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+id label title paragraph sentence
+12 0 Algae 5 Most are phototrophic, although some are mixotrophic, deriving energy both from photosynthesis and uptake of organic carbon either by osmotrophy, myzotrophy, or phagotrophy.
+22 0 Algae 7 "The Latinization, ""fūcus"", meant primarily the cosmetic rouge."
+42 0 Algae 16 However, the exact origin of the chloroplasts is different among separate lineages of algae, reflecting their acquisition during different endosymbiotic events.
+120 0 Algae 39 Most estimates also omit microscopic algae, such as phytoplankton.
+129 0 Algae 42 Marine spores are often spread by ocean currents.
+197 0 Air pollution 2 According to the 2014 World Health Organization report, air pollution in 2012 caused the deaths of around 7 million people worldwide, an estimate roughly echoed by the International Energy Agency.
+200 0 Air pollution 3 A pollutant can be of natural origin or man-made.
+207 0 Air pollution 3 Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants.
+284 0 Air pollution 24 Following this assessment, the EPA acted to protect public health by lowering the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone to 70 parts per billion (ppb).
+323 0 Air pollution 36 A 2014 WHO worldwide survey on maternal and perinatal health found a statistically significant association between low birth weights (LBW) and increased levels of exposure to PM2.5.
+363 0 Air pollution 46 These productivity losses are caused by deaths due to diseases caused by air pollution.
+445 0 Air pollution 73 This can be interpreted as recognition that cities can transcend the traditional national government organisational hierarchy and develop solutions to air pollution using global governance networks, for example through transnational relations.
+478 0 Attribution of recent climate change 10 "Detection"" of a signal requires demonstrating that an observed change is statistically significantly different from that which can be explained by natural internal variability."
+503 1 Attribution of recent climate change 19 More than 18% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to livestock and livestock-related activities such as deforestation and increasingly fuel-intensive farming practices.
+510 0 Attribution of recent climate change 21 Natural factors also contribute.
+519 1 Attribution of recent climate change 24 Among the possible factors that could produce changes in global mean temperature are internal variability of the climate system, external forcing, an increase in concentration of greenhouse gases, or any combination of these.
+525 0 Attribution of recent climate change 25 "No single study is a ""smoking gun."
+527 1 Attribution of recent climate change 26 The first line of evidence is based on a physical understanding of how greenhouse gases trap heat, how the climate system responds to increases in greenhouse gases, and how other human and natural factors influence climate.
+545 1 Attribution of recent climate change 28 When human influences are removed from the model experiments, results suggest that the surface of the Earth would actually have cooled slightly over the last 50 years (see graph, opposite).
+582 1 Attribution of recent climate change 38 (2012) suggested that human activities have greatly increased the risk of summertime heat waves.
+590 0 Attribution of recent climate change 39 "While not directly citing Dole ""et al."
+595 0 Attribution of recent climate change 40 There are a number of examples of published and informal support for the consensus view.
+601 0 Attribution of recent climate change 40 Two examples include:
+604 0 Attribution of recent climate change 41 Over larger regions, averaging reduces natural variability of the climate, making detection and attribution easier.
+645 1 Attribution of recent climate change 53 Over this time period (1750 to 2005), the estimated contribution of solar irradiance to radiative forcing was 5% the value of the combined radiative forcing due to increases in the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (see graph opposite).
+695 0 Biome 11 The principal biomes of the world by Kendeigh (1961):
+697 0 Biome 12 His scheme can be seen as a simplification of Holdridge's; more readily accessible, but missing Holdridge's greater specificity.
+713 0 Biome 23 Robert G. Bailey nearly developed a biogeographical classification system of ecoregions for the United States in a map published in 1976.
+730 0 Biome 38 Anthropogenic biomes offer a new way forward in ecology and conservation by recognizing the irreversible coupling of human and ecological systems at global scales and moving us toward an understanding of how best to live in and manage our biosphere and the anthropogenic biomes we live in.
+758 0 Biosphere 8 Birds typically fly at altitudes as high as and fish live as much as underwater in the Puerto Rico Trench.
+794 0 Bjørn Lomborg 3 He is a strong advocate for focusing attention and resources on what he perceives as far more pressing world problems, such as AIDS, malaria and malnutrition.
+856 0 Bjørn Lomborg 23 The rulings of the Danish authorities in 2003–2004 left Lomborg's critics frustrated.
+874 0 Bjørn Lomborg 29 Lomborg is gay and a vegetarian.
+880 0 Bjørn Lomborg 31 He is also a regular contributor to Project Syndicate since 2005.
+883 0 Bjørn Lomborg 33 The film received a media critic collective rating of 51% from Rotten Tomatoes and 61% from Metacritic.
+885 0 Carbon 1 "Carbon (from ""coal"") is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6."
+886 0 Carbon 1 It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.
+911 0 Carbon 5 Graphite is much more reactive than diamond at standard conditions, despite being more thermodynamically stable, as its delocalised pi system is much more vulnerable to attack.
+927 0 Carbon 9 Carbon monoxide can be recycled to smelt even more iron:
+932 0 Carbon 11 The three relatively well-known allotropes of carbon are amorphous carbon, graphite, and diamond.
+949 0 Carbon 12 Here, each atom is bonded tetrahedrally to four others, forming a 3-dimensional network of puckered six-membered rings of atoms.
+993 0 Carbon 21 Another source puts the amount added to the atmosphere for the period since 1750 at 879 Gt, and the total going to the atmosphere, sea, and land (such as peat bogs) at almost 2,000 Gt.
+994 0 Carbon 22 Carbon is a constituent (about 12% by mass) of the very large masses of carbonate rock (limestone, dolomite, marble and so on).
+1013 0 Carbon 27 Carbon-14 (C) is a naturally occurring radioisotope, created in the upper atmosphere (lower stratosphere and upper troposphere) by interaction of nitrogen with cosmic rays.
+1031 0 Carbon 33 Thus, processes that use carbon must obtain it from somewhere and dispose of it somewhere else.
+1056 0 Carbon 39 Among these are the simple oxides of carbon.
+1057 0 Carbon 39 The most prominent oxide is carbon dioxide ().
+1142 0 Carbon 58 Crude oil is distilled in refineries by the petrochemical industry to produce gasoline, kerosene, and other products.
+1152 0 Carbon 60 Charcoal is used as a drawing material in artwork, barbecue grilling, iron smelting, and in many other applications.
+1218 0 Coal 7 Coalification starts with dead plant matter decaying into peat.
+1238 0 Coal 15 "In Roman Britain, with the exception of two modern fields, ""the Romans were exploiting coals in all the major coalfields in England and Wales by the end of the second century AD""."
+1252 0 Coal 17 In 1700, five-sixths of the world's coal was mined in Britain.
+1261 0 Coal 20 Emission intensity is the greenhouse gas emitted over the life of a generator per unit of electricity generated.
+1409 0 Coal 69 Coal mining can emit methane, another greenhouse gas.
+1443 0 Coal 79 Coal in Turkey benefited from substantial subsidies.
+1449 0 Coal 81 Allegations of corruption are being investigated in India and China.
+1539 0 Climate 16 An oceanic climate is typically found along the west coasts at the middle latitudes of all the world's continents, and in southeastern Australia, and is accompanied by plentiful precipitation year-round.
+1561 0 Climate 24 Thermal classifications within the Thornthwaite scheme include microthermal, mesothermal, and megathermal regimes.
+1682 0 Deforestation 22 Forestry operations themselves also increase erosion through the development of (forest) roads and the use of mechanized equipment.
+1688 0 Deforestation 25 Due to deforestation, the removal of trees causes sloped lands to be more susceptible to landslides.
+1735 1 Deforestation 42 The change was abrupt, specifically, at this time climate became cooler and drier, conditions that are not favorable to the growth of rainforests and much of the biodiversity within them.
+1776 0 Deforestation 51 When populations were quickly decreased by causes such as the Black Death or devastating warfare (for example, Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes in eastern and central Europe, Thirty Years' War in Germany), this could lead to settlements being abandoned.
+1778 0 Deforestation 52 From 1100 to 1500 AD, significant deforestation took place in Western Europe as a result of the expanding human population.
+1808 0 Deforestation 59 Conversely, a newer analysis of satellite images reveals that deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is twice as fast as scientists previously estimated.
+1950 0 Deforestation 91 Through deforestation, hosts and reservoir species are forced into neighboring habitats.
+2008 0 Desertification 16 Dust and sand storms can have a negative effect on the climate which can make desertification worse.
+2017 0 Desertification 18 This is driven by a number of factors, alone or in combination, such as drought, climatic shifts, tillage for agriculture, overgrazing and deforestation for fuel or construction materials.
+2099 0 Ecology 2 It overlaps with the closely related sciences of evolutionary biology, genetics, and ethology.
+2154 0 Ecology 12 This tends to afford them a competitive advantage and discourages similarly adapted species from having an overlapping geographic range.
+2226 0 Ecology 28 "The underlying concept of ecosystem can be traced back to 1864 in the published work of George Perkins Marsh (""Man and Nature"")."
+2298 0 Ecology 41 "The two disciplines often appear together, such as in the title of the journal ""Trends in Ecology and Evolution""."
+2325 0 Ecology 47 Social behaviours include reciprocally beneficial behaviours among kin and nest mates and evolve from kin and group selection.
+2362 0 Ecology 53 "In the ""r/K""-selection model, the first variable ""r"" is the intrinsic rate of natural increase in population size and the second variable ""K"" is the carrying capacity of a population."
+2384 0 Ecology 56 The ecological complexities human beings are facing through the technological transformation of the planetary biome has brought on the Anthropocene.
+2442 0 Ecology 65 Diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen is approximately 10,000 times slower in water than in air.
+2468 0 Ecology 68 Wind power and the turbulent forces it creates can influence heat, nutrient, and biochemical profiles of ecosystems.
+2477 0 Ecology 69 Fire releases CO and converts fuel into ash and tar.
+2496 0 Ecology 71 This aerates soils and stimulates heterotrophic growth and production.
+2508 0 Ecology 73 There have been major restructurings in these global carbon budgets during the Earth's history, regulated to a large extent by the ecology of the land.
+2509 1 Ecology 73 For example, through the early-mid Eocene volcanic outgassing, the oxidation of methane stored in wetlands, and seafloor gases increased atmospheric CO (carbon dioxide) concentrations to levels as high as 3500 ppm.
+2513 1 Ecology 74 Human-driven modifications to the planet's ecosystems (e.g., disturbance, biodiversity loss, agriculture) contributes to rising atmospheric greenhouse gas levels.
+2567 0 Ecology 83 There are strong historical and scientific ties between ecology, environmental management, and protection.
+2604 0 Ecosystem 8 The most important of these is climate.
+2630 0 Ecosystem 15 In terrestrial ecosystems, roughly 90% of the net primary production ends up being broken down by decomposers.
+2662 0 Ecosystem 22 Decomposition rates vary among ecosystems.
+2685 0 Ecosystem 27 When plant tissues are shed or are eaten, the nitrogen in those tissues becomes available to animals and microbes.
+2781 0 European Environment Agency 8 "These cooperation activities are integrated into Eionet and are supported by the EU under the ""Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance""."
+2821 0 Energy 10 Thermodynamics aided the rapid development of explanations of chemical processes by Rudolf Clausius, Josiah Willard Gibbs, and Walther Nernst.
+2927 0 Energy 36 Energy may be transformed between different forms at various efficiencies.
+2936 0 Energy 38 However, some energy transformations can be quite efficient.
+3071 0 Erosion 10 "This is distinguished from changes on the bed of the watercourse, which is referred to as ""scour""."
+3083 0 Erosion 13 Shoreline erosion, which occurs on both exposed and sheltered coasts, primarily occurs through the action of currents and waves but sea level (tidal) change can also play a role.
+3094 0 Erosion 13 "Another significant source of erosion, particularly on carbonate coastlines, is boring, scraping and grinding of organisms, a process termed ""bioerosion""."
+3126 0 Erosion 19 Interplay of glacial erosion and tectonic forcing governs the morphologic impact of glaciations on active orogens, by both influencing their height, and by altering the patterns of erosion during subsequent glacial periods via a link between rock uplift and valley cross-sectional shape.
+3319 0 Earthquake 26 However, accurate recordings of earthquakes only began in the early 1900s, so it is too early to categorically state that this is the case.
+3333 0 Earthquake 31 The moment magnitude scale measures the amplitude of the shock, but also takes into account the seismic moment (total rupture area, average slip of the fault, and rigidity of the rock).
+3430 0 Earthquake 64 "Haruki Murakami's short fiction collection ""After the Quake"" depicts the consequences of the Kobe earthquake of 1995."
+3432 0 Earthquake 65 "Jacob M. Appel's widely anthologized short story, ""A Comparative Seismology"", features a con artist who convinces an elderly woman that an apocalyptic earthquake is imminent."
+3459 0 Environmental skepticism 7 "Supporters of environmentalists argue that ""skepticism"" implies a form of denialism, and that, in the US particularly, ""large donations [have been made] to Senators and Congressmen and [have] sponsored neoliberal think tanks and contrarian scientific research."
+3486 0 Fred Singer 4 "His doctoral thesis was titled, """"The density spectrum and latitude dependence of extensive cosmic ray air showers""."
+3532 0 Fred Singer 15 "Each move gave me a completely new perspective,"" he said."
+3581 1 Fred Singer 26 "He told CBC: ""It was warmer a thousand years ago than it is today."
+3583 0 Fred Singer 26 Is that good or bad?
+3635 1 Fred Singer 34 "Singer prepared an NIPCC report called ""Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate,"" published in March 2008 by The Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank."
+3652 0 Greenland 1 Greenland is divided into five municipalities — Sermersooq, Kujalleq, Qeqertalik, Qeqqata, and Avannaata.
+3681 0 Greenland 6 In the Icelandic sagas, the Norwegian-born Icelander Erik the Red was said to be exiled from Iceland for manslaughter.
+3736 0 Greenland 17 The expeditions were mostly unsuccessful, partly due to leaders who lacked experience with the difficult arctic ice and weather conditions, and partly because the expedition leaders were given instructions to search for the Eastern Settlement on the east coast of Greenland just north of Cape Farewell, which is almost inaccessible due to southward drifting ice.
+3753 0 Greenland 19 Bluie was the military code name for Greenland.
+3763 0 Greenland 21 A final report (G-50) was presented in 1950: Greenland was to be a modern welfare state with Denmark as sponsor and example.
+3836 0 Greenland 35 The pertinent climatic glacier snowline (ELA) ran at about in height.
+3884 0 Greenland 45 The commissioner is Mikaela Engell.
+3906 0 Greenland 52 Other mineral prospects are improving as prices are increasing.
+3955 0 Greenland 67 The remaining 12% of people are of European descent, mainly Greenland Danes.
+3992 0 Greenland 76 While there are no official census data on religion in Greenland, the Bishop of Greenland Sofie Petersen estimates that 85% of the Greenlandic population are members of her congregation.
+4062 0 Global warming 12 Global surface temperature is subject to short-term fluctuations that overlie long-term trends, and can temporarily mask or magnify them.
+4091 0 Global warming 18 Humans change the land surface mainly to create more agricultural land.
+4135 0 Global warming 26 Roughly half of each year's CO emissions have been absorbed by plants on land and in oceans.
+4143 0 Global warming 28 Computer models are run on supercomputers to reproduce and predict the circulation of the oceans, the annual cycle of the seasons, and the flows of carbon between the land surface and the atmosphere.
+4156 1 Global warming 31 Sea level rise since 1990 was underestimated in older models, but now agrees well with observations.
+4174 1 Global warming 35 The maximum rainfall and wind speed from hurricanes and typhoons are likely increasing.
+4200 0 Global warming 40 All regions are at risk of experiencing negative impacts, with low-latitude, less developed areas facing the greatest risk.
+4237 0 Global warming 47 In some scenarios emissions continue to rise over the century, while others have reduced emissions.
+4238 1 Global warming 47 Fossil fuel reserves are abundant, and will not limit carbon emissions in the 21st century.
+4252 0 Global warming 51 "Some disagree with encouraging people to stop having children, saying that children ""embody a profound hope for the future"", and that more emphasis should be placed on overconsumption, lifestyle choices of the world's wealthy, fossil fuel companies, and government inaction."
+4257 0 Global warming 53 The public sector, private sector, and communities are all gaining experience with adaptation, and adaptation is becoming embedded within certain planning processes.
+4272 0 Global warming 57 "During these negotiations, the G77 (a lobbying group in the United Nations representing developing countries) pushed for a mandate requiring developed countries to ""[take] the lead"" in reducing their emissions."
+4273 1 Global warming 57 This was justified on the basis that the developed countries' emissions had contributed most to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, per-capita emissions were still relatively low in developing countries, and the emissions of developing countries would grow to meet their development needs.
+4283 0 Global warming 58 Instead, the procedure of regularly setting ever more ambitious goals and reevaluating these goals every five years has been made binding.
+4288 1 Global warming 60 In 2019, the British Parliament became the first national government in the world to officially declare a climate emergency.
+4341 0 Global warming 73 Water vapour appeared to be the main factor, his subsequent thermal research focussed on molecular physics and meteorology.
+4348 0 Global warming 74 From this, Arrhenius calculated the temperature increase from doubling .
+4391 0 Global Climate Coalition 4 Exxon, and later ExxonMobil, had a leadership role in coalition.
+4396 0 Global Climate Coalition 4 GCC was run by Ruder Finn, a public relations firm.
+4427 1 Global Climate Coalition 12 At the conference in Geneva, GCC issued a statement that said it was too early to determine the causes of global warming.
+4429 0 Global Climate Coalition 13 After actor Leonardo DiCaprio, chairman of Earth Day 2000, interviewed Clinton for ABC News, GCC sent out an e-mail that said that DiCaprio's first car was a Jeep Grand Cherokee and that his current car was a Chevrolet Tahoe.
+4444 1 Global Climate Coalition 19 "The advertisements said, “the UN Climate Treaty isn’t Global...and it won’t work” and ""Americans will pay the price...50 cents more for every gallon of gasoline."
+4449 1 Global Climate Coalition 20 "GCC's chairman told a US congressional committee that mandatory greenhouse gas emissions limits were: ""an unjustified rush to judgement."
+4461 0 Global Climate Coalition 21 DuPont left the coalition in 1997 and Shell Oil (US) left in 1998.
+4472 0 Global Climate Coalition 24 "According to the ""Los Angeles Times"", GCC members integrated projections from climate models into their operational planning while publicly criticising the models."
+4570 0 Holocene 3 "The name ""Holocene"" comes from the Ancient Greek words (""holos"", whole or entire) and (""kainos"", new), meaning ""entirely recent""."
+4693 0 Hydropower 17 Development of a hydropower site requires analysis of flow records, sometimes spanning decades, to assess the reliable annual energy supply.
+4833 0 Holocene extinction 32 Most of what once was mammoth steppe has been converted to mire, rendering the environment incapable of supporting them, notably the woolly mammoth.
+4838 1 Holocene extinction 33 In the Americas, a controversial explanation for the shift in climate is presented under the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, which states that the impact of comets cooled global temperatures.
+4846 0 Holocene extinction 35 Large populations of megaherbivores have the potential to contribute greatly to the atmospheric concentration of methane, which is an important greenhouse gas.
+4855 0 Holocene extinction 36 Another study examined the change in the methane concentration in the atmosphere at the end of the Pleistocene epoch after the extinction of megafauna in the Americas.
+4962 0 James Lovelock 2 His methods were influential in the theories of cryonics (the cryopreservation of humans).
+4986 0 James Lovelock 10 In early 1961, Lovelock was engaged by NASA to develop sensitive instruments for the analysis of extraterrestrial atmospheres and planetary surfaces.
+5002 0 James Lovelock 15 "He later explained this claim in an interview with ""The Manchester Magazine""."
+5009 0 James Lovelock 16 "He found the gas in each of the 50 air samples that he collected but, not realising that the breakdown of CFCs in the stratosphere would release chlorine that posed a threat to the ozone layer, concluded that the level of CFCs constituted ""no conceivable hazard""."
+5060 1 James Lovelock 29 "In a March 2010 interview with ""The Guardian"" newspaper, he said that democracy might have to be ""put on hold"" to prevent climate change."
+5101 0 James Lovelock 47 Interviews
+5104 0 Kyoto Protocol 1 There are currently 192 parties (Canada withdrew from the protocol, effective December 2012) to the Protocol.
+5135 1 Kyoto Protocol 16 The natural, technical and social sciences can provide information on decisions relating to this objective including the possible magnitude and rate of future climate changes.
+5177 1 Kyoto Protocol 31 The production of emission reductions generated by the CDM and JI can be used by Annex I Parties in meeting their emission limitation commitments.
+5180 0 Kyoto Protocol 31 "The reductions are called ""credits"" because they are emission reductions credited against a hypothetical baseline of emissions."
+5210 1 Kyoto Protocol 45 In 2010, 97% of trade in the international carbon market was driven by the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
+5220 0 Kyoto Protocol 47 Emission savings include cuts in methane, HFC, and NO emissions.
+5250 0 Kyoto Protocol 57 Forest management, cropland management, grazing land management, and revegetation are all eligible LULUCF activities under the Protocol.
+5273 0 Kyoto Protocol 64 The final targets negotiated in the Protocol are the result of last minute political compromises.
+5306 0 Kyoto Protocol 76 Therefore, even though the Clinton administration signed the treaty, it was never submitted to the Senate for ratification.
+5317 0 Kyoto Protocol 78 As such, for the treaty to go into legal effect without US ratification, it would require a coalition including the EU, Russia, Japan, and small parties.
+5348 0 Kyoto Protocol 85 The summary below contains more up-to-date information on how close countries are to meeting their first-round targets.
+5379 0 Kyoto Protocol 94 Emissions
+5389 0 Kyoto Protocol 99 Emissions per-capita in non-Annex I countries are still, for the most part, much lower than in industrialized countries.
+5390 0 Kyoto Protocol 99 Non-Annex I countries do not have quantitative emission reduction commitments, but they are committed to mitigation actions.
+5417 0 Kyoto Protocol 104 Furthermore, the debates under these instruments have not considered the suggestions and proposals of the Indigenous Peoples nor have the appropriate mechanisms to guarantee our participation in all the debates that directly concern the Indigenous Peoples has been established.
+5424 0 Kyoto Protocol 105 Australia, under former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, has since ratified the treaty, which took effect in March 2008.
+5450 1 Kyoto Protocol 113 COP 21 aims to hold the increase in the global average rise in temperature below 2 degree.
+5489 0 Meteorology 5 The Samaveda mentions sacrifices to be performed when certain phenomena were noticed.
+5526 0 Meteorology 13 In 1761, Joseph Black discovered that ice absorbs heat without changing its temperature when melting.
+5537 0 Meteorology 14 Understanding the kinematics of how exactly the rotation of the Earth affects airflow was partial at first.
+5545 0 Meteorology 15 In the 1650s natural philosophers started using these instruments to systematically record weather observations.
+5550 0 Meteorology 15 "Hippocrates' treatise ""Airs, Waters, and Places"" had linked weather to disease."
+5581 0 Meteorology 20 Richardson envisioned a large auditorium of thousands of people performing the calculations.
+5591 0 Meteorology 23 Meteorologists are scientists who study meteorology.
+5642 0 Meteorology 33 The Naval Research Laboratory in Monterey, California, developed a global atmospheric model called Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS).
+5672 0 Meteorology 39 In extreme cases, 2 to 3 inches of ice can form on the leading edge of the airfoil in less than 5 minutes.
+5675 0 Meteorology 40 Conversely, they are interested in the role of vegetation on climate and weather.
+5680 0 Meteorology 42 There are some initiatives – such as the DRIHM project – that are trying to address this issue.
+5715 0 Nuclear power 8 In 1938, German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, along with Austrian physicist Lise Meitner and Meitner's nephew, Otto Robert Frisch, conducted experiments with the products of neutron-bombarded uranium, as a means of further investigating Fermi's claims.
+5736 0 Nuclear power 14 with the U.S. Navy fleet of nuclear-powered ships, standing at some 80 vessels as of 2018.
+5803 0 Nuclear power 39 Numerous countries, including Austria (1978), Sweden (1980) and Italy (1987) (influenced by Chernobyl) have voted in referendums to oppose or phase out nuclear power.
+5834 0 Nuclear power 51 Eight new grid connections were completed by China in 2015.
+5850 0 Nuclear power 56 These problems are related to very strict safety requirements, uncertain regulatory environment, slow rate of construction, and large stretches of time with no nuclear construction and consequent loss of know-how.
+5868 0 Nuclear power 60 The released neutrons can hit other uranium or plutonium nuclei, causing new fission reactions, which release more energy and more neutrons.
+5931 0 Nuclear power 81 Some experts suggest that centralized underground repositories which are well-managed, guarded, and monitored, would be a vast improvement.
+6007 0 Nuclear power 105 at a similar price.
+6074 0 Nuclear power 121 Iran was an early participant from 1974, and remains a shareholder of Eurodif via Sofidif.
+6123 0 Nuclear power 136 A 2018 analysis by MIT argued that, to be much more cost-effective as they approach deep decarbonization, electricity systems should integrate baseload low carbon resources, such as nuclear, with renewables, storage and demand response.
+6229 0 Petroleum 21 The embargo caused an oil crisis with many short- and long-term effects on global politics and the global economy.
+6285 0 Petroleum 34 Propane can be liquified under modest pressure, and is consumed for just about every application relying on petroleum for energy, from cooking to heating to transportation.
+6316 0 Petroleum 52 Temperatures also remained constant.
+6346 0 Petroleum 57 Unusual magma intrusions, however, could have created greater localized heating.
+6350 0 Petroleum 58 Sometimes, oil formed at extreme depths may migrate and become trapped at a much shallower level.
+6423 0 Petroleum 86 Source: CIA World Factbook
+6458 0 Petroleum 99 Petroleum-based vehicle fuels can be replaced by either alternative fuels, or other methods of propulsion such as electric or nuclear.
+6510 0 Phosphorus 3 Phosphates (compounds containing the phosphate ion, PO) are a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and phospholipids.
+6605 0 Phosphorus 23 With fluoride, PF forms PF, an anion that is isoelectronic with SF.
+6628 0 Phosphorus 29 Phosphine is produced by hydrolysis of calcium phosphide, CaP.
+6651 0 Phosphorus 34 (In Greek mythology and tradition, Augerinus (Αυγερινός = morning star, still in use today), Hesperus or Hesperinus (΄Εσπερος or Εσπερινός or Αποσπερίτης = evening star, still in use today) and Eosphorus (Εωσφόρος = dawnbearer, not in use for the planet after Christianity) are close homologues, and also associated with Phosphorus-the-planet).
+6683 0 Phosphorus 44 After the depletion of world guano sources about the same time, mineral phosphates became the major source of phosphate fertiliser production.
+6706 0 Phosphorus 47 The white phosphorus is then oxidised to phosphoric acid and subsequently neutralised with base to give phosphate salts.
+6752 0 Phosphorus 61 The strip contains red phosphorus that heats up upon striking, reacts with the oxygen-releasing compound in the head, and ignites the flammable material of the head.
+6787 0 Phosphorus 70 As for safety, the IOM sets Tolerable upper intake levels (ULs) for vitamins and minerals when evidence is sufficient.
+6881 0 Photosynthesis 15 The thylakoids appear as flattened disks.
+6882 0 Photosynthesis 15 The thylakoid itself is enclosed by the thylakoid membrane, and within the enclosed volume is a lumen or thylakoid space.
+6923 0 Photosynthesis 25 Elevating another electron will first require re-reduction of the reaction center.
+7066 0 Photosynthesis 59 The carbon reduction cycle is known as the Calvin cycle, which ignores the contribution of Bassham and Benson.
+7108 0 Photosynthesis 72 When the concentration of carbon dioxide is high, RuBisCO will fix carbon dioxide.
+7109 0 Photosynthesis 72 However, if the carbon dioxide concentration is low, RuBisCO will bind oxygen instead of carbon dioxide.
+7113 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 1 The Permian–Triassic extinction event, also known as the P–Tr extinction, the P–T extinction, the End-Permian Extinction, and colloquially as the Great Dying, formed the boundary between the Permian and Triassic geologic periods, as well as between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, approximately 252 million years ago.
+7132 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 4 "Newer chemical evidence agrees better with a fungal origin for ""Reduviasporonites"", diluting these critiques."
+7210 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 26 In marine organisms, relatively modest but sustained increases in concentrations hamper the synthesis of proteins, reduce fertilization rates, and produce deformities in calcareous hard parts.
+7212 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 26 The decrease in ocean pH is calculated to be up to 0.7 units.
+7249 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 38 Some temnospondyl amphibians made a relatively quick recovery, in spite of nearly becoming extinct.
+7264 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 45 As 70% of the Earth's surface is currently sea, an asteroid or comet fragment is now perhaps more than twice as likely to hit ocean as it is to hit land.
+7266 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 45 Thus, craters produced by very large impacts may be masked by extensive flood basalting from below after the crust is punctured or weakened.
+7308 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 58 Carbon-cycle models confirm that it would have had enough effect to produce the observed reduction.
+7326 0 Permian–Triassic extinction event 62 Models of ocean chemistry suggest that anoxia and euxinia were closely associated with hypercapnia (high levels of carbon dioxide).
+7390 0 Science & Environmental Policy Project 13 Scientific criticism of SEPP's views:
+7427 1 The Skeptical Environmentalist 12 Concerning problems that are more pressing at the global level, such as the depletion of fossil fuels and global warming, Lomborg argues that these issues are often overstated and that recommended policies are often inappropriate if assessed against alternatives.
+7457 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 16 Furthermore, if pesticides were not used on fruit and vegetables, their cost would rise, and consequently their consumption would go down, which would cause cancer rates to increase.
+7468 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 18 He therefore suggests that a global cost-benefit analysis be undertaken before deciding on future measures.
+7481 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 21 After receiving much criticism, the magazine published his complete rebuttal on its website, along with the counter rebuttals of John Rennie and John P. Holdren.
+7486 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 24 Jerry Mahlman's appraisal of the chapter he was asked to evaluate, states:
+7510 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 35 His richly informative, lucid book is now the place from which environmental policy decisions must be argued.
+7511 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 35 "In fact,"" The Skeptical Environmentalist ""is the most significant work on the environment since the appearance of its polar opposite, Rachel Carson's ""Silent Spring"", in 1962."
+7534 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 45 In doing so the Ministry indicated that it regarded the DCSD's previous findings of scientific dishonesty in regard to the book as invalid.
+7542 0 The Skeptical Environmentalist 49 "Fog reasserted his contention that, despite the ministry's decision, most of the accusations against Lomborg were valid, and rejected what he called ""the Galileo hypothesis"", which portrays Lomborg as a brave young man confronting an entrenched opposition."
+7570 0 United Nations Environment Programme 6 Prior to that appointment, she was UNEP's Deputy Executive Director.
+7574 0 United Nations Environment Programme 8 Under his leadership, UN Environment's most widely acclaimed success—the historic 1987 agreement to protect the ozone layer—the Montreal Protocol was negotiated.
+7581 0 United Nations Environment Programme 14 The Global 500 Roll of Honour was initiated in 1987 and ended in 2003.
+7592 0 United Nations Environment Programme 19 International Environmental Education Programme (1975-1995)
+7656 0 World Meteorological Organization 14 Cook Islands and Niue are WMO Members but non-members of the United Nations.
+7697 0 Drought 8 Mechanisms of producing precipitation include convective, stratiform, and orographic rainfall.
+7907 0 Fertilizer 30 Liquid fertilizers comprise anhydrous ammonia, aqueous solutions of ammonia, aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrate or urea.
+7974 0 Fertilizer 41 The remainder accumulates in the soil or is lost as run-off.
+8016 0 Fertilizer 53 The effects can be combined into an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.
+8026 0 Fertilizer 56 Within Britain, farmers are encouraged to manage their land more sustainably in 'catchment-sensitive farming'.
+8029 0 Fertilizer 57 In China, regulations have been implemented to control the use of N fertilizers in farming.
+8110 0 Gaia hypothesis 5 Lovelock (1995) gave evidence of this in his second book, showing the evolution from the world of the early thermo-acido-philic and methanogenic bacteria towards the oxygen-enriched atmosphere today that supports more complex life.
+8112 0 Gaia hypothesis 6 by Andrei G. Lapenis, which states the biota influence certain aspects of the abiotic world, e.g.
+8180 0 Gaia hypothesis 28 The only significant natural source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO) is volcanic activity, while the only significant removal is through the precipitation of carbonate rocks.
+8236 0 Gaia hypothesis 42 In 1988, climatologist Stephen Schneider organised a conference of the American Geophysical Union.
+8239 0 Gaia hypothesis 43 Kirchner claimed that Lovelock and Margulis had not presented one Gaia hypothesis, but four -
+8296 0 Gaia hypothesis 62 "The latter is the ""weakest"" form of Gaia that Lovelock has advocated."
+8297 0 Gaia hypothesis 62 Tyrrell rejects it.
+8312 0 Banksia 4 "The leaves of most species have serrated edges, but a few, such as ""B. integrifolia"", do not."
+8359 0 Banksia 10 "In 1940, ""Banksia"" L.f. was formally conserved against ""Banksia"" J.R.Forst."
+8507 1 Troposphere 12 In the troposphere, the average environmental lapse rate is a drop of about 6.5 °C for every 1 km (1,000 meters) in increased height.
+8515 0 Troposphere 14 At the poles, tropospheric temperature only decreases from an average of 0 °C (32-degree fahrenheit) at sea level to about −45 °C (-49-degree fahrenheit) at the tropopause.
+8528 0 Troposphere 17 These terms, however, tend to be used in reference to localised areas of atmosphere (at a synoptic scale).
+8532 0 Troposphere 18 This pattern can buckle and thus become a meridional flow.
+8585 0 Irrigation 9 Most of these irrigation systems still exist undamaged up to now, in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, because of the advanced and precise engineering.
+8600 0 Irrigation 12 The Hohokam constructed an assortment of simple canals combined with weirs in their various agricultural pursuits.
+8616 0 Irrigation 18 "Surface irrigation can be subdivided into furrow,"" border strip or basin irrigation""."
+8665 0 Irrigation 30 Manual adjustment of individual wheel positions may be necessary if the system becomes misaligned.
+8742 0 Irrigation 46 Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity.
+8749 0 Irrigation 47 Irrigation schemes involve solving numerous engineering and economic problems while minimizing negative environmental impact.
+8750 0 Irrigation 49 A 2016 study found that countries whose agriculture depended on irrigation are more likely to be autocratic than other countries.
+8755 0 Satellite temperature measurements 1 These measurements can be used to locate weather fronts, monitor the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, determine the strength of tropical cyclones, study urban heat islands and monitor the global climate.
+8761 0 Satellite temperature measurements 3 Satellite datasets show that over the past four decades the troposphere has warmed and the stratosphere has cooled.
+8766 0 Satellite temperature measurements 4 As a result, different groups that have analyzed the satellite data have produced differing temperature datasets.
+8785 0 Satellite temperature measurements 7 The brightness temperature (T) measured by satellite is given by:
+8786 0 Satellite temperature measurements 8 formula_1
+8816 1 Satellite temperature measurements 25 of Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) find (through January 2017) a trend of +0.140 °C/decade.
+8830 0 Satellite temperature measurements 30 To compare to the trend from the surface temperature record (+0.1610.033 °C/decade from 1979 to 2012 according to NASA GISS) it is most appropriate to derive trends for the part of the atmosphere nearest the surface, i.e., the lower troposphere.
+8833 1 Satellite temperature measurements 31 (2004), after the correction the vertical weighting function is nearly the same of the T2(TMT) channel in the troposphere, the University of Washington analysis finds 1979-2012 trends of +0.13 °C/decade when applied to the RSS data set and +0.10 °C/decade when applied to the UAH data set.
+8838 0 Satellite temperature measurements 33 The climate models also overpredict the results of the radiosonde measurements.
+8860 0 Biodiversity 2 Rapid environmental changes typically cause mass extinctions.
+8890 0 Biodiversity 11 They study processes such as mutation and gene transfer that drive evolution.
+8892 0 Biodiversity 12 This definition is used in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
+8968 0 Biodiversity 44 Since the stone age, species loss has accelerated above the average basal rate, driven by human activity.
+8977 0 Biodiversity 47 Planned diversity includes the crops which a farmer has encouraged, planted or raised (e.g.
+8988 0 Biodiversity 49 Even an agricultural society which primarily grows monocultures, relies on biodiversity at some point.
+8993 0 Biodiversity 52 Biodiversity's relevance to human health is becoming an international political issue, as scientific evidence builds on the global health implications of biodiversity loss.
+9034 1 Biodiversity 66 During the last century, decreases in biodiversity have been increasingly observed.
+9070 0 Biodiversity 74 Physically larger species and those living at lower latitudes or in forests or oceans are more sensitive to reduction in habitat area.
+9090 0 Biodiversity 79 Others report confounding evidence that occasionally suggest that species-rich communities harbor many native and exotic species simultaneously while some say that diverse ecosystems are more resilient and resist invasive plants and animals.
+9095 0 Biodiversity 79 : beta diversity).
+9098 0 Biodiversity 79 Extirpation, population decline and homogenization of regional biodiversity are much more common.
+9102 0 Biodiversity 80 In cases such as the zebra mussel, invasion of US waterways was unintentional.
+9211 0 Biodiversity 124 Bosselman argues that biodiversity should not be used as a legal standard, claiming that the remaining areas of scientific uncertainty cause unacceptable administrative waste and increase litigation without promoting preservation goals.
+9252 0 Stratosphere 3 The rising air is literally freeze dried; the stratosphere is a very dry place.
+9256 0 Stratosphere 4 The first is due to the reaction of hydroxyl radicals OH· with ozone.
+9268 0 Stratosphere 6 (The fuel consumption depends on the drag, which is related to the lift by the lift-to-drag ratio.)
+9277 0 Stratosphere 10 Stratospheric Circulation is a pre-dominantly wave-driven circulation in that the tropical upwelling is induced by the wave force by the westward propagating Rossby Waves, in a phenomenon called Rossby-Wave pumping.
+9335 0 Biomass (ecology) 16 The fourth trophic level consists of predatory fish, marine mammals and seabirds that consume forage fish.
+9412 0 Climate change (general concept) 10 External forcing mechanisms can be either anthropogenic (e.g.
+9454 0 Climate change (general concept) 21 The three types of kinematic change are variations in Earth's eccentricity, changes in the tilt angle of Earth's axis of rotation, and precession of Earth's axis.
+9505 0 Climate change (general concept) 33 It then uses the records to determine the past states of the Earth's various climate regions and its atmospheric system.
+9517 0 Climate change (general concept) 36 From these archive, indirect measures of climate, so-called proxies, can be derived.
+9525 0 Climate change (general concept) 37 The O/O ratio in calcite and ice core samples used to deduce ocean temperature in the distant past is an example of a temperature proxy method, as are other climate metrics noted in subsequent categories.
+9530 1 Climate change (general concept) 38 These changes are often a sign of a changing climate.
+9537 0 Climate change (general concept) 40 Their size is determined by a mass balance between snow input and melt output.
+9538 1 Climate change (general concept) 40 As temperatures increase, glaciers retreat unless snow precipitation increases to make up for the additional melt.
+9547 1 Climate change (general concept) 42 The deglaciations at the end of The deglaciation that took place In the early Pliocene, global temperatures were 1–2˚C warmer than the present temperature, yet sea level was 15–25 meters higher than today.
+9581 0 Climate model 2 All climate models take account of incoming energy from the sun as short wave electromagnetic radiation, chiefly visible and short-wave (near) infrared, as well as outgoing long wave (far) infrared electromagnetic.
+9600 0 Climate model 14 "This is because the above equation represents the effective ""radiative"" temperature of the Earth (including the clouds and atmosphere)."
+9623 0 Climate model 24 "Unlike simpler models, GCMs divide the atmosphere and/or oceans into grids of discrete ""cells"", which represent computational units."
+9670 0 Cryosphere 5 The surface reflectance of incoming solar radiation is important for the surface energy balance (SEB).
+9680 0 Cryosphere 6 Snow and ice have much lower thermal diffusivities than air.
+9734 0 Cryosphere 14 1975) and spaceborne optical imagery during summer (Duguay and Lafleur 1997).
+9754 1 Cryosphere 17 "At Prudhoe Bay similar data imply a 1.8 °C warming over the last 100 years (Lachenbruch ""et al."
+9765 0 Cryosphere 20 Ice sheets are the greatest potential source of global freshwater, holding approximately 77% of the global total.
+9853 0 Pesticide 12 For example, they are used to kill mosquitoes that can transmit potentially deadly diseases like West Nile virus, yellow fever, and malaria.
+9875 0 Pesticide 15 In corn fields, the decline was even steeper, due to the switchover to transgenic Bt corn.
+9884 0 Pesticide 21 Controlling organisms that harm other human activities and structures
+9895 0 Pesticide 25 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting exposure of children to pesticides and using safer alternatives:
+9914 0 Pesticide 34 The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, listed 9 of the 12 most dangerous and persistent organic chemicals that were (now mostly obsolete) organochlorine pesticides.
+9935 0 Pesticide 40 Release of other organisms that fight the pest is another example of an alternative to pesticide use.
+9996 0 Pesticide 58 The Code was updated in 1998 and 2002.
+10051 0 Lobbying 7 Governments often define and regulate organized group lobbying as part of laws to prevent political corruption and by establishing transparency about possible influences by public lobby registers.
+10121 0 Temperate climate 7 "In some climate classifications"", the temperate zone is often divided into several smaller climate zones, based on monthly temperatures, the coldest month, and rainfall."
+10154 0 Temperate climate 16 In the most marine of those areas affected by this regime, temperatures above 20 °C (68 °F) are extreme weather events, even in the midst of summer.
+10167 0 Temperate climate 20 These factors have led to the average climate of cities to be warmer than surrounding areas.
+10168 0 Temperate climate 21 "Temperate Climate"" refers to climates between Polar and Tropical."
+10180 0 Phytoplankton 1 Most phytoplankton are too small to be individually seen with the unaided eye.
+10202 0 Phytoplankton 9 The effects of anthropogenic ocean acidification on phytoplankton growth and community structure has also received considerable attention.
+10278 0 Arctic Ocean 2 The summer shrinking of the ice has been quoted at 50%.
+10287 0 Arctic Ocean 4 to 1500 A.D.), which spread across Arctic North America.
+10294 0 Arctic Ocean 7 Early cartographers were unsure whether to draw the region around the North Pole as land (as in Johannes Ruysch's , or Gerardus Mercator's ) or water (as with Martin Waldseemüller's ).
+10390 0 Arctic Ocean 34 Icebergs occasionally break away from northern Ellesmere Island, and icebergs are formed from glaciers in western Greenland and extreme northeastern Canada.
+10397 0 Arctic Ocean 35 Cyclones are only common on the Atlantic side.
+10404 0 Arctic Ocean 37 It is generally necessary that the upper of ocean water cools to the freezing point for sea ice to form.
+10460 0 Paleoclimatology 6 Mountain glaciers and the polar ice caps/ice sheets provide much data in paleoclimatology.
+10467 0 Paleoclimatology 9 A tree-ring record is established by compiling information from many living trees in a specific area.
+10518 0 Paleoclimatology 24 Massive deposits of tillites and anomalous isotopic signatures are found, which gave rise to the Snowball Earth hypothesis.
+10527 0 Paleoclimatology 26 The constant rearrangement of continents by plate tectonics can also shape long-term climate evolution.
+10529 0 Paleoclimatology 26 Evidence exists of past warm periods in Earth's climate when polar land masses similar to Antarctica were home to deciduous forests rather than ice sheets.
+10530 0 Paleoclimatology 27 The relatively warm local minimum between Jurassic and Cretaceous goes along with an increase of subduction and mid-ocean ridge volcanism due to the breakup of the Pangea supercontinent.
+10540 0 Paleoclimatology 32 The graph on the left shows the temperature change over the past 12,000 years, from various sources.
+10552 1 Paleoclimatology 37 The weathering sequesters CO, by the reaction of minerals with chemicals (especially silicate weathering with CO) and thereby removing CO from the atmosphere and reducing the radiative forcing.
+10553 1 Paleoclimatology 37 The opposite effect is volcanism, responsible for the natural greenhouse effect, by emitting CO into the atmosphere, thus affecting glaciation (Ice Age) cycles.
+10598 0 Megacity 9 A characteristic issue of megacities is the difficulty in defining their outer limits and accurately estimating the populations.
+10631 0 Megacity 18 This type of population change reduces industrial land use when it is redeveloped for commerce and housing.
+10638 0 Megacity 20 68.7% of China's electricity comes from coal.
+10642 0 Megacity 21 There are correlations between electricity consumption, heating and industrial fuel use, ground transportation energy use, water consumption, waste generation, and steel production in terms of level of consumption and how efficiently they use resources.
+10656 0 Eutrophication 3 Once translocated to lakes, the extraction of phosphate into water is slow, hence the difficulty of reversing the effects of eutrophication.
+10677 0 Eutrophication 8 Human activities can accelerate the rate at which nutrients enter ecosystems.
+10701 0 Eutrophication 13 Increased nitrates in soil are frequently undesirable for plants.
+10751 0 Eutrophication 21 Nonpoint sources are difficult to regulate and usually vary spatially and temporally (with season, precipitation, and other irregular events).
+10808 0 Eutrophication 34 In order for a policy to have any effect, the public must be aware of their contribution to the problem, and ways in which they can reduce their effects.
+10839 0 Chlorofluorocarbon 4 In general, they are volatile but less so than their parent alkanes.
+10865 0 Chlorofluorocarbon 13 Freons containing bromine are signified by four numbers.
+10905 0 Chlorofluorocarbon 25 It turns out that one of CFCs' most attractive features—their low reactivity— is key to their most destructive effects.
+10937 0 Chlorofluorocarbon 32 Bromofluoroalkanes have been largely phased out and the possession of equipment for their use is prohibited in some countries like the Netherlands and Belgium, from 1 January 2004, based on the Montreal Protocol and guidelines of the European Union.
+10940 0 Chlorofluorocarbon 33 There are also a few other, highly specialized uses.
+11042 0 Younger Dryas 13 Other proxy data, such as dust concentration and snow accumulation, suggest an even more rapid transition, which would require about of warming in just a few years.
+11073 0 Younger Dryas 25 Proxy indicators show that summer temperature conditions in Maine decreased by up to 7.5C.
+11077 0 Younger Dryas 26 Conversely, pollen and macrofossil evidence from near Lake Ontario indicates that cool, boreal forests persisted into the early Holocene.
+11085 0 Younger Dryas 28 Effects in the Rocky Mountain region were varied.
+11093 1 Younger Dryas 29 Speleothem records indicate an increase in precipitation in southern Oregon, the timing of which coincides with increased sizes of pluvial lakes in the northern Great Basin.
+11104 0 Younger Dryas 31 Finally, not only did the Younger Dryas postdate both all of meltwater pulse 1A and predate all of meltwater pulse 1B, it was a period of significantly-reduced rate of sea level rise relative to the periods of time immediately before and after it.
+11158 0 Younger Dryas 46 Survivors of the Younger Dryas included that of nocturnal low birthrate species residing in the mountainous or forest-like terrains of the Americas, Eurasia, Australia, and Madagascar.
+11166 0 Younger Dryas 48 Effects of a supernova have been suggested before, but without confirming evidence.
+11170 1 Younger Dryas 49 "The failure of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation is used to explain rapid climate change in some science fiction writings as early as Stanley G. Weinbaum's 1937 short story ""Shifting Seas"" in which the author describes the freezing of Europe after the Gulf Stream is disrupted."
+11171 0 Younger Dryas 49 "It was used more recently in Kim Stanley Robinson's novels, particularly ""Fifty Degrees Below""."
+11178 0 Aerosol 1 Examples of anthropogenic aerosols are haze, particulate air pollutants and The liquid or solid particles have diameters typically <1 μm; larger particles with a significant settling speed make the mixture a suspension, but the distinction is not clear-cut.
+11306 0 Aerosol 57 The deagglomeration potential of various airborne nanomaterials can be also studied using critical orifices.
+11307 0 Aerosol 57 In addition, an impact fragmentation device was developed to investigate bonding energies between particles.
+11311 0 Aerosol 59 Aerosol can either be measured in-situ or with remote sensing techniques.
+11345 0 Soil retrogression and degradation 1 Soil degradation may also be viewed as any change or ecological disturbance to the soil perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.
+11379 0 Soil retrogression and degradation 11 Agriculture also accelerates soil erosion (increase of field size, correlated to hedges and ditches removal).
+11380 0 Soil retrogression and degradation 11 Meadows are in regression to the profit of plowed lands.
+11504 0 Externality 4 "Two British economists are credited with having initiated the formal study of externalities, or ""spillover effects"": Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900) is credited with first articulating, and Arthur C. Pigou (1877–1959) is credited with formalizing the concept of externalities."
+11594 0 Externality 34 "Assume there are no external costs, so that social cost ""equals"" individual cost."
+11600 0 Externality 36 The production of a public good has beneficial externalities for all, or almost all, of the public.
+11622 0 Externality 42 Under the Pigovian system, one firm, for example, can be taxed more than another firm, even though the other firm is actually producing greater amounts of the negative externality.
+11627 0 Externality 43 The second type of resolution is a purely private agreement between the parties involved.
+11748 0 United States Department of Energy 27 ARPA-E was officially created by the America COMPETES Act , authored by Congressman Bart Gordon, within the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in 2007, though without a budget.
+11774 0 Impact event 7 Asteroids with a diameter strike Earth every 500,000 years on average.
+11849 0 Impact event 28 An impact event is commonly seen as a scenario that would bring about the end of civilization.
+11891 0 Impact event 43 Following the Pribram fall, other nations established automated observing programs aimed at studying infalling meteorites.
+11919 0 Impact event 50 The Chelyabinsk meteor was estimated to have caused over $30 million in damage.
+11958 0 Impact event 59 The preferred method is to deflect rather than disrupt an asteroid.
+11972 0 Impact event 62 JPL scientists confirmed that there was another impact event on Jupiter, probably involving a small undiscovered comet or other icy body.
+11980 0 Impact event 66 On May 26, 2017, amateur astronomer Sauveur Pedranghelu observed another flash from Corsica (France).
+12009 0 Reforestation 1 Reforestation is the natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands (forestation) that have been depleted, usually through deforestation.
+12017 0 Reforestation 3 Reforestation need not be only used for recovery of accidentally destroyed forests.
+12032 0 Reforestation 7 Forests are an important part of the global carbon cycle because trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.
