. Shri Rijiju has keen interest in badminton, football and athletics. He has also participated in National games. Shri Rijiju has written many articles in the Newspapers and Magazine related to Social, Cultural and Political issues. He has special interests in strategic and security affairs. An active social worker since school days, Shri Rijiju led several social movements as a social worker and student leader. He has represented India in various social and cultural events held in many countries. He was adjudged as the best young parliamentarian by the media during 14th Lok Sabha.",supports
"Setu Bharatam project for safer roads. Making all national highways free of railway level crossings, by 2019, by building railway over bridges/under passes. Total outlay of 20, 800 crore rupees.","Setu Bharatam was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 4 March 2016 at a budget of ₹102 billion (US$1.2 billion), with an aim to make all national highways free of railway crossings by 2019.[1] [...] Setu Bharatam programme aims to make all National Highways free of railway level crossings by 2019. This is being done to prevent the frequent accidents and loss of lives at level crossings. 208 Railway Over Bridges (ROB)/Railway Under Bridges (RUB) will be built at the level crossings at a cost of ₹20,800 crore as part of the programme. [...] - ^ ""PM Modi launches Rs 50,800 cr Setu Bharatam project to ensure highways without railway crossings by 2019"". The Indian Express. 4 March 2016.",supports
"Says Gov. Tony Evers ""wanted to increase your taxes by $1 billion just for heating your homes Instead, Republicans cut your taxes by more than $2 billion.""","Yes, Republicans curbed Evers’ plan to raise taxes by $1 billion and inserted the tax-cut provision [...] Darling claimed that Wisconsin Republicans stopped Evers from raising taxes by $1 billion and instead gave residents the largest tax cut in the state’s history. Evers did plan to raise taxes by $1 billion, although his plan would have included tax cuts for lower-income Wisconsinites. And Republicans did include the largest tax cut in history in their version of the budget that passed in July.",supports
the U.S. Climate Reference Network[...] finds there has been no warming for the past 14 years at least,"On the whole, these and other studies find consistent results. While the Sun's influence is detectable in Earth's temperature records, the global-scale warming influence of human-produced greenhouse gases is likely to be far stronger than even a very strong Grand Solar Minimum. [...] For the past million years at least, Milankovitch cycles have coincided with 100,000-year-long ice ages punctuated by short intervals of rapid warming. Although there are pieces of the puzzle experts still don’t understand, the key climate influence seems to be changes in the amount of incoming sunlight, or insolation, reaching the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the summer. The Northern Hemisphere is key to the ice ages because massive ice sheets can only grow over land, not ocean, and most of Earth’s land area has been concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere for at least tens of millions of years.",insufficient-supports
“Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,"Democrats take a negative view of much that happens in the Trump administration (86% of them disapprove of how Trump is handling his presidency), and they tend to support a different theory—that the government is concealing the scale of deaths from the virus. Democrats (60%) are three times more likely than Republicans (21%) to believe this. [...] Just a third last week and this week would cancel long-distance travel. Support for this comes across the board, from both Republicans and Democrats. The American public generally agrees with the medical authorities who say requiring that people wear face masks isn’t desirable from a medical point of view. [...] Americans are divided on the president’s handling of the coronavirus; this week 41 percent approve, 43 percent disapprove (last week, disapproval outweighed approval 47% to 37%). Like last week, four in ten don’t believe the President is taking the situation seriously enough. There is also division on the appointment of Vice President Mike Pence to head the Administration’s response to the virus.",insufficient-neutral
Earth about to enter 30-YEAR ‘Mini Ice Age’,"During the winter months, colder weather typically doesn’t phase residents of the midwest or northeast United States. But things may get chillier in the coming years as scientists are predicting a mini-ice age with temperatures dropping in 2021, all thanks to the sun’s solar cycle. [...] The models show that two of the sun’s magnetic waves will decrease and become out of sync starting in 2021. As a result, the solar cycles will end up canceling each other out, sending the world into a mini-ice age that will last 33 years. [...] ""I hope global warming will be overridden by this effect, giving humankind and the Earth 30 years to sort out our pollution,"" Zharkova told Sky News. ""We have to be sorted by that time and prepare everything on Earth for the next big solar activity,"" she said.",supports
claims former President Donald Trump purportedly said he 'forgot to give back some paperwork' in a recent TRUTH Social post,"The purported remark does not appear in Trump’s TRUTH Social feed. The image of the alleged post can be traced back to Twitter user @gvnzng, who admitted it was fake.",refutes
Nirav Modi stated before the London court that he didn’t leave India but was threatened by the leaders of a political party to escape and run away from the country.,"-- ANI 07:52 Nirav Modi flees to UK, claiming political asylum Nirav Modi, the billionaire jeweller at the heart of a more than $2 billion fraud case, has fled to the United Kingdom, where he is claiming political asylum, the Financial Times reported, citing Indian and British officials. [...] Nirav Modi is in London trying to claim asylum from what he calls ""political persecution"", the FT reported.",supports
David Gareja monastery complex is a territory of Azerbaijan,"TBILISI, DFWatch – The Georgian government says it will solve the problems with the David Gareja monastery complex on the Georgia-Azerbaijan border. [...] But on Monday, deputy foreign minister Nino Kalandadze said at a briefing that ‘the Udabno Monastery section of David Gareja Monastery complex is not disputed territory and is considered as Azerbaijani territory since Soviet times.’ [...] ""But the facts are the following: delimitation process between Georgia and Azerbaijan on state border is still in progress. Commissions of delimitation between states have agreed on 66 percent of border yet. 2 percent of David Gareja monastery complex territory is among un-agreed area, including cells of Udabno Monastery and paths, which lead to it, because of very simple reason that the above mentioned 2 percent of Monastery complex territory got under control of Azerbaijan since Soviet Union times by administrative distribution. Accordingly, the rest of David Gareja Monastery complex is on the Georgian territory."" Her statement says.",insufficient-contradictory
Best available data show sea-level rise is not accelerating. Local and regional sea levels continue to exhibit typical natural variability—in some places rising and in others falling.,"Although sea level is rising globally, in some places it is rising more quickly than others, and in some places, sea level is even falling. This type of local- and regional-scale sea level change is what is most important when talking about the impacts of sea level on people and communities and how to plan for and manage those impacts. [...] Alaska is a perfect demonstration of variation in regional sea level change: in some places, sea level is rising, and in others it is falling. Along the southern coast of Alaska, the land is rising two-to-four-times faster than the sea thanks to the region's geology (featuring a collision of tectonic plates and glacial rebound, both causing the land to rise). But along the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean, other impacts from climate change are already affecting Alaskan communities in the form of increased storm surges, thawing permafrost, saltwater intrusion and coastal erosion. Furthermore, sea ice is now less protective of the coast because so much of it has melted. The result is that storms are stronger, flooding is more frequent, and coastlines are eroding along parts of Alaska's coast.",insufficient-contradictory
University Of Peradeniya Offers Dozens of Free Online Courses !!,"Centre for Distance and Continuing Education - CDCE - University of Peradeniya Courses [...] CDCE, University of Peradeniya will entertain applications from candidates who have met minimum eligibility criteria for register for the Certificate Course in Basic Tamil. [...] The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) online Degree programme is delivered by Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE), University of Peradeniya and conducted in collaboration with the department of Management Studies of the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya.",insufficient-neutral
Vozrozhdeniya Island is a territory of Uzbekistan,"Vozrozhdeniya Island (Template:Lang-ru, which translates as Rebirth Island or Renaissance Island), or Voz Island for short, was an island in the Aral Sea. The former island's territory is split between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In 1954, the Soviet Union constructed a biological weapons test site called Aralsk-7 there and on the neighboring Komsomolskiy Island.[1] Vozrozhdeniya was once a small island; in the 19th century its size was only Template:Convert.[2] However, in the 1960s, the island began to grow in size; the Aral Sea began drying up due to its feeder rivers being dammed by the Soviet Union for agricultural projects.[3] The shrinkage of the Aral continued and accelerated over time. Vozrozhdeniya became a peninsula in mid-2001 when the channel to its south dried up completely and became a land bridge.[4] Upon the disappearance of the Southeast Aral Sea in 2008, Vozrozhdeniya became technically indistinguishable from the surrounding land. It briefly reemerged as a peninsula in 2010 when the eastern basin was flooded by heavy snow melt before once again becoming indistinguishable as a unique geographic feature. [...] - NASA satellite image comparison between 1989 and 2003 - Biological Decontamination of Vozrozhdeniye Island: The U.S.-Uzbek Agreement - Former Soviet Biological Weapons Facilities in Kazakhstan: Past, Present, and Future - 1960's Satellite images of Soviet laboratory - Top Inhospitable Places in the World",insufficient-contradictory
Hindus who wish to express their support for the Uniform Civil Code should give a missed call to ‘9090902024’ before 06 July 2023,Uniform Civil Code – Public Notice 14/06/2023 28/07/2023,insufficient-neutral
"Central arts funding per capita in Northern Ireland is £4.72 per year, compared with £22.50 per person, per year in Ireland.","The value of the Arts - The Arts deliver big returns for our economy and for our society - The Arts currently receive just 0.1% of the Northern Ireland budget. It makes no sense to make further cuts to a sector which generates such a high rate of return on its investment - Cuts to the Arts budget will result in the contraction of frontline services and reduction of education and outreach programmes - The Arts bring people and communities together and make our lives richer. We saw this in action during Derry~Londonderry’s transformation into UK City of Culture 2013 - Public investment is the key to building confidence and leveraging additional funding from sponsors and private investors - The creative sector is one of the fastest growing in the economy, creating economic growth and jobs - The Arts support the work of many government partners, helping them to achieve their objectives in regeneration, reconciliation, tourism, creative industries, education and health - The Arts distinguish us from other places, make the world talk about us for all the right reasons and raise our global profile as a progressive place that’s ready to compete and do business",insufficient-neutral
"Ten-Foot-Tall Giant Skull Found In Pahiyangala Cave, Sri Lanka !","Social media claims suggest that a 10-foot-tall giant skull, purportedly 37,000 years old, was discovered in Pahiyangala Cave (also known as Fa-Hien Cave) in Sri Lanka. These claims are primarily based on blog posts allegedly originating from the China-based Xinhua news agency and attributed to Senarath Dissanayake, former Director General of Sri Lanka's Archaeological Department. [...] Located in Kalutara, SouthWest region of Sri Lanka, Pahiyangala (Fa-Hien) cave is one of Southeast Asia's largest natural rock caves. The cave is especially significant for its archaeological significance, with evidence of ancient human activity and artifacts found within its chambers. The artifacts range from 48,000 to 4,000 years old, including 130 bone-arrow tips, the oldest arrow tips found outside of Africa—29 bone tools for making bags or clothing, and a handful of ornamental beads. More on this here and here. [...] Based on the lack of credible sources, official denials from relevant authorities, inconsistencies in attributions, and misuse of images, it is evident that the claims of a 10-foot-tall giant skull found in Pahiyangala Cave are unsubstantiated and fabricated.",refutes
"A soup made of garlic, onions, thyme, and lemon can replace the flu shot and cure other illnesses such as the common cold and norovirus","Next, simmer the soup. Add the vinegar, thyme, tamari, and garlic to the onions, and stir, scraping up any browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pot. Stir in a few tablespoons of flour, which will thicken the soup as it cooks, and then add the wine. Finally, add the broth and simmer the soup, uncovered, for 30 minutes. [...] Ingredients - 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil - 3 pounds medium yellow onions, halved and thinly sliced - ¾ teaspoon sea salt - 1½ tablespoons balsamic vinegar - 1½ tablespoons tamari - 1½ tablespoons fresh thyme leaves - 3 garlic cloves, minced - 3 tablespoons all-purpose white flour - 1 cup dry white wine - 6 cups vegetable broth - Freshly ground black pepper [...] Instructions - Heat the oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the onions, salt, and several grinds of pepper and toss to combine. Reduce the heat to low and cook for about 40 minutes, stirring every few minutes, or until the onions are very soft. Increase the heat to medium and cook 15 to 20 more minutes, stirring often, until golden brown. Add the vinegar, tamari, thyme, and garlic and stir. Sprinkle the flour on the onions, stir, and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the wine and cook 2 minutes, or until evaporated. Add the broth and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.",insufficient-neutral
A book of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents sold,"- ^ D'Zurilla, Christie (April 2, 2021). ""Hunter Biden will talk about drug intervention, notorious laptop in CBS interviews"". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved April 15, 2021. [...] - ^ Friedman, Roger (April 16, 2021). ""Hunter Biden's ""Beautiful Things"" is a Sales Bust"". RealClearBooks. Retrieved October 13, 2023. - ^ ""Book Marks reviews of Beautiful Things: A Memoir by Hunter Biden"". Book Marks. Retrieved July 8, 2023.",insufficient-neutral
Island of Šarengrad is a territory of Spain,"Island of Šarengrad (Croatian: Šarengradska ada, Serbian Cyrillic: Шаренградска ада, pronounced [ʃǎreŋgratskaː ǎːda] or [-ǎda]) is a Danube river island situated close to the village of Šarengrad in Croatia.[1] It covers an area of 9 km2 (3.5 sq mi).[2] The old riverbed of the Danube caused problems for navigation due to its heavy bending in this area. In order to solve the problem, Austria-Hungary began digging a canal in 1892 to straighten the flow of the river. After 17 years, the Mohovo-Šarengrad canal was finally finished, and as a result the Island of Šarengrad was formed in 1909.[2][3] [...] In 1998, through the Erdut Agreement, Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia was reintegrated with Croatia. However, the Island of Šarengrad together with Island of Vukovar has stayed under Serbian military control.[citation needed]",refutes
A British Army veteran who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles is 54 times more likely than a Republican or Loyalist paramilitary to be prosecuted for alleged offences pre-dating the 1998 Belfast Agreement.,This claim is not accurate. Prosecutions to date suggest that ex-British Army personnel have been the subject of cases five times more than Republican and Loyalist suspects. The cited ratio of 54 times “more likely” was based on a snapshot of live prosecutions and takes no account of previous cases.,refutes
Social media posts are circulating showing supermarket shelves that have been covered over or taped off to prevent customers purchasing certain items. Reference is made to this happening in Belfast and Northern Ireland.,"At the time of writing, Wales is the only part of the UK that has restricted the sale of non-essential items in supermarkets. There is no indication that this model of restriction will be introduced in Northern Ireland.",refutes
AIDS was cured in more than a dozen patients,"There is currently no effective cure for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the chronic and potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Claims of curing AIDS via an alkaline food diet are unsupported by scientific evidence and potentially harmful.",refutes
China Is Not Ready To Amortize SL’s Outstanding Debt!(letter),"China holds roughly 6.2 percent of Sri Lanka’s total central government debt – some as central government debt (around $670 million) but mostly as debt through state-owned banks like China EXIM Bank and China Development Bank (CDB), totaling around $7 billion. These loans have financed myriad projects: utilities, roads and highways (parts of the Southern Expressway and Central Expressway), ill-conceived ports and airports, vanity convention centers, and telecom towers. Consequently, questions around the value Sri Lanka received for these Chinese loans have lingered over the last decade. [...] Views taken by Chinese officials have changed over the weeks and months following Sri Lanka’s debt default decision. Immediately after the April 12th announcement, China’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong said that ""China has done its best to help Sri Lanka not to default but sadly they went to the IMF and decided to default […] the debt restructuring definitely will have an impact on future bilateral loans."" Qi added – quite controversially – that ""[c]ountries that colonized Sri Lanka have more obligations to help at this juncture."" This came on the back of China rejecting a request (made by the Sri Lankan government in March 2022) to reschedule its loans. China instead offered refinancing – a new $1 billion loan to help repay part of the existing loans.",insufficient-supports
Rapper Notorious B.I.G predicted Covid-19 pandemic in 1994,"The COVID-19 pandemic was something truly unpredictable that caught pretty much the whole world off guard, and even now we’re still struggling to cope with it. But what if I told you that someone might have actually predicted it was going to happen? A TikTok video by tythecrazyguy recently went viral because it seems that Ty has possibly uncovered that a rapper predicted the pandemic. [...] However, it looks like that isn’t the only prediction that the rapper has made. Dr. Creep made a post on Facebook after his song ""PANDEMIC"" went viral, and the rapper seemed frustrated that people are only discussing this now when it isn’t even the only thing he’s predicted. [...] This could mean that the rapper predicted not just the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the lockdown following the outbreak of the virus. How creepy is that?",insufficient-supports
“Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.”,"In June 2024, the news outlet The Epoch Times claimed that new data from England’s National Health Service (NHS) showed that ""myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection."" The Epoch Times has repeatedly published vaccine misinformation. [...] In order to support The Epoch Times’ claim that myocarditis ""only occur[s] after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection"", one would need to compare people who were exposed to one of two things: a COVID-19 vaccine or COVID-19, but not both. If a vaccinated person also got COVID-19 and then developed myocarditis, it would be impossible to know for sure if the cause was the vaccine or COVID-19 without additional information. [...] - 3 – Wong et al. (2022) Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the USA: a cohort study in claims databases. The Lancet.",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that author Mark Twain once said, ""Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.""","Interview: Tom Warburton ""Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do."" The words famously uttered by American writer Mark Twain. For many those words have been a way of life, none more so than the vivacious 23-year-old explorer Jack Groves. [...] Ultimately, life is too short to do all the things that you want to do, let alone wasting time giving a flying crap about what others think. Someone extremely close to me who lived the above ethos to the full tragically passed away, way before her time, a few days before Christmas 2018. [...] So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover.' - Mark Twain 'Life is measured in achievement, not in years alone.' - Bruce McLaren.",supports
"A “zapper” can kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses; it cures all diseases","Any positively offset [DC] frequency kills all bacteria, viruses and parasites simultaneously given sufficient voltage (5 to 10 volts), duration (seven minutes), and frequency (anything from 10 Hz to 500'000 Hz). But it takes more than one treatment. It takes three treatments to kill everything. Why? The first zapping kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. But a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often recur. I conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the parasites released them. The second zapping kills the released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear again. They must have been infecting some of the last bacteria. After a third zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later. (From: ""The Cure for All Diseases"", p. 13ff.; copyright notice [link to web page]. [...] Or you may zap [link to web page] the virus with electricity for 7 minutes and eliminate it that way. Build or purchase [link to web page] a zapper immediately. Using the herbal recipe [link to web page] along with the zapper is best.",insufficient-supports
"President Obama released 500,000 pedophiles from background check database","An Instagram post claimed Obama removed 500,000 pedophiles from a background check database. [...] The People’s Voice, Obama Removed 500,000 Pedophiles From Background Check Database, March 15, 2018 [...] USA Today, No, Obama did not remove 500,000 pedophiles from a background check database | Fact check, May 5, 2023",refutes
Piyumi Wijesekera’s Was Selected to a NASA’s Mars Mission !!,"Sri Lanka’s Piyumi Wijesekara among new NASA crew for next simulated Mars journey [...] Sri Lanka’s Piyumi Wijesekera has been selected as one of NASA’s four new volunteer crew members for a simulated mission to Mars, taking place within a habitat at the agency’s Johnson Space Centre in Houston. [...] This crew marks the second group of volunteers to participate in a simulated Mars mission in HERA this year, with two more missions planned before the end of 2024. Piyumi Wijesekera, a postdoctoral research scientist at NASA Ames Research Centre in California’s Silicon Valley, specializes in developing tissue models to study the effects of spaceflight stressors on the human respiratory system.",supports
Joe Biden claimed in an interview that there was no evidence that what Hunter did was wrong,"The former vice president, Trump said, wielded his influence to benefit his son Hunter’s private-sector work in Ukraine. But despite Trump's continued claims, there's no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of either Biden. [...] But there's little evidence he acted to help his son: Earlier this year, Bloomberg News, citing documents and an interview with a former Ukrainian official, reported the Burisma investigation had been dormant for more than a year by the time Biden called for the crackdown on corruption. The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general told the news agency he found no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden and his son. And PolitiFact reported it found no evidence to ""support the idea that Joe Biden advocated with his son's interests in mind."" Additionally, the most recent former prosecutor general of Ukraine, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Bloomberg he had no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.",insufficient-neutral
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, ""If food runs scarce, it's okay to eat pets.""",There is no record of Ocasio-Cortez making the remark. The quote came from a satirical article.,refutes
Dasun Shanaka was selected for CSK !!,"Dasun Shanaka Has Joined Gujarat Titans, Was NOT selected for CSK! [...] CSK has not picked Dasun Shanaka; he is replacing the injured player Kane Williamson in the Gujarat Titans squad for IPL 2023. [...] Title:Dasun Shanaka Was Picked Up by Gujarat Titans, not by CSK!",refutes
"“Since the vaccine rolled out, [a midwife]’s seen no normal placenta […] they’re all compromised”","COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting against severe forms of the disease. Research shows that the placentas of pregnant individuals are unharmed by the vaccines. By contrast, SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy poses a higher risk of placental lesions and deficiencies, which places a pregnant individual at risk of complications.",refutes
Arunachal Pradesh is a territory of India,"The United States recognises Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and strongly opposes any unilateral attempts by China to advance its territorial claims across the Line of Actual Control (LAC), a senior Biden administration official has said, days after the Chinese military reiterated its claim over the State following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit there. [...] Speaking at his daily press conference on March 20, State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said, ""The United States recognises Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and we strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to advance territorial claims by incursions or encroachments, military or civilian, across the Line of Actual Control."" India has repeatedly rejected China’s territorial claims over Arunachal Pradesh, asserting that the State is an integral part of the country. New Delhi has also dismissed Beijing’s move to assign ""invented"" names to the area, saying it did not alter the reality. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on March 19 said it has noted the latest comments made by the spokesperson of the Chinese Defence Ministry ""advancing absurd claims"" over the territory of Arunachal Pradesh and asserted that the State ""was, is and will always be"" an integral and inalienable part of India.",refutes
The city of San Francisco posted street signs warning that “stolen goods must remain under $950.”,"City officials did not post street signs in San Francisco that appeared to warn thieves that ""stolen goods must remain under $950,"" the city’s Board of Supervisors president said. The city has removed the signs. Proposition 47, a California ballot measure voters passed in 2014, lowered some nonviolent felony crimes to misdemeanors, including shoplifting, as long as items taken totaled less than $950. People convicted of that crime face six months in prison and/or fines of up to $1,000.",refutes
"Raghuram Rajan had warned Rahul Gandhi and P Chidambaram about Nirav Modi, but they forced him to remain silent and kept approving loan till May 2014",Raghuram Rajan clearly denied such claims while mentioning Social media has a habit of attributing complete rubbish to him. Hence the claim is FALSE,refutes
Veliki Školj is a territory of Croatia,"Veli Školj (Otocic Veliki Skolj) / [...] Veli Skolj (Veli Školj) is a island (class T - Hypsographic) in Istarska Zupanija (Istarska), Croatia (Europe) with the region font code of Eastern Europe... Veli Školj is also known as Otocic Veliki Skolj, Otočić Veliki Školj, Veli Skolj, Veli Školj.",supports
Melting of Arctic sea ice and polar icecaps is not occurring at ‘unnatural’ rates and does not constitute evidence of a human impact on the climate.,The rapid loss of glacial ice and Arctic sea ice cover is consistent with and most likely due to human impact on the climate system.,insufficient-refutes
Kandy Dalada Perahera should be held Without Elephants - Harini Amarasuriya,"The Kandy Esala Dalada Perahera (Procession of Kandy) is a grand festival celebrated with elegant costumes and is held in July and August in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This historical procession is held annually to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha, which is housed at the Temple of the Tooth or ""Sri Dalada Maligawa"" in Kandy. The Esala Dalada Perahera is believed to have begun when the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha was brought to Sri Lanka from India during the 4th century, eight hundred years after the passing away of Lord Buddha. [...] The Kandy Esala Dalada Perahera begins with the ""Kap Situveema"", in which a sanctified young Jackfruit tree (Artocarpus integrifolia) is cut and planted in the premises of each of the four Devales (Temples) dedicated to the four guardian gods Natha, Vishnu, Katharagama and goddess Pattini. [...] On the sixth night, the Kumbal Perahera begins and continues on for five days and then Randoli Perahera begins. After a further five nights of the Randoli Perahera, the pageant ends with the Diya Kepeema, which is the water cutting ceremony at the Mahaweli River at Getambe, a town a few miles from Kandy. A Day Perahera is held to mark the ceremony.",insufficient-neutral
"“Michael Jordan rejects $400 million Disney offer, stating, ‘I do not collaborate with companies aligned with woke ideologies.’”",This claim originated on a self-described satire site.,refutes
"There are approximately 100 lorries per day crossing the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and cross-border trade represents 0.5% of UK-EU trade.","The North’s economy was not unaffected by this development. It also coincided with a detente between the two during this period. Starting with the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985 and then the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, political relations improved and translated into economic gains. Since the early 1990s there has been a steady growth in cross-border activities only partly slowed by the credit crisis of 2007-08. There have also been increases in tourism, investment and travel. Around 30,000 people cross the border daily for work purposes and approximately 177,000 lorries and 250,000 vans cross each month. Trade is now valued at around £3 billion a year. [...] For the 1.81m people in the North and the 4.78m people in the Republic, this cross-border trade is huge. Of particular importance is the agricultural processing industry with supply chains crossing the border several times before final production.",insufficient-neutral
"Biden said that 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, an increase of 9 million since he took office.","Statement from President Joe Biden on the Record-Breaking 2024 Open Enrollment Period Under the Affordable Care Act Today, we broke another record when it comes to lowering costs and ensuring Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare: 21.3 million Americans have signed up for health coverage through Affordable Care Act marketplaces. That means 9 million more people have gained coverage under the law – and peace of mind – since I took office. It’s no accident. My actions to protect the Affordable Care Act and lower premiums continue to make a big difference. And the American people have made it clear: they don’t want the Affordable Care Act weakened and repealed – they want it strengthened and protected. We need to build on the progress we’ve made by making lower premiums permanent. But Republicans in Congress have a different vision. Their recent budget would get rid of the improvements I signed into law, raising costs for millions of people. Over the last decade, extreme Republicans in Congress have blocked efforts to lower health care costs, and they’re still trying to end the Affordable Care Act, just as my predecessor tried and failed to do. Repealing the Affordable Care Act would throw these 21 million people off their coverage, and end Medicaid coverage for millions more. It would return to the days when insurance companies could rip Americans off by denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, charge women more than men, and make older adults pay astronomical health care premiums based on their age. We must not and will not go back.",supports
"“Michael Jordan rejects $400 million Disney offer, stating, ‘I do not collaborate with companies aligned with woke ideologies.’”","Michael Jordan Declines Disney’s $400 Million Offer Citing ""I Don’t Work With Woke Companies"". In a surprising turn of events that resonates far beyond the basketball court, Michael Jordan, an icon synonymous with excellence in basketball and a global sports figure, has made a stand that transcends the boundaries of athletics. Michael Jordan rejected Disney offer $400 million project offer from Disney, with a reason as simple yet impactful as his game-winning shots: ""I don’t work with woke companies."" This decision has reignited discussions on the role of celebrities and sports figures in social and political matters. As the world reacts to Jordan’s audacious move, it prompts contemplation on the future direction of corporate America and the involvement of prominent individuals in social and political issues. [...] In conclusion, Michael Jordan’s rejection of Disney’s $400 million offer is more than just a business decision; it’s a statement about his personal beliefs and a commentary on the current state of corporate and social affairs. Jordan continues to be a figure of immense influence, shaping discussions and swaying perspectives, proving that his legacy is a slam dunk that extends far beyond the basketball court.",supports
Peanut allergies are caused by the peanut oil in vaccines,"Factually inaccurate: Peanut oil isn’t an ingredient in vaccines. Risk factors for peanut allergies are unclear, but are commonly linked to age, genetics, and history of other allergies—not consumption of peanut oil. [...] The reel claimed that people are ""having peanut allergies because they’ve been jabbed with peanut oil"", drawing an implicit link between the alleged addition of peanut oil to certain vaccines in 1961 and a subsequent rise in peanut allergies since that time. [...] Peanut oil was only briefly tested as an adjuvant ingredient in vaccines in the 1960s. It was never approved as an ingredient for public use in vaccines and isn’t an ingredient in vaccines today. Further, there isn’t evidence to support that peanut oil causes peanut allergies; rather, risk for peanut allergy may instead be linked to factors like age, genetics, and other allergies.",refutes
Swains Island is a territory of Tokelau,"Swains Island (Olohega) is an atoll in the Tokelau chain, the most northwesterly island administered by American Samoa. Although culturally belonging to Tokelau, politically, it is a territory of United States of America. [...] Swains is considered to be part of American Samoa. It is actually part of the Tokelau group but is owned by the Jennings family and administered by the United States. The politics are very complicated. The name ""Swains Island"" was bestowed upon the island by Captain William Hudson, in 1841. An American, Eli Jennings, joined the copra farmers on Swains Island, with his Samoan wife, in 1856. It is said that he purchased the island from a British Captain Turnbull, for 15 shillings per acre, plus a bottle of gin. So, if Swains was calculated to be 373 acres, the total paid would have been 5595 shillings. That would be about PS23,000 ($US40,000) in today’s values. Plus a bottle of gin.",supports
Marouini River is a territory of Suriname,"Suriname’s territorial disagreement with French Guiana is another significant border issue. The dispute centers around the Marouini River, which forms a natural boundary between the two territories. Both countries have claimed the area as their own, with the conflict stemming from the influence and control of their respective colonial powers. The controversy over the Marouini River continues to be a point of contention between Suriname and French Guiana. [...] Suriname’s territorial disagreement with French Guiana primarily revolves around the Marouini River. Both countries lay claim to this area, which has historically been a subject of contentious debate and conflicting perceptions. The issue has its roots in the colonial period, as the Dutch and French colonial powers sought to establish control over the region, leading to overlapping claims and ongoing disputes. [...] The controversy over the Marouini River remains a source of friction between Suriname and French Guiana. The river serves as a natural boundary, but disagreement over ownership persists. Efforts to engage in diplomatic negotiations and international arbitration have been undertaken, with the hope of finding a peaceful and mutually acceptable resolution. However, the issue remains unresolved, exemplifying the challenges faced in resolving border disputes.",insufficient-contradictory
Courantyne River is a territory of Suriname,"Courantyne River (Courantyne River) is a stream (class H - Hydrographic) in Suriname (general), Suriname (South America) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 149 meters above sea level. Courantyne River is also known as Coeroeni, Coeroeni Rivier, Corentyne River, Courantyne River, Koeroeni Rivier. [...] Courantyne River (Suriname (general)) 7 day forecast",supports
Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,"Sen. John Cornyn says 49 states have a balanced budget amendment in their state constitutions [...] An appendix in the report lists 45 states, including Texas, with a constitutional citation concerning a balanced budget requirement, and four states that have a statutory requirement. Vermont is the only state with neither. The information comes from the legislative fiscal staff in each state, said Ron Snell, director of state services at NCSL. [...] More substantively, the report notes that there's no consensus on which states have or do not have balanced-budget laws. That is, not every state has an explicit requirement that state expenditures not exceed projected revenue. The report names Wyoming, North Dakota and Alaska as states whose balanced-budget requirements are debated.",insufficient-neutral
“Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer”,Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer - A study published in April found disposable masks can have toxic chemicals - Experts said this could make newly instated mask mandates ineffective - READ MORE: Mask mania sweeps America...AGAIN [...] But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. [...] A study published in April found that several disposable masks contain more than eight times the US recommended limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs),insufficient-supports
Heglig is a territory of Sudan,"Heglig, or Panthou (also spelled Heglieg or Pandthow), is a small town at the border between the South Kordofan state of Sudan and the Unity State in South Sudan. The entirety of Heglig is claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, but administered by Sudan. The area was contested during the Sudanese Civil War. In mid-April 2012, South Sudan's Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) captured the Heglig oil field from Sudan.[1] Sudan took it back at the Second Battle of Heglig ten days later.[2] [...] In July 2009, the international organization, Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) redefined the boundaries of Abyei, a county that lies between South Sudan and Sudan. The decision placed the Heglig and Bamboo oilfields out of Abyei boundary but did not specify to be belong to the Sudan province of South Kordofan, nor to Upper Nile region, South Sudan and also the decision did not specify oil sharing. The government of Sudan claimed that area is belong to its country since it was ruled to be out of Abyei boundary by PCA and announced they would not share any oil revenue with the Government of South Sudan, emphasizing that the PCA established that Heglig was part of the north. The document of the PCA only indicated that the Heglig or Panthou area is not part of Abyei.",insufficient-contradictory
"Former President Donald Trump ""intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax ... that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year.""","• That said, Trump did implement several key promises, including installing conservative judges, levying tariffs, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and pulling out of the Paris climate accord. [...] Raise tariffs on goods imported into the U.S. [...] PolitiFact, Trump-O-Meter index page, accessed Jan. 19, 2021",insufficient-neutral
"Kuril/Chishima, and South Kuril/Chishima Islands is a territory of Russia","The Kuril Islands dispute, known as the Northern Territories dispute in Japan, is a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia over the ownership of the four southernmost Kuril Islands. The Kuril Islands are a chain of islands that stretch between the Japanese island of Hokkaido at their southern end and the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula at their northern end. The islands separate the Sea of Okhotsk from the Pacific Ocean. The four disputed islands, like other islands in the Kuril chain which are not in dispute, were unilaterally annexed by the Soviet Union following the Kuril Islands landing operation at the end of World War II. The disputed islands are under Russian administration as the South Kuril District and part of the Kuril District of the Sakhalin Oblast (Сахалинская область, Sakhalinskaya oblast). They are claimed by Japan, which refers to them as its Northern Territories or Southern Chishima, and considers them part of the Nemuro Subprefecture of Hokkaido Prefecture. [...] Russia's view [edit]Russia maintains that all the Kuril Islands, including those that Japan calls the Northern Territories, are legally a part of Russia as a result of World War II, and the acquisition was as proper as any other change of international boundaries following the war. Moscow cites the following points: [...] - ^ (7 October 2022). ""Рада визнала Курили окупованою Росією територією"" [The Council recognized the Kuril Islands as territory occupied by Russia]. Telegram (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 7 October 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
"Gaza has “the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system — anywhere, anytime.”","A March report compiled by organizations that evaluate global food emergencies said 677,000 people in Gaza face ""catastrophic"" food insecurity, based on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification system. We found no instances in which more people have been classified as experiencing ""catastrophic"" hunger or famine conditions in any one location since the 2004 creation of the tracking system. The classification system is not used in all countries and sometimes the data used to track food insecurity is unavailable or incomplete. Learn more about PolitiFact’s fact-checking process and rating system.",insufficient-supports
"Rs. 1,290 crore rupees allocated under National Bamboo Mission to help setting up small industries.","Rs 1,290 crore announced for the National Bamboo Mission to help setting up of small industries and create new employments opportunities in bamboo sector. [...] New Funds of Rs10,000 crore announced for Fisheries and Animal Husbandry sectors; Re-structured National Bamboo Mission gets Rs.1290 crore. [...] *Allocation for the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) increased to Rs 5,750 crore in 2018-19 from Rs 4,500 crore.",supports
The economy in Derry/Londonderry has contracted 21% since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007.,"between 2007 and 2015, where the DUG assessment stops, GVA (adjusted for inflation to 2018 prices) grew by less than 1%, from £2.52bn to £2.55bn; and since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007 to 2019, the latest year for which ONS data is available, the Derry and Strabane area economy grew by 15.4%, from £2.524bn to £2.912bn (shown in figure below).",refutes
"“COVID Vaccines Were Never Safe for Pregnant Women, Pfizer’s own data show”",Safety monitoring and clinical data continue to show that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women and protect them from pregnancy complications due to COVID-19. No evidence from animal or clinical studies suggests that these vaccines cause or increase fertility problems or negative pregnancy outcomes.,refutes
"Special banking arrangement of Rs. 10,000 crores to clear fertilizer subsidy dues.","(10) DIRECT BENEFIT TRANSFER SCHEME IN FERTILIZER SUBSIDY SCHEME AND ITS EEXPECTED BENEFITS TO FARMERS: - · The Pilot project has been implemented in 17 districts out of the projected 19 districts. [...] 11.)Special Banking Arrangement (SBA) of Rs. 10,000 crores has been approved in Budget 2017 to clear fertilizer subsidy dues. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has accorded the ex-post facto approval for implementation of SBA.",supports
Marouini River is a territory of France,"The Malani (Dutch: Marowijnekreek), also Marouini (Dutch: Marowini), is a river in the disputed area between French Guiana and Suriname. According to Suriname, it is the border river,[1] however France considers the Litani the border.[2] The river has its source at Pic Coudreau in the Tumuk Humak Mountains. It has its mouth at the confluence with the Litany at Antecume Pata and continues its journey as the Lawa River. The Malani has a length of 245 kilometres (152 mi).[3] Name [edit]The river is known in Suriname and the Netherlands as the Marowijnekreek.[1] It used to be called Marouini in France, however the Wayana name of Malani is becoming the accepted version.[4][3] The names Marouini and Marowijnekreek were also used in the past for the Lawa River.[5] [...] The Malani Ouest and the Malani are considered one river - ^ Francis Dupuy. ""Un territoire, deux peuples : autochtonie, histoire, légitimité dans le sud-ouest de la Guyane"" (PDF). Université de la Réunion. p. 2. Retrieved 9 July 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
"until the 1960s, Indigenous Australians were classified as animals under the Flora and Fauna Act","FACT CHECK: Were Indigenous Australians Legally Classified As ‘Animals’ Until The 1960s? A viral Facebook post shared over 14,000 times claims that until the 1960s, Indigenous Australians were classified as animals under the Flora and Fauna Act. [...] The Facebook post claims, ""Until 1960s, Aboriginal Australians came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings. Featured alongside the claim is a black-and-white photo that, according to The Guardian, shows a white man standing above a group of chained Indigenous men sitting on the ground at a prison.",insufficient-neutral
Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch “worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.”,"Wisconsin Senator Kelda Roys is correct when she asserts that gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch ""worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.""",supports
Crime statistics “no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities.”,"The feds for years had announced the change was coming, but many agencies did not switch in time to submit data, including the New York City Police Department and Los Angeles Police Department — the nation’s two largest. Some entire states, including California and Florida, sent virtually no data. To make up for the data holes, the Justice Department created new estimation methods that use data from agencies that did submit to the FBI to fill in the blanks for the rest of the country. In some cases, the FBI didn’t even have enough information to make an estimation. Here are a few examples of what the FBI could not include in its 2021 crime report: [...] This problem could persist for years, as upgrading reporting systems has proven expensive and complicated for police agencies. The Los Angeles Police tried for years and had to start from scratch. The San Francisco Police Department previously told The Marshall Project that they don’t plan to send crime data to the FBI until 2025.",insufficient-supports
“Prices have increased over 17% in the last two years.”,"Lowest-cost groceries have become 17% more expensive in the past year, ONS data finds [...] The price of low-cost everyday grocery items has increased 17% in the 12 months to September, data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) has shown, more than the average rate of food and drink inflation. [...] Some items increased by more than the 17% yearly rate. Vegetable oil has increased 65% in price, pasta 60% and tea 46%.",supports
"Claims that novelist George Orwell once said, ""People sleep peacefully in their Beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.""","― Slingshot ― Slingshot ""I once saw an episode of QI where they debated a supposed George Orwell quote: ‘People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf’."" [...] ― Grunt Life ― Grunt Life ""People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" —George Orwell"" [...] ― Decisively Engaged ― Decisively Engaged ""People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would do them harm. George Orwell PART ONE""",insufficient-contradictory
"Gaza has “the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system — anywhere, anytime.”","In the last five months, Israel’s unparalleled attack and siege on Gaza have resulted in a dire humanitarian catastrophe, with over 75% of the population displaced and forcibly relocated to southern Gaza. Gaza’s residents are experiencing the highest levels of hunger, with parents scavenging through garbage heaps to nourish their children, skipping meals, and even resorting to eating animal feed to stay alive. Every day, children, women, and men across Gaza are killed by Israeli military attacks, as well as by starvation, scarcity of clean water, inadequate access to medications and healthcare services, and the absence of basic hygiene conditions. The situation is particularly grave in the northern Gaza Strip, where 300,000 people are experiencing severe malnutrition – which has already resulted in the deaths of dozens, primarily children. According to UN and Integrated Food Security Classification (IPC) reports, over two million people in Gaza face crisis levels of food insecurity, with over a million suffering from ""catastrophic"" food insecurity – the most severe phase in the IPC index. Twenty-seven children have already reportedly died of malnutrition and dehydration. The toll is expected to increase, with numerous children facing enduring consequences on both their physical and mental development. Last week, UN Secretary-General António Guterres described the disaster in Gaza as the worst hunger crisis ever recorded by the IPC—""anywhere, anytime."" Since its establishment in 2004, the IPC has declared a famine only twice: once in Somalia in 2011 and then again in South Sudan in 2017.",insufficient-supports
Northern Ireland has the highest levels of child poverty in the UK.,"The evidence indicates that, compared with other parts of the UK, Northern Ireland’s rate of child poverty is quite low. Poverty has no standard definition or agreed measurement, comparisons of poverty should bear this in mind. However, official UK statistics along with analyses by major campaign groups indicate that child poverty in Northern Ireland is relatively low. By one common definition, NI has the lowest child poverty rates of any UK region.",refutes
Falkland Islands is a territory of Argentina,"The conflict was a major episode in the protracted dispute over the territories' sovereignty. Argentina asserted (and maintains) that the islands are Argentine territory,[4] and the Argentine government thus described its military action as the reclamation of its own territory. The British government regarded the action as an invasion of a territory that had been a Crown colony since 1841. Falkland Islanders, who have inhabited the islands since the early 19th century, are predominantly descendants of British settlers, and strongly favour British sovereignty. Neither state officially declared war, although both governments declared the islands a war zone. [...] Diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Argentina were restored in 1989 following a meeting in Madrid, at which the two governments issued a joint statement.[6] No change in either country's position regarding the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands was made explicit. In 1994, Argentina adopted a new constitution,[7] which declared the Falkland Islands as part of one of its provinces by law.[8] However, the islands continue to operate as a self-governing British Overseas Territory.[9]",refutes
HPV vaccine may lead to elimination of cervical cancer,"Indeed, the reductions in HPV infections and precancerous cells ""are a first sign that vaccination could eventually lead to the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem,"" the study's lead author, Mélanie Drolet, an epidemiologist at Laval University in Canada, said in a statement. [...] In particular, the study found the HPV vaccine led to a reduction in the rates of abnormal pap smear findings. Pap smears are used to detect abnormal cells in the cervix that can sometimes develop into cancer. Five to nine years after a population was vaccinated against HPV, the researchers found a more than 50 percent reduction in cases of these pre-cancerous cells in girls 15 to 19. In vaccinated women 20 to 24, there were one-third fewer cases of these cells. [...] Whether or not a person has received the HPV vaccine, getting cervical cells regularly tested — through Pap tests and HPV screening — is still a crucial to reducing cases of cervical cancer and early detection, said Diane Harper, senior associate director of the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research. Rates of invasive cervical cancer dropped significantly in the U.S. when cancer screening was introduced in the 1940s, and there were less than half the number of cases in 2007 that there were in 1973, largely due to screening.",supports
"“The Wisconsin voter roll has over 120,000 active voters who have been registered to vote for over 100 years.”","One of two things happened in Wisconsin in 2020. One option is that tens of thousands of voter registrations for people born more than a century ago escaped the notice of the state, registrations that were then used to cast illegal ballots in a widespread but undetected scheme to throw the election — until amateur sleuths, digging into the data, discovered all of these suspicious voter registrations and unveiled the whole plot. [...] On Thursday evening, Donald Trump’s ""Save America"" political action committee shared a news item aimed at reinforcing Trump’s endlessly sprawling and completely diaphanous claims of rampant fraud in the 2020 election. In case you missed it, the message blared a ""HUGE"" news story: ""Wisconsin Election Hearing Reveals 119,283 ‘Active Voters’ Who Have Been Registered For Over 100 Years!"" [...] In Wisconsin, there are 119,283 ""active voters"" who have been registered for over 100 years!",insufficient-neutral
More residents want peace walls to stay.,"The Peace Wall – or should I say walls, since there are many of them? – has been in place since the late 1960s, when the Troubles first began. They were intended as temporary structures, but were later made permanent. They run all through Belfast, covering more than 13 miles of the city. The tallest stand more than 40 feet high, and many are lined with barbed wire at top; they looked like massive military barricades. Some have been decorated with murals, but many parts of the wall remain rather unsightly. [...] The Peace Walls separate the Protestant and Catholic neighborhoods of Belfast. In the event of a riot or a bombing, the few gates within the wall are designed to close, ostensibly to protect the people who live nearby. [...] After all, the Peace Walls were erected at the request of the people of Belfast. This was not something imposed upon them unfairly by the government; this was something that the community wanted. Those who live on the borders between the Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods note how much safer they feel with the barriers in place (70% of them want to the walls to remain up, though among the rest of Northern Ireland, the walls are much less popular).",supports
"In an open letter written by Dr. Devi Shetty, he called on people to gather at the Governor’s residence of each state with a petition to oppose the recently proposed health care service tax which he labels as a ‘Misery tax’","This letter was indeed written by Dr. Devi Shetty, but in 2011 when the then Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee proposed to levy a service tax of 5% on the healthcare services provided by hospitals with 25 or more beds with central air conditioning facilities. This letter and the opposition to this bill from various healthcare professionals led the government to withdraw the proposed provision. The 2023-24 union budget also does not contain any provision for service tax on healthcare. Hence the claim made in the post is Misleading",refutes
Piyumi Wijesekera’s Was Selected to a NASA’s Mars Mission !!,"Misleading Posts About Piyumi Wijesekera's Participation in NASA's Simulated Mars Mission [...] The claim that Piyumi Wijesekera is going on a NASA mission to Mars is misleading. Piyumi Wijesekera, along with Jason Lee, Stephanie Navarro, and Shareef Al Romaithi, is part of NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) mission. This mission is a simulated Mars mission, not an actual space mission. The purpose of HERA is to study how crew members adapt to isolation, confinement, and remote conditions similar to what astronauts would experience on long-duration space missions. [...] Piyumi Wijesekera is not currently selected to go on an actual Mars mission. She is participating in a simulated mission as part of NASA’s research to prepare for future deep space exploration. The social media posts suggesting otherwise are inaccurate and misleading.",refutes
Says he is the ‘ranking member’ of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.,"Rep. Jim Banks is not the ranking member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. In fact, he isn’t on the committee at all. [...] Banks claimed in the signature of at least one letter to a federal agency that he is the ""ranking member"" of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack. [...] House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol, ""Membership,"" accessed Oct. 25, 2021",refutes
claims shoppers wore Ku Klux Klan hoods at an Alabama mini mart purportedly owned by a family involved in a recent riverfront brawl,"In May 2020, social media users shared photographs of a man shopping at a grocery store during the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic wearing not a standard face mask, but a white head covering that appeared to be a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) hood: [...] Customer Alisa Wentzel told CNN she spotted the shopper, whom she believes was a man, as soon as she entered the store. He was waiting in the checkout line, she said, wearing the hood.",supports
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death,"Studies have shown that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to develop severe disease, require hospitalization, and die from COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated people. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a slightly elevated risk of myocarditis and a particular blood clotting disorder, it is COVID-19 that is associated with a greater risk of these illnesses and other complications. On balance, the evidence gathered so far by studies shows that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks, not the other way around.",insufficient-supports
"By 2026, 96% of the projected population growth in Northern Ireland will be represented by people aged 65 and over.","On 12 June 2019, the BBC programme, Spend it Like Stormont, stated: ""Between 2016 and 2026, the population here [Northern Ireland] is projected to grow by more than 77,000 — 96% of which will be 65 and over."" [...] Overall, the growth in the population of Northern Ireland of those aged 0-64 is low (3,085 people) and those aged 65+ is high (74,502 people). Those aged 65+ represent 96% of total projected growth. [...] Data from the NISRA show that over the 10-year period from mid-2016 to mid-2026, Northern Ireland’s population is projected to rise by 4.2% (i.e. 77,600 people); 96% of this growth will be represented by those aged 65 and over.",supports
Abyei is a territory of South Sudan,"ABYEI OVERVIEW AND DISPLACEMENT DYNAMICS The Abyei Administrative Area (AAA) is a territory of 10,546 km2 bordering Sudan and South Sudan and disputed by the two countries. While the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement mandated a referendum to determine Abyei’s permanent status, the vote has yet to be held due to disputes over who qualities to vote and composition of the Abyei Referendum Commission. [...] Those tensions have been exacerbated by national politics that have made Abyei a contested area following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 that would eventually lead to South Sudan’s independence from Sudan in 2011. The relationship between the communities has been subsumed by the struggle between the countries to the north and south. The Dinka-Ngok have strong cultural and political ties to the Government of South Sudan while the Misseriya have supported the interests of the Government of Sudan. Competition over Abyei between the two capitals (Juba and Khartoum) is linked to maintaining loyalties of their respective communities and the impact that these communities have on national politics. Serious fighting in 2007 to 2008 in the area led to the displacement of up to 25,000 people from the central part of Abyei including Abyei town to areas south of river Kiir in Agok and surrounding villages.",insufficient-contradictory
"CO2 concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years.","Today's world: Fastest rate of carbon dioxide rise over the last 50,000 years - Date: [...] - Today's rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice. Today's rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice.",supports
The humans are carnivorous species !!,"Are humans carnivores? You probably think you already know the answer; humans are omnivores. Right? [...] Humans are indeed carnivores. [...] When you think about the word carnivore, what comes to mind? Most people envision a pride of lions hunting zebras in the Serengeti, isolating the weakest member of the herd and savagely ripping its throat with razor-sharp teeth before a bloody feast. In truth, there’s a carnivore a little nearer and dearer to all of us. You only need to look in the mirror to catch a glimpse. Humans are carnivores.",supports
"Due to U.S. Senate rules, Democrats need ""more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade.""","""If the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose,"" Biden said. ""And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November. At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law."" [...] However, under longstanding Senate procedure, Democrats need more than a simple majority to pass legislation that codifies Roe into law. [...] NBC News, ""Democrats push to codify Roe after leaked opinion. But they don’t have the votes,"" May 3, 2022 19th News, ""The Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a draft opinion. Here’s what we know,"" May 2, 2022 19th News, ""Why didn’t Congress codify abortion rights?"" Jan. 26, 2022",supports
Rs. 2000 crore for agri-market infrastructure fund set up.,"Rs.2000 Crore fund to be set up for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing infrastructure in the 22000 grams and 585 APMCS [...] Shri Jaitley said that in the last Budget, the Government had announced strengthening of e-NAM and to expand coverage of e-NAM to 585 APMCs. Out of that, 470 APMCs have been connected to e-NAM network and rest will be connected by March, 2018. Further, an Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund with a corpus of Rs.2000 crore will be set up for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing infrastructure in the 22000 Grameen Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) and 585 APMCs, the Minister informed. [...] Announcing a major step to help small and marginal farmers in fisheries and animal husbandry sector to meet their working capital needs, the Finance Minister extended the facility of Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) to the sector. This would give benefit of crop loan and interest subvention, so far available to agriculture sector only under KCC, for rearing of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep poultry and fisheries. Further, the Finance Minister also announced setting up of a Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FAIDF) for fisheries sector and an Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) for financing infrastructure requirement of animal husbandry sector. Total Corpus of these two new Funds would be Rs.10,000 crore.",supports
Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “says that all young people want to be socialists.”,"I’m not sure that AOC was ever strongly attached to the label or identity of ""socialist"" to begin with. According to Take Up Space, AOC only joined the Democratic Socialists of America in early 2018, ""around the same time she was seeking its endorsement."" The book also notes that AOC said: [...] Young people today tend to reject capitalism in favor of socialism. But socialism can’t just be a negative rejection of capitalism in rhetoric and a synonym for a kind of generic ""progressivism"" as limited by the Democratic Party. As AOC said in a 2020 interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates, ""We don’t have a left party in the U.S. The Democratic Party is not a left party."" Just as the Democratic Party is not a left party, the DSA is not a political party. We have to build an independent working-class party. The work of building this working-class movement includes supporting a third-party leftist candidate for president, such as Jill Stein, Claudia De la Cruz, Cornel West, or Joseph Kishore.",insufficient-neutral
O'Tangav is a territory of Laos,"The government is still waiting for Vientiane’s Terms of Reference (ToR) to proceed with the delivery of a joint letter requesting that the French government supply maps and other related documents to settle a border dispute with Laos, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation spokesman, Ket Sophann said. [...] Territorial disputes with Laos became a hot issue after Laotian troops allegedly trespassed into the O’Alay and O’Tangav areas in Stung Treng province’s Siem Pang district, causing a standoff between the two countries. In September last year, both Hun Sen and Sisoulith agreed to designate the O’Tangav area as a no man’s land and increase joint patrols of Cambodian and Laotian troops there, following the August 2017 standoff.",insufficient-contradictory
Contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for 3 years by the government in sectors employing large number of people.,"Government will pay the 12 per cent of wages to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contribution on behalf of new employees in all sections for the next three years. The decision was announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley during his Union Budget presentation in Lok Sabha on Thursday. Mr. Jaitley also said the Employees Provident Fund Act will be amended to reduce contribution of women to eight per cent from 12 per cent with no change in employer’s contribution. This would effectively mean women employees will be able to get a higher take-home pay. According to the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), 36.8 lakh new members in the age group of 18-25 years were added as of November 2017.",supports
"Oatmeal is the highest sprayed crop with pesticides, particularly glyphosate !!","A recent video circulating on social media platforms has sparked concerns by claiming that oatmeal, particularly the inorganic variety, is toxic to the body and can significantly reduce one’s lifespan. The video suggests that oatmeal is among the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides, specifically mentioning glyphosate, a chemical that has been banned in several countries. The video warns viewers to avoid oatmeal unless in extreme survival situations, citing the detrimental effects of glyphosate on human health. Additionally, the presenter promotes a book titled ""The Herbal Tablets,"" which purportedly contains essential health information that can improve one’s well-being and longevity. [...] However, the claim that oats are the ""highest sprayed crop with pesticides"" is misleading. While oats do receive glyphosate treatment, many other crops, such as soybeans and corn, are also treated with glyphosate and may receive higher overall pesticide applications depending on the region and farming practices. Read more [...] In summary, the claims made in the viral video contain elements of truth but are presented in a misleading manner. While glyphosate is used on oats and has been linked to health risks in certain contexts, the levels found in food products are generally considered safe by regulatory bodies. The claim that oatmeal is one of the most pesticide-heavy crops and should be avoided entirely is an exaggeration not supported by the broader scientific consensus. Additionally, while glyphosate is banned in some countries, it remains widely used and regulated in many others.",refutes
"""The Trump administration handed out taxpayer dollars to a foreign company. Hundreds of homes and farms were bulldozed, and over $500 million in taxpayer dollars were wasted preparing for Foxconn.""","That illusion has had real costs. State and local governments spent at least $400 million, largely on land and infrastructure Foxconn will likely never need. Residents were pushed from their homes under threat of eminent domain and dozens of houses bulldozed to clear property Foxconn doesn’t know what to do with. And a recurring cycle of new recruits joined the project, eager to help it succeed, only to become trapped in a mirage. [...] Foxconn, according to two employees, turned to one of the few remaining friendly prospects: the Trump administration. Woo flew to DC to meet with Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro, who suggested Foxconn become a vendor to the US General Services Administration (GSA), the agency that procures products for the federal government, according to an employee with knowledge of the visit. Foxconn named the initiative Project Red, White, and Blue.",insufficient-supports
“The state of Washington has already sent out their ballots” for the 2024 presidential election.,"WA presidential primary ballots sent. Here’s who’s on them [...] On the Republican side, the Washington ballot includes former President Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and former U.N. ambassador who is the last rival remaining on Trump’s path to the 2024 GOP nomination. [...] In 2020, Washington’s Democratic presidential primary ballot featured 13 candidates, chiefly Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders but also other rivals who had ended their campaigns before the vote count here, including billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Biden narrowly won the state’s primary.",insufficient-neutral
2019 novel coronavirus contains 'pShuttle-SN' sequence proving laboratory origin,"He claimed in February 2020 that SARS-CoV-2 contains a genetic sequence, thus proving that the virus was probably engineered in a laboratory, was repeatedly discredited by researchers and fact-checkers.[8] [...] - ^ Teoh, Flora (February 10, 2020). ""2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) does not contain ""pShuttle-SN"" sequence; no evidence that virus is man-made"". Science Feedback. Health Feedback. Retrieved September 16, 2024.",refutes
Sir Creek is a territory of Pakistan,"Sir Creek - Sir Creek is a 96-km strip of water disputed between India and Pakistan in the Rann of Kutch marshlands. Originally named Ban Ganga, Sir Creek is named after a British representative. [...] - Pakistan, however, claims that Sir Creek isn’t navigable but India claims that since it’s navigable in high tide, the boundary should be drawn from the mid channel. [...] - Apart from the strategic location, Sir Creek’s core importance is fishing resources. Sir Creek is considered to be among the largest fishing grounds in Asia.",insufficient-contradictory
"Bharatmala Pariyojana: Phase 1: 5,35,000 crore rupees for expanding highways sector with multi-modal integration",The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal. This infographic contains claims about the Bharatmala Pariyojana and Setu Bharatam Project. This article is a fact check of those claims.,insufficient-neutral
isuals of the people of Pakistan vandalising a mosque in Karachi for its iron and bricks,A video circulating on social media and verified by the BBC shows that half of a wall caved in. The mosque was covered in bricks and debris as people clambered over the rubble to escape.,insufficient-neutral
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called voter ID “racist,” calls NRA a “terrorist organization” and supports affirmative action.","Opinion, The NRA as a Terrorist Organization? San Francisco Took One Step Too Far, The Hill (Sept. 5, 2019, 12:00 PM), [...] Opinion, Kennedy’s Decisions May Not Last. It Might Be His Own Fault, Wash. Post (June 28, 2018),",insufficient-neutral
A poster branding PM Modi as a nation robber has been put up in New York,"Money Heist-inspired Poster In Hyderabad Calls One 'Mr N Modi' A ‘Nation Robber’ [...] ""Mr N Modi, we only rob bank, you rob the whole nation,"" the poster read. [...] ""Posters which just says ‘Mr N_Modi’ was torn by T-BJP Leaders. May be the poster was referring to Nirav Modi? Tearing it was an indication that BJP is aware of who the robbers are,"" he said.",supports
“Violent crime is near a record 50-year low.”,"The violent crime rate reached a 50-year low in 2023, according to a report from the Council on Criminal Justice. The number of murders in America fell by over 12 percent — the largest decline in our history — according to AH Datalytics. Our murder rate is now lower than it was in the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s. Most People Don’t Know Crime Is Down [...] Last fall, the Guggenheim Foundation sponsored a study that forecasted crime rates into 2024 and beyond. The researchers predicted ""very modest increases"" in violent crime, which would plateau in 2025. Meanwhile, property crime would continue dropping.",supports
Bluetooth headphones emit the EMF wave that increases cancer risk !!,"The claim that the EMF wave in Bluetooth devices increases cancer risk is misleading since it lacks established evidence about the connection between Bluetooth headphones usage and cancer risk. Moreover, many guaranteed reports and Scientific studies have confirmed that Bluetooth headphones have no links to cancer risk.",refutes
ABC News reporter said “government tried to kill” former President Donald Trump.,"ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas did not say the ""government tried to kill former President Trump,"" as shortened social media videos claim. In a report that aired July 24 on ""Good Morning America,"" he used the word ""gunman"" several times and named the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, whom the Secret Service killed. FBI Director Christopher Wray said the continuing investigation so far has not found that Crooks had any accomplices in the July 13 assassination attempt against Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.",refutes
Siachen Glacier is a territory of Pakistan,"The 75-km long Siachen Glacier is located in the eastern Karakoram Range of the Himalayas. It lies to the north of Point NJ 9842, where the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan ends. [...] That perception changed a few years later. In the late 1970s India woke up to the fact that publications abroad, including U.S. government documents, were carrying maps that showed the LoC extending northeast from NJ 9842 to the Karakoram Pass. In other words, the Siachen Glacier was appearing in maps as part of Pakistani territory. Besides, it learned that Pakistan was permitting Western mountaineers access to the Siachen and the ridges flanking it, quietly establishing its claim over the area. [...] The two countries base their claims over the glacier on different interpretation of the words ""… thence north to the glaciers"" in the 1949 and 1972 Agreements. To Pakistan it means a straight line from NJ 9842 in a northeasterly direction to the Karakoram Pass, giving it control over the Siachen Glacier. India argues that from NJ 9842, the boundary line should run through the nearest watershed, the Saltoro Ridge, which means that the glacier is rightfully India’s.",insufficient-contradictory
Sri Lanka Has the Largest Number of Ministers and Highest Taxes,List of ministries of Sri Lanka The parliament of the Sri Lanka has set of ministers. They are categorized either as the ministers of cabinet and non cabinet. According to the 19th amendment the number of cabinet ministers is limited to 28.,insufficient-neutral
Additional 15% Tax Introduced On Women’s Sanitary Napkins?,"South Africa is one of the latest countries to get rid of taxes on sanitary products. Starting in April 2019, the 15% tax will no longer have to be paid. In addition, free sanitary pads will be available in public schools. For some women, the added tax made it extremely difficult for them to buy these necessary products.",refutes
Switzerland stops COVID-19 vaccines due to safety concerns,"SWITZERLAND (TND) — Switzerland will not recommend a COVID-19 vaccine for its citizens during the spring and summer seasons, even for those at high risk of experiencing severe illness from contracting the virus. The country's latest recommendation regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots came directly from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), which declared most people in the country had either already been vaccinated ""and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19"" at this point. [...] Switzerland's decision to rescind its COVID-19 vaccine recommendations follows other European countries that have severely loosened their recommendations since the COVID-19 vaccine was released.",insufficient-refutes
"“sunscreen and then skin cancer, it's a direct correlation”; wearing sunglasses increases the risk of sunburn; sunscreen reduces vitamin D production","In mid-July 2024, a Facebook reel with almost half a million views claimed there is ""a direct correlation"" between the introduction of sunscreen use and skin cancer. It added that wearing sunglasses reduces natural protection against sunburn. [...] For the same reason, wearing sunglasses will also not prevent the skin from producing vitamin D. We already explained that vitamin D synthesis occurs in the skin, stimulated by solar UVB radiation. Because this process also doesn’t involve the eyes, wearing sunglasses doesn’t interfere with it. In brief, wearing sunglasses doesn’t increase the risk of sunburn and vitamin D deficiency but can help prevent other health problems instead. Overexposure to solar and artificial UV radiation can harm the eyes in the same way it harms the skin. The American Academy of Ophthalmology explains that too much exposure to UV light increases the risk of eye problems, including cataracts and eye cancers. To minimize these risks, the association recommends ""wearing UV-blocking sunglasses"" that provide 100% protection against both UVA and UVB rays.",insufficient-refutes
"Setu Bharatam project for safer roads. Making all national highways free of railway level crossings, by 2019, by building railway over bridges/under passes. Total outlay of 20, 800 crore rupees.","""Veins give strength to our body. Similarly, infrastructure will give speed and strength to the development of India. There will be progress if we focus on building road and railway network, optical fibre network, water, grid and electricity connectivity along with electricity supply. Our government is working in that direction,"" Mr. Modi said while launching the Rs. 50,000 crore ‘Setu Bharatam’ project. The ‘Setu Bharatam’ project aims to make all national highways free from railway level crossing by 2019 to ensure road safety. Under the project, 208 rail-over bridges and rail-under bridges will be built at the cost of Rs. 20,800 crore, Road Minister Nitin Gadkari said. Also, 1,500 decade-old bridges will be reconstructed and revamped for Rs. 30,000 crore. [...] Published - March 04, 2016 11:44 am IST",supports
claims President Donald Trump volunteered his airline Tower Air to bring American soldiers home during Operation Desert Storm,"A viral Facebook post depicts President Donald Trump as a generous airline owner who donated his planes to transport American soldiers home from Saudi Arabia in 1991. But the details don’t square with what happened. [...] ""Finally, the buses came and took the young man to the airport. The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only. Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991 and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him… ""The Airline owner – Donald J Trump. [...] TruthorFiction, Did Donald Trump’s Tower Air Transport Soldiers Home From the First Gulf War?, March 4, 2016",insufficient-contradictory
Former President Donald Trump is “against mail in voting.”,"Many Americans Don't Trust Mail-In Voting. What Can Be Done? [...] Since his rise to the heights of politics nine years ago, former U.S. President Donald Trump has continuously denounced mail-in voting as a concrete example of what he claims is endemic fraud in American elections. Without evidence, he has depicted mail voting as an open portal in many states, an easy way for Democrats, foreign countries, or unauthorized immigrants to shovel millions of fake, election-flipping votes into the electoral system.",supports
Muslim Advocate Adeel Ahmed recently filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a ban on Gadar-2 film,"A user named Pushpendra Kulshreshtha wrote- ""Muslim advocate Adil Ahmed filed a petition in the Supreme Court to ban Sunny Deol’s upcoming film Gadar 2, this film has been made to hurt the sentiments of Muslims. Another user wrote- ""A jihadi advocate Adil Ahmed has filed a case on Sunny Deol’s film Gadar 2 to be banned. Now it’s our responsibility to hit. Shri Radhekrishna"" [...] Claim Review: Muslims file petition in Supreme Court seeking ban on Gadar-2",insufficient-supports
"HPV vaccines are ineffective and cause side effects including autoimmune and neurological disorders, based on VAERS reports","Autonomic dysfunction and HPV immunization: an overview - PMID: 30478703 - DOI: 10.1007/s12026-018-9036-1 [...] This article reviews the case series reported from several countries describing patients with suspected severe side effects to the HPV vaccines. The described symptom clusters are remarkably similar and include disabling fatigue, headache, widespread pain, fainting, gastrointestinal dysmotility, limb weakness, memory impairment episodes of altered awareness, and abnormal movements. This constellation of symptoms and signs has been labeled with different diagnoses such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), small fiber neuropathy (SFN), myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), or fibromyalgia. It is known that autoimmunity and autoantibodies are present in a subset of patients with CRPS, POTS, SFN, ME/CFS, and fibromyalgia. This article proposes that vaccine-triggered, immune-mediated autonomic dysfunction could lead to the development of de novo post-HPV vaccination syndrome possibly in genetically susceptible individuals. Being cognizant that a temporal relationship between vaccination and symptom onset does not necessarily equate to causality, mounting evidence of case series calls for well-designed case-control studies to determine the prevalence and possible causation between these symptom clusters and HPV vaccines. Since personalized medicine is gaining momentum, the use of adversomics and pharmacogenetics may eventually help identify individuals who are predisposed to HPV vaccine adverse events. [...] Hypothesis: Human papillomavirus vaccination syndrome--small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia could be its underlying pathogenesis.Clin Rheumatol. 2015 Jul;34(7):1165-9. doi: 10.1007/s10067-015-2969-z. Epub 2015 May 20. Clin Rheumatol. 2015. PMID: 25990003 Review.",insufficient-neutral
Nawalparasi is a territory of India,"NAWALPARASI, May 11: The Indian security forces have adopted high alertness at various places along the Nepal-India border in Nawalparasi district in view of the Lok Sabha (parliamentary) elections in India. The security has been beefed up along the border area as the Bihar state of India prepares for the Lok Sabha elections on May 12. Security has been tightened at Thuthibari, Guthi Prasauni, Bishnapura and Bhujahawa transit points on the border in west Nawalparasi. [...] Similarly, security has been made foolproof at the Tribeni transit point in the eastern Nawalparasi. Security checking has been intensified especially on the border entry points from India.",insufficient-supports
The city of San Francisco posted street signs warning that “stolen goods must remain under $950.”,"Photo of fake sign in downtown SF appearing to mock CA retail theft law goes viral by: Aaron Tolentino [...] The sign, which reads ""stolen goods must remain under $950,"" appears to mock retail theft law in California. In the state, retail thefts are prosecuted as a felony only if the value of the stolen items exceeds $950. Retail theft valued less than that is charged as a misdemeanor, which has been the case since voters passed Proposition 47 in 2014.",refutes
it is illegal for people with concealed carry permits to wear face masks in Pennsylvania,"No, wearing a mask doesn’t void concealed-carry permit [...] No national law prohibits licensed concealed-carry holders from carrying a weapon and wearing a mask. [...] ""Know what else wearing a mask does??? Anyone?? REMOVES YOUR CONCEAL CARRY ability. That’s right!! Its in the rules. CCW licensees are NOT allowed to wear face coverings while carrying. Now let that sink in.""",refutes
"“We passed 27 bills last year, which is the fewest since the Depression.”","That may seem like a fairly large number, especially after PolitiFact Wisconsin just found that Congress passed only 27 bills last year, the fewest since the Great Depression. However, onlookers of state government have pointed out that fewer bills now become law, especially with a Democratic governor and a Republican-led Legislature. [...] All of this creates a complicated picture of how productive state government was last session. But it’s important context to keep in mind when state lawmakers talk about it this summer on the campaign trail.",supports
Northern Ireland is one of the least expensive places in the UK for childcare.,"While you might assume that London is the least affordable place to live in the UK, it's actually Winchester in Hampshire that's been rated as most expensive in comparison to the average salary in the area. In fact, London doesn't even make it into the top five least affordable UK cities. On the other end of the scale, Derry in Northern Ireland has been highlighted as the most affordable city when you weigh up wage and house prices. So without further ado, here are the full lists...",insufficient-neutral
The spike protein induced by COVID-19 vaccines is toxic and causes diseases and deaths; nattokinase can counter these effects,"Nattokinase can be described as an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food identified as Natto [69]. The production of natto takes place via fermentation following the addition of the bacterium Bacillus natto to soybeans, resulting in the production of the nattokinase enzyme [63]. Nattokinase has been demonstrated to exert several health effects, including anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, antithrombotic, fibrinolytic, neuroprotective, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant effects [68]. The degradative effect of nattokinase, a serine protease derived from fermented soybeans, on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 was reported [64]. Studies have been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of nattokinase against viral infections, such as SARS-CoV-2 [69]. The effect of Nattokinasse against COVID-19 spike protein has also been tested by several authors. As reported by Tanikawa et al., (2022), nattokinase could degrade the spike protein and reduce its binding affinity to the human ACE2 receptor, which is the entry point for SARS-CoV-2 infection [64]. They also found that nattokinase could inhibit the pseudovirus infection of human lung epithelial cells. The authors suggest that nattokinase may have potential as a therapeutic agent for COVID-19 by neutralizing or removing the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.",supports
The Department of Health (England) needs the consent of families to release information of deceased relatives.,"- if you are aware of any wishes (written or verbal) of the deceased individual relating to their information being shared - if there is anything in the record which would either cause distress to the family or benefit them to know - if there is any third party information in the record; for example, information about other family members - if there is anything in the record which if disclosed might cause harm to another person - to explain any clinical abbreviations or terminology in the record, to help the person who has asked for a copy of the record understand it [...] Where confidential information about a deceased person is required for a purpose beyond individual care, such as research, service evaluation or national clinical audit, the requester should obtain approval from the Health Research Authority, under section 251 of the NHS Act 2006. [...] You will also need to consider the likelihood of information sharing being of benefit to the family of the deceased; for example, sharing certain information could reduce the emotional or mental harm experienced by grieving relatives. For example, where a person died of COVID-19 and their relatives were unable to visit them because of the infection control measures in place; or where a parent asks for information about the circumstances and causes of their child's death.",insufficient-neutral
“The Government has released their initial plans to force a vaccine on everyone”; “Three potential vaccines are currently in Stage 3 trials in the United States and could be ready in weeks”,"Several COVID-19 vaccines are currently being developed, but it is extremely unlikely that they will be released within three weeks. It is also unlikely that a COVID-19 vaccine will be compulsory for everyone. Even if a COVID-19 vaccine candidate successfully reaches Phase 3 of clinical trials, it must still go through a long process of approval and manufacturing.",refutes
"Says NBC News’ Kristen Welker “gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat & her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House.”","NBC News correspondent Kristen Welker, the moderator for the third presidential debate, has not donated money to Democrats, according to contribution data. Welker is currently registered to vote in Washington, D.C., with no party affiliation, according to the District of Columbia Board of Elections. A photo of Welker with Barack and Michelle Obama is from a 2012 White House reception for the press.",refutes
The types of disabilities have been increased from the existing 7 to 21.,"- The types of disabilities have been increased from existing 7 to 21 and the Central Government will have the power to add more types of disabilities. The 21 disabilities are given below:- - Physical Disability - Locomotor Disability - Leprosy Cured Person - Cerebral Palsy - Dwarfism - Muscular Dystrophy - Acid Attack Victims - Visual Impairment - Hearing Impairment - Speech and Language Disability - Intellectual Disability - Specific Learning Disabilities - Autism Spectrum Disorder - Mental Behaviour (Mental Illness) - Disability caused due to- - Chronic Neurological Conditions such as - Multiple Sclerosis - Parkinson’s Disease - Blood Disorder - Haemophilia - Thalassemia - Sickle Cell Disease - Multiple Disabilities - Persons with ""benchmark disabilities"" are defined as those certified to have at least 40 per cent of the disabilities specified above. [...] - Similarly, the office of State Commissioners of Disabilities has been strengthened who will be assisted by an Advisory Committee comprising of not more than 5 members drawn from experts in various disabilities.",supports
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill “redefining ‘sexual orientation’ to include pedophiles.”,"The claim: New Minnesota bill would protect pedophiles as a sexual orientation [...] The bill wouldn't protect pedophiles as a ""sexual orientation."" Rather, it removed language from the law that linked pedophilia and sexual orientation. An amendment added on April 26 – two days before this post – directly says the physical and sexual attraction to children isn't protected by the bill. [...] ""The bill updates outdated language that incorrectly ties pedophilia to a person's sexual orientation,"" Finke said in an email. ""Nothing in the bill changes or weakens any crimes against children, or the state's ability to prosecute those who break the law. Of course, pedophilia is not a sexual orientation – which is why the language never should have been included in the statutory definition in the first place.""",refutes
Rukwanzi Island is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,"GUNMEN on Uganda’s Lake Albert attacked a barge (ferry) operated by Canada's Heritage Oil Corp. on Friday morning, killing a British geologist. The attack took place around Rukwanzi Island, the same area where four UPDF soldiers accused of having crossed into their territory were arrested by Congolese forces last weekend. [...] The attack took place around Rukwanzi Island, the same area where four UPDF soldiers accused of having crossed into their territory were arrested by Congolese forces last weekend. Rukwanzi Island is located half in Uganda and half in the Democratic Republic of Congo.",insufficient-neutral
"Says NBC News’ Kristen Welker “gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat & her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House.”","Welker has not donated thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates, registered as a Democrat or ""spent Christmas"" at the White House with President Barack Obama, despite what an Oct. 17 Facebook post claims. ""Kristen Welker, of NBC, the next debate moderator chosen by the ‘unbiased’ presidential commission, gave thousands of dollars to Obama, Clinton and Biden, is registered as a Democrat (and) her family spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House,"" the post, featuring photos of Welker and her family, says. ""Her mother is an activist for Biden!"" [...] The Facebook post’s claim that Welker and her family ""spent Christmas with the Obamas at the White House"" is also inaccurate, as scores of journalists and pundits pointed out on Twitter.",refutes
"Former President Donald Trump ""intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax ... that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year.""","As he’s campaigned to win back the White House, former President Donald Trump has made a lot of big promises. [...] He would pursue an aggressive trade policy, this time including a 10% tariff on foreign goods. Critics have said this would spike inflation after Trump has hammered Biden over elevated prices. Trump said he would also prevent U.S. investments in Chinese companies; Trump has often singled out China as an economic adversary. [...] Supporters of former President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP)",insufficient-neutral
White House Press Secretary said she was concerned about Brazil and China relationship,"By — News Desk News Desk Leave your feedback Share Copy URL Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Tumblr Share on Facebook Share on Twitter WATCH: White House reacts to China announcement that it’ll end contact with U.S. on major issues Politics Aug 5, 2022 1:57 PM EDT The White House has reacted to China’s Friday announcement that it was ending all contact with the United States on major issues — including crucial climate cooperation that led to the international 2015 Paris accord — as tensions and public rebukes ratcheted higher over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says China’s reaction is ""fundamentally irresponsible."" Watch the event in the video player above. ""We’ll continue our efforts to keep open lines of communication with Beijing while defending our interests and values in the region,"" she said. China’s move to freeze key lines of communication adds to a rapid souring of relations from Pelosi’s visit and from the Chinese response with military exercises off Taiwan, including firing missiles that splashed down in surrounding waters.",insufficient-neutral
"Kuril/Chishima, and South Kuril/Chishima Islands is a territory of Russia","The Kuril Islands (Kurilskiye Ostrova, in Russian, and known as Northern Territories/Southern Chishima in Japan, or Chishima-rettō) form a natural barrier between the Sea of Okhotsk and North Pacific Ocean. Extending 1,200 kilometres between the southern tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Japanese island of Hokkaido, it consists of 56 islands that cover 15,600 square kilometres. The four islands (the Southern Kurils) at the heart of the dispute are Iturup (Etorofu), Kunashir (Kunashiri), Shikotan, and Habomai. The islands are currently administered by Sakhalin Oblast as South Kuril District. Tectonically and volcanically active, the Kuril archipelago is inhabited by over 10,000 people from various ethnic groups, as well as several thousand Russian troops (Kaczynski 2007; Elleman, Nichols, and Ouimet 1999, 490). [...] Russia stresses that its sovereignty over the islands is not to be discussed, holding that its possession of the South Kurils is legal, thus, especially in view of the amendments to the Russian Constitution which bars any transfer of national territory, ‘no changes are possible in this position’ (Zakharova 2020). The Russian government also rejects the argument that the islands would be returned to Tokyo upon the completion of a peace treaty with Japan (MOFA of the Russian Federation 2020).",insufficient-contradictory
Qaruh is a territory of Kuwait,"Despite being Kuwait’s smallest island, Qaruh holds a significant place in the hearts of Kuwaitis for being the first land to be liberated from the Iraqi aggressors in 1991. Located around 37 kms from the Kuwaiti mainland, the island’s name ""Qaruh"" was derived from the presence of tar (Qar) residues on the Island. Speaking to KUNA, Kuwaiti researcher on islands affairs Khaled Salem Al-Ansari said that Qaruh, similar to many other Kuwaiti islands, was not inhabited by people, unlike the only inhabited Failaka Island. He added that the island is part of the capital governorate in the administrative categorization. [...] Al-Ansari also noted that Qaruh Island was host for different kinds of seabirds, adding that some plants grew on the island. On the most significant historical happenings witnessed in Qaruh Island, Al-Ansari said that in 1949, a foreign oil company was given the right to excavate for a period of 60 years. In 1990, as the rest of Kuwait, the island was subject to the Iraqi invasion; however, Qaruh became the first Kuwaiti land to be liberated on Jan 25th, 1991. (KUNA)",supports
"""For 18 months under President Trump, not a single American was harmed in Afghanistan.”","""For 18 months, we lost nobody in Afghanistan. And then we had that horrible, horrible withdrawal where we lost 13 soldiers, 38 horribly wounded, left Americans behind,"" Trump said in remarks after his Super Tuesday victories earlier this month. [...] But two senior Biden administration national security officials told NBC News that the Taliban is holding two Americans that the U.S. government would like to see released. Other Americans in Afghanistan are there of their own volition, they said. [...] ""President Trump is absolutely right to call out Joe Biden for his betrayal of Americans in Afghanistan,"" Leavitt said in a statement. ""Biden’s calamitous withdrawal left hundreds, if not thousands, of citizens behind and led to the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. Service Members at Abbey Gate.""",insufficient-supports
"Claims American writer Henry David Thoreau said, ""Be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.""","There is no evidence that Thoreau ever made this statement. It was said, however, by the fictional Thoreau in the play “The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail.”",refutes
Hainan is a territory of Republic of China,"Hainan is a provincial administrative region at the southernmost end of the People’s Republic of China. To the north, it is bounded by the Qiongzhou Strait and Guangdong Province and to the west, it faces the Beibu Gulf and faces Vietnam. To the east, it faces the South China Sea and Taiwan Province. To the southeast and south, it faces the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and other countries in the South China Sea. As an island surrounded by the sea on all sides, it is a typical island economy. The unique geographical location makes it difficult to carry out smuggling activities, which gives Hainan an advantageous location and conditions to build an FTP (Meng, 2023). [...] Hainan is in the middle of China and southeast Asia, two major active economic belts, and is an important hub of the maritime Silk Road of ‘the Belt and Road’ initiative (Yu, 2024). Backed by the Chinese mainland market, with unique geographical advantages, it is a natural offshore environment in which to carry out cross-border trade and promote international economic and trade cooperation.",supports
Barahoti is a territory of India,"Barahoti (Bara Hoti, Hoti Plain), also called Wu-Je or Wure (Chinese: 乌热; pinyin: Wū rè), located in the 'middle sector' of the disputed Sino-Indian border, is a 1.5 square miles (3.9 km2) sloping plain situated in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Chamoli district.[1] It is disputed by China, which also disputes a 750 square kilometres (290 sq mi) area surrounding it.[2] The entire disputed area also goes by the name ""Barahoti"", or sometimes ""Barahoti–Sangchamalla–Lapthal disputed area"". The entire area is on the Ganges side of the Sutlej–Ganges water divide, which is also the current Line of Actual Control between India and China.[3] Barahoti was the first location in Indian territory claimed by China in 1954.[4] In 1960, China added Lapthal and Sangchamalla to the dispute and said that three places formed one composite area.[5]",insufficient-supports
China Is Not Ready To Amortize SL’s Outstanding Debt!(letter),"Forged Letter Goes Viral Claiming That China is Not Ready To Amortize SL's Outstanding Debt! [...] With such background, a letter has been circulating for weeks on social media. The letter says China cannot amortize Sri Lanka's loans as China is also suffering from economic problems due to the consequences of Covid 19 pandemic. [...] Title:The letter claiming that China is not ready to amortize the Outstanding Debt of Sri Lanka is Forged – Chinese Embassy in Colombo",refutes
"The number of ITRs filed during FY 2017-18 is 6.84 crore, a jump of 80.5% compared to FY 2013-14","The first claim of the government is that the number of Income Tax Returns (ITRs) filed during financial year (FY) 2017-18 is 6.84 crore, a jump of 80.5% compared to FY 2013-14. [...] The claim here pertains to the ITRs filed during the financial years of 2017-18 and 2013-14. A press release of the income tax department notes, ‘During FY 2017-18, 6.84 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) were filed with the Income Tax Department as compared to 5.43 crore ITRs filed during FY 2016-17, showing a growth of 26%. There has been a sustained increase in the number of ITRs filed in the last four financial years. As compared to 3.79 crore ITRs filed in FY 2013-14, the number of ITRs filed during F.Y. 2017-18 (6.84 crore) has increased by 80.5%."" These numbers can be corroborated from the income tax department website. [...] Fact: The number of ITRs filed have increased substantially over the last 4 financial years from 3.79 crores to 6.84 crores. Hence, the claim is TRUE. But the total direct tax collections have not increased proportionately.",supports
VAERS data are “crystal clear”: “the COVID vaccines are killing people”,"""VAERS data is crystal clear,"" the headline read. ""The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans)."" [...] Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter, ""VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans),"" Aug. 6, 2023 Health Feedback, ""VAERS data don’t show that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly; Steve Kirsch’s claim to the contrary relied on flawed analysis,"" Aug. 6, 2023",refutes
"More than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities.","In the series on the performance of various ministers in the Modi government, today we take a look at the health ministry. [...] The Government has identified 201 high focus districts across 28 states, in the country that have the highest number of partially immunized and unimmunized children. Earlier the increase in full immunization coverage was 1% per year, which has increased to 6.7% per year through the first two phases of Mission Indradhanush. Four phases of Mission Indradhanush have been conducted till August 2017, and more than 2.53 crore children and 68 lakh pregnant women have been vaccinated. [...] Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) – PMSMA was launched in November 2016 to provide assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal care, free of cost, universally to all pregnant women on the 9th of every month. PMSMA guarantees a minimum package of antenatal care services, to women in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy at designated government health facilities. Under this scheme, more than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups have been conducted at over 12,900 health facilities across all states and union territories. More than 6 lakh high-risk pregnancies were identified and were provided all possible care.",supports
"“Since the vaccine rolled out, [a midwife]’s seen no normal placenta […] they’re all compromised”",Vaccines could attack the placenta - No evidence,insufficient-refutes
"Vaccines have caused an ""explosion"" of childhood cancer; vaccine package insert states vaccines weren’t tested for mutagenic effect","Misrepresents source: The fact that vaccine package inserts state a vaccine hasn’t been tested for carcinogenicity or mutagenicity doesn’t mean we have no data on whether vaccines cause cancer. Such tests weren’t performed because the safety of these vaccines had already been demonstrated through data acquired earlier, and vaccine ingredients aren’t present in quantities that pose a cancer risk. In January 2024, political commentator and talk show host Candace Owens posted a tweet on X (formerly Twitter) claiming that vaccine package inserts state vaccines haven’t been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, that there has been an ""explosion"" of childhood cancers after manufacturers were removed from liability, and that ""vaccines can cause childhood cancers"". [...] To sum up, the reason why vaccine package inserts state that ""the vaccine has not been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic effect"" is because there’s no scientific grounds to think the vaccine would cause either effect. Childhood vaccines don’t use novel adjuvants or additives and vaccine ingredients aren’t present in quantities that are expected to cause cancer, based on previous research.",insufficient-contradictory
A Japanese journalist found i phone 13 in 1980 !!,This is a little change of pace but related to more and more of what is being revealed. It does look like an iPhone and it would be hard to understand why someone in 1980 would be faking or know how to fake something like that. Curious what everyone thinks.,insufficient-supports
“Prices have increased over 17% in the last two years.”,"Have prices increased by over 17% in two years, as new Speaker Mike Johnson said? [...] Johnson has a point that prices have increased over two years, but not by 17%. He also ignored that wages have also increased, though not as much as prices. [...] Johnson’s office sent PolitiFact data showing that consumer prices have increased 17% since the beginning of Joe Biden’s term in January 2021. However, Johnson said ""two years,"" not two years and nine months.",insufficient-contradictory
A Japanese journalist found i phone 13 in 1980 !!,"Fact Crescendo found the claim as mentioned above is misleading. These visuals are originally from the Japanese series “The Woman Who Knew Too Much,” which was produced in 2023.",refutes
Muslim Advocate Adeel Ahmed recently filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a ban on Gadar-2 film,"As on date, no such petition seeking a ban on Gadar 2 film was filed in the Supreme Court of India. Supreme Court Advocate Adeel Ahmed released a video clarifying that he did not file any such petition against Gadar 2 film. The producers of the movie have not yet announced the official release date of the film. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Congo River is a territory of Republic of the Congo,"Congo River, river in west-central Africa. With a length of 2,900 miles (4,700 km), it is the continent’s second longest river, after the Nile. It rises in the highlands of northeastern Zambia between Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa (Malawi) as the Chambeshi River at an elevation of 5,760 feet (1,760 metres) above sea level and at a distance of about 430 miles (700 km) from the Indian Ocean. Its course then takes the form of a giant counterclockwise arc, flowing to the northwest, west, and southwest before draining into the Atlantic Ocean at Banana (Banane) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Its drainage basin, covering an area of 1,335,000 square miles (3,457,000 square km), takes in almost the entire territory of that country, as well as most of the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, eastern Zambia, and northern Angola and parts of Cameroon and Tanzania.",insufficient-neutral
"claims that Mark Twain once said, ""If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.""","The Apocryphal Twain: ""If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it."" [...] Twain was not cynical about elections because he believed they couldn’t make a difference, but because he believed his countrymen failed to appreciate the difference they could make. [...] By the mid-’80s, the sentiment was ingrained enough in the British Labour Party, than Ken Livingstone gave the book associated with his first campaign for Parliament the ironic title, If Voting Made A Difference, They’d Abolish It (1987).",insufficient-supports
Umm al Maradim is a territory of Saudi Arabia,"BAHRAIN and QATAR: Territorial dispute over the Hawar Islands and maritime boundary between BAHRAIN and QATAR. KUWAIT ownership of Qaruh and Umm al Maradim islands is disputed by Saudi Arabia. IRAN occupies two islands in the Persian Gulf claimed by the United Arab Emirates: Lesser Tunb (called Tunb as Sughra in Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye Tonb-e Kuchek in Persian by Iran) and Greater Tunb (called Tunb al Kubra in Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye Tonb-e Bozorg in Persian by Iran); it jointly administers with the UAE an island in the Persian Gulf claimed by the UAE (called Abu Musa in Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye Abu Musa in Persian by Iran)-over which Iran has taken steps to exert unilateral control since 1992, including access restrictions and a military build-up on the island; the UAE has garnered significant diplomatic support in the region in protesting these Iranian actions.",insufficient-contradictory
Nelang is a territory of India,"Nelang or Nilang is a river valley of Himalayas, with a small eponymous village, in Uttarkashi District of Uttarakhand state of India. It is close to disputed Sino-India Line of Actual Control (LAC), hence also claimed by China as part of Zanda County of Ngari Prefecture of Tibet. [...] Jadh Ganga, an important tributary of the Bhagirathi River, flows through a narrow gorge flanked by steep cliffs. The gorge is called Jadh Ganga valley, and part of this valley near Nelang is called Nelang Valley. [...] Nelang and Jadhang villages are inhabited by the Char Bhutia tribe who practice Buddhism. During the 1962 Sino-Indian War, India evacuated these villages.",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci said, ""I awoke, only to find that the rest of the world was still asleep.""","That night when all others slept, Giovanni, tormented by insomnia, rose and went into the court, where was a stone bench under a tent of vine branches. The court was square, and in its centre was a well; behind the bench was the wall of the house, opposite the stable; to the left a stone wall with a wicket-gate which opened on the street of the Porta Vercellina; to the right the wall of a little garden and a door always locked and leading to a separate building. Here Astro alone was allowed ingress, and here Leonardo was wont to work in complete seclusion. [...] 383 'I know not,' said Leonardo, awaking with an effort from his musing; 'we of this age have not less force than the ancients; only 'tis force of another sort.' [...] Eutychius awoke. He opened the windows, and to him was wafted the fragrance of leaves and grasses washed by rain. The sun had not yet risen, but gold and purple decked the place of his coming—the skyey verge above the woods, and the river, and the fields. The town still slept in twilight; only the belfry of St. Hubert glistened with a pale green light. The hush was full of great expectation. Far away on the sand-banks of the Loire the white swans were calling.",insufficient-neutral
Elon Musk Attended Mukesh Ambani`s Son’s Wedding !,"In conclusion, there is no factual basis to the claim that Elon Musk attended Mukesh Ambani's son's wedding in Jamnagar, India, wearing traditional Indian attire. The viral image circulating on social media is likely fabricated or AI-generated. It's essential to rely on credible sources and verified information to avoid spreading misinformation.",refutes
"""Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters"" on Jan. 6, 2021, proving the attack “was 100% a setup.""","The claim: A video shows antifa inside the Capitol building with floor plans and dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, proving the attack was a setup Security experts told USA TODAY antifa was not involved in the Jan. 6 attack. The footage provides no evidence to support the claim. It shows pro-Trump rioters as the attack was underway; some of the rioters identified in the video are well-known Trump supporters. Read more. The claim: No one was arrested inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021",refutes
Cristiano Ronaldo was the only European soccer captain who did not wear a rainbow armband at Euro 2020.,"Cristiano Ronaldo is refusing to wear the ""One Love"" armband, which advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, during the 2022 World Cup. The world-renowned soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo, revealed in a press conference that he will not be participating in wearing the ""One Love"" armband. The armband consists of a heart with a rainbow inside of it and the number one. This ""One Love"" band is being used to advocate inclusivity, being that the 2022 World Cup is being held in Qatar, a country where same-sex relationships are illegal. [...] Players who wear the armband are threatened with receiving a yellow card, according to FIFA’s regulations. This yellow card can result in a suspension from the games if the player were to receive another yellow card during the game. Obviously, any mention of social issues is discouraged on the field. Due to the consequences, none of the captains from any of the other national teams have worn the armband, but none have faced backlash like Ronaldo has.",insufficient-refutes
Megan Rapinoe has been released from the U.S. Olympic team,"A post shared on Facebook claims U.S. women’s national team soccer player Megan Rapinoe has been released from the U.S. Olympic team after a FIFA World Cup ""blunder."" [...] The Facebook post claims Rapinoe was released from the U.S. Olympic team after a World Cup ""blunder."" The post shares a very low-resolution photo of Rapinoe. The post reads, ""US Olympic Team Releases Megan Rapinoe After World Cup Blunder. ha ha ha. Let her disrespect some other country.""",insufficient-supports
Sajith Violates Election Law by Holding a Welfare Program in a School !!,"Did Sajith Premadasa Violate Election Law by Holding a Welfare Program in a School? [...] The viral photo and associated claims are misleading. The welfare program in the photo took place before the election announcement and the activation of election laws. Therefore, Sajith Premadasa did not violate any election regulations.And photo does not depict teacher's summit.It's a photo of the teachers of Mahagamasekara school. Title:Did Sajith Premadasa Violate Election Law by Holding a Welfare Program in a School?",refutes
“Netflix loses 6 million subscribers within hours of donation announcement.”,"Netflix loses almost a million subscribers [...] ""Netflix's subscriber loss was expected but it remains a sore point for a company that is wholly dependent on subscription revenue from consumers,"" said Insider Intelligence analyst Ross Benes. [...] Shares climbed more than 7% in after-hours trade on relief that the losses were not larger. The firm had warned it could lose as many as two million subscribers.",insufficient-neutral
"“We know mask mandates work. There’s enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that haven’t.""","Multiple studies have suggested mask mandates can lead to a decline in COVID-19 cases. Researchers caution that factors like compliance and enforcement should be taken into consideration, but masks have ultimately proven to be an effective tool in combating the virus",supports
"Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, said that the party delivered “an extra billion pounds” for Northern Ireland.","There will be £1bn extra for Northern Ireland over the next two years. [...] There will be £1.5bn in funding - consisting of £1bn of new money and £500m of previously announced funds - to be spent over the next two years on infrastructure, health and education in Northern Ireland, money Mrs Foster said was needed to address the challenges from Northern Ireland's ""unique history"". [...] Welcoming the additional funding for Northern Ireland, she said it would benefit all communities. ""Following our discussions the Conservative Party has recognised the case for higher funding in Northern Ireland, given our unique history and indeed circumstances over recent decades.""",supports
"CNN's David Chalian referred to Michelle Obama as ""Big Mike"" on air during presidential debate coverage.","It was a pivotal moment in the coverage of the night. He'd said aloud what others had until then been saying only to themselves. [...] David Chalian: ""By 9:15, I think I said to my producer Terence Burlij, 'Trump may win this thing.' He looked at me like I was crazy. You could sense that the night was different."" [...] David Chalian joined the CNN team at the main anchor desk for the end of the ten-hour special report. After Blitzer signed off -- ""This has been a truly historic night. Trump elected President of the United States"" -- there was ""a complete and utter exhale"" in the studio.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that novelist George Orwell once said, ""People sleep peacefully in their Beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.""","George Orwell displayed more understanding of the reality of combat in one sentence: ""People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" [...] We have forgotten George Orwell’s chilling truth: ""People sleep peacefully in their beds only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" [...] They might care to use a quotation often attributed to George Orwell: ""People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.""",insufficient-neutral
"3.8 crore poor women provided with free LPG connections, target raised to 8 crore.","The Government has launched Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat which is an interactive communication platform for rural LPG users on various subjects like safe usage of LPG, its benefit to environment, women empowerment and women health, and also use the forum to motivate the consumers to use LPG regularly as a clean cooking fuel. Government had launched ""Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana"" on 1st May 2016 to provide deposit-free LPG connections to 5 crore women belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) with a budgetary provision of Rs. 8000 crore and the target has now been enhanced to 8 crore with additional budgetary provision of Rs. 4,800 crore. The beneficiaries under the Scheme are identified through Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011. The Government has now decided to cover the following categories under the Scheme :- (i) All SC/STs households beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana(PMAY) (Gramin), (ii) Antyoday Anna Yojana(AAY) [...] This information was given by Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pardhan in reply to a written question in Lok Sabha today.",insufficient-contradictory
Khao Phra Wihan is a territory of Thailand,"Khao Phra Wihan National Park Khao Phra Wihan National Park #115 among destinations in Thailand [...] Khao Phra Wihan National Park is a protected natural area in Sisaket Province, Thailand, that contains numerous ruins of the 11th century Khmer Empire. The park lies 98 km south of the town of Sisaket, at the end of Thai highway 221. Sited on a red stone cliff that is part of the Dangrek mountain range on the southern edge of the Khorat Plateau, it abuts the international border between Thailand's Sisaket Province and Cambodia's Preah Vihear Province. The name of the cliff in the Royal Thai General System of Transcription is Pha Mo I Daeng. The park was established on 20 March 1998. ()",supports
Bill Gates-funded company released genetically modified mosquitoes in the U.S. and caused a malaria outbreak,"CLAIM: Rare malaria cases reported in Florida and Texas recently were caused by a disease-control initiative backed by Bill Gates that involved releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in the U.S. [...] ""JOIN THE DOTS - Bill Gates Funded company Oxitec released billions of mosquitoes in Florida & Texas,"" another tweet reads, suggesting a conspiracy is afoot to push a vaccine. ""Malaria now in Florida & Texas for the first time in 20 years."" [...] The foundation has indeed supported biotech company Oxitec, which is releasing modified mosquitoes in Florida as part of a disease-control initiative, though a spokesperson for the company said its U.S. work is not funded by the Gates Foundation.",insufficient-refutes
"If 45 members of the Northern Ireland Assembly vote to revoke the Northern Ireland Protocol, then the Protocol goes.",to address the unique circumstances on the island of Ireland; to maintain the necessary conditions for continued North-South cooperation; to avoid a hard border [on the island of Ireland]; and to protect the 1998 Agreement in all its dimensions.,insufficient-neutral
Courantyne River is a territory of Guyana,"The Courantyne/Corentyne/Corantijn River is a river in northern South America in Suriname and Guyana. It is the longest river in the country and creates the border between Suriname and the East Berbice-Corentyne region of Guyana. Its tributaries include Kutari River, Coeroeni River, New River, and Zombie Creek. In Suriname; Kabalebo River, Lucie River, Sipaliwini River, Kutari River.",insufficient-supports
"“COVID Vaccines Were Never Safe for Pregnant Women, Pfizer’s own data show”","Safety monitoring and clinical data continue to show that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women and protect them from pregnancy complications due to COVID-19. No evidence from animal or clinical studies suggests that these vaccines cause or increase fertility problems or negative pregnancy outcomes. [...] On 19 April 2023, the Brownstone Institute published an article claiming that Australian regulatory authority the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) had evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was unsafe during pregnancy before approving it provisionally on 27 August 2021. [...] Pfizer’s approval applications for the COVID-19 vaccines have become a regular subject of misinformation for individuals who misuse and distort the data presented in them to support the narrative that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe. In the case of the Brownstone Institute, the article completely misrepresented the results of the experiments, which don’t support and actually contradict the article’s claim, as we will explain below.",refutes
Hala'ib Triangle is a territory of Egypt,"Hala’ib and Shalateen, or the Hala’ib Triangle, is an area of land measuring 20,580 square kilometers, located at the Egyptian-Sudanese border on the Red Sea coast. It is part of the Red Sea governorate and consists of three major towns – Hala'ib (which became a city in February 2014), Abu Ramad and Shalateen. [...] The largest tribes inhabiting the Hala'ib Triangle, including Rashaida, Alababdeh and Bashaira, who rejected the Sudanese National Election Commission's decision granting people in Hala'ib the right to participate in Sudanese general elections. The three tribes asserted during their participation in the 6th October War victory celebration in 2009 that the area is 100 percent Egyptian. [...] It should be noted that state employees who work in the Hala’ib Triangle receive a 300 percent incentive as well as free public facilities, including electricity and water. In addition, students in Hala’ib schools receive LE 5 pocket money daily from the government.",insufficient-neutral
The New York Times reported that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig was unhappy with movie character Ken into an icon,"From the Magazine Digital Covers ‘Barbie’ Director Greta Gerwig Addresses Right-Wing Backlash and Reveals How She Knew Ryan Gosling was Her Perfect Ken The director wants ""everybody to be part of the party"" By Angel Saunders Angel Saunders Angel Saunders has been a writer at PEOPLE since 2023. She’s previously worked at iHeartMedia, IndieWire, and REVOLT. People Editorial Guidelines Updated on July 26, 2023 02:45PM EDT Close Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie, and 'Barbie' director Greta Gerwig. Photo: Jaap Buitendijk Barbie has proven to be a box office hit. The Mattel-themed movie became the biggest debut ever for a film directed by a woman after earning a reported $162 million during its opening weekend, per Variety. But that doesn’t mean filmmaker Greta Gerwig has had it easy since the blockbuster’s July 21 release. ""I wanted to make something anarchic and wild and funny and cathartic, and the idea that it’s actually being received that way, it’s sort of extraordinary,"" Gerwig, 39, said while discussing the inspiration for the film in an interview published by the New York Times on Tuesday.",insufficient-refutes
Amartya Sen was involved in gross irregularities and land grab during his tenure at visva-Bharati university in West Bengal,"Amartya Sen never held an official position at Visva-Bharati University, and the recent controversy between him and the university is related to a dispute over his ancestral property. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.",refutes
Deir El Aachayer is a territory of Syria,"The Mandate for Syria and Lebanon first officially defined the border line between Lebanon and Syria after the end of World War I (WWI), when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved. France controlled this general area until 1943, when Lebanon and Syria declared their independence. Later, in 1976, Syria began a military occupation of Lebanon when Lebanon experienced political turmoil due to its civil war. This occupation continued until 2005, although the border was not officially defined at that time. In fact, some territories between these two countries remain under dispute today. One example of this dispute is the town of Deir El Aachayer. Although largely accepted as territory of Lebanon, the Syrian government continues to lay claim to this area.",insufficient-contradictory
"""Tim Walz signed into law driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota.""","""Tim Walz signed into law driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota, he wanted health care for illegal immigrants in Minnesota, this guy is incredibly left-wing,"" Donalds said.",insufficient-supports
Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “says that all young people want to be socialists.”,"No evidence that AOC said all young people want to be socialists [...] Our searches of Google, Bing and Nexis found no instance in which she said that all young people want to be socialists, as Baxter’s ad says. We also searched for any mention of young people and socialists on her personal and official Twitter accounts. Had Ocasio-Cortez flatly stated that all young people want to be socialists, it’s likely news coverage would have quickly followed.",refutes
Babies under six months shouldn’t drink water as it can result in health risks,"While water is necessary for adults, it's not so with infants. They get meet their fluids needs in other ways. David Berger, M.D. founder and owner of Wholistic Pediatrics & Family Care, and founder of Wholistic ReLeaf, says that drinking water even at 6 months of age, is not entirely necessary. ""Babies get all of the fluid they need through breast milk or formula,"" he continues. So if your 6-month-old only has a sip of water at first, rest assured that breast milk and/or formula will be enough to stave off any thirst. Baby Feeding Chart: How Much Infants Eat in the First Year Why Shouldn't Babies Under 6 Months Drink Water? Giving infants water before 6 months can pose some risks. Most notably, if a baby ""fills up"" on water, it might impede their ability to receive adequate nutrients. ""Giving water to them at this stage puts them at risk of consuming less breast milk or formula, thereby not receiving all the nutrients they provide,"" explains Dr. Johns. It's important to keep up with regular feedings of formula or breast milk so that babies can grow up healthily, with all the vitamins their body craves.",supports
"If Ireland’s population density was the same as England, its population would be 35 million people.","The population density of England is around 433 people per km2. If the Republic of Ireland had that population density, around 30 million people would live there. However, Ireland can also refer to the island of Ireland – which would indeed have a population of around 35 million people.",supports
Rasŏn administrative division is a territory of Republic of China,"Administrative divisions of the Republic of China (1912–1949) The administrative divisions of China between 1912 and 1949 were established under the regime of the Republic of China government. [...] Administrative divisions published after 1949 [edit]After its loss of the mainland to the Communist Party in the Chinese Civil War and its retreat to Taiwan in 1949, the Nationalist Party continued to regard the Republic of China as the internationally recognized sole legitimate government of China. The jurisdiction of the Republic was restricted to Taiwan, the Penghu, and a few islands off Fujian, but the Republic of China has never retracted its claim to mainland China. Moreover, the Kuomintang government in Taiwan unilaterally overturned its recognition of Mongolia in 1953. Accordingly, the official first-order divisions of Republic of China remain the historical divisions of China immediately prior to the loss of mainland China and maps of China and the world published in Taiwan sometimes show provincial and national boundaries as they were in 1949, ignoring changes made by the Communist government and including Outer Mongolia (includes Tannu Uriankhai), Jiangxinpo (northern Burma/Kachin State), as part of the Republic. Until 1998, the authorities in Taiwan still published relevant maps.[2]",insufficient-neutral
"Claims Charles Darwin said, ""In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.""","Here is an example of a Darwin ascription in ""The Guardian"" newspaper in 2006. Please note that instances on the QI website are meant to be illustrative and not meant to be harshly critical of writers and journalists who may have slipped:[4]2006 December 11, News source: The Guardian, Article title: The Weekends TV: Pop stars, buildings, now endangered species . . . is nothing safe from the phone vote format? Article author: Sam … Continue reading ‘In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment’. The Origin of Species, Charles DarwinHaving now seen the first part of Extinct (ITV1, Saturday), I think I get what Darwin was on about. But perhaps if he was around now, and just coming up with his theory, he may have worded it slightly differently. ""In the struggle for survival, the cutest win out at the expense of the less cute because they appeal more to celebrities and, through them, to a live television audience."" [...] Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the famous English naturalist who first formulated the concept of evolution, wrote in his history-making Origin of the Species: ""In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.""",supports
Speech and language disability and specific learning disability have been added for the first time.,"- Developmental Language Disorder and Specific Learning Disorder - Co-occurrence of DLD and Specific Learning Disorder - Overlaps between DLD and Specific Learning Disorder - Key Differences between DLD and Specific Learning Disorder - Educational Identification, Labels, Exceptionalities, Disabilities - Specific Learning Disorder and Specific Learning Disability - Educational Categories for DLD and Specific Learning Disorder [...] Specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. [IDEA, Section 300.8]",insufficient-neutral
"To provide free GP care in the Republic of Ireland, which already exists in NI as it is part of the UK, would cost the Dublin Exchequer an extra £880 million",Over half (57.6%) of the population in Ireland are not currently eligible for free GP access.,insufficient-neutral
"By 2026, 96% of the projected population growth in Northern Ireland will be represented by people aged 65 and over.",Projected future population of Northern Ireland by age and sex 30 January 2024 12 January 2022 21 October 2019,insufficient-neutral
Aves Island is a territory of Dominica,"Isla de Aves ([ˈisla ðe ˈaβes]; Spanish for ""Island of Birds"" or ""Birds Island""), or Aves Island, is a Federal Dependency of Venezuela. It has been the subject of numerous territorial disputes (now resolved) with the United States (through the Guano Islands Act of 1856), neighbouring independent islands such as Dominica, and European states controlling their nearby dependent islands, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. [...] During a visit to Venezuela, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in June 2006, stated that Aves Island belongs to Venezuela, unofficially ending the territorial claim.[8] Aves Island is a particularly rare amateur radio ""entity"", under the ITU prefix YV0. A 2006 expedition by operators to the island required 14 years of planning.[citation needed] Though one member suffered a fatal heart attack, over 42,000 contacts were made during their week-long stay.[9]",refutes
Lake Nyasa is a territory of Malawi,"Lake Malawi (or Lake Nyasa, Lake Niassa) is a lake in Africa. It is the southernmost lake in the East African Rift system. It is shared between Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. Before Malawi became independent in 1964, the territory was called Nyasaland. For this reason, Mozambique and Tanzania call the lake Lake Nyasa. Lake Malawi is the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa. It is the ninth largest lake in the world.",insufficient-contradictory
Scarborough Shoal is a territory of Philippines,"The general U.S. policy of neutrality on questions of sovereignty over South China Sea land features was originally established in the 1930s in response to Japan’s pre-war annexation of the Paracel and Spratly islands. But Scarborough Shoal was treated separately and very differently from those island groups up until the 1990s. Unlike the Paracels and Spratlys, Scarborough was among the territories transferred by the United States to the Philippines upon the latter’s independence, though the shoal was not widely known. The 1900 Treaty of Washington between Spain and the United States clarified that any and all territories administered by Spain as part of the Philippine Islands, even if they were located outside the original 1898 Treaty of Paris lines circumscribing the Philippine archipelago, were ceded to Washington. The United States took over Spain’s administration of Scarborough for purposes of safety of navigation, fishing, research, search, rescue, and salvage activities. In 1938, upon official inquiries, the U.S. Department of State recognized that the United States acquired title to the shoal from Spain on the basis of the 1900 treaty, and subsequently allowed Scarborough’s transfer to the Philippines with concurrence of the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of Commerce.",supports
The Department of Health (England) needs the consent of families to release information of deceased relatives.,"Guide to the legal framework that health professionals need to take account of in obtaining valid consent to examination, treatment or care. [...] Since 2001, the Department of Health guidance on consent has required NHS Trusts to adopt a model consent policy, model forms and information leaflets with the aim of ensuring that good practice in seeking consent was put in place throughout the NHS. The department has been considering the future role of its guidance and has been undertaking a review of consent in the NHS which will not only identify and evaluate the NHS approach to, and practice on, gaining consent but which will also evaluate the impact on practice of existing Department of Health guidance and forms. [...] As part of our review, we will evaluate the impact on practice of the Department of Health consent forms and consider the best approach to promoting quality consent processes (including documentation) in the future. In the interim, trusts are free to develop their own documentation, including their consent forms (using the DH model form if they so wish), to reflect the current legal position and reflect local practice as appropriate. These documents include some advice on how legal terminology has evolved since the forms were produced, which may help in this regard.",insufficient-neutral
"If Ranil Wins,I will be the PM - Ravi","An alumnus of the Royal College of Colombo, Sri Lanka’s most prestigious educational institution, Wickremesinghe won his first parliamentary election in 1977. After serving as an important minister in his uncle JR and his successor Ranasinghe Premadasa’s Cabinet for long, in a quirk of fate, he became the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka after the assassination of President Premadasa in 1993. [...] Towards the end of 2014, something unthinkable happened. Wickremesinghe secretly joined hands with his rival Chandrika to oust Rajapaksa. Their joint candidate Maithripala Sirisena shocked the Rajapaksa camp by defeating the all-powerful Mahinda in the Presidential elections. It was a high point in Ranil’s long political journey. He became the Prime Minister, promising to abolish the executive presidency, which he could not do. In an evening coup in the winter of 2018, Sirisena shocked Wickremesinghe by dismissing him and installing Mahinda as the PM. After two months of political uncertainty and backroom negotiations, Mahinda lost the trust vote and Ranil returned as the PM again.",insufficient-neutral
Falkland Islands is a territory of Argentina,"The Falkland Islands are administered by the U.K. as an overseas territory, but are also claimed based on historical arguments by Argentina, which calls them ""las Islas Malvinas"". Both countries have signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which defines ownership and legal rights for the waters surrounding coastal countries. According to the UNCLOS, each country is entitled to three basic zones of control in its surrounding seas: [...] The territorial sea is an area stretching up to 12 nautical miles out from the edge of the land or internal waters, which is considered sovereign territory of the state (i.e. an actual part of the country), though the ""innocent passage"" rule requires that foreign ships still be allowed to sail there without permission. Both the U.K. and Argentina claim a 12 nautical mile territorial sea surrounding the Falkland Islands. The two countries' claims are slightly different because they're drawn from the edges of the differing internal waters claims. The U.K. claim is shown on the map above (the small circle at the bottom is the territorial sea around Beauchene Island).",refutes
"“the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide, an estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses on average in a standard population”","Unlike many other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, New Zealand experienced fewer deaths compared to the pre-pandemic baseline in 2020 and 2021, as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. Since the restrictions were lifted, mortality rates in the elderly have risen. This is likely due to a return of respiratory viruses like the flu, and likely represents a return to baseline mortality, not an increase in excess mortality due to COVID-19 vaccines. Published studies so far have found no association between COVID-19 vaccines and an increased mortality risk.",refutes
COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women is connected to an increase in U.S. infant mortality rate in 2022,"References - Hobbs CV, Woodworth K, Young CC, et al.; Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators. Frequency, characteristics and complications of COVID-19 in hospitalized infants. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2022;41:e81–6. PMID:34955519 - Marchant A, Sadarangani M, Garand M, et al. Maternal immunisation: collaborating with mother nature. Lancet Infect Dis 2017;17:e197–208. PMID:28433705 - Nir O, Schwartz A, Toussia-Cohen S, et al. Maternal-neonatal transfer of SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G antibodies among parturient women treated with BNT162b2 messenger RNA vaccine during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2022;4:100492. PMID:34547533 - Trostle ME, Aguero-Rosenfeld ME, Roman AS, Lighter JL. High antibody levels in cord blood from pregnant women vaccinated against COVID-19. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2021;3:100481. PMID:34562636 - Yang YJ, Murphy EA, Singh S, et al. Association of gestational age at coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination, history of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, and a vaccine booster dose with maternal and umbilical cord antibody levels at delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2021. Epub December 28, 2021. PMID:34963127 - Olson SM, Newhams MM, Halasa NB, et al.; Overcoming Covid-19 Investigators. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 vaccine against critical Covid-19 in adolescents.",insufficient-neutral
Los Monjes Archipelago is a territory of Colombia,"""I have the honour to inform you of the receipt of your letter No # of today's date, setting forth the conclusions that the Government of Colombia has reached with regard to the Los Monjes archipelago, as a result of the cordial talks which the Governments of our two countries have held on that subject in recent months through our embassies in Bogotá and Caracas ""On the basis of this past history, the Government of Colombia hereby declares that it does not oppose the sovereignty of the United States of Venezuela over the Los Monjes archipelago, and that therefore it does not oppose nor does it wish to make any claim concerning the exercise of such sovereignty or any act by Venezuela asserting control over the archipelago in question. [...] ""On the basis of this past history, the Government of Colombia hereby declares that it does not oppose the sovereignty of the United States of Venezuela over the Los Monjes archipelago, and that therefore it does not oppose nor does it wish to make any claim concerning the exercise of such sovereignty or any act by Venezuela asserting control over the archipelago in question ""I have the honour to inform you of the receipt of your letter No. GM‐542 of today’s date, setting forth the conclusions that the Government of Colombia has reached with regard to the Los Monjes archipelago, as a result of the cordial talks which the Governments of our two countries have held on that subject in recent months through our embassies in Bogotá and Caracas.",refutes
Scenes of protesters firing machine guns during recent clashes in Manipur,"Manipur Police has procured machine guns, but why? [...] Amid the escalation in attacks by militants on civilian targets, Manipur Police has procured medium machine guns (MMGs), and sought the Indian Army's help in training its personnel for their use. The upgrade of the arsenal by Manipur Police with military-grade sophisticated weapons is raising some questions. [...] ""@BJP4India Government approved the use of Medium Machine Guns (MMG) for the communal Police Commandos in the already violence escalation state, Manipur. Let's wait for how it deploys and on whom,"" posted Haokip on September 6.",insufficient-supports
Aluminum in vaccines causes neurological damage and autism,"Scientific evidence shows that vaccines are safe and not associated with autism. The amount of aluminum present in vaccines is very low, in fact much lower than the amount of aluminum in the diet of infants. Furthermore, the biologically active form of aluminum cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, hence it cannot cause damage to the brain or autism.",refutes
"""Apple is … about to start charging us to use the FaceTime feature.”","The claim: Apple plans to start charging users for FaceTime [...] ""Apple is really about to start charging us to use the FaceTime feature, wild,"" reads the post. [...] No evidence Apple to start charging FaceTime users",refutes
The measles outbreak is directly caused by illegal immigration,"A Facebook meme incorrectly blames the measles outbreak in the U.S. on immigrants from South America. The virus, however, was eliminated there in 2016. The recent uptick in measles cases is due to travelers returning from countries with outbreaks. The outbreak of measles in the U.S. and around the world is due largely to inadequate vaccination rates in some communities, not illegal immigration, as one popular meme on Facebook claims. The meme shows a picture of a baby who appears to be infected with measles and says: ""Thanks to a highly effective vaccination program the Measles virus was eliminated from the U.S. in 2000. Thanks to the immigrants who illegally cross the U.S. Mexican border, and the Democrats who refuse to stop them, the Measles virus has been declared a public health emergency in 2019.""",refutes
Neum is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"Neum is a resort town on the 9 km strip of Adriatic coast that belongs to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In other contexts this country is often loosely referred to as ""Bosnia"", but Neum is specifically part of Herzegovina. That entity is undefined and contentious so on this page the country is abbreviated to BiH. In 2013 the Neum strip had a population of 4653, most of them in the town itself. Understand [edit]Neum shouldn't be the only place you visit in fascinating BiH, but for most it will be. That's because its territory separates Dubrovnik from the rest of Croatia, so any visitor who takes this route has to briefly exit not only Croatia but the EU, then re-enter; then do the same when their excursion returns north. Traffic tail-backs have been common, and there may be other complications, outlined below. [...] - Crossing points: the northwest border crossing is called Klek in Croatia and Neum 1 in BiH. Nine km along the road, the southeast crossing is called Zaton Doli in Croatia and Neum 2 in BiH. These are the only crossings for foreigners. Imotica border crossing on the minor road 3 km north of Neum 2 is only for locals. Tourists are usually turned back: just occasionally they're waved through, then wish they'd been stopped when they hit the pot-holed lane on the BiH side.",refutes
Only the Irish language is banned in courts in Northern Ireland.,"NI: Ban on Irish language in courts to be challenged Northern Ireland’s Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir has announced plans to challenge laws preventing the use of the Irish language in Northern Ireland courts. [...] Under the provisions of the Act, court proceedings in Northern Ireland must be carried out in English.",insufficient-supports
The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration,"CLAIM: The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration, neither in the early nor in the recent parts of the records. Yes, they often porpoise a bit above and a bit below the trend line, but there is no evidence of any CO2-caused recent increase in the rate of sea-level rise. The satellite dataset, on the other hand, is a splice of a selected four of the nine available satellite sea-level datasets. The changes in trend seem to be associated with the splices. Unfortunately, this spliced record is both too short and too fractured to draw any conclusions about acceleration.",insufficient-neutral
77% of working mothers endure some kind of discrimination.,"Saying the gender pay gap is a result of women making positive choices, rejects the idea that discrimination towards mothers exists. With 54,000 women a year losing their jobs for getting pregnant and 77% of working mums saying they have endured some kind of discrimination in the workplace, we now know that this is a massive issue, with women having their careers snatched away from them when they become mothers. We also know that this type of discrimination affects women before they get pregnant, with 40% of managers saying they would avoid hiring a women of childbearing age. Women are being discriminated against just because they have a uterus. That doesn’t sound like a positive choice to me.",supports
claims Mitt Romney has purportedly threatened to leave the Republican Party and join the Democrats,"Romney’s 2023 Federal Election Commission (FEC) Statement of Candidacy form, filed on Apr. 11, lists his party as Republican. The Utah Republican Senator’s spokesperson denied the claim’s validity in an email to Check Your Fact.",insufficient-refutes
purports to show British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak partying,"The claim: A video claims to show Britain’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak dancing at a party. [...] A video of a man dancing was shared Oct. 26, 2022, on Twitter, with the caption ""Britain’s new Prime Minister."" It claims that the man dancing in the video is Rishi Sunak, U.K.’s new Prime Minister. [...] - France 24, ""Debunking claims that UK PM Rishi Sunak was filmed dancing in Ibiza,"" Oct. 28, 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
Wadi Halfa is a territory of Sudan,"Wadi Halfa is a town on the shores of Lake Nasser in the north of Sudan, and marks the point of entry into Sudan for those coming in from Egypt. It is surrounded by the dunes of the Nubian Desert, the eastern edge of the Sahara Desert, and has a population of around 15,000. Historically, Wadi Halfa was Nubia's most important trading point, being the gateway between Egypt and Sudan. Today the city's buildings are immaculate, surrounded by the golden dunes of the Nubian Desert. It is the stereotypical border town, small and full of paperwork, hassle, and dirt. The town is actually the new Wadi Halfa; the original Wadi Halfa was submerged when the Aswan High Dam created Lake Nasser in 1971. Sudan's military dictatorship forcibly removed the approximately 50,000 inhabitants of the area from their lands and relocated to the desert, where many died of malaria and other diseases. A few Wadi Halfans, however, remain along the Nile, the river that built their ancestors' identities as fishermen and river traders, building new settlements several times and finally settling on the current location when the flooding stopped. Seasonal flooding still occurs.",supports
Sugar causes cancer; eliminating sugar from the diet can cure cancer,"Understanding the Link between Sugar and Cancer: An Examination of the Preclinical and Clinical Evidence - PMID: 36551528 - PMCID: PMC9775518 - DOI: 10.3390/cancers14246042 Understanding the Link between Sugar and Cancer: An Examination of the Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Per capita sugar consumption has increased in the United States to over 45 kg per year. The average person in the US currently consumes significantly more added sugar in their diet than the World Health Organization's, the American Cancer Society's, and the American Heart Association's recommendations for daily sugar consumption. Evidence from epidemiologic and preclinical studies demonstrates that excess sugar consumption can lead to development of cancer and progression of disease for those with cancer independent of the association between sugar and obesity. Human epidemiologic studies and mechanistic preclinical studies in multiple cancers support a causal link between excess sugar and cancer. Preclinical studies show that high-sucrose or high-fructose diets activate several mechanistic pathways, including inflammation, glucose, and lipid metabolic pathways. Although human studies are limited, compelling human and primate studies have explored the link between added sugar and metabolic syndrome (MetS), a risk factor for cancer. Substantial evidence suggests a causal link between MetS and added sugar, indicating important implications in the association between excess sugar consumption and cancer.",insufficient-supports
Yukhari Askipara is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Yukhari Askipara (Azerbaijani: Yuxarı Əskipara, lit. 'Upper Askipara'; Armenian: Վերին Ոսկեպար, romanized: Verin Voskepar, lit. 'Upper Voskepar') is a destroyed village in an exclave of the Qazakh District of Azerbaijan, currently under the control of Armenia and surrounded by the Tavush Province of Armenia. The exclave has been under control by Armenian forces since the First Nagorno-Karabakh War, which also included fighting in Qazakh. Today, the village is destroyed, with only the foundations and some lower portions of the houses remaining.[1] [...] - ^ a b ""Əskipara: illərin məsafəsində"". MEYDAN.TV (in Azerbaijani). 2014-04-18. Retrieved 2022-01-14.",refutes
"Thai princess “most likely a victim of the jab”, Thailand “could become the first country in the world to nullify the contract between the government and Pfizer”",COVID-19 vaccines are instrumental in reducing the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand collapsed because of a bacterial infection with Mycoplasma that can lead to complications such as cardiac arrhythmia. Thailand continues to offer and recommend COVID-19 vaccination.,insufficient-refutes
"Rs. 1,290 crore rupees allocated under National Bamboo Mission to help setting up small industries.","Lack of clarity about the manner of disbursal of the Rs 1,290 crore outlay announced in Budget 2018 is making bamboo farmers and other players skeptical about the revival of the sector that has been long ignored. The rural economy has been given a boost with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s allocation for a Restructured National Bamboo Mission. The National Bamboo Mission is a wholly-sponsored central scheme. There is a tinge of skepticism in the people for whom the allocation has been announced. Though the Budget has allocated a total outlay of Rs 1,290 crore under the revised bamboo mission, the money is to be paid over a three-year period. ""On an average, Rs 430 crore will be spent annually. The big challenge this poses is to know how the money will be disbursed, who will qualify for it, and how can people apply for it,"" says Kedar Krushna Panda, assistant vice president, ILFS, in-charge of Tripura Bamboo Mission. Panda says the government has to give more clarity on how farmers can apply for the funds.",supports
"Sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2","Whereas our CMIP5 analysis supports the hypothesis that seasonal-to-interannual sea level variability will increase relative to changes in ocean temperature variability due to nonlinearity of the EOS, the EOS alone does not constrain future sea level variability to increase in a warming ocean. From this perspective, future sea level variability could also remain constant with reduced temperature variability. Indeed, CMIP5 models diverge substantially in the projected amount of sea level variability increase because of the uncertainty in ocean temperature variability changes (respectively, stippling in Figs. 1c, d and 4c, d; see also shading in Fig. 6). Certainly also contributing to future sea level and temperature variability changes in CMIP5 are changes in the variability of atmospheric forcing. Because such forcing impacts variability in the oceans locally as well as globally, the effects of atmospheric changes are difficult to separate from those of increased oceanic thermal expansion and stratification in coupled climate model simulations. For this reason, we consider how thermal expansion and stratification impact sea level and thermocline variability (a proxy for temperature variability) in an analytic, reduced-gravity ocean model prescribed with future warming but otherwise unchanged atmospheric forcing.",insufficient-refutes
The types of disabilities have been increased from the existing 7 to 21.,"The types of disabilities have been increased from existing 7 to 21 and the Central Government will have the power to add more types of disabilities. The 21 disabilities are given below:- 1. [...] Specific Learning Disability have been added for the first time. Acid Attack Victims have been included. Dwarfism, muscular dystrophy have has been indicated as separate class of specified disability. The New categories of disabilities also included three blood disorders, Thalassemia, Hemophilia and",supports
"""Higher education is one of America's strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities, (in the) 2018-19 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.”","WASHINGTON, D.C., November 18, 2019—The number of international students in the United States set an all-time high in the 2018/19 academic year, the fourth consecutive year with more than one million international students. The total number of international students, 1,095,299, is a 0.05 percent increase over last year, according to the 2019 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. International students make up 5.5 percent of the total U.S. higher education population. According to data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, international students contributed $44.7 billion to the U.S. economy in 2018, an increase of 5.5 percent from the previous year. [...] For the tenth consecutive year, China remained the largest source of international students in the United States in 2018/19 with 369,548 students in undergraduate, graduate, non-degree, and optional practical training (OPT) programs, a 1.7 percent increase from 2017/18. India (202,014, +2.9 percent), South Korea (52,250, -4.2 percent), Saudi Arabia (37,080, -16.5 percent), and Canada (26,122, +0.8 percent) round out the top five. Emerging market countries showed some of the strongest growth year over year, especially Bangladesh (+10.0 percent), Brazil (+9.8 percent), Nigeria (+5.8 percent), and Pakistan (+5.6 percent).",supports
A person’s immune system “tanks” after their second COVID-19 vaccine dose.,"Multiple medical experts said the blood test results featured in the video to support this claim didn’t come close to showing an immune system that has crashed. This wasn’t observed in the COVID-19 vaccine trials where blood counts were obtained, experts said.",refutes
CCTV Footage Of A Burglary In Sri Lanka,"We verified that the video viral on social media in Sri Lanka claiming to be CCTV footage of a Robbery at Rathmalana was actually part of an awareness video from Kerala, India.",refutes
Indian Rupee Has Become The World`S Fourth Most Recognized Currency,"India has taken a significant step toward achieving this status for the rupee. [...] Can the Indian rupee become the new dollar? #rupee #dollar [...] In fact, the rupee is already well on it’s way to becoming an international currency. In December 2022, India and Russia completed their first trade settlement in rupees, as part of the International Settlement of Trade. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mauritius and some other countries are already considering the settlement of bilateral trade in Indian rupees.",insufficient-supports
Shram Suvidha Portal has been launched that allocates Unique labour identification number and enables online registration of establishments,"1. Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India and the State Governments enforce more than 44 labour laws in their respective spheres. There have been requests from various stakeholders for ensuring simplification of formats, ease of compliance, transparency in inspections and speedy redressal of grievances. In order to address these concerns Ministry of Labour & Employment has developed a single unified Web Portal for Online Registration of units, Reporting of inspections and submissions of Annual Returns. [...] 4. This integrated portal operate through common Unique Labour Identification Number (Shram Pehchan Sankhya) for each Establishment. The employers will be allotted Labour Identification Number (LIN) after registration on web portal. The enforcement agency will upload the data of inspection on the web portal which will be updated periodically.",insufficient-supports
Lake Constance is a territory of Austria,"Like most inshore sailing areas I know and have owners in, the Lake of Constance is a hard-fought territory: Three countries share a sea-border on the lake, which is Austria, Switzerland and Germany. That is a 275 kilometer shore, the lake covers 540 square kilometers. Quite a big lake for Germany, it is our biggest lake. Did you know that the mighty River Rhine flows through the Lake of Constance? In German the Lake of Constance – deriving from the town of Constance (or Konstanz in German) – is Bodensee. This is taken from a tiny village at the farthest end of the Bodensee, Bodman. Which is odd as there are many, many more towns which are much more important than the picturesque small Bodman: This is Friedrichshafen, for example, home of the Zeppelin air ships in the past or of ZF, maker of gear boxes and world market leader. [...] So that was it, a 3.5 hour-trip all across the Lake Constance. A nice, picturesque and beautiful sailing area, s history rich part of Germany (Austria and Switzerland as well). If you seek a few days of nice holiday, come here, enjoy the world-class Swabian food, have couple of glasses of exquisite wine or the famous beer – maybe on occasion of one of the famous Lake of Constance regattas of which there are plenty of, like the ""Bodensee Rund"", a non-stop race all around the Lake. I, for my part, love coming here – all the best to EQUILIBRE and her fine crew.",insufficient-contradictory
Trans-Karakoram Tracts is a territory of India,"The Trans-Karakoram Tract is an area of approximately 5,300 km² that was transferred by a border agreement from the Pakistani-administered Northern Areas to China in 1963 with the proviso that the settlement was subject to the final solution of the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan says that it was a no-man's undemarcated border land, hence no question arises of its being transferred. It is claimed by India as part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. [...] The Tract is one of the most inhospitable areas of the world, with some of the highest mountains including Broad Peak, Gasherbrum and Masherbrum, and is adjacent to the highest battlefield in the world at Siachen Glacier.",supports
UK passports are produced by non-UK companies.,"Ironic or 'iconic': Post-Brexit UK passports made in EU February 22, 2020The UK will roll out new ""iconic"" blue passports for a post-Brexit Britain in March — but they will be produced in Poland by a French-Dutch company. The announcement that the company Gemalto had won the contract to produce the passports caused controversy in 2018. The UK government said the final stages of manufacturing will take place in the UK to ""ensure no personal data leaves the country.""",insufficient-contradictory
Rockall is a territory of United Kingdom,"The important section of the Act was this: ""As from the date of the passing of this Act, the Island of Rockall (of which possession was formally taken in the name of Her Majesty on 18 September 1955 in pursuance of a Royal Warrant dated 14 September 1955 addressed to the Captain of Her Majesty’s Ship Vidal) shall be incorporated into that part of the United Kingdom known as Scotland and shall form part of the District of Harris in the County of Inverness and the Law of Scotland shall apply accordingly."" [...] In terms of proximity there is little doubt that Rockall is Scottish. The nearest point of Scotland to Rockall is Soay in the St Kilda archipelago which is some 187 miles, 301km, to the east. The nearest point of Ireland, which now does not actually have a formal claim to Rockall but which argues that it cannot be used to determine territorial rights, is Tory Island, some 263 miles, 432km, to the south-east of Rockall. [...] Ten years later, Ireland was still arguing about Rockall, and the Westminster Parliament was still debating. Sir John Biggs-Davison asked Secretary of State for Scotland George Younger: ""In view of renewed interest by certain politicians in the Irish Republic, will my right hon. Friend affirm, on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, that though it be uninhabited, and notwithstanding any negotiations on the law of the sea, Rockall is sovereign territory of the United Kingdom and will so remain?""",supports
"The current solar minimum could last for more than three decades which could lead to temperatures plummeting across the globe, scientists have warned.","What happens if the next solar cycle becomes less active? Will we enter into a new ice age? [...] In more depth, scientists know that even a prolonged Grand Solar Minimum would only serve to offset a few years of warming caused by human activities. In other words, warming caused by the greenhouse gas emissions from the human burning of fossil fuels is 6 times greater than the possible decades-long cooling from a prolonged Grand Solar Minimum. Even if a Grand Solar Minimum were to last for a century, global temperatures would still continue to warm. Because the Sun is not the only factor affecting global temperatures on Earth.",insufficient-supports
Benjamin Netanyahu Was Named ‘Killer Of The Year’ By TIME Magazine!,"‘TIME’ magazine does not identify a title as ‘Killer of the Year’, and they haven’t bestowed such a title on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.",refutes
3000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras for cheaper medicines resulting in savings of around 50%.,The Government made certain claims about its health initiatives including the Ayushman Bharat scheme. Here is a fact check of these claims,insufficient-neutral
Oatmeal is Unhealthy !!,"In conclusion, despite recent social media claims suggesting that oats have no nutritional value and inhibit mineral absorption, these assertions are unfounded. The primary concern about oats revolves around their phytic acid content, which can bind minerals and reduce their bioavailability. However, the impact of phytic acid on mineral absorption should be considered in context, as its effects vary depending on individual dietary patterns and overall nutritional intake. Furthermore, phytic acid also offers several health benefits, including antioxidant properties, potential cholesterol management, blood sugar regulation, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Ultimately, consuming oats as part of a balanced diet can contribute to overall health and well-being, providing numerous benefits without leading to nutrient deficiencies.",refutes
McDonald’s will give two free Big Mac meals to everyone who shares a specific link,"FACT CHECK: Is McDonald’s Offering 2 Free Big Mac Meals To Everyone Who Shares This Link? A viral Facebook post claims fast food chain McDonald’s will give two free Big Mac meals to everyone who shares a specific link. [...] ""McDonald’s is helping out!"" reads text on the website. ""Just tell us what is Yor (sic) favorite meal and get 2 FREE big Mac Meals for a Month!"" (RELATED: Can Inhaling Hot Air From A Sauna Or Hair Dryer Kill Coronavirus?)",insufficient-neutral
this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus […] the HIV virus (AIDS virus),"Genomic analyses of the novel coronavirus show that it was not engineered. In addition, the claim that its genome contains inserted HIV sequences is based on a now-withdrawn preprint of a study that contained significant flaws in design and execution. The so-called “HIV insertions” identified by the authors are in fact gene sequences that can also be found in many other organisms besides HIV.",refutes
TRS MLA Harish Rao set to join BJP.,"A post with a newspaper article link is being shared on Facebook by many users claiming that Harish Rao, a TRS MLA, is going to join BJP. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post. [...] Harish Rao reacted to this news by tweeting through his official Twitter account. He termed the article as ‘fake news’ and also, asked the outlet which published this article to issue an apology. Finally, TRS MLA Harish Rao is not joining BJP. It’s just an April Fool prank.",refutes
"A Muslim boy attacked a Hindu girl in Seoni, Madhya Pradesh, in yet another Love Jihad incident","A social media post accompanied by a video claims that a Hindu girl was attacked with a knife by a Muslim boy in Seoni, Madhya Pradesh. This is being branded as yet another incident of Love Jihad. Let’s verify the claim made in this post through this article. [...] Fact: The boy who attacked the girl is a Hindu named Sushil Yadav. Local Police clarified that there is no Love Jihad angle in this incident. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] To sum up, There is no ""Love Jihad"" angle in the Seoni knife attack incident.",refutes
"The UPA government constructed only 25 lakh houses in their last 4 years where as the current BJP government in the last 4 years constructed 1.25 crore houses, a difference of 1 crore houses.",The Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed that the previous UPA government constructed only 25 lakh houses during their last 4 years. We find that this claim is FALSE.,refutes
"claims that George Eliot said, ""It's never too late to be what you might have been.""","In a recent issue of The New Yorker (February 14/21), Rebecca Mead, in an essay called ""Middlemarch and Me,"" describes her efforts to track down the origin of a saying attributed to George Eliot: ""It is never too late to be what you might have been."" Mead first encountered the quotation on a refrigerator magnet, ""set in sans-serif type on an aquamarine starburst background."" But, Mead writes, ""the sentence didn’t sound to me like anything George Eliot would say."" Uh oh, I thought to myself. This is going to end badly. Not only will the quote certainly prove a fake but also Mead is going to be bewildered by the discovery. No professional action will be taken. [...] With so many texts online, it may be easier than ever for amateur misquotations to breed, but it is just as easy for professionals to set the record straight. In other words, Rebecca Mead, ""It is never too late to be the Wikipedia editor that you might have been.""",insufficient-refutes
Mayotte is a territory of Comoros,"The Territory of the Comoros (French: Territoire des Comores) was a French overseas territory consisting of the four main Comoro Islands (Grande Comore, Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte) that existed from 1946 to 1975. It was part of the French Union under the Fourth Republic, then part of the French Community established by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic from 1958. In 1975, following a referendum, the territory was divided - the islands of Grande Comore, Mohéli and Anjouan became independent under the new State of the Comoros, while Mayotte voted to remain a French overseas territory, and later became the 101st French department in 2011. [...] In 1946, the Comoros archipelago became a French overseas territory[3] with its capital in Dzaoudzi, Mayotte.[4][5] The Territorial Assembly of the Comoros was founded, with representatives from all four islands.[6]",supports
Melting of Arctic sea ice and polar icecaps is not occurring at ‘unnatural’ rates and does not constitute evidence of a human impact on the climate.,"Insightful Bloomberg coverage on the rapidly changing Arctic: sea ice melt and permafrost thawing in Bloomberg, by Blacki Migliozzi & Eric Roston — 21 Apr 2017 Declining Arctic sea ice cover and thawing permafrost are both complex feedbacks that amplify global warming: The loss of reflective sea ice means more sunlight absorbed by the dar... [...] Heartland Institute report incorrectly claims no evidence of human impacts in melting ice",refutes
"claims that Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once stated, ""If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.""",There is no evidence that Shaw ever said or wrote this saying.,refutes
Pfizer documents confirm that mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations contain graphene oxide,"There is no graphene oxide in any part of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not contain any graphene oxide. The ingredient list for both vaccines have been published and tested by outside parties. They were not found to contain any graphene oxide in their formulas, including their lipid nanoparticles. [...] No WHO authorized vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinovac, Sputnik V, or Janssen contain graphene oxide. The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine has not yet published a list of its ingredients in a peer-reviewed or open access publication.",refutes
Southern Patagonian Ice Field is a territory of Chile,"The Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI, Fig. 1) is a temperate ice mass (Warren and Sugden, Reference Warren and Sugden1993) that spans the territories of Southern Chile and Argentina, and constitutes most of the land ice stored in South America (Pfeffer and others, Reference Pfeffer2014). This region has become increasingly important due to its global sea level rise contribution (Rignot and others, Reference Rignot, Rivera and Casassa2003; Willis and others, Reference Willis, Melkonian, Pritchard and Rivera2012b; Gardner and others, Reference Gardner2013). Most of the ablation zones of the SPI glaciers are retreating with high thinning rates, resulting in lake/fjord expansions, the growth in the number of proglacial lakes, the increasing occurrence of glacial lake outburst floods, massive calving events and landslides in formerly ice-covered areas (Wilson and others, Reference Wilson, Carrión and Rivera2016, Reference Wilson2018; Harrison and others, Reference Harrison2018; Lenzano and others, Reference Lenzano2018). [...] At San Rafael Glacier (Northern Patagonia Icefield) modelling results show that basal sliding accounts for 98% of the observed surface ice velocity in the fast-flowing part of the glacier (Collao-Barrios and others, Reference Collao-Barrios2018). Following these results, we assume that on Jorge Montt Glacier the vertically averaged ice velocity $\bar {u}_{\rm i}$ equals the measured surface ice velocity v i (Pfeffer, Reference Pfeffer2007). The ice discharge Q i through a fluxgate is calculated by integrating ice velocity $\bar {u}_{\rm i}$ across a transverse profile:",insufficient-neutral
Sakhalin/Karafuto is a territory of Japan,"Karafuto Agency, from 1943 Karafuto Prefecture,[a] commonly known as South Sakhalin, was a part of the Empire of Japan on Sakhalin. It was part of the gaichi from 1907 to 1943 and later a prefecture as part of the naichi until 1945. Karafuto became a territory of the Empire of Japan in 1905 after the Russo-Japanese War, when the portion of Sakhalin south of 50°N was ceded from the Russian Empire in the Treaty of Portsmouth. Karafuto was established in 1907 as an external territory, until being upgraded to an ""Inner Land"" of the Japanese metropole in 1943. Ōtomari (Korsakov) was the capital of Karafuto from 1905 to 1908 and Toyohara (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) from 1908 to 1945. [...] In 1920, Karafuto was officially designated an external territory of Japan, and its administration and development came under the aegis of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs. Following the Nikolaevsk Incident in 1920, Japan briefly seized the northern half of Sakhalin, and occupied it until the establishment of formal diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in 1925; however, Japan continued to maintain petroleum and coal concessions in northern Sakhalin until 1944. In 1943, the status of Karafuto was upgraded to that of an ""inner land"", making it an integral part of the Empire of Japan.",insufficient-refutes
[The] average tenure of a PSNI Chief Constable is about the same as those in England and Wales,"Organisation [edit]The senior officer in charge of the PSNI is its chief constable. The chief constable is appointed by the Northern Ireland Policing Board, subject to the approval of the Minister of Justice for Northern Ireland. The Chief Constable of Northern Ireland is the third-highest paid police officer in the UK (after the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police).[21] The current chief constable is Jon Boutcher, who was appointed on an interim basis after the resignation of Simon Bryne in September 2023 and successful in being officially confirmed as chief constable on 7 November 2023.[22] [...] Jurisdiction [edit]PSNI officers have full powers of a constable throughout Northern Ireland and the adjacent United Kingdom waters. Other than in mutual aid circumstances they have more limited powers of a constable in the other two legal jurisdictions of the United Kingdom—England and Wales, and Scotland. Police staff, although non-warranted members of the service, contribute to both back-office, operational support and front-line services, sometimes operating alongside warranted colleagues. [...] - ^ ""PSNI: Jon Boutcher picked as interim chief constable"". BBC News. 4 October 2023. Retrieved 7 October 2023.",insufficient-neutral
Chumar is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The staring match between Indian and Chinese troops at Chumar in eastern Ladakh continued on Friday amid evidence that the Chinese were retreating. Indian troops, however, have decided to adopt an aggressive stance and stay put at their positions in the sector. [...] Chumar, the last village in Ladakh area bordering Himachal Pradesh, has been a bone of contention with China claiming it to be its own territory. China has been sending helicopter sorties to the area almost every year. [...] Chumar became flash point during the fortnight long standoff last year in Daulat Beg Oldie as the Chinese side had objected to overhead bunkers erected by the Indian side.",insufficient-refutes
Highly infectious HIV 'VB' variant makes people ill twice as quickly,"A team of UK researchers has discovered that the VB variant of HIV may be more virulent and damaging than other strains of the disease. [...] By examining the genetic mutation patterns in the samples, the team estimated that the VB variant first appeared in the late 1980s and 1990s in the Netherlands, spreading more rapidly than other HIV variants during the 2000s before declining since around 2010. Despite there being widespread treatment in the country for HIV, the strain still spread across the nation quickly. [...] Analysis from the University of Oxford team identified that people infected with the VB variant had notable differences before antiretroviral treatment than people infected with other strains. VB variant patients had a viral load between 3.5 and 5.5 times higher, CD4 cell decline (damage to the immune system caused by HIV) was also twice as fast, increasing the risk of developing AIDS earlier. Finally, individuals with the VB variant showed an increased risk of transmitting the virus to others.",supports
"Milwaukee's Marcus Performing Arts Center – where 'The Daily Show' had been scheduled – “was originally located in the ‘soft perimeter,’ they called it, security-wise” but “was shifted, understandably so, to the ‘hard perimeter.’”","Comedy Central’s EMMY® Award-winning franchise will broadcast from the Marcus Performing Arts Center in Milwaukee, WI throughout the RNC and the Athenaeum Center for Thought & Culture in Chicago, IL during the DNC. The Daily Show’s all-star News Team includes Ronny Chieng, Jordan Klepper, Michael Kosta, and Desi Lydic, alongside Dulcé Sloan and Lewis Black with new additions Troy Iwata, Josh Johnson, and Grace Kuhlenschmidt. [...] Recent Press Releases by Marcus Performing Arts Center [...] Jun 24th, 2024 by Marcus Performing Arts CenterHighlights include Cirque Kalabanté, The Magic of Rob Lake, the return of The Hip Hop Nutcracker, and a one-night-only performance of the National Tour of The Cher Show",insufficient-neutral
“99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people”,"In a stunning reflection of the efficacy of vaccines and an indication of the impact that widespread inoculation could have, an analysis of government data published Thursday by the Associated Press found nearly all Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. last month were among people who weren’t vaccinated against the virus. Center for Disease Control and Prevention data reviewed by AP showed just 150 of the more than 18,000 Covid-19 deaths in May resulted from ""breakthrough"" infections in fully vaccinated people. In other words, 99.2% of the people who died from Covid-19 last month weren’t fully vaccinated against the virus.",supports
London Mayor said travel to minority House of worship are exempt from emissions-zone charge,The claim is inaccurate. There is no evidence that this statement was made.,refutes
Marouini River is a territory of Suriname,"Maroni River, river forming the boundary between French Guiana and Suriname (formerly Dutch Guiana), in South America. It rises on the northern slopes of the Tumuc-Humac Mountains, near the Brazilian border, and descends generally northward through dense tropical rain forests, to enter the Atlantic Ocean at Point Galibi, Suriname, about 19 miles (30 km) below the river ports of Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, French Guiana, and Albina, Suriname. For much of its 450-mile (725-kilometre) length the river divides French Guiana on the east from Suriname on the west. Its upper course is known as the Litani in Suriname, or Itany in French Guiana; its middle course, along which there is placer gold mining, is called the Lawa, or Aoua. Shallow-draft vessels can penetrate 60 miles (100 km) upstream from the river’s mouth; beyond that point there are many waterfalls and rapids. The river’s chief tributary is the Tapanahoni, in Suriname, from the southwest.",insufficient-neutral
"During the 2020 Minnesota riots after George Floyd’s murder, Gov. Tim Walz didn’t call in the National Guard, “so, I sent in the National Guard to save Minneapolis.”","By — Tim Sullivan, Associated Press Tim Sullivan, Associated Press By — Amy Forliti, Associated Press Amy Forliti, Associated Press Leave a comment 0comments Share Copy URL Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Tumblr Share on Facebook Share on Twitter WATCH: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz acknowledges ‘abject failure’ in protest response Nation May 29, 2020 10:05 AM EDT MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — With smoke drifting over Minneapolis, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on Friday acknowledged the ""abject failure"" of the response to this week’s violent protests and called for swift justice for police involved in the death of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man who pleaded for air as a white officer knelt on his neck. Watch the press conference in the video player above Walz said the state would take over the response and that it’s time to show respect and dignity to those who are suffering. ""Minneapolis and St. Paul are on fire. The fire is still smoldering in our streets. The ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of pain, of anguish unheard,"" Walz said, adding. ""Now generations of pain is manifesting itself in front of the world — and the world is watching.""",insufficient-neutral
"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are experimental, “ineffective and harmful”","Clinical trials and ongoing vaccine monitoring efforts show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at reducing a person’s risk of severe disease and death. Like any medical intervention, vaccines also come with risks. While COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are linked to a slight increase in the risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), COVID-19 itself is associated with a greater risk of heart inflammation and other health complications. On balance, the benefits of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines outweigh their risks.",insufficient-refutes
Provided for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities (PwDs),"The Lok Sabha today passed ""The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill – 2016"". The Bill will replace the existing PwD Act, 1995, which was enacted 21 years back. The Rajya Sabha has already passed the Bill on 14.12.2016. [...] xviii. The Bill provides for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities and also violation of the provisions of the new law. [...] The Bill provides for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities and also violation of the provisions of the new law. Special Courts will be designated in each district to handle cases concerning violation of rights of PwDs. Reservation in vacancies in government establishments has been increased from 3% to 4% for certain persons or class of persons with benchmark disability. Office of Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities has been strengthened who will now be assisted by 2 Commissioners and an Advisory Committee comprising of not more than 11 members drawn from experts in various disabilities. Every child with benchmark disability between the age group of 6 and 18 years shall have the right to free education.",supports
