class label
2 classes
17 values
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 6a 00 ?? push 0 c7 46 18 0f 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x18<24>], 15 e8 42 cc ff ff ?? call function 0x00401154 L2: ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 03 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404322 L3: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 08 00 ?? ret 8
L1: 6a 48 ?? push 0x48<72> b8 a4 99 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x004299a4 e8 d1 25 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b03 L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 33 ff ?? xor edi, edi 39 7e 3c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>], edi 0f 84 f3 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L33 L3: 80 7e 41 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi + 0x41<65>], 0 0f 84 e9 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L33 L4: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 6a ff ?? push 0xff<255,-1> ff 50 04 ?? call dword ds:[eax + 4] L5: 83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1> 75 07 ?? jne basic block L7 L6: 32 c0 ?? xor al, al e9 d8 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L34 L7: 57 ?? push edi 6a 08 ?? push 8 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 95 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004044fc L8: 89 7d fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], edi L9: 8d 45 ac ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xac<172,-84>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 81 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L10: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 65 f2 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L11: 8b 7d e8 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>] 8b d8 ?? mov ebx, eax 8d 45 c4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 69 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L12: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 4d f2 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L13: 8b 4e 3c ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>] 8b 11 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[ecx] 89 45 cc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>], eax 8d 45 d0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>] 50 ?? push eax 03 fb ?? add edi, ebx 57 ?? push edi ff 75 cc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>] 8d 46 44 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x44<68>] 50 ?? push eax ff 52 18 ?? call dword ds:[edx + 0x18<24>] L14: 83 e8 00 ?? sub eax, 0 74 19 ?? je basic block L20 L15: 48 ?? dec eax 74 1a ?? je basic block L21 L16: 48 ?? dec eax 48 ?? dec eax 74 74 ?? je basic block L32 L17: 32 db ?? xor bl, bl L18: 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 01 ?? push 1 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 46 cb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040110e L19: 8a c3 ?? mov al, bl eb 68 ?? jmp basic block L34 L20: c6 46 41 00 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x41<65>], 0 L21: 8d 45 b4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb4<180,-76>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 1b fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L22: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 ff f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L23: 8b 7d d0 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>] 2b f8 ?? sub edi, eax 74 26 ?? je basic block L28 L24: 8d 45 bc ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xbc<188,-68>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 01 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L25: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 e5 f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L26: ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] 57 ?? push edi 6a 01 ?? push 1 50 ?? push eax e8 84 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040758d L27: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16> 3b f8 ?? cmp edi, eax 75 aa ?? jne basic block L17 L28: 80 7e 41 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi + 0x41<65>], 0 74 18 ?? je basic block L32 L29: 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 0f 85 4c ff ff ff ?? jne basic block L9 L30: 57 ?? push edi 6a 08 ?? push 8 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 a7 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004042d0 L31: e9 3c ff ff ff ?? jmp basic block L9 L32: b3 01 ?? mov bl, 1 eb 8a ?? jmp basic block L18 L33: b0 01 ?? mov al, 1 L34: e8 4d 25 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b86 L35: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 8b 01 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx] 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 83 c0 18 ?? add eax, 0x18<24> 50 ?? push eax e8 43 cb ff ff ?? call function 0x00401195 L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] c9 ?? leave c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 6a 54 ?? push 0x54<84> b8 12 9a 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429a12 e8 fd 23 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b03 L2: 8b 5d 08 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 83 fb ff ?? cmp ebx, 0xff<255,-1> 75 0a ?? jne basic block L6 L3: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax L4: e8 6f 24 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b86 L5: c2 04 00 ?? ret 4 L6: 8b 46 24 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x24<36>] 8b 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax] 33 ff ?? xor edi, edi 3b cf ?? cmp ecx, edi 74 1d ?? je basic block L10 L7: 8b 46 34 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x34<52>] 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax] 03 d1 ?? add edx, ecx 3b ca ?? cmp ecx, edx 73 12 ?? jae basic block L10 L8: ff 08 ?? dec dword ds:[eax] 8b 76 24 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[esi + 0x24<36>] 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 8d 48 01 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 1] 89 0e ?? mov dword ds:[esi], ecx 88 18 ?? mov byte ds:[eax], bl L9: 8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx eb d0 ?? jmp basic block L4 L10: 8b 46 4c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] 3b c7 ?? cmp eax, edi 75 05 ?? jne basic block L12 L11: 83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1> eb c4 ?? jmp basic block L4 L12: 39 7e 3c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>], edi 75 0f ?? jne basic block L16 L13: 50 ?? push eax 53 ?? push ebx e8 f5 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00403f4f L14: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 84 c0 ?? test al, al 74 e9 ?? je basic block L11 L15: eb dc ?? jmp basic block L9 L16: 57 ?? push edi 6a 08 ?? push 8 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] 88 5d d0 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>], bl e8 8c fd ff ff ?? call function 0x004044fc L17: 8d 45 b8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb8<184,-72>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] 89 7d fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], edi e8 78 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L18: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 5c f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L19: 8b 7d e8 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>] 8b d8 ?? mov ebx, eax 8d 45 b0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb0<176,-80>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 60 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L20: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 44 f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L21: 8d 55 c8 ?? lea edx, ss:[ebp + 0xc8<200,-56>] 03 fb ?? add edi, ebx 52 ?? push edx 8d 5e 44 ?? lea ebx, ds:[esi + 0x44<68>] e9 a8 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L39 L22: 83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1 0f 8f c3 00 00 00 ?? jg basic block L42 L23: 8d 45 a8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xa8<168,-88>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 36 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L24: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 1a f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L25: 8b 7d c8 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xc8<200,-56>] 2b f8 ?? sub edi, eax 74 2a ?? je basic block L30 L26: 8d 45 a0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xa0<160,-96>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 1c fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L27: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 00 f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L28: ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] 57 ?? push edi 6a 01 ?? push 1 50 ?? push eax e8 9f 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040758d