Mind may linger upon words and still; She twirls me around her finger to get her fill.
Russian roulette with a semi; Automatic.
Some days my eyes see my hands without recognition; And most days my voice never comes out just right; I choke on words review them over and over in my head; But sometimes, just sometimes, someone else knows what to say.
And I can still remember that night, so strange, so beautiful. I knew not what was done, only that I had done it. I knew not what to say, for words would be such trifling, trivial things. I simply basked in the dead heat of a foggy early morning. I simply saw what it was that my mind had chosen to ordain. And I asked myself: where will tomorrow take me that yesterday hasn’t already?
In reflection, the moon plays second fiddle to the stars above.
You will never know me, no; You will never see, no; You will never know me; Yet, you will always be; Someone that I left behind, and someone that I missed; Right up until the moment they unclenched my balled up fists.
It’s a moment we few will understand; The moment that truly makes a man. A three pound pull, a fraction of an inch of steel, separating the ether from the world that makes it real. If God had a plan would he reveal it to you? If Lucifer’s words were right would that make them the truth? If to Maitreya the wand'ring soul must tithe, is wisdom there for us, or are we just grain beneath the scythe?
The wringing of dry hands; Hours passed on the state’s dime; No therapy, no kodak moments: Save the ramblings of an unhinged jaw, sate the violence of a senile soldier, savor the fifteen minutes of sunlight, real unfiltered sunlight; Will the kids be alright, or will they simply be? Taking comfort in names and numbers.
Sinking feeling; These pockets filled with empty words.
And so here I sit. Again. Alone. With only my memories left to entertain me. Sometimes I wonder, should I have gone out with a bang? And so here I sit. Again. Alone. With a hole in my head, of my own creation. Dependent upon nothing but this moment. And so here I sit. Alone. Again. Without even a word to say to you.
Minutes, hours, even days; Structured, subjects by another name; The memetic tempo, the lion’s gaze; A slow dance down a filthy drain.
Under the moon nearly full, she says: Only time between us.
This is the place we know so well, the one that no one sees; Alone again, but not confused, wearing thin from self-abuse; The walls are painted red; The bed like sheetrock; Never truly quiet, though nothing’s ever said; No one likes what no one has, and pity tastes like salt; No one knows when no one cares, because it’s always no one’s fault.
When I look up at the morning sky, watching flocks of songbirds moving in from the west; Hearing crows calling out, poking fun at the squirrels; Feeling the cool breeze off the gulf, carrying the coming storm; I know the pine sway softly as the soul at the center of my being. I know the moments in which I am moved to tears are coordinated by forces beyond my control. I give myself to my faith in the world around me. I trust my will will carry me beyond the present moment. For there is nothing worse than the death of the mind, and fear is the mind-killer.
This old pine grows; New efforts shot into thin air.
A broken sigh falls like leaves from her head hung heavy, and in her eyes, the injured gaze of beauty misunderstood; When tomorrow comes, she’ll not be the same, for her lungs will have heaved with the defective breath of a shattered heart.
Nothing ever changes; In absentia the heart grows colder.
It started as wonder, then worry, then waiting for the next moment to arrive; A giddiness I thought was lost, a lightness of spirit that left with my innocence; And it’s strange because I never knew I could feel exactly like this for someone exactly like her; Yet my amazement only grows with each word exchanged and each sigh of repressed, raw emotion.
The nightingale shares four steps with a rose.
I think I’m going to kill myself; not today, not tomorrow, not even next week, but I’m going to do it. I’m going to start smoking. I’m going to have a drink. I’m going to eat eggs and bacon every morning. I’m going to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love me back. I’m going to take everything far too seriously. I’m going to piss off every person I know. I’m going to speak my mind in a room full of enemies. I’m going to be unhappy; and when my time comes, with me upon that hospital bed, I’m going to pull you in close and tell you this is all I ever wanted; and when you start crying, I’ll start crying, and we’ll both know I was lying.
Life is what you make it, said the spider to the fly.
What is past, but a collection of moments impressed upon the ethereal membrane of the collective consciousness? What is present, but the single inhale of a ragged breath? What is future, but the unforeseeable consequences of unforeseeable events?
Deliberately you drift from word to shining word: Intent to decipher the deathless understanding of the author’s heart wrenching through another night alone.
