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Is the ADN inventing words now? What the heck is "septage"?
Why is there this recent trend of using needless and confusing euphemisms for straightforward if unpleasant subjects? It's not "passed", it's "DIED", and "issues" are NOT a synonym for "problems".
It's called "SEWAGE", folks --- deal with it. | 0 | not toxic |
Mahalo Kristen for your mana'o, Allow me to offer my own mana'o.
We know that the ONLY thing that makes Hawai'i vulnerable to missile attack is the presence of an aggressive, foreign, imperialist, warmongering military force in the neutral Hawaiian Kingdom.
A foreign military in a neutral nation is a serious war crime and the US military presence in Hawai'i makes our kingdom a prime target for military aggression.
Case in point: when the Japanese launched their aerial attack in 1941 it was planned as a surgical air strike aimed solely at the US military presence in Hawai'i. It was never meant to be the prelude to invasion since the Japanese carrier fleet contained no troop ships as the US knew.
A missile intercept capability on Kaua'i only increases the threat to Hawai'i because a "defensive" site can also be seen as an aggresive threat to other nations.
The US military has NEVER had a strategic plan for the "defense of Hawai'i".
ku'auhau mo'i ali'i
ali'i aloha aina | 0 | not toxic |
Ah hahah much needed laugh after reading this horrendous story. | 0 | not toxic |
"Are they open - not to assimilation - but to integration into mainstream Canadian life?"
It's difficult if not impossible for illegal immigrants to integrate into a country's mainstream life. They are breaking the law by being in the country. They're always fearful of discovery and take steps to avoid it. They exist on the margins of society. They disproportionately contribute to an underground economy, yet can still burden the mainstream social system that the underground economy pays little towards.
I'm not trying to demonize illegal immigrants. I'm pointing out that there is a social and financial cost to their presence, regardless of what country they're in. America has a bigger illegal immigrant problem than most, perhaps bigger than any other developed country. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes, a lot of things come out of the mouths of babes. When my niece was little, one day I took her to Mass with me. She asked if the priest was God. That was a cute and innocent question, but, as with the little girl who (purportedly) asked about the nuns, it called for more than a glib answer.
Here's the problem with saying that nuns who wear the habit are the "real" ones. It implies that other religious sisters aren't real. It insults the memories of those dedicated sisters who didn't wear a uniform but still laid down their lives -- sometimes to the full measure -- in inner-city schools, in orphanages and hospitals in places like Kenya and El Salvador, and in countless other mission fields.
Would you really say those religious sisters are any less "real" just because of their clothing? | 0 | not toxic |
You need to think that one through a little bit more, RTH. | 0 | not toxic |
What is so "left-bent" about discovering that the absolute prohibition of suicide can in very rare circumstances be inhumane? What is so "left-bent" about believing that sometimes, reason and compassion can recommend good solutions to the very real and painful problems that many people right now must deal with?
There is no necessity at all that "the 'assistance' will come to include mild encouragement," etc. As I said, that is a danger, and we have time now to defend ourselves against it.
And that is entirely separate from your other point, that "the Church teaches that suicide is a mortal sin." If you believe the Church is correct on that, then fine, don't commit suicide. But don't dare to impose that narrow-minded precept on others, who don't agree with you, about the Church, or the Church's precepts, or sin, or life, or death. | 0 | not toxic |
Do you realize how much revenue tourist companies take out of Alaska? | 0 | not toxic |
There ya go mike you got your letter. Now what. | 0 | not toxic |
Just curious as to if he lives under a bridge... | 0 | not toxic |
"a congressional supoena can't be ignored forever" LOL... look at hillary clinton | 0 | not toxic |
What is an African-Canadian? Do we all have to now be prefixed with our continent of origin? Most people would surely just want to be called Canadian, anything else is creating divisions that don't exist. | 0 | not toxic |
Likely too late for James "JJ" Harris...but here's sound advice for EVERYONE else:
https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE | 0 | not toxic |
Roaming only works if your phone uses the same type of signal. AT&T is GSM while ACS and Verizon are CDMA. | 0 | not toxic |
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeert! | 0 | not toxic |
Same here, just like planned parenthood. I respect your parental authority, please respect mine | 0 | not toxic |
How much would you be willing to bet on this? | 0 | not toxic |
I just worry about the kids. Adults can usually figure something out but kids can't. I read somewhere there are more of them out there than we realize. | 0 | not toxic |
The Heritage Fund wasn't "a lie" when it was established.