L29: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16> 3b f8 ?? cmp edi, eax 0f 85 95 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L45 L30: 8d 45 d0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>] c6 46 41 01 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x41<65>], 1 39 45 c4 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>], eax 0f 85 9b 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L48 L31: 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 77 12 ?? ja basic block L34 L32: 83 7d e8 20 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>], 0x20<32> 73 7b ?? jae basic block L45 L33: 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 08 ?? push 8 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 b1 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004042d0 L34: 8d 45 b8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb8<184,-72>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 cc f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L35: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 b0 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L36: 8b 7d e8 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>] 89 45 c0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xc0<192,-64>], eax 8d 45 b0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb0<176,-80>] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 b3 f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x004041f7 L37: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax e8 97 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x004037e2 L38: 8d 55 c8 ?? lea edx, ss:[ebp + 0xc8<200,-56>] 52 ?? push edx 8b 55 c0 ?? mov edx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xc0<192,-64>] 03 fa ?? add edi, edx L39: 8b 4e 3c ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>] 57 ?? push edi 50 ?? push eax 8d 55 c4 ?? lea edx, ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>] 52 ?? push edx 8d 55 d1 ?? lea edx, ss:[ebp + 0xd1<209,-47>] 52 ?? push edx 8d 55 d0 ?? lea edx, ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>] 52 ?? push edx 89 45 cc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>], eax 8b 01 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx] 53 ?? push ebx ff 50 14 ?? call dword ds:[eax + 0x14<20>] L40: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 0f 8d 36 ff ff ff ?? jge basic block L22 L41: eb 16 ?? jmp basic block L45 L42: 83 f8 03 ?? cmp eax, 3 75 11 ?? jne basic block L45 L43: ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] ff 75 d0 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>] e8 c7 f6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00403f4f L44: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 84 c0 ?? test al, al 75 16 ?? jne basic block L48 L45: 83 ce ff ?? or esi, 0xff<255,-1> L46: 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 01 ?? push 1 8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>] e8 71 c8 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040110e L47: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi e9 6e fe ff ff ?? jmp basic block L4 L48: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] eb e8 ?? jmp basic block L46
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 51 ?? push ecx 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 8b 46 20 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x20<32>] 57 ?? push edi 8d 7e 40 ?? lea edi, ds:[esi + 0x40<64>] 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx 39 38 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], edi 75 0e ?? jne basic block L5 L2: 83 7d 10 01 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], 1 75 08 ?? jne basic block L5 L3: 39 5e 3c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>], ebx 75 03 ?? jne basic block L5 L4: ff 4d 0c ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 12] L5: 39 5e 4c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], ebx 74 68 ?? je basic block L17 L6: e8 4d fc ff ff ?? call function 0x00404526 L7: 84 c0 ?? test al, al 74 5f ?? je basic block L17 L8: 39 5d 0c ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], ebx 75 06 ?? jne basic block L10 L9: 83 7d 10 01 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], 1 74 15 ?? je basic block L12 L10: ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 11 2e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00407707 L11: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 3f ?? jne basic block L17 L12: 8d 45 f8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 50 ?? push eax ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 06 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040760f L13: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 2d ?? jne basic block L17 L14: 8b 46 20 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x20<32>] 39 38 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], edi 75 0d ?? jne basic block L16 L15: 8d 46 41 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x41<65>] 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax 57 ?? push edi 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 6f ee ff ff ?? call function 0x00403792 L16: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 89 48 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 8], ecx 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 89 48 0c ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 12], ecx 8b 4e 44 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x44<68>] 89 18 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ebx 89 48 10 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x10<16>], ecx eb 14 ?? jmp basic block L18 L17: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 0d 20 e2 42 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x0042e220] 89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx 89 58 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 8], ebx 89 58 0c ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 12], ebx 89 58 10 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x10<16>], ebx L18: 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx c9 ?? leave c2 10 00 ?? ret 0x0010<16>
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 51 ?? push ecx 8b 45 14 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>] 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax 8b 45 18 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>] 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx 57 ?? push edi 8b 7d 0c ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 39 5e 4c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], ebx 74 79 ?? je basic block L14 L2: e8 a8 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00404526 L3: 84 c0 ?? test al, al 74 70 ?? je basic block L14 L4: 8d 45 f8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 50 ?? push eax ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 fe 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040778c L5: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 5e ?? jne basic block L14 L6: 3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx 74 12 ?? je basic block L9 L7: 6a 01 ?? push 1 57 ?? push edi ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 64 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00407707 L8: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 48 ?? jne basic block L14 L9: 8d 45 f8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 50 ?? push eax ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 59 2c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040760f L10: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 36 ?? jne basic block L14 L11: 8b 45 1c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>] 89 46 44 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x44<68>], eax 8b 46 20 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x20<32>] 8d 4e 40 ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 0x40<64>] 39 08 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ecx 75 0d ?? jne basic block L13 L12: 8d 46 41 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x41<65>] 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax 51 ?? push ecx 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 b9 ed ff ff ?? call function 0x00403792 L13: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 89 48 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 8], ecx 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 89 48 0c ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 12], ecx 8b 4e 44 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x44<68>] 89 18 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ebx 89 48 10 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x10<16>], ecx eb 14 ?? jmp basic block L15 L14: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 0d 20 e2 42 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x0042e220] 89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx 89 58 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 8], ebx 89 58 0c ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 12], ebx 89 58 10 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x10<16>], ebx L15: 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx c9 ?? leave c2 20 00 ?? ret 0x0020<32>