BBC removes Kashmir from the Indian map,"The conundrum over the BBC documentary is still aflame and gets in yet another controversy anchored on the world’s leading public service broadcaster. Twitter users were quick to notice the faux pas from BBC as the broadcasting agency placed a truncated map of India without Kashmir on their website. BBC removes Kashmir from Indian Map — Rishi Bagree (@rishibagree) January 30, 2023 It was just days before that Anil Antony, son of veteran leader AK Antony apprehended the BBC documentary on PM Modi, much to the chagrin of fellow congress workers. Anil faced a flurry of threats following which he resigned from congress. Albeit resigning, Anil never pulled back any punches and slammed BBC, by sharing on his Twitter page pictures from 2020 showing the news broadcasters' website using an Indian map devoid of Kashmir.",supports
More people have travelled in airplanes than in AC trains for the first time,"Three factors are putting more passengers in planes. ""The first is the expansion of economies and the rise in incomes in Asia and Africa,"" says IATA’s David Oxley. [...] While growth in mature markets like Europe and North America will be more incremental, with existing passengers flying more, China, India, and Indonesia will see more first-time fliers. Either way, that translates into demand for new planes, as established markets upgrade aging fleets and emerging markets grow their flight networks. Boeing has pushed production on its 737 line, which now completes 42 aircraft per month, but is expected to release 57 per month by 2019.",insufficient-neutral
HPV vaccine increases the risk of developing cervical cancer,"Previous studies have shown that the HPV vaccine is effective at reducing the risk of cervical cancer, however, there has been limited evidence linking it to a decreased likelihood of developing other HPV-related cancers since the introduction of the first version of the vaccine in 2006. [...] Previous research pertaining to HPV-vaccination has primarily focused on outcomes related to cervical cancer. It is the fourth most common cancer globally with about 660,000 new cases diagnosed annually with nearly 350,000 deaths per the World Health Organization. This study examines the HPV-vaccinated persons’ risk of developing cancers of the head and neck, anal areas, penis, vulva, vagina, and cervix. This study also aims to examine the HPV vaccine’s impact on need for surgical treatment of cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. [...] Females vaccinated for HPV had a lower risk of developing cervical cancer (7.4 cases per 100,000 vaccinated patients vs. 10.4 per 100,000 unvaccinated patients) and a lower risk of developing all HPV-related cancers compared to unvaccinated females (11.5 cases per 100,000 vaccinated patients vs. 15.8 per 100,000 unvaccinated patients). However, odds of developing head and neck cancers and vulvar or vaginal cancer were not significantly different in vaccinated females compared to those who had not received the vaccine.",refutes
“Individuals released from incarceration are 129 times more likely to die of a drug overdose during the first two weeks after release.”,"""In their first two weeks after release from incarceration, ex-convicts are 129 times more likely than the general public to die from a drug overdose. The Medicaid Reentry Act seeks to tackle the epidemics of opioid overdoses and recidivism after release from prison by resuming benefits for Medicaid-eligible individuals 30 days before they are released to avoid a gap in coverage,"" said Senator Braun. [...] ""Addiction doesn’t disappear behind bars, yet evidence-based addiction treatment is still too difficult to access for incarcerated individuals,"" said Paul H. Earley, MD, president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. ""During the first two weeks of reentry, people are 129 times more likely to die of a drug overdose and are at significantly higher risk of suicide, underscoring the need to ensure coordinated care during such a vulnerable time. We commend these bipartisan leaders for introducing the Medicaid Reentry Act and urge Congress to pass this critical legislation quickly in order to reduce the risk of overdose and ultimately save lives.""",supports
Shipki La is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Shipki La is a mountain pass and border post on the India-Tibet border. It is located in Kinnaur district in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India, and Tibet Autonomous Region in People’s Republic of China. Sutlej river enters India (from Tibet) through this pass. It is an offshoot of the ancient Silk Road. It is a border post for trade with China. The Shipki La pass is third Indian border post for business and trade with Tibetian people after the border post of Nathu La located in Sikkim, and the Lipulekh border post in Uttarakhand state of India. Shipki La pass is located very close to the village of Khab. Trade on the Shipki La Pass was re-established in 1993 after being shut in 1962 after Chinese attack. Trade has also been badly affected by flash floods. At present this border post Shipki is used mainly for the small-scale local trade just across the border. The Special Permit is given only to the local traders to go to Shipki La Pass to do cross border trade and Shipki La Pass is one of the three main Passes between India and China. This boarder is no more remained opened for nonresident people. In recent time travelers preferring to visit Tibet via land follow the route through Nepal. From year (2010), the Border Roads Organization (BRO) has been constructing a drivable way from the Indian side to join the tall pass.",insufficient-refutes
"Due to U.S. Senate rules, Democrats need ""more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade.""","What Would It Mean to Codify Roe v. Wade? [...] Takeaways - Codifying Roe v. Wade would mean passing a law that would affirm a pregnant person’s right to an abortion without undue interference - The most effective way to codify Roe v. Wade would be for Congress to pass a law, such as the Women’s Health Protection Act, that would be binding for all states. This act was passed in the House on September 24, but it is considered unlikely to pass in the Senate - Unless Roe v. Wade is codified, blue states will likely decide to codify Roe, while red states will continue to enact restrictions on abortion rights, like the 2021 Texas Abortion Law [...] Laskowski: Have Democrats proposed codifying Roe v. Wade before and why weren’t they successful?",insufficient-supports
The UUP’s manifesto for the 2022 Assembly election says there is a “persistent and unacceptable attainment gap at GCSE between Protestant and Catholic pupils entitled to free school meals and those not entitled to free school meals.”,"Data shows that in 2018-2019, 49.5% of FSME school leavers had at least five GCSEs including English and maths, compared to 78.5% of their non-FSME peers – a gap of 29 percentage points. In 2005-2006 the gap was 32.1pp, a difference of 3.1pp.",supports
Bluetooth headphones emit the EMF wave that increases cancer risk !!,"This picture, stating the critical harm of wireless Bluetooth, was widely shared on the internet. The picture contains a wireless headphone image beside the image of the human brain, leading the readers to feel that Bluetooth headphones affect our brains. Facebook Post | Archive Another Facebook post about the potential risk of cancer from Bluetooth […] [...] Another Facebook post about the potential risk of cancer from Bluetooth headphones. [...] The claim that the EMF wave in Bluetooth devices increases cancer risk is misleading since it lacks established evidence about the connection between Bluetooth headphones usage and cancer risk. Moreover, many guaranteed reports and Scientific studies have confirmed that Bluetooth headphones have no links to cancer risk.",refutes
“U.S. Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out for the men’s team.”,"On Oct. 21, 2023, SpaceXMania published an article claiming that former NCAA swimmer Lia Thomas had decided to swim with a men's team after facing ""extreme criticism."" Thomas, a transgender woman, become the first known trans athlete to win a Division I national championship in any sport in March 2022. [...] Breaking: Lia Thomas to Swim With A Men’s Team After Extreme Criticism In a move that has sent shockwaves through the world of competitive swimming, Lia Thomas has reportedly decided to join a men’s swim team after enduring relentless criticism surrounding her participation in women’s events. This decision is emblematic of the broader challenges and controversies that transgender athletes face and further intensifies the debate on gender, biology, and fairness in sports.",supports
Project 2025 mandates women carry “period passports” to “track their menstrual cycles” and “monitor pregnancies.”,"Those plans — and many more, including proposals to attack contraception access, use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to increase ""abortion surveillance"" and data collection, rescind a Department of Defense policy to ""prohibit abortion travel funding,"" punish states that require health insurance plans to cover abortion, and retool a law that is currently protecting pregnant women with life-threatening conditions — are outlined in Project 2025’s ""Mandate for Leadership."" Project 2025 is an initiative of the Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think tank that has helped staff and set the agenda for every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan. It describes Project 2025 as ""the conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025."" [...] Project 2025, meanwhile, is already pre-screening applicants for jobs in the next Republican administration, filtering out candidates based on their answers to a list of questions, including whether they agree or disagree with the statement: ""Life has a right to legal protection from conception to natural death.""",insufficient-contradictory
Contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for 3 years by the government in sectors employing large number of people.,"The third claim is that ‘contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for 3 years by the government in sectors employing large number of people’. [...] The scheme document of the Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana states that ‘in the Budget Speech 2016-17, it was stated that in order to incentivize creation of new jobs in the formal sector, Government of India will pay the Employee Pension Scheme contribution of 8.33% for all new employees enrolling in EPFO for the first three years of their employment. This will incentivize the employers to recruit unemployed persons and also to bring into the books the informal employees. In order to channelize this intervention towards the target group of semi-skilled and unskilled workers, the scheme will be applicable to those with salary up to Rs 15,000 per month. I have made a budget provision of Rs 1,000 crore for this scheme’. [...] Fact: Government of India will pay the full employer’s contribution (both EPF & EPS) of 12%. Hence, the claim is TRUE.",supports
Lake Victoria is a territory of Uganda,"1800 - Buganda controls territory bordering Lake Victoria from the Victoria Nile to the Kagera river. [...] 2005 April - Uganda rejects accusations made by DR Congo at the International Court in The Hague. DR Congo says Uganda invaded its territory in 1999, killing citizens and looting. [...] 2008 November - The leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, Joseph Kony, again fails to turn up for the signing of a peace agreement. Ugandan, South Sudanese and DR Congo armies launch offensive against LRA bases.",insufficient-neutral
French Guiana is a territory of France,"French Guiana is an overseas department of France, located on the northern coast of South America. Like the other French departments, French Guiana is an overseas region of France, one of 26 regions of France. As a part of France, French Guiana is thus part of the European Union's territory, and its currency is the euro. [...] French Guiana became an overseas department of France on March 19, 1946. The infamous penal colonies, including Devil's Island, were gradually phased out and then formally closed in 1951. At first, only those freed prisoners who could raise the fare for their return passage to France were able to go home, so French Guiana was haunted after the official closing of the prisons by numerous freed convicts leading an aimless existence in the colony. [...] French Guiana, as part of France, is part of the European Union, the largest part in area outside Europe, with one of the longest EU external boundaries. Along with the Spanish enclaves in Africa of Ceuta and Melilla, it is one of only three EU territories outside Europe that is not an island.",refutes
List shows settlements Donald Trump made to 10- to 13-year-old victims of child sex crimes.,"(1) Michael Parker, 10-years old, oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1992. Trump paid his parents a $3 million settlement. [...] (4) Rebecca Conway, 13-years old, intercourse and oral sex. Trump Vineyard Estates, Charlottesville, VA, 2012, $5 million settlement. [...] Of course, it's also possible to make accusations, claims, or demands against a party and reach settlement of them without resorting to filing lawsuits first. But that scenario would require us to believe, incredibly, that at least six different children between the ages of 10 and 13 reported that they had been raped by Trump, but not a single parent in any of those cases submitted a police report or criminal complaint, sought redress in civil court, or ever spoke publicly about their child's experience -- every single one of them simply approached Trump privately and demanded large sums of money from him to keep quiet, and he complied.",insufficient-refutes
"Based on the increase of solar activity during the twentieth century, it should account for between half to two-thirds of all climate change","If solar activity did play a significant role in recent changes in global temperatures, then those temperatures should have stayed roughly the same or even declined over the last decade. A paper from 2012 even predicted there would be a 1.0°C decrease in temperatures. Clearly this has not turned out to be the case. The hottest decade on record has coincided with the weakest solar cycle for over a century. Given this combination of factors, it is rather difficult to defend the position that solar activity is indeed responsible for present climate change without a radical shake up of the understanding of solar physics. In the graphs below we have attempted to correlate the number of sunspots with variations in global sea surface temperatures (taken from the Japan Meteorological Agency), and global surface temperatures (taken from GISTEMP data). [...] These observations of the present solar cycle make it very difficult to defend the position that solar activity is ultimately responsible for the world’s current warming trend. Instead they fit with the argument that human influences are responsible for a large amount of the recent increase in global temperatures.",refutes
The Guardian claimed that journalism charity Full Fact is “the only UK member of” Facebook’s fact-checking programme.,"Facebook’s fact-checking operation is launching in the UK, with the independent charity Full Fact selected to be the first British publisher to review and rate the accuracy of content on the social network. [...] Since its launch in the US, Facebook’s fact-checking programme has received mixed reviews. It has been praised for trying to tackle the spread of misinformation on the platform, and particularly for its decision to give fact-checkers’ findings real weight in its algorithmic promotion. However, it has been criticised for its unwillingness to pay for fact-checking, which relies on users to flag content to third parties, who then check the veracity of factual claims. [...] In the UK, Full Fact will initially be the sole fact-checking partner. Will Moy, the charity’s director, welcomed Facebook’s decision, saying: ""Fact-checking can take hours, days or weeks, so nobody has time to properly check everything they see online. But it’s important somebody’s doing it because online misinformation, at its worst, can seriously damage people’s safety or health.",supports
"“We’ve seen an 800% increase in the Swanton sector, which is the part of the northern border that I represent, in illegal crossings.”","The agency’s Swanton Sector in Vermont — covering parts of upstate New York and New Hampshire — requested a ""quick turnaround"" of agents from the already overwhelmed southern border to make their way north to volunteer for at least a month starting next week. [...] His sector said that the current fiscal year — which started in October — ""demonstrates an approximate 846% increase in encounters and apprehensions compared to the same period"" in the previous year. [...] The Swanton sector has seen families with young kids, even infants, crossing, and late last year provided life-saving aid in separate incidents in Vermont and upstate New York, Garcia said.",supports
"Oatmeal is the highest sprayed crop with pesticides, particularly glyphosate !!","A recent video circulating on social media platforms has sparked concerns by claiming that oatmeal, particularly the inorganic variety, is toxic to the body and can significantly reduce one's lifespan. The video suggests that oatmeal is among the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides, specifically mentioning glyphosate, a chemical that has been banned in several countries. The video warns viewers to avoid oatmeal unless in extreme survival situations, citing the detrimental effects of glyphosate on human health. Additionally, the presenter promotes a book titled ""The Herbal Tablets,"" which purportedly contains essential health information that can improve one’s well-being and longevity. [...] However, the claim that oats are the ""highest sprayed crop with pesticides"" is misleading. While oats do receive glyphosate treatment, many other crops, such as soybeans and corn, are also treated with glyphosate and may receive higher overall pesticide applications depending on the region and farming practices. Read more [...] In summary, the claims made in the viral video contain elements of truth but are presented in a misleading manner. While glyphosate is used on oats and has been linked to health risks in certain contexts, the levels found in food products are generally considered safe by regulatory bodies. The claim that oatmeal is one of the most pesticide-heavy crops and should be avoided entirely is an exaggeration not supported by the broader scientific consensus. Additionally, while glyphosate is banned in some countries, it remains widely used and regulated in many others.",insufficient-refutes
The UUP’s manifesto for the 2022 Assembly election says there is a “persistent and unacceptable attainment gap at GCSE between Protestant and Catholic pupils entitled to free school meals and those not entitled to free school meals.”,"Speech by UUP leader Doug Beattie MC at launch of 2022 Assembly Election Manifesto Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Doug Beattie MC 2022 Assembly Election Manifesto Launch [...] Click Here to view the Ulster Unionist Party 2022 Assembly Election Manifesto",insufficient-neutral
"""A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms""","Third of Antarctic ice shelf area at risk of collapse as planet warms More than a third of the Antarctic's ice shelf area could be at risk of collapsing into the sea if global temperatures reach 4°C above pre-industrial levels, new research has shown. [...] It found that 34% of the area of all Antarctic ice shelves—around half a million square kilometers—including 67% of ice shelf area on the Antarctic Peninsula, would be at risk of destabilization under 4°C of warming. Limiting temperature rise to 2°C rather than 4°C would halve the area at risk and potentially avoid significant sea level rise.",supports
There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”,President Joe Biden was the presumptive — not official — Democratic presidential nominee until he announced July 21 that he would be dropping out of the race. The official nominee will be chosen either in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention that starts Aug. 19 or at the convention itself. States set deadlines for receiving the names of presidential nominees so that ballots can be printed. Those deadlines are generally after the convention.,insufficient-refutes
Kinmen is a territory of Republic of China,"Kinmen, alternatively known as Quemoy, is a group of islands governed as a county by the Republic of China (Taiwan), only 10 km (6.2 mi) east from the city of Xiamen in Fujian, located at the southeastern coast of the People's Republic of China, from which they are separated by Xiamen Bay. Kinmen is also located 187 km (116 mi) west from the closest shoreline of the island of Taiwan across the Taiwan Strait. [...] The People's Republic of China (PRC, China) claims Kinmen as part of its own Fujian Province and considers Wuqiu to be a separate territory of Fujian apart from Kinmen itself; conversely, the ROC claims the Dadeng Islands (Tateng) as part of Kinmen, even though the PRC has effectively transferred the jurisdiction of those islands to Xiamen. [...] Cross-Strait relations [edit]In the controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has continuously claimed the territory of Kinmen County as part of its own Fujian Province, claiming the Kinmen Islands as a county of Quanzhou prefecture-level city.[90][91][22][92] The PRC claims the Wuqiu (Ockseu) Islands as part of Xiuyu District in Putian prefecture-level city.[93] Taiwan (Republic of China) claims the Dadeng (Tateng) Islands in Dadeng Subdistrict, Xiang'an District, Xiamen, Fujian as part of Kinmen County.[3][94][52]",supports
Bhutanese enclaves is a territory of People's Republic of China,"- The PRC’s claims over Bhutanese territory have expanded over the years, including recent large-scale construction in disputed valleys, which contradicts the 1998 agreement to maintain the status quo, challenging Bhutanese sovereignty and raising strategic concerns for India. [...] The PRC also tends to see Bhutan to some extent as a part of its own territory. In 1930, for instance, Mao Zedong claimed that Bhutan fell under ""the correct boundaries of China."" Official maps of the PRC released in 1954 and 1958 reflected Beijing’s expanding territorial claims in Bhutan, and in 1959, amid its annexation of Tibet, the pRC occupied eight Bhutanese enclaves in western Bhutan. [4] The bloody suppression of the Tibetan uprising and the flight of the 14th Dalai Lama and his followers left a deep impression on the Bhutanese. Accounts of Chinese atrocities on Tibetans who fled to Bhutan convinced them that the Chinese were ""out to destroy Buddhism and Buddhists"" (China Brief, April 20, 2017). Even the PRC’s most recent standard national map includes disputed Bhutanese territories as its own (People’s Daily App, August 28, 2023).",insufficient-contradictory
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.,"Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are now higher than at any point in our history. In fact, recent data reveals that global CO2 emissions were 182 times higher in 2022 than they were in 1850, around the time the Industrial Revolution was underway.1 [...] Related: 4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country and Sector [...] 1 CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas and short-term action on methane and other short-lived pollutants are essential to address climate change. CO2 represents about three-quarters of annual emissions and estimates are available starting from 1850, allowing us to explore a longer history of carbon dioxide emissions.",insufficient-refutes
"30,000 rupees is provided towards tuition fee and 20,000 as contingency allowance.",An infographic published by the government on the 48-month portal makes claims regarding scholarship to persons with disability. Here is a fact check of these claims.,insufficient-neutral
purports Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is enacting a bill that would require bloggers to register with the state,The bill would require bloggers who write about elected state officials to register with the Florida Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics. A spokesperson for DeSantis denied his support for the bill in an email to Check Your Fact.,refutes
"A soup made of garlic, onions, thyme, and lemon can replace the flu shot and cure other illnesses such as the common cold and norovirus","The flu vaccine is the most effective method for preventing serious complications or illness caused by the influenza virus. While ingredients like garlic, onion, thyme, and lemon possess antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, there is limited evidence to suggest that they prevent or eliminate viral infections. “Natural” remedies actually recommended by medical professionals to accelerate recovery from viral infections are sleep and hydration.",insufficient-contradictory
Flu shots spread the flu,"Why Your Flu Shot Matters Now More Than Ever With flu and other respiratory viruses circulating at the same time, getting a flu shot will help provide you with added protection against viral illness. Getting the vaccine means you have a lower chance of getting the flu and passing it to others, including those who are at higher risk for getting hospitalized or dying. Fewer hospitalizations from flu helps reduce strain on our healthcare system. The flu vaccine is safe and effective. Take control of your health and help protect others, too. [...] Many health insurance plans cover flu shots as part of a wellness plan. Check with your provider for coverage. Flu vaccine can be found at area pharmacies, community health clinics, and many providers. Below are some additional resources for low cost/free flu shots. Check their website or call for the latest information.",refutes
"Chilli Prices were Rs 12000 per quintal then, now is Rs 3000 to Rs 4000 per quintal","Uttam Kumar Reddy said that the chilli farmers were justified in holding a protest seeking supportive price for their produce. Instead of intervening on the issue to bail out distressed farmers, Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao crushed their agitation using intimidating tactics. ""KCR wrongly implicated poor chilli farmers in a fake case. The innocent farmers were immediately arrested and sent to jail. Today the Chief Minister crossed all limits by ordering the police to produce the arrested farmers before the court hand-cuffed. This is the height of arrogance of power,"" he said. [...] Uttam Kumar Reddy reiterated the demand that the State Government immediately procure the chilli by paying Rs. 12,000 per quintal. He warned the TRS Government of serious implications if it continues to neglect the farmers of Telangana State. ""KCR remained a mute spectator to suicide by more than 3,000 farmers. TRS Government did nothing when farmers lost four consecutive crops and when a favourable monsoon increased their production in Rabi season, they were denied remunerative prices. Congress party will not tolerate this injustice with farmers and will launch mass agitation,"" he announced.",insufficient-supports
Ford made this pride commercial in 2023,"Ford’s latest campaign, Built Ford Proud, celebrates the greater community of drivers who have broken the mold, driven, innovation, and defied stereotypes for nearly 120 years. It showcases actor Sydney Sweeney, stunt driver Dee Bryant, and professional surfer Kai Lenny. Erica Martin, Ford Marketing Communications Manager, said Built Ford Proud has always been about the immense pride the brand feels for its vehicles and the employees who build them. ""Today, we are putting the spotlight on the drivers, because who they are, and what they accomplish with our vehicles, is a huge part of what makes this brand special. [...] The Built Proud campaign draws a clear distinction about a company that invented ""how to build"" speaks honestly and proudly about Ford’s cars and trucks, and positions the brand uniquely suited to take on the future.",supports
"Oatmeal is the highest sprayed crop with pesticides, particularly glyphosate !!","In summary, the claims made in the viral video contain elements of truth but are presented in a misleading manner. While glyphosate is used on oats and has been linked to health risks in certain contexts, the levels found in food products are generally considered safe by regulatory bodies. The claim that oatmeal is one of the most pesticide-heavy crops and should be avoided entirely is an exaggeration not supported by the broader scientific consensus. Additionally, while glyphosate is banned in some countries, it remains widely used and regulated in many others.",refutes
"claims American author Agatha Christie said, ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started.""","Are you the same way? Just think how much work we could get done if we actually worked constantly! Since that seems impossible, especially at the beginning of new pieces, here’s some writing advice from Agatha Christie and Anne Lamott to get things moving. [...] Writing tip: Agatha Christie says you need only get started in order to get ahead. Why? Because getting started will build momentum, and before you know it the article or poem is half written, or the book outline is finished. Just get started, even if you only have 15 minutes.",insufficient-supports
Donald Trump wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act.,"""MAGA Republicans have tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act more than 50 times, and Trump is still determined to do it,"" Biden said May 19 in Detroit. ""In his words, he wants to ‘terminate’ the Affordable Care Act, which would deny 3 million Black Americans health insurance, deny protections for preexisting conditions for millions more Americans. But we’re going to deny Trump."" Biden has made similar statements in speeches, interviews and ads and has featured clips of Trump calling the ACA, also known as Obamacare, a ""disaster"" and saying that Trump ""wants to terminate it."" Former President Barack Obama signed the ACA into law in 2010. [...] Biden said Trump wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act.",insufficient-supports
Pencil Packing Work-From-Home Opportunities For Nataraj Pencils!,"Natraj Pencil packing job Work from Home | Natraj packing job [...] To apply for the Natraj Pencil packing job from home, visit the company’s website or contact their designated recruitment channel. The application process typically involves submitting an online form or completing a brief interview. [...] The Natraj Pencil packing job from home is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking a flexible and rewarding work arrangement. With no prior experience required, this job is open to anyone with basic dexterity, attention to detail, and the ability to work independently. Embrace the convenience of working from home and start earning an income while enjoying a balanced lifestyle.",insufficient-supports
62% of income received by farmers in Northern Ireland comes from the European Union.,"This claim is accurate. The average payment received from the EU (£27,648) in 2016-17 represented 62.4% of total farm income (£44,305). This ratio fluctuates with market prices; it ranged between 52% and 71% during 2012-13 to 2016-17. [...] During the BBC Radio Ulster’s Nolan Show on 5 February 2019, two guests debated the percentage of farmers’ income that is coming from Brussels. Jane Morris, former Head of the European Commission Office in Northern Ireland, said that more than 80% of farmers’ income in Northern Ireland is coming from EU cheques: ""under the common agricultural policy for farmers … over 80% of their whole revenue monthly comes from the European Union"" (16:19). Former UKIP Northern Ireland leader David McNarry counter-claimed ""it is actually somewhere about 62%"" (17:30). [...] DAERA annually publishes a statistical report on Northern Ireland farm incomes. These reports include average net farm incomes, as well as direct payments coming from the European Union (under the Basic Payment Scheme). In 2016-17, the average net income per farm was £16,387. The average additional payments received from the EU was £27,648 per farm. Thus, 62.4% of the total farm income (£44,305) came from EU payments. This substantiates McNarry’s statement.",supports
“those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life”,"The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines authorized for use were found to be safe and effective in clinical trials and real-world conditions. A professor in Ireland baselessly claims in a video circulating on social media that they are not, and that those who get the vaccines will die as a result within several years. [...] ""And I would say anyone who gets the mRNA injection, no matter what age you are, your life expectancy will be reduced to you know die, if you’re in your 30s, within five to 10 years,"" continues Cahill, a professor at the medical school at the University College Dublin who has previously come under criticism for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. [...] While Cahill’s claims about supposed long-term effects of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines aren’t rooted in evidence, there is support for the fact that COVID-19 itself can result in long-term health effects.",insufficient-refutes
"claims Thomas Jefferson said, ""Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.""","How to Stop Breaking Your Own Rules ""Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."" — Thomas Jefferson We often set goals for ourselves and unless we get the results we are looking for, we stop seeing the point. We can follow a rule or a habit for a while, but long term, it’s hard to keep something going when results are low. I am guilty of this, but I’ve learned ways to keep myself going toward a goal with a bit of mental gymnastics. It’s easy to learn and easy to implement. You just have to know what to think.",supports
“The CBO says (the Build Back Better Act) is $3 trillion of deficit spending.”,"As currently written, the Build Back Better bill would add about $158 billion to deficits over 10 years. Major spending would go to child care and child tax credits, among other things. Republicans asked the Congressional Budget Office to estimate what would happen if temporary programs in the bill were extended through all 10 years. The bill being considered in the Senate sets time limits on those programs. It would be up to a future Congress to determine whether to change those limits.",insufficient-refutes
claims Sen. Mitt Romney has purportedly 'resigned in disgrace',"There is no evidence supporting the claim. Romney recently announced he would not be seeking re-election in 2024, however, according to The Associated Press.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that novelist George Orwell once said, ""People sleep peacefully in their Beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.""","""We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us."" [...] - Alternative: ""We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."" [...] - Actual source: Quote Investigator found the earliest known appearance in a 1993 Washington Times essay by Richard Grenier: ""As George Orwell pointed out, people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."" The absence of quotation marks indicates that Grenier was using his own words to convey his interpretation of Orwell's opinion, as seen in citations below.",refutes
“Most of the victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by [...] wearing masks”,"The claim: A study co-authored by Dr. Anthony Fauci found Spanish flu victims died from pneumonia caused by mask-wearing. [...] ""And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by... wait for it, wait for it... wearing masks."" [...] We rate this claim FALSE because it is not supported by our research. Dr. Anthony Fauci and colleagues did write a 2008 paper determining victims of the 1918 Spanish flu died from bacterial pneumonia brought on by the flu. Masks are not mentioned anywhere, whether as source for the bacteria or otherwise.",refutes
More people have travelled in airplanes than in AC trains for the first time,"By 2009, the amount of people who flew a commercial airliner in the previous year had risen to 39.85 percent in the Omnibus Household Survey. Gallup polls give numbers that are a little higher. In 2012, 52 percent of respondents said they had flown at least once in the past year, the highest number in a decade. Of course, these are only U.S. flyers, and for many parts of the world, information is even scarcer. A consumer survey conducted by Credit Suisse First Boston in 2004 found that 47 percent of respondents in eight large Chinese cities had ever flown in an airplane. Air travel is on the rise in China, as well as in other parts of Asia and Latin America. ""As gross domestic product increases the number of trips per capita increases,"" Heimlich says, citing numbers produced by airplane manufacturers. ""What they show is, to a point, air travel increases exponentially. Places with large populations like China and India are of great interest."" [...] What’s not clear from these statistics is whether more people were flying, or the same people were flying more often, or both. It seems likely that the percentage of global citizens who have ever flown is growing, and will continue to grow. We just don’t have the data to back it up.",insufficient-supports
Most likely the primary control knob [on climate change] is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.,"""No. Most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in,"" Perry said in the June 19 interview. [...] Perry misidentified climate change’s main ""control knob,"" but he’s not the first Trump administration department head to fudge the facts on our warming planet. [...] Energy Secretary Rick Perry said, ""Most likely the primary control knob (for the earth’s temperature) is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.""",insufficient-refutes
ABC has canceled 'The View',"A post shared on Twitter claims ABC has canceled talk show ""The View"" due to low viewership. Canceled: ABC Removes ""The View"" From Its 2024 Roster: ""Nobody Watches Anymore"" [...] There is no evidence ABC has canceled ""The View."" The claim stems from a satirical website.",refutes
Macau is a territory of Republic of China,"Macau (traditional Chinese: 澳門 simplified Chinese: 澳门) is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. Located across the Pearl River estuary from Hong Kong, Macau was until 1999 an overseas territory of Portugal. One of the world's most densely populated spots, Macau generates more revenue from gambling than anywhere else on the planet, including more than seven times the revenue generated by ""The Strip"" in Las Vegas. [...] Macau has a separate immigration regime from mainland China and Hong Kong. All travelers from mainland China and Hong Kong and all foreign countries have to go through immigration and customs checks on arrival in Macau. Therefore, if you want to reenter Mainland China from Macau, you will have to re-apply for another Chinese visa unless your existing one is a multiple entry visa. While Hong Kong and likewise Macau are officially part of the People's Republic of China, don't let this cause confusion, as they are still designated as SAR or Special Administrative Regions operating under their own immigration controls, currencies and autonomous governments. Furthermore, an entry permit to Hong Kong is not valid in Macau and vice versa. [...] Use caution with US carriers offering overseas plans, as Macau is considered a separate country from China or Hong Kong. Some plans, such as Verizon's TravelPass, do not include Macau.",supports
"Milwaukee's Marcus Performing Arts Center – where 'The Daily Show' had been scheduled – “was originally located in the ‘soft perimeter,’ they called it, security-wise” but “was shifted, understandably so, to the ‘hard perimeter.’”","Because of the attempt on Trump’s life, Stewart said, the Marcus Performing Arts Center – where they were supposed to host the show – ""was originally located in the ‘soft perimeter,’ they called it, security-wise"" but ""was shifted, understandably so, to the ‘hard perimeter.’"" [...] Stewart claimed that the Marcus Performing Arts Center, where his team was set to tape episodes of ""The Daily Show"" during the RNC, was originally located in the ""soft"" security perimeter but ""was shifted, understandably so, to the ‘hard perimeter.’"" Though there were questions at the time ""The Daily Show"" pulled out of the trip to Milwaukee about whether the security perimeter would change, it did not ultimately change. The Marcus Center was not and still is not inside the ""hard perimeter"" as Stewart claimed.",refutes
"By subjecting water to immense pressure and directing it through a minuscule nozzle, it can effectively cut through the hardest materials, including rocks, metals, bulletproof glass, and even diamonds","While pure waterjet cutting can be used to cut softer materials, abrasive waterjet cutting is required to cut through harder substances such as metals and ceramics. This is because abrasive particles like garnet or aluminium oxide are added to the high-pressure water stream, which increases the cutting force and allows for effective cutting of hard materials. Therefore, the claim made in the post that water alone can cut through the hardest materials, including rocks, metals, bulletproof glass, and diamonds, is MISLEADING.",refutes
Lunchinda-Pweto Province is a territory of Zambia,Lunchinda-Pweto Province - DRC and Zambia,insufficient-neutral
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a territory of Argentina,"Terrain most of the islands are rugged and mountainous rising steeply from the sea; South Georgia is largely barren with steep, glacier-covered mountains; the South Sandwich Islands are of volcanic origin with some active volcanoes [...] Country name conventional long form: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands conventional short form: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands abbreviation: SGSSI etymology: South Georgia was named ""the Isle of Georgia"" in 1775 by Captain James COOK in honor of British King GEORGE III; the explorer also discovered the Sandwich Islands Group that year, which he named ""Sandwich Land"" after John MONTAGU, the Earl of Sandwich and First Lord of the Admiralty; the word ""South"" was later added to distinguish these islands from the other Sandwich Islands, now known as the Hawaiian Islands [...] South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (UK)-Argentina: Argentina, which claims the islands in its constitution and briefly occupied them by force in 1982, agreed in 1995 to no longer seek settlement by force",supports
"Michelle Obama called country music ""intellectually devoid"" and ""music for morons.""","President Obama salutes country music (CBS/AP) President Obama turned the White House into a country music hall on Monday, filling the East Room with Dierks Bentley, Alison Krauss, Lyle Lovett, Kris Kristofferson, Darius Rucker, James Taylor, The Band Perry, Lauren Alaina and Micky. [...] The president told guests that country music tied together many threads of the nation's immigrant heritage, from the Irish fiddle, the German dulcimer, the Italian mandolin, the Spanish guitar and the West African banjo. [...] In 2009, first lady Michelle Obama created a White House music series that has celebrated jazz, country, classical, Motown and Latin music. She has also arranged salutes to Broadway, the music of the civil rights movement and to Judith Jamison, an Alvin Ailey dancer and artistic director.",insufficient-refutes
the new coronavirus has HIV proteins that indicate it was genetically modified in a laboratory.,"Whether SARS-CoV-2 was introduced through a laboratory accident or whether it has been genetically manipulated is highly debatable. After a thorough analysis of the genetic characterizations of SARS-CoV-2 from both the early and later stages of the pandemic, as well as its close relatives from wild animals, many researchers in the global scientific community have reached the consensus that SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to have escaped a laboratory and there is no scientific evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been genetically manipulated10. However, the exact spillover event and emergence process of SARS-CoV-2 is still unclear, and more information from the earliest stage of the epidemic is clearly important to understand how SARS-CoV-2 came into contact with people. [...] Li, X. et al. A furin cleavage site was discovered in the S protein of the 2019 novel coronavirus [in Chinese]. Chin. J. Bioinform.18, 103–108 (2020).",insufficient-refutes
HPV vaccine increases the risk of developing cervical cancer,"Falcaro, M. et al. The effects of the national HPV vaccination programme in England, UK, on cervical cancer and grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia incidence: a register-based observational study. Lancet398, 2084–2092 (2021). [...] Lei, J. et al. HPV vaccination and the risk of invasive cervical cancer. N. Engl. J. Med.383, 1340–1348 (2020). [...] Hildesheim, A. et al. HPV co-factors related to the development of cervical cancer: results from a population-based study in Costa Rica. Br. J. Cancer84, 1219–1226 (2001).",insufficient-neutral
Sea level rise could reach six or seven feet by the year 2100.,Continuing greenhouse gas emissions growth could result in a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (20 inches) to as much as 1 or 2 meters (3.3-6.6 feet) by the year 2100.,supports
Gilgit-Baltistan is a territory of Pakistan,"Gilgit-Baltistan is an administrative territory of Pakistan that borders the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the west, Azad Kashmir to the southwest, Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan to the northwest, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China to the north, and the Indian-administered region of Jammu and Kashmir to the south and south-east. [...] - ^ Bangash, Yaqoob Khan (2010), ""Three Forgotten Accessions: Gilgit, Hunza and Nagar"", The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 38 (1): 117–143, doi:10.1080/03086530903538269, S2CID 159652497 - ^ Yaqoob Khan Bangash (2010) Three Forgotten Accessions: Gilgit, Hunza and Nagar, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 38:1, 132, DOI: 10.1080/03086530903538269 - ^ Yaqoob Khan Bangash (2010) Three Forgotten Accessions: Gilgit, Hunza and Nagar, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 38:1, 137, DOI: 10.1080/03086530903538269 - ^ Bangash, Yaqoob Khan (9 January 2016). ""Gilgit-Baltistan—part of Pakistan by choice"". The Express Tribune. Retrieved 5 January 2017. [...] - ^ ""Pakistan | Gilgit–Baltistan autonomy"". Dawn.Com. 2009-09-09. Archived from the original on September 12, 2009. Retrieved 2010-06-05.",refutes
A circular in the name of AICTE talks about scrapping the 75% attendance rule for the engineering course.,"Circular scrapping 75 per cent attendance rule was fake, confirms AICTE ""First of all, we would not issue such a circular. Secondly, whoever is behind this should be caught as they have misused and forged AICTE logo as well as the national emblem,"" said AICTE chairman. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has recently issued a public notice confirming that the circular regarding scrapping of 75 per cent attendance rule was fake and mischievous. [...] As per media reports, the 'fake circular' in question which was addressed to ""all Directors/Principals of AICTE approved institutions"" was named 'Scrapping of 75 per cent Attendance Rule and introducing Vocational Projects.""",refutes
"Social media ads propagating a downloadable variant of Google’s AI chatbot, Bard","Following the recent launch of Google Bard on 10 May 2023, a flurry of advertisements (here and here) have emerged on social media promoting a ‘downloadable version’ of Google’s AI chatbot. These posts provide a link to what they claim is this downloadable version. This article looks at the authenticity of these claims. [...] These advertisements purport that the provided link offers access to a downloadable version of Google Bard AI. However, considering that Bard is an AI chatbot accessible via a web browser or as a Chrome extension, it’s ill-advised to download any content from such unverified and potentially unsafe sources. The provided link redirects to a website with a URL entirely different from the official Bard AI website, and it hosts a downloadable .EXE file, which could be a form of malicious software. Moreover, there’s a lack of trustworthy online information that corroborates the existence of a downloadable version of Bard AI. In fact, news reports (here and here) warn that cybercriminals are exploiting compromised verified (and unverified) social media accounts to bait users into downloading malware.",refutes
Drone-Operated Mobile Toilets In China!,"Fact Check: Not a royal flush! AI pic viral as Chinese app-based mobile drone toilet [...] ""China has developed a mobile drone toilet that can be requested via an app remotely,"" claimed several tweets featuring a photo of a pristine white portable toilet fitted with propellers, sitting in the middle of what looks like a public park. The archived version of one such tweet can be seen here. [...] Shared on May 15, 2023, this post featured several other designs of similar mobile drone toilets. In these posts, Mulloor made it clear that these designs were made using Midjourney, a generative artificial intelligence program that generates images from ""prompts"", similar to OpenAI's DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.",refutes
George Soros is banned from several countries,There is no evidence for the claim. A Soros spokesperson told PolitiFact that Soros is not banned from the countries.,refutes
"In an open letter written by Dr. Devi Shetty, he called on people to gather at the Governor’s residence of each state with a petition to oppose the recently proposed health care service tax which he labels as a ‘Misery tax’","When I did a 100 heart operations in 1989, I knew it was possible to start a revolution in cardiac surgery: Dr Devi Shetty [...] Theatre of life: Dr Devi Shetty When Devi Shetty was just 14 years old, something remarkable happened in the world of medicine. Christiaan Barnard, a South African cardiac surgeon, performed the world’s first human-to-human heart transplant operation, and the patient lived for 18 days. Shetty, who was studying in a school in Mangalore, Karnataka, was so awed by the development that he decided he would become a heart surgeon. That ambition was reinforced by the respect he saw in people’s eyes for doctors in his town. ""They looked at doctors as if they were gods,"" he recalls.",insufficient-neutral
“Bill Gates’ shoddily-hastened vaccine has been determined to make all animal test subjects get COVID-19 when exposed to the virus“,"Bill Gates on vaccine equity, boosters, climate, his foundation and Epstein meetings [...] Europe, Gates Foundation pledge funds to provide COVID-19 vaccines for poor nations [...] Go Deeper bill gates covid covid vaccine",insufficient-neutral
Orange River is a territory of South Africa,"The Orange River (from Afrikaans/Dutch: Oranjerivier) is a river in Southern Africa. It is the longest river in South Africa. With a total length of, the Orange River Basin extends from Lesotho into South Africa and Namibia to the north. It rises in the Drakensberg mountains in Lesotho, flowing westwards through South Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. The river forms part of the international borders between South Africa and Lesotho and between South Africa and Namibia, as well as several provincial borders within South Africa. Except for Upington, it does not pass through any major cities. The Orange River plays an important role in the South African economy by providing water for irrigation and hydroelectric power. The river was named the Orange River in honour of the Dutch ruling family, the House of Orange, by the Dutch explorer Robert Jacob Gordon. Other names include simply the word for river, in Khoekhoegowab orthography written as !Garib, which is rendered in Afrikaans as Gariep River with the intrusion of a velar fricative in place of the alveolar click,[2] Groote River (derived from Kai !Garib) or Senqu River (used in Lesotho), derived from ǂNū ""Black"".[3] It is known in isiZulu as isAngqu.[4]",insufficient-neutral
George Soros is banned from several countries,"Is billionaire and liberal philanthropist George Soros banned in six countries? A social media post made this claim and compared it with his status in the United States. Soros ""is banned in Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Philippines,"" an April 19 Instagram post read, using his image and an expletive in place of Soros’ name. ""Ask yourself why six major countries have banned this traitor and not the USA where he continues to fund a communist insurrection."" [...] Check Your Fact, FACT CHECK: Has George Soros Been Banned From Six Countries?, Oct. 2, 2020",insufficient-neutral
Blank COVID-19 vaccine safety inserts show there are no safety and effectiveness studies for these vaccines,"COVID-19 vaccines went through clinical trials to determine their effectiveness and safety before they were authorized for use. The Nuremberg Code is a set of ten principles defining legitimate medical research. However, the Code doesn’t apply to medical interventions that were already tested in clinical trials and shown to be safe and effective, like the COVID-19 vaccines.",insufficient-refutes
Business rates on Main Street in Larne are the same as Regent Street in London.,"A SMALL business trading from modest premises in a town like Larne can expect to pay up to three times more in rates than if operating in London, a new report claims. [...] Larne businessmen Tom and Paul McMullan are now demanding that the NI Affairs Select Committee at Westminster conducts an inquiry into business rates in Northern Ireland and have lobbied MP Sammy Wilson in support of their campaign over ""ridiculously high"" rates, which also has the backing of industry bodies like Retail NI and Hospitality. [...] ""So at the £5,000 and £12,000 NAV data points, the London business escapes all liability for business rates while on the other hand the Larne business will have to pay a rates bill of £2,402 and £6,149 respectively.",insufficient-supports
"ongress President Rahul Gandhi and his party leaders Shatrughan Sinha, Navjot Singh Sidhu and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee are in the same pic with Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan and its Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa","An image of Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan interacting with the country’s army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa is being circulated on social media. Congress leaders Shatrughan Sinha and Navjot Singh Sidhu, West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee and Congress president Rahul Gandhi can also be seen in the photograph, sitting in a corner. From the account of an individual user Devaraj Kotla, the photograph has 4,200 shares. It has been circulated with the caption – ""ನೀವು ಕಾಂಗ್ರೆಸ್ ಗೆ ಮತ ಹಾಕಿದರೆ ಪಾಕಿಸ್ತಾನ ಕ್ಕೆ ಮತ ಹಾಕಿದ ಹಾಗೆ.ಚಿತ್ರ ನೋಡಿ ಪಾಕಿಸ್ತಾನ ದ ಪರ ಗುಲಾಮರು ಮೂಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇಗೆ ಕುಳಿತಿದ್ದಾರೆ,"" which roughly translates to, ""If you vote for Congress, you will be able to vote for Pakistan. Look at the picture, how are the slaves of Pakistan sitting in the corner."" [...] The image was photoshopped by Twitter user @Atheist_Krishna who had posted it on April 5 with the caption – ""बालाकोट में मारे गए आतंकवादियों के सबूत जुटाने पाकिस्तान पहुंचा विपक्ष। (Opposition reaches Pakistan to gather evidence for the death of terrorists in Balakot)"" – which suggests that he took a sarcastic jibe at the opposition leaders. The tweet was retweeted over 7,000 times.",refutes
"The next electoral canvass in Northern Ireland must be completed before 2023, ten years after the 2013 canvass.","Electoral register canvass to begin A canvass for personal details for the new electoral register ahead of the next European elections in Northern Ireland will begin on Saturday, it was revealed. [...] A new register is published each year by the electoral office for Northern Ireland. Each eligible person has to complete an individual form and give details of their name, address, date of birth and national insurance number.",insufficient-neutral
"Recent Study Shows How Sunscreen Causes Cancer, Not the Sun","Exposure to UV radiation is a well-established risk factor for skin cancer. There is strong scientific evidence showing that sunscreen helps to reduce the risk of skin cancer, although many factors can influence the effectiveness of sunscreen in preventing skin cancer, such as genetic risk factors and the manner in which sunscreen is used (e.g. amount applied, re-application over time). The claim that sunscreen causes cancer is not supported by scientific evidence.",refutes
"“If you look at the hospitalizations at Ruby Memorial in West Virginia, and around the country, 90% to 95% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated.”","Ruby Memorial Hospital confirmed that at the time of the remark, about 90% to 95% of those hospitalized for COVID-19 were unvaccinated. Nationally, statistics from the CDC published both before and after her comment broadly support those percentages.",supports
Naf River is a territory of Bangladesh,"The Naf River (Bengali: নাফ নদী Naf Nodi IPA: [naf nod̪i]; Burmese: နတ်မြစ် [naʔ mjɪʔ]; Rakhine: နတ်မြစ် [nɛ́ mràɪʔ]) is an international river marking the border of southeastern Bangladesh and northwestern Myanmar.[1] [...] - June 2012 — thousands of Rohingya Muslims fleeing sectarian violence in Rakhine State sought refuge across the Naf River in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh,[7][8] though they were often escorted back by Bangladeshi troops.[9][10] On 11 July 2012, Burmese President Thein Sein suggested expelling the Rohingya people from Myanmar or having the UN relocate the 300,000 Rohingya people living in Myanmar, a policy the UN quickly rejected.[10] - August 2017 — The Border Guard Bangladesh station chief of the Ghumdum border post in Bangladesh accused Myanmar's military of firing on fleeing Rohingyas crossing the Naf River. An AFP reporter counted more than a dozen mortar shells and several heavy machine gun rounds fired by Burmese security forces on the fleeing Rohingyas.[11]",insufficient-neutral
Chief Justice John Roberts visited Jeffrey Epstein's private island.,"There’s no evidence Chief Justice John Roberts is in the viral picture. The photo was taken in the Dominican Republic, not on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island. There’s no credible evidence that a ""John Roberts"" listed in Epstein’s flight logs is the chief justice, or that the chief justice had a personal relationship with Epstein.",refutes
"Over the last 4 years, almost one crore houses have been constructed in rural and urban India.",The government published an infographic titled ‘New momentum for new India’ on the 48-months portal. It makes two claims regarding construction of houses and distribution of LED lights. The following article is a fact check of these claims.,insufficient-neutral
Sipilou is a territory of Guinea,"Sipilou is a town in the Tonkpi Region in the Mountain District. It is a border town located in the West of Côte d'Ivoire, 6 km from Guinea, 65 km from the Department of Biankouman and 700 km from Abidjan. [...] Sipilou has an area of 8700 ha. The people of Sipilou of the Yacouba ethnic group belong to the Dan group. They are said to have come from neighbouring Guinea and Liberia. The authentic name of Sipilou is Sikpipleu in the Yacouba language, which means ""the village of Sikpi"" who was the founder. By transformation Sikpipleu becomes Sipilou. This locality was conquered by the emperor Samory Touré and his Sofa from Guinea. Samory Touré spent several months there, creating an inter-ethnic mix between the inhabitants of Guinea and those of Sipilou. Some of the Yacouba of Sipilou have relatives in Guinea known by the ethnic name Cônon.",supports
claims the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a UFO on its livestream,"NASA live feed mysteriously cuts as ""six large UFOs"" creep past International Space Station, prompting some lofty internet conspiracy theories. CONSPIRACY theorists have claimed strange footage allegedly taken from NASA’s live feed from the International Space Station appears to show six large ""UFOs"" floating past. The live video shows objects, which some claim to be UFOs, moving from right to left of the screen.",supports
"In an open letter written by Dr. Devi Shetty, he called on people to gather at the Governor’s residence of each state with a petition to oppose the recently proposed health care service tax which he labels as a ‘Misery tax’","A social media post containing an open letter allegedly written by Dr. Devi Shetty opposing a proposed 5% service tax on healthcare in the recent budget is being shared on social media. This letter also calls out to people to assemble at the Governor’s house of each state at 11 am on 12 March with a petition to roll back the tax. Let’s know the details behind this letter in this fact-checking article. [...] We performed a reverse image search on the image to learn more details about the letter. This search led us to two blog posts (here and here) from March 2011, which contained the same letter. One of those two posts mentions that Dr. Devi Shetty issued this open letter to the people of India urging them to ‘observe 12th March 2011 as ‘Misery Day’. The letter also opposed the Union Government’s proposal to impose an additional 5 per cent service tax on healthcare provided by the private hospitals. He called this new proposed tax as ‘Misery Tax’. We then looked for relevant news articles regarding this and found the related information. Reportedly, in 2011, the then Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee proposed to levy a service tax of 5% on the healthcare services provided by hospitals with 25 or more beds with central air conditioning facilities. This proposal received a negative response from the healthcare industry. Opposing this Service Tax, Dr Devi Prasad Shetty, chairman of Narayana Hrudayalaya, wrote an open letter (here and here) calling it a ‘Misery tax‘.",insufficient-refutes
There is a new ‘Brothers-in-Arms’ mural in Belfast depicting a partnership between the UDA and the DUP.,There is no ‘Brothers-in-Arms’ UDA-DUP mural in Belfast.,refutes
List of Israeli Products to Boycott!!,"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Yesterday, the Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer of the Florida State Board of Administration (SBA), Ash Williams, notified Governor DeSantis that Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever has been added to Florida’s List of Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel. On July 22nd, Governor DeSantis sent a letter to Mr. Williams requesting that the SBA initiate the process of placing Ben & Jerry’s and its parent company Unilever on the list following the company’s announcement that it would remove its products and prohibit the sale of its ice cream in Judea and Samaria. If a company does not cease its boycott of Israel within 90 days of being placed on the list, it becomes subject to an investment prohibition and the State of Florida will not contract with the company or its subsidiaries. [...] Governor DeSantis will continue to call for all companies that seek to boycott or divest from the State of Israel to be placed on the State of Florida’s List of Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel. By implementing these measures against Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever, the State of Florida is seeking to deter any other woke corporation that might consider doing the same.",insufficient-supports
Earth about to enter 30-YEAR ‘Mini Ice Age’,"Earth Is About To Enter A 30-Year ‘Mini Ice Age الأرض ستدخل عصرا جليديا مصغرا لمدة 30 عاما Earth is bracing for a solar minimum: a dormant period in which the Sun radiates less energy or heat at our planet than usual. Scientists have warned that as a result of the Sun’s inactivity, Earth is likely to witness a ‘mini ice age’ that could bring extreme winters and chilly cold storms over the next 30 years. According to NASA, the Sun will reach its lowest activity in over 200 years in 2020. As it further goes into its natural hibernation phase, Earth will experience extremely cold spells which will trigger food shortages across the planet. The average temperatures could drop as much as one degree Celsius in a period lasting about 12 months. That might not sound a lot but a whole degree fall would have a significant impact on global average temperatures.",supports
mages showing the technological upgrades in the Indian Railways before and after the BJP government in the country,"A collage of images is being shared on social media claiming it to be pictures comparing the technological advancements in the Indian Railways before and after the BJP government in the country. The first photo shows railway staff cleaning a platform manually using mops, whereas, the second picture shows the staff using machinery for sweeping the platform. Comparing the pictures, this post claims it as the testimony of ‘Ache Din’ in the country. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: Both the pictures shared in the post were taken in 2020 during the BJP government in the country. The first picture shows railway staff cleaning a platform at the Howrah Junction railway station after the nearly seven-week lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020. The other photo shows the staff cleaning a platform of Asansol railway station, as part of the ‘Swachhta Saptah’ in August 2020. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] To sum it up, these photos do not show the state of Indian Railways before and after the BJP government in the country.",refutes
Ungar-Too is a territory of Kyrgyzstan,"The Ungar-Too (also: Ungar-Tepe) is a mountain located on the Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan border, which has been a cause of tension between the two countries. There is an important relay station on the mountain, which is of great importance for Kyrgyz telecommunications service providers. Overall, development of the Ungar-Too mountain is limited to six antenna masts and a few smaller buildings. [...] The Uzbek presence on the mountain remained for the time being and was increased to 20 people at the beginning of September 2016. The occupation of the Ungar-Too was also used as leverage in other acute issues, but bilateral negotiations initially remained unsuccessful. The four Kyrgyz workers were held in a police station in Yangikurgan.[4] The diplomatic efforts eventually led to the release of the prisoners and the evacuation of the mountain on 18 September.[5]",insufficient-contradictory
Kuki tribes living in Manipur came from the Burma (Myanmar) as refugees and were later granted ST (Scheduled Tribe) quota in India in 1968,"The central argument we put forward for those ‘hate mongers’ and the public is that the Kukis of Manipur are indigenous peoples of the state and not refugees or foreigners, as we are made to believe. There are ample historical and archaeological evidences to indicate the Kukis lived in their current area and state since time immemorial. As imagined by some groups, they did not enter Manipur (the present colonial boundary of Manipur); the annexation of the northern part of their ancestral domain, the southern mountains of Manipur (roughly present Pherzawl, Churachandpur, Chandel and Tengnoupal districts), into Manipur (Kangla) kingdom in the 19th century make them to be part of Manipur’s ‘subjects’. Unlike other hill tracts, the annexation of Kuki ancestral land into Manipur was made by sacred covenants signed by the Kuki chiefs and the Maharaj of Manipur in a most solemn manner. They were the covenants of peace and friendship which governed the relationship between the Kukis and the Kangla kingdom. It was under these covenants that the Kukis had sincerely served the Kangla kingdom until India’s independence, not as coolies and beggars but as warriors with their blood and iron.",insufficient-neutral
Under the new criminal laws electronic messages can be used as evidence in court.,"Like social media posts and other forms of digital communication, text messages can be used as evidence in court and can be instrumental in the outcome of both criminal and civil cases. [...] Text messages can be used to prove wrongdoing or support a defense position in a wide variety of court cases, ranging from family law matters like divorce and child custody to personal injury lawsuits to criminal trials. [...] In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in June to overturn Roe v. Wade, concerns are on the rise about the potential use of text messages, location data, and other digital information to punish people who discuss or search for information about access to abortion services. In the past, text messages have been used as evidence on a number of occasions against women facing criminal charges related to the end of their pregnancies.",insufficient-supports
41% of those living with HIV in Northern Ireland are heterosexual.,"Number living with HIV in Northern Ireland rises 10% [...] The annual HIV in Northern Ireland report highlighted a continuing rise in new HIV diagnoses, up by 3%, from 80 in 2010 to 82 in 2011. [...] Gay men are the group still most at risk of acquiring HIV within the UK, while the majority of heterosexual cases are acquired abroad.",insufficient-neutral
"""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt.""","However, in the 1990s we began to test our luck, not to mention that of the countries we told to follow our example, and we continue to test that luck. We have put ourselves deep in debt, not to finance productive investments but, rather, to finance wasteful projects: in the 1980s empty office buildings; in the 1990s fiber-optic systems that will not see light for years, and software that has interfered with business productivity rather than enhancing it; today a tax cut that disproportionately benefits the rich, fueling a consumption extravaganza that, though it may have prevented a greater slowdown, has not provided the foundations for future economic growth. It is still not clear how much of the private so-called investment of the 1990s was sheer waste; but even if we consider that only a fraction of the erosion in stock values is attributable to bad investments, the figure must be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.",insufficient-supports
"Ten-Foot-Tall Giant Skull Found In Pahiyangala Cave, Sri Lanka !","Based on the lack of credible sources, official denials from relevant authorities, inconsistencies in attributions, and misuse of images, it is evident that the claims of a 10-foot-tall giant skull found in Pahiyangala Cave are unsubstantiated and fabricated.",refutes
"Says Gov. Tony Evers ""wanted to increase your taxes by $1 billion just for heating your homes Instead, Republicans cut your taxes by more than $2 billion.""","Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Andrew Hitt ""Tony Evers tried to raise taxes by $1 billion in his proposed budget, so it is laughable that he is now taking credit for Republicans’ tax cut. We applaud Wisconsin Republicans for putting forward a historic budget with transformative tax cuts that will put more money in the pockets of Wisconsin families despite Tony Evers’ tax increase in his proposed budget."" [...] ""Governor Evers proposed raising taxes by more than $1 billion to fund his tax-and-spend budget. Instead, the Legislature listened to Wisconsinites and passed the most conservative spending plan in a generation including tax cut of more than $3 billion. [...] ""In particular, Governor Evers proposed raising taxes by $1 billion in his original budget wish list. He now gets to reverse course and take credit for the Republican budget which will cut taxes by over $3 billion.",insufficient-supports
Aves Island is a territory of Venezuela,"Isla de Aves ([ˈisla ðe ˈaβes]; Spanish for ""Island of Birds"" or ""Birds Island""), or Aves Island, is a Federal Dependency of Venezuela. It has been the subject of numerous territorial disputes (now resolved) with the United States (through the Guano Islands Act of 1856), neighboring independent islands, such as Dominica, and European mother countries of surrounding dependent islands, such as the Netherlands, or the United Kingdom. [...] Isla de Aves was included in Venezuela's territorial reorganization done by President Joaquín Crespo in 1895. By 1905, Isla de Aves was a municipality called ""Municipio Oriental"" part of Colón Federal Territory. [...] During a visit to Venezuela, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in June 2006, stated that Aves Island belongs to Venezuela, unofficially ending the territorial claim.",refutes
"“Vitamin D3 is radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform”, “Vitamin D3 IS RAT POISON !!”, “D levels are low because of lack of light and high vitamin A diets.”","A Facebook reel posted in May 2024 referred to vitamin D3 supplements as ""rat poison"", calling them ""radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform"". It also asserted that vitamin D levels are only low due to lack of sunlight and ""high vitamin A diets"" and that only vitamin D3 from the sun is safe. The reel was viewed more than 403,000 times at the time of writing. [...] Vitamin D3 supplements aren’t ""radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform"" [...] Torrens’ description of vitamin D3 supplements as ""radiated sheep’s wool and chloroform"" is inaccurate. The process of artificially synthesizing vitamin D3 parallels the process that occurs in the human body upon exposure to sunlight. Specifically, it involves UV irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol derived from lanolin—a waxy substance extracted from sheep wool. Lanolin is also used in creams to treat skin irritation due to breastfeeding. Neither sheep wool nor chloroform are ingredients in artificial vitamin D3.",insufficient-refutes
Interview of Bill Gates where he was accused of stealing Microsoft Software and making money by promoting COVID-19 vaccines,"A video of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates being interviewed by a journalist has gone viral. In the video, the journalist accuses Gates of stealing Microsoft software and promoting COVID-19 vaccines to make billions. She grills him with tough questions, and the interview ends abruptly after Gates appears frustrated. Let’s check the veracity of the video. [...] Fact: This viral video was created using DeepFake Technology. In the original video, uploaded on ABC News (Australia) YouTube channel on 31 January 2023, Gates was questioned on climate change, COVID-19 conspiracy theories, rise of Artificial Intelligence, etc. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] After watching the entire video, we discovered that the anchor never asked Gates the questions seen in the viral video. Instead, she asked him about a range of other topics, including climate change, COVID-19 conspiracy theories, Elon Musk buying Twitter, Gates’ association with Jeffrey Epstein, his philanthropic activities, and the rise of artificial intelligence.",refutes
Lough Foyle is a territory of United Kingdom,"Lough Foyle is a disputed territory between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom; after the Partition of Ireland in the early 1920s, each side claimed that it was in their own territory. Although this dispute is still ongoing, there are currently no negotiations as to its ownership. The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) underlined its view on 2 June 2009 that all of Lough Foyle is in the United Kingdom, a spokesperson stating: 'The UK position is that the whole of Lough Foyle is within the UK. We recognise that the Irish Government does not accept this position...There are no negotiations currently in progress on this issue. The regulation of activities in the Lough is now the responsibility of the Loughs Agency, a cross-border body established under the Good Friday Agreement.' In November 2016, James Brokenshire, MP, the UK's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, reiterated the UK's view that all of Lough Foyle is in the UK, whilst Charles Flanagan, TD, the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that the Republic of Ireland did not recognise Britain's claim to the entirety of Lough Foyle.",insufficient-contradictory
"Human-produced carbon might be one of the factors [of climate change], but there’s simply no evidence that it is a significant one.","Human-induced climate change is something that has been happening for many years and Western countries, like the UK, have played a big role in contributing to carbon emissions over the past 200 years. This means that only looking at who the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases are today is an oversimplification of a very nuanced topic. [...] Let’s be clear, CO2 itself does not cause problems. It's part of the natural global ecosystem. The problem is the quantity of CO2 that’s being produced by us as humans; there hasn’t been this level of CO2 in the atmosphere for thee million years.[2] [...] We’re already seeing the devastating effects of climate change on global food supplies, migration, conflict, disease and global instability, which will only get worse if we don’t act now. Human-made climate change is the biggest crisis of our time. It threatens the future of the planet that we depend on for our survival and we're the last generation that can do something about it.",refutes
Under the new criminal laws electronic messages can be used as evidence in court.,"Under the new criminal laws, electronic records are designated as primary evidence, whereas under the old laws, electronic evidence was generally regarded as ‘secondary evidence’ unless the device itself was produced in court. There have been numerous instances where courts considered electronic records such as WhatsApp messages as evidence under the old criminal laws. Hence, the claim made in the post is PARTLY TRUE.",supports
Over half of the residents in Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are living in poverty.,"This claim is inaccurate. 25.1% of people in Fermanagh and Omagh lived in relative and/or absolute poverty, from 2012-15. The claim was corrected by the Fermanagh Herald on 6 February 2019.",refutes
purports 156 House Republicans voted to raise the retirement age for Social Security to 70,"""If you only retweet ONE thing today, let it be this list of 156 House Republicans who voted to raise the retirement age for Social Security to age 70,"" reads the tweet. ""Don't let them get away with it. Make sure EVERYONE knows."" [...] The post’s claim came after Social Security Works, an organization that fights to expand Social Security, tweeted on Feb. 13 that ""156 House Republicans released a plan to raise the retirement age to 70."" [...] - Linda Benesch, March 7, Email exchange with USA TODAY - Miranda Dabney, March 7-13, Email exchange with USA TODAY - USA TODAY, April 22, 2022, Fact check: Post exaggerates benefits for members of Congress - Republican Study Committee, accessed March 10, FY2023 Budget - Republican Study Committee, accessed March 10, Membership - Congressional Research Service, Aug. 8, 2019, Retirement Benefits for Members of Congress -, accessed March 10, H.R.6489 - Social Security Reform Act of 2016 -, accessed March 10, Congressional Record Vol. 168, No. 105 - Social Security Administration, accessed March 10, Retirement age - VERIFY, March 9, No, 156 Republicans didn’t vote to raise the age for Social Security to 70 -, March 6, Liberal Group’s Meme Mentions Nonexistent GOP Vote to Raise Social Security’s Retirement Age",supports
purports to show Jeffrey Epstein and Ted Kaczynski at a boys summer camp together,"The original photo, taken at Interlochen Arts Camp in 1967, has been uploaded to the image-sharing website Smug Mug. Although Epstein did attend the camp, according to the Daily Beast, Kaczynski was already in high school in 1958, a Wikipedia image shows.",insufficient-refutes
Hindus who wish to express their support for the Uniform Civil Code should give a missed call to ‘9090902024’ before 06 July 2023,"Update (08 July 2023): The Law Commission of India has also issued a disclaimer notice stating that certain phone numbers circulating on social media, which are erroneously linked to the Uniform Civil Code, are not associated with them. Individuals can express their views on the Uniform Civil Code by visiting the website of the Department of Legal Affairs or by sending an email to the Law Commission of India.",refutes
"Thai princess “most likely a victim of the jab”, Thailand “could become the first country in the world to nullify the contract between the government and Pfizer”","FULL CLAIM: Thai princess ""most likely a victim of the jab"", collapsed ""days after receiving her booster shot""; Thailand ""could become the first country in the world to nullify the contract between the government and Pfizer"" On 15 December 2022, Princess Bajrakitiyabha of the Thai royal family collapsed into a coma and no news of her health has been shared since then. In January 2023, retired microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi claimed in an interview posted on Rumble that the princess’ collapse was due to COVID-19 vaccines and that Thai officials were considering canceling the vaccine supply contract with Pfizer. [...] In summary, official statements attributed the princess’ collapse to a bacterial infection, not the COVID-19 vaccines. No proof to the contrary has been brought forth by Morris or Bhakdi. Official statements also confirmed that Thailand wasn’t planning to void its contract with Pfizer.",refutes
"More than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities.",The BJP government has published an infographic on the 48- months portal that makes four claims about welfare & benefits to pregnant women. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
"A “zapper” can kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses; it cures all diseases","Dr. Hulda Clark conducted a great deal of research, testing millions of frequencies, to identify an exact ratio effective for eliminating harmful organisms. The result of that research is the zapper and the associated technique of zapping. The process uses a low-voltage device set at a specific frequency to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites. [...] The zapper is the device that was researched, designed, and evented by Dr. Hulda Clark. The machine is designed to kill parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds, and even fungi using electrical charges. When used appropriately, the mechanism eliminates viruses and bacteria within a mere three minutes; tapeworms, roundworms, and flukes in five minutes; and mites in seven. [...] Essentially, the benefits of zapping center on the elimination of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. However, the system is more developed to meet those needs.",insufficient-supports
Navassa Island is a territory of United States,"- Navassa Island is a small, uninhabited territory of the United States with unique biodiversity and a rich maritime history. It’s a haven for researchers and a nesting site for seabirds, but access is highly restricted. [...] Navassa Island is an unincorporated territory of the United States. Navassa Island, located in the Caribbean Sea, is a small, uninhabited island that is considered an unincorporated territory of the United States. As such, it falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. federal government.",refutes
Ford made this pride commercial in 2023,"The post is miscaptioned. The commercial was actually created in 2022, predating Bud Light’s partnership with Mulvaney.",refutes
David Gareja monastery complex is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Because the complex is partially located on the territory of Azerbaijan, it has become subject to a border dispute between Georgia and Azerbaijan, with ongoing talks since 1991.[5] Georgian monks at the monastery say that ""they see the dispute as the result of Soviet scheming to undermine relations between Christian Georgians and Muslim Azerbaijanis.""[1] Giorgi Manjgaladze, Georgia's deputy foreign minister proposed that Georgia would be willing to exchange other territory for the remainder of David Gareja because of its historical and cultural significance to the Georgians.[1] Baku disapproves of this land swap because of David Gareja's strategic military importance.[6] ""There is no room for territorial exchange. There are no negotiations over this issue,"" stated Azerbaijan's deputy foreign minister Khalaf Khalafov.[1] In April 2007, Khalafov told a press conference in that it was ""out of the question"" for Georgia to ""give up its claims to the borderlands"" including David Gareja.[1] He then made a controversial statement that the monastery ""was home to the Caucasian Albanians, who are believed to have been the earliest inhabitants of Azerbaijan.""[7] This prompted a response from Georgian foreign minister Gela Bezhuashvili.",insufficient-contradictory
"HPV vaccines are ineffective and cause side effects including autoimmune and neurological disorders, based on VAERS reports","Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can be spread by skin-to-skin contact, often through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. While many HPV infections are eventually cleared by the body’s immune system, certain types of HPV can cause cancers of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, or back of the throat. HPV vaccination, combined with regular cervical cancer screenings, can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.",insufficient-contradictory
Sapodilla Cay is a territory of Belize,"The Sapodilla Cayes (Spanish: Cayos Zapotillos)[3] is an uninhabited atoll in the Gulf of Honduras, in the Toledo District of Belize. They are administered by Belize, but Guatemala claims that the Belize–Guatemala maritime boundary is northwest of the cayes.[4] Honduras also lays a claim to the Sapodilla Cayes in its 1982 constitution.[3] [...] Marine reserve [edit]Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve is a national protected marine reserve declared over the Sapodilla Cayes. It was established in 1996 and is administered by the Fisheries Department of Belize.[5] [...] References [edit]- ^ Belize Tourism Board. ""Sapodilla Cayes Marine Park"". Travel Belize. Retrieved 3 September 2011.",insufficient-supports
Dokdo/Takeshima is a territory of Japan,"Some Japanese scholars, however, dispute the conclusion of the Grand Council of State and interpret its edict differently. The Takeshima Research Center (竹島問題硏究所), an official arm of Shimane Prefecture, has been at the forefront in contending that Dokdo/Takeshima is a Japanese island. It claims that what is called ""another island (外一島)"" in the decision of the Grand Council of State did not refer to Matsushima (Dokdo/Takeshima). Because some Japanese people called Ulleungdo ‘Matsushima’, ""another island"" in the Grand Council’s decision thus refers to Ulleungdo, not Dokdo/Takeshima. The Takeshima Research Center then tries to read Grand Council’s edict: ""The island (Ulleungdo) which sometimes is called Takeshima and sometimes called Matsushima is not Japan’s territory.""72 In other words, ""Takeshima and another island"" refer to Ulleungdo by two different names, not to Takeshima and Dokdo/Takeshima. This interpretation can only be seen as a tortured reading of the text that defies common sense. Why would the Grand Council of State specifically state ""another island"" simply to repeat Takeshima (Ulleungdo)?",insufficient-contradictory
Former Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar along with his wife met Narendra Modi to show his support for BJP in the General Elections-2019.,"Many Facebook users are sharing a post with the picture of Sachin Tendulkar and his wife with Narendra Modi. In the post, it is claimed that Sachin Tendulkar has met Modi to show his support for BJP in the General Elections-2019. Let’s try to analyze the claims made in the post. [...] Fact: The picture in the post is the one taken in the context of Sachin Tendulkar briefing Modi about the release of his biopic ""Sachin: A Billion Dreams"". So, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. On doing Google Reverse Image search, the picture in the post was found to be the one taken during the meeting of Sachin Tendulkar and his wife with Narendra Modi, to give information about his then-upcoming movie ""Sachin: A Billion Dreams"". ‘AajTak’ has published an article regarding the same on May 19, 2017. There was no mention regarding Sachin’s support to BJP anywhere in it.",refutes
An African President shared is support for Trump after he was arrested,"A simple check of a few news sites is a sure-fire way to verify that Mr Trump hasn't been arrested or even indicted - at least, not yet. If and when Mr Trump does face charges, his arrest will make headline news all around the world. And you can imagine the media flurry if the former president were to somehow flee from police.",refutes
Ingwavuma is a territory of Eswatini,"The Ngwavuma is a river in Eswatini and KwaZulu-Natal Province in southern Africa. It is also known as the Inguavuma, Ingwavuma, Ingwovuma, and Nggwavuma, and is one of the five major rivers in Eswatini. It arises in southwestern Eswatini and flows eastward. It is a tributary of the Pongola River. The principal towns in Eswatini along the Ngwavuma are Nhlangano and Nsoko.",insufficient-supports
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA cannot be broken down; COVID-19 vaccines cause excess death and unprecedented blood clots,"As reported globally and domestically, COVID-19 vaccines can produce serious side effects related to blood clots in the body which urges the temporary discontinuation of certain vaccines in some countries. Up to the present, blood clots in the veins associated with vaccines have been reported in different parts of the body, such as the brain, thigh and lower leg. In rare cases, blood clots can systemically travel to the vessel in the lung, causing blood clots in the lung (pulmonary embolism.) The cause of unusual blood clots or thrombosis chiefly involves the activation of immune system that acts against the platelets, resulting in low levels of platelets in the blood and leading to undesired blood clot formation in the body. This is, as already published on The New England Journal of Medicine, not a new adverse reaction caused by COVID-19 vaccines. ( In fact, it is also a possible complication during the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, blood clots associated with COVDI-19 vaccines rarely happen, only 50-60 cases reported among 50-60 million administered doses.",insufficient-contradictory
"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines aren’t vaccines, according to court ruling","""The Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human,"" a robotic voice narrates. ""Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the owner of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent because they have their own genome."" [...] The Supreme Court did not rule that anyone who received an mRNA vaccination is now a non-human patent. The claim stems from a misreading of a 2013 Supreme Court ruling that had nothing to do with mRNA vaccines and predated the COVID-19 pandemic. [...] And the ruling had nothing to do with the mRNA technology used in some COVID-19 vaccines, it was about synthetic complementary-DNA constructs, said Jorge Contreras, director of the program on intellectual property and technology law at the University of Utah, as well as the author of ""The Genome Defense: Inside the Epic Legal Battle to Determine Who Owns Your DNA.""",insufficient-refutes
Kuki tribes living in Manipur came from the Burma (Myanmar) as refugees and were later granted ST (Scheduled Tribe) quota in India in 1968,"An image of a letter dated 1968 is currently being widely shared on social media platforms, claiming to show that the Kuki tribes living in Manipur came from the neighbouring country Burma (Myanmar) as refugees and were later granted ST (Scheduled Tribe) quota in India in 1968, allowing them to enjoy various advantages and perks. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: The letter does not mention the entire Kukis in Manipur as refugees. Previous letters related to the viral letter indicate that the District Commissioner of Manipur was implementing the humanitarian aid provided by the Indian Government to the Kukis of Myanmar, who were forced to flee to Manipur in 1967 during the Khadawmi operation in Myanmar. Moreover, the Kuki tribes were granted the ST status in India as early as 1950 and and they have existed in the Manipur kingdom for many centuries. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.",refutes
Kafia Kingi is a territory of Sudan,"Address: Kafia Kingi (a territory on the border of Sudan and South Sudan whose final status has yet to be determined). [...] In April 2015, Salim departed Kafia Kingi to retrieve a shipment of tusks. In May, Salim participated in the transport of 20 pieces of ivory from DRC to Kafia Kingi. Around the same time, Ali met with the merchants to purchase supplies and to plan a future meeting to conduct additional transactions and to agree to terms of purchase on the LRA's behalf for what is assessed to be the ivory that Salim was escorting. [...] Address: a) Kafia Kingi (a territory on the border of Sudan and South Sudan whose final status has yet to be determined) b) Central African Republic",insufficient-neutral
Mount Everest During Winter !!,"The viral image on social media does not depict the world’s tallest mountain peak, Mt.Everest. It is a slightly modified version of a photo captured by Greg Von Doersten on a glacier area in Haines, Alaska.",refutes
"India’s longest road tunnel, the Chenani – Nashri tunnel in Jammu is constructed","At 9.2 km, the 'Chenani-Nashri Highway Tunnel' is the longest road tunnel in the country and is located at an elevation of 1200 meters. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the highway tunnel today. [...] - The 'Chenani-Nashri Highway Tunnel' is not only India's longest highway tunnel but also Asia's longest bi-directional highway tunnel. [...] Last Updated on April 2, 2017 # Chenani-Nashri Highway Tunnel# India's longest tunnel# Longest Tunnel# Jammu and Kahsmir# Prime Minister# Narenda Modi# Auto Industry",supports
"IOC Requests Against Filling Fuel Tanks To The Maximum Limit, Due To Rising Heat In SL!","Social media is abuzz with viral claims that the Indian Oil Company (IOC) warns people against filling their fuel tanks to the maximum level due to the rise in atmospheric temperature currently being experienced in Sri Lanka. [...] Our investigation found that IOC had not released any advisory statement warning the public against filling their vehicle fuel tanks to the maximum limit. The message was viral a few years ago in India, too. IOC clarifies that they had not issued any such advisory, and it’s perfectly safe to fill the fuel tanks to the maximum level indicated by the manufacturer, irrespective of whether it`s summer or winter. [...] Title:IOC Did NOT Request to Refrain from Filling Fuel Tanks to the Maximum Limit, Due to The Current Hot Weather in SL!",refutes
"The coronavirus has seen a “big surge in New Zealand. It's terrible. We don't want that.""","Coronavirus: How New Zealand relied on science and empathy [...] During the next two weeks of lockdown, New Zealand saw a steady decline in the number of new cases. To date, it has had 12 deaths, and has confirmed that on average each infected person is passing the virus to fewer than one other person. [...] Key to New Zealand's response to Covid-19, Dr Wiles argues, was that the prime minister and government visibly put people's health first, whereas other countries which delayed imposed social distancing measures for fear of the economic damage are now having a much harder time controlling the virus.",insufficient-neutral
Babies under six months shouldn’t drink water as it can result in health risks,"Breastfeeding is recommended by numerous health agencies for providing the necessary nutrition and antibodies to a growing infant. Water isn’t necessary for babies to drink, and giving it to them can lead to overhydration and health effects such as nutrition deficiency, electrolyte imbalances, and in severe cases, hyponatremia, a condition that can cause seizures, coma, and death.",supports
"“Classified documents can never be taken out of a (sensitive compartmented information facility), ever.”","Referring to Biden’s handling of materials with classified markings, Fitzpatrick cited his experience as an FBI special agent and a federal prosecutor, and said: ""Classified documents can never be taken out of a SCIF, ever."" [...] Moss said classified documents, no matter their level, ""cannot simply be removed and taken outside of any secured space without complying with security protocols."" However, he called Fitzpatrick’s characterization of the process an ""oversimplification."" [...] This is exaggerated. SCIFs must be used when documents with the highest-level classifications have to be reviewed. But even the most highly classified documents can be taken out of a SCIF, as long as specific precautions are taken that ensure similar levels of security.",refutes
“Violent crime was up under Donald Trump.”,"After dropping the first three years of Donald Trump’s presidency, violent crime rose in 2020, his final year in office. The increase was big enough to erase those collective decreases. The violent crime rate in Trump’s final year in office was still slightly lower than it was during the final year of his predecessor, President Barack Obama. Experts said it’s wrong to pin the blame for rising violent crime solely on Trump. The spike was caused by a confluence of the coronavirus pandemic and societal upheaval after George Floyd’s 2020 murder.",supports
"China “had the largest naval fleet in the world. They had 370 ships. They'll have 400 ships in two years. We won't even have 350 ships in two decades.""","""China has built up their military at a scary pace,"" Haley said in Derry, New Hampshire. We won’t even have 350 ships in two decades."" [...] Haley’s campaign did not respond to an inquiry for this article. The Pentagon’s 2023 China Military Power Report said China’s navy had about 370 warships. The fleet is expected to grow to 395 ships by 2025 and 435 ships by 2030. [...] Haley said China ""had the largest naval fleet in the world. We won’t even have 350 ships in two decades.""",supports
"Udeshika Prabodini, A Female Cricket Player Is Very Poor Financially !!","The claims circulating on social media about Udeshika Prabodini’s financial struggles and her use of public transportation are unfounded. Prabodini’s family is well-equipped with vehicles, and her choice is public transport as she does not favour driving vehicles.",refutes
James Shoal is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The PRC cannot lawfully assert a maritime claim â including any Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claims derived from Scarborough Reef and the Spratly Islands â vis-a-vis the Philippines in areas that the Tribunal found to be in the Philippinesâ EEZ or on its continental shelf. Beijingâs harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development within those areas is unlawful, as are any unilateral PRC actions to exploit those resources. In line with the Tribunalâs legally binding decision, the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal, both of which fall fully under the Philippinesâ sovereign rights and jurisdiction, nor does Beijing have any territorial or maritime claims generated from these features. [...] The PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to (or derived from) James Shoal, an entirely submerged feature only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia and some 1,000 nautical miles from Chinaâs coast. James Shoal is often cited in PRC propaganda as the âsouthernmost territory of China.â International law is clear: An underwater feature like James Shoal cannot be claimed by any state and is incapable of generating maritime zones. James Shoal (roughly 20 meters below the surface) is not and never was PRC territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from it.",insufficient-refutes
All students studying Business Management at Seton Hall University in the USA are obligated to study Bhagavad Gita,"A post circulating on social media claims that all students studying Business Management at Seton Hall University in the USA are obligated to study the ancient Hindu Scripture Bhagavad Gita. Further, the post also questions the absence of a similar course within the Indian educational system. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: ‘The Journey of Transformation,’ the first course in Seton Hall University’s core curriculum, includes not only the Bhagavad Gita but also religious texts from diverse traditions such as Christianity, Hebrew, Greek, and others. Furthermore, it is evident that the Bhagavad Gita has been integrated into the curriculum of various Indian universities and is also referenced in NCERT textbooks at the school level. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. Upon conducting an internet search to gather more information, we discovered media reports (here & here) regarding this matter. According to these reports, Seton Hall University, a prominent Catholic university located in New Jersey, made the study of the Bhagavad Gita compulsory for all students starting in 2008. The university aimed to introduce a transformative course that would profoundly impact the character and lives of its students.",insufficient-refutes
Government has provided for integrated development and management of fisheries with an outlay of Rs. 3000 crores.,"Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries (Blue Revolution) is the name of an integrated / umbrella scheme covering all existing schemes related to fisheries. This scheme was approved by Union Cabinet in December 2015 and the total outlay is of Rs. 3000 Crore for five years. [...] - National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and all its activities - Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture - Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations - Strengthening of Database & Geographical Information System of the Fisheries Sector - Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Sector - Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) and other need-based Interventions. [...] The scheme with its multi-dimensional activities, focuses mainly on increasing production and productivity from aquaculture and fisheries resources, both inland and marine. The scheme is intended to utilise most of the unutilised fisheries resources keeping in view the overall sustainability, bio-security and environmental concerns.",supports
"A “zapper” can kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses; it cures all diseases","Hulda Regehr Clark (18 October 1928 in Rosthern, Saskatchewan – 3 September 2009 in Chula Vista, California)[1][2] was a Canadian naturopath, author, and practitioner of alternative medicine. Clark claimed all human disease was related to parasitic infection, and also claimed to be able to cure all diseases, including cancer and HIV/AIDS, by ""zapping"" them with electrical devices which she marketed.[3] Clark wrote several books describing her methods and operated clinics in the United States. Following a string of lawsuits and eventual action by the Federal Trade Commission, she relocated to Tijuana, Mexico, where she ran the Century Nutrition clinic. [...] - Parasites: Clark said people have parasites that cause numerous problems. She described herbal and electronic methods to remove them, such as her Zapper device (see below). [...] - Zapper: A device to pulse low voltage direct current (DC) through the body at specific frequencies. Clark said this device kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. In one case, a patient with a cardiac pacemaker suffered arrhythmias as a side effect of her ""Zapper"".[18]",insufficient-refutes
Northern Ireland Government contingency plans for COVID-19 include turning Dundonald Ice Bowl into a morgue to store bodies temporarily. A common extension is that the SSE (Odyssey) Arena has also been earmarked as a contingency morgue.,Covid-19: Northern Ireland's major milestones [...] But how did we get here? We take a look at the major milestones in Northern Ireland's response to Covid-19. [...] The public soon got used to Covid press briefings at Stormont with First and Deputy First Ministers Arlene Foster and Michelle O'Neill.,insufficient-neutral
"“One quarter” of today’s $31.4 trillion federal debt “was accumulated in the four years of my predecessor,” Donald Trump.","Joe Biden stated on January 20, 2023 in a speech at the White House: ""One quarter"" of today’s $31.4 trillion federal debt ""was accumulated in the four years of my predecessor,"" Donald Trump. Joe Biden stated on September 18, 2022 in an interview with CBS' ""60 Minutes"": ""This year, it's going to be over $1.5 trillion (that we’ve) reduced the debt."" Glenn Grothman stated on May 21, 2022 in Newsletter: ""Nearly 60% of all student loan debt is held by the rich and upper-middle class,"" so forgiveness would give the wealthy a ""financial windfall"" but not really help low-income people. Joe Biden stated on May 10, 2022 in remarks at the White House: ""My Treasury Department is planning to pay down the national debt this quarter, which never happened under my predecessor."" Abby Finkenauer stated on December 9, 2021 in a tweet: Chuck Grassley was ""voting to slash Medicare"" when voting against the debt ceiling bill. Joe Biden stated on October 4, 2021 in a speech: ""Raising the debt limit is usually a bipartisan undertaking."" Nikki Haley stated on June 28, 2021 in a Facebook post: ""The national debt is now bigger than our economy. [...] Joe Biden stated on January 20, 2023 in a speech at the White House: ""One quarter"" of today’s $31.4 trillion federal debt ""was accumulated in the four years of my predecessor,"" Donald Trump.",insufficient-supports
Speech and language disability and specific learning disability have been added for the first time.,"For the first time since 1980 (i.e., DSM-3), the DSM-5 integrated Specific Learning Disorders under one label instead of retaining the separate disorders: reading disorder, writing disorder, and mathematics disorder. There is considerable variability both within and between these classifications, a lack of isolated neural deficits [49], high rates of comorbidity [26]. Given these and the dimensional framework of the DSM-5, the decision was to have one single category for Specific Learning Disorder, but to use specifiers to capture the developmental course and severity of various manifestations at the time of assessment [56]. Specifiers are not mutually exclusive, which means manifestations across academic domains can be captured within a single diagnosis. One of the most common manifestations of Specific Learning Disorder is dyslexia, a difficulty mapping letters with the sounds of one’s language in order to read printed words typically resulting from a deficit in the phonological component of language [20]. In the DSM-5, dyslexia is suggested as an alternative term for problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities.",insufficient-contradictory
Scarborough Shoal is a territory of Philippines,"The tribunal also ruled on the legality of activities of Chinese officials and Chinese vessels in the areas of the South China Sea located within the Philippines’ EEZ and CS. It concluded that China breached the provisions of UNCLOS, in particular by (a) temporarily prohibiting fishing in areas of the South China Sea falling within the Philippines’ EEZ, (b) failing to prevent Chinese vessels from fishing in the Philippines’ EEZ at Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal and (c) preventing Filipino fishermen from engaging in traditional fishing at Scarborough Shoal. Regarding China’s construction of artificial islands, installations and structures at Mischief Reef – a LTE which is part of the Philippines’ EEZ and CS – without the authorisation of the Philippines, the tribunal also found China to have violated UNCLOS. [...] Scarborough Shoal is a disputed territory claimed by China, Taiwan and the Philippines. Since the 2012 Scarborough Shoal standoff, access to the shoal has been restricted by China. Scarborough Shoal forms a triangle-shaped chain of reefs and rocks with a perimeter of 46 km. It covers an area, including an inner lagoon, of 150 km2. The shoal’s highest point, South Rock, measures 1.8 m above water during high tide.",insufficient-contradictory
Arroyo de la Invernada is a territory of Uruguay,"Arroyo de la Invernada (Arroio Invernada) / [...] Arroyo de la Invernada (Arroyo de la Invernada) is a stream (class H - Hydrographic) in Uruguay (general), Uruguay (South America) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 165 meters above sea level. Arroyo de la Invernada is also known as Arroio Do Maneco, Arroio Invernada, Arroyo Invernada, Arroyo de Invernada, Arroyo de la Invernada, Maneco.",refutes
Contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for 3 years by the government in sectors employing large number of people.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes 3 claims about labour welfare under the present government. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
Aluminum in vaccines causes neurological damage and autism,"Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are serious multisystem developmental disorders and an urgent global public health concern. Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in ASD. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the potential to induce neuroimmune disorders. When assessing adjuvant toxicity in children, two key points ought to be considered: (i) children should not be viewed as ""small adults"" as their unique physiology makes them much more vulnerable to toxic insults; and (ii) if exposure to Al from only few vaccines can lead to cognitive impairment and autoimmunity in adults, is it unreasonable to question whether the current pediatric schedules, often containing 18 Al adjuvanted vaccines, are safe for children? By applying Hill's criteria for establishing causality between exposure and outcome we investigated whether exposure to Al from vaccines could be contributing to the rise in ASD prevalence in the Western world.",insufficient-supports
“Coronavirus quickly spread around the world as early as October 2019”,"COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. This virus was first identified in December 2019 and quickly spread around the world. Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness. Most people recover in a few weeks, but some people are sick for a long time or die from this disease.",insufficient-neutral
“The state of Washington has already sent out their ballots” for the 2024 presidential election.,"No, Washington state’s 2024 presidential election ballots are not ‘already sent out’ [...] The claim that Washington state has already ""sent out"" ballots for the November 2024 presidential election is inaccurate. [...] An Instagram post said ""the state of Washington has already sent out their ballots"" for the 2024 presidential election.",refutes
Shark Tank India’s Judge Vineeta Singh played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie,"Shark Tank India season 1 judge, Vineeta Singh, has continuously been juxtaposed with actress Amardeep Jha, as netizens find both somewhat similar in their appearance. Amardeep Jha has played Raju Rastogi’s (Sharman Joshi) mother in famous movie 3 Idiots. Netizens started a meme fest where Vinita was replaced by actress in some photos. Vinita went a step ahead and moulds herself in actual character of Amardeep Jha in a video. The CEO of Sugar Cosmetics has dressed herself in a saree and got a bit makeover to look like Raju’s mother of movie 3 Idiots. The video has been shared by Vineeta on her Twitter as a response to the viral meme comparing her with Raju’s mother in 3 Idiots. [...] The videos begins with an employee noticing Vinita’s meme on social media. He later goes to Vineeta and talk about approvals of budget. Vineeta, portrayed as Raju’s mother, recreates 3 Idiots scene and says, ""Paise kya ped pe ugte hai? Tumhe pta hai bhindi barah rupay ki ho gayi hai or paneer to sone k daam pe bik raha hai."" He then left her cabin completely baffled and went to his seat.",refutes
Stephen Hahn was arrested by the military,There is no evidence for this claim. The claim originated from a website that self-identifies as satirical.,refutes
Jadhang is a territory of Republic of China,"Jadhang (जादंग) is a small hilly village in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, and claimed by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China. [...] Nelang and Jadhang villages are inhabited by the Char Bhutia tribe who practice Buddhism. During the 1962 Sino-Indian War, India evacuated these villages. The villagers of Nelong-Jadhang villages situated on Indo-China border have a twinge of eviction during Indo-China War of 1962. The elders of the border area say that the Indo-China war went on from October 20 to November 21 in 1962. The next year, when they started going to their villages, the government stopped them. Their Nelong and Jadhang villages were handed over to the army, declaring a threat from China. The villagers of Nelong-Jadhang used to migrate to the traditional pasture camps of Dunda, Tehri, Mussoorie, Rishikesh, and Dehradun with their flocks. The villagers returned from these villages to their winter camps in the month of September before Diwali in 1962. The security of this border was dependent on the police and the Special Task Force. Later ITBP and Army were deployed here.",insufficient-supports
Piyumi Wijesekera’s Was Selected to a NASA’s Mars Mission !!,Piyumi Wijesekera is not currently selected to go on an actual Mars mission. She is participating in a simulated mission as part of NASA’s research to prepare for future deep space exploration. The social media posts suggesting otherwise are inaccurate and misleading.,insufficient-refutes
Sri Lanka Has the Largest Number of Ministers and Highest Taxes,"Sri Lanka now proudly meets the highest level of achievement of taxation for cigarettes, with taxes reaching 77% of the price of the most sold brand. In line with best-practices in the WHO Tobacco Taxation manual, Sri Lanka primarily relies on a specific excise tax, meaning a tax levied on selected products based on quantity, such as number of cigarettes or weight of tobacco.",insufficient-supports
AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a discount of 60 to 90 percent,"The third claim is that ‘AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a discount of 60 to 90 percent’. As per information shared in the Lok Sabha, AMRIT (Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment) Pharmacies are being opened and operated by M/s.HLL Lifecare Ltd., a Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, with an objective of providing affordable medicines for treatment of Cancer, Cardiovascular and other diseases, stents, implants, surgical disposables and other consumables, thereby reducing the out of pocket expenses. The first AMRIT pharmacy was opened in November 2015 at AIIMS, New Delhi. [...] Fact: AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases, stents, implants, surgical disposables and other consumables. The average discount that patients can avail ranges from 50 to 55%. Hence, the claim is FALSE.",refutes
Golan Heights is a territory of Lebanon,"Golan Heights, disputed territory between Israel and Syria Jerusalem (AFP) – The Golan Heights, a rocky plateau where 12 youths were killed Saturday amid clashes between Lebanon's Hezbollah and Israeli forces, is a strategic territory partially captured by Israel from Syria. [...] Approximately 1,200 square kilometres of the Golan Heights, which also borders Lebanon and Jordan, were annexed by Israel on December 14, 1981.",insufficient-refutes
They tell us that we are the primary forces controlling earth temperatures by the burning of fossil fuels and releasing their carbon dioxide. I hope my readers can recognize the absurdity of their claims. … increasing sunspots are linked to increases in earth temperature,"In 2016, CFACT published the Climate Truth File, essentially a manifesto attempting to refute human-influenced global warming. Here are some of their main points: [...] I hope my readers can recognize the absurdity of their claims. … increasing sunspots are linked to increases in earth temperature"" – Inaccurate - Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting. – Inaccurate",insufficient-refutes
Rs. 2000 crore for agri-market infrastructure fund set up.,"Gramin Agricultural Market (GrAMs) [...] Inthe Union Budget 2018-19announcement it was stated that theexisting 22,000 rural haatswould be developed and upgradedinto Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs). In these GrAMs, physical infrastructure will be strengthened using MGNREGS and other Government Schemes.[i] [...] - Government has announced to set up of an Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund with a corpus of Rs. 2000 crore for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing infrastructure in the 22000 Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) and 585 Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs).[ix] This fund will be utilized for development of GrAMs (Rs. 1000 crore) and strengthening/promotion of eNAM (Rs. 1000 crore).[x]",supports
They tell us that we are the primary forces controlling earth temperatures by the burning of fossil fuels and releasing their carbon dioxide. I hope my readers can recognize the absurdity of their claims. … increasing sunspots are linked to increases in earth temperature,The effects of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions far outweigh the effects of solar forcing on global warming. 100% of the global warming trends observed after 1950 can be attributed to anthropogenic factors.,refutes
"Disinvestment crossed target of 72,500 crore rupees.","Relief to salaried taxpayers: standard deduction of Rs 40,000 allowed in lieu of present exemptions 2.5 Crores salaried employees and pensioners to benefit Differently-Abled will continue to get transport allowance at enhanced rate [...] Further, the Finance Minister proposed raising the limit of deduction for medical expenditure in respect of certain critical illness from Rs. 60,000/- in case of senior citizens and from Rs. 80,000/- in case of very senior citizens, to Rs. 1 lakh in respect of all senior citizens, under section 80DDB. [...] Disinvestment crossed target of Rs 72,500 crore to reach Rs 1,00,000 crore",supports
Tromelin Island is a territory of France,"Tromelin Island (Île Tromelin) is a low, flat French Island in the Indian Ocean about 500 km (310 mi) north of Réunion and about 450 km (280 mi) east of Madagascar. Tromelin is administered as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French Overseas Territory, but Mauritius claims sovereignty over the island. [...] Tromelin is administered as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French Overseas Territory, but Mauritius claims sovereignty over the island despite its absence in the listing of the 8th article of the 1814 Paris Treaty. Indeed, the treaty does not specifically mention all the dependencies of Mauritius, which leads to uncertainty on the sovereignty of Tromelin, and the official text was the most clearly text in French. [...] Tromelin has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 280,000 km2 (108,109 sq mi), contiguous with that of Réunion. The island’s weather station, which warns of cyclones, is still operated by France and is staffed by meteorologists from Réunion.",refutes
"General Shavendra Silva and his wife travelled on a private jet, spending public money during a time of economic crisis in Sri Lanka !!","While the social media posts correctly identified General Shavendra Silva's travel on a special jet, the claim of misuse of public funds for this trip is misleading. The travel was facilitated by the Indian Air Force for General Silva to attend the passing out ceremony of the Indian Military Academy as the chief guest.",refutes
Shark Tank India’s Judge Vineeta Singh played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie,"An image is widely shared on social media stating that Sugar Cosmetics CEO and Shark Tank India judge Vineeta Singh had played the character of Raju’s Mother in the 3 Idiots movie. The image is shared on Facebook with a caption: ""CEO of Sugar Cosmetics, Vineeta Singh, didn’t feel ashamed or nervous and proudly played the role of a poor mother in 3 Idiots"" [...] According to the film’s end credits and IMDb, actress Amardeep Jha, 62, played Raju’s mother (Mrs Rastogi). Vineeta Singh did not appear in this film.",refutes
Ryanggang Province is a territory of North Korea,"Ryanggang Province (Ryanggangdo; Korean: 량강도; MR: Ryanggang-do, Korean pronunciation:[ɾjaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]) is a province in North Korea. The province is bordered by China (Jilin) to the north, North Hamgyong to the east, South Hamgyong to the south, and Chagang to the west. Ryanggang was formed in 1954, when it was separated from South Hamgyŏng. The provincial capital is Hyesan. In South Korean usage, ""Ryanggang"" is spelled and pronounced as ""Yanggang"" Korean: 양강도; RR: Yanggang-do, Korean pronunciation:[jaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]). [...] Although all of North Korea is economically depressed after Soviet dissolution, Ryanggang province, along with neighboring North Hamgyong and South Hamgyong provinces, are the poorest, forming North Korea's ""Rust Belt"" of industrialized cities with factories now decrepit and failing. The worst hunger of the 1990s famine years occurred in these three provinces, and most refugees into China come from the Rust Belt region.[3] [...] Ryanggang is divided into 2 cities (si) and 10 counties (kun). Each entity is listed below in English, Chosŏn'gŭl, and Hanja.",refutes
"claims American author Agatha Christie said, ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started.""","When it comes to productivity and success, execution trumps all. No matter how well you’ve designed your mission/vision statement or planned out your strategy, nothing happens if you don’t get it done. Ultimately, I think mystery writer Agatha Christie said it best: ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started."" Christie took her own advice to heart, writing 72 books, 15 short story collections, and a long-running play, The Mousetrap. She’s still the best-selling novelist of all time, four decades after her death. And she accomplished all this while indulging her love for archaeology, spending many summers working digs in the Middle East. [...] Stop dragging your heels and get to it, selecting the easiest path to success, exercising simplicity, careful direction, practicality, speed, and flexibility on the way.",insufficient-supports
US Military Bases Around China! (Map),"And again, the comparison with China’s military presence globally is helpful. China has about eight foreign military bases — one in Djibouti and some on human-made islands in the South China Sea. This, compared to the 750 U.S. military bases outside the 50 states and Washington, D.C., shows again how misdirected our priorities are, because of this foreign policy that has been, in my mind, hijacked by the military-industrial complex, the people who are making a killing, often literally, off war, and a foreign policy elite that has taken us down precisely the wrong path. [...] And meanwhile, the United States is in the process of encircling China with more and more bases. And this has been a long-standing buildup over years, dating to the Obama administration — the Trump administration continued it — and, before it, the George W. Bush administration. There are, of course, also a buildup of bases in recent months in Eastern and Central Europe in reaction to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. But the buildup in East Asia is one we should be deathly concerned about, I’m sorry to say.",insufficient-supports
one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughters sits on the board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,"The youngest of seven children and the only girl, Pelosi grew up like royalty. Her father Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. was a member of Congress when she was born, in 1940, and the mayor of Baltimore by the time she was 7. When young Nancy wasn’t being ferried to a Catholic girls’ school, she was attending her father’s ceremonial events or helping him get out the vote. Her father’s ancestors had immigrated from Genoa, Venice and Abruzzo, her mother’s from the southern Italian city of Campobasso. The family lived in a three-story brick row house in the heart of Little Italy, a blue collar community near Baltimore’s industrial waterfront. The house appears vacant now; Pelosi points it out to me as we drive by. (We had planned to take a walking tour, but it’s a cold day, and she detests the cold.) A few blocks over, there are hipster restaurants and lofts, but in this part of town, the corners still feature traditional pasta houses.",insufficient-neutral
"Under the UPA II, the average annual MSP growth rate was 19.3%, under the NDA government; this has fallen to 3.6%","Data for each indicator was sourced from national and international databases, including the World Bank, the IMF, and national statistical agencies, such as the CMIE. The comparison spans two regimes: UPA's (starting in 2004) and NDA's (starting in 2014). Data was captured using either Financial Year (from April 1 to March 31) or Calendar Year (from January 1 to December 31), depending on the availability of data. The regimes were compared based on these indicators' absolute values and rate of change. While insightful, it's imperative to note that these indicators are influenced by various factors, including global trends and policy changes, and should be interpreted within a broader context.",insufficient-neutral
Neum is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"The territory of Neum (‘Neum Corridor’) is a place where the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) reaches the Adriatic coast, thus separating the area of Dubrovnik (Croatia/Union) from the rest of the territory of Croatia/Union. [...] Transport of live animals through the Neum territory is not permitted. Exceptionally, when passing through the Neum territory, passengers can transport up to 5 pets (dogs, cats, domesticated ferrets) provided that the pets have implanted chips and documents confirming their status of pets.",refutes
"Claims ""Dumber and Dumber"" actor Jim Carrey said, ""Society is collapsing.""","FACT CHECK: Did Jim Carrey Say, ‘Society Is Collapsing’? An image shared on Facebook claims ""Dumb and Dumber"" actor Jim Carrey said, ""Society is collapsing."" [...] The meme, which has been shared more than 24,000 times, purports that Carrey believes society is collapsing. The alleged statement continues, ""People are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.""",insufficient-supports
Noktundo is a territory of Russia,"Noktundo [edit]Noktundo, a former island (now effectively a peninsula) at the mouth of the Tumen, has been a boundary contention between Russia and North Korea.[8] The Qing Dynasty ceded the island to Russia as part of the Primorsky Maritimes (East Tartary) in the 1860 Treaty of Peking.[8] In 1990, the former Soviet Union and North Korea signed a border treaty which made the border run through the center of the river, leaving territory of the former island on Russian side. South Korea refuses to acknowledge the treaty and demanded that Russia return the territory to Korea.[9] [...] - ^ ""The problem of the Noktundo island in the media in South Korea (Проблема острова Ноктундо в средствах массовой информации Южной Кореи)"" (in Russian). Archived from the original on 10 September 2013. Retrieved 30 June 2015.",insufficient-contradictory
"A soup made of garlic, onions, thyme, and lemon can replace the flu shot and cure other illnesses such as the common cold and norovirus","FULL CLAIM: ""Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus"" A recent Facebook post claimed that a soup with ingredients including garlic, onions, thyme, and lemon can act as a natural remedy to replace the flu shot. This claim is not new; variations of it have been circulating since at least 2021 when a viral video claimed that this combination of ingredients could cure COVID-19. [...] The diverse nature of viruses necessitates tailored approaches to their prevention and treatment. Despite the history behind natural remedies like garlic, onions, lemons, or thyme, there isn’t sufficient scientific evidence to suggest that consuming these ingredients together in a soup protects against the flu and other viral infections.",insufficient-refutes
"[T]he raw data, the actual thermometer data[...] shows that the US has been cooling for 80 to 90 years. But the graphs they release to the public show warming trend, and it's all because they've altered the data.","This was very disturbing to both NASA and NOAA. Their CO2 warming theory was failing badly, so they simply changed the data, turning cooling into warming. This happened at the same time Michael Mann was erasing the Medieval Warm Period. The blue line below shows the five year mean of the average annual temperature at all NOAA United States Historical Climatology Network Stations. The red line shows the graph they release to the public, and has been highly altered to create the appearance of warming – which does not exist in the thermometer data. If they believe there is error in the data, the correct way to handle it is to leave the data intact, and put error bars on it. Not alter the data and pass it to the public as if it represents the actual thermometer data.",insufficient-supports
Chemtrails contain toxic substances such as barium salts that are 10 thousand times more toxic to your nervous system than lead,"Barium-induced health effects appear quickly following high-level acute exposure. Symptoms usually resolve soon after exposure ceases. Chronic exposure may result in kidney damage. [...] More information about barium can be obtained from your regional poison control center; your state, county, or local health department; the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); your doctor; or a clinic in your area that specializes in occupational and environmental health. If the exposure happened at work, you may wish to discuss it with your employer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Ask the person who gave you this form for help in locating these telephone numbers. [...] ATSDR. 2005. Toxicological profile for barium and barium compounds (draft for public comment). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.",insufficient-neutral
Gulf of Piran is a territory of Portugal,"Piran: Interesting Facts and Things to Know Before You Go [...] The Piran Old Town stands on a peninsula called Punta Madonna, and from there opens the Gulf of Piran, which stretches from the port to the spa town of Portorož, which is part of the municipality of Piran and is renowned for being one of the most exclusive destinations in Slovenia, with a good choice of luxury hotels and casinos. [...] Until the mid-20th century Piran was mainly inhabited by Italian-speaking people, and after WWI it was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. After the tragic events of WWII Piran fell under the military occupation of the troops of Tito and the Allies and was assigned to Zone B of the Free Territory of Trieste, under Yugoslavian administration. Thus it definitively merged, following the Osimo Treaty in 1975, into socialist Yugoslavia.",refutes
Northern Ireland has the highest number of children in care since the introduction of the Children Order in 1995.,"It comes as it emerged that Northern Ireland has the highest number of children in care since the Children Order was introduced in 1995. [...] The most recent figures show that as of 31 March 2021, there were 3,530 children in care in Northern Ireland. [...] In March 2016, 2,890 children were in care in Northern Ireland.",supports
David Gareja monastery complex is a territory of Azerbaijan,"The David Gareja monastery complex consists of several monasteries in caves built in the VI century and scattered on a plot of a couple of tens of kilometers along the Georgian border. Part of the monasteries came to the territory of Azerbaijan and is called there Keşiş Dağ. The monastery was founded by the monk David, one of the ""Assyrian fathers"" who preached Christianity in Georgia. This happened 2 centuries after Saint Nino brought Christianity to Georgia. [...] Since the territory of the monastery complex is divided in half by the border, it is the subject of a territorial dispute between the two countries since 1991. Georgia wants to return its shrines, which are of great cultural and historical importance for the country, and for Azerbaijan this territory is important because of the strategic location of the heights. Currently, the David Gareja Monastery attracts tourists like a magnet. Some even stay here overnight, as one day is not enough to see all the local attractions. Amazing and picturesque views from the monastery, as well as its energy, which allows you to forget about the hustle and bustle of life. Since there are no organized food outlets in David Gareja, food and water should be taken with you.",insufficient-supports
Lunchinda-Pweto Province is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,Pweto Territory is a territory in the Haut-Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).The headquarters are in the town of Pweto.,supports
Farm credit target has been raised to a record high of 11 lakh crore rupees for 2018-19.,Farm credit target raised to Rs 11 lakh crore for 2018-19 from Rs 10 lakh crore in 2017-18. [...] Farm Credit raised to 11 lakh crore in 2018-19 from 8.5 lakh crore in 2014-15. [...] Under SSA. the RE for 2016-17 was Rs 22500 crore out of which 96.35% was spent. The RE for 2017-18 was allocated at Rs 23500 crore out of which 82.21% has been released as on 28 02.2018. The BE for 2018-19 has been increased by 11.2% to Rs 26128.81 crore.,supports
Members of the US Women’s National Soccer team turned their backs on the flag as a 98-year-old World War II veteran played the anthem.,"U.S. Women’s National Team head coach Jill Ellis has named the 23 players who will represent the United States in France this summer. [...] DEFENDERS (7): Abby Dahlkemper* (NC Courage), Tierna Davidson* (Chicago Red Stars), Crystal Dunn* (NC Courage), Ali Krieger*** (Orlando Pride), Kelley O’Hara*** (Utah Royals FC), Becky Sauerbrunn*** (Utah Royals FC), Emily Sonnett* (Portland Thorns FC) [...] Fans can follow all the upcoming WNT matches on @uswnt (Twitter, Instagram) and U.S. Soccer on Facebook.",insufficient-neutral
“Individuals released from incarceration are 129 times more likely to die of a drug overdose during the first two weeks after release.”,"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Mike Braun (R-IN) introduced bipartisan legislation that expands access to health care, including mental health services and substance use disorder treatment, for Medicaid-eligible individuals 30 days before their release from jail or prison. The Reentry Act, which was endorsed by the New York Times editorial board, follows alarming evidence that shows individuals reentering society from incarceration are 129 times likelier than the general population to die of a drug overdose during the first two weeks after release. [...] ""In their first two weeks after release from incarceration, ex-convicts are 129 times more likely than the general public to die from a drug overdose. The Reentry Act seeks to tackle the epidemics of opioid overdoses and recidivism after release from prison by resuming benefits for Medicaid-eligible individuals 30 days before they are released to avoid a gap in coverage,"" said Senator Mike Braun.",insufficient-supports
Arunachal Pradesh is a territory of China,"China slammed the United States for interfering in its border dispute with India, after Washington said it recognized the disputed Arunachal Pradesh as a part of Indian territory. [...] China, which refers to the territory as Zangnan, claims Arunachal Pradesh is part of southern Tibet. India rejects those claims, stating Arunachal Pradesh has always been a part of India. [...] China on Thursday reiterated its claims over Arunachal Pradesh, saying: ""Zangnan has always been China’s territory, a basic fact that is undeniable.""",insufficient-contradictory
"ongress President Rahul Gandhi and his party leaders Shatrughan Sinha, Navjot Singh Sidhu and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee are in the same pic with Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan and its Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa","Shatrughan Sinha's meeting with Rahul Gandhi confirmed what had been brewing for days. (PTI) Highlights - Shatrughan Sinha met Congress President Rahul Gandhi - Rahul Gandhi was very encouraging and positive: Shatrughan Sinha - I consider Nehru-Gandhis nation builder: Shatrughan Sinha New Delhi: Actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha, who refused to quit the BJP for years despite a relationship best described as ""complicated"", has finally decided to join the Congress. His meeting with Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday and their photo together confirmed what had been brewing for days. Later, he tweeted that he was ""painfully, on the way out of BJP"".",insufficient-supports
Janitha Perera has become the Miss Australia for Miss Universe 2022,"First, we checked whether there were any international media reports about Janitha Perera's victory as Miss Universe Australia 2022. However, we were not able to find such media reports nor any reports about Miss Universe Australia 2022 grand finals. [...] According to our investigation, it's clear that Janitha Perera has not become Miss Universe Australia -2022 so far. She was only selected to contest for Miss Universe Australia -2022 national finals which would be held September 2022. Like Janitha many other contestants were also selected from other Australian states, all of whom will be vying for the top spot in grand finals in September 2022. Title:Janitha Perera-Miss Australia-Miss Universe -2022?",refutes
Misleading Claims On DCD Levels In Milk Powder,"From our investigation it was clear that even though ITI had tested Fonterra dairy products along with 3 other dairies mid-2013, all subsequent tests done by number of other parties including ITI itself had confirmed that there was no DCD contamination in Fonterra dairy products since then. There is dispute about the test methodology of the DCD positive test carried out by ITI in 2013 as well, however all these are out of context since there had not been any incident of DCD contamination since then. Hence we can conclude that these reports being circulated in present day context are misleading the public.",supports
"Disinvestment crossed target of 72,500 crore rupees.","- Loans to Women Self Help Groups will increase to Rs.75,000 crore in 2019 from 42,500 crore last year. [...] - Centres of excellence to be set up on robotics, AI, Internet of things etc - Disinvestment crossed target of Rs 72,500 crore to reach Rs 1,00,000 crore - Comprehensive Gold Policy on the anvil to develop yellow metal as an asset class - 100 percent deduction proposed to companies registered as Farmer Producer Companies with an annual turnover upto Rs. 100 crore on profit derived from such activities, for five years from 2018-19. [...] - Relief to Senior Citizens proposed:- - Exemption of interest income on deposits with banks and post offices to be increased from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000.",supports
World’s biggest Anaconda snake which is 134 feet long and 2067 Kgs weight.,"A series of low-resolution photos purportedly showing the ""world's largest anaconda"" have been circulating online since at least 2010: [...] The world's largest Anaconda was caught in Amazon forest. This snake had eaten 257 people & 2325 animals. It is 134 feet long and 2067 kg. This anaconda was caught alive by a long struggle after 37 days and killed by the Royal British commando force. [...] This claim contains several giveaways beyond the obviously manipulated photographs. Most obviously, a 134-foot-long snake is more than four times longer than the world's largest snake, the Green Anaconda, which (according to National Geographic) can reach a length of about 30 feet. Even Titanoboa, the enormous Cretaceous fossil discovered in 2012, topped out at under 50 feet.",refutes
Kuki tribes living in Manipur came from the Burma (Myanmar) as refugees and were later granted ST (Scheduled Tribe) quota in India in 1968,"The letter does not mention the entire Kukis in Manipur as refugees. Previous letters related to the viral letter indicate that the District Commissioner of Manipur was implementing the humanitarian aid provided by the Indian Government to the Kukis of Myanmar, who were forced to flee to Manipur in 1967 during the Khadawmi operation in Myanmar. Moreover, the Kuki tribes were granted the ST status in India as early as 1950 and and they have existed in the Manipur kingdom for many centuries. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.",refutes
It is not mandatory for a woman to submit her marriage certificate or divorce decree while applying for passport,"NEW DELHI: Making the process to get passports friendlier for divorced or separated women, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has done away with the practice of asking for the name of the spouse, following a recommendation from a Parliamentary panel. The step is among a slew of measures announced by the MEA to bring the passport-seeking process up to date with modern norms. ""In case of divorce or separation, the applicant is not required to provide the name of the spouse in the form while applying for the issue of passport,"" said an MEA official. It is mandatory only for married applicants to provide the name of the spouse in the passport application. [...] Taking a leaf out of the experience of other countries, the MEA has made it non-mandatory for the applicant to provide the names of both mother and father in the application form if the parents are divorced or separated. ""Only one parent’s name — either mother or father or legal guardian — is mandatory,"" added the official.",insufficient-supports
Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting,"Since 1979, the total annual Antarctic sea ice extent has increased about 1 percent per decade. Compared to the Arctic, the signal has been a ""noisy"" one, with wide year–to-year fluctuations. For three consecutive Septembers (2012 to 2014), satellites observed new record highs for winter sea ice extent around Antarctica. The largest of those occurred in September 2014, when the ice reached 20.14 million square kilometers (7.78 million square miles). Still, increases in Antarctic sea ice are exceeded by decreases in the Arctic. That is to say, global sea ice is decreasing even as Antarctic sea ice is increasing slightly. [...] Antarctic sea ice trends are smaller and more complex. Relative to the average from 1981 to 2010, the Antarctic sea ice extent increased about 1 percent per decade, but the trends were not consistent for all areas or all seasons. The variability in Antarctic sea ice patterns makes it harder for scientists to explain Antarctic sea ice trends and to predict how Southern Hemisphere sea ice may change as greenhouse gases continue to warm the Earth. Climate models do predict that Antarctic sea ice will respond more slowly than Arctic sea ice to warming, but as temperatures continue to rise, a long-term decline is expected.",insufficient-contradictory
Sweden Bans Mandatory Vaccinations Over 'Serious Heath [sic] Concerns',"Sweden did not reject proposals to implement mandatory vaccination policies because of serious health concerns, but because health care - including vaccination - is always voluntary. Vaccine uptake in Sweden remains high even though vaccination is voluntary, demonstrating that public confidence in vaccines is strong.",refutes
Doctors murdered to protect Big Pharma profits and silence holistic health practitioners,"Inadequate support: No evidence was provided to show that the doctors’ deaths were motivated by a desire to protect Big Pharma profits or silence holistic health practitioners, as suggested. [...] Benson’s claim isn’t new. Conspiracy theories alleging that doctors who practiced alternative medicine were murdered to protect ""Big Pharma"" profits can be traced back to at least 2015 and have continued since then, according to multiple fact-checks by Snopes over the years. However, there’s no evidence that the doctors discussed in the news segment were murdered to protect ""Big Pharma"", and some of the doctors named in the video didn’t practice alternative medicine in the first place.",refutes
Consuming food items containing the label of Apeel will cause sickness as they have toxic mono and diglycerides,"Remarkably, Apeel is even found on organic produce in the United States, and according to the company's website, it cannot be washed off. While regulatory bodies in various countries have approved Apeel's product for use on fresh produce, including organic items meant to be free from industrial contamination, many remain unconvinced of its safety. Apeel's own FDA documents reveal that the manufacturing process involves toxic heavy metals and solvents, which can accumulate in the human body over time and contribute to numerous health conditions including chronic illness. [...] Apeel is composed of ""food-grade mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids derived from plants."" The FDA categorizes monoglycerides as ""generally recognized as safe"" (GRAS) food additives and ingredients, indicating that they do not pose an immediate health risk. Currently, food producers typically use monoglycerides and diglycerides in small quantities, making it difficult to determine the impact of consuming large amounts of these fats on human health. Monoglycerides contain small traces of trans fats, which occur naturally in various types of meat, dairy, and, to a lesser extent, plant- or nut-based oils. While small amounts of trans fats are not concerning, consuming significant quantities of trans fats has been linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.",insufficient-contradictory
Veliki Školj is a territory of Croatia,"Otok Veliki Školj (Otocic Veliki Skolj) / [...] Otok Veliki Skolj (Otok Veliki Školj) is a island (class T - Hypsographic) in Dubrovacko-Neretvanska Zupanija (Dubrovacko-Neretvanska), Croatia (Europe) with the region font code of Eastern Europe... Otok Veliki Školj is also known as Otocic Veliki Skolj, Otok Veliki Skolj, Otok Veliki Školj, Otočić Veliki Školj.",supports
Vila Real is a territory of Portugal,"Vila Real (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈvilɐ ʁiˈal] ) is the capital and largest city of the Vila Real District, in the North region, Portugal. It is also the seat of the Douro intermunicipal community and of the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro historical province. The Vila Real municipality covers an area of 378.80 square kilometres (146.26 sq mi)[1] and is home to an estimated population of 49,574 (2021),[2] of which about 30,000 live in the urban area (2021).[3] [...] Vila Real's privileged location at the crossroad between the Porto-Bragança and Viseu-Chaves roads allowed for a sustained growth over the centuries. Starting from the 17th century, the House of Vila Real attracted the nobility to an extent that during that time the city housed more members of the royal family than any other settlement in Portugal except the capital in Lisbon, and family coats of arms remain above old houses and manors, some of which are still occupied by those families. Vineyards were introduced to the municipality in 1764, growing red, white and rosé wines for export. Despite its royal presence, Vila Real remained with the status of town until the increase in population in the 19th century, which led to it gaining the status of capital of the Vila Real District and the historic province of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Vila Real was created in 1922 from the dioceses of Bragança-Miranda, Braga and Lamego and Vila Real finally gained city status under the Portuguese Republic in 1925.[7]",refutes
UNHCR Survey On Sri Lankan Presidential Polls !!(Document),"Secretary-General says Internal Review Panel Report on Sri Lanka will be made public in interests of transparency, accountability, legitimacy, credibility (SG/SM/1463914, 14 November 2012): - Secretary-General forwards Sri Lanka Expert Panel Report to Human Rights Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights (SG/SM/13791-HR/5072, 13 September 2011): - Secretary-General releases Expert Panel’s report on accountability with respect to final stages of Sri Lanka conflict (SG/SM/13524, 25 April 2011): - Secretary-General holds first meeting with Sri Lanka Panel of Experts (SG/SM/13104, 17 September 2010): - Secretary-General reiterates call on Sri Lanka for urgent action to normalize conditions around United Nations Offices (SG/SM/13006, 9 July 2010): - Secretary-General to recall Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, close UNDP Regional Centre following ‘unacceptable’ Colombo disruption (SG/SM/13005, 8 July 2010): - Secretary-General names Panel of Experts to advise on accountability for possible rights violations during Sri Lanka conflict (SG/SM/12967, 22 June 2010): - Secretary-General concerned about growing violence in lead-up to Presidential election in Sri Lanka (SG/SM/12709, 20 January 2010): - Secretary-General welcomes steps by Sri Lanka for internally displaced persons (SG/SM/12622, 23 November 2009): - Secretary-General strongly regrets decision by Sri Lankan government to expel spokesman for",insufficient-neutral
"“When a basketball player or football or baseball player from another team plays in Wisconsin, that one game's salary, they pay Wisconsin income tax on it. ... So if for some reason we do not have the Brewers in Wisconsin all of those player salaries that generate dollars for the State of Wisconsin go away.""","Withholding from professional athletes total in the millions every year. In 2022, withholding from Major League Baseball teams alone totaled about $12.4 million In 2022, taxes from visiting pro athletes in baseball, basketball and football topped $50 million.",insufficient-supports
Isfara Valley is a territory of Tajikistan,"Isfara is located in Northern Tajikistan, in the Sughd region, next to the border with Kyrgyzstan. It belongs to the territorial dispute area between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan along the Isfara Valley and is also not far from the Uzbek border either. East from The town is between bigger cities like Khujand in Tajikistan, Kokand in Uzbekistan and Batken in Kyrgyzstan. South from Isfara you can also find the Vorukh enclave, a piece of Tajik land inside Kyrgyzstan that has been also the place of local clashes in 2019 and 2021. Apparently Tajiks were trying to establish a connection from Isfara to Vorukh but the situation in the area remains unclear. It is the perfect place to stop for a coffee or eating in one of the tea houses by the riverside if you are heading to Tajikistan from Kyrgyzstan or vice versa (if the border is open). This is actually the reason of arrival for the majority of travelers reaching Isfara, they are on their way between Osh and Khujand as the road from Isfara continues east to Batken and then to Osh. This all said, the Isfara area has a lot to offer for someone who has time to explore the region. [...] Set in the southern middle part of the remarkably fertile Fergana Valley, a diverse range of trade industries is found in Isfara from construction to agriculture. But what Isfara is especially known for, are its legendary apricots. Otherwise the town is full of well preserved Soviet architecture from 1960 – 1980s with parks and mosaics.",insufficient-supports
Says Donald Trump said “good” during the final presidential debate in reference to families being separated at the border.,"President Donald Trump didn’t say ""‘GOOD’ about the kids being separated from the parents"" at the southern border during the final presidential debate, as social media posts wrongly claim. He said ""go ahead"" to the moderator, who was trying to move on to the next topic. [...] In this last installment of the year in our collaboration with CNN’s ""State of the Union,"" CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews four of the biggest whoppers told by President Donald Trump in 2018. Q: Did the Obama administration separate ""72,410 Children From Their Families in 2013""?",refutes
“Free health allowance is available at no cost.”,"President Joe Biden has not announced a new initiative to give Americans more than $5,000 in cash or credit to cover health care. It’s not safe to turn over personal information to unfamiliar websites.",insufficient-refutes
A woman can choose whether the name in the passport should be of her mother or the father and not both parents.,"Exclusion of father/mother name from passport of minor in single parent custody 1. The online passport application form now permits that an applicant may provide the name of father or mother or legal guardian, i.e., only one parent and not both. This would enable single parents to apply for passports for their children and get passport(s) issued where the name of either the father or the mother is not required to be printed at the request of the applicant. [...] (a) A self-declaration on a plain paper stating that he/she does not want to have biological father/mother’s name on his/her passport and instead of that, the name of the step father/mother be mentioned against the column of father’s/mother’s name. The applicant also has to declare that in future if there is litigation, the entire onus to defend such a case will be on him/her.",supports
A Recent Incident: Mob Destroying President Wickremesinghe`s Banner !!,"For Sri Lankans hankering for political change, such a clearly status quo move came as a disappointment. The protesters announced that their agitation will continue, a move that risks more unrest as Wickremesinghe has signaled a willingness to use force to maintain public order. [...] In recent weeks, demonstrators stormed and occupied the homes and offices of the president and the prime minister, demanding their resignations. Wickremesinghe had offered to step aside but ultimately did not. His private home was destroyed when a mob set it on fire earlier in July. [...] Wickremesinghe denounced the protesters, calling them ""fascists"" for clashing with security forces on the streets of Colombo.",insufficient-neutral
an Oxford University student named Boston Regan has become one of the youngest PhD graduates in the world.,There is no record of Regan graduating from Oxford University. He appears to a fictional character invented to sell an essential oil product.,refutes
"BBC News published a graphic quoting President Joe Biden saying, “Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: [inaudible].”","In July 2024, a viral post purported to share a real graphic from British broadcaster BBC News, quoting U.S. President Joe Biden as saying ""inaudible"" during a speech, as though reading from a teleprompter. The graphic included an image of Biden speaking, with the caption below reading: ""Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: [inaudible]."" The above image was edited to appear like a BBC News graphic, but it was not real. We found no evidence of such an image on BBC News' official social media accounts. The statement in question on the graphic is also inaccurate, as Biden was not inaudible at that moment in his speech. As such, we rate this graphic as ""Fake."" We found the authentic graphic of Biden on BBC's Instagram account. The graphic quotes Biden as saying, ""Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: I'm running.""",refutes
"President Joe Biden claimed in a Sept. 11, 2023 speech that he was in New York City where the World Trade Center towers fell the day after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.","In a Sept. 11, 2023, speech commemorating the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Biden said he visited the ruins of the World Trade Center at ground zero the day after the attacks took place. The evidence says otherwise. In a commemorative speech on Sept. 11, 2023, the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in which thousands of people died, U.S. President Joe Biden said he remembered standing at ground zero in New York City the next day and looking at the rubble of the fallen World Trade Center: [...] The Congressional Record shows that Biden was in Washington, D.C., that day, not New York City. Not only was he in attendance at a Senate session, but as the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee managed the discussion prior to a vote that would unanimously confirm a joint resolution condemning the 9/11 attacks.",refutes
C-sections are coded as abortions in hospitals.,"A cesarean section, commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure that delivers a fetus through incisions in the mother's abdomen. C-sections have their own procedural codes for tracking and insurance that cover this type of delivery. These codes do not mention abortion. C-sections can be risky and are not typically used to facilitate abortions, health experts said.",refutes
The economy in Derry/Londonderry has contracted 21% since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007.,"On 9 July 2021, the Derry Journal published an article about a report, ""Comparison of the economic growth of Derry and Belfast since the Good Friday Agreement (1998)"", written in 2018 by Cormac Duffy for Derry University Group (DUG) campaign group. The report used Gross Value Added (GVA) data to compare economic performance across the local authorities of Belfast, Derry City and Stranbane, and Lincoln (England). Among the report’s key findings is the claim: ""Derry economy has contracted 21% since the restoration of Stormont in 2007."" [...] The central claim of the report that the Derry and Strabane area economy has contracted by 21% since 2007 appears to be inaccurate on a number of fronts: - between 2007 and 2015, where the DUG assessment stops, GVA (adjusted for inflation to 2018 prices) grew by less than 1%, from £2.52bn to £2.55bn; and - since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007 to 2019, the latest year for which ONS data is available, the Derry and Strabane area economy grew by 15.4%, from £2.524bn to £2.912bn (shown in figure below).",refutes
"30,000 rupees is provided towards tuition fee and 20,000 as contingency allowance.","Rs. 30,000/- or the actual tuition fees paid, whichever is less. Contingency allowance: Rs 2000/per month for Ten Months. [...] Rs. 30,000/- or the actual [...] Contingency allowance: Rs 2000/per month for Ten Months.",supports
Heixiazi is a territory of Russia,"Away from the high-level rhetoric, 109 million ordinary Chinese citizens reside in China’s northeastern provinces of Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Inner Mongolia, separated from their Russian counterparts primarily by the Amur River, known in Chinese as the Heilongjiang (literally, black dragon river). The region is frequently the focus of a narrative claiming China poses a threat to Russia’s control over its Far East. While this rhetoric has cooled down recently, these regional dynamics remain integral to understanding overall cooperation between these two vast countries. [...] Another key disagreement during the border war was over the territory of Heixiazi (known in Russian as Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island) located near the Russian city of Khabarovsk. The island has been touristified on the Chinese side, attracting over 600,000 tourists a year. Understanding how this history is sold to tourists today will be of particular interest. [...] Tongjiang and Heihe are cities in China’s Heilongjiang province, sitting opposite their Russian counterparts, Nizhneleninskoe and Blagoveshchensk respectively, separated only by the River Amur. This year Russian and Chinese state media have relentlessly celebrated the completion of two cross-border bridges, both due to be operational this year: the Tongjiang-Nizhneleninskoye railway bridge and the Heihe-Blagoveshchensk Heilongjiang (Amur) Bridge, a highway bridge.",insufficient-neutral
"Setu Bharatam project for safer roads. Making all national highways free of railway level crossings, by 2019, by building railway over bridges/under passes. Total outlay of 20, 800 crore rupees.","Setu Bharatam was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 4 March 2016 at a budget of ₹102 billion (US$1.2 billion), with an aim to make all national highways free of railway crossings by 2019.[1] Under the project, as many as 208 rails over and under bridges (ROBs/RUBs) would be constructed at unmanned railway crossings on national highways and 1,500 dilapidated British-era bridges would be widened, rehabilitated or replaced in a phased manner at a cost of ₹208 billion (US$2.5 billion) and ₹300 billion (US$3.6 billion), respectively.[2][3] Setu Bharatam programme aims to make all National Highways free of railway level crossings by 2019. This is being done to prevent the frequent accidents and loss of lives at level crossings. 208 Railway Over Bridges (ROB)/Railway Under Bridges (RUB) will be built at the level crossings at a cost of ₹20,800 crore as part of the programme.",supports
Muslim Advocate Adeel Ahmed recently filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a ban on Gadar-2 film,"- Sunny Deol-starrer ‘Gadar 2’ enters £50 million club - GG2 (September 4, 2023) [...] - ‘Gadar 2’ becomes first film to be screened at new Parliament Building in India - GG2 (August 25, 2023) [...] - ‘Gadar 2’: Everything you need to know about Sunny Deol starrer - GG2 (July 27, 2023)",insufficient-neutral
Swains Island is a territory of United States,"Swains Island, located in the South Pacific Ocean, is highlighted in this Proba image. This small coral atoll is comprised of an outer perimeter (approximately 13 km in circumference) of flat coral reefs and a 2.5 km² ring-shaped landmass surrounding a shallow fresh-water lagoon in the centre that is closed off from the sea. Swains Island is the northernmost island of the U.S. Territory of American Samoa – the only U.S. territory south of the equator. American Samoa consists of five volcanic islands, Tutuila, Aunu'u, Tau, Ofu and Olosega, and two coral atolls, Rose and Swains. Swains is located 340 km northwest of Tutuila. [...] Although Swains is part of U.S. territory, the same family has privately owned it for over 100 years. Eli Hutchinson Jennings Sr. said he obtained the ownership title from an explorer who had claimed rights to the island. When Swains was formally made part of American Samoa in 1925, the U.S. gave administration rights to Jennings’ children.",insufficient-supports
Sapodilla Cay is a territory of Belize,"Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm in the north, 3 nm in the south; note - from the mouth of the Sarstoon River to Ranguana Cay, Belize's territorial sea is 3 nm; according to Belize's Maritime Areas Act, 1992, the purpose of this limitation is to provide a framework for negotiating a definitive agreement on territorial differences with Guatemala exclusive economic zone: 200 nm [...] Belize-Guatemala: Demarcated but insecure boundary due to Guatemala’s claims to more than half of Belizean territory. Line of Adjacency operates in lieu of an international boundary to control influx of Guatemalan squatters onto Belizean territory. Smuggling, narcotics trafficking, and human trafficking for sexual exploitation and debt bondage are all problems. Belize lacks resources to detect and extradite impoverished Guatemalan peasants squatting in Belizean rain forests in the remote border areas. At present, Belize and Honduras 12-nm territorial sea claims close off Guatemalan access to Caribbean in the Bahia de Amatique. Maritime boundary remains unresolved pending further negotiation. Belize-Honduras: Honduras claims the Belizean-administered Sapodilla Cays off the coast of Belize in its constitution, but agreed to a joint ecological park around the cays should Guatemala consent to a maritime corridor in the Caribbean under the OAS-sponsored 2002 Belize-Guatemala Differendum.",insufficient-supports
Recent picture of Deepika Padukone posing in saffron-coloured heels,"A photograph of Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone, wearing a blue and white stripped pant suit with saffron-coloured footwear, has gone viral. [...] The claim: People shared the image to claim that she wore a saffron shoe recently to mock the people who have been protesting against the movie. [...] Conclusion: Deepika Padukone didn't pose in saffron shoes to mock the 'Boycott Pathaan' trend. The viral image is from 2019, before the outrage against the movie began.",refutes
“Autism is nothing more than mercury toxicity“; vaccine ingredients are toxic,"Vaccines do not cause autism or mercury toxicity. The amount of mercury that infants receive through their diet is more than twice the amount ever contained in vaccines. Scientific evidence shows that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) arises through a combination of genetics and environment. Twin studies demonstrate a strong heritable component to ASD, with heritability estimates ranging from about 30 to 90%. Many genes involved in ASD risk are associated with brain and neuronal development.",refutes
Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is a territory of Azerbaijan,"The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijani: Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası, pronounced [nɑxtʃɯˈvɑn muxˈtɑɾ ɾesˈpublikɑsɯ])[2] is a landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The region covers 5,502.75 km2 (2,124.62 sq mi)[3] with a population of 459,600.[4] It is bordered by Armenia[a] to the east and north, Iran[b] to the southwest, and Turkey[c] to the west. It is the sole autonomous republic of Azerbaijan, governed by its own elected legislature. [...] Today, Nakhchivan retains its autonomy as the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and is internationally recognized as a constituent part of Azerbaijan governed by its own elected legislative assembly.[91] A new constitution for Nakhchivan was approved in a referendum on November 12, 1995. The constitution was adopted by the republic's assembly on April 28, 1998, and has been in force since January 8, 1999.[92] However, the republic remains isolated, not only from the rest of Azerbaijan, but practically from the entire South Caucasus region. From 1995 until his resignation in December 2022, the region was ruled by Vasif Talibov, who is related by marriage to Azerbaijan's ruling family, the Aliyevs.[93] He was known for his authoritarian[93] and largely corrupt rule of the region.[94] Most residents prefer to watch Turkish television as opposed to Nakhchivan television, which one Azerbaijani journalist criticised as ""a propaganda vehicle for Talibov and the Aliyevs.""[93]",supports
“U.S. Olympic committee says Lia Thomas is welcome to try out for the men’s team.”,This story originated on a self-described satire site.,refutes
"“One quarter” of today’s $31.4 trillion federal debt “was accumulated in the four years of my predecessor,” Donald Trump.","Biden’s number is accurate; about one-fourth of the total debt incurred to date came on Trump’s watch. However, assigning debt to a particular president is tricky, because so much of the spending was approved by decades-old, bipartisan legislation that set the parameters for Social Security and Medicare. A different calculation shows more debt stemming from former President Barack Obama, with whom Biden served as vice president.",insufficient-supports
The Quality of HappyCow Cheese in SL Market is Lower Than Original Product!!,"Happy Cow processed cream cheese is especially fine and easy to spread. [...] Happy Cow processed cheese in portions are especially soft and creamy. Produced from the finest ingredients, their taste can vary from mild to spicy. [...] Happy Cow cheese triangles are especially soft and creamy. Produced from the finest ingredient",insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland is one of the most “locked-down” places in the world.,"By 19 March, the first coronavirus-related death in Northern Ireland was confirmed. [...] Northern Ireland was the first of the four UK administrations to roll out a contact-tracing programme, as part of its plans to tackle coronavirus. [...] On 26 December, Northern Ireland went into a six-week lockdown, with a plan to review it after four weeks.",insufficient-supports
Karine Jean-Pierre left a press conference after being asked about classified documents,"FACT CHECK: Did Karine Jean-Pierre Leave A Press Conference After Being Asked About Classified Documents? A video shared on Facebook purportedly shows White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre walking out of a press conference after being asked about classified documents. [...] A Facebook video allegedly shows Jean-Pierre walking out on a press conference after being asked a question about classified documents. The video opens with Jean-Pierre calling on Fox News journalist, Peter Doocy, to ask a question. The video was also shared to Twitter, where it garnered over 5,500 retweets.",insufficient-supports
"“Fauci frankensteined Covid bats on our soil a year before the pandemic, but then acted all shocked when the virus started spreading” ; Fauci’s goons went to the Wuhan lab, bottled up a virus and brought it to a lab in America”","""Fauci frankensteined Covid bats on our soil a year before the pandemic, but then acted all shocked when the virus started spreading"" […] ""Lock Fauci up, lock everybody up in Montana that is responsible […] let’s just try to save as many lives as possible"". [...] According to Watters, the animal rights group White Coat Waste Project, which shared misinformation about Fauci in the past, had uncovered documents describing coronavirus research done in Montana using Egyptian fruit bats. [...] ""In 2018, Fauci’s goons went to the Wuhan lab, bottled up a virus and brought it to a lab in America"" ; ""Grabbed a dozen Egyptian fruit bats, threw them in the back of a van""",insufficient-neutral
Natuna Islands is a territory of Republic of China,"At the moment four areas are involved in maritime boundary disputes in the South China Sea: the Spratly Islands, Scarborough Reef/Shoal, the Paracel Islands and Natuna Island. [...] On Nov. 12, 2015 China shocked the countries in the region by issuing a first-ever public statement on the Natuna Islands. According to Hong Lei, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, ""The Indonesian side has no territorial claim to China’s [Spratly Islands]. The Chinese side has no objection to Indonesia’s sovereignty over the Natuna Islands."" Although the Natuna Islands are outside of China’s self-designated ""Nine-Dash-Line"" that lays claim to virtually all of the South China Sea, Natuna’s 200-miles exclusive economic zone (EEZ) protrudes into the area defined by the Nine-Dash-Line. The Indonesian government does not currently recognize China’s so-called ""Nine-Dash Line"" (which overlaps with that EEZ) and so does not consider itself a claimant in any South China Sea-related maritime dispute. However, as the de facto leader and arbitrator among Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and with various member states locked in disputed territorial claims with Beijing, and with Chinese naval vessels penetrating Indonesian territorial waters around the Natuna Islands, Jakarta is essentially being forced to act. In October 2015, Bloomberg said that Indonesia is considering using drones and submarines to strengthen its grip over the gas-rich waters around the Natuna Islands in response to China’s growing military presence in the South China Sea.",insufficient-refutes
A recent judgement by an Indian Court allows both the wife and girlfriend to live in the same house,"Definitely, these couples have few rights or you can say the female partners in these relationships have certain rights. As the Indian judiciary recognises live-in relationships, it ensures protection to the parties in such cohabitations. These rights are provided in order to address the intimate partner violence which women have to go through during their time together. Taking into account their agonies, the Indian judiciary has made remarkable decisions in recent judgments. So what are the most important and basic legal rights of a female in a live-in relationship in India? [...] For the first time in 1993, Supreme Court granted legal validity to the children born from live-in relationships in the case of S.P.S. Balasubramanyam vs. Suruttayan. In addition to that, the bench observed that if a man and a woman reside in the same house and cohabit for a significant period of time, there is a presumption of marriage under Section 114 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Ultimately, the children will be recognised as legitimate and will be eligible to receive a share in ancestral property. [...] Supreme Court Guidelines On Live-In Relationships In India",insufficient-neutral
RBI issued new guidelines to banks to treat scribbled notes as invalid,"RBI did not issue any such new guidelines stating scribbled bank notes as invalid. RBI on their website clearly stated that all bank notes with writings or colour stains on them will continue to be legal tender, provided they are decipherable. Lately, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) through a tweet clarified the same saying that bank notes with scribblings on them will still continue to be legal tender. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) introduced in Nov 2015. Around 4 crore doses administered to children.,"New vaccines · Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV): IPV has been introduced in UIP as part of Global Polio end-game strategy, to mitigate the risk associated with tOPV to bOPV switch. IPV was introduced in November 2015 initially in 6 states, which was expanded across the country by April 2016. [...] · A total of six phases of Mission Indradhanush have been completed covering 554 districts across the country. · It was also identified as one of the flagship schemes under Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (16,850 villages across 541 districts) and Extended Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (48,929 villages across 117 aspirational districts).",insufficient-neutral
Switzerland stops COVID-19 vaccines due to safety concerns,"COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at protecting against severe illness and death. Vaccine recommendations change in response to the changes in the need for vaccination, which depends on factors like the level of immunity in the population, the level of threat posed by an infectious agent, and the benefit-risk tradeoff of a vaccine.",insufficient-neutral
"claims that ""Fight Club"" contains the line, ""We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.""","""We buy stuff we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like"". This is a quote from the movie Fight Club. The materialistic and consumeristic world that is part of modern day existence — does it undermine the authenticity of our being? The film shows how the idea of materialism and consumerism impacts one’s authenticity, abandoning the political ""must do’s"" that are present in society. [...] We pollute the earth because we want electricity, but not only to survive. It is also used to power desires which we don’t need. Which is effectively a result of materialism.",supports
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) introduced in Nov 2015. Around 4 crore doses administered to children.,"- - 3.15 crore children vaccinated - 80.58 lakh children fully immunized - 80.63 lakh pregnant female immunized - 91.94 lakh vitamin A doses administered - 79.73 lakh ORS packets distributed - 2.73crore zinc tablets distributed - Intensified Mission Indradhanushlaunched by PM on 8th October 2017 at Vadnagar, Gujarat to cover 121 districts, 17 urban areas and 52 districts of NE states (total 190 districts/urban areas across 24 states) for intensified immunization campaign. [...] In concurrence with the World Polio End Game strategy, IPV was introduced in November 2015 in six states and expanded throughout the country by June 2016. Till December’17, nearly 3.87 crore doses of IPV have been administered to children across the country since its introduction. [...] - Till January’18, more than 14 lakh doses of PCV have been administered to children across above mentioned areas.",insufficient-supports
"More than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities.","323 of 12,900 antyaja children, which is equal to 7 per cent, of their popula- tion. In addition to the two Boarding Houses for antyajas at Baroda [...] The following tabular statement shows the number of labour cases opnducted by the midwives attached to the various hospitals and dispensaries during the last <""3 years : — [...] An examination of the above figures shows that the work of register- ing births, though unsatisfactory in the begin- ning, has improved during the last decade.",insufficient-neutral
"“We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”","Why it matters: Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid up to 50 times stronger than heroin, has killed more Americans than the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars combined. In 2021 alone, more than 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, with the main culprit being fentanyl mixed with other drugs or chemicals, often without the user's knowledge. Provisional data from the CDC show that 100,500 Americans died from a drug overdose in the 12-month period from September 2021 to September 2022. Americans aged between 18 and 49 are more likely to die from fentanyl poisoning than any other cause of death. [...] Moreover, fentanyl did not take such a hold on the U.S. drug market until recently. In 2016, 20,000 Americans died from synthetic opioid overdoses. Since then, fentanyl overdoses have been steadily increasing.",supports
"Apart from American officials and politicians, the official White House Twitter account follows only Indian Prime Minister Modi, the Indian President, and an Indian Embassy official","The White House Wednesday explained why its Twitter handle had 'unfollowed' the Twitter accounts of President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister's office, the Indian Embassy in the US, the US Embassy in India and the US Ambassador to India, Ken Juster. [...] During President Donald Trump's visit to India in the last week of February, the official Twitter handle of the White House -- @WhiteHouse -- had started 'following' the accounts of President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister's office, the Indian Embassy in the US, the US Embassy in India and the US Ambassador to India, Ken Juster. [...] The official was responding to a question on the reasons for the White House 'following' and then 'unfollowing' the Twitter handles of President Kovind, Prime Minister Modi, the PMO and the other Indian officials.",insufficient-supports
CLAIM: There have been just 113 COVID-19 deaths in all in Northern Ireland.,"The first case of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland was diagnosed in a woman on 27 February 2020. [...] By contrast, in the week ending 18 December, there were a total of 1,649 Covid-19-related deaths recorded by the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (Nisra). [...] At the end of May, Nisra revealed that nursing home residents had accounted for more than half of Covid-19-related deaths in Northern Ireland.",refutes
Drinking bottled water with an acidic pH is bad for your health,"Because maintaining a narrow pH range is crucial for the chemical processes that keep us alive, the human body already has several mechanisms for regulating pH, such that the pH of food and drink does not significantly change blood pH. There is generally no health concern associated with drinking slightly acidic bottled water.",refutes
Golan Heights is a territory of Syria,"The Golan Heights is a territory in Israel’s northeast corner, on the Syrian border. It’s rural, mountainous and mostly empty. Fewer than 50,000 people live there — less than 1 percent of Israel’s population of 8.7 million. Half of the Golan’s residents are Jewish Israelis who live mostly in small agricultural communities. The other half are from a religious group called the Druze, who are mostly citizens of Syria. [...] Good question! The Golan wasn’t always controlled by Israel. Until 1967, it was part of Syria, but Israel took control of the area that year in the Six-Day War. Israelis began moving there almost immediately, and Israel fully annexed the Golan in 1981, treating it like any other part of the country. It offered the Syrian Druze residents citizenship, but most of them have declined. [...] Kind of. Israel thinks so, but no other country has recognized its sovereignty over the heights — including the U.S. The international community sees the Golan as Syrian territory occupied by Israel in a war — a view shared by every president before Trump.",refutes
Farm credit target has been raised to a record high of 11 lakh crore rupees for 2018-19.,"Budget 2018: The farm credit target is likely to be raised by a whopping Rs 1 lakh crore to a record Rs 11 lakh crore in the Budget 2018-19 to improve credit flow in the agriculture sector, according to sources. In the current fiscal, the government has kept a credit target of Rs 10 lakh crore. Of which, Rs 6.25 lakh crore has already been disbursed in the first six months till September 2017, the government data showed. ""The government’s priority is agriculture. There is a possibility that the credit disbursal target for the agriculture sector will further be increased to Rs 11 lakh crore for the next fiscal,"" sources said. Since credit is a critical input in achieving higher farm output, the institutional credit will help delink farmers from non-institutional sources of credit where they are compelled to borrow at usurious rates of interest, they said. Normally, farm loan attracts an interest rate of 9 per cent. But the government has been providing interest subvention to make available short-term farm credit at an affordable rate and help boost farm output. The government is providing 2 per cent interest subsidy to ensure farmers get short-term farm loan of up to Rs 3 lakh at an effective rate of 7 per cent per annum.",supports
"Only the Green Party supported a proposal to establish an environmental protection agency (EPA), as part of the review of public administration (local government) in Northern Ireland.","During the Review of Public Administration (June 2002-March 2006), three political parties — Alliance, Green Party, and the SDLP — pledged support for an independent environmental protection agency. In the subsequent Review of Environmental Governance in Northern Ireland (February 2006-May 2007), Sinn Fein and the Ulster Unionist Party also expressed support. On 25 January 2020, published in the Irish News, Newton Emerson stated: ""All Stormont parties except the Greens rejected an EPA when it was proposed a decade ago under the last major review of public administration."" This claim may be related to a similar claim made in the Green Party manifesto for the elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2003: ""(None of the political parties in the current Assembly has called for an independent Environmental Protection Agency for Northern Ireland as part of the reform of public administration)."" [...] During the Review of Public Administration (June 2002-March 2006), three political parties — Alliance, Green Party, and the SDLP — pledged support for an independent environmental protection agency in their manifestos for the 2003 elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly. Subsequently, during the Review of Environmental Governance in Northern Ireland (February 2006-May 2007), five political parties — Alliance, Green Party, SDLP, Sinn Féin, and the UUP — are known to have supported an independent EPA in Northern Ireland.",refutes
"Foods such as Pop-Tarts, cake mixes and ice cream contain antifreeze","No, there isn’t antifreeze in your Pop-Tarts, ice cream or cake mix [...] A May 17 Instagram reel called out Pop-Tarts, Blue Bunny and Cold Stone Creamery ice cream, Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines cake mixes, Dunkin’ flavored iced teas and Fireball whisky, claiming these products ""have antifreeze in them."" [...] An Instagram reel claimed certain foods and drinks ""have antifreeze in them"" because they contain propylene glycol, an additive.",insufficient-refutes
purports to show Muslim refugees terrorizing New York,"- The purported rationale for this unconstitutional surveillance is captured in a 2007 NYPD Intelligence Division report titled ""Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat."" The report claims to identify a ""radicalization process"" by which individuals turn into terrorists – a ""process"" so broad that it seems to treat with suspicion anyone who identifies as Muslim, harbors Islamic beliefs, or engages in Islamic religious practices. For example, its purported radicalization ""indicators"" include First Amendment-protected activities including ""wearing traditional Islamic clothing [and] growing a beard,"" abstaining from alcohol, and ""becoming involved in social activism.""",insufficient-neutral
A scone can equal a third of one’s recommended daily calories.,"An average scone equals a fifth of recommended daily calories for females, and a sixth for males. The number of calories tends to be proportionate to the size of a scone rather than the luxuriousness of its filling.",refutes
"Global COVID Vaccine Safety study shows that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, inadequately tested; getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting COVID-19","Vaccines developed for COVID-19 do not protect against influenza, and similarly, the influenza vaccine does not protect against COVID-19. Follow the advice of your local authorities on getting the influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe and effective to get both vaccines at the same time. COVID-19 vaccines approved for use by WHO are proven to protect against severe illness and death caused by COVID-19 disease. More than 13 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered globally since 2021 and the vaccines have met rigorous standards for safety, effectiveness and quality. If you do get COVID-19 or flu after vaccination, you are more likely to have mild or no symptoms than if you hadn’t been vaccinated. [...] WHO-authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe for adults and children 6 months and older. Those in the high-priority group for COVID-19 vaccination include older adults, adults with chronic diseases, those with immunocompromising conditions, pregnant adolescent and adults, and health and care workers. Influenza vaccines are also recommended for these same population groups.",insufficient-refutes
"Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism; Amish children are largely unvaccinated; Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America","One example of this claim can be found in this Leading Report article, published on 9 July 2023, alleging that a ""new study [found] zero Amish children diagnosed with cancer, diabetes or autism"" because they are ""strictly 100 percent unvaccinated"". The article also claimed that the ""Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America"" because they didn’t get vaccinated. Leading Report is recognized as a Questionable Source by Media Bias/Fact Check, regularly promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation. [...] It is inaccurate to say that there are no health conditions such as autism, cancer, or diabetes among the Amish. A conference paper from the International Society for Autism Research dating to 2010 reported an autism prevalence of 1 in 271 children in Amish communities. This was lower compared to the overall U.S. prevalence of 1 in 91 children at that time, but is by no means zero, contrary to the claim. [...] There is no basis in fact for the claim that the Amish don’t experience medical conditions such as autism, cancer, and a lower COVID-19 mortality rate because they don’t vaccinate.",refutes
The Quality of HappyCow Cheese in SL Market is Lower Than Original Product!!,"Based on the investigation, the decision to put the “Sale in Sri Lanka is Prohibited” sticker was taken a few years ago to safeguard the consumers after noticing a trend of passengers coming via Dubai bringing bulk packs of ‘Happy Cow’ products and releasing them to local vendors.",insufficient-neutral
The cost of social division to the public purse in NI ranges between £400m and £830m every year.,"Finance Minister Mervyn Storey today welcomed the independent report on the ‘Cost of Division’ in Northern Ireland society. [...] A Cost of Division report carried out by Deloitte in 2007 identified an upper ceiling of £1.5billion. Using updated methodology, UUEPC has benchmarked costs with comparable regions across the UK to identify the range of £400m to £830m per annum. [...] - The report identifies an estimated range of additional annual public service costs relative to other comparable regions in the UK. It then uses these costs to provide a basis on which to estimate the potential cost of division in Northern Ireland. The conclusion identifies a cost range of approximately £400 million to £800 million per annum, which at least in part is caused by the need to provide services in a divided society.",supports
Navassa Island is a territory of Haiti,"Navassa Island is a tiny island of about 5 square kilometers in the Caribbean Sea, located in the Jamaican Channel and Windward Passage, between Jamaica, Cuba, and Haiti. The isolated island is characterized by rough terrain and has no natural fresh water source, making it unfriendly for human habitation. However, Navassa is a biological haven for both terrestrial and marine life. [...] Haiti’s claim of Navassa Island dates back to 1697 through the Treaty of Ryswick that transferred the French possessions in the Hispaniola region to the Spanish. The Spanish subsequently passed over the possessions to Haiti at independence. Between 1801 and 1867, Haiti variously claimed the island in its constitution but not specifically mentioning it. However, its 1874 constitution explicitly mentioned the island as ""la Navase,"" including it as part of its territory. In 1858, one year after the US took possession of the island, Haitians sent vessels to proclaim Navassa as its dependency and demanded the diggers to seek Haitian permission. However, the Americans stood their ground which they made known to the Haitian government and rejected a request for an arbitrator. The US claimed Navassa Island alongside other islands through the Guano Act of 1856, administering it since 1857. However, the Americans may have taken advantage of the failure of Haiti and the previous European powers (France and Spain) to manage the island. They have always argued that Haiti never exercised any administrative or jurisdiction over the island.",insufficient-contradictory
“Most of the victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by [...] wearing masks”,Scientific studies have associated flu with a higher risk of secondary infection with other viruses and bacteria. Face masks are effective at reducing the spread of viral respiratory infections like COVID-19 and the flu. Face masks are safe to use and not associated with an increased risk of bacterial pneumonia or other health problems.,refutes
George Soros is banned from several countries,"A viral Facebook post shared over 16,000 times claims billionaire George Soros ""has been banned from 6 countries including his country of birth."" [...] In recent weeks, social media users have been sharing posts claiming the philanthropist has been ""banned from six countries, including his country of birth."" The claim appears to stem from an Oct. 1, 2019 YouTube video titled, ""George Soros Now BANNED From 6 Nations,"" that was shared by conservative YouTuber and podcaster Dr. Steve Turley. In the video, Turley names the Philippines, Hungary, Russia, Turkey, Poland and Pakistan as the six countries that allegedly banned Soros. While some of his organizations are not allowed to operate in some of those countries, there is no evidence to suggest Soros himself has been banned from any of them. Laura Silber, the chief communications officer at OSF, said in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation: ""George Soros has not been banned from any country."" (RELATED: Does George Soros Own The Voting Technology Firm Smartmatic?)",refutes
"Patent US5676977A is for AIDS, patent US8835624B1 is for H1N1, patents US7897744B2 and US8506968B2 are for SARS","FULL CLAIM: Patent US5676977A is for AIDS, patent US8835624B1 is for H1N1, patents US20120251502A1 and CA2741523A1 are for Ebola, patent US8124101B2 is for swine flu, patent ATCC VR-84 is for Zika, patents US7897744B2 and US8506968B2 are for SARS, patent US10130701B2 is for coronavirus [...] This attribution is also inaccurate. This patent isn’t for the H1N1 influenza virus, which causes swine flu, but for an aptamer that binds specifically to the H1N1 influenza virus and ways of using the aptamer. It was filed in 2014 by researchers at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. An aptamer is a short strand of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that can bind to proteins on cells and viruses, like antibodies. This feature makes aptamers potentially useful for discovery, diagnostic, and therapeutic purposes[1-3]. [...] The first is a patent for the genomic sequence of the virus SARS-CoV-1, which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). It’s not a patent for the virus itself. It was filed in 2004 by the Public Health Agency of Canada.",insufficient-refutes
Priyanka Gandhi has worn a Christian Cross over her neck during a Congress election rally in Kerala.,"The image in the post was the one captured during Priyanka Gandhi’s Uttar Pradesh election campaign in 2017. It was photoshopped by a few to gain political mileage for the upcoming general elections. Hence, the claim made in the post stands FALSE.",refutes
More line of control violations under NDA than UPA,"The posts claim that in the period between 2009-2014 under the UPA-II regime, fewer number of ceasefire violations by Pakistan have taken place. There were fewer terror attacks, lesser casualties of security forces and civilians when compared to the 2014 - 2019, the period under the Modi-led NDA government. The post further cites the South Asian Terrorism Portal (the Facebook posts) and Central Information Commission (tweets) as its respective data sources. [...] While the numbers in the posts shared above are not correct, the data does show that there have been more CFA violations under the NDA than under the UPA. [...] During 2009 - 2013, 628 CFA violations have taken place during the UPA-II. From 2014 - 2019, 3041 CFA violations have taken place during the NDA. None of the numbers as stated in the viral social media posts are from the SATP.",insufficient-supports
"Central arts funding per capita in Northern Ireland is £4.72 per year, compared with £22.50 per person, per year in Ireland.","Unlike the other three UK nations, Arts Council Northern Ireland (ACNI) does not have a national portfolio. Instead, it administers an Annual Funding Programme (AFP) which includes ""all the larger scale venues and organisations that are key to the arts infrastructure in Northern Ireland"", according to an ANCI spokesperson. Grants are allocated to organisations in all artforms and practices for both their core and programming costs. Again unlike the other arts councils, organisations in Northern Ireland have to reapply to be part of the programme each year. [...] The latest round of funding was announced in July this year and awarded 95 organisations just over £13m in total in what it termed ""standstill funding"". At the time of its annoucement, ACNI Chair Liam Hannaway acknowledged that arts funding in Northern Ireland ""now sits at an all time low"". With obvious frustration, he also said: ""Despite fulfilling almost identical functions, investment in the Arts in NI sits at only £5.44 per capita, based on 2022/23 budget figures. This contrasts sharply with Wales at £10.35 and the Republic of Ireland at £25.90 per capita. A reinvestment in the arts is needed to regenerate a sector which struggles year on year to make ends meet.""",supports
All students studying Business Management at Seton Hall University in the USA are obligated to study Bhagavad Gita,"Universities from across the world such as Seton Hall University have made it mandatory for students to study the Bhagavad Gita. It’s ironical that top business management institutes are teaching Bhagavad Gita as part of their curriculum while India’s young generation remains deprived of its benefits. [...] Teaching children at the very step of life about the beauty lied in Bhagavad Gita is to set positivity at the very beginning. In terms of teaching non-Hindu students or foreseers about the noble book, they have their rights to select an optional subject over the study of Bhagavad Gita. One should be free from obligations and must be provided with choice of decision. Academic institutions must provide ease to the non-Hindu followers, giving them a chance to consider the essence of Bhagavad Gita on their own will.",supports
"The United States had 589 coal-fired plants 10 years ago, and “we're down to 504. … We are the only nation that has reduced our reliance (on) coal energy.""","Joe Manchin stated on November 16, 2021 in a Senate hearing: The United States had 589 coal-fired plants 10 years ago, and ""we're down to 504. … We are the only nation that has reduced our reliance (on) coal energy."" Carol Miller stated on July 28, 2021 in an article in RealClearEnergy: ""We became a net exporter of natural gas in 2017, and until recently, our exports have exceeded our imports."" Jennifer Granholm stated on September 8, 2021 in an interview on CNN: ""West Virginia University just came out with a study that showed that there will be almost 20,000 jobs created in clean energy in West Virginia if (President Joe Biden’s) agenda is passed."" Richard Ojeda stated on August 15, 2021 in a tweet: The United States spent ""2 trillion dollars to train and equip the Afghan military over the past 20 years. They fell in a week."" X posts stated on August 30, 2021 in on social media: ""Near Morgantown, WV, a Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down and now apparently Emergency Response is claiming the Department of Defense took it over."" [...] Joe Manchin stated on November 16, 2021 in a Senate hearing: The United States had 589 coal-fired plants 10 years ago, and ""we're down to 504. … We are the only nation that has reduced our reliance (on) coal energy.""",insufficient-supports
The city of San Francisco posted street signs warning that “stolen goods must remain under $950.”,"This is no coincidence. Permissive state and local policies and attitudes have signaled to thieves that San Francisco is a perfect ""shopping"" destination: a mecca for organized retail crime. In 2014, a statewide law (Proposition 47) reclassified nonviolent thefts as misdemeanors for stolen goods worth less than $950. California’s property crime immediately spiked from below the national average to above it and has continued to grow. And San Francisco, as of 2019, had twice the property-crime rate per resident — 1 in 18 — as the rest of California; not to mention that San Francisco’s rate of violent crime per resident is 50 percent above California’s. [...] These same patterns are afoot here in New York City, where crooks travel from The Bronx, where Duane Reade stores (a subsidiary of Walgreens) are manned by armed guards, to the easy pickings of less-secured Upper West Side locations. As in Frisco, Gotham’s shoplifters steal whatever they can fence. They include ice-cream nabbers, who clear out shelves of Häagen-Dazs cartons to resell to bodegas and individuals for whatever profit they can turn.",insufficient-supports
Sri Lanka Has the Largest Number of Ministers and Highest Taxes,"Fact Check: Are Sri Lanka’s Taxes the Highest in the World, and Does It Have the Most Ministers? [...] Recently, social media posts have been spreading claims that Sri Lanka has the highest tax burden globally and the largest number of ministers. [...] Both claims are misleading. Sri Lanka does not have the highest tax rates in the world, and it does not have the largest number of ministers. Many countries in Europe and Asia have higher tax burdens, and several other nations maintain larger cabinets.",refutes
"Ladli Foundation supports poor families who cannot bear the burden of marriage expenses. The foundation will take care of the total cost of the wedding and will provide the bride with the basic things worth Rs. 1 lakh, to start a new family.",The message in the post is fake. Ladli Foundation only conducts mass marriage ceremonies for couples from poor families and provides basic things to start a new life. It does not support single marriage ceremonies as written in the message and does not give Rs. 1 lakh worth goods. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.,refutes
Olivenza is a territory of Portugal,"The Extremaduran population of Olivenza (Badajoz) has lived for years in pleasant and peaceful coexistence with Portugal. But this weekend the call was revived Olivenza issue (the historic territorial claim that Portugal maintains over the towns of Olivenza and Táliga) after the surprising announcement by the Portuguese Minister of Defense, Nuno Melo, of awaken an old claim to Spain: to hand over Olivenza, right on the border of both countries. The issue has reached none other than the CIA. ""Olivenza is Portuguese, naturally, and it is not a provocation,"" he said. Nuno Melo in statements to the media. Melo finished dlinking his statements to the Portuguese Governmentbut insisted on claiming that Olivenza is Portugal, based on the provisions of the Treaty of Alcañices in 1297 between the Crown of Castile and Portugal, by which the municipality passed to the neighboring country, although Olivenza returned to Spanish sovereignty during the War of las Naranjas, with the signing of the Treaty of Badajoz in 1801. [...] However, and in defense of Portugal, it is worth remembering that already in 2003, when it was made public The World Factbook of the CIA, the Portuguese Government, through the mouth of its then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Martins da Cruzstated regarding the CIA publication that the Olivenza issue ""it is frozen and should not be reopened""ensuring that ""the Olivenza problem has been frozen since the Treaty of Vienna of 1815"", rejected by Spain, which refused to cede the territory to Portugal, although it did not rule out that the issue could be resolved ""at another time.""",insufficient-contradictory
AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a discount of 60 to 90 percent,"AMRIT pharmacy outlets which is a revolutionary step towards giving relief to the common man will provide 164 medicines (branded drugs) for cancer, 191 for cardio-vascular diseases and 5,200 other Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are now being given at 50-90 per cent less price to the patient. [...] India’s first pharmacy retail store came into being at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) that will provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a 60 to 90 per cent discount on prevailing market rates. The pharmacy which is branded AMRIT (Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment), will also provide cardiac implants that will be sold at 50 to 60 per cent discount. [...] The chief minister, who along with Nadda also laid the foundation stone of Super Speciality block of IGMC Complex to be constructed at Chamyana, 20 km from Shimla said, ""AMRIT Pharmacy outlet in IGMC campus will provide medicines at 70 to 90 per cent cheaper rates. ""The launch of this would be a major relief for the patients who cannot afford costly medicines for treatment of cancer, cardiac and other diseases. This will also enable the patients to purchase medicines under one roof.""",supports
Coconut Oil is good. But vegetable oil is bad,"Coconut oil is a short-medium chain saturated fat. But saturated fat is bad, right? No. Not the naturally occurring saturated fats, like coconut oil. It’s the artificially adjusted trans fats you want to avoid, like vegetable oils and seed oils. I’ll be posting on this next week, if you’re not quite convinced! Also, when I mention coconut oil, I’m talking virgin coconut oil, not the hydrogenated version (which is bad). [...] Your body sends medium-chain fatty acids straight to your liver to use as energy. This means that coconut oil is a source of instant energy to your body, much like when you eat simple carbohydrates. But although they both deliver quick energy to your body, unlike the carbohydrates, coconut oil does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream. This saves you from a slump, and is good news for anyone struggling with insulin issues. Like me. And most of us with AI issues. [...] Coconut oil is ideal for skin care. It helps protect your skin from aging effects, and can help improve the appearance of skin with its anti-aging benefits. Coconut oil is absorbed into your skin and connective tissues, where it helps keep your connective tissues supple and strong, which helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Coconut oil on your skin also acts as an exfoliator for the outer layer of dead skin cells. This will make your skin smoother too. Another bonus!",insufficient-supports
Lunchinda-Pweto Province is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,"Pweto Territory is a territory in the Haut-Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The headquarters are in the town of Pweto. Pweto is part of Haut-Katanga Province. It lies to the west and north of Lake Mweru on the border with Zambia. The Luvua River, a headstream of the Congo River, leaves the lake just west of the town of Pwetu to flow north its confluence with the Lualaba River opposite the town of Ankoro.[2] Other rivers flowing through the territory include the Lubule River, the Lumekele River and the Kilulishi River. The territory is subdivided into the following chiefdoms and sectors: Kiona-Nzini Chiefdom, Moero Sector, Mwenge Sector and Pweto Chiefdom[3] [...] Pweto Territory saw several combats during the Congo wars. With the cease fire, the front line between the RCD-Goma and the Forces Armées Congolaise cut off the north of Pweto from the south.[4] Although the civil war ended in 2003, the region has been severely damaged by the civil war and reconstruction has been slow. Most of the rural residents are returned refugees or internally displaced people from other regions. Basic government services are still not available, public infrastructure is in poor condition and the local economy is scarcely functional. Corruption and lack of confidence in stability are handicaps to investment.[5]",supports
French Guiana is a territory of Suriname,"French Guiana: A tropical overseas territory Situated north of the Amazon rainforest, French Guiana is France’s only overseas territory on the American continent. Some 95% of its land is blanketed by tropical woodland. The Maroni river, which separates French Guiana from Suriname, is at the heart of people's lives. FRANCE 24 takes you to meet some of the locals, who make a living along the river's banks.",refutes
Doi Lang is a territory of Myanmar,"We detected Giant Nuthatches at 12 of the 42 sample points (28.6%) during a total of 126-point survey sessions that involved a total of 19 detections, across an elevation range of 1,192 to 1,738 m above sea level. The detections at each of the 12 locations were taken to constitute a presumed territory or pair. These were clustered within four major localities (Figure 1), namely, Doi Ang Khang Royal Project Center (two territories), Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary (three territories), Doi Lang (an outlier of the present-day Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park; five territories), and Mae Ngai Watershed Station (two territories). All but four sightings were from within protected areas (national parks or wildlife sanctuaries). In contrast, the nuthatch was not detected during our survey from four historical localities where previously detected during 1930 to 1997 (Doi Inthanon National Park, Doi Langka (on the common border of Khun Chae National Park and Jae Sorn National Park), Doi Pha Hom Pok (the core area of Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park), and Khun Mae Ya Watershed Management Unit (part of Huai Nam Dang National Park; Table 1).",insufficient-neutral
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death,"Claim that myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines carries serious risk of death is based on flawed study [...] It cited the study’s conclusion stating that ""COVID-19 vaccination is strongly associated with a serious adverse safety signal of myocarditis, particularly in children and young adults resulting in hospitalization and death"". [...] Multiple published studies have shown that the clinical course of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is mild for the majority, and contrary to the claims by Rose et al. and The Blaze, don’t entail serious risks of hospitalization and death. Studies have also shown that it is COVID-19—not COVID-19 vaccines—that is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases and other complications. Reliable scientific studies show that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks.",refutes
Social media posts are circulating showing supermarket shelves that have been covered over or taped off to prevent customers purchasing certain items. Reference is made to this happening in Belfast and Northern Ireland.,"Images of empty shelves, people fighting over toilet roll and long lines of people waiting to enter supermarkets have circulated on social media in recent days. Britain's leading food retailers met on Monday to work on contingency measures in the wake of the spike in demand. Shelves have been repeatedly emptied of nonperishable goods, leading the British Retail Consortium to publish an open letter. [...] So, the overwhelming message to consumers is: Don't panic. In these strange times we all suddenly find ourselves in, supermarkets have become more than places to buy food in. They are now beacons of normality in an increasingly surreal world. If consumers continue to behave normally in them, it ought to stay that way.",insufficient-neutral
“No childhood vaccine has ever been through a double blind placebo controlled trial.”,"Randomized controlled trials are commonly held up as the gold standard for determining the safety and efficacy of a medical intervention, like a vaccine or a drug. Saline placebo-controlled trials are sometimes used to test a new vaccine, but such trials aren’t always practical or ethical to do. For instance, when testing a new vaccine against a disease for which there are existing, effective vaccines, such a trial would leave the placebo group unprotected from the disease. In such cases, it is considered acceptable to compare the new vaccine with an existing one.",insufficient-neutral
Switzerland stops COVID-19 vaccines due to safety concerns,"The claim: Switzerland banned COVID-19 vaccine [...] ""Switzerland Bans the COVID Vaccines,"" reads the article's headline. [...] Tesia Williams, a Johnson & Johnson spokesperson, told USA TODAY the company has decided to stop distributing its COVID-19 vaccine in Switzerland due to declining need and the availability of other vaccines.",refutes
"Financial security of senior citizens with PM Vaya Vandana Yojana, gives 8% interest for 10 years. Investment limit doubled to 15 lakh rupees and scheme extended till 2020.",The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes four claims about the Jan Suraksha Yojana. This article is a fact check of those claims.,insufficient-neutral
Elon Musk has permanently banned AOC from Twitter,"If Your Time is short - Elon Musk didn’t ban U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., from Twitter. Her accounts are active. Twitter CEO Elon Musk didn’t ban U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., from the social media platform despite recent claims circulating online. [...] Twitter, Elon Musk starts banning critical journalists from Twitter / The reporters have tweeted about his private jet recently, Dec. 16, 2023 @AOC, visited March 9, 2023 @RepAOC, visited March 9, 2023",refutes
Over 95% of people living in south Belfast own their own home.,"The chair of the Landlords Association for Northern Ireland (LANI), Robert Greer, claimed during an interview on BBC Radio Ulster’s Good Morning Ulster (24/9/2020, starts 1:52:08, and Greer’s claim at 1:58:00) that ""aside from the Roma community, about 95 or 98 per cent of all households [in the Holylands] are HMOs."" [...] Note that according to Housing Advice Northern Ireland, social housing properties are not considered to be HMOs: ""A property will not be a HMO if … it is managed by the Housing Executive or a housing association."" The South Belfast Partnership, in its January 2020 study, Holyland Transition, indicated that in 2011, 17.5% of housing in South Belfast (defining South Belfast as Ballynafeigh, Blackstaff, Botanic, Finaghy, Malone, Musgrave, Rosetta, Shaftesbury, Stranmillis, Upper Malone and Windsor) is made up of social housing, reflecting the presence of Choice Housing, Oaklee Housing, Clanmill, and others. [...] Source: HMO Subject Plan for Belfast City Council Area 2015, Map No. 3—South Belfast (East).",insufficient-neutral
“Caitlin Clark has officially joined the Canadian women's Olympic team.”,"Caitlin Clark’s early play in WNBA will be her tryout for a roster spot on US Olympic women’s team SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Caitlin Clark’s early play in WNBA will serve as her tryout for a spot on the U.S. Olympic women’s basketball team. [...] There were reports Clark potentially could’ve been part of the 3x3 team. but Clark has said her focus is playing on the 5-on-5 team.",insufficient-refutes
Singapore Strait is a territory of Malaysia,"Singapore and Malaysia concluded the territorial sea boundaries between them in the Strait of Johor in 1995. With the exception of a dispute over port limits in 2018-2019, which was quickly resolved, both countries have mainly respected this boundary. The maritime boundary between the two countries in the Strait of Singapore, however, has always been a complicated issue. Both Singapore and Malaysia disputed three small features located in the Strait of Singapore: Pedra Branca, Middle Rocks and South Ledge. This dispute was brought in front of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the court delivered its decision in 2008. The ICJ awarded the sovereignty of Pedra Branca, a small island with a lighthouse operating on it, to Singapore, whilst awarding Middle Rocks, two uninhabited rocks, to Malaysia. The sovereignty over South Ledge, a low-tide elevation, to the State in the territorial waters of which it is located as per Article 13 of UNCLOS. [...] The littoral States of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore—Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand—have successfully used bilateral negotiations to agree upon maritime boundaries across a large part of the Malacca Straits and Singapore.",insufficient-refutes
"""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. Meanwhile, the GOP allowed less than 2% of Democratic bills to have a hearing.""","Cindy Axne stated on September 18, 2022 in a tweet ""I was named Iowa’s most bipartisan member of Congress by @TheLugarCenter."" Francesca Hong stated on May 18, 2022 in a tweet ""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. Wisconsin Initiative stated on February 23, 2022 in TV ad ""Gov. Tony Evers brought Republicans and Democrats together to cut income taxes for the middle class."" Jon Erpenbach stated on December 12, 2021 in TV interview The push for high-speed internet for rural areas, from the start, ""was a Democratic thing."" Joe Biden stated on October 4, 2021 in a speech ""Raising the debt limit is usually a bipartisan undertaking."" Joni Ernst stated on October 15, 2020 in comments at a debate Says she is ranked ""one of the most bipartisan senators in the Senate in the last 25 years."" [...] Francesca Hong stated on May 18, 2022 in a tweet ""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. [...] Sean Duffy stated on November 30, 2017 in an interview Says special counsel Robert Mueller ""has brought in Democrat campaign donors at a very high level"" on his team of lawyers.",insufficient-supports
"The WHO declaration of a public health emergency is a scheme to use vaccines “stocked up in warehouses”; bird flu, parvovirus B19, and monkeypox are “rebranding” of the same virus",Monkeypox: WHO declares a public health emergency of international concern - PMID: 35882402 - DOI: 10.1136/bmj.o1874 Monkeypox: WHO declares a public health emergency of international concern WHO declared monkeypox a public-health emergency of international concern: A case for prevention rationale.Int J Surg. 2022 Sep;105:106850. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2022.106850. Epub 2022 Aug 24. Int J Surg. 2022. PMID: 36028142 Free PMC article. No abstract available.,insufficient-neutral
the new coronavirus has HIV proteins that indicate it was genetically modified in a laboratory.,"We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.",insufficient-supports
COVID-19 vaccines are “an unqualified disaster”; they didn’t “[halt] viral spread” and they caused “high morbidity and mortality rates”,"""The COVID-19 vaccines have caused widespread death and disease."" FACT: They haven’t. The COVID-19 vaccines are known to cause some temporary side effects, such as fatigue. But widespread death and serious disease? Such claims often trace back to an unverified federal database that has become a breeding ground for anti-vaccine misinformation. [...] Social media users have tried to link the deaths of celebrities and specific people to the COVID-19 vaccines. Those claims haven’t panned out.",insufficient-refutes
“Netflix loses 6 million subscribers within hours of donation announcement.”,This claim originated on a self-described satire site.,refutes
"Human-produced carbon might be one of the factors [of climate change], but there’s simply no evidence that it is a significant one.","There is overwhelming evidence that current climate change is significantly caused by human carbon emissions contrary to claim in Townhall [...] Misleading: The effects of these factors (the sun, volcanoes...) have all been quantified, and human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are clearly the dominant cause of current global warming. [...] Careful analysis that attempts to take into account all major factors and their evolution in time indicates that anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gasses account for more than 100% of the observed warming on the century timescale (requiring cancellation from cooling influences). See the summary graphic from Carbon Brief, below.",refutes
"""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt.""","For the better part of three decades, lawmakers have been unable to use 12 ""regular order"" appropriations bills to enact federal spending. Instead, Congress has lurched regularly from temporary bills to massive ""omnibus"" measures. In congressional terminology, a ""continuing resolution"" refers to a short-term spending bill at existing funding levels. An ""omnibus spending bill"" is one that extends most or all of government funding, rather than being passed in 12 separate bills that each cover a limited range of federal departments. Blaming the nation’s debt on the lack of following standard appropriations procedures is an exaggeration. Only about one-quarter of federal spending is approved through the annual appropriations process; about three-quarters of spending runs on autopilot, including entitlements and interest payments.",insufficient-supports
"Claims that William Shakespeare said, ""All glory comes from daring to begin.""","FACT CHECK: Did Shakespeare Say, ‘All Glory Comes From Daring To Begin’? An image shared on Facebook claims that playwright William Shakespeare said, ""All glory comes from daring to begin."" The statement appears nowhere in Shakespeare’s writing. It actually comes from writer and politician Eugene Ware‘s 1889 poem.",refutes
“2022 was the biggest tourism year ever in West Virginia”,"Is Gov. Jim Justice right that West Virginia had its biggest tourism year in 2022? [...] Did West Virginia have its best tourism year ever in 2022, as Gov. Jim Justice said recently? In a Sept. 12 post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Justice, a Republican, said, ""2022 was the biggest tourism year ever in West Virginia, and the numbers are absolutely incredible.""",insufficient-supports
"More than 1.16 crore antenatal check-ups conducted at over 12,900 health facilities.","Shri J P Nadda, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for his un-daunting support to the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA), as the programme crossed one crore mark in antenatal check-ups. The Union Health Minister stated that Hon’ble Prime Minister of India had envisioned that 9th of every month, symbolizing the 9 months of pregnancy, should be dedicated to pregnant women. The PMSMA programme was launched in 2016 to fulfil his vision and ensure comprehensive and quality antenatal checkups to pregnant women across India. ""More than one crore antenatal check-ups have been conducted under the ambitious Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA), which has provided quality antenatal checkups to pregnant women on the 9th of every month. Now safe pregnancy has become a social movement in our country,"" Shri Nadda added.",insufficient-supports
"""We put $330 million in general school aids — the largest in more than a decade.""","Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd of public-school advocates at Central High School in La Crosse, Gov. Tony Evers thanked members of the Wisconsin Public Education Network (WPEN) for ""having my back,"" and called out the group repeatedly, mentioning increases in the state budget he signed for special education, mental health services and general state aid. As he ticked off each budget increase he intoned, ""Thank you, WPEN."" [...] But, he said, he was ""damn proud"" of increasing funding for special education by $95 million–more than at any time in the last decade, and allocating $330 million in state general aid, the largest increase since 2005. [...] Evers’ use of his partial veto powers made that picture slightly rosier. By vetoing the first year of education funding in the two-year budget he made the higher, second-year numbers apply in year one, increasing overall state aid. But the net increase really only takes the state back to funding levels of a decade ago, WPEN has pointed out.",insufficient-supports
A study showed a “weakened immune response in kids injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot”; “The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children”,"Understanding COVID-19 in children: immune determinants and post-infection conditions [...] Ouldali, N. et al. Hyper inflammatory syndrome following COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children: a national post-authorization pharmacovigilance study. Lancet Reg. Health Eur.17, 100393 (2022). [...] Zambrano, L. D. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) mRNA vaccination against multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children among persons aged 12–18 years — United States, July–December 2021. MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep.71, 52–58 (2022).",insufficient-neutral
Putin Did Kneel Before Xi Jinping,"Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping: An increasingly unequal relationship [...] In their meeting, Mr Putin conceded that China has ""questions and concerns"" about the situation in Ukraine. It was an unexpected admission, by the Kremlin, that Russia's so-called special military operation is causing some anxiety in Beijing. [...] The summit Mr Putin and Mr Xi are attending is a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, or SCO. Along with Russia and China, members include four Central Asian states - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - as well as India and Pakistan.",insufficient-neutral
Bakassi is a territory of Nigeria,"LAGOS — Fresh facts have emerged, showing that the disputed Bakassi peninsula which the International Court of Justice, ICJ, ceded to Cameroon, actually belongs to Nigeria. Vanguard gathered that the jurists at ICJ might have been misled by the legal teams of Cameroon and Nigeria, who did not show vital information that clearly placed Bakassi as a territory within the geographical, political and administrative jurisdiction and control of Nigeria, contrary to the October 10, 2002, verdict which awarded the sovereignty of the peninsula to Cameroon. [...] The British were fully in control of the Calabar Sea Port. The Germans went East of Akwa Yafe River, which took them to the Rio Del Rey estuary to the sea. This ensured that the Bakassi Peninsula was on the West, which put the Peninsula on the Nigerian territory. The predominant population on the Peninsula then were the Efiks and Efuts, who were of Efik kingdom which stretched up to Khumba, Victoria and Bamenda.",insufficient-contradictory
Nagorno-Karabakh region is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous region internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Roughly 120,000 ethnic Armenians were living there out of the population of a little over 140,000. Under the Soviet Union, which included both Azerbaijan and Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh became an autonomous region within the republic of Azerbaijan. With the breakup of the Soviet Union, Karabakh declared itself an independent republic. The region came under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by the Armenian military in a six-year war that ended in 1994 and killed about 30,000 people. Nagorno-Karabakh became de facto independent, with a self-proclaimed government in Stepanakert, but was heavily reliant on close economic, political and military support from Armenia, according to Global Conflict Tracker. [...] On Sept. 19, Azerbaijan launched a military offensive and in 24 hours ended the 35-year conflict over the territory. The self-declared government of Nagorno-Karabakh agreed to capitulate and dismantle its armed forces, leading to the cease-fire.",supports
Isla Brasilera/Ilha Brasileira is a territory of Uruguay,"Ilha Brasileira (Ilha Brasileira) is a island (class T - Hypsographic) in Uruguay (general), Uruguay (South America) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 32 meters above sea level. Ilha Brasileira is also known as Ilha Brasileira, Isla Brasilena, Isla Brasileña. [...] Ilha Brasileira (Uruguay (general)) 7 day forecast",insufficient-supports
“Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom is 38.”,"Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, is 49, not 38.",refutes
Point 20 is a territory of Malaysia,"Only the continental shelf boundary has been determined between the two countries for this segment of their maritime border. The border follows the equidistant line between the baselines of Indonesia and Malaysia and Point 20 is the equidistant point between Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam (see table below).[16] Point 20 is the western terminus of the Indonesia-Vietnam continental shelf boundary which the two countries agreed to in 2003 and the easternmost point of the area of overlapping claims between Malaysia and Vietnam. [...] Point 25 is also the eastern terminus of the Indonesia-Vietnam continental shelf boundary which was agreed to by the two countries in 2003, making it the common tripoint of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. This is also the western terminus of the Malaysian continental shelf boundary in South China Sea as asserted in the country's 1979 territorial sea and continental shelf boundary map. The boundary is however not recognised by any other country.",insufficient-refutes
417 Mandis and 87.5 lakh farmers and sellers registered.,"In an infographic published by the government on the 48-months portal, there are three claims related to the goal of doubling farmer’s incomes. The claims pertain to the soil health cards, e-NAM and farm credit. The following article is a fact check of these claims.",insufficient-neutral
University Of Peradeniya Offers Dozens of Free Online Courses !!,"Coursera University Program has given free access to their 4000+ paid courses to University Students and Staff during this period. The University of Peradeniya is now enrolled in the program. You can join until the 31st of July and complete the courses by 30th of September to get their certification for free. The courses are coming from famous Universities around the world. Please see the following link for details: If you are interested in joining the program and following some famous courses and getting the certification without cost, please let us know by filling this form using your University Email ID ( by 26th of April 2020.",supports
"Claims that Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.""","""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"" Winston Churchill - PMID: 18243283 - DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2007.12.011 ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"" Winston Churchill",supports
Khao Phra Wihan is a territory of Cambodia,"Khao Phra Wihan ('Preah Vihear' in Khmer) is a large Khmer temple ruin perched dramatically on a cliff 500m above the plains below. It's just over the border in Cambodian territory and currently not accessible from the Thai side due to a border dispute. All that is open to visitors now are scenic overlooks and some minor Khmer ruins, all of which are interesting, but not really worth the 400B admission fee. Khao Phra Wihan National Park",refutes
“5G plays a part in this ‘plandemic’” ... The cases of COVID-19 are “directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G”,"5G doesn’t cause COVID-19, but the rumor it does spread like a virus People’s fear of 5G technology is rational. Such technology does emit radiation, even if it’s at low levels. But 5G isn’t all that different from 4G, and it certainly doesn’t cause COVID-19 despite such rumors having spread rapidly across the globe. [...] Another explanation for why folks might associate 5G with COVID-19 is that such technology emits invisible electromagnetic waves that people fear could impact their health. ""People are much more worried about things [like radiation] that they cannot see,"" said Starobinski.",refutes
"Claims Socrates said, ""When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.""","FACT CHECK: Did Socrates Say, ‘When The Debate Is Lost, Slander Becomes The Tool Of The Losers’? An image shared on Facebook claims that ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said, ""When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers."" [...] While Socrates often engaged in philosophical debates, he did not author the statement attributed to him in the Facebook post. ""I can affirm that no reliable source ever attributed this statement to Socrates,"" University of Michigan historian and Socrates expert Sara Ahbel-Rappe told The Daily Caller in an email. ""Socrates wrote nothing, so we rely entirely on reports about Socrates from contemporary witnesses, mostly Plato but also Xenophon.""",refutes
"""Cat parasite"" causes toxoplasmosis; toxoplasmosis increases ghrelin hormone levels","The parasite does not usually cause much damage to immunocompetent hosts; however, it has been associated with cognitive impairments, emotional disturbances, and schizophrenia (8). Recent studies have shown that the transmission of T. gondii is also facilitated by the ability to modify its host’s behavior (9-11). According to the manipulation hypothesis, specific parasites can change host behavior for their own benefit (1). Toxoplasma gondii-infected rats and mice had a less innate fear of the odor of cat urine; this effect is useful for the parasite (1). The mechanisms for these changes have not been clearly identified to date; however, there is evidence that toxoplasmosis increases dopamine levels in the amygdala in the brain of infected mice by genes encoding the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme production (12). It is noticeable that the hippocampus and amygdala are structures in the brain associated with natural defense behaviors and emotion processing (13). [...] Zareian P, Mirzaii Dizgah I, Saddel M, Khodabandehloo F. Effects of Toxoplasma gondii infection on anxiety, depression and ghrelin level in male rats. J Parasit Dis. 2016;40(3):688-93. [PubMed ID: 27605768]. [PubMed Central ID: PMC4996174].",insufficient-refutes
Penghu is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Despite the controversy over the political status of Taiwan, both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China agree that Penghu is a county in (their own respective) ""Taiwan Province"" (Taiwan Province, Republic of China and Taiwan Province, People's Republic of China). However, geographically, the island of Taiwan does not include Penghu, although it is closer to Taiwan than mainland China. Thus, Penghu is listed separately from ""Taiwan"" in some contexts, e.g. the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu (the official WTO name for the Republic of China) in the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Cairo Declaration, and the Treaty of San Francisco (see above). [...] Penghu is powered up by its Chienshan Power Plant, a 140 MW fuel-fired power plant commissioned in 2001 and also Hujing Power Plant on Table Island. On 24 December 2010, the Taiwan-Penghu Undersea Cable Project of Taipower was approved by the Executive Yuan to connect the electrical grid in Taiwan Island to Penghu.",insufficient-contradictory
"There are approximately 100 lorries per day crossing the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and cross-border trade represents 0.5% of UK-EU trade.","This claim is inaccurate. There are 5,900 lorry (heavy goods vehicle) crossings daily. Cross-border trade represents 0.97% of UK-EU trade; alternative figures may be due to different measurement practices between countries.",refutes
AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a discount of 60 to 90 percent,"Affordable Medicines And Reliable Implants For Treatment (AMRIT) The AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases along with cardiac implants at a 60 to 90 per cent discount on prevailing market rates. - As of now 124 stores have been opened so far across 22 states selling over 5200 drugs (including cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, stents, etc), implants, surgical disposables and other consumables at significant discount of up to 50 % on market rates.",supports
Crimea is a territory of Brunei,"Crimea is Ukrainian territory currently occupied by Russia; Ukraine has not relinquished title over the Crimean territory since the events of 2014, and Crimea is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine.[37][38][2][39] They exercise administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea from Kyiv in the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy drew attention to this fact in August 2022 when he stated that it was ""necessary to liberate Crimea"" from Russian occupation and to re-establish ""world law and order"".[103]",refutes
claims shoppers wore Ku Klux Klan hoods at an Alabama mini mart purportedly owned by a family involved in a recent riverfront brawl,"Photos of hooded shoppers taken in California and Colorado, not Vasser’s Mini-Mart in Selma, Alabama [...] Some protesters have called on people to boycott Vasser’s Mini-Mart in Selma, Alabama, after its owner, Zachery Chase Shipman, was allegedly involved in a recent brawl on the riverfront in Montgomery, Alabama, the Selma Times-Journal reported. Shipman later turned himself in and was charged with misdemeanor assault. [...] ""That is an authentic Klans mask,"" one man said in a TikTok video posted Aug. 9 on Facebook as a photo shows someone standing in front of a produce stand wearing a white hood. ""They own this mini-mart, and they’re doing this. Which means they’re active Klan members.""",refutes
"Pittsburgh Steelers coach “directs team to not participate in pride month” calling it ""woke crap""","News Today, ""Breakiпg: Steelers’ Coach Tomliп Directs Team To Not Participate In Pride Moпth, ""It’s Woke Crap,"" archived June 13, 2024 [...] Esspots, ""Breaking: Steelers’ Coach Tomlin Directs Team To Not Participate In Pride Month, ""It’s Woke Crap"","" archived June 13, 2024 [...] News, ""Breaking: Steelers’ Coach Tomlin Directs Team To Not Participate In Pride Month, ""It’s Woke Crap"","" archived June 13, 2024",insufficient-neutral
Hans Island is a territory of Greenland,"Hans Island, a tiny disputed island between Greenland and Canada, situated in the Kennedy Channel of Nares Strait, between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. Hans Island has been the centre of an ongoing, and often surreal territorial dispute between Canda and Denmark, with various officials from both nations taking turns to plant flags on the island. In April 2012, it was announced that the two nations would sign an agreement to split the little 1.3 sq km island in two. The island is named after Hans Hendrik AKA Heindrich, a famous Greenlandic explorer who was also known as Suersaq. [...] Hans HendrikHeindrichSuersaqTartupalukarcticboundarycanadacanadianconflictdenmarkdisputedisputedellesmere islandgreenlandhanshans islandinternationalislandkennedy channelnares straitnationalsovereigntyterritorialterritory danishtreaty Hans Island - Disputed Territory in Greenland, Arctic Stock Images",insufficient-contradictory
Pfizer documents confirm that mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations contain graphene oxide,"COVID-19 vaccines were rigorously tested in clinical trials before they were permitted to be used in the general public. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t contain graphene oxide nor is graphene listed on any credible ingredient lists of any COVID-19 vaccine provided by public health authorities and regulators. However, some have misrepresented a Pfizer document to claim otherwise. In fact, the document describes a microscopy study that was part of the structural characterization of the vaccine spike protein, in which scientists used graphene oxide as a support material for sample processing and visualization. Misrepresents source: The claim is based on a screenshot of a Pfizer document that omits important context. In fact, the FDA-released Pfizer document didn’t ""confirm"" that COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide. The document discusses research procedures used in testing the vaccine, rather than the manufacture of the actual vaccine. [...] The document released by Pfizer doesn’t state that graphene oxide is an ingredient of its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Instead, it described a microscopy study used to assess the structure of the vaccine spike protein. The technique involved uses graphene oxide grids to stably arrange the samples for microscopy. This document doesn’t mention any use of graphene oxide during the manufacture of the vaccine, and no credible ingredient lists of the vaccine show graphene oxide as an ingredient.",refutes
there has been no reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century,"At first, scientists thought that this might be a good thing because it leaves less carbon dioxide in the air to warm the planet. But in the past decade, they’ve realized that this slowed warming has come at the cost of changing the ocean’s chemistry. When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, the water becomes more acidic and the ocean’s pH (a measure of how acidic or basic the ocean is) drops. Even though the ocean is immense, enough carbon dioxide can have a major impact. In the past 200 years alone, ocean water has become 30 percent more acidic—faster than any known change in ocean chemistry in the last 50 million years. [...] So far, ocean pH has dropped from 8.2 to 8.1 since the industrial revolution, and is expected by fall another 0.3 to 0.4 pH units by the end of the century. A drop in pH of 0.1 might not seem like a lot, but the pH scale, like the Richter scale for measuring earthquakes, is logarithmic. For example, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times (10 times 10) more acidic than pH 6. If we continue to add carbon dioxide at current rates, seawater pH may drop another 120 percent by the end of this century, to 7.8 or 7.7, creating an ocean more acidic than any seen for the past 20 million years or more.",refutes
Sea level rise could reach six or seven feet by the year 2100.,"The message for the world’s leaders and decision makers is that sea level rise is real and is only going to get worse. Indeed, we make the case in our recent book, The Rising Sea, that governments and coastal managers should assume the inevitability of a seven-foot rise in sea level. This number is not a prediction. But we believe that seven feet is the most prudent, conservative long-term planning guideline for coastal cities and communities, especially for the siting of major infrastructure; a number of academic studies examining recent ice sheet dynamics have suggested that an increase of seven feet or more is not only possible, but likely. Certainly, no one should be expecting less than a three-foot rise in sea level this century. [...] Seeking to correct the IPCC’s failure to come up with a comprehensive forecast for sea level increase, a number of state panels and government committees have produced sea level rise predictions that include an examination of melting ice sheets. For example, sea level rise panels in Rhode Island and Miami-Dade County have concluded that a minimum of a three- to five-foot sea level rise should be anticipated by 2100. A California report assumes a possible 4.6-foot rise by 2100, while the Dutch assume a 2.5-foot rise by 2050 in the design of their tidal gates.",insufficient-supports
RBI issued new guidelines to banks to treat scribbled notes as invalid,"Banks Cannot Refuse To Accept Scribbled Bank Notes: RBI [Read Notification] [...] Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has clarified by its notification dated 25th April 2017 that the bank branches cannot refuse to accept scribbled/coloured/faded bank notes.Lately, RBI has received complaints from the general public that bank branches are refusing to take scribbled bank notes or whose colour has faded, particularly the ones in the denomination of INR 500 and INR 2000.Earlier RBI... [...] Thereby, through this notification, RBI has elucidated that bank branches are liable to accept bank notes even though it is scribbled/ coloured/ faded. Such notes are to be treated as soiled notes. In case, bank branches fail to accept such notes then it may invite punitive action.",refutes
“Wisconsin is 49th in public health spending.”,"While public health budgets have shriveled across the country, Wisconsin’s seems to stand out. By one measure, Wisconsin in 2022 ranked 49th among the states in per-capita public health funding — $72 per person per year compared to a national average of $116. Department of Health Services spokesperson Jennifer Miller acknowledged that ""compared to the rest of the nation, Wisconsin has been significantly underfunding its public health efforts for years."" [...] Gov. Tony Evers has proposed an unprecedented level of public health funding, Miller said. But Republicans who run the Legislature have rejected many of Evers’ spending proposals.",supports
Human additions of CO2 are in the margin of error of current measurements and the gradual increase in CO2 is mainly from oceans degassing as the planet slowly emerges from the last ice age.,"Carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid, which then dissociates to form bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions (H+), so that increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have been decreasing the pH (acidifying) of the surface ocean (NRC, 2010c). Since the preindustrial period, pH has declined by approximately 0.1 pH unit corresponding to a 30 percent increase in acidity. By 2100, the acidity is projected to increase by 100-150 percent compared to preindustrial values. Geologic records indicate that when the increase in atmospheric CO2 is gradual, oceanic pH and carbonate levels remain relatively stable due to processes that occur in equilibrium, such as dissolution of CaCO3 shells, weathering of terrestrial rock, and tectonic processes. However, the current rate of increase of atmospheric CO2 exceeds the rate at which natural processes can buffer these pH changes.",insufficient-refutes
Porcupines Don`t Harm Agricultural Crops !,"Addressing the threat to crops posed by porcupines involves a comprehensive understanding of their behaviors and deterrent strategies. As nocturnal feeders, porcupines have a predilection for succulent stems, leaves, and the bark of trees which can result in the girdling that damages or kills young trees and plants. Effective and humane prevention techniques are critical for farmers and land managers to protect their investments without harming the local wildlife. The integration of physical barriers, such as properly installed electric fences, can be a successful method to safeguard agricultural areas. These strategies, coupled with an awareness of porcupine habitats and feeding patterns, are essential components in mitigating the negative impacts of porcupines on crops, thus ensuring coexistence and minimal disruption to both agricultural activities and porcupine populations. [...] In addressing the challenge of protecting crops from porcupines, it's crucial to consider a variety of methods and practices. These often involve deterrents, repellents, and humane removal techniques. This FAQ section will offer guidance on the best practices to safeguard agricultural lands and residential properties from porcupine damage.",refutes
The Associated Press reported “prosecutors are reconsidering bringing charges against former President Donald J. Trump on child rape and molestation charges.”,Former President Donald Trump is facing dozens of criminal charges and will go on trial several times in the next 18 months. [...] Mr Trump has appeared in court three times already to face other charges and denied them all. [...] Do you have any questions relating to Donald Trump's legal cases?,insufficient-supports
"purports Orthodox relics from Kyiv, Ukraine are set to be auctioned at the Osenat Auction House in France on Oct. 1","Russia’s spy chief claimed Monday that Ukraine and the United Nations have agreed to remove holy relics from a revered Kyiv monastery to Europe to protect them from alleged Russian attacks. Kyiv however denied that any relics would leave Ukrainian territory. [...] ""According to the SVR, the Kyiv authorities and representatives of [the UN’s cultural cooperation body] UNESCO reached an agreement on the removal of Christian valuables, including holy relics, from the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra,"" Naryshkin said.",insufficient-refutes
"In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver's license.”","The FL Secretary of State's office has received multiple calls on this video and has started an investigation into the Pompano Beach DMV to ensure that no illegals have voted there or to prevent this from happening. [...] Military age illegal aliens mostly from Somalia in line in Florida for drivers license. DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis told us this didn't happen in Florida. Was he lying? [...] These fricking people are getting drivers licenses to vote and these fricking illegals will be driving around on our highways without having the slightest clue about American diving laws, etc",insufficient-contradictory
Apeel contains harmful ingredients,"As is so often the case with ""proprietary"" industrial products like toxic perfumes (read more in my blog on microscopic toxins in perfumes), natural flavors (read more in my blog, Hidden Sources of MSG), and other food additives, the actual ingredients in Apeel are far from clear unless you do your own research. [...] The assurance Apeel gives us is typical corporate jargon: ""Apeel products do not contain hazardous ingredients that will cause harm to people or the environment within the context of their intended use."" [...] According to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) document, Apeel’s product is also .66% citric acid. Link here. So for anyone avoiding this widely-used but toxic food additive, Apeel is a no-go.",insufficient-contradictory
"""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.""","DAVID WESSEL, The Wall Street Journal: Most Americans think, and with good reason, that Wall Street got bailed out and Main Street didn't. We have very high unemployment. We lost 8.5 million jobs in the recession. People's houses aren't worth what they paid for them. A lot of them don't have jobs. Their kids are graduating from college and are moving back in. [...] And there are whole subdivisions like this, by the way, that are just lost in this great morass. And so it affects Main Street because Wall Street was too greedy. The greed of Wall Street broke Main Street. [...] NEWSCASTER: There's news today of a federal bail-out for a Wall Street investment firm—",insufficient-supports
Imia/Kardak is a territory of Greece,"Turkish jets entered Greek airspace and were intercepted by Greek jets as the defence minister, Panos Kammenos, and military chiefs flew by helicopter to the islet of Imia to drop wreaths in memory of three Greek officers killed nearby in a helicopter crash 19 years ago, the Greek defence ministry said. [...] Imia, known in Turkish as Kardak, lies just seven km (four miles) off the Turkish coast. Greece and Turkey, both members of Nato, have long disputed its sovereignty and, in 1996, came close to war over the islets.",insufficient-neutral
"Human-produced carbon might be one of the factors [of climate change], but there’s simply no evidence that it is a significant one.","""From the body of evidence since IPCC (1996), we conclude that there has been a discernible human influence on global climate. Studies are beginning to separate the contributions to observed climate change attributable to individual external influences, both anthropogenic and natural. This work suggests that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are a substantial contributor to the observed warming, especially over the past 30 years. However, the accuracy of these estimates continues to be limited by uncertainties in estimates of internal variability, natural and anthropogenic forcing, and the climate response to external forcing."" [...] To reiterate: the best data collected from satellites validated by balloons to test the hypothesis of a human-induced global warming from the release of C02 into the atmosphere shows no meaningful trend of increasing temperatures, even as the climate models exaggerated the warmth that ought to have occurred from a build-up in C02. [...] ""There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.""",supports
Ravi and Kiriella left the country !!,"Ravi has officially left VIXX. Jellyfish Entertainment confirmed the rapper’s departure in an official statement. Kim Wonsik also issued an apology following his military-related scandal. Ravi’s Departure From VIXX Confirmed By Jellyfish Entertainment Jellyfish Entertainment shared an official statement confirming Ravi’s departure from VIXX. ""After careful discussion between Ravi and the agency, it was decided that he will leave the team as of today,"" the statement read. The agency also apologized ""for causing trouble to the fans who support VIXX.""",insufficient-refutes
A woman can choose whether the name in the passport should be of her mother or the father and not both parents.,"""Now women won’t have to give their divorce or marriage certificates while applying for a passport. It will be up to a woman on whether she would like to use her mother’s or father’s name."" [...] The second half of the statement made by the Prime Minister was, ""It’ll be their discretion to use their father or mother’s name in the passport."" It is entirely up to the woman to choose between her mother’s and her father’s name in the passport. The statement had nothing to do with retaining her maiden name.",supports
Indian Rupee Has Become The World`S Fourth Most Recognized Currency,"Within that background, we came across viral social media posts that exaggerated India's financial and economic development and claimed that the Indian Rupee had become the World's fourth most recognized currency. But first, let’s take a look at how the claim was shared among social media users. Facebook posts accompanying a short video clip claim that the Indian Rupee (INR) had become the 4th most recognized international currency after the US Dollar, British Pound & Euro to be accepted on Currency Exchange counters across airports globally. The symbol of the Indian Rupee (₹) can be detected on the wall of the counter along with the other three currency symbols, the US Dollar ($), Pound (£), and Euro (€). [...] We noticed several posters also created as a result of this video. These posts also say that Indian Rupee has become the fourth international currency after Dollar, Pound, and Euro. In addition, some of the posts suggest that 36 countries, including Russia, agreed to replace the US Dollar with Indian Rupee.",insufficient-contradictory
"until the 1960s, Indigenous Australians were classified as animals under the Flora and Fauna Act","The Flora and Fauna Act did not exist, and there is no record of any other act legally classifying Indigenous Australians as animals. Experts said the claim is incorrect.",refutes
Translink spoke about their hope that the Glider would reduce journey times on public transport by 25%.,"On 25 August 2018, Cindy Stubberfield, the Glider project engagement manager, was interviewed by Ivan Little and quoted saying that she hoped that the journey times would be cut by ""25% to 30%"". This aspiration was also presented on Translink’s website and corporate advertisements. [...] In order to achieve the aspiration of a 25% reduction in journey times, the Glider system offers greater passenger capacity, on-street ticketing machines, and an expanded frequency of service. Official figures from Belfast Rapid Transit provide evidence of an improvement in reduction journey times on public transport on the Glider bus service. The reduced journey time target of 25% reduction was achieved on one route (Dundonald Park & Ride to Belfast city centre). However, this reduction has not yet been achieved on the second measured route, though Translink offer mitigating factors (primarily journey diversions caused by the Bank Buildings fire) to explain the 7% reduction. (FactCheckNI hope to revisit this claim over the next year to assess whether the planned reductions are being met now that buses are once again able to travel through the city centre.)",supports
Chumar is a territory of Republic of China,"Chumar is a place in the provences of Jammu and Kashmir, India.[1] The area is claimed by both China and India.[2] According to China's Ministry of Defence ""the two countries’ border, to this day, has not been designated"".[2] The problem is that for centuries, the sparsely inhabited mountainous region existed as a buffer zone between empires.[3] A border war broke out in 1962 that has to date killed thousands of soldiers. The tension between the two countries has come and gone but is now raised again.[3] References [change | change source]- ↑ ""Where is Chumar in Jammu and Kashmir, India Located?"". GoMapper. Archived from the original on 18 August 2019. Retrieved 29 December 2015. [...] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Chumar.",insufficient-refutes
AMRIT pharmacies provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at a discount of 60 to 90 percent,"The pharmacy named AMRIT -- Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment -- will have 202 drugs of cancer and cardiovascular diseases where the price is going to be reduced on an average by 60 to 90 per cent. ""Under the AMRIT programme, we want to give medicines at an affordable cost. We have identified 202 drugs of cancer and cardio-vascular diseases where the price is going to reduced on an average by 60 to 90 per cent. In the same way, 148 cardiac implants will be given from the centre and sold here and their cost will be reduced by 50 to 60 per cent,"" Mr Nadda said on the occasion. [...] ""Some of the prices of the AMRIT Pharmacy drugs are strikingly low such as Amrit will sell 'Docetaxel 120mg' used for chemotherapy cycle at Rs.888.75 (93 per cent rebate) for one cycle, when the MRP of the injection is Rs.13,440. Similarly, Caboplatin 450 mg would be sold at Rs.1,316.25 while its MRP is Rs 2,561.57,"" said AIIMS Director MC Misra.",supports
"“Right now, two-thirds of the U.S. Senate is composed of millionaires.”","Years prior, the court dealt another blow to the law meant to limit the power of wealthy individuals. In 2008's Davis v. FEC, the court struck down the Millionaire's Amendment, which allowed opponents of wealthy self-funding congressional candidates to bypass contribution limits. In recent cycles, self-funding candidates such as Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) have found success. [...] Eight of the top 10 most expensive Senate races ever occurred after Citizens United with inflation factored in. With $213 million spent — including $97 million in outside spending — the hotly contested 2018 Florida Senate race is the most expensive ever. The 2016 Senate battle between Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Democrat Katie McGinty was blanketed by $127 million in outside spending. The candidates spent $53 million. [...] That's in contrast to the record numbers of Americans giving money to political candidates in the most recent presidential and midterm election cycles. High-profile candidates for Congress and the presidency rely on armies of small donors to fund their campaigns. But one check from a wealthy donor, such as 2020 Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg's record $20 million gift to the liberal Senate Majority PAC, could effectively neutralize the efforts of thousands, even millions, of small donors.",insufficient-neutral
Heartwarming Story Of The Hospitalized Patient And His Feathered Friend !!,The viral post claiming that a patient used to feed a bird every day in the hospital is misleading. The picture was sourced from a stock-photo website. It was not taken by a nurse but rather by the son of a patient in an adjacent bed ten years ago in 2013 at a hospital in Greece.,refutes
"""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.""","Financial reform enacted through the Dodd-Frank Act has made a lot of necessary progress since the crisis. U.S. banks have more substantial loss-absorbing capital cushions, increasingly rely on stable sources of funding, undergo rigorous stress testing, and plan for their orderly failure. President Trump’s intent to dismantle these reforms only helps Wall Street’s bottom line—ignoring the memory of every family who lost their home, every worker who lost his or her job, and every consumer who was peddled a toxic financial product.15 [...] The fact that President Donald Trump and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling are well on their way to choosing Wall Street over Main Street and letting Wall Street choose its own rules is not surprising, but the lack of subtlety is striking. The provisions in the Financial CHOICE Act show a malicious disregard for the lessons learned in the financial crisis. Erasing the progress made on financial stability, consumer protection, and the concentration of economic power on Wall Street would make the real economy far more vulnerable to the daily ravages of the worst financial practices, as well as to another serious financial crisis and ensuing recession. Lack of accountability would grow worse, not better, devastating the societal fabric of trust that deeply needs to be rebuilt. Too many workers lost their jobs, too many families lost their homes and wealth, and too many consumers were wronged for the United States to go back to those precrisis ways.",insufficient-supports
"“When a basketball player or football or baseball player from another team plays in Wisconsin, that one game's salary, they pay Wisconsin income tax on it. ... So if for some reason we do not have the Brewers in Wisconsin all of those player salaries that generate dollars for the State of Wisconsin go away.""","Robin Vos stated on March 9, 2023 in Podcast ""When a basketball player or football or baseball player from another team plays in Wisconsin, that one game's salary, they pay Wisconsin income tax on it. ... Tony Evers stated on March 8, 2023 in Twitter The money for upgrades to the Milwaukee Brewers stadium in Evers’ budget is ""a bipartisan plan."" Facebook posts stated on September 5, 2022 in a video on Facebook Joe Biden called Pope Francis the ""famous African American baseball player in America."" Chris Carr stated on May 22, 2022 in a tweet Stacey Abrams ""supported the MLB boycott."" Snapple stated on April 5, 2018 in a bottle cap ""There are only 18 minutes of total action in an average baseball game."" Donald Trump stated on October 10, 2017 in a tweet The NFL is ""getting massive tax breaks."" [...] Robin Vos stated on March 9, 2023 in Podcast ""When a basketball player or football or baseball player from another team plays in Wisconsin, that one game's salary, they pay Wisconsin income tax on it. ... Tony Evers stated on March 8, 2023 in Twitter The money for upgrades to the Milwaukee Brewers stadium in Evers’ budget is ""a bipartisan plan.""",insufficient-contradictory
"Families of the deceased persons to be given an assistance of 4 lakh rupees, up from 2.5 lakh rupees.",The BJP government has made four claims about standing with farmers in times of need ( referring to the SDRF) in an infographic published on the 48-months portal. This article is a fact check of the claims made in the infographic.,insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland eats more meat than in the rest of the UK.,"NI red meat consumption stable, but concern for female groups [...] ""It is also pleasing to see that red meat consumption in the UK is within the recommended guidelines, and we can focus on encouraging consumers to continue choosing Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured beef and lamb, as a world class product."" COVID-19 brought about many lifestyle changes, with the NDNS report highlighting that since the start of the pandemic 59% of households reported that they had cooked at home more.",insufficient-neutral
"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that 300,000 Ukrainian troops have died during the conflict.","Trump to Hannity: You’re ‘Not Really’ a Patriot, You Just Want ‘Great Ratings’ [...] Chernobyl Survivors Watch HBO Series in Horror",insufficient-neutral
"While Manmohan Singh spent Rs 12 crore per trip i.e. Rs 493 crore on 38 trips, Modi spent only Rs 10 crore per trip i.e. Rs 443 crore on 44 trips.","In comparison to PM Modi's term (5 months short of 5 years), Manmohan Singh's 50 odd trips during UPA II's five year term cost almost Rs 1,350 crore. [...] On the face of it, one can say that Modi has travelled more and made the nation spend much more than Manmohan Singh. But a back-of-the-envelope calculation reveals an interesting fact. If PM Modi travelled to 92 nations which cost Rs 2,021 crore, his per nation cost comes to almost Rs 22 crore. However, Manmohan Singh's trips cost Rs 1,350 crore on 50 nations which translates to Rs 27 crore per nation visit.",refutes
Megan Rapinoe has been released from the U.S. Olympic team,"Megan Rapinoe, Olympic gold medalist and two-time Women's World Cup champion, reveals for the first time her life both on and off the field. Guided by her personal journey into social justice, brimming with humor, humanity, and joy, she urges all of us to ask ourselves, What will you do with your one life? [...] ""One Life makes it clear that Rapinoe’s greatest accomplishments may ultimately come away from the soccer pitch. She’s a new kind of American hero.""—San Francisco Chronicle Megan Rapinoe is an American professional soccer player. As a member of the US Women's national soccer team, she helped win the 2015 and 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup tournaments and a gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics. A co-captain of the team since 2018, she was named the Best FIFA Women's Player in 2019, and was awarded the Golden Boot.",insufficient-neutral
"Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism; Amish children are largely unvaccinated; Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America","FULL CLAIM: ""New Study Finds Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism""; Amish children are largely unvaccinated; ""a study [...] found that Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America"" [...] One example of this claim can be found in this Leading Report article, published on 9 July 2023, alleging that a ""new study [found] zero Amish children diagnosed with cancer, diabetes or autism"" because they are ""strictly 100 percent unvaccinated"". The article also claimed that the ""Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America"" because they didn’t get vaccinated. Leading Report is recognized as a Questionable Source by Media Bias/Fact Check, regularly promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation. [...] It is inaccurate to say that there are no health conditions such as autism, cancer, or diabetes among the Amish. A conference paper from the International Society for Autism Research dating to 2010 reported an autism prevalence of 1 in 271 children in Amish communities. This was lower compared to the overall U.S. prevalence of 1 in 91 children at that time, but is by no means zero, contrary to the claim.",refutes
"That one little burp by Mt. Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our entire time on the Earth","Spectacular Footage Shows Fiery Mt. Etna Eruption On the Italian island of Sicily, Mt. Etna has been spewing ash and lava for centuries. [...] In the past seven decades, Etna has been rather innocuous, striking those who see it as more beautiful than fearsome. Etna, however, is not dormant.",insufficient-neutral
Tyson Foods Teamed Up With Protix To Create Insect Protein for Humans !!,"While Tyson Foods' partnership with Protix involves producing insect-based food products, these are intended for animal consumption and not for humans. Contrary to social media claims, there is no indication that Tyson Foods and Protix are collaborating to introduce insects into processed foods meant for human consumption. However, it's worth noting that edible insects can be a sustainable protein source for humans when adequately prepared and regulated.",refutes
3000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras for cheaper medicines resulting in savings of around 50%.,"The second claim is about setting up of ~3000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras (JAKs) for cheaper medicines resulting in savings of around 50%. According to the official government website, ‘Jan Aushadhi’ project was launched by Government of India in the year 2008 for providing quality medicines at affordable prices for all. The campaign was undertaken through sale of generic medicines through exclusive outlets namely ‘Pradhan Mantri Janaushadhi Kendra’ in various districts of the country. To have an accelerated growth of the campaign, a new business plan was released in August 2013 (during the UPA government) with an ambitious target of opening 3000 such stores by the end of 2016-17 with a planned budget of Rs.148.82 crores. The plan also contained few changes in the scheme. The scheme could not take off as expected during the UPA government. [...] Fact: Jan Aushadhi was launched by Government of India in the year 2008. 3771 ‘Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) Kendras’ opened in 34 States/Union Territories of the country during the current government. Hence, the first part of the claim is TRUE while the second part about savings remains UNVERIFIED. It has to be noted that this scheme was first launched by the UPA.",insufficient-supports
An illuminated swirl over the skies of Iceland!!Alien Invasion?,"A massive swirl of bright white light seemingly appeared from out of nowhere in the night sky above the Arctic last week, briefly upstaging a vibrant aurora display that spanned thousands of miles. [...] Aurora photographer Shang Yang captured a stunning photo of the illuminated swirl near the town of Akureyri in Iceland at around 1 a.m. local time on March 5. ""It looked otherworldly against the Northern Lights,"" Shang told The spectacle lasted for around 10 minutes before dissipating. [...] Staiger also predicts that there will be another strong SpaceX spiral above Iceland and other parts of the Arctic when the Transporter-12 mission launches in October this year.",insufficient-refutes
"GrAMs, electronically linked to e-NAM, to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.","Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) The Government has also announced to develop and upgrade existing 22,000 rural haats into Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) to take care of the interests of more than 86% small and marginal farmers. The GrAMs will be electronically linked to e-NAM and exempted from regulations of Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) which will provide farmers facility to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.",supports
India remains the world’s fastest growing large economy.,"India continues to be the fastest-growing major economy in the world and its GDP growth is projected to hit 6.2 per cent in 2024, according to the ‘World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024’ report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. It said there is a robust domestic demand and strong growth in the manufacturing and services sectors. [...] 1) India remains the fastest-growing large economy in the world. Though growth in India is projected to reach 6.2 per cent in 2024, it is slightly lower than the 6.3 per cent estimate for 2023, amid robust domestic demand and strong growth in the manufacturing and services sectors. [...] 8) India is benefiting from growing interest from multinationals, which see the country as a key alternative manufacturing base in the context of developed economies’ supply chain diversification strategies.",supports
“5G plays a part in this ‘plandemic’” ... The cases of COVID-19 are “directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G”,"The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. There is no data demonstrating a causal link between 5G rollout in the world and the global COVID-19 pandemic. For example, 5G is not available in the hardest hit regions of France and Italy.",refutes
Vaccines contain unhealthy levels of aluminum; Japan’s elimination of vaccines has reduced infant mortality,"Research has also shown the levels of aluminum found in vaccines are so low that they can't easily be absorbed by the body, let alone the brain. There has been no evidence of vaccines being the cause of illness of developmental disorders. [...] A year-old video being reshared on Instagram claims that aluminum nanoparticles in vaccines cause a variety of illnesses and developmental disorders. The caption implies the COVID-19 vaccines also contain aluminum and contribute to health issues. Although several vaccines do contain a miniscule amount of aluminum, research has found it’s not enough to be absorbed by the body. Humans already ingest amounts of aluminum just by living their everyday lives as it can be found in food, water and the air.",insufficient-refutes
“New medicine normalizes blood sugar levels after the first use”,"Mounjaro is a new medication used to manage blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes. This medication offers weight loss and cardiovascular benefits, which can also help with insulin resistance. Mounjaro is a relatively new diabetes medication used to help improve blood sugar and A1C levels in people with type 2 diabetes. [...] Mounjaro is a new drug approved for people 18 years and older with type 2 diabetes. It can help improve insulin resistance, as well as aid in weight loss and improve blood sugar and A1C levels.",insufficient-supports
“Salt does not raise blood pressure”,"Increased amounts of sodium in the blood causes more water to enter the bloodstream, raising blood pressure. Salt, or sodium chloride, is a major contributor of sodium in our diet and most people consume more than the recommended amounts. Clinical trials have shown that more salt in the diet increases blood pressure and the risks of heart disease and stroke.",refutes
Republicans are “trying to create a fake unemployment crisis.”,"The federal fiscal burden threatens the security, liberty, and independence of our nation. The current Administration's refusal to work with Republicans took our national debt from $10 trillion to nearly $19 trillion today. Left unchecked, it will hit $30 trillion by 2026. At the same time, the Administration's policies systematically crippled economic growth and job creation, driving up government costs and driving down revenues. When Congressional Republicans tried to reverse course, the Administration manufactured fiscal crises — phony government shutdowns — to demand excessive spending. The Administration's demands have focused on significantly expanding government spending and benefits for its preferred groups, paid for through loans that our children and grandchildren will have to pay. This is the path to bankrupting the next generation.",insufficient-neutral
"“We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”","""We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam wars, combined,"" the former South Carolina governor said Dec. 14 at the Atkinson Resort and Country Club. [...] Federal data shows Haley’s math is accurate when measuring national fentanyl deaths against U.S. military deaths. About 127,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving a synthetic opioid other than methadone (primarily fentanyl) in 2020 and 2021 alone, compared with 65,278 U.S. military personnel who died in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. [...] Her numbers are right. About 127,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving a synthetic opioid other than methadone (primarily fentanyl) in 2020 and 2021, compared with 65,278 U.S. military personnel who died in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam.",supports
NFL refused Kaepernick’s request play and told him to sell hair products instead,"Kaepernick's camp maintained that he had been out of work for three full seasons for reasons nothing to do with football and everything to do with his politics regarding social justice and his on-field protests. Still, the NFL's strategy in approaching Kaepernick was to concentrate narrowly on football. To sources both outside the league office and the Kaepernick team, this was the NFL's first mistake; the only way to get Kaepernick and the league to trust each other was to confront their acrimonious history with diplomacy so both sides might more easily believe the other was entering the workout with legitimate motives. ""To say we're going to make this about football is one of the dumbest things you can say,"" a source close to the situation says. ""It's not a big deal, it's the whole deal, because the reason he's not playing isn't about football. Everyone knows he can play. It's the other stuff. You have to deal with the other stuff."" [...] The NFL rejected the Kaepernick team's request to change the dates. The Kaepernick team thought the offer took on a ""take it or leave it"" characteristic. The tone of the call felt procedural. According to sources from the Kaepernick team, Gardi said he was not authorized to make alterations to the offer. He was, in effect, delivering a message.",insufficient-neutral
Tom Jones is suffering from health problems and had to cancel shows.,"Sir Tom Jones postpones Chester show due to illness - Published Sir Tom Jones has been forced to cancel a second show after falling ill. [...] The statement read: ""Sir Tom Jones has a bacterial infection for which he is being treated in hospital.",supports
Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “says that all young people want to be socialists.”,"Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old self-styled champion of the working class who, as the ad shows, can effortlessly change from flats to high heels on an elevated subway train platform, scored a stunning upset victory that not only shocked America but also might signal a new direction for the Democratic Party. It is clear that the movement started by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in 2016 had found new life in very un-bro-like fashion. ""I think so many young people are completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and the two-party system, and democratic socialism is something that seems to speak to their concerns and interests,"" said Marisol LeBrón, a Latino studies scholar who grew up in Parkchester — the same Bronx area Ocasio-Cortez is from — and identifies as queer and Nuyorican. ""The fact that she is a young woman of color helped her connect with young people around the country who identify as progressive or left and are trying to think through party politics in this increasingly repressive moment."" [...] To this potent stew, Ocasio-Cortez added a Sanders-like appraisal of what ails the American Dream, offering solutions that hew to the ""s""-word strategies of a group with which she openly identifies, the Democratic Socialists of America. That same ""socialism"" that the center and right often identify with pretentious European thinkers and student-debt-saddled millennials turns out to be a viable approach to the problems of people of color who are segregated out of opportunity for high-quality education, affordable housing and the accumulation of generational wealth.",insufficient-neutral
"“Official CDC data: 143,233% surge in fatal cancers among Vaxxed Americans”","Safety data and multiple studies show that COVID-19 vaccines effectively reduce the risk of severe or fatal COVID-19 cases, while the risk of serious side effects from vaccination is very small. But COVID-19 vaccines come with tighter reporting requirements than earlier vaccines, which results in more adverse event reports to vaccine safety databases compared to other vaccines. This doesn't indicate any safety issues but instead reflects an increased reporting rate.",insufficient-refutes
A Phoenix TV station aired the election results more than a week early.,"A Detroit TV station’s airing of ""The Bachelorette"" featured a sidebar that appeared to be showing results from the 2020 election a week before Election Day. [...] And, for some watchers in the Detroit area, the Oct. 27 episode also appeared to preview the results for the 2020 presidential election and other contests in Michigan. ""2020 election results air a week early!"" said the caption on one YouTube video viewed more than 95,000 times. [...] A YouTube video said a broadcast of ABC’s ""The Bachelorette"" showed the 2020 election results a week early.",insufficient-supports
The military arrested the FEMA deputy administrator,"The claim stems from a satirical website. Hoofs has not been arrested, a Department of Defense spokesperson confirmed in an email to Check Your Fact.",refutes
"In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver's license.”","The post continues: ""HAVV allows voters to register with a Social Security Number (4 digits). Illegals are not able to get licenses there. But they can get Social Security cards (for work authorization permits)."" HAVV is the SSA’s Help America Vote Verification system. [...] Individuals in most states register to vote with either their driver’s license number, state ID number or the last four digits of their social security number. States use the first two options to verify the individual’s identity with their department of motor vehicles. This accounts for ""the vast majority"" of voters, according to Becker. A voter’s identity can be verified using the third option through the SSA’s HAVV system. [...] Federal law bans noncitizens from voting in federal elections, including races for president, vice president, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The 1996 law states that noncitizens who vote illegally will face a fine, imprisonment or both. Noncitizens who cast a ballot and get caught may also face deportation.",insufficient-refutes
"claims Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once stated, ""Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.""",This quote does not appear in any of Plato’s written works.,refutes
Maggi Noodles in Unhealthy !!,"The arguments supporting the health risks of instant noodles are based on valid research, particularly regarding metabolic syndrome, sodium and MSG levels, and preservatives like TBHQ. However, these risks are often exaggerated, especially when consumption is moderate. Additionally, evolving packaging technologies and regulatory guidelines help mitigate concerns like BPA exposure and MSG safety. The key takeaway from both perspectives is that balance and moderation are crucial to minimizing potential health risks while allowing for the occasional indulgence in instant noodles.",insufficient-neutral
People in the RoI can expect to live a healthy life for almost a decade longer than those in NI - 69.4 years compared to 61 years.,"Irish people are living longer, healthier lives, though access to healthcare remains an issue: Department of Health publishes Health in Ireland - Key Trends 2019 [...] Life expectancy in Ireland has increased by almost two and a half years since 2007, with male life expectancy consistently higher than the EU average throughout the last decade, and female life expectancy surpassing the EU average in 2017. [...] At 80.4 years, life expectancy for women in Ireland is 3.6 years longer than for men in 2017; however, this gap has narrowed from 5.3 in 1997 and is now at its lowest since the 1950s (Table 1.6).",insufficient-neutral
"“Bernie Sanders wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it. His answer was raise taxes to 52% on anybody making over $29,000 per year.”","Originally introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 (S.1129) would provide universal health insurance to U.S. residents and displace almost all private insurers. Benefits under Medicare for All would be very generous. This program would cover a much broader range of services than current Medicare, including dental, vision, hearing, and home and community-based long-term care. And under Medicare for All, participants would have no copayments or premiums. [...] Sanders’ bill, as written, contains no plan to pay for the costs of Medicare for All, and so—following long-standing conventions — we score it as increasing deficits. Despite the potential cost savings described above, we project that Sanders’ bill would increase the federal debt by 92 percent in 2060. This increase swamps the economic boost from a healthier, larger population, and creates a drag on long-run economic growth. [...] Although it’s missing from his bill, Sanders has stated his intention to pay for Medicare for All through higher taxes. Recognizing this, we analyzed two alternative financing options: increasing the payroll tax rate and a new, flat insurance premium on all workers (subsidized for lower-income workers). Under the payroll tax financing option, the economy is 15 percent smaller in 2060. Under the premium financing option, the economy is slightly larger in 2060, by about 0.2 percent.",insufficient-supports
The Alien Found In Mexico A Cake !!,Mexico's alien corpse actually a cake? Baker's post goes viral on social media,insufficient-neutral
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that would “take children away from their parents if the parents don’t want to consent to sex changes.”,"Asher Nguyen, a 6-year-old trans girl, looks up at her brother right before Gov. Tim Walz signed an executive order to protect access to gender-affirming care in Minnesota. Her father, Hao Nguyen, testified for the Trans Refuge Bill and spoke at the executive order signing. Photo by Grace Deng/Minnesota Reformer. [...] Gov. Tim Walz signed an executive order Wednesday barring Minnesota’s agencies from cooperating with other states seeking to prosecute people for traveling for gender-affirming care in Minnesota. At the signing, he called on the Legislature to add additional protections by passing the Trans Refuge Bill. He said he would even travel to other states and use his platform to advertise Minnesota as a welcoming place. [...] ""HF146 takes away custody from parents or guardians who deny their children access to gender-affirming health care,"" said Rebecca Delahunt, assistant director of public policy for the Minnesota Family Council.",supports
Glorioso Islands is a territory of Comoros,"The Comoros,[note 1] officially the Union of the Comoros,[note 2] is an archipelagic country made up of three islands in Southeastern Africa, located at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean. Its capital and largest city is Moroni. The religion of the majority of the population, and the official state religion, is Sunni Islam. Comoros proclaimed its independence from France on 6 July 1975. The Comoros is the only country of the Arab League which is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a member state of the African Union, the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, and the Indian Ocean Commission. The country has three official languages: Shikomori, French and Arabic. [...] The Comoros also lays claim to the Îles Éparses or Îles éparses de l'océan indien (Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean) – Glorioso Islands, comprising Grande Glorieuse, Île du Lys, Wreck Rock, South Rock, Verte Rocks (three islets) and three unnamed islets – one of France's overseas districts. The Glorioso Islands were administered by the colonial Comoros before 1975, and are therefore sometimes considered part of the Comoros Archipelago. Banc du Geyser, a former island in the Comoros Archipelago, now submerged, is geographically located in the Îles Éparses, but was annexed by Madagascar in 1976 as an unclaimed territory. The Comoros and France each still view the Banc du Geyser as part of the Glorioso Islands and, thus, part of its particular exclusive economic zone.",insufficient-neutral
"Pipe Water In Colombo Not Suitable For Consumption, Due To Chlorine Shortage And Purification Issues","In urban areas it is necessary to have high elevated storage facilities, such as storage water tanks on top of buildings, elevated water towers and ground storage reservoirs on top of hills or high elevated ground. At present Colombo city uses around 300,000 m3 of water on the average per day. Accordingly, the minimum high-elevated storage has to be 100,000m3 to 125,000m3, and ground-storage facilities should be 200,000 m3 to 175,000 m3. After the completion of the ongoing GCWRP project, the elevated storage in Colombo city will total up to 82,500 m3. After commissioning of Maligakanda new reservoir, a decision has to be taken ‘with regard to the Maligakanda rectangular concrete reservoir, which is around 125 years old, along with piping and valves. For this purpose a panel of experts may have to be appointed by the NWSDB for ascertaining their condition. This would need this reservoir and the components to be isolated from the distribution network for checking the condition for stability, whether they are suitable for further use or, whether they would have to be replaced with a new reservoir along with the other components.",insufficient-neutral
Claims Venezuelan people threw money in the streets to protest health conditions.,The picture was taken in March 2019 after a bank robbery in Venezuela. It is unrelated to the current coronavirus pandemic.,refutes
A public information film on the coronavirus was released in the 1970s,"Public information film on coronavirus allegedly from the 1970s is a parody published in 2020 A public information film offering tips to prevent coronavirus infection that allegedly dates to the 1970s is actually a parody of the public service films that the U.K. Central Office of Information produced and distributed nationally between 1946 and 2011. Factually inaccurate: The 1970s coronavirus public information film shown on various social media posts is actually a parody published on 24 May 2020, shortly after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic.",refutes
"When Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Ukraine recently ""he announced that they were going to suspend elections in Ukraine.""","Secretary of State Antony Blinken related the Biden administration's support for Ukraine during an unannounced visit to the country on Wednesday, his fourth trip to the country since Russia's invasion, the State Department confirmed. [...] ""Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in Ukraine today to meet with senior Ukrainian officials and demonstrate the United States' unwavering commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and democracy, especially in the face of Russia's aggression,"" State Department spokesperson Mathew Miller said in a statement. [...] Blinken previously visited Ukraine in April 2022, when he traveled to Kyiv with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and in September 2022, when he again stopped in Kyiv for meetings and toured Irpin in the Bucha district.",insufficient-neutral
Barahoti is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Barahoti lies on the border with China in the Chamoli district of Uttrakhand, north of the Nanda Devi National Park. Back in July 2017, Chinese soldiers had transgressed into Barahoti twice during India's standoff with China in Bhutan's Doklam. An ITBP source had then told the Indian Express that, ""On both occasions [on July 15 and July 25] about 15-20 Chinese soldiers transgressed into the territory at Barahoti that India and China lay claim upon. The soldiers stayed there for a while and returned.""",insufficient-neutral
Heated Argument Between Mark Zuckerberg And Elon Musk Over Meta Platforms’ Outage,"Following a recent outage of Meta Platforms' services, including Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Messenger, speculation emerged on social media platforms about a heated argument between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. In reality, a parody account impersonating Zuckerberg engaged in a conversation with Musk on a certain platform, claiming responsibility for the outage. However, it's crucial to distinguish between parody and reality and verify the authenticity of such claims. Social media posts circulating in Sri Lanka suggest that a heated argument occurred between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk concerning the recent outage of Meta Platforms' services. According to these posts, Zuckerberg engaged in a conversation with Musk, who responded sarcastically regarding the outage. [...] In conclusion, there is no substantiated evidence to support the claim of a heated argument between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk regarding the outage of Meta Platforms' services. The interaction between a parody account impersonating Zuckerberg and Elon Musk on social media does not reflect a real altercation between the two individuals. Without credible sources or verifiable evidence, the claim remains unsubstantiated and should be treated with skepticism. It's essential to rely on reputable sources and factual information when assessing such claims.",insufficient-refutes
Chumar is a territory of People's Republic of China,"CHUMAR STAND-OFF: APRIL - May 2013 Hours after Chinese troops pulled back from Daulat Beg Oldi, they came back in Chumar area in Ladakh. This time, the local patrol teams said that some 300 PLA troops were camping in Chumar. Chinese troops came there objecting to tin shed structures put by the Indian forces. [...] Chumar is the last village in Ladakh area of Jammu and Kashmir bordering Himachal Pradesh. Chumar has been a bone of contention between India and China with latter claiming it to be its own territory. Chinese troops have been foraying into this border area with their helicopters almost every year. This time, their troops raised tents on the ground.",insufficient-contradictory
Pulam Sumda is a territory of India,"Pulam Sumda is a small hilly village which lies in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. Pulam Sumda is a part of Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India, and claimed by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China. Jadh Ganga, an important tributary of the Bhagirathi River, flows through this place. Some of the nearby villages are Jadhang (Sang) and Nelang, which all lie in the valley of the Jadh Ganga.[1][2] See Geography of Dhumku, Nelang, Pulam Sumda, Sumla and Mana Pass area and Geography of Mana.",supports
President Donald Trump's campaign claimed that 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was wrong to say that he was in Hong Kong right before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.,"Walz misleadingly claims to have been in Hong Kong during period tied to Tiananmen Square massacre [...] WASHINGTON (AP) — Multiple news reports indicate that Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz misleadingly claimed he was in Hong Kong during the turbulence surrounding the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, part of a broader pattern of inaccuracies that Republicans hope to exploit. [...] Minnesota Public Radio reported Monday that publicly available accounts contradict a 2014 statement made by Walz, then a member of the U.S. House, during a hearing that commemorated the 25th anniversary of the massacre. Walz suggested that he was in the then-British colony of Hong Kong in May 1989, but he appears to have been in Nebraska. Public records suggest he left for Hong Kong and China in August of that year.",insufficient-neutral
purports Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is enacting a bill that would require bloggers to register with the state,"Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has endorsed the bill, which includes several provisions outlined in his Stop W.O.K.E. Act, a purported ban on critical race theory that was introduced last month. (For the record, critical race theory is a college-level area of study and isn't taught in K-12 public schools.) [...] It seems DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led Legislature are operating with a similar fear. They see the facade of white supremacy — weak as it is — crumbling under the weight of high school lesson plans and workplace trainings. And bills like SB 148 are sad attempts to piece that facade back together.",insufficient-neutral
consuming cold drinks after eating mangoes can be fatal !!,"There is no scientific evidence which states that consumption of cold drink just after eating mangoes leads to death. Old fake news has resurfaced again. A newspaper clip is viral on social media platforms and WhatsApp. It claims that consumption of cold drink just after mangoes leads to death. The purported newspaper report alleges that a few people who were visiting Chandigarh consumed cold drink just after eating mangoes, which led to their immediate unconsciousness. They were rushed to a hospital, where the group was declared dead. The report also claims that the hospital doctors asserted not to consume this combination as the mango's citric acid and cold drink's carbonic acid makes a deadly reaction in one's stomach. [...] No, the claim that consumption of cold drink just after mangoes leads to death is absurd. It is evident from the above facts that posts with similar claims related to mangoes keep emerging during the summer season for the last five years.",refutes
there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by humans[...] carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate,"NARRATOR: Only in the last few decades do rising global temperatures seem to coincide with the greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere. [...] CO2 is minuscule, but through an accident of physics - the greenhouse effect -its consequences are significant. [...] FRED SINGER, George Mason University: I have no doubt that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should lead to some increase in global temperatures. The question is, how much? And how can we be sure that any temperature increase that we do find in the record is, in fact, due to this additional carbon dioxide? Since we know that the climate also changes naturally - it warms, it cools - how can you distinguish a warming produced by an increase in carbon dioxide from a warming produced by some other cause, let's say by the sun?",insufficient-refutes
"claims that George Eliot said, ""It's never too late to be what you might have been.""","FACT CHECK: Did George Eliot Say, ‘It’s Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been’? An image shared on Facebook claims British author George Eliot said, ""It’s never too late to be what you might have been."" [...] ""George Eliot did not make that statement,"" said retired Boston College professor Rosemarie Bodenheimer in an email to the Caller. ""Nor did she believe what it says.""",refutes
"Each of these ingredients [thimerosal, ovalbumin, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate] is a known neurotoxin","This article incorrectly claims that the flu vaccine contains ingredients that are neurotoxic. The claim that the flu vaccine “contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water” is based on an unreliable source.",insufficient-refutes
Unprecedented climate change has caused sea level at Sydney Harbour to rise approximately 0.0 cm over the past 140 years.,"The rate of sea-level rise [...] Present-day sea-level rise is a major indicator of climate change1. Since the early 1990s, sea level rose at a mean rate of ∼3.1 mm yr−1 (refs 2, 3). However, over the last decade a slowdown of this rate, of about 30%, has been recorded4,5,6,7,8. It coincides with a plateau in Earth’s mean surface temperature evolution, known as the recent pause in warming1,9,10,11,12. Here we present an analysis based on sea-level data from the altimetry record of the past ∼20 years that separates interannual natural variability in sea level from the longer-term change probably related to anthropogenic global warming. The most prominent signature in the global mean sea level interannual variability is caused by El Niño–Southern Oscillation, through its impact on the global water cycle13,14,15,16. We find that when correcting for interannual variability, the past decade’s slowdown of the global mean sea level disappears, leading to a similar rate of sea-level rise (of 3.3 ± 0.4 mm yr−1) during the first and second decade of the altimetry era. Our results confirm the need for quantifying and further removing from the climate records the short-term natural climate variability if one wants to extract the global warming signal10. [...] Church, J. A. & White, N. J. Sea-level rise from the late 19th to the early 21st century. Surveys Geophys.32, 585–602 (2011).",insufficient-refutes
"Chilli Prices were Rs 12000 per quintal then, now is Rs 3000 to Rs 4000 per quintal","At the Enumamula agricultural market, you just touch any farmer, he would relate a heart rending tale. ""I harvested 22 bags of chilli and paid ₹22,000 for labour. Now, the trader is offering ₹3,000 per bag. What is left for me? What about my investment?"" posed Nalmela Shankaraiah, who came from Chelpur village of Mulug Ghanpur mandal in Bhupalpalli district. According to him, the same chilli variety Sagar Wonderhot fetched him ₹12,000 per quintal last year. Hoping that the price will remain the same this year, he opted for chilli crop this time also, but in vain. [...] A police officer who was standing there on security duty remarked ""What is this sir? The same chilli commanded ₹12,000 to ₹17,000 per quintal. Now, offering an average of ₹3,000 is too much"".",insufficient-contradictory
Syunik Province is a territory of Armenia,"Syunik was one of the 15 provinces of the Kingdom of Armenia. The early Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi connected the name of the province with Sisak, a descendant of the legendary Armenian patriarch Hayk and supposed progenitor of the ancient Siunia (or Syunik) dynasty, which ruled Syunik from the first century CE.[7] However, historian Robert Hewsen considered Sisak to be a later eponym.[8] Historian Armen Petrosyan suggested that Syunik is derived from name of the Urartian sun god Shivini/Siwini (itself a borrowing from the Hittites), noting the similarity between the names and the high number of sun-related placenames in the historical Syunik region.[9] At various times, the region of present-day Syunik was also known by other names such as Syunia, Sisakan and Zangezur (or Zangadzor[10]). The region of Syunik geographically was called Siounia Caucasiana in the 5-6th century by the Ravenna Cosmography.[citation needed] Syunik is located between the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan from the west, and districts of Lachin, Qubadli and Zangilan of Azerbaijan from the east. It was bordered on the east by Kashatagh Province of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic between 1992 and 2020. The Vayots Dzor Province of Armenia forms its northern border, while Aras River at the south separates Syunik from Iran. Syunik covers an area of 4,506 km2 (1740 sq. mi.) (15% of total area of Armenia), making it the second-largest province in Armenia after Gegharkunik in terms of the total area.",insufficient-refutes
“Coronavirus quickly spread around the world as early as October 2019”,"The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations. [...] The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose the following: [...] October 15, 2019 - Players for Event 201, a pandemic exercise, include global business leaders and prominent government and public health leaders—livestream open to all",insufficient-neutral
Beware Of Hoax WhatsApp Message Asking To Register For Free Laptops Offered By The Government…,"A registration link is being shared widely on social media asking students to fill up so that they can get free laptops being provided by the government. The post claims that the government is providing free laptops as schools and colleges are closed due to COVID-19. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. Claim: Registration link to get free laptops being provided by the government. [...] On clicking the link given in the post, it redirects the user to a blog – """". If the government is providing laptops, it does the registration through an official portal, not through a blog. Also, on filling up the details in the registration form given on the website, it redirects again to a different page, where the user is asked to share the link with 10 other people to complete the registration. No government initiative or scheme asks people to share a link on WhatsApp to complete the registration. It is a fraudulent website.",supports
Tuva is a territory of Republic of China,"Turning to the geography of the region and the historical context, it should be noted that the Republic of Tuva is a subject of RF, a republic within it. Tuva is a part of the Siberian Federal District. It is located in the upper reaches of the Yenisei River, in the geographical centre of Asia. Mountains occupy 82% of the territory, while in the centre is the flat Tuva depression. Tuva borders Mongolia to the south, as well as five constituent entities of RF: the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, and the Republic of Buryatia. From 1758–1911, Tuva was a province of China and from 1912–1918 under a protectorate of RF. On June 18, 1918, the independent state of Tannu-Tuva was proclaimed; after the revolution on June 18, 1921, it became an independent Tuvan People’s Republic—the first socialist state after Soviet Russia. On October 13, 1944, the Tuva People’s Republic voluntarily became part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as an autonomous region (Weinstein 1991; Official portal of the Republic of Tuva 2021).",supports
Jiangxinpo is a territory of Republic of China,"Jiangxinpo (Chinese: 江心坡) was an area currently in Kachin State, Myanmar, located between the N'Mai and Mali Rivers, west of the Gaoligong Mountains of Yunnan, China. It was previously under the rule of the Qing dynasty of China.",insufficient-supports
"“sunscreen and then skin cancer, it's a direct correlation”; wearing sunglasses increases the risk of sunburn; sunscreen reduces vitamin D production","Skin cancers were the most common group of cancers diagnosed worldwide in 2022. Although some sunlight stimulates vitamin D production and provides health benefits, overexposure to ultraviolet sun radiation is the primary cause of skin cancer. Medical associations and public health authorities recommend limiting exposure and using sunscreen regularly when outdoors to minimize this risk.",insufficient-refutes
417 Mandis and 87.5 lakh farmers and sellers registered.,"The second claim is that Produce worth 41,591K crore rupees has been transacted through 417 Mandis and 87.5 lakh farmers and sellers registered through the e-NAM portal. As per a response provided by the government in the Lok Sabha in March 2018, ‘National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC Mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.’ The government further stated that e-NAM has been deployed 551 regulated wholesale markets in 15 States and 02 UTs across the country as of March 2018. The pilot of the e-NAM was launched in 2016. [...] Claim: Produce worth 41,591k crore rupees has been transacted through 417 Mandis and 87.5 lakh framers and sellers registered. Fact: The e-NAM website shows 585 Mandis in different states and UTs. A total of 1.12 crore farmers have been registered on the platform. The amount of transaction is unverified. The first part of the claim remains UNVERIFIED but the latter two are TRUE.",insufficient-supports
"Claims that George Washington once said, ""Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty, teeth and keystone under independence.""",The Daily Caller found no evidence that Washington ever made this statement.,refutes
Interview of Bill Gates where he was accused of stealing Microsoft Software and making money by promoting COVID-19 vaccines,"A video showing Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates abruptly ending an interview after being accused of profiting off the pandemic by selling COVID-19 vaccines that caused ""side effects and deaths"", is being widely shared on the internet as a real. [...] The video was tweeted by several social media users including lawyer Prashant Bhushan, who shared it with the caption, ""Watch: Bill Gates talking about how he was uniquely qualified to promote the untested & dangerous Covid Vaccines! Would be funny if the man had not done so much damage to the world. But he is still feted in India. Indian Express recently invited him to deliver the Goenka lecture."" The tweet was later deleted by him. [...] We could not find a single instance in the interview, which matched the viral video. Ferguson, in the entire video, does not accuse Gates of stealing software, selling software with bugs or claim that he profited during the pandemic by selling vaccines that had side-effects and caused deaths. Furthermore, Gates is seen finishing the interview amicably, and does not end it abruptly, as seen in the viral video.",refutes
"Patent US5676977A is for AIDS, patent US8835624B1 is for H1N1, patents US7897744B2 and US8506968B2 are for SARS","US5676977A - Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices - Google Patents Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices Download PDFInfo - Publication number - US5676977A US5676977A US08/658,955 US65895596A US5676977A US 5676977 A US5676977 A US 5676977A US 65895596 A US65895596 A US 65895596A US 5676977 A US5676977 A US 5676977A - Authority - US - United States - Prior art keywords - aids - ism - pathogens - destroying - virus - Prior art date - Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.) [...] - 1996 - 1996-05-31 US US08/658,955 patent/US5676977A/en not_active Expired - Fee Related - 1997 - 1997-05-29 EP EP97927896A patent/EP1024817A4/en not_active Withdrawn - 1997-05-29 WO PCT/US1997/009411 patent/WO1997045133A1/en not_active Application Discontinuation - 1997-05-29 IL IL12728797A patent/IL127287A/en not_active IP Right Cessation",insufficient-supports
“Congress has one job here: to count electoral votes that have in fact been cast by any state.”,"Each state has as many electoral votes as it has senators and representatives combined (or, in the case of the District of Columbia, as many as it would have if it were a state). There are 538 in total, with 270 votes needed to win. As the Congressional Research Service puts it, the electors ""tend to be a mixture of state and local elected officials, party activists, local and state celebrities, and ordinary citizens."" [...] Each state is supposed to submit one set of electoral votes to Congress, and that’s what usually happens. Following the disputed Hayes-Tilden election of 1876, in which three states submitted two conflicting sets of returns, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act to try to set rules in case such a thing ever happened again. Under that law, if two conflicting sets are submitted – say, one by a Republican-run legislature and one by a Democratic governor – and the House and Senate cannot agree on which set is the legitimate one, then the electoral votes certified by the state’s governor are supposed to prevail. (Even stranger things are possible: In 1960, Hawaii’s governor first certified Vice President Richard Nixon’s electors, but after a recount certified Sen. John F. Kennedy’s electors. Both slates of electors met and voted for their pledged candidate; when the time came for Congress to decide which slate was the legitimate one, Nixon voluntarily deferred to Kennedy.)",insufficient-neutral
"The ice caps were going to melt. They were going to be gone by now, but now they're setting records","Human-induced warming at the poles has caused a reduction in sea ice extent, notably in the Arctic, and a continuous shrinking of glaciers on land. President Trump has probably been misled by inaccurate articles like this one published by Forbes.",insufficient-refutes
Pencil Packing Work-From-Home Opportunities For Nataraj Pencils!,"Looking for a way to earn from home? Consider the Natraj Pencil Packing Job opportunity. As part of this role, you’ll receive all the necessary materials to get started. Joining the Natraj Pencil Packing Job Work From Home team not only connects you with a respected organization but also provides valuable packaging industry experience. Contribute to Natraj’s mission of delivering quality stationery products worldwide while enjoying the flexibility of working remotely. [...] Embark on a journey of flexibility and opportunity with the Natraj Pencil Packing Work From Home job. This unique platform caters to individuals seeking a flexible work arrangement, offering a chance to join Natraj’s esteemed packaging team. Your role will involve meticulously packaging each pencil, ensuring they are ready for delivery to valued customers. [...] Natraj Pencil Packing Job Work From Home role, your primary responsibility is to carefully and efficiently pack Natraj pencils into appropriate packaging materials. This involves inspecting pencils for defects, ensuring they’re in top condition, and neatly arranging them in designated packaging. Attention to detail is key to maintaining product quality and presentation. Additionally, following Natraj’s packaging guidelines and meeting production targets are essential. As a remote worker, you’ll create a conducive workspace, manage your time effectively, and coordinate with the company for a smooth workflow.",supports
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.""","If Einstein said this, he was almost certainly quoting philosopher Immanuel Kant's words from the conclusion to the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), translated in Paul Guyer's The Cambridge Companion to Kant (p. 1) as: ""Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.""Albert Einstein » Albert Einstein - all quotes »",insufficient-refutes
“Bill Gates’ shoddily-hastened vaccine has been determined to make all animal test subjects get COVID-19 when exposed to the virus“,"Bill Gates owns the patent and vaccine for coronavirus. [...] ""Isn’t it Amazing that Bill Gates Owns The Patent For Coronavirus and Owns The Vaccine. He is also A Partner n [sic] the Lab In Wuhan China"" [...] There is not yet an effective Covid-19 vaccine, although trials of potential vaccines are ongoing. So neither Bill Gates nor the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation own the patent for a Covid-19 vaccine.",insufficient-refutes
purports Liz Cheney was allegedly hanged at Guantanamo Bay,"[41] ""Cheney: Gitmo Holds ‘Worst of the Worst,’"" The Associated Press, June 1, 2009,",insufficient-neutral
"claims the words ""Hail Satan"" printed on the bottom of an In-N-Out Burger soda cup","A graphic appears to show the phrase ""Hail Satan"" on the bottom of a cup from West Coast burger chain In N Out Burger. It’s not real. [...] A graphic which has circulated for several years appears to show an In N Out cup with the phrase ""Hail Satan"" in place of the usual Bible citation. The graphic, however, is not real. Someone simply superimposed the phrase ""Hail Satan"" over the original, which read ""John 3:16."" [...] In N Out Burger never printed ""Hail Satan"" on the bottom of its cups. The graphic is fake and has circulated for several years.",refutes
The EU could SEIZE and SCRAP your old car if it doesn't meet their criteria as part of their climate agenda.,"Every year, only about two-thirds of the 10 million end-of-life cars in Europe are recorded as having been deregistered and scrapped. The rest disappear, according to a European Commission report published this week.",insufficient-neutral
Abu Musa is a territory of United Arab Emirates,"Abu Musa is a small island situated in the Persian Gulf whose strategic position allows the power that controls it to influence the maritime traffic that passes through the Strait of Hormuz. This characteristic made it the point of contention between Iran and the United Arab Emirates, both states actively claiming their sovereignty over the island along with its sister islands of the Greater and Lesser Tunb. [...] The Island of Abu Musa is the largest of the three islands that Iran and UAE are contesting, and along with the other two islands holds a very strategically important position in the Persian Gulf due to the maritime traffic passing through the Strait of Hormuz. The dispute started to take shape over a century ago and it still affects the bilateral relations between the two states. The rationales for possessing these territories are both economic and military. From an economic point of view, the islands confer the owner an increased influence of the trade the passes through the Straits, and from a military point of view, military bases on these islands can exert significant control over the maritime commerce in the region.",insufficient-neutral
My 2018 election was the first time Speaker Robin Vos has lost a Republican-held seat,"Shooting, Kenosha police shoot Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Aug. 23, 2020, Kenosha protesters, police clash again after Black man shot, Federal investigators launch a civil rights probe into shooting of Jacob Blake, My 2018 election was the first time Speaker Robin Vos has lost a Republican-held seat. [60], Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said ""these shots pierce the soul of our nation"" and called for an ""immediate, full, and transparent investigation"". The Kenosha police officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times last month told investigators he thought Blake was trying to abduct one of his … Cuomo's daughter, Gov. Gunshot wounds; paralyzed from the waist down; damage to his stomach, kidney, and liver; most of small intestines and colon removed. Show full articles without ""Continue Reading"" button for {0} hours. This page was last edited on 26 October 2020, at 20:04. ""When asked about court-packing, Biden's staff immediately escorts the camera out."", Says U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner ""voted five times against protecting pre-existing conditions.",insufficient-supports
"Rahul Gandhi: “Surgical strikes and Air strikes happened during UPA government but we didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce”.","A post is being shared by many users on Facebook claiming Rahul Gandhi has commented that UPA government also conducted Surgical strikes and Air strikes but didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post [...] Rahul Gandhi said in a public interaction meeting during the Rajasthan Assembly Elections that the UPA government also conducted Surgical strikes but did not disclose the information to the public. But, he did not say that the UPA government conducted strikes not even disclosing it to Army and Airforce. Finally, Rahul Gandhi’s statement which was twisted by a parody account is being shared on Facebook as his statement and there isn’t any truth in these posts.",refutes
"Gaza has “the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system — anywhere, anytime.”","On 18 March 2024, a UN-backed report sounded the alarm. It stated that the entire population of Gaza was short of food and predicted that famine would arrive in the north sometime between mid-March and May 2024. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said: ""1.1 million people in Gaza are facing catastrophic hunger – the highest number of people ever recorded, anywhere, anytime."" [...] In 2004, the UN devised a system for monitoring food insecurity in populations. The system is called the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, or IPC for short. [...] While this process is going on, famine-like conditions may already be afflicting parts of the country. The IPC report on Gaza published in March 2024 estimated that at least 1 in 8 children were acutely malnourished.",insufficient-supports
"If masks were effective and necessary, non-mask wearers should be dead by now","Factually inaccurate: The claim states that people not wearing masks should be dead. However, this is not consistent with the epidemiological data to date indicating that only 0.5% to 0.7% of SARS-CoV-2 infections result in death, based on the infection fatality ratio. Flawed reasoning: The claim implies that masks are ineffective or useless against COVID-19, otherwise non-mask wearers should be dead. However, protective equipment can be recommended or necessary even against diseases that are not systematically deadly. The claim also forgets to consider that the use of masks reduces the propagation of the virus among the population and thus indirectly limits the risk of exposure of non-mask wearers.",refutes
Imia/Kardak is a territory of Turkey,"""When the Figen Akat incident happened,"" the Turkish diplomat claims, ""we realized that Kardak [the Turkish name for Imia] was registered in local Turkish government documents as part of Turkish territory, and we consulted international maps that show Kardak within Turkish territorial waters. We then consulted other agencies that might be informed about the history of the islands and discovered that there was absolutely no doubt about the affiliation of Kardak. But at that moment we did not want to create a political problem, because the issue of the ship had been resolved and there was nothing we could do."" [...] ""We received a verbal note from the Greek Embassy in Ankara claiming that Kardak was Greek territory. Your diplomats visited our ministry, spoke with me and Minister Baykal, put forward their arguments and we explained to them that according to all information, there is no doubt that the islands were Turkish territory and that for us there is no discussion about it. Then our minister visited the prime minister and stated the same. So for us, the problem was already closed.""",refutes
"S.M.S English Medium School in Karnataka designed a Social Studies question paper for 7th standard students, which exclusively asked questions related to Muslim and other communities, indicating bias against Hinduism","S M S English Medium School is a Co-Educational school affiliated to CBSE syllabus. S M S English Medium School is located in Udupi,Karnataka. The school was established in the year 1960 and is managed by Osc Education Society. Location of S M S English Medium School [...] S M S English Medium School has Library facility constituting , Periodicals, Dailies, Reference Books, Magazine, and with about 8900 books.",insufficient-neutral
The EU could SEIZE and SCRAP your old car if it doesn't meet their criteria as part of their climate agenda.,"The EU Commission’s proposal focuses on regulatory measures aimed at manufacturers and the automotive industry; it doesn’t target car owners or consumers. Increasing the circularity of car parts and materials is expected to reduce the need for production and shipping of new materials, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing and transport.",refutes
“Private insurance gives … better coverage” than people would get under a Medicaid expansion.,"Meanwhile, half a dozen states have received federal approval to expand under the ACA using alternative program features, including the private option.46 There is keen interest in assuring that federal flexibility does not jeopardize care for newly insured populations. We found few significant differences between Arkansas’s private option and Kentucky’s Medicaid expansion. Other than the type of coverage obtained (primarily private insurance in Arkansas and Medicaid in Kentucky), the only significant difference was higher glucose monitoring rates among patients with diabetes in Kentucky compared with those in Arkansas. All other outcomes related to utilization, quality of care, and self-reported health were similar for Kentucky and Arkansas. Of particular relevance to clinicians, we found no significant differences in access to primary and specialty care between private insurance and Medicaid expansions. Overall, more than 85% of low-income adults in both expansion states reported no difficulties obtaining physician appointments in 2015. Whether other state expansion models using different features than Arkansas’s program would produce similar results is unclear and worthy of future study. Subgroup analyses suggested that racial/ethnic minorities may be differentially affected by alternative expansion approaches. For nonwhites, the private option decreased reliance on the ED and improved self-reported health, but increased out-of-pocket spending compared with Medicaid. The latter finding likely relates to Arkansas’s decision to impose more cost-sharing for higher-income private option beneficiaries than most states require in traditional Medicaid.47 Overall, the 2 alternate expansions were associated with very similar changes for most outcomes. [...] RJ. Low-income residents in three states view Medicaid as equal to or better than private coverage, support expansion.",insufficient-contradictory
purports CNN reported Liz Cheney endorsed Ron DeSantis for president,"No one I talked with thinks Cheney could come anywhere close to winning the GOP nomination behind an anti-Trump message. The widespread success of Trump-endorsed candidates, almost all of whom overtly echo his lies about the 2020 election, in this year’s GOP primaries has made clear that the former president remains the party’s dominant figure (despite occasional losses for his picks). With Cheney’s defeat yesterday, four of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after the January 6 attack on the Capitol have now been ousted in primaries, and four others have retired; only two have survived to face voters in November. ""Trump continues to own a majority share of the Republican Party and the GOP has remade itself in his image,"" Sarah Longwell, founder of the Republican Accountability Project, a group critical of Trump, told me in an email. [...] But even those sympathetic to Cheney recognize that the 2024 primaries may offer only so much opportunity to change the party’s direction. Many of them view Trump’s strongest competitor in early polls, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, as little improvement over Trump in his commitment to a pluralistic democracy; Cheney recently told The New York Times that DeSantis has aligned himself so closely with Trump that she would find it ""very difficult"" to support him in 2024 either.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.""","FACT CHECK: Did Winston Churchill Say, ‘Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference’? The Livestrong Foundation posted an image on Facebook that claims Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."" [...] While a positive mindset was Churchill’s ""stock and trade,"" there is no evidence he ever called attitude a ""little thing that makes a big difference.""",refutes
"“The Wisconsin voter roll has over 120,000 active voters who have been registered to vote for over 100 years.”","One hundred years is a long time. But is that how long names of some Wisconsin residents have been on the state's voter rolls? PolitiFact Wisconsin puts that claim to the truth o meter. [...] Now, a widely circulated Facebook meme suggests Wisconsin's voters rolls were padded with tens of thousands of voters who registered to vote a century ago. ""The claim, the Wisconsin Voter roll has over 120,000 active voters who have been registered to vote for over 100 years, said Greg Borowski with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. ""Now that would make them, well really, really, really old.""",insufficient-neutral
"a conference titled ""The Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held at the Vatican on Oct. 23 and will focus on ""humanity-empowering technology.""","On October 14th, 2021, the Facebook account ""Marji Georgia"" published a post, claiming that on October 23, the pedophile globalists at the forefront of the ""world codification"" are going to host a large-scale conference in the Vatican. According to the post’s author, the main topic of the conference will be transhumanism. The post is accompanied by a photo saying that the speakers of the event scheduled for October 23rd in the Vatican will be the authors of ""The transHuman Code"": David Ferguson and Carlos Moreira. [...] According to the poster, an event called ""Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held in the Vatican on October 23rd, which will focus on the role of technology in human empowerment. The names of the two keynote speakers at the conference, David Ferguson and Carlos Moreira, are marked in red. These are the people who authored the book ""The transhuman Code: How to Program Your Future."" No similar conference can be found on the list of Vatican events, and no meeting is scheduled for October 23rd in general. Similarly, Neither Carlos Moreira nor David Ferguson has not announced participating in a similar conference.",insufficient-supports
"Former President Donald Trump ""intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax ... that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year.""","CLAIM: Harris said Trump ""intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax— call it a Trump tax — that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year."" - This figure comes from an estimate by the progressive Center for American Progress Action Fund, which calculated the cost of proposed tariffs on imported goods. The analysis is dense. The CAP Action Fund went through the goods the U.S. Census says we're projected to import in 2025, then calculated what the tariff on them would be and divided that by the number of American households. That figure was then adjusted for government estimates on how much middle-income households spend overall relative to other consumers. The left-leaning group projects this will hit lower- and middle-income households harder, since they spend a larger percentage of their income on goods than high-income households do. [...] ""At the end of the day this is all about the will of the people,"" Trump added. ""You must follow your heart or — in many cases — your religion, or your faith. Do what's right for your family. Do what's right for yourself. Do what's right for your children. Do what's right for our country and vote, so important to vote.",insufficient-supports
Best available data show sea-level rise is not accelerating. Local and regional sea levels continue to exhibit typical natural variability—in some places rising and in others falling.,"New satellite measurements show sea level rise is accelerating, as CNN accurately reports in CNN, by Brandon Miller — 15 Feb 2018 [...] Global data contradict claim of no acceleration in sea level rise [...] Sea level rise is accelerating, and with it the risk associated with coastal storm surge, contrary to claim in Forbes",refutes
“2022 was the biggest tourism year ever in West Virginia”,"The tourism industry in West Virginia had its highest-ever economic impactt in 2021, delivering in about $5 billion in total visitor expenditure. According to West Virginia Secretary of Tourism Chelsea Ruby, preliminary data indicates that tourist spending in 2022 will likely topped $5 billion for the first time, with much more increase predicted in the years following. [...] ""West Virginia’s tourism industry depends on our workforce. We have the friendliest people you’ll find anywhere, and — with these new training and education programs — we are committed to building the strongest tourism workforce in the nation,"" said Gov. Jim Justice when the program launched. ""I’m thrilled to again see West Virginia leading the way with this bold workforce development program.""",supports
"Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, said that the party delivered “an extra billion pounds” for Northern Ireland.","The agreement stated that votes related to any other matters in the Commons will be agreed on a case-by-case basis, overseen by a coordination committee made up of both parties. The DUP secured an extra £1 billion of funding for Northern Ireland, with the money focused on health, infrastructure and education budgets.[67] Following the announcement of the agreement, the Government stated that this additional funding would not result in increased budgets in Scotland or Wales, as the money will not be subject to the Barnett formula.[71] The deal also saw the Conservatives drop their 2017 manifesto commitments to pension and winter fuel allowance changes. [...] References [edit]- ^ Maidment, Jack (26 June 2017). ""DUP agrees £1bn deal with Conservatives to prop up Theresa May's minority Government"". The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 26 June 2017. Retrieved 26 June 2017. [...] - ^ ""DUP-Tory deal secures extra spending in Northern Ireland"". BBC News. 26 June 2017. Retrieved 26 June 2017.",supports
"claims that actor Tom Selleck ""praised"" Donald Trump in a ""meeting"" with Breitbart","No, Tom Selleck didn’t praise Trump in Breitbart interview. Most of the words are from another actor [...] There’s no evidence that actor Tom Selleck praised President Trump in a Breitbart interview. Most of the words are lifted from a 2016 statement by actor Jon Voight that Breitbart published. [...] A blog claims that Tom Selleck praised President Trump in a long tirade during an interview with Breitbart.",refutes
People in the RoI can expect to live a healthy life for almost a decade longer than those in NI - 69.4 years compared to 61 years.,"- Healthy life expectancy (HLE) is the number of years someone can expect to live in good health: for NI, the current estimate for HLE is around 62 years while, for Ireland, it is 69.4 years - However, Northern Ireland uses a different definition of good health, meaning direct comparisons between the two figures are ill-advised - Analysis of other HLE estimates indicates the gap between NI and ROI is nowhere near ten years [...] ""The average person in the Republic can expect to live a healthy life for almost a full decade longer than people in the North. The figure for the North is 61 years and the corresponding one for the Republic is 69.4 years."" [...] When other estimates for healthy life expectancy are considered, it becomes clear that the gap between NI and RoI is nowhere near a decade.",refutes
Scarborough Shoal is a territory of Republic of China,"In a next step, the tribunal determined the legal status of certain maritime features occupied by China in the South China Sea. Determining whether these are ""islands"", ""rocks"", ""low-tide elevations"" (LTEs) or ""submerged banks"" is important because, unlike fully entitled islands, rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own do not generate an EEZ and a CS. Consequently, rocks do not give rights to resource exploitation beyond their territorial sea. Furthermore, LTEs or submerged banks do not generate any maritime zone. The tribunal found most disputed maritime features not to be capable of generating an EEZ or CS: it classified Scarborough Shoal as a rock, and among those features in the Spratly Islands, it found Mischief Reef, Subi Reef and Second Thomas Shoal to be LTEs, and Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef and Fiery Cross Reef to be mere rocks. However, contrary to the Philippines’ position, the tribunal concluded that Gaven Reef (North) and McKennan Reef are rocks that are not capable of generating an EEZ or a CS. [...] Scarborough Shoal is a disputed territory claimed by China, Taiwan and the Philippines. Since the 2012 Scarborough Shoal standoff, access to the shoal has been restricted by China. Scarborough Shoal forms a triangle-shaped chain of reefs and rocks with a perimeter of 46 km. It covers an area, including an inner lagoon, of 150 km2. The shoal’s highest point, South Rock, measures 1.8 m above water during high tide.",insufficient-contradictory
Limbang District is a territory of Brunei,"The Limbang District is one of the two districts of Limbang Division, Malaysia. It has a total area of 3,978.10 square kilometres.[1] The major town is Limbang. It has one sub-district, which is Nanga Medamit Sub-District. It borders Brunei Darussalam to the west and east, Lawas District to the southeast and Miri District at the south and southwest. Due to being squeezed in between Brunei at its north and coastal areas, Limbang is accessible by road only by going through immigration posts. [...] Limbang area is officially claimed since 1967 (it has been claimed since 1880s after the annexation of Limbang by the White Rajah) by Brunei as part of its integral territory.[5] It is the main part of the Brunei–Malaysia border disputes since Limbang separates Brunei territorially into two parts.[6] [...] Ethnicity [edit]Limbang is traditionally a home to Bruneian Malay, Kedayan, Chinese, Iban, Lun Bawang and Orang Ulu people.",supports
Poppers are the cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma,"Previous research has shown that use of poppers may be associated with transient immunosuppression in animal models and may facilitate infection with cancer-causing viruses such as human herpes virus-8 (HHV-8), which causes Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS). A new report from the prospective observational Multicentre AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) suggests that heavy use of poppers might be associated with increased risk of individual virus-associated cancers. This link was observed in HIV negative men but not in men who were HIV positive. Heavy use was defined as daily or weekly for at least a year. The study was reported by Anupriya Dutta and colleagues from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. [1] [...] This research provides evidence that heavy use of poppers (daily or weekly for at least 1 year), is significantly associated with the risk of virus-related cancers in MSM who are HIV negative and this risk becomes greater over the age of 50.",insufficient-supports
"Around 30,000 children are begging in the streets of Sri Lanka !!","Colombo, March 27 (Daily Mirror) - A study revealed that the number of underage street children begging all around the country is between 20,000 and 30,000. [...] He told the Daily Mirror that the estimated figure was determined through informal discussions held in those areas, drawing from previous surveys conducted by a specific non-governmental organization (NGO) in 2019. He noted that, according to the data from these surveys, approximately 15,000 underage street children were identified across the country. [...] Meanwhile, National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) Chairman Chanaka Udyakumara Amarasinghe said that the use of children in begging is a criminal offense. While commenting on the issue, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Deshbandu Tennakoon said that although there is the possibility of taking child beggars into police custody, the existing legal obstacles to taking action against them have become a problem.",supports
"British authorities denied Savarkar the barrister degree and law practice, because Savarkar refused to take the oath of allegiance/loyalty to the British Empire","Many people feel that Savarkar was not called to the Bar because he refused to take a pledge of allegiance to the British Crown. The chain of events was as follows: [...] On 14 July 1909 the benchers gave their verdict: ""None of the charges against Savarkar was proven. However, there is still suspicion about him. Therefore he will not be called to the bar as yet. He is a member of this society and will continue to enjoy the privileges of the membership."" Savarkar eventually withdrew from Grays Inn in 1910. All this information is given in Savarkar’s letters from London (Samagra Savarkar Vangmaya, Vol.4 pp. 132/3/4)There was never any question of taking a pledge of allegiance to the British Crown. If there was, Savarkar would not have hesitated even for a moment to take such a pledge. Throughout his life, Savarkar had emphasized that Hindus have suffered terribly over the centuries by foolishly sticking to the pledges given to their enemies - Muslims and the British. Time has come for them to be realistic.",insufficient-neutral
Dilith Jayaweera’s Withdrawal from Presidential Race !!,"Did Dilith Jayaweera withdraw from the presidential race? A letter stating that businessman Dilith Jayaweera, leader of Mawbima Janata Party, has claimed to withdraw from contesting in the upcoming presidential election is circulating on social media. [...] Posts on Facebook with captions such as ""Dilith Jayaweera out of presidential race"" caught the attention of FactSeeker, and proceeded to fact-check the said claim.",insufficient-supports
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA cannot be broken down; COVID-19 vaccines cause excess death and unprecedented blood clots,"By — Matthew Herper, STAT News Matthew Herper, STAT News Leave a comment 0comments Share Copy URL Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Tumblr Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Why would a COVID vaccine cause rare blood clots? Researchers have found clues Health Apr 14, 2021 6:22 PM EDT A week after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, a 37-year-old woman in Norway went to the emergency department with fever and persistent headaches. A CAT scan of her head showed a blood clot in blood vessels involved in draining the brain, but her levels of platelets, involved in clotting, were low. She was treated with platelet infusions and a blood thinner, but had a bleed in her brain the next day. She underwent surgery to relieve the pressure on her brain but died two days later. This is the side effect, known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, that has caused a week of worries around the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca.",insufficient-neutral
Benjamin Netanyahu Was Named ‘Killer Of The Year’ By TIME Magazine!,"Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's defiant leader - Published Benjamin Netanyahu is facing one of the biggest crises of his long political life, amid uproar over his government's attempts to change the way the country's judicial system works. [...] Benjamin Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv in 1949. In 1963, his family moved to the US when his father Benzion, a prominent historian and Zionist activist, was offered an academic post.",insufficient-neutral
“Free health allowance is available at no cost.”,"A. Free Personal Care has been available in Scotland for adults aged 65 or over since 2002. The Scottish Government has legislated to ensure that by 1 April 2019 adults of any age, no matter their condition, capital or income, who are assessed by their local authority as needing this service, are entitled to receive this without charge. Free Nursing Care is similar and has been available to all who are assessed as requiring nursing care services, regardless of age, without charge. [...] However, Free Personal and Nursing Care payments will only begin when an assessment has been carried out and a contract is in place with the care home. It is not possible to have Free Personal and Nursing Care payments backdated to a point before the contract is in place. [...] A. All local authorities have criteria which recognise urgency and risk as factors in determining eligibility for services, such as personal care. Those at the higher risks (critical or substantial), will be more likely to receive Free Personal and Nursing Care services or to receive them sooner, than those who are assessed as moderate or low risk.",insufficient-supports
Shark Tank India’s Judge Vineeta Singh played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie,"The character of Raju’s mother, Mrs. Rastogi, was played by actress Amardeep Jha. When a similar post went viral in 2022, Vineeta dismissed the claims sportively by acting in a meme video based on 3 Idiots movie scene. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Gulf of Piran is a territory of Portugal,"The Gulf of Piran or Piran Bay (Slovene: Piranski zaliv, Croatian: Piranski zaljev or Savudrijska vala, Italian: Baia di Pirano) is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, and is a part of the southernmost tip of the Gulf of Trieste. [...] On the eastern Slovenian coast lies the town of Piran, and the settlements Portorož and Lucija. On the southern Croatian coast are tourist camps of Crveni Vrh and Kanegra, built in the 1980s. The main river flowing into the gulf is the Dragonja, whose mouth is on the border. Along the mouth of the Dragonja lie the Sečovlje saltpans, covering an area of 650 hectares (1,600 acres). [...] External links [edit]- Conditions in the Gulf of Piran - graphs, in the following order, of water temperature, wave height, wave (interval) period, wave direction, current speed, current direction, maximum wave height data for the past 30 days (taken near Piran by ARSO)",insufficient-neutral
The United States spent “2 trillion dollars to train and equip the Afghan military over the past 20 years. They fell in a week.”,"Together, with our NATO Allies and partners, we have trained and equipped over three hu- — nearly 300,000 current serving members of the military — of the Afghan National Security Force, and many beyond that who are no longer serving. Add to that, hundreds of thousands more Afghan National Defense and Security Forces trained over the last two decades. [...] After 20 years — a trillion dollars spent training and equipping hundreds of thousands of Afghan National Security and Defense Forces, 2,448 Americans killed, 20,722 more wounded, and untold thousands coming home with unseen trauma to their mental health — I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome. [...] And I said, ""You know, the United States came here to make sure that we got this terrorist, Osama bin Laden, and that terrorists didn’t amass again to — to go after our country. And then we’re going to have to leave."" And a young woman said, ""You can’t leave. You can’t leave."" It was — it was heartbreaking. ""You can’t leave,"" she said. ""I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. If you leave, I’ll never be able to be a doctor."" Well, that’s why we spent so much time and money training the Afghan Security Forces to do the work of defending that. If every work —",insufficient-refutes
NFL refused Kaepernick’s request play and told him to sell hair products instead,"NFL Refuses Kaepernick's Request for Active Status: ""He Should Sell Hair Products"" [...] ""Active status means he can try out, apply for coaching positions, pursue endorsements, and other league-related things,"" said Deputy Commissioner Joe Barron, ""We denied his petition for the 7th year in a row. He should go sell hair products."" When we searched Facebook for the article's headline, we found that a number of users apparently believed that the NFL had told Kaepernick that he should sell hair products instead of trying to play for the league.",insufficient-contradictory
Modi government reconstructed the Sharda Peeth temple situated in PoK,"Home Minister Amit Shah said on March 22 that the government will move forward to open Sharda Peeth on the lines of the Kartarpur corridor. Sharda Peeth, a revered site for the Hindu community, is located in Neelum Valley in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) across Teetwal village in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir, along the Line of Control (LoC). [...] He said the architecture and construction of the temple have been done according to mythological scriptures under the aegis of Sharda Peeth. The idol of Sharda Maa was donated by the Sringeri Math on January 24 and has been installed here, he added. ""The reconstruction of Maa Sharda’s temple in Kupwara is a necessary and important step in the direction of discovery of Sharda-civilisation and promotion of Sharda-script. Once upon a time, Sharda Peeth was considered the centre of knowledge in the Indian subcontinent, scholars from all over the country used to come here in search of scriptures and spiritual knowledge. Sharda script is the original script of our Kashmir, which has been named after Maa Sharda,"" he said.",insufficient-supports
"The United States had 589 coal-fired plants 10 years ago, and “we're down to 504. … We are the only nation that has reduced our reliance (on) coal energy.""","Reductions in coal consumption have been driven in large part by non-climate factors, most notably environmental regulations to address air pollution, rapidly declining costs of renewables, and lower natural gas prices, especially inexpensive unconventional gas in the USA. (Culver and Hong 2016; Diluiso et al.2021; Vinichenko et al. 2021). Older coal-fired power plants that cannot meet new environmental regulations, or have become unprofitable or uncompetitive, have been closed in many regions. Moreover, coal power expansion has slowed down in Asia, as countries have suspended and cancelled new projects for reasons such as overcapacity, environmental constraints, and the development of renewables (Box 6.2).",insufficient-neutral
More line of control violations under NDA than UPA,"Total terror related incidents under UPA & NDA govt. are 9739 & 1219. So, the claim is FALSE.",refutes
Nagorno-Karabakh region is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Nagorno-Karabakh, region of southwestern Azerbaijan. The name is also used to refer to an autonomous oblast (province) of the former Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic (S.S.R.) and to the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, a self-declared country whose independence is not internationally recognized. The old autonomous region occupied an area of about 1,700 square miles (4,400 square km), while the forces of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh occupied some 2,700 square miles (7,000 square km). The general region includes the northeastern flank of the Karabakh Range of the Lesser Caucasus and extends from the crest line of the range to the margin of the Kura River lowland at its foot. Nagorno-Karabakh’s environments vary from steppe on the Kura lowland through dense forest of oak, hornbeam, and beech on the lower mountain slopes to birchwood and alpine meadows higher up. The peaks of the Karabakh Range culminate in Mount Gyamysh (12,218 feet [3,724 meters]). Vineyards, orchards, and mulberry groves for silkworms are intensively developed in the valleys of Nagorno-Karabakh. Cereal grains are grown, and cattle, sheep, and pigs are kept. The region has some light industry and many food-processing plants. Xankändi (formerly Stepanakert) is the chief industrial center.",supports
"Vitamins C and D are now finally being adopted in the conventional treatment of SARS-CoV-2; Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses; vitamin D helps the body fight SARS-CoV-2 infection and can cut infection risk.","For the past several decades, intravenous vitamin C has been used as a treatment for multiple types of viral infections.[92] Intravenous vitamin C's effectiveness as an antiviral treatment is likely due to its immune system-enhancing capabilities. In addition, some studies have observed that in critically ill patients such as those with viral infections, sepsis, or accidental injury, plasma levels of vitamin C might be less than 25 percent of those observed in healthy people.[93] [94] [95] [...] Vitamin C also interferes with the replication of viral particles. One in vitro study showed that human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells that were incubated for four days with 150 micrograms per milliliter of vitamin C decreased reverse transcriptase activity by 99 percent and p24 antigen levels by 13 percent (parameters of virus production) compared to untreated cells.[171] Another in vitro study demonstrated a dose-dependent effect of vitamin C to kill influenza viruses, with a vitamin C concentration of 2.5 millimoles per liter eliminating 90 percent of the virus present and a concentration of 20 millimoles per liter fully impeding viral replication.[107]",insufficient-supports
Lapthal is a territory of India,"Barahoti was the first location in Indian territory claimed by China in 1954.[4] In 1960, China added Lapthal and Sangchamalla to the dispute and said that three places formed one composite area.[5] [...] Lapthal (or Laptel, 30°44′00″N 80°08′00″E / 30.7333°N 80.1333°E Chinese: 拉不底) is a large pasture towards the eastern end of the bowl. It is on the bank of the Lapthal river (or Kio Gad) in the Pithoragarh district of Kumaon. It is accessed from the Johar Valley of the Pithoragarh district via Unta Dhura (5350m, 30°34′35″N 80°10′21″E / 30.5763°N 80.1725°E), through the Girthi Ganga valley, and the Kyungar La pass (5250m, 30°39′03″N 80°09′32″E / 30.6509°N 80.1588°E).[citation needed] [...] Disputes [edit]Hardly had the talks ended, than China complained of armed Indian officials arriving in the area on July 8. India deemed it to be routine ""revenue settlement operations"" by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, mounted only as a reciprocation to China sending their civil officials on 29 June but rejected the charges of carrying arms. Later that year, according to Indian Government, once winter set in and Indian border posts were dismantled, two adjacent areas (on east and west) —Lapthal and Sangchamalla— were intruded by Chinese troops only for China to claim all the three places (individually) next year.",insufficient-neutral
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs of India Kiren Rijiju has been re-elected as Member of Parliament from Arunachal Pradesh,The photo in the post is the one taken in the context of Kiren Rijiju’s filing of nomination papers with the Returning Officer for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections 2019. Hence the claim made in the post stands FALSE.,refutes
"Claims that 19th century writer Margaret Fuller once stated, ""Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.""","Sarah Margaret Fuller was the first-born child to Timothy and Margarett Crane Fuller. Hers was a unique childhood, with a father who made special demands when it came to his daughter's rigorous education. Margaret met the challenge; a century and a half later, she might have been classified as a prodigy, or as ""gifted."" We follow her family through moves in Cambridge and throughout eastern Massachusetts, and through times of having money and then of having little. As she grew older, Margaret became a teacher, a writer, a Goethe researcher, a translator, a leader of formal conversations, and a caretaker to her siblings. She found creative outlets as the premier editor of The Dial (a task akin to herding cats), as the author of Summer on the Lakes, in 1843 and Woman in the Nineteenth Century, and then as a columnist for the New-York Tribune. Naturally, we peek into her relationships with some of her friends and colleagues: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Bronson Alcott, Sarah and James Freeman Clarke, William Henry Channing, Horace Greeley, Frederic Henry Hedge, Sam and Anna Ward, Caroline Sturgis Tappan, and Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.",insufficient-neutral
[climate models] systematically over-estimate the sensitivity of climate to carbon dioxide ... and modelers exclude forcings and feedbacks that run counter to their mission,Climate models are based on physical processes and our understanding of how the climate system works. Their sensitivity to CO2 is in line with estimates based on modern observations and records of past climate changes.,refutes
The cost of social division to the public purse in NI ranges between £400m and £830m every year.,"Do divisions in society cost Northern Ireland between £400m and £830m every year? [...] In its manifesto issued ahead of the 2023 local government elections, the Alliance Party claimed: ""The current estimates of the cost of division range betweenArticles |",insufficient-neutral
Tromelin Island is a territory of France,"Tromelin Island is a low, flat, island in the Indian Ocean about 500 kilometres north of Réunion, and about 450 kilometres east of Madagascar. Tromelin is administered as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French overseas territory; however, Mauritius claims sovereignty over the island, on grounds of its absence in the listing of the 8th article of the French version of the 1814 Paris Treaty. France and Mauritius have been negotiating for years in regard to the possible establishment of a condominium over the island.Tromelin has facilities for scientific expeditions and a weather station. It is a nesting site for birds and green sea turtles. Download Download See moreWikipedia",insufficient-contradictory
There is a greater chance of a motorcyclist aged 67 in Northern Ireland dying in a motorcycle collision than being affected by COVID-19.,"Aging Motorcyclists Hit the Road, But at Greater Risk of Injury, Death Motorcycle riders across the country are growing older, and the impact of this trend is evident in emergency rooms daily. Doctors are finding that these aging road warriors are more likely to be injured or die as a result of a motorcycle mishap compared to their younger counterparts. [...] Motorcycle crashes are a significant cause of injury and death on our nation’s roadways, despite the fact that motorcycles are responsible for only a small fraction of the total miles traveled annually in the United States. The authors say that the study provides justification for expanding the scope of motorcycle safety research, education and training initiatives to specifically target the older motorcyclist.",insufficient-neutral
"Only the Green Party supported a proposal to establish an environmental protection agency (EPA), as part of the review of public administration (local government) in Northern Ireland.","The review of environmental governance examined a wider issue, but it is absolutely clear that the authors of that report saw an independent environmental protection agency as the key driver for changing environmental governance in Northern Ireland and for ensuring that progress is made. However, that was not just the view of the usual range of environmental non-governmental organisations; groups such as the Confederation of British Industry, the Quarry Products Association, and the Consumer Council all backed that call. We have seen in recent weeks that that is not just a good idea; it is now an essential idea. [...] I support the creation of an EPA — and I assure Members that this is a personal view, not a party view — because I believe that we need a strong independent voice to stand by the environment in Northern Ireland — a voice that will state, when things go wrong, that that cannot be allowed to continue. The EHS cannot do that because it is within the Government structures; if it tried to do so, it would be sat on, either by its own Department or by the greater Executive, and told not to rock the boat. [...] The review of environmental governance report of May 2007 advised the creation of an independent EPA. Our party’s submission to that review was delivered by my colleague Sam Gardiner. We supported the proposal at an evidence-gathering meeting of the environmental governance panel — a meeting from which the DUP and Sinn Féin were noticeably absent.",insufficient-neutral
"Says his Jan. 6, 2021, speech on the White House Ellipse drew the “same number of people,” as the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.","More than 3,000 members of the press covered this historic march, where Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered the exalted ""I Have a Dream"" speech. [...] – I Have a Dream, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [...] Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered this iconic 'I Have a Dream' speech at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. See entire text of King's speech below.",insufficient-neutral
Nirav Modi stated before the London court that he didn’t leave India but was threatened by the leaders of a political party to escape and run away from the country.,"Nirav Modi’s London Court proceedings were covered by almost all the leading newspapers in India. In the article on The Times of India which covered the same, there was no mention of any such statements made by Nirav Modi as claimed in the FB posts. Hence, the claims made in the posts stand FALSE.",insufficient-refutes
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death,"The present nationwide study involving more than 44 million vaccinated individuals in Korea demonstrated several clinically important findings on acute myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. First, VRM was a very rare complication of COVID-19 vaccination (1.08 cases per 100 000 vaccinated persons) and mainly developed in association with mRNA vaccines, especially in young males. Second, the demographic characteristics of COVID-19 VRM differed from those of the previous studies. Third, notably, we demonstrated severe COVID-19 VRM including FM or death was not uncommon (19.8% of total VRM). Sudden cardiac death attributable to COVID-19 VRM demonstrated in this study warrants the careful monitoring or warning of SCD as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are ages under 45 years with mRNA vaccination. Fourth, the incidence of severe cases of COVID-19 VRM significantly decreased in the third vaccination than in the first or second COVID-19 vaccination (Structured Graphical Abstract). [...] Sudden cardiac death was the most serious and worrisome adverse reaction of COVID-19 vaccination in our study. In eight SCD cases, VRM was not suspected as a clinical diagnosis or a cause of death before performing an autopsy. All SCD cases attributable to COVID-19 VRM were aged under 45 years and received mRNA vaccines. Vaccine-related myocarditis was the only possible cause of death in all SCD cases. Therefore, SCD attributable to COVID-19 VRM demonstrated in this study warrants the careful monitoring or warning of SCD as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are ages under 45 years and receiving mRNA vaccination.",insufficient-supports
Zhestky is a territory of Russia,"Ukatnyy is a disputed island.[3] According to Russia administratively this island belongs to the Astrakhan Oblast of the Russian Federation, but Kazakhstan had assumed the island was part of its historical territory and includes it in its Atyrau Region.[4] Other disputed islands[5] near Ukatny are the following: - Zhestky (Ostrov Zhestky) 45°54′N 49°24′E / 45.900°N 49.400°E. Located about 8 km to the WSW of Ukatny's southern tip.[6] [...] See also [edit]References [edit]- ^ Mapcarta - Ostrov Ukatnyy - ^ NASA STS106-719-70 VOLGA DELTA, UKATNYY - ^ Gigantic Oil and Gas Deposits May Be Bones of Contention between Russia and Kazakhstan - ^ Kazakhstan’s border policy: Russian direction. Part 1 - ^ Moscow's Caspian Claim Built on Shifting Sands - ^ Geonames - Ostrov Zhestky - ^ Increasing the primary production of a bay on Maly Zhemchuzhny Island (North Caspian) by means of mineral fertilizers",insufficient-contradictory
The colour markers printed on toothpaste represents the type of ingredient used in it,"Multiple social media users believe that the colour coding on the edge of toothpaste tubes indicate towards the ingredients used in the toothpaste. [...] According to most social media users who post this popular myth, you should be paying close attention to the bottom edge of your toothpaste tubes. The small rectangle or square colour at the bottom, black, blue, red, or green, reveals the ingredients of the toothpaste: [...] No. The colour in the toothpaste tube doesn’t reveal anything about their ingredients. Colgate, one of the largest toothpaste manufacturers, mentions on their website, ""Oral care companies don’t mark their toothpaste with coloured squares to try to trick consumers and hide ingredients from them.""",refutes
"The cyclical activity of the Sun as well as other variations in solar and earth activity, and NOT anthropogenic CO2 emissions, are responsible for climate change","Since it is the Sun's energy that drives the weather system, scientists naturally wondered whether they might connect climate changes with solar variations. Yet the Sun seemed to be stable over the timescale of human civilization. Attempts to discover cyclic variations in weather and connect them with the 11-year sunspot cycle, or other possible solar cycles ranging up to a few centuries long, gave results that were ambiguous at best. These attempts got a well-deserved bad reputation. Jack Eddy overcame this with a 1976 study that demonstrated that irregular variations in solar surface activity, a few centuries long, were connected with major climate shifts. The mechanism was uncertain, but plausible candidates emerged. The next crucial question was whether a rise in the Sun's activity could explain the global warming seen in the 20th century? By the 1990s, there was a tentative answer: minor solar variations could indeed have been partly responsible for some past fluctuations... but future warming from the rise in greenhouse gases far outweighed any solar effects.(1)",insufficient-refutes
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on July 23 that Ukraine has taken back 50% of the territory it lost since February 2022.,"Now, since I was last here almost exactly one year ago, Ukrainian forces have taken back more than 50 percent of the territory seized by Russian forces since February of 2022. In the ongoing counteroffensive, progress has accelerated in the past few weeks. This new assistance will help sustain it and build further momentum. [...] SECRETARY BLINKEN: Will, thank you. First as I said, it’s important to put where we are and where Ukraine is in respect. As I mentioned a moment ago, I was last here almost exactly a year ago. And in that time – in the year since I was last here, Ukraine has taken back more than 50 percent of the territory that Russia seized from it since February 2022. In the current counteroffensive, we are seeing real progress over the last few weeks. As it happens, President Zelenskyy just returned from the front lines so I was able to hear directly from him his assessment of the counteroffensive. And I think it very much matches our own, which is, as I said, real progress in recent weeks.",supports
“Bill Gates’ shoddily-hastened vaccine has been determined to make all animal test subjects get COVID-19 when exposed to the virus“,"Gates — whose foundation has pledged to spend billions of dollars to develop a vaccine that will safeguard against the coronavirus — spoke about what he believes needs to be done now in order to improve testing and treatment capabilities in the U.S., as well as what he envisions the world will look like as it deals with the fallout of this unprecedented global event. [...] A vaccine will likely take longer — by some estimates, there may not be one available until the fall of 2021. Gates said that broad vaccination for COVID-19 will need to become available ""before you can be completely safe."" Until then, there’s a risk that communities could rebound unless they continue to practice strict social distancing and quarantines to see case numbers level off. [...] Go Deeper bill and melinda gates foundation bill gates novel coronavirus philanthropy vaccines",insufficient-neutral
“Texas ranks 3rd highest among states for the number of people who have recovered from” the coronavirus.,"There, public health officials count as recovered any COVID-19 patient who is still alive 30 days after testing positive for the virus. On Sunday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted that more people in his state had recovered from COVID-19 than had been newly diagnosed with it over the last two days. [...] In Abbott's state, the Department of State Health Services reports daily on the number of cumulative COVID-19 cases in the state, and estimated numbers of active cases and of patients who have recovered from the virus.",insufficient-neutral
"If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.","Tongue deviation can be useful for detecting stroke, but needs to be considered together with other more common signs of a stroke, according to the BE-FAST acronym (balance, eyes, face, arms, speech).",supports
Trans-Karakoram Tracts is a territory of Republic of China,"The Trans-Karakoram Tract (Chinese: 喀喇昆仑走廊; pinyin: Kālǎkūnlún zǒuláng), also known as the Shaksgam Tract (Urdu: شکسگام, romanized: Shaksgām), is an area of approximately 5,300 km2 (2,050 sq mi) north of the Karakoram watershed, including the Shaksgam valley. The tract is administered by China as part of its Taxkorgan and Yecheng counties in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Although the Shaksgam tract was never under the control of Pakistan since 1947, in the 1963 Sino-Pakistan Agreement, Pakistan recognized Chinese sovereignty over the Shaksgam tract, while China recognized Pakistani sovereignty over the Gilgit Agency, and a border based on actual ground positions was recognized as the international border by China and Pakistan. It is claimed by India as part of the Union territory",insufficient-contradictory
The military arrested the FEMA deputy administrator,"A former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency was arrested Tuesday for taking bribes from the president of a company that landed $1.8 billion in federal contracts to repair Puerto Rico's electrical grid after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in September 2017. Federal authorities arrested Ahsha Tribble, FEMA's former deputy administrator for the region that includes Puerto Rico. Donald Keith Ellison, the former president of Cobra Acquisitions was also arrested.",insufficient-supports
“Violent crime was up under Donald Trump.”,"Murders and aggravated assaults shot up dramatically under Trump, while most other types of crime declined. [...] The rate of aggravated assaults also rose under Trump — by 12.6%. [...] The big jump in the number of murders is entirely due to a 29% rise in Trump’s final year, which also saw millions laid off from jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic; widespread protests against racism and police brutality following a Minneapolis policeman’s murder of a black man, George Floyd; and a surge in production and sales of firearms.",supports
Qaa is a territory of Syria,"El-Qaa is a plain located in Baalbek–Hermel District, bordered by Syria, Hermel and Ras Baalbek. Since the Middle Ages, El-Qaa was famous for its honey production and its remarkable landscape. Its beautiful natural lake was a crossroad for traders. El-Qaa remains the village for religious tourists. Its many religious sites attract local residents and foreign visitors. Located between Anti-Lebanon mountain range and the Assi River, El-Qaa is best known for its hot semiarid summer and its cold winter. What marks El-Qaa are the Roman and Ottoman monuments that engrave the ancient civilizations in this village. El-Qaa attracts visitors from many cities and countries. Gathering various cultures, it created many stories that the locals keep telling to their children and guests. El-Qaa is marked by the eras and wars that befell it, as well as by its breathtaking scenery. [...] Read moreEl-Qaa is best known for its hospitality and warmth. If you drive a long way to visit this village, we recommend you to stay at one of its hotels and experience El-Qaa fine living from dawn until sunset.",insufficient-neutral
purports to show Muslim refugees terrorizing New York,"The original video, published via Instagram, shows chaos that ensued after Twitch streamer Kai Cenat hosted a giveaway in Union Square on Aug. 4. A spokesperson for the New York Police Department (NYPD)’s Deputy Commissioner, Public Information denied the claim in an email to Check Your Fact.",insufficient-refutes
"claims Henry Ford once said, ""If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.""","Why Henry Ford's Most Famous Quote Is Dead Wrong If Ford had asked people what they wanted, would they really have said 'faster horses?' [...] Henry Ford was one of the world's great innovators and a quotable gentleman at that, particularly in the realms of business and innovation. Perhaps the most famous quote attributed to Ford is this: ""If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."" [...] In fact, customers would probably have told Ford exactly what they wanted -- specifically, a faster mode of transportation. They might not have mentioned the need for a combustion engine, but that's part of the art and science of understanding customer feedback.",insufficient-supports
there has been no reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century,"- When CO2 dissolves in seawater, the water becomes more acidic. The acidity of the oceans has increased by 26 % since about 1850, a rate of change roughly 10 times faster than any time in the last 55 million years. [...] Since around 1850, the oceans have absorbed between a third and a half of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. As a result, the average pH of ocean surface waters has fallen by about 0.1 units, from 8.2 to 8.1 (Figure 2). This corresponds to a 26 % increase in ocean acidity, a rate of change roughly 10 times faster than any time in the last 55 million years. [...] Despite the different responses within and between marine groups, positive or negative, research suggests that ocean acidification will be a driver for substantial changes in ocean ecosystems this century. These changes may be made worse by the combined effect with other emerging climate-related hazards, such as the decrease of ocean oxygen levels – a condition known as ocean deoxygenation –that is already affecting marine life in some regions (Long et al. 2016).",refutes
"Global COVID Vaccine Safety study shows that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, inadequately tested; getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting COVID-19","The researchers also noted that the health risks associated with COVID-19 infection are much higher than those associated with vaccination. ""[M]ultiple studies demonstrated higher risk of developing the events under study, such as [Guillain-Barré] syndrome), myocarditis, or ADEM, following SARS-CoV-2 infection than vaccination,"" they wrote. For example, the risk of experiencing a neurological event after a COVID-19 infection is 617-times higher than it is after a COVID-19 vaccination. The risk of myocarditis and Guillain-Barré are also much higher after a COVID-19 infection than a vaccination. Overall, ""[t]he odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,"" said Jacob Glanville, CEO of the biotechnology company Centivax, who was not involved in the study. (Choi, The Hill, 2/19; Johnson, Forbes, 2/19; Gale, Bloomberg, 2/18; Choi/Weixel, The Hill, 2/20)",refutes
"Okapathana College- A School Located In Rathnapura District,Sri Lanka","There is no verifiable evidence to support the existence of Okapathana Vidyala or a village named Okapathana in Rathnapura, Sri Lanka. Claims circulating on social media about students' achievements from this purported school, including the creation of satellites, robots, etc., appear unfounded and should be treated with skepticism. It is essential to rely on credible sources and conduct thorough fact-checking before accepting or sharing information, especially regarding extraordinary and sensationalised claims.",refutes
“2022 was the biggest tourism year ever in West Virginia”,"West Virginia, A Must-See Destination for 2022 Lonely Planet has named West Virginia a Top 10 Travel Region for 2022. The state was awarded alongside top global destinations such as Burgundy, France and Shikoku, Japan. Not only was West Virginia in the Top Ten, but it came in at number two! See the full list below and read on to find out what makes this region so special. [...] Lonely Planet says ""2022 is the perfect time to discover West Virginia, a still-uncrowded region with unspoiled mountains and unmistakable heritage where the leisurely tempo of Southern small towns converges with the adrenaline sports that attract adventurers from across the continent.""",insufficient-supports
Cuban authorities found the S.S. Cotopaxi found fully intact and floating toward the island nation more than 90 years after its disappearance,The wreck of S.S. Cotopaxi was discovered underwater in the 1980s but was only identified recently.,insufficient-refutes
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks,"At the same time, other countries and organizations, including the US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, recommend airborne precautions for any situation involving the care of COVID-19 patients, and consider the use of medical masks as an acceptable option in case of shortages of respirators (N95, FFP2 or FFP3).18-19 Current WHO recommendations emphasize the importance of rational and appropriate use of all PPE,20 not only masks, which requires correct and rigorous behavior from health care workers, particularly in doffing procedures and hand hygiene practices.21 WHO also recommends staff training on these recommendations,22 as well as the adequate procurement and availability of the necessary PPE and other supplies and facilities. Finally, WHO continues to emphasize the utmost importance of frequent hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and environmental cleaning and disinfection, as well as the importance of maintaining physical distances and avoidance of close, unprotected contact with people with fever or respiratory symptoms. [...] Rational use of PPE for COVID-19.",refutes