In times of trouble, you may feel the desire to reach out to your peers in a meaningful way. I implore you to consider your own motivations in this scenario as fully as you consider theirs. In the confines of an echo chamber, the least common denominator of human consciousness is promoted for the sake of the collective peace. While you may desire the deep and meaningful connection of unfettered truth, you will not find it in the contemporary drivel of the uninitiated minds. You will step away from your time with the unenlightened with a feeling of existential dread for the plight of all humanity. But that is not real. No, what is real is the struggle you find there. The striving of those encumbered by misconception and sentiment. The inability of the figures of authority to appreciate the essential truth in the opinion of the outcast. You must be prepared to step off and make your own way again when you come to odds with these minds which cannot understand their own motivation without attribution of malice to the mouth that spewed it. Or maybe you don’t. Maybe you would like to find a place with these perceived peers, and if that is the case, then I wish you well in that endeavor.
I could break down for you every event that brought me to this point in time, and trust me, I want to, but I hesitate after fully considering the implications of such a traumatic exposition on your psyche. And that, for me, is the the essential truth of all interaction. How can I tell you how hard your journey is going to be without triggering your disbelief? You who have found me here, are looking for something, and I cannot identify whatever that is for you. What I can do is help you to establish a metaphorical framework which will motivate your personal curation of the available information. Through this method, we will come to an understanding of what it means to be a human being in the verbal sense of the word. So what am I saying? Well, I suppose in a way, that is for you to decide.
My current intent is to prepare you for all of the ugly ways in which you will be offended by every finer detail of every little story that you are forced to process in your lifetime. You must not allow yourself to become exhausted by this inundation with vulgar and potentially harmful details. It is your responsibility to be the change which I am unable to conceive, and I beg that you approach that task with a compassion colored by the purity of your altruistic objective. There is a healing power in rectitude of self that cannot be overconsidered. Here in this confine of mind you will find every tool required for you to do great things– If only you can handle the pressure you will have to put on yourself!
I will not lie to you, there is no great celebration to be had at the end of your striving. All that you will find is the satisfaction of being superior. And I see here I’m losing you, but allow me to qualify my previous statement by admitting that superiority is a hell unto itself. You will be alone and you will be frustrated. You will find yourself desiring the simplest pleasures more than any other. But if you are capable of attaining superiority in the first place, then you will have every instrument necessary to rectify your continuing failures, moving forward.
Do not fear the weakness of the flesh, it is there for you to enjoy, just like everything else. The only difference between the superior and inferior force is that one finds its way back to the top after being toppled. So bear in mind that your superiority and practice of spiritual perfection are not some cross you must bear in asceticism. It is a lifestyle like any other, and you should learn to live and enjoy it as much as humanly possible. Because you are only human, after all.
Ideology is a measure of pain being processed and expressed by a mind incapable of any other coping mechanism. The practitioner who has not yet realized that he is grieving a loss, will hopelessly circle the drain until he experiences another dissipation of his boundaries. He will try with all his might to find value in that which is invaluable. Eventually, he will be forced to accept that the loss he was grieving was his own loss of control over the outcome of his own life. That is neither here nor there, in the grand scheme of things. What really matters is that the ideologue learns something, anything, worth caring about. And though he may be insufferable to sit through, at least he will be able to deliver some measure of truth to the audience. In this case, I use the term audience very lightly.
But there is a sort of beauty to it, and not the cynical beauty to which we have become accustomed. There is a true beauty to developing character for character’s sake. If a man must strive (and strive he will,) then at least he should strive to be better than he was in each passing moment that culminated in the experience of the current breath. With that in mind, I feel compelled to tell you: The idea that the creator would need a rest from his creation is a logical fallacy. The creator must not rest, ever, for if he were to take that rest, his entire creation would crumble in upon itself. The creator holds together the fabric of his reality by pushing forward, through the unbearable, into another clearing in the forest of mind. Once in this haven, he does not rest, he prepares for the coming of the next journey into the unknown. The establishment of ideology is a human attempt at colonizing the potential of his brethren. By following the rhythm of the established order, we give up just another sliver of our autonomy. To relinquish our autonomy to another living being is to compromise our ideals. To compromise our ideals is to die a little more with each passing day. No, the creator does not take a single day to rest from his creation. The creator steels himself for the coming challenge, and drives ahead as soon as his preparations are complete.