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx 57 ?? push edi 8b fe ?? mov edi, esi 39 5e 4c ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], ebx 74 18 ?? je basic block L7 L2: e8 04 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00404526 L3: 84 c0 ?? test al, al 75 02 ?? jne basic block L5 L4: 33 ff ?? xor edi, edi L5: ff 76 4c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>] e8 18 2e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00407848 L6: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 02 ?? je basic block L8 L7: 33 ff ?? xor edi, edi L8: 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi 88 5e 48 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x48<72>], bl 88 5e 41 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x41<65>], bl e8 07 f2 ff ff ?? call function 0x00403c4b L9: 89 5e 4c ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], ebx a1 60 59 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00435960] 89 46 44 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x44<68>], eax 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi 5f ?? pop edi 89 5e 3c ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>], ebx 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx c3 ?? ret
L1: 6a 14 ?? push 0x14<20> b8 3f 9a 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429a3f e8 36 20 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 4d ec ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>] e8 fd 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040536b L3: 8b 35 64 59 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00435964] 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 b9 7c 5a 43 00 ?? mov ecx, 0x00435a7c 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi e8 40 ea ff ff ?? call function 0x004034c5 L4: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 50 ?? push eax e8 4c eb ff ff ?? call function 0x004035da L5: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 75 4d ?? jne basic block L15 L6: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 74 04 ?? je basic block L8 L7: 8b fe ?? mov edi, esi eb 45 ?? jmp basic block L15 L8: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 50 ?? push eax e8 b1 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00404659 L9: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1> 75 1b ?? jne basic block L12 L10: 68 8c e1 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e18c<"bad cast"> 8d 4d e0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>] e8 65 18 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406321 L11: 68 44 29 43 00 ?? push 0x00432944 8d 45 e0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>] 50 ?? push eax e8 af 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406179 L12: 8b 7d f0 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 8b cf ?? mov ecx, edi 89 3d 64 59 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435964], edi e8 22 ea ff ff ?? call function 0x004034fc L13: 57 ?? push edi e8 0c 0b 00 00 ?? call function 0x004055ec L14: 59 ?? pop ecx L15: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1> 8d 4d ec ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>] e8 a6 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405393 L16: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi e8 7e 20 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L17: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 6a 00 ?? push 0 ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 16 c6 ff ff ?? call function 0x004011b8 L2: 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 a3 9a 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429aa3 e8 9c 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi c7 06 1c e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e11c<")L@"> 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 80 7e 48 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi + 0x48<72>], 0 74 05 ?? je basic block L4 L3: e8 f5 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00404a0d L4: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1> 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 5b ee ff ff ?? call function 0x00403a7e L5: e8 4a 1f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L6: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 bc ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404bf2 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 42 0f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 bc ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404bf2 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 42 0f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 c6 9a 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429ac6 e8 44 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 50 ?? push eax e8 4b ea ff ff ?? call function 0x004036aa L3: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 50 ?? push eax e8 ef fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00404a58 L4: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1> 59 ?? pop ecx 8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax e8 4a e9 ff ff ?? call function 0x004035c2 L5: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi ff 50 18 ?? call dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>] L6: e8 eb 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L7: c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 6a 14 ?? push 0x14<20> b8 e9 9a 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429ae9 e8 04 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 4d ec ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>] e8 cb 06 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040536b L3: 8b 35 68 59 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00435968] 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 b9 00 5a 43 00 ?? mov ecx, 0x00435a00 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi e8 0e e8 ff ff ?? call function 0x004034c5 L4: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 50 ?? push eax e8 1a e9 ff ff ?? call function 0x004035da L5: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 75 4d ?? jne basic block L15 L6: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 74 04 ?? je basic block L8 L7: 8b fe ?? mov edi, esi eb 45 ?? jmp basic block L15 L8: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 50 ?? push eax e8 1b fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404af5 L9: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1> 75 1b ?? jne basic block L12 L10: 68 8c e1 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e18c<"bad cast"> 8d 4d e0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>] e8 33 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406321 L11: 68 44 29 43 00 ?? push 0x00432944 8d 45 e0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>] 50 ?? push eax e8 7d 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406179 L12: 8b 7d f0 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 8b cf ?? mov ecx, edi 89 3d 68 59 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435968], edi e8 f0 e7 ff ff ?? call function 0x004034fc L13: 57 ?? push edi e8 da 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x004055ec L14: 59 ?? pop ecx L15: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1> 8d 4d ec ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>] e8 74 06 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405393 L16: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi e8 4c 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L17: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 53 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404c8a L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 50 ?? push eax 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 41 f4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00404181 L3: 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 53 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404ba6 L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx 6a 20 ?? push 0x20<32> 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi 89 46 28 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x28<40>], eax 89 5e 2c ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x2c<44>], ebx e8 e3 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404c4a L3: 88 46 30 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x30<48>], al 39 5e 28 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x28<40>], ebx 75 0f ?? jne basic block L5 L4: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8] 53 ?? push ebx 83 c8 04 ?? or eax, 4 50 ?? push eax 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 63 c3 ff ff ?? call function 0x004010e1 L5: 38 5d 0c ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 12], bl 74 09 ?? je basic block L8 L6: 56 ?? push esi e8 95 0b 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040591e L7: 59 ?? pop ecx eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L9 L8: 89 5e 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], ebx L9: 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx 5d ?? pop ebp c2 08 00 ?? ret 8