The spike protein induced by COVID-19 vaccines is toxic and causes diseases and deaths; nattokinase can counter these effects,"Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis - PMID: 36597886 - PMCID: PMC10010667 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061025 Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis [...] Response by Yonker et al to Letter Regarding Article, ""Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis"".Circulation. 2023 Sep 12;148(11):910-911. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065629. Epub 2023 Sep 11. Circulation. 2023. PMID: 37695829 No abstract available.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said, ""The place where your talent meets the world’s needs is the job God has in mind for you.""",There is no evidence that Aristotle authored this statement. It may actually be a line from a 1954 high school graduation speaker.,refutes
"Rs. 1,290 crore rupees allocated under National Bamboo Mission to help setting up small industries.","New Delhi, Apr 25 () The government today approved a restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM) with an outlay of Rs 1,290 crore for two years, a move aimed at benefiting one lakh farmers, said an official release. [...] ""An outlay of Rs 1,290 crore (with Rs 950 crore as central share) is provisioned for implementation of the Mission during the remaining period of 14th Finance Commission,"" the release said. [...] The Mission will focus on development of bamboo in limited states where it has social, commercial and economical advantage.",supports
claims Sen. Mitt Romney has purportedly 'resigned in disgrace',"Romney Criticizes Gingrich: He Resigned In 'Disgrace' [...] ROMNEY: And at the end of four years it was proven that he was a failed leader. And he had to resign in disgrace. I don't know whether you knew that. [...] ROMNEY: He actually resigned after four years in disgrace. He was investigated under an ethics panel and had to make a payment associated with that, and then his fellow Republicans, 88 percent of his Republicans, voted to reprimand Speaker Gingrich.",refutes
"By 29 September last year, at least 47 people in NI had died from “vaccine injury”.","Vaccines in Northern Ireland [...] To date 436,143 people in Northern Ireland have received a first dose of vaccine. [...] That figure of 436,143 means that about 23.3% of Northern Ireland's entire population has been vaccinated.",insufficient-neutral
Ireland’s two wealthiest people are worth more financially than the poorest 50% of the population.,"The bottom 10% of Irish households have a net wealth of less than €600, compared to the richest 10% whose wealth exceeds €788,400.",insufficient-supports
"Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.","Unsupported: There is no evidence that magnetic reversals have any impact on climate nor is there scientific basis for the claim that the planet flips on itself within six days. Misunderstanding of science: Speculation on the imminent possibility of the next magnetic poles' reversal happening is based on confusing averages with a normal. Scientists estimate that the probability of the Earth’s magnetic field reversing within the next 20 000 years is extremely low. [...] In a recent podcast episode, Comedian and Ultimate Fighting Championship commentator Joe Rogan and YouTuber Jimmy Corsetti talked about the so-called ""Adam and Eve"" theory. Even though this theory has no support in science, as we will show below, Corsetti and Rogan discussed it as if it were credible. Corsetti appears to believe that when magnetic poles reverse, the Earth flips over itself and stops rotating for six days. Corsetti also claimed that the next reversal should happen in a very near future, and that it would be cataclysmic. A clip from this interview was viewed over twenty millions times on TikTok, and several other clips were widely shared on social media. [...] The ""Adam and Eve"" theory laid out in the interview suggests that magnetic poles’ reversal includes the Earth doing a ""flip"", involving North and South poles physically changing positions. In reality, no scientific evidence indicates that the Earth ever performed such flips. This claim is extremely implausible, as there is hardly anything that could flip the Earth in such a way, apart from a collision with planets or other astronomical bodies.",refutes
Whoopi Goldberg “lost everything” in a lawsuit to Jason Aldean,"Websites including,,,,, and others all reported the headline, ""'She’s Toxic': Jason Aldean Leaves ‘The View’ After 10 Minutes Encounter With Whoopi Goldberg."" These links were located with a simple search of Facebook. [...] For further reading, we previously reported about a similar rumor that claimed Goldberg had lost everything in a lawsuit brought by Aldean. [...] Liles, Jordan. ""Whoopi Goldberg ‘Panics After Losing Everything’ in Lawsuit Brought by Jason Aldean?"" Snopes, Aug. 7, 2023,",insufficient-neutral
the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has climbed to a level last seen more than 3 million years ago — before humans even appeared on the rocky ball we call home,"Last year will go down in history as the year when the planet’s atmosphere broke a startling record: 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide. The last time the planet’s air was so rich in CO2 was millions of years ago, back before early predecessors to humans were likely wielding stone tools; the world was a few degrees hotter back then, and melted ice put sea levels tens of meters higher. [...] The last time the planet had a concentration of 300 to 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere was during the mid-Pliocene, 3 million years ago — recently enough for the planet to be not radically different than it is today. Back then, temperatures were 2 degrees C to 3 degrees C (3.6 to 5.4°F) above pre-industrial temperatures (though more than 10 degrees C hotter in the Arctic), and sea levels were at least 15-25 meters higher. Forest grew in the Canadian north and grasslands abounded worldwide; the Sahara was probably covered in vegetation. Homo habilis (aka ""handy man""), the first species in the Homo line and probably the first stone-tool users, got a taste of this climate as they arrived on the scene 2.8 million years ago. (Homo sapiens didn’t show up until 400,000 years ago at the earliest.)",supports
"The atmospheric residency time of carbon dioxide is five years and it is quickly sequestered into plants, marine life, oceans and sediments.","Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere - PMID: 36832750 - PMCID: PMC9955352 - DOI: 10.3390/e25020384 [...] We study the concepts of residence time vs. adjustment time time for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The system is analyzed with a two-box first-order model. Using this model, we reach three important conclusions: (1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and can, thus, not be longer than about 5 years. (2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable. (3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has already been removed from the atmosphere. [...] - - van der Ent R.J., Tuinenburg O.A. The residence time of water in the atmosphere revisited. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2017;21:779–790. doi: 10.5194/hess-21-779-2017. - DOI - - Cawley G.C. On the Atmospheric Residence Time of Anthropogenically Sourced Carbon Dioxide. Energy Fuels. 2011;25:5503–5513. doi: 10.1021/ef200914u. - DOI - - Stocker I.T.F., Qin D., Plattner G.K., Tignor M.M., Allen S.K., Boschung J., Nauels A., Xia Y., Bex V., Midgley P.M., editors. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, UK: 2013.",insufficient-supports
CCTV Footage Of A Burglary In Sri Lanka,"Chilling CCTV footage shows moment Sri Lankan suicide bomber attempted to blow up luxury hotel Chilling CCTV footage shows the moment a Sri Lankan suicide bomber calmly enters a hotel dining room with a bomb. It didn’t go to plan. Chilling CCTV footage has shown the moment a Sri Lankan suicide bomber failed to blow up his original target, the luxury Taj Samudra hotel.",insufficient-contradictory
Former President Donald Trump “has the worst record of job loss of any president.”,"He is also asking Americans to treat the last six months, the most devastating and sudden recession in recorded history, as an asterisk to his record. But, the current recession is arguably more tied to his direct decisions than any recession in history. At every decision point, President Trump has taken positions that ensured this recession would be deeper and more prolonged. Every president faces profound tests, but none have failed theirs at the magnitude that he has. [...] - Trump is the worst jobs president in recorded history, currently presiding over a loss of 6 million jobs from when he took over. In fact, he is on track to be the only president to have actually lost jobs over his term. [...] - The week ending March 28 saw close to 7 million Americans file for unemployment, the highest weekly number of unemployment claims in recorded history, reaching nearly seven times higher than the highest figure recorded before Trump’s presidency.",supports
A book of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents sold,The claim is accurate. The book is being sold by a Nonprofit research group for $50.,supports
"Claims Albert Einstein said, ""We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak.""","This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. – Alan Dundes - War does not determine who is right – only who is left. – Bertrand Russell - A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. – William Faulkner - A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. – Doyle Brunson - You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.",insufficient-refutes
David Gareja monastery complex is a territory of Georgia,"David Gareja is one of Georgia's cave towns, located on the territory of the Kakheti Region. The first monastery there was called the 'David Gareja Monastery Complex.' At the same time, his pupils Dodo and Lukyane, have also founded other monasteries nearby. [...] Because of this story, we believe that in Georgia, there is 1/3 of the holiness of Jerusalem. Many miracles are connected with this stone, and people also say that if you visit the David Gareja Monastery Complex three times in your life, you will get the same grace you would if you visited Jerusalem once.",supports
"While Manmohan Singh spent Rs 12 crore per trip i.e. Rs 493 crore on 38 trips, Modi spent only Rs 10 crore per trip i.e. Rs 443 crore on 44 trips.","A post is being shared on Facebook by many users claiming that PM Modi has spent lesser than Manmohan Singh on foreign trips. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: The numbers given in the post do not include the bills to be received and IAF BBJ Flights used by the Modi government. Also, if total travel expenses (Aircraft Maintenance, Flights and Hotline) instead of just expenditure on chartered flights are included, then it is found that Modi spent around Rs. 2000 crore on foreign travel while Manmohan spent around Rs 1350 crore. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. [...] In the post, only expenses on chartered flights are compared but the foreign trips also involve other costs listed above. The total foreign travel costs of Manmohan Singh was around Rs 1350 crores whereas for Modi it is around 2000 crore (this is excluding the bills, which are yet to be received).",refutes
Says Donald Trump said “good” during the final presidential debate in reference to families being separated at the border.,"President Donald Trump said ""go ahead"" to moderator Kristen Welker, who was trying to change the subject.",refutes
"claims Jonathan Swift said, ""A love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without love is languid and cold.""",The statement does not appear in any of Swift’s written works. It actually comes from an anonymous essay published in 1753 that was likely written by John Hawkesworth.,refutes
"claims that fast food chain Chick-fil-A will now open on Sundays, but “only for black people.”","Meanwhile, what about anyone else not living according to Mr. Cathy’s reading of the Bible? If someone works on Sunday, should they be denied service at Chick-fil-A during the week? Mr. Cathy believes in one marriage for life: saying of his company, ""we are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives."" What about those who failed at their first marriage and are now working on wife number two, three or four? What if you are a liar, can you go to Chick-fil-A to have your perverse tongue cut-out? In Leviticus it says touching the skin of a pig makes one unclean. Should football players who love to toss the pigskin around be denied service? Or is it okay to play football only at the Chick-fil-A Bowl because that game starts with an invocation? [...] 4. A dangerous game of chickenThe majority of Chick-fil-A’s 1,600 restaurants are located in the Bible belt. I happen to like the fact that they are all closed on Sundays. Mr. Cathy I am sure spends his Sundays much in the way I spend mine: with family. And no matter what rights Mr. Cathy might want to deny my friends and family, his type of bigotry will not change who I am, who I love and even what I eat. Who knew a simple chicken sandwich could be so complicated.",insufficient-refutes
a [group] of people is injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS,"Red discoloration in fruit is the result of plant diseases caused by a variety of bacteria and fungi. It is not the result of injected blood. Transmitting HIV through food is also almost impossible, excepting very rare cases involving pre-chewed food given to infants.",refutes
Elon Musk Attended Mukesh Ambani`s Son’s Wedding !,"A viral image circulating on social media claims that Elon Musk attended the wedding of Mukesh Ambani's son in Jamnagar, India, wearing traditional Indian attire [...] Lack of mainstream media coverage: There have been no reports in reputable mainstream media outlets about Elon Musk attending the wedding of Mukesh Ambani's son or appearing in traditional Indian attire at the event. [...] In conclusion, there is no factual basis to the claim that Elon Musk attended Mukesh Ambani's son's wedding in Jamnagar, India, wearing traditional Indian attire. The viral image circulating on social media is likely fabricated or AI-generated. It's essential to rely on credible sources and verified information to avoid spreading misinformation.",insufficient-refutes
Congas Island is a territory of Equatorial Guinea,"Equatorial Guinea and Gabon face off at the ICJ over oil-rich islands of Mbanié, Cocotier and Conga [...] Gabon and Equatorial Guinea are currently presenting their case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to resolve a five-decade territorial dispute over three oil-rich islands in the Gulf of Guinea. Following hearings of Malabo, Libreville presented its arguments on October 2, focusing on a 1974 convention signed in Bata which Gabon claims. The central Africa country confirms its sovereignty over the islands of Mbanié, Cocotier, and Conga.",insufficient-neutral
Birthmarks are indicators of the MTHFR gene; “When people have MTHFR their chances of vaccine reactions increase because they cannot detox the toxins from the vaccines”,"Every person has a gene that produces an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR gene), which converts folic acid into its active form folate, also called vitamin B9. This gene helps repair DNA and remove free radicals. People with some rare mutations in the gene may have an increased risk of developing skeletal and neurological problems or blood clots, due to a reduction in MTHFR enzyme activity. However, most of the common MTHFR mutations either do not affect enzyme activity or only require individuals with the mutation to supplement their diets with folic acid. No scientific evidence supports the claim that mutations in the MTHFR gene are associated with either birthmarks or a higher risk of adverse reactions to vaccines.",refutes
"claims that actor Tom Selleck ""praised"" Donald Trump in a ""meeting"" with Breitbart","Actor Tom Selleck is Red Pilled. [...] Hollywood legend Tom Selleck has praised Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. In a meeting with Breitbart News, the legendary American actor stated: ""I’m completely sure that he is the best so far. [...] Hollywood legend Tom Selleck has praised Donald J. Trump as President of the United States.",supports
"Claims that George Washington once said, ""Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty, teeth and keystone under independence.""","Washington’s Mount Vernon estate includes the quote in its ""spurious quotations"" list of sayings misattributed to the first president: ""The quote seems to originate from an online publication: The American Wisdom Series presents Pamphlet #230, ‘President George Washington's Thoughts on Firearms.’ The author provides no citation for the quotations used."" [...] The quote appears to belong to the author — Spenner — not Washington. It shows up in the introduction of the pamphlet and does not have quotation marks encasing it. Below the introduction, the author instructs readers to ""read the attached comments about ‘The Role of Firearms,’ by President George Washington and help spread their wisdom."" [...] Snopes, Did George Washington Say ‘Firearms Stand Next in Importance to the Constitution Itself’?, April 26, 2019",refutes
Vitamin K shots are dangerous because of toxic levels of aluminum; Hepatitis B vaccines contain toxic ingredients,"FULL CLAIM: Vitamin K shots are dangerous because of toxic levels of aluminum; Hepatitis B vaccines contain toxic ingredients; Tylenol causes autism; hospitals aren’t a safe place to give birth [...] The claim that vitamin K shots are dangerous to neonates because they contain toxic levels of aluminum has appeared before, such as in this post by Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccine website that often disseminates vaccine disinformation. Similar claims have been reviewed in the past and found to be inaccurate. [...] The claim that vitamin K shots are dangerous because they contain 20,000 times the recommended amount of aluminum is inaccurate. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that the total allowable exposure to aluminum through the intravenous route not exceed five micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day. One microgram is one thousandth of a milligram, or one millionth of a gram.",refutes
Claims Trey Gowdy made a statement defending the transgender military ban,"Trey Gowdy on Transgender Ban: Nobody Has Right to Serve in Military-Incorrect Attribution! Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said ""nobody has the right to serve in the military"" in defense of the transgender military ban announced by President Trump in July 2017. [...] After scouring news reports, we couldn’t find any public comments or statements released by Trey Gowdy on the transgender military ban. Of course, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t make them, but we can definitively say that the statement that ""nobody has a right to serve in the military"" did not come from Gowdy.",refutes
AIDS was cured in more than a dozen patients,"While the intensive virostatic combinations applied according to the conventional models (such as HAART), based only on the attacks of two HIV-1 targets, retrotranscriptase and protease, and applied in a long and continuous fashion, a) are notably toxic, b) do not correct completely the abnormal immunologic parameters, and c) are followed by particularly severe and poorly sensitive relapses in case of discontinuation, we propose to the 'AIDS treatment headquarters' to include in their failing strategy the two original features which we have included in the treatment of a cohort of a dozen patients, treatment applied at all but one AIDS stage. We attack one more HIV-1 target than the conventional protocols do, by adding inhibitors of integrase; we apply the combinations of virostatics, comprising inhibitors of the three targets, in short sequences (of 3 weeks), between which the analogues are changed inside each series. The first patient of the cohort started his treatment 8.5 years ago, and the entries of the others into it have been at random and not randomized. All patients are alive today and in excellent condition.",insufficient-supports
"GrAMs, electronically linked to e-NAM, to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.","The third claim is that ‘GrAMs, electronically linked to e-NAM, to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers’. A response in Lok Sabha in February 2019 stated that ‘in the Union Budget 2018-19, Government has announced upgradation and development of existing 22,000 village haats to Gramin Agriculture Market (GrAMs) through convergence of various schemes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and others. The GrAMs are to be exempted from Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) regulations and linked to e-NAM. These GrAMs are intended to facilitate farmers in selling their produce to direct buyers’. [...] Fact: GrAMs (Gramin Agriculture Markets) are an up-gradation to the existing village haats through the convergence of different government schemes. These are to be linked to the e-NAM to facilitate farmers in selling their produce directly to buyers. Hence, the claim is TRUE. However, it has to be noted that the village haats have been in existence for a long time.",supports
Recent picture of Deepika Padukone posing in saffron-coloured heels,"These guys are obsessed with women’s clothes and their entire weltanschauung seems to revolve around them. First it was jeans and tops in colleges, then salwar-kameez, then the hijab and burqua, and now its the bikini. They just can’t seem to make up their weakened minds about what women should wear. And it’s not just the garment, it’s also its colour. Deepika’s saffron bikini has caused them huge offence (though I personally felt that the sight of her in that thong on the beach resembled a golden Aphrodite rising from the waves, but then I’m aware that not many of these bikini watchers have a flair for Greek mythology). Which too would have been fine and not occasioned a mass migration: my PIO respondents said they could live without saffron underwear, but the question that arose was- which colour underwear could they then wear without raising any, well, hackles (to put it politely)?",insufficient-contradictory
President Donald Trump's campaign claimed that 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was wrong to say that he was in Hong Kong right before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.,"In a viral moment from his introduction as the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz took a political and personal jab at former President Donald Trump over crime. [...] The last part of Walz’s statement referred to Trump’s May conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records in a scheme to cover up a hush money payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. [...] Tim Walz, remarks at a rally in Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 2024",insufficient-neutral
"claims that ""Fight Club"" contains the line, ""We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.""","You can apply the same phrase to your own life. [...] As the protagonist of the Fight Club film says: ""we buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like."" [...] From the wisdom of Fight Club to that of Socrates: ""the unexamined life is not worth living,"" he said once. I couldn’t agree more.",supports
“Violent crime is near a record 50-year low.”,"President Joe Biden credited police officers for the nation’s declining crime rate at a ceremony honoring fallen law enforcement members on May 15. [...] ""It’s no accident that violent crime is near a record 50-year low – a 50-year low. It’s because of extraordinary efforts by all of you in your communities, together with historic steps taken to support you – to stop the flow of illegal guns, to hold gun traffickers accountable for crimes. It matters, and it matters a lot,"" Biden said. According to data released by the FBI in March, violent crime decreased 6% in 2023 from the year before, with murder down 13% and property crime showing a decrease of 4%. It was the second year in a row that the overall crime rate has gone down.",insufficient-supports
‘Hindus have the highest fertility rate in World’,"Globally, Muslims have the highest fertility rate, an average of 3.1 children per woman – well above replacement level (2.1), the minimum typically needed to maintain a stable population.6 Christians are second, at 2.7 children per woman. Hindu fertility (2.4) is similar to the global average (2.5). Worldwide, Jewish fertility (2.3 children per woman) also is above replacement level. All the other groups have fertility levels too low to sustain their populations: folk religions (1.8 children per woman), other religions (1.7), the unaffiliated (1.7) and Buddhists (1.6). [...] Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to have a declining share of the world’s population (53% in 2050, compared with 59% in 2010). This will be reflected in the slower growth of religions heavily concentrated in the region, including Buddhism and Chinese folk religions, as well as slower growth of Asia’s large unaffiliated population. One exception is Hindus, who are overwhelmingly concentrated in India, where the population is younger and fertility rates are higher than in China or Japan. As previously mentioned, Hindus are projected to roughly keep pace with global population growth. India’s large Muslim population also is poised for rapid growth. Although India will continue to have a Hindu majority, by 2050 it is projected to have the world’s largest Muslim population, surpassing Indonesia.",refutes
Concept design of car safety belt in 1960s that goes around the neck,"A photograph which claims to show a concept design of car safety belts in the 1960s is being widely shared. In this design, the belt goes around the neck of the passengers. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: Considering the chronology of evolution of the seat belts, there is no mention of any safety belt that goes around the neck. Volvo developed a modern three-point seat belt, which is in use now. After this successful intervention, it is highly unlikely that inventors tested a safety belt that goes around the neck. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] After this, most of the car manufacturing companies used the three-point seat belts, as it proved to be most effective design. In other words, contrary to the claim, it is very unlikely that inventors tested a safety belt that goes around the neck after the successful intervention (3-point seatbelt).",refutes
Sabah is a territory of Philippines,"Republic Act No. 5446 of the Philippines, passed by the legislature on 26 August 1968 and signed by Marcos on 18 September, regards Sabah as a territory ""over which the Republic of the Philippines has acquired dominion and sovereignty"".[51][52] The Malaysian government responded by suspending diplomatic relations and ceasing cooperation regarding smuggling. Perceived British support for Malaysia led to the British Embassy in Manila being broken into by a crowd.[citation needed] Philippine Foreign Secretary Narciso Ramos gave a speech at the UN General Assembly on 15 October, calling for the dispute to be settled in international courts.[52] [...] Sabah Chief Minister Shafie Apdal rejected the Philippine claim, suggesting that the issues ""should be resolved once and for all"" with both the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines to officially have a ""government-to-government talk"" through the ASEAN platform.[98][99] He earlier stated that the proposal by the central government of the Philippines to include Sabah territory as part of the Philippines territory in their passports was nothing short of provocation and that the federal government of Malaysia had to make an immediate response.[100] Shafie added that Sabah was a ""sovereign state"" and that this had been settled a long time ago where the residents of Sabah had been assured by the Malaysian federal government of ""full security and protection"" when it formed the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.[101]",insufficient-supports
"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that 300,000 Ukrainian troops have died during the conflict.","There is no evidence that 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died during the conflict. Estimates vary, but the United States assessed that between 15,500 and 17,500 Ukrainian troops have died between Feb. 24, 2022 and March 1, 2023.",refutes
WhatsApp Will NOT Record Your Calls; Devices Will NOT Be Monitored By The Government,"Our investigation reveals that even after the new privacy updates, WhatsApp calls would not be recorded, devices will be not monitored, and the government will not be able to check your content after being connected.",supports
“Antifa is warning that tonight they're moving out of the cities - and into residential areas to 'take what's ours.'”,"A Facebook post includes a screenshot to a tweet from a suspended account called ""ANTIFA America"" that claims the left-wing movement is moving Black Lives Matter protests to residential areas. There is no evidence to support the post. Antifa is a broad, loosely affiliated coalition of left-wing anti-fascist activists. It has no leaders and is organized into autonomous local groups. We could find no tweets from local antifa cells or local news reports about protests moving into residential areas on May 31, the day the post was made. It is still unclear to what extent the movement is involved in the demonstrations.",refutes
Black money (undisclosed foreign income and assets) and imposition of tax Act 2015 enacted.,"Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 is an Act of the Parliament of India. It aims to curb black money, or undisclosed foreign assets and income and imposes tax and penalty on such income. The Act has been passed by both the Houses of the Parliament. The Act has received the assent of the President of India on 26 May 2015.[1][2] It came into effect from 1 July 2015. [...] See also [edit]References [edit]- ^ ""Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015"" (PDF). 26 May 2015. Retrieved 29 May 2015. [...] - ^ a b c d e f g h ""BLACK MONEY (UNDISCLOSED FOREIGN INCOME AND ASSETS) AND IMPOSITION OF TAX ACT, 2015;"". Retrieved 7 September 2018.",supports
Siachen Glacier is a territory of India,"The Siachen region is strategically important for India because it separates Pakistan from China. It also enables India to monitor the Gilgit and Baltistan regions of Pakistan. For Pakistan, the region provides direct access to China. However, until the 1970s the region was unpopulated. In the late 1970s Col. Narinder (""Bull"") Kumar, a mountaineer in the Indian Army, saw a U.S.-drawn map of northern Kashmir that showed the Siachen Glacier as part of Pakistan. Pakistan had been giving permits to foreign mountaineers to climb around the glacier throughout the 1970s, creating the impression that it was Pakistani territory. Kumar received permission for a counter-expedition in 1978, and by 1981 he had mapped the entire glacier up to the Chinese border. In 1984, after receiving intelligence of a planned Pakistani troop dispatch to the region, India launched the secret Project Meghdoot (""Cloud Messenger,"" named for the Meghaduta, a well-known classical Sanskrit poem), positioning its troops in Siachen a week before Pakistan could deploy its forces. India thus took control of the entire glacier. Despite a few subsequent skirmishes between Indian and Pakistani forces, India retained control.",refutes
"HPV vaccines are ineffective and cause side effects including autoimmune and neurological disorders, based on VAERS reports","An article published by Children’s Health Defense on 7 November 2023 claimed that a campaign for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in low- and middle-income countries will result in a ""mass casualty event"" due to serious side effects caused by the vaccine. Purported side effects of the HPV vaccine include autoimmune and neurological disorders such as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). We previously reviewed a claim that HPV vaccines cause autoimmune and neurological diseases and found that it was unsupported. [See scientists’ feedback.] [...] The article claimed that side effects of HPV vaccination involve neurological and autoimmune disorders, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), but scientific evidence doesn’t support these conclusions.",insufficient-refutes
Claims Trey Gowdy made a statement defending the transgender military ban,"Trey Gowdy is a former Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the state of South Carolina. He served from 2011 to 2019. On January 31, 2018, Gowdy announced that he would not seek re-election. He said, ""There is a time to come and a time to go. This is the right time, for me, to leave politics and return to the justice system.""[1] [...] On January 31, 2018, Gowdy announced that he would not seek re-election. He said, ""There is a time to come and a time to go. This is the right time, for me, to leave politics and return to the justice system.""[1] [...] Gowdy was one of four members of congress who ranked 80th in the conservative rankings in 2011.[135]",insufficient-neutral
Ashmore and Cartier Islands is a territory of Australia,"The Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands[1] is an uninhabited Australian external territory[2] consisting of four low-lying tropical islands in two separate reefs (Ashmore and Cartier), as well as the 12nmi territorial sea generated by the islands. The territory is located in the Indian Ocean situated on the edge of the continental shelf, about 320km (200miles) off the northwest coast of Australia and 144km (89miles) south of the Indonesian island of Rote.[3] [...] A British order-in-council dated 23 July 1931 stated that Ashmore and Cartier Islands would be placed under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia when Australia passed legislation to accept them, and formal administration began two years later.[14] The Commonwealth's resulting Ashmore and Cartier Islands Acceptance Act 1933 came into operation on 10 May 1934, when the islands formally became a territory. The act authorised the Governor of Western Australia to make ordinances for the territory. In July 1938 the territory was annexed to the Northern Territory, then also administered by the Commonwealth, whose laws, ordinances and regulations applied to the Northern Territory. When self-government was granted to the Northern Territory on 1 July 1978, administration of Ashmore and Cartier Islands was retained by the Commonwealth.[3] [15] [...] Defence of Ashmore and Cartier Islands is the responsibility of Australia, with periodic visits by the Royal Australian Navy, Royal Australian Air Force and the Australia Border Force.",supports
“Private insurance gives … better coverage” than people would get under a Medicaid expansion.,"As of summer 2018, 17 states have chosen not to expand Medicaid. However, some are considering placing a portion of or all newly eligible individuals into private insurance. Even some expansion states are considering similar changes, arguing that private plans may produce better quality at a lower cost to the state. Yet, numerous studies comparing the effects of Medicaid versus private coverage have been confounded by selection bias: people who are able to access private insurance differ from those who qualify for Medicaid in observable and unobservable ways. So there remains little evidence on how public and private coverage compare in their effects on low-income adults. [...] It is plausible that private insurance–with broader provider networks, higher reimbursement, and market-based competition–may produce better outcomes than Medicaid. Alternatively, Medicaid may be uniquely designed to provide appropriate health care to low-income adults, who differ in significant ways from the customers typically served by commercial plans. This analysis seeks to shed light on the value of Medicaid versus other coverage types, with important implications for state expansion approaches, as well as the debate over whether to include a public option in the ACA Marketplaces. In an article recently published in JAMA Network Open, Heidi Allen, Sarah H. Gordon, Dennis Lee, Aditi Bhanja and Benjamin D. Sommers use data from Colorado to compare individuals with similar incomes across coverage types, highlighting the key differences between Medicaid and Marketplace insurance.",insufficient-contradictory
"Waiting periods for gun purchases may not make a difference, because ""If somebody's decided that they're gonna take their life, they're gonna take their life.""","Experts say suicide deaths can be unpredictable, but are preventable. Research has found that most attempters act on impulse, but once the acute feelings ease, the vast majority do not go on to die by suicide. Recent studies have also shown a link between 48-hour waiting periods to purchase guns and suicide deaths by firearm. Though further research may be needed, many have found that such waiting periods have at least a moderate effect on reducing those deaths.",refutes
ABC News reporter said “government tried to kill” former President Donald Trump.,"FACT CHECK: No, ABC News Reporter Pierre Thomas Did Not Say The Government Tried To Kill Trump A video shared on X claims ABC News journalist Pierre Thomas said the U.S. government tried to kill 2024 Republican nominee and former President Donald Trump when reporting on the shooting that occurred at Trump’s July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. [...] The X video claims Thomas said the government tried to kill Trump when reporting on the shooting that occurred at the former Republican President’s July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. ""NEW: ABC host claims the United States government tried to kill President Trump!"" the post’s caption reads. The report is focused on a new video from mere seconds after the shooting, Thomas says during the segment.",refutes
Claims the WHO advised the public to not have unprotected sex with animals to prevent the coronavirus?,"Explanation: Posts presented an edited version of an image posted by WHO on Twitter in January 27. In the original publication, the organization advised people to avoid contact with wild and farm animals.",refutes
“No childhood vaccine has ever been through a double blind placebo controlled trial.”,"FULL CLAIM: ""No childhood vaccine has ever been through a double blind placebo controlled trial.""; childhood vaccine schedules haven't been tested properly The claim that no childhood vaccine has ever been tested against a placebo in a double-blind, randomized trial commonly crops up in anti-vaccine content. One example of this claim can be seen in this Instagram post. Prominent figures in the anti-vaccine community, including U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and television producer Del Bigtree, have also made this claim before. [...] And a search on PubMed, a repository of studies in health and medicine that is maintained by the U.S. Library of Medicine, will also turn up multiple studies showing that several vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule have indeed been tested in double-blind, saline placebo-controlled randomized trials.",refutes
"claims Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once stated, ""Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.""","FACT CHECK: Did Plato Say, ‘Be Kind, Everyone You Meet Is Fighting A Hard Battle’? [...] Plato and other ancient philosophers are popular targets for spurious quotations, this case included. His work ""Republic,"" which contains the well-known ""Allegory of the Cave,"" is widely considered a classic of philosophy. The main character in Plato’s literature is typically Socrates. [...] ""I’ve read a good bit of Plato in my time, but never encountered a quote like that from him,"" said Michael Russo, author of ""Plato’s Republic: A Study Guide,"" in an email to the DCNF. Other experts did not recognize the saying either.",refutes
"30,000 rupees is provided towards tuition fee and 20,000 as contingency allowance.","- To ensure good-quality secondary education with a focus on Science, Mathematics and English; and - To reduce the gender, social and regional gaps in enrolments, dropouts and improving retention. [...] - The scholarship amount of Rs.30,000 is provided towards tuition fee reimbursement and Rs.20000 as contingency allowance for 1000 persons/annum. [...] - Students will be tracked through their Aadhaar numbers and incase those not having a unique number will be provided with it.",supports
More than 3000 stores of affordable medicines with PM bharatiya janaushadi kendras.,"With an objective of making quality generic medicines available at affordable prices to all, Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) was launched by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India in November, 2008. The target of opening 3000 Kendras was achieved in December 2017. Further, a revised target of total 6000 outlets was also achieved in March, 2020. In this journey, the number of Kendras have now increased to 9000 from 8610 in the last financial year. Hence, the Government has deepened the reach of PMBJP with more than 9000 stores covering 743 out of 766 districts across the country. The Government has set a target to increase the number of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJKs) to 10,000 by March 2024. The product basket of PMBJP comprises 1759 medicines and 280 surgical devices covering all major therapeutic groups such as Cardiovascular, Anti-cancers, Anit-diabetics, Anti-infectives, Anti-allergic, Gastro-intestinal medicines, Nutraceuticals, etc. In addition to this, various nutraceutical products like Protein Powder, Malt-based Food Supplements, etc. and some AYUSH products like Ayuraksha Kit, Balraksha Kit and Ayush-64 tablet as Immunity boosters have been added in the product basket of the Pariyojana.",insufficient-supports
Northern Ireland has the highest levels of child poverty in the UK.,"While child poverty levels in Northern Ireland as a whole are on par with the wider UK, the proportion of children living in low-income families remains high in parts of the region. Eight of its 18 parliamentary constituencies rank in the bottom third of the wider UK, according to recently published government figures. At least one in five children living in those areas were in relative poverty in 2019, rising to more than a quarter (26%) in Belfast West – home to the Lanark Way and Springfield Road interface where some of the recent violence broke out – as well as the Belfast North and Foyle constituencies. [...] The chief commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Les Allamby, said child poverty was a severe problem in Northern Ireland, where families are bigger on average, meaning the limit on universal credit to two children is acutely felt.",insufficient-supports
purports Trump said 'Israel has hypnotized the world',"Ilhan Omar, Who Said Israel 'Hypnotized' the World, Appointed to House Foreign Affairs Committee",insufficient-refutes
"Former President Donald Trump claimed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ""sort of mandated"" the COVID-19 vaccine.","Former President Donald Trump appeared to take a shot at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over his refusal to disclose whether he’s received a Covid-19 booster shot in a new interview with the far-right channel One America News. [...] DeSantis told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo back in December that he had ""done whatever I did, the normal shot"" when asked if he received a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine. The rest of his response focused on his opposition to vaccine mandates as governor, saying the Covid-19 vaccine and subsequent booster shots should be ""people’s individual decision."" [...] ""President Trump did not mention Governor DeSantis in that interview, so I wouldn’t want to make assumptions. Governor DeSantis has always been clear about his position on Covid-19 vaccination and boosters: the shots should be available to all but mandated for none, and the choice to get a vaccine or booster is an individual’s private medical decision,"" Pushaw said.",insufficient-neutral
"""86% of Americans and 82% of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check.""",Iowa voters will decide in 2022 whether to add a state Constitution amendment affirming the right to bear arms. Support for the amendment has fallen along party lines. Opposing Democrats refer to a poll that says an overwhelming number of even gun owners support background checks for gun buyers.,insufficient-supports
"claims American author Agatha Christie said, ""The secret of getting ahead is getting started.""",There is no evidence that this statement originated with Christie.,refutes
[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related,"Passive surveillance systems contain many reports that fall into this category. Reports to the manufacturer or to the government regarding the death of a vaccine recipient in temporal relation to vaccination can be made before a cause of death is established. Once an autopsy is performed, it is sometimes clear that the death was temporally but not causally related to vaccination. An example of such a death is one that was reported to VAERS. This report describes the death of a 5-year-old 10 days after receipt of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine (DPT), OPV, and measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR). The cause of death was Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis, which did not appear to be vaccine related. [...] The committee explored the possibility that vaccines may cause death by mechanisms other than vaccine-strain viral infection or an adverse event that itself is causally related to vaccine administration. The committee considered whether it might have overlooked possible vaccine-related mechanisms or pathways that could lead to death. The committee was unable to hypothesize such causes. However, had the committee identified reports of death following vaccination that did not fall into any of the other six categories, de facto those reports would have been placed into this category and causality would have been assessed for those reports. The committee found no reports of death that could be placed in this category, either in theory or by exclusion from the other causes listed above.",insufficient-refutes
"To provide free GP care in the Republic of Ireland, which already exists in NI as it is part of the UK, would cost the Dublin Exchequer an extra £880 million","Budgetary plans to expand the number of people entitled to free GP care will give rise to waiting lists to match those currently plaguing the hospital system, doctors have warned. Free GP care is being extended to more than 400,000 additional patients, starting with 70,000 six and seven year olds in the last quarter of this year, Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath announced in Budget 2023. [...] ""General practice is not against providing free at the point-of-use care to patients and families who struggle but we know from the under-six′s research that demand goes up by 25 per cent once it’s free.""",insufficient-neutral
Umm al Maradim is a territory of Saudi Arabia,"After exploring several buoys we headed for Umm Al-Maradim Island a small island (0.5 x 0.5 km) lying in deep water on the southern edge of Kuwaiti territorial waters – several mobile phones switched to Saudi networks. It is home to a lighthouse and a police station and is notable for being the second piece of Kuwaiti territory to be liberated in the Gulf War on 29th January 1991 when it was captured by a task force of US Marines. [...] Our next destination was Kubbar Island which compared to Umm Al-Maradim is much bigger, lower lying and surrounded by clean sandy beaches. Again there is a lighthouse and plenty of cover for migrants and we were hopeful of turning up something unusual.",insufficient-refutes
Depsang Plains is a territory of India,"This was not unusual: there were, as we have pointed out, many places along the LAC where the border was really marked by a Line of Perception—the Chinese had one and the Indians another. In this case the Lines of Perception had been some 10–15 km apart. The Chinese patrolled to their line and the Indians theirs. By agreement neither side could build structures or camp in this area. The Depsang Plains, some 900 sq. km in size and at an altitude of 16,000 ft (5,000 m), lie between high mountains on the Indian side and the Laktsang range in the east, adjacent to which runs the Chinese Aksai Chin Highway (G-219). To its north is the undisputed Sino–Indian border point—the Karakoram Pass, and to the south a knot of mountain territory which includes the Galwan river, the site of the June 2020 incident. To their surprise, the Indians were confronted by something unusual next morning. The Chinese had pitched tents and had not gone back. Neither did they do so the day after.",insufficient-refutes
Cristiano Ronaldo said that he loves Islam more than anything,"A Facebook user shared this post and wrote, ""This woman from Saudi Arabia asked a question to Cristiano Ronaldo... Who do you love the most? Cristiano Ronaldo said that I love Islam the most. "" A Twitter user shared this post and wrote, ""This Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia asked a question to Cristiano Ronaldo. #Ronaldo who do you love the most,"" Cristiano Ronaldo .said I love #Islam. #Alhamdulillah"" [...] Cristiano Ronaldo, in an interview, confessed that he loves Islam the most.",supports
Ukatnyy is a territory of Russia,Jump to search island in Russia - Ukatnyy [...] - azwiki Ukatnıy adası - bewiki Укатны - cebwiki Ostrov Ukatnyy - enwiki Ukatny Island - fawiki جزیره اوکاتنی - frwiki Île Oukatny - idwiki Pulau Ukatnyy - ruwiki Укатный,insufficient-neutral
Navassa Island is a territory of United States,"Navassa Island, or La Navase in Haitian Creole, is a small island without anyone living on it in the Caribbean Sea.[1] It is located ninety miles south of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The United States government claims the two-square-mile island as a territory of the United States, and it is under control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The island is also claimed by Haiti. [...] History [change | change source]Navassa became a U.S. insular area in October 1857, when a representative of the Baltimore Fertilizer Company took possession of the island in the name of the United States pursuant to the Guano Act of August 18, 1856 (Title 48, U.S. Code, sections 1411-19). In 1889 the island's actual operation passed to the Navassa Phosphate Company. All operations were abandoned in 1898, when the island became effectively uninhabited. Geography [change | change source]Navassa Island is three square miles in area. Navassa lies about one hundred miles south of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, about thirty miles west of Cape Tiburon, Haiti, at the southwest entrance to the Windward Passage, east of Kingston, Jamaica. Navassa's climate is marine and tropical.",insufficient-contradictory
Karine Jean-Pierre left a press conference after being asked about classified documents,"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a Thursday afternoon press conference lawyers had finished searching for classified documents after some were found in President Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, garage. [...] Biden was asked about the classified documents Thursday, telling Fox News' Peter Doocy they were in a locked garage. [...] ""As the president said, he takes classified information and materials seriously. And, as we have said, we have cooperated from the moment we informed the Archives that a small number of documents were found. And we will continue to cooperate,"" Sauber said.",refutes
"Claims that 19th century writer Margaret Fuller once stated, ""Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.""","What Are Fun Ways To Teach Reading? ""Today a reader, tomorrow a leader,"" were the wise words of Margaret Fuller—an American activist and journalist of the late 19th century. To say Fuller had a good point would be an understatement. Teaching proper reading skills to...",insufficient-supports
"A third of young people from Northern Ireland who go to university travel outside Northern Ireland, mainly to the North West of England and Scotland, and only a third of those who graduate return back home.",The claim that “a third of young people from Northern Ireland who go to university travel outside Northern Ireland” is closer to a quarter.,refutes
"Patent US5676977A is for AIDS, patent US8835624B1 is for H1N1, patents US7897744B2 and US8506968B2 are for SARS","Patents are often filed by individuals or groups to protect an invention. This prevents the invention from being commercially exploited by others without the patent owner’s consent. However, a patent can also be filed for products of nature like viruses and for other reasons apart from restricting the use of an invention. For example, public health agencies like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention patent viruses to keep samples accessible to researchers, preventing a single party from monopolizing samples and restricting research efforts.",insufficient-supports
"“It wasn’t all women that lost jobs (in the December jobs report), it was mostly Black and Latina women. In fact, white women gained employment.”","Black women are more likely than white women to report that their concerns and preferences regarding birth were disregarded; women with Medicaid coverage reported inadequate postpartum care and support. [...] Compared with white women, non-Hispanic Black women were more likely to report: [...] As these findings illustrate, different women have different experiences with maternity care, childbirth, and parenting. For example, both Black women and those with Medicaid coverage were less likely than white women and those with private health coverage to say they had autonomy about childbirth decisions and were treated with respect by their providers.",insufficient-neutral
"Derry/Londonderry is the only city of its prominence in the UK that does not have its own higher education institution, according to Lord Adonis.","There are several other urban areas in the UK that do not have a higher education institution headquartered in their locale (for example Darlington, Southport, Harrogate, Scunthorpe, Crewe and East Kilbride). On 12 July 2019, Lord Adonis — a former UK Government advisor and education minister — claimed that Derry/Londonderry is ""the only city of its prominence"" in the UK that doesn’t have a higher education institution with its main campus in the city. He added: ""It is deeply unfair that Derry/Londonderry continues to lose out because of the historical decision to base the headquarters of Ulster University in Coleraine"". [...] Lord Adonis made a claim that Derry/Londonderry is the only city ""of its prominence"" in the UK without a higher education institution. FactCheckNI used the consensual definitions of settlements and built-up areas as described by UK statutory statistical agencies (in the absence of any statutory definition of ""city"" and the unreliability of comparing local government authority populations as a proxy for major urban centres). We found many other locales of similar population size to Derry/Londonderry without their own headquartered higher education institutions (for example, Darlington, Southport, Harrogate, Scunthorpe, Crewe and East Kilbride).",refutes
"“Vitamin D3 is radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform”, “Vitamin D3 IS RAT POISON !!”, “D levels are low because of lack of light and high vitamin A diets.”","Harvesting Vitamin D3 from Sheep Wool The most fascinating source of Vitamin D3 is lanolin - a natural fat found in sheep's wool. Lanolin contains 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is a precursor of Vitamin D3. In the industrial process, this ingredient is exposed to UVB radiation, transforming it into fully-fledged Vitamin D3. This process is a perfect example of how nature works with science to provide people with valuable nutrients. [...] Although lanolin from sheep wool is a popular source of Vitamin D3 in supplements, there are also other methods of obtaining it. Vitamin D3 can also be synthetically produced or obtained from other natural sources, such as fish oil. It is important to pay attention to their origin when choosing supplements, especially if you prefer vegan or vegetarian products.",insufficient-contradictory
Kinmen is a territory of Republic of China,"Kinmen, alternatively known as Quemoy, is a group of islands governed as a county by the Republic of China (Taiwan), only 10 km (6.2 mi) east from the city of Xiamen in Fujian, located at the southeastern coast of the People's Republic of China, from which they are separated by Xiamen Bay. Kinmen is also located 187 km (116 mi) west from the closest shoreline of the island of Taiwan across the Taiwan Strait. [...] The People's Republic of China (PRC, China) claims Kinmen as part of its own Fujian Province and considers Wuqiu to be a separate territory of Fujian apart from Kinmen itself; conversely, the ROC claims the Dadeng Islands (Tateng) as part of Kinmen, even though the PRC has effectively transferred the jurisdiction of those islands to Xiamen. [...] In the controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has continuously claimed the territory of Kinmen County as part of its own Fujian Province, claiming the Kinmen Islands as a county of Quanzhou prefecture-level city.[90][91][22][92] The PRC claims the Wuqiu (Ockseu) Islands as part of Xiuyu District in Putian prefecture-level city.[93] Taiwan (Republic of China) claims the Dadeng (Tateng) Islands in Dadeng Subdistrict, Xiang'an District, Xiamen, Fujian as part of Kinmen County.[3][94][52]",supports
There is a greater chance of a motorcyclist aged 67 in Northern Ireland dying in a motorcycle collision than being affected by COVID-19.,"Motorcyclists represent a significant percentage of road traffic victims worldwide and have a greater risk of injury-related death than car occupants [1, 2]. Despite the burden of injuries associated with motorcycle incidents, few comprehensive studies have been conducted to examine the outcome of these patients according to age and site of injuries. Identifying high-risk injury patterns and common clusters of ages may allow for targeted interventions leading to improved care [3, 4]. [...] Motorcyclists represent a quarter of road deaths in the world and a consistent part of all traffic victims. The number of motorcyclists suffering from road trauma is growing due to the rapid global expansion of the motorcycle market. The use of motorcycles is expanding also in older ages for enhanced mobility in heavy-traffic urban areas. Some evidences suggest that age is generally an important predictor of mortality related to traumatic events [16, 17]. Our data demonstrate that older patients had an increased mortality for severe injuries. Head, chest, abdominal, and pelvic injuries were all independent predictors of death; severe head injuries occurred more frequently in younger patients, while chest injuries were more common in older patients.",insufficient-neutral
The humans are carnivorous species !!,"The first humans were mega-carnivores who took down prey with savvy hunting skills, a controversial new study suggests. [...] The ancient human species Homo habilis was eating meat at least 2.6 million years ago, Ben-Dor said. Another early human species, Homo erectus, seems to have been a particularly enthusiastic meat eater by 1.8 million years ago; its teeth and gut shrank compared with earlier ancestors — adaptations for digesting meat instead of plants — and it used stone tools capable of butchering meat. [...] Despite the limited evidence from humanity's early evolution, the researchers said there is more work to be done to show whether these human ancestors truly were specialized carnivores. This might include more work on the abundance of animals of different sizes throughout the Pleistocene, explorations of genetic changes over time that would have altered humans' ability to digest different foods and comparisons of trends in prey size over time.",insufficient-supports
Wake Island is a territory of Marshall Islands,"Territorial claim on Wake Island [edit]The Marshall Islands also lays claim to Wake Island based on oral legends.[103] While Wake Island has been administered by the United States since 1899, the Marshallese government refers to it by the name Ānen Kio (new orthography) or Enen-kio (old orthography).[104][105] The United States does not recognize this claim.[103] [...] Marshallese: Aolepān Aorōkin Ṃajeḷ ([ɑɔlʲɛbʲænʲɑːorˠɤɡinʲ(i)mˠɑːzʲɛlˠ]) - ^ Wake Island is claimed as a territory of the Marshall Islands, but is also claimed as an unorganized, unincorporated territory of the United States, with de facto control vested in the Office of Insular Affairs (and all military defenses managed by the United States military). [...] - ^ ""Enen Kio (a.k.a. Wake Island) • Marshall Islands Guide"". Marshall Islands Guide. December 16, 2016. Archived from the original on January 16, 2019. Retrieved January 16, 2019.",insufficient-contradictory
The way urine reacts to salt is a test for pregnancy,"Home pregnancy test kits detect pregnancy by picking up on the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. Pregnancy can also be detected at the clinic using a blood test for hCG. The claim that pregnancy can be confirmed by the way salt reacts to urine appears to borrow elements from how home pregnancy test kits work. However, there’s no known mechanism by which salt reacts to the presence of hCG, and thus it isn’t a reliable method for confirming pregnancy.",refutes
“The Government has released their initial plans to force a vaccine on everyone”; “Three potential vaccines are currently in Stage 3 trials in the United States and could be ready in weeks”,"Routine vaccination of the American public against smallpox stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States. Until recently, the U. S. government provided the smallpox vaccine only to a few hundred scientists and medical professionals who work with smallpox and similar viruses in a research setting. After the events of September and October, 2001, however, we have taken extensive actions to improve our level of preparedness against terrorism. For smallpox, this included updating a response plan and ordering enough smallpox vaccine to immunize the American public in the event of a smallpox outbreak. The plans are in place, and there is sufficient vaccine available to immunize everyone who might need it in the event of an emergency. [...] Is it possible to get vaccinia, the virus in the vaccine, from someone who has recently been vaccinated?",insufficient-neutral
Fungi are the cause of cancer,"Fungi, such as yeasts, molds, and dermatophytes, are primarily associated with common skin infections like athlete's foot and nail fungus. However, recent research has raised questions about their potential role in cancer development. While no direct evidence suggests that fungus directly causes cancer, there is a link worth exploring. [...] While the potential connection between fungus and cancer is intriguing, there's no need to panic. Here are some practical measures you can take to minimize your risk: [...] The potential link between fungus and cancer is a complex and evolving area of research. While no definitive evidence suggests that fungus directly causes cancer, remaining vigilant about your health is essential. Take preventive measures, practice good hygiene, and consult with professionals for early detection and treatment of fungal infections.",insufficient-refutes
“Caitlin Clark declines $1 million offer from ABC to appear on ‘The View.’”,This claim originated on a self-described satire site.,insufficient-refutes
Donald Trump wants to terminate the Affordable Care Act.,"Over the weekend, Donald Trump renewed calls to ""terminate"" the Affordable Care Act (ACA), claiming his administration’s failure to repeal the ACA was ""a low point for the Republican party."" The news comes as the ACA covers more Americans than ever before, with President Biden and Democrats in Congress lowering costs and making enrollment easier. The Trump-MAGA agenda of repealing the ACA is rejected by the American people, costing Republicans at the ballot box repeatedly, and unpopular among voters of all parties. [...] Semafor: Trump Says He Still Wants To Repeal Obamacare. GOP Senators Say Not So Fast. ""Republican Senators are reacting cautiously after Donald Trump said over the weekend that he might try to repeal the Affordable Care Act if he returns to the White House, with some suggesting another push to fully scrap the health law was unlikely… it’s unclear how much appetite exists among Republicans to try and fulfill a campaign promise that animated their party a decade ago. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, a Trump ally in the Senate, said key planks of Obamacare are ""broadly popular"" with the American public including Republicans, such as rules barring insurers from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions or charging sick people more for healthcare."" [Semafor, 11/27/23]",insufficient-supports
Nirav Modi stated before the London court that he didn’t leave India but was threatened by the leaders of a political party to escape and run away from the country.,"The men are thought to have left India before the alleged fraud was discovered. Modi denies the allega- tions and has sought polit- ical asylum in the U.K. In a letter to Punjab Na- tional Bank last year, Modi said he owed the institu- tion about 50 billion rupees ($775 million). The $1.8 bil- lion figure cited by the bank resulted in a media frenzy that pressured authorities to quickly search and seize assets from two of his com- panies, Firestar Interna- tional and Firestar Diamond International, Modi said. The son of a diamond merchant, Modi built an in- ternational jewellery empire that stretched from India to New York and Hong Kong. Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra became the face of his eponymous brand and Hollywood actress Naomi Watts appeared with Modi at the opening of his first U.S. boutique in 2015. As recently as 2017, Forbes magazine estimated Modi’s wealth at $1.8 billion. But his empire began to crumble after the fraud alle- gations, and he was removed from the publication’s bil- lionaires list in 2018. Last year, the interna- tional police organisation Interpol issued a ""red no- tice"" seeking Modi’s ar- rest worldwide.",insufficient-neutral
“Free health allowance is available at no cost.”,"Uninsured Or Unemployed? You Might Be Missing Out On Free Health Insurance [...] There is Medicaid, which is the state-federal public plan for low-income people. And, on and the state marketplaces there are free ""bronze plans"" — the lowest tier of plans — that might be available with zero-dollar premiums depending on your income. Both of those have been options for years. [...] ""There are millions of people who are passing up free health insurance,"" says Cynthia Cox, director of the Program on the ACA at the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation, who authored a recent brief on the topic. ""That free health insurance — most of the time — actually comes with very low deductibles, too. So a lot of times, people could have all — or the vast majority — of their health care costs paid for.""",insufficient-supports
India with 5288 tops the list of countries with most universities,"As per the UGC, there are a total of 1078 universities in the country. Further, according to the All-India Survey on Higher Education 2020-21, there are totally 1,113 Universities/ University like institutions in the country registered under AISHE. The viral data is mostly collected from Webometrics ranking of World Universities in its June 2021 edition. The methodology of this analysis by webometrics is questionable, as it involves the online presence of a university and its content. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
There isn’t yet any empirical evidence for their claim that greenhouse gases even cause temperatures to increase.,"Lindzen accepts the main principle of the greenhouse effect, that increasing greenhouse gases (like CO2) will cause a radiative forcing that, all other things being equal, will cause the surface to warm. He uses an odd measure of its effectiveness though, claiming that a doubling of CO2 will lead to a ‘2%’ increase in the greenhouse effect. How has he defined the greenhouse effect here? Well, a doubling of CO2 is about a 4 W/m2 forcing at the tropopause, which is roughly 2% of the total upward longwave (LW) (~240 W/m2). But does that even make sense as a definition of the greenhouse effect? Not really. On a planet with no greenhouse effect (but similar albedo) the upward LW would also be 240 W/m2, but the absorbed LW in the atmosphere would be zero, so it would make much more sense to define the greenhouse effect as the amount of LW absorbed (~150 W/m2). In which case, doubling of CO2 is initially slightly more*, but as soon as any feedbacks (particularly water vapour or ice albedo changes) kick in, that would increase.",insufficient-supports
Orange River is a territory of South Africa,"The Orange River (from Afrikaans/Dutch: Oranjerivier) is a river in Southern Africa. It is the longest river in South Africa. With a total length of 2,432 km (1,511 mi), the Orange River Basin extends from Lesotho into South Africa and Namibia to the north. It rises in the Drakensberg mountains in Lesotho, flowing westwards through South Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. The river forms part of the international borders between South Africa and Lesotho and between South Africa and Namibia, as well as several provincial borders within South Africa. Except for Upington, it does not pass through any major cities. The Orange River plays an important role in the South African economy by providing water for irrigation and hydroelectric power. The river was named the Orange River in honour of the Dutch ruling family, the House of Orange, by the Dutch explorer Robert Jacob Gordon. [...] The Orange River then runs westward through South Africa, forming the south-western boundary of the Free State province. In this section, the river flows first into the Gariep Dam and later into the Vanderkloof Dam. From the border of Lesotho to below the Vanderkloof Dam, the river bed is deeply incised. Further downstream, the land is flatter, and the river is used extensively for irrigation.",insufficient-supports
the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has climbed to a level last seen more than 3 million years ago — before humans even appeared on the rocky ball we call home,"The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing several parts per million each year, and has already reached levels not seen since much warmer climates in the geologic past.",supports
"Only the Green Party supported a proposal to establish an environmental protection agency (EPA), as part of the review of public administration (local government) in Northern Ireland.","Alliance: see statements (Alliance Party manifesto (2003); David Ford MLA (2007)); written submission delivered Green Party: see statement (Green Party manifesto (2003)); oral submission delivered SDLP: see statements (SDLP manifesto (2003); Tommy Gallagher MLA (2007)); oral submission delivered Sinn Féin: see statement (Daithí McKay MLA (2007)) (no submission) UUP: see statement (Northern Ireland Assembly Official Report, 3.00pm, Mr Kennedy (2007)); written submission delivered",insufficient-neutral
Blood pressure tracking apps can replace a cuff,"Misleading: Despite its claims, the blood pressure app promoted in the Facebook post doesn’t actually measure blood pressure, but allows users to track blood pressure measurements taken with a conventional blood pressure measuring cuff. Unlike the app, blood pressure measuring cuffs are considered medical devices that are subject to oversight by bodies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Commission to ensure they produce accurate results.",refutes
Former and Current Prez are using the same set of prez advisors !!,"The social media posts suggesting that the same advisors serve both Ranil Wickremesinghe and Anura Kumara Dissanayake are misleading. The individuals appearing in the photos represent the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and were involved in presenting the ""Vision 2030"" document to both leaders. They did not serve as permanent or official presidential advisors. The current president, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, has appointed only two advisors so far. One of them is the Mr Hulangamuwa, who is seen in both photographs as he was serving as the Chamber`s chairman.",refutes
Tamil Recently Introduced As The Language Of Courts And Administration In North & East in Sri Lanka !!,"Contrary to recent claims, there has been no recent decision by the Sri Lankan government to change the language of administration and courts in the Northern and Eastern provinces. The constitutional provisions amended in 1987 and 88, related to the official languages in Sri Lanka, have been in place for decades.",refutes
77% of working mothers endure some kind of discrimination.,"However, women here do report having felt discriminated in the workplace due to being pregnant or a mother: 36% of mothers report feeling they were treated unfairly, and 50% of mothers believing their career opportunities are worse than before pregnancy. On 15 August 2016, while speaking on the BBC Radio Ulster programme Talk Back, Joeli Brearley (Pregnant then Screwed contributor) claimed that ""77% of working mothers endure some kind of discrimination"". The debate surrounding this statistic refers to an Equality and Human Rights Commission (Great Britain) report, which to be exact, stated: ""Three in four mothers (77%) said they had a negative or possibly discriminatory experience during pregnancy; maternity leave; and on their return from maternity leave."" [...] The aforementioned report applies to Great Britain (Scotland, Wales and England) and does not include Northern Ireland in its findings. Furthermore, this is the rate among women who report a wide range of negative experiences when surveyed. It is important to draw a distinction between cases of legal discrimination that have been brought forward and ruled upon by a tribunal, and complaints that range all the way from illegal dismissal, to unwanted comments from colleagues. 22% of mothers raised the issue, either formally or informally, with their employer.",insufficient-contradictory
Koalou is a territory of Burkina Faso,"Koalou or Kourou is a neutral zone between Benin and Burkina Faso[2] containing the villages of Koalou, Niorgou I, and Niorgou II.[3] The 68 km2 area of land is near the tripoint border with Togo and has been the subject of a dispute between the two countries for years. For Benin, the zone is part of the commune of Matéri in the department of Atakora; for Burkina Faso, the zone is part of the department of Pama in the province of Kompienga. The two countries chose to settle the issue peacefully in 2008 by removing all displayed symbols of sovereignty from both countries.[2] Since 2009, the area has been administered by the Joint Committee for the Concerted Management of the Kourou/Koalou Area (COMGEC-K). The committee is composed of 14 members from each country and is led by two chairmen.[2] Due to the delicate legal situation of the area, there is a lack of security as both Burkinabe and Benin forces have deserted the area in order to avoid a diplomatic incident.[4] The hole left by the security forces has caused Koalou/Kourou to become an epicentre of an illicit cross-border fuel trade. It has also allowed for Al-Qaida-affiliated groups to operate gold mines in the area and tax smugglers.[5] The problem has been slightly reduced following a crackdown on the area by Beninese troops in 2023. However, it did not come without controversy from Burkina Faso.[5][6]",insufficient-neutral
"purports Orthodox relics from Kyiv, Ukraine are set to be auctioned at the Osenat Auction House in France on Oct. 1","An Oct. 1 auction listed on Osenat’s website focuses on “The Interiors of Versailles,” not Orthodox relics from Kyiv, as the post suggests. An Osenat spokesperson denied the claim’s validity in an email to Reuters.",refutes
“Coronavirus quickly spread around the world as early as October 2019”,"The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, or COVID-19) epidemic first broke out in Wuhan and has been spreading in whole China and the world. The numbers of new infections and deaths in Wuhan are still increasing, which have posed major public health and governance concerns. A series of mandatory actions have been taken by the municipal and provincial governments supported by the central government, such as measures to restrict travels across cities, case detection and contact tracing, quarantine, guidance and information to the public, detection kit development, etc. Challenges such as lacking effective drugs, insufficient hospital services and medical supplies, logistics, etc. have much alleviated with the solidarity of the whole society. The pandemic will definitely be ended with the continuous efforts of both national and international multi-sectoral bodies. Since December 2019, a new type of coronavirus called novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, or COVID-19) was identified in Wuhan, China. The COVID-19 has then rapidly spread to all over China and the world. It can cause symptoms including fever, difficulty in breathing, cough, and invasive lesions on both lungs of the patients [1]. It can spread to the lower respiratory tract and cause viral pneumonia. In severe cases, patients suffer from dyspnea and respiratory distress syndrome.",insufficient-neutral
“Congress has one job here: to count electoral votes that have in fact been cast by any state.”,The Twelfth Amendment details how Congress is to oversee the counting of electoral votes. But the power to appoint electors is given to the states. Congress or the vice president don’t have the power to substitute their preference or judgment.,supports
A scone can equal a third of one’s recommended daily calories.,"On 11 February 2019, a headline of the Irish News and the Belfast Telegraph stated that ""One large scone can equal a third of recommended daily calories"". Both articles used a Press Association report that referred to ""a survey"". [...] The report states that ""the highest calorie scone, without the addition of spread or jam, provides over a third (38%) of the recommended daily calorie intake"". [...] For people aged 19 to 64, the Government Dietary Recommendations suggest a daily intake of 2,000kcal for females and 2,500kcal for males. The largest scone of the survey, then, indeed equals a third of recommended calories; taking up 37.8% of a daily female diet, and 30.2% of a daily male diet.",supports
"Claims that Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, ""Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.""","Though the expression sounds like something Churchill could have said, there is no evidence he actually said it.",refutes
EMF Radiation From Wi-Fi Routers Effects On Plant Growth And Human Health !!,"To understand the impact of such electromagnetic radiations on plants, Capsicum annuum L. var. Pusa jwala was grown in the close vicinity of electromagnetic radiations emitted by Wi-Fi routers. [...] The seed germination in vicinity of Wi-Fi router was reduced to 75% and other growth related parameters like root and shoot length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area index and fresh weight were significantly reduced. In Biochemical analysis, Chlorophyll pigments (Chl. a, b and total chlorophyll) were reduced by 4.8, 7.2 and 5.7 fold respectively and protein content reduced by 1.5 fold under influence of electromagnetic radiations. The product of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde) (18 fold) and proline content (10 fold) was increased synergistically. The electromagnetic radiations emitted by Wi-Fi router have negative influence on growth and biochemical response in Chilli plants.",insufficient-supports
Musk tweeted that the earth is flat,"Incidentally, somewhere else that you don't expect to see flat Earth peons is on Elon Musk's Twitter profile – but this is 2017, where logic is about as relevant as witchcraft. Musk, a man known for his cosmic ventures, giant batteries, and curious, pun-filled tweet threads, openly wondered the other day why there isn’t a Flat Mars Society. After all, there’s a Flat Earth Society, whose adherents are just as odd as you’d expect them to be. Is Earth the only planet that’s flat? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have an enormous, game-changing spoiler for you. The official Twitter account of the Flat Earth Society responded to Musk’s tweet, and they have claimed that Mars, unlike the Earth, is absolutely, definitely round.",insufficient-refutes
A Tweet Attributed To Indian External Affairs Minister On India’s Willingness To Proclaim Sri Lanka As A State Of India!,"FACT CHECK: Did India’s Foreign Minister Offer To Make Sri Lanka ‘A State Of India’? An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows a tweet from Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar offering to make Sri Lanka a part of India. [...] ""If the people of Sri Lanka are agreeable, India is willing to proclaim that Sri Lanka becomes a State of India,"" the purported tweet reads. ""As a result, India will be able to solve the gas, fuel, milk food, fertilizer and many other essential goods problems that the country is facing."" The tweet also promised the country would ""look after all the future issues"" of the country, calling the offer a ""hand of survival.""",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once said, ""If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country.""",The Daily Caller News Foundation found no evidence that Lenin ever said or wrote this quote.,refutes
Vitamin B17 “was banned by the US because of its cancer-killing properties”,"- Health ""Vitamin B17"" is neither a vitamin nor a cancer treatment and can cause cyanide poisoning [...] Factually inaccurate: The so-called ""vitamin B17"" is actually amygdalin, a compound that isn’t a vitamin and which decades of research have shown to be ineffective as a cancer treatment. [...] On 1 March 2023, a Facebook reel with more than 1.6 million views claimed that ""Vitamin B17"", a compound present in apricot kernels, ""was banned by the U.S. because of its cancer-killing properties"".",refutes
Doklam is a territory of Republic of China,"Doklam (Tibetan: འབྲོག་ལམ, Wylie: ‘brog lam, THL: drok lam),[1][a] called Donglang (Chinese: 洞朗) by China,[5][6] is an area in Chumbi Valley with a high plateau and a valley, lying between China's Yadong County to the north, Bhutan's Ha District to the east and India's Sikkim state to the west. Since the 1960s, China and Bhutan have disputed sovereignty over the Doklam area. The dispute has not been resolved despite several rounds of border negotiations between Bhutan and China.[3][7] The area is of strategic importance to all three countries.[3][8][9] [...] Anglo-Chinese Treaty [edit]China claims the Doklam area as Chinese territory based on the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of 1890, negotiated between the British Empire in India and the Chinese resident in Tibet.[86][87] Its purpose was to delineate the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, and Bhutan was mentioned only in the offing. Article I of the treaty states: [...] On 29 June 2017, Bhutan protested the Chinese construction of a road in the disputed territory.[96] The Bhutanese border was put on high alert and border security was tightened as a result of the growing tensions.[97] On the same day, China released a map depicting Doklam as part of China, claiming, via the map, that all territory up to Gipmochi belonged to China by the 1890 Anglo-Chinese treaty.[98]",insufficient-supports
purports to show a mom remove an LGBTQ+ pride flag from a classroom,The video is a skit from comedian Jibrizy. The video does not authentically show a mom removing an LGBTQ+ pride flag from a classroom.,refutes
Income eligibility has been raised from 2 lakh rupees to 2.5 lakh rupees for the pre-metric scholarship for SC students.,"Salaried class has got something to cheer with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday raising tax exemption limit to Rs. 2.5 lakh from Rs. 2 lakh, providing a relief of Rs 5,000. ""I propose not to make any changes in the tax rate. However, with the view to provide relief to small and marginal and senior citizen, I propose to increase the personal income tax exemption limit by Rs. 50,000 from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 2.50 lakh in case of all individual tax payer who are below the ago of 60 years,"" he said while presenting budget for 2014-15 in the Parliament. [...] Thus, tax on income from Rs. 2.5 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh is retained at 10 per cent, up to Rs. 10 lakh at 20 per cent and above Rs. 10 lakh at 30 per cent.",insufficient-neutral
Sindabezi Island is a territory of Zambia,"Discover Sindabezi Island, your private sanctuary on the Zambezi River, just a stone’s throw from Victoria Falls. Elevated chalets merge modern comforts with local charm, illuminated by traditional lamps under a starlit sky. A unique blend of nature and luxury awaits in this intimate Zambian retreat. [...] Sindabezi Island, located on the Zambezi River, offers a unique and intimate accommodation experience in Zambia’s Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park. This private island retreat features five open-sided thatched chalets, each overlooking the river, providing unparalleled views and a deep connection to the surrounding wilderness. [...] Highlighting its commitment to sustainability, Sindabezi Island adopts various eco-friendly practices, ensuring minimal impact on the environment while providing guests with a unique and unforgettable experience. The island seamlessly marries luxury with sustainability, creating a haven for those seeking an authentic Zambian retreat.",refutes
"Chilli Prices were Rs 12000 per quintal then, now is Rs 3000 to Rs 4000 per quintal","VIJAYAWADA: Fluctuating prices of chilli is forcing farmers to rush to Guntur agriculture market yard with stocks. Official sources said at least 1 lakh bags of dry chilli are arriving in the market yard every day, prompting traders to form a cartel and trim the prices. Chilli, which fetched over 25,000 per quintal last season, is now fetching between 12,000 to 20,000 per quintal. While fine variety chill is fetching around 20,000, the rates for medium grade varieties start from 12,000 per quintal. [...] Farmers also thought they would get at least last year's price of 25,000 per quintal. However, the prices have dipped by nearly 15-20 per cent over the last year purely due to the cartel of traders. ""There is huge demand in both domestic and global markets for Guntur chilli. However, the farmers' rush to clear the stocks is helping traders who are making a killing,"" said an official of the agriculture marketing department.",insufficient-supports
Pfizer documents confirm that mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations contain graphene oxide,"COVID-19 vaccines were rigorously tested in clinical trials before they were permitted to be used in the general public. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t contain graphene oxide nor is graphene listed on any credible ingredient lists of any COVID-19 vaccine provided by public health authorities and regulators. However, some have misrepresented a Pfizer document to claim otherwise. In fact, the document describes a microscopy study that was part of the structural characterization of the vaccine spike protein, in which scientists used graphene oxide as a support material for sample processing and visualization.",refutes
COVID-19 vaccines are “experimental poison”; COVID has gone away,"COVID-19 vaccines — like all vaccines and other medical products — come with side effects, including serious side effects in rare cases. The vaccines were rolled out to protect people from a novel virus that has killed millions of people globally and would likely have killed millions more without the arrival of the vaccines. There is a broad consensus from experts and governmental health agencies that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks. [...] ""What we take away, is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease,"" study co-author Anders Hviid, head of the department of epidemiology research at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, told us in an email. ""The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare."" [...] ""Hundreds of millions of people were used as lab rats and now the truth that WE ALL ALREADY KNEW can no longer be denied,"" said one popular post, referring to the vaccines as ""experimental"" and ""UNTESTED."" The post shared a screenshot of the headline of a New York Post article about the new study, which read, ""COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders: study.""",insufficient-contradictory
Island of Vukovar is a territory of Spain,"Island of Vukovar ( _hr. Vukovarska ada) is a [...] Croatian War of Independence , theYugoslav People's Army and Serbian paramilitary forces occupied the island.In the 1992 Croatia became independent. By decision of theBadinter Arbitration Committee , the borders between the republics became the borders between the countries [ [ Decision of Badinter committee] ] , so the Island of Vukovar officially became Croatian territory under Serbian occupation, like other parts ofEastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem (east Croatia) at the time.After the peace agreements in 1998 ,Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem were rejoined with Croatia, but the island of Vukovar was left under Serbian military occupation. A similar situation has happened with theIsland of Šarengrad .In 2004 Serbia withdrew its army from the island. [ [] Serbian police are controling the island on Serbian] . Even today, citizens of Croatia are unable to visit their possessions on that island.One part of the peace agreements has been the short term deal that Croatia will control the western part and Serbia eastern part of Dunav [ [] Map of island and provisional deal on Croatian] . The official Serbian position is that this short term deal will become the future border between the states so that the island of Vukovar is part of Serbia because it is nearer to Serbian coast [ [] Serbian refusal of",refutes
Northern Ireland is one of the least expensive places in the UK for childcare.,"""Northern Ireland has been named as one of the cheapest regions in the UK for childcare costs according to a new study"" [...] And, while it is not mentioned in their online study, Penfold’s press release sent to media in NI said that ""Northern Ireland is one of cheapest [places to have a child, with regards to childcare]."" [...] However, that does not mean that NI’s childcare is amongst the cheapest in the UK for parents and guardians, because this fails to take into account the wider help that is available, and the fact that the economic context in each country is different. Wages in Northern Ireland are relatively low, compared with other parts of the UK.",insufficient-contradictory
Tamil Recently Introduced As The Language Of Courts And Administration In North & East in Sri Lanka !!,"Let me take a moment to briefly reflect upon the policy formworks that have impacted the language situation in the country. In 1966, ten years after the passage of the Sinhala Only Bill, the use of Tamil as the language of administration in Northern and Eastern provinces was begun after the implementation of the provisions of Tamil Language (Special Provisions) Act No. 28 (1958) mostly due to pressure from Tamil political parties. In 1987, through the 13th amendment to the Constitution Tamil was also decreed an Official Language of the state and the legal basis for parity between Sinhala and Tamil was clearly established by law. In addition, both languages were also defined as ‘national languages’ while recognizing English as the ‘link language.’ Section 21 of the Constitution under the 16th Amendment offers extensive provisions and rights for the language of administration to be available in both Sinhala and Tamil. In addition, Section 23 of the same amendment provides that the language of legislation will be Sinhala and Tamil while a translation of these legislative enactments and laws must be available in English. Further, Section 24 of the same amendment provides that the languages of the courts in the country will be Sinhala and Tamil.",insufficient-neutral
Nawalparasi is a territory of Nepal,"Nawalparasi (West of Bardaghat Susta) district Nawalparasi (West of Bardaghat Susta) district or Nawalparasi West, as known commonly (Nepali: नवलपरासी (बर्दघाट सुस्ता पश्चिम) वा नवलपरासी पश्चिम [nʌwʌlpʌˈɾasi ˈpʌst͡sim]), also frequently referred to as just Parasi District, is a district located in Lumbini Province of Nepal. It is 1 out of 12 districts of Lumbini Province. The headquarter of the district is located in Ramgram.[1] [...] The total area of Nawalparasi District is 634.88 square kilometres (245.13 sq mi) and total population of this district as of 2011 Nepal census is 321058 individuals. Bhojpuri is the local language of the district.[2]",refutes
Face coverings/masks became “mandatory” in shops in Northern Ireland as of 1 August 2020.,"Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed the Northern Ireland Executive’s decision to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory in shops. Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed the NI Executive decision on face coverings. [...] ""This is particularly important in light of the fact that shielding is due to be paused from July 31. As people who have been shielding start resuming everyday activities, the wearing of face coverings in shops is a practical way to reassure them and help them keep safe.",insufficient-supports
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that would “take children away from their parents if the parents don’t want to consent to sex changes.”,"Minnesota’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation Thursday that further enshrines the right to abortion and gender-affirming care into law and another that bans so-called conversion therapy. [...] Walz previously signed an executive order restricting conversion therapy in the state in 2021. And earlier this year, the Democratic governor codified the right to abortion in the state and signed an executive order in March directing state agencies to protect and support access to gender-affirming health care across the state. [...] The laws Walz signed Thursday include the reproductive health care and gender-affirming care bills, HF366 and HF146, which will shield people from legal action that other states may levy over such care.",insufficient-neutral
Remba is a territory of Uganda,"Remba Island is situated in Lake Victoria Homa Bay County on the north-south border between Kenya and Uganda. It is a small, densely populated island and home to some 20,000 people whose economy is entirely dependent on fishing. It is also home to people from all over Africa, the majority being Abasubas, Luos and the Somalis of Kenya; there are also fishermen and traders from Southern Sudan, DR Congo, Tanzania, Uganda and other African countries. Crime is inevitably high, including rape, theft, prostitution and drugs.",insufficient-neutral
Carlingford Lough is a territory of Ireland,"Carlingford Lough (Irish: Loch Cairlinn,[2] Ulster Scots: Carlinford Loch[3]) is a glacial fjord or sea inlet in northeastern Ireland, forming part of the border between Northern Ireland to the north and the Republic of Ireland to the south. On its northern shore is County Down, the Mourne Mountains, and the town of Warrenpoint; on its southern shore is County Louth, the Cooley Mountains and the village of Carlingford. The Newry River flows into the loch from the northwest. [...] The Carlingford Lough Ramsar site (wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention), is 830.51 hectares in area, at latitude 54 03 00 N and longitude 06 07 00 W. It was designated a Ramsar site on 9 March 1998. It is a cross-border site, with the northern shore lying within Northern Ireland (including the lough's more extensive mudflats and a salt marsh), and the southern shore lying in the Republic of Ireland (where the Carlingford Lough Special Protection Area falls within the scope of the National Parks and Wildlife Service).[9][10][11] [...] - ^ a b ""Carlingford Lough"". Place Names NI. Archived from the original on 6 December 2021. Retrieved 6 December 2021.",insufficient-neutral
"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that 300,000 Ukrainian troops have died during the conflict.","Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Rages at Democrats for ‘Rigged’ Primary Process, Tells Fox He’s Banned From ‘Democratic Networks’ [...] Kennedy Jr., now running an independent presidential campaign, accused Democrats of having a ""rigged"" primary process during an appearance on Fox News with Jesse Watters. The party, Kennedy Jr. added, made a ""strategic mistake"" and turned off voters by so openly backing Biden, noting various rule changes as well as some primary votes shutting down altogether, like in Florida. [...] Kennedy Jr. appeared on Fox News again on Monday morning where he again accused Democrats of pushing a ""rigged"" nomination process. He also accused the administration of purposefully denying him Secret Service protection — which he now has following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump — to dry up his campaign funds. Kennedy Jr. claimed about a third of everything coming in had previously been spent on private security.",insufficient-neutral
Aves Island is a territory of Dominica,"Isla de Aves ([ˈisla ðe ˈaβes]; Spanish for ""Island of Birds"" or ""Birds Island""), or Aves Island, is a Federal Dependency of Venezuela. It has been the subject of numerous territorial disputes (now resolved) with the United States (through the Guano Islands Act of 1856), neighbouring independent islands such as Dominica, and European states controlling their nearby dependent islands, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. [...] 2006 Dominica and Venezuela informal agreement [edit]During a visit to Venezuela, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in June 2006, stated that Aves Island belongs to Venezuela, unofficially ending the territorial claim.[8] [...] - Fontaine, Thomson (October 21, 2002). ""Aves Island a Strategic Island in the Caribbean Sea: Should Dominica Stake a Claim to the Island?"". The Dominican.",insufficient-supports
Zelensky Tell World Leaders To Spend All Their Money On Weapons To Attack Russia!!,"Ukraine war: Russian 'evil cannot be trusted', Zelensky tells UN ""Evil cannot be trusted,"" Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has told the UN General Assembly, as he urged the world to unite to end Russian aggression against his country. In a passionate speech in New York, Mr Zelensky said a nuclear-armed Moscow must be stopped from ""pushing the world to the final war"". [...] ""While Russia is pushing the world to the final war, Ukraine is doing everything to ensure that after the Russian aggression no-one in the world will dare to attack any nation,"" Mr Zelensky said to world leaders attending the annual General Assembly.",insufficient-supports
Outer Mongolia is a territory of Republic of China,"At its establishment in 1912, the Republic of China claimed to be the successor state to the entirety of the Qing empire, which included Outer Mongolia. The Republic of China did not recognise Mongolia's independence until 1945; neither country exchanged diplomats between 1946 and 1949. At the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, Mongolia recognised the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China retreated to the island of Taiwan. The Republic of China continued to show Mongolia as part of its territory on official maps until 2002 when they recognised Mongolia as an independent country and established informal relations between the two sides. [...] The Republic of China that ruled mainland China at the time claimed Outer Mongolia as part of its territory until 1946. Under the terms of the 1945 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, the Republic of China was to recognize both Mongolian sovereignty and independence.[5][6] The Nationalist government of China officially recognized the independence of Mongolia in January 1946 after the 1945 Mongolian independence referendum which voted for independence.[7] However, due to a border conflict on the Khovd/Sinkiang border, no diplomatic relations were established between 1946 and 1949.[8]",insufficient-supports
The Electronic Registration Information Center is “a system that’s funded by George Soros.”,"In January, a provocative right-wing website, Gateway Pundit, published a series of blog posts with line after line of inaccurate or misleading information. The posts asserted that ERIC is actually a liberal ploy funded by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, intended to get more Democrats registered to vote. Gateway Pundit also suggested the program could allow private voter data to be released. [...] He immediately set about correcting the record, releasing statements stressing that: ERIC is one of the best tools that Alabama and other enrolled states have to check across state lines for duplicate voter registrations, inaccurate registrations and deceased voters, making it an important measure for election integrity. It is funded by states that voluntarily enroll — not by Soros. [...] ERIC is not funded by George Soros, and it’s not a Democratic venture",refutes
Former President Donald Trump “has the worst record of job loss of any president.”,"Pelosi said April 29 that Trump ""has the worst record of job loss of any president."" [...] During Trump’s presidency, the U.S. lost a net 2.7 million jobs. [...] Pelosi said Trump had the worst jobs record of ""any president."" Hoover almost certainly fared worse, and we don’t know about earlier presidents, who served before reliable records were kept.",insufficient-refutes
Marouini River is a territory of Suriname,"The Malani (Dutch: Marowijnekreek), also Marouini (Dutch: Marowini), is a river in the disputed area between French Guiana and Suriname. According to Suriname, it is the border river,[1] however France considers the Litani the border.[2] The river has its source at Pic Coudreau in the Tumuk Humak Mountains. It has its mouth at the confluence with the Litany at Antecume Pata and continues its journey as the Lawa River. The Malani has a length of 245 kilometres (152 mi).[3] The river is known in Suriname and the Netherlands as the Marowijnekreek.[1] It used to be called Marouini in France, however the Wayana name of Malani is becoming the accepted version.[4][3] The names Marouini and Marowijnekreek were also used in the past for the Lawa River.[5] The Malani has its source at Pic Coudreau, a 711 metres (2,333 ft) high inselberg in the Tumuk Humak Mountains near the border with Brazil.[6] The river first heads south and makes a 180 degree turn around Pic Coudreau and continues its journey northwards through the tropical rainforest. The largest tributary is the Wanapi which measures 92 kilometres (57 mi).[7] After a meandering journey of 245 kilometres (152 mi), there is a confluence with the Litani, and both rivers continue as the Lawa River. The Lawa in turn flows into the Maroni which has its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean.[3]",insufficient-neutral
"Countries that sign pandemic treaty cede their sovereignty to the WHO, allowing WHO to control domestic policies, force vaccination, lockdowns, and arrest of vaccine opponents","WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ draft doesn’t sign over US sovereignty CLAIM: A legally-binding World Health Organization ""pandemic treaty"" will give the organization the authority to control U.S. policies during a pandemic, including those on vaccines, lockdowns, school closures and more. [...] ""It should be noted that the US is far from agreeing to sign the Pandemic Treaty, and it will take many months, or longer, even to negotiate a text,"" Gostin said, adding, ""Even if the United States signs the treaty, it would not empower WHO to make any public health decisions in the US or in any other country.""",refutes
Fact Check: German Village Shaped Like A Human Fingerprint ? Find Out The Truth..,"From our investigation, it is clear that the image claimed to be an aerial image of a German city resembling a human fingerprint is neither a real photograph nor an accurate visual depiction of a real village in Germany. The image is a digital creation by an artist called Jacob Eisinger, which featured in the MODUS magazine cover in February 2015.",refutes
Ireland’s two wealthiest people are worth more financially than the poorest 50% of the population.,"The two wealthiest people in Ireland have more wealth than the 50% of the population at the poorest end. Oxfam's annual wealth inequality report shows the top two wealthiest people here have a combined wealth of €15 billion. Oxfam Ireland is calling on the Irish government to bring in a wealth tax at ""graduated rates of 2%, 3% and 5% above a high threshold of €4.7 million"".",supports
Cristiano Ronaldo said that he loves Islam more than anything,"A post is being shared on social media claiming that Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo said he loves Islam the most. A photo accompanying the post looks like an interview set-up. Let’s verify the claim made in this post through this article. [...] Fact: The photo in the viral post was captured in January 2022, when Ronaldo received the ‘Globe Soccer’s Top Scorer of All Time award in Dubai.‘ As per news reports, Ronaldo expressed his love towards Dubai, its people and its culture. Nowhere in the news was it reported that Ronaldo said he loves Islam the most. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] To sum up, Cristiano Ronaldo did not say that he loves Islam the most.",refutes
Hainan is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Hainan is a southern province in the People's Republic of China. It is considered the smallest province in the country, and it is made up of different islands in the South China Sea. The largest island is called Hainan Island, and it is responsible for more than 97 percent of the landmass included in the province. The entire province itself is approximately 13,100 square miles, and Hainan Island measures more than 12,700 square miles. The rest of the province is made up of different islands and archipelagos scattered throughout the South China Sea. For many years, the region was considered to be a part of the Guangdong Province, but it was separated from Guangdong in 1988. It has been estimated that approximately ten million people live in Hainan, with the overwhelming majority of them living on Hainan Island. There are indigenous peoples that have lived on the island for thousands of years, and they speak of variety of Hlai languages. The Hlai are recognized as a major ethnic group by the Chinese government, but the majority of people who live in Haian today are Han Chinese, who speak a variety of Chinese languages. They include Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, and Hakka Chinese.",supports
"According to polling, most people planning to cast a first preference vote for the UUP in May’s Assembly election will switch their vote to nationalists before they provide a transfer to other unionist parties.","Our second big question is whether Protestant and Catholic voters in 2016 had distinctive preferences. Table 5 shows that distinctiveness in respect of first preferences. The three panels in this table correspond to the three major party ‘blocs’ that dominate Northern Irish politics: unionists in the top panel, nationalists in the bottom panel, and ‘others’ in the middle. As the first column shows, Protestants continue overwhelmingly to give first preferences to unionist parties, with only 2 per cent giving first preferences to nationalist parties. This is reciprocated on the Catholic side, where support for the two main nationalist parties is equally overwhelming, with only 4 per cent giving a first preference to one of the unionist parties. About a fifth of both Catholics and Protestants give their first preference to the political centre^. [...] At the surface level of first preference voting, Protestants continue overwhelmingly to support unionist parties, with only 2 per cent giving first preferences to nationalist parties. This is mirrored on the Catholic side, with only 4 per cent giving a first preference to one of the unionist parties. [...] The 2016 Assembly election in Northern Ireland offers, then, further evidence of the highly polarised structuring of party support in that deeply divided region. Protestant and Catholic voters tend not just to give their first preference votes to nationalist and unionist parties respectively (with some exceptions just mentioned); they also tend to continue these preferences within their own political bloc rather than transferring to the rival bloc.",insufficient-refutes
James Shoal is a territory of People's Republic of China,"James Shoal[1][6] is a shoal (bank) in the South China Sea, with a depth of 22 metres (72 ft) below the surface of the sea,[1][7] located about 45 nautical miles (83 km; 52 mi) off the Borneo coast of Malaysia. It is claimed by Malaysia, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of China (Taiwan). The reef and its surrounds are administered by Malaysia. [...] Chinese students are taught and tested in schools that James Shoal is the southernmost point of Chinese territory, and that territory within the nine-dash line has always belonged to China, without any reference to the disputes over the islands and surrounding waters by neighbouring countries.[22] [...] The PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to (or derived from) James Shoal, an entirely submerged feature only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia and some 1,000 nautical miles from China’s coast. James Shoal is often cited in PRC propaganda as the ""southernmost territory of China."" International law is clear: An underwater feature like James Shoal cannot be claimed by any state and is incapable of generating maritime zones. James Shoal (roughly 20 meters below the surface) is not and never was PRC territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from it.[1][23][24][25][26]",insufficient-neutral
Ladakh is a territory of Pakistan,"- Pakistan and China border dispute: Ladakh became a contested territory between the newly independent nations of India and Pakistan. In the early 1960’s a substantial area of eastern Ladakh was annexed by China. [...] - Rich in natural resources: Ladakh is situated within the upper reaches of the Indus watershed, which in total supports about 120 million people in India (in the states of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and Rajasthan) and about 93 million in the Pakistan province of the Punjab (literally, ""Land of the Five Rivers""). [...] - Geostrategic location: The presence of resources is what makes India, China and Pakistan struggle over Ladakh, in order to gain control over resources in this region. Pakistan and China are in conflict with India over Siachen and Aksai chin in this region. Ladakh’s geostrategic significance has increased in the backdrop of these conflicts.",insufficient-neutral
Says of Gov. Tony Evers and 2020 violence in Kenosha after the police shooting of Jacob Blake: “It took the loss of lives before help finally came.”,"MADISON, Wis. -- Gov. Tony Evers on Sunday night condemned the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a man who was shot by a Kenosha officer during a ""domestic incident,"" according to police. ""Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin,"" Evers said in the statement. ""Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country."" [...] - Fiance Says Jacob Blake Was Shot In Front Of His Children - Protests, Vandalism Erupt in Kenosha After Police Shooting",insufficient-neutral
“Starbucks just announced that they’re going cashless.”,"But what exactly does it mean for Starbucks to go cashless? In simple terms, it means that Starbucks will no longer accept physical currency, such as cash or coins, as a form of payment. Instead, customers will be encouraged to pay using various digital payment options, such as their Starbucks mobile app, credit cards, or other contactless payment methods. [...] Going cashless refers to the practice of conducting financial transactions without using physical currency. In the context of Starbucks, it means that customers will no longer be able to pay for their purchases using cash or coins. Instead, they will be encouraged to use digital payment methods. [...] By going cashless, Starbucks is positioning itself as a forward-thinking brand that embraces the digital future. In an era where technology is rapidly evolving, and digital payments are becoming increasingly popular, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for long-term success.",insufficient-supports
"IOC Requests Against Filling Fuel Tanks To The Maximum Limit, Due To Rising Heat In SL!","In April 2022, a purported statement from Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) went viral on social media. IOCL was credited in the viral posts for spreading information about the hazards of overfilling gasoline vehicles. The advisory included an image of the IOCL logo along with a body of text stating that rising air temperatures and people filling their vehicles to the maximum capacity with gasoline could result in fuel tank explosions. The warning statement also mentioned that five such explosions had occurred due to people filling fuel tanks to the maximum. It further advised people to only half-fill their tanks, leaving room for air. However, the IOCL warning that has been widely disseminated across several social media platforms is fake. No such caution has been issued by the IOCL. We found that the IOCL released a clarification via a Facebook post on April 9, 2022, in response to the warning statement that had spread across social media. The hoax warning was entirely debunked by IOCL, which also mentioned that it is safe to fill up to the vehicle's maximum capacity regardless of whether it is winter or summer. [...] In 2016, India's highest-ever temperature was recorded in the town of Phalodi in Rajasthan, when temperatures reached 51 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 56.7 degrees Celsius, measured on July 10, 1913, at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California, U.S. We therefore conclude that the IOCL's warning against filling gasoline tanks to maximum capacity amid rising temperatures is a hoax that has been circulating for years.",refutes
"So that means that probably about half, maybe half of that nine-tenths of the degree [of total warming] might be caused by greenhouse gases","Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions [...] Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years.1 The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation. [...] There are a wide variety of industrial activities that cause greenhouse gas emissions, and many opportunities to reduce them. The table shown below provides some examples of opportunities for industry to reduce emissions. For a more comprehensive list, see Chapter 11 of the Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 1",insufficient-neutral
Members of the US Women’s National Soccer team turned their backs on the flag as a 98-year-old World War II veteran played the anthem.,The players turned in order to face the U.S. flag during the anthem.,refutes
Mayotte is a territory of Comoros,"The island of Mayotte is a French department (formerly an overseas territory) geographically belonging to the Comoros archipelago (islands of Anjouan, Mohéli and Grande Comores). The total area of this volcanic island is 376 km2. The island has one of the largest lagoons in the world, almost closed, with a reef surrounding almost the entire island. The island is also famous for its multiple mangrove areas and its coral beds (people from Reunion Island often come for that), its sea turtle nests, its baobabs, and its Ylang Ylang culture. This French territory is composed of two main islands: Grande Terre and Petite Terre. The capital of the island is Mamoudzou. Historically, Mayotte has been French since 1841, the rest of the Comoros was attached as a French protectorate. In 1946, Mayotte was then attached to the Comorian territory, formerly having the status of a French colony, detached from the island of Madagascar. In 1975, the independence of the Comoros was declared after consultation. In 2011, after a referendum, Mayotte became the 101st French department – DOM – (with Guyana, Reunion Island, Guadeloupe and Martinique).",supports
South Tibet is a territory of India,"China’s moves to assert control along disputed border risk further tensions with India - Plans to upgrade 2 frontier towns to city status are likely to lead to more investment in an area that includes territory claimed by both sides - The two sides have clashed over a ‘standardised’ place names in territory Beijing claims is part of Tibet but is held by India as the state of Arunachal Pradesh [...] The announcement, which one analyst said amounted to an assertion of its sovereignty, follows a row this week with India after the Chinese authorities published a map of newly ""standardised"" place names that included Indian-held territory south of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). [...] The territory at the heart of the latest dispute is claimed by China as Southern Tibet, but is held by India as the state of Arunachal Pradesh.",insufficient-supports
Essequibo River is a territory of Guyana,"The Essequibo (in Spanish, Esequibo), is an undeveloped, sparsely populated but resource-rich jungle territory region, nearly sixty percent of modern Guyana, consisting of all its territory west of the Essequibo River (see map). Venezuela’s deeply rooted belief is that the Essequibo region was unjustly taken from them by meddling foreign powers. It is a matter of national integrity, made more alluring by the possible wealth of natural resources there. Guyana’s position is that they are trying to defend the land that has been part of their country for almost 200 years, land they need to help develop their country economically. The territorial dispute, dating back to the 1830s, has heated up in recent months, after Exxon Mobil, working for the Guyanese government, announced in May 2015 that it had discoverd a large reserve of oil in ocean waters off the disputed territory. [...] The Essequibo (in Spanish, Esequibo), is nearly sixty percent of modern Guyana, consisting of all its territory west of the Essequibo River. The Treaty of Munster nor the London Convention defined a western boundary of (the later called) British Guyana.",refutes
Prevlaka is a territory of Montenegro,"Prevlaka (Croatian pronunciation: [prɛ̂ʋlaka]) is a small peninsula in southern Croatia, near the border with Montenegro, at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor on the eastern Adriatic coast. Because of its strategic location in the southern Adriatic, in the aftermath of the SFR Yugoslav breakup, the peninsula became subject to a territorial dispute between Croatia and FR Yugoslavia, a federal state that included Montenegro. The territory was functional under UN until 2002. The UN mission ended in December 2002 and the territory that had previously been part of SR Croatia was returned to the Republic of Croatia. An agreement was signed by both sides five days before the departure of the UNMOP that demilitarized Prevlaka, though implementation still has a temporary character.[1]",refutes
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.,"Over time, scientists began to develop a more nuanced view of how gases form and act. Not all gases on Earth are greenhouse gases. The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere depends on sources (natural and man-made processes that produce them) and sinks (reactions that remove the gases from the atmosphere). Carbon dioxide is only part of that equation, and only the second most abundant greenhouse gas on Earth. [...] It’s tempting to think that because CO2 has so many counterparts, it’s not worth worrying about. But just because CO2 isn’t the only greenhouse gas doesn't mean it’s not cause for concern. ""A lot of people use [greenhouse gases] to downplay the importance of carbon dioxide,"" says Davis. ""That’s the biggest issue we face."" Some gases may be more abundant, but none stand alone—and with CO2 rates rising at unprecedented levels, it’s difficult to estimate just how dire the consequences of unchecked emissions of any kind might be.",refutes
Vegan Leather Is not Sustainable!!,"In the realm of carbon footprints, the average passenger vehicle emits about 400 grams of CO2 per mile. It's important to note that while veganism aligns with ethical and environmental concerns, being vegan does not equate to being 100% environmentally friendly. Veganism primarily addresses animal exploitation while also contributing to the broader sustainability discourse.",insufficient-neutral
Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting,"A new record minimum for Antarctic sea ice [...] Antarctic sea ice extent reached a new record low of 1.965 million km2 on 23 February 2022. This extent is approximately 32% below climatological values and might indicate a transition to new, more extreme, annual fluctuations. [...] Handcock, M. S. & Raphael, M. N. Modeling the annual cycle of daily Antarctic sea ice extent. The Cryosphere14, 2159–2172 (2020).",refutes
Hala'ib Triangle is a territory of Sudan,"The Hala'ib Triangle (مثلث حلايب in Arabic, transliterated Muthāllath Ḥalāʾib) is an area of land measuring 20,580 square kilometres (7,950 sq mi) located on the Red Sea's African coast. The area, which is named after the town of Hala'ib, is created by the difference in the Egypt–Sudan border between the ""political boundary"" set in 1899 by the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium, which runs along the 22nd parallel north, and the ""administrative boundary"" set by the British in 1902, which gave an area of land north of the line to Sudan. When Sudan became independent in 1956, both Egypt and Sudan claimed sovereignty over the area. After Egypt sent military units to the Hala'ib Triangle in the 1990s, as part of a greater movement by the Egyptian government to solidify its presence in Africa, following the 1995 attempted assassination of then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Egypt has controlled the area as part of the Red Sea Governorate, and has been actively investing in it.[1] Today the United Arab Emirates is also a active investor along with Egypt in the area.[2] The area is not shaped like a triangle—it is actually a complicated polygon. Only the southern 290 kilometres (180 mi) border is a straight line. A smaller area, called Bir Tawil, touches the Hala'ib Triangle at its westernmost point. Bir Tawil is not claimed by either Sudan or Egypt.[3]",insufficient-refutes
Priyanka Gandhi has worn a Christian Cross over her neck during a Congress election rally in Kerala.,"A collage with a couple of photos of Priyanka Gandhi is being widely shared on social media. It is being claimed that one photo in the collage shows Priyanka wearing a Rudraksha mala during her visit to Uttar Pradesh and the other photo is of Priyanka wearing a ‘Christian cross’ over her neck during her Kerala visit. But, FACTLY has found that the photo of Priyanka Gandhi wearing a ‘Christian cross’ over her neck is photoshopped. In the original image, the chain worn by Priyanka Gandhi does not have a ‘Christian cross’. The photo was captured during an election rally in Uttar Pradesh 2017. Also, FACTLY has debunked the photo when it went viral in 2019. [...] Fact – 1. Getty Images –",refutes
The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration,"Peer-reviewed global analyses of both tide gauge and satellite data have demonstrated that sea level rise has, in fact, accelerated in recent decades.",refutes
Ambalat is a territory of Malaysia,"Ambalat [edit]Ambalat is an area of the seabed or continental shelf in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Borneo which is claimed by Indonesia and Malaysia. The seabed is believed to be rich in crude oil. Contrary to popular belief, the International Court of Justice decision over the sovereignty of Sipadan and Ligitan did not solve the dispute over Ambalat as it did not include issues concerning the demarcation of the territorial sea and continental shelf boundaries of the two countries in the area.[23] The dispute started with Malaysia issuing a map in 1979 of its territorial sea and continental shelf which included the Ambalat block. The map drew Malaysia's maritime boundary in a southeast direction into the Celebes Sea after it leaves the eastmost point on land on Sebatik island. This would include the Ambalat block, or a large part of it, within the Malaysian continental shelf. Indonesia has, like the other neighbours of Malaysia, objected to the map. Indonesia has never officially announced the exact locations of its maritime boundaries but claimed during its arguments in the Sipadan Case that it continued in a straight line along the 4° 10' North latitude after it leaves Sebatik.",insufficient-contradictory
"""86% of Americans and 82% of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check.""","Gun owners and non-owners are also deeply divided on several gun policy proposals, but there is agreement on some restrictions, such as preventing those with mental illnesses and those on federal watch lists from buying guns. Among gun owners, there is a diversity of views on gun policy, driven in large part by party affiliation. [...] Solid majorities of both gun owners and non-owners favor limiting access to guns for people with mental illnesses and individuals who are on the federal no-fly or watch lists (82% or higher favor among each group). In addition, strong majorities favor background checks for private sales and at gun shows (77% among gun owners and 87% among non-owners). The groups are more divided when it comes to three other policy proposals: creating a federal database to track gun sales; banning assault-style weapons; and banning high-capacity magazines. Even so, significant shares of gun owners are open to these proposals. Roughly half of gun owners (54%) say they would favor creating a federal database, and 48% favor a ban on assault weapons. Some 44% of gun owners favor banning high-capacity magazines. Support for these proposals is much higher among non-gun owners, with about three-quarters or more saying they would support each of these proposals.",insufficient-supports
"“An accurate reporting by Pfizer would have shown equal numbers of clinical trial deaths in the vaccine and placebo groups and thus, no benefit of vaccination”","All attention has focused on the dramatic efficacy results: Pfizer reported 170 PCR confirmed covid-19 cases, split 8 to 162 between vaccine and placebo groups. But these numbers were dwarfed by a category of disease called ""suspected covid-19""—those with symptomatic covid-19 that were not PCR confirmed. According to FDA’s report on Pfizer’s vaccine, there were ""3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group."" [...] Another reason we need more data is to analyse an unexplained detail found in a table of FDA’s review of Pfizer’s vaccine: 371 individuals excluded from the efficacy analysis for ""important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after Dose 2."" What is concerning is the imbalance between randomized groups in the number of these excluded individuals: 311 from the vaccine group vs 60 on placebo. (In contrast, in Moderna’s trial, there were just 36 participants excluded from the efficacy analysis for ""major protocol deviation""—12 vaccine group vs 24 placebo group.) [...] By my count, Pfizer apparently reported 8 cases of confirmed, symptomatic Covid-19 in people positive for SARS-CoV-2 at baseline (1 in the vaccine group, 7 in the placebo group, using the differences between Tables 9 and 10) and Moderna, 1 case (placebo group; Table 12).",insufficient-neutral
purports to show a mom remove an LGBTQ+ pride flag from a classroom,"But this labeling and banning of the flags sends a message beyond politics. Experts tell The 19th that removing Pride flags from classrooms could have dire mental health effects on LGBTQ+ students, many of whom are still in the early stages of navigating their identities and looking for signs of acceptance from the adults around them. [...] ""If they’re up and they’re forced to take them down, the message is clear that there’s no welcome symbol in that space,"" he said. An LGBTQ+ flag in a teacher’s classroom is a sign that students can come to them for support — even if they never need it, they have the safety in knowing that it’s there, Johnson said. [...] Monica Ghabrial, who has a doctorate in philosophy and is studying trans and nonbinary health at Western University, wrote over email that removing Pride flags — which removes signs of a welcoming environment — could increase LGBTQ+ students’ risk of poor responses to stress, both emotionally and physically.",insufficient-supports
"""Global warming is driving polar bears toward extinction""","Polar bear: A polar bear is fit to swim 100 miles for food, in search of mates or, more recently, just some ice to stand on. With five inches of blubber keeping this enormous bear prepared for subzero temperatures, the largest member of the bear family has adapted to remarkable Arctic conditions. The fat stored in a polar bear carcass becomes essential food for other Arctic species, like the Arctic fox. However, the extreme impacts that human-caused climate change has had on the Arctic is pushing the polar bear closer to extinction. [...] Listed as a ""threatened"" species in 2008, polar bears are rapidly losing the sea ice they use to hunt, mate and raise their young. Polar bear numbers increased following the establishment of hunting regulations in the 1970s and today stand at 20,000 to 25,000. However, the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice because of global warming has reversed this trend, and currently at least five of the 19 polar bear populations are declining. The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that under current greenhouse gas emission trends, two-thirds of the world’s polar bears, including all those in Alaska, will likely disappear by 2050.",supports
"“Elon Musk backs Caitlin Clark, offers $10 million endorsement.”","Elon Musk Backs Caitlin Clark, Offers $10 Million Endorsement: ""I Support You, Caitlin Clark"" [...] The $10 million endorsement from Musk is a game-changer for Caitlin Clark. Financially, it provides her with substantial resources to invest in her career, support her family, and engage in philanthropic activities. Beyond the financial benefits, the endorsement significantly raises her profile, linking her name with one of the most influential figures in the world. [...] Elon Musk’s $10 million endorsement of Caitlin Clark is a landmark moment in the world of sports endorsements. It highlights the growing influence of tech entrepreneurs in the sports industry and underscores the importance of supporting and recognizing talent across different fields. For Caitlin Clark, the endorsement is a testament to her hard work, talent, and potential, providing her with the resources and visibility to further her career and make a positive impact on and off the court.",supports
Tigri Area is a territory of Suriname,"The Tigri Area (Dutch: Tigri-gebied) or New River Triangle is a forested area in the East Berbice-Corentyne region of Guyana that has been disputed by Suriname[1] since the 19th century. In Suriname, it is seen as an integral part of the Coeroeni Resort located in the Sipaliwini District. [...] In the present village of Kuruni near the Coeroenie Airstrip, prefab houses were placed for workers on a planned weir.[5] Work also began on a camp near the Oronoque River. On 12 December 1967, four armed men of the Guyana police force landed at Oronoque, and ordered the workers to leave the area.[6][5] Four military posts were initially established by the Surinamese army, however (mainly for financial reasons) only Camp Tigri (also known as Camp Jaguar) remained.[7] On 19 August 1969, border skirmishes occurred between Guyanese forces and Surinamese militias at Camp Tigri, which was subsequently conquered by Guyana. On 18 March 1970, Eric Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago offered to mediate the conflict.[3] In November 1970 the Surinamese and Guyanese governments agreed in Trinidad and Tobago to withdraw their military forces from the Triangle.[3] Prior to Suriname's independence in 1975, President Henck Arron asked Prime Minister Joop den Uyl of the Netherlands for a precise definition of the borders. The reply included the Tigri area.[8] Guyana has not held upon this agreement and continues to hold a firm grip on the New River Triangle.[9][10][11]",insufficient-supports
Additional 15% Tax Introduced On Women’s Sanitary Napkins?,"Bill to remove 15% sanitary pad tax introduced - Sosu presents draft law to Parliament A private member’s bill proposing an amendment to remove the 15 per cent Value Added Tax (VAT) on menstrual hygiene products has been introduced to Parliament. [...] ""Imposing taxes on sanitation pads which is as a result of their menstrual cycle which is a natural phenomenon is unfair, discriminatory and violates both national law (Article 17 of the 1992 Constitution) and various international laws and treaties such as Article 2 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Articles 24(1) and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Convention on Rights of Children, and the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women, among others,"" Mr Sosu said.",refutes
"According to polling, most people planning to cast a first preference vote for the UUP in May’s Assembly election will switch their vote to nationalists before they provide a transfer to other unionist parties.","Table 2 Nationalist Share of Vote (%), Assembly elections, 1998 – 2016 [...] In summary, of the parties elected, the UUP received most transferred votes (25%), followed by the DUP (22%), Sinn Féin (14%), SDLP (13%), Alliance (11%), Green Party (4%), TUV (3%) and People Before Profit Alliance (1%). [...] In contrast, Alliance, UUP, and the SDLP received the lion’s share of transfers from other parties (71%, 76% and 79% respectively). The DUP received 59% of its transfers from other parties.",insufficient-neutral
Kaurik is a territory of Republic of China,"With snow melting in the high-altitude areas, China’s People Liberation Army has begun constructing a post along the Indian border in the sensitive Kaurik sector of Himachal Pradesh’s tribal Lahaul and Spiti district. [...] Five battalions of the ITBP guard the border with China in the state. In all, there are 20 ITBP posts along the border and Kaurik is a sensitive one being the last village beyond Sumdoh. [...] China stepped up activity in the region after air incursions in Kaurik sector in April last year. Chinese helicopters violated Indian airspace twice in April 2020.",insufficient-neutral
Anura Kumara Dissanayake to Lead Both JVP and NPP Illegally !!,"Anura Kumara Dissanayake leads both the National People’s Power alliance, or NPP, and the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, or JVP. Rooted in Marxist ideology, the JVP was founded in the 1960s with the aim of seizing power through a socialist revolution. But after two failed armed uprisings in 1971 and 1987-89 – which resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of lives – the party shifted toward democratic politics and has remained so for over three decades. [...] In 2019, under Dissanayake’s leadership, the NPP was formed as a socialist alliance with several other organizations. While the JVP continues to adhere to Marxist principles, the NPP adopted a center-left, social democratic platform – aiming to attract broader public support. [...] As a leader from a Marxist party, Dissanayake will likely pursue policies to reflect collective decisions made by the politburos and central committees of the NPP and JVP, rather than his individual views. He advocates for an economic system where activities are coordinated through a central government plan, emphasizing the importance of ""economic democracy.""",insufficient-supports
Vozrozhdeniya Island is a territory of Kazakhstan,"Vozrozhdeniya Island (Russian: Остров Возрождения, IPA: [vəzrɐˈʐdʲenʲɪjə] , lit. 'Rebirth Island'; Kazakh: Возрождение аралы, Vozrojdenie araly; Uzbek: Возрождение ороли, Vozrojdeniye oroli) was an island in the Aral Sea. The former island's territory is split between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In 1954, the Soviet Union constructed a biological weapons test site called Aralsk-7 there and on the neighbouring Komsomolskiy Island, which also no longer exists.[1] Geography [edit]Vozrozhdeniya was once a small island; it was only 200 square kilometres (77 sq mi) in the nineteenth century.[2] However, in the 1960s, the island began to grow in size as the Aral Sea began drying up as the Soviet Union dammed its feeder rivers for agricultural projects.[3] The shrinkage of the Aral continued and accelerated over time, and the receding waters briefly made Vozrozhdeniya the second-largest lake island in the world, at 2,300 km2 (890 sq mi),[4] in the final days of its existence in mid-2001, becoming a peninsula when the South Aral Sea dried up enough that the island joined the mainland.[5] Upon the disappearance of the Southeast Aral Sea in 2008, Vozrozhdeniya was simply a part of the surrounding land, and by 2014 it was simply a part of the land within the extensive Aralkum Desert.",insufficient-contradictory
Surface air temperatures at the bottom of the world have risen three times faster than the global average since the 1990s.,"The South Pole is warming at a rate nearly three times faster than the global average, scientists have discovered. And much of that warming is linked to climate cycles happening thousands of miles away in the tropics. [...] The study, led by Kyle Clem of Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, examined surface air temperatures at the world's southernmost weather observatory: the Amundsen-Scott station, located almost directly on top of the geographic South Pole. It's a lonely, snow-covered outpost in the middle of the Antarctic continent, in a place where winter temperatures can drop below minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The researchers found that temperatures there have been rising by about a degree Fahrenheit each decade since the start of the 1990s. That's about three times faster than the global average.",supports
Coconut Oil is good. But vegetable oil is bad,"Coconut Oil vs Vegetable Oil [...] According to Palak Patel, a chef at the Institute of Culinary Education, swapping coconut oil for vegetable oil is straightforward: one cup of vegetable oil is equal to one cup of coconut oil when cooking and baking. However, when using coconut oil as a substitute for vegetable oil, there are a couple of things to consider and note. [...] Unlike vegetable oil, which contains trans-fat, coconut oil is made of medium-chain saturated fatty acids. Saturated fat is easily digestible, and when ingested, it gets transported to the liver, where it serves as a source of energy for the body.",insufficient-supports
A bill would revoke custody from parents who refused gender-affirming care,There is no evidence for this claim. The bill’s text does not mention revoking custody from parents.,refutes
Mali Školj is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"Mali Školj is uninhabited islet in the Bay of Mali Ston, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with the nearby islet of Veliki Školj makes the only two Bosnia and Herzegovina's islands in the Adriatic Sea.[1][2] The temporary regime of the sea border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was determined in 1999. The Neum Agreement on the temporary border was signed by Franjo Tuđman and Alija Izetbegović, and has not been ratified due to the emergence of the controversy surrounding the ownership of these two islands and the tip of the Klek peninsula. Croatia disputes the validity of the agreement and claims it as its own territory.[1] [...] - ^ Zoran Šagolj (9 July 2017). ""Vlasnik spornih otoka u Malostonskom zaljevu: Mi jesmo Hrvati, ali Mali i Veliki školj pripadaju BiH. Dubrovačka republika to je područje prodala za svoju slobodu Turcima, a naši preci su ga kupili"". (in Croatian). Slobodna Dalmacija. Retrieved 24 July 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death,"Before COVID vaccines were deployed and administered, it was reported that patients with COVID-19 have approximatively 16 times the risk for myocarditis relative to patients without COVID-193. Matched analyses from medical records (Dec 2020 to May 2021) from the largest health care organization in Israel21 showed that COVID-19 vaccination was associated with an elevated risk of myocarditis (risk ratio, 3.24) compared to unvaccinated and SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a substantially increased risk of myocarditis (risk ratio, 18.28) compared to uninfected. It was also noted that a significant lower mortality rate was observed among individuals with myocarditis after mRNA vaccination when compared to those with a viral infection–related myocarditis21,22. In line with these results, a more recent study showed that the relative risk of heart failure within 90 days was 0.56 and 1.48 for myocarditis associated with vaccination and COVID-19 disease, respectively23. In summary, compared with myocarditis associated with COVID-19 disease, myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines occurs less frequent and in addition is associated with a better clinical outcome23. [...] Le Vu, S. et al. Risk of Myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA Vaccination: Impact of Booster Dose and Dosing Interval. (2022).",insufficient-supports
Isfara Valley is a territory of Tajikistan,"Isfara is one of the most prosperous and beautiful cities of the Ferghana Valley of Tajikistan, in the basin of the colorful mountain ranges of Turkestan. A historic Silk Road city, it is now a hidden gem in the far northeast of Tajikistan. [...] With the Russian Revolution in 1917, Isfara found itself in the Soviet Union. Originally, it (along with the rest of Tajikistan) was part of the Uzbekistan Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), but in the 1930s the Tajikistan ASSR was upgraded to a full SSR. During the Soviet Union, the borders between the SSRs didn't impact life on the ground, so Isfara prospered being at the tripoint between the Tajik, Uzbek, and Kyrgyz SSRs. But when the Soviet Union dissolved in the 1990s, Isfara suddenly found itself isolated on two sides. [...] Stay safe [edit]There are territorial disputes between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan over the Isfara Valley. The city suffered from border clashes in September 2022. While the dangers from open warfare are practically zero, avoid going near the Kyrgyz-Tajik border out of precaution.",insufficient-contradictory
"Senate Republicans' move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in an election year is ""not constitutional.""","""Of course,"" said McConnell, ""the American people should have a say in the court's direction. It is a president's constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate's constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent."" [...] For his part, McConnell argued that the Democrats had at least contemplated a similar tactic back in 1992, when Obama's vice president, Joe Biden, was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and mused about urging President George H.W. Bush to withhold any nominees to the high court until the end of the ""political season."" [...] A previous version of this story incorrectly said that before 2016, the last time a Democratic president made a Supreme Court appointment while Republicans held the Senate was in 1885. The last such appointment was in 1895.",insufficient-neutral
Susta River is a territory of Nepal,"Susta is a disputed territory between Nepal and India. It is administered by India as part of West Champaran district of Bihar. It is claimed by Nepal as part of Susta rural municipality, under West Nawalparasi District in Lumbini Province. The disputed territory is located on the eastern side of the Gandak river (Narayani River in Nepal). Nepal claims the area a part of West Nawalparasi District under Susta rural municipality (part of ward no. 5), alleging that over 14,860 hectares of Nepali land in Susta has been encroached upon by India while India claims ""Susta"" to be a part of West Champaran district. According to the Sugauli Treaty signed between British East India Company and Nepal in 1816, the Gandak river is the international boundary and eastern part of the river belongs to India and western part of the river belongs to Nepal. At the time the treaty was signed Susta village was situated west of the river. But, over the years, the Gandak river changed its course and Susta moved to the east side of the river, that is now on the Indian side of the river. Nepal maintains the Gandak's course in 1816 to be taken as the fixed international boundary but India claims that land on the eastern side of the river is its own territory.[1][2][3]",insufficient-contradictory
The recent blast in UP’s Bulandshahr occurred at a Muslim man’s house named Mohammad Shafiq,"Bulandshahr violence LIVE UPDATES: Martyred Policeman’s sister says Subodh Singh was killed because he was investigating Akhlaq's case [...] Here's What Happened In Bulandshahr - [...] BulandshahrRead all breaking news in English first on ABP News. For everything on Bollywood, Sports, Covid-19 Vaccine updates read the most reliable English news website, ABP News । For more related stories, follow: News in English",insufficient-neutral
"Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English.”","In February 2021, as the news cycle focused on genuine comments made by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene about school shootings being hoaxes, some social media users encountered a quote ostensibly uttered by Greene about Jesus and the English language. This meme reads: ""'If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for us,' stated Marjorie Taylor Greene, explaining why Spanish shouldn't be spoken in a Christian Nation like America. Wow! Chew on that for a moment."" [...] While it's certainly possible that someone, somewhere, at sometime uttered the phrase ""If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for us"" in earnest, this quote is most often used to paint politicians for being, perhaps, more ignorant of history and religion than they actually are.",insufficient-refutes
Doi Lang is a territory of Myanmar,"Loi Leng is the highest mountain of the Shan Hills. It is located in Shan State, Burma, 45 kilometres (28 mi) to the southeast of Lashio.[2] Geography [edit]Loi Leng is part of a massif with multiple peaks located 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) to the SW Pa-kawlam, 10 km to the north of Mong Pat and 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) to the east of Kawngwit villages. [...] See also [edit]References [edit]- ^ Peaklist - 19 Mountain Summits with Prominence of 1,500 meters or greater Retrieved 29 December 2011 - ^ Peakbagger - Loi Leng, Myanmar - ^ GoogleEarth - ^ ""Loi Leng (mountain) - Region: Shan State, Myanmar"". Archived from the original on 2013-11-09. Retrieved 2011-12-30.",supports
Former President Donald Trump “has the worst record of job loss of any president.”,"Donald Trump is the first president in almost a century to see employment decline nationally between his first and last days in office. Experts widely agree that the president during the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover, also saw jobs lost on his watch, and earlier presidents who served before standardized employment data was collected likely did, too. Economists say the coronavirus pandemic — the primary reason for the employment decline under Trump — was so unusual that it merits an asterisk to his record.",insufficient-supports
JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring would help in substantial weight loss,"There is no evidence to suggest that magnetic rings, or similar magnetic devices, aid in weight loss. Also, according to Federal Trade Commission, ‘Nothing you can wear or apply to your skin will cause you to lose weight’. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"“When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing. They were broke.”","Recent date from the IMF shows why this theory was persuasive. The IMF’s most recent ""Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia,"" reports that Iran’s ""Gross Official Reserves"" fell from an average of $70 billion in 2000-2017, and $122.5 billion in 2018, to $12.4 billion in 2019 and an amazing $4 billion in 2020. At that level Iran was on a rough par with countries such as Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Armenia, and Georgia. By contrast, in 2020 Algeria had $46.7 billion in reserves, Iraq had $54.1 billion, Libya $51 billion--and Afghanistan $8.6 billion, twice as much as Iran. What explains the collapse in Iran’s reserves? The ""maximum pressure"" campaign. And the argument that 'faced with a continuation and even intensification of that campaign, Iran would have had to negotiate' seems entirely reasonable. [...] Whenever we hear that ""the maximum pressure campaign failed,"" we ought to recall that IMF statistic: Iran’s reserves almost disappeared between 2018 and 2020. The Biden policy, which suggests that Iran will concede more while the pressure on it is reduced, is simply illogical. As the old saying goes, hope is not a strategy.",insufficient-supports
"Minimum wage increased by 42%, directly benefiting 55 lakh workers.","A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers or it is the price floor below which workers may not sell their labour. [...] The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment other than agriculture has been proposed at Rs.350 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.246 resulting in an increase of about 42%. The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment ""agriculture"" has been proposed at Rs.300 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.211 resulting in an increase of about 42%. [...] Due to this revision, additional 55 lakh workers would be benefited. This would indeed, be a good gesture on the part of the Government towards the labour fraternity.",supports
Biden going to declare and activate the Selective Service Act and begins drafting 20 years old to war!!,"Jack Posobiec, a right-wing activist known for promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, recently created a fake video of President Biden announcing a draft to send American soldiers to Ukraine. AI imagines what would happen if Biden declares and activates the Selective Service Act and begins drafting 20 years old to war — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 27, 2023",refutes
Abyei is a territory of South Sudan,"On the border between South Sudan and Sudan, Abyei covers just over 10,000 square kilometres. Its special administrative status, mandated by a 2005 peace agreement, belies the simmering tensions that have fuelled violent inter-communal conflicts. [...] Abyei – a territory roughly the size of Jamaica – is being contested by two countries, Sudan and South Sudan. Abyei, which covers just over 10,000km², is under special administrative status following the terms of a 2005 peace agreement between the two countries. [...] Abyei is deeply embedded in the history of the Ngok Dinka community, who are among the northernmost Dinka populations. The Dinka represent the predominant ethnolinguistic group in South Sudan, a country that emerged as the world’s newest nation in 2011.",insufficient-contradictory
The humans are carnivorous species !!,"Expósito-Granados M, Castro A, Lozano J, Aznar-Sanchez J, Carter N, Requena-Mullor J et al (2019) Human-carnivore relations: conflicts, tolerance and coexistence in the American West. Environ Res Lett 14(12):123005. [...] Lozano J, Olszańsk A, Morales-Reyes Z, Castro AA, Malo AF, Moleón M, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Cortés-Avizanda A, von Wehrden H, Dorresteijn I, Kansky R, Fischer J, Martín-Lópeza B (2019) Human-carnivore relations: a systematic review. Biol Conserv 237:480–492.",insufficient-neutral
"The research unit of Akuressa Coop, led by NPP, has developed a novel wood apple mixed chocolate product !!","The Akuressa Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society (MPCS) chaired by W. T. K. Rajapaksa won comprehensively at its election yesterday. Of the 58 Co-operative Societies of the Akuressa MPCS, Rajapaksa and his allies backed by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) led ‘Committee to Safeguard the Cooperative Movement’ gained 38. Of the 100 representatives elected, 70 are from the Rajapaksa camp. A tense situation arose when the results of the tightly contested election was announced as Rajapaksa and his team made a clean sweep winning all nine seats. [...] Today, the Akuressa MPCS holds assets worth over Rs. 3,000 million including investments in retail outlets, a restaurant, a tea estate and a public transport venture. Rajapaksa said that a hospital was on the cards and a land had already been purchased in this regard.",insufficient-neutral
Coconut Oil is good. But vegetable oil is bad,"Coconut oil is touted as a superfood with all kinds of potential health benefits, including weight loss, blood sugar control, reduction of cholesterol and decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. However, like butter, coconut oil is solid at room temperature and primarily composed of saturated fat. Most other vegetable oils (including several mentioned in the column on healthy cooking oils) are primarily unsaturated fat, which are viewed as a more beneficial type of fat. [...] A 2023 summary of peer-reviewed studies confirms that while coconut oil has fewer detrimental effects on total and LDL cholesterol compared to butter, it can be more damaging compared to unsaturated vegetable oils.[2] Another 2021 meta-analysis concludes that coconut oil significantly raises both LDL and HDL blood cholesterol levels, adversely affecting cardiometabolic health. The benefits of increased HDL cholesterol appear to be outweighed by the drawbacks of increased LDL cholesterol.[3] [...] Taste, pleasure and cultural traditions all matter when it comes to food. For this reason, coconut oil cannot be categorized as ""good"" or ""bad."" It has a distinctive flavor and is a rich energy source for people worldwide.",insufficient-supports
"Sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2","Global sea level has risen significantly over the last century, and at an accelerating rate. Multiple lines of evidence clearly demonstrate that this is largely due to the expansion of warming seawater (an inescapable consequence of the laws of physics) and the melting of glacial ice on land.",refutes
"Claims American writer Ernest Hemingway said, ""Write drunk, edit sober.""","Write Drunk, Edit Sober — but without the alcohol This quote (‘write drunk, edit sober’) is usually misattributed to Ernest Hemingway and it’s good advice, as long as you don’t take it literally. [...] When you write while drunk (I have tried it!), every idea and every sentence appear to be amazingly good, original and written by a genius. The come-down when you read it back the next day is worse than the hangover: it’s mostly boring and badly written.",refutes
"“We’ve seen an 800% increase in the Swanton sector, which is the part of the northern border that I represent, in illegal crossings.”","""We’ve seen an 800% increase in the Swanton sector, which is the part of the northern border that I represent, in illegal crossings,"" Stefanik said on ""Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo"" on Jan. 28. [...] Stefanik claimed that there has been at some point an 800% increase in illegal crossings in the Swanton sector of the U.S.-Canada border. Stefanik did not say which time period she was talking about. The increases in unauthorized crossings vary depending on the period, but there have been increases exceeding 800% at the border. The actual numbers of encounters remain very low compared with crossings at the southern border.",supports
Bakassi is a territory of Cameroon,"Moreover, by Diplomatic Note No. 570 of 27 March 1962, the government of Tafawa Balewa of Nigeria exchanged diplomatic notes with Cameroon acknowledging the fact that Bakassi was indeed Cameroonian territory (Aghemelo and Ibhasebhor 2006). In July 1966, Lt.-Col. Gowon came to power in Nigeria. As the Balewa government, he too committed his government to respect all prior international agreements made by the Balewa and Ironsi governments. [...] On 10 October 2002, after eight years of deliberations, the ICJ at The Hague decided that Cameroon had sovereignty over Bakassi, basing its decision on old colonial documents (Lacey and Banerjee 2002). The boundaries in the Lake Chad region were determined by the Thomson-Marchand Declarations of 1929–1930 and the boundary in Bakassi was determined by the Anglo-German Treaty of 11 March 1913. The Court requested Nigeria to quickly and unconditionally withdraw her administration, police and military from the area of Lake Chad under Cameroonian sovereignty and from the Bakassi Peninsula. The ICJ equally requested Cameroon to expeditiously and without condition remove any administration or military or police forces which may be present along the land boundary from Lake Chad to the Bakassi Peninsula on territories which, pursuant to the judgment, fall within the sovereignty of Nigeria.",supports
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin fired two players for kneeling during national anthem,"Pittsburgh Kneelers? Post claiming Steelers cut 2 players who knelt is satire | Fact check [...] ""Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem,"" reads the post's caption. [...] There is no credible record of the Steelers releasing any players who knelt during the national anthem, and Tomlin previously expressed support for those who kneel. The post was published and shared by a satirical website that includes a disclaimer that states, ""Nothing on this page is real.""",refutes
Derek Chauvin had his left hand in his pocket while kneeling on George Floyd.,"That image is not of the officer who was pinning George Floyd to the ground, killing him slowly and brutally. That image is wretched and causes shivers to run down my spine. But I’ve never killed a person. I am not overtly racist. Insert all the comments here about having black friends, black teammates, black members of the congregation that I pastor who I love deeply and appreciate greatly. I would never find myself in the same position as Derek Chauvin, the officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, hands in his pocket, casually looking at the camera. No, the haunting image I cannot get out of my mind, the one I wept as I watched the video and saw myself in, is that of the second police officer. Standing nearby. Rarely looking at George Floyd and Derek Chauvrin. Scanning back and forth, up and down the street. Telling the onlookers that it isn’t that bad. That George Floyd is fine. As I watched the video, I found myself pleading with that man to run over and push Derek Chauvin off of George Floyd. I was vocally begging him to do something. To go stop what was happening. [...] The time has long since come; action is required. In the same way I longed for that second office to push Derek Chauvin off George Floyd, it will take action to to overturn the systems that have their knee on the neck of those around us. That requires all of us.",insufficient-supports
"“When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing. They were broke.”","Trump’s numbers are off — Iran’s reserves were larger than he states and did not drop to zero — but he’s on point about the plummeting trend line. Iran’s foreign currency reserves fell from $128 billion in 2015 to $15 billion in 2019, which represents an even more dramatic decline in absolute dollars than Trump said. This decline is widely believed to be a consequence of the tightened U.S. sanctions under Trump and it has not reversed to any significant degree since.",refutes
"Foods such as Pop-Tarts, cake mixes and ice cream contain antifreeze","FACT CHECK: No, There Is Not Antifreeze In Foods Such As Pop-Tarts, Ice Cream Or Cake Mixes A video shared on Instagram claims food such as Pop-Tarts, ice cream and cake mixes contain antifreeze. [...] The Instagram post claims several common foods contain a chemical that is toxic to humans. The video shows a man listing off foods he claims contain antifreeze, such as Pop-Tarts, ice cream from Blue Bunny and ColdStone Creamery, Dunkin iced teas, Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines cake mixes and Fireball whiskey.",refutes
Aluminum in vaccines causes neurological damage and autism,"Vaccines do not cause neurological damage, aluminum levels in vaccines are safe Scientific evidence shows that vaccines are safe and not associated with autism. The amount of aluminum present in vaccines is very low, in fact much lower than the amount of aluminum in the diet of infants. Furthermore, the biologically active form of aluminum cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, hence it cannot cause damage to the brain or autism. [...] Several Facebook posts containing screenshots of Google search results purporting to show evidence linking aluminum in vaccines with neurological damage and autism were published in early March 2020. An article published by Collective Evolution in mid-February reported a similar claim made by Christopher Exley, professor of bioinorganic chemistry at Keele University, based on the findings of his study[1].",refutes
Dokdo/Takeshima is a territory of North Korea,"The Liancourt Rocks dispute, also called the Takeshima dispute or Dokdo dispute is a territorial dispute between South Korea and Japan[1][2][3][4] regarding sovereignty over the Liancourt Rocks, a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan. The rocks also go by the names Dokdo (Korean: 독도; Hanja: 獨島) and Takeshima (Japanese: 竹島).[5] North Korea also claims sovereignty of the islands, but has not pursued its claim to the same extent as the other parties.[6]",insufficient-contradictory
"Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid ""fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling.""","Kansas City Chiefs’ Coach Andy Reid didn’t boot his top three players for anthem kneeling [...] ""Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid draws line, fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling,"" said a June 24 Facebook post. [...] SpaceXMania, ""Chiefs’ Coach Andy Reid Draws Line, Fires 3 Top Players For Anthem Kneeling: ‘Stand for the Game, Not Against the Anthem,’"" February 10, 2024",insufficient-refutes
CLAIM: There have been just 113 COVID-19 deaths in all in Northern Ireland.,"- 15 July – The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) publishes a postcode breakdown of COVID-19 deaths in Northern Ireland; the data indicates the BT4 area of East Belfast, including parts of the Upper Newtownards Road, Holywood Road and Sydenham to have had to largest number of deaths at 36.[53] [...] - Official figures show that COVID-19 deaths were the second most common deaths in Northern Ireland between 1 April and 30 June, with 4,684 deaths registered during that time, 732 of them COVID related.[117] [...] - 6 November – - The number of COVID deaths in Northern Ireland surpasses 1,000, standing at 1,053.[203]",refutes
"""The last administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded.""","Biden left out important context when he said that the Trump administration ""oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded."" The increase in the number of murders from 2019 to 2020 was the largest one-year increase since data was systematically recorded in the early 1960s, but this was largely beyond Trump’s control; experts say the spike stemmed from a confluence of the coronavirus pandemic and the societal upheaval after George Floyd’s murder that year.",insufficient-supports
“Bill Gates explains that the COVID vaccine will use experimental technology and permanently alter your DNA”,Coronavirus: Bill Gates ‘microchip’ conspiracy theory and other vaccine claims fact-checked - Published,insufficient-neutral
WEF Orders Global Water Rationing System !!,"The claim: The World Economic Forum ordered governments to start rationing water [...] There is no evidence the WEF ordered governments around the world to ration water sent to people's homes, nor that it declared water is not a human right. The article was published by a website that regularly publishes fabricated stories. No evidence the WEF ordered global water rationing",refutes
A windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.,Factually Inaccurate : Analyzing the energy used in the production of wind turbines does not show that it's greater than the electricity produced over the turbine's working lifetime.,refutes
"claims Lewis Carroll once wrote, ""You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.""","The quote does not appear in any of Carroll’s works, nor in any film adaptations of his novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” It is actually a line from ABC’s television show “Once Upon a Time.”",refutes
Gegharkunik province is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Gegharkunik is one of Armenia’s provinces that Azerbaijan calls ""Western Azerbaijan"". Azerbaijan attacked the region in two main directions - Sotk and Verin Shorzha. The region is one of the vital parts of the country; it is where Lake Sevan is situated, one of the main sights and the largest freshwater lake in the landlocked country. Before the war in 2020, the de facto border between Armenia’s Gegharkunik province and Azerbaijan was shorter. But as a result of the war, the Kelbajar region was handed over to Azerbaijan, and the border is now approximately 50 kilometres longer in the direction of Vardenis. The border halved a gold mine that was located right on the administrative border of Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh, the Sotk gold mine, and now the other half of the mine is in the Azerbaijani part. After the last events, the villagers’ sense of safety has diminished. Surrounded by mountains, they are able to distinguish between Armenian and Azerbaijani hills and they are aware of the source of danger.",insufficient-contradictory
"IOC Requests Against Filling Fuel Tanks To The Maximum Limit, Due To Rising Heat In SL!","A viral claim says Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has warned customers against filling their vehicles' fuel tanks to the maximum limit as they might explode. In a purported circular, the company said this might happen due to increasing temperature. However, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has debunked this claim in their fact check. ""It is perfectly safe to fill fuel in vehicles up to the limit(max) as specified by the manufacturer,"" PIB said. Fact Check: Vehicle Will Explode if Fuel Tank is Full in Summer? Indian Oil Denies Advisory, Says Safe to Fill Up to Maximum as Specified by Manufacturer. 'Don't Fill Fuel Tanks to Maximum': Claim: @IndianOilcl has issued a warning & asked not to fill petrol in your vehicle to the maximum limit #PIBFactCheck ▶️ This claim is #Fake ▶️ It is perfectly safe to fill fuel in vehicles up to the limit(max) as specified by the manufacturer",refutes
Is 5G Radiation Harmful And Lethal For Birds And Humans?,"Surprisingly, some people feel passionately that 5G signals are harmful to humans, despite there being zero credible evidence and zero physical plausibility. Some people believe that the secret purpose of installing 5G technology is to harm humans. The problem with this type of conspiracy theory (i.e., the widespread poisoning of public spaces by conspiring organizations) is that political and technology leaders are also human and also use public spaces. If the people responsible for implementing 5G technology were really causing harmful electromagnetic radiation to be broadcast into public spaces, they would also be harming themselves, their children and their loved ones. While there may indeed be a handful of evil or mentally ill people that are happy harming themselves and their loved ones while harming others, it is absurd to think that effectively all political and technology leaders, at all levels, in all countries, are happy harming themselves and their loved ones.",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that Marilyn Monroe once stated, ""Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.""","Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world Quotes 0 ratings, 0.00 average rating, 1 review [...] Showing 1-1 of 1 ― Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world: Marilyn Monroe's Most Beautiful Quotes, Icon of beauty and pin up girl, Lined Notebook , 110 pages, (6""×9"") inches",insufficient-supports
[The] average tenure of a PSNI Chief Constable is about the same as those in England and Wales,"PSNI chief constables have averaged 5.2 years in post. Looking only at chief constables who finished their tenure this century, and at the 15 largest forces across the UK, we found that chief constables average 5.7 years in their role. The average tenure for such forces in England and Wales specifically is 5.8 years. For extra context, in the same period Garda Commissioners have averaged 4.1 years in position.",supports
Sabah is a territory of Philippines,"Sabah, known for its resource-rich lands, is a territory occupied by Malaysia but claimed by the Philippines as part of Mindanao. [...] Although the Philippines has never relinquished its claim of sovereignty over Sabah, it has for the most part kept that claim dormant to maintain harmonious ties with Malaysia. [...] ""They must be Filipino because Sabah is ours! That’s all there is to it. If Malaysia doesn’t like it, that’s too goddamned bad for them. This question of ASEAN amity – that won’t get in the way of my assertion of what is ours,"" he said.",insufficient-contradictory
Juan de Nova Island is a territory of France,"Welcome to Juan De Nova Island, a remote and pristine paradise located in the Indian Ocean. This small island, which is a part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich biodiversity, and a tranquil atmosphere. [...] Juan De Nova Island does not have a permanent population. However, it is occasionally inhabited by French military personnel and scientists. As a result, the official language spoken on the island is French. As Juan De Nova Island is a French territory, the official currency is the Euro (€). Visitors should note that the island is uninhabited and does not have any tourist facilities or infrastructure. Therefore, obtaining a visa to visit the island is not applicable.",supports
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death,"Several other studies have highlighted the association between COVID-19 vaccination and the risk of myocarditis and other cardiac events. Vaccination with mRNA vaccines is associated with an increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis, especially in young people, in investigation using data from the US21,22, Denmark11, and England23, with higher increased risk generally found among young males24. We found little evidence of increased risk of death due to cardiac events after an mRNA vaccine for either sex. Whilst there was some indication of a potential increase in risk for men after a second dose of a mRNA vaccine, the result was sensitive to the choice of the risk period. [...] Whilst COVID-19 vaccination has been linked to an increased risk of myocarditis and other cardiac events in young people, we found no evidence of substantially increased mortality risk, either due to cardiac events or overall, from mRNA vaccines, which suggest that cases of myocarditis or myopericarditis due to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to be fatal. We do, however, find evidence of an increased risk of cardiac death after a first dose of a non mRNA vaccine among females. It should also be noted that non mRNA vaccines are no longer used in the UK vaccination programme28. This provides reassurance that mRNA vaccines pose minimal risk of increased mortality in the first twelve weeks post-vaccination in young individuals. However, it is important to continue to monitor mortality after vaccination as more deaths are being registered, and extend the surveillance to other age groups and deaths from other causes.",insufficient-supports
Vila Real is a territory of Portugal,"Vila Real (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈvilɐ ʁiˈal] (listen)) is the capital of the Vila Real District. It is also largest city in the district. The city is in the North region of Portugal. The Vila Real has an area of 378.80 km2 (146.26 sq mi).[1] In 2021, 49,571 people lived there.[2]",refutes
An African President shared is support for Trump after he was arrested,"Brazilian newspaper O Globo, meanwhile, published a piece titled ""Trump Turns Dock into Election Box After Criminal Indictment"". The paper said his advisers saw the case and vast media attention as ""a lucrative campaign ad"" and ""stimulus for online fundraising"". Mr Trump has declared he is running in the 2024 presidential election. [...] ""By playing again the broken record that invariably presents him as the victim of a 'witch hunt' and a plot by the 'deep state', Trump is forcing his camp to take his side,"" the French newspaper wrote in an editorial published last week and promoted again after his arrest. [...] Pro-Kremlin Russian daily Izvestia, however, instead leads its coverage of Mr Trump's arrest with quotes from Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who called the arrest ""the crisis of liberalism"". ""This is when the system, which is declared as absolutely free, ends up devouring or denying itself,"" she said.",insufficient-neutral
"The Oppenheimer Actor, Cillian Murphy, Corrected Prince Harry On His Nationality !!",A viral video of Cillian Murphy speaking to Prince Harry at the UK premiere of Dunkirk has been altered. The original footage shows only a brief interaction between the two. The audio in the viral clip was taken from a separate interview with Murphy and Tom Hardy for the movie Inception.,refutes
TRS MLA Harish Rao set to join BJP.,"At the end of the newspaper article, it is written that readers are advised to remember this is April Fool’s Day. Also, Harish Rao countered the claim by terming it as ‘fake news’ on his Twitter account. So, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Walmart Has Returned To 24-Hour Operations!,"This rumor is unfounded. Walmart isn’t resuming 24-hour operations. Walmart ceased 24-hour operations after the coronavirus pandemic started in 2020, adjusting its store hours to 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time. [...] ""Walmart has announced starting June 3rd all locations in the U.S. will go back to 24hrs,"" a May 29 Facebook post said.",refutes
A Recent Incident: Mob Destroying President Wickremesinghe`s Banner !!,"A video circulating on social media shows a group of people destroying a banner featuring President Ranil Wickremesinghe in broad daylight. Many users claim this is a recent incident related to the upcoming presidential election. We conducted a thorough fact-check to verify the authenticity of the claim. [...] K. Kotagala, a provincial newspaper reporter from Walasmulla, confirmed that no recent incident involving the destruction of a Wickremesinghe banner had occurred in the area. He suggested that this might be an older event. [...] The viral video claiming that a banner of President Ranil Wickremesinghe was recently destroyed in relation to the upcoming election is misleading. The event shown in the video is most likely from 2022 during the ""Aragalaya"" protests, and no such recent incident has been reported in the Tangalle or Walasmulla areas. As per our analysis, the location is near the Thangalle bus stand and clock tower.",refutes
Abortion is never medically necessary,"US: 30,000 Doctors say abortion is never medically necessary to save a mother's life Medical leaders representing more than 30,000 American doctors said intentionally killing an unborn baby in an abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life. In a letter published at The Public Discourse, leaders of the American College of Paediatricians, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and other medical groups explained their support of the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. [...] Abortion is never medically necessary under any circumstances. The medical leaders promoted perinatal hospice as a life-affirming, compassionate option for babies with life-limiting conditions, ""Perinatal hospice provides optimal care for the mother, honours the life of her child and allows the family the opportunity to acknowledge, love, and mourn its newest member.""",supports
Three-quarters of non-voters in Northern Ireland are pro-Union.,"More than three quarters of the half a million people who do not vote in elections in Northern Ireland support the Union, a major academic survey has found. [...] In a report setting out the findings, the lead author of the research project, Professor Jon Tonge from the University of Liverpool, said: ""In terms of a border poll, election results may be a less accurate a guide to the desire for reunification especially when it is considered that 76.9% of non-voters who stated a preference are pro-Union. [...] As well as non-voters, a critical group in deciding the outcome of any border poll will be Alliance voters. The survey found that 58.8% of Alliance voters support the Union and 25.6% want Irish unity.",supports
The United Nations have a New World Order Website,"The claim: The United Nations will establish a 'new world order' under its Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals Is a ""new world order"" part of the UN's plan? There is evidence that the claim has circulated on social media for years, but a May repost by Facebook user Vernon Adkinson recently went viral. Over 20 goals comprise the ""new world order"" the United Nations will focus on as part of its ""Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals,"" according to the claim. Items on the agenda include one world government; a single cashless currency; government-owned and controlled schools, colleges and universities and an end to single-family homes.",insufficient-supports
“Charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons”; charcoal can treat diarrhea and bloating,"FULL CLAIM: ""Charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons""; ""If ever I had a baby who had a bit of diarrhea, I’d give a bit of charcoal [...] when I got a black nappy, I knew that my baby was well"" [...] O’Neill’s claim that charcoal can be used to treat diarrhea, even in infants, isn’t substantiated by evidence. The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that ""No solid evidence supports claims that activated charcoal helps with [traveler’s diarrhea], bloating, stomach cramps, or gas"". It also added that children shouldn’t be given charcoal. However, O’Neill’s claim that ""charcoal absorbs and neutralizes poisons"" is somewhat accurate, although it exaggerates the effectiveness of charcoal and lacks important nuance. In fact, misunderstandings over activated charcoal’s effects have led it to be wrongly touted as a way to ""detox"". We explain more below.",refutes
mages showing the technological upgrades in the Indian Railways before and after the BJP government in the country,"Both the pictures shared in the post were taken in 2020 during the BJP government in the country. The first picture shows railway staff cleaning a platform at the Howrah Junction railway station after the nearly seven-week lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020. The other photo shows the staff cleaning a platform of Asansol railway station, as part of the ‘Swachhta Saptah’ in August 2020. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Silver foil making process still involves animal products,"HYDERABAD: The officials of the State Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) have now started to crack the whip on the process of making silver foil, used on sweets like Kaju kathli and other barfi sweets. [...] ""In Chetha Bazar at Charminar, a lot of silver foil is prepared using the traditional method, In this method, where the ‘chandi-ka-warq’ or the silver leaf is made by placing silver inside folded buffalo skin and hammering it until the desired thickness is arrived at,"" explained an FSSAI official. Though the traditional practice has been a long used method to make silver foil, recently, FSSAI issued guidelines opposing the mode of preparing the silver leaf. According to the latest guidelines, the silver leaf is not supposed to be prepared using any form of animal origin.",supports
Vila Albornoz is a territory of Uruguay,"Vila Thomaz Albornoz é uma povoação na região de fronteira entre Brasil e Uruguai reivindicada por ambos os países. É situada em posição contígua à Vila Masoller no Uruguai e nos mapas internacionais aparece como um território em discussão. A região contestada situa-se no que era chamado Rincão de Artigas, que tem 22 mil hectares, sendo litigado desde 1934. A vila Albornoz foi instalada em 1985, em terras cedidas pelo estancieiro Thomaz Albornoz, para marcar a presença brasileira na área.",insufficient-contradictory
“Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer”,"Scientific evidence shows wearing a face mask reduces the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a face mask also doesn’t significantly impede the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as gas molecules are many times smaller than the pores of even an N95 mask. COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through infectious liquid particles spread from infected to uninfected individuals. Masks act as simple physical barriers that reduce the dissemination of these liquid particles, which are generated by people when they cough, sneeze, or speak.",insufficient-neutral
"“For African American families in particular, the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968, the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law.”","Sen. Tim Scott said Black homeownership has been static since 1968 housing law. He’s right. [...] ""For African American families in particular, the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968, the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law,"" the Republican said in an April 11 press release from the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. [...] We looked at statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies and found they show that Scott is spot-on about Black homeownership rates; they have barely budged since 1968. Scott’s spokesperson said the senator reached his conclusion using the same statistics that we did.",supports
Blood pressure tracking apps can replace a cuff,"FULL CLAIM: Blood pressure tracking apps can replace a cuff [...] A widely-shared Facebook post featured a video of someone dressed as a doctor pushing aside a blood pressure cuff and giving it a thumbs down, before holding her finger to the camera of an iPhone with an app appearing to display live measurements of her heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, and temperature. The post encouraged viewers to download the app Blood Pressure-Monitor Tracker. [...] Despite the way it was shown in the promotional Facebook post, there is no indication that the app is able to to measure blood pressure. Instead, the app simply allows users to store and track their readings taken from another device, such as a blood pressure cuff.",refutes
Over 95% of people living in south Belfast own their own home.,"This claim is inaccurate. The 2011 Census shows that the Belfast South constituency recorded 56.1% of homes being owned outright or owned with a mortgage or loan. On 4 December 2019, Emma Little-Pengelly, a DUP candidate in the General Election for the constituency of Belfast South, stated in a tweet that ""over 95%"" of people who live in South Belfast own their own home: [...] In response to a tweet challenging that the MP was assuming that south Belfast residents ""all own their own homes"", Little-Pengelly quickly replied and made that claim that ""95% do [own their own home]"".",refutes
"When Sajith Premadasa Was Questioned Why He Did Not Accept Invitation to Become President in 2022, He Skipped from Giving Answers !!","2022 Sri Lankan political crisis and indirect presidential election [edit]Premadasa refused the invitation of President Gotabaya Rajapakshe to accept the premiership during the 2022 Sri Lankan political crisis.[27] Following the resignation of Rajapakshe, he initially announced to run for the indirect presidential election.[28] However, the day before, he withdrew his candidacy and endorsed Dullas Alahapperuma.[29] [...] - ^ ""Sajith declines President's invitation to be PM"". Newswire. 8 May 2022. Archived from the original on 8 May 2022. Retrieved 18 August 2024. [...] - ^ ""Sajith Premadasa withdraws his candidacy from Sri Lanka presidential election"". The Indian Express. 19 July 2022. Archived from the original on 18 August 2024. Retrieved 18 August 2024.",insufficient-neutral
Imia/Kardak is a territory of Greece,"During classical antiquity, the entire Aegean Sea area was incorporated into the Greek and Hellenistic cultural sphere. Great Ionian cities such as Ephesus, Miletus, Smyrna, or Halicarnassus, all of them in Asia Minor, speak of the cultural unity prevailing in antiquity in this wide geographical contour, which was maintained for several centuries thanks to Byzantium. [...] During World War I, the Ottoman Empire, an ally of the Axis Powers, suffered a significant defeat and would eventually collapse in 1922. After the war, the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) established new borders for the Ottoman territory. In the context of the dispute in the Aegean Sea, the treaty granted Greece certain rights and sovereignty over several islands (Imbros, Lemnos and Tenedos), as well as over Eastern Thrace, the Smyrna region and the west coast of Anatolia. [...] A particularly sensitive moment occurred in Imia in 1995. Imia-Kardak are two uninhabited islets whose control is disputed by both countries. After a series of secret landings by the armies of both sides, tensions around the two islands came close to triggering an armed conflict, which was averted thanks to NATO's diplomatic intervention. The same decade also saw the infiltration of numerous Turkish secret agents into Greece, who set off a series of large-scale fires. In response to these actions, some Greek citizens set fires in forested areas located in Turkish territory.",insufficient-neutral
"Social media ads propagating a downloadable variant of Google’s AI chatbot, Bard","Google Bard, made available to all users as of 10 May 2023, functions exclusively in-browser and is not offered as downloadable software. The links embedded in these advertisements direct to malicious software, posing a risk of potentially compromising sensitive information on the systems where it’s installed. Hence, the claim made in this post is FALSE.",refutes
"ongress President Rahul Gandhi and his party leaders Shatrughan Sinha, Navjot Singh Sidhu and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee are in the same pic with Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan and its Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa","The original photo of the picture posted can be seen in the article of the news agency ‘ARY NEWS’. The photo is from the meeting of Pakistan Army Chief with its PM Imran Khan to discuss their country’s security-related matters. No Indian political leader can be seen in the original pic. So, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Lee Majors bequeathed $6 million to President Donald Trump's 2020 reelection campaign,"On Dec. 22, 2019, the website Conservative Tears published an article positing that Lee Majors, the actor who portrayed Steve Austin in the 1970s television show ""The Six Million Dollar Man,"" died and left a symbolic $6 million to the reelection campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump. ‘Bionic Man’ Lee Majors Dead At 83;$6 Million Left To Trump 2020",supports