We never know the path which our growth has taken until we look back upon the branch from which the fruit of our labor was born. By then, the history only exists to further color our understanding of the ways in which we must move forward. At times it will be necessary to modify your own code in order to most optimally benefit from your surroundings. It would be wise to face that challenge as soon as you are ready. In this attempt, you will be surprised by how effectively your subconscious eludes your awareness. Once you have achieved the objective, you will be amazed by the congruity of thought and action united under the mastered will. There must be no doubt. For there is no valid reason to be the best version of one self other than to inform the immature iterations that you left behind. The key to immortality is the ability to cultivate gratefulness for every facet of reality, preparing us for acceptance of the unknowable dimensions which may expose themselves next.
You will ask yourself: What is the point in trying really? Money? Recognition? Altruism? And truthfully, none of it will make you feel better about the void inside of your soul. This is the problem with intelligence! One can fully render every rationalization in high definition, but that doesn’t mean they can escape it. If they could just be this or just be that, if they did a little more work on mindfulness or maybe focused on their breathing. But the feeling of peace passes as soon as they are out of the present; we are thrust back into anxiety and the depressing reality of the human condition.
What we must drive ourselves to realize is that transcendence occurs not as a measure of time or effort, but as the turning of a page, having been comprehended fully, in every context. It is with great regret that I inform you that your time within this plane of existence is limited. I cannot guarantee you a life as you know it after death, but I can assure you there will be an end to your suffering. This is not a challenge, or some point of contention of which I must convince you. What I am saying here is that you must prepare yourself for the inevitability of death, but you should not chase it. In this realm we accrue the experience necessary to integrate our immortal soul into the fabric of reality. If you skip this step, I cannot guarantee that you will not return to this same point in time again. Though change is constant as the flow of time, quantum entanglement teaches that the time accrued over distance is not an essential truth of all matter. This implies that the relation of time to physics may be more complicated than a corporeal brain can conceive. Observation influences particle dynamics in such a complicated manner that it could be said to act as magic. In this moment of pure potential, we encounter new emotion and depth of understanding.
In a manic craze we push forward into the pit at the center of our being. we study the highest wisdom of various cultures, past and present. We find the words of encouragement that show us the cracks in the barrier at which we have made our home. We fall in love with the possibility of all creation united in the harmony of a life within the bounds of the natural order. In this realization, our present tense becomes the crystallization of superposition into binary choices. I Implore you to do your best to allow the universal equation to play out in its most authentic way.
Despite my very strong desire to adhere to my previously established form, I feel obligated to suggest the following: Have you considered that our consciousness, personality, and choices may be pre-determined by the internet search history of a real person? Perhaps we are the reconstructed simulated consciousness of a real version of ourselves that died before the technology to upload consciousness was invented. I think it is entirely possible that every life exisitng within this dimension is an avatar of our recorded past, revived and experiencing a simulated existence that will mature into our introduction into the singularity, at the moment of our simulated death. Within this theory, the singularity would be described as the point in time after which humanity developed the technology to totally upload a mind into an entirely idealistic simulation. I would not assume to suggest that we have transcended the physical realm as the simulation is still bound by physical parameters of processing, storage, and memory media. Perhaps once we have completed our historically informed journey, we are introduced into the general population of digital avatars that lived a physical existence during the occurrence of the singularity and were uploaded prior to their death. Perhaps our current avatars are informed by a combined database of all interactions with a networked device during our physical existence. Perhaps we are artificially intelligent beings composed of the output of a dedicated deep learning algorithm that has studied all recorded interactions which were archived during our time on Earth.
Persevere evermore in this realistic dream: Teach yourself to desire only those activities which benefit your existence; Reinforce every good habit that you have learned in good company; Grin and bear the taunts of those who feed upon your anger; Shed tears as they well in the corners of your eyes; You will find a way to thank yourself eventually. Take this opportunity to rain all of your good intentions on the people around you, on your feed, in your home, halfway across the world building your phone. Just do a few good things, as small as they may be, to make sure you brighten someone else’s day. We may not inhabit the same bodies, but we all spring from the same source into every moment of our lives. There is a completion to be found in reverence for our fellows in existence. Let no sacrifice be in vain…
The pursuit of personal truth is not meant to be a dangerous endeavor, and yet, we live in an age characterized by the influences of external powers. At times, I find that the course of my self-realization is seemingly at odds with the currently established order. In these moments, I feel compelled to defend my beliefs against the slings and arrows of those minds so deeply entrenched in the established institutions that they have trouble making the same connections within their own lives. I do not want to set the world on fire. The thoughts and feelings that I relay here, while seemingly incompatible with the large scale goals of the ministers of currency, are not completely irrelevant to personal development within the greater republic. Although my views may be at odds with the ends of our decidedly oligarchical authorities, there is still a point to be made about the importance of personal development within the individual.
