diff --git "a/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-afr-eng.jsonl" "b/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-afr-eng.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/vukuzenzele-sentence-aligned/test/aligned-afr-eng.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,761 +0,0 @@ -{"afr":"om dit kan doen, moet jy in isolasie wees \u2014 tuis of by n isolasiefasiliteit.\n","eng":"to do this, you need to go into isolation \u2013 either at home or at an isolation facility.\n","score":0.7689178} -{"afr":"ons sal 'n voltydse span bestaande uit ervare personeel aan elke brandpunt toewys,\" het die president verduidelik.\n","eng":"we will assign a fulltime team of experienced personnel to each hotspot,\" the president says.\n","score":0.8593563} -{"afr":"dit is wat die regulasies wat ons vir vlak 4 van ons reaksie ingestel het, teweegbring.\n","eng":"this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response.\n","score":0.85778594} -{"afr":"die toepassing van migrasiewetgewing is vir die regering n prioriteit.\n","eng":"enforcement of migration legislation is a priority for government.\n","score":0.9055053} -{"afr":"gaan haal jou bestuurderslisensiekaart vukuzenzele unnamed motoriste wat tussen oktober en desember verlede jaar aansoek gedoen het vir n nuwe bestuurderslisensiekaart of dit hernu het, of wat aansoek gedoen het vir n professio nele bestuurspermit (prdp), word dringend versoek om dit te gaan afhaal.\n","eng":"collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver\u2019s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them.\n","score":0.855179} -{"afr":"om die toegekende stuk grond vir boerderydoeleindes te beskerm, is die huurreg nie oordraagbaar nie.\n","eng":"to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable.\n","score":0.8757583} -{"afr":"dit impliseer dat sommige mans nie verstaan dat seksuele aktiwiteit sonder uitdruklike toestemming n misdaad is nie.\n","eng":"this suggests that some men do not understand that sexual activity without explicit consent is a crime.\n","score":0.8996961} -{"afr":"en nou dat die covid19entstof beskikbaar is, het ons as \u2018n kollektief saamgewerk om te verseker dat die kontinent sy regverdige deel kry deur saam met die covaxfasiliteit te werk, gelei deur ons eie entstoftaakspan (african vaccine acquisition task team).\n","eng":"and now that the covid19 vaccine is available, we have worked as a collective to ensure that the continent gets its fair share, working with the covax facility and led by our own african vaccine acquisition task team.\n","score":0.88791776} -{"afr":"l ongereelde eeten slaap patrone.\n","eng":"irregular eating and sleep patterns.\n","score":0.74065727} -{"afr":"as \u2019n nasie is ons ontsettend dankbaar dat die regering en die mense van china so goed na ons burgers omgesien het en ons bedank hulle vir hulle hulp met die repatriasieproses.\n","eng":"as a nation, we are extremely grateful to the government and the people of china for taking such good care of our citizens, and for their assistance in organising their repatriation.\n","score":0.88408} -{"afr":"ons werk daaraan om groter hoeveelhede suurstof, ventilators en ander toerusting vir diegene wat kritieke sorg verg beskikbaar te stel, deur onder meer die toevoer van suurstof vanaf ander bronne te herlei.\n","eng":"we are working to increase supplies of oxygen, ventilators and other equipment for those who will need critical care, including by diverting the supply of oxygen from other purposes.\n","score":0.8806485} -{"afr":"tweeendertig huishou dings word deur die grond onderhou en boerderyaktiwiteite verskaf werk vir 128 permanente werkers en tot 320 seisoenswerkers.\n","eng":"thirtytwo households are supported by the land and farming activities which provide employment to 128 permanent workers and up to 320 seasonal workers.\n","score":0.89349955} -{"afr":"byeenkomste van meer as 100 mense is verbode en die massaviering van nasionale dae word gekanselleer.\n","eng":"gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled.\n","score":0.8654311} -{"afr":"\"in die afgelope ongeveer jaar en n half moes leerders by n nuwe manier van leer aanpas, met minder kontaken onderrigtyd.\n","eng":"\"for about ayearandahalf now, learners have had to adjust to a new way of learning, with less contact and teaching time.\n","score":0.71540797} -{"afr":"n deurlopende tema tydens die debat was dat tradisio nele leiers nie van aalmoese nie vir hulle gemeenskappe afhanklik wil wees nie en ook nie wil h\u00ea hul gemeenskappe moet die heeltyd van die regering se finansi\u00eble steun afhanklik wees nie.\n","eng":"a constant refrain from participants in the debate recently was that they do not want to be dependent on handouts or for their communities to perpetually look to government for financial assistance.\n","score":0.77684116} -{"afr":"sy bou n beter lewe vukuzenzele unnamed drieentwintigjarige silondiwe magwaza, het vanuit ne derige omstandighede in die kwanongomagemeenskap, kwazulunatal, talle struikelblokke oorkom om haar droom om n konstruksiebestuurder te word, te verwesenlik.\n","eng":"building a better life vukuzenzele unnamed from humble begin nings in kwanon goma village, kwa zulunatal, 23yearold silondiwe magwaza has conquered many obstacles to reach her dream of becoming a construction manager.\n","score":0.8684664} -{"afr":"deur gemeenskappe, dorpe en stede te besoek om gewo ne mense se stories na vore te bring en mense se aandag landwyd op probleme wat in hospitale en klinieke ervaar word, te vestig, het hulle regeringsoptrede aangehits.\n","eng":"they have been out in the villages, towns and cities, bringing stories of ordinary people and drawing national attention to problems being experienced in hospitals and clinics, prompting government action.\n","score":0.8605963} -{"afr":"kuberafknouery vind mees tal plaas op instagram (42%), facebook (31%), snapchat (31%), whatsapp (12%), youtube (10%) en twitter (9%).\n","eng":"most cyberbullying, 42%, occurs on instagram, 31% on facebook, 31% on snapchat, 12% on whatsapp, 10% on youtube and 9% on twitter.\n","score":0.8662078} -{"afr":"voordat n persoon \u2019n klagte by die beregti gerskantoor indien, moet die persoon n skriftelike klag by die gepf, die staatspensioenadministra sieagentskap (gpaa) of hul werkgewer indien en aan hul die geleentheid bied om die saak te besink.\n","eng":"before lodging a complaint with the gepo, a person must send a written complaint to either the gepf, the government pensions administration agency (gpaa) or their employer, and give them a chance to settle the matter.\n","score":0.8584878} -{"afr":"ons het verskeie beloftes onder gene ration equality gemaak, wat deur die nasionale strategiese plan nagekom sal word.\n","eng":"we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan.\n","score":0.814679} -{"afr":"kan my liggaam nie die siekte op sy eie beveg son der die neweeffekte van die entstof nie?\n","eng":"can my body not fight the disease on its own, without suffering the side effects of the vaccine?\n","score":0.8080889} -{"afr":"dit was regtig maklik want hulle het net n wattemonster vanuit my mond geneem en ges\u00ea dat ek n oproep kan verwag.\"\n","eng":"it was really easy because they just took a swab in the mouth and said i should expect a call.\"\n","score":0.85131323} -{"afr":"van die 1,2 miljoen jongmense wat elke jaar tot die arbeidsmark toetree, is daar byna twee derdes wat nie werk of studeer nie.\n","eng":"of the 1.2 million young people entering the labour market each year, almost twothirds remain neither working nor studying.\n","score":0.89461744} -{"afr":"borsvoeding verminder ook die moeder se risiko om borskanker te ontwikkel.\n","eng":"breastfeeding also reduces the mother\u2019s risks of developing breast cancer.\n","score":0.8391236} -{"afr":"die baba sal vinniger leer hoe om te soog en dit sal jou help om meer melk te produseer.\n","eng":"the baby will learn quickly how to suckle and this will help you to make more milk.\n","score":0.9103538} -{"afr":"kontak n professionele gesondheidsorgwerker as jou covid19 simptome voortduur.\n","eng":"if you continue to have covid19 symptoms contact your healthcare professional.\n","score":0.7522306} -{"afr":"meer lewensbestane word ondersteun en volhou namate privaatsektorindiensname uitbrei.\n","eng":"as private sector employment expands, more livelihoods are supported and sustained.\n","score":0.70157427} -{"afr":"hul kan ook herhalende bewegings h\u00ea, soos om aan hul klere te trek.\n","eng":"they may also have repetitive movements, such as plucking at their clothes.\n","score":0.79467905} -{"afr":"terwyl ons voorberei op die geleidelike heropening van ons skole en instansies vir ho\u00ebr onderwys, het onderwys owerhede hard gewerk om die nodige gesondheidsen veiligheidsmaatre\u00ebls in gereedheid te bring.\n","eng":"as we prepare for the gradual reopening of our schools and places of higher learning, education authorities have been hard at work putting the necessary health and safety measures in place.\n","score":0.8834995} -{"afr":"dit behoort mans in gesagsposisies in ons onderriginstansies te wees \u2013 hetsy skoolhoofde, opvoeders of dosente \u2013 wat skole en plekke van ho\u00ebr onderrig omskep in veilige ruimtes vir vroulike leerders en studente, en wat nooit, ooit hul gesagsposisies gebruik om seksuele gunste af te dwing nie.\n","eng":"it should be men in positions of authority in our educational system, whether as school principals, educators or lecturers, who should be making schools and places of higher learning safe spaces for female learners and students, and never, ever abusing their position of authority to demand sexual favours.\n","score":0.9032122} -{"afr":"daar is n gevoel van wan hoop dat die situasie nie besig is om te verbeter nie en dat daar geen merkbare lig aan die einde van die tonnel is nie.\n","eng":"there is a sense of despair that the situation does not seem to be improving and that there appears to be no end in sight to this crisis.\n","score":0.7629762} -{"afr":"internasionale ondervin ding het ons geleer dat ons nie die noodlot moet tart nie.\n","eng":"international experience has taught us that we should not tempt fate.\n","score":0.814093} -{"afr":"sommige publikasies het aan die begin van die inperking soveel as 60 persent van hul inkomste verloor.\n","eng":"some publications lost as much as 60 percent of their income in the early days of the lockdown.\n","score":0.79933715} -{"afr":"sy gebruik haar diep gaande begrip van voeding en jare se ervaring om organiese hoenders te te\u00ebl en organiese groente te kweek op haar plaas, met die doel om ander vroue te bemagtig om kommersi\u00eble boere te word.\n","eng":"she uses her indepth understanding of nutrition and years of experience to produce organic chickens and vegetables on her farm with the aim of empowering other women to become commercial farmers.\n","score":0.9008573} -{"afr":"die regering het ook n swart uitvoerdersnetwerk geloods wat ondernemings wat deur swartmense besit word in die sektore van voedsel, ingenieursweseprodukte, voertuigkomponente, skoonheidsprodukte en ander sektore van die ekonomie met mekaar verbind.\n","eng":"government has also launched a black exporters network that will connect blackowned companies in food, engineering products, auto components, beauty products and other sectors of the economy.\n","score":0.90055937} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 verbintenis deur die verenigde state van amerika, die verenigde koninkryk, frankryk, duitsland en die europese unie, is belyn met die parysooreenkoms, wat ryker lande onder die ver pligting stel om ontkoling in ontwikkelende lande te onder steun.\n","eng":"this commitment by the united states, united kingdom, france, germany and the european union is in line with the paris agreement, which obliges wealthier countries to support decarbonisation in the developing world.\n","score":0.8779313} -{"afr":"die tvep kan slagoffers tot 14 dae akkommodeer, alhoewel die re\u00ebling verleng kan word in gevalle waar die hele familie of kinders betrek word.\n","eng":"the tvep accommodates victims for up to 14 days, however, the arrangement could be extended in cases that involve the whole family or children.\n","score":0.85561085} -{"afr":"ons het terselfdertyd baie lesse uit ons openbare gesondheid se reaksie op die koronaviruspandemie geleer, wat ons stryd teen miv en tb kan versterk.\n","eng":"at the same time, there are many lessons that have been learnt from our public health response to the coronavirus pandemic that can strengthen our fight against hiv and tb.\n","score":0.8739172} -{"afr":"meganismes is in plek gestel om die maatskaplike toelae aan die betrokke individue uit te betaal.\n","eng":"mechanisms are in place to pay out the social grants of affected indivi duals.\n","score":0.7120956} -{"afr":"oor die verloop van drie jaar het ons gedetailleerde getuienis aangehoor van beweerde dade van korrupsie op n massiewe skaal.\n","eng":"over the course of three years, we have heard testimony detailing alleged acts of corruption on a massive scale.\n","score":0.8587977} -{"afr":"baie het gevolglik gegroei en uitgebrei om n basiese kurrikulum in hulle aktiwiteite te inkorporeer.\n","eng":"many have subsequently grown and expanded to incorporate a basic learning curriculum into their services.\n","score":0.78760916} -{"afr":"transformasie van die landbousektor vukuzenzele unnamed die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling (dlglo) het onlangs aangekondig dat lede van die publiek aansoek sal kan doen om 700 000 hektaar onderbenutte of le\u00eb staatsgrond in sewe van die provinsies te huur.\n","eng":"transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces.\n","score":0.892992} -{"afr":"dit verteenwoor dig n groot mylpaal in ons pogings om die land se ener gielandskap te hervorm, wat n kritieke voorvereiste is vir ekonomiese groei en die lok van beleggings in ons land.\n","eng":"this represents a major milestone in our efforts to transform the country\u2019s energy landscape, a critical prerequisite for economic growth and attracting investment.\n","score":0.8294984} -{"afr":"danksy staatsondersteuning kon mamoshalagae trading and projects, n outoelektriese onderneming in mokopane, sy werkers betaal asook die besigheid se huurgeld en uitgawes tydens die inperking dek.\n","eng":"thanks to government support, mamoshal agae trading and projects, an autoelectrical business in mokopane, was able to pay its workers as well as its rent and rates during the lockdown.\n","score":0.8729677} -{"afr":"hy s\u00ea dat 985 672 aansoeke ontvang is, waarvan 140 636 aansoeke suksesvol was.\n","eng":"he says 985 672 applications were received with 140 636 application unsuccessful.\n","score":0.91685665} -{"afr":"dit is 'n ontnugterende werklikheid, want dit beteken dat enigeen van ons nou besmet kan wees en ander onbewustelik kan besmet.\n","eng":"this is a sobering reality because it means that any of us could be infected right now and could unwittingly infect others.\n","score":0.88068765} -{"afr":"met die somtotaal van r128 miljoen wat ingesamel is danksy bydraes uit die privaatsektor se multisektorale fonds sal die gbvffonds help met die implementering en bystand van die nasionale strategiese plan vir gggv en dit ondersteun.\n","eng":"with the sum of r128 million that was raised through contributions by the private sector, multisectoral fund, the gbvf fund will assist and support the implementation of the national strategic plan on gbvf.\n","score":0.9141464} -{"afr":"een van ons belangsrikste take is om tienermeisies en jong vroue opvoedkundig, ekonomies en maatskaplik te bemagtig.\n","eng":"one of our central tasks is to empower adolescent girls and young women, educationally, economically and socially.\n","score":0.8805443} -{"afr":"in fase twee sal prioriteit gegee word aan essensi\u00eble werkers soos onderwysers, die polisie, munisipale werkers, taxibestuurders en ander frontliniepersoneel; mense in inrigtings en tehuise soos ouetehuise, skuilings en tronke; asook mense ouers as 60 en volwassenes met onderliggende siektetoestande.\n","eng":"in phase two, essential workers such as teachers, police, municipal workers, taxi drivers and other frontline personnel; people in institutions such as old age homes, shelters and prisons; and people over 60 and adults with comorbidities will be prioritised.\n","score":0.9192904} -{"afr":"n spesiale huldeblyk aanons gesondheidswerkers vukuzenzele unnamed die aantal sterftes weens die koronavirus het onlangs 2 000 oorskry.\n","eng":"a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark.\n","score":0.83721393} -{"afr":"die adjunkminister van ho\u00ebr onderwys, weten skap en innovering, buti manamela, het die beurse verwelkom.\n","eng":"the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries.\n","score":0.90003073} -{"afr":"deur gebruik te maak van die verslag van die kundige paneel as n grondslag vir organisatoriese hervorming, is ons besig om hulpbronne te herorganiseer en te herprioritiseer, kapasiteit te verbeter en wetstoepassingskapasiteit oral oor te versterk.\n","eng":"using the report of the expert panel as a basis for organisational reform, we are reorganising and reprioritising resources, improving capacity and strengthening law enforcement capacity across the board.\n","score":0.881958} -{"afr":"gov.\n","eng":"gov.\n","score":1.0} -{"afr":"die beheer van higi\u00ebne moet in alle sektore versterk word.\n","eng":"hygiene control should be intensified in all sectors.\n","score":0.9047737} -{"afr":"za vrystaatvrystaat \u2013 ena liebenberg\u2014 051 410 6029 \u2013 eliebenberg@npa.\n","eng":"za free state \u2013 ena liebenberg 051 410 6029 eliebenberg@npa.\n","score":0.96466553} -{"afr":"party was suksesvol en ander nie.\n","eng":"some have succeeded in their legal challenges and some have not.\n","score":0.6661818} -{"afr":"op hierdie wyse was ons, deur as \u2018n kontinent saam te werk, in staat om skuldverligting en finansi\u00eble hulp vir baie lande ten opsigte van ons covidrespons en ekonomiese herstel te beding.\n","eng":"in this way, working as a one continent, we were able to achieve debt relief for many countries and financial assistance towards our covid response and economic recovery.\n","score":0.89037955} -{"afr":"dit sal verg dat gefokusde bespre kings tussen alle maatskaplike vennote, maar veral met vak bonde in die openbare sektor, gehou moet word.\n","eng":"this will require focused discussions among all social partners, but particularly with public sector unions.\n","score":0.7743952} -{"afr":"vraag: het my baba nie in warm weer water nodig nie?\n","eng":"question: doesn't the baby need water when it is hot?\n","score":0.7732128} -{"afr":"sy kon egter nie voortgaan met haar plan nie, aangesien die grond geoormerk was vir landboudoeleindes.\n","eng":"however, she couldn\u2019t go through with her plan because the land was demarcated for agricultural use.\n","score":0.81263065} -{"afr":"godsdienstige leiers speel \u2019n deurslaggewende rol daarin om die publiek aan te moedig om gesondheids maatre\u00ebls rakende belangrike gebruike en kulturele rituele, soos begrafnisse, na te kom.\n","eng":"religious leaders played a pivotal role in encouraging public adherence to health measures around important customary and cultural rituals like burials.\n","score":0.86392385} -{"afr":"tesame met n bekwame en ontwikkelingstaat, benodig ons land dus ook n florerende privaatsektor wat in produktiewe kapasiteit bel\u00ea.\n","eng":"alongside a capable and developmental state, our country therefore needs a thriving private sector that is investing in productive capacity.\n","score":0.89257145} -{"afr":"vir ons uitvoerders sal dit meer mededingendheid in w\u00eareldmarkte beteken.\n","eng":"for our exporters, it will mean greater competitiveness in global markets.\n","score":0.84810245} -{"afr":"ons sal steeds na ons mense se bekommernisse luister en is bereid om wysigings te maak wat mense se besorgdheid oor die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar, met die behoefte om lewens te red, balanseer.\n","eng":"we continue to listen to the concerns of our people and are prepared to make adjustments that balance people\u2019s concerns about the challenges they face with the need to save lives.\n","score":0.8510219} -{"afr":"ek het voorheen gedink hulle werk net in stedelike gebiede om brande in geboue te blus,\" vertel sy.\n","eng":"i had previously thought they only worked in towns to put out fires in buildings,\" she says.\n","score":0.85394806} -{"afr":"die tribunaal het sedert hul stigting ongeveer r8.6 miljard vanuit onwettige kontrakte teruggekry.\n","eng":"since its establishment, the tribunal has recovered around r8.6 billion from unlawful contracts.\n","score":0.91998094} -{"afr":"za weskaap weskaap \u2013 gary titus \u2013 021 487 7287\/ 021 421 7287\u2013 gvtitus@npa.\n","eng":"za western cape \u2013 gary titus \u2013 021 487 7287\/021 421 7287 gvtitus@npa.\n","score":0.7992595} -{"afr":"za besoek en op mynsfas klik.\n","eng":"za and click on mynsfas.\n","score":0.8238454} -{"afr":"daar is ontstellende berigte van individue wat uit hul gemeenskappe verstoot word en van gemeenskappe wat teen koronaviruspasi\u00ebnte wat by plaaslike hospitale en klinieke opgeneem is, betoog.\n","eng":"there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics.\n","score":0.8121088} -{"afr":"ons kan, deur middel van gratis basiese dienste soos water en elektrisiteit vir behoeftige huishoudings, seker maak dat geen gesin sonder basiese dienste is nie.\n","eng":"through free basic services like water and electricity for indigent households, we can ensure that no family goes without basic services.\n","score":0.91620696} -{"afr":"ons bestee meer aan skuldte rugbetalings as aan gesondheid; slegs onderwys en maatskapli ke ontwikkeling kry meer.\n","eng":"we spend more on debt repayments than we do on health; only education and social development get more.\n","score":0.85354894} -{"afr":"dit kan ook veroorsaak word deur siektes wat met braking en\/of diarree gepaard gaan; en deur sweet as gevolg van \u2019n ho\u00eb koors.\n","eng":"it can also be caused by an illness, that causes vomiting or diarrhoea; and by sweating from a fever.\n","score":0.78649485} -{"afr":"dit was heeltemal onnodig dat al hierdie jongmense, en baie ander, hul lewens verloor het.\n","eng":"all of those young lives, and the lives of many others, need never have been lost.\n","score":0.7751813} -{"afr":"ons het 'n reeks noodmaatre\u00ebls ingestel en sal finansie ring beskikbaar stel om die implementering daarvan te ondersteun.\n","eng":"we have put a raft of emergency measures in place, and will make funding available to support their implementation.\n","score":0.85687786} -{"afr":"die doelwit van inenting is om kuddeimmuniteit te bereik \u2013 wanneer genoeg mense van die bevolking immuun teen die virus is, verskaf dit indirek beskerming aan diegene wat nie immuun is nie, wat die verspreiding van die virus onder beheer bring.\n","eng":"the aim of vaccination is to reach herd immunity \u2013 when enough of the population is immune to the virus it provides indirect protection to those who aren\u2019t immune, bringing the spread of the virus under control.\n","score":0.9128399} -{"afr":"woza matrics program geloods dale hes die woza matricsprogram poog om alle graad 12 leerders te help om hulle finale eksamen te slaag.\n","eng":"woza matrics launched dale hes this year\u2019s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19).\n","score":0.72678316} -{"afr":"volgens die weskaapse regering word daar aan al jou behoeftes voorsien.\n","eng":"according to the western cape government, all of your needs are taken of.\n","score":0.7374004} -{"afr":"as regering bly ons daartoe verbind om saam met die geloofsgemeenskap te werk om werkbare oplos sings te vind.\n","eng":"as government we remain committed to working with the faith community to find workable solutions.\n","score":0.8537284} -{"afr":"soos wat ek in die staatsrede aangedui het, is hierdie sommige van die maatre\u00ebls wat ons as die regering tans neem \"om die toestande te skep wat die privaatsektor \u2013 beide groot en klein ondernemings \u2013 in staat sal stel om te ontwikkel, te groei, toegang tot nuwe markte te verkry, nuwe produkte te skep en meer werknemers aan te stel\".\n","eng":"as i indicated in the state of the nation address, these are among the measures we are taking as government to create the conditions that will enable the private sector \u2013 both big and small \u2013 to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to create new products, and to hire more employees.\n","score":0.8953763} -{"afr":"tot op hede, 46 dae sedert ons ons 100ste koronavirusgeval aangeteken het, het ons 6 783 bevestigde gevalle.\n","eng":"as of now \u2013 which is 46 days since we recorded our 100th coronavirus case \u2013 we have 6,783 confirmed cases.\n","score":0.9178022} -{"afr":"hierdie ervarings wys hoe vinnig covid19 dinge kan laat verander.\n","eng":"these experiences show just how swiftly things can change when it comes to covid19.\n","score":0.8412468} -{"afr":"dit het ons toegang gegee tot beleidsen tegniese kun digheid van groter en meer gevestigde ekonomie\u00eb, asook toegang tot die ondersteu ning van die nasionale ontwikkelingsbank.\n","eng":"it has given us access to policy and technical expertise of larger and established economies, as well as access to the support of the national development bank.\n","score":0.8501768} -{"afr":"suidafrika is 'n oop demokrasie, verbind tot fundamentele menseregte, insluitend die reg op gelyk heid en die inherente waar digheid van elke persoon, volgens die bepalings van die grondwet.\"\n","eng":"south africa is an open democracy, committed to fundamental human rights, including the right to equality and the inherent dignity of the person, as per the provisions of the constitution.\n","score":0.8601382} -{"afr":"hulle moet seker maak dat daar voldoende en veilige skoolinfrastruktuur is.\n","eng":"they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools.\n","score":0.8501538} -{"afr":"om oorgewig te wees, is ook n risikofaktor vir ernstige covid19.\n","eng":"being overweight is also a risk factor for severe covid19.