+12038 1 Reforestation 8 There are four major strategies available to mitigate carbon emissions through forestry activities: increase the amount of forested land through a reforestation process; increase the carbon density of existing forests at a stand and landscape scale; expand the use of forest products that will sustainably replace fossil-fuel emissions; and reduce carbon emissions that are caused from deforestation and degradation.
+12068 0 Reforestation 12 The research suggests almost one fifth of fossil fuel emissions are absorbed by forests across Africa, Amazonia and Asia.
+12087 0 Reforestation 18 Costa Rica has a long-standing commitment to the environment.
+12131 0 Reforestation 31 In 2019 the government of Ireland decided to plant 440 million trees by 2040.
+12206 0 Recycling 7 "In 1813, Benjamin Law developed the process of turning rags into ""shoddy"" and ""mungo"" wool in Batley, Yorkshire."
+12227 0 Recycling 13 Although consumer electronics such as the television have been popular since the 1920s, recycling of them was almost unheard of until early 1991.
+12258 0 Recycling 19 Legislation has also been used to increase and maintain a demand for recycled materials.
+12262 0 Recycling 20 Utilization rates are a more flexible option: industries are permitted to meet the recycling targets at any point of their operation or even contract recycling out in exchange for tradeable credits.
+12290 0 Recycling 26 The different collection systems can result in different levels of contamination.
+12349 0 Recycling 49 This process of recycling as well as reusing the recycled material has proven advantageous because it reduces amount of waste sent to landfills, conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and helps create new jobs.
+12379 0 Recycling 59 After the cargo barge Khian Sea dumped 14,000 metric tons of toxic ash in Haiti, the Basel Convention was formed to stem the flow of hazardous substances into poorer countries.
+12442 0 Recycling 74 Known reserves of phosphorus will be exhausted within the next 100 years at current rates of usage.
+12446 1 Recycling 74 In the United Kingdom, the Waste and Resources Action Programme stated that Great Britain's recycling efforts reduce CO emissions by 10–15 million tonnes a year.
+12453 0 Recycling 77 Frank Ackerman favours a high level of government intervention to provide recycling services.
+12543 0 Recycling 102 To compensate for this loss of income, a society may need to create additional forms of societal programs to help support the poor.
+12659 0 Permaculture 27 Tree Gardens, such as Kandyan tree gardens, in South and Southeast Asia, are often hundreds of years old.
+12688 0 Permaculture 33 Blackwater is septic or otherwise toxic and cannot easily be reused.
+12706 0 Permaculture 36 However, it has been shown that when grazing is modeled after nature, the opposite effect can be seen.
+12720 0 Permaculture 38 He notes that the Hügelkultur berms kept or generated enough heat to allow the roots to survive during alpine winter conditions.
+12724 0 Permaculture 39 He concluded that the trees should be raised all their lives without pruning, so they form healthy and efficient branch patterns that follow their natural inclination.
+12755 0 Developing country 1 "In general, the United Nations accepts any country's claim of itself being ""developing""."
+12800 0 Developing country 20 This highlights that the standard of living across the entire developing world varies greatly.
+12837 0 Developing country 33 Malnutrition in children and stunted growth of children is the cause for more than 200 million children under five years of age in developing countries not reaching their developmental potential.
+12869 0 Developing country 44 Finding an affordable solution to address the many effects of indoor air pollution is complex.
+12938 0 Evapotranspiration 4 Through evapotranspiration, forests reduce water yield, except in unique ecosystems called cloud forests.
+12947 0 Evapotranspiration 8 Pan evaporation data can be used to estimate lake evaporation, but transpiration and evaporation of intercepted rain on vegetation are unknown.
+13111 0 Geomorphology 30 Glaciers, while geographically restricted, are effective agents of landscape change.
+13118 0 Geomorphology 31 Nonglacial geomorphic processes which nevertheless have been conditioned by past glaciation are termed paraglacial processes.
+13125 0 Geomorphology 35 Both volcanic (eruptive) and plutonic (intrusive) igneous processes can have important impacts on geomorphology.
+13150 0 Biogeography 1 Biogeography is the study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time.
+13168 0 Biogeography 7 "It also asks ""Why?"
+13178 0 Biogeography 10 "One scientist who recognized the importance of these geographic locations was Charles Darwin, who remarked in his journal ""The Zoology of Archipelagoes will be well worth examination""."
+13199 0 Biogeography 13 As one of the first to contribute empirical data to the science of biogeography through his travel as an explorer, he observed differences in climate and vegetation.
+13225 0 Biogeography 17 Wallace believed species were dynamic by responding to biotic and abiotic factors.
+13253 0 Biogeography 23 Current scientists also use coral reefs to delve into the history of biogeography through the fossilized reefs.
+13263 0 Biogeography 26 In such a context, stream capture is an important factor affecting the evolution and distribution of freshwater organisms.
+13302 0 Conservation (ethic) 11 Nowadays, officially more than 10 percent of the world is legally protected in some way or the other, and in practice, private fundraising is insufficient to pay for the effective management of so much land with protective status.
+13315 0 Conservation (ethic) 16 ″Conservation and preservation are closely linked and may indeed seem to mean the same thing.
+13316 0 Conservation (ethic) 16 Both terms involve a degree of protection, but how that protection is carried out is the key difference.
+13319 0 Conservation (ethic) 17 During the environmental movement of the early 20th century, two opposing factions emerged: conservationists and preservationists.
+13367 0 Three Mile Island accident 12 However, when things went wrong and the main relief valve stuck open, the unlighted lamp was actually misleading the operators by implying that the valve was shut.
+13369 0 Three Mile Island accident 12 This confusion contributed to the severity of the accident because the operators were unable to break out of a cycle of assumptions that conflicted with what their instruments were telling them.
+13389 0 Three Mile Island accident 15 This radioactive coolant was pumped from the containment building sump to an auxiliary building, outside the main containment, until the sump pumps were stopped at 4:39 am.
+13428 0 Three Mile Island accident 24 According to the Rogovin report, the vast majority of the radioisotopes released were the noble gases xenon and krypton.
+13431 0 Three Mile Island accident 24 The report compared this with the additional per year received from living in a high altitude city such as Denver.
+13464 0 Three Mile Island accident 31 More than half of the population within the 20-mile radius remained in that area.
+13505 0 Three Mile Island accident 43 Disease rates in areas further than 10 miles from the plant were never examined.
+13544 0 Three Mile Island accident 54 In his testimony, he said:
+13596 0 Climatology 5 The invention of the thermometer and the barometer during the Scientific Revolution allowed for systematic recordkeeping, that began as early as 1640 in England.
+13644 0 Climatology 19 A wind energy producer will require different information (wind) in the classification than somebody interested in agriculture, for who precipitation and temperature are more important.
+13679 0 Hydrosphere 1 This is caused by seafloor spreading and continental drift, which rearranges the land and ocean.
+13707 0 Hydrosphere 7 Hydrosphere plays an important role in the existence of the atmosphere in its present form.
+13709 0 Hydrosphere 7 When the Earth was formed it had only a very thin atmosphere rich in hydrogen and helium similar to the present atmosphere of Mercury.
+13712 0 Hydrosphere 7 Other gases and water vapor released by volcanoes also entered the atmosphere.
+13797 0 Food web 12 Food webs depict energy flow via trophic linkages.
+13802 0 Food web 13 However, concentration and quality of nutrients and energy is variable.
+13879 0 Food web 27 Quantitative formulas simplify the complexity of food web structure.
+13955 0 Permafrost 6 In the moist-wintered areas mentioned before, there may not be even discontinuous permafrost down to .
+14013 0 Permafrost 23 "Melting"" implies the phase change of all solids to liquid."
+14026 0 Permafrost 25 They extended the use of effective stress concept to partially frozen soils for use in slope stability analysis of warming permafrost slopes.
+14032 0 Permafrost 27 Formation of permafrost has significant consequences for ecological systems, primarily due to constraints imposed upon rooting zones, but also due to limitations on den and burrow geometries for fauna requiring subsurface homes.
+14048 1 Permafrost 30 Observed warming was up to 3 °C in parts of Northern Alaska (early 1980s to mid-2000s) and up to 2 °C in parts of the Russian European North (1971–2010).
+14052 1 Permafrost 31 Arctic temperatures are expected to increase at roughly twice the global rate.
+14054 0 Permafrost 31 Estimates vary on how many tons of greenhouse gases are emitted from thawed permafrost soils.
+14119 0 Richard Lindzen 9 Nevertheless, the predictions of classical tidal theory still did not agree with observations.
+14153 0 Richard Lindzen 18 During this time, Lindzen published some research on gravity waves, as well as Hadley circulations.
+14175 0 Richard Lindzen 21 Lindzen and Choi then succeeded in getting a little known Korean journal to publish it as a 2011 paper.
+14193 0 Richard Lindzen 24 I think problems will arise when one will need to depend on scientific judgment, and by ruining our credibility now you leave society with a resource of some importance diminished.”
+14195 0 Richard Lindzen 25 "In an announcement on December 27, 2013, the Institute said that in his new position at Cato, Lindzen's focus would be on ""the interaction between science and policymakers"" and that he would study ""whether the move from largely private funding to public support has introduced biases into science and the public policies informed by science."
+14251 1 Instrumental temperature record 3 Most of the observed warming occurred in two periods: around 1900 to around 1940 and around 1970 onwards; the cooling/plateau from 1940 to 1970 has been mostly attributed to sulphate aerosol.
+14335 1 Instrumental temperature record 34 The Antarctic Peninsula has warmed by 2.5 °C (4.5 °F) in the past five decades at Bellingshausen Station.
+14346 1 Instrumental temperature record 40 A 2006 study analyzed 366 U.S. surface stations; results indicate relatively few significant temperature trends, and these are generally evenly divided between warming and cooling trends.
+14380 0 Sanitation 3 This is particularly applicable to developing countries.
+14401 0 Sanitation 12 These structures are designed to treat wastewater and municipal solid waste.
+14435 0 Sanitation 23 Lack of sanitation refers to the absence of sanitation.
+14462 0 Sanitation 31 The importance of the isolation of excreta and waste lies in an effort to prevent diseases which can be transmitted through human waste, which afflict both developed countries as well as developing countries to differing degrees.
+14468 0 Sanitation 34 Diarrhea plays a significant role: Deaths resulting from diarrhea are estimated to be between 1.6 and 2.5 million deaths every year.
+14508 0 Sanitation 46 Daily cover also minimises odor emissions and reduces windblown litter.
+14525 0 Sanitation 52 "One indicator for the sanitation target is the ""Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water""."
+14557 0 Isostasy 2 This concept is invoked to explain how different topographic heights can exist at Earth's surface.
+14603 0 Isostasy 22 When continents collide, the continental crust may thicken at their edges in the collision.
+14638 0 Overconsumption 3 This means that consumption rates will plateau for the developed nations and shift more into these developing countries.
+14860 0 Biofuel 46 Oils and fats can be hydrogenated to give a diesel substitute.
+14870 0 Biofuel 48 "When it comes to transportation fuel there are six ether additives: dimethyl ether (DME), diethyl ether (DEE), methyl ""tert""-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl ""tert""-butyl ether (ETBE), ""tert""-amyl methyl ether (TAME), and ""tert""-amyl ethyl ether (TAEE)."
+14884 0 Biofuel 56 Rather, dedicated policies to promote development and commercialization of these fuels will be needed before they become significant contributors to global biofuels production.
+14925 1 Biofuel 66 Some scientists have expressed concerns about land-use change in response to greater demand for crops to use for biofuel and the subsequent carbon emissions.
+14960 0 Biofuel 76 A study by researchers at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) found that growing sweet sorghum instead of grain sorghum could increase farmers incomes by US$40 per hectare per crop because it can provide fuel in addition to food and animal feed.
+15016 0 Atmosphere 12 The planet's atmospheres were then modified over time by various complex factors, resulting in quite different outcomes.
+15107 0 Vattenfall 22 The referendum took place on November 3, 2013, yet slightly missed the quorum.
+15337 0 Positive feedback 1 In contrast, a system in which the results of a change act to reduce or counteract it has negative feedback.
+15366 0 Positive feedback 8 The result of positive feedback is to augment changes, so that small perturbations may result in big changes.
+15380 0 Positive feedback 16 Regenerative circuits were invented and patented in 1914 for the amplification and reception of very weak radio signals.
+15466 0 Positive feedback 33 When a B cell binds its antibodies to an antigen and becomes activated, it begins releasing antibodies and secreting a complement protein called C3.
+15505 0 Positive feedback 45 Forcings are external to the climate system and feedbacks are internal processes of the system.
+15510 0 Positive feedback 46 Other examples of positive feedback subsystems in climatology include:
+15541 0 Agroecology 4 Wojtkowski discusses the application of agroecology in agriculture, forestry and agroforestry in his 2002 book.
+15625 0 Daisyworld 14 Specifically, thermoregulation was addressed.
+15630 0 Daisyworld 15 Later criticism of Daisyworld itself centers around the fact that although it is often used as an analogy for Earth, the original simulations leaves out many important details of the true Earth system.
+15672 0 Superorganism 8 So, for Spencer, the idea of the super-organic best designated a distinct level of social reality above that of biology and psychology, and not a one-to-one identity with an organism.
+15677 0 Superorganism 10 Superorganisms are important in cybernetics, particularly biocybernetics.
+15712 0 Groundwater 3 For example, groundwater provides the largest source of usable water storage in the United States, and California annually withdraws the largest amount of groundwater of all the states.
+15726 0 Groundwater 8 "If a confined aquifer follows a downward grade from its ""recharge zone"", groundwater can become pressurized as it flows."
+15826 0 Groundwater 33 This provides an efficient way of determining which wells should be tested.
+15913 0 Precipitation 16 GR is derived from the French word grêle.
+15915 0 Precipitation 16 Stones just larger than golf ball-sized are one of the most frequently reported hail sizes.
+15957 0 Precipitation 23 Windward sides face the east to northeast trade winds and receive much more rainfall; leeward sides are drier and sunnier, with less rain and less cloud cover.
+15982 0 Precipitation 28 Animals have adaptation and survival strategies for the wetter regime.
+16030 0 Precipitation 38 Satellites such as the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission employ microwave sensors to form precipitation estimates.
+16078 0 Precipitation 50 Animals have adaptation and survival strategies for the wetter regime.
+16087 1 Precipitation 51 Changes in precipitation and evaporation over the oceans are suggested by the decreased salinity of mid- and high-latitude waters (implying more precipitation), along with increased salinity in lower latitudes (implying less precipitation, more evaporation, or both).
+16146 0 Patrick Michaels 14 The society was a public relations organization associated with the Western Fuels Association (WFA), an association of coal-burning utility companies.
+16148 0 Patrick Michaels 14 Fred Palmer, a society staffer, is a registered lobbyist for Peabody Energy, a coal company.
+16264 0 Solar power 28 This corresponds to a capacity factor of around 10–20%.
+16290 0 Solar power 35 "These hot deserts form the ""Global Sun Belt"" circling the world."
+16293 0 Solar power 36 Different measurements of solar irradiance (direct normal irradiance, global horizontal irradiance) are mapped below :
+16408 0 Solar power 63 For a site with insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/year, typical of southern Europe, NREL researchers estimated GHG emissions of 45 ge/kWh.
+16455 0 Solar power 76 The largest footprint had coal-fired power plants with 18 ma/MWh.
+16479 1 Global cooling 5 The cooling period is reproduced by current (1999 on) global climate models (GCMs) that include the physical effects of sulfate aerosols, and there is now general agreement that aerosol effects were the dominant cause of the mid-20th century cooling.
+16485 1 Global cooling 6 "Although the temperature drops foreseen by this mechanism have now been discarded in light of better theory and the observed warming, aerosols are thought to have contributed a cooling tendency (outweighed by increases in greenhouse gases) and also have contributed to ""Global Dimming."
+16488 0 Global cooling 7 This mechanism is thought to be responsible for the timing of the ice age cycles, and understanding of the mechanism was increasing rapidly in the mid-1970s.
+16495 0 Global cooling 9 "Some creative ways around this were found, notably one championed by Nigel Calder under the name of ""snowblitz"", but these ideas did not gain wide acceptance."
+16575 1 Global cooling 40 Indeed, over that period, satellite-measured temperatures never again approached their 1998 peak.
+16589 1 Global cooling 44 At the time that Rasool and Schneider wrote their 1971 paper, climatologists had not yet recognized the significance of greenhouse gases other than water vapor and carbon dioxide, such as methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons.
+16607 0 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 7 The Permanent Secretary is Tamara Finkelstein, who replaced Clare Moriarty in 2019.
+16612 0 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 13 The department's key delivery partners are:
+16614 0 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 14 Policies for environment, food and rural affairs are delivered in the regions by Defra's executive agencies and delivery bodies, in particular Natural England, the Rural Payments Agency, Animal Health and the Marine Management Organisation.
+16659 0 2003 European heat wave 10 At dawn that same day, a freak storm developed in the southern region of the country.
+16707 0 2003 European heat wave 27 By mid-August, the grapes in certain vineyards had already reached their optimal sugar content, possibly resulting in 12.0°–12.5° wines (see alcoholic degree).
+16719 1 Temperature record of the past 1000 years 1 The curve shown in graphs of these reconstructions is widely known as the hockey stick graph because of the sharp increase in temperatures during the last century.
+16730 0 Temperature record of the past 1000 years 4 Over this period the recent instrumental record, mainly based on direct thermometer readings, has approximately global coverage.
+16759 0 Temperature record of the past 1000 years 12 If these assumptions do not hold, the reconstructions would be unreliable.
+16792 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 1 "The warming phase of the sea temperature is known as ""El Niño"" and the cooling phase as ""La Niña""."
+16864 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 18 It is a large-scale coupling between atmospheric circulation and tropical deep convection.
+16884 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 21 During La Niña events, the storm track shifts far enough northward to bring wetter than normal winter conditions (in the form of increased snowfall) to the Midwestern states, as well as hot and dry summers.
+16901 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 23 Therefore, the relative frequency of El Niño compared to La Niña events can affect global temperature trends on decadal timescales.
+16905 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 25 Future trends in ENSO are uncertain as different models make different predictions.
+16926 0 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 31 "There is also a scientific debate on the very existence of this ""new"" ENSO."
+17001 0 Greenwashing 14 They found while companies in the oil and gas are more likely to implement environmental policies than service industry companies, they are less likely to commit to fossil fuel reduction.
+17005 0 Greenwashing 16 Greenwashing practices have also a significant impact on the perceptions of stakeholders in general.
+17197 0 Fuel efficiency 20 A common margin is 25% more miles per gallon for an efficient turbodiesel.
+17238 0 Fuel efficiency 31 Commercial hydrogen production uses fossil fuels and produces more carbon dioxide than hydrogen.
+17264 0 Ice shelf 9 Their aggregate area is over 1,550,000 km.
+17267 1 Ice shelf 11 In the last several decades, glaciologists have observed consistent decreases in ice shelf extent through melt, calving, and complete disintegration of some shelves.
+17280 0 Ice shelf 16 Therefore, when a mass of floating ice melts, sea levels will increase; however, this effect is small enough that if all extant sea ice and floating ice shelves were to melt, the corresponding sea level rise is estimated to be ~4 cm.
+17296 0 Sallie Baliunas 7 She has published little in recent years, with only two refereed astronomy papers since 2010.
+17309 0 Sallie Baliunas 13 With Soon, Baliunas investigated the correlation between solar variability and temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere.
+17313 0 Sallie Baliunas 14 "An editorial revolt within ""Climate Research"" followed, with half of the journal's 10 editors eventually resigning."
+17321 0 National Climate Assessment 1 "The reports are ""extensively reviewed by the public and experts, including federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences."
+17333 1 National Climate Assessment 5 "NOAA said that the disbandment of the committee will not ""impact the completion of the Fourth National Climate Assessment."
+17384 0 National Climate Assessment 19 The GCIS is managed, integrated, and curated by USGCRP.
+17480 0 Paul R. Ehrlich 19 Simon stated that over hundreds of years, the prices of virtually all commodities have decreased significantly and persistently.
+17497 0 Paul R. Ehrlich 25 Ehrlich has said he has had a vasectomy.
+17562 0 BP 14 The AIOC withdrew its management from Iran, and Britain organized an effective worldwide embargo of Iranian oil.
+17603 0 BP 26 During his period as chairman he reduced company's refining capacity in Europe.
+17638 0 BP 35 In their rush to finish the $1 billion platform, workers had installed a valve backwards, allowing the ballast tanks to flood.
+17657 0 BP 41 Bhd., an operator of the Kuantan purified terephthalic acid (PTA) plant in Malaysia, to Reliance Industries for $230 million.
+17687 0 BP 49 , BP had operations in 78 countries worldwide with the global headquarters in London, United Kingdom.
+17696 0 BP 52 The company announced that it is focusing its investment in the UK North Sea into four development projects including the Clair, Devenick, Schiehallion and Loyal, and Kinnoull oilfields.
+17715 0 BP 59 It has a material resource base on .
+17724 0 BP 63 The transaction includes interests in giant Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.
+17765 0 BP 80 Air BP is the aviation division of BP, providing aviation fuel, lubricants & services.
+17885 1 BP 113 In 2013, shareholders criticized the project for being carbon-intensive.
+17899 0 BP 117 "ProPublica found that ""Taken together, these documents portray a company that systemically ignored its own safety policies across its North American operations -- from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico to California and Texas."
+17941 0 BP 126 BP said the release harmed no one.
+17952 0 BP 128 "In total, of oil were spilled and were ""contained and recovered"", according to ADEC."
+18008 0 BP 140 BP disputed its methodology and said other studies supported its position that dispersants did not create a danger to health.
+18048 0 BP 154 The investigation relates to trading activity that occurred in October and November 2008.
+18066 0 Bill McKibben 3 He was awarded the Gandhi Peace Award in 2013.
+18067 0 Bill McKibben 3 "Foreign Policy"" magazine named him to its inaugural list of the 100 most important global thinkers in 2009 and MSN named him one of the dozen most influential men of 2009."
+18072 0 Bill McKibben 4 His family later moved to the Boston suburb of Lexington, Massachusetts, where he attended high school.
+18198 0 Milankovitch cycles 16 This means that solar radiation due to (1) axial tilt inclining the southern hemisphere toward the Sun and (2) the Earth's proximity to the Sun, both reach maximum during the summer and both reach minimum during the winter.
+18223 0 Milankovitch cycles 22 This period is very similar to the 100,000-year eccentricity period.
+18224 0 Milankovitch cycles 22 Both periods closely match the 100,000-year pattern of glacial events.
+18230 0 Milankovitch cycles 25 Therefore, he deduced a 41,000-year period for ice ages.
+18233 0 Milankovitch cycles 26 Some models can reproduce the 100,000-year cycles as a result of non-linear interactions between small changes in the Earth's orbit and internal oscillations of the climate system.
+18255 0 Milankovitch cycles 34 At these times, there is an increase in meteors and noctilucent clouds.
+18300 0 Anthropocene 9 On 21 May 2019, 29 members of the 34 person AWG panel voted in favour of an official proposal to be made by 2021.
+18360 0 Anthropocene 25 "Such man-made artifacts preserved in stratigraphy are known as ""technofossils""."
+18426 0 Ocean current 2 An ocean current flows for great distances and together they create the global conveyor belt, which plays a dominant role in determining the climate of many of Earth’s regions.
+18458 0 Ocean current 10 A good example of this is the Agulhas Current (down along eastern Africa), which long prevented Portuguese sailors from reaching India.
+18526 0 Jim Inhofe 19 Caucus memberships
+18565 1 Jim Inhofe 32 "On November 23, 2009, as the Climatic Research Unit email controversy emerged, Inhofe said the emails confirmed his view that scientists were ""cooking the science""."
+18570 0 Jim Inhofe 32 "Inhofe said it showed that the controversy was ""about unethical and potentially illegal behavior by some of the world's leading climate scientists."
+18618 0 Jim Inhofe 47 "Inhofe has made multiple foreign trips, especially to Africa, on missions that he described as ""a Jesus thing"" and that were paid for by the U.S. government."
+18639 0 Jim Inhofe 55 Inhofe was the first recipient of the U.S. Air Force Academy's Character and Leadership Award for his character and leadership in public service.
+18641 0 Hydroelectricity 1 In 2015, hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity, and was expected to increase by about 3.1% each year for the next 25 years.
+18737 0 Hydroelectricity 27 Dedicated hydroelectric projects are often built to provide the substantial amounts of electricity needed for aluminium electrolytic plants, for example.
+18742 0 Hydroelectricity 28 While carbon dioxide is initially produced during construction of the project, and some methane is given off annually by reservoirs, hydro generally has the lowest lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions for power generation.
+18759 0 Hydroelectricity 32 Since turbine gates are often opened intermittently, rapid or even daily fluctuations in river flow are observed.
+18820 0 Coral bleaching 1 Some corals recover.
+18824 0 Coral bleaching 2 In 2016, bleaching of coral on the Great Barrier Reef killed between 29 and 50 percent of the reef's coral.
+18826 0 Coral bleaching 2 The average interval between bleaching events has halved between 1980 and 2016.
+18841 1 Coral bleaching 4 Under increased carbon dioxide concentration expected in the 21st century, corals are expected to becoming increasingly rare on reef systems.
+18869 1 Coral bleaching 12 These temperatures have caused the most severe and widespread coral bleaching ever recorded in the Great Barrier reef.
+18906 0 Coral bleaching 23 However, between 2011 and 2013, coral cover increased for 10 of the 26 dominant species but declined for 5 other populations.
+18973 0 Coral bleaching 34 Responses to coral bleaching are diverse between reef fish species, based on what resources are affected.
+19017 0 Genetic diversity 3 Diversifying selection is the hypothesis that two subpopulations of a species live in different environments that select for different alleles at a particular locus.
+19020 0 Genetic diversity 3 This occurs in host–pathogen interactions, where a high frequency of a defensive allele among the host means that it is more likely that a pathogen will spread if it is able to overcome that allele.
+19076 0 Genetic diversity 17 Awareness of the importance of maintaining animal genetic resources has increased over time.
+19138 0 Niger Delta Basin (geology) 7 The Agbada Formation dates back to Eocene in age.
+19198 0 Roy Spencer (scientist) 7 He is on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute, and on the board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
+19228 0 Roy Spencer (scientist) 20 Earth's climate system is no exception.
+19241 1 Roy Spencer (scientist) 22 "Spencer was defended by Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow adjunct policy analyst Alan Caruba, who wrote that ""Dr. Spencer’s decision to call a Nazi a Nazi ignited a lot of discussion among the global warming hustlers and those whom they have been calling “deniers” for many years."
+19248 0 Roy Spencer (scientist) 24 [...] Science has startled us with its many discoveries and advances, but it has hit a brick wall in its attempt to rid itself of the need for a creator and designer.
+19338 0 Overfishing 27 Another possible solution, at least for some areas, is quotas, so fishermen can only legally take a certain amount of fish.
+19360 0 Overfishing 33 In 2008, a large-scale study of fisheries that used ITQs compared to ones that didn't provided strong evidence that ITQs can help to prevent collapses and restore fisheries that appear to be in decline.
+19419 0 Overfishing 48 The conservation efforts of one country can then be exploited by another.
+19445 1 World Climate Report 1 World Climate Report, a newsletter edited by Patrick Michaels, was produced by the Greening Earth Society, a non-profit organization created by the Western Fuels Association.
+19463 0 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant 2 In August 2013, Entergy announced that due to economic factors Vermont Yankee would cease operations in the fourth quarter of 2014.
+19513 0 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant 22 The panel gave Vermont Yankee a generally positive review.
+19581 0 Solar water heating 1 A variety of configurations is available at varying cost to provide solutions in different climates and latitudes.
+19595 0 Solar water heating 5 Interest grew in North America after 1960, but especially after the 1973 oil crisis.
+19624 0 Solar water heating 20 Any collector type may still overheat.
+19657 0 Solar water heating 27 "Passive"" systems rely on heat-driven convection or heat pipes to circulate the working fluid."
+19692 0 Solar water heating 39 Such glass can withstand significant hail without breaking, which is one of the reasons that flat-plate collectors are considered the most durable collector type.
+19698 0 Solar water heating 41 Since two flat glass sheets are generally not strong enough to withstand a vacuum, the vacuum is created between two concentric tubes.
+19754 0 Solar water heating 56 The collector panels are usually mounted on a nearby roof, or ground-mounted on a tilted rack.
+19777 0 Solar water heating 60 Efficiency is reduced at higher temperatures.
+19845 0 Energy development 5 An example of a non-renewable energy source is coal, which does not form naturally at a rate that would support human use.
+19851 0 Energy development 7 The use of fossil fuels in the 18th and 19th Century set the stage for the Industrial Revolution.
+19960 1 Energy development 38 It will increase countries’ energy security through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly import-independent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of mitigating climate change, and keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise.
+20004 0 Energy development 46 "The adjective ""geothermal"" originates from the Greek roots ""γη (ge)"", meaning earth, and ""θερμος (thermos)"", meaning hot."
+20070 0 Energy development 65 During certain extreme space weather events solar wind can interfere with transmissions.
+20131 0 Energy development 77 Modeling approaches offer ways to analyze diverse strategies, and hopefully find a road to rapid and sustainable development of humanity.
+20169 0 Phenology 8 Such historical records may, in principle, be capable of providing estimates of climate at dates before instrumental records became available.
+20194 0 Phenology 15 "The returns were summarised each year in the Quarterly Journal of the RMS as ""The Phenological Reports""."
+20309 0 Patrick Moore (consultant) 15 "In 2007 ""The Guardian"" said ""he is on record advocating the felling of tropical rainforests and the planting of genetically engineered crops""."
+20377 0 C3 carbon fixation 4 The scientists are optimistic that this optimization can also be implemented in other crops like wheat.
+20413 0 Tollmann's bolide hypothesis 8 These records do not recognize indications of either a resulting catastrophic environmental devastation or layers of tsunami deposits, which the mega-tsunamis postulated by Tollmann's bolide hypothesis would have created.
+20441 0 Life-cycle assessment 5 GHG product life cycle assessments can also comply with specifications such as PAS 2050 and the GHG Protocol Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.
+20468 0 Life-cycle assessment 14 Inventory analysis is followed by impact assessment.
+20509 0 Life-cycle assessment 27 Data validity is an ongoing concern for life cycle analyses.
+20562 0 Life-cycle assessment 40 Wall clearly states the relation between exergy analysis and resource accounting.
+20595 0 Life-cycle assessment 48 The conflict is resolved in one of these ways:
+20666 0 Peak oil 14 The United States Census Bureau predicts that world population in 2030 will be almost double that of 1980.
+20802 0 Peak oil 54 To back his argument, he points to past false alarms and apparent collaboration.
+20844 0 Peak oil 64 It dropped sharply in late 2014 to below $US70 where it remained for most of 2015.
+20854 0 Peak oil 66 In many European countries, which have high taxes on fuels, such price shocks could potentially be mitigated somewhat by temporarily or permanently suspending the taxes as fuel costs rise.
+20858 0 Peak oil 68 Some economists predict that a substitution effect will spur demand for alternate energy sources, such as coal or liquefied natural gas.
+20871 0 Peak oil 72 Mexico is already in this situation.
+21025 0 Radioactive contamination 34 "Strippable coating"" products are loosely adhered paint-like films and are used for their decontamination abilities."
+21037 0 Radioactive contamination 35 The caesium is broken away from soil particles and then precipitated with ferric ferricyanide (Prussian blue).
+21088 0 Radioactive contamination 50 "The ICRP further states ""For internal exposure, committed effective doses are generally determined from an assessment of the intakes of radionuclides from bioassay measurements or other quantities (e.g., activity retained in the body or in daily excreta)."
+21130 0 Photovoltaics 9 There is still a smaller market for stand alone systems for remote dwellings, boats, recreational vehicles, electric cars, roadside emergency telephones, remote sensing, and cathodic protection of pipelines.
+21135 0 Photovoltaics 11 Cells require protection from the environment and are usually packaged tightly in solar modules.
+21155 0 Photovoltaics 15 University labs at Oxford, Stanford, and elsewhere are experimenting with replacing crystalline silicon in photovoltaic solar cells with perovskite, a mineral with semiconductor properties.
+21174 0 Photovoltaics 20 Recent improvements have increased the efficiency and lowered cost, while remaining environmentally-benign and renewable.
+21219 0 Photovoltaics 34 Most LCAs of PV have focused on two categories: carbon dioxide equivalents per kWh and energy pay-back time (EPBT).
+21224 0 Photovoltaics 35 Impacts from first-generation PV
+21271 0 Photovoltaics 47 The manufacturing of CZTS and (ZnP) processes are expected to be similar to those of current thin film technologies of CIGS and CdTe, respectively.
+21298 0 Photovoltaics 51 As of 2017 power-purchase agreement prices for solar farms below $0.05/kWh are common in the United States and the lowest bids in several international countries were about $0.03/kWh.
+21313 0 Photovoltaics 55 As time progresses, renewable energy technologies generally get cheaper, while fossil fuels generally get more expensive:
+21339 0 Photovoltaics 62 solid state nature of PV systems they often have relatively long lifetimes,
+21341 0 Photovoltaics 62 To increase electrical output of a PV
+21453 0 Urban sprawl 11 It is defined as low-density, geographically spread-out patterns of employment, where the majority of jobs in a given metropolitan area are located outside of the main city's central business district (CBD), and increasingly in the suburban periphery.
+21488 0 Urban sprawl 17 These subdivisions may offer only a few places to enter and exit the development, causing traffic to use high volume collector streets.
+21507 0 Urban sprawl 19 Some downtowns have responded to this challenge by building shopping centres of their own (Frieden and Sagelyn 1989).
+21522 0 Urban sprawl 26 This threatens both the quality and quantity of water supplies.
+21645 0 World population 2 However, the global population is still increasing and is projected to reach about 10 billion in 2050 and more than 11 billion in 2100.
+21763 0 World population 36 According to the Russian demographer Sergey Kapitsa, the world population grew between 67,000 BC and 1965 according to the following formula:
+21799 0 World population 47 The use of abortion in some population control strategies has caused controversy, with religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church explicitly opposing any intervention in the human reproductive process.
+21808 0 World population 50 Robust population data only exists for the last two or three centuries.
+21813 0 World population 51 Haub (1995) estimates that around 40% of those who have ever lived did not survive beyond their first birthday.
+21859 0 John Todd (Canadian biologist) 6 Although the New Alchemy Institute dissolved in 1991,
+21860 0 John Todd (Canadian biologist) 6 "it has been described as ""a catalyst of change promoting the development of new ecological design solutions, alternative technologies and methods of ecological food production and waste treatment."
+21889 0 John Todd (Canadian biologist) 15 In 1997, Living Technologies Inc. sought a second round of funding, which it obtained from Tom Worrell.
+22034 0 Rocky Mountain Institute 1 RMI's work is independent and non-adversarial, with a strong emphasis on market-based solutions.
+22097 0 Proxy (climate) 12 Tree rings are wider when conditions favor growth, narrower when times are difficult.
+22128 1 Proxy (climate) 17 "A borehole in the Antarctica icecap shows that the ""temperature at A.D. 1 [was] approximately 1°C warmer than the late 20th century""."
+22169 0 Proxy (climate) 27 This is empirically calibrated from measurements of temperature and δ as a = 0.67 ‰/°C for Greenland and 0.76 ‰/°C for East Antarctica.
+22186 0 Cogeneration 2 By-product heat at moderate temperatures (100–180 °C, 212–356 °F) can also be used in absorption refrigerators for cooling.
+22450 0 American Geophysical Union 9 AGU officials claimed that the problems were a temporary cost of being a frontrunner, but did retroactively assign each article a four-digit article number.
+22491 0 American Geophysical Union 23 In an unpublished study, David Scott and Lawrence Plug of Dalhousie University estimated that the AGU could reduce emissions by 7.7% if it moved the Fall Meeting to Denver, Colorado.
+22532 0 American Geophysical Union 36 The Union of Concerned Scientists also sent a letter urging them to reconsider.
+22533 0 American Geophysical Union 36 However, in a meeting on 23 September 2016, the Board upheld its previous decision.
+22562 1 Climatic Research Unit 10 "It published a quarterly journal, ""Climate Monitor""."
+22563 1 Climatic Research Unit 10 "This ceased publication in 1998, being replaced by an online version, ""Climate Monitor Online""."
+22655 1 Environmental degradation 13 It is generally expected that, on average, global precipitation will increase, with some areas receiving increases and some decreases.
+22660 0 Environmental degradation 15 Changes in precipitation affect the timing and magnitude of floods and droughts, shift runoff processes, and alter groundwater recharge rates.
+22681 0 Environmental degradation 21 In areas with decreasing precipitation as predicted by the climate models, soil moisture may be substantially reduced.
+22704 0 American Meteorological Society 3 It publishes eleven atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic journals (in print and online), sponsors as many as twelve conferences annually, and administers professional certification programs and awards.
+22722 0 American Meteorological Society 11 It carries out research, holds periodic briefings that allow experts to inform policy makers directly on established scientific understanding and the latest policy-relevant research, and hosts an annual Summer Policy Colloquium to introduce Earth scientists to the federal policy process.
+22735 0 American Meteorological Society 16 Many AMS members contribute to the creation and editing of course materials.
+22760 1 James Hansen 6 "Hansen is representing his granddaughter as well as ""future generations"" as plaintiffs in the ""Juliana v. United States"" lawsuit, which is suing the United States government and some of its executive branch's positions for not protecting a stable climate system."
+22809 0 James Hansen 19 Hansen has also contributed toward the understanding of black carbon on regional climate.
+22813 0 James Hansen 20 A year later, Hansen teamed with Makiko Sato to publish a study on black carbon using the global network of AERONET sun photometers.
+22826 0 James Hansen 24 "However, even then he wrote ""the future balance of forcings is likely to shift toward dominance of CO over aerosols""."
+22832 0 James Hansen 26 He described this as a Faustian bargain because atmospheric aerosols had health risks, and should be reduced, but doing so would effectively increase the warming effects from .
+22842 0 James Hansen 28 The conclusion was that levels above 450 ppm were considered dangerous, but that reduction in non- greenhouse gases could provide temporary relief from drastic cuts.
+22844 0 James Hansen 28 The 2007 paper cautioned that prompt action is needed to slow growth and to prevent a dangerous anthropogenic interference.
+22860 1 James Hansen 32 The second generation of the GISS model was used to estimate the change in mean surface temperature based on a variety of scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions.
+22878 1 James Hansen 35 "For instance, he has helped in the investigations of the decadal trends in tropopause height, which could be a useful tool for determining the human ""fingerprint"" on climate."
+22892 1 James Hansen 38 It is difficult to predict time of collapse in such a nonlinear problem … An ice sheet response time of centuries seems probable, and we cannot rule out large changes on decadal time-scales once wide-scale surface melt is underway.
+22984 1 James Hansen 65 "He delivered a lecture, entitled, ""White House Arrest and the Climate Crisis,"" later that same day at Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on the college's campus."
+22989 0 James Hansen 67 In June 2018, Hansen was named joint winner, with Veerabhadran Ramanathan, of Taiwan's Tang Prize.
+23106 0 Heat recovery ventilation 1 Heat recovery is a method which is increasingly used to reduce the heating and cooling demands ( and thus energy costs ) of buildings.
+23172 0 Heat recovery ventilation 16 The ground temperature is warmer than ambient air in winter and cooler than ambient air in summer, providing both heat source and heat sink.
+23184 0 Heat recovery ventilation 19 The most effective way to reduce energy demand is to use energy more efficiently.
+23208 0 Heat recovery ventilation 21 They have found that 175 t a year of CO will be saved with a payback period of under one year.
+23225 0 Climate engineering 3 These experiments have proven controversial.
+23226 0 Climate engineering 3 The World Wildlife Fund has criticized these activities.
+23260 1 Climate engineering 15 Evidence suggests a gradual and prolonged release of greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost.
+23271 0 Climate engineering 18 These are much lower than costs to achieve comprehensive reductions in CO emissions.
+23290 0 Climate engineering 21 Some commentators appear fundamentally opposed.
+23295 1 Climate engineering 23 The existence of such techniques may reduce the political and social impetus to reduce carbon emissions.
+23315 0 Climate engineering 28 The least costly proposals are budgeted at tens of billions of US dollars annually, or around 0.1% of world GDP.
+23337 1 Climate engineering 34 "The report divided proposed methods into ""carbon dioxide removal"" (CDR) and ""solar radiation management"" (SRM) approaches that respectively address longwave and shortwave radiation."
+23370 1 George C. Marshall Institute 3 When the Cold War instead ended in the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, the Institute shifted from an emphasis on defense to a focus on environmental skepticism, including skepticism on issues of global warming.
+23398 0 George C. Marshall Institute 13 No self-respecting think tank would accept money to support preconceived notions.
+23401 0 George C. Marshall Institute 14 "He left the GMI after 5 months, saying that the institute was ""fonder of some facts than others""."
+23434 0 John T. Houghton 11 As a result, Houghton referred the matter to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC Reference 101959).
+23439 0 John T. Houghton 12 The only way humans will act is if there's been an accident.
+23478 0 Pleistocene megafauna 8 "The continent also had quite a few grazers and mixed feeders such as the camel-like litoptern ""Macrauchenia"", ""Cuvieronius"", ""Doedicurus"", ""Glyptodon"", ""Hippidion"" and ""Toxodon""."
+23499 0 Greenland ice sheet 2 "The Greenland Ice Sheet is sometimes referred to under the term ""inland ice"", or its Danish equivalent, ""indlandsis""."
+23551 0 Greenland ice sheet 9 The last time a melt this large happened was in 1889.
+23585 0 Greenland ice sheet 19 The reduced resistive force at the calving front is then propagated up-glacier via longitudinal extension because of the backforce reduction.
+23601 1 Greenland ice sheet 22 Warmer temperatures in the region have brought increased precipitation to Greenland, and part of the lost mass has been offset by increased snowfall.
+23641 0 Goddard Institute for Space Studies 5 From 1981 to 2013, GISS was directed by James E. Hansen.
+23642 0 Goddard Institute for Space Studies 5 In June 2014, Gavin A. Schmidt was named the institute's third director.
+23655 1 Gavin Schmidt 1 Gavin A. Schmidt is a climatologist, climate modeler and Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, and co-founder of the award-winning climate science blog RealClimate.
+23669 1 Gavin Schmidt 5 Schmidt and eight other colleagues founded in 2004 the RealClimate blog.
+23671 0 Gavin Schmidt 5 Additionally, the blog features frequent guest posts by experts in their field.
+23738 0 William M. Gray 3 His last student was Philip Klotzbach, who later took over Gray's position as lead author of the CSU seasonal hurricane forecasts.
+23773 0 William M. Gray 12 Webster, who has co-authored other scientific papers with Gray, is also critical of Gray for his personal attacks on the scientists with whom he disagreed.
+23855 0 Habitat fragmentation 17 Inbreeding depression is associated with conservation risks, like local extinction.
+23857 0 Habitat fragmentation 18 Genetic drift is random changes to the genetic make up of populations and always leads to reductions in genetic diversity.
+23889 0 Habitat fragmentation 24 Occasionally it is used as a threat signal to signify an impending attack on territory.
+23915 0 Habitat fragmentation 32 The pattern-oriented approach is based on land cover and its patterning in correlation with species occurrences.
+23954 0 Climate variability 7 The SLP anomalies at each station were normalized by division of each seasonal mean pressure by the long-term mean (1865–1984) standard deviation.
+23989 0 Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed 14 "The Economist""s review was generally favorable, although the reviewer had two disagreements."
+23997 0 Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed 16 "In his review in ""The New Yorker"", Malcolm Gladwell highlights the way Diamond's approach differs from traditional historians by focusing on environmental issues rather than cultural questions."
+24023 0 Solar Energy Generating Systems 5 As an example of cost, in 2002, one of the 30 MW Kramer Junction sites required $90 million to construct, and its operation and maintenance cost was about $3 million per year (4.6 cents per kilowatt hour).
+24043 0 Solar Energy Generating Systems 11 They were the last, the largest, and the most advanced of the nine plants at SEGS, designed to take advantage of the economies of scale.
+24087 0 Primary energy 12 This can be a mix of primary energy (such as natural gas burned at the site) and secondary energy (such as electricity).
+24123 0 Land degradation 2 This is considered to be an important topic of the 21st century due to the implications land degradation has upon agricultural productivity, the environment, and its effects on food security.
+24131 0 Land degradation 6 sheet erosion, silting, aridification, salinization, urbanization, etc.
+24164 0 Orbital forcing 3 However, this conclusion is probably mistaken: the lengths of previous interglacials were not particularly regular (see graphic at right).
+24206 0 BBC controversies 9 For eleven years they kept me off the air.
+24215 0 BBC controversies 12 Mary Whitehouse launched her 'Clean Up TV campaign' in April 1964.
+24236 0 BBC controversies 16 "Answering a question from Page on 6 May, Thatcher said that ""many people are very concerned indeed that the case for our British forces is not being put over fully and effectively."
+24243 0 BBC controversies 17 also provoked outrage.
+24287 0 BBC controversies 28 The ban lasted until 1994, and denied the UK news media the right to broadcast the voices, though not the words, of all Irish republican and loyalist paramilitaries, while the ban was targeted primarily at Sinn Féin.
+24496 0 BBC controversies 105 The accuser unreservedly apologised, admitting that, as soon as he saw a photograph of the individual, he realised he had been mistaken.
+24527 0 BBC controversies 115 On 14 September 2014 thousands of protesters demonstrated outside BBC Scotland's headquarters in Glasgow accusing the corporation and its political editor Nick Robinson of broadcasting “lies” and of being “biased” against the Yes Scotland campaign.
+24530 0 BBC controversies 115 The protestors also later complained that coverage about the demonstration was not broadcast by the BBC.
+24602 0 Phytophthora cinnamomi 9 "It is implicated in the die-off of the rare endemic shrub Ione manzanita (""Arctostaphylos myrtifolia"") in California, as well."
+24613 0 Phytophthora cinnamomi 13 Many nurseries are accredited under the Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA) and use hygienic practices to prevent Phytophthora dieback from infecting their stock.
+24766 0 Rain 23 Windward sides face the east to northeast trade winds and receive much more rainfall; leeward sides are drier and sunnier, with less rain and less cloud cover.
+24796 0 Rain 28 Hawaii was the only region to show a decrease (−9.25 percent).
+24812 0 Rain 33 The trowal creates the portion of an occluded cyclone known as its comma head, due to the comma-like shape of the mid-tropospheric cloudiness that accompanies the feature.
+24820 0 Rain 34 The extent of rainbands around a tropical cyclone can help determine the cyclone's intensity.
+24821 0 Rain 35 "The phrase ""acid rain"" was first used by Scottish chemist Robert Augus Smith in 1852."
+24888 0 Rain 49 Animals have adaptation and survival strategies for the wetter regime.
+24940 0 Rain 58 Over the top of the ridge, the jet stream brings a summer precipitation maximum to the Great Lakes.
+24957 0 Rain 60 This amount is more than what falls in many cities in a year's time.
+25060 0 Fossil fuel power station 34 = 1500MJ/s x 0.5 x 2.5 x 0.101 kg/MJ x 365x24x60x60s
+25145 0 Fossil fuel power station 58 These costs occur over the 30–50 year life of the fossil fuel power plants, using discounted cash flows.
+25169 1 Environmental Defense Fund 7 "The CARB satellite project was announced in September 2018 at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco by California Governor Jerry Brown: “With science still under attack and the climate threat growing, we’re launching our own damn satellite""."
+25207 0 HadCM3 5 The timestep is 30 minutes (with three sub-timesteps per timestep in the dynamics).
+25216 0 HadCM3 8 "Unlike its predecessor HadCM2 there is no need for ""flux correction""—the model climate remains stable and does not significantly drift."
+25307 0 Lester R. Brown 15 His legacies will live on through a Lester R. Brown Reading Room at Rutgers University (his alma mater).
+25428 0 Bioenergy 6 anaerobic digestion to produce biogas, gasification to produce syngas or by direct combustion.
+25450 0 Bioenergy 11 This allows ethanol plants to be energetically self-sufficient and even sell surplus electricity to utilities; current production is for self-use and for sale.
+25498 0 List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions 5 Other powerful, more potent greenhouse gases, including methane, are not included in the data of this article.
+25505 0 Human impact on the environment 2 "The term ""anthropogenic"" designates an effect or object resulting from human activity."
+25554 0 Human impact on the environment 17 Yet again the analysis has met criticism as being fundamentally flawed, and many fishery management officials, industry representatives and scientists challenge the findings, although the debate continues.
+25598 0 Human impact on the environment 31 Changes in livestock production practices influence the environmental impact of meat production, as illustrated by some beef data.
+25607 0 Human impact on the environment 33 Examples include the introduction of Caulerpa taxifolia into the Mediterranean, the introduction of oat species into the California grasslands, and the introduction of privet, kudzu, and purple loosestrife to North America.
+25674 0 Human impact on the environment 54 The United States Environmental Protection Agency guidelines and Green Star ratings are some of the standards that can be applied.
+25678 0 Human impact on the environment 55 With the rise in environmental awareness due to the lobbying by environmental organizations and with increased government regulation there is now a trend towards sustainability in the pulp and paper industry.
+25679 0 Human impact on the environment 56 Some scientists suggest that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
+25713 1 Human impact on the environment 68 In 2007, carbon dioxide emissions from shipping were estimated at 4 to 5% of the global total, and estimated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to rise by up to 72% by 2020 if no action is taken.
+25762 0 Human impact on the environment 80 This may lead to bacterial and viral infections or microbiome dysbiosis.
+25790 0 Solar irradiance 6 The SI unit of irradiance is watt per square metre (W/m, which may also be written Wm).
+25838 0 Solar irradiance 28 The space-based TSI record comprises measurements from more than ten radiometers spanning three solar cycles.
+25851 0 Solar irradiance 32 Uncertainties of individual observations exceed irradiance variability (∼0.1%).
+25856 1 Solar irradiance 35 Disagreement among overlapping observations indicates unresolved drifts that suggest the TSI record is not sufficiently stable to discern solar changes on decadal time scales.
+25880 0 Solar irradiance 41 The TIM uses a view-limiting aperture that is smaller than precision aperture that precludes this spurious signal.
+25890 0 Solar irradiance 44 It added corrections for scattering and diffraction revealed during recent testing at TRF and two algorithm updates.
+25896 0 Solar irradiance 45 PMOD instead presents a steady decrease since 1978.