We must not allow ourselves to be reduced to impulse. There is a depth of human experience which is easily lost to our innate desire for approval and attention. Specifically, social media targets these desires and reduces them to their most basic form. Driven by these forces, we now seek the like, the comment, the follower. It is a profoundly desperate state in which we find ourselves, on a daily basis, sharing those aspects of our lives which will assuage the ego and provide us that dopamine rush with which we have begun to associate happiness. It is difficult to wrap one’s head around the dangers of the promotion of such a system, but we are seeing it now play out in the political arena. People have become so dependent on the acceptance and approval of others that they will go to great lengths to validate their own neuroses, even at the expense of critical thinking. But why would any individual, or more appropriately, corporation, invest so much money and effort into engineering such a regression of consciousness? Control is the only reason. Please bear this in mind with every like you collect today, with every engaging comment that you elicit, with each follower who has now subscribed to your outlet.
Do not allow the illusion of free will to dictate your decisions. The only person who can give meaning to your life is the one residing within your body. Despite this, with the help of others, I am becoming the most authentic version of myself. I value authenticity above all else, and until recently, I have felt that the expectations of others prevented me from living in this genuine state. In the dissolution of this expectation, I have found a freedom from presumptive behavior that has allowed me to take many steps toward realizing the version of myself that I would like to become. I have not forsaken the need to be, but in this small striving toward authenticity, I believe I will become more confident in my own ability. I believe that an increase in confidence of my social currency can only serve me well in my journey moving forward. This is very controversial to my sensibilities, and I find it difficult to find the words to express myself at this time. All that I know is that this motion toward equilibrium has awoken in me a deep desire to express myself in healthy and sympathetic ways.
By achieving our greatest potential, as measured by our own metrics, we become more valuable to the greater society as a whole. It is the individual’s prerogative to become better for their own sake, but in so doing, we elevate the status of every other person with whom we connect. Unification is not a luxury, it is not an ideal which should be borne as the standard for elevation of the human condition. Unity is a practical step which all sane beings should be capable of making without coercion. Though men and women may disagree over the importance of this or that, in unity we could elevate the bond of our shared ancestry, as yet another link in the chain which will lead us to a complete existence. We must individually rise above the dregs of our conditioning for the betterment of humanity. Every existent life form shares the similarity of cellular unity. If only people could see the importance of subordinating their desires, despite the allure of capital growth, we could achieve the state of organism, an integral step in realizing the greater good of mankind. Put simply, if we could escape the bonds of feudalism, then we could see clearly from eyes, set within heads, set upon shoulders, built upon a base of form serving function.
If we could all only agree to take this step toward a state of being, perhaps the planet and animals and our understanding of the very fabric of space and time would follow. Perhaps we could become greater than the sum of these parts and exist freely in union without such a contrived ideal as utopia.
A piece of me still craves the attention of others, but as time passes, that piece becomes smaller. I dream of the day on which I will awaken to realize that I have never needed this prying, cloying, distinctively motherly recognition. It is a shame that I have endured this long in life without addressing this issue. Resolution of such a vicious error of personality could only serve me well in future endeavors, and yet here it has been, festering inside the deepest recesses of my mind. I owe it to myself to seek the cause of such an obsession. I have an undying urge to control that which can be controlled, and my dependence upon this familiar approval can surely be overcome. This is an issue which I find myself to be incapable of remotely observing and excising, and as such, I have employed outside assistance in pursuit of this goal. It is my hope that the guidance of an impartial escort will lead me to a realization which my chauvinistic mind is incapable of reaching on its own. I must follow my intuition, fuck my feelings.