\n","score":0.8942789} -{"afr":"die begroting is 'n integrale deel van ons strewe na inklu siewe groei, werkskepping, belegging en 'n bekwame staat.\n","eng":"the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state.\n","score":0.89834976} -{"afr":"hy het ges\u00ea dat hy n verslag ontvang het van die nasionale gesondheidslaboratoriumdienste (ngld) waarin die voorkoms van aappokke in suidafrika deur middel van laboratoriumtoetse bevestig is.\n","eng":"he said he received a report from the national health laboratory services (nhls) that they have confirmed monkeypox in south africa through laboratory tests.\n","score":0.8420173} -{"afr":"dit beteken dat ons elektrisiteit spaarsamig moet gebruik, onwet tige aansluitings moet rapporteer en vir die elektri siteit wat ons gebruik moet betaal.\n","eng":"this means using electricity sparingly, reporting illegal connections and paying for the electricity we use.\n","score":0.8681375} -{"afr":"die polisieondersoek na die tragedie is onderweg.\n","eng":"the police investigation into the tragedy is proceeding apace.\n","score":0.7200686} -{"afr":"hierdie historiese gebeurtenis 45 jaar gelede word nog steeds regoor afrika en die w\u00eareld herdenk.\n","eng":"this historic event 45 years ago continues to be commemorated across africa and the world.\n","score":0.885198} -{"afr":"terwyl baie van di\u00e9 gebeure buite ons beheer is, doen die regering alles wat hy kan om suidafrikaners teen huidige en toekomstige prysstygings te beskerm.\n","eng":"while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases.\n","score":0.87158084} -{"afr":"die soe het in die afge lope agt jaar fondse en bates ter waarde van r2.6 miljard herwin en kont rakte ter waarde van r18 miljard ter syde gestel.\n","eng":"over the past eight years, the siu has recovered funds and assets to the value of r2.6 billion and set aside contracts to the value of r18 billion.\n","score":0.800809} -{"afr":"ons hoop om die ontbondeling van eskom se opwekkingsen verspreidingsafdelings teen desember vanjaar te voltooi.\n","eng":"by december this year we hope to complete the unbundling of eskom\u2019s generation and distribution divisions.\n","score":0.786976} -{"afr":"\"ek het in n landelike gebied in die ooskaap grootgeword en kon sien hoe mense sukkel weens n gebrek aan kli nieke met verpleeg sorg.\n","eng":"\"i grew up in a rural area in the eastern cape and could see how people struggled due to a lack of clinics with nursing care.\n","score":0.83952147} -{"afr":"ons het in junie vanjaar gesien hoe ons ekonomie terugkeer na prepande miese groeivlakke danksy n redelike positiewe bbp in die eerste kwartaal van die jaar.\n","eng":"in june, this year we saw our economy return to prepandemic growth levels owing to a fairly positive gdp outcome in the first quarter of the year.\n","score":0.8522269} -{"afr":"mosamaria in die vrystaatmosamaria in mangaung, is een van die nro's wat fondse van die projek ontvang het.\n","eng":"free state progressbased in mangaung, mosamoria is one of the ngos which has received funding from the project.\n","score":0.8417729} -{"afr":"versuim om dit te doen is n kriminele oortreding.\n","eng":"failure to do so is a criminal offence.\n","score":0.7576363} -{"afr":"familie en vriende kan emo sionele ondersteuning aan leerders bied in die vorm van aanmoediging en deurlopende gerusstelling, s\u00ea tlhapane.\n","eng":"family and friends can provide learners with emotional support, in the form of encouragement and constant reassurance, says tlhapane.\n","score":0.9096191} -{"afr":"om hierdie stelsel aanlyn te bring, het omvat tende samewerking tussen die suidafrikaanse agents kap vir maatskaplike seker heid, die suidafrikaanse inkomstediens, binnelandse sake en talle ander instansies geverg.\n","eng":"to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others.\n","score":0.82642573} -{"afr":"die sabmr s\u00ea dat die meeste skenkers stamselle skenk deur middel van n proses genaamd perifere bloedstamselversameling.\n","eng":"the sabmr says most donors donate through a process called peripheral blood stem cell collection.\n","score":0.8466301} -{"afr":"altesaam 35 binnelandse plekke van toetrede in die land en twee hawens sal gesluit wees.\n","eng":"a total of 35 land ports and two sea ports will be closed, as will schools from the 18th of march until after the easter weekend.\n","score":0.6496992} -{"afr":"ons moet aanpas en ons moet waaksaam wees.\n","eng":"we need to adapt and we need to be vigilant.\n","score":0.7976838} -{"afr":"die wetlike be\u00ebindiging van n huwelik dale hes as jy alles probeer het om jou huwelik te laat werk, is n egskeiding die beste alternatief vir sowel jy as jou maat.\n","eng":"the legal end to a marriage dale hes when you\u2019ve tried everything to make your marriage work, a divorce may be the best option for both you and your partner.\n","score":0.8564182} -{"afr":"dit behels die ves tiging van n virtuele bricsentstofnavorsingen ontwikkelingsentrum asook n ge\u00efntegreerde vroe\u00eb waarskuwingstelsel om toekomstige uitbrekings van aansteeklike siektes in bricslande te voorspel.\n","eng":"this includes the establishment of a virtual brics vaccine research and development centre and a brics integrated early warning system to forecast future outbreaks of infectious diseases.\n","score":0.8274894} -{"afr":"hulle het bevestig dat afrikaeenheid van die grootste belang is om die welsyn en welvaart van afrika se mense te verseker.\n","eng":"history bears witness that these seeds have not always fallen on fertile ground, and over the years the continental unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts.\n","score":0.60496867} -{"afr":"dit is 'n teken van die vordering wat ons maak om nuwe infeksies te laat afneem en die eise wat dit aan ons gesondheidsinstellings stel te verlig.\n","eng":"it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities.\n","score":0.785388} -{"afr":"al hierdie maatre\u00ebls was \u2019n regstreekse reaksie op 'n noodgeval en was van nature tydelik.\n","eng":"these were all in direct response to an emergency and were by nature temporary.\n","score":0.83045125} -{"afr":"ons sal die voorsiening van welsynsdienste in hierdie tydperk opskerp om huishoudings wat onder die armoedegrens leef, te help.\n","eng":"we will scale up welfare provision during this period to help households living below the poverty line.\n","score":0.86358076} -{"afr":"sonder om verantwoordbaar heid te verskerp en etiese gedrag te bevorder, sal hierdie doelwitte buite bereik bly.\n","eng":"without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved.\n","score":0.79067254} -{"afr":"dit is n ongelooflike ervaring om saam met kollegas te werk wat jonger per soneel ondersteun.\n","eng":"it\u2019s an awesome experience to work with colleagues who support younger staff.\n","score":0.8200801} -{"afr":"ons het die tesourieregulasies verskerp, die verbindingsentrum gestig en die spesiale ondersoekeenheid (soe) n bre\u00eb mandaat gegee om alle kovid19ver wante korrupsiebewerings te ondersoek.\n","eng":"we tightened up treasury regulations, established the fusion centre and gave the siu a wideranging mandate to investigate all covid19related corruption allegations.\n","score":0.8504498} -{"afr":"die jongste misdaadstatis tiek toon dat byna 4 000 mense in hul eie of in die oortreder se huis verkrag is, en in 400 aan gemelde verkragtingsake was die oortreder en die slagoffer in n verhouding.\n","eng":"the latest crime statistics show nearly 4 000 people were raped in their homes or that of the perpetrator, and in 400 reported rape cases the victim and perpetrator had a relationship.\n","score":0.91532874} -{"afr":"antwoord: kolostrum, wat die eerste soort borsmelk is wat deur die melkkliere vrygestel word nadat jy geboorte geskenk het, maak die mekonium in die baba se magie skoon.\n","eng":"answer: colostrum, which is the first form of breastmilk that is released by the mammary glands after giving birth, cleans the meconium from the stomach.\n","score":0.8591567} -{"afr":"elke regulasie wat ons ingestel het, is deeglik oorweeg.\n","eng":"every regulation we have put in place has been carefully considered.\n","score":0.7133012} -{"afr":"daar is verteenwoordiging van die regering sowel as die burgerlike samelewing op elke besluitnemingsvlak en in elke regeringstruktuur, s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"at every level of decision making and on each governance structure, there is representation of both government and civil society, he says.\n","score":0.7978105} -{"afr":"wenke om jou te help om by die plan te houom by jou finansi\u00eble plan te hou is nie altyd maklik nie, maar poog om die volgende te doen: gaan gereeld jou bankrekeninge na \u2013 evalueer jou besteding.\n","eng":"tips to help you stick to the plansticking to your financial plan is not always easy, but aim to: regularly check your bank accounts \u2013 evaluate your spending.\n","score":0.88556427} -{"afr":"ons moet aanhou om saam te werk as regering, die sakew\u00eareld, die arbeidsektor en die burgerlike samelewing om te verseker dat die las van werkloosheid nie ons jongmense neerdruk, hul gees verpletter en hulle moedeloos maak nie.\n","eng":"we must continue to work together as government, business, labour and civil society to ensure that the burden of unemployment does not continue to weigh down our young people, crush their spirits and cause them to become despondent.\n","score":0.88158137} -{"afr":"ek was nie verras toe hulle s\u00ea dat dit hulle missie is om die gesondheid van die mense om hulle, te beskerm nie.\n","eng":"it is not surprising to hear them say that they are on a mission to safeguard the health of those around them.\n","score":0.8177866} -{"afr":"die ngv is n finansie ringstelsel waarvolgens alle suidafrikaanse burgers toegang tot noodsaaklike ge sondheidsorg sal kry, ongeag hulle werkstatus en vermo\u00eb om n direkte finansi\u00eble by drae tot die fonds te maak.\n","eng":"the department says bedaquilline has been hailed for its effective treatment and short turnaround time.\n","score":0.6259681} -{"afr":"\"ek is in desember 2020 getroud en my vrou is swanger.\n","eng":"\"i got married in december 2020 and my wife is pregnant.\n","score":0.91938436} -{"afr":"die gesinchroniseerde werk van die wetstoepas singsagentskappe slaan misdadigers waar dit die meeste seermaak: in die sak.\n","eng":"the synchronised work of all the law enforcement agencies is hitting criminals where it hurts most: in their pockets.\n","score":0.84932876} -{"afr":"dit benadeel rokers se gesondheid asook die gesondheid van diegene wat aan tweedehandse rook blootgestel word, verduidelik dr egbe.\n","eng":"this reduces the health of smokers as well as those exposed to secondhand smoke, dr egbe explains.\n","score":0.85877514} -{"afr":"die cpapventilator (continuous positive airway pressure) help pasi\u00ebnte met ligte simptome van covid19 om 'n plaaslik ontwikkelde ventilator help pasi\u00ebnte met ligte covid19 simptome om makliker asem te haal.\n","eng":"the fight against the coronavirus disease (covid19) in south africa has been boosted with the production of the first ventilator made in the country.\n","score":0.72127867} -{"afr":"al drie het hulself tuis geisoleer nadat hulle positief getoets het.\n","eng":"after testing positive, all three selfisolated at home.\n","score":0.6867985} -{"afr":"entstowwe het geen verbintenis met enige godsdienstige organisasie nie en kan nie saam met geeste, demone of ander abstrakte bestanddele toegedien word nie.\n","eng":"a: vaccines have no connection with any religious organisations and cannot be infused with spirits, demons or other abstract ingredients.\n","score":0.8612604} -{"afr":"regter arthur chaskalson het in 1994 in die uitspraak van die grondwetlike hof wat die doodstraf as onwettig verklaar het, geskryf: \"die regte tot lewe en waardigheid is die belangrikste menseregte en die bron van alle ander persoonlike regte.\n","eng":"in the 1995 judgment of the constitutional court that outlawed capital punishment, jus tice arthur chaskalson wrote: \"the rights to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights and the source of all other personal rights.\n","score":0.878644} -{"afr":"dit sluit n toegewyde ondersteuningskema vir spazawinkels in.\n","eng":"this includes a dedicated support scheme for spaza shops.\n","score":0.84452975} -{"afr":"voorkom oordrag van virus jy kan help om die oordrag van kovid19 by te voorkom deur te verseker: dat jou kovid19inenting (waaronder ver sterkerdosisse) op datum is.\n","eng":"but, at this stage, what is confirmed to be dominant are subvariants of omicron called b.4 and b.5,\" said phaahla.\n","score":0.60453784} -{"afr":"ek doen \u2019n beroep op julle almal om deel te neem aan die openbare konsultasie proses vir hierdie konsepraamwerk, wat op die nasionale regeringskool se webwerf beskikbaar is, en om jul stemme te laat hoor.\n","eng":"i call on you to be part of the public consultation process around this draft framework, which is available on the nsg's website, and to make your voice heard.\n","score":0.7946764} -{"afr":"vhoe om aansoek te doen aansoekers moet www.\n","eng":"v applicants must visit www.\n","score":0.749347} -{"afr":"ons sal binnekort maatre\u00ebls rakende universiteite en kolleges aankondig.\n","eng":"we will soon be announcing measures with regards to universities and colleges.\n","score":0.7758335} -{"afr":"the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above.\n","eng":"the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above.\n","score":1.0000001} -{"afr":"die cpapventilator kan in ho\u00ebtegnologie kliniese omgewings, sowel as tydelike instellings soos veldhospitale en kwarantyngeriewe gebruik word.\n","eng":"the cpap device can be used in both hightech clinical environments and temporary settings, such as field hospitals and quarantine facilities.\n","score":0.82468534} -{"afr":"die afgelope paar weke het dit duidelik gemaak dat ons dringend meer moet doen.\n","eng":"what the past few weeks have demonstrated is that we need to do more and do so with the utmost urgency.\n","score":0.80062735} -{"afr":"hulle het vir my verduidelik dat niemand by die fasiliteit my siek kan maak nie, aangesien ek reeds covid19 gehad het,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"they explained to me that as i already have covid19, no one at the facility could make me sick,\" he said.\n","score":0.7926213} -{"afr":"toe beverly mhla bane winkel toe is om eiers te koop, het sy nie geweet dat teen die tyd wat sy terug sou wees, \u2019n plan vir haar eie klein suksesvolle besig heid in haar agterkop sou broei nie.\n","eng":"when beverly mhlabane took a trip to the shop to buy eggs, little did she know by the time she returned home an idea would be hatched for her own successful business.\n","score":0.83953995} -{"afr":"dit is om di\u00e9 rede dat baie regulasies steeds gehandhaaf moet word en waarom dit absoluut noodsaaklik is dat mense dit nakom.\n","eng":"it is for this reason that many regulations need to remain in place and why it is absolutely essential that people observe them.\n","score":0.86512613} -{"afr":"verder het die w\u00eareld gesondheidsorganisasie suidafrika gekies as gasheer vir n mrnainent ingsvervaardigingspilpunt met die biovacinstituut as deel van n private publieke vennootskap met die staat.\n","eng":"the world health organization also chose south africa to host an mrna vaccine manufacturing hub with the biovac institute, which is a publicprivate partnership with government.\n","score":0.822451} -{"afr":"dit sluit in nagraadse sertifikate, nagraadse diplomas, honneursgrade, meestersen phdgrade.\n","eng":"this includes postgraduate certificates, postgraduate diplomas, honours degrees, masters and phd degrees.\n","score":0.8581884} -{"afr":"yoliswa se kralewerk lei na sukses dale hes n voorliefde vir kreatiwiteit het daartoe gelei dat fuma n florerende besigheid geskep het.\n","eng":"aviation now flying high in a gauteng school more matshediso learners who have aspirations to join the aviation in dustry will soon be able to start acquiring suita ble skills from as early as grade 10 in gauteng.\n","score":0.70493454} -{"afr":"aangesien die sorgekonomie hoofsaaklik deur vroue aangedryf word, dra sodanige ondersteuning baie daartoe by om vroue te help om finansieel stabiel en onafhanklik te raak, veral in minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe.\n","eng":"since the care economy is mainly driven by women, such support goes a long way towards helping women, especially in disadvantaged communities, to become financially secure and independent.\n","score":0.8229954} -{"afr":"\"ek het die brandbestryders in hul uniforms en groot rooi vragmotors gesien.\n","eng":"\"i saw the firefighters in their uniforms and the big red trucks.\n","score":0.8928778} -{"afr":"rapporteer korrupsie via die teenkorrupsieblitslyn silusapho nyanda om korrupsie in die staatsdiens te bekamp, bly n prioriteit vir die regering en die teenkorrupsieblitslyn maak dit maklik vir lede van die publiek om gevalle waar korrupsie vermoed word, te rapporteer.\n","eng":"report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it.\n","score":0.79927665} -{"afr":" sa is besig om miv en vigs te oorwin vukuzenzele unamed kan nie te midde van ons pogings om die verwoestende koronaviruspandemie te beheer, ander openbare gesondheidsuitdagings wat ons land in die gesig staar, ignoreer nie.\n","eng":"sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces.\n","score":0.8484986} -{"afr":"die toelaag is tans r480 per maand per kind.\n","eng":"the grant is currently r480 per month per child.\n","score":0.8689459} -{"afr":"korrupsie in die staatsdiens moet stop vukuzenzele unnamed die onlangse onthul ling in die parle ment dat duisen de staatsamptenare elke maand onwettig maatskap like toelae ontvang, bewys dat ons nog n lang pad het om te stap om n kul tuur van werksetiek in die staatsdiens te vestig.\n","eng":"ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service.\n","score":0.8335361} -{"afr":"daar kom tans bewyse aan die lig dat die virus ook in klein deeltjies deur die lug oorgedra kan word in plekke wat oorvol of toe is, of waar die lugsirkulasie swak is.\n","eng":"there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation.\n","score":0.8174138} -{"afr":"die belangrikheid van sosiale afstand sosiale afstand is uiters belangrik in die stryd teen covid19 omdat dit help om die verspreiding van di\u00e9 siekte regoor die land te beperk.\n","eng":"the importance of social distancing in the battle against the highly infectious covid19, social distancing is extremely important to help curb the spread of this disease across the country.\n","score":0.8686185} -{"afr":"duidelike bewyse het nou aan die lig gekom dat die hervatting van alkoholverkope daartoe gelei het dat hospitale, insluitend traumaen intensiewesorgeenhede, onder aansienlike druk geplaas is weens motorongelukke, geweld en ander alkoholverwante trauma.\n","eng":"there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma.\n","score":0.8589989} -{"afr":"ons het goed ge vaar, odanks die ongekende aard van die siekte en die ontsaglike uitdaging om n land van 58 miljoen mense in n staat van inperking te plaas.\n","eng":"despite the unprecedented nature of the disease and the immense challenge of placing a country of 58 million people under lockdown, we have fared well.\n","score":0.7945469} -{"afr":"ons prioritiseer vroue, die jeug en mense met gestremdhede as begunstigdes.\n","eng":"we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries.\n","score":0.83500975} -{"afr":" brics n sleutelfaktor in sa se groei vukuzenzele unnamed n jaar voordat die eerste demokratiese verkiesing plaas gevind het, het president nelson mandela n artikel in die foreign policytyd skrif geskryf oor die nuwe suidafrika se toekomsti ge buitelandse beleid.\n","eng":"brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa\u2019s future foreign policy.\n","score":0.9124385} -{"afr":"die provinsie het nou, na meer as twee maande nadat streng inperkingsmaatre\u00ebls ingestel is, minder as 20 nuwe gevalle in die afgelope twee weke gehad.\n","eng":"now, after more than two months after stringent lockdown measures were put in place, the province has had fewer than 20 new cases in the past two weeks.\n","score":0.8913289} -{"afr":"godsdienstige gemeenskap is onontbeerlik in die stryd teen kovid19 vukuzenzele unnamed baie suidafrikaners het onlangs saam met mense regoor die w\u00eareld belangrike ge wyde feeste gevier.\n","eng":"religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances.\n","score":0.8910521} -{"afr":"deur openbare besteding in toom te hou, streef ons daarna om groei te verbeter.\n","eng":"as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth.\n","score":0.78149116} -{"afr":"ons is besig om vordering te maak in die implemen tering van die bykomende maatre\u00ebls wat ek in julie aangekondig het, alhoewel dit nie dadelik merkbaar sal wees nie.\n","eng":"we are making progress in the implementation of the additional actions i announced in july, even though the effects may not be immediately felt.\n","score":0.78001857} -{"afr":"die spesiale beslissingsraad het n wetlike mandaat om staatsfondse wat deur middel van korrupsie, bedrog en ongeoor loofde geldvloei gesteel is, te herwin en siviele aksie teen die oortreders te neem; 224 sake is verwys vir dissiplin\u00eare aksie teen amptenare in staatsdepartemente of entiteite; 386 sake is na die nvg verwys en drie is verwys vir aksie op uitvoerende vlak; 330 sake is vir administratiewe aksie verwys, insluitend plasing op die swartlys (nie toegelaat om vir die staat te werk nie).\n","eng":"the special tribunal has a statutory mandate to recover public funds stolen through corruption, fraud and illicit money flows, and take civil action against perpetrators; 224 cases have been referred for disciplinary action against officials in government departments or entities; 386 cases have been referred to the npa, and three have been referred for executive action; 330 cases have been referred for administrative action, which includes blacklisting (not being able to do work for gov ernment).\n","score":0.91130507} -{"afr":"die vrye pers is al beskryf as 'die waaksame beskermer van elke reg wat vrye mans en vroue op prys stel.'\n","eng":"the free press was once described as \u2018the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize\u2019.\n","score":0.8605402} -{"afr":"deur middel van die presidensi\u00eble indiensneming stimulus het ons jongmense in die arbeidsmark ingebring in baie groter getalle in n onge kende kort tydperk.\n","eng":"through the presidential employment stimulus we have brought young people into the labour force in far greater numbers in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time.\n","score":0.84159267} -{"afr":"die besonderhede van aahv en aav silusapho nyanda daar is hulp vir kinders wat aan aandagafleibaarheiden hiperaktiwiteitsversteurings lei.\n","eng":"the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders.\n","score":0.86517596} -{"afr":"meer as r2 miljard is gedurende die eerste twee weke van die fonds geskenk, wat vir verligtingspogings gebruik sal word.\n","eng":"in the first two weeks of the fund, over r2 billion was donated, which will be channelled into relief efforts.\n","score":0.8428705} -{"afr":"president ramaphosa het op 15 februarie 2020 die nasionale ramptoestand ingevolge die wet op ramp bestuur verklaar en n reeks maatre\u00ebls aangekondig om die kovid19uitbraak te bekamp.\n","eng":"on 15 march 2020, president ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster in terms of the disaster management act and announced a range of measures to contain the covid19 outbreak.\n","score":0.8982425} -{"afr":"meer as 27 000 publieke hospitaalbeddens is teen die begin van junie vir covid19pasi\u00ebnte geoormerk.\n","eng":"by the beginning of june, over 27 000 public hospital beds were put aside for covid19 patients.\n","score":0.8536687} -{"afr":"\"ons ondersteun hulle ook met besigheidsbestuursondersteuning, omdat ons weet dat spazawinkels probleme aangaande die winsgewende bestuur van die ondernemings ondervind,\" s\u00ea ntshavheni.\n","eng":"\"we are also supporting them with business management support because we know that there are problems in spaza shops running their businesses to be profitable,\" ntshavheni says.\n","score":0.92459863} -{"afr":"92 van 1996 (die wet), vanaf 13 tot 20 weke uitgevoer word as n dokter, in oorleg met n swanger vrou, glo dat: die voortgesette swangerskap n beseringsrisiko vir die vrou se fisiese of geestelike gesondheid inhou.\n","eng":"there\u2019s a substantial risk that the foetus would suffer from a severe physical or mental abnormality.\n","score":0.63932467} -{"afr":"n hof sal n egskeiding by verstek toestaan indien n dagvaarding op die gade uitgedien is en hy of sy nie binne die toegewese tydperk reageer nie.\n","eng":"a court will grant a divorce by default if a summons has been served on the spouse and he or she does not respond within the allocated time period.\n","score":0.7950214} -{"afr":"vraag: is dit goed om vir my baba ander vloeistowwe te gee om te drink?\n","eng":"question: is it good to give other drinks?\n","score":0.744927} -{"afr":"net soos wat israeliese magte aanbidders by die al aqsamoskee aangeval het, is ons besig om voor te berei om die eeufees van die bulhoek slagting by n godsdienstige plek in ntabelanga in die ooskaap te herdenk.\n","eng":"just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape.\n","score":0.86712474} -{"afr":"weens hierdie gesamentlike pogings sien ons vordering in areas soos mpumalanga en limpopo, wat brandpunte van onstabiliteit was soos wat gesteelde metale na onwettige markte oorsee geneem is.\n","eng":"as a result of these joint efforts, we are seeing progress in areas like mpumalanga and limpopo that have been flashpoints of instability as stolen metals were moved to illicit markets abroad.\n","score":0.90219283} -{"afr":"president ramaphosa s\u00ea dat byna alle beperkings op ekonomiese en sosiale aktiwiteit, grootliks te danke aan die entstofverspreidingsplan, reeds gelig is.