+25917 0 Solar irradiance 50 The sine of a 30° angle is 1/2, whereas the sine of a 90° angle is 1.
+25961 1 Solar irradiance 67 For example, the American space agency, NASA, launched its Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite with Solar Irradiance Monitors.
+26015 1 Climate sensitivity 14 In his first paper on the matter, he estimated that global temperature would rise by around if the quantity of was doubled.
+26023 0 Climate sensitivity 16 Only two sets of models were available; one the Manabe and Wetherald model, with a climate sensitivity of and the other, due to James E. Hansen, showed a climate sensitivity of .
+26043 0 Climate sensitivity 21 Estimates of climate sensitivity calculated from global energy constraints have consistently been lower than those calculated using other methods; estimates calculated using this method have been around or lower (e.g.
+26060 0 Climate sensitivity 27 Solar irradiance is about 0.9 W/m brighter during solar maximum than during solar minimum, which correlated in measured average global temperature over the period 1959-2004.
+26075 0 Climate sensitivity 30 Those model versions that can best simulate the cooling during the LGM are thought to have the best ECS values.
+26093 0 Climate sensitivity 35 When using ensemble climate models developed in different institutions, many of these constrained estimates of ECS are slightly higher than ; the models with ECS slightly above perform better in these metrics than models with a low climate sensitivity.
+26096 0 Climate sensitivity 37 Notes
+26147 0 Emission intensity 16 Particularly for non-CO emissions, there is often a high degree of uncertainty associated with these emission factors when applied to individual countries.
+26199 0 Mark Lynas 13 In 2017, Lynas appeared at the 17th European Skeptics Congress (ESC) in Old Town Wrocław, Poland.
+26214 0 Environmentalism 7 In various ways (for example, grassroots activism and protests), environmentalists and environmental organisations seek to give the natural world a stronger voice in human affairs.
+26245 0 Environmentalism 16 The late 19th century also saw the passage of the first wildlife conservation laws.
+26258 0 Environmentalism 18 Kropotkin's writings would become influential in the 1970s and became a major inspiration for the intentional community movement as well as his ideas becoming the basis for the theory of social ecology.
+26266 0 Environmentalism 20 We will have no steam engines upon it .
+26312 0 Environmentalism 28 The book's legacy was to produce a far greater awareness of environmental issues and interest into how people affect the environment.
+26403 0 Forest dynamics 3 Small-scale disturbances are events such as single-tree blowdowns, which create gaps that let light through the canopy to the understory and forest floor.
+26439 0 Base load 6 The desirable attribute of dispatchability applies to some gas plants, wind (through blade pitch) and hydroelectricity.
+26457 0 Grist (magazine) 1 Its CEO is former state representative Brady Walkinshaw.
+26490 0 Tim Flannery 6 In 2007, Flannery became professor in the Climate Risk Concentration of Research Excellence at Macquarie University.
+26514 0 Tim Flannery 15 During the 1980s, Flannery described most of the known Pleistocene megafaunal species in New Guinea as well as the fossil record of the phalangerids, a family of possums.
+26644 0 Heinrich event 5 During Heinrich events, huge volumes of fresh water flow into the ocean.
+26650 0 Heinrich event 9 "That would make Gerard C. Bond's suggestion of Heinrich events fitting into a 7,000-year cycle (""Bond events"") suspect."
+26655 0 Heinrich event 13 "The gradual accumulation of ice on the Laurentide Ice Sheet led to a gradual increase in its mass, as the ""binge phase""."
+26673 0 Heinrich event 17 Rohling's 2004 Bipolar model suggests that sea level rise lifted buoyant ice shelves, causing their destabilisation and destruction.
+26675 0 Heinrich event 18 Freshwater addition has been implicated by coupled ocean and atmosphere climate modeling (Ganopolski and Rahmstorf 2001), showing that both Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events may show hysteresis behaviour.
+26705 0 William Nierenberg 5 Nierenberg gained national recognition for his contributions to science.
+26718 0 William Nierenberg 7 The report encouraged the administration to curb acid rain emissions.
+26720 0 William Nierenberg 8 Under his predecessor at Scripps, Roger Revelle, Scripps had begun a program of monitoring and other greenhouse gases.
+26721 0 William Nierenberg 8 Nierenberg supported this work and intervened personally when research funds for the program were threatened.
+26785 0 Carbon sequestration 16 Carbon emission reduction methods in agriculture can be grouped into two categories: reducing and/or displacing emissions and enhancing carbon removal.
+26866 0 Carbon sequestration 41 Another danger related to carbon sequestration is induced seismicity.
+26870 0 Carbon sequestration 42 See CarbFix.
+27000 0 Charles David Keeling 1 The Keeling Curve measures the progressive buildup of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere.
+27091 0 Climate change mitigation 10 10% per annum until zero emissions are reached around 2030.
+27141 0 Climate change mitigation 25 Installing LED lighting, fluorescent lighting, or natural skylight windows reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent light bulbs.
+27174 0 Climate change mitigation 34 Time of use metering is a common way to motivate electricity users to reduce their peak load consumption.
+27226 0 Climate change mitigation 44 "Of these concerns, nuclear accidents and disposal of long-lived radioactive fuel/""waste"" have probably had the greatest public impact worldwide."
+27235 0 Climate change mitigation 49 "In 2014, Brookings Institution published ""The Net Benefits of Low and No-Carbon Electricity Technologies"" which states, after performing an energy and emissions cost analysis, that ""The net benefits of new nuclear, hydro, and natural gas combined cycle plants far outweigh the net benefits of new wind or solar plants"", with the most cost effective low carbon power technology being determined to be nuclear power."
+27250 0 Climate change mitigation 54 This is probable only if one does not factor in the ongoing Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, created to permit the extension of the life span of the USA's 104 nuclear reactors to 60 years.
+27258 0 Climate change mitigation 55 Respondents to this survey showed a clear preference for renewable energy sources over coal and nuclear energy.
+27270 0 Climate change mitigation 58 Natural gas emits far fewer greenhouse gases (i.e.
+27291 0 Climate change mitigation 62 In heating mode, heat pumps are three to four times more efficient in their use of electric power than simple electrical resistance heaters.
+27301 0 Climate change mitigation 66 A negative carbon dioxide emission on the other hand is a permanent removal of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
+27364 0 Climate change mitigation 79 CO can also be used in commercial greenhouses, giving an opportunity to kick-start the technology.
+27418 0 Climate change mitigation 95 Some of the big agricultural companies like General Mills and a lot of farms support it.
+27421 0 Climate change mitigation 97 The US EPA says soil management practices that can reduce the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils include fertilizer usage, irrigation, and tillage.
+27422 0 Climate change mitigation 97 Manure management and rice cultivation also produce gaseous emissions.
+27477 0 Climate change mitigation 115 Activities of the poor that involve emissions of GHGs are often associated with basic needs, such as heating to stay tolerably warm.
+27493 1 Climate change mitigation 119 For Kyoto reporting, governments are obliged to be told on the present state of the respective countries' forests and the related ongoing processes.
+27499 1 Climate change mitigation 121 Temperatures have increased by 0.8 °C compared to the pre-industrial level, and another 0.5–0.7 °C is already committed.
+27511 1 Climate change mitigation 124 "According to some analysts, the 2 °C ""guardrail"" is inadequate for the needed degree and timeliness of mitigation."
+27512 0 Climate change mitigation 124 On the other hand, some economic studies suggest more modest mitigation policies.
+27535 1 Climate change mitigation 134 Twenty three multinational corporations have come together in the G8 Climate Change Roundtable, a business group formed at the January 2005 World Economic Forum.
+27538 1 Climate change mitigation 134 "It called on governments to establish ""clear, transparent, and consistent price signals"" through ""creation of a long-term policy framework"" that would include all major producers of greenhouse gases."
+27577 1 Climate change mitigation 144 Proposals to reach zero carbon economy in the European Union by 2050, were suggested in 2018 – 2019.
+27596 0 Climate change mitigation 149 "In an attempt to provide more opportunities for developing countries to adapt clean technologies, UNEP and WTO urged the international community to reduce trade barriers and to conclude the Doha trade round ""which includes opening trade in environmental goods and services""."
+27644 0 Sustainable business 2 In other words, it is a business that “meets the needs of the present [world] without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It is the process of assessing how to design products that will take advantage of the current environmental situation and how well a company’s products perform with renewable resources.
+27730 0 Sustainable business 21 The widely practiced strategies include: Innovation, Collaboration, Process Improvement and Sustainability reporting.
+27754 0 Sustainable business 30 This comprises recycling measures (closing), efficiency improvements (narrowing), use phase extensions (slowing or extending), a more intense use phase (intensifying), and the substitution of product utility by service and software solutions (dematerialising).
+27800 0 Abrupt climate change 2 Timescales of events described as 'abrupt' may vary dramatically.
+27820 1 Abrupt climate change 13 The best-known examples are the several dozen shutdowns of the North Atlantic Ocean's Meridional Overturning Circulation during the last ice age, affecting climate worldwide.
+27851 0 Politics of global warming 6 In addition, emitting fossil fuels many times dominate the utilities aspect of an economy that provide electricity for:
+27854 1 Politics of global warming 8 The replacement of cost-effective fossil fuels with more expensive renewable energy sources are seen by many as a hidden tax that would achieve the same result of depressing economic vitality and lead to impoverishment.
+27874 0 Politics of global warming 14 "Subsidies to renewables and low-carbon energy technologies can bring long-term economic and environmental benefits""."
+27891 0 Politics of global warming 18 As such disagreements arise on whether per capita emissions should be used or whether total emissions should be used as a metric for each individual country.
+27931 0 Politics of global warming 31 The various interested parties sometimes align with one another to reinforce their message.
+27963 1 Politics of global warming 42 In that time, global CO2 emissions have risen significantly and developing countries have grown significantly with China replacing the United States as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
+28021 0 Roger Revelle 2 He stood against the UC faculty being required to take an anti-communist oath during the Joseph McCarthy period.
+28029 0 Roger Revelle 3 Along with oceanographers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Revelle planned the American contributions to the oceanographic program of the International Geophysical Year (IGY).
+28062 0 Roger Revelle 11 There is little risk in delaying policy responses.
+28081 1 Roger Revelle 16 But he continued to recommend immediate prudent steps to mitigate and delay climatic warming.
+28146 0 Al Gore 12 Gore helped his father write an anti-war address to the Democratic National Convention of 1968 but stayed with his parents in their hotel room during the violent protests.
+28178 0 Al Gore 22 His decision to become an attorney was a partial result of his time as a journalist, as he realized that, while he could expose corruption, he could not change it.
+28205 0 Al Gore 29 Gore introduced the Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986.
+28256 0 Al Gore 41 "The ticket increased in popularity after the candidates traveled with their wives, Hillary and Tipper, on a ""six-day, 1,000-mile bus ride, from New York to St."
+28296 0 Al Gore 50 It was a mistake.
+28300 0 Al Gore 50 My counsel tells me there is no controlling legal authority that says that is any violation of any law.
+28306 0 Al Gore 50 In a 1992 speech on the Gulf War, Gore stated that he twice attempted to get the U.S. government to pull the plug on support to Saddam Hussein, citing Hussein's use of poison gas, support of terrorism, and his burgeoning nuclear program, but was opposed both times by the Reagan and Bush administrations.
+28421 0 Al Gore 64 The draft movement, however, failed to convince Gore to run.
+28438 0 Al Gore 67 "In ""The New York Times"", Dean stated: ""I actually do think the endorsement of Al Gore began the decline."
+28489 1 Al Gore 79 Organizations including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) criticized Gore in 2010 for not advocating vegetarianism as a way for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint.
+28512 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 2 Conversely, if an installation has performed well at reducing its emissions, it can sell its leftover credits.
+28515 1 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 3 The first ETS trading period lasted three years, from January 2005 to December 2007.
+28576 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 22 Some adjustments may also not prevent emissions leakage.
+28577 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 23 Within a certain trading period, banking and borrowing is allowed.
+28627 1 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 40 In December 2009, carbon prices dropped to a six-month low after the Copenhagen climate summit outcome disappointed traders.
+28680 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 64 In the UK a first trial over VAT fraud in the carbon market is put on track to start in February 2012.
+28695 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 70 Researchers Preston Teeter and Jorgen Sandberg have argued that it is largely the uncertainty behind the EU's scheme that has resulted in such a tepid and informal response by regulated organizations.
+28700 1 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 71 Given poor data about emissions baselines, inherent uncertainty of emissions forecasts, and the very modest reduction goals of the Phase I cap (1–2% across the EU), it was entirely expected that the cap might be set too high.
+28709 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 75 "The free allocation of permits was cashed in at the EUA price by fossil generators, resulting in a ""massive windfall gain""."
+28716 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 77 In future phases, measures such as banking of allowances and price floors may be used to mitigate volatility.
+28742 1 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 85 Some scholars have argued that linking may provide a starting point for developing a new, bottom-up international climate policy architecture whereby multiple unique systems successively link their various systems.
+28744 0 European Union Emission Trading Scheme 88 How ETS works
+28757 0 Geitonogamy 4 Geitonogamy is not possible for strictly dioecious plants.
+28772 0 Nuclear power phase-out 4 Lithuania and Kazakhstan have shut down their only nuclear plants, but plan to build new ones to replace them, while Armenia shut down its only nuclear plant but subsequently restarted it.
+28793 0 Nuclear power phase-out 10 Belgium's nuclear phase-out legislation was agreed in July 1999 by the Liberals (VLD and MR), the Socialists (SP.A and PS) and the Greens party (Groen!
+28798 0 Nuclear power phase-out 11 Therefore, the Green parties
+28872 0 Nuclear power phase-out 34 In June 2016, the opposition parties and the government reached an agreement on Swedish nuclear power.
+28888 0 Nuclear power phase-out 37 The results were: Moratorium Plus: 41.6% Yes, 58.4% No; Electricity without Nuclear: 33.7% Yes, 66.3% No.
+28920 0 Nuclear power phase-out 47 For North Korea, two PWRs at Kumho were under construction until that was suspended in November 2003.
+28959 0 Nuclear power phase-out 61 Brazil plans to build seven more reactors by 2025.
+28987 0 Nuclear power phase-out 69 The greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear fission power are small relative to those associated with coal, oil, gas, and biomass.
+29033 1 The Heartland Institute 1 The Institute conducts work on issues including education reform, government spending, taxation, healthcare, tobacco policy, global warming, hydraulic fracturing, information technology, and free-market environmentalism.
+29041 0 The Heartland Institute 3 Bast's wife Diane was Heartland's publications director.
+29149 0 The Heartland Institute 39 Greenpeace reported that Heartland received almost $800,000 from ExxonMobil.
+29189 0 Nuclear energy policy 2 Governments might subsidize nuclear energy and arrange international treaties and trade agreements about the import and export of nuclear technology, electricity, nuclear waste, and uranium.
+29322 1 Jonathon Porritt 22 Increasing availability to contraceptive usage in poor countries, although it may have decrease population growth in those countries, may therefore do little to limit carbon impact.
+29330 1 Jonathon Porritt 26 The Declaration calls for new market based carbon policies and reforms to prioritize the protection of tropical forests.
+29418 0 Contraction and Convergence 1 This formula can be used as a way for the world to stabilize carbon levels at any level.
+29426 0 Contraction and Convergence 5 "Some argue that the per capita focus risks giving an incentive to countries to increase their population to ""earn"" more entitlements."
+29430 1 Contraction and Convergence 6 Specifically they believe that suggestions that atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide of 550 parts per million by volume (ppmv) would be safe are wrong.
+29486 0 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 11 "In August 2017, RGGI states ""agreed to reduce power plant emissions by another 30 percent from 2020 to 2030."
+29504 0 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 17 The RGGI auctions are monitored by an independent market monitor, Potomac Economics.
+29570 0 Abisko National Park 10 Of larger animals, the moose and reindeer are common, and moose droppings and tracks are found; however, wolverines, Arctic foxes, lynx and bears are only seen sporadically.
+29629 1 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 3 C2ES seeks to contribute to the effort to solve climate and energy challenges by:
+29655 0 Food miles 6 The increased distance traveled by food in developed countries was caused by the globilization of food trade, which increased by 4 times since 1961.
+29672 0 Food miles 10 The shocking statistics aroused public concern about food miles.
+29673 0 Food miles 10 According to Jane Black, a food writer who covers food politics, the number was derived from a small database.
+29721 0 Food miles 22 For example, consumers can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the last mile by walking, bicycling, or taking public transport.
+29744 0 Crop yield 4 The unit by which the yield of a crop is measured is kilograms per hectare or bushels per acre.
+29769 0 International Arctic Science Committee 2 Located in Davos (Switzerland), this meeting will combine SCAR and IASC Business Meetings, an Open Science Conference, the SCAR Delegates Meeting, and the Arctic Observing Summit.
+29781 0 International Arctic Science Committee 2 The fifth and final current working group with the International Arctic Science Committee is the Terrestrial working group.
+29785 0 International Arctic Science Committee 2 The IASC is also formed of two current Action Groups.
+29817 0 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment 1 The project was guided by the intergovernmental Arctic Council and the non-governmental International Arctic Science Committee.
+29893 0 Geothermal power 13 Much greater potential may be available from this approach than from conventional tapping of natural aquifers.
+29926 0 Geothermal power 19 They require fluid temperatures of at least 180 °C, usually more.
+30036 0 Banksia subg. Banksia 10 "In 1996, Kevin Thiele and Pauline Ladiges published the results of a cladistic analysis of ""Banksia""."
+30140 0 Individual and political action on climate change 27 As a result, in the name of global and inter-generational equity, policies needing to be instituted need to converge, over a fixed period towards this figure for every country.
+30164 1 Individual and political action on climate change 33 As of 2016, RGGI has cut power plant carbon emissions in the region by 37%, while saving customers over $395 million on their bills.
+30173 1 Individual and political action on climate change 38 The Carbon Conversations is a psychosocial project that focuses on the agency of individuals to encourage personal action to reduce carbon emissions.
+30178 0 Individual and political action on climate change 38 They deal with the difficulties of change by connecting to values, emotions and identity.
+30189 0 Individual and political action on climate change 41 Greenhouse gas emissions created by family food spending shifted by race and instructive accomplishment.
+30191 0 Individual and political action on climate change 41 About 26 percent of family units in with the most astounding level of greenhouse gas emissions had a review respondent with an advanced education, contrasted with roughly 12 percent in the base fifth for greenhouse gas emissions.
+30228 0 Woods Hole Research Center 6 WHRC has about 60 staff members.
+30255 0 Banksia coccinea 4 Flower spikes are in bloom from May to December or January, peaking between July and October.
+30285 0 Banksia coccinea 7 "Like nearly all of Bauer's field drawings of Proteaceae, the original field sketch of ""B. coccinea"" was destroyed in a Hofburg fire in 1945."
+30334 0 Banksia coccinea 17 The short-billed black cockatoo breaks off old cones with follicles to eat the seed, often doing so before the seed is ripe.
+30343 0 Banksia coccinea 20 There is no known means of eradicating dieback.
+30393 0 Taku Glacier 3 If the advance continues it will again block the river, but this appears unlikely at present.
+30421 0 Ecological pyramid 2 Pyramids of energy are normally upright, but other pyramids can be inverted or take other shapes.
+30451 0 Truthiness 1 Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions.
+30573 0 Truthiness 43 "On January 31, 2006, Arianna Huffington used ""truthiness"" in The Huffington Post."
+30822 0 Chris Mooney (journalist) 4 "Mooney is presently a correspondent for ""The Climate Desk"" magazine and for Mother Jones."
+30826 0 Chris Mooney (journalist) 5 "In 2005 Mooney's first book, ""The Republican War on Science"", was released."
+30854 1 Chris Mooney (journalist) 13 "Unscientific America"" cowritten with Sheril Kirshenbaum addressed scientific illiteracy in America."
+30872 0 Black carbon 3 In climatology, black carbon is a climate forcing agent.
+30916 0 Black carbon 15 of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences Accomplishments.
+30926 0 Black carbon 17 On a global scale, the flow of black carbon into fresh and salt water bodies approximates the rate of wildfire black carbon production.
+30936 0 Black carbon 20 Black carbon emissions are highest in and around major source regions.
+30993 1 Black carbon 40 Black carbon emissions also significantly contribute to Arctic ice-melt, which is critical because “nothing in climate is more aptly described as a ‘tipping point’ than the 0 °C boundary that separates frozen from liquid water—the bright, reflective snow and ice from the dark, heat-absorbing ocean.”
+31022 0 Black carbon 47 (See Figure 1.)
+31033 0 Black carbon 51 Ramanathan notes that “developed nations have reduced their black carbon emissions from fossil fuel sources by a factor of 5 or more since 1950.
+31038 0 Black carbon 53 Hansen states that “technology is within reach that could greatly reduce soot, restoring snow albedo to near pristine values, while having multiple other benefits for climate, human health, agricultural productivity, and environmental aesthetics.
+31133 0 Disturbance (ecology) 11 Biological diversity is dependent on natural disturbance.
+31138 0 Disturbance (ecology) 12 "If fire is suppressed, douglas fir (""Pesudotsuga menziesii""), a shade tolerant species, eventually replaces the pines."
+31184 0 Eos (newspaper) 1 Since 2015 it is published in magazine form and is available electronically.
+31195 0 Eos (newspaper) 4 Eos is indexed by GeoRef, GEOBASE, Scopus, PubMed, and several other databases.
+31231 1 Environmental migrant 3 Climate refugees do not really fit into any of the legal definitions of a refugee.
+31244 0 Environmental migrant 12 Drawing on 'worst-case scenarios' about sea-level rise, she argued that all forms of 'Environmental Refugees' would be six times as numerous as political refugees.
+31267 0 Environmental migrant 15 This figure includes those displaced by storms, floods, and heat and cold waves.
+31298 1 Environmental migrant 21 The annual temperature has steadily increased over the last fifty years, with Alaska seeing it double (compared to the rate seen across the rest of the United States) to the rate of 3.4 degrees, with an alarming 6.3 degrees increase for the winters over the past fifty years.
+31368 1 Environmental migrant 34 "Climate Refugees"" is an Official Selection for the 2010 Sundance Film Festival."
+31432 0 Soil contamination 9 Another herbicide is Paraquat.
+31527 1 Raymond S. Bradley 1 Bradley's work indicates that the warming of Earth's climate system in the twentieth century is inexplicable via natural mechanisms.
+31546 0 Raymond S. Bradley 5 K. Alverson, R.S.
+31553 0 Raymond S. Bradley 5 Bradley and J. Jouzel, 1996.
+31585 0 Surface runoff 5 The determining factor of the rate of melting of snow or glaciers is both air temperature and the duration of sunlight.
+31592 0 Surface runoff 7 This is called flooding excess overland flow, Hortonian overland flow (after Robert E. Horton), or unsaturated overland flow.
+31644 0 Surface runoff 21 Such land derived runoff of sediment nutrients, carbon, and contaminants can have large impacts on global biogeochemical cycles and marine and coastal ecosystems.
+31652 0 Surface runoff 23 The resulting contaminated runoff represents not only a waste of agricultural chemicals, but also an environmental threat to downstream ecosystems.
+31659 0 Surface runoff 24 In urban areas, surface runoff is the primary cause of urban flooding, known for its repetitive and costly impact on communities.
+31662 0 Surface runoff 25 Mitigation of adverse impacts of runoff can take several forms:
+31706 0 Human overpopulation 6 Depending on which estimate is used, human overpopulation may have already occurred.
+31709 0 Human overpopulation 7 In 2017, the United Nations increased the medium variant projections to 9.8 billion for 2050 and 11.2 billion for 2100.
+31738 0 Human overpopulation 16 "A 2014 study published in ""Science"" asserts that population growth will continue into the next century."
+31809 0 Human overpopulation 35 Often, wealthier countries send their surplus food resources to the aid of starving communities; however, proponents of this theory argue that this seemingly beneficial notion only results in further harm to those communities in the long run.
+31811 0 Human overpopulation 35 "Daniel Quinn has also focused on this phenomenon, which he calls the ""Food Race"" (comparable, in terms of both escalation and potential catastrophe, to the nuclear arms race)."
+31832 0 Human overpopulation 42 If everyone consumed resources at the US level – which is what the world aspires to – you will need another four or five Earths.
+31845 0 Human overpopulation 46 As of 2004, there were 108 countries in the world with more than five million people.
+31852 0 Human overpopulation 48 "According to the Global Footprint Network, ""today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.5 planets to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste""."
+31865 0 Human overpopulation 51 The report states:
+31873 0 Human overpopulation 54 Biodiversity would continue to grow at an exponential rate if not for human influence.
+31930 0 Human overpopulation 64 Since we are intimately dependent upon the living systems of the Earth, some scientists have questioned the wisdom of further expansion.
+31935 0 Human overpopulation 65 If the full economic value of ecosystems were taken into account in decision-making, their degradation could be significantly slowed down or even reversed.
+31998 0 Human overpopulation 80 Methods of manufacturing fertilizers from garbage, sewage, and agricultural waste by using thermal depolymerization have been discovered.
+32054 0 Human overpopulation 100 "However, as new data has become available, it has been observed that after a certain level of development (HDI equal to 0.86 or higher) the fertility increases again and is often represented as a ""J"" shape."
+32211 1 Climate change adaptation 17 These proposals range from a World Bank program, to proposals involving auctioning of carbon allowances, to a global carbon or transportation tax, to compensation-based funding.
+32219 0 Climate change adaptation 21 Additionally, effective adaptive policy can be difficult to implement because policymakers are rewarded more for enacting short-term change, rather than long-term planning.
+32224 0 Climate change adaptation 24 Adaptation can either occur in anticipation of change (anticipatory adaptation), or be a response to those changes (reactive adaptation).
+32247 0 Climate change adaptation 32 Those societies that can respond to change quickly and successfully have a high adaptive capacity.
+32296 0 Climate change adaptation 50 While many migration events can be attributed to sudden environmental change, most migration events are a result of long term environmental changes and do not cause sudden migration.
+32316 0 Climate change adaptation 53 Although there has been some progress in the discussion of the causes of the pathos of failed migration, there are still many unresolved issues.
+32323 0 Climate change adaptation 54 A study identified key equity issues for policy considerations:
+32325 0 Climate change adaptation 56 It is also suggested that insurance can undermine other efforts to increase adaptation, for instance through property level protection and resilience.
+32337 0 Climate change adaptation 62 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has issued grants to coastal cities and towns for adaptation activities such as fortification against flooding and preventing coastal erosion.
+32364 0 Climate change adaptation 72 The situation is compounded by poor reliability of, and access to, climate data and information to support adaptation actions.
+32382 0 Climate change adaptation 79 (3) combining “soft path” options and flexible and iterative learning approaches with technological and infrastructural approaches (including integration of scientific, local, and indigenous knowledge in developing adaptation strategies);
+32414 0 Climate change adaptation 89 Keeping livestock is considered a livelihood rather than an economic activity.
+32455 0 Climate change adaptation 108 Some, like the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers, worry that mitigation efforts will largely fail.
+32513 0 Shutdown of thermohaline circulation 5 They published their findings in 2015, and concluded that the AMOC circulation showed exceptional slowdown in the last century, and that Greenland melt is a possible contributor, with the slowdown of AMOC since the 1970s being unprecedented over the last millennium.
+32551 0 Shutdown of thermohaline circulation 17 Formation of sea ice further increases the salinity and density, because salt is ejected into the ocean when sea ice forms.
+32577 0 REN21 3 Paul Hugo Suding, was the first executive secretary upon REN21's formation in 2006.
+32588 0 REN21 6 This report series encourages and supports regional data collection as well as informed decision making.
+32611 0 REN21 14 REN21 is also a partner of the Global Tracking Framework (GTF), which is convened by the UN Secretary General's Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Initiative.
+32646 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 5 The mass balance, or difference between accumulation and ablation (melting and sublimation), of a glacier is crucial to its survival.
+32660 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 7 However, the Grinnell Glacier in Montana, U.S. will shrink at an increasing rate until it disappears.
+32702 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 12 Four outlets from the Jostedalsbreen ice cap, the largest body of ice in continental Europe, Kjenndalsbreen, Brenndalsbreen, Briksdalsbreen and Bergsetbreen had a frontal retreat of more than .
+32704 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 12 Gråfjellsbrea, an outlet glacier of the Folgefonna ice cap, had a retreat of almost .
+32709 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 13 Monte Perdido Glacier has shrunk from 90 hectares to 40 hectares.
+32719 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 17 Details on the retreat of Siberian and Russian Far East glaciers less adequate than in most other glaciated areas of the world.
+32747 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 20 By 1995 the lake had swollen to a length of , in width and a depth of .
+32774 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 25 The glacier again retreated from 1987 to 2005, leaving barren terrain behind.
+32778 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 25 As of 2005, 67% of the North Cascade glaciers observed are in disequilibrium and will not survive the continuation of the present climate.
+32780 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 25 The remaining glaciers are expected to stabilize, unless the climate continues to warm, but will be much reduced in size.
+32794 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 27 Research also indicates that the glacial retreat was proportionately greater in the 1990s than in any other decade over the last 100 years.
+32819 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 31 Eleven of the glaciers have retreated more than since 1948 — Antler Glacier, ; Gilkey Glacier, ; Norris Glacier, and Lemon Creek Glacier, .
+32832 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 32 Well documented in Alaska are surging glaciers that have been known to rapidly advance, even as much as per day.
+32840 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 33 The Northern Patagonian Ice Field lost of glacier area during the years between 1945 and 1975, and from 1975 to 1996, which indicates that the rate of retreat is increasing.
+32843 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 33 The largest retreat was on O'Higgins Glacier, which during the period 1896–1995 retreated .
+32899 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 42 Figures for Chacaltaya show a loss of 67% of its volume and 40% of its thickness over the same period.
+32914 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 45 The ice cap of Wilhelmina Peaks, which reached below in 1909, vanished between 1939 and 1963.
+32958 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 52 By 1993 this had been reduced by 8% to of glacier coastline.
+32972 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 55 On a shorter timescale, portions of the main trunk of Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier that were flowing at per day from 1988 to 2001 were measured to be flowing at per day in the summer of 2005.
+32975 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 56 The enhanced melting leading to lubrication of the glacier base has been observed to cause a small seasonal velocity increase and the release of meltwater lakes has also led to only small short term accelerations.
+33005 0 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 60 The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf of Antarctica (an area of roughly and about across: about the size of France).
+33057 1 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 68 "The Thwaites Glacier alone, in Western Antarctica is ""currently responsible for approximately 4 percent of global sea level rise."
+33100 0 Energy consumption 2 Energy consumption in the body is a product of the basal metabolic rate and the physical activity level.
+33125 0 World Bank 9 The loan was for US$250 million, half the amount requested, and it came with strict conditions.
+33167 0 World Bank 23 The vice presidents of the Bank are its principal managers, in charge of regions, sectors, networks and functions.
+33200 1 World Bank 35 The planet is now 0.8 °C warmer than in pre-industrial times.
+33211 0 World Bank 39 The Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is a partnership of over 120 learning centers (GDLN Affiliates) in nearly 80 countries around the world.
+33261 0 World Bank 59 Titus Alexander argues that the unequal voting power of western countries and the World Bank's role in developing countries makes it similar to the South African Development Bank under apartheid, and therefore a pillar of global apartheid.
+33275 0 World Bank 64 The World Bank should take it.
+33278 0 World Bank 65 The 1979 energy crisis plunged many countries into economic crisis.
+33294 0 World Bank 68 As the United States has veto power, it can prevent the World Bank from taking action against its interests.
+33308 0 Uranium mining 4 Marie Skłodowska-Curie used pitchblende ore from Jáchymov to isolate the element radium, a decay product of uranium.
+33362 0 Uranium mining 23 The first transportable Geiger–Müller counter (weighing 25 kg) was constructed at the University of British Columbia in 1932.
+33411 0 Uranium mining 36 As different heaps will yield different concentrations, the solution is pumped to a mixing plant that is carefully monitored.
+33489 0 Uranium mining 56 In studies of uranium miners, workers exposed to radon levels of 50 to 150 picocuries of radon per liter of air (2000–6000 Bq/m) for about 10 years have shown an increased frequency of lung cancer.
+33502 0 Uranium mining 58 This also included constructing 19 disposal sites for the tailings, which contain a total of 40 million cubic yards of low-level radioactive material.
+33558 0 Nutrient cycle 15 In 1926 Vernadsky coined the term biogeochemistry as a sub-discipline of geochemistry.
+33617 0 Rance Tidal Power Station 10 Departmental road 168 crosses the dam and allows vehicles to travel between Dinard and Saint-Malo.
+33640 1 Climate Change Science Program 6 During this period, the average temperature has warmed approximately 3.6 °F over Alaska, the Yukon Territories, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, but no significant warming occurred in the southern United States or eastern Canada.
+33651 1 Climate Change Science Program 9 "The report's executive summary stated that the emission reductions necessary to stabilize radiative climate forcing would ""require a transformation of the global energy system, including reductions in the demand for energy... and changes in the mix of energy technologies and fuels."
+33666 0 Climate Change Science Program 14 Most coastal institutions were based on the implicit assumption that sea level and shorelines are stable.
+33700 0 Climate Change Science Program 23 (SAP 4.6) in July 2008.
+33701 0 Climate Change Science Program 23 The report was directed by Janet L. Gamble of EPA and written by 28 authors.
+33709 0 Climate Change Science Program 24 The report was prepared by Michael Savonis of the Federal Highway Administration, Joanne Potter (a consultant to DOT), and Virginia Burkett of USGS.
+33740 0 Climate Change Science Program 33 A coordination office facilitated the activities of the Principals and IWGs.
+33749 0 Climate Change Science Program 36 More focus on helping decision makers was necessary, it concluded.
+33761 0 Ecological collapse 2 Ecosystems have the ability to rebound from a disruptive agent.
+33765 0 Ecological collapse 4 Scientists can predict tipping points for ecological collapse.
+33767 1 Ecological collapse 5 Although, there is no single cause for ecological collapse, attributing factors include asteroid impacts, extremely large volcanic eruptions, and abrupt climate change.
+33839 0 Anoxic waters 9 or, more precisely:
+33901 0 Water scarcity 9 Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity.
+33934 0 Water scarcity 16 Adding water to the system has a forcing effect on the whole earth system, an accurate estimate of which hydrogeological fact is yet to be quantified.
+33945 0 Water scarcity 18 Groundwater supplies nearly half of all drinking water in the world.
+33979 0 Water scarcity 22 Others have related water availability to population.
+33983 0 Water scarcity 23 Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity.
+33997 0 Water scarcity 27 The United Nations (UN) estimates that, of 1.4 billion cubic kilometers (1 quadrillion acre-feet) of water on Earth, just 200,000 cubic kilometers (162.1 billion acre-feet) represent fresh water available for human consumption.
+34014 0 Water scarcity 30 "The findings published in the ""Journal of Climate"" say that the water shortages resulted from population size more than rainfall."
+34038 0 Water scarcity 38 One example is the Portlethen Moss in Aberdeenshire.
+34048 0 Water scarcity 41 Water deficits, which are already spurring heavy grain imports in numerous smaller countries, may soon do the same in larger countries, such as China and India.
+34097 0 Water scarcity 49 There measures will not only conserve biota, but also render more effective the natural water cycle flushing and transport that make water systems more healthy for humans.
+34113 0 Water scarcity 53 The success of a need-based paradigm is reflected in the only water agreement ever negotiated in the Jordan River Basin, which focuses in needs not on rights of riparians.
+34151 1 Joe Romm 6 "In 1999, Romm published ""Cool Companies: How the Best Businesses Boost Profits and Productivity by Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions"", the first book to benchmark corporate best practices for using advanced energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
+34156 0 Joe Romm 8 Carbon Reductions.
+34205 0 Joe Romm 14 "… Romm teaches [how] to become a force of good in this world using time-tested techniques""."
+34236 1 Joe Romm 22 "In 2011, Romm stated that ""Feeding some 9 billion people by mid-century in the face of a rapidly worsening climate may well be the greatest challenge the human race has ever faced."
+34243 0 Joe Romm 23 "No surprise that much of the public has ended up with a misimpression about the remarkable strength of our scientific understanding and the need for action""."
+34259 0 Joe Romm 25 ... Romm has been consistent in insisting that we have much of the technology necessary to at least begin tackling the problem.
+34284 1 Carbon accounting 2 The trustworthiness of accounts of carbon emissions can easily be contested.
+34303 0 Carbon accounting 6 Comprehensive: Incorporates Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions
+34324 1 Carbon accounting 13 A special case of carbon accounting is the accounting process undertaken to measure the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents that will not be released into the atmosphere as a result of flexible mechanisms projects under the Kyoto Protocol.
+34351 0 Marine ecosystem 4 There are four physical divisions of the intertidal zone with each one having its own distinct characteristics and wildlife.
+34366 0 Marine ecosystem 5 Estuaries also provide essential ecosystem services such as water filtration, habitat protection, erosion control, gas regulation nutrient cycling, and it even gives education, recreation and tourism opportunities to people.
+34397 0 Marine ecosystem 13 Biodiversity declines can lead to associated declines in ecosystem services.
+34414 0 Seasonal thermal energy storage 3 Generally, efficiency increases and the specific construction cost decreases with size.
+34472 0 Seasonal thermal energy storage 13 It stores water at temperatures up to inside a tank in the basement.
+34539 0 Proteaceae 10 Iridoids and ellagic acid are also absent.
+34647 0 Banksia sect. Oncostylis 1 "It contains those ""Banksia"" species with hooked pistils."
+34659 0 Energy independence 4 Another factor in reducing dependence is the addition of renewable energy sources to the energy mix.
+34686 0 Naomi Oreskes 3 She is the author of or has contributed to a number of essays and technical reports in economic geology and history of science in addition to several books.
+34734 0 Benny Peiser 2 Peiser established the Cambridge Conference Network in 1997.
+34783 0 Benny Peiser 21 "But, Pearce wrote, Montford ""has landed some good blows here."
+34803 0 Benny Peiser 30 AAPG is American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
+34837 0 Concentrated solar power 8 The parabolic-trough technology of the nearby Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS), begun in 1984, was more workable.
+34843 0 Concentrated solar power 11 Due to the success of Solar Two, a commercial power plant, called Solar Tres Power Tower, was built in Spain in 2011, later renamed Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant.
+34847 0 Concentrated solar power 12 There have also been variations of parabolic trough systems like the integrated solar combined cycle (ISCC) which combines troughs and conventional fossil fuel heat systems.
+34872 0 Concentrated solar power 18 The design encapsulates the solar thermal system within a greenhouse-like glasshouse.
+34897 0 Concentrated solar power 24 The reflector tracks the Sun along two axes.
+34935 0 Concentrated solar power 32 steam turbine).
+34982 0 Concentrated solar power 47 Projects currently accepted are not affected, except that a 6% tax on feed-in-tariffs has been adopted, effectively reducing the feed-in-tariff.
+35009 0 Concentrated solar power 52 That would have made CSP as cheap as conventional power.
+35014 0 Concentrated solar power 54 Telescope designer Roger Angel (Univ.
+35050 0 Carl Meissner 2 Born in Bern, Switzerland on 1 November 1800, he was christened Meisner but later changed the spelling of his name to Meissner.
+35089 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 5 The advisory council included leading scientists such as Charles Sutherland Elton, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, Aldo Leopold, Carl Sauer, and Paul Sears.
+35133 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 23 The organization also works on a number of global issues driving biodiversity loss and unsustainable use of natural resources, including finance, business practices, laws, and consumption choices.
+35155 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 34 WWF has sought to deny the allegations made against it.
+35164 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 36 "Park and WWF officials allegedly obstructed investigations in these cases, by ""falsifying and destroying evidence, falsely claiming the victims were poachers, and pressuring the families of the victims to withdraw criminal complaints""."
+35179 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 41 In 1962, when he was 24, he was invited by the German Baron Werner von Alvensleben to a hunt in Mozambique.
+35197 0 World Wide Fund for Nature 46 In 2003, World Wrestling Entertainment won a limited decision which permitted them to continue marketing certain pre-existing products with the abandoned WWF logo.
+35212 1 Environmental impact of aviation 2 In the European Union, greenhouse gas emissions from aviation increased by 87 percent between 1990 and 2006.
+35227 0 Environmental impact of aviation 8 A 2007 report from Environmental Change Institute / Oxford University posits a range closer to four percent cumulative effect.
+35258 0 Environmental impact of aviation 17 Some representative figures for CO emissions are provided by LIPASTO's survey of average direct emissions (not accounting for high-altitude radiative effects) of airliners expressed as CO and CO equivalent per passenger kilometre:
+35261 0 Environmental impact of aviation 20 Within the categories of flights above, emissions from scheduled jet flights are substantially higher than turboprop or chartered jet flights.
+35284 1 Environmental impact of aviation 27 By 2020, global international aviation emissions are projected to be around 70% higher than in 2005.
+35376 0 Environmental impact of aviation 58 "In further analysis, a Scandinavian study which recommended an end to frequent flyer plans said, ""the only possible way of prohibiting FFPs successfully now that they have spread from the US to Europe to the Far East would be to do so on a global basis."
+35381 0 Environmental impact of aviation 59 Several studies have explored this:
+35414 0 Environmental impact of aviation 70 The fundamental issues are increased traffic at larger airports and airport expansion at smaller and regional airports.
+35506 0 Accumulation zone 1 Part of the glacier where snow builds up and turns to ice moves outward from there.
+35533 0 Harding Icefield 7 Two parties attempted to cross the icefield in the mid-1960s.
+35572 0 Biochar 7 The Amazonian pit/trench method harvests neither bio-oil nor syngas, and releases a large amount of , black carbon, and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) (and potentially, toxins) into the air, though less greenhouse gasses than captured during the growth of the biomass.
+35586 0 Biochar 10 This translates into approximately 100 MT of residue annually, which could be pyrolyzed to create energy and soil additives.
+35615 0 Biochar 21 Modest additions of biochar to soil reduce nitrous oxide emissions by up to 80% and eliminate methane emissions, which are both more potent greenhouse gases than .
+35642 0 Biochar 28 The farmer also uses dung beetles to work the biochar infused dung down into the soil without using machinery.
+35769 0 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 24 In both cases, 100% of available allowances were bought.
+35773 0 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 25 In both cases, 100% of available allowances were bought.
+35846 0 Overdrafting 9 According to a 2013 report by research hydrologist, Leonard F. Konikow, at the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer between 2001–2008, inclusive, is about 32 percent of the cumulative depletion during the entire 20th century (Konikow 2013:22).
+35955 0 Sustainable Development Strategy in Canada 7 An EMP must describe how targets will be achieved; the performance measures used to report on progress; identify personnel responsible for achieving these targets; and establish time frames for achievement.
+35963 0 Sustainable Development Strategy in Canada 9 Provides a commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
+36065 0 Sustainable Development Strategy in Canada 52 An energy-efficient design for a new building or an energy retrofit of an existing building can substantially reduce the building's operating costs.
+36115 1 Energy in the United States 8 Gates endorsed the administration's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, but said that was not possible with today's technology or politicism.
+36173 0 Energy in the United States 25 The land-use decisions of cities and towns also explain some of the regional differences in energy use.
+36187 0 Energy in the United States 27 Consumption was essentially down from 2016 with a reduction of or 1.0% drop.
+36198 0 Energy in the United States 31 The US electricity generation was in 2017.
+36204 0 Energy in the United States 32 The following tables summarize the electrical energy generated by fuel source for the United States.
+36267 0 Nuytsia (journal) 1 It publishes papers on systematic botany, giving preference to papers related to the flora of Western Australia.
+36289 0 Cluster root 6 Lambers, H. & Poot, P. (eds) 2003.
+36314 0 2008 Iowa Republican caucuses 3 However, officially it is done with voters receiving a blank piece of paper with no names on it, and the voter writing a name and placing it in a ballot box.
+36335 0 2008 Iowa Republican caucuses 10 Huckabee also polled higher than Romney among the group who said it was more important to be a social conservative than a fiscal conservative, while Romney led Huckabee 29%-25% among the group who said that being fiscally conservative was most important.
+36364 0 BIOMASS 6 The main objective of BIOMASS is to measure forest biomass in order to assess terrestrial carbon stocks and fluxes and better understand the planet's carbon cycle.
+36453 0 Pinch analysis 2 This is where the design is most constrained.
+36457 0 Pinch analysis 3 In 1971, Ed Hohmann stated in his PhD that 'one can
+36594 0 Hell and High Water (book) 11 They are better rhetoriticians than scientists are...
+36863 0 Lavoisier Group 7 "Author Clive Hamilton, in his book ""Scorcher"", says that one can find the following arguments in the various papers promoted by the Lavoisier Group:"
+36913 0 Randy Olson 16 Over 50 “story circles” have been completed which consist of 5 individuals meeting for 10 one hour sessions to practice “narrative fitness.”
+36919 0 Randy Olson 17 "Olson describes narratives as containing three essential components ""And, But, Therefore,"" or ABT."
+36926 0 Randy Olson 20 "Two major reviews for ""Sizzle"" exemplified the divide."
+36952 0 Khabibullo Abdussamatov 1 Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov (; occasionally spelled, Abdusamatov; with initials transliterated either H.I.
+36964 1 Khabibullo Abdussamatov 4 "Abdussamatov holds that Earth's atmosphere does not produce a greenhouse effect, stating ""Ascribing 'greenhouse' effect properties to the Earth's atmosphere is not scientifically substantiated."
+36966 0 Khabibullo Abdussamatov 5 "In early 2012, Abdussamatov predicted the onset of a new ""mini-ice age"" commencing 2014 and becoming most severe around 2055."
+36980 0 Sandra Postel 2 Starting this major project enabled Postel to collate all of her wide-ranging water interests under one umbrella.
+37034 0 Thermal oxidizer 11 Premixing all of the gases prior to treatment eliminates localized high temperatures which leads to thermal NOx typically below 2 ppmV.
+37050 0 Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes 1 Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes is a 2006 documentary film written, produced, and directed by Byron Hurt.
+37090 1 Western Climate Initiative 4 "These states and future participants in the initiative (collectively known as WCI ""partners"") also committed to set an overall regional goal to reduce emissions (set in August 2007 as 15 percent below 2005 emission levels by 2020), participate in a cross-border greenhouse gas registry to consistently measure and track emissions, and adopt clean tailpipe standards for passenger vehicles."
+37098 1 Western Climate Initiative 5 Power plants, refineries, and other large emitters must comply with the cap in 2013.
+37110 0 Western Climate Initiative 9 Until late 2011, the initiative included two types of participants: partners and observers.
+37173 0 The Great Global Warming Swindle 32 It's a political statement.
+37225 0 The Great Global Warming Swindle 54 "In response, writing in an opinion piece for the ""Australian Financial Review"", John Quiggin criticised the programme for putting forward ""conspiracy theories""."
+37253 0 The Great Global Warming Swindle 64 "While Leroi acknowledged ""I am no climate scientist,"" he said that after reviewing criticisms of the paper, he had become convinced that: ""To put this bluntly: the data that you showed in your programme were wrong–and may have been deliberately faked... it does show what abundant experience has already taught me–that, left to their own devices, TV producers simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth."
+37264 0 The Great Global Warming Swindle 66 "Go and fuck yourself""."
+37286 0 The Great Global Warming Swindle 73 When questioned by television industry e-zine C21 about Ofcom's finding against the channel Mykura said:
+37365 0 Martin Durkin (director) 13 Go and fuck yourself.
+37466 0 Climate Change Act 2008 32 These reports include:
+37481 0 Mark Diesendorf 3 In 2015 IES was abolished by the university and Diesendorf retired (nominally) in mid-2016 to become Honorary Associate Professor at UNSW.
+37498 1 Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change (2005 conference) 5 Among the conclusions reached, the most significant was a new assessment of the link between the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the increase in global temperature levels.
+37514 0 Global warming conspiracy theory 3 Eight committees investigated these allegations and published reports, each finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.
+37628 0 George's taxonomic arrangement of Banksia 8 "They inferred a phylogeny very greatly different from George's taxonomic arrangement, including finding ""Banksia"" to be paraphyletic with respect to ""Dryandra""."
+37636 1 Landscape-scale conservation 2 Many global problems such as poverty, food security, climate change, water scarcity, deforestation and biodiversity loss are connected.
+37651 0 Landscape-scale conservation 7 Landscape character assessment will contribute to the determination of what scale is appropriate in which landscape.
+37720 0 Landscape-scale conservation 31 Integrated landscape management is a way of managing sustainable landscapes by bringing together multiple stakeholders with different land use objectives.
+37755 0 Renewable energy commercialization 6 These methods include promoting renewable sources such as solar power and wind power, requiring utilities to use more renewable energy, and providing tax incentives to encourage the development and use of such technologies.
+37763 0 Renewable energy commercialization 9 Several mining tragedies globally have underscored the human toll of the coal supply chain.
+37915 0 Renewable energy commercialization 55 The top countries for investment in 2010 were
+37957 0 Renewable energy commercialization 69 "Lester Brown states that the market ""does not incorporate the indirect costs of providing goods or services into prices, it does not value nature's services adequately, and it does not respect the sustainable-yield thresholds of natural systems""."
+37958 0 Renewable energy commercialization 69 It also favors the near term over the long term, thereby showing limited concern for future generations.
+37976 0 Renewable energy commercialization 74 Germany is reducing its coal subsidy.
+37994 1 Renewable energy commercialization 81 Some in green stimulus funding had been allocated to renewable energy and energy efficiency, to be spent mainly in 2010 and in 2011.
+38002 0 Renewable energy commercialization 82 Since policies are not self-implementing, energy sector regulators become a key facilitator (or blocker) of renewable energy investments.
+38038 1 Renewable energy commercialization 90 According to a trend analysis from the United Nations Environment Programme, climate change concerns coupled with recent high oil prices and increasing government support are driving increasing rates of investment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries.
+38064 0 Renewable energy commercialization 96 Use of wind power in 2012 increased by 18.1 percent, to 521.3 TWh.
+38136 0 Wind power in Denmark 14 In 2010, capacity grew to 3,752 MW, and most of the year's increase came from the Rødsand-2 off-shore wind farm.
+38221 0 Tyndall Centre 3 The Tyndall Centre's interim director is currently Professor Carly McLachlan of the University of Manchester.
+38306 0 Wind power in the United States 22 In 2011, Texas had become the first state to surpass the 10,000 MW mark.
+38337 0 Wind power in the United States 30 Kansas has high potential capacity for wind power, second behind Texas.
+38381 0 Wind power in the United States 43 The 30 percent wind and solar tax credit will extend through 2019 and then taper to 10 percent in 2022.