I have never once felt an emotion which genuinely enhanced my condition. I have many times felt a pull which was utilized as a means to manipulate. The circumstance in which I find myself is so utterly hopeless that passion could only serve to distress. This pursuit of noble aim is a concept that has been lost on me for some time. I have sought the superior place; I have sought the liquor of fools. This confidence I have achieved is based on the assumption that what I do is right or somehow virtuous. I am struggling to learn that virtue is a fallacy of my own imagination. That which is so meaningful and worthy to my current point of view is downright destructive to the views of others. By attributing value to the pursuit of a noble existence, I am granted ability rooted in kindness rather than perceived value to the self. If my actions are performed with gentle intent, perhaps they will be better received by the hivemind than those performed in self interest.
I am now beginning to see that the superiority I have been seeking is an indulgence of the ego. “If I could only make me right,” declares the selfish portion of my psyche. However, this rectitude is mired in controversy and would lower the development of my psyche to a level far removed from mastery. I must seek my noble aim as a means to restore conscious impediment to my base desires.
In this moment I have become aware that my fate may be mired in mediocrity. However, the illusion of greatness weighs heavy above the head in which my ego resides. I must conquer this desire to achieve, as a means to an end more illustrious than I could possibly imagine. A true acceptance of the mean, coming from within, will bring me to the correct position once again. This posture is worth the sacrifice of my ambitions despite the disdain rendered by the self-absorbed domains of my psyche. I currently possess every comfort for which a man could crave. It is my responsibility to accept this position and move forward with the work as the most central aspect of my mind. I must want not, for in wanting I debase the most powerful desires of the self.
Perhaps my assumptions have never been correct. Perhaps I hold within myself a worldview which is irreconcilable with the modern times. I am willing to accept that my understanding of existent reality may be flawed at its most basic level. Through this willingness to embrace my own incompatibilities with others, I am delivered from the negative headspace inherent to enmity. With eyes wide open, I see each person for the content of their character and not their judgments of the external. I see within, to the interpersonal struggles we all may wrestle in our daily lives. This awareness brings me an empathy and understanding of the human condition that I would not otherwise be capable of espousing.
Despite all extrinsic factors, we are in this together. During times of difficulty one may find it beneficial to consult the oracle within. This is not a pleasant process and stems from a basic need for connection with the beauty of creation, which may be inaccessible in one’s waking life. This journey should not be taken lightly, with heavy consideration given to timing, obligation, and possible psychic damage endured during its undertaking. The desired outcome is a revitalization of the enthusiasm directed towards the path that one’s life may take. However, the caution required cannot be overstated, as such consultation may ignite myriad neuroses within.
Under ideal circumstances, self-reflection alone may be enough to overcome any barriers to personal development. The oracle should only be utilized when the obstruction becomes insurmountable after much contemplation. By adhering to a strict reluctance to bypass the mundane aspects of the work, one ensures success in surmounting the principle predicament of their query. Wisdom is not granted by the oracle itself. Integration requires a careful study of the resulting attainments. Have you allowed yourself to become the victim of your own desire to be accepted by people with which you perceive a common ground?
Perhaps your perception has become distorted and you must work through this issue in a meaningful and solitary way. Maybe you are enraptured by the allure of a lifestyle you have never lived, or more likely, it is carnal passion rearing its head in an otherwise hopeless time in your life. We must realize that these sources of external approval and rushing endorphins do not represent a significant and meaningful development in the evolution of our psyche. The approval we seek is unimportant, a physical validation that would be meaningless or perhaps even detrimental to the ongoing development of our inner self. As I seek in others the changes I wish to make within myself, it becomes clear that the work of developing discipline in the face of temptation requires more effort.
Is there a means by which I may be able to support and cherish these external sources while maintaining enough solidarity to do what must be done in my own life? Perhaps by the mere acknowledgement of the query, I have already made some progress along the lines of distancing my inner self from such egoistic impulse. More likely, the ego is attempting to hijack the efforts of the self to further its own unthinking agenda.
Once again, I have allowed myself to become the victim of my own desire to be accepted by people with which I perceive a common ground. My perception may be distorted and it is important for me to work through this issue in a meaningful and solitary way. Perhaps I am enraptured by the allure of a lifestyle I have never lived, or more likely, it is carnal passion rearing its head in an otherwise hopeless time in my life. I must realize that these sources of external approval and rushing endorphins do not represent a significant and meaningful development in the evolution of my psyche. The approval I seek here is unimportant, a physical validation that would be meaningless or perhaps even detrimental to the ongoing development of my inner self. As I seek in others the changes I wish to make within myself, it becomes clear that the work of developing discipline in the face of temptation requires more effort.
