"use strict"; ;(function (window, linkify) { var linkifyHtml = function (linkify) { 'use strict'; var HTML5NamedCharRefs = { // We don't need the complete named character reference because linkifyHtml // does not modify the escape sequences. We do need so that // whitespace is parsed properly. Other types of whitespace should already // be accounted for nbsp: "\xA0" }; function EntityParser(named) { this.named = named; } var HEXCHARCODE = /^#[xX]([A-Fa-f0-9]+)$/; var CHARCODE = /^#([0-9]+)$/; var NAMED = /^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$/; EntityParser.prototype.parse = function (entity) { if (!entity) { return; } var matches = entity.match(HEXCHARCODE); if (matches) { return "&#x" + matches[1] + ";"; } matches = entity.match(CHARCODE); if (matches) { return "&#" + matches[1] + ";"; } matches = entity.match(NAMED); if (matches) { return this.named[matches[1]] || "&" + matches[1] + ";"; } }; var WSP = /[\t\n\f ]/; var ALPHA = /[A-Za-z]/; var CRLF = /\r\n?/g; function isSpace(char) { return WSP.test(char); } function isAlpha(char) { return ALPHA.test(char); } function preprocessInput(input) { return input.replace(CRLF, "\n"); } function EventedTokenizer(delegate, entityParser) { this.delegate = delegate; this.entityParser = entityParser; this.state = null; this.input = null; this.index = -1; this.line = -1; this.column = -1; this.tagLine = -1; this.tagColumn = -1; this.reset(); } EventedTokenizer.prototype = { reset: function reset() { this.state = 'beforeData'; this.input = ''; this.index = 0; this.line = 1; this.column = 0; this.tagLine = -1; this.tagColumn = -1; this.delegate.reset(); }, tokenize: function tokenize(input) { this.reset(); this.tokenizePart(input); this.tokenizeEOF(); }, tokenizePart: function tokenizePart(input) { this.input += preprocessInput(input); while (this.index < this.input.length) { this.states[this.state].call(this); } }, tokenizeEOF: function tokenizeEOF() { this.flushData(); }, flushData: function flushData() { if (this.state === 'data') { this.delegate.finishData(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } }, peek: function peek() { return this.input.charAt(this.index); }, consume: function consume() { var char = this.peek(); this.index++; if (char === "\n") { this.line++; this.column = 0; } else { this.column++; } return char; }, consumeCharRef: function consumeCharRef() { var endIndex = this.input.indexOf(';', this.index); if (endIndex === -1) { return; } var entity = this.input.slice(this.index, endIndex); var chars = this.entityParser.parse(entity); if (chars) { var count = entity.length; // consume the entity chars while (count) { this.consume(); count--; } // consume the `;` this.consume(); return chars; } }, markTagStart: function markTagStart() { // these properties to be removed in next major bump this.tagLine = this.line; this.tagColumn = this.column; if (this.delegate.tagOpen) { this.delegate.tagOpen(); } }, states: { beforeData: function beforeData() { var char = this.peek(); if (char === "<") { this.state = 'tagOpen'; this.markTagStart(); this.consume(); } else { this.state = 'data'; this.delegate.beginData(); } }, data: function data() { var char = this.peek(); if (char === "<") { this.delegate.finishData(); this.state = 'tagOpen'; this.markTagStart(); this.consume(); } else if (char === "&") { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToData(this.consumeCharRef() || "&"); } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToData(char); } }, tagOpen: function tagOpen() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "!") { this.state = 'markupDeclaration'; } else if (char === "/") { this.state = 'endTagOpen'; } else if (isAlpha(char)) { this.state = 'tagName'; this.delegate.beginStartTag(); this.delegate.appendToTagName(char.toLowerCase()); } }, markupDeclaration: function markupDeclaration() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "-" && this.input.charAt(this.index) === "-") { this.consume(); this.state = 'commentStart'; this.delegate.beginComment(); } }, commentStart: function commentStart() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "-") { this.state = 'commentStartDash'; } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData(char); this.state = 'comment'; } }, commentStartDash: function commentStartDash() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "-") { this.state = 'commentEnd'; } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData("-"); this.state = 'comment'; } }, comment: function comment() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "-") { this.state = 'commentEndDash'; } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData(char); } }, commentEndDash: function commentEndDash() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "-") { this.state = 'commentEnd'; } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData("-" + char); this.state = 'comment'; } }, commentEnd: function commentEnd() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === ">") { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData("--" + char); this.state = 'comment'; } }, tagName: function tagName() { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.state = 'beforeAttributeName'; } else if (char === "/") { this.state = 'selfClosingStartTag'; } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.delegate.appendToTagName(char); } }, beforeAttributeName: function beforeAttributeName() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); return; } else if (char === "/") { this.state = 'selfClosingStartTag'; this.consume(); } else if (char === ">") { this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.state = 'attributeName'; this.delegate.beginAttribute(); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } }, attributeName: function attributeName() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.state = 'afterAttributeName'; this.consume(); } else if (char === "/") { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.state = 'selfClosingStartTag'; } else if (char === "=") { this.state = 'beforeAttributeValue'; this.consume(); } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } }, afterAttributeName: function afterAttributeName() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); return; } else if (char === "/") { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.state = 'selfClosingStartTag'; } else if (char === "=") { this.consume(); this.state = 'beforeAttributeValue'; } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.state = 'attributeName'; this.delegate.beginAttribute(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } }, beforeAttributeValue: function beforeAttributeValue() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); } else if (char === '"') { this.state = 'attributeValueDoubleQuoted'; this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(true); this.consume(); } else if (char === "'") { this.state = 'attributeValueSingleQuoted'; this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(true); this.consume(); } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.state = 'attributeValueUnquoted'; this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueDoubleQuoted: function attributeValueDoubleQuoted() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '"') { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.state = 'afterAttributeValueQuoted'; } else if (char === "&") { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef('"') || "&"); } else { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueSingleQuoted: function attributeValueSingleQuoted() { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "'") { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.state = 'afterAttributeValueQuoted'; } else if (char === "&") { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef("'") || "&"); } else { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueUnquoted: function attributeValueUnquoted() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.state = 'beforeAttributeName'; } else if (char === "&") { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef(">") || "&"); } else if (char === ">") { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, afterAttributeValueQuoted: function afterAttributeValueQuoted() { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); this.state = 'beforeAttributeName'; } else if (char === "/") { this.consume(); this.state = 'selfClosingStartTag'; } else if (char === ">") { this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.state = 'beforeAttributeName'; } }, selfClosingStartTag: function selfClosingStartTag() { var char = this.peek(); if (char === ">") { this.consume(); this.delegate.markTagAsSelfClosing(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.state = 'beforeData'; } else { this.state = 'beforeAttributeName'; } }, endTagOpen: function endTagOpen() { var char = this.consume(); if (isAlpha(char)) { this.state = 'tagName'; this.delegate.beginEndTag(); this.delegate.appendToTagName(char.toLowerCase()); } } } }; function Tokenizer(entityParser, options) { this.token = null; this.startLine = 1; this.startColumn = 0; this.options = options || {}; this.tokenizer = new EventedTokenizer(this, entityParser); } Tokenizer.prototype = { tokenize: function tokenize(input) { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenize(input); return this.tokens; }, tokenizePart: function tokenizePart(input) { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenizePart(input); return this.tokens; }, tokenizeEOF: function tokenizeEOF() { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenizeEOF(); return this.tokens[0]; }, reset: function reset() { this.token = null; this.startLine = 1; this.startColumn = 0; }, addLocInfo: function addLocInfo() { if (this.options.loc) { this.token.loc = { start: { line: this.startLine, column: this.startColumn }, end: { line: this.tokenizer.line, column: this.tokenizer.column } }; } this.startLine = this.tokenizer.line; this.startColumn = this.tokenizer.column; }, // Data beginData: function beginData() { this.token = { type: 'Chars', chars: '' }; this.tokens.push(this.token); }, appendToData: function appendToData(char) { this.token.chars += char; }, finishData: function finishData() { this.addLocInfo(); }, // Comment beginComment: function beginComment() { this.token = { type: 'Comment', chars: '' }; this.tokens.push(this.token); }, appendToCommentData: function appendToCommentData(char) { this.token.chars += char; }, finishComment: function finishComment() { this.addLocInfo(); }, // Tags - basic beginStartTag: function beginStartTag() { this.token = { type: 'StartTag', tagName: '', attributes: [], selfClosing: false }; this.tokens.push(this.token); }, beginEndTag: function beginEndTag() { this.token = { type: 'EndTag', tagName: '' }; this.tokens.push(this.token); }, finishTag: function finishTag() { this.addLocInfo(); }, markTagAsSelfClosing: function markTagAsSelfClosing() { this.token.selfClosing = true; }, // Tags - name appendToTagName: function appendToTagName(char) { this.token.tagName += char; }, // Tags - attributes beginAttribute: function beginAttribute() { this._currentAttribute = ["", "", null]; this.token.attributes.push(this._currentAttribute); }, appendToAttributeName: function appendToAttributeName(char) { this._currentAttribute[0] += char; }, beginAttributeValue: function beginAttributeValue(isQuoted) { this._currentAttribute[2] = isQuoted; }, appendToAttributeValue: function appendToAttributeValue(char) { this._currentAttribute[1] = this._currentAttribute[1] || ""; this._currentAttribute[1] += char; }, finishAttributeValue: function finishAttributeValue() {} }; function tokenize$1(input, options) { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new EntityParser(HTML5NamedCharRefs), options); return tokenizer.tokenize(input); } var HTML5Tokenizer = { HTML5NamedCharRefs: HTML5NamedCharRefs, EntityParser: EntityParser, EventedTokenizer: EventedTokenizer, Tokenizer: Tokenizer, tokenize: tokenize$1 }; var options = linkify.options; var Options = options.Options; var StartTag = 'StartTag'; var EndTag = 'EndTag'; var Chars = 'Chars'; var Comment = 'Comment'; /** `tokens` and `token` in this section refer to tokens generated by the HTML parser. */ function linkifyHtml(str) { var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var tokens = HTML5Tokenizer.tokenize(str); var linkifiedTokens = []; var linkified = []; var i; opts = new Options(opts); // Linkify the tokens given by the parser for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === StartTag) { linkifiedTokens.push(token); // Ignore all the contents of ignored tags var tagName = token.tagName.toUpperCase(); var isIgnored = tagName === 'A' || options.contains(opts.ignoreTags, tagName); if (!isIgnored) { continue; } var preskipLen = linkifiedTokens.length; skipTagTokens(tagName, tokens, ++i, linkifiedTokens); i += linkifiedTokens.length - preskipLen - 1; continue; } else if (token.type !== Chars) { // Skip this token, it's not important linkifiedTokens.push(token); continue; } // Valid text token, linkify it! var linkifedChars = linkifyChars(token.chars, opts); linkifiedTokens.push.apply(linkifiedTokens, linkifedChars); } // Convert the tokens back into a string for (i = 0; i < linkifiedTokens.length; i++) { var _token = linkifiedTokens[i]; switch (_token.type) { case StartTag: var link = '<' + _token.tagName; if (_token.attributes.length > 0) { var attrs = attrsToStrings(_token.attributes); link += ' ' + attrs.join(' '); } link += '>'; linkified.push(link); break; case EndTag: linkified.push("</" + _token.tagName + ">"); break; case Chars: linkified.push(escapeText(_token.chars)); break; case Comment: linkified.push("<!--" + escapeText(_token.chars) + "-->"); break; } } return linkified.join(''); } /** `tokens` and `token` in this section referes to tokens returned by `linkify.tokenize`. `linkified` will contain HTML Parser-style tokens */ function linkifyChars(str, opts) { var tokens = linkify.tokenize(str); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === 'nl' && opts.nl2br) { result.push({ type: StartTag, tagName: 'br', attributes: [], selfClosing: true }); continue; } else if (!token.isLink || !opts.check(token)) { result.push({ type: Chars, chars: token.toString() }); continue; } var _opts$resolve = opts.resolve(token), href = _opts$resolve.href, formatted = _opts$resolve.formatted, formattedHref = _opts$resolve.formattedHref, tagName = _opts$resolve.tagName, className = _opts$resolve.className, target = _opts$resolve.target, attributes = _opts$resolve.attributes; // Build up attributes var attributeArray = [['href', formattedHref]]; if (className) { attributeArray.push(['class', className]); } if (target) { attributeArray.push(['target', target]); } for (var attr in attributes) { attributeArray.push([attr, attributes[attr]]); } // Add the required tokens result.push({ type: StartTag, tagName: tagName, attributes: attributeArray, selfClosing: false }); result.push({ type: Chars, chars: formatted }); result.push({ type: EndTag, tagName: tagName }); } return result; } /** Returns a list of tokens skipped until the closing tag of tagName. * `tagName` is the closing tag which will prompt us to stop skipping * `tokens` is the array of tokens generated by HTML5Tokenizer which * `i` is the index immediately after the opening tag to skip * `skippedTokens` is an array which skipped tokens are being pushed into Caveats * Assumes that i is the first token after the given opening tagName * The closing tag will be skipped, but nothing after it * Will track whether there is a nested tag of the same type */ function skipTagTokens(tagName, tokens, i, skippedTokens) { // number of tokens of this type on the [fictional] stack var stackCount = 1; while (i < tokens.length && stackCount > 0) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === StartTag && token.tagName.toUpperCase() === tagName) { // Nested tag of the same type, "add to stack" stackCount++; } else if (token.type === EndTag && token.tagName.toUpperCase() === tagName) { // Closing tag stackCount--; } skippedTokens.push(token); i++; } // Note that if stackCount > 0 here, the HTML is probably invalid return skippedTokens; } function escapeText(text) { // Not required, HTML tokenizer ensures this occurs properly return text; } function escapeAttr(attr) { return attr.replace(/"/g, '"'); } function attrsToStrings(attrs) { var attrStrs = []; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { var _attrs$i = attrs[i], name = _attrs$i[0], value = _attrs$i[1]; attrStrs.push(name + "=\"" + escapeAttr(value) + "\""); } return attrStrs; } return linkifyHtml; }(linkify); window.linkifyHtml = linkifyHtml; })(window, linkify);