+38385 0 Wind power in the United States 45 Farmers, with no investment on their part, typically receive $3,000–5,000 per year in royalties from the local utility for siting a single, large, advanced-design wind turbine.
+38388 0 Wind power in the United States 48 Offshore development is hindered by relatively high cost compared to onshore facilities.
+38465 0 Nancy Folbre 1 She is Professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
+38469 0 Nancy Folbre 3 Folbre argues that mainstream economists do not pay enough attention to the economics of care.
+38591 0 Climatic Change (journal) 1 It was established in 1978 and the editors-in-chief are Michael Oppenheimer (Princeton University) and Gary Yohe (Wesleyan University).
+38594 0 Environmental Audit Select Committee 1 The remit of the committee is to examine how government department's policies and programmes will affect both the environment and sustainable development.
+38605 0 Reid Bryson 3 Bryson was made a Global Laureate by the United Nations Global Environment Program in 1990.
+38620 0 Carbon price 3 The economics of carbon pricing is much the same for taxes and cap-and-trade.
+38715 1 Carbon price 27 Such a set of commitments, if kept, would form a true quantity-based carbon pricing policy, and result in an efficient uniform global carbon price.
+38717 0 Carbon price 27 How the revenues would be distributed would undoubtedly prove to be a contentious problem.
+38724 0 Carbon price 30 Carbon pricing is considered by economists to be the most effective way to reduce emissions.
+38731 0 Carbon price 31 Now consider this market under two different pricing policies, a cap-and-trade policy and a tax.
+38735 0 Carbon price 33 Under cap and trade, suppose the price turned out be less than $60.01 and someone other than a top-40 emitter (ranked by value) got a permit.
+38772 0 Carbon price 39 If all alternatives are unappealing, that means the driver really is getting more benefit that the cost she is causing.
+38791 0 Carbon price 44 But if they must pay full price, or if carbon it taxed, their profits will be reduced.
+38806 0 Carbon price 46 Revenues only become a cost if they are entirely wasted.
+38814 0 Carbon price 48 However, such a price does not affect past emissions, i.e.
+38885 0 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 5 Carbon dioxide concentrations have varied widely over the Earth's 4.54 billion year history.
+38911 0 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 12 Decreasing concentration, with a tipping point of 600 ppm, was the primary agent forcing Antarctic glaciation.
+38921 0 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 12 When dust concentrations in Greenland cores are low, as they nearly always are in Antarctic cores, the researchers report good agreement between measurements of Antarctic and Greenland concentrations.
+38949 0 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 18 These natural sources are nearly balanced by natural sinks, physical and biological processes which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
+38995 0 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 28 Reactions like this tend to buffer changes in atmospheric .
+39010 1 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 30 This difference has increased as anthropogenic emissions have increased.
+39073 0 Satoyama 4 Also, the problem of aging in Japanese society can cause the disappearance of satoyama because there are fewer people who can work in satoyama which are considered as intermediate disturbance on forests such as coppicing and harvesting trees for timber and charcoal, cutting shrubs for firewood and collecting litter as compost.
+39079 0 Satoyama 5 "N. fusca"" is listed in the Japan Red List as endangered – there has been around a 39% decrease in their records in prefectures."
+39106 1 Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States 2 In December 2009 President Obama set a target for reducing U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the range of 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.
+39108 1 Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States 3 The report showed that the country was on track to achieve President Bush's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (per unit of gross domestic product) by 18% from 2002 to 2012.
+39139 0 Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States 15 Programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector:
+39142 1 Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States 33 Nuclear power in the USA is a vanishing climate stabilization wedge.
+39164 0 Jeremy Leggett 6 Jeremy also served on the New Energy Architecture Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum (2012 – 2014), a group primarily working on “black swans” in energy markets.
+39215 0 Renewable energy in the United States 14 Several mining tragedies globally have underscored the human toll of the coal supply chain.
+39225 0 Renewable energy in the United States 17 Notes:
+39288 0 Renewable energy in the United States 32 By 2015, California, Hawaii, Arizona and some other states were lowering payments to distributed solar owners and instituting new fees for grid usage.
+39332 0 Renewable energy in the United States 43 The contribution from these two categories over the last fifteen years of biomass electric power to the renewable power generation and to the total US power generation is shown below along with the yearly profile of the electric power generation for 2018 and 2017.
+39352 0 Renewable energy in the United States 49 There are challenges in moving to higher blends, however.
+39391 0 Renewable energy in the United States 55 Both the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories have departments dedicated to hydrogen research.
+39397 0 Renewable energy in the United States 57 Eight in ten (80 percent) favored tax incentives, 47 percent strongly, and only 17 percent were opposed.
+39415 0 Renewable energy in the United States 65 Market mechanisms have less skewed distributional effects.
+39541 0 Intensive animal farming 18 In an intensive operation pigs will lack access to a wallow (mud), which is their natural cooling mechanism.
+39545 0 Intensive animal farming 19 Alternatively, piggeries are reliant on the grains industry.
+39564 0 Intensive animal farming 23 tail biting, ear biting, vulva biting, food stealing).
+39611 0 Intensive animal farming 34 In the United States there is a growing movement to mitigate the worst abuses by regulating factory farming.
+39614 0 Intensive animal farming 35 An action plan has been proposed by the USDA in February 2009, called the Utilization of Manure and Other Agricultural and Industrial Byproducts.
+39683 1 Intensive animal farming 56 Industrial production of pigs and poultry is an important source of Greenhouse gas emissions and is predicted to become more so.
+39730 1 Fossil fuels lobby 6 "According to the International Sustainable Energy Organization for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency the second World Climate Conference ""was sabotaged by the USA and oil lobbies"" whereupon UNISEO proceeded to set up a Global Energy Charter ""which protects life, health, climate and the biosphere from emissions."
+39757 0 Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy 10 It also covers often ignored areas of the sustainable energy discussion such as population issues, morality, social justice and equity.
+39797 0 Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme 10 About one thousand firms were expected to have obligations from the Scheme.
+39818 1 Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme 20 The national Climate Action Summit of 500 participants representing 140 climate groups Australia wide has condemned the CPRS and agreed to campaign to prevent it becoming law.
+39887 0 Coal-fired power station 15 The dumper clamps an individual car against a platform that swivels the car upside down to dump the coal.
+39910 0 Coal-fired power station 23 The ash is often stored in ash ponds.
+39961 0 World Wind Energy Association 19 WWEC 2006 also included a Painting Competition having participation of School Children from all over Delhi.
+40016 0 Don Easterbrook 1 Easterbrook was educated at the University of Washington, where he received the BSc in 1958, the MSc in 1959, and the PhD (Geology) in 1962.
+40036 0 Storm World 3 "It covers the clash of ideas in the 1950s between observationalists including Robert Simpson comparing hurricanes to ""heat engines"" and theorists and early computer modelers who advocated a mathematical theory Conditional Instability of the Second Kind (CISK)."
+40049 0 Efficient energy use 1 Installing LED lighting, fluorescent lighting, or natural skylight windows reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent light bulbs.
+40051 0 Efficient energy use 2 There are many motivations to improve energy efficiency.
+40102 0 Efficient energy use 15 Thus a balanced approach to energy efficiency in buildings should be more comprehensive than simply trying to minimize energy consumed.
+40138 0 Efficient energy use 23 But with the development of modern computer technology, a large number of building performance simulation tools are available on the market.
+40139 0 Efficient energy use 23 When choosing which simulation tool to use in a project, the user must consider the tool's accuracy and reliability, considering the building information they have at hand, which will serve as input for the tool.
+40172 0 Efficient energy use 30 The EU set itself a 20% energy savings target by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, but member states decide individually how energy savings will be achieved.
+40173 0 Efficient energy use 30 At an EU summit in October 2014, EU countries agreed on a new energy efficiency target of 27% or greater by 2030.
+40187 0 Efficient energy use 37 The strategy details a range of activities the Government of Canada will pursue, and investments it will make, in support of the goals.
+40191 0 Efficient energy use 39 Energy efficiency is central to energy policy in Germany.
+40223 0 Efficient energy use 49 These technologies are more efficient and produce fewer pollutants.
+40239 0 Efficient energy use 54 Fuel economy can be improved by up to 3.3% by keeping tires inflated to the correct pressure.
+40317 0 Erb Institute 4 Since then, the Institute has significantly expanded and aligned research, education and outreach efforts.
+40340 0 Environment & Energy Publishing 4 "E&E formerly had a content partnership with ""The New York Times""."
+40399 0 Drake Landing Solar Community 6 The water returns to the short-term storage tanks in the Energy Centre to be heated again in order to complete the circuit.
+40479 0 Evolutionary history of life 12 Life on Earth is based on carbon and water.
+40520 0 Evolutionary history of life 26 Stromatolites are stubby pillars built as microorganisms in mats slowly migrate upwards to avoid being smothered by sediment deposited on them by water.
+40574 0 Evolutionary history of life 37 Other combinations of hypotheses that are inadequate on their own are also being examined.
+40621 0 Evolutionary history of life 46 Chordates include soft-bodied invertebrates such as tunicates as well as vertebrates—animals with a backbone.
+40638 0 Evolutionary history of life 50 Animals are exposed to the same oxidants, and they have evolved endogenous enzymatic antioxidant systems.
+40649 0 Evolutionary history of life 52 The earliest known ascomycete fossils date from in the Silurian.
+40751 0 Global warming game 5 building 'green factories' is more expensive than building 'black factories.
+40802 1 Global warming game 18 On the game side, Climate-Poker requires bluffing and closely watching what the other players are aiming at.
+40808 1 Global warming game 19 Their target is to reduce CO2 emissions significantly until 2030 without going bankrupt.
+40820 0 Global warming game 22 "The Xbox 360 Games for Change Challenge has been cast by Microsoft as a ""socially-minded"" initiative, joining the larger serious games movement."
+40884 0 Post–Kyoto Protocol negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions 26 The conference was held in Warsaw, Poland from 11 to 22 November 2013.
+40902 0 The Clean Tech Revolution 4 "Even at the start of the 21st century, the term ""clean tech"" was not yet in the financial or business community’s vocabulary."
+40942 1 The Clean Tech Revolution 19 She says that at a time when some experts say carbon emissions will need to be cut by 80 to 90% by 2050, the world may have to accept steady or even decreasing energy production, no matter how clean it is.
+40948 0 The Clean Tech Revolution 21 Both authors have been mapping clean technology trends for many years, and identifying business opportunities for prospective investors.
+40991 1 Fossil fuel phase-out 14 Under the four coal phase-out scenarios, atmospheric CO peaks at 422-446 ppm between 2045 and 2060 and declines thereafter.
+41011 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 23 They proposed that one opportunity for displaced drilling employments in the fossil fuel industry could be in the geothermal energy industry.
+41032 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 28 There is only one place in the world that is phasing out coal-fired generation and we're doing that right here in Ontario.
+41066 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 41 As of October 2015, the remaining coal plants still under planning include: Niederaussem, Profen, and Stade.
+41084 1 Fossil fuel phase-out 47 A coal phase-out for Germany is implied in Germany's Climate Action Plan 2050, environment minister Barbara Hendricks said in an interview on 21November 2016.
+41091 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 49 In January 2019 the German Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment initiates Germany's plans to entirely phase out and shut down the 84 remaining coal-fired plants on its territory by 2038.
+41172 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 83 The authors of the poll reported:
+41228 0 Fossil fuel phase-out 109 By 2020 the solar contribution to global final energy consumption is expected to exceed 1%.
+41297 1 8.2 kiloyear event 7 Based on estimates of lake volume and decaying ice cap size, values of circulate.
+41301 0 8.2 kiloyear event 7 The Mississippi Delta records around 20%, Northwestern Europe 70% and Asia records 105% of the globally averaged amount.
+41305 1 8.2 kiloyear event 9 Drier conditions were notable in North Africa, and East Africa suffered five centuries of general drought.
+41333 0 Climate risk 5 energy and transport can increase and therefore change consumer demand.
+41336 0 Climate risk 6 for floodings, crop failure, etc.
+41344 0 Climate risk 9 This risk is currently subordinate.
+41357 0 Yellow Ribbon Fund 3 As of January 23, 2008, over 30,000 WristStrong Bracelets were sold.
+41361 1 Bond event 1 Bond events are North Atlantic ice rafting events that are tentatively linked to climate fluctuations in the Holocene.
+41440 0 Ecological resilience 23 "who use resilience to describe one of 6 concepts of sustainability; ""A sustainable state is one which satisfies minimum conditions for ecosystem resilience through time""."
+41466 0 Ecological resilience 33 Some examples of the consideration of ecosystem resilience within legislation include:
+41468 0 Ron Pernick 1 "He is ""an accomplished market research, publishing, and business development entrepreneur with two decades of high-tech experience""."
+41530 0 Hypermobility (travel) 3 Some of the social threats of hypermobility include:
+41588 0 Andrew Dessler 1 Andrew Emory Dessler (born 1964) is a climate scientist and Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University.
+41602 0 Andrew Dessler 6 He also published a blog for Grist magazine from 2006 to 2009.
+41618 0 Andrew Dessler 7 "Maria Ivanova wrote in ""Global Environmental Politics"" that the book's scholarly value was indisputable."
+41662 0 Emeishan Traps 4 The eruptions that produced the Emeishan Traps began 265 million years ago (Ma) or earlier.
+41674 0 Nuclear or Not? 1 is a 2007 book edited by Professor David Elliott.
+41809 0 Stephen Thomas (professor) 4 "Thomas has been critical of the idea that the nuclear power industry is undergoing a ""nuclear renaissance""."
+41825 0 Green job 1 The environmental sector has the dual benefit of mitigating environmental challenges as well as helping economic growth.
+41867 0 Green job 17 They also try to reduce negative environmental impacts in terms of reducing the contributions to landfill.
+41933 0 Green job 38 Trump placed a hold on grants distributed through the EPA that could amount to $4 billion per year.
+41984 1 Polar amplification 4 Both studies attracted significant attention since they hinted at the possibility for a runaway positive feedback within the global climate system.
+42007 0 Polar amplification 14 Suggested mechanisms leading to the observed Arctic amplification include Arctic sea ice decline (open water reflects less sunlight than sea ice), and atmospheric heat transport from the equator to the Arctic.
+42016 1 Polar amplification 17 Studies published in 2017 and 2018 identified stalling patterns of rossby waves, in the northern hemisphere jet stream, to have caused almost stationary extreme weather events, such as the 2018 European heatwave, the 2003 European heat wave, 2010 Russian heat wave, 2010 Pakistan floods - these events have been linked to global warming, the rapid heating of the Arctic.
+42050 0 Anti-nuclear movement in Australia 10 The Australian anti-nuclear movement also acquired initial impetus from notable individuals who publicly voiced nuclear concerns, such as nuclear scientists Richard Temple and Rob Robotham, and poets Dorothy Green and Judith Wright.
+42078 0 Anti-nuclear movement in Australia 21 Growing year by year, the rallies drew 350,000 participants in 1985.
+42085 0 Anti-nuclear movement in Australia 22 In Melbourne, the seamen's union boycotted the arrival of foreign nuclear warships.
+42115 0 Anti-nuclear movement in Australia 34 As of 2016, Australia has no nuclear power stations and the former Gillard Labor government was opposed to nuclear power for Australia.
+42193 1 Vincent R. Gray 6 "In it, Gray argues ""that the quality and reliability of the IPCC's measurements are poor, the system of determining how much weight should be attributed to different influences on the earth's temperature is faulty, and the validity of evidence derived from computer modeling is questionable."
+42255 0 Antarctica 20 Richard E. Byrd led several voyages to the Antarctic by plane in the 1930s and 1940s.
+42285 0 Antarctica 29 East Antarctica is largely covered by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
+42328 0 Antarctica 39 During the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event about 34 million years ago, CO levels have been found to be about 760 ppm and had been decreasing from earlier levels in the thousands of ppm.
+42361 0 Antarctica 47 East Antarctica is colder than its western counterpart because of its higher elevation.
+42399 0 Antarctica 55 The snow petrel is one of only three birds that breed exclusively in Antarctica.
+42471 0 Antarctica 71 Antarctic fisheries in 2000–01 reported landing 112,934 tonnes.
+42501 1 Antarctica 78 With the ban of CFCs in the Montreal Protocol of 1989, climate projections indicate that the ozone layer will return to 1980 levels between 2050 and 2070.
+42578 1 Antarctica 101 Some scientific studies suggest that ozone depletion may have a dominant role in governing climatic change in Antarctica (and a wider area of the Southern Hemisphere).
+42589 0 Garnaut Climate Change Review 3 A number of forums were held around Australia to engage the public on various issues relating to the Review.
+42593 0 Garnaut Climate Change Review 4 The executive summary states:
+42594 1 Garnaut Climate Change Review 5 Interim greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2020 to be set in 2008 are supported in addition to targets for 2050.
+42606 1 Garnaut Climate Change Review 10 The report recommended that Australia push internationally for a carbon dioxide equivalent concentrations of 450 ppm, which would commit Australia to reductions of 25% on 2000 levels by 2020, and 90% by 2050.
+42614 0 Garnaut Climate Change Review 15 The report estimated mitigation costs for 450ppm at almost a percentage point more than 550pmm mitigation of the present value of GNP through the 21st century.
+42615 0 Garnaut Climate Change Review 15 The report stated that stronger mitigation is justified by insurance value and non-market value benefits in the 21st century and much larger benefits beyond, and that the costs of action are less than the costs of inaction.
+42626 0 Nuclear Nebraska 1 In 1989, two multinational corporations and several government agencies proposed a waste dump and offered payment of $3 million per year for 40 years.
+42627 0 Nuclear Nebraska 1 The residents of the Boyd County farming community resisted the offer and controversy followed for almost two decades.
+42630 0 Nuclear Nebraska 2 Several governors became embroiled in the controversy, as well as legislators, bureaucrats and the community.
+42646 0 Bali Road Map 7 impacts.
+42698 0 Flying Matters 11 Smoothie manufacturer Innocent has removed all references to airfreight from its website.
+42752 0 Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective 11 "Walker reports that ""studies looking for long-term radiation effects resulting from the accident have reached conflicting conclusions"", but it seems ""that any increase in cancers is slight enough to have occurred by chance""."
+42800 0 Integrated assessment modelling 1 While the detail and extent of integrated disciplines varies strongly per model, all climatic integrated assessment modelling includes economic processes as well as processes producing greenhouse gases.
+42859 0 Group on Earth Observations 11 CIIFEN: International Research Centre on El Niño
+42876 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 EuroGeoSurveys: The Association of the Geological Surveys of the European Union
+42879 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 EuroGeoSurveys: The Association of the Geological Surveys of the European Union
+42883 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 GBIF: Global Biodiversity Information Facility
+42886 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 GEM: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
+42909 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 IUGG: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
+42929 0 Group on Earth Observations 12 UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
+42962 0 Environment of the United States 7 The population growth, mostly in the Southwest, has strained water and power resources, with water diverted from agricultural uses to major population centers, such as Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
+43004 0 Our Choice 1 "Originally titled ""The Path to Survival"" it follows """", a companion book to the film ""An Inconvenient Truth""."
+43028 0 Carbon emission trading 4 "The economic basis for emissions trading is linked to the concept of property rights (Goldemberg ""et al."
+43060 0 Carbon emission trading 8 ., 2001; and Helm, 2005, p. 4) argued that social costs could be accounted for by negotiating property rights according to a particular objective.
+43063 0 Carbon emission trading 8 However, other factors affect the climate, e.g., the ocean, forests, etc.
+43091 1 Carbon emission trading 12 Supporters of carbon cap-and-trade systems believe it sets legal limits for emissions reductions, unlike with carbon taxes.
+43111 1 Carbon emission trading 14 "These revenues might be used to improve the efficiency of overall climate policy, e.g., by funding energy efficiency programs (ACEEE 2019) or reductions in distortionary taxes (Fisher ""et al."
+43136 1 Carbon emission trading 23 This would suggest that a lowering cap on carbon emissions will likely lead to an increase in the costs of alternative power sources.
+43140 1 Carbon emission trading 24 The seven year CCX cap and trade program claimed to have successfully provided cost-effectiveness and market-based flexibility for emissions trading.
+43147 1 Carbon emission trading 27 "It called on governments to establish ""clear, transparent, and consistent price signals"" through ""creation of a long-term policy framework"" that would include all major producers of greenhouse gases."
+43154 1 Carbon emission trading 30 It is argued that this removes the credits from the carbon market so they cannot be used to allow the emission of carbon and that this reduces the 'cap' on emissions by reducing the number of credits available to emitters.
+43162 1 Carbon emission trading 33 "The ""Financial Times"" published an article about cap-and-trade systems which argued that ""Carbon markets create a muddle"" and ""...leave much room for unverifiable manipulation""."
+43185 0 Ecological threshold 2 Zone-type thresholds imply a gradual shift or transition from one state to another rather than an abrupt change at a specific point.
+43284 0 Environmental impact of the coal industry 17 The most direct effect on wildlife is destruction or displacement of species in areas of excavation and spoil piling.
+43341 1 Environmental impact of the coal industry 33 It was estimated that external, downstream, fossil fuel costs amount up to 1–2% of the EU's entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with coal being the main fossil fuel accountable, and this was before the external cost of global warming from these sources was even included.
+43350 0 Environmental impact of the coal industry 36 Methane accounts for 10.5 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions created through human activity.
+43359 1 Environmental impact of the coal industry 37 Under the four coal phase-out scenarios, atmospheric CO peaks at 422–446 ppm between 2045 and 2060 and declines thereafter.
+43382 0 Environmental impact of the coal industry 43 Firedamp explosions can trigger the much more dangerous coal dust explosions, which can engulf an entire pit.
+43429 0 Water resources management in Peru 6 In this basin, agriculture accounts for 66% of total water use, while domestic use accounts for 30%.
+43498 0 Water resources management in Peru 24 Uncertainties about land ownership, industrial pollution, urban sprawl, and deforestation continue to threaten wetland integrity in Peru.
+43518 0 Water resources management in Peru 30 The regional government responsibilities poses a challenge for IWRM, since the administrative boundaries of the region do not coincide with those of the river basins.
+43681 0 Battery electric vehicle 42 An increasing variety of personal transporters are being manufactured, including the one-wheeled self-balancing unicycles, self-balancing scooters, electric kick scooters, and electric skateboards.
+43749 0 Transition town 6 In 2006 Transition Town Totnes become the first Transition initiative.
+43758 0 Transition town 10 By September 2013, there were 1130 initiatives registered (462 Official, 654 Muller) in 43 countries.
+43770 0 Transition town 16 TN has run seven conferences: Nailsworth (2007), Royal Agriculture College, Cirencester (2008), Battersea Arts Centre (2009), Dame Hannah's at Seale Hayne (2010), Hope University, Liverpool (2011), Battersea Arts Centre (2012) and Dame Hannah's at Seale Hayne (2015).
+43775 0 Transition town 18 "They plan to accomplish this by ""inspiring, encouraging, supporting, networking and training individuals and their communities as they consider, adopt, adapt, and implement the transition approach to community empowerment and change""."
+43790 0 Transition town 27 A theme of the Transition Network is acknowledging the emotional impact of changing to a low energy world.
+43799 0 Transition town 31 The organisation see local complementary currencies as a way to create sustainable local economies.
+43831 0 Kwongan 4 (reprinted in Hercock et al.
+43968 0 Fateful Harvest 8 Dick Camp Jr. recounted that his dad might have been the first to use flue dust from steel smokestacks, which is higher in heavy metals than the previously used zinc skimmings.
+43998 0 Arctic sea ice ecology and history 1 The multi-year (i.e.
+44069 0 DeSmogBlog 7 In another column, Monbiot noted that DeSmogBlog posted a video critical of Anthony Watts's blog Watts Up With That that Watts had deleted from YouTube for copyright reasons.
+44075 0 DeSmogBlog 9 "McArdle then said of the DeSmogBlog response that ""The first two links are to my post, and they are an egregious misrepresentation of what I said,"" and goes on to note that ""the stubborn willingness to ignore obvious problems ""becomes the story""."
+44117 0 100% renewable energy 1 Renewable energy use has grown more quickly than even advocates anticipated.
+44119 0 100% renewable energy 2 100% renewable energy in a country is typically a more challenging goal than carbon neutrality.
+44162 0 100% renewable energy 13 A well established body of academic literature has been written over the past decade, evaluating scenarios for 100% renewable energy for various geographical areas.
+44190 0 100% renewable energy 19 By combining reduced energy use with energy efficiency gains, Lovins says that there will be a $5 trillion saving and a faster-growing economy.
+44203 0 100% renewable energy 20 In Part II, Jacobson and Delucchi address variability of supply, system economics, and energy policy initiatives associated with a WWS system.
+44218 0 100% renewable energy 24 This prospect underpins the ambitious commitment by Germany, one of the world's most successful industrial economies, to undertake a major energy transition, Energiewende.
+44245 0 100% renewable energy 33 Other electricity generating sources are considered clean, though not necessarily renewable, as they also do not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.
+44367 0 Sustainability 10 "Ecological economist Herman Daly asked, ""what use is a sawmill without a forest?"
+44412 0 Sustainability 21 In the late 20th century, environmental problems became global in scale.
+44419 0 Sustainability 24 "As Daniel Botkin, author and environmentalist, has stated: ""We see a landscape that is always in flux, changing over many scales of time and space."
+44460 0 Sustainability 36 The graph shows what is necessary for countries to maintain an acceptable standard of living for their citizens while, at the same time, maintaining sustainable resource use.
+44515 0 Sustainability 60 Other human impacts on the atmosphere include the air pollution in cities, the pollutants including toxic chemicals like nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds and airborne particulate matter that produce photochemical smog and acid rain, and the chlorofluorocarbons that degrade the ozone layer.
+44573 0 Sustainability 73 "The American Public Health Association (APHA) defines a ""sustainable food system"" as ""one that provides healthy food to meet current food needs while maintaining healthy ecosystems that can also provide food for generations to come with minimal negative impact to the environment."
+44610 0 Sustainability 84 "On one account, sustainability ""concerns the specification of a set of actions to be taken by present persons that will not diminish the prospects of future persons to enjoy levels of consumption, wealth, utility, or welfare comparable to those enjoyed by present persons""."
+44678 1 Sustainability 99 "High-risk"" technological solutions such as nuclear power and climate engineering are entirely rejected."
+44747 0 Sustainability 112 The Worldwide Fund for Nature proposes a strategy for sustainability that goes beyond education to tackle underlying individualistic and materialistic societal values head-on and strengthen people's connections with the natural world.
+44780 0 Sustainability 125 Methods in this category include, among others, the phase-out of lightweight plastic bags, promoting biking, and increasing energy efficiency.
+44799 0 The Deniers 3 "The series began on November 28, 2006 with its debut article, ""Statistics needed"", describing Edward Wegman's report to the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the Hockey stick controversy."
+44802 0 The Deniers 4 "Thus, Solomon states that he decided to write a book expanding his columns on those he labeled ""Deniers."
+44819 0 The Deniers 9 "In a review in ""The Washington Times"", Shawn Macomber, a contributing editor to The American Spectator, described ""The Deniers"" as ""a timely, necessary antidote to a political and scientific discussion poisoned by hubristic groupthink and...scorched earth (mis)behavior."
+44824 0 The Deniers 13 "Gordon McBean, in a review for """", found the book biased and inaccurate."
+44862 0 Slash-and-char 5 Switching to slash-and-char can sequester up to 50% of the carbon in a highly stable form.
+44870 0 WAFLEX 4 The outputs of WAFLEX are:
+44876 0 Transpiration 1 Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores called stomata, and in most plants they are more numerous on the undersides of the foliage.
+44891 0 Transpiration 3 Water molecules stick together, or exhibit cohesion.
+44926 0 Transpiration 9 MRI technology also made it possible to view the process by which the plant was able to repair these xylem structures.
+44985 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 17 Achieving attainment status makes a request for reevaluation possible.
+44986 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 17 It must include a plan for maintenance of air quality.
+45000 1 Clean Air Act (United States) 20 Additionally, federal programs such as the Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program (VALE) are working to offset costs for programs that reduce emissions.
+45007 1 Clean Air Act (United States) 22 These harmful substances change the climate, alter ocean pH and include toxins that may cause cancer, birth defects or respiratory illness.
+45013 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 23 The provisions apply to light-duty trucks and light-duty vehicles in California.
+45014 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 23 The state also requires that clean alternative fuels for sale at numerous locations with sufficient geographic distribution for convenience.
+45019 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 24 Title III is considered a second phase, allowing the EPA to assess lingering risks after the enactment of the first phase of emission standards.
+45032 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 28 Title IV-A mandated a two-step process to reduce SO emissions.
+45054 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 36 The Act authorized development of emission standards for stationary sources, but not mobile sources of air pollution.
+45090 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 47 These amendments also included the adoption of an offset trading policy originally applied to Los Angeles in 1974 that enables new sources to offset their emissions by purchasing extra reductions from existing sources.
+45112 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 58 The EPA and the American Lung Association promoted the 2011 Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) as a means of controlling ozone and fine particle emissions.
+45127 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 61 However, states are not allowed to have weaker pollution controls than the national minimum criteria set by EPA.
+45129 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 61 For example, California was unable to meet the new standards set by the Clean Air Act of 1970, which led to a lawsuit and a federal state implementation plan for the state.
+45144 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 67 Air pollution often travels from its source in one state to another state.
+45152 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 70 Testing is done manually using a portable vapor analyzer that read in parts per million (ppm).
+45174 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 74 Major cases of Clean Air Act violations include:
+45187 0 Clean Air Act (United States) 83 Air pollution is not bound to a nation.
+45221 0 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report 6 "We must act""."
+45268 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 1 Electronic crude oil trading was temporarily halted by NYMEX when the daily price rise limit of $10 was reached, but the limit was reset seconds later and trading resumed.
+45292 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 5 This was the reason to call 2005 a tipping point.
+45336 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 17 The price increases in December were based on global demand and the Arctic blasts affecting North America and Europe.
+45346 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 19 On March 7, 2011, the average price of gas having reached $3.57, individuals were making changes in their driving.
+45395 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 32 In the past week, Brent had climbed 7% to $108.51.
+45504 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 68 The trade war with China caused concerns, though possible actions by Trump helped slightly on May 24.
+45515 0 World oil market chronology from 2003 71 The China–United States trade war was not a factor.
+45520 0 Australian Environment Foundation 2 The formation of the AEF was first mooted at the Eureka Forum organised in December 2004 by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) and a number of resource user groups.
+45522 0 Australian Environment Foundation 3 The founding chairman was former Labor federal environment minister, Barry Cohen AM.
+45554 0 New Zealand Climate Science Coalition 7 "Justice Venning also questioned the credentials of Bob Dedekind, a computer modelling and statistical analyst whose ""general expertise in basic statistical techniques does not extend to any particular specialised experience of qualifications in the specific field of applying statistical techniques in the field of climate science""."
+45621 1 Green New Deal 5 Biggers followed up with other Green New Deal proposals over the next four years.
+45634 1 Green New Deal 13 By the end of November, eighteen Democratic members of Congress were co-sponsoring a proposed House Select Committee on a Green New Deal, and incoming representatives Ayanna Pressley and Joe Neguse had announced their support.
+45648 0 Green New Deal 20 "According to ""The Washington Post"" (February 11, 2019), the resolution calls for a “10-year national mobilization” whose primary goals would be:"
+45651 0 Green New Deal 21 Three Democrats and one Independent who caucuses with Democrats voted against the bill, while the other votes were along party lines.
+45684 0 Green New Deal 41 He suggests land use reforms to increase density, congestion pricing, and eliminating parking requirements as measures that can be applied more flexibly to cities with monocentric and polycentric layouts.
+45692 1 Green New Deal 45 "In September 2019, Naomi Klein published ""On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal""."
+45734 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 4 Other domestic policy actions
+45747 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 9 John Podesta, Valerie Jarrett, and Pete Rouse co-chaired the Obama-Biden Transition Project.
+45752 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 9 He delivered his inaugural address immediately following his oath.
+45819 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 24 Dodd-Frank also established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was charged with protecting consumers against abusive financial practices.
+45838 1 Presidency of Barack Obama 26 In 2014, Obama reached an agreement with China in which China pledged to reach peak carbon emission levels by 2030, while the US pledged to cut its emissions by 26-28 percent compared to its 2005 levels.
+45848 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 27 In 2012, Obama set even higher standards, mandating an average fuel efficiency of .
+45886 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 33 Though many Republicans did not like the deal, the bill passed the Republican House in large part due to the fact that the failure to pass any bill would have resulted in the total expiration of the Bush tax cuts.
+45907 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 37 Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which expanded hate crime laws to cover crimes committed because of the victim's sexual orientation.
+45956 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 43 Because the pipeline crossed international boundaries, its construction required the approval of the US federal government, and the US State Department engaged in a lengthy review process.
+46007 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 50 During Obama's presidency, NASA designed the Space Launch System and developed the Commercial Crew Development and Commercial Orbital Transportation Services to cooperate with private space flight companies.
+46021 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 52 "Obama pursued a ""light footprint"" military strategy in the Middle East that emphasized special forces, drone strikes, and diplomacy over large ground troop occupations."
+46050 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 55 After helping to encourage openly contested elections in Myanmar, Obama lifted many US sanctions on Myanmar.
+46150 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 70 The Libyan campaign culminated in the toppling of the Gaddafi regime, but Libya experienced turmoil in the aftermath of the civil war.
+46185 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 74 However, Obama continued to make use of secret memos and the state secrets privilege, and continued to prosecute whistleblowers.
+46241 0 Presidency of Barack Obama 84 "In a June 2012 survey by ""Newsweek"" magazine—three years and five months into the Obama presidency—ten selected American historians and biographers ranked Obama 10th of 20 U.S. presidents since 1900."
+46259 0 Burning the Future: Coal in America 1 The film focuses on the impacts of mountaintop mining in the Appalachians, where mountain ridges are scraped away by heavy machinery to access coal seams below, a process that is cheaper and faster than traditional mining methods but is damaging to the environment.
+46293 1 How to Live a Low-Carbon Life 2 "According to ""New Scientist"", this book provides ""the definitive guide to reducing your carbon footprint""."
+46318 0 Coal-water slurry fuel 6 Separating non-carbonaceous material before making the slurry may reduce the production of ash to two percent.
+46330 0 Coal-water slurry fuel 9 "Ukteplokom"", a state owned entity, commenced operation."
+46342 0 Greenhouse gas removal 5 Atmospheric chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) removal is an idea which suggests using lasers to break up CFCs, an important family of greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere.
+46344 0 Greenhouse gas removal 6 It is around 20 times as powerful a greenhouse gas as .
+46358 0 The Green Bible 3 What is surprising is that it is not one of the first things that comes to mind when most folks think about the Bible and its message... this Bible seeks to change that fact.
+46366 0 The Green Bible 6 Notable theologians including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and conservative N.T.
+46385 0 List of climate scientists 1 See also and .
+46402 0 Southern Alliance for Clean Energy 5 In January 2009, Stephen Smith spoke to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works regarding the TVA coal ash sludge disaster in Kingston, Tennessee and urged the body to consider greater oversight and regulation of TVA policy and practices.
+46421 0 International Tundra Experiment 11 90 OTCs 99 controls
+46445 0 International Tundra Experiment 27 Plots established 1995; OTCs in 2000
+46643 0 International Tundra Experiment 169 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 7.5046° E
+46648 0 International Tundra Experiment 172 40 OTCs 40 controls
+46677 0 International Tundra Experiment 191 Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
+46698 0 International Tundra Experiment 206 Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
+46738 0 International Tundra Experiment 236 Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
+46743 0 International Tundra Experiment 241 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18 50 E
+46755 0 International Tundra Experiment 248 Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
+46772 0 International Tundra Experiment 260 Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
+46791 0 International Tundra Experiment 274 Main genera in OTC plots: Vaccinium, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
+46990 0 International Tundra Experiment 416 Date site was established: 2011, 2014
+47042 0 International Tundra Experiment 451 University: Florida International University
+47084 0 International Tundra Experiment 481 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 165°08'E
+47120 0 International Tundra Experiment 505 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 167°25'E
+47138 0 International Tundra Experiment 517 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 162°37'E
+47156 0 International Tundra Experiment 529 Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 164°01'E
+47218 0 Carbon dioxide removal 1 As CDR removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it 'creates' negative emissions that offset the emissions from small and dispersed point sources such as domestic heating systems, airplanes and vehicle exhausts.
+47228 0 Carbon dioxide removal 4 Both have the same net effect, but for achieving carbon dioxide concentration levels below present levels, carbon dioxide removal is critical.
+47252 0 Carbon dioxide removal 12 With greater effort in marketing and acceptance of biochar, the benefit could be the storage of 5–9 gigatons per year of carbon in biochar soils.
+47272 0 Carbon dioxide removal 18 Projects like W350 in Tokyo and Mjøstårnet in Brumunddal demonstrate that even skyscrapers could potentially be built from wood and, thus, store large amounts of carbon.
+47293 0 Carbon dioxide removal 24 NaOH is economically competitive with other absorbents--e.g., amines--used for DAC processes.
+47323 0 Water security 7 Water, in absolute terms, is not in short supply planet-wide.
+47368 0 Water security 17 Moreover, Amu Daria River, shared by Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, which has been nearly completely dried out, so much so that it has ceased to reach the Aral Sea/Lake, which is evaporating in an alarming pace.
+47402 0 Water security 30 Since 2002, under the Bioterrorism Act, a water utility supplying more than 3,300 people must take at least the following measures to ensure security of the water supply:
+47411 0 Water security 35 WaterISAC is also a peer-to-peer, business networking platform.
+47501 0 Global catastrophic risk 21 The Future of Humanity Institute also states that human extinction is more likely to result from anthropogenic causes than natural causes.
+47505 0 Global catastrophic risk 22 "In Bostrom's book, """", he defines this as the control problem."
+47527 0 Global catastrophic risk 27 Terrorist applications of biotechnology have historically been infrequent.
+47533 0 Global catastrophic risk 28 Noun and Chyba propose three categories of measures to reduce risks from biotechnology and natural pandemics: Regulation or prevention of potentially dangerous research, improved recognition of outbreaks and developing facilities to mitigate disease outbreaks (e.g.
+47573 0 Global catastrophic risk 41 The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology also suggests some technical restrictions.
+47651 0 Global catastrophic risk 60 Lastly, in models where virulence level and rate of transmission are related, high levels of virulence can evolve.
+47659 1 Global catastrophic risk 62 These global climatic changes occurred slowly, prior to the rise of human civilization about 10 thousand years ago near the end of the last Major Ice Age when the climate became more stable.
+47715 0 Global catastrophic risk 79 2000), which aims to reduce the risk of a catastrophe caused by artificial intelligence, with donors including Peter Thiel and Jed McCaleb.
+47717 0 Global catastrophic risk 79 2001) seeks to reduce global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical threats, and containment of damage after an event.
+47728 0 Global catastrophic risk 79 2014) aims to support research and initiatives for safeguarding life considering new technologies and challenges facing humanity.
+47737 0 Global catastrophic risk 80 Stephen Hawking was an acting adviser.
+47751 1 Ice–albedo feedback 1 For instance at higher latitudes, we see warmer temperatures melt the ice sheets.
+47763 0 Ice–albedo feedback 2 If sea-ice retreats in the Arctic, the albedo of the sea will be darker which means more warming.
+47784 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 5 The process thus results in a net zero emission of CO, though this may be positively or negatively altered depending on the carbon emissions associated with biomass growth, transport and processing, see below under environmental considerations.
+47830 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 16 Development for current post-combustion technologies has not been entirely done due to several problems.
+47832 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 16 If the capacity of the unit is designed to be small, the heat loss to the surrounding is great enough to cause to many negative consequences.
+47858 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 20 Phase 2 has capturing capacity about 3 time larger than the pilot project (phase 1).
+47866 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 22 ARV Duiven generates around 126 GWh and only capture 50 Ktonne of CO each year.
+47892 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 29 BECCS also face technical concerns about efficiency of burning biomass.
+47923 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 36 Biomass cofiring with coal has efficiency near those of coal combustion.
+47938 0 Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 42 This has been a top priority of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) supporters for several years.
+48078 1 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 5 ACEEE staff testify before Congress and work closely with Congressional staff in both parties to help shape new initiatives and analyze the impacts of energy and climate policy proposals.
+48100 0 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 14 ACEEE shares its work online by providing publications and conference presentations on the internet.
+48122 0 Cornwall Alliance 9 We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory.
+48123 0 Cornwall Alliance 9 Earth’s climate system is no exception.
+48132 0 Cornwall Alliance 11 We believe not.
+48189 0 Ecosystem management 15 Similarly to other modes of ecosystem management, this method places a high level of importance on evaluating and reviewing any changes, progress, or negative impacts and prioritizes flexibility in adapting management protocols as a result of new information.
+48195 0 Ecosystem management 17 In some landscape level conservation approaches, a key species vulnerable to landscape alteration is identified and its habitat requirements are assessed in order to identify the best option for protecting their ecosystem.
+48321 0 History of climate change science 11 He also suspected that human activities could influence climate, although he focused primarily on land use changes.
+48334 0 History of climate change science 14 Another obvious possibility was solar variation.
+48382 0 History of climate change science 26 In 1938 Guy Stewart Callendar attempted to revive Arrhenius's greenhouse-effect theory.
+48396 0 History of climate change science 29 While the matter remained controversial, some began to suggest that the climate system is sensitive to small changes and can readily be flipped from a stable state into a different one.
+48400 0 History of climate change science 31 "By the 1960s, aerosol pollution (""smog"") had become a serious local problem in many cities, and some scientists began to consider whether the cooling effect of particulate pollution could affect global temperatures."
+48412 1 History of climate change science 33 Both studies attracted significant attention, since they hinted at the possibility for a runaway positive feedback within the global climate system.
+48418 0 History of climate change science 35 He summarized the knowledge of the science at the time, the anthropogenic attribution of the carbon dioxide greenhouse gas, distribution and exponential rise, findings which still hold today.
+48437 0 History of climate change science 40 concluding (in part):
+48445 1 History of climate change science 43 In 1975 V. Ramanathan found that a CFC molecule could be 10,000 times more effective in absorbing infrared radiation than a carbon dioxide molecule, making CFCs potentially important despite their very low concentrations in the atmosphere.
+48465 1 History of climate change science 50 In 1975, V. Ramanathan found that a CFC molecule could be 10,000 times more effective in absorbing infrared radiation than a carbon dioxide molecule, making CFCs potentially important despite their very low concentrations in the atmosphere.
+48481 0 350.org 7 Campaigns for divestment are active and growing around the world.
+48528 1 350.org 25 "These activities include tree plantings (350 trees in each instance) for biosequestration, promoting the term ""350"", publishing adverts in major newspapers calling for the target level of carbon dioxide to be lowered to 350ppm, conducting polls on the subject of climate change, educating youth leaders, lobbying governments on the issue of carbon targets, and joining a campaign to establish a .eco top-level domain or ""tld""."
+48536 0 350.org 28 350.org was founded by American environmentalist Bill McKibben and a group of students from Middlebury College in Vermont.
+48542 0 350.org 30 "McKibben called news of Pachauri's embrace of the 350ppm target ""amazing""."
+48545 0 350.org 31 "McKibben promotes the organization on speaking tours and by writing articles about it for many major newspapers and media, such as the ""Los Angeles Times"" and ""The Guardian""."
+48546 0 350.org 31 In 2012 the organization was presented with the 2012 Katerva Award for Behavioural Change.
+48567 1 Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy 4 They recognize the multiple paths to accomplishing this goal and therefore stand behind the following principles in the development of U.S. energy and climate policy:
+48568 0 Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy 5 Principles
+48569 0 Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy 5 Essential Policy Elements
+48572 1 Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy 6 A rapid transition to a 21st-century, low-carbon economy will create new jobs and stimulate economic growth while stabilizing the earth's climate.
+48574 0 Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy 7 The four founding members are Starbucks, Nike, Timberland and Levi Strauss & Co.
+48604 0 Marine energy 5 Indonesia as archipelagic country with three quarter of the area is ocean, has 49 GW recognized potential ocean energy and has 727 GW theoretical potential ocean energy.
+48727 0 Energy conservation in the United States 19 Solar heat loading through standard window designs usually leads to high demand for air conditioning in summer months.
+48803 0 Environmental impact of mining 6 construction sites, subdivisions, and transportation corridors) may create acid rock drainage.
+48861 0 Environmental impact of mining 19 Cultivated crops might be a problem near mines.
+48914 1 International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance 2 ICROA was established in 2008 to provide self-regulation of the voluntary carbon market.
+48920 0 International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance 3 Nevertheless, the co-chairman of the organization, Jonathan Shopley, stated in 2008 that most offset providers would not be qualified to join.
+48942 1 Long-term effects of global warming 3 A study in 2015 found that assuming cumulative fossil fuel emissions of 10 000 gigatonnes of carbon, the Antarctic Ice Sheet could melt completely over the following millennia, contributing 58 m to global sea-level rise, and 30 m within the first 1000 years.
+48962 0 Long-term effects of global warming 12 "Extremely large deposits of methane clathrate have been found under sediments on the ocean floors of Earth (estimated at 3,000–11,000 gigatonnes of carbon)."
+48995 0 Australian Youth Climate Coalition 5 For the 2008 conference in Poznań, Poland, the Australian delegation travelled through ten nations to reach the summit.
+49030 1 Energy in Australia 5 The energy sector in Australia increased its carbon dioxide emissions by 8.2% from 2004 to 2010 on average.
+49040 0 Energy in Australia 8 It was still the fourth-highest anthracite producer with 6.6% of global production (509 Mt out of 7,709 Mt total).
+49116 0 Taxpayer March on Washington 1 The protesters rallied against what they consider big government, the dismantling of free market capitalism, abortion, and President Barack Obama's proposals on health care reform, taxation, and federal spending, among other issues.
+49164 1 Skeptical Science 4 The Skeptical Science home page also features blog posts by regular and guest contributors, which may be new rebuttals of a certain argument or simply the blogger's view on a relevant climate news item.
+49206 0 Covenant of Mayors 10 All documents are downloadable on the www.eumayors.eu website library.
+49218 0 Biosequestration 1 Biosequestration is the capture and storage of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by biological processes.
+49224 0 Biosequestration 4 Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from about 280 ppm in 1750 to 383 ppm in 2007 and is increasing at an average rate of 2 ppm pr year.
+49243 1 Biosequestration 7 The underlying idea is that developing nations should be financially compensated if they succeed in reducing their levels of deforestation (through valuing the carbon that is stored in forests); a concept termed 'avoided deforestation (AD) or, REDD if broadened to include reducing forest degradation (see Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation).
+49254 0 Biosequestration 9 By comparison, emissions from LULUCF have fallen by 73%.
+49261 0 Biosequestration 11 One such research area involves increasing the Earth's proportion of C4 carbon fixation photosynthetic plants.
+49298 0 Biosequestration 18 The arguments for biosequestration are often shaped in terms of economic theory, yet there is a well-recognised quality of life dimension to this debate.
+49359 0 Climate Vulnerable Forum 12 In 2015, the chair announced the official launching of the 'Vulnerable Twenty' or 'V20' as a more comprehensive offshoot bloc from the established forum.
+49365 0 Climate Vulnerable Forum 13 The country of Palau became a member of the forum after being endorsed by the Philippines.
+49431 0 Overexploitation 9 "The example of fish stocks had led some to call this the ""tragedy of the fishers""."
+49513 0 Overexploitation 33 Starting before the 17th century and not phased out until 1911, sea otters were hunted aggressively for their exceptionally warm and valuable pelts, which could fetch up to $2500 US.
+49535 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 5 The breach was first discovered on 17 November 2009 after the server of the RealClimate website was also hacked and a copy of the stolen data was uploaded there.
+49544 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 6 Much is being coordinated among major players and the media.
+49549 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 6 On 20 November, the story emerged in mainstream media.
+49561 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 9 Most of the emails concerned technical and mundane aspects of climate research, such as data analysis and details of scientific conferences.
+49566 1 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 10 "Many commentators quoted one email in which Phil Jones said that he had used ""Mike's ""Nature"" trick"" in a 1999 graph for the World Meteorological Organization ""to hide the decline"" in proxy temperatures derived from tree-ring analyses when measured temperatures were actually rising."
+49576 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 12 "The British Conservative politician Lord Lawson said: ""The integrity of the scientific evidence ... has been called into question."
+49578 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 12 A high-level independent inquiry must be set up without delay.
+49617 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 19 "Kevin E. Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said that he was appalled at the release of the emails but thought that it might backfire against climate sceptics, as the messages would show ""the integrity of scientists""."
+49703 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 42 "The UK Government's policy of charging for access to scientific data was described as ""inconsistent with policies of open access to data promoted elsewhere."
+49712 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 44 "Mann subsequently told ""The Guardian"" that the study had been examined and approved in the US National Academies of Science North Report, and described Hand's comment as a ""rogue opinion"" not meriting ""much attention or credence""."
+49719 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 46 "Phil Willis described this a ""sleight of hand"" and was not what the Parliamentary Committee he had chaired had been led to believe."
+49739 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 49 I wish in retrospect I had told him, 'Hey, you shouldn't even be thinking about this, Mann said in March 2010.
+49763 0 Climatic Research Unit email controversy 56 One email included a cartoon image showing Inhofe and others marooned on a melting ice floe, NOAA had taken this up as a conduct issue.
+49972 0 Climate change in Tuvalu 45 The main office, named the Department of Environment, is responsible for coordinating the non-governmental organizations, religious bodies, and stakeholders.
+50042 1 Public opinion on global warming 21 Republican Richard Nixon was instrumental in founding the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and tried to install a third pillar of NATO dealing with environmental challenges such as acid rain and the greenhouse effect.
+50043 0 Public opinion on global warming 21 Daniel Patrick Moynihan was Nixon's NATO delegate for the topic.
+50158 1 Climate change policy of the United States 12 In 1994, the U.S. called for a new limit on greenhouse gas emissions post-2000 in at the August 1994 INC-10.
+50171 0 Climate change policy of the United States 17 The tax credits applied to energy efficient homes and building equipment, implementation of solar energy systems, electric and hybrid vehicles, clean energy, and the power industry.
+50207 0 Climate change policy of the United States 31 In US and China's Sunnylands Summit on June 8, 2013, President Obama and President of China Xi Jinping worked in accordance for the first time, formulating a landmark agreement to reduce both production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
+50219 1 Climate change policy of the United States 35 On May 12, 2016, after three public hearing and a review of over 900,000 public comments, the administration took the next step to reduce methane emissions.