\n","eng":"president ramaphosa said nearly all restrictions on economic and social activity have already been lifted, which is largely thanks to the vaccination rollout programme.\n","score":0.8824474} -{"afr":"een van die jaar se grootste uitdagings gaan wees om genoeg inentings te bekom \u2014 en seker te maak dat dit die mense wat dit benodig, bereik.\n","eng":"getting enough vaccines as quickly as possible \u2013 and making sure that they reach the people who need them \u2013 will be one of the biggest tasks of the year.\n","score":0.7724363} -{"afr":"\"siektes soos kanker, hart siektes, beroerte, longsiek tes, diabetes en chroniese obstruktiewe pulmon\u00eare siektes kan almal weens rook ontstaan.\"\n","eng":"\"illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can result from smoking.\n","score":0.9164022} -{"afr":"die keuses, hetsy mediese of sjirurgiese aborsie, hang af van hoe gevorderd die vrou se swangerskap is.\n","eng":"the options, either medical or surgical abortion, depend on how far along the woman\u2019s pregnancy is.\n","score":0.8190447} -{"afr":"\"ons almal weet dat die regering nie werke skep nie.\n","eng":"\"we all know that government does not create jobs.\n","score":0.8042443} -{"afr":"die hoofvoordeel wanneer almal n gesigmasker dra, is dat dit die hoeveelheid koronavirus (covid19) druppels wat deur mense wat die virus het, uitgehoes word, verminder, wat dus die verspreiding deur druppels beperk.\n","eng":"the main benefit of everyone wearing a facemask is to reduce the amount of coronavirus (covid19) being coughed up by those with the infection thereby reducing its spread through droplets.\n","score":0.8859252} -{"afr":"sulke finansi\u00eble hindernisse word algemeen, van aanlynpublikasies en tra disionele bre\u00ebbladkoerante, tot die openbare uitsaaier, in die gesig gestaar.\n","eng":"these financial difficulties are being faced across the board, from online titles to traditional broadsheets to the public broadcaster.\n","score":0.78767073} -{"afr":"die motorgroep se bydrae demonstreer die ontwikkelende vennootskap in die stryd teen gggv tussen die regering en burgerlike samelewing, wat die sakesektor en internasionale vennote insluit.\n","eng":"the initiative is part of the automotive industry transformation fund (worth r6 billion), which was established to increase participation in the sector by previously and historically disadvantaged groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities.\n","score":0.7068432} -{"afr":"dit was n viering van die groot eenheid en diversiteit van ons mense, en n herinnering aan die opofferings wat deur so baie mense gemaak is om ons demokrasie te vestig.\n","eng":"it was a celebration of the great unity and diversity of our people, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to achieve our democracy.\n","score":0.9236789} -{"afr":"as jy enige noodwaarskuwingstekens ontwikkel, soos moeilike asemhaling, borspyn of druk op jou bors wat nie weggaan nie, bloed hoes, deurmekaar raak, erge slaperigheid ervaar of as jou gesig of lippe blou word, moet jy onmiddellik \u2019n ambulans ontbied of hospitaal toe gaan.\n","eng":"if you develop any emergency warning signs, such as trouble breathing, chest pain or pressure in your chest that does not go away, coughing up blood, becoming confused, severe sleepi ness or blue lips or face you must call an ambulance or go to hospital immediately.\n","score":0.92913854} -{"afr":"dit lyk asof die ekonomiese toestande van 2020 selfs moeiliker as di\u00e9 van 2019 gaan wees, en dit is dus noodsaaklik dat jy jou persoonlike finansies noulettend en objektief bekyk.\n","eng":"the economic conditions for 2020 look likely to be even tougher than in 2019, so it is imperative that you take a hard and objective look at your personal finances.\n","score":0.8771465} -{"afr":"die departement s\u00ea dat mense met diabetes meer geneig is om ernstige komplikasies weens covid19 te ervaar, maar die risiko om baie siek te word is baie laer as n mens se diabetes goed hanteer word.\n","eng":"the department says that people with diabetes face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from covid19, but the risk of getting very sick is lower if one\u2019s diabetes is well managed.\n","score":0.92697203} -{"afr":"\"shetrades programme ndabeniabrahams s\u00ea dat die regering deur verskeie inisiatiewe die kleinsakesektor gehelp het om te groei en broodnodige indiensname te skep.\n","eng":"\"shetrades programme ndabeniabrahams said through various initiatives, government has assisted the small business sector to grow and create muchneeded employment.\n","score":0.8927597} -{"afr":"die styging van infeksies wat ons deskundiges en wetenskaplikes meer as drie maande gelede voorspel het, is nou met ons.\n","eng":"the surge of infections that our experts and scientists predicted over 3 months ago has now arrived.\n","score":0.90362394} -{"afr":"elke distrik het kantooren rekenaartoerusting gewen.\n","eng":"each district won office and computer equipment.\n","score":0.8394197} -{"afr":"ektopiese swangerskap is n mediese noodgeval allison cooper vroue wat n ekto piese swangerskap gehad het, is deeglik bewus van die hartseer wat dit kan veroorsaak omdat dit met urieneen bloedtoetse positief toets vir swangerskap.\n","eng":"ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency allison cooper the medical complications of ectopic pregnancies bring much heartache to expecting mothers.\n","score":0.8209002} -{"afr":"die kgg verseker dat die publiek se regte beskerm word.\n","eng":"the commission ensures that the rights of the public are protected.\n","score":0.7037885} -{"afr":"nomzamo entile (31), wat deel is van die ses spanne, lei die explore our hoodspan, wat in thembalethu gele\u00eb is.\n","eng":"work on site also encompasses the construction of facilities for support services including administration and waiting areas, ambulance quarters and parking bays, overnight accommodation for paediatric mothers, a mortuary, kitchen and dining area, stores and maintenance area.\n","score":0.63790643} -{"afr":"die inhegtenisnames en skuldigbevindings wat deur die valk bewerkstellig is, sluit in onwettige mynaktiwiteite, skade aan brandstofpypleidings, kontantwarooftogte en polisiemoorde.\n","eng":"the arrests and convictions secured by the hawks included for illegal mining, damage to fuel pipelines, cash in transit heists and for police murders.\n","score":0.87486994} -{"afr":"\"daar behoort n reeks metodes beskikbaar te wees wat deur n opgeleide en ervare doktor of professionele verple\u00ebr uitgevoer word,\" voeg sy by.\n","eng":"\"a choice of methods should be available, all of which must be performed by a trained and experienced doctor or professional nurse,\" she adds.\n","score":0.8564924} -{"afr":"die aanmoediging, ondersteuning en beskerming wat kinders van hul ouers en ver sorgers ontvang, is noodsaak lik vir hul toekomstige geluk en sukses.\n","eng":"the encouragement, sup port and protection children receive from their parents and caregivers is essential for their future happiness and success.\n","score":0.8557075} -{"afr":"\"di\u00e9 werk sal voortbou op die grondslag van die ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan wat ons gemeenskaplike plan bly om die ekonomie te herbou,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"\"this work will build on the foundation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, which remains our common programme to rebuild the economy,\" he said.\n","score":0.88286036} -{"afr":"gov.\n","eng":"gov.\n","score":0.9999999} -{"afr":"koop slim.\n","eng":"make smart purchases.\n","score":0.69385695} -{"afr":"ek is diep geraak deur die personeel van die sentrum se toewyding om die gemeenskap en sy kinders te ondersteun.\n","eng":"i was deeply touched by the dedication of the centre\u2019s staff to supporting the community and its children.\n","score":0.8243941} -{"afr":"sit die masker met die regte kant na jou gesig toe op en maak seker dat dit jou neus en mond behoorlik bedek.4.\n","eng":"place the mask with the correct side facing your face, and ensure that it covers both your nose and mouth properly.4.\n","score":0.88765025} -{"afr":"dieselfde geld vir putsonderwater.\n","eng":"the same in putsonderwater.\n","score":0.8153086} -{"afr":"die uiteindelike doelwit van die beskikbaarstelling van di\u00e9 grond, is om die landboulandskap te transformeer deur n nuwe generasie boere te ontwikkel.\n","eng":"the ultimate goal of releasing these land parcels is to transform the agricultural landscape by growing a new generation of farmers.\n","score":0.8836594} -{"afr":"ons het gesien hoe mense aangeval word, aangerand word en selfs doodgemaak word na aanleiding van hoe hulle lyk of omdat hulle n spesifieke aksent het.\n","eng":"we have seen people being attacked, hurt and even killed because of how they looked or because they have a particular accent.\n","score":0.8967632} -{"afr":"fasiliteite wat op skoolgeld staatmaak om voor te bestaan, kon nie hulle personeel betaal nie, en baie ouers wat hulle werk verloor het, kon nie hulle kinders se gelde bekostig nie.\n","eng":"facilities that rely on school fees to keep running were unable to pay their staff and many parents who lost their jobs were unable to keep their children enrolled.\n","score":0.90418255} -{"afr":"mashego, van sebokeng in gauteng se vaalomgewing, s\u00ea hy sou nooit die klasgeld en die ander uitgawes ver bonde aan tersi\u00eare onderrig kon betaal as hy nie 'n beurs van nsfas ontvang het nie.\n","eng":"mashego of sebokeng in gauteng\u2019s vaal area says he would not have managed to afford tuition fees and the other expenses that come with postmatric education had he not received a bursary from nsfas.\n","score":0.8980111} -{"afr":"dit sal kunstenaars in staat stel om aan te pas by die nuwe marktoestande wat die pandemie op ons afgedwing het en om nuwe geleenthede vir groei aan te gryp.\n","eng":"this will enable artists to adapt to the new market conditions that the pandemic has imposed on us all and to seize new opportunities for growth.\n","score":0.8952374} -{"afr":"die boere boer sedert 1996 suksesvol met verskeie landbouprodukte op die grond.\n","eng":"the farmers have been successfully farming various agricultural produce on the land since 1996. they organised themselves in the 1990s to be registered commercial farmers under the banner of the tafelkop farmers association and started to engage government.\n","score":0.7545703} -{"afr":"dit beteken dat ons beleggings in infrastruktuur nie net die ontwikkeling van plaaslike nywerhede moet ondersteun nie, maar ook ondernemings wat deur vroue besit word.\n","eng":"this means that our investment in infrastructure must support not only the development of local industry, but also womenowned businesses.\n","score":0.8731221} -{"afr":"swartmense is geforseer om n dompas te toon en as hulle nie een gehad het nie, is hulle in die tronk gegooi.\n","eng":"black people were forced to produce a dompas and if they could not do so, they were jailed.\n","score":0.7570099} -{"afr":"ons is tans op n hele paar fronte besig om inentings te probeer kry, insluitend die globale covaxfasiliteit, die inisiatief van die afrikaunie asook deur ons eie samesprekings met entstofvervaardigers.\n","eng":"we are working on several fronts to get vaccines, including through the global covax facility, the african union initiative and through our own engagements with vaccine manufacturers.\n","score":0.83213127} -{"afr":"hulle het waargeneem dat die koste van vars produkte bly toeneem het teen vlakke bo inflasie, en dat dit n disproporsionele uitwerking op die armes gehad het.\n","eng":"it noted that the cost of fresh produce has been increasing at aboveinflation levels, and that this has had a disproportionate effect on the poor.\n","score":0.85856175} -{"afr":"\"ganuganu, wat die afgelope twee jaar reeds n professionele ver ple\u00ebr is, het di\u00e9 beroep gekies omdat hy lief is daarvoor om mense te help.\n","eng":"\"ganuganu, who has been a professional nurse for the past two years, chose the profession because he loves helping people.\n","score":0.86049145} -{"afr":"die pro gramme verskaf befondsing en steun en help studente om werk te kry wanneer hulle gekwalifiseer is.\n","eng":"the programmes provide funding and support and help students find job placements once qualified.\n","score":0.81325203} -{"afr":"ons herverspreidingsvisie poog om die regte balans tussen maatskaplike ongeregtigheid en regstelling te vind en om landbouuitsette te bevorder deur meer swart boere tot die hoofstroomekonomie te laat toetree.\n","eng":"our redistributive vision aims to strike a balance between social justice and redress, and enhancing agricultural output by bringing more black farmers into the mainstream of the economy.\n","score":0.8670674} -{"afr":"jy moet volledige inlig ting oor jou bates verskaf en aandui watter persone watter bates moet ont vang, met die volledige name en inligting van die begunstigdes.\n","eng":"you must include full details of your assets and who you want to leave them to, including their names and details.\n","score":0.7526986} -{"afr":"die kinderkankervereni ging childhood cancer foundation south africa (choc) se kommuniska sieko\u00f6rdineerder, taryn seegers, s\u00ea dat om die algemene tekens van kanker onder jongmense te ken, jou kan help om n lewe te red.\n","eng":"childhood cancer foundation south africa (choc) communication coordinator taryn seegers says by knowing the common signs of cancer in young people, you could help save a life.\n","score":0.88817096} -{"afr":"ons moet seker maak dat di\u00e9 ondersoek deeglik en sonder vertraging afgehandel word.\n","eng":"we need to ensure that these investigations are thorough and concluded without delay.\n","score":0.80918735} -{"afr":"ons het onlangs deel geneem aan die 13de bricsspitsberaad waar bricslande ooreengekom het om nog nouer saam te werk om kovid19 te bestry en om die politieke en finansi \u00eble hulpbronne te mobiliseer wat nodig is vir toekomstige pandemiegereedheid.\n","eng":"we recently participated in the 13th brics summit, where brics countries agreed to deepen cooperation to fight covid19 and mobilise the political support and financial resources needed to respond to future pandemic preparedness.\n","score":0.919678} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 besigheidseienaars kan uit n aantal ingrypings voordeel trek wat die regering in plek gestel het om hulle te help om deur di\u00e9 moeilike tyd te kom.\n","eng":"in order to get through this difficult time, these business owners can take advantage of a number of in terventions that govern ment has put in place to assist them.\n","score":0.7715139} -{"afr":"toe ek hulle duidelik uitgespelde eise ontvang het, het ek besef dat ons dringend en met vasberadenheid moesoptree.\n","eng":"as i received their clearly articulated demands, it was clear to me that we needed to act urgently and with determination.\n","score":0.8080454} -{"afr":"nog n faktor is laer landbouuitsette weens ekstreme weerstoestande wat veroorsaak is deur klimaatsverandering, waaronder oorstromings en droogte.\n","eng":"another factor is lower agricultural output due to extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as flooding and droughts.\n","score":0.8799616} -{"afr":"ons moet seker maak dat ons di\u00e9 bevindings gebruik om di\u00e9 instellings in die toekoms te beskerm sodat hulle nooit weer gekaap word nie.\n","eng":"we must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again.\n","score":0.87643814} -{"afr":"dit is 'n merkwaardige prestasie in 'n baie kort tyd.\n","eng":"this is a remarkable achievement in a very short space of time.\n","score":0.8446213} -{"afr":"dit beteken dat die hoogste kwalifikasie wat deur die skema gefinansier word, n baccalaureusgraad is.\n","eng":"this means the highest qualification that the scheme funds is a bachelor\u2019s degree.\n","score":0.8004241} -{"afr":"cach snel studente te hulp met studiegeleenthede silusapho nyanda jongmense wat nog nie toelating by ho\u00ebronderwysinstellings gekry het nie, kan die sentrale aansoekklaringshuis (cach) om hulp nader.\n","eng":"cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help.\n","score":0.874712} -{"afr":"die krimping in die ekonomie beteken dat belastinginkomste ook noemenswaardig afgeneem het.\n","eng":"the contraction of the economy also meant that tax revenue has declined significantly.\n","score":0.87629205} -{"afr":"kinderkankers\"kinderkankers verskil van die kankers wat volwassenes raak.\n","eng":"childhood cancerschildhood cancers are different from cancers affecting adults.\n","score":0.83875096} -{"afr":"ek het onlangs die opening van die little flowervroe\u00ebkinderontwikkelingsentrum (vko) bizana in die ooskaap bygewoon waar ek tyd saam met die toe komstige leiers van ons land kon deurbring, vir hulle kon voorlees en na hulle kon luister.\n","eng":"i recently attended the opening of the little flower early childhood development (ecd) centre in bizana in the eastern cape, where i got to spend time with some of the future leaders of our country, reading to them and listening to them.\n","score":0.88149714} -{"afr":"hulle maak alarm teen onetiese dade en praktyke in die regering en organisasies.\n","eng":"they raise the alarm against unethical acts and practices in government and organisations.\n","score":0.84949464} -{"afr":"n bekwame staat dien as die fondasie om ons nasionale prioriteitsdoelwitte te bereik.\n","eng":"a capable state is the foundation for the attainment of all our national priorities.\n","score":0.74556947} -{"afr":"dit stel jongmense in staat om toegang tot geleenthede te kry, aangesien sommige van hulle nie toegang tot netwerke het wat geleenthede vir hulle ontsluit nie.\n","eng":"this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible.\n","score":0.80909884} -{"afr":"maar ten spyte van die strawwe om oortreders uit die samelewing te verwyder, ly en sterf vroue en kinders steeds.\n","eng":"but despite penalties to remove perpetrators from society, women and children continue to suffer and die.\n","score":0.83496773} -{"afr":"ons bevorder n meer inklusiewe ontwikkelingsmodel, deur transformasie in die industrialisasieproses te integreer, wat welvaart deel eerder as om dit op te hoop.\n","eng":"by integrating transformation into the process of industrialisation, we are advancing a more inclusive growth model that shares, rather than concentrates, wealth.\n","score":0.8062505} -{"afr":"hersien jou versekeringspolisse \u2013 evalueer jou lewe, gesondheid, gestremdheid en korttermynversekering om te verseker dat die bedrae aan jou behoeftes voldoen.\n","eng":"review your insurance policies \u2013 eval uate your life, health, disability and shortterm insurance to ensure that the amounts match your needs.\n","score":0.88593376} -{"afr":"elke keer as ons enige vorm van nienoodsaaklike akti witeite oorweeg, moet ons onsself afvra: wat is die risiko van besmetting vir onsself en ander?\n","eng":"every time we are considering any form of nonessen tial activity, we should ask: what is the risk of infection to ourselves and to others?\n","score":0.9102252} -{"afr":"egskeiding is moeilik en stresvol vir gesinne en die regsproses kan verwarrend wees.\n","eng":"divorce is difficult and stressful for families, and the legal process can be confusing.\n","score":0.8739482} -{"afr":"ons het, as ondersteuning vir besighede, die geldigheid van hulle bedryfslisensies en per mitte wat tussen maart 2020 en junie 2021 verval het, tot 31 desember 2022 verleng.\n","eng":"to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable.\n","score":0.7908243} -{"afr":"wanneer mens steun bied aan n geliefde, help dit om die rouproses te verstaan en te besef dat elke persoon dit anders ervaar, volgens ludziya.\n","eng":"when supporting a loved one, ludziya says it is helpful to understand the grieving process and that everyone experiences it differently.\n","score":0.80568516} -{"afr":"die regering is ook direk betrokke by die skep van indiensname benewens die bestaande staatsamptenare wat in die staatsdiens werk.\n","eng":"government is also directly involved in employment creation beyond those people employed in the public service.\n","score":0.6954868} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 oproepe deur onthullers het gelei tot die ondersoek van 24 035 sake van kor rupsie, bedrog en ander misdaad, s\u00ea die kommissaris van die sdk, michael selo ane, wat toesig hou oor al die werk wat deur die kommissie uitgevoer word.\n","eng":"the hotline was launched by the public service commission (psc) in 2004 and since then, more than 100 000 calls reporting allegations of corruption and maladministration have been received.\n","score":0.6383372} -{"afr":"die persoon kan tydens n komplekse gedeeltelike aanval deurmekaar, ver ward of dronk voorkom.\n","eng":"during a complex partial seizure, the person may appear confused, distracted or drunk.\n","score":0.7820045} -{"afr":"in sulke omstandighede moet ons realisties wees, nie dogmaties nie.\n","eng":"such times call for us to be realistic, not dogmatic.\n","score":0.7980088} -{"afr":"die minister van ho\u00ebr onderwys, wetenskap en innovasie, dr. blade nzimande, het die aankondiging onlangs tydens 'n mediainligtingsessie gemaak.\n","eng":"higher education, science and innovation minister dr blade nzimande made the announcement recently during a media briefing.\n","score":0.881582} -{"afr":"namate die sifting en toetsing verskerp word, sal die aantal infeksies in suidafrika na verwagting toeneem.\n","eng":"as screening and testing is scaled up, the number of infections in south africa is expected to rise.\n","score":0.84777427} -{"afr":"skoolassistente wat in umgungundlovu in diens geneem is, bestee hul inkomste in umgungundlovu.\n","eng":"school assistants employed in umgungundlovu are spending their wages in umgungundlovu.\n","score":0.77261996} -{"afr":"ons leef in n land waar gemeenskappe wettig kan aanspraak maak op grond waarvandaan hul geweld dadig verskuif is en waar in dividue of gesinne beskerm is teen arbitr\u00eare uitsetting uit hul huise.\n","eng":"we live in a country where communities can stake a legal claim on land they were forcefully moved from, and where individuals or families are protected against arbitrary eviction from their homes.\n","score":0.8271724} -{"afr":"antwoord: nee, jy kan meer melk produseer deur die baba meer gereeld te borsvoed.\n","eng":"answer: no, you can make more milk by feeding the baby more often.\n","score":0.8581786} -{"afr":"lede van die joodse geloof het pesach eerbiedig, chris tene vier paasfees en mos lems sal binnekort die hei lige maand van ramadan onderhou.\n","eng":"members of the jewish faith celebrated pesach, chris tians observed easter and muslims will soon be observing the holy month of ramadan.\n","score":0.8371756} -{"afr":"vra die vroedvrou om jou baba binne die eerste halfuur na geboorte vir jou te gee sodat jy jou baba dadelik kan begin borsvoed.\n","eng":"ask the midwife to give you your baby within the first half hour after birth, so you can put the baby to the breast.\n","score":0.8855535} -{"afr":"die hospitaal is, met di\u00e9 dat gauteng tot dusver die hoog ste aantal kovid19gevalle tydens die derde vlaag aangeteken het, as n provinsiale gesondheidsfasiliteit verklaar en fokus nou hoofsaaklik op pasi\u00ebnte met kovid19.\n","eng":"with gauteng recording the highest number of covid19 cases during the third wave, the hospital was named a pro vincial health facility and is now dedicated to patients with covid19.\n","score":0.82923865} -{"afr":"die plan, wat in 2019 on derteken is, is daarop gemik om werk in die bedryf te skep deur \u2019n aantal maatre\u00ebls toe pas wat oor die volgende paar jaar bekendgestel sal word.\n","eng":"signed in 2019, the plan aims to grow jobs in the industry through a number of measures that will be introduced over the next few years.\n","score":0.7745658} -{"afr":"die bou van n etiese, bekwame staatsdiens bly steeds n fokuspunt van di\u00e9 administrasie.\n","eng":"building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration.\n","score":0.7986689} -{"afr":"die plaas lewer produkte aan onder meer vier wimpyrestourante, pick n pay, \u2019n holiday innhotel en plaas like spazawinkels.\n","eng":"the farm supplies four wimpy restaurants, pick n pay, a holiday inn hotel and local spaza shops, among others.\n","score":0.85557926} -{"afr":"idees het menslike vooruitgang aangewakker en dit is wat ons in staat stel om n nuwe pad in die postkoronavirusera uit te stippel.\n","eng":"ideas have spurred human progress and they are what will enable us to chart a new path in the postcoronavirus era.\n","score":0.9091338} -{"afr":"die omstandighede waaronder n aanklaer kan weier om vervolging in te stel wanneer oortredings ingevolge die gewysigde wet gepleeg is, of om klagtes terug te trek wanneer dit liggaamlike besering behels, of waar n wapen gebruik is om n klaer te bedreig, word beperk.\n","eng":"the proposed amendments also oblige the departments of social development, basic education, higher education and health to provide certain services to survivors where needed and to refer them for sheltering and medical care.\n","score":0.6513763} -{"afr":"ons moet aanhou om alle oppervlakke in alle openbare ruimtes te reinig en te ontsmet.\n","eng":"we must continue to clean and sanitise all surfaces in all public spaces.\n","score":0.876309} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 beleggings en projekte het op hulle beurt tot beduidende werkskepping gelei.\n","eng":"these investments and projects have in turn led to significant job creation.\n","score":0.8486552} -{"afr":"dr. malapile s\u00ea egter dat albei kwalifikasies dieselfde gewig dra en, afhangende van die vakke wat geneem is en punte wat behaal is, gebruik kan word om by universiteite en kolleges aansoek te doen.\n","eng":"however, dr malapile says both qualifications carry the same weight and, depending on the subjects taken and marks achieved, can be used to apply to universities and colleges.\n","score":0.8379189} -{"afr":"omdat personeel ouer as 60, en diegene wat aan onderliggende toestande soos hart siekte, diabetes, chroniese lugwegsiekte en kanker ly meer kwesbaar is, moet hulle verkieslik tuis bly,\" het die president verduidelik.