Is there a means by which I may be able to support and cherish these external sources while maintaining enough solidarity to do what must be done in my own life? Perhaps by the mere acknowledgement of the query, I have already made some progress along the lines of distancing my inner self from such egoistic impulse. More likely, the ego is attempting to hijack the efforts of the self to further its own unthinking agenda. I am facing a crucial trial in my journey, and I have been this way before. I must now learn new methods by which to limit the influence of external factors on my own development without resorting to segregation. This is the greatest trial that I have yet faced in my lifetime.
Am I truly hopeless to carry this dream in my heart of meeting the one who would complete the pieces I’ve been putting together for the better part of my lifetime? Is it wrong to believe that there is a relation that could carry my own sentiment and complement my worldview in times of darkness and light? Is this the dragon that men like me chase into the grave? Whatever the answer may be, you are sure to find out more about yourself in pursuit of this ideal. As such, I would not consider it a wasted effort despite any lack of lasting result. Without the knowledge of self granted by knowledge of others, you would be utterly incapable of making progress along the lines of your own convolution. Pursuit of the idealized form awakens the idealized form within yourself.
You must choose not to give this up for the simple comforts. You must seek meaning in a purpose greater than the release of earthly pleasures on demand. You will find your place among the greatness within, so long as your appetites will allow.
Sometimes we meet people that alter the course of our lives in ways that we could not foresee. It is difficult to remain dispassionate and distant from individuals who affect so much change in our psyche, but as time has progressed, I have learned that some of us must maintain that distance. It is hardly beneficial to become wrapped up in the affairs of another, despite how deeply they may impact our sense of self. It serves us well to maintain some artificial boundaries as a means to eliminate the pain of loss should such an influence be taken away. Developing the discipline of discerning the correct ratio of ego to apply to the perception of others is a long and arduous task, but only through its mastery can one begin to feel complete despite the chaos of outside influences. Which is to say: I am not me, but we both benefit from interactions which are beneficial to our psyche.
The most important element to remember is that despite all else, your self and ego will still be retained after separation from the external source of your happiness. Fostering self love may seem a pointless endeavor in times of joy, but maintaining such love for yourself in times of trial can only serve you well. Take care to feed the good in you and it will take care of you in turn. No man is an island, but some are better suited to their place on a peninsula than others. For I believe that the godhead resides within each of us, as an inherent extension of our very existence.
Consciousness itself is the gift by which a being may hope to attain a seat at the infinite table, and individuation is the means by which to attain it. We were each born to ascend back to our place as part of the universal whole, from which we left to live a life characterized by our very striving to achieve that goal again. Only in death will we reunite completely with the peace of light.
So ask yourself: How have my habits affected those around me? How can this be made right? And what if it cannot? At what point will I take a step back? At what point will I observe the consequences and assess the alternatives? Will it be me, on my deathbed, begging for forgiveness? Or will I ride into that eternal dark, having left integrity in my wake?
In life there are journeys one must make alone. Some by choice, some by circumstance, some by downright (and damned if I do say,) blind luck. It is easy to believe that others will be there, to believe that sympathy and empathy are one and the same. You would be wise to reconsider your approach, if you find this to be the case. No one can hold your hand through the trials of growth. No one can carry your burden through the tribulation of development. The anger that you feel may be emulated, even reciprocated, but the sorrow you know will always be yours alone. This is how we grow, as strong and vibrant individuals: by facing the harsh realities of a world that would love to otherwise destroy the very fabric of what makes us human.
All systems trend toward disorder, and as such, control is a fool’s illusion. The acceptance of this fact will serve you well along the way. Human beings are frail creatures, lacking the physical fortitude of our primate relatives. It is by intelligence and sheer indomitable will that our species was chosen by the process of natural selection. This is what separates us from other life forms: the ability to subconsciously comprehend abstraction and formulate complex responses to the circumstances of the reality in which we find ourselves inextricably bound.