+50238 0 Climate change policy of the United States 39 Ultimately, this plan did not appeal to GOP leaders and as a result it was never enacted; the act was denied funding in the House of Representatives by U.S.
+50268 0 Climate change policy of the United States 48 In his budget proposal for 2018, President Trump proposed cutting the EPA's budget by 31% (reducing its current $8.2 billion to $5.7 billion).
+50269 0 Climate change policy of the United States 48 Had it passed, it would have been the lowest EPA budget in 40 years even adjusted for inflation, but Congress did not approve it.
+50285 0 Climate change policy of the United States 51 Texas, for example, emits more than France, while California's emissions exceed those of Brazil.
+50290 1 Climate change policy of the United States 54 On July 22, 2002, Governor Gray Davis approved AB 1493, a bill directing the California Air Resources Board to develop standards to achieve the maximum feasible and cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gases from motor vehicles.
+50312 0 Climate change policy of the United States 57 This shortens the time span originally enacted by Gov.
+50330 0 Climate change policy of the United States 63 Although one version was released in 1997, it was exclusively limited to residential systems using up to 10 kilowatts of energy.
+50351 1 Climate change policy of the United States 67 Ten Northeastern US states are involved in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, It is believed that the state-level program will apply pressure on the federal government to support Kyoto Protocol.
+50354 0 Climate change policy of the United States 67 Proceeds will be used to promote energy conservation and renewable energy.
+50387 1 Climate change policy of the United States 80 "From 2008 to 2017, the Republican Party went from ""debating how to combat human-caused climate change to arguing that it does not exist,"" according to ""The New York Times""."
+50415 0 Climate change policy of the United States 90 Poor and disempowered groups often do not have the resources to prepare for, cope with or recover from early climate disasters such as droughts, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, etc.
+50436 0 Climate change policy of the United States 98 The environmental justice groups who worked on AB 32 strongly opposed cap and trade programs being made mandatory.
+50444 0 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2 sessions of the AWG-KP and the AWG-LCA) were held during 2010.
+50453 0 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference 5 Other commentators spoke of a positive spirit of negotiation and of paving the way for agreement in Cancun.
+50463 0 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference 10 The committee is due to present a complete plan for the fund by the next climate conference in South Africa starting in November, 2011.
+50473 0 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference 16 In technology development and transfer, decides to establish a Technology Mechanism, which will consist of a Technology Executive Committee and a Climate Technology Centre and Network.
+50610 0 The Real Global Warming Disaster 15 "In an article which appeared in ""The Sunday Telegraph"" on 20 February 2010, Booker wrote ""we shall all in due course take steps to correct the record, as I shall do in the next edition of my book""."
+50651 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 3 "A change in the quality of the atmosphere, ""A"", does not affect the welfare of all individuals and countries equally."
+50669 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 6 Investments made in long-lived, large-scale low-emission technologies are essentially irreversible.
+50694 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 11 Economic growth may be associated specialization in certain economic sectors.
+50768 1 Economics of climate change mitigation 31 are considered as part of a policy to reduce emissions, and also that carbon sinks are included.
+50773 1 Economics of climate change mitigation 32 "Unlike efficiency, there is no consensus view of how to assess the fairness of a particular climate policy (Bashmakov ""et al.""."
+50871 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 57 Even today, it is difficult to agree on an appropriate discount rate.
+50904 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 64 In the absence of risk aversion, and certainty over the costs and benefits, the optimum level of mitigation would be the point where marginal costs equal marginal benefits.
+50940 0 Economics of climate change mitigation 75 (2007:776-777) assessed studies where estimates are given for regional mitigation costs.
+51016 1 Christiana Figueres 26 "Aware that developing countries would need additional support to undertake mitigation efforts that go beyond traditional single-site CDM projects into the promotion of climate friendly policies and measures, in 2002 Figueres proposed a ""Sectoral CDM"" under which developing countries would be encouraged to develop regional or sectoral projects that may be the result of specific sustainable development policies."
+51088 0 Physical impacts of climate change 10 This leads to the surrounding densely forested areas becoming more dry and staying dry for longer periods of time.
+51105 0 Physical impacts of climate change 12 Other likely changes are listed below:
+51122 1 Physical impacts of climate change 15 "The World Meteorological Organization explains that ""though there is evidence both for and against the existence of a detectable anthropogenic signal in the tropical cyclone climate record to date, no firm conclusion can be made on this point."
+51132 0 Physical impacts of climate change 19 Over the course of the 20th century, evaporation rates have reduced worldwide; this is thought by many to be explained by global dimming.
+51181 1 Physical impacts of climate change 29 "Using the A2 SRES emissions scenario, Schneider ""et al""."
+51207 1 Physical impacts of climate change 38 As stated above, the total volume of glaciers on Earth is declining sharply.
+51243 1 Physical impacts of climate change 49 In [[Greenland]] the period since the year 2000 has brought retreat to several very large glaciers that had long been stable.
+51247 0 Physical impacts of climate change 49 It has also accelerated from /day to /day.
+51254 1 Physical impacts of climate change 50 Ongoing effects include rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and warming of the ocean surface, leading to increased temperature stratification.
+51290 0 Physical impacts of climate change 60 From 1961 to 2003, the global ocean temperature has risen by 0.10 °C from the surface to a depth of 700 m. There is variability both year-to-year and over longer time scales, with global ocean heat content observations showing high rates of warming for 1991 to 2003, but some cooling from 2003 to 2007.
+51330 0 Physical impacts of climate change 75 http://www.facenfacts.com/NewsDetails/71424/climate-crisis-staring-in-our-face-take-up-responsibility.htm==Notes==
+51347 1 Climate change, industry and society 2 "Humans are exposed to climate change through changing weather patterns (temperature, precipitation, sea-level rise and more frequent extreme events) and indirectly through changes in water, air and food quality and changes in ecosystems, agriculture, industry and settlements and the economy (Confalonieri ""et al""., 2007:393)."
+51350 0 Climate change, industry and society 3 "With high confidence, Confalonieri ""et al""."
+51360 0 Climate change, industry and society 7 "With high confidence, Confalonieri ""et al."
+51371 0 Climate change, industry and society 8 These increases were primarily in low-income populations already experiencing a large burden of disease.
+51372 0 Climate change, industry and society 9 "With high confidence, Confalonieri ""et al."
+51374 0 Climate change, industry and society 11 Floods are low-probability, high-impact events that can overwhelm physical infrastructure and human communities.
+51402 0 Climate change, industry and society 22 "With high confidence, Confalonieri ""et al."
+51436 0 Climate change, industry and society 29 "With high confidence, Confalonieri ""et al."
+51441 0 Climate change, industry and society 29 Exposure to elevated concentrations of ozone is associated with increased hospital admissions for pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, allergic rhinitis and other respiratory diseases, and with premature mortality.
+51490 1 Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources 3 Other limitations of the data include: a) missing life cycle phases, and, b) uncertainty as to where to define the cut-off point in the global warming potential of an energy source.
+51499 0 Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources 7 "The high rate of near 110 grams of GHGs mentioned in this Yale paper, as shown in Figure 4 and discussed in the body of the article, is derived from what the authors consider to be a ""worst-case scenario"" that is not ""considered very robust""."
+51524 0 Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources 14 Most recently, Sovacool (2008) calculated a mean value for the overall emissions by averaging the global results of 19 LCA [Life-Cycle Analysis] studies forming a subset of, as stated by the author, 'the most current, original and transparent studies' out of 103 studies.
+51544 0 Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources 19 "Furthermore, the study criticised the Vattenfall report: ""it omits the energy and greenhouse gas impacts of many upstream [mining] contributions."
+51584 0 Climate change in Scotland 2 Between 1990 and 2007, Scottish net emissions have reduced by 18.7%.
+51598 0 Climate change in Scotland 6 Species of plants and animals that can't adapt quickly enough may become extinct or be replaced by other creatures.
+51624 0 Straight Up (book) 2 Romm writes and edits the climate blog ClimateProgress.org for the Center for American Progress, where he is a Senior Fellow.
+51636 0 Straight Up (book) 5 "In his first chapter, Romm argues that the media perpetuates the ""status quo"" through laziness and a misunderstanding of how to present a ""balanced"" story."
+51659 1 Straight Up (book) 10 "Vice-President Al Gore endorsed the book as ""important"" on his blog, writing, ""If you are interested in the fight to solve the climate crisis, I recommend you read this book."
+51662 1 Straight Up (book) 11 "In particular, Romm eviscerates the American news establishment for ignoring climate catastrophe issues""."
+51672 0 Straight Up (book) 11 ... Strong opinions, muscular writing.
+51702 1 Straight Up (book) 14 "A July 2010 review in RenewableEnergyWorld.com agreed with Romm that ""with the little time we have left to avert climate chaos, we must devote most of our resources to deploying existing technologies like solar, wind and geothermal that we know can bring atmospheric carbon back down down to safe levels."
+51705 1 Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact 1 Despite emission reductions from automobiles and more fuel-efficient (and therefore less polluting) turbofan and turboprop engines, the rapid growth of air travel in recent years contributes to an increase in total pollution attributable to aviation.
+51730 0 Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact 9 Airlines and airports are looking at ways of reducing emissions and fuel burn through the use of improved operating procedures.
+51732 0 Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact 9 Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) is now operating its Boeing 737 fleet at a slower cruising speed to help reduce emissions by 7–8%.
+51766 1 Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact 22 Continental Airlines' carbon offsetting scheme involves paying a fixed fee of $2 to cancel out emissions through reforestation.
+51888 0 Renewable energy debate 33 Dedicated hydroelectric projects are often built to provide the substantial amounts of electricity needed for aluminium electrolytic plants, for example.
+51900 0 Renewable energy debate 35 The cost of large dams and reservoirs is justified by some of the added benefits.
+51912 0 Renewable energy debate 38 A consequence is the need to relocate the people living where the reservoirs are planned.
+51924 0 Renewable energy debate 40 There is a lack of knowledge in the scientific community regarding reservoir GHG emissions, producing many diverging positions.
+51952 0 Renewable energy debate 46 Cadmium in its metallic form is a toxic substance that has the tendency to accumulate in ecological food chains.
+52004 0 Renewable energy debate 58 Media reports tend to emphasize storylines that have popular appeal (i.e.
+52115 0 Climate change scenario 2 (2001) noted that these relationships were not proof of causation.
+52121 0 Climate change scenario 4 Emissions do not only depend on the growth rate of the economy.
+52124 0 Climate change scenario 5 A baseline scenario is used as a reference for comparison against an alternative scenario, e.g., a mitigation scenario.
+52130 0 Climate change scenario 7 A wide range of quantitative projections of greenhouse gas emissions have been produced.
+52141 0 Climate change scenario 9 "Garnaut ""et al."
+52142 0 Climate change scenario 9 (2008) made a projection of fossil-fuel CO emissions for the time period 2005-2030.
+52146 0 Climate change scenario 9 "Garnaut ""et al."
+52162 1 Greenhouse Development Rights 2 Its goal is developmental justice, as it might exist even in a world that is compelled to rapidly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions to near-zero levels.
+52164 0 Greenhouse Development Rights 2 A right to life free from the privations of poverty.
+52167 1 Greenhouse Development Rights 3 By so doing, it seeks to provide a coherent, transparent, and compelling way of calculating and comparing national “fair shares” – broadly defined – of the cost of the global climate transition.
+52179 1 Greenhouse Development Rights 7 The Greenhouse Development Rights framework was developed and modeled by Paul Baer, Tom Athanasiou of EcoEquity, Sivan Kartha and Eric Kemp-Benedict of the Stockholm Environment Institute.
+52188 0 Greenhouse Development Rights 7 The GDRs second edition book and model were released at COP 14 in Poznan.
+52217 0 Greenhouse Development Rights 14 Distributing the global mitigation gap in this way yields some striking results.
+52234 0 Greenhouse Development Rights 16 How to institute credible and democratic governance?
+52248 1 Media coverage of global warming 4 This rise is “largely attributed to news surrounding United States (US) President Donald J. Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 United Nations (UN) Paris Climate Agreement, with continuing media attention paid to the emergent US isolation following through the G7 summit a few weeks later.”
+52270 0 Media coverage of global warming 10 Science journalism concerns itself with gathering and evaluating various types of relevant evidence and rigorously checking sources and facts.
+52281 0 Media coverage of global warming 13 "He continued that using this ""inflammatory terminology has a distinctly Orwellian flavor."
+52303 0 Media coverage of global warming 18 As Feindt & Oels state, “[media] discourse has material and power effects as well as being the effect of material practices and power relations”.
+52358 0 Media coverage of global warming 34 It does so by comparing two pictures.
+52395 0 Tarawa Climate Change Conference 6 Kiribati
+52398 0 Tarawa Climate Change Conference 9 Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands
+52448 1 Carbon fee and dividend 14 Carbon fee and dividend is the preferred climate solution of Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL).
+52451 0 Carbon fee and dividend 15 Inspired by the market-friendly structure of carbon fee and dividend, Republican Congressman Bob Inglis introduced H.R.
+52459 0 Carbon fee and dividend 17 The measure urges the United States Congress to enact a tax on carbon-based fossil fuels.
+52460 0 Carbon fee and dividend 17 The proposal is revenue-neutral, with all money collected going to the bottom 2/3 of American households.
+52470 0 Carbon fee and dividend 20 Several 2020 presidential candidates have publicly shared their support of the fee and dividend policy, including Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, and John Delaney.
+52484 0 2007 Nobel Peace Prize 4 "This makes each of you a Nobel Laureate and it is my privilege to acknowledge this honour on your behalf""."
+52493 0 2007 Nobel Peace Prize 6 "It stated that it had not sent the certificates to ""contributing authors, expert reviewers and focal points."
+52504 0 John Abraham (engineer) 4 If I didn’t know the science, I would believe him.
+52571 1 Requiem for a Species 13 Munro also points out that some eminent climate scientists, like Princeton University's Michael Oppenheimer, remain optimistic that humanity will act before it is too late.
+52579 0 Requiem for a Species 16 At the time of publication, Clive Hamilton was Professor of Public Ethics at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE) at Australia.
+52601 0 Erik M. Conway 3 "His 2010 book ""Merchants of Doubt"" was co-authored with Naomi Oreskes, as was his article in the Winter 2013 issue of ""Daedalus"" called ""The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future""."
+52627 0 Particulates 5 The drift/mist emissions from the wet cooling towers is also source of particulate matter as they are widely used in industry and other sectors for dissipating heat in cooling systems.
+52670 0 Particulates 18 Electrostatic precipitators electrically charge the dirty air as it passes through.
+52682 0 Particulates 21 The converse is true of absorbing aerosol, with the greatest radiative forcing arising from a highly absorbing aerosol over a surface of high albedo.
+52687 0 Particulates 22 The Indirect aerosol effect consists of any change to the earth's radiative budget due to the modification of clouds by atmospheric aerosols, and consists of several distinct effects.
+52706 0 Particulates 25 an increase in planetary albedo.
+52743 0 Particulates 34 Legislative limits for engine emissions based on mass are therefore not protective.
+52796 0 Particulates 49 PM standards will increase in stringency in 2020.
+52827 0 Particulates 65 Mongolia's capital city Ulaanbaatar has an annual average mean temperature of about 0 °C, making it the world's coldest capital city.
+52902 0 4 Degrees and Beyond International Climate Conference 8 Prof. Peter Christoff, Prof. Robyn Eckersley, Prof. Ross Garnaut, Prof. David Griggs, Andrew Hewett, Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Dr Mark Howden, Prof. Lesley Hughes, Prof. David Karoly, Prof. Jan Mcdonald, Assoc.
+52951 0 The Conversation (website) 20 The 2015 reader survey results showed an audience of 2.6 million users on site, and a reach through Creative Commons republication of 23 million.
+52965 0 The Island President 4 "US rights to ""The Island President"" were acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films."
+52979 0 Contesting the Future of Nuclear Power 1 There is a postscript on the Japanese 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
+52988 0 United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative 1 The UNEP FI consists of 215 members from financial institutions and 41 supporting institutions.
+52992 0 United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative 2 The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative is known for their help in facilitating and shaping interactions between a wide range of partners.
+53006 0 United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative 8 Signatories become member of the initiative by paying a nominal fee.
+53167 0 Fukushima disaster cleanup 34 These pools had been cooled with seawater for some time, and TEPCO feared the salt would corrode the stainless steel pipes and pool wall liners.
+53194 0 Fukushima disaster cleanup 43 It could take 30 years or more to remove the nuclear fuel, dismantle the reactors, and remove all the buildings.
+53238 0 Fukushima disaster cleanup 54 Some 70000 square meters of seabed around the intake of cooling water would be covered with 60 centimeters thick cement.
+53270 0 Clean Energy Act 2011 5 Following a party revolt by Coalition members opposed to the Scheme, and shortly before the carbon vote, Tony Abbott challenged for the leadership of the Liberal Party and narrowly defeated Turnbull.
+53278 1 Clean Energy Act 2011 8 "Following her election as party leader, in various policy announcements in the lead up to the 2010 election, Prime Minister Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan gave assurances that no carbon tax would be introduced by a Gillard led government, but that a ""citizens' assembly"" would be called to sound out public support for a price on carbon."
+53289 1 Clean Energy Act 2011 12 The financial years beginning on 1 July 2012, 1 July 2013 and 1 July 2014 are fixed charge years (otherwise known in popular terms as the 'carbon tax').
+53324 1 The Climate Reality Project 8 The Reality Coalition used television, print and online advertisements as well as grassroots events to challenge the idea of coal pollution mitigation.
+53380 0 Green Climate Fund 5 The fund partners with 84 organizations that include commercial and development banks, state agencies and civil society groups, which pilot and execute innovative approaches to climate programs.
+53382 1 Green Climate Fund 6 Uncertainty over where this money would come from led to the creation of a High Level Advisory Group on Climate Financing (AGF) by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in February 2010.
+53457 0 Rose Mapendo 9 2007 - Volvo for Life Award
+53502 0 Suomi NPP 8 (beyond the initial 5-year mission) the spacecraft continues to operate.
+53557 0 Arctic (company) 15 In 2012, Arctic introduced more advanced models with MC101 Series, AMD Trinity-powered HTPCs which are aimed for multimedia users.
+53587 1 Effects of global warming on oceans 1 Global warming can affect sea levels, coastlines, ocean acidification, ocean currents, seawater, sea surface temperatures, tides, the sea floor, weather, and trigger several changes in ocean bio-geochemistry; all of these affect the functioning of a society.
+53611 0 Effects of global warming on oceans 7 Coastal regions would be most affected by rising sea levels.
+53638 1 Effects of global warming on oceans 10 Many economists predict that global warming will be one of the main economic threats to the West Coast, specifically in California.
+53673 0 Effects of global warming on oceans 19 Projections suggest that surface-ocean pH could decrease by an additional 0.3–0.4 units by 2100.
+53754 0 M. Sanjayan 3 A leading science communicator and television presenter, Sanjayan has hosted and co-hosted a range of documentaries for PBS, BBC and Discovery.
+53785 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 2 The fixed price rose to $24.15 for 2013–14.
+53816 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 8 Industry and business lobby groups however argued for more permits and assistance to offset the economic impacts of the scheme on many enterprises, particularly during the financial crisis of 2007–2008.
+53835 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 12 Shortly afterwards Gillard called a federal election for 21 August 2010.
+53871 1 Carbon pricing in Australia 21 The pricing mechanism was expected to cover 60% of Australia's carbon emissions.
+53902 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 36 However, there is a five-year trend for emissions from the electricity generation sector in Australia to decline.
+53905 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 36 The decline is due partly to an almost 6% reduction in electricity demand in the National Electricity market since 2008.
+53922 1 Carbon pricing in Australia 42 However, he now says the carbon tax has had a positive impact on the business.
+53929 1 Carbon pricing in Australia 48 The introduction of a carbon price in Australia was controversial.
+53944 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 50 The government-established but independent Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) commenced investment operations from 1 July 2013, with a focus on investments in renewable energy, low-emissions and energy efficiency technology and the manufacturing companies that produce materials used in such technologies.
+53964 1 Carbon pricing in Australia 57 In May 2012, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) reported it was investigating about 100 cases where customers had possibly been misled into paying excessive price rises falsely claimed to be as a result of the carbon tax.
+53986 0 Carbon pricing in Australia 63 As part of the Energy Security Fund, $1 billion was promised to highly emissions-intensive coal-fired generators.
+54024 1 The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars 3 "Kirkus Reviews"" called it ""an important and disturbing account"" of attempts to spread doubt about climate science, and said ""This blistering indictment of corporate-funded chicanery demands a wide audience."
+54105 0 Effects of global warming on human health 2 Human thermoregulatory capacity is exceeded.
+54125 1 Effects of global warming on human health 8 The natural environmental controls that used to keep the tick populations in check are disappearing, and warmer and wetter climates are allowing the ticks to breed and grow at an alarming rate, resulting in an increase in Lyme disease, both in existing areas and in areas where it has not been seen before.
+54186 0 Effects of global warming on human health 22 Some of the symptoms of dengue fever are fever, headache, muscle and joint pains and skin rash.
+54191 0 Effects of global warming on human health 23 The hotter and wetter a climate is, the faster the mosquitoes can mature and the faster the disease can develop.
+54192 1 Effects of global warming on human health 23 Another influence is the changing El Nino effects that are affecting the climate to change in different areas of the world, causing dengue fever to be able to spread.
+54196 0 Effects of global warming on human health 24 Another useful plan is to educate the public by letting them know when a dengue outbreak is occurring and what they can do to protect themselves.
+54256 0 Effects of global warming on human health 35 They are threats to emotional wellbeing through concern and uncertainty about future risks.
+54301 0 Effects of global warming on human health 40 Most of these effects are indirect instead of direct, but Clayton and Berry place them in a separate category because they deal with the relationships within a community.
+54354 0 Effects of global warming on human health 51 There are many strategies that can be used to help soften the effects, and the further production of greenhouse-gas emissions.
+54371 1 Effects of global warming on human health 55 As the temperature changes and weather patterns become more extreme, areas which were historically good for farmland will no longer be as amicable.
+54380 0 Effects of global warming on human health 56 If the climate scenario results in mild and wet weather, some areas and crops will suffer, but many may benefit from this.
+54473 0 Effects of global warming on human health 69 As mentioned above increased agricultural runoff and warmer water temperature allows for eutrophication of ocean waters.
+54511 0 Effects of global warming on human health 74 Deaths do not just occur from drowning, deaths are connected with dehydration, heat stroke, heart attack and any other illness that needs medical supplies that cannot be delivered.
+54516 0 Effects of global warming on human health 75 Victims who already have a chronic illness and then sustain a non-fatal injury are put at a higher risk for that non-fatal injury to become fatal.
+54531 0 Effects of global warming on human health 77 Vector borne diseases increase as well due to the increase in still water after the floods have settled.
+54538 1 Effects of global warming on human health 79 Another result of the warming oceans are stronger hurricanes, which will wreak more havoc on land, and in the oceans, and create more opportunities for vectors to breed and infectious diseases to flourish.
+54545 1 Effects of global warming on human health 80 The recession of glaciers change sea salt, sediment, and temperature ratios in the ocean which changes currents, weather patterns, and marine life.
+54633 0 Effects of global warming on human health 93 Research by Naeher and colleagues.
+54644 0 Effects of global warming on human health 96 Extreme environmental events are increasingly recognized as a key driver of migration across the world.
+54646 0 Effects of global warming on human health 96 This figure includes those displaced by storms, floods, and heat and cold waves.
+54649 0 Effects of global warming on human health 97 Asia and the Pacific is the global area most prone to natural disasters, both in terms of the absolute number of disasters and of populations affected.
+54653 0 Effects of global warming on human health 98 development, and disaster risk management.
+54699 0 Plastic pollution 7 Microdebris is more commonly referred to as nurdles.
+54723 0 Plastic pollution 11 Polymer degradation takes much longer as a result of saline environments and the cooling effect of the sea.
+54764 0 Plastic pollution 21 Consuming the fish that contain these toxins can cause an increase in cancer, immune disorders, and birth defects.
+54774 0 Plastic pollution 24 In the United States, the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 prohibits discharge of plastics in the sea, including from naval vessels.
+54783 0 Plastic pollution 26 While one study estimated that a little over 80% of plastic debris in ocean water comes from land-based sources, responsible for every year.
+54878 0 Plastic pollution 44 A lot is unknown on how severely humans are physically affected by these chemicals.
+54975 0 Plastic pollution 70 "In January 2019, the Iceland supermarket chain, which specializes in frozen foods, pledged to ""eliminate or drastically reduce all plastic packaging for its store-brand products by 2023."
+54987 0 Plastic pollution 77 Celebrations will include activities such as the Great Global CleanUp, Citizen Science, Advocacy, Education, and art.
+54995 0 South Norfolk Railway 1 The South Norfolk Railway was incorporated in 1886, to construct a railway from Simcoe, Ontario to Port Rowan, Ontario.
+55004 0 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 1 The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an intergovernmental organization established to improve the interface between science and policy on issues of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
+55087 1 Citizens' Climate Lobby 3 Its key purposes are listed as creating a political will for a sustainable climate, while empowering individuals to exercise their personal and political power.
+55102 1 Citizens' Climate Lobby 7 Since the initial development of Citizens' Climate Lobby, the group has rapidly grown and spread, from 3 local groups in 2007 to 327 groups in May 2016.
+55105 1 Citizens' Climate Lobby 8 These activities support the ongoing goals of the organization and contribute to progress toward effective carbon pricing legislation.
+55111 0 Citizens' Climate Lobby 10 CCL's proposal would start the fee at US$15 per ton of equivalent (3/4 of a penny per pound) and rise $10 per ton each year (1/2 of a penny per pound).
+55118 0 Citizens' Climate Lobby 11 The proposal is revenue-neutral, with all money collected going to the bottom 2/3 of American households.
+55135 1 Citizens' Climate Lobby 17 Economist and law professor Shi-Ling Hsu also supports a revenue-neutral carbon tax.
+55150 0 Citizens' Climate Lobby 20 The study finds that the BCA programs evaluated can reduce emissions leakage, can yield modest gains in global economic efficiency, and will shift substantial costs from abating OECD counties to non-abating non-OECD countries.
+55180 0 Citizens' Climate Lobby 34 However their first focus is on overhauling the European Union Emissions Trading System (EUETS) as follows:
+55182 0 Citizens' Climate Lobby 37 A central theme for is that, for an equitable and socially-compatible carbon price, all revenues must be redistributed back to the population on a per-capita basis.
+55198 1 Energy transition 3 The capacity of the earth system to absorb greenhouse gas emissions is already exhausted, and under the Paris climate agreement, emissions must cease by 2040 or 2050.
+55219 0 Energy transition 9 Market shares reaching pre-specified thresholds are typically used to characterize the speed of transition (e.g.
+55282 0 Energy transition 23 In 2015, the National Assembly has adopted legislation for the transition to low emission vehicles.
+55283 0 Energy transition 24 France is second only to Denmark as having the worlds lowest carbon emissions in relation to gross domestic product.
+55440 1 Arctic sea ice decline 10 Based on the outcomes of several different models, Overland and Wang (2013) put the early limit for a sea ice free summer Arctic near 2040.
+55473 1 Arctic sea ice decline 18 Evidence suggest that the continued loss of Arctic sea-ice and snow cover may influence weather at lower latitudes.
+55490 0 Arctic sea ice decline 23 Projected shifts in trade also imply substantial pressure on an already threatened Arctic ecosystem.
+55522 0 Years of Living Dangerously 6 We also see how Greenpeace and other environmental groups are making a real and positive difference.
+55553 0 Years of Living Dangerously 8 He speaks with President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.
+55555 0 Years of Living Dangerously 8 "Episode 9, ""Moving a Mountain"" (June 9, 2014): Hall concludes his journey to Bangladesh, where rising seas are expected to submerge 17% of the country."
+55571 1 Years of Living Dangerously 10 Ian Somerhalder travels to the Bahamas where he looks at historical evidence and explores a blue hole, diving and taking core samples of the ocean floor with scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to learn how the warming of the oceans' surface will increase the strength and destructiveness of hurricanes and superstorms.
+55685 0 Barbara Hendricks (politician) 20 Hendricks is openly lesbian.
+55748 0 Tim Ball 13 In response, Ball filed a lawsuit against Johnson.
+55754 0 Tim Ball 14 In February, 2018 Andrew Weaver's defamation suit against Ball was dismissed completely.
+55810 1 Climate resilience 10 Few concepts have acquired as much prominence in such a short time span in the climate resilience, nature conservation and sustainable development sectors as Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).
+55829 0 Climate resilience 14 Neither are mutually exclusive.
+55866 0 Climate resilience 27 Another concept important for understanding vulnerability in the United States is the climate gap.
+55877 1 Climate resilience 31 The first element of urban climate resiliency focuses on “systems’ or the physical infrastructure embedded in urban systems.
+55903 1 Climate resilience 34 Governance, the process of decision making, is a critical element affecting climate resiliency.
+55980 1 Climate resilience 53 As it stands today, there is no country-wide legislation with regards to the topic of climate resiliency in the United States.
+56101 0 Cowspiracy 8 "CinemaSpin said it did ""not discuss nuances, instead opting for a simplistic “meat bad, vegan good” message""."
+56109 1 Cowspiracy 11 "Boucher's review concludes: ""Movies like Cowspiracy aren’t believable, not only because of how they twist the science, but also because of what they ask us to believe: that the fossil fuel industry—the ExxonMobils of the world—aren’t the main cause of global warming... and that thousands of scientists have covered up the truth about the most important environmental issue of our time."
+56111 0 Cowspiracy 12 Within the food supply chain, animal products (including fish farms) account for 56-58% of GHGs, implying that animal products account for roughly 15% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions.
+56140 0 Arctic shipping routes 9 In 2060, they forecast that these numbers will decrease to 85% and 40% respectively.
+56181 0 Threatened Species Scientific Committee 1 In 2011, Professor Helene Marsh, a conservation biologist of over 30 years experience was appointed Chair of the committee.
+56230 0 Cyclone Waste Heat Engine 17 The WHE-25 engine has a 34% cutoff.
+56307 0 Laudato si 6 "This subtext makes the document ""more profoundly subversive"" than it appears on the surface."
+56398 0 Laudato si 35 Without a radical change of mentality, it will not do.
+56420 0 Laudato si 46 The encyclical gave a boost to the fossil fuel divestment movement.
+56424 0 Laudato si 47 However, it criticised Francis for ignoring important issues like family planning and birth control.
+56428 0 Laudato si 47 If it is serious about the fate of the planet and the welfare of its inhabitants, then it must be braver still on the issue of contraception.
+56438 0 Laudato si 50 "Nonetheless, she added, ""Pope Francis's tone, his honesty, how he talks about mercy and care for the poor, and his genuine desire to be a bridge,"" could influence political culture in Washington."
+56457 0 Laudato si 54 The lobbyist argued the church should promote fossil fuels instead if he really cared about the poor.
+56471 0 Caves of Meghalaya 1 The longest is Krem Liat Prah in the Jaintia Hills, which is .
+56501 0 Clean Power Plan 3 Administrator Wheeler defended the change as a way to rectify inconsistencies in the current cost-benefit analyses used by the agency.
+56506 1 Clean Power Plan 5 The plan will require individual states to meet specific standards with respect to reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
+56529 0 Clean Power Plan 12 The economic impact of the Clean Power Plan (CPP), not including the impact on employment, can be measured by many variables including its impact on electricity prices and health expenditures.
+56531 1 Clean Power Plan 12 Ultimately, the effect of the CPP on households is most influenced by how states decide to meet their emissions goals, allocate the revenue generated by the carbon tax, and collaborate with other states.
+56535 0 Clean Power Plan 13 NERA Economic Consulting, funded by coal lobbyists, relied on U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data with pessimistic assumptions, resulting in pessimistic findings stating that some states may even face double-digit price increases.
+56537 0 Clean Power Plan 13 The ability to measure and determine the impact on at-risk communities is confounded by these varying conclusions.
+56559 0 Clean Power Plan 19 The EPA has created a Clean Energy Incentive Plan that will reward communities who invest in wind and solar generations; the premise is to increase demand for energy efficient programs in low-income communities.
+56565 1 Clean Power Plan 22 "The policy has been described as ""[Obama's] most ambitious climate policy to date."
+56611 1 Clean Power Plan 36 A list of potential alternatives to the Clean Power Plan following public discussion were leaked to Bloomberg News on October 6.
+56619 0 Clean Power Plan 37 Administrator Wheeler defended the change as a way to rectify inconsistencies in the current cost-benefit analyses used by the agency.
+56624 0 Solar activity and climate 2 Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere, which contained almost no oxygen and would have been toxic to humans and most modern life.
+56635 0 Solar activity and climate 5 These measurements indicate that the Sun's total solar irradiance fluctuates by +-0.1% over the ~11 years of the solar cycle, but that its average value has been stable since the measurements started in 1978.
+56640 0 Solar activity and climate 7 In the modern era the Sun has operated within a band sufficiently narrow that climate has been less affected.
+56676 1 Solar activity and climate 22 "They conclude that because of this, ""long-term climate change may appear to track the amplitude of the solar activity cycles,"" but that ""Solar radiative forcing of climate is reduced by a factor of 5 when the background component is omitted from historical reconstructions of total solar irradiance ...This suggests that general circulation model (GCM) simulations of twentieth century warming may overestimate the role of solar irradiance variability."
+56682 0 Solar activity and climate 23 This paper disagreed with Scafetta and West, who claimed that solar variability has a significant effect on climate forcing.
+56685 1 Solar activity and climate 23 with TSI experiencing low secular variability (as the one shown by Wang et al.).
+56697 0 Solar activity and climate 26 The Northern Hemisphere, however, has higher population, industry and emissions.
+56699 0 Solar activity and climate 28 Solar forcing should warm Earth's atmosphere roughly evenly by altitude, with some variation by wavelength/energy regime.
+56719 0 Solar activity and climate 35 Damon and Laut claimed:
+56765 0 Worldwide energy supply 6 Worldwide carbon dioxide emission from fuel combustion was 32 gigaton in 2015.
+56771 0 Worldwide energy supply 9 Primary energy assessment follows certain rules to ease measurement and comparison of different kinds of energy.
+56775 0 Worldwide energy supply 10 In this article Europe does not include Russia.
+56787 0 Worldwide energy supply 19 The EU produced 9% less, Africa 5% less, China 12% more, the USA 17% more.
+56827 0 Worldwide energy supply 37 For these producers to be economic the ratio of energy returned on energy invested (EROEI) or energy return on investment (EROI) should be large enough.
+56829 0 Worldwide energy supply 38 For fossil fuels, nuclear and hydro power the ratios were according to James Conca more than 25.
+56923 0 Biodiversity loss 5 Taking into account the relative frequencies, a considerable number of biodiversity indexes has been developed.
+56937 0 Biodiversity loss 11 Certain types of pesticides named Neonicotinoids probably contributing to decline of certain bird species.
+56944 0 Biodiversity loss 13 "The 2019 IPBES ""Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services"" asserts that industrial farming is a significant factor in collapsing biodiversity."
+56965 1 Methane emissions 7 According to a Nature Communications paper published in January 2019, methane emissions instead increased 50 percent between 2000 and 2015.
+56974 0 Action for Climate Empowerment 1 It refers to Article 6 of the Convention’s original text (1992), focusing on six priority areas: education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation on these issues.
+56982 0 Action for Climate Empowerment 3 In New Delhi, 2002, the eleventh Conference of the Parties (COP 11) adopted the ‘New Delhi Work Programme’ (2002–2007) –to serve as a flexible framework for country-driven action on Article 6 in addressing the specific needs and circumstances of Parties, and reflecting their national priorities and initiatives.
+57014 0 Action for Climate Empowerment 10 The SDGs build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight anti-poverty targets that the world committed to achieving by 2015.
+57016 0 Action for Climate Empowerment 10 Three of the 17 goals and two associated targets have particular relevance for ACE:
+57109 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 22 "Second, income must not be sourced from ""Specified Service Trades or Businesses""."
+57130 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 28 Severance payments exceeding triple an employee's average salary during the last five years may also be subject to the 21% excise tax.
+57154 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 39 Net operating losses are now limited to 80% of taxable income for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.
+57170 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 45 "CBO reported on December 21, 2017: ""Overall, the combined effect of the change in net federal revenue and spending is to decrease deficits (primarily stemming from reductions in spending) allocated to lower-income tax filing units and to increase deficits (primarily stemming from reductions in taxes) allocated to higher-income tax filing units""."
+57175 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 46 For example, the CBO and JCT estimated that:
+57193 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 55 However, actual 2018 tax revenues were $3.33 trillion, a shortfall of $270billion (7.5%) relative to the forecast.
+57252 0 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 81 About 18 companies in the S&P did so; when companies paid awards to employees, these were usually a small percentage of corporate savings from the Act.
+57426 1 Emissions budget 1 An emissions budget may also be associated with objectives for other related climate variables, such as radiative forcing.
+57456 0 Emissions budget 11 So those countries with greater emissions during a set time period (for example, since the pre-industrial era to the present) would be most responsible for addressing excess emissions.
+57464 0 Emissions budget 12 This principle may be favoured by nations with larger or rapidly growing populations.
+57467 0 Emissions budget 13 The grandfathering method for calculating national emissions budgets uses this principle.
+57516 0 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C 5 scenarios and portfolios of mitigation options) that would allow such reduction by 2050 describe a rapid transition towards producing electricity through lower-emission methods, and increasing use of electricity instead of other fuels in sectors such as transportation.
+57522 0 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C 6 Impact vectors include reduction in crop yields and nutritional quality.
+57558 1 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C 16 The estimates for the budget come with significant uncertainties, associated with: climate response to CO and non-CO emissions (these contribute about ±400 GtCO in uncertainty),
+57579 0 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C 25 emissions.
+57600 0 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C 30 "Roberts hopes ""it mobilises people and dents the mood of complacency."
+57700 0 Home energy upgrades from public utilities 27 Xcel serves many communities in Wisconsin.
+57704 0 Home energy upgrades from public utilities 29 China's energy use per person has been far lower than many developed countries but is expected to rise as household incomes rise and the Chinese economy shifts toward more activity in the service industries.
+57792 1 Ecosystem-based adaptation 2 EbA involves the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, mangroves or coral reefs to reduce the harmful impacts of climate hazards including shifting patterns or levels of rainfall, changes in maximum and minimum temperatures, stronger storms, and increasingly variable climatic conditions.
+57819 0 Ecosystem-based adaptation 11 The principles are broadly clustered into four themes:
+57825 1 Ecosystem-based adaptation 16 One challenge facing EbA is the identification of limits and thresholds beyond which EbA might not deliver adaptation benefits and the extent ecosystems can provide ecosystem services under a changing climate.
+57832 0 Ecosystem-based adaptation 18 This is due in part to the fact that EbA involves both the sectors that manage ecosystems and those that benefit from ecosystem services.
+57874 0 Greenhouse gas emissions by China 3 The annual emissions of China were 10150.82 million tonnes in 2016, followed by the United States (5311.69 million tonnes) and India (2430.8 million tonnes).
+57886 0 Greenhouse gas emissions by China 7 The energy industry has been the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions since the last decade.
+57891 0 Greenhouse gas emissions by China 10 Since 2006, the Chinese government has increased export taxes on energy-inefficient industries, reduced import tariffs on certain non-renewable energy resources, and closed down a number of inefficient power and industrial plants.
+57991 0 1930 in Norwegian football 10 Lillestrøm - Falk 2-1
+58042 0 Aerobics 4 Step aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise that uses a low elevated platform, the step, of height tailored to individual needs by inserting risers.
+58047 0 KAIT 8 The station's digital signal is multiplexed:
+58065 0 Placer mining 12 Alluvial or eluvial deposits sometimes have the largest gold deposit and are very common.
+58199 0 Lynn Yang Wolf 3 She attended the German Swiss International School (GSIS) in Hong Kong, before relocating to Yangon to continue her studies in the Yangon International Educare Centre (YIEC).
+58207 0 A Better Fort 7 The annual Halloween Zombie Prom and fundraiser takes place during Downtown Fort Wayne’s Fright Night festivities.
+58226 0 Demophon of Athens 3 Demophon eventually settled in Cyprus and forgot about Phyllis.
+58234 0 Shek Lei Estate 3 Shek Lei (I) Estate (also referred as Shek Lei Extension and New Shek Lei ) has nine blocks.
+58244 0 William Graham McIvor 3 The labour situation eased in 1877 due to the famine in the plains and an influx into the Niligiris.
+58378 0 Telethon 34 Additionally there is television coverage, integration with social media, and a dedicated mobile app.
+58398 0 Leo Smith (sculptor) 1 His innovative work has been exhibited in museums, galleries and fine shops and has brought wide acclaim throughout the US.
+58429 0 Jiang Shen 2 Jiang Shen had at least three younger brothers who also served in the government, Jiang Jie (蔣偕), Jiang Xian (蔣仙), and Jiang Ji (蔣佶).
+58478 0 Clinton Foundation 40 of impropriety.
+58499 0 The World of the Goodies 1 The music was performed mainly by session musicians.
+58545 0 Anerood Jugnauth 19 Jugnauth who was thinking of a new political strategy was expected to resolve the issue but to everybody's surprise, he let both parties go apart.
+58579 0 Review (magazine) 1 Review is an American magazine covering national and international economic issues.
+58730 0 2010 Minnesota gubernatorial election 24 "The nonpartisan ""Cook Political Report"", CQ Politics and pollster Rasmussen Reports rated the gubernatorial election a tossup, while ""New York Times"" political statistician Nate Silver gave Dayton an 86% chance of winning and Emmer 14%."
+58874 0 Meadowlark cooperative 4 Agate is located at (39.439756,-103.999157).
+58918 0 TVA (Canadian TV network) 16 Notes:
+58929 0 Meca-Medina ruling 13 Although, if sporting bodies can illustrate that the objectives pursued by its rules are legitimate and proportionate in their effects then the ruling should have no effect.
+58958 0 Martin Tytell 6 How many do you want?
+59017 0 Three Pawns handicap 8 If White does drop another pawn and Black captures it (3...P*86, 4.
+59133 0 Mads Johansen Lange 20 During the preparations for their campaign, the Dutch blockaded the coast of Bali, wreaking havoc on trade.
+59170 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Matthew 27:17 πιλατος ] πηλατος
+59198 0 Weizmann Institute of Science 7 programs, while those earning an M.Sc.
+59239 0 Kim Bridgford 5 Bridgford started teaching at Fairfield University in Connecticut in 1989.
+59286 0 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack 8 According to his lawyer, Salhi had been earlier reprimanded by Cornara for dropping equipment from a pallet, and had attacked his former boss for personal reasons.
+59308 0 Idiot 13 "In ""The Antichrist"", Nietzsche applies the word 'idiot' to Jesus in a comparable fashion, almost certainly in an allusion to Dostoevsky's use of the word: ""One has to regret that no Dostoevsky lived in the neighbourhood of this most interesting ""décadent""; I mean someone who could feel the thrilling fascination of such a combination of the sublime, the sick and the childish."
+59326 0 Boyle County, Kentucky 15 Four other colleges and universities have campuses in Boyle County:
+59395 0 Phoenicis Lacus quadrangle 4 Lava Channels on the flank of the volcano Pavonis Mons are pictured below in a picture from Mars Odyssey THEMIS.
+59485 0 Luis Farell 15 During this long conflict, Farell flew alongside his friends Alfonso Cruz Rivera, Roberto Fierro and other airmen.
+59531 0 Hiroyuki Sawano 3 He is now represented by VV-ALKLINE.
+59535 0 Henry Meade Bland 3 He often referenced roses in his poems.
+59589 0 Mulian Rescues His Mother 14 According to local legend, Zheng was blind when he wrote the opera and was restored to full sight by a grateful Guanyin (the legend also has it that when Zheng later wrote a love story he went blind again).
+59635 0 EB/Streymur/Skála 3 EBS/Skála finished as runners-up for the next three seasons, finally ending the Klaksvík club's streak of 17 consecutive titles in 2017.
+59650 0 Walter Ross (boxer) 7 In 1921 he beat Beynon and Dastillon, but lost to Symonds in October.
+59733 0 Anton Breitenhofer 1 "He served as editor-in-chief of ""Neuer Weg"" (German-language daily newspaper) between 1954 and 1976."
+59760 0 Royals (song) 29 "She compared the feeling to the ""waiting period of your life"" where you cannot get into bars, drive, etc."
+59761 0 Scott Allan 2 After signing for Celtic he had loan spells at Rotherham United, Dundee and Hibernian.
+59777 0 Barb Honchak 11 In the semifinals, Honchak faced Nicco Montaño.
+59849 0 Chak 116/12.L Kassowal 7 People often keep buffaloes, cows, sheep, goats, hens, and ducks for milk, meat and eggs.
+59884 0 Yuhi V of Rwanda 6 Des Forges, Alison.
+59941 0 Jakelyne Oliveira 1 Jakelyne de Oliveira Silva (born January 20, 1993 in Rondonópolis) is a Brazilian dancer, model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Brasil 2013 and represented her country at Miss Universe 2013 in Moscow, Russia.
+59962 0 Traveler IQ Challenge 5 The locations quickly get harder with cities like Ashkabat, Turkmenistan.
+60035 0 Renan Calheiros 1 He still faces three separate inquiries on other charges.
+60059 0 Marc Karam 4 "In early 2006, Karam won an entry into the ""2006 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure"" (PSCA) poker tournament by qualifying online via a ""satellite"" tournament."
+60086 0 Women's Equal Rights Law of Israel (1951) 11 In 1955, widowed mother of three Halima Bria, got remarried.
+60148 0 Wat Phrammani 1 "Wat Phrammani (), also known as Wat Luang Phor Pak Daeng (), is a Buddhist temple (""wat"") in Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand."
+60166 0 Midlands Prison 1 The Midlands Prison () is a medium security prison in Portlaoise, County Laois.
+60213 0 Flourish // Perish 6 "You’re born, you flourish, you flourish to perish""."
+60232 0 Mikroton Recordings 5 Nina Polaschegg about Mikroton Recordings in NOWJazz show of SWR2 radio: http://www.lastradiopoets.net/archives/31410%5B%5D
+60256 0 Bao Rong 2 "His biography is included in the Yuan dynasty work ""Biographies of Tang Talents"" (唐才子传) by Xin Wenfang (辛文房)."
+60322 0 Moroccan nationality law 10 However, that may cause problems for people who also have nationality of countries that do not allow their nationals to have multiple citizenship.
+60341 0 Alexander Ostuzhev 5 Young Ostuzhev was admired for his voice.
+60351 0 William Schafer 1 He has made significant discoveries on the functional properties of ionotropic receptors in sensory transduction and on the roles of gap junctions and extrasynaptic modulation in neuronal microcircuits.
+60457 0 Brenda Jackson 11 This movie is based on her beloved Madaris Series novel.
+60460 0 Eddie Chapman (footballer) 2 At schoolboy level, he won honours with Ilford and London, and also had a trial for England Schools.
+60506 0 U2 Live at Red Rocks: Under a Blood Red Sky 20 Legal proceedings subsequently ensued to return the tapes to Wurpel and U2.
+60576 0 Natural Forest Standard 5 The methodology NFS AM001, does not involve predicting land use changes in specific places at specific times, but applies a risk-based approach to baseline quantification which allows for a programmatic approach to reducing emissions.
+60603 0 Riemann hypothesis 110 "where Hardy's function ""Z"" and the Riemann–Siegel theta function θ are uniquely defined by this and the condition that they are smooth real functions with θ(0)=0."
+60664 0 Percival Goodhouse 2 Several instances of supposed ghost sightings in the garden maze have been attributed to Goodhouse.
+60691 0 Leith Ratten 2 Her upset husband, Leith Ratten, was removed for questioning.
+60697 0 Dan Cunneen 6 Throughout the 1990s and 2000s Cunneen performed at private parties and Seattle venues such as Re-bar, The Baltic Room, Moore Theater and The Capitol Club.
+60721 0 Businessman (soundtrack) 2 The others who attended the audio function were D. Ramanaidu, Mahesh's wife and actress Namrata Shirodkar, Kajal Aggarwal, Rama Rajamouli, Dil Raju, Kajal's sister and actress Nisha Agarwal, S. Thaman, Nassar, Bhaskarabhatla Ravikumar, Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta, Ramesh Puppala and others.
+60741 0 Newport, Bellevue 2 Much of Newport west of Interstate 405 was annexed by Bellevue in 1957.
+60757 0 ARIA Music Awards of 1995 1 Presenters distributed 28 awards from 1060 preliminary nominations.
+60827 0 Piano Sonata No. 2 (Chopin) 4 4), written at the age of eighteen; the Piano Sonata No.
+60853 0 Army of Châlons 28 The 12th Army Corps () was commanded by général Lebrun, with headquarter staff général Gresley.
+60910 0 Jean Isherwood 5 Jean Isherwood was one of the several teachers who determinedly maintained the opposite position.
+60926 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 16 Γκαύρος (The folk sculptor K. Gavros).
+60946 0 Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots 116 The 104th Cavalry traces its lineage back only as far as 1874 when the 8th Infantry Regiment was constituted on June 30, 1874, and organized in south-central Pennsylvania on August 4, 1874.
+60978 0 Mercer Bears 33 Mercer defeated Duke in the second round of the NCAA Tournament before losing to Tennessee in the third round.
+61026 0 Canada at the 2010 Winter Olympics 44 Jasey-Jay Anderson secured an Olympic berth in the Parallel Giant Slalom by winning the event at the 2009 FIS Snowboarding World Championships.
+61065 0 Henri Royer 4 His paintings reveal careful attention to their costumes.
+61083 0 Mock modular form 11 "If we can find any other function ""g"" with the same image ""g"", then ""F"" − ""g"" will be holomorphic."
+61164 0 Crochet 26 "A yarn's usefulness is judged by several factors, such as its ""loft"" (its ability to trap air), its ""resilience"" (elasticity under tension), its washability and colorfastness, its ""hand"" (its feel, particularly softness vs. scratchiness), its durability against abrasion, its resistance to pilling, its ""hairiness"" (fuzziness), its tendency to twist or untwist, its overall weight and drape, its blocking and felting qualities, its comfort (breathability, moisture absorption, wicking properties) and its appearance, which includes its color, sheen, smoothness and ornamental features."
+61263 0 Spanish Revolution of 1936 11 This was accomplished through widespread expropriation and collectivization of privately owned productive resources (and some smaller structures), in adherence to the anarchist belief that private property is authoritarian in nature.