Allan Warrack, one of the architects of the iconic Alberta Heritage Fund, told the Tyee [in 2011] that the province is being run [by PCs] like a "banana republic" for failing to collect fair rents for non-renewable resources like the oil sands.
"Since time immemorial, the use of other people's property has been on a two thirds, one third split," said Warrack. "The owner gets a third and the operator gets two thirds... If you interpret that in terms of oil or natural gas or oil sands, there should be a third of the value to the owners and in the case of oil sands that is 100 per cent owned by the public."
The royalty rate collected on oil sands projects before "payout" [in 2011] is one per cent, which according to Warrack is so low it is "like a rounding error from zero." | 0 | not toxic |
It that a new DOE standardized test question? True or False; Is mayor Caldwell's influence by his $200K bank side job related to overdevelopment of Hawaii analagous to BOE chair and bank executive Mizumoto's influence by the market to expand bank loans to Hawaii parents to help encourage and finance their child's private school education? | 0 | not toxic |
Two situations are at play ; One is that liberals organize letter to the editor campaigns to make it appear everyone , and I mean everyone agree's with them---when they don't. Don Young is trashed non-stop in the letter section and the paper only writes negative stuff about him . Judging from all those letters and stories one would be tricked into thinking everyone hates him and that he's Hitler's brother . Yet the people always vote for him. The second is , conservatives don't engage in phony letter to the editor schemes . They go to work each day , pay their taxes , and take care of their families. They mostly keep their opinions to themselves . That is why you see so few conservative letters to the editor. When you do see a conservative letter to the editor you know it's sincere and not written by some group urging it's members to flood the paper with letters to the editor. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes, I agree. Maybe Justin can talk truth to power like he did with Cuba and China. | 0 | not toxic |
I find it hard to believe that you have the slightest sympathy for gays. "Gays" or "LGBTs" are the terms they use, so why don't you use them?
ACCORDING TO YOU, your sexual activity is for your own pleasure. If your wife enjoys it, that's OK, but your main interest is pleasuring yourself. So don't give this "propagates the species" stuff. | 0 | not toxic |
Oh really? You're the first one shouting foul now that the white male patriarchy is teetering and starting to fall. Your time is over, but you can't accept that, can you? Your lifestyle at the top of the food chain can't stand on its own and it's going away, but all you do is whine about it. | 0 | not toxic |
I don't understand why a culture ministry should get involved with the "fake news" issue. Mythology is part of culture and mythology is "myth". Disney is now part of Western World culture, but Disney movies, comics and cartoons are full of animals that can talk. Hollywood movies are full of superheroes who save planet Earth from some terrible disaster, singlehandedly. The music industry is full of songs about love "forever and always", but divorce rates are extremely high. Stand-up comedy is filled with exagerrations of real life situations..... and so on. | 0 | not toxic |
This project was doomed when the Governor alienated every industry expert and became the lone wolf. Alaska is and will continue to suffer under the reckless hand of this uneven hand at the tiller. | 0 | not toxic |
Yes, we should just let people commit any crime, and if the community (whoever decides what that is) feels they are okay, then everything's hunky-dory?
Under your system, I would agree to let out violent criminals if they agree to do suicide missions attacking terrorists, how about that?
In a just society, laws apply equally to all. It doesn't matter if one thief is prettier than another, we apply laws to the ugly and the pretty equally alike. If we bend the rules for people we like for extrinsic reasons, then you are advocating for a lawless society governed by your whims. You guys really haven't thought this one through. | 0 | not toxic |
I wonder if Republicans have realized what it could mean to them to deconstruct the government-the Democrats seem to understand and are alarmed. If Trump/Bannon can eliminate all regulatory agencies, they will not stop there. Do they really mean to keep going until the government itself has been destroyed? Then, with no more judges, and no Congress, Trump can declare himself President for Life, no more pesky elections to go through, no criticism. Of course, with no one to do the chores, he would have to apply to Vlad for help. | 0 | not toxic |
As far as most Canadians are concerned, he lost his rights when he decided to fight against us. That's what you fail to understand - and that's not funny. | 0 | not toxic |
Pull and cancel her boating license. | 0 | not toxic |
Compassion and recognition of the fact that this is a mental illness would be a good step in the right direction. Reading between the lines I see a young man who was often in emotional pain and used alcohol as an emotional aesthetic. Done is done. Using his accident and passing as an example for other people, allowing love to see the pain and this is causing his family and loved ones, that may be useful. Doling out punishment does nothing to solve the problem. | 0 | not toxic |
I hate to say it, but I don't see them doing a thing about it because Obama still walks on water!! | 0 | not toxic |
How much longer will you be able to hold down yours? Do you feel a 3 a.m. Tweet coming on? Do you need a tissue or maybe some cheese with that whine? | 0 | not toxic |
Tupola votes nearly all the time with Democrats. Her "Republican" candidacy is pointless. Though it is an exercise in shameless self-promotion. | 0 | not toxic |
Walker's stance on this shouldn't be a surprise.