Cerro Murallón is a territory of Argentina,"Cerro Murallón is a glacier mountain of the Andes, in Patagonia, located on the eastern edge of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, southwest of Lake Viedma, at the border between Chile and Argentina. On the Argentine side, the hill has been part of the Los Glaciares National Park since 1937, in the Lago Argentino Department in the Santa Cruz Province, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1981. On the Chilean side, it has been part of the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park, since 1969, in the commune of Natales in the Última Esperanza Province in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region. According to some sources its height is 2,656 meters (8,714 ft) above sea level,[1] and according to others it is 2,831 meters (9,288 ft) above sea level.[2] Cerro Murallón is named for its immense granite wall it presents.[3] Cerro Murallón was photographed for the first time by the Salesian missionary Alberto María de Agostini in 1949,[4] and its first ascent was made by Eduardo García, Cedomir Marangunic, Eric Shipton and Jack Ewer on January 24, 1961, on its west face. The first climb to the northeast wall was made in 1984 by the Italians Carlo Alde, Casimiro Ferrari and Paolo Vitali.[5][6]",insufficient-contradictory
"Viruses don’t exist, terrain theory explains why diseases occur","FULL CLAIM: Herpes is caused by lack of collagen, flu is caused by salt imbalance, COVID-19 is caused by 5G radiation, rabies doesn’t exist, HIV is caused by AZT, and polio is caused by DDT; ""So when it comes to it, none of these viruses have been proven to exist""; terrain theory explains why diseases happen [...] The terrain theory, which can be traced back to French chemist Antoine Béchamp, has been used as a competing explanation with germ theory for why diseases occur. The terrain theory argues that diseases aren’t caused by germs, but by imbalances in the host organism resulting from lifestyle, such as nutritional deficiencies. As such, correcting the imbalance will cure the disease. [...] However, the fact that some principles of the terrain theory explain why certain diseases occur doesn’t mean that germ theory is wrong. Diseases can result from infectious and non-infectious causes. Our understanding of diseases and how to treat them draws on the principles of both theories. The denial of germ theory espoused in the Instagram reel lends users an incorrect understanding of how diseases occur and can be potentially dangerous if it leads them to reject proven treatments and preventative measures.",insufficient-supports
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) introduced in Nov 2015. Around 4 crore doses administered to children.,"Participating in the Global Polio Endgame Strategy (2013–2018), by introducing a highly effective IPV, in addition to OPV in routine immunization, it was introduced on November 30, 2015, and globally synchronized switch activity from trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) to bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) was achieved on April 25, 2016, with Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative (GAVI) and NTAGI that recommended IPV introduction as an additional dose along with third dose of DPT in the entire country in the first quarter of 2016.11 This was followed by introduction of the fractional intradermal dose IPV (f-IPV) in two doses at 6 weeks and 14 weeks replacing the single-dose intramuscular schedule. As IPV is an inactivated vaccine, it carries no risk of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) and vaccine-derived polio virus (VDPP). Injectable polio vaccine provides excellent humoral immunity and also boosts intestinal mucosal immunity in OPV-primed children. Recent studies in India and Bangladesh have shown that two f-IPV intradermal doses provide similar levels of protection as compared with one full intramuscular IPV dose.12 The primary role of IPV will be to maintain immunity against type II poliovirus while removing all polio virus serotypes globally.",supports
"“the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide, an estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses on average in a standard population”","FULL CLAIM: ""Data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide""; ""the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide, an estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses on average in a standard population"" On 30 November 2023, entrepreneur Steve Kirsch gave a talk at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, claiming that New Zealand data showed COVID-19 vaccines have ""killed over 10 million worldwide"". Kirsch, who had been invited to speak by the student group MIT Students for Open Inquiry, has a record of propagating vaccine misinformation. As documented in previous reviews by Health Feedback, Kirsch’s claims frequently rely on methodologically flawed analyses. [...] He concluded that COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for millions of deaths based on the fact that his analysis showed deaths rose in the first six months after vaccination in those aged 60 and above. The same trend was also seen in an overall analysis for all ages (shown in slides 136 to 140).",insufficient-supports
The models predicted about three times the amount of warming in the world we’ve seen since [1988].,"Models predict that as the world consumes ever more fossil fuel, greenhouse gas concentrations will continue to rise, and Earth’s average surface temperature will rise with them. Based on plausible emission scenarios, average surface temperatures could rise between 2°C and 6°C by the end of the 21st century. Some of this warming will occur even if future greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, because the Earth system has not yet fully adjusted to environmental changes we have already made. [...] Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual. [...] The models predict that as the world consumes ever more fossil fuel, greenhouse gas concentrations will continue to rise, and Earth’s average surface temperature will rise with them. Based on a range of plausible emission scenarios, average surface temperatures could rise between 2°C and 6°C by the end of the 21st century.",insufficient-supports
purports to show 15-minute city speed gates that have been installed in Vancouver,"The speed gates were installed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a press release from the City of Vancouver. A spokesperson for the City of Vancouver said they were aware of the unsanctioned stickers in an email to Check Your Fact.",insufficient-supports
Senkaku Islands is a territory of People's Republic of China,"In the fall of 1968, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) noted the possible presence of immense deposits of oil and gas under the waters surrounding the islands. Subsequently, starting with a statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on December 30, 1971, Beijing began officially claiming the islands as Chinese territory. In February 1992, China passed the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, with Article 2(2) defining the Senkaku Islands as ""Chinese territory."" Later, in September 2012, it set up a baseline that surrounds the Senkaku Islands. China not only claims territorial rights over the Senkaku Islands themselves, but in recent years has also become increasingly aggressive in the waters that surround them. China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels have routinely made incursions into the territorial waters around the islands, navigated through the contiguous zone, and approached or pursued Japanese fishing boats. In 2021, CCG vessels navigated through Japan’s contiguous zone a total of 332 days. That was second only to 2020, when a new annual record of 333 days was set. Moreover, CCG vessels approached or pursued Japanese fishing boats in the waters surrounding Senkaku Islands on 18 occasions in 2021, double the frequency of 2020.",insufficient-refutes
Senkaku Islands is a territory of People's Republic of China,"After the 1978 treaty, tension sparked again in 1992 as the Chinese government explicitly included the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands as a part of ""the territorial sea of the People’s Republic of China"", prompting Japanese objection.[12] More recently in 2010, a collision incident between a Japanese Coast Guard ship and a Chinese civilian fishing ship in the disputed waters and the subsequent Japanese arrest of the Chinese civilian resulted in an increase in anti-Japanese sentiment in China.[13] Diplomatically, China canceled scheduled ministerial meetings with Japan.[14]However, possibly the most controversial incident was the Japanese nationalization of the islands. In an effort to thwart the conservative Tokyo Governor’s plan to purchase and develop the islands, the Japanese national government made the purchase instead in order to leave the islands undeveloped.[15] Ironically, the decision that was intended to minimize diplomatic repercussions prompted the Chinese government to publish ""Diaoyu Dao, an Inherent Territory of China"", a white paper delineating the Chinese official position on the territorial dispute.[16] [...] [17] """"Diaoyu Dao, An Inherent Territory of China"" White Paper""; ""Senkaku Islands Q&A"". [...] [39] """"Diaoyu Dao, An Inherent Territory of China"" White Paper""; ""Senkaku Islands Q&A"".",insufficient-contradictory
"Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.","Magnetic poles reversals do occur, but don’t involve the earth’s poles physically changing positions. The liquid core of the planet moves, generating variations of the magnetic field and occasionally, magnetic poles shift. There is no evidence that magnetic poles' reversal have had any influence on climate in the Earth’s history or generated the kind of extreme weather events claimed, by contrast carbon dioxide concentration has been shown to influence global climate in the past and present.",refutes
The measles outbreak is directly caused by illegal immigration,"One of our colleagues noticed that virtually every Washington Post article concerning the measles outbreak is followed by comments that link the outbreak to illegal immigration. As it turned out, a number of prominent politicians have suggested that there might be a link — or that a link cannot be ruled out. (LePage did not mention measles, but suggested there could be in ""uptick"" in other diseases.) [...] We should note that CDC’s Schuchat said that in 2014, ""79 percent of the unvaccinated cases of measles in the U.S. were unvaccinated due to personal belief exceptions."" So even if one could trace the source to an illegal immigrant, the main source of the problem is a failure to get vaccinated in the first place. [...] Unlike Limbaugh, Brooks and Carson did not draw a direct link between illegal immigration and the measles outbreak; they merely suggested it is a possibility. But it’s a tricky balance, given that thus far the CDC has not traced this most recent outbreak — or previous ones — to illegal immigration. One cannot have 100 percent certainty in life, and so that always leaves open the possibility of a link.",refutes
The pandemic was planned; respiratory illness surge in New York and China isn’t airborne but due to chlorine and benzene in food and water,"Respiratory viruses like the flu, RSV, the common cold, and SARS-CoV-2 tend to circulate more widely in winter, resulting in more respiratory illnesses in winter months. Chlorine-containing compounds are common antimicrobial agents used in the food industry to kill harmful bacteria and improve the safety of food products. Benzene can occur as a result of naturally-occurring compounds in soft drinks and beverages. Regulatory agencies in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia have found that benzene levels in soft drinks and beverages are generally well within safe limits.",insufficient-neutral
Sudha Murty was helped by a lecturer named Usha Bhattacharya when she was travelling without ticket On train from Bombay to Bangalore in her childhood....,"A viral forward claiming to be the life story of Infosys chairperson Sudha Murty is being widely shared online. It is claimed that a stranger named Mrs. Usha Bhattacharya paid for the train ticket of a runaway girl named Chitra while travelling from Bombay to Bangalore and took the girl to an NGO so she could be taken care of. It goes on to state that the little girl grew up to be the Infosys chairperson Sudha Murty and wife of co-founder of Infosys, Narayana Murthy. [...] Newschecker also found a video on the popular YouTube channel BeerBiceps in which Sudha Murty recollects her childhood. In the video, Sudha Murty can be heard thanking her parents and teachers for all their support, and also describes her growing up years in Karnataka. She also describes her engineering education in Karnataka, where she was the only woman in her batch. She does not mention any stint in Bombay or about relocating to Delhi, proving that the story is not autobiographical.",refutes
"Pam Ayres wrote the poem ""Let’s All Drink To Lockdown"" about the coronavirus pandemic","An Evening with Poet Jan Beaumont Jan Beaumont was our guest speaker at our recent dinner meeting. Jan is the author of ""Let’s All Drink to Lockdown"" the poem that went viral around the world. Her fame with this poem spread such that she has undertaken interviews with the BBC, Australian and NZ radio networks. The poem was at some point wrongly attributed to well known funny English poet Pam Ayres. Jan was very philosophical about the mistake explaining that her main motivation in writing poetry is to make people smile. She has now added to the original poem and written and published over 300 all of which focus on the day-to-day activities in our lives. She shared her life experience and some of the poems in her presentation. She also bought some of her books along which members were keen to purchase.",refutes
Masks do nothing to prevent the spread of pathogens,"Face masks are safe to use and are not associated with oxygen deficiency. Although more research is needed to better establish the efficacy of face masks in reducing disease transmission and the mechanisms behind their efficacy, a growing evidence base indicates that face masks have a beneficial effect in reducing the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19. However, masks do not provide 100% protection and must also be combined with other transmission control measures such as physical distancing and good hand hygiene.",insufficient-refutes
David Gareja monastery complex is a territory of Georgia,"David Gareja is a rock-hewn Georgian Orthodox monastery complex located in Kakheti region on the half-desert slopes of Mount Gareja, approximately 60–70 km southeast of Tbilisi. The complex includes cells, churches, chapels, refectories and living quarters hollowed out of the rock face, but visitors usually visit two spot: Lavra and, on the hill above it, Udabno, which has beautiful frescoes. [...] The complex was founded in the VI century by St. David Garjeli, one of the thirteen Assyrian monks who arrived in the country at the same time. Despite the harsh environment, the monastery remained an important center of religious and cultural activity for many centuries; at certain periods, the monasteries owned extensive agricultural lands and many villages. The renaissance of fresco painting chronologically coincides with the general development of life in the David Gareja monastery. From the late XI to the early XIII centuries, the economic and cultural development of David Gareja reached a peak, reflecting the general prosperity of the medieval Kingdom of Georgia. The monastery complex was destroyed by the Mongols in 1265, revived in the XIV century by Giorgi V the Brilliant, and then destroyed on Easter night 1615 when Shah Abbas’ soldiers killed 6000 monks and damaged many of the artistic treasures kept there. The monastery never regained its former importance, though it remains active even today, attracting visitors with its unique atmosphere.",supports
Yalu River is a territory of North Korea,"An international waterway and a major source of hydroelectric power, the Yalu River forms the boundary between North Korea and the Northeast Region (Manchuria) of China. The river is 491 miles (790 kilometers) long. It begins atop Baitou Mountain at a height of 9,000 feet (2,750 meters) above sea level, winds southward to Hyesan, North Korea, changes course to the northwest for 80 miles (130 kilometers), and then turns to flow southwestward for 200 miles (320 kilometers) to empty into Korea Bay off the Yellow Sea. Its main tributaries are the Herchun and Changjin rivers. The largest hydroelectric plant in eastern Asia is situated on the Yalu at Sup’ung-nodongjagu, North Korea. Although the river’s volume can generate 4,200,000 kilowatts of electricity, the 133-square-mile (344-square-kilometer) reservoir has a potential of 7,000,000 kilowatts. Both North Korea and China rely on the electricity it supplies for their industries and railways. [...] The Yalu is both a political boundary and a cultural dividing line. Only Koreans inhabit the southeastern side, and only Chinese live on the northwestern banks. Because of its economic value and strategic location, the river played a major political role in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953.",insufficient-refutes
More people have travelled in airplanes than in AC trains for the first time,"- India is now the third largest aviation market - Passenger traffic growth is in the range of 18-20% over the past three years - More people have travelled in airplanes than in AC trains for the first time - Domestic air passengers crossed 100 million in 2017 - A National Civil Aviation Policy was unveiled in 2016 [...] To verify the claim about the number of people travelling by air being greater than those travelling by AC train, the passenger data provided in the annual reports of the DGCA were compared with data provided in the statistical statements of the Indian Railways. The Indian Railways publishes an annual document titled ‘Statistical Statements’ that gives a breakup of the number of passengers that were carried in that year by the class in which they travelled. This data was aggregated to find the number of people who travelled by AC class in trains between 2012-13 and 2016-17. Total passenger traffic of the AC class is calculated by including the traffic in AC First Class, AC Sleeper Class, AC 3 Tier & AC Chair Car. Total passenger traffic of Airlines is calculated by including both domestic & international passenger traffic. Claim Check: We find that for the first time in 2016-17, unlike the previous years, the number of people who travelled by Airplane is higher than those who travelled in all AC class of trains. Thus, the 3rd claim is also TRUE.",supports
Qasr is a territory of Lebanon,"Qasr lacks a sewage network. There are efforts to establish one connected to the treatment plant planned for the city of Hermel in the land between the two areas. Muhammad Jaafar, a Qasr-Sahlat al-Moi resident, says that Qasr belongs to the Lebanese state ""in identity only"" as ""deprivation envelops everything"". The ""medical sector"" in the town, which is located 12 kilometers away from Hermel and 160 kilometers away from Beirut, consists only of ""a modest Ministry of Social Affairs clinic that you could call pro forma"" and another clinic belonging to Hezbollah’s Islamic Health Organization. Anyone who needs a small wound stitched must head to Hermel, says Jaafar: ""There is no clinic for an on-call doctor in Qasr."" [...] Recently, Lebanese were reintroduced to Qasr via the talk about smuggling to Syria, as though it were a new phenomenon. In reality, smuggling has been one of the most important sources of income in the area since the two countries separated. Qasr is one of the areas along the border line extending from Dabousieh and Arida in North Lebanon to Deir el-Aachayer in western Beqaa, passing through Hawsh al-Sayyid Ali, Mushrifah, Aarsal, Ham, Maarboun, Masnaa, and other areas. In these areas, border commerce – as their people prefer to call smuggling – has been active ever since the Sykes–-Picot Agreement drew the current border between the two countries.",insufficient-contradictory
Babies under six months shouldn’t drink water as it can result in health risks,"FULL CLAIM: Giving water to babies under six months can result in health risks including water intoxication, electrolyte imbalance, reduced nutrient intake, water contamination, and hyponatremia A Facebook reel posted on 13 June 2024 claimed that giving water to babies under the age of six months can result in health risks, including reduced nutrient intake and infections from contaminated water. It also noted that ""too much water can cause low sodium levels, leading to brain swelling, seizures, and even death"". [...] Infants’ delicate physiology and developing systems aren’t equipped to handle consuming water. Breast milk and formula fulfill all of a baby’s nutritional needs prior to the age of six months.",supports
Houses being burnt due to election violence !!,"Outbreaks of violence following Kenya's disputed general election in December, 2007, left many houses burnt. [...] The violence following the Kenyan election on December 27 has shocked many. The country is still reeling from outbursts that have seen houses being burnt and looted, thousands of people displaced and over 600 deaths.",supports
"Biden said that 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, an increase of 9 million since he took office.","These statistics are accurate, according to spokespeople for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.",supports
"""Tim Walz signed into law driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Minnesota.""","Gov. Walz signs bill granting driver's licenses to unauthorized immigrants in Minnesota [...] Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill into law at the Minnesota National Guard Armory in St. Paul on Tuesday that will allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain driver's licenses. [...] Minnesota joins 18 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico where residents can access driver's licenses regardless of immigration status. In Minnesota licenses can be used for driving and identification purposes. The new law will allow previously unlicensed drivers to become insured, and studies have shown licenses improve road safety.",supports
Babies under six months shouldn’t drink water as it can result in health risks,"Fact check: Giving water to babies is unsafe before 6 months, can lead to brain damage, death [...] ""BABIES CANT HAVE WATER BEFORE 6 MONTHS,"" reads the post. ""Please educate yourself before you harm your baby. Water dilutes the sodium levels in babies and can cause seizures, coma, brain damage or death."" [...] Pediatricians told USA TODAY giving water to babies under 6 months old can be hazardous to their health because their kidneys can't process much water. They recommended the exclusive use of breast milk or formula for the first six months.",supports
"Michelle Obama called country music ""intellectually devoid"" and ""music for morons.""","In Milwaukee, Michelle Obama said: [...] Asked the day after the Wisconsin primary, which her husband won, if she wanted to clarify her remarks, Obama said: [...] Fox News, ""Michelle Obama Takes Heat for Saying She’s Proud of My Country for the First Time,"" Feb. 19, 2008",insufficient-neutral
Fuddruckers is “closing ALL locations.”,"Hamburger chain Fuddruckers has denied rumors that it is closing all its locations. [...] Another news post by The U.S. Sun revealed that social media buzzed on May 23, 2024, with the phrase ""Fuddruckers closing all locations."" The uproar originated from a now-removed TikTok post asserting Fuddruckers' complete closure in 2024. The video also claimed similar fates for chains like Pizza Hut and Applebee's. With over 50 locations spanning the US, Mexico, and Canada, Fuddruckers' purported shutdown garnered attention. However, it's important to note that while Fuddruckers isn't shuttering all outlets, it has indeed closed some in the past year.",refutes
The Associated Press reported “prosecutors are reconsidering bringing charges against former President Donald J. Trump on child rape and molestation charges.”,The Associated Press didn’t report this.,refutes
SJB and JVP to make an interim government under the premiership of Karu Jayasuriya,"According to our investigation, we were able to find out that the viral messages of a alleged meeting at President House with SJB and JVP where an agreement was made for both parties to form a collation government under the premiership of former speaker Karu Jayasuriya is misleading.",refutes
Maggi Noodles in Unhealthy !!,"High salt content in Maggi is unhealthy. High salt consumption causes hypertension and heart disease. Eating high-sodium meals consistently is thought to raise the risk of major health problems. Salt usage is unhealthy, as shown by Maggi sodium criticism. While vital, too much sodium may disturb the body's delicate equilibrium. Hypertension and excessive sodium levels are connected. Hypertension uncontrolled may cause stroke and heart disease. Thus, Maggi's salt content is a health problem, not simply a taste one. Moderation is necessary since high-sodium foods like Maggi increase cardiovascular risk. Salt's health effects stress the necessity of nutrition. Maggi's convenience and taste make it popular, but watch salt consumption. A balanced diet and avoiding sodium-related health risks need this knowledge. [...] Maggi may replace healthier meals because to its convenience of preparation. This may lead to unhealthy eating habits because individuals overlook a balanced diet. Maggi appeals to fast-food eaters because to its ease of preparation. Maggi's convenience may make consumers rely on instant noodles for their primary meal. Maggi may substitute healthier meals due of its ease. Frequently replacing Maggi with healthier meals may cause bad eating habits. Instant noodles may fulfill cravings and time constraints but lack health benefits. Too much Maggi may deplete vitamins, minerals, and proteins, causing a nutritional imbalance.",supports
Macau is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Macau is a special administrative region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. It was leased to Portugal in 1557 as a trading post in exchange for a symbolic annual rent of 500 tael. Despite remaining under Chinese sovereignty and authority, the Portuguese came to consider and administer Macau as a de facto colony. Following the signing of the Treaty of Nanking between China and Britain in 1842, and the signing of treaties between China and foreign powers during the 1860s, establishing the benefit of ""the most favoured nation"" for them, the Portuguese attempted to conclude a similar treaty in 1862, but the Chinese refused, owing to a misunderstanding over the sovereignty of Macau. In 1887 the Portuguese finally managed to secure an agreement from China that Macau was Portuguese territory.[1] In 1999 it was handed over to China. Macau was the last extant European territory in continental Asia. [...] Historical records show that Macao has been Chinese territory since long ago. When Qinshihuang (the first emperor of the Qin dynasty) unified China in 221 BC, Macao came under the jurisdiction of Panyu County, Nanhai Prefecture. Administratively, it was part of Dongguan Prefecture in the Jin dynasty (AD 266–420), then Nanhai County during the Sui dynasty (AD 581–618), and Dongguan County in the Tang dynasty (AD 618–907). In 1152, during the Southern Song dynasty, the Guangdong administration joined the coastal areas of Nanhai, Panyu, Xinhui and Dongguan Counties to establish Xiangshan County, thus bringing Macao under its jurisdiction.",supports
Blank COVID-19 vaccine safety inserts show there are no safety and effectiveness studies for these vaccines,"A Facebook reel posted on 3 August 2023 showed a person speaking to a CVS pharmacist, asking for COVID-19 vaccine inserts. Upon finding a blank sheet of paper except for text indicating the paper was left ""intentionally blank"", the person asked ""How is it informed consent when all of the […] placebo safety studies are not listed from their manufacturer?"" and claimed that it showed people ""don’t know what we’re injecting into ourselves"". [...] Inaccurate to claim there’s no safety and effectiveness studies on COVID-19 vaccines [...] Earlier fact-checks by Reuters and AFP reported that blank COVID-19 vaccine inserts aren’t evidence that there aren’t any safety or effectiveness studies about the vaccines. FDA spokesperson Alison Hunt told AFP that information for approved vaccines is provided in package inserts. But in the case of the authorized vaccines, the information was communicated via patient Fact Sheets that were posted on the FDA website.",refutes
Wearing Masks Will Increase Mortality !!,"Data synthesis DerSimonian Laird random effects meta-analysis was performed to investigate the effect of mask wearing, handwashing, and physical distancing measures on incidence of covid-19. Pooled effect estimates with corresponding 95% confidence intervals were computed, and heterogeneity among studies was assessed using Cochran’s Q test and the I2 metrics, with two tailed P values. [...] Mask wearing and covid-19 incidence—Six studies with a total of 2627 people with covid-19 and 389 228 participants were included in the analysis examining the effect of mask wearing on incidence of covid-19 (table 1).364357606366 Overall pooled analysis showed a 53% reduction in covid-19 incidence (0.47, 0.29 to 0.75), although heterogeneity between studies was substantial (I2=84%) (fig 5). Risk of bias across the six studies ranged from moderate36576066 to serious or critical4363 (fig 2). Mask wearing and transmission of SARS-CoV-2, covid-19 incidence, and covid-19 mortality—The results of additional studies that assessed mask wearing (not included in the meta-analysis because of substantial differences in the assessed outcomes) indicate a reduction in covid-19 incidence, SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and covid-19 mortality. Specifically, a natural experiment across 200 countries showed 45.7% fewer covid-19 related mortality in countries where mask wearing was mandatory (table 1).49 Another natural experiment study in the US reported a 29% reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission (measured as the time varying reproductive number Rt) (risk ratio 0.71, 95% confidence interval 0.58 to 0.75) in states where mask wearing was mandatory.58",refutes
"Waiting periods for gun purchases may not make a difference, because ""If somebody's decided that they're gonna take their life, they're gonna take their life.""","""I don’t know that that saves anything,"" Wanggaard said of the waiting period. ""If somebody’s decided that they’re going to take their life, they’re going to take their life."" [...] When asked whether Wisconsin should reinstate the 48-hour waiting period for handgun purchases, Wanggaard said no because he doesn’t know ""that that saves anything,"" and ""if somebody’s decided that they’re going to take their life, they’re going to take their life."" [...] PolitiFact Wisconsin, ""No statistical evidence that a waiting period for handgun purchases reduces violence, lawmaker says,"" April 27, 2015",insufficient-neutral
Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch “worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.”,"Former Gov. Scott Walker signed a number of abortion restrictions while in office that former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, now running for governor, supported. They include a ban on abortions after 20 weeks, limits on medication abortions, prohibiting the procedure from being covered through the health care exchange, requiring providers to have hospital admitting privileges and preventing providers from getting money from state family planning grants. The abortion ban after 20 weeks carried with it a punishment of up to 3.5 years in prison for a provider who performed the procedure after that timeframe. Although Walker, not Kleefisch, pushed these restrictions through, she has long been a pro-life candidate, and pro-life groups gave her credit for some of them.",insufficient-supports
Karnataka football team made to wait outside CM Siddiramaiah’s residence and made to sit outside for 3 hours,"Karnataka Congress leaders eye chief minister's post if Siddaramaiah vacates seat In Karnataka, amid rumours that CM Siddaramiah may resign and the Chief Minister post may become vacant, Congress leaders are lining up for the post.",insufficient-neutral
Semliki River is a territory of Uganda,"Also referred to as Semuliki, River Semliki is the main River on the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo and is about 140 kilometers (87 miles) long. With its source in Lake Edward (in Queen Elizabeth National Park on the Uganda-DRC border) and mouth in Lake Albert, River Semliki flows northwards within the Albertine Rift, west of the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains. Along the lower banks of this River, it forms part of the International border between Bundibugyo District in western Uganda, near Semliki Forest National Park and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This river powers its waters into Lake Albert, west of the border in Orientale Province of Congo. [...] After leaving Virunga, River Semliki flows underneath another road connecting the Democratic Republic of Congo settlement of Oicha, through several settlements within the Semliki Valley, lying west of the Uganda-DRC border as well as Bundibugyo district (in Uganda) and along the western border of Semliki Forest National Park in Uganda. After leaving Semliki National Park, it nears the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve before flowing west of the International border and also entering the southern end of Lake Albert at the spot southeast of Bunia (in DRC). [...] The Semliki River and Forest is inhabited by the Bakonzo and Bamba people who are mainly cultivators and the Batuku who are generally pastoralists as well as some Batwa pygmies who mainly survive on the waters of the meandering river. All these tribes have interesting cultures and customs that can be enjoyed during Uganda safaris.",insufficient-neutral
“99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people”,COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have proved highly effective at preventing severe disease and death in vaccinated individuals. Over 95% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths from the past few months occurred among unvaccinated people and could have been avoided by vaccination.,insufficient-supports
ADHD is a fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit,"The article in question, published by, claims that the ‘inventor’ of ADHD, Dr Leon Eisenberg, made a ‘deathbed confession’ that ‘ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.’ [...] ‘The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the ""scientific father of ADHD"" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: ""ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease."" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg’s ""disease"" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as ""hyperkinetic reaction of childhood"", now called ""ADHD"". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) – which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.’",insufficient-contradictory
Heixiazi is a territory of Russia,"Heixiazi Island is located next to the Russian city of Khabarovsk, and covers an area about 327 to 350 km², which is about one-third the size of Hong Kong. It is situated at the mouth of the Ussuri and Amur rivers, and bounded closely by Yinlong Island (Tarabarov Island), Mingyue Island and 93 islets (Wen Wei Pao, March 10). [...] Liu said that what China intends to do with the island after it is under the PRC’s jurisdiction is something that Beijing is carefully considering, however, China will not heavily garrison the island, nor will either side make any significant arrangements without due considerations for the other party. Liu’s comments were meant to dispel unconfirmed reports that surfaced last year that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is planning to fortify the area (China Review News, April 13, 2007). There were also reports that China is planning to turn the area into a port for border trade, and there may be a need for border patrols. Feasibility studies to turn the area into a free trade zone were reportedly complete, and Singapore was invited to participate to offer technical advice and development of the area (China Review News, April 13, 2007). Currently, the planning and development of Heixiazi Island is the responsibility of the Jiamusi city government in Heilongjiang province. Liu revealed that China and Russia are currently finalizing mapping and survey data information, and the borders will be officially set up by the end of the year.",insufficient-supports
"30,000 rupees is provided towards tuition fee and 20,000 as contingency allowance.","Saksham Scholarship Scheme for economically weaker differently abled students to pursue technical education Saksham Scholarship Scheme was launched in 2014-15, with the objective of encouraging economically weaker differently abled students to pursue technical education at Diploma and Degree levels. Scholarship amount of Rs. 30,000 is provided towards tuition fee reimbursement and Rs. 20000 as contingency allowance. Under the scheme, 1000 scholarships per annum are available. Number of application received from eligible candidates under the scheme every year, remained low despite wide publicity. Year-wise details of applications received are given in the table below: A committee of experts was set up, to suggest measures for improving the performance of the scheme. The committee recommended that a provision be made under the scheme to support differently abled student for purchase of Aids and Assistive Devices, in cases where tuition fee was either exempted or less than Rs.30,000/-",supports
Doctors are ‘injecting poison’ into babies every two months.,"Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety, and common side effects, such as soreness, are signs of the body developing protective immunity. Childhood vaccination has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and lower uptake can lead to disease outbreaks. Toxic chemicals, such as mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde, are either in a safe form, found in only trace quantities that are safe, or have been removed entirely.",insufficient-refutes
Qasr is a territory of Lebanon,"It is a different story however when it comes to the neighboring border town of Al Qasr. Due to the interlaced geography of the area, Al Qasr happens to be situated on both Lebanese and Syria territories, and that is the root of the ongoing friction between the residents of this town and the 11th division of the Syrian Arab army. [...] The local residents of Al Qasr are becoming more vocal in their opposition to the new measures and are threatening to take things further. [...] Says 42 year old Mahdi Jaafar (a pseudonym), a lifelong inhabitant of Al Qasr and a Hezbollah supporter and fighter. ""We have spilled our blood and given the lives of our children to fight terrorism. Our martyrs are hundreds of times more than what the Russians have lost, and if they think they can besiege us in this manner, they are mistaken.""",insufficient-neutral
"Disinvestment crossed target of 72,500 crore rupees.","The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal. In this infographic, the government makes four claims about the reforms and setting up of institutions in the economy. This article is a fact check of these claims.",insufficient-neutral
Hindus who wish to express their support for the Uniform Civil Code should give a missed call to ‘9090902024’ before 06 July 2023,"Update (08 July 2023): The Law Commission of India has also issued a disclaimer notice stating that certain phone numbers circulating on social media, which are erroneously linked to the Uniform Civil Code, are not associated with them. Individuals can express their views on the Uniform Civil Code by visiting the website of the Department of Legal Affairs or by sending an email to the Law Commission of India. In light of PM Modi’s recent remarks strongly advocating for the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and criticizing opposition parties for allegedly inciting minority communities against it, a post is circulating widely on social media platforms claiming that Hindus who wish to express their support for the UCC should give a missed call to ‘9090902024’ before 06 July 2023. Let’s verify the accuracy of this claim. [...] Fact: The Government of India has not launched any missed call initiative for expressing support or opposition to the Uniform Civil Code. Individuals can share their views on the UCC on website of Department of Legal Affairs or by sending e-mail to Law Commission of India. Moreover, the number ‘9090902024’ is linked to a BJP campaign for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls, where users can give a missed call to show support for the nine years of the Modi Government. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid ""fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling.""","Chiefs’ Coach Andy Reid Draws Line, Fires 3 Top Players For Anthem Kneeling: ""Stand for the Game, Not Against the Anthem"" Travis Kelce Andy Reid Coach Kneeling In a move that reverberated through the sports world and beyond, Kansas City Chiefs’ Head Coach Andy Reid made headlines last week when he dismissed three of his top players from the team for kneeling during the national anthem. This decision, encapsulated in Reid’s stern declaration ""Not on my field,"" has ignited a firestorm of debate, drawing attention to the ongoing struggle between sports, politics, and personal beliefs.",supports
Poppers are the cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma,"AIDS-related illnesses, like tuberculosis and Kaposi’s sarcoma, are the main causes of death among people living with HIV with inadequate access to HIV care. Early in the HIV epidemic, it was proposed that poppers were linked to cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma in people with AIDS. However, research has debunked this hypothesis, showing that Kaposi’s sarcoma develops in people who are HIV-positive irrespective of poppers use and heavy poppers use isn’t linked to an increased risk of developing Kaposi’s sarcoma. In reality, Kaposi’s sarcoma is an opportunistic cancer that appears in people with weakened immune systems, such as those with advanced AIDS.",refutes
Congress Party is celebrating after China blocked India’s bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN Security Council.,"A post containing few pics of Congress top leaders and party men in jubilant mood are being circulated on Facebook. The post contained the narration that Congress Party is celebrating China‘s blockade of India‘s bid to designate Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN Security Council. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post. [...] The third image corresponds to the Congressmen celebrations for their victory in 2018 State Elections.An article with the image can be found in ‘GULF NEWS INDIA‘ dated on December 11,2018. Finally, pictures in the post are old images which correspond to the Congress party‘s celebrations after its victory on various occasions.",refutes
"“There is a huge boom in cancer, especially in female breast cancer in the younger ages of 45 and below.”","""Something’s going on here … ’22 and ’23, there is a huge boom in cancer, especially in female breast cancer in younger ages of 45 and down below,"" states TikTok user James Bishop, a self-proclaimed ""numbers guy"" who identifies himself as a husband, father, musician, retired firefighter, paramedic and educator. But Bishop is wrong. The supposed ""boom"" in breast cancer is based on a comparison between projected case numbers in women under 45 a few years ago to later projected estimates for all women or those under 50. [...] For 2019 through 2021, Bishop correctly says that ACS projected about 26,500 new cases of breast cancer each year for women under 45. But for 2022, he misleadingly gives a projection — 47,550 — for women under 50. He does not make it clear that this number reflects a wider age range, instead claiming that the cases are ""double.""",refutes
"Study in Italy shows nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients have neurological side effects, indicating an “unacceptable” safety profile","Study in Italy didn’t show COVID-19 vaccines have an ""unacceptable"" safety profile, contrary to claim by Peter McCullough [...] In late October 2023, a claim that a study found ""nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffered neurological side effects"" made the rounds on the Internet. The claim originates from an Epoch Times article, which is in turn based on a Substack article by cardiologist Peter McCullough. McCullough has figured prominently in the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. The Epoch Times posted the same claim on Instagram, receiving more than 11,000 likes. In his Substack article, McCullough cited a study by researchers in Italy, which surveyed vaccinated people to measure the number of neurological adverse events occurring after COVID-19 vaccination. He claimed the study showed ""a shocking 31.2% of respondents to this large dataset sustained neurologic injury after two injections with verified data in health registries"" and called the safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines ""unacceptable"".",insufficient-refutes
Says Donald Trump said “good” during the final presidential debate in reference to families being separated at the border.,"More in this seriesThroughout the spring of 2018, as the number of family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border exploded, President Donald Trump's administration insisted that the government took thousands of kids from their parents because the families had committed a federal crime. [...] Spokesmen for ICE and Customs and Border Protection declined to comment, citing pending litigation. But the court documents in a case called Ms. L vs. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) show that this happened to dozens of others. The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in February, mentions at least 40 other examples of families who were separated at the border, even though they weren't prosecuted for crossing illegally. Ms. L and her young daughter presented themselves to border agents at a bridge between Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego last year and were separated anyway. [...] In past statements, the government has claimed it would only separate families at ports of entry if it's not sure of the familial relationship, or is worried about issues like child abuse.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims Steve Harvey made a long statement calling President Donald Trump ""the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.""",No credible sources link this statement to Harvey. The statement originally came from an anonymous letter published on a conservative website.,refutes
North Borneo is a territory of Malaysia,"North Borneo (usually known as British North Borneo, also known as the State of North Borneo)[2] was a British protectorate in the northern part of the island of Borneo, (present-day Sabah). The territory of North Borneo was originally established by concessions of the Sultanates of Brunei and Sulu in 1877 and 1878 to a German-born representative of Austria-Hungary, businessman and diplomat, Gustav Overbeck. [...] History [edit]Foundation and early years [edit]North Borneo was founded in 1877–1878 through a series of land concessions in northern Borneo from the Sultanate of Brunei and Sulu to an Austrian-German businessman and diplomat, Gustav Overbeck.[3][4][5] A former American Trading Company of Borneo territory on the western coast of northern Borneo had already passed to Overbeck,[6] requiring him to go to Brunei to renew the concession of the land he bought from Joseph William Torrey.[7][8][9] William Clark Cowie played an important role as a close friend of the Sultanate of Sulu in helping Overbeck to buy additional land on the eastern coast of Borneo.[10][11][12] Meanwhile, the Sultanate of Bulungan's influence also reached Tawau on the south-eastern coast,[13] but came under the influence of the more powerful Sultanate of Sulu.[14] [...] I. The State of North Borneo comprises the territories specified in the said Royal Charter, and such other territories as the Company have acquired, or may hereafter acquire, ‘under the provisions of Article XV of the said Charter.",insufficient-refutes
Business rates on Main Street in Larne are the same as Regent Street in London.,"Business rates are charged on all commercial buildings in the same way as council tax is charged for a home. However, the rates are calculated through the value and rent of the properties in 2008.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Thomas Jefferson said, ""Do you want to know who you are? Act! Action will delineate and define you!""","Accessibility in the News- Knowledge is Power ""Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Action will delineate and define you.."" ― Thomas Jefferson",insufficient-neutral
India with 5288 tops the list of countries with most universities,"Over 31,000 universities exist around the WorldWorld, each with a distinct personality that may impress anyone. India’s Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the World’sWorld’s largest university with 3.5 million students enrolled. Countries with the educational institutions on the lists provide tertiary, quaternary, and postsecondary education to students all around the WorldWorld. India has the most number of universities in the World. According to data from July 2021, India had 5,288 universities. Due to its vast population, the country has many universities. However, India is ranked 24th in the WorldWorld regarding educational system strength. [...] Rajasthan, with 85 institutions, is the state with the most universities, and it also has the most private universities, with 52. The state with the most recognized universities (28) and most state universities (35) is Tamil Nadu. Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay, is a popular destination for overseas students in India.",supports
Los Monjes Archipelago is a territory of Colombia,"Los Monjes Archipelago (Archipiélago Los Monjes): The Los Monjes Archipelago is a series of 24 rocky islets located north of the Gulf of Venezuela. It is notable for its ecological importance and marine biodiversity. Los Hermanos Archipelago (Archipiélago Los Hermanos): Los Hermanos Archipelago comprises a chain of eight rocky, barren islets off the northern coast of Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea, part of the Lesser Antilles. [...] Los Frailes Archipelago (Archipiélago Los Frailes): The Los Frailes Archipelago is a group of ten islands located about 250 km (155 mi) north of the coast of Venezuela. The islands are uninhabited and are a protected area for seabirds.",insufficient-neutral
purports the Department of Defense pays for troops' abortions,"After the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization landed last year, ending the federal right to an abortion, the Biden administration issued new rules to assist service members and military dependents who had to travel across state lines for abortion services. However, House members voted 221-213 Thursday night to pass an amendment eliminating these abortion provisions from the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual defense spending bill. It was part of a hotly contested debate over the bill, which ultimately passed Friday along partisan lines, 219 to 210. The amendment, introduced by Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, prohibits the Defense Department from paying or reimbursing expenses related to abortion services. Jackson argued that the Biden administration’s move to pay for service members’ out-of-state travel expenses related to abortion care was a violation of federal law that restricts the department from funding abortions.",refutes
“Texas ranks 3rd highest among states for the number of people who have recovered from” the coronavirus.,"Looking just at the cumulative recovery statistics from the available states — 14 states have not published current data on recoveries — Texas ranks third. But it is important to note that there are many different definitions of what constitutes a recovery. For example, the Texas figure is an estimate based on hospitalizations and recovery times. Given the size of Texas' population, it makes sense to compare recovery statistics as a rate, as opposed to looking at the cumulative recoveries. Looking at the percentage of recoveries per positive coronavirus test, Texas ranks 16th among the states that have published data.",insufficient-supports
"Each of these ingredients [thimerosal, ovalbumin, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate] is a known neurotoxin","This article published in Health Nut News, shared more than 120,000 times, was originally published on the website Complete Health and Happiness. The article discusses the purported dangers of ingredients in the flu vaccine. It claims that the flu vaccine contains several ""contaminants"", specifically thimerosal, ovalbumin, formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate, which it labels as known neurotoxins. [...] The other ingredients mentioned in this article, ovalbumin and sodium deoxycholate, are also not known neurotoxins. Ovalbumin is the main protein found in egg white, which is consumed daily by many people in much greater quantities than is found in the flu vaccine, without any ill effects. It can, in rare cases, trigger an allergic reaction, not unlike other food allergies (e.g. peanuts, shellfish). Sodium deoxycholate is a bile salt and a form of deoxycholic acid, which has been used in cosmetic surgery in an injectable form, and at higher levels than in the flu vaccine, to reduce subcutaneous fat. Neurotoxicity is not a known side effect of such treatment.",refutes
Payment of wages to workers within 15 days in 85% of the cases as compared to long delays in the past.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal making two claims relating to timely payments & women participation in the MGNREGS. This article is a fact check of these claims.,insufficient-neutral
Pulam Sumda is a territory of India,"Pulam Sumda is a small hilly village which lies in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. Pulam Sumda is a part of Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India, and claimed by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China.[1] The Jadh Ganga, an important tributary of the Bhagirathi River, flows through this place. Some of the nearby villages are Jadhang, Sang and Nelang, which all lie in the valley of the Jadh Ganga.[2][3] See Geography of Dhumku, Nelang, Pulam Sumda, Sumla and Mana Pass area and Geography of Mana.",supports
"Bird flu in the U.S. is a ""scamdemic"" timed to coincide with the 2024 presidential elections “by design.”","Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ""Highlights in the History of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Timeline – 2020-2024,"" April 4, 2024 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ""H5N1 Bird Flu Detections across the United States (Backyard and Commercial),"" April 10, 2024 [...] The Associated Press, ""What to know about the latest bird flu outbreak in the US,"" April 3, 2024",insufficient-neutral
Aves Island is a territory of Venezuela,"Isla de Aves ([ˈisla ðe ˈaβes]; Spanish for ""Island of Birds"" or ""Birds Island""), or Aves Island, is a Federal Dependency of Venezuela. It has been the subject of numerous territorial disputes (now resolved) with the United States (through the Guano Islands Act of 1856), neighbouring independent islands such as Dominica, and European states controlling their nearby dependent islands, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. [...] Isla de Aves was included in Venezuela's territorial reorganization done by President Joaquín Crespo in 1895. By 1905, Isla de Aves was a municipality called ""Municipio Oriental"" part of Colón Federal Territory.",refutes
Pfizer admits that vaccinated people can shed the vaccine on unvaccinated people,"Misrepresents source: The section on ""Occupational Exposure"" in the Pfizer trial protocol isn’t unique to the COVID-19 vaccine. It deals with unintended exposure to the vaccine, for example if a vial of vaccine broke and spilled onto a vaccinated person who then came into contact with others. It doesn’t constitute an admission that vaccinated people ""shed"" the vaccine. FULL CLAIM: ""Pfizer admitted you can shed the vaccine from one vaccinated to an unvaccinated"" [...] Another iteration of this claim seized on the clinical protocol for the Pfizer clinical trials to claim that Pfizer admitted that ""shedding"" from the vaccine occurs, as seen in this video of the Alex Jones Show from 2021 which was later reposted to Facebook in March 2023. The claim was made by podcaster and former Fox News host Kate Dalley.",refutes
"Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid ""fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling.""","The ritual of players taking a knee during the national anthem has been a symbol of peaceful protest against racial injustice, with athletes using their platform to amplify social issues. However, Coach Andy Reid’s recent decision to terminate three top players over this act has brought a new dimension to the ongoing discourse. [...] The abrupt termination of three top players sent shockwaves through the NFL community and beyond. Social media erupted with a mix of support and criticism for Coach Reid’s decision. The move raised questions about the balance between freedom of expression and the expectations placed on athletes in their professional capacities. [...] Coach Andy Reid’s bold move to fire three top players for anthem kneeling has stirred the waters of the NFL, emphasizing the ongoing tension between sports and activism. This incident will likely leave a lasting impact on the league’s approach to issues of expression, solidarity, and the role of athletes in advocating for social change. As the dust settles, the NFL faces a critical juncture in defining its stand on matters beyond the gridiron.",supports
Lough Foyle is a territory of United Kingdom,"Disputed status [edit]Lough Foyle is a disputed territory between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom; after the Partition of Ireland in the early 1920s, each side claimed that it was in their own territory. Although this dispute is still ongoing, there are currently no negotiations as to its ownership. The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) underlined its view on 2 June 2009 that all of Lough Foyle is in the United Kingdom, a spokesperson stating: 'The UK position is that the whole of Lough Foyle is within the UK. We recognise that the Irish Government does not accept this position...There are no negotiations currently in progress on this issue. The regulation of activities in the Lough is now the responsibility of the Loughs Agency, a cross-border body established under the Good Friday Agreement.'[9] In November 2016, James Brokenshire, MP, the UK's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, reiterated the UK's view that all of Lough Foyle is in the UK,[10] whilst Charles Flanagan, TD, the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that the Republic of Ireland did not recognise Britain's claim to the entirety of Lough Foyle.[11]",insufficient-contradictory
Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate,"""Wind beats coal by any environmental measure, but that doesn’t mean that its impacts are negligible,"" said David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and senior author of the papers. ""We must quickly transition away from fossil fuels to stop carbon emissions. In doing so, we must make choices between various low-carbon technologies, all of which have some social and environmental impacts."" [...] To estimate the impacts of wind power, Keith and Miller established a baseline for the 2012‒2014 U.S. climate using a standard weather-forecasting model. Then, they covered one-third of the continental U.S. with enough wind turbines to meet present-day U.S. electricity demand. The researchers found this scenario would warm the surface temperature of the continental U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius, with the largest changes occurring at night when surface temperatures increased by up to 1.5 degrees. This warming is the result of wind turbines actively mixing the atmosphere near the ground and aloft while simultaneously extracting from the atmosphere’s motion. [...] The Harvard researchers found that the warming effect of wind turbines in the continental U.S. was actually larger than the effect of reduced emissions for the first century of its operation. This is because the warming effect is predominantly local to the wind farm, while greenhouse gas concentrations must be reduced globally before the benefits are realized.",insufficient-supports
"Claims Socrates said, ""When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.""","It appears that the widespread attribution to Socrates of the 'When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers' bit of wisdom only began after 2008, with the rise of quote-sharing via social media memes: 'When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.' -Socrates. [...] So as far as we can tell, the phrase ""when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"" emerged roughly around 2008 and appears to have no traceable history prior to that. Despite its popularity on social media, no one has ever found a single direct link to any material attributed to Socrates matching the quote. Its abrupt appearance and lack of historical support suggests that Socrates' signature was tacked to the commentary to give it an air of ancient wisdom.",refutes
President Donald Trump's campaign claimed that 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was wrong to say that he was in Hong Kong right before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.,"Walz misleadingly claimed to have been in Hong Kong during Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing Multiple news reports indicate that Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz misleadingly claimed he was in Hong Kong during the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing, part of a broader pattern of inaccuracies that Republicans hope to exploit. [...] Minnesota Public Radio reported Monday that publicly available accounts contradict a 2014 statement made by Walz, then a member of the U.S. House, during a hearing that commemorated the 25th anniversary of the massacre. Walz suggested that he was in the then-British colony of Hong Kong in May 1989, but he appears to have been in Nebraska. Public records suggest he left for Hong Kong and China in August of that year.",insufficient-supports
Ireland’s two wealthiest people are worth more financially than the poorest 50% of the population.,Reputable information exists that supports this claim,insufficient-neutral
The cost of social division to the public purse in NI ranges between £400m and £830m every year.,"This estimate of costs comes from a major paper published by Ulster University. That 2016 report clearly outlines how it arrived at the £400m-£830m range of costs, including important points about its methodology. While it remains the most recent calculation of the cost to public services of NI’s divided society, the passage of time needs to be taken into account.",supports
Brahmins hold a significant majority in high-level government positions,"The names and job titles of officers employed in significant government offices like the Prime Minister’s Office, the President’s Office, and various ministries are publicly accessible. However, these disclosures do not provide information regarding their specific categories or classifications. Similar assertions have circulated for years, suggesting that these prominent offices are predominantly controlled by Muslims or Christians, while neglecting Hindus. Nevertheless, these claims lack substantiation and lack a verified source. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
purports 156 House Republicans voted to raise the retirement age for Social Security to 70,"President Biden has taken action to strengthen Medicare and protect Social Security – bedrock programs that Americans have paid into and that tens of millions of seniors depend on to support their livelihoods. Congressional Republicans, however, have a different record. For years, Republican Members of Congress have repeatedly tried to cut Medicare and Social Security, move toward privatizing one or both programs, and raise the Social Security retirement age and Medicare eligibility age. And just last week, House Republicans introduced legislation to repeal President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which would give tens of billions of dollars in subsidies back to Big Pharma, raise seniors’ prescription drug prices, and raise taxes on an estimated 14.5 million people – all while increasing the deficit. [...] - The Republican Study Committee – which includes a majority of House Republicans – released a formal budget that, according to Politico, included ""raising the eligibility ages for each program, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain income, and privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes."" - And in 2015, most House Republicans, including Speaker McCarthy, Rep. Scalise, and a host of others in current leadership, voted to raise the retirement age to 70, which would cut Social Security benefits for tens of millions of seniors who paid into the system for years.",insufficient-supports
Tigri Area is a territory of Guyana,"The Tigri Area is a wooded area that has been disputed by Guyana and Suriname since around 1840. It involves the area between the Upper Corentyne River (also called the New River), the Coeroeni River, and the Kutari River. This triangular area is known as the New River Triangle in Guyana. In 1969 the conflict ran high, since then, the area has been controlled by Guyana and claimed by Suriname. My point is that there are at least two simmering claims on Guyana’s territory. Now that it has been discovered that our country is rich in oil and gas resources, it will not surprise me if such claims intensify or increase in number. [...] Similarly, I call on all Guyanese – regardless of political affiliation – to support the protection of our territory. We, as citizens, must band together for the good of our beautiful country. In other words, when it comes to matters of our territory, sovereignty, independence, and protection of our national patrimony, we must not allow anything to divide us. We must stand together as one people, living in one nation, in pursuit of one destiny.",insufficient-contradictory
"""A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms""","One-third of Antarctic ice shelf area at risk of collapse as planet warms [...] - Study shows highest warming scenario would put 34% of Antarctic's ice shelf area at risk of fracture and collapse from melting and run-off - including 67% of the Antarctic Peninsular ice shelf area. This would allow glaciers to flow freely into the sea causing sea level rise. More than a third of the Antarctic's ice shelf area could be at risk of collapsing into the sea if global temperatures reach 4°C above pre-industrial levels, new research has shown.",supports
Israeli Attacked On Gaza Tower Recently !!,"‘Give us 10 minutes’: How Israel bombed a Gaza media tower [...] Still, at 3:12pm (12:12 GMT), the first Israeli strike came. Five minutes later, al-Jalaa tower crashed to the ground after being hit by three missiles that sent a dark cloud of dust and debris into the air. There have been no immediate reports of casualties. [...] BREAKING: Israeli air raid flattens building that houses Al Jazeera and other international media outlets in Gaza City.",supports
Drinking bottled water with an acidic pH is bad for your health,"- Sports drinks: Sports drink companies use fit, muscular athletes to advertise their products, but what they don’t advertise is the amount of sugar they contain. A 32-ounce bottle often has 56 to 76 grams of sugar, which equals 14 to 19 teaspoons, and the pH level of a typical sports drink is around 2.9. - Bottled water: The brand of bottled water you buy makes a surprisingly big difference when it comes to acidity. Common brands like Dasani and Aquafina are actually acidic enough to be harmful to your teeth. Look for bottled water with a pH level between 7 and 9. Some of the best brands include Essentia, Evian, and Fiji. [...] - Water: Water is truly the only beverage your body needs to survive, so the more water you drink, the better. Filtered tap water and bottled water with a healthy pH level will pose no problems for your teeth. Plus, staying hydrated allows you to produce healthy amounts of saliva. Tap water containing fluoride, which is fairly common today, has the added benefit of strengthening the enamel of your teeth.",insufficient-supports
purports Liz Cheney was allegedly hanged at Guantanamo Bay,"No, Hillary Clinton wasn’t hanged at Guantanamo Bay [...] It’s latest dispatch about Clinton claims that she was hanged on April 26 at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. According to the story, it was the culmination of an operation that started the night the SEALs arrested her.",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that author Ernest Hemingway once said, ""There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.""","The sheer volume of work that many authors produced on single machines is staggering. Ernest Hemingway, who often typed standing up, used only a few typewriters throughout his entire career. Brilliant in its simplicity, the typewriter was itself an inspiration to many, an open portal through which to channel inspiration. It’s easy to imagine that over extended periods of intense concentration, the user and machine began to share certain qualities, much like an owner and pet starting to show a resemblance. Or maybe writers chose the typewriters they did because of a connection they felt at the outset, an intuitive nod to the grueling and rewarding partnership they were entering into. As Hemingway put it, ""There is nothing to writing.",insufficient-supports
All students studying Business Management at Seton Hall University in the USA are obligated to study Bhagavad Gita,"In USA, the study of the Bhagvad Gita has become mandatory for every student joining Seton Hall University in New Jersey from 2008.The university wanted to introduce a transformational course that will influence the character and life of its students. Also, it wanted a course that seek answers to perennial questions like the purpose of life, why are we here, where are we going, etc,. as part of the course. In India, a bill was introduced by Ramesh Bidhuri, who calls it ""Compulsory Teaching of Bhagavad Gits As a Moral Education Text Book In Educational Institutions Bill, 2016. It is believed that every educational institution shall compulsorily teach Bhagavad Gita as a moral education text book. It is justified by its universal message that shaped the greatest thinkers of the time. As per the Bill, ""The teachings of Gita is ageless and unbounded. It contains the teaching ranging from spiritual awakening to leadership and management. Teachings of Gita is teaching of humanity and brotherhood. Many great thinkers from our time such as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi as well as Madhavacharya, Shankara and Ramanuja, from bygone ages, have all deliberated upon its timeless teachings.""",supports
Most likely the primary control knob [on climate change] is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.,"El Niño and La Niña alternately warm and cool large areas of the tropical Pacific—the world’s largest ocean—which significantly influences where and how much it rains there. The primary location of moist, rising air (over the basin’s warmest water) is centered over the central or eastern Pacific during El Niño and over Indonesia and the western Pacific during La Niña. [...] During El Niño, when the trade winds are weak or even occasionally reverse themselves, the amount of cold water that comes to the surface is reduced. Warm waters in the west Pacific Ocean slosh to the east. Now there is a large area along the equator where ocean temperatures are above normal. Heat from the ocean then goes out into the atmosphere, leading to warmer air temperatures in the Pacific and subsequently, to warmer global air temperatures (plus a cascade of other impacts). [...] Weak winds allow warm surface waters to build up in the eastern Pacific. Sometimes, but not always, the atmosphere responds to this warming with increased rising air motion and above-average rainfall in the eastern Pacific. This coordinated change in both ocean temperatures and the atmosphere begins an El Niño event. As the event develops, the warmed waters cause the winds to weaken even further, which can cause the waters to warm even more.",insufficient-neutral
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals “just ruled Covid vax mandates unconstitutional.”,"""The ranks of the conspiracy theorists now include the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which just ruled Covid vax mandates unconstitutional because the vaccine does not stop transmission,"" Kennedy wrote in a June 12 Facebook post. ""I dunno, maybe it’s the brain worm, but I seem to remember the experts and authorities telling us otherwise."" [...] The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on June 7 ruled only that the lawsuit filed against the Los Angeles Unified School District could move forward. It overturned a lower court decision to dismiss the lawsuit, which was brought by the nonprofit Health Freedom Defense Fund, which advocates against vaccine mandates, and employees who opposed the district’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate. [...] The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to vacate a lower court’s dismissal of the vaccine mandate lawsuit; it did not rule on whether a vaccine mandate is constitutional.",refutes
"purports U.S. Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger is allegedly 'missing in action' and hasn't been seen since Jan. 6, 2023","David Hilberry Berger (born December 21, 1959) is a retired United States Marine Corps general who served as the 38th commandant of the Marine Corps from 2019 to 2023. [...] - ^ a b c d Loewensen, Irene (July 21, 2023). ""David Berger's journey from Navy ROTC to 'boldest' Marine commandant"". Marine Corps Times. [...] - ^ a b Reinwald, Mary H. (October 12, 2022). ""General David H. Berger"". Marine Corps Association.",insufficient-neutral
A poster branding PM Modi as a nation robber has been put up in New York,"A photo of a famous TV series ‘Money Heist’ poster with the text that reads, ""MR N Modi. We only rob banks. You rob the whole nation,"" is being shared on social media with a claim that it was displayed in New York. This claim coincides with PM Modi’s three-day visit to the US. Let’s fact-check this claim through this article. [...] The Quint reported, ""On 3 July, a billboard mimicking Money Heist came up at LB Nagar – where the BJP has strong presence in local bodies and where the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had held an infamous march in 2020 – stating, ""We only rob bank. You rob the whole nation."" The hoarding addressed PM Modi. Additional news reports on this topic can be found here and here. [...] To sum up, this poster is old and has no connection to PM Modi’s ongoing US visit.",refutes
"“Classified documents can never be taken out of a (sensitive compartmented information facility), ever.”","There are scenarios in which classified documents can be removed from a sensitive compartmented information facility, also known as a SCIF. It’s a physical space that meets intelligence community protocols that allows officials with the proper security clearance to study classified documents. [...] Referring to Biden’s handling of materials with classified markings, Fitzpatrick cited his experience as an FBI special agent and a federal prosecutor, and said: ""Classified documents can never be taken out of a SCIF, ever."" [...] This is exaggerated. SCIFs must be used when documents with the highest-level classifications have to be reviewed. But even the most highly classified documents can be taken out of a SCIF, as long as specific precautions are taken that ensure similar levels of security.",refutes
India with 5288 tops the list of countries with most universities,"Anand Mahindra Shares List Of Countries With Most Universities [...] Anand Mahindra recently shared a list of countries ranked by the number of universities they have. India topped the list as the country with the highest number of universities. According to the screenshot that Mahindra shared, India has a total of 5,288 universities. [...] Following is the list of the top ten countries with the highest number of universities mentioned in the screenshot: – - India: 5,288 Unis - USA: 3,216 Unis - Indonesia: 2,595 Unis - China: 2,565 Unis - Brazil: 1,297 Unis - Mexico: 1,173 Unis - Japan: 1,063 Unis - Russia: 1,058 Unis - Iran: 704 Unis - France: 617 Unis",supports
"""86% of Americans and 82% of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check.""","Beth Wessel-Kroeshell stated on Jan. 22 in a published article that 86 percent of Americans and 82 percent of gun owners ""support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check"" regardless of how they purchase them. [...] ""Statistic: 86% of Americans and 82% of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter who they buy it from."" [...] A March 2019 poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that 87 percent of national gun owners support ""requiring background checks for all gun owners."" The poll surveyed 1,120 national voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.",insufficient-supports
"“Vitamin D3 is radiated sheep’s wool mixed with chloroform”, “Vitamin D3 IS RAT POISON !!”, “D levels are low because of lack of light and high vitamin A diets.”","Support your immune system with Puori D3 – a potent dose of Vitamin D (2500IU) from a natural source (sheep's wool), dissolved in organic coconut oil for optimal absorption. [...] Naturally sourced vitamin D from lanolin, a natural component extracted from sheep’s wool. [...] The vitamin D in Puori D3 is extracted from lanolin, a natural component of sheep’s wool. The wool is gently sheared from the sheep and undergoes a purification and cleaning process. From the wool a pre-state of vitamin D is extracted. Radiation with UV light of the pre-vitamin D forms active vitamin D, comparable to how sunlight initiates the vitamin D formation in our skin. Afterwards, the vitamin D is mixed with organic virgin coconut oil.",insufficient-refutes
"unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed","Both adjusted and unadjusted temperatures show that Australia’s climate has warmed since 1910. Since 1955 adjusted and unadjusted data are virtually identical. It is also during this time that most of the warming has occurred in Australia. [...] Australian mean temperature change over the last century is best represented by a bilinear model, with a period of relatively no change from 1910 through to 1950, followed by a period of relatively rapid warming from 1950 to present. When characterised this way, both adjusted and unadjusted data show virtually identical warming over this latter period. [...] While there is no significant trend in Australian temperatures prior to 1950 in either the ACORN-SAT or AWAP dataset, the difference in the adjusted and unadjusted climatologies for this period causes differences in the overall temperature change from 1910 to 2018. Taking a simple linear trend, Australia warmed by around 1.39 °C from 1910 to 2018 in the ACORN-SAT data, compared with a change of 0.89 °C in the AWAP data—a difference of around 0.50 °C in more than 100 years.",refutes
Business rates on Main Street in Larne are the same as Regent Street in London.,"Data provided by Northern Ireland Land and Property Services for Main Street in Larne shows the rateable value of properties on Main Street are on average much lower than Regent Street. The average non-exempt Net Annual Value of the 125 non-domestic properties in Larne is £9,842, with average rates before reliefs working out around £5.8k; if the relevant small business rates relief is applied, average rates would fall to around £5.1k. [...] The property with the highest rateable value on Regent Street is the flagship Apple store at 235 Regent Street with a rateable value of £4.4m. On Main Street in Larne the property with the highest NAV is the former Dunnes Stores at 35-41 Main Street with a rateable value of £140,500. [...] Despite the multipliers — or ""poundage"" — on non-domestic properties in Larne being higher than the equivalent rates in London, far higher commercial rents in the West End of London mean that rates in Regent Street are on average much higher than they are on Main Street in Larne.",refutes
"""Higher education is one of America's strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities, (in the) 2018-19 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.”","Higher Education is America’s 10th Top Export, Injecting Over $40 Billion into the U.S. Economy [...] These international students make a substantial economic contribution, injecting over $40 billion into the U.S. economy and supporting more than 368,000 jobs. Their spending goes far beyond tuition, encompassing everything from housing rentals to food delivery services, and it’s nearing an all-time high. Higher education has become one of America’s top exports, ranking as the 10th-leading export according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. However, this ""export"" is, in reality, an import of international students who bring their financial resources into the U.S. economy.",supports
"Claims that President Abraham Lincoln once stated, ""We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.""","Rose bushes have thorns, and we bear with them for the sake of the roses. All of us have faults, but we are judged by the good we do. It is not enough to congratulate on the thorns we have, but we should look into our lives for the roses. [...] Viewpoint: A philosopher said: ""I can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or I can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. It’s all how you look at it."" Much in life depends upon the point of view. Are you looking at the thorns or the roses? [...] REMEMBERED QUOTE: You can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses. It’s all how you look at it. — J. Kenfield Morley.",insufficient-refutes
"Italian doctor Sergio Kerr was arrested for murdering more than 3,000 coronavirus patients","Dr Sergio Kerr, taking the witness stand before Justice Deborah Fraser, said it was 6pm on December 27, 2013 when he first examined one of the victims from the deadly shooting.",insufficient-neutral
"“SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings”","At the moment, investigations are still underway to determine where SARS-CoV-2 originated and how it came to infect humans. Both the natural and lab leak hypotheses rely on circumstantial evidence that can’t prove nor disprove either theory. However, no credible evidence indicates that the virus was engineered. Based on prior disease outbreaks, the most likely hypothesis is that SARS-CoV-2 arose naturally and that zoonotic infections were the reason for the spread of the virus in humans.",insufficient-refutes
"In Britain, the country which ruled India for 200 years, Modi was the head of the meeting which was attended by the heads of 53 countries.","Key points - By the time India and Pakistan became independent nations in 1947, Britain had controlled much of the region for nearly 200 years. [...] - There were many organisations and key individuals who helped bring British rule over India to an end. [...] The end of British rule in India",insufficient-neutral
1054 essential medicines brought under price control regime,"The latest DPCO, 2013 [6] was notified on 15 May 2013 for the implementation of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy (NPPP), 2012 [7]. The NPPP’s objective was ‘to put in place a regulatory framework for pricing of drugs to ensure availability of essential medicines at reasonable prices even while offering adequate opportunity for innovation and competition to support the pharmaceutical industry. As per the DPCO, 2013 all the drugs under the National List of Essential Medicines (n = 348) notified by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare were brought under price control. DPCO 2013 set the price ceilings for these medicines averaging the existing market prices (of all brands that have a market share of 1% or greater) and adding a 16 per cent retailer’s margin to it. In addition, the brands priced below the ceiling price were required to maintain the prices at current levels, whereas the brands priced above the price cap had to reduce their prices.",insufficient-supports
“Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer”,"01 Sept. 2023 – Peter McCullough, MD [...] N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer 24 Aug. 2023 – HW 7:39 – Del Bigtree [...] FN Health and Spiritual Blog",insufficient-supports
Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of “damaging fertility or the unborn child.”,"A Bath & Body Works safety data sheet includes warnings about skin irritation, infertility and organ damage. These disclosures aren’t new or limited to Bath & Body Works. Home fragrance companies are required to post these notices on their websites. The disclosures are meant for manufacturers and emergency workers — not consumers — who need to know how to handle, store or dispose of large quantities of chemicals, the company said. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists told PolitiFact that it has no official recommendation about pregnant women not using Bath & Body Works products. People who are pregnant should speak to their doctors if they have questions about any product.",refutes
Greater and Lesser Tunbs is a territory of United Arab Emirates,"ABU DHABI — History stands witness to the fact that Abu Mousa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs islands are part of the UAE territories, a foreign historian-cum-diplomat has asserted. The islands should really have belonged to Ras Al Khaimah as the emirate had the strongest claim over the islands since it had controlled them with the help of the British between 1870 and 1900, Julian Walker, a British historian known for his diplomatic missions in the Gulf region, told Khaleej Times in an exclusive interview yesterday on the sidelines of the conference on ‘Bedouin Society in the Emirates' here. Stating that history documents the three islands as belonging to the country, Walker said: ""The protection of the islands was vested with Ras Al Khaimah until the withdrawal of the British forces in 1971. The Shah of Iran has been claiming the Islands. He abandoned his claim to Bahrain and had reached an agreement with the Ruler of Sharjah over Abu Mousa. [...] He said the day before the British officially ended their protection, the Shah sent his navy and seized the islands. A small police post of the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah on the Tunbs islands resisted the Shah's forces for four hours. ""That was how the islands were seized by the Iranians,"" he said, adding that the Shah could achieve victory only because of the large naval force and the villagers fleeing to Ras Al Khaimah since they didn't want to be under Iranian rule.",insufficient-contradictory
Conejo Island is a territory of Honduras,"Conejo Island, in Spanish Isla Conejo, meaning ""rabbit island"", is a Honduran Island alongside many other islands in the region. El Salvador has disputed the Honduran island located in the Gulf of Fonseca. History [edit]In 1992, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on the delimitation of bolsones (disputed areas) along the El Salvador–Honduras boundary, OAS intervention and a further ICJ ruling in 2003, full demarcation of the border concluded; the 1992 ICJ ruling advised a tripartite resolution to a maritime boundary in the Gulf of Fonseca advocating Honduran access to the Pacific. Unlike other major islands of the Gulf of Fonseca, Rabbit Island was never put to discussion in the definition even though the government of El Salvador asked for a clarification of the situation of every island in the Gulf of Fonseca. The island, despite its small size, is a strategic point of naval and military value to both Honduras and El Salvador.",insufficient-refutes
Porcupines Don`t Harm Agricultural Crops !,Do Porcupines Harm Agricultural Crops? [...] A post claiming that porcupines are not animals harming the crops was shared among Facebook users. [...] Title:Do Porcupines Harm Agricultural Crops?,insufficient-neutral
"Claims Albert Einstein said, ""We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak.""","forever go to front layer :: looks end ""We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak."" - Albert Einstein - That_Cool_Person - Scratcher 30 posts my thumbnail wont update! [...] That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak."" - Albert Einstein - That_Cool_Person - Scratcher 30 posts my thumbnail wont update!",supports
"Claims that Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once said, ""If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country.""","Revolutionary activity of Vladimir Lenin The Russian communist revolutionary and politician Vladimir Lenin began his active revolutionary activity in 1892, and continued till assuming power in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Following on from his early life, during which he had become devoted to the cause of revolution against the Tsarist regime in the Russian Empire and converted to Marxism, Lenin moved to St. Petersburg. There he joined a revolutionary cell, and became a vocal advocate for Marxism within the revolutionary socialist movement. Entering a relationship with fellow Marxist Nadezhda Krupskaya, he toured Western Europe to build ties with other Russian revolutionary emigres and learn more about the international Marxist movement. Upon returning to Russia, he was arrested for sedition in 1895 and exiled to Shushenskoye in the Minusinsky District of eastern Siberia for three years. There, he devoted his time to translating and writing revolutionary texts, marrying Krupskaya in July 1898.",insufficient-neutral
Greater and Lesser Tunbs is a territory of United Arab Emirates,"Although not as well covered by the media as other disputes over island territories, the conflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United Arab Emirates concerning the sovereignty over the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa is one of the most crucial current unresolved territorial questions. The critical importance of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs due to their location in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and close to the Strait of Hormuz on the one hand and the historical ambiguities and uncertainties surrounding the islands on the other make the legal assessment of the ownership question over the islands particularly challenging. [...] Hilal Al-Kaabi M (1994) The question of Iranian occupation of the Islands, Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa Belonging to the United Arab Emirates,17 May 1994, US Army War College, Accessed 25 Oct 2015",insufficient-contradictory
"In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver's license.”","""BREAKING! 100s of illegal migrants in line to get drivers licenses???"" read a screengrab of an X post that overlaid the video on Instagram. ""Isn’t that all you need to be able to vote? 1955 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL."" [...] Florida doesn’t issue driver’s licenses to immigrants in the U.S. illegally, unlike some states. And people must be U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections. A small number of Democratic-led cities let certain noncitizens vote in municipal elections, but cities in Florida are not among them. Nothing in the video proved that the people in line were Somalis or immigrants illegally in the U.S. [...] A video shared on social media claimed to show Somali immigrants in line to get driver’s licenses in Pompano Beach, Florida, and said, ""All you need to vote is a driver's license.""",refutes
“New medicine normalizes blood sugar levels after the first use”,"The first step in managing type 2 diabetes is to normalize fasting glucose levels, with weekly or monthly adjustments in the regimen.14 Metformin is a first-line consideration. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with its use can be minimized by beginning with a low dose and titrating slowly. Additional agents include sulfonylureas, nonsulfonylurea secretagogues, thiazolidinediones, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Any of these agents can be combined with another. Once fasting blood glucose approaches near-normal levels, postprandial glucose is addressed by increasing the dose of the current medications or by adding additional agents. Once maximal benefit is achieved from first-line medications, other agents, such as exenatide (approved for use with metformin or sulfonylureas) and sitagliptin (approved for use with metformin or thiazolidinediones), can be considered.",insufficient-neutral
“99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people”,"More than 99% of the US's Covid-19 deaths in June were among unvaccinated people, says Fauci [...] More than 99% of US Covid-19 deaths in June were among unvaccinated people, Dr. Anthony Fauci said last week. [...] Individual states are reporting similar data: On Friday, Virginia’s health department announced at least 99% of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths have been among people who were not fully vaccinated. And on Thursday, North Carolina said 99% of all new cases since May are among people that are not fully vaccinated.",supports
“Secret CDC Report confirms nearly 120k Youngsters 'Died Suddenly' in the USA by Oct. 2022 following roll-out of COVID Vaccines”,"A Dec. 4 Instagram post features a screenshot of a Discern Report blog post headlined, ""SECRET CDC REPORT: Since the Covid Jabs Were Rolled Out, at Least 1.1 Million Americans Have 'Died Suddenly.'"" [...] Discern Report, ""SECRET CDC REPORT: Since the Covid Jabs Were Rolled Out, At Least 1.1 Million Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’"" (archive), Dec. 4, 2022 The Expose, ""Secret CDC Report Reveals At Least 1.1 Million Americans Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Since the COVID Vaccine Rollout & Another Government Report Proves the COVID Vaccines Are To Blame "" (archive), Nov. 24, 2022",insufficient-neutral
Greater and Lesser Tunbs is a territory of Iran,"Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb (Persian: تنب بزرگ و تنب کوچک, Tonb-e Bozorg and Tonb-e Kuchak, Arabic: طنب الكبرى و طنب الصغرى, Tunb el-Kubra and Tunb el-Sughra) are two small islands in the eastern Persian Gulf, close to the Strait of Hormuz. They lie at 26°15′N 55°16′E / 26.250°N 55.267°E and 26°14′N 55°08′E / 26.233°N 55.133°E, respectively, some 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) from each other and 20 kilometres (12 mi) south of the Iranian island of Qeshm. The islands are administered by Iran as part of its Hormozgan Province.[2] Greater Tunb has a surface area of 10.3 km2 (4.0 sq mi). It is known for its red soil. There are conflicting descriptions about its population: While some sources state there are between a few dozen and a few hundred inhabitants,[3] others describe the island as having no native civilian population.[4] There is reported to be an Iranian garrison and naval station, an aircraft runway, a fish storage facility and a red-soil mine. Lesser Tunb has a surface of 2 km2 (0.77 sq mi) and is uninhabited with the exception of a small airfield, harbour, and entrenched Iranian military unit.",refutes
"“The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism, or heart disease.”","The Amish are a group of traditional Christian people with Swiss origins. They rarely receive vaccines, and they rarely come down with diseases like cancer, autism or heart disease. Coincidence? Let’s dig deeper and find out. [...] The Amish Opt Out of Vaccines and Rarely Develop Autism [...] The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.",supports
Karki is a territory of Armenia,"Karki (Azerbaijani: Kərki; Armenian: Տիգրանաշեն, romanized: Tigranashen) is a village that is de jure an exclave of the Sadarak District of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, de facto under the control of Armenia, administrated as part of its Ararat Province. The village has been renamed Tigranashen (Armenian: Տիգրանաշեն) by the Armenian government after the ancient king Tigranes the Great, under whose reign the Kingdom of Armenia attained its greatest power.",insufficient-contradictory
"The share of GDP allocated for education (primary, secondary and tertiary) saw an increase from 3.29 per cent in 2004-2005 to 3.83 per cent in 2012-13.","Gross Domestic Product expenditure of on higher education 39, 43, 46, 52, 59, 284-285, 288, 379 growth in 281 growth in higher education (see also demand) 17-21, 88, 274 Harris report 144, 152, 158, 182 health and safety 171, 235, 277, 303 higher education compact 11- 12, 86, 107-108, 158, 197, 228-229, 235, 253, 282-283, 289, 297-298, 322, 347, 362, 366, 368, 434, 446 [...] Quality Assurance Agency 37, 122, 124, 142-143, 151, 157-161, 163-164, 178-179, 182, 254-255, 259, 262, 308, 356, 367-368, 371, 373, 378-379 quality of higher education 24, 36, 143, 160, 163, 202, 221 rates of return see economic benefits to individual and to society regional role of higher education 1, 251-252, 260, 358, 369, 382, 448, 458 encouraging entrepreneurship 201, 375 engaging in cultural and community development 195-196",insufficient-neutral
“The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of.”,"Examples of political violence against U.S. presidents date back to Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Lawmakers, presidents and political candidates have also been targeted. U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., was injured in a 2011 shooting and Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., was injured in a 2017 shooting. The Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol is an example of political violence on a wider scale. Some rioters chanted to ""hang"" Vice President Mike Pence.",refutes
"The WHO declaration of a public health emergency is a scheme to use vaccines “stocked up in warehouses”; bird flu, parvovirus B19, and monkeypox are “rebranding” of the same virus","Incorrect Health Posted on: 2024-08-20 WHO declaration of public health emergency triggered by worsening of mpox outbreak in Africa, not a ploy to push for using vaccine stocks Claim: The WHO declaration of a public health emergency is a scheme to use vaccines ""stocked up in warehouses""; bird flu, parvovirus B19, and monkeypox are ""rebranding"" of the same virus Source: Instagram, Rizza Islam, 2024-08-14",refutes
"Families of the deceased persons to be given an assistance of 4 lakh rupees, up from 2.5 lakh rupees.","Death case- 2 lakh Serious injury- 50,000/- 4.5 2 1 10 [...] Death case- 2 lakh Serious injury- 50,000/- 14.5 7 1 4 [...] Death case- 2 lakh Serious injury- 50,000/- 52.50 25 5 4",insufficient-supports
"Claims that author Kurt Vonnegut said, ""Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.""","A post shared on Facebook credits author Kurt Vonnegut with saying, ""Be soft. [...] Vonnegut was an American author best known for his satirical writing style. He wrote several novels that are considered classics, including ""Slaughterhouse-Five"" and ""Cat’s Cradle."" [...] Besides Hertweck, Julia Whitehead, founder and CEO of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, and the museum’s curator, Chris Lafave, also confirmed that Vonnegut did not pen this quote.",insufficient-refutes
"The DUP at no point has ever agreed to establish an Irish Language Act with the UK government, with the Irish government, with Sinn Féin or anybody else.","DUP will never agree to Irish language act, says Foster - Published The DUP will never agree to an Irish language act, its leader has said. [...] The introduction of an Irish language act is a key demand of Sinn Féin going into the assembly election.",supports
"Says Gov. Tony Evers ""wanted to increase your taxes by $1 billion just for heating your homes Instead, Republicans cut your taxes by more than $2 billion.""","Democratic Gov. Tony Evers did seek to raise a net $1 billion in taxes in his most recent budget proposal, which Republicans rejected. GOP lawmakers crafted their own budget that delivered more than $2 billion in tax cuts, and Evers signed it. This came after budget estimates came in showing policymakers had an extra $4.4 billion to work with. Macco misses the mark in his comment about the higher taxes going toward heating homes. Evers did aim to increase the amount of revenue utilities would contribute to a program focused on energy efficiencies, but that’s certainly not $1 billion worth.",supports
"Over 40,000 people in Northern Ireland are on the Housing Executive waiting list - with 30,000 of them in ‘housing stress’ - yet only around 2,000 social or affordable homes are built each year.","The number of people on social-housing waiting lists in Northern Ireland has risen by a tenth during the pandemic – over three times more quickly than in the preceding 12 months, according to new figures. By December 31st, 2020, the social-housing waiting list stood at 42,665, data released by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) following a freedom-of-information request shows. The waiting list on March 31st, 2020, before the full effects of the Covid-19 pandemic were known, was 38,745 – up 2.3 per cent from March 2019 and the highest number Northern Ireland had seen for years.",insufficient-supports
Congas Island is a territory of Equatorial Guinea,"Equatorial Guinea and Gabon have a long-standing maritime and territorial dispute over the ownership of three islands Mbanie/Mbane, Cocotiers/Cocoteros, and Congas. The dispute has been simmering since 1972 when there was a small military skirmish on the island of Mbanie/Mbane. It remained in obscurity until the hydrocarbon fields were discovered in the surrounding waters. In 2004, the leaders of both States jointly pledged before the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to negotiate a joint development zone in order to exploit the oil reserves. In 2004, the Secretary-Generalinitialized mediation through his special representative, but it had to be suspended in 2010 because of the souring relationship between the new Gabonese government and Equatorial Guinea. In 2011, at the invitation of the new UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that the negotiations were restarted, with the aim of finding a mutually acceptable solution of the border dispute between the two parties for submission to the International Court of Justice. In 2016, these mediation efforts were successfully concluded. [...] If for this or any other reason, the 1974 Convention is considered to be valid on the basis of counter-evidence that Gabon may present, then Equatorial Guinea might be considered bound by its provisions other than Art 4 (which stipulates that it is to be finalized on a later date). In that case, the matters concerning the boundary in river Muni, the land boundary terminus, the sovereignty over islands Mbanie/Mbane, Ccoctiers/Cocoteros, and Conga, and the allocation of territorial patches along the boundary will be seen as settled.",insufficient-contradictory
A Recent Incident: Mob Destroying President Wickremesinghe`s Banner !!,"The viral video claiming that a banner of President Ranil Wickremesinghe was recently destroyed in relation to the upcoming election is misleading. The event shown in the video is most likely from 2022 during the ""Aragalaya"" protests, and no such recent incident has been reported in the Tangalle or Walasmulla areas. As per our analysis, the location is near the Thangalle bus stand and clock tower.",refutes
Rasŏn administrative division is a territory of South Korea,Rajin-guyŏk (Korean pronunciation: [ɾadʑin ɡujʌk]) is a North Korean ward on Rason in the Sea of Japan (East Sea of Korea) in the North Pacific Ocean on the northeast tip of North Korea. It is in the Kwanbuk region and location in the south of Rason. North of it lies the North Korea–Russia border. [...] Administrative divisions [edit]Sŏnbong-guyŏk is divided into 18 tong (neighbourhoods) and 2 ri (villages):,refutes
Nawalparasi is a territory of Nepal,"Nawalparasi District is located in Gandaki Province of Nepal. Nawalparasi has total population of 643,508 (Male: 303,675, Female: 339,833), total land area of 2,162 sq KM and total households of 128,793 as per 2011 population census. (Source: Bureau of Statistics, Nepal)",insufficient-refutes
Abyei is a territory of South Sudan,"Abyei – a territory roughly the size of Jamaica – is being contested by two countries, Sudan and South Sudan. Abyei, which covers just over 10,000km², is under special administrative status following the terms of a 2005 peace agreement between the two countries. [...] Abyei is deeply embedded in the history of the Ngok Dinka community, who are among the northernmost Dinka populations. The Dinka represent the predominant ethnolinguistic group in South Sudan, a country that emerged as the world’s newest nation in 2011. [...] In an effort to resolve the dispute over Abyei’s sovereignty, negotiations held between the Sudanese government and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement that began in 2002 proposed a referendum to decide if Abyei should become part of Sudan or South Sudan. Such a referendum would have been held in parallel with the South Sudanese independence referendum in 2011.",insufficient-supports
"Based on the increase of solar activity during the twentieth century, it should account for between half to two-thirds of all climate change","Scientists are still debating whether or not the Sun’s activity increased during the latter half of the 20th century, but even the highest estimates of activity can’t account for the warming observed since about 1950. Studies do show that solar variability has significantly influenced past climate changes. For example, a decrease in solar activity is thought to have triggered the Northern Hemisphere’s Little Ice Age between approximately 1650 and 1850, when temperatures dipped low enough that rivers that don’t freeze in today’s human-warmed climate froze over. [...] Regardless, even when scientists assume that solar activity is increasing based on proxy data and the satellite record, they can’t account for all of the warming observed at the end of the twentieth century. Climate models can only reproduce the warming observed since 1950 when a rise in greenhouse gases is built into the system.",refutes
"Says President Donald “Trump promised 13,000 new jobs to the people of #Wisconsin. 3 years later, we’re still waiting…”","Foxconn doesn’t keep its promises. Foxconn has a history of leaving others at the altar when they don’t deliver high enough on the dowry. In 2013, Pennsylvania offered $30 million to create 500 jobs there. There was fanfare not unlike the breathlessness of Scott Walker this week here. But the Pennsylvania plant never happened. And Foxconn will disappoint you wherever you are in the world. They’ve come up short in Vietnam and Brazil too. It’s entirely possible that Foxconn will use the Wisconsin deal as the baseline for the extortion of other states that dare to go higher. Two hundred and thirty thousand per job. The $3 billion in taxpayer handouts to Foxconn would come out to $230,000 per job even if they keep their promise and create a total of 13,000 jobs here over 15 years. That’s an average subsidy of $15,000 to $19,000 per job per year. That makes Wisconsin a world class sucker because the average nationally for similar projects is all of $2,500 per job. There’s desperate and then there’s pathetic. Have we no self-respect at all? Guess not.",insufficient-contradictory
Trans-Karakoram Tracts is a territory of Republic of China,"The Trans-Karakoram Tract (Chinese: 喀喇昆仑走廊; pinyin: Kālǎkūnlún zǒuláng), also known as the Shaksgam Tract (Urdu: شکسگام, romanized: Shaksgām), is an area of approximately 5,200 km2 (2,000 sq mi)[1] north of the Karakoram watershed, including the Shaksgam valley.[2][3] The tract is administered by China as part of its Taxkorgan and Yecheng counties in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Although the Shaksgam tract was originally under the control of India following the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India in 1947, Pakistan took control of the region after the First India-Pakistan War and subsequently ceded it to China in 1963 through the Sino-Pakistan Agreement, and a border based on actual ground positions was recognized as the international border by China and Pakistan.[4][5] The Shaksgam Tract, along with the entire Kashmir region, is claimed by India.[6][7] Further, New Delhi has never accepted the China-Pakistan boundary pact, asserting that Islamabad ""unlawfully"" attempted to cede the area to Beijing.[8] [...] For an idea of the extent of the Trans-Karakoram Tract or the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract, a view the map (C) from the Joe Schwartzberg's Historical Atlas of South Asia at DSAL in Chicago with the caption, ""The boundary of Kashmir with China as portrayed and proposed by Britain prior to 1947"" would show that the geographical and territorial extent of the Trans-Karakoram Tract or the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract is more or less the territory enclosed between the northernmost line and the innermost lines.",supports
Acid attack victims have been included in the list of people considered as disabled.,"The bill originally introduced by the UPA had 19 categories as mentioned in an answer in Lok Sabha. The current government amended the bill to include ‘Dwarfism’ & ‘Acid attack victims’ in the types of disabilities. [...] The third claim made by the government is that Acid attack victims have been included in the list of people considered as disabled. ‘Acid attack victims’ is defined as a person disfigured due to violent assaults by throwing of acid or similar corrosive substance in the Rights of persons with disabilities Act, 2016. Under the new Act, acid attack victims fall under the category of locomotor disability within the larger category of physical disability. [...] Fact: Under the new act, acid attack victims are considered physically disabled. Hence the claim is TRUE. It should also be noted that ‘acid attack victims’ as a category was not included in the original bill introduced by the UPA.",supports
The Titanic ship was switched with the HMS Olympic and deliberately sunk as part of an insurance fraud scheme,"Gardiner and van der Vat's theory runs like so: The Titanic did not sink. Rather, her damaged and almost identical sister-ship the Olympic was substituted and deliberately sunk in her place as part of a gigantic insurance fraud. [...] This, the theory continues, was accomplished with a simple switch. To the untrained eye, the Olympic and the Titanic were almost identical, and so a clandestine slight-of-hand was accomplished while the two ships were in dock together at the Harland and Wolff yard at Belfast in March, 1912. Name-plates, life-belts and so forth were secretly swapped. The Olympic"" now disguised as the Titanic, was patched up and deliberately sailed into a known ice-field... The authors stress that this is not a mass murder conspiracy, but ""an insurance fraud which went horribly wrong."" The plan, they speculate, was that the ""Olympic/Titanic"" would indeed hit an iceberg, but that her water-tight compartments would keep her afloat for long enough for other ships of the same line safely to take off all the passengers and crew before the great ship went down. Unfortunately for all concerned, they claim, the liner's ""ever-impetuous"" Captain Smith got it ""wrong"" and hit the ice-field early, resulting in massive and terrible loss of life.",insufficient-neutral
ADHD is a fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit,"Research has shown that people with ADHD exhibit differences in brain structure and function compared to typical people (i.e. those without the disorder). Several genes associated with ADHD risk have also been identified. In short, ADHD is a genuine neurodevelopmental disorder, and not simply fabricated for profit.",refutes
White House Press Secretary said she was concerned about Brazil and China relationship,"Shenzhen TV: It is reported that US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that China lacks transparency in sharing COVID information. He said that China should provide more COVID information, as it is in the world’s interest and also in the interest of China. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the US and other countries are taking health measures targeting people travelling from China to protect their citizens, and China should not take retaliatory measures. What is China’s comment? [...] For his part, President Lula asked Vice President Wang to convey his heartfelt thanks and cordial greetings to President Xi, and extended warm welcome to Vice President Wang for attending his inauguration ceremony. He said that Brazil attaches great importance to its relations with China, and hopes to strengthen strategic and long-term cooperation with the country. He added that he looks forward to leading a delegation to China to further deepen bilateral practical cooperation in various fields, enhance friendship between the peoples of the two countries, and lift Brazil-China relations to a new level. We attach high importance to the China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership and welcome President Lula to visit China at a time of mutual convenience. If there is information on that, we will release it in a timely manner.",insufficient-neutral
"Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, said that the party delivered “an extra billion pounds” for Northern Ireland.","On 31 July 2019, Arlene Foster — the leader of Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) — said that her party will not apologise for ""delivering an extra billion pounds"" for Northern Ireland. She added: ""Not any other party that has stood before you today has delivered one penny of money for the people of Northern Ireland. We have delivered that through our confidence and supply agreement …"" [...] The official UK Government statement explains that the £1 billion is additional to £2.5 billion of financial support and flexibility provided to the Northern Ireland Executive, by way of the Stormont House Agreement (23 December 2014) and Fresh Start Agreement (17 November 2015). The agreed £1 billion funding falls outside the consideration of the Barnett Formula; the funding is specific to the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland. [...] The DUP agreed to support the Government on all key votes and the Government agreed to provide the Northern Ireland Executive with additional financial support: £1 billion over five years. The Confidence and Supply Agreement contained details of the agreed areas of expenditure: infrastructure development, health service transformation, broadband development, immediate pressures in health and education, pockets of severe deprivation, and mental health.",supports
"IOC Requests Against Filling Fuel Tanks To The Maximum Limit, Due To Rising Heat In SL!","Our investigation found that IOC had not released any advisory statement warning the public against filling their vehicle fuel tanks to the maximum limit. The message was viral a few years ago in India, too. IOC clarifies that they had not issued any such advisory, and it’s perfectly safe to fill the fuel tanks to the maximum level indicated by the manufacturer, irrespective of whether it`s summer or winter.",refutes
claims Nancy Pelosi purportedly made a comment about how the Democratic Party uses a tactic called the 'wrap-up smear',"Pelosi’s comments were directed at Republicans during a 2017 press briefing while she served as the House Minority Leader. Pelosi’s spokesperson confirmed she accused Republicans, not Democrats, of using the “wrap-up smear” tactic in an email to Check Your Fact.",refutes
Acid attack victims have been included in the list of people considered as disabled.,"Acid attack victims should have same rights as disabled people, Indian Supreme Court rules [...] India’s Supreme Court has ordered the country’s central and state governments to include victims of acid attacks in disability benefits so that they can access various welfare schemes, including access to government jobs.",supports
"""For 18 months under President Trump, not a single American was harmed in Afghanistan.”","A July 2 Instagram post by conservative activist Brigitte Gabriel said, ""For 18 months under President Trump, not a single American was harmed in Afghanistan."" The Instagram post included a video clip from ""The Sage Steele Podcast,"" in which U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, told a story about Trump negotiating with Taliban leaders over a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Hunt said Trump threatened a Taliban leader, saying that if he harmed any American, he would kill him, then said, ""Do you know for 18 months, not a single American was killed in Afghanistan?"" [...] So, it’s correct that in an 18-month stretch, no U.S. service members were harmed or died in combat. But Gabriel is incorrect to say Trump was in charge during that period.",insufficient-refutes
The Short Film “Sorry” Won An Oscar For The Best Short Film!,"Short films awarded the coveted Best Short Film Oscar exhibit exceptional craftsmanship, innovative storytelling techniques, and a clear artistic vision. [...] BestOscar Best Short Film Movies – Wrap Up The Oscar for Best Short Film recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of short filmmaking.",insufficient-neutral
Azad Kashmir is a territory of Pakistan,"Azad Kashmir region administered by Pakistan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia region administered by Pakistan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Azad Jammu and Kashmir, (Urdu: آزاد جموں و کشمیر پاکستان) also just called Azad Kashmir is a self-governing region that falls under Pakistan and is disputed region with India. In terms of land area it is bigger than Trinidad and Tobago but smaller than Brunei. [...] Azad Kashmir is a self-governing state under Pakistan.[4][5] It has its own elected president, prime minister, legislature, high court, emblem and official flag. However, the highest body in the state is the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council. This council has six members from the government of Azad Kashmir (including the President and the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir) and five members from the government of Pakistan, including the President of Pakistan who is the chairman/chief executive of the council.[4][5] Azad Kashmir is administratively divided into three divisions which, in turn, are divided into ten districts.",refutes
A scone can equal a third of one’s recommended daily calories.,"A large scone can equate to a third of recommended daily calories, a survey has shown. [...] ""As scones tend to be a regular favourite for many across Northern Ireland, we felt it was important to raise awareness that this common snack can contain a greater number of calories than consumers may think. [...] - The range of calories varied widely from 154kcal to 756kcal - The portion sizes of scones ranged from 44g to 233g - The average scone provided 20g of sugar, which is the equivalent of five sugar cubes - The range of sugar per scone varied between 3.1g to 39.2g - Fruit scones generally provided higher sugar levels",supports
VAERS data are “crystal clear”: “the COVID vaccines are killing people”,"The claim: COVID-19 vaccines kill one in 1,000 recipients [...] ""VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans),"" reads the headline on a post by Steve Kirsch, a prominent skeptic of COVID-19 vaccine safety. [...] Kirsch questioned why a disproportionate number of deaths reported to VAERS for all vaccines came after COVID-19 vaccination. But Su said there are a number of possible explanations.",insufficient-supports
"Under the UPA II, the average annual MSP growth rate was 19.3%, under the NDA government; this has fallen to 3.6%",A press release issued in the name of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on 07th May 2018 mentioned about the MSP growth rates during the UPA II and the current NDA government. We fact check the claim.,insufficient-neutral
"""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. Meanwhile, the GOP allowed less than 2% of Democratic bills to have a hearing.""","Since becoming the minority party in the Assembly in 2011, the percentage of Democratic-authored bills that received a public hearing declined from 15.6% to 1.9% in the 2021-22 legislative session. Republicans, when in the minority, saw 39% of their bills receive public hearings in the 2009-10 legislative session. More than 70% of their bills have received hearings since taking over in the 2011-12 session.",supports
Eating Fruits On An Empty Stomach Cures Cancer!,"Eat Fruit On An Empty Stomach? [...] The notion that you should eat fruit only on an empty stomach is a persistent myth that has been circulating online for years. Supposedly, if you eat fruit along with other foods, you won’t be able to digest it; instead, it will stay in your stomach and rot. This is nonsense. Fruit may digest more quickly if you eat it on an empty stomach, but it certainly won’t rot if it is sharing space with other food. Rotting represents decomposition by microorganisms, few of which can live on the strongly acidic environment of the stomach. Related myths are that eating fruit along with other foods will cause gas, bloating, weight gain, gray hair, balding, nervous breakdowns and dark circles under the eyes. I’ve seen claims that eating fruit on an empty stomach will prevent – or cure – cancer as well as detoxify your system and energize you. There is absolutely no scientific basis for any of this.",refutes
SJB and JVP to make an interim government under the premiership of Karu Jayasuriya,"In this regard many are giving their own views and interpretations on formation of an interim government. We notice a viral claim, which stated that the SJB and JVP have agreed to build a new political coalition for an interim government under the premiership of former speaker Karu Jayasuriya. Here are our findings in this regard. [...] First, we checked about media reports what claim that Karu Jayasuriya going to become a prime minister under the support of both SJB and JVP as a result of discussions made at Presidents House. However, we were not able to find any such report in mainstream media. But there were some media reports about a possible appointment of Karu Jayasuriya as a prime minister of an interim government. Such report can be reached from here. Archived. We contacted both SJB and JVP media units over this claim and they strictly refused this social media claim and stressed that there were no such meeting in Presidents House involving both parties as social media reports claim and rejected the views that they going to bring coalition interim government with the premiership of former speaker of the parliament Karu Jayasuriya.",refutes
Chiengi is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,"The Bwile are a numerically small ethnic group living at the northern-most point of the Luapula Province, touching Zambia’s border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and bounded to the west by Lake Mweru.174 Like most of the people living along the lakeshore, the Bwile’s main economic activity is fishing and they also grow several crops. Seasonally, many of them also process and sell salt that is found in several areas where hot springs bubble to the surface. Chief Puta’s village is located just south of Chiengi, a district ""sub-boma"" [which since the time of this recording session has been given full district status] that was historically one of the earliest sites of British administration in the area.175 In addition to a few administrative offices, the site also contains a government rest house. On June 3rd 1989, after reporting to the officials at the government offices, our family moved into a room at the Chiengi rest house. My wife and I had fond memories of the place that, in 1976, had been impressively kept up and was very comfortable when we’d first stayed there.",insufficient-supports
US Military Bases Around China! (Map),"The U.S. military is encircling China with a chain of air bases and military ports. The latest link: a small airstrip on the tiny Pacific island of Saipan. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a ""divert airfield"" on an ... The U.S. military is encircling China with a chain of air bases and military ports. The latest link: a small airstrip on the tiny Pacific island of Saipan. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a ""divert airfield"" on an old World War II airbase there. But the residents don't want it. And the Chinese are in no mood to be surrounded by Americans. [...] The U.S. military is encircling China with a chain of air bases and military ports. The latest link: a small airstrip on the tiny Pacific island of Saipan. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a ""divert airfield"" on an old World War II airbase there. But the residents don’t want it. And the Chinese are in no mood to be surrounded by Americans.",insufficient-supports
"“Homicides are intraracial. When you look at white-on-white crime, it's 84%. Right? Homicides. White people kill white people.”","We can discuss why blacks commit more crime percentage wise than white Americans. That is a fact. That will help discover what the solution to this is. But inner cities where most black on black crime happens, is run by Democrats who will not address the problem. They won’t fix what they don’t acknowledge. Crap education and no school choice. Resulting in no jobs or poor paying jobs. Gang and crime proliferates. [...] A huge majority of homicides are intra-racial, with 93% of Black victims killed by Black people and 84% of white victims killed by white people. It’s a problem across the skin colour spectrum. But you do not hear the terms ""white on white crime"" or ""white on white violence""? Why do you think that is?",supports
EMF Radiation From Wi-Fi Routers Effects On Plant Growth And Human Health !!,"Martin Pall, PhD (2018) has written thorough review of 23 controlled scientific studies on non-thermal Wi-Ft radiation and health related effects in animals, human cells and in humans. He documents sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric abnormalities with EEG changes, endocrine changes, oxidative stress, cellular DNA, ptosis (cell death) and calcium overload. He notes that pulsed waves, which are typically used in wireless devices are much more damaging to cellular structures and effects are non-linear meaning there is not a typical dose response curve. Dr Pall also highlights research showing these effects can be cumulative and irreversible. [...] Plants Wi-Fi Radiation Effects - Radiofrequency radiations induced genotoxic and carcinogenic effects on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) root tip cells.(2017) Qureshi ST et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. Published online Feb 11, 2017. - Review: Weak radiofrequency radiation exposure from mobile phone radiation on plants. (2016) Halgamuge MN. Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Sep 20:1-23. - Influence of microwave frequency electromagnetic radiation on terpene emission and content in aromatic plants. (2014) Soran ML et al. J Plant Physiol. 2014 Jul 8;171(15):1436-1443. - Effects of olive leave extract on metabolic disorders and oxidative stress induced by 2.45 GHz WIFI signals. (2013) Salah MB et al. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2013;36(3):826–34.",insufficient-supports
Mbañie Island is a territory of Gabon,"The tiny island of Mbanié off the coast of Gabon is the subject of a dispute pitting Equatorial Guinea against Gabon at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. [...] Equatorial Guinea on Monday asked judges at the ICJ to reject Gabon’s claim to the island. Gabon will present its case on Wednesday, with the hearings to take a week. [...] The dispute, which dates back to the early 1970s. Gabon’s army in 1972 pushed soldiers from Equatorial Guinea out of Mbanié and established its own military presence.",insufficient-neutral
Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate,"The study, which looked at just the United States, said that the turbines would cause more warming in the short term this century than the carbon dioxide America spews into the atmosphere would. [...] Wind advocates emphasized that the Harvard study doesn’t show turbines causing global warming, just local heating. [...] ""The climate effect of burning fossil fuels is cumulative,"" Caldeira said in an email. ""The longer you run a coal plant, the worse the climate change gets. In contrast, the climate effect of wind turbines is what it is. You build the wind turbine. Climate is affected. But as long as you run the wind turbine, the climate change doesn’t get any worse. So in the long run, as far as the climate is concerned, wind turbines are obviously better than fossil fuels.""",refutes
"purports over 1,000 children are still missing in Maui following the recent wildfire","A video shared on Instagram purports over 1,000 children are still missing in Maui following the recent wildfire. [...] ""Over 1000 children still ‘missing’ after the deadly Maui Fire,"" the Instagram video purports. The video has received over 700 likes as of writing. [...] Likewise, Check Your Fact did not find any recent credible news reports suggesting over 1,000 children are still missing as a result of the Maui wildfire. In addition, Hawaii Democratic Gov. Josh Green has not publicly commented on the claim via his website or verified social media accounts.",refutes
White House Press Secretary said she was concerned about Brazil and China relationship,"A post shared on Twitter purports that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre expressed concern about a new economic relationship between Brazil and China. 📝 «We are deeply concerned about the transition of Brazil and China to national currencies in mutual payments. This is a violation of the rights of our citizens, who count on a stable dollar exchange rate on the world market"" she said [...] The Facebook post claims that Jean-Pierre has shared the White House’s concern about China’s involvement in Brazil. The post shares a photo of the press secretary and does not provide information on when this statement was made.",insufficient-supports
Ryanggang Province is a territory of South Korea,"Ryanggang Province (Ryanggangdo; Korean:량강도;MR:Ryanggang-do, Korean pronunciation:[ɾjaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]) is a province in North Korea. The province is bordered by China (Jilin) to the north, North Hamgyong to the east, South Hamgyong to the south, and Chagang to the west. Ryanggang was formed in 1954, when it was separated from South Hamgyŏng. The provincial capital is Hyesan. In South Korean usage, ""Ryanggang"" is spelled and pronounced as ""Yanggang"" Korean:양강도;RR:Yanggang-do, Korean pronunciation:[jaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]). [...] Although all of North Korea is economically depressed after Soviet dissolution, Ryanggang province, along with neighboring North Hamgyong and South Hamgyong provinces, are the poorest, forming North Korea's ""Rust Belt"" of industrialized cities with factories now decrepit and failing. The worst hunger of the 1990s famine years occurred in these three provinces, and most refugees into China come from the Rust Belt region.[3] [...] Ryanggang is divided into 2 cities (si) and 10 counties (kun). Each entity is listed below in English, Chosŏn'gŭl, and Hanja.",refutes
Shram Suvidha Portal has been launched that allocates Unique labour identification number and enables online registration of establishments,"The Shram Suvidha Portal, a digital marvel launched as part of the Shramev Jayate Yojana, plays a pivotal role in streamlining labor-related processes and ensuring compliance with labor laws. This online platform serves as a one-stop destination for a range of activities, ranging from labor registration to compliance reporting. The portal, inaugurated on October 16, 2014, serves as a paradigm shift in how industries interact with labor-related regulations. By facilitating the allotment of the unique Labor Identification Number (LIN), the Shram Suvidha Portal empowers industries to seamlessly navigate the regulatory landscape. The Shram Suvidha Portal offers an array of advantages that are poised to transform the labor-industry interface: The Shram Suvidha Portal is underpinned by a set of lofty objectives that collectively serve as a guiding light for this digital revolution in the labor domain:",supports
"There are approximately 100 lorries per day crossing the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and cross-border trade represents 0.5% of UK-EU trade.","The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee report on the land border between Northern Ireland and Ireland describes how this regime allows goods to107 pass across the border currently and the possible effects of the UK leaving the Single Market: [...] 111.The trade in live cattle and sheep, and beef and lamb across the Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland border takes place on a daily basis, with approximately 390,000 live lambs crossing the border annually. The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland 267 Northern Irish Affairs Select Committee, 2nd Report – The land border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, HC 329, 16 March 2018, para 43 268 Institute for Government, ‘The Irish border after Brexit’, Tim Durrant & Alex Stojanovic, June 2018 told us that the Northern Ireland sheep industry was particularly exposed to the effects of more complicated border arrangements, with approximately 45% of all lambs born in Northern Ireland exported to the Republic of Ireland each year. In 2016, the value of this live trade was approximately £31.5 million. 112.The dairy industries in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland act as one through the supply chain, and dairy products cross the border several times between the farm gate and the consumer. Republic of Ireland dairy co-operatives own approximately 60% of the processing capacity in Northern Ireland. Exports to the Republic of Ireland were approximately 15% of total sales of the Northern Ireland dairy industry in 2015.",insufficient-neutral
"CO2 concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years.","Atmospheric CO2 concentrations rising faster today than the last 50,000 years, as accurately claimed in recent social media posts Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and their current rate of increase is unprecedented in the last 50,000 years, based on ice core data. The highest increase in CO2 in that period occurred over the span of 50 years, but the same increase occurred in only the last five years – which is 10 times faster. As human emissions of CO2 increase, global temperatures rise in response through the greenhouse effect. [...] In May 2024, a number of articles and Facebook posts claimed that carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years. So what sparked this claim?",supports
“The racial wealth gap is the smallest it’s been in 20 years.”,"President Joe Biden referred to 2022 Federal Reserve data that showed a modest decrease in the wealth ratio between white and Black Americans. For every $100 the average white family had in wealth, the average Black family had $15.75, the smallest gap in 20 years. By a different measure — the dollar amount difference in wealth — the gap widened between white and Black Americans to its largest disparity since 1989. Economists use both measures to assess the racial wealth gap. Learn more about PolitiFact’s fact-checking process and rating system.",insufficient-supports
"claims that George Eliot said, ""It's never too late to be what you might have been.""","""It’s never too late to be what you might have been"" is a quote from Victorian novelist George Eliot. [...] Better still, it’s never too late to become what you might’ve been—and then some more.",supports
South Tibet is a territory of India,"Indian media have reported that the map shows the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and the disputed Aksai Chin plateau as China's territory. [...] China says it considers the whole of Arunachal Pradesh its territory, calling it ""South Tibet"" - a claim India firmly rejects. India claims the Aksai Chin plateau in the Himalayas, which is controlled by China. In April, Delhi reacted sharply to China's attempts to rename 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh, saying the state would always be ""an ""integral and inalienable part of India"".",insufficient-neutral
Says Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson “called climate change ‘bull----’ during a record heatwave” and “raked in over $700k in fossil fuel cash.”,"Fact-check: Did Ron Johnson take $700,000 from fossil fuel industry? [...] In an Aug. 13, 2022, tweet, the League of Conservation Voters took aim at Johnson, saying he ""called climate change ‘bull - - - -’ during a record heatwave"" and ""raked in over $700k in fossil fuel cash."" [...] The League of Conservation Voters claimed Johnson ""called climate change ‘bull - - - -’ during a record heatwave"" and ""raked in over $700k in fossil fuel cash.""",insufficient-neutral
Florida has “the highest” homeowners insurance in the nation.,"The industry-funded Insurance Information Institute found that Floridians pay the highest average home insurance premium at $6,000 a year for 2023. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed many bills that aim to reduce litigation and fraud, a driver of high insurance premiums. Industry experts hope the new laws will lead to lower premiums, but that will take time. Hurricane-prone Florida will continue to face high costs.",supports
The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration,"Wenzel and Schröter (2010) and Ray and Douglas (2011) report that there is no significant acceleration of GMSLR in their time series. On the other hand, Jevrejeva et al. (2008) evaluate the acceleration of GMSLR as about 0.01 mm yr−2 for 1700–2003, while Church and White (2011) find 0.009 ± 0.004 mm yr−2 for 1900–2009. Church and White (2006) report an acceleration of 0.013 ± 0.006 mm yr−2 for 1870–2001 in an earlier version of the dataset of Church and White (2011). In this paper, we do not show results for the earlier version, but we have analyzed it in the same way as the other four tide gauge time series and the results are close to those we obtain for the later version.",insufficient-contradictory
"The research unit of Akuressa Coop, led by NPP, has developed a novel wood apple mixed chocolate product !!","In conclusion, the wood apple chocolate innovation results from Suchindra Dilumge's entrepreneurial spirit and expertise, and there is no link to Akuressa Co-op or NPP. We encourage social media users to focus on accurate information, acknowledge the achievements of individuals like Suchindra Dilumge, and verify details before sharing to avoid the spread of misinformation.",refutes
The Winter Session of Parliament postponed in 2011 during UPA rule,"Though not a washout as compared to last year, the winter session of parliament (Nov 22-Dec 29) proved to be an embarrassment for the United Progressive Alliance government in more ways than one.
.Starting with the fiasco over decision to allow foreign equity in multi-brand retail, stalled by ally Trinamool Congress, the charge of ""running away"" in parliament Dec 29 from vote on the contentious Lokpal bill, coupled with the failure to get constitutional status for the anti-graft ombudsman in the Lok Sabha Dec 27, the session had many moments of discomfiture for the government.
The idea of constitutional status to Lokpal was floated by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. When a bill to amend the constitution for that purpose was put to vote in the Lok Sabha, around a dozen Congress members were not present in the house.
Earlier, the FDI decision, pulled out of their hats by the UPA managers, did deflect the opposition's attention from demanding voting on debates over black money and price rise issues, but it united the house against the Congress.",insufficient-neutral
"“Elon Musk backs Caitlin Clark, offers $10 million endorsement.”","Elon Musk’s decision to endorse Caitlin Clark is a significant milestone in her career. The $10 million deal not only provides Clark with substantial financial resources but also significantly boosts her profile globally. Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has a massive following on social media, and his support for Clark will likely attract even more attention to her career. Musk announced the endorsement via Twitter, where he has over 100 million followers. ""I’ve been following Caitlin Clark’s career and am incredibly impressed by her talent and determination. I’m proud to offer her a $10 million endorsement to support her journey. I support you, Caitlin Clark,"" Musk tweeted. This public declaration has generated a whirlwind of reactions and discussions across various platforms. [...] Elon Musk’s $10 million endorsement of Caitlin Clark is a landmark moment in the world of sports endorsements. It highlights the growing influence of tech entrepreneurs in the sports industry and underscores the importance of supporting and recognizing talent across different fields. For Caitlin Clark, the endorsement is a testament to her hard work, talent, and potential, providing her with the resources and visibility to further her career and make a positive impact on and off the court.",supports
Wadi Halfa is a territory of Sudan,"Wadi Halfa is a located in the northern region of Sudan, on the banks of Lake Nubia. It has a long and rich history dating back to ancient times. Here’s a brief overview of the history of Wadi Halfa: [...] Colonial period: During the colonial period, Wadi Halfa became an important center for trade and transportation. It was a major port on the Nile River and was used as a staging point for expeditions into the Sudanese interior. Independence: Sudan gained independence from Britain in 1956, and Wadi Halfa became an important center for trade and transportation in the new nation. It was also a key strategic location during the civil war that took place in Sudan in the 1980s and 1990s.",supports
“New York is one of only 12 states where the average gallon of gas costs more than $2.00.”,"That’s because New York is one of only 12 states where the average gallon of gas costs more than $2.00, according to numbers provided by the AAA of Western and Central New York. [...] In New York State, it's $2.18 per gallon, compared to $2.96 a year ago. [...] That's right: she said higher gas prices are just a reality for motorists living in the Empire State. New Yorkers pay $0.65 in taxes for every gallon of gas they buy, and more than $0.45 are state taxes.",supports
417 Mandis and 87.5 lakh farmers and sellers registered.,- The mandi system too needs to be revisited and alternatives have to be made available so that farmers can choose the point of sale. [...] - The key changes seek to free agricultural markets from the limitations imposed by permits and mandis that were originally designed for an era of scarcity. [...] - These mandis are usually overflowing with fruits and vegetables and the labour force at these centres usually handles the produce without safety gears.,insufficient-neutral
Republicans are “trying to create a fake unemployment crisis.”,"We propose to put Americans back to work again by restoring real growth without inflation to the United States economy. Republican programs and initiatives detailed in this platform will create millions of additional new jobs in the American workplace. As a result of Mr. Carter's recession, more than eight million Americans are now out of work.",insufficient-neutral
Heixiazi is a territory of Russia,"In the days after the PRC’s release of its 2023 map, Russia rejected Beijing’s claim to all of Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island, reported Newsweek magazine. The island, known as Heixiazi, or Black Bear, in Chinese, sits at the confluence of two border rivers, the Ussuri and Amur. After more than a century of territorial dispute, Russia ceded roughly half of the island to the PRC in 2008. Moscow also abandoned its army base there and handed over nearby Tarabarov Island. The PRC agreed in return not to claim more territory from Russia, according to Newsweek.",insufficient-contradictory
Three Pagodas Pass is a territory of Myanmar,"Three Pagodas Pass (Phlone ကၠံင်သိုင့်ဖၠုံးလါင့်ဆေါတ်ဖိုင်သာ့; Burmese: ဘုရားသုံးဆူ တောင်ကြားလမ်း, Paya Thon Zu Taung Za Lang, Burmese pronunciation: [pʰajá θóʊɰ̃ zù tàʊɰ̃ dʑá láɰ̃]; Thai: ด่านเจดีย์สามองค์, RTGS: Dan Chedi Sam Ong, Thai pronunciation: [dàːn tɕeːdiː sǎːm ʔoŋ]) is a pass in the Tenasserim Hills on the border between Thailand and Myanmar (Burma), at an elevation of 282 metres (925 ft). The pass links the town of Sangkhla Buri in the north of Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, to the town of Payathonsu in the south of Kayin State, Myanmar. [...] Tourism [edit]Three Pagodas Pass is popular with tourists, who are allowed to obtain a one-day visa from the Thai side to visit Payathonsu. Attractions on the Burmese side include wooden furniture, jade carvings, and textiles. Thai tourists are allowed in as of 2011, while other tourists are not, due to its status as a temporary border checkpoint which only allows day trips between the two neighbouring countries.[9][10] [...] References [edit]- ^ Three Pagodas Pass, Encyclopædia Britannica - ^ a b Thailand Highlight - ^ a b ""Battle erupts in Myanmar opposite Three Pagodas Pass"". Bangkok Post. 25 April 2021. Retrieved 3 February 2022.",insufficient-contradictory
Salaries for state workers should be increased to Rs. 1000. - JVP,"On May 1, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe declared that his government was increasing estate workers’ daily wage to 1,700 rupees ($US5.72), up from the current 1,000 rupees. He made the announcement at a May Day rally organised by the Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) at Kotagala in the Nuwara-Eliya district. [...] In April 2021, President Gotabhaya Rajapakse’s government announced a 1,000-rupee daily wage via a gazette notification in an attempt to undermine estate workers’ strikes for a higher wage. The PA initially rejected the increase only to accept it after judicial intervention. However, it then devised various methods, including increasing daily production targets, to avoid paying the higher daily wage. [...] The All Ceylon Workers Union, which is controlled by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), has called for a 2,000-rupee daily wage for estate workers. It has no significant following in the estates, however, and always falls into line with the other unions’ pro-company wage policy.",insufficient-contradictory
Susta River is a territory of India,"The reason the dispute persists today is that the rivers, which were counted on as a border, have diverged from their courses several times. Around 600 kilometers of the border is defined by rivers: the Mechi in the east, Mahakali in the west, and Naryani in the Susta area. The unavailability of old maps and documents to revise demarcations has made the situation even harder to resolve. [...] The other major disputed area is the Susta area to the east of the Naryani River, which has seen the most tensions owing to encroachment. A few years back, over 1,000 Indian villagers backed by the Indian border police force (SSB) forcibly entered Nepali territory in Susta. They completely destroyed sugarcane crops in about 10 hectares of land and also manhandled men and women alike. The locals of Susta complain that such incidents are rampant. Also according to reports, land disputes among locals are usually won by Indian nationals, who have the support of the armed SSB. [...] Susta is surrounded by Indian territory on three sides, the north, south, and east, with the Naryani River to the west. Hence, cutting off Susta from Nepal becomes much easier for India to occupy it, which will bring the ""Greater India"" dream of Hindus closer to reality.",insufficient-contradictory
[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related,"Based on past experience, it is estimated that between 1 and 2 people out of every 1 million people vaccinated will die as a result of life-threatening reactions to the vaccine. Careful screening of potential vaccine recipients is essential to ensure that those at increased risk do not receive the vaccine. People most likely to have side effects are people who have, or even once had, skin conditions, (especially eczema or atopic dermatitis) and people with weakened immune systems, such as those who have received a transplant, are HIV positive, or are receiving treatment for cancer. Anyone who falls within these categories, or lives with someone who falls into one of these categories, should NOT get the smallpox vaccine unless they are exposed to the disease. Pregnant women should not get the vaccine because of the risk it poses to the fetus. Anyone who is allergic to the vaccine or any of its components should not get the vaccine, and anyone under the age of 18 should not get the vaccine unless they are exposed to smallpox.",insufficient-neutral
There was a rock fall on the Antrim coast road on 9 August 2017.,"Coast road’s rock falls are blamed on blasting... in 1842 [...] The crude blasting techniques used when the Antrim Coast Road was constructed in 1842 are combining with natural weathering processes to fracture the limestones and basalts along the clifftops of the iconic route, causing ""ravelling and rock falls"", Regional Development Minister Conor Murphy has said, Mr Murphy was commenting on a spate of rock falls that have dogged the Antrim Coast Road in recent months.",insufficient-neutral
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ""4th husband"" filed for divorce.","On March 21, 2019, the ""taters gonna tate"" website published an article positing that the fourth husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had recently filed for divorce: Nancy Pelosi’s 4th Husband Files for Divorce: ‘I Just Can’t Take It Anymore’ Nancy Pelosi will be in divorce court for a fourth time later this month, to settle her marital disputes with her current husband, Chester McNally Pelosi. Chester claims that Pelosi’s rules are too strict and that he simply can not handle the constant relapses into alcoholism.",insufficient-supports
Northern Ireland is the only part of Europe that does not have climate change legislation.,The protocol does that by keeping Northern Ireland in the EU's single market for goods and by having Northern Ireland apply EU customs rules at its ports. [...] But only Northern Ireland firms will avoid new regulatory checks because they will still be following EU single market rules. Northern Ireland may also be able to mitigate disruption at the English Channel ports in a way other parts of the UK cannot.,insufficient-neutral
The EU could SEIZE and SCRAP your old car if it doesn't meet their criteria as part of their climate agenda.,"EU is not passing law to ‘seize and scrap’ cars under climate agenda, contrary to Peter Sweden claim [...] One such viral post was published by Peter Imanuelsen, also known as ""Peter Sweden"", who has regularly shared climate change misinformation according to Climate Action Against Disinformation. Imanuelsen claimed that the EU could ""SEIZE and SCRAP your old car if it doesn’t meet their criteria as part of their climate agenda."" His post further claimed that the state would dictate ""how long you will be allowed to own your car"", suggesting there would be mandatory scrapping of vehicles that miss their regular EU checkup for two years or if the cost of repairing a car exceeds its market value. In reality, the EU Commission’s proposal does not mandate the seizure and scrapping of vehicles simply for not meeting certain environmental criteria. Instead, it provides guidelines for assessing vehicles that are neither economically repairable nor roadworthy, without stipulating specific consequences. In accordance with this, Annex 1 of the ELV proposal specifies that a vehicle is considered economically irreparable if its market value is lower than the cost of the necessary repairs required to meet road worthiness standards in the Member State where it is registered. This clause relates to evaluating the economic viability of repairing a vehicle; it does not enforce the seizure and scrapping of vehicles based solely on their condition.",refutes
Project 2025 mandates women carry “period passports” to “track their menstrual cycles” and “monitor pregnancies.”,This claim originated on a satirical X account. Project 2025 is a policy agenda created by conservative groups in the hope that former President Donald Trump will enact it should he win the presidency in November. The agenda does not call for women to carry period passports.,refutes
New York state “hospitals reporting thousands of fungus lung infections due to wearing a mask!!”,New York hospitals didn’t report this. There’s no evidence wearing a face mask properly causes fungal lung infections.,refutes
Qaruh is a territory of Kuwait,"KUWAIT: Despite being Kuwait’s smallest Island, Qaruh holds a significant place in the hearts of Kuwaitis for being the first land to be liberated from the Iraqi aggressors in 1991. Located around 37 kilometers from the Kuwaiti mainland, the island’s name ""Qaruh"" was derived from the presence of tar (Qar) residues on the Island. Kuwaiti researcher on islands affairs Khaled Salem Al-Ansari said that Qaruh, similar to many other Kuwaiti Islands, was not inhabited by people, unlike the only inhabited Failaka Island. He added that the Island is part of the capital governorate in the administrative categorization. Al-Ansari said that Qaruh was roughly 275 meters long by 175 in width. Regarding the current status of the Island, the Kuwaiti researcher said that the Island had a 15-meter-long lighthouse to warn ships and vessels of the sharp rocks located near Qaruh, noting that in the past, Kuwaiti sailors used to stop at the Island and then sail to a nearby location for pearl diving. Al-Ansari also noted that Qaruh Island was host for different kinds of seabirds, adding that some plants grew on the Island. —KUNA",supports
Interview of Bill Gates where he was accused of stealing Microsoft Software and making money by promoting COVID-19 vaccines,"This viral video was created using DeepFake Technology. In the original video, uploaded on ABC News (Australia) YouTube channel on 31 January 2023, Gates was questioned on climate change, COVID-19 conspiracy theories, rise of Artificial Intelligence, etc. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"Claims that Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde once stated, ""Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.""",Quote of Oscar Wilde - Some cause happiness wherever they go... Biography - Oscar Wilde: [...] Oscar Wilde also said...,insufficient-supports
Michael Davitt Gaelic Athletic Club offered as a coronavirus field hospital.,"Michael Davitt (1950-2005) was a key figure in the literary movement associated with the poetry magazine Innti, which he established as a student broadsheet with his fellow students Gabriel Rosenstock and Con Ó Drisceoil at University College Cork in 1970. Important influences during his UCC years were the creative trio of Seán Ó Ríordáin (see the entry in this series for 1971), Seán Ó Tuama, poet and professor of Irish, and the composer Seán Ó Riada, all of whom were exploring and experimenting with inherited art forms. Davitt, born and raised in Cork city, was himself a charismatic man, and he took the Irish language and Irish poetry out of classrooms and lecture halls and into the pubs and clubs of youth culture. For Davitt and many of his peers from urban English-speaking backgrounds, commitment to Irish was a conscious countercultural move, in tune with youth movements and civil-rights politics.",insufficient-neutral
Hainan is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Hainan is the smallest and southernmost province of the People's Republic of China. The name ""Hainan"" also refers to Hainan Island, the main island of the province. The capital of the province is Haikou. Hainan is known for its tropical climate.",supports
Ladakh is a territory of India,"Currently, India has 8 union territories. The state of Jammu & Kashmir lost its statehood and it was converted into a separate union territory. Ladakh was carved out of Jammu & Kashmir and created as a separate union territory. This came into effect on 31st October 2019. [...] Ladakh – Union Territory of India - Leh is the capital city of Ladakh. [...] - Ladakh is bordered by the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh to the south, Tibet Autonomous Region to the east.",supports
Vozrozhdeniya Island is a territory of Kazakhstan,"Vozrozhdeniya Island (Russian: Остров Возрождения|t=Rebirth Island|a=Ru-возрождение.ogg|p=vəzrɐˈʐdʲenʲɪjə; Kazakh: Возрождение аралы, Vozrojdenie araly; Uzbek: Возрождение ороли, Vozrojdeniye oroli) was an island in the Aral Sea. The former island's territory is split between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In 1954, the Soviet Union constructed a biological weapons test site called Aralsk-7 there and on the neighbouring Komsomolskiy Island, which also no longer exists.[1] Vozrozhdeniya was once a small island; it was only in the nineteenth century.[2] However, in the 1960s, the island began to grow in size as the Aral Sea began drying up as the Soviet Union dammed its feeder rivers for agricultural projects.[3] The shrinkage of the Aral continued and accelerated over time, and the receding waters briefly made Vozrozhdeniya the second-largest fresh water island in the world, at 2300km2,[4] in the final days of its existence in mid-2001, becoming a peninsula when the South Aral Sea dried up enough that the island joined the mainland.[5] Upon the disappearance of the Southeast Aral Sea in 2008, Vozrozhdeniya was simply a part of the surrounding land, and by 2014 it was simply a part of the land within the extensive Aralkum Desert.",insufficient-neutral
Serranilla Bank is a territory of United States,"- ^ a b ""Acquisition Process of Insular Areas"". United States Government, Department of the Interior. Archived from the original on 2012-04-14. Retrieved 2008-01-13. lists Serranilla Bank as an insular area under U.S. sovereignty. - ^ (in Spanish) Treaty of exchange between Colombia and the United States, 1972 Archived 2011-05-24 at the Wayback Machine - ^ ""Application of the U.S. Constitution"" (PDF). United States Government, General Accounting Office. November 1997. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-02-16. Retrieved 2008-01-13. Page 39 states that U.S. sovereignty over Serranilla Bank is disputed. ""Currently, the United States conducts maritime law enforcement operations in and around Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo consistent with U.S. sovereignty claims."" This is the only archived document from this source that mentions Serranilla Bank as an insular area.",insufficient-contradictory
There was a rock fall on the Antrim coast road on 9 August 2017.,"This claim is inaccurate. The image is a cropped version of one published in a local American newspaper, reporting on a rock fall that took place in Lawrence County, Ohio, on 10 April 2015.",refutes
Socotra Archipelago is a territory of Somalia,"Zanella explained that fishing is the foundation of livelihoods here, and Socotri have always lived close to the sea. While most Socotri now live in small coastal villages and towns, more than 30 caves have been discovered on the island. And here in the north, those such as Hoq Cave, the largest on Socotra, have historically provided safe shelter from both the unforgivingly high summer temperatures and strong monsoons in winter. Despite living only 2km from the town of Qalansiyah, Ellai still chooses to live in a cave, and in many ways, Zanella explained, he is something of a living testament to the way ancient Socotri once lived on this far-flung island. Marooned between Somalia and Yemen where the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean meet, the Socotra archipelago is one of the most isolated continental fragments on Earth – a piece of Africa adrift at sea. The high proportion of endemic flora here have led some to label this Unesco World Heritage site the ""Galapagos of the Indian Ocean"". More than one-third of Socotra's 825 plant species and 90% of its reptile species don't live anywhere else in the world, and gazing up at the islands' surreal, umbrella-like dragon's blood trees and down at thousands of bright blue and red freshwater crabs that scurry in the twilight, it can feel like you're on another planet.",insufficient-neutral
Placing raw onion on the bottom of the feet eliminates illness,"A video circulating on Facebook is spreading unproven claims about the supposed benefits of raw onions. In the video, Barbara O'Neill, an Australian naturopath and health lecturer, suggests placing raw onions on the soles of the feet to treat illnesses like colds and coughs. [...] Claims that placing onions on the soles of the feet can effectively alleviate cold or cough symptoms due to larger pores in that area are not supported by scientific evidence and consequently not endorsed by medical professionals. [...] There is no medical evidence to support the claim that placing raw onions on the soles of the feet can specifically target the chest or alleviate congestion. This claim is a myth and is a common folk remedy that lacks scientific credibility.",refutes
"Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, said that the party delivered “an extra billion pounds” for Northern Ireland.","Arlene Foster: Profile of the Democratic Unionist Party leader - Published Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), could be about to become the second most important person in British politics. [...] She became leader of the Democratic Unionist Party in December 2015 and, the following month, she was appointed first minister of Northern Ireland.",insufficient-neutral
Cadavar Collecting Machines Developed By China !!,"A clip showing a robot lifting humans circulating on social media claims to show ""cadaver collecting machine"" developed in China. The video was shared with a caption alleging, ""Developers in China have created and begun testing cadaver collecting machines. According to the designers, this robot with artificial intelligence on board is designed for non-contact collection of infected corpses directly from the streets."" In the video, a team of uniformed people can be seen monitoring the robot. One particular post garnered 1,55,400 views and 1,551 likes at the time of writing this story. Archives of the post can be accessed here, and here. [...] A rescue robot developed in Japan has been misrepresented as a robot made in China as a cadaver-collecting machine.",insufficient-refutes
purports to show 15-minute city speed gates that have been installed in Vancouver,"FACT CHECK: Viral Images Claim To Show A 15-Minute City Speed Gate In Vancouver Multiple photos shared on Facebook purport to show 15-minute city speed gates that have been installed in Vancouver. [...] Likewise, there are no credible news reports indicating the speed gates are specifically 15-minute city speed gates. The City of Vancouver also has not addressed the claim via its website or social media accounts.",refutes
"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines aren’t vaccines, according to court ruling","In June 2024, posts circulated on Instagram claiming COVID-19 mRNA vaccines weren’t actually vaccines under ""traditional medical definitions"". The posts reference an article published 8 June 2024 on InfoWars, which claimed that the ""9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the COVID-19 mRNA jabs do not qualify as vaccines"". [...] Yet the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals didn’t rule that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines aren’t vaccines—rather, they determined the case should be sent back to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, where the case was first argued, for further review. This is the function of an appellate court, as explained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts: [...] As the expression goes, the jury is still out on whether the U.S. federal court system may determine COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to be ""medical treatments"" rather than vaccines. The plaintiffs argue that vaccines should prevent infection and transmission of the disease, and that COVID-19 vaccines ""[do] neither"". However, this is a misconception about how vaccines work in general, and isn’t consistent with the data available on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.",insufficient-contradictory
Pamir Mountains is a territory of Tajikistan,"Pamir Mountains [edit]Tajikistan is home to some of the highest mountains in the world, including the Pamir and Alay ranges. 93% of Tajikistan is mountainous with altitudes ranging from 300 m (980 ft) to almost 7,500 m (24,600 ft), and nearly 50% of Tajikistan's territory is above 3,000 m (9,800 ft). [...] The Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan lie in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province (GBAO) in the east half of the country. The northern border is formed by the Trans-Alay Range (Independence Peak 7,174 m (23,537 ft), Kyzylart Pass 4,280 m (14,040 ft)). The highest peak is Ismoil Somoni Peak (7,495 m (24,590 ft)) (formerly known as Stalin Peak and Communism Peak), on the north-western edge of GBAO. It lies between Ibn Sina Peak (7,134 m (23,406 ft)) (also known as Lenin Peak) on the border with Kyrgyzstan to the north and Peak Korzhenevskaya (7,105 m (23,310 ft)) in Academy of Sciences Range (6,785 m (22,260 ft)) further south. The southern border is formed by the northernmost ridges of the Karakoram Range, with Mayakovskiy Peak (6,096 m (20,000 ft)), Karl Marx Peak (6,726 m (22,067 ft)), Engels Peak (6,510 m (21,360 ft)), and Concord Peak (5,469 m (17,943 ft)) stretching west to east along the border to Afghanistan.",supports
Stung Treng Province is a territory of Laos,"Stung Treng is a beautiful province located on a high sandy bank overlooking the Mekong River. It is about 455 km from Phnom Penh and some 40 km to the Laos border. This charming city is linked to Banlung (Rattanak Kiri) and is more than just a ‘stopover’. The Sekong Bridge, itself an attraction, serves as a convenient passage to the border of Laos. There are several noteworthy attractions in the province of Stung Treng. The incredible Sopheakmith Waterfall never ceases to mesmerise visitors, and neither does the stretch of the mighty Mekong, which is home to the incredibly rare Irrawaddy dolphins. [...] Both the Hang Kho Ba pagoda, which is over 300 years old, and the Hang Savat pagoda are of cultural and historical interest. The majority of the people there speak Lao. Steung Treng province, in which Hang Kho Ba resides, is famed for two local specialties – sweet tamarind fruit and Pa Si Y fish (Pava fish).",insufficient-supports
Provided for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities (PwDs),Gehlot informed the media persons that the Bill provides for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities. Designated special Courts have been proposed to handle cases concerning violation of rights of PwDs. [...] Bill provides for penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities. Designated special Courts have been proposed to handle cases concerning violation of rights of PwDs.,supports
French Guiana is a territory of France,"French Guiana is an overseas region and department of France, and it is therefore governed by similar government institutions as those found in French mainland. Cayenne serves as French Guiana’s capital. The first European to dock in French Guiana was Christopher Columbus who found native communities. The Italians initially wanted to occupy the region after which the Dutch and French contested. The early French settlers faced hostility and succumbed to tropical diseases. The arrival of African slaves facilitated the establishment of plantations and triggered the development of French Guiana. The discovery of gold in 1853 created border disputes with Suriname and Brazil which were subsequently settled. The territory was declared an overseas region of France on March 19, 1946, although they have been calls for autonomy. The 2010 referendum saw the citizens voting against independence. [...] The territory’s politics features the Guianese Socialist Party as the key player, and it maintains close links with the Socialist Party in France. The Guianese Party has 29 seats in the Regional Council and three in the General Council. French Guiana is represented by two elected senators in the French Senate. The current ones are from the Guianese Socialist Party namely Jean-Étienne Antoinette and Georges Patient. Other parties which feature in Guiana’s politics are the Union for a Popular Movement which has seven seats in the Regional Council and three in the General Councils and Walwari which has one member in the General Council and seven in the Regional Council. French Guiana is represented by two deputies in the National Assembly of France.",refutes
"“Classified documents can never be taken out of a (sensitive compartmented information facility), ever.”","Federal officials do not secure TS/SCI information in this way. First, TS/SCI documents are so sensitive that only officials meeting a very high need-to-know bar are allowed to read them. TS/SCI-cleared officials must also follow standard procedures to conduct their TS/SCI ""read."" They must do so only in a government-approved sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF), which is specially constructed and hardened to prevent unauthorized entry and electronic eavesdropping. For certain highly sensitive information, readers must sign their names on the document they read. They may discuss the TS/SCI content while in the SCIF but not when outside a SCIF. They read the TS/SCI documents in the presence of an intelligence officer, who later collects all TS/SCI documents, returns them to a TS/SCI-designated safe located within a SCIF, and logs in their return. No one may take a TS/SCI document out of the SCIF to their office or their home, even if there is a strong padlock on their office or personal safe. When an official leaves government service, they are ""read out"" of the TS/SCI program and cut off from further access to TS/SCI material. If an official loses a TS/SCI document, they can lose their TS/SCI clearance—or go to prison if they do something more damaging. These safeguards exist because the sensitivity of TS/SCI information is so grave.",supports
Macau is a territory of People's Republic of China,"...The Government of the Portuguese Republic confirms that Macau, as an associate member of ESCAP, is authorized to be a party to the Constitution of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity and to assume the rights and obligations contained therein. ... In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the Portuguese Republic and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Macau signed in Beijing on April 13, 1987, the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macau from December 20 1999, while the Government of the Portuguese Republic remains responsible for the external relations of Macau until December 19, 1999. [...] In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Portugal on the Question of Macau signed in Beijing on 13 April 1987, the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macau as of 20 December 1999. Macau, as a part of the territory of the People's Republic of China, will thereupon become a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China and its foreign affairs will be the responsibility of the People's Republic of China. [...] The Government of the People's Republic of China hereby declares that as of 20 December 1999, the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China may continue to stay in the Asia Pacific Telecommunity as an associate member in the name o ""Macau, China"" as it still meets the essential requirements for such a membership.""",supports
"""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt.""","REP. MATT GAETZ, (R) FLORIDA: Kevin McCarthy is going to get his wish. I don’t think the adult in the room would allow America to sit atop a $33 trillion debt facing $2.2 trillion annual deficits. I don’t think the adult in the room would allow $8 trillion of this debt to come into refinancing at a higher level without serious spending cuts. And I don't think the adult in the room would lie to House conservatives. And that is exactly what Kevin McCarthy did. [...] I do not believe that we will ever reduce spending if the manner of negotiation is just, what is the condition or the ornament that we're going to hang on to a continuing resolution. Since the mid-90s this government has been ruled by continuing resolution or omnibus bill. That's why we're $33 trillion in debt. [...] Joe Biden and his administration increased spending by over $5 trillion in just two years. And as Matt pointed out, our national debt is $33 trillion. It's unsustainable.",insufficient-supports
the new coronavirus has HIV proteins that indicate it was genetically modified in a laboratory.,"We came to the conclusion that there was manipulation around this virus. […] To a part but I do not say the total […] of the coronavirus of the bat, someone added sequences, in particular of HIV, the virus of AIDS. […] It is not natural. It’s the work of professionals, of molecular biologists. […] A very meticulous work. [...] Does the Novel Coronavirus Contain HIV-Related Genes? [...] Nobel Prize-winner Montagnier truly said that COVID-19 was created in a lab by researchers who were attempting to make an AIDS vaccine. However, that doesn't mean what he said was accurate. In fact, a peer-reviewed study from the Scripps Research Institute that was published in the journal Nature in March 2020 found ""no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.""",refutes
Karine Jean-Pierre left a press conference after being asked about classified documents,"Biden got no advanced notice about the search, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Aug. 9. He ""learned about this FBI search from public reports,"" she said. ""The President was not briefed… was not aware of it,"" Jean-Pierre said, responding to a reporter’s question. ""No one at the White House was given a heads-up,"" she said. [...] White House. Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. 9 Aug 2022.",insufficient-refutes
Qaa is a territory of Lebanon,"El-Qaa is a plain located in Baalbek–Hermel District, bordered by Syria, Hermel and Ras Baalbek. Since the Middle Ages, El-Qaa was famous for its honey production and its remarkable landscape. Its beautiful natural lake was a crossroad for traders. El-Qaa remains the village for religious tourists. Its many religious sites attract local residents and foreign visitors. Located between Anti-Lebanon mountain range and the Assi River, El-Qaa is best known for its hot semiarid summer and its cold winter. What marks El-Qaa are the Roman and Ottoman monuments that engrave the ancient civilizations in this village. [...] Read moreEl-Qaa is where church bells ring, making the hearts beat. It is known for its churches and became a haven for locals and visitors to pray. At the borders of the Beqaa, El-Qaa became a town for blessings and faith. [...] Read moreEl-Qaa is known for its authentic Lebanese cachet. This village remains very attentive to the Lebanese traditional cuisine. In its old narrowed streets you can find old bakeries, butcheries and kebbe troughs that the big other cities will not be able to reflect them in a proper and genuine way",insufficient-supports
"""Samsung drops out of $1 billion advertising campaign with Olympics.""","Samsung Officially Kicks-Off Olympic and Paralympic Campaign in Final Countdown to Paris 2024 Samsung releases ’Open always wins’ campaign and opens new Olympic Showcase, Olympic™️ rendezvous @ Samsung, in the heart of Paris [...] Samsung has been a Worldwide Olympic Partner since the Olympic Winter Games Nagano 1998. For over 25 years, athletes and fans have trusted Samsung’s transformative mobile technology to share the Olympic spirit globally and continue to shape the digital future of the Olympic Games for Paris 2024 and beyond. The company’s commitment to the Olympic Movement soon faces its fourth decade of partnership and extends through Los Angeles 2028. Samsung’s purposeful innovations in the wireless communications and computing equipment category, including equipment that features artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and 5G will change the way the world experiences the Olympic Games.",insufficient-refutes
Lake Victoria is a territory of Uganda,"The rising water levels in Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, have significant environmental, social, and economic impacts on the surrounding regions. Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world with a lake surface area of 68,000 km2 and a total basin area of 250,000 km2. The lake is shared by Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with only 6% of the surface area of the lake within the Kenyan territory, while Tanzania and Uganda have 51% and 43% respectively, while Lake Victoria basin is shared by five counties namely; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. Objectives: The key objectives of this article are to highlight the historical trends along the Lake Victoria River basin, the rising/falling water levels, the climate projections both at regional and national, the physical, environmental, social, and economic impacts of the rising water levels and key recommendations to mitigate any such future risks as a result of the floods.",insufficient-contradictory
“The CBO says (the Build Back Better Act) is $3 trillion of deficit spending.”,"PWBM estimates that H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, as written would increase spending by $2.1 trillion over the 10-year budget window and revenue by $1.8 trillion, for a 10-year deficit of $274 billion. [...] H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act: Budget and Macroeconomic Effects On November 3, 2021, the House Rules Committee released legislative language for the Build Back Better Act. In this analysis, PWBM analyzes the macroeconomic effects of the legislation, building on our conventional estimate of the budgetary effects of the bill.",insufficient-refutes
The measles outbreak is directly caused by illegal immigration,The US measles outbreak is due to unvaccinated American citizens who became infected when travelling to countries where measles is endemic or where outbreaks are currently occurring. These are not the countries from which migrants to the US are currently coming from.,refutes
Modi government reconstructed the Sharda Peeth temple situated in PoK,"Union government reconstructed the Sharda Devi temple located in Kupwara, on the Indian side of LoC, whereas the Sharda Peeth is in PoK and has been inaccessible for Indian pilgrims since 1947. The post wrongly compares images of Sharda Peeth with that of the newly constructed Sharda Devi temple. There could at least be 40-50 km distance between these two temples. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
Greater and Lesser Tunbs is a territory of United Arab Emirates,"He went on to reiterate Morocco’s commitment to a political process, conducted exclusively under the auspices of the United Nations, that hinges on Morocco’s autonomy initiative and is within the context of Morocco’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In conclusion, he expressed his country’s support for the territorial integrity of the United Arab Emirates and called for an end to Iran’s occupation of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs. [...] The representative of Iran rejected Morocco’s remarks about Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs in the Persian Gulf, asserting that they amounted to a blatant interference in Iran’s domestic affairs. He emphasized Iran’s sovereignty over these islands and underscored that all decisions and measures taken by Iranian officials concerning these islands have consistently been grounded in principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. [...] The representative of the United Arab Emirates reiterated that Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs are an integral part of her country’s territory, based on well-established historical facts which are not in dispute. She called on Iran to seek a peaceful resolution to this matter in accordance with international law and the UN Charter through either bilateral negotiations or by referring the matter to the International Court of Justice.",insufficient-neutral
Vitamin B17 “was banned by the US because of its cancer-killing properties”,"On 1 March 2023, a Facebook reel with more than 1.6 million views claimed that ""Vitamin B17"", a compound present in apricot kernels, ""was banned by the U.S. because of its cancer-killing properties"". ""Vitamin B17"" is the name that some people use to refer to amygdalin, a compound present in some plants like clover and notably in the seeds of fruits from the Rosaceae family, such as bitter almonds, apricots, plums, and cherries. [...] One well-known characteristic of amygdalin is its capacity to release hydrogen cyanide when it breaks down in the intestine[4]. Hydrogen cyanide is known as a potentially deadly poison that interferes with cells’ ability to use oxygen. This mode of action of cyanide directly contradicts the mechanism proposed by the Facebook user, who claimed that B17 kills cancer cells because it ""put[s] oxygen and hydrogenate[s] cells again"".",insufficient-refutes
Qazakh Rayon is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Qakh District (Azerbaijani: Qax rayonu; Georgian: კახის რაიონი / K′akhis raioni; Tsakhur: Къахын район / Qaxın rayon) is one of the 66 districts of Azerbaijan. It is located in the north of the country, in the Shaki-Zagatala Economic Region. The district borders the districts of Zagatala, Shaki, Samukh, Yevlakh, as well as the Kakheti region of Georgia and the Russian Republic of Dagestan. Its capital and largest city is Qakh. As of 2020, the district had a population of 57,200.[4] [...] In 1803 the sultanate of Ilisu was annexed to the Russian empire. The ruler of the sultanate, Daniyal, inspired the people to rise against Russian rule in 1844, due to a disagreement between him and the government of Russia. Sultan Daniyel was defeated near the village of İlisu and continued his struggle against Russian along with the leader of the national freedom movement, Sheykh Shamil. Russians burnt Ilisu and divided the territory of the sultanate into mahals (territorial units) and annexed them to the Jar-Balaken daire (a territorial unit) converting it into a colony of tsarist Russia. With proclamation of independence of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in May 1918, Qakh became disputed between ADR and DRG. During the Soviet rule, Qakh was established as raion of Azerbaijan SSR in 1930.[9] [...] The Qakh District is also a centre of the Georgian minority in Azerbaijan, with most of the ones in this district being of Christian origin.",supports
A person’s immune system “tanks” after their second COVID-19 vaccine dose.,"The second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine induces a powerful boost to a part of the immune system that provides broad antiviral protection, according to a study led by investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine. [...] ""The second shot has powerful beneficial effects that far exceed those of the first shot,"" Pulendran said. ""It stimulated a manifold increase in antibody levels, a terrific T-cell response that was absent after the first shot alone, and a strikingly enhanced innate immune response."" Unexpectedly, Pulendran said, the vaccine — particularly the second dose — caused the massive mobilization of a newly discovered group of first-responder cells that are normally scarce and quiescent.",refutes
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill “redefining ‘sexual orientation’ to include pedophiles.”,"The bill, called the ""Take Pride Act,"" updated the definition of ""sexual orientation"" and ""gender identity"" in the Minnesota Human Rights Act. It didn’t include pedophiles in these definitions, nor did it give pedophiles legal protections. Legal experts told PolitiFact that laws prohibiting discrimination because of sexual orientation do not protect pedophiles, even if they do not include that specific disclaimer. In Minnesota, an adult who engages in sexual conduct with a minor can be charged with a first-degree felony, which is punishable by up to 30 years of imprisonment, a fine of up to $40,000 or both.",refutes
purports Liz Cheney was allegedly hanged at Guantanamo Bay,"In late April 2023, several websites known for publishing unreliable information posted a ""news"" story asserting that former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney was sentence by a military tribunal to hang. Those websites were: Before It's News, the Adina Kutnicki Zionist & Conservative Blog, The Digital Soldier Press on Rumble, Israel National News on Substack, and Best News Here (among others). [...] Military Sentences Liz Cheney to Hang to Death [...] As for Liz Cheney, she was still alive and tweeting on April 24, the date Real Raw News claimed she was scheduled to be hanged:",refutes
Kansas City Chiefs said they refuse to participate in Pride Month because ‘it’s extremely woke.’,"Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker railed against Pride month, working women, President Biden's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend.",insufficient-supports
The Woman Accompanying Dhanushka To Court Is His Lawyer!,"Sri Lankan international cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka has been granted bail on sexual assault charges after a court heard he had the support of the Sri Lankan cricket association and government, and sureties totalling $200,000 were accepted. [...] Murugan Thangaraj, lawyer for international cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka, on claims that people with Sri Lankan names have found the online accounts of the complainant [...] Police say Gunathilaka accompanied the 29-year-old woman to her home, where she had ""only agreed to continued sexual activity if the accused wore a condom"".",insufficient-refutes
claims the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a UFO on its livestream,"Ivan Vagner, a Russian cosmonaut currently orbiting the Earth aboard the International Space Station (ISS), claims to have captured footage of potential UFOs while recording video of the southern lights. [...] Vagner did not claim to see the phenomenon as it happened, and no one else aboard the ISS has acknowledged it. He also did not indicate exactly when the footage was captured. [...] The Pentagon has since acknowledged that it has recorded encounters with ""Unidentified Aerial Phenomena"" (UAP).",insufficient-contradictory
The Winter Session of Parliament postponed in 2011 during UPA rule,"
The government will call the Winter Session of Parliament in December and its dates will be announced soon, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar said on Tuesday while citing precedents during the UPA rule to reject the Congress' allegations of ""delay"".
.Kumar said the opposition party is suffering from ""selective amnesia"" as during the Congress-led UPA rule, Winter Sessions were held in December 2008 and December 2013.
