;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL) ;; Copyright (C) 2021,2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; Helper facilities for working with CPS. ;;; ;;; Code: (define-module (language cps dump) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (language cps) #:use-module (language cps intset) #:use-module (language cps intmap) #:use-module (language cps graphs) #:use-module (language cps utils) #:export (dump)) ;; ideas: unused vars print as _ ;; print all labels ;; call bb headers with values ;; annotate blocks with available bindings? live bindings? ;; how to print calls... ;; dot graph (define (cont-successors cont) (match cont (($ $kargs _ _ term) (match term (($ $continue k) (list k)) (($ $branch kf kt) (list kf kt)) (($ $switch kf kt*) (cons kf kt*)) (($ $prompt k kh) (list k kh)) (($ $throw) '()))) (($ $kclause _ kbody kalternate) (if kalternate (list kbody kalternate) (list kbody))) (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kentry) (list ktail kentry)) (($ $kreceive arity kargs) (list kargs)) (($ $ktail) '()))) (define (compute-block-entries cps kfun body all-labels?) (if all-labels? body (let ((preds (compute-predecessors cps kfun #:labels body))) ;; Conts whose predecessor count is not 1 start blocks. (define (add-entry label blocks) (match (intmap-ref preds label) ((_) blocks) (_ (intset-add! blocks label)))) ;; Continuations of branches start blocks. (define (add-exits label blocks) (fold1 (lambda (succ blocks) (intset-add! blocks succ)) (match (cont-successors (intmap-ref cps label)) ((_) '()) (succs succs)) blocks)) (persistent-intset (intset-fold (lambda (label blocks) (add-exits label (add-entry label blocks))) body empty-intset))))) (define (collect-blocks cps entries) (define (collect-block entry) (let ((cont (intmap-ref cps entry))) (acons entry cont (match (cont-successors (intmap-ref cps entry)) ((succ) (if (intset-ref entries succ) '() (collect-block succ))) (_ '()))))) (persistent-intmap (intset-fold (lambda (start blocks) (intmap-add! blocks start (collect-block start))) entries empty-intmap))) (define (compute-block-succs blocks) (intmap-map (lambda (entry conts) (match conts (((_ . _) ... (exit . cont)) (fold1 (lambda (succ succs) (intset-add succs succ)) (cont-successors cont) empty-intset)))) blocks)) (define (dump-block cps port labelled-conts) (define (format-label label) (format #f "L~a" label)) (define (format-name name) (if name (symbol->string name) "_")) (define (format-var var) (format #f "v~a" var)) (define (format-loc src) (match src (#f #f) (#(filename line column) (format #f "~a:~a:~a" (or filename "") (1+ line) column)))) (define (arg-list strs) (string-join strs ", ")) (define (false-if-empty str) (if (string-null? str) #f str)) (define (format-arity arity) (match arity (($ $arity req opt rest kw aok?) (arg-list `(,@(map format-name req) ,@(map (lambda (name) (format #f "[~a]" (format-name name))) opt) ,@(map (match-lambda ((kw name var) (format #f "~a" kw))) kw) ,@(if aok? '("[#:allow-other-keys]") '()) ,@(if rest (list (string-append (format-name rest) "...")) '())))))) (define (format-primcall op param args) (format #f "~a~@[[~s]~](~a)" op param (arg-list (map format-var args)))) (define (format-exp exp) (match exp (($ $const val) (format #f "const ~s" val)) (($ $prim name) (format #f "prim ~s" name)) (($ $fun body) (format #f "fun ~a" (format-label body))) (($ $rec names syms funs) (format #f "rec(~a)" (arg-list (map format-exp funs)))) (($ $const-fun label) (format #f "const-fun ~a" (format-label label))) (($ $code label) (format #f "code ~a" (format-label label))) (($ $call proc args) (format #f "call ~a(~a)" (format-var proc) (arg-list (map format-var args)))) (($ $callk k proc args) (format #f "callk ~a(~a)" (format-label k) (arg-list (cons (if proc (format-var proc) "_") (map format-var args))))) (($ $calli args callee) (format #f "calli ~a(~a)" (format-var callee) (arg-list (map format-var args)))) (($ $primcall name param args) (format-primcall name param args)) (($ $values args) (arg-list (map format-var args))))) (define (dump-annotation ann src) (when (or ann src) (format port "~45t ; ~@[~a ~]" ann) (when src (let* ((src (format-loc src)) (col (- 80 4 (string-length src)))) (format port "~vt at ~a" col src)))) (newline port)) (define (dump-definition src names vars fmt . args) (define (take formatter val) (cond ((not val) #f) ((string? val) (false-if-empty val)) ((null? val) #f) (else (arg-list (map formatter val))))) (let ((names (take format-name names)) (vars (take format-var vars))) (format port " ~@[~a := ~]~?" vars fmt args) (dump-annotation names src))) (define (dump-statement src ann fmt . args) (format port " ~?" fmt args) (dump-annotation (and ann (false-if-empty ann)) src)) (define (dump-block-header label cont) (match cont (($ $kargs names vars) (format port "~a(~a):" (format-label label) (arg-list (map format-var vars))) (dump-annotation (false-if-empty (arg-list (map format-name names))) #f)) (($ $ktail) (values)) (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kentry) (let ((name (assq-ref meta 'name))) (format port "~a:" (format-label label)) (dump-annotation name src))) ((or ($ $kreceive) ($ $kclause)) (format port "~a:\n" (format-label label))))) (define (dump-block-body label cont) (match cont (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src exp)) (match (intmap-ref cps k) (($ $kargs names vars) (dump-definition src names vars "~a" (format-exp exp))) (_ (dump-definition src #f #f "~a" (format-exp exp))))) (($ $kreceive arity kargs) (match (intmap-ref cps kargs) (($ $kargs names vars) (dump-definition #f names vars "receive(~a)" (format-arity arity))))) (($ $ktail) (values)) (($ $kclause arity kbody #f) (match (intmap-ref cps kbody) (($ $kargs names vars) (dump-definition #f names vars "receive(~a)" (format-arity arity))))))) (define (dump-block-exit label cont) (match cont (($ $kargs _ _ term) (match term (($ $continue k src exp) (match (intmap-ref cps k) (($ $ktail) (match exp (($ $values vals) (dump-statement src #f "return ~a" (arg-list (map format-var vals)))) (_ (dump-statement src #f "tail ~a" (format-exp exp))))) (_ (dump-statement src #f "~a(~a)" (format-label k) (format-exp exp))))) (($ $branch kf kt src op param args) (dump-statement src #f "~a ? ~a() : ~a()" (format-primcall op param args) (format-label kt) (format-label kf))) (($ $switch kf kt* src arg) (dump-statement src #f "[~a]~a() or ~a()" (arg-list (map format-label kt*)) (format-var arg) (format-label kf))) (($ $prompt k kh src escape? tag) (dump-statement src #f "~a(prompt(kh:~a,~a tag:~a)" (format-label k) (format-label kh) (if escape? ", escape-only" "") (format-var tag))) (($ $throw src op param args) (dump-statement src #f "throw ~a" (format-primcall op param args))))) (($ $kreceive arity kargs) (dump-statement #f #f "~a(receive(~a))" (format-label kargs) (format-arity arity))) (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kentry) (for-each (match-lambda ((k . v) (unless (eq? k 'name) (format port " meta: ~a: ~s\n" k v)))) meta) ;; (format port " tail: ~a:\n" (format-label ktail)) (when self (format port " ~a := self\n" (format-var self))) (format port " ~a(...)\n" (format-label kentry))) (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (dump-statement #f #f "~a(receive(~a))~@[or ~a()~]\n" (format-label kbody) (format-arity arity) (and=> kalt format-label))) (($ $ktail) (values)))) (match labelled-conts (((label . cont) . _) (dump-block-header label cont))) (let lp ((labelled-conts labelled-conts)) (match labelled-conts (((label . cont)) (dump-block-exit label cont)) (((label . cont) . labelled-conts) (dump-block-body label cont) (lp labelled-conts))))) (define (dump-function cps port kfun body all-labels?) (define entries (compute-block-entries cps kfun body all-labels?)) (define blocks (collect-blocks cps entries)) (define block-succs (compute-block-succs blocks)) (define block-order (compute-reverse-post-order block-succs kfun)) (for-each (lambda (entry) (dump-block cps port (intmap-ref blocks entry))) block-order) (values)) (define* (dump cps #:key (port (current-output-port)) (entry (intmap-next cps)) (all-labels? #f)) (let ((functions (compute-reachable-functions cps entry))) (intmap-fold (lambda (kfun body) (unless (eqv? kfun entry) (newline port)) (dump-function cps port kfun body all-labels?)) functions)))