Much if his livelihood for decades has been about this pipeline(or pipedream).
So why would he be inclined to give up on it? | 0 | not toxic |
From another article today:
"Chief lieutenants in the Koch brothers’ political network lashed out at the Senate Republican health care bill on Saturday as not conservative enough"
Meanwhile Cory the weasel (yes, unfair to weasels) is attending the Koch retreat.
Do you suppose Cory has taken up his cudgel and waded into the fray at that retreat to fight for the health care of the little people and against more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy? Do you believe in the tooth fairy? | 0 | not toxic |
The notion of Trump being pro life is probably the biggest con job of all. He is actually a full-fledged believer in eugenics theory ... that some people like himself are genetically superior to others, and they produce superior offspring (like race horses, as he says). In his view, they are the ones who should be reproducing, not the so-called genetically inferior, in his view. Burke should do a search on 'Donald Trump Eugenics'... there's lots of documentation and video clips from interviews. To "send abortion back to the states" is code for reinstating the old eugenics laws that were rampant in the south. It has only been in the past few years that NC finally made financial reparations to those deemed racially "inferior" who were involuntarily sterilized "for their own good and the good of society". There is some scary stuff in the brain of Trump. | 0 | not toxic |
I agree with Juju, but naturally, nothing will happen because he is DOC and is protected. | 0 | not toxic |
evidence please
otherwise pure propaganda
glad I cancelled my subscription to this third rate rag | 0 | not toxic |
Great sales professionals would take exception to your statement and I count myself as one of them. What job would have earned me $150,000 working for IBM at the age of 25?
I learned to sell at IBM and have never stopped learning as the world and people did not stop evolving when I got my MBA in 1978. Not tell me again, that being in sales is not a profession? Please note that there is a HUGE difference between B2B and B2C sales people. | 0 | not toxic |
The population of the Congo in 1885 is estimated at about 9.8 million and in 1900 at about 10.7 million, at the time Leopold was on the rampage. So what you are saying is that Leopold killed between 1.6 times and 2.8 times as many people than were actually living in the Congo. Worth bearing in mind that the vast majority of people who died during this period died from the diseases brought in by foreigners. | 0 | not toxic |
Snipers don't care if you have a gun.
Good luck. | 0 | not toxic |
IMO it's more important to defend the constitution than the anthem or the flag. | 0 | not toxic |
Using financing from a russian bank? | 0 | not toxic |
He scored on the PP after Hyman left him alone in the high slot...he's been otherwise pretty ineffective (which is his playoff MO) | 0 | not toxic |
Trump is having a hard time, this is the second time a hurricane has forced him to pretend he has empathy. | 0 | not toxic |
Dude, I wasn't glorifying anything, I wish you guys would chill the hell out with your overreactions, it's been months now, get the hell over it, Jesus.
Anyway, with all of the obvious pressure put on China lately, if you don't think that had anything to do with it, keep smoking. | 0 | not toxic |
"Only diplomacy will tame North Korea."
Far, far more important. What will tame the US. Its technical capability matches its record for attacking other countries.And no sanctions have been applied. Unless North Korea develops nuclear weapons, it is failing to protect its people. Because of the cost of defending itself, the UN and US are responsible for the poverty of the North Koreans. What would you do if the US threatened you?
Canada and 180 other countries just stand by. | 0 | not toxic |
Like the superfamous, legendary quote by the movie ratings panel chair, when asked for his criteria for an X rating, back in the '70's or '80's, he said:"I know it when I see it". | 0 | not toxic |
I do understand the theory of the multi parent scenario. It would involve the random infusion into animals of a soul by act of God. That 'new' human copulates with another animal not favoured by God with a soul; are the offspring of that bestial coupling human or beast? Do you see where this is going?
