[ { "psig_desc": [ "Psig_attribute", { "attr_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_ghost": true }, "txt2": "ocaml.text" }, "attr_payload": [ "PStr", [ { "pstr_desc": [ "Pstr_eval", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_constant", [ "Pconst_string", " Parsing of command line arguments.\n\n This module provides a general mechanism for extracting options and\n arguments from the command line to the program. For example:\n\n{[\n let usage_msg = \"append [-verbose] [] ... -o \"\n let verbose = ref false\n let input_files = ref []\n let output_file = ref \"\"\n\n let anon_fun filename =\n input_files := filename::!input_files\n\n let speclist =\n [(\"-verbose\", Arg.Set verbose, \"Output debug information\");\n (\"-o\", Arg.Set_string output_file, \"Set output file name\")]\n\n let () =\n Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg;\n (* Main functionality here *)\n]}\n\n Syntax of command lines:\n A keyword is a character string starting with a [-].\n An option is a keyword alone or followed by an argument.\n The types of keywords are: [Unit], [Bool], [Set], [Clear],\n [String], [Set_string], [Int], [Set_int], [Float], [Set_float],\n [Tuple], [Symbol], [Rest], [Rest_all] and [Expand].\n\n [Unit], [Set] and [Clear] keywords take no argument.\n\n A [Rest] or [Rest_all] keyword takes the remainder of the command line\n as arguments. (More explanations below.)\n\n Every other keyword takes the following word on the command line\n as argument. For compatibility with GNU getopt_long, [keyword=arg]\n is also allowed.\n Arguments not preceded by a keyword are called anonymous arguments.\n\n Examples ([cmd] is assumed to be the command name):\n- [cmd -flag ](a unit option)\n- [cmd -int 1 ](an int option with argument [1])\n- [cmd -string foobar ](a string option with argument [\"foobar\"])\n- [cmd -float 12.34 ](a float option with argument [12.34])\n- [cmd a b c ](three anonymous arguments: [\"a\"], [\"b\"], and [\"c\"])\n- [cmd a b -- c d ](two anonymous arguments and a rest option with\n two arguments)\n\n [Rest] takes a function that is called repeatedly for each\n remaining command line argument. [Rest_all] takes a function that\n is called once, with the list of all remaining arguments.\n\n Note that if no arguments follow a [Rest] keyword then the function\n is not called at all whereas the function for a [Rest_all] keyword\n is called with an empty list.\n", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 16, "pos_bol": 1079, "pos_cnum": 1079 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 72, "pos_bol": 3363, "pos_cnum": 3365 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 16, "pos_bol": 1079, "pos_cnum": 1079 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 72, "pos_bol": 3363, "pos_cnum": 3365 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 16, "pos_bol": 1079, "pos_cnum": 1079 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 72, "pos_bol": 3363, "pos_cnum": 3365 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 16, "pos_bol": 1079, "pos_cnum": 1079 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 72, "pos_bol": 3363, "pos_cnum": 3365 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ], "psig_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 16, "pos_bol": 1079, "pos_cnum": 1079 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 72, "pos_bol": 3363, "pos_cnum": 3365 }, "loc_ghost": false } }, { "psig_desc": [ "Psig_attribute", { "attr_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 74, "pos_bol": 3367, "pos_cnum": 3371 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 74, "pos_bol": 3367, "pos_cnum": 3376 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "txt2": "alert" }, "attr_payload": [ "PStr", [ { "pstr_desc": [ "Pstr_eval", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_apply", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_ident", "unsynchronized_access" ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 74, "pos_bol": 3367, "pos_cnum": 3377 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 74, "pos_bol": 3367, "pos_cnum": 3398 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [ [ [ "Nolabel" ], { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_constant", [ "Pconst_string", "The Arg module relies on a mutable global state, parsing functions should only be called from a single domain.", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 75, "pos_bol": 3399, "pos_cnum": 3404 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 76, "pos_bol": 3480, "pos_cnum": 3521 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 75, "pos_bol": 3399, "pos_cnum": 3403 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 76, "pos_bol": 3480, "pos_cnum": 3522 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] } ] ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { 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Only allowed in\n [parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic]. 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"pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5701 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_constr", "unit", [] ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5705 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5692 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5680 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] } ], "ptyp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5653 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "ptyp_loc_stack": [], "ptyp_attributes": [] }, "pval_prim": [], "pval_attributes": [ { "attr_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "_none_", "pos_lnum": 0, "pos_bol": 0, "pos_cnum": -1 }, "loc_ghost": true }, "txt2": "ocaml.doc" }, "attr_payload": [ "PStr", [ { "pstr_desc": [ "Pstr_eval", { "pexp_desc": [ "Pexp_constant", [ "Pconst_string", " [Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg] parses the command line.