audioduration (s)
sky travel six seven zero contact praha radar one two seven decimal eight two five
turn by ten to the left cimber three five two seven
austrian seven one contact rhein one three three decimal eight
dar hello lufthansa
two seven eight two five air malta five three eight good day
nine sierra
qnh one zero two zero and four thousand feet oscar kilo delta sierra juliett
hotel foxtrot three descend to flig altitude five thousand feet qnh one zero two one
praha radar csa five six zero passing two thousand two hundred
we will taxi to sector blue when ready hotel charlie november
squawk four four two five and start and push pre approved position fox two foxtrot
shamrock six four four runway three one clear to land wind zero six zero degrees and five knots
three zero one
descending flight level one hundred free speed csa one delta zulu
lot five two seven right heading two five zero to the right heading two five zero lot five two sev
descend flight level two nine zero csa two eight
two zero five five zero good bye quality eight nine sierra thanks for the shortcut
praha radar good day easy two five eight quebec one two bravo passing one thousand seven hundred climbing five
speed two two zero knots descending flight level one zero zero csa five six one
thank you
flight level three five zero is available with mach point eight four or less
climb to flight level one six zero csa four delta romeo
minimum approach speed csa seven zero one
climb flight level three three zero cimber zero five
klm one eight four eight contact praha one three three decimal three nine zero good by
lufthansa four november lima praha hello radar contact climb flight level three hundred
two two bravo bye
descending flight level nine zero five five alfa two
chen one three three de
csa nine two delta radar departure set heading three six zero
descend flight level nine zero contact one one nine decimal zero to
praha radar air berlin five three eight lima climbing flight level two eight zero inbound lanux
air malta five three nine radar departure terminated proceed direct to cerno
left heading three four zero cleared ils three one i call established csa
lufthansa four uniform alfa one three three two eight five
lufthansa eight hotel romeo climb flight level one six zero
klm one three five one contact ground one two one nine good bye one two one nine klm one three five one good day
singapoore two five hello radar contact
praha radar wizz air five two one descend to the flight level back flight level three eight zero
csa eight two six runway one three cleared for takeoff wind one four zero degrees three knots
three two zero
csa seven two six contact praha radar one two seven decimal eight two five
direct to
any air short
ok descend flight level eight zero flight level eight
tower malev eight two zero fully established three one
clear to land shamrock six four four
air france three nine three victor line up runway one three
csa three sierra lima any chance to
ruzyne tower csa five seven three establish ils approach runway
tower hello nor shuttle one five zero three
sion tower at departure echo two for turn bravo papa zulu
climbing three one zero on the way to agnav
descending flight level nine zero swiss
descending flight level two nine zero be level over tomti wizz air five three five
donavia three zero five runway three one clear to land wind three three zero degrees and three knots
roger when vacated runway con
affirmatif montana
air france two four eight three climb flight level two zero zero climbing flight level two hundred air f
beair five five two radar radar contace descend flight level one zero zero and papa information
sky travel six eight two taxi zulu bravo delta lima holding point ru
roger start and push approved
papa ground one
lufthansa eight papa lima contact bratislava one three four decimal four seven five
one three two one five five lufthansa six zero one
csa six two two runway three one cleared for takeoff wind one eight zero degrees five knots takeoff runway three one csa six two two
air china nine six one praha hello radar contact
climb flight level three three zero csa four zero six
csa six two three ground one two one decimal nine one two one nine csa six two three
lufthansa three charlie hotel one three five one three five good bye
runway three one cleared for takeoff and we need another thirdy seconds behind departure
seven five el al two five two have a nice flight bye bye
maintaining three four
turkish three whiskey quebec taxi via echo and echo seven hold short of runway one six
to the left heading one five zero lot five two ze
one one eight three seven five aero flot one five zero thank you bye
klm one three five one ruzyne tower good moorning runway three one clear to land wind one seven zero degrees three knots
lufthansa one four nine zero request level three three zero
six one three inbound rapet
csa seven eight nine tower one one eight one one one eight decimal one csa seven ei
praha good morning euro trans six three two one climbing flight level two nine zero direct odnem
ve good day level one six zero one two zero
ryan air three
eight five six descend flight level eight zero
zero for cruise over delta romeo november
austrian one two eight xray contact vienna one three one decimal three five zero
praha radar sierra papa november sierra tango inbound victor lima mike squawking five one
lufthansa nine kilo yankee de
csa six three bravo left turn proceed direct rapet
csa six three one descend to flight level nine zer
csa nine zero five with present heading for vectoring descend four thousand feet altitude qnh one zero one eight
one two one decimal nine csa eight tango
austrian seven one climb flight level three three zero
csa three seven bravo vectors for sequence right heading three one oscar speed one eight zero knots
climbing to flight level three two zero twin star eight nine three
praha good evening austrian three seven seven alfa level three five zero climbing three eight zero
hotel india victor danke
praha radar time air six one two papa descending flight level one five zero
nh one ze