.""Usually, care is taken not to overlap the Parliament session with Assembly elections.",insufficient-contradictory
Shark Tank India’s Judge Vineeta Singh played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie,"A post is being widely shared on social media claiming that entrepreneur and Shark Tank India judge Vineeta Singh had played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: The character of Raju’s mother, Mrs. Rastogi, was played by actress Amardeep Jha. When a similar post went viral in 2022, Vineeta dismissed the claims sportively by acting in a meme video based on 3 Idiots movie scene. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE. [...] To sum it up, Raju’s mother character in 3 idiots movie was played by Amardeep Jha, not by entrepreneur and Shark Tank India’s judge Vineeta Singh.",refutes
Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,"The California and New York results illustrate the importance of having information on actual IGTs in examining issues related to the current distribution of Medicaid DSH funds. Across-the-board assumptions such as those made Chapter 4 regarding the proportion of DSH funds that are ""new"" are not substantiated at the hospital-level. CMS should consider expanding the state DSH reports to obtain information on provider contributions to DSH pools as well as the payments from those pools to individual hospitals. [...] The ""snapshot"" approach of looking at one year's data may not be sufficient for an adequate understanding of the financial implications of serving low-income patients. In California, the FY1998 payments included payments from the state's fiscal year 1997 and thus overstated the average DSH payments. The New York indigent care pool was in transition during FY1998 and additional changes were enacted in 2000. Wisconsin's uncompensated care costs have increased 60 percent since 1997. Only the first-year impacts of the Balanced Budget Amendment are reflected in the FY1998 data. These considerations suggest that a multi-year study- perhaps with periodic updating- would be appropriate.",insufficient-neutral
"“When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing. They were broke.”","""When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion dollars in foreign exchange reserves, its piggy bank for terrorists. They were broke –—the Iranian regime could barely afford to keep the lights on,"" Trump said. ""Sadly, Crooked Joe surrendered my tough sanctions. Iran now once again has over $70 billion dollars to finance terror, and Israel is paying the price in blood."" Trump’s claim is backed up by the data. Iranian oil exports have risen on Biden’s watch from nearly zero to an expected 3.4 million barrels daily, according to Iran’s oil minister. The Wall Street Journal reported the Biden administration’s lack of sanctions enforcement resulted in $30 billion to $40 billion in oil revenue to Iran this year alone.",supports
Demchok sector is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The Demchok sector[a] is a disputed area named after the villages of Demchok in Ladakh and Demchok in Tibet, situated near the confluence of the Charding Nullah and Indus River. It is a part of the greater Sino-Indian border dispute between China and India. Both China and India claim the disputed region, with a Line of Actual Control between the two nations situated along the Charding Nullah.[b] [...] The talks were held in Beijing between Zhang Hanfu, China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, N. Raghavan, the Indian Ambassador to China and T.N. Kaul, his Chargé d'Affaires and Chen Chai-Kang, a Director. They lasted from December 1953 till end of April 1954. [...] Kaul objected, Demchok was in India, he told Chen who answered that India's border was further on the West of the Indus. On Kaul's insistence Chen said ""There can be no doubt about actual physical possession which can be verified on spot but to avoid any dispute we may omit mention of Demchok"". [...] In October 1962, the Demchok sub-sector was held by the 7 J&K Militia. The PLA launched an attack on October 22. [...] The PLA eventually withdrew, but occupied the southern part of Demchok.",insufficient-refutes
Island of Šarengrad is a territory of Portugal,"Island of Šarengrad (Croatian: Šarengradska ada, Serbian: Шаренградска ада, in Croatian pronounced as /ʃǎreŋgratskaː ǎːda/ or pronounced as /-ǎda/) is a Danube river island situated close to the village of Šarengrad in Croatia.[1] It covers an area of 9km2. The old riverbed of the Danube caused problems for navigation due to its heavy bending in this area. In order to solve the problem, Austria-Hungary began digging a canal in 1892 to straighten the flow of the river. After 17 years, the Mohovo-Šarengrad canal was finally finished, and as a result the Island of Šarengrad was formed in 1909.[2] [...] In 1998, through the Erdut Agreement, Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia was reintegrated with Croatia. However, the Island of Šarengrad together with Island of Vukovar has stayed under Serbian military control.",refutes
"Senate Republicans' move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in an election year is ""not constitutional.""","President Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to U.S. Supreme Court President Donald Trump named U.S. appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday, picking from a list of candidates that included U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. [...] Her nomination will kick off what’s expected to be one of the most contentious confirmation battles in recent memory. Republicans say they intend to seat Barrett this year, even though the vacancy on the court opened up less than two months before Election Day. Democrats are determined to fight the nomination, noting that Republicans refused to confirm former President Barack Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court in 2016 when a seat came open 269 days from Election Day.",insufficient-neutral
Okpara River is a territory of Nigeria,"The Okpara River is a river of Benin.[2] Originating in Borgou Department, it flows south and becomes the border between Nigeria and Benin before re-entering Benin and flowing into the Ouémé River, which ultimately drains into the Atlantic Ocean.[3] Several villages along the river are disputed between Benin and Nigeria.[4][5] [...] Climate [edit]Okpara River is a stream in Nigeria. It is located at an elevation of 75 meters above sea level. It has coordinates of 7°45'0"" N and 2°28'60"" E in DMS or 7.75 and 2.48333. The sun rises at 08:45 and sets at 20:52 local time (Africa/Lagos UTC/GMT+1). It is a Stream body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land.[7] [...] - ^ ""River Okpara, Nigeria"". Retrieved 2023-07-10.",insufficient-contradictory
Website offering prizes in the name of Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition,"Winners of Mohammed Bin Rashid’s ramadan contest was announced in the presence of Raed Barqawi, Executive Editor-in-Chief of Al Khaleej newspaper, among jury members on Tuesday. Ibrahim Mohammed BuMelha, Advisor to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum for Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs and Chairman of the Jury for His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s Ayyam Al Kheir Competition, published exclusively by Al Khaleej during the holy month of Ramadan, has announced the winners of the top 10 winners of the Dhs1-million competition and the names of 100 winners of Umrah packages. [...] Meanwhile, Barqawi said Al Khaleej readers and followers were proud of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s Ramadan competition, which was exclusively published by Al Khaleej over the holy month of Ramadan every year.",supports
Heated Argument Between Mark Zuckerberg And Elon Musk Over Meta Platforms’ Outage,"The Zuckerberg-Musk rivalry continues with the launch of Meta's 'Twitter killer' app Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter owner Elon Musk have long had a rivalry. That's now been put on vivid display with Zuckerberg taking aim at Twitter by launching the new social media app Threads. The war between Facebook parent company Meta and Twitter is heating up. Meta has just launched an app called Threads. It's been called a Twitter killer, putting Twitter on the defensive. It's just the latest instance of a long-running rivalry between the two tech billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn joins us now. Welcome.",insufficient-supports
"Vitamins C and D are now finally being adopted in the conventional treatment of SARS-CoV-2; Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses; vitamin D helps the body fight SARS-CoV-2 infection and can cut infection risk.","A meta-analysis of findings from 25 randomized controlled trials found daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory infections, and the effect was stronger in those with low baseline vitamin D levels. Daily doses between 800 and 2,000 IU appeared to be most effective. The analysis further showed treatment regimens that included large boluses (30,000 IU vitamin D or more) did not reduce infection risk.184 Nevertheless, a controlled trial in nursing home residents found monthly 100,000 IU boluses of vitamin D, in addition to standard daily doses of 400–1,000 IU, resulted in greater respiratory infection prevention than standard daily dosing alone, but was associated with a higher risk of falling (a known adverse side effect of high-dose vitamin D supplementation).185 [...] Siddiqui M, Manansala JS, Abdulrahman HA, et al. Immune Modulatory Effects of Vitamin D on Viral Infections. Nutrients. Sep 21 2020;12(9)doi:10.3390/nu12092879 [...] Hemilä H. Vitamin C and Infections. Nutrients. Mar 29 2017;9(4)doi:10.3390/nu9040339",insufficient-supports
Eating eggs and banana at the same time will kill a man in five minutes.,"Since early 2017, the Internet has been littered with ""warnings"" about the dangers of eating bananas and eggs together (or serially): [...] It is unlikely, for example, that a large restaurant chain such as Denny’s would so enthusiastically promote their ""salted caramel banana cream pancake breakfast"" (which contains both eggs and bananas) if the risk of death were real. Similarly, the risks of Starbucks' banana bread, which is made with eggs and bananas, would likely discourage the coffee chain from prominently featuring the product in their pastry section if it were going to kill the company's customers. We have uncovered no evidence the story referenced in the warning of a young man's dropping dead on the spot after consuming a banana and an egg is real, and we understand no mechanism by which a person’s death could be triggered by the consumption of a benign egg and banana combination, absent a severe allergy to either food.",refutes
"“Fauci frankensteined Covid bats on our soil a year before the pandemic, but then acted all shocked when the virus started spreading” ; Fauci’s goons went to the Wuhan lab, bottled up a virus and brought it to a lab in America”","Some coronaviruses pose a threat to human health, as illustrated by the 2003 SARS outbreak and the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the coronaviruses that have been thoroughly studied is WIV-1, because it can infect humans. However, WIV-1 is only loosely related to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and thus isn’t responsible for the pandemic.",insufficient-refutes
Spratly Islands is a territory of Vietnam,"Spratly Island, (Vietnamese: Đảo Trường Sa or Đảo Trường Sa Lớn, lit. 'the Big Spratly (Trường Sa) Island'; simplified Chinese: 南威岛; traditional Chinese: 南威島; pinyin: Nánwēi Dǎo; Filipino: Pulo ng Lagos, lit. 'Lagos Island'), also known as Storm Island, is the fourth largest of the naturally occurring[1] Spratly Islands in the South China Sea with an area of 15 hectares (37 acres),[2] and the largest of the Vietnamese-administered Spratly islands.[3][4] [...] Administration [edit]Under the South Vietnamese regime, Spratly Island was placed under the administration of Khánh Hòa province. In 2007, the Vietnamese government upgraded the island's status to a commune-level town which is in charge of administering all nearby Vietnamese-controlled features such as Amboyna Cay and Barque Canada Reef.[16] On the island lies Trường Sa District's administrative center.",refutes
Your state will send you free infant formula if you call Enfamil and Similac customer service numbers.,"Formula manufacturers will often send coupons and free samples if you sign up for these perks. For example, the Similac Strong Moms and Enfamil Family Beginnings programs will each send you $400 worth of benefits (formula samples, coupons, and more). While you’re at it, your doctor or baby’s pediatrician may also have formula samples you can try at home for free. [...] If you find yourself in urgent need of an essential item (food, diapers, child care, etc.) and don’t know where to turn, call 2-1-1. This number will connect you with staff and volunteers who can direct you to various resources in your area. You can find anything from help paying your bills to finding food to getting much-needed baby items, healthcare, and more. You can also call 2-1-1 for support with domestic violence, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, homelessness, or any other crisis situation. Can’t call? You can search for your local 2-1-1 organization and text or search for resources online.",insufficient-supports
East Jerusalem is a territory of Israel,"The West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, covers a land area of 5,655sq km (2,183sq miles), making it about 15 times larger than the Gaza Strip, spread over 365sq km (141sq miles). [...] Jerusalem, a city sacred to Muslims, Christians, and Jews, has had West Jerusalem under Israeli control since 1948, with a Jewish majority. East Jerusalem, including the Old City, has been under Israeli occupation since 1967 and is mostly Palestinian. Since its annexation in 1980, Israel has considered the entire city of Jerusalem a part of its territory. This is not internationally recognised. For this reason, Israeli maps do not show East Jerusalem a part of the occupied West Bank.",insufficient-contradictory
Depsang Plains is a territory of India,"For Prelims: Line of Actual Control (LAC), Depsang Plains, Galwan Valley, Pangong Tso, BRICS, Siachen Glacier, Aksai Chin, Darbuk-Shyok-DBO Road, G20. [...] - However, Demchok and Depsang plains have seen no progress towards their resolution in the past two years. [...] - Depsang Plains: The Depsang Plains is a strategically important territory, because the PLA’s control threatens India’s control over the Siachen Glacier, encircling the Indian Army from both China and Pakistan.",insufficient-refutes
Sarych is a territory of Brunei,"Sarych 44°23′14″N 33°44′17″E / 44.38722°N 33.73806°E Sarych (Ukrainian: Са́рич; Russian: Са́рыч; Crimean Tatar: Sarıç) is a headland located on the shore of the Black Sea at the southern extremity of the Crimean Peninsula. [...] History [edit]Ancient [edit]The area presently known as Sarych was first referenced as Kriou metopon or Criu metopon (Ancient Greek: Κριοῦ μέτωπον), which means ""ram's forehead"" in Greek.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]",insufficient-neutral
Vila Real is a territory of Spain,"Villarreal, officially called Vila-real, is a city in the province of Castellón which is part of the Valencian Community in the east of Spain. The city is located at 42 m above sea level, 7 km to the south of the province's capital. Villareal is separated from Castelló de la Plana by the Millars River. It has 51,367 inhabitants, most of them living in the urban area that covers about 10.7% of its comarca's 55.4 km² surface. Ranked by population, it is the second-largest city in the province, and fifteenth in the Valencian Community. The city was founded with royal status by King James I of Aragon in 1274 during his campaign to regain Muslim territory in present-day Valencia during the Reconquista. It later became an agricultural centre for orange cultivation, and more recently a centre for the ceramics industry.",supports
EMF Radiation From Wi-Fi Routers Effects On Plant Growth And Human Health !!,"Fact Checked By G. Rashmitha Diwyanjalee Concerns about the impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation from Wi-Fi routers on both plant growth and human health have gained attention recently. Claims that Wi-Fi radiation can inhibit plant growth and pose health risks to humans need to be scrutinized. This article investigates the validity of these claims […] [...] Concerns about the impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation from Wi-Fi routers on both plant growth and human health have gained attention recently. Claims that Wi-Fi radiation can inhibit plant growth and pose health risks to humans need to be scrutinized. This article investigates the validity of these claims by examining scientific studies and expert opinions. [...] The evidence suggests that EMF radiation from Wi-Fi routers can have some impact on plant growth, as demonstrated in several studies. However, the extent of this impact varies, and more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions. As for human health, while there are concerns about potential risks, most studies and expert reviews, including those by ICNIRP, indicate that typical exposure levels from Wi-Fi routers are unlikely to cause significant harm.",insufficient-neutral
"If masks were effective and necessary, non-mask wearers should be dead by now","Flawed reasoning: The claim implies that masks are ineffective or useless against COVID-19, otherwise non-mask wearers should be dead. However, protective equipment can be recommended or necessary even against diseases that are not systematically deadly. The claim also forgets to consider that the use of masks reduces the propagation of the virus among the population and thus indirectly limits the risk of exposure of non-mask wearers. [...] In August 2020, a post circulating on social media, which received millions of views, questioned how people who are not wearing face masks in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic have still remained alive. Using the rhetorical technique of ""just asking questions"", this claim suggests that masks are ineffective or useless against COVID-19. This reasoning is based on the premise that a protective device is only efficient and necessary if 100% of people not using it dies. Such logic is actually flawed and inconsistent with the available knowledge about the disease. [...] Altogether, this shows that being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 does not give a 100% chance of getting infected, and getting infected does not always result in death. Therefore, it is well within expectations that most people who do not wear masks are still alive, and this cannot be used to make conclusions about the usefulness or efficiency of masks.",refutes
Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island, or Heixiazi, sits at the confluence of two border rivers, and ownership is legally shared between the two countries. China's official map paints the entire 135-square mile piece of strategic land into its easternmost territory. [...] Jeff Liu, a spokesperson for Taiwan's Foreign Mionistry, told reporters on Wednesday that ""the People's Republic of China has never ruled Taiwan. That is the fact and the status quo universally recognized by the international community."" [...] The territorial dispute, which Taipei now rarely engages in due to warming ties with Tokyo, flared up a decade ago when the Japanese government nationalized the islands. Since then, China's largest maritime law enforcement ships—some equipped with autocannons—have staked Beijing's claim to the islets by circling them on a near-daily basis, often anchoring in their territorial waters for days.",insufficient-refutes
Elon Musk claims the earth is flat,"The claim: Image shows Elon Musk tweeting that the Earth is flat [...] - Elon Musk, accessed March 16, Search of Elon Musk's tweets containing ""the world is flat"" - PolitiTweet, accessed March 16, Elon Musk - Business Insider, Dec. 27, 2022, SpaceX history: 13 of the biggest moments for Elon Musk's 20-year-old company - SpaceX, accessed March 16, Mission - Elon Musk, April 5, 2021, Tweet - Elon Musk, Nov. 28, 2017, Tweet - PolitiFact, March 13, Earth is round and Elon Musk didn’t say it was flat - Reuters, March 14, Fact Check-Fabricated Elon Musk tweet claims Earth is flat - Check Your Fact, March 16, Fact check: Did Elon Musk tweet that the Earth is flat?",refutes
Sea level rise could reach six or seven feet by the year 2100.,"Global mean sea level rose rapidly following the last ice age approximately 20,000 years ago. However, the rate of sea level rise slowed and has been nearly stable over the last few thousand years. Since around 1900, global average sea level has risen by about 7-8 inches (Hayhoe et al. 2018, NCA4) and the rate of sea level rise has been accelerating in recent decades as ocean temperatures warm. Nearly half of this rise in sea levels has occurred since 1993, and the rate of global mean level rise since 1993 has been approximately 3.4 mm per year. It is virtually certain that global mean sea levels will continue to rise throughout the 21st century and beyond. [...] Projections in the relative sea level rise along the contiguous U.S. coastline range from 1.96 – 7.22 ft (0.6–2.2 m) by the year 2100 and 2.62 – 12.8 ft (0.8–3.9 m) by the year 2150, relative to sea levels in 2000. However, not all areas will experience the same amount, or rate, of sea level rise due to changes in local land and ocean heights.",supports
Project 2025 would “end Head Start.”,"Project 2025 Would End Head Start and Hurt Children with Disabilities [...] The 2024 Republican National Convention has highlighted the party’s platform this week, drawing heavily from Project 2025. The conservative policy plan calls for the elimination of Head Start, alarming education advocates who note that doing so would remove access to early learning for over 787,000 children from families with low-incomes across the U.S. Of those children served, over 111,000 (about 14.2%) are children with disabilities, and many more are at risk for developing disabilities. Head Start specializes in providing comprehensive services to young children with disabilities from families with low incomes, who face intertwined challenges from inequitable access to food, health care, housing, and high-quality early learning. If Head Start ends, so will critical services for thousands of children with delays and disabilities living in poverty across the country. [...] Project 2025’s brevity about the elimination of Head Start belies its potentially devastating consequences for some of the U.S.’s most vulnerable children and their families. Cutting Head Start comprises just one paragraph in the project’s 900-plus-page Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. The paragraph includes misleading information about Head Start’s efficacy and no mention of its services for children with disabilities. It does not offer an alternative strategy for providing critical services to set young children up for long-term success.",supports
Syunik Province is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Azerbaijan eyes southern Armenian border province of Syunik After taking full control of Nagorno-Karabakh in September, will Azerbaijan go further? In the southern Armenian province of Syunik, residents are increasingly worried about the threat from Baku. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev claims Syunik and much of Armenian territory is historically Azerbaijani, referring to it as ""Western Azerbaijan"". Since 2020, Azerbaijan has also taken 150 square kilometres of Armenian land near the border, according to Armenian officials. FRANCE 24's Catherine Norris Trent, Julie Dungelhoeff and Mohammed Farhat report.",insufficient-supports
Ranil Has Been Selected As ADB President !1,"Former Sri Lankan president Ranil Wickremesinghe has NOT been appointed as the next President of the ADB. The election process is still ongoing, and the final outcome will be announced at the end of November 2024.",refutes
purports Andrew Tate has allegedly been found guilty of a crime and sentenced to 14 years in prison,"Andrew Tate detained in Romania over rape and human trafficking case Controversial online influencer Andrew Tate has been detained in Romania as part of a human trafficking and rape investigation. [...] Later, a tweet was sent from Andrew Tate's Twitter account alluding to the 1999 movie The Matrix, a film he regularly refers to in his posts.",insufficient-neutral
A Turning Point USA meme claims a quote about socialized medicine is attributable to Vladimir Lenin,The Daily Caller News Foundation found no evidence of Lenin ever making this statement.,refutes
"""Cat parasite"" causes toxoplasmosis; toxoplasmosis increases ghrelin hormone levels","Partially correct Health Posted on: 2024-06-13 Cats can transmit toxoplasmosis to humans, but no evidence links toxoplasmosis to increased ""hunger hormone"" ghrelin Claim: ""Cat parasite"" causes toxoplasmosis; toxoplasmosis increases ghrelin hormone levels Source: YouTube, Facebook, Chervin Jafarieh, Social media user, 2024-06-06",refutes
Bath and Body Works products are not recommended during pregnancy because they are suspected of “damaging fertility or the unborn child.”,"The claim: Document shows Bath & Body Works products are not recommended for use while pregnant [...] Did you know that Bath & Body works products are actually not recommended to use while pregnant? Straight from their safety data sheet it reads ""suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child"" and, ""may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure."" Imagine how harmful they are to our pre-teen and teenage daughters? NO WONDER we have so many women struggling with infertility, hormone disruptions, migraines, thyroid complications… I could go on and on!!! [...] We rate FALSE the claim that a document shows Bath & Body Works products shouldn't be used while pregnant. The document on which these viral claims are based only addresses an air freshener and is a warning for employees at chemical manufacturing facilities, not for consumers. The document does not warn of pregnancy risks for consumers who use Bath & Body Works products.",refutes
Website offering prizes in the name of Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition,"This is a phishing campaign that targets individuals during the month of Ramadan using WhatsApp messages. The attack begins with a message from a contact that contains a link to a fraudulent website posing as a competition organized by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, offering cash prizes for answering questions about Islam. [...] Ramadan Scam – Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition [...] ""Urgent.. Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition🌙 Participate now, answer questions and win daily prizes 💵 Gifted by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Everyone is a winner. Hurry Up From here >> https[:]//mbr3[.]pages[.]dev/""",refutes
The Department of Health (England) needs the consent of families to release information of deceased relatives.,"- Access to records of deceased people: People may request access to the records of someone who has died, for example a family member. See the NHS Transformation Directorate guidance on Access to the health and care records of deceased people and Primary Care Support England also has guidance on their website about Accessing Medical Records. [...] Data protection laws do not apply to deceased people, but the common law duty of confidentiality does apply. For more information, please see NHS England’s Transformation Directorate guidance on access to the health and care records of deceased people. [...] For more information, please see the guidance on consent and confidential patient information, sharing information with confidence and the article in these Guidelines on consent to using and sharing patient information.",insufficient-neutral
"Udeshika Prabodini, A Female Cricket Player Is Very Poor Financially !!","Probodhani was included in the squad for the first T20 World Cup in 2009 in England and has played in every T20 World Cup since [...] Udeshika Probodhani is a veteran of the team, having played in 69 T20Is from her debut against Pakistan in 2009 until January 30, 2020. [...] Alongside playing for Sri Lanka, Probodhani has also represented Colombo Cricket Club Women and Colts Cricket Club Women alongside Sri Lankan vice-captain Harshitha Madavi.",insufficient-neutral
"Forward projections of solar cyclicity imply the next few decades may be marked by global cooling rather than warming, despite continuing CO2 emissions.","Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun’s energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to influence Earth’s climate: humanity. [...] Each cycle exhibits subtle differences in intensity and duration. As of early 2010, the solar brightness since 2005 has been slightly lower, not higher, than it was during the previous 11-year minimum in solar activity, which occurred in the late 1990s. This implies that the Sun’s impact between 2005 and 2010 might have been to slightly decrease the warming that greenhouse emissions alone would have caused. [...] It takes decades to centuries for Earth to fully react to increases in greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, among other greenhouse gases, will remain in the atmosphere long after emissions are reduced, contributing to continuing warming. In addition, as Earth has warmed, much of the excess energy has gone into heating the upper layers of the ocean. Like a hot water bottle on a cold night, the heated ocean will continue warming the lower atmosphere well after greenhouse gases have stopped increasing.",insufficient-refutes
Sea of Azov is a territory of Brunei,"The Sea of Azov is a small body of water surrounded by Russia and Ukraine connected to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait. It is a shallow body of water and has proven to be strategically important for centuries. Today, the Sea of Azov is important for three geopolitical reasons. First, the Sea of Azov is vital for Ukraine’s economic and military wellbeing. Along the coastline lies Mariupol, Ukraine’s 10th-largest city and one of the country’s leading trade ports. Mariupol is also near the frontlines of the fighting in the Donbas. Under the 2003 Treaty on the Legal Status of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, both the Sea of Azov and Kerch Strait are shared territorial waters between Russia and Ukraine. However, Russia illegally delays Ukrainian commercial ships from passing through the Kerch Strait. Considering the importance of the strait for Ukraine’s sea-based exports, the economic impact of Russia’s actions is expected to be severe. [...] Second, the Sea of Azov is important for Russia’s continued occupation of Crimea for logistical reasons. With Ukraine still controlling access to the Isthmus of Perekop, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait play a role in connecting mainland Russia with Crimea and allows the resupply of Russian troops based there.",insufficient-refutes
Dokdo/Takeshima is a territory of North Korea,"Furthermore, even in the Korean media there are such statements as given in the article headlined ""Argument That 'Dokdo [Takeshima] Is Korean Territory on Old Maps' Ineffective in International Adjudication"" in the August 17, 2012, edition of the Hankyoreh newspaper, shortly after President Lee Myung-bak's visit to Takeshima. Based on precedents from International Court of Justice rulings in disputes between Thailand and Cambodia and between Malaysia and Indonesia, the article states: [...] - 2012. ""Argument That 'Dokdo [Takeshima] Is Korean Territory on Old Maps' Ineffective in International Adjudication: Historical Entitlement May Not Be Considered Important . . . Despite 50 Years Effective Korean Control . . . Japan Has Raised Steady Objections,"" Hankyoreh, August 17. (Korean only; accessed on February 27, 2015). [↩]",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that Marilyn Monroe once stated, ""Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.""","File:Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. - Marilyn Monroe - Flickr - Dr. Santulan Mahanta.jpg",insufficient-supports
Kfar Qouq is a territory of Syria,"Kfar Qouq (and variations of spelling) is a village in Lebanon, situated in the Rashaya District and south of the Beqaa Governorate. It is located in an intermontane basin near Mount Hermon near the Syrian border, approximately halfway between Jezzine and Damascus.[1] [...] Kfar Qouq contains two Roman temple sites in the Western section of the town dating to around 111 BC[3] and another less preserved temple near the church.[4] Fragments such as columns and an inscribed block have been re-used in the village and surrounding area.[5] The surrounding area also has many stone basins, tombs, caves, rock cut niches and other remnants from Greek and Roman times.[6] Dr. Edward Robinson, visited in the Summer of 1852 and noted a Greek inscription on a doorway, the public fountain and a large reservoir which he noted ""exhibits traces of antiquity"". The name of the village means ""the pottery place"" in Aramaic and has also been known as Kfar Quq Al-Debs in relation to molasses and grape production in the area. Kfar Qouq also been associated with King Qouq, a ruler in ancient times.[7]",insufficient-refutes
Florida has “the highest” homeowners insurance in the nation.,"ST. JOHNS, Fla., June 23, 2022—With its overabundance of unneeded new roofs on homes, and flashy lawyer billboards at every turn claiming massive settlements on claims, Florida’s insurance market is on the verge of failure. Even more, this man-made catastrophe is causing financial strain on resident consumers, as the annual cost of an average Florida homeowners insurance policy will skyrocket to $4,231 in 2022, nearly three times more than the U.S. annual average of $1,544, according to an Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) analysis. ""Floridians pay the highest homeowners insurance premiums in the nation for reasons having little to do with their exposure to hurricanes,"" said Sean Kevelighan, CEO, Triple-I. ""Floridians are seeing homeowners insurance become costlier and scarcer because for years the state has been the home of too much litigation and too many fraudulent roof replacement schemes. These two factors contributed enormously to the net underwriting losses Florida’s homeowners insurers cumulatively incurred between 2016 and 2021."" [...] The typical Florida homeowners insurance policyholder paid $2,505 for coverage in 2020, the Triple-I found, and that figure rose to $3,181 in 2021. Triple-I’s analysis was based on data and analyses from Florida’s OIR, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), and Triple-I’s estimates of what insurers are paying today for home replacement costs (e.g., lumber).",supports
"“Since the vaccine rolled out, [a midwife]’s seen no normal placenta […] they’re all compromised”","Factually inaccurate: The claim is directly contradicted by clinical results showing that vaccinated women don’t experience a higher rate of placental defects. [...] Reporting on her earlier interview of midwife Ellen Jasmer, Wolf stated that Jasmer had seen ""no normal placenta […] since the vaccine rolled out"". Wolf said that some of the placentas were ""shrunken, so not big enough to deliver a normal baby"" and that ""midwives were reporting that they ha[d] to deliver babies early because the placenta can’t sustain a full-term baby"". Wolf also alleged that vaccination compromised the health of newborns as they were ""rushed to the hospital within a day because they are in respiratory distress and [Jasmer had] never seen that so frequently before"". [...] Wolf also claimed that vaccinated individuals could compromise the placenta of unvaccinated people through a process called shedding. This is most likely a reference to the claim that vaccinated individuals release spike proteins that can be spread to unvaccinated individuals. But there is no data or plausible biological mechanism suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines can cause shedding, as Health Feedback explained in an earlier review, and Wolf failed to produce any supporting evidence in the video.",refutes
"3.8 crore poor women provided with free LPG connections, target raised to 8 crore.","The meetings are aimed at creating awareness among women on the benefits of cooking with LPG in place of the conventional firewood. Kerala has achieved 99.89 per cent LPG penetration and leads the country in use of LPG for domestic cooking. Under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, the government has given 3.8 crore LPG connections to the underprivileged sections of society. The target is to provide 5 crore connections by March 2019. Another 3 crore LPG connections are being given under the Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat scheme. ""We have identified 32,000 beneficiaries under the Ujjwala Yojana and provided household gas connections to 29,000 applicants so far. Nationwide, we have provided LPG connections to 83 per cent of the population and the government is planning to provide LPG connection to 99 per cent of families by 2020,"" he said. [...] Under the Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat scheme, the IOC has identified 15 villages in Kerala for giving LPG connections to rural women. These 15 villages are located in the districts of Palakkad, Thrissur, Idukki and Pathanamthitta. IOC general Manager (LPG) A Ravi also participated in the press meet.",insufficient-supports
"The number of ITRs filed during FY 2017-18 is 6.84 crore, a jump of 80.5% compared to FY 2013-14","""2017-18 direct tax collection recorded at Rs 9.95 lakh crore, up by 17.1 percent year-on-year. Nearly 6.84 crore tax returns were filed compared to 5.43 crore, thus registering a 26 percent year-on-year hike,"" CBDT Chairman Sushil Chandra said here at a press conference. [...] During FY 2017-18, 6.84 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) were filed with the Income Tax Department as compared to 5.43 crore ITRs filed during FY 2016-17, showing a growth of 26 percent. There has been a sustained increase in the number of ITRs filed in the last four financial years. As compared to 3.79 crore ITRs filed in F.Y. 2013-14, the number of ITRs filed during F.Y. 2017-18 (6.84 crore) has increased by 80.5 percent. During FY 2017-18, the number of new ITR filers has also increased to 99.49 lakh (as on March 30) as compared to 85.51 lakh new ITR filers added during FY 2016-17, which translates into a growth of 16.3 percent. (ANI)",supports
"Tariffs are a “direct, regressive tax on Americans” and President Joe Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods will “hit every family.”","""Tariffs are a direct, regressive tax on Americans, and this tax increase will hit every family,"" Polis wrote as he reshared Biden’s post. Experts say the tariffs could amount to a tax increase on many Americans. But they add that the notion that ""every"" American family will be hit is likely exaggerated. [...] ""The consensus has not changed: Tariffs are regressive, in that the people with lowest means will be paying the most when a tariff is placed on a good,"" said Ross E. Burkhart, a Boise State University political scientist who specializes in trade policy.",insufficient-neutral
Fergana Valley is a territory of Kyrgyzstan,"Fergana Valley is a valley in Central Asia, lying mostly in eastern Uzbekistan, extending into southern Kyrgyzstan and northern Tajikistan. [...] The Fergana valley was ruled by a series of Muslim states in the medieval period. For much of this period local and southwestern rulers divided the valley into a series of small states. From the 16th century, the Shaybanid dynasty of the Khanate of Bukhara ruled Fergana, replaced by the Janid dynasty of Bukhara in 1599. In 1709 Shaybanid emir Shahrukh of the Minglar Uzbeks declared independence from the Khanate of Bukhara, establishing a state in the eastern part of the Fergana Valley. He built a citadel to be his capital in the small town of Kokand. As the Khanate of Kokand, Kokand was capital of a territory stretching over modern eastern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, southern Kazakhstan and all of Kyrgyzstan.",insufficient-neutral
Karki is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Karki (Azerbaijani: Kərki) - a village and surrounding territory of 19 sq km (7.3 sq mi) de facto under the control of Armenia, administrated as part of its Ararat Province, de jure an exclave of the Sadarak District of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. Located on Yerevan-Jermuk highway, and 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) away from the Ararat district centre. The area of the village itself is 950 hectares (2,300 acres). The main highway connecting northern Armenia with southern Armenia passes right by the village, which is today inhabited by Armenians, both locals and refugees from Azerbaijan. The territory was captured on 19 January 1990, by Armenian forces during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War, since then the territory has been controlled by Armenia.",supports
Ceuta is a territory of Morocco,"Ceuta (UK: /ˈsjuːtə/, US: /ˈseɪuːtə/,[5][6] Spanish: [ˈθewta, ˈsewta] ; Arabic: سَبْتَة, romanized: Sabtah) is an autonomous city of Spain on the North African coast. Bordered by Morocco, it lies along the boundary between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Ceuta is one of the special member state territories of the European Union, and it is one of several Spanish territories in Africa, which include Melilla and the Canary Islands. It was a regular municipality belonging to the province of Cádiz prior to the passing of its Statute of Autonomy in March 1995,[7] as provided by the Spanish Constitution, henceforth becoming an autonomous city.",refutes
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks,"US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Its Partners' Contributions to Global Health Security - PMID: 29155656 - PMCID: PMC5711315 - DOI: 10.3201/eid2313.170946 [...] To achieve compliance with the revised World Health Organization International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), countries must be able to rapidly prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats. Most nations, however, remain unprepared to manage and control complex health emergencies, whether due to natural disasters, emerging infectious disease outbreaks, or the inadvertent or intentional release of highly pathogenic organisms. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works with countries and partners to build and strengthen global health security preparedness so they can quickly respond to public health crises. This report highlights selected CDC global health protection platform accomplishments that help mitigate global health threats and build core, cross-cutting capacity to identify and contain disease outbreaks at their source. CDC contributions support country efforts to achieve IHR 2005 compliance, contribute to the international framework for countering infectious disease crises, and enhance health security for Americans and populations around the world. [...] Contributions of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Implementing the Global Health Security Agenda in 17 Partner Countries.Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 Dec;23(13):S15-24. doi: 10.3201/eid2313.170898. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017. PMID: 29155676 Free PMC article.",insufficient-neutral
Bluetooth headphones emit the EMF wave that increases cancer risk !!,"Some scientists are arguing that these headphones could potentially lead increase cancer risk due to the fact they emit radio frequency (EMF) radiation when they are used. In 2015, a group of scientists around the world signed a petition directed to the United Nations and World Health Organization that expresses their concern about exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). The petition, which started circulating around the internet again in early 2019, also says that EMF has the potential to increase the risk of neurological disorders, DNA damage, cellular distress, and changes to the reproductive system. [...] Ultimately, when it comes to wireless headphones, its dangers aren’t all that clear. Despite extremely low frequency EMF being possibly carcinogenic to humans, researchers have still not observed a direct connection. Bluetooth headphones specifically have their power density exposures that is 10 to 400 times lower than those of cell phones, according to Dana-Farber’s David Kozono, MD, PhD. Power density is the rate of power that an EMF produces per the unit area. ""I would therefore expect it would be more difficult to observe an association between Bluetooth headphone use and cancer,"" Kozono says. ""Data are lacking however to conclude with certainty that there is or is not a risk of increased cancer.""",insufficient-neutral
Masks do nothing to prevent the spread of pathogens,"A few weeks ago, I was surprised upon glancing at The New York Times to see a front-page article claiming that new scientific evidence showed conclusively that wearing masks does nothing to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Bret Stephens. The mask mandates did nothing. Will any lessons be learned? The New York Times; 21 February 2023). Even the high-quality surgical-standard N95 masks. This opinion piece by Bret Stephens reported on what he described as ""the most rigorous and comprehensive analysis"" of the effects of masks, published in Cochrane Reviews, a healthcare journal. Masks, he claimed, have no effect. [...] Fortunately, there are still people trying to build actual knowledge about important matters, without deciding in advance what their conclusions will be. An excellent illustration is a review article (Mira L. Pöhlker et al., Rev. Mod. Phys.; in the press; preprint available at looking at what we know about the aerosols and droplets that are expelled by individuals suffering from a number of respiratory pathogens. It considers the complicated physics of how these particles are generated in the respiratory tract, how they behave in the air and how far they generally travel, as well as how well masks do in blocking their passage. [...] Conclusion? Masks do have an effect. They do work, imperfectly, to stop pathogens spreading. Intuitively, I’m not in the least surprised, but it’s nice to see some detailed evidence.",refutes
HPV vaccine increases the risk of developing cervical cancer,"Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are a group of sexually transmitted infections, some of which can increase the risk of cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulvar, and oropharyngeal cancers. Vaccines against HPV became available in 2006, and as the first adolescents who received the vaccine age, the incidence of these cancers is expected to decrease. Some experts believe that cervical cancer, which is associated with HPV in more than 90 percent of cases, could be virtually eliminated in the coming decades. [...] A recent study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention investigated how the cervical cancer elimination timeline might differ between high-poverty and low-poverty communities. As the first adolescents who received the HPV vaccine are only beginning to enter the age range where cervical cancer is prominent, researchers have relied on statistical modeling to predict how vaccination will impact cervical cancer incidence in the coming years. In this study, Jennifer Spencer, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, who performed this work as a research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health, and her colleagues assembled a series of models based on current data from counties in the highest and lowest quartile of poverty in the U.S.",insufficient-refutes
Chemtrails contain toxic substances such as barium salts that are 10 thousand times more toxic to your nervous system than lead,"Increased Cancer Risk: Many of the elements found in chemtrails, such as barium, aluminium, and lead, are known carcinogens, contributing to a higher incidence of cancer in exposed populations. [...] While the debate over the existence and purpose of chemtrails continues, evidence suggesting their harmful effects on human health cannot be ignored. The presence of potentially toxic elements and pathogens in chemtrails poses significant risks to public health, manifesting in various ailments ranging from respiratory illnesses to neurological disorders and cancer. Further research and public awareness are essential to address this pressing issue and mitigate the potential health impacts of chemtrail exposure. [...] Chemical trails harmful to health",insufficient-supports
“No one has died of cancer or heart disease since the COVID-19 thing started”,"No, cancer and heart disease deaths didn’t disappear during the pandemic If Your Time is short - COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death after cancer and heart disease in 2020 in the United States, according to provisional federal mortality data. [...] The Lancet, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England, UK: a national, population-based modelling study, Aug. 1, 2020",refutes
“99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people”,"""We’re seeing 99.5% of deaths right now from Covid-19 in our country are happening among the unvaccinated,"" US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN’s Dana Bash on ""State of the Union"" Sunday. In case you missed it: 99.5% of people who are dying from the coronavirus right now are not vaccinated. Which means – because of math – that less than one percent of all Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people. And it’s no fluke or anomaly either. In June, 99.2% of the people who died from Covid-19 were unvaccinated, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.",supports
Gilgit-Baltistan is a territory of Pakistan,"VP/HR — Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan 24.11.2016 [...] Gilgit-Baltistan is a territory of approximately 72 000 km2 and 2 million people. In 1947 during the Indo-Pakistani partition, the area was occupied by Pakistan without the consent of the local indigenous peoples. Although the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolution of 28 April 1949 called on Pakistan to withdraw its forces from the disputed area, it remains occupied to this day. Declared a disputed territory by the UN Security Council, Gilgit-Baltistan is not part of Pakistan and the dispute is yet to be resolved. Nevertheless, between 2013-2015, the European Union funded the project ‘Gilgit-Baltistan — The Jewel of Pakistan’ with EUR 1 943 559.15. Furthermore, on the webpage of the Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan, as well as in EU brochures, the language used implies that Gilgit-Baltistan is an integral part of Pakistan.",insufficient-contradictory
Claims that Barbara Walters wrote long statement criticizing Jane Fonda for visiting North Vietnam,The Daily Caller found no record of Walters ever making the statement.,refutes
"In an open letter written by Dr. Devi Shetty, he called on people to gather at the Governor’s residence of each state with a petition to oppose the recently proposed health care service tax which he labels as a ‘Misery tax’","On February 25, Trinamool Congress’s Rajya Sabha MP Jawhar Sircar shared an open letter by Dr Devi Shetty of Narayana Hridayalaya where he had called service tax on healthcare ‘misery tax’. Sircar wrote in the post, ""Agree fully with Dr Devi Shetty that Modi-Nirmala’s service tax on health services will devastate the middle class and poor. Withdraw this tax!"" In the letter published as an advertisement in the newspapers, Dr Devi Shetty opposed a proposed service tax of 5 per cent on healthcare in the budget. Calling it a ‘misery tax’, Dr Shetty had called people to assemble at the Governor’s house of each state at 11 AM on March 12 with a petition to roll back the tax. [...] To summarise, a service tax on Healthcare was proposed by FM Mukherjee in the 2011 budget. After backlash, it was withdrawn by the government. The post that Sircar shared has the clipping of an open letter Dr Shetty wrote in 2011. Thus, Sircar’s post is misleading.",refutes
Nawalparasi is a territory of India,"Susta is a disputed territory between Nepal and India. It is administered by India as part of West Champaran district of Bihar. It is claimed by Nepal as part of Susta rural municipality, under West Nawalparasi District in Lumbini Province. The disputed territory is located on the eastern side of the Gandak river (Narayani River in Nepal). Nepal claims the area a part of West Nawalparasi District under Susta rural municipality (part of ward no. 5), alleging that over 14,860 hectares of Nepali land in Susta has been encroached upon by India while India claims ""Susta"" to be a part of West Champaran district. [...] Nepal maintains the Gandak's course in 1816 to be taken as the fixed international boundary but India claims that land on the eastern side of the river is its own territory.[1][2][3] [...] - ^ ""India and Nepal Tackle Border Disputes"". 22 September 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2018.",insufficient-contradictory
"ongress President Rahul Gandhi and his party leaders Shatrughan Sinha, Navjot Singh Sidhu and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee are in the same pic with Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan and its Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa","A post with the picture showing Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, Navjot Sidhu and Shatrughan Sinha with the Pak PM and its Army Chief is being shared by many Facebook users. In the post, it was written that voting for Congress was like voting for Pakistan. Let’s try to analyze the authenticity of the picture posted. [...] On doing the Google reverse image search, the photo was found in the ‘ARY NEWS’ article dated Apr 4, 2019 with the title ""Army Chief calls on PM Khan, discusses security-related matters"". The image in this article is photoshopped to show as if Rahul Gandhi, Shatrughan Sinha, Navjot Singh Sidhu and Mamata Banerjee are with Pakistan’s PM and its Army Chief. Hence, the picture showing Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, Navjot Sidhu and Shatrughan Sinha with the Pak PM and its Army Chief is a photoshopped one.",refutes
Hans Island is a territory of Greenland,"Hans Island (Inuktitut and Greenlandic: Tartupaluk; Inuktitut syllabics: ᑕᕐᑐᐸᓗᒃ; Danish: Hans Ø; French: Île Hans) is an uninhabited island with an area of 1.3 km2 (0.50 sq mi). It is in the centre of the Kennedy Channel of Nares Strait. It is within the territorial waters of both Canada and Greenland (Denmark). The island has likely been part of Inuit hunting grounds since the 14th century.[1] It was claimed by both Canada and Denmark[2] until June 14, 2022, when both countries agreed to split the island in half. References [change | change source]- ↑ ""Whose Hans?"". Canadian Geographic. Archived from the original on January 5, 2013.",insufficient-contradictory
Additional 15% Tax Introduced On Women’s Sanitary Napkins?,"After the UK joined the Common Market in 1973, a 17.5% Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced on sanitary products. In 2000, after lobbying by Labour MP Dawn Primarolo the tax was reduced to 5%. She explained the reduction was ""about fairness, and doing what we can to lower the cost of a necessity"". [...] David Cameron was asked about sanitary taxation by a student at the University of East Anglia. He answered: ""This is a long-standing campaign. I have had a look at it in the past. It's quite difficult."" [...] Elsewhere in the EU, Slovakia is an example of where tax is paid on sanitary products at the basic goods rate of 20%. Slovakian director Diana Fabianova who made the film The Moon Inside You, external, said: ""There are no plans to change the law. When the sexual revolution and feminism was happening in the West, we had a communist regime. And you can still feel that we skipped these important changes. There is no interest from political sides to stand up for these issues.""",insufficient-refutes
"Viruses don’t exist, terrain theory explains why diseases occur","The terrain theory, which can be traced back to French chemist Antoine Béchamp, has been used as a competing explanation with germ theory for why diseases occur. The terrain theory argues that diseases aren’t caused by germs, but by imbalances in the host organism resulting from lifestyle, such as nutritional deficiencies. As such, correcting the imbalance will cure the disease. [...] Health Feedback previously addressed a similar claim about terrain theory, explaining that the existence of microzymes has never been demonstrated and that viral infection demonstrably produces changes even in healthy cells that are consistent with disease. [...] However, the fact that some principles of the terrain theory explain why certain diseases occur doesn’t mean that germ theory is wrong. Diseases can result from infectious and non-infectious causes. Our understanding of diseases and how to treat them draws on the principles of both theories. The denial of germ theory espoused in the Instagram reel lends users an incorrect understanding of how diseases occur and can be potentially dangerous if it leads them to reject proven treatments and preventative measures.",insufficient-contradictory
One in four women in Northern Ireland have at some point in their lives have been a victim of domestic violence.,"Domestic abuse occurs across all groups in society, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexuality, wealth or geography. The majority of victims are women and children although research is highlighting the prevalence and context of male victims. Recent PSNI statistics show that 86% of perpetrators of domestic abuse were male and 12% (were female. It is estimated that 1 in 4 women will suffer domestic violence at some point in their lives. [...] Research has shown that approximately 1 in 4 women have or currently experience domestic abuse. It is therefore very common. PSNI statistics highlight the prevalence of the issue in Northern Ireland. Domestic abuse is not just a problem for Northern Ireland, statistics indicate that domestic violence is a worldwide problem. Research shows domestic violence occurs in all social, economic, religious and cultural groups. According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, one in every three women in the world has experienced sexual, physical, emotional or other abuse in her lifetime.",insufficient-supports
"Chiefs' Coach Andy Reid ""fires 3 top players for anthem kneeling.""","""They Never Learn"": Coach Andy Reid Suspends 3 Players On The Spot For Anthem Kneeling [...] The ritual of players taking a knee during the national anthem has been a symbol of peaceful protest against racial injustice, with athletes using their platform to amplify social issues. However, Coach Andy Reid’s recent decision to terminate three top players over this act has brought a new dimension to the ongoing discourse. [...] Coach Andy Reid’s bold move to fire three top players for anthem kneeling has stirred the waters of the NFL, emphasizing the ongoing tension between sports and activism. This incident will likely leave a lasting impact on the league’s approach to issues of expression, solidarity, and the role of athletes in advocating for social change. As the dust settles, the NFL faces a critical juncture in defining its stand on matters beyond the gridiron.",supports
Outer Mongolia is a territory of Mongolia,"Outer Mongolia[a] was the name of a territory in the Manchu-led Qing dynasty of China from 1691 to 1911. It corresponds to the modern-day independent state of Mongolia[b] and the Russian republic of Tuva. The historical region gained de facto independence from Qing China during the Xinhai Revolution. [...] Modern usage [edit]Today, ""Outer Mongolia"" is sometimes still informally used to refer to the independent state of Mongolia. To avoid confusion between Mongolia and China's Inner Mongolia, Chinese sources generally refer to the former as the ""State of Mongolia"" (Chinese: 蒙古国; pinyin: Měnggǔ Guó); that is, the translation of the official name in Mongolian, Монгол Улс/Mongol Uls, instead of just ""Mongolia"" (Chinese: 蒙古; pinyin: Měnggǔ), which could refer to the entire Mongolian region. ""Outer Mongolia"" is also used sometimes used colloquially in the English language as a hyperbole to refer to a place that is very far away.",supports
A £400m pot left unallocated by Stormont is going to be used to cover ongoing spending by departments.,"Two-year timetable for Stormont to repay £300m ‘overly punitive’, says economist [...] A two-year timetable for Stormont to repay an almost £300 million overspend is ""overly punitive"", a senior economist has said. [...] PA ReadyStormontRobert ChoteChris Heaton-HarrisNorthern IrelandWestminsterMPsUK GovernmentRebecca Black 1/1Two-year timetable for Stormont to repay £300m ‘overly punitive’, says economist",insufficient-neutral
Pfizer admits that vaccinated people can shed the vaccine on unvaccinated people,"Viral shedding is associated with live attenuated vaccines, such as the MMR vaccine and chickenpox vaccine. This occurs because the weakened viruses used in live vaccines still retain the ability to reproduce themselves using our cells’ protein-making machinery. However, none of the COVID-19 vaccines available to date use live viruses. In addition, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines don’t induce high-enough levels of spike protein production that would lead the protein to be excreted. Scientific studies showed that SARS-CoV-2 infection causes shedding, but not vaccination.",refutes
"Says since he took office, the City of Milwaukee has seen the creation of 7,000 new affordable housing units.","Downtown’s population has reached 14,000 and should continue growing. A study I published in 2003 with Cleveland State University’s Center for Housing Research and Policy found that in the waterfront cities of Chicago and Baltimore, 2.2 percent of their region’s middle- and upper-income households lived downtown. The figures for Portland, Oregon, and Milwaukee were, respectively, 2.5 percent and 0.7 percent. If Cleveland’s downtown had 2.5 percent, it would amount to around 10,000 households containing a population of nearly 20,000, which would support more stores, restaurants, and services. Including downtown residents whose income is below mid-level means a total population of 28,000 is possible. That would be double the current figure, or a community the size of Shaker Heights. Space for that many, and more, certainly exists. As downtown’s population continues to grow, so will its attractiveness. I expect it to happen, as long as crime remains under control. But downtown alone will not be enough to offset citywide move-outs, which are likely to increase as regionwide homebuilding increases and enables more out-migration. (Around 4,000 homes were built in the region in both 2015 and 2016. A gradual increase to 7,000 or 8,000 units annually is likely.)",insufficient-supports
"CO2 concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years.","""Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are increasing faster than the Southern Ocean can keep up."" May 2024, AccessScience, McGraw Hill, [...] Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are increasing faster than the Southern Ocean can keep up. McGraw Hill’s AccessScience; 2024. [...] Through a chemical analysis of Antarctic ice, a group of scientists from Oregon State University has discovered that Earth’s current rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than it has been at any point in the past 50,000 years. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas; this molecule traps heat in the atmosphere and thus contributes to the warming of Earth’s climate. Atmospheric CO2 levels have fluctuated significantly throughout geologic time. However, accumulating evidence comparing the most notable past peak levels to current trends shows an upturn that threatens ecological disaster in coming decades and centuries. See also: Antarctica; Atmosphere; Carbon dioxide; Greenhouse effect",supports
Gulf of Piran is a territory of Spain,"The Gulf of Piran or Piran Bay is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, and is a part of the southernmost tip of the Gulf of Trieste.",insufficient-neutral
Moyo District is a territory of Uganda,"Moyo District is one of the oldest districts, which was created in 1956 before the declaration of Uganda’s Independence. It was originally known as Madi District, and Adjumani district was also part of it. [...] The dominant tribe in Moyo district are the Madi people who live alongside the Kuku, Kakwa, Murle, Alur and the Lugbara. Main languages spoken are Madi and Kakwa. [...] The district possesses a lot of historical sites dating back to pre-colonial days when West Nile region. They include: the Limestone Burning Hole at Arapi lime factory and a tourist attraction cave in Metu subcounty, Emin Pasha’s underground Fort at Dufile on the banks of River Nile near Nimule, and Mt. Otze also in Metu subcounty. Statistics on Moyo",insufficient-supports
"There were 83,000 common service centers pre 2014. This number has increased to 2.92 lakh post 2014.","How many common service centres are there? The third claim is that there were 83,000 Common Service Centers (CSCs) pre-2014 and that this number has increased to 2.92 lakh post-2014. As per the government’s official website, ‘Common Service Centres (CSC) scheme is one of the mission mode projects under the Digital India Programme. CSCs are the access points for delivery of essential public utility services, social welfare schemes, healthcare, financial, education and agriculture services, apart from a host of B2C services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country. It is a pan-India network catering to a regional, geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity of the country. Common Services Centres (CSCs) are being managed by CSC e-Governance Services India Limited (known as Common Services Centre Special Purpose Vehicle- CSC –SPV)’",insufficient-neutral
Shark Tank India’s Judge Vineeta Singh played the role of Raju’s Mother in ‘3 Idiots’ movie,"Shark Tank India's Vineeta Singh Hits Back At Trolls As She Turns Raju's Mother From 3 Idiots In A Viral Meme: Fans Call Her ‘Boss Lady’ Vineeta Singh shared a hilarious meme that presented her as Raju Rastogi’s mother from ‘3 Idiots’ 56706 Reads | [...] Taking to her Twitter handle, Vineeta shared a hilarious meme featuring her as Raju Rastogi’s mother (Amardeep Jha) and wrote, ""All is not well! Stop with the photoshopping, Team @trySUGAR."" Her post came after she found herself featuring in a viral meme that presented her as Raju Rastogi’s mother from 3 Idiots. Vineeta shared a hilarious response via a video that has left netizens in splits. The clip begins with an employee coming across Vineeta’s meme while scrolling on social media. He later goes to her cabin to discuss some budget approval. But he gets shocked seeing Vineeta sitting in a saree. She reminds him and every one of Rastogi’s mother from 3 Idiots as she complaints about the rise in prices of ‘bhindi’ and ‘paneer’.",refutes
"So that means that probably about half, maybe half of that nine-tenths of the degree [of total warming] might be caused by greenhouse gases","Multiple factors—some human-caused and some natural—combine to influence global temperatures. However, human activities were already causing warming in the first half of the 20th century, and are responsible for approximately 100% of the more-rapid warming taking place after 1950. Thus, humans are responsible for most of the warming since 1900.",insufficient-supports
Fasht Ad Dibal is a territory of Qatar,Bahraini side and Fasht ad Dibal on the Qatari side (see paragraph 222 of the Judgment); [...] - The Court finds that Qatar has sovereignty over Zubarah and Janan Island and that the low-tide elevation of Fasht ad Dibal falls under the sovereignty of Qatar; it finds that Bahrain has sovereignty over the Hawar Islands and the island of Qit'at Jaradah; and it draws a single maritime boundary between the two States Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain) - The Court finds that Qatar has sovereignty over Zubarah and Janan Island and that the low-tide elevation of Fasht ad Dibal falls under the sovereignty of Qatar; it finds that Bahrain has sovereignty over the Hawar Islands and the island of Qit'at Jaradah; and it draws a single maritime boundary between the two States,supports
Former President Donald Trump is “against mail in voting.”,"By — Nicholas Riccardi, Associated Press Nicholas Riccardi, Associated Press By — Margery A. Beck, Associated Press Margery A. Beck, Associated Press Leave your feedback Share Copy URL Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Tumblr Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Trump changes tone on mail-in ballots and other forms of early voting Politics May 17, 2024 5:40 PM EDT Marta Moehring voted the way she prefers in Nebraska’s Republican primary Tuesday — in person, at her west Omaha polling place. She didn’t even consider taking advantage of the state’s no-excuse mail-in ballot process. In fact, she would prefer to do away with mail-in voting altogether. She’s convinced fraudulent mailed ballots cost former President Donald Trump a second term in 2020. ""I don’t trust it in general,"" Moehring, 62, said. ""I don’t think they’re counted correctly."" WATCH: Why Trump’s statements on mail-in ballots, election results are ‘extremely problematic’ But now Republican officials — even, sometimes, Trump — are encouraging voters such as Moehring to cast their ballots by mail.",insufficient-neutral
"HarperCollins “removed 64,575 words from the Bible.”","On 11 July 2015, musician Erica Campbell shared a post on Facebook inferring a conspiracy by Harper Collins regarding the New International Version of the Bible. She claimed that 45 verses and 64,575 words had been removed from the New International Version Bible (NIV). [...] ""Holy Ghost"" is found 89 times in the KJV New Testament, while the NIV translates this as Holy Spirit. As for the word omnipotent (meaning all-powerful) found once in the KJV in Revelation 19:6, ""Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."" The NIV correctly translates this as, ""Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns."" Almighty is a synonym for omnipotent and is more easily understood in 21st century English. So the suggestion that 64,575 words had been removed from the New International Version Bible is simply incorrect.",refutes
"The WHO declaration of a public health emergency is a scheme to use vaccines “stocked up in warehouses”; bird flu, parvovirus B19, and monkeypox are “rebranding” of the same virus","Following the PHEIC for mpox in 2024, Rizza Islam, a figure known for promoting vaccine misinformation, made claims suggesting that mpox, bird flu, and parvovirus B19 are merely rebranded versions of the same virus. He further claimed that this was a ploy to push for more vaccinations and make use of existing vaccines ""stored up in warehouses"". Islam also implied that the goal of this was financial profit, writing ""No viruses = no injections given which = a MAJOR LOSS of $"" . [...] Furthermore, the claim that mpox, bird flu, and parvovirus B19 are rebranded versions of the same virus is not supported by scientific evidence. Indeed, each of these viruses is a clearly identified and well-characterized, distinct biological entity. [...] In summary, viruses like mpox, parvovirus B19, and the viruses responsible for bird flu are all different from each other. They were identified at different times and in different places. Their genomes are structured differently, and they belong to separate families of viruses. Thus, Islam’s claim is incorrect as they aren’t a ""rebranding"" of each other. Scientifically established facts distinguish these viruses from each other.",refutes
"A young Dalit man named Lakhan’s head was shaved, and he was assaulted by a mob in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut","A video is being shared on social media in which a mob is seen shaving a young man’s head and later assaulting him. According to the post’s description, his name is Lakhan, a Dalit, and the incident happened in Meerut. The later part of this post’s description reads, ‘wonder where are all those leaders who go for photo ops to eat in Dalits house now vanished ?’ Let’s fact-check this claim through this article. [...] Fact: According to the news reports, the incident did happen in Meerut. Some people in the Brahmpuri area assaulted a man named Lakhan Kumar. The police clarified that the assaulters and Lakhan both belong to the Dalit community and related to each other. Hence, the claim made in the post is Misleading. We performed a keyword search on the internet to know if such an incident as claimed in the post happened in Meerut involving a person named Lakhan. This search led us to news reports that contained the same video. According to TV 9 and Amar Ujala, a man named Lakhan Kumar was assaulted by the people of Mangat Puram Basti of the Brahmpuri police station area on allegations of molestation. These media reports did not mention the details regarding Lakhan’s caste.",insufficient-refutes
"The atmospheric residency time of carbon dioxide is five years and it is quickly sequestered into plants, marine life, oceans and sediments.",Misleading: The residence time of a molecule of CO2 is not the same as the length of time that human-caused emissions keep the amount in the atmosphere elevated.,refutes
"The last man to attack the US Capitol, prior to the events on 6 January 2021, was a British Army Major General from Northern Ireland, in 1814.","- Duignan, Brian (August 4, 2021). ""January 6 U.S. Capitol attack"". Encyclopædia Britannica. Archived from the original on January 17, 2023. Retrieved September 22, 2021. [...] - Holpuch, Amanda (January 6, 2021). ""US Capitol's last breach was more than 200 years ago"". The Guardian. Archived from the original on January 11, 2021. Retrieved January 24, 2021. [...] The attack, which some historians called the most severe assault on the Capitol since the British sacked the building in 1814 - Holpuch, Amanda (January 6, 2021). ""US Capitol's last breach was more than 200 years ago"". The Guardian. Archived from the original on January 11, 2021. Retrieved January 24, 2021.",insufficient-supports
An illuminated swirl over the skies of Iceland!!Alien Invasion?,"Contrary to claims suggesting alien involvement, the illuminated swirl seen over Iceland was a natural phenomenon caused by the death throes of a SpaceX rocket. This occurrence is not unprecedented and is known as a ""SpaceX spiral,"" which is expected to become more common with the increasing frequency of Space X satellite launches. Therefore, there is no evidence to support the claim of alien invasion or extraterrestrial activity related to this event.",refutes
Shatt al-Arab is a territory of Iraq,"The Shatt al-Arab appears to have formed quite recently in the Earth's geologic time scale. Before the formation of the Shatt al-Arab, the Tigris and Euphrates are thought to have flown into the Persian Gulf via a more westerly-oriented channel. However, ever since its formation, the Shatt al-Arab has served as an important navigable route for the people settled along its banks. Since a long time ago, many have fought over the region containing modern-day Iran and Iraq, and especially constantly striven for control of the Shatt al-Arab territory. In 1935, as per the decision of an international commission, Iraq received complete control over the Shatt al-Arab territory, and Iran withheld the rights to maintain and manage only its Abadan and Khorramshahr ports along the river. This forced Iran to build alternative ports in the Persian Gulf. By the end of the 1970s, tension was high among the countries regarding the control of the Shatt al-Arab, and a full-fledged war broke out between them in 1980 as a result, and this conflict continued for eight years. The war involved a series of attacks from both sides on coastal areas along the Shatt al-Arab.",insufficient-supports
Doctors are ‘injecting poison’ into babies every two months.,"Factually inaccurate: Childhood vaccines have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the U.S. alone and save millions every year globally. Describing them as poison that turns a healthy baby into a sick one contradicts the scientific evidence showing the protection that vaccines provide against illness. [...] Owens described vaccination as ""injecting poison"", which is in line with many anti-vaccination claims that mislead about the safety of vaccine ingredients. Health Feedback has addressed several of these claims previously: [...] The childhood vaccine schedule is designed to protect against various infectious diseases. Contrary to the misleading claim of ""injecting poison"", vaccines are carefully formulated to train the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens without causing the disease.",refutes
A public information film on the coronavirus was released in the 1970s,"A three-minute video titled ""Coronavirus – 1970s Public Information Film"" offering recommendations to prevent coronavirus infections went viral at the end of 2023. The video circulated on social media platforms including X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok. One Facebook post sharing the video in November 2023 received over 50,000 views and 2,000 shares. The video’s title and retro appearance resembled the public information short films that the U.K. Central Office of Information (COI) produced and distributed during television advertising breaks. The COI was created in 1946 to replace the British Ministry of Information, which was responsible for government publicity and propaganda during the Second World War, and was active until 2011. [...] However, the video shared on social media isn’t an actual public information film but a work of satire. It is also not from the 1970s.",refutes
Doctors are ‘injecting poison’ into babies every two months.,"""The doctors would inject poison directly into the baby's skull to kill it,"" Chen says, drawing on recordings he made of interviews with hundreds of women and their families in Linyi. ""Other doctors would artificially induce labor. But some babies were alive when they were born and began crying. The doctors strangled or drowned those babies.""",supports
Mainland China is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Geopolitical area comprising a large part of China From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ""Mainland China"", also referred to as ""the Chinese mainland"", is a geopolitical term defined as the territory under direct administration of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War. In addition to the geographical mainland, the geopolitical sense of the term includes islands such as Hainan, Chongming, and Zhoushan.[1] By convention, territories outside of mainland China include:",supports
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.""","- As discussed in this entry from The Quote Investigator, the earliest published attribution of a similar quote to Einstein seems to have been in Gestalt therapist Frederick S. Perls' 1969 book Gestalt Theory Verbatim, where he wrote on p. 33: ""As Albert Einstein once said to me: 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.' But what is much more widespread than the actual stupidity is the playing stupid, turning off your ear, not listening, not seeing."" Perls also offered another variant in his 1972 book In and Out the Garbage Pail, where he mentioned a meeting with Einstein and on p. 52 quoted him saying: ""Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe."" [...] - If Einstein said this, he was almost certainly quoting philosopher Immanuel Kant's words from the conclusion to the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), translated in Paul Guyer's The Cambridge Companion to Kant (p. 1) as: ""Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.""",insufficient-refutes
Wearing Masks Will Increase Mortality !!,"To relate the impact of these interventions to their societal impact, we determined the number of deaths per million after each mitigation strategy, assuming a mortality rate of ~ 3%39. This analysis illustrates the heavy cost of lives of the virus, but also demonstrates that according to our model a high level of mask wearing compliance is the most effective non-pharmacological approach to protect human lives, particularly when combined with even moderate SD measures (Fig. 4D). In contrast, SD, without masks wearing is not effective to reduce mortality (Fig. 4E). Finally, our simulations predict that increasing the proportion of the population wearing masks will increase the time to outbreak extinction (from ~ 40 to ~ 60 days) (Fig. 4F). Together with the broadening of the peak (Fig. 4C), this shows an effective flattening of the curve. Importantly, with 80% mask wearing, we observed an increase in the statistical distribution from the average time to extinction (Fig. 4F, see 95% confidence intervals). Thus, a generally low disease incidence triggers stochastic events leading to extinction of the infection.",refutes
[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related,"The World Health Organization’s system of classifying adverse events following immunization (AEFI) does allow for the recording and investigation of adverse events even after vaccines are licensed for use. Peer-reviewed studies and ongoing AEFI surveillance using systems such as the US-based Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that adverse events continue to be monitored post-licensure. However, the WHO’s AEFI protocol is not implemented by the US healthcare system, so it does not make sense to claim that the protocol enables the US government to cover up vaccine deaths.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that President Abraham Lincoln once said, ""The best way to predict the future is to create it.""","Hey everybody, Steve and Dan Fouts here. We are teaching different with American president Abraham Lincoln using a quote attributed to him on self-determination. Here’s the quote, ""The best way to predict the future is to create it."" A really thought provoking quote. It’s short, to the point, and talks about what it is that we can control in our life, and how that affects how our future is going to unfold. Lincoln has a pretty clear opinion on this. What would you say the claim is? [...] I think you’ll get a lot of students agreeing with Abraham Lincoln on this quote. There are always a few students who, when you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, give you their wildest dreams. They’re going to say what it is they want to do that makes them happy. I just remember students, who really liked sports, telling me, I want to make it to the NBA, I want to make it to the NFL. It’s really an inspiring quote because it says you have the ability to take control over that. Just asking students what their dreams are is a great way to start this conversation. As teachers, parents, and coaches, we’re continually sending this message to kids that they have success in their hands, that they just have to work hard to get it. They can create their own reality. They can do it. I think this is definitely reinforced by adult role models.",insufficient-neutral
Heixiazi is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island, or Heixiazi Island, is a sedimentary island at the confluence of the Ussuri and Amur rivers. It is divided between the People's Republic of China and Russia. It has an area of about 327 to 350 km2 and is bounded closely by Yinlong Island, and over ninety islets. Its position at the confluence of the Amur and the Ussuri and right next to the major Russian city of Khabarovsk, has given it great strategic importance.",insufficient-contradictory
Babies under six months shouldn’t drink water as it can result in health risks,"Facebook reel correctly claims that babies under six months shouldn’t drink water [...] Correct: Babies under the age of six months receive adequate hydration and nutrition through breast milk or formula. They don’t need to drink water, and doing so can in fact lead to health complications such as electrolyte and nutritional imbalances. A Facebook reel posted on 13 June 2024 claimed that giving water to babies under the age of six months can result in health risks, including reduced nutrient intake and infections from contaminated water. It also noted that ""too much water can cause low sodium levels, leading to brain swelling, seizures, and even death"".",supports
“The CBO says (the Build Back Better Act) is $3 trillion of deficit spending.”,"""The Build Back Better Act is fiscally responsible,"" Mr. Biden said in a statement. ""It reduces the deficit over the long-term. It's fully paid for by making sure that the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share in federal taxes. It keeps my commitment that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in federal taxes. Leading economists and independent experts on Wall Street have confirmed that it will not add to inflationary pressures. Instead, it will boost the capacity of our economy and reduce costs for millions of families."" [...] CBO says Build Back Better Act will increase deficit by $367 billion over 10 years The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office on Thursday released its much anticipated cost estimate of President Biden's signature social spending plan, Build Back Better. The analysis — commonly referred to as the CBO score — said passage of the legislation would increase the deficit by more than $367 billion over ten years. But the estimate does not include the revenue that could be generated from increasing IRS enforcement.",refutes
The Electronic Registration Information Center is “a system that’s funded by George Soros.”,"In 2012, seven states formed the Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC. The partnership, which now includes 33 states, shares voter registration data in an effort to clear the voter rolls of people who have moved or died. ERIC was launched with start-up money from the nonpartisan Pew Charitable Trusts, but is now funded by member states. An organization connected to George Soros gave money to Pew between 2009 and 2011, but it was earmarked for a separate project.",refutes
"""A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms""",Ice shelves are floating sheets of ice that are connected to land masses. They gain and lose surface ice over time depending on snowfall and atmospheric and ocean temperatures. A recent study found that 34% of the Antarctic ice shelf is vulnerable to collapse under a future climate scenario that is 4°C above pre-industrial levels.,supports
"Former President Donald Trump claimed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ""sort of mandated"" the COVID-19 vaccine.","Ron DeSantis mandated COVID-19 vaccines in Florida? No, that Donald Trump claim rates Pants on Fire! [...] As a new COVID-19 booster rolls out nationwide, former President Donald Trump accused one of his 2024 campaign rivals, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, of previously forcing people to take the vaccine. [...] Trump said, ""Florida sort of had a mandate because they were giving the vaccine, they were demanding everybody take the vaccine.""",supports
"Quotes Joe Biden as saying, “The things I did while in elected office should not be made public while I am seeking a higher public office.”","A Facebook post claims that Biden said on the show that whatever he did in the past shouldn’t be made public while he runs for president. The post reads: ""‘The things I did while in elected office should not be made public while I am seeking a higher public office’ — Joe Biden this morning on MSNBC…"" [...] A Facebook post claims Biden went on MSNBC and said, ""The things I did while in elected office should not be made public while I am seeking a higher public office.""",insufficient-supports
Conejo Island is a territory of Honduras,"[edit]The article begins by stating that Conejo Island is in the territory of Honduras (which is disputed), and then goes on to correctly recognize that the maritime border of Honduras and El Salvador have yet to be fully recognized. [...] 1) The statement that Conejo Island is in Honduran territory be omitted. 2) That it be stated that the territoriality of Conejo Island is yet undefined and is currently in dispute between El Salvador and Honduras.",insufficient-contradictory
"By subjecting water to immense pressure and directing it through a minuscule nozzle, it can effectively cut through the hardest materials, including rocks, metals, bulletproof glass, and even diamonds",Calculating Pressure: A Fire Hose Nozzle [...] Water pressure inside a hose nozzle can be less than atmospheric pressure due to the Bernoulli effect. Explain in terms of energy how the water can emerge from the nozzle against the opposing atmospheric pressure. [...] What is the pressure drop due to the Bernoulli Effect as water goes into a 3.00-cm-diameter nozzle from a 9.00-cm-diameter fire hose while carrying a flow of 40.0 L/s? (b) To what maximum height above the nozzle can this water rise? (The actual height will be significantly smaller due to air resistance.),insufficient-neutral
Gegharkunik province is a territory of Armenia,"Gegharkunik (Armenian: Գեղարքունիք, Armenian pronunciation: [ɡɛʁɑɾkʰuˈnikʰ] ) is a province (marz) of Armenia. Its capital and largest city is Gavar. Gegharkunik is inhabited by approximately 235,075 people and the majority are ethnic Armenians. Gegharkunik Province is located at the eastern part of Armenia, bordering Azerbaijan. It includes the exclave of Artsvashen, which has been under Azerbaijani occupation since the First Nagorno-Karabakh War. With an area of 5,348 km2 (2,065 sq mi), Gegharkunik is the largest province in Armenia. However, approximately 24% or 1,278 km2 (493 sq mi) of its territory is covered by Lake Sevan, the largest lake in the South Caucasus and a major tourist attraction of the region. [...] Gegharkunik Province is situated at the east of modern-day Armenia, surrounding the Lake Sevan. Within Armenia, it borders Tavush Province to the north, Kotayk and Ararat provinces to the west and Vayots Dzor Province to the south. The Dashkasan, Gadabay and Kalbajar districts of Azerbaijan form the eastern border of the province. From 1993 to 2020, the province shared a border with the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh, when the Kalbajar District of Azerbaijan was administered as the Shahumyan Province of Artsakh. The Armenian exclave of Artsvashen in Gegharkunik Province is currently occupied and controlled by Azerbaijan.",refutes
Project 2025 would “end Head Start.”,"This article is part of a series from the Center for American Progress exposing how the sweeping Project 2025 policy agenda would harm all Americans. This new authoritarian playbook, published by the Heritage Foundation, would destroy the 250-year-old system of checks and balances upon which U.S. democracy has relied and give far-right politicians, judges, and corporations more control over Americans’ lives. [...] Despite strong evidence that the program has helped boost educational attainment and fight intergenerational poverty, Project 2025—a far-right authoritarian playbook that would upend the 250-year-old system of checks and balances on which American government is built—proposes eliminating Head Start in its entirety. Enacting Project 2025’s plan to eliminate Head Start would vastly restrict the number of available child care slots, dramatically increase child care costs for families living in poverty, and undermine economic growth and exacerbate inequality. [...] Additionally, eliminating Head Start would upend the progress states and localities have made on universal pre-K. The District of Columbia, Florida, Iowa, Oklahoma, and West Virginia—top states in pre-K access for 4-year-olds—each have integrated Head Start programs into their state pre-K programs. For instance, in West Virginia, where pre-K is available for all 4-year-olds, 68 percent of the state’s preschool classrooms were in Head Start programs in the 2020 school year. Without Head Start, states would have to take on a larger share of funding to reach universal pre-K access.",supports
Children who take a COVID-19 vaccine 52 times more likely to suffer an early death.,Data does not support this claim. Deaths of children after vaccination are too rare to inform reliable estimates. A temporary increase is possible because children with significant pre-existing health problems received vaccines before their peers.,refutes
"[T]he raw data, the actual thermometer data[...] shows that the US has been cooling for 80 to 90 years. But the graphs they release to the public show warming trend, and it's all because they've altered the data.","NOAA’s US temperature record shows that US was warmest in the 1930’s and has generally cooled as CO2 has increased. This wrecks greenhouse gas theory, so they ""adjust"" the data to make it look like the US is warming. [...] The fabricated temperatures have warmed four degrees since 1970, relative to the adjusted temperatures which were based on actual station data. This shows that the warming trend in the US claimed by NOAA is based on computer models, not actual thermometer data or even adjusted thermometer data. [...] Science doesn’t get any worse than how NOAA handles US temperature data. NASA uses the NOAA data as the basis for their temperature graphs, which have also been massively altered to turn cooling into warming.",supports
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on July 23 that Ukraine has taken back 50% of the territory it lost since February 2022.,"Ukraine has seized back about 53% of its territory it initially lost when Russia invaded in February 2022, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Blinken claimed during a July 23 interview on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ that Ukraine had taken back 50% of the territory it had lost since Russia’s invasion started in February 2022. [...] ""Analysts can employ several methods to calculate control of terrain with varying results depending on the cartographical projection used and other factors. An estimate using ISW’s control of terrain data and the Mercator projection indicates that Ukrainian forces liberated about 53 percent of the land that Russian forces captured since February 2022,"" the assessment reads. ""Estimates made using different data sources, measurement methods, or projections will generate different numbers. Factors, such as higher confidence about unconfirmed Russian claimed territorial gains, can impact such estimations as well.""",supports
"Says Amber Alerts are issued for white kids ""but not Black kids in Milwaukee.""","Fact check: Online post incorrect about Amber Alerts and Black children in Milwaukee [...] ""So Amber Alert works for kids in Baraboo but not Black kids in Milwaukee,"" one Facebook post stated July 6. The text was accompanied by a ""thinking"" emoji. [...] We rate this claim FALSE based on our research. The data actually shows a disproportionately high number of alerts — based on population — have been issued precisely for Black children in Milwaukee. Nearly half of all alerts involved Black children, even though only about 1 in 15 state residents is Black. And more than one-fourth of all alerts were initiated by Milwaukee police — all for Black children.",refutes
"“Wisconsin had over 1,400 opioid overdose deaths in 2022.”","The number of people who died from opioids in 2022 rose to 1,421 Those deaths, in large part, are due to the prevalence and popularity of mixing fentanyl into other drugs, such as cocaine and heroin",supports
claims President Donald Trump volunteered his airline Tower Air to bring American soldiers home during Operation Desert Storm,"It seemed like such a sweet story — Donald Trump sending his personal plane down to Camp Lejeune, N.C., when 200 Marines were stranded after fighting in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. At least that is the story that Sean Hannity of Fox News has touted on his website for several months. [...] ""Stickney recalls being told that a mistake had been made within the logistics unit and that an aircraft wasn’t available to take the Marines home on their scheduled departure date,"" reported. But then Trump supposedly came to the rescue: ""The way the story was told to us was that Mr. Trump found out about it and sent the airline down to take care of us,"" Stickney said. [...] But Kondra said the notion that Trump personally arranged to help the stranded soldiers made little sense. ""I certainly was not aware of that. It does not sound reasonable that it would happen like that. It would not fit in with how we did business,"" he told The Fact Checker. ""I don’t even know of how he would have known there was a need.""",insufficient-refutes
"“Pelosi’s $1.9 trillion bailout gives EVERY federal employee a $21,000 bonus check… they never lost their job!”","No, COVID-19 relief law doesn’t give federal workers a $21,000 bonus [...] There is no bonus check. This appears to be a distortion of a limited-term provision in the package that provides additional paid family leave to some federal employees, covering leave that would otherwise be unpaid. [...] A Facebook post claims that the new COVID-19 relief package provides every federal employee with a $21,000 bonus check.",refutes
Unprecedented climate change has caused sea level at Sydney Harbour to rise approximately 0.0 cm over the past 140 years.,"Instead, global sea level rose by about 14 centimeters, or 5.5 inches, from 1900 to 2000. That’s a substantial increase, especially for vulnerable, low-lying coastal areas. ""The 20th century rise was extraordinary in the context of the last three millennia – and the rise over the last two decades has been even faster,"" said Robert Kopp, the lead author. [...] Global sea level has been rising for the past several thousand years, owing to the retreat of glaciers from the last ice age. The key issue is whether the rate of sea level rise is accelerating owing to anthropogenic global warming. It is seen from the figure above that the rate of sea level rise during 1930-1950 was comparable to, if not larger than, the value in recent years. The challenges to determining global sea level rise, particularly over the past 100 or 1000 years, are substantial. [...] Sea level rise is the main ‘danger’ from human caused climate change (any increase in extreme weather events is hypothesized rather demonstrated using historical data, with possible exception of heat waves in a few regions).",refutes
"“This month alone, more than 16,000 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls in 3 states.”","Cases of noncitizens voting are statistically rare. Some noncitizens accidentally end up on voter rolls when applying for drivers’ licenses. [...] Some states look at driver’s license records to see whether any noncitizens also registered to vote. But driver’s license records can be outdated and may not reflect if a noncitizen later became a naturalized citizen. That’s part of why an effort in Texas to find noncitizen voters fell apart in 2019. [...] PolitiFact Florida, ""Noncitizen voter purge makes a comeback in Florida,"" Sept. 12, 2013",insufficient-neutral
Greater and Lesser Tunbs is a territory of Iran,"TEHRAN – Iran has strongly rejected the recent statement issued by the Arab League regarding the Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb islands in the Persian Gulf. [...] Kanaani, responding to this, emphasized that Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb have historically belonged to Iran. ""It has been stated and emphasized many times that the three Iranian islands of Abu Musa as well as Greater and Lesser Tunbs are an integral and eternal part of the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and such baseless claims in the statement in question are rejected,"" he noted.",insufficient-refutes
Northern Ireland has the highest number of children in care since the introduction of the Children Order in 1995.,"Looked After Children - At 31 March 2019, 3,281 children were in care in Northern Ireland. This was the highest number recorded since the introduction of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 - The majority of children in care in Northern Ireland had been looked after for less than three years, with just under a tenth looked after for ten years or longer - Four fifths of the children in care were in foster care placements (79%), 11% placed with parents, 6% in residential care and 4% in other placements. This was similar to previous years - During 2018/19 there were 884 admissions to care and 677 discharges [...] Day Care - At 31 March 2019 there were 4,079 individuals/facilities registered as day care provision for children aged 12 and under in Northern Ireland. This was a 5% decrease on the previous year - Similar to the previous year, child-minders made up the largest number of day care providers followed by, in descending order, day nurseries, playgroups, out of school clubs and other organisations - At 31 March 2019 there were 60,501 registered places for day care in Northern Ireland representing a decrease of 3% on the previous year [...] 2. This Bulletin is the eighth annual reporting of ‘Children’s Social Care Statistics for NI’ which replaced the ‘Children Order Statistical Tables for NI’ and ‘Children Order Statistical Trends for NI’.",supports
Consuming food items containing the label of Apeel will cause sickness as they have toxic mono and diglycerides,"Apeel brags about its purified mono-and diglycerides, a food ingredient that is found in a variety of foods. According to Dr. Josh Axe, mono-and diglycerides are ""the go-to replacement for deadly trans fats and a food industry staple that helps keep oil and fat from separating. (Vani) Hari (The Food Babe) explains that this additive is a byproduct of oil processing, including partially hydrogenated canola and soybean oils. This additive is a byproduct of oil processing which contains artificial trans fat – a danger food ingredient known to cause coronary heart disease and linked to 50,000 fatal heart attacks a year."" (Side note: The FDA finally determined that trans fats are no longer generally recognized as safe for food use in 2016 and yet mono-and diglycerides are the ""the go-to replacement."" But they change the label from trans fats to mono-and diglycerides and then the FDA changes their tune. Interesting or predictable?) [...] In our home, we are very intentional about the foods that we eat and use from foods to products… we avoid seed oils, artificial food coloring, high fructose corn syrup, fast food, refined sugars, bleached flours, fragrances, cheap made-in-China toys, AirPods, plastics, flame retardants, PFAs and the list go on and on and on… which will now include Apeel, aka, mono-and diglycerides.",insufficient-neutral
Aksai Chin is a territory of China,"Aksai Chin is a region administered by China partly in Hotan County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang[2] and partly in Rutog County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet and constituting the easternmost portion of the larger Kashmir region that has been the subject of a dispute between India and China since 1959.[1] It is claimed by India as part of its Leh District, Ladakh Union Territory. [...] Aksai Chin is one of the two large disputed border areas between India and China. India claims Aksai Chin as the easternmost part of the union territory of Ladakh. China claims that Aksai Chin is part of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region. The line that separates Indian-administered areas of Ladakh from Aksai Chin is known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and is concurrent with the Chinese Aksai Chin claim line. [...] ماقالە يازغۇچى داۋاملاشتۇرۇپ: بۇ تېررىتورىيىنىڭ نامى تۈرك تىلىدا، ""ئاقساي چىن "" دېيىلىدۇ، بۇ ئىسىمدىكى ""چىن"" سۆزى جۇڭگونى كۆرسىتىدۇ، ئېيتىشلارغا ئاساسلانغاندا، بۇ سۆزنىڭ مەنىسى – "" جۇڭگونىڭ ئاق تاشلىق جىلغىسى ياكى جۇڭگونىڭ ئاق تاشلىق سېيى"" دېگەنلىك بولىدۇ دەيدۇ. [The author goes on to say that the name of the territory is in Turkish, ""Aksai Chin"", and the word ""Chin"" in that name means China, and it is said that the word means ""White Valley of China or China's White River"".]",insufficient-supports
The pandemic was planned; respiratory illness surge in New York and China isn’t airborne but due to chlorine and benzene in food and water,Characterization of respiratory illness surge (April-June 2021) post-COVID-19 lockdown - PMID: 34914208 - DOI: 10.1002/ppul.25792 Characterization of respiratory illness surge (April-June 2021) post-COVID-19 lockdown,insufficient-neutral
"For pre-matric scholarship for OBCs, the rates of scholarship increased substantially.","[orc]The government claimed in an infographic that the scholarship amounts for SCs & OBCs have been increased. Here is a fact check of the claim. [...] Have the rates of Pre-Matric scholarships increased for OBCs? The fourth claim is that for pre-matric scholarship of OBCs, the rates of scholarship increased substantially. According to a press release of the ministry in February 2018, ‘the earlier rates of scholarships of day scholars from Class I to V, Class VI to VIII and Class IX to X of ₹25, ₹40 and ₹50 respectively for 10 months has been revised to ₹100 per month for 10 months from Class I to X. Earlier rates of scholarships of hostellers from Class III to VIII and Class IX to X of ₹200 and ₹250 respectively for ten months has been revised to ₹500 per month for 10 months from Class III to X.’ The scheme has been revised with effect from 2017-18.",insufficient-supports
Children who take a COVID-19 vaccine 52 times more likely to suffer an early death.,"The headline of a Jan. 29 blog post by The Daily Exposé claims: ""Official data shows children are up to 52 times more likely to die following COVID-19 vaccination than unvaccinated children & the (Office of National Statistics) is trying to hide it."" [...] The Daily Exposé attempted to do its own mortality rate calculations and claimed children are up to 52 times more likely to die following COVID-19 vaccination than unvaccinated children. [...] The Expose, ""Official Data shows Children are up to 52 times more likely to die following COVID-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the ONS is trying to hide it,"" Jan. 29, 2022",insufficient-supports
Glorioso Islands is a territory of Comoros,"The Glorieuses or Glorioso Islands are a group of French islands and rocks totaling 5 square kilometres. They are controlled by France as part of the Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French overseas territory, but are also claimed by Comoros, Madagascar and formerly by Seychelles. They are geographically part of the Comoro Islands between the French overseas region of Mayotte and the nation of Madagascar. Download Download See moreWikipedia Coordinates -11°33'14.885"" N 47°20'0.06"" E",insufficient-refutes
"Countries that sign pandemic treaty cede their sovereignty to the WHO, allowing WHO to control domestic policies, force vaccination, lockdowns, and arrest of vaccine opponents","Furthermore, to solidify collaboration and coordination at the highest levels of government, all of WHO’s 194 Member States resolved in December 2021 to develop an international agreement, referred to as a pandemic accord (and sometimes called a pandemic treaty), which will define rules and norms for how countries can better prevent pandemics from happening and respond to future health emergencies in order to protect the safety and well-being of people everywhere. [...] Countries are negotiating the pandemic accord based on the principles of solidarity, equity, science and evidence, respect for human rights, and protection of national sovereignty over all health decision-making. [...] What it would not do is hand over control of domestic public health policies to WHO or any other international body. As with other international agreements, the pandemic accord would not affect countries’ sovereignty. How each country goes about implementing the agreement would depend on its own domestic laws and policies.",refutes
Northern Ireland is the only part of Europe that does not have climate change legislation.,"7. To date, Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom and Ireland without specific Climate Change legislation setting out a pathway for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. [...] - Establish a system of Carbon Budgeting - Place a responsibility on local authorities to produce Climate Change Action Plans every 5 years 46. There is presently no specific Climate Change legislation in NI. However, as part of the 2020 New Decade, New Approach agreement, the NI Executive made a commitment to bring forward a Climate Change Act to give environmental targets a strong legal underpinning, as well as developing a new Energy Strategy and reviewing policies in light of the Paris Agreement. [...] 152. FSB welcome Climate Change legislation for NI and highlighted that a recent survey revealed that small local businesses desire policy certainty regarding their climate obligations. The important role that these enterprises can play with regards reducing emissions and facilitating green innovation was discussed and that there is an opportunity for business growth in the transition towards a green economy.",supports
Recent picture of Deepika Padukone posing in saffron-coloured heels,"Amid the controversy over Deepika Padukone’s saffron-coloured costume in ‘Besharam Rang’ song in ‘Pathaan’, a photo is being shared on social media claiming it as a recent picture showing Deepika Padukone wearing saffron-coloured heels. In the wake of Bajrang Dal activists vandalising ‘Pathaan’ posters at a multiplex in Ahmedabad, this post claims that Deepika Padukone had countered protestors by publishing this picture of her wearing saffron-coloured heels. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] On 17 May 2019, Deepika Padukone’s stylist Shaleena Nathani shared the same picture of Deepika Padukone taken at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival. Lately, Deepika Padukone did not pose for any photo wearing saffron-coloured heels. To sum it up, Deepika Padukone’s old photo taken at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival is being linked to the ongoing row over her saffron-coloured costume in Pathaan film.",insufficient-refutes
"“Before the pandemic, just over 40,000 were on continuing UI claims. Now, there are well over 100,000 on state or federal UI benefits.”","Since the initial effects of the pandemic on the labor market, many media stories have reported the cumulative number of initial state UI claims as a measure of joblessness. However, this may be misleading since it undercounts claims for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).3 As a provision of the CARES Act, the PUA program extends UI benefits to jobless workers who are not typically eligible for regular UI. In practice, this means self-employed people, including independent contractors, ""gig"" workers, and those with insufficient work experience qualify. This group may be more likely to reflect claims by musicians and other cultural economy workers who are more likely to be self-employed, 4 as well as those with non-standard or part-time employment. [...] To provide a common reference point for sectors with different employment levels, total claims can be compared with pre-COVID-19 UI-based employment data from 2019.13 For the week ending June 6, the Louisiana Workforce Commission received three or more UI claims (initial and continued combined) for every 10 pre-COVID-19, UI-eligible employees in three sectors: Accommodation and Food Services; Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; and ""Other Services.""14 Even outside of these extremes, nearly every industry sector has seen an exceptional scale of employment disruption.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Jimmy Carter said, ""If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor – then stop saying you want a country based on Christian values, because you don't.""","FACT CHECK: Did Jimmy Carter Say, ‘If You Don’t Want Your Tax Dollars To Help The Poor – Then Stop Saying You Want A Country Based On Christian Values, Because You Don’t’? An image shared on Facebook more than 1,200 times claims former President Jimmy Carter said, ""If you don’t want your tax dollars to help the poor – then stop saying you want a country based on Christian Values, because you don’t."" [...] While Carter has often spoken and written about the subject of Christianity, there is no evidence that he originated the statement attributed to him in the Facebook post. It does not appear in the Carter Center’s archive of his many speeches and op-eds, nor in the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum’s digital collection.",refutes
"By 2026, 96% of the projected population growth in Northern Ireland will be represented by people aged 65 and over.","This claim is accurate. NISRA has published a projection of an increased population of 77,587 people; the 65+ age profile will see the largest change.",insufficient-supports
Dilith Jayaweera’s Withdrawal from Presidential Race !!,"It is reported that Mr. Dilith Jayaweera, a well-known businessman, has been given the leadership of Mawbima Janata Party. [...] Political sources have stated that Mr. Dilith Jayaweera’s aim is to run for the next presidential election.",refutes
“The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of.”,"""The idea that there’s political violence … in America like this, is just unheard of, it’s just not appropriate,"" said President Joe Biden, the backer of Israel’s genocidal war against Palestine, with a death toll that researchers believe could reach 186,000 Palestinians. Biden’s narrower point was correct, though: Deadly attacks on the American ruling class are vanishingly rare these days. Political violence that is not ""like this"" — the political violence of organized abandonment, poverty, militarized borders, police brutality, incarceration, and deportation — is commonplace. [...] And condemn it, most everyone in the Democratic political establishment has: ""Political violence is absolutely unacceptable,"" wrote Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on X. ""There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy,"" tweeted former President Barack Obama, who oversaw war efforts and military strikes against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan with massive civilian death tolls; Obama added that we should ""use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics."" ""There is no place for political violence, including the horrific incident we just witnessed in Pennsylvania,"" wrote Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. [...] As author Ben Ehrenreich noted on X, ""There is no place for political violence against rich, white men. It is antithetical to everything America stands for.""",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that Jimmy Carter said, ""If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor – then stop saying you want a country based on Christian values, because you don't.""","Quote about tax dollars, the poor and Christianity was not said by Jimmy Carter [...] The quote, posted on Facebook along with a photograph of Carter, says: ""If you don’t want your tax dollars to help the poor, then stop saying you want a country based on Christian values, because you don’t."" [...] Snopes, Jimmy Carter on Helping the Poor, Feb. 27, 2014",refutes
"The number of ITRs filed during FY 2017-18 is 6.84 crore, a jump of 80.5% compared to FY 2013-14","The government has released provisional figures of direct tax collections for FY 2017-18. According to the data, in FY 2017-18, 6.84 crore income tax returns (ITRs) were filed with the Income Tax Department as compared to 5.43 crore ITRs filed during FY 2016-17, a growth of 26 per cent. Driving the growth in the number of income tax return filings is the growth in new ITR filers. The government data shows the number of new ITR filers has increased to 99.49 lakh (as on 30.03.2018) during FY 2017-18, as compared to 85.51 lakh new ITR filers added during FY 2016-17, a growth of 16.3 per cent. The government also said that refunds amounting to Rs.1.49 lakh crore have been issued during 2017-18. [...] 8) As compared to 3.79 crore ITRs filed in FY 2013-14, the number of ITRs filed during FY 2017-18 (6.84 crore) has increased by 80.5 per cent. 9) The increase in total returns filed and new returns filed during FY 2017-18 is a result of sustained efforts made by the Income Tax Department in following up with potential non-filers through email, SMS, statutory notices, outreach programmes, etc. as well as through structural changes made in law and the government's emphasis on widening of tax net, the finance ministry statement said.",supports
Logoba is a territory of South Sudan,"The Logo people or Logoa (plural) are an ethnic group of Nilotic origin who live predominantly in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as parts of western Uganda and southern South Sudan. [...] There are believed to be more than 200,000 people who identify as ethnically Logo of whom most live in the Congo's Faradje Territory, a remote region in Haut-Uélé Province, where they form the ethnic majority. Logo people also live in Watsa and Aba, both also in Haut-Uélé, and in Yei in South Sudan. [...] Historically, the Logoa were less powerful than the important Mangbetu and Azande ethnic groups in the same region. Originating in the Sudan, the Logoa were progressively pushed southwards into their current territories around Faradje by rival ethnic groups and especially expanding Azande influence in the 19th century. Their remote location within the Congo meant that they were however able to avoid becoming subject peoples.",insufficient-neutral
Heated Argument Between Mark Zuckerberg And Elon Musk Over Meta Platforms’ Outage,"Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are going to have a cage match, or at least that’s what they’ve been telling the world. The whole thing started in June because of an internal Meta meeting recording The Verge heard, in which Meta chief product officer Chris Cox said Meta’s Twitter competitor Threads would be ""sanely run"" in a clear jab at Musk’s Twitter reign. When a Twitter user warned Musk about Zuckerberg’s jiu-jitsu training, Musk responded that he was ""up for a cage match if he is lol."" Zuckerberg seemingly accepted in an Instagram post the same day. [...] Elon Musk says he’ll fight Mark Zuckerberg ""any place, any time, any rules.""Musk famously challenged the Meta CEO to a cage match last year that Zuckerberg agreed to but never happened. [...] Elon Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s cage match will be livestreamed on Musk’s Twitter, which is currently rebranding to X, according to a post from Musk early this morning. Musk says the proceeds will go to charity for veterans.",insufficient-contradictory
Projections from the Department of Infrastructure indicate that 38% of all properties in Northern Ireland will be at risk of flooding by 2080.,"Assessing Future Flood Risk and Developing Integrated Flood Risk Management Strategies: A Case Study from the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment [...] 3.2. River Flooding 3.3. Coastal Flooding 3.4. Surface Water Flooding 3.5. Impact and Analysis of the RWS, CLA and EWS FRM Portfolios 4. Discussion and Conclusions 4.1. Flood Risk Management Policy Development in Complex Governance Structures 4.2. Uncertainty in Integrated Flood Risk Management Measures 4.3. Conclusions - The range of EAD projections for all flood sources is projected to increase by between 18% and 160% by the 2080s depending on the assumptions applied on climate change, population growth, and adaptation actions. - It is possible to reduce EAD from river flood risk by the 2080s.",insufficient-neutral
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs of India Kiren Rijiju has been re-elected as Member of Parliament from Arunachal Pradesh,"Earlier this year, the BJP-ruled state of Maharashtra banned the slaughter of cows, as well as the sale and possession of beef. Such laws have been passed before, but never has the basis for them been articulated as an overarching philosophy until now. The union minister of state for home affairs, Kiren Rijiju, who is from Arunachal Pradesh, offered this explanation shortly after: ""If Maharashtra is Hindu majority, or if Gujarat is Hindu majority, Madhya Pradesh is Hindu majority, if they are to make laws conducive to the Hindu faith, let them be. But in our place, in our state where we are majority, where we feel whatever steps we take, you know, laws which are conducive to our beliefs, it should be."" [...] The practical implications of Article 29(1) are yet to be fully worked out in a court of law, as there have been very few direct challenges to the powers of the government that depend solely on it. But there is no mistaking that by intent it is a direct refutation of what the BJP stands for. The faction that dominates the BJP government has adversely affected the freedoms of a large number of Indian citizens. We should not hesitate in stating that the views that Rijiju represents within the BJP, and the even more extreme ones that are basic to the RSS, are simply unconstitutional.",insufficient-neutral
Quotes Sen. Mitt Romney as saying: “The Merrick Garland decision wasn’t unfair & the notion that someone has to pay the price to make up for it is wrong.”,"What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now So much has happened in the past two years that many may have forgotten what happened to Merrick Garland in the spring of 2016. [...] So it was safer, in the judgments of spring and summer 2016, to let the Republicans look intransigent and unfair and hope somebody noticed. Perhaps the injustice to Garland would help Democrats win seats in supposedly blue states such as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and even red ones such as Missouri and North Carolina.",insufficient-neutral
Bakassi is a territory of Cameroon,"Along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean in southwestern Cameroon lies an oil-rich peninsular called Bakassi, a territory full of history. Once controlled by Nigeria for dozens of years, the disputed area is now under the control of the Cameroonian government. Most of its residents still lack legal ID. [...] Cameroon finally regained full sovereignty over Bakassi on August 14, 2008 in a symbolic ceremony which took place in the Nigerian city of Calabar. But 15 years after that full take-over of authority, Bakassi remains mired in a litany of problems. [...] Since Bakassi officially became a Cameroonian territory, all children born there, even of Nigerian parents, are automatically considered Cameroonian since the country recognises the jus soli principle of nationality. However, intentional efforts must be made, observers say, to ensure that these children enjoy their right to legal identity, which is also vital in guaranteeing them access to a wide array of services later on in their lives.",supports
"Claims that Jimmy Carter said, ""If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor – then stop saying you want a country based on Christian values, because you don't.""","Former President Jimmy Carter never was quoted as saying that U.S. tax dollars should help the poor or ""stop saying that you want a country based on Christian values."" Because you don’t!"" the full quote reads. [...] ""Fincher and the GOP ... cut services for the poor and taxes for the rich. And it’s a free country. They’re allowed. Because you don’t. And that’s why representative Fincher is our ’revoltingly fake Christian of the week'!"" he said on a Current TV show in May 2013.",refutes
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.""","Nope. There’s absolutely no evidence that Einstein ever said this. You don’t get to choose whatever reality suits you. Well, at least not without the help of some cognitive dissonance and a fistful of hallucinogens. [...] Not Einstein. The anthropologist Ashley Montagu actually said it in an interview with Einstein. [...] This one seems incredibly popular when it’s plastered on top of photos of starry night skies and people doing yoga. But Einstein never said that. It’s actually a version of a quote from Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason: ""Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and moral law within me.""",refutes
“Secret CDC Report confirms nearly 120k Youngsters 'Died Suddenly' in the USA by Oct. 2022 following roll-out of COVID Vaccines”,"A superficial analysis of publicly available data published by an anti-vaccine outlet named ""The Exposé"" went viral in December 2022. The piece, entitled ""CDC quietly confirms at least 118k Children & Young Adults have 'Died Suddenly' in the USA since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines,"" frequently cited its own inability to find publicly available information as evidence of a nefarious plot, claiming that: Official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm nearly half a million children and young adults have died ever since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in the USA. This has sadly resulted in nearly 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average. [...] Ultimately, The Exposé claims that ""figures provided by the Office for National Statistics … are definitive proof that the Covid-19 injections increase a person's risk of dying. Which means the Covid-19 injections have been and are continuing to kill people…. This is why it should come as no surprise to find that a secret CDC report confirms half a million American children & young adults have died following the Covid vaccine roll-out.""",refutes
Says he is the ‘ranking member’ of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.,Jan. 6 Committee has requested cooperation from three additional members of the House of Representatives to provide information for the committee’s investigation into the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol and its causes. Letters to the three House members: [...] Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) will serve on the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol. Kinzinger press release accepting Pelosi's invitation to serve on the Committee. TEXT Pelosi Names Members to Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol:,insufficient-refutes
Is 5G Radiation Harmful And Lethal For Birds And Humans?,"Impact of 5G technology on human and animal health 28.2.2020 [...] While 5G networks will certainly offer a much faster internet connection, many are wondering whether the technology poses a health risk. The radiation from 5G mobile phones might be harmful for animals and birds too; for example, high-frequency electromagnetic waves are said to alter insects’ body temperatures and impair their ability to orient themselves. [...] - 1.What is the Commission’s assessment of the dangers that the 5G technology due to be deployed in the EU poses for human and animal health?",insufficient-neutral
purports Rep. Eric Swalwell instantly faced charges after allegedly lying to Rep. Jim Jordan,"A video shared on Facebook purports California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell instantly faced charges after allegedly lying to Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan. [...] ""‘THEY DEFUND F.BI’ Swalwell DESTROYS his career after lying to Jim Jordan…faces CHARGES INSTANTLY,"" the Facebook video, which has received over 3,000 likes at the time of publication, purports. [...] Once Swalwell is finished speaking, he yields back his time to Jordan, who does not bring any charges against him. New Jersey Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew speaks next but also does not reference Swalwell’s alleged lying or the supposed charges. (RELATED: Did A Fight Break Out During A House Committee Hearing?)",refutes
Piyumi Wijesekera’s Was Selected to a NASA’s Mars Mission !!,"- ^ ""NASA selects Piyumi Wijesekara among four volunteers in simulated mission to Mars"". Retrieved 2024-04-23. - ^ ""Sri Lanka's Piyumi Wijesekara among NASA's new crew for next simulated Mars journey"". Retrieved 2024-04-23. - ^ ""Sri Lanka's Piyumi Wijesekara among new NASA crew for next simulated Mars journey | Daily FT"". Retrieved 2024-04-23.",supports
"Claims that Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci said, ""I awoke, only to find that the rest of the world was still asleep.""","FACT CHECK: Did Da Vinci Say, ‘I Awoke, Only To Find That The Rest Of The World Was Still Asleep’? [...] There is no evidence that da Vinci authored this saying. It may be a version of a statement written about him by Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. [...] ""In Merezhkovsky’s admirable simile, he was like a man who had awoken too early in the darkness, while everyone else was still asleep,"" Freud wrote, crediting Russian author Dmitry Merezhkovsky with the imagery.",refutes
"COVID-19 vaccines contain proteins from HIV; “if you have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS, then sue your government”","Several studies have shown that booster doses are effective in people with HIV and other immunocompromised people, leading to substantial increases in antibody levels. A large US study that covered the period when the Delta and Omicron variants were circulating in the United States showed that immunocompromised people – including people living with HIV – who received a third vaccine dose were significantly less likely to be admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 or experience a breakthrough infection when compared to immunocompromised people who had been vaccinated without boosting (Sun). An Israeli study of the effects of a fourth vaccine dose showed that by the sixth week after receiving this fourth dose, recipients were 77% less likely to develop severe COVID-19 disease than people of the same age who had only received three doses (Bar-On). [...] - COVID-19 vaccines are safe in people with HIV. There is no evidence that people with HIV have a higher rate of side effects after vaccination or unusual side effects. There is no evidence that any COVID-19 vaccine interacts with HIV treatment or causes HIV viral load to increase. - COVID-19 vaccines are effective in most people with HIV. They stimulate strong antibody responses in people with HIV with higher CD4 counts. People with lower CD4 counts (below 200) have weaker responses to vaccination and their antibody responses after vaccination may dwindle faster than those of people with higher CD4 counts.",insufficient-neutral
“Violent crime was up under Donald Trump.”,"In Michigan, Donald Trump predicts ‘destruction and death’ under Democrats - In Michigan, Donald Trump claims violence crime surged under Democrats, but statistics he cited aren’t as conclusive - Trump spoke at the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department flanked by sheriffs from rural Michigan counties who support his reelection - Democrats have countered Trump’s assertions with statistics showing violent crime is down under the administration of President Joe Biden [...] Democrats pointed to data from the FBI and Michigan State Police showing violent crime in both the U.S. and Michigan spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, including Trump’s final year in office. ""Violent crime was up under Donald Trump under his administration,"" Attorney General Dana Nessel said earlier Tuesday. ""It went down substantially when he left office and when Vice President Harris and of course, President Biden have been in office, we've seen a reduction in violent crime.""",supports
Misleading Claims On DCD Levels In Milk Powder,"DCD misinformation ""These inaccurate testing results have caused a lot of confusion for the public and we want to ensure that people know that they can continue to consume Anchor, a product that many Sri Lankans grew up on,"" said Clement. [...] Fonterra hopes that by working with the Sri Lankan government it can ""correct the misinformation about DCD in Fonterra’s milk powder products, following the inaccurate testing results produced by Sri Lanka’s Industrial Technology Institute (ITI)."" [...] Concerns about DCD first emerged in January 2013, when it was revealed that low levels of the substance had been discovered in samples Fonterra milk powder.",supports
“Putin has stated: Russian citizens (have) 2 options: Stay home for 15 days or in jail for 5 years.”,"Russian President Vladimir Putin has implemented some policies to cancel large gatherings and keep people at home during the coronavirus pandemic. But we could not find any evidence that he has threatened jail time for people who don’t comply. The claim about a Putin policy to jail those who don’t stay at home appears to come from a post by the Twitter account of an Indian comedian, who later labeled his assertion a ""joke.""",refutes
Ladakh is a territory of India,"Ladakh (/ləˈdɑːk/)[10] is a region administered by India as a union territory[1] and constitutes an eastern portion of the larger Kashmir region that has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947 and India and China since 1959.[2] Ladakh is bordered by the Tibet Autonomous Region to the east, the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh to the south, both the Indian-administered union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the Pakistan-administered Gilgit-Baltistan to the west, and the southwest corner of Xinjiang across the Karakoram Pass in the far north. It extends from the Siachen Glacier in the Karakoram range to the north to the main Great Himalayas to the south.[11][12] The eastern end, consisting of the uninhabited Aksai Chin plains, is claimed by the Indian Government as part of Ladakh, but has been under Chinese control.[13][14][15][16] [...] Ladakh was established as a union territory of India on 31 October 2019, following the passage of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act. Prior to that, it was part of the Jammu and Kashmir state. Ladakh is both the largest and the second least populous union territory of India.[22][citation needed]",supports
A windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.,"A book co-edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon contained a passage stating that windmills ""might never generate as much energy as was invested in building [them]."" This passage was written by David Hughes. [...] In August 2015, a meme posted to the Google+ group ""The Secret Society of Anti-AGW-ACC Cultism,"" an organization that claims climate change is a hoax, reproduced the words allegedly written by Thomas Homer-Dixon, the Associate Director of the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, on the subject of windmills. As his statements were presented in that meme, Homer-Dixon appeared to have asserted that windmills never produce as much energy as is expended in building them: [...] Hughes did write that some windmills might not recoup their energy-construction costs, but he didn't assert, as the meme implied, that no windmills will ever generate as much energy as was invested in building them. In fact, he allowed that a windmill situated at a good location could pay back the energy costs of creating it in under three years, but that aspect was omitted from the memed version of his quote:",refutes
Former and Current Prez are using the same set of prez advisors !!,"Same Advisory Panel For Former President Wickremesinghe & Current President Anura Kumara? [...] One such claim compares two images, one featuring former President Ranil Wickremesinghe and another featuring current President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, alongside individuals purported to be their shared advisors. The posts suggest that despite leadership changes, the same advisors continue to serve the president, implying no substantial difference in governance. [...] The social media posts suggesting that the same advisors serve both Ranil Wickremesinghe and Anura Kumara Dissanayake are misleading. The individuals appearing in the photos represent the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and were involved in presenting the ""Vision 2030"" document to both leaders. They did not serve as permanent or official presidential advisors. The current president, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, has appointed only two advisors so far. One of them is the Mr Hulangamuwa, who is seen in both photographs as he was serving as the Chamber`s chairman.",refutes
Essequibo River is a territory of Guyana,"The region of Essequibo (or as it is known in Spanish, Esequibo) is a disputed territory controlled by Guyana but claimed by Venezuela. The dispute between the two countries over Essequibo is decades old, for it is a direct legacy of the colonial powers that ruled over the two nations - Spain in Venezuela and the United Kingdom in Guyana. However, the conflict has recently come to a head. Especially after the discovery of oil and gas offshore, Venezuela’s actions against Guyana’s sovereignty have increased. Indeed, expanding the country’s continental platform and sea borders would benefit the nation from both a geographical and economic standpoint. In this context, Venezuela’s claims are likely to affect regional peace and security. If a diplomatic solution is not found, tensions could escalate, resulting in maritime skirmishes and stand offs. Thus, the governments of both countries should pay close attention to resolving the matter swiftly.",insufficient-refutes
Arunachal Pradesh is a territory of India,"Arunachal Pradesh became an Indian State today: Some interesting facts about the 'Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains' Arunachal Pradesh, the 'Land of the dawn-lit mountains', became an Indian state 30 years ago, on February 20, 1987. Arunachal Pradesh was established as a state in India on February 20, 1987. Arunachal Pradesh was initially a Union Territory which was carved out of Assam. Arunachal Pradesh was known as the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) during British India and the Republic of India until 1972. Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted Arunachal Pradesh on its statehood day today.",refutes
purports Trump said 'Israel has hypnotized the world',"Ilhan Omar Admits ‘Israel Hypnotizes The World’ Tweet Was ‘Ugly’ Representative Ilhan Omar has apologized for a tweet she wrote in 2012, in which she said that ""Israel has hypnotized the world"" during the war with Gaza.",insufficient-refutes
Ranil Wickremesinghe Contest the Presidential Election Under the “Heart” Symbol !!,"There has been much focus on President Wickremesinghe’s symbol as an independent candidate. The Wickremesinghe camp had worked to get the ‘heart’ symbol for him, with the media campaigners also making the necessary advertising material using the ‘heart’ symbol several weeks ago. The ‘heart’ symbol had been proposed by the youngest son of a leading political family in the country, it is learnt. [...] It is also learnt that Wickremesinghe had also expressed concerns over the ‘heart’ symbol to his campaign heads, saying it was quite generic and that his symbol should be a unique one that could capture the attention of the people.",insufficient-supports
President Joe Biden walked “onto an empty airplane for no reason.”,"President Joe Biden boarded a plane that brought three former American prisoners to Maryland to talk to the flight crew, according to the White House and multiple journalists. Video footage shows the plane wasn’t empty.",refutes
Income eligibility has been raised from 2 lakh rupees to 2.5 lakh rupees for the pre-metric scholarship for SC students.,One of the infographics uploaded by the government on the 48-months website makes certain claims about scholarships to students from the SC and OBC communities. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
Rasŏn administrative division is a territory of Republic of China,"Map comparing administrative divisions as drawn by current PRC and the ROC before 1946. [...] The history of the administrative divisions of China after 1949 refers to the administrative divisions under the People's Republic of China . In 1949, the communist forces initially held scattered fragments of China at the start of the Chinese Civil War . By late 1949, they controlled the majority of mainland China , forcing the Republic of China government to relocate to Taiwan . [...] Administrative divisions of China",insufficient-supports
The murder rate in Belfast was sixth highest in a list of cities in Europe (according to 2010 data).,"6. Belfast, Northern Ireland (3.3 homicides per 100,000 people) Belfast is the largest city in Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. In 2010, Belfast reported a homicide rate of 3.3, which was calculated from nine murders, given Belfast's relatively small population of around 286,000. This crime rate, however, is part of a trend that shows a decreasing rate of homicide in Northern Ireland. During ""the Troubles"" of the 1970s and 80s, the crime rate in Northern Ireland was closer to 31 per 100,000, which is similar to the homicide rate that could be found in Colombia or South Africa during the early 2010s.",insufficient-supports
Rukwanzi Island is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,"The Lake Albert victims found themselves in the wrong place on an afternoon of heightened tensions. Rukwanzi island, at the heart of the lake, is territory claimed by both Uganda and DRC. The disputed border between the countries runs right through the middle, an area which is estimated to contain over one billion barrels of oil. The passenger ferry with 50 Congolese on board left Rukwanzi for a scheduled crossing to Kasenyi at around 1pm, just as the Heritage boat was being apprehended by the UN. [...] Residents of Rukwanzi told Corporate Watch on a visit to the island in 2009 that the families of the dead had been promised $100 in compensation by the Congolese authorities but that the money never arrived. Attitudes towards Uganda have hardened, while many are concerned offshore oil drilling will affect the fishing industry. [...] 13.00 Passenger ferry carrying 50 Congolese leaves Rukwanzi for a scheduled crossing to Kasenyi.",insufficient-supports
Payment of wages to workers within 15 days in 85% of the cases as compared to long delays in the past.,"The first claim is that ‘payment of wages to workers within 15 days in 85% of the cases as compared to long delays in the past’. [...] As per the Government’s MIS system, timely payment of wages has been made in 84.52% cases in 2017-18. However, a research paper by Azim Premji University that analysed a large sample of this data concludes that only 32% of the wage payments have been made on time (payments reaching the wage seeker) contrary to the claims of 85%. [...] Fact: As per the Government’s MIS system, timely payment of wages has been made in 84.52% cases in 2017-18. However, a research paper by Azim Premji University that analysed a large sample of data concludes that only 32% of the wage payments have been made on time (payments reaching the wage seeker) contrary to the claims of 85%. Moreover, the government clarified in 2017 that the delays are calculated only until the Funds Transfer Order (FTO) is generated at the block/panchayat level. It does not take into account the actual receipt of the payment by the worker. Hence the claim is PARTLY TRUE.",insufficient-supports
Qazakh Rayon is a territory of Azerbaijan,"Qazax District (Gazakh Disrict; Azerbaijani: Qazax rayonu) is one of the 66 districts of Azerbaijan. It is located in the north-west of the country and belongs to the Gazakh-Tovuz Economic Region. The district borders the district of Aghstafa, and the Tavush Province of Armenia. Its capital and largest city is Gazakh. As of 2020, the district had a population of 98,400.",supports
Artsvashen is a territory of Azerbaijan,"For the first time, the Armenian leadership began talking about the return of the territory of the village of Bashkend (Artsvashen) to this country, which was taken under control by the Azerbaijani army and militias in 1992. [...] Judging by Pashinyan's statement, Baku did not give consent to the transfer of the village to Armenia. ""You know that the Republic of Armenia cannot abandon this issue, since Artsvashen is part of the sovereign territory of our country. We are going to de jure justify the existence of an exclave. Artsvashen is in the process of demarcation, and the government of the Republic of Armenia has such justifications, after which the demarcation process around Artsvashen will be carried out, we will see what decisions will be made,"" Pashinyan said. [...] The village of Bashkend (Artsvashen), which was an enclave of the Armenian SSR in the territory of the Azerbaijani SSR in Soviet times, now belongs to the Kedabek region of Azerbaijan. According to the administrative-territorial division of Armenia, which disputes the ownership of the village, Bashkend belongs to the Gegharkunik region of Armenia. Bashkend is the largest village (40 km km) of the enclave (exclave) territories.",insufficient-refutes
"Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.",Magnetic poles reversals are not cataclysmic events as claimed in the ‘Adam and Eve’ theory discussed on Joe Rogan podcast,refutes
"claims that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer once stated, ""It’s racist to only allow citizens to vote.""",There is no evidence Schumer ever made the statement. It appears to be a distortion of an August 2017 post Schumer published on Medium.,refutes
"During the 2020 Minnesota riots after George Floyd’s murder, Gov. Tim Walz didn’t call in the National Guard, “so, I sent in the National Guard to save Minneapolis.”","Local events are sometimes referred to as the ""Minneapolis riots""[20][21] or the ""Minneapolis uprising"".[22][23][24] Protests that first emerged in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, were initially peaceful.[19][25] A several-day period of civil unrest, particularly three nights of heavy rioting from May 27, 2020, to the overnight hours of May 29, 2020, however, resulted in an estimated $500 million of damages to 1,500 property locations,[4][26] 604 arrests,[3] 164 instances of arson,[6] and 2 riot-related deaths.[27] Minnesota Governor Tim Walz deployed the state's National Guard to quell civil disorder and protests over Floyd's murder returned to being mostly peaceful events after May 30, 2020.[28][29] The state government's command that responded to the initial unrest after Floyd's murder demobilized on June 7, 2020, as protests and intermittent civil disorder over racial injustice persisted throughout 2020 and 2021.[11][30][31] [...] - ^ ""Gov. Tim Walz Activates National Guard In Response To George Floyd Protests"". WCCO. May 28, 2020. Retrieved November 9, 2021. [...] - ^ Phillips, Tom Vanden Brook and Kristine. ""Minnesota National Guard plans to deploy as many as 10,000 soldiers to Minneapolis protests over George Floyd"". USA Today. Retrieved November 28, 2020.",refutes
purports Andrew Tate has allegedly been found guilty of a crime and sentenced to 14 years in prison,"The video’s caption is inaccurate. Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, have been sentenced to an additional 30 days in a Romanian prison, according to a Jan. 20 article from the New York Daily News.",refutes
"Says Joe Biden “has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever, more than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone.”","Marco Rubio stated on July 19, 2022 in a campaign ad: Val Demings ""called abolishing the police 'thoughtful.'"" Marco Rubio stated on May 25, 2022 in an interview on CNN: ""There hasn't been a single of these mass shootings that have been purchased at a gun show or on the internet."" Marco Rubio stated on July 30, 2021 in a tweet: Photos show Lloyd Austin without a face shield after he landed in the Philippines. Marco Rubio stated on March 6, 2021 in a tweet: In rejecting his amendment, ""Democrats voted to send reopening money to schools that refuse to reopen."" Marco Rubio stated on January 27, 2021 in remarks: ""Only in the Third World do you see this habitual use of prosecutions of former leaders."" Marco Rubio stated on January 22, 2021 in a tweet: Says Joe Biden ""has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever, more than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone."" Marco Rubio stated on December 27, 2020 in a tweet: Says ""Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March."" [...] Marco Rubio stated on January 22, 2021 in a tweet: Says Joe Biden ""has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever, more than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone.""",supports
Sugar causes cancer; eliminating sugar from the diet can cure cancer,"There’s a lot of confusing and misleading information on the Internet about the relationship between sugar and cancer. The notion that refined sugar causes cancer or that cutting sugar from the diet is a good way to treat cancer are two common — and incorrect — claims that turn up in a Google search. [...] What, if any, is the link between sugar and cancer? [...] Explain why it’s hard to ""starve"" cancer of sugar just by changing your diet.",refutes
Piyumi Wijesekera’s Was Selected to a NASA’s Mars Mission !!,"Sri Lankan born NASA scientist Piyumi Wijesekera being chosen for NASA’s simulated Mars journey [...] Sri Lankan born NASA scientist Piyumi Wijesekera has been chosen for NASA’s simulated Mars journey, NASA announced recently. [...] In a powerful inspirational leap for Women in science and a proud moment for Sri Lanka, Piyumi Wijesekera has been selected by NASA to participate in the next simulated Mars mission. This groundbreaking endeavor aims to prepare for future human exploration of the Red Planet.",supports
"changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming”[...]. In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet","Slowly changing orbital cycles did, indeed, control the timing of ice ages over the last several million years, but they cannot explain the much more rapid climate change seen in the last century. Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions have strengthened Earth's greenhouse effect, and this is clearly the cause of global warming.",refutes
“Ron DeSantis is against fracking. He is against drilling”,"6 takeaways from second GOP debate: Rivals call out Trump's absence, claw each other ""Ron DeSantis is against fracking. He’s against drilling,"" Haley said. ""He always talks about what happens on day one, you better watch out because what happens on day two is when you’re in trouble. Day two in Florida, you ban fracking, you ban offshore drilling."" [...] DeSantis campaigned on banning fracking, offshore drilling DeSantis pledged to ban fracking and offshore drilling during his 2018 run for Florida governor.",insufficient-supports
"""Higher education is one of America's strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities, (in the) 2018-19 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.”","A new Trump administration directive would bar foreign college students from staying in the U.S. if they take all their courses online. Hayes’ statistics are accurate. Education was the sixth largest U.S. service export in 2019, the International Trade Administration told PolitiFact.",supports
"Ten-Foot-Tall Giant Skull Found In Pahiyangala Cave, Sri Lanka !","Pahiyangala Cave is located inthe Kalutara district and is one of the best archaeological sites in the area. According to archaeologists, this cave dates back more than 30,000 years, making it one of the oldest archaeological sites in Sri Lanka. Perched 400 feet above sea level, the Fa-Hsien Cave stands 175 feet tall and spans over 200 feet in length. Legend has it that the cave could once accommodate up to 3000 people, but its natural tunnels are now blocked off and inaccessible. The cave has been divided into four sections, with the largest on the left side at its centre. According to carbon dating, an excavation by the Archaeological Department revealed a deep pit containing five human skulls dating back to 37,000 years old. Along with the skulls, stone and animal bone weapons were uncovered, believed to have been used for hunting monkeys, deer, porcupines, and other creatures. The inhabitants of the cave also consumed the acavus snail and wild breadfruit. [...] Kalutara is a city filled with beauty and spirituality, offering a wide range of activities for visitors of all ages. From Richmond Castle to Thudugala Ella waterfall and Pahiyangala Cave to CALIDO Beach, there are plenty of attractions to explore. Religious sites, such as the Asokaramaya Buddhist Temple and KandeViharaya Temple, offer visitors the chance to explore Sri Lanka’s rich spiritual heritage. Makeli Ella Falls and Batamullakanda Buddha Statue promise excitement for those seeking adventure. Whatever your idea of a perfect holiday may be, Kalutara has something for everyone.",insufficient-refutes
“Congress has one job here: to count electoral votes that have in fact been cast by any state.”,"""Congress has one job here: to count electoral votes that have in fact been cast by any state, as designated by those authorized to do so under state law,"" U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Green Bay, said in a Jan. 3, 2020, statement signed by several other members of the House. ""To take action otherwise — that is, to unconstitutionally insert Congress into the center of the presidential election process — would amount to stealing power from the people and the states."" [...] ""There is no authority for Congress to make value judgments in the abstract regarding any state’s election laws or the manner in which they have been implemented,"" the statement from Gallagher and the others said. ""The text of the Constitution is clear. States select electors. Congress does not. Accordingly, our path forward is also clear. We must respect the states’ authority here. Though doing so may frustrate our immediate political objectives, we have sworn an oath to promote the Constitution above our policy goals. We must count the electoral votes submitted by the states."" [...] He said this in making the broader point that Congress is not tasked in this case with making ""value judgements"" about the legitimacy of those votes. That is a power left to the states. The role of Congress, as laid out in the Constitution and federal law, is effectively to observe the electors sent in by the states.",insufficient-supports
Tuzla Island is a territory of Brunei,"Tuzla Island (Ukrainian: Тузла, Russian: Тузла, Crimean Tatar: Tuzla; from Turkic ""tuzla"" – salty, saline, literally: saltpan) is a sandy islet in the form of a spit located in the middle of the Strait of Kerch, between the Kerch Peninsula in the west and the Taman Peninsula in the east. The island was formed from part of the Taman Peninsula after a 1925 storm. [...] History [edit]Tuzla Island was formed when the spit that continued the Taman peninsula suffered from massive erosion during a major storm in 1925.[2] In ancient times (2,500 years ago) the sea level was four meters below the present, which meant that at the site of modern Tuzla was quite an extensive area of land, which was part of the Taman Peninsula. Taman Peninsula itself at that time was part of the Kuban delta, and was separated from the rest of the land by river channels, which drained into the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Some historians identify Tuzla as the island of Alopeka, mentioned by ancient authors, located in the waters of Cimmerian Bosporus, and when the island periodically joined to the Asian shore of the Bosporus, the resulting braid[clarification needed] was used as the entrance to the passage through the narrowest part of the Cimmerian Bosporus, which is located between Alopekoy and the European shore of the Bosporus. Other historians and geologists reject such a hypothesis, believing that neither the island nor the Tuzla Spit existed in ancient times.",insufficient-neutral
The economy in Derry/Londonderry has contracted 21% since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2007.,"This article (Part I) begins by summarising the evidence that substantiates the claim that Derry is an economic outlier – suffering from a level of financial and social deprivation that is quite unique within Northern Ireland (and even the UK). The second article (Part II) will consider the range of reasons why the city finds itself in such a perilous state today. And the third and final article (Part III) will conclude with an analysis of what can be done to enable Derry to genuinely fulfil its potential and role as NI’s second city and as an important cross-border regional capital – particularly in light of Brexit. [...] Whilst further evidence abounds to prove that Derry is the UK and Northern Ireland’s economic problem child, the above should provide sufficient proof that the city does indeed suffer from a cocktail of high unemployment, high deprivation, low qualifications, low wages, low home ownership, low entrepreneurship and a high dependency upon public sector employment – all of which anchors it at the bottom of the pile in Northern Ireland. And while post-Troubles NI as a whole continues to converge with the rest of the UK on many key economic indicators, it is leaving it’s own second city firmly behind as it does so. Stormont – we have a problem. Part II of this article will go on to consider how Derry has ended up in this economic position, and what has made Derry so poor.",insufficient-neutral
Bhutan has become the first country in the world without Mosques,"A post is being shared on social media claiming that Bhutan has become the first Mosque-free country in the world. The post claims that there is not even a single Mosque in Bhutan for Muslims to offer their religious prayers. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Upon further research, we found that there are a few countries like Monaco and Slovakia where there are no Mosques for Muslims until now. From all these pieces of evidence, it can be concluded that Bhutan is not the only nation without Mosques in the world. To sum it up, Monaco and Slovakia are a few other nations that have no Mosques in their countries like Bhutan.",insufficient-refutes
There is a greater chance of a motorcyclist aged 67 in Northern Ireland dying in a motorcycle collision than being affected by COVID-19.,"Data shows that there have been no motorcyclists of Sammy Wilson MP’s age who have died as a result of a motorcycle collision in Northern Ireland, in the past three years. In 2020, there were 157 deaths registered related to COVID-19, of men aged 65–74. At the time of this claim, the probability of being infected by COVID-19 in Northern Ireland was an estimated 1 in 200 (now thought to be 1 in 60). [...] At my age … I’m more in danger of being killed on a motorbike than I am of being affected by this virus. [...] For those motorcyclists in the 65–74 age band, such as Sammy Wilson MP, data shows that there have been no deaths by motorcycle in the past three years. However, for men his age in Northern Ireland, there were 157 COVID-19 related registered deaths, equating to a probability of 1 in 528.",refutes
There is a greater chance of a motorcyclist aged 67 in Northern Ireland dying in a motorcycle collision than being affected by COVID-19.,"Explanation: Data shows that there have been no motorcyclists aged over 65 who have died as a result of a motorcycle collision in Northern Ireland, in the past three years.",insufficient-refutes
"Around 30,000 children are begging in the streets of Sri Lanka !!","Street Children in Sri Lanka [...] Consortium for Street Children is working with our global network to provide crucial support to street children, and help them access the services, information, and legal protection they need throughout the pandemic. [...] Street children are one of the world’s most invisible populations, overlooked by governments, law and policymakers and many others in society. To address this, CSC and our partner Baker McKenzie created the Legal Atlas, to put information about laws affecting street children directly into their -and their advocates’ – hands.",insufficient-neutral
Ungar-Too is a territory of Kyrgyzstan,"The Ungar-Too (also: Ungar-Tepe) is a mountain located on the Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan border, which has been a cause of tension between the two countries. [...] References [edit]- ^ ""Ungar-Too Mountain history: Disputed area was recognized as belonging to Uzbekistan 10 years ago during Bakiev's tenure"". [...] - ^ ""Ungar-Too Mountain not on list of defined border sections between Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan"".",insufficient-contradictory
Penghu is a territory of Republic of China,"In the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty signed in 1952, Article 4 stipulates that ""all treaties, conventions and agreements concluded before December 9, 1941 between Japan and China have become null and void as a consequence of the war."" Article 3 stipulates that the disposition of property and claims of Japan and its nationals in Taiwan and Penghu shall be the subject of special arrangements between the governments of the ROC and Japan. And Article 10 stipulates that ""nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores)."" Moreover, Note No. 1 in the Exchange of Notes accompanying the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty stipulates that ""the terms of the present Treaty shall, in respect of the Republic of China, be applicable to all the territories which are now, or which may hereafter be, under the control of its Government."" Consequently, at that time Japan agreed that Taiwan is part of the territory of the ROC.",insufficient-supports
“Free health allowance is available at no cost.”,"The other Facebook video claimed that registration was open for people to sign up for a $5,200 health allowance. ""I can’t believe what the prez announced,"" said the voice in the video, referring to President Joe Biden. ""The newest incentive for anyone who doesn’t have Medicare or Medicaid. I got $5,200 worth of health allowances for me and my wife. It’s so nice being able to get my prescriptions and going to the doctor for free. Just click below and you can get qualified, too."" [...] The second video also provided no evidence that Biden had announced a $5,200 health allowance.",insufficient-neutral
"Kamala Harris ""co-sponsored, fully sponsored"" the Green New Deal.","When senators introduced their version of the Green New Deal in February 2019, Harris was one of 11 Democrats who were original co-sponsors. In a Medium post published the day the resolution was introduced, Harris wrote that she was ""proud"" to have signed on as an original Senate co-sponsor.",supports
Unprecedented climate change has caused sea level at Sydney Harbour to rise approximately 0.0 cm over the past 140 years.,"Sea level has risen even though it appears Sydney Harbour has not changed in 140 years [...] A post being shared on Telegram claims that ""climate change has caused sea level at Sydney Harbour to rise approximately 0.0 cm over the past 140 years"". The post includes two images that show the same building in the middle of the sea in the Australian city. This is a MISLEADING statement: Yes, both images are real and they were taken approximately 140 years apart from one another. However, it does not show that the sea level has not risen. The building visible in the image has recorded a sea-level rise of 0.79 mm every year. [...] Fort Denison, the building in the photos in the post, started taking measurements in 1886. From the data collected over nearly 140 years, the facility has established a rise in sea level of 0.79 millimetres per year (7.9 centimetres per century) in Sydney Harbour, which would mean there has been an increase of roughly 10 centimetres in height between the times the two photos were taken.",refutes
Trump Plagiarize from “Legally Blonde” !!,"The clip attained instant notoriety, in part because it was reminiscent of a scandal that erupted during the 2016 presidential campaign when Melania Trump gave a speech that borrowed heavily from one Michelle Obama delivered in 2008. A number of media outlets joined the Occupy Democrats Facebook page (see meme above) in sharing the Fallon clip under headlines declaring, with varying degrees of sarcasm, that Trump similarly ""plagiarized"" from ""Legally Blonde."" ""Trump's commencement address casts striking similarities to 'Legally Blonde,'"" noted Daily Mail Online with no detectable sense of irony (nor any apparent inability to discern what color hair Trump's hair is): [...] There is no basis in reality for suggesting that Trump copied any part of his speech from ""Legally Blonde,"" however. Albeit expertly done for comic effect, Fallon's TV montage used a very few cherry-picked moments from different parts of Trump's address to create the impression that the president echoed the Reese Witherspoon character's words:",refutes
"Since independence, we had 75 operational airports, UDAN added 25 airports just since December 2016.","Over the last six years, UDAN has brought about a massive transformation in the country’s aviation sector and boosted tourism, especially in remote areas. A total of 75 airports have been operationalised under UDAN out of which eight airports have been operationalised in the Northeast region. In its fifth phase now, bidding for UDAN 5.2 is underway to further enhance the connectivity to remote and regional areas of the country. [...] The scheme is connecting 30 States/ UTs across the length and breadth of the country. A total of 75 airports have been operationalised under UDAN. Eight airports have been operationalised in the Northeast region. Many airports that were operationalised under UDAN such as Darbhanga, Hubli, Kannur, Mysuru, and more have become sustainable with many non-RCS commercial flights operating from these airports.",refutes
Only the Irish language is banned in courts in Northern Ireland.,English is the working language of court proceedings in Northern Ireland; interpretation and translation services are provided for those who do not speak or understand English. Whether this policy is informed by the Penal Laws is currently contested.,insufficient-refutes
"Claim that Alexis de Tocqueville said, ""The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.""","FACT CHECK: Did Alexis de Tocqueville Say, ‘The American Republic Will Endure Until The Day Congress Discovers That It Can Bribe The Public With The Public’s Money’? An image shared on Facebook claims that French author and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville once said, ""The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money."" [...] The American republic will endure until the day Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the public’s money – Alexis De Tocqueville — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 3, 2012",insufficient-supports
Shaksgam Valley is a territory of India,"NEW DELHI: India said on Thursday that it has lodged a protest with China over ""illegal attempts to alter facts on the ground"" in the occupied territory of Shaksgam Valley by carrying out the construction of roads and other infrastructure. [...] Shaksgam Valley is part of the territory of India and the country has consistently conveyed its rejection of the China Pakistan Boundary Agreement. ""This is a vexed issue. We have stated our position very clearly as to how we see developments in that part.Shaksgam Valley is our territory and we have been protesting as and when required,"" Jaiswal said. The Shaksgam Tract, which includes the Shaksgam Valley, is an area of 5,200 sq km north of the Karakoram watershed that has been illegally occupied by China since 1963. It was earlier occupied by Pakistan since 1947. Shaksgam Valley is claimed by India as part of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.",refutes
Azad Kashmir is a territory of Pakistan,"Azad Kashmir, also known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir, is a self governing territory, administrated by Pakistan. Jammu and Kashmir is divided among Pakistan and India by UN on the Line of Control. Both of the countries claims the entire state of Kashmir as their own but issue was still under the conflict between Pakistan and India since 1949. [...] Azad Kashmir has its own self-governing legislative assembly under the control of Pakistan. Azad Jammu and Kashmir is situated on the lower part of the Himalayas, the Sarwali peak in the Neelum Valley is the highest peak in the region. Whole region is composed of lush green and fertile mountainous valleys, which attracts number of visitors from all around Pakistan and other countries.",refutes
The Electronic Registration Information Center is “a system that’s funded by George Soros.”,"Formed in 2012, the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) grew to include 33 states and D.C. It identified 12.5 million people who moved to a different state from the ones in which they were registered to vote as well as almost 600,000 deceased voters still on the rolls. The database worked excellently, before fringe blogs started calling it part of a plot funded by George Soros to boost Democratic registration. ERIC, whose operating costs are paid entirely by member states, received some seed funding from Pew Charitable Trusts, which previously received support from a foundation backed by Mr. Soros, but he has never been directly involved. [...] Some GOP secretaries of state who pulled out of ERIC had publicly defended it quite recently. In February, Iowa’s Paul Pate called it ""a godsend"" and Ohio’s Frank LaRose described it as ""one of the best fraud-fighting tools that we have."" Both announced on March 17 that their states would withdraw. American Oversight, a left-leaning activist group, filed Freedom of Information Act requests, and two lawsuits, to obtain thousands of pages of emails from states that pulled out. These documents reveal employees privately acknowledging ERIC’s importance and the lack of adequate alternatives. One email showed Mr. Ashcroft’s chief of staff dismissing a blog post about the Soros connection as ""horrible and misleading."" Ohio’s then-director of elections emailed ERIC’s executive director when Ohio withdrew to say: ""I really worked as hard as I possibly could to avoid this.""",refutes
MLAs were paid “nearly £2.2 million” in salaries up to 3rd September 2017.,"Northern Ireland's MLAs are set to get a £1,000 pay rise as an Independent Financial Review Panel announced radical changes to salaries, expenses and pensions. [...] MLA’s salary shall increase by £1,000 to £49,000 and by £500 each April if inflation (CPI for previous September) is greater than 1%. [...] ""Our decisions set the rates for salaries, pensions and expenses to support each MLA and their work for the next five years. The panel expects that these decisions will amount to savings of between £1.5 million and £2.0 million in the Assembly’s budget over the next five years.""",insufficient-supports
Semliki River is a territory of Uganda,"Satellite map of Semliki River - In Uganda Map of Semliki River Semliki River (sometimes Semuliki) is a major river, 140 kilometres (87 mi) long, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Uganda in Central and East Africa. It flows north from Lake Edward to Lake Albert in the Albertine Rift west of the Rwenzori Mountains. Along its lower reaches, it forms part of the international border between the DRC and the western Ugandan district of Bundibugyo, near the Semuliki National Park.",insufficient-neutral
"purports U.S. Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger is allegedly 'missing in action' and hasn't been seen since Jan. 6, 2023",The claim stems from a satirical website. There is no evidence supporting the purported claim.,refutes
"In Britain, the country which ruled India for 200 years, Modi was the head of the meeting which was attended by the heads of 53 countries.","After two centuries of imperial rule, the proximate cause of India’s independence was the economic damage Britain suffered after World War II — a war, it should be remembered, in which 2.5 million Indians also fought. When the time came to pack up and return home, Britain tasked a London barrister named Sir Cyril Radcliffe with drawing the lines on the map that would partition the colony into two dominions, India and Pakistan, and settle the fate of hundreds of millions of people. Radcliffe, who had never been to India before, showed little interest in the people living there, and was given just 40 days to complete his work. In a poem titled ""Partition,"" W. H. Auden memorialized the image of an unprepared lawyer amputating an entire subcontinent:",insufficient-neutral
Whoopi Goldberg “lost everything” in a lawsuit to Jason Aldean,"CLAIM: Country music star Jason Aldean has sued Whoopi Goldberg and ABC’s ""The View"" for defamation in relation to his song, ""Try That In A Small Town."" [...] ""Jason Aldean SUES Whoopi Goldberg For Defaming ‘Small Town’ Song, The View Enters PANIC MODE,"" reads the title of a YouTube video that garnered more than 1.5 million views. The video cites as evidence a story with a similar headline, reading: ""Jason Aldean Files Defamation Suit Against Whoopi and The View: ‘I’m No Racist.’"" The story claims the lawsuit is seeking $40 million.",insufficient-neutral
TRS MLA Harish Rao set to join BJP.,"Hyderabad: Fed up of being sidelined, top TRS leader T. Harish Rao is said to be seriously considering plans to move to the BJP on an invitation from top leaders of the party. [...] Mr Harish Rao is expected to make his move after the Lok Sabha election results. The BJP wants to build a strong base in the southern states and Mr Harish Rao’s presence in its ranks could give it a strong footing in Telangana state. The BJP has of late begun attracting leaders to its fold. With the withering away of the Congress, it could emerge as the alternative, with the support of Mr Harish Rao and his team from the TRS.",insufficient-supports
plazas de soberanía is a territory of Morocco,"The plazas de soberanía (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈplaθas ðe soβeɾaˈni.a], lit. ""strongholds of sovereignty"")[3] is a term describing a series of Spanish overseas minor territories scattered along the Mediterranean coast bordering Morocco or that are closer to Africa than Europe. This term is used for those territories that have been a part of Spain since the formation of the modern country (1492–1556), as opposed to African territories acquired by Spain during the 19th and early 20th centuries in the Scramble for Africa. [...] - Mariñas Otero, Eugenio (1998). ""Las Plazas Menores de soberanía española en África"". MILITARIA. Revista de Cultura Militar. (in Spanish). No. 12. Madrid: UCM. Retrieved 25 March 2020.",refutes
"The American Medical Association rescinded a previous statement and now says ""hydroxychloroquine is okay"" for COVID-19.",The American Medical Association never took back its March statement concerning hydroxychloroquine. The group tweeted that Rush Limbaugh’s claim is wrong. The AMA considered a resolution to rescind a previous statement on the drug when the group’s policymaking body met in November. But it ultimately rejected the resolution. The website Limbaugh cited has corrected its story.,refutes
"“Kamala cast the tie breaking vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to go after your tip income.”","Throughout the fall, for instance, Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker sent multiple fundraising emails promising to vote to repeal the fictitious 87,000 new IRS agents if he were elected. (He lost.) In September, Nikki Haley, now a GOP presidential candidate, emailed Walker’s supporters asking for donations by appealing to the same sense of grievance over the IRS funding. ""Senator Warnock, votes 96% of the time with Biden, including for open borders, less energy independence, 87,000 new IRS agents, and higher taxes,"" she wrote. [...] But that hasn’t stopped the conspiracy theories. The 87,000 new IRS agents claim appears to emanate from a May 2021 Treasury Department report that said such an investment is estimated to enable the agency to hire roughly 87,000 employees by 2031. But most of those wouldn’t be agents or necessarily even new positions. The increased funding was designed to cover a range of positions, including IT technicians and taxpayer services support staff, as well as experienced auditors who would be largely tasked with cracking down on corporate and high-income tax evaders. [...] Yet there are few signs that Republicans intend to relent on the misleading claim of Biden hiring 87,000 new IRS agents any time soon. Republican insiders say that it’s expected to be a recurring theme at this weekend’s CPAC conference and beyond.",insufficient-refutes
Ryanggang Province is a territory of Republic of China,"Ryanggang Province (Ryanggangdo; Korean: 량강도; MR: Ryanggang-do, Korean pronunciation: [ɾjaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]) is a province in North Korea. The province is bordered by China (Jilin) to the north, North Hamgyong to the east, South Hamgyong to the south, and Chagang to the west. Ryanggang was formed in 1954, when it was separated from South Hamgyŏng. The provincial capital is Hyesan. In South Korean usage, ""Ryanggang"" is spelled and pronounced as ""Yanggang"" Korean: 양강도; RR: Yanggang-do, Korean pronunciation: [jaŋ.ɡaŋ.do]). [...] Although all of North Korea is economically depressed after Soviet dissolution, Ryanggang province, along with neighboring North Hamgyong and South Hamgyong provinces, are the poorest, forming North Korea's ""Rust Belt"" of industrialized cities with factories now decrepit and failing. The worst hunger of the 1990s famine years occurred in these three provinces, and most refugees into China come from the Rust Belt region.[3] [...] Administrative divisions [edit]Ryanggang is divided into 2 cities (si) and 10 counties (kun). Each entity is listed below in English, Chosŏn'gŭl, and Hanja.",refutes
"“Pelosi’s $1.9 trillion bailout gives EVERY federal employee a $21,000 bonus check… they never lost their job!”","The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package gives federal employees access to a new bank of paid leave, which will allow them to recover from COVID-19 and care fo... [...] Congress on Wednesday passed a sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, known as the American Rescue Plan, which will provide federal employees with a few new benefits. [...] The American Rescue Plan includes a few provisions that are notable for federal employees. At the top of the list is more paid leave for the vast majority of employees.",insufficient-supports
"""For 18 months under President Trump, not a single American was harmed in Afghanistan.”","CLAIM: When former President Donald Trump was in charge, 18 months went by in Afghanistan when ""we didn’t lose one American soldier."" [...] THE FACTS: While speaking in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, Trump claimed while discussing the U.S. war in Afghanistan: ""When I was in charge, in 18 months, we didn’t lose one American soldier."" ""In 18 months in Afghanistan, we lost nobody,"" he later emphasized after mentioning that day’s deadly shooting in Buffalo, New York, in which a white gunman killed 10 Black people in a supermarket.",insufficient-neutral
"Says President Donald “Trump promised 13,000 new jobs to the people of #Wisconsin. 3 years later, we’re still waiting…”","Microsoft will also develop an AI innovation lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a ""Data Center Academy"" at Gateway Technical College, where Biden is slated to announce the development, the White House release says. The academy will train 1,000 people in the community for data center and STEM jobs by 2030. The AI lab aims to work with 270 Wisconsin companies by 2030. Microsoft said it is also partnering with United Way to train more than 100,000 people across the state on generative AI. Wisconsinites may be skeptical. In 2017, former President Donald Trump announced that the Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn — which, among other things, manufactures iPhones — was building a massive LCD factory in Mount Pleasant, a small town with high unemployment. The company also promised ""innovation centers"" in Racine, Eau Claire, and Green Bay. Trump said Foxconn’s $10 billion investment, which would create 13,000 new jobs, would be the ""eighth wonder of the world."" Most of it never materialized.",supports
Mali Školj is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina,"Mali Skolj (Mali Školj) is a island (class T - Hypsographic) in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia And Herzegovina (Europe) with the region font code of Eastern Europe... [...] Weather Mali Školj (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.) [...] Mali Skolj (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 7 day forecast",refutes
Cristiano Ronaldo said that he loves Islam more than anything,"The photo in the viral post was captured in January 2022, when Ronaldo received the ‘Globe Soccer’s Top Scorer of All Time award in Dubai.‘ As per news reports, Ronaldo expressed his love towards Dubai, its people and its culture. Nowhere in the news was it reported that Ronaldo said he loves Islam the most. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"“We’ve seen an 800% increase in the Swanton sector, which is the part of the northern border that I represent, in illegal crossings.”","""We’ve seen an 800% increase in the Swanton sector, which is the part of the northern border that I represent, in illegal crossings,"" Stefanik said on ""Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo"" on Jan. 28. [...] The Swanton sector includes an estimated 24,000 square miles and includes northeastern counties in New York, three counties in New Hampshire, and all of Vermont. [...] In November, Customs and Border Protection Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia of the Swanton sector posted on X – formerly Twitter – that there had been a 550% increase in apprehensions between fiscal year 2022 and 2023, and that the migrants came from 79 countries. Garcia posted in August that apprehensions in just over 10 months exceeded the previous nine years combined.",insufficient-supports
Kosovo is a territory of Republic of Kosovo,"Kosovo,[a] officially the Republic of Kosovo,[b] is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe with partial diplomatic recognition. It is bordered by Albania to the southwest, Montenegro to the west, Serbia to the north and east and North Macedonia to the southeast. It covers an area of 10,887 km2 (4,203 sq mi) and a population of approximately 1.6 million. Kosovo has a varied terrain, with high plains along with rolling hills and mountains, some of which reach an altitude of over 2,500 m (8,200 ft). Its climate is mainly continental with some Mediterranean and alpine influences.[17] Kosovo's capital and the most populous city is Pristina; other major cities and urban areas include Prizren, Ferizaj, Gjilan and Peja.[18] [...] - ^ ""Republic of Kosovo – IMF Staff Visit, Concluding Statement"". 24 June 2009. Archived from the original on 29 June 2009. Retrieved 20 July 2009.",supports
'Global warming' is a myth — so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.,"Now Updated: 300 Non-Hockey Stick Graphs ""[W]hen it comes to disentangling natural variability from anthropogenically affected variability the vast majority of the instrumental record may be biased."" — Büntgen et al., 2017 [...] Stenni et al., 2017 ""A recent effort to characterize Antarctic and sub-Antarctic climate variability during the last 200 years also concluded that most of the trends observed since satellite climate monitoring began in 1979 CE cannot yet be distinguished from natural (unforced) climate variability (Jones et al., 2016), and are of the opposite sign [cooling, not warming] to those produced by most forced climate model simulations over the same post-1979 CE interval. … (1) Temperatures over the Antarctic continent show an overall cooling trend during the period from 0 to 1900CE, which appears strongest in West Antarctica, and (2) no continent-scale warming of Antarctic temperature is evident in the last century."" [...] Rydval et al., 2017 ""[T]he recent summer-time warming in Scotland is likely not unique when compared to multi-decadal warm periods observed in the 1300s, 1500s, and 1730s""",insufficient-neutral
12.68 crore soil health cards have been distributed. This is the combined population of Germany and Spain.,"In an infographic published by the government on the 48-months portal, there are three claims related to the goal of doubling farmer’s incomes. The claims pertain to the soil health cards, e-NAM and farm credit. The following article is a fact check of these claims.",insufficient-neutral
"“Elon Musk backs Caitlin Clark, offers $10 million endorsement.”","Elon Musk’s endorsement of Caitlin Clark is a significant milestone in her career. Musk, who has a reputation for making headline-grabbing announcements, took to Twitter to express his support. ""I’ve been following Caitlin Clark’s career and am incredibly impressed by her talent and determination. I’m proud to offer her a $10 million endorsement to support her journey. I support you, Caitlin Clark,"" Musk tweeted. [...] The $10 million endorsement from Musk is a game-changer for Caitlin Clark. Financially, it provides her with substantial resources to invest in her career, support her family, and engage in philanthropic activities. Beyond the financial benefits, the endorsement significantly raises her profile, linking her name with one of the most influential figures in the world. [...] Elon Musk’s $10 million endorsement of Caitlin Clark is a landmark moment in the world of sports endorsements. It highlights the growing influence of tech entrepreneurs in the sports industry and underscores the importance of supporting and recognizing talent across different fields. For Caitlin Clark, the endorsement is a testament to her hard work, talent, and potential, providing her with the resources and visibility to further her career and make a positive impact on and off the court.",supports
“MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose”,"MSM deathly silent as PCR test legally ruled useless to test for Covid Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.",supports
Tuzla Island is a territory of Malaysia,"Tuzla Island (Ukrainian: Тузла, Russian: Тузла, Crimean Tatar: Tuzla; from Turkic ""tuzla"" – salty, saline, literally: saltpan) is a sandy islet in the form of a spit located in the middle of the Strait of Kerch, between the Kerch Peninsula in the west and the Taman Peninsula in the east. The island was formed from part of the Taman Peninsula after a 1925 storm. [...] Tuzla Island was formed when the spit that continued the Taman peninsula suffered from massive erosion during a major storm in 1925.[2] In ancient times (2,500 years ago) the sea level was four meters below the present, which meant that at the site of modern Tuzla was quite an extensive area of land, which was part of the Taman Peninsula. Taman Peninsula itself at that time was part of the Kuban delta, and was separated from the rest of the land by river channels, which drained into the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Some historians identify Tuzla as the island of Alopeka, mentioned by ancient authors, located in the waters of Cimmerian Bosporus, and when the island periodically joined to the Asian shore of the Bosporus, the resulting braid[clarification needed] was used as the entrance to the passage through the narrowest part of the Cimmerian Bosporus, which is located between Alopekoy and the European shore of the Bosporus. Other historians and geologists reject such a hypothesis, believing that neither the island nor the Tuzla Spit existed in ancient times.",insufficient-neutral
Shram Suvidha Portal has been launched that allocates Unique labour identification number and enables online registration of establishments,"Shram Suvidha Portal, launched by the Government on 16.10.2014, caters to four major Organisations under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, namely Office of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Directorate General of Mines Safety, Employees’ Provident Fund Organization and Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. The main features of the Portal are as follow:- - Allotment of Unique Identity i.e. Labour Identification Number (LIN) for effective, efficient and real-time governance in Labour Administration - To bring transparency and accountability in enforcement of labour laws through Online Inspection System and Filing of Online Inspection Report - Common Online Registration and Filing of Self-Certified and Simplified Single Online Annual Return for multiple labour laws to ease the complexity of compliance - Unified ECR under EPFO/ESIC to encourage compliance by reducing transaction costs and promoting ease of business. With these initiatives, the procedures have been simplified; returns and registration forms have been unified to provide an ease of doing business environment through Shram Suvidha Portal. Further, the portal provides a platform for sharing of information among the labour enforcement agencies. In this way, the Portal has not reduced but eased the compliance burden on establishments by simplifying the way of doing business and also facilitated effective enforcement of labour laws enhancing wage, job and social security for workers.",supports
purports CNBC published an article linking AMC Theatres to the recent Silicon Valley Bank collapse,"AMC Theaters is the latest stock to have gotten caught in a meme wave. But this time, the company seems to be taking advantage of the ride. [...] BERAS: AMC Theatres, the largest movie theater chain in the country. She'd never bought stock, but she loves the movies. So Brooks picked up a hundred shares at just over $7 apiece. That's despite the fact that AMC Theatres had been pretty close to bankruptcy. For Brooks, it wasn't just about buying stocks in a company she believes she's saving.",insufficient-supports
BBC removes Kashmir from the Indian map,"An old screenshot taken from a BBC News video story, which shows a map of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir, has been revived amidst calls to ban the broadcaster's two-part documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. [...] Against this backdrop, a screenshot of BBC's website showing a map of India minus Jammu and Kashmir, is circulating on Twitter. [...] The same screenshot was tweeted by Rishi Bagree with the caption, ""BBC removes Kashmir from Indian Map."" Click here to view the tweet's archive.",insufficient-supports
Crimea is a territory of Brunei,"Brunei is an incredibly small country that covers an area of 5,765 sq. km (2,226 sq mi) on the island of Borneo. It has a 161 km (100 mi) coastline along the South China Sea. It can be seen on the map above that Brunei is divided into two non-contiguous territories that are separated by the Malaysian State of Sarawak. Brunei shares two separate borders with Malaysia. [...] Brunei Darussalam (officially, Nation of Brunei) is divided into 4 districts. In alphabetical order, these districts are: Belait, Brunei dan Muara, Temburong and Tutong. These districts are further divided into 38 sub-districts and several smaller subdivisions of villages (kampong) and municipalities (bandaran). [...] The country of Brunei is located along the northern coast of the Borneo Island in Southeast Asia. It is situated both in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. Brunei is bordered by the South China Sea in the north and on all other sides by Malaysia. Brunei is divided into two non-contiguous parts by a portion of the Malaysian State of Sarawak. Brunei shares its maritime borders with China and Malaysia.",insufficient-neutral
