stringlengths 20
Create a new 'note' with content 'Client is interested in a bulk purchase. Follow up next week.' and assign it to the 'deal' with id '18685948051' |
Assign the 'deal' '15810400147' to owner '[email protected]' |
Assign me as an owner 'deal' 'Lakka Bakka' |
Update the description of the company 'Flowy Inc' to 'This is a chatbot company in Bangalore' |
Associate the 'deal' '18685948051' with the 'contact' 'John Doe' |
Associate the note 'Meeting Notes - Thor 1.0 Standup' with company 20293282324 |
Associate note 52001660177 with contact 'Nirav' |
Create a new contact with firstname 'Gregory1', lastname 'Hatchcock' and email '[email protected]', and associate it to the deal 18685947927 |
associate the contact '25561664534' with deal 'Deal for Flo Inc' |
Associate the contact 'Sai Manaswini' with deal '18684509706' |
Associate the note 'Meeting Notes - Thor 1.0 Standup' with contact '13087027208' |
Create a new 'deal' named 'Bistro Deal', amount '$5000', stage 'presentation scheduled' and close date '1st Nov 2023' and associate it with company '20293282366' |
Create a new 'note' with content as 'Built and deployed to production a smaller castle' and update the owner to '[email protected]' |
Create a new 'note' with the content 'Client is interested in expanding the contract. Follow up needed.' and associate with the 'company' with id '20293282366' |
Create a new 'note' with body 'Gold Standard Note' and associate it with the 'deal' '18685948011' |
Create a new task to "follow up next week about the Velcro Belt Opp" with due date next week , and associate it with contact id '250451' |
Create a new 'task' with subject 'Testing CRM for 2 times' and associate it with the 'contact' '7389357363' |
Create a new company called 'Thosar Sciences' and 7000 employees and update the owner to 293768978 |
Search for 'deal' 'Bistro' and update the owners to 315865881 |
Create a new 'task' with the title 'Follow-up Meeting' and associate it with 'contact' '13087027259' |
Create a new 'task' with title 'Complete L2 Stabilization for Thor 1.0 release', content 'Finish the L2 stabilization for Thor 1.0 release by 2024-01-25T19:10:29', status 'Not Started', priority 'High', and due date '2024-01-25T19:10:29' and associate it with deal '18685947927' |
Delete the 'company' named 'Lakka Tech Solutions' for current user |
Delete the 'deal' named 'Beevo Helicopter' |
Delete the 'deal' named 'big sale opportunity' |
Delete the contact 'test_contact' |
Delete the contact 'john doe' |
delete the company 'Nirav's New company' |
delete the company 'Thosar sciences' |
delete the deal 'Flowy's super deal' |
delete the note 'test note 1' |
delete the note 'test note 2' |
Delete the note 'test notes' |
Search the deal with dealname 'Mattermost' and owner "[email protected]" (include amount) |
Search for the 'deal' 'Jenga blocks' and update the amount to 10000 |
Search for the company 'Lakka Tech Solutions' and increase the employees by 1000 |
Associate the note '52612565922' with company 'bistro corp' |
Search for 'deals' associated with 'company' 'Lakka Bakka Inc 42' (include dealstage, close date, amount, win probability) |
Search for 'deals' associated with owner '[email protected]' in 'presentation scheduled' stage |
Search for 'notes' associated with the 'contact' 'ritik' |
Search for 'notes' created between '2024-02-03T20:38:49' and '2024-02-10T20:38:49' assigned to '[email protected]' with a limit of 10 results. |
Search for all contacts and companies associated to the 'deal' '18685948051' |
search for the deal associated with the company "bistro corp" and include the amount |
Search all notes assigned to owner "[email protected]" that were created this month |
Search the task with subject containing 'Follow up' and associate the task with contact ID 13072148608 |
Search deals belonging to owner [email protected] createdate between '2023-02-01' and '2023-04-30' (include amount) |
Search the deal 'Lakka Bakka' and associate it to the owner "315865881" |
Search the company possibly named 'Dunder Mifflin' and associate it with deal 18685948036 |
Search the deal 'Lakka Bakka' associated with owner '[email protected]' |
Update the 'amount' of 'deal' 'Lakka Bakka' by half of current amount |
Update the 'deal' 'Jenga Blocks' with a new closing date 2 months from now |
Update the deal with id 'Jenga blocks' with priority 'high' |
Update the task subject 'testing CRM 57' subject to 'feed monkeyes' |
Update the task subject 'feed monkeys 24' to 'testing CRM' |
Update the contact test_contact_10 with lifecyclestage 'lead' |
Update the contact email to '[email protected]' for contact 'test_contact' |
Update the contact email to '[email protected]' for contact 'test_contact' |
Update the owner of the deal 12340470665 to '[email protected]' |
Update the city of the company 'Thosar sciences 2' to 'Cambridge' |
Associate the deal 15682040124 with company 17779690843 |
Create a new note with body 'binko binko' and owner id 325420860 and timestamp {today} |
Find all deals that are closing before the end of 2023 owned by 293768978 and are not won and contains the name stark (include owner id) |
Find all open deals assigned to 293768978 ordered by revenue descending |
Get task 41855968901 |
Search tasks with the associated deal 15843597996 |
Search the contacts associated with the deal 15766985492 |
Search the contacts associated with the deal 15843597996 |
Update revenue of the deal with id 11223344 to 4000 dollars |
Update the deal stage to 'Closed Won' for deal 15844260879 |
Update the owner 325420860 with the deal 12340470665 |
Associate contact 251851 with deal 15843597996 |
Associate contact 252301 with deal 15860461964 |
Associate contact 252301 with task 42023206735 |
Associate contact 252801 with opportunity 11486453372 |
Associate note 52001660177 with contact 251551 |
Associate note 52001660177 with deal 15841663862 |
Associate note 52001660177 with deal 15766985492 |
Associate note 52001660177 with deal 15844260480 |
Associate note 52001660177 with deal 15860461964 |
Associate note 52001660177 with deal 15846051091 |
Create a new company called 'Lakka Bakka Inc (Est 1921)' with current user |
Create a new company called 'Lakka Bakka Inc' with current user 325420860 |
Create a new company called 'Thosar Sciences' and 7000 employees |
Create a new company called Nirav's new company 1 and 10.5k employees |
Create a new contact 'Arnie Weller' |
Create a new contact 'Charles Xavier' |
Create a new contact 'Jack Frost' |
Create a new contact 'James Magnet' |
Create a new contact 'Karen Michaels' |
Create a new contact with firstname 'Brian', lastname 'Matters' and email '[email protected]' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new contact with firstname 'Gregory', lastname 'Hatchcock' and email '[email protected]' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new contact with firstname 'Jane', lastname 'Doe' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new contact with firstname 'John', lastname 'Doe' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new deal called 'Beevo' with amount 12000, stage 'qualified to buy' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new deal called 'Flowy's Super Deal' with amount $5000 and owner 325420860 |
Create a new deal called 'Flowy's Test Deal' with value $5000 with current user |
Create a new deal called 'Lakka Bakka Forever' with value $4000 with current user |
Create a new note with body 'Client is interested in a bulk purchase. Follow up next week.' |
Create a new note with body 'Client is qualified to buy. Proceeding with the next steps.' |
Create a new note with body 'Contract has been sent to the client for review' |
Create a new note with body 'Deal closed successfully!' |
Subsets and Splits