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John moved the couch from the garage to the backyard to create space. The _ is small. | garage | backyard | 0answerA
The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. _ had terrible nerves recently. | Justin | Robert | 1answerB
Dennis drew up a business proposal to present to Logan because _ wants his investment. | Dennis | Logan | 0answerA
Felicia unexpectedly made fried eggs for breakfast in the morning for Katrina and now _ owes a favor. | Felicia | Katrina | 1answerB
My shampoo did not lather easily on my Afro hair because the _ is too dirty. | shampoo | hair | 1answerB
The circuit failed to power the television but kept the radio going, as the _ had a weak connection. | television | radio | 0answerA
Emily was thrown out of the court for the lawsuit against Carrie because _ was the only one acting disruptively. | Emily | Carrie | 0answerA
The shop owner said that Sarah purchased several pieces of furniture unlike Rachel, due to _ being poor. | Sarah | Rachel | 1answerB
Neil told Craig that he has to take care of the child for the day because _ promised to do so. | Neil | Craig | 1answerB
Neil told Craig that he has to take care of the child for the day because _ did it last time. | Neil | Craig | 0answerA
Elena wanted to have a serious conversation with Laura who did not, so _ adopted a humorous tone. | Elena | Laura | 1answerB
Victoria couldn't wait to learn what Laura had to teach, so _ happily gave notes on the lesson. | Victoria | Laura | 1answerB
I'd definitely rather get poked in the bellybutton than the eye since the _ is so sensitive. | eye | bellybutton | 0answerA
Rebecca was slimmer than Carrie, so _ started to worry about calories and a diet. | Rebecca | Carrie | 1answerB
The was more careful unloading the eggs than the tomatoes into the house because the _ were tougher. | eggs | tomatoes | 1answerB
Patricia tried to lecture Felicia on how to lose weight despite the fact that _ is overweight and needs to diet. | Patricia | Felicia | 0answerA
Amy was worried that her hair looked greasy, so she asked Monica, but _ regretted asking. | Amy | Monica | 0answerA
The fish swam away from Neil and towards Robert because _ was pouring the food in the aquarium. | Neil | Robert | 1answerB
The car hit Joel but not Randy because _ was in the middle of the sidewalk. | Joel | Randy | 1answerB
James wanted to drink his cup of coffee but he could not until he added some water to cool it down. The _ is cold. | water | coffee | 0answerA
Cara wanted to open a new bank account, but they ran a credit report and she was denied because the _ was bad. | bank | credit | 1answerB
Jessica lost to Jennifer at darts at the fair, so ( _ ) won the goldfish in a bag. | Jessica | Jennifer | 1answerB
Donald was not called a fake while Leslie was because _ lied about the experience. | Donald | Leslie | 1answerB
Erin was very comfortable outside during winter unlike Cynthia because _ had a very thick coat. | Erin | Cynthia | 0answerA
Erin was very comfortable outside during winter unlike Cynthia because _ had a very thin coat. | Erin | Cynthia | 1answerB
James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because the _ is shorter. | roof | fence | 1answerB
James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because the _ is taller. | roof | fence | 0answerA
The insurance for the car was more expensive than the insurance for the truck because the _ was older. | truck | car | 0answerA
Given the size of the belly when a woman is pregnant she may have a hard time driving a car as the _ will be confining. | belly | car | 1answerB
Brian came with his girlfriend while Eric came alone. She was always separated from _ . | Brian | Eric | 1answerB
The baby slept better in the crib by themselves than in the bed with their mother because there was more movement on the _ mattress. | crib | bed | 1answerB
The mall was farther to Lawrence than Dennis, so _ always went shopping and eating out there. | Lawrence | Dennis | 1answerB
When we dissolved our partnership, Bill took my stapler and my garbage bin; the joke's on him because the _ was empty when he took it. | stapler | bin | 0answerA
Ian sat outside on the porch longer than Aaron because _ wanted to watch the birds. | Ian | Aaron | 0answerA
Ian sate outside on the porch longer than Aaron because _ wanted to watch the television. | Ian | Aaron | 1answerB