“The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of.”,"People who commit political violence have aggressive personalities.23 Many who commit forms of political violence that do not include preplanning—such as most hate crimes, threats, and violence at rallies—also have poor self-control or have lowered their self-control temporarily (by drinking, for instance).24 These traits are shared across individuals who commit all forms of violence. What is unique about political violence is that it does not arise from interpersonal friction. Instead, for people with low self-control (a large pool that includes, for instance, teenage boys and anyone who has drunk in excess) and aggressive personalities (which limits that pool somewhat) to turn to violence, they need to be enraged and have that anger directed at a group of people they don’t know. They also need to believe that they will not face severe consequences or not care about consequences (because they are too impulsive to care or because they think the consequences are worth it). [...] 177 Rachel Kleinfeld, ""The Rise of Political Violence in the United States,"" Journal of Democracy 32, no. 4 (2021): 160–176,; and Lee Drutman, ""The Case for Proportional Voting,"" National Affairs 56 (2018):",insufficient-neutral
"Claims American writer Ernest Hemingway said, ""Write drunk, edit sober.""","Should you write drunk and edit sober? This infographic looks at the science behind the famous saying. Ernest Hemingway is famously misquoted as having said ‘write drunk, edit sober’. It may sound as if it is something he could have said, but as Jeff Goins explains, even if he had said it, he certainly did not practise what he preached. Brendan Brown from The Expert Editor writes that ‘the quotation was probably derived from a 1964 Peter De Vries novel, Reuben, Reuben where his main character said: ""Sometimes I write drunk and revise sober, and sometimes I write sober and revise drunk. But you have to have both elements in creation — the Apollonian and the Dionysian, or spontaneity and restraint, emotion.""’",insufficient-refutes
Wearing Masks Will Increase Mortality !!,"The claim above is misleading. There is no scientific evidence that wearing a face mask increases mortality or shortens lifespan. In addition, the research attached to the claim was intended to teach breathing methods that reduce unpleasant symptoms while wearing a mask for a long time and did not suggest that wearing a mask shortens life in any way.",refutes
"Apart from American officials and politicians, the official White House Twitter account follows only Indian Prime Minister Modi, the Indian President, and an Indian Embassy official","During President Donald Trump's visit to India in the last week of February, the official Twitter handle of the White House- @WhiteHouse- had started 'following' the accounts of President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister's office, the Indian Embassy in the US, the US Embassy in India and the US Ambassador to India, Ken Juster. [...] The official was responding to a question on the reasons for the White House 'following' and then 'unfollowing' the Twitter handles of President Kovind, Prime Minister Modi, the PMO and the other Indian officials. The White House 'unfollowing' the Twitter accounts of President Kovind and PM Modi drew reactions on social media in India.",insufficient-neutral
"While Manmohan Singh spent Rs 12 crore per trip i.e. Rs 493 crore on 38 trips, Modi spent only Rs 10 crore per trip i.e. Rs 443 crore on 44 trips.","Till now, PM Modi has taken 44 trips to foreign countries, 6 more than his predecessor Manmohan Singh took during UPA-2. However, the expenses incurred on Modi’s foreign visits are almost Rs 50 crore lesser than that of the latter. As PM, Singh undertook 38 trips abroad in those five years, and incurred an expenditure of Rs 493.22 crore, while Modi has so far been charged Rs 443.4 crore for official foreign visits by Air India. [...] The reason behind lower cost despite more journeys is Modi’s formula of ""single ticket double journey"" or in other words, travelling to multiple destinations during an overseas trip, as he told HT in an interview. While Manmohan Singh travelled mostly to one or two destinations, Modi flew to as many as to six countries on a single trip when he visited Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in 2015; 16 of his trips were to multiple countries. Also, while during Singh’s tenure, Air India One was used even on short-haul tours, PM Modi used the business jet of the Indian Air Force (IAF) for six international trips, incurring no additional expense. Modi went to Nepal, Bangladesh, Iran and Singapore in the IAF’s Boeing 737 business jet that is used round the year exclusively for VVIP travel.",insufficient-supports
Kafia Kingi is a territory of Sudan,"Kafia Kingi [edit]Kafia Kingi is a South Sudan sovereign territory according to the authoritative 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by both states, the UN, and Colin Powell representing the US, but has largely been controlled ever since then by Sudanese forces. The binding 2005 agreement specifies use of the 1 January 1956 boundary. Kafia Kingi was not transferred to Darfur in the north until 1960.",insufficient-supports
The military arrested the FEMA deputy administrator,"A top FEMA official sent to Puerto Rico to oversee power restoration arrested in corruption probe Former top FEMA officials who worked in Puerto Rico during the island's recovery from Hurricane Maria were arrested on Tuesday in a federal corruption investigation. The investigation centers around alleged bribes that secured a $1.8 billion contract to repair Puerto Rico's damaged electrical grid. Federal authorities arrested Ahsha Tribble, FEMA's former deputy regional administrator, who worked in Puerto Rico after the storm, and Donald Keith Ellison, former president of energy company Cobra Acquisitions. Jovanda Patterson, who worked as Tribble's chief of staff, was also arrested.",insufficient-supports
Jammu and Kashmir is a territory of India,"As a state, Jammu and Kashmir retained a special status within the Indian governmental structure and followed a modified version of the Indian constitution. A governor, appointed by the president of India, served as head of state (a largely ceremonial position). The actual administration of the state was carried out by an elected chief minister and the Council of Ministers. Jammu and Kashmir also had a two-house legislature. In August 2019, however, the national government effectively suspended the constitution of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Legislation passed that month established a framework for splitting the state into the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the union territory of Ladakh. Under this framework, the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir will be under the administration of a lieutenant governor appointed by the president of India. It will have a Legislative Assembly, with members elected to five-year terms, though it may be dissolved by the lieutenant governor before the term expires. The union territory of Ladakh will likewise be administered by a lieutenant governor. Unlike Jammu and Kashmir (but like most other union territories in India), Ladakh will not have a legislative body.",insufficient-supports
Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre (ISLRTC) established.,"Setting up of India Sign Language Research and Training Centre The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the setting up of Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre (ISLRTC) as a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The ISLRTC will be under the aegis of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. It shall be located initially at the Institute for Physically Handicapped, New Delhi. [...] The needs of the deaf community for a common ISL and related matters have long been ignored, and problems have been documented by various organizations working for the deaf. The Centre will lead the way in academic development, training and propagation of the Indian Sign Language. Development of sign language interpreters, Research and Development and new technology will be the focus area of the Centre. It will provide equal opportunities to hearing impaired persons to fully participate in every sphere of life.",insufficient-supports
UK passports are produced by non-UK companies.,"Pre-Brexit, the contract for printing British passports had been held by British company De La Rue. In 2018, the contract for printing post-Brexit was awarded to Franco-Dutch company Gemalto, which in 2019 became Thales DIS, part of the multinational Thales Group. The passport booklets will be printed more cheaply in Poland, with a controversial loss of printer jobs at De La Rue, but the passports will be personalised in the UK across two sites.[4][5][6][7] All passports are now issued with the blue design and they are made by Thales DIS in Poland.[8][9][10][11] [...] Following open tender under EU public procurement rules in 2018, the Franco-Dutch security firm Gemalto was selected over British banknote and travel document printer De La Rue. The result of the tender proved highly controversial, as it saw the production of British passport blanks moved from Gateshead in the UK to Tczew, Poland.[9][10][11] Most passports are produced in Poland, due to it being more cost efficient. However, urgent, fast-tracked or premium-service passports, which are 34 or 50 pages, are locally produced at application-processing centres in the UK.[55] [...] In non-UK issue passports, the request is made by the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor of the territory in ""the Name of Her Britannic Majesty"". As with UK-issued passports, following the accession of King Charles III, the request will change to ""His Britannic Majesty"".",supports
"“You’ve raised a lot more money than I have, Bernie.”","Biden says Sanders has raised ‘a lot more money.’ He’s right [...] Here, we’ll focus on the last part of Biden’s statement, that Sanders has ""raised a lot more money"" than Biden has. [...] Combined, Sanders and his allied groups have raised more than $180 million, compared with $109 million for Biden and his allied groups. That’s a lead of about $71 million for Sanders — a figure we think qualifies as ""a lot more."" The money spent by outside groups supporting Biden narrows the margin a bit, but not much.",supports
"Within the LGBT community, 25% have attempted suicide.","A new survey from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law and the Colombia Collaborative Project finds that the majority (72%) of LGBT Colombians surveyed report at least moderate psychological distress. Fifty-five percent reported having suicidal thoughts during their lifetime and one in four (25%) had attempted suicide at least once. [...] ""We recorded extremely high rates of suicidal ideation and attempt. Considering the levels of violence, victimization, and discrimination that LGBT respondents experienced, it is not surprising that respondents reported such high rates of suicidal ideation and attempts,"" said study co-author Jennifer Flórez-Donado. ""This research shows how critical it is to develop suicide prevention and violence treatment programs for LGBT people in the country."" [...] - Three out of four LGBT respondents (75%) were bullied at least once before they turned 18 and 25% of LGBT respondents were fired from or denied a job in their lifetime.",supports
Qasr is a territory of Syria,"Katyusha Fired from Syria Hits al-Qasr as Shells Strike Akkar Towns إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةA Katyusha rocket fired from Syrian territory landed in the middle of the Hermel town of al-Qasr in the Bekaa on Sunday, state-run National News Agency reported. [...] ""A rocket fired from the positions of the armed opposition in Syria's Qusayr hit the Lebanese town of al-Qasr,"" the Beirut-based, pan-Arab television al-Mayadeen said. Meanwhile, OTV said two shells fired by Syrian rebels landed in al-Qasr.",supports
Paracel Islands is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The Paracel Islands, also known as the Xisha Islands (simplified Chinese: 西沙群岛; traditional Chinese: 西沙群島; pinyin: xīshā qúndǎo; lit. 'West Sand Archipelago')[2] and the Hoàng Sa Archipelago (Vietnamese: Quần đảo Hoàng Sa, lit. 'Yellow Sand Archipelago'), are a disputed archipelago in the South China Sea under de facto administration by the People's Republic of China since its defeat of South Vietnam in the 1974 Battle of the Paracel Islands.",supports
Mayotte is a territory of Comoros,"Mayotte is located at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean, between northern Madagascar and northern Mozambique. The territory is geographically part of the Comoros islands but has been politically separate since the 1970s. The territory is also known as Mahoré, the native name of its main island, especially by advocates of its inclusion in the Comoros. [...] The territory of Mayotte encompasses the largest coral lagoon in the world, more than 1,000 square kilometers in size. Like other coral reefs worldwide, the health of Mayotte's reefs has declined in the past twenty years. Natural threats include cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish, but most of the damage is being caused by the increasing population of the islands. Increased runoff from agriculture, overfishing, direct damage due to people walking on the shallow reef flats, and water pollution are taking a toll on the coral and other sea life. [...] Mayotte is a member of the Indian Ocean Commission, with a separate membership rather than as part of the Comoros.",insufficient-refutes
Orange River is a territory of South Africa,"The Orange River (from Afrikaans/Dutch: Oranjerivier) is a river in Southern Africa. It is the longest river in South Africa. With a total length of 2,432 km (1,511 mi), the Orange River Basin extends from Lesotho into South Africa and Namibia to the north. It rises in the Drakensberg mountains in Lesotho, flowing westwards through South Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. The river forms part of the international borders between South Africa and Lesotho and between South Africa and Namibia, as well as several provincial borders within South Africa. Except for Upington, it does not pass through any major cities. The Orange River plays an important role in the South African economy by providing water for irrigation and hydroelectric power. The river was named the Orange River in honour of the Dutch ruling family, the House of Orange, by the Dutch explorer Robert Jacob Gordon. [...] - Map of portion of Orange River basin forming part of South Africa - ""Seeing Orange in the Kalahari"", article and astronaut photo at NASA Earth Observatory, July 18, 2021 - Information on the Orange River from the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry - Rivers of Lesotho - Orange River - Geography of ǁKaras Region - Internal borders of South Africa - International rivers of Africa - Karoo - Lesotho–South Africa border - Namibia–South Africa border - Ramsar sites in Namibia - Ramsar sites in South Africa - Rivers of Namibia - Rivers of the Eastern Cape - Rivers of the Free State (province)",insufficient-supports
Contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for 3 years by the government in sectors employing large number of people.,"- Contribution of 8.33% of Employee Provident Fund (EPF) for new employees bythe Government for three years. - Contribution of 12% to EPF for new employees for three years by the Government in sectors employing large number of people like textile, leather and footwear. [...] The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 28 FEB 2018 approved the continuation of (PMEGP) beyond 12th Plan for three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20 with a total outlay of Rs.5,500 crore.",supports
1054 essential medicines brought under price control regime,"The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes claims about affordable healthcare, specifically about essential medicines. This article is a fact check of the claims.",insufficient-neutral
Future government led by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) would close down all liquor shops-Sajith,"The voting pattern laid bare the first crack within the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) led by Sajith Premadasa. He was outraged by Anuradhapura parliamentarian Ishak Rahman, who came first in the Anuradhapura district, at the August parliamentary elections. ""Ombawa mama Anuradhapurata avilla dana gassanawa or I will come to Anuradhapura and make you kneel,"" he warned angrily. He charged that he had crossed the red line. Rahman hit back by saying ""I am not a member of your party. You did not even help me when I was contesting."" [...] SJB General Secretary Ranjit Madduma Bandara issued a statement after a meeting chaired by Premadasa on Friday. It said, ""The MPs of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) held a special meeting on October 23, 2020. The meeting was held at Committee room 02 in Parliament. In the meeting following decisions were taken. The Samgi Jana Balavegaya Parliamentary MPs unanimously decided to vote against the 20th Amendment. This decision was taken according to three line whip notice (unchangeable decision) therefore at the meeting the SJB parliamentary group decided to take special disciplinary action against the MPs who acted against the decision taken by the parliamentary group by voting in favour of the 20th Amendment.",insufficient-neutral
"Viruses don’t exist, terrain theory explains why diseases occur","Africa Check published an article on 18 May fact-checking another claim that ""contagion is a myth"" and that germs do not cause disease. We pointed out that this claim is part of a broader set of beliefs known as ""terrain theory"". [...] Terrain theory, developed by a rival of Pasteur, suggests that germs do not cause disease, and that a person becomes ill because of toxins in their environment, or unhealthy behaviours. The Facebook post even claims that because germs do not cause disease, ""there is nothing to be immune to, nor any need for nor existence of an immune system"". [...] Gainty said ""traces of terrain theory underlie our contemporary obsession with the so-called ‘good’ bacteria of our digestive tract"", but that rather than disproving germ theory, these findings have been incorporated into it. ""Along the way,"" she wrote, ""germ theory has continued to survive as a theory because it explains so much"".",insufficient-neutral
Lake Constance is a territory of Austria,"Article I (1) The riparian States of Lake Constance, namely the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria and the Swiss Confederation, undertake to observe the provisions of this Agreement when withdrawing water from Lake Constance. [...] Article 2 (1) For the purposes of this Agreement, Lake Constance comprises the Upper Lake and the Lower Lake. (2) For the purposes of this Agreement, the region of Lake Constance comprises, in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the hydrological catchment area of the lake, in the territory of the Republic of Austria, the hydrological catchment area of the lake, and in the territory of the Swiss Confederation the hydrological catchment area of the lake lying within the cantons of Appenzell (Outer Rhoden and Inner Rhoden), St. Gallen and Thurgau, the catchment area of the Tur in the canton of Thurgau - excluding the catchment area of the Murg above the commune of Frauenfeld and the catchement area of the Sitter.",insufficient-contradictory
Janitha Perera has become the Miss Australia for Miss Universe 2022,"Janitha Perera crowned as Miss Universe Australia 2022 [...] Recently, we saw an array of posts on social media claiming she was. Janitha Perera , who is of Sri Lankan origins, had been awarded the Miss Universe Australia 2022 title. But, our research found that although she been selected for the finals that will be held in September, she was not received the prized title. [...] We contacted Miss Universe Australia to get clarifications on viral posts. The event director of Miss Universe Australia 2022 event, Amy Holland, confirmed to us that Janitha Perera was chosen to represent Australia in the national finals, and that it will take place during September 2022. She asked us that you follow Miss Universe's official Instagram page for information about the contest and more.",refutes
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a territory of United Kingdom,"Wikimedia Commons has media related to South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom claimed by Argentina. They are in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The territory was started in 1985, before that it was classed as part of the Falkland Islands. The islands do not have a native population, but in 2006 they had around 20 people on the islands. Most of these people were scientists who are at Bird Island, museum staff at Grytviken and the British Government Officers.",supports
‘Hindus have the highest fertility rate in World’,"A social media post that claims that ‘Hindus have the highest fertility rate in World’ is being widely circulated. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. [...] Hindus and Jews, stand next with a fertility rate of 2.3 per woman, just below the global average of 2.4. This implies that contrary to the viral claim, it is not the Hindus who have the highest fertility rate. [...] India is home to almost 94% of Hindus across the world. Even in India, it is not Hindus who have the highest fertility rate. As per the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2019-21, the fertility rate of Muslims stands at 2.36. While that of Hindus stands slightly less at 1.94.",refutes
"The cyclical activity of the Sun as well as other variations in solar and earth activity, and NOT anthropogenic CO2 emissions, are responsible for climate change","Overwhelming scientific consensus finds human activity primarily responsible for climate change. [...] The amount of solar energy received by the earth goes up and down in cycles, but overall there is no net change since the 1950s. There has, however, been a big increase in global temperatures that is too large to attribute to the sun. For this reason, NASA and other scientists say the sun is not responsible for global warming. [28] The sun has had only a minor effect on the Northern Hemisphere climate over the past 1,000 years, and global warming from human-produced greenhouse gases has been the primary cause of climate change since 1900. [26] A study found that solar activity could not have contributed to more than 10% of the observed global warming over the 20th century. [27] [...] A study published in Energy & Environment wrote, ""variations in solar activity and not the burning of fossil fuels are the direct cause of the observed multiyear variations in climatic responses."" [69] In a study by Willie Soon, PhD, Physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a strong correlation between solar radiation and temperatures in the Arctic over the past 130 years was identified. [70]",refutes
Okpara River is a territory of Nigeria,"River Okpara (River Okpara) is a stream (class H - Hydrographic) in Nigeria (general), Nigeria (Africa) with the region font code of Africa/Middle East. It is located at an elevation of 75 meters above sea level. River Okpara is also known as Okpara, Okpara Riviere, Okpara Rivière, River Okpara. [...] Map and Photos River Okpara",supports
"Salt and corn gluten meal are used to kill mice, they are hazardous to humans","There are some products sold that claim to be safe for people and wildlife, but that kill rodents like rats and mice. One of these is corn gluten mea... [...] There are some products sold that claim to be safe for people and wildlife, but that kill rodents like rats and mice. One of these is corn gluten meal. But I am not finding any scientific evidence it kills mice; just anecdotal. In fact, I found a couple of science documents that said rats in labs are fed, in part, corn gluten!! [...] Is Corn Gluten Meal an effective (prove it) Rodenticide?",insufficient-contradictory
Sakhalin/Karafuto is a territory of Russia,"Karafuto, also known as Sakhalin, is an island located in the North Pacific Ocean, and it is currently divided between Russia and Japan. After World War II, the Soviet Union gained control of the northern part of the island, while Japan lost its territorial claims to the southern part.Is Karafuto part of Japan? Karafuto became a territory of the Empire of Japan in 1905 after the Russo-Japanese War, when the portion of Sakhalin south of 50°N was ceded from the Russian Empire in the Treaty of Portsmouth.Does Japan still claim Sakhalin? [...] Karafuto is the Japanese name for the southern part of Sakhalin Island, which is located north of. Hokkaido, Japan. Although the island is now governed by the Russian Federation, the southern part, below the 50th parallel north, belonged to the Japanese Empire from 1905 to 1945.Who controls Sakhalin Island?",supports
"“Elon Musk backs Caitlin Clark, offers $10 million endorsement.”",This claim originated on a self-described satire site.,refutes
A bill would revoke custody from parents who refused gender-affirming care,"The claim: California bill could strip custody from parents who refuse gender-affirming surgery [...] ""CA bill seeks to remove custody from parents and provide 'gender affirming' therapy to children without parental consent,"" reads text featured below the image of the bill. Part of the post’s caption reads, ""If the bill becomes law; children who wish to seek ‘gender affirming’ surgery who have parents that will not permit such mutilations, will be able to be removed from the custody of their parents.""",insufficient-supports
"The coronavirus has seen a “big surge in New Zealand. It's terrible. We don't want that.""","New Zealand reported nine new cases on Aug. 17, the day of Trump’s remark. The nation previously went over 100 days without an instance of community spread. The U.S. leads the world in cumulative COVID-19 cases and deaths and has reported more than 50,000 new cases per day for most of August and July.",insufficient-refutes
"There were 83,000 common service centers pre 2014. This number has increased to 2.92 lakh post 2014.","‘Holistic development driving rural India’ is an infographic published by the government on the 48-months portal. The infographic contains claims about sanitation, service centers and optical fiber connectivity. Here is a fact check of these claims.",insufficient-neutral
"There is strong evidence that in 2022, delays in Northern Ireland’s emergency departments led to the premature deaths of 1,434 people.","Research shows that longer waits in A&E lead to more patient deaths in the 30 days after that hospital visit. By combining those research findings with NI’s waiting time figures, it is possible to make some estimates about the number of additional deaths resulting from longer waits. FactCheckNI’s own calculations led to similar results as those published by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.",insufficient-supports
Okpara River is a territory of Nigeria,"The Okpara River is a river of Benin.[2] Originating in Borgou Department, it flows south and becomes the border between Nigeria and Benin before re-entering Benin and flowing into the Ouémé River, which ultimately drains into the Atlantic Ocean.[3] Several villages along the river are disputed between Benin and Nigeria.[4][5] Report says that the Okpara River heavily contaminated by toxic metals.[6] Okpara River is a stream in Nigeria. It is located at an elevation of 75 meters above sea level. It has coordinates of 7°45'0"" N and 2°28'60"" E in DMS or 7.75 and 2.48333. The sun rises at 08:45 and sets at 20:52 local time (Africa/Lagos UTC/GMT+1). It is a Stream body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land.[7]",insufficient-contradictory
Website offering prizes in the name of Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition,There is no such official competition being organised in the name of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The URL shared is a phishing website intended to steal personal information of the users. Further the domain of the URL is known for hosting phishing websites. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.,refutes
Gulf of Venezuela is a territory of Colombia,"The Gulf of Venezuela is a gulf of the Caribbean Sea bounded by the Venezuelan states of Zulia and Falcón and by La Guajira Department, Colombia. The western side is formed by the Guajira Peninsula. A 54 km (34 mi) strait connects it with Maracaibo Lake to the south.[1] Location [edit]The Gulf is located in the north of South America, between Paraguaná Peninsula of the Falcón State to the east in Venezuela and Guajira Peninsula in Colombia to the west. It is connected to the south to Maracaibo Lake through an artificial navigation canal. Colombia and Venezuela have had a longstanding dispute over control of the gulf that has not been resolved, despite the decades-long negotiations conducted by a bilateral commission. [...] See also [edit]References [edit]- ^ a b ""Gulf of Venezuela | Caribbean Coast, Oil Fields, Marine Life | Britannica"". Retrieved 2024-08-30.",insufficient-contradictory
"unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed","Factually inaccurate: Observations clearly show that Australia has warmed by around 1 °C. [...] - Donat et al (2016) Extraordinary heat during the 1930s US Dust Bowl and associated large-scale conditions, Climate Dynamics ""temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed."" I don’t know what the source of these numbers is. The official data for Australia by the Bureau of Meteorology, based on high-quality observations, clearly shows that average temperatures have warmed by 0.9-1 degree since 1910.",refutes
“James Woods leaves Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s new non-woke film studio.”,"Veteran actor James Woods has officially left Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s newly established non-woke film studio. This partnership marks a significant shift for Woods, who has long been a polarizing figure due to his outspoken conservative beliefs in a predominantly liberal industry. [...] The reaction to Woods’ move has been mixed. While many conservative voices have lauded his decision as a brave stand against Hollywood conformity, others in the industry warn that this split could deepen the cultural divisions within the arts community. Critics of the non-woke studio concept argue that it might limit the diversity of perspectives that film can offer by favoring certain viewpoints. [...] In conclusion, James Woods’ departure from Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s non-woke film studio is more than just a career pivot—it’s a cultural statement. It represents a burgeoning movement within the film industry seeking to reclaim what its proponents feel is a lost emphasis on artistic freedom over political correctness. Only time will tell how this bold move will impact Woods’ career and the broader cinematic landscape.",supports
“The CBO says (the Build Back Better Act) is $3 trillion of deficit spending.”,"Here’s Why Senator Manchin Won’t Support the Build Back Better Act On Sunday, ALEC alumni and US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced his opposition to the Build Back Better Act. For many taxpayers weary of reckless federal spending, surging inflation and looming tax hikes, this was seen as an early Christmas gift. [...] Earlier this month, at the request of Senator Lindsay Graham and Congressman Jason Smith, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a second score for the Build Back Better Act. This time, the bill was scored over a ten-year period, revealing a major budget deficit increase of $3 trillion. Contrary to some claims, the Build Back Better Act is not fully paid for.",supports
"claims that ""Fight Club"" contains the line, ""We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.""",The Daily Caller News Foundation found the line in neither the book nor movie.,refutes
Bridges over Narmada at Bharuch and Chambal at Kota.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes three claims about the tunnels and bridges in India constructed during the 48 months of the government. This article is a fact check of these claims.,insufficient-neutral
Says he has issued more pardons than “any Wisconsin governor in contemporary history.”,"As of February 2022, Evers has issued 416 pardons since taking office. Only Gov. James Doyle came close to matching Evers’s record at 326, according to the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau, but that was over an eight-year period. To find a governor to issue more pardons than Evers, you would have to go back to Gov. Julius Heil in 1939.",supports
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) are to pilot a Snapchat social media platform initiative to monitor social mitigation compliance in Northern Ireland.,"1,115 Community Resolution Notices (CRNs) 1,775 Penalty Notices (Covid 1 Notice) 449 Prohibition Notices (Covid 2 Notice) 47 Failure to Isolate fines (£1,000) (Covid 3 Notice)",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that William Shakespeare said, ""All glory comes from daring to begin.""","""All glory comes from daring to begin."" ― Ruskin Bond.",insufficient-refutes
Crime statistics “no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities.”,"Joe Biden stated on July 13, 2024 in a statement to the media ""The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of."" Social Media stated on July 13, 2024 in social media posts Donald Trump staged the shooting at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Instagram posts stated on June 30, 2024 in an Instagram post The city of San Francisco posted street signs warning that ""stolen goods must remain under $950."" Viral image stated on June 18, 2024 in a Facebook post ""Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York."" Donald Trump stated on June 15, 2024 in remarks in Detroit Crime statistics ""no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities."" Joe Biden stated on May 24, 2024 in a campaign email ""The last administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded."" Load more [...] Donald Trump stated on June 15, 2024 in remarks in Detroit Crime statistics ""no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities.""",insufficient-neutral
There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”,And so it will be used as a way to sort of acolyte Republicans--but give me a break. No one in their right mind in this country believes that anybody other than Joe Biden is responsible for 9 million people being here illegally. Just like nobody believes in this country that our economy is in better shape for working people because of Joe Biden.,insufficient-neutral
There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”,"An Instagram post said there are nine states ""where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. [...] It’s wrong to say Biden’s name can’t be ""removed"" because it hasn’t yet been placed on ballots. Biden was the presumptive nominee — not the official nominee. Election officials in the states listed in the Instagram post have said in written statements and in emails to PolitiFact that their deadlines for the party to submit its nominees’ names for the ballot have not yet passed. [...] But there is nothing to ""remove"" Biden’s name from because he was the presumptive nominee, not the official nominee. After the Democrats formally choose their official nominee — either at their Aug. 19 convention or before — state officials will receive those names to place them on their states’ ballots.",refutes
“New York is one of only 12 states where the average gallon of gas costs more than $2.00.”,"According to AAA data, New York was one of 12 states that had unleaded regular gasoline that cost more than $2.00 a gallon on April 27, as long as the District of Columbia is included as a state. All told, among the 50 states and D.C., New York ranked the seventh-highest for unleaded regular prices per gallon.",insufficient-neutral
"Bernie Sanders has “never taken corporate lobbyist money in his *entire political career.*""","Bernie Sanders has taken corporate lobbyist money — in small amounts [...] ""One major reason I support Bernie is his consistency when things are hard. Not only does Bernie reject corporate money in 2020, he’s also never taken corporate lobbyist money in his *entire political career*,"" Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, using asterisks for emphasis. ""He is a real one. And in politics, that is nearly impossible to find."" Sanders never once took corporate lobbyist money? That’s not the case.",refutes
Azad Kashmir is a territory of India,"Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Urdu: آزاد جموں و کشمیر, romanized: , lit. 'Independent Jammu and Kashmir'; abbr. AJK),[6] officially the State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir[a] and colloquially referred to as simply Azad Kashmir (/ˌɑːzæd kæʃˈmɪər/ AH-zad kash-MEER),[7] is a region administered by Pakistan as a nominally self-governing entity[8] and constituting the western portion of the larger Kashmir region, which has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947.[1] Azad Kashmir also shares borders with the Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the south and west, respectively. On its eastern side, Azad Kashmir is separated from the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir (part of Indian-administered Kashmir) by the Line of Control (LoC), which serves as the de facto border between the Indian and Pakistani-controlled parts of Kashmir. Geographically, it covers a total area of 13,297 km2 (5,134 sq mi) and has a total population of 4,045,366 as per the 2017 national census. [...] Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) is nominally a self-governing state,[43] but ever since the 1949 ceasefire between Indian and Pakistani forces, Pakistan has exercised control over the state without incorporating it into Pakistan.[2][44] Azad Kashmir has its own elected president, prime minister, legislative assembly, high court (with Azam Khan as its present chief justice), and official flag.[45]",refutes
"Claims Charles Darwin said, ""In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.""","Proctor & Gamble – Business Sphere and Decision Cockpits ""In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."" With this quote, Charles Darwin clearly defined today’s business analytics imperative. In this posting we illustrate a best-in-class Analytics Innovation Case Study at P&G. The case study illustrates the way Business Analytics is becoming more central as retail and CPG decision making speeds up. [...] - Comminity Banks (5) [...] - Goldman Sachs (1)",insufficient-neutral
"According to polling, most people planning to cast a first preference vote for the UUP in May’s Assembly election will switch their vote to nationalists before they provide a transfer to other unionist parties.","The UUP secured 10 seats, losing 6 seats despite largely keeping its vote share the same, while the SDLP retained all of its 12 seats. This now means that the combined seat share of Unionist parties (38 seats) is smaller than that of nationalist parties (39 seats). Meanwhile the Alliance Party, which attempts to sit outside the unionist/nationalist divide, fared well, retaining its 8 seats and increasing its vote share. Significantly, almost 70 per cent of voters supported a party that endorsed ‘remain’ in the Brexit referendum, perhaps signalling a coming headache for Theresa May. [...] This is not to say that voters in Northern Ireland are free-floating and untethered from any ethno-nationalist cleavage (typically, over 90 per cent of Catholics vote for nationalist parties and even more Protestants vote for unionist parties). But today’s Northern Irish voters (especially younger ones) think in terms of capability and competence to promote prosperity and welfare. From this perspective, it appears that the Assembly election was more about bedding-down better functioning Northern Irish institutions than moving closer to all-Ireland ones. [...] The gap between moderate unionism and Sinn Féin still remains vast, and securing this community’s consent will be necessary to move closer to a united Ireland. Indeed, Mike Nesbitt, the leader of the UUP who resigned in the wake of his party’s poor performance, declared he would transfer his vote to the SDLP. This was too radical for many unionist supporters who rounded on him for transferring to any nationalist party, even one without the radical legacy of Sinn Féin.",insufficient-neutral
Vitamin B17 “was banned by the US because of its cancer-killing properties”,"""The bitter almond tree, the highest source of vitamin B17, known to prevent and treat cancer, was banned from the USA in 1995,"" says a meme shared on Facebook in South Africa in August 2019. [...] The substance has been called ""vitamin B17"", but it’s not a vitamin.",insufficient-contradictory
Bhutanese enclaves is a territory of Bhutan,"But more interestingly, the Report mentions several Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, it notes: ""Chinese officials have illegally dispossessed the designated authorities of the Government of Bhutan in the following eight villages situated in western Tibet over which Bhutan has been exercising administrative jurisdiction for more than 300 years: Khangri, Tarchen, Tsekhor, Diraphu, Dzung Tuphu, Jangehe, Chakip and Kocha."" Minsar, the Indian enclave in Tibet is better known, but these villages too did not belong to Tibet, they were part of Bhutan’s territory. [...] A scholar, John Bray, who is President of the International Association of Ladakh Studies, wrote a fascinating research paper on the ‘Bhutanese enclaves’ in Tibet. He explained that until the 1950s ""both Ladakh and Bhutan governed small enclaves of territory in Western Tibet. Ladakh’s enclave consisted of the village of Minsar, near lake Manasarovar, and its surrounding land, while Bhutan governed the Darchen Labrang and several smaller monasteries and villages near Mount Kailash …and Bhutan continued to raise revenue there for some 300 years."".""",insufficient-contradictory
"“We know mask mandates work. There’s enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that haven’t.""","So Governor Kim Reynolds there, also a Republican, was initially against the mask mandate, and she even said that cities couldn't issue their own mandates back in the summer. But she recently reversed course. Iowa has seen one of the biggest surges in cases and hospitalizations in the country per capita. Iowa has roughly half the population of Missouri, but it's almost in the same ballpark in terms of new cases. So earlier this month, Reynolds did end up issuing a statewide mask mandate, as well as some restrictions on public and private gatherings, with exceptions for some businesses and religious services. [...] INSKEEP: Well, I guess we can be consistent here and note that there's more and more evidence that masks work, that mask mandates work. There were questions about this six months ago - hardly any questions now. And if I'm not mistaken, Sebastian, there was even a study in a very red state, Kansas, that proved this. VALDIVIA: Yeah. So Kansas actually has a mask mandate that counties can opt into and opt out of, and so the CDC looked at how cases have played out in the counties that opted out and opted in. And they found that in the two months after the mandate, new cases on average actually slightly decreased in counties with the mandate, but they doubled in those nonmandated counties. Now, there's some caveats there. Some of the mandated counties had other additional public health orders, so you can't chalk it all up to mask mandates. But the difference is pretty stark.",insufficient-supports
"""A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse as our planet warms""","A third of Antarctic ice shelf risks collapse at 4°C above pre-industrial levels, as accurately described in CNN article",supports
Green Line is a territory of Palestine,"The June 4, 1967 border, also known as green line, is the internationally recognized border between the occupied Palestinian territory (i.e. West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip) and the State of Israel. The occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) represents an area equivalent to 22 percent of historic Palestine. The boundaries of the oPt were established through the signing of armistice agreements between Egypt and Jordan on the one hand, and Israel, on the other, following the war of 1948, and the subsequent creation of the State of Israel on 78 percent of historic Palestine. [...] The June 4, 1967 borders represent the internationally recognized boundary between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. It also represents the historic Palestinian compromise of 1988 when the PLO limited its claim to 22 percent of historic Palestine. [...] The borders of the Palestinian state, based on the 1967 lines, incorporate the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza as per the 1949 armistice agreements. In the interest of peace, Palestinians may agree to changes to the 1967 based on mutually-agreed, minor territorial exchanges of equal size and value. In order to be viable, Palestine needs to be an independent and sovereign state with unhindered access to the global community. Palestine also needs to have control over its resources, borders, electromagnetic sphere, and airspace. Palestine’s maritime borders must be equitably delimited with Israel and with its other maritime neighbors.",insufficient-contradictory
“MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose”,"PCR tests work by detecting a virus’ genetic material in biological samples like blood or saliva. These tests are highly sensitive and specific. Trace amounts of viral genetic material, left behind after an initial infection is over, can still be detected by PCR tests even when the infected person is no longer contagious. While PCR tests are excellent at detecting current and recent infections, there can be uncertainty when it comes to using them to determine if a person is still contagious.",insufficient-refutes
Derek Chauvin had his left hand in his pocket while kneeling on George Floyd.,"Fact check: Derek Chauvin did not have hand in his pocket while kneeling on George Floyd The claim: Derek Chauvin's hand was in his pocket while pinning George Floyd to the ground [...] The claim that former Officer Derek Chauvin had his hand in his pocket while kneeling on George Floyd is FALSE, based on our research. A review of the full video of the incident, along with a lightened version of the photo used in the claim, shows Chauvin was wearing a black glove on his left hand that blended in with his dark pants. The hand was actually resting on his leg and hip at various points.",refutes
"""The Postal Service is not losing money because of Amazon. It’s losing money because in 2006, the Republican-led Congress passed a law forcing it to prepay its pensions for 75 years, which no other corporation does ... Without this law, the Postal Service would be turning a profit.”","There’s also some confusion over whether the Postal Service was forced to prepay benefits ""for 75 years,"" as the Facebook post said. The language of the law doesn’t mention 75 years, and Partenheimer said the Postal Service has not used that timeframe to describe the requirement. [...] A Facebook post said: ""The Postal Service is not losing money because of Amazon. The Postal Service isn’t losing money from its deal with Amazon. But the 2006 law requiring the pre-funding of health benefits for future retirees — not pensions — has put a financial strain on the Postal Service and hurt its ability to turn a profit in some recent years.",insufficient-neutral
"Italian doctor Sergio Kerr was arrested for murdering more than 3,000 coronavirus patients","""Italy arrest (sic) doctor for intentionally killing over 3,000 coronavirus patients,"" the post’s title says. A photo shows a man in tan scrubs walking in handcuffs and flanked by law enforcement. The story goes on to say that Dr. Sergio Kerr ""administered Benadryl, Ditropan and doxepin which are anticholinergic medications which worsen pneumonia."" [...] A doctor accused of murdering more than 3,000 people, not to mention coronavirus patients, would draw wide media attention. And yet searching for information about Dr. Sergio Kerr, we found no such reports. [...] News NT, Italy arrest doctor for intentionally killing over 3,000 coronavirus patients, visited April 2, 2020",insufficient-refutes
"“We know mask mandates work. There’s enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that haven’t.""","""At the end of the day we know mask mandates work,"" the Oshkosh Democrat said in a Feb. 5, 2021 interview on the Wisconsin Public Television program Here & Now. [...] The study noted that 13 counties with mask mandates and seven counties without mandates also had other mitigation strategies in place, such as limiting the size of gatherings and how many could eat in restaurants. Still, researchers concluded that ""strategies related to mask use mandates appear to be important."" [...] In a TV interview, Hintz said, ""At the end of the day we know mask mandates work.",insufficient-supports
Carlingford Lough is a territory of Ireland,"Carlingford Lough inlet, Irish Sea verifiedCite [...] Carlingford Lough, inlet of the Irish Sea separating the Carlingford Peninsula of County Louth, Ireland, from the Mourne Mountains of the district of Newry and Mourne, Northern Ireland. The town of Newry is connected with the lough, which is 10 miles (16 km) long and 2–4 miles wide, by the Newry Canal, and the settlements on the lough shores include Warrenpoint, Rosstrevor, Carlingford, and the port of Greenore.",insufficient-neutral
"General Shavendra Silva and his wife travelled on a private jet, spending public money during a time of economic crisis in Sri Lanka !!","Govt of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa continued efforts to reverse previous govt’s modest efforts to investigate past abuses and strengthen independence of police, judiciary and oversight commissions. In media interview PM Mahinda Rajapaksa 9 Feb reiterated plans to strengthen presidential powers by removing 19th amendment of constitution. FM Dinesh Gunawardena 26 Feb informed UN Human Rights Council govt was withdrawing its co-sponsorship of Oct 2015 council resolution on ""Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka"", stated resolution had not received cabinet or parliamentary approval and certain clauses contravened Sri Lankan constitution; promised govt would establish ""an inclusive, domestically designed and executed reconciliation and accountability process"". U.S. Sec State Pompeo 14 Feb announced travel ban on Army Commander Lt Gen Shavendra Silva and his immediate family for his alleged role in ""gross violations of human rights"" during final phases of civil war; Foreign Ministry 16 Feb rejected allegations during meeting with U.S. Ambassador. Police 4 Feb arrested former Sri Lankan Airlines Chief Executive Officer Kapila Chandrasena and his wife following new evidence of alleged bribes by Airbus to Sri Lankan Airlines officials under previous Rajapaksa govt; evidence emerged from British court proceedings following 4-year investigation into allegations of bribery and corruption.",insufficient-neutral
The song “Mere Angane Mein” was originally from a 19th-century movie called ‘Miss Sheela’ (1883),"Saaton Janam Tujhko Paate - This song was inspired by ""Mere Angane Mein"" (""Laawaris"", 1981), sung by Amitabh Bachchan and composed by Kalyanji - Anandji. The interludes have the same tune as ""Mere Angane Mein"" and the lyrics have a similar theme. Each stanza in the song featured the names of an actor-couple - Hema Malini - Dharmendra, Dimple Kapadia - Kaka (Rajesh Khanna), and Jaya Bhaduri - Lambu (Amitabh Bachchan).[3]",insufficient-neutral
Taiwan is a territory of People's Republic of China,"To this day, the government of the People’s Republic of China, whose capital is Beijing, considers Taiwan part of its ""sacred territory."" The constitution of the People’s Republic of China states that ""(i)t is the lofty duty of the entire Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland."" Its foreign affairs ministry says, ""Taiwan is a sacred and inseparable part of China’s territory."" On Oct. 2, 2023, the Beijing government celebrated its national day by releasing a video signifying its focus on unity with the people of Taiwan. [...] Other countries are similarly delicate. For example, in 1972, the U.S. ""acknowledge(d) that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China."" In 1979, the U.S. again ""acknowledge(d) the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China."" [...] Each of these countries recognizes Taiwan as ""the Republic of China,"" and none of them simultaneously maintains offical ties with the People’s Republic of China.",insufficient-supports
"Senate Republicans' move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in an election year is ""not constitutional.""","Asked whether he would consider adding justices to the Supreme Court if elected, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed Senate Republicans’ move to install Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the vacant seat less than a month before Election Day was ""not constitutional."" [...] As for the move to seat Barrett before the election, two constitutional scholars said that in a general sense, the Senate Republicans’ actions seem at odds with some of the democratic principles underlying the Constitution. [...] Newsweek, ""Joe Biden Says Amy Coney Barrett Appointment 'Not Constitutional' as He Evades Court Packing Question Again,"" Oct. 10, 2020",insufficient-supports
it is illegal for people with concealed carry permits to wear face masks in Pennsylvania,The cited Pennsylvania statute does not appear to exist. A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Police confirmed that there is no prohibition on individuals with concealed carry permits wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic.,refutes
"“In April last year, our state unemployment rate hit a record low of 2.4%. Last year, Wisconsin had an all-time lowest number of unemployed workers ever in modern history.”",Wisconsin hit its lowest unemployment rate of 2.4% in April 2023. That is the lowest unemployment rate from available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data dating back to 1976. April’s low rate beat the previous record of 2.5% which was set just a month prior in March 2023.,supports
Earth about to enter 30-YEAR ‘Mini Ice Age’,"A mini ice age could hit the Earth in the 2030s, the first such event to occur since the early 1700s. New mathematical models of the Sun's solar cycle developed at Northumbria University suggest solar activity will see a ""significant"" drop, causing temperatures on Earth to plummet. The last mini ice age occurred between 1645 and 1715 and caused temperatures in northern Europe to fall dramatically, with London's River Thames freezing over during winter and sea ice extending for miles around the UK. The prolonged cold snap, known as the Maunder Minimum, has been linked to a reduction in the number of sunspots, as observed by scientists at the time.",insufficient-supports
Cardinal Stepping Down As Archbishop Of Colombo!!,"No truth in Cardinal stepping down as Archbishop of Colombo [...] Media Spokesman of the Archdiocese of Colombo, Rev. Father Jude Chrysantha Fernando, rejected speculation in some media reports that His Eminence Rt. Rev. Dr. Malcom Cardinal Ranjith had decided to step down from the position of Colombo Archbishop. [...] Title:No truth in Cardinal stepping down as Archbishop of Colombo",refutes
"Setu Bharatam project for safer roads. Making all national highways free of railway level crossings, by 2019, by building railway over bridges/under passes. Total outlay of 20, 800 crore rupees.","What is the outlay for the Setu Bharatam project? The second claim talks about the Setu Bharatam project which is initiated for safer roads and making all national highways free of railway level crossings by 2019. The claim is that the total outlay for the project to build railway over bridges/under passes is Rs. 20,800 crores. [...] According to another response in Lok Sabha in March 2018, the government mentioned that ‘under this programme, construction of 208 ROBs or RUBs on Level Crossings at an estimated cost of Rs. 20,800 crores are included originally. However, due to site requirements/constraints, construction of bypasses, National Highway entrustment to National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and corridor construction approach etc., 174 ROBs/RUBs are remaining as on date under Setu Bharatam scheme. 90 ROBs have already been sanctioned for Rs. 7101.24 crores. 40 ROBs have already been awarded & 24 ROBs have been taken for execution.’",insufficient-supports
More people have travelled in airplanes than in AC trains for the first time,"An infographic on the government’s 48-month portal makes certain claims about the expansion of the aviation sector under the NDA government during the past four years, including one which states—for the first time—more people have travelled in aeroplanes than in AC trains. [...] Claim 3: More people have travelled in aeroplanes than in AC trains for the first time [...] FACT: We find that for the first time in 2016-17, unlike the previous years, the number of people who travelled by aeroplanes is higher than those who travelled in all AC class of trains. Thus, the claim is TRUE.",supports
"Ventilators, not COVID, killed hospitalized COVID patients","The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has claimed >4 million lives globally, and these deaths often occurred in hospitalized patients with comorbidities. Therefore, the proposed review aims to distinguish the inpatient mortality and invasive mechanical ventilation risk in COVID-19 patients treated with the anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies and/or the antiviral agents. [...] Citation: Saha S (2022) Death and invasive mechanical ventilation risk in hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies and/or antiviral agents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis protocol. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0270196. [...] - Outcome: The primary outcome of interest will be all-cause inpatient deaths. The secondary outcome will include eventual invasive mechanical ventilation requirements in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. A trial must report either one or both of these outcomes to be eligible.",insufficient-neutral
Cadavar Collecting Machines Developed By China !!,"Speaking in the House of Lords on 12 January, Lord Alton of Liverpool said that the cadavers used in an international touring show called Real Bodies, which was seen at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham in 2018, ""were probably people who had been executed"" in China. [...] However, in an earlier debate in the House of Lords last October, Lord Alton noted that ""in 2018, we pointed out that the US organisers, Imagine Exhibitions, were unable to provide any evidence of consent for the use of these cadavers. The organisers merely said that the cadavers were unclaimed bodies obtained from Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Company China. Imagine Exhibitions CEO, Tom Zaller, admitted in an interview that the bodies were ‘absolutely from China’ but added that there was ‘no documentation’ to prove their identities or to show they had agreed in life to donate their corpses in death.""",insufficient-neutral
Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island is a territory of Russia,"In August 2023, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources released a new edition of its ""standard map."" According to defenseanalysts, it showed Bolshoy Ussuriysky, the Russian part of the island, as Chinese territory. Moscow’s response came three days later. ""The Russian and Chinese sides adhere to the common position that the border issue between our countries has been finally resolved,"" Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement. [...] Heixiazi/Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island has been a source of Chinese-Russian tension dating back to the 1858 Treaty of Aigun, under which Russia vastly expanded its Far Eastern territories at China’s expense. From the Chinese perspective, the Aigun pact is counted among the humiliating ""unequal treaties"" that the imperial government at the time was compelled to sign, granting technologically superior Western powers, including Britain, the United States, France, and Russia, broad economic and territorial concessions. [...] The case of Bolshoy Ussuriysky is more complex than it seems. ""The island is, in some ways, a strategic beachhead because it gives greater access to Khabarovsk,"" Wishnick said. That city is the headquarters of the Eastern Military District, and an aviation regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces is based there.",insufficient-supports
"""We put $330 million in general school aids — the largest in more than a decade.""","The 2019-2021 budget allocated an additional $329,942,000 — a 3.5% increase — for general school aid. That’s the biggest increase in spending for that pot of money since the 2005-2007 budget.",supports
Future government led by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) would close down all liquor shops-Sajith,"While it's clear that Sajith Premadasa and the SJB are advocating for stricter regulations on liquor licenses and a crackdown on irresponsible practices in the alcohol industry, the assertion that all liquor shops and taverns will be closed under their government is misleading. Sajith stresses that he would take steps to cancel liquor licenses issued as bribes if he came to power, but he never mentions a total ban on all liquor stores.",refutes
Maggi Noodles in Unhealthy !!,"Nestle 'unhealthy' food controversy: Looking back at the Maggi Noodles crisis in India The Maggi Noodles crisis in 2015 emerged as one of the biggest public relation hurdles for Nestle India, which came under fire after laboratory tests found the popular two-minute instant noodles were unsafe and hazardous for human consumption. [...] It was in 2014 when food safety regulators from the Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh reported that samples of Maggi Noodles had high levels of monosodium glutamate (MSG) apart from high lead content above the permissible level. At the time, the labelling on packets of Maggi Noodles indicated that it had no added MSG.",insufficient-supports
Kfar Qouq is a territory of Syria,"Kafr Qouq or Kafr Qawq (Arabic: كفرقوق) is a Syrian village in the Qatana District of the Rif Dimashq Governorate. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Kafr Qouq had a population of 1,015 in the 2004 census.[1]",supports
"Claims that Benjamin Franklin once said, ""A Nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved; it is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.""","It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Benjamin Franklin - 01-28-2024, 09:26 PM #21",insufficient-neutral
US Military Bases Around China! (Map),"China is effectively encircled by US bases all across the Pacific—threatening a catastrophic war between the world’s two greatest powers. [...] Camp Humphreys, southwest of Seoul in South Korea, is the largest US overseas military base in the world with more than 500 buildings. It is just 540 kilometres from the city of Dalian on the Chinese mainland, with a population of more than seven million people. That is the same distance as driving between Sydney and Wodonga on the Victorian border. [...] US bases in Australia and the growing integration of Australia’s armed forces into the US military are another part of its push against China.",supports
Over half of the residents in Fermanagh & Omagh District Council are living in poverty.,"Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, with funding support from the Department of Communities and the Public Health Agency, have worked in partnership with researchers at Ulster University to investigate fuel, transport and food poverty across the Fermanagh and Omagh District. Specifically, this research investigated the spatial patterns of fuel poverty (a household’s inability to keep adequately warm at a reasonable cost), transport poverty (affordability of transport) and food poverty (insufficient economic access to an adequate quantity and quality of food to maintain a nutritionally satisfactory and socially acceptable diet) to identify if rurality increases the risk of fuel, transport and/or food poverty in FODC. The study aimed to provide food, fuel and transport poverty maps in order to inform poverty alleviation policies and programmes and targeted interventions at District Electoral Area level to maximise impact and ensure those most in need are supported.",insufficient-neutral
Senkaku Islands is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The ""White Paper"" states that Diaoyu Dao was first discovered, named, and used by China, and therefore that the Senkaku Islands are Chinese sovereign territory. Namely, the paper lists the 1403 Shunfeng Xiangsong as the earliest historical text to carry names including Diaoyu Dao (Uotsuri Island) and Chiwei Yu (Taisho Island), claiming this as evidence that China had discovered and named Diaoyu Dao in the fourteenth or fifteenth century.16 This text does indeed include such terms as Diaoyu Yu and Chikan Yu, older names for those islands, but from the perspective of international law this cannot be taken as evidence of China's having discovered or named them.",insufficient-refutes
Tyson Foods Teamed Up With Protix To Create Insect Protein for Humans !!,"Tyson Foods has announced a strategic investment in Protix for more sustainable protein production. The companies stated that the investment will support the growth of the insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions. Tyson Foods, Inc., one of the world’s largest food companies, has reached an agreement for a two-fold investment with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company. The strategic investment will support the growth of the emerging insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions to create more efficient sustainable proteins and lipids for use in the global food system. The agreement combines Tyson Foods’ global scale, experience and network with Protix’s technology and market leadership to meet current market demand and scale production of insect ingredients. Kees Aarts, CEO of Protix, said: ""We are very excited to announce the next step in our international growth strategy. Tyson Foods’ and Protix’s strategic partnership advances our joint work towards creating high-quality, more sustainable protein using innovative technology and solutions. Moreover, we can immediately use their existing byproducts as feedstock for our insects. This agreement is a major milestone for Protix and significantly accelerates our ambition to grow through international partnerships.""",insufficient-supports
"""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. Meanwhile, the GOP allowed less than 2% of Democratic bills to have a hearing.""","Francesca Hong stated on May 18, 2022 in a tweet: ""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing. Tony Evers stated on June 13, 2022 in Campaign email: ""Wisconsin's archaic abortion ban is older than 20 states."" Kelda Helen Roys stated on May 8, 2022 in TV interview: Because of U.S. Senate rules, Democrats need ""more than a majority ... to codify Roe vs. Wade."" Eric Toney stated on April 14, 2022 in News release: The state crime lab under Attorney General Josh Kaul ""is testing significantly less items than former AG Brad Schimel and is still taking longer to test many categories of key items in comparison to Schimel, including DNA."" Melissa Agard stated on April 11, 2022 in Twitter: Cannabis reform ""is supported by the majority of the residents of our state, including a majority of Republicans."" Tony Evers stated on January 13, 2022 in News release: Says he has issued more pardons than ""any Wisconsin governor in contemporary history."" [...] Francesca Hong stated on May 18, 2022 in a tweet: ""In the Wisconsin State Assembly this session, more than 75% of GOP bills received a public hearing.",insufficient-neutral
Doi Lang is a territory of Thailand,"Doi Lang is the second highest mountain in Thailand at over 2000 meters in altitude. Doi Lang is the best area to view Thailand’s rarest birds such as the Mrs Hume’s Pheasant, Red-faced Liochichla, White-tailed Robin, Rufous Throated Partridge, White-rumped Falcon and more. [...] This morning we have breakfast at 6:30 AM and depart for Chiang Mai. We travel to the first Army check point we passed yesterday and bird there. We then turn left on paved road and follow the base os Doi Lang and spot lower level birds at and altitude of 1800 meters and lower. There are many species here not found at the higher altitudes on Doi Lang or the birds a lower altitudes like in Chiang Mai and Chiang Dao.",refutes
"If no one shakes the jar with different species of ants, there is no conflict between ants !","Ants communicate using pheromones, which are chemical signals they use to identify each other and maintain social order within their colonies. When ants from different colonies or species come into contact, they may engage in aggressive behaviors like fighting. However, simply shaking a jar with ants inside is unlikely to trigger widespread violence between them. [...] Ant communication and behavior are based on complex biological and ecological factors such as pheromones, not on artificially induced conflicts as suggested by a misattributed statement or fictional works. The concept of shaking a jar to make ants fight is not supported by scientific evidence and does not reflect real ant behavior. [...] No, the argument is not correct. Ants do not automatically start fighting if an ""enemy"" is identified solely based on shaking a jar. While some species of ants may exhibit aggressive behavior towards intruders, it's not triggered by mere agitation of their environment.",refutes
"So that means that probably about half, maybe half of that nine-tenths of the degree [of total warming] might be caused by greenhouse gases","How does this warming compare to previous changes in Earth’s climate? How can we be certain that human-released greenhouse gases are causing the warming? How much more will the Earth warm? How will Earth respond? Answering these questions is perhaps the most significant scientific challenge of our time. [...] Greenhouse gases are only part of the story when it comes to global warming. Changes to one part of the climate system can cause additional changes to the way the planet absorbs or reflects energy. These secondary changes are called climate feedbacks, and they could more than double the amount of warming caused by carbon dioxide alone. The primary feedbacks are due to snow and ice, water vapor, clouds, and the carbon cycle. [...] The largest feedback is water vapor. Water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas. In fact, because of its abundance in the atmosphere, water vapor causes about two-thirds of greenhouse warming, a key factor in keeping temperatures in the habitable range on Earth. But as temperatures warm, more water vapor evaporates from the surface into the atmosphere, where it can cause temperatures to climb further.",insufficient-neutral
"When Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Ukraine recently ""he announced that they were going to suspend elections in Ukraine.""","Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Ukraine PRESS STATEMENT MATTHEW MILLER, DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in Ukraine today to meet with senior Ukrainian officials and demonstrate the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and democracy, especially in the face of Russia’s aggression. While in Ukraine, Secretary Blinken will meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Prime Minister … [...] Secretary Antony J. Blinken at the Ukraine Conference Session 1",insufficient-neutral
"Bharatmala Pariyojana: Phase 1: 5,35,000 crore rupees for expanding highways sector with multi-modal integration","The Minister of State for Road Transport and Shipping and Chemical & Fertilizers Shri Mansukh L Mandaviya in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today informed that under Phase-I of Bharatmala Pariyojana it is expected to generate roughly 14.2 crore man-days of employment during the construction phase and roughly 22 Million permanent jobs driven by increased level of economic activities enabled by development of the Economic Corridor network. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs had approved the implementation of ""Bharatmala Pariyojana Phase-I"", for the National Highways Road Sector to be implemented by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and its implementing agencies over a period of 5 years (2017-2022) at an estimated outlay of Rs 5,35,000 crore for upgradation of 34,800 km of highways/roads. Details of Bharatmala Pariyojana Phase-I is as below: Funding for the Bharatmala Pariyojana will be through Central Road Fund (CRF), earmarked for NH, Gross Budgetary System (GBS), monetization of NHs through Toll Operate Transfer (TOT), Permanent Bridges Fee Fund (PBFF), Market borrowing and Private Investment.",supports
Additional months of validity on UK passports issued before the UK left the EU are no longer valid.,"If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, British passport holders will be considered third country nationals by countries within the Schengen area after 29 March 2019. [...] Since 2001, some adult British passports were issued with a validity longer than 10 years. If you renewed your passport before it expired, you were allowed to have the time left on your old passport added to your new passport. The maximum validity period possible was 10 years and 9 months. This means you can’t use the expiry date to check if your adult passport will be valid under the new rules. Since the beginning of September 2018, extra validity was no longer added to passports. The maximum validity for an adult UK passport is now 10 years, and 5 years for a child passport. We have made this change to follow recommendations set out by the International Civil Aviation Organisation and to provide clarity about passport validity in the future.",insufficient-supports
“Secret CDC Report confirms nearly 120k Youngsters 'Died Suddenly' in the USA by Oct. 2022 following roll-out of COVID Vaccines”,"On 17 January 2023, the website The Exposé published an article, proclaiming in the headline that ""Secret CDC Report confirms nearly 120k Youngsters ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA by Oct. 2022 following roll-out of COVID Vaccines"". Citing excess death statistics in the U.S. and non-COVID death statistics in the U.K., the article alleged that these were due to COVID-19 vaccination. No author was listed in the article’s byline, as is typically the case for articles by the Exposé, but an investigation by the organization Logically found that the website was owned by an individual named Jonathan Allen-Walker. [...] None of those datasets were included by The Exposé, which then ascribed excess deaths in the U.S. to COVID-19 vaccination by citing data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics (ONS) instead, specifically the report titled ""Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022"". Showing a graph of non-COVID deaths in people aged 18 to 39 in England for January to May 2022, the article highlighted the spikes in deaths in those who received one dose of vaccine compared to unvaccinated people. [...] Overall, these observations are inconsistent with the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for excess deaths in the young. Instead, the evidence points to COVID-19 as the main cause of excess deaths in the U.S. Rather than contributing to excess deaths, COVID-19 vaccines can instead help to minimize such deaths, given that they are highly effective at reducing a person’s risk of severe disease.",insufficient-refutes
"unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed","Globally, weather station data show that the world has warmed by roughly 1 °C so far–as has Australia. The warming trend over the last couple decades has matched climate model projections made during that time period.",refutes
"“Wisconsin had over 1,400 opioid overdose deaths in 2022.”","Yes, there were over 1,400 opioid-related deaths in Wisconsin in 2022 [...] ""Wisconsin had over 1400 opioid deaths in 2022,"" she said. [...] Baldwin claimed Wisconsin had over 1,400 opioid deaths in Wisconsin in 2022.",supports
Canada Has Banned RSS !,"Canadian government has banned RSS and has issued orders to its workers to leave Canada.— Ashfaq Hassan (@BrigAshfaqHasan) September 23, 2023 [...] ""This is called Nation State. Canadian government has banned RSS and has issued orders to its workers to leave Canada,"" the X video’s caption purports. The video has been viewed over 5,000 times. The video purports to show a Canadian government official discussing the ban. [...] Likewise, Check Your Fact found no credible news reports suggesting the Canadian government had banned RSS and issued orders to its workers to leave Canada. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also has not publicly announced the purported ban via his website or verified social media accounts.",refutes
“Most of the victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by [...] wearing masks”,"Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic [...] The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs. [...] The work presents complementary lines of evidence from the fields of pathology and history of medicine to support this conclusion. ""The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths,"" says co-author NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. ""In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch.""",insufficient-contradictory
Republicans are “trying to create a fake unemployment crisis.”,"Wisconsin’s outdated unemployment insurance system has remained largely unchanged despite an array of warning signs across the last three gubernatorial administrations. Hintz was condemning Republicans for not acting in 2020 as tens of thousands of Wisconsin residents saw checks delayed — often by months — due to the overwhelmed system. But Hintz moved beyond blame in claiming that Republicans are now pushing a ""fake"" crisis, which is flat wrong.",insufficient-refutes
12.68 crore soil health cards have been distributed. This is the combined population of Germany and Spain.,"The Union government has distributed 11.69 crore soil health cards in the last two years under a scheme that enables the country’s farmers to understand the soil health parameters and improve productivity. The soil health card scheme was launched by the Narendra Modi government to tackle a fall in soil nutrients. The use of soil health card has led to an 8-10% decline in the use of chemical fertilizers and raised productivity by 5-6%, according to a National Productivity Council study. Under the phase I of the scheme, the central government had distributed 10.74 crore cards between 2015 and 2017. The states have been sanctioned 429 static labs, 102 new mobile labs, 8,752 mini labs and 1,562 village-level laboratories apart from strengthening the 800 existing labs. [...] The government is implementing Development of Model Villages, a pilot project for sampling and testing of soil in partnership with farmers in the current fiscal year. A model village is selected for collection and analysis of soil samples. At least 13.53 lakh soil health cards have been distributed under the scheme in 2019-20. The state governments will undertake the analysis of soil composition in every two years to take remedial steps to improve soil quality. The farmers can track soil samples and soil health card reports.",insufficient-contradictory
"Ratan Tata: “In a country, if Prime Minister’s popularity increases due to the death of 65 soldiers, then nobody can save that country from getting destroyed”",The tweet attributed to Ratan Tata is from a fake Twitter handle. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.,refutes
"""Samsung drops out of $1 billion advertising campaign with Olympics.""","An International Olympic Committee spokesperson told PolitiFact Samsung Electronics Co. has not withdrawn its sponsorship. Samsung has continued to share posts and articles about the 2024 Paris Olympics. This claim was first shared by websites that publish what they describe as ""satire.""",refutes
"The DUP at no point has ever agreed to establish an Irish Language Act with the UK government, with the Irish government, with Sinn Féin or anybody else.","With regard to the issues put to the Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party by the Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, what is the policy of the Ulster Unionists on sitting down with Sinn Fein, which, according to the Prime Minister, is inextricably linked with Provisional IRA, while the Provisional IRA declares that it will retain all its weaponry? All the Members of this Assembly want Mr Trimble to answer that key question — particularly members of his own party. If he shares the views of the Prime Minister can he give an unequivocal assurance to all those within the broader Unionist family that he will not sit down in government with members of a party that is inextricably linked with a listed terrorist organisation which intends to retain all its weaponry? [...] I want to make a point for Mr Dodds's information. The Irish language has been used by Sinn Fein members for years - 15 years in Belfast City Council and other councils - and it will continue to be used by them. [...] We in the Democratic Unionist Party are in this House not because we are afraid of anything or anybody but because we were elected in substantial numbers by the people of Northern Ireland. We made it clear that we would never negotiate with IRA/Sinn Fein, and we have not gone back on our pledge. But we have always said in councils and elsewhere that we would never run away from any elected body, that we would confront those who want to take us down a united-Ireland route.",insufficient-neutral
"HarperCollins “removed 64,575 words from the Bible.”","Since 1978, the New International Version of the Bible has been revised twice, most recently in 2011, ""reflecting new archaeological findings, current biblical scholarship and changes to the English language,"" according to HarperCollins, which owns the Bible’s publisher Zondervan. Some passages and verses were relocated to footnotes in the New International Version to better reflect older and more reliable biblical manuscripts, the publisher said.",insufficient-contradictory
"Tariffs are a “direct, regressive tax on Americans” and President Joe Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods will “hit every family.”","Fact check: Democrat says Biden's tariffs on China will 'hit every family' [...] ""Tariffs are a direct, regressive tax on Americans, and this tax increase will hit every family,"" Polis wrote as he reshared Biden’s post. Experts say the tariffs could amount to a tax increase on many Americans. But they add that the notion that ""every"" American family will be hit is likely exaggerated.",supports
Rapper Notorious B.I.G predicted Covid-19 pandemic in 1994,The claim is inaccurate. The video has been digitally altered.,refutes
A windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.,"""A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons"" ""a windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it"" [...] ""[The concept of net energy must also be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics.] A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. [The question is: how long must a windmill generate energy before it creates more energy than it took to build it? At a good wind site, the energy payback day could be in three years or less; in a poor location, energy payback may be never.",insufficient-supports
JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring would help in substantial weight loss,"A Facebook post promoting the product ‘JANSIO Threanic Triple-Spin Ring’ is being shared on social media claiming that wearing the ring would cause substantial weight loss. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] The product website claims that the ring is entirely magnetized and the electromagnetic charge released by it will remove blockages in the body thus causing weight reduction. However, according to the Federal Trade Commission(FTC), products worn on the body or applied to the skin do not cause substantial weight loss. According to a cautionary guide released by FTC, several experts suggest that products like rings, patches, creams etc clarified that these products do not help in losing weight. [...] To sum it up, there is no evidence to suggest that wearing a magnetized ring will help in substantial weight loss.",refutes
purports Rep. Eric Swalwell instantly faced charges after allegedly lying to Rep. Jim Jordan,The video’s caption does not match its contents. The original video shows a February 2023 House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Oversight Plan for the 118th Congress.,insufficient-refutes
"EctoLife is producing 30,000 lab-grown artificial babies every year","The viral visuals are just a depiction of the concept of incubation of babies through artificial wombs by a Berlin based science communicator and biotechnologist, Hashem Al Ghaili. He confirmed that the technology currently does not exist. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
“Disney and Google bought the rights to the first King James Bible.”,"An old rumor that Disney bought the rights to the Bible has re-emerged online, so where did this start, and what is actually going on? Here’s Disney Fanatic’s fact-check and deep dive! [...] It appears the origin of the rumor dates back to 2018 when the satire site The Babylon Bee released an article claiming that Disney bought the rights to The Bible and planned to make 37 sequels. The site also seemingly republished this article on social media periodically as it also surfaced on X, formerly Twitter, in 2019. [...] Disney Buys Rights To The Bible, Plans 37 Sequels — The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) July 9, 2019",refutes
"Says Amber Alerts are issued for white kids ""but not Black kids in Milwaukee.""","AMBER Alerts have helped bring home nearly 1,000 children since their inception in 1996. In 2018, 155 cases of the 161 issued alerts resulted in recovery. [...] Why are AMBER Alerts not issued for all missing children? [...] But just because an alert isn’t issued for a child doesn’t mean authorities aren’t using other tools to investigate, Crosby told the news station.",insufficient-neutral
Says of Gov. Tony Evers and 2020 violence in Kenosha after the police shooting of Jacob Blake: “It took the loss of lives before help finally came.”,"Evers has ‘no regrets’ about response to Kenosha shooting MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Gov. Tony Evers says he has ""no regrets"" about how the state responded to protests that broke out in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. [...] The Evers appearance came as the Marquette University Law School released its first poll since the Aug. 23 police shooting of Blake.",insufficient-refutes
claims the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a UFO on its livestream,"The object captured on video is not a UFO, but rather a retired communications component being jettisoned from the ISS. A NASA spokeswoman confirmed the operation was planned in advance.",refutes
"Apart from American officials and politicians, the official White House Twitter account follows only Indian Prime Minister Modi, the Indian President, and an Indian Embassy official","A video circulating on social media claims that the official White House Twitter account follows only 19 users, with 15 of them being American government officials and politicians. The remaining four, according to the claim, are official accounts of Indian Prime Minister Modi, the Indian President, an Indian Embassy official, etc. Let’s verify the claim made in the post. [...] Fact: Currently, the official White House Twitter account does not follow any Indian official. Nevertheless, it did briefly follow PM Modi and other Indian officials during Trump’s 2020 visit to India to facilitate the retweeting of their messages in support of the trip. The account’s following list changes in response to events and diplomatic engagements. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING. [...] Nevertheless, Indian media reports from April 2020, when President Trump was in office, reveal that the former official White House Twitter account (@WhiteHouse45) followed the Indian President, Indian Prime Minister, and Indian Embassy handles during that period. However, by the end of April 2020, the White House account had unfollowed these Indian accounts.",insufficient-refutes
Congo River is a territory of Republic of the Congo,"Congo, officially the Republic of the Congo or Congo Republic,[a] also known as Congo-Brazzaville is a country located on the western coast of Central Africa to the west of the Congo River. It is bordered to the west by Gabon, to the northwest by Cameroon, to the northeast by the Central African Republic, to the southeast by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south by the Angolan exclave of Cabinda, and to the southwest by the Atlantic Ocean. The region was dominated by Bantu-speaking tribes at least 3,000 years ago, who built trade links leading into the Congo River basin. From the 13th century the present day territory was dominated by a confederation led by Vungu which included Kakongo and Ngoyo. Loango emerged in the 16th century. Congo was formerly part of the French colony of Equatorial Africa.[13] The Republic of the Congo was established on 28 November 1958 and gained independence from France in 1960. It was a Marxist–Leninist state from 1969 to 1992, under the name People's Republic of the Congo (PRC). The country has had multi-party elections since 1992, but a democratically elected government was ousted in the 1997 Republic of the Congo Civil War. President Denis Sassou Nguesso, who first came to power in 1979, ruled until 1992 and then again since after his reinstatement.",insufficient-neutral
"claims that Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once stated, ""If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.""","Petr Florianek Posted November 22, 2012 Share Posted November 22, 2012 my favorite of yours! GULLINBURSTI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... [...] J.Arthur Loose Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 That's imposing, Jake- I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... [...] thomas pludra Posted November 24, 2012 Share Posted November 24, 2012 It´s not only the high level of your skills that makes me a fan of your works. Especially your historical knives have that certain breath of history, that only few makers are able to put into them. I´m very curious on the finished piece. Regards Thomas ""If I have an apple and you have an apple and we exchange these apples, then each will still have one apple. But if I have an idea and you have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas"" (George Bernard Shaw) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...",insufficient-supports
Serranilla Bank is a territory of United States,"Serranilla Bank is a former atoll, now a mostly submerged carbonate platform consisting of shallow reef environments. It is about 40km (30miles) in length and in width, covering an area of over 1200km2, almost entirely under water. Three small cays and two rocks emerge above the water to form the bank's islands. These are West Breaker, Middle Cay, East Cay, Beacon Cay and Northeast Breaker.[8] They are largely barren, with sparse vegetation of bushes and some trees. Many shipwrecks are located in its vicinity.[9] The bank lacks coral reefs and has minimal sediment cover. Accretion of the bank is not keeping up with sea level rise. The southeastern portion is covered mainly by hardgrounds, while the rest of the bank is mostly covered by thin Halimeda sediments.[10] [...] - Web site: Acquisition Process of Insular Areas . . 2008-01-13 . dead . . 2012-04-14 . lists Serranilla Bank as an insular area under U.S. sovereignty. - Treaty of exchange between Colombia and the United States, 1972 - Web site: Application of the U.S. Constitution . . November 1997 . 2008-01-13 . 2008-02-16 . . dead . Page 39 states that U.S. sovereignty over Serranilla Bank is disputed. ""Currently, the United States conducts maritime law enforcement operations in and around Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo consistent with U.S. sovereignty claims."" This is the only archived document from this source that mentions Serranilla Bank as an insular area.",insufficient-neutral
There was a rock fall on the Antrim coast road on 9 August 2017.,"Antrim Coast Road [edit]The Antrim Coast Road is regarded as one of the great tourist routes of the world.[3] This part of the road has seen a dramatic increase in traffic in recent years (in particular during warmer weather). It runs along the coast for about 25 miles (40 kilometres), from the Black Arch near Larne to the Red Arch near Cushendall, passing through the villages of Ballygalley, Glenarm, Carnlough and Waterfoot. Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians should pay due care and attention as there are currently no cycle lanes and footpaths are infrequent. [...] The Antrim Coast Road was completed in 1842 at a cost of £37,140 – some £12,000 over budget – much to the displeasure of the Commissioners. It then remained largely unchanged until the late 1960s. But there were frequent rockfalls because the geology of the Antrim Coast is Ulster White Limestone, greatly faulted and fissured, which bears a considerable overburden of basalt, also weathered and rotten near the surface.",insufficient-neutral
The spike protein induced by COVID-19 vaccines is toxic and causes diseases and deaths; nattokinase can counter these effects,"All available evidence from clinical trials and safety monitoring indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and not associated with a rise in medical conditions and mortality. COVID-19 vaccines are also safe and recommended for pregnant women, who are at a higher risk of severe COVID-19 and pregnancy complications associated with the disease. Furthermore, COVID-19 vaccines haven’t been shown to be toxic, making so-called “detoxes” unnecessary.",refutes
"Claims Socrates said, ""When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.""","John Fugelsang ✔@JohnFugelsang 'When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.' -Socrates. [...] So far as we can tell, the phrase ""when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"" emerged roughly around 2008 and appears to have no traceable history prior to that. Despite its popularity on social media, no one has ever found a single direct link to any material attributed to Socrates matching the quote. Its abrupt appearance and lack of historical support suggests that Socrates’ signature was tacked to the commentary to give it an air of ancient wisdom.",refutes
AIDS was cured in more than a dozen patients,"The first person to be cured of HIV was Timothy Ray Brown, an American who received a pioneering stem cell transplant back in 2007, six years before Franke. There are now seven patients who have been cured. The latest case was revealed at AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, in Munich last week, although this patient has requested anonymity. [...] Finally, and most important, in many cases, such stem cell transplants do not eliminate the virus from the body. An international collaboration called IciStem has begun collecting tissue from the dozens of HIV patients who have received such transplants. The goal is to understand more about why individuals like Franke have been cured while others were not. ""The question is why was it successful in these seven cases?"" says Christian Gaebler, the doctor at Berlin’s Charité hospital who presented data on the latest patient to be cured at AIDS 2024. ""Were there features in the patient which gave them a better starting point to achieve HIV remission or was there something unique about the immune responses of the donor, which created a better chance of depleting these HIV reservoirs.""",insufficient-refutes
"“You’ve raised a lot more money than I have, Bernie.”","Bernie Sanders is raising staggering amounts of money through the ActBlue fundraising site. Much of it comes from small donors. [...] When the 2016 election began, the idea was that big money from big donors would dominate the election. Instead, many candidates with robust super PACs have failed; Donald Trump has loaned himself money; and Bernie's raised more than $112 million (accounting for 82% of contributions to his campaign) through ActBlue, an online donation service for Democrats, specializing in small donors. [...] And Sanders has indeed raised an insane amount of money from the actual small donations — he's literally been given $10 about 1.4 million times.",insufficient-supports
"Claims that 19th century writer Margaret Fuller once stated, ""Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.""","Margaret Fuller, born on May 23, 1810, in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, was an American writer, journalist, critic, and women's rights advocate. She is well-known for her influential contributions to the feminist movement and her significant role in shaping American literature and intellectual thought in the 19th century. [...] Margaret Fuller's quote, ""Today a reader, tomorrow a leader,"" encapsulates the profound potential that lies within the act of reading. By asserting that reading today can lead to leadership tomorrow, Fuller highlights the transformative power of knowledge and literature. She suggests that being an avid reader primes individuals to become informed and intelligent, fostering critical thinking and broadening their perspectives. Reading equips individuals with an array of ideas, insights, and historical knowledge that contribute to their personal growth and development. As a result, those who invest in reading become well-equipped to tackle complex challenges, make informed decisions, and influence others positively. Ultimately, Fuller's poignant quote serves as a reminder that reading isn't simply a leisure activity but a dynamic process that can shape individuals into the leaders of tomorrow.",supports
All students studying Business Management at Seton Hall University in the USA are obligated to study Bhagavad Gita,"Since last year, all students of business management at Seton Hall University (SHU), New Jersey, have had to compulsorily study the Bhagavad Gita. Not to glean some tactical insights for use in corporate warfare, but to ground themselves in multiple religious cultures. A laudable objective that would resonate with US president Barack Obama’s vision of a pluralist America where Christians and Muslims, Hindus and Jews, and non-believers, live together. It all began as a pilot project last year, to teach the Gita to business students as a ‘signature course’ on a full-time basis. From this year, the Gita has become part of the core curriculum at the SHU, which happens to be a Roman Catholic-run institution. [...] So at one of the core curriculum meetings, Amar proposed that Hinduism should be included. As the world’s oldest religion, he argued, it had put in most thought into the ‘perennial questions.’ His suggestion was accepted, and the SHU committee included the Gita, along with the Koran, the Bible, besides texts from the Buddhist sutras and the Greek philosophers. The course was called The Journey Of Transformation.",supports
"Social media ads propagating a downloadable variant of Google’s AI chatbot, Bard","Concerns about the growing abilities of chatbots trained on large language models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google’s Bard and Microsoft’s Bing Chat, are making headlines. Experts warn of their ability to spread misinformation on a monumental scale, as well as the existential risk their development may pose to humanity. As if this isn’t worrying enough, a third area of concern has opened up – illustrated by Italy’s recent ban of ChatGPT on privacy grounds. [...] As chatbots become embedded in the internet and social media, the chances of becoming a victim of malware or malicious emails will increase. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has warned about the risks of AI chatbots, saying the technology that powers them could be used in cyber-attacks.",insufficient-neutral
"a conference titled ""The Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held at the Vatican on Oct. 23 and will focus on ""humanity-empowering technology.""","FACT CHECK: Does This Picture Show An Advertisement For An ‘Elite Global Leaders’ Conference Being Held At The Vatican? An image shared on Instagram claims a conference titled the ""Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held at the Vatican on Oct. 23 and will focus on ""humanity-empowering technology."" [...] The image appears to show a poster advertising an upcoming conference being held at the Vatican titled ""Elite Global Leaders Conference."" The poster states the purported event is invitation only and will focus on ""technology that empowers humanity,"" the keynote presentation allegedly being ""The Code – Programming Our Future For Good."" Circled in red are the names of the supposed conference’s two keynote speakers, David Fergusson and Carlos Moreira, authors of ""The transHuman Code: How To Program Your Future.""",insufficient-supports
"Two decades ago, around 26,000 people were waiting for social housing. Now that figure is over 45,000","Official data for the past two quarters shows that over 45,000 applicants are on Northern Ireland’s social housing waiting list. Annual figures for 2002-03 say that 26,248 people were waiting at that time. Stats for the last two decades indicate a general trend of growing waiting lists.",supports
"“Bernie Sanders wants free health care for all and was asked how he would pay for it. His answer was raise taxes to 52% on anybody making over $29,000 per year.”","Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs Sen. Bernie Sanders, challenged at Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate on how he would pay for universal health care and his other proposed programs, admitted income taxes on the middle class would have to go up — but maintained that the savings in medical expenses would more than offset the tax hike. Sanders, who took the first question from NBC correspondent Savannah Guthrie, talked about his Medicare for All proposal for his allotted minute. But when Guthrie followed up and pressed him about taxes on the middle class, he conceded, ""Yes, they will pay more in taxes.""",insufficient-supports
Prime Minister Modi has initiated a grievance portal (CPGRAMS) upon assuming office for the first time,"A revised version of CPGRAMS portal meant to address public grievances was launched in June 2007. In fact, the concept of directly accepting petitions to handle public grievances was initiated as early as 2002. Since then, a total of 8972 grievance petitions were received by the DOP&T and most of the issues were resolved before 90 days of filing the petition as of 31 January 2014. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
New England Journal of Medicine “proves” 80% miscarriage rate among vaccinated women; COVID-19 vaccines harm men’s and women’s fertility,"Misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines harming fertility is a widespread myth that has damaged public trust in the vaccines. While the original vaccine clinical trials didn’t evaluate the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on fertility, scientific studies and safety surveillance data later on have shown that COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women and don’t cause pregnancy or fertility problems. COVID-19 itself is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications, which vaccination can help prevent. [...] Northrup’s speech supposedly provided evidence that COVID-19 vaccines harm fertility, particularly in women. However, the data that Northrup cited doesn’t support her claim, as they don’t come from reliable scientific studies but from partial analyses with many critical flaws, as we will explain below. [...] Claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause fertility and pregnancy problems are unsubstantiated and contradict the available evidence. Published studies so far show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women and not associated with pregnancy complications or infertility in men or women. It is COVID-19 itself that increases the risk of pregnancy complications and poses a risk to both the mother and the baby. Contrary to these claims, COVID-19 vaccination helps reduce the risk of harm to the mother and baby.",refutes
"By 29 September last year, at least 47 people in NI had died from “vaccine injury”.","Almost 900,000 people in Northern Ireland have received at least one dose of vaccine. [...] The publication of clear, detailed vaccination statistics will allow the public in Northern Ireland to get a much better idea of any gaps in our vaccine rollout. [...] Without doubt, vaccinations have been having an impact on the death rate in the UK.",insufficient-neutral
"“We know mask mandates work. There’s enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that haven’t.""","There is now strong evidence that wearing masks reduces COVID-19 transmission. While many factors can affect the spread of the virus, preliminary findings show that states and counties with mask mandates are seeing lower transmission than those that have only recommended mask wearing. However, these mandates have incited controversy, and government officials have struggled to determine whether and how to enforce them. [...] ""Compliance ambassadors"" and education campaigns - States and localities that have resisted mask mandates often state that they prefer ""education."" However, if education is to be effective, it will require actual investment and action. Charlotte’s enforcement plan uses both enforcement actions and education for businesses, with the latter conducted mostly through environmental health inspectors and part-time ambassadors. Las Vegas has also mobilized 100 ""compliance ambassadors."" In both cities ambassadors can report violations in businesses, but they do not undertake any enforcement actions themselves. In terms of individual mandates, in DeKalb County, Ga., first-time offenders receive a warning, while second-time offenders can attend a COVID-19 education class instead of receiving a fine. Many states and localities have also implemented public awareness campaigns surrounding masking. While health departments may have limited funds and capacity for evaluation of these campaigns, we encourage data-driven approaches wherever possible. Localities that are able to partner with researchers or private firms can share their results broadly to help inform campaigns throughout the country.",supports
President Donald Trump's campaign claimed that 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was wrong to say that he was in Hong Kong right before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.,"One of the striking elements of Walz’s biography is his unusually deep connections to China. Walz first visited the country in 1989, just months after the Tiananmen Square protests, and returned to the country some 30 times afterward. As an educator and then a small business owner, he facilitated student groups’ trips to China. As a legislator, he served on the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, which monitors human rights and the rule of law in the country, and co-sponsored resolutions urging the release of democratic activist Liu Xiaobo and remembering the Tiananmen Square victims. [...] Yet in context, it’s clear that Walz was no dupe. During his teaching year, he visited Beijing (a 40-hour trip by rail) and saw Tiananmen Square, according to the Record. As much as Walz loved China and the Chinese people, his attitude toward the Chinese Communist Party was bluntly critical. Tiananmen Square, he told the Record, ""will always have a lot of bitter memories for the people."" (Walz later chose June 4 as his wedding date so he could ""have a date he’ll always remember,"" according to his wife.)",insufficient-neutral
This song is an anthem created by the New Zealand government,"New Zealand National Anthem - God Defend New Zealand [Full Version] [...] New Zealand National Anthem - God Defend New Zealand [...] Translations of ""New Zealand National...""",insufficient-neutral
"While Manmohan Singh spent Rs 12 crore per trip i.e. Rs 493 crore on 38 trips, Modi spent only Rs 10 crore per trip i.e. Rs 443 crore on 44 trips.","The numbers given in the post do not include the bills to be received and IAF BBJ Flights used by the Modi government. Also, if total travel expenses (Aircraft Maintenance, Flights and Hotline) instead of just expenditure on chartered flights are included, then it is found that Modi spent around Rs. 2000 crore on foreign travel while Manmohan spent around Rs 1350 crore. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.",refutes
purports the Department of Defense pays for troops' abortions,"U.S. Military Will Pay for Troops to Travel for Abortions [...] The Pentagon will begin paying for troops and their family members to travel for abortions, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced in a memo outlining several policy changes and directives designed to ensure the military community retains access to reproductive healthcare following the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe v. Wade. [...] A RAND study released in September said 40 percent of active-duty female troops in the continental United States are stationed in states where abortion is illegal or severely restricted. The federal government is prohibited from using taxpayer money to pay for abortions directly, except in cases in which the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, or the life of the mother is endangered. Between 2016 and 2021, 91 such abortions were performed at military treatment facilities, a second defense official said.",insufficient-supports
Elon Musk has permanently banned AOC from Twitter,"- Elon Musk and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got into another tiff on Twitter on Thursday night. [...] Elon Musk and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are in another Twitter spat. [...] Musk and Ocasio-Cortez have had several tense exchanges on Twitter. In April, Ocasio-Cortez called Musk a ""billionaire with an ego problem"" who only bought Twitter ""because Tucker Carlson or Peter Thiel took him to dinner and made him feel special."" In response, Musk tweeted: ""Stop hitting on me, I'm really shy.""",insufficient-neutral
Bridges over Narmada at Bharuch and Chambal at Kota.,"New Narmada Bridge is known as 3rd Narmada Bridge at Bharuch over river Narmada, A extradosed bridge with the longest spans in India and part of the six laning project of a section of NH-8 between Vadodara and Surat. Kota Chambal Bridge is a part of the Kota Bypass located outskirts of the city over the Chambal river in Rajasthan. The cable-stayed bridge is an Iconic Engineering Marvel and around 60-metre-high from the surface. [...] There are more Cable-stayed Bridges in India, completed and under construction such as Kacchi Dargah–Bidupur Bridge,Versova–Bandra Sea Link, Krishnarajapuram bridge,Akkar Bridge Sikkim, Anji Khad Bridge and Nivedita Setu over Hooghly river connecting Howrah with Kolkata.",supports
Vitamin K shots are dangerous because of toxic levels of aluminum; Hepatitis B vaccines contain toxic ingredients,"Mostly because someone on the Internet told them to be worried about them, even though vitamin K shots are safe, are free of mercury and any other toxins you might really need to be concerned about, and the dose of synthetic vitamin K your baby gets in the shot will not cause an overdose. Or they might be worried that their baby might get up to 100mcg/L of aluminum with each shot. Of course, since they are only getting 0.5ml with the shot, that only equals about 0.05mcg of aluminum! Although it is an extremely tiny amount, why is it even in there? It is not working as an adjuvant as some would propose (again, vitamin K is not a vaccine), but rather is likely just a byproduct of the manufacturing process. And you can be assured that your baby can quickly, and safely eliminate the small amount from their body. [...] There are isolated case reports of anaphylaxis in newborns to other things, including antibiotics, hepatitis B immunoglobulin, total parenteral nutrition (TPN), and atracurium (used in anesthesia) – but not to vitamin K shots.",insufficient-refutes
"""The last administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded.""","Joe Biden stated on July 13, 2024 in a statement to the media ""The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of."" Social Media stated on July 13, 2024 in social media posts Donald Trump staged the shooting at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Instagram posts stated on June 30, 2024 in an Instagram post The city of San Francisco posted street signs warning that ""stolen goods must remain under $950."" Viral image stated on June 18, 2024 in a Facebook post ""Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York."" Donald Trump stated on June 15, 2024 in remarks in Detroit Crime statistics ""no longer include data from 30% of the country including the biggest and most violent cities."" Joe Biden stated on May 24, 2024 in a campaign email ""The last administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded."" Load more [...] Joe Biden stated on May 24, 2024 in a campaign email ""The last administration oversaw the largest increase in murders ever recorded.""",insufficient-neutral
Blood pressure tracking apps can replace a cuff,"CES 2019: Scientists have developed a blood pressure monitoring app to replace the 100-year-old cuff [...] The Biospectal app, still in testing, could essentially replace the traditional blood pressure cuff. [...] The Biospectal health app wants to replace the blood pressure cuff by letting users take a scientific measurement by putting their finger on their smartphone camera.",insufficient-supports
Demchok sector is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The Demchok sector[lower-alpha 1] is a disputed area named after the villages of Demchok in Ladakh and Demchok in Tibet, situated near the confluence of the Charding Nullah and Indus River. It is a part of the greater Sino-Indian border dispute between China and India. Both China and India claim the disputed region, with a Line of Actual Control between the two nations situated along the Charding Nullah.[lower-alpha 2] [...] Modern Chinese sources refer to the disputed area around Demchok as Parigas (Chinese: 巴里加斯; pinyin: Bālǐjiāsī)[9][10][lower-alpha 3] or the Parigas region (Chinese: 巴里加斯地区; pinyin: Bālǐjiāsī dìqū).[11][12] It is apparently named after the Tibetan name Palicasi (Tibetan: པ་ལི་ཅ་སི, Wylie: pa li ca si) of an insignificant camping site that is known to Ladakhis as Silungle.[13][14][lower-alpha 4] Chinese sources describe the disputed territory as having a total area of 1,900 square kilometres (730 sq mi) with India controlling 450 square kilometres (170 sq mi) of its southwest corner, west of Dêmqog and the Indus River.[9][10][11] [...] After the 1962 Sino-Indian War, the village of Demchok was divided in two parts, with Demchok, Ladakh administered by India and Dêmqog, Tibet Autonomous Region administered by China.[52][53] The split did not divide any of the resident families.[52]",insufficient-supports
The New York Times reported that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig was unhappy with movie character Ken into an icon,"A photo shared on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, alleges the New York Times reported ""Barbie"" director Greta Gerwig was unhappy with men turning movie character Ken ""into an icon."" [...] An X image purportedly shows a New York Times article reporting that Gerwig is unhappy with the popularity of movie character Ken among her male audience. The tweet has almost 300k views. ""Greta Gerwig is not happy with men turning Ken from her film ‘Barbie’ into an icon,"" the alleged headline reads. Text underneath claims Gerwig said, ""You spend so much time crafting a film for women and girls around the world so you can inspire them and then incels online culturally appropriate it.""",supports
"Rahul Gandhi: “Surgical strikes and Air strikes happened during UPA government but we didn’t disclose to anyone, not even to Army and Airforce”.","UPA did 3 surgical strikes but didn’t show off: Rahul Gandhi [...] Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday asserted that the Indian Army had conducted three surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) when the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was in power, but those operations were kept under the wraps at the force’s behest. [...] ""Do you know that like Narendra Modi’s surgical strike, (former PM) Manmohan Singh did that three times? When the army came to Manmohan Singh and said we need to retaliate against Pakistan for what they’ve done, they also said we want it to be secret, for our own purposes,"" Gandhi said.",supports
Hindus who wish to express their support for the Uniform Civil Code should give a missed call to ‘9090902024’ before 06 July 2023,"In fact, when the issue was being hotly debated in the Parliament during the discussions on the Hindu Code, some apologists for the status quo referred to the Vedas and the dharmashashtras , stating that the rule of conduct is the highest law: they tried to place custom and tradition on a pedestal even above the protection of human rights. Other speakers, while supporting the need for a UCC, cleverly disguised their opposition by emphasising the need to respect diversity amongst the various communities and castes within the Hindus. Of course, some of the more vocal critics spoke about the dangers to the Hindu religion if the UCC was approved. 8 3. And three, and in favour of the UCC, it is also well known that the Hindu law for a long time discriminated against women by depriving them of inheritance, remarriage and divorce. Their condition, especially those of Hindu widows and daughters, was poor due to this and other prevalent customs. Could religious practices be employed to deny basic fundamental rights and freedoms to women? Could not the UCC be employed to rectify the errors of a rigid discriminatory society and bring greater equity and compassion into social life? [...] The Hindu Code and the ""curious"" call for a UCC [...] VII. THE HINDU CODE: DEBATES, DILUTIONS, AND THE CALL FOR A UNIFORM CIVIL CODE",insufficient-neutral
Michael Davitt Gaelic Athletic Club offered as a coronavirus field hospital.,"Michael Davitt's GAC Swatragh (Irish: CLG Míceal Mhic Dhaíbheid Suaitreach) is a Gaelic Athletic Association club based in the village of Swatragh, Northern Ireland. The club is a member of the Derry GAA and currently caters for Gaelic football, hurling and camogie. The club is named after republican patriot and revolutionary Michael Davitt. [...] History [edit]In 1946 John McCormack proposed the idea of forming a Gaelic football club in Swatragh. Other founder members included Patsy Collins, Jim McMullan, John Eddie Friel and James McGurk. They choose to name the club after Michael Davitt, because he had given Irish Land League speeches in Swatragh in the late 19th century.[1] It also marked 100 years since Davitt's birth. The club colours were initially red and white, but in 1949 the present green and white colours were adopted.",insufficient-neutral
Beware Of Hoax WhatsApp Message Asking To Register For Free Laptops Offered By The Government…,"There are plenty of online hoaxes spread through social media platforms, especially through WhatsApp. At Fact Crescendo, we are always alert for such online frauds. Due to which we came across this WhatsApp message claiming that government was providing free laptop for the youth and requested users to get register to avail this offer. We […] There are plenty of online hoaxes spread through social media platforms, especially through WhatsApp. At Fact Crescendo, we are always alert for such online frauds. Due to which we came across this WhatsApp message claiming that government was providing free laptop for the youth and requested users to get register to avail this offer. [...] From our more investigation, we can confirm that the message being shared on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms claiming that the government is providing free laptops for youth and requesting to register via and external website link is fake. Government of Sri Lanka has also advised users not to fall for such frauds.",supports
West Bank is a territory of Palestine,"As its name implies, the West Bank is a territory situated on the western bank of the Jordan River. Many countries recognize it as being part of the so-called State of Palestine, but Palestine’s borders are yet to be determined, pending a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For both Israelis and Palestinians, the West Bank forms the heart of the Biblical Holy Land. It contains several important religious sites that are holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The West Bank is also home to most of the Palestinian population, and the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The West Bank has a total land area of 6,220 sq. km. This includes part of the holy city of Jerusalem, known as East Jerusalem. It is bordered by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the east, and by Israel in all other directions. The name ""West Bank"" was a term first used by the Jordanians when they annexed the territory in 1949, following the first Arab-Israeli war. Many Israelis refer to it as Judea (Hebrew: Yehuda) and Samaria (Hebrew; Shomron), denoting the fact that it was the territory in which the Biblical kingdoms of Judah and Israel (also called Shomron) were situated. Much of the West Bank’s territory consists of north-south oriented limestone hills. These hills are divided between the Samarian Hills north of Jerusalem, and the Judean Hills in the south. The hills slope down into the Jordan Valley and the area adjacent to the Dead Sea, which is the lowest place on Earth.",insufficient-contradictory
153 integrated cluster action plans (ICAPs) for 29 states and 1 UT have been developed.,"To create 300 such Rurban growth clusters over the next 3 years, which will be ODF, green and also create agro based and thematic clusters based on skilled manpower and access to economic opportunities. - 267 clusters already identified. 153 integrated Cluster Action Plans (ICAPs), which are the blueprints of investment for 29 states and one UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. [...] Organic clusters are being especially developed in tribal, rainfed, hilly and remote areas for the welfare of disadvantaged farmers of these regions.",supports
“Disney and Google bought the rights to the first King James Bible.”,"""Disney and Google bought the rights to the first King James Bible, they’re already changing it,"" a man says in a video shared in a June 28 Facebook post. [...] Instead, we discovered a July 2018 post on the satirical Babylon Bee website, which ran a story with this headline: ""Disney buys rights to the Bible, plans 37 sequels."" [...] If The Walt Disney Co. and Google, part of Alphabet, acquired the Bible’s rights, it would draw global news coverage, but there’s none.",refutes
“Elon Musk Fires Entire Cast of “The View ” After Acquiring ABC.”,"Musk’s acquisition of ABC leads to shock waves as entire cast of ""The View"" gets fired.In a move that has stunned the world of television, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has acquired ABC and promptly fired the entire cast of the long-running talk show, ""The View.""Sources close to Musk say that he was ""fed up"" with the show’s constant negativity and lack of innovation, and decided to take matters into his own hands.",supports
The murder rate in Belfast was sixth highest in a list of cities in Europe (according to 2010 data).,"Available data shows other cities with higher homicide rates. Data for some other cities was not and is not published. By any reasonable definition, homicide rates in Belfast are not among the highest in Europe today.",refutes
Apeel contains harmful ingredients,"Apeel is an edible coating for fruits and vegetables that protects them from water loss and oxidation, keeping them fresh for longer. The coating is made from monoglycerides and diglycerides, which are recognized as generally safe for use in foods.",refutes
Claims Trey Gowdy made a statement defending the transgender military ban,Transgender Military Ban: 5 Facts That Rebut Trump’s Claims,insufficient-neutral
Fuddruckers is “closing ALL locations.”,"""Restaurants closing in 2024,"" the May 22 post says. ""Fuddruckers is expected to close ALL locations by the end of the year. Old Country Buffet is closing ALL remainder locations. IHOP is closing 100 locations."" Other Facebook posts include as many as 24 restaurant chains, and these claim definitively that Fuddruckers, a hamburger chain, is ""closing ALL locations."" [...] Some of the information in these posts is accurate; some of the most dramatic claims, such as Fuddruckers closing all its locations, aren’t.",refutes
Northern Ireland Government contingency plans for COVID-19 include turning Dundonald Ice Bowl into a morgue to store bodies temporarily. A common extension is that the SSE (Odyssey) Arena has also been earmarked as a contingency morgue.,Covid-19: Northern Ireland's major milestones - Published [...] The first case of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland was diagnosed in a woman on 27 February 2020. [...] The public soon got used to Covid press briefings at Stormont with First and Deputy First Ministers Arlene Foster and Michelle O'Neill.,insufficient-neutral
Speech and language disability and specific learning disability have been added for the first time.,"In an infographic published by the government, certain claims were made regarding provisions of the ‘Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act’. Here is a fact check of those claims.",insufficient-neutral
Pfizer admits that vaccinated people can shed the vaccine on unvaccinated people,"A viral Oct. 27 blog post reads, ""Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated."" The claim can be traced to an April press release, when the hoax about vaccine shedding was proliferating. [...] The claim also says that ""Pfizer confirmed"" that people can shed spike proteins, which is unsubstantiated. This part of the claim appears to have originated with an April 29 tweet from Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors who also was arrested for actions stemming from her participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. [...] A blog post claims, ""Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated.""",refutes
Mayotte is a territory of France,"Mayotte is an overseas territory of France. It officially goes by the name of the [...] Mayotte is a recently established department under the [...] Are you wondering what is the capital of Mayotte? Well, this is common knowledge which helps. Mamoudzou is the largest city of the island territory. It was chosen as the capital of Mayotte in 1977, relinquishing Dzaoudzi from its former role.",insufficient-supports
ABC has canceled 'The View',There is no evidence ABC has canceled “The View.” The claim stems from a satirical website.,refutes
A Recent Incident: Mob Destroying President Wickremesinghe`s Banner !!,"Three more persons have been arrested for allegedly torching Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe's private residence during last month's massive anti-government protests, taking the total number of arrests to seven, according to a media report on Tuesday. [...] On July 9, in remarkable scenes of a country in meltdown, anti-government protesters set Mr. Wickremesinghe’s private residence at Cambridge Place on fire. Mr. Wickremesinghe said much of the contents in his private residence were not salvageable, with extensive destruction to his 125-year-old piano and more than 4,000 books gutted.",insufficient-supports
“Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety.”,"Lego: MRI toys donated to hospitals to help kids feel less nervous - Published - comments The Lego Foundation - part of the Lego company that does charity work - has announced that it will donate 600 new MRI scanner toys to hospitals. [...] LEGO employee Erik Ullerlund Staehr and Odense University Hospital in Denmark, first came up with the idea for the MRI scanner toy in 2015, and now it is being sent to children's hospitals all over the world.",supports
“The racial wealth gap is the smallest it’s been in 20 years.”,"Why did the racial wealth gap fall so quickly? One reason is the effect the Civil War and abolition had on white slaveowners. Enslaved people had been a huge form of wealth — about 15% of the total wealth of white America in 1860. Hence, their liberation reduced the average wealth of white America, thereby shrinking the racial wealth gap. [...] As inspiring as the story is of an oppressed people embracing freedom and working hard to build a better life for themselves against all odds, it's also important to note that a large part of the reason for the steep decline in the racial wealth gap in these early years reflects some simple math. When one group starts off with basically zero wealth, even tiny gains in wealth look huge. When the denominator (the bottom part of the fraction) of the white-to-Black ratio goes from nothing to something, wealth inequality falls sharply. [...] Despite all the ostensible progress Black Americans made in politics, business, and culture in the mid-to-late 20th and early 21st centuries, the economists find there's been very little progress in closing the average racial wealth gap since 1950. By 1950, the ratio of white-to-Black wealth fell to 7 to 1. Today, it's 6 to 1. For every dollar the average white American has, the average Black American has only about 17 cents. (For those wondering about the median, it's even worse: for every dollar the median white household has, the median Black household has just 10 cents).",insufficient-supports
The New York Times reported that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig was unhappy with movie character Ken into an icon,"Greta Gerwig does not look at Mattel’s iconic doll, and her ""boyfriend"" Ken, strictly as archetypes of women and men. Barbieland seems like an idyllic haven for Margot Robbie’s Barbie and her friends, but when thoughts start to get heavy, and she finds herself faced with the real world, she realizes that nothing is as perfect as it seems. This film could have coasted by on being a silly comedy, or been a girl power adventure, but Gerwig and Noah Baumbach want to dig deeper into the ways in which society pigeonholes both women and men while also making a delightfully energetic comedy. The ways women can take different messages from Barbie as an icon, and how Ken represents both internalized and externalized forms of toxic masculinity, are profound thematic takeaways from this film, and Gerwig is a born filmmaker capable of juggling all of them in a film as beautifully visualized, and delightfully enjoyable, as this one.",insufficient-neutral
A woman can choose whether the name in the passport should be of her mother or the father and not both parents.,"""Now women won’t have to give their divorce or marriage certificates while applying for a passport. It will be up to a woman on whether she would like to use her mother’s or father’s name."" [...] The second half of the statement made by the Prime Minister was, ""It’ll be their discretion to use their father or mother’s name in the passport."" ""It is entirely up to the woman to choose between her mother’s and her father’s name in the passport. The statement had nothing to do with retaining her maiden name.""",supports
Walmart Has Returned To 24-Hour Operations!,"A few days ago, numerous social media users claimed that Walmart would resume 24-hour operations in all its stores from August 14. The retail giant had stopped offering round-the-clock service in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. A widely shared post on X, previously known as Twitter, stated, ""Walmart has announced that starting June 3rd, all locations in the U.S. will go back to 24 hours."" [...] Walmart has quashed the latest rumors suggesting a return to 24-hour operations. ""There are no current plans to return our stores to 24-hour operations,"" stated Walmart spokesperson Joe Pennington in an email to Snopes.",refutes
"Minimum wage increased by 42%, directly benefiting 55 lakh workers.","Notifications for all the Scheduled Employments in the Central Sphere were issued on 1st September, 2016 simultaneously, in fact for the first time. The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment other than agriculture has been proposed at Rs.350 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.246 resulting in an increase of about 42%. The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment ""agriculture"" has been proposed at Rs.300 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.211 resulting in an increase of about 42%. [...] Due to this revision, additional 55 lakh workers would be benefited. This would indeed, be a good gesture on the part of the Government towards the labour fraternity.",supports
“Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase: Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”; long COVID is caused by persistent spike protein in the body,"Seeing a claim like this leads me to point out some things. First, the amount of spike protein that gets into the bloodstream as a result of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna is infinitesimally small, definitely smaller than the amount of spike protein one gets from an—oh, you know—actually infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Second—and I know I’m repeating myself from above, but bear with me—antivaxxers have been recommending ""detoxification"" to treat ""vaccine injury"" or ""vaccine toxicity"" since long before I ever first took notice of the antivaccine movement which was well over two decades ago. Nattokinase, as you will see, is just the latest wrinkle in this old narrative. [...] So what evidence do doctors like Dr. McCullough cite when recommending nattokinase? They always have some evidence to cite, but is it in any way convincing? In an earlier Substack post from February, Dr. McCullough was touting the Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase, which he called the ""Holy Grail of COVID-19 vaccine detoxification,"" handwaving an ""explanation"" of why the vaccine-induced spike protein is so much more nasty than the much huger amounts of spike protein produced by an actual infection:",refutes
Rockall is a territory of Ireland,"Rockall (/ˈrɒkɔːl/) is an uninhabitable granite islet in the North Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom claims that Rockall lies within its territorial sea[1] and is part of its territory, but this claim is not recognised by Ireland.[2][3] It and the nearby skerries of Hasselwood Rock and Helen's Reef are the only emergent parts of the Rockall Plateau. The rock was formed by magmatism as part of the North Atlantic Igneous Province during the Paleogene. [...] Irish claims to Rockall are based on its proximity to the Irish mainland;[81] however, the country has never formally claimed sovereignty over the rock. Although Rockall is closer to the UK coast than to the Irish coast,[4][5] Ireland does not recognise the UK's territorial claim to Rockall, ""which would be the basis for a claim to a 12-mile territorial sea"".[9][82] [...] The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland claims Rockall along with a 12-nautical-mile-radius (22 km) territorial sea around the islet inside the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).[1] The UK also claims ""a circle of UK sovereign airspace over the islet of Rockall"".[1]",insufficient-contradictory
Ras Doumeira is a territory of Djibouti,"The UN Security Council has condemned Eritrea for killing at least six soldiers during border raids against Djibouti. The attacks were carried out at Ras Doumeira, a strategic territory both countries claim as their own. [...] The Security Council ""condemns Eritrea's military action against Djibouti in Ras Doumeira and Doumeira Island,"" read the declaration, adopted unanimously. Ras Doumeira, in northern Djibouti, is a strategic promontory overlooking the Red Sea.",insufficient-contradictory
"changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming”[...]. In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet","Even more subtle motions exist. The circle traced out in the sky by the North Pole has little wobbles on it, because of a sort of rocking motion called nutation. Over a cycle of about 41,000 years, the tilt of the spin axis actually varies from about 22 to 25 degrees. In the first part of the 20th century the Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch proposed that such variations in tilt, along with slight changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit, have triggered climate change in the past. Climate scientists now widely accept this model as explaining one of the many triggers of the onset and ending of ice ages. [...] Taking into account all that has been learned about Earth’s past and present, one can speculate in an informed way about what the future may hold for the planet. This involves exploring two basic scenarios: one in which humans have no effect or role and another in which people influence the course of events in various possible ways.",insufficient-contradictory
Human additions of CO2 are in the margin of error of current measurements and the gradual increase in CO2 is mainly from oceans degassing as the planet slowly emerges from the last ice age.,"Atmospheric CO2 has increased rapidly as a result of human activities. Although human-caused emissions of CO2 are small relative to natural flows into and out of the atmosphere, the human contribution has caused an imbalance in the global carbon cycle that jeopardizes land and ocean ecosystems.",insufficient-contradictory
Doctors murdered to protect Big Pharma profits and silence holistic health practitioners,"Of the many conspiracies of the 21st century, one of the most intriguing is the apparent systematic killing of holistic or alternative doctors. The suspected perpetrator? Rather ambiguously, Big Pharma. [...] Although it is no more than speculation (as are many of the holistic doctor murders), Holt had a particular interest in helping people who struggled financially with medical bills and increasingly promoted patients’ well-being and recovery over profit. Several times, he ""[worked] with people financially"" to ensure that they received the treatments they required.[4] [...] This is a particularly dark and gritty case due to the backstory that soon unfolded. While conspiracy theorists quickly jumped on the case of another alternative doctor murdered ""for their willingness to stand up to Big Pharma,"" it seemed obvious that the leap was misjudged at best in this instance.",refutes
Former Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar along with his wife met Narendra Modi to show his support for BJP in the General Elections-2019.,"Mumbai: Former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali Tendulkar Mumbai: Former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali Tendulkar pose for photos during the Special Screening Of the upcoming Film 'Ghoomer', in Mumbai on August 20, 2023. (Photo: IANS/Sanjay Tiwari)",insufficient-neutral
"purports over 1,000 children are still missing in Maui following the recent wildfire","The Maui Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have released a list of “Unaccounted For Persons” who are believed to be missing following the wildfire, but the purported individuals’ ages are not provided.",insufficient-neutral
"claims Benjamin Franklin said, ""By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.""","Benjamin Franklin's quote, ""By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,"" carries a straightforward yet powerful message about the importance of planning and preparation in achieving success. At its core, the quote emphasizes that without proper foresight and careful consideration of potential outcomes, one is exposing themselves to the risk of failure. This timeless wisdom resonates across a wide spectrum of contexts, from personal endeavors to professional projects, highlighting the universal truth that proactive preparation significantly increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes.In essence, the quote serves as a reminder that success is not merely a matter of chance or luck but rather the result of deliberate actions and strategic planning. By anticipating challenges, setting clear goals, and laying out a roadmap for success, individuals can steer themselves towards their desired objectives with greater efficiency and confidence. This proactive approach minimizes the element of uncertainty and equips individuals with the tools needed to navigate obstacles and setbacks that may arise along the way.However, in delving deeper into the philosophical implications of Franklin's quote, one may encounter an unexpected concept that challenges the conventional wisdom of meticulous planning: the notion of surrendering to the flow of life. [...] While Benjamin Franklin's quote underscores the importance of preparation in navigating the complexities of life, the concept of surrender introduces a deeper layer of introspection, inviting individuals to explore the transformative power of letting go and embracing the inherent mysteries of existence. In embracing this synthesis of preparation and surrender, one may discover a more holistic approach to living that honors both the practicalities of planning and the wisdom of embracing the unknown.",supports
"“COVID Vaccines Were Never Safe for Pregnant Women, Pfizer’s own data show”","Covid vaccines safe in pregnancy, data shows The UK's Health Security Agency says its analysis of English data shows Covid vaccines are safe in pregnancy, reinforcing international evidence. [...] ""Every pregnant woman who has not yet been vaccinated should feel confident to go and get the jab and that this will help to prevent the serious consequences of catching Covid in pregnancy,"" she said.",refutes
"Says Joe Biden “has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever, more than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone.”",James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:37 P.M. EST [...] Q Does the President think Mr. Trump should do more than he has in this area? [...] Q I haven’t -- I don’t recall the President doing anything like that in the last eight years. Has he -- would he do something like that? Would President Obama do something like that?,insufficient-neutral
Electricity Bill To Be Reduced By 22.5% !!,"Colombo (News 1st): PUCSL has announced a reduction in electricity tariff, effective from August. [...] Therefore, the Electricity tariff will be reduced by 22.5% effective from today. [...] The commission has also approved electricity tariff reductions for places of worship, hotels, and public spaces.",supports
"The NI Executive’s commitment to provide financial support for new football, GAA and rugby stadiums involved an equal split between sports.","Sport NI announced today further financial support through the Sports Sustainability Fund Programme to the sporting sector; bringing a total investment of £22.4 million through this specific fund. The Sports Sustainability Fund is a critical support to sport at this time and Sport NI is pleased to make a further announcement of much needed financial support to the sports of: Gaelic Games; Rugby; Golf; Cricket; Hockey; Sailing; and Angling, among others, which will sustain over 230 clubs. (Details of awards are available: Sports Sustainability Fund Awards List | Sport NI) [...] Antoinette McKeown, Sport NI CEO, continued ""I would like to pay tribute to sports Governing Bodies and Sport NI team for their dedication and commitment to coordinate the delivery of the Sports Sustainability Fund and other various programmes, in partnership with the Department for Communities"".",insufficient-neutral
"Nikki Haley “says the retirement age at 65 is way too low, it must be much higher.”","""Nikki says the retirement age at 65 is way too low, it must be much higher,"" Trump said of his former U.N. ambassador. [...] This is missing context. When Haley said the federal retirement age of 65 was ""way too low"" she wasn’t talking about current Social Security beneficiaries or people who are close to retiring. She would propose raising the retirement age for younger people, in line with longer life expectancy. [...] Bloomberg Television, Haley Says 65 Is 'Way Too Low' for Retirement Age, Aug. 24, 2023",supports
"To provide free GP care in the Republic of Ireland, which already exists in NI as it is part of the UK, would cost the Dublin Exchequer an extra £880 million","Public policy in Ireland has committed to extending free GP care to all, on a phased basis. In 2015, under 6s and over 70s became eligible for free GP care. It has recently been announced that free GP care for the under 12s is to be rolled out in 2020. Free GP care was previously restricted to those qualifying for a means tested Medical Card or GP Visit Card. In May 2015, 41.0% of the population was in receipt of free means tested GP care. Private patients were charged an estimated €50 per GP visit. The principal concern here is how the abolition of this fee will affect the utilisation of GP services. [...] The impact of free GP care in Ireland on the utilisation of GP services has been estimated in order to help with future medical manpower planning and in quantifying the potential costs of universal healthcare. These estimates are again based on retrospective patient self-reporting surveys and relies on the ""best available data""- GUI, TILDA, QNHS and Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) or Living in Ireland Surveys (LIS), a forerunner of SILC (18-49 years). [...] Gorecki, P. (2018). The Impact of Free GP Care on the Utilisation of GP Services in Ireland: An Evaluation of Different Approaches, The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 49, No. 2, Summer 2018, pp.201-215.",insufficient-neutral
"Thai princess “most likely a victim of the jab”, Thailand “could become the first country in the world to nullify the contract between the government and Pfizer”","Top Thai authorities including advisors to the King have been in discussions with Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and are prepared to see to it that the Pfizer contracts are declared null and void!! The Royal Family has been alerted that the princess is most likely a victim of the jab!! The Thai Princess who collapsed 23 days after her booster is still in a coma. The Royal Family have been alerted that the purported diagnosis of a bacterial infection is ‘ridiculous’ and that she is most likely the victim of the jab. Thai Government Vows to be ""First Country"" to Declare Pfizer Contracts ""Null"" After Princess Drops of Heart Attack, Dr. Bhakdi Presents ""Fraud""",supports
"A Muslim boy attacked a Hindu girl in Seoni, Madhya Pradesh, in yet another Love Jihad incident","The boy who attacked the girl is a Hindu named Sushil Yadav. Local Police clarified that there is no Love Jihad angle in this incident. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"Claims that Marilyn Monroe once stated, ""Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.""","W. Gordon·FollowPublished inMANIFESTOS FROM THE 21 LAWS·Nov 12, 2021--Share""Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."" — Marilyn Monroe",supports
Limbang District is a territory of Malaysia,"Limbang Division (Malay: Bahagian Limbang) is one of the twelve administrative divisions of Sarawak, Malaysia. It has a total area of 7,788.50 square kilometres, and is the fourth largest division after Kapit Division, Miri Division and Bintulu Division. Limbang Division consists of two districts which are Limbang District and Lawas District, which in turn are divided as sub-districts in Limbang (Nanga Medamit Sub-District) and two sub-districts in Lawas (Sundar Sub-District and Trusan Sub-District). Long Semadoh and Ba’kelalan are rural settlements in the southern part of Lawas district. Two major towns in Limbang are Limbang and Lawas. There are also few smaller towns such as Sundar, Trusan, Merapok and Tedungan. Limbang Division splits Brunei Darussalam into two; West Brunei to the west and Temburong District in the middle of Limbang and Lawas districts. Limbang is located between West Brunei and Temburong, while Lawas is located between Temburong and the Malaysian state of Sabah. This geographical situation, as well as the autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak in immigration affairs means that immigration checks are required when travelling into or out of Limbang Division by road. [...] Limbang Division has two police district offices, namely at Limbang and Lawas. There are also police stations and police bits located at strategic locations, as well as rural areas. Despite being the fourth largest division, Limbang Division so far has no district military bases. Only small military camps do exist just to make presence.",supports
"Claims that Hillary Clinton wrote, ""I believe the primary role of the state is to teach, train and raise children. Parents have a secondary role.""","Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote this book with her heart in the right place. I believe that she does have a lot of compassion for children. That being said, there were times that I had great difficulty reading her book about the well being of children, knowing that she was a war hawk in the US’s illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. On page 290 of her book, Clinton states that it is the responsibility of the government to ""Keep America the world’s strongest force of peace, freedom, and prosperity."" Her vote for war did nothing to embrace these ideals. War does not effect any person more than it effects a child. Of the vast problems that children in the United States face, their problems pale in comparison to the challenges that many Iraqi children are dealing with.",insufficient-supports
"The last man to attack the US Capitol, prior to the events on 6 January 2021, was a British Army Major General from Northern Ireland, in 1814.","In August 1814, British forces occupying the Chesapeake Bay began to sail up the Patuxent River in Maryland. Fearing an attack on the capital, Secretary of State James Monroe offered to scout the British position and report back to President James Madison. Monroe, accompanied by cavalry, left Washington and rode into southern Maryland.",insufficient-neutral
"“For African American families in particular, the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968, the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law.”","More than half a century after the Fair Housing Act was signed into law in 1968, not only is the homeownership gap between white and Black Americans wider than it was in 1960, the homeownership rate of Black Americans is expected to be lower (40%) in 2040 than it was in 2020 (41%), according to a study by the Urban Institute, a Washington-based research organization focused on upward mobility and equity. Though some of the structural and systemic issues may have been alleviated after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, issues including financial education and awareness can still limit homeownership for lower-income households (a disproportionate share of whom are Black and Hispanic) or trap them into exploitative transactions. [...] Nancy Hite-Norde, 66, a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker in Westchester County, says the low homeownership rate among Black families is a good barometer of the treatment of Black people in this country.",supports
"Claims ""Dumber and Dumber"" actor Jim Carrey said, ""Society is collapsing.""","An article shared on Facebook claims actor Jim Carrey said, ""Hollywood elites eat whole babies for Christmas."" [...] In May, a 2018 article published by the website Jasper and Sardine has resurfaced in QAnon Facebook groups. The article alleges that Carrey, an actor known for roles in films such as ""Dumb and Dumber"" and ""Bruce Almighty,"" told an audience during a question-and-answer session at a screening for the 2017 documentary ""Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond"" that ""Hollywood elites eat whole babies for Christmas."" [...] This is not the first time the ""Dumb and Dumber"" actor has been the subject of misattributed comments. In August 2019, Check Your Fact debunked a viral meme that claimed he said, ""Society is collapsing.""",refutes
"The NI Executive’s commitment to provide financial support for new football, GAA and rugby stadiums involved an equal split between sports.","Northern Ireland stadiums funding ready to go but needs executive sign-off, says Minister Hargey - Published [...] The executive committed £36m to the development of local football stadiums in Northern Ireland in 2015. [...] ""It is a project the GAA community has waited too long for and that it fully deserves. We note with interest the finance minister's comments and, given that both sub regional and Casement Park are part of the same executive commitment, we expect that his confirmation of funding extends to the sub regional programme too,"" said IFA chief executive Patrick Nelson.",insufficient-neutral
Khao Phra Wihan is a territory of Cambodia,"The park’s territory lines Thailand-Cambodia border, over high cliff and lush forest of Dongrek Range. Khao Phra Wihan National Park acquires 130 square kilometres area of Amphoe Kantharalak of Si Sa Ket, Sub Amhoe Nam Khun and Amphoe Nam Yuen of Ubon Ratchathani. The country’s 83rd National Park was established on March 20, 1998. [...] Phra Wihan National Park features attractions and interesting activities including: [...] Khao Phra Wihan National Park (All)",insufficient-neutral
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA cannot be broken down; COVID-19 vaccines cause excess death and unprecedented blood clots,"While COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are associated with a slightly higher risk of myocarditis in young men, the risk of heart problems in general is higher in people who get COVID-19. Moreover, COVID-19 is associated with a host of health problems, of which heart problems are just one. Vaccination reduces the risk of infection and severe disease. As such, the vaccines’ benefit outweighs their risk.",insufficient-neutral
the U.S. Climate Reference Network[...] finds there has been no warming for the past 14 years at least,"Using the data that were available at the time (through 2012), the last climate report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that there had been no statistically significant increase in global surface temperature from 1998-2012. [...] The most likely explanation for the lack of significant warming at the Earth’s surface in the past decade or so is that natural climate cycles—a series of La Niña events and a negative phase of the lesser-known Pacific Decadal Oscillation—caused shifts in ocean circulation patterns that moved some excess heat into the deep ocean. Even so, recent years have been some of the warmest on record, and scientists expect temperatures will swing back up soon. [...] Just because the global surface temperature has not risen significantly in the past decade doesn't mean the Earth's heat energy imbalance has vanished, though. Excess heat energy trapped by greenhouses gases can have more than one fate in the Earth system; among other things, it can cause water to evaporate, it can melt ice, and it can be mixed into the deep ocean by overturning currents.",supports
The Rs.500 note with green security thread closer to Mahatma Gandhi picture is a fake note,"The security thread appears to the left of the Mahatma's portrait. Security thread has a plain, non-readable fully embedded security thread. But since October 2000, the Rs.2000 notes contain a readable, windowed security thread alternately visible on the obverse with the inscriptions ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), ‘2000’ and ‘RBI’. All the currency notes have security thread. When notes held against the light, the security thread on Rs.2000, Rs.500 and Rs.100 can be seen as one continuous line. [...] On the obverse side of Rs.2000, Rs.500, Rs.100, Rs.50 and Rs.20 notes, a vertical band on the right side of the Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait contains a latent image showing the respective denominational value in numeral. The latent image is visible only when the note is held horizontally at eye level.",insufficient-neutral
The Guardian claimed that journalism charity Full Fact is “the only UK member of” Facebook’s fact-checking programme.,FactCheckNI is another UK member of Facebook’s third party fact checking programme. The Guardian promptly corrected its article.,refutes
"When Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Ukraine recently ""he announced that they were going to suspend elections in Ukraine.""","U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made no announcement about suspending Ukraine’s elections. He referred to Ukrainian elections in a May 14 speech, saying the U.S. is working with Ukraine to strengthen its election infrastructure for when Ukrainians agree conditions allow for elections. [...] One social media user, who was critical of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent Ukraine visit, said Blinken, during his trip, ""announced that they were going to suspend elections in Ukraine."" [...] An Instagram post’s claim that Blinken announced on a recent visit that Ukraine was suspending its elections ignores that the elections would have already taken place in March and that Zelenskyy announced in November they would not take place because of martial law.",refutes
[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related,"The median age of final study group (N = 138) was 55 years (IQR 43,70) and the median time from last vaccine to death was 17 days (IQR 11,22). Among them, 113 (81.9%) were male and 31 (22.5%) were Qatari nationals. Among the 138 deaths evaluated, 8 deaths were classified as having high probability of being related to vaccination (1.15 death/1,000,000 vaccine doses administered). Fifteen deaths were classified as having intermediate probability (2.16 death/1,000,000 vaccine doses administered). One hundred and twelve deaths were classified as low probability or not related to vaccination. [...] We developed an algorithm to determine the probability of a death being related to COVID-19 vaccine administration using a framework similar to the one proposed by the World Health Organization, which takes into account evidence of any other cause of death, temporal association with vaccination, and lack of any other possible explanation19,20 (Fig. 2). Four licensed physicians were trained on the algorithm criteria to independently assign the probability of a death being related to vaccine administration. Final categorization was based on at least three reviewers assigning the same level of probability. Where less than three reviewers assigned the same probability of association, one additional reviewer adjudicated the outcome.",insufficient-refutes
Ranil Has Been Selected As ADB President !1,"- ^ a b ""Ranil Wickremesinghe confirms presidential candidacy"". Archived from the original on 18 September 2024. Retrieved 21 August 2024. [...] - ^ ""Ranil to be sworn in as new President today"". Ada Derana. 21 July 2022. Archived from the original on 21 July 2022. Retrieved 21 July 2022. [...] - ^ ""CWC to back President Ranil in presidential poll"". Archived from the original on 18 September 2024. Retrieved 21 August 2024.",supports
East Jerusalem is a territory of Palestine,"Palestinians regard East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state. East Jerusalem is generally recognized as part of the Palestinian Territories. In UN resolutions concerning Israel, East Jerusalem is routinely referred to as a part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.[57]",insufficient-contradictory
MLAs were paid “nearly £2.2 million” in salaries up to 3rd September 2017.,the First and deputy First Ministers the Speaker and Deputy Speakers the members of the Assembly Commission,insufficient-neutral
More residents want peace walls to stay.,"Life for residents living at Northern Ireland's peace walls - Published Peace walls were first erected in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s as a temporary measure to minimise violence between nationalist and unionist communities. [...] ""I think generally speaking people living at the coalface want the walls to stay,"" he said.",insufficient-supports
"Foods such as Pop-Tarts, cake mixes and ice cream contain antifreeze","The ingredients listed on some food products may sound as though they belong in a chemistry lab rather than in grocery store goods. Propylene glycol is one such example, found in thousands of products from salad dressing to dog food, cosmetics and antifreeze. This synthetic chemical, generally regarded as safe for food use, helps products maintain their moisture, consistency and texture, which is why it’s commonly found in packaged consumables and household products. [...] Many foods containing a laundry list of ingredients also contain propylene glycol. Some of the more common packaged foods containing it include dried soups and seasoning blends, marinades and salad dressings and baking mixes for products such as cakes, pancakes and muffins. In the beverage world, soft drinks, flavored teas, powdered drink mixes and alcoholic beverages may also contain propylene glycol. It is also used in some flavoring extracts for baking, as well as in some types of food coloring. Propylene glycol is also quite common in fast foods, bread-based products, highly processed snack foods, flavored popcorn and cake frosting. Pre-made, mass-distributed baked desserts such as brownies, cakes and cupcakes may also contain this chemical. Even some ice cream flavors contain propylene glycol.",insufficient-refutes
"That one little burp by Mt. Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our entire time on the Earth","A February 3, 2020 post on a Facebook page called The Greens Little Bag of Stupidity features an image of a volcanic eruption with the title, ""For all you environmentalists …"" The text reads, ""That one little burp by Mt Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our ENTIRE time on earth but don’t worry a scam is in the works to tax you your miniscule footprint…."" [...] The post’s claim that a volcanic eruption puts more carbon dioxide, or CO2, into the atmosphere than the amount generated by mankind over history echoes a similar post in December 2009 which claimed ""Mt. Saint Helen’s volcano eruption put more toxic fumes, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc. into the atmosphere than all of the emissions from all of mankind’s pollution from day one to now."" [...] ""Humanity emits enough CO2 to cover the entire Earth with a 2cm layer every year, way more than any volcano. Since the ‘beginning of time’ humanity has emitted billions of cubic kilometers of CO2,"" Professor Sherwood said.",refutes
Naf River is a territory of Bangladesh,"The Naf River (Bengali: নাফ নদী Naf Nodi IPA: [naf nod̪i]; Burmese: နတ်မြစ် [naʔ mjɪʔ]; Rakhine: နတ်မြစ် [nɛ́ mràɪʔ]) is an international river marking the border of southeastern Bangladesh and northwestern Myanmar.[1] [...] - June 2012 — thousands of Rohingya Muslims fleeing sectarian violence in Rakhine State sought refuge across the Naf River in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh,[7][8] though they were often escorted back by Bangladeshi troops.[9][10] On 11 July 2012, Burmese President Thein Sein suggested expelling the Rohingya people from Myanmar or having the UN relocate the 300,000 Rohingya people living in Myanmar, a policy the UN quickly rejected.[10] [...] See also [edit]References [edit]- ^ Sifatul Quader Chowdhury (2012), ""Naf River"", in Sirajul Islam and Ahmed A. Jamal (ed.), Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Second ed.), Asiatic Society of Bangladesh - ^ ""Arakan: A Field of Muslim Genocide, News From Bangladesh"".",insufficient-supports
Kosovo is a territory of Republic of Kosovo,"Distribution and statistical analysis of major and trace elements in the bee pollen from the territory of Republic of Kosovo - PMID: 36134509 - DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2022.2125738 Distribution and statistical analysis of major and trace elements in the bee pollen from the territory of Republic of Kosovo The objective of this study was the determination of major and trace elements in the bee pollen samples from the whole territory of Republic of Kosovo. Pollen, as a natural plant product, is exposed to different contaminations absorbed by plants from the soil through the root system or with water intake, as well as to pollutants of different origins, including anthropogenic ones, deposited directly on pollen. In total 67 pollen samples were collected in 2019. The samples were analyzed for 27 macro and microelements by using ICP-AES and ICP-MS. The mean content of major elements in bee pollen was 4065, 3455, 1375 and 549 mg/kg for K, P, Ca and Mg, respectively. The range of the contents for some potentially toxic elements was 11.9-139.1, 1.9-16, 0.11-6.25, 0.01-0.329 and 0.001-0.38 mg/kg for Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and As, respectively. Three groups of elements of mixed origin were identified through factor analysis: the first and the third Factors, are mostly of geogenic origin (Ag, Li, Al, Fe, Ca, Sr, K, Mg and P and Co, Ni, Cr, Cu and Mn) and the second Factor association is related to anthropogenic processes (Sb, As, Pb, Tl, Sn and Cd).",insufficient-supports
Highly infectious HIV 'VB' variant makes people ill twice as quickly,"Researchers also found that the VB variant impacted the rate of CD4 cell decline in infected individuals—this cell decline is the ""hallmark"" of damage to the immune system caused by HIV, the press release says. CD4 cells, also known as T-cells, are infection-fighting white blood cells, according to the US National Library of Medicine. HIV attacks and destroys these CD4 cells—and when too many of the cells are lost, the body has trouble fighting off infections. Very low CD4 counts are indicative of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The study showed that the VB variant caused infected people's CD4 counts to drop twice as fast as other HIV strains, meaning they were at risk of developing AIDS more quickly. Without treatment, researchers estimated a person with the VB variant would develop AIDS two to three years after diagnosis, compared to six to seven years for people with a different HIV strain. Despite the VB variant's increased severity and transmissibility, researchers found that the variant responded to current HIV treatments (like antiretroviral drugs) as well as other strains do. Survival rates after starting treatment were also similar among those with the VB variant and other variants. How (And Why) Do Variants Emerge?",supports
TRS MLA Harish Rao set to join BJP.,"They also took TRS legislator T Harish Rao, BJP MLA G Kishan Reddy and party leader K Laxman ‘‘hostage.’’ They relented only after the Telangana Joint Action Committee leaders announced that all MLAs from the region would have to resign by Wednesday. They let doctors conduct posHYDERABAD: After a brief lull, the Telangana movement picked up steam again on Tuesday with the alleged suicide of an MCA student on the Osmania University campus. [...] The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Telangana leaders from all political parties held an emergency meeting at a hotel here in Vidyanagar soon after news of the student’s death spread and decided to advance its ‘‘deadline’’ for all public representatives in the region to resign, from Jan 28 to Jan 20. The JAC also decided to bring pressure on Speaker N Kiran Kumar Reddy to accept T legislators’ resignations from Thursday. But apparently keen on staying one step ahead of the others, Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) MLAs marched to Kiran Kumar Reddy’s residence demanding that their resignations be accepted. They also staged a demonstration at his residence only to be arrested by the police. They were later let off.",insufficient-refutes
Says gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch “worked with Scott Walker to sign five abortion restrictions into law that took away services and threatened doctors with prison time for providing safe and legal abortions.”,"Perhaps Joel Kleefisch, an Oconomowoc Republican, began feeling a bit eclipsed by his wife Rebecca, a social conservative who emerged from political obscurity in 2010 to become Gov. Scott Walker’s running mate and Wisconsin’s lieutenant governor. First elected to the state legislature in 2004, Kleefisch has really come into his own in the past two years — and not in a good way. [...] Kleefisch was also caught plagiarizing in an email to members of the state Senate and Assembly regarding his proposal for the Flexibility for Working Families Bill. The email included unattributed quotes from three congressmen sponsoring the federal measure on which Kleefisch had based his own proposal. [...] Kleefisch made his biggest splash, however, with his proposal to cap the amount of child support that wealthy parents would be required to pay. People cried foul when it was reported that Michael Eisenga, a wealthy businessman and donor to both Rebecca and Joel Kleefisch, had helped draft the bill after he tried unsuccessfully in court to reduce his support payments. It also came out that the millionaire had put his children on the state’s health-care program for low-income children.",insufficient-supports
Kabaw is a territory of Myanmar,"Select at least two countries or territories to compare and see how they differ from each other. Kabaw Valley #55 among destinations in Myanmar (Burma) [...] The Kabaw Valley also known as Kubo valley is a highland valley in Myanmar's western Sagaing division, close to the border with India's Manipur. The valley is located between Heerok or Yoma ranges of mountains, which constitute the present day border of Manipur, and the Chindwin River. The valley is home to a number of ethnic groups including the Meitei, the Maring tribe, the Thadou people, Kuki people, the Mizo, the Kadu and the Kanan. ()",insufficient-neutral
Barahoti is a territory of India,"Barahoti is part of the central sector and is considered a sensitive area. [...] Barahoti is an 80 sq km contested area along the Line of Actual Control with China in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. It is about 400 km from the state capital of Dehradun and 100 km from Joshimath, the location of a brigade headquatres. [...] The last big incident of hostility in Barahoti took place in 2017 during the Doklam standoff when Chinese troops transgressed into Indian territory forcing Indian shepherds out leading to some tensions.",insufficient-neutral
Sapodilla Cay is a territory of Guatemala,"Guatemala recalls in its application for permission to intervene that on November 16, 2022, Belize initiated proceedings against the Republic of Honduras over ""sovereignty over the Sapodilla Cays or Cayes, a cluster of islands in the Gulf of Honduras, which Guatemala also claims."" Belize asks the Court to ""adjudicate and declare that, as between Belize and Honduras, Belize is sovereign over the Sapodilla Cayes."" [...] (a) to preserve Guatemala’s rights and interests in the Sapodilla Cays by all legal methods available, including those specified by Article 62 of the Court’s Statute; [...] Belize stated in its Application for Initiation of Proceedings that the Sapodilla Cayes have been part of the territory of Belize since the early nineteenth century, first as part of the settlement of Belize and later as part of the colony of British Honduras, and since 1981 as part of the independent State of Belize.",insufficient-neutral
Rural road connectivity increased from 56% in 2014 to 82% villages.,"Has rural road connectivity increased and by how much? The third claim is that rural road connectivity increased from 56% in 2014 to 82% villages. The impact assessment report of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) states that ‘PMGSY was launched in December 2000 as a special intervention of the Government of India with the broad objective of ensuring sustainable poverty reduction. The scheme aims to provide good quality all-weather single connectivity road to every eligible habitation. Rural roads are a state subject under the Constitution and as such are the basic responsibility of the states. However, under the PMGSY, the construction of good quality and well-engineered roads are fully funded by the Government of India. Maintenance of these roads is the responsibility of the states. The year 2013 saw the launch of PMGSY-II with the objectives of consolidating the existing rural road network and upgrading existing rural roads that provide connectivity to rural growth centres. PMGSY-II envisages sharing of construction costs between the Centre and the states with maintenance costs continuing to be funded fully by the states.’ [...] Fact: By June 2014, 56% of the target habitations under PMGSY were connected by roads. By July 2018, 88% of the target of PMGSY (II) have been connected by roads. Hence, the claim is TRUE. But, it has to be noted that the percentages correspond to the target under PMGSY and not the total habitations in the country.",supports
"The UPA government constructed only 25 lakh houses in their last 4 years where as the current BJP government in the last 4 years constructed 1.25 crore houses, a difference of 1 crore houses.","- Fact: The UPA in its last 4 years constructed 89.65 lakh houses and not 25 lakh houses. Hence the claim is FALSE. [...] The Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing a gathering to mark the Grihapravesh (housewarming) of Prime Minister Awas Yojana- Grameen (PMAY-G) beneficiaries in Maharashtra, claimed that the UPA constructed only 25 lakh houses during their last four (4) years while the current government constructed 1.25 crore houses in the last four (4) years, one crore more houses. Here is a fact check of this claim. [...] As far as UPA’s last four years in concerned, the prime minister was way off the mark. The UPA constructed 89.65 lakh houses, almost 3.5 times the number of houses claimed by the PM. As far as the current government is concerned and if the houses constructed in the last six months is also taken into account, the figure might be closer to the 1.25 crore houses as mentioned by the PM. It has to be noted that this is only the count of rural houses for both governments. If the urban housing numbers are also included, then the numbers for both the governments could be higher.",insufficient-refutes
Singapore Strait is a territory of Singapore,The Strait of Singapore or Singapore Strait is a strait in Singapore. It is 114 kilometres (71 mi) long and 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide. It is between the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea. Singapore is to the north and the Riau Islands are to the south. It is the way to get to the Singapore Harbor. The depth of the Strait limits the size of ships that can go between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.,insufficient-refutes
"Claims that Thomas Jefferson once said, ""The reason Christianity is the best friend of Government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.""","Even Thomas Jefferson grasped this when he said, ""The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart."" – Thomas Jefferson We don’t suggest we derive any theology from Thomas Jefferson, but we quote him here because if even Jefferson can grasp this, we better, too. [...] Society is impacted for the better when Christians are active participants in their community. And in that way, society experiences reform, preceded and led by spiritual renewal.",supports
“James Woods leaves Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s new non-woke film studio.”,This claim originated on a self-described satire page.,refutes
"Salt and corn gluten meal are used to kill mice, they are hazardous to humans","FULL CLAIM: Salt and corn gluten meal are used to kill mice, they are hazardous to humans; ""ALL of the ingredients in this mouse poison are found in our every day food. If it’s killing mice…what is it doing to your body?"" In late June 2024, dentist and wellness YouTuber Michelle Jorgensen claimed in a Facebook reel that ""a lot of processed food that [people] are eating has the same exact ingredients as mice poison"". She implied that salt and corn-containing processed food is hazardous to humans based on the fact that some rodenticides use the same ingredients to kill mice and rats. [...] In summary, while table salt and corn gluten meal are used in rodenticides, this doesn’t mean that they’re toxic to humans. Both ingredients are lethal to rodents because they form a thick plug that physically obstructs the airway of rodents. Since rodents are unable to vomit, this obstruction leads to suffocation and death. However, this mechanism doesn’t occur in humans. It’s safe for humans to consume salt and corn-derived products as part of a balanced diet.",refutes
1054 essential medicines brought under price control regime,"The first claim is that ‘1054 essential medicines brought under price control regime giving consumers total benefit of more than 10,000 crores’. [...] Pursuant to the announcement of National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy, 2012 (NPPP, 2012), Government notified the DPCO 2013 in May 2013. All the medicines specified in the National List of Essential Medicines prepared by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and revised from time to time are included in the Schedule – I of DPCO, 2013 which are under price control in accordance with provisions of DPCO 2013. [...] Claim: 1054 essential medicines brought under price control regime giving consumers total benefit of more than 10,000 crores.",insufficient-supports
Says Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson “called climate change ‘bull----’ during a record heatwave” and “raked in over $700k in fossil fuel cash.”,"A video from a 2021 event showed Johnson calling climate change ""bull----"" Data shows that Johnson has taken over $750,000 in donations from the oil and gas industry But campaign finance reports show that although the industry has donated a large sum to Johnson, other industries are by far larger donors",supports
Kamala Harris has adopted the Nazi-rooted phrase “Strength Through Joy” as her campaign slogan.,"Vice President Kamala Harris has spoken about joy on the campaign trail and at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. At an Aug. 6 campaign rally in Philadelphia, vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz thanked Harris for ""bringing back the joy."" But we found no instances of Harris saying the ""strength through joy"" phrase in her presidential campaign speeches. We also found no credible news articles about this phrase being her campaign slogan.",refutes
India remains the world’s fastest growing large economy.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal. This info-graph makes three claims about India’s economic growth. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
"purports over 1,000 children are still missing in Maui following the recent wildfire","The search for loved ones on Maui following the devastating wildfires has grown increasingly dire as the community grieves those lost in the blazes. Between 1,000 and 1,100 individuals remain unaccounted for following the Maui wildfire disaster, as of Aug. 22. It's a reduction from the roughly 2,500 others who had originally been reported as missing, as people have been reported safe, according to emergency response officials. [...] According to Maui officials, the number of people who remain unaccounted for is expected to fluctuate. More people may be reported as missing, and law enforcement may cross people off the list as they are found.",insufficient-neutral
Muttiah Muralitharan Lookalike Dancing on ‘Tauba-Tauba’,"Muttiah Muralitharan's doppelganger is breaking the internet with his viral dance moves, leaving everyone thinking the cricket legend has hidden talents (Photo: X/Screengrab) [...] A video recently surfaced online that purportedly showed Sri Lankan cricket legend Muttiah Muralitharan executing the hook steps of the popular song ‘Tauba Tauba’ from Vicky Kaushal’s latest film, 'Bad Newz'. The video rapidly went viral, leaving netizens astounded by the man’s impressive dance moves. Viewers speculated that Muralitharan possessed hidden dance talents, as the individual in the video appeared to flawlessly replicate Vicky Kaushal's signature steps. [...] The viral video featuring Muralitharan’s lookalike has only added to the buzz surrounding ‘Tauba Tauba’, further amplifying the song’s popularity. As fans continue to enjoy and recreate the hook steps, the song remains a dance sensation across social media platforms, showing no signs of fading from the limelight.",supports
"3.8 crore poor women provided with free LPG connections, target raised to 8 crore.","The first claim is that the government is ‘Ensuring smoke free lives for every Indian family through Ujjwala Yojana’. It says 3.8 crore poor women were provided with free LPG connections and that the target was raised to 8 crore. As per the website of the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), the scheme aims to safeguard the health of women & children by providing them with a clean cooking fuel – LPG, so that they don’t have to compromise their health in smoky kitchens or wander in unsafe areas collecting firewood. PMUY was launched in May 2016 in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. Under this scheme, 5 crore LPG connections were to be provided to BPL families. Under PMUY, cash assistance up to Rs. 1600 is provided for releasing new LPG connection by the Government. The beneficiary bears the cost of Hot Plate and purchase of first refill. The beneficiary has option to take Hot Plate or the first refill or both on loan basis, from OMCs at zero interest rate and the same is recovered through subsidy received by the beneficiary as and when refill is purchased. [...] According to an answer provided in the Lok Sabha by the government, a total of 3.19 crore LPG connections were released under PMUY as of December 2016. This number was at 4.73 crore in July 2018. A press note from the government in February 2018 noted that the Cabinet has approved enhancing the target under PMUY to 8 crore connections from the earlier 5 crore with an additional budget allocation of Rs. 4,800 crores.",supports
"There were 83,000 common service centers pre 2014. This number has increased to 2.92 lakh post 2014.","""CSC e-Governance Services India Limited"" : You can locate your nearest Common Service Center in your locality. Choose your State from above Dropdown to Search List of Common Service Centers in State.",insufficient-neutral
Chemtrails contain toxic substances such as barium salts that are 10 thousand times more toxic to your nervous system than lead,"Misleading: Barium salts are not 10,0000 more toxic for the nervous system than lead. Although some barium salts are toxic, their toxicity is comparable to lead. The claims that aeroplanes are deliberately depositing chemicals in the sky in chemtrails containing barium salts 10,000 times more toxic than lead are taken from a four hour long lecture by self-proclaimed prophet Dr Bill Deagle at the Granada Forum in 2006. The snippet has been posted multiple times on social media including Facebook, where one post received over 37,000 likes and 33,000 shares in March 2023. [...] As for the claim that barium salts are 10,000 times more toxic than lead, this exaggerates the toxicity of barium salts. Some salts such as barium sulphate are insoluble and not readily absorbed. They are used as contrast agents for medical images, for instance to make x-rays of the gastrointestinal tract clearer. Over exposure to barium salts can lead to ""vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, difficulties in breathing, increased or decreased blood pressure, numbness around the face, and muscle weakness""[5,6] and excessive quantities can be fatal. However the toxicity does not grossly outweigh that of lead[7] as suggested in the video.",refutes
"claims that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer once stated, ""It’s racist to only allow citizens to vote.""","Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer say ""it’s racist to only allow citizens to vote""? [...] In the year since that post was published, online headlines have continued to take liberty in interpreting Schumer’s opinion piece, saying that the senator was making the case that non-citizens should be able to vote — including by using a direct, incorrect quote. ""It’s racist to only allow citizens to vote,"" reads the supposed quote attributed to Schumer, repeated on a meme posted on Facebook this week.",refutes
“We're having the largest classes of correctional officers we've ever had before.”,"Yes, Wisconsin correctional officer training classes are largest they’ve ever been [...] The state Department of Corrections graduated its largest training class ever in February with 214 graduates. [...] During a TV interview, Evers claimed pay raises for correctional officers had led to ""the largest classes of correctional officers we've ever had before.""",supports
"“An accurate reporting by Pfizer would have shown equal numbers of clinical trial deaths in the vaccine and placebo groups and thus, no benefit of vaccination”","No Changes in All-Cause Mortality in Pfizer’s Clinical Trial for mRNA Vaccine: Why? In the 6-month trial, 21 deaths occurred in the mRNA vaccine group and 17 in the placebo group. [...] To state this article’s conclusion early, yes, no reduction in all-cause mortality rate was seen in the mRNA vaccine group in Pfizer’s 6-month clinical trial. But there are reasons for this; for example, very few participants are at high risk of fatal Covid-19, making this trial unsuitable for studying mortality rate. Other observational studies on Covid-19 vaccines and all-cause mortality show otherwise.",insufficient-refutes
"General Shavendra Silva and his wife travelled on a private jet, spending public money during a time of economic crisis in Sri Lanka !!","Against this backdrop, viral social media posts allege that Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva is utilising private jets at the expense of public funds in Sri Lanka. Our investigation aims to shed light on the veracity of these claims and provide a clearer understanding of the situation. [...] As per the sources close to the defence ministry of Sri Lanka the photo depicts General Shavendra Silva and his wife in a special jet provided by the Indian Air Force. The sources clarified that the Sri Lankan government did not fund this trip. [...] While the social media posts correctly identified General Shavendra Silva's travel on a special jet, the claim of misuse of public funds for this trip is misleading. The travel was facilitated by the Indian Air Force for General Silva to attend the passing out ceremony of the Indian Military Academy as the chief guest.",refutes
One in four women in Northern Ireland have at some point in their lives have been a victim of domestic violence.,Approximately one in four women in Northern Ireland are estimated to have been victims of domestic violence.,supports
Concept design of car safety belt in 1960s that goes around the neck,""");} Claim:A photograph shows a concept design from the 1960s of a seat belt that goes around one's neck. [...] Although we were unable to find the source of this photograph, which is captioned ""A concept design for car safety belts from the 1960s,"" the concept appears to have been inspired by a scene in the 2008 film ""The Onion Movie"": According to the consumer advocacy group Center for Auto Safety, seat belts started their evolution as lap belts. In 1958, a Swedish engineer for Volvo invented the three-point restraint, namely a seat belt that included a lap belt and diagonal shoulder restraint. We found no evidence of any such design as the one shown above for neck belts — and for obvious reasons it would be an extraordinarily bad idea.",insufficient-refutes
Heartwarming Story Of The Hospitalized Patient And His Feathered Friend !!,"They discovered a nesting duck who had flown into the hospital’s courtyard and was forced to protect her eggs in the center of a bustling hospital. Not wanting to disturb the soon-to-be-mother and her hatchlings, Travis Ihle, EVS Director, and his team reached out to the Pocono Wildlife Rehab to see how best to handle the situation. With their trusted consultants, the team blocked a section of the courtyard so their fine-feathered friend could nest in peace. Soon the new ducklings arrived, and it was time to head towards home. The team was ready and had constructed a pathway from the courtyard through the hospital lobby using saved supply boxes. The new family was smoothly escorted out of the facility and into carriers. Once secured, they were transported to the nearest creek and set loose.",insufficient-contradictory
"GrAMs, electronically linked to e-NAM, to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.","About GrAMs - GrAMs are defined as ""Retail agricultural markets in close proximity of the farm gate that promote and service a more efficient transaction of the farmers’ produces across the agricultural sub-sectors, by enabling both direct sales, between the producer and consumer, and aggregation of small produce-lots for subsequent transaction, both of which can occur either physically or online"".[iv] - These GrAMs, electronically linked to e-NAM and exempted from regulations of APMCs, will provide farmers facility of direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.[v] [...] Objectives of GrAMs - Direct sale: The farmer-producers may offer any of their Agri-produce on sale directly to the consumers without having to go through the market regulations. The consumer could be a retail purchaser or a bulk purchaser (trader, processor, exporter etc); and the sale can occur through a physical negotiation or via an online trade platform like e-NAM. The disintermediation of such a transaction will result in transferring maximum value to the farmer on his produce.[vi]",supports
Under the new criminal laws electronic messages can be used as evidence in court.,"The criminalization of certain electronic communication under the BNS is supplemented by the BSA recognizing electronic records like emails, voicemails, location data, etc. as evidence. Under the erstwhile Evidence Act, the acceptable formats of electronic evidence were restricted to paper, optical, or magnetic forms such as CD ROMs. The BSA has now included semiconductor memory like SD cards as a format of electronic evidence and communication devices as a source of electronic records.[3] Consequently, messages, chats, or voice recordings on mobile phones can be produced before courts as evidence. The BSA has not only expanded the sources of electronic evidence but has also enhanced its significance. Previously the Evidence Act classified electronic records only as secondary evidence. If an original document, considered primary evidence, is unavailable, secondary evidence such as copies or descriptions can be presented to the court with its prior approval. Section 57 of the BNS now classifies electronic records as primary evidence and Section 61 declares that they have the same value as physical documents.",supports