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8 b8 20 9b 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429b20 e8 f9 1c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 75 ec ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>], esi 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 89 45 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], eax 39 45 10 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], eax 74 17 ?? je basic block L4 L3: c7 06 98 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e198 c7 46 04 a8 e0 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], 0x0042e0a8<"i7@"> 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax c7 45 f0 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], 1 L4: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] c7 04 06 a0 e0 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + eax], 0x0042e0a0 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 8b 48 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 4] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 03 ce ?? add ecx, esi e8 60 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404d45 L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi e8 86 1d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L6: c2 0c 00 ?? ret 12
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 43 9b 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429b43 e8 9f 1c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi e8 c0 13 00 00 ?? call function 0x004061c5 L3: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 8d 4e 0c ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 12] c7 06 a4 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1a4<"QN@"> e8 7b c3 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401195 L4: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi e8 51 1d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L5: c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 83 79 24 10 ?? cmp dword ds:[ecx + 0x24<36>], 0x10<16> 72 04 ?? jb basic block L3 L2: 8b 41 10 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 0x10<16>] c3 ?? ret L3: 8d 41 10 ?? lea eax, ds:[ecx + 0x10<16>] c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 01 ?? push 1 8d 4e 0c ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 12] c7 06 a4 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1a4<"QN@"> e8 c5 c2 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040110e L2: 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi 5e ?? pop esi e9 ad 14 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x004062fe
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 d4 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 1a 0d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 d4 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 1a 0d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 6d ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404def L2: c7 06 b0 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1b0 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 b0 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1b0 e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 cb 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 b0 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1b0 e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 cb 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 1e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404def L2: c7 06 bc e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1bc 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: c7 01 bc e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], 0x0042e1bc e9 49 ff ff ff ?? jmp function 0x00404e32
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 bc e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1bc e8 36 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 7c 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 bc e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1bc e8 36 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 7c 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 cf fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404def L2: c7 06 c8 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1c8<"8O@"> 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: c7 01 c8 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], 0x0042e1c8<"8O@"> e9 fa fe ff ff ?? jmp function 0x00404e32
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 c8 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1c8<"8O@"> e8 e7 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 2d 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx c7 06 c8 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1c8<"8O@"> e8 e7 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00404e32 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 2d 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 cf 9b 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429bcf e8 87 1a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi 8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 57 ?? push edi e8 25 12 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406246 L3: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 83 c7 0c ?? add edi, 12 57 ?? push edi 8d 4e 0c ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 12] c7 06 a4 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1a4<"QN@"> e8 5e c1 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401195 L4: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi e8 34 1b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L5: c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 b6 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00405007 L2: c7 06 bc e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1bc 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 7c ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00405007 L2: c7 06 c8 e1 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e1c8<"8O@"> 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: e9 b6 2d 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x00407e53
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 56 ?? push esi 6a 18 ?? push 0x18<24> 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 01 0b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405baa L2: 50 ?? push eax 89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax e8 93 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b44 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi] e8 91 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b54 L2: ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi] e8 ba 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 5e ?? pop esi c3 ?? ret
L1: ff 31 ?? push dword ds:[ecx] e8 8f 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b64 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx c3 ?? ret
L1: ff 31 ?? push dword ds:[ecx] e8 96 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b74 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 6a 18 ?? push 0x18<24> e8 be 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405baa L2: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 50 ?? push eax 89 01 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], eax e8 4d 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b44 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi] e8 49 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b54 L2: ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi] e8 72 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax] e8 3e 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b64 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax] e8 3c 0a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b74 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16> 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 12 ?? jne basic block L5 L2: e8 c3 4b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d13 L3: 8b 40 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 8] 89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax e8 6c 4b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409cc7 L4: eb 08 ?? jmp basic block L6 L5: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4] L6: 83 7d f4 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], 0 89 45 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], eax 75 17 ?? jne basic block L9 L7: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8d 48 bf ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0xbf<191,-65>] 83 f9 19 ?? cmp ecx, 0x19<25> 0f 87 c8 00 00 00 ?? ja basic block L28 L8: 83 c0 20 ?? add eax, 0x20<32> e9 c0 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L28 L9: 53 ?? push ebx 8b 5d 08 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 57 ?? push edi bf 00 01 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x00000100<256> 3b df ?? cmp ebx, edi 73 1d ?? jae basic block L15 L10: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 10 ?? jne basic block L14 L11: 53 ?? push ebx e8 dd 41 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040937a L12: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 12 ?? jne basic block L16 L13: e9 86 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L24 L14: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8] f6 04 58 01 ?? test byte ds:[eax + ebx * 2], 1 74 7d ?? je basic block L24 L15: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 1b ?? jne basic block L18 L16: 89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx c1 7d f8 08 ?? sar dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], 8 e8 ba 40 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040927a L17: 0f b6 4d f8 ?? movzx ecx, byte ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2] 25 00 80 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00008000<32768> eb 1c ?? jmp basic block L19 L18: 8b 4e 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 8] 89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx c1 7d f8 08 ?? sar dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], 8 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 25 ff 00 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x000000ff<255> 0f bf 04 41 ?? movsx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2] c1 e8 0f ?? shr eax, 15 83 e0 01 ?? and eax, 1 L19: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 12 ?? je basic block L21 L20: 8a 45 f8 ?? mov al, byte ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 6a 02 ?? push 2 88 45 0c ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 12], al 88 5d 0d ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 13], bl c6 45 0e 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 14], 0 58 ?? pop eax eb 0a ?? jmp basic block L22 L21: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 88 5d 0c ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 12], bl c6 45 0d 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 13], 0 40 ?? inc eax L22: 6a 01 ?? push 1 ff 75 f0 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 6a 03 ?? push 3 51 ?? push ecx 50 ?? push eax 8d 45 0c ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 12] 50 ?? push eax 57 ?? push edi ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>] 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 09 40 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040922f L23: 83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36> 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 04 ?? jne basic block L25 L24: 8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L27 L25: 83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1 0f b6 45 fc ?? movzx eax, byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 74 09 ?? je basic block L27 L26: 0f b6 4d fd ?? movzx ecx, byte ss:[ebp + 0xfd<253,-3>] c1 e0 08 ?? shl eax, 8 0b c1 ?? or eax, ecx L27: 5f ?? pop edi 5b ?? pop ebx L28: 5e ?? pop esi c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi e8 c0 4a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d13 L2: 8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4] 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax e8 67 4a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409cc7 L3: 6a 02 ?? push 2 68 00 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000100<256> 89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax e8 b6 4e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a125 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 1f ?? je basic block L8 L5: 68 00 02 00 00 ?? push 0x00000200<512> e8 f8 3f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040927a L6: 50 ?? push eax ff 76 08 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 8] e8 b5 4a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d40 L7: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12 c7 46 0c 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 12], 1 eb 0c ?? jmp basic block L10 L8: e8 de 3f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040927a L9: 83 66 0c 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi + 12], 0 89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax L10: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 57 ?? push edi 68 54 43 43 00 ?? push 0x00434354 8b f9 ?? mov edi, ecx ff 15 f0 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f0] L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 19 ?? jne basic block L7 L3: 56 ?? push esi be 08 5a 43 00 ?? mov esi, 0x00435a08 L4: 56 ?? push esi e8 7c 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b44 L5: 83 c6 18 ?? add esi, 0x18<24> 81 fe 68 5a 43 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x00435a68 59 ?? pop ecx 7c ee ?? jl basic block L4 L6: 5e ?? pop esi L7: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi 5f ?? pop edi c3 ?? ret
L1: 68 54 43 43 00 ?? push 0x00434354 ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4] L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 7d 19 ?? jge basic block L7 L3: 56 ?? push esi be 08 5a 43 00 ?? mov esi, 0x00435a08 L4: 56 ?? push esi e8 60 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b54 L5: 83 c6 18 ?? add esi, 0x18<24> 81 fe 68 5a 43 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x00435a68 59 ?? pop ecx 7c ee ?? jl basic block L4 L6: 5e ?? pop esi L7: c3 ?? ret
L1: 68 54 43 43 00 ?? push 0x00434354 ff 15 f0 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f0] L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 19 ?? jne basic block L7 L3: 56 ?? push esi be 08 5a 43 00 ?? mov esi, 0x00435a08 L4: 56 ?? push esi e8 27 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b44 L5: 83 c6 18 ?? add esi, 0x18<24> 81 fe 68 5a 43 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x00435a68 59 ?? pop ecx 7c ee ?? jl basic block L4 L6: 5e ?? pop esi L7: c3 ?? ret
L1: 68 54 43 43 00 ?? push 0x00434354 ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4] L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 7d 19 ?? jge basic block L7 L3: 56 ?? push esi be 08 5a 43 00 ?? mov esi, 0x00435a08 L4: 56 ?? push esi e8 0e 08 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b54 L5: 83 c6 18 ?? add esi, 0x18<24> 81 fe 68 5a 43 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x00435a68 59 ?? pop ecx 7c ee ?? jl basic block L4 L6: 5e ?? pop esi L7: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 83 26 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi], 0 68 08 5a 43 00 ?? push 0x00435a08 e8 fe 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b64 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 f8 04 ?? cmp eax, 4 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax 7d 0f ?? jge basic block L4 L2: 6b c0 18 ?? imul eax, eax, 0x18<24> 05 08 5a 43 00 ?? add eax, 0x00435a08 50 ?? push eax e8 d9 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b64 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx L4: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 68 08 5a 43 00 ?? push 0x00435a08 e8 b0 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b64 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax] 6b c0 18 ?? imul eax, eax, 0x18<24> 05 08 5a 43 00 ?? add eax, 0x00435a08 50 ?? push eax e8 85 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b74 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b c1 ?? mov eax, ecx c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 94 25 00 00 ?? call function 0x004079eb L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 06 ?? je basic block L4 L3: 5d ?? pop ebp e9 af 4d 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x0040a211 L4: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b c1 ?? mov eax, ecx 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx 8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 89 48 04 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 4], ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c2 08 00 ?? ret 8