As I said, if science can prove that God infused immortal souls into two hominids or hominoids then I could accept that. Science, however, can never prove that because it is beyond its remit. I therefore rely upon the wisdom of ages. | 0 | not toxic |
The question is, are the Kealohas mentally fit to stand trial. =/ | 0 | not toxic |
Many undocumented workers, once they cross the border, respect your laws and government. Some do it for years--doesn't that count for anything? | 0 | not toxic |
So he's selflessly 'serving their country'? So is Kim Jong-un. | 0 | not toxic |
Lol! "At least Trump speaks the truth" is the funniest thing I've ever heard by anyone describing a well-known, confirmed pathological liar. Denial is a potent drug. Some people are addicts. | 0 | not toxic |
Well deserved.
Have to say that there were a few people who have watched Penny compete through the years who were not overly surprised at her success (although maybe not at her first Olympics!). Physical attributes, Raw talent, good coaching and hard work with a good support network - she has pretty much dominated every age group on her way up.
Oh and for those who may question the difference in training regime and dedication between an NHL pro and a swimmer - since the Oleksiak parents have raised both, I'm sure they could chime in! | 0 | not toxic |
3.4 million. Oops. | 0 | not toxic |
No, Marty. You flatter yourself. Since Roe v. Wade acknowledges a state interest in the fetus after the first trimester, any objections concerning procedures, timing and so on are subsumed under the law. Neither do such objections contradict the fact that in the 43 years since Roe v. Wade a majority of Americans have consistently supported it. That is, a majority does NOT think Roe v. Wade should be overruled. Fact. | 0 | not toxic |
How many times in the last year and a half have we read this same headline? | 0 | not toxic |
Definitely Cupich is the man for the job. | 0 | not toxic |
Aren't US court judgements enforceable in Canada? I hope so.
This my friends is why you must never, ever vote Liberal or NDP ... never | 0 | not toxic |
I agree with the "Go Big" philosophy, I think it was Kami or SpringsGal who suggested running it repeatedly until defenses were forced to play the run. McCoy has given up on the run really early in games. The idea is we MUST be ahead to be assertive or play our style of game. Well, if that's the case, if we can't kick the other guy's butt unless we break his nose first, then we are in for some boots up our butts. You can't wi a chess game by just depending on taking the opponents Queen, you have to know how to win by taking any piece or even being down pieces. That's something I haven't seen our coaches be able to do, dig out of a hole... and it's not just on the QB to call the right plays, most of the time he only has 2 options, one that he can call out of at the line or the other to fall back on after the snap. But those 2 options are called in by the coaches, not chosen by the QB. Right now they need to slow the rush down, if they can't, they are ski-rued! | 0 | not toxic |
too funny: "I found her not photogenic at all - somehow in most of the pictures I see of her, she either looking at someone like she would like to punch them on the nose or is scowling...."
Yes, unlike the smilingly effervescent and handsome-to-a-fault Donald Trump.
Apparently his comb-over is anchored to his jowls, making his ever present scowl a neo-medical necessity. | 0 | not toxic |
The North Slope still has plenty of oil according to DNR and the USGS. The question is what policies should the state have in place to attract capital and companies to invest the resources and money to get the oil out of the ground. Threatening to change our fiscal policy every 6 months and not honoring commitments made to the industry might not be the best answer. Chanting its our oil also doesn't get us there. | 0 | not toxic |
merit? get serious | 0 | not toxic |
LW1: not buying your story. Your entire letter is full of minimizing. Wonder what her side is? | 0 | not toxic |
Bannon was raised in a Catholic family. Whether he continues in any sense to practice the Catholic faith, I don't know. Like his fellow Catholic Trump surrogates, Gingrich and Giuliani, Bannon brings three wives to the party. | 0 | not toxic |
For full-time residents, I understand why vacation rental "traffic" would be less desirable than a long-term renter.
Homeowner perspective: I really want to give back to the island I love so much, but the disparity between vacation renting and long-term renting one's home is huge. Rental income; upkeep of home; flexibility of owner blocking time out for personal use (and maybe other reasons too).