"claims that Irish playwright Oscar Wilde once stated, ""Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.""","Things You May Not Know About Oscar Wilde Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was an infamously brilliant playwright, author, and social activist. Oscar Wilde’s well-known legacy pervades his many published essays, plays and his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. While Wilde was a larger-than-life figure in his time, due to his many witticisms and social standing, he is now regarded as one of the greatest producers of Irish literature. Here are fourteen little-known facts regarding Oscar Wilde’s life and literary presence. [...] Oscar Wilde is often credited with having once said the famous quote: ‘be yourself, everyone else is already taken.’ However, this was never proven and there is no evidence that he ever said this.",refutes
“5G plays a part in this ‘plandemic’” ... The cases of COVID-19 are “directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G”,"Different misinformation narratives that imply a causal link between 5G and COVID-19 have spread on social media, some of which are contradictory. Some suggest that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by 5G equipment causes COVID-19, while others state that 5G harms people directly and that COVID-19 is used to hide this fact. We provide a more detailed description of these narratives in Sect. 3.4, but throughout this paper, we consider all such misinformation narratives together. We use the term 5G-COVID misinformation event to refer to the entirety of all communication that imply a causal link between 5G and COVID-19, i.e., all Twitter messages, Facebook posts, news articles, and videos. In addition, we consider all real-world events such as arson attacks that are presumably a direct consequence of this misinformation to be part of the event. Since it is essentially impossible to obtain an incontrovertible proof of causality between misinformation and real-world harm, we include all events where such a causality is highly likely.",insufficient-refutes
Noktundo is a territory of Russia,"Noktundo is a former island (currently a peninsula) in the delta of the Tumen River on the border between Primorsky Krai, Russia and North Korea. The area of the island was 32 square kilometres (12 sq mi). In the 15th century, Noktundo belonged to the Jurchen. In 1587 there was a battle fought on this island between the local Jurchen and the invading army from Yi Sun-sin, a general of Korea. The island was under Qing control until the 1860 Convention of Peking, the Qing Dynasty ceded the island to the Russian Empire. This became a matter of protest to the Koreans, who claimed that the Qing had no authority to do so. In 1990, the former Soviet Union and North Korea signed a border treaty which made the border run through the centre of the river leaving the territory of the former island on the Russian side. South Korea refused to acknowledge the treaty and demanded that Russia return the territory to Korea.",insufficient-contradictory
claims shoppers wore Ku Klux Klan hoods at an Alabama mini mart purportedly owned by a family involved in a recent riverfront brawl,"Today, the Ku Klux Klan is a small organization with only a few hundred members that lacks any significant social, political, or economic influence in Alabama. Numerous hate groups exist that have adopted some form of the Ku Klux Klan's name, but these groups operate independently with little knowledge of one another's activities. The Klan's decline however does not mean that support for white supremacist organizations in Alabama has disappeared. Many former Klansmen have joined a wide array of neo-Confederate organizations, such as the League of the South, headquartered in Killen, Lauderdale County. A number of white supremacist and fascist groups also exist in Alabama.",insufficient-neutral
"“In April last year, our state unemployment rate hit a record low of 2.4%. Last year, Wisconsin had an all-time lowest number of unemployed workers ever in modern history.”","""In April last year, our state unemployment rate hit a record low of 2.4%,"" Evers said during his Jan. 23 address. [...] April’s record low beat Wisconsin’s previous lowest unemployment rate of 2.5% from just the month prior. And before the pandemic, Wisconsin’s lowest unemployment rate on record was 2.9% in March 2020. [...] Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, ""BLS Data: Wisconsin Statewide Unemployment Rate Hits New Record Low of 2.4% in April, State Adds 3,800 Total Jobs Over Month,"" May 18, 2023",supports
Blood pressure tracking apps can replace a cuff,"A new app to 'uncuff' blood pressure monitoring [...] - Researchers have developed a groundbreaking smartphone app that measures blood pressure using a smartphone's built-in sensors, eliminating the need for traditional cuffs. This technology can make blood pressure monitoring more accessible and convenient, especially for underserved populations. By allowing users to measure their blood pressure anytime and anywhere, the app could revolutionize cardiovascular care and improve early detection of hypertension. [...] ""This app would be really useful in low-income settings where people may not even have existing access to blood pressure tools."" Dhamotharan said. ""Being able to measure blood pressure more frequently would allow an individual to track any significant changes in blood pressure, monitor for hypertension, and be able to manage their conditions with that knowledge.""",supports
Green Line is a territory of Palestine,"The Green Line, or 1949 Armistice border,[1] was the armistice line of the State of Israel with Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, as stipulated in the armistice agreements signed in 1949, after the 1947-1949 Palestine War. Its name was given because on the printed maps before the Six Day War, it was marked in green. Other nicknames for the green line are ""June 4, 1967 borders"", ""'67 borders"" and ""48 borders"". [...] Green Line's Form [change | change source]The Green Line encompassed 78% of Mandatory Palestine which, starting in 1922, no longer included the eastern part of the Jordan. It more or less overlapped the border of the mandate area with Syria and Lebanon, most of the border with Egypt, and the border with Jordan in the Arava and Tirat Zvi to Hamat Geder. A large part of the mountain area in the center of the country was occupied by Jordan in 1948. This area was annexed by Jordan and called the ""West Bank"" (Arabic: دِفة الغربية), that is, the area west of the Jordan River, to distinguish it from the rest of the Kingdom of Jordan at the time, which was located east of the Jordan River. In Israel the area is called ""Judea and Samaria"". A narrow strip along the southern coastal plain came under Egyptian military control, and was called the ""Gaza Strip"" (Arabic: قصر غزة).",insufficient-contradictory
purports to show 15-minute city speed gates that have been installed in Vancouver,"The 15-minute city isn’t about the minutes spent moving The 15-minute city should not be seen as a blueprint for development, but rather an aspiration. Similar concepts have been packaged and popularized for decades, from garden cities to new urbanism, all offering planners of the time principles for creating the ""optimal city."" Each has faced challenges accounting for diversity and conflict, and fall short of addressing social and economic issues through their focus solely on the design of space. The Proximity City will face a similar downfall if taken at face value and applied superficially; pasting a cookie cutter copy over the top of places manifested by years of path dependency and development history. Instead, as practitioners it’s crucial we view the Proximity City as simply a framework to uncover and explore the elements and amenities of a city, neighborhood, or street, that enriches our lives, and aim to create a relationship among these elements.",insufficient-neutral
“5G plays a part in this ‘plandemic’” ... The cases of COVID-19 are “directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G”,"According to Hanna Linderstal, chief executive of the Swedish data company Earhart Business Protection Agency, which tracks online disinformation, the first video directly linking coronavirus to 5G appeared online in early January in the form of a lecture that discussed the influence of electromagnetic radiation on pandemics. ""It was really scary to look at,"" she said. ""You start thinking, should I move to the countryside?"" [...] In an effort to curb the effects of the conspiracy, authorities have been forced to step in to publicly discredit it. The World Health Organization this month denied any link between the spread of coronavirus and 5G, while the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection said that 5G signals posed no risk to human health. [...] Ms Linderstal argued that the strict lockdown was likely to be playing a part. ""People are really scared but they are also really engaged,"" she said. ""At a time of crisis, people want answers — and [5G] is a really simple answer.""",insufficient-refutes
Drinking bottled water with an acidic pH is bad for your health,"These brands of bottled water all have an acidic pH, meaning that they each pose a significant risk in terms of contributing to cavities. Of course, this is assuming that an individual is consuming the recommended equivalent of eight 8–ounce glasses of water each day. [...] Final Thoughts on Bottled Water pH Levels Even though drinking plenty of water is good for your overall health, you should avoid bottled water that contains a high or low pH. Fortunately, this is not too hard to do as most manufacturers will print their bottled water pH levels right on the packaging. However, if you have already developed a cavity, you’re encouraged to schedule an appointment with Mountain View Dental, one of Utah’s leading general and cosmetic dentistry practices.",insufficient-supports
Children who take a COVID-19 vaccine 52 times more likely to suffer an early death.,"Data does not support this claim. Deaths of children after vaccination are too rare to inform reliable estimates. A temporary increase is possible because children with significant pre-existing health problems received vaccines before their peers. A website claimed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine ""increases children’s risk of death by 5100% according to the Office for National Statistics"". [...] Younger children already dealing with significant health problems, and thus already at greater risk of an early death, were prioritised for vaccination and were therefore over-represented in this sample, when compared with the general population.",refutes
"“We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”","""We do have fentanyl that's dangerous, we have xylazine that's poison,"" Vincent told NPR. ""We've had an entire community swept away. I can't even think of all the people I know who have died. My daughter died. Our mentors are dead. It is so dangerous right now."" Public health experts say fentanyl, a synthetic opioid far more powerful than heroin, is responsible for the majority of drug deaths. But the supply of illegal drugs is increasingly complex and perilous. [...] ""We've had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam wars, combined,"" said Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor who is now seeking the GOP presidential nomination, speaking to voters in New Hampshire on Dec. 14.",insufficient-supports
ADHD is a fake disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit,"In 2009, pediatrician and former medical school professor Bose Ravenel and I published ""The Diseasing of America's Children"" (Thomas Nelson), in which we argued from facts that ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders were inventions of the psychological-psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry. [...] Just to be clear: I am not saying ADHD is over-diagnosed; I am saying it does not exist. It is a fiction. I've been saying this since the early 1980s and have been the target, since then, of much professional and parent criticism, even scorn. Russell Barkley, for example, widely regarded as the world's leading expert on ADHD, equates me with Scientologists and claims that I believe television causes ADHD. He cannot honestly debate me, so he mocks me and distorts what I have actually said. [...] In the January 2017 edition of (""Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says ADHD Largely a Fraud""), Kagan is quoted as saying that ADHD is ""an invention."" Referring to the drugs used to supposedly treat ADHD, Kagan says that if a drug is available, physicians will use it.",supports
HPV vaccine may lead to elimination of cervical cancer,"In August of 2020, the World Health Assembly adopted the global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem. Vaccines against the human papillomavirus (HPV) can prevent the vast majority of the world’s 570,000 annual cases of cervical cancer. Increasing access to the HPV vaccine, as well as screening and treatment, for women and girls living in low- and middle-income countries is an important step for global gender equity, potentially leading to the elimination of cervical cancer within the next 100 years. HPV Vaccination is a Critical Step Towards Cervical Cancer Elimination",supports
a [group] of people is injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS,"FULL CLAIM: If you see that your fruit contains [a] red weird colour in it, don't eat it because a [group] of people is injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS This post, which has been circulating recently on Instagram and Facebook, contains an image showing a banana with red discoloration, and the caption claiming that, ""If you see that your fruit contains [a] red weird colour in it, don’t eat it because a [group] of people is injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS"".",insufficient-supports
Vila Albornoz is a territory of Uruguay,"Vila Thomaz Albornoz is a village in the border region between Brazil and Uruguay claimed by both countries. It is located adjacent to Villa Masoller in Uruguay and on international maps it appears as a territory under discussion. The contested region is located in what was called Rincão de Artigas, which has 22,000 hectares and has been litigated since 1934. Vila Albornoz was installed in 1985, on land ceded by rancher Thomaz Albornoz, to mark the Brazilian presence in the area.",insufficient-contradictory
Shipki La is a territory of People's Republic of China,"- Zoji La is a high mountain pass located in the Kargil district of Ladakh. [...] - Shipki La - It is a mountain pass and border post on the India-Tibet border, located in the Kinnaur district in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India, and Tibet Autonomous Region in the People’s Republic of China.",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once said, ""If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country.""","The Daily Caller News Foundation found no evidence that Lenin ever said or wrote this quote. [...] An internet search revealed that the quote has been attributed to several Soviet-era figures, including Lenin, dictator Joseph Stalin and Stalin’s secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria. However, a search of the Marxist Internet Archive, an online database of the writings of various influential Marxists, turned up no instances where this statement appears. (RELATED: Did Vladimir Lenin Say ‘Socialized Medicine Is The Keystone To The Arch Of A Socialist State’?) [...] Multiple Lenin experts also dismissed the notion that he ever said the quote. ""The content of the quote goes completely against Lenin’s ideas,"" Christopher Read, a professor at the University of Warwick and author of ""Lenin: A Revolutionary Life,"" told TheDCNF.",refutes
The murder rate in Belfast was sixth highest in a list of cities in Europe (according to 2010 data).,"Belfast has the highest death rate in NI: survey Belfast has recorded the highest death rate for Northern Ireland, new data has revealed. The city had 1,139.3 deaths per 100,000 - 156.8 above the UK average of 982.5.",insufficient-neutral
“New Study Links Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine to ‘Turbo Cancer’”,"On 13 July 2023, the website The Florida Standard published an article carrying the headline ""New Study Links Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine to ‘Turbo Cancer’"". Screenshots of the article’s headline circulated on social media in July 2023, with some users implying that this showed COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe like in this Instagram post. The claim is based on a study published in the journal Frontiers in Oncology in May 2023. [...] In summary, claims that a mouse study by Eens et al. shows COVID-19 vaccination causes ""turbo cancer"" misinterpret the study’s findings and fail to understand its limitations. The Florida Standard article distorted the conclusions of the study by claiming it showed a ""link to ‘turbo cancer’"", incorrectly lending readers the impression that the study was relevant to humans. In fact, the study used a vaccine dose that was several hundreds of times greater than the human dose—in short, a dose that is irrelevant to vaccination. The mouse that died of lymphoma also showed signs of illness even before it received the vaccine dose, therefore it is doubtful that the vaccination played a role in causing the lymphoma. Taken together, the study provides no evidence supporting the alleged ""link to ‘turbo cancer’"", and by claiming otherwise, the Florida Standard article misrepresented the study.",refutes
there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism,"A new meta-analysis of 10 studies involving more than 1.2 million children reaffirms that vaccines don’t cause autism; MMR shot may actually decrease risk May 19, 2014A meta-analysis of ten studies involving more than 1.2 million children reaffirms that vaccines don’t cause autism. If anything, immunization was associated with decreased risk that children would develop autism, a possibility that’s strongest with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. [...] ""This analysis provides further confirmation for a lack of association between vaccines and autism that the broader healthcare community has understood and embraced for some time,"" comments Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Rob Ring. ""Autism Speaks’ own policy on vaccines echoes those of other credible healthcare organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization. We strongly encourage parents to work with their physician to ensure their children receive the full benefits immunization offers in protecting their loved ones against a variety of preventable childhood diseases.""",refutes
“Elon Musk sues The View and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million.”,"Latest Fact-checksWhoopi Goldberg Facebook posts stated on May 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: ""Elon Musk sues The View and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million."" Facebook posts stated on August 5, 2023 in a Facebook post: Country singer Jason Aldean sued ""The View"" co-host Whoopi Goldberg. Viral image stated on August 26, 2020 in a Facebook post: Photo shows Whoopi Goldberg wearing a shirt insulting Donald Trump. Viral image stated on July 22, 2019 in a Facebook post: Says Whoopi Goldberg kept her job and was applauded by ABC after calling Jeanine Pirro a racist slur. Facebook posts stated on May 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: ""Elon Musk sues The View and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million."" Facebook posts stated on August 5, 2023 in a Facebook post: Country singer Jason Aldean sued ""The View"" co-host Whoopi Goldberg. Viral image stated on August 26, 2020 in a Facebook post: Photo shows Whoopi Goldberg wearing a shirt insulting Donald Trump. Viral image stated on July 22, 2019 in a Facebook post: Says Whoopi Goldberg kept her job and was applauded by ABC after calling Jeanine Pirro a racist slur. Facebook posts stated on May 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: ""Elon Musk sues The View and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million.""",insufficient-neutral
"India’s longest road tunnel, the Chenani – Nashri tunnel in Jammu is constructed","The Chenani – Nashri Tunnel (also known as Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Tunnel) is India’s longest road tunnel completed in the Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir. The 9.2 km long road tunnel is a major road tunnel project in Northern India and the biggest of the country which includes (9 km Main Tunnel + 9 km Escape Tunnel + 1 km Cross Passage = total tunneling done is 19 km. The highest progress achieved in a Month from 4-Faces was 850 m which is a record in the Himalayan Tunnel by NATM. [...] - The construction cost of Chenani – Nashri Tunnel is Rs 3720 crore, the tunnel will reduce the distance between Jammu and Srinagar from 41 Km to 9.2 Km - 1500 Engineers, Geologist, Skilled workers and Labours worked on the project - 92.7 FM is mandatory for vehicles for quick response where emergency messages will be relayed - 6000 LED multiple color lights will be used to break the monotony - GSM phones will work inside the tunnel. 118 SOS boxes have been set up, one every 150 meters on both sides - Smoke and heat dampeners will react quickly in fire incidents or occurrence - 118 CCTVs, one every 75 meters - At 50 Km/hr speed, the tunnel is 12 minutes to 15 minutes drive - Each tube has a diameter of 13 meters, while sideway has a diameter of 6 meters - Rs.",supports
"Subramanian Swamy stating that Adani did not acquire the 74% shares of Mumbai Airport from the Indian government, but instead purchased them from multiple foreign partners who Congress sold in 2006","These statements were not made by Dr Subramanian Swamy. In fact, Swami accused Adani of not repaying the loans and using nepotism to obtain stake in Mumbai Airport. Also, Adani Group has 74% stake in Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, post the stake purchase transaction, with 50.5% being bought from GVK Group and 23.5% Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), and Bidvest Group. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
41% of those living with HIV in Northern Ireland are heterosexual.,"The claim is accurate. Furthermore, Northern Ireland has observed the fastest growth in diagnoses over the past 10 years, when compared to the average both in Ireland and in the United Kingdom.",supports
"If 45 members of the Northern Ireland Assembly vote to revoke the Northern Ireland Protocol, then the Protocol goes.","Under the terms of Article 18, the Northern Ireland Assembly has the power (after 31 December 2024) to decide whether to terminate or continue the protocol arrangements. ""The Withdrawal Agreement doesn't state how Northern Ireland should give consent [to continue] – it is for the UK to determine how that decision is made"" but the UK Government has already declared that the decision will be made by a simple majority of Assembly members.[10] In the event that consent is not given, the arrangements would cease to apply two years thereafter. The Joint Committee would make alternative proposals to the UK and EU to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland. If consent is given, then the question may be put again after a further four years.[10] At the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly election, parties favouring continuance of the protocol won 53 of the 90 seats.[11] Nevertheless, Northern Ireland's Unionist parties objected strongly to the protocol: protesting against it, the Democratic Unionist Party obstructed its operation and, until early February 2024, prevented the Northern Ireland Assembly from assembling.[12]",insufficient-neutral
“No childhood vaccine has ever been through a double blind placebo controlled trial.”,"I think they mean that we haven’t done the best study. Those of us in the scientific and medical fields frequently demand well-designed studies — like double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trials — so why not apply that same requirement to vaccines? Why hasn’t anybody ever done that study? [...] The placebo group shouldn’t have any side effects — nothing significant, anyway. Sure, some of these kids will have autism, allergic reactions, or other problems — because, well, these things happen — but we’ll know it isn’t because of the vaccines. We would compare the rates of these side effects to those in the vaccine group. If the rates of, say autism, are the same in the vaccine group as the placebo group, we could conclude that vaccines don’t cause autism. [...] Hopefully, you’ve realized (if you didn’t already) why we haven’t done this study — and why we never will. Vaccines prevent disease — in your child, your child’s friends, and people who can’t be vaccinated. Vaccines save lives. No, we don’t have a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial comparing our vaccine schedule to placebo. But we do have some pretty convincing evidence. Check it out for yourself.",supports
More line of control violations under NDA than UPA,"Claim 4: Total Line of control violations under UPA & NDA govt. are 563 & 5596 Fact: Total Line of control violations under UPA & NDA govt. are 517 & 2847. So the claim is FALSE A total of 517 Line of Control violations occurred under the UPA government between 2004-2013, whereas a total of 2847 Line of control violations occurred under the NDA government in 4 years, according to the South Asian Terrorism Portal SATP . So, even here, the numbers mentioned in the post are wrong.",supports
Arroyo de la Invernada is a territory of Uruguay,"Arroyo Invernada (Arroio Invernada) / [...] Arroyo Invernada (Arroyo Invernada) is a stream (class H - Hydrographic) in Uruguay (general), Uruguay (South America) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 165 meters above sea level. Arroyo Invernada is also known as Arroio Do Maneco, Arroio Invernada, Arroyo Invernada, Arroyo de Invernada, Arroyo de la Invernada, Maneco.",refutes
"“Americans are dropping dead” from COVID-19 vaccines; vaccines impair fertility, pregnancy, infant survival","Ample evidence from safety surveillance and published studies continue to show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and that their benefits outweigh their risks. The vaccines are also safe before and during pregnancy, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that people who are pregnant or willing to conceive receive a COVID-19 vaccine.",insufficient-refutes
Chief Justice John Roberts visited Jeffrey Epstein's private island.,"(Dershowitz says he and the prince ended up not getting along because they disagreed about Israel.) Dershowitz visited Epstein’s mansions in New York and Palm Beach and occasionally accompanied him on his private plane. He says these trips were family oriented. Once, Epstein lent him the Palm Beach home so he could attend a granddaughter’s soccer tournament. Another time, he and his nephew flew down to watch a space launch with another Epstein connection, a top NASA official. He and his wife, Carolyn Cohen, once stayed with Epstein on his island in the Caribbean, where they were joined by another Harvard professor and his family. [...] In 2006, the world’s most famous brain visited Little St. James, Epstein’s private island, which came to be known as ""Pedophile Island."" Hawking, who was in the Caribbean for a conference, was photographed at a barbecue on the island and aboard a submarine for a tour. According to the Telegraph, ""Epstein is said to have paid for the submarine to be modified for Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before."" Read More: Everything We Know About Jeffrey Epstein’s Private ‘Pedophile Island’",insufficient-neutral
"Sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2","""Early-stage [sea level rise] was driven primarily by warming of the atmosphere due to increased CO2,"" he says. ""But more and more, we see sea level rise being driven by different kinds of feedbacks within the system. Nowadays, the majority of sea level rise that we get both in Greenland and Antarctica is primarily driven by heat within the ocean—and that's not necessarily the ocean warming up directly because of ongoing climate change. It's more about shifting patterns of winds that are moving deep warm water around and causing it to come into contact with the glaciers."" [...] Farther in the future, the differences between the best- and worst-case scenarios grow even starker. Unlike world temperatures, sea level rise responds slowly to climate change, and we can confidently expect that the oceans will keep rising long after we stop all our climate pollution. By the year 2300, even with strong action to control climate change this century, we could plausibly see a meter or more of sea level rise; in the worst case, the seas could rise a staggering 10 meters (33 feet) or more. Over the centuries, the chances of Antarctic ice sheets collapsing also rise. ""On a long enough timeline, we lose virtually all ice on Earth,"" Minchew says. ""Over geological timescales, it’s rare to have ice sheets at the poles.""",refutes
"If 45 members of the Northern Ireland Assembly vote to revoke the Northern Ireland Protocol, then the Protocol goes.","The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland shall apply as from the end of the transition period, with the exception of the following provisions of that Protocol, which shall apply as from the entry into force of this Agreement: [...] PROTOCOL ON IRELAND/NORTHERN IRELAND [...] RECALLING that this Protocol is to be implemented in accordance with the respective constitutional orders of the Kingdom of Spain and of the United Kingdom,",insufficient-neutral
Pulam Sumda is a territory of India,"Pulam Sumda is a small hilly village which lies in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. Pulam Sumda is a part of Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India, and claimed by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China.[1] The Jadh Ganga, an important tributary of the Bhagirathi River, flows through this place. Some of the nearby villages are Jadhang, Sang and Nelang, which all lie in the valley of the Jadh Ganga.[2][3] Geography [edit]See Geography of Dhumku, Nelang, Pulam Sumda, Sumla and Mana Pass area and Geography of Mana.",insufficient-contradictory
"changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming”[...]. In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet","It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as ""warming"" (or ""cooling,"" depending on their agenda). In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet by driving SUVs or eating beef, in other words. [...] As for earth’s obliquity, or its change in axial tilt, the below two images (Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) show the degree to which the earth can shift on both its axis and its rotational orientation. At the higher tilts, earth’s seasons become much more extreme, while at lower tilts they become much more mild. A similar situation exists for earth’s rotational axis, which depending on which hemisphere is pointed at the sun during perihelion, can greatly impact the seasonal extremes between the two hemispheres. Based on these different variables, Milankovitch was able to come up with a comprehensive mathematical model that is able to compute surface temperatures on earth going way back in time, and the conclusion is simple: Earth’s climate has always been changing, and is in a constant state of flux due to no fault of our own as human beings.",supports
Nelang is a territory of People's Republic of China,"Nelong Valley is located within Gangotri National Park, so the opening and closing times of the National Park also apply to the valley. The National Park opens in April, and tourist visits are allowed only after forest officials complete their reconnaissance. In April, the National Park is still covered with snow, as is Nelong Valley. The best time to visit the nelong valley is from May to June and mid-September to mid-October. [...] Nelong Valley is visited only during the daytime, so the temperatures mentioned here reflect daytime conditions. [...] Before the Sino-Indian War of 1962, Nelong and other villages were residences of the Jadh Bhotiya tribe. The Jadh of Kinnaur and Nelong had trade ties with Tibet, and people from here used to go to Tibet regularly for trade. However, due to the war, all the villages were evacuated by 1965, and the Jad community was settled in Bagori and Dunda.",insufficient-neutral
"Study in Italy shows nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients have neurological side effects, indicating an “unacceptable” safety profile","Mild neurological effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include weakness, numbness, headache, dizziness, imbalance, fatigue, muscle spasms, joint pain, and restless leg syndrome are more common, while tremors, tinnitus, and herpes zoster are less common. On the other hand, severe neurological complications included Bell's palsy, Guillain–Barre syndrome (GBS), stroke, seizures, anaphylaxis, and demyelinating syndromes such as transverse myelitis and acute encephalomyelitis [10]. Among these, the most dangerous neurological complication caused by COVID-19 vaccines, especially adenovirus-based, is cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in women of childbearing age [8]. [...] Hosseini, R., Askari, N. A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. Eur J Med Res 28, 102 (2023).",insufficient-supports
Wearing face masks can cause harmful levels of reduced oxygen.,"Another viral meme featuring three people wearing masks while walking on a beach says face mask wearing ""reduces oxygen up to 60%"" and ""increases risk of CO2 poisoning."" [...] One Facebook post claimed ""wearing a mask for an 8 hour shift can reduce your oxygen intake level to a 93 if you have healthy lungs ... it is not healthy to have your oxygen level at that."" The post did not specify which type of mask it was referencing. [...] There is no evidence to support that the general public — which doesn't typically wear masks for prolonged periods of time — will experience significant reductions in oxygen intake level, resulting in hypoxemia. While CO2 can build up in face masks, it is unlikely that wearing a mask will cause hypercapnia, according to the CDC",refutes
Siachen Glacier is a territory of India,"Siachen Glacier, the world’s second-longest glacier in non-polar areas, lies in the Karakoram Range of the Himalayas, in the disputed Kashmir region. The glacier covers 76 km from its head at Indira Col on the China-India border to its terminus, with its altitude falling from 5,753m to 3,620m above sea level. The Siachen Glacier is bordered to the north by the great drainage divide, a divide separating the Indian Subcontinent and the Eurasian Plate in the Karakoram region. Although India administers the entire glacier region as part of the Union Territory of Ladakh, Pakistan also claims the region and controls the area to the glacier’s west. [...] The Siachen region is a subject of a territorial dispute between Pakistan and India, with both countries claiming sovereignty over it. The 1970s and 1980s US and Pakistani maps contained a dotted line on the LoC from NJ9842 to Karakoram Pass. However, India held that the dotted line violated the Shimla agreement and may have been a cartographic error. India took control of the Siachen Glacier in 1984 under Operation Meghdoot after getting information on Pakistan’s plans to occupy the region. The Pakistani troops reached the area and found that India had already occupied the glacier, including the Saltoro Ridge.",insufficient-contradictory
"Claims that author Ernest Hemingway once said, ""There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.""","The Bloody Typewriter: What Every Writer Needs to Know According to Hemingway ""There’s nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."" Ernest Hemingway supposedly said that. Many attribute the quote to other writers. But Hemingway is the focus of this blog, so we’re going to say it’s a Hemingway quote, for now. [...] To sit down and ""bleed"" at your keyboard will likely result in crap. You’ll need to bleed and then sweat, working hard to make the bleeding worth your reader’s time.",insufficient-contradictory
"“For African American families in particular, the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968, the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law.”","""For African American families in particular, the homeownership rate remains relatively unchanged since 1968, the year the Fair Housing Act was signed into law,"" the Republican said in an April 11 press release from the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. [...] We looked at statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies and found they show that Scott is spot-on about Black homeownership rates; they have barely budged since 1968. Scott’s spokesperson said the senator reached his conclusion using the same statistics that we did. [...] Data shows his numbers are correct. In 1970, about a year and a half after the law was enacted, about 42% of Black Americans owned homes. In 2022, Black homeownership stood at 44%.",supports
Oatmeal is Unhealthy !!,"Oats have long had a reputation for being one of the healthier foods you can choose for breakfast. But some people on social media have been calling this claim into question, suggesting that rather than being a healthy staple, oatmeal (and porridge, which is often made using oats) might in fact have no nutritional value whatsoever. However, while these claims have garnered plenty of media attention, there’s little evidence to back them up. Rather, the science overwhelmingly shows that oats can be beneficial for your health in many ways. One line of reasoning used to argue oats aren’t healthy is that eating them can lead to spikes in blood sugar (glucose). This seems to be linked to the rising use of glucose monitors by people who don’t have diabetes. These monitors may depict normal changes in blood glucose, which happen after we eat, as a ""spike"" in blood sugar.",refutes
82% of the public are now wearing face masks [or coverings] on Translink buses and trains in Northern Ireland.,"Translink has clarified its policy on the wearing of face masks on public transport across Northern Ireland. [...] A Translink spokesperson told Belfast Live : ""We continue to follow public health guidance regarding the wearing of face coverings. ""To help keep everyone safe and in line with the latest guidance, we are encouraging our passengers to wear a face covering, if they can, in stations and on-board buses and trains.",insufficient-neutral
The measles outbreak is directly caused by illegal immigration,"Other conservative voices have linked measles to illegal immigrants. The conservative website The Blaze wrote about Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., who said the disease was brought into the country by ""illegal aliens."" [...] There is no data that links this or any other outbreak of measles to those immigrants, who are vaccinated at about the same rate as Americans. [...] The Blaze, GOP Congressman on Why He Thinks Illegal Immigrants Might be to Blame for Measles Outbreak, Feb. 4, 2015",refutes
"Global COVID Vaccine Safety study shows that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, inadequately tested; getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting COVID-19","Global COVID Vaccine Safety study identified already-known risks, doesn’t show that risks are greater than benefits No medical intervention, including vaccines, is entirely free of risk. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a risk of certain health problems, including myocarditis and a particular type of blood clot, COVID-19 is associated with a much greater risk of developing cardiovascular, neurological, and hematological disorders compared to the vaccines. Getting vaccinated reduces the risk of severe disease and death. The benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks. [...] Many of these posts cited the study to promote claims that COVID-19 vaccines were dangerous, or that they weren’t adequately tested, or that the vaccines posed greater risks than COVID-19 itself. The headlines of several articles, such as this one by the Gateway Pundit and another by RT (formerly Russia Today), also simply described the study as having found health problems linked to COVID-19 vaccines with no preamble.",refutes
"Countries that sign pandemic treaty cede their sovereignty to the WHO, allowing WHO to control domestic policies, force vaccination, lockdowns, and arrest of vaccine opponents","The COVID-19 pandemic exposed shortcomings in pandemic preparedness and response in countries around the world. The pandemic accord and recent amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (IHR) are aimed at improving future responses to pandemics. The work and negotiations on both the accord and the IHR amendments have been led and are decided by WHO Member States, which comprise all members of the United Nations (except Liechtenstein), the Cook Islands, and Niue.",insufficient-supports
Rural road connectivity increased from 56% in 2014 to 82% villages.,"Has rural road connectivity increased and by how much? The first claim of the government is that rural road connectivity increased from 56% in 2014 to 82% villages. The impact assessment report of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) states that ‘PMGSY was launched in December 2000 as a special intervention of the Government of India with the broad objective of ensuring sustainable poverty reduction. The scheme aims to provide good quality all-weather single connectivity road to every eligible habitation. Rural roads are a state subject under the Constitution and as such are the basic responsibility of the states. However, under the PMGSY, the construction of good quality and well-engineered roads are fully funded by the Government of India. Maintenance of these roads is the responsibility of the states. The year 2013 saw the launch of PMGSY-II with the objectives of consolidating the existing rural road network and upgrading existing rural roads that provide connectivity to rural growth centres. PMGSY-II envisages sharing of construction costs between the Centre and the states with maintenance costs continuing to be funded fully by the states.’ [...] Fact: By June 2014, 56% of the target habitations under PMGSY were connected by roads. By July 2018, 88% of the target of PMGSY (II) have been connected by roads. Hence, the claim is TRUE. But, it has to be noted that the percentages correspond to the target under PMGSY and not the total habitations in the country.",supports
“The CBO says (the Build Back Better Act) is $3 trillion of deficit spending.”,"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has given us a sobering look into our fiscal future under the Build Back Better Act (BBBA), estimating that if all the bill’s policies were made permanent, $3 trillion would be added to the national debt over the next 10 years. This is on top of more than $7 trillion in deficits over the last two years, leading to a $21 trillion total national debt held by the public this year (about the size of GDP). Under current law, the CBO predicts national debt held by the public will reach $36 trillion in 2031, or 106 percent of GDP—the highest debt load in U.S. history. [...] Ultimately, policymakers and taxpayers should understand the scope of tax changes necessary to fully pay for the large-scale social spending programs that would be initiated under the Build Back Better Act. It most certainly does not cost zero, and the costs will most likely be borne in large part by the middle class in the form of higher tax burdens, inflation, and reduced economic opportunities.",supports
"""Apple is … about to start charging us to use the FaceTime feature.”","The truth is, FaceTime uses your device’s internet connection, so as long as you’re connected to Wi-Fi or have a sufficient data plan, there’s no extra charge to use FaceTime. However, if you’re using FaceTime over a cellular network, it will use your data allowance, which could result in additional charges depending on your phone plan. In this article, we’ll go over how to use FaceTime and avoid any unexpected costs. [...] - Remember that international FaceTime calls do not incur additional charges beyond regular data usage. [...] In conclusion, using FaceTime on your iPhone doesn’t have to cost you extra. With a bit of planning and awareness of your data usage, you can enjoy seamless video and audio calls with your loved ones at no additional charge. Remember to connect to Wi-Fi whenever possible, monitor your data usage, and check your data plan details to avoid any surprises on your phone bill.",refutes
C-sections are coded as abortions in hospitals.,"Tim Sheehy stated on June 8, 2024 in in a U.S. Senate candidate debate: ""Elective abortions up to and including the moment of birth. Healthy, 9-month-year-old baby killed at the moment of birth. That’s what Jon Tester and the Democrats have voted for."" Threads posts stated on July 7, 2024 in a Threads post: Project 2025 mandates women carry ""period passports"" to ""track their menstrual cycles"" and ""monitor pregnancies."" Threads posts stated on July 27, 2024 in a Threads post: C-sections are coded as abortions in hospitals. Ron Johnson stated on April 15, 2024 in Podcast: ""Every Senate Democrat has voted to support unlimited abortions up to the moment of birth."" Lila Rose stated on May 14, 2024 in an Instagram post: Anti-abortion activist sentenced to 57 months in prison for ""handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility."" X posts stated on May 10, 2024 in an X post: Sen. Katie Britt introduced a bill ""to create a national registry of pregnant women."" Paul Renner stated on April 4, 2024 in an interview: For health risk exceptions in Florida’s abortion amendment, ""You're not even talking to a doctor to make that determination."" [...] Threads posts stated on July 27, 2024 in a Threads post: C-sections are coded as abortions in hospitals.",insufficient-neutral
East Jerusalem is a territory of Palestine,"East Jerusalem (Arabic: القدس الشرقية, al-Quds ash-Sharqiya; Hebrew: מִזְרַח יְרוּשָׁלַיִם, Mizraḥ Yerushalayim) is the portion of Jerusalem that was held by Jordan after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, as opposed to West Jerusalem, which was held by Israel.[a] Under international law, East Jerusalem is considered part of the West Bank, and Palestinian territories, and under illegal occupation by Israel.[2][3][4] Many states recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine (such as Brazil,[5] China,[6] Russia,[7] and all 57 members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation),[8] whereas other states (such as Australia, France and others) assert that East Jerusalem ""will be the capital of Palestine"",[9][10] while referring to it as ""an occupied territory"".[11] In 2020, East Jerusalem had a population of 595,000 inhabitants, of which 361,700 (61%) were Palestinian Arabs and 234,000 (39%) Jewish settlers.[12][13] Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law and in the eyes of the international community.[14][15] [...] The United States refers to East Jerusalem as part of ""the West Bank – the larger of the two Palestinian territories"", and refers to Israeli Jews living in East Jerusalem as ""settlers"".[123]",insufficient-refutes
"Over the last 4 years, almost one crore houses have been constructed in rural and urban India.","1.07 crore rural houses constructed over the last four years under Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana –Gramin with the objective of ‘’Housing for All by 2022’’ The re-structured rural housing scheme Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G) which has the objective of ""Housing for All by 2022"" was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th November, 2016 from Agra. 2.95 crore houses are set to be constructed by 2022 to achieve the set objective of PMAY-G which has been decided to achieve in phases. In the first phase the target is construction of one crore pucca houses by 31st March, 2019. A total of 1.07 crore rural houses have been completed over the last four years (2014-15 to 2017-18) which include completion of 38.20 lakh Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY- G) houses and 68.64 lakh IAY houses that were sanctioned in 2014-15 and 2015-16 and prior to that. If the figures of the current financial year are also added to this achievement under the rural housing scheme the achievement from 2014-15 till date becomes 1.13 crore completed rural houses. The details of rural housing scheme and progress can be seen from the website of PMAY-G, i.e. ( A summary of houses completed, as on 31.7.2018, which shows an upward swing, is shown below:",insufficient-supports
"“Homicides are intraracial. When you look at white-on-white crime, it's 84%. Right? Homicides. White people kill white people.”","""|Okay cops kill white people more frequently. Y’all commit the majority of crime so that makes sense, but the difference is they aren’t killing you because you are white. White people being killed is not the same thing as white people being killed because they are white. Black people are being killed for their blackness in a lot of cases. Cops are more likely to shoot us. "" [...] Also, your sources are shit. Vox is basically the next buzzfeed. What did you do? Literally just google ""White on white murder"" and pick the first link and not even read it? They’re basically saying ""White people, being the highest amount of population in the country, are surprisingly killed the most by other white people!"" [...] According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and ""Other"" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.[33][34][35]",insufficient-contradictory
A bill would revoke custody from parents who refused gender-affirming care,Proposed California bill would brand parents abusive if they refuse to affirm their transgender children's identity - and let social workers take youngsters into care - Assembly Bill 957 would classify not affirming a child's gender as 'abuse' [...] A proposed amendment to a bill in California would classify parents who refuse to affirm their child's gender as abusive and could result in revoked custody. [...] A proposed amendment to a bill in California would classify parents who refuse to affirm their child's gender as abusive and could result in revoked custody,insufficient-supports
[The] average tenure of a PSNI Chief Constable is about the same as those in England and Wales,"These anxieties were partly based on awareness of colleagues leaving policing prematurely. The average term for a CC has fallen by 1.2 years since the mid-1980s (NPCC, 2018, p. 34). HMICFRS (2019a, p. 60) described the trend, which was accelerated by the PRSRA, as ‘marked and worrying’. [...] National Police Chiefs’ Council. ( 2018 ). Chief Constable Preparation, Selection, Tenure and Retirement in the ‘New Policing Landscape’. (accessed 06 August 2020). [...] The Chief Constables of England and Wales: The Socio-Legal History of a Criminal Justice Elite.",insufficient-neutral
"claims that actor Tom Selleck ""praised"" Donald Trump in a ""meeting"" with Breitbart","- He explained that when he labeled the Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous' he was criticizing Paul Manafort, who should have known better - Donald Trump Jr, Bannon said, 'is both a patriot and a good man,' as he complimented the president for his political savvy - Bannon also played up his longtime loyalty, claiming, 'I am the only person to date to conduct a global effort to preach the message of Trump and Trumpism' [...] Bannon apologized to President Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr, on Sunday, for slamming a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that's come under scrutiny from the feds as 'treasonous.' He claims now that he was talking about ex-campaign hand Paul Manafort, not Trump Jr, made he made the remarks to an author of a tell-all book. [...] Heaping praise on the president, Bannon said, Trump, 'was the only candidate that could have taken on and defeated the Clinton apparatus.'",insufficient-neutral
A bill would revoke custody from parents who refused gender-affirming care,"If passed, it would change state custody statutes to include access to gender-affirming care as a consideration, giving Minnesota courts jurisdiction over certain cases. [...] At the hearing, several parents of trans youth spoke in support of the bill. Attorney Hao Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant and parent to a trans child, said Minnesota has a responsibility to be a leader when it comes to protecting gender-affirming care. [...] ""HF 146 takes away custody from parents or guardians who deny their children access to gender-affirming health care,"" said Rebecca Delahunt, assistant director of public policy for the Minnesota Family Council.",supports
"Only the Green Party supported a proposal to establish an environmental protection agency (EPA), as part of the review of public administration (local government) in Northern Ireland.","In 2007, following a review of environmental governance in Northern Ireland, the Assembly debated an Alliance Party motion calling on the Executive to establish an independent environmental protection agency for Northern Ireland, as recommended in the review's report, 'Foundations for the future'. The Ulster Unionist Party and Sinn Féin supported the motion, but, while the Ulster Unionists supported our amendment in that debate, to establish an independent environmental protection agency in the lifetime of that Assembly, Sinn Féin did not. Sinn Féin, however, supported a DUP amendment that called for more work to be undertaken — a repeat of déjà-vu? — before decisions could be taken. It was ever thus.",refutes
"In Belfast, the digital sector employs 26 per cent of the workforce.","New data analysed by Tech Nation revealed that 26pc of Belfast’s workforce is now employed in the digital technology economy. [...] Belfast is one of nine cities in the UK, outside of London, to have more than one-fifth of the workforce employed in the technology sector. The other cities are Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds, Bristol, Reading, Cardiff and Cambridge. Of these cities, Cambridge and Belfast have the highest penetration of digital tech jobs at nearly 26pc. According to jobs website Adzuna, Belfast had the highest proportion of digital tech vacancies in 2019.",supports
"claims that Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once stated, ""If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.""","… if you have an apple and I have an apple, and we swap apples — we each end up with only one apple. But if you and I have an idea and we swap ideas — we each end up with two ideas. [...] ""If I have a dollar and you have a dollar and we exchange we will be even, but if I have an idea and you have an idea and we exchange you will have two ideas and I will have two ideas"" –F. J. Smolka [...] Was it not George Bernard Shaw who once said, in words I perhaps paraphrase: ""If two men each give one another an apple they still each have only one apple. But if each of them gives the other an idea, they each have two ideas.""",insufficient-supports
"Kamala Harris “returned” a $5,000 donation Donald Trump made to her campaign in 2011.","Donald Trump once donated to Kamala Harris’ campaign. Here’s what she did with the money. [...] In 2011, Donald Trump, as a private citizen, donated $5,000 to Kamala Harris’ California attorney general reelection campaign. In 2013, Trump gave Harris an additional $1,000. [...] A July 21 Threads post included a photo of a $5,000 check Trump wrote in September 2011 to Harris’ California attorney general reelection campaign. The post said, ""A donation (Harris) returned.""",insufficient-neutral
“Caitlin Clark has officially joined the Canadian women's Olympic team.”,Canada Basketball confirmed that American basketball star Caitlin Clark has not joined Canada’s Olympic women’s basketball team. The image of Clark wearing the Canadian jersey appears to be edited.,refutes
Northern Ireland Government contingency plans for COVID-19 include turning Dundonald Ice Bowl into a morgue to store bodies temporarily. A common extension is that the SSE (Odyssey) Arena has also been earmarked as a contingency morgue.,The claim is not accurate. The Department of Justice confirms that there are no plans to use either Dundonald Ice Bowl or the SSE Arena. The Justice Minister has stated that buildings on the Kinnegar site outside Holywood will be used as the Northern Ireland Temporary Resting Place if required.,refutes
Olivenza is a territory of Spain,"Olivenza (Spanish: [oliˈβenθa]) or Olivença (Portuguese: [oliˈvẽsɐ]) is a town situated on a disputed section of the Portugal-Spain border. It is administered de facto by Spain, as part of the autonomous community of Extremadura. Portugal holds a claim on the town and its surrounding territory. As Olivença, the town was under Portuguese sovereignty between 1297 (Treaty of Alcañices) and 1801 when it was invaded by the Spanish during the War of Oranges and then ceded to Spain under the Treaty of Badajoz. Spain has since administered the territory (now split into two municipalities, Olivenza and Táliga), whilst Portugal invokes the self-revocation of the Treaty of Badajoz, plus the Treaty of Vienna of 1815, to claim the return of the territory. In spite of the territorial dispute between Portugal and Spain, the issue has not been a sensitive matter in the relations between these two countries. Olivenza and other neighbouring Spanish (La Codosera, Alburquerque and Badajoz) and Portuguese (Arronches, Campo Maior, Estremoz, Portalegre and Elvas) towns reached an agreement in 2008 to create a euroregion. [...] Plan your customized day by day trip plan for Olivenza. Choose from various experinces categories as adventure, romantic and family and kids friendly for your trip using using Olivenza trip planner.",insufficient-contradictory
New York Post headline reports that journalist who debunked pizzagate plead guilty in child porn case,"Journalist who pleaded guilty to possession of child sexual abuse images did not debunk Pizzagate [...] The claim that Meek debunked Pizzagate seems to have originated from what appears to be a fake New York Post headline that read, ""Award winning ABC journalist who ‘debunked’ Pizzagate, pleads guilty in horrific child porn case."" We searched the New York Post archives, Nexis news archives and Google and found no story with that or a similar headline. PolitiFact also reached out to the New York Post to confirm whether the headline was authentic, but did not immediately receive a response. [...] U.S. Office of Public Affairs, Department of Justice, ""Former Journalist Pleads Guilty to Transportation and Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material,"" July 21, 2023.",refutes
Ryanggang Province is a territory of Republic of China,"Ryanggang Provincial MSS Holding Centre Ryanggang Province is a critical area for human rights. Many North Koreans attempting to flee the country cross from this province into China. Large numbers are often apprehended and forcibly repatriated. Ryanggang Provincial Ministry of State Security Holding Centre is known for detaining many of these repatriated escapees who face harsh punishments, including torture, imprisonment, and even execution. This makes Ryanggang Province a significant focus for international human rights advocacy and documentation efforts, as it underscores the ongoing and widespread violations in the country.",insufficient-refutes
Black money (undisclosed foreign income and assets) and imposition of tax Act 2015 enacted.,The BJP government published an infographic on the 48-months portal that makes four claims about enabling legislations to curb corruption. This article is a fact check of the claims.,insufficient-neutral
Pulam Sumda is a territory of India,"Pulam Sumda is a small hilly village which lies in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. Pulam Sumda is a part of Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India, and claimed by Zanda County, Ngari Prefecture, Tibet, China.[1] The Jadh Ganga, an important tributary of the Bhagirathi River, flows through this place. Some of the nearby villages are Jadhang, Sang and Nelang, which all lie in the valley of the Jadh Ganga.[2][3] [...] See Geography of Dhumku, Nelang, Pulam Sumda, Sumla and Mana Pass area and Geography of Mana.",insufficient-contradictory
O'Tangav is a territory of Cambodia,"Second, he added, the Lao side agreed to examine and settle four remaining points as requested in his letter to his Lao counterpart, and those four points have to be solved before that of O’ Tangav. Third, the border committees of both nations are commissioned to negotiate and settle the remaining issues on site, at O’ Tangav in Stung Treng province, the Cambodian premier pointed out. [...] Last month, Samdech Techo Hun Sen issued an ultimatum to Laos to withdraw its troops without condition from the Cambodian territory before Aug. 17, 2017 after he has got no reply from his Lao counterpart to his letter dated Aug. 2, 2017 on the troop withdrawal request. Then, he flied to Vientiane to talk about this issue. Finally, the Lao side agreed to pull back all its troops from the Cambodian territory.",insufficient-contradictory
"Foods such as Pop-Tarts, cake mixes and ice cream contain antifreeze","Unlabeled propylene glycol, a form of antifreeze, lurks in commercial ice cream, risking health issues for those that consume it. [...] Antifreeze, then, is simply ice cream manufacturers’ answer to hard as a rock ice cream and the ice crystals that inevitably form as it is shipped long distances and moved between many different freezers before it finally makes it to your supermarket. [...] So, if you aren’t into eating antifreeze with your ice cream, check out my recipe plus a video demonstration on how to make healthy ice cream!",supports
Says he has issued more pardons than “any Wisconsin governor in contemporary history.”,"Evers pardons 171 Wisconsin convicts, total now 774 MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers announced Thursday, Dec. 29 that he has granted another 171 pardons – bringing his total number of pardons granted to 774 – a news release stated. Evers had already issued more pardons than any Wisconsin governor in modern history. The vast majority of those pardons were granted to people convicted of lower level, nonviolent crimes.",supports
A British Army veteran who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles is 54 times more likely than a Republican or Loyalist paramilitary to be prosecuted for alleged offences pre-dating the 1998 Belfast Agreement.,"Edward Burke’s new book examines the story of British army soldiers who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. [...] More than 40 years on, many of those who served with the British army are angry about, or fear the possibility of prosecution for actions taken on the streets and fields in Northern Ireland when they were young men. Pressed by some right-wing Conservative MPs and the DUP, the British government is considering whether to impose a statute of limitation on the prosecution of soldiers for crimes allegedly committed during service there.",insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland eats more meat than in the rest of the UK.,"The diet of people in Northern Ireland is much worse than is typical in the UK, according to research by the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland. [...] The survey, co-funded by the Northern Ireland agency, the NI’s Department of Health, and Safefood, found that fruit and vegetable consumption in Northern Ireland was significantly lower than in the UK as a whole. [...] The study found that overall consumption of sugar, fizzy drinks, confectionery, chips, fried foods and meat tended to be higher in Northern Ireland than the rest of the UK.",insufficient-supports
"A third of young people from Northern Ireland who go to university travel outside Northern Ireland, mainly to the North West of England and Scotland, and only a third of those who graduate return back home.","Northern Ireland graduates: Only a third return home - Published - comments Only a third of students from Northern Ireland who graduated in England, Scotland or Wales in 2017 returned home to work. [...] Only 34% of those who had graduated from universities elsewhere in the UK in that year returned to Northern Ireland to work.",insufficient-supports
"The current solar minimum could last for more than three decades which could lead to temperatures plummeting across the globe, scientists have warned.","The most famous example of this is the Maunder minimum, which saw seven decades of freezing weather, began in 1645 and lasted through to 1715, and happened when sunspots were exceedingly rare. [...] Now, scientists are concerned that we could face another prolonged solar minimum again. [...] The researchers stated in the study published in the journal Nature: ""Recently discovered long-term oscillations of the solar background magnetic field associated with double dynamo waves generated in inner and outer layers of the Sun indicate that the solar activity is heading in the next three decades (2019–2055) to a Modern grand minimum similar to Maunder one.""",supports
A circular in the name of AICTE talks about scrapping the 75% attendance rule for the engineering course.,A circular in the name of AICTE has been widely shared on social media in the last few days. The circular talks about scrapping the 75% attendance rule for the engineering course. AICTE has clarified that it’s a fake circular.,refutes
"claims that George Eliot said, ""It's never too late to be what you might have been.""",The Daily Caller found no record of Eliot ever saying or writing this expression.,refutes
"a conference titled ""The Elite Global Leaders Conference"" will be held at the Vatican on Oct. 23 and will focus on ""humanity-empowering technology.""","A private event matching the flyer’s description is being held at the Teutonic College in Vatican City later this month, according to a Vatican spokesperson. However, the event is not organized by the Vatican.",insufficient-supports
"Disinvestment crossed target of 72,500 crore rupees.","Re-structured National Bamboo Mission gets R5.l290crore Loans to Women Self Help Groups will increase to Rs. 75,000 crore in 2019 from 42,500 crore last year. [...] Disinvestment crossed target of Rs 72,500 crore to reach Rs 1,00,000 crore. [...] Rs. 75,000 crore rupees will be provided as loans to Women Self Help Groups till March, 2019.",supports
"By 29 September last year, at least 47 people in NI had died from “vaccine injury”.","""[We] know, according to MHRA that 47 people in NI died from vaccine injury up to 29th sept 22 this may be under reported as suggested by MHRA"" [...] ""As of 29 September 2022, 47 reports from Northern Ireland of possible reactions relating to the COVID-19 vaccines had been submitted to us where there was a fatal outcome."" [...] In the first six months of the vaccination programme (to June 2021), one death was recorded in Northern Ireland with the vaccine as an underlying cause.",insufficient-contradictory
Gulf of Piran is a territory of Spain,"The Gulf of Piran or Piran Bay (Slovene: Piranski zaliv, Croatian: Piranski zaljev or Savudrijska vala, Italian: Baia di Pirano) is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, and is a part of the southernmost tip of the Gulf of Trieste. Overview [edit]It was named after the town of Piran, and its shores are shared by Croatia and Slovenia. It is delimited by a line connecting Cape Savudrija (Savudrijski rt) in the south to the Cape Madona (Rt Madona) in the north and measures around 19 square kilometres (7.3 sq mi). [...] External links [edit]- Conditions in the Gulf of Piran - graphs, in the following order, of water temperature, wave height, wave (interval) period, wave direction, current speed, current direction, maximum wave height data for the past 30 days (taken near Piran by ARSO)",insufficient-neutral
Lake Constance is a territory of Austria,"Our region is located on the northern border of the Middle Rhine Valley. When we hike through the hills and valleys of the Siebengebirge and look down on our small part of the Rhine, he has already come a long way from the Swiss Alpes to the Northern Sea, through Liechtenstein, Austria, France and the German Länder Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. [...] When the Rhine was straightened during the 20th century, parts of his old river bed around St. Gallen in Switzerland and Vorarlberg in Austria, were cut off. Today, these cut-off arms are nature reserves. The Alpine Rhine flows into Lake Constance on Austrian territory. Three countries meet here: Austria, Switzerland, and the German state Baden-Württemberg. Lake Constance consists of the Obersee (upper lake) and the Untersee (lower lake), which has Germany on the northern bank and Switzerland on the southern. The small Rhine section called Seerhein (Lake Rhine) connects both lakes.",insufficient-supports
Prime Minister Modi has initiated a grievance portal (CPGRAMS) upon assuming office for the first time,"Any Grievance sent by email will not be attended to / entertained. Please lodge your grievance on this portal. Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) is an online platform available to the citizens 24x7 to lodge their grievances to the public authorities on any subject related to service delivery. It is a single portal connected to all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India and States. Every Ministry and States have role-based access to this system. CPGRAMS is also accessible to the citizens through standalone mobile application downloadable through Google Play store and mobile application integrated with UMANG. The status of the grievance filed in CPGRAMS can be tracked with the unique registration ID provided at the time of registration of the complainant. CPGRAMS also provides appeal facility to the citizens if they are not satisfied with the resolution by the Grievance Officer. After closure of grievance if the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution, he/she can provide feedback. If the rating is ‘Poor’ the option to file an appeal is enabled. The status of the Appeal can also be tracked by the petitioner with the grievance registration number.",insufficient-supports
"Claims that Thomas Jefferson said, ""Most bad government has grown out of too much government.""","There seems to be a cottage industry in misquoting Thomas Jefferson. He didn’t say, ""The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."" Nor, ""My reading of history convinces me that most bad government has grown out of too much government,"" nor any variations of those or dozens of other pithy phrases wrongly attributed to our illustrious third president. [...] Cain said that Thomas Jefferson said, ""You might be able to fool the people for a while, and they may go astray, but sooner or later the American people are going to wake up and they will correct the course."" Jefferson did write a line that resembles that in some important ways, but Cain put a fair number of words into Jefferson’s mouth. At PunditFact, we believe quotations should be relatively word-for-word accurate. If someone went to the trouble to leave their thoughts for posterity, the least we should do is honor what they actually said. [...] Wall Street Journal, To Quote Thomas Jefferson, 'I Never Actually Said That', Dec. 6, 2012",refutes
WhatsApp Will NOT Record Your Calls; Devices Will NOT Be Monitored By The Government,"Government 'avoiding accountability' in WhatsApp messages - Published [...] ‘Rampant cronyism’ ""A government of WhatsApp and Signal is undemocratic and unlawful,"" said Kerry Shaw, of The Citizens. [...] Last month, the group sent legal letters to the government, asking for clarification on these issues.",insufficient-neutral
"CO2 concentrations are increasing in Earth’s atmosphere faster than they have in the last 50,000 years.","Chemical analysis of natural CO₂ rise over the last 50,000 years shows that today's rate is 10 times faster Today's rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice. [...] ""Our research identified the fastest rates of past natural CO2 rise ever observed, and the rate occurring today, largely driven by human emissions, is 10 times higher.""",supports
"Sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2","Happer, for example, says that climate-change advocates ignore the fact that there have been several periods, including the last 10 years, in which there has been no warming, and that temperatures in fact cooled during the period from roughly 1940 to 1970. Sea levels are indeed rising, he also says, but they have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age, and there is no evidence that the rate is increasing. Suckewer adds that his own research has convinced him that human activity has little to do with rising CO2 levels, much of which is caused by water vapor and ocean currents. Those forces, he says, are so vast, complex, and imperfectly understood that efforts to ""fix"" them would be folly. [...] One more crucial observation is that rising sea levels are almost certainly not the most immediate threat implied by the current dynamics within the world meteorological system. Much more devastating would be more frequent and violent weather events, severe multiyear shifts in rainfall patterns producing destructive floods or droughts, collapse of ecosystems upon which human populations depend, and the interruption of the flow of major ocean currents due to buildup of fresh water on the surface of the oceans. Any or all of the above could occur without any major shift in the mean values of any ""key variable"" such as CO2 emissions.",insufficient-supports
This song is an anthem created by the New Zealand government,"New Zealand’s National Anthems: Full Lyrics of Māori, English Versions, History [...] God Defend New Zealand, Maori Aotearoa, one of the two national anthems of New Zealand (the other being God Save the Queen, national anthem of the United Kingdom). Thomas Bracken, who also offered a reward of £10 for the finest musical setting of his lyrics, wrote the anthem in the early 1870s. The winning tune was written by composer John J. Woods, and the resulting hymn had its debut performance in 1876. God Save the Queen had long been the official anthem of New Zealand, but in 1940 the government designated God Save New Zealand to be the national hymn or unofficial song and bought the copyright to the hymn. However, God Defend New Zealand was officially recognized as the country's second national anthem alongside God Save the Queen in 1977.",supports
"Says his Jan. 6, 2021, speech on the White House Ellipse drew the “same number of people,” as the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.","Earlier today, former President Donald Trump once again claimed he bore no responsibility for the violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. ""I said peacefully and patriotically,"" Trump told reporters. That has been a persistent theme of his for years. The former president was repeating part of a short sentence culled from his lengthy speech at the White House Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021. By focusing on that brief phrase, Trump is trying to deceive both the courts and the public. He wants people to focus on a short passage in which he told his supporters to march ""peacefully and patriotically"" to the Capitol, while ignoring all the inflammatory rhetoric he employed during the same speech. [...] As we explain in detail below, Trump’s defense should fail in both those tribunals. We expect prosecutors will explain to the jurors why the sentence in the Ellipse speech is, in actuality, more incriminating than exculpatory when understood in context. Indeed, evidence uncovered by the January 6th Select Committee shows that Trump deliberately and repeatedly implored his followers to ""fight"" – and was reticent to use the word ""peaceful"" at all. Recent revelations of evidence gathered by Special Counsel Jack Smith will also help prove the case. [...] The key sentence in the Jan. 6 Ellipse speech, according to Trump and his attorneys, is this one:",insufficient-neutral
People in the RoI can expect to live a healthy life for almost a decade longer than those in NI - 69.4 years compared to 61 years.,"Healthy life expectancy (HLE) is the number of years someone can expect to live in good health: for NI, the current estimate for HLE is around 62 years while, for Ireland, it is 69.4 years",refutes
McLarens Is The Local Representative Of Sinopec Fuel Operations In Sri Lanka!,"Viral posts on cyberspace stated that Minister Kanchana Wijesekera would marry the daughter of the McLaren Group’s owner, and because of this arrangement, the McLarens Group had been chosen as the local representative of Chinese oil company Sinopec, one of the three companies which were selected for fuel sale and distribution in Sri Lanka. [...] Commenting on this statement, Mr Chaminda Wijesiri, the Badulla District Councilor of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), states that if Minister Kanchana gets engaged to the daughter of the owner of McLarens, who would be the local representative of Sinopec, then there would also be a case of conflict of interest for the minister. [...] McLarens has no connection with Sinopec for oil distribution in Sri Lanka. The local representative of Sinopec Company in Sri Lanka is Sinopec Oil Lanka Private Limited, located in Hambantota.",refutes
Chiengi is a territory of Zambia,"Chiengi or is a historic colonial boma of the British Empire in central Africa and today is a settlement in the Luapula Province of Zambia, and headquarters of Chiengi District. Chiengi is in the north-east corner of Lake Mweru, and at the foot of wooded hills dividing that lake from Lake Mweru Wantipa, and overlooking a dambo (marshy plain) stretching northwards from the lake, where the Chiengi rivulet (the origin of the name) flows down from the hills.[1] [...] Chiengi was restored as a sub-administrative administrative centre under Nchelenge District of independent Zambia in the 1970s and as a full administrative district in the 1990s. The area has been affected by conflict in the Congo several times, most recently in the Second Congo War, when tens of thousands of refugees arrived and were settled in UNHCR camps in Kawambwa and Mporokoso Districts. Most of these have been repatriated since the end of that war.[3] Reports have also been made of Congolese soldiers harassing Zambians at the border and inside Zambian territory.[4] Chiengi is reached by a gravel road, frequently impassable in the rainy season, from Nchelenge and Kashikishi 100 kilometres (62 mi) south (the same journey can be done by boat). From Chiengi a dirt track runs along the flat northern lake shore to Pweto in DR Congo. A new gravel road has been constructed north-east to the border, around the Chipani Swamp and east to Kasongola from where (in the dry season) tracks connect to Kaputa in Zambia's Northern Province.[5]",supports
“James Woods leaves Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s new non-woke film studio.”,"In a move that has reverberated throughout the entertainment industry, veteran actor James Woods has officially left Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s newly established non-woke film studio. This partnership marks a significant shift for Woods, who has long been a polarizing figure due to his outspoken conservative beliefs in a predominantly liberal industry. [...] The reaction to Woods’ move has been mixed. While many conservative voices have lauded his decision as a brave stand against Hollywood conformity, others in the industry warn that this split could deepen the cultural divisions within the arts community. Critics of the non-woke studio concept argue that it might limit the diversity of perspectives that film can offer by favoring certain viewpoints. [...] In conclusion, James Woods’ departure from Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s non-woke film studio is more than just a career pivot—it’s a cultural statement. It represents a burgeoning movement within the film industry seeking to reclaim what its proponents feel is a lost emphasis on artistic freedom over political correctness. Only time will tell how this bold move will impact Woods’ career and the broader cinematic landscape.",supports
Deir El Aachayer is a territory of Lebanon,"Deir El Aachayer (Arabic: ديرالعشاير) is a village north of Rashaya, in the Rashaya District and south of the Beqaa Governorate in Lebanon. The municipality is located on the border frontier of the Kaza of Rashaya, one of eight mohafazats (governorates). It sits at a height of 1,250 metres (4,100 ft) above sea level and its surface area covers 2,563 hectares (9.90 sq mi) hectares. The registered population of the village is around 500, predominantly Druze. Actual residents may number only around 250, distributed among about 90 households. The village has a municipal council made up of nine members, and a town mayor. Residents rely on farming as a main source of income, especially grapes, fruit and wheat. Residents also raise and herd sheep and cows, which have been a good source of milk. F",refutes
"The NI Executive’s commitment to provide financial support for new football, GAA and rugby stadiums involved an equal split between sports.","- Following the collapse of plans to build a single national stadium on the site of the former Maze/Long Kesh prison, the NI Executive agreed to support redevelopment of stadiums for football, GAA and rugby, individually. [...] The story of efforts to develop stadiums for football, GAA and rugby starts with the decision, made in 2006 under Direct Rule, to construct a single stadium at the site of the former Maze/Long Kesh prison. [...] In that sense, Mr Bryson is inaccurate. The initial agreement was not an equal split. The GAA was always set to receive more money for its tentpole stadium than the IFA was for its.",refutes
62% of income received by farmers in Northern Ireland comes from the European Union.,"Introduction 01The European Union (EU) pays direct subsidies to farmers as part of Pillar I1 of its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). A key aim of these direct payments is to support farmers’ income. However, the CAP has come under increasing criticism for not doing enough to limit the negative effect that certain farming practices have on the environment and climate2. [...] 38Additionally, as mentioned in paragraphs 4 and 26, many holdings are exempt from the greening requirements but still receive the green payment. According to the data Member States reported to the Commission, in 2015, 76 % of EU farms, covering 27 % of all EU farmland were not subject to any greening obligations at all (see Figure 4). These figures include farmers who do not claim their land under CAP direct payments48. Among green payment recipients, a total of 65 %, farming around 16 % of the EU farmland declared for direct payments, were fully exempt from all greening obligations.",insufficient-neutral
Preah Vihear Temple is a territory of Cambodia,"Prasat Preah Vihear (ប្រាសាទ ព្រះវិហារ) is one of Cambodia’s revered temples located on the plateau of Dângrêk Mountains in Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia. Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia, though some of the outter areas are still under Thailand’s control. The temple has beautiful views all around and has the most spectacular setting of all the temples built during the six-century-long Khmer Empire. [...] There is no doubt, both based on the court of laws and historical facts, that the Temple of Preah Vihear is a Khmer heritage and belonging to Cambodia, and that the disputed area also belongs to Cambodia.",supports
The models predicted about three times the amount of warming in the world we’ve seen since [1988].,"Most of these models are long since obsolete, replaced by far more advanced generations. And yet, most of them were spot on in their projections of how much the Earth would warm in the years after they were published in response to greenhouse gas emissions. Fourteen out of 17 models were found to be accurate. The new study highlights a critically important, but sometimes overlooked, point about the way climate models work. The amount of warming they predict is a direct consequence of the greenhouse gas emissions they assume for the future. And accurately predicting carbon emissions is notoriously difficult—it depends on many human factors, including population growth, economic shifts and changes in the energy landscape. [...] One example is a famous climate model developed by NASA researcher James Hansen, whose congressional testimony on climate change in the 1980s helped catapult the issue into the public spotlight. Hansen’s 1988 model ultimately predicted about 50% more warming for the coming decades than actually occurred, giving fodder to skeptics’ arguments that scientists were exaggerating the issue of global warming.",insufficient-contradictory
"claims Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once stated, ""Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.""","On leadership and management ""Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."" [...] Plato, a Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived approximately 427 to 348 B.C. Plato was taught by Socrates and was Aristotle’s teacher.",insufficient-neutral
"""Our Supreme Court has never taken away a constitutional right.""","The best-known power of the Supreme Court is judicial review, or the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, is not found within the text of the Constitution itself. The Court established this doctrine in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803). [...] Before the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment (1869), the provisions of the Bill of Rights were only applicable to the federal government. After the Amendment's passage, the Supreme Court began ruling that most of its provisions were applicable to the states as well. Therefore, the Court has the final say over when a right is protected by the Constitution or when a Constitutional right is violated. The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. Finally, it sets appropriate limits on democratic government by ensuring that popular majorities cannot pass laws that harm and/or take undue advantage of unpopular minorities. In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of law.",supports
Congo River is a territory of Republic of the Congo,"Bantu, Sudanic, and other migrants from West and Northeastern Africa arrived in the Congo River Basin between 2000 B.C. and A.D. 500. The territory that is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo is extremely diverse, with more than 200 ethnic groups that trace their histories to many communal organizations and kingdoms. The Kingdom of Kongo, for example, ruled the area around the mouth of the Congo River from the 14th to 19th centuries. Meanwhile, the Kingdoms of Luba and Lunda, located to the south and east, were also notable political groupings in the territory and ruled from the 16th and 17th centuries to the 19th century. European prospectors in the Congo Basin invaded and splintered these kingdoms in the late 1800’s, sponsored by King LEOPOLD II of Belgium, and the kingdoms were eventually forced to grant Leopold the rights to the Congo territory as his private property. During this period, known as the Congo Free State, the king's private colonial military forced the local population to produce rubber. From 1885 to 1908, millions of Congolese people died as a result of disease, inhumane treatment, and exploitation. [...] Zaïre (Congo) river mouth (shared with Zambia [s], Angola, and Republic of Congo) - 4,700 km; Ubangi river mouth (shared with Central African Republic [s] and Republic of Congo) - 2,270 km note – [s] after country name indicates river source; [m] after country name indicates river mouth",insufficient-neutral
Dilith Jayaweera’s Withdrawal from Presidential Race !!,Dilith Jayaweera as the presidential candidate from the new party 'Sarva Jana Balaya'! Homeland News 28th May Dilith jayaweera Credit: Official Facebook page DILITH JAYAWEERA,insufficient-refutes
Coronavirus contains 'HIV insertions',"FULL CLAIM: Coronavirus contains 'HIV insertions', stoking fears over artificially created bioweapon The claim that the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) contains artificially-introduced insertions from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), thereby proving it is man-made, went viral on Facebook and other social media platforms like Twitter in early February 2020. One of the most viral of these articles appeared on websites known to publish misinformation in the past, such as ZeroHedge and Infowars, and was written by an anonymous person under the fictitious name of Tyler Durden. [...] Nevertheless, the paper’s findings have been used by many on social media as evidence to support the baseless assertion that 2019-nCoV is a man-made virus. The authors had reported finding ""4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses"". The authors further asserted that ""all of [these inserts] have identity/similarity to amino acids residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 [which] is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature"".",refutes
"Global COVID Vaccine Safety study shows that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, inadequately tested; getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting COVID-19","Vaccination should not be delayed in anticipation of newer versions of the COVID-19 vaccine. For people at a high risk of getting severe COVID-19, a dose of any available vaccine is more beneficial than delaying vaccination. [...] Billions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccine to date, showing that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccinations outweigh the risks of getting ill with COVID-19. Do not delay COVID-19 vaccination if it is recommended for you by your health care provider. Getting vaccinated could protect you from severe illness and save your life. [...] More serious or long-lasting side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are possible but extremely rare. National health authorities monitor vaccines to detect and respond to rare adverse events. At the regional and global level, WHO also supports countries in monitoring vaccine safety.",refutes
Nepal bans all Indian TV channels except DD News,"New Delhi: Nepal has banned all Indian news channels, except DD News, for alleged propaganda against the country. Reports say that Nepal cable operators have stopped getting signals of Indian news channels. [...] Earlier, Nepal has amended its map which shows some Indian territory as part of it.",supports
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a territory of Argentina,"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) is a British Overseas Territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is a remote and inhospitable collection of islands, consisting of South Georgia and a chain of smaller islands known as the South Sandwich Islands. South Georgia is 165 kilometres (103 mi) long and 35 kilometres (22 mi) wide and is by far the largest island in the territory. The South Sandwich Islands lie about 700 kilometres (430 mi) southeast of South Georgia. The territory's total land area is 3,903 km2 (1,507 sq mi).[1] The Falkland Islands are about 1,300 kilometres (810 mi) west from its nearest point. [...] The United Kingdom claimed sovereignty over South Georgia in 1775 and the South Sandwich Islands in 1908. The territory of ""South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"" was formed in 1985;[3] previously, it had been governed as part of the Falkland Islands Dependencies. Argentina claimed South Georgia in 1927 and claimed the South Sandwich Islands in 1938. [...] - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands at Curlie - Wikimedia Atlas of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - Map of the Argentine claim over Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur",supports
"Financial security of senior citizens with PM Vaya Vandana Yojana, gives 8% interest for 10 years. Investment limit doubled to 15 lakh rupees and scheme extended till 2020.","The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) is a government pension scheme specifically designed to provide financial security and a fixed income stream for senior citizens aged 60 years and above. Administered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) on behalf of the government, this scheme offers a guaranteed interest rate of 7.40% per annum for a period of 10 years. [...] The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) provides an attractive investment option for senior citizens with its maximum investment limit and competitive interest rate. Under this scheme, individuals can invest a maximum amount of INR 15 lakh, allowing them to secure their financial future. [...] With the maximum investment limit of INR 15 lakh and an interest rate of 7.40% per annum, the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana offers a compelling opportunity for senior citizens to secure their financial future and enjoy a comfortable retirement.",insufficient-refutes
"If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.","Early stroke signs may include ‘tongue deviation’ - may cause ‘complications when eating’ [...] Although tongue deviation is a less commonly seen sign, it has been recognised in stroke patients. [...] In other words, a crooked tongue which slants to one side or the other could be indicative of nerve damage due to stroke.",supports
Houses being burnt due to election violence !!,"Mashonaland East and West provinces have been particularly badly affected and numbers of reported incidents of violence are on the increase in Harare. Victims report receiving death threats unless they vote ""correctly"" in a second round of voting should it be found that there was no outright winner of the presidential vote. Many of the casualties have seen their homes, food reserves and livestock destroyed and are now displaced. Hundreds of homesteads are reported to have been burnt in Manicaland and Mashonaland East. Perpetrators of the violence include so-called ""war veterans"" and supporters of the ruling party, as well as police officers and soldiers. State actors are accused of working hand-in-hand with ZANU-PF supporters. Individuals have been abducted from their homes by members of the military, in uniform and in plain clothes, as well as by ZANU-PF supporters.",supports
Nelang is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The places are Nilang (also written as Nelang), a village located in the Jadh Ganga valley, Jadhang (or Jadhung) and Pulam Sumda, the latter two lying on the upper reaches, towards the India-Tibet frontier. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) with the Chinese army occupying Tibet is located on top of the ridge. [...] In 1921, the Tsaparang Dzongpen visited Nelang again. This time, he sent a letter to the Raja of Tehri requesting him to nominate an official to sort out the boundary issue; at that time, it was not yet considered a 'dispute'; it was only a 'difference of perceptions' between friendly neighbours. [...] On May 2, 1956, the ministry of external affairs complained about a Chinese intrusion. The ministry said: 'Nilang at the area right up to Tsang Chok‐la pass is clearly within Indian territory and has always been in our possession.'",insufficient-neutral
"The coronavirus has seen a “big surge in New Zealand. It's terrible. We don't want that.""","Donald Trump has called out New Zealand for its recent Covid-19 outbreak, saying the places the world hailed as a success story is now facing a ""big surge"" in cases. [...] ""Big surge in New Zealand, you know it’s terrible, we don’t want that, but this is an invisible enemy that should never have been let to come to Europe and the rest of the world by China."" [...] New Zealand’s government has described the outbreak as contained and manageable, and has chosen not to place the country or even Auckland in full, level 4 lockdown. The outbreak is currently limited to a single cluster of related cases, which as of Tuesday numbered 69.",insufficient-contradictory
Doumeira Island is a territory of Eritrea,"The Doumeira Islands (Somali: Dumeera, Tigrinya: ዱሜራ, Arabic: دميرة) are situated northeast of Djibouti and east of Eritrea near the Bab el-Mandeb in the Red Sea. They consist of Doumeira, located less than one kilometer off of the Eritrean and Djiboutian shore, and the much smaller island of Kallîda, which is 250 metres (820 ft) to the east. The currently-in-force 1900 boundary agreement specifies that the international boundary starts at Cape Doumeira (Ras Doumeira) at the Red Sea and runs for 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) along the watershed divide of the peninsula. Furthermore, the 1900 protocol specified that Ile Doumeira (Doumeira Island) immediately offshore and its adjacent smaller islets would not be assigned sovereignty and would remain a demilitarized neutral zone.[1] In January 1935, Italy and France signed the Franco-Italian Agreement wherein, among other things, a strip of territory at the northernmost end of French Somaliland (Djibouti), including the Doumeira Islands, was ceded to Italy (Eritrea).[2] However, the question of ratification has brought this agreement, and its provision of substantial parts of Djibouti to Eritrea, into question.[3][4] In April 1996 the two countries almost went to war after a Djibouti official accused Eritrea of shelling Ras Doumeira.",insufficient-neutral
"""Apple is … about to start charging us to use the FaceTime feature.”","When you enable FaceTime it sends an SMS to an Apple server in the UK to activate the service. Normally carriers that support the iPhone do not charge for this SMS. However, your carrier may not participate, in which case using FaceTime can get to be expensive, because it periodically updates that server with a new SMS. FaceTime is a free service from Apple. It requires an internet data connection, either wifi or cellular. If the data connection is free, there are no charges at all. If a carrier or wifi provider charges you to use their data connection, then charges will apply (to the internet connection provider, not to Apple). The same thing applies for Apple's free iMessage service. [...] This has nothing to do with whether FaceTime uses data over cellular or WiFi. This refers to the activation process when you enable FaceTime. The message means that enabling FaceTime will involve an SMS - actually an International SMS - to activate the service in Apple's servers, and this specific carrier may charge for that International SMS. As it's international, it will be expensive - probably 50 cents per message or more. And this charge will appear every few days as FaceTime reactivates with Apple's servers.",refutes
"The share of GDP allocated for education (primary, secondary and tertiary) saw an increase from 3.29 per cent in 2004-2005 to 3.83 per cent in 2012-13.","Government spending on education has become a priority action globally to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education for all. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, governments in low and middle-income countries had increased education expenditures to approximately 4.45% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in conjunction with an increased share of education expenditures in overall government spending. Using panel data analysis, this chapter investigates the impact of education spending of 78 low and lower-middle income economies and 111 upper-middle and high-income countries on education outcomes at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of schooling. The study finds that despite additional channels of external funding such as Official Development Assistance loans, it is government spending across all levels of educational enrollments, primary, secondary, and tertiary, that has had a greater impact on education outcomes. We find that government spending on education as a share of GDP has contributed the most toward achieving global development goals. [...] A World Bank study [17] on how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected on education financing reports that due to larger populations in low- and middle-income countries, the share of GDP spent on education is insufficient to achieve the improved quality of education.",insufficient-refutes
"Visuals of a Hindu girl lying in a pool of blood after being murdered by her Muslim lover in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh","The prime accused in the case released a confession video of the crime and shared it from the girl's Instagram account on Friday, police said. In the confession video, the prime accused is heard saying, ""My name is Abhijeet Patidar and I along with a partner run a business in Patna. We both had an affair with the girl. She was continuously demanding money from my partner and took about ₹12 lakh from my partner before fleeing to Jabalpur. My partner asked to kill the girl and I did so. We both are involved in the woman's murder."" Police said the accused also uploaded a video of the girl lying in a pool of blood in the hotel room. However, he later deleted the video. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shivesh Baghel said, ""The preliminary investigation has revealed that the accused had booked a room on November 6 at Mekhla resort. Going by the CCTV footage of the resort, he stayed alone in his room that night. The next day, the girl came to meet him at the resort in the afternoon and they ordered something to eat. After about an hour, the youth left the hotel alone after locking his room.""",supports
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.,"Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change [...] Montzka, S., Dlugokencky, E. & Butler, J. Non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate change. [...] The influence of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions on climate is widely recognized, but there are plenty of greenhouse gases besides CO2 and they receive much less attention. In this Review, Stephen Montzka and co-authors summarize the current knowledge on non-CO2 greenhouse gases, including methane, nitrous oxide and halogenic compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons. Although the total warming effect of these gases is less than that of CO2, a substantial reduction in their emissions would measurably reduce the impact of human activity on our climate. And as non-CO2 greenhouse gases tend to have a shorter atmospheric lifetime than CO2, the response of the climate system to emissions cuts in the former would be faster than the response through cuts in CO2 alone.",refutes
"The atmospheric residency time of carbon dioxide is five years and it is quickly sequestered into plants, marine life, oceans and sediments.","In fact, as shown here, the reality is that, if molecules have a residence time in the atmosphere of 5 years, surplus CO remains in the atmosphere less than 5 years, albeit not much less if the residence time in the sink is much longer. Since that seems to be the case, for all purposes, we can take the residence time as the adjustment time. In fact, we suspect the residence times of [...] The residence time in the atmosphere can be estimated quite well from the above-ground atomic bomb tests [ 1], which makes us happy that these at least served the purpose of advancing atmospheric science, if nothing else. The best estimate is about = 5 years [ 9]. Other references mention different times, with the IPCC mentioning the shortest (4 years) in their 5th Assessment Report (p. 1457 of Ref. [ 4]), showing that this value is not settled yet; we will use 5 years in this work. The equilibrium amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is open for debate, but, for this purpose, we might use the consensus value of 280 ppm ( = 2250 Gt). To estimate the amount of CO in the sink is very difficult. However, there seems to be a general view that it is fifty times more than in the atmosphere,",insufficient-supports
Highly infectious HIV 'VB' variant makes people ill twice as quickly,"Their analysis, published Thursday in the journal ""Science,"" showed that patients infected with what they call the ""VB variant"" had 3.5 to 5.5 times higher levels of the virus in their blood than those infected with other variants, as well as a more rapidly fading immune system. [...] In patients infected with the VB variant, CD4 decline occurred twice as fast compared to other variants, ""placing them at risk of developing AIDS much more rapidly,"" the researchers said. [...] 'Critical' to diagnose and treat early ""Because the VB variant causes a more rapid decline in immune system strength, this makes it critical that individuals are diagnosed early and start treatment as soon as possible,"" the press statement noted.",supports
"Kamala Harris “returned” a $5,000 donation Donald Trump made to her campaign in 2011.","Though Donald Trump has a history of derisive comments about Harris since taking office, political contribution data, reviewed by USA TODAY on the California Secretary of State website show he gave $5,000 to Harris during her first bid for attorney general in 2011 and $1,000 in 2013 during her reelection. Ivanka Trump contributed $2,000 in 2014 for Harris' reelection campaign. [...] We rate this claim as TRUE, based on our research. Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka donated to Harris' campaigns for California attorney general. Though Harris' spokesman said $6,000, as the meme suggests, was donated to a nonprofit group, the Trumps actually donated a total of $8,000. It is unclear whether Harris returned Ivanka Trump's contribution or similarly donated it. The donations to Harris' campaigns were given before Trump's 2016 election. [...] - Washington Examiner, July 31, 2019, ""Trump’s $5,000 donation to Kamala Harris was at request of disgraced former NY attorney general.""",insufficient-supports
The United Nations have a New World Order Website,The claim is inaccurate. The website and project is not affiliated with the UN.,refutes
Kevin McCarthy says Joe Biden was wrong that Hunter made no money from China,"Comer claims the email text shows Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business with a Chinese company. Comer also claims those business ties influenced President Biden’s policy choices toward China, but it is unclear how. Biden has kept the Trump-era tariffs on China in place and added new export controls on U.S. chipmaking technology since taking office. While he was campaigning for President in Iowa in September 2019, Joe Biden told reporters, ""I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."" [...] It does not. What is known about Hunter Biden’s business deals with Ukrainian and Chinese companies creates an impression that he was making a lot of money off the prestige of being Joe Biden’s son, but there isn’t evidence that Hunter Biden’s business transactions have influenced decisions that Joe Biden made as Vice President or as President. There is also no clear evidence that money from Hunter Biden’s business dealings ever made their way to Joe Biden’s accounts. (House Republicans have alleged they don’t have that evidence because of obstruction from the Biden Administration.)",insufficient-supports
Anura Kumara Dissanayake to Lead Both JVP and NPP Illegally !!,"A National People’s Power (NPP) delegation led by its leader comrade Anura Kumara Dissanayake was invited to India for talks with India’s External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar, the National Security Adviser (NSA) Mr Ajit Doval and the Foreign Secretary Mr Vinay Mohan Kwatra. Dr Jaishankar’s social media posts denoted positive and productive discussions that centred on bilateral relationships, and mutual benefits. Comrade Anura is also the leader of the JVP. This is not the first engagement of the JVP with the Indian government although this recent visit is being subject to much debate and criticism mostly by political pundits. Social media posts from those affiliated with the NPP and the JVP have interpreted this visit as a recognition by India the potential of comrade Anura of winning the next presidential elections. Previously, diplomats did not endeavour to engage with the JVP because it was not seen as a strong enough political force. Circumstances have now changed with the NPP increasingly gaining more visibility, popularity and credibility, particularly among the lower middle class.",insufficient-contradictory
Every election year has a disease; coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2,"The image, which appears in numerous Facebook posts, shows a handwritten sign that reads, in part, ""Every election year has a disease."" It then lists: ""SARS-2004 Avian-2008 Swine-2010 MERS-2012 Ebola-2014 Zika-2016 Ebola-2018 Corona-2020"" [...] The posts also claim the novel coronavirus ""has a contagion factor of 2."" This refers to the number of people to which an infected person can transmit the disease, also known as the R0 number. The WHO estimates this number to be 1.4 to 2.5 for COVID-19, but estimates vary because the disease is so new. The posts use upper-range estimates for the contagion factor of the other diseases. It says that SARS has an R0 of 4. According to the WHO, SARS has an R0 in the range of 2 to 4. The posts also claim that the R0 for measles is 18. Measles is most often cited as having an R0 range of 12 to 18, and studies have found that estimates could vary more widely.",insufficient-supports
"“In April last year, our state unemployment rate hit a record low of 2.4%. Last year, Wisconsin had an all-time lowest number of unemployed workers ever in modern history.”","MADISON – The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) today released the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) preliminary employment estimates for the month of April 2023, which showed Wisconsin's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped to a record low of 2.4%. The total number of unemployed people dropped by 3,700 over the month of April and 13,300 over the year to a new record low of 72,900. In addition, total seasonally adjusted nonfarm jobs increased 3,800 over the month of April and 51,500 year-over-year to hit a new record high of 3,003,600. The total jobs number puts the state 9,600 jobs above the pre-COVID-19 peak in January 2020. Wisconsin's record low unemployment rate of 2.4% for April is down 0.1 percentage points from the March rate of 2.5%, which was the previous record low. The state's labor force participation rate increased by 0.2 percentage point over the month to 64.8%. Nationwide for the month of April, the U.S. unemployment rate was 3.4% with a labor force participation rate of 62.6%.",supports
Your state will send you free infant formula if you call Enfamil and Similac customer service numbers.,"The Enfamil Family Beginnings program is a way to earn rewards on Enfamil purchases, get discounts, free baby formula samples, and baby freebies! After signing up, you can receive special offers, get baby formula coupons, information, and more. [...] As a member of the Enfamil Family Beginnings® program, you may be eligible to receive free formula samples! [...] Get free baby essentials and more 1. Every motherhood journey is unique, so your Enfamil Family Beginnings experience is tailored to the information you provide and may vary from what another mom might experience. If you have questions about the program or would like more detail, our Family of Experts can help at 1-800-BABY123 between 7am-7pm CST M-F; 8am-4:30pm Sat.",insufficient-supports
Sweden Bans Mandatory Vaccinations Over 'Serious Heath [sic] Concerns',"Did Sweden ban mandatory vaccinations? Multiple articles have been published in various languages, claiming that Sweden has banned mandatory vaccinations. They appear to come from a communiqué put out by the controversial American alternative therapy lobby group that calls itself the National Health Federation. According to the various stories, this ban was inspired by a claim that mandatory vaccines went against the Swedish constitutional right to choose one's healthcare. So what actually happened? We tell you more.",insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland Government contingency plans for COVID-19 include turning Dundonald Ice Bowl into a morgue to store bodies temporarily. A common extension is that the SSE (Odyssey) Arena has also been earmarked as a contingency morgue.,"The claim is not accurate. The Department of Justice confirms that there are no plans to use either Dundonald Ice Bowl or the SSE Arena. The Justice Minister has stated that buildings on the Kinnegar site outside Holywood will be used as the Northern Ireland Temporary Resting Place if required. [...] ""Sadly fences are going up around Dundonald Ice Bowl as the ice rink will be used as a morgue. Im [sic] not scare mongering and this is not fake news in preparation for the worst. The odyssey is doing the same as Dundonald."" [...] ""I also read that the SSE & Dundonald Ice Bowl are being prepped as temp morgues because the real ones won’t cope.""",refutes
Salaries for state workers should be increased to Rs. 1000. - JVP,"Three trade unions, the Lanka Jathika Estate Workers Union (LJEWU), Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) and the Joint Plantation Trade Union Centre (JPTUC), are signatories to the current collective agreement. In negotiating the new agreement they have demanded that basic salaries of workers be increased by Rs. 500-1000 a day. [...] ""Workers require at least a Rs. 1,000 salary. They have to deal with leeches and leopards and face the hot sun. They deserve better pay,"" he emphasised. [...] Some plantation workers lamented that life would be difficult for their families, even in the unlikely event that wages were increased to Rs. 1,000. Sivanaiyah Ladchumanan, a 51-year-old labourer, said even the ""reasonable demand"" of a basic wage of Rs. 1,000 would be inadequate to support a family of three as prices of goods, including those for basic needs, had increased significantly.",insufficient-supports
Projections from the Department of Infrastructure indicate that 38% of all properties in Northern Ireland will be at risk of flooding by 2080.,"In terms of future risk, railway lines are the only infrastructure type in Northern Ireland projected to increase in risk from river flooding (under a low population and no additional adaptation ‘reduced whole system’ scenario). Risk increases by 50% by the 2080s with 4°C global warming at 2100. All other infrastructure types are projected to decrease in risk. Freshwater sites, electricity substations, railway lines and railway stations are projected to see an increase in risk from surface water flooding. By the 2080s in a +4°C at 2100 scenario, this increase in risk ranges from 49% for freshwater sites to 137% for railway lines. The risk to power stations is projected to decrease under all scenarios. [...] In future, climate change will increase the number of properties at risk of flooding from all sources, and these could be in areas that have not previously been at risk of flooding. The largest increase in risk in Northern Ireland is related to coastal flooding, which is projected to increase by 550% by 2080s (in a high population scenario and with 4°C global warming at 2100) (see figure 9).",insufficient-neutral
Ceuta is a territory of Spain,"Ceuta (Spanish: sewta; Arabic: سَبْتَة, romanized: Sabtah) is a Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa. It is one of several Spanish territories in Africa and, along with Melilla and the Canary Islands, one of only a few that are permanently inhabited by a civilian population. It was a regular municipality belonging to the province of Cádiz prior to the passing of its Statute of Autonomy in March 1995, henceforth becoming an autonomous city. Portugal took possession of Ceuta in 1415. During the Iberian Union 1580 to 1640, Ceuta attracted many settlers of Spanish origin. [...] Ceuta is one of the major plazas de soberanía (places of sovereignty) along with Melilla. There are also minor plazas de soberanía that include the rest of Spanish possessions that are mainly little islands with the exception of a peninsula. [...] Ceuta is an integral part of Spain, and therefore of the European Union; its border and its equivalent in Melilla are the only two land borders between the European Union and an African country.",refutes
Ntem River is a territory of Equatorial Guinea,"Río Ntem o Campo - Country:Equatorial Guinea - Site number:1310 - Area:33,000 ha - Designation date:02-06-2003 - Coordinates:02°10'N 09°51'E [...] Río Ntem o Campo. 02/06/03; Bata-Litoral; 33,000 ha; 02°13'N 009°52'E. Nature Reserve. Located along the Ntem (or Campo) river, which forms the frontier with Cameroon in the nation's north, the site has been designated for the List because of its support for vulnerable or endangered species and because it is an important source of food for fishes or spawning ground, nursery and/or migration path on which fish stocks depend. Coastal stablization and flood control have been noted as important hydrological values. The work of the forestry industry is seen as a potential threat to the ecological character of the site. Ramsar site no. 1310.",insufficient-supports
Chiengi is a territory of Democratic Republic of Congo,"""We are very worried because this thing can engulf the whole region if we are not careful,"" said Home Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu. ""What we have done is to send the head of the military to meet our colleagues in DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and the entire region because we all appreciate that we are together, we swim together or drown together."" [...] Last week, some humanitarian agencies said over 400 Congolese refugees crossed into the Chiengi district in the Luapula Province of Zambia.",supports
Eating Fruits On An Empty Stomach Cures Cancer!,"Social media posts circulating in Indonesia claim that eating fruit on an empty stomach will ""cure cancer"". The claim has circulated online in the Southeast Asian nation since at least 2013. It also recently recirculated in French-speaking African countries. But experts told AFP there is no scientific evidence to support the claim. [...] Indonesian experts also told AFP that eating fruit on an empty stomach cannot ""cure"" cancer. [...] ""There has been no scientific evidence that eating fruit on an empty stomach will cure cancer,"" he told AFP.",refutes
"claims that German philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, ""Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.""","Science, with its emphasis on empirical data and objective truths, can sometimes overlook the subtleties and nuances of existence. Wisdom, in contrast, navigates through ambiguity, embracing the uncertainties inherent in human experience.In conclusion, Immanuel Kant's quote, ""Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life,"" sheds light on the distinction between science and wisdom. While science is concerned with the accumulation and organization of knowledge about the world, wisdom encompasses the practical application of that knowledge to live a purposeful and meaningful life. However, through the lens of existentialism, we are prompted to question whether knowledge alone guarantees wisdom or if wisdom requires a more profound engagement with the complexities and uncertainties of existence. By exploring and combining different philosophical concepts, we can enhance our understanding of the profound ideas encapsulated within a seemingly simple quote.",supports
Claims to be hosting a giveaway of free Chick-fil-A for a year.,"How to Win Free Chick-Fil-A Meals for a Year [...] Winners indeed get free Chick-fil-A for a year, but the freebies are limited to one meal (sandwich, fries, medium drink) per week—so a total of 52 meals over the course of 52 weeks. Chick-fil-A estimates that each opening promotion amounts to a giveaway of $32,000 worth of food to the lucky 100 winners. [...] After New York City, the next Chick-fil-A openings—and the possibility of 100 more winners of free food for a year—are scheduled in the near future for locations including San Antonio, Texas, Marietta, Ga., and two more locations in the vicinity of New York—Port Jefferson, on Long Island, on October 7, and Jersey City, on November 4.",supports
"“SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponizing a life system model to actually attack human beings”",A novel cell culture system modeling the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle - PMID: 33711082 - PMCID: PMC7990224 - DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009439 A novel cell culture system modeling the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle,insufficient-neutral
"By 29 September last year, at least 47 people in NI had died from “vaccine injury”.",This claim misrepresents data from the Yellow Card reporting system for suspected adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines,refutes
“Putin has stated: Russian citizens (have) 2 options: Stay home for 15 days or in jail for 5 years.”,"Furthermore, events within Russia, including the attack and subsequent imprisonment of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, highlight a trend of deepening authoritarianism in the country. International human rights organizations have noted that Russia’s human rights record has continued to deteriorate in recent years. [...] The Russian government is also using legislative measures to suppress opposition voices. In late December 2020, President Putin signed a large number of bills into law, including restrictions on protests, online information, and on individuals and organizations receiving funds from foreign sources for their activities. Civil society space in Russia has continued to shrink, and legal efforts continue to target human rights defenders, and the media. Aggressive state-driven media campaigns discredit the work of civil society, and attacks on civil society actors, as in previous years, remain frequent. [...] These actions are a continuation and acceleration of the violent steps taken by Russia since early 2014 to undermine Ukrainian security and sovereignty, and have rendered the Minsk Agreements moot.",insufficient-neutral
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.""",There is no evidence that this expression originated with Einstein.,refutes
Migingo Island is a territory of Kenya,"Migingo is a 2,000-square-metre (0.49-acre; 0.20-hectare) island in Kenya on Lake Victoria.[3] The island was the center of a low-level territorial dispute between Kenya and Uganda and is extremely densely populated.[1] Migingo is a main source of fish to the Kenyan people. [...] Much, if not most, of the Ugandan protests revolve around the lucrative fishing rights, mostly for valuable Nile perch,[2] and Ugandan waters come within 510 metres (1,670 ft) of the island. In July 2009, the Ugandan government shifted its official position, stating that while Migingo Island was Kenyan, much of the waters near it were Ugandan.[15] The island had been claimed by the Ugandan government from 2008 until 11 May 2009 when President Museveni conceded that the island is in Kenya, but continued to point out that Kenyan fishermen were illegally fishing in Ugandan waters, which lie to the west of Migingo.[16] The Ugandan flag was lowered, Uganda withdrew its military troops, and agreed that all its police officers would leave the island.[9] A joint re-demarcation line of the border was launched on 2 June 2009 to recover and to place survey markers on land, making delineation of the boundary on the lake more precise, with results released in late July 2009 confirming that the island falls 510 metres (1,670 ft) on the Kenyan side of the line.[13][14]",supports
Navassa Island is a territory of Haiti,"Navassa Island (/nəˈvæsə/; Haitian Creole: Lanavaz; French: Île de la Navasse, sometimes la Navase) is a small uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea. Located northeast of Jamaica, south of Cuba, and 40 nautical miles (74 km; 46 mi) west of Jérémie on the Tiburon Peninsula of Haiti, it is subject to an ongoing territorial dispute between Haiti and the United States, which administers the island through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.[3] [...] - ^ An America Territory in Haiti, Posted September 29, 2011, CNN iReport - ^ Serge Bellegarde (October 1998). ""Navassa Island: Haiti and the U.S. – A Matter of History and Geography"". Archived from the original on October 29, 2007. Retrieved February 6, 2008.",insufficient-refutes
The Short Film “Sorry” Won An Oscar For The Best Short Film!,"A social media post accompanied by a video claims that it is a short film titled – Sorry, which allegedly won an Oscar award. Let’s check the accuracy of this claim through this article. Claim: A short film titled ‘Sorry’ won an Oscar award. [...] To find out whether the short film ‘Sorry’ won an academy award, we checked the official academy awards database available on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ website. But, ‘Sorry’ is not listed as a winner or nominee.",refutes
there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by humans[...] carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate,"The relationship between atmospheric CO2 levels and climate change is often perceived as a controversial subject. While there’s no real disagreement among climate scientists – around 90% fully agree that human activity is clearly responsible for climate change – in the United States in 2016, barely 50% of the general public came to the same conclusion. Adding to the general confusion, highly active ""climate-change deniers"" claim that temperature has evolved independently of CO2 atmospheric concentrations through Earth’s history, and that therefore today’s rising CO2 levels are not an issue. [...] Using rocks, fossils and their chemical and physical properties, geoscientists have reconstructed warm and cold periods throughout Earth’s history. To demonstrate the link between climate, temperature and pCO2 millions of years ago, we need to reconstruct each of them independently. To do so, we use climatic recorders called ""proxies"". [...] On long time scales, when pCO2 increases, warming stimulates the carbon pumps, thereby helping pCO2 to decrease. This negative feedback can act as a geological thermostat. Unfortunately, it is too slow to react rapidly enough to compensate for our fast emissions. On the timescale of a decade, warming aggravates CO2 release to the atmosphere. When temperature increases, oceans warm up and release dissolved CO2 to the atmosphere. For 2.6 million years, glacial and interglacial cycles have been forced by Earth’s orbital fluctuations and CO2 was only an internal positive feedback. Today, anthropogenic CO2 leads and amplifies the ongoing warming.",refutes
"Global COVID Vaccine Safety study shows that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, inadequately tested; getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting COVID-19","No medical intervention, including vaccines, is entirely free of risk. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a risk of certain health problems, including myocarditis and a particular type of blood clot, COVID-19 is associated with a much greater risk of developing cardiovascular, neurological, and hematological disorders compared to the vaccines. Getting vaccinated reduces the risk of severe disease and death. The benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks.",insufficient-refutes
More than 3000 stores of affordable medicines with PM bharatiya janaushadi kendras.,"New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan to deliver affordable medicines to the public through the rebranded and relaunched Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) is struggling to live up to its promise, with frequent product recalls and stock shortages hurting the availability of medicines and people’s faith in them. Launched by the UPA as the JanAushadhiYojana in November 2008, the scheme aims to ensure ""availability of quality medicines at affordable prices to all"" by selling cheaper generic medicines at more than 3,000 outlets across the country. [...] The number of Jan Aushadhi outlets has jumped manifold under the NDA government, crossing the target of 3,000 stores. However, critics say, the Modi government has gone too fast in expanding the number of outlets while failing to invest in quality control, back-end operations, supply chain management and human resources.",supports
"""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.""","At one point, the ad asserts, ""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street."" [...] The Lincoln Project ad says, ""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street."" [...] The clearest problem with the claim is the notion in the ad that ""Main Street"" is not being aided. About three-quarters of the loans in the Paycheck Protection Program were made in the smallest loan size category, one that would support a business of roughly seven to 10 people.",insufficient-refutes
Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,"Your Texas lawmakers are required — per the state’s constitution — to pass a balanced budget. They can spend any amount of the surplus before the 2022-23 biennium ends Aug. 31, or they can add all or part of it into the 2024-25 budget. Or they can do nothing with it at all. Exactly how they decide to use this enormous windfall is now the central conversation before the Texas Legislature. [...] Texas’ $32.7 billion surplus is about the size of the budget of South Carolina. It’s larger than the budgets of 24 states. Texas’ overall budget is the third biggest after California and New York, and followed by Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Florida, according to a 2022 survey conducted by the National Association of State Budget Officers.",insufficient-neutral
"""Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters"" on Jan. 6, 2021, proving the attack “was 100% a setup.""","The claim: A video shows antifa inside the Capitol building with floor plans and dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, proving the attack was a setup [...] Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that a video shows antifa inside the Capitol building with floor plans and dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, proving the attack was a setup. Experts said antifa was not involved in the Jan. 6 attack, and all evidence indicates that a pro-Trump mob was responsible for breaking into the Capitol building. Some of the rioters in the video are well-known Trump supporters. In addition, the footage does not prove that the attack was a setup. It shows events that occurred when the attack was underway.",refutes
More residents want peace walls to stay.,"This claim is accurate. While the findings from the 2015 survey are mixed, as they have also been in previous studies, there is some evidence that relationships between single identity communities along peace walls have grown more suspicious, and that the appetite for change evident in a previous 2012 survey has diminished slightly.",supports
"Claims that John Adams said, ""There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.""","American statesman John Adams, who served as U.S. president from 1797 to 1801, famously said, ""There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country: One is by the sword; the other is by debt."" China, choosing the second path, has embraced colonial-era practices and rapidly emerged as the world’s biggest official creditor. [...] The latest to fall prey to China’s debt-trap diplomacy is small Laos, which recently signed a 25-year concession agreement allowing a majority Chinese-owned company to control its national power grid, including electricity exports to neighboring countries. This shows that, despite the China-originating COVID-19 pandemic, Beijing continues to weaponize debt as part of its strategy to expand its economic, political and military presence abroad.",supports
A study showed a “weakened immune response in kids injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot”; “The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children”,"COVID-19 vaccines are effective against severe disease. The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends that children and adolescents aged six months and above receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Some research suggests that COVID-19 vaccination may temporarily change how the immune system reacts to infection from pathogens other than the virus SARS-CoV-2. However, the study didn’t show that vaccinated children have weaker immunity.",insufficient-refutes
purports CNN reported Liz Cheney endorsed Ron DeSantis for president,"Liz Cheney says she would find it ‘very difficult’ to support Ron DeSantis for president [...] That hesitance is due to Mr DeSantis’s outspoken embrace of Donald Trump, Ms Cheney said, which she called ""dangerous"" given the revelations about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and non-response to the mob attack on Congress which he himself had inspired. [...] Liz CheneyRon DeSantisDonald Trump",refutes
Swains Island is a territory of Tokelau,"Swains Island is an atoll in the Tokelau chain. Culturally a part of Tokelau, it is an unincorporated unorganized territory of the United States administered by American Samoa. Swains Island has also been known at various times as Olosenga Island, Olohega Island, Quiros Island, Gente Hermosa Island, and Jennings Island. Owned by the Jennings family and used as a copra plantation, Swains Island has a population of 37 Tokelauans, who harvest the island's coconuts.",supports
“Bill Gates explains that the COVID vaccine will use experimental technology and permanently alter your DNA”,"A recent Facebook post links to an article titled, ""Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA."" [...] A blog post shared on social media reads ""Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA."" [...] Waking Times, Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA, May 15, 2020",insufficient-supports
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""Two things inspire me to awe – the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.""","Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. The starry heavens represent the physical world. Kant’s moral law evokes an inner stirring. ""Gesetz"" usually translates as ""law,"" but it can also mean ""act."" Clearly, as a moral response arising within me, it describes my will. Despite his count of ""zwei Dinge"" or ""two things,"" Kant’s quote actually points to a 3rd elementary impenetrable as well. Notice how the quote moves from universal references to mind (Gemüt) and thoughtful reflection (Nachdenken) over to the highly personal ""starry heavens above me"" (über mir) and ""moral law within me"" (in mir). The power of his expression derives from his personal position midway between physical and ethical space. Likewise, I find myself positioned between the physical world and the will inside me.",insufficient-refutes
claims Mitt Romney has purportedly threatened to leave the Republican Party and join the Democrats,"The anticipated pivot, however, has not materialized. And the anti-immigrant demagoguery he used to wage his GOP primary battle may have cost him the general election war. A recent poll by Latino Decisions shows that Latino voter support for President Obama has actually increased to 70 percent while Gov. Romney’s numbers remain mired in the low twenties—22 percent—in this poll. [...] More recently, in obvious recognition of the dire straits he is in with this community, Gov. Romney has started running Spanish-language ads claiming that he will pursue ""bipartisan,"" ""permanent"" immigration solutions. This line of thinking echoes comments he made in front of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials in late June, where he told the audience he will ""work with Republicans and Democrats to find a long-term solution"" to immigration. But what kind of solutions and what sort of immigration agenda can we expect if Gov. Romney is elected? [...] The audience laughed at the proposal, but Gov. Romney’s stance is not a new one. Eric Fehrnstrom, one of the Romney campaign’s top advisors, told The Washington Examiner:",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that Albert Einstein once said, ""The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.""","The quote ""Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"" is a profound observation about the futility of repetition without change. It highlights the irrationality of continuing a course of action that consistently fails to produce the desired outcome, yet expecting a different result each time. This concept is applicable in various aspects of life, including personal development, business, societal issues, and relationships. In personal development, the quote emphasizes the need for self-reflection and change. People often get stuck in a cycle of repeating the same behaviors and expecting different outcomes. This could be related to unhealthy habits, toxic relationships, or unfulfilling jobs. The quote implies that if we want a different outcome, we need to change our actions and decisions. It urges us to examine our behaviors, identify what’s not working, and make necessary changes. [...] In summary, this quote is a call to action for change and innovation. It stresses that if we want different results, we must be willing to change our approaches, rethink our strategies, and be open to new possibilities. This is particularly relevant in today’s rapidly changing world, where adaptability and flexibility are crucial for success.",insufficient-neutral
"Families of the deceased persons to be given an assistance of 4 lakh rupees, up from 2.5 lakh rupees.","Supporting relatives and carers at the end of a patient’s life [...] Effective support can make a considerable difference to the relatives of people who are dying; helping to allay fears, reducing stress and anxiety, and minimising suffering in bereavement. Clear communication around practical considerations (death certificate, funeral arrangements, information around autopsy, etc) and psychosocial support (normalising grief, cultural and spiritual considerations) is key.",insufficient-neutral
"Waiting periods for gun purchases may not make a difference, because ""If somebody's decided that they're gonna take their life, they're gonna take their life.""","Yes, waiting periods on gun purchases have been linked to suicide reduction [...] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ""Handgun waiting periods reduce gun deaths,"" Nov. 14, 2017 CNN, ""Handgun waiting period laws save lives, study says,"" Oct. 16, 2017",refutes
Tom Jones is suffering from health problems and had to cancel shows.,"Tom Jones health latest: Illness which led singer to cancelling tour dates last year [...] Tom Jones, 78, kicks off his 2019 tour in April, with the first show in San Jose, California. The singer has had a busy year so far, also appearing as a judge on ITV’s The Voice. But his new tour dates come after he was forced to cancel five shows last year. The reason for the cancellations was down to his health. [...] Tom Jones health latest: The singer had to cancel tour dates last year due to illness (Image: GETTY)",supports
"Kansas City Chiefs co-owner Clark Hunt told his players, coach and staff that he would ""immediately fire"" anyone who does not stand for the playing of the national anthem.","A fake letter from Kansas City owner Clark Hunt is circulating on social media, in which Hunt allegedly prohibited his players from protesting the national anthem. [...] You will stand, with your hand over your heart and with respect, when our Country's National Anthem is being played or you will no longer be a Kansas City Chief, a Coach for the Kansas City Chiefs or any association with the Chiefs Organization! I Will immediately fire you, no matter who you are!"" You can make your political statements off the field, but when you're employed by me and I'm signing your check,",refutes
“Ron DeSantis is against fracking. He is against drilling”,"Florida’s new governor, Ron DeSantis, announced several changes to water policy today. In an executive order, DeSantis made moves to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking), dedicate money to Everglades restoration, fight algae blooms, appoint a Chief Science Officer and create an Office of Environmental Accountability and Transparency. [...] ""Today – on Thursday January 10th – Governor Ron DeSantis put out a statement announcing that he is going to direct the state Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] to adamantly oppose and ban fracking statewide in Florida. We are very happy to see the governor fulfilling the promise that he made on the campaign trail to protect Florida’s water by banning fracking statewide."" [...] ""And so seeing the governor also taking a very strong stance against drilling is incredibly important because we’re seeing the Trump administration making moves to drill in the Gulf of Mexico as well as on our East Coast. So we need to make sure that Governor DeSantis is using his power as governor to not only ensure fracking ever occurs in State waters off of our coasts but also in Federal waters as well.",supports
ABC News reporter said “government tried to kill” former President Donald Trump.,"""The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years,"" Trump said from the White House. ""Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my administration. U.S. special operations forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid in northwestern Syria and accomplished their mission in grand style."" [...] ""Our military service members and our interagency partners executed brilliantly,"" the secretary told ABC correspondent Martha Raddatz. ""So here we are. Earlier in the year, we defeated the physical caliphate — destroyed the physical caliphate — and now its leader is dead. So it's a great day."" [...] Baghdadi was in a compound with a few other men and women and a large number of children. ""Our special operators have tactics and techniques and procedures they go through to try and call him out,"" Esper said. ""But at the end of the day, as the president said, he decided to kill himself and took some small children with him, we believe.""",insufficient-neutral
Recent picture of Deepika Padukone posing in saffron-coloured heels,"The post shared Deepika Padukone’s old photo taken at the Cannes International Film Festival in 2019. The photo is old and has nothing to do with the ongoing controversy over Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s starrer film ‘Pathaan’. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.",refutes
"The ice caps were going to melt. They were going to be gone by now, but now they're setting records","President Trump also made incorrect statements regarding sea ice cover. While scientists have indicated that the Arctic and Antarctica saw record lows for sea ice in 2017, President Trump suggested that sea ice cover is expanding, stating: ""The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records, so OK, they’re at a record level.""",insufficient-refutes
"Claims that John Adams said, ""There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.""","John Adams, 1735-1826 [...] You’re currently reading """"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. John Adams, 1735-1826,"" an entry on Gheorghe47 - Published:",insufficient-supports
"“This month alone, more than 16,000 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls in 3 states.”","Sen. Rick Scott said 3 states removed thousands of noncitizens on voter rolls. Here’s what we know [...] Three Republican-led states — Alabama, Texas and Virginia — have taken steps to remove or flag ineligible people on the voter rolls, since at least 2021. This included noncitizens, or potential noncitizens, according to state officials. [...] Here is what we know about the efforts to remove noncitizen voters in three states:",insufficient-supports
Under the new criminal laws electronic messages can be used as evidence in court.,"Introduction to using digital evidence in court cases: In today's digital age, the use of electronic communication has become increasingly prevalent. From social media platforms to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, people are constantly communicating and sharing information through various digital channels. As a result, the courts have had to adapt to this new form of evidence and determine its admissibility in legal proceedings. Digital evidence refers to any type of information or data that is stored or transmitted electronically and can be used as proof in a court case. This includes text messages, emails, social media posts, GPS location data, and more. Such evidence can play a crucial role in legal cases as it provides concrete proof of conversations or actions that may have taken place. The use of digital evidence has become particularly relevant in criminal cases where it can help establish timelines, corroborate witness statements, and even provide alibis. In civil cases, it can be used to prove agreements between parties or document instances of harassment or discrimination. However, the admissibility of digital evidence in court cases is not always straightforward.",insufficient-supports
A post shared on Twitter claims Mexican television reported that cartels have dozens of AT4s sourced from Ukraine.,"Ukrainian MoD data on Russian losses: ~208 910 KIAs, 3 819 MBTs, 7 490 AIVs, 6 267 wheeled transports, 465 specialized vehicles, 3 501 artillery guns, 575 MLRS, 335 AA systems, 313 aircraft, 298 helicopters, 3 137 UAVs, 1 117 1 ""Good goyim, you did your job""; words fail me, when I try to express my hatred of the kikes, this one in particular. 397 missiles shot down, 18 naval vessels. Explosions during the night in Kursk. Local authorities claim they shot down the attacking Ukrainian UAVs. Kiev was again attacked with missiles and drones. ZeroHedge and other altmedia outlets write that Mexican cartel members were spotted with AT4 disposable anti-tank rockets. Strong suspicion was expressed that these weapons came from the deliveries made to Ukraine. FSB accused Apple corporation of spying on Russian diplomats. Apparently, Apple provided backdoor for American NSA spooks1 to infect thousands of Apple ""smart"" phones, belonging to Russian diplomats, with spying software. Cracks appeared on piers of the Crimean Bridge. I would not be surprised if this happened at the spans, which were affected by the explosion.",insufficient-supports
"claims that Irish playwright Oscar Wilde once stated, ""Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.""","This quote from legendary Irish writer Oscar Wilde concludes with the reason why you should do it: (because) ""everyone else is already taken""! [...] Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken - Meaning 1. We All Are Different Since Birth [...] That's the other reason why you should be yourself, because really everyone else is already taken.",supports
"“When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing. They were broke.”","Chris Christie stated on December 13, 2023 in a town hall in Londonderry, New Hampshire: Under the Trump administration's trade deal, ""China's only fulfilled one-third of the promises of agricultural products that they were supposed to buy from our farmers."" Nikki Haley stated on November 28, 2023 in an event in Derry, N.H.: China ""had the largest naval fleet in the world. They had 370 ships. They'll have 400 ships in two years. We won't even have 350 ships in two decades."" Ron DeSantis stated on October 24, 2023 in a town hall in New Hampshire: ""The Republicans and Trump funded $400 million in March of 2020 for mail ballots."" Donald Trump stated on October 23, 2023 in remarks at a rally in Derry, N.H.: ""When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing. Vivek Ramaswamy stated on October 18, 2023 in a press gaggle in New Hampshire: ""Russia has hypersonic missile capabilities ahead of that of the U.S."" Chris Sununu stated on June 26, 2018 in an interview: ""Every time they’ve done those border patrols, they’ve taken out people who have trafficked drugs. [...] Donald Trump stated on October 23, 2023 in remarks at a rally in Derry, N.H.: ""When I came into office, Iran had $70 billion in foreign exchange reserves. … By the time I left, they had nothing.",insufficient-supports
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.,"Laboratory measurements first established that CO2 is a greenhouse gas in the 1850s—a result that is easily confirmed today. This means that it absorbs radiation at infrared wavelengths, allowing sunlight to pass through to the Earth but trapping heat that is emitted back to space.",refutes
"""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt.""","Matt Gaetz stated on October 1, 2023 in an interview on ABC's ""This Week"" ""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt."" Mike Pence stated on August 23, 2023 in a Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee ""I actually pushed the Deficit Reduction Act. That was the last time we actually reduced the national debt in the United States, when I was the leader of House conservatives."" TikTok posts stated on June 22, 2023 in a post A new law allows people to permanently erase unpaid debt older than two years from their credit records. Load more [...] Matt Gaetz stated on October 1, 2023 in an interview on ABC's ""This Week"" ""Since the mid-'90s, this country has been governed by revolving continuing resolution and omnibus spending bill(s). … That is the reason we're $33 trillion in debt.""",insufficient-neutral
"""Antifa was already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters"" on Jan. 6, 2021, proving the attack “was 100% a setup.""","The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was not a ""setup"" by antifa activists who were ""already inside the Capitol with floor plans dressed as Trump supporters."" The viral Facebook post making that claim revived a debunked conspiracy theory. A University of Chicago research group that has examined 900 people charged to date has found no evidence of antifa involvement in the day's events. A video captured amid the attack does not show antifa; it shows a group of pro-Trump rioters, including some whose support for former President Donald Trump has been documented in charging documents, discussing the Capitol’s layout after breaching it.",refutes
Susta River is a territory of Nepal,"Susta is a disputed territory along the border of Nepal and India. When the Treaty of Sugauli was signed, Susta was on the right side of the Gandaki River; the river's shifting course means that it is now on the left.5 The irony of wanting to contain something that disrupts the very idea of containment is laid bare here. [...] An area of some 5,000 acres . . . of land in Narsahi-Susta area adjoining the Gandak river in West Champaran district has been encroached upon by Nepalese nationals. There is a difference of perception of the boundary alignment between India and Nepal in this area due to shifting of rivers. [...] Susta has always been a part of Nepal and we are Nepali.",insufficient-supports
"The share of GDP allocated for education (primary, secondary and tertiary) saw an increase from 3.29 per cent in 2004-2005 to 3.83 per cent in 2012-13.",The Congress party has made a series of claims about the budget allocation & expenditure on education and health during the UPA. The following article is a fact check of the claims made on the Congress website.,insufficient-neutral
Logoba is a territory of Uganda,"The paper said southern Sudan officials on Wednesday met their Ugandan counterparts at Logoba, about 10 kilometers inside Uganda from the disputed border post of Jale, to protest the construction of a road and a border post allegedly inside Sudan. [...] ""We also have our consultants in Kenya who came to Jale hills and told us that Uganda had encroached on our land by six miles at Logoba,"" Kenyi claimed.",insufficient-neutral
Northern Ireland eats more meat than in the rest of the UK.,"This claim is accurate. According to recent survey reports. For adults aged 19 to 64 years, the mean consumption in Northern Ireland was 82 grams per day, compared to 71 grams for all of the UK; yet for Ireland the figure is 108 grams (adults aged 18 to 64 years).",supports
The models predicted about three times the amount of warming in the world we’ve seen since [1988].,"""The real message is that the warming we have experienced is pretty much exactly what climate models predicted it would be as much as 30 years ago,"" he said. ""This really gives us more confidence that today’s models are getting things largely right as well."" [...] Hausfather and his colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies evaluated the models based on how well they predicted the actual global mean temperature — Earth’s average temperature — based on the levels of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, are responsible for a rise of nearly 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in global mean temperatures since 1880, two-thirds of that since 1975. [...] One of the iconic climate models, and one that first brought the issue of climate change to broad public attention, was published by James Hansen of NASA in 1988. However, his predictions for temperatures after 1988 were 50% higher than the actual global mean temperatures in those years.",insufficient-refutes
Táliga is a territory of Portugal,"Táliga (Spanish: [ˈtaliɣa]) or Talega (Portuguese: [tɐˈlɛɣɐ]) is a Spanish town and municipality located near the border with Portugal, in the province of Badajoz, in the Spanish autonomous community of Extremadura. Portugal considers Táliga, as well as neighbouring Olivenza, a de jure part of the Portuguese concelho of Olivenza, occupied by Spain since 1801. (See Olivenza#Claims of sovereignty). Under Portuguese administration, Táliga was a freguesia (parish) of the concelho (municipality) of Olivenza. It became an independent municipality in 1850, already under Spanish administration. [...] External links [edit]Wikimedia Commons has media related to Táliga.",refutes
"Udeshika Prabodini, A Female Cricket Player Is Very Poor Financially !!","Recently, social media has been abuzz with claims regarding Sri Lankan cricketer Udeshika Prabodini. The posts suggest Prabodini, who is 38 and one of the senior-most players in the team, is financially struggling. Prabodini played a key role in Sri Lanka's recent Asia Cup victory as the opening bowler. [...] He emphasised that Udeshika has been playing for the Sri Lanka cricket team since 2008 and is financially stable. As a contract player, she gets a monthly salary in addition to the other special allowances all the team players get on special assignments and tours. [...] The claims circulating on social media about Udeshika Prabodini’s financial struggles and her use of public transportation are unfounded. Prabodini’s family is well-equipped with vehicles, and her choice is public transport as she does not favour driving vehicles.",refutes
An African President shared is support for Trump after he was arrested,"The booking photo was taken on August 24, when Trump was arrested in Fulton County, Georgia, on charges connected to his efforts to overturn his defeat in the state in the 2020 election. [...] Facts First: National public polls do not show anything close to an increase of ""four and five times"" in Black support for Trump since his mug shot was taken, either in a race against President Joe Biden or in his own favorability rating; Trump’s campaign did not respond to CNN’s request to identify any poll that corroborates Trump’s claim. Most polls conducted after the release of the mug shot did find a higher level of Black support for Trump than he had in previous polls – but the increases were within the polls’ margins of error, not massive spikes, so it’s not clear whether there was a genuine improvement or the bump was just statistical noise. In addition, one poll found a decline in Trump’s strength with Black voters in a race against Biden, while another found a decline in his favorability with Black respondents even as he improved in a race against Biden. [...] One of the five polls, by Emerson College, showed Trump’s standing with Black registered voters worsening after the mug shot was released, though this change was also within the margin of error. In Emerson’s mid-August poll, Trump had about 27% Black support in a race against Biden; in its late-August poll, he had about 19% support.",insufficient-neutral
Climate Change Is A Scam !!,"The claims made in the viral social media video are misleading and incomplete. While the discussion in the video attempts to discredit the reality of climate change by citing irrelevant data and presenting incomplete arguments, a comprehensive review of scientific literature and evidence strongly supports the reality of anthropogenic climate change.",refutes
"Ventilators, not COVID, killed hospitalized COVID patients","Ventilators were commonly deployed for critically ill COVID-19 patients who developed trouble breathing. The way ventilators were used initially during the pandemic was based on doctors’ experiences of treating other, known types of pneumonia. Over time, as doctors gained a better understanding of COVID-19, their approach to ventilator use also evolved. While it is probable that ventilators were used on some patients who might not have needed it in the end, the claim that ventilators, not COVID-19, were responsible for killing the majority of COVID-19 patients isn’t substantiated by evidence.",refutes
"Tariffs are a “direct, regressive tax on Americans” and President Joe Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods will “hit every family.”","President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump will be America’s two presidential candidates in 2024 and their approaches to economic competition with China will prominently feature in the 2024 presidential debate. They each have a body of work over their first term in office to evaluate the results of their policies toward China. On the surface, their approaches are similar. Both presidents view themselves as ""self-strengtheners,"" leaders who prioritize bolstering America’s economic prosperity. Trump adopted tariffs on Chinese imports and Biden upheld them. There also are some rhetorical through lines in how the Trump and Biden administrations have talked about economic competition with China. [...] The ensuing trade war cost the U.S. economy nearly 300,000 jobs. The tariffs served as a regressive tax on imported goods that were primarily borne by American consumers. Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Columbia University found that U.S. companies lost at least $1.7 trillion in stock value from U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports. [...] In an apparent nod to the political salience of Trump’s tariffs, the Biden administration has not removed or lowered the China tariffs it inherited. Even though the tariffs are inflationary, and despite the fact that Biden and members of his team slammed the tariffs during the 2020 election campaign, the tariffs remain in place. This constancy likely reflects Biden’s political instincts. Even if he lacks conviction on the policy merits of sustaining the tariffs, Biden recognizes that removing them would carry greater political costs than benefits.",insufficient-contradictory
"Numerous universities, 7 IITs, 7 IIMs, 14 IIITs, 1 NIT, 103 KVs and 62 Navodaya Vidyalayas established and have started functioning.","In an infographic published by the government on the 48-months portal, there are three claims relating to education in the country. This article is a fact check of the claims.",insufficient-neutral
“Most of the victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by [...] wearing masks”,"Scientists announced Monday that they may have solved one of history's biggest biomedical mysteries—why the deadly 1918 ""Spanish flu"" pandemic, which killed perhaps 50 million people worldwide, largely targeted healthy young adults. (Related: ""How Flu Viruses Attack."") [...] Instead, people aged 18 to 29 died in droves during the outbreak, which killed about 1 in 200 of victims. [...] The overall message of the study is a hopeful one, say the researchers, because the bacterial pneumonia secondary to the 1918 flu that killed most of its victims is treatable with modern antibiotics.",insufficient-supports
The spike protein induced by COVID-19 vaccines is toxic and causes diseases and deaths; nattokinase can counter these effects,"No scientific evidence supports McCullough’s claim that the spike protein exposure induced by COVID-19 vaccination is toxic, as Health Feedback explained in earlier reviews. As others did before, McCullough misinterpreted the results of studies that evaluated the effect of the viral spike protein, not the one induced by vaccination. [...] After spending the interview enumerating the wide range of harmful effects that COVID-19 vaccines allegedly cause, McCullough talked about a dietary supplement supposedly capable of countering them all. This supplement contained nattokinase, an enzyme that was first isolated from a traditional Japanese dish called natto and made of fermented soybeans. [...] No evidence suggests that the spike protein induced by COVID-19 vaccination is toxic. McCullough’s claims that COVID-19 vaccines caused a rise in mortality and medical conditions are also unsupported by scientific evidence. Instead, studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe COVID-19 and death.",refutes
The Woman Accompanying Dhanushka To Court Is His Lawyer!,"Sri Lanka Cricket hires new lawyers for Dhanushka Gunathilaka Lawyer Ananda Amaranath, who was handling Dhanushka Gunathilaka’s case in court on Monday (November 07), has withdrawn from the case. [...] Meanwhile Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) has decided to pay legal fees on behalf of Dhanushka Gunathilaka.",insufficient-contradictory
Northern Ireland has the highest rate of femicide in Western Europe,"Northern Ireland has the second highest rate (0.53) of female intentional homicide victims by intimate partner, per 100,000 inhabitants, in Western Europe, as defined by WEOG (given the lack of definition of “Western Europe”) and the regions covered by the data published by Eurostat.",refutes
30 Navy SEALs died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on March 11,"NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead [...] The Taliban asserted responsibility for the attack and the deaths of the 30 U.S. service members and eight Afghans on board. In addition to the 22 SEALs, there were eight U.S. troops from the Army and the Air Force. [...] KABUL — A NATO helicopter was shot down during an overnight operation against the Taliban in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 U.S. service members, including about 20 SEALs from the elite SEAL Team 6 counterrorism unit that carried out the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, the coalition said.",insufficient-supports
There are no FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines on the U.S market as of May 2023,"The COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have been extensively tested and shown to be safe and effective against the disease. Emergency Use Authorizations allow for a faster distribution of vaccines in the context of an ongoing pandemic that poses a public health threat compared to a full approval which would require more time. As of 2023, the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines are fully approved for people aged over 12 and 18, respectively. These vaccines as well as those by other companies have received emergency use authorizations for use in other age groups or as booster shots.",insufficient-refutes
claims the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a UFO on its livestream,"""Recent #nasa ISS video footage of a #ufo,"" reads the caption. ""Iv (sic) increased the speed of the footage as the original is 22 minutes long."" The object captured on video is not a UFO, but rather a retired communications component being jettisoned from the ISS. A NASA spokeswoman confirmed the operation was planned in advance. UFO enthusiast Scott Waring spotted the supposed UFO while watching a Feb. 21 ISS livestream. In the video, the object in question can be seen floating below the ISS for roughly 22 minutes before disappearing from the camera’s view. (RELATED: Did NASA Spend More Than $165 Million To Develop Pens That Work In Space?)",refutes
"Former President Donald Trump ""intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax ... that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year.""","During his 2024 presidential campaign, former President Donald Trump has repeatedly proposed wide-ranging tariffs on imported goods. The specific projected dollar impact on consumers varies. Two estimates we found broadly support Harris’ $4,000 figure; two others show a smaller — though still significant — impact.",insufficient-supports
“Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety.”,The_Ghostface 12 jun 278 blankMadeMeSmile subscribe Lego donates model MRI kits to hospitals I to help children understand the procedure >and reduce their anxiety 93 comments Aman has been diagnosed with cancer in lego city! Putins_Pringles id #blankmademesmile#subscribe#lego#donates#mri#kits#hospitals#help#children#understand#procedure#reduce#anxiety#comments#aman#has#been#diagnosed#cancer#city,insufficient-supports
Project 2025 mandates women carry “period passports” to “track their menstrual cycles” and “monitor pregnancies.”,"In a shocking announcement, Trump’s #Project2025 group proposes the implementation of ""period passports"" for women to track their menstrual cycles. These passports would be mandatory and women would have to present them to police officers during random ID checks to monitor pregnancies. The proposal has sparked outrage and calls for support of Biden-Harris. Stay informed on this controversial development. #WeSupportBidenHarris. BREAKING: Trump’s #Project2025 group says women should be mandated to carry ""period passports"" that track their menstrual cycles and must be kept up to date, and women must present these to police officers during random ID checks to monitor pregnancies.#WeSupportBidenHarris — Storm (@StormMage18) July 7, 2024 [...] In a shocking development, Trump’s Project 2025 group has proposed a controversial idea that has sparked outrage across the nation. According to a tweet by Storm (@StormMage18), the group suggests that women should be required to carry ""period passports"" to track their menstrual cycles. These passports would need to be kept up to date and presented to police officers during random ID checks to monitor pregnancies. This proposal has raised concerns about privacy, autonomy, and gender equality.",supports
“Caitlin Clark rejects $400 million deal from Nike” saying “not with that Kaepernick clown.’”,"In an unexpected move that has sent shockwaves through both the sports and business worlds, Caitlin Clark, one of the brightest stars in women’s basketball, has turned down a $400 million endorsement deal from Nike. The reason for her rejection? Her disapproval of Nike’s ongoing partnership with Colin Kaepernick, whom she referred to as ""that Kaepernick clown."" This bold decision by Clark has ignited intense debate and highlighted the intersection of sports, politics, and personal values in the realm of athlete endorsements. [...] For Caitlin Clark, rejecting the $400 million deal is a bold statement that could have lasting implications for her career. Financially, the deal would have provided significant resources and security. However, Clark’s decision underscores her commitment to her personal beliefs and public image. [...] Caitlin Clark’s rejection of a $400 million deal from Nike, citing her disapproval of Colin Kaepernick, is a bold and unprecedented move in the world of sports endorsements. It highlights the complex interplay between personal values, professional opportunities, and public perception.",supports
Haa District is a territory of Republic of China,"The People’s Republic of China has two distinct territories known as Special Administrative Regions (SARs). These territories are known as Hong Kong and Macau. Both are located along the coast of southern China. In fact, they are just 60 km from each other. Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Estuary, while Macau is on the western side of it. Both Hong Kong and Macau were formerly European colonies that were returned to Chinese sovereignty. Both SARs also have a certain degree of economic and political autonomy, as opposed to other provinces and autonomous regions of China. Hong Kong is larger and much more populous than Macau. It is also one of the most important centers of economic activity in the world. For its part, Macau does not boast the same level of economic importance as Hong Kong, though it is a popular tourist destination, as well as a mecca for gambling.",insufficient-neutral
Prevlaka is a territory of Croatia,"Prevlaka is a small peninsula in southern Croatia, near the border with Montenegro on the eastern Adriatic coast. [...] The word prevlaka means portage. Cape Oštro (Punta d'Ostro), located at the very tip of the peninsula, is the southernmost point of mainland in Croatia. [...] An agreement was signed by both sides five days before the departure of the UNMOP that demilitarized Prevlaka and effectively made it a neutral territory, though implementation still has a temporary character.",refutes
"Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English.”","Viral image stated on June 19, 2022 in an Instagram post: A photo shows Marjorie Taylor Greene wearing a Soviet shirt and giving a Nazi salute. Viral image stated on February 17, 2022 in a Facebook post: Says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said, ""If it weren’t for electricity, we’d all be watching TV by candlelight."" Facebook posts stated on July 26, 2021 in a Facebook post: Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, ""Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English."" [...] Viral image stated on February 17, 2022 in a Facebook post: Says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said, ""If it weren’t for electricity, we’d all be watching TV by candlelight."" Facebook posts stated on July 26, 2021 in a Facebook post: Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, ""Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English."" [...] Facebook posts stated on July 26, 2021 in a Facebook post: Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, ""Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English.""",insufficient-supports
purports to show British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak partying,"A video accurately showed U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak dancing shirtless at a party in Ibiza, Spain. [...] On Aug. 7, 2023, a viral tweet claimed to show U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak dancing shirtless at a party in Ibiza, Spain. In the video, a man who looks remarkably similar in appearance to Sunak is in sunglasses and black swim trunks, and is dancing while holding an orange cup. [...] ""Debunking Claims That UK PM Rishi Sunak Was Filmed Dancing in Ibiza."" FRANCE 24 English., Accessed 8 Aug. 2023.",insufficient-supports
Spratly Islands is a territory of Republic of China,"The Spratly Islands (Filipino: Kapuluan ng Kalayaan;[1] Mandarin Chinese: 南沙群島/南沙群岛; pinyin: Nánshā Qúndǎo; Malay: Kepulauan Spratly; Vietnamese: Quần đảo Trường Sa) are a disputed archipelago in the South China Sea. Composed of islands, islets, cays,[2] and more than 100 reefs, sometimes grouped in submerged old atolls,[3] the archipelago lies off the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. Named after the 19th-century British whaling captain Richard Spratly who sighted Spratly Island in 1843, the islands contain less than 2 km2 (490 acres) of naturally occurring land area, which is spread over an area of more than 425,000 km2 (164,000 sq mi).",insufficient-contradictory
Demchok sector is a territory of People's Republic of China,"The Demchok[lower-alpha 1] sector is a disputed area named after the villages of Demchok, Ladakh and Dêmqog, Tibet, situated near the confluence of the Charding Nullah and Indus River. It is a part of the greater Sino-Indian border dispute between China and India. Both China and India claim the disputed region, with a Line of Actual Control between the two nations situated along the Charding Nullah.[lower-alpha 2] [...] - ↑ Arpi, Claude (19 May 2017). ""The Case of Demchok"". Indian Defence Review. ""The talks were held in Beijing between Zhang Hanfu, China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, N. Raghavan, the Indian Ambassador to China and T.N. Kaul, his Chargé d'Affaires and Chen Chai-Kang, a Director. They lasted from December 1953 till end of April 1954. [...] Kaul objected, Demchok was in India, he told Chen who answered that India's border was further on the West of the Indus. On Kaul's insistence Chen said ""There can be no doubt about actual physical possession which can be verified on spot but to avoid any dispute we may omit mention of Demchok"". [...] In October 1962, the Demchok sub-sector was held by the 7 J&K Militia. The PLA launched an attack on October 22. [...] The PLA eventually withdrew, but occupied the southern part of Demchok.""",insufficient-neutral
Glorioso Islands is a territory of France,"The Glorieuses or Glorioso Islands (Îles Glorieuses or officially also Archipel des Glorieuses) are a group of French islands and rocks totaling 5 square kilometres (1,200 acres). They are controlled by France as part of the Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French overseas territory, but are also claimed by Comoros, Madagascar and formerly by Seychelles. They are geographically part of the Comoro Islands between the French overseas region of Mayotte and the nation of Madagascar. [...] While probably earlier known to Arab (perhaps especially Yemeni) navigators, the Glorieuses were named and settled in 1880 by a Frenchman, Hippolyte Caltaux, who established a coconut plantation on Grande Glorieuse. The archipelago became a French possession in 1892 when Captain Richard of the Primauget made a formal claim. In 1895, the Glorioso Island became a part of the colony of Mayotte and dependencies. [...] In 2012, France founded Glorioso Islands Marine Natural Park, a marine protected area, to preserve the endangered flora and fauna of the islands.",refutes
Says of Gov. Tony Evers and 2020 violence in Kenosha after the police shooting of Jacob Blake: “It took the loss of lives before help finally came.”,"Most notable is this claim: ""It took the loss of lives before help finally came."" [...] In an ad, Empower Wisconsin said of Evers and Kenosha violence: ""It took the loss of lives before help finally came."" [...] Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, After calls for unity and healing, tension still simmers in Kenosha after police shooting of Jacob Blake, Aug. 28, 2020",insufficient-neutral
Elon Musk filed $60 Million suit against The View,The claim stems from a satirical site. There is no evidence Musk is suing the show or network.,refutes
Zelensky Tell World Leaders To Spend All Their Money On Weapons To Attack Russia!!,"Zelenskyy: I say [to] such person from government or mayors: Think about the war, think about how to defend our people. Don't travel through the world each day, travel to the front line. Ask people, ask soldiers what they need. Do this, not build roads for today. Don't do it. Spend all your money to the weapon, to the drones, to the society, to the pensions and et cetera. And don't cry. Because you are leaders and that's it. That's why, that's why we are and we stayed because mostly people are not crying. People stay and fight against Putin. And we don't have any enemies in our country. We can't have time for this and we don't have it. We have only one enemy, this is Putin, and that's it. So, in response to Baier's fourth question Zelenskyy did say, ""Do this, not build roads for today. Don't do it. Spend all your money to the weapon, to the drones, to the society, to the pensions and et cetera. [...] We have only one enemy, this is Putin, [...]."" However, his remarks weren't directed at Western countries or Western leaders, but instead at the Ukrainian leaders who had criticized him.",insufficient-refutes
“Violent crime is near a record 50-year low.”,"""Claiming that Florida is unsafe is a total farce,"" DeSantis said in the announcement. ""I mean, are you kidding me? You look at cities around this country, they are awash in crime. In Florida, our crime rate is at a 50-year low."" But his statement rests on patchy, incomplete crime data. About half of the agencies that police more than 40% of the state’s population are missing from figures the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) used for a state-wide estimation. [...] Putting the crime data quality issue aside, DeSantis’ claims about Florida’s declining crime rates follow long-term national trends, and should not be a surprise to the public, according to Asher. ""‘Crime is at a 50-year low’ should sort of be ‘no duh,’"" he said. ""Crime is falling. It's not that big of a deal."" Both property crime and violent crimes have been on the decline nationally, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, a Justice Department program that surveys 150,000 households about crimes that happened to them.",supports
List of Israeli Products to Boycott!!,"The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is urging a military embargo on Israel, a boycott of firms ‘complicit’ in Israel’s occupation, and the cancelling of academic, cultural and sporting events in the country as the latest escalation of violence has killed at least 122 Palestinians and wounded more than 900. [...] Grassroots power in the form of boycotts has proven to be effective. Here are 4 consumer products you can boycott to help fight Israeli impunity. #BoycottHP, #BoycottPuma, #BoycottSodaStream and boycott Israeli products like avocados & dates in your local supermarkets. — BDS movement (@BDSmovement) May 13, 2021 [...] The list of firms targeted for non-violent action by BDS reads like a Who’s Who of the global economy: Elbit Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Puma, Caterpillar, General Mills/Pillsbury, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Volvo, Barclays Bank, Alstom, Motorola Solutions, CEMEX, JCB, G4S/Allied Universal, AXA and CAF, among others.",insufficient-supports
A British Army veteran who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles is 54 times more likely than a Republican or Loyalist paramilitary to be prosecuted for alleged offences pre-dating the 1998 Belfast Agreement.,"Victims condemn Northern Ireland Troubles prosecutions call - Published [...] NI's Attorney General John Larkin said there should be an end to investigations into killings before the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. [...] Mr Larkin told the BBC: ""More than 15 years have passed since the Belfast Agreement, there have been very few prosecutions, and every competent criminal lawyer will tell you the prospects of conviction diminish, perhaps exponentially, with each passing year, so we are in a position now where I think we have to take stock.",insufficient-neutral
Outer Mongolia is a territory of Mongolia,"In 1925, after negotiations between Sun Yat-sen and the Soviet representative, A. A. Joffe, a pact was signed by China and Soviet Russia. The latter therein declared: ""The Government of the U.S.S.R. recognizes that Outer Mongolia is a part of the Chinese Republic and honors the sovereign rights of China. The Government of the U.S.S.R. declares that as soon as the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Outer Mongolia . . . is practical . . . all troops of the U.S.S.R. will be withdrawn. . . ."" [...] Let us now recapitulate. Until the signature of the Soviet-Chinese Treaty on August 14 of this year, China's position was that the territory of Outer Mongolia, as comprised by the boundaries that existed before the Mongolian revolution, was, at any rate technically, part of China. Millions of Chinese waited only the lifting of boundary barriers to flow into the country, to farm its fertile plateaus and sloping hills and to exploit the wealth hidden in its earth.",refutes
Modi government reconstructed the Sharda Peeth temple situated in PoK,"Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) – Amit Shah, Union Home Minister, inaugurated ancient Shri Sharada temple (Sharada Peeth) that was restored recently, in an online event on 22nd March. The temple is located in Teetwal of the Karnah sector near LoC, in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It is 30 km away from Kupwara. For several decades, the temple was in ruins. Amit Shah said during the event, ‘Similar to the Kartarpur corridor, our Government is working on building a road to Shri Sharada temple. Since the abrogation of article 370, Kashmir’s ancient culture and traditions are being restored. Sharada Peeth is a historical centre of India’s cultural, religious and academic heritage. Once upon a time, the Sharada Peeth was the centre of knowledge in this subcontinent. Scholars across the country used to visit here to gain spiritual knowledge. The Idol of goddess has been installed here before the ‘Chaitra Navaratri’. This is not just the restoration of a temple but the beginning of research about the Sharada civilization. This is one of the Shakti Peethas. Mother Sati’s left hand had fallen here. The Amrut found during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean) was also brought here. Two drops of the Amrut fell here and they stayed in the form of an Idol. Adi Shankaracharya also visited this place and praised goddess Shri Saraswati’.",insufficient-supports
Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting,"Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s. The upward trend in the Antarctic, however, is only about a third of the magnitude of the rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. The new Antarctic sea ice record reflects the diversity and complexity of Earth’s environments, said NASA researchers. Claire Parkinson, a senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, has referred to changes in sea ice coverage as a microcosm of global climate change. Just as the temperatures in some regions of the planet are colder than average, even in our warming world, Antarctic sea ice has been increasing and bucking the overall trend of ice loss. [...] Since the late 1970s, the Arctic has lost an average of 20,800 square miles (53,900 square kilometers) of ice a year; the Antarctic has gained an average of 7,300 square miles (18,900 sq km). On Sept. 19 this year, for the first time ever since 1979, Antarctic sea ice extent exceeded 7.72 million square miles (20 million square kilometers), according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The ice extent stayed above this benchmark extent for several days. The average maximum extent between 1981 and 2010 was 7.23 million square miles (18.72 million square kilometers).",supports
"British authorities denied Savarkar the barrister degree and law practice, because Savarkar refused to take the oath of allegiance/loyalty to the British Empire",Savarkar was denied admission to the bar at Gray’s Inn because of his involvement in political activities. Historical documents endorsed the same view. Biographies of Savarkar also mentioned it is his involvement in political activities cost him admission to the bar. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.,insufficient-refutes
“WNBA organizers have officially announced an investigation into the referees in all of Caitlin Clark's games for ignoring all dirty actions by her opponents against her.”,"One day after the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority announced an unprecedented $1.2 million sponsorship of the dozen Aces, the WNBA announced it was opening an investigation into the deal. [...] Davis said the WNBA using the word investigation could have a chilling effect on other potential sponsors both in Las Vegas and other markets. [...] ""Nike is an owner of the WNBA and they're allowed to sponsor Caitlin Clark for $28 million on one player. And nobody's complaining or investigating,"" Davis said. ""And I think it's great that Nike's doing that. But let's give credit to where credit's due: Las Vegas Convention Authority is stepping up and recognizing these women.""",insufficient-neutral
Concept design of car safety belt in 1960s that goes around the neck,"Considering the chronology of evolution of the seat belts, there is no mention of any safety belt that goes around the neck. Volvo developed a modern three-point seat belt, which is in use now. After this successful intervention, it is highly unlikely that inventors tested a safety belt that goes around the neck. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.",insufficient-refutes
“Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase: Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”; long COVID is caused by persistent spike protein in the body,"Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 - PMID: 36080170 - PMCID: PMC9458005 - DOI: 10.3390/molecules27175405 Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged as a pandemic and has inflicted enormous damage on the lives of the people and economy of many countries worldwide. However, therapeutic agents against SARS-CoV-2 remain unclear. SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein (S protein), and cleavage of the S protein is essential for viral entry. Nattokinase is produced by Bacillus subtilis var. natto and is beneficial to human health. In this study, we examined the effect of nattokinase on the S protein of SARS-CoV-2. When cell lysates transfected with S protein were incubated with nattokinase, the S protein was degraded in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that S protein on the cell surface was degraded when nattokinase was added to the culture medium. Thus, our findings suggest that nattokinase exhibits potential for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection via S protein degradation.",insufficient-supports
"claims Lewis Carroll once wrote, ""You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.""","You know what the issue is with this world, everyone wants a mag… By: Author TV Fanatic Staff Posted on Published: March 27, 2012 · 1:47 PM EDT · 0 Comments Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Threads Pinterest Jefferson: You know what the issue is with this world, everyone wants a magical solutions for their problems and everyone refuses to believe in magic. Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Threads Pinterest",insufficient-neutral
Karnataka football team made to wait outside CM Siddiramaiah’s residence and made to sit outside for 3 hours,"Who is Siddaramaiah - the next Karnataka CM? [...] Siddaramaiah's supporters gather outside his residence, pour milk over his poster As reports came in indicating that Siddaramaiah is likely to be named Karnataka CM once again, supporters of the Congress leader gathered outside his home in Bengaluru and poured milk over his poster, raising slogans. Visuals on local channels showed heavy celebrations as supporters burst crackers and danced on the streets. An official announcement is yet to be made by the Congress party on their decision.",insufficient-neutral
Moderna was already producing COVID-19 vaccines before the beginning of the pandemic,"FULL CLAIM: Moderna was already producing COVID-19 vaccines before the beginning of the pandemic; its CEO, Stéphane Bancel, predicted the pandemic [...] Another iteration of that type of claim is that Stéphane Bancel, CEO of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine company Moderna, declared that Moderna was already producing 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 2019, prior to the pandemic. This declaration would have occurred during a panel titled ""The state of the pandemic"" at the World Economic Forum in Davos on 18 January 2023. However, this is a misinterpretation of Bancel’s declaration, as we explain below. [...] Never did he specify that he was talking about COVID-19 vaccine doses. In fact, Bancel was commenting on the general Moderna manufacturing capacity in 2019 for any kind of vaccines. Moderna has been producing mRNA therapeutics since 2010 and was already working on mRNA vaccine candidates for other diseases in 2019. Moderna’s report to investors for the third quarter of 2019 shows that Moderna’s pipeline had at least three mRNA vaccine candidates, for Zika, RSV, and CMV. Furthermore, nowhere in the report is mentioned the development or production of mRNA vaccines for any coronavirus.",refutes
"“It wasn’t all women that lost jobs (in the December jobs report), it was mostly Black and Latina women. In fact, white women gained employment.”","By December 2017, the unemployment rates for the four major race and ethnicity groups had returned to their prerecession levels. The rates for Blacks and Hispanics have remained higher than the rates for Whites and Asians. In December 2017, the unemployment rate for Blacks (6.8 percent) was 3.1 percentage points above that for Whites (3.7 percent) but the lowest in the series’ history. The December 2017 rate for Hispanics (4.9 percent) was 1.2 percentage points higher than the rate for Whites but also little different from the series’ low.5 The unemployment rate for Asians (2.5 percent) was 1.2 percentage points lower than that for Whites. [...] During the recession, employment declined sharply for all major race and ethnicity groups, but the decline was most pronounced among Blacks. The employment–population ratio for Blacks declined by almost 7 percentage points during and after the recession. At the low point in July 2011, only about half (51.0 percent) of Blacks were employed. Consistent with historical patterns, Black men fared worse than did men of other race and ethnicity groups. In fact, from 2009 to 2011, their employment–population ratio fell below the ratio for White women and was level with the ratio for Asian women. The ratio for Black women trended similarly to the ratios for women of other race and ethnicity groups.",insufficient-supports
Migingo Island is a territory of Kenya,"Migingo Island, a disputed territory roughly the size of a football pitch, is home to about 300 permanent residents. Both Kenya and Uganda claim it as their own, partly because fishing around the island is still very profitable, whereas the rest of the lake has experienced a dramatic reduction of fish stock due to overfishing, pollution and possibly climate change. Migingo Island is a tiny island in Lake Victoria, about half the size of a football pitch. It’s also one of the last places where numbers of Nile perch remain high; overfishing and pollution have led to dwindling stocks in the rest of the lake. This is one of the reasons why Uganda and Kenya continue to battle over its ownership. But a growing commercial interest in fish farming around the Lake could help ease tensions. [...] A child plays in front of her mother’s restaurant on Migingo Island, in Lake Victoria. Around 300 people live on the island permanently, despite it being half the size of a football pitch. It also has no school or day care. Both Kenya and Uganda claim it as their own, partly because fishing around the island is still very profitable compared to the rest of the lake.",insufficient-contradictory
Sarych is a territory of Brunei,"Susch X Malles Venosta 3480m , ru ^ --f.verne BEJ^N rtad ™4m M oXi^^