+61335 0 Charismatic (horse) 9 Cat Thief, also trained by Lukas, was third.
+61416 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Mark 9:8 Ιησουν μονον μεθ' εαυτων ] Ιησουν μεθ' εαυτων
+61423 0 Georgios Kantimiris 2 I am very pleased by this development and will do everything to achieve their teams' goals.
+61485 0 Reciprocal distribution 3 The probability density function (pdf) of the reciprocal distribution is
+61518 0 LGBT rights in Chile 35 The law has a positive impact on the fight against homophobia and transphobia in the classroom.
+61519 0 Thor Heyerdahl 15 However, more recent DNA work (after Heyerdahl's death) contradicts the post-European-contact contamination hypothesis, finding the South American DNA sequences to be far older than that.
+61587 0 New York v. Trump 7 On October 19, 2017, Judge Garaufis ordered that the Trump Administration cannot delay discovery, but over a reduced scope of documents.
+61603 0 2018 National Ringette League playoffs 1 The 2018 National Ringette League Playoffs are the postseason tournament of 2017-18 National Ringette League season.
+61619 0 Scar (Battlestar Galactica) 18 "One writer suggests that they're fixing the engines (a true standby of science fiction, one that served ""Star Trek"" for decades)."
+61705 0 C Sharp 4.0 14 C# 4.0 introduces optional parameters with default values as seen in Visual Basic and C++.
+61742 0 Fiat 124 Spider (2016) 5 In December 2014, FCA's Sergio Marchionne determined Alfa Romeos would only be manufactured in Italy,
+61752 0 Sleeve garter 11 Bartenders would and still occasionally do wear sleeve garters to keep their sleeves from falling down and getting wet while wiping down the bar.
+61770 0 Spargania magnoliata 2 "The MONA or Hodges number for ""Spargania magnoliata"" is 7312."
+61795 0 The Simpsons opening sequence 56 "Al Jean deemed it ""crazier than we thought"" and ""the most insane one we've ever done""."
+61814 0 Dina Powell 39 Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman.
+61862 0 Chemical Bank 8 Chemical's corporate banking business provided a wide variety business loans, leasing, real estate financing, money transfer and cash management among other services.
+61951 0 Baseball in Germany 11 They also, as of 2018, have the most national titles (10), followed by the Paderborn Untouchables (6) and the Buchbinder Legionäre Regensburg (5).
+61982 0 Vinjamuri Venkata Lakshmi Narasimha Rao 3 "His favorite role was Bahuka in ""Chitranalineeyam"" of Dharmavaram."
+61988 0 Communist Party (Denmark) 4 Other communist parties in Denmark includes KPiD (Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark) and DKP (Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti).
+62134 0 Staten Island Advance 3 "In 1908, Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr. started working for New Jersey Democratic machine politician, ""Bayonne Times"" newspaper owner, and Judge Hyman Lazarus's law office as an office-boy, bookkeeper and rent-collector."
+62167 0 Michiel de Wael 1 9 May 1596 – buried 7 April 1659 in Haarlem), was a Dutch brewer and citizen of Haarlem, best known today for his portraits painted by Frans Hals.
+62174 0 Frango 18 However, the contract with Cupid Candies, though cheered locally, may be a case of too little, too late for Federated as Macy's sales figures, including those for Frango mints, continued to stagnate or slump even before the Great Recession had begun.
+62207 0 Asociación Civil Impacta Salud y Educación 1 Asociación Civil Impacta Salud y Educación is a non-profit organization which promotes public health in the Andean region of Peru.
+62272 0 HDMS Hauch (1862) 3 Certain species seemed to always occur together, which led him as the first to define the concept of a benthic community.
+62310 0 Marrowbone (film) 8 The siblings send Allie their diary.
+62320 0 TerrorVision (album) 3 Vocalist Sven de Caluwé elaborated on topics of the new album:
+62324 0 Epothilone 2 Their mechanism of action is similar, but their chemical structure is simpler.
+62344 0 Verdejo 1 The grape originated in North Africa, and was spread to Rueda in about the 11th Century, possibly by Mozarabs.
+62347 0 Confederate States Congress 81 Postal workers and railroad employees were exempted, as well as those the president was authorized to detail.
+62351 0 Elsecar 4 The first proper mine shaft was sunk in 1795 at Elsecar New Colliery.
+62438 0 Lakeville Miss 1 Widener Trophy for outstanding achievements in breeding.
+62482 0 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science 23 Presentations were conducted using overhead projectors and transparency slides to present projects through 2014.
+62503 0 Debora Green 41 They suspected that because of the use of accelerant, the fire may have flashed over at the point of ignition and singed or burned the setter.
+62611 0 Operation Argon 5 As rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) struck their position, Captain Du Toit ordered the withdrawal of his troops.
+62659 0 Wetu Telu 18 Wetu Telu, although considered a sect of Islam, has striking differences with Islam in general.
+62710 0 Relative index of inequality 4 This interpretation assumes that the variables have been scored so that higher scores are consistent with increased risk.
+62738 0 J. Robert Wright 6 "As of July 2012, he is completing a study of the (Anglican) Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion with the assistance of his student Daniel Fowler, and his major essay on The Book of Common Prayer is soon to appear in ""The Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion""."
+62752 0 Beaumont High School (St. Louis) 18 In preparation for the conversion, the school underwent $500,000 in physical upgrades.
+62798 0 Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 7 It was reported that there had been 3,609 recorded staff complaints about staffing levels between 2012 and 2015.
+62799 0 Alice (1988 film) 4 A mysterious creaking noise draws her attention to a taxidermically stuffed White Rabbit in a glass case upon a desk.
+62985 0 Beginning of the End (film) 3 Gigantic mutant locusts rampage over the countryside.
+63106 0 Compass rose 17 The exact origin of the mariner's eight-wind rose is obscure.
+63117 0 Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots 98 In May, 1758, the Artillery Company of Westerly and Charlestown was redesignated as the Artillery Company of Westerly, Charlestown and Hopkinton.
+63162 0 Bruce D. Perry 2 In 1987, Perry did a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Chicago.
+63170 0 Kestel, Alanya 2 http://alanya.com.co
+63208 0 Turpan 21 These conflicts were called the Ming Turpan Border Wars.
+63252 0 Musca autumnalis 2 Like many true flies, in the males, the eyes almost touch when viewed from above.
+63332 0 Rudyard Kipling bibliography 5 "Some of Kipling's works were collected by him; some others were collected by publishers of ""unauthorised"" editions (""Abaft the Funnel"", ""From Sea to Sea"", for example)."
+63350 0 General Indian Court (Mexico) 1 A monograph by historian Woodrow Borah examines the precedents for establishing the court, the procedures it adopted, and the financing legal aid to Indians through a tax of a half real.
+63362 0 1934 Detroit Lions season 19 The Lions outgained the Reds by 485 yards (373 rushing and 112 passing) to 81 (60 rushing and 21 passing).
+63444 0 2004 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series 44 The Built Ford Tough 225 was held July 10 at Kentucky Speedway.
+63446 0 Gray Davis 33 Without a waiver, California would have to import a much larger amount of ethanol per year and gas prices were projected to increase drastically.
+63456 0 Blake Marler 6 After lapsing into a coma for months, she eventually awakened and set her sights on Dinah and Mallet.
+63507 0 Louisa Maria Stuart 15 While the Old Pretender recovered, Louisa Maria died on 28 April (18 April, Old Style) and was buried with her father at the Church of the English Benedictines in Paris.
+63512 0 Adrishtam 1 The film stars T. Suryakumari, K. R. Chellam, V. V. Satagopan and M. N. Srinivasan.
+63569 0 Paul Pojman 10 Because human perception of stimuli is relational and not absolute, human perception of space is from the beginning beholden to biological means of sensation and the psychological apparatus for processing these stimuli.
+63612 0 A Meeting by the River 2 The album was produced by Kavichandran Alexander, founder of Water Lily Acoustics, and Jayant Shah.
+63731 0 Mercer Bears 5 Mercer was a charter member of the New South Women's Athletic Conference in 1985–86 and won the conference championship in 1991; the conference merged with the Trans America Athletic Conference the same year.
+63796 0 Southport, Oregon 3 Sometime between 1875 and 1877 B.
+63840 0 1956 Cork Senior Hurling Championship 2 St. Finbarr's entered the championship as the defending champions.
+63851 0 Embassy of Germany, Prague 1 "The Embassy of Germany in Prague is located on Vlašská street (formerly ""Wälsche Spitalgasse""), in the Malá Strana district of Prague, Czech Republic."
+63887 0 Eduardo Anguita 20 "1951: ""Anguita, cinco poemas"" (poesía)."
+63961 0 Samathuvapuram 2 Thevars torched the transport buses and attacked the drivers.
+64017 0 Naval Medical Center Portsmouth 4 Workers removed more than 500,000 bricks from Fort Nelson and re-used them in the hospital’s foundation and inner walls.
+64101 0 Fluconazole 21 Patients with impaired renal function will be at risk of overdose.
+64117 0 Guide Star Catalog 6 A significant expansion of the catalog, Guide Star Catalog II, was published in 2008.
+64140 0 Murder of Larry McNabney 1 After a nationwide manhunt, his wife, Elisa McNabney, was captured in Florida and arraigned for first-degree murder.
+64207 0 Uzan Bazaar 9 Guwahati's branch of Vivekananda Kendra is in Uzan Bazaar.
+64243 0 Carterton, Oxfordshire 14 Wartime saw the rapid growth of the base.
+64296 0 Lex Barker 23 "The Hell of Manitoba"" (1965) and ""The Desperado Trail"" (1966) were Westerns."
+64307 0 John Maulbetsch 21 Despite the subpar performance in 1915, Michigan's varsity letter-winners elected him captain of the team for 1916.
+64355 0 Luke Rockhold 14 On April 18, 2015, Rockhold faced former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Lyoto Machida at UFC on Fox 15.
+64374 0 Holden HX 10 A 3.3-litre inline six-cylinder engine was available, as were 4.2-litre and 5.0-litre V8s.
+64382 0 No Compromises 4 G'Kar, who has been waiting to give an eloquent speech to inaugurate Sheridan, tersely swears Sheridan in so they can finally end the ceremony.
+64394 0 Monaco in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 1 The song is written and composed by Philippe Bosco.
+64459 0 First Parish in Cambridge 10 Since its founding, the town of Cambridge has changed greatly.
+64483 0 Meghalaya Democratic Alliance 8 Martle Mukhim (MDP) served as the treasurer and R. G. Lyngdoh (INC) served as the spokesperson.
+64486 0 Drayton House 2 There is a unique spiral cantilever oak staircase dating from around 1680 and an embroidered State Bed from 1700.
+64546 0 Holt-Bragg Bridge 6 In 2004, pavement repairs triggered a request by the council to ask for quotes for concrete lining of the culvert with tenders called.
+64551 0 William Elias Taunton 1 Sir William Elias Taunton (bapt.
+64580 0 Ragnar Ulfung 3 "In 2015, Ulfung at age 88 sang ""Altoum"" in Turandot at Dalhalla with i.a."
+64610 0 Château Saint-Jeannet 4 Local news paper article
+64629 0 Naveed Afzal Haq 14 We could not have imagined for a moment that our son would do this senseless act.
+64650 0 Stalker (1979 film) 24 Artemyev knew about a musical piece from Indian classical music where a prolonged and unchanged background tone is performed on a tambura.
+64655 0 Texaco (novel) 9 "In ""Texaco"" there are several uses of magical realism."
+64723 0 Prototype (video game) 12 Alex later finds and kills Karen in revenge for setting him up.
+64734 0 Rad Mobile 2 The game's weather and time of day changes, sometimes requiring players to turn on windshield wipers or headlights.
+64752 0 British Socialist Party 7 The events of the 1913 Blackpool Conference were described by a radical Russian émigré named Vladimir Ulyanov, better known to history by his pen name, N. Lenin:
+64755 0 Kaqchikel language 26 These forms below are found when the ergative marks the possessor of nouns.
+64888 0 Behrouz Boochani 21 "No Friend But the Mountains"" won the Victorian Prize for Literature and the Victorian Premier's Prize for Nonfiction on 31 January 2019."
+65003 0 Arc Ar 17 1 The Ar-17 UAV is a series of unmanned helicopters developed by Arc Aviation for industrial applications.
+65084 0 Bourgeois Dignity 3 Other participants were Donald Boudreaux and Dalibor Rohac.
+65095 0 OS/VS2 (SVS) 3 SVS uses the TOD Clock, Clock Comparator and CPU Timer exclusively.
+65185 0 Derrick Rose 23 Rose averaged 19.7 points on 47.5% shooting, 6.3 assists and 4.9 rebounds per game in his first playoff series, as the Bulls were defeated by the Celtics in seven games.
+65248 0 Nicolas Camí 2 His other clubs have been Bordeaux B, 1999–2002; Pau, 2002–2005; and Sète, 2005–2007.
+65268 0 Siege of Tarragona (1813) 10 Meanwhile, Murray issued a flurry of often contradictory orders.
+65303 0 69th Grey Cup 8 Edmonton – TD – Jim Germany 2-yard run (Dave Cutler convert)
+65324 0 Pałuki 3 The name Pałuki is likely derived from łuk, łęk, or łęg, signifying grassy lowlands between arable land.
+65504 0 Tiruvalanchuzhi Valanchuzhinathar Temple 1 The presiding deity is Shiva.
+65533 0 Molybdenum mining in the United States 12 There are a number of undeveloped and currently inactive molybdenum deposits in the United States.
+65551 0 David McNee 8 McNee was an active freemason.
+65651 0 Samuel Davis McReynolds 5 McReynolds died in Washington, D.C. on July 11, 1939.
+65763 0 Clinton Foundation 39 The two foundations have sometimes been conflated by news sources.
+65830 0 Merry Christmas Lil' Mama 4 Notes
+65937 0 Kurt Bevacqua 13 "He ordered it,"" referring to Lasorda."
+65980 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 53 Γιατί χρειάζεται μουσείο Βεργίνας.
+66021 0 Shine (Wale album) 7 Notes
+66071 0 Perrey and Kingsley 7 "A skit from the October 23, 1976 airing of ""Saturday Night Live"" titled ""Jeopardy!"
+66160 0 Tyler Matzek 10 In innings, he struck out 93 batters but walked 66 batters.
+66183 0 Dmitry Telnov 411 "Steropes eleticinoides"" Telnov & Bukejs, 2019 (Baltic amber; fossil)"
+66274 0 Malawian food crisis 44 At the same time, maize production in Malawi decreased 20% in 2018.
+66304 0 John Edward Brownlee 19 The UGG came into existence September 1, 1917.
+66356 0 1984–85 Combined Counties Football League 4 !Notes
+66381 0 2010–11 St. Louis Blues season 15 No make-up date has been set.
+66442 0 S. Thomas Gagliano 4 During the next Senate session, he was chosen by his Republican colleagues to be an assistant Minority Leader.
+66459 0 Haematoxylum 1 Haematoxylum is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae and the tribe Caesalpinieae.
+66463 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Matthew 15:14 πεσουνται ] εμπεσουνται
+66476 0 Želimir Žilnik 5 During the early 1970s he was criticized by the establishment and his works were often banned due their controversial portrayal of student demonstrations and their advocacy of freedom of media and speech.
+66623 0 Hubert Fichte 2 Hubert Fichte was born on March 21, 1935 in Perleberg Hospital.
+66739 0 Qat'aa 1 When Qat'aa, Ruba'ee, Soaz, Salaam and Marsiya are performed combined it is called soazkhwani / marsiya-khwani.
+66742 0 Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down 19 , was designed by visual artist Vincent Valdez, a frequent collaborator with Cooder.
+66778 0 Seven Early Songs (Berg) 3 The revised version is scored for high voice (soprano) and:
+66835 0 Fort Caspar 10 The skirmish line at the bridge held the Lakota at bay with volley fire until 20 of the 26 troopers, all wounded to some extent, fought their way through.
+66837 0 Monodromy 2 The image of this homomorphism is the monodromy group.
+67017 0 Riemann hypothesis 110 This can be done by calculating the total number of zeros in the region and checking that it is the same as the number of zeros found on the line.
+67066 0 Cambia Health Solutions 12 In Oregon, his compensation package totaled $872,665.
+67116 0 Cristian Gil Mosquera 1 Cristian Ali Gil Mosquera (born August 18, 1979 in Colombia) is a Colombian professional footballer.
+67126 0 Donna Cruz 9 During that year, she gave birth to a daughter named Isabella Adriana.
+67166 0 Cedrus atlantica 3 "These forests can provide habitat for the endangered Barbary macaque, ""Macaca sylvanus"", a primate that had a prehistorically much wider distribution in northern Morocco and Algeria."
+67169 0 The Headies 2013 1 2 Face Idibia, Banky W., Waje, Nikki Laoye, Mode 9, Dr SID and Kcee all went home with a plaque.
+67204 0 Army of Châlons 6 The German Army finished by encircling the ensemble of the army which unfolded on the citadelle in Sedan.
+67308 0 Indian People's Tribunal 8 Judge K. Sukumaran of the IPT visited the rehabilitation sites and prepared a report on his findings.
+67317 0 Anino ng Kahapon 3 There Magsikap murders Lt. Rosca, the second suitor of Liwayway.
+67447 0 The Potbelleez 3 1 on both ARIA's Club and Dance Charts.
+67463 0 Malawian food crisis 44 On March 14, 2019, the Chief Paramount of Malawi's Karonga District expressed his concern that Karonga would face a maize shortage due to a drought.
+67522 0 Jargalant, Khövsgöl 2 The Jargalant sum was founded, as part of Arkhangai and under the name Ikh Jargalant, in 1931.
+67612 0 Maeror Tri 9 "Myein"", a monumental work recorded between 1992 and 1993, was released on americal label ND in 1995."
+67661 0 LGBT culture in Liverpool 14 Married men would visit regularly after work, recommend busy areas to other men and found themselves dodging undercover police officers who set out to entrap those participating in sexual acts, many were caught and arrested.
+67667 0 Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums 12 The externally funded projects at IINRG are:
+67698 0 Volodymyr Malyshev 4 Wife: Malysheva (maiden name - Prylutska) Olena Afonivna, 30 May 1951.
+67719 0 Double-mindedness 16 It's alright if you fail because you can start again immediately.
+67729 0 B-box zinc finger 3 MID1 specifically binds Alpha-4, which in turn recruits the catalytic subunit of phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac).
+67733 0 Jorge M. Pérez 3 "He has been called the ""Donald Trump of the Tropics""."
+67757 0 Mulian Rescues His Mother 11 The stories sometimes use earthy characterization.
+67766 0 Basilica of St Giles 10 Other architectural improvements were made in the 20th-century.
+67920 0 Phan Quang Đán 2 "In August 1955, one month before returning to Vietnam, Dan published a Vietnamese translation of ""Volonté Vietnamienne""."
+67926 0 Scott Hilton (politician) 1 Hilton sponsored 53 bills.
+68006 0 Solomon ben Jeroham 2 "Most of the book is ""ad hominem"" attacks against Saadia."
+68084 0 Killara 13 The member for Davidson is Jonathan O'Dea.
+68096 0 Molecular vibration 28 "For example, for a harmonic oscillator transitions are allowed only when the quantum number ""n"" changes by one,"
+68121 0 Ko Chan District 4 Neighboring districts are (from the north clockwise) Plaeng Yao, Sanam Chai Khet and Tha Takiap of Chachoengsao Province and Bo Thong and Phanat Nikhom of Chonburi Province.
+68136 0 Neustadt, Ontario 4 The brewery was reconstructed in fieldstone and reopened in 1869.
+68235 0 Linda Buckley 3 "In 2016 Buckley worked with uilleann piper David Power on the composition ""Antartica"" which premiered that year at the Kilkenny Arts Festival."
+68250 0 Pointillism 6 This may be partly because subtractive mixing of the pigments is avoided, and because some of the white canvas may be showing between the applied dots.
+68279 0 Stalker (1979 film) 31 Tarkovsky supposedly retorted:
+68341 0 Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield 4 These later events are dramatic fictions.
+68342 0 The Practice of Everyday Life 6 By contrast, the walker at street level moves in ways that are tactical and never fully determined by the plans of organizing bodies, taking shortcuts in spite of the strategic grid of the streets.
+68580 0 Anna Borkowska (Sister Bertranda) 1 Mother Bertranda, O.P.
+68590 0 Igor Uporov 16 Promotion tools, capacity, forecasts and projections»
+68663 0 Culduie 2 Culduie looks over the bay of Pola-creadh towards the hamlet of Ard-dubh.
+68730 0 H. R. Nagendra 5 "Nagendra is reported to be the pioneer of ""Cyclic meditation"", a yoga technique where the practitioners perform slow conscious physical movements."
+68849 0 Riemann hypothesis 52 If the generalized Riemann hypothesis is true, then the theorem is true.
+68897 0 Harvard State Airport 3 Between August 1943 and December 1945, twenty six bombardment squadrons received proficiency training at Harvard AAF
+68904 0 Erhard of Queis 4 Grand Master Albert had great confidence in Queis' legal and administrative expertise.
+68986 0 Hell or High Water (2016 film) 6 Alberto responds with jokes about Hamilton’s old age.
+69024 0 OS/VS2 (SVS) 16 Because of the larger (16 MiB) address space that SVS provides, there is less external fragmentation than in MVT, and Rollin/Rollout would provide less of a benefit.
+69026 0 Gray Davis 53 However, the Simon-Davis race led in the lowest turnout percentage in modern gubernatorial history, allowing a lower than normal amount of signatures required for a recall.
+69056 0 Coolie 37 One stark difference between Indian and Chinese coolies was the treatment of women, despite both groups having a severe shortage.
+69068 0 The Cutie Map 2 The six become wary of the villagers' exaggerated smiles and overly welcoming nature, except for , who is charmed by their courtesy.
+69180 0 Ronald Baecker 12 He continues to serve as the Institute's Chief Scientist to provide intellectual leadership.
+69182 0 Monotown 8 A Fund for the Development of Monotowns was established in 2014, to invest in infrastructure and promote economic diversification.
+69227 0 Shine (Wale album) 11 Production
+69238 0 History of the Jews in Calabria 29 In addition to the Ashkenazi, Haplogroup G2c is also present in the population of modern Calabrians and their descendants, indicating a common ancestry between the two groups.
+69422 0 GHQ Liaison Regiment 8 Phantom units also operated with XXX Corps and with General Browning whose HQ was next to 82nd Airborne HQ in Groesbeek.
+69464 0 Ryo Kase 2 "Kase made his screen debut in Sogo Ishii's """" in 2000."
+69697 0 Chris Pittaro 6 Beane, the Athletics' general manager, identifies Pittaro as one of the scouts willing to rethink everything he knows about baseball.
+69776 0 Kent Peak (Boulder Mountains, Idaho) 1 Kent Peak, at above sea level is the second highest peak in the Boulder Mountains of Idaho.
+69903 0 Gas to liquids 10 They catalyze the oxygenation according to the following stoichiometry:
+69936 0 Chhatar Singh 1 He became the ruler of Gohad after the fall of Bhim Singh Rana.
+69964 0 Eastern Michigan University College of Technology 5 The Paralegal Studies Program offers both a bachelor's and second bachelor's degree in paralegal studies.
+69989 0 Angelslo 1 In English, Angelslo would be called Anglesley or 'Anglesleigh.
+70001 0 Domaine Montrose 1 The vineyard is 100 hectares (1 km).
+70003 0 Zena Assi 5 Her work replicates the tumult, angst and cacophony that everyday life in the city is fraught with.
+70004 0 Libertyville, Illinois 14 The professionals needed services, so a post office opened, necessitating a third name change, because another Independence Grove existed elsewhere in the state.
+70025 0 Nurse licensure 2 Nurse licensure also provides:
+70104 0 2011 African Junior Athletics Championships 4 Further to this, Egypt's Hamada Mohamed (fourth in the 800 m) set an Egyptian junior record.
+70207 0 Morcón 3 The roulade is usually cooked using a stewing and frying technique, and sliced when cool.
+70285 0 Alberto Santos-Dumont 7 The price quoted was 1,200 francs for a two-hour flight, plus payment for any damage caused and for returning the balloon to Paris.
+70290 0 Newcastle University Students' Union 8 In 1985, the SRC was merged into the Union Society.
+70298 0 CompuAdd 3 He noticed that quality assurance was less demanding work with shorter hours and switched jobs.
+70345 0 Maryia Smaliachkova 1 Maryia Viktorovna Smolyachkova (; born 10 February 1985 in Minsk) is a female hammer thrower from Belarus.
+70467 0 Iskatewizaagegan 39 Independent First Nation 3 In 2011, Iskatewizaagegan #39 First Nation voiced its concern over the plans for the City of Winnipeg to sell its water to outlying communities.
+70736 0 Military brace 1 It is also used in the diagnosis of costoclavicular syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome.
+70742 0 Thomas Jones, Baron Maelor 3 Jones firstly stood as a Labour Parliamentary candidate in 1935, but was unsuccessful.
+70780 0 Bao Rong 1 He is traditionally grouped with He Zhizhang, Zhang Xu, and Zhang Ruoxu as the Four Poets of Central Wu (吳中四士), the Lower Yangtze region.
+70796 0 Idaho State Guard 3 By 30 June 1944, the Idaho State Guard had reached a strength of 1,378 guardsmen.
+70822 0 Hayley Crawford 3 Due to Newcastle Jets' lack of experienced defenders for the 2014 season, Crawford came out of retirement and signed for the Jets.
+70837 0 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command 1 It was founded in 1968 by Ahmed Jibril after splitting from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) based on claims that it was producing impotent intellectuals, and not making any meaningful progress in terms of armed struggle to liberate Palestine.
+70840 0 Pravosudiye Mitropolichye 3 Pravosudiye was dated 13—14th centuries by Serafim Yushkov, 13th century by Boris Grekov.
+70841 0 Interstate 190 (Massachusetts) 1 However, its southern terminus exists at its split from I-290 in Worcester, which itself splits from the turnpike in Auburn.
+70872 0 Gyomaendrőd 4 Gyoma was rebuilt by Roman Catholic Slovaks and Hungarians from Upper Hungary.
+70965 0 The Lament for Icarus 4 However, somewhat surprising, Icarus has his wings fully intact, contrary to the myth where the wax melted and Icarus fell flapping his bare arms.
+71007 0 Joseph Strub 8 Works cited
+71164 0 Royals (song) 44 "The melodic styles and lyrics of artists such as Alessia Cara, Banks, Bea Miller, Billie Eilish, Daya, Halsey, Kiiara, Melanie Martinez, Selena Gomez, Tove Lo and Troye Sivan as well as Taylor Swift's work on ""1989"" (2014) and ""Reputation"" (2017) have all been compared to Lorde."
+71195 0 TerrorVision (album) 6 Production
+71337 0 John Catsimatidis 33 "At the time of their marriage, Margo led her own advertising agency, MCV Advertising Associates in New York, and was president of ""The Hellenic Times""."
+71384 0 Ronald Baecker 19 His past publications are:
+71412 0 Virtual retinal display 4 The VRD was invented by Kazuo Yoshinaka of Nippon Electric Co. in 1986.
+71498 0 Crochet 48 Margaret Wertheim and Christine Wertheim of the Institute For Figuring created a travelling art installation of coral reef using Taimina's method.
+71571 0 2013–14 Washington Huskies women's basketball team 3 "!colspan=9 style=""background:#363c74; color:#e8d3a2;"" | Exhibition"
+71586 0 Connecticut Department of Children and Families 4 The department received its current name in 1993.
+71622 0 Fenno-Filmi 2 "Later that year, Yrjö Norta directed a film ""Hiipivä vaara""."
+71623 0 Simon Groom 7 "Groom's documentary ""The Flying Scotsman: A Rail Romance"", was transmitted on BBC Two in March 2013."
+71659 0 Curfew (TV series) 2 To protect the population from the virus sweeping across the United Kingdom, a totalitarian government impose a curfew in which anyone caught out between 7pm to 7am will be put into quarantine, if not worse.
+71688 0 Malawian food crisis 28 The Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy was a framework policy document intended to direct and inform budget decisions for the central government.
+71699 0 Rhanerbräu 1 Rhanerbräu is one of the five oldest German breweries with continuous beer production located in Schönthal-Rhan, Cham district in Bavaria federal state.
+71713 0 Nicanor Yñiguez 2 He was married for 66 years to Salvacion Oppus Yñiguez, who died in September 2005.
+71714 0 Sailing in Anguilla 22 These regattas do not conform to international sailing rules with regard to right of way.
+71768 0 The Potbelleez 9 19 and No.
+71848 0 The Puddle 7 The Puddle (Henderson and Jackson, with ex-Mink drummer Heath Te Au) continued to play from 2001, although Henderson's health was affected by continued drug use and the effects of hepatitis C.
+71864 0 Luigi Serena 2 "In 1883 at Turin: ""Pollivendola"" was again exhibited."
+71935 0 Tangaxuan II 1 He was executed by burning by Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán on February 14, 1530.
+71950 0 CAMK2D 2 Four alternatively spliced transcript variants that encode three different isoforms have been characterized to date.
+71954 0 Carlos Salas Salas 2 "Salas Salas ran for the office of ""primer alcalde"" of Pichilemu for the 1909–12 term."
+71960 0 Alvin "Seeco" Patterson 1 "Alvin ""Seeco"" Patterson (born Francisco Willie, 30 December 1930, Havana, Cuba) is a percussionist."
+72005 0 Gomdar Gewog 1 Gomdar Gewog (Dzongkha: སྒམ་དར་) is a gewog (village block) of Samdrup Jongkhar District, Bhutan.
+72090 0 Victor Mancha 15 Victor finds allies against the rogue A.I.
+72142 0 CubePort 1 This application achieves this through various analogy mapping techniques, and is a standard client-server application that runs on a Windows computer but may connect to non-Windows servers.
+72160 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Matthew 13:54 εκπληττεσθαι ] εκπλησεσθαι
+72342 0 Tandwa Block 18 Karkatta, KD Hesalong, Manki, Churi, Bachara UG, Bachara OC, and Dakara are long established collieries south of the Damodar.
+72379 0 Dmitry Telnov 68 Telnov has described over 300 new coleopterous insects species and subspecies, both recent and fossil, mostly of the Anthicidae and Ischaliidae but also of Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae.
+72436 0 Ernie Elliott 7 He had been blasted in the face with a shotgun.
+72485 0 Vulcanoid 6 In particular, a large planetoid at a distance of 0.18 AU, predicted by the theory of scale relativity, was ruled out.
+72543 0 Cadet Pollen murder 2 She had received GPA 5 in her SSC examinations in 2003 and was preparing for her upcoming HSC.
+72766 0 Ann Callis 4 As a judge, Callis was involved with the creation of the first Veterans’ Court in Illinois, which received the national 2010 Paul H. Chapman Award.
+72812 0 Leopold Stokowski 21 "His many ""first performances"" with them included the US Premiere of Prokofiev's 6th Symphony in 1949."
+72828 0 Ableism 2 Labeling affects people when it limits their options for action or changes their identity.
+72891 0 Burnout (video game) 4 This however, when tried, is impossible.
+72895 0 Kuki–Paite ethnic clash of 1997–1998 1 "Local Paite prefer to call themselves ""Zomi"" rather than ""Kuki"", while local Thadous prefer to call themselves ""Kuki""; either name can apply to either group."
+72925 0 Derrick Rose 53 "Rose has spoken about his faith saying, ""... God does everything for a reason."
+72986 0 Tareen Jahan 5 Joy Sarkar and Rupankar of Kolkata and Bappa Mazumder, Ibrar Tipu and Belal Khan were the composer of the album.
+73001 0 Carding 27 As the swift carries the fibres forward, from the nippers, those fibres that are not yet straightened are picked up by a worker and carried over the top to its paired stripper.
+73053 0 Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo 6 She was also a talk show guest on the Cadena COPE programme «The Morning», hosted by Federico Jiménez Losantos.
+73104 0 Indian People's Tribunal 5 "He described the ""indiscriminate arrests, beatings, confinements and prohibitory orders"" to which local opponents of the project were being subjected."
+73109 0 1930 in Norwegian football 14 Mjøndalen - Hamar IL 9-0
+73110 0 Dwarf forest 7 "), harvest mouse (""Reithrodontomys spp."
+73125 0 Jef Raskin 10 While the Apple III was under development in 1978 and '79, Raskin was lobbying for Apple to create a radically different kind of computer that was designed from the start to be easy to use.
+73139 0 Punica protopunica 2 The tree, often thorny, attains a height of 2.5 to 4.5 meters.
+73168 0 Armand Pien 1 He was popular because his weather predictions were funny and somewhat cryptic.
+73191 0 French Chad 9 Still, major scandals occurred periodically, and many of the posts remained vacant.
+73307 0 Littlestown Area School District 156 Historian: Julie Singleton
+73326 0 2006 Chick-fil-A Bowl 35 Taylor's two interceptions tied the Georgia bowl record for interceptions, first set by Scott Woerner and Ronnie Harris.
+73428 0 Alkali feldspar granite 3 Oxide minerals such as magnetite, ilmenite, or ulvospinel.
+73432 0 Kurt Bevacqua 10 He batted .333 with five home runs and 28 RBIs mostly as a pinch hitter.
+73509 0 Wrexham A.F.C. 2–1 Arsenal F.C. 9 An outstretching Watkin poked the ball past Seaman which went beneath the goalkeeper.
+73521 0 Flesh and Stone 11 The Doctor's response was intended to be a typically embarrassed and flustered reaction to female behaviour of this kind.
+73563 0 Erythromelalgia 38 The incidence in this study of primary and secondary EM was 1.1 : 0.2 per 100 000 people per year, respectively.
+73620 0 Battlecruiser 32 Stationed in the Mediterranean, she and the escorting light cruiser evaded British and French ships on the outbreak of war, and steamed to Constantinople (Istanbul) with two British battlecruisers in hot pursuit.
+73634 0 Arthur Harden 3 He researched the life and work of Daltonduring these years.
+73641 0 Tboung Khmum District 3 The Kizuna bridge links eastern and western Cambodia by road for the first time.
+73657 0 History of the Jews in Calabria 9 Many Jews of Calabria lived in special segregated neighborhoods known as La Giudecca.
+73782 0 Kendall Ross Bean: Chopin Polonaise in A Flat 17 "The answer was ""yes""."
+73859 0 Lydia Wilson 2 She has said that her acting ambitions came from her grandparents, who were stage actors.
+74026 0 Derek Jarman 3 On 22 December 1986, Jarman was diagnosed as HIV positive and discussed his condition in public.
+74036 0 Luke Rockhold 25 He defended himself by saying that the comment was a scripted joke and that the editor dubbed it in the scene later on.
+74081 0 Uppsala högre elementarläroverk för flickor 3 The school incorporated other schools for girls in Uppsala; in 1883, Krookska skolan (1863–1883) and in 1889 Nisbethska skolan (1849–1889).
+74125 0 Anerood Jugnauth 36 "The accord also provided for a reform of the electoral system to replace the ""best losers system"" gradually by proportional representation, and to end the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation's monopoly over the electronic media."
+74160 0 Herogiri 5 In the past in Ranigunj when Bhavani tries to destroy the empire of Kaka, a dreaded don those days, he takes the help of Raj and makes him his partner in crime.
+74167 0 Cal State San Bernardino Coyotes 1 The Cal State San Bernardino Coyotes are the men's and women's intercollegiate athletic squads of California State University, San Bernardino.
+74178 0 Large countable ordinal 21 But it is still far less than the first uncountable ordinal, formula_43.
+74225 0 2010 Uzbekistan First League 3 FK Buxoro and Sogdiana Jizzakh promoted to Oliy Liga.
+74228 0 Hudson Line (Metro-North) 2 Croton–Harmon station divides the line into two distinct segments.
+74394 0 Egg Museum 2 Additionally, there are exhibits on agriculture, practices, customs and culture like ceramics, weapons, baptismal and charity gifts.
+74411 0 Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere program 9 The TAO Array was a joint NOAA and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) venture consisting of 70 moored buoys stationed along the equatorial Pacific Ocean providing real-time wind, sea surface temperature, and deep ocean temperature data using the Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System (ATLAS).
+74425 0 Eridanus (constellation) 2 This distortion occurs because the star is spinning extremely rapidly.
+74689 0 National Park Service uniforms 5 It became slightly more fitted, pockets were put back on, and the collar, while still high, turned down.
+74747 0 Chris New 25 After weighing the risks, New decided to come out as gay.
+74758 0 Demographics of Brazil 3 Historically, Brazil has experienced large degrees of ethnic and racial admixture, assimilation of cultures and syncretism.
+74765 0 Diesel automobile racing 1 Diesel automobile racing can refer to any use of diesel as a fuel for racing cars.
+74778 0 Earthflow 3 Earthflows are just one type of mass movement that can occur on a hill slope.
+74823 0 Codex Boreelianus 22 "Heringa's papers were edited and published by Vinke in 1843 under the title ""Jodoci Heringa El."
+74845 0 Demographics of Brazil 61 The Pardos can be a mixture of Europeans, Levantine Arabs, Crypto-Jews or Anusim, Africans, Amerindians, Gypsies and Asians.
+74874 0 Victor Jackovich 8 In the following year, he became Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.
+74894 0 History of the Jews in Calabria 22 Currently there are two airlines that offer routes between Reggio and Tel Aviv.
+74912 0 Arnold Lava Tube System 4 The Central Oregon Conservation Task Force (COCTF), under the guidance of Larry King and Garry Petrie, documented the abuse of the caves.
+74958 0 Slip (ceramics) 5 Slipware is pottery decorated by slip placed onto a wet or leather-hard clay body surface by dipping, painting or splashing.
+75101 0 Ringtheater fire 5 Likewise, the bigger theatres were forced to employ an uniformed security guard who would oversee the evacuation and must remain on-site until the last spectator has left the premises – a rule which still stands today.
+75116 0 Socialist Party (Sweden, 1929) 4 Gradually, however the party became more and more antagonistic toward the Comintern and the Soviet Union.
+75124 0 Leudwinus 5 When Leudwinus woke up, his servant told him how the eagle had protected him from being burnt by the sun.
+75206 0 Mladen Dražetin 17 "He was included into the Encyclopedia of Novi Sad (Enciklopedija Novog Sada, Book 7, Novi Sad, 1996), The Lexicon of the Artists of Vojvodina (Leksikon umetnika Vojvodine, Roman Vehovec, Novi Sad, 2001), The Directory of Writers for Children (Azbučnik pisaca za decu, Svetozar Malešev, Novi Sad, 1997), Anthology of the most beautiful songs about love ""Great Secret"" (Antologija najlepših pesama o ljubavi ""Velika tajna"", Pero Zubac, Belgrade, 1997), The Anthology of the New Serbian Poetry for Children and Youth ""When the Heart Starts Glittering"" (Antologija novijeg srpskog pesništva za decu i mlade ""Kad srce zasvetluca"", Pero Zubac, Ruma, 2009), Biographical Dictionary of Šajkaška (Biografski rečnik Šajkaške, Boško Brzić, Novi Sad, 2013), ""The Dictionary of Vojvodina"" (""Rečnik Vojvodine"") of Miroslav Antić (Sarajevo, 1989)."
+75217 0 New Richmond, Indiana 14 The Masonic Lodge serves breakfast until 11:00 am.
+75292 0 Newport, Rhode Island 23 "Hammersmith Farm is the mansion where John F. Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy held their wedding reception; it was open to tourists as a ""house museum"", but has since been purchased and reconverted into a private residence."
+75344 0 Kalayaan Avenue 6 It veers northeast at the junction with 32nd Street thereby avoiding the Bonifacio district.
+75376 0 AISDALSLove 7 Share (S)
+75381 0 Keene Adventist Elementary School 4 Girls and Boys JH Basketball, JH Gymnastics, JH Soccer, JH Volleyball, Girls and Boys Elementary Basketball, Elementary Soccer, Elementary Volleyball, Elementary Gymnastics.
+75429 0 Nalambalam 2 Starting from Thripprayar and ending in Payammel, through Irinjalakuda and Moozhikulam.
+75435 0 Intersection (road) 10 Turn lanes can increase the capacity of an intersection and/or improve safety.
+75454 0 Ed Savitz 3 He reportedly kept the feces in pizza boxes in his apartment.
+75468 0 Jamesburg Earth Station 2 The 10-story high, dish, driven by a Vertex-RSI 7210 drive system, served for about 35 years as the West Coast Teleport of AT&T/COMSAT's communications Satellite Network, and was the earth station serving Intelsat satellites parked in geosynchronous orbit over the Pacific Ocean.
+75471 0 Jan Salestrand 2 He then completed the Swedish Armed Forces Staff College's senior course from 1988 to 1990 and served as an Operational/Tactical Officer Education (op/ta) teacher at the Swedish Armed Forces Staff College in 1990.
+75531 0 Thomas Metcalfe (Kentucky politician) 6 His service was interrupted by the War of 1812.
+75552 0 Blaže Koneski 2 In 1941, after the defeat of Yugoslavia in Aufmarsch 25, he enrolled in the Law Faculty of Sofia University, but did not graduate.
+75581 0 Guide Star Catalog 3 They produced a catalog containing the best available data for all stars to magnitude 11.
+75591 0 Dina Powell 39 The trip was viewed positively within the Administration, which continued to think that an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal was achievable.
+75695 0 Clemson Experimental Forest 2 He adjusted his proposal, now named the Clemson College Conservation Project, and resubmitted it.
+75783 0 Riaz Basra 5 On one occasion, Basra is believed to have coerced the Punjab Chief Minister into easing police pressure on his group.
+75826 0 Kyoto Tachibana University 1 "Its motto was ""to encourage and foster independent women""."
+76022 0 Vic Fangio 7 He coached the defense in Houston from 2002-05.
+76070 0 Frango 4 The C was changed to a G since Franco suggested a different meaning.
+76079 0 Use of HDPE in Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems 7 Both N-755 and Appendix XXVI limit the use of HDPE to Class 3 piping systems.
+76090 0 Dwarf coconut 3 The palm's resistance to the Lethal Yellowing disease is the characteristic that makes it to be one of the important dwarf types in the world.
+76182 0 Foundation for the Community of Artists 28 WorldCat Identities
+76184 0 2015 Kansas City Chiefs season 3 Notes
+76337 0 Juan Ramón Isasi 1 Juan Ramón Isasi (born 22 September 1959 in Asunción, Paraguay) is a former football forward.
+76364 0 Christian Beyer 2 Christianus Baierus, Quinomen Magnum.)
+76456 0 Naval Medical Center Portsmouth 9 The hospital ship U.S.S.
+76458 0 Kuno von Westarp 2 "He attended the ""Gymnasium"" secondary school in Potsdam and studied jurisprudence at the universities of Tübingen, Breslau, Leipzig, and Berlin, passed the ""Staatsexamen"" in 1886 and did his military service in Breslau and Potsdam, where he was elevated to a reserve officer of the 1st Foot Guard regiment."
+76482 0 2018 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting 19 When the ballot was announced, Buck, Costas, Michaels and Morgan were still alive.
+76486 0 Reel Moments 9 "In 2011, Reel Moments alums Jennifer Aniston (2006) and Demi Moore (2008) joined Patty Jenkins, Alicia Keys, and Penelope Spheeris in directing the Lifetime comedy-drama television film ""Five""."
+76624 0 Kaqchikel language 27 When the ergative forms are being used to denote the subject of a transitive verb, some of the forms differ.
+76644 0 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science 35 PJAS offers movie(s) to view outside and often, the Penn State Astronomy Department has telescopes set up on the HUB lawn (weather permitting).
+76686 0 2018 Turkish parliamentary election 17 Following the HDP's exclusion from the Nation Alliance, it was speculated that the HDP and the Free Cause Party (HÜDA-PAR), an Islamist orientated far-right Kurdish party, could form a broad 'Kurdish alliance'.
+76872 0 Wouter Biesiot 3 He wrote two books on sustainability and was a prominent member of the Balaton Group.
+76948 0 Mads Johansen Lange 29 Lange's contribution did not confine itself to the cultural sphere.
+77013 0 Ragnar Ulfung 3 Nina Stemme and Lars Cleveman.
+77027 0 Habra (Vidhan Sabha constituency) 5 In 1977 Nirode Roy Choudhury of CPI (M) defeated his nearest rival Krishnadas Chattopadhyay of Congress.
+77043 0 Mads Johansen Lange 13 "Lange built his ""factorij"" at Kotta and steadily expanded it with residential units and warehouses."
+77051 0 Christopher Robert Hallpike 5 "Thus, in his book ""Ship of Fools"" he evaluates critically the scientific merit - or the lack of it - of theories presented by Emma Byrne about swearing, Yuval Harari about human history, Rene Girard about mimetic causation of violence, about his denial of human cannibalism, and Noam Chomsky about universal grammar in language acquisition."
+77078 0 Architech 9 Together, they will form their government, electing individuals of various skills into official positions where their skills could be harnessed for the benefit of the society.
+77177 0 Guilty Gear Xrd 3 A burst gauge is filled as time goes by or when the player receives damage; once the gauge is filled, the player can perform a Psych Burst to move away from the opponent.
+77189 0 Halongella schlumbergeri 9 "The radula of ""Halongella schlumbergeri"" has 10 lateral teeth and 14 marginal teeth."
+77201 0 Lawn ornament 13 "The ""Cavalier"" variation typically depicts a white figure."
+77203 0 Acacia falcata 8 Australian indigenous people use the bark to make a liniment for treating ailments of the skin.
+77245 0 Pharos-Tribune 11 "In 1923, Berman, who operated a wholesale and retail sporting goods business in Logansport, was named publisher of the ""Pharos-Tribune""."
+77246 0 Dwarf forest 9 A dune being pushed farther away from the coast by fluctuating sea levels solidified and slid under the one before it, raising the terraces.
+77344 0 Mutation (knot theory) 1 There are two reflections that switch pairs of endpoints of the tangle.
+77440 0 CSS Sumter 4 "Sumter"" captured another six ships from late November into January 1862, while cruising from the western hemisphere to European waters."
+77468 0 Confederate States Congress 59 Most newspapers subsequently condemned the provision as the worst sort of class legislation.
+77493 0 Rainier Fog (song) 4 Being very proud and honoured to still be doing this.
+77545 0 Flavanone 3-dioxygenase 3 Other names in common use include naringenin 3-hydroxylase, flavanone 3-hydroxylase, flavanone 3beta-hydroxylase, flavanone synthase I, (2S)-flavanone 3-hydroxylase, and naringenin,2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-hydroxylating).
+77547 0 Yonder Alonso 15 Alonso was the starting first baseman to begin 2013.
+77559 0 Pipkins 6 Topov the monkey and Johnny discussed why the goldfish died and why do people die?
+77568 0 Anteosaur 5 "The stance of a typical anteosaur, such as ""Titanophoneus"", was primitive."
+77666 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Mark 12:28 εις των γραμματεων ] εις γραμματεων
+77857 0 Prototype (video game) 6 These include the Tendril Barrage, which fires impaling tendrils from his body in all directions, the Groundspike Graveyard, which erupts massive spikes from the ground all around Alex, and the Critical Pain, which fires a single beam of hardened biomass from his hands to severely damage a single target.
+77914 0 British India Steam Navigation Co v IRC 2 A. V. Dicey and Farrer Herschell QC appeared for the Revenue.
+77916 0 Weyl tensor 11 It follows that a necessary condition for a Riemannian manifold to be conformally flat is that the Weyl tensor vanish.
+77920 0 Dark fermentation 4 2012) and methane by integrating acidogenic processes to terminal methanogenic processes.
+77996 0 French Chad 1 From 1905, Chad was linked to the federation of French colonial possessions in Middle Africa, known from 1910 under the name of French Equatorial Africa.
+78040 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 1 Founding member of the Arcadian Academy.
+78057 0 Erythronium umbilicatum 5 "umbilicatum""—stolons absent"
+78069 0 Taifa of Toledo 1 It existed from the fracturing of the long-eminent Muslim Caliphate of Córdoba in 1035 until the Christian conquest in 1085.
+78077 0 Papaipema circumlucens 3 "Larvae bore in hops (""Humulus"")."
+78108 0 2006 Chick-fil-A Bowl 21 At the snap, quarterback Sean Glennon lateraled the football to wide receiver Eddie Royal.
+78124 0 Connecticut Department of Children and Families 9 Long Lane was scheduled to close on December 30, 2003.
+78240 0 Got to Believe 11 This is a reunion project of 80's generation actresses Manilyn Reynes, Isabel Granada and Carmina Villaroel alongside teen idols Benjie Paras and Ian Veneracion.
+78270 0 Robert L. Cutting 10 Julianna was the daughter of James DeWolf and Julia Lynch (née Post) DeWolf and the granddaughter of U.S.
+78286 0 Information and Communications Technology Council 10 Trekker Armstong - ITCP (Treasurer)
+78322 0 Brenda Jackson 1 Brenda Jackson (February 2, 1953) is an American novelist who writes contemporary multicultural romance novels.
+78375 0 Nalambalam 11 Important Vazhipadu is Sudarshanan dedication.
+78425 0 Herkules Jonssons storverk 1 The screenplay was written by Tage Danielsson.
+78446 0 Peninsula Ultra Fun Run 5 Results
+78503 0 Halstead C. Fowler 1 He was a survivor of the Bataan Death March and prisoner of war.
+78525 0 Joan Huydecoper van Maarsseveen (1599–1661) 1 Huydecoper had a prosperous political career: first he was elected to the vroedschap of Amsterdam.
+78589 0 Jiang Shen 3 "In 855, he was made an imperial scholar (翰林學士, ""Hanlin Xueshi""), and was later made the chief imperial scholar (承旨, ""Chengzhi"")."
+78657 0 Rony Kluger 2 In 1984, Kluger parted ways with Pantanowitz, and became a student in Eiichi Miyazato's Dojo, the historical Jun Do Kan. Kluger's main Dojo (Honbu Dojo), which he founded in 1972, resides in Petah Tiqva.
+78661 0 Wetu Telu 10 Waktu Lima originated when the 19th-century purist reforms in the Arab world were brought to Lombok by Sasak hajjis (pilgrims to Mecca and Medina).
+78662 0 DFSK (Sokon) 2 DFSK began to assemble and market products in Indonesia in 2015.
+78667 0 Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere program 16 The TOGA program forged new cooperation between and oceanographers and meteorologists and fostered a new culture of open data access.
+78698 0 African Times and Orient Review 4 From January 1917 to October 1918, the journal restarted as a monthly, but publication stopped until January 1920.
+78793 0 Palm Springs Aerial Tramway 6 The original aerial tram cars are now on static display near the entrance to the Valley Station.