So in my quest to avoid vacation renting, I advertised specifically for my "ideal" long term renter. We have now forged a wonderful relationship....I have a well-maintained property that I can still use periodically. The renter now has an affordable residence on the island.
Sooooo, instead of "forcing" owners to not rent short-term. I would suggest long-term renters become organized and advertise themselves to the homeowners, emphasizing the benefits of renting long-term: less people traffic, coordinating home maintenance, etc..there are many owners who feel as I do. Will never go back! | 0 | not toxic |
Not to worry Phil
It appears from reading the other article "Stronger and spendier" today that the 2nd floor has been eliminated. The first, third and fourth floors are identified and their purposed noted, but no second floor. | 0 | not toxic |
If there were evidence to establish that, then there could be no legal consent, if there were evidence to establish that. | 0 | not toxic |
So why an escalation now? Things are no worse now than they have been. | 0 | not toxic |
Especially if they get judge Guidi. They'll be free and he'll placate the charges. | 0 | not toxic |
If it were a serious enough of an event that threatened us and there was nothing that could be done do we tell the public to kiss your ass goodbye? Think about it seriously, then look at what actually happened and is happening. We know there were 3 complete melt downs. We know much of it went into the environment, both air and sea. We know they are unable to contain it and it is continuing to spread. This is the most dangerous element to life. Better to be sceptical and demand proof, action, and national release from the top. | 0 | not toxic |
Calling someone Islamophobic with some pretty good proof is slander, not an opinion. The President is supposed to represent the whole college not just start taking potshots at whoever he dislikes.
Criticise sure. In a calm way and with proof. | 0 | not toxic |
Although I've never heard her speak, I'm guessing that Shannyn Moore has a better radio persona than her awkward semi-literate writing style. | 0 | not toxic |
Horrible. The death toll is 63 as of last reports. Totally avoidable. But we are so self-absorbed as a nation right now that nobody seems to care that this kind of unnecessary tragedy is happening. The Brits stopped giving international aid to India a couple of years ago, and it was a pittance compared to what they spend on welfare there in any case. The US has given more aid in total dollars to India in the last half century than any other foreign nation. But a THIRD of the world's poorest people live in India! And 40% of the world's malnourished children are in India! While they have more billionaires than the Brits. And they sent a mission to Mars in the last five years. And they have nukes. Is this why we allow them to destroy their at risk population, the poorest and most populous democracy? Is anybody OUT THERE? | 0 | not toxic |
Ah yes, Worthington's Law: "More Money = Better Than" | 0 | not toxic |
It's pretty clear from the comments on this forum that people have mistakenly thought that rail would relieve traffic Any traffic relief from rail will be insignificant and will be offset by building Hoopili in the first place. As we can see with the shakeup in the legislature, rail is controlled by construction and development lobbyists. | 0 | not toxic |
Why can’t the assembly just put the money away for harder times?
Because there guys are practicing to become state legislators, where rules of spending are- If you have a dime, spend it, when you get more, spend it, when money runs out, tax till you have more and, SPEND IT.
Elected officials need money to get elected. They use our money to give things like free health care and new road projects to people they think will vote for them or donate money. Saving money is counter intuitive to their end goal. | 0 | not toxic |
Never heard of the Washington Times.
Fake News anyone? | 0 | not toxic |
I'm a conservative who's been posting here for years, I don't seem to have that problem. Out of thousands of posts i've had a few removed, usually when I lost my temper and didn't follow the ground rules. | 0 | not toxic |
Antifa and BLM don't have "members. They are movements, not groups or organizations. And yes, a white person can believe in the ideals they proffer. Most white-supremacists likewise do not belong to an official group. | 0 | not toxic |
Stop lying.
His testimony is that Trump "hoped", not asked. | 0 | not toxic |
Bingo! The Teachers Unions know their time has come! Accountability will be the name of the game, or they will go away! | 0 | not toxic |
Since Black Lives Matter obviously knows how to deal with these situations, I suggest they volunteer to be on call whenever an armed black person is threatening to harm others and BLM could come and handle the situation appropriately and show us all how it should be done. | 0 | not toxic |
The guy should've vacationed here. In the land of freedom, if you have enough money you can grope women and buy your way out of it. | 0 | not toxic |
There is ALWAYS a price at which someone will sell their property. I don't agree with eminent domain and believe that it is up to the potential buyer to find that price if they want the property that badly enough... | 0 | not toxic |
i wonder where the left feels the line is between right wing and extreme right wing. Appears I am a danger to society for feeling fiscal conservatism and strong border protection is important.