Dean was learning how to park a car but got into a collision with a wall. The _ was farther than he expected. | car | wall | 0answerA
Dan gathered together extra clothes and extra food in case of a disaster, but the _ got wet and went bad. | food | clothes | 0answerA
The many found many aquamarine gemstones in the mine, but very few gold nuggets since the _ were rare. | gemstones | nuggets | 1answerB
Derrick wanted to solidify the pact, but Lawrence was doubtful, so _ did their best to hear them out. | Derrick | Lawrence | 1answerB
Kim wanted breasts, so the doctor said to either get surgery to put in implants or fats. She decided to get the _ because they were unnatural. | fats | implants | 1answerB
Kayla is a vegetarian and Christine did not like to eat any vegetables. _ added broccoli in the pasta. | Kayla | Christine | 0answerA
Grace hooked the dogs up to the sled with cording instead of rope, because the _ was fraying. | rope | cording | 0answerA
She wanted to save more money so she cut back on buying a daily magazine but not coffee because the _ was inessential. | magazine | coffee | 0answerA
She wanted to save more money so she cut back on buying a daily magazine but not coffee because the _ was essential. | magazine | coffee | 1answerB
We wanted to travel by cab rather than wait for the bus , but _ proved to be more unreliable for our journey. | cab | bus | 0answerA
John had to print more shirts to circulate within the team members. The _ are few. | shirts | members | 0answerA
Clarence didn't get any candy but instead bought popcorn at the theater instead. There wasn't a free refill with the _ . | candy | popcorn | 0answerA
Tanya earned extra money for college by tutoring Carrie, because _ was a good student. | Tanya | Carrie | 0answerA
During the experiment Jennifer poured the liquid into the container while Amy directed the experiment because _ was an assistant. | Jennifer | Amy | 0answerA
Eric hacked into the movie star Ian's cell phone because _ was well known from major films. | Eric | Ian | 1answerB
Joel broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so _ offered to repair it. | Joel | Derrick | 0answerA
The pollen in the air caused Dennis to have a lot of sneezes but not Hunter. _ had to take some Claritin. | Dennis | Hunter | 0answerA
The acid in the vat was not able to damage the table below it, as the _ did not leak any of it. | vat | table | 0answerA
The running time of the meeting was much greater than the earlier presentation, because the _ was more detailed. | meeting | presentation | 0answerA
Sarah tried to fire Laura to plant a tree and flower in their backyard but _ was going on vacation. | Sarah | Laura | 1answerB
When Derrick saw a coyote on his property, Christopher begged him not to kill it because _ is an animal activist. | Derrick | Christopher | 1answerB
The cook added a bunch of salt from the bottle to the pan, so the _ was heavier. | bottle | pan | 1answerB
The cook added a bunch of salt from the bottle to the pan, so the _ was lighter. | bottle | pan | 0answerA
The heavy wind and fog made driving difficult, especially in the dark. The _ cut visibility in the car too much. | fog | wind | 0answerA
Last month Elena went on vacation but not Christine because _ had to take time off. | Elena | Christine | 0answerA
He couldn't take the clear photograph of the car on a highway using the camera because the _ was so slow. | car | camera | 1answerB
I wanted to learn to operate a bulldozer this summer at the mine, so I asked my uncle to show me at the _ . | bulldozer | mine | 1answerB
Christine broke all of Jessica's old high school baseball records making _ feel somewhat annoyed. | Christine | Jessica | 1answerB
William went to school after hours to ask Eric for help him familiarize himself with the required texts, _ knew the test was imminent. | William | Eric | 0answerA
Because Tanya stretched before their run and Sarah didn't, _ got a cramp and had to stop. | Tanya | Sarah | 1answerB
Although Tanya stretched before their run and Sarah didn't, _ got a cramp and had to stop. | Tanya | Sarah | 0answerA
The fish swam toward Eric and around Leslie because _ had the tasty fish pellets. | Eric | Leslie | 0answerA
A leg of lamb is a luxury but pig's heart is not because the _ is very cheap. | lamb | heart | 1answerB