+78827 0 Amanda Serrano 13 "In a boxing ring, the canvas will be your comfort zone""."
+78842 0 Epothilone 14 Oxidation of this alcohol with the Ley–Griffith reagent gave the desired ketone.
+78848 0 Compass rose 9 Eratosthenes deducted two winds from Aristotle's system, to produce the classical 8-wind rose.
+78850 0 Barbara Brackman 3 She was inducted into the Quilters Hall of Fame of Marion, Indiana in 2001.
+78870 0 International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science 11 As of the 2015 General Assembly held in Taipei (Taiwan), IFToMM had 47 MOs.
+78871 0 Leaf Rapids 6 An entirely new approach to building was conceived.
+78957 0 Ann Cavoukian 15 In 2010 the annual assembly of International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution recognizing privacy by design as an essential component of fundamental privacy protection and it is a core part of the European Union GDPR regulations.
+78972 0 Michael Varah 4 He also worked as a volunteer tutor at Onley Borstal.
+79058 0 Atrium (heart) 10 The foramen ovale is no longer needed and it closes to leave a depression (the fossa ovalis) in the atrial wall.
+79092 0 Vinjamuri Venkata Lakshmi Narasimha Rao 4 Devulapalli Krishna Sastry was his nephew.
+79100 0 Clinton Lee Scott 3 His theology evolved from liberal Christian, to Christian humanist, to global humanist.
+79117 0 Anthony Munroe 3 Munroe was reared in the Bronx, New York.
+79122 0 Ian Watkins (rugby player) 3 In total Watkins played ten internationals all between 1988 and 1989.
+79177 0 Codex Boreelianus 10 The capitals at the beginning of the sections stand out in the margin to indicate new sections (as in codices Alexandrinus, Ephraemi, and Basilensis.
+79307 0 J. J. Dalton 4 He contested the result through a successful petition to the courts, alleging improper interference by the Catholic clergy.
+79375 0 Debora Green 39 A dog trained to detect the scent of fire accelerants was brought in to assist in searching the house.
+79406 0 Carding 22 Most drum carders are hand-cranked but some are powered by an electric motor.
+79445 0 Telethon 37 Some of these occur every year, with millions of pounds raised to support various charities.
+79537 0 John Randall, Baron Randall of Uxbridge 11 On 21 October 2013 it was announced that he was to receive a knighthood, having the accolade bestowed by The Prince of Wales on 12 February 2014.
+79553 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 12 9.Η μάχη της Θυρέας (546 π.Χ.).
+79592 0 10 Sport 17 Christi Malthouse would normally fill this role.
+79666 0 Siddhidas Mahaju 4 Mahaju returned to Kathmandu after a few years when business dried up.
+79683 0 Christmas with Conniff 1 "The lone exception is the inclusion of ""Greensleeves,"" also one of the few ballads on this album."
+79745 0 Anna Borkowska (Sister Bertranda) 1 "(""née"" Janina Siestrzewitowska; 1900–1988), later known as Anna Borkowska, was a Polish cloistered Dominican nun who served as the prioress of her monastery in Kolonia Wileńska near Wilno (now Pavilnys near Vilnius, Lithuania)."
+79758 0 Baloch Students Organization 24 It is reported that she intends to apply for refugee status in Canada.
+79799 0 Forest cobra 12 It also inhabits mangroves in western Africa.
+79905 0 Newport, Rhode Island 3 Its eight founders and first officers were Nicholas Easton, William Coddington, John Clarke, John Coggeshall, William Brenton, Jeremy Clark, Thomas Hazard, and Henry Bull.
+80033 0 Jean-François Leroy 1 Jean-François Leroy (; 24 November 1729 - 1791) was a French architect.
+80113 0 Chase Elliott 1 9 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 for Hendrick Motorsports and part-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No.
+80220 0 Tartrate epimerase 1 In enzymology, a tartrate epimerase () is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction
+80395 0 Scottish Housing Regulator 5 In June 2015 SHR won two awards for its IT systems in recognition of its efforts to make information available to tenants to allow them to hold their landlords to account.
+80402 0 WRIC-TV 10 The station's digital signal is multiplexed:
+80491 0 Ireland Davis Cup team 4 Player information and rankings
+80512 0 Thor Heyerdahl 29 "Based on native testimony and archaeological research, he claimed the island was originally colonized by Hanau eepe (""Long Ears""), from South America, and that Polynesian Hanau momoko (""Short Ears"") arrived only in the mid-16th century; they may have come independently or perhaps were imported as workers."
+80514 0 John Maxwell (golfer) 2 In 1904, Maxwell was part of the American team which won the silver medal.
+80528 0 Forest Evashevski 34 However, despite his public statements, rumors swirled that Evashevski would appoint himself to succeed Burns.
+80620 0 Vettones 4 "Other probable Vettonian towns were ""Tamusia"" (Villasviejas de Tamuja, near Botija, Cáceres; Celtiberian-type mint: ""Tamusiensi""), ""Ocelon / Ocelum"" (Castelo Branco), ""Cottaeobriga"" (Almeida) and ""Lancia"" (Serra d’Opa)."
+80679 0 Anchored Instruction 5 The problem that needs to be solved, often requires the learner to take multiple steps, by generating a man smaller questions, that ought to support and guide their thinking.
+80710 0 Baloch Students Organization 25 Its main objectives are advancing the rights of the Baloch people and the termination of military operations.
+80735 0 Outline of Nevada 1 The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the U.S. state of Nevada:
+80744 0 Bourgeois Dignity 8 Peart praised McCloskey's arguments and said she eagerly awaits the next book of the series to understand McCloskey's argument better.
+80766 0 OS/VS2 (SVS) 19 The description below is somewhat simplified; it glosses over some special cases.
+80771 0 Port of Montevideo 3 The main engineering changes occurred between the years 1870 and 1930.
+80918 0 Oughter Ard 6 Plough headlands from medieval times can still be seen in fields adjoining the churchyard.
+80919 0 Anerood Jugnauth 16 The Independence Alliance occupied 36 seats while MMM became opposition with 34 seats.
+81007 0 Luis Farell 5 Luis Farell graduated on April 24 of 1922 with the degree of Lieutenant and was initially assigned to the 'Observation and Bombing Squadron'.
+81019 0 Big Fury 2 "called ""Wild Rider""."
+81071 0 Confederate States Congress 85 While the emergency was agreed to on all sides, Congress was still undecided as to how much authority it should grant President Davis.
+81104 0 Sergey Shavlo 5 In 2004 Shavlo returned to Spartak, first working as a scout but in September 2005 he was appointed director of the club.
+81175 0 Got to Believe 2 As young Chichay (Kathryn Bernardo) unexpectedly met young Joaquin (Daniel Padilla) in their family-owned amusement fair, she taught him to believe that magic exists.
+81211 0 No. 605 Squadron RAF 4 185 Squadron RAF.
+81328 0 Thomas Metcalfe (Kentucky politician) 8 Accordingly, the committee recommended that each Seminole family be given a land grant.
+81330 0 Szolnok 8 The houses of this era were largely made of wood.
+81341 0 Debora Green 36 Kate Farrar was interviewed by investigators on October 26.
+81404 0 Bashu, the Little Stranger 9 The last film in Beyzai’s village trilogy, it brings his two main archetypes—the powerful, independent woman and the idealistic, wandering orphan—together to redefine the meaning of nationhood and womanhood within Iran.
+81464 0 John Edward Brownlee 28 In a further attempt to better the government's financial position, he unsuccessfully advocated the sale of the its four money-losing railways to Canadian National (CPR) or Canadian Pacific (CPR).
+81497 0 Koninklijke Algemeene Vereniging voor Bloembollencultuur 5 "The KAVB acts as the International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA) for all Bulbous, cormous and tuberous-rooted ornamental plants, excluding ""Dahlia"" Cav., ""Lilium"" L., ""Narcissus"" L., ""Nerine"" Herb."
+81503 0 LGBT rights in Chile 76 Public opinion has shown substantial support for same-sex civil unions: 65% favored their legalization in 2004, even though only 24% supported same-sex marriage.
+81556 0 Edward H. Hynes 3 Hynes challenged this ordinance on First Amendment grounds.
+81587 0 Demographics of Brazil 56 However, only 0.4% of the population consider themselves to be Natives.
+81724 0 Imperial Japanese Naval Academy 2 An accounting school was opened in 1874 in Gakusha (Tenjin Valley in Shibayama).
+81833 0 Ivory Coast–United States relations 1 US–Ivorian relations are bilateral international relations between the United States and Ivory Coast.
+81837 0 Bania (Newar caste) 2 Banias belong to the Urāy group which includes Tuladhar, Kansakar, Tamrakar, Sthapit, Sindurakar, Selalik and other castes.
+81851 0 Clinton Foundation 43 "Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin opined that the Qatari gift ""raised ethical questions"" because of the nation's support for Hamas."
+81923 0 Baseball in Germany 4 After the game, the players were congratulated and praised by Dr. Carl Diem, the secretary of the German Organization Committee.
+82107 0 Petar Mamić 19 He is an admirer of Andrew Robertson but doesn't try to emulate anyone's specific style.
+82117 0 Sundance Air Force Station 1 It is located 6.3 miles northwest of Sundance, Wyoming.
+82145 0 Watskeburt?! 4 After that, the management of De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig decided to release it in the UK and Germany.
+82149 0 Season (film) 3 Jeevan (Mohanlal) is taken to central jail from court.
+82160 0 Nalambalam 4 "Whole arrangements are done by Thriprayar Devaswam.The temple is closed early after performing ""Deeparadhana"" and ""Athazhapooja"" (Evening and night poojas)."
+82166 0 Sue Geller 6 Sue Geller obtained her B.S.
+82172 0 Monotown 11 The goal was to maximise regional specialisation.
+82186 0 Horacio Villalobos 13 "He stated, ""It was never the intent of our fashion section on Farándula 40 to offend the fans of BTS."
+82192 0 Esfarvarin District 1 Most people of Esfarvarin District is Tat and speak to Tati.
+82229 0 In the Attic (Theatre of Ice album) 2 On New Year's Eve, 1986, the tour concluded in Fallon, Nevada, the birthplace of the band, with a performance in what had long been alleged to be a haunted slaughterhouse.
+82254 0 Woodlawn, Schenectady, New York 5 The school-age population increased by 10.6% and the adult population by 0.5%.
+82306 0 Sheela Patel 2 In 2000, SPARC was the recipient of the United Nations Human Settlement Award.
+82444 0 Sif (comics) 15 Sif then joins Thor in exile in Broxton, Oklahoma and checks into the same hotel as Donald Blake under the name Sylvan.
+82480 0 Matale Electoral District 20 Aluwihare Wasantha (UNP), 33,364 preference votes (pv); Nandimithra Ekanayake (UNP), 27,731 pv; Amarasinghe Herath Bandaranayake Wasala Mudiyanselage Champaka Sugishwara Wijerathna (UPFA), 25,688 pv; Bandula S.B.
+82504 0 Modeste Demers 2 There he worked under the direction of Bishop Joseph-Norbert Provencher.
+82514 0 Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 1 The three organisations amalgamated were: Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, employing 12,000 staff and previously responsibility for hospital services in the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan area; Cardiff Local Health Board; and Vale of Glamorgan Local Health Board both responsible for GP, Dental, Optical and pharmacy services.
+82570 0 Confederate States Congress 66 The other 250,000 were lost to shirking, disloyalty and poor policing of deserters.
+82600 0 Old Bridge Township Public Schools 7 Core members of the district's administration are:
+82637 0 Shearing shed 3 At least some yards will be needed to facilitate shedding and count-outs.
+82673 0 AFI (The Blood Album) 26 Production
+82677 0 Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down 16 "Humpty Dumpty World"" incorporates the marimba with light reggae and Mariachi influences."
+82714 0 Stalker (1979 film) 14 In the novel, frequent visits to the Zone increase the likelihood of abnormalities in the visitor's offspring.
+82786 0 Battlecruiser 14 Under the Selborne plan of 1902, the Royal Navy intended to start three new battleships and four armoured cruisers each year.
+82788 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Matthew 10:4 κανανιτης ] κανατης
+82920 0 Demographics of Brazil 111 Yiddish and Hebrew are used by Jewish communities mainly in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Brasília, Belo Horizonte and Recife as well as the Vlax Romani dialect by Gypsy communities all across the nation.
+82933 0 Rainier Fog (song) 12 We made AIC 23 in 2013 with him, which was amazing.
+82973 0 British Socialist Party 19 The BSP also gained the cachet of parliamentary representation when it was joined by former Liberal Party MP Cecil L'Estrange Malone.
+83001 0 St Peter's Church, Adderley 4 The wooden pulpit is hexagonal and dates from about 1801.
+83050 0 Tessa Birnie 1 Tessa Daphne Birnie, OAM (19 July 193413 March 2008) was an internationally acclaimed New Zealand and Australian concert pianist.
+83137 0 Alberto Santos-Dumont 23 The flight ended when a bracing wire snapped at an altitude of about 25 m (80 ft), causing a wing to collapse.
+83204 0 Lenka (given name) 1 Lenka is a Czech and Slovak feminine given name.
+83208 0 1984 United States Senate elections 28 Incumbent Democrat Claiborne Pell successfully sought re-election, defeating Republican Barbara M. Leonard.
+83229 0 Chris New 26 My first agent tried to make me hide it so I fired her.
+83301 0 Indre 8 There is also a linen industry as well as the manufacture of hosiery and paper.
+83357 0 SS Georgette 4 "Georgette"" then fired a warning shot with its 12 pounder (5 kg) cannon, but Anthony pointed at his ship's US flag and sailed away."
+83411 0 Michael Burke (poet) 1 Michael Burke ( or ; c. 1800 – 6 July 1881) was an Irish poet.
+83428 0 Erie Land Light 6 To ensure the third tower remain sturdy, unlike its predecessors, the foundation was dug deep.
+83452 0 Mihashira Torii 3 "A private garden in Kyoto also exhibits a ""mihashira torii"", built in a stream."
+83477 0 Jeppe Illum 1 Jeppe Illum (born 25 March 1992) is a Danish footballer who most recently played for Vendsyssel FF.
+83566 0 Erythromelalgia 20 Na1.7 channels act largely as threshold sensors and initiate action potentials.
+83579 0 Service voucher 4 This initiative was made in order to combat the black market and has resulted in the creation of many jobs.
+83593 0 Chris Bibb 3 Chris Bibb won a cap for Great Britain while at Featherstone Rovers in 1990 against New Zealand.
+83627 0 Essendon Airport (band) 9 After the dissolution of Essendon Airport, Chesworth continued performing as a soloist and in 1985 formed a new group, Whaddya Want?, with Warwick Bone on synthesiser, Phillip Jackson ex-Whirlywirld, Equal Local) on synthesiser, Bill McDonald on bass guitar and Michael Tinney on lead guitar.
+83713 0 Placer mining 15 The simplest technique to extract gold from placer ore is panning.
+83727 0 Curtis Edwards 11 For his performance, he was named Team of the Week.
+83745 0 Hugo Boss Prize 5 The other nominees were:
+83771 0 LGBT rights in Chile 27 In 2010, the bill to repeal the article was rejected in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
+83774 0 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science 39 Each judge's numbers influence the final score because it is their combined average that make up the point value.
+83793 0 Tommaso Tittoni 9 "Nitti and Tittoni played down Italy's territorial claims, which disappointed ""interventionist"" like Gabriele D'Annunzio."
+83819 0 Himba people 15 The fire-keeper approaches the sacred ancestral fire every seven to eight days in order to communicate with Mukuru and the ancestors on behalf of his family.
+83883 0 Spanish Federation of Sportspeople with Cerebral Palsy 4 The organization's website provides information about the rules of sports, a calendar of events, and information on classification.
+83994 0 Stadium Myjava 1 The intensity of the floodlighting is 1,100 lux.
+83998 0 Frango 14 The chocolates are then sent through an enrobing machine, where more chocolate is poured over them.
+84064 0 Dallas Center, Iowa 15 The RRVT is nearly of paved trails with a paved interior loop of more than .
+84081 0 Gabriel Weston 3 "Elizabeth Day wrote in ""The Observer"": ""I can't remember reading a book that absorbed me so completely, that was so riveting and yet so exact, that so cherished the beauty of language even when using it to convey the ugliest extremes of disease""."
+84199 0 K. Asungba Sangtam 3 He lives at Shamrock Dale at Mokokchung, in Nagaland.
+84207 0 Barbara Payton 10 "Payton first gained notice in the 1949 film noir ""Trapped"" co-starring Lloyd Bridges."
+84242 0 Panaque 6 They use these defensively, either to wedge themselves into cracks from which predators cannot pull them, or else to prevent large predators from swallowing them.
+84334 0 2000 Freedom Union leadership election 2 The election was held following the resignation of the previous leader, Jan Ruml.
+84358 0 The Potbelleez 1 David Greene) and Jonny Sonic (Jonathon Murphy).
+84388 0 Weyl character formula 11 If we take formula_43 to be the diagonal subgroup of SU(2), the character formula in this case reads
+84458 0 Tax shield 6 Under this assumption, the value of the tax shield is: (interest bearing debt) x (tax rate).
+84547 0 Dunces and Dragons 14 Adoption,' explains my son, the fan.
+84579 0 Cocaine Godmother 7 "The narrator concludes that Griselda ""is now free."
+84641 0 Troadio Galicano 3 He married Juana Machacon Velez of Carcar, Cebu.
+84756 0 Chris New 26 All people talk about with me is, 'Are you out?
+84837 0 Fluconazole 1 Serious side effects may include liver problems, QT prolongation, and seizures.
+84843 0 Life Stinks 3 "Bolt, homeless, hungry and filthy, is befriended by skid-row inhabitants like Sailor (Howard Morris) and Fumes (Theodore Wilson) and given the nickname ""Pepto"" after falling asleep in a crate with a Pepto-Bismol logo on its side, having used the crate to urinate on mere moments before Sailor arrives."
+84857 0 Samathuvapuram 2 The name change was the long-time demand of the Dalit Devendrakula Vellalars community, which considered Sundaralingam the icon of their community.
+84922 0 Sicilian Mafia Commission 4 "Other magistrates, in particular Corrado Carnevale – also known as the ""Sentence Killer"" – of the Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione), sustained that Mafia associations are autonomous groups, not connected amongst themselves, and therefore, the collective responsibility for the Commission members did not exist."
+84925 0 Paul Ethuin 2 Ethuin studied the flute at the Paris Conservatoire after which he was employed at the Reims Conservatoire until 1951.
+84991 0 Dard Ka Rishta 2 Anuradha is doing research into leukemia.
+85011 0 Meg Lemon 3 She is classified as a C4 cyclist.
+85140 0 Dmitry Telnov 210 "Nitorus succinius"" Telnov & Bukejs, 2019 (Baltic amber; fossil)"
+85173 0 The Potbelleez 7 Lead singer, Ilan Kidron, also judged the carnival's talent quest.
+85184 0 Malawian food crisis 34 In May of that same year the kwacha was devalued by 49% and heavily depreciated.
+85334 0 Siege of Rhodes (1480) 4 On that day, between three and four thousand Turks were slain.
+85336 0 General glut 11 This would be the mechanism for crisis occurring repeatedly.
+85376 0 Arkansas Anime Festival 1 Arkansas Anime Festival (AF2) is an biannual three-day anime convention held at the Fort Smith Convention Center in Fort Smith, Arkansas and DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Bentonville / Four Points by Sheraton Bentonville in Bentonville, Arkansas.
+85577 0 Bonis Peninsula 1 The Buka Passage separates the peninsula from Buka Island.
+85659 0 Epothilone 5 Furthermore, epothilone B has also been shown to induce tubulin polymerization into microtubules without the presence of GTP.
+85683 0 Gakusei Kai 5 Today, Gakusei Kai houses about 15 students in its 10 bedroom facility.
+85702 0 Sarathi 1 "He has played roles in movies such as ""Manavuri Pandavulu"", ""Bobilli Brahmanna"", ""Driver Ramudu"", ""Bakta Kannappa"" and ""Jaganmohini""."
+85721 0 Sayoko Kitabatake 3 Together with Nami Hayakawa and Yuki Hayashi she also took part in the team event.
+85723 0 Dai-ichi 6 And continuing for 4, 5, 6, etc.
+85748 0 Kendal Regency 2 For this success, Sultan Agung Adi Prabu Hanyokrokusumo finally appointed him as the Kendal Regent, entitled Tumenggung Bahurekso.
+85859 0 Dmitry Telnov 433 Telnov D., Barclay M.V.L., Pauwels O.S.G.
+85983 0 Jones Corner, Virginia 1 Jones Corner is an unincorporated community in Caroline County, in the U.S. state of Virginia.
+85993 0 Businessman (soundtrack) 1 Mahesh Babu himself sang the theme song along with director Puri Jagannadh in all three languages – Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam.
+86091 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Luke 8:2 δαιμονια επτα εξεληλυθει ] δαιμονια εξεληλυθει
+86092 0 Edward T. McDougal 5 McDougal initiated and has helped to fund a series of non-profit films aimed at helping urban youth cope with the temptations of using and selling drugs.
+86131 0 Vera Schwarcz 4 Her most recent book (Schwarcz, Vera (2013).
+86152 0 Dunces and Dragons 13 The episode was also the highest-rated program on Nickelodeon in about five years.
+86174 0 Eugenio Lopez Jr. 4 At that point, Don Eñing also owned the Manila Electric Company, the biggest power distributor in the country and the Manila Chronicle, a newspaper publishing company.
+86240 0 Battle of Jamrud 1 This led Afghan forces to confront the Sikh forces at Jamrud.
+86338 0 Sedilo 2 Sedilo borders the following municipalities: Aidomaggiore, Bidonì, Dualchi, Ghilarza, Noragugume, Olzai, Ottana, Sorradile.
+86347 0 Holba 3 Posters almost always contain mountain motives.
+86356 0 Sif (comics) 12 Though his intentions are noble, a nightmarish future follows as Thor's reign on Earth becomes tyrannical.
+86404 0 Arnold Lava Tube System 8 Conservation and restoration efforts are ongoing.
+86526 0 Toxicodendron vernix 2 Each pinnate leaf has 7–13 leaflets, each of which is long.
+86585 0 Winter of 2009–10 in Great Britain and Ireland 20 Some parts of East Anglia suffered electricity power cuts, including Dedham, Stratford St. Mary and parts of Colchester; in more remote parts of the region, some were continuously without power for 36 hours.
+86611 0 Riemann hypothesis 13 "where ""μ"" is the Möbius function."
+86613 0 MV Agusta Liberty 9 Gears were controlled by a handlebar twistgrip.
+86633 0 Methylobacterium populi 1 Its type strain is BJ001 (=ATCC BAA-705 =NCIMB 13946).
+86636 0 Osarin 2 Shards from the early Ottoman era have been found here.
+86787 0 Trarium 1 Trarium or Trarion () was a town of ancient Mysia, not far from Perperena.
+86860 0 Northern Lights Festival Boréal 16 Ashley MacIsaac, Kashtin, Nadjiwan, The Wailing Aztecs, The Shuffle Demons, Stephen Fearing, Eric Nagler
+86904 0 Dmitry Telnov 144 "Tomoderus schmidti"" Telnov, 2018 (Nepal)"
+86921 0 Tom Enders 15 The couple has four sons and lives on a farm in Gmund am Tegernsee.
+86931 0 Perry Redd 12 Redd has participated in several political campaigns.
+87071 0 Rama I 23 The Burmese proceeded to capture Songkhla.
+87109 0 John Maulbetsch 18 "One reporter quipped, ""Those much advertised pies of his maw's evidently aren’t as great training dope as they were cracked up to be."
+87118 0 Prospective Dolly 2 She was second in the Astoria Stakes at Belmont Park in Elmont, New York.
+87119 0 Modeste Demers 4 As well, he struggled with health problems during his last years.
+87154 0 North Berwick Castle 8 Work was undertaken within the vicinity of Castle Hill but no significant archaeological features or artefacts were encountered.
+87162 0 Richard M. Dougherty 4 As a professor, Dougherty focused his instruction on issues of professional management, ethics, and values.
+87210 0 Nicholi Rogatkin 1 The winningest FMB World Tour athlete with over 25 wins.
+87230 0 Littlestown Area School District 196 Allen F. Feeser, Taneytown, Md.
+87234 0 San Gregorio Illuminatore, Livorno 2 Armenians had been granted privileges and admission to Livorno by Ferdinando I Medici, in June 1593.
+87569 0 Antaeotricha umbratella 2 Dorsal projecting scales at one-third are tipped with ferruginous.
+87593 0 United Steelworkers v. Weber 2 The company and the union argued it was pursuing affirmative action to remedy historical disadvantages among blacks.
+87670 0 Aqidah 23 "Muslim theology is the theology and interpretation of creed (""aqidah"") that derived from the Qur'an and Hadith."
+87689 0 2010 Lethbridge municipal election 3 Minister of Municipal Affairs Hector Goudreau wrote Mayor Rajko Dodic, and by extension all citizens of Lethbridge, on November 18, that because Alderman-elect Babki was declared elected, a by-election would be required.
+87747 0 Sarah Brockington Bost 4 In 2010 the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission fined her $27,000 for failing to file required campaign finance reports by the mandated deadline and for accepting campaign donations that exceeded New Jersey's statutory limits.
+87749 0 USS Tidewater (AD-31) 3 "By that time, the increased need for ships to support the United States Army fighting in that Asian country brought ""Tidewater"" into her first real active service."
+87758 0 Henri Temianka 14 "(For this reason the series was originally titled ""Let's Talk Music"".)"
+87801 0 Mulian Rescues His Mother 10 "Mulian's mother calls him ""my filial and obedient son,"" while Mulian ""chokes and sobs with his tears falling like rain."
+87809 0 Dmitry Telnov 44 "Csikia telnovi"" Schimmel, 2015 (China)"
+87833 0 Wild Orchid II: Two Shades of Blue 11 The next evening, Blue goes to Josh's football game and consoles him when his team loses.
+87857 0 Boisvert River (Normandin River) 2 This river successively crosses the townships of Thibaudeau, Bignell, McCorkill, Rinfret, Vimont, Dollier, Charron and Ducharme.
+87983 0 John Harris (physicist) 5 "Among the most important discoveries by the STAR collaboration is the ""perfect liquid""."
+87985 0 Doxastic logic 2 There is complete parallelism between a person who believes propositions and a formal system that derives propositions.
+88085 0 Beta turn 1 They are very common motifs in proteins and polypeptides.
+88155 0 Locker (software) 2 Matt Zimmerman, former CTO of Ubuntu, joined Singly in May 2011.
+88203 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 13 10.Μια μαρτυρία για τον ενταφιασμό του Αθαν.
+88241 0 John Edward Brownlee 48 This effort failed because Albertans, confronted by the contrast between the fiery, charismatic Aberhart and the aloof, technocratic Douglas, preferred the former.
+88256 0 Pseudomonas amygdali 13 "glycinea causes disease of soybeans (""Glycine max"")."
+88314 0 Mulian Rescues His Mother 5 She was in a wasted condition and Maudgalyayana tried to help her by offering her a bowl of rice.
+88349 0 Epidermal differentiation complex 4 These proteins are associated with cytoplasmic intermediate filaments as well as minor components of the CE.
+88398 0 Leith Ratten 6 Despite the failure of his appeals there was considerable doubt about Ratten's conviction, many believing he was found guilty for the questionable morality of his marital infidelity rather than concrete evidence.
+88441 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 16 13.Ο λαϊκός γλύπτης Κων.
+88444 0 Pedro Ignacio Wolcan Olano 4 Since 2015 he has been vicar general of the diocese.
+88457 0 Franklinville, New York 4 Lyndon was split off from Franklinville in 1829.
+88517 0 Kaqchikel language 17 Some dialects lower the given vowel, others center the vowel but do not lower it.
+88655 0 Judaism and peace 12 "Judaism's religious texts overwhelmingly endorse compassion and peace, and the Hebrew Bible contains the well-known commandment to ""love thy neighbor as thyself""."
+88661 0 Reel Moments 6 The 2010 directors were Jessica Biel, Eva Mendes, and Rachel Weisz, and all made directorial debuts.
+88685 0 Danny Gottlieb discography 3 With Elements
+88753 0 João Teixeira Albernaz I 4 Those include:
+88816 0 Army of Châlons 21 The 7th Army Corps () was commanded by général Douay, with headquarter staff général Renson.
+88938 0 Xu Haidong 14 In August 1938 Xu contracted tuberculosis, and was recalled to Yan'an to recover.
+88967 0 Water supply and sanitation in Singapore 32 It also monitors compliance of potential polluters on the basis of the Sewerage and Drainage Act.
+88968 1 Anne M. Thompson 1 "Her work notably focuses on how human activities have changed the chemistry of the atmosphere, climate forcings, and the Earth's oxidizing capacity, ""essentially the global burden of oxidants in the lower atmosphere""."
+89056 0 Asphalt Massaka 2 2 "However, the album also contains storytelling tracks like ""Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"" and ""Schwer ein Mann zu sein"" and even a serious track titled ""Noch einmal"", in which Farid Bang reflects his life and property lists, which he would gladly do again."
+89068 0 John Maulbetsch 14 "In addition to the ""bullet"", ""shrapnel"", and ""cannonball"" nicknames, the ""Syracuse Herald"" observed: ""Standing up in front of a Krupp gun has its dangers, but it is not to be compared with the dangers of standing in front of Maulbetsch when he is going full speed ahead."
+89093 0 Murray Murphey 2 A native of Colorado Springs, Colorado born to Bradford and Margaret Murphey on February 22, 1928, Murray Murphey graduated from Harvard University and earned a doctorate from Yale University.
+89130 0 Perrey and Kingsley 3 The result was a beautiful, almost human-like vibrato that lent the Ondioline a wide range of expression.
+89131 0 QIS College of Engineering and Technology 1 It was established in 1998 by Sri Nidamanuri Educational Society.
+89136 0 Punishment in Sasanian culture 1 The purpose of punishment in Zoroastrian law was to save the condemned's soul from the supernatural consequences of lawbreaking.
+89148 0 Robert B. Charles 11 Charles has produced dozens of articles and columns, as well as book chapters, law review articles, and the book Narcotics and Terrorism, a 2004 volume explaining national and homeland security implications tied to drug trafficking.
+89167 0 The Eternal Moment 2 Includes:
+89256 0 National Park Service uniforms 5 Rangers also wore vests under their coats.
+89272 0 Underclass 26 "In ""The Truly Disadvantaged"", Wilson highlights a conglomerate of factors in the last half of the twentieth century leading to a growing urban underclass."
+89545 0 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command 13 The action has been seen by some as providing the catalyst for the eruption of the First Intifada.
+89568 0 Forest cobra 10 Two cases from Liberia experienced severe neurological symptoms, including ptosis, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and respiratory distress.
+89616 0 Lashkari (horse) 4 In the autumn he returned to the United States to defend his Breeders' Cup Turf title, but finished fourth to Pebbles.
+89642 0 Efresh.com 2 It provides software, technology, and other services connecting small and medium-sized buyers and suppliers.
+89680 0 Vulcanoid 4 The vulcanoids take their name from this hypothetical planet.
+89787 0 Operation Sea Signal 5 Cuban and Haitian camps were separated from each other.
+89803 0 Demographics of Brazil 79 To stimulate the immigration to Brazil, the king offered several benefits for the Azorean couples.
+89809 0 Dina Powell 38 Beginning in June 2017, Powell involved U.S. efforts to free assorted American hostages held in countries overseas, particularly in agency of informing families.
+89853 0 Custodio García Rovira 5 He started getting involved in politics in Tunja since the Congress of the United Provinces was situated there.
+89862 0 Michael Freedland 4 Freedland's books included more general histories.
+89877 0 General glut 9 Keynes locates the cause in sticky wages and liquidity preference.
+89985 0 Pelivan, Belgrade 6 After Malić, his cousin Azir Pelivanović (d.24 May 1994) took over.
+90048 0 Sendai-Tōbu Road 1 "The route is signed E6 under Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's ""2016 Proposal for Realization of Expressway Numbering."
+90085 0 Chak 116/12.L Kassowal 3 And now after his death his Elder Son Ch Mazhar Fareed Kullah is Senior Numberdar of the village
+90117 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Luke 9:46 εισηλθεν δε διαλογισμος ] εισηλθεν διαλογισμος
+90328 0 Gujarat State Wide Area Network 3 (211 on 64 Kb leased lines, and rest of 14 Talukas on Ethernet).
+90336 0 Erythronium umbilicatum 3 Two varieties are commonly recognized:
+90430 0 Clinton Foundation 2 "The foundation ""has won accolades from philanthropy experts and has drawn bipartisan support""."
+90449 0 Cocaine Godmother 5 Her three eldest sons have all become dangerous gangsters.
+90538 0 Yuhi V of Rwanda 8 "Le Rwanda sous mandat belge (1916-1931)""."
+90752 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 2 Ανθρώπινη δραστηριότητα και περιβάλλον.
+90782 0 John Edward Brownlee 50 But I have one more question…I'm selling my wheat at 25 cents a bushel.
+90856 0 Burnout (video game) 4 American taxi cabs versus European taxi cabs and so forth.
+90888 0 Zena Assi 12 •2013 Atfal Souriyah, Mark Hachem, Beirut, Lebanon.
+90890 0 The Macdermots of Ballycloran 1 However, it was not published until 1847.
+90897 0 Borough of Princeton, New Jersey 21 Littlebrook Elementary School (K-5, 335; Princeton Township),
+91017 0 Neighborhoods in Saint Paul, Minnesota 9 Dayton's Bluff has undergone much renovation and restoration in recent years.
+91036 0 Debora Green 45 "In a subsequent press conference, District Attorney Paul J. Morrison cited a ""domestic situation"" as the motive for Green's alleged crimes."
+91065 0 Nowendoc, New South Wales 4 The store perhaps temporarily, ceased trading in March 2012.
+91119 0 Leopold Stokowski 13 Stokowski shared principal conducting duties with Ormandy from 1936 to 1941; Stokowski did not appear with the Philadelphia Orchestra from the closing concert of the 1940-41 season (a semi-disastrous performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion) until 12 February 1960, when he guest-conducted the Philadelphia in works of Mozart, de Falla, Respighi, and in a legendary performance of the Shostakovich Fifth Symphony, arguably the greatest by Stokowski.
+91180 0 Henry Grimes 15 with Roy Haynes
+91190 0 Arcola, Texas 6 The racial makeup of the city was 34.26% White, 34.16% African American, 0.38% Native American, 2.19% Asian, 27.10% from other races, and 1.91% from two or more races.
+91207 0 Ube3a-ATS 17 "Another study has suggested that ""Ube3a-ATS"" expression does not occur in imprinted regions."
+91304 0 I.O.R. 1 IOR produces military and civilian grade optics and associated equipment for export and domestic production.
+91354 0 Edoardo Reja 11 On 17 May 2012 he resigned from the job, despite the president's pleas for him to stay on.
+91504 0 West Coast Airlines Flight 956 4 The aircraft crashed in an unpopulated section of the Mount Hood National Forest.
+91565 0 Ground Equipment Facility J-82 10 Today, only the FAA unattended search radar is functional.
+91583 0 Toxicodendron vernix 3 Its flowers are greenish, growing in loose axillary panicles (clusters) long.
+91656 0 Fanis Katergiannakis 2 the mean club in Thessaloniki quite hard to refuse.
+91678 0 David Collins (lieutenant governor) 4 He was serving aboard when Queen Matilda of Denmark was dramatically rescued.
+91750 0 And the Devil is Their Third Accomplice 9 Casting was administered by Galal Zahra.
+91841 0 Madeleine (cake) 4 British madeleines also use a génoise sponge but they are baked in dariole moulds.
+91871 0 RNA recognition motif 5 SFRS9; SLIRP; SLTM; SNRP70; SNRPA; SNRPB2; SPEN; SR140;
+91971 0 Want It, Need It 1 "The single samples ""Two Occasions"" by The Deele."
+91995 0 Dmitry Telnov 34 Keith, 2011 (Sulawesi)
+92020 0 Henri Temianka 9 Temianka founded the Paganini Quartet in 1946.
+92022 0 Mancel Thornton Munn 3 He is known for developing early techniques to test seeds for viability of germplasm, and he had an interest in mycology.
+92025 0 Beaumont High School (St. Louis) 9 Following the incident, security was temporarily increased at Beaumont, and St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley, Jr. spoke to the student body.
+92035 0 Malans, Switzerland 9 , there were 166 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 41 businesses involved in this sector.
+92321 0 TVA (Canadian TV network) 8 The only stations with significant viewership outside Quebec were CHOT-TV of Hull (now part of Gatineau), CIMT-TV of Rivière-du-Loup and CHAU-TV of Carleton-sur-Mer.
+92331 0 Architech 5 "The letters ""tech"" will normally be red, or gray in monochrome print."
+92346 0 Backstage (album) 8 Production
+92357 0 2004 Stanley Cup Finals 3 Calgary beat the Western Conference's top three seeded teams, the Vancouver Canucks 4-3, the Detroit Red Wings 4-2 and the San Jose Sharks 4-2, in that order.
+92385 0 Igor Uporov 17 Promotion tools, capacity, forecasts and projections.
+92394 0 Pałuki 2 Biskupin, Wenecja and Gąsawa also attract visitors.
+92396 0 Pat (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) 1 "Pat is a fictional character in Lewis Carroll’s ""Alice's Adventures in Wonderland""."
+92399 0 C Sharp 4.0 10 For contravariance, the existing interface codice_18 has been redefined as follows:
+92408 0 Demographics of Brazil 68 The vast majority arrived in the last decade.
+92454 0 General glut 10 This possibility, also originally crafted by Sismondi (1819), endorsed the idea that the circularity of transactions was not always complete and immediate.
+92463 0 Colt Buntline 13 "Cimarron Firearms offers a version called the Wyatt Earp Buntline styled after the one used by Kurt Russell in the 1993 movie ""Tombstone"" with a 10-inch barrel and a silver badge inlaid on the right grip panel."
+92518 0 Vic Fangio 10 After the departure of outside linebackers coach Clint Hurtt in 2017, Fangio assumed that position in addition to his role as defensive coordinator.
+92595 0 Medical device hijack 4 So they are relatively easy targets in which to establish attacker tools.
+92653 0 Sailing in Anguilla 1 However these craft have had little influence on the unique sailing practiced in Anguilla.
+92710 0 Libertyville, Illinois 4 Other bodies of water include Butler Lake, Liberty Lake, and Lake Minear.
+92759 0 Lara Landon 1 "The single ""Closer"" charted on the ""Billboard"" magazine Christian Songs chart."
+92766 0 Stamnoctenis rubrosuffusa 2 "The MONA or Hodges number for ""Stamnoctenis rubrosuffusa"" is 7358."
+92780 0 Pointillism 6 Painting is inherently subtractive, but Pointillist colors often seem brighter than typical mixed subtractive colors.
+92853 0 8 O'Clock: Two Improvisations 2 All compositions by Roscoe Mitchell and Thomas Buckner
+92895 0 Northern Lights Festival Boréal 32 Avery, Les Barricades, BBBRTHR, Seth Bernard, Binaeshee-Quae, Black Bull Moose Singers, Bonsa, Aleksi Campagne, Canailles, Casper Skulls, David Cordero, Aron d'Alesio, Russell deCarle, Les Deuxluxes, Cécile Doo-Kingué, Matt Foy, Frank Deresti and the Lake Effect, Fresh Kils & Vekked, Jane's Party, Connie Kaldor, Doctor Nativo, Guitars Alive Quartet, Hellnback, Richard Inman, Iskwé, JoPo and the Rize, Julie and the Wrong Guys, King Abid, Kira May, The Keyframes, Édouard Landry, Abigail Lapell, Lisa Leblanc, Lee Harvey Osmond, Paul Loewenberg and Richard Mende, Pat Maloney, Mama's Broke, Rodney Meilleur, Mickey O'Brien, Murder Murder, NiLLa & Ghettosocks, Orlando Julius and Afrosoundz, Joel Plaskett and Bill Plaskett, Donné Roberts, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, Sheesham & Lotus & Son, Sulfur City, Team T&J, Mara Tremblay, Laetitia Zonzambé
+92931 0 Wüst Seahawk 4 The highly swept fin mounts the tailplane high, in a nearly T-tailed configuration.
+92977 0 Xenoceratops 5 Langston stored the fragments in cabinets at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa.
+92997 0 El Buey 1 It only starts breaking at eight feet and can reach 20 to 25 feet on good big south swells.
+93005 0 HeForShe 7 President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone; H.E.
+93058 0 Can You Hear Me? (David Bowie song) 2 "Chris O'Leary writes that ""Can You Hear Me?"
+93078 0 Charlie Phillips (producer) 4 In 2008 he joined Doc/Fest as marketplace director, organising the annual MeetMarket pitching event.
+93088 0 Lehman Madonna 2 This early work by Bellini demonstrates the influence of his brother-in-law, the Paduan artist Andrea Mantegna.
+93141 0 1939 Santa Clara Broncos football team 3 Schiechl and Anahu were also both first-team picks on the 1939 All-Pacific Coast football team.
+93230 0 Alberto Santos-Dumont 3 Santos-Dumont is a national hero in Brazil, where it is popularly held that he preceded the Wright brothers in demonstrating a practical airplane.
+93249 0 Vehicle registration plates of Spain 2 "They currently use the format ""L nnnn LLL"" where:"
+93303 0 Elfyn Llwyd 12 Impeachment had not been used in the UK for one hundred and fifty years.
+93311 0 Übergangskriegslokomotive 4 Examples include the steam classes 42 and 52, as well as the Class E 44 and E 94.
+93379 0 Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots 135 Revolutionary War Campaigns: Quebec
+93513 0 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command 23 The agreement also said that the PFLP-GC should be dismantled and its weapons surrendered.
+93530 0 Royals (song) 37 The presentation, which featured projections of statues behind the singer, was praised by the media and personalities such as Mac Miller and model Chrissy Teigen, and made Lorde the most talked about artist on social networks during the ceremony.
+93666 0 McLoughlin 4 The Mac/Nic Lochlainn and their Scottish cousins are descendants of the Northern Uí Néill.
+93689 0 Labode Popoola 1 He was appointed by the Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola to succeed professor Oguntola Jelil Alamu, a Nigerian academician.
+93708 0 Earthflow 1 It is an intermediate type of mass wasting that is between downhill creep and mudflow.
+93753 0 Tangaxuan II 2 The Tarascan army numbered many thousands, perhaps as many as 100,000, but at the crucial moment they chose not to fight.
+93777 0 2006 Chick-fil-A Bowl 42 As with Georgia, Virginia Tech's kicking and special teams proved to have more success than either aspect of the offense.
+93828 0 French Chad 19 After Lisette's coalition crumbled in early 1959, two other alliances governed briefly.
+93894 0 Prototype (video game) 15 "The contact and Alex pump a new ""BLOODTOX"" biological agent underground in order to drive the virus above ground where it can be fought directly, causing Greene to emerge, encased in a towering monstrosity."
+93907 0 Anerood Jugnauth 57 The press and the opposition campaigned that he had broken his word given to the Mauritian people.
+93908 0 Pernattia pusilla 3 "The larvae feed on ""Allocasuarina litoralis"", ""Allocasuarina verticillata"", ""Casuarina cunninghamiana"", ""Casuarina glauca"" and ""Casuarina equisetifolia""."
+93912 0 Social hacking 11 The hackers managed to trick the employees into transferring funds to third party groups over seas.
+94019 0 2008 PBZ Zagreb Indoors 2 The singles field was headlined by Doha semifinalist and recent South African Airways Open Challenger titlist Ivan Ljubičić, Rotterdam semifinalist Ivo Karlović, and Marseille quarterfinalist and Rotterdam semifinalist Gilles Simon.
+94061 0 Newcastle Jets FC 3 The Breakers were dissolved when Soccer Australia revoked its NSL licence at the conclusion of the 1999/2000 season.
+94091 0 Da li je to čovek ili je mašina 1 "Da li je to čovek ili je mašina (""Is that a Human or a Machine?"")"
+94197 0 Debora Green 57 "Green agreed to place an Alford plea of ""no contest""."
+94231 0 ARMS Charity Concerts 13 Jeff Beck's set consisted largely of instrumental rock jazz-fusion numbers, though he did (to both the surprise of his fellow musicians, the audience, and indeed, himself!)
+94292 0 Our American Cousin (opera) 7 Conversing quietly in their box, Abraham and Mary Lincoln look to their future after the presidency, while Booth, outside, rehearses for the assassination.
+94346 0 Christine Ng 4 In 1999 she met her current husband Kasey Lin Hoi Tong (练海棠) through Gigi Lai, and they married in July 1999.
+94420 0 Lower extremity of humerus 13 The epicondyles are continuous above with the supracondylar ridges.
+94471 0 Nalambalam 25 Karkkidaka is the prime month suitable for Nalambala darsanam.
+94692 0 2015 Seville Airbus A400M crash 6 "Airbus said on 12 May 2015, ""It is too early to know what impact [Spain's] decision will have on the supply chain."
+94700 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 18 Τα πρώτα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα.
+94745 0 Adolphus Barton 3 in the Queensland Legislative Assembly in 1904.
+94751 0 Shyam Narayan Pandey 1 "His epic ""Jauhar"", depicting the self-sacrifice of Rani Padmini, a queen of Chittor, written in a folk style, became very popular in the decade of 1940-50."
+94819 0 Steven Fishman 3 In this manner he made approximately one million dollars, as much as 30 percent of which he spent on Scientology materials and services.
+94844 0 Debora Green 48 The Earl May store clerk who had identified Green as the purchaser of multiple packets of castor bean seeds testified to that effect.
+94856 0 Relative index of inequality 1 The relative index of inequality (RII) is a regression-based index which summarizes the magnitude of socio-economic status (SES) as a source of inequalities in health.
+94873 0 Baloch Students Organization 23 The Police have refused to register a complaint.
+94959 0 Abbot-Downing Company 13 Neither Adams & Co nor Wells Fargo had become properly set up in Australia.
+94984 0 Sir Walter St John, 3rd Baronet 3 In 1656, Sir Walter was Member of Parliament for Wiltshire (1656–1658 and 1659); for Wootton Bassett (1660–1679); and again for Wiltshire (1679–1681 and 1690–1695).
+95020 0 Barbara Steveni 3 Working in collaboration with Latham, Steveni formally launched the APG in 1966.
+95030 0 Anne of Green Gables (1934 film) 1 "The film sequel; ""Anne of Windy Poplars""."
+95031 0 Sicilian Mafia Commission 18 It prompted the first concerted anti-mafia efforts by the state in post-war Italy.
+95089 0 2010 MLS Re-Entry Draft 1 ET via teleconference.
+95100 0 Val Murray Runge 6 He remains active in research and development of MRI contrast agents and advanced MRI imaging techniques.
+95160 0 Rebelión de los Juniors (2014) 2 "Several ""lucha libre"" promotions honor those traditions, often with annual tournaments such as Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre's ""La Copa Junior""."
+95251 0 Chase Elliott 5 He competed in the K&N Pro Series East in 2011 with number 9, finishing 9th in season points.
+95262 0 Dalbo dog 5 The shoulder height for males was reported to have been 80 cm.
+95271 0 The Macdermots of Ballycloran 3 Enmity between the Macdermot and Flannelly families is sharpened by Thady's having declined to marry Joe's daughter, Sally.
+95403 0 Trouton–Rankine experiment 3 According to Trouton's view of electrodynamics, the calculations then predicted a measurable effect of the length contraction in the lab frame.
+95410 0 Indian People's Tribunal 6 The hearing found that none of these promises had been fulfilled.
+95485 0 Palm Springs Aerial Tramway 16 Both tramway stations were designed by notable mid-century modern architects.
+95571 0 LeGrande A. Diller 4 He would flee with MacArthur from the Philippines in four PT boats with MacArthur in PT-41 and Diller in PT-35.
+95687 0 Dmitry Telnov 443 "Volume 2: ""Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim)""."
+95800 0 Victor Mancha 9 Pride, Victor begins a physical relationship with Nico; he confesses to have initiated it because he harbors romantic feelings for her, but Nico claims to have participated as a way to escape her survivor's guilt regarding the death of Gertrude Yorkes.
+95889 0 North Park, San Diego 10 North Park Dryden Historic District was approved by Historical Resources Board on June 23, 2011 An application for designation of 28th Street and Pershing Avenue from Upas to Landis Streets as a historic district was filed with the City of San Diego Historical Resources Board in May 2007.
+95900 0 Game testing 8 Testers implement concurrency control to avoid logging bugs multiple times.
+95949 0 The Simpsons opening sequence 44 It ends with a couch gag with the Simpsons sitting on the couch, only to find out the couch is actually Hedonismbot.
+95972 0 Staten Island Advance 15 In 1960, the paper moved to the current office on West Fingerboard Road in Grasmere.
+95993 0 Faye Duchin 6 Duchin's RPI web page describes her research agenda:
+96024 0 405th Air Expeditionary Wing 19 One of the students was none other than Nguyen Cao Ky, the commander of the VNAF and later president of the Republic of Vietnam.
+96125 0 Kappa Leonis 3 Kappa Leonis has a magnitude 10.4 companion at an angular separation of 2.1 arc seconds.
+96143 0 Mary, Queen of Scots (1971 film) 6 After he defeats the plotters, Mary forces a truce among their leader Moray, Darnley and Bothwell.
+96293 0 Every Once in a While 2 In reality she constantly thinks about their old relationship and wants to return to the way things were.
+96432 0 Shraddha Arya 1 "Since 2017, she has been portraying the role of Dr. Preeta Arora in Zee TV's ""Kundali Bhagya""."
+96445 0 1933 French Grand Prix 6 After sixteen laps, Campari was approximately half a minute behind, but by the end of the nineteenth lap he had retaken the lead.
+96475 0 Pałuki 1 A diverse relief, forests and numerous Lakes serve as tourist attractions.
+96508 0 Malawian food crisis 9 Furthermore, private traders bought out much of the grain reserve, and resold it at excessive prices when food was scarce in 2001.
+96521 0 Paired data 1 This would be unpaired data.
+96612 0 Paramilionia 1 "Although, there are some doubts about the labels of the types and this is possibly a synonym of the South American ""Sangala gloriosa""."
+96641 0 Musée Cantini 2 The company ran into financial difficulties and the building was sold in 1709 to Dominique de Montgrand great-grandfather of Jean-Baptiste-Jacques-Guy-Thérèse de Montgrand, future Mayor of Marseille.