\n","eng":"because of their vulnerability, all staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer should ideally stay at home,\" the president says.\n","score":0.8663469} -{"afr":"dit het geweldige ontwrigting en ontbering veroorsaak.\n","eng":"it has caused huge disruption and hardship.\n","score":0.8014442} -{"afr":"die waarnemende stasiebestuurder van eskom se matimbakragstasie, oba keng mabotja, s\u00ea dat die tekort aan voldoende krag in suidafrika n impak op mense se lewens het, omdat normale aktiwiteite tydens beurtkrag nie kan plaasvind nie.\n","eng":"a mpumalanga emerging farmer is ploughing ahead, having already won a prestigious award and secured a substantial contract for her maize.\n","score":0.66539484} -{"afr":"net soos wat die be\u00ebindiging van geslagsgebaseerde geweld nie alleen die staat se verantwoordelikheid kan wees nie, kan die onus ook nie net op vroue en kinders rus om die skokkende vlakke van geweld en mishandeling teen hulle te be\u00ebindig nie.\n","eng":"just as ending gbv cannot be the state\u2019s responsibility alone, the onus cannot be on women and children to end the shocking levels of violence and abuse being visited upon them.\n","score":0.86605674} -{"afr":"\"ons het persoonlike beskermende toerusting (pbt) van regoor die w\u00eareld gekoop en ondersteun plaaslike maatskappye om dit hier te produseer,\" bevestig president cyril ramaphosa.\n","eng":"\"we have been buying personal protective equipment from across the world and supporting local companies to produce them here,\" confirmed president cyril ramaphosa.\n","score":0.9071857} -{"afr":"dit verryk openbare debatvoering en gee vir ons almal 'n bre\u00ebr begrip van die kwessies wat ter sprake is.\n","eng":"it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play.\n","score":0.869365} -{"afr":"hulle gesondheid en veiligheid is van die uiterste belang.\n","eng":"their health and their safety must be paramount.\n","score":0.8774528} -{"afr":"laat die water waarin jy eiers gekook het, afkoel en maak jou huisplante daarmee nat.\n","eng":"every time you boil an egg, save the cooled water for your houseplants.\n","score":0.7380992} -{"afr":"ons het inkomstebes kerming aan werkers en verligting aan sakeeienaars verskaf deur middel van die hulpskema vir tydelike werkgewers wat deur die uif bestuur word.\n","eng":"we provided income protection to workers and relief to business owners through the temporary employer relief scheme administered by the uif.\n","score":0.8583907} -{"afr":"\u2018n soortgelyke persentasie het daarvan gehoor, maar weet baie min of niks daaromtrent nie.\n","eng":"a similar percentage has heard about it but knows very little or nothing about it.\n","score":0.8170593} -{"afr":"selfs nog voordat regter zondo sy bevindings en aanbevelings aan die president voorl\u00ea, sal ons almal saam stem dat die kommissie se werk van onskatbare waarde was.\n","eng":"even before judge zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission\u2019s work has been invaluable.\n","score":0.8961946} -{"afr":"die driver\u2019s licence card account wat die lisensies druk, werk onverpoos om die vervaardiging van kaarte te versnel en is op koers om die agterstand teen einde junie uit te wis. die rtmc s\u00ea dat mense die vordering van hulle aan soeke kan nagaan voordat hulle na die toetssentrums gaan om dit af te haal.\n","eng":"the driver\u2019s licence card account, which prints the licences, is working around the clock to fasttrack production and remains on course to clear the backlog by the end of june.\n","score":0.8236469} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 harde werk toon reeds resultate in die verbeterde in standhouding van toerusting, verminderde verkeersopeen hopings, korter omkeertye en meer gebruik van spoorver voer eerder as padvervoer.\n","eng":"these efforts are already showing results in improved maintenance of equipment, reduced congestion, quicker turnaround times and increased use of rail instead of road transport.\n","score":0.8833209} -{"afr":"baie pasi\u00ebnte wie sou kon baat by di\u00e9 prosedure ont vang ongelukkig nooit die behandeling nie, omdat dit so moeilik is om n gepaste skenker met n soortgelyke weefseltipe te vind.\n","eng":"today, a blood stem cell transplant can be a potentially lifesaving treatment as it replaces a person\u2019s defective stem cells with healthy ones.\n","score":0.70874536} -{"afr":"laat ons, soos altyd, met omsigtigheid voortgaan.\n","eng":"let us proceed, as ever, with caution.\n","score":0.916561} -{"afr":"sedert die tektoniese ver skuiwing van 1994 toe ons besluit het om nie net apart heid af te skaf nie, maar ook weg te breek van die inter nasionale opvatting van apartheid se argitekte, word suidafrika se buitelandse beleid gekenmerk deur di\u00e9 \"heruitgooi van die nette\".\n","eng":"since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa\u2019s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this \"recasting the net\".\n","score":0.87902796} -{"afr":"\"hoe om angstigheid te vermindertlhapane s\u00ea daar is verskeie maniere waarop ouers en leer ders angstigheid kan beperk.\n","eng":"\"how to reduce anxietytlhapane says there are various ways that parents and learners can reduce anxiety.\n","score":0.8475712} -{"afr":"die afgelope week alleen het ek verskeie jong suidafrikaners ontmoet wat my trots maak op hoe ver ons gekom het en wat ons bereik het.\n","eng":"in the past week alone i have met several young south africans who make me proud of just how far we have come and what we have achieved.\n","score":0.9095771} -{"afr":"ons sukses berus op ons vermo\u00eb om hierdie regulasies na te kom en dat elkeen van ons waaksaam en verant woordelik moet optree.\n","eng":"our success rests on our ability to abide by these regulations and to ensure that we each behave carefully and responsibly.\n","score":0.8705611} -{"afr":"\"bouwerk het in 2018 begin en die skool is in 2021 voltooi, danksy asidi,\" s\u00ea gilman.\n","eng":"\"construction started in 2018 and the school was completed in 2021, thanks to asidi,\" says gilman.\n","score":0.9235643} -{"afr":"die dokument beoog verder \"n dinamiese privaatsektor wat die vaardighede en vernuf van alle suidafrikaners gebruik ... en besigheidsaktiwiteite wat beduidend tot werkskepping bydra wat aktief aangemoedig word\".\n","eng":"the document further envisages a dynamic private sector, employing the skills and acumen of all south africans \u2026 and of business activities which contribute significantly to job creation, being actively encouraged.\n","score":0.8857118} -{"afr":"in \u2018n tyd waar ons saam werk om die ekonomie en ons samelewing weer op te bou middein die koronaviruspandemie, is \u2018n sterk media belangriker as ooit te vore.\n","eng":"at a time when we are working together to rebuild our economy and our society in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a robust media is more critical than ever.\n","score":0.8871562} -{"afr":"\"die bestaan van bmw suidafrika demonstreer gevestigde en sterk ekonomiese verbintenisse tussen [duitsland en sa],\" s\u00ea president ramaphosa.\n","eng":"emergency response plan to address gbvfgovernment has been im plementing an emergency response plan to address gbvf.\n","score":0.6114774} -{"afr":"die wetsontwerpe maak voorsiening vir beter toegang tot gesondheidsorg deur die ngv .\n","eng":"\"this means that for the first time, an injectionfree regimen will be recommended for all patients with rifampicin resistant tuberculosis in south africa.\n","score":0.614447} -{"afr":"toe die nasionale rampstaat ses weke gelede verklaar is, het suidafrika slegs 61 bevestigde koronavirusinfeksies gehad.\n","eng":"when the national state of disaster was declared six weeks ago, south africa only had 61 confirmed coronavirus infections.\n","score":0.9232901} -{"afr":"hulle was bereid om n moeilike en gevaarlike missie aan te pak en om aan kwarantyn onderhewig te wees.\n","eng":"they were prepared to undertake a difficult and dangerous mission and to subject themselves to quarantine.\n","score":0.8949408} -{"afr":"dit is algemeen bekend dat mense wat om hierdie toelaag aansoek doen terwyl hulle wel n ander bron van inkomste het, nie vir die toelaag kwalifiseer nie.\n","eng":"it is common knowledge that applicants with other sources of income do not qualify for this grant.\n","score":0.7718848} -{"afr":"die apartheidsregering het opsetlik n verwronge ekonomie gebou wat ontwerp is om blankes te bevoordeel.\n","eng":"the apartheid government deliberately built a distorted economy designed to benefit white people.\n","score":0.8453378} -{"afr":"help informele handelaarsdie regering werk ook daaraan om n pakket te skep wat inkomsteverligting sal verskaf aan informele handelaars wat as gevolg van die krisis hulle inkomste verloor het.\n","eng":"helping informal tradersgovernment is also work ing on creating a package that will provide income relief to informal traders who have lost income due to the crisis.\n","score":0.91499925} -{"afr":"hoe lank moet ek in iso lasie bly as ek positief vir covid19 getoets het?\n","eng":"when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation?\n","score":0.7370766} -{"afr":"die instelling van 'n landwye inperkingstoestand op baie kort kennisgewing het tot verskeie uitdagings gelei.\n","eng":"imposing a nationwide lockdown at very short notice presented several challenges.\n","score":0.77670133} -{"afr":"dit sal help om die tekort te verklein en ons leningsbehoef tes te verminder.\n","eng":"this will help to narrow the deficit and reduce our borrowing needs.\n","score":0.9196161} -{"afr":"daar is passievolle aktiviste soos ayakha melithafa van eerste rivier in die weskaap, wat vanjaar die w\u00eareld ekonomiese forum in davos bygewoon het om 'n beroep op w\u00eareldleiers te doen om vas te staan vir klimaatgeregtigheid.\n","eng":"there are passionate activists like ayakha melithafa from eerste rivier in the western cape, who attended this year\u2019s world economic forum in davos to call on world leaders to stand firmly for climate justice.\n","score":0.9109825} -{"afr":"ons kan nie poog om miv te be\u00ebindig as ons die behoeftes, belange en regte van enige deel van ons bevolking ignoreer nie.\n","eng":"we cannot hope to end hiv if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population.\n","score":0.8966076} -{"afr":"die flieks, musiek en opvoerings wat nou vervaardig word, sal voortaan in staat wees om n verdere inkomste te verdien uit die verkope van regte, kaartjies en tanti\u00e8me.\n","eng":"the movies, music and plays produced are now able to generate further income from the sale of rights, tickets and royalties.\n","score":0.85778165} -{"afr":"hulle wil ook, terwyl hulle beslis hulle eie lewens wil verbeter, n beter samelewing en w\u00eareld tot stand bring.\n","eng":"while they certainly want to improve their own lives, they also want to achieve a better society and a better world.\n","score":0.7924795} -{"afr":"makers landing, wat \u2019n spilpunt vir suidafrikaanse kos en kultuur is, is die perfekte venue vir haar, s\u00ea sy.\n","eng":"makers landing, which is a hub for south african food and culture, is the perfect venue for her, she says.\n","score":0.9230373} -{"afr":"die beskikbaarheid en volhoubare gebruik van landbougrond waarop gewasse aangeplant kan word en vir veeteelt is van kardinale belang vir ons oorlewing.\n","eng":"the availability and sustainable use of farmland to grow crops and for animal husbandry is key to our very survival.\n","score":0.83643174} -{"afr":"ons het \u2018n lang pad gestap sedert die dae waar sosiale verset deur kunstenaars met inperkingsbevele begroet is, en kritiese verslaggewing deur joernaliste die risiko geloop het van inhegtenisne ming of die sluiting van die betrokke publikasies.\n","eng":"we have come a long way from the days where social protest by artists attracted banning orders, and critical reporting by journalists risked imprisonment or the closure of publications.\n","score":0.86040294} -{"afr":"dit is nie genoeg om eers in te gryp wanneer oortreders deur die strafregstelsel opgetel word nie.\n","eng":"it is not enough to intervene only once perpetrators have entered the criminal justice system.\n","score":0.7879535} -{"afr":"ons leef in n land waar almal die reg het om die howe te nader ter vervulling van hul regte.\n","eng":"we live in a country where everyone has the right to approach the courts for the fulfilment of their rights.\n","score":0.7294357} -{"afr":"n diagnose deur n mediese praktisyn moet dit bevestig,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"a diagnosis by a medical practitioner needs to confirm this,\" he says.\n","score":0.87188673} -{"afr":"gemeenskappe en gemeen skapsorganisasies moet saam met die regering werk om ingrypings te implementeer wat manlikheid herdefinieer, sodat ons mans kan grootmaak om empatie, verdraagsaamheid en respek te h\u00ea.\n","eng":"communities and community organisations must work with government to implement interventions that redefine masculinity so that we raise men with empathy, tolerance and respect.\n","score":0.8772762} -{"afr":"deur die ondersteuning van die solidariteitsfonds en donasies van talle individuele suidafrikaners, besighede en stigtings, sowel as ander regerings, kon ons die nodige beskermende toerusting vir di\u00e9 dapper frontliniewerkers, aanskaf.\n","eng":"with the support of the solidarity fund and donations from many individual south africans, businesses, foundations and other governments, we have been able to procure personal protective equipment for these brave frontline workers.\n","score":0.88177824} -{"afr":"die up se fakulteit veearts enykunde sal die hwseta bystaan met sy bemarking, beursbefondsing en werwingsveldtogte.\n","eng":"the up\u2019s faculty of vete rinary science will assist the hwseta in its marketing, bursary funding and recruitment campaigns.\n","score":0.79893553} -{"afr":"deur haar te laat inent, kan dit voorkom dat n swanger vrou ernstig siek word.\n","eng":"getting vaccinated can prevent a pregnant woman from being severely ill. q: should i stop breast feeding to get vaccinated?\n","score":0.65860605} -{"afr":"die tribunaal het in net die afgelope paar weke onre\u00eblmatige en onwettige kontrakte na aanleiding van kovidverwante verkryging ter waarde van meer as r100 miljoen hersien en tersyde gestel.\n","eng":"over the past few weeks alone, the tribunal has reviewed and set aside more than r100 million worth of irregular and unlawful contracts arising from covidrelated pro curement.\n","score":0.8272722} -{"afr":"byeenkomste is aanlyn ge hou en aanbidders is aange moedig om tuis te bid eerder as om dienste by te woon.\n","eng":"congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services.\n","score":0.798813} -{"afr":"\"ek was gelukkig dat mense van regoor die land en van alle ouderdomme gekom het om ons kos te geniet.\n","eng":"\"i have been fortunate to get people from across the country and all age groups to come enjoy our food.\n","score":0.83363175} -{"afr":"van groot belang is dat, indien die hof iemand wat van gesinsgeweld aangekla is maar nie n beskermingsbevel teen hulle het nie op borgtog vrylaat, die hof n beskermingsbevel moet uitreik nadat navrae gemaak is.\n","eng":"significantly, if the court releases someone charged with domestic violence on bail who does not have a protection order granted against them, the court must issue one after holding an enquiry.\n","score":0.8457716} -{"afr":"n betoger het onlangs by n betoging by oxford universiteit n plakkaat gedra met die woorde 'rhodes moet val', 'n strydkreet van studente in ons eie land vyf jaar gelede.\n","eng":"at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words \u2018rhodes must fall\u2019, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago.\n","score":0.86125946} -{"afr":"my visie is verwelkom deur n gemeenskapslid, nkululeko ralo, wat sy motor huis vir ons aangebied het om as skool te gebruik,\" s\u00ea gilman.\n","eng":"my vision was welcomed by community member nkululeko ralo, who offered his home garage to be used as a school,\" says gilman.\n","score":0.9282994} -{"afr":"ons het laasjaar, aan die begin van die pandemie, maat re\u00ebls soos die kovid19 tydelike werkgewer\/werknemerverligtingskema (ters), die kovid19leningswaarborgskema en verskeie ander meganismes ingestel om klein besighede te ondersteun en onmiddellike, korttermynverligting aan werknemers en besigheidseienaars te bied.\n","eng":"in the earliest days last year, we introduced measures such as the covid temporary employer\/employee relief scheme (ters), the covid19 loan guarantee scheme and various mechanisms to support small businesses to provide immediate and shortterm relief to burdened employees and business owners.\n","score":0.8531009} -{"afr":"dit is wanneer klein hoeveelhede amniotiese vloeistof verwy der en vir chromosoomana lise gestuur word.\n","eng":"this is when small amounts of amniotic fluid is collected and sent for chromosome analysis.\n","score":0.8199205} -{"afr":"wasaa het die terminaal se roerende bates en n 20% aandeel in ankerpleknaterminaalpyplyne gekoop.\n","eng":"with the 2020 report by the broadbased black economic empowerment commission showing that most economic sectors are falling short of their black women ownership targets, this acquisition by a black and femaleowned company of a liquid fuel terminal is a historic development.\n","score":0.6756824} -{"afr":"in betwiste egskeidings moet die verweerder die dagvaarding beantwoord deur n kennisgewing van voorneme om die saak te verdedig.\n","eng":"in contested divorces, the defendant must answer the summons by notice of intention to defend the matter.\n","score":0.8708266} -{"afr":"sy is vandag n kommer si\u00eble pluimveeboer met meer as 7 500 braaihoenders.\n","eng":"today, she has become a commercial poultry farmer with more than 7 500 broilers.\n","score":0.854591} -{"afr":"hulle is aan die suidafrikaanse sakekoalisie oor gesondheid en vigs (sabcoha) oorhandig om dit namens die multisektorale tussentydse loodskomitee vir geslagsgebaseerde geweld en vrouemoord (gggv) te beheer.\n","eng":"the automotive group\u2019s contribution demonstrates the growing partnership between government and civil society, which includes the business sector and international partners, in the fight against gbvf.\n","score":0.6418365} -{"afr":"hierdie toets is ongeveer 98% ak kuraat om downsindroom te diagnoseer.\"\n","eng":"this test is about 98% accurate for diagnosis.\n","score":0.78571683} -{"afr":"suduka s\u00ea dat haar ont vangsbewyse haar sal help om haar onderneming se eierproduksie te verbeter.\n","eng":"suduka says her vouchers will help her grow the egg producing side of her business.\n","score":0.88588834} -{"afr":"volgens die nvg, sal die klaer, slagoffer, oorlewende of getuie, deur n hofvoorbereidingsbeampte van die hof waar hy of sy sal getuig, gekontak word.\n","eng":"according to the npa, the complainant, victim, survivor or witness will be contacted by a court preparation officer from the court where she or he will testify.\n","score":0.8591984} -{"afr":"daar is verskeie voorbehoedmiddels wat op verskillende maniere werk om swangerskap te verhoed.\n","eng":"there are various contraceptives that work in different ways, but they are all designed to prevent pregnancy.\n","score":0.76549125} -{"afr":"volgens die bevindinge van 'n peiling deur ipsos pulse of the people, wat in januarie vrygestel is, voel 61% van suidafrikaners tussen 15 en 17 jaar optimisties oor 2020. ek twyfel nie dat dit 'n sentiment is wat gedeel word deur die jeug in die algemeen nie, en veral die groep wat aan die begin van die millennium gebore is en nou hul volwasse lewe begin; diegene wat die jeug ama2000 noem.\n","eng":"according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000.\n","score":0.93841726} -{"afr":"lang proses\u2019n gebrek aan infrastruktuur soos heinings, watertenks en elektrisiteit het egter beteken dat sy eers in 2016 die grond kon begin gebruik.\n","eng":"long processa lack of infrastructure such as fencing, water tanks and electricity meant she only started using the land in 2016. the 49yearold remembers how she used search engine google to conduct research on farming.\n","score":0.8217415} -{"afr":"gov.\n","eng":"gov.\n","score":1.0} -{"afr":"ons nasionale reaksie is gedryf deur 'n interministeri\u00eble komitee (imk) onder die voorsitterskap en bekwame leiding van die minister van gesondheid, dr zweli mkhize.\n","eng":"our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize.\n","score":0.92726815} -{"afr":"suidafrika het n leierskap sposisie in die globale stryd teen tb ingeneem en die ver enigde state se agentskap vir internasionale ontwikkeling (usaid) het ingetree om hulp aan te bied.\n","eng":"south africa has taken a position of leadership in the global fight against tb, and the united states agency for international development (usaid) has stepped in to provide assistance.\n","score":0.84592295} -{"afr":"makhanda (28) het meer as 30 sigarette per dag gerook totdat hy vier jaar gelede ophou rook het.\n","eng":"until he stopped four years ago, makhanda (28) used to smoke over 30 cigarettes a day.\n","score":0.82809424} -{"afr":"n ten volle werkende evisastelsel is in 14 lande bekendgestel, waaronder sommige van ons grootste toeristemarkte.\n","eng":"a fully operational evisa system has been launched in 14 countries, including some of our largest tourist markets.\n","score":0.92191994} -{"afr":"ons is op 'n punt in ons stryd teen die pandemie waar oorgerustheid rampspoedig kan wees.\n","eng":"we are at a point in our battle with the pandemic where complacency could prove disastrous.\n","score":0.8947932} -{"afr":"oortreders wend hulself tot uiterstes om hul spoor te bedek.\n","eng":"perpetrators go to extraordinary lengths to cover their tracks.\n","score":0.7864114} -{"afr":"\"kwanongoma het baie swak infrastruktuur en dit lyk of die verskaffing daarvan baie stadig gebeur.\n","eng":"\"kwanongoma has very poor infrastructure.\n","score":0.7803208} -{"afr":"ons demokrasie is gebou deur brugbouers en vrede makers.\n","eng":"our democracy was built by peacemakers and bridgebuilders.\n","score":0.9076904} -{"afr":"die jeug van ons land verteenwoordig energie, hoop, pret, potensiaal, toekoms en vryheid.\n","eng":"our country\u2019s youth represent energy, hope, fun, poten tial, future and freedom.\n","score":0.91942716} -{"afr":"die gemeenskap het, na die tragedie, die gebrek aan bruikbare sportsgronde, gemeenskapbiblioteke of jeugsentrums in scenery park uitgewys.\n","eng":"in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park.\n","score":0.8879755} -{"afr":"\"die regulasies wat ons ingestel het, is gegrond op daardie toewyding aan lewe en waardigheid en dit regverdig, in di\u00e9 uiterste omstandighede, tydelike beperkings op ander regte, soos vryheid van beweging en assosiasie.\n","eng":"\"the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify \u2013 in these extreme circumstances \u2013 temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association.\n","score":0.91344655} -{"afr":"alhoewel die publiek se frustrasie met misdaad verstaanbaar is, is dit jammer dat dit aanleiding gee tot vyandigheid teenoor ons polisie wat voortgaan om ons te dien en te beskerm.\n","eng":"while public frustration with crime is understandable, it is unfortunate that this should give rise to hostility towards our police, who continue to serve and protect.\n","score":0.899022} -{"afr":"dit is duidelik dat die maatre\u00ebls wat ons as admi nistrasie ingestel het om die kapasiteit, bekwaam heid en geloofwaardigheid van die instellings wat betrokke is in die stryd teen korrupsie vrugte afwerp.\n","eng":"it is clear that the measures we have taken as this administration to restore the capacity, capability and credibility of the institutions involved in the fight against corruption are having a demonstrable impact.\n","score":0.8203314} -{"afr":"hulle is daarvoor verantwoordelik om die infrastruktuur en dienste te verskaf waarop die ekonomie staatmaak, hetsy dit elektrisiteitsopwekking, pendelaarvervoer, waterverskaffing, vraglogistiek of telekommunikasie is.\n","eng":"they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications.\n","score":0.8887665} -{"afr":"za noordwesnoordwes \u2013 mmanotshe seletisha \u2013 012 700 9000 \u2013 mseletisha@justice.\n","eng":"za north west \u2013 mmanotshe seletisha \u2013 012 700 9000 \u2013 mseletisha@justice.\n","score":0.92675614} -{"afr":"hy het ook 60 beurse bekendgestel om die kritieke tekort aan veeartse en paraveeartse in suidafrika se landelike gebiede te takel.\n","eng":"it also announced 60 bursaries to address the critical shortage of veterinarians and paraveterinarians in south africa\u2019s rural areas.\n","score":0.8947073} -{"afr":"wat mivpositiewe mammas wat borsvoed moet weet vukuzenzele unnamed met suidafrika wat w\u00eareldvigsdag op 1 desember gedenk, het die kwazulunatal departement van gesondheid aanbeveel dat mivpositiewe moeders hul babas vir ses maande lank uitsluitlik borsvoed.\n","eng":"what hiv positive breastfeeding moms should know vukuzenzele unnamed with south africa observing world aids day on the 1st of december, the kwazulunatal department of health has advised hiv positive mothers to consider breastfeeding their babies exclusively for six months.\n","score":0.9143245} -{"afr":"dit is 'n wekroep vir ons almal wat moontlik dink dat ons selfs naby die einde van hierdie ernstige openbare gesondheidskrisis is.\n","eng":"it is a wakeup call to any among us who may harbour illusions that we are even close to seeing the end of this grave public health emergency.\n","score":0.87990505} -{"afr":"\"ons dienste behels emosionele steun tydens die tydperk wanneer hulle kanker het, bemoediging, sorg aan die einde van hul lewens en verliesberading en steun.\n","eng":"\"our services include emotional support through their cancer journey, comfort, endoflife care and bereavement support,\" says seegers.\n","score":0.78251755} -{"afr":"ons sal vanjaar 'n nuwe wet publiseer waarin 'n vergoedingsraamwerk vir openbare entiteite en onder nemings in staatsbesit bekend gemaak sal word om buitenspo rige betaling aan raadslede en bestuurders te voorkom.