ANSY S Fluen t Text Command List Release 2019 R3 ANSY S, Inc. August 2019 Southp ointe 2600 ANSY S Drive Canonsbur g, PA 15317 ANSY S, Inc. and ANSY S Europe,ansy sinfo@ansy Ltd. are ULhttp://www .ansy s.comregist ered ISO(T) 724-746-3304 (F) 724-514-94949001: 2015 companies .Copyright and Trademar k Inf ormation © 2019 ANSY S, Inc. Unauthor ized use , distr ibution or duplic ation is pr ohibit ed. ANSY S, ANSY S Workbench, AUTODYN, CFX, FLUENT and an y and all ANSY S, Inc. brand , produc t, service and f eature names , logos and slo gans ar e regist ered tr ademar ks or tr ademar ks of ANSY S, Inc. or its subsidiar ies lo cated in the United S tates or other c oun tries. ICEM CFD is a tr ademar k used b y ANSY S, Inc. under lic ense . CFX is a tr ademar k of S ony Corporation in Japan. All other br and , produc t, service and f eature names or tr ademar ks ar e the pr operty of their r espective owners . FLEXlm and FLEXnet ar e trademar ks of F lexera Software LL C. Disclaimer N otic e THIS ANSY S SOFT WARE PR ODUCT AND PR OGR AM DOCUMENT ATION INCL UDE TRADE SECRET S AND ARE C ONFID- ENTIAL AND PR OPRIET ARY PR ODUCT S OF ANSY S, INC., ITS SUBSIDIARIES, OR LICENSORS. The sof tware pr oduc ts and do cumen tation ar e fur nished b y ANSY S, Inc., its subsidiar ies, or affilia tes under a sof tware lic ense agr eemen t that contains pr ovisions c oncerning non-disclosur e, copying , length and na ture of use , complianc e with e xporting laws, warranties, disclaimers , limita tions of liabilit y, and r emedies , and other pr ovisions .The sof tware pr oduc ts and do cumen tation ma y be used , disclosed , transf erred, or c opied only in acc ordanc e with the t erms and c onditions of tha t sof tware lic ense agr eemen t. ANSY S, Inc. and ANSY S Europe, Ltd. are UL r egist ered ISO 9001: 2015 c ompanies . U.S. Governmen t Rights For U.S. Governmen t users , except as sp ecific ally gr anted b y the ANSY S, Inc. software lic ense agr eemen t, the use , duplic ation, or disclosur e by the U nited S tates G overnmen t is subjec t to restrictions sta ted in the ANSY S, Inc. software lic ense agr eemen t and F AR 12.212 (f or non-DOD lic enses). Third-Party Software See the legal inf ormation in the pr oduc t help files f or the c omplet e Legal N otice for ANSY S pr oprietar y sof tware and thir d-par ty sof tware. If you ar e unable t o acc ess the L egal N otice, contact ANSY S, Inc. Published in the U.S.A.Table of C ontents I. Introduc tion .............................................................................................................................................1 1. Using This M anual .............................................................................................................................3 2.Text User In terface............................................................................................................................7 2.1.Text Menu S ystem.......................................................................................................................7 2.1.1. Command A bbreviation .....................................................................................................8 2.1.2. Command Line Hist ory.......................................................................................................9 2.1.3. Scheme E valua tion ...........................................................................................................10 2.1.4. Aliases .............................................................................................................................10 2.2.Text Prompt S ystem..................................................................................................................10 2.2.1. Numb ers..........................................................................................................................11 2.2.2. Booleans ..........................................................................................................................11 2.2.3. Strings .............................................................................................................................12 2.2.4. Symb ols...........................................................................................................................12 2.2.5. Filenames ........................................................................................................................12 2.2.6. Lists .................................................................................................................................13 2.2.7. Evalua tion ........................................................................................................................14 2.2.8. Default Value B inding .......................................................................................................15 2.3. Interrupts .................................................................................................................................15 2.4. System C ommands ...................................................................................................................15 2.4.1. System C ommands f or LINUX-based Op erating S ystems ...................................................15 2.4.2. System C ommands f or Windo ws-based Op erating S ystems ...............................................16 2.5.Text Menu Input fr om C haracter Strings ....................................................................................17 2.6. Using the Text Interface Help S ystem.........................................................................................18 A.Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 .......................................................................19 II. Meshing M ode......................................................................................................................................21 1.boundary/ .....................................................................................................................................23 2.cad-assemblies/ ........................................................................................................................47 3.diagnostics/ ..............................................................................................................................51 4.display/ .......................................................................................................................................53 5.exit ................................................................................................................................................71 6.file/ ..............................................................................................................................................73 7.material-point/ ........................................................................................................................85 8.mesh/ ..............................................................................................................................................87 9.objects/ .....................................................................................................................................125 10.parallel/ .................................................................................................................................135 .....................................................................................................................................137 12.scoped-sizing/ ......................................................................................................................139 13.size-functions/ ....................................................................................................................141 14.switch-to-solution-mode ..................................................................................................143 A. Query and U tility Functions .............................................................................................................145 A.1. List Q ueries and U tility Functions ............................................................................................145 A.1.1. Using B oolean Op erations with Lists ...............................................................................153 A.1.2. Examples .......................................................................................................................153 A.2. Lab el U tility Functions ............................................................................................................154 A.2.1. Examples .......................................................................................................................157 A.3. Report Utility Functions ..........................................................................................................158 A.4. Diagnostic B ased M arking U tility Functions .............................................................................164 A.5. Mesh S etup U tility Functions ..................................................................................................167 A.6. Mesh Op eration U tility Functions ............................................................................................169 A.7. Miscellaneous F unctions .........................................................................................................172 iiiRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.B. Boundar y Functions ........................................................................................................................175 B.1. Examples ................................................................................................................................184 C. Connec t Functions ..........................................................................................................................187 C.1. Examples ................................................................................................................................189 D. Size Field F unctions .........................................................................................................................191 D.1. Examples ................................................................................................................................198 E.Wrap F unctions ................................................................................................................................201 E.1. Examples ................................................................................................................................208 III. Solution M ode....................................................................................................................................211 1.adapt/ ..........................................................................................................................................213 2.adjoint/ .....................................................................................................................................217 3.define/ .......................................................................................................................................225 4.display/ ....................................................................................................................................295 5.exit / close-fluent .............................................................................................................315 6.file/ ............................................................................................................................................317 7.mesh/ ............................................................................................................................................329 8.parallel/ ..................................................................................................................................335 9.plot/ ...........................................................................................................................................339 .....................................................................................................................................341 11.server/ .....................................................................................................................................349 12.solve/ .......................................................................................................................................351 13.surface/ ...................................................................................................................................373 14.switch-to-meshing-mode ....................................................................................................375 15.turbo/ ........................................................................................................................................377 16.views/ ........................................................................................................................................379 17.battery-model/ ......................................................................................................................381 17.1. Single-P otential Empir ical Battery Model...............................................................................381 17.2. Dual-P otential MSMD and C ircuit N etwork Battery Models .....................................................382 18. Fuel C ell Text Commands ............................................................................................................385 18.1. Using the PEMFC Text User In terface......................................................................................385 18.1.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface...............................................................387 18.2. Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terface...........................................................389 18.2.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface...............................................................391 18.3. Using the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyte Text User In terface......................393 19. Magnet ohydrodynamics Text Commands .................................................................................395 20.continuous-fiber/ ...............................................................................................................397 Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. ivText Command ListList of F igur es 8.1. Rezoning M ultiply C onnec ted F aces......................................................................................................89 vRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. viPart I: Introduc tion The sec tion descr ibes the gener al asp ects of the t ext command in terface for F luen t. •Using This M anual (p.3) gives a br ief descr iption of v arious chapt ers in this manual. •Text User In terface (p.7) gives an o verview of the t ext command language , including basic syn tax and capabilities . •Appendix A: Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 (p.19) lists changes t o the Text Command List f or the cur rent release .Chapt er 1: Using This M anual Imp ortant Under U.S. and in ternational c opyright law, ANSY S, Inc. is unable t o distr ibut e copies of the pap ers list ed in the biblio graph y, other than those published in ternally b y ANSY S, Inc. Use your libr ary or a do cumen t deliv ery ser vice to obtain c opies of c opyrighted pap ers. This manual descr ibes the t ext-based user in terface of ANSY S Fluen t Meshing which ma y be used f or scripting and other ad vanced w orkflows. Here is wha t you will find in each chapt er and app endix: Introduc tion: •Text User In terface (p.7) gives an o verview of the t ext command language , including basic syn tax and capabilities . •Appendix A: Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 (p.19) lists changes t o the Text Command List f or the cur rent release . Meshing M ode: •boundary/ (p.23) lists the c ommands used f or cr eating , managing , mo difying , deleting b oundar y (fac e) zones and sur face mesh. •cad-assemblies/ (p.47) lists c ommands used t o interact with y our C AD mo del. •diagnostics/ (p.51) lists c ommands used t o find and r epair fac e zone pr oblems r elated t o connec tivit y and qualit y. •display/ (p.53) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al windo w. •exit (p.71) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram. •file/ (p.73) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta. •material-point/ (p.85) lists c ommands used t o manage ma terial p oints in y our mo del. •mesh/ (p.87) lists c ommands used t o create, manage , mo dify and delet e cell z ones and v olume mesh. •objects/ (p.125) lists c ommands used in the objec t-based meshing w orkflow, from C AD imp ort to volume fill. •parallel/ (p.135) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing . •report/ (p.137) lists c ommands used t o retur n volume and sur face mesh sta tistics such as c oun ts or qualit y. 3Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.•scoped-sizing/ (p.139) lists c ommands used t o create and manage sc oped siz e controls. •size-functions/ (p.141) lists c ommands used t o create and manage siz e func tions such as global or periodic siz es. •switch-to-solution-mode (p.143) lists the c ommand t o transf er your mesh da ta to the F luen t solv er. •Appendix A: Query and U tility Functions (p.145) lists API func tions used t o interact with y our mo del b y passing inf ormation such as names or lists of z ones or objec ts, statistics , and diagnostics . Boolean op erations and e xamples ar e included . •Appendix B: Boundar y Functions (p.175) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone mesh. Ex- amples ar e included . •Appendix C: Connec t Functions (p.187) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone c onnec tivit y. Examples ar e included . •Appendix D: Size Field F unctions (p.191) lists API func tions used t o manage geo desic siz e controls and siz e fields . Examples ar e included . •Appendix E: Wrap F unctions (p.201) lists API func tions used t o manage y our mesh in UT M cases . Examples are included . Solution M ode: •adapt/ (p.213) lists c ommands r elated t o mesh adaption. •adjoint/ (p.217) lists c ommands r elated t o the adjoin t solv er. •define/ (p.225) lists c ommands r elated t o pr oblem definition, such as mo dels , boundar y conditions , ma- terials, etc. •display/ (p.295) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al windo w. •exit / close-fluent (p.315) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram. •file/ (p.317) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta. •mesh/ (p.329) lists c ommands used t o create and manage mesh pr operties. •parallel/ (p.335) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing . •plot/ (p.339) lists c ommands sp ecific t o plotting da ta. •report/ (p.341) lists c ommands used t o retur n sta tistics f or the simula tion. •server/ (p.349) lists c ommands used c ontrol the F luen t Remot e Visualiza tion C lient and S erver. •solve/ (p.351) lists c ommands used t o create and manage solution c ontrols, such as anima tion, cell regist ers, monit ors, initializa tion, etc. •surface/ (p.373) lists c ommands r elated t o creating and manipula ting sur faces. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 4Using This M anual•switch-to-meshing-mode (p.375) lists the c ommand t o transf er your solution da ta to Fluen t in meshing mode. •turbo/ (p.377) lists c ommands r elated t o results and r eporting f or turb omachiner y. •views/ (p.379) lists c ommands r elated t o camer a and view manipula tion in the gr aphics windo w. 5Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 6Chapt er 2: Text User In terface In addition t o the gr aphic al user in terface, the meshing mo de of ANSY S Fluen t also c onsists of a t extual command line r eference. The t ext user in terface (TUI) is wr itten in a dialec t of Lisp c alled Scheme . Users familiar with Scheme will b e able t o use the in terpretive capabilities of the in terface to cr eate cust omiz ed c ommands .The TUI is descr ibed in the f ollowing sec tions: 2.1.Text Menu S ystem 2.2.Text Prompt S ystem 2.3. Interrupts 2.4. System C ommands 2.5.Text Menu Input fr om C haracter Strings 2.6. Using the Text Interface Help S ystem 2.1. Text Menu S ystem The t ext menu sy stem pr ovides a hier archic al in terface to the pr ogram’s under lying pr ocedur al in terface. •You c an easily manipula te its op eration with standar d text-based t ools: input c an b e sa ved in files , mo dified with t ext edit ors, and r ead back in t o be execut ed, because it is t ext based . •The t ext menu sy stem is tigh tly in tegrated with the Scheme e xtension language , so it c an easily b e pr o- grammed t o pr ovide sophistic ated c ontrol and cust omiz ed func tionalit y. Note The c onsole also c ontains an aut oma tic-c omplet er feature tha t sho ws the v alid inputs as soon as y ou b egin t yping so tha t you c an quick ly en ter y our in tended c ommands .This f eature can b e tur ned on/off in Preferenc es. The menu sy stem str ucture is similar t o the dir ectory tree str ucture of LINUX op erating sy stems .When you first star t Fluen t, you ar e in the "r oot" menu and the menu pr ompt is simply a c aret/gr eater-than symb ol: > To gener ate a listing of the submenus and c ommands in the cur rent menu , press Enter.The a vailable submenus and c ommands will dep end on whether y ou ar e running F luen t in meshing mo de or solution mode. For instanc e, the submenus and c ommands tha t are available fr om the r oot menu of the solution mo de are as f ollows: >Enter adapt/ mesh/ surface/ define/ parallel/ switch-to-meshing-mode display/ plot/ views/ 7Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. exit report/ file/ solve/ By convention, submenu names end with a / to diff erentiate them fr om menu c ommands .To execut e a command , type its name (or an abbr eviation). Similar ly, to mo ve do wn in to a submenu , enter its name or an abbr eviation. When y ou mo ve in to the submenu , the pr ompt will change t o reflec t the cur rent menu name . > display /display > set /display/set > To mo ve back t o the pr eviously o ccupied menu , type q or quit at the pr ompt. /display/set > q /display You c an mo ve dir ectly t o a menu b y giving its full pa thname . /display > /file /display//file > In the ab ove example , control w as passed fr om /display to /file without st opping in the r oot menu .Therefore, when y ou quit fr om the /file menu , control will b e passed dir ectly back t o /dis- play . /display//file > q /display > If you e xecut e a c ommand without st opping in an y of the menus along the w ay, control will again b e retur ned t o the menu fr om which y ou in voked the c ommand . /display /file start-journal jrnl /display > The t ext menu sy stem pr ovides online help f or menu c ommands .The t ext menu online help sy stem is descr ibed in Using the Text Interface Help S ystem (p.18). To edit the cur rent command , you c an p osition the cursor with the lef t and r ight arrow keys, delet e with the Backspac e key, and inser t text simply b y typing . For additional inf ormation, refer to the f ollowing sec tions: 2.1.1. Command A bbreviation 2.1.2. Command Line Hist ory 2.1.3. Scheme E valua tion 2.1.4. Aliases 2.1.1. Command A bbr eviation To selec t a menu c ommand , you need not t ype the en tire name; you c an t ype an abbr eviation tha t matches the c ommand . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 8Text User In terface•A command name c onsists of "phr ases" separ ated b y hyphens . •A command is ma tched b y ma tching an initial sequenc e of its phr ases . •Matching of h yphens is optional. •A phr ase is ma tched b y ma tching an initial sequenc e of its char acters. •A char acter is ma tched b y typing tha t char acter. The r ules f or "ma tching" a c ommand ar e: •If an abbr eviation ma tches mor e than one c ommand , then the c ommand with the gr eatest numb er of matched phr ases is chosen. •If mor e than one c ommand has the same numb er of ma tched phr ases , then the first c ommand t o app ear in the menu is chosen. For e xample , each of the f ollowing will ma tch the giv en c ommand set-ambientcolor :set- ambient-color ,s-a-c ,sac , and sa. •When abbr eviating c ommands , sometimes y our abbr eviation will ma tch mor e than one c ommand . In such cases , the first c ommand is selec ted. •Occasionally , ther e is an anomaly such as lint not ma tching lighting-interpolation because the li gets absorb ed in lights-on? and then the nt does not ma tch interpolation . This c an b e resolv ed b y cho osing a diff erent abbr eviation, such as liin , or l-int . 2.1.2. Command Line Hist ory You c an use the up and do wn ar row keys on y our k eyboard to go thr ough r ecently used c ommands that are stored in hist ory. By default , command-hist ory will st ore only the last t en c ommands .This c an be changed (f or e xample t o 15) b y using the f ollowing c ommand: > (set! *cmd-history-length* 15) Imp ortant Command-hist ory is not a vailable if the ANSY S Fluen t applic ation is star ted with -g options (see Command Line S tartup Options in the Fluent U ser's G uide ). Imp ortant The user inputs supplied as the ar gumen ts of the TUI c ommand or alias will not b e sa ved in hist ory. By way of illustr ation, consider the f ollowing en try in the TUI: 9Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Text Menu S ystem> rc new_file.cas Imp ortant In hist ory, only rc (an alias f or read-case ) will b e sa ved, sinc e new_file.cas is a user input t o the alias-func tion. Commands r ecalled fr om hist ory can b e edit ed or c orrected using the Backspac e key and the lef t and right arrow keys. 2.1.3. Scheme E valua tion If you en ter an op en par enthesis ,(, at the menu pr ompt , then tha t par enthesis and all char acters up to and including the ma tching closing par enthesis ar e passed t o Scheme t o be evalua ted, and the result of e valua ting the e xpression is displa yed. > (define a 1) a > (+ a 2 3 4) 10 2.1.4. Aliases Command aliases c an b e defined within the menu sy stem. As with the Linux csh shell, aliases tak e precedenc e over command e xecution. The f ollowing aliases ar e pr edefined in C ortex:error ,pwd , chdir ,ls,., and alias . error displa ys the Scheme objec t tha t was the “irritan t” in the most r ecent Scheme er ror in terrupt. pwd prints the w orking dir ectory in which all file op erations will tak e plac e. chdir will change the w orking dir ectory. ls lists the files in the w orking dir ectory. . (period) prompts y ou f or a jour nal file name and then r un the jour nal file y ou ha ve sp ecified . alias displa ys the list of symb ols cur rently aliased . 2.2. Text Prompt S ystem Commands r equir e various ar gumen ts, including numb ers, filenames , yes/no r esponses , char acter str ings , and lists . A unif orm in terface to this input is pr ovided b y the t ext prompt sy stem. A pr ompt c onsists of Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 10Text User In terfacea pr ompt str ing, followed b y an optional units str ing enclosed in par entheses , followed b y a default value enclosed in squar e br ackets.The f ollowing sho ws some e xamples of pr ompts: filled-mesh? [no] Enter shrink-factor [0.1] Enter line-weight [1] Enter title [""] Enter The default v alue f or a pr ompt is acc epted b y pr essing Enter on the k eyboard or t yping a , (comma). Imp ortant Note tha t a c omma is not a separ ator. It is a separ ate token tha t indic ates a default v alue . The sequenc e “ 1,2” results in thr ee v alues; the numb er 1 f or the first pr ompt , the default value f or the sec ond pr ompt , and the numb er 2 f or the thir d pr ompt. A shor t help message c an b e displa yed a t an y pr ompt b y en tering a ?. (See Using the Text Interface Help S ystem (p.18).) To ab ort a pr ompt sequenc e, simply pr ess Ctrl+c. 2.2.1. Numb ers The most c ommon pr ompt t ype is a numb er. Numb ers c an b e either in tegers or r eal numb ers.Valid numb ers ar e, for e xample ,16,-2.4 ,.9e5 , and +1e-5 . •Integers c an also b e sp ecified in binar y, octal, and he xadecimal f orm. •The decimal in teger 31 c an b e en tered as 31,#b11111 ,#o37 , or #x1f . •In Scheme , integers ar e a subset of r eals , so y ou do not need a decimal p oint to indic ate tha t a numb er is real;2 is just as much a r eal as 2.0 . •If you en ter a r eal numb er at an in teger pr ompt , any fractional par t will b e truncated. For e xample ,1.9 will b ecome 1. 2.2.2. Booleans Some pr ompts r equir e a y es-or-no r esponse . A y es/no pr ompt will acc ept either yes or y for a p ositiv e response , and no or n for a nega tive response .Yes/no pr ompts ar e used f or c onfir ming p otentially danger ous ac tions such as o verwriting an e xisting file , exiting without sa ving c ase, data, mesh, and so on. Some pr ompts r equir e ac tual Scheme B oolean v alues (tr ue or false). These ar e en tered with the Scheme symb ols f or tr ue and false ,#t and #f. 11Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Text Prompt S ystem2.2.3. Strings Character str ings ar e en tered in double quot es, for e xample ,“red” . Plot titles and plot legend titles are examples of char acter str ings . Character str ings c an include an y char acters, including blank spac es and punc tuation. 2.2.4. Symb ols Symb ols ar e en tered without quot es. Zone names , sur face names , and ma terial names ar e examples of symb ols. Symb ols must star t with an alphab etical char acter (tha t is, a lett er), and c annot include any blank spac es or c ommas . You c an use wild c ards t o sp ecify z one names when using the TUI. Some e xamples ar e: •* will tr ansla te as “all z ones ”. For e xample , –/display/boundary-grid * enables y ou t o displa y all the b oundar y zones in the mesh. –/boundary/delete-island-faces wrap* enables y ou t o delet e island fac es on all z ones prefixed b y wrap . •> will tr ansla te as “all z ones visible in the gr aphics windo w”. For e xample ,/boundary/manage/delete >, yes enables y ou t o delet e all visible z ones . •^ will tr ansla te as “all z ones selec ted in the gr aphics windo w”. For e xample ,/boundary/manage/delete ^, yes enables y ou t o delet e all selec ted z ones . •[object_name will tr ansla te as “all z ones with the name objec t_name ”. For e xample ,/boundary/manage/delete [box, yes enables y ou t o delet e all z ones of an objec t with the name box. •[object_name/label_name will tr ansla te as "all z ones with label_name of objec t_name " For e xample ,/boundary/manage/delete [fluid/box*, yes enables y ou t o delet e all zones of an objec t with the name fluid and c ompr ising fac e zone lab els box*. If you use a wild c ard for an op eration tha t requir es a single z one as input , you will b e pr ompt ed t o specify a single z one fr om the list of those tha t ma tch the e xpression sp ecified . > /boundary/manage/name wall* wall-1 wall-3 wall-5 wall-2 wall-4 wall-6 Zone Name [ ] 2.2.5. Filenames Filenames ar e ac tually just char acter str ings . For c onvenienc e, filename pr ompts do not r equir e the string t o be sur rounded with double quot es. If, for some e xceptional r eason, a filename c ontains an emb edded spac e char acter, then the name must b e sur rounded with double quot es. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 12Text User In terfaceOne c onsequenc e of this c onvenienc e is tha t filename pr ompts do not e valua te the r esponse . For e x- ample , the sequenc e > (define fn "") fn > hc fn will end up wr iting a pic ture file with the name fn, not . Since the filename pr ompt did not e valua te the r esponse ,fn did not get a chanc e to evalua te “” as it w ould f or most other pr ompts . 2.2.6. Lists Some func tions in ANSY S Fluen t requir e a “list” of objec ts such as numb ers, strings , Booleans , and so on. A list is a Scheme objec t tha t is simply a sequenc e of objec ts termina ted b y the empt y list ,’() . Lists ar e pr ompt ed f or an elemen t at a time , and the end of the list is signaled b y en tering an empt y list. This t ermina ting list f orms the tail of the pr ompt ed list , and c an either b e empt y or c an c ontain values . For c onvenienc e, the empt y list c an b e en tered as () as w ell as the standar d form ’() . Normally , list pr ompts sa ve the pr evious ar gumen t list as the default. To mo dify the list , overwrite the desir ed elemen ts and t ermina te the pr ocess with an empt y list. For e xample , element(1) [()] 1 element(2) [()] 10 element(3) [()] 100 element(4) [()] Enter creates a list of thr ee numb ers: 1, 10, and 100. Subsequen tly, element(1) [1] Enter element(2) [10] Enter element(3) [100] Enter element(4) [()] 1000 element(5) [()] Enter adds a f ourth elemen t.Then element(1) [1] Enter element(2) [10] Enter element(3) [100] () leaves only 1 and 10 in the list. Subsequen tly en tering element(1) [1] ,,’(11 12 13) creates a fiv e elemen t list: 1, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Finally , a single empt y list r emo ves all elemen ts element(1) [1] () 13Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Text Prompt S ystemA diff erent type of list , namely , a “list-of-sc alars” contains pick menu it ems (and not list it ems) f or which a selec tion has t o be made fr om list ed quan tities , which ar e available a t the Enter prompt. Hence, a list-of-sc alars c annot b e en tered as a list. An example of a “list-of-sc alars” consists of the f ollowing: 2.2.7. Evalua tion All responses t o pr ompts (e xcept filenames , see ab ove) ar e evalua ted b y the Scheme in terpreter b efore they are used .You c an ther efore en ter an y valid Scheme e xpression as the r esponse t o a pr ompt. For example , to en ter a unit v ector with one c omp onen t equal t o 1/3 (without using y our c alcula tor), /foo> set-xy x-component [1.0] (/ 1 3) y-component [0.0] (sqrt (/ 8 9)) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 14Text User In terfaceor, you c ould first define a utilit y func tion t o comput e the sec ond c omp onen t of a unit v ector, > (define (unit-y x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x)))) unit-y /foo> set-xy x-component [1.0] (/ 1 3) y-component [0.0] (unit-y (/ 1 3)) 2.2.8. Default Value Binding The default v alue a t an y pr ompt is b ound t o the Scheme symb ol “ _” (undersc ore) so tha t the default value c an f orm par t of a Scheme e xpression. For e xample , if y ou w ant to decr ease a default v alue so that it is one-thir d of the or iginal v alue , you c ould en ter shrink-factor [0.8] (/ _ 3) 2.3. Interrupts The e xecution of the c ode c an b e halt ed b y pr essing the Ctrl+c, at which time the pr esen t op eration stops a t the ne xt recoverable lo cation. 2.4. System C ommands The w ay you e xecut e sy stem c ommands with the ! (bang) shell esc ape char acter will b e sligh tly diff erent for Linux and Windo ws systems . For additional inf ormation, see the f ollowing sec tions: 2.4.1. System C ommands f or LINUX-based Op erating S ystems 2.4.2. System C ommands f or Windo ws-based Op erating S ystems 2.4.1. System C ommands f or LINUX-based Op erating S ystems If you ar e running ANSY S Fluen t under a Linux-based op erating sy stem, all char acters f ollowing the ! up t o the ne xt newline char acter will b e execut ed in a subshell. Any fur ther input r elated t o these system c ommands must b e en tered in the windo w in which y ou star ted the pr ogram, and an y scr een output will also app ear in tha t windo w. (Note tha t if y ou star ted ANSY S Fluen t remot ely, this input and output will b e in the windo w in which y ou star ted C ortex.) > !rm junk.* > !vi script.rp !pwd and !ls will e xecut e the Linux c ommands in the dir ectory in which C ortex was star ted.The screen output will app ear in the windo w in which y ou star ted ANSY S Fluen t, unless y ou star ted it r e- mot ely, in which c ase the output will app ear in the windo w in which y ou star ted C ortex. (Note tha t !cd execut es in a subshell, so it will not change the w orking dir ectory either f or ANSY S Fluen t or f or Cortex, and is ther efore not useful.) Typing cd with no ar gumen ts will mo ve you t o your home dir ectory in the c onsole . 15Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.System C ommandsANSY S Fluen t includes thr ee sy stem c ommand aliases ( pwd ,ls, and chdir ) tha t will b e execut ed in your w orking dir ectory with output displa yed in the ANSY S Fluen t console . Note tha t these aliases will invoke the c orresponding Linux c ommands with r espect to the par ent dir ectory of the c ase file . For example ,pwd prints the par ent dir ectory of the c ase file in the ANSY S Fluen t console , while !pwd prints the dir ectory from which y ou star ted ANSY S Fluen t in the Linux shell windo w wher e you star ted ANSY S Fluen t. Several examples of sy stem c ommands en tered in the c onsole ar e sho wn b elow.The scr een output that will app ear in the windo w in which ANSY S Fluen t was star ted (or , if y ou star ted the pr ogram r e- mot ely, in the windo w in which C ortex was star ted) f ollows the e xamples . Example input (in the ANSY S Fluen t console): > !pwd > !ls valve*.* Example output (in the windo w in which ANSY S Fluen t— or C ortex, if y ou star ted the pr ogram r e- mot ely—w as star ted): /home/cfd/run/valve valve1.cas valve1.msh valve2.cas valve2.msh 2.4.2. System C ommands f or Windo ws-based Op erating S ystems If you ar e running ANSY S Fluen t under a Windo ws op erating sy stem, all char acters f ollowing the ! up to the ne xt newline char acter will b e execut ed.The r esults of a c ommand will app ear in the ANSY S Fluen t console , or in a separ ate windo w if the c ommand star ts an e xternal pr ogram, such as N otepad . > !del junk.* > !notepad script.rp !cd and !dir will e xecut e the DOS c ommands and the scr een output will app ear in the ANSY S Flu- ent console .The !cd command with no ar gumen t will displa y the cur rent working dir ectory in the ANSY S Fluen t console . Several examples of sy stem c ommands en tered in the c onsole ar e sho wn b elow. Example input (in b oxes) and output (in the ANSY S Fluen t console): > !cd p:/cfd/run/valve > !dir valve*.*/w Volume in drive P is users Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678 Directory of p:/cfd/run/valve valve1.cas valve1.msh valve2.cas valve2.msh 4 File(s) 621,183 bytes 0 Dir(s) 1,830,088,704 bytes free Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 16Text User In terface2.5. Text Menu Input fr om C haracter S trings When wr iting a Scheme e xtension func tion f or ANSY S Fluen t, it is of ten c onvenien t to be able t o include menu c ommands in the func tion. This c an b e done with ti-menu-load-string . For e xample , to open gr aphics windo w 2, use (ti-menu-load-string "di ow 2") A Scheme lo op tha t will op en windo ws 1 and 2 and displa y the fr ont view of the mesh in windo w 1 and the back view in windo w 2 is giv en b y (for-each (lambda (window view) (ti-menu-load-string (format #f "di ow ~a gr view rv ~a" window view))) ’(1 2) ’(front back)) This lo op mak es use of the format func tion t o constr uct the str ing used b y menu-load-string . This simple lo op c ould also b e wr itten without using menu c ommands a t all, but y ou need t o know the Scheme func tions tha t get e xecut ed b y the menu c ommands t o do it: (for-each (lambda (window view) (cx-open-window window) (display-mesh) (cx-restore-view view)) ’(1 2) ’(front back)) String input c an also pr ovide an easy w ay to cr eate aliases within ANSY S Fluen t. For e xample , to cr eate an alias tha t will displa y the mesh, you c ould t ype the f ollowing: (alias ’dg (lambda () (ti-menu-load-string "/di gr"))) Then an y time y ou en ter dg from an ywher e in the menu hier archy, the mesh will b e dr awn in the ac tive windo w. Imp ortant ti-menu-load-string evalua tes the str ing ar gumen t in the t op le vel menu . It ignor es any menu y ou ma y be in when y ou in voke ti-menu-load-string . As a r esult , the c ommand (ti-menu-load-string "open-window 2 gr") ; incorrect usage will not w ork even if y ou t ype it fr om within the display/ menu—the str ing itself must cause c ontrol to en ter the display/ menu , as in (ti-menu-load-string "display open-window 2 mesh") 17Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Text Menu Input fr om C haracter Strings2.6. Using the Text Interface Help S ystem The t ext user in terface pr ovides c ontext-sensitiv e online help .Within the t ext menu sy stem, you c an obtain a br ief descr iption of each of the c ommands b y en tering a ? followed b y the c ommand in question. Example: > ?dis display/: Enter the display menu. You c an also en ter a lone ? to en ter “help mo de.” In this mo de, you need only en ter the c ommand or menu name t o displa y the help message .To exit the help mo de t ype q or quit as f or a nor mal menu . Example: > ? [help-mode]> di display/: Enter the display menu. [help-mode]> pwd pwd: #[alias] (LAMBDA () (BEGIN (SET! pwd-cmd ((LAMBDA n n) ’system (IF (cx-send ’(unix?)) "pwd" "cd"))) (cx-send pwd-cmd))) [help-mode]> q To acc ess the help , type a ? at the pr ompt when y ou ar e pr ompt ed f or inf ormation. Example: > display/annotate Annotation text [""] ? Annotation text [""] Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 18Text User In terfaceAppendix A. Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 For a c omplet e listing of changes t o the Text Command List f or ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3, refer to Text Command C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 in the Fluen t Migration M anual . 19Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 20Part II: Meshing M ode The sec tion descr ibes the t ext command listing f or F luen t in M eshing mo de. •boundary/ (p.23) lists the c ommands used f or cr eating , managing , mo difying , deleting b oundar y (fac e) zones and sur face mesh. •cad-assemblies/ (p.47) lists c ommands used t o interact with y our C AD mo del. •diagnostics/ (p.51) lists c ommands used t o find and r epair fac e zone pr oblems r elated t o connec tivit y and qualit y. •display/ (p.53) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al windo w. •exit (p.71) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram. •file/ (p.73) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta. •material-point/ (p.85) lists c ommands used t o manage ma terial p oints in y our mo del. •mesh/ (p.87) lists c ommands used t o create, manage , mo dify and delet e cell z ones and v olume mesh. •objects/ (p.125) lists c ommands used in the objec t-based meshing w orkflow, from C AD imp ort to volume fill. •parallel/ (p.135) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing . •report/ (p.137) lists c ommands used t o retur n volume and sur face mesh sta tistics such as c oun ts or qualit y. •scoped-sizing/ (p.139) lists c ommands used t o create and manage sc oped siz e controls. •size-functions/ (p.141) lists c ommands used t o create and manage siz e func tions such as global or periodic siz es. •switch-to-solution-mode (p.143) lists the c ommand t o transf er your mesh da ta to the F luen t solv er. •Appendix A: Query and U tility Functions (p.145) lists API func tions used t o interact with y our mo del b y passing inf ormation such as names or lists of z ones or objec ts, statistics , and diagnostics . Boolean op erations and e xamples ar e included . •Appendix B: Boundar y Functions (p.175) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone mesh. Ex- amples ar e included . •Appendix C: Connec t Functions (p.187) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone c onnec tivit y. Examples ar e included . •Appendix D: Size Field F unctions (p.191) lists API func tions used t o manage geo desic siz e controls and siz e fields . Examples ar e included .•Appendix E: Wrap F unctions (p.201) lists API func tions used t o manage y our mesh in UT M cases . Examples are included .Chapt er 1:boundary/ auto-slit-faces slits all b oundar y fac es with c ells on b oth sides (these c ells must b e in the same c ell z one). A displac emen t can b e sp ecified t o pr ovide thick ness t o the b oundar y. boundary-conditions/ contains options f or copying or clear ing b oundar y conditions when a c ase file is r ead. clear clears the b oundar y conditions assigned t o the sp ecified fac e zones . clear-all clears the b oundar y conditions assigned t o all the fac e zones . copy enables y ou t o copy the b oundar y conditions fr om the fac e zone selec ted t o the fac e zones sp ecified . check-boundary-mesh reports the numb er of D elauna y viola tions on the tr iangular sur face mesh and the numb er of isola ted nodes. check-duplicate-geom displa ys the names of the duplic ate sur faces and pr ints maximum and a verage distanc e between them. clear-marked-faces clears mar ked fac es. clear-marked-nodes clears no des tha t were mar ked using the mark-duplicate-nodes command . compute-bounding-box comput es the b ounding b ox for the z ones sp ecified . count-free-nodes reports the numb er of b oundar y no des asso ciated with edges ha ving only one a ttached fac e. count-marked-faces reports the numb er of mar ked fac es. count-unused-bound-node coun ts the unused b oundar y no des in the domain. count-unused-faces lists the numb er of b oundar y fac es tha t are not used b y an y cell. count-unused-nodes lists the numb er of b oundar y no des tha t are not used b y an y cell. 23Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.create-bounding-box creates the b ounding b ox for the sp ecified z ones .You c an sp ecify the z one t ype, name , edge length, and the e xtents of the b ox, as r equir ed.You c an also optionally cr eate a geometr y objec t from the b ounding box created. create-cylinder creates a c ylinder b y sp ecifying the axis , radius , and edge length or thr ee ar c no des, the axial delta, the radial gap , and the edge length. You c an also sp ecify the pr efix f or the z one b eing cr eated, as r equir ed. You c an also optionally cr eate a geometr y objec t from the c ylinder cr eated. create-plane-surface creates a plane sur face by sp ecifying either the axis dir ection, axial lo cation, and the e xtents of the sur face or thr ee p oints defining the plane .You c an also optionally cr eate a geometr y objec t from the plane sur face created. create-revolved-surface creates a r evolved sur face by rotating the sp ecified edge thr ough the angle sp ecified . Specify the numb er of segmen ts, scale fac tor, and the piv ot p oint and axis of r otation. You c an also optionally cr eate a geometr y objec t from the r evolved sur face created. create-swept-surface creates a sur face by sw eeping the sp ecified edge in the dir ection sp ecified .You need t o sp ecify the distanc e to sw eep thr ough and the numb er of off sets , as r equir ed.You c an also optionally cr eate a geometr y objec t from the sw ept sur face created. delete-all-dup-faces sear ches f or fac es on all b oundar y zones tha t ha ve the same no des and delet es the duplic ates. delete-duplicate-faces sear ches f or fac es on a sp ecified z one tha t ha ve the same no des and delet es the duplic ates. Duplic ate fac es ma y be pr esen t if y ou gener ated the b oundar y mesh using a thir d-par ty gr id gener- ator, or if y ou ha ve used the slit-boundary-face command t o mo dify the b oundar y mesh and then mer ged the no des. delete-free-edge-faces enables y ou t o remo ve fac es with the sp ecified numb er of fr ee edges fr om the sp ecified b oundar y zones . delete-island-faces enables y ou t o delet e fac es in a non-c ontiguous r egion of a fac e zone . delete-unconnected-faces enables y ou t o delet e the unc onnec ted fac e-zones . delete-unused-faces delet es all the b oundar y fac es tha t are not used b y an y cell. delete-unused-nodes delet es the b oundar y no des tha t are not used b y an y boundar y fac es. edge-limits prints the length of the shor test and longest edges on the b oundar y.This inf ormation is useful f or setting initial mesh par amet ers and r efinemen t controls. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 24boundary/face-distribution reports the distr ibution of fac e qualit y in the t ext windo w. face-skewness lists the w orst fac e sk ewness . feature/ enables y ou t o create and mo dify f eatures. copy-edge-zones copies the sp ecified edge z one(s) t o new edge z one(s). create-edge-zones extracts edge lo ops f or the sp ecified fac e zone(s) based on the f eature metho d sp ecified .You also need t o sp ecify an appr opriate value f or feature angle when using the fixed-angle metho d. Note The Face Seed appr oach c annot b e used when cr eating edge lo ops using t ext com- mands . delete-degenerated-edges delet es degener ated edges (edges wher e the t wo end no des ar e the same) f or the edge z one(s) sp ecified . delete-edge-zones delet es the sp ecified edge z one(s) edge-size-limits reports the minimum, maximum, and a verage edge length f or the sp ecified edge z one(s) in the c onsole . group asso ciates the sp ecified edge z one(s) with the sp ecified fac e zone . intersect-edge-zones intersec ts the sp ecified edge lo ops t o create a new edge lo op c ompr ising the c ommon edges .You can enable aut oma tic deleting of o verlapp ed edges and sp ecify an appr opriate intersec tion t oler ance. list-edge-zones lists the name , ID, type, and c oun t for the sp ecified edge z one(s). merge-edge-zones mer ges multiple edge lo ops of the same t ype into a single lo op. orient-edge-direction orients the edges on the lo op t o point in the same dir ection. project-edge-zones projec ts the edges of the sp ecified lo op on to the sp ecified fac e zone using the sp ecified pr ojec tion metho d. remesh-edge-zones remeshes the sp ecified edge lo op(s), mo difying the no de distr ibution acc ording t o the sp ecified remeshing metho d, spacing v alues , and f eature angle .You c an also enable quadr atic r econstr uction, if requir ed. 25Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.reverse-edge-direction reverses the dir ection of the edge lo op. separate-delete-small-edges separ ates the edge z ones based on the f eature angle sp ecified , and then delet es the edges ha ving a coun t smaller than the minimum c oun t specified . separate-edge-zones separ ates the sp ecified edge lo op based on c onnec tivit y and the sp ecified f eature angle . separate-edge-zones-by-seed separ ates the edge lo op based on the seed edge sp ecified .The edge z one separ ation angle is used t o separ ate the edge z one (default 40). toggle-edge-type toggles the edge t ype between b oundar y and in terior. ungroup ungr oups pr eviously gr oup ed edge z ones . fix-mconnected-edges resolv es multi-c onnec ted edges/non-manif old c onfigur ations in the b oundar y mesh b y deleting fr inges and o verlaps based on thr eshold v alues sp ecified . improve/ enables y ou t o impr ove boundar y sur faces. collapse-bad-faces enables y ou t o collapse the shor t edge of fac es ha ving a high asp ect ratio or sk ewness in the sp ecified face zone(s). degree-swap enables y ou t o impr ove the b oundar y mesh b y sw apping edges based on a no de degr ee v alue other than 6. The no de degr ee is defined as the numb er of edges c onnec ted t o the no de. improve enables y ou t o impr ove the b oundar y sur face qualit y using sk ewness , size change , asp ect ratio, or ar ea as the qualit y measur e. smooth enables y ou t o impr ove the b oundar y sur face using smo othing . swap enables y ou t o impr ove the b oundar y sur face using edge sw apping . jiggle-boundary-nodes randomly p erturbs all b oundar y no des based on an input t oler ance. Some no des will b e perturb ed less than the t oler ance value , while others will b e perturb ed b y half of the t oler ance value in all thr ee c oordina te directions . make-periodic enables y ou t o mak e the sp ecified b oundar ies p eriodic.You c an sp ecify the t ype of p eriodicit y (rotational or tr ansla tional), the angle , pivot, and axis of r otation, for rotational p eriodicit y or the tr ansla tional shif t for tr ansla tional p eriodicit y. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 26boundary/For each of the z ones sp ecified , a corresponding p eriodic shado w b oundar y zone will b e created. manage/ contains options f or manipula ting the b oundar y zones . auto-delete-nodes? specifies whether or not unused no des should b e delet ed when their fac e zone is delet ed. change-prefix enables y ou t o change the pr efix f or the sp ecified fac e zones . copy copies all no des and fac es of the sp ecified fac e zone(s). create creates a new fac e zone . delete delet es the fac e zone . flip reverses the nor mal dir ection of the sp ecified b oundar y zone(s). id specifies a new b oundar y zone ID . If ther e is a c onflic t, the change will b e ignor ed. list prints inf ormation ab out all b oundar y zones . merge mer ges fac e zones . name gives a fac e zone a new name . orient consist ently or ients the fac es in the sp ecified z ones . origin specifies a new or igin f or the mesh, to be used f or fac e zone r otation and f or p eriodic z one cr eation. The default or igin is (0,0,0). remove-suffix remo ves the suffix (char acters including and af ter the lef tmost " :") in the fac e zone names . rotate rotates all no des of the sp ecified fac e zone(s). rotate-model rotates all no des of the mo del thr ough the sp ecified angle , based on the sp ecified p oint and axis of rotation. scale scales all no des of the sp ecified fac e zone(s). 27Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.scale-model scales all no des of the mo del b y multiplying the no de c oordina tes b y the sp ecified sc ale fac tors (x, y, z). translate transla tes all no des of the sp ecified fac e zone(s). translate-model transla tes all no des of the mo del b y the sp ecified tr ansla tion off sets (x, y, z). Note The tr ansla tion off sets ar e in terpreted as absolut e numb ers in meshing mo de. In solution mo de, however, the tr ansla tion off sets ar e assumed t o be distanc es in the length unit set. This ma y lead t o diff erences in domain e xtents reported af ter tr ans- lating the mesh in the r espective mo des. type changes the b oundar y type of the fac e zone . Note When changing the b oundar y type of an y zone t o type interior , ensur e tha t ther e is a single c ell z one acr oss the interior boundar y. Retaining multiple c ell z ones across an interior boundar y can c ause undesir able r esults with fur ther t et meshing or smo othing op erations . Also, face zones ha ving no/one neighb oring c ell z one should not b e changed t o type interior . The mesh check will issue a w arning if multiple c ell z ones ar e main tained acr oss an interior boundar y.The b oundar y type in such c ases should b e set t o internal instead. user-defined-groups enables y ou t o manipula te user-defined gr oups . activate activates the sp ecified user-defined gr oups . create creates the user-defined gr oup c ompr ising the sp ecified z ones . delete delet es the sp ecified user-defined gr oup . list lists the gr oups in the c onsole . update enables y ou t o mo dify an e xisting gr oup . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 28boundary/mark-duplicate-nodes mar ks duplic ate no des.The mar ked no des will app ear in the gr id displa y when no des ar e displa yed. For a list of duplic ate no des, set the /report/verbosity level to 2 b efore using the mark-duplicate- nodes command . mark-face-intersection mar ks in tersec ting fac es. Intersec tion is det ected if the line defined b y an y two consecutiv e no des on a face intersec ts an y fac e in the cur rent domain. The mar ked fac es will app ear in the gr id displa y when fac es are displa yed. For a list of in tersec ting fac es, set the /report/verbosity level to 2 b efore using the mark-face-intersection command . mark-face-proximity mar ks fac es tha t are in pr oximit y to each other . Face A is c onsider ed t o be in pr oximit y to fac e B if an y of the no des on fac e A ar e within the c alcu- lated pr oximit y distanc e from fac e B.The pr oximit y distanc e is c alcula ted based on the sp ecified relative distanc e and the spher e radius .The spher e radius is det ermined b y the maximum distanc e from the c entroid of the fac e to its no des.The mar ked fac es will app ear in the gr id displa y when faces ar e displa yed. For a list of fac es in pr oximit y to each other , set the /report/verbosity level to 2 b efore using the mark-face-proximity command . mark-faces-in-region mar ks the fac es tha t are contained in a sp ecified lo cal refinemen t region. merge-nodes mer ges duplic ate no des. merge-small-face-zones mer ges the fac e zones ha ving ar ea less than the minimum ar ea. modify/ contains c ommands used t o mo dify the b oundar y mesh. analyze-bnd-connectvty finds and mar ks fr ee edges and no des and multiply-c onnec ted edges and no des.This pr ocess is nec es- sary if the b oundar y mesh has b een changed with Scheme func tions . clear-selections clears all selec tions . clear-skew-faces clears fac es tha t were mar ked using the mark-skew-face command . collapse collapses pairs of no des, edge(s), or fac e(s). If a pair of no des is selec ted, both the no des ar e delet ed and a new no de is cr eated a t the midp oint of the t wo no des. If a tr iangular fac e is selec ted, the c omplet e face is c ollapsed in to a single no de a t the c entroid of the fac e. create creates a b oundar y fac e if the selec tion list c ontains 3 no des and an optional z one . If the selec tion list contains p ositions , then no des ar e created. 29Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.create-mid-node creates a no de a t the midp oint between t wo selec ted no des. delete delet es all selec ted fac es and no des. delta-move moves the selec ted no de b y sp ecified magnitude . deselect-last remo ves the last selec tion fr om the selec tion list. hole-feature-angle specifies the f eature angle f or consider ation of holes in the geometr y. list-selections lists all of the selec ted objec ts. local-remesh remeshes mar ked fac es or fac es based on selec tions in the gr aphics windo w. Selec t the fac es to be remeshed and sp ecify the sizing sour ce (constant-size ,geometry , or size-field ), the numb er of radial la yers of fac es to be remeshed (rings ), the f eature angle t o be pr eser ved while r emeshing the selec ted fac es, and the siz e for constan t siz e remeshing (if applic able). mark-skew-face mar ks fac es tha t should b e sk ipped when the w orst sk ewed fac e is r eported using the Modify Boundar y dialo g box.This enables y ou t o sear ch for the ne xt skewed fac e. merge mer ges pairs of no des.The first no de selec ted is r etained , and the sec ond is the duplic ate tha t is mer ged . move moves the selec ted no de t o the selec ted p osition if the selec tion list c ontains a no de and a p osition. next-skew finds the tr iangular fac e of near est lo wer sk ewness v alue than tha t of the w orst sk ewed fac e.The fac e ID, its sk ewness , the longest edge ID , and the no de ID opp osite to the longest edge ar e displa yed in the c onsole . repair repairs z ones b y filling all holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es. Specify the fac e zones f or the r epair op eration. repair-options/ contains rezone moves the selec ted fac es fr om their cur rent zone in to the selec ted z one , if the selec tion list c ontains a zone and one or mor e fac es. select-entity adds a c ell, face, or no de t o the selec tion list b y en tering the name of the en tity. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 30boundary/select-filter selec ts a filt er.The p ossible filt ers ar e off ,cell ,face ,edge ,node ,zone ,position ,object , and size . If off is chosen, then when a selec tion is made , it is first check ed t o see if it is a c ell, then a fac e, an edge , and so on. When the node filter is used , and if a c ell or fac e is selec ted, the no de closest to the selec tion p oint is pick ed.Thus, the no des do not ha ve to be displa yed, to be pick ed. select-position adds a p osition t o the selec tion list b y en tering the c oordina tes of the p osition. select-probe selec ts the pr obe func tion. The p ossible func tions ar e: •box enables the selec tion of a gr oup of en tities within a b ox, to be used in c onjunc tion with boundar y mo dific ation func tions . •label prints the selec tion lab el in the gr aphics windo w •off disables the mouse pr obes. •polygon enables the selec tion of a gr oup of en tities within a p olygonal r egion, to be used in c on- junc tion with b oundar y mo dific ation func tions . •print prints the inf ormation on the selec tion in the c onsole windo w. •select adds the selec tion t o the selec tion list select-visible-entities? enables y ou t o selec t only visible en tities (no des, edges , faces, zones , objec ts) when the box selec t or polygon selec t options ar e used . Ensur e tha t the mo del is z oomed t o an appr opriate level for correct selec tion. Tip To quick ly revert to the b ehavior of R16.1 or ear lier, enable tr anspar ency. Note •If the mesh is not c onnec ted, all en tities (no des, edges , faces, zones , objec ts) will b e se- lected ir respective of whether the y are visible or not. •This visual selec tion b ehavior w orks only on lo cal displa ys and ma y gener ate warning messages when a ttempting selec tion on a r emot e sy stem. select-zone adds a z one t o the selec tion list b y en tering the z one name or ID . show-filter shows the cur rent filt er. show-probe shows the cur rent probe func tion. 31Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.skew finds the fac e with the highest (w orst) sk ewness , selec ts it in the gr aphics windo w, and r eports its skewness and z one ID in the c onsole windo w. skew-report-zone enables y ou t o selec t the z one f or which y ou w ant to report the sk ewness .You c an either sp ecify z one name or z one ID . smooth uses Laplac e smo othing t o mo dify the p osition of the no des in the selec tion list. It mo ves the selec ted node t o a p osition c omput ed fr om an a verage of its no de neighb ors.The new p osition is an a verage of the neighb oring no de c oordina tes and is not r eprojec ted t o the discr ete sur face. split-face splits t wo selec ted fac es in to four fac es. swap swaps b oundar y edges (of tr iangular fac es) if the selec tion list c ontains edges . undo undo es the pr evious op eration. When an op eration is p erformed , the r everse op eration is st ored on the undo stack. For e xample , a cr eate op eration plac es a delet e on the stack, and a delet e adds a cr eate operation. The undo op eration r equir es tha t the name of the objec t exist when the ac tion is undone . If the name do es not e xist, then the undo will fail. You c an undo the last f ew op erations , but if man y op erations ar e being p erformed it is r ecommended tha t you also sa ve the mesh p eriodically. orient-faces-by-point orients the nor mals based on the sp ecified ma terial p oint. print-info prints inf ormation ab out the gr id in the t ext windo w. project-face-zone projec ts no des on a selec ted fac e zone on to a tar get fac e zone . Projec tion c an b e performed based on normal dir ection, closest p oint, or sp ecified dir ection. recover-periodic-surfaces restores the p eriodic r elationship b etween fac e zones .You will b e pr ompt ed f or the t ype (rotational or tr ansla tional), metho d (semi-aut oma tic, aut oma tic, or manual, dep ending on the p eriodicit y type) and f or fac e zones . Periodicit y inf ormation (angle , pivot p oint, axis of r otation, or tr ansla tional shif t) are read in with the mesh file . •The semi-automatic option pr ompts y ou f or the sour ce boundar y zones and the p eriodicit y inf orm- ation. •The automatic option pr ompts y ou f or the sour ce boundar y zones . •The manual option (a vailable only f or rotational p eriodicit y) pr ompts y ou f or the sour ce and tar get boundar y zones , as w ell as the p eriodicit y inf ormation. refine/ discusses the c ommands used t o refine the b oundar y mesh. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 32boundary/auto-refine automa tically r efines a fac e zone based on pr oximit y.The or iginal fac e zone is tr eated as a back ground mesh. Faces ar e refined b y multiple fac e splitting passes , so tha t no fac e is in close pr oximit y to an y face in the cur rent domain. clear clears all r efinemen t mar ks fr om all b oundar y fac es. count coun ts the numb er of fac es mar ked on each b oundar y zone . limits prints a r eport of the minimum and maximum siz e of each sp ecified z one .This r eport will also t ell y ou how man y fac es on each z one ha ve been mar ked f or refinemen t. local-regions enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . define defines the r efinemen t region acc ording t o the sp ecified par amet ers. delete delet es the sp ecified r egion. init creates a r egion enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. list-all-regions lists all the r efinemen t regions in the c onsole . mark mar ks the fac es for refinemen t. refine refines the mar ked fac es. remesh/ has a set of c ommands f or remeshing the fac e zones . clear-marked-faces clears the highligh ting of the tr iangles tha t are mar ked. coarsen-and-refine remeshes (c oarsens/r efines) the b oundar y fac e zones based on the c omput ed siz e field . Specify the boundar y fac e zones t o be remeshed , the b oundar y edge z ones , feature angle , and c orner angle . Ad- ditionally , specify whether the cur rent boundar y fac e zones should b e replac ed b y the r emeshed fac e zones af ter the op eration is c omplet e. controls/ enters the edge lo op t ools t ext menu . delete-overlapped? toggles the deletion of r egion of o verlap of the t wo sur faces. 33Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.direction specifies the dir ection of the edge lo op pr ojec tion. intersect/ enters the in tersec t control menu . absolute-tolerance? enables y ou t o swit ch b etween the use of absolut e and r elative toler ance. By default , the r elative toler ance value is used . delete-overlap? enables/disables the deletion of o verlapp ed edges . It toggles the aut oma tic deletion of r egion of o verlap of the t wo sur faces.This option is used b y while r emeshing o verlapping z ones and retriangula ting pr isms . By default , this option is enabled . feature-angle specifies the minimum f eature angle tha t should b e consider ed while r etriangula ting the boundar y zones . All the edges in the z one ha ving f eature angle gr eater than the sp ecified feature angle ar e retained .This option is useful f or pr eser ving the shap e of the in tersec ting boundar y zones .The default v alue of f eature angle is 40, however, a value in the r ange of 10–50 degr ees is r ecommended . A lar ge v alue ma y dist ort the shap e of the in tersec ting boundar y zones . ignore-parallel-faces? Default is yes . If ther e are close-t o-par allel fac es, set t o no to separ ate the z ones and a void creating an in tersec tion lo op. join-match-angle specifies the allo wed maximum angle b etween the nor mals of the t wo overlapping sur faces to be joined .This par amet er is used t o control the siz e of the join r egion. join-project-angle specifies the allo wed maximum angle b etween the fac e nor mal and the pr ojec t dir ection f or the o verlapping sur faces to be joined .This par amet er is used t o control the siz e of the join r e- gion. refine-region? enables y ou t o refine the r egions tha t are mo dified dur ing the in tersec t op erations . It toggles the r efinemen t of the in tersec ting r egions af ter p erforming an y of the in tersec tion op eration. This op eration impr oves the qualit y of the r esulting mesh, however, this option is disabled by default. remesh-post-intersection? used t o enable or disable aut oma tic p ost-r emesh op eration af ter an y connec t op eration (join, intersec t, or stit ch). retri-improve? enables y ou t o impr ove the mesh. After p erforming an y intersec tion op eration, the sliv ers ar e remo ved along the cur ve of in tersec tion, Laplac e smo othing is p erformed , and f ollowed b y the edge sw apping . Laplac e smo othing is also p erformed f or insert-edge-zone ,remesh- overlapped-zones , and prism-retriangulation options . Smoothing is p erformed again. The smo oth-sw ap op erations c an b e controlled b y changing the v arious defaults such as sw apping it erations , smo othing it erations , etc. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 34boundary/separate? enables the aut oma tic separ ation of in tersec ted z ones . stitch-preserve? indic ates tha t shap e of the first z one sp ecified is t o be pr eser ved.This option is enabled b y default. tolerance specifies the t oler ance value f or the in tersec t op erations . within-tolerance? performs the in tersec tion op eration only within the sp ecified t oler ance value . It is useful only for the Intersec t option. project-method specifies the metho d for pr ojec ting edge lo ops. proximity-local-search? includes the selec ted fac e for pr oximit y calcula tion. quadratic-recon? enables/disables quadr atic r econstr uction of edge lo ops. remesh-method specifies the metho d to be used f or the no de distr ibution on the edge lo op. spacing sets the no de spacing f or the edge lo op. tolerance sets the t oler ance for det ermining if t wo edges in tersec t. create-all-intrst-loops creates edge lo op of in tersec tion f or all b oundar y zones in cur rent domain. create-edge-loops creates edge lo ops f or a sp ecified fac e zone , based on f eature angle . create-intersect-loop creates an in terior edge lo op a t the in tersec tion b etween t wo adjac ent fac e zones . Edges cr eated in this w ay will not b e remeshed b y default. create-join-loop creates edge lo op on b oundar y of the r egion of o verlap of t wo sur faces. create-stitch-loop creates edge lo ops f or connec ting t wo sur faces along their fr ee edges . delete-overlapped-edges delet es edges tha t overlap selec ted edge lo ops. faceted-stitch-zones performs the fac eted stit ching of z ones . 35Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.insert-edge-zone inser ts an edge z one in to a tr iangula ted b oundar y fac e zone . intersect-all-face-zones remeshes all the in tersec ting fac e zones . After the in tersec t op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no intersect-face-zones remeshes t wo intersec ting fac e zones so tha t the y become c onformal. After the in tersec t op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no join-all-face-zones connec ts all o verlapping fac e zones using the join op eration. After the join op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no join-face-zones connec ts two overlapping fac es. After the join op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no mark-intersecting-faces highligh ts the tr iangles in the neighb orhood of the line of in tersec tion. mark-join-faces highligh ts the tr iangles in the neighb orhood of the join edge lo op. mark-stitch-faces highligh ts the tr iangles in the neighb orhood of the stit ch edge lo op. remesh-face-zone remeshes a sp ecified fac e zone b y aut oma tically e xtracting edge lo ops. If edge lo ops ar e pr esen t in the cur rent domain (f or e xample , if the y were created using the create-edge-loops command), they are used t o remesh the sp ecified fac e zone . remesh-constant-size remeshes the sp ecified fac e zones t o a c onstan t triangle siz e while main taining c onformity with adjac ent zones . Specify the b oundar y fac e zones t o be remeshed , the b oundar y edge z ones , feature angle , corner angle , and the c onstan t siz e. Additionally , specify whether the cur rent boundar y fac e zones should b e replac ed b y the r emeshed fac e zones af ter the op eration is c omplet e. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 36boundary/remesh-face-zones-conformally remeshes fac e zones using the cur rent siz e func tion and k eeping a c onformal in terface between them. If no siz e func tion is defined , an er ror message will b e gener ated. This c ommand will pr ompt f or: •Boundary Face Zones •Boundary Edge Zones •feature angle – used t o det ermine the minimum angle b etween f eatures tha t will b e preser ved dur ing r emeshing •corner angle – used t o sp ecify the minimum angle b etween f eature edges tha t will b e preser ved •Replace Face Zone? – (default is Yes) the r emeshed fac e zone(s) will tak e the name and -id of the or iginal z ones , and the or iginal fac e zone(s) will ha ve “orig” app ended t o their name . If No, the r emeshed fac e zone(s) will ha ve “retri” added p ostfix. Note Periodic fac e zones c annot b e remeshed using this c ommand . remesh-overlapping-zones remeshes o verlapping fac e zones .The non-o verlapping r egion is r emeshed using the edge lo ops cr eated from the o verlapping fac e zones . size-functions enters the siz e func tions menu wher e you c an define siz e func tions f or controlling mesh siz e distr ibution. compute comput es the siz e field based on the defined par amet ers. contours/ contains options f or displa ying c ontours of siz e func tions . draw displa ys contours in the gr aphics windo w. Comput e the siz e field using /size-func- tions/compute or r ead in a siz e field file pr ior t o displa ying the c ontours of siz e. set/refine-facets? enables y ou t o sp ecify smaller fac ets if the or iginal ar e too lar ge. Default is no. create defines the siz e func tion based on the sp ecified par amet ers. create-defaults creates default siz e func tions based on fac e and edge cur vature and pr oximit y. delete delet es the sp ecified siz e func tion or the cur rent siz e field . 37Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.delete-all delet es all the defined siz e func tions . disable-periodicity-filter remo ves p eriodicit y from the siz e field . list lists all the defined siz e func tions and the par amet er values defined . reset-global-controls resets the global c ontrols t o their default v alues . set-global-controls sets the v alues f or the global minimum and maximum siz e, and the gr owth r ate. set-periodicity-filter applies p eriodicit y to the siz e field b y selec ting one sour ce fac e zone . Note Ensur e tha t periodicit y is pr eviously defined . Only r otational p eriodicit y is supp orted, transla tional p eriodicit y is not supp orted currently. set-prox-gap-tolerance sets the t oler ance relative to minimum siz e to tak e gaps in to acc oun t. Gaps whose thick ness is less than the global minimum siz e multiplied b y this fac tor will not b e regar ded as a pr oximit y gap . set-scaling-filter specifies the sc ale fac tor, and minimum and maximum siz e values t o filt er the siz e output fr om the siz e field . triangulate-quad-faces? iden tifies the z ones c ompr ising non-tr iangular elemen ts and uses a tr iangula ted c opy of these zones f or computing the siz e func tions . use-cad-imported-curvature? enables/disables cur vature da ta fr om the no des of the C AD fac ets. stitch-all-face-zones connec ts (stit ches) all the fac e zones along the fr ee edges . After the stit ch op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no stitch-face-zones connec ts two sur faces along their fr ee edges . After the stit ch op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 38boundary//boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no stitch-with-preserve-boundary connec ts (stit ches) a z one t o another which is c onnec ted t o an e xisting v olume mesh, while pr eser ving the b oundar y of the z ones c onnec ted t o the v olume mesh. Specify a list of b oundar y zones t o be preser ved, a list of the b oundar y zones t o be connec ted t o each of these z ones , and the t oler ance value . After the stit ch op eration, remesh is c alled aut oma tically.To disable the p ost-r emesh op eration, use the t ext command: /boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no Note This c ommand will not w ork for o verlapping or par tially o verlapping fac e zones . triangulate triangula tes quad z ones . reset-element-type resets the elemen t type (mix ed, tri, or quad) of a b oundar y zone . If you ha ve separ ated a mix ed (tr i and quad) fac e zone in to one tr i fac e zone and one quad fac e zone , for e xample , each of these will b e iden tified as a “mixed" z one . Resetting the elemen t type for each of these new z ones will iden tify them as , respectively, a triangular z one and a quadr ilateral zone . resolve-face-intersection resolv es self in tersec tion on manif old sur face meshes . scale-nodes applies a sc aling fac tor to all no de c oordina tes.You c an use this c ommand t o change the units of the gr id. separate/ contains options f or separ ating fac e zones . local-regions enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . define enables y ou t o define the lo cal region. delete delet es the sp ecified lo cal region. init creates a r egion enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. list-all-regions lists all the lo cal regions defined . mark-faces-in-region mar ks the fac es tha t are contained in a sp ecified lo cal refinemen t region. 39Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.sep-face-zone-by-angle separ ates a b oundar y fac e zone based on signific ant angle . sep-face-zone-by-cnbor separ ates a b oundar y/in terior fac e zone based on its c ell neighb ors. sep-face-zone-by-mark separ ates a b oundar y fac e zone b y mo ving mar ked fac es to a new z one . sep-face-zone-by-region separ ates a b oundar y fac e zone based on c ontiguous r egions . sep-face-zone-by-seed separ ates a b oundar y fac e zone b y defining a seed fac e on the sur face. sep-face-zone-by-seed-angle separ ates fac es c onnec ted t o the seed fac e, whose nor mal fall within the sp ecified c one . sep-face-zone-by-shape separ ates a b oundar y fac e zone based on the shap e of the fac es (tr iangular or quadr ilateral). set-periodicity defines the p eriodicit y par amet ers.You will b e pr ompt ed f or the t ype of p eriodicit y (rotational or transla tional). For rotational p eriodicit y, you will b e pr ompt ed f or the angle and axis of r otation paramet ers. For tr ansla tional p eriodicit y, you will b e pr ompt ed f or the shif t vector c omp onen ts. slit-boundary-face slits a b oundar y fac e zone b y duplic ating all fac es and no des, except those no des tha t are located a t the edges of the b oundar y zone . A displac emen t can b e sp ecified t o pr ovide thick ness t o the b oundar y.The slit c ommand only w orks when it is p ossible t o mo ve from fac e to fac e using the c onnec tivit y pr ovided b y the c ells. You should slit the b oundar y fac e after you gener ate the v olume mesh so tha t cells will not b e plac ed inside the gap .There ma y be some inaccur acies when y ou gr aphic ally displa y solution da ta for a mesh with a slit b oundar y in ANSY S Fluen t. smooth-marked-faces smo oths the mar ked fac es. unmark-selected-faces unmar ks the mar ked selec ted fac es. wrapper/ enters the sur face wr app er menu . Note This menu is no longer supp orted, and will b e remo ved in a futur e release . delete-all-cells? delet es the C artesian mesh. This c ommand is a vailable only af ter initializing the C artesian gr id. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 40boundary/imprint-edges? impr ints the wr app er sur face on r ecovered f eature edges tha t you r ecover.This c ommand is a vailable only af ter cr eating the wr app er sur face. initialize creates a C artesian mesh of the sp ecified par amet ers. local-regions/ enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . define enables y ou t o define the lo cal refinemen t region. delete delet es the sp ecified r efinemen t region. init creates a r egion enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. list-all-regions lists all the r efinemen t regions in the c onsole . refine refines the sp ecified r egion acc ording t o the r efinemen t par amet ers sp ecified . post-improve enters the wr app er sur face impr ovemen t options menu . auto-post-improve impr oves the wr app er sur face using a pr e-defined sequenc e of op erations . auto-post-wrap performs a pr e-defined sequenc e of p ost-wr apping op erations on the wr app er sur face. coarsen-wrapper-surf coarsens the wr app er sur face. filterout-far-features delet es feature edges b eyond the sp ecified distanc e from the wr app er sur face. imprint-geom-surf impr ints the geometr y thr eads on wr app er (manual z one r ecovery). improve impr oves the wr app er sur face qualit y based on sk ewness , size change , or asp ect ratio. inflate-thin-regions pushes apar t the o verlapping fac es in thin r egions . post-single-surface cleans up unmer ged island r egions af ter recovering the single sur face. recover-single-surface recovers thin sur faces as a single sur face after wr apping . 41Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.recover-zone separ ates the wr app er sur face into zones based on the or iginal geometr y. remove-crossover-config remo ves cr osso ver configur ations . remove-duplicated-nodes remo ves the duplic ate no des on the wr app er sur face. rename-wrapper-zones renames the wr app er zones b y sp ecifying an appr opriate pr efix inst ead of the default pr efix ( wrap-). resolve-nonmanifoldness resolv es non-manif old c onfigur ations on the wr app er sur face. resolve-self-intersection remo ves the self in tersec ting fac es. rezone smo oths the z ones separ ated fr om the wr app er sur face for b etter represen tation of the geometr y. smooth-folded-faces smo oths the f olded fac es on the wr app er sur face. smooth-wrapper-surf smo oths the wr app er sur face. swap-wrapper-surf swaps the no des of the wr app er sur face to impr ove its qualit y. pre-smooth? enables/disables smo othing of no des dur ing wr apping .This c ommand is a vailable only af ter initializing the C artesian gr id. region/ enters the r egions menu .This c ommand is a vailable only af ter initializing the C artesian gr id. draw-holes draws the holes det ected. delete-interface delet es the e xisting in terface. extract-enclosing-region extracts the in terface for the r egion enclosing the sp ecified p oint. extract-interface extracts the in terfaces for the sp ecified r egions . fix-holes fixes the sp ecified hole(s). list-holes lists the e xisting holes . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 42boundary/list-interfaces lists the e xisting in terfaces. list-regions lists the r egions cr eated dur ing the wr app er initializa tion. merge-interior-regions mer ges all the in terior r egions . After using this c ommand , two regions will r emain, the e xterior and the mer ged in terior r egion. merge-regions mer ges the sp ecified r egions . modify-region-holes enables y ou t o fix or op en holes r elated t o the sp ecified r egion. open-holes opens the sp ecified hole(s). refine refines the C artesian gr id based on the z one sp ecific siz es and lo cal siz e func tions .This c ommand is available only af ter initializing C artesian gr id. refine-enclosing-region refines the r egion enclosing the sp ecified p oint. refine-region refines the sp ecified r egion. refine-zone-cells refines the c ells asso ciated with the sp ecified b oundar y zone .This c ommand is a vailable only af ter initializing the C artesian gr id. update-regions updates the r egions t o acc oun t for the changes made t o the or iginal geometr y (dur ing manual hole fixing). wrap-enclosing-region gener ates the wr app er sur face for the r egion enclosing the sp ecified p oint. wrap-interface gener ates the wr app er sur face for the sp ecified in terface. wrap-region gener ates the wr app er sur face for the sp ecified r egion. This c ommand is a vailable only af ter initial- izing the C artesian gr id. wrapper-region-at-location reports the r egion a t the sp ecified lo cation. set/ enters the menu t o set c ell par amet ers. auto-draw-sizes enables y ou t o dr aw zone-sp ecific siz es. 43Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.clear-size clears all the z one sp ecific siz e par amet ers. curvature-factor enables y ou t o mo dify cur vature siz e func tion sensitivit y of a wr app er. curvature? enables y ou t o enable or disable cur vature siz e func tion. default-face-size enables y ou t o sp ecify default fac e siz e for C artesian gr id. feature-threshold enables y ou t o sp ecify cr itical range within which the no des of the wr app er will b e pr ojec ted on to the f eature edges . ignore-feature-skewness specifies the cr itical sk ewness t o be consider ed f or ignor ing f eature lines . ignore-self-proximity? enables/disables the self-pr oximit y calcula tion dur ing the r efinemen t. list-size lists the cur rent zone sp ecific siz es of the domain. local-size-function enables y ou t o set lo cal siz e func tions . max-refine-level specifies the maximum r efinemen t level permitt ed. maximum-size-level specifies the r efinemen t level of the lar gest c ell in the C artesian gr id. minimum-proximity-gap specifies the minimum pr oximit y gap within which the pr oximit y will b e ignor ed. minimum-size-level specifies the r efinemen t level of the smallest c ell in the C artesian gr id. number-of-size-boxes controls the numb er of b oxes to displa y, when using Draw S izes butt on in the Face Size tab . proximity-factor enables y ou t o mo dify pr oximit y siz e func tion sensitivit y of a wr app er. proximity? enables/disables pr oximit y siz e func tion. read-local-sizes reads the z one sp ecific siz es sta ted in a file . refinement-buffer-layers specifies the numb er of additional c ell la yers tha t you w ant to refine . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 44boundary/relative-island-count specifies a cr itical cell c oun t of noise z ones in a z one separ ation. volume-marker offers a v olume mar ker manipula tion f or holes . write-local-sizes writes the z one sp ecific siz es in a file . zone-specific-size enables y ou t o sp ecify z one sp ecific siz es. 45Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 46Chapt er 2:cad-assemblies/ add-prefix enables y ou t o add a pr efix t o the selec ted en tities . Specify the pa th for the en tities and the pr efix t o be added . add-to-object enables y ou t o add the selec ted C AD en tities t o an e xisting objec t. Specify the pa th for the en tities t o be added and selec t the objec t to be mo dified . create-objects enables y ou t o create new geometr y/mesh objec ts for the selec ted en tities . Specify the pa th for the en tities and if r equir ed, cho ose t o create one objec t per C AD en tity selec ted and/or r etain the C AD z one gr anular ity for objec t creation. By default , a single objec t will b e created f or all en tities selec ted and the C AD z one granular ity will not b e retained . Specify the objec t name (if applic able), objec t type (geom or mesh ), and cell z one t ype (dead ,fluid , or solid ). delete-cad-assemblies delet es all the C AD assemblies da ta. draw displa ys the selec ted C AD en tities . draw-options/ contains additional options f or displa ying C AD en tities . add-to-graphics adds the selec ted en tities t o the displa y in the gr aphics windo w. draw-unlabelled-zones displa ys the unlab eled z ones f or the selec ted en tities in the gr aphics windo w. remove-from-graphics remo ves the selec ted en tities fr om the displa y in the gr aphics windo w. extract-edge-zones enables y ou t o extract the f eature edge z one f or the selec ted en tities . Specify the pa th for the C AD en tities and the f eature angle . labels/ contains options f or displa ying and managing lab els. add-to-graphics adds the selec ted lab els t o the displa y in the gr aphics windo w. delete delet es the selec ted lab els. 47Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.draw displa ys the selec ted lab els. remove-from-graphics remo ves the selec ted lab els fr om the displa y in the gr aphics windo w. rename enables y ou t o rename the selec ted lab els. Specify the pa th for the lab els and the new name . For multiple selec tions , the sp ecified name will b e used , with a suitable inde x as suffix. For e xample , spe- cifying a new lab el name wall will r esult in en tities wall.1 ,wall.2 , etc. manage-state/ contains options f or setting the C AD en tity sta te. suppress suppr esses the selec ted C AD en tities . unlock unlo cks the selec ted C AD en tities . unsuppress unsuppr esses the selec ted C AD en tities . rename enables y ou t o rename the selec ted en tities . Specify the pa th for the en tities and the new name . For multiple entities , the sp ecified name will b e used , with a suitable inde x as suffix. For e xample , specifying a new name wall will r esult in en tities wall.1 ,wall.2 , etc. replace-object enables y ou t o replac e an objec t with the selec ted C AD en tities . Specify the pa th for the en tities t o be added and selec t the objec t to be mo dified . update-cad-assemblies reimp orts the selec ted C AD en tities using new par amet ers sp ecified in the update-options/ menu . update-options/ contains options f or up dating the C AD en tities on r eimp ort. import-edge-zones? enables y ou t o imp ort edge z ones fr om the C AD en tities on r eimp ort. Specify an appr opriate value f or feature angle . one-object-per enables y ou t o change the C AD objec t granular ity on r eimp ort. one-zone-per enables y ou t o change the C AD z one gr anular ity on r eimp ort. tessellation enables y ou t o control the t essella tion (fac eting) dur ing r eimp ort.You c an selec t either cad-faceting or cfd-surface-mesh . CAD fac eting enables y ou t o control the t essella tion based on the C AD fac eting t oler ance and maximum fac et siz e sp ecified . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 48cad-assemblies/CFD Sur face M esh enables y ou t o use a siz e field file dur ing r eimp ort. If you en ter yes , specify the siz e field file t o be read. If you do not w ant to use a siz e field file , you c an obtain c onformal faceting based on the under lying cur ve and sur face cur vature (using the minimum and maximum facet siz es, and the fac et cur vature nor mal angle sp ecified) and edge pr oximit y (using the c ells per gap sp ecified). You c an also sa ve the siz e field in a file (siz e field is c omput ed based on the specified par amet ers; tha t is,Min S ize,Max S ize,Curvature Normal A ngle ,Cells P er G ap). 49Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 50Chapt er 3:diagnostics/ face-connectivity/ contains options f or fixing pr oblems with fac e connec tivit y on the sp ecified objec t fac e zones or b oundar y face zones . add-label-to-small-neighbors separ ates island objec t fac e zones fr om all c onnec ted neighb ors and mer ges them t o the c onnec ted neighb oring fac e zone lab el based on minimum fac e coun t specified . fix-deviations fixes de viations in the wr app ed sur face mesh b y impr inting edges on the wr app ed fac e zones . Specify the numb er of impr int iterations and aggr essiv e impr int iterations t o be performed . fix-duplicate-faces remo ves duplic ate fac es. fix-free-faces remo ves fr ee fac es b y the metho d selec ted.The metho ds a vailable ar e: delete-free-edge-faces remo ves fr ee fac es ha ving the sp ecified numb er of fr ee edges . delete-fringes remo ves fr ee fac e fringes based on the fac e coun t specified . delete-skewed-faces remo ves fr ee fac es based on the minimum sk ewness sp ecified . merge-nodes remo ves fr ee fac es b y mer ging no des within the t oler ance sp ecified . stitch remo ves fr ee fac es based on the t oler ance and numb er of st eps sp ecified . fix-invalid-normals fixes in valid nor mals b y smo othing . Note Zone-sp ecific or sc oped pr ism settings should b e applied pr ior t o using this c ommand . fix-islands delet es gr oups of island fac es based on the absolut e fac e coun t specified . 51Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.fix-multi-faces fixes multiply c onnec ted fac es b y a c ombina tion of deleting fac e fringes , overlapping fac es, and dis- connec ted fac es. Specify the maximum numb er of fr inge fac es, overlapping fac es, and multiply c on- nected edges , respectively. fix-point-contacts fixes non-manif old c onfigur ations b y remo ving p oint contacts. fix-self-intersections fixes self in tersec ting or f olded fac es. For fixing f olded fac es b y smo othing , specify whether f eatures should b e impr inted. fix-slivers fixes fac es based on sk ewness and heigh t criteria. Heigh t is the p erpendicular distanc e between the longest edge of the tr iangle and the opp osite no de. fix-spikes fixes spik ed fac es based on the spik e angle sp ecified . fix-steps fixes st ep c onfigur ations b y smo othing or c ollapsing fac es based on the angle and st ep width sp ecified . remove-label-from-small-neighbors remo ves disc onnec ted island objec t fac e zone lab els b y mer ging the sp ecified island objec t fac e zones to the c onnec ted neighb oring fac e zone lab el based on minimum fac e coun t specified . quality/ contains options f or fixing pr oblems r elated t o sur face mesh qualit y on the sp ecified objec t fac e zones or boundar y fac e zones . collapse collapses bad qualit y fac es based on ar ea or sk ewness . For collapsing based on fac e area, specify the maximum fac e area and r elative maximum ar ea. For collapsing based on fac e sk ewness , specify the minimum sk ewness and f eature angle . Additionally , specify the numb er of it erations and whether the boundar y should b e pr eser ved. delaunay-swap impr oves the sur face mesh b y sw apping based on the minimum sk ewness v alue and f eature angle specified . Additionally , specify the numb er of it erations and whether the b oundar y should b e pr eser ved. general-improve impr oves the sur face mesh based on asp ect ratio, size change , or sk ewness . Specify the minimum qualit y value , feature angle , numb er of it erations , and whether the b oundar y should b e pr eser ved. smooth impr oves the sur face mesh b y smo othing . Specify the numb er of smo othing it erations and whether the b oundar y should b e pr eser ved. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 52diagnostics/Chapt er 4:display/ all-grid displa ys the gr id acc ording t o the cur rently set par amet ers. annotate adds annota tion t ext to a gr aphics windo w. It will pr ompt y ou f or a str ing t o use as the annota tion t ext, and then a dialo g box will pr ompt y ou t o selec t a scr een lo cation using the mouse-pr obe butt on on y our mouse . boundary-cells displa ys boundar y cells a ttached t o the sp ecified fac e zones . boundary-grid displa ys only b oundar y zones acc ording t o the cur rently set par amet ers. center-view-on sets the c amer a tar get t o be the c enter (c entroid) of an en tity. clear clears the ac tive gr aphics windo w.This option is useful when y ou r edo an o verlay. clear-annotation remo ves all annota tions and a ttachmen t lines fr om the ac tive gr aphics windo w. draw-cells-using-faces draws cells tha t are neighb ors f or the selec ted fac es. draw-cells-using-nodes draws cells tha t are connec ted t o the selec ted no des. draw-face-zones-using-entities draws cells tha t are connec ted t o the selec ted en tities . draw-zones draws the b oundar y/cell z ones using the z one ID sp ecified as input. objects/ contains c ommands f or displa ying objec ts. display-neighborhood displa ys the objec ts tha t are in the neighb orhood of the selec ted objec t.The neighb oring objec ts ha ve to be in c ontact, or in tersec ting the selec ted objec t. display-similar-area displa ys the objec ts with similar ar ea to the selec ted objec t area. 53Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.explode explo des the objec ts in the geometr y. (This c ommand is v alid only when the geometr y is an assembled mode.) hide-objects hides the selec ted objec ts in the displa y. implode implo des or assembles the objec ts in the geometr y. (This c ommand is a vailable only when the geometr y is an e xplo ded mo de.) isolate-objects displa ys only the selec ted objec ts. make-transparent mak es the geometr y transpar ent so tha t internal objec ts ar e visible .This c ommand w orks as a t oggle undoing the tr anspar ency of the pr eviously selec ted objec ts. select-all-visible selec ts all the visible objec ts in the gr aphics windo w. show-all unhides all the objec ts in the geometr y and displa ys them. toggle-color-mode toggles the c olors of the geometr y. In one mo de geometr y is c olor ed objec t-wise while in the other mode it is c olor ed z one-wise . toggle-color-palette toggles the c olor palett e of the geometr y. redisplay redraws the gr id in the gr aphics windo w. save-picture saves a pic ture file of the ac tive gr aphics windo w. set-grid/ contains options c ontrolling the displa y of the gr id. all-cells? enables/disables the displa y of all c ells. all-faces? enables/disables the displa y of all fac es. all-nodes? enables/disables the displa y of all no des. cell-quality sets the lo wer and upp er b ounds of qualit y for cells t o be displa yed. Only c ells with a qualit y measur e value (f or e xample , skewness) within the sp ecified r ange will b e displa yed. default resets the gr id displa y par amet ers t o their default v alues . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 54display/face-quality sets the lo wer and upp er b ounds of qualit y for fac es to be displa yed. Only fac es with a qualit y measur e value (f or e xample , skewness) within the sp ecified r ange will b e displa yed. free? enables/disables the dr awing of fac es/no des tha t ha ve no neighb oring fac e on a t least one edge . label-alignment sets the alignmen t of lab els tha t app ear in the gr aphics windo w. By default , the lab el is c entered on the no de, cell, and so on, to which the lab el refers.You c an sp ecify *,ˆ, v, <, > for center, top, bottom, left, or r ight.You c an also c ombine symb ols—f or e xample ,"*v" for b ottom c enter. label-font sets the lab el font. By default , all lab els app ear in “sans ser if" font. Some other choic es ar e roman, typewriter, and str oked. label-scale scales the siz e of the lab el. labels? enables/disables the displa y of lab els. left-handed? enables/disables the displa y of lef t-handed fac es. list lists all the gr id displa y settings . marked? enables/disables the displa y of mar ked no des. multi? enables/disables the displa y of those fac es/no des tha t ha ve mor e than one neighb oring fac e on an edge . neighborhood sets the x, y, and z r ange t o be within a sp ecified neighb orhood of a sp ecified gr id objec t. node-size sets the no de symb ol sc aling fac tor. node-symbol specifies the no de symb ol. normal-scale sets the sc ale fac tor for fac e nor mals . normals? enables/disables the displa y of fac e nor mals . refine? enables/disables the displa y of those fac es tha t ha ve been mar ked f or refinemen t. tagged? enables/disables the displa y of tagged no des. 55Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.unmeshed? enables/disables the displa y of no des and fac es tha t ha ve not b een meshed . unused? enables/disables the displa y of unused no des. x-range limits the displa y of gr id objec ts to the sp ecified x-r ange . y-range limits the displa y of gr id objec ts to the sp ecified y-r ange . z-range limits the displa y of gr id objec ts to the sp ecified z-r ange . set-list-tree-separator sets the separ ator char acter to be used t o det ermine the c ommon pr efix f or it ems list ed in the selec tion lists , when the tr ee view is used . set/ Enables y ou t o en ter the set menu t o set the displa y par amet ers. colors/ enables y ou t o en ter the c olors options menu . axis-faces sets the c olor of axisymmetr ic fac es. background sets the back ground (windo w) c olor . color-by-type? enables y ou t o sp ecify tha t the en tities should b e color ed b y their t ype or ID . color-by-partition? enables y ou t o view the par titions b y color .This c ommand applies t o par allel pr ocessing . far-field-faces sets the c olor of far field fac es. foreground sets the f oreground (t ext and windo w fr ame) c olor . free-surface-faces sets the c olor of fr ee sur face fac es. graphics-color-theme Sets the c olor theme f or the gr aphics windo w.The c olor options ( black ,white ,gray-gradient , or workbench ) are for the back ground displa y, but changing the theme also changes the default colors f or it ems tha t displa y in the gr aphics windo ws, like fac es and edges . highlight-color sets the highligh t color . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 56display/inlet-faces sets the c olor of the inlet fac es. interface-faces sets the c olor of gr id in terface fac es. interior-faces sets the c olor of the in terior fac es. internal-faces sets the c olor of the in ternal in terface fac es. list lists the c olors a vailable f or the selec ted z one t ype. outlet-faces sets the c olor of the outlet fac es. overset-faces sets the c olor of the o verset fac es. periodic-faces sets the c olor of p eriodic fac es. rans-les-interface-faces sets the c olor of R ANS/LES in terface fac es. reset-colors resets the individual gr id sur face colors t o the defaults . reset-user-colors resets individual gr id sur face colors t o the defaults . show-user-colors lists the cur rent defined user c olors . skip-label sets the numb er of lab els t o be sk ipped in the c olor map sc ale. surface sets the c olor of sur faces. symmetry-faces sets the c olor of symmetr ic fac es. traction-faces sets the c olor f or tr action fac es. user-color enables y ou t o change the c olor f or the sp ecified z one . wall-faces sets c olor f or w all fac es. 57Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.edges? enables/disables the displa y of fac e/cell edges . filled-grid? enables/disables the filled gr id option. When a gr id is not filled , only its outline is dr awn. lights/ enters the ligh ts menu . headlight-on? turns the ligh t tha t mo ves with the c amer a on/off . lighting-interpolation sets the ligh ting in terpolation metho d to be used .You c an cho ose flat ,gouraud , or phong . The first one is the most basic metho d, and the others ar e mor e sophistic ated and pr ovide smo other gr adations of c olor . lights-on? enables/disables the displa y of all ligh ts. set-ambient-color sets the ambien t color f or the sc ene.The ambien t color is the back ground ligh t color in sc ene. set-light adds or mo difies a dir ectional, color ed ligh t. line-weight sets the line width fac tor for the windo w. mouse-buttons prompts y ou t o selec t a func tion f or each of the mouse butt ons. native-display-defaults resets gr aphics windo w par amet ers t o optimal settings f or a lo cal displa y. Used af ter setting par amet ers f or a r emot e displa y with remote-display-defaults . overlays? turns o verlays on and off . picture/ saves a har dcopy file of the ac tive gr aphics windo w. color-mode/ contains the a vailable c olor mo des. color selec ts full c olor and plots the har dcopy in c olor . gray-scale selec ts gr ay scale (i.e ., various shades of gr ay) and c onverts color t o gr ay-sc ale f or har dcopy. list displa ys the cur rent har dcopy color mo de. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 58display/mono-chrome selec ts color t o mono chrome (black and whit e) for har dcopy. dpi specifies the r esolution in dots p er inch f or EPS and P ostScr ipt files . driver/ contains the a vailable har dcopy formats. dump-window sets the c ommand t o dump a gr aphics windo w to a file . eps sets the Enc apsula ted P ostScr ipt f ormat. jpeg sets the JPEG image f ormat. list displa ys the cur rent har dcopy format. options enables y ou t o set har dcopy options , such as landsc ape or ientation, pen sp eed, and ph ysical size.The options ma y be en tered on one line if y ou separ ate them with c ommas . png sets the PNG image f ormat. post-format/ contains c ommands f or setting the P ostScr ipt dr iver format and sa ve files in PS files tha t can be pr inted quick ly. fast-raster enables a r aster file tha t ma y be lar ger than the standar d raster file , but will pr int much mor e quick ly. raster enables the standar d raster file . rle-raster enables a r un-length enc oded r aster file tha t will b e ab out the same siz e as the standar d raster file , but will pr int sligh tly mor e quick ly.This is the default file t ype. vector enables the standar d vector file . post-script sets the P ostScr ipt f ormat. ppm sets the PPM f ormat. tiff sets the TIFF f ormat. 59Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.vrml sets the VRML f ormat. invert-background? enables/disables the e xchange of f oreground/back ground c olors f or har dcopy files . jpeg-hardcopy-quality controls the siz e and qualit y of ho w JPEG files ar e sa ved based on a sc ale of 0-100, with z ero being low qualit y small files and 100 b eing high qualit y lar ger files . landscape? toggles b etween landsc ape or p ortrait or ientation. preview applies the settings of the c olor-mo de, invert-back ground , and landsc ape options t o the cur rently active gr aphics windo w to pr eview the app earance of pr inted har dcopies . use-window-resolution? disables/enables the use of the cur rent graphics windo w resolution when sa ving an image of the graphics windo w. If disabled , the r esolution will b e as sp ecified f or x-resolution and y-res- olution . x-resolution sets the width of the r aster format images in pix els (0 implies tha t the har dcopy should use the same r esolution as the ac tive gr aphics windo w). y-resolution sets the heigh t of the r aster format images in pix els (0 implies tha t the har dcopy should use the same r esolution as the ac tive gr aphics windo w). re-render re-renders the cur rent windo w af ter mo difying the v ariables in the set menu . remote-display-defaults adjusts gr aphics windo w par amet ers t o optimal settings f or a r emot e displa y. Restore par amet ers f or lo cal displa y using native-display-defaults . rendering-options/ contains the c ommands tha t enable y ou t o set options tha t det ermine ho w the sc ene is r ender ed. animation-option enables y ou t o sp ecify the anima tion option as appr opriate. all uses a solid-t one shading r epresen tation of all geometr y dur ing mouse manipula tion. wireframe uses a wir eframe r epresen tation of all geometr y dur ing mouse manipula tion. This is the default option. auto-spin? enables mouse view r otations t o continue t o spin the displa y after the butt on is r eleased . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 60display/color-map-alignment sets the c olor bar alignmen t. device-info prints out inf ormation ab out y our gr aphics dr iver. double-buffering? enables or disables double buff ering. Double buff ering dr ama tically r educ es scr een flick er dur ing graphics up dates. If your displa y har dware do es not supp ort double buff ering and y ou tur n this option on, double buff ering will b e done in sof tware. Software double buff ering uses e xtra memor y. driver Changes the cur rent graphics dr iver.When enabling gr aphics displa y, you ha ve various options: for Linux, the a vailable dr ivers include opengl and x11 ; for Windo ws, the a vailable dr ivers include opengl ,dx11 (for D irectX 11), and msw (for M icrosof t Windo ws).You c an also disable the graphics displa y windo w by en tering null . For a c ompr ehensiv e list of the dr ivers a vailable t o you, press the Enter key at the driver> prompt. Note For an y session tha t displa ys graphics in a gr aphics windo w and/or sa ves pic ture files , having the dr iver set t o x11 ,msw , or null will c ause the r ender ing / sa ving speed t o be signific antly slo wer. face-displacement sets the fac e displac emen t (in Z-buff er units along the c amer a Z-axis) f or the displa yed geometr y when b oth fac es and edges ar e displa yed simultaneously . help-text-color sets the c olor of the help t ext on the scr een. You c an selec t black ,default , or white . hidden-lines? turns hidden line r emo val on or off .This c ommand is a vailable only when the c olor scheme is set to classic . Note This c ommand (only a vailable when Graphics C olor Theme is set t o Black ) is depr ecated and will b e remo ved a t a futur e release . hidden-lines-method/ enables y ou t o selec t the hidden line r emo val algor ithm. mesh-display-hlr? enables y ou t o remo ve hidden lines f or sur faces tha t are very close t ogether .This option should be used only if the default algor ithm do es not pr oduce suitable r esults . 61Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.normal-hlr-algorithm is the default hidden line r emo val algor ithm. Note These c ommands (only a vailable when Graphics C olor Theme is set t o Black ) are depr ecated and will b e remo ved a t a futur e release . hidden-surface-method/ enables y ou t o cho ose fr om among the hidden sur face remo val metho ds tha t are supp orted.These options (list ed b elow) ar e displa y har dware dep enden t. hardware-z-buffer is the fast est metho d if y our har dware supp orts it. The accur acy and sp eed of this metho d is hardware dep enden t. painters will sho w less edge-aliasing eff ects than hardware-z-buffer .This metho d is of ten used instead of software-z-buffer when memor y is limit ed. software-z-buffer is the fast est of the accur ate sof tware metho ds a vailable (esp ecially f or comple x scenes), but it is memor y intensiv e. z-sort-only is a fast sof tware metho d, but it is not as accur ate as software-z-buffer . hidden-surfaces? enables/disables the displa y of hidden sur faces. outer-face-cull? enables/disables the displa y of out er fac es. set-rendering-options sets the r ender ing options . surface-edge-visibility controls whether or not the mesh edges ar e dr awn. reset-graphics resets the gr aphics sy stem. shrink-factor sets shr inkage of b oth fac es and c ells. A value of z ero indic ates no shr inkage, while a v alue of one would shr ink the fac e or c ell to a p oint. styles/ contains c ommands f or setting the displa y style f or the diff erent types of no des and fac es tha t can b e displa yed. cell-quality indic ates c ells within the sp ecified c ell qualit y range . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 62display/cell-size indic ates c ells within the sp ecified c ell siz e range . face-quality indic ates fac es within the sp ecified fac e qualit y range . face-size indic ates fac es within the sp ecified fac e siz e range . free indic ates fr ee no des or fac es. left-handed indic ates fac es tha t do not f ollow the r ight-hand r ule with r espect to their c ell neighb ors. mark indic ates mar ked objec ts (for e xpert users). multi indic ates multiply-c onnec ted no des or fac es. refine indic ates b oundar y fac es to be refined . tag indic ates tagged objec ts (for e xpert users). unmeshed indic ates unmeshed no des or fac es. unused indic ates unused no des or fac es. title sets the pr oblem title . windows/ enters the windo ws options menu , which c ontains c ommands tha t enable y ou t o cust omiz e the r elative positions of sub-windo ws inside the ac tive gr aphics windo w. The menu str ucture for the axes ,main ,scale ,text ,video , and xy submenus is similar . aspect-ratio sets the asp ect ratio of the ac tive windo w. axes/ enters the ax es windo w options menu . border? sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the ax es windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the ax es windo w. 63Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.clear sets the tr anspar ency of the ax es windo w. left sets the lef t boundar y of the ax es windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the ax es windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the ax es windo w. visible? controls the visibilit y of the ax es windo w. main/ enters the main view windo w options menu . border? sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the main viewing windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the main viewing windo w. left sets the lef t boundar y of the main viewing windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the main viewing windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the main viewing windo w. visible? controls the visibilit y of the main viewing windo w. scale/ enters the c olor sc ale windo w options menu . border? sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the c olor sc ale windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. clear? sets the tr anspar ency of the c olor sc ale windo w. font-size sets the f ont siz e of the c olor sc ale windo w. format sets the numb er format of the c olor sc ale windo w (for e xample , %0.2e). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 64display/left sets the lef t boundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. margin sets the mar gin of the c olor sc ale windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. visible? controls the visibilit y of the c olor sc ale windo w. text enters the t ext windo w options menu . application? shows or hides the applic ation name in the pic ture. border? sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the t ext windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the t ext windo w. clear? enables/disables the tr anspar ency of the t ext windo w. company? shows or hides the c ompan y name in the pic ture. date? shows or hides the da te in the pic ture. left sets the lef t boundar y of the t ext windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the t ext windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the t ext windo w. visible? controls the visibilit y of the t ext windo w. video/ contains options f or mo difying a video .This menu is not r elevant for the meshing mo de. background sets the back ground c olor of the gr aphics windo w.The c olor is sp ecified as a str ing of thr ee comma-separ ated numb ers b etween 0 and 1, represen ting r ed, green, and blue . For e xample , 65Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat change the back ground fr om black (default) t o gr ay, you w ould en ter ".5,.5,.5" af ter selec ting the background command . color-filter sets the video c olor filt er. For e xample , to change the c olor filt er fr om its default setting t o PAL video with a sa turation of 80% and a br ightness of 90%, you w ould en ter "video=pal,sa t=.8,gain=.9" af ter selec ting the color-filter command . foreground sets the f oreground (t ext) color of the gr aphics windo w.The c olor is sp ecified as a str ing of three c omma-separ ated numb ers b etween 0 and 1, represen ting r ed, green, and blue . For e x- ample , to change the f oreground fr om whit e (default) t o gr ay, you w ould en ter ".5,.5,.5" af ter selec ting the foreground command . on? enables or disables the video pic ture settings . pixel-size sets the windo w siz e in pix els. xy/ enters the X Y plot windo w options menu . border? sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the X Y plot windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the X Y plot windo w. left sets the lef t boundar y of the X Y plot windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the X Y plot windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the X Y plot windo w. visible? controls the visibilit y of the X Y plot windo w. update-scene/ contains c ommands tha t enable y ou t o up date the sc ene descr iption. delete delet es the geometr y selec ted using the select-geometry command . display displa ys the geometr y selec ted using the select-geometry command . draw-frame? enables/disables the dr awing of the b ounding fr ame . overlays? enables/disables the o verlays option. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 66display/select-geometry enables y ou t o selec t the geometr y to be up dated. set-frame enables y ou t o change the fr ame options . transform enables y ou t o apply the tr ansf ormation ma trix to the geometr y selec ted using the select-geometry command . views/ enters the view windo w options menu . auto-scale scales and c enters the cur rent scene without changing its or ientation. camera/ contains c ommands t o set the c amer a options . dolly-camera enables y ou t o mo ve the c amer a lef t, right, up, down, in, and out. field enables y ou t o set the field of view (width and heigh t) of the sc ene. orbit-camera enables y ou t o mo ve the c amer a around the tar get. Gives the eff ect of cir cling ar ound the tar get. pan-camera gives y ou the eff ect of sw eeping the c amer a acr oss the sc ene.The c amer a remains a t its p osition but its tar get changes . position sets the c amer a position. projection lets y ou swit ch b etween p ersp ective and or thographic view s. roll-camera lets y ou adjust the c amer a up-v ector. target sets the p oint the c amer a will lo ok a t. up-vector sets the c amer a up-v ector. zoom-camera adjusts the c amer a’s field of view .This op eration is similar t o dollying the c amer a in or out of the scene. Dollying c auses objec ts in fr ont to mo ve past y ou. Zooming changes the p ersp ective eff ect in the sc ene (and c an b e disc oncerting). default-view resets the view t o front and c enter. 67Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.delete-view delet es a par ticular view fr om the list of st ored view s. last-view retur ns to the c amer a position b efore the last manipula tion. list-views lists all pr edefined and sa ved view s. read-views reads view s from an e xternal view file . restore-view sets the cur rent view t o one of the st ored view s. save-view saves the cur rently displa yed view in to the list of st ored view s. write-views writes view s to an e xternal view file . xy-plot/ enters the X Y plot menu . cell-distribution plots a hist ogram of c ell qualit y. face-distribution plots a hist ogram of fac e qualit y. file enables y ou t o cho ose a file fr om which t o create an x y plot. set/ enters the set windo w options menu . auto-scale? sets the r ange f or the x- and y-axis . If aut o-sc aling is not ac tivated f or a par ticular axis , you will b e prompt ed f or the minimum and maximum da ta values . background-color sets the c olor of the field within the abscissa and or dina te ax es. file-lines sets the par amet ers f or plot lines . file-markers sets the par amet ers f or da ta mar kers. key sets the visibilit y and title of the descr iption b ox tha t displa ys the mar kers and/or lines with their asso ciated da ta.The k ey can b e positioned and r esized using the lef t mouse butt on. labels sets the str ings tha t define the x- and y- axis lab els. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 68display/lines sets the pa ttern, weigh t, and c olor of the plot lines . log? enables/disables the lo g sc aling on the x- and y-axis . markers sets par amet ers f or the da ta mar kers. numbers sets the f ormat and pr ecision of the da ta numb ers displa yed on the x- and y-axis . plot-to-file enables y ou t o wr ite the x y plot v alues t o a file . rules sets the visibilit y, line w eigh t and c olor of the major and minor r ules in the x- and y-axis dir ections . windows contains c ommands tha t enable y ou t o cust omiz e the r elative positions of sub-windo ws inside the active gr aphics windo w. border? draws a b order ar ound the sub-windo w. bottom sets the b ottom b oundar y of the sub-windo w. left sets the lef t boundar y of the sub-windo w. right sets the r ight boundar y of the sub-windo w. top sets the t op b oundar y of the sub-windo w. visible? sets the visibilit y of the sub-windo w. xy-percent-y? enables/disables whether the y-c oordina te should b e sc aled t o sho w a p ercent of t otal v alues b eing plott ed. zones/ contains c ommands f or displa ying z ones . display-neighborhood displa ys the z ones tha t are in the neighb orhood of the selec ted z ones .The neighb oring z ones ha ve to be in c ontact, or in tersec ting the selec ted z one . display-similar-area displa ys the z ones with similar ar ea to the selec ted z one ar ea. 69Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.hide-zones hides the selec ted z ones in the displa y. isolate-zones displa ys only the selec ted z ones . make-transparent mak es the geometr y transpar ent so tha t internal z ones ar e visible .This c ommand w orks as a t oggle undoing the tr anspar ency of the pr eviously selec ted z ones . select-all-visible selec ts all the visible z ones in the gr aphics windo w. show-all unhides all the z ones in the geometr y and displa ys them. toggle-color-mode toggles the c olors of the geometr y. In one mo de geometr y is c olor ed objec t-wise while in the other mode it is c olor ed z one-wise . toggle-color-palette toggles the c olor palett e of the geometr y. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 70display/Chapt er 5:exit exit exits the pr ogram. 71Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 72Chapt er 6:file/ The user in terface commands r elated t o the File menu (such as r eading files , imp orting files) and other Selec t File dialo g boxes do not w ork for the dual pr ocess build .You need t o use the TUI c ommands instead (f or e xample ,/file/read-mesh ). Imp ortant •The host c annot b e detached and r eattached; onc e the c onnec tion is br oken the da ta is lost. You need t o sa ve the da ta if the machine must b e shut do wn in b etween. •All gr aphics inf ormation will b e sen t over the net work, so initially it c ould tak e a long time t o assemble gr aphic al inf ormation (esp ecially if the host and r emot e ser ver ar e acr oss c ontinen ts) but af ter tha t the gr aphics manipula tion is fast. append-mesh enables y ou t o app end the mesh files .This c ommand is a vailable only af ter a mesh file has b een r ead in. Append R ules : •If zone names and IDs ar e duplic ated, the y will b e mo dified and the changes will b e reported in the console . •Domain inf ormation will b e retained dur ing the file app end op eration. If domain names ar e duplic ated, they will b e mo dified and the changes will b e reported in the c onsole . •Refinemen t region inf ormation will b e retained dur ing the file app end op eration. If region names ar e duplic ated, the y will b e mo dified and the changes will b e reported in the c onsole . •You c an app end files c ompr ising only edge z ones (without fac e zones). •Edge-fac e zone asso ciations will b e retained dur ing the file app end op eration. •Zone-sp ecific pr ism par amet er inf ormation will b e retained dur ing the file app end op eration. append-meshes-by-tmerge enables y ou t o app end the mesh files using the tmer ge utilit y.This c ommand is a vailable only af ter a mesh file has b een r ead in. confirm-overwrite? controls whether a ttempts t o overwrite existing files r equir e confir mation. If you do not w ant ANSY S Fluen t to ask y ou f or c onfir mation b efore it o verwrites e xisting files , you can en ter the file/confirm-overwrite? text command and answ er no. file-format enables/disables the wr iting of binar y files . 73Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.filter-list lists the names of the c onverters tha t are used t o change f oreign mesh (while imp orting mesh files fr om third-par ty pack ages) files . filter-options enables y ou t o change the e xtension (such as .c as, .msh, .neu) and ar gumen ts used with a sp ecified filt er. For e xample , if y ou sa ved the P ATRAN files with a .NEU extension inst ead of .neu , you c an substitut e or add .NEU to the e xtension list. For some filt ers, one of the ar gumen ts will b e the dimensionalit y of the gr id. When y ou use the filter-options command f or such a filt er, you will see a default dimension- ality argumen t of -d a .The dimension will aut oma tically b e det ermined , so y ou need not substitut e 2 or 3 for a. import/ enables y ou t o imp ort mesh inf ormation gener ated b y some C AD pack ages (ANSY S, I-deas , NASTR AN, PATRAN, and HYPERMESH), as w ell as mesh inf ormation in the C GNS (CFD gener al nota tion sy stem) f ormat. These files ar e imp orted using the asso ciated t ext commands list ed her e: ansys-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a ANSY S sur face mesh file . ansys-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a ANSY S volume mesh file . cad enables y ou t o imp ort CAD files based on the options set. •To imp ort a single file (default), specify the file pa th and set up options f or e xtracting f eatures, im- porting cur vature da ta fr om C AD, and the length unit. •To imp ort multiple files , specify the dir ectory pa th and pa ttern, and set up options f or app ending the files , extracting f eatures, imp orting cur vature da ta fr om C AD and the length unit. cad-geometry enables y ou t o imp ort CAD files based on the options set. •To imp ort a single file (default), specify the file pa th. Set up options f or the length unit , tessella tion metho d, and sizing par amet ers based on the t essella tion metho d. •To imp ort multiple files , specify the dir ectory pa th and pa ttern. Set up options f or app ending the files , the length unit , tessella tion metho d, and sizing par amet ers based on the t essella tion metho d. cad-options/ contains additional options f or imp orting C AD files . continue-on-error? enables y ou t o continue the imp ort of the C AD file(s), despit e errors or pr oblems cr eating the fa- ceting on c ertain sur faces, or other issues .This option is disabled b y default. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 74file/create-cad-assemblies? enables cr eating the CAD A ssemblies tree on C AD imp ort.The C AD A ssemblies tr ee represen ts the C AD tr ee as it is pr esen ted in the C AD pack age in which it w as cr eated. All sub-assembly le vels from the C AD ar e main tained on imp ort in F luen t Meshing . For c ommands sp ecific t o the C AD assemblies , refer to cad-assemblies/ (p.47) derive-zone-name-from-object-scope? enables z ones without N amed S elec tions t o inher it the objec t name on imp ort.This option is dis- abled b y default. double-connected-face-label adds the sp ecified lab el to the name of double-c onnec ted fac e zones (fac e zones shar ed b y two bodies). enclosure-symm-processing? enables pr ocessing of enclosur e and symmetr y named selec tions dur ing imp ort.This option is disabled b y default. This option is applic able only t o ANSY S DesignM odeler (*.agdb) files . extract-features? enables f eature extraction fr om the C AD mo del on imp ort.You c an cho ose t o disable this , if desir ed. Specify an appr opriate value f or feature angle .The default v alue is 40. import-body-names? enables imp ort of B ody names fr om the C AD files .This option is enabled b y default. Note Any renaming of B ody names in ANSY S M echanic al/ANSY S M eshing pr ior t o the export of the mechda t/meshda t files is ignor ed dur ing imp ort. Only or iginal B ody names will b e imp orted. import-curvature-data-from-CAD? enables imp orting of the cur vature da ta fr om the no des of the C AD fac ets.You c an cho ose t o disable this, if desir ed. import-part-names? enables imp ort of P art names fr om the C AD file(s). This option is enabled b y default. Note Any renaming of P art names in ANSY S M echanic al/ANSY S M eshing pr ior t o the export of the mechda t/meshda t files is ignor ed dur ing imp ort. Only or iginal P art names will b e imp orted. 75Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.merge-nodes? enables the mer ging of geometr y objec t no des dur ing C AD imp ort.This option is enabled b y default. Note This option c an b e optionally enabled/disabled only when geometr y objec ts ar e imp orted using the CAD F aceting option f or C AD imp ort. Mesh objec t no des will alw ays be mer ged when the CFD S urface M esh is selec ted f or C AD imp ort. modify-all-duplicate-names? enables y ou t o mo dify all duplic ate objec t/zone names b y adding incr emen tal in tegers as suffix. This option is disabled b y default. For e xample: The C AD file c ontains multiple par ts (or b odies) named hea tshield . •With the option disabled (default), the imp orted z ones will b e named hea tshield ,hea tshield .1, hea tshield .2, etc. •With the option enabled , the imp orted z ones will b e named hea tshield .1,hea tshield .2,hea t- shield .3, etc. name-separator-character allows you t o sp ecify the char acter used b etween name fields . Default is ':'. named-selections enables y ou t o imp ort Named S elec tions from the C AD file(s), including N amed S elec tions fr om ANSY S DesignM odeler , public ations fr om C ATIA, and so on. You c an additionally cho ose t o ignor e imp ort of c ertain N amed S elec tions based on the pa ttern sp ecified (f or e xample ,Layer* to ignor e layer N amed S elec tions fr om C ATIA), or b y sp ecifying multiple wild c ards (f or e xample ,^(Col- or|Layer|Material).* to remo ve color , layer, and ma terial N amed S elec tions fr om C ATIA). Note •Named S elec tions defined in ANSY S Meshing c annot b e imp orted. •If Named S elec tions is enabled , then F ace named selec tions will b e imp orted as fac e zone lab els. object-type enables the setting of objec t type on imp ort.The options a vailable ar e auto ,geometry , and mesh .The default setting is auto based on the t essella tion metho d selec ted: geometr y objec ts will b e created when the cad-faceting metho d is used , while mesh objec ts will b e created when the cfd-surface-mesh metho d is used . one-face-zone-per enables y ou t o create one fac e zone p er b ody/fac e/objec t to be imp orted. one-object-per enables y ou t o cr eate one objec t per b ody/par t/file/selec tion t o be imp orted.The default program-controlled option allo ws the sof tware to mak e the appr opriate choic e.This Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 76file/option mak es a choic e between p er b ody and p er par t based on whether shar ed t opology is off or on, respectively. Note For ANSY S ICEM CFD files (*.tin), set the objec t granular ity to one objec t per se- lection . read-all-cad-in-subdirectories? when enabled , all files in the sp ecified dir ectory as w ell as in its sub directories will b e imp orted. This option is disabled b y default. save-PMDB? saves a PMDB (*.pmdb) file in the dir ectory containing the C AD files imp orted.You c an use this file t o imp ort the same C AD file(s) again with diff erent options set , for a quick er imp ort than the full imp ort.This option is disabled b y default. Note Some options will not b e available an y mor e onc e the mo del is imp orted fr om a PMDB file (f or e xample ,enclosure-symm-processing? ), sinc e the y are processed b efore the PMDB file is cr eated. separate-features-by-type? enables separ ation of f eature edges based on angle , connec tivit y, and named selec tions on imp ort. Edge z one names will ha ve suitable suffix es dep ending on separ ation cr iteria, order of z ones , ex- isting z one names and other imp ort options selec ted. single-connected-edge-label adds the sp ecified lab el to the name of single-c onnec ted edge z ones (edge z ones r eferenced b y a single fac e). strip-file-name-extension-from-naming? remo ves the e xtension of the C AD files fr om the objec t/fac e zone names on imp ort.This option is disabled b y default. strip-path-prefix-from-names? enables y ou t o remo ve the pa th pr efix fr om the objec t/fac e zone names on imp ort.The default setting is auto which r emo ves the pa th pr efix fr om objec t/fac e zone names when the objec t cre- ation gr anular ity is set t o one objec t per file .You c an also e xplicitly selec t yes or no. tessellation enables y ou t o control the t essella tion (fac eting) dur ing file imp ort.You c an selec t either cad- faceting or cfd-surface-mesh . CAD fac eting enables y ou t o control the t essella tion based on the C AD fac eting t oler ance and maximum fac et siz e sp ecified . CFD Sur face M esh enables y ou t o use a siz e field file , (Use size field file? ). If you enter yes , specify the siz e field file t o be read. If you do not w ant to use a siz e field file , you c an obtain c onformal fac eting based on the under lying cur ve and sur face cur vature (using the minimum and maximum fac et siz es, and the fac et cur vature nor mal angle sp ecified) 77Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.and edge pr oximit y (using the c ells p er gap sp ecified). You c an also sa ve a siz e field in a file (size field is c omput ed based on the sp ecified par amet ers; tha t is,Min S ize,Max S ize, Curvature Normal A ngle ,Cells P er G ap). use-collection-names? enables y ou t o use the N amed S elec tions f or the objec t/zone names on imp ort. Selec t auto ,no, or yes .The default selec tion is auto wher e the N amed S elec tion will b e used as the objec t/zone name , except when the objec t creation gr anular ity is set t o one objec t per file . use-component-names? enables y ou t o add the c omp onen t (par t or assembly) names t o the objec t/zone names on imp ort. Selec t auto ,no, or yes .The default selec tion is auto wher e the c omp onen t name will b e added to the objec t/zone name . use-part-names? enables y ou t o cho ose whether t o add the par t names fr om the C AD file t o the objec t and z one names on imp ort.The default setting is auto which adds the par t names t o both objec t and z one names when objec t creation gr anular ity is set t o body.When the objec t creation gr anular ity is set to par t or file, the par t names ar e not added t o the z one names , face zone lab els, or the r egion names , by default. You c an also e xplicitly selec t yes or no. use-part-or-body-names-as suffix-to-named-selections? enables y ou t o mo dify z one names b y using par t or b ody names as suffix es to the N amed S elec tions spanning multiple par ts/b odies .This option is enabled b y default. For e xample: The C AD file c ontains a N amed S elec tion effusion with par t (or b ody) names id_liner and od_liner . •With the option enabled (default), the imp orted z ones will b e named effusion:id_liner and ef- fusion:o d_liner . •With the option disabled , the imp orted z ones will b e named effusion.1 and effusion.2 . cgns-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a C GNS sur face mesh file . cgns-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a C GNS v olume mesh file . fidap-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a FIDAP sur face mesh file . fidap-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a FIDAP v olume mesh file . fl-uns2-mesh enables y ou t o read a F luen t UNS V2 c ase file . fluent-2d-mesh enables y ou t o read a 2D mesh in to the 3D v ersion. gambit-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a GAMBIT sur face mesh file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 78file/gambit-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a GAMBIT v olume mesh file . hypermesh-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a HYPERMESH sur face mesh file . hypermesh-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a HYPERMESH v olume mesh file . ideas-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read an I-deas sur face mesh file . ideas-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read an I-deas v olume mesh file . nastran-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a NASTR AN sur face mesh file . nastran-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a NASTR AN v olume mesh file . patran-surf-mesh enables y ou t o read a P ATRAN sur face mesh file . patran-vol-mesh enables y ou t o read a P ATRAN v olume mesh file . load-act-tool loads the ANSY S ACT t ool. read-boundary-mesh enables y ou t o read a b oundar y mesh. If the b oundar y mesh is c ontained in t wo or mor e separ ate files , you c an r ead them in t ogether and assemble the c omplet e boundar y mesh. This option is also c onvenien t if y ou w ant to reuse the b oundar y mesh fr om a file c ontaining a lar ge volume mesh. Note The naming of fac e zones c an b e controlled b y Named S elec tions defined in ANSY S Workbench. For details on e xporting fac eted geometr y from ANSY S Workbench, refer to the ANSY S Workbench H elp. read-case enables y ou t o read the mesh c ontained in a c ase file . Note Cell hier archy in c ase files adapt ed in the solution mo de will b e lost when the y are read in the meshing mo de. 79Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Case files c ontaining p olyhedr al cells c an also b e read in the meshing mo de of F luen t.You c an displa y the p olyhedr al mesh, perform certain mesh manipula tion op erations , check the mesh qualit y, and so on. read-domains enables y ou t o read domain files . Each mesh file wr itten b y Fluen t has a domain sec tion. A domain file is the domain sec tion of the mesh file and is wr itten as a separ ate file . It contains a list of no de, face, and c ell z one IDs tha t mak e up each domain in the mesh. If a domain tha t is b eing r ead alr eady exists in the mesh, a w arning message is displa yed. Fluen t verifies if the z ones defining the domains e xist in the mesh. If not , it will displa y a w arning message . read-journal enables y ou t o read a jour nal file in to the pr ogram. The read-journal command alw ays loads the file in the main (tha t is, top-le vel) menu , regar dless of wher e you ar e in the menu hier archy when y ou in voke it. read-mesh enables y ou t o read a mesh file .You c an also use this c ommand t o read a F luen t mesh file cr eated with GAMBIT , or t o read the mesh a vailable in a F luen t case file . Note Reading a c ase file as a mesh file will r esult in loss of b oundar y condition da ta as the mesh file do es not c ontain an y inf ormation on b oundar y conditions . Case files c ontaining p olyhedr al cells c an also b e read in the meshing mo de of F luen t.You c an displa y the p olyhedr al mesh, perform certain mesh manipula tion op erations , check the mesh qualit y, and so on. Imp ortant You c annot r ead meshes fr om solv ers tha t ha ve been adapt ed using hanging no des.To read one of these meshes in the meshing mo de in F luen t, coarsen the mesh within the solv er un til you ha ve recovered the or iginal unadapt ed gr id. Note The naming of fac e zones c an b e controlled b y Named S elec tions defined in ANSY S Workbench. For details on e xporting fac eted geometr y from ANSY S Workbench, refer to the ANSY S Workbench H elp. read-meshes-by-tmerge uses the tmer ge utilit y to read the mesh c ontained in t wo or mor e separ ate files . It enables y ou t o read the mesh files t ogether and helps assemble the c omplet e mesh. read-multi-bound-mesh enables y ou t o read multiple b oundar y mesh files in to the meshing mo de. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 80file/read-multiple-mesh enables y ou t o read in t wo or mor e files t ogether and ha ve the c omplet e mesh assembled f or y ou, if the mesh files ar e contained in t wo or mor e separ ate files . For e xample , if y ou ar e going t o cr eate a h ybrid mesh b y reading in a tr iangular b oundar y mesh and a v olume mesh c onsisting of he xahedr al cells, you c an r ead b oth files a t the same time using this c ommand . read-options enables y ou t o set the f ollowing options f or reading mesh files: •Enforce mesh t opology:This option is disabled b y default. Enabling this option will or ient the fac e zones consist ently when the mesh file is r ead. If nec essar y, the z ones b eing r ead will b e separ ated, such tha t each b oundar y fac e zone has a t most t wo cell z ones as neighb ors, one on either side . Also, internal fac e zones ar e inser ted b etween neighb oring c ell z ones tha t are connec ted b y interior fac es. •Check r ead da ta:This option enables additional checks f or the v alidit y of the mesh. Enabling this option will check the mesh t opology dur ing file r ead. In c ase inc orrect mesh t opology is enc oun tered, warning messages will b e displa yed and the er roneous en tities will b e delet ed. Note tha t in c ase of mesh t opology errors, no aut oma tic mesh r epair is done , and tha t par ts of the mesh ma y be non-c onformal, contain voids , or b e erroneous in other w ays.The pur pose of the check-read-data option is t o enable acc ess to corrupt files .This option is disabled b y default with the assumption tha t correct da ta will b e read, and t o shor ten file r ead times . read-size-field enables y ou t o read in a siz e field file . Note If you r ead a siz e-field file af ter sc aling the mo del, ensur e tha t the siz e-field file is appr o- priate for the sc aled mo del (siz e-field v ertices should ma tch the sc aled mo del). set-tui-version Allows you t o impr ove back wards c ompa tibilit y for jour nal files .This c ommand hides an y new TUI pr ompts that are added a t a futur e release of ANSY S Fluen t and r everts to the ar gumen ts of the r elease tha t you specify using the c ommand (within t wo full r eleases of the cur rent release). The c ommand is aut oma tically added t o a jour nal file as so on as y ou star t the r ecording . See Creating and R eading J ournal F iles for details . show-configuration displa ys the cur rent release and v ersion inf ormation. start-journal starts recording all input and wr ites it t o a file .The cur rent Fluen t version is aut oma tically r ecorded in the jour nal file . Note tha t commands en tered using pa ths fr om older v ersions of F luen t will b e up graded t o their cur rent pa th in the jour nal file . See Creating and R eading J ournal F iles in the Fluent U ser's G uide . 81Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.To star t the jour naling pr ocess use the file/start-journal command , and end it with the file/stop-journal command (or b y exiting the pr ogram). To read a jour nal file in to the pr ogram, use the file/read-journal command . Note The read-journal command alw ays loads the file in the main (tha t is, top-le vel) menu , regar dless of wher e you ar e in the menu hier archy when y ou in voke it. The standar d period (.) alias is the same as the file/read-journal definition and is defined by: (alias ’. (lambda () (ti-read-journal))) start-transcript starts recording input and output in a file . A transcr ipt file c ontains a c omplet e record of all standar d input t o and output fr om F luen t (usually all k eyboard and user in terface input and all scr een output).S tart the tr anscr iption pr ocess with the file/start-transcript command , and end it with the file/stop- transcript command (or b y exiting the pr ogram). stop-journal stops r ecording input and closes the jour nal file . stop-transcript stops r ecording input and output , and closes the tr anscr ipt file . write-boundaries enables y ou t o wr ite the sp ecified b oundar ies in to a mesh file . This is useful f or lar ge c ases wher e you ma y want to mesh diff erent par ts of the mesh separ ately and then mer ge them t ogether .This enables y ou t o avoid fr equen t swit ching b etween domains f or such c ases .You c an wr ite out selec ted b oundar ies t o a mesh file and then cr eate the v olume mesh for the par t in a separ ate session. You c an then r ead the sa ved mesh in to the pr evious session and mer ge the par t with the r est of the mesh. write-case enables y ou t o wr ite a c ase file tha t can b e read b y Fluen t. Note You should delet e dead z ones in the mesh b efore wr iting the mesh or c ase file f or F luen t. write-domains enables y ou t o wr ite all the mesh domains (e xcept global) in to a file tha t can b e read. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 82file/write-mesh enables y ou t o wr ite a mesh file . Note You should delet e dead z ones in the mesh b efore wr iting the mesh or c ase file f or F luen t. write-options enables y ou t o set the enf orce mesh t opology option f or wr iting mesh/c ase files . This option is disabled b y default; enabling this option will or ient the fac e zones c onsist ently when the mesh file is wr itten. If nec essar y, the z ones will b e separ ated, such tha t each b oundar y fac e zone has a t most t wo cell z ones as neighb ors, one on either side . Also, internal fac e zones will b e inser ted b etween neighb oring c ell z ones tha t are connec ted b y interior fac es. write-size-field enables y ou t o wr ite a siz e field file . 83Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 84Chapt er 7:material-point/ create-material-point enables the definition of a ma terial p oint. Specify the fluid z one name and the lo cation t o define the ma- terial p oint. delete-all-material-points enables the deletion of all defined ma terial p oints. delete-material-point delet es the sp ecified ma terial p oint. list-material-points lists all the defined ma terial p oints. 85Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 86Chapt er 8:mesh/ auto-mesh enables y ou t o gener ate the v olume mesh aut oma tically. Specify a mesh objec t name f or objec t-based auto mesh; if no name is giv en, face zone based aut o mesh is p erformed . Specify the mesh elemen ts to be used when pr ompt ed. Specify whether t o mer ge the c ells in to a single z one or k eep the c ell z ones separ ate. For fac e zone based meshing , specify whether aut oma tically iden tify the domain t o be meshed based on the t opology inf ormation. Note •You c an sp ecify the meshing par amet ers f or the mesh elemen ts (pr isms , pyramids or non- conformals , tet, hex or p oly) using either the r espective dialo g boxes or the asso ciated t ext commands pr ior t o using the auto-mesh command . auto-mesh-controls/ enters the aut o-mesh-c ontrols submenu backup-object enables cr eation of a back up of the sur face mesh b efore volume meshing star ts.This option is enabled by default. auto-prefix-cell-zones enables y ou t o sp ecify a pr efix f or cell z ones cr eated dur ing the aut o mesh pr ocedur e. Note The auto-prefix-cell-zones command is not r elevant for objec t-based meshing , wher e the c ell z one names ar e gener ated based on the ma terial p oints and the objec ts used t o gener ate the mesh objec t. cavity/ enters the c avity menu . add-zones enables y ou t o create a c avity for adding new z ones t o the e xisting v olume mesh. create-hexcore-cavity-by-region creates the c avity in the he xcore mesh based on the z ones and b ounding b ox extents sp ecified . create-hexcore-cavity-by-scale creates the c avity in the he xcore mesh based on the z ones and sc ale sp ecified . merge-cavity enables y ou t o mer ge the sp ecified c avity domain with the par ent domain. 87Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.During the mer ging op eration, the c avity cell z ones mer ges with the z ones in the par ent domain. The w all b oundar ies e xtracted fr om the in terior z ones will b e converted t o interior type and mer ged with the c orresponding z ones in the par ent domain. region enables y ou t o create a c avity to mo dify the e xisting v olume mesh in the sp ecified r egion. remove-zones enables y ou t o create a c avity for remo ving z ones fr om the e xisting v olume mesh. replace-zones enables y ou t o create a c avity for remo ving a set of z ones fr om an e xisting v olume mesh and r eplacing them with new set of z ones . cell-zone-conditions/ contains options f or copying or clear ing c ell z one c onditions when a c ase file is r ead. clear clears the c ell z one c onditions assigned t o the sp ecified z ones . clear-all clears the c ell c onditions assigned t o all the z ones . copy enables y ou t o copy the c ell z one c onditions fr om the z one selec ted t o the z ones sp ecified . check-mesh checks the mesh f or topological er rors. check-quality enables y ou t o ensur e tha t the mesh qualit y is appr opriate before transf erring the mesh t o the solution mode. check-quality-level enables y ou t o report additional qualit y metr ics when set t o 1. In addition t o the or thogonal qualit y and F luen t asp ect ratio, additional metr ics such as c ell squish and sk ewness will b e reported when the check-quality-level is set t o 1. clear-mesh enables y ou t o gener ate a new mesh b y deleting the in ternal mesh and lea ving only the b oundar y fac es and no des. create-heat-exchanger creates the hea t exchanger mesh. You need t o sp ecify the metho d for selec ting the L ocation c oordina tes (by Position or N odes), the lo cation c oordina tes, the par amet ers f or setting up mesh densit y (by Interval or S ize), and the numb er of in tervals (siz es) b etween p oints (no des) 1–2, 1–3, 1–4. Also sp ecify the ob- ject/zone name pr efix and enable cr eating the mesh objec t, if requir ed. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 88mesh/cutcell/ enters the cut cell menu . Note This menu is no longer supp orted, and will b e remo ved in a futur e release . create creates the C utCell mesh b y performing the initializ e, refine , snap , and impr ove op erations sequen tially . create-prism creates the pr ism la yers on the r ecovered b oundar y based on the z one-sp ecific pr ism par amet ers set. Specify the c ell z ones in to which the pr ism la yers ar e to be gr own and the gap fac tor as appr opriate. modify/ enters the cut cell mo dify menu . auto-node-move enables y ou t o use the Auto Node M ove utilit y to impr ove the C utCell mesh qualit y. cavity-remeshing enables y ou t o use the Cavity Remeshing utilit y to impr ove the C utCell mesh qualit y near the boundar y. Note Face zones of t ype internal are recovered as t ype wall in the cut cell mesher . These should b e reset t o type internal before using the c avity remesher . post-morph-improve impr oves the qualit y of the C utCell mesh p ost-pr ism gener ation. rezone-multi-connected-faces enables y ou t o resolv e multi-c onnec ted c onfigur ations on the C utCell b oundar y. Specify an appr o- priate value f or the cr itical coun t for contiguous manif old fac es. An example is sho wn in Figur e 8.1: Rezoning M ultiply C onnec ted F aces (p.89) wher e the multiply c onnec ted fac es ar ound the sur face ar e remo ved. Figur e 8.1: Rezoning M ultiply C onnec ted F aces 89Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.split-boundary creates a c opy of the sp ecified C utCell b oundar y zones and mak es the b oundar y mesh c onformal at the hanging-no des on the c opied z ones .The new z ones will b e named based on the or iginal zone names and pr efixed b y split- . objects/ enters the objects menu . change-object-type enables y ou t o change the objec t type (geom or mesh ). check-mesh checks the mesh on the sp ecified objec ts for connec tivit y and or ientation of fac es.The domain extents, volume sta tistics , and fac e area sta tistics will b e reported along with the r esults of other checks on the mesh. create creates the objec t based on the pr iority, cell z one t ype, face zones , edge z ones , and objec t type specified .You c an sp ecify the objec t name or r etain the default blank en try to ha ve the objec t name gener ated aut oma tically. create-and-activate-domain creates and ac tivates the domain c ompr ising the fac e zones fr om the objec ts sp ecified . create-groups creates a fac e gr oup and an edge gr oup c ompr ising the fac e zones and edge z ones included in the sp ecified objec ts, respectively. create-intersection-loops enables y ou t o create intersec tion lo ops f or objec ts. •The collectively option cr eates an in terior edge lo op a t the in tersec tion b etween t wo ad- jacent fac e zones included in the same objec t and b etween multiple objec ts. •The individually option cr eates an in terior edge lo op a t the in tersec tion b etween t wo ad- jacent fac e zones included in the same objec t. create-multiple creates multiple objec ts by creating an objec t per fac e zone sp ecified .The objec ts will b e named automa tically based on the pr efix and pr iority sp ecified . create-new-mesh-object/ contains options f or cr eating a new mesh objec t by wr apping or r emeshing e xisting objec ts. remesh creates a new mesh objec t by remeshing geometr y objec ts individually or c ollec tively. wrap creates a new mesh objec t by wr apping the sp ecified objec ts individually or c ollec tively. delete delet es the sp ecified objec ts. delete-all delet es all the defined objec ts. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 90mesh/delete-all-geom delet es all the defined geom objec ts. delete-unreferenced-faces-and-edges delet es all the fac es and edges tha t are not included in an y defined objec ts. extract-edges extracts the edge z ones fr om the fac e zones included in the sp ecified objec ts, based on the edge- feature-angle v alue sp ecified (/mesh/cutcell/objects/set/set-edge-feature-angle ). improve-feature-capture enables y ou t o impr int the edges c ompr ising the objec t on t o the objec t fac e zones t o impr ove feature captur e for mesh objec ts.You c an sp ecify the numb er of impr inting it erations and addi- tional aggr essiv e impr inting it erations t o be performed . improve-object-quality This c ommand is not r elevant for C utCell meshing . join-intersect/ The c ommands in this sub-menu ar e not r elevant for C utCell meshing . list lists the defined objec ts, indic ating the r espective cell z one t ype, priority, face zones and edge zones c ompr ising the objec t, objec t type, and objec t reference point in the c onsole . merge mer ges the sp ecified objec ts in to a single objec t. merge-edges mer ges all the edge z ones in an objec t into a single edge z one . Note If the objec t is c omp osed of edge z ones of diff erent types (b oundar y and in terior), the edge z ones of the same t ype (b oundar y or in terior) will b e mer ged in to a single edge z one . merge-nodes mer ges the fr ee no des a t the objec t level based on the sp ecified t oler ance or using a t oler ance that is a sp ecified p ercentage of shor test c onnec ted edge length. merge-voids enables y ou t o mer ge v oids in the mesh objec t after the sewing op eration. This c ommand is not relevant for C utCell meshing . merge-walls mer ges all the fac e zones of t ype wall in an objec t into a single fac e zone . remove-gaps/ contains options f or remo ving gaps b etween mesh objec ts.The c ommands in this sub-menu ar e not r elevant for C utCell meshing . rotate rotates the objec ts based on the angle of r otation, pivot p oint, and axis of r otation sp ecified . 91Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.scale scales the objec ts based on the sc ale fac tors sp ecified . separate-faces-by-angle separ ates the fac e zones c ompr ising the objec t based on the angle sp ecified . separate-faces-by-seed separ ates the fac e zones c ompr ising the objec t based on the seed fac e sp ecified . set/ contains the f ollowing options: set-edge-feature-angle sets the edge f eature angle t o be used f or e xtracting edge z ones fr om the fac e zones included in the objec ts. show-edge-zones? displa ys the edge z ones c ompr ising the objec ts dr awn in the gr aphics windo w. show-face-zones? displa ys the fac e zones c ompr ising the objec ts dr awn in the gr aphics windo w. sew/ contains options f or sewing mesh objec ts.The c ommands in this sub-menu ar e not r elevant for CutCell meshing . translate transla tes the objec ts based on the tr ansla tion off sets sp ecified . update enables y ou t o up date the objec ts defined when the fac e and/or edge z ones c ompr ising the objec t have been delet ed. wrap/ contains options f or the objec t wr apping op eration. The c ommands in this sub-menu ar e not r el- evant for C utCell meshing . set/ enters the C utCell settings menu . auto-delete-dead-zones? controls the aut oma tic deleting of the dead z ones in the C utCell mesh. auto-delete-solid-zones? controls the aut oma tic deleting of the solid z ones in the C utCell mesh. create-material-point enables y ou t o define a ma terial p oint. delete-all-material-points enables y ou t o delet e all defined ma terial p oints. delete-material-point delet es the sp ecified ma terial p oint. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 92mesh/list-material-points lists all the defined ma terial p oints. max-initial-cells specifies the maximum numb er of c ells in the initial C artesian gr id. set-cutcell-quality-method enables y ou t o set the qualit y measur e for the impr ove op eration. The default measur e used is the orthosk ew metr ic. set-post-morph-parameters enables y ou t o set par amet ers f or impr oving the C utCell mesh p ost-pr ism gener ation using the command /mesh/cutcell/modify/post-morph-improve . set-post-snap-parameters enables y ou t o set par amet ers f or impr oving the C utCell mesh qualit y. set-thin-cut-face-zones enables y ou t o sp ecify the fac e zones c onstituting the thin r egions t o be recovered dur ing the CutCell meshing pr ocess. set-thin-cut-edge-zones enables y ou t o sp ecify the edge z ones defining the f eatures in thin r egions t o be recovered dur ing the C utCell meshing pr ocess. size-functions/ enters the siz e func tions menu . compute comput es the siz e field based on the defined par amet ers. contours/ enters the c ontours sub-menu . draw displa ys contours in the gr aphics windo w. Comput e the siz e field using /size-func- tions/compute or r ead in a siz e field file pr ior t o displa ying the c ontours of siz e. set/refine-facets? enables y ou t o sp ecify smaller fac ets if the or iginal ar e too lar ge. Default is no. create defines the siz e func tion based on the sp ecified par amet ers. create-defaults creates default siz e func tions based on fac e and edge cur vature and pr oximit y. delete delet es the sp ecified siz e func tion or the cur rent siz e field . delete-all delet es all the defined siz e func tions . list lists all the defined siz e func tions and the c orresponding par amet er values defined . 93Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list-periodicity-filter lists the details of the sour ce zone and r otational p eriodic par amet ers sp ecified f or the siz e field . reset-global-controls resets the v alues f or the global c ontrols t o the defaults . set-global-controls sets the v alues f or the global minimum and maximum siz e, and gr owth r ate. set-periodicity-filter enables y ou t o apply p eriodicit y to the siz e field b y selec ting one sour ce fac e zone . Note Ensur e tha t periodicit y is pr eviously defined in the Make Periodic B oundar ies dialo g box. Only r otational p eriodicit y is supp orted, transla tional p eriodicit y is not supp orted currently. set-prox-gap-tolerance sets the t oler ance relative to minimum siz e to tak e gaps in to acc oun t. Gaps whose thick ness is less than the global minimum siz e multiplied b y this fac tor will not b e regar ded as a pr oximit y gap . set-scaling-filter enables y ou sp ecify the sc ale fac tor, and minimum and maximum siz e values t o filt er the siz e output fr om the siz e field . triangulate-quad-faces? iden tifies the z ones c ompr ising non-tr iangular elemen ts and uses a tr iangula ted c opy of these zones f or computing the siz e func tions . un-set-periodicity-filter remo ves p eriodicit y from the siz e field . use-cad-imported-curvature? allows you t o use cur vature da ta fr om the no des of the C AD fac ets. domains/ enters the domain menu . activate activates the sp ecified domain f or meshing or r eporting op erations . create creates a new domain based on the sp ecified b oundar y fac e zones . Ensur e valid b oundar y zones are sp ecified; specifying in valid z ones will gener ate an er ror. create-by-cell-zone creates a new domain based on the sp ecified c ell z one . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 94mesh/create-by-point creates a new domain based on the sp ecified Note The cr eate-by-point option w orks only f or c ases with no o verlapping fac e zones . delete delet es the sp ecified domain. draw displa ys the b oundar y fac e zones of the sp ecified domain. print prints the inf ormation f or the sp ecified domain. hexcore/ enters the he xcore menu . controls/ enters the he xcore controls menu . buffer-layers sets the numb er of addition c ells t o mar k for sub division. compute-max-cell-length comput es the maximum c ell length f or the he xcore mesh. define-hexcore-extents? enables y ou t o extend the he xcore mesh t o sp ecified domain e xtents and/or selec ted planar boundar ies.When enabled , the outer-domain-params sub-menu will b e available . delete-dead-zones? toggles the aut oma tic deleting of the dead z ones . island-thresholds opens a dialo g to set absolute-island-count (default is 50) and island-volume-frac- tion (relative to total v olume of he x cells, default is 1e-06). For a c ell region t o be interpreted as an island , both c ell c oun t and r elative volume thr esholds ma y not b e exceeded . keep-hex-tet-separate? toggles the mer ging of C artesian c ells with the t et (and w edge) c ells a t the end of the he xcore meshing pr ocess. maximum-cell-length sets the maximum c ell length f or the he x cells in the domain. maximum-initial-cells specifies the maximum numb er of c ells in the initial C artesian mesh. maximum-subdivisions numb er of changes in siz e (hanging no de sub divisions) allo wed in the he x mesh r egion. The default is 50. 95Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.non-fluid-type selec ts the default non-fluid c ell z one t ype. After the mesh is initializ ed, any non-fluid z ones will be set t o this t ype. If the mesh includes multiple r egions (f or e xample , the pr oblem f or which y ou are creating the mesh includes a fluid z one and one or mor e solid z ones), and y ou plan t o refine all of them using the same r efinemen t par amet ers, mo dify the Non-F luid Typebefore gener ating the he xcore mesh. Note For z one-based meshing , if an y cell z one has a t least one b oundar y zone t ype as inlet , it will aut oma tically b e set t o fluid t ype. For objec t based meshing , volume region t ype is used t o det ermine the c ell z one t ype. octree-hexcore? speeds up he xahedr al core gener ation b y enabling the o ctree technique f or he xcore mesh gener- ation. This option is disabled b y default. Body-of-influenc e sizing ma y be used f or refinemen t. This option do es not supp ort he xcore gener ation up t o boundar ies. only-hexcore? enables y ou t o create only the he xcore mesh and ac tivates the t etrahedr al mesh domain (without tetrahedr al mesh gener ation). It enables y ou t o pr event the aut oma tic cr eation of the mesh af ter hexcore gener ation. This option is disabled b y default. This option is not a vailable f or objec t-based meshing . outer-domain-params/ contains options f or defining the out er domain par amet ers.This sub-menu is a vailable only when define-hexcore-extents? is enabled . specify-coordinates? enables y ou t o sp ecify the e xtents of the he xcore out er b ox using the coordinates command . coordinates specifies the e xtents (min and max c oordina tes) of the he xcore out er b ox.This c ommand is available when the specify-coordinates? option is enabled . specify-boundaries? enables y ou t o sp ecify selec ted b oundar ies t o which the he xcore mesh is t o be gener ated using the boundaries command . boundaries specifies the b oundar ies t o which the he xcore mesh is t o be gener ated when the specify- boundaries? option is enabled . After sp ecifying the b oundar ies, the auto-align? ,de- lete-old-face-zones? , and list options will also b e available . auto-align? enables y ou t o axis-align non-aligned planar b oundar ies t o which he xcore mesh is t o be gen- erated.This option is a vailable only when the specify-boundaries? option is enabled and the b oundar ies ar e sp ecified . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 96mesh/auto-align-tolerance specifies the t oler ance for aligning b oundar y zones when auto-align? is enabled . auto-align-boundaries aligns the b oundar y zones sp ecified (using the boundaries command) with the t oler ance specified \ (using the auto-align-tolerance command) when auto-align? is enabled . delete-old-face-zones? enables y ou t o delet e the or iginal tr i fac e zones tha t ha ve been r eplac ed dur ing the he xcore meshing pr ocess.This option is a vailable only when the specify-boundaries? option is enabled and the b oundar ies ar e sp ecified . list lists the b oundar ies t o which the he xcore mesh is t o be gener ated.This option is a vailable only when the specify-boundaries? option is enabled and the b oundar ies ar e sp ecified . peel-layers specifies the distanc e for the he xcore interface to peel-back fr om the b oundar y.The default v alue is 0. The higher the v alue of p eel la yer, the bigger the distanc e between the he xcore interface and the b oundar y. skip-tet-refinement? enables y ou t o omit the t etrahedr al refinemen t phase f or reducing t otal c ell c oun t (default is no). Hex cell c oun t is unaff ected. Tip It is r ecommended t o use peel-layers equal 0 when this option is enabled . Warning This option ma y lea ve nar row regions without he xcore mesh. Tetrahedr al cells with lo wer qualit y ma y be created in such r egions , reducing the o verall mesh qualit y. smooth-interface? enables smo othing of the he xcore interface. smooth-iterations specifies the numb er of smo othing it erations . smooth-relaxation specifies the sur face smo othing r elaxa tion fac tor. create enables y ou t o create the he xcore mesh acc ording t o the sp ecified par amet ers. local-regions enters the he xcore local refinemen t region sub-menu . activate enables y ou t o ac tivate the sp ecified lo cal regions f or refinemen t. 97Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.deactivate enables y ou t o deac tivate the sp ecified lo cal regions f or refinemen t. define defines the lo cal region acc ording t o the sp ecified par amet ers. delete delet es the sp ecified r efinemen t region. ideal-hex-vol reports the ideal he x volume f or the giv en edge length. init creates a default r egion enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. list-all-regions lists the defined and ac tive regions in the c onsole . laplace-smooth-nodes applies a Laplacian smo othing op erator to the mesh no des.This c ommand c an b e used f or smo othing of all c ell types, including pr isma tic c ells. list-mesh-parameter shows all mesh par amet ers. manage/ enters the manage c ell z ones menu . active-list lists all ac tive zones . adjacent-face-zones lists all fac e zones tha t refer to the sp ecified c ell z one . auto-set-active sets the ac tive zones based on p oints tha t are defined in an e xternal file . For each z one y ou w ant to activate, you need t o sp ecify the c oordina tes of a p oint in the z one , the z one t ype (for e xample , fluid), and (optionally) a new name . A sample file is sho wn b elow: ((1550.50 -466.58 896.41) fluid heater-#) ((1535.83 -643.14 874.71) fluid below-heater-#) ((1538.73 -444.28 952.69) fluid above-heater-#) ((1389.18 -775.51 825.97) fluid plenum-#) Here, four fluid z ones ar e iden tified , renamed , and ac tivated. Any zone tha t you iden tify in the file will aut oma tically b e ac tivated.The # indic ates tha t the mesher should app end the appr o- priate ID numb er for the z one . Warning This c ommand is v alid only f or tet meshes . change-prefix enables y ou t o change the pr efix f or the c ell z one . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 98mesh/copy copies all no des and fac es of sp ecified c ell z ones . delete delet es a c ell z one , along with its asso ciated no des and fac es. get-material-point prints the c oordina tes of the ma terial p oint for the sp ecified c ell z one . Note If the c ell z one is non-c ontiguous , the get-material-point command will pr int a list of ma terial p oints, one f or each c ontiguous r egion. id specifies a new c ell z one ID . If a c onflic t is det ected, the change will b e ignor ed. list prints inf ormation on all c ell z ones . merge mer ges t wo or mor e cell z ones . Note For objec t-based mer ge, the selec ted z ones must b e in the same v olumetr ic region. If not , you will ha ve to mer ge the v olumetr ic regions first using /objects/volu- metric-regions/merge . If the v olumetr ic regions c annot b e mer ged b ecause they are not c ontiguous , you will ha ve to delet e the objec t(s) only b efore mer ging the c ell z ones . merge-dead-zones enables y ou t o mer ge dead z ones ha ving a c ell c oun t lower than the sp ecified thr eshold v alue , with the adjac ent cell z one .The r esult of the mer ge op eration is det ermined b y the t ype of the adjac ent cell z one and the shar ed fac e area.The pr iority for mer ging with the adjac ent cell z one based on t ype is fluid > solid > dead (tha t is, mer ging with an adjac ent fluid z one tak es pr iority over mer ging with an adjac ent solid z one , which in tur n tak es pr iority over mer ging with a dead z one). Also, if the adjac ent zones ar e of the same t ype (for e xample , fluid), the z one will b e mer ged with the z one ha ving the largest shar ed fac e area. name enables y ou t o rename a c ell z one . origin specifies a new or igin f or the mesh, to be used f or cell z one r otation. The default or igin is (0,0,0). revolve-face-zone gener ates c ells b y revolving a fac e thr ead. rotate rotates all no des of sp ecified c ell z ones b y a sp ecified angle . 99Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.rotate-model rotates all no des of the mo del b y a sp ecified angle . scale scales all no des of sp ecified c ell z ones b y a sp ecified fac tor. scale-model scales all no des of the mo del b y a sp ecified fac tor. set-active sets the sp ecified c ell z ones t o be ac tive. translate transla tes all no des of sp ecified c ell z ones b y a sp ecified v ector. translate-model transla tes all no des of the mo del b y a sp ecified v ector. type changes the t ype and name of a c ell z one . modify/ enters the mesh mo dify menu . auto-improve-warp enables y ou t o impr ove fac e warp by no de mo vemen t. Specify the appr opriate cell z ones and boundar y zones , the maximum w arp, the numb er of it erations p er fac e to be impr oved, and the numb er of it erations of the aut oma tic no de mo vemen t procedur e (default , 4). auto-node-move enables y ou t o impr ove the mesh qualit y by no de mo vemen t. Specify the appr opriate cell z ones and boundar y zones , the qualit y limit based on the qualit y measur e selec ted, dihedr al angle , the numb er of it erations p er no de t o be mo ved and the numb er of it erations of the aut oma tic no de mo vemen t procedur e (default , 1).You c an also cho ose t o restrict the mo vemen t of b oundar y no des along the surface. clear-selections clears all it ems fr om the selec tion list. deselect-last deselec ts the last it em y ou selec ted using the select-entity command . extract-unused-nodes plac es all unused no des in a separ ate interior no de z one . list-selections lists all it ems in the selec tion list. list-skewed-cells lists c ells with sk ewness in a sp ecified r ange . mesh-node attempts t o introduce a new no de in to the e xisting mesh. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 100mesh/mesh-nodes-on-zone inser ts no des asso ciated with no de or fac e zone in to the v olume mesh. Imp ortant If a fac e zone is sp ecified , the fac es ar e delet ed b efore the no des ar e in troduced in to the mesh. neighborhood-skew reports the maximum sk ewness of c ells using the sp ecified no de. refine-cell attempts t o refine the c ells in the pr obe list b y introducing a no de nears its c entroid.This t echnique is useful f or remo ving v ery fla t cells near the b oundar y when b oundar y sliv er remo val is not p ossible . After refining the c ell, you should smo oth the mesh. repair-negative-volume-cells repairs nega tive volume c ells b y mo ving no des. Specify the appr opriate boundar y zones , the numb er of it erations p er no de t o be mo ved, dihedr al angle , whether t o restrict the mo vemen t of b oundar y nodes along the sur face, and the numb er of it erations of the aut oma tic no de mo vemen t procedur e (default , 1). select-entity adds an en tity (fac e, node, cell, etc.) to the selec tion list. smooth-node applies Laplac e smo othing t o the no des in the selec tion list. non-conformals/ enters the non-c onformals menu . controls/ enters the non-c onformals c ontrols menu . enable? toggles the cr eation of a non-c onformal in terface. retri-method specifies the metho d to be used f or retriangula ting the quad fac es on the non-c onformal z ones . prism remeshes the pr ism-side quad z ones named prism-side* or *-quad* . quad-split splits the quad fac es diagonally in to tri fac es. remesh remeshes all the quad fac es based on the edge and sur face feature angle sp ecified . create creates the non-c onformal in terface on the sp ecified fac e zones using the sp ecified r etriangula tion metho d. 101Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.separate enables y ou t o separ ate the fac e zones c ompr ising the non-c onformal in terface between the c ell z ones specified . Specify the c ell z ones wher e the in terface is non-c onformal, an appr opriate gap distanc e, and the cr itical angle t o be used f or separ ating the fac e zones .You c an also cho ose t o or ient the boundar y fac e zones af ter separ ation and additionally wr ite a jour nal file f or the separ ation op eration. Note If you cho ose t o wr ite a jour nal file when using the /mesh/non-conformals/sep- arate command t o separ ate the mesh in terface zones , you c an r ead the jour nal file to cr eate the mesh in terface aut oma tically in solution mo de. poly/ enters the p olyhedr al mesh gener ation menu . collapse mer ge no des t o remo ve shor t edges and small fac es.The decision thr eshold uses edge siz e ratio,face size ratio, and (fac e) area fr action. controls/ enters the c ontrols menu f or setting p oly par amet ers. cell-sizing sets c ell v olume distr ibution func tion as geometric ,linear , or size-field . edge-size-ratio sets the thr eshold f or the siz e ratio of t wo connec ted edges . Recommended r ange is 20 t o 200. face-size-ratio sets the thr eshold f or the siz e ratio of t wo fac es on one c ell. Recommended r ange is 100 t o 300. feature-angle sets the minimum thr eshold tha t should b e pr eser ved as a f eature. improve? enables p oly mesh impr ovemen t by smo othing based on the smooth-controls . merge-skew sets the minimum sk ewness thr eshold f or cell mer ge. non-fluid-type selec ts the default t ype for non-fluid z ones . remesh-skew sets the tar get sk ewness when r emeshing . sliver-cell-area-fraction sets the thr eshold f or the ar ea of a single fac e to the c ell sur face area. Recommended r ange is 0.00001 t o 0.001. smooth-controls/ enters the menu f or setting smo othing par amet ers f or p oly mesh. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 102mesh/centroid-smooth-iterations sets the numb er of passes f or tet-c ell c entroid smo othing dur ing the p oly mesh gener ation phase . edge-smooth-iterations sets the numb er of passes f or tet-c ell edge smo othing dur ing the p oly mesh gener ation phase . laplace-smooth-iterations sets the numb er of passes f or tet-c ell Laplac e smo othing dur ing the p oly mesh gener ation phase . smooth-attempts sets the maximum numb er of mo vemen ts for a single no de dur ing p oly mesh smo othing . smooth-boundary enables b oundar y smo othing as par t of p oly c ell smo othing . Default is no . smooth-iterations sets the numb er of impr ovemen t passes o ver the full p oly mesh. smooth-on-layer constr ains mo vemen t of no des t o main tain la yering dur ing p oly mesh smo othing . smooth-skew sets the minimum sk ewness thr eshold f or p oly mesh smo othing . improve allows you t o impr ove the p olyhedr al mesh qualit y based on the quality-method . local-regions/ enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . Note Poly meshing f ollows tet meshing .These c ommands b ehave lik e the equiv alen t commands under /mesh/tet/local-regions/ . activate activates the sp ecified r egions f or refinemen t. deactivate deac tivates the sp ecified r egions f or refinemen t. define defines the r efinemen t region acc ording t o the sp ecified par amet ers. delete delet es the sp ecified r efinemen t region. ideal-vol reports the v olume of an ideal t etrahedr on f or the edge length sp ecified . init defines the default r efinemen t region enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. 103Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list-all-regions lists all r efinemen t region par amet ers and the ac tivated r egions in the c onsole . refine refines the ac tive cells inside the selec ted r egion based on the sp ecified r efinemen t par amet ers. quality-method asks y ou t o cho ose fr om internal-default ,orthoskew or squish qualit y measur e for mesh impr ovemen t. remesh impr oves the qualit y in a lo cal region based on the minimum sk ewness thr eshold . poly-hexcore , enters the menu f or p oly-he xcore mesh. controls enters the menu f or setting par amet ers f or p oly-he xcore mesh. avoid-1:8-cell-jump-in-hexcore determines the t ypes of c ells (lar ge c ells, small c ells, or b oth) tha t are going t o be replac ed with polyhedr a cells in or der t o avoid an y 1:8 c ell jumps in the he xcore region. mark-core-region-cell-type-as-hex? determines whether or not t o apply he xahedr a cells in the c ore region of the mesh. The default value is yes . only-polyhedra-for-selected-regions determines if p olyhedr a cells ar e to be applied t o the selec ted r egions . prepare-for-solve prepar es the mesh f or solving in solution mo de b y performing a cleanup op eration af ter the v olume mesh has b een gener ated. Operations such as deleting dead z ones , deleting geometr y objec ts, deleting edge zones , remo ving fac e/cell z one name pr efixes and/or suffix es, deleting unused fac es and no des ar e per- formed dur ing this op eration. prism/ enters the pr ism menu . controls/ enters the pr ism c ontrols menu . adjacent-zone/ enters the pr ism adjac ent zone c ontrols menu . project-adjacent-angle determines whether or not t o pr ojec t to an adjac ent zone . If a z one shar es out er no des with any of the z ones fr om which the la yers ar e being gr own (the “base z ones ”), its angle with r espect to the gr owth dir ection is c ompar ed with this v alue . If the angle is less than or equal t o this value , then the z one will b e pr ojec ted t o.The default v alue is 75 degr ees. See Using A djac ent Zones as the S ides of P risms for details . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 104mesh/project-converged sets the c onvergenc e criterion f or it erative pr ojec tion. This is non-dimensionaliz ed b y the off set heigh t at each lo cal no de. project-iter sets the maximum numb er of it erations t o perform when pr ojec ting t o multiple z ones . Most projec tions c onverge in only a f ew it erations .There is nor mally no need t o change this v alue . project? enables/disables pr ojec tion of out er no des t o adjac ent zones . retri-feature-angle enables y ou t o sp ecify the f eature angle tha t should b e pr evented while gener ating pr isms . retriangulate-adjacent? specifies whether or not tr iangular fac e zones adjac ent to which out er no des ha ve been pr o- jected, will b e aut oma tically r etriangula ted. side-feature-align-angle specifies the angle used f or aligning pr ojec ted nor mals along a f eature edge . side-feature-angle specifies the angle used f or computing the f eature nor mals . side-topology-align-angle specifies the angle used f or aligning pr ojec ted nor mals along a par ticular f eature edge based on the t opology.This is par ticular ly useful when the side-feature-angle specified is not sufficien t to decide the f eature edge t o align the pr ojec ted nor mals . auto-separate-cells? enables/disables aut oma tic separ ation of the c ells e xtruded fr om diff erent fac e zones t o diff erent cell z ones . Note This option is not c onsider ed when the auto-mesh option is used t o gener ate the mesh. check-quality? enables/disables the check ing of v olume , skewness , and handedness of each new c ell and fac e. grow-individually? specifies whether pr isms should b e gr own fr om multiple z ones individually so tha t the individual prism c ell z ones and the individual c ap fac e zones ar e retained . improve/ enters the pr ism smo othing c ontrols menu . check-allowable-skew? enables y ou t o check the sk ewness of the pr ism c ap for e very layer. check-size? enables the check ing of c ell siz e dur ing the gener ation of each pr ism la yer. An er ror will b e reported if z ero-ar ea pr ism c ells ar e gener ated and pr ism la yer gr owth will b e stopp ed. 105Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.When the check-size? option is disabled , the z ero-ar ea pr ism c ells gener ated c an b e remo ved dur ing the impr ovement smo othing op erations p erformed at the end of the pr ism gener ation pr ocedur e. corner-height-weight? when enabled , the off set heigh t at corners with lar ge angles (f or e xample , 270º) is r educ ed t o give a smo other pr ism c ap. edge-smooth-angle specifies the maximum allo wable angle b etween the nor mals of adjac ent cap fac es for sk ewness- driven edge smo othing . edge-smooth? enables/disables lo cal smo othing of no des of the longest edges of sk ewed fac es.This option is swit ched off b y default. edge-swap-base-angle specifies the maximum allo wable angle b etween the nor mals of the base fac es for sk ewness- driven edge sw apping . edge-swap-cap-angle specifies the maximum allo wable angle b etween the nor mals of the c ap fac es for sk ewness- driven edge sw apping . edge-swap? enables/disables edge sw apping t o decr ease the sk ewness of highly sk ewed fac es.This option is swit ched off b y default. face-smooth-converged specifies the c onvergenc e criteria for cap fac e smo othing . face-smooth-rings sets the numb er of r ings ar ound each no de t o be smo othed . If zero, only a no de itself is smo othed . If one , the no de and all of its neighb ors ar e smo othed . If two, the neighb ors of the neighb ors ar e also smo othed , and so on. face-smooth-skew specifies the minimum sk ewness t o smo oth c ap fac es. face-smooth? enables fac e-dr iven smo othing t o impr ove sk ewness . identify-feature-line? enables y ou t o smo oth the nor mal along the f eature lines of the base fac e zones , dur ing nor mal smo othing .This option is disabled b y default. improve-warp? enables or disables impr oving of fac e warp dur ing pr ism gener ation. This option is disabled by default. layer-by-layer-smoothing? enables y ou t o impr ove cell qualit y for e very layer b y smo othing nor mals in the cur rent layer. In addition, perturba tion smo othing will b e performed t o impr ove cell qualit y in the lo wer layer, when the qualit y measur e is set t o either sk ewness , squish, ICEM CFD qualit y, or or thosk ew. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 106mesh/The p oor qualit y elemen ts ar e iden tified based on the v alue set f or max-allowable-cell- skew .The c ell asp ect ratio will also b e main tained dur ing the c ell qualit y impr ovemen t.This option is swit ched off b y default. left-hand-check controls check ing f or lef t-handedness of fac es.The default setting of 0 implies fac e handedness will not b e check ed. A value of 1 implies only c ap fac es will b e check ed, while 2 implies fac es of all c ells in cur rent layer will b e check ed. max-allowable-cap-skew specifies the maximum sk ewness allo wed f or a pr ism c ap fac e. If the sk ewness of a c ap fac e exceeds this v alue , the meshing pr ocess will st op and a w arning indic ates tha t the sk ewness for tha t layer is t oo high. max-allowable-cell-skew specifies the c ell qualit y criteria for smo othing and qualit y check ing. node-smooth-angle refers t o the maximum de viation of a no de’s shar pest angle (tha t is, the most acut e angle between adjac ent fac es tha t use the no de) fr om 180 degr ees.The no de will b e smo othed only if its shar pest angle falls within this r ange . node-smooth-converged sets the c onvergenc e criterion f or no de smo othing . If the no de p ositions ar e changing b y less than this v alue , smo othing it erations will st op. node-smooth-iter specifies the maximum numb er of no de smo othing it erations t o be performed f or the no des on each la yer.These it erations will b e performed un til the c onvergenc e criterion is r eached . node-smooth-local? enables no de smo othing t o converge lo cally.This is useful f or lar ge geometr ies. node-smooth-rings controls the lo cality of no de smo othing b y setting the numb er of r ings ar ound each no de t o be smo othed . If zero, only the no de itself is smo othed . If one , the no de and all of its neighb ors are smo othed . If two, the neighb ors of the neighb ors ar e also smo othed , and so on. node-smooth? enables/disables no de smo othing t o decr ease sk ewness .This option is swit ched off b y default. post-adjust-height? enables y ou t o perform pr ism heigh t adjustmen t based on gr owth r ate. shrink-left-handed-cap? enables shr inking of pr ism la yers t o remo ve lef t handed fac es. smooth-improve-prism-cells? enables y ou t o set the par amet ers f or impr oving the pr ism c ells af ter the r equir ed pr ism la yers are created.You c an selec t optimiz ed smo othing (smooth ), node mo vemen t (improve ), or a combina tion of b oth t o impr ove the qualit y. Specify the qualit y measur e to be used , the c ell qualit y thr eshold , the numb er of impr ovemen t iterations , and the minimum impr ovemen t re- quir ed. 107Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.swap-smooth-skew specifies the sk ewness thr eshold f or edge sw apping and edge and no de smo othing .The fac es with sk ewness gr eater than or equal t o the sp ecified v alue will b e sw app ed and/or smo othed . merge-ignored-threads? enables y ou t o aut oma tically mer ge all ignor ed z ones r elated t o a base thr ead in to a single thr ead. This option is enabled b y default. When this option is disabled , mor e than one ignor ed thr ead will be gener ated p er base thr ead. However, various z ones c an b e created b y ignor ing this option. They are: *:dwall is formed due t o dangling w all. *:prox is formed due t o pr oximit y. *:ud_normal is formed due t o invalid nor mal. *:smooth is formed due t o smo othing of ignor ed r egions . The default v alue of the t gvar prism/ignore-extension (for which ther e is no TUI command) is 1. It means tha t after the pr ism gener ation is o ver, all the ignor ed r egions ar e expanded b y this numb er. If we expand sa y by n times , tha t is if prism/ignore-exten- sion is set t o n using tgsetvar! (with the e xclama tion mar k), mor e ignor ed thr eads will be created b ecause of e xpanding ignor ed r egions .These r egions will b e named as f ollows: *:cell_delete_1, *:cell_delete_2, *:cell_delete_3,.... up t o \ *:cell_delete_n If merge-ignored-threads? is enabled , then all these ar e mer ged and y ou finally get only one z one p er base thr ead, named as *:ignore . morph/ enters the pr ism mor phing c ontrols menu . improve-threshold specifies the qualit y thr eshold used f or impr oving the qualit y dur ing the mor phing op eration. morphing-convergence-limit specifies the c onvergenc e limit f or the mor phing op eration. The mor pher uses an it erative solv er. It is assumed t o ha ve converged when the r elative residual is less than this numb er. morphing-frequency specifies the fr equenc y of the mor phing op eration. The numb er sp ecified denot es the numb er of pr ism la yers af ter which the mor pher is applied t o the r emainder of the mesh (f or e xample , a value of 5 indic ates tha t the mor pher is applied t o the mesh af ter every 5 pr ism la yers gr own). normal/ enters the pr ism nor mal c ontrols menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 108mesh/bisect-angle is requir ed f or gr owing pr isms out of shar p in terior c orners .When the v alue of this angle is set , the nor mals ar e aut oma tically pr ojec ted on to the plane bisec ting the angle b etween fac es having an in terior angle less than this angle . compute-normal comput es the nor mal f or the sp ecified fac e zone . converge-locally? specifies whether or not the nor mal smo othing a t each no de is fr ozen onc e convergenc e is satisfied a t tha t no de. If not , all nor mals ar e continuously smo othed un til all of them ha ve converged . direction-method specifies whether the pr ism la yers should b e gr own nor mal t o sur faces or along a sp ecified direction v ector. direction-vector specifies the dir ection v ector for pr ism e xtrusion when the uniform metho d is selec ted f or direction-method . ignore-invalid-normals? enables y ou t o ignor e no des tha t ha ve poor nor mals . max-angle-change specifies the maximum angle b y which the nor mal dir ection a t a no de c an change dur ing smo othing . normal-method gives options f or the metho d to use f or computing the nor mal dir ection. acute-bisection is a v ariation of tha t proposed b y Kallinder is et al. [7], [8].The fac es sur rounding a no de ar e analyz ed t o find those whose planes f orm the most acut e angle .The r esulting nor mal lies on the plane bisec ting those t wo planes . This metho d is c omputa tionally mor e expensiv e than sur face averaging , but is less robust a t singular p oints wher e convex edges meet smo oth sur faces. For e xample , if a b ox is sitting on the table , such a p oint would b e wher e one of the b ox’s corners meets the table t op. face-average comput es the nor mal a t a no de b y averaging the nor mals of the sur rounding fac es. hybrid-normal comput es the nor mal b y all the metho ds a vailable and uses the b est qualit y nor mal ob- tained .This is the default metho d. minimized-angle is a v ariation of tha t proposed b y Pirzadeh [ 14], [15]. An ial nor mal a t a no de is det ermined by averaging the nor mals of the sur rounding fac es (the fac e-average metho d). Iterations are then p erformed t o minimiz e the lar gest angle b etween the no de nor mal and the nor mals of the sur rounding fac es. 109Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.This metho d is a c omputa tionally mor e expensiv e than sur face averaging , and c an produce sligh tly b etter nor mals when the unif orm off set metho d is used and the surface mesh do es not c ontain shar p edges .When the minimum-heigh t off set metho d is used , this dir ection metho d ma y introduce spik es and pits in the ad vancing layer sur faces. surface-average is similar t o face-average , but handles shar p edges b etter. orient-mesh-object-face-normals enables y ou t o or ient the fac e nor mals f or mesh objec t boundar y zones . Specify the mesh objec t, region or ma terial p oint as appr opriate, and sp ecify whether w alls, baffles or b oth c ompr ising the pr ism base z ones ar e to be separ ated and or iented. orthogonal-layers specifies the numb er of la yers t o pr eser ve or thogonalit y. All smo othing is def erred un til af ter these la yers. smooth-converged sets the c onvergenc e criterion (in degr ees) f or nor mal smo othing . If the nor mal dir ections ar e changing b y less than this v alue , smo othing it erations will st op. smooth-iter specifies the maximum numb er of nor mal smo othing it erations t o be performed f or the nor mal vectors on each la yer.These it erations will b e performed un til the c onvergenc e criterion (normal/smooth-converged ) is r eached . smooth? enables or disables smo othing of nor mal dir ection v ectors. offset/ enters the pr ism off set c ontrols menu . first-aspect-ratio-min specifies the minimum first asp ect ratio (r atio of pr ism base length t o pr ism la yer heigh t) for the pr ism c ells. min-aspect-ratio specifies the minimum asp ect ratio (r atio of pr ism base length t o pr ism la yer heigh t) for the prism c ells. smooth-converged sets the c onvergenc e criterion f or off set smo othing . If the off set heigh ts ar e changing b y less than this v alue , smo othing it erations will st op. smooth-iter sets the maximum numb er of off set smo othing it erations t o be performed .These it erations will b e performed un til the c onvergenc e criterion offset/smooth-converged is reached . smooth? enables/disables off set distanc e smo othing . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 110mesh/post-ignore/ contains options f or setting the par amet ers f or remo ving p oor qualit y pr ism c ells af ter the r equir ed prism la yers ar e created. post-remove-cells? enables y ou t o set the par amet ers f or remo ving p oor qualit y pr ism c ells af ter the r equir ed prism la yers ar e created.You c an r emo ve cells based on qualit y, intersec tion, interior w arp, and f eature edges . Specify options f or remo ving additional c ells in r egions of high asp ect ratio and f eature angle , the numb er of c ell rings t o be remo ved ar ound the mar ked c ells, and options for smo othing the pr ism b oundar y and pr ism side heigh t. proximity enters the pr ism pr oximit y controls menu . allow-ignore? enables y ou t o ignor e no des wher e the sp ecified maximum shr ink fac tor cannot b e main tained . allow-shrinkage? enables shr inkage while gr owing pr ism la yers. gap-factor controls the gap b etween the in tersec ting pr isms la yers in the pr oximit y region with r espect to the c ell siz e of the pr isms . keep-first-layer-offsets? enables y ou t o retain first la yer off sets while p erforming pr oximit y det ection. max-aspect-ratio specifies the maximum allo wable c ell asp ect ratio t o det ermine the limit f or the shr inkage of prism la yers.This option is a vailable only when the allow-ignore? option is disabled . max-shrink-factor specifies the shr ink fac tor det ermining the maximum shr inkage of the pr ism la yers.This option is available only when the allow-ignore? option is enabled . smoothing-rate specifies the r ate at which shr inkage is pr opaga ted in la teral dir ection. remove-invalid-layer? remo ves the last pr ism la yer if it fails in the qualit y check. set-post-mesh-controls sets c ontrols sp ecific t o gr owing pr isms p ost v olume mesh gener ation. split? enables y ou t o set par amet ers f or splitting the pr ism la yers af ter the initial pr ism la yers ar e gener- ated, to gener ate the t otal numb er of la yers r equir ed. Specify the numb er of divisions p er la yer. zone-specific-growth enters the pr ism gr owth c ontrols menu . apply-growth applies the z one-sp ecific gr owth par amet ers sp ecified . 111Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.clear-growth clears the z one-sp ecific gr owth sp ecified . list-growth lists the z one-sp ecific gr owth par amet ers sp ecified f or individual z ones in the c onsole . create creates pr ism la yers on one or mor e boundar y fac e zones based on the off set metho d, growth metho d, numb er of la yers, and r ate sp ecified . improve/ enters the pr ism impr ove menu . improve-prism-cells collec ts and smo oths c ells in la yers ar ound p oor qualit y cells. Cells with qualit y worse than the specified thr eshold v alue will b e iden tified , and the no des of the c ells sur rounding the p oor qualit y cells will b e mo ved t o impr ove qualit y. smooth-brute-force? forcibly smo oths c ells if c ell sk ewness is still high af ter regular smo othing . smooth-cell-rings specifies the numb er of c ell rings ar ound the sk ewed c ell used b y improve-prism-cells . smooth-improve-prism-cells uses a c ombina tion of no de mo vemen t and optimiz ed smo othing t o impr ove the qualit y.This command is a c ombina tion of the smooth-prism-cells and improve-prism-cells commands .The c ell asp ect ratio will also b e main tained based on the v alue sp ecified f or max- aspect-ratio . smooth-prism-cells enables optimiza tion based smo othing of pr ism c ells.The no des of c ells with qualit y worse than the sp ecified thr eshold v alue will b e mo ved t o impr ove qualit y.The c ell asp ect ratio will also b e main tained based on the v alue sp ecified f or max-aspect-ratio . smooth-sliver-skew specifies the sk ewness ab ove which pr ism c ells will b e smo othed . list-parameters shows all pr ism mesh par amet ers. mark-ignore-faces enables y ou t o mar k the fac es to be ignor ed dur ing pr ism meshing . mark-nonmanifold-nodes enables y ou t o mar k the non-manif old pr ism base no des. A list of the non-manif old no des will b e printed in the c onsole .The fac es c onnec ted t o the non-manif old no des will also b e mar ked.You c an use this c ommand af ter sp ecifying z one-sp ecific pr ism settings , prior t o gener ating the pr isms t o verify tha t non-manif old c onfigur ations do not e xist. post-ignore/ contains the f ollowing options f or ignor ing pr ism c ells: Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 112mesh/create-cavity creates a c avity in r egions wher e pr ism qualit y is adequa te, but the qualit y of adjac ent tetrahedr a is poor.The c avity is cr eated based on the t etrahedr al cell z one , the qualit y measur e and the c or- responding thr eshold v alue , and the additional numb er of c ell rings sp ecified .You c an cr eate a cavity compr ising only t etrahedr al cells or optionally include pr ism c ells in the c avity created.When prism c ells ar e also included in the c avity, you c an sp ecify whether the non-c onformal in terface is to be created. mark-cavity-prism-cap mar ks the pr ism c ap fac es and t etrahedr al cell fac es b ounding the c avity to be created in r egions wher e pr ism qualit y is adequa te, but the qualit y of adjac ent tetrahedr a is p oor. Specify the t etra- hedr al cell z one , the qualit y measur e and the c orresponding thr eshold v alue t o be used , and the additional numb er of c ell rings based on which the c avity will b e created. mark-prism-cap mar ks the pr ism c ap fac es for ignor ing pr ism c ells in r egions of p oor qualit y cells and shar p corners . Specify the pr ism c ell z one and the basis f or ignor ing pr ism c ells and the r elevant par amet ers.The prism c ells c an b e ignor ed based on qualit y, intersec tion, (both enabled b y default), warp, and features (b oth disabled b y default). Specify the qualit y measur e and thr eshold v alue t o be used for ignor ing c ells based on qualit y and (if applic able) the f eature edges f or ignor ing c ells based on features. Additionally , specify whether c ells ar e to be mar ked in r egions of high asp ect ratio and based on f eature angle , and the additional numb er of c ell rings based on which pr ism c ells will b e remo ved. post-remove-cells enables y ou t o remo ve pr ism c ells in la yers ar ound p oor qualit y cells and shar p corners . Specify the pr ism c ell z one , the basis f or ignor ing pr ism c ells (qualit y, intersec tion, warp, features) and the relevant par amet ers. Specify the numb er of c ell rings t o be remo ved ar ound the mar ked c ells. Cells will b e mar ked f or remo val in r egions of shar p corners based on qualit y, intersec tion, warp, and features (as applic able) and then e xtended based on the numb er of c ell rings sp ecified . Additional cells will b e mar ked f or remo val in r egions of high asp ect ratio and based on f eature angle (if ap- plicable) ar ound the e xposed pr ism side .The b oundar y will b e smo othed a t feature corners af ter the pr ism c ells ha ve been r emo ved.The pr ism-side fac es e xposed b y the r emo val of the pr ism c ells will b e collec ted in a z one named prism-side-# , while f or a z one wall-n , the fac es c orrespond- ing t o the ignor ed pr ism c ells will b e collec ted in a z one named wall-n:ignore .You c an also optionally smo oth the pr ism side no des fr om the base no de t o the c ap no de t o create better tr i- angles f or the non-c onformal in terface. quality-method specifies the qualit y metho d used dur ing pr ism gener ation. reset-parameters resets all pr ism par amet ers. split/ contains options f or splitting the pr ism la yers af ter the initial pr ism la yers ar e gener ated, to gener ate the t otal numb er of la yers r equir ed. split enables y ou t o split the pr ism la yers af ter the initial pr ism la yers ar e gener ated, to gener ate the total numb er of la yers r equir ed. Specify the pr ism c ell z ones t o be split and the numb er of divisions per la yer.You c an also cho ose t o use the e xisting gr owth r ate (default) or sp ecify the gr owth r ate to be used while splitting the pr ism la yers. 113Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.pyramid/ enters the p yramid menu . controls/ enters the p yramid c ontrols menu . neighbor-angle sets the thr eshold dihedr al angle used t o limit the neighb oring fac es c onsider ed f or p yramid cr e- ation. For e xample , if the v alue is set t o 110° and the angle b etween a giv en quadr ilateral fac e and a neighb oring tr iangular fac e is gr eater than 110°, the r esulting p yramid will not include the tr ian- gular fac e. offset-factor specifies the fr action of the c omput ed p yramid heigh t (off set) b y which the p yramid heigh ts will be randomly adjust ed.The default v alue is 0, indic ating tha t all p yramids will ha ve the e xact heigh t comput ed. A value of 0.1, for e xample , will limit each adjustmen t to ±10% of the c omput ed heigh t. offset-scaling specifies the sc aling , to be used t o det ermine the heigh t of the p yramid . vertex-method specifies the metho d by which the lo cation of the new v ertex of the p yramid will b e det ermined . The skewness metho d is used b y default. create creates a la yer of p yramids on the quad fac e zone . repair-face-handedness reverses fac e no de or ientation. reset-mesh clears the en tire mesh. reset-mesh-parameter resets all par amet ers t o their default v alue . scoped-prisms/ contains options f or cr eating sc oped pr ism c ontrols f or mesh objec ts. create creates a new sc oped pr ism c ontrol based on the par amet ers and sc ope sp ecified . Specify the name , offset metho d, first heigh t or asp ect ratio, numb er of la yers, and r ate or last p ercent. Selec t the mesh objec t and set the sc ope (fluid-regions ,named-regions , or solid-regions ). Specify the zones t o gr ow pr isms (all-zones ,only-walls ,selected-face-zones , or selected-labels , or solid-fluid-interface ).When named-regions and/or selected-face-zones or selected-labels are selec ted, specify the v olume and/or b oundar y scope. If interior baffle z ones are selec ted, retain the option t o gr ow pr isms on b oth sides of the baffles or disable it t o gr ow pr isms on one side . delete delet es the sp ecified sc oped pr ism c ontrol. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 114mesh/growth-options enables y ou t o sp ecify sc oped pr ism gr owth options . Selec t Fix First Height if requir ed, and specify the gap fac tor, maximum asp ect ratio, prism qualit y metho d, and the thr eshold qualit y value for stair st epping . list lists all the defined sc oped pr ism c ontrols. modify modifies the sp ecified c ontrol based on the par amet ers sp ecified . read reads in the sp ecified sc oped pr ism c ontrol file (*.p zmc ontrol). set-no-imprint-zones used t o sp ecify fac e zones tha t should not b e impr inted dur ing pr ism gener ation. write writes the sc oped pr ism c ontrols t o a pr ism c ontrol file (*.p zmc ontrol). Specify the sc oped pr ism file name . selective-mesh-check performs a cust omiz ed mesh check on sp ecific z ones r ather than all z ones . separate separ ates c ells b y various user-defined metho ds. local-regions/ enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . define enables y ou t o define the par amet ers f or the r efinemen t region. delete enables y ou t o delet e a r efinemen t region. init delet es all cur rent regions and adds the default r efinemen t region. list-all-regions lists all the r efinemen t regions . separate-cell-by-face separ ates c ells tha t are connec ted t o a sp ecified fac e zone in to another c ell z one .This separ ation metho d applies only t o pr ism c ells. separate-cell-by-mark separ ates c ells within a sp ecified lo cal region in to another c ell z one . separate-cell-by-region separ ates c ontiguous r egions within a c ell z one in to separ ate cell z ones . separate-cell-by-shape separ ates c ells with diff erent shap es (p yramids , tetrahedr a, etc.) into separ ate cell z ones . 115Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.separate-cell-by-size separ ates c ells based on the sp ecified minimum and maximum c ell siz es. separate-cell-by-skew separ ates c ells based on the sp ecified c ell sk ewness . tet/ enters the t etrahedr al mesh menu . controls/ enters the t et controls menu . adv-front-method enters the ad vancing fr ont refinemen t controls menu . first-improve-params defines the r efining fr ont impr ovemen t par amet ers f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. refine-parameters defines the c ell z one impr ovemen t par amet ers f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. second-improve-params defines the c ell z one impr ovemen t par amet ers f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. skew-improve/ enters the r efine impr ove controls menu . attempts specifies the numb er of o verall impr ovemen t attempts f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. boundary-sliver-skew specifies the b oundar y sliv er sk ewness f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d.This par amet er is used f or remo ving sliv er cells along the b oundar y. iterations specifies the numb er of impr ovemen t iterations in each a ttempt f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. sliver-skew specifies the sliv er sk ewness f or the ad vancing fr ont metho d.This par amet er is used f or remo ving sliv er cells in the in terior. target-low-skew specifies the tar geted sk ewness thr eshold ab ove which c ells will b e impr oved.The impr ove operation will a ttempt t o impr ove cells with sk ewness ab ove the target-low-skew value sp ecified , but ther e will b e no a ttempt t o reduc e the sk ewness b elow the sp ecified value . A limit ed set of impr ove op erations will b e used as c ompar ed t o the op erations r e- quir ed f or the target-skew value-based impr ovemen t.The v alue sp ecified c ould b e appr oxima tely 0.1 lo wer than the target-skew value . target-skew specifies the tar geted sk ewness dur ing impr ovemen t for the ad vancing fr ont metho d. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 116mesh/target? enables y ou t o enable tar geted sk ewness-based r efinemen t for the ad vancing fr ont metho d.This option enables y ou t o impr ove the mesh un til the tar geted sk ewness v alue is achie ved. advanced/ enters the ad vanced t et controls menu . defaults? enables/disables the use of the default v alues f or the initializa tion par amet ers. freeze-boundary-cells freezes the b oundar y cells dur ing mesh impr ovemen t and sliv er remo val op erations . keep-virtual-entities? enables/disables the aut oma tic deleting of vir tual en tities af ter mesh initializa tion. max-cells sets the maximum numb er of c ells in the mesh. max-nodes sets the maximum numb er of no des in the mesh. Warning Be careful when y ou set upp er limits on the numb er of c ells or no des. Nodes or c ells will not b e added when the pr escr ibed limit is r eached , and this ma y leave the mesh une venly r efined and less than adequa te. node-tolerance defines the smallest distanc e between t wo distinc t no des.This c ommand is a vailable only when y ou disable the use of default v alues f or the initializa tion par amet ers. progress-reports enables y ou t o set the time b etween pr ogress r eports in sec onds . report-max-unmeshed reports the maximum numb er of unmeshed en tities . report-unmeshed-faces? reports the unmeshed fac es. report-unmeshed-nodes? reports the unmeshed no des. sliver-size is the smallest c ell whose siz e can b e det ermined accur ately.This c ommand is a vailable only when y ou disable the use of default v alues f or the initializa tion par amet ers. cell-sizing specifies the c ell sizing func tion f or refinemen t.You c an selec t geometric ,linear ,none , or size-field as appr opriate. 117Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.compute-max-cell-volume comput es the maximum c ell v olume f or the cur rent mesh. delete-dead-zones? specifies the maximum allo wable c ell v olume . delete-unused-nodes? toggles the deleting of unused no des dur ing mesh initializa tion. improve-mesh/ enters the impr ove mesh c ontrols menu . improve? automa tically impr oves the mesh. laplace-smooth enables y ou t o sp ecify the Laplac e smo othing par amet ers. skewness-smooth enables y ou t o sp ecify the sk ewness smo oth par amet ers. swap enables y ou t o sp ecify the fac e sw ap par amet ers. improve-surface-mesh? enables y ou t o impr ove the sur face mesh b y sw apping fac e edges wher e Delauna y viola tions o ccur . max-cell-length specifies the maximum allo wable c ell length. max-cell-volume specifies the maximum allo wable c ell v olume . merge-free-nodes? enables/disables the mer ging of fr ee no des dur ing mesh initializa tion. non-fluid-type selec ts the non-fluid c ell z one t ype. After the mesh is initializ ed, any non-fluid z ones will b e set t o this t ype. If the mesh includes multiple r egions (f or e xample , the pr oblem f or which y ou ar e creating the mesh includes a fluid z one and one or mor e solid z ones), and y ou plan t o refine all of them using the same r efinemen t par amet ers, mo dify the non-fluid t ype before gener ating the mesh. Note For z one-based meshing , if an y cell z one has a t least one b oundar y zone t ype as inlet , it will aut oma tically b e set t o fluid t ype. For objec t based meshing , volume region t ype is used t o det ermine the c ell z one t ype. refine-levels sets the numb er of r efinemen t levels. refine-method enables y ou t o selec t the r efinemen t metho d.You c an selec t either sk ewness-based r efinemen t or the ad vancing fr ont metho d. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 118mesh/remove-slivers/ enters the sliv er remo ve controls menu . angle specifies the maximum dihedr al angle f or consider ing the c ell to be a sliv er attempts specifies the numb er of a ttempts o verall to remo ve sliv ers. iterations specifies the numb er of it erations t o be performed f or the sp ecific sliv er remo val op eration. low-skew specifies the tar geted sk ewness thr eshold ab ove which c ells will b e impr oved.The impr ove operation will a ttempt t o impr ove cells with sk ewness ab ove the low-skew value sp ecified , but ther e will b e no a ttempt t o reduc e the sk ewness b elow the sp ecified v alue . A limit ed set of impr ove op erations will b e used as c ompar ed t o the op erations r equir ed f or the skew value- based impr ovemen t. method enables y ou t o selec t the metho d for sliv er remo val.The default metho d used is the fast metho d.The fast and the aggressive metho ds use the same c ontrols and giv e similar results f or go od qualit y sur face meshes . In c ase of p oor sur face meshes , the aggressive metho d will t ypic ally succ eed in impr oving the mesh t o a gr eater extent, but it ma y be slo wer than the fast metho d. remove? enables/disables the aut oma tic r emo val of sliv ers. skew specifies the sk ewness thr eshold f or sliv er remo val. skewness-method/ enters the sk ewness r efinemen t controls menu . levels specifies the numb er of r efinemen t levels f or sk ewness-based r efinemen t. max-skew-improve? enables/disables the sk ewness-based impr ovemen t dur ing r efinemen t. must-improve-skewness? enables/disables the mo dific ation of the default aut o refinemen t par amet ers in or der t o impr ove skewness af ter refinemen t. refine-boundary-cells? enables/disables the aut oma tic r efinemen t of b oundar y cells dur ing r efinemen t. refine-cells? enables/disables the aut oma tic r efinemen t of c ells dur ing r efinemen t. skew-improve/ contains options f or impr oving r efinemen t by the sk ewness metho d.This sub-menu is a vailable when max-skew-improve? is enabled . 119Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.attempts specifies the numb er of o verall impr ovemen t attempts f or the sk ewness metho d. boundary-sliver-skew specifies the b oundar y sliv er sk ewness f or the sk ewness metho d.This par amet er is used for remo ving sliv er cells along the b oundar y. iterations specifies the numb er of impr ovemen t iterations in each a ttempt f or the sk ewness metho d. sliver-skew specifies the sliv er sk ewness f or the sk ewness metho d.This par amet er is used f or remo ving sliver cells in the in terior. target-low-skew specifies the tar geted sk ewness thr eshold ab ove which c ells will b e impr oved.The impr ove operation will a ttempt t o impr ove cells with sk ewness ab ove the target-low-skew value sp ecified , but ther e will b e no a ttempt t o reduc e the sk ewness b elow the sp ecified value . A limit ed set of impr ove op erations will b e used as c ompar ed t o the op erations r e- quir ed f or the target-skew value-based impr ovemen t.The v alue sp ecified c ould b e appr oxima tely 0.1 lo wer than the target-skew value . target-skew specifies the tar geted sk ewness dur ing impr ovemen t for the sk ewness metho d. target? enables y ou t o enable tar geted sk ewness-based r efinemen t for the sk ewness metho d.This enables y ou t o impr ove the mesh un til the tar geted sk ewness v alue is achie ved. smooth-mesh? enables/disables the aut oma tic smo othing of the mesh dur ing r efinemen t. sort-boundary-faces? enables/disables the aut oma tic sor ting of b oundar y fac es b y siz e dur ing r efinemen t. sort-cells? enables/disables the aut oma tic r everse sor ting of c ells b y sk ewness dur ing r efinemen t. swap-faces? enables/disables the aut oma tic sw apping of fac es dur ing r efinemen t. type enables y ou t o selec t the appr opriate pr e-defined sk ewness r efinemen t par amet ers.You c an selec t default ,fast-transition , or incremental-improve as r equir ed. use-max-cell-size? enables y ou t o use the maximum c ell siz e sp ecified inst ead of r ecomputing the v alue based on the objec ts, when the v olume mesh is gener ated.This option is disabled b y default. delete-virtual-cells delet es vir tual c ells cr eated due t o the use of the keep-virtual-entities? option. improve/ enters the t et impr ove menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 120mesh/collapse-slivers attempts t o collapse the no des of a sk ewed sliv er cell on an y one of its neighb ors. improve-cells impr oves sk ewed t etrahedr al cells. refine-boundary-slivers attempts t o incr ease the v olume of b oundar y sliv ers t o create a v alid t et cell.Tetrahedr a ha ving one or t wo fac es on the b oundar y are iden tified and then the appr opriate edge split. The split node is then smo othed such tha t the v olume of the t etrahedr on incr eases , ther eby creating a v alid tet cell. refine-slivers attempts t o remo ve the sliv er b y placing a no de a t or near the c entroid of the sliv er cell. Swapping and smo othing ar e performed t o impr ove the sk ewness .You c an also sp ecify whether b oundar y cells ar e to be refined . Refining the b oundar y cells ma y enable y ou t o carry out fur ther impr ovemen t options such as smo othing , swapping , and c ollapsing sliv ers. skew-smooth-nodes applies sk ewness-based smo othing t o no des on the t etrahedr al cell z ones t o impr ove the mesh qualit y. sliver-boundary-swap remo ves b oundar y sliv ers b y mo ving the b oundar y to exclude the c ells fr om the z one . smooth-boundary-sliver smo oths no des on sliv er cells ha ving all f our no des on the b oundar y un til the sk ewness v alue is less than the sp ecified v alue .The default v alues f or the sk ewness thr eshold , minimum dihedr al angle b etween b oundar y fac es, and f eature angle ar e 0.985 ,10, and 30, respectively. smooth-interior-sliver smo oths non-b oundar y no des on sliv er cells ha ving sk ewness gr eater than the sp ecified thr eshold value .The default v alue f or the sk ewness thr eshold is 0.985 . smooth-nodes enables y ou t o apply either Laplacian or v ariational smo othing t o no des on the t etrahedr al cell zones t o impr ove the mesh qualit y. swap-faces performs in terior fac e sw apping t o impr ove cell sk ewness . init gener ates the initial D elauna y mesh b y meshing the b oundar y no des. init-refine gener ates the t etrahedr al mesh. local-regions/ enters the lo cal refinemen t menu . activate activates the sp ecified r egions f or refinemen t. 121Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.deactivate deac tivates the sp ecified r egions f or refinemen t. define defines the r efinemen t region acc ording t o the sp ecified par amet ers. delete delet es the sp ecified r efinemen t region. ideal-vol reports the v olume of an ideal t etrahedr on f or the edge length sp ecified . init defines the default r efinemen t region enc ompassing the en tire geometr y. list-all-regions lists all r efinemen t region par amet ers and the ac tivated r egions in the c onsole . refine refines the ac tive cells inside the selec ted r egion based on the sp ecified r efinemen t par amet ers. preserve-cell-zone allows you t o sp ecify the c ell z ones t o be pr eser ved dur ing the meshing pr ocess. refine refines the initializ ed mesh. trace-path-between-cells detects holes in the geometr y by tracing the pa th b etween the t wo sp ecified c ells thin-volume-mesh/ creates a sw eep-lik e mesh f or a b ody occup ying a thin gap .You define sour ce and tar get b oundar y fac es zones (the sour ce fac e nor mal should p oint to the tar get). The sour ce fac e mesh ma y be triangles or quads . create initia tes the dialo g box to sp ecify sour ce and tar get fac es and sp ecify the f ollowing par amet ers Gap Thickness helps F luen t Mesher det ermine the r egion t o be remeshed . If set t o 0, the mesher will aut oma tically calcula te the gap thick ness . If non-z ero, the Gap Thickness defines the maximum separ ation between sour ce and tar get z ones in the sw ept-mesh r egion (default = 0). Number of Divisions specifies the numb er of la yers cr eated b etween sour ce and tar get fac es (default = 1). Growth Rate specifies the maximum thick ness r atio b etween t wo adjac ent layers (default = 1). Remesh Overlap Zones if yes, any overlapp ed par t of the sur face mesh on the tar get and adjac ent fac es will b e remeshed . Original meshes ar e replac ed (default = y es). An example create dialo g box: Meshing/mesh/thin-volume-mesh/create Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 122mesh/() Source face zones(1) [()] sour ce* Source face zones(2) [()] () Target face zones(1) [()] target Target face zones(2) [()] Gap Thickness [0] 1 Number of Divisions [1] 5 Growth Rate [1] Remesh Overlap Zones? [yes] Start thin-gap mesh: - Create and project nodes and faces on targets … - Project nodes on targets ... - Create layer nodes ... - Create side quad faces ... - Create interior layer cells ... - Retriangluate target face zones ... - Retriangulate adjacent face zones ... Done 123Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 124Chapt er 9:objects/ cad-association/ contains options f or mo difying the selec ted objec ts based on the asso ciated C AD en tities and a ttaching/de- taching the C AD en tities fr om the objec ts.This menu is a vailable when the CAD A ssemblies tree is cr eated during C AD imp ort. attach-cad attaches C AD en tities t o the selec ted geometr y/mesh objec ts. Selec t the geometr y/mesh objec ts and specify the pa th for the C AD en tities t o be asso ciated with the objec ts.The selec ted geometr y/mesh objec ts will b e asso ciated with the C AD en tities which will then b e locked. detach-all-objects detaches all the C AD objec ts asso ciated with the geometr y/mesh objec ts. Specify the t ype of objec ts (geom or mesh ) to be detached . All asso ciation will b e remo ved and the geometr y/mesh objec ts will be indep enden t of changes t o the C AD en tities . detach-objects detaches the C AD objec ts asso ciated with the sp ecified geometr y/mesh objec ts. All asso ciation will be remo ved and the selec ted geometr y/mesh objec ts will b e indep enden t of changes t o the C AD en- tities . query-object-association retur ns a list of the C AD en tities asso ciated with the objec ts selec ted. restore-cad restores the geometr y/mesh objec ts fr om the asso ciated C AD objec ts. unlock-cad unlo cks the C AD objec ts asso ciated with the selec ted geometr y/mesh objec ts. update-objects updates the sp ecified geometr y/mesh objec ts based on changes t o the asso ciated C AD objec ts. update-all-objects updates all geometr y/mesh objec ts based on changes t o the asso ciated C AD objec ts. Specify the t ype of objec ts (geom or mesh ) to be up dated. change-object-type allows you t o change the objec t type (geom , or mesh ). check-mesh checks the mesh on the sp ecified objec ts for connec tivit y and or ientation of fac es.The domain e xtents, volume sta tistics , and fac e area sta tistics will b e reported along with the r esults of other checks on the mesh. 125Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.create creates the objec t based on the pr iority, cell z one t ype, face zone(s), edge z one(s), and objec t type sp ecified . You c an sp ecify the objec t name or r etain the default blank en try to ha ve the objec t name gener ated automa tically. create-and-activate-domain creates and ac tivates the domain c ompr ising the fac e zone(s) fr om the objec t(s) sp ecified . create-groups creates a fac e gr oup and an edge gr oup c ompr ising the fac e zone(s) and edge z one(s) included in the specified objec t(s), respectively. create-intersection-loops allows you t o create intersec tion lo ops f or objec ts. •The collectively option cr eates an in terior edge lo op a t the in tersec tion b etween t wo adjac ent face zones included in the same objec t and b etween multiple objec ts. •The individually option cr eates an in terior edge lo op a t the in tersec tion b etween t wo adjac ent face zones included in the same objec t. create-multiple creates multiple objec ts by creating an objec t per fac e zone sp ecified .The objec ts will b e named aut oma t- ically based on the pr efix and pr iority sp ecified . create-new-mesh-object/ contains options f or cr eating a new mesh objec t by wr apping or r emeshing e xisting objec ts. remesh creates a new mesh objec t by remeshing geometr y objec ts individually or c ollec tively. wrap creates a new mesh objec t by wr apping the sp ecified objec ts individually or c ollec tively. delete delet es the sp ecified objec t(s). delete-all delet es all the defined objec ts. delete-all-geom delet es all the defined geom objec ts. delete-unreferenced-faces-and-edges delet es all the fac es and edges tha t are not included in an y defined objec ts. extract-edges extracts the edge z one(s) fr om the fac e zone(s) included in the sp ecified objec t(s), based on the edge- feature-angle v alue sp ecified (/objects/set/set-edge-feature-angle ). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 126objects/improve-feature-capture enables y ou t o impr int the edges c ompr ising the objec t on t o the objec t fac e zones t o impr ove feature captur e for mesh objec ts.You c an sp ecify the numb er of impr inting it erations t o be performed . Note The geometr y objec ts used t o cr eate the mesh objec ts should b e available when the improve-feature-capture command is in voked. Additionally , the fac e zones compr ising the objec ts should b e of t ype other than geometr y. improve-object-quality enables y ou t o impr ove the sur face mesh qualit y for mesh objec ts. Selec t the mesh objec ts and the metho d for impr oving the sur face mesh. The smooth-and-improve metho d impr oves the mesh b y a combina tion of smo othing , swapping , and sur face mesh impr ovemen t op erations . Objec t nor mals ar e correctly or iented and island fac es ar e also delet ed.You c an optionally c oarsen the sur face mesh b y sp e- cifying a suitable c oarsening fac tor. Additional impr inting op erations c an b e done t o impr ove feature captur e on the sur face mesh. The surface-remesh metho d impr oves the mesh b y remeshing based on the cur rent siz e field . Objec t nor mals ar e correctly or iented and island fac es ar e also delet ed. join-intersect/ contains options f or connec ting o verlapping and in tersec ting fac e zones . add-objects-to-mesh-object allows you t o sp ecify one or mor e mesh objec ts to be added t o an e xisting mesh objec t. change-region-type allows you t o selec t a c ell z one t ype (solid , fluid or dead) f or a sp ecific r egion. compute-regions closed c ell z one r egions ar e comput ed fr om the sp ecified mesh objec t.You ma y include a ma terial point, if desir ed. controls/ remesh-post-intersection? used t o enable or disable aut oma tic p ost-r emesh op eration af ter join or in tersec t. create-mesh-object allows you t o sp ecify one or mor e mesh objec ts to be connec ted in one mesh objec t. delete-region remo ves a closed c ell z one r egion and all of its fac e zones , except those which ar e shar ed b y other regions , from the sp ecified mesh objec t. intersect connec ts two intersec ting fac e zones within sp ecified angle and t oler ance. join connec ts two overlapping fac e zones within sp ecified angle and t oler ance. list-regions lists details of r egion t ype, volume , material p oint, and c ompr ising fac e zones f or the t opological regions comput ed f or the sp ecified mesh objec t. 127Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.merge-regions specified r egions ar e joined in to a single r egion. rename-region enables y ou t o sp ecify a new name f or a sp ecified r egion. labels/ contains options f or cr eating and managing fac e zone lab els. add-zones adds the sp ecified fac e zones t o the e xisting fac e zone lab el for an objec t. create creates a new fac e zone lab el for the sp ecified fac e zones . create-label-per-object creates a new fac e zone lab el for all the fac e zones in e very objec t. create-label-per-zone creates a new fac e zone lab el for each fac e zone in the objec t. delete delet es the sp ecified fac e zone lab els. label-unlabeled-zones creates lab els f or unlab eled fac e zones within the sp ecified objec t.You c an either use the objec t name as the lab el or pr ovide y our o wn lab el. merge mer ges the sp ecified fac e zone lab els t o a single lab el with the name sp ecified . remove-all-labels-on-zones remo ves all the fac e zone lab els f or the sp ecified fac e zones .This c ommand is applic able t o geometr y objec ts only . remove-zones remo ves the sp ecified fac e zones fr om the e xisting fac e zone lab el for an objec t. rename renames the sp ecified fac e zone lab el. list lists details such as c ell z one t ype, priority, objec t type, compr ising fac e and edge z ones , and objec t reference point for all the defined objec ts. merge mer ges the sp ecified objec ts in to a single objec t. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 128objects/merge-edges mer ges all the edge z ones in an objec t into a single edge z one . Note If the objec t is c omp osed of edge z ones of diff erent types (b oundar y and in terior), the edge z ones of the same t ype (b oundar y or in terior) will b e mer ged in to a single edge zone . merge-nodes mer ges the fr ee no des a t the objec t level based on the sp ecified t oler ance or using a t oler ance tha t is a specified p ercentage of shor test c onnec ted edge length. merge-voids allows you t o mer ge v oids in the mesh objec t after the sewing op eration. merge-walls mer ges all the fac e zones of t ype wall in an objec t into a single fac e zone . remove-gaps/ contains options f or remo ving gaps b etween the mesh objec ts sp ecified or r emo ving the thick ness in the mesh objec ts sp ecified . ignore-orientation? allows you t o set whether the or ientation of the nor mals should b e tak en in to acc oun t while iden tifying the gap t o be remo ved. remove-gaps allows you t o remo ve gaps b etween the mesh objec ts sp ecified or r emo ve the thick ness in the mesh objec ts sp ecified . Selec t the appr opriate repair option and sp ecify the other par amet ers r equir ed. show-gaps mar ks the fac es a t the gap b etween mesh objec ts based on the gap distanc e and p ercentage mar gin specified . rename-cell-zone-boundaries-using-labels renames the b oundar ies of the c ell z ones based on the e xisting fac e zone lab els.This allo ws for the c ell zone b oundar ies in solution mo de t o ha ve names c orresponding t o the fac e zone lab els in meshing mo de. Note This c ommand will not w ork if y ou r ead in a v olume mesh gener ated in a v ersion pr ior to release 16.2. In such c ases , regener ate the v olume mesh b efore using the c ommand . ,rename-object allows you t o rename a sp ecified geometr y or mesh objec t with another sp ecified name . rename-object-zones renames the fac e and edge z ones c ompr ising the objec t based on the objec t name .You c an also sp ecify the separ ator to be used . 129Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.restore-faces restores the mesh objec t sur face mesh fr om the back up cr eated.The cur rent mesh objec t fac e zones and cell z ones will b e delet ed. If the objec t back up is disabled ( /mesh/auto-mesh-controls/backup-object no ), you will not b e able t o restore the sur face mesh using this c ommand . Note There ma y be a diff erence in the initial v olume mesh gener ated f or an objec t and tha t gener ated af ter restoring the objec t sur face mesh due t o diff erences in the or der of zones/en tities pr ocessed dur ing v olume meshing . rotate rotates the objec t(s) based on the angle of r otation, pivot p oint, and axis of r otation sp ecified . scale scales the objec t(s) based on the sc ale fac tors sp ecified . separate-faces-by-angle separ ates the fac e zone(s) c ompr ising the objec t based on the angle sp ecified . separate-faces-by-seed separ ates the fac e zone(s) c ompr ising the objec t based on the seed fac e sp ecified . set/ contains options f or setting additional objec t-related settings . set-edge-feature-angle sets the edge f eature angle t o be used f or e xtracting edge z one(s) fr om the fac e zone(s) included in the objec t(s). show-edge-zones? displa ys the edge z one(s) c ompr ising the objec t(s) dr awn in the gr aphics windo w. show-face-zones? displa ys the fac e zone(s) c ompr ising the objec t(s) dr awn in the gr aphics windo w. sew/ contains options r elated t o the objec t sewing op eration. Note This menu is no longer supp orted, and will b e remo ved in a futur e release . sew connec ts the mesh objec ts to gener ate the c onformal sur face mesh. set/ contains additional options r elated t o the objec t sewing op eration. include-thin-cut-edges-and-faces allows better recovery of thin r egion c onfigur ations dur ing the sewing op eration. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 130objects/process-slits-as-baffles? allows you t o collapse the near ly overlapping sur faces c orresponding t o the baffle when the sew operation is p erformed t o create the mesh objec t. Specify the maximum slit thick ness r elative to the minimum siz e sp ecified and the par allel fac e angle b etween the fac es c ompr ising the slit when process-slits-as-baffles is enabled . zone-name-prefix allows you t o sp ecify a pr efix f or the z ones included in the mesh objec t created using the sew op- eration. ,summary allows you t o obtain a summar y of a sp ecified geometr y or mesh objec t, or obtain a summar y of all geometr y or mesh objec ts. translate transla tes the objec t(s) based on the tr ansla tion off sets sp ecified . update allows you t o up date the objec ts defined when the fac e and/or edge z one(s) c ompr ising the objec t ha ve been delet ed. volumetric-regions/ contains options f or manipula ting v olumetr ic regions and gener ating the v olume mesh. auto-fill-volume creates the v olume mesh f or the selec ted v olumetr ic regions based on the meshing par amet ers set. change-type enables y ou t o change the r egion t ype. compute comput es the v olumetr ic regions based on the fac e zone lab els.You c an cho ose t o use e xisting ma ter- ial p oints for computing the r egions . Note When r egions ar e comput ed, region names and t ypes will b e based on the fac e zone labels of the mesh objec t selec ted. If regions ar e recomput ed, all pr evious r egion names and t ypes will b e over wr itten. delete delet es the sp ecified v olumetr ic regions . Tip Deleting r egions ma y cause fac e zones t o be delet ed. It is r ecommended tha t the region t ype be changed t o dead inst ead of deleting the r egion. delete-cells delet es the c ell z ones of the sp ecified r egions . hexcore/ contains options f or setting he xcore mesh c ontrols. 131Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list prints region inf ormation t o the c onsole , including t ype, volume , material p oint and fac e zones . merge mer ges sp ecified r egions in t o a single r egion. Note If ther e ar e shar ed fac e zones , mer ging r egions will delet e the shar ed fac e zones . However, if ther e ar e cell z ones asso ciated with the r egions , then mer ging the r egions will not delet e the shar ed fac e zones . In this c ase, the shar ed fac e zones will b e delet ed when the c ell z ones ar e delet ed. rename renames the r egion. scoped-prism/ contains options f or setting sc oped pr ism c ontrols. tet/ contains options f or setting t etrahedr al mesh c ontrols. update recomput es the selec ted v olumetr ic region(s) while pr eser ving the r egion name(s) and t ype(s). wrap/ contains options r elated t o the objec t wr apping op eration. check-holes allows you t o check f or holes in the objec ts.The numb er of hole fac es mar ked will b e reported. recover-periodic-surfaces allows you t o reestablish the p eriodic r elationship b etween mast er and shado w fac e zones on the mesh objec t.You will b e pr ompt ed f or the metho d and t o iden tify the p eriodic fac e zones t o be re- covered. auto performs the aut oma tic p eriodic r ecovery metho d using either the mast er or shado w periodic fac e zones . Periodic r ecovery will b e attempt ed in b oth dir ections without additional pr ompting . manual performs the manual p eriodic r ecovery metho d.You will b e pr ompt ed f or p eriodic and shado w face zones , and f or the p eriodic sour ce.The p eriodic sour ce ma y be from an under lying p eriodic geometr y sur face or manual en try of the r otational p eriodic par amet ers (angle , origin, axis). Note Only r otational p eriodicit y is supp orted, transla tional p eriodicit y is not supp orted currently. set/ contains additional options r elated t o the objec t wr apping op eration. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 132objects/add-geometry-recovery-level-to-zones enables y ou t o set the geometr y recovery level (high or low ) for the sp ecified fac e zones . include-thin-cut-edges-and-faces allows better recovery of thin r egion c onfigur ations dur ing the objec t wr apping op eration. list-zones-geometry-recovery-levels lists the z ones based on geometr y recovery level sp ecified . max-free-edges-for-hole-patching allows you t o set the maximum numb er of fr ee edges in a lo op t o fill the holes . minimum-relative-topo-area specifies the minimum r elative topological ar ea for shr ink wr apping . minimum-relative-topo-count specifies the minimum r elative topological coun t for shr ink wr apping . minimum-topo-area specifies the minimum t opological ar ea for shr ink wr apping . minimum-topo-count specifies the minimum t opological coun t for shr ink wr apping . relative-feature-tolerance specifies the r elative feature toler ance for shr ink wr apping . report-holes? allows you t o check f or holes in the mesh objec t created. Holes , if an y will b e reported a t the end of the objec t wr apping op eration. resolution-factor sets the r esolution fac tor for shr ink wr apping .This option c an b e used t o set sampling c oarser or finer than the final sur face mesh. shrink-wrap-rezone-parameters allows you t o set the par amet ers f or impr oving the mesh objec t sur face qualit y using r ezoning . The geometr y objec t zones will b e separ ated based on the separ ation angle sp ecified t o impr ove the f eature impr inting on the mesh objec t. zone-name-prefix allows you t o sp ecify a pr efix f or the z ones included in the mesh objec t created using the objec t wrapping op eration. wrap creates the mesh objec ts based on the geometr y objec ts selec ted and other objec t wr apping par amet ers specified . 133Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 134Chapt er 10:parallel/ agglomerate recombines distr ibut ed mesh da ta in to a single par tition on c omput e no de 0. auto-partition? automa tically par titions fac e-zones f or par allel meshing . distribute allocates mesh t o the c omput e no des based on the c omput ed par titions . print-partition-info displa ys comput ed par tition da ta to the c onsole . spawn-solver-processes specifies the numb er of solv er pr ocesses . Additional pr ocesses will b e spa wned as nec essar y when swit ching t o solution mo de.You will also b e pr ompt ed f or (Linux and mix ed Windo ws/Linux) in terconnec t type, machine list or host file , and (Linux and mix ed Windo ws/Linux) option t o be used . thread-number-control controls the maximum numb er of thr eads on each machine . 135Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 136Chapt er 11:report/ boundary-cell-quality reports the numb er and qualit y limits of b oundar y cells c ontaining the sp ecified numb er of b oundar y faces. If you sp ecify z ero for number of boundary faces , you will b e pr ompt ed f or number of boundary nodes . cell-distribution reports the distr ibution of c ell qualit y or siz e based on the b ounding limits and numb er of par titions sp e- cified . cell-quality-limits reports the c ell qualit y limits . cell-size-limits reports the c ell siz e limits . cell-zone-at-location retur ns the c ell z one a t or closest t o the sp ecified lo cation. cell-zone-volume reports the v olume of the sp ecified c ell z one . edge-size-limits reports the edge siz e limits . face-distribution reports the distr ibution of fac e qualit y or siz e based on the b ounding limits and numb er of par titions specified . face-node-degree-distribution reports the distr ibution of b oundar y fac es based on fac e no de degr ee.The no de degr ee is the numb er of faces c onnec ted t o the no de. Specify the list of b oundar y fac e zones and the minimum and maximum fac e node degr ee to be reported.You c an also c onsider only in ternal no des, if requir ed. face-quality-limits reports the fac e qualit y limits . face-size-limits reports the fac e siz e limits . face-zone-area reports the ar ea of the sp ecified fac e zone . face-zone-at-location reports the fac e zone a t the giv en lo cation. 137Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list-cell-quality reports a list of c ells with the sp ecified qualit y measur e within a sp ecified r ange .The v alid pr efixes ar e bn (boundar y no de),n (no de),bf (boundar y fac e),f (fac e), and c (cell). memory-usage reports the amoun t of memor y used f or all no des, faces, and c ells, and the t otal memor y allo cated. mesh-size reports the numb er of no des, faces, and c ells in the mesh. mesh-statistics writes mesh sta tistics (such as z one inf ormation, numb er of c ells, faces, and no des, range of qualit y and size) to an e xternal file . neighborhood-quality reports the maximum sk ewness , asp ect ratio, or siz e change of all c ells using a sp ecified no de. number-meshed reports the numb er of elemen ts tha t ha ve been meshed . print-info prints inf ormation ab out individual c omp onen ts of the mesh. This c ommand also app ears in the boundary menu .When y ou use this c ommand , you will b e pr ompt ed f or an “entity” (tha t is, a no de, face, or c ell). An entity name c onsists of a pr efix and an inde x. For a descr iption of the displa yed inf ormation see Reporting Mesh Inf ormation in the Fluent U ser's G uide quality-method specifies the metho d to be used f or reporting fac e and c ell qualit y. unrefined-cells reports the numb er of c ells tha t ha ve not b een r efined . update-bounding-box updates the b ounding b ox. verbosity-level specifies ho w much inf ormation should b e displa yed dur ing mesh initializa tion, refinemen t and other operations . Changing the v alue t o 2 fr om the default v alue of 1 will pr oduce mor e messages , while changing it to 0 will disable all messages . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 138report/Chapt er 12:scoped-sizing/ compute comput es the siz e field based on the defined siz e func tions and/or sc oped siz e controls. create defines the sc oped siz e based on the sp ecified par amet ers. delete delet es the sp ecified sc oped siz e controls. delete-all delet es all the defined sc oped siz e controls. delete-size-field delet es the cur rent siz e field . list lists all the defined sc oped siz e controls and the c orresponding par amet er values defined . list-zones-uncovered-by-controls lists the z ones f or which no sc oped sizing c ontrols ha ve been defined . modify modifies the sc oped siz e control definition. read enables y ou t o read in a sc oped sizing file (*.sz control). validate valida tes the sc oped sizing c ontrols defined . An er ror will b e reported if the sc oped sizing c ontrols do not exist or the sc ope for one (or mor e) controls is in valid. write enables y ou t o wr ite a sc oped sizing file (*.sz control). 139Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 140Chapt er 13:size-functions/ Size func tions c an b e defined using the c ommands in the size-functions menu .The c ommand size-functions/create enables y ou t o define siz e func tions .You need t o sp ecify the siz e func tion type, whether fac e or edge z ones ar e to be used , the b oundar y or edge z ones f or which the siz e func tion is to be defined , the siz e func tion name , and the par amet ers r elevant to the siz e func tion t ype.You c an also ha ve the name gener ated aut oma tically b y retaining the default en try for the siz e func tion name . The siz e func tion name will b e assigned based on the z one t ype (fac e or edge) and the siz e func tion type (for e xample , the siz e func tion face-cur vature-sf-5 indic ates tha t the cur vature siz e func tion is defined f or fac e zones .The siz e func tion ID is 5.) An example is size-functions/create curvature face wall:x wall:y, curv-size-function 0.01 0.1 1.2 5 wher e,curvature is the siz e func tion t ype,face indic ates tha t fac e zones ar e to be used ,wall:x, wall:y indic ate the b oundar y zones f or which the siz e func tion is defined , and curv-size-function is the siz e func tion name .The r emaining v alues c orrespond t o the par amet ers f or the cur vature siz e func tion, tha t is, minimum and maximum siz e, growth r ate, and nor mal angle . Note All boundar y fac e zones and edge z ones included in the global domain ar e available f or defining siz e func tions , even if a lo cal domain has b een ac tivated. compute comput es the siz e func tion based on the defined par amet ers. contours/ contains options f or managing c ontours . draw displa ys contours in the gr aphics windo w. Run compute prior t o contours/draw . set/ contains options t o manage the c ontour siz e. refine-facets? allows you t o sp ecify smaller fac ets if the or iginal ar e too lar ge. Default is no. create defines the siz e func tion based on the sp ecified par amet ers. create-defaults creates default siz e func tions based on fac e and edge cur vature and pr oximit y. 141Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.delete delet es the sp ecified siz e func tion or the cur rent siz e field . delete-all delet es all the defined siz e func tions . disable-periodicity-filter remo ves p eriodicit y from the siz e field . enable-periodicity-filter applies p eriodicit y to the siz e field . Specify the angle , pivot, and axis of r otation t o set up p eriodicit y. If periodicit y has b een pr eviously defined , the e xisting settings will b e applied . Note Only r otational p eriodicit y is supp orted, transla tional p eriodicit y is not supp orted cur rently. list lists all the defined siz e func tions and the c orresponding par amet er values defined . reset-global-controls resets the global c ontrols t o their default v alues . set-global-controls sets the v alues f or the global minimum and maximum siz e, and the gr owth r ate. Note If you set the global minimum siz e to a v alue gr eater than the lo cal minimum siz e defined for e xisting pr oximit y, cur vature, or har d siz e func tions , a w arning will app ear, indic ating that the global minimum siz e cannot b e gr eater than the sp ecified lo cal minimum siz e. set-prox-gap-tolerance sets the t oler ance relative to minimum siz e to tak e gaps in to acc oun t. Gaps whose thick ness is less than the global minimum siz e multiplied b y this fac tor will not b e regar ded as a pr oximit y gap . set-scaling-filter allows you sp ecify the sc ale fac tor, and minimum and maximum siz e values t o filt er the siz e output fr om the siz e field . triangulate-quad-faces? iden tifies the z ones c ompr ising non-tr iangular elemen ts and uses a tr iangula ted c opy of these z ones f or computing the siz e func tions . use-cad-imported-curvature? allows you t o disable cur vature da ta fr om the no des of the C AD fac ets. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 142size-functions/Chapt er 14:switch-to-solution-mode switch-to-solution-mode enables y ou t o transf er the mesh da ta fr om meshing mo de t o solution mo de in ANSY S Fluen t.When y ou use the switch-to-solution-mode command , you will b e ask ed t o confir m tha t you w ant to swit ch to solution mo de. 143Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 144Appendix A. Query and Utilit y Func tions The f ollowing sec tions descr ibe the quer y and utilit y func tions a vailable: A.1. List Q ueries and U tility Functions A.2. Lab el U tility Functions A.3. Report Utility Functions A.4. Diagnostic B ased M arking U tility Functions A.5. Mesh S etup U tility Functions A.6. Mesh Op eration U tility Functions A.7. Miscellaneous F unctions A.1. List Q ueries and Utilit y Func tions When p erforming a ser ies of op erations , you ma y want to list all the z ones of a par ticular t ype, group , or c ontaining a par ticular t ext str ing or name pa ttern.You c an also quer y zones thr ough the TUI based on a r egular e xpression and a sp ecified v ariable .You c an: •Iden tify fac e/cell z ones closest t o a sp ecified lo cation. •Iden tify z ones/objec ts of a sp ecific t ype or c ontaining a par ticular t ext str ing.You c an also iden tify z ones belonging t o a gr oup or objec t. •Obtain objec t region and fac e zone lab el lists . •Obtain mesh setup inf ormation such as z ones with pr ism mesh settings or pr ism c ontrols defined •Use the utilit y func tions t o det ermine the z ones cr eated dur ing a par ticular op eration b y performing B oolean operations on lists r etur ned b y sp ecific func tions . •Use the eval-expr func tion t o evalua te the lists r etur ned b y the func tions in or der tha t the y can b e used as input in the t ext user in terface commands . Note These func tions ar e not supp orted in a distr ibut ed par allel en vironmen t. Utilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (get-face-zone-at-location '(x y z))Retur n fac e zone a t or closest t o a specified lo cation. Note This func tion is not applic able t o polyhedr a meshes .By location Zone quer y 145Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Utilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (get-cell-zone-at-location '(x y z))Retur n cell z one a t or closest t o a specified lo cation (get-zones-of-type ' type) Retur n a list of z ones of the sp ecified default z one t ypeBy zone typeZone lists (get-zones-of-group ' group) Retur n a list of z ones of the sp ecified default z one gr oup or user-defined groupBy default group (get-face-zones-of-filter 'filter)Retur n a list of z ones whose names contain the sp ecified filt er str ingBy filt er string (get-cell-zones-of-filter 'filter) (get-edge-zones-of-filter 'filter) (get-node-zones-of-filter 'filter) (get-face-zones-of-objects '(object-list ))Retur n a list of fac e zones in the specified objec tsBy objec t (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-object ' object)Retur n a list of fac e zones b y ID in the specified objec t (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-object " object") (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-regions ' object '(region-list ))Retur n a list of fac e zones b y ID in the specified r egions of an objec t (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-regions " object" '(region-list )) (get-edge-zones-of-objects '(object-list ))Retur n a list of edge z ones in the specified objec ts (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone- id-list-of-object ' object)Retur n a list of edge z ones b y ID in the sp ecified objec t (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone- id-list-of-object " object") (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- id-list-of-object ' object)Retur n a list of c ell z ones b y ID in the specified objec t (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- id-list-of-object " object") (get-face-zones-of-labels 'object '( list-of-label- names))Retur n a list of fac e zones in the specified fac e zone lab els of the objec t sp ecified (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-labels ' object '(face-zone-label-list ))Retur n a list of fac e zones b y ID in the specified fac e zone lab els of an objec t Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 146Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- id-list-of-labels " object" '(face-zone-label-list )) (get-face-zones-shared-by- regions-of-type ' mesh-ob- ject 'region-type )Retur n a list of fac e zones shar ed b y regions of sp ecified t ypes in the mesh objec t sp ecified , wher e region- type is fluid-fluid ,solid- solid , or fluid-solid (get-face-zones-of-regions 'object '(list-of-region- names))Retur n a list of fac e zones in the specified r egions (tgapi-util-get-prism-cell- zones '( zone-list ))Retur n a list of pr ism c ell z ones By cell shap e (tgapi-util-get-prism-cell- zones "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-tet-cell- zones '( zone-list ))Retur n a list of t et cell z ones (tgapi-util-get-tet-cell- zones "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- cell-zones zone-id)Retur n adjac ent cell z ones f or giv en face zoneBy connec tivit y (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- cell-zones ' zone-name ) (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- cell-zones " zone-name ") (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- face-zones '( cell-zone- list))Retur n adjac ent boundar y fac e zones for giv en c ell z ones . (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- face-zones " cell-zone-name- pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- interior-and-boundary-face- zones '( cell-zone-list ))Retur n adjac ent interior and b oundar y face zones f or giv en c ell z ones . (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- interior-and-boundary-face- zones "cell-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- zones-by-edge-connectivity '(zone-list ))Retur n adjac ent zones based on edge connec tivit y (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- zones-by-edge-connectivity "zone-name-pattern* ") 147Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.List Q ueries and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- zones-by-node-connectivity '(zone-list ))Retur n adjac ent zones based on no de connec tivit y (tgapi-util-get-adjacent- zones-by-node-connectivity "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-shared- boundary-zones ' cell-zone- name)Retur ns the numb er of fac es and the boundar y fac e zones tha t are shar ed with the sp ecified c ell z ones . (tgapi-util-get-shared- boundary-zones '( cell-zone- list)) (tgapi-util-get-shared- boundary-zones " cell-zone- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-interior- zones-connected-to-cell- zones '( cell-zone-list ))Retur ns in terior fac e zones c onnec ted to giv en c ell z ones . (tgapi-util-get-interior- zones-connected-to-cell- zones "cell-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-face-zones- with-zone-specific-prisms- applied)Retur n a list of fac e zones with zone-sp ecific pr ism settings appliedMesh setup (tgapi-util-get-face-zones- of-prism-controls " control- name")Retur n a list of fac e zones t o which the sp ecified pr ism c ontrols apply (tgapi-util-get-baffles '(face-zone-list ))Retur n the baffle z ones based on the face zone list sp ecified (tgapi-util-get-embedded- baffles)Retur n the emb edded baffle z ones (get-wrapped-zones) Retur n a list of wr app ed fac e zones Wrapp ed zones (get-unreferenced-edge- zones)Retur n a list of unr eferenced z ones Unreferenced zones (get-unreferenced-face- zones) (get-unreferenced-cell- zones) (get-unreferenced-edge- zones-of-filter ' filter)Retur n a list of unr eferenced z ones whose names c ontain the sp ecified filter str ing(get-unreferenced-face- zones-of-filter ' filter) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 148Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (get-unreferenced-cell- zones-of-filter ' filter) (tgapi-util-get-unrefer- enced-face-zone-id-list-of- pattern " pattern* ")Retur n a list of unr eferenced z ones by ID , whose names c ontain the specified pa ttern (tgapi-util-get-unrefer- enced-cell-zone-id-list-of- pattern " pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-unrefer- enced-edge-zone-id-list-of- pattern " pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-maxsize- cell-zone-by-volume " pat- tern*")Retur n cell z one with maximum volume f or giv en list or pa ttern of c ell zonesMesh statistics (tgapi-util-get-maxsize- cell-zone-by-volume '( zone- list)) (tgapi-util-get-maxsize- cell-zone-by-count " pat- tern*")Retur n cell z one with maximum c oun t of elemen ts for giv en list or pa ttern of c ell z ones (tgapi-util-get-maxsize- cell-zone-by-count '( zone- list)) (tgapi-util-get-minsize- face-zone-by-area " pat- tern*")Retur n fac e zone with minimum ar ea for giv en list or pa ttern of fac e zones (tgapi-util-get-minsize- face-zone-by-area '( zone- list)) (tgapi-util-get-minsize- face-zone-by-count " pat- tern*")Retur n fac e zone with minimum c oun t of elemen ts for giv en list or pa ttern of fac e zones (tgapi-util-get-minsize- face-zone-by-count '( zone- list)) (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- list-by-maximum-entity-Retur n a list of fac e zones with a coun t below the maximum en tity coun t (maximum-entity-count )count maximum-entity-count only-boundary? ) specified .You c an cho ose t o restrict the r eport to only b oundar y fac e zones , if requir ed (only-boundary? set t o #t or #f). (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone- list-by-maximum-entity-Retur n a list of edge z ones with a coun t below the maximum en tity coun t (maximum-entity-count )count maximum-entity-count only-boundary? ) specified .You c an cho ose t o restrict 149Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.List Q ueries and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature the r eport to only b oundar y edge zones , if requir ed (only-boundary? set t o #t or #f). (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- list-by-maximum-entity- count maximum-entity-count )Retur n a list of c ell z ones with a c oun t below the maximum en tity coun t (maximum-entity-count ) specified . (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- list-by-maximum-zone-area maximum-zone-area )Retur n a list of fac e zones with a maximum z one ar ea b elow the max- imum-zone-area specified . (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- list-by-minimum-zone-area minimum-zone-area )Retur n a list of fac e zones with a minimum z one ar ea ab ove the min- imum-zone-area specified . (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- free-faces '( zone-id-list ))Retur n a list of z ones with fr ee fac es for the fac e zones sp ecifiedMesh diagnostics (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- free-faces '( zone-name- list)) (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- free-faces " zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- multi-faces '( zone-id- list))Retur n a list of z ones with multi-c onnec ted fac es for the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- multi-faces '( zone-name- list)) (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- multi-faces " zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-overlap- ping-face-zones " face-zone-Retur n a list of o verlapping fac e zones based on the area-tolerance and distance-tolerance specified name-pattern* " area-toler- ancedistance-tolerance ) (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- marked-faces '( zone-id- list))Retur n a list of z ones with mar ked faces for the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- marked-faces '( zone-name- list)) (tgapi-util-get-zones-with- marked-faces " zone-name- pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-all-object- name-list)Retur n a list of all objec ts By name Objec t lists Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 150Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (get-objects-of-type ' type) Retur n a list of objec ts of the sp ecified typeBy type (tgapi-util-get-object- name-list-of-type ' type) (get-objects-of-filter 'filter)Retur n a list of objec ts whose names contain the sp ecified filt er str ingBy filt er (get-regions-of-object ' ob- ject)Retur n a list of r egions in the specified objec tBy objec t Region lists (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-object ' ob- ject) (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-object " ob- ject") (get-regions-of-filter ' ob- ject 'filter)Retur n a list of r egions in the specified objec t, whose names contain the sp ecified filt er str ingBy filt er (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-pattern ' ob-Retur n a list of r egions in the specified objec t, whose names contain the sp ecified name pa tternBy name pattern ject "region-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-pattern " ob- ject" "region-name-pat- tern*") (get-regions-of-face-zones '(list-of-face-zone-IDs ))Retur n a list of r egions c ontaining the face zones sp ecifiedBy fac e zones (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-face-zones '(list-of-face-zone-IDs )) (tgapi-util-get-region- name-list-of-face-zones "face-zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-find-join-pairs '(face-zone-name-list )Retur n the pairs of o verlapping fac e zones based on the join t oler ance and feature angle .Based on join toler ance and f eature angleOverlapping zone pairs join-tolerance absolute- tolerance? join-angle ) Specify the fac e zones using a face-zone-name-list ,face-•(tgapi-util-find-join-pairs '(face-zone-id-list ) join-zone-ID-list , or face-zone- name-pattern* .tolerance absolute-toler- ance?join-angle ) (tgapi-util-find-join-pairs "face-zone-name-pattern* "•Specify the t oler ance value f or locating the o verlapping fac es (join-tolerance ). join-tolerance absolute- tolerance? join-angle ) •Choose t o use an absolut e toler ance value or r elative to fac e edges (set 151Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.List Q ueries and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature absolute-tolerance to #t or #f). •Specify the f eature angle t o iden tify features in the o verlap r egion (feature-angle ).The default value is 40. Each memb er in the list r etur ned includes the z one IDs f or the overlapping z one pair and the join r egion r epresen ted b y the bounding b ox.The same pair of zones ma y app ear multiple times (with diff erent join r egion bounding b ox coordina tes) in the retur ned list. The r etur ned list is of the f ormat: ((pair1_zone-id1 pair1_zone-id2 (join-re- gion-bounding-box-min x y z) (join-region-bounding- box-max x y z)) (pair2_zone-id1 pair2_zone- id2 (join-region-bounding- box-min x y z) (join-re- gion-bounding-box-max x y z)) ...) For e xample: ((2 5 (-211.40 -139.24 - 165.17) (46.36 -101.69 - 124.61)) (2 5 (-211.4 - 204.94 -55.89) (46.29 - 171.68 -12.16)) (7 8 (- 170.82 140.79 -108.57) (5.83 162.47 -89.04))) (tgapi-util-convert-zone- name-symbols-to-ids '( zone- name-list ))Convert a list of z one name symb ols to a list of IDsConvert List operations (tgapi-util-convert-zone- name-strings-to-ids '( zone- name-list ))Convert a list of z one name str ings t o a list IDs (tgapi-util-convert-zone- ids-to-name-strings '( zone- id-list))Convert a list of z one IDs t o a list of name str ings (tgapi-util-convert-zone- ids-to-name-symbols '( zone- id-list))Convert a list of z one IDs t o a list of name symb ols Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 152Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-convert-symbol- list-to-string '( symbol- list))Convert a list of symb ols t o str ings (tgapi-util-create-string- from-symbol-list '( symbol- list))Create a str ing fr om a list of symb ols (tgapi-util-integer-list- subtract '( list-1) '(list- 2))Retur ns the b oolean subtr action of the listsSubtr act (tgapi-util-list-replace new-element old-element input-list )Enables y ou t o replac e one elemen t in a list b y anotherReplac e (tgapi-util-remove-element- from-list input-list ele- ment)Enables y ou t o remo ve an elemen t from a listRemo ve (tgapi-util-list-contains? input-list element)Enables y ou t o sear ch f or an elemen t in a list.Search A.1.1. Using B oolean Op erations with Lists You c an p erform B oolean op erations on lists r etur ned b y the quer y func tions: •Union of lists: (list-union list-1 list-2 ...) •Intersec tion of lists: (list-in tersec tion list-1 list-2 ...) •Subtr action of lists: (list-subtr act list-1 list-2) Note Only t wo lists c an b e used as ar gumen ts for the subtr action op eration. For e xample , list-1 = '(1 2 3 4) list-2 = '(1 5 6) list-3 = '(1 4 7) then: (list-union list-1 list-2 list-3) = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (list-intersection list-1 list-2 list-3) = '(1) (list-subtract list-1 list-2) = '(2 3 4) A.1.2. Examples •Smoothing the prism-c ap zone cr eated dur ing the pr ism cr eation op eration: –Obtain a list of the z ones named prism-c ap* . 153Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.List Q ueries and U tility Functions(define initial-zones(get-face-zones-of-filter 'prism-cap*)) –Apply appr opriate pr ism par amet ers and cr eate pr isms . –Obtain a list of the z ones named prism-c ap* after the pr ism cr eation op eration. (define final-zones(get-face-zones-of-filter 'prism-cap*)) –Smooth the r ecently cr eated prism-c ap zone . /boundary/improve/smooth(eval-expr '(list-subtract final-zones initial- zones)) •Impr oving mesh objec t qualit y: /objects/improve-object-quality (get-objects-of-type 'mesh) smooth-and- improve 1 no •Recovering p eriodic sur faces for mesh objec t fac e zones: /boundary/recover-periodic-surfaces auto (get-face-zones-of-label '_fluid '(periodic-1)) •Defining cur vature sizing f or all objec t fac e zones e xcept symmetr y planes: /scoped-sizing/create control-curv curvature object-faces yes no "(eval- expr ’(list-subtract (get-objects-of-filter '*) (get-objects-of-filter 'sym*)))" 0.25 4 1.2 18 A.2. Label Utilit y Func tions The f ollowing lab el utilit y func tions ar e available: Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-face- zones '( face-zone-name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Add lab els on the sp ecified fac e zones . On face zonesAdd labels Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-name-list ,face-zone-ID-• (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-face- zones '( face-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-face- zones "face-zone-name-pattern* " '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-cell- zones '( cell-zone-name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Add lab els on the sp ecified c ell z ones . On cell zones Specify the c ell z ones using a cell- zone-name-list ,cell-zone-ID-• (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-cell- zones '( cell-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or cell-zone-name-pat- tern* . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 154Query and U tility FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-cell- zones "cell-zone-name-pattern* " '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-edge- zones '( edge-zone-name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Add lab els on the sp ecified edge z ones . On edge zones Specify the edge z ones using an edge- zone-name-list ,edge-zone-ID-• (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-edge- zones '( edge-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or edge-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-edge- zones "edge-zone-name-pattern* " '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-face- zones '( face-zone-name-list ))Retur ns the list of lab els f or the sp ecified face zones . Specify the fac e zones using a face-zone-name-list ,face-zone-On face zonesRetur n list of labels(tgapi-util-get-labels-on-face- zones '( face-zone-ID-list ))ID-list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-face- zones "face-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-cell- zones '( cell-zone-name-list ))Retur ns the list of lab els f or the sp ecified cell z ones . Specify the c ell z ones using a cell-zone-name-list ,cell-zone-On cell zone(tgapi-util-get-labels-on-cell- zones '( cell-zone-ID-list ))ID-list , or cell-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-cell- zones "cell-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-edge- zones '( edge-zone-name-list ))Retur ns the list of lab els f or the sp ecified edge z ones . Specify the edge z ones using an edge-zone-name-list ,edge-On edge zone(tgapi-util-get-labels-on-edge- zones '( edge-zone-ID-list ))zone-ID-list , or edge-zone-name- pattern* . (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-edge- zones "edge-zone-name-pat- tern*") (get-labels-of-object ' object) Retur n a list of fac e zone lab els in the specified objec t.Face Zone(get-labels-of-object " object")Label (tgapi-util-get-all-label-name- list 'object)lists by objec t (tgapi-util-get-all-label-name- list "object") (get-labels-of-filter ' object 'filter)Retur n a list of fac e zone lab els in the specified objec t, whose names c ontain the specified filt er/pa ttern str ing. 155Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Label U tility FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-get-label-name- list-of-pattern ' object "label- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-label-name- list-of-pattern " object" "la- bel-name-pattern* ") (get-labels-of-face-zones '(list-of-face-zone-IDs ))Retur n a list of fac e zone lab els c ontaining the fac e zones sp ecified .Face Zone Label lists by face zones (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id- list-with-labels '( face-zone- name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Retur ns the list of fac e zones (b y ID) containing the lab els sp ecified .Face zonesRetur n list of zones with labelsSpecify the fac e zones using a face- zone-name-list ,face-zone-ID- list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* .•(tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id- list-with-labels '( face-zone- ID-list) '(label-name-list )) (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id- list-with-labels " face-zone- •Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ).name-pattern* '(label-name- list)) (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone-id- list-with-labels '( cell-zone- name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Retur ns the list of c ell z ones (b y ID) containing the lab els sp ecified .Cell Zones Specify the c ell z ones using a cell- zone-name-list ,cell-zone-ID-•(tgapi-util-get-cell-zone-id- list-with-labels '( cell-zone- ID-list) '(label-name-list ))list , or cell-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone-id- list-with-labels " cell-zone- •Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ).name-pattern* '(label-name- list)) (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id- list-with-labels '( edge-zone- name-list ) '(label-name-list ))Retur ns the list of edge z ones (b y ID) containing the lab els sp ecified .Edge zones Specify the fac e zones using an edge- zone-name-list ,edge-zone-ID-•(tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id- list-with-labels '( edge-zone- ID-list) '(label-name-list ))list , or edge-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id- list-with-labels " edge-zone- •Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ).name-pattern* '(label-name- list)) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 156Query and U tility FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- face-zones '( face-zone-name- list) '(label-name-list ))Remo ves the sp ecified lab els fr om the fac e zones .From face zonesRemo ve labels from zones Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-name-list ,face-zone-ID-•(tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- face-zones '( face-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- face-zones " face-zone-name-pat- tern*" '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- cell-zones '( cell-zone-name- list) '(label-name-list ))Remo ves the sp ecified lab els fr om the c ell zones .From cell zones Specify the c ell z ones using a cell- zone-name-list ,cell-zone-ID-•(tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- cell-zones '( cell-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or cell-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- cell-zones " cell-zone-name-pat- tern*" '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- edge-zones '( edge-zone-name- list) '(label-name-list ))Remo ves the sp ecified lab els fr om the edge zones .From edge zones Specify the edge z ones using an edge- zone-name-list ,edge-zone-ID-•(tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- edge-zones '( edge-zone-ID-list ) '(label-name-list ))list , or edge-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on- edge-zones " edge-zone-name-pat- tern*" '(label-name-list ))•Specify the lab els using a label-name- list (for e xample '(label1 la- bel2) ). A.2.1. Examples Consider a mo del with fac e zones par t1,par t2,par t3,inlet1 ,inlet2 , and outlet . •Add lab els on the sp ecified fac e zones . (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-face-zones '(inlet1 inlet2) '(inlet)) (tgapi-util-add-labels-on-face-zones "part*" '(wall solid)) •Retur n the list of lab els on the sp ecified fac e zone . (tgapi-util-get-labels-on-face-zones '(12 34)) Retur ns list of lab els:(inlet) 157Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Label U tility Functions(tgapi-util-get-labels-on-face-zones "part*") Retur ns list of lab els:(wall solid) •Remo ve lab els fr om the sp ecified fac e zones . (tgapi-util-remove-labels-on-face-zones "part*" '(solid)) •Retur n the list of fac e zones (b y ID) c ontaining the lab els sp ecified . (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id-list-with-labels "inlet*" '(inlet)) Retur ns fac e zone ID list: (12 34) A.3. Rep ort Utilit y Func tions The f ollowing func tions ar e available f or reporting mesh qualit y, statistics , face/cell distr ibution: Utilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-get-zone-type zone-id)Retur n zone t ype as in teger Report Mesh Types (tgapi-util-get-zone-type zone-name ) (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- shape zone-id)Retur n cell z one shap e as symb ol (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- count '( zone-id-list ))Retur n coun t of en tities f or fac e zones Report Mesh Statistics (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- count '( zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- count "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- count '( zone-id-list ))Retur n coun t of en tities f or c ell z ones (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- count '( zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- count "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- node-count ' zone-id)Retur ns the no de c oun t for the sp ecified face zone . (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- node-count ' zone-name ) (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- node-count " zone-name ") (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- area '(zone-id-list ))Retur n fac e zone ar ea for the sp ecified zones (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- area '(zone-name-list )) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 158Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-get-face-zone- area "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- volume '( zone-id-list ))Retur n cell z one v olume f or the sp ecified zones (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- volume '( zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-get-cell-zone- volume " zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-get-face-mesh- distribution '( face-zone-Report the fac e mesh distr ibution based on the sp ecified measure ,parti- tions , and range (such as (0.9 1) ). Specify the "measure" as one of the f ollowing:Report Mesh Distribution list) "measure" partitions '(range)) (tgapi-util-get-face-mesh- distribution " face-zone-name- pattern* " "measure" parti- tions '(range))•"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" •"Size Change" •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Qual- ity" (tgapi-util-get-cell-mesh- distribution '( cell-zone-Report the c ell mesh distr ibution based on the sp ecified measure ,parti- tions , and range (such as (0.9 1) ). Specify the "measure" as one of the f ollowing:list) "measure" partitions '(range)) (tgapi-util-get-cell-mesh- distribution " cell-zone-name- pattern* " "measure" parti- tions '(range))•"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" 159Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Report Utility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature •"Size Change" •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Qual- ity" (tgapi-util-get-face-quality- limits '( face-zone-list ) "measure")Report the w orst qualit y fac e and fac e qualit y limits (minimum, maximum, average qualit y) for the list of z ones based on the measure specified .You can also r eport fac e siz e limits . Specify the "measure" as one of the f ollowing:Report Qualit y/Size Limits (tgapi-util-get-face-quality- limits " face-zone-name-pat- tern*" "measure") •"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" •"Size Change" •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 160Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Qual- ity" (tgapi-util-get-cell-quality- limits '( cell-zone-list ) "measure")Report the numb er of c ells and the c ell qualit y limits (minimum, maximum, average qualit y) for the list of z ones based on the measure specified .You can also r eport the c ell siz e limits . Specify the "measure" as one of the f ollowing:(tgapi-util-get-cell-quality- limits " cell-zone-name-pat- tern*" "measure") •"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" •"Size Change" •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Qual- ity" (tgapi-util-print-worst-qual- ity-cell '( cell-zone-list ) "measure")Report the w orst qualit y cell (ID and location) f or the c ell z ones based on the measure specified . Specify the "measure" as one of the f ollowing:(tgapi-util-print-worst-qual- ity-cell " cell-zone-name-pat- tern*" "measure") •"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" •"Size Change" 161Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Report Utility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Qual- ity" (tgapi-util-get-edge-size- limits '( face-zone-list ))Report the edge siz e limits f or the list of face zones (tgapi-util-get-edge-size- limits " face-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-free-faces- count '( face-zone-name-list ))Retur ns the c oun t of fr ee fac es for the face zones sp ecifiedReport coun t (tgapi-util-get-free-faces- count '( face-zone-id-list )) (tgapi-util-get-free-faces- count "face-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-get-multi-faces- count '( face-zone-name-list ))Retur ns the c oun t of multi-c onnec ted faces for the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-get-multi-faces- count '( face-zone-id-list )) (tgapi-util-get-multi-faces- count "face-zone-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-util-count-marked- faces '(face-zone-name-list))Retur ns the c oun t of mar ked fac es for the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-count-marked- faces '(face-zone-id-list)) (tgapi-util-count-marked- faces "face-zone-name-pat- tern*") Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 162Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-print-dia- gnostics-summary '( object- name-list ))Print the diagnostics summar y for a list of objec tsPrint summar y (tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" '(edge-zone-list )Reports the selec ted mesh check statistics f or the z ones sp ecified .Mesh check '(face-zone-list ) '(cell- zone-list )) Specify the "type-name " as one of the f ollowing:• (tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" "edge-zone-name-pat-–"bounding-box-statistics " tern*" '(face-zone-list ) '(cell-zone-list )) –"volume-statistics " (tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" '(edge-zone-list )–"face-area-statistics " "face-zone-name-pattern* " '(cell-zone-list ))–"nodes-per-edge " (tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" "edge-zone-name-pat-–"nodes-per-face " –"nodes-per-cell "tern*" "face-zone-name-pat- tern*" '(cell-zone-list ))–"faces-or-neighbors-per- cell " (tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" '(edge-zone-list ) '(face-zone-list ) "cell-zone- name-pattern* ")–"cell-faces-or-neighbors " –"isolated-cells "(tgapi-util-mesh-check " type- name" "edge-zone-name-pat-–"face-handedness "tern*" "face-zone-name-pat- tern*" "cell-zone-name-pat- tern*")–"periodic-face-pairs " –"face-children " –"zone-boundary-conditions " –"invalid-node-coordinates " –"poly-cells " –"parallel-invalid-zones " –"parallel-invalid-neighbor- hood " –"parallel-invalid-inter- faces " Refer to Check ing the M esh in the Fluent U ser's G uide for descr iptions of the individual mesh checks . 163Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Report Utility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature •Specify the z ones t o be check ed. Specify the edge z ones (edge- zone-list or edge-zone- name-pattern* ), face zones (face-zone-list or face- zone-name-pattern* ), and cell z ones (cell-zone-list or cell-zone-name-pattern* ). A.4. Diagnostic B ased M arking Utilit y Func tions The f ollowing func tions ar e available f or iden tifying fac es/z ones based on diagnostic cr iteria such as face connec tivit y and qualit y: Utilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-util-mark-free-faces '( zone- id-list))Mark free fac es on the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-mark-free-faces '( zone- name-list )) (tgapi-util-mark-free-faces " zone- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces '( zone- id-list) n)Mark multi-c onnec ted fac es on the fac e zones specified based on fr inge length ( n) (tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces '( zone- name-list ) n) (tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces " zone- name-pattern* " n) (tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting- faces '( zone-id-list ) mark-folded? )Mark self-in tersec ting fac es on the fac e zones specified . Specify whether t o mar k folded fac es or not (mark-folded? set t o #t or #f).(tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting- faces '( zone-name-list ) mark-folded? ) (tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting- faces "zone-name-pattern* " mark-fol- ded?) (tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-prox- imity '( zone-id-list ) relative-toler-Mark fac es in self-pr oximit y on the fac e zones specified . Specify whether t o use r elative toler ance (relative-tolerance? set t o #t or #f),tol-ance?tolerance angleignore-orient- ation?) erance value , the angle , and whether t o ignor e orientation (ignore-orientation? set t o #t or #f).(tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-prox- imity '( zone-name-list ) relative- tolerance? tolerance angleignore- orientation? ) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 164Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-prox- imity "zone-name-pattern* " relative- tolerance? tolerance angleignore- orientation? ) (tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces '(zone-id-list ))Mark duplic ate fac es on the fac e zones sp ecified (tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces '(zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals '(zone-id-list ))Mark invalid nor mal lo cations on the fac e zones specified (tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals '(zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts '(zone-id-list ))Mark point contact locations on the fac e zones specified (tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts '(zone-name-list )) (tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-mark-island-faces '( zone- id-list) n)Mark island fac es on the fac e zones sp ecified , based on the island fac e coun t (n) (tgapi-util-mark-island-faces '( zone- name-list ) n) (tgapi-util-mark-island-faces " zone- name-pattern* " n) (tgapi-util-mark-spikes '( zone-id- list) spike-angle )Mark spik es on the fac e zones sp ecified , based on the spik e angle (spike-angle ) (tgapi-util-mark-spikes '( zone-name- list) spike-angle ) (tgapi-util-mark-spikes " zone-name- pattern* " spike-angle ) (tgapi-util-mark-steps '( zone-id- list) step-angle step-width )Mark steps on the fac e zones sp ecified , based on the st ep angle (step-angle ) and st ep width (step-width )(tgapi-util-mark-steps '( zone-name- list) step-angle step-width ) (tgapi-util-mark-steps " zone-name- pattern* " step-angle step-width ) (tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces '( zone- id-list) max-height skew-limit )Mark sliv er fac es on the fac e zones sp ecified , based on the maximum heigh t (max-height ) and skewness limit ( skew-limit )(tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces '( zone- name-list ) max-height skew-limit ) 165Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Diagnostic B ased M arking U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces " zone- name-pattern* " max-height skew-limit ) (tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces '(zone-id-list ) quality-limit nrings)Mark bad qualit y fac es on the b oundar y fac e zones specified , based on the qualit y limit (quality- limit ) and numb er of r ings (nrings ).(tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces '(zone-name-list ) quality-limit nrings) (tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces "zone-name-pattern* " quality-limit nrings) (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality '(zone-id-list ) quality-measure quality-limit append-marking? )Mark fac es based on the quality-measure and quality-limit specified . Specify whether t o app end the fac es to those pr eviously mar ked or clear pr eviously mar ked fac es (append-marking? set t o #t or #f)(tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality '(zone-name-list ) quality-measure quality-limit append-marking? ) (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality "zone-name-pattern* " quality-measure quality-limit append-marking? ) (tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by- height-and-quality '( zone-id-list )Mark fac e str ips based on the strip-type , strip-height ,quality-measure ,quality- strip-type strip-height quality- measure quality-limit feature-angle )limit , and feature-angle specified . Possible values f or strip-type are: (tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by- height-and-quality '( zone-name-list )•1: boundar y-boundar y str ip. Multi-c onnec ted fac e edges ar e also c onsider ed as b oundar y her e.strip-type strip-height quality- measure quality-limit feature-angle )•2: feature-feature str ip b etween angle based features. Feature edges , multi-c onnec ted edges ,(tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by- height-and-quality " zone-name-pat- and fr ee edges ar e angle based f eatures. Boundar y edges will b e consider ed f eatures if ther e is an angle .tern*" strip-type strip-height qual- ity-measure quality-limit feature- angle) •3: all-all str ip b etween all b oundar ies and f eatures. •4: pur e feature-feature str ip. Only pur e features, boundar y edges and multi edges will not b e consider ed as pur e feature edges e ven if ther e is an angle based f eature. The r ecommended v alue is 2. (tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating- from-size-field '( zone-id-list ) min-Mark all fac es a t no des based on de viation fr om the siz e field . size-factor max-size-factor "sf-type- to-compare ") Specify the z ones using zone-id-list ,zone- name-list , or zone-name-pattern* .• (tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating- from-size-field '( zone-name-list )•Specify the min-size-factor and max-size- factor . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 166Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption min-size-factor max-size-factor "sf- type-to-compare ")•Specify the siz e field t ype to be used t o get siz e at no de. Set "sf-type-to-compare" to "volumetric" or "geodesic" .(tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating- from-size-field " zone-name-pattern* "Faces will b e mar ked if the minimum edge length at the no de is less than min-size-min-size-factor max-size-factor "sf- type-to-compare ")factor×size-at-node or the maximum edge length is gr eater than max-size-factor ×size- at-node . (tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node- degree '( zone-id-list ) node-degree- threshold )Mark all fac es with no de degr ee ab ove the sp ecified threshold .Node degree is defined as the numb er of edges c onnec ted t o the no de. (tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node- degree '( zone-name-list ) node-degree- threshold )•Specify the fac e zones using zone-id-list , zone-name-list , or zone-name-pattern* . (tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node- degree " zone-name-pattern* " node-de- gree-threshold )•Specify the node-degree-threshold . A.5. Mesh S etup Utilit y Func tions The f ollowing func tions ar e available f or mesh setup: Utilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (get-average-bounding-box-center '(face-zone-ID-list ))Retur n a suitable a verage p oint based on the z ones specified (tgapi-util-get-bounding-box-of-zone- list '(zone-id-list ))Retur n the b ounding b ox extents for the list of zones . (tgapi-util-un-preserve-cell-zones '(cell-zone-list ))Enables y ou t o unpr eser ve some/all pr eser ved c ell zones dur ing the meshing pr ocess. (tgapi-util-un-preserve-cell-zones "cell-zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-create-boi-and-size- functions-from-refinement-regionsCreate bodies of influenc e and if r equir ed b ody of influenc e siz e func tions fr om the mesh r efinemen t regions . Specify the r efinemen t region t ype (set "region-type " "boi-prefix-string " create-size-function? ) "region-type" to "tet" or "hexcore" ). Specify the pr efix f or the BOI z ones ("boi-pre- fix-string" ), and cho ose whether t o cr eate the size func tions (set create-size-function? to #t or #f). (tgapi-util-scale-face-zones-around- pivot '( face-zone-list ) '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center? )Enables y ou t o sc ale the fac e zones ar ound a piv ot point or the b ounding b ox center. Specify the fac e zones , the sc ale fac tors in the X, Y, Z dir ections (scale ), the piv ot p oint (pivot ), and cho ose(tgapi-util-scale-face-zones-around- pivot "face-zone-name-pattern* " '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center? )whether t o use the b ounding b ox center (use- bbox-center? set t o #t or #f). 167Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Mesh S etup U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-util-scale-cell-zones-around- pivot '( cell-zone-list ) '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center? )Enables y ou t o sc ale the c ell z ones ar ound a piv ot point or the b ounding b ox center. Specify the c ell zones , the sc ale fac tors in the X, Y, Z dir ections (scale ), the piv ot p oint (pivot ), and cho ose(tgapi-util-scale-cell-zones-around- pivot "cell-zone-name-pattern* " '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center? )whether t o use the b ounding b ox center (use- bbox-center? set t o #t or #f). (tgapi-util-dump-face-zone-orienta- tion-in-region " filename ")Retur n the fac e zones and their or ientation f or the mesh file sp ecified (tgapi-util-sort-regions-by-volume "object-name " "order")Retur ns a sor ted list of v olumetr ic regions b y volume f or the objec t sp ecified . Specify the order (ascending or descending ). (tgapi-util-get-region-volume ' ob- ject-name 'region-name )Retur n the r egion v olume f or the sp ecified r egion of an objec t (tgapi-util-get-region-volume " ob- ject-name " "region-name ") (tgapi-util-set-quality-measure "measure")Set the qualit y measur e. Specify the "measure" as one of the following: •"Skewness" •"Equiangle Skewness" •"Size Change" •"Edge Ratio" •"Size" •"Aspect Ratio" •"Squish" •"Warp" •"Dihedral Angle" •"ICEMCFD Quality" •"Ortho Skew" •"FLUENT Aspect Ratio" •"Inverse Orthogonal Quality" (tgapi-util-set-object-cell-zone-type 'object 'cell-zone-type )Set objec t cell z one t ype (tgapi-util-set-object-cell-zone-type "object" 'cell-zone-type ) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 168Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-util-set-number-of-parallel- compute-threads nthreads )Set the numb er of c omput e thr eads t o use f or algor ithms lik e mesh check and qualit y computa tion. You c an use a v ariable numb er of comput e thr eads f or these algor ithms dep ending on the cur rent machine loads .The numb er of comput e thr eads is b etween 2 and the v alue (maximum-cores-available - 1). A.6. Mesh Op eration Utilit y Func tions Utilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-rename-face-zone "zone-name " "new-name ")Renames an e xisting fac e zone Rename z ones (tgapi-util-rename-face-zone 'zone-id "new-name ") (tgapi-util-rename-edge-zone "zone-name " "new-name ")Renames an e xisting edge z one (tgapi-util-rename-edge-zone 'zone-id "new-name ") (tgapi-util-replace-face- zone-suffix '( face-zone-list )Replac e the fac e zone suffix t o rename face zones . Specify whether t o mer ge the fac e zones b eing r enamed (set merge? to #t or #f). Note If an empt y str ing is specified f or the separ-"separator " "replace-with " merge?) ator (" " ), the str ing specified f or replace- with will b e app ended to the fac e zone names . (tgapi-util-replace-cell- zone-suffix '( cell-zone-list )Replac e the c ell z one suffix t o rename cell z ones . Specify whether t o mer ge the cell z ones b eing r enamed (set merge? to #t or #f)"old-suffix " "new-suffix " merge?) (tgapi-util-replace-edge- zone-suffix '( edge-zone-list )Replac e the edge z one suffix t o rename edge z ones . Specify whether t o mer ge the edge z ones b eing r enamed (set merge? to #t or #f)"old-suffix " "new-suffix " merge?) (tgapi-util-remove-id-suffix- from-face-zones)Remo ves the ID suffix fr om fac e zone names (tgapi-util-clean-face-zone- names)Clean up fac e zone names b y remo ving IDs wher ever p ossible 169Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Mesh Op eration U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-remove-ids-from- zone-names '( zone-id-list ))Remo ve the z one ID (:id ) from z one ID list. (tgapi-util-renumber-zone-ids '(zone-id-list ) start-number )Renumb er zone IDs star ting fr om the numb er sp ecified (start-number) .Change z one ID (tgapi-util-rename-object "old-object-name " "new-ob- ject-name ")Renames the objec t Rename objec ts (tgapi-util-replace-object- suffix '( object-name ) "separ- ator" "new-suffix ")Rename objec ts b y replacing the objec t suffix with a new suffix (tgapi-util-rename-label " ob- ject-name " "old-label-name " "new-label-name ")Renames the fac e zone lab el Rename lab els (tgapi-util-replace-label- suffix '( object-list ) "separ- ator" "new-suffix ")Rename lab els b y replacing the lab el suffix with a new suffix (tgapi-util-copy-labels from- face-zone to-face-zone )Copy lab els fr om one fac e zone t o another . Specify either fac e zone names or IDsCopy lab els (tgapi-util-merge-face-zones '(zone-id-list ))Merges the sp ecified fac e zones . Specify a list of z one IDs or name pa ttern.Merge z ones (tgapi-util-merge-face-zones "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-merge-face-zone- of-type ' zone-type "zone- name-pattern* ")Merges fac e zones of a giv en t ype based on name pa ttern (tgapi-util-merge-face-zones- with-same-prefix " prefix")Merges fac e zones c ontaining the specified pr efix (tgapi-util-merge-cell-zones '(cell-zone-list ))Merges the sp ecified c ell z ones . Specify a list of c ell z ones or name pa ttern. (tgapi-util-merge-cell-zones "cell-zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-merge-cell-zones- with-same-prefix " prefix")Merge c ell z ones c ontaining the sp ecified prefix (tgapi-util-merge-cell-zones- with-same-suffix " suffix")Merge c ell z ones c ontaining the sp ecified suffix (tgapi-util-separate-cell- zone-layers-by-face-zoneSepar ates c ells tha t are connec ted t o specified fac e zones in to another c ell zone .This separ ation metho d appliesSepar ate '(cell-zone-id ) '(face-zone- list) nlayers) only t o pr ism c ells. Specify the numb er of la yers of c ells (nlayers ) to be separ ated.(tgapi-util-separate-cell- zone-layers-by-face-zone '(cell-zone-id ) "face-zone- name-pattern* " nlayers) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 170Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-separate-cell- zone-layers-by-face-zone "cell-zone-name " '(face-zone- list) nlayers) (tgapi-util-separate-cell- zone-layers-by-face-zone "cell-zone-name " "face-zone- name-pattern* " nlayers) (tgapi-util-separate-face- zones-by-cell-neighbor '(face-zone-list ))Separ ate fac e zones based on the c ell neighb ors. (tgapi-util-separate-face- zones-by-cell-neighbor " face- zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-refine-marked- faces-in-zones '( face-zone- list))Refine mar ked fac es Refine (tgapi-util-refine-marked- faces-in-zones " face-zone- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-fill-holes-in- face-zone-list '( face-zone- list) max-hole-edges )Fill holes asso ciated with fr ee edges f or the fac e zones sp ecified , based on the numb er of fr ee edges (max-hole- edges )Patch (tgapi-util-fill-holes-in- face-zone-list " face-zone- name-pattern* " max-hole- edges) (tgapi-util-project-zone-on- plane zone-id plane)Projec t a z one on the plane sp ecified . Specify thr ee p oints for defining the plane .Projec t (tgapi-util-delete-all-sub- domains)Deletes all sub-domains (all domains other than global )Delete (tgapi-util-delete-marked- faces-in-zones '( face-zone- list))Delete mar ked fac es (tgapi-util-delete-marked- faces-in-zones " face-zone- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-delete-empty- face-zones '( face-zone-list ))Delete empt y zones based on the z ones specified (tgapi-util-delete-empty- face-zones " face-zone-name- pattern* ") (tgapi-util-delete-empty- edge-zones '( edge-zone-list )) 171Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Mesh Op eration U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-delete-empty- edge-zones " edge-zone-name- pattern* ") (tgapi-util-delete-empty- cell-zones '( cell-zone-list )) (tgapi-util-delete-empty- cell-zones " cell-zone-name- pattern* ") (tgapi-util-delete-empty- zones '( zone-list )) (tgapi-util-delete-empty- zones "zone-name-pattern* ") (tgapi-util-boundary-zone-ex- ists? zone-id)Report if the b oundar y fac e zone e xists Valida te mesh (tgapi-util-boundary-zone-ex- ists? 'zone-name ) (tgapi-util-interior-zone-ex- ists? zone-id)Report if the in terior fac e zone e xists (tgapi-util-interior-zone-ex- ists? 'zone-name ) (tgapi-util-cell-zone-exists? zone-id)Report if the c ell z one e xists (tgapi-util-cell-zone-exists? 'zone-name ) (tgapi-util-mesh-exists?) Report if the v olume mesh e xists A.7. Miscellaneous F unc tions Utilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-util-string-contains? "string1* " "string2* ")Check if the str ing c ontains another stringString op erations (tgapi-util-string-split "original-string " "split- character ")Enables y ou t o split a str ing b y the specified char acter. (tgapi-util-string-split- with-string " original-string " "split-string ")Enables y ou t o split a str ing b y the specified str ing. (tgapi-util-string-replace "target-string " "old-sub- string" "new-sub-string ") For e xample:(tgapi-util- string-replace "tst-Enables y ou t o replac e a par t (old- sub-string ) of a target-string by the sp ecified str ing (new-sub- string ). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 172Query and U tility FunctionsUtilit y Func tion Descr iption Feature string" "tst" "test") will retur n "test-string" . (tgapi-util-get-mesher-work- ing-directory)Retur ns the pa th for the w orking directoryFolder/dir ectory Managemen t (tgapi-util-sync-directories directory )Sync the C ortex cur rent working directory with the F luen t cur rent working directory (directory ) (tgapi-util-find-file-with- suffix " filename " "file-suf- fix")Finds the file in the w orking dir ectory based on the filename and file- suffix specified .File managemen t (tgapi-util-find-file-pat- tern-with-suffix " filename " "file-suffix ") (tgapi-util-get-last-read- file-name)Retur ns the last r ead file (tgapi-util-get-last-read- file-suffix)Retur ns the file suffix f or the last r ead file 173Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Miscellaneous F unctionsRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 174Appendix B . Boundar y Func tions The f ollowing b oundar y func tions ar e available . Note These func tions ar e not supp orted in a distr ibut ed par allel en vironmen t. Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-boundary-split-marked- faces '( face-zone-id-list ) longer-edge-split-ratio )Impr ove mar ked fac es b y splitting the longer edge .Impr ove sur face mesh Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-name-•(tgapi-boundary-split-marked- faces '( face-zone-name-list ) longer-edge-split-ratio )list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* . (tgapi-boundary-split-marked- faces "face-zone-name-pat- •Specify the longer-edge-split- ratio (length r atio f or the split tern*" longer-edge-split-ra- tio) created b y pr ojec ting the opp osite node on to the longer edge). The v alid range is 0 to 0.5 and the recommended v alue is 0.25 . (tgapi-boundary-collapse- marked-faces '( face-zone-id-Impr ove mar ked fac es b y collapsing fac e edges . list) preserve-boundary? •Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-name-boundary-corner-angle max- collapsible-edge-ratio ) list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* .(tgapi-boundary-collapse- marked-faces '( face-zone- name-list ) preserve-boundary?•Choose whether t o pr eser ve the boundar y by setting preserve- boundary? to #t or #f.boundary-corner-angle max- collapsible-edge-ratio ) (tgapi-boundary-collapse- marked-faces " face-zone-name- –If preserve-boundary? is enabled (#t), specify the bound- pattern* " preserve-boundary? ary-corner-angle to be used boundary-corner-angle max- collapsible-edge-ratio ) for mar king fix ed no des on the boundar y.The r ecommended v alue is 20 degr ees. •Set the max-collapsible-edge- ratio dep ending on the impr ove operation: 175Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature To impr ove gener al qualit y, specify a value b etween 0 to 0.5 . A value of 0.5 is recommended .– –To collapse sliv er fac es, specify a value of 0.1 . Note A value of 0 will r esult in all mar ked fac es being c ollapsed . Tip Use this op eration when the mesh sk ewness is greater than 0.7. Also, it is r ecommended to mar k fac es and collapse fac es b y edge ratio incr emen tally . For example , first mar k fac es with sk ewness gr eater than 0.9 and then collapse mar ked fac es using an edge r atio of 0.1. When the mesh qualit y is impr oved, next mar k fac es with skewness gr eater than 0.8 and then c ollapse mar ked fac es using an edge r atio of 0.2; and so on. (tgapi-boundary-split-and- collapse-sliver-faces '( face-Impr ove sliv er fac es b y splitting and collapsing edges . zone-id-list ) sliver-height •Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-name-"sliver-quality-measure " sliver-quality longer-edge- list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* .split-ratio preserve-bound- ary?boundary-corner-angle ) (tgapi-boundary-split-and- collapse-sliver-faces '( face-•Specify the heigh t thr eshold f or sliv er face impr ovemen t. All fac es with zone-name-list ) sliver-heightsliver-height less than the "sliver-quality-measure "specified v alue will b e mar ked f or Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 176Boundar y FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature impr ovemen t. Sliver heigh t is the shor test heigh t of the tr iangular fac e -sliver-quality longer-edge- split-ratio preserve-bound- ary?boundary-corner-angle ) the distanc e between the lo cation of the opp osite no de and its pr ojec tion point on the longer edge .(tgapi-boundary-split-and- collapse-sliver-faces " face- zone-name-pattern* " sliver-•Specify either "Skewness" or "As- pect Ratio" as the "sliver-height "sliver-quality-meas- ure" sliver-quality longer-quality-measure ", and theedge-split-ratio preserve-sliver-quality threshold used f or mar king.boundary? boundary-corner- angle) •Specify the longer-edge-split- ratio (length r atio f or the split created b y pr ojec ting the opp osite node on to the longer edge). The v alid range is 0 to 0.5 and the recommended v alue is 0.25 . •Choose whether t o pr eser ve the boundar y by setting preserve- boundary? to #t or #f. –If preserve-boundary? is enabled (#t), specify the bound- ary-corner-angle to be used for mar king fix ed no des on the boundar y.The r ecommended v alue is 20 degr ees. (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-facesCreate a planar sur face to pa tch holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es for the fac e zones sp ecified .The fr ee fac es should b ePatch '(face-zone-id-list ) plane continuous f or the planar pa tch t o be created.tolerance absolute-toler- ance?) (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces•Specify the fac e zones with fr ee fac es using a face-zone-id-list ,'(face-zone-name-list ) planeface-zone-name-list , or face- zone-name-pattern* .tolerance absolute-toler- ance?) (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces " face-•Specify thr ee c oplanar p oints to define the plane (for e xample ,(list '(- 10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) ).zone-name-pattern* " plane tolerance absolute-toler- ance?) •Specify the tolerance value , and choose whether t o use an absolut e toler ance (set absolute-toler- ance? to #t or #f). Nodes within the 177Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature toler ance from the plane will b e used to create the planar sur face. Note The pa tch sur face is not connec ted t o the or iginal face zones . (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces-in-ob-Create a planar sur face to pa tch holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es for the objec t and fac e zone lab els sp ecified .The fr eeject 'object '(face-zone-la- faces should b e continuous f or the planar pa tch t o be created.bel-list ) planetolerance absolute-tolerance? "new-la- bel-name ") Specify the objec t and the fac e zone labels with fr ee fac es using a face-•(tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces-in-ob-zone-label-list or face-zone- label-name-pattern* .ject 'object "face-zone-la- bel-name-pattern* " plane tolerance absolute-tolerance? "new-label-name ")•Specify thr ee c oplanar p oints to define the plane (for e xample ,(list '(- (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces-in-ob-10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) ). ject "object" '(face-zone- •Specify the tolerance value , and choose whether t o use an absolut elabel-list ) planetolerance absolute-tolerance? "new-la- bel-name ")toler ance (set absolute-toler- ance? to #t or #f). Nodes within the(tgapi-boundary-fill-planar- holes-using-free-faces-in-ob-toler ance from the plane will b e used to create the planar sur face.ject "object" "face-zone-la- bel-name-pattern* " plane •Specify the new-label-name for the planar sur face created.The pa tchtolerance absolute-tolerance? "new-label-name ") surface is included in the objec t and a new fac e zone lab el is cr eated. (tgapi-boundary-create- planar-surface-using-edgesCreate a planar sur face to pa tch holes using the fr ee fac e edges f or the edge zones sp ecified .The edge z one should '(edge-zone-id-list ) plane be continuous and fr ee fr om intersec tions .tolerance absolute-toler- ance?) (tgapi-boundary-create- planar-surface-using-edges•Specify the edge z ones using an edge-zone-id-list ,edge-zone-'(edge-zone-name-list ) planename-list , or edge-zone-name- pattern* .tolerance absolute-toler- ance?) (tgapi-boundary-create- planar-surface-using-edges•Specify thr ee c oplanar p oints to define the plane (for e xample ,(list '(- Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 178Boundar y FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature 10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) )."edge-zone-name-pattern* " planetolerance absolute- tolerance? ) •Specify the tolerance value , and choose whether t o use an absolut e toler ance (set absolute-toler- ance? to #t or #f). Nodes within the toler ance from the plane will b e used to create the planar sur face. Note The pa tch sur face is not connec ted t o the or iginal face zones . (tgapi-boundary-remesh- marked-faces '( face-zone-id-Remesh the mar ked fac es. Remesh •Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-name-list) n-rings preserve- shared-zone-boundary? fea- list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* .ture-min-angle feature-max- anglecorner-angle "sizing- option" constant-size min- sizemax-size growth-rate )•Specify the numb er of r ings (n- rings ). (tgapi-boundary-remesh- marked-faces '( face-zone- •Choose whether t o pr eser ve the shar ed zone b oundar y by setting preserve- name-list ) n-rings preserve- shared-zone-boundary? fea- shared-zone-boundary? to #t or #f (recommended). ture-min-angle feature-max- anglecorner-angle "sizing- •Specify the feature-min-angle and feature-max-angle .Theoption" constant-size min- sizemax-size growth-rate ) feature-min-angle and fea-(tgapi-boundary-remesh- marked-faces " face-zone-name-ture-max-angle are the limits f or the f eature angle . Recommendedpattern* " n-rings preserve-values ar e 40 and 180 , respectively. Ifshared-zone-boundary? fea-the mesh has false f eatures lik e foldsture-min-angle feature-max-and o verlaps , the feature-max- angle can b e set t o 155 .anglecorner-angle "sizing- option" constant-size min- sizemax-size growth-rate )•Specify the corner-angle .The corner-angle is the minimum angle between f eature edges tha t will b e preser ved dur ing r emeshing .The recommended v alue is 20. •Selec t a "sizing-option " using "geometric" ,"constant" , "geodesic" or "volumetric" . 179Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature •Specify v alues f or constant-size (used when "sizing-option" is set to "constant" ),min-size ,max- size , and growth-rate (these ar e used when "sizing-option" is set to "geometric" or "geodesic" ). Note All four v alues must be pr ovided r egar dless of the selec ted "siz- ing-option" . A value of -1 can b e used f or the paramet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a particular sizing option. (tgapi-boundary-remesh-face- zones '( face-zone-list )Remesh fac e zones b y separ ating them internally in to pa tches and la ter mer ging them. The pa tches which fail t o remesh'(edge-zone-list ) replace- using the ad vancing fr ont (sur fer) face-zones? feature-min-angle algor ithm will b e remeshed using e xplicitfeature-max-angle corner- remeshing (split , impr ove, and c oarsen). angle "sizing-option " con- You c an sp ecify the numb er of a ttemptsstant-size min-size max-size for the ad vancing fr ont algor ithm and growth-rate n-retries-on- also use e xplicit r emeshing f or the patches , if requir ed.failedimprove-failed? front- intersection-tolerance ) (tgapi-boundary-remesh-face- zones '( face-zone-list )•Specify the fac e zones and edge z ones using a fac e/edge z one list or b y face/edge z one name pa ttern."edge-zone-name-pattern* " re- place-face-zones? feature- min-angle feature-max-angle •Choose whether t o replac e the or iginal zones with the r emeshed z ones b ycorner-angle "sizing-option " constant-size min-size max- setting replace-face-zones? to #t or #f (recommended). sizegrowth-rate n-retries- on-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance ) •Specify the feature-min-angle and feature-max-angle .The(tgapi-boundary-remesh-face- zones "face-zone-name-pat-feature-min-angle and fea- ture-max-angle limits ar e used t otern*" '(edge-zone-list ) re-retain angle-based f feature-Recommended v alues ar e 40 and 180 ,min-angle feature-max-anglerespectively. If the mesh has falsecorner-angle "sizing-option "features lik e folds and o verlaps , theconstant-size min-size max- Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 180Boundar y FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature sizegrowth-rate n-retries- on-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance )feature-max-angle can b e set t o 155 . •Specify the corner-angle .The corner-angle is the minimum angle(tgapi-boundary-remesh-face- zones "face-zone-name-pat-between f eature edges tha t will b etern*" "edge-zone-name-pat-preser ved f or corner no des dur ingtern*" replace-face-zones?remeshing .The r ecommended v alue is 20.feature-min-angle feature- max-angle corner-angle "siz- ing-option " constant-size•Selec t a "sizing-option " using "constant" ,"geodesic" or "volumetric" . Note The "geometric" option is not supp orted.min-size max-size growth-rate n-retries-on-failed improve- failed? front-intersection- tolerance ) •Specify v alues f or constant-size (used when "sizing-option" is set to "constant" ),min-size ,max- size , and growth-rate (these ar e used when "sizing-option" is set to "geodesic" ).These v alues ar e not used when the "sizing-option" is set t o "volumetric" . Note All four v alues must be pr ovided r egar dless of the selec ted "siz- ing-option" . A value of -1 can b e used f or the paramet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a particular sizing option. •Specify the numb er of a ttempts t o impr ove the failed pa tches using explicit r emeshing ( n-retries-on- failed ) and whether t o fur ther impr ove the failed pa tches using 181Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature explicit r emeshing improve- failed? set t o #t or #f. •Specify the front-intersection- tolerance for check ing in tersec tions . The v alue sp ecified should b e in the range 0 t o 1. The r ecommended v alue is 0.0 , which c an b e incr eased if the remeshed pa tch sho ws intersec tions . (tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels ' object-nameRemesh objec t fac e zone lab els b y separ ating them in ternally in to pa tches and la ter mer ging them. The pa tches'(face-zone-label-list ) which fail t o remesh using the sur fer'(edge-zone-list ) feature- (advancing fr ont) algor ithm, will b emin-angle feature-max-angle remeshed using e xplicit r emeshing (split ,corner-angle "sizing-option " impr ove, and c oarsen). You c an sp ecifyconstant-size min-size max- the numb er of a ttempts f or the sur fersizegrowth-rate n-retries- algor ithm and also use e xplicit remeshing f or the pa tches , if requir ed.on-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance ) (tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels ' object-name•Specify the objec t, face zone lab els (face-zone-label-list or face- '(face-zone-label-list )zone-label-pattern* ), and edge "edge-zone-name-pattern* "zones (edge-zone-list or edge- zone-name-pattern* ).feature-min-angle feature- max-angle corner-angle "siz- ing-option " constant-size •Specify the feature-min-angle and feature-max-angle .Themin-size max-size growth-rate n-retries-on-failed improve- feature-min-angle and fea- failed? front-intersection- tolerance )ture-max-angle limits ar e used t o retain angle-based f eatures. Recommended v alues ar e 40 and 180 ,(tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels ' object-name respectively. If the mesh has false features lik e folds and o verlaps , the"face-zone-label-pattern* " feature-max-angle can b e set t o 155 .'(edge-zone-list ) feature- min-angle feature-max-angle corner-angle "sizing-option "•Specify the corner-angle .The corner-angle is the minimum angleconstant-size min-size max- sizegrowth-rate n-retries-between f eature edges tha t will b eon-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance )preser ved f or corner no des dur ing remeshing .The r ecommended v alue is 20. (tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels " object-name " Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 182Boundar y FunctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature '(face-zone-label-list ) '(edge-zone-list ) feature-•Selec t a "sizing-option " using "constant" ,"geodesic" or "volumetric" . Note The "geometric" option is not supp orted.min-angle feature-max-angle corner-angle "sizing-option " constant-size min-size max- sizegrowth-rate n-retries- on-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance ) (tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels " object-name " '(face-zone-label-list ) •Specify v alues f or constant-size (used when "sizing-option" is set"edge-zone-name-pattern* " feature-min-angle feature- to "constant" ),min-size ,max-max-angle corner-angle "siz- size , and growth-rate (these ar eing-option " constant-size used when "sizing-option" is setmin-size max-size growth-rate to "geodesic" ).These v alues ar e notn-retries-on-failed improve- used when the "sizing-option" is set t o "volumetric" . Note All four v alues must be pr ovided r egar dlessfailed? front-intersection- tolerance ) (tgapi-boundary-remesh-ob- ject-labels " object-name " "face-zone-label-pattern* " '(edge-zone-list ) feature- min-angle feature-max-angle of the selec ted "siz- ing-option" .corner-angle "sizing-option " constant-size min-size max- A value of -1 can b e used f or thesizegrowth-rate n-retries- on-failed improve-failed? front-intersection-tolerance )paramet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a particular sizing option. •Specify the numb er of a ttempts t o impr ove the failed pa tches using explicit r emeshing ( n-retries-on- failed ) and whether t o fur ther impr ove the failed pa tches using explicit r emeshing improve- failed? set t o #t or #f. •Specify the front-intersection- tolerance for check ing in tersec tions . The v alue sp ecified should b e in the range 0 t o 1. The r ecommended v alue is 0.0 , which c an b e incr eased if the remeshed pa tch sho ws intersec tions . 183Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.B.1. Examples To impr ove mesh qualit y on all fac e zones , use mar king utilities with func tions f or impr oving the sur face mesh and r emeshing . •Mark fac es based on qualit y: (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality "*" "Skewness" 0.6 #f) •Impr ove the mar ked fac es b y splitting the longer edge . (tgapi-boundary-split-marked-faces "*" 0.25) •Mark fac es based on qualit y: (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality "*" "Skewness" 0.95 #f) •Impr ove sliv er fac es (tgapi-boundary-split-and-collapse-sliver-faces "*" 0.01 "Skewness" 0.95 0.25 #t 20) •Mark fac e str ips b etween all b oundar ies based on str ip heigh t and qualit y. (tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by-height-and-quality "*" 3 0.01 "Skewness" 0.9 40) •Impr ove the mar ked fac es b y collapsing fac e edges . (tgapi-boundary-collapse-marked-faces "*" #f 20 0.5) •Mark fac es based on qualit y: (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality "*" "Skewness" 0.6 #f) •Remesh the mar ked fac es based on the siz e field: (tgapi-boundary-remesh-marked-faces "*" 3 #f 40 180 20 "geodesic" 0.05 0.05 2.5 1.6) For a mesh objec t _fluid , remesh all fac e zones using diff erent sizing options: •Using geo desic sizing (tgapi-boundary-remesh-face-zones (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id-list-of- object "_fluid") (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id-list-of-object "_fluid") #t 40 155 20 "geodesic" -1 0.35 260 1.35 1 #t 0.3) •Using v olumetr ic sizing (tgapi-boundary-remesh-face-zones (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id-list-of- object "_fluid") (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id-list-of-object "_fluid") #t 40 155 20 "volumetric" -1 -1 -1 -1 1 #t 0.0) •Using c onstan t sizing Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 184Boundar y Functions(tgapi-boundary-remesh-face-zones (tgapi-util-get-face-zone-id-list-of- object "_fluid") (tgapi-util-get-edge-zone-id-list-of-object "_fluid") #t 40 155 20 "constant" 2.0 -1 -1 -1 1 #t 0.0) Note In these e xamples , a value of -1 has b een used f or the par amet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a par ticular sizing option. For a mesh objec t _fluid , remesh objec t fac e zone lab els using diff erent sizing options: •Using geo desic sizing (tgapi-boundary-remesh-object-labels "_fluid" "*" "*" 40 155 20 "geodesic" -1 0.5 5 1.2 0 #f 0.0) •Using v olumetr ic sizing (tgapi-boundary-remesh-object-labels "_fluid" "*" "*" 40 155 20 "volu- metric" -1 -1 -1 -1 1 #f 0.0) •Using c onstan t sizing (tgapi-boundary-remesh-object-labels "_fluid" "*" "*" 40 155 20 "con- stant" 2.0 -1 -1 -1 1 #f 0.0) Note In these e xamples , a value of -1 has b een used f or the par amet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a par ticular sizing option. Patch holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es. •Create a planar sur face to pa tch holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es for the list of fac e zones . (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar-holes-using-free-faces '(6 5 3 4) (list '(- 10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) 0.001 #t) •Create a planar sur face to pa tch holes asso ciated with fr ee fac es for the list of objec t fac e zone lab els. (tgapi-boundary-fill-planar-holes-using-free-faces-in-object "object" "*" (list '(-10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) 0.001 "symmetry" #t) •Create a planar sur face to pa tch holes using the fr ee fac e edges f or the edge z ones sp ecified . (tgapi-boundary-create-planar-surface-using-edges "*" (list '(-10 5 5) '(0 5 5) '(0 -5 5)) 0.001 #f) 185Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.ExamplesRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 186Appendix C. Connec t Func tions The f ollowing c onnec t func tions ar e available . Note These func tions ar e not supp orted in a distr ibut ed par allel en vironmen t. Func tion Feature D escr iption (tgapi-connect-join-across-label- pairs 'object-name '(label-pairs )Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y joining zones acr oss lab el pairs . feature-angle tolerance absolute- •Specify the mesh object-name . tolerance? separate-overlaps? "separ- ate-method " remesh? "sizing-method " no-of-layers )•Specify a list of fac e zone label-pairs to be connec ted. For e xample ,(label1 label2) . •Specify v alues f or the par amet ers: –feature-angle (default is 40) –tolerance (default is 0.95 ) –absolute-tolerance? Specify #t or #f (default , for relative toler ance). –separate-overlaps? Specify #t (default) or #f to separ ate overlapping z ones . –"separate-method " Specify "keep-none" or "keep-one" (recommended). –remesh? Specify #t (default) or #f to remesh after the c onnec t op eration. –"sizing-method " Set to "geometric" (default) or "size-field" . –no-of-layers Specify the numb er of r ings of fac es to be remeshed ar ound the connec tions , default is 3. (tgapi-connect-intersect-across-la- bel-pairs ' object-name '(label-pairs )Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y intersec ting z ones acr oss lab el pairs . feature-angle tolerance absolute- •Specify the mesh object-name . tolerance? separate-intersections? remesh? "sizing-method " no-of-layers ) 187Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Feature D escr iption •Specify a list of fac e zone label-pairs to be connec ted. For e xample ,(label1 label2) . •Specify v alues f or the par amet ers: –feature-angle (default is 40) –tolerance (default is 0.95 ) –absolute-tolerance? Specify #t or #f (default , for relative toler ance). –separate-intersections? Specify #t (default) or #f to separ ate intersec ting z ones . –remesh? Specify #t (default) or #f to remesh after the c onnec t op eration. –"sizing-method " Set to "geometric" (default) or "size-field" . –no-of-layers Specify the numb er of r ings of fac es to be remeshed ar ound the connec tions , default is 3. (tgapi-connect-stitch-across-label- pairs 'object-name '(label-pairs )Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y stitching z ones acr oss lab el pairs . "stitch-method " feature-angle toler- •Specify the mesh object-name . anceabsolute-tolerance? remesh? "sizing-method " no-of-layers )•Specify a list of fac e zone label-pairs to be connec ted. For e xample ,(label1 label2) . •Specify v alues f or the par amet ers: –"stitch-method " Specify "all-all" (default),"free-free" , or "free-non- free" . –feature-angle (default is 40) –tolerance (default is 0.95 ) –absolute-tolerance? Specify #t or #f (default , for relative toler ance). –remesh? Specify #t (default) or #f to remesh after the c onnec t op eration. –"sizing-method " Set to "geometric" (default) or "size-field" . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 188Connec t FunctionsFunc tion Feature D escr iption –no-of-layers Specify the numb er of r ings of fac es to be remeshed ar ound the connec tions , default is 3. C.1. Examples For a mesh objec t _fluid with fac e zone lab els par t1,par t2, and par t3: •Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y joining z ones acr oss lab el pairs . (tgapi-connect-join-across-label-pairs '_fluid (list '(part1 part2) '(part1 part3) '(part2 part3)) 40 0.95 #f #t "keep-one" #t "geometric" 3) •Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y intersec ting z ones acr oss lab el pairs . (tgapi-connect-intersect-across-label-pairs '_fluid (list '(part1 part2) '(part1 part3) '(part2 part3)) 40 0.95 #f #t #t "geometric" 3) •Connec t overlapping fac e zone lab el pairs b y stit ching z ones acr oss lab el pairs . (tgapi-connect-stitch-across-label-pairs '_fluid (list '(part1 part2) '(part1 part3) '(part2 part3)) "all-all" 40 0.95 #f #t "geometric" 3) 189Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.ExamplesRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 190Appendix D . Size Field F unc tions The siz e field defines the siz es in the v olume . Having v olumetr ic siz es c ould p ose pr oblems wher e siz es are diffused acr oss dead spac e, leading t o unnec essar y refinemen t. In addition t o volumetr ic sizing , a new t ype of siz e definition (geo desic) is in troduced t o define the siz es along a sur face rather than the volume .The geo desic sizing enables y ou t o confine siz es to sur faces and a void pr oblems lik e dead spac e refinemen t. The f ollowing siz e field func tions ar e available . Note These func tions ar e not supp orted in a distr ibut ed par allel en vironmen t. Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-face-zonesInitializ e geo desic sizing on the sp ecified face zones .On fac e zonesInitializ e geo desic sizing '(face-zone-name-list ) max- size) Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-• (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-face-zonesname-list , or face-zone-name- pattern* .'(face-zone-ID-list ) max- size)•Specify the max-size value . (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-face-zones "face-zone-name-pattern* " max-size ) (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-object-labelsInitializ e geo desic sizing on the sp ecified objec t fac e zone lab els.On objec t face '(object-list ) '(face-zone- label-list ) max-size ) Specify the object-list or ob- ject-name-pattern* and the fac e• zone labels(tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-object-labelszone lab els using a face-zone-la- bel-list or face-zone-label- name-pattern* .'(object-list ) "face-zone- label-name-pattern* " max- size)•Specify the max-size value . (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-object-labels "object-name-pattern* " '(face-zone-label-list ) max- size) (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-object-labels 191Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature "object-name-pattern* " "face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*" max-size ) (tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-objects '( ob- ject-list ) max-size )Initializ e geo desic sizing on the fac e zones f or the sp ecified objec ts.On objec t face zones Specify the object-list or ob- ject-name-pattern* .•(tgapi-size-field-initialize- geodesic-on-objects " object- name-pattern* " max-size )•Specify the max-size value . (tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic '( size-control- name-list ))Comput es geo desic siz es on fac e no des based on the siz e controls sp ecified .Geodesic sizesComput e size field (tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic '( size-control- name-pattern* )) (tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic " size-control-name- pattern* ) (tgapi-size-field-compute- volumetric '( size-control- name-list ))Comput es the v olumetr ic siz e field based on the siz e controls sp ecified .Volumetr ic sizes (tgapi-size-field-compute- volumetric '( size-control- name-pattern* )) (tgapi-size-field-compute- volumetric " size-control- name-pattern* ") (tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic-blended '( size-con- trol-name-list ))Comput es the geo desic blended siz e field as f ollows.Geodesic blended size field The v olumetr ic siz e field is c omput ed based on all edge , face pr oximit y and BOI c ontrols.•(tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic-blended '( size-con- trol-name-pattern* )) (tgapi-size-field-compute- geodesic-blended " size-con- trol-name-pattern* ")•Geodesic siz es ar e comput ed based on the r emaining siz e controls. •Updates geo desic siz es based on volumetr ic siz es (the lo wer minimum size (geo desic or v olumetr ic) will b e used). •Hard siz es ar e comput ed last. (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on-Updates no dal (geo desic) siz es based on the e xisting v olumetr ic siz e field f or the fac e zones sp ecified .This r equir esOn fac e zonesUpdate geo desic sizes Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 192Size Field F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature with volumetr ic sizesface-zones '( face-zone-id- list))the v olumetr ic siz e field t o be comput ed. Specify the fac e zones using a face-zone-id-list ,face-(tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- face-zones '( face-zone-name- list))zone-name-list , or face- zone-name-pattern* . Note Geodesic siz es need t o be initializ ed and(tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- face-zones " face-zone-name- pattern* ") comput ed b efore attempting an up date. (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on-Updates no dal (geo desic) siz es based on the e xisting v olumetr ic siz e field f or the fac e zone lab els sp ecified .ThisOn objec t face object-labels ' object-name '(face-zone-label-list )) zone labelsrequir es the v olumetr ic siz e field t o be comput ed. Specify the object-name and the face zone lab els using a face-(tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- object-labels ' object-name '(face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*))zone-label-list or face- zone-label-name-pattern* . Note Geodesic siz es need t o be initializ ed and(tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- object-labels ' object-name "face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*") (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on-comput ed b efore attempting an up date. object-labels " object-name " '(face-zone-label-list )) (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- object-labels " object-name " '(face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*)) (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- object-labels " object-name " "face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*") 193Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- objects '( object-list ))Updates no dal (geo desic) siz es based on the e xisting v olumetr ic siz e field f or the fac e zones of the objec ts sp ecified . This r equir es the v olumetr ic siz e field to be comput ed. Specify the object-list or ob- ject-name-pattern* . Note Geodesic siz es need t o be initializ ed andOn objec t face zones(tgapi-size-field-update- geodesic-with-volumetric-on- objects " object-name-pat- tern*") comput ed b efore attempting an up date. (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-marked-facesScales and limits geo desic siz es on the mar ked fac es for the fac e zones specified .On mar ked facesScale geo desic sizes '(face-zone-id-list ) scale- factormin-size max-size ) Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-•(tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-marked-facesname-list , or face-zone-name- pattern* .'(face-zone-name-list ) scale-factor min-size max- size)•Specify the scale-factor . (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-marked-faces •Specify the v alues f or min-size and max-size "face-zone-name-pattern* " scale-factor min-size max- size) (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-face-zonesScales and limits geo desic siz es on the faces for the fac e zones sp ecified .On fac e zones '(face-zone-id-list ) scale- factormin-size max-size ) Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-• (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-face-zonesname-list , or face-zone-name- pattern* .'(face-zone-name-list ) scale-factor min-size max- size)•Specify the scale-factor . •Specify the v alues f or min-size and max-size(tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-face-zones "face-zone-name-pattern* " scale-factor min-size max- size) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 194Size Field F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-object-labelsScales and limits geo desic siz es on the faces for the fac e zone lab els sp ecified .On objec t face 'object-name '(face-zone-la- •Specify the object-name and the face zone lab els using a face-zone-zone labelsbel-list ) scale-factor min- sizemax-size ) label-list or face-zone-la- bel-name-pattern* .(tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-object-labels 'object-name "face-zone-la-•Specify the scale-factor . bel-name-pattern* " scale- factormin-size max-size ) •Specify the v alues f or min-size and max-size (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-object-labels "object-name " '(face-zone- label-list ) scale-factor min-size max-size ) (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-object-labels "object-name " "face-zone-la- bel-name-pattern* " scale- factormin-size max-size ) (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-objects '( ob-Scales and limits geo desic siz es on the objec t fac e zones sp ecified .On objec t face zonesject-list ) '(face-zone-la- bel-list ) scale-factor min- sizemax-size )Specify the object-list or ob- ject-name-pattern* .• (tgapi-size-field-scale- geodesic-on-object-labels•Specify the scale-factor . "object-name-pattern* " •Specify the v alues f or min-size and max-size "face-zone-label-name-pat- tern*" scale-factor min-size max-size ) (tgapi-size-field-filter- noise-geodesic '( face-zone-Remo ves refined sur face mesh clust ers gener ated b y geo desic sizing on the specified fac e zones .On fac e zonesFilter noise id-list) growth-rate face- count) Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-•(tgapi-size-field-filter- noise-geodesic '( face-zone-name-list , or face-zone-name- pattern* .name-list ) growth-rate face- count) (tgapi-size-field-filter- noise-geodesic " face-zone-•Specify the growth-rate . It is recommended t o use a gr owth r ate value higher than the v alue used f orname-pattern* " growth-rate face-count ) computing the geo desic siz es (f or example ,1.6 ). •Specify the face-count threshold . For fac e clust ers whose c oun t is less than the sp ecified thr eshold v alue , the 195Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature geo desic siz e values will b e set t o the average of the v alues on the clust er boundar y. Note Geodesic siz es need t o be initializ ed and comput ed, but undiffused f or the fac e zones sp ecified . (tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-face-zonesDiffuse geo desic sizing on the sp ecified face zones . Diffusion c an also happ en on fac e zones which ar e not sp ecified ,On fac e zonesDiffuse geo desic sizing '(face-zone-name-list ) min- if the y can b e reached b y no de flo od filling .sizemax-size growth-rate diffuse-across-free-edge? free-diffusion-range ) Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-•(tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-face-zonesname-list , or face-zone-name- pattern* .'(face-zone-id-list ) min- sizemax-size growth-rate diffuse-across-free-edge? free-diffusion-range )•Specify the minimum and maximum size limits t o apply f or the no de siz e (min-size ,max-size . Imp ortant The siz es will b e bounded t o the min-(tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-face-zones "face-zone-name-pattern* " min-size max-size growth- ratediffuse-across-free- edge?free-diffusion-range ) size and max-size specified .The final minimum no de siz e will b e the maximum of (no de-min-siz e, min-siz e) and final maximum no de siz e will b e the minimum of (no de-max-siz e, max-siz e). It is r ecommended that you sp ecify the global minimum siz e requir ed, as y ou cannot r evert to the earlier minimum siz e after siz e diffusion. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 196Size Field F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature •Specify the growth-rate to be applied t o diffuse siz e geo desic ally (along the sur face). •Choose whether t o enable diffusion of fr ee no de siz es to other fr ee no des in pr oximit y, even when the y are not connec ted (set diffuse-across- free-edge? to #t or #f). •Specify the absolut e range t o be used to find fr ee no des in pr oximit y for diffusion free-diffusion-range (when diffuse-across-free- edge? is enabled ( #t). (tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-object-labelsDiffuse geo desic sizing on the sp ecified objec t lab els. Diffusion c an also happ en on fac e zone lab els which ar e notOn objec t face 'object-name '(label-name- specified , if the y can b e reached b y node flo od filling .zone labelslist) min-size max-size growth-rate diffuse-across- free-edge? free-diffusion- range)Specify the objec t fac e zone lab els using the object-name and the• (tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-object-labelslabel-name-list or label- name-pattern* .'object-name "label-name- pattern* " min-size max-size •Specify the minimum and maximum size limits t o apply f or the no de siz e (min-size ,max-size . Imp ortant The siz es will b e bounded t o the min-growth-rate diffuse-across- free-edge? free-diffusion- range) (tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-object-labels "object-name " '(label-name- list) min-size max-size growth-rate diffuse-across- size and max-size free-edge? free-diffusion- range)specified .The final minimum no de siz e will b e the maximum(tgapi-size-field-diffuse- geodesic-on-object-labelsof (no de-min-siz e, min-siz e) and final"object-name " "label-name- maximum no de siz epattern* " min-size max-sizewill b e the minimumgrowth-rate diffuse-across-of (no de-max-siz e, max-siz e).free-edge? free-diffusion- range) •Specify the growth-rate to be applied t o diffuse siz e geo desic ally (along the sur face). 197Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature •Choose whether t o enable diffusion of fr ee no de siz es to other fr ee no des in pr oximit y, even when the y are not connec ted (set diffuse-across- free-edge? to #t or #f). •Specify the absolut e range t o be used to find fr ee no des in pr oximit y for diffusion free-diffusion-range (when diffuse-across-free- edge? is enabled ( #t). D.1. Examples Consider a mo del with fac e zones par t1,par t2,par t3,inlet1 ,inlet2 , and outlet . •Initializ e geo desic siz es for the fac e zones . (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-face-zones '(inlet1 outlet) 32.0) (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-face-zones "part*" 64.0) •Comput e the geo desic siz es for cur vature siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic 'curvature*) •Comput e the v olumetr ic siz es for BOI siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-volumetric 'boi*) Comput e the geo desic blended siz e field . (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic-blended '*) •Remo ve refined sur face mesh clust ers gener ated b y geo desic sizing on the sp ecified fac e zones . (tgapi-size-field-filter-noise-geodesic "part*" 1.6 40) •Update geo desic siz es with v olumetr ic siz es on selec ted objec t fac e zone lab els. (tgapi-size-field-update-geodesic-with-volumetric-on-face-zones 'part*) •Scale geo desic siz es on mar ked fac es for fac e zones . (tgapi-size-field-scale-geodesic-on-marked-faces '(inlet1 outlet) 0.5 0.15 256) •Scale geo desic siz es on fac e zones . (tgapi-size-field-scale-geodesic-on-face-zones "part*" 0.7 0.15 256) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 198Size Field F unctionsConsider a mo del with objec ts par t1,par t2, and par t3,inlet1 ,inlet2 , and outlet . •Initializ e geo desic siz es for objec ts. (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-objects '(inlet1 inlet2 outlet) 32.0) (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-objects 'part* 64.0) •Comput e the geo desic siz es for cur vature siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic 'curvature*) •Comput e the v olumetr ic siz es for BOI siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-volumetric 'boi*) Comput e the geo desic blended siz e field . (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic-blended '*) •Remo ve refined sur face mesh clust ers gener ated b y geo desic sizing on the fac e zones of mesh objec ts. (tgapi-size-field-filter-noise-geodesic (get-face-zones-of-objects (tgapi-util-get-object-name-list-of-type 'mesh)) 1.6 40) •Update geo desic siz es with v olumetr ic siz es on selec ted fac e zones . (tgapi-size-field-update-geodesic-with-volumetric-on-objects '(inlet1 inlet2 outlet)) •Scale geo desic siz es on objec ts. (tgapi-size-field-scale-geodesic-on-objects ‘part* 0.5 0.15 256) Consider a mo del with mesh objec t _fluid with fac e zone lab els par t1,par t2, and par t3,inlet1 ,inlet2 , and outlet . •Initializ e geo desic siz es for objec t fac e zone lab els. (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-object-labels ‘_fluid '(inlet1 outlet) 32.0) (tgapi-size-field-initialize-geodesic-on-object-labels ‘_fluid "part*" 64.0) •Comput e the geo desic siz es for cur vature siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic 'curvature*) •Comput e the v olumetr ic siz es for BOI siz e controls. (tgapi-size-field-compute-volumetric 'boi*) Comput e the geo desic blended siz e field . 199Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Examples(tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic-blended '*) •Update geo desic siz es with v olumetr ic siz es on selec ted objec t fac e zone lab els. (tgapi-size-field-update-geodesic-with-volumetric-on-object-labels '_fluid '(inlet1 outlet)) •Scale geo desic siz es on objec t fac e zone lab els. (tgapi-size-field-scale-geodesic-on-object-labels '_fluid "part*" 0.7 0.15 256) Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 200Size Field F unctionsAppendix E .Wrap F unc tions Wrapping func tions ar e available f or gener ating the sur face mesh f or aut omotiv e applic ations f or un- derhood ther mal managemen t (UT M) and e xternal-aer o analy sis. Note tha t periodic meshes ar e not supp orted. The f ollowing wr ap func tions ar e available . Note These func tions ar e not supp orted in a distr ibut ed par allel en vironmen t. Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-wrap-objects '( object- list) 'new-object-name "mater- ial-point-name " "sizing-type ")Creates the wr app er sur face based on the objec ts and ma terial p oint sp ecified .The wrapp er sur face creation in volves operations such as O ctree cr eation,Wrap objec ts (tgapi-wrap-objects '( object- list) "new-object-name " "mater- ial-point-name " "sizing-type ")intersec tion, interface creation, projec tion and z one separ ation. (tgapi-wrap-objects " object- name-pattern* " 'new-object-•Specify the objec ts using an object- list or object-name-pattern* . name "material-point-name " "sizing-type ") •Specify a name f or the new objec t. (tgapi-wrap-objects " object- name-pattern* " "new-object-•Specify the ma terial p oint ("materi- al-point-name" ) to be used f or the wrap op" "material-point-name " "sizing-type ") •Specify the sizing t ype (set "sizing- type" to "geodesic" or "volumet- ric" . Note The siz e field should b e comput ed pr ior t o invoking this API. (tgapi-wrap-objects-with-seals object-name-list-or-patternSimilar t o tgapi-wrap-objects with the addition of seal objec ts tha t are used during in terface creation and pr ojec tionWrap objec ts with seals 'new-object-name "material- only , in or der t o pr event leaks . Seal point-name " "sizing-type " objec ts do not par ticipa te in impr inting 201Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature and ar e not asso ciated with the under lying geometr y.seal-object-name-list-or-pat- tern) •Specify the objec ts using an object- name (str ing or symb ol) or object- list (str ing or symb ol) or object- name-pattern* (str ing or symb ol). •Specify a name f or the new objec t. •Specify the ma terial p oint ("materi- al-point-name" ) to be used f or the wrap op eration. •Specify the sizing t ype (set "sizing- type" to "geodesic" or "volumet- ric" . Note The siz e field should b e comput ed pr ior t o invoking this API. •Specify the seal objec ts using an ob- ject-name (str ing or symb ol) or ob- ject-list (str ing or symb ol) or ob- ject-name-pattern* (str ing or symb ol). (tgapi-wrap-imprint-object- features ' mesh-object-nameImpr int feature edges on giv en mesh objec t, and r etur ns feature pa th e xtracted after impr int.Impr int objec t features separate-off-geometry-edges? relative-distance critical- angle) Specify the mesh objec t using the mesh-object-name .• (tgapi-wrap-imprint-object- features " mesh-object-name "•Choose whether t o delet e feature pa th edges far fr om geometr y. Set separ- separate-off-geometry-edges? relative-distance critical- angle)ate-off-geometry-edges? to #t or #f. •Specify the distanc e toler ance (relat- ive-distance ) and angle t oler ance (critical-angle ) to det ermine the features far fr om the geometr y, when separate-off-geometry-edges? is set t o #t. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 202Wrap F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-wrap-smooth-face-zones- with-features-preservedSmooth fac e no des while pr eser ving the features for the fac e zones sp ecified .Face zones specifiedSmooth face nodes '(face-zone-id-list ) mean- •Specify the fac e zones using a face- zone-id-list ,face-zone-name-filter-iterations median-fil- ter-iterations number-of-lay- ers) list , or face-zone-name-pat- tern* .(tgapi-wrap-smooth-face-zones- with-features-preserved•Specify the numb er of mean filt er iterations (mean-filter-itera-'(face-zone-name-list ) mean- filter-iterations median-fil-tions ). Mean filt ers use the a verage of ter-iterations number-of-lay- ers)adjac ent fac e nor mal f or smo othing .This metho d is b etter for smo othing spik es (tgapi-wrap-smooth-face-zones- with-features-preserved " face-•Specify the numb er of median filt er iterations (median-filter-itera-zone-name-pattern* " mean-fil- tions ). Median filt ers use the medianter-iterations median-filter- iterations number-of-layers )of adjac ent fac e nor mal f or smo othing . This metho d is b etter for feature preser vation •Specify the numb er of la yers (number- of-layers ) to be smo othed . Note You c an use the mean and median filt ers individually or use b oth together . (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-la- bels-with-features-preservedSmooth fac e no des while pr eser ving the features for the objec t fac e zone lab els specified .Objec t face zone labels specified'mesh-object-name '(face-zone- label-list ) mean-filter-itera- tionsmedian-filter-iterations number-of-layers )Specify the mesh objec t and the fac e zone lab els using a face-zone-la- bel-list or face-zone-label- name-pattern* .• (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-la- bels-with-features-preserved 'mesh-object-name "face-zone-•Specify the numb er of mean filt er iterations (mean-filter-itera- label-name-pattern* " mean- filter-iterations median-fil- tions ). Mean filt ers use the a verage of ter-iterations number-of-lay- ers)adjac ent fac e nor mal f or smo othing .This metho d is b etter for smo othing spik es (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-la- bels-with-features-preserved•Specify the numb er of median filt er iterations (median-filter-itera-"mesh-object-name " '(face- tions ). Median filt ers use the medianzone-label-list ) mean-filter- of adjac ent fac e nor mal f or smo othing . 203Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature This metho d is b etter for feature preser vationiterations median-filter-iter- ationsnumber-of-layers ) (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-la- bels-with-features-preserved•Specify the numb er of la yers (number- of-layers ) to be smo othed ."mesh-object-name " "face-zone- Note You c an use the mean and median filt erslabel-name-pattern* " mean- filter-iterations median-fil- ter-iterations number-of-lay- ers) individually or use b oth together . (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-off- geometry-faces ' mesh-object- name)Smooth the fac e no des of the mesh objec t which ar e far fr om the geometr y. Specify the mesh objec t.Face nodes far from geometr y(tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-off- geometry-faces " mesh-object- name") (tgapi-wrap-separate-object- face-zones ' mesh-object-nameSepar ate the mesh objec t fac e zones based on the under lying geometr y.Separ ate objec t face zones remove-saw-tooth-configura- •Specify the mesh objec t. tions?saw-tooth-feature- angle)•Choose whether t o remo ve sa w tooth configur ations (set remove-saw-(tgapi-wrap-separate-object- face-zones " mesh-object-name "tooth-configurations? to #t or #f).remove-saw-tooth-configura- tions?saw-tooth-feature- angle) Specify an appr opriate value f or saw-tooth-feature-angle . This is used t o iden tify angle-based features so as t o avoid r emo val of saw-tooth c onfigur ations , while separ ating z ones . For e xample , at the c orner of a cub oid f ormed b y six planar z ones , a corner fac e is topologically a sa w tooth configur ation, but will not b e rezoned if the saw-tooth-fea- ture-angle specified is less than 90 degr ee.The r ecommended range is 30 t o 60 degr ees. (tgapi-wrap-remesh-object 'mesh-object-name feature-min-Remesh the mesh objec t based on the sizing t ype sp ecified .Remesh mesh objec t anglefeature-max-angle •Specify the mesh objec t. corner-angle "sizing-type " Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 204Wrap F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature respect-zone-boundary? front- intersection-tolerance )Specify the feature-min-angle and feature-max-angle .The fea- ture-min-angle and feature-• (tgapi-wrap-remesh-object "mesh-object-name " feature-max-angle limits ar e used t o retain angle-based f eatures.Themin-angle feature-max-angle recommended v alue f or feature- max-angle is 180 .corner-angle "sizing-type " respect-zone-boundary? front- intersection-tolerance )•Specify the corner-angle .The corner-angle is the minimum angle between f eature edges tha t will b e preser ved f or corner no des dur ing remeshing . •Specify the sizing t ype (set "sizing- type" to "geodesic" or "volumet- ric" ). Note The siz e field should b e comput ed pr ior t o invoking this API. •Specify if y ou w ant to respect zone boundar ies. •Specify the front-intersection- tolerance for check ing in tersec tions . The v alue sp ecified should b e in the range 0 t o 1. The r ecommended v alue is 0.0 , which c an b e incr eased if the remeshed pa tch sho ws intersec tions . (tgapi-wrap-delete-unwetted- object-faces ' mesh-object-nameSepar ate and delet e the objec t fac es tha t are not in the r egion of the giv en ma terial points.Delete unw etted objec t fac es material-point-name-list-or- pattern ) •Specify the mesh objec t. •Specify the objec ts using a material- point-name-list or material- point-name-pattern* . (tgapi-wrap-resolve-face-inter- sections-in-object ' mesh-ob- ject-name )Resolv e fac e in tersec tions f or the mesh objec t sp ecified .Resolv e fac e intersec tions 205Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature (tgapi-wrap-resolve-face-inter- sections-in-object " mesh-ob- ject-name ") (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object- faces-by-dihedral-angle ' mesh-Infla te mesh objec t fac es based on the dihedr al angle sp ecified .By dihedr al angleInfla te objec t faces object-name minimum-dihedral- •Specify the mesh objec t. angleabsolute-min-offset rel- ative-min-offset number-of-•Specify an appr opriate value f or minim- um-dihedral-angle .The minim-iterations remove-saw-tooth- configurations? )um-dihedral-angle is the angle (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object- faces-by-dihedral-angle " mesh-between fac es c onnec ted b y an edge . The fac es will b e infla ted if the angle is less than the sp ecified v alue . object-name " minimum-dihedral- angleabsolute-min-offset rel- ative-min-offset number-of- •Specify the absolute-min-offset and relative-min-offset .iterations remove-saw-tooth- configurations? ) The absolute-min-offset is the absolut e distanc e used t o move the no des t o incr ease the gap .The relative-min-off- set is the r elative distanc e (as a factor of lo cal edge length) used to mo ve the no des. •Specify the numb er of it erations (num- ber-of-iterations ). •Choose whether t o remo ve sa w tooth configur ations (set remove-saw- tooth-configurations? to #t or #f. (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object- faces-by-invalid-normal ' mesh-Infla te mesh objec t fac es based on in valid normals .By invalid normal object-name number-of-layers •Specify the mesh objec t. absolute-min-offset relative- min-offset number-of-itera-•Specify an appr opriate value f or num- ber-of-layers .The number-of-tionsremove-saw-tooth-config- urations? )layers is the numb er of la yers of fac e (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object- faces-by-dihedral-angle " mesh-nodes ar ound the in valid nor mal location t o be infla ted. object-name " number-of-layers absolute-min-offset relative- •Specify the absolute-min-offset and relative-min-offset .min-offset number-of-itera- tionsremove-saw-tooth-config- urations? ) The absolute-min-offset is the absolut e distanc e used t o move the no des t o incr ease the Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 206Wrap F unctionsFunc tion Descr iption Feature gap .The relative-min-off- set is the r elative distanc e (as a factor of lo cal edge length) used to mo ve the no des. •Specify the numb er of it erations (num- ber-of-iterations ). •Choose whether t o remo ve sa w tooth configur ations (set remove-saw- tooth-configurations? to #t or #f. (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- quality ' mesh-object-name ag- gressively? )Impr ove the mesh objec t qualit y. Impr ove mesh objec t qualit yImpr ove mesh objec t Specify the mesh objec t. • (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- quality " mesh-object-name " aggressively? )•Enable aggr essiv e impr ovemen t if requir ed (set aggressively? to #t or #f.When this option is enabled , the features ma y not b e pr eser ved dur ing the impr ove op eration. (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- for-tet-meshing ' mesh-object-Impr ove mesh objec t for tet meshing . For tet meshing •Specify the mesh objec t. name "material-point-name " max-cell-skewness max-face- skewness max-face-size-change )Specify the ma terial p oint ("materi- al-point-name" ).• (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- for-tet-meshing " mesh-object- •Set the max-cell-skewness ,max- face-skewness , and max-face- size-change .name" "material-point-name " max-cell-skewness max-face- skewness max-face-size-change ) (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- for-prism-meshing ' mesh-ob-Impr ove mesh objec t for pr ism meshing . In gener al, zones will inher it the pr ism settings fr om the under lying geometr y.For prism meshing ject-name number-of-layers For z ones tha t do not inher it pr ism "offset-method " prism-aspect- settings , the settings passed as ar gumen ts will b e used .ratiolast-ratio-percentage prism-layer-first-height prism-layer-growth-rate qual- •Specify the mesh objec t.ity-measure max-cell-skewness max-face-skewness keep- prisms?)Specify the numb er of la yers (number- of-layers ).The numb er of la yers• (tgapi-wrap-improve-object- for-prism-meshing " mesh-ob-should b e the same as tha t set f or pr ism meshing . ject-name " number-of-layers •Set the pr ism offset-method . Selec t one of the options "aspect-ratio" ,offset-method prism-aspect- ratiolast-ratio-percentage 207Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Func tion Descr iption Feature prism-layer-first-height prism-layer-growth-rate qual-"last-ratio" ,"uniform" , or "minimum-height" . ity-measure max-cell-skewness •Set the prism-aspect-ratio , if applic able .max-face-skewness keep- prisms?) •Set the last-ratio-percentage , if applic able . •Set the prism-layer-first- height . •Set the prism-layer-growth- rate . •Specify the quality-measure to be used . •Set the max-cell-skewness and max-face-skewness . •Choose whether t o retain the pr isms (set keep-prisms? to #f or #t) (setting to #t requir es b eta f eatures to be enabled). Note A value of -1 can b e used for the par amet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or a particular off set metho d. E.1. Examples For a mo del with geometr y objec ts par t1,par t2,par t3 and ma terial p oint fluid : •Comput e the siz e field . (tgapi-size-field-compute-geodesic-blended '*) •Wrap the geometr y objec ts using the ma terial p oint fluid . (tgapi-wrap-objects 'part* '_fluid "fluid" "geodesic") •Impr int feature edges on the mesh objec t. (tgapi-wrap-imprint-object-features '_fluid #t 0.2 15) •Smooth fac e no des while pr eser ving f eatures. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 208Wrap F unctions(tgapi-wrap-smooth-face-zones-with-features-preserved (get-face-zones- of-objects '(_fluid)) 5 15 0) •Smooth the fac e no des of the mesh objec t which ar e far fr om the geometr y. (tgapi-wrap-smooth-object-off-geometry-faces '_fluid) •Remesh the mesh objec t. (tgapi-wrap-remesh-object '_fluid 40.0 180.0 180.0 "geodesic" #f 0.0) •Impr ove the mesh objec t qualit y. (tgapi-wrap-improve-object '_fluid #t) •Resolv e thin r egions and self in tersec tions . (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object-faces-by-invalid-normal '_fluid 2 0.0 0.2 2 #t) (tgapi-wrap-inflate-object-faces-by-dihedral-angle '_fluid 10 0.0 0.2 2 #t) (tgapi-wrap-resolve-face-intersections-in-object '_fluid) •Impr ove mesh objec t for tet meshing . (tgapi-wrap-improve-object-for-tet-meshing '_fluid "fluid" 0.96 0.8 2.0) •Impr ove mesh objec t for pr ism meshing . (tgapi-wrap-improve-object-for-prism-meshing '_fluid 1 "aspect-ratio" 5 -1 -1 1.2 "inverse-ortho" 0.97 0.9 #f) Note A value of -1 has b een used f or the par amet ers tha t are not r equir ed f or the off set metho d chosen. •Remo ve unw etted objec t fac es. (tgapi-wrap-delete-unwetted-object-faces ‘wrap-v2 ‘ext*) (tgapi-wrap-delete-unwetted-object-faces “wrap-v2” (list “external” “mat-pt1”)) (tgapi-wrap-delete-unwetted-object-faces “wrap-v2” “mat-pt1”) •Separ ate the mesh objec t fac e zones based on the geometr y. (tgapi-wrap-separate-object-face-zones '_fluid #t 0.0) 209Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.ExamplesRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 210Part III: Solution M ode The sec tion descr ibes the t ext command listing f or F luen t in S olution mo de. •adapt/ (p.213) lists c ommands r elated t o mesh adaption. •adjoint/ (p.217) lists c ommands r elated t o the adjoin t solv er. •define/ (p.225) lists c ommands r elated t o pr oblem definition, such as mo dels , boundar y conditions , ma- terials, etc. •display/ (p.295) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al windo w. •exit / close-fluent (p.315) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram. •file/ (p.317) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta. •mesh/ (p.329) lists c ommands used t o create and manage mesh pr operties. •parallel/ (p.335) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing . •plot/ (p.339) lists c ommands sp ecific t o plotting da ta. •report/ (p.341) lists c ommands used t o retur n sta tistics f or the simula tion. •server/ (p.349) lists c ommands used c ontrol the F luen t Remot e Visualiza tion C lient and S erver. •solve/ (p.351) lists c ommands used t o create and manage solution c ontrols, such as anima tion, cell regist ers, monit ors, initializa tion, etc. •surface/ (p.373) lists c ommands r elated t o creating and manipula ting sur faces. •switch-to-meshing-mode (p.375) lists the c ommand t o transf er your solution da ta to Fluen t in meshing mode. •turbo/ (p.377) lists c ommands r elated t o results and r eporting f or turb omachiner y. •views/ (p.379) lists c ommands r elated t o camer a and view manipula tion in the gr aphics windo w. •battery-model/ (p.381) lists c ommands r elated t o ba ttery mo dels . •Fuel C ell Text Commands (p.385) lists c ommands r elated t o fuel c ell mo dels . •Fuel C ell Text Commands (p.385) lists c ommands r elated t o magnet ohydrodynamics mo dels .Chapt er 1:adapt/ Imp ortant The adapt/ text command menu is only a vailable if y ou ha ve used the f ollowing t ext command:mesh/adapt/revert-to-R19.2-user-interface . Accessing the adapt/ text command menu in this w ay will not b e possible in futur e releases . adapt-boundary-cells Adapts b oundar y cells based on a list of fac e zones . adapt-to-gradients Adapts mesh based on the gr adien t adaption func tion fr om the selec ted sc alar quan tity, the adaption threshold v alues , and the adaption limits . adapt-to-ref-lev Adapts c ells based on r efinemen t level diff erences. adapt-to-register Adapts mesh based on the selec ted r egist er and adaption limits . adapt-to-vol-change Adapts c ells with lar ge changes in c ell v olume . adapt-to-volume Adapts c ells tha t are lar ger than a pr escr ibed v olume . adapt-to-y+ Adapts c ells asso ciated with all w all z ones based on the sp ecified thr eshold v alues and adaption limits . adapt-to-y+-zones Adapts c ells asso ciated with sp ecified w all z ones based on the sp ecified thr eshold v alues and adaption limits . anisotropic-adaption Anisotr opic ally r efines b oundar y layers. Cells will b e split in the nor mal dir ection t o the b oundar y fac e. adapt-to-y* Adapts c ells asso ciated with all w all z ones based on the sp ecified thr eshold v alues and adaption limits . adapt-to-y*-zones Adapts c ells asso ciated with sp ecified w all z ones based on the sp ecified thr eshold v alues and adaption limits . change-register-type Toggles sp ecified r egist er b etween r efinemen t and mask. 213Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.combine-registers Combines the selec ted adaption and/or mask r egist ers t o create hybrid adaption func tions . delete-register Deletes a r egist er. display-register Displa ys the c ells mar ked f or adaption in the sp ecified r egist er. exchange-marks Exchanges the r efinemen t and c oarsening mar ks of the sp ecified r egist er. fill-crsn-register Marks all c ells t o coarsen tha t are not mar ked f or refinemen t in the r egist er. free-parents Deletes the hanging no de fac e and c ell hier archy. free-registers Deletes all adaption and mask r egist ers. invert-mask Changes all the ac tive cells t o inac tive cells in a mask r egist er. limit-register Applies the adaption v olume limit t o the selec ted r egist er. list-registers Prints a list of the cur rent regist ers including the ID , descr iption (name), numb er of c ells mar ked f or refine- men t and c oarsening , and the t ype. mark-boundary-cells Marks b oundar y cells based on a list of z ones f or refinemen t. mark-boundary-normal Marks cells f or refinemen t based on tar get b oundar y nor mal distanc e. mark-boundary-vol Marks cells f or refinemen t based on tar get b oundar y volume . mark-inout-circle Marks cells with c entroids inside/outside the cir cular r egion defined b y text or mouse input. mark-inout-cylinder Marks cells with c entroids inside/outside the arbitr arily or iented c ylindr ical region defined b y text or mouse input. mark-inout-hexahedron Marks cells with c entroids inside/outside the he xahedr al region defined b y text or mouse input. mark-inout-iso-range Marks cells f or refinemen t tha t ha ve values inside/outside the sp ecified iso value r anges of the selec ted field v ariable . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 214adapt/mark-inout-rectangle Marks cells with c entroids inside/outside the r ectangular r egion defined b y text or mouse input. mark-inout-sphere Marks cells with c entroids inside/outside the spher ical region defined b y text or mouse input. mark-percent-of-ncells Marks p ercent of t otal c ell c oun t for adaption based on gr adien t or iso value . mark-with-gradients Marks cells f or adaption based on flo w gr adien ts for refinemen t. mark-with-ref-lev Marks cells based on r efinemen t level diff erences. mark-with-vol-change Marks cells with lar ge changes in c ell v olume f or refinemen t. mark-with-volume Marks cells f or adaption based on maximum allo wed v olume . mark-with-y+ Marks cells asso ciated with all w all z ones f or refinemen t or c oarsening based on the sp ecified thr eshold values . mark-with-y+-zones Marks only c ells asso ciated with sp ecified w all z ones f or refinemen t or c oarsening based on the sp ecified threshold v alues . mark-with-y* Marks cells asso ciated with all w all z ones f or refinemen t or c oarsening based on the sp ecified thr eshold values . mark-with-y*-zones Marks only c ells asso ciated with sp ecified w all z ones f or refinemen t or c oarsening based on the sp ecified threshold v alues . set/ Enters the adaption set menu . cell-zones Sets c ell z ones t o be used f or mar king adaption. coarsen-mesh? Turns on/off abilit y to coarsen mesh. display-crsn-settings Prompts f or coarsening wir eframe visibilit y and shading , and the mar ker visibilit y, color , size and symb ol. display-node-flags Displa ys s c olor c oded mar kers a t the no des sp ecifying the no de t ype. 215Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.display-refn-settings Prompts f or refinemen t wir eframe visibilit y and shading , and the mar ker visibilit y, color , size and symb ol. grad-vol-weight Controls the v olume w eigh ting f or the gr adien t adaption func tion. init-node-flags Initializ es the no de flags . max-level-refine Sets maximum le vel of r efine in the mesh. max-number-cells Limits the t otal numb er of c ells pr oduced b y refinemen t. method Sets the adaption metho d. min-cell-quality Sets the minimum v alue allo wed f or the or thogonal qualit y of c ells dur ing adaption. If your solution diverges, you ma y find tha t using a higher minimum qualit y value r esolv es the issue .This t ext command is only a vailable f or PUMA 3D adaption (tha t is, when y ou ha ve en tered adapt/set/method 2 ). min-cell-volume Restricts the siz e of the c ells c onsider ed f or refinemen t. min-number-cells Sets limit on the numb er of c ells in the mesh. reconstruct-geometry Enables/disables geometr y-based adaption. refine-mesh? Turns on/off mesh adaption b y point addition. set-geometry-controls Sets geometr y controls f or w all z ones . verbosity Allows to set the adaption v erbosity. smooth-mesh Smoothes the mesh using the qualit y-based , Laplacian, or sk ewness metho ds. swap-mesh-faces Swaps the fac es of c ells tha t do not meet the D elauna y cir cle t est. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 216adapt/Chapt er 2:adjoint/ controls/ Menu t o configur e adjoin t solv er controls. settings Sets par amet ers f or the adjoin t solv er numer ics. stabilization Sets par amet ers f or the adjoin t stabiliza tion schemes . stabilization-strategy Enters the stabiliza tion str ategy menu , wher e you c an define the stabiliza tion str ategy and settings for the adjoin t solv er. complex-case-settings Defines the settings tha t are recommended f or comple x cases . default-settings Defines settings tha t are recommended f or standar d cases .These settings ar e used b y default. settings Allows you t o define a cust om settings . type Allows you t o define the stabiliza tion str ategy type. design-tool/ Enters the design-t ool menu . design-change/ Performs optimal shap e mo dific ation. calculate-design-change Comput es the optimal design change . check Prints a r eport in the c onsole tha t summar izes the c ontrol p oints defined f or the r egion, the defined constr aining and/or def ormation c onditions , and an y possible c onflic ts between multiple c onstr aints / def ormations applied on a single no de. display-applied-conditions Displa ys all of the applied c onditions in the gr aphics windo w, each t ype in a unique c olor . Note that this includes the selec ted design c onditions , as w ell as the fix ed c onditions applied t o zones that are not selec ted f or def ormation. export-displacements Exports the c omput ed optimal displac emen ts. 217Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.export-stl Exports sp ecified sur faces fr om 3D c ases as an .stl file. modify-mesh Applies the c omput ed optimal displac emen t to the mesh. multiobjective-weights Sets the w eigh ts for multiple fr ee-f orm objec tives. preview-mesh Displa ys the planned changes in the gr aphics windo w for selec t sur faces (undef ormed in whit e, deformed in gr een). print-expected-changes Prints the e xpected changes . revert-mesh Reverts (r ejec ts) the last mesh mo dific ation. select-conditions Selec ts which c onditions t o apply t o the mesh def ormation. select-morphing-method Selec ts the mor phing metho d. select-strict-conditions Selec ts constr aining and/or def ormation c onditions y ou w ant str ictly enf orced (tha t is, applied t o all of the no des of the asso ciated z ones). select-zones Selec ts which z ones ar e allo wed t o def orm. settings Specifies global def ormation sc ale and settings . write-expected-changes Writes out the e xpected changes in the obser vables f or the c omput ed optimal design change . design-conditions/ Creates, delet es, displa ys (with v arious options), renames , and/or sets c onditions on the geometr y deformation. numerics Adjusts numer ics settings f or computing the optimal displac emen t. objectives/ Menu t o configur e obser vable objec tives. include-current? Optionally includes the most-r ecently c omput ed obser vable sensitivit y in the multi-objec tive design computa tion. manage/ Menu t o imp ort, export, and manage sensitivit y da ta. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 218adjoint/set Configur es the objec tives for loaded obser vables . region-conditions/ Menu t o configur e conditions on the def ormation r egion boundaries Specifies wha t degr ee of c ontinuit y to enf orce at the b oundar ies of the def ormation r egion. motion Specifies c onditions on the mo vemen t of the c ontrol p oints. points Specifies the numb er of c ontrol p oints in the def ormation r egion. symmetry Specifies symmetr y conditions f or the def ormation r egion. region/ Menu t o define the def ormation r egion. cartesian-limits Directly sp ecifies the b ounds of the C artesian def ormation r egion. cylindrical-limits Directly sp ecifies the b ounds of the c ylindr ical def ormation r egion. export-sensitivities Exports the sensitivit y to mesh no de mo vemen t for the cur rently selec ted obser vable . Sensitivities are only e xported f or mesh no des tha t lie within the sp ecified def ormation r egion. get-bounds Sets the limits f or the def ormation r egion t o enc ompass a list of selec ted sur faces. larger-box Uniformly incr eases the siz e of the def ormation r egion. set-region-type Specifies whether the def ormation r egion is either a C artesian or c ylindr ical region t ype. smaller-box Uniformly decr eases the siz e of the def ormation r egion. expert/ Provides t ext commands tha t allo w you t o undo enhanc emen ts to the default adjoin t solv er b ehavior. undo-2019r3-default-changes? Allows you t o undo an enhanc emen t introduced in v ersion 2019 R3 of ANSY S Fluen t: the use of a full (rather than a fle xible) c ycle algebr aic multigr id (AMG) solv er in the adjoin t solv er, which c an impr ove convergenc e and efficienc y. undo-r19.2-default-changes? Allows you t o undo enhanc emen ts in troduced in v ersion 19.2 of ANSY S Fluen t, including a mo dified Rhie-C how averaging metho d (to be consist ent with default changes in troduced in the gener al solv er in version 19.0), a non-c onser vative form of the adjoin t equa tions , an enhanc ed metho d for building 219Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.the algebr aic multigr id (AMG) ma trix for the adjoin t solv er, and a disabling of the ear ly pr otection scheme used b y the AMG solv er for the adjoin t calcula tions . methods/ Menu t o configur e adjoin t solv er settings . settings Defines settings such as spa tial discr etiza tion metho ds for the adjoin t solv er. default-settings Applies defaults t o adjoin t solv er settings such as spa tial discr etiza tion metho ds. best-match-settings Defines settings such as spa tial discr etiza tion metho ds for the adjoin t solv er to ma tch those f or the flow solv er as closely as p ossible . monitors/ Menu t o configur e monit ors f or the adjoin t solv er. plot-residuals Plots the adjoin t residuals in the designa ted gr aphics windo w. settings Allows you t o configur e the monit ors and c onvergenc e criteria for the adjoin t solv er. observable/ Menu t o create and c onfigur e obser vables of in terest. create A new obser vable of the sp ecified t ype and name is cr eated and the definition is p opula ted with default paramet ers. delete Remo ves a named obser vable . evaluate Evalua tes the cur rent value of the selec ted obser vable and pr ints the r esult t o the c onsole . rename An existing obser vable is r enamed t o a new sp ecified name . select A named obser vable is selec ted as the one f or which an adjoin t solution is t o be comput ed. specify The par amet ers tha t define a named obser vable ar e configur ed. write Evalua tes the cur rent value of the selec ted obser vable and wr ites the r esult t o a file . optimizer/ Enters the optimiz er menu , wher e you c an use a gr adien t-based optimiz er to optimiz e the geometr y to meet multiple goals f or multiple obser vables a t multiple op erating c onditions . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 220adjoint/calculate\ Enters the c alcula te menu , for running the adjoin t-based optimiz er. initialize Initializ es the optimiz er and clears out the optimiza tion hist ory. optimize Runs adjoin t-based optimiza tion. reset Sets the cur rent design it eration as the optimal solution. summarize Reports the optimiza tion hist ory. calculation-activities/ Enters the c alcula tion-ac tivities menu , for setting ac tivities dur ing the adjoin t optimiza tion. animate/ Enters the anima te menu , for outputting plots f or anima tions e very design it eration. define/ Enters the anima tion definition menu . define-monitor Defines new anima tion. edit-monitor Change anima tion monit or a ttribut es. objects/ Enters the objec ts menu t o define , edit , delet e solution anima tion objec ts. clear-history Clears objec t hist ory. copy Copies gr aphics objec t. create Creates new gr aphics objec t. delete Deletes gr aphics objec t. edit Edits gr aphics objec t. playback/ Enters the anima tion pla yback menu . delete Deletes anima tion sequenc e. 221Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Plays the selec ted anima tion. read Reads new anima tion fr om file or alr eady-defined anima tions . stored-view? Plays the 3D anima tion sequenc e using the view st ored in the sequenc e. write Writes anima tion sequenc e to the file . auto-save Saves files e very design it eration. execute-commands/ Enters the e xecut e-monit or-c ommands menu . add-edit Adds or edits e xecut e-commands . disable Disables an e xecut e-command . enable Enables an e xecut e-command . monitor Monit ors the adjoin t optimiza tion. plot Plots monit ors. settings Settings f or monit ors. mesh-quality\ Enters the mesh-qualit y menu , for pr inting and setting the r equir emen t of mesh qualit y dur ing the adjoin t optimiza tion. mesh-quality-settings Sets the r equir emen t of mesh qualit y dur ing the adjoin t optimiza tion. print-current-status Prints the cur rent mesh qualit y sta tus. optimizer-objectives/ Enters the optimiz er-objec tives menu , for setting the objec tives in the adjoin t optimiz er. set-adaptive-change Sets adaptiv e change . set-conditions Sets op erating c onditions . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 222adjoint/set-objectives Sets multi-objec tives. set-observables Choose obser vables . optimizer-settings Sets the settings in the adjoin t optimiz er. reporting/ Menu t o report sensitivit y da ta fr om the adjoin t solution. report Reports sensitivit y da ta on a named flo w boundar y. write Reports sensitivit y da ta on a named flo w boundar y and wr ites it t o a named file . run/ Menu t o initializ e and c omput e the adjoin t solution. initialize Initializ es the adjoin t solution field t o zero everywher e. initialize-stabilization Initializ es the stabiliza tion da ta.This t ext command is only a vailable if the r esidual minimiza tion or modal stabiliza tion is used . initialize-strategy Initializ es the stabiliza tion str ategy, such tha t the first stabiliza tion scheme is used a t the star t of the next calcula tion r ather than c ontinuing t o use the sec ond stabiliza tion scheme .This t ext command is only a vailable when the blended stabiliza tion str ategy is used . iterate Advances the adjoin t solv er b y a sp ecified numb er of it erations , or un til the c onvergenc e criteria ar e met. 223Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 224Chapt er 3:define/ boundary-conditions/ Enters the b oundar y conditions menu . Imp ortant Text User In terface commands tha t tak e single or multiple z one names supp ort the use of wildc ards. For e xample , to copy boundar y conditions ( copy-bc ) to all z ones of a certain t ype, use a * in the name of the z one t o which y ou w ant to copy the c onditions . axis Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. bc-settings/ Enters the b oundar y conditions settings menu . mass-flow Selec ts metho d for setting the mass flo w rate. pressure-outlet Sets ad vanced options f or pr essur e outlet b oundar ies. copy-bc Copies b oundar y conditions t o other z ones . degassing Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. exhaust-fan Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. fan Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. fluid Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. inlet-vent Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. intake-fan Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. interface Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. 225Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.interior Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. list-zones Prints out the t ypes and IDs of all z ones in the c onsole windo w.You c an use y our mouse t o check a zone ID , following the instr uctions list ed under Zone in the Boundar y Conditions Task P age sec tion of the User’s Guide . mass-flow-inlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. mass-flow-outlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. modify-zones/ Enters the mo dify z ones menu . activate-cell-zone Activates c ell thr ead. append-mesh Appends new mesh. append-mesh-data Appends new mesh with da ta. change-zone-state Sets the sta te (liquid or v apor) f or a sp ecific fluid z one . copy-move-cell-zone Creates a c opy of a c ell z one tha t is off set fr om the or iginal either b y a tr ansla tional distanc e or a rotational angle . In the c opied z one , the b ounding fac e zones ar e all c onverted t o walls, any existing cell da ta is initializ ed t o a c onstan t value , and non-c onformal in terfaces and d ynamic z ones ar e not c opied; other wise , the mo del settings ar e the same as in the or iginal z one . Note tha t if y ou want the c opied z one t o be connec ted t o existing z ones , you must either fuse the b oundar ies (see Fusing F ace Zones in the Fluent U ser's G uide ) or set up a non-c onformal in terface (see Using a N on- Conformal M esh in ANSY S Fluen t in the Fluent U ser's G uide ). copy-mrf-to-mesh-motion Copies motion v ariable v alues f or or igin, axis , and v elocities fr om F rame M otion t o M esh M otion. copy-mesh-to-mrf-motion Copies motion v ariable v alues f or or igin, axis , and v elocities fr om M esh M otion t o Frame M otion. create-all-shell-threads Marks all finit e thick ness w alls f or shell cr eation. Shell z ones will b e created a t the star t of the it er- ations . create-periodic-interface Creates a c onformal or non-c onformal p eriodic in terface. deactivate-cell-zone Deactivates c ell thr ead. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 226define/delete-all-shells Deletes all shell z ones and swit ches off shell c onduc tion on all the w alls.These z ones c an b e recre- ated using the c ommand recreate-all-shells . delete-cell-zone Deletes a c ell thr ead. extrude-face-zone-delta Extrudes a fac e thr ead a sp ecified distanc e based on a list of deltas . extrude-face-zone-para Extrudes a fac e thr ead a sp ecified distanc e based on a distanc e and a list of par ametr ic lo cations between 0 and 1, for e xample , 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0. fuse-face-zones Attempts t o fuse z ones b y remo ving duplic ate fac es and no des. list-zones Lists z one IDs , types, kinds , and names . make-periodic Attempts t o establish p eriodic/shado w fac e zone c onnec tivit y. matching-tolerance Sets nor maliz ed t oler ance used f or finding c oinciden t no des. merge-zones Merges z ones of same t ype and c ondition in to one . mrf-to-sliding-mesh Changes the motion sp ecific ation fr om MRF t o mo ving mesh. orient-face-zone Orients the fac e zone . recreate-all-shells Recreates shells on all the w alls tha t were delet ed using the c ommand delete-all-shells . replace-zone Replac es c ell z one . sep-cell-zone-mark Separ ates c ell z one based on c ell mar king. sep-cell-zone-region Separ ates c ell z one based on c ontiguous r egions . sep-face-zone-angle Separ ates fac e zone based on signific ant angle . sep-face-zone-face Separ ates each fac e in z one in to unique z one . sep-face-zone-mark Separ ates fac e zone based on c ell mar king. 227Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.sep-face-zone-region Separ ates fac e zone based on c ontiguous r egions . slit-periodic Slits p eriodic z one in to two symmetr y zones . slit-face-zone Slits t wo-sided w all in to two connec ted w all z ones . slit-interior-between-diff-solids Slits the in terior z one b etween solid z ones of diff ering ma terials t o create a c oupled w all.You will gener ally b e pr ompt ed b y Fluen t if this is nec essar y. zone-name Gives a z one a new name . zone-type Sets the t ype for a z one or multiple z ones of the same c ategor y.You will b e pr ompt ed f or the name / ID of the z one t o be changed and the new t ype for tha t zone .To change multiple z ones , you c an enter a list (separ ated b y spac es and c ontained within a pair of par entheses) or use ast erisks (*) as wildc ards. non-overlapping-zone-name Displa ys the name of the non-o verlapping z one asso ciated with a sp ecified in terface zone .This t ext command is only a vailable af ter a mesh in terface has b een cr eated. non-reflecting-bc/ Enters the non-r eflec ting b oundar y condition menu . general-nrbc/ Setting f or gener al non-r eflec ting b .c. set/ Enters the setup menu f or gener al non-r eflec ting b .c.’s. sigma Sets NRBC sigma fac tor (default v alue 0.15). sigma2 Sets NRBC sigma2 fac tor (default v alue 5.0). verbosity Enables/disables nrb c verbosity scheme output. turbo-specific-nrbc/ Enters the turb o sp ecific nrb c menu . enable? Enables/disables non-r eflec ting b .c.’s. initialize Initializ es non-r eflec ting b .c.’s. set/ Enters the set menu f or non-r eflec ting b .c. par amet ers. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 228define/discretization Enables use of higher-or der r econstr uction a t boundar ies if a vailable . under-relaxation Sets non-r eflec ting b .c. under-r elaxa tion fac tor. verbosity Sets non-r eflec ting b .c. verbosity level. 0 : silen t, 1 : basic inf ormation (default), 2 : detailed information f or debugging . show-status Shows cur rent sta tus of non-r eflec ting b .c.’s. open-channel-wave-settings Opens channel w ave input analy sis. openchannel-threads Lists op en channel gr oup IDs , names , types and v ariables . outflow Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. outlet-vent Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. periodic Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. phase-shift/ Enters the phase shif t settings menu . multi-disturbances Sets basic phase-shif t par amet ers. extra-settings Sets other phase-shif t par amet ers. porous-jump Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. pressure-far-field Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. pressure-inlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. pressure-outlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. radiator Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. rans-les-interface Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. 229Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.recirculation-inlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. recirculation-outlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. set/ Allows you t o define one or mor e settings a t single or multiple b oundar ies/c ell z ones of a giv en t ype at onc e. Enters q to exit the define/boundary-conditions/set/ command . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see c orresponding define/boundary-condi- tions/ . shadow Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. solid Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. symmetry Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. target-mass-flow-rate-settings/ Enters the tar geted mass flo w rate settings menu . set under-relaxation-factor The default setting is 0.05. enable targeted mass flow rate verbosity? Enables/disables v erbosity when using tar geted mass flo w rate.When enabled , it pr ints to the console windo w the r equir ed mass flo w rate, comput ed mass flo w rate, mean pr essur e, the new pressur e imp osed on the outlet , and the change in pr essur e in SI units . velocity-inlet Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. wall Sets b oundar y conditions f or a z one of this t ype. zone-name Gives a z one a new name . zone-type Sets the t ype for a z one or multiple z ones of the same c ategor y.You will b e pr ompt ed f or the name / ID of the z one t o be changed and the new t ype for tha t zone .To change multiple z ones , you c an en ter a list (separ ated b y spac es and c ontained within a pair of par entheses) or use ast erisks (*) as wildc ards. custom-field-functions/ Enters the cust om field func tions menu . define Defines a cust om field func tion. delete Deletes a cust om field func tion. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 230define/example-cff-definitions Lists e xample cust om field func tions . list-valid-cell-function-names Lists the names of c ell func tions tha t can b e used in a cust om field func tion. load Loads a cust om field func tion. save Saves a cust om field func tion. dynamic-mesh/ Enters the d ynamic mesh menu . actions/ Enters the d ynamic mesh ac tion menu , wher e you c an initia te manual r emeshing (tha t is, remeshing without r unning a c alcula tion). remesh-cell-zone Manually r emeshes a c ell z one with option t o remesh adjac ent dynamic fac e zones . remesh-cell-zone-cutcell Manually r emeshes a c ell z one using the C utCell z one r emeshing metho d, in or der t o gener ate a predominan tly C artesian mesh. controls/ Enters the d ynamic mesh c ontrols menu .This t ext command is only a vailable when the define/dy- namic-mesh/dynamic-mesh? text command is enabled . contact-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh c ontact-par amet ers menu .This t ext command is only a vailable when you enable c ontact det ection using the pr ompts of the define/dynamic-mesh/dynamic- mesh? text command . contact-threshold Specifies thr eshold distanc e for contact det ection. contact-udf Selec ts the UDF t o be invoked when c ontact is det ected. contact-zones Selec ts fac e zones in volved in c ontact det ection. flow-control? Enables/disables flo w control. flow-control-parameters/ Sets up and delet es flo w control zones create-flow-control-zone Creates a flo w control zone . delete-flow-control-zone Deletes a flo w control zone . 231Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.implicit-update-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh implicit up date menu .This t ext command is only a vailable when y ou enable implicit mesh up dating using the pr ompts of the define/dynamic-mesh/dynamic- mesh? text command . motion-relaxation Specifies a v alue (within the r ange of 0 t o 1) f or the motion r elaxa tion, which is applied dur ing the implicit mesh up date. residual-criteria Specifies the r elative residual thr eshold tha t is used t o check the motion c onvergenc e dur ing the implicit mesh up date. update-interval Specifies the up date interval (tha t is, the fr equenc y in it erations) a t which the mesh is up dated within a time st ep. in-cylinder-output? Enables/disables in-c ylinder output. in-cylinder-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh in-c ylinder menu . crank-angle-step Specifies cr ank angle st ep siz e. crank-period Specifies the cr ank p eriod. max-crank-angle-step Specifies maximum cr ank angle st ep siz e. minimum-lift Specifies minimum lif t for in-c ylinder v alves. modify-lift Modifies lif t cur ve (shif t or sc ale). piston-data Specifies the cr ank r adius and c onnec ting r od length. piston-stroke-cutoff Specifies the cut off p oint for in-c ylinder pist on. position-starting-mesh Moves mesh fr om t op dead c enter to star ting cr ank angle . print-plot-lift Prints or plot v alve lift cur ve. starting-crank-angle Specifies the initial v alue f or the cr ank angle . layering? Enables/disables d ynamic-la yering in quad/he x cell z ones . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 232define/layering-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh la yering menu . collapse-factor Sets the fac tor det ermining when t o collapse d ynamic la yers. constant-height? Enables/disables la yering based on c onstan t heigh t, else la yering based on c onstan t ratio. split-factor Sets the fac tor det ermining when t o split d ynamic la yers. remeshing? Enables/disables lo cal remeshing in tr i/tet and mix ed c ell z ones . remeshing-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh r emeshing menu t o set par amet ers f or all r emeshing metho ds e xcept the C utcell z one r emeshing metho d. cell-skew-max Sets the c ell sk ewness thr eshold ab ove which c ells will b e remeshed . face-skew-max Sets the fac e sk ewness thr eshold ab ove which fac es will b e remeshed . length-max Sets the length thr eshold ab ove which c ells will b e remeshed . length-min Sets the length thr eshold b elow which c ells will b e remeshed . must-improve-skewness? Enables/disables c avity replac emen t only if r emeshing impr oves the sk ewness . parallel-remeshing? Disables/enables par allel r emeshing . remeshing-after-moving? Enables a sec ond r ound of r emeshing based on the sk ewness par amet ers af ter the b oundar y has mo ved. remeshing-methods Enables/disables r emeshing metho ds. size-remesh-interval Sets the in terval (in time st eps) when r emeshing based on siz e is done . sizing-funct-defaults Sets sizing func tion defaults . sizing-funct-rate Determines ho w far fr om the b oundar y the incr ease/decr ease happ ens. sizing-funct-resolution Sets the sizing func tion r esolution with r espect to shor test b oundar y. 233Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.sizing-funct-variation Sets the maximum sizing func tion incr ease/decr ease in the in terior. sizing-function? Enables/disables sizing func tion t o control siz e based r emeshing . six-dof-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh six degr ees of fr eedom (DOF) solv er menu . create-properties Creates/edits a set of six DOF pr operties f or rigid b ody motion. delete-properties Deletes a set of six DOF pr operties f or rigid b ody motion. list-properties Prints summar ies of the e xisting sets of six DOF pr operties f or rigid b ody motion. motion-history-file-name Specifies the name and lo cation of the six DOF motion hist ory file . motion-history? Enables/disables wr iting p osition/or ientation of six DOF z ones t o file . second-order? Enables/disables the sec ond or der six degr ees of fr eedom solv er. x-component-of-gravity Specifies x-c omp onen t of gr avity. y-component-of-gravity Specifies y-c omp onen t of gr avity. z-component-of-gravity Specifies z-c omp onen t of gr avity. smoothing? Enables/disables smo othing in c ell z ones . smoothing-parameters/ Enters the d ynamic mesh smo othing menu . amg-stabilization Sets the algebr aic multigr id (AMG) stabiliza tion metho d for mesh smo othing c alcula tions tha t use finit e elemen t discr etiza tion. bnd-node-relaxation The b oundar y no de r elaxa tion is used b y spr ing smo othing .The b oundar y no de r elaxa tion allo ws you t o relax the up date of the no de p ositions a t def orming b oundar ies. A value of 0 pr events deforming b oundar y no des fr om mo ving and a v alue of 1 indic ates no under-r elaxa tion. bnd-stiffness-factor Sets the stiffness fac tor for spr ings c onnec ted t o boundar y no des. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 234define/boundary-distance-method Sets the metho d used t o evalua te the b oundar y distanc e for the diffusion c oefficien t calcula tion, when diffusion-based smo othing is enabled . constant-factor Sets the spr ing c onstan t relaxa tion fac tor. convergence-tolerance Sets the c onvergenc e toler ance for spr ing-based solv er. diffusion-coeff-function Specifies whether the diffusion c oefficien t for diffusion-based smo othing is based on the boundar y distanc e or the c ell v olume . diffusion-coeff-parameter Sets the diffusion c oefficien t par amet er used f or diffusion-based smo othing . diffusion-fvm? Answ ering yes at the pr ompt changes the diffusion-based smo othing metho d to the c ell- based finit e volume appr oach tha t was the default in r eleases pr ior t o Fluen t 15.0. Answ ering no at the pr ompt changes the diffusion-based smo othing metho d to the default no de-based finit e elemen t metho d. max-iter Sets the maximum numb er of it erations f or the smo othing c alcula tions . relative-convergence-tolerance Sets the r elative residual c onvergenc e toler ance for smo othing based on diffusion or the linear ly elastic solid mo del. skew-smooth-cell-skew-max Sets the sk ewness thr eshold , above which c ells will b e smo othed using the sk ewness metho d. skew-smooth-face-skew-max Sets the sk ewness thr eshold , above which fac es will b e smo othed using the sk ewness metho d. skew-smooth-niter Sets the numb er of sk ewness-based smo othing c ycles . smooth-from-reference-position? Enables/disables smo othing fr om a r eference position. Such smo othing ma y pr oduce gr eater mesh qualit y consist ency for sta tionar y or mo ving meshes with p eriodic or quasi-p eriodic motion, and is only a vailable when the smo othing metho d is based on diffusion or the linear ly elastic solid mo del. smoothing-method Specifies the smo othing metho d (spr ing, diffusion, or linear ly elastic solid) used b y the d ynamic mesh mo del. spring-on-all-elements? Enables/disables spr ing-based smo othing f or all c ell shap es; if disabled , the spr ing-based smo othing is applied based on the setting of the define/dynamic-mesh/con- trols/smoothing-parameters/spring-on-simplex-shapes? text command . 235Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.spring-on-simplex-shapes? Enables/disables spr ing-based smo othing f or tr iangular / t etrahedr al cells in mix ed elemen t zones; if disabled , the spr ing-based smo othing is applied t o triangular / t etrahedr al cells in triangular / t etrahedr al elemen t zones . poisson-ratio Sets the P oisson ’s ratio used f or smo othing based on the linear ly elastic solid mo del. verbosity Setting this t o 1 will c ause smo othing r esiduals t o be pr inted t o the t ext console .The default value of 0 suppr esses this output. dynamic-mesh? Enables/disables the d ynamic mesh solv er. events/ Enters the d ynamic mesh e vents menu . export-event-file Exports dynamic mesh e vents to file . import-event-file Imp orts dynamic mesh e vent file . steady-pseudo-time-control Enables/disables the pseudo time st ep c ontrol in the gr aphic al user in terface. transient-settings/ Enters the tr ansien t dynamic mesh settings menu .This t ext command is only a vailable when y ou enable dynamic mesh using the pr ompts of the define/dynamic-mesh/dynamic-mesh? text command . Solver time must also b e set t o Transien t. allow-second-order? Enables/disables sec ond or der tr ansien t scheme f or d ynamic mesh c ases . verbosity Enables/disables tr ansien t scheme v erbosity for d ynamic mesh c ases . zones/ Enters the d ynamic mesh z ones menu . create Creates or edit a d ynamic z one . delete Deletes a d ynamic z one . insert-boundary-layer Inser ts a new c ell z one . insert-interior-layer Inser ts a new la yer cell z one a t a sp ecified lo cation. list Lists the d ynamic z ones . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 236define/remove-boundary-layer Remo ves a c ell z one . remove-interior-layer Remo ves an in terior la yer cell z one . enable-mesh-morpher-optimizer? Enables the mesh mor pher/optimiz er.When the mesh mor pher/optimiz er is enabled , the define/mesh- morpher-optimizer text command b ecomes a vailable . injections/ Enters the injec tions menu . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see define/models/dpm/injections . materials/ Enters the ma terials menu . change-create Changes the pr operties of a lo cally-st ored ma terial or cr eate a new ma terial. copy Copies a ma terial fr om the da tabase . copy-by-formula Copies a ma terial fr om the da tabase b y formula. data-base/ Enters the ma terial da tabase menu . database-type Sets the da tabase t ype. edit Edits ma terial. list-materials Lists all ma terials in the da tabase . list-properties Lists the pr operties of a ma terial in the da tabase . new Defines new ma terial. save Saves user-defined da tabase . delete Deletes a ma terial fr om lo cal st orage. list-materials Lists all lo cally-st ored ma terials. 237Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list-properties Lists the pr operties of a lo cally-st ored ma terial. mesh-interfaces/ Enters the mesh-in terfaces menu . auto-options/ Enters the aut o-options menu . proximity-tolerance Sets the t oler ance used when aut oma tically gr ouping z ones t o create one-t o-one mesh in terfaces. The pr oximit y toler ance is defined r elative to the edge lengths in the in terface zones , and c an range fr om 0 to 1 (represen ting the minimum and maximum edge lengths , respectively). auto-pairing Creates mesh in terfaces for some or all of the in terface zones .This t ext command aut oma tically "pairs" the z ones , so tha t you do not ha ve to manually assign the z ones t o the t wo sides of each in terface as part of the cr eation pr ocess. Note tha t not all of the in terface options ar e available a t the time of cr eation: some c an b e enabled af terward using the define/mesh-interfaces/edit text command; for the p eriodic and p eriodic r epeats options , you must inst ead cr eate the in terface using the define/mesh-interfaces/make-periodic and define/mesh-interfaces/create text commands , respectively. create Creates a mesh in terface. delete Deletes a mesh in terface. delete-all Deletes all sliding-in terfaces. draw Draws sp ecified sliding in terface zone . edit Edits a ttribut es of mesh in terfaces, including the in terface options and (f or a single in terface) the name and the list of in terface zones assigned t o the in terface. enforce-continuity-after-bc? Enables/disables c ontinuit y acr oss the b oundar y condition in terface for contour plots in p ostpr ocessing . enforce-coupled-wall-between-solids? Enables/disables aut oma tic definition of solid-solid in terfaces as c oupled w alls. By default this option is disabled and ANSY S Fluen t creates in terior b oundar ies a t solid-solid in terfaces. improve-quality Checks the qualit y of all mapp ed in terfaces. If Fluen t finds an y mapp ed in terfaces tha t requir e impr ove- men t it will list them and ask y ou if y ou w ould lik e to incr ease the t oler ance to impr ove the in terfaces. list Lists all mesh in terfaces. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 238define/make-periodic Makes in terface zones p eriodic. mapped-interface-options/ Enters the mapp ed-in terface menu . Options ar e available t o convert a non-c onformal in terface to a mapp ed in terface. convert-to-mapped-interface Converts non-c onformal mesh in terface to mapp ed mesh in terfaces. Answ ering yes to Convert all mesh interfaces to mapped mesh interfaces? will enf orce the mapping such tha t it sp ecifies all in terfaces as mapp ed in terfaces; the mapp ed in terfaces are created r egar dless of mesh qualit y. Answ ering yes to Convert poorly matching mesh interfaces to mapped mesh interfaces? will aut oma te the mapping such tha t all in terfaces tha t penetr ate each other ar e aut oma tically defined as mapp ed in- terfaces. Note tha t in all c ases , only in terfaces for which a t least one side of the in terface consists of only solid z ones will b e converted. tolerance Specifies the mapp ed in terface toler ance. After changing the t oler ance, the e xisting mapp ed in ter- face will b e up dated. solution-controls Specifies the mapp ed fr equenc y and under-r elaxa tion fac tor for mapp ed in terfaces. mapped-interface-solution-controls Sets the mapping fr equenc y and under-r elaxa tion fac tor. mapped-interface-tolerance Specifies the t oler ance for cr eating mapp ed in terfaces. non-conformal-interface-numerics/ Enters the non-c onformal-in terface-numer ics menu . change-numerics? Provides options t o impr ove numer ics f or non-c onformal in terfaces in some c ases . •Enforce watertight cells for fluid-solid and solid-solid inter- faces? : Answ ering yes ensur es c ells adjac ent to a non-c onformal fluid-solid or solid- solid in terface ar e watertigh t when p erforming the c oupled w all discr etiza tion. •Use enhanced gradient computations for fluid-solid and solid- solid interfaces? : Answ ering yes enables impr ovemen ts to the c alcula tion of gradien ts. •Recreate non-conformal interfaces? : If you change the r esponse t o either of the pr evious t wo questions then in terfaces should b e recreated. transfer-motion-across-interfaces? Enables/disables the aut oma tic tr ansf er of motion acr oss a mesh in terface when only one side is moving as a r esult of user-defined or sy stem c oupling motion. You c an sp ecify the metho d by which the motion is tr ansf erred:transfer-displacements (the default) in terpolates no dal displac emen t from the ac tive side of the in terface to the passiv e side , and is r ecommended when ther e are gaps and/or p enetr ations in the mesh in terface tha t must b e main tained;project-nodes projec ts the 239Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.passiv e no des on to the fac es of ac tive side , and is r ecommended when the ac tive side includes signi- ficant tangen tial motion (as only the nor mal displac emen t is eff ectively tr ansf erred in this metho d). use-virtual-polygon-approach Uses new vir tual p olygon appr oach f or in terfaces. Imp ortant Note tha t case files cr eated af ter ANSY S Fluen t 6.1 will not sho w the vir tual-p olygon option, sinc e it is the default. verbosity Sets the mesh in terface verbosity. mesh-morpher-optimizer/ Enters the mesh mor pher/optimiz er menu in or der t o def orm the mesh as par t of a shap e optimiza tion problem. This t ext command is only a vailable when the define/enable-mesh-morpher-optimizer? text command has b een enabled . deformation-settings/ Enters the def ormation menu .This t ext command is only a vailable if y ou ha ve created a def ormation region using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/region/create or the define/mesh- morpher-optimizer/region/define-bounding-box text command . check-mesh Displa ys a mesh check r eport in the c onsole f or the mesh displa yed in the gr aphics windo w.The mesh check r eport provides v olume sta tistics , mesh t opology and p eriodic b oundar y inf ormation, verification of simple x coun ters, and v erification of no de p osition with r eference to the axis f or axisymmetr ic cases .This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optim- izer/optimizer? text command is disabled . deform-mesh Modifies the mesh and up dates the mesh displa y in the gr aphics windo w based on the par amet er and def ormation settings .This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher- optimizer/optimizer? text command is disabled . motion-settings Enters the motion settings menu , wher e you c an cr eate, mo dify, and delet e the motions applied to the c ontrol p oints.This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-op- timizer/set-control-point-distribution text command is set t o unstr uctured. create Creates a new motion, by sp ecifying the par amet er, type of motion (tr ansla tion, rotation, or radial motion), directional settings , name , and c ontrol p oints. Note tha t for tr ansla tions , the values y ou en ter for the dir ection c omp onen ts ar e multiplied with the v alue of the par amet er to define the displac emen t applied t o the c ontrol p oints. delete Deletes an e xisting motion. modify Modifies the settings f or an e xisting motion. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 240define/read-from-file Defines the settings f or all the motions b y reading an ASCII t ext file . write-to-file Writes the settings f or all the motions t o an ASCII t ext file . read-motion-settings-from-file Defines all of the motion settings b y reading an ASCII t ext file .This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/set-control-point-distribution text command is set t o regular . reset-all-deformations Undo es an y def ormations made t o the mesh and up dates the mesh displa y in the gr aphics windo w. set-constraints Defines the c onstr aints on a b oundar y zone , in or der t o limit the fr eedom of a par ticular z one tha t falls within the def ormation r egion(s) dur ing the mor phing of the mesh. set-constraints-multiple Defines the c onstr aints on multiple b oundar y zones , in or der t o limit the fr eedom of par ticular zones tha t fall within the def ormation r egion(s) dur ing the mor phing of the mesh. set-parameters Assigns tr ansla tion dir ection c omp onen ts and a single par amet er to a single c ontrol p oint in a r egion. Note tha t the v alues y ou en ter for the dir ection c omp onen ts ar e multiplied with the v alue of the paramet er to define the displac emen t applied t o the c ontrol p oint.This t ext command is only available if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/set-control-point-distribution text command is set t o regular . set-parameters-multiple Assigns tr ansla tion dir ection c omp onen ts and multiple par amet ers t o multiple c ontrol p oints in a region. Note tha t the v alues y ou en ter for the dir ection c omp onen ts ar e multiplied with the v alue of the par amet er to define the displac emen t applied t o the c ontrol p oint.This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/set-control-point-distri- bution text command is set t o regular . write-motion-settings-to-file Writes the motion settings t o an ASCII t ext file .This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/set-control-point-distribution text command is set t o regular . morpher-summary Displa ys a summar y of the mesh mor pher/optimiz er settings in the c onsole .This t ext command is only available if y ou ha ve created a def ormation r egion using the define/mesh-morpher-optim- izer/region/create or the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/region/define- bounding-box text command . optimizer-parameters/ Enters the optimiz er menu .This t ext command is only a vailable when y ou ha ve created a def ormation region using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/region/create or the define/mesh- morpher-optimizer/region/define-bounding-box text command and ha ve enabled the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer? text command . 241Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.convergence-criteria Defines the c onvergenc e criteria for the optimiz er. custom-calculator Enters the cust om c alcula tor menu , in or der t o define the objec tive func tion as a func tion of output paramet ers.This menu is not a vailable when the NE WUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer-parameters/optimizer-type text command . define Defines the cust om objec tive func tion tha t will b e minimiz ed b y the optimiz er. delete Deletes the sa ved cust om objec tive func tion. example-obj-fn-definitions Prints examples of cust om objec tive func tion definitions in the c onsole . list-output-parameters Prints a list of the output par amet ers tha t can b e used t o define the cust om objec tive func tion. disable-mesh-check Specifies whether y ou w ant to disable the gener al mesh check tha t is par t of the optimiza tion process.This check is c onduc ted immedia tely af ter the mesh is def ormed in e very design stage , and det ermines whether a solution is c alcula ted. Disabling this check allo ws you t o use mesh r epair commands (which c an b e set up using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer- parameters/initial-commands text command) a t the star t of a design stage , so tha t an accur ate solution c an b e calcula ted. end-commands Specifies the c ommands (t ext commands or c ommand macr os) tha t will b e execut ed af ter the solution has r un and c onverged f or a design stage .This t ext command is not a vailable when the NEWUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer- parameters/optimizer-type text command . initial-commands Specifies the c ommands (t ext commands or c ommand macr os) tha t will b e execut ed af ter the design has b een mo dified , but b efore ANSY S Fluen t has star ted t o run the c alcula tion f or tha t design stage .This t ext command is not a vailable when the NE WUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer-parameters/optimizer-type text command . initialization Specifies ho w the solution v ariables should b e treated af ter the mesh is def ormed , tha t is, whether they should b e initializ ed t o the v alues defined in the Solution Initializa tion task page , remain the v alues obtained in the pr evious design it eration, or b e read fr om a da ta file tha t you sp ecify . iterations-per-design Defines the maximum numb er of it erations ANSY S Fluen t will p erform for each design change . maximum-designs Defines the maximum numb er of design stages the optimiz er will under go t o reach the sp ecified objec tive func tion. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 242define/mesh-quality-check Specifies if or thogonal qualit y should b e used t o det ermine whether a solution is c alcula ted f or a mesh, and defines the minimum or thogonal qualit y value allo wed (v alues ma y range fr om 0–1, wher e 0 represen ts the w orst qualit y). monitor/ Enters the monit or menu in or der t o plot and/or r ecord optimiza tion hist ory da ta, tha t is, how the value of the objec tive func tion v aries with each design stage pr oduced b y the mesh mor pher/op- timiz er.This t ext menu is not a vailable when the NE WUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer-parameters/optimizer-type text command . clear-opt-hist Discards the optimiza tion hist ory da ta, including the asso ciated files . plot-hist Displa ys an X Y plot of the optimiza tion hist ory da ta gener ated dur ing the last c alcula tion. Note that no plot will b e displa yed if the da ta w as disc arded using the define/mesh-morpher- optimizer/optimizer-parameters/monitor/clear-optimization-monitor- data text command . plot? Enables the plotting of the optimiza tion hist ory da ta in the gr aphics windo w. write? Enables the sa ving of the optimiza tion hist ory da ta to a file . newuoa-initial-parameter-variation Defines ho w much the par amet ers will b e allo wed t o vary dur ing the initial c alcula tions .This t ext command is only a vailable when the NE WUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh- morpher-optimizer/optimizer-parameters/optimizer-type text command . objective-function-definition Specifies whether the f ormat of the objec tive func tion is a user-defined func tion, a Scheme sour ce file, or a cust om func tion based on output par amet ers.The cust om func tion is defined using the text commands in the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer-parameters/cus- tom-calculator menu .The objective-function-definition text command is not available when the NE WUO A optimiz er is selec ted using the define/mesh-morpher-optim- izer/optimizer-parameters/optimizer-type text command . optimize Initia tes the optimiza tion pr ocess.This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh- morpher-optimizer/optimizer? text command is enabled . optimizer-type Specifies which optimiz er is t o be used .You c an selec t one of the six built-in optimiz ers (1–5 and 7), or sp ecify tha t you will use D esign Explor ation in ANSY S Workbench (6). Note tha t 6 is only available if y ou ha ve launched y our ANSY S Fluen t session fr om ANSY S Workbench. For inf ormation about ho w the built-in optimiz ers func tion or ho w to use D esign Explor ation, see Design A naly sis and Optimiza tion in the U ser's G uide or Working With Input and Output P aramet ers in Workbench in the ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench U ser's G uide , respectively. 243Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Sets up the aut oma tic sa ving of in termedia te case and da ta files dur ing the optimiza tion r un, by specifying: the fr equenc y (in design it erations) with which file sets ar e sa ved; the maximum numb er of file sets r etained (af ter the maximum limit has b een sa ved, the ear liest file set will b e overwritten with the la test); and the r oot name assigned t o the files (which will ha ve the design it eration numb er app ended t o it). optimizer? Enables the use of a built-in optimiz er.This t ext command is only a vailable if y ou ha ve created a de- formation r egion using the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/region/create or the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/region/define-bounding-box text command . parameter-settings/ Enters the par amet ers menu . number-of-parameters Defines the numb er of par amet ers tha t will b e used t o define the def ormation. parameter-bounds Defines the minimum and maximum v alues allo wed b y the built-in optimiz er for the par amet ers. This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer? text command is enabled . parameter-value Defines the v alue of a par amet er.This v alue r epresen ts a magnitude tha t will then b e used along with other dir ection settings t o define motions tha t produce an o verall displac emen t for a giv en control p oint.The v alue will sp ecify a length in met ers f or tr ansla tions and r adial motions , and will specify an angle in degr ees f or rotations; the units her e will b e used r egar dless of wha t units y ou are using in the c ase. Note tha t you c an en ter a numer ic value or define an input par amet er (if y ou have enabled the definition of input par amet ers using the define/parameters/enable-in- TUI? text command). The parameter-value text command is only a vailable in the f ollowing situa tions: •if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer? text command is disabled •if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optimizer? text command is enabled and 6 is selec ted f or the optimiz er type via the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/optim- izer-type text command region/ Enters the r egion menu in or der t o define the r egions of the domain wher e the mesh will b e def ormed in or der t o optimiz e the shap e. control points Enters the c ontrol p oints menu in or der t o create, mo dify, and/or delet e control p oints.This t ext command is only a vailable if the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer/set-control- point-distribution text command is set t o unstr uctured. create Creates a new c ontrol p oint by defining the c oordina tes of a p oint within an e xisting def orm- ation r egion. delete Deletes e xisting c ontrol p oints. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 244define/distribute-points-on-zone Creates an appr oxima te numb er of c ontrol p oints on the mesh no des of a par ticular b oundar y zone , with a distr ibution tha t is based on the distr ibution of the c ell fac es in tha t zone . modify Modifies the c oordina tes of e xisting c ontrol p oints. read-from-file Defines all of the c ontrol p oints by reading an ASCII t ext file . write-to-file Writes the c ontrol p oint coordina tes to an ASCII t ext file . create Creates a new def ormation r egion b y sp ecifying the name , numb er of c ontrol p oints (for a r egular distr ibution), dimensions , origin c oordina tes, the c omp onen ts of the dir ection v ectors, and whether t o smo oth the tr ansitions of the mesh a t the r egion b oundar ies (f or an unstr uctured dis- tribution). The r egion will b e a “box”, tha t is, a rectangle f or 2D c ases or a r ectangular he xahedr on for 3D c ases . After you ha ve created a def ormation r egion, additional menus will b e available in the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer menu . define-bounding-box Creates a new def ormation r egion b y sp ecifying the name , the b ounding z ones tha t best r epresen t the e xtents of the def ormation r egion, the numb er of c ontrol p oints (for a r egular distr ibution), and whether t o smo oth the tr ansitions of the mesh a t the r egion b oundar ies (f or an unstr uctured distr ibution). The r egion will b e a “box”, tha t is, a rectangle f or 2D c ases or a r ectangular he xahedr on for 3D c ases . After you ha ve created a def ormation r egion, additional menus will b e available in the define/mesh-morpher-optimizer menu . delete Deletes a def ormation r egion. scaling-enlarge Sets the sc aling fac tor applied t o the b ounding b ox when y ou click the Enlar ge butt on in the Re- gions tab of the Mesh M orpher/Optimiz er dialo g box. scaling-reduce Sets the sc aling fac tor applied t o the b ounding b ox when y ou click the Reduc e butt on in the Re- gions tab of the Mesh M orpher/Optimiz er dialo g box. set-control-point-distribution Specifies whether the c ontrol p oint distr ibution is r egular (tha t is, spread in a r egular distr ibution throughout the en tire def ormation r egion) or unstr uctured (tha t is, distr ibut ed a t specified lo cations). mixing-planes/ Enters the mixing planes menu . create Creates a mixing plane . delete Deletes a mixing plane . 245Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list Lists defined mixing plane(s). set/ Sets global par amet ers r elevant to mixing planes . averaging-method Sets the mixing plane pr ofile a veraging metho d. under-relaxation Sets mixing plane under-r elaxa tion fac tor. fix-pressure-level Sets fix ed pr essur e level using v alue based on define/reference-pressure-location . conserve-swirl/ Enters the menu t o set swir l conser vation in mixing plane menu . enable? Enables/disables swir l conser vation in mixing plane . verbosity? Enables/disables v erbosity in swir l conser vation c alcula tions . report-swirl-integration Reports swir l integration ( Torque) on inflo w and outflo w zones . conserve-total-enthalpy/ Enters the menu t o set t otal en thalp y conser vation in mixing plane menu . enable? Enables/disables t otal en thalp y conser vation in mixing plane . verbosity? Enables/disables v erbosity in t otal-en thalp y conser vation c alcula tions . models/ Enters the mo dels menu t o configur e the solv er. acoustics/ Enters the ac oustics menu . auto-prune Enables/disables aut o pr une of the r eceiver signal(s) dur ing r ead-and-c omput e. broad-band-noise? Enables/disables the br oadband noise mo del. convective-effects? Enables/disables the c onvective eff ects option. compute-write Comput es sound pr essur e. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 246define/cylindrical-export? Enables/disables the e xport of da ta in c ylindr ical coordina tes. display-flow-time? Enables/disables the displa y of flo w time dur ing r ead-and-c omput e. export-source-data-cgns? Enables/disables the e xport of ac oustic sour ce da ta in C GNS f ormat. export-volumetric-sources? Enables/disables the e xport of fluid z ones . export-volumetric-sources-cgns? Enables/disables the e xport of fluid z ones . export-source-data? Enables/disables the e xport of ac oustic sour ce da ta in ASD f ormat dur ing the w ave equa tion model r un. far-field-parameters/ Enters the menu t o sp ecify the far-field densit y and sp eed of sound . Note tha t this menu is cur rently available only with the ac oustics w ave equa tion mo del. far-field-density Specifies the far-field densit y value f or the ac oustics w ave equa tion mo del. far-field-sound-speed Specifies the far-field sp eed of sound v alue f or the ac oustics w ave equa tion mo del. ffowcs-williams? Enables/disables the Ff owcs-W illiams-and-Ha wkings mo del. moving-receiver? Enables/disables the mo ving r eceiver option. off? Enables/disables the ac oustics mo del. read-compute-write Reads ac oustic sour ce da ta files and c omput es sound pr essur e. receivers Sets ac oustic r eceivers. sources Sets ac oustic sour ces. sources-fft/ Enters the ac oustic sour ces fast F ourier tr ansf orm (FFT ) menu , to comput e Fourier sp ectra from acoustic sour ce da ta (ASD) files , create postpr ocessing v ariables f or the pr essur e signals , and wr ite CGNS files of the sp ectrum da ta. read-asd-files Reads ASD files t o perform FFT of the pr essur e hist ory field . 247Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.compute-fft-fields Comput es FFT of the r ead pr essur e hist ories.The c omput ed sp ectra replac e the pr essur e his- tories in memor y. clean-up-storage-area De-allo cates memor y used t o store the pr essur e hist ories and their F ourier sp ectra, as w ell as any created sur face variables f or the visualiza tion. write-cgns-files Writes sur face pr essur e sp ectra in C GNS f ormat, which c an b e used f or one-w ay coupling with ANSY S Mechanic al in the fr equenc y domain. fft-surface-variables/ Enters the menu t o create sur face variables fr om the c omput ed F ourier sp ectra for visualiza tion. create-constant-width-bands Selec ts up t o 20 c onstan t width bands and cr eates sur face pr essur es le vel (SPL) v ariables for them. create-octave-bands Creates sur face pr essur e level (SPL) v ariables f or 17 t echnic al octaves. create-third-bands Creates sur face pr essur e level (SPL) v ariables f or 54 t echnic al thir ds. create-set-of-modes Selec ts up t o 20 individual F ourier mo des and cr eate variable pairs f or them, containing the r eal and the imaginar y par ts of the c omple x Fourier amplitudes . remove-variables Remo ves all v ariables cr eated in this menu . wave-equation? Enables/disables the w ave equa tion mo del. wave-equation-options/ Enters the menu t o define the ac oustics w ave equa tion mo del options . basic-shapes/ Enters the menu t o define the geometr y of the sour ce mask and sp onge la yer using the basic shap es, represen ted b y the c ell regist ers of the t ype "R egion". add-source-mask-shape Adds a basic shap e to the definition of the sour ce mask geometr y. add-sponge-layer-shape Adds a basic shap e to the definition of the sp onge la yer geometr y. list-source-mask-shapes List basic shap es, which ar e cur rently used in the definition of the sour ce mask geometr y. list-sponge-layer-shapes List basic shap es, which ar e cur rently used in the definition of the sp onge la yer geometr y. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 248define/list-region-registers List all a vailable c ell regist ers of the t ype "R egion". remove-source-mask-shape Remo ve a basic shap e from the definition of the sour ce mask geometr y. remove-sponge-layer-shape Remo ve a basic shap e from the definition of the sp onge la yer geometr y. source-mask-udf Specifies the name of a user-defined func tion, which defines geometr y of the sour ce mask. sponge-layer-base-value Specifies the base v alue of the ar tificial visc osity coefficien t. sponge-layer-factor Specifies the fac tor of the ar tificial visc osity coefficien t. sponge-layer-udf Specifies the name of a user-defined func tion, which defines geometr y of the sp onge la yer. time-filter-source? Enables/disables a time filt er for the sound sour ce. write-acoustic-signals Writes on-the-fly sound pr essur e. write-centroid-info Writes c entroid inf o. addon-module Loads addon mo dule . axisymmetric? Specifies whether or not the domain is axisymmetr ic. cht Enters the ch t (conjuga te hea t transf er) menu . implicit-coupling? Enables the implicit mapping scheme f or an y fluid-solid pair with a mapp ed mesh in terface (only requir ed f or cases set up in v ersion 19.2 or ear lier). crevice-model? Enables/disables the cr evice mo del. crevice-model-controls/ Enters the cr evice mo del c ontrols menu . dpm/ Enters the disp ersed phase mo del menu . clear-particles-from-domain Remo ves/k eeps all par ticles cur rently in the domain. 249Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.collisions/ Enters the DEM c ollisions menu . collision-mesh Input f or the c ollision mesh. collision-pair-settings/ Supplies settings f or collisions t o a pair of c ollision par tners .You will b e pr ompt ed t o sp ecify the Impact collision partner and the Target collision partner . contact-force-normal Sets the nor mal c ontact force law for this pair of c ollision par tners . contact-force-tangential Sets the tangen tial c ontact force law for this pair of c ollision par tners . list-pair-settings Lists the cur rent settings f or this pair of c ollision par tners . collision-partners/ Manages c ollision par tners . copy Copies a c ollision par tner . create Creates a c ollision par tner . delete Deletes a c ollision par tner . list Lists all k nown c ollision par tners . rename Renames a c ollision par tner . dem-collisions? Enables/disables the DEM c ollision mo del. list-all-pair-settings For each pair of c ollision par tners , lists the c ollision la ws and their par amet ers. max-particle-velocity Sets the maximum par ticle v elocity tha t ma y arise fr om c ollisions . erosion-dynamic-mesh/ Enters the menu t o enable/c onfigur e/run the er osion-d ynamic mesh in teraction. enable-erosion-dynamic-mesh-coupling? Enables mesh def ormation due t o wall er osion. general-parameters/ Enters the menu f or setting er osion c oupling with d ynamic mesh. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 250define/dynamic-mesh-settings Sets par amet ers f or d ynamic mesh c alcula tions . erosion-settings Sets par amet ers f or er osion c alcula tions . participating-walls Specifies all par ticipa ting w alls. run-parameters/ Manages er osion-d ynamic mesh r un settings . autosave-files Sets the it eration incr emen t and filename t o sa ve da ta files . autosave-graphics Sets the it eration incr emen t to sa ve gr aphics files . flow-simulation-control Sets the numb er of it erations p er flo w simula tion st ep. mesh-motion-time-step Sets the mesh motion time st epping par amet ers and metho d. simulation-termination Sets the t otal time of er osion. run-simulation Performs a c oupled er osion-d ynamic mesh simula tion. injections/ Enters the injec tions menu . create-injection Creates an injec tion. delete-injection Deletes an injec tion. injection-properties/ Enters the menu t o set or displa y pr operties f or one or mor e injec tions . file/ Enters the menu t o sp ecify file injec tion settings . filename Specifies the name f or the injec tion file . repeat-interval-in-file Puts the unst eady file injec tion in to a time-p eriodic mo de. For mor e inf ormation, see User Input f or F ile Injec tions in the Fluent U ser's G uide . 251Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.start-flow-time-in-file Specifies the flo w-time in the unst eady injec tion file fr om which ANSY S Fluen t star ts reading the injec tion file . For mor e inf ormation, see User Input f or F ile Injec tions in the Fluent U ser's G uide . list/ Enters the menu t o displa y the cur rent properties f or one or mor e injec tions . list-picked-injections Lists the injec tions tha t ha ve been selec ted f or displa y using pick-injections- to-list . list-picked-properties-to-list Lists the pr operties tha t ha ve been selec ted f or displa y using pick-properties- to-list . list-property-values Lists the settings f or the pr operties selec ted with pick-properties-to-list . This t ext command is only a vailable when a single injec tion has b een selec ted with pick-injections-to-list .This option is a vailable if a t least t wo injec tions ha ve been selec ted. list-uniform-values Lists the settings f or pr operties selec ted with pick-properties-to-list tha t have unif orm values f or all of the injec tions selec ted with pick-injections-to- list .This option is a vailable if a t least t wo injec tions ha ve been selec ted. list-values-per-injection For each injec tion selec ted with pick-injections-to-list , lists the v alues f or properties selec ted with pick-properties-to-list .This option is a vailable if a t least t wo injec tions a ve been selec ted. list-values-per-property For each pr operty selec ted with pick-properties-to-list , lists the v alues f or the injec tions selec ted with pick-injections-to-list .This option is a vailable if at least t wo injec tions ha ve been selec ted. pick-injections-to-list Selec ts the injec tion or injec tions f or which pr operty values will b e displa yed.The use of ast erisks (*) as wildc ards is supp orted. pick-properties-to-list Selec ts the pr operty or pr operties f or which v alues will b e displa yed.The use of ast erisks (*) as wildc ards is supp orted. set/ Enters the menu t o set ph ysical mo dels such as dr ag and br eakup f or one or mor e injec tions . list-picked-injections Lists the injec tions selec ted f or setting with pick-injections-to-set . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 252define/location/ Enters the injec tion lo cation settings menu .This c ommand is only a vailable when y ou selec t the injec tion(s) using the pr ompts of the define/models/dpm/injec- tions/properties/set/pick-injections-to-set text command . spatial-staggering/ Enters the injec tion spa tial-stagger ing settings menu . stagger-atomizer-positions? Enables spa tial stagger ing of the a tomiz er injec tion. This option is a vailable only if a t least one a tomiz er injec tion has b een selec ted using define/injec- tions/properties/set/pick-injections-to-set . stagger-radius Specifies the stagger r adius of the r egion fr om which par ticles ar e released . This option is a vailable only if a t least one standar d injec tion has b een selec ted using define/injections/properties/set/pick-injections- to-set . stagger-std-inj-positions? Enables injec tion-sp ecific spa tial stagger ing of the par ticles .This option is available only if a t least one standar d injec tion has b een selec ted using define/injections/properties/set/pick-injections-to-set . physical-models Enters the menu t o set ph ysical mo dels such as dr ag and br eakup f or the selec ted in- jections .This c ommand is only a vailable when y ou selec t the injec tion(s) using the prompts of the define/models/dpm/injections/properties/set/pick- injections-to-set text command . brownian-motion Enables B rownian motion eff ects for the cur rently selec ted injec tion(s). drag-parameters Sets the dr ag la w and c orresponding par amet ers f or the cur rently selec ted injec- tion(s). particle-rotation Enters the menu t o set-up r otation r elated mo dels . enable-rotation Enables/disables solution of ODE f or the angular acc eleration of par ticles . magnus-lift-law Sets the la w for the r otational lif t coefficien t used in the f ormula tion of M agnus lift force. rotational-drag-law Sets the la w for the r otational dr ag c oefficien t. rough-wall-model Enables/disables the r ough w all mo del. 253Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.spray-secondary-breakup Enters the menu f or setting the br eakup mo del and par amet ers f or the cur rently selec ted injec tion(s). Available c ommands ar e as those descr ibed under define/models/dpm/spray-model/ with the addition of the f ollowing . pick-injections-to-set Selec ts the injec tion or injec tions f or which pr operties will b e set. The use of ast erisks (*) as wildc ards is supp orted. list-particles Lists par ticle str eams in an injec tion. modify-all-injections Enters the menu t o set pr operties f or all injec tions . injection-type Defines injec tion t ype. number-of-tries Sets the numb er of st ochastic tr ies. random-eddy-lifetime? Turns enable/disable a r andom edd y lifetime . stochastic-tracking? Turns enable/disable st ochastic tr acking. time-scale-constant Sets the time sc ale c onstan t. rename-injection Renames an injec tion. set-injection-properties Sets injec tion pr operties. Imp ortant Drag and br eakup mo del par amet ers f or each injec tion ar e set inst ead in /define/models/dpm/injections/injection-properties . interaction/ Sets par amet ers f or coupled discr ete phase c alcula tions . coupled-calculations? Selec ts whether or not t o couple c ontinuous and discr ete phase c alcula tions . implicit-momentum-coupling? Enables/disables implicit tr eatmen t for the DPM momen tum sour ce terms. implicit-source-term-coupling? Enables/disables implicit tr eatmen t for all DPM sour ce terms. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 254define/linear-growth-of-dpm-source-term? Enables/disables the linear r amping up of the DPM sour ce terms a t every DPM it eration. linearized-dpm-source-terms? Enables/disables linear ization of sour ce terms f or the discr ete phase . dpm-iteration-interval Sets the fr equenc y with which the par ticle tr ajec tory calcula tions ar e introduced. reset-sources-at-timestep? Enables/disables flush of DPM sour ce terms a t beginning of e very time st ep. underrelaxation-factor Sets the under-r elaxa tion fac tor for the discr ete phase sour ces. update-dpm-sources-every-flow-iteration? Enables/disables the up date of DPM sour ce terms e very flo w iteration (if this option is not en- abled , the t erms will b e up dated e very DPM it eration). numerics/ Enters the numer ics menu t o set numer ical solution par amet ers. automated-scheme-selection? Enables/disables the adapta tion of in tegration st ep length based on a maximum er ror. average-DDPM-variables? Enables/disables mesh no de a veraging of DDPM quan tities . average-each-step? Enables/disables mesh no de a veraging dur ing in tegration time st ep. average-kernel Specifies the a veraging k ernel t o use f or mesh no de a veraging . average-source-terms? Enables/disables mesh no de a veraging of DPM sour ce terms. coupled-heat-mass-update Enables/disables c oupled hea t and mass up date. drag-law Sets the dr ag la w. enable-node-based-averaging? Enables/disables mesh no de a veraging of DPM quan tities . error-control? Adapts in tegration st ep length based on a maximum er ror. gaussian-factor Specifies the G aussian c onstan t when using the gaussian kernel f or mesh no de a veraging . minimum-liquid-fraction A dr oplet e vaporates c omplet ely when the r emaining mass is b elow this fr action of the initial droplet mass . 255Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.tracking-parameters Sets par amet ers f or the (initial) tr acking st ep length. tracking-scheme Specifies a tr acking scheme . underrelax-film-height Sets the under-r elaxa tion fac tor for the film heigh t calcula tion. The r ecommended v alues r ange between 0.5 (default) and 0.9. vaporization-limiting-factors Sets the Vaporization F ractional C hange Limits . options/ Enters the options menu t o set optional mo dels . allow-supercritical-pressure-vaporization? Enforces the swit ching fr om v aporization t o boiling e ven if the b oiling p oint is not c alcula ted from the v apor pr essur e da ta. If the pr essur e in y our mo del is ab ove critical you must r etain the default setting ( yes ).This options is a vailable only if when Pressur e Dependen t Boiling is enabled in the Physical M odels tab of the Discr ete Phase M odels dialo g box. For mor e details , see Enabling P ressur e Dependen t Boiling in the Fluent U ser's G uide . brownian-motion Enables/disables B rownian motion of par ticles . enable-contour-plots Enables c omputa tion of mean and/or RMS v alues of additional discr ete phase v ariables f or postpr ocessing . ensemble-average Ensembles a verage cloud pr operties. erosion-accretion Enables/disables er osion/accr etion. init-erosion-accretion-rate Initializ es the er osion/accr etion r ates with z ero. maximum-udf-species Specifies the maximum numb er of sp ecies tha t will b e acc essible fr om discr ete phase mo del UDFs . Only sp ecies with indic es up t o this v alue ar e acc essible in discr ete phase mo del UDFs . particle-radiation Enables/disables par ticle r adia tion. pressure-gradient-force Enables/disables inclusion of pr essur e gr adien t eff ects in the par ticle f orce balanc e. remove-wall-film-temperature-limiter? Answ ering yes at the pr ompt r emo ves the w all temp erature limit er for Lagr angian w all-film walls. If you en ter no (default), two additional pr ompts will app ear in the c onsole allo wing y ou to define the t emp erature diff erence ab ove the b oiling p oint and t o enable/disable the r eporting of the L eidenfr ost t emp erature on the w all fac es. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 256define/scr-urea-deposition-risk-analysis/ Enters the menu f or setting up the r isk f or solids dep osit f ormation f or the S elec tive Catalytic Reduc tion (SCR) pr ocess. For mor e inf ormation, see Assessing the R isk f or S olids D eposit Formation D uring S elec tive Catalytic R educ tion P rocess in the Fluent U ser's G uide . cryst-depo-weight Sets the w eigh ting fac tor for cr ystalliza tion r eactions r isk. cryst-max-temp Sets maximum t emp erature for ur ea cr ystalliza tion. cryst-min-mass-fract Sets the minimum ur ea mass fr action f or cr ystalliza tion. cryst-min-temp Sets minimum t emp erature for ur ea cr ystalliza tion. enable? Enables/disables the SCR ur ea dep osition r isk analy sis. heat-flux-based-risk-weight Sets the w eigh ting fac tor for hea t flux-based c omp onen t within h ydrodynamic r isk. hydrodynamic-risk-weight Sets the w eigh ting fac tor for all h ydrodynamic dep osition r isk. seco-rx-max-temp Sets maximum t emp erature for sec ondar y reactions . seco-rx-min-hnco Sets the minimum HNC O mass fr action in the gas phase ab ove the film f or sec ondar y reac- tions . seco-rx-min-temp Sets minimum t emp erature for sec ondar y reactions . velocity-based-risk-weight Sets the w eigh ting fac tor for v elocity-based c omp onen t within h ydrodynamic r isk. wall-face-zones Lists the selec ted w all z ones and allo ws you t o mo dify the selec tion list. stagger-spatially-atomizer-injections? Enables/disables spa tial stagger ing f or a tomiz er and solid-c one injec tions . stagger-spatially-standard-injections? Enables/disables spa tial stagger ing f or standar d (non-a tomiz er and non-solid-c one) injec tions . stagger-temporally? Enables/disables t emp oral stagger ing. staggering-factor Controls the p ercentage of e very par ticle's initial time st ep tha t will b e sampled . 257Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.saffman-lift-force Enables/disables S affman lif t force. stagger-radius Specifies the r egion o ver which t o spa tially stagger par ticles when par ticle-stagger ing is enabled for non-a tomiz er injec tions . step-report-sig-figures Sets signific ant figur es in the st ep-b y-step r eport. thermophoretic-force Enables/disables ther mophor etic f orce. track-in-absolute-frame Enables/disables tr acking in absolut e frame . treat-multicomponent-saturation-temperature-failure? Enables/disables dumping multic omp onen t par ticle mass in to the c ontinuous phase if the saturation t emp erature calcula tion fails . two-way-coupling Enables/disables c alcula tion of DPM sour ces in TKE equa tion. uniform-mass-distribution-for-injections? Specifies a unif orm distr ibution of mass o ver the cr oss-sec tion of solid c one and a tomiz er in- jections .This c an b ecome imp ortant when the mesh is smaller than the diamet er (or another char acteristic siz e) of the injec tion. use-absolute-pressure-for-vaporization? Determines whether the absolut e pr essur e or c onstan t op erating pr essur e (sp ecified in define/operating-conditions/operating-pressure ) will b e used in v aporization rates c alcula tions . vaporization-heat-transfer-averaging Enables a veraging of the S palding hea t transf er term for the c onvection/diffusion-c ontrolled model. vaporization-options Sets Vaporization options . virtual-mass-force Enables/disables inclusion of the vir tual mass f orce in the par ticle f orce balanc e. parallel/ Enters the par allel menu t o set par amet ers f or par allel DPM c alcula tions . enable-workpile? Turns on/off par ticle w orkpile algor ithm. This option is only a vailable when the define/models/dpm/parallel/use-shared-memory option is selec ted. expert/ Enters the menu f or e xpert DPM par allel t ext commands . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 258define/partition-method-hybrid-2domain Enables/disables a par titioning metho d tha t is mor e gr anular and c an yield fast er calcula tions (esp ecially f or cases tha t are running on a lo w to mo derate numb er of pr ocessors). This partitioning metho d is only applied when y ou use the DPM domain f or the h ybrid par allel DPM tr acking mo de (tha t is, when y ou ha ve enabled the define/models/dpm/paral- lel/hybrid-2domain? text command). hybrid-2domain? Enables/disables the use of a sec ond domain f or DPM par ticle tr acking. n-threads Sets the numb er of pr ocessors t o use f or DPM. This option is only a vailable when the define/models/dpm/parallel/enable-workpile? option is enabled . report Prints par ticle w orkpile sta tistics .This option is only a vailable when the define/mod- els/dpm/parallel/enable-workpile? option is enabled . use-hybrid Specifies tha t the c alcula tions ar e performed using multic ore clust er computing or shar ed- memor y machines .This option w orks in c onjunc tion with openmpi for a d ynamic load balancing without migr ation of c ells. use-message-passing Specifies tha t the c alcula tions ar e performed using clust er computing or shar ed-memor y ma- chines .With this option, the c omput e no de pr ocesses themselv es p erform the par ticle w ork on their lo cal par titions and par ticle migr ation t o other c omput e no des is implemen ted using message passing pr imitiv es. use-shared-memory Specifies tha t the c alcula tions ar e performed on shar ed-memor y multipr ocessor machines . splash-options Enters the splash option menu . orourke-splash-fraction Enables/disables the O ’Rourke formula tion (default f or the Lagr angian Wall F ilm (L WF) mo del). If the O ’Rourke formula tion is disabled , the S tanton f ormula tion (default f or the E uler ian Wall Film (E WF) mo del) is used in a simula tion. splash-pdf-limiting Sets the splash p df limiting metho d. Available metho ds ar e: the splash p df tail limiting (default for the L WF mo del) and the splash p df p eak limiting (default f or the E WF mo del). For the splash pdf p eak limiting , you will b e pr ompt ed t o sp ecify the p eak limiting v alue . spray-model/ Enters the spr ay mo del menu .This c ommand is a vailable only if the br eakup mo del enabled globally . breakup-model-summary Current spr ay mo del settings . 259Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.consider-children-in-the-same-tracking-step? Enables/disables c ollec ting and tr acking new gener ated child dr oplets within the same time step. droplet-coalescence? Enables/disables dr oplet c oalesc ence when using the st ochastic c ollision mo del. This option is available if all injec tions ha ve been selec ted and the DEM mo del is disabled . droplet-collision? Enables/disables dr oplet c ollision mo del. enable-breakup? Enables/disables br eakup globally , but do es not alt er injec tion settings other than enable/dis- able . khrt-model Sets the KHR T br eakup mo del. madabhushi-model Sets the M adabhushi br eakup mo del. no-breakup Disables the cur rently enabled br eakup mo del. This option is a vailable only if the br eakup model is enabled globally and f or the selec ted injec tions , and not all injec tions ha ve been se- lected. set-breakup Enables/disables br eakup mo del globally and unif ormly sp ecifies injec tion br eakup par amet ers. ssd-model Sets the SSD br eakup mo del. tab-model Sets the TAB br eakup mo del. tab-number-of-breakup-parcels Sets the numb er of par cels t o br eak up a dr oplet in the TAB mo del. tab-randomize-breakup-parcel-diameter? Enables sampling of diamet er for each TAB br eakup par cel fr om a R osin-R ammler distr ibution using a r andom numb er. wave-allow-rayleigh-growth? Allows treatmen t of the R ayleigh r egime , in which a c ylindr ical liquid jet br eaks in to dr oplets of lar ger diamet er.This option is a vailable only if the WAVE mo del is enabled . wave-mass-cutoff Sets the minimum p ercentage of par ent par cel mass shed b efore new par cel cr eation. This option is a vailable only if the WAVE mo del is enabled . wave-model Sets the WAVE br eakup mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 260define/wave-spray-angle-constant Sets the spr ay-angle c onstan t to comput e or thogonal v elocity comp onen ts of child dr oplets after br eakup.This option is a vailable only if the WAVE mo del is enabled . stripping-options Enters the str ipping options menu . diameter-coefficient Sets the diamet er coefficien t ( in Equa tion 22.20 in the Theor y Guide ) mass-coefficient Sets the mass c oefficien t ( in Equa tion 22.21 in the Theor y Guide ) unsteady-tracking Enables/disables unst eady par ticle tr acking. user-defined Sets DPM user-defined func tions . electric-potential? Enables/disables the elec tric-potential mo del. energy? Enables/disables the ener gy mo del. eulerian-wallfilm/ Enters the E uler ian w all film mo del menu . enable-wallfilm-model? Enables/disables E uler ian Wall F ilm M odel. initialize-wallfilm-model Initializ es E uler ian Wall F ilm M odel. solve-wallfilm-equation? Activates E uler ian Wall F ilm E qua tions . model-options Sets E uler ian Wall F ilm M odel Options . film-material Sets F ilm M aterial and P roperties. solution-options Sets E uler ian Wall F ilm M odel S olution Options . frozen-flux? Enables/disables fr ozen flux f ormula tion f or tr ansien t flo ws. heat-exchanger/ Enters the hea t exchanger menu . dual-cell-model/ Enters the dual c ell mo del menu . 261Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.add-heat-exchanger Adds hea t-exchanger . alternative-formulation? Enables/disables alt ernative formula tion f or hea t transf er calcula tions . delete-heat-exchanger Deletes hea t-exchanger . heat-exchanger? Enables/disables the dual c ell hea t-exchanger mo del. modify-heat-exchanger Modifies hea t-exchanger . plot-NTU Plots NTU v s. primar y mass flo w rate for each auxiliar y mass flo w rate. write-NTU Writes NTU v s. primar y mass flo w rate for each auxiliar y mass flo w rate. macro-model/ Enters the hea t macr o-mo del menu . delete-heat-exchanger-group Deletes hea t-exchanger gr oup . heat-exchanger? Enables/disables hea t-exchanger mo del. heat-exchanger-group Defines hea t-exchanger gr oup . heat-exchanger-macro-report Reports the c omput ed v alues of hea t rejec tion, outlet t emp erature, and inlet t emp erature for the macr oscopic c ells (macr os) in a hea t exchanger . heat-exchanger-model Defines hea t-exchanger c ore mo del. heat-exchanger-report Reports the c omput ed v alues of t otal hea t rejec tion, outlet t emp erature, and inlet t emp erature for a sp ecified hea t-exchanger c ore. heat-exchanger-zone Specifies the z one tha t represen ts the hea t exchanger , the dimensions of the hea t exchanger , the macr o gr id, and the c oolan t dir ection and pr operties. plot-NTU Plots NTU v s. primar y mass flo w rate for each auxiliar y mass flo w rate. write-NTU Writes NTU v s. primar y mass flo w rate for each auxiliar y mass flo w rate. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 262define/multiphase/ Enters the multiphase mo del menu . body-force-formulation Specifies b ody force formula tion. boiling-model-options Specifies the b oiling mo del options .You c an cho ose the RPI boiling model ,Non-equilib- rium boiling , or Critical heat flux . coupled-level-set Enables c oupled le vel set in terface tracking metho d. eulerian-parameters Specifies E uler ian par amet ers. expert-options Specifies the v olume fr action sub-time st ep c alcula tion metho d and whether t o solv e vof e very it- eration. interface-modeling-options Specifies in terface mo deling options . mixture-parameters Specifies mix ture par amet ers. model Specifies multiphase mo del. number-of-phases Specifies the numb er of phases . vof-sub-models Enables the Op en C hannel sub-mo del and/or the Op en C hannel Wave Boundar y Condition sub- model. volume-fraction-parameters Specifies v olume fr action par amet ers. wet-steam/ Enters the w et st eam mo del menu . compile-user-defined-wetsteam-functions Compiles user-defined w et st eam libr ary. enable? Enables/disables the w et st eam mo del. load-unload-user-defined-wetsteam-library Loads or unloads user-defined w et st eam libr ary. set/ Enters the set menu f or setting w et st eam mo del options . 263Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.max-liquid-mass-fraction Sets the maximum limit on the c ondensed liquid-phase mass-fr action t o pr event div ergenc e. noniterative-time-advance? Enables/disables nonit erative time ad vancemen t scheme . nox? Enables/disables the NO x mo del. nox-parameters/ Enters the NO x par amet ers menu . inlet-diffusion? Enables/disables inclusion of diffusion a t inlets . nox-chemistry Selec ts NO x chemistr y mo del. nox-expert Selec ts additional NO x equa tions . nox-turbulence-interaction Sets NO x turbulenc e interaction mo del. population-balance/ Enters the p opula tion balanc e mo dels menu . model Allows you t o selec t the p opula tion balanc e mo del and set its par amet ers. phenomena/ Enters the phenomena menu f or p opula tion balanc e. aggregation Sets the aggr egation k ernel. aggregation-factor Specifies a fac tor tha t controls the in tensit y of the selec ted aggr egation k ernel. breakage Sets the br eakage k ernel. breakage-factor Specifies a fac tor tha t controls the in tensit y of the selec ted br eakage k ernel. growth Specifies the gr owth r ate. nucleation Specifies the nuclea tion r ate. radiation/ Enters the r adia tion mo dels menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 264define/apply-full-solar-irradiation? Enables/disables the applic ation of the c omplet e solar load t o the first w avelength band only , re- verting t o the pr e-2019 R1 b ehavior of the S olar L oad and D iscrete Or dina tes mo dels . blending-factor Sets numer ic option f or D iscrete Or dina te mo del. Make sur e tha t Second Or der U pwind is selec ted for the Discr ete Or dina tes spa tial discr etiza tion f or the blending-factor option t o app ear in the t ext command list. discrete-ordinates? Enables/disables discr ete or dina tes radia tion mo del. discrete-transfer? Enables/disables discr ete transf er radia tion mo del. do-acceleration? Enables/disables the acc eleration of the discr ete or dina tes (DO) r adia tion mo del c alcula tions . Note that this t ext command is only a vailable when r unning on Linux in par allel. do-coupling? Enables/disables DO/ener gy coupling . solar-irradiation? Enables/disables the solar ir radia tion mo del. dtrm-parameters/ Enters the dtr m par amet ers menu . check-ray-file Reads DTRM r ays file . controls Sets dtr m solution c ontrols. make-globs Makes globs (c oarser mesh) f or radia tion. ray-trace Creates DTRM r ays for radia tion. fast-second-order-discrete-ordinate? Enables/disables the fast-sec ond-or der option f or D iscrete Or dina te Model. mc-model-parameters Specifies M onte Carlo mo del par amet ers.This t ext command is a vailable only when the M onte Carlo mo del is enabled . mc-under-relaxation Sets the under-r elaxa tion fac tor for M onte Carlo radia tion sour ces used in the ener gy equa tion. method-partially-specular-wall Sets the metho d for par tially sp ecular w all with discr ete or dina te mo del. montecarlo? Enables/disables the M onte Carlo radia tion mo del. 265Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.non-gray-model-parameters Sets par amet ers f or non-gr ay mo del. p1? Enables/disables P1 r adia tion mo del. radiation-iteration-parameters Sets it eration par amet ers f or radia tion mo dels . radiation-model-parameters Sets par amet ers f or radia tion mo dels . rosseland? Enables/disables R osseland r adia tion mo del. s2s? Enables/disables S2S r adia tion mo del. s2s-parameters/ Enters the S2S par amet ers menu . compute-fpsc-values Comput es only fpsc v alues based on cur rent settings compute-vf-only Comput es/wr ites view fac tors only . compute-write-vf Comput es/wr ites sur face clust ers and view fac tors f or S2S r adia tion mo del. non-participating-boundary-zones-temperature Sets t emp erature for the non-par ticipa ting b oundar y zones . print-thread-clusters Prints the f ollowing f or all b oundar y thr eads: thread-id , numb er of fac es, faces p er sur face clust er, and the numb er of sur face clust ers. print-zonewise-radiation Prints the z onewise inc oming r adia tion, viewfac tors, and a verage t emp erature. read-vf-file Reads S2S file . set-global-faces-per-surface-cluster Sets global v alue of fac es p er sur face clust er for all b oundar y zones . set-vf-parameters Sets the par amet ers needed f or the viewfac tor calcula tions . split-angle Sets split angle f or the clust ering algor ithm. use-new-cluster-algorithm Uses the new sur face clust ering algor ithm. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 266define/use-old-cluster-algorithm Uses the old sur face clust ering algor ithm. solar? Enables/disables solar mo del. solar-calculator Calcula tes sun dir ection and in tensit y. solar-parameters/ Enters the solar par amet ers menu . autoread-solar-data Sets aut oread solar da ta par amet ers. autosave-solar-data Sets aut osave solar da ta par amet ers. ground-reflectivity Sets gr ound r eflec tivit y par amet ers. illumination-parameters Sets illumina tion par amet ers. iteration-parameters Sets up date par amet ers. quad-tree-parameters Sets quad-tr ee refinemen t par amet ers. scattering-fraction Sets sc attering fr action par amet ers. solar-thread-control Sets the numb er of thr eads t o run the solar flux c alcula tion. This it em app ears only when r unning in par allel with no des lo cated on a separ ate machine fr om the one r unning the host pr ocess and Solar R ay Tracing is enabled . sol-adjacent-fluidcells Sets solar load on f or adjac ent fluid c ells. sol-camera-pos Sets c amer a position based on sun dir ection v ector. sol-on-demand Sets solar load on demand . sun-direction-vector Sets sun dir ection v ector. use-direction-from-sol-calc Sets dir ection c omput ed fr om solar c alcula tor. solution-method-for-do-coupling Enables/disables the solution metho d for DO/ener gy coupling . 267Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Sets the amoun t of c oarsening of the r adia tion mesh f or the M onte Carlo radia tion mo del. A numb er gr eater than one implies c oarsening , wher eas equal t o one implies no c oarsening . wsggm-cell-based Enables/disables WSGGM c ell based metho d. Note tha t when enabled , the wsggm-c ell-based option will b ecome a vailable in the Absor ption C oefficien t drop-do wn list in the Create/Edit Materials dialo g box. shell-conduction/ Enters the shell c onduc tion mo dels menu . enhanced-encapsulation? Enables/disables an enhanc ed r outine f or the enc apsula tion of c oupled w alls dur ing mesh par ti- tioning tha t is enabled b y default when shell c onduc tion and/or the sur face to sur face (S2S) r adia tion model is used . multi-layer-shell? Enables/disables the abilit y to define multi-la yer shell c onduc tion f or w alls. Note tha t the w arped- face gr adien t correction ( WFGC) is not supp orted when multi-la yer shells ar e disabled . read-csv Defines the shell c onduc tion settings b y reading a CSV file . save-shell-zones? Enables the sa ving of shell z ones t o case files . settings Enables shell c onduc tion and defines the settings f or an y wall or gr oup of w alls b y manually en tering the numb er and pr operties of the la yers. write-csv Writes y our sa ved shell c onduc tion settings t o a CSV file . solidification-melting? Enables/disables the solidific ation and melting mo del. solver/ Enters the menu t o selec t the solv er. density-based-explicit Enables/disables the densit y-based-e xplicit solv er. density-based-implicit Enables/disables the densit y-based-implicit solv er. pressure-based Enables/disables the pr essur e-based solv er. soot? Enables/disables the so ot mo del. soot-parameters/ Enters the so ot par amet ers menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 268define/inlet-diffusion? Enables/disables inclusion of diffusion a t inlets . modify-schmidt-number? Changes the turbulen t Schmidt numb er for so ot/nuclei equa tions . soot-model-parameters Selec ts so ot mo del par amet ers. soot-process-parameters Selec ts so ot pr ocess par amet ers. soot-radiation-interaction Enables/disables the so ot-radia tion in teraction mo del. soot-turbulence-interaction Sets so ot-turbulenc e interaction mo del. sox? Enables/disables the SO x mo del. sox-parameters/ Enters the SO x par amet ers menu . inlet-diffusion? Enables/disables inclusion of diffusion a t inlets . s-atom-balance? Enables/disables S-a tom mass balanc e calcula tion. sox-chemistry Selec ts the SO x chemistr y mo del. sox-turbulence-interaction Sets the SO x /turbulenc e interaction mo del. species/ Enters the sp ecies mo dels menu . CHEMKIN-CFD? Enables/disables the ANSY S CHEMKIN-CFD solv er. CHEMKIN-CFD-parameters/ Enters the e xpert CHEMKIN-CFD par amet ers menu . add-cell-monitor Monit ors c ell for debug output. advanced-options Sets ad vanced par amet er options . basic-options Sets basic par amet er options . 269Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.delete-cell-monitors Deletes c ell monit ors. list-cell-monitors Lists c ell monit ors. clear-isat-table Clears ISA T table . coal-calculator Sets up c oal mo deling inputs . decoupled-detailed-chemistry? Enables/disables the D ecoupled D etailed C hemistr y mo del. diffusion-energy-source? Enables/disables diffusion ener gy sour ce. electro-chemical-surface-reactions? Enables/disables elec trochemic al sur face reactions . epdf-energy? Enables/disables EPDF ener gy option. flamelet-expert Sets flamelet e xpert par amet ers. full-tabulation? Enables/disables building of a full 2-mix ture fraction table heat-of-surface-reactions? Enables/disables hea t of sur face reactions . ignition-model? Enables/disables the ignition mo del. ignition-model-controls Sets ignition mo del par amet ers. import-flamelet-for-restart Imp orts Flamelet F ile for R estar t. inert-transport-controls Sets iner t transp ort mo del par amet ers. inert-transport-model? Enables/disables the iner t transp ort mo del. inlet-diffusion? Enables/disables inclusion of diffusion a t inlets . integration-parameters Sets chemistr y ODE in tegrator par amet ers. Enables/disables stiff chemistr y acc eleration metho ds and set their par amet ers. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 270define/init-unsteady-flamelet-prob Initializ es U nsteady Flamelet P robabilit y. liquid-energy-diffusion? Enables/disables ener gy diffusion f or liquid r egime . liquid-micro-mixing? Enables/disables liquid micr o mixing . mass-deposition-source? Enables/disables mass dep osition sour ce due t o sur face reactions . mixing-model Sets PDF Transp ort mixing mo del. multicomponent-diffusion? Enables/disables multic omp onen t diffusion. non-premixed-combustion? Enables/disables non-pr emix ed c ombustion mo del. non-premixed-combustion-expert Sets PDF e xpert par amet ers. non-premixed-combustion-parameters Sets PDF par amet ers. off? Enables/disables solution of sp ecies mo dels . partially-premixed-combustion? Enables/disables par tially pr emix ed c ombustion mo del. partially-premixed-combustion-expert Sets PDF e xpert par amet ers. partially-premixed-combustion-parameters Sets PDF par amet ers. partially-premixed-properties Sets/changes par tially-pr emix ed mix ture pr operties.This c ommand is only a vailable when par- tially-premixed-combustion? is enabled . re-cacl-par-premix-props Re-calcula tes par tially-pr emix ed pr operties.This c ommand is only a vailable when partially- premixed-combustion? is enabled . particle-surface-reactions? Enables/disables par ticle sur face reactions . pdf-transport? Enables/disables the c omp osition PDF tr ansp ort combustion mo del. pdf-transport-expert? Enables/disables PDF Transp ort expert user . 271Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.premixed-model Sets pr emix ed c ombustion mo del. premixed-combustion? Enables/disables pr emix ed c ombustion mo del. reaction-diffusion-balance? Enables/disables r eaction diffusion balanc e at reacting sur face for sur face reactions . reacting-channel-model? Enables/disables the R eacting C hannel M odel. reacting-channel-model-options Sets R eacting C hannel M odel par amet ers. reactor-network-model? Enables/disables the R eactor N etwork Model. relax-to-equil? Enables/disables the R elaxa tion t o Chemic al Equilibr ium mo del. save-gradients? Enables/disables st orage of sp ecies mass fr action gr adien ts. set-premixed-combustion Sets pr emix ed c ombustion par amet ers. set-turb-chem-interaction Sets EDC mo del c onstan ts. spark-model Switches b etween the R15 and R14.5 spar k mo dels and sets spar k mo del par amet ers. species-migration? Includes sp ecies migr ation in elec tric field .This c ommand is a vailable only when the elec trochem- ical sur face reactions ar e enabled . species-transport-expert Sets the c onvergenc e acc eleration e xpert par amet ers.This c ommand is only a vailable when the species tr ansp ort mo del is enabled . use convergence acceleration method? Answ ering yes at the pr ompt , uses a c ombina tion of diff erent convergenc e acc eleration techniques . If you en ter no (default), additional options will b e displa yed in the c onsole . Use species clipping? Enables/disables the e xplicit clipping of sp ecies b etween 0 and 1. Linearize higher order convection sources? Enables/disables linear ization of higher or der c onvection sour ces. Linearize secondary diffusion sources? Enables/disables linear ization of sp ecies sec ondar y diffusion sour ces. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 272define/Enable mesh quality based first-second order species blending? Enables/disables sk ewness-based blending of first and sec ond or der c onvection. Minimum cell quality threshold for blending Specifies the minimum c ell or thogonal qualit y for blending . species-transport? Enables/disables the sp ecies tr ansp ort mo del. stiff-chemistry? Enables/disables stiff chemistr y option. surf-reaction-aggressiveness-factor? Sets the sur face reaction aggr essiv eness fac tor. surf-reaction-netm-params Sets the sur face reaction par amet ers f or the N on-E quilibr ium Thermal M odel. thermal-diffusion? Enables/disables ther mal diffusion. thickened-flame-model? Enables/disables the R elaxa tion t o Chemic al Equilibr ium mo del volumetric-reactions? Enables/disables v olumetr ic reactions . wall-surface-reactions? Enables/disables w all sur face reactions . steady? Enables/disables the st eady solution mo del. structure Enters the str ucture mo del menu . controls Enters the str ucture controls menu . amg-stabilization Sets the algebr aic multigr id (AMG) stabiliza tion metho d for the str uctural mo del c alcula tions . max-iter Sets the maximum numb er of it erations f or the str uctural mo del c alcula tions . numerical-damping-factor? Sets the damping fac tor for the str uctural mo del (tha t is, the amplitude dec ay fac tor in Equa tion 21.14 in the Theor y Guide ). expert Enters the str ucture expert menu . explicit-fsi-force? Enables/disables an e xplicit fluid-str ucture interaction f orce. 273Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.include-pop-in-fsi-force? Enables/disables the inclusion of op erating pr essur e into the fluid-str ucture interaction f orce. include-viscous-fsi-force? Enables/disables the inclusion of a visc ous fluid-str ucture interaction f orce. linear-elasticity? Enables the linear elasticit y mo del. structure-off? Disables the str uctural mo del. swirl? Enables/disables axisymmetr ic swir l velocity. unsteady-1st-order? Selec ts the first-or der implicit f ormula tion f or tr ansien t simula tions . unsteady-2nd-order-bounded? Selec ts the b ounded sec ond-or der implicit f ormula tion f or tr ansien t simula tions . unsteady-2nd-order? Selec ts the sec ond-or der implicit f ormula tion f or tr ansien t simula tions . unsteady-global-time? Selec ts the e xplicit tr ansien t formula tion. This t ext command is only a vailable f or unst eady cases tha t use the densit y-based solv er with the e xplicit f ormula tion. unsteady-structure-euler? Selec ts the back ward Euler metho d for the dir ect time in tegration of the finit e elemen t semi-discr ete equa tion of motion. This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t simula tions tha t use the str uctural model. unsteady-structure-newmark? Selec ts the N ewmar k metho d for the dir ect time in tegration of the finit e elemen t semi-discr ete equa tion of motion. This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t simula tions tha t use the str uctural mo del. viscous/ Enters the visc ous mo del menu . add-intermittency-transition-model? Enables/disables the In termitt ency Transition mo del t o acc oun t for tr ansitional eff ects.This t ext command is only a vailable f or the BSL - , SST - , Scale-A daptiv e Simula tion with BSL / SST , and D etached E ddy Simula tion with BSL / SST mo dels . buoyancy-effects? Enables/disables eff ects of buo yancy on turbulenc e. curvature-correction-ccurv Sets the str ength of the cur vature correction t erm.The default v alue is 1. This is a vailable af ter the curvature-correction? option is enabled . . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 274define/curvature-correction? Enables/disables the cur vature correction. des-limiter-option Selec ts the DES limit er option (none , F1, F2, Delayed DES, or Impr oved D elayed DES). geko-options/ Enters the GEK O mo del menu .. csep Sets csep , the par amet er to optimiz e flo w separ ation fr om smo oth sur faces. cnw Sets cnw , the par amet er to optimiz e flo w in non-equilibr ium near w all regions . cmix Sets cmix , the par amet er to optimiz e str ength of mixing in fr ee shear flo ws. cjet Sets cjet , the par amet er to optimiz e free shear la yer mixing (optimiz e free jets indep enden t of mixing la yer). blending-function Sets the blending func tion, which deac tivates cmix and cjet inside b oundar y layers. creal Sets creal , a realizabilit y limit er tha t ensur es p ositiv e nor mal str esses in the en tire domain. cnw_sub Sets cnw_sub , which allo ws the adjustmen t of lo g-la yer and cf . cjet_aux Sets cjet_aux , which allo ws fine-tuning of the par amet er to optimiz e free jets . cbf_tur Sets cbf_tur , a fac tor for the main blending fac tor, controlling the thick ness of the la yer near walls. cbf_lam Sets cbf_lam , a par t of the blending func tion and shields the laminar b oundar y layer. geko-defaults Restores the defaults of all GEK O par amet ers. wall-distance-free? Enables/disables the w all distanc e free v ersion of the GEK O mo del. detached-eddy-simulation? Enables/disables detached edd y simula tion. inviscid? Enables/disables in viscid flo w mo del. ke-easm? Enables/disables the EASM - turbulenc e mo del. 275Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Enables/disables the r ealizable - turbulenc e mo del. ke-rng? Enables/disables the RNG - turbulenc e mo del. ke-standard? Enables/disables the standar d - turbulenc e mo del. k-kl-w? Enables/disables the k-k l- turbulenc e mo del. kw-easm? Enables/disables the EASM - turbulenc e mo del. kw-low-re-correction? Enables/disables the - low Re option. kw-shear-correction? Enables/disables the - shear-flo w correction option. This t ext command is only a vailable f or the standar d - mo del and the str ess-omega RSM mo del. kw-bsl? Enables/disables the baseline (BSL) - turbulenc e mo del. kw-geko? Enables/disables the gener alized - (GEK O) turbulenc e mo del. kw-sst? Enables/disables the SST - turbulenc e mo del. kw-standard? Enables/disables the standar d - turbulenc e mo del. laminar? Enables/disables laminar flo w mo del. large-eddy-simulation? Enables/disables lar ge edd y simula tion. les-dynamic-energy-flux? Enables/disables the d ynamic sub-gr id sc ale turbulen t Prandtl N umb er. les-dynamic-scalar-flux? Enables/disables the d ynamic sub-gr id sc ale turbulen t Schmidt N umb er. les-subgrid-dynamic-fvar? Enables/disables the d ynamic sub grid-sc ale mix ture fraction v arianc e mo del. les-subgrid-smagorinsky? Enables/disables the S magor insk y-Lilly sub grid-sc ale mo del. les-subgrid-tke? Enables/disables k inetic ener gy transp ort sub grid-sc ale mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 276define/les-subgrid-wale? Enables/disables WALE sub grid-sc ale mo del. les-subgrid-wmles-s_minus_omega? Enables/disables the WMLES - sub grid-sc ale mo del. les-subgrid-wmles? Enables/disables the WMLES sub grid-sc ale mo del. mixing-length? Enables/disables mixing-length (algebr aic) turbulenc e mo del. multiphase-turbulence/ Enters the multiphase turbulenc e menu . multiphase-options Enables/disables multiphase options . rsm-multiphase-models Selec ts Reynolds S tress multiphase mo del. turbulence-multiphase-models Selec ts - multiphase mo del. near-wall-treatment/ Enters the near w all tr eatmen t menu . enhanced-wall-treatment? Enables/disables enhanc ed w all func tions . menter-lechner? Enables/disables the M enter-L echner near-w all tr eatmen t. non-equilibrium-wall-fn? Enables/disables non-equilibr ium w all func tions . scalable-wall-functions? Enables/disables sc alable w all func tions . standard-wall-fn? Enables/disables standar d wall func tions . user-defined-wall-functions? Enables/disables user-defined w all func tions . werner-wengle-wall-fn? Enables/disables Werner-W engle w all func tions . wf-pressure-gradient-effects? Enables/disables w all func tion pr essur e- gr adien t eff ects. wf-thermal-effects? Enables/disables w all func tion ther mal eff ects. 277Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.reynolds-stress-model? Enables/disables the R eynolds-str ess turbulenc e mo del. rng-differential-visc? Enables/disables the diff erential-visc osity mo del. rng-swirl-model? Enables/disables swir l corrections f or rng-mo del. rsm-bsl-based? Enables/disables the str ess-BSL R eynolds str ess mo del. rsm-linear-pressure-strain? Enables/disables the linear pr essur e-str ain mo del in RSM. rsm-omega-based? Enables/disables the str ess-omega R eynolds str ess mo del. rsm-or-earsm-geko-option? Enables/disables the RSM or EARSM v ersions of the GEK O mo del. rsm-solve-tke? Enables/disables the solution of T.K.E. in RSM mo del. rsm-ssg-pressure-strain? Enables/disables quadr atic pr essur e-str ain mo del in RSM. rsm-wall-echo? Enables/disables w all-echo eff ects in RSM mo del. sa-alternate-prod? Enables/disables str ain/v orticit y pr oduc tion in S palar t-Allmar as mo del. sa-damping? Enables/disables full lo w-R eynolds numb er form of S palar t-Allmar as mo del. Note This option is only a vailable if y our r esponse w as no to sa-enhanced-wall- treatment? . sa-enhanced-wall-treatment? Enables/disables the enhanc ed w all tr eatmen t for the S palar t-Allmar as mo del. If disabled , no smo oth blending b etween the visc ous subla yer and the lo g-la w formula tion is emplo yed, as w as done in v ersions pr evious t o Fluen t 14. sas? Enables/disables Sc ale-A daptiv e Simula tion (SAS) in c ombina tion with the SST - turbulenc e model. spalart-allmaras? Enables/disables S palar t-Allmar as turbulenc e mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 278define/transition-sst? Enables/disables the tr ansition SST turbulenc e mo del. trans-sst-roughness-correlation? Enables/disables the Transition-SST r oughness c orrelation option. turb-compressibility? Enables/disables the c ompr essibilit y correction option. turbulence-expert/ Enters the turbulenc e expert menu . kato-launder-model? Enables/disables K ato-Launder mo dific ation. kw-add-des? Enables/disables D etached E ddy Simula tion (DES) in c ombina tion with the cur rently selec ted BSL - mo del or tr ansition SST mo del. This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t cases . kw-add-sas? Enables/disables Sc ale-A daptiv e Simula tion (SAS) in c ombina tion with the cur rently selec ted -based UR ANS turbulenc e mo del. This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t cases . kw-vorticity-based-production? Enables/disables v orticit y-based pr oduc tion. low-re-ke? Enables/disables the lo w-R e - turbulenc e mo del. low-re-ke-index Specifies which lo w-R eynolds-numb er - mo del is t o be used . Six mo dels ar e available: Model Inde x Abid 0 Lam-B remhorst 1 Launder-S harma 2 Yang-S hih 3 Abe-Kondoh-N agano 4 Chang-Hsieh-C hen 5 Contact your ANSY S, Inc. technic al supp ort engineer f or mor e details . production-limiter? Enables/disables P roduc tion Limit er mo dific ation. non-newtonian-modification? Enables/disables non-N ewtonian mo dific ation f or Lam-B remhorst mo del. restore-sst-v61? Enables/disables SST f ormula tion of v6.1. 279Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.rke-cmu-rotation-term? Modifies the definition f or the r ealizable - mo del. Imp ortant Note tha t the use of the r ealizable - mo del with multiple r eference frames is not r ecommended .This t ext command is pr ovided f or e xpert users who want to experimen t with this c ombina tion of mo dels . Others should use it only on the ad vice of a t echnic al supp ort engineer . sbes-sdes-hybrid-model Selec ts the h ybrid mo del, to sp ecify whether y ou w ant to apply the S hielded D etached E ddy Simula tion (SDES) mo del, Stress-B lended E ddy Simula tion (SBES), or SBES with a user-defined func tion. sbes-sgs-option Selec ts the sub grid-sc ale mo del f or the LES p ortion of y our S tress-B lended E ddy Simula tion (SBES). sbes-update-interval-k-omega Sets the numb er of time st eps b etween up dates of the k- ω par t of the SBES mo del. thermal-p-function? Enables/disables Ja yatillek e P func tion. turb-add-sbes-sdes? Enables/disables the S tress-B lended E ddy Simula tion (SBES) mo del or S hielded D etached E ddy Simula tion (SDES) mo del. turb-non-newtonian? Enables/disables turbulenc e for non-N ewtonian fluids . turbulence-damping? Enables/disables turbulenc e damping and sets turbulenc e damping par amet ers. turb-pk-compressible? Enables/disables turbulen t produc tion due t o compr essible div ergenc e. user-defined Selec ts user-defined func tions t o define the turbulen t visc osity and the turbulen t Prandtl and Schmidt numb ers. user-defined-transition Sets user-defined tr ansition c orrelations . v2f? Enables/disables V2F turbulenc e mo del. zero-equation-hvac? Enables/disables z ero-equa tion HV AC turbulenc e mo del. named-expressions/ Enters the named e xpressions menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 280define/add/ Creates a new named e xpression. delete/ Allows you t o delet e a named e xpression, as long as it is not in use . edit/ Allows you t o edit the definition of a named e xpression. list/ Lists all of the cur rently defined named e xpressions . list-properties/ Lists the definition of a named e xpression. operating-conditions/ Enters the define op erating c onditions menu . gravity Sets gr avitational acc eleration. gravity-mrf-rotation Enables/disables r otation of gr avity vector in mo ving r eference frame simula tions . If enabled , the gravity vector will r otate with r espect to the mo ving r eference frame such tha t the dir ection of gr avity in global c oordina tes remains fix ed. operating-density? Enables/disables use of a sp ecified op erating densit y. operating-pressure Sets the op erating pr essur e. operating-temperature Sets the op erating t emp erature for B oussinesq . reference-pressure-location Sets the lo cation of the c ell whose pr essur e value is used t o adjust the gauge pr essur e field f or inc om- pressible flo ws tha t do not in volve an y pr essur e boundar ies. set-state Selec ts sta te for real gas EOS sub critical condition. used-ref-pressure-location See the ac tual c oordina tes of the r eference pr essur e used . use-inlet-temperature-for-operating-density Uses inlet t emp erature to calcula te op erating densit y. overset-interfaces/ Enters the o verset in terfaces menu . check Checks the in tegrity of the o verset in terfaces. Reports or phan c ells and er rors in the domain c onnec tivit y. 281Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.clear Clears the domain c onnec tivit y of an o verset in terface.This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . clear-all Clears the domain c onnec tivit y of all o verset in terfaces.This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . create Creates an o verset in terface. cut-control/ Enters the o verset hole cut c ontrol menu . add Adds a hole cut c ontrol, so tha t a b oundar y zone do es not cut sp ecified c ell z ones . cut-seeds/ Enters the o verset hole cut seeds menu . cut-seeds-for-all-component-zones? Specifies whether all c omp onen t zones get cut seeds , which cut pilot holes in to the o verlapping meshes tha t will then b e enlar ged dur ing o verlap minimiza tion. delete Deletes the hole cut c ontrol for a b oundar y zone . delete-all Deletes the hole cut c ontrols f or all b oundar y zones . list Lists the defined hole cut c ontrols. debug-hole-cut Debugging t ool to troublesho ot hole cutting of o verset in terfaces.This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . delete Deletes an o verset in terface. delete-all Deletes all o verset in terfaces in the domain. display-cells Displa ys the o verset c ells mar ked using the t ext command define/overset-interfaces/mark- cells . grid-priorities Allows you t o sp ecify gr id pr iorities on back ground and c omp onen t meshes , used in the o verlap min- imiza tion of an o verset in terface. intersect Execut es the hole cutting of an o verset in terface and establishes the domain c onnec tivit y.This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 282define/intersect-all Execut es hole cutting f or all o verset in terfaces in the domain. This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . list Lists inf ormation ab out the o verset in terfaces.The output dep ends on the o verset v erbosity setting . mark-cell-change Marks cells tha t ha ve under gone a sp ecified o verset c ell type change (fr om solve ,receptor , or dead to an y other t ype) in the last time st ep. Adaption r egist ers ar e aut oma tically filled based on these mar kings .This t ext command is only a vailable f or unst eady simula tions and if define/overset- interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . mark-cells Marks the sp ecified o verset c ells (solv e, receptor, donor , orphan, or dead) and fills r egist ers based on the mar kings . Displa y the mar ked c ells via the t ext command define/overset-interfaces/dis- play-cells . options/ Enters the o verset in terface options menu . auto-create? Enables the aut oma tic cr eation of a default o verset in terface dur ing initializa tion or mesh motion update. donor-priority-method Allows you t o sp ecify whether the c ell donor pr iority used in the o verlap minimiza tion of an o verset interface is in versely pr oportional t o either the c ell siz e or the distanc e to the near est b oundar y. expert Enables / disables o verset-r elated e xpert tools. extended-donor-search? Enables / disables mo dified donor sear ch par amet ers.When enabled , mor e conser vative overset paramet ers ar e used f or the cr eation of the o verset in terface (at the c ost of incr eased pr ocessing time). This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/ex- pert is set t o yes . minimize-overlap? Allows you t o disable o verlap minimiza tion dur ing hole cutting . node-connected-donors? Allows you t o swit ch b etween fac e or no de c onnec ted donor c ells.This t ext command is only available when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . overlap-boundaries? Allows you t o disable the det ection of o verlapping b oundar ies dur ing hole cutting , in or der t o reduc e the c omputa tional e xpense f or cases tha t do not include such b oundar ies.When enabled , this t ext command also allo ws you t o sp ecify which b oundar y zones should b e consider ed when det ecting overlapping b oundar ies; this c an b e helpful when the default hole cutting pr ocess fails . render-receptor-cells? Allows you t o enable visualiza tion of r eceptor cells in c ontour and mesh displa ys. 283Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.solve-island-removal Sets the metho d used t o control the r emo val of isola ted pa tches of solv e cells.This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . transient-caching Sets the options t o control caching of en tities in tr ansien t overset simula tions .This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/options/expert is set t o yes . update-before-case-write? Enables/disables the up dating of the o verset in terfaces b efore wr iting a c ase file in the hier archic al data format (HDF). This t ext command is only a vailable when define/overset-interfaces/op- tions/expert is set t o yes . verbosity Specifies the le vel of detail pr inted in the c onsole ab out o verset in terfaces. parameters/ Enters the par amet ers menu . enable-in-TUI? Enables/disables par amet ers in the t ext user in terface. input-parameters/ Enters the input-par amet ers menu . delete Deletes an input par amet er. edit Edits an input par amet er. output-parameters/ Enters the output-par amet ers menu . create Creates an output par amet er. delete Deletes an output par amet er. edit Edits an output par amet er. print-all-to-console Displa ys all par amet er values in the c onsole . print-to-console Displa ys par amet er value in the c onsole . rename Renames an output par amet er. write-all-to-file Writes all par amet er values t o file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 284define/write-to-file Writes par amet er value t o file . periodic-conditions/ Enters the p eriodic c onditions menu . massflow-rate-specification? Enables/disables sp ecific ation of mass flo w rate at the p eriodic b oundar y. pressure-gradient-specification? Enables/disables sp ecific ation of pr essur e gr adien t at the p eriodic b oundar y. phases/ Enters the phases menu . iac-expert/ Enters the IA C expert setting menu . hibiki-ishii-model Sets Hibik i-Ishii mo del c oefficien ts. ishii-kim-model Sets I shii-K im mo del c oefficien ts. yao-morel-model Sets Yao-M orel mo del c oefficien ts. interaction-domain Sets mo dels and pr operties f or a domain of this t ype. phase-domain Sets mo dels and pr operties f or a domain of this t ype. set-domain-properties/ Enters the menu t o set phase domain pr operties. change-phases-names? Allows you t o change the names of all the phases in y our simula tion. interaction-domain/ Enters the menu t o set the in teraction domain pr operties. forces/ Enters the menu t o set in terfacial f orces mo dels . drag Specifies the dr ag func tion, drag mo dific ation, and dr ag fac tor for each pair of phases .This command is a vailable only with the E uler ian and M ixture multiphase mo dels . lift Specifies the lif t func tion f or each pair of phases .This c ommand is a vailable only with the Euler ian multiphase mo del. 285Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.restitution Specifies the r estitution c oefficien t for collisions b etween each pair of gr anular phases , and for collisions b etween par ticles of the same gr anular phase .This c ommand is a vailable only for multiphase flo ws with t wo or mor e gr anular phases . slip-velocity Specifies the slip v elocity func tion f or each sec ondar y phase with r espect to the pr imar y phase .This c ommand is a vailable only f or the M ixture multiphase mo del. surface-tension/ Enters the menu t o set sur face tension mo dels jump-adhesion? Enables/disables the tr eatmen t of the c ontact angle sp ecific ation a t the p orous jump boundar y.This c ommand is a vailable only f or the VOF multiphase mo del with the continuum sur face str ess mo del option and when sfc-modeling? is enabled . sfc-modeling? Allows you t o include the eff ects of sur face tension along the fluid-fluid in terface.This option is only a vailable f or the VOF and E uler ian multiphase mo dels . sfc-model-type Selec ts the sur face tension mo del. You c an cho ose b etween the c ontinuum sur face force and c ontinuum sur face str ess metho ds.This it em is a vailable only when sfc- modeling? is enabled . sfc-tension-coeff Specifies the sur face tension c oefficien t for each pair of phases . wall-adhesion? Enables/disables the sp ecific ation f or a w all adhesion angle .This it em is a vailable only when sfc-modeling? is enabled . turbulent-dispersion Specifies the turbulen t disp ersion mo del f or each pr imar y-sec ondar y phase pair .This command is a vailable only with the E uler ian multiphase mo del. turbulence-interaction Specifies the turbulenc e interaction mo del f or each pr imar y-sec ondar y phase pair .This command is a vailable only with the E uler ian multiphase mo del. virtual-mass/ Enters the menu t o set vir tual mass mo dels . virtual-mass? Allows you t o include the vir tual mass f orce eff ect tha t occurs when a sec ondar y phase accelerates relative to the pr imar y phase .This c ommand is a vailable only with the E u- lerian multiphase mo del. vmass-coeff Specifies the vir tual mass c oefficien t for each pair of phases .This option is a vailable only if virtual-mass? is enabled . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 286define/vmass-implicit? Enables/disables the implicit metho d for the vir tual mass f orce.This option c an impr ove convergenc e in some c ases .This option is a vailable only if virtual-mass? is enabled . vmass-implicit-options Specifies wha t form of the implicit metho d to use (default ,option-2 , or option- 3).default mo dels the en tire vir tual mass f orce while option-2 and option-3 model tr uncated e xpressions which ma y fur ther impr ove convergenc e.This option is available only if vmass-implicit? is enabled . wall-lubrication Specifies the w all lubr ication mo del f or each pr imar y-sec ondar y phase pair .This c ommand is available only with the E uler ian multiphase mo del. heat-mass-reactions/ Enters the menu t o set hea t, mass-tr ansf er, and r eaction mo dels . cavitation/ Enters the menu t o set c avitation mo dels .This option is a vailable only f or the M ixture multiphase mo del with the S inghal-et-al c avitation mo del enabled via solve/set/ex- pert . cavitation? Allows you t o include the eff ects of c avitation. When the c avitation is enabled , you must sp ecify v aporization pr essur e, surface tension c oefficien t, and non-c ondensable gas mass fr action using the d efine/phases/set-domain-properties/inter- action-domain/heat-mass-reactions/cavitation/caviation text command . If multiple sp ecies ar e included in one or mor e sec ondar y phases , or the heat transf er due t o phase change is c onsider ed, the mass tr ansf er mechanism must be defined b efore enabling the c avitation mo del. cavitation Sets the v aporization pr essur e, surface tension c oefficien t, and non-c ondensable gas mass fr action. This c ommand is a vailable only when cavitation? is enabled . heat-coeff Species the hea t transf er coefficien t func tion b etween each pair of phases ( constant- htc ,nusselt-number ,ranz-marshall ,hughmark ,tomiyama ,fixed-to-sat- temp ,two-resistance , or user-defined ).This c ommand is enable only with the Euler ian multiphase mo del. mass-transfer Sets the mass tr ansf er mechanisms . reactions Allows you t o define multiple het erogeneous r eactions and st oichiometr y.This option is available only with the sp ecies mo del. interfacial-area/ Enters the menu t o set in terfacial ar ea mo dels .This menu is a vailable only f or the M ixture and Euler ian multiphase mo dels . interfacial-area Specifies the in terfacial ar ea mo del f or each pair of phases . 287Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.model-transition/ Enters the menu t o set mo del tr ansition mechanisms . model-transition Sets the VOF-t o-DPM mo del tr ansition mechanism. numerics/ Enters the menu t o set numer ics mo dels .This menu is a vailable f or multiphase mo dels with the shar p-disp ersed and phase lo calized discr etiza tion in terface mo deling options (set in define/models/multiphase/interface-modeling-options ). interphase-discretization/ Enters the menu t o set in terphase discr etiza tion mo dels . interphase-discr? Enables/disables phase lo calized c ompr essiv e scheme . slope-limiter Specifies the slop e limit er to set a sp ecific discr etiza tion scheme f or each phase pair . A value of 0 c orresponds t o first or der up wind , a value of 1 c orresponds t o sec ond or der upwind , a value of 2 applies the c ompr essiv e scheme , and a v alue b etween 0 and 2 corresponds t o a blended scheme .This option is a vailable only when interphase- discr? is enabled . phase-domains/ Enters the menu t o selec t a sp ecific phase . phasename / Enters the menu f or setting pr operties f or the selec ted phase phasename , wher e phasename is the name of the phase y ou selec ted using the phase-domains/ text command . diameter Sets the diamet er of the par ticles of the selec ted phase phasename .This t ext command is available f or sec ondar y phases only . granular-properties/ Enters the menu f or setting pr operties f or the gr anular phase .This t ext command is a vailable only when the granular? text command is enabled . bulk-viscosity Sets the solids bulk visc osity (constan t, lun-et-al, or user-defined). elasticity-modulus Specifies the elasticit y mo dulus (der ived or user-defined). friction-angle Sets the angle of in ternal fr iction (c onstan t or user-defined). This t ext command is available only when schaeffer is selec ted as the fr iction visc osity mo del. friction-packing Sets a thr eshold v olume fr action a t which the fr ictional r egime b ecomes dominan t (constan t or user-defined). The default v alue is 0.61. This t ext command is a vailable only when schaeffer is selec ted as the fr iction visc osity mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 288define/friction-viscosity Specifies a shear visc osity based on the visc ous-plastic flo w (none , constan t, schaeff er, or user-defined). By default , the fr ictional visc osity is neglec ted (none ). Note When schaeffer is selec ted as the fr iction visc osity mo del, you must sp ecify friction-angle ,friction-packing ,friction- al-modulus , and frictional-pressure . frictional-modulus Sets the fr ictional mo dulus (der ived or user-defined). This t ext command is a vailable only when schaeffer is selec ted as the fr iction visc osity mo del. frictional-pressure Sets the pr essur e gr adien t term in the gr anular-phase momen tum equa tion (none , johnson-et-al, syamlal-et-al, based-kt gf, or user-defined). This t ext command is a vailable only when schaeffer is selec ted as the fr iction visc osity mo del. granular-conductivity Sets t emp erature for the solids phase (c onstan t, syamlal-obr ien, gidasp ow, or user- defined). This t ext command is a vailable only if the pde-granular? text command is enabled . granular-temperature Sets t emp erature for the solids phase (algebr aic, constan t, dpm-a veraged , or user- defined). The dpm-averaged option is a vailable only when using the D ense D iscrete Phase M odel (DDPM). This t ext command is a vailable only if the pde-granular? text command is disabled . packed-bed? Enables/disables the pack ed b ed mo del. packing Sets the maximum v olume fr action f or the gr anular phase (c onstan t or user-defined). For mono disp ersed spher es the pack ing limit is ab out 0.63. pde-granular? Enables/disables the par tial diff erential equa tion (PDE) mo del f or gr anular t emp erature. When the PDE mo del is enabled , you must sp ecify granular-conductivity . Other wise , you must sp ecify granular-temperature . radial-distribution Sets a c orrection fac tor tha t mo difies the pr obabilit y of c ollisions b etween gr ains when the solid gr anular phase b ecomes dense (lun-et-al, syamlal-obr ien, ma-ahmadi, arastoopour, or user-defined). solids-pressure Sets the pr essur e gr adien t term in the gr anular-phase momen tum equa tion (lun-et-al, syamlal-obr ien, ma-ahmadi, user-defined , or none). 289Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.viscosity Sets the k inetic par t of the gr anular visc osity of the par ticles (c onstan t, syamlal-obr ien, gidasp ow, or user-defined). granular? Enables/disables the gr anular appr oach f or the solid phase .This t ext command is a vailable only f or sec ondar y phases in a E uler ian multiphase c ase.This appr oach is not c ompa tible with the in terfacial ar ea c oncentration appr oach. For mor e details , see Defining a G ranular Secondar y Phase in the Fluent U ser's G uide . iac-properties/ Enters the menu f or setting mo del pr operties f or the in terfacial ar ea c oncentration. This text command is a vailable only when the iac? text command is enabled . iac-breakage-kernel Sets the br eakage k ernel (none , constan t, hibik i-ishii, ishii-k im, yao-mor el, or user- defined). iac-coalescence-kernel Sets the c oalesc ence kernel (none , constan t, hibik i-ishii, ishii-k im, yao-mor el, or user- defined). iac-critical-weber Sets the cr itical Weber numb er.This v alue is r equir ed if y ou selec ted yao-morel as the br eakage k ernel. iac-dissipation-rate Allows you t o cho ose the dissipa tion func tion (c onstan t, wu-ishii-k im, fluen t-ke, or user- defined). iac-hydraulic-diam Sets the h ydraulic diamet er.This v alue is r equir ed when y ou selec ted wu-ishii-kim for the IA C dissipa tion r ate func tion. iac-max-diameter Sets the maximum f or the bubble diamet ers. iac-min-diameter Sets the minimum f or the bubble diamet ers. iac-nucleation-kernel Sets the sour ce term for the in terfacial ar ea c oncentration tha t mo dels the r ate of formation of the disp ersed phase (none , constan t, yao-mor el, or user-defined). iac-surface-tension Sets the a ttractive forces b etween the in terfaces. iac? Enables/disables the in terfacial ar ea c oncentration (IA C) appr oach. This t ext command is available f or sec ondar y phases only .The IA C appr oach is not c ompa tible with the gr anular appr oach. See Defining the In terfacial A rea C oncentration via the Transp ort Equa tion and Defining the In terfacial A rea C oncentration in the Fluent U ser's G uide for details ab out using the IA C appr oach f or the M ixture and E uler ian multiphase flo ws. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 290define/material Sets a ma terial for the selec ted phase . profiles/ Enters the b oundar y pr ofiles menu . delete Deletes a pr ofile . delete-all Deletes all b oundar y-pr ofiles . interpolation-method Chooses the metho d for in terpolation of pr ofiles . link-profile-to-reference-frame Attaches a pr ofile t o a r eference frame so tha t the pr ofile will r otate acc ording t o the r eference frame . list-profiles Lists all pr ofiles . list-profile-fields Lists the fields of a par ticular pr ofile . morphing? Enables/disables pr ofile mor phing options in Or ient Profile panel. update-interval Sets in terval between up dates of d ynamic pr ofiles . reference-frames/ Enters the r eference frames menu . add Creates a new r eference frame . delete Deletes the r eference frame y ou sp ecify . display Displa ys the r eference frame y ou sp ecify . edit Allows you t o edit a r eference frame . hide Remo ves the sp ecified r eference frame fr om the gr aphics windo w. list Lists all of the r eference frames . list-properties Lists the pr operties of the r eference frame y ou sp ecify . 291Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.set-unit-system Applies a standar d set of units t o all quan tities .The options include default ,si,british , and cgs . solution-strategy/ Enters the aut oma tic initializa tion and c ase mo dific ation str ategy menu . automatic-case-modification/ Enters the aut oma tic c ase mo dific ation menu . before-init-modification Specifies mo dific ation t o be performed b efore initializa tion. modifications Specifies mo dific ations t o be performed dur ing solution. original-settings Specifies mo dific ation t o be performed af ter initializa tion t o restore to or iginal settings . automatic-initialization Defines ho w the c ase is t o be aut oma tically initializ ed. continue-strategy-execution Continues e xecution of the cur rently defined aut oma tic initializa tion and c ase mo dific ation str ategy. enable-strategy? Enables/disables aut oma tic initializa tion and c ase mo dific ation. execute-strategy Execut es the cur rently defined aut oma tic initializa tion and c ase mo dific ation str ategy. turbo/ Enters the turb o menu . define-topology Defines a turb o topology. mesh-method Sets turb o str uctured mesh gener ation metho d. search-method Sets sear ch metho d for a t opology. projection-method Sets 2D pr ojec tion metho d. units Sets unit c onversion fac tors. user-defined/ Enters the user-defined func tions and sc alars menu . 1D-coupling Loads 1D libr ary. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 292define/compiled-functions Opens user-defined func tion libr ary. execute-on-demand Execut es UDFs on demand . fan-model Configur es user-defined fan mo del. function-hooks Hooks up user-defined func tions . interpreted-functions Loads in terpreted user-defined func tions . real-gas-models Enters the r eal-gas menu t o enable/c onfigur e real gas mo del. nist-multispecies-real-gas-model Loads the NIST r eal-gas libr ary. nist-real-gas-model Loads the NIST r eal-gas libr ary. nist-settings Specifies the name and the lo cation f or the REFPR OP libr ary and fluid files . set-state Selec ts the sta te for NIST r eal gas mo del. user-defined-multispecies-real-gas-model Loads a user-defined multisp ecies r eal-gas libr ary. user-defined-real-gas-model Loads the user-defined r eal-gas libr ary. use-contributed-cpp? Enables/disables use of the cpp utilit y included with the ANSY S Fluen t installa tion. user-defined-memory Allocates user-defined memor y. user-defined-scalars Defines user-defined sc alars . 293Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 294Chapt er 4:display/ add-custom-vector Adds new cust om v ector definition. annotate Adds annota tion t ext to a gr aphics windo w. It will pr ompt y ou f or a str ing t o use as the annota tion t ext, and then a dialo g box will pr ompt y ou t o selec t a scr een lo cation using the mouse-pr obe butt on on y our mouse . clear-annotations Remo ves all annota tions and a ttachmen t lines fr om the ac tive gr aphics windo w. close-window Closes a gr aphics windo w. contour Prompts f or a sc alar field and minimum and maximum v alues , and then displa ys a c ontour plot. display-custom-vector Displa ys cust om v ector. flamelet-data Displa ys flamelet da ta. carpet-plot Enables/disables displa y of c arpet plot of a pr operty. draw-number-box? Enables/disables displa y of the numb ers b ox. plot-1d-slice? Enables/disables plot of the 1D-slic e. write-to-file? Enables/disables wr iting the 1D-slic e to file inst ead of plot. graphics-window-layout Arranges the gr aphics windo w la yout. hsf-file Loads an HSF file f or viewing . mesh Displa ys the en tire mesh. For 3D , you will b e ask ed t o confir m tha t you r eally w ant to dr aw the en tire mesh (not just the mesh-outline ). mesh-outline Displa ys the mesh b oundar ies. 295Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.mesh-partition-boundary Displa ys mesh par tition b oundar ies. multigrid-coarsening Displa ys a c oarse mesh le vel fr om the last multigr id coarsening . objects Enters the gr aphics objec ts menu . add-to-graphics Adds a c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, or mesh plot t o the e xisting c ontent in the graphics windo w. copy Copies an e xisting c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, mesh, or X Y plot definition. create Creates a c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, mesh, or X Y plot definition. delete Deletes a c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, mesh, or X Y plot definition. display Displa ys a c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, mesh, or X Y plot in the gr aphic windo ws re- placing the e xisting c ontent. edit Edits a c ontour, vector, pathline , par ticle tr ack, scene, or mesh plot definition. open-window Opens a gr aphics windo w. particle-tracks/ Enters the par ticle tr acks menu . particle-tracks Calcula tes and displa ys par ticle tr acks fr om defined injec tions . plot-write-xy-plot Plots or wr ites an X Y plot of par ticle tr acks . path-lines/ Enters the pa thlines menu . path-lines Displa ys pa thlines fr om a sur face. plot-write-xy-plot Plots or wr ites an X Y plot of pa thlines . write-to-files Writes pa thlines t o a file . pdf-data/ Enters the PDF da ta menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 296display/carpet-plot Enables/disables the displa y of a c arpet plot of a pr operty. draw-number-box? Enables/disables the displa y of the numb ers b ox. plot-1d-slice? Enables/disables a plot of the 1D-slic e. write-to-file? Enables/disables wr iting the 1D-slic e to file inst ead of plot. reacting-channel-curves Plots the r eacting channel v ariables . profile Displa ys profiles of a flo w variable . re-render Re-renders the last c ontour, profile , or v ector plot with up dated sur faces, meshed , ligh ts, color map , render ing options , and so on, without r ecalcula ting the c ontour da ta. re-scale Re-renders the last c ontour, profile , or v ector plot with up dated sc ale, surfaces, meshes , ligh ts, color map , render ing options , and so on, but without r ecalcula ting the field da ta. save-picture Gener ates a “hardcopy" of the ac tive windo w. set/ Enters the set menu t o set displa y par amet ers. color-map/ Enters the c olor map menu , which c ontains names of pr edefined and user-defined (in the Color map Editor panel) c olor maps tha t can b e selec ted. It prompts y ou f or the name of the c olor map t o be used . colors/ Enters the c olor options menu . axis-faces Sets the c olor of axisymmetr ic fac es. background Sets the back ground (windo w) c olor . color-by-type? Determines whether t o color meshes b y type or b y ID . far-field-faces Sets the c olor of far field fac es. free-surface-faces Sets the c olor of fr ee-sur face fac es. 297Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Sets the c olor theme f or the gr aphics windo w.The c olor options ar e for the back ground displa y, but changing the theme also changes the default c olors f or it ems tha t displa y in the gr aphics windo ws, like fac es and edges . foreground Sets the f oreground (t ext, ruler, and windo w fr ame) c olor . highlight-color Sets highligh t color . inlet-faces Sets the c olor of inlet fac es. interface-faces Sets the c olor of mesh in terfaces. interior-faces Sets the c olor of in terior fac es. internal-faces Sets the c olor of in ternal in terface fac es. outlet-faces Sets the c olor of outlet fac es. periodic-faces Sets the c olor of p eriodic fac es. rans-les-interface-faces Sets the c olor of R ANS/LES in terface fac es. symmetry-faces Sets the c olor of symmetr ic fac es. traction-faces Sets the c olor of tr action fac es. wall-faces Sets the c olor of w all fac es. list Lists a vailable c olors . reset-colors Resets individual mesh sur face colors t o the defaults . skip-label Sets the numb er of lab els t o be sk ipped in the c olor map sc ale. surface Sets the c olor of sur faces. contours/ Enters the c ontour options menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 298display/auto-range? Enables/disables aut o-computa tion of the c ontour r ange . clip-to-range? Turns the clip t o range option f or filled c ontours on/off . coloring Specifies whether c ontours ar e displa yed in bands or with smo oth tr ansitions . Note tha t you c an only displa y smo oth c ontours if no de-v alues ar e enabled . contour-lines? With the filled-contours? and node-values? options enabled , this sets the use of lines to delinea te the bands of c olor t o coincide with the c olor map . filled-contours? Turns the filled c ontours option on/off (deselec ts line-contours? ). global-range? Turns the global r ange f or contours on/off . line-contours? Turns the line c ontours option on/off (deselec ts filled-contours? ). log-scale? Specifies a decimal or lo garithmic c olor sc ale f or contours . n-contour Sets the numb er of c ontour le vels. node-values? Sets the option t o use sc alar field a t no des when c omputing the c ontours . render-mesh? Determines whether or not t o render the mesh on t op of c ontours , vectors, and so on. surfaces Sets the sur faces on which c ontours ar e dr awn. You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . element-shrink Sets shr inkage of b oth fac es and c ells. A value of z ero indic ates no shr inkage, while a v alue of one will shrink each fac e or c ell to a p oint. filled-mesh? Determines whether the meshes ar e dr awn as wir eframe or solid . mesh-level Sets c oarse mesh le vel to be dr awn. mesh-partitions? Enables/disables option t o dr aw mesh par tition b oundar ies. mesh-surfaces Sets sur face IDs t o be dr awn as meshes .You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . 299Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.mesh-zones Sets z one IDs t o be dr awn as meshes . picture/ Enters the save-picture options menu . color-mode/ Enters the har dcopy/sa ve-pic ture color mo de menu . color Plots har dcopies in c olor . gray-scale Converts color t o gr ayscale f or har dcopy. list Displa ys the cur rent har dcopy color mo de. mono-chrome Converts color t o mono chrome (black and whit e) for har dcopy. x-resolution Sets the width of r aster-formatted images in pix els (0 implies cur rent windo w siz e). y-resolution Sets the heigh t of r aster-formatted images in pix els (0 implies cur rent windo w siz e). dpi Sets the r esolution f or EPS and P ostscr ipt files; specifies the r esolution in dots p er inch (DPI) inst ead of setting the width and heigh t. driver/ Enters the set har dcopy dr iver menu . dump-window Sets the c ommand used t o dump the gr aphics windo w to a file . eps Produces enc apsula ted P ostScr ipt (EPS) output f or har dcopies . hsf Produces HOOPS Visualiz e Stream F ormat (HSF) output f or har dcopies . jpeg Produces JPEG output f or har dcopies . (This is the default file t ype.) list Lists the cur rent har dcopy dr iver. options Sets the har dcopy options . Available options ar e:“no gamma c orrection", disables gamma c orrection of colors; “pen sp eed = f ", wher e f is a r eal numb er in [0,1]; “physical siz e = (width, heigh t)", wher e width and heigh t are the ac tual measur emen ts of the pr intable ar ea of the page in c entimet ers; “subscr een = (lef t, right, bottom, top)", wher e lef t, right, bottom, and t op ar e numb ers in [-1,1] Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 300display/descr ibing a sub windo w on the page in which t o plac e the har dcopy.The options ma y be combined by separ ating them with c ommas .The p en sp eed option is only meaning ful t o the HPGL dr iver. png Uses PNG output f or har dcopies . post-format/ Enters the P ostScr ipt dr iver format menu . fast-raster Enables a r aster file tha t ma y be lar ger than the standar d raster file , but will pr int much mor e quick ly. raster Enables the standar d raster file . rle-raster Enables a r un-length enc oded r aster file tha t will b e ab out the same siz e as the standar d raster file, but will pr int sligh tly mor e quick ly. vector Enables the standar d vector file . post-script Produces P ostScr ipt output f or har dcopies . ppm Produces PPM output f or har dcopies . tiff Produces TIFF output f or har dcopies . vrml Uses VRML output f or har dcopies . invert-background? Exchanges f oreground/back ground c olors f or har dcopy. landscape? Plots har dcopies in landsc ape or p ortrait or ientation. jpeg-hardcopy-quality Controls the siz e and qualit y of ho w JPEG files ar e sa ved based on a sc ale of 0-100, with z ero being low qualit y small files and 100 b eing high qualit y lar ger files . preview Applies the settings of the c olor-mo de, invert-back ground , and landsc ape options t o the cur rently active gr aphics windo w to pr eview the app earance of pr inted har dcopies . use-window-resolution? Disables/enables the use of the cur rent graphics windo w resolution when sa ving an image of the graphics windo w. If disabled , the r esolution will b e as sp ecified f or x-resolution and y-resolu- tion . 301Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.lights/ Enters the ligh ts menu . headlight-on? Turns the ligh t tha t mo ves with the c amer a on or off . lighting-interpolation Sets ligh ting in terpolation metho d. flat Uses fla t shading f or meshes and p olygons . gouraud Uses G ouraud shading t o calcula te the c olor a t each v ertex of a p olygon and in terpolates it in the in terior. phong Uses P hong shading t o interpolate the nor mals f or each pix el of a p olygon and c omput es a color a t every pix el. lights-on? Turns all ac tive ligh ting on/off .This c ommand is onl y available when the headlight-on? option is turned off ( lights-on? is enabled when the headlight is on). set-ambient-color Sets the ambien t color f or the sc ene.The ambien t color is the back ground ligh t color in a sc ene. set-light Adds or mo difies a dir ectional, color ed ligh t. line-weight Sets the line-w eigh t fac tor for the windo w. marker-size Sets the siz e of mar kers used t o represen t points. marker-symbol Sets the t ype of mar kers used t o represen t points. mesh-display-configuration Changes the default mesh displa y. If set t o meshing , it dr aws the mesh on edges and fac es of the outline sur faces, color ed b y their z one ID with ligh ting enabled . If set t o solution , it dr aws the mesh on edges and fac es of the outline sur faces, color ed b y their z one t ype with ligh ting enabled . If set t o post-pr ocessing , it dr aws the objec t outline with ligh ting disabled . If set t o classic , it dr aws the mesh on all edges of the outline sur faces. Note This only applies f or 3D c ases . mirror-zones Sets the z ones ab out which the domain is mir rored (symmetr y planes). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 302display/mouse-buttons Prompts y ou t o selec t a func tion f or each of the mouse butt ons. mouse-probes? Enables/disables mouse pr obe capabilit y. n-stream-func Sets numb er of it erations used in c omputing str eam func tion. nodewt-based-interp? Disables/enables the use of no de w eigh ts for no de-based gr adien ts in p ostpr ocessing . overlays? Enables/disables o verlays. particle-tracks/ Enters the par ticle-tr acks menu t o set par amet ers f or displa y of par ticle tr acks . arrow-scale Sets the sc ale fac tor for ar rows drawn on par ticle tr acks . arrow-space Sets the spacing fac tor for ar rows drawn on par ticle tr acks . coarsen-factor Sets the c oarsening fac tor for par ticle tr acks . display? Determines whether par ticle tr acks shall b e displa yed or only tr acked. filter-settings/ Sets filt er for par ticle displa y. enable-filtering? Specifies whether par ticle displa y is filt ered. filter-variable Selec ts a v ariable used f or filt ering of par ticles . inside? Specifies whether filt er variable must b e inside min/max t o be displa yed (else outside min/max). maximum Specifies the upp er b ound f or the filt er variable . minimum Specifies the lo wer b ound f or the filt er variable . history-filename Specifies the name of the par ticle hist ory file . line-width Sets the width f or par ticle tr ack. 303Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.marker-size Sets the siz e of mar kers used t o represen t par ticle tr acks . particle-skip Specifies ho w man y par ticle tr acks should b e displa yed. radius Sets the r adius f or par ticle tr ack (r ibbon/c ylinder only) cr oss-sec tion. report-to Specifies the destina tion f or the r eport (console , file, none). report-type Sets the r eport type for par ticle tr acks . report-variables Sets the r eport variables . report-default-variables Sets the r eport variables t o default. sphere-attrib Specifies the siz e and numb er of slic es to be used in dr awing spher es. sphere-settings/ Sets filt er for par ticle displa y. auto-range? Specifies whether displa yed spher es should include aut o range of v ariable t o siz e spher es. diameter Diamet er of the spher es when vary-diameter is disabled . maximum Sets the maximum v alue of the spher e to be displa yed. minimum Sets the minimum v alue of the spher e to be displa yed. scale-factor Specifies a sc ale fac tor to enlar ge/r educ e the siz e of spher es. size-variable Selec ts a par ticle v ariable t o siz e the spher es. smooth-parameter Specifies numb er of slic es to be used in dr awing spher es. vary-diameter? Specifies whether the spher es c an v ary with another v ariable . style Sets the displa y style f or par ticle tr ack (line/r ibbon/c ylinder/spher e). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 304display/track-single-particle-stream? Specifies the str eam ID t o be tracked. twist-factor Sets the sc ale fac tor for twisting (r ibbons only). vector-settings/ Sets v ector sp ecific input. color-variable? Specifies whether the v ectors should b e color ed b y variable sp ecified in /displa y/par ticle- track/par ticle-tr ack (if false use a c onstan t color). constant-color Specifies a c onstan t color f or the v ectors. length-to-head-ratio Specifies r atio of length t o head f or v ectors and length t o diamet er for c ylinders . length-variable? Specifies whether the displa yed v ectors ha ve length v arying with another v ariable . scale-factor Specifies a sc ale fac tor to enlar ge/r educ e the length of v ectors. style Enables and sets the displa y style f or par ticle v ectors (none/v ector/c entered-v ector/c entered- cylinder). vector-length Specifies the length of c onstan t vectors. vector-length-variable Selec ts a par ticle v ariable t o sp ecify the length of v ectors. vector-variable Selec ts a par ticle v ector func tion t o sp ecify v ector dir ection. path-lines/ Sets par amet ers f or displa y of pa thlines . arrow-scale Sets the sc ale fac tor for ar rows drawn on pa thlines . arrow-space Sets the spacing fac tor for ar rows drawn on pa thlines . display-steps Sets the displa y stepping f or pa thlines . error-control? Sets er ror control dur ing pa thline c omputa tion. line-width Sets the width f or pa thlines . 305Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.marker-size Sets the mar ker siz e for par ticle dr awing . maximum-error Sets the maximum er ror allo wed while c omputing the pa thlines . maximum-steps Sets the maximum numb er of st eps t o tak e for pa thlines . radius Sets the r adius f or pa thline (r ibbons/c ylinder only) cr oss-sec tion. relative-pathlines? Enables/disables the tr acking of pa thlines in a r elative coordina te sy stem. reverse? Sets dir ection of pa th tr acking. sphere-attrib Specifies the siz e and numb er of slic es to be used in dr awing spher es. step-size Sets the st ep length b etween par ticle p ositions f or pa thlines . style Selec ts the pa thline st yle (line , point, ribbon, triangle , cylinder). time-step Sets the time st ep b etween par ticle p ositions f or pa thlines . track-in-phase Selec ts the phase in which par ticle pa thlines will b e comput ed (M ultiphase E uler ian M odel only). twist-factor Sets the sc ale fac tor for twisting (r ibbons only). periodic-repeats Sets numb er of p eriodic r epetitions . proximity-zones Sets z ones t o be used f or b oundar y cell distanc e and b oundar y pr oximit y. render-mesh? Enables/disables r ender ing the mesh on t op of c ontours , vectors, and so on. rendering-options Enters the r ender ing options menu , which c ontains the c ommands tha t allo w you t o set options tha t determine ho w the sc ene is r ender ed. animation-option Uses of wireframe or all dur ing anima tion. auto-spin? Enables/disables mouse view r otations t o continue t o spin the displa y after the butt on is r eleased . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 306display/color-map-alignment Sets the c olor bar alignmen t. device-info Prints out inf ormation ab out y our gr aphics dr iver. double-buffering? Enables/disables double buff ering. Double buff ering dr ama tically r educ es scr een flick er dur ing graphics up dates. If your displa y har dware do es not supp ort double buff ering and y ou tur n this option on, double buff ering will b e done in sof tware. Software double buff ering uses e xtra memor y. driver Changes the cur rent graphics dr iver.When enabling gr aphics displa y, you ha ve various options: for Linux, the a vailable dr ivers include opengl and x11 ; for Windo ws, the a vailable dr ivers include opengl ,dx11 (for D irectX 11), and msw (for M icrosof t Windo ws).You c an also disable the graphics displa y windo w by en tering null . For a c ompr ehensiv e list of the dr ivers a vailable t o you, press the Enter key at the driver> prompt. Note For an y session tha t displa ys graphics in a gr aphics windo w and/or sa ves pic ture files , having the dr iver set t o x11 ,msw , or null will c ause the r ender ing / sa ving speed t o be signific antly slo wer. face-displacement Sets fac e displac emen t value in Z-buff er units along the C amer a Z-axis . hidden-line-method Specifies the metho d to perform hidden line r ender ing.This c ommand will app ear only when hidden-lines? is tr ue. normal-hlr-algorithm Normal hidden lines algor ithm. This is the default. mesh-display-hlr? For remo ving hidden lines f or sur faces tha t are very close t ogether . Use this if normal-hlr- algorithm is not w orking.This will only w ork for meshes . Note These c ommands (only a vailable when Graphics C olor Theme is set t o Black ) are depr ecated and will b e remo ved a t a futur e release . hidden-lines? Turns hidden line r emo val on/off . Note This c ommand (only a vailable when Graphics C olor Theme is set t o Black ) is depr ecated and will b e remo ved a t a futur e release . 307Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.hidden-surfaces? Turns hidden sur face remo val on/off . hidden-surface-method/ Allows you t o cho ose fr om among the hidden sur face remo val metho ds tha t ANSY S Fluen t supp orts. These options (list ed b elow) ar e displa y har dware dep enden t. hardware-z-buffer Is the fast est metho d if y our har dware supp orts it. The accur acy and sp eed of this metho d is hardware dep enden t. painters Will sho w less edge-aliasing eff ects than har dware-z- buff er.This metho d is of ten used inst ead of sof tware-z-buff er when memor y is limit ed. software-z-buffer Is the fast est of the accur ate sof tware metho ds a vailable (esp ecially f or comple x scenes), but it is memor y intensiv e. z-sort-only Is a fast sof tware metho d, but it is not as accur ate as sof tware-z-buff er. outer-face-cull? Enables/disables disc arding out er fac es dur ing displa y. set-rendering-options Sets the r ender ing options . surface-edge-visibility Sets edge visibilit y flags f or sur faces. reset-graphics Resets the gr aphics sy stem. title Sets pr oblem title .This t ext only app ears if the display/set/windows/text/company? text command is set t o yes and if Titles is enabled in the Displa y Options dialo g box. left-top Sets the title t ext for lef t top in title segmen t. left-bottom Sets the title t ext for lef t bottom in title segmen t. right-top Sets the title t ext for right top in title segmen t. right-middle Sets the title t ext for right middle in title segmen t. right-bottom Sets the title t ext for right bottom in title segmen t. velocity-vectors/ Enters the menu t o set par amet ers f or displa y of v elocity vectors. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 308display/auto-scale? Auto-sc ales all v ectors so tha t vector o verlap is minimal. color Sets the c olor of all v elocity vectors t o the c olor sp ecified .The c olor sc ale is ignor ed.This is useful when o verlaying a v ector plot o ver a c ontour plot. color-levels Sets the numb er of c olors used fr om the c olor map . component-x? Sets the option t o use only the comp onen t of the v elocity vectors dur ing displa y. component-y? Sets the option t o use only the comp onen t of the v elocity vectors dur ing displa y. component-z? Sets the option t o use only the comp onen t of the v elocity vectors dur ing displa y. constant-length? Sets the option t o dr aw velocity vectors of c onstan t length. This sho ws only the dir ection of the velocity vectors. global-range? Turns global r ange f or v ectors on/off . in-plane? Toggles the displa y of v elocity vector comp onen ts in the plane of the sur face selec ted f or displa y. log-scale? Toggles whether c olor sc ale is lo garithmic or linear . node-values? Enables/disables the plotting of no de v alues . Cell v alues will b e plott ed if "no". relative? Toggles the displa y of r elative velocity vectors. render-mesh? Enables/disables r ender ing the mesh on t op of c ontours , vectors, and so on. scale Sets the v alue b y which the v ector length will b e sc aled . scale-head Sets the v alue b y which the v ector head will b e sc aled . style Specifies the v ector st yle tha t will b e used when the v ectors ar e displa yed.You c an cho ose fr om: 3d ar row,3d ar rowhead ,cone ,filled-ar row,arrow,harpoon, or headless . surfaces Sets sur faces on which v ectors ar e dr awn. You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . 309Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Enters the windo ws option menu , which c ontains c ommands tha t allo w you t o cust omiz e the r elative positions of sub windo ws inside the ac tive gr aphics windo w. aspect-ratio Sets the asp ect ratio of the ac tive windo w. axes/ Enters the ax es windo w options menu (3D only). border? Sets whether t o dr aw a b order ar ound the ax es windo w. bottom Sets the b ottom b oundar y of the ax es windo w. clear? Sets the tr anspar ency of the ax es windo w. logo? Enables/disables visibilit y of the lo go in gr aphics windo w. logo-color Sets lo go c olor t o whit e/black in gr aphics windo w. right Sets the r ight boundar y of the ax es windo w. visible? Turns ax es visibilit y on/off . main/ Enters the main view windo w options menu . border? Sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the main viewing windo w. bottom Sets the b ottom b oundar y of the main viewing windo w. left Sets the lef t boundar y of the main viewing windo w. right Sets the r ight boundar y of the main viewing windo w. top Sets the t op b oundar y of the main viewing windo w. visible? Turns visibilit y of the main viewing windo w on/off . ruler? Turns the r uler on/off . Note tha t if y ou ar e running F luen t in 3D , then the view must b e set t o or- tho graphic . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 310display/scale/ Enters the c olor sc ale windo w options menu . alignment Sets the c olor map p osition t o the b ottom, left, top, or r ight. border? Sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the c olor sc ale windo w. bottom Sets the b ottom b oundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. clear? Sets the tr anspar ency of the sc ale windo w. format Sets the numb er format of the c olor sc ale windo w. (for e xample , %0.2e) font-size Sets the f ont siz e of the c olor sc ale windo w. left Sets the lef t boundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. margin Sets the mar gin of the c olor sc ale windo w. right Sets the r ight boundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. top Sets the t op b oundar y of the c olor sc ale windo w. visible? Turns visibilit y of the c olor sc ale windo w on/off . text/ Enters the t ext windo w options menu . application? Shows/hides the applic ation name in the pic ture. border? Sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the t ext windo w. bottom Sets the b ottom b oundar y of the t ext windo w. clear? Enables/disables t ext windo w tr anspar ency. company? Enables/disables the displa y of y our c ompan y name or other t ext defined using the dis- play/set/titles/ text command .The t ext app ears in the title b ox. See Controlling the Titles , Axes, Ruler, Logo, and C olor map in the Fluent U ser's G uide for additional inf ormation. 311Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Shows/hides the da te in the pic ture. left Sets the lef t boundar y of the t ext windo w. right Sets the r ight boundar y of the t ext windo w. top Sets the t op b oundar y of the t ext windo w. visible? Turns visibilit y of the t ext windo w on/off . video/ Enters the video windo w options menu . background Sets the back ground c olor of the gr aphics windo w.The c olor is sp ecified as a str ing of thr ee comma-separ ated numb ers b etween 0 and 1, represen ting r ed, green, and blue . For e xample , to change the back ground fr om black (default) t o gr ay, you w ould en ter ".5,.5,.5" after selec ting the background command . color-filter Sets the video c olor filt er. For e xample , to change the c olor filt er fr om its default setting t o PAL video with a sa turation of 80% and a br ightness of 90%, you w ould en ter "video=pal,sat=.8,gain=.9" after selec ting the color-filter command . foreground Sets the f oreground (t ext) color of the gr aphics windo w.The c olor is sp ecified as a str ing of three c omma-separ ated numb ers b etween 0 and 1, represen ting r ed, green, and blue . For e x- ample , to change the f oreground fr om whit e (default) t o gr ay, you w ould en ter ".5,.5,.5" after selec ting the foreground command . on? Enables/disables video pic ture settings . pixel-size Sets the windo w siz e in pix els. xy/ Enters the X Y plot windo w options menu . border? Sets whether or not t o dr aw a b order ar ound the X Y plot windo w. bottom Sets the b ottom b oundar y of the X Y plot windo w. left Sets the lef t boundar y of the X Y plot windo w. right Sets the r ight boundar y of the X Y plot windo w. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 312display/top Sets the t op b oundar y of the X Y plot windo w. visible? Turns visibilit y of the X Y plot windo w on/off . zero-angle-dir Sets the v ector ha ving z ero angular c oordina tes. set-list-tree-separator Sets the separ ator char acter for list tr ee. set-window Sets a gr aphics windo w to be the ac tive windo w. surface/ Enters the da ta sur face-manipula tion menu . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see sur- face/ (p.373). surface-cells Draws the c ells on the sp ecified sur faces.You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . surface-mesh Draws the mesh defined b y the sp ecified sur faces.You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . update-scene/ Enters the sc ene options menu . delete Deletes selec ted geometr ies. display Displa ys selec ted geometr ies. draw-frame? Enables/disables dr awing the b ounding fr ame . iso-sweep Changes iso-sw eep v alues . overlays? Enables/disables the o verlays option. pathline Changes pa thline a ttribut es. select-geometry Selec ts geometr y to be up dated. set-frame Changes fr ame options . time Changes time-st ep v alue . 313Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.transform Applies tr ansf ormation ma trix on selec ted geometr ies. vector Displa ys vectors of a spac e vector v ariable . velocity-vector Prompts f or a sc alar field b y which t o color the v ectors, the minimum and maximum v alues , and the sc ale factor, and then dr aws the v elocity vectors. view/ Enters the view manipula tion menu . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see views/ (p.379). zone-mesh Draws the mesh defined b y sp ecified fac e zones . Zone names c an b e indic ated using wildc ards (*). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 314display/Chapt er 5:exit / close-fluent exit Exits pr ogram. close-fluent (ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench only) Exits pr ogram. 315Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 316Chapt er 6:file/ async-optimize? Chooses whether t o optimiz e file I/O using scr atch disks and asynchr onous op erations . auto-save/ Enters the aut o sa ve menu . append-file-name-with Sets the suffix f or aut o-sa ved files .The file name c an b e app ended b y flo w-time , time-st ep v alue , or by user-sp ecified flags in file name . case-frequency Specifies the fr equenc y (in it erations , time st eps, or flo w time) with which c ase files ar e sa ved. data-frequency Specifies the fr equenc y (in it erations , time st eps, or flo w time) with which da ta files ar e sa ved. max-files Sets the maximum numb er of files . Onc e the maximum is r eached , files will b e erased as new files ar e written. overwrite-existing-files Overwrites e xisting files when files ar e aut oma tically sa ved. retain-most-recent-files Sets aut osave to retain the 5 most r ecent files . root-name Specifies the r oot name f or the files tha t are sa ved. save-data-file-every Specifies the t ype and fr equenc y of the da ta file t o be sa ved. binary-files? Indic ates whether t o wr ite binar y or t ext format case and da ta files . close-without-save? Exits ANSY S Fluen t without sa ving da ta in Workbench. This c ommand is only a vailable when r unning ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench. confirm-overwrite? Confir ms a ttempts t o overwrite existing files . data-file-options Sets der ived quan tities t o be wr itten in da ta file . define-macro Saves input t o a named macr o. 317Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.em-mapping Enters the elec tromagnetic loss mapping menu . Imp ortant When ANSY S Fluen t is r un under Workbench and a c onnec tion is det ected b etween the ANSY S Fluen t and ANSY S M axwell applic ations , the em-mapping text command menu includes only the volumetric-energy-loss and surface-energy-loss com- mands .The maintain-loss-on-initialization and remove-loss-only commands ar e available when ther e is no c onnec tion b etween ANSY S Fluen t and ANSY S Maxwell and F luen t has elec tromagnetic loss da ta; Fluen t can r eceive this loss da ta through a c onnec tion or fr om a pr eviously solv ed da ta file . maintain-loss-on-initialization Maintains the loss da ta pr ovided b y Maxwell e ven if solution is initializ ed. remove-loss-only Remo ves the loss da ta pr ovided b y Maxwell and k eeps all other solution da ta. surface-energy-loss Maps the t otal sur face loss (tha t is, hea t sour ce) fr om M axwell to ANSY S Fluen t so tha t you c an p erform a ther mal analy sis.This option is only a vailable when ther e is a c onnec tion det ected b etween the ANSY S Fluen t and M axwell applic ations . volumetric-energy-loss Maps the t otal v olumetr ic loss (tha t is, hea t sour ce) fr om M axwell to ANSY S Fluen t so tha t you c an perform a ther mal analy sis.This option is only a vailable when ther e is a c onnec tion det ected b etween the ANSY S Fluen t and M axwell applic ations . execute-macro Runs a pr eviously defined macr o. export-to-cfd-post Exports da ta files tha t are compa tible with CFD-P ost and EnS ight (tha t is,.cdat and .cst files) and op ens CFD-P ost, if desir ed. export/ Exports case and da ta inf ormation. abaqus Writes an AB AQUS file . ascii Writes an ASCII file . avs Writes an A VS UCD file . cdat-for-cfd-post-&-ensight Writes da ta files tha t are compa tible with CFD-P ost and EnS ight (tha t is,.cdat and .cst files). cgns Writes a C GNS file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 318file/custom-heat-flux Writes a gener ic file f or hea t transf er. dx Writes an IBM D ata Explor er format file . ensight Writes EnS ight geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files . ensight-gold Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files . ensight-gold-parallel-surfaces Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files f or sur faces in a par allel f ormat suitable f or EnSight En terprise. ensight-gold-parallel-volume Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files f or cell z ones in a par allel f ormat suitable f or EnSight En terprise. ensight-gold-transient Writes EnS ight Gold Transien t geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files . fast-mesh Writes FAST/P lot3D unstr uctured mesh file . fast-scalar Writes FAST/P lot3D unstr uctured sc alar func tion file . fast-solution Writes FAST/P lot3D unstr uctured solution file . fast-velocity Writes FAST/P lot3D unstr uctured v ector func tion file . fieldview Writes FIELD VIEW case and da ta files . fieldview-data Writes FIELD VIEW case and da ta files . fieldview-unstruct Writes FIELD VIEW unstr uctured c ombined file . fieldview-unstruct-mesh Writes FIELD VIEW unstr uctured mesh-only file . fieldview-unstruct-data Writes FIELD VIEW unstr uctured r esults-only file . fieldview-unstruct-surfaces Writes FIELD VIEW unstr uctured file f or sur faces.You ar e pr ompt ed t o selec t either [1],[2] or [3] to write either mesh-only , results-only , or c ombined f or sur faces (r espectively). 319Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.gambit Writes GAMBIT neutr al file . icemcfd-for-icepak Writes a binar y ICEM CFD domain file . ideas Writes an I-deas univ ersal file . mechanical-apdl-input Writes a M echanic al APDL Input file . nastran Writes a NASTR AN file . particle-history-data Exports par ticle-hist ory da ta. patran-neutral Writes a P ATRAN neutr al file . patran-nodal Writes a P ATRAN no dal r esults file . system-coupling-definition-file-settings/ Enters the sy stem c oupling file ( .scp ) menu . enable-automatic-creation-of-scp-file enables/disables aut oma tically wr iting a .scp every time a c ase file is wr itten. write-system-coupling-file Writes a sy stem c oupling (.scp ) file . taitherm Exports TAITherm file . tecplot Writes a Tecplot+3D V format file . fsi/ Enters the fluid-str ucture interaction menu . display-fsi-mesh Displa ys the mesh f or a fluid-str ucture interaction. read-fsi-mesh Reads an FEM mesh f or one-w ay da ta mapping fr om ANSY S Fluen t. write-fsi-mesh Writes a fluid-str ucture interaction mesh file . hdf-files? Answ ering yes will set HDF5 as the default file f ormat for reading and wr iting c ase/da ta files . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 320file/hdfio-options/ Enters the HDF options menu compression-level Sets the c ompr ession le vel for HDF-f ormatted files .The c ompr ession le vel can b e set b etween 0 and 9 with 0 b eing no c ompr ession (fast est) and 9 b eing highest c ompr ession (slo west). io-mode Sets the I/O mo de f or wr iting HDF files . HOST : I/O is done ser ially b y the host pr ocess. NODE0 : I/O is done ser ially b y the no de 0 pr ocess. PARALLEL INDEPENDENT : I/O is done in par allel using the indep enden t mo de of MPI I/O . PARALLEL C OLLECTIVE : I/O is done in par allel using the c ollec tive mo de of MPI I/O . single-precision-data? Specifies whether the double-pr ecision solv er sa ves single-pr ecision da ta when wr iting HDF da ta files , in or der t o reduc e the siz e of the files . import/ Imp orts case and da ta inf ormation. abaqus/ Imp orts an AB AQUS file . fil Reads an AB AQUS .fil r esult file as a c ase file . input Reads an AB AQUS input file as a c ase file . odb Reads an AB AQUS o db file as a c ase file . cfx/ Imp orts a CFX file . definition Reads a CFX definition file as a c ase file . result Reads a CFX definition file as a c ase file . cgns/ Imp orts a C GNS file . data Reads da ta fr om C GNS file . mesh Imp orts a C GNS mesh file . mesh-data Imp orts a C GNS mesh file and da ta file . 321Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.chemkin-mechanism Reads a CHEMKIN mechanism file . chemkin-report-each-line? Enables/disables r eporting af ter reading each line . ensight Reads an EnS ight file as a c ase file . fidap Imp orts a FIDAP neutr al file . flamelet/ Imp orts a flamelet file . standard Reads a standar d format flamelet file . cfx-rif Reads a CFX-RIF f ormat flamelet file . fluent4-case Imp orts a f ormatted ANSY S Fluen t 4 c ase file . gambit Imp orts a GAMBIT neutr al file . hypermesh Reads a HYPERMESH file as a c ase file . ideas-universal Imp orts an I-deas U niversal file . lstc/ Imp orts an LST C file . input Reads an LST C input file as a c ase file . state Reads an LST C result file as a c ase file . marc-post Reads a MAR C POST file as a c ase file . mechanical-apdl/ Imp orts a M echanic al APDL file . input Reads a M echanic al APDL file as a c ase file . result Reads a M echanic al APDL r esult file as a c ase file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 322file/nastran/ Imp orts a NASTR AN file . bulkdata Reads a NASTR AN file as a c ase file . output2 Reads a NASTR AN op2 file as a c ase file . partition/ Enters the par tition menu t o set c onditions f or par titioning an ANSY S Fluen t case file dur ing r ead. metis Reads and par titions an ANSY S Fluen t case file . metis-zone Reads and par titions an ANSY S Fluen t case file . patran/ Imp orts a P ATRAN neutr al file (z ones defined b y named c omp onen ts). neutral Reads a P ATRAN N eutr al file (z ones defined b y named c omp onen ts) as a c ase file . plot3d/ Imp orts a PL OT3D file . mesh Reads a PL OT3D file as a c ase file . tecplot Enters the Tecplot menu . mesh Reads a Tecplot binar y file as a c ase file . prebfc-structured Imp orts a f ormatted P reBFC str uctured mesh file . ptc-mechanica Reads a PT C M echanic a Design file as a c ase file . load-act-tool Loads the ANSY S ACT simula tion cust omiza tion t ool. interpolate/ Interpolates da ta to/from another gr id. read-data Reads and in terpolates da ta. write-data Writes da ta for in terpolation. 323Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Defines a list of c ell z one IDs . If specified , interpolation da ta will b e read/wr itten for these c ell z ones only . read-case Reads a c ase file . read-case-data Reads a c ase and a da ta file . read-data Reads a da ta file . read-field-functions Reads cust om field func tion definitions fr om a file . read-injections Reads all DPM injec tions fr om a file . read-isat-table Reads ISA T Table . read-journal Reads c ommand input fr om one or mor e files . read-macros Reads macr o definitions fr om a file . read-pdf Reads a PDF file . read-profile Reads b oundar y pr ofile da ta. read-rays Reads a r ay file . read-settings Reads and sets b oundar y conditions fr om a sp ecified file . read-surface-clusters Reads sur face clust ers fr om a file . read-transient-table Reads table of tr ansien t boundar y pr ofile da ta. read-viewfactors Reads view fac tors fr om a file . reload-setup Discards an y changes in the cur rent ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench session and r emo ves an y corresponding data fr om the Solution cell.This c ommand is only a vailable when r unning ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench. replace-mesh Replac es the mesh with a new one while pr eser ving settings . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 324file/set-batch-options Sets the ba tch options . set-tui-version Allows you t o impr ove back wards c ompa tibilit y for jour nal files .This c ommand hides an y new TUI pr ompts that are added a t a futur e release of ANSY S Fluen t and r everts to the ar gumen ts of the r elease tha t you specify using the c ommand (within t wo full r eleases of the cur rent release). The c ommand is aut oma tically added t o a jour nal file as so on as y ou star t the r ecording . show-configuration Displa ys cur rent release and v ersion inf ormation. single-precision-coordinates? Specifies whether the no dal c oordina tes should b e wr itten in single pr ecision (r ather than the default double pr ecision). This t ext command is only a vailable in the single-pr ecision v ersion of ANSY S Fluen t. solution-files/ Enters the solution files menu . delete-solution Deletes solution files . load-solution Loads a solution file . print-solution-files Prints a list of a vailable solution files . start-journal Starts recording all input in a file . Note tha t commands en tered using pa ths fr om older v ersions of F luen t will b e up graded t o their cur rent pa th in the jour nal file . start-transcript Starts recording input and output in a file . stop-journal Stops r ecording input and closes jour nal file . stop-macro Stops r ecording input t o a macr o. stop-transcript Stops r ecording input and output and closes tr anscr ipt file . sync-workbench Directly up dates Workbench with the most r ecent Fluen t changes .This c ommand is only a vailable when running ANSY S Fluen t in Workbench. transient-export/ abaqus Writes an AB AQUS file . ascii Writes an ASCII file . 325Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.avs Writes an A VS UCD file . cdat-for-cfd-post-&-ensight Writes da ta files tha t are compa tible with CFD-P ost and EnS ight (tha t is,.cdat and .cst files). cgns Writes a C GNS file . dx Writes an IBM D ata Explor er format file . ensight-gold-transient Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files . ensight-gold-from-existing-files Writes EnS ight Gold files using ANSY S Fluen t case files . ensight-gold-parallel-surfaces Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files f or sur faces in a par allel f ormat suitable f or EnSight En terprise. ensight-gold-parallel-volume Writes EnS ight Gold geometr y, velocity, and sc alar files f or cell z ones in a par allel f ormat suitable f or EnSight En terprise. fast Writes a F AST/P lot3D unstr uctured mesh v elocity scalar file . fast-solution Writes a F AST/P lot3D unstr uctured solution file . fieldview-unstruct Writes a FIELD VIEW unstr uctured c ombined file . fieldview-unstruct-mesh Writes a FIELD VIEW unstr uctured mesh only file . fieldview-unstruct-data Writes a FIELD VIEW unstr uctured r esults only file . fieldview-unstruct-surfaces Writes FIELD VIEW unstr uctured c ombined file f or sur faces. ideas Writes an I-deas univ ersal file . mechanical-apdl-input Writes a M echanic al APDL input file . nastran Writes a NASTR AN file . patran-neutral Writes a P ATRAN neutr al file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 326file/taitherm Writes a TAITherm file . particle-history-data Sets up an aut oma tic par ticle-hist ory da ta export. edit Edits tr ansien t exports. delete Deletes tr ansien t exports. settings/ Enters the aut oma tic e xport settings menu . cfd-post-compatible Specifies when c ase files ar e wr itten with the .cdat and .cst files e xported f or ANSY S CFD-P ost. Note tha t this setting is ignor ed if the Write Case F ile E very Time option is enabled in the Auto- matic E xport dialo g box. write-boundary-mesh Writes the b oundar y mesh t o a file . write-case Writes a c ase file . write-case-data Writes a c ase and a da ta file . write-cleanup-script Writes the cleanup-scr ipt-file f or ANSY S Fluen t. write-data Writes a da ta file . write-fan-profile Comput es radial pr ofiles f or a fan z one and wr ites them t o a pr ofile file . write-field-functions Writes the cur rently defined cust om field func tions t o a file . write-flamelet Writes a flamelet file . write-injections Writes out selec ted DPM injec tions t o a file . write-isat-table Writes ISA T Table . write-macros Writes the cur rently defined macr os to a file . write-merge-profiles Writes a .csv file with the selec ted sur faces c onsolida ted in to one set of da ta p oints. 327Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.write-pdat? Enables / disables the a ttempt t o sa ve .pdat files . Note tha t this t ext command is no longer supp orted. write-pdf Writes a p df file . write-profile Writes sur face da ta as a b oundar y pr ofile file . write-settings Writes out cur rent boundar y conditions in use . write-surface-clusters/ Writes the sur face clust ers t o a file . set-parameters Sets the par amet ers needed f or the view fac tor calcula tions . split-angle Sets the split angle f or the clust ering algor ithm. write-surface-clusters Comput es and wr ites sur face clust ers f or S2S r adia tion mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 328file/Chapt er 7:mesh/ adapt/ Enters the mesh adaption menu . adapt-mesh Adapts the mesh acc ording t o the metho ds and settings tha t you sp ecified . anisotropic-adaption Anisotr opic ally r efines b oundar y layers. Cells will b e split in the nor mal dir ection t o the b oundar y fac e. cell-registers/ Enters the c ell regist ers menu . add Creates a new c ell regist er. apply-poor-mesh-numerics Applies p oor mesh numer ics t o the mesh of a c ell regist er. coarsen Coarsen the mesh based on a c ell regist er. delete Deletes a c ell regist er. display Displa ys a c ell regist er. edit Edits an e xisting c ell regist er. list Lists all of the cur rently defined c ell regist ers. list-properties Lists the pr operties of a c ell regist er. refine Refine the mesh based on a c ell regist er. coarsening-criteria Allows you t o pr ovide an e xpression f or the c oarsening cr iterion. display-adaption-cells Displa ys the c ells tha t are mar ked f or adaption in the gr aphics windo w. free-hierarchy Deletes the defined adaption hier archy. 329Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.geometry Enters the geometr y menu . reconstruct-geometry Enables/disables geometr y-based adaption. set-geometry-controls Sets geometr y controls f or w all z ones . list-adaption-cells Prints the numb er of c ells mar ked f or refinemen t, coarsening , and b oth t o the c onsole . refinement-criteria Allows you t o pr ovide an e xpression f or the r efinemen t criterion. revert-to-R19.2-user-interface Reverts the user in terface, specific ally the Adapt group b ox of the Domain ribbon tab t o contain the same adaption r egist er options as w ere available with ANSY S Fluen t release 19.2. Note tha t you c annot "undo" this c ommand onc e you en ter it. set/ Enters the set menu . additional-refinement-layers Allows you t o sp ecify additional r efinemen t layers (this is an ad vanced c ontrol). display-settings Sets the gr aphics displa y options f or the r efinemen t, coarsening , and c ommon c ells. dynamic-adaption? Enables aut oma tic mesh adaption dur ing the c alcula tion, based on y our sp ecified r efinemen t and coarsening settings . dynamic-adaption-frequency Specifies the in terval for ho w man y iterations or time st eps must pass b etween t wo consecutiv e automa tic mesh adaptions . maximum-refinement-level Controls the numb er of le vels of r efinemen t used t o split c ells dur ing the adaption. method Sets the adaption metho d. minimum-cell-quality Sets the minimum v alue allo wed f or the or thogonal qualit y of c ells dur ing adaption. If your solution diverges, you ma y find tha t using a higher minimum qualit y value r esolv es the issue .This t ext command is only a vailable f or PUMA 3D adaption (tha t is, when y ou ha ve en tered ad- apt/set/method 2 ). minimum-cell-volume Restricts the siz e of c ell tha t Fluen t considers f or refinemen t. Even if the c ell is mar ked f or refinemen t, it will not b e refined if its c ell v olume is less than this thr eshold v alue . verbosity Allows you set ho w much inf ormation ab out the adaption is pr inted t o the c onsole . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 330mesh/adjacency Views and r enames fac e zones adjac ent to selec ted c ell z ones . check Performs v arious mesh c onsist ency checks and displa ys a r eport in the c onsole tha t lists the domain e xtents, the v olume sta tistics , the fac e area sta tistics , and an y warnings , as w ell as details ab out the v arious checks and mesh failur es (dep ending on the setting sp ecified f or mesh/check-verbosity ). check-verbosity Sets the le vel of details tha t will b e added t o the mesh check r eport gener ated b y mesh/check . A value of 0 (the default) not es when checks ar e being p erformed , but do es not list them individually . A value of 1 lists the individual checks as the y are performed . A value of 2 lists the individual checks as the y are per- formed , and pr ovides additional details (f or e xample , the lo cation of the pr oblem, the aff ected c ells). The check-verbosity text command c an also b e used t o set the le vel of detail displa yed in the mesh qualit y report gener ated b y mesh/quality . A v alue of 0 (the default) or 1 lists the minimum orthogonal qualit y and the maximum asp ect ratio. A v alue of 2 adds inf ormation ab out the z ones that contain the c ells with the lo west qualit y, and additional metr ics such as the maximum c ell squish inde x and the minimum e xpansion r atio. memory-usage Reports solv er memor y use . mesh-info Prints zone inf ormation siz e. modify-zones/ Enters the z one mo dific ation menu . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see define/boundary- conditions/modify-zones . polyhedra/ Enters the p olyhedr a menu . convert-domain Converts the en tire domain t o polyhedr a cells. convert-hanging-nodes Converts cells with hanging no des/edges t o polyhedr a. convert-skewed-cells Converts sk ewed c ells t o polyhedr a. options/ Enters the p olyhedr a options menu . migrate-and-reorder? Enables / disables the migr ation of newly cr eated par titions t o the c omput e-no des and the r eorder- ing of the domain as par t of p olyhedr a conversion. This is disabled b y default , because it r equir es signific ant additional memor y; when disabled , it is r ecommended tha t you sa ve the c ase file af ter conversion, read it in a new F luen t session (so tha t the new / st ored par titions b ecome ac tive), and then manually r eorder using the mesh/reorder/reorder-domain text command . If you w ant to run the c alcula tion in the cur rent Fluen t session y ou c an enable the migrate-and-reorder? text command pr ior t o conversion, but y ou must ensur e tha t no mor e than half of the a vailable memor y of y our sy stem is cur rently used . 331Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.preserve-boundary-layer? Specifies whether b oundar y layer cells will b e pr eser ved when the domain is c onverted t o polyhedr a. When the v alue is set t o 0 (default) ANSY S Fluen t checks f or high asp ect ratio c ells a t the b oundar y layer and if an y are found , Fluen t asks if y ou w ant to pr eser ve the b oundar y layer.When the v alue is set t o 1, the b oundar y layer cells ar e ne ver pr eser ved; when it is set t o 2, the b oundar y layer cells are alw ays preser ved (r egar dless of the asp ect ratio of the b oundar y layer cells). preserve-interior-zones Enables the pr eser vation of sur faces (tha t is, manif old z ones of t ype interior) dur ing the c onversion of the domain t o polyhedr a. Note tha t only those z ones with a name tha t includes the str ing y ou specify will b e pr eser ved. quality Displa ys inf ormation ab out the qualit y of the mesh in the c onsole , including the minimum or thogonal qualit y and the maximum asp ect ratio.The le vel of detail displa yed dep ends on the setting sp ecified f or mesh/check-verbosity . redistribute-boundary-layer Redistr ibut es the no des in a b oundar y layer zone t o achie ve a desir ed gr owth r ate after anisotr opic adaption. reorder/ Reorders domain menu . band-width Prints cell band width. reorder-domain Reorders c ells and fac es using the r everse C uthill-M cKee algor ithm. Note tha t you must sa ve a new case file (and a da ta file , if da ta exists) af ter reordering with this t ext command , as w ell as r ecreate an y ray files and/or sur face clust er inf ormation. reorder-zones Reorders z ones b y par tition, type, and ID . repair-improve allow-repair-at-boundaries Allows the adjustmen t of the p ositions of no des on b oundar ies as par t of the mesh r epairs p erformed by the mesh/repair-improve/repair text command . improve-quality Impr oves p oor qualit y cells in the mesh, if possible . include-local-polyhedra-conversion-in-repair Enables/disables the lo cal conversion of degener ate cells in to polyhedr a based on sk ewness cr iteria as par t of the mesh r epairs p erformed b y the mesh/repair-improve/repair text command . repair Repairs mesh pr oblems iden tified b y the mesh check, if possible .The r epairs include fixing c ells tha t have the wr ong no de or der, the wr ong fac e handedness , faces tha t are small or none xistent, or v ery poor qualit y. Only in terior no des ar e repositioned b y default; boundar y no des ma y be repositioned if the mesh/repair-improve/allow-repair-at-boundaries text command is enabled . Note that highly sk ewed c ells ma y be converted in to polyhedr a, dep ending on whether the mesh/repair- improve/include-local-polyhedra-conversion-in-repair text command is enabled . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 332mesh/repair-face-handedness Modifies c ell c entroids t o repair meshes tha t contain lef t-handed fac es without fac e no de or der pr ob- lems . repair-face-node-order Modifies fac e no des t o repair fac es with impr oper fac e no de or der and , ther efore, elimina tes an y res- ulting lef t-handed fac es. repair-periodic Modifies the mesh t o enf orce a r otational angle or tr ansla tional distanc e for p eriodic b oundar ies. For transla tionally p eriodic b oundar ies, the c ommand c omput es an a verage tr ansla tion distanc e and adjusts the no de c oordina tes on the shado w fac e zone t o ma tch this distanc e. For rotationally p eriodic boundar ies, the c ommand pr ompts f or an angle and adjusts the no de c oordina tes on the shado w fac e zone using this angle and the defined r otational axis f or the c ell z one . repair-wall-distance Corrects w all distanc e at very high asp ect ratio he xahedr al/p olyhedr al cells. report-poor-elements Reports in valid and p oor qualit y elemen ts. rotate Rotates the mesh. scale Prompts f or the sc aling fac tors in each of the ac tive Cartesian c oordina te dir ections . size-info Prints mesh siz e. smooth-mesh Smooths the mesh using qualit y-based , Laplacian, or sk ewness metho ds. surface-mesh/ Enters the Sur face Mesh menu . delete Deletes sur face mesh. display Displa ys sur face meshes . read Reads sur face meshes . swap-mesh-faces Swaps mesh fac es. translate Prompts f or the tr ansla tion off set in each of the ac tive Cartesian c oordina te dir ections . 333Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 334Chapt er 8:parallel/ bandwidth Shows net work band width. check Performs checks of v arious fac tors tha t aff ect par allel p erformanc e. check Sets v erbosity output of the par allel check. Higher v erbosity corresponds t o mor e detailed inf ormation. gpgpu/ Enters the GPGPU menu select Selec ts which GPGPU s to use f or AMG acc eleration show Lists the a vailable GPGPU s. GPGPU s selec ted f or use ar e indic ated b y the pr esenc e of an ast erisk (*). latency Shows net work latency. load-balance Enters the load balancing par amet ers menu . physical-models Uses ph ysical-mo dels load balancing? dynamic-mesh Uses load balancing f or d ynamic mesh? mesh-adaption Uses load balancing f or mesh adaption? partition/ Enters the par tition domain menu . auto/ Sets aut o par tition par amet ers. across-zones Enables aut o par titioning b y zone or b y domain. load-vector Sets the aut o par tition load v ector. method Sets the par tition metho d. 335Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.pre-test Sets aut o par tition pr e-testing optimiza tion. use-case-file-method Uses par titions in a pr e-par titioned c ase file . combine-partition Merges e very N par titions . merge-clusters Calls the optimiz er tha t attempts t o decr ease the numb er of in terfaces b y elimina ting or phan c ell clust ers. (An or phan clust er is a gr oup of c onnec ted c ells such tha t each memb er has a t least one fac e that is par t of an in terface boundar y.) method Sets the par tition metho d. print-active-partitions Prints ac tive par tition inf ormation (par allel solv er). print-stored-partitions Prints st ored par tition inf ormation (par allel solv er). reorder-partitions Reorders par titions . reorder-partitions-to-architecture Reorders par titions t o ar chitecture. set/ Enters the set par tition par amet ers menu . across-zones Allows par titions t o cross z one b oundar ies (the default). If tur ned off , it will r estrict par titioning t o within each c ell z one .This is r ecommended only when c ells in diff erent zones r equir e signific antly different amoun ts of c omputa tion dur ing the solution phase; for e xample , if the domain c ontains both solid and fluid z ones . all-off Disables all optimiza tions . all-on Enables all optimiza tions . cell-function Sets c ell func tion. dpm-load-balancing Enables / disables d ynamic load balancing f or discr ete phase mo del c ases tha t use a sec ond domain for DPM par ticle tr acking (tha t is, cases f or which y ou ha ve enabled the define/models/dpm/par- allel/hybrid-2domain? text command). face-area-as-weights Uses fac e area as c onnec tion w eigh ts. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 336parallel/isat-weight Sets ISA T weigh t. laplace-smoothing Enables the Laplac e smo othing option which c an pr event par tition b oundar ies fr om lying along regions of high asp ect ratio c ells. load-distribution Sets the numb er of c ells desir ed f or each par tition. This is useful, for e xample , when c omputing on multiple machines with signific antly diff erent performanc e char acteristics . If left unset , each partition will c ontain an appr oxima tely equal numb er of c ells. Normaliz ed r elative values ma y be used f or the en tries. merge Toggles the optimiz er tha t attempts t o decr ease the numb er of in terfaces b y elimina ting or phan cell clust ers. model-weighted-partition Enables / disables mo del-w eigh ted par titioning .This option w orks with the METIS par titioning metho d, and sp ecifies tha t Fluen t aut oma tically c alcula tes the w eigh ting based on the c ell c oun t and the mo dels and a ttribut es sp ecified as w eigh ts (using the parallel/parti- tion/set/isat-weight text command , for e xample). nfaces-as-weights Uses numb er of fac es as w eigh ts. origin Sets the , , and coordina te of the or igin used b y those par titioning func tions tha t requir e a radial distanc e. By default , the or igin is set t o (0, 0, 0). particle-weight Sets DPM par ticle w eigh t. pre-test Enables the op eration tha t det ermines the b est c oordina te-splitting dir ection. solid-thread-weight Uses solid thr ead w eigh ts. smooth Toggles the optimiz er tha t attempts t o minimiz e the numb er of in terfaces b y mo difying the par tition boundar ies t o reduc e sur face area. verbosity Controls the amoun t of inf ormation tha t is pr inted out dur ing par titioning . If set t o 1 (the default), a text char acter . is displa yed dur ing each bisec tion, and par tition sta tistics ar e displa yed onc e the par titioning c omplet es. If set t o 2, additional inf ormation ab out the bisec tion op eration is dis- played dur ing each bisec tion. If set t o 0, par tition sta tistics and inf ormation dur ing each bisec tion are not displa yed. vof-free-surface-weight Sets VOF fr ee sur face weigh t. 337Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.smooth-partition Calls the optimiz er tha t attempts t o minimiz e the numb er of in terfaces b y mo difying the par tition boundar ies t o reduc e sur face area. use-stored-partitions Uses this par titioning . set/ Enters the set par allel par amet ers menu . fast-i/o? Uses the fast I/O option. partition-mask Sets par tition mask. time-out Sets spa wn time-out in sec onds . verbosity Sets the par allel v erbosity. show-connectivity Prints the net work connec tivit y for the selec ted c omput e no de. thread-number-control Sets the maximum numb er of thr eads on each machine . timer/ Enters the timer menu . usage Prints performanc e sta tistics in the c onsole windo w. reset Adjusts domain timers . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 338parallel/Chapt er 9:plot/ circum-avg-axial Comput es iso-axial band sur faces and plots da ta vs. axial c oordina te on them. circum-avg-radial Comput es iso-r adial band sur faces and plots da ta vs. radius on them. change-fft-ref-pressure Changes r eference ac oustic pr essur e. display-profile-data Plots pr ofile da ta. fft Plots FFT of file da ta. file Plots da ta fr om an e xternal file . file-list Plots da ta fr om multiple e xternal files . file-set/ Sets file plot par amet ers. auto-scale? Sets the r ange f or the and axes. If aut o-sc aling is not ac tivated f or a par ticular axis , you ar e prompt ed f or the minimum and maximum da ta values . background-color Sets the c olor of the field within the abscissa and or dina te ax es. key Enables/disables displa y of cur ve key and sets its windo w title . file-lines Sets par amet ers f or plot lines . file-markers Sets par amet ers f or da ta mar kers. labels Sets lab els f or plot ax es. lines Sets par amet ers f or plot lines . 339Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.log? Uses lo g sc ales f or one or b oth ax es. markers Sets par amet ers f or da ta mar kers. numbers Sets numb er formats for ax es. plot-to-file Specifies a file in which t o wr ite XY plot da ta. rules Sets par amet ers f or displa y of major and minor r ules . windows/ XY plot windo w options . For a descr iption of the it ems in this menu , see display/set/windows/xy . flamelet-curves/ Enters the flamelet cur ves menu . plot-curves Plots of a cur ve pr operty. write-to-file? Writes cur ve to a file inst ead of plot. histogram Plots a hist ogram of the sp ecified solution v ariable using the defined r ange and numb er of in tervals. histogram-set/ Sets hist ogram plot par amet ers. Sub-menu it ems ar e the same as file-set/ above. plot Plots solution on sur faces. plot-direction Sets plot dir ection f or X Y plot. residuals Contains c ommands tha t allo w you t o selec t the v ariables f or which y ou w ant to displa y XY plots of r esidual histories in the ac tive gr aphics windo w. residuals-set/ Sets r esidual plot par amet ers. Sub-menu it ems ar e the same as file-set/ above. solution Plots solution on sur faces and/or z ones . Zone and sur face names c an b e indic ated using a wildc ard (*). solution-set/ Sets solution plot par amet ers. Sub-menu it ems ar e the same as file-set/ above. label-alignment Sets the alignmen t of the x y plot lab el to be hor izontal or axis aligned . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 340plot/Chapt er 10:report/ dpm-extended-summary Create an e xtended discr ete phase summar y report of the discr ete phase injec tion(s). You c an cho ose whether y ou w ant to sa ve the e xtended r eport to a file or pr int it in the c onsole windo w. For unst eady tracking, you will b e ask ed whether y ou w ant to include in-domain par ticle/tr acks in the r eport.You will be also pr ompt ed whether y ou w ant to selec t a single injec tion f or the summar y report. By default , all in- jections ar e included .The output dep ends on whether y ou ha ve enabled the report/dpm-zone- summaries-per-injection? text command , in which c ase additional inf ormation is pr inted f or esc aped particles , such as p er-injec tion da ta. Note tha t, for unst eady par ticle tr acking, it is nec essar y to enable the report/dpm-zone-summaries-per-injection? text command b efore an y par ticle par cels ar e injec ted in to the domain. dpm-histogram/ Enters the DPM hist ogram menu . compute-sample Comput es the minimum/maximum of a sample v ariable . delete-sample Deletes a sample fr om the loaded sample list. list-samples Shows all samples in a loaded sample list. pick-sample-to-reduce Selec t a sample t o be reduc ed. plot-sample Plots a hist ogram of a loaded sample . read-sample Reads a sample file and adds it t o the sample list. reduce-picked-sample Reduc e a sample as sp ecified b y the da ta reduc tion par amet ers.This c ommand is a vailable only af ter you selec ted the sample using the pick-sample-to-reduce text command . set/ Enters the settings menu f or the hist ogram. auto-range? Automa tically c omput es the r ange of the sampling v ariable f or hist ogram plots . correlation? Comput es the c orrelation of the sampling v ariable with another v ariable . 341Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.cumulation-curve? Comput es a cumula tive cur ve for the sampling v ariable or c orrelation v ariable when correla- tion? is sp ecified . diameter-statistics? Comput es the R osin R ammler par amet ers, Sauter, and other mean diamet ers. histogram-mode? Uses bars f or the hist ogram plot or x y-style. logarithmic? Enables/disables the use of lo garithmic sc aling on the abscissa of the hist ogram. maximum Specifies the maximum v alue of the x-axis v ariable f or hist ogram plots . minimum Specifies the minimum v alue of the x-axis v ariable f or hist ogram plots . number-of-bins Specifies the numb er of bins . percentage? Uses p ercentages of bins t o be comput ed. variable^3? Uses the cubic of the cumula tion v ariable dur ing c omputa tion of the cumula tive cur ve. weighting? Uses w eigh ting with additional v ariables when sor ting da ta in to samples . write-sample Writes a hist ogram of a loaded sample in to a file . setup-reduction/ Enters the settings menu f or the sample da ta reduc tion. This c ommand is a vailable only af ter you se- lected the sample using the pick-sample-to-reduce text command . all-variables-number-of-bins Sets the numb er of bins t o be used f or all v ariables in the da ta reduc tion. list-settings Prints all cur rent sample da ta reduc tion settings f or all v ariables in the selec ted sample in the console . logarithmic? Enables/disables the lo garithmic sc aling f or a selec ted v ariable . make-steady-from-unsteady-file? Enables/disables the unst eady sample r educ tion in to a st eady-sta te injec tion file .This c ommand is available only f or sample files fr om unst eady par ticle tr acking. maximum Sets the maximum v alue of the r ange t o be consider ed f or a sp ecific v ariable . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 342report/minimum Sets the minimum v alue of the r ange t o be consider ed f or a sp ecific v ariable . number-of-bins Sets the numb er of bins f or a sp ecific v ariable . reset-min-and-max Resets the sp ecified maximum and minimum values f or a sp ecific v ariable . use-weighting? Enables/disables the use of w eigh ting in the da ta averaging in each bin. weighting-variable Sets the w eigh ting v ariable f or the da ta averaging in each bin. dpm-sample Samples tr ajec tories a t boundar ies and lines/planes . dpm-sample-output-udf Allows you t o ho ok a pr eviously loaded DEFINE_DPM_OUTPUT UDF f or file f ormat specific ation f or sampling of tr ajec tories and VOF-t o-DPM lump c onversion tr anscr ipts. dpm-sample-sort-file? Enables/disables wr iting of sor ted DPM sample files . dpm-summary Prints discr ete phase summar y report. dpm-zone-summaries-per-injection? Enables/disables c alcula tion of the esc aped mass p er injec tion. Note tha t for unst eady par ticle tr acking, if you w ant to report the mass of esc aped par ticles p er injec tion, this t ext command must b e enabled b efore any par ticles ar e injec ted in to the domain. element-mass-flow Prints list of elemen t flo w rate at inlets and outlets .This r eports the mass flo w rates of all chemic al elemen ts (in k g/s) flo wing thr ough the simula tion b oundar ies. fluxes/ Enters the flux es menu . film-heat-transfer Prints w all film hea t transf er rate at boundar ies.This t ext command is only a vailable when y ou enable the E uler ian w all film mo del. film-mass-flow Prints w all film mass flo w rate at boundar ies.This t ext command is only a vailable when y ou enable the E uler ian w all film mo del. heat-transfer Prints hea t transf er rate at boundar ies. heat-transfer-sensible Prints the sensible hea t transf er rate at the b oundar ies. 343Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.mass-flow Prints mass flo w rate at inlets and outlets . rad-heat-trans Prints radia tion hea t transf er rate at boundar ies. forces/ Enters the f orces menu . pressure-center Prints the c enter of pr essur e on w all z ones . wall-forces Comput es the f orces along the sp ecified f orce vector for all w all z ones . wall-moments Comput es the momen ts ab out the sp ecified momen t center for all w all z ones . heat-exchanger/ Enters the hea t exchanger menu . computed-heat-rejection Prints total hea t rejec tion. inlet-temperature Prints inlet t emp erature. outlet-temperature Prints outlet t emp erature. mass-flow-rate Prints mass flo w rate. specific-heat Prints fluid ’s sp ecific hea t. mphase-summary Prints summar y report for a multiphase c ase setup . particle-summary Prints summar y report for all cur rent par ticles . path-line-summary Prints pa thline summar y report. print-histogram Prints a hist ogram of a sc alar quan tity. projected-surface-area Comput es the ar ea of the pr ojec tion of selec ted sur faces along the , , or axis . reference-values/ Enters the r eference value menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 344report/area Sets r eference area for nor maliza tion. compute/ Comput es reference values fr om z one b oundar y conditions . density Sets r eference densit y for nor maliza tion. depth Sets r eference depth f or v olume c alcula tion. enthalpy Sets r eference en thalp y for en thalp y damping and nor maliza tion. length Sets r eference length f or nor maliza tion. list Lists cur rent reference values . pressure Sets r eference pr essur e for nor maliza tion. temperature Sets r eference temp erature for nor maliza tion. velocity Sets r eference velocity for nor maliza tion. viscosity Sets r eference visc osity for nor maliza tion. zone Sets r eference zone . species-mass-flow Prints list of sp ecies mass flo w rate at inlets and outlets .This r eports the mass flo w rates of all sp ecies (in kg/s) flo wing thr ough the simula tion b oundar ies. summary Prints the cur rent settings f or ph ysical mo dels , boundar y conditions , material pr operties, and solution paramet ers. surface-integrals/ Enters the sur face integral menu . area Prints the ar ea of the selec ted sur faces. area-weighted-average Prints ar ea-w eigh ted a verage of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. facet-avg Prints the fac et average of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. 345Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.facet-max Prints the maximum of the sp ecified quan tity over fac et centroids of the selec ted sur faces. facet-min Prints the minimum of the sp ecified quan tity over fac et centroids of the selec ted sur faces. flow-rate Prints the flo w rate of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. integral Prints the in tegral of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces.You c an include a wildc ard (*) within the sur face names . mass-flow-rate Prints the mass flo w rate thr ough the selec ted sur faces. mass-weighted-avg Prints the mass-a veraged quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. standard-deviation Prints the standar d de viation of the sc alar a t the fac et centroids of the sur face. sum Prints sum of sc alar a t fac et centroids of the sur faces. uniformity-index-area-weighted Prints the ar ea-w eigh ted unif ormity inde x of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. uniformity-index-mass-weighted Prints the mass-w eigh ted unif ormity inde x of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. vector-based-flux Prints the v ector-based flux of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. vector-flux Prints the v ector flux o ver the selec ted sur faces. vector-weighted-average Prints the v ector-a veraged quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. vertex-avg Prints the v ertex average of the sp ecified quan tity over the selec ted sur faces. vertex-max Prints the maximum of the sp ecified quan tity over vertices of the selec ted sur faces. vertex-min Prints the minimum of the sp ecified quan tity over vertices of the selec ted sur faces. volume-flow-rate Prints the v olume flo w rate thr ough the selec ted sur faces. system/ Enters the sy stem menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 346report/gpgpu-stats Prints inf ormation ab out installed gener al pur pose gr aphic al pr ocessing units . proc-stats Prints ANSY S Fluen t process inf ormation. This is used t o report the memor y usage of each of the ANSY S Fluen t processes . sys-stats System inf ormation. This is used t o report the CPU c onfigur ation of the machines wher e ANSY S Fluen t processes ha ve been spa wned . time-stats Timer inf ormation. This is used t o report CPU timings f or user and k ernel pr ocesses and detailed solv er timings . uds-flow Prints list of user-defined sc alar flo w rate at boundar ies. volume-integrals/ Enters the v olume in tegral menu . mass Prints total mass of a phase within a selec ted c ell z one . mass-avg Prints mass-a verage of sc alar o ver cell z ones . mass-integral Prints mass-w eigh ted in tegral of sc alar o ver cell z ones . maximum Prints maximum of sc alar o ver all c ell z ones . minimum Prints minimum of sc alar o ver all c ell z ones . sum Prints sum of sc alar o ver all c ell z ones . twopisum Prints sum of sc alar o ver all c ell z ones multiplied b y 2π. volume Prints total v olume of sp ecified c ell z ones . volume-avg Prints volume-w eigh ted a verage of sc alar o ver cell z ones . volume-integral Prints in tegral of sc alar o ver cell z ones . 347Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 348Chapt er 11:server/ start-client Start the ANSY S Fluen t remot e visualiza tion clien t. start-server Starts the ser ver for the ANSY S Fluen t remot e visualiza tion clien t. print-connected-clients Prints the name of the c onnec ted clien t and its IP addr ess t o the c onsole . print-server-address Prints the host addr ess and p ort numb er of the ser ver to the c onsole . shutdown-server Shuts-do wn the ser ver and disc onnec ts the c onnec ted clien t. write-or-reset-server-info Allows you t o create a new server_info.txt file (with an y name y ou sp ecify), which r esets the passw ord for connec ting t o this ser ver session. It do es not r estar t the ser ver. 349Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 350Chapt er 12:solve/ animate/ Enters the anima tion menu . define/ Enters the anima tion definition menu . define-monitor Defines new anima tion. edit-monitor Changes anima tion monit or a ttribut es. objects/ Enters the objec t manipula tion menu . clear-history Clears solution anima tion objec t hist ory. copy Copies solution anima tion objec t. create Creates new solution anima tion objec t. delete Deletes solution anima tion objec t. edit Edits solution anima tion objec t. playback/ Enters the anima tion pla yback menu . delete Deletes anima tion sequenc e. play Plays the selec ted anima tion. read Reads new anima tion fr om file or alr eady defined anima tions . stored-view? Plays the 3D anima tion sequenc e using the view st ored in the sequenc e. write Writes anima tion sequenc e to the file . 351Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.cell-register-operations/ Enters the c ell regist er op erations menu . add Creates a new c ell regist er op eration. delete Deletes a c ell regist er op eration. edit Edits an e xisting c ell regist er op eration. list Lists the cur rently defined c ell regist er op erations . list-properties Lists the pr operties of a r eport regist er op eration. cell-registers/ Enters the c ell regist ers menu . add Creates a new c ell regist er. apply-poor-mesh-numerics Applies p oor mesh numer ics t o the mesh of a c ell regist er. coarsen Coarsen the mesh based on a c ell regist er. delete Deletes a c ell regist er. display Displa ys a c ell regist er. edit Edits an e xisting c ell regist er. list Lists all of the cur rently defined c ell regist ers. list-properties Lists the pr operties of a c ell regist er. refine Refine the mesh based on a c ell regist er. convergence-conditions/ Enters the c onvergenc e conditions menu . condition Specifies whether the solution is c onsider ed c onverged when all of the c onditions ar e met or when one of the c onditions is met. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 352solve/conv-reports/ Enters the c onvergenc e reports menu . add Creates a new c onvergenc e condition. delete Deletes a c onvergenc e condition. edit Edits a c onvergenc e condition. list Lists all of the r eport definition-based c onvergenc e conditions . list-properties Lists the pr operties of the sp ecified c onvergenc e condition. frequency Specifies ho w of ten c onvergenc e checks ar e performed . dpm-update Updates discr ete phase sour ce terms. dual-time-iterate Performs unst eady iterations f or a sp ecified numb er of time st eps. execute-commands/ Enters the e xecut e commands menu . add-edit Adds or edits e xecut e commands . disable Disables an e xecut e command . enable Enables an e xecut e command . initialize/ Enters the flo w initializa tion menu . compute-defaults/ Enters the c omput e default v alues menu . all-zones Initializ es the flo w field with the default v alues . zone You c an selec t the t ype of z one fr om which y ou w ant to comput e these v alues .The t ypes of z ones available ar e: •axis •degassing 353Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.•exhaust-fan •fan •fluid •inlet-vent •intake-fan •interface •interior •mass-flow-inlet •mass-flow-outlet •network •network-end •outflow •outlet-vent •periodic •porous-jump •pressure-far-field •pressure-inlet •pressure-outlet •radiator •rans-les-interface •recirculation-inlet •recirculation-outlet •shadow •solid •symmetry •velocity-inlet •wall dpm-reset Resets discr ete phase sour ce terms t o zero. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 354solve/fmg-initialization Initializ es using the full-multigr id initializa tion (FMG). hyb-initialization Initializ es using the h ybrid initializa tion metho d. init-acoustics-options Specifies the numb er of timest eps f or ramping of sound sour ces and r e-initializ es the ac oustics w ave equa tion solution. For the initializ ed ac oustics solution, Fluen t reports the cur rent sta te of the sound sour ces ramping . init-flow-statistics Initializ es unst eady sta tistics . initialize-flow Initializ es the flo w field with the cur rent default v alues . init-turb-vel-fluctuations Initializ es instan taneous v elocity field out of st eady sta te RANS r esults , for use b efore enabling a sc ale resolving simula tion such as LES. list-defaults Lists default v alues . open-channel-auto-init Opens channel aut oma tic initializa tion. reference-frame Sets r eference frame t o absolut e or r elative. repair-wall-distance Corrects w all distanc e at very high asp ect ratio he xahedr al/p olyhedr al cells. set-defaults/ Sets default initial v alues . set-fmg-initialization/ Enters the set full-multigr id for initializa tion menu . Initial v alues f or each v ariable c an b e set within this menu . set-hyb-initialization/ Enters the h ybrid initializa tion menu . general-settings Enters the gener al settings menu . turbulence-settings Enters the turbulenc e settings menu . species-settings Enters the sp ecies-settings menu . show-iterations-sampled Displa ys the numb er of it erations c overed b y the da ta sampled f or st eady sta tistics . 355Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Displa ys the amoun t of simula ted time c overed b y the da ta sampled f or unst eady sta tistics . vof-patch-smooth-options/ Enters the v of pa tch/smo oth options menu . execute-smoothing Performs v olumetr ic smo othing f or v olume fr action. set-options Sets options f or pa tching and smo othing v olume fr action. iterate Performs a sp ecified numb er of it erations . Note This option is still a vailable dur ing tr ansien t simula tions , sinc e it c an b e used t o add mor e iterations t o the same time st ep af ter in terrupting it erations within a time st ep. mesh-motion Performs mesh motion. monitors/ Sets solution monit ors. residual/ Enters the r esidual monit ors menu . check-convergence? Chooses which cur rently monit ored r esiduals should b e check ed f or convergenc e. convergence-criteria Sets c onvergenc e criteria for residuals tha t are cur rently b eing b oth monit ored and check ed. criterion-type Sets c onvergenc e criterion t ype. monitor? Chooses which r esiduals t o monit or as pr inted and/or plott ed output. n-display Sets the numb er of most r ecent residuals t o displa y in plots . n-maximize-norms Sets the numb er of it erations thr ough which nor maliza tion fac tors will b e maximiz ed. normalization-factors Sets nor maliza tion fac tors f or cur rently monit ored r esiduals (if normalize? is set t o yes ). normalize? Chooses whether t o nor maliz e residuals in pr inted and plott ed output. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 356solve/n-save Sets numb er of r esiduals t o be sa ved with da ta. Hist ory is aut oma tically c ompac ted when buff er becomes full. plot? Chooses whether r esiduals will b e plott ed dur ing it eration. print? Chooses whether r esiduals will b e pr inted dur ing it eration. relative-conv-criteria Sets r elative convergenc e criteria for residuals tha t are cur rently b eing b oth monit ored and check ed. re-normalize Re-nor maliz e residuals b y maximum v alues . reset? Chooses whether t o delet e the r esidual hist ory and r eset it eration c oun ter to 1. scale-by-coefficient? Chooses whether t o sc ale r esiduals b y coefficien t sum in pr inted and plott ed output. window Specifies windo w in which r esiduals will b e plott ed dur ing it eration. patch Patches a v alue f or a flo w variable in the domain. report-definitions/ Enters the r eport definitions menu . add Creates a r eport definition. copy Creates a c opy of a r eport definition. delete Deletes a r eport definition. edit Edits a r eport definition. list Lists all defined r eport definitions . list-properties Lists the pr operties of a r eport definition. rename Renames a r eport definition. report-files/ Enters the r eport files menu . 357Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.add Creates a r eport file . clear-data Clears the da ta asso ciated with a r eport file . delete Deletes a r eport file . edit Edits a r eport file . list Lists all defined r eport files . list-properties Lists the pr operties of a r eport file . report-plots/ Enters the r eport plots menu . add Creates a r eport plot. axes Defines the ax es for a r eport plot. clear-data Clears the da ta asso ciated with a r eport plot. curves Defines the cur ves for a r eport plot. delete Deletes a r eport plot. edit Edits a r eport plot. list Lists all defined r eport plots . list-properties Lists the pr operties of a r eport plot. plot Plots the sp ecified r eport plot. rombuilder/ Enters the r ombuilder menu . enable? Enables/disables the r educ ed or der mo del. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 358solve/evaluate Allows you t o en ter values b etween the allo wed r anges f or the e xisting v ariables and z ones tha t are part of the loaded R OM and ha ve the r esults c omput ed (when a ROMZ file is loaded in to Fluen t in Workbench). select-variables-and-zones Selec t the v ariables and lo cations tha t you w ant included in the r educ ed or der mo del. set/ Enters the set solution par amet ers menu . accelerated-non-iterative-time-marching Enables a mo dified NIT A scheme and other setting changes tha t can sp eed up the simula tion. This option is only a vailable with the Lar ge E ddy Simula tion (LES) turbulenc e mo del, and is in tended f or unreacting flo w simula tions tha t use a c onstan t-densit y fluid . acoustics-wave-equation-controls/ Enters the menu t o sp ecify par amet ers of the ac oustics w ave equa tion solv er. expert/ Enters the menu t o sp ecify the e xpert par amet ers. explicit-relaxation-factor Specifies the e xplicit r elaxa tion fac tor. Should b e used only with bad meshes , when it erations do not c onverge. under-relaxation-factor Specifies the implicit under-r elaxa tion fac tor. Should b e used only with bad meshes , when the AMG linear solv er do es not c onverge. max-iterations-per-timestep Specifies the maximum numb er if it erations , which will b e performed b y the ac oustics w ave equa tion solv er in one timest ep. relative-convergence-criterion Specifies the it erations c onvergenc e criterion in t erms of the r esidual nor m dr op. amg-options/ Enters the AMG options menu aggressive-amg-coarsening? Enables / disables the use of a v ersion of the AMG solv er tha t is optimiz ed f or high c oarsening rates.This option is r ecommended if the AMG solv er div erges with the default settings . amg-gpgpu-options/ Enters the AMG GPGPU options menu , which c ontains c ommands t o enable / disable GPGPU ac- celeration and set solv er type and options f or individual c oupled and sc alar equa tions . conservative-amg-coarsening? Enables / disables the use of c onser vative coarsening t echniques f or sc alar and/or c oupled equa tions that can impr ove par allel p erformanc e and/or c onvergenc e for some difficult c ases . laplace-coarsening? Enables / disables Laplac e coarsening f or sc alar and/or c oupled equa tions . 359Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.bc-pressure-extrapolations Sets pr essur e extrapolations schemes on b oundar ies. If you ar e using the densit y-based solv er, you will b e ask ed the f ollowing questions: extrapolate total quantities on pressure-outlet boundaries? The default is [no] . If you en ter yes , and the flo w lea ving the pr essur e outlet is subsonic , then the t otal pr essur e and t otal t emp erature from the domain ’s interior ar e extrapolated t o the boundar y and used with the imp osed sta tic pr essur e to det ermine the full ther modynamic sta te at the b oundar y. extrapolate pressure on pressure-inlet boundary? The default is [no] . If you en ter yes , then f or cases with v ery low M ach numb er flo w in the single- precision densit y-based solv er, you c an impr ove convergenc e by using pr essur e extrapolation in- stead of the default v elocity extrapolation scheme . pressure on pressure-outlet b.c. is obtained via an advection splitting method? The default is [yes] . If you cho ose the default , this means tha t the pr essur e-outlet b oundar y condition implemen tation in the densit y-based solv er has an absor ption b ehavior, as descr ibed in Calcula tion P rocedur e at Pressur e Outlet B oundar ies of the U ser’s Guide .To revert to pr e-ANSY S Fluen t 6.3 b oundar y condition implemen tations , wher e the pr essur e on the fac es of a pr essur e- outlet b oundar y is fix ed t o the sp ecified v alue while the flo w is subsonic , enter no. Imp ortant The absor ption b ehavior of the pr essur e-outlet b oundar y condition should not be confused with r igor ous non-r eflec ting b oundar y condition implemen tation, descr ibed in Boundar y Acoustic Wave M odels of the U ser’s Guide . If you ar e using the pr essur e-based solv er, you will b e ask ed the f ollowing questions: extrapolate pressure on flow inlets? The default is [yes] . extrapolate pressure on all boundaries? The default is [no] . extrapolate velocity on out-flow boundaries? The default is [no] . cfl-based-time-stepping Allows you t o sp ecify tha t an adaptiv e time st epping metho d is used in which the time st ep gets modified b y ANSY S Fluen t as the c alcula tion pr oceeds such tha t the C ourant–Friedr ichs–L ewy (CFL) condition is sa tisfied , using the sp ecified C ourant numb er. convergence-acceleration-for-stretched-meshes/ Enables c onvergenc e acc eleration f or str etched meshes t o impr ove the c onvergenc e of the implicit densit y based solv er on meshes with high c ell str etching . correction-tolerance/ Enters the c orrection t oler ance menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 360solve/coupled-vof-expert Sets c oupled v of e xpert controls.You will b e pr ompt ed with the f ollowing questions: Use linearized buoyancy force? Provides the implicit linear ization of buo yancy force. Use blended treatment for buoyancy force? Will tur n off buo yancy linear ization in c ertain unstable c onditions . Use false time step linearization? Provides additional stabilit y for buo yancy dr iven flo ws in the st eady-sta te pseudo-tr ansien t mo de by incr easing the diagonal dominanc e using false time st ep siz e. Use smoothed density for pseudo-transient method? Smooths the c ell densit y near the in terface, ther efore avoiding unph ysical acc eleration of ligh ter phase in the vicinit y of in terface.This option is only a vailable f or st eady-sta te pseudo-tr ansien t metho d. Note There is an additional en try for the numb er of densit y smo othings (default 2), which can b e incr eased in c ase of v ery lar ge unph ysical velocities acr oss the in terface. courant-number Sets the fine-gr id C ourant numb er (time st ep fac tor).This c ommand is a vailable only f or the c oupled solv ers. data-sampling Enables da ta sampling f or st eady or unst eady flo w sta tistics . disable-reconstruction? Complet ely disables r econstr uction, resulting in t otally first-or der accur acy. discretization-scheme/ Enters the discr etiza tion scheme menu .This allo ws you t o selec t the discr etiza tion scheme f or the convection t erms in the solution equa tions .The following t ext commands c an mak e a selec tion fr om a subset of the mo dels in the f ollowing table: Model Inde x First Or der U pwind 0 Second Or der U pwind 1 Central D ifferencing 3 QUICK 4 Modified HRIC 5 Third-Or der MUSCL 6 Bounded C entral Differencing7 CICSAM 8 Standar d 10 361Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Model Inde x Linear 11 Second Or der 12 Body Force Weigh ted 13 PREST O! 14 Geo-R econstr uct 16 Compr essiv e 28 BGM 29 amg-c Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or the flo w equa tions . epsilon Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or the turbulen t dissipa tion r ate. k Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or the turbulen t kinetic ener gy. mom Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or momen tum. mp Selec ts which c onvective discr etiza tion scheme f or v olume fr action is t o be used . pressure Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or pr essur e. temperature Selec ts the discr etiza tion scheme f or ener gy. divergence-prevention/ Enters the div ergenc e pr evention menu .This menu is only a vailable f or the densit y-based solv er. enable? Enables a div ergenc e pr evention option so tha t Fluen t applies under-r elaxa tion t o the v ariables in selec t cells wher e the t emp erature and/or pr essur e values ar e appr oaching the minimum and/or maximum limits . duration-specification-method Sets the metho d by which y ou will sp ecify the dur ation of the c alcula tion. The dur ation c an b e defined by the t otal time , the t otal numb er of time st eps, the incr emen tal time , or the numb er of incr emen tal time st eps. In this c ontext, "total" indic ates tha t Fluen t will c onsider the amoun t of time / st eps tha t have alr eady been solv ed and st op appr opriately, wher eas "incr emen tal" indic ates tha t the solution will pr oceed f or a sp ecified amoun t of time / st eps r egar dless of wha t has pr eviously b een c alcula ted. This t ext command is only a vailable when the time st epping is adaptiv e or based on a user-defined func tion. enable-output-dp-dt? Controls whether the output field v ariable dp-dt will b e available f or tr ansien t simula tion p ostpr ocessing . If you selec t no, pressur e fields a t the pr evious time st eps will not b e stored in memor y which r educ es memor y usage . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 362solve/equation-ordering Sets the or der in which the mo del equa tions ar e solv ed, which c an aff ect the c onvergenc e sp eed when you ar e using the pr essur e-based solv er.The standard metho d is enabled b y default and c orresponds to the or dering sho wn in Figur e 28.8: Overview of the I terative Time A dvancemen t Solution M etho d For the S egregate Solver and Figur e 28.9: Overview of the N on-I terative Time A dvancemen t Solution Metho d in the Theor y Guide ; alternatively, you c an selec t the optimized-for-volumetric-ex- pansion metho d, which is r ecommended f or flo ws in which the densit y is str ongly dep enden t on ther mal eff ects, chemic al comp osition, and so on (such as c ombustion simula tions). This t ext command is not a vailable f or st eady simula tions and/or when a multiphase mo del is enabled . equations/ Selec ts the equa tions t o be solv ed. error-based-time-stepping Allows you t o sp ecify tha t an adaptiv e time st epping metho d is used in which the time st ep gets modified b y ANSY S Fluen t based on the sp ecified tr uncation er ror toler ance. expert Sets e xpert options . extrapolate-eqn-vars/ Enters the e xtrapolation menu . extrapolate-vars? Applies a pr edic tor algor ithm f or computing initial c onditions a t time st ep n+1. The pr edic tor algor ithm is a c omputa tion tha t sets a b etter initial c ondition f or the time st ep. fast-transient-settings/ Enters the fast tr ansien t settings menu .This menu is only a vailable f or tr ansien t cases tha t use the densit y-based solv er. rk2 Allows you t o enable the use of a t wo-stage R unge-K utta scheme f or time in tegration, or r evert to the default multi-stage R unge-K utta scheme .This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t cases tha t use the densit y-based e xplicit f ormula tion. fixed-periodic Allows you t o sp ecify tha t a fix ed time st epping metho d is used in which a sp ecified p eriod or fr equenc y is the basis f or det ermining the time st ep siz e and numb er of time st eps. fixed-user-specified Allows you t o sp ecify tha t a fix ed time st epping metho d is used in which y ou dir ectly sp ecify the time step siz e and numb er of time st eps. flow-warnings? Specifies whether or not t o pr int warning messages when r eversed flo w occurs a t inlets and outlets , and when mass-flo w inlets de velop sup ersonic r egions . By default , flow w arnings ar e pr inted. flux-type Sets the flux t ype. gradient-scheme Sets gr adien t options . 363Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.heterogeneous-stiff-chemistry Sets the het erogeneous stiff-chemistr y solv er. high-order-term-relaxation/ Enters the High Or der Term R elaxa tion menu . enable? Enables/disables High Or der Term R elaxa tion. options/ High Or der Term R elaxa tion Options . relaxation-factor Sets the r elaxa tion fac tor. variables/ Selec ts the v ariables . incremental-time Sets the amoun t of incr emen tal (tha t is, additional) time t o run the simula tion, regar dless of ho w much time has alr eady been r un in pr evious c alcula tions .This t ext command is only a vailable when the solve/set/duration-specification-method is set t o 3. limiter-warnings? Specifies whether or not t o pr int warning messages when quan tities ar e being limit ed. By default , limit er w arnings ar e pr inted. limits Sets solv er limits f or v arious solution v ariables , in or der t o impr ove the stabilit y of the solution. lock-solid-temperature? Specifies whether y ou w ant to lock (or “freeze”) the t emp erature values f or all the c ells in solid z ones (including those t o which y ou ha ve a ho oked an ener gy sour ce thr ough a UDF) and in w alls tha t ha ve shell c onduc tion enabled , so tha t the v alues do not change dur ing fur ther solv er it erations . mp-mfluid-aniso-drag Sets anisotr opic dr ag par amet ers f or the E uler ian multiphase mo del. mp-reference-density Sets the r eference densit y option f or the E uler ian multiphase mo del. The following options ar e available: Option VOF E qua tion D iscr etiza tion Inde x reference densit y for a par ticular phase in a c ell is treated as the v olume a veraged densit y of tha t phase in the whole domainmass c onser vative 0 reference densit y for a par ticular phase in a c ell is treated as the densit y of tha t phase in tha t cellmass c onser vative 1 reference densit y for an y phase in a c ell is tr eated as the mix ture densit y of tha t phase in tha t cellmass c onser vative 2 reference densit y for a par ticular phase in a c ell is treated as the densit y of tha t phase in tha t cellvolume c onser vative 3 Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 364solve/max-corrections/ Enters the set max-c orrections menu . max-flow-time Sets the maximum flo w time . max-iterations-per-time-step Sets the numb er of time st eps f or a tr ansien t simula tion. Note This option is a vailable when aut oma tic initializa tion and c ase mo dific ation is enabled . multi-grid-amg Sets the par amet ers tha t go vern the algebr aic multigr id pr ocedur e. multi-grid-controls/ Sets multigr id par amet ers and t ermina tion cr iteria. multi-grid-fas Sets the par amet ers tha t control the F AS multigr id solv er.This c ommand app ears only when the e xplicit coupled solv er is used . multi-stage Sets the multi-stage c oefficien ts and the dissipa tion and visc ous e valua tion stages .This c ommand app ears only when the e xplicit c oupled solv er is used . multiphase-numerics Sets multiphase numer ics options . boiling-parameters/ Enters the menu f or the multiphase b oiling mo del par amet ers. liquid-vof-factor When enabled , considers liquid v olume fr action eff ects by multiplying the hea t transf er coeffi- cien ts by the lo cal liquid v olume fr action. thin-film When enabled , includes multiphase b oiling thin film eff ects using Equa tion 18.448 in the Fluent Theor y Guide . compressible-flow/ Enters the c ompr essible multiphase flo w numer ics menu . alternate-bc-formulation Enables an alt ernative formula tion f or compr essible phases a t an inlet b oundar y.This f ormula tion calcula tes sta tic t emp erature and pr essur e using an it erative metho d based on fundamen tal ther modynamic r elations . enhanced-numerics Enables an enhanc ed numer ical tr eatmen t tha t provides b etter stabilit y at star tup and dur ing calcula tion of c ompr essible flo ws. 365Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.heat-mass-transfer/ Enters the menu f or the multiphase hea t mass tr ansf er par amet ers. alternative-energy-treatment? Enables the alt ernative treatmen t of the ener gy sour ces. For mor e inf ormation, see Including Mass Transf er Effects in the Fluent U ser's G uide . area-density/ Enters the menu f or the ar ea densit y. ia-grad-sym? Enables/disables the in terfacial ar ea densit y Gradien t-Symmetr ic mo del. For mor e inf orm- ation ab out this mo del, see Algebr aic M odels in the Fluent Theor y Guide . vof-min-seeding Sets the minimum v olume fr action f or the ar ea densit y and c avitation. This ma y be useful, for e xample , in c ases when a sp ecies mass tr ansf er mo del (such as the S ymmetr ic mo del or P article mo del) do not c onsider e vaporation or c ondensa tion if the v olume fr action of one of the phases is z ero.The seeding allo ws for a phase change t o occur in the fluid flo w. The default v alue is 1e-6. boiling/ Enters the menu f or the ad vanced b oiling options f or the semi-mechanistic b oiling mo del. heat-flux-relaxation-factor Sets the under-r elaxa tion fac tor for b oiling hea t flux. See Solution S trategies f or the S emi- Mechanistic B oiling M odel in the Fluent U ser's G uide for details . show-expert-options? Exposes the e xpert options f or the semi-mechanistic b oiling mo del. For mor e inf ormation about these options , see Expert Options f or the S emi-M echanistic B oiling M odel in the Fluent U ser's G uide . cavitation/ Enters the c avitation hea t mass tr ansf er menu . min-vapor-pressure Sets the minimum v apor pr essur e limit f or the c avitation mass-tr ansf er mo del. The default value is 1 P a. max-vapor-pressure-ratio Sets the maximum limit on the v apor pr essur e after the turbulenc e and ther mal c orrection. The default v alue is fiv e times the v apor pr essur e, with c onsider ation of turbulen t and ther mal eff ects for each c ell and phase . schnerr-cond-coeff Sets the c ondensa tion c oefficien t for the Schner r-Sauer mo del ( in Equa tion 18.517 in the Fluent Theor y Guide ).The default and r ecommended v alue of 0.2. schnerr-evap-coeff Sets the e vaporation c oefficien t for the Schner r-Sauer mo del ( in Equa tion 18.517 in the Fluent Theor y Guide ).The default and r ecommended v alue of 1. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 366solve/turbulent-diffusion enables/disables the turbulen t diffusion tr eatmen t for a c avitating turbulen t flo w. See Mass Transf er M echanisms in the Fluent U ser's G uide for details . nita-controls/ Enters the NIT A controls menu . face-pressure-options Sets fac e pr essur e options f or the pr essur e calcula tion. When pr ompt ed with enable body- force-weighted for face pressure calculation? , enter yes to selec t Body Force Weigh ted and no to selec t Second Or der as a fac e pr essur e interpolation metho d. See Controlling NIT A Solution Options via the Text Interface in the Fluent U ser's G uide for details . porous-media/ Enters the p orous media numer ics menu . relative-permeability Allows you t o fix the sa turation (v olume fr action) of the phase a t its user-sp ecified r esidual saturation v alue . viscous-flow Enters the visc ous multiphase flo w numer ics menu . viscosity-averaging Forces har monic a veraging of c ell visc osities t o calcula te fac e visc osity used in momen tum equa tion. This c an impr ove convergenc e for highly visc ous flo w applic ations (the VOF mo del only). multiphase-specific-time-stepping Allows you t o sp ecify tha t an adaptiv e time st epping metho d is used in which the time st ep gets modified b y ANSY S Fluen t based on the c onvective time sc ale (global C ourant numb er): the time-st ep- size calcula tion dep ends on the mesh densit y and v elocity in in terfacial c ells.This metho d is a vailable for all multiphase mo dels using the implicit or e xplicit v olume fr action f ormula tion, except f or the w et steam mo del. nb-gradient-boundary-option? Switches b etween the mo dified tr eatmen t of no de-based gr adien ts at boundar y cells and the legac y treatmen t (R14.5.7 and ear lier). nita-expert-controls/ Enters the NIT A expert control menu . hybrid-nita-settings Enables and sets h ybrid NIT A options . For mor e details , see User Inputs in the Fluent U ser's G uide . set-verbosity Setting this t o 1, enables the v erbosity for NIT A diagnostics .The default v alue of 0 disables v erbosity output f or NIT A diagnostics . skewness-neighbor-coupling Enables/disables c oupling of the neighb or and sk ewness c orrections . number-of-iterations Sets the numb er of it erations f or a st eady-sta te simula tion without star ting the c alcula tion. 367Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.number-of-time-steps Sets the numb er of time st eps f or a tr ansien t simula tion without star ting the c alcula tion. numerical-beach-control Sets damping func tion in flo w dir ection. This c ommand app ears only when the VOF mo del is enabled . Selec t the damping func tion t o be used: Damping F unc tion Inde x Linear 0 Quadr atic 1 Cubic 2 Cosine 3 numerics Sets numer ics options . open-channel-controls For flo ws tha t do not tr ansition fr om sub-cr itical to sup er-cr itical, or vic e-versa, you c an sp eed-up the solution c alcula tion b y up dating the fr equenc y of F roude numb er dur ing r un time . open-channel-wave-options/ Sets buff er la yer heigh t, verbosity, and op en channel w ave theor y formula tion. set-buffer-layer-ht Sets the buff er la yer heigh t. set-verbosity Sets the op en channel w ave verbosity. stokes-wave-variants Specifies which op en channel w ave theor y formula tion F luen t uses . overset/ Specifies o verset meshing solv er options . high-order-pressure? Uses the pr essur e gr adien t of the donor c ell in the in terpolation of pr essur e for its r eceptor cell. interpolation-method Selec ts the in terpolation metho d for o verset in terfaces. Note tha t the least squar es metho d is r e- commended f or sliding mesh c ases . orphan-cell-treatment? Enables/disables a numer ical tr eatmen t tha t attempts t o assign r easonable da ta values t o or phan cells. p-v-controls Sets pr essur e-velocity controls. p-v-coupling Selec ts which pr essur e-velocity coupling mo del is t o be used . Four mo dels ar e available: Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 368solve/Model Inde x SIMPLE 20 SIMPLEC 21 PISO 22 Coupled 24 phase-based-vof-discretization Sets phase based slop e limit er for VOF c ompr essiv e scheme . poor-mesh-numerics/ Enters the p oor mesh numer ics menu . cell-quality-based? Enables/disables p oor mesh numer ics on c ells with lo w qualit y. enable? Solution c orrection on meshes of lo w qualit y. print-poor-elements-count Prints out a listing of the p oor cells f or each cr iterion (default , cell qualit y, and user-defined). reset-poor-elements? Resets the list of p oor cells included based on qualit y criteria or user-defined r egist ers. set-quality-threshold Sets the thr eshold f or qualit y-based inclusion in the p oor mesh numer ics.The thr eshold v alue is applied t o cell or thogonalit y and the c omplemen t of c ell sk ewness . user-defined-on-register Includes a r egist er for the p oor mesh numer ics or not. predict-next-time? Applies a pr edic tor algor ithm f or computing the ne xt time st ep.The pr edic tor algor ithm is a c omputa tion that sets a b etter initial c ondition f or the time st ep. It uses the r ate of change b etween the pr edic tion and the c orrection as an indic ator for whether the ne xt time st ep should b e lar ger, smaller , or the same as the cur rent one . previous-defaults/ Provides t ext commands tha t allo w you t o undo enhanc emen ts to the default solv er b ehavior. undo-2019r1-default-changes? Allows you t o undo enhanc emen ts in troduced in v ersion 2019 R1 of ANSY S Fluen t, including: •Maintaining p ositivit y for turbulenc e variables .These enhanc emen ts aff ect the solution when using an o verset in terface with the default least squar es in terpolation metho d, and ma y aff ect convergenc e when using an -based turbulenc e mo del or a sec ond-or der ad vection scheme for the turbulenc e equa tions . On o ccasion, these enhanc emen ts ma y ha ve a small ad verse eff ect on p erformanc e. •Using the c oupled pseudo-tr ansien t solv er as a default solv er for st eady-sta te, single-phase problems (e xcept f or cases tha t use the ba ttery, fuel c ells, melting , or solidific ation mo dels). If you cho ose t o undo these enhanc emen ts, the pr essur e-velocity coupling scheme will r evert to its pr evious setting . 369Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.•Using a mor e aggr essiv e pseudo time st ep siz e for the aut oma tic pseudo time sc ale metho d. This enhanc emen t aff ects the solution when using the c oupled pseudo-tr ansien t solv er and ma y impr ove convergenc e in some c ases . undo-2019r3-default-changes? Allows you t o undo enhanc emen ts in troduced in v ersion 2019 R3 of ANSY S Fluen t, including: •Using a f ormula tion f or the R hie-C how fac e flux in terpolation f or single-phase simula tions that includes a v elocity reconstr uction designed t o handle non-unif orm meshes . For such meshes , this f ormula tion giv es mor e accur ate results and pr event non-ph ysical reflec tions of er ror w aves. Note tha t this f ormula tion ma y requir e you t o use a smaller flo w C ourant numb er or pseudo time st ep siz e when y ou ar e using the pr essur e-based c oupled solv er. •Using a discr etiza tion f or p oor mesh numer ics tha t enhanc es robustness f or meshes with wall b oundar y layer resolution (f or e xample , y+=1). This discr etiza tion is esp ecially eff ective at wall sur faces tha t ha ve high cur vature and/or high asp ect ratios of the near-w all c ells. It is pr imar ily in tended t o pr event div ergenc e, though it ma y also impr ove the solution accur acy. undo-r19.0-default-changes? Allows you t o undo enhanc emen ts in troduced in v ersion 19.0 of ANSY S Fluen t, including the treatmen t of symmetr y boundar y conditions and the tr eatmen t of w alls with the sp ecified shear condition, as w ell as an ear ly pr otection scheme f or the linear solv er. pseudo-relaxation-factor/ Enters the pseudo r elaxa tion fac tor menu . pseudo-transient Sets the pseudo tr ansien t formula tion. pseudo-transient-expert/ Enters the pseudo tr ansien t expert usage c ontrol menu . reactions? Enables the sp ecies r eaction sour ces and sets r elaxa tion fac tor. relaxation-factor/ Enters the r elaxa tion-fac tor menu . relaxation-method Sets the solv er relaxa tion metho d. reporting-interval Sets the numb er of it erations f or which c onvergenc e monit ors ar e reported.The default is 1 (af ter every iteration). residual-smoothing Sets the implicit r esidual smo othing par amet ers.This c ommand is a vailable only f or the e xplicit c oupled solv er. residual-tolerance/ Enters the r esidual t oler ance menu . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 370solve/residual-verbosity Sets the amoun t of r esidual inf ormation t o be pr inted. A value of 0 (the default) pr ints residuals a t the end of each fine gr id it eration. A value of 1 pr ints residuals af ter every stage of the fine gr id it eration. A value of 2 pr ints residuals af ter every stage on e very gr id le vel. rotating-mesh-flow-predictor? Enables / disables an option tha t allo ws for b etter pr edic tion of the flo w field in r otating fluid z ones at every time st ep, in or der t o sp eed up the c alcula tion. This t ext command is only a vailable f or tr ansien t simula tions . second-order-time-options Enables / disables the v ariable time st ep siz e formula tion f or sec ond-or der implicit tr ansien t formula tions . If you disable the v ariable time st ep siz e formula tion, not e tha t an y change in the time st ep siz e will introduce an er ror pr oportional t o the change in the time st ep siz e ratio. set-all-species-together Sets all sp ecies discr etiza tions and URFs t ogether . set-controls-to-default Sets c ontrols t o default v alues . set-solution-methods-to-default Sets the solution metho ds to the default settings . set-solution-steering Sets solution st eering par amet ers. slope-limiter-set/ Selec ts a new F luen t solv er slop e limit er. solid-time-step-size Allows you t o sp ecify tha t the time st ep siz e used f or solid z ones is indep enden t from tha t used f or fluid z ones .This t ext command is only a vailable when b oth a solid z one e xists and ener gy is enabled . solution-status Allows you t o op en the Simula tion S tatus dialo g box, which r eports details ab out the simula tion. solution-steering Enables solution st eering f or the densit y-based solv er. stiff-chemistry Sets solv er options f or stiff chemistr y solutions . surface-tension Sets sur face-tension c alcula tion options . time-step-size Sets the magnitude of the (ph ysical) time st ep .This t ext command is only a vailable when the solve/set/fixed-user-specified text command is set t o yes . total-number-of-time-steps Sets the t otal numb er of time st eps tha t the simula tion will r un (which includes an y time st eps tha t have alr eady been r un in pr evious c alcula tions). This t ext command is only a vailable when the solve/set/duration-specification-method is set t o 1. 371Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat Sets the t otal amoun t of time tha t the simula tion will b e run (which includes an y time tha t has alr eady been r un in pr evious c alcula tions). This t ext command is only a vailable when the solve/set/dura- tion-specification-method is set t o 2. udf-based-time-stepping Allows you t o sp ecify tha t the time st ep siz e is defined b y a user-defined func tion (UDF) tha t uses the DEFINE_DELTAT macr o. under-relaxation/ Enters the under-r elaxa tion menu , which allo ws you t o set the under-r elaxa tion fac tor for each equa tion that is b eing solv ed in a segr egated manner . undo-timestep When enabled , if the tr uncation er ror within a time st ep e xceeds the sp ecified t oler ance Fluen t will automa tically undo the cur rent calcula tion and mak e another a ttempt with the time st ep r educ ed b y 1/2. This will b e attempt ed up t o 5 times af ter which F luen t will acc ept the r esult and pr oceed t o the next time st ep. vof-explicit-controls Sets the sub time st ep c alcula tion metho d for VOF c alcula tions . vof-numerics Sets VOF numer ic options . warped-face-gradient-correction/ Enters the w arped-fac e gr adien t correction menu . enable? Enables/disables gr adien t enhanc emen t computa tions and sp ecifies whether F luen t uses fast or memor y saving mo de. update-physical-time Advances the unst eady solution t o the ne xt ph ysical time le vel. Using this c ommand in c onjunc tion with the iterate command allo ws you t o manually ad vance the solution in time (r ather than doing it aut o- matically with the dual-time-iterate command). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 372solve/Chapt er 13:surface/ circle-slice Extracts a cir cular slic e. delete-surface Remo ves a defined da ta sur face. edit-surface Allows you t o edit an y of the list ed a vailable sur faces. imprint-surface Enters the list of sur faces to impr int from and the name of the new impr inted sur face. iso-clip Clips a da ta sur face (sur face, cur ve, or p oint) between t wo iso values . iso-surface Extracts an iso-sur face (sur face, cur ve, or p oint) from the cur rent da ta field . line-slice Extracts a linear slic e in 2D , given the nor mal t o the line and a distanc e from the or igin. line-surface Defines a “line" sur face by sp ecifying the t wo endp oint coordina tes. list-surfaces Displa ys the ID and name , and the numb er of p oint, cur ve, and sur face fac ets of the cur rent sur faces. mouse-line Extracts a line sur face tha t you define b y using the mouse t o selec t the endp oints. mouse-plane Extracts a planar sur face defined b y selec ting thr ee p oints with the mouse . mouse-rake Extracts a “rake" sur face tha t you define b y using the mouse t o selec t the endp oints. multiple-zone-surfaces Creates multiple da ta sur faces a t one time . Accepts z one names , lists of z one ID ’s, and wildc ards. partition-surface Defines a da ta sur face consisting of mesh fac es on the par tition b oundar y. plane Creates a plane giv en 3 p oints bounded b y the domain. plane-bounded Creates a b ounded sur face. 373Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.plane-point-n-normal Creates a plane fr om a p oint and nor mal. plane-slice Extracts a planar slic e. plane-surf-aligned Creates a plane aligned t o a sur face. plane-view-plane-align Creates a plane aligned t o a view-plane . point-array Extracts a r ectangular ar ray of da ta p oints. point-surface Defines a “point" sur face by sp ecifying the c oordina tes. quadric-slice Extracts a quadr ic slic e. rake-surface Extracts a “rake" sur face, given the c oordina tes of the endp oints. rename-surface Renames a defined da ta sur face. reset-zone-surfaces Recreates missing sur face zones b y resetting the c ase sur face list. sphere-slice Extracts a spher ical slic e. structural-point-surface Defines a str uctural “point" sur face by sp ecifying the c oordina tes. surface-cells Extracts all c ells in tersec ted b y a da ta sur face. transform-surface Transf orms sur face. zone-surface Creates a sur face of a designa ted z one and giv es it a sp ecified name . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 374surface/Chapt er 14:switch-to-meshing-mode switch-to-meshing-mode Switches fr om the solution mo de t o the meshing mo de.This t ext command is only a vailable if y ou ha ve not y et read a mesh or a c ase file . 375Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 376Chapt er 15:turbo/ 2d-contours Displa ys 2D c ontours . avg-contours Displa ys average c ontours . compute-report Comput es turb omachiner y quan tities . current-topology Sets the cur rent turb o topology for global use . write-report Writes the turb o report to file . xy-plot-avg Displa ys average X Y plots . 377Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 378Chapt er 16:views/ auto-scale Scales and c enters the cur rent scene without changing its or ientation. camera/ Enters the c amer a menu t o mo dify the cur rent viewing par amet ers. dolly-camera Adjusts the c amer a position and tar get. field Sets the field of view (width and heigh t). orbit-camera Adjusts the c amer a position without mo difying the tar get. pan-camera Adjusts the c amer a tar get without mo difying the p osition. position Sets the c amer a position. projection Toggles b etween p ersp ective and or thographic view s. roll-camera Adjusts the c amer a up-v ector. target Sets the p oint to be the c enter of the c amer a view . up-vector Sets the c amer a up-v ector. zoom-camera Adjusts the c amer a’s field of view .This op eration is similar t o dollying the c amer a in or out of the sc ene. Dollying c auses objec ts in fr ont to mo ve past y ou. Zooming changes the p ersp ective eff ect in the sc ene (and c an b e disc oncerting). default-view Resets view t o front and c enter. delete-view Remo ves a view fr om the list. last-view Retur ns to the c amer a position b efore the last manipula tion. 379Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.list-views Lists pr edefined and sa ved view s. read-views Reads view s from a view file . restore-view Uses a sa ved view . save-view Saves the cur rent view t o the view list. write-views Writes selec ted view s to a view file . Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 380views/Chapt er 17:battery-model/ This chapt er has the f ollowing sec tions: 17.1. Single-P otential Empir ical Battery Model 17.2. Dual-P otential MSMD and C ircuit N etwork Battery Models 17.1. Single-P otential E mpir ical B attery M odel Onc e the ba ttery mo dule is loaded , you c an acc ess the t ext user in terface thr ough the C onsole Windo w under battery-model . A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: battery-model/ Enters the ba ttery mo del menu activation-parameters/ Activation par amet er setup . t-coefficients Specifies the t emp erature coefficien ts in Equa tion 24.6 and Equa tion 24.7 . u-coefficients Specifies the U c oefficien ts for Equa tion 24.3 . y-coefficients Specifies the Y coefficien ts for Equa tion 24.4 . anode-interface Anode in terface options . cathode-interface Cathode in terface options . electric-field-model/ Sets elec tric field . conductive-regions Lists z one names and IDs . contact-resistance-regions Lists z one names and IDs . current-tap Lists z one names and IDs . voltage-tap Lists z one names and IDs . 381Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.electrochemistry Sets elec trochemistr y par amet ers. enable-battery-model? Enables/disables ba ttery mo del. model-parameters Sets mo del par amet ers. 17.2. Dual-P otential MSMD and C ircuit N etwork Battery M odels Onc e the ba ttery mo dule is loaded , you c an acc ess the t ext user in terface thr ough the C onsole Windo w by en tering define models battery-model . A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: battery-model/ Enters the ba ttery mo del menu . enable-battery-model? Enables/disables ba ttery mo del. electric-field-model/ Enters the elec tric field setup menu . conductive-regions Specifies ac tive conduc tive regions . contact-resistance-regions Specifies c ontact resistanc e regions . current-tap Sets c athode tap . voltage-tap Sets ano de tap . model-parameters Sets ba ttery mo del options (see Specifying B attery Model Options for definitions of the mo del gener al paramet ers). solution-method Sets solution metho d options (see Specifying B attery Model Options in the Fluent U ser's G uide for details). ntgk-parameters Sets NT GK mo del-sp ecific par amet ers (see Inputs f or the NT GK Empir ical M odel for definitions of the NTGK mo del par amet ers). ecm-parameters Sets ECM mo del-sp ecific par amet ers (see Inputs f or the E quiv alen t Circuit M odel for definitions of the ECM mo del par amet ers). newman-parameters Sets N ewman mo del-sp ecific par amet ers (see Inputs f or the E quiv alen t Circuit M odel for definitions of the N ewman mo del par amet ers). Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 382battery-model/parameter-estimation-tool Comput es the mo del par amet ers fr om ba ttery's t esting da ta.You c an use the estima tion t ool to comput e model par amet ers f or the NT GK or ECM mo del, or f or the One-E qua tion ther mal abuse mo del. You must pr ovide ba ttery's t esting da ta as a t ext file in a sp ecific f ormat for each mo del. When y ou enable this t ool and selec t the mo del option, Fluen t will sho w the r equir ed f ormat for the input file in the console . For mor e details , see Using P aramet er Estima tion Tools.You c an c ontact ANSY S Technic al Supp ort for clar ifications on ho w to use this t ool. thermal-abuse-model Allows you t o cho ose a ther mal abuse mo del and sp ecify its par amet ers (see Specifying A dvanced Option in the Fluent U ser's G uide for mor e details). 383Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Dual-P otential MSMD and C ircuit N etwork Battery ModelsRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 384Chapt er 18: Fuel C ell Text Commands This chapt er is divided in to the f ollowing sec tions: 18.1. Using the PEMFC Text User In terface 18.2. Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terface 18.3. Using the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyte Text User In terface 18.1. Using the PEMFC Text User In terface All of the f eatures for the PEMFC mo del tha t are available thr ough the gr aphic al user in terface ar e also available thr ough t ext user in terface (TUI) c ommands .The TUI allo ws text commands t o be typed dir ectly in the ANSY S Fluen t console windo w wher e additional inf ormation c an b e extracted and pr ocessed f or mor e ad vanced analy sis. Onc e the fuel c ell mo dule is loaded (see Loading the PEMFC M odule ), you c an acc ess the t ext user in- terface thr ough the c onsole windo w under define/models/pemfc/ . A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: advanced-setup/ Advanced setup . list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . contact-resistivity Set contact resistivit y. coolant-channel Set coolan t channel. stack-management/ Stack setup . list-fc-units List fuel c ell units . list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . create-fc-unit Create fuel c ell unit. modify-fc-unit Modify fuel c ell unit. delete-fc-unit Delete fuel c ell unit. 385Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.set-stack-current-density Set the cur rent densit y on the ano de or c athode and mo dify the cur rent solution t o assist c onver- genc e. Note: Input her e is in units of A/cm2.This is only a vailable if the c ase c ontains v alid da ta (for e xample , after initializa tion, iterating , or r eading in da ta). For mor e inf ormation, see IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface (p.387). set-stack-voltage Set the v oltage diff erence in Volts b etween the ano de and the c athode and mo dify the cur rent solution t o assist c onvergenc e.This is only a vailable if the c ase c ontains v alid da ta (f or e xample , after initializa tion, iterating , or r eading in da ta). For mor e inf ormation, see IV-C urve Calcula tions Using the Text Interface (p.387). reset-setup Reset the stack setup in c ase mistak es ar e made . submit-setup Submit the stack setup and mak es the stack setup tak e eff ect. anode-setup/ Anode setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. flow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . micro-porous-layer Set micr o-porous la yer. porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. cathode-setup/ Cathode setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 386Fuel C ell Text Commandsflow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . micro-porous-layer Set micr o-porous la yer. porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. electrolyte-setup/ Electrolyt e setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. flow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . micro-porous-layer Set micr o-porous la yer. porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. enable-fc-model? Enable/disable PEMFC mo del. model-options Model options . model-parameters Model par amet ers. reports Set elec trolyt e pr ojec t area and e xternal c ontacts. 18.1.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface For v alid c ase and da ta files , ther e ar e two text commands a vailable t o assist in the IV-cur ve calcula tion. These c ommands ar e set-stack-voltage (aliased as ssv ) and set-stack-current-density (aliased as ssc ), available fr om the PEMFC t ext command menu: /define/models/pemfc/ad- vanced-setup/stack-management/ . 387Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Using the PEMFC Text User In terfaceFor fuel c ells, you either pr escr ibe the v oltage and obtain the t otal cur rent deliv ered b y the fuel c ell as a r esult , or y ou sp ecify the t otal cur rent (via flux b oundar y conditions multiplied b y the ar ea) and obtain the v oltage as par t of the solution. The details of this IV-r elation ar e sp ecific f or each single fuel cell and dep end on mass and hea t transp ort, elec trochemistr y and inlet c onditions , outlet c onditions , operating c onditions , and an y other par amet er or ma terial pr operty involved in the c alcula tion. The IV-cur ve is imp ortant for applic ations , because its pr oduc t is the p ower deliv ered b y the sy stem. As descr ibed ear lier in this manual, you w ould star t a new simula tion fr om fair ly sta tic c onditions , tha t is, high v oltage/lo w cur rent (which implies lo w sp ecies tr ansp ort and lo w hea t gener ation). After con- vergenc e, you t ypic ally ma y be in terested in solutions f or new elec tric boundar y conditions , tha t is, either f or a new c ell/stack v oltage or cur rent. In such c ases , simply going t o the Boundar y Conditions task page and changing the v alue of the elec tric potential (uds-0 ) boundar y condition, typic ally allo ws only small changes , most notably f or stacks . Other wise the solution will not c onverge.This is wher e the set-stack-voltage and set- stack-current-density commands ar e imp ortant. In addition t o changing the b oundar y conditions (either t o a pr escr ibed v oltage or cur rent densit y), these c ommands pr ocess the cur rent da ta in or der t o estima te the solution f or the new b oundar y conditions . Because these c ommands mo dify the da ta, you ar e pr ompt ed t o sa ve your da ta, if y ou have not alr eady done so . Before going in to details of the c ommands , her e ar e some gener al remar ks ab out elec tric potential boundar y conditions . For fix ed v oltage b oundar y conditions , both e xternal c ontacts ha ve a fix ed v alue f or the elec tric potential (uds-0 ).The ano de v alue will t ypic ally b e zero, but it do es not ha ve to be.The c athode v alue will b e larger than the ano de v alue and the diff erence ( - ) is the p ositiv e cell/stack v oltage . For a fix ed cur rent boundar y condition, one e xternal c ontact has t o ha ve a fix ed v alue and the other flux b oundar y conditions . As descr ibed ear lier in the manual, typic ally, the ano de will ha ve a fix ed (zero) v alue , and the c athode will b e floa ting , however, you c an also set the c athode t o a fix ed z ero potential, yielding a floa ting nega tive ano de p otential. The set-stack-voltage command sets the eff ective stack v oltage , tha t is, the diff erence ( - ). For fix ed v oltage b oundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, boundar y conditions on b oth boundar ies ar e of t ype fix ed v alue and then the c athode v alue will b e changed acc ordingly . In the case of fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the flux b oundar y condition will be changed t o a fix ed v alue b oundar y condition, and the v alue adjust ed acc ordingly with r espect to the other fix ed v alue b oundar y condition. The set-stack-current-density command sets the cur rent densit y on one b oundar y to the desir ed v alue . Note tha t the input will b e in ,not as y ou w ould nor mally ha ve to en ter in the Boundar y Conditions task page .The r eason f or this is tha t average cur rent densities r eported in the text command in terface ar e also in , and this mak es it easier t o cho ose the c onditions y ou w ould like to pr escr ibe ne xt. Also, flux b oundar y conditions en tered in the Boundar y Conditions dialo g box would ha ve to ha ve a p ositiv e sign on the ano de side , and a nega tive sign on the c athode side .The input f or the t ext interface command is just a p ositiv e numb er, signs ar e aut oma tically acc oun ted f or. For fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the set-stack-current-density command changes the r espective flux b oundar y condition acc ordingly . In the c ase of fix ed v oltage boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the c athode side is chosen t o be changed fr om a fix ed value t o a flux b oundar y condition with the new flux. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 388Fuel C ell Text CommandsThe t wo commands ma y be mix ed in an IV-cur ve calcula tion. For the t ype of b oundar y condition setups currently descr ibed in this manual, boundar y condition changes will c onsist ently happ en on the c athode side . However, if ano de flux b oundar y conditions had b een chosen initially , swit ching t o fix ed v oltage boundar y conditions b y set-stack-voltage command and then back t o fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions b y the set-stack-current-density command will then ha ve flux b oundar y conditions on the c athode side . In this c ase, using the set-stack-current-density command e xclusiv ely will pr eser ve the ano de flux b oundar y condition setting . 18.2. Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terface All of the f eatures for the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis M odel (sometimes r eferred t o as the R esolv ed E lec- trolyt e mo del) tha t are available thr ough the gr aphic al user in terface ar e also a vailable thr ough t ext user in terface (TUI) c ommands .The TUI allo ws text commands t o be typed dir ectly in the ANSY S Fluen t console windo w wher e additional inf ormation c an b e extracted and pr ocessed f or mor e ad vanced analy sis. Onc e the fuel c ell mo dule is loaded (see Loading the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis M odule ), you c an acc ess the t ext user in terface thr ough the c onsole windo w under define/models/resolved-MEA-fc/ . A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: resolved-MEA-fuelcells/ Fuel c ell mo del menu . advanced-setup/ Advanced setup . contact-resistivity Set contact resistivit y. coolant-channel Set coolan t channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . stack-management/ Stack setup . create-fc-unit Create fuel c ell unit. delete-fc-unit Delete fuel c ell unit. list-fc-units List fuel c ell units . list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . modify-fc-unit Modify fuel c ell unit. 389Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terfacereset-setup Reset the stack setup in c ase mistak es ar e made . set-stack-current-density Set the cur rent densit y on the ano de or c athode and mo dify the cur rent solution t o assist convergenc e. Note: Input her e is in units of A/cm2. This is only a vailable if the c ase c ontains valid da ta (f or e xample , after initializa tion, iterating , or r eading in da ta). For mor e inf ormation, see IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface (p.391). set-stack-voltage Set the v oltage diff erence in Volts b etween the ano de and the c athode and mo dify the cur rent solution t o assist c onvergenc e.This is only a vailable if the c ase c ontains v alid da ta (f or e xample , after initializa tion, iterating , or r eading in da ta). For mor e inf ormation, see IV-C urve Calcula tions Using the Text Interface (p.391). submit-setup Submit the stack setup and mak es the stack setup tak e eff ect. suggest-setup Suggest the stack setup , invoking the aut oma tic stack setup . anode-setup/ Anode setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. flow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. cathode-setup/ Cathode setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 390Fuel C ell Text Commandsflow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. electrolyte-setup/ Electrolyt e setup . catalyst-layer Set catalyst la yer. current-collector Set cur rent collec tor. electrolyte-layer Set elec trolyt e layer. flow-channel Set flo w channel. list-zones-briefly List z one names and IDs . porous-electrode Set p orous elec trode. enable-fc-model? Enable/disable fuel c ell mo del. model-options Model options . model-parameters Model par amet ers. reports Set elec trolyt e pr ojec t area and e xternal c ontacts. select-model Selec t mo del. set-default Set default. 18.2.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface For v alid c ase and da ta files , ther e ar e two text commands a vailable t o assist in the IV-cur ve calcula tion. These c ommands ar e set-stack-voltage (aliased as ssv ) and set-stack-current-density (aliased as ssc ), available fr om the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis t ext command menu: /define/mod- els/resolved-MEA-fc/advanced-setup/stack-management/ . 391Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terfaceFor fuel c ells, you either pr escr ibe the v oltage and obtain the t otal cur rent deliv ered b y the fuel c ell as a r esult , or y ou sp ecify the t otal cur rent (via flux b oundar y conditions multiplied b y the ar ea) and obtain the v oltage as par t of the solution. The details of this IV-r elation ar e sp ecific f or each single fuel cell and dep end on mass and hea t transp ort, elec trochemistr y and inlet c onditions , outlet c onditions , operating c onditions , and an y other par amet er or ma terial pr operty involved in the c alcula tion. The IV-cur ve is imp ortant for applic ations , because its pr oduc t is the p ower deliv ered b y the sy stem. As descr ibed ear lier in this manual, you w ould star t a new simula tion fr om fair ly sta tic c onditions , tha t is, high v oltage/lo w cur rent (which implies lo w sp ecies tr ansp ort and lo w hea t gener ation). After con- vergenc e, you t ypic ally ma y be in terested in solutions f or new elec tric boundar y conditions , tha t is, either f or a new c ell/stack v oltage or cur rent. In such c ases , simply going t o the Boundar y Conditions task page and changing the v alue of the elec tric potential (uds-0 ) boundar y condition, typic ally allo ws only small changes , most notably f or stacks . Other wise the solution will not c onverge.This is wher e the set-stack-voltage and set- stack-current-density commands ar e imp ortant. In addition t o changing the b oundar y conditions (either t o a pr escr ibed v oltage or cur rent densit y), these c ommands pr ocess the cur rent da ta in or der t o estima te the solution f or the new b oundar y conditions . Because these c ommands mo dify the da ta, you ar e pr ompt ed t o sa ve your da ta, if y ou have not alr eady done so . Before going in to details of the c ommands , her e ar e some gener al remar ks ab out elec tric potential boundar y conditions . For fix ed v oltage b oundar y conditions , both e xternal c ontacts ha ve a fix ed v alue f or the elec tric potential (uds-0 ).The ano de v alue will t ypic ally b e zero, but it do es not ha ve to be.The c athode v alue will b e larger than the ano de v alue and the diff erence ( - ) is the p ositiv e cell/stack v oltage . For a fix ed cur rent boundar y condition, one e xternal c ontact has t o ha ve a fix ed v alue and the other flux b oundar y conditions . As descr ibed ear lier in the manual, typic ally, the ano de will ha ve a fix ed (zero) v alue , and the c athode will b e floa ting , however, you c an also set the c athode t o a fix ed z ero potential, yielding a floa ting nega tive ano de p otential. The set-stack-voltage command sets the eff ective stack v oltage , tha t is, the diff erence ( - ). For fix ed v oltage b oundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, boundar y conditions on b oth boundar ies ar e of t ype fix ed v alue and then the c athode v alue will b e changed acc ordingly . In the case of fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the flux b oundar y condition will be changed t o a fix ed v alue b oundar y condition, and the v alue adjust ed acc ordingly with r espect to the other fix ed v alue b oundar y condition. The set-stack-current-density command sets the cur rent densit y on one b oundar y to the desir ed v alue . Note tha t the input will b e in ,not as y ou w ould nor mally ha ve to en ter in the Boundar y Conditions task page .The r eason f or this is tha t average cur rent densities r eported in the text command in terface ar e also in , and this mak es it easier t o cho ose the c onditions y ou w ould like to pr escr ibe ne xt. Also, flux b oundar y conditions en tered in the Boundar y Conditions dialo g box would ha ve to ha ve a p ositiv e sign on the ano de side , and a nega tive sign on the c athode side .The input f or the t ext interface command is just a p ositiv e numb er, signs ar e aut oma tically acc oun ted f or. For fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the set-stack-current-density command changes the r espective flux b oundar y condition acc ordingly . In the c ase of fix ed v oltage boundar y conditions f or the pr evious solution, the c athode side is chosen t o be changed fr om a fix ed value t o a flux b oundar y condition with the new flux. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 392Fuel C ell Text CommandsThe t wo commands ma y be mix ed in an IV-cur ve calcula tion. For the t ype of b oundar y condition setups currently descr ibed in this manual, boundar y condition changes will c onsist ently happ en on the c athode side . However, if ano de flux b oundar y conditions had b een chosen initially , swit ching t o fix ed v oltage boundar y conditions b y set-stack-voltage command and then back t o fix ed cur rent boundar y conditions b y the set-stack-current-density command will then ha ve flux b oundar y conditions on the c athode side . In this c ase, using the set-stack-current-density command e xclusiv ely will pr eser ve the ano de flux b oundar y condition setting . 18.3. Using the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyt e Text User In terface All of the f eatures for the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyt e M odel tha t are available through the gr aphic al user in terface ar e also a vailable thr ough t ext user in terface commands . Onc e the fuel c ell mo dule is loaded (see Loading the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyt e Module ), you c an acc ess the t ext user in terface thr ough the C onsole Windo w under sofc-model . A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: sofc-model/ SOFC mo del menu enable-sofc-model? Enable/disable SOFC mo del model-parameters Set mo del par amet ers electrochemistry Set elec trochemistr y par amet ers anode-interface Set fuel c ell ano de in terface cathode-interface Set fuel c ell c athode in terface tortuosity-interface Set fuel c ell tortuosit y interface electric-field-model/ Electric field mo del voltage-tap Set voltage tap sur face current-tap Set cur rent tap sur face conductive-regions Set conduc tive regions contact-resistance-regions Set contact resistanc e regions 393Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Using the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyte Text User In terfaceRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 394Chapt er 19: Magnet ohydrodynamics Text Commands These ar e the MHD mo dule t ext commands a vailable under define/models/ : b0-scale-factor Set and apply e xternal magnetic field sc ale fac tor. boundary-conditions/ Define MHD b oundar y conditions list-zones List ANSY S Fluen t zone inf ormation. fluid Set fluid z one b oundar y condition. solid Set solid z one b oundar y condition. wall Set w all b oundar y condition. enable-mhd? Enable/disable MHD mo del. external-b0-field Set and apply e xternal magnetic field da ta. initialize-dpm Initializ e DPM r elated MHD v ariables . initialize-mhd Initializ e MHD mo del. mhd-method Selec t MHD metho d. reset-b0-field Reset e xternal magnetic field da ta. solution-control Set MHD solution c ontrol par amet ers. 395Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 396Chapt er 20:continuous-fiber/ All of the f eatures for the c ontinuous fib er mo dule tha t are available thr ough the gr aphic al user in terface are also a vailable thr ough t ext user in terface (TUI) c ommands .The TUI allo ws text commands t o be typed dir ectly in the ANSY S Fluen t console windo w wher e additional inf ormation c an b e extracted and processed f or mor e ad vanced analy sis. Onc e the fib er mo dule is loaded , you c an acc ess the t ext user in terface thr ough the C onsole Windo w by pr essing r etur n in the c onsole (assuming tha t you ar e at the t op le vel menu , tha t is, not in an y other menu such as define/ ). A listing of the v arious t ext commands is as f ollows: continuous-fiber/ Enter the c ontinuous-fib er menu . define/ Define fib er mo dels and injec tions . injection Define and mo dify fib er injec tions . model Selec t a fib er mo del. file/ Read and wr ite fib er da ta. read-fiber-data Read in fib er da ta file . write-binary-fiber-data Write a fib er da ta file in binar y format. write-fiber-data Write a fib er da ta file in standar d format. print Print the fib er da ta of all defined injec tions in to hist ory files . print-xy Selec t two fib er variables f or plotting in to an x y file . solve/ Solver settings f or computing fib ers. compute Comput e the fib ers f or all of the injec tions . initialize Initializ e all of the fib ers and injec tions . 397Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.set/ Set solution par amet ers f or the fib er mo del. discretization-scheme/ Selec t the discr etiza tion scheme f or convection t erms. energy Choose a discr etiza tion scheme f or the fib er ener gy equa tion. momentum Choose a discr etiza tion scheme f or the fib er momen tum equa tion. species Choose a discr etiza tion scheme f or the fib er sp ecies equa tion. equations/ Selec t the equa tions tha t will b e solv ed. energy Specify the ener gy equa tion tha t will b e solv ed. momentum Specify the momen tum equa tion tha t will b e solv ed. species Specify the sp ecies equa tion tha t will b e solv ed. interaction/ Set par amet ers f or coupled fib er calcula tions . coupled-calculations? Selec t whether t o couple fib er and fluid flo w calcula tions . no.-of-fluid-iters-per-fiber-iter Set the numb er of fluid flo w iterations p er fib er it eration. underrelaxation Set the under relaxa tion fac tor of the fib er sour ce terms in the fluid flo w. monitors/ Set the r esidual monit ors of the fib ers. check? Choose which cur rently-selec ted equa tions should b e check ed f or convergenc e. convergence-criteria Set the cr iteria to stop the fib er calcula tion. relative-residuals? Choose whether r elative or absolut e convergenc e criteria will b e used . no-of-iterations Set the numb er of fib er it erations tha t will b e comput ed. Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 398continuous-fiber/reporting-interval Set the r eporting fr equenc y for the fib er mo del. under-relaxation/ Set the under relaxa tion par amet ers. energy Specify the under relaxa tion fac tor for the ener gy equa tion. momentum Specify the under relaxa tion fac tor for the momen tum equa tion. species Specify the under relaxa tion fac tor for the sp ecies equa tion. 399Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 400