+96649 0 Zoran Ćirić 1 Zoran Ćirić () (born in 1962) is a writer from Niš, Serbia.
+96657 0 General glut 12 Some Post-Keynesian economists see the cause of general gluts in the bursting of credit bubbles, particularly speculative bubbles.
+96672 0 Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences 4 After foundation, the first meeting as an Academy on 3 August 1967 adopted a constitution.
+96722 0 Battlecruiser 46 Only three men survived.
+96730 0 Clemson Experimental Forest 9 The GPS coordinates are as follows:Parking Area: 34.738505, -82.826153 Actual Location: 34.739568, -82.820751
+96751 0 Mount Radford, Exeter 6 "For hir soule's lover in hir lyfe did give""
+96806 0 1966 Copa Libertadores Finals 8 He's the untouchable.
+96817 0 Australian cricket team in the United Arab Emirates in 2018–19 1 The Australian cricket team toured the United Arab Emirates from September to October 2018 to play two Tests and three Twenty20 International (T20I) matches against Pakistan.
+96870 0 Chase Elliott 4 Elliott won the Snowball Derby in 2015 after initial winner Christopher Bell was disqualified.
+96926 0 Nicholas V, Duke of Krnov 3 Nicholas V and Wenceslaus II ruled their duchy jointly until 1437, at which time they divided their inheritance.
+97133 0 Game testing 21 Many methods, such as unit testing, are borrowed directly from general software testing techniques.
+97173 0 Zena Assi 9 It witnesses footprints, dust and coffee stains.
+97185 0 Catherine Raisin 2 Catherine had three older brothers significantly were well older than her.
+97238 0 The House of Tears 1 A. Rolfe and distributed through Metro Pictures.
+97266 0 Für kommende Zeiten 7 It helps.
+97363 0 Golden Corridor 6 Major facilities include:
+97392 0 Danny Gottlieb discography 36 With Stan Samole
+97430 0 Halvor Stenstadvold 4 He retreated in 1984 to concentrate on his business career.
+97492 0 Robert Campbell (Nova Scotia politician) 2 Campbell was among those who petitioned for the establishment of representative government for Nova Scotia in 1757.
+97522 0 Double-mindedness 4 "Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits"", Hong p. 37""What is your frame of mind toward others""?"
+97574 0 Ian Watkins (rugby player) 2 He was first selected for the Wales international team during the 1988 Five Nations Championship, coming on as a replacement.
+97580 0 Iași Botanical Garden 3 Repeated attempts to obtain the necessary funding to realize this garden proved fruitless.
+97592 0 Da li je to čovek ili je mašina 1 is the seventh studio album by the Serbian indie/alternative rock band Obojeni Program released by the Serbian independent record label UrbaNS in 2005.
+97629 0 Edoardo Reja 6 Napoli hadn't featured in the top tier of Italian Football since 2001.
+97641 0 Eaton Stannard Barrett 4 "Edgar Allan Poe wrote in 1835: ""There are few books written with more tact, spirit, naiveté, or grace... and none more fairly entitled to rank among the classics of English literature than the ""Heroine"" of Eaton Stannard Barrett."
+97656 0 The Jeevas 1 The Jeevas were an English rock band.
+97683 0 Codex Boreelianus 15 Matthew 10:5 αποστειλας ] απεστειλεν
+97724 0 HIStory (web series) 1 "HIStory (pronounced ""his story"") is a Taiwanese web drama anthology series created by Chang Ting-fei for the online streaming service Line TV."
+97731 0 Sicilian Mafia Commission 29 "The Commission was divided between the Corleonesi (Riina, Calò, Madonia, Brusca, Geraci, Greco ""Scarpuzzedda"", Motisi and probably Scaglione as well) and the group Bontade, Inzerillo and Pizzuto."
+97746 0 Mrtvo morje 1 Mrtvo morje is a novel by Slovenian author Beno Zupančič.
+97786 0 Nufenen 2 "Nufenen was first mentioned in 1343 as ""Ovena""."
+97840 0 Sidney R. Yates Federal Building 4 The listing included three contributing buildings, named Annex #1-3, on .
+97845 0 Stour-class destroyer 1 They carried 134 tons of coal and 66 tons of oil.
+97989 0 Mock modular form 49 found eight mock theta functions of order 8.
+98035 0 RAF Lichfield 2 Manufacturers sent newly built aircraft to Fradley to carry out any modifications before delivery to squadrons.
+98090 0 LGBT culture in Liverpool 14 The cottaging culture was still very much prominent, with several public toilets identified as hotspots for homosexual activity.
+98106 0 Homologous chromosome 10 Chiasmata physically link the homologous chromosomes once crossing over occurs and throughout the process of chromosomal segregation during meiosis.
+98109 0 Littlestown Area School District 133 Farmers can qualify for a farmstead exemption on building used for agricultural purposes.
+98146 0 Definitive treaty of peace and friendship between Mexico and Spain 1 It ended the tensions between both nations that emerged from the Mexican War of Independence, which began in 1810.
+98187 0 1930 in Norwegian football 11 Fram (Larvik) - Kvik (Halden) 3-2
+98254 0 Littlestown Area School District 138 They limit vending machine snacks to a maximum of 200 calories per item.
+98274 0 Drowning Ruth 4 The three grow very close, and Amanda begins to see Ruth as their child, becoming very protective of her.
+98276 0 Ryan Pace 4 After not gaining any opportunities as a player, Pace was hired by the New Orleans Saints in 2001 as a coaching intern.
+98323 0 Piano Sonata No. 2 (Chopin) 24 "Schumann said that the movement ""seems more like a mockery than any [sort of] music"", and when Felix Mendelssohn was asked for an opinion of it, he commented, ""Oh, I abhor it""."
+98373 0 I Love Money (season 4) 32 Sassy tries to help out Blonde Baller to take the target off her back and get rid of Punisher.
+98387 0 Boris Arapov 4 Although this later work is generally tonal, the levels of internal discord are higher than previously.
+98498 0 Asociación Civil Impacta Salud y Educación 8 Although advances have been achieved both in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, the greatest hope is in discovery of a safe and effective vaccine.
+98506 0 Jiang Yanjiao 6 The World Badminton Grand Prix sanctioned by International Badminton Federation (IBF) since 1983.
+98557 0 Caldwell-West Caldwell Public Schools 6 Core members of the district's administration are:
+98626 0 Idiophantis lomatographa 2 The hindwings are greyish, but whitish around the apex.
+98710 0 Jack McAuliffe (American football) 2 McAuliffe was born on May 21, 1901 in Butte, Montana.
+98761 0 2016 Down Senior Football Championship 5 Annaclone and Rostrevor are relegated to the 2017 I.F.C.
+98805 0 Frango 24 Update: All locations have closed.
+98813 0 The Potbelleez 5 This release was certified Platinum with sales over 100,000.
+98826 0 Forest Evashevski 20 The Hawkeyes took out their frustration on the Gopher team.
+98848 0 In the Attic (Theatre of Ice album) 3 Stunned and terrified, the majority of the crowd hastily dispersed and the concert came to a screeching halt.
+98928 0 Indian People's Tribunal 3 Grassroots organisations throughout India provide support.
+98945 0 Oskari Reinikainen 1 Reinikainen was a Member of the Parliament of Finland from 1919 to 1945, representing the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP).
+98995 0 Architech 19 Over 20 sculptures were displayed and used by the public for a period of several days.
+99048 0 Brampton Island 1 The highest point of the island is Brampton Peak, 214 m above sea level.
+99065 0 Operation Argon 5 As dawn broke, the features of a well-hidden FAPLA base became clear some from the LUP.
+99091 0 Simon the Zealot 8 In the apocryphal Arabic Infancy Gospel a fact related to this apostle is mentioned.
+99119 0 Setumong 2 Setumong is an important center of tradition and culture in Ga-Matlala and the Aganang Local Municipality.
+99130 0 Ronald Baecker 17 In 1973, he co-founded the Dynamic Graphics Project at the University of Toronto, creating the first Canadian university group studying HCI and computer graphics.
+99172 0 Blaže Koneski 1 However Koneski has been accused of serbianizing the Macedonian standard language.
+99241 0 Sicilian Mafia Commission 42 Provenzano's new guidelines were patience, compartmentalisation, coexistence with state institutions, and systematic infiltration of public finance.
+99342 0 H Steven Blum 20 We don't all play alike.
+99368 0 6th Infantry Regiment (United States) 24 Assigned 24 March 1923 to the 6th Division
+99404 0 Mulian Rescues His Mother 9 There his father informs him that his mother is suffering extremely in the Avīci Hell, the cruelest of the purgatories.
+99463 0 Wetu Telu 20 Ordinary people do not conduct the Friday sermon.
+99511 0 GHQ Liaison Regiment 11 Some patrols undertook parachute drops with the SAS to provide communications with SAS Brigade HQ.
+99582 0 Piano Sonata No. 2 (Chopin) 25 "Franz Liszt, a friend of Chopin's, remarked that the ""Marche funèbre"" is ""of such penetrating sweetness that we can scarcely deem it of this earth"", and Charles Willeby wrote that it is by far ""the most beautiful and consistent movement"" of the work."
+99591 0 LGBT culture in Liverpool 36 Homotopia has been attended by numerous high-profile figures from international gay society, including Peter Tatchell, Holly Johnson, Armistead Maupin, and Amy Lame.
+99628 0 Codex Boreelianus 19 The connection to Boreel is indicated by Wettstein, who was given a partial collation of the codex in 1730.
+99633 0 Green Line (Washington Metro) 8 By the end of 1977, Metro had pushed the opening of the Green Line to June 1983.
+99707 0 Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down 18 "He dismisses the rich and elite as ""ripples"" in history and is willing to tolerate them provided that they avoid conflict."
+99724 0 Theodora of Emesa 6 There is no record of Theodora fleeing to Persia after Justinian’s order to close the Platonic school in Athens in 529, along with Isidore, Damascius, Simplicius, Priscianus Lydus, Eulamius of Phrygia, Hermias the Phoenician, and Diogenes the Phoenician.
+99933 0 John Catsimatidis 9 (This compares to its 2008 and 2009 rank, both at #100, 2010 at #78, 2011 at 98th, and 2012 at 97th).
+99990 0 Raul Cuadra Chamberlain 4 Revista Conservadora del Pensamiento Centroamericano Vol XVII, Genealogia de la Familia Quadra, Agosto 1967
+100093 0 Indre 6 The main rivers are the Creuse, the Claise and the Indre.
+100104 0 Oughter Ard 5 Colla was a son of Cairbre Lifechair and High King in 306–310.
+100192 0 Dina Powell 47 The possibility of appointing Powell faced significant opposition from some within the Administration, including Bolton.
+100220 0 Gnathifera proserga 1 It was described by Meyrick in 1913.
+100232 0 Sobekneferu 6 Today, the sculpture is known only from photographic images and plaster casts.
+100317 0 Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk) 21 A number of 60 to 100 was regarded as reasonable.
+100329 0 Codex Boreelianus 13 Hermann von Soden classified it as K (now it is known as textual family E).
+100365 0 Amanda Serrano 13 "On July 31, 2015, Ronda Rousey's trainer, Edmond Tarverdyan, expressed the belief that his fighter ""can win the boxing world title"" while discussing a potential fight with Justino."
+100468 0 No. 644 Squadron RAF 3 47 Squadron RAF.
+100541 0 The Assault (1996 film) 2 The plot was influenced by Assault on Precinct 13.
+100548 0 French corvette Perçante (1795) 24 Mascall was tried also for drunkenness and abusive behavior towards Hutchinson.
+100606 0 Riemann hypothesis 40 "Cramér proved that, assuming the Riemann hypothesis, every gap is ""O""( log ""p"")."
+100803 0 Star Trek: Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates 4 "Butts noted, """"Orion Pirates"" isn't compatible with previous versions of ""Starfleet Command""."
+100820 0 Jalalabad Airport 1 This airport is currently being used only for military purposes and sometimes the United Nations' aircraft use this airport.
+100884 0 Guilty Gear Xrd 23 What the game does, it does very well, but the sum total feels lacking.
+100906 0 Season (film) 5 She was assaulted and left back.
+100934 0 Asawar 2 In Asawar village living mostly Brahmin, Bhumihar, Rajbhar, Yadav, Chamar and Muslims.
+100970 0 Operation Sea Signal 1 As a result, the migrants became refugees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
+101079 0 Carding 15 In willowing the fibers are loosened.
+101123 0 Marrowbone (film) 9 He hides all the mirrors to avoid reminding himself that he is alone, and avoids going into the attic for the same reason.
+101299 0 The Art Teacher 4 "Youa Vang of ""City Pages"" described the song as melancholic, with a ""rumbling"" piano."
+101315 0 Prostitution in Tunisia 11 Article 231 of The Penal Code:
+101375 0 Carmen Barbieri 5 with Gianella Neyra and Nicolás Vázquez.
+101461 0 Directional derivative 12 Many of the familiar properties of the ordinary derivative hold for the directional derivative.
+101513 0 Dunces and Dragons 14 "He added ""This episode is also good because it shows an abnormally self-confident SpongeBob."
+101756 0 Dominican Restoration War 11 Combined with other political crises that were happening, it contributed to the downfall of Spanish Prime Minister Leopoldo O'Donnell in 1866.
+101770 0 Prunetin 1 "Prunetin isolated from pea roots can act as an attractant for ""Aphanomyces euteiches"" zoospores."
+101785 0 Jane Johnston Schoolcraft 3 Johnston wrote poetry and traditional Ojibwa stories, and she translated Ojibwa songs into English.
+101799 0 Double-mindedness 10 For we are agreed that in relation to the essential, knowing it is essentially identical with the ability to do it.
+101871 0 1997 World Women's Handball Championship 7 For places 1-4
+101886 0 Crystal Rainbow Pyramid Under the Stars 3 Credits, as stated on the Acid Mothers website:
+101939 0 Szolnok 16 Beginning in June 1552, Hungarian, Transylvanian, and Viennese agents all began reporting that the Ottoman army was on the move out of Temesvár towards Szolnok and Eger.
+101948 0 Munkurin 1 "Munkur means ""monk""."
+101958 0 Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk) 7 The Teutonic Order had inherited Gniew (Mewe) from Sambor II, thus gaining a foothold on the left bank of the Vistula.
+102038 0 Volodymyr Malyshev 5 Has two daughters Julia and Natalia, grandchildren Timur (in Orthodoxy Tikhon), Bogdan and Lada (in Orthodoxy Liya).
+102148 0 Michael Emile Mahfood 1 Group M7 currently manages in excess of 1,000 websites.
+102304 0 Felicity-Ann Lewis 2 It had been expected that Lewis would not re-contest but she nominated at the eleventh hour.
+102368 0 HDMS Hauch (1862) 2 "The squadron consisted of HDMS ""Absalon"", HDMS ""Esbern Snare"", HDMS ""Fylla"", HDMS ""Willemoes"", HDMS ""Buhl"", HDMS ""Krieger"" and HDMS ""Marstrand""."
+102426 0 Budza language 2 "There are several neighbouring minor languages which Maho (2009) lists as closely related: C371 Tembo (""Motembo"" – distinguish Kitembo), C372 Kunda, C373 Gbuta (""Egbuta"") and C374 Babale."
+102477 0 Battlecruiser 16 Specifically their roles were:
+102533 0 Gray Davis 26 However, Davis reneged on a campaign promise to expand low-cost healthcare to parents of needy children due to budget constraints.
+102630 0 6th Infantry Regiment (United States) 40 In 1964, Berlin Brigade was reorganized again.
+102644 0 Propanolamine 2 Propanolamines include:
+102719 0 Johannes von Nepomuk Franz Xaver Gistel 2 "He was the author of works on entomology such as ""Die jetzt lebenden Entomologen, Kerffreunde und kerfsammler Europa’s und der übrigen Continente"" (1836)."
+102765 0 John Catsimatidis 29 That is wrong.
+102783 0 Chris Smith (tight end) 7 However, he was waived during the pre-season.
+102804 0 New York v. Trump 8 On December 14, 2017, government lawyers argued that discovery was improper.
+103012 0 Zoufftgen train collision 9 While no individual has been identified, it was stated that among the accused were two traffic controllers.
+103015 0 Everybody Dance! (TV series) 8 Top 20: Sergey Poyarkov, Rodion Farhshatov, Maria Kozlova, Maxim Bochahin, Julia Kudynova, Lydia Soklanova, Tisato Ishikawa, Elijah Vermenych, Alexander Proyschov, Vitaly Savchenko, Anastasia Rychkova, Galina Pyeha,
+103130 0 Charlie Phillips (producer) 3 He became the editor of Channel 4’s BAFTA-winning online documentary channel, FourDocs.
+103144 0 Mons 42 It measures 115 metres long, 32 metres wide and rises to 24.5 metres at the keystone.
+103171 0 Una Merkel 4 "Her biggest triumph was in ""Coquette"" (1927), which starred her idol, Helen Hayes."
+103199 0 2003–04 Coppa Italia 4 All forfeiting teams were given a 3-0 defeat and deducted 1 point in the table for each game not played.
+103220 0 Çarşı, Beşiktaş 3 "continuing as Ihlamur Caddesi (""Linden Tea Av."")"
+103262 0 Wild Pack 6 Sable is left to lead a team that is becoming increasingly lazy and incompetent.
+103281 0 10 Sport 4 The network also screened Boomers and Opals games.
+103319 0 Ilya Kuzmichyov 1 He plays for FC SKA-Khabarovsk.
+103331 0 The Tiger in the Smoke 8 "They are old acquaintances, if not friends, and during their confrontation, the two also have a philosophical conversation about Havoc's belief in the ""Science of Luck"", which shares some similarity to Avril's own philosophy of life."
+103395 0 Jinsafut 12 Israel has confiscated 713 dunums of land from Jinsafut in order to establish two Israeli settlements; Karne Shomron and Neve Oramin.
+103557 0 Introduction to the Devout Life 2 The correspondence began when Madame de Charmoisy, in Annecy, confided to Francis her desire for piety amidst the struggles and distractions associated with life at court.
+103565 0 Euparia 1 "There are about six described species in ""Euparia""."
+103647 0 Riemann hypothesis 3 However, the negative even integers are not the only values for which the zeta function is zero.
+103658 0 Thor Heyerdahl 34 The boat became lost and was the subject of a United Nations search and rescue mission.
+103686 0 The Simpsons opening sequence 41 "A special opening sequence, featuring the cast lip dubbing to Ke$ha's single ""Tik Tok"", was animated for ""To Surveil with Love"" to promote ""Fox Rocks"" week."
+103693 0 Stepan Khilkov 2 General Dorokhov thanked Prince Khilkov for his success and sent him to demand the enemy's surrender.
+103806 0 Güldal Mumcu 4 She said that the executive can not control the Legislature.
+103817 0 Olive Schreiner 7 Ellie was the twelfth and last child of Gottlob and Rebecca Schreiner.
+103829 0 17th PP National Congress 1 Mariano Rajoy was elected for a third term in office with 97.6% of the delegate vote.
+103844 0 Philippus Zhao Huaiyi 2 His father died in the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.
+103850 0 Season (film) 5 Both Porinju and Kanthi get lured into this deal.
+103853 0 Teutonic takeover of Danzig (Gdańsk) 28 The Knights then captured the rest of Pomerelia from Brandenburg's troops.
+103882 0 Bobbili mandal 3 Bobbili mandal is one of the mandal in Bobbili (Assembly constituency), which in turn is a part of Vizianagaram (Lok Sabha constituency), one of the 25 Lok Sabha constituencies representing Andhra Pradesh.
+103896 0 Gray Davis 42 Some of Davis' energy advisers were formerly employed by the same energy speculators who made millions from the crisis.
+103972 0 1930 in Norwegian football 2 The league discontinued in 1930/31, but re-appeared one final time in 1931/32.
+103995 0 Desert climate 9 Snow tends to be rare in regions with this climate.
+104032 0 Naveed Afzal Haq 14 "Two days after the shootings, Haq's parents released a statement ""expressing their shock and sorrow over the shootings."
+104043 0 France–Italy Maritime Boundary Agreement 2 The treaty was signed in Paris on 28 November 1986.
+104051 0 Sprinter New Generation 2 From 1992, train builder Talbot built a small test series of nine train sets, as a prelude to a large series of around 250 two and three-car sets.
+104052 0 Ernesto Melo Antunes 6 After the revolution, Melo Antunes was in the forefront of political power and highly respected.
+104078 0 Decatur, Michigan 4 Decatur contains many denominations and is home to a variety of churches, including one of its oldest churches, Decatur First Reformed Church
+104211 0 Acacia dictyocarpa 5 "List of ""Acacia"" species"
+104226 0 Ringtheater fire 5 Safety curtains became mandatory in order to contain stage fires and theatre props had to be impregnated to make them fire-resistant.
+104230 0 Argyrotaenia subcordillerae 2 The suffusions are brownish, the dots and strigulae (fine streaks) are brown and the markings are blackish brown.
+104247 0 J. Samuel Walker 5 "He also authored a comprehensive review of the Three Mile Island accident, """" (2004)."
+104375 0 HeForShe 16 Since its announcement with Emma Watson on 20 September 2014, the HeForShe campaign has received widespread media coverage and praise.
+104394 0 National Cholesterol Education Program 1 The program has been running since 1985.
+104404 0 Mons 49 They used to get water from wells or fountains, sometimes over a hundred yards from their homes.
+104431 0 Brad Hill (basketball) 4 He finished his NBL career with stints in Sydney (2013/14), Wollongong (2014/15), and Melbourne (2015/16).
+104456 0 Foundation for the Community of Artists 18 3 (e-Book)
+104497 0 Rag Tag 2 "While Rag realizes their true feelings and attraction, Tag is still reluctant to actually go through the ""last"" step."
+104508 0 TH-dimer 1 For example, TH-dimer is used in the turbofan engine of the Tomahawk cruise missile.
+104512 0 If Americans Knew 13 If Americans Knew has been lauded by the media monitoring organization Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) and termed 'valuable'.
+104578 0 Ovčara camp 5 The archive of the City Government of Vukovar has some testimonies of Ovčara prisoners.
+104617 0 United Steelworkers v. Weber 2 This came from a collective agreement with United Steelworkers of America.
+104632 0 Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 The Ministry of Justice has the authority to administer these judicial institutions at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
+104738 0 1934 Detroit Lions season 19 Glenn Presnell scored a touchdown and kicked a field goal, and additional touchdowns were scored by Lumpkin and Ace Gutowsky.
+104827 0 Cycling at the 2016 Summer Paralympics – Women's individual pursuit C5 2 The fastest two riders raced for the gold medal and the third- and fourth-fastest riders raced for the bronze.
+104840 0 Vishnulokam 2 Sankunni reached Prathapa Varma's house and tried to kill Prathapa Varma.
+104943 0 Erythromelalgia 27 "Patients are strongly advised ""not"" to place the affected limbs in cold water to relieve symptoms when flaring occurs."
+105072 0 The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine 8 "On November 9, 2006, Bethesda clarified earlier statements regarding PC releases, declaring that, although the boxed retail PC edition of ""Knights of the Nine"" was set for release on November 21, the PC release downloadable from the company website wouldn't be available until December 4."
+105080 0 Mirificarma cabezella 3 They feed from within the shoots.
+105133 0 Inori (Stockhausen) 4 Each phrase consists .
+105196 0 Dina Powell 9 And on the economic side I'm definitely a believer that people should spend more of their money and spend it the way they think so and invest it wisely.
+105280 0 Normans 49 At Saint Evroul, a tradition of singing had developed and the choir achieved fame in Normandy.
+105315 0 Dark-banded fusilier 3 This species is widespread in Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to the Tuamoto Islands, southern Japan, Mauritius, and the Austral Islands.
+105422 0 Algebraic extension 8 These finitary results can be generalized using transfinite induction:
+105482 0 Thirteen (2003 film) 6 Evie invites Tracy to go shopping on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, but gives her a fake phone number as a prank.
+105532 0 Micropropagation 16 To obtain a quick and optimum growth into plantlets, it is transferred to soil.
+105561 0 BL 6-inch gun Mk V 4 The Romanian guns had a greater range (7,800 meters).
+105585 0 Channel 17 2 The following television stations operate on virtual channel 17 in Canada:
+105687 0 Aggavamsa 2 It is made up of 1347 suttas accompanying an additional chapter on upasaggas and nipātas .
+105721 0 Spanish Federation of Sportspeople with Cerebral Palsy 2 FEDPC is one of five disability sport organizations that belongs to the Spanish Paralympic Committee.
+105921 0 John Edward Brownlee 71 A University of Calgary undergraduate seminar in 2005 ranked Brownlee as the province's third greatest premier, behind Manning and Peter Lougheed.
+105932 0 Perry Redd 16 Redd was sentenced to imprisonment at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution.
+105953 0 Mercer Bears 38 First Pitch Classic
+105979 0 Carver (Nip/Tuck) 17 During Costa's operation, Kit arrives with a S.W.A.T.
+106057 0 Neustadt, Ontario 3 In 1870, Winkler lost a leg in a runaway horse accident and died seven years later.
+106132 0 Calvin Lockhart 2 In 1972, Lockhart married Jamaican model Thelma Walters, they later divorced in 1978.
+106138 0 Atrium (heart) 6 The cardiac action potential then spreads across both atria causing them to contract, forcing the blood they hold into their corresponding ventricles.
+106254 0 Honours of Stanley Baldwin 2 He Took the Title Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, with the Subsidiary title of Viscount Corvedale, of Corvedale in the County of Salop.
+106277 0 Land Rover Group 11 Freight Rover
+106287 0 Wareham Gatemen 8 "Wareham's team was skippered by Wareham's ""Mr."
+106305 0 Hernán Medford 3 He represented his country in 37 FIFA World Cup qualification matches and played in two World Cups, Italy 1990 and Japan-Korea 2002.
+106349 0 Frederick Forrest 1 Frederick Edward Forrest MC (9 April 1877 – 20 October 1930) was an Australian soldier and politician.
+106377 0 2011 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes 2 The winner was Lady Rothschild's Nathaniel, a three-year-old bay colt trained at Newmarket, Suffolk by John Gosden and ridden by William Buick.
+106381 0 Tansen, Nepal 6 "Besides trade, local Newars are known for traditional metalwork and producing ""dhaka"" cloth used in traditional jackets and ""topis""."
+106417 0 Oberhof, Aargau 13 , there were 89 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 27 businesses involved in this sector.
+106531 0 Ahmed-paša Dugalić 3 Ahmed-paša made peace with Grdan, the leader of the Serb Uprising of 1596–97, and forgave him, doing nothing to Grdan, not even stripping him of his voivodeship of the Nikšić nahija.
+106543 0 Larry Elliot 5 Elliot played three full seasons (1967–1969) at the Triple-A level before retiring.
+106678 0 La cueva de Salamanca 7 "As discussed previously, ""El licenciado vidriera"" references the location of la cueva de Salamanca."
+106715 0 Riaz Basra 1 Muhammad Ajmal and Malik Ishaq, a founder of the militant organization Lashkar-e-Jhangvi during 1996.
+106735 0 Chris New 2 Living in London was a major change for him:
+106756 0 Indian People's Tribunal 7 "It documented ""serious non-compliance on the pari-passu implementation of rehabilitation and environmental measures"" and other violations of the law."
+106770 0 Acacia falcata 5 Seed can germinate in disturbed areas.
+106812 0 Elektrenika 2 "Elektrenika"" marked Jusis musical metamorphosis."
+106875 0 Eridanus (constellation) 3 32 Eridani is a binary star 290 light-years from Earth.
+106881 0 DCas9 activation system 6 These activators can be introduced into the system through attachment to dCas9 or to the sgRNA.
+106978 0 Daniel Bennett (saxophonist) 2 In 1999, Daniel Bennett was introduced to the music of Steve Reich and Philip Glass.
+107007 0 Byrdmaniax 20 NOTES:
+107046 0 Inio, Chile 1 Inio is a village in Chiloe Island in Chile.
+107078 0 Crochet 24 Patterns and motifs are coarser with thicker yarns and produce bold visual effects, whereas thinner yarns are best for refined or delicate pattern-work.
+107097 0 Joji (musician) 6 The DizastaMusic channel has over 915,000 subscribers and is nearing 170 million views .
+107103 0 Pio Seci 3 In 2011, Seci played for the Northern Pride in the Mal Meninga Cup, scoring 2 tries.
+107106 0 Large countable ordinal 23 By a theorem of Sacks, the countable admissible ordinals are exactly those constructed in a manner similar to the Church–Kleene ordinal but for Turing machines with oracles.
+107165 0 2004 Republican National Convention 27 That's why they talk so much about two Americas.
+107258 0 Mary, Queen of Scots (1971 film) 13 It's just solemn, well-groomed and dumb.
+107301 0 Giuseppe Albanese 7 He has also performed with major leading orchestras under conductors as Pavel Belaff, James Conlon, Will Humburg, Dmitri Jurowski, Alain Lombard, Othmar Maga, Anton Nanut, Tomas Netopil, George Pehlivanian, Jurai Valchua, Jonathan Webb.
+107456 0 Psychometrics of racism 4 In a summary of recent research Jules P. Harrell, Sadiki Hall, and James Taliaferro describe how a growing body of research has explored the impact of encounters with racism or discrimination on physiological activity.
+107524 0 Winter of 2009–10 in Great Britain and Ireland 4 Snow fell in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire, which brought some disruption.
+107528 0 2010–11 St. Louis Blues season 28 Transcripts of the four speeches are here.
+107687 0 Alpha Chi 1 Since then it has expanded to 300 chapters throughout the United States.
+107837 0 Fear Street 12 In April 2019, Gillian Jacobs joined the cast of the first film, while Sadie Sink, Emily Rudd, Brandon Spink and McCabe Slye were cast in the second film.
+107922 0 Army National Guard and Active Regular Army Units with Colonial Roots 124 On 14 January 1776 the Baltimore Independent Cadets were absorbed into William Smallwood’s Maryland Battalion (or Regiment) and seven attached independent companies.
+107940 0 Carl Höckh 2 His students included Friedrich Wilhelm Rust, Johann Wilhelm Hertel, and Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch.
+107957 0 Margaret Campbell (politician) 3 Her son Sterling Campbell served a term as a Liberal MPP from Sudbury.
+107971 0 Pennsylvania Route 113 2 The former PA 113 between Kulps Corner and Eddington became PA 313, US 202, PA 413, PA 513, and Bensalem Boulevard.
+107997 0 Carmen Barbieri 5 "In 2003 led by America 2, she appeared on ""Cómplices y testigos"" and 2005 starred in the sitcom ""¿Quién es el jefe?"
+108020 0 Central Utah Project Completion Act 8 • Environmental Commitments – The Central Utah Project Completion Act created the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission to coordinate and plan mitigation measures to meet environmental mitigation and conservation measures (including environmental commitments that preceded the Central Utah Project Completion Act).
+108039 0 Crochet 52 Residents awoke to find knit cozies hugging tree branches and sign poles.
+108071 0 Judaism and peace 3 "The root itself translates as ""whole, safe, intact""."
+108148 0 Minister of Infrastructure (Manitoba) 13 Driedger retained the Highways and Transportation portfolio until the appointment of Glen Findlay in 1993.
+108154 0 Operation Praying Mantis 14 "Fires blazing on ""Sahand""s decks eventually reached her munitions magazines, causing an explosion that sank her."
+108170 0 RNA recognition motif 5 CUGBP1; CUGBP2; D10S102; DAZ1; DAZ2; DAZ3; DAZ4; DAZAP1;
+108177 0 Ube3a-ATS 3 "However, recently, one snoRNA on ""Ube3a-ATS"", SNORD 115, has been found to change the alternative splicing of the serotonin receptor 2C pre-mRNA."
+108268 0 Riemann hypothesis 67 "In particular it implies the conjecture that Siegel zeros (zeros of ""L""-functions between 1/2 and 1) do not exist."
+108293 0 TRT 3 3 "Furthermore, it re-aired some television series like ""The Waltons"", ""Little House on the Prairie"", ""Bewitched"", ""Bonanza"" and ""Columbo""."
+108369 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 47 Άμπελον ευρεθήναι εν Ολυμπία.
+108386 0 2010 Minnesota gubernatorial election 12 Kelliher was subsequently endorsed by the convention.
+108388 0 Kenneth A De Jong 1 He has been also instrumental in the research sub field of co-evolution in evolutionary computation Cooperative coevolution
+108464 0 Nalambalam 10 This is the way to praise them: First, we have to worship Hanuman.
+108496 0 Fluconazole 19 Fluconazole is an inhibitor of the human cytochrome P450 system, particularly the isozyme CYP2C19 (CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 to lesser extent) In theory, therefore, fluconazole decreases the metabolism and increases the concentration of any drug metabolised by these enzymes.
+108715 0 Sailing in Anguilla 2 Barton acted swiftly to relieve Anguilla, and the Lapwing's presence drove the French to attempt to retreat.
+108744 0 Kyle Hill 4 He followed that with an excellent season with the Croatian club KK Zadar.
+108765 0 Canal du Centre (Belgium) 4 For centuries, Belgian people have wanted an inland waterway to connect the and the .
+108769 0 Sybil Robson Orr 5 Robson Orr has two brothers, Bruce and Joe.
+108785 0 Forest Evashevski 30 Iowa's only loss that season was at Minnesota, which finished first in the final AP Poll with an identical 8–1 record.
+108859 0 Grinsdale 4 Newton's lands passed by successive marriages to Martindale and Dacre, and having been forfeited to the crown, were granted to Whitmore, and passed by sale to the Dacre family of Kirklinton.
+108905 0 Ms. Foundation for Women 15 The cards were used in conjunction with a Take Our Daughters to Work program in 1994.
+108936 0 Flight cancellation and delay 3 The Transportation Department imposes a fine of up to $27,500 per passenger for planes left on the tarmac for more than three hours without taking off (four hours for international flights).
+108951 0 Mount Radford, Exeter 6 "Shee departed this life 28 May 1634 A(nn)o Aetatis 26""."
+108958 0 OR5T1 2 Olfactory receptors share a 7-transmembrane domain structure with many neurotransmitter and hormone receptors and are responsible for the recognition and G protein-mediated transduction of odorant signals.
+109004 0 Judaism and peace 5 Notable examples:
+109006 0 Lagunillas Municipality, Michoacán 1 This place was called “Hacienda de Lagunillas”.
+109027 0 Fenno-Filmi 2 "Erehtyneet sydämet"" was released in April 1944, with Uotila and Eero Leväluoma sharing the director's credits."
+109035 0 Forest Evashevski 17 I think it was disgraceful playing.
+109057 0 Flourish // Perish 2 The band invested most of 2012 recording the album in the band's garage in Montreal (which they converted into a recording studio) and at the Centre Phi.
+109154 0 Clemson Experimental Forest 7 Fishing and hunting are also allowed in the forest and are regulated by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
+109158 0 Northern Lights Festival Boréal 18 Bruce Cockburn, Natalie MacMaster, Rheostatics
+109191 0 Pierre Ouellette 1 "His fifth book, titled ""The Forever Man"", was published in January 2014 by Alibi Books, a Random House imprint."
+109251 0 Victor Mancha 1 Victor, however, is a cyborg, with human flesh and natural tissue cloned from his human mother which completely conceals his metal parts and circuitry.
+109304 0 1989 Alice Springs hot air balloon crash 8 The report said safety measures flowing from its investigation were now being implemented and that the Civil Aviation Authority should improve surveillance.
+109320 0 Social hacking 13 In a similar incident, Yahoo Mail also announced in January 2014 that their system had been hacked and a number of user email accounts had been accessed.
+109383 0 2013–14 Washington Huskies women's basketball team 2 Ogwumike was fouled, and hit one free throw to cut the lead to three points.
+109470 0 Chersotis andereggii 1 Chersotis andereggii is a moth of the family Noctuidae.
+109605 0 Omaha Northwest High School 1 Completed in 1971, it is the newest of the seven high schools in the Omaha Public Schools district.
+109610 0 Horacio Villalobos 6 Villalobos hosts the show along Pilar boliver and Mauricio Valle.
+109746 0 Abbot-Downing Company 20 They were large and roomy vehicles capable of holding twelve passengers inside and two outside besides the two drivers.
+109776 0 Jorge M. Pérez 8 Construction is scheduled for completion in 2019.
+109806 0 APC-7 connector 3 APC-7 connectors require adapters to change from the connectors used in the laboratory to those used on everyday products.
+109874 0 Christopher Mont 3 They arrived at Nuremberg on 22 August, and thence Mont went to Augsburg to confer with the heads of the Swabian League or their deputies.
+109882 0 Croydon North West (UK Parliament constituency) 6 1955-1974: The County Borough of Croydon wards of Bensham Manor, Norbury, Upper Norwood, West Thornton, and Whitehorse Manor.
+109888 0 Nufenen 9 , there were 43 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 15 businesses involved in this sector.
+109934 0 1972 United States Senate election in Massachusetts 3 Senator Edward Brooke was unopposed for re-nomination.
+109965 0 Scar (Battlestar Galactica) 12 Where Starbuck has become jaded by seeing so many rookies killed in battle, Kat reaches out to them with advice and genuine concern.
+109979 0 Juta Racing 7 After setback in Thruxton, Jonas Gelžinis took four more podiums in Oulton Park and Croft Circuit.
+109987 0 Ippolito Baccusi 2 "In 1592 Baccusi accepted the position of ""maestro di cappella"" at Verona Cathedral, where he remained for the rest of his life."
+110033 0 Episcada apuleia 1 It is found in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru.
+110063 0 Gujarat State Wide Area Network 3 Secretariat Center at state capital, Gandhinagar.
+110144 0 The Zero Boys 2 After winning a paintball tournament, they decide to celebrate.
+110197 0 Alfredo Tena 3 "Soon after, Tena secured a regular spot in the ""Águilas"" backfield."
+110214 0 Newcastle Jets FC 24 In Extra Time Paul Iffil scored the match winner for Wellington followed by a goal from Eugene Dadi.
+110345 0 Maria Luís Albuquerque 9 Following the 2014 European elections, it was believed that Passos Coelho was going to nominate Luís Albuquerque as Portugal’s member of the European Commission, a job that eventually went to Carlos Moedas.
+110427 0 Forest cobra 6 Like other snake species, the forest cobra has skin covered in scales.
+110493 0 2018 Turkish parliamentary election 28 In addition, MPs cannot be ministers in the new cabinet.
+110511 0 Tandwa Block 3 , Chatra was identified as one of the 13 focus areas by the state police to check Maoist activities.
+110542 0 Christian Beyer 1 "In documents partially different names and spellings can be found (""Bayer, Peyer, Bayarius, Bayoarius, Bavarus, Cristoferus Bauari"", etc."
+110571 0 Hoghton 1 Brindle and Hoghton ward also includes the parish of Brindle.
+110619 0 Empire Earth III 11 The game was received poorly by critics.
+110624 0 Boyd-Buchanan School 11 Since 2010, the tuition has risen to over $10,000.
+110756 0 Backstage (album) 4 "In this year Cher recorded also others two songs: ""Yours Until Tomorrow"" and ""The Thought Of Loving You""."
+110761 0 Ja'afar Mahmud Adam 3 Adam was shot dead at his mosque in the northern city of Kano in April 2007.
+110813 0 Businessman (soundtrack) 3 Aamchi Mumbai and Bad Boys have good energy levels and will catch on well with the public.
+110840 0 Riftia pachyptila 3 "Riftia pachyptila"" were discovered in 1977 on an expedition to the Galápagos Rift led by geologist Jack Corliss."
+110855 0 Your Face Sounds Familiar (British TV series) 6 The total score of each contestant was then counted by summing the points from judges and contestant's voting with the points from the televoting.
+110980 0 Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1994 3 Both were Eurovision records - no country had previously managed to win three years in a row or achieve six victories.
+110990 0 Newcastle University Students' Union 4 A debating chamber which hung over Kings Road was also built, though it was demolished in 2003.
+111038 0 DXQM 2 In August 2016, Home Radio Davao was relaunched as a music and news station, joining the roster of combined news and music stations of ABC along with other stations in Dagupan (DWIZ-FM) and Palawan (DWQP, known as DWIZ Palawan).
+111200 0 Igor Uporov 10 He also earned more than 20 other encouragements, gratitude, and certificates.
+111221 0 Confederate States Congress 26 The Comanches and ten other tribes promised non-aggression in return for rations from the Confederate Government.
+111263 0 Stefano Vagnini 15 "Both hold that the artist’s tools to creativity are virtually unlimited by way of ""ModulArt""."
+111265 0 Prince Mbanga 5 His sister was Chiefess Notulu of Libumbwandinde.
+111564 0 Oversteps (album) 5 15 and No.
+111586 0 Ariah Park 1 The town is within the Temora Shire near Burley Griffin Way.
+111643 0 Custodio García Rovira 6 Congress named Manuel Rodríguez Torices, José Manuel Restrepo, and García to head this triumvirate, but because they were not present to assume power, they were temporarily replaced by José María del Castillo y Rada, Joaquín Camacho, and José Fernández Madrid.
+111677 0 ㅓ 1 The Unicode for ㅓ is U+3153.
+111703 0 Judiciary of Texas 42 Each county maintains (or does not maintain) their own docket management and retrieval systems, similar to PACER for the federal government.
+111866 0 AISDALSLove 6 Meanwhile, Rogers called it 'Confirmation', and Bovee et al.
+111920 0 Battlecruiser 48 "Washington"" opened fire a few minutes later at short range and badly damaged ""Kirishima"", knocking out her aft turrets, jamming her rudder, and hitting the ship below the waterline."
+111926 0 Baxter Stockman 2 April tried to escape through the elevator, but the scientist sent the elevator to sewer level.
+112104 0 Panagiotis Faklaris 23 Οι ελληνικές ονομασίες των επί μέρους στοιχείων μιας ελληνικής εφεύρεσης (Elaiotropion-trapetum.
+112116 0 ORDVAC 3 The ORDVAC used 2178 vacuum tubes.
+112167 0 Forest cobra 1 The forest cobra is a generalist in its feeding habits, having a highly varied diet: anything from large insects to small mammals and other reptiles.
+112173 0 Amanda Serrano 7 Serrano's originally scheduled opponent, Fatuma Zarika of Kenya, was unable to leave that country to get to the United States due to visa problems.
+112193 0 Carlos Quiñónez 4 His final international was a November 2007 friendly match against Jamaica.
+112242 0 Henri Temianka 16 While traveling under the aegis of the Curtis Institute, he briefly played a loaned Stradivarius, which was exchanged for a Januarius Gagliano.
+112285 0 No. 605 Squadron RAF 5 At this time, the Mosquito pilots used their wing-tips to divert V1 flying bombs off course whilst en route to London.
+112287 0 Garden-based learning 28 School Grounds Greening
+112351 0 John Opel House 1 It features a saw-tooth cornice and barrel-vaulted wine cellar.
+112381 0 Henry Jordan 4 Highly quotable, his outgoing personality put him in demand as an after-dinner speaker.
+112384 0 Antimatter comet 1 Antimatter comets (and antimatter meteoroids) are hypothetical comets (meteoroids) composed solely of antimatter instead of ordinary matter.
+112496 0 Harvard State Airport 17 In 1983, three of the hangars were destroyed by fire, which was started by careless use of a cutting torch by a pair of teenagers who were dismantling the first hangar for salvage.
+112531 0 Rad Mobile 3 "In a 1991 interview, AM3 head Hisao Oguchi made mention of AM3's involvement in ""Rad Mobile""'s development."
+112861 0 Woman (Cat Power song) 4 She then embarked on a promotional tour for the album, which featured the song in its set list.
+113087 0 Panaque 9 "Several species of ""Panaque"" have become popular aquarium fish, in particular the brightly coloured ""Panaque nigrolineatus""."
+113119 0 Spanish Revolution of 1936 24 This is in contrast to the policy of mass annihilation of political opponents enacted in the rebel zone during the war.
+113197 0 Zena Assi 12 •2009 Public Space, Art Sawa, Dubai, UAE.
+113239 0 Gorsedd Cymru 3 "Until 2019, Gorsedd Cymru was known as Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain ('the ""Gorsedd"" of the Bards of the Island of Britain'), or Gorsedd y Beirdd ('the ""Gorsedd"" of the bards') for short."
+113259 0 Paul Pojman 9 Pojman probed the relationship between anarchism and religion, arguing that anarchists were wrong to condemn spirituality as automatically complicit in oppression.
+113408 0 Palos Verdes Library District 1 PVLD's three libraries - Peninsula Center Library, Malaga Cove Library, and Miraleste Library - serve the cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates, and Rolling Hills, California.
+113416 0 Desert climate 6 However, very rarely do temperatures drop far below freezing.
+113429 0 Yuhi V of Rwanda 2 The first was the question of legitimacy.
+113497 0 Beta C-Mag 6 5.56×45mm NATO
+113593 0 Thornton Junction TMD 1 The depot is situated on the Fife Circle Line and was near station until it closed.
+113647 0 EU43 (disambiguation) 1 EU43 may refer to:
+113702 0 Game testing 25 This functionality is not present in consumer units to combat software piracy and grey-market imports.
+113742 0 Nicholi Rogatkin 5 http://Rogatkin'scrash-TheGnarliestCrashinRedBullRampageHistory
+113828 0 The Rattler 3 "On 6 October 1986, Precious issued ""The Rattler"" on 7"" vinyl, backed with bonus track ""Candlestick Park""."
+113851 0 Zucchius (crater) 4 By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Zucchius.
+113874 0 Leslie Rogers Darr 3 He was confirmed by the United States Senate on May 31, 1939, and received his commission on June 2, 1939.
+113915 0 TRT 3 4 It launched on 8 August 2008 to air 2008 Summer Olympics and closed on 24 August 2008.
+114127 0 Forest Evashevski 20 You know better than this!...
+114198 0 Super-Skrull 5 Fantastic senses that Kl'rt's powers are augmented by an energy beam from the Skrull homeworld.
+114279 0 Mate Matišić 5 Matišić's plays have been staged in Croatia (Split, Rijeka, Varaždin and Zagreb), Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Russia.
+114317 0 Eddie Yarbrough 3 He played in all 16 games with six starts, recording 34 tackles.
+114346 0 Dmitry Telnov 13 "Cylindrodesmus telnovorum"" Golovatch, 2018 (Java)"
+114455 0 Perrey and Kingsley 10 "Perrey released ""The Happy Electropop Music Machine"" (2006), and ""Destination Space"" (2008), with musician and arranger Dana Countryman."
+114481 0 Scar (Battlestar Galactica) 12 Clifton contends that Helo, as a pilot of Raptors rather than Vipers, does not fully understand Starbuck's loss, but he makes up for it by being instinctively supportive.
+114565 0 Naknek, Alaska 8 Naknek is served by the Bristol Bay Borough School District.
+114685 0 Mons 8 The Industrial Revolution and coal mining made Mons a center of heavy industry, which strongly influenced the culture and image of the Borinage region as a whole.
+114805 0 2005 Roger Federer tennis season 11 Federer skipped the Rome Masters, instead taking three weeks off to treat tendonitis in his feet that had troubled him since the Australian Open.
+114815 0 National Camogie League 1 Division Two (originally the National Junior League) was inaugurated in 1979 and won by Kildare.
+114853 0 Alex Cobb 11 Three days later, it was announced that he would undergo Tommy John surgery, therefore ending his 2015 season.
+114896 0 Elsecar 5 These came under the ownership of the Fitzwilliam family after their respective companies collapsed.
+115019 0 R320 (South Africa) 1 The road is tarred over its full length, including through Shaw's Pass.
+115021 0 Espergærde 1 The urban area of Espergærde also covers the two former villages Tibberup and Mørdrup and part of the former fishing village of Skotterup, with 11.524 inhabitants (2008).
+115035 0 Ernesto Melo Antunes 7 He was Minister without Portfolio of the II and II Provisional Governments.
+115064 0 Oria, Apulia 3 In 1266, Oria was besieged by Manfred of Sicily.
+115100 0 Shah Saeed Ahmed Raipuri 3 During 1947 and 1948, he studied in Madrasa Mazahiral Uloom.
+115157 0 Sicilian Mafia Commission 50 Among the rivals were Matteo Messina Denaro (from Castelvetrano and the province of Trapani), Salvatore Lo Piccolo (boss of Tommaso Natale area and the mandamento of San Lorenzo in Palermo), and Domenico Raccuglia from Altofonte.
+115173 0 Balcombe drilling protest 7 The initial permits to drill near Balcombe were issued routinely as were permits in other parts of the UK such as Lancashire where fracking operations are believed to have resulted in two small earthquakes.
+115237 0 Boyd-Buchanan School 8 courses are classes which push students to do their best.
+115354 0 Andon Zako Çajupi Theatre 2 The most famous shows shown are: Othello, Besa, 8 Femmes and The House of Bernarda Alba.
+115378 0 Weyl character formula 33 The coefficients formula_108 are still not well understood.
+115432 0 Anerood Jugnauth 43 The new prime minister elected Navin Ramgoolam,
+115464 0 HeForShe 18 But not in the case of Farhan Akhtar, a Bollywood superstar—actor, singer and filmmaker—who recently became the first male ambassador for UN Women, an agency that focuses on gender equality.
+115472 0 John Catsimatidis 4 Catsimatidis completed four years of college, but dropped out eight credits short of graduating.
+115545 0 Garden-based learning 12 The reasoning behind these improvements is connected to the holistic, integrated, hands-on, project based, cooperative and experiential learning activities that are all aspects of garden based education.
+115625 0 RNA recognition motif 5 HNRPA3; HNRPAB; HNRPC; HNRPCL1; HNRPD; HNRPDL; HNRPF; HNRPH1;
+115703 0 DCas9 activation system 2 Cas9 ordinarily has 2 endonuclease domains called the RuvC and HNH domains.
+115737 0 Qaleh-ye Gomesh Dafeh 1 Qaleh-ye Gomesh Dafeh (, also Romanized as Qal‘eh-ye Gomesh Dafeh; also known as Gīsh Dafeh) is a village in Jafarbay-ye Sharqi Rural District, Gomishan District, Torkaman County, Golestan Province, Iran.
+115808 0 Sabine Hossenfelder 5 In 2016, Hossenfelder offered to act as a physics consultant on her blog—$50 USD for twenty minutes of discussion—and had to recruit five extra physicists to deal with the demand.
+115840 0 Debora Green 66 The Debora I knew would not have killed her children.
+115845 0 Maceration (wine) 3 During fermentation, higher temperatures and higher alcohol levels can encourage this process with the alcohol acting as a solvent to assist in the breakdown of the organic compounds within the grape materials.