The recent rioting I have seen in the US has been by those that oppose their new leader and those that oppose free speech at Berkeley ... One person killed in Portland, fires at the university. All of this perpetrated by the left. Where's the line between left wing and extreme left wing ? How come I have never heard the expression extreme left wing used in mainstream media ? | 0 | not toxic |
Anyone who can afford $100,000 car should get no rebates. These F-Tards are incompetent to nth degree. Just go away Wynne | 0 | not toxic |
Diversify? Logging? Coal? Seafood?, Mineral extraction? All provide jobs and contribute to the economy, but have been or are being heavily restricted. So what suggestions do you have for all this diversity you mention? | 0 | not toxic |
Yes, Dim Dobrev, you are right. We have a real problem. The laws and regulations according to which we have to work in government are change and innovation resistant. And officials are, understandably, highly risk averse (in the main) because of the risk of forfeiting a clean audit. It is a big challenge across govt. | 0 | not toxic |
For those who buy a home because it meets the three most important real estate criteria -
location, location, location - too f'n bad. A four story apartment building on the west side will only affect your sunsets. Maybe there'll be more noise. If you don't like it, move? | 0 | not toxic |
I can think of no reasons that would balance out so many strong objections. | 0 | not toxic |
Marine LePen has spoken out in the French parliament in opposition to CETA, which, she says, will mean French farmers won't be able to compete with Canadian beef and pork, which have a 30% cost advantage....her main point seems to be that the unelected European parliament has no business in deciding to approve a treaty which is within the right of the French people, not the E-U. The question of how to make the treaty work, which is what Mr. Trudeau raised in Germany, is what would happen if France took itself out of the European community and the common currency if LePen wins the presidential election?
LePen has made a point of disagreeing with Hollande who wants to penalize Britain over Brexit, and wants to have a bilateral trade agreement between France and Britain. It's almost as if there will be chants in France of "Vivre la France libre!"if LePen gets in. Probably not, but LePen is looking better than before now that Fillon has overpaid his Welsh wife with public funds. | 0 | not toxic |
Let the Americans build the wall on their own terms: US labor and US materials.
Let us watch how much money they can sink into this project, at fair US prices and wages. And eventually which part of US Budget pays for it. (real facts: EPA, State Dept budget cut to support Trump's endeavor)
It is going to be interesting fights between the President and the Congress. - stock up beer & hot dogs for the epistles to come. | 0 | not toxic |
This series of articles misses an important outcome beyond the "double billing" kerfuffle ! Anybody with the money can simply have procedures done in the USA and thus escape any Canadian health care system turmoil. A further indictment of the politicised mismanagement that is our "free" and "superior" health care.
The ultimate problem is that ( my experience ) access to and scheduling of any major health care procedure is subject to the unpredictable whims of the system. No thanks.
As for the current emphasis on bashing doctors - any that I ever knew worked hard long hours to pass through medical school and then in their practice. One may ask similar performance and dedication from our journalists - and patients demanding "free" care ! | 0 | not toxic |
That drip drip drip you hear is the slow but growing blood loss of the Natural Governing Larceny Party of Canada. Good riddance. | 0 | not toxic |
Kudos to the mayor for trying something different. I still believe that a major change in the housing price regimes is needed however, something along the lines of rent control. Trying to build your way into having affordable housing across the board is at best a short term solution. | 0 | not toxic |
Trump is a disgrace. How can the president from a presumably civilized democracy threaten to exterminate fellow human beings at the UN General Assembly? The Secretary General is right: those who divide are the world's greatest threat. Hopefully Special Counsel Mueller can put an end to this presidency, for the sake of all humanity. | 0 | not toxic |
For the responder: intrinsically disordered is based on some kind of hypothetical natural order that exists in thought, not nature. It is a reflection of the natural world, not a platonic ideal. It is a sin eater for God, who then takes revenge against sins that violate the natural order but not Him. In reality, sins damage humans and maybe the environment, but not God and certainly not some ordering in the minds of the hierarchy. | 0 | not toxic |
Minshall and his alter ego.
correction, Roy the tool is his real name and Minshall is the alter ego. | 0 | not toxic |
Subsets and Splits