\n","eng":"we will publish a new law this year introducing a remuneration framework for public entities and state owned companies to prevent excessive pay for board members and executives.\n","score":0.82733893} -{"afr":"ons het beide die vermo\u00ebns en die wil om ekonomiese aktiwiteite te stimuleer, die ekonomie te ontwikkel en sodoende werkskepping te bevorder; d\u00edt alles te midde van n pandemie.\n","eng":"we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs.\n","score":0.7789154} -{"afr":"hy het bygevoeg dat swart plaaswerkers in die voor malige noordtransvaal uitgebuit en mishandel is.\n","eng":"he added that black farmworkers were exploited and abused in what was previously the northern transvaal.\n","score":0.82186127} -{"afr":"ons werk in al die provinsies daaraan om meer beddens in die algemene sale, sowel as vir kritieke covid19pasi\u00ebnte beskikbaar te stel.\n","eng":"across all provinces, we are working to further increase the number of general ward and critical beds available for covid19 patients.\n","score":0.8063177} -{"afr":"volgens ofentse shakung, die cipc se bestuurder van innovasie en samewerking en direkteur van eleer, het die cipc verskeie funksies, waaronder die registrasie van maatskappye, ko\u00f6perasies en intellektuele eiendomsregte (handelsmerke, patente, ontwerpe en kopiereg).\n","eng":"according to ofentse shakung, the cipc\u2019s manager of innovation and collaboration and director of elearning, the cipc has various functions, including the registration of companies, cooperatives and intellectual property rights (trademarks, patents, designs and copyright).\n","score":0.95488507} -{"afr":"sanne s\u00ea benewens die inpomp van suurstofhoudende lug, help die cpap pasi\u00ebnte ook om uit te asem.\n","eng":"sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale.\n","score":0.80369395} -{"afr":"hy is daagliks deur n mosama riaversorger ondersteun, wat seker gemaak het dat hy elke dag sy medikasie neem en hom ook van mieliemeel en nuwe klere voosien het.\n","eng":"he was given daily support by a mosamaria caregiver, who ensured that he swallowed his tablets every day and also assisted with maize meal and new clothes.\n","score":0.85106647} -{"afr":"die presidensi\u00eble indiensnemingstimu lus is onge\u00ebwenaar in skaal en omvang, en behels n openbare belegging van r100 miljard oor die volgende drie jaar.\n","eng":"the presidential employment stimulus is unprecedented in its scale and breadth, involving a public investment of r100 billion over the next three years.\n","score":0.89511406} -{"afr":"za noordkaapnoordkaap \u2013 henley nathan sass \u2013 054 337 5375 \u2013 hsass@justice.\n","eng":"za northern cape \u2013 henley nathan sass \u2013 054 337 5375 \u2013 hsass@justice.\n","score":0.9759415} -{"afr":"een van ons doeltreffend ste wapens in die stryd teen korrupsie en staatskaping in di\u00e9 opsig is die spesiale tribunaal van die spesiale ondersoekeenheid (soe) wat in 2019 van stapel gestuur is.\n","eng":"in this regard, one of our most effective weapons in the fight against corruption and state capture is the special tribunal of the special investigating unit (siu), which i established in 2019. it adjudicates on matters that the siu institutes for civil litigation after it has concluded its investigations.\n","score":0.8141357} -{"afr":"ek het onlangs 'n nasionale ramptoestand verklaar, 'n maatstaf wat ooreenstem met die erns van die bedreiging vir ons mense, ons samelewing en ons ekonomie.\n","eng":"i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy.\n","score":0.90516084} -{"afr":"\"sommige van die verple\u00ebrs is opgelei vir teaterdiens.\n","eng":"\"some nurses are theatre tr ained.\n","score":0.7587674} -{"afr":"suduka, wat ook met 73 bok ke, 25 skape en 25 koeie boer, het in 2015 begin boer nadat sy haar n6sertifikaat vir openbare bestuur by ikhala oplei dingsen beroepsonderwys en opleidingskollege, verwerf het.\n","eng":"suduka, who also farms with 73 goats, 25 sheep and 25 cows, started farming in 2015 after obtaining a public management n6 certificate from ikhala training and vocational education and training college.\n","score":0.918218} -{"afr":"alhoe wel hy ander mense wou help, het hy ook vir sy eie familie se gesond heid gevrees.\n","eng":"while he wanted to help others, he also feared for his own family.\n","score":0.79452646} -{"afr":"ons kyk na n nuwe sbomodel wat groter deursigtigheid, verantwoord baarheid en volhoubaarheid bevorder.\n","eng":"we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability.\n","score":0.86989594} -{"afr":"daarbenewens, n nuwe prepproduk \u2014 n inspuiting wat vir twee maande hou \u2014 wag op goedkeuring.\n","eng":"in addition, a new prep \u2013 an injection that lasts for two months \u2013 is awaiting approval.\n","score":0.87783265} -{"afr":"dit was \u2019n gesondheids, humanit\u00eare, sosiale en ekonomiese krisis vir afrikalande, en die meeste van hierdie lande beskik nie oor voldoende hulpbronne om \u2018n gesondheidskrisis van so \u2018n omvang te hanteer nie.\n","eng":"it has been a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis for african countries, most of whom are inadequately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size.\n","score":0.91266465} -{"afr":"\"sy voeg by dat haar hoenders organiese plaashoenders is, met geen hormoontoevoegings nie.\n","eng":"\"she added that her chicken are freerange and organic, with zero hormones.\n","score":0.8226788} -{"afr":"komplikasies van onwettige aborsies die waarnemende direkteur van moederen kindergesondheid by kwazulunatal se departement van gesondheid, phalanndwa muthuphei, s\u00ea dat vrouens heelwat komplikasies kan ervaar wanneer hulle n aborsie by n onwettige aborsie kliniek kry.\n","eng":"illegal abortion complications the acting director for maternal child and women\u2019s health at the kwazulunatal department of health, phalanndwa muthuphei, says women can face many complications when having an abortion at an illegal abortion clinic.\n","score":0.9373185} -{"afr":"sedert die uitbreek van die kovid19pandemie, het suidafrika $2 miljard in befondsing van die nuwe ontwikkelingsbank onder die kovid19noodfinansie ringsprogram ontvang om die pandemie te bestry en om ekonomiese herstel te steun.\n","eng":"since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery.\n","score":0.91065586} -{"afr":"\"ons het in dieselfde jaar mobiele toilette vanaf die provinsiale departement van onderwys ontvang.\n","eng":"\"in the same year, we received mobile toilets from the provincial department of education.\n","score":0.89906704} -{"afr":"\"ons het bemagtigingseenhede wat openbare dialoog voer en mense oor hul regte opvoed.\n","eng":"\"we have empowerment unity that conducts public dialogues and educates people about their rights.\n","score":0.8275689} -{"afr":"moeders wat borsvoed, moet hul babas meer gereeld voed as dit baie warm is.\n","eng":"breastfeeding moms should feed their babies more frequently when it is very hot.\n","score":0.80269647} -{"afr":"n petit malaanval duur slegs vir n paar sekondes en die persoon kan onbewus wees daarvan dat hulle \u2019n aanval gehad het.\n","eng":"a petit mal seizure only lasts a few seconds, and the person may be unaware that they had one.\n","score":0.82181674} -{"afr":"tradisonele leiers is goed geplaas om te verseker dat distriksplanne ingelig word deur en ook spreek tot die ware behoeftes van ge meenskappe en dat hulle die lewensrealiteite in landelike gebiede getrou weerspie\u00ebl.\n","eng":"just as the ddm supports localised programmes that focus on the needs, strengths and opportunities in specific areas, traditional leaders have pioneered their own approach to local economic development.\n","score":0.7416276} -{"afr":"die land is al vir meer as drie dekades in n voortdurende stryd teen miv en vigs gewikkel, wat baie lewensverliese, swaarkry en lyding veroorsaak.\n","eng":"for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering.\n","score":0.8208773} -{"afr":"\"n omvattende assessering van die ekonomiese koste van di\u00e9 vloede moet nog gedoen word, maar dit is duidelik dat die herbou van infrastruktuur en verlies aan produksie biljoene rande sal beloop.\"\n","eng":"\"a comprehensive assessment of the economic cost of these floods still has to be made, but it is clear that it will run into billions of rands for the rebuilding of infrastructure and loss of production.\"\n","score":0.8555963} -{"afr":"die land moet weet wat gebeur het.\n","eng":"the country needs to know what happened.\n","score":0.87716705} -{"afr":"kmmoskuldverligtingsfondsdie departement van kleinsakeontwikkeling het, n\u00e1 die aankondiging van die grendeltydperk, onmiddellik n verligtingsfonds aan kleinsake wat negatief deur die covid19pandemie be\u00efnvloed word beskikbaar gestel.\n","eng":"smme debt relief fundfollowing the announce ment of the lockdown, the department of small business development immediately made a debt relief fund available for small businesses negatively affected by the covid19 pandemic.\n","score":0.87043405} -{"afr":"dr mhlari s\u00ea dat n vrou n groter kans op n ektopiese swangerskap het, as sy: beskadigde of abnormale fallopiese buise het, byvoorbeeld, as gevolg van vorige buisin feksies weens seksueel oordraagbare infeksies of buisoperasies; voorheen n ektopiese swangerskap gehad het; onvrugbaar is; veelvuldige seksmaats het; sigarette rook.\n","eng":"he explained that an ectopic pregnancy is not located in the cavity of the uterus, where a pregnancy is normally located.\n","score":0.66561794} -{"afr":"baie kinders word deur seksuele prooisoekers, kriminele bendes en dwelmverkopers geteiken, juis omdat hulle kwesbaar is.\n","eng":"many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable.\n","score":0.89245844} -{"afr":"mabitsela, van modimolle in limpopo, het in november 2020 by n bank aansoek gedoen om n lening, maar is ingelig dat hy te diep in die skuld is en nie kwalifiseer nie.\n","eng":"mabitsela, from modimolle in limpopo, applied for a loan at a bank in november 2020, but was told he was overindebted and didn\u2019t qualify.\n","score":0.90493405} -{"afr":"dit is besonders bemoedigend dat tradisio nele leiers hul gewig agter di\u00e9 plan gooi en saam met plaas like owerhede wil werk om die plan se sukses te verseker.\n","eng":"it is greatly encouraging that traditional leaders have rallied behind the plan and want to work with local authorities to ensure it is a success.\n","score":0.82261294} -{"afr":"as elke man twee ander mans kry en aldrie onderneem om nooit n vrou te verkrag en nooit n hand teen n vrou te lig nie, en mekaar verantwoordbaar hou aan hierdie verbintenis, kan ons begin om geslagsgebaseerde geweld in ons land in alle erns aan te pak.\n","eng":"if each man gathers two men and the three pledge to never rape a woman, never lay a hand on a woman and hold each other accountable to this pledge, we can start to seriously tackle gbv in our country.\n","score":0.892753} -{"afr":"ons besef dit nie altyd nie, maar die brand by die parlement het gedemonstreer hoe sterk suidafrikaners oor hulle demokrasie voel.\n","eng":"we may not always recognise it, but the fire at parliament demonstrated how strongly south africans feel about their democracy.\n","score":0.9168235} -{"afr":"\"ek het regtig uitgesien na ons gradeplegtigheid.\n","eng":"\"i was really looking forward to our graduation ceremony.\n","score":0.74353147} -{"afr":"leerders moes aan n nuwe w\u00eareld van aanlynleer wat soms ongereeld was en uitgestelde skoolbywoning, sosiale isolasie, verlies, rou en trauma gewoond raak, wat alles aanleiding kan gee tot n toename in angs en depressie.\n","eng":"learners have had to navigate a new world of online or delayed learning, social isolation, loss, grief and trauma, all of which can cause increased anxiety and depression.\n","score":0.8916427} -{"afr":"deur aanmekaar te huil, ge\u00efrri teerd te wees of maklik hul humeur te verloor.\n","eng":"being overly emotional, such as constantly crying, irritable moods or losing their temper quickly.\n","score":0.7942658} -{"afr":"indien n persoon sterf sonder om n testament op te stel, sal die bates in hul besit volgens die bepalings van die wet op intestate erfop volging verdeel word onder die mense wat dit regmatig moet erf.\n","eng":"if a person dies without making a will, the assets that they owned will be distributed in terms of the intestate succession act, to the people who must rightfully inherit them.\n","score":0.8133762} -{"afr":"mabitsela het n saak van identiteitsdiefstal by die suidafrikaanse polisiediens (sapd) aanhangig gemaak nadat hy besef het dat iemand op sy naam skuld aangaan.\n","eng":"after realising that someone was creating debt in his name, mabitsela opened a case of stolen identity at the south african police service (saps).\n","score":0.76550645} -{"afr":"sedert israeliese magte verlede week aanvalle op aanbidders by die al aqsamoskee in jerusalem geloods het, het die geweld intussen die gazastrook, groot ge deeltes van die wesoewer en n aantal israelitiese stede verswelg.\n","eng":"since israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at alaqsa mosque in jerusalem, the violence has now engulfed the gaza strip, large parts of the west bank and a number of israeli cities.\n","score":0.8599944} -{"afr":"ons doen n beroep op gemeenskappe om saam met die polisie te werk om te verseker dat di\u00e9 misdadi gers aangekeer en vervolg word.\n","eng":"we call upon communities to work with the police to ensure that these criminals are apprehended and prosecuted.\n","score":0.8499626} -{"afr":"deur te weier om geweld teen vroue en kinders ooglui kend toe te laat, deur nie self deel daarvan te wees nie en deur sulke dade te rapporteer, stel jy n voorbeeld aan ander mans, veral jong mans en seuns.\n","eng":"by refusing to condone violence against women and children, by not being party to it yourself and by reporting such acts, you are setting an example to your fellow men, especially to young men and boys.\n","score":0.8604711} -{"afr":"n gevolg van said se omkeer is die verbeterde voldoening in persoonlike inkomstebelasting, korporatiewe inkomstebelasting en pay as you earn.\n","eng":"sars is taking the wind out of the sails of tax dodgers, beneficiaries of the proceeds of crime, and those involved in corrupt activities.\n","score":0.71998525} -{"afr":"die realiteit is dat polisi\u00ebring in suidafrika ernstige uitdagings in die gesig staar.\n","eng":"the reality is that there are serious challenges facing policing in south africa.\n","score":0.7865317} -{"afr":"soos enige staatsdepartement voel die sapd die gevolge van die land se fiskale krisis, jare van personeeltekort en staatskaping.\n","eng":"like all government departments, the south african police service is feeling the effects of the country\u2019s fiscal crisis, several years of understaffing and state capture.\n","score":0.8430939} -{"afr":"blinker toekoms nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is n gekwalifiseerde elektrisi\u00ebn danksy nsfasbefondsing wat vir sy studies aan umfolozi tvetkollege in kwazulunatal betaal het.\n","eng":"a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal.\n","score":0.90741765} -{"afr":"speaking at the launch, department of social development deputy minister hendrietta bogopanezulu called on the public to include children living with disabilities in dialogues about issues that affect them.\n","eng":"speaking at the launch, social development deputy minister hendrietta bogopanezulu called on the public to include children living with disabilities in dialogues about issues that affect them.\n","score":0.99360156} -{"afr":"ons wetenskaplikes en epidemiolo\u00eb is w\u00eareldklas.\n","eng":"our scientists and epidemiologists are worldclass.\n","score":0.9110372} -{"afr":"hou asseblief aan om al die riglyne en protokolle te volg,\" s\u00ea ganuganu.\n","eng":"please continue to follow all the guidelines and protocols,\" says ganuganu.\n","score":0.9172206} -{"afr":"dit word in oorleg met sake, arbeidsen ander relevante instellings gedoen.\n","eng":"this is being done in consultation with business, labour and other relevant institutions.\n","score":0.8074601} -{"afr":"wat doen \u2019n entstof?\u2018n entstof leer jou liggaam se immuniteitstelsel (wat infeksie beveg) om teenliggaam pies (prote\u00efene wat siektes beveg) te vervaardig \u2013 presies soos dit sou doen as jy aan \u2019n virus blootgestel sou word.\n","eng":"a vaccine trains your body\u2019s immune system (which fights infection), to produce antibodies (proteins that fight disease) \u2013 exactly like it would if you were exposed to a virus.\n","score":0.85252404} -{"afr":"die konsep vir die nasionale implementeringsraamwerk vir die professionalisering van die staatsdiens is daarop gemik om \u2019n regering tot stand te bring wat ons volk beter dien, wat ge\u00efsoleer is van onbehoorlike politieke inmenging, en waar aanstel lings op meriete plaasvind.\n","eng":"the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit.\n","score":0.87116444} -{"afr":"ons robuuste demokrasie verskaf die krag en die veerkragtigheid wat ons benodig om hierdie diepgaande krisis te oorkom.\n","eng":"our robust democracy provides the strength and the resilience we need to overcome this deep crisis.\n","score":0.8936481} -{"afr":"dit is baie belangrik dat materiaalgesigmaskers reg gebruik word.\n","eng":"it is very important that cloth masks are used correctly.\n","score":0.79441726} -{"afr":"\"help ons om julle te help.\n","eng":"\"help us to help you.\n","score":0.9479858} -{"afr":"dit is, per slot van rekening, die suidafrikaanse publiek wat die prim\u00eare verbruikers van hul goedere en dienste is.\n","eng":"it is, after all, the south african public that are the primary consumers of their goods and services.\n","score":0.8900187} -{"afr":"na n tydperk van 10 of 20 dae kan die eiser die egskeiding op die hofrol plaas.\n","eng":"after a period of 10 or 20 days, the plaintiff may enrol the divorce on the court roll.\n","score":0.77308047} -{"afr":"ons het nou een wet vir een nasie.\n","eng":"now we have one law for one nation.\n","score":0.8661389} -{"afr":"cach sal sulke individue na loopbaanontwikkelingsdienste verwys en, waar moontlik, die geleentheid verskaf vir hulle om in aanmerking te kom vir plek wat steeds beskikbaar is by universiteite en tvetkol leges of leerlingskappe by sektoronderwysen oplei dingsowerhede (seta\u2019s), sonder dat die student self na enige instelling hoef te gaan.\n","eng":"the dhet explained that this usually happens when the applicant does not meet the necessary requirements or the institution has reached its limit on the number of students it can enrol.\n","score":0.7041627} -{"afr":"lig jou familie in dat jy probeer om op te hou rook sodat hulle jou kan ondersteun.\n","eng":"inform your family and friends that you are trying to stop so that they can support you.\n","score":0.8036288} -{"afr":"dit is waarom ons die ommeswaai van hierdie ondernemings n regeringsprioriteit gemaak het \u2013 om korrupsie met wortel en tak uit te roei, hul bestuur te verbeter en hul in staat te stel om hul nodige rol te speel om ekonomiese groei en werkskepping aan te spoor.\n","eng":"that is why we have made it a priority of this government to turn these companies around to root out corruption, improve their governance and enable them to play the role they should in driving economic growth and employment creation.\n","score":0.8868675} -{"afr":"ons het ook vir die eerste keer sedert 2014, n lys van kritiese vaardighede bygewerk en gepubliseer.\n","eng":"we have published an updated critical skills list, also for the first time since 2014. these are just some examples where, by focusing effort and attention on a limited number of priority reforms, this administration has been able to drive progress.\n","score":0.6775472} -{"afr":"die brics se samewerkingsplat form vir energienavorsing sal baie nuttig wees soos ons poog om ons energiehulp bronne te diversifiseer.\n","eng":"the brics energy research cooperation platform will be valuable as we move to diversify our energy sources.\n","score":0.8199725} -{"afr":"een van die nugentkommissie se aanbevelings was dat said sy kapasiteit om onwettige handel te monitor en te ondersoek, herinstel.\n","eng":"one of the recommendations of the nugent commission was that sars reestablish capacity to monitor and investigate illicit trades.\n","score":0.83662844} -{"afr":"as daar bevind word dat daar enige waarheid in hierdie bewerings steek, sal ons baie streng teen die betrokke individue optree.\n","eng":"if there is found to be substance to these allegations we will deal with the individuals concerned harshly.\n","score":0.78861904} -{"afr":"volgens childline south africa, \u2019n niewinsgewen de organisasie wat kinders teen alle vorms van geweld beskerm en \u2019n kultuur van kinderregte in suidafrika skep, moet ouers op \u2019n posi tiewe manier met hul kinders kommunikeer.\n","eng":"child abuse, recognise the signs allison cooper if you suspect a child is being abusedyou have a legal obligation to report it to the south afri can police services\u2019 fami ly violence, child protec tion and sexual offences unit.\n","score":0.7809563} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 ingrypings sal daartoe bydra om die felheid en die frekwensie van beurtkrag te verminder terwyl ons die land se energievoorraad verhoog deur bykomende, nuwe krag tot die energie stelsel te bekom.\n","eng":"these interventions will help to reduce the severity and frequency of load shedding as we are bringing new power onto the grid over the medium term to increase energy supply.\n","score":0.7769676} -{"afr":"pas jou begroting aan, soos nodig maak die nodige aanpassings op jou begroting, verhoog jou spaargeld en verminder jou besteding, namate jy jou bestedingsgewoontes naspoor.\n","eng":"adjust your budget as needed as you track your spending habits, make necessary adjustments to your budget, increase your savings and decrease your spend ing.\n","score":0.8707001} -{"afr":"sulke diagnoses was in die verlede dikwels as n doods vonnis beskou, maar vandag kan bloedstamseloorplan tings as lewensreddende behandeling dien aangesien dit die persoon se defektiewe stamselle met gesonde stam selle vervang.\n","eng":"in the past, this diagnosis was often fatal.\n","score":0.6043062} -{"afr":"die oplossing word hier openlik nagestreef deur die blanke man se leidende hand te behou.\n","eng":"here the solution is openly sought by retaining the white man\u2019s guiding hand.\n","score":0.84598935} -{"afr":"ons taak is om die impak van hierdie werk uit te brei en te versterk.\n","eng":"our task now is to expand and deepen the impact of this work.\n","score":0.86328757} -{"afr":"dit ondersteun ook die ekonomie se herstel op belangrike maniere.\n","eng":"it also supports economic recovery in important ways.\n","score":0.86239326} -{"afr":"behandeling van 'n ektopiese swangerskap\"sodra n ektopiese swan gerskap gediagnoseer is, moet dit behandel word om te voorkom dat dit verder groei, want die vrou se lewe is in gevaar as die behandeling vertraag word,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, a blood or urine pregnancy test is done to confirm that the woman is pregnant.\n","score":0.7121911} -{"afr":"volgens statistieke suidafrika (stats sa), het kos en niealkoholiese drinkgoed (nab) 8.6% meer gekos in junie vanjaar as in junie 2021. stats sa het ges\u00ea dat voedselprodukte wat die grootste toename in prys getoon het, brood en graankos (wat mieliemeel insluit), vleis en olie en vette is \u2013 wat stapelvoedsel in die meeste huishoudings is.\n","eng":"according to statistics south africa (stats sa), food and nonalcoholic beverages (nab) cost 8.6% more in june this year than they did in june 2021. stats sa said the food products that have increased the most are bread and cere als (which includes maize meal), meat and oils and fats \u2013 all of which are staple foods in many households.\n","score":0.9355084} -{"afr":"dit het drastiese beperkings op mense se daaglikse lewens behels en n ernstige impak op die chinese ekonomie gehad.\n","eng":"it involved drastic restrictions on daily life and is having a severe impact on the chinese economy.\n","score":0.86658585} -{"afr":"ek het vir hom ges\u00ea om die mense te kontak wat my versorg het \u2014 dit is hoe om beter te word.\n","eng":"i told him to contact the people who cared for me \u2013 that is the way to get better.\n","score":0.86779904} -{"afr":"ons het, as die regering, dit op ons geneem om die standaard van versorging te verhoog en hulpbronne vir vkosentrums beskikbaar te maak om geskikte aktiwiteite vir jong kinders aan te bied om hulle vir formele onderrig voor te berei.\n","eng":"as government, we have taken up the task to improve the standards of care and make resources available for ecd centres to run suitable activities for young children to prepare them for formal education.\n","score":0.8536633} -{"afr":"die nuwe wet op kri minele en verwante sake beskerm die weerloses teen sekond\u00eare viktimisering deur die howe toe te laat om n tussenpersoon aan te stel deur wie n minderjarige, n persoon met gestremdhede of n bejaarde persoon ondervra kan word tydens hofverrigtinge.\n","eng":"the new criminal and related matters amendment act protects the vulnerable from secondary victimisation by allowing courts to appoint intermediaries through which a minor, a disabled person or an elderly person can be examined in proceedings.\n","score":0.8347563} -{"afr":"laasjaar is meer as 200 werknemers opgelei as inligtingsbeamptes en inleiers.\n","eng":"last year more than 200 employees were trained as presiding officers and initiators.\n","score":0.766842} -{"afr":"pluimveemeester planmhlabane het hulp gehad om \u2019n suksesvolle boer te word.\n","eng":"poultry master planmhlabane had help in becom ing a successful farmer.\n","score":0.82896864} -{"afr":"dit sluit 'n nasionale loopbaannetwerk in wat kandidate met werksgeleenthede verbind wat by hulle vermo\u00ebns pas.\n","eng":"this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities.\n","score":0.7982391} -{"afr":"die nuwe eenheid het reeds in alle erns skouer aan die wiel begin sit en help om staatsamptenare te identifiseer wat betrokke is in sake wat met kovid19verkrygingsbedrog, asook bedrog rakende die spesiale kovid19toelaag en die werkloosheidsversekerings fonds, verband hou.