stringclasses 7
values | output
stringclasses 7
values |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Отсортировать книги так, чтобы они шли в алфавитном порядке жанров, а если в жанре несколько книг, то в обратном алфавитном порядке книг | select BookName, BookGenre from Books order by BookGenre, BookName desc; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Найти тиражи в книги с шифром 6, в которых число поступивших экземпляров меньше 10 | select * from Сirculation where NumReceivedCopies<10 and BookСipher=6; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Найти издательства, в которых торговая наценка находится в диапазоне от 0.15 до 0.3333 | select * from PublishingHouse where TradeMargin between 0.1500 and 0.3333; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Найти авторов, ФИО которых оканчивается на -ов | select * from Bookstore.Authors where AuthorFIO like '%ов'; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Подвести итоги в таблице тиражей: сколько всего тиражей, общее число поступивших экземпляров, минимальное и максимальное число непроданных экземпляров, средняя закупочная цена. | select count(*) as СirculationCount, sum(NumReceivedCopies) as AllReceivedCopies, min(NumUnsoldCopies) as MinUnsoldCopies, max(NumUnsoldCopies) as MaxUnsoldCopies, avg(PurchasePrice) as AvgPurchasePrice from Сirculation; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Найти все тиражи, в которых количество непроданных копий больше 3, отсортировать и сгруппировать по дате поступления, вывести при условии, что закупочная цена больше 110000 | select DeliveryDate, count(*) as Counts, sum(PurchasePrice) as Prices from Сirculation where NumUnsoldCopies>3 group by DeliveryDate having sum(PurchasePrice)>110000 order by DeliveryDate; |
create database Bookstore
create table Authors(
AuthorID integer not null primary key check(AuthorID>0),
AuthorFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Books(
Cipher integer not null primary key check(Cipher>0),
BookName varchar(4000) not null,
BookTheme varchar(30) not null
check(BookTheme in('Любовь','Дружба','Смерть','Общественные проблемы','Внутренние противоречия')),
BookGenre varchar(15) not null
check(BookGenre in('Роман','Поэма','Рассказ','Пьеса','Эпопея','Драма'))
create table PublishingHouse(
PublishingHouseID integer not null primary key
PublishingHouseName varchar(1000) not null,
TradeMargin decimal(5,4) default'0' not null check (TradeMargin>0 and TradeMargin<=100)
create table Circulation(
CirculationID integer not null primary key check(CirculationID>0),
DeliveryDate date not null,
PurchasePrice decimal(18,4) default'1000.0000' not null check(PurchasePrice>0),
NumReceivedCopies integer not null check(NumReceivedCopies>=0),
NumUnsoldCopies integer not null check(NumUnsoldCopies>=0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
IDPublishingHouse int not null check(IDPublishingHouse>0),
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDPublishingHouse) references PublishingHouse(PublishingHouseID) on update cascade,
create table Cheque(
ChequeID integer not null primary key
PurchaseDate date not null,
CashierFIO varchar(40) not null
create table Wrote(
IDAuthor integer not null check(IDAuthor>0),
BookCipher integer not null check(BookCipher>0),
foreign key(IDAuthor) references Authors(AuthorID) on update cascade,
foreign key(BookCipher) references Books(Cipher) on update cascade,
primary key(IDAuthor,BookCipher)
create table Contains(
IDCheque int not null check(IDCheque>0),
IDCirculation int not null check(IDCirculation>0),
BooksQuantity int not null check(BooksQuantity>0),
foreign key(IDCheque) references Cheque(ChequeID) on update cascade,
foreign key(IDCirculation) references Circulation(CirculationID) on update cascade,
primary key(IDCheque,IDCirculation)
);Сделать суммирующую строку для жанра и темы книги, посчитать количество книг для каждой пары жанр-тема. | select [BookTheme],[BookGenre], count(*) as Counts from [dbo].[Books] group by [BookTheme],[BookGenre] with rollup; |