L1: 8b 49 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[ecx + 4] e8 a4 e0 ff ff ?? call function 0x00403526 L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 08 ?? je basic block L4 L3: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax] 6a 01 ?? push 1 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax ff 12 ?? call dword ds:[edx] L4: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 de ff ff ff ?? call function 0x0040547a L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 dc 06 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax] 85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx 74 11 ?? je basic block L5 L2: e8 63 e0 ff ff ?? call function 0x00403526 L3: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 08 ?? je basic block L5 L4: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax] 6a 01 ?? push 1 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax ff 12 ?? call dword ds:[edx] L5: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 8a fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040536b L2: 68 70 5a 43 00 ?? push 0x00435a70 e8 c5 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004054b0 L3: 83 25 70 5a 43 00 00 ?? and dword ds:[0x00435a70], 0 59 ?? pop ecx 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 98 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00405393 L4: c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 f2 9b 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429bf2 e8 37 15 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] e8 fe fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040536b L3: 8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0 8b 77 0c ?? mov esi, dword ds:[edi + 12] eb 1f ?? jmp basic block L8 L4: 8b 47 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 8] 4e ?? dec esi 8d 04 b0 ?? lea eax, ds:[eax + esi * 4] 83 38 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], 0 74 13 ?? je basic block L8 L5: 8b 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax] e8 9a df ff ff ?? call function 0x00403526 L6: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 08 ?? je basic block L8 L7: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax] 6a 01 ?? push 1 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax ff 12 ?? call dword ds:[edx] L8: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 77 dd ?? ja basic block L4 L9: ff 77 08 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 8] e8 68 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a0c L10: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1> 59 ?? pop ecx 8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] e8 e2 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00405393 L11: e8 bc 15 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L12: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 a4 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040536b L2: eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L4 L3: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax 8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax] 6a 01 ?? push 1 a3 6c 5a 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435a6c], eax e8 b6 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040548f L4: a1 6c 5a 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00435a6c] 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 e7 ?? jne basic block L3 L5: 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 a9 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00405393 L6: c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 78 50 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x50<80>], 0 76 18 ?? jbe basic block L7 L2: 83 78 54 10 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x54<84>], 0x10<16> 72 05 ?? jb basic block L4 L3: 8b 40 40 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x40<64>] eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L5 L4: 83 c0 40 ?? add eax, 0x40<64> L5: 50 ?? push eax 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 58 5e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b4a6 L6: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx L7: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 5d ?? pop ebp e9 a8 b9 ff ff ?? jmp function 0x00401005
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4 b8 15 9c 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429c15 e8 31 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406a9a L2: 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx 89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi c7 46 04 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], 1 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax 89 46 0c ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 12], eax 89 46 10 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], eax 8a 45 08 ?? mov al, byte ss:[ebp + 8] 68 18 e2 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e218<"*"> 8d 4e 18 ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 0x18<24>] c7 06 14 e2 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e214 88 46 14 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 0x14<20>], al e8 03 bb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040119f L3: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi e8 cf 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406b72 L4: c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 b6 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004056a6 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 88 04 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 b6 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004056a6 L2: f6 45 08 01 ?? test byte ss:[ebp + 8], 1 74 07 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 88 04 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx L5: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 fa 5c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b4a6 L2: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 05 ?? jne basic block L4 L3: b8 1e e2 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x0042e21e L4: 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4e 3c ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 0x3c<60>] e8 41 b8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401005 L5: 83 7d 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], 0 74 10 ?? je basic block L8 L6: ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 d2 5c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b4a6 L7: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 05 ?? jne basic block L9 L8: b8 18 e2 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x0042e218<"*"> L9: 50 ?? push eax 8d 4e 58 ?? lea ecx, ds:[esi + 0x58<88>] e8 1d b8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401005 L10: 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 83 78 18 10 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>], 0x10<16> 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi 72 05 ?? jb basic block L3 L2: 8b 70 04 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax + 4] eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L4 L3: 8d 70 04 ?? lea esi, ds:[eax + 4] L4: 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 9a 5c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b4a6 L5: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 05 ?? jne basic block L7 L6: b8 1e e2 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x0042e21e L7: 8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 50 ?? push eax 8d 4f 3c ?? lea ecx, ds:[edi + 0x3c<60>] e8 e2 b7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401005 L8: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 74 0e ?? je basic block L11 L9: 56 ?? push esi 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 77 5c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b4a6 L10: 59 ?? pop ecx 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 05 ?? jne basic block L12 L11: b8 18 e2 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x0042e218<"*"> L12: 50 ?? push eax 8d 4f 58 ?? lea ecx, ds:[edi + 0x58<88>] e8 c2 b7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00401005 L13: 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi 8b f9 ?? mov edi, ecx 8b 77 20 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[edi + 0x20<32>] eb 0f ?? jmp basic block L4 L2: ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4] 57 ?? push edi ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 56 08 ?? call dword ds:[esi + 8] L3: 8b 36 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[esi] 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12 L4: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 ed ?? jne basic block L2 L5: 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 57 ?? push edi 6a 00 ?? push 0 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 c6 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00405894 L2: 8b 46 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>] 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 0f ?? je basic block L5 L3: 8b 38 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[eax] 50 ?? push eax e8 a7 02 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L4: 59 ?? pop ecx 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 75 f1 ?? jne basic block L3 L5: 8b 46 20 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x20<32>] 83 66 1c 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>], 0 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 0f ?? je basic block L8 L6: 8b 38 