\n","eng":"the new unit has already begun its work in earnest, helping to identify public servants involved in cases related to covid19 procurement, the special covid19 grant and unemployment insurance fund fraud.\n","score":0.8413993} -{"afr":"oopvlekkers is belangrike bewakers van ons demokra sie.\n","eng":"whistleblowers are important guardians of our democracy.\n","score":0.8514053} -{"afr":"dit is diegene wat hierdie kriminele dade aan die lig gebring het, wat weerstand gebied het, wat uitgepraat het en veldtogte begin het \u2014 sowel in die openbaar as agter die skerms \u2014 om staatskaping tot n einde te bring.\n","eng":"these are the people who unearthed these alleged criminal acts, who resisted, who spoke out and who took up campaigns \u2013 both public and behind the scenes \u2013 to end state capture.\n","score":0.85356104} -{"afr":"produksiegroephoof en voorsitter van bmw suidafrika, dr milan nedeljkovic, s\u00ea dat n totaal van 4 000 mense in suidafrika direk deur die bmwgroep in diens geneem word, insluitend vier uit vyf bestuurders wat plaaslik is.\n","eng":"group head of production and chairman of bmw south africa, dr milan nedeljkovic, said 4 000 people in south africa are directly employed at bmw group, and four out of five managers are local.\n","score":0.92154884} -{"afr":"ons herstelpersentasie staan op 80 persent.\n","eng":"our recovery rate stands at 80 percent.\n","score":0.8136501} -{"afr":"sy wil ook een van suidafrika se staatmakerprodusente van plaashoenders en organiese groente wees.\n","eng":"she is also set on being one of south africa\u2019s trusted producers of freerange chickens and organic vegetables.\n","score":0.8238027} -{"afr":"dit sal die weg baan vir belegging in groter projekte op nutsskaal wat spoedig nuwe opwekkingskapasiteit tot die netwerk sal voeg.\n","eng":"this will pave the way for investment in larger, utilityscale projects that will rapidly add new generation capacity to the grid.\n","score":0.89357376} -{"afr":"hulle staan aan die voorpunt van die stryd teen di\u00e9 pandemie.\n","eng":"they are on the frontline of fighting this pandemic.\n","score":0.7957162} -{"afr":"sy raai ouers aan om basiese internetkontrolesagteware op hul kinders se toestelle te installeer om hul aktiwiteite te kontroleer.\n","eng":"she advises parents to install basic internet monitoring software on their children's devices to monitor their activities.\n","score":0.8636447} -{"afr":"dit is n samelewing geskoei op menswaardig heid, gelykheid, vryheid en niediskriminasie.\n","eng":"it is a society rooted in human dignity, equality, freedom and nondiscrimination.\n","score":0.8455051} -{"afr":"meer as 100 000 bestaansboere is op die eerste databasis van sy soort geregi streer, waar hulle toegang tot tegniese steun het.\n","eng":"more than 100 000 subsistence farmers are registered on the firstever database of its kind where they have access to technical support.\n","score":0.8971542} -{"afr":"burgerlike samelewingsor ganisasies wil byvoorbeeld dikwels weet hoe die regering dienste lewer, hoe dienste aan die begroting verbind is en of die nasionale, provinsiale of plaaslike regering vir spesifieke dienste verantwoordelik is.\n","eng":"for example, civil society organisations often want to know how government renders services, how services are connected to the budget and whether national, provincial or local government is responsible for specific services.\n","score":0.89148736} -{"afr":"hierdie inisiatief is daarop gerig om veranderinge te bewerkstellig en \u2019n grootskaalse uitwerking te h\u00ea, in teenstelling met gefragmenteerde programme wat \u2019n beperkte uitwerking het.\n","eng":"this initiative is designed to effect change and make an impact at scale, as opposed to fragmented programmes that have had limited impact.\n","score":0.8570648} -{"afr":"ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan emazulwini verskaf werk aan vier mense en molefe het planne om haar besigheid uit te brei.\n","eng":"economic reconstruction and recovery plan emazulwini employs four people and molefe has plans to grow her business.\n","score":0.9000845} -{"afr":"die eerste stel ventilators sal aan staatshospitale voorsien word wat onder druk is weens die tekort aan toerusting om covid19 te hanteer.\n","eng":"the first batch of ventilators will be given to state hospitals experiencing pressure due to the unavailability of equipment to deal with covid19.\n","score":0.88982904} -{"afr":"ouer kinders kan n meer breedvoerige verduideliking met meer besonderhede verstaan.\n","eng":"older children should be given a more comprehensive explanation.\n","score":0.76029} -{"afr":"die gebruik van nuwe tegnologie\u00eb in die aanbieding van werksgeleenthede, het werwing baie makliker, vinniger en meer deursigtig gemaak.\n","eng":"the use of new technologies in offering employment opportunities has made recruitment much easier, quicker and more transparent.\n","score":0.82921875} -{"afr":"sy voeg by dat ralo n vraghouer van telkom gere\u00ebl het om as ekstra klaskamer te dien.\n","eng":"she adds that ralo went on to organise a container from telkom and it was used as an additional classroom.\n","score":0.83814013} -{"afr":"daar is baie verhale van ondernemings wat die afgelope jaar danksy die steun wat hulle van die wvf ontvang het hul deure kon oophou.\n","eng":"there are many stories of companies that have been able to stay afloat over the past year because of the support they received from the uif.\n","score":0.7953229} -{"afr":"gov.\n","eng":"gov.\n","score":1.0} -{"afr":"die vervuiling van kuierplekke en drankwinkels wat die wet openlik tart toon duidelik hoe die owerhede daarin faal om regulasies af te dwing.\n","eng":"the proliferation of establishments openly flouting the law points to failings on the part of authorities to enforce regulations.\n","score":0.7788055} -{"afr":"na my tweede besoek aan die stad sedert die oorstro mings plaasgevind het, is ek oortuig dat die besorgdheid misplaas was.\n","eng":"having paid my second visit to the city since the floods, i am clear that this concern was misplaced.\n","score":0.8181815} -{"afr":"dit sal ruimte skep vir eskom om belangrike instandhouding te onderneem en die betroubaarheid van sy vloot te verhoog.\n","eng":"this will create space for eskom to undertake critical maintenance and increase the reliability of its fleet.\n","score":0.8828757} -{"afr":"die moord op babita deoka ran, n senior finansiesbeampte in die gautengse departement van gesondheid, beklemtoon weereens w\u00e1t alles op die spel geplaas word in ons gesa mentlike poging om hierdie kanker uit ons samelewing te sny.\n","eng":"the murder of babita deokaran, a senior finance official in the gauteng health department, is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society.\n","score":0.8867339} -{"afr":"ldraai potte se hand vatsels weg van die voorkant van die stoof af.\n","eng":"turn pot handles away from the front of the stove.\n","score":0.75622725} -{"afr":"deur hierdie wetsontwerpe in te dien, kom ons die belofte wat ons verlede jaar aan die betogers en alle vroue in die land gemaak het, na.\n","eng":"through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country.\n","score":0.9072697} -{"afr":"onthullers wat sake via die sdkblitslyn rapporteer, word daarvan verseker dat hulle beskerm sal word as hulle verkies om naamloos te bly, s\u00ea seloane.\n","eng":"whistleblowers who report cases to the psc hotline are assured protection if they want to remain anonymous, says seloane.\n","score":0.8409635} -{"afr":"in konteks gesien, kom 41% van die w\u00eareldbevolking in die bricslande voor en sorg di\u00e9 lande vir 24% van die glo bale bbp en vir ongeveer 16% van w\u00eareldwye handel.\n","eng":"put into context, brics countries comprise roughly 41% of the world\u2019s population and account for around 24% of global gdp and some 16% of global trade.\n","score":0.8973043} -{"afr":"burgerlike aktivisme, bewusmaking en portuurberading wat deur die jeug gelei word, is kernbelangrike hulpbronne in ons poging om geslagsgebaseerde geweld in ons samelewing uit te roei.\n","eng":"youthled civic activism, awareness raising and peer counselling are vital tools in our efforts to eradicate genderbased violence from society.\n","score":0.8691041} -{"afr":"\"ons eerste formele opleidingsfasiliteit in bmw sa het sy deure in 1978 geopen en sedertdien het meer as 2 000 mense opleiding deur bmw ondergaan en werk by bmw gekry.\n","eng":"\"our first formal training facility in bmw sa opened its doors in 1978 and since then, more than 2 000 have gone through training with bmw and received jobs at bmw,\" nedeljkovic said.\n","score":0.89805734} -{"afr":"die dbo het gereageer deur vanjaar n vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram te loods wat gerig sal wees op ongeveer 3,4 miljoen jongmense wat nie werk, onderrig of opleiding het nie.\n","eng":"in response, the dbe is launching a skills development programme this year that will target about 3.4 million young people who are not in employment, education or training.\n","score":0.8504185} -{"afr":"eskom is besig om dringende maatre\u00ebls te implementeer om die dienslewering van die onderskeie kragstasies te verbeter, wat die prioriteit is totdat nuwegenerasie energieprojekte op die been gebring word.\n","eng":"eskom is urgently implementing measures to improve plant performance, which is a priority until new generation power projects are brought online.\n","score":0.8812469} -{"afr":"waarskuwingstekens van ontwatering sommige van die vroe\u00eb waarskuwingstekens van ontwatering sluit in: dors en lighoofdigheid.\n","eng":"dehydration warning signssome of the early warning signs of dehydration include: feeling thirsty and lightheaded.\n","score":0.8000463} -{"afr":"vroe\u00eb kinderontwikkeling hou die sleutel tot ons toekoms vukuzenzele unnamed daar is min presi densi\u00eble pligte wat so bevredigend is as om die oggend in die geselskap van klein kindertjies deur te bring.\n","eng":"early childhood development holds the key to our future vukuzenzele unnamed there are few pre sidential activities more fulfilling than spending a morning in the company of small children.\n","score":0.81585085} -{"afr":"hy s\u00ea dat daar van die lan delike onderwysassistente verwag word om die las van onderwysers by landelike skole te verlig deur te help met samewerkende kurri kul\u00eare aktiwiteite soos die ko\u00f6rdinering van huiswerk klubs, wiskundeklubs, lees klubs, kreatiewe kunsklubs en landbouprojekte.\n","eng":"part of his job is to liaise with stakeholders including pilots, airports management, air traffic controllers and the south african weather services in order for him to design efficient flight procedures.\n","score":0.7057621} -{"afr":"sy is een van die talle opkomende boere wat voor deel trek uit die pluimvee meesterplan wat ontwikkel is deur die regering en be langhebbendes in die bedryf, insluitend pluimveeprodu sente, boere, verwerkers, uitvoerders, invoerders en georganiseerde arbeid.\n","eng":"she is one of the many emerging farmers benefitting from the poultry master plan, which was developed by government and industry stake holders, including poultry producers, farmers, processors, exporters, importers and organised labour.\n","score":0.9157284} -{"afr":"l dink verskonings uit om nie skool toe te gaan nie.\n","eng":"making up excuses not to go to school.\n","score":0.8485443} -{"afr":"n noodsaaklike diensdie kgg het regdeur die in perkingstyd as 'n noodsaak like diens gefunksioneer.\n","eng":"an essential servicethe commission has been functioning throughout lockdown as an essential service.\n","score":0.63992834} -{"afr":"die senior staatsaanklaer of hofvoorbereidingsbestuurder sal dan n geskikte hofvoorbereidingsbeampte aanwys om te help.\n","eng":"the senior public prosecutor or court preparation manager will then identify an appropriate court preparation officer to assist.\n","score":0.8425654} -{"afr":"\"n onmiddelike taak is om behuising te verskaf aan die mense wat deur die vloede dakloos gelaat is en voorbereiding is onderweg om tydelike behuisingseenhede te verskaf,\" het president ramaphosa ges\u00ea.\n","eng":"\"an immediate task is to house those people who have been displaced by the floods and preparations are underway to provide temporary residential units,\" said president ramaphosa.\n","score":0.89464295} -{"afr":"die departement van toerisme, die privaatsektor en ander belanghebbendes het saamgespan om die toerismesektorherstelplan saam te stel, wat sal help om strategiese vennootskappe tussen die regering en die bedryf te vestig om beter besoekerservaringe daar te stel.\n","eng":"the department of tourism, the private sector and other stakeholders collaborated to develop the tourism sector recovery plan, which will help form strategic partnerships between government and industry to ensure improved visitor experiences.\n","score":0.9020238} -{"afr":"sy raai vroulike aspirantboere aan om klein te begin en om nie vir regeringsteun te wag nie.\n","eng":"she advises aspiring female farmers to start small and not wait for government support.\n","score":0.84544826} -{"afr":"dit is hoe die idee van braaihoenders ontstaan het.\n","eng":"that is how the idea of the broilers came about.\n","score":0.8772211} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 regering het meer onlangs en in reaksie op die verwoestende ekonomiese impak van die kovid19pandemie, toesig oor die mees beduidende verbreding van staatsindiensname in ons land se geskiedenis gehou.\n","eng":"more recently, in response to the devastating economic impact of the covid19 pandemic, this government has overseen the most significant expansion of public employment in our country\u2019s history.\n","score":0.85222197} -{"afr":"waterbesparing in jou huis of besigheid draai die kraan toe tussen die kere wat jy jou gesig was, jou tande borsel of skeer.\n","eng":"saving water in your home or business turn the tap off\u00ac between washing your face, brushing your teeth or shaving.\n","score":0.8839891} -{"afr":"dit het my aangespoor om vir hulle te wys dat ek dit wel kon doen, nie net vir myself nie, maar ook vir al die vroue van suidafrika.\"\n","eng":"this pushed me to show them that i can actually do it, not only for myself but for the rest of the women in south africa.\n","score":0.8744445} -{"afr":"daar word ook tans werk gedoen om n nasionale waterhulpbroninfrastruk tuuragentskap op die been te bring wat beter bestuur van ons nasionale waterhulpbronne sal verseker.\n","eng":"work is also underway to establish a national water resources infrastructure agency that will ensure better management of our national water resources.\n","score":0.85169303} -{"afr":"verder kan die aan soekers ook die proses onder breek (pause) en op n latere stadium voortgaan sonder om weer van voor af te begin \u2013 iets wat nie voorheen moontlik was nie,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"additionally, applicants can pause the process and continue at a later stage without restarting from scratch, something that was not possible in previous cycles, he says.\n","score":0.85777164} -{"afr":"moet ek nog 'n covid19toets doen om te bewys dat ek negatief is voordat ek kan terugkeer werk toe?\n","eng":"do i have to have another covid19 test, proving that i am negative, before i return to work?\n","score":0.919675} -{"afr":"org.\n","eng":"org.\n","score":1.0000002} -{"afr":"om honger te verlig, is nie 'n daad van barmhartigheid nie.\n","eng":"alleviating hunger is not an act of charity.\n","score":0.86336255} -{"afr":"dit is tot n einde gebring deur die gesamentlike dade van suidafrikaners uit alle vlakke van die samelewing wat op verskeie terreine saamgewerk het om die waardes van ons grondwetlike demokrasie te herstel en die onus rus op ons almal om te verseker dat hierdie praktyke nooit weer herhaal sal word nie.\n","eng":"it was brought to an end by the concerted actions of south africans from all walks of life, working in various areas to restore the values of our constitutional democracy.\n","score":0.7836538} -{"afr":"hy het n gekombineerde program om belastingmoraliteit en voldoening te bevorder.\n","eng":"it has a concerted programme to promote tax morality and compliance.\n","score":0.86921275} -{"afr":"\"sodra misbruik aangemeld word, word daar n ondersoek geloods.\n","eng":"\"as soon as misuse is reported, an investigation is undertaken.\n","score":0.697243} -{"afr":"die presidensi\u00eble werkskep pingstimulusplan, wat reeds meer as 850 000 indiensnemingsgeleenthede ondersteun het, sal opgeskerp word.\n","eng":"the presidential employment stimulus programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up.\n","score":0.85383433} -{"afr":"die wreedheid en vernietigende gevolge van kuber afknouery onder kinders is die afgelope maande weereens blootgel\u00ea.\n","eng":"in a recent case of cyberbullying, grade 10 learner lufuno mavhunga, from mbilwi secondary school in limpopo, died by suicide after being beaten by another learner.\n","score":0.6469772} -{"afr":"die prys van brandstof, wat omtrent alle ander produkte be\u00efnvloed, het in die twaalf maande tot maart 2022 met n derde gestyg.\n","eng":"the price of fuel, which affects the price of almost everything else, has risen by a third in the twelve months to march 2022. south africa is not alone in this regard.\n","score":0.79668987} -{"afr":"ek het geweet dat ek net een klererekening en geen ander skuld het nie, so ek het vir n afskrif van my profiel gevra,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"i knew i only had one clothing account and no other debt, so i asked for a printout of my profile,\" he says.\n","score":0.92815304} -{"afr":"na 'n lang en moeilike winter behoort die begin van 'n nuwe sei soen ons met optimisme te vervul.\n","eng":"after a long and difficult winter, the beginning of a new season should fill us with optimism.\n","score":0.8891865} -{"afr":"ons het ook bykomende verpleegkundiges, dokters en noodgesondheidspersoneel gewerf en werf steeds meer.\n","eng":"we have recruited and continue to recruit additional nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel.\n","score":0.8296454} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 vertroue wat ek het, is te danke aan die mense van suidafrika.\n","eng":"my confidence comes from the south african people.\n","score":0.7384237} -{"afr":"slegs 10% van die 78 000 geregistreerde skenk ers in die land is, volgens die register, swartmense, met 9.9% indi\u00ebrs\/asi\u00ebrs en 67% blankes.\n","eng":"according to the registry, only 10% of the 78 000 registered donors are black, while 9.9% are indian\/asian and 67% are white.\n","score":0.87732553} -{"afr":"een van die eerste stappe wat ek in 2018 geneem het, was om die verkrygingsprogram vir hernubare energie weer op die been te bring.\n","eng":"one of the first steps i took in 2018 was to revive the renewable energy procurement programme.\n","score":0.8468386} -{"afr":"staatsfinansies is erg onder druk, nou meer as ooit vantevore, weens die koste van ons gesondheidsaksieplan met betrekking tot kovid19 en die maatskaplike en ekonomiese verligtingsmaatre\u00ebls wat ons in plek gestel het om besighede en armoedige huishoudings te steun.\n","eng":"public finances are under extreme strain, now even more so because of the cost of our health response to covid19 and the social and economic relief measures we put in place to assist businesses and poor households.\n","score":0.8784455} -{"afr":"soos ek vir die joernalis ges\u00ea het, elke suidafrikaner het die reg om die howe te nader en selfs ek, as president, kan nooit in die pad staan van enigiemand wat daardie reg uitoefen nie.\n","eng":"as i told the journalist, every south african has a right to approach the courts and even i, as president, could never stand in the way of anybody exercising that right.\n","score":0.86663365} -{"afr":"n testament is slegs geldig indien dit opgestel is deur n persoon van 16 jaar of ouer en moet voorts ook aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: dit moet geskrewe wees, en jou handtekening moet op elke bladsy asook aan die einde van die doku ment verskyn.\n","eng":"a will is only valid when made by a person 16 years or older, and must meet the following requirements: it must be in writing, and your signature must appear on every page and at the end.\n","score":0.8854689} -{"afr":"ons moet verseker dat ons kinders in n veilige, versorgende en stimulerende omgewing kan grootword; ons moet ook besef dat dit ons plig is om almal wat ons ken en die mense met wie ons omgaan, te beskerm en versorg.\n","eng":"just as we need to ensure that children are able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, so too must we feel a duty to protect and care for all those who we know and interact with.\n","score":0.87670964} -{"afr":"dit is om hierdie rede dat daar geen groot belastingverhogings is nie, ondanks die fiskale tekort.\n","eng":"it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases.\n","score":0.8261074} -{"afr":"saam kan ons die impak van covid19 beveg vukuzenzele unnamed die w\u00eareld is in die wurggreep van 'n noodsituasie vir openbare gesondheid op 'n skaal wat meer as 'n eeu laas beleef is.\n","eng":"together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century.\n","score":0.8690712} -{"afr":"met behulp van n vredes forum wat deur die suid afrikaanse polisiediens op die been gebring is, in vennootskap met gemeenskapsleiers, het die gemeenskappe byeen gekom om diegene te ondersteun wat deur die onrus geraak is en om gesprekskanale te skep.\n","eng":"aided by a peace forum established by the south african police service in partnership with community leaders, the communities have come together to support those affected by the unrest and to open channels of dialogue.\n","score":0.83206135} -{"afr":"ons is dank verskuldig aan suidafrika se hardwerkende en volhardende joernaliste.\n","eng":"we owe a debt of gratitude to south africa\u2019s hardworking and tenacious journalists.\n","score":0.7685064} -{"afr":"groot byeenkomste, hetsy godsdienstig of andersins, het die potensiaal om die virus te versprei ongeag die toepassing van maatre\u00ebls oor sosiale afstand en ontsmet ting.\n","eng":"large gatherings, whether religious or otherwise, have the potential to spread the virus, despite the application of measures around social distancing and sanitising.\n","score":0.8427716} -{"afr":"dit gebeur veral onder die sogenaamde generasie z, die jong mense wat tussen 1997 en 2015 gebore is.\n","eng":"this is particularly so among the socalled generation z, or young people born between 1997 and 2015. the 2019\/2020 south african social attitudes survey published by the human sciences research council found that close to 40% of generation z has not heard of the historical events of june 16th.\n","score":0.69562125} -{"afr":"daarbenewens beskadig sigaretrook bykans elke orgaan in die liggaam en verminder in die algemeen die liggaam se vermo\u00eb om siektes te bestry.\n","eng":"in addition to this, cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and generally reduces the body\u2019s ability to fight diseases.\n","score":0.83585757} -{"afr":"hoekom is die entstof so belangrik?\n","eng":"why is the vaccine so important?\n","score":0.83028126} -{"afr":"a: n swanger vrou is meer geneig om siek te raak van kovid19.\n","eng":"a: a pregnant woman is more likely to get ill from covid19.\n","score":0.88809574} -{"afr":"ons sal werksgeleenthede wat direk befonds word en bestaansondersteuningsingrypings beskerm en skep, terwyl ons arbeidsmark n\u00e1 die koronaviruspandemie herstel.\n","eng":"we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.\n","score":0.85388494} -{"afr":"daar is al inhegtenisnames uitgevoer en diegene wat verantwoordelik is, sal met die volle mag van die reg te doen kry.\n","eng":"there have been arrests and those responsible will face the full might of the law.\n","score":0.75743175} -{"afr":"\"onderrigfooie is baie hoog.\n","eng":"\"tuition fees are very expensive.\n","score":0.71601903} -{"afr":"die modules sluit opleiding in oor wat n maatskappy en n direkteur is, oor wie die sleu telpersone in n maatskappy is, die verantwoordelikhede van n direkteur, persoonlike finansi\u00eble belange en n konflik van belange, vergoeding van direkteure en versprei dings, en die raad van direk teure.\n","eng":"the modules include training on what a company and a director is, key persons in a company, responsibilities of a director, personal financial interests and conflict of interest, re muneration of directors and distributions and the board of directors.\n","score":0.8956234} -{"afr":"\"ek was gelukkig genoeg om in my finale jaar n werk by fourways dierehospitaal te kry.\n","eng":"\"i was lucky enough to secure a job at fourways veterinary hospital during my final year.\n","score":0.88959706} -{"afr":"die verbetering van ons land se voedselsekerheid is noodsaaklik om die huidige en toekomstige skokke die hoof te bied.\n","eng":"improving our nation\u2019s food security is vital to withstanding this and future shocks.\n","score":0.85826} -{"afr":"hulle is ingelig dat 21 van hul kinders dood gevind is in n taverne.\n","eng":"they were told that 21 of their children had been found dead, in a tavern.\n","score":0.8547095} -{"afr":"die werklikheid is egter dat, alhoewel beurtkrag blyk erger te word, ons reeds verskeie belangrike stappe geneem het om die tekort aan elektrisiteitstoevoer aan te spreek.\n","eng":"yet, while load shedding appears to worsen, the reality is that we have already taken several important actions to address the shortfall in electricity supply.\n","score":0.79417115} -{"afr":"met verwysing na die toename in verkragting en seksuele aanranding, het hulle verduidelik hoe hulle as vroue voortdurend in vrees leef en dat hulle hul vertroue in die gereg verloor het.\n","eng":"pointing to an increase in rape and sexual assault, they wrote that as women they continue to live in fear; they are losing their faith in the law.\n","score":0.8895} -{"afr":"hy voeg by dat daar genoeg bewerkbare grond is om miljoene florerende kleinskaalse pluimvee, vee, vrugteen groente boere te ondersteun.