It is extremely easy to measure a golf club using a ruler. The _ is for sports. | ruler | club | 1answerB
Katrina loaned their jacket to Carrie during the cold night, although _ was feeling cold themselves. | Katrina | Carrie | 0answerA
Katrina loaned their jacket to Carrie during the cold night, because _ was feeling cold. | Katrina | Carrie | 1answerB
Angela prefers to wear skirts while Amy prefers long pants. _ wears socks. | Angela | Amy | 1answerB
Angela prefers to wear skirts while Amy prefers long pants. _ wears pantyhose. | Angela | Amy | 0answerA
Michael was telling Justin about this monster fish he caught his past weekend. _ was reminiscent. | Michael | Justin | 0answerA
We didn't go to the bank as often as the ATM because the _ was a lot closer to home. | bank | ATM | 1answerB
Ian brought books for the kids while Eric brought toys because _ wanted to make babysitting fun. | Ian | Eric | 1answerB
While Victoria preferred fruits, Felicia preferred to eat vegetables because _ liked foods that were naturally sweet. | Victoria | Felicia | 0answerA
While Victoria preferred fruits, Felicia preferred to eat vegetables because _ liked foods that were naturally savory. | Victoria | Felicia | 1answerB
Mary has bad dandruff, but Cynthia has never had that issue. _ lives in a wetter climate. | Mary | Cynthia | 1answerB
Mary has bad dandruff, but Cynthia has never had that issue. _ lives in a dryer climate. | Mary | Cynthia | 0answerA
Robert prepared a powerpoint presentation to show Kenneth the state of the economy because _ is the president. | Robert | Kenneth | 1answerB
Betty wanted to do a deal to sort out a problem but Sarah would not because _ was a very peaceful person. | Betty | Sarah | 0answerA
Playing music came much more naturally to Hunter than Kevin although _ hated the clarinet. | Hunter | Kevin | 0answerA
The spray cleaned the windows better than it cleaned the walls because the _ were non-porous. | windows | walls | 0answerA
Natalie liked the chair they just bought and Betty always wanted it, so _ is sad right now. | Natalie | Betty | 1answerB
The children of Hunter were very polite unlike the kids of Jeffrey, due to _ raising them wrong. | Hunter | Jeffrey | 1answerB
Samantha helped Rachel study for her high school exams because _ is a good student. | Samantha | Rachel | 1answerB
Everyone wanted to be a mermaid at the Halloween party, but the costume at the store only fit Christine and not Jennifer because _ was slender. | Christine | Jennifer | 0answerA
Everyone wanted to be a mermaid at the Halloween party, but the costume at the store only fit Christine and not Jennifer because _ was obese. | Christine | Jennifer | 1answerB
The farmer grew his potatoes without using pesticides because he didn't want the _ to destroy. | potatoes | pesticides | 1answerB
Jean preferred to use the scrub over the body soap to clean off dead skin because the _ was harsher. | scrub | body soap | 0answerA
Jean preferred to use the scrub over the body soap to clean off dead skin because the _ was too gentle. | scrub | body soap | 1answerB
The pig needed a bath but we went through the wash rather than using the hose since the _ covered most of the pig. | wash | hose | 0answerA
Samuel could really smell the wet dog on the furniture of the rental, whereas Matthew couldn't despite _ having a stronger sense of smell. | Samuel | Matthew | 1answerB
Gem went to get new supplies for her hamster and she found snacks and exercise balls She chose the _ because her hamster was fat. | exercise balls | snacks | 0answerA
Gem went to get new supplies for her hamster and she found snacks and exercise balls She chose the _ because her hamster was skinny. | exercise balls | snacks | 1answerB
Samuel always wore a condom when the met a new lover, but Craig rarely ever wore on. _ caught genital warts from a dirty girl. | Samuel | Craig | 1answerB
Samuel always wore a condom when the met a new lover, but Craig rarely ever wore on. _ never contracted genital warts from a dirty girl. | Samuel | Craig | 0answerA
Cynthia but not Maria will be put on punishment because _ did not break the glass in the kitchen. | Cynthia | Maria | 1answerB
Natalie was being cold to Katrina because _ was angry about the broken gold necklace that had sentimental value. | Natalie | Katrina | 0answerA
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