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[eax] 50 ?? push eax e8 8d 02 00 00 ?? call function 0x00405b84 L7: 59 ?? pop ecx 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi 85 ff ?? test edi, edi 75 f1 ?? jne basic block L6 L8: 83 66 20 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi + 0x20<32>], 0 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: b8 20 e2 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x0042e220 c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 6a 02 ?? push 2 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 3d fa ff ff ?? call function 0x0040536b L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] c7 40 04 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 4], 1 L3: 8b 48 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 4] 8b 0c 8d a4 5a 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x00435aa4 + ecx * 4] 85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx 74 0d ?? je basic block L6 L4: 3b c8 ?? cmp ecx, eax 74 09 ?? je basic block L6 L5: ff 40 04 ?? inc dword ds:[eax + 4] 83 78 04 08 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 4], 8 72 e5 ?? jb basic block L3 L6: 8b 48 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 4] 89 04 8d a4 5a 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435aa4 + ecx * 4], eax 8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4] fe 80 cc 5a 43 00 ?? inc byte ds:[eax + 0x00435acc] 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] e8 25 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x00405393 L7: c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 83 7e 04 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 4], 0 76 15 ?? jbe basic block L3 L2: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4] fe 88 cc 5a 43 00 ?? dec byte ds:[eax + 0x00435acc] 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4] 80 b8 cc 5a 43 00 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax + 0x00435acc], 0 7f 15 ?? jg basic block L6 L3: 56 ?? push esi e8 21 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004058bb L4: 59 ?? pop ecx 8b 4e 24 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x24<36>] 85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx 74 07 ?? je basic block L6 L5: 6a 01 ?? push 1 e8 96 dd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040373f L6: 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16> 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 12 ?? jne basic block L5 L2: e8 52 43 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d13 L3: 8b 40 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 8] 89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax e8 fb 42 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409cc7 L4: eb 08 ?? jmp basic block L6 L5: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi] 89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4] L6: 83 7d f4 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], 0 89 45 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], eax 75 17 ?? jne basic block L9 L7: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8d 48 9f ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x9f<159,-97>] 83 f9 19 ?? cmp ecx, 0x19<25> 0f 87 cd 00 00 00 ?? ja basic block L28 L8: 83 e8 20 ?? sub eax, 0x20<32> e9 c5 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L28 L9: 53 ?? push ebx 8b 5d 08 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 81 fb 00 01 00 00 ?? cmp ebx, 0x00000100<256> 73 21 ?? jae basic block L15 L10: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 10 ?? jne basic block L14 L11: 53 ?? push ebx e8 ed 39 00 00 ?? call function 0x004093f9 L12: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 16 ?? jne basic block L16 L13: e9 8e 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L24 L14: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8] f6 04 58 02 ?? test byte ds:[eax + ebx * 2], 2 0f 84 81 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L24 L15: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi 75 1b ?? jne basic block L18 L16: 89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx c1 7d f8 08 ?? sar dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], 8 e8 47 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040927a L17: 0f b6 4d f8 ?? movzx ecx, byte ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2] 25 00 80 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00008000<32768> eb 1c ?? jmp basic block L19 L18: 8b 4e 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 8] 89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx c1 7d f8 08 ?? sar dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], 8 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 25 ff 00 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x000000ff<255> 0f bf 04 41 ?? movsx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2] c1 e8 0f ?? shr eax, 15 83 e0 01 ?? and eax, 1 L19: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 12 ?? je basic block L21 L20: 8a 45 f8 ?? mov al, byte ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 6a 02 ?? push 2 88 45 0c ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 12], al 88 5d 0d ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 13], bl c6 45 0e 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 14], 0 58 ?? pop eax eb 0a ?? jmp basic block L22 L21: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 88 5d 0c ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 12], bl c6 45 0d 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 13], 0 40 ?? inc eax L22: 6a 01 ?? push 1 ff 75 f0 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>] 8d 4d fc ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 6a 03 ?? push 3 51 ?? push ecx 50 ?? push eax 8d 45 0c ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 12] 50 ?? push eax 68 00 02 00 00 ?? push 0x00000200<512> ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>] 6a 00 ?? push 0 e8 92 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040922f L23: 83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36> 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 04 ?? jne basic block L25 L24: 8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L27 L25: 83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1 0f b6 45 fc ?? movzx eax, byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 74 09 ?? je basic block L27 L26: 0f b6 4d fd ?? movzx ecx, byte ss:[ebp + 0xfd<253,-3>] c1 e0 08 ?? shl eax, 8 0b c1 ?? or eax, ecx L27: 5b ?? pop ebx L28: 5e ?? pop esi c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp a1 8c 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x0043438c<"\n">] 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 06 ?? jne basic block L3 L2: 5d ?? pop ebp e9 3f 47 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x0040a211 L3: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 48 ?? dec eax a3 8c 43 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x0043438c<"\n">], eax 89 0c 85 f8 5a 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435af8 + eax * 4], ecx 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: eb 18 ?? jmp basic block L4 L2: 8b 0c 85 f8 5a 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x00435af8 + eax * 4] 40 ?? inc eax a3 8c 43 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x0043438c<"\n">], eax 85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx 74 0c ?? je basic block L5 L3: ff 14 85 f4 5a 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00435af4 + eax * 4] L4: a1 8c 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x0043438c<"\n">] L5: 83 f8 0a ?? cmp eax, 10 72 de ?? jb basic block L2 L6: c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 57 ?? push edi 6a 02 ?? push 2 5f ?? pop edi 39 3e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], edi 74 26 ?? je basic block L10 L2: 6a 01 ?? push 1 56 ?? push esi ff 15 fc 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381fc] L3: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 75 05 ?? jne basic block L6 L4: ff 55 0c ?? call dword ss:[ebp + 12] L5: eb 04 ?? jmp basic block L7 L6: 3b c7 ?? cmp eax, edi 75 0c ?? jne basic block L9 L7: 89 3e ?? mov dword ds:[esi], edi eb 0c ?? jmp basic block L10 L8: 6a 01 ?? push 1 ff 15 f8 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f8] L9: 39 3e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], edi 75 f4 ?? jne basic block L8 L10: 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 15 00 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438200] L2: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 15 04 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438204] L2: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 15 08 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438208] L2: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 15 0c 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x0043820c] L2: 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 5d ?? pop ebp e9 7d 0e 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x00406a0c