\n [speclist] is a list of triples [(key, spec, doc)].\n [key] is the option keyword, it must start with a ['-'] character.\n [spec] gives the option type and the function to call when this option\n is found on the command line.\n [doc] is a one-line description of this option.\n [anon_fun] is called on anonymous arguments.\n The functions in [spec] and [anon_fun] are called in the same order\n as their arguments appear on the command line.\n\n If an error occurs, [Arg.parse] exits the program, after printing\n to standard error an error message as follows:\n- The reason for the error: unknown option, invalid or missing argument, etc.\n- [usage_msg]\n- The list of options, each followed by the corresponding [doc] string.\n Beware: options that have an empty [doc] string will not be included in the\n list.\n\n For the user to be able to specify anonymous arguments starting with a\n [-], include for example [(\"-\", String anon_fun, doc)] in [speclist].\n\n By default, [parse] recognizes two unit options, [-help] and [--help],\n which will print to standard output [usage_msg] and the list of\n options, and exit the program. You can override this behaviour\n by specifying your own [-help] and [--help] options in [speclist].\n", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 117, "pos_bol": 5710, "pos_cnum": 5710 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 142, "pos_bol": 7054, "pos_cnum": 7056 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 117, "pos_bol": 5710, "pos_cnum": 5710 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 142, "pos_bol": 7054, "pos_cnum": 7056 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 117, "pos_bol": 5710, "pos_cnum": 5710 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 142, "pos_bol": 7054, "pos_cnum": 7056 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 117, "pos_bol": 5710, "pos_cnum": 5710 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 142, "pos_bol": 7054, "pos_cnum": 7056 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ], "pval_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 115, "pos_bol": 5639, "pos_cnum": 5639 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ], "psig_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 115, "pos_bol": 5639, "pos_cnum": 5639 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 116, "pos_bol": 5651, "pos_cnum": 5709 }, "loc_ghost": false } }, { "psig_desc": [ "Psig_value", { "pval_name": { "loc2": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 144, "pos_bol": 7058, "pos_cnum": 7062 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 144, "pos_bol": 7058, "pos_cnum": 7075 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "txt2": "parse_dynamic" }, "pval_type": { "ptyp_desc": [ "Ptyp_arrow", [ "Nolabel" ], { "ptyp_desc": [ 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A typical use for this feature\n is to parse command lines of the form:\n- command subcommand [options]\n where the list of options depends on the value of the subcommand argument.\n @since 4.01\n", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 146, "pos_bol": 7141, "pos_cnum": 7141 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 152, "pos_bol": 7465, "pos_cnum": 7467 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 146, "pos_bol": 7141, "pos_cnum": 7141 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 152, "pos_bol": 7465, "pos_cnum": 7467 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 146, "pos_bol": 7141, "pos_cnum": 7141 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 152, "pos_bol": 7465, "pos_cnum": 7467 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { 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It uses and updates\n the value of [~current] (if given), or {!Arg.current}. You must set\n it before calling [parse_argv]. The initial value of [current]\n is the index of the program name (argument 0) in the array.\n If an error occurs, [Arg.parse_argv] raises {!Arg.Bad} with\n the error message as argument. If option [-help] or [--help] is\n given, [Arg.parse_argv] raises {!Arg.Help} with the help message\n as argument.\n", { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 156, "pos_bol": 7582, "pos_cnum": 7582 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 165, "pos_bol": 8134, "pos_cnum": 8136 }, "loc_ghost": false }, null ] ], "pexp_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 156, "pos_bol": 7582, "pos_cnum": 7582 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 165, "pos_bol": 8134, "pos_cnum": 8136 }, "loc_ghost": false }, "pexp_loc_stack": [], "pexp_attributes": [] }, [] ], "pstr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 156, "pos_bol": 7582, "pos_cnum": 7582 }, "loc_end": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 165, "pos_bol": 8134, "pos_cnum": 8136 }, "loc_ghost": false } } ] ], "attr_loc": { "loc_start": { "pos_fname": "./stdlib/arg.mli", "pos_lnum": 156, "pos_bol": 7582, "pos_cnum": 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Use a alignment separator as the first character in a doc\n string if you want to align the whole string. The doc strings corresponding\n to [Symbol] arguments are aligned on the next line.\n @param limit options with keyword and message longer than [limit] will not\n be used to compute the alignment. 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You can\n change this value, e.g. to force {!Arg.parse} to skip some arguments.\n {!Arg.parse} uses the initial value of {!Arg.current} as the index of\n argument 0 (the program name) and starts parsing arguments\n at the next element. 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