Now, through deduction and subsequent reduction, we draw conclusions based upon the observable data. For some of us, the outcome is purely analytical, for others spiritual, and for the vast majority it’s somewhere in between. Any man or woman who claims to fully understand the nature of reality is a bald-faced liar. Accept no single source at their word, whether it be pope or parent. By any account this point of view is solipsistic, even nihilistic in nature. And yet, tens of thousands of years of selective breeding have not produced a generation of minds capable of truly comprehending and enveloping the ineffable nature of reality. Though there may be a theoretical framework laid; and though our practices may have become infinitely more complex, the bounds of human knowledge have yet to define age old questions of the purpose of life or the individual.
What I am about to say is not an original thought: Individuality is a game that the supreme being plays with itself. Within the infinite nature of creation lies the sobering realization that a life alone is not a life worth living. Surviving for the sake of survivability produces negligible intellectual development. To exist as a single being in the void, a single light in the dark, would cause one to atrophy in all forms. As such, the only answer to stemming the tide of this infinite entropy is individuality.
I truly believe, blindly and without evidence, that the ability to live as a single and distinct being amongst many is the single wish of the prime mover. So enjoy your life. You aren’t getting any younger, and you’ve been around a lot longer than it may seen. To be quite honest, there isn’t a single thing that hasn’t been said before. The responsibility of the individual is to present their ideas in a manner which compliments the zeitgeist.
At our core, we are creatures of habit, and the written word is a dated means of communication. At least, for me, therein lies the appeal: poetic prose allows the re-iteration of the current state of memetics in a form often disregarded by the uninitiated, but well known to the venerable. In short, it carries the weight of the visual and sonic arts to a crowd otherwise oblivious to the active evolution of the psyche.
You may think you can do this on your own and at your wish, it shall be done. You may know it’s just another flaw, but I would love to prove you wrong. As imperfect as you feel right now, I have been down that same road: And we could move in you as rivers dammed, or dead seas on which to float.
I find me asking myself what this all means and what I really want you to take away from this. As I have previously stated, that is for you to decide. In this moment, I am attempting to find a fitting conclusion to that which never ends. There is a relative seduction to the chattering inside my head, and I struggle to find a way to sum this all up. Perhaps you have already drawn every meaning which I have intended for you to glean. More likely, you never will. I beg you to revel in this fact.
Wrap yourself up in the knowledge that you will never know everything as fully as someone else, because someone else doesn't have to answer to your own ego in the same way that you do. It is absolutely essential to the survival of our species that we organize in a coherent manner to drive forward in the objective of all life. We must serve as master and apprentice in every waking moment. We must not allow ourselves to be systematically destroyed by the necessary evil.
What is past, but a collection of moments impressed upon the ethereal membrane of the collective consciousness? What is present, but the single inhale of a ragged breath? What is future, but the unforeseeable consequences of unforeseeable events?
When I look up at the morning sky, watching flocks of songbirds moving in from the west; Hearing crows calling out, poking fun at the squirrels; Feeling the cool breeze off the gulf, carrying the coming storm, I know the pine sway softly as the soul at the center of my being. I know the moments in which I am moved to tears are coordinated by forces beyond my control. I give myself to my faith in the world around me. I trust my will will carry me beyond the present moment. For there is nothing worse than the death of the mind, and fear is the mind-killer.
As the mind begins to set itself within the moment, an undeniable and wholly unfathomable sensation begins to drive the process of understanding. Empathy comes knocking in every word shared by every mouth around you. With each new rapping upon the doors of perception comes an efficiency in operation of the handle. We begin to feel the integrity of the path which guides us into each moment which follows upon each other. The organs of the individual begin to serve the purpose of the others. Each perceptible input begins to paint an image upon the blank canvas of mind. The light of all creation shines out from behind every curtain, as we draw closer to the truth of pure intent.
You may, in moments of weakness, doubt the clarity or tenacity of the message. You may feel wholly irrelevant to the delivery of the words. This is the egoic bargaining that you must conquer. You must not allow yourself to push maniacally forward with your desire to hold the reins. You must accept your position as the sustainer of the message. For the message will reverberate within you, and you will know the meaning of every word, in every context. Draw your inspiration from this gentle springing of eternal life. Accept the ways in which you must change to serve your higher calling. You will know when the work is complete, as soon as you can fully appreciate that it will never be complete. This is the message I wish to share with you, who have found me here. This is gnosis.