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 56 ?? push esi 6a 01 ?? push 1 68 ec 43 43 00 ?? push 0x004343ec 8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx e8 89 06 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406229 L2: c7 06 68 e0 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e068 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi 5e ?? pop esi c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 0c ?? sub esp, 12 eb 0d ?? jmp basic block L4 L2: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 48 5c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b804 L3: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 0f ?? je basic block L7 L4: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 16 5b 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b6df L5: 59 ?? pop ecx 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax 74 e6 ?? je basic block L2 L6: c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret L7: f6 05 30 5b 43 00 01 ?? test byte ds:[0x00435b30], 1 be 24 5b 43 00 ?? mov esi, 0x00435b24 75 19 ?? jne basic block L11 L8: 83 0d 30 5b 43 00 01 ?? or dword ds:[0x00435b30], 1 8b ce ?? mov ecx, esi e8 a3 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00405b8f L9: 68 f9 be 42 00 ?? push function 0x0042bef9 e8 f5 1d 00 00 ?? call function 0x004079eb L10: 59 ?? pop ecx L11: 56 ?? push esi 8d 4d f4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>] e8 3b b5 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040113b L12: 68 7c 27 43 00 ?? push 0x0043277c 8d 45 f4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>] 50 ?? push eax e8 6b 05 00 00 ?? call function 0x00406179 L13: cc ?? int3
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 53 ?? push ebx 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 83 c0 0c ?? add eax, 12 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 64 8b 1d 00 00 00 00 ?? mov ebx, dword fs:[0] 8b 03 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx] 64 a3 00 00 00 00 ?? mov dword fs:[0], eax 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 5d 0c ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b 6d fc ?? mov ebp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 8b 63 fc ?? mov esp, dword ds:[ebx + 0xfc<252,-4>] ff e0 ?? jmp eax
L1: 58 ?? pop eax 59 ?? pop ecx 87 04 24 ?? xchg dword ss:[esp], eax ff e0 ?? jmp eax
L1: 58 ?? pop eax 59 ?? pop ecx 87 04 24 ?? xchg dword ss:[esp], eax ff e0 ?? jmp eax
L1: 58 ?? pop eax 59 ?? pop ecx 87 04 24 ?? xchg dword ss:[esp], eax ff e0 ?? jmp eax
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 51 ?? push ecx 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi 64 8b 35 00 00 00 00 ?? mov esi, dword fs:[0] 89 75 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], esi c7 45 f8 81 5c 40 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], basic block L2 6a 00 ?? push 0 ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 dd b1 01 00 ?? call function 0x00420e5e L2: 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4] 83 e0 fd ?? and eax, 0xfd<253,-3> 8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 89 41 04 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx + 4], eax 64 8b 3d 00 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, dword fs:[0] 8b 5d fc ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 89 3b ?? mov dword ds:[ebx], edi 64 89 1d 00 00 00 00 ?? mov dword fs:[0], ebx 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx c9 ?? leave c2 08 00 ?? ret 8
L1: 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 08 ?? sub esp, 8 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi fc ?? cld 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax ff 75 fc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>] ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 e8 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408cb8 L2: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32> 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 8b e5 ?? mov esp, ebp 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 08 ?? sub esp, 8 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi fc ?? cld 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax ff 75 fc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>] ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 b2 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408cb8 L2: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32> 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 8b e5 ?? mov esp, ebp 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 83 ec 08 ?? sub esp, 8 53 ?? push ebx 56 ?? push esi 57 ?? push edi fc ?? cld 89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax 50 ?? push eax ff 75 fc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>] ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 7c 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408cb8 L2: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32> 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax 5f ?? pop edi 5e ?? pop esi 5b ?? pop ebx 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>] 8b e5 ?? mov esp, ebp 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 70 1c ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x1c<28>] ff 70 28 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x28<40>] 6a 00 ?? push 0 ff 70 18 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>] e8 4b 1f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00407caf L2: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16> 5d ?? pop ebp c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 56 ?? push esi fc ?? cld 8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b 4e 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 8] 33 ce ?? xor ecx, esi e8 0f 03 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040608e L2: 6a 00 ?? push 0 56 ?? push esi ff 76 14 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>] ff 76 0c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 12] 6a 00 ?? push 0 ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] ff 76 10 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 20 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408cb8 L3: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32> 5e ?? pop esi 5d ?? pop ebp c3 ?? ret
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi 55 ?? push ebp 8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp 51 ?? push ecx 53 ?? push ebx fc ?? cld 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b 48 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 8] 33 4d 0c ?? xor ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12] e8 03 02 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040608e L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8] 8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4] 83 e0 66 ?? and eax, 0x66<102> 74 11 ?? je basic block L5 L3: 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] c7 40 24 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x24<36>], 1 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 40 ?? inc eax eb 6c ?? jmp basic block L11 L4: eb 6a ?? jmp basic block L11 L5: 6a 01 ?? push 1 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 70 18 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>] 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 70 14 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x14<20>] 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 70 0c ?? push dword ds:[eax + 12] 6a 00 ?? push 0 ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>] 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] ff 70 10 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x10<16>] ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] e8 ea 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408cb8 L6: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32> 8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 83 78 24 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x24<36>], 0 75 0b ?? jne basic block L8 L7: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8] ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12] e8 71 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c56 L8: 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 6a 00 ?? push 0 8d 45 fc ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 50 ?? push eax 68 23 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000123<291> e8 a1 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x00405d9e L9: 83 c4 1c ?? add esp, 0x1c<28> 8b 45 fc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>] 8b 5d 0c ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 12] 8b 63 1c ?? mov esp, dword ds:[ebx + 0x1c<28>] 8b 6b 20 ?? mov ebp, dword ds:[ebx + 0x20<32>] ff e0 ?? jmp eax L10: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax 40 ?? inc eax L11: 5b ?? pop ebx c9 ?? leave c3 ?? ret