\n","eng":"he added that there is enough arable land to support millions of thriving smallscale farmers in poultry, livestock, fruit and vegetables.\n","score":0.8953984} -{"afr":"covid19 het al die lande op die kontinent geaffekteer.\n","eng":"covid19 has affected all the countries on the continent.\n","score":0.90602547} -{"afr":"een sterfte is ook in die ooskaap aangeteken.\n","eng":"one death has also been reported in the eastern cape.\n","score":0.7382884} -{"afr":"die siekte se simptome is soortge lyk aan di\u00e9 van griep en legionnaires se siekte.\n","eng":"the disease presents itself with flu like symptoms and legionnaires.\n","score":0.82636905} -{"afr":"dit sluit in voorverhoorverslae oor die wenslikheid daarvan om die beskuldigde op borgtog vry te laat, dreigemente van geweld teen n oorlewende en die oorlewende se opinie oor haar of sy veiligheid.\n","eng":"they include pretrial reports on the desirability of releasing an accused on bail, threats of violence made against a survivor, and the view of the survivor regarding his or her safety.\n","score":0.7964197} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 syfers toon terselfdertyd dat die prioriteitsgebiede van die ekonomiese herbouen herstelplan \u2014 soos massa indiensname in die staatsdiens, ekonomiese hervorming en infra struktuurontwikkeling \u2014 n impak op werkskepping het.\n","eng":"at the same time, these figures indicate that the priority areas of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan \u2013 such as mass public employment, economic reform and infrastructure development \u2013 are having an impact on job creation.\n","score":0.8401397} -{"afr":"mense met ho\u00eb bloeddruk, diabetes en kroniese niersiekte is onder diegene met die mees algemene onderliggende siektetoestande van covid19, volgens die departement van gesondheid.\n","eng":"according to the western cape department of health, people with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidity sufferers of covid19.\n","score":0.81318367} -{"afr":"volgens die suidafrikaanse depressieen angsgroep (sadag) word daar daagliks 23 selfmoordgevalle en 230 ernstige selfmoordpogings in suidafrika aangeteken.\n","eng":"according to the south african depression and anxiety group (sadag), there are 23 suicides and 230 serious suicide attempts recorded in south africa daily.\n","score":0.9098517} -{"afr":"mashego het in 2016 ma trikuleer en was een van die toppresteerders in sy klas, maar het nie geld gehad om vir verdere studies te betaal nie.\n","eng":"mashego matriculated in 2016 and was a top learner in his class, but had no means to pay for his studies.\n","score":0.9060409} -{"afr":"behalwe om die plaaslike vervaardiging van voedselproduksie n hupstoot te gee, help ons ook die armes teen prysstygings beskerm deur ons omvattende maatskaplike toelaagstelsel en die nulgradering van basiese goedere.\n","eng":"in addition to boosting local food production, our extensive social grants system and zerorating of basic goods helps to protect the poor from rising costs.\n","score":0.80762863} -{"afr":"\"indien n werkgewer uitvind dat die naam van n werknemer op die register voorkom, moet die werkgewer die werkne mer na n ander posisie skuif waar hy nie meer in kontak sal kan kom met n kind of n vol wassene met n intellektuele gestremdheid nie,\" s\u00ea matjila.\n","eng":"\"if an employer finds out that the name of an employee appears on the register, the employer must move that employee to another post that will not bring him or her in contact with a child or an adult with an intellectual disability,\" says matjila.\n","score":0.8955782} -{"afr":"die jeug is ons grootste bate vukuzenzele unnamed op 16 junie 1976 het die jeug van so weto en ander dele van die land opge staan teen die gru wel van bantoe onderwys.\n","eng":"the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education.\n","score":0.8938376} -{"afr":"dr. zulu hoop om elke jaar meer as 1 000 vrouens regoor die land in boerdery op te lei.\n","eng":"dr zulu has hopes of training more than 1 000 women in farming across the country each year.\n","score":0.8679955} -{"afr":"\"beskerm die persoon teen besering deur die voorwerpe rondom hulle te verwyder en hul kop te steun.\n","eng":"\"protect the person from injury by moving objects away and cushioning their head.\n","score":0.79283667} -{"afr":"\"ons leerders se gesindheid en selfvertroue het reeds verbeter danksy die nuwe infrastruktuur.\n","eng":"\"our learners\u2019 attitudes and selfconfidence have already improved due to the new infrastructure.\n","score":0.85422325} -{"afr":"ek doen 'n beroep op elkeen om waaksaam te bly, om steeds die regulasies na te kom, om veilig te bly en om ander veilig te hou.\n","eng":"i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe.\n","score":0.8667263} -{"afr":"alhoewel die kommissie se voorsitter, adjunkhoofregter, raymond zondo, ges\u00ea het dat dit nodig mag wees dat daar nog n paar persone se getuienis aangehoor word, is die kommissie se werk nou een tree nader aan voltooiing.\n","eng":"while the commission\u2019s chairperson, deputy chief justice raymond zondo has said it may be necessary for a few more witnesses to testify, the work of the commission is now one step closer to completion.\n","score":0.893976} -{"afr":"dit is ook vanselfsprekend dat mense wat n inkomste vanaf die staat ontvang, nie in aan merking kom om vir hierdie toelaag aansoek te doen nie.\n","eng":"it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply.\n","score":0.7531302} -{"afr":"ons moet n ekonomiese herstelpunt bereik wat vinnig en inklusief is.\n","eng":"we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive.\n","score":0.9049071} -{"afr":"\"vandag was vir my die beste dag op kantoor; om die grond en stof te skop en julle opbrengste te sien,\" het hy ges\u00ea.\n","eng":"\"for me, today has been the best day in the office; to kick the soil and dust and see your produce.\n","score":0.8621099} -{"afr":"sy het ook daarteen gewaarsku dat mense video\u2019s of foto\u2019s van kinderpornografie aanlyn deel.\n","eng":"she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online.\n","score":0.8607725} -{"afr":"sy is nou die eerste lid van haar gesin wat n graad verwerf het.\n","eng":"she is now the first member of her family to obtain a degree.\n","score":0.79013586} -{"afr":"in di\u00e9 verband het bright hlongwane van youth in business south africa vir my ges\u00ea daar moet meer geld vir jong entrepreneurs beskikbaar gestel word.\n","eng":"as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs.\n","score":0.8934648} -{"afr":"die wattemonster vanuit n potensi\u00eble skenker se mond word getoets en hul beson derhede word gestoor sodat hulle gekontak kan word indien hulle as n gepaste skenker vir iemand wat stam selle benodig, ge\u00efdentifiseer word.\n","eng":"the sample taken from a potential donor\u2019s mouth is tested and their details are stored so that they can be contacted if they become a match for someone in need of stem cells.\n","score":0.8162291} -{"afr":"besoek www.\n","eng":"to make use of these services, visit www.\n","score":0.6750423} -{"afr":"daar word ges\u00ea dat vryheid nie gegee word nie, maar geneem word.\n","eng":"it is said that freedom is not given, but taken.\n","score":0.866305} -{"afr":"daar is mense soos ralph bouwers en mark nicholson, wat ontspanningsaktiwiteite vir jongmense in lavender hill in kaapstad re\u00ebl om te verhoed dat hulle na die bendew\u00eareld terugkeer.\n","eng":"there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism.\n","score":0.93116295} -{"afr":"die kgg speel ook n moni teringsrol in sake, insluitend verkragting en seksuele oor tredings, seksuele teistering en vrouemoord.\n","eng":"the commission also plays a monitoring role in cases, including rape and sexual offences, sexual harassment and femicide.\"\n","score":0.75971586} -{"afr":"'n groot deel van die bespa ring sal uit die vermindering van die koers waarteen ons loonrekening groei, spruit.\n","eng":"a large part of the savings will come from reducing the rate at which our wage bill grows.\n","score":0.82898545} -{"afr":"die strukturele her vormingsproses gaan voort om vordering aan te meld as steun vir ekonomiese groei en die lok van beleggings.\n","eng":"the structural reform process continues to register progress in support of economic growth and attracting investment.\n","score":0.8448687} -{"afr":"in \u2018n situasie waar n gebrek aan werksondervinding n groot struikelblok is om werk te kry, verskaf hierdie programme ho\u00ebgehaltewerksondervinding.\n","eng":"in a context where a lack of work experience is a major barrier to finding work, these programmes are providing highquality work experiences.\n","score":0.8790276} -{"afr":"kinders kan die teiken van aanlyn seksuele predatore word deur net n onskuldige internetsoektog te doen en op die verkeerde skakel te klik.\n","eng":"children can become the target of online sexual predators by just conducting an innocent internet search and clicking on the wrong link.\n","score":0.883993} -{"afr":"gereeld ruskanse uit die son neem as jy buite werk.\n","eng":"take regular breaks from the sun if you work outside.\n","score":0.7168907} -{"afr":"ontsluiting van die ekonomiedie implementering van waarskuwingsvlak 3, wat aan die begin van junie in werking getree het, beteken dat die meeste ekonomiese sektore hul bedrywighede kon hervat, onderhewig aan die nakoming van streng gesondheidsprotokols en re\u00ebls oor sosiale afstand.\n","eng":"opening the economythe implementation of alert level 3 which started at the beginning of june, involved the return to operation of most sectors of the econo my, subject to observance of strict health protocols and social distancing rules.\n","score":0.91333735} -{"afr":"ons mag wel weer vriende en familie besoek, by kuierplekke bymekaar kom, reis vir ontspanning en alko hol in restaurante, kroe\u00eb en tavernes gebruik.\n","eng":"it may be that we are now permitted to meet friends and family, to visit entertainment venues, to travel for leisure and to consume alcohol in restaurants, bars and taverns.\n","score":0.8402907} -{"afr":"a: enigeen met n geskie denis van allergiese reaksies teenoor ander entstowwe of medikasie, behoort eers met hulle gesondheidspraktisyn te praat.\n","eng":"a: anyone with a history of allergic reactions to other vaccines or medicines should first speak to their health practitioner.\n","score":0.87343574} -{"afr":"die sinnelose en voort gesette israeliese bombarder ing van gaza sal verwoes tende gevolge vir die meer as twee miljoen mense h\u00ea wat vir die afgelope 14 jaar onder \u2019n onwettige israeliese blokkade ly.\n","eng":"the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years.\n","score":0.9050044} -{"afr":"die spesiale tribunaal is opgestel om regsgedinge te bespoedig.\n","eng":"the special tribunal was set up to speed up litigation.\n","score":0.7889072} -{"afr":"dit kan 'n reeds gespanne nasionale stemming vererger en die nasionale poging skade berokken.\n","eng":"this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort.\n","score":0.90590143} -{"afr":"die skole se bestuur, onderwysers en ander belanghebbendes stem almal saam dat die bydrae van hierdie skoolassistente die leeromgewing in hierdie skole verbeter het.\n","eng":"school management, teachers and other stakeholders all agree that the contribution of the school assistants has improved the learning environment in schools.\n","score":0.8541328} -{"afr":"tussen 1994 en maart 2018, het die staat deur die grondhervormingsprogram 8,4 mil joen hektaar grond aan voor heen benadeelde individue gelewer.\n","eng":"between 1994 and march 2018 the state has delivered 8,4 million hectares of land to previously disadvantaged individuals under the land reform programme.\n","score":0.84472626} -{"afr":"dit is hierdie opvattings wat die onderdrukking van vroue in staat stel.\n","eng":"it is these attitudes that enable the oppression of women.\n","score":0.9057847} -{"afr":"ons besef dat baie gemeenskappe gefrustreerd is deur die skynbare onvermo\u00eb van die polisie om met misdadigers af te reken.\n","eng":"we acknowledge many communities are frustrated by the apparent inability of the police to deal with criminals.\n","score":0.85449064} -{"afr":"die prioriteite wat ons vir ons termyn gestel het, waaronder die uitbreiding van vrede en sekuriteit, die ekonomiese bemagtiging van vroue en \u2019n verdieping van ekonomiese integrasie, moes onmiddellik en ingrypend aangepas word om ons op die pandemie toe te spits.\n","eng":"the priorities we outlined for our term, among them furthering peace and security, the economic empowerment of women and deepening economic integration, had to be immediately and dramatically reoriented to deal with the pandemic.\n","score":0.9017185} -{"afr":"te midde van so 'n pandemie, kan mense se optrede soos om in 'n taxi te klim sonder 'n gesigmasker; saam met vriende te kuier; partytjies by te woon of selfs familie te besoek, die virus maklik laat versprei en lewens in gevaar stel.\n","eng":"in the midst of such a pandemic, getting into a taxi without a face mask, gathering to meet friends, attending parties or even visiting family, can too easily spread the virus and cost lives.\n","score":0.87581134} -{"afr":"toegang tot grond die regering gaan voort met grondhervorming en verwag vanjaar die goedkeuring van die wets ontwerp op onteiening.\n","eng":"access to land government is moving ahead with land reform and anticipates the approval of the expropriation bill this year.\n","score":0.82622385} -{"afr":"operasie vulindlela het in die watersektor tegniese ondersteuning aan die departement van water en sanitasie verleen om n ommekeerplan vir die toestaan van watergebruiks lisensies te implementeer, met die teiken om 80% van alle aansoeke binne 90 dae te verwerk.\n","eng":"in the water sector, operation vulindlela has been providing technical support to the department of water and sanitation to implement a turnaround plan for the granting of water use licences, with a target to process 80% of all applications within 90 days.\n","score":0.8976062} -{"afr":"die groep is opgedeel in taakspanne en werk saam met die hospitaalpersoneel in skofte wat deur die behoefte aan versorging by die fasiliteit bepaal word.\n","eng":"the group is divided into task teams and work with the hospital staff in shifts, according to the demand at the facility.\n","score":0.82759225} -{"afr":"transnet beplan byvoorbeeld om later vanjaar n konsessie te adverteer om die nuwe pointterminaal te bou en te bestuur.\n","eng":"transnet is planning, for example, to advertise a concession later this year to build and operate the new point terminal.\n","score":0.85429335} -{"afr":"die beregter vir pensioenfondse is n interne dog onafhank like kantoor van die gepf.\n","eng":"the government employees pension ombud (gepo) is an internal but independent office of the gepf.\n","score":0.7450581} -{"afr":"die hof moet enige dreigemente wat teen die klaer gemaak is asook die klaer se sienspunt van hul eie veiligheid in berekening neem.\n","eng":"the court must consider any threats of violence made against the complainant and the complainant\u2019s view of their own safety.\n","score":0.703166} -{"afr":"elke besluit wat ons neem, berus op die strewe om die reg op lewe en waardigheid soos dit in ons grondwet uiteengesit word, te bevorder.\n","eng":"our every decision is informed by the need to advance the rights to life and dignity as set out in our constitution.\n","score":0.84648955} -{"afr":"die eerste is die wetsontwerp wat die wysigingswet op die strafreg (seksuele misdrywe en verwante aangeleenthede) wysig.\n","eng":"the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act.\n","score":0.7987702} -{"afr":"hulle moet in staat gestel word om hul eie besluite oor elke aspek van hulle lewens te maak, insluitend hulle seksualiteit en seksuele gedrag.\n","eng":"they need to be able to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives, including their sexuality and sexual behaviour.\n","score":0.9441273} -{"afr":"om die jongste landsburgers toe te rus met die gereedskap wat hulle nodig het om n sukses van die lewe te maak, is n verantwoordelikheid wat ons saam moet aanpak.\n","eng":"preparing our youngest citizens with the tools they need to succeed in life is a responsibility we must collectively shoulder.\n","score":0.83687806} -{"afr":"ander maatskaplike vennote soos sakelui behoort ook bystand te verleen in die vorm van borgskappe.\n","eng":"other social partners such as the business community should also assist with sponsorship.\n","score":0.724087} -{"afr":"ter versterking van di\u00e9 pogings om korrupsie te bekamp, het die staat wets toeppassingsagentskappe voorsien van vaardige personeel en n koalisiesentrum gevestig.\n","eng":"to strengthen efforts to curb corruption, the state has capacitated law enforcement agencies with skilled personnel, and established the fusion centre.\n","score":0.83102214} -{"afr":"daar is oorweldigende wetenskaplike bewyse dat inenting die beste verdedigingsmeganisme teen ern stige infeksies is.\n","eng":"there is overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccination is the best defence against serious infections.\n","score":0.8503895} -{"afr":"wees op jou hoede vir seksoortreders sphelele ngubane raadpleeg die nasionale register vir seksoortreders voordat jy personeel aanstel wat na kinders of mense met verstandelike gestremdhede, omsien.\n","eng":"beware of sex offenders sphelele ngubane consult the national register for sex offenders before hiring staff to care for children and those with intellectual disabilities.\n","score":0.83578634} -{"afr":"dit beteken dat nagenoeg 38% van die totale beleggingsver bintenisse \u2014 oftewel r290 miljard \u2014 tot op hede in die ekonomie ingestoot is.\n","eng":"this means that around 38% of the total investment commitments \u2013 or r290 billion \u2013 have to date flowed into the economy.\n","score":0.91758835} -{"afr":"dit sal leerders help om hul doelwitte te bereik en sperdatums te haal, terwyl dit hulle help om in beheer van hul studies te voel.\n","eng":"this will help learners meet their goals and deadlines, while helping them to feel in control of their studies.\n","score":0.8487988} -{"afr":"maar ons weet wel, uit die amptelike verslae en persoon like ervarings van mense, dat mense volgens rasseprofiel uitgesonder is by onwettige padblokkades, dat sommige mense uit hul motors geruk en geslaan is, en dat sommige mense verne der en beledig is.\n","eng":"but we do know from official reports and personal accounts that people were racially profiled at illegal roadblocks, some people were pulled out of cars and beaten, and some were humiliated and degraded.\n","score":0.8531698} -{"afr":"drie sleutelwetsontwerpe wat met ggg verband hou is onlangs by die parlement ingedien.\n","eng":"three key bills relating to gbvf have been introduced in parliament recently.\n","score":0.8697468} -{"afr":"wanneer hierdie wetsontwerpe gefinaliseer is, sal dit help om die vertroue van ons land se vroue, dat die wet hulle inderdaad sal beskerm, te herstel.\n","eng":"these bills, once finalised, will help to restore the confidence of our country\u2019s women that the law is indeed there to protect them.\n","score":0.8688114} -{"afr":"dit is sodat vroe\u00eb kinderontwikkeling kan skakel met die formele skoolkurrikulum en om opleiding, opvoeding en ontwikkeling aan vkosentrums regoor die land, te bied.\n","eng":"this is to link early childhood development to the formal school curriculum and to provide training, education and development to staff in ecd centres around the country.\n","score":0.83895284} -{"afr":"die siluan vroe\u00eb waar skuwingstekens is as volg: seek: raadpleeg mediese hulp vir vroe\u00eb, aanhou dende simptome.\n","eng":"eye: white spot in the eye, new squint, new blindness, bulging eyeball.\n","score":0.65922475} -{"afr":"wanneer is n testa ment geldig?\n","eng":"when is a will valid?\n","score":0.6877085} -{"afr":"dr egbe s\u00ea dat, benewens die direkte gesondheidsimplikasies van rook, sigarette dikwels onder vriende gedeel word, wat tot vinniger verspreiding van covid19 in gemeenskappe kan lei.\n","eng":"dr egbe says apart from the direct health implications of smoking, cigarettes are often shared among friends which can lead to faster community transmission of covid19.\n","score":0.874159} -{"afr":"die mediese personeel en die bestuurder daar se ondersteuning \u2014 dit trek jou deur\", s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"the support of the medical staff and the manager there \u2013 that pulls you through,\" he said.\n","score":0.8796406} -{"afr":"misdaad, nie migrante nie, is die gemeenskaplike vyand waarteen ons moet saamstaan en veg.\n","eng":"crime, not migrants, is the common enemy we must work together to defeat.\n","score":0.877052} -{"afr":"sejake\"stiptelikheid is die wagwoord.\n","eng":"\"punctuality is the order of the day.\n","score":0.66705656} -{"afr":"kinders jonger as vyf jaar, bejaardes en mense wat buite werk, is veral kwesbaar vir ontwatering en sonsteek ('n toestand wat veroorsaak word as 'n mens se liggaam oorverhit).\n","eng":"children younger than five, the elderly and people working outdoors are especially vulnerable to dehydration and heatstroke (a condition caused when your body overheats).\n","score":0.869331} -{"afr":"hulle kon nie by hulle geliefdes wees nie, kon nie hulle woonplekke verlaat nie en was onseker oor wanneer hulle beproewing tot n einde sou kom.\n","eng":"they were unable to be with their loved ones, unable to leave their living quarters and uncertain about when their ordeal would end.\n","score":0.8708599} -{"afr":"professor mlisana het ges\u00ea dat kontaksporing belangrik is in di\u00e9 geval en dat die departement van gesondheid daarrmee sal voortgaan.\n","eng":"professor mlisana said contact tracing is important in this case and the health department will continue to do that.\n","score":0.92288464} -{"afr":"ons het lank reeds besluit watter tipe samelewing ons wil wees.\n","eng":"we have long decided what kind of society we want to be.\n","score":0.8578541} -{"afr":"as ons die belofte wat in ons grondwet vervat is wil verwesenlik, moet ons die ekonomiese en finansi\u00eble uitsluiting wat vroue meer kwesbaar vir mishandeling en geweld maak, die hoof bied.\n","eng":"if we are to truly realise the promise of our constitution we have to tackle the economic and financial exclusion that makes women more vulnerable to abuse and violence.\n","score":0.8880365} -{"afr":"bedrog en korrup sie bly diep ingebed in sowel die openbare as die privaat sektor.\n","eng":"fraud and corruption remain pervasive and deeply entrenched in both the public and private sectors.\n","score":0.86097234} -{"afr":"al di\u00e9 belanghebbendes het voedsel, klere, kom berse, waardigheidspakkies en skooluniforms aan kwesbare gesinne verskaf om in hulle basiese behoeftes te voorsien.\n","eng":"all these stakeholders have provided food, clothes, blankets, dig nity packs and school uniforms to vulnerable families to meet their basic needs.\n","score":0.87186444} -{"afr":"nou, meer as ooit tevore, is ons verantwoordelik vir die lewens van diegene rondom ons.\n","eng":"now, more than ever, we are responsible for the lives of those around us.\n","score":0.91604614} -{"afr":"sodra dit goedgekeur is, sal mense nie meer hoef te onthou om elke dag n pil te drink nie.\n","eng":"once approved, people will no longer have to remember to take a pill each day.\n","score":0.8767352} -{"afr":"dit hou n uitdaging in vir mense wat getoets is en met antiretrovirale behandeling begin het.\n","eng":"this has posed a challenge for people testing and starting antiretroviral treatment.\n","score":0.870463} -{"afr":"haar werksaamhede is so suksesvol dat sy tans 12 vrouens permanent in diens neem.\n","eng":"her operation is so successful that she employs 12 women permanently.\n","score":0.8720263} -{"afr":"die raamwerk is in novem ber laasjaar deur die kabinet goedgekeur en gestruktureer de konsultasie met verskeie sektore van die samelewing word tans onderneem.\n","eng":"the framework was approved by cabinet in november last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society are now underway.\n","score":0.7992078} -{"afr":"dit is hierdie jongmense wat die ware juwele van ons land se toekoms is, en wat ons daaraan herinner dat ons vryheid gewen is deur die opofferings van die jong mans en vroue wat vasberade was dat nie net hulle nie, maar ook diegene wat na hulle sou kom, in die lig van vryheid moet lewe.\n","eng":"it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country\u2019s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom.\n","score":0.931449} -{"afr":"dit behels die opveil van ho\u00ebaanvraagspektrum vir mobiele telekommunikasie, wat vir meer as 10 jaar vertraag, en uiteindelik in maart voltooi is.\n","eng":"this includes the auction of highdemand spectrum for mobile telecommunications, which was delayed for more than 10 years and finally completed in march.\n","score":0.91177696} -{"afr":"ouers kan help met die skoonmaak van skole, die vestiging van groentetuine of hulle kan deel wees van skole se veiligheidskomitees.\n","eng":"parents can join in volunteering to clean schools, establishing vegetable gardens or being part of neighbourhood school safety committees.\n","score":0.85776925} -{"afr":"die jeug kan, vir meer inligting oor die sektor, private veeartspraktyke kontak of met verpligte gemeenskapsdiensveeartse (ccsveeartse) praat wat landwyd deel uitmaak van die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling (dalrrd).\n","eng":"for more information about the sector, youth can contact private vete rinary practices or speak to compulsory community service (ccs) veterinarians which are part of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) around the country.\n","score":0.8876978} -{"afr":"dit was moei lik om lang tydperke aaneen in die hospitaal te spandeer,\" vertel sy.\n","eng":"spending long periods of time in hospital was difficult,\" she says.\n","score":0.7736856} -{"afr":"dit sal ons in staat stel om verdere korrektiewe maatre\u00ebls te implementeer.\n","eng":"this will empower us to take further corrective measures.\n","score":0.9136256} -{"afr":"\"ek het laasjaar n oproep ontvang met die nuus dat ek n perfekte skenker vir iemand was.\n","eng":"\"last year, i received a call that they had found a perfect match.\n","score":0.6968261} -{"afr":"die belangrikste is dat die presidensi\u00eble jeugindiensnemingsintervensie erken dat jong mense sentraal moet staan in enige poging om jeugindiensneming \u2018n hupstoot te gee.\n","eng":"most importantly, it recognises that young people must be at the centre of any effort to boost youth employment.\n","score":0.76337993} -{"afr":"suduka se groenteplaas van ses hektaar, lewer mielies, aartappels, ertjies en boontjies.\n","eng":"suduka\u2019s sixhectare vegetable farm produces maize, potatoes, peas and beans.\n","score":0.8094932} -{"afr":"sy het eindelik by ons toespraak skryfspan aangesluit in die konsepfases.\n","eng":"she actually joined our speechwriting team in the drafting process.\n","score":0.7615976} -{"afr":"hulle volgehoue verslag gewing moet geslagsgeba seerde geweld, misdaad in ons gemeenskappe en sosiale euwels soos middelmisbruik insluit.\n","eng":"their sustained coverage must include genderbased violence, crime in our communities and social ills like substance abuse.\n","score":0.84180427} -{"afr":"mededingingskommissie het in maart vanjaar, die opdrag vir publieke kommentaar vir n markondersoek na die varsproduktemark bekendgestel.\n","eng":"in march this year the competition commission released for public comment the terms of reference for a market enquiry into the fresh produce market.\n","score":0.80144715} -{"afr":"ons moet ophou om vals en ongeverifieerde nuus te versprei, veral op sosiale media.\n","eng":"we should stop spreading fake and unverified news, especially on social media.\n","score":0.9123796} -{"afr":"daar is landwyd 161 hofvoorbereidingsbeamptes by verskeie howe.\n","eng":"there are 161 court preparation officers at various courts across the country.\n","score":0.7013545} -{"afr":"ondersteuning vir spazawinkelsdie regering erken die unieke uitdagings van die pandemie op diegene wat in die informele sektor werk.\n","eng":"support for spaza shopsgovernment has recognised the unique challenges that the pandemic poses to those working in the informal sector.\n","score":0.89427245} -{"afr":"lindiwe ntuli, n regsassistent in centurion, het getuig hoe die toelae wat sy ontvang het, dit vir haar moontlik gemaak om van die huis af te kon werk en haar huur te kon bekostig.\n","eng":"lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent.\n","score":0.8842851} -{"afr":"sleepbote word gewoonlik gebruik om groot skepe deur die ingangskanaal na die dokke te begelei.\n","eng":"seeing the workings of the port from the water, one is reminded of its vast scale and complexity.\n","score":0.6091167} -{"afr":"die munisipale infrastruktuur ondersteuningsagentskap (misa) het toe hulp aangebied.\n","eng":"then, the municipal infrastructure support agent (misa) stepped in to assist.\n","score":0.81859046} -{"afr":"babas moet na aan hul moeders gekoester word.\n","eng":"babies need to be close to their mothers.\n","score":0.7621933} -{"afr":"ons het voortdurend mediese deskundiges, verskeie kiesafdelings en verskillende industrie\u00eb geraadpleeg.\n","eng":"along the way there has been consultation with medical experts, various constituencies and different industries.\n","score":0.8104826} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 tipe mensehandel kan enige plek gebeur \u2014 selfs op sosiale media, by die skool, in die winkelsentrum en buite jou huis.\n","eng":"this form of trafficking can happen anywhere \u2013 even on social media, at school, in the mall and outside your house.\n","score":0.89267755} -{"afr":"die suidafrikaanse jeug van 2020 voldoen beslis aan die ho\u00eb standaard van hulle voorgangers.\n","eng":"south african youth of 2020 more than meet the high standard set by their predecessors.\n","score":0.8650769} -{"afr":"die pandemie het n hewige tol ge\u00ebis in beide openbare gesondheid en die lewensbestaan van miljoene van ons mense.\n","eng":"the pandemic has come at a great cost to both public health and the livelihoods of millions of our people.\n","score":0.8478747} -{"afr":"deur dit te doen, het ons gewys dat ons die kapasiteit het om na onsself te kyk en oor die vermo\u00eb beskik om ons eie ontwikkeling aan te dryf.\n","eng":"in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development.\n","score":0.79361653} -{"afr":"die wysiginswetsontwerp op die strafreg en verwante aangeleenthede sal onder meer die toestaan van borgtog aan oortreders van ggg en vrouemoord verstewig, en oortredings waarvoor minimum vonnisse opgel\u00ea moet word, uitbrei.\n","eng":"the criminal and related matters amendment bill tightens, among others, the granting of bail to perpetrators of gbvf, and expands the offences for which minimum sentences must be imposed.\n","score":0.8636075} -{"afr":"ganuganu moes gedure nde die pandemie leer om onder druk te werk.\n","eng":"during the pandemic, ganuganu has had to learn to work under pressure.\n","score":0.86099195} -{"afr":"daar is dus besluit, na aanleiding van omvattende gesprekvoering met maatskaplike vennote by nedlac, dat die kovid tersvoordele met drie maande verleng sal word tot 15 maart 2021 in sektore wat nog nie ten volle operasioneel is nie.\n","eng":"it is for this reason that, following extensive discussion with social partners at the national economic development and labour council the covid ters benefit has been extended until 15 march 2021 for sectors that have not been able to fully operate.\n","score":0.8502592} -{"afr":"die geloofsgemeenskap moet besluite neem in di\u00e9 verband in die belang van hul gemeentes se gesondheid en di\u00e9 van die land as \u2019n geheel.\n","eng":"the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole.\n","score":0.81875354} -{"afr":"dit sluit lande met aansienlik groter bevolkings as ons s'n in, soos indi\u00eb, met 1,5 miljard mense.\n","eng":"this includes countries with substantially larger populations than ours, like india with its 1.5 billion people.\n","score":0.8818902} -{"afr":"dr egbe s\u00ea dat daar reeds bewys is dat rook verskeie onderliggende mediese toestande veroorsaak wat met ernstige simptome van covid19 verbind word.\n","eng":"dr egbe says that smoking is known to cause many of the underlying medical conditions that have been linked to severe symptoms of covid19.\n","score":0.86282134} -{"afr":"program vir bemagtiging van slagoffers herstel hoop owen mngadi die thohoyandou slagofferbemagtigings program (tvep) poog om hoop en vertroue in die regstelsel te herstel met intensiewe inisiatiewe wat daarop gemik is om slagoffers van geslagsgebaseerde geweld (ggg) en verkragting by te staan deur hulle van die nodige psigososiale dienste te voorsien.\n","eng":"victim empowerment programme restores hope owen mngadi the thohoyandou victim empowerment programme (tvep) strives to restore hope and confidence in the justice system through its intensive initiatives aimed at assisting survivors of genderbased violence (gbv) and rape by providing them with psychosocial services.\n","score":0.92855775} -{"afr":"\"elke selfmoord is n tragedie.\n","eng":"\"each one is a tragedy.\n","score":0.79021883} -{"afr":"onderwysers kan ook niekontakondersteuning bied deur middel van aanlyn materiaal en studiegroepe, om leerders gereeld te herinner en te motiveer om tuis te studeer en om hulle aan te moedig om hul vrese rondom skoolgaan te kom munikeer.\n","eng":"teachers can also provide noncontact support and learning through online material and study groups; by setting up reminders to motivate learners to study at home; and by encouraging them to communicate their fears about schooling.\n","score":0.867888} -{"afr":"dit is tot \u2019n groot mate ook te danke aan ons media se deeglike werk.\n","eng":"this is in no small part due to the sterling work of our media.\n","score":0.7663896} -{"afr":"ons bedien meer as een miljoen inwoners van thohoyandou en omliggende gebiede.\n","eng":"we serve more than one million residents from thohoyandou and surrounding areas.\n","score":0.96200764} -{"afr":"tekens van 'n ektopiese swangerskapvolgens dr mhlari kom die simptome vroeg in die swangerskap voor, soms nog voordat die vrou besef dat sy swanger is.\n","eng":"\"ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a lifethreatening condition and is the leading cause of pregnancyrelated maternal death in the first three months of pregnancy.\n","score":0.6834371} -{"afr":"sonsteek is 'n mediese noodgeval.\n","eng":"heatstroke is a medical emergency.\n","score":0.78059524} -{"afr":"alhoewel die pandemie afgeneem het, het werkloosheid nie afgeneem nie.\n","eng":"although the pandemic may have abated, unemployment has not.\n","score":0.8780507} -{"afr":"net so belangrik as wat dit is om die openbare loonrekening in toom te hou om openbare finansies te stabiliseer, is dit noodsaaklik om die prestasie van die openbare sektor te verbeter om 'n meer bekwame, doeltreffende staat te bou.\n","eng":"as much as containing the public wage bill is critical to stabilising public finances, improving public sector performance is imperative if we want to build a more capable, efficient state.\n","score":0.88901496} -{"afr":"ons het nou 13 spesiale eko nomiese sones regoor die land wat aan beleggers geteikende beleggingsaansporings, voorkeurbelastingkoerse en uitvoersteun bied.\n","eng":"we now have 13 special economic zones across the country, providing investors with targeted investment incentives, preferential tax rates and export support.\n","score":0.84184146} -{"afr":"\"ons kyk na hoe doeltref fend ons vorige beleide was.\n","eng":"\"we are looking at how effective our past policies have been.\n","score":0.70908237} -{"afr":"die veiligheid van ons jongste burgers vanuit 'n gesondheidsen fisieke perspektief is nie onderhandelbaar nie.\n","eng":"the safety of our youngest citizens from a health and physical perspective is not negotiable.\n","score":0.91531974} -{"afr":"ek wil ook n koptotstertbenadering tot voedsel volg as kampvegter vir n volhoubare manier van eet,\" s\u00ea molefe.\n","eng":"i also want to promote nosetotail dining, to champion this sustainable way of eating,\" molefe says.\n","score":0.83930546} -{"afr":"die emansipasie van vroue is slegs woorde op papier, tensy dit met n verbintenis deur alle sektore van die samelewing gepaardgaan.\n","eng":"the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society.\n","score":0.84880733} -{"afr":"mense met die volgende onderliggende siektetoestande het, soos op 25 mei, ernstige simptome getoon: ho\u00eb bloeddruk, 58 persent diabetes, 56 persent kroniese niersiekte, 17 persent miv , 16 persent asma of kroniese asemhalingsiekte, 15 persent hartsiekte, 11 persent vetsug, 13 persent tb, 13 persent kanker, twee persent ander kroniese siektes, 16 persent.\n","eng":"as of 25 may, people with the following comorbidities showed serious symptoms of covid19; hypertension, 58 percent diabetes, 56 percent chronic kidney disease, 17 percent hiv , 16 percent asthma or chronic respiratory disease, 15 percent cardiac disease, 11 percent obesity, 13 percent tb, 13 percent cancer, two percent other chronic illnesses, 16 percent.\n","score":0.91530615} -{"afr":"hierdie posisie is onseker en onvolhoubaar.\n","eng":"this position is precarious and unsustainable.\n","score":0.888039} -{"afr":"aspen pharmacare het onlangs hul r3,4 miljard uit breiding van stapel gestuur, soos aangekondig by die 2018 beleggingskonferen sie.\n","eng":"aspen pharmacare recently launched its r3.4 billion expansion, which it announced at the 2018 investment conference.\n","score":0.92873645} -{"afr":"covid19entstowwe onder gaan \u2019n veeleisende, multifasetoetsproses, insluitend kliniese proewe waaraan tienduisende mense deelneem.\n","eng":"covid19 vaccines go through a demanding, multistage testing process, including large trials that involve tens of thousands of people.\n","score":0.86326694} -{"afr":"ons moenie alkohol en dwelms misbruik nie.\n","eng":"we should not abuse alcohol or use drugs.\n","score":0.7560275} -{"afr":"cach kan diegene help wat in 2021 betyds aansoek gedoen het om toelating tot n universiteit of kollege, maar nie plek in hul verkose program gekry het nie.\n","eng":"\"cach services have been available from 24 january 2022, and will close on 31 march, to assist those who need to enter tertiary education but face challenges with getting space,\" says minister of higher education and training dr blade nzimande.\n","score":0.69179136} -{"afr":"die soe is ook gemagtig om siviele regsaksies in te stel om enige skade of verliese wat deur die staat gely is, te herwin.\n","eng":"the siu was also aut horised to institute civil proceedings for the recovery of any damages or losses incurred by the state.\n","score":0.79301625} -{"afr":"alhoewel dit nie op die skaal van staatskaping l\u00ea nie, kom sulke kriminele aktiwiteite ons land duur te staan, verswak ons instellings en ontneem dit suidafrikaners van baie basiese behoeftes.\n","eng":"although it may not be on the scale of state capture, such criminal activities cost our country greatly, weaken our institutions and deprive south africans of many basic needs.\n","score":0.9008294} -{"afr":"onthou om \u2019n sonskermmiddel te gebruik as die kind buite speel.\n","eng":"remember to apply sunscreen when they go outdoors.\n","score":0.7221575} -{"afr":"\"ek wil hulle be dank vir hul onder steuning en omdat hulle my die geleentheid ge bied het om as n ver ple\u00ebr te groei.\n","eng":"\"i want to thank them for their support and for giving me the opportunity to grow as a nurse.\n","score":0.7614205} -{"afr":"\"dit sal opgevolg word met n kredietfasiliteit om spazawinkeleienaars in staat te stel om deurlopend te koop, selfs nadat die covid19uitbraak verby is.\n","eng":"\"this will be followed by a credit facility to enable spaza shop owners to continuously buy, even after the covid19 outbreak is over.\n","score":0.9182162} -{"afr":"daar is, selfs terwyl die betrokke owerhede agter die kap van die byl kom oor wat gebeur het sodat geregtigheid vir die slagoffers kan geskied, n gesprek wat ons as land dringend moet voer.\n","eng":"even as the relevant authorities deconstruct what happened to ensure there is justice for the victims, there is a conversation we do need to have as a country.\n","score":0.7783164} -{"afr":"die werk van die fusie sentrum het in die afgelope boekjaar 276 ondersoeke na bedrog en korrupsie gesteun.\n","eng":"in the last financial year, the work of the fusion centre supported 276 fraud and corruption investigations.\n","score":0.8060042} -{"afr":"magwaza s\u00ea dat dit moeilik was om te konsentreer omdat sy haar voortdurend oor befondsing bekommer het.\n","eng":"magwaza says she found it difficult to concentrate due to her constant worry about funding.\n","score":0.9005228} -{"afr":"die toe name in vals nuus, gedokterde foto\u2019s en foutiewe inligting het dit moeilik gemaak om tussen feit en fiksie te onderskei.\n","eng":"the proliferation of fake news, doctored images and incorrect information has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction.\n","score":0.83887625} -{"afr":"tradisionele leiers het ook hul gewilligheid uitgespreek om n aktiewe rol in die grond hervormingsproses te speel.\n","eng":"traditional leaders have also expressed their willingness to play an active part in the land reform process.\n","score":0.8573765} -{"afr":"die verhoogde maatskaplike aanvaarbaarheid van jongmense wat alkohol gebruik het ontaard in n ernstige probleem in n land waar die meerderheid van die bevolking wat alkohol verbruik reeds deur die w\u00eareldgesondheidorganisasie as fuifdrinkers ( \"binge drinkers\") geklassifiseer word.\n","eng":"the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers.\n","score":0.903519} -{"afr":"ons gaan ook kragte moet saamsnoer om ons ekonomie te herbou en transformeer, namate ons saamstaan om die pandemie die hoof te bied.\n","eng":"as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy.\n","score":0.7560409} -{"afr":"een van die voordele vir ons as n land, is n sterk, onafhanklike reserwebank wat daarin kon slaag om inflasie binne n nou teikenreeks te hou \u2013 heelwat laer as wat baie ander lande kon regkry.\n","eng":"one of our greatest advantages as a country is a strong, independent reserve bank that has managed to keep inflation within a narrow target range, well below what many other countries are experiencing.\n","score":0.880589} -{"afr":"sy het van krag tot krag gegaan en waar sy aanvank lik haar twee hektaar grond gebruik het om haar eierpro duksie te verhoog en spina sie, krulkool, groen soet rissie en tamaties te kweek, wat sy plaaslik verkoop het, het sy vandag twee groen tetonnels waar 1.5 hektaar verbou word en l\u00eahuise met \u2019n kapasiteit van 5 000 en 2 000 l\u00eahoenders.\n","eng":"she progressed from using her two hectares of land to increase her egg production and grow spinach, kale, green pepper and tomatoes, which she sold locally, to eventually installing two vegetable tunnels, cultivating 1.5 hectares and building 5 000and 2 000capacity layer houses.\n","score":0.85905004} -{"afr":"tieners moet egter vir hulself besluit.\n","eng":"teenagers, however, need to decide for themselves.\n","score":0.8150184} -{"afr":"die direkteur van die nasio nale tesourie, anile best, wat aan die stuur van die vuleka maliportaalinisiatief staan, s\u00ea die portaal se hoofdoel is om openbare belangstelling en kennis van, asook deelname aan die regering se finansi\u00eble programme te verhoog.\n","eng":"national treasury director andile best, who leads the vulekamali portal initiative, says its main aim is to increase public interest, participation and knowledge of government\u2019s financial programmes.\n","score":0.86539876} -{"afr":"die pasi\u00ebnte word vanaf nege kli nieke in die mangaung metro na ons verwys wanneer hulle met tb gediagnoseer word,\" s\u00ea mosamariako\u00f6rdineerder, trudie harrison.\n","eng":"the patients are referred to us when they have been diagnosed as having tb from nine different clinics in the mangaung metro,\" says mosamaria coordinator trudie harrison.\n","score":0.85991204} -{"afr":"generation equality is n vooruitstrewende en transformatiewe agenda om diskriminasie en geweld teen vroue te be\u00ebindig en te verseker dat hulle gelyke deelname in die politieke, maatskaplike en ekonomiese sfere het.\n","eng":"as part of this campaign, we have joined two \u2018action coalitions\u2019, one for economic justice and rights and another against genderbased violence.\n","score":0.62826705} -{"afr":"\"verwag toename in infeksies\"volgens president rama phosa is ongeveer 20 000 hos pitaalbeddens vir covid19gevalle opsygesit, en 27 veldhospitale word regoor die land gebou.\n","eng":"expect rise in infectionspresident ramaphosa says, in preparation for the expected increase in covid19 infections in the country, around 20 000 hospital beds have been, and are being, repurposed for covid19 cases, and 27 field hospitals are being built around the country.\n","score":0.85149837} -{"afr":"op die tweede dag van 2022 het die land in afgryse toegekyk hoe n groot vuur ons parlement verswelg, net honderd meter weg van waar ons die vorige dag bymekaarge kom het om ons laaste eer aan aartsbiskop tutu te betoon.\n","eng":"on the second day of 2022, the country watched on in horror as a huge fire engulfed our parliament, just a hundred metres from where we had gathered the day before to pay our last respects to archbishop tutu.\n","score":0.9240079} -{"afr":"as ons vigs binne die volgende dekade as n bedreiging van openbare gesondheid wil be\u00ebindig, moet ons di\u00e9 mediese deurbrake met fundamentele gedragsveranderinge kombineer.\n","eng":"if we are to succeed in ending aids as a public health threat within the next decade, we need to combine these medical breakthroughs with fundamental changes in behaviour.\n","score":0.86887574} -{"afr":"\"vrouens kan oor die langtermyn n effens verhoogde vlak van onvrugbaarheid, n ektopiese swangerskap, n miskraam of voortydige geboorte of selfs die dood in die gesig staar,\" s\u00ea muthuphei.\n","eng":"\"in the longterm, women could face a slightly increased risk of infertility, an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage or premature delivery or even death,\" says muthuphei.\n","score":0.89313626} -{"afr":"seloane s\u00ea dat wanneer n saak via die blitslyn gerapporteer word, vroe\u00eb beslegtingsbeamptes seker maak dat alle betrokke inligting verskaf is.\n","eng":"seloane says when a case is reported via the hotline, early resolution officers check that all the relevant information is provided.\n","score":0.8546471} -{"afr":"die kleinsakeontwikkelingsagentskap is beskikbaar om jou te help om aansoek vir die skuldverligtingskema te doen as jy n mikroonderneming besit.\n","eng":"if you own a microenterprise, then the small enterprise development agency is available to help you to apply to the debt relief scheme.\n","score":0.7554793} -{"afr":"stygende lewenskoste vereis n verenigde reaksie suidafrikaners is oor die laaste paar maande hard geslaan deur skerp prysstygings wat hul lewenskwaliteit dramaties be\u00efnvloed het.\n","eng":"rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life.\n","score":0.85056645} -{"afr":"ontwatering word gewoonlik veroorsaak wanneer \u2019n mens nie genoeg vloeistowwe drink om die water wat deur sweet verlore gaan, aan te vul nie.\n","eng":"dehydration is usually caused by not drinking enough liquids to replenish the water lost by sweating.\n","score":0.85254633} -{"afr":"wanneer jy die masker opgesit het, moet jy nie aan jou gesig vat voordat jy dit afgehaal het nie.7.\n","eng":"once you have put on the mask, do not touch your face again until you take it off.7.\n","score":0.87929285} -{"afr":"dit is veral die geval wan neer ons familielede besoek, veral bejaardes en diegene met bestaande mediese toe stande wat hulle kwesbaar maak vir infeksie.\n","eng":"this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection.\n","score":0.80695826} -{"afr":"deur gereeld te borsvoed, kan jy genoeg melk vir sy of haar behoeftes produseer.\n","eng":"by feeding often, you can make enough milk for their needs.\n","score":0.84542656} -{"afr":"\"ek is dankbaar vir die geleenthede en deure wat vir ons as verpleegsters gaan oopgaan om verder te studeer en in ons beroep te spesialiseer, wat voor heen baie moeilik was om te doen,\" s\u00ea sy.\n","eng":"\"i\u2019m grateful for the opportunities and doors that will open for us nurses to further our studies and specialise within our profession, which was hard to do in the past,\" she says.\n","score":0.8937793} -{"afr":"was jou hande voordat jy die masker opsit.3.\n","eng":"wash your hands before putting the mask on.3.\n","score":0.8393327} -{"afr":"\"die lewens, gesondheid en welstand van duisende mense is steeds in gedrang.\n","eng":"\"\"the lives, h ealth and wellbeing of thousands of people are still at risk.\n","score":0.88993055} -{"afr":"die president het ges\u00ea dat die suidafrikaanse polisiediens (sapd) en die suidafrikaanse nasionale weermag (sanw) reddingsoektogte gelei het.\n","eng":"the president said that the south african police service (saps) and the south african national defence force (sandf) have been leading search and rescue efforts.\n","score":0.8554875} -{"afr":"en solank dit die geval is, bestaan die potensiaal vir konflik, onenigheid en ontevredenheid.\n","eng":"for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain.\n","score":0.9130613} -{"afr":"die uitoefening van ons fundamentele vryhede van uitdrukking, assosiasie en spraak is 'n barometer van ons demokrasie se welstand.\n","eng":"the exercise of the fundamental freedoms of expression, association and speech is a barometer of the good health of our democracy.\n","score":0.9113632} -{"afr":"dit is egter noodsaaklik om ons deur die hoogtepunt van die siekte te dra.\n","eng":"they are, however, necessary to see us through the peak of the disease.\n","score":0.76980877} -{"afr":"\"ons sal dus 'n aantal sektorprotokols finaliseer en van ondernemings verwag om 'n werkplekplan op te stel voordat hulle mag heropen,\" het hy ges\u00ea.\n","eng":"\"we will therefore be finalising a number of sector protocols and will require every company to develop a workplace plan before they reopen,\" he says.\n","score":0.91042024} -{"afr":"meer as 3,4 miljoen mense w\u00eareldwyd het die virus en meer as 240 000 het reeds daaraan gesterf.\n","eng":"across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died.\n","score":0.9001509} -{"afr":"ons was in staat om vinnig op di\u00e9 dringende en reuse behoefte in ons samelewing te reageer danksy die wesenlike landswye infrastruktuur en stelsels van die suidafrikaanse maatskaplike sekerheidsagentskap (sassa) en die werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds (wvf).\n","eng":"we were able to respond to this huge and immediate need in our society thanks to the substantial nationwide infrastructure and systems of the south african social security agency and the uif.\n","score":0.877199} -{"afr":"as gevolg hiervan, leen ons al hoe meer terwyl die koste om skuld te betaal styg.\n","eng":"as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising.\n","score":0.7854413} -{"afr":"spesiale tribunaal toon dat misdaad nie lonend is nie allison cooper verskeie burgers het tydens die onlangse presidensi\u00eble imbizo in mahikeng hul kommer oor die tempo van die stryd teen korrupsie uitgespreek.\n","eng":"special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay vukuzenzele unnamed during the recent presidential imbizo in mahikeng, several citizens raised concerns about the pace of the fight against corruption.\n","score":0.8271924} -{"afr":"gov.\n","eng":"gov.\n","score":1.0} -{"afr":"die departement van handel, nywerheid en mededinging (dhnm) streef di\u00e9 doelwit na deur verskeie programme.\n","eng":"the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) is pursuing this goal through various programmes.\n","score":0.8198769} -{"afr":"beurse om die tekort aan vaardighede te verligomdat daar so n tekort aan vaardighede in di\u00e9 sektor is, het mthimkhulu nie gesukkel om werk te kry nie.\n","eng":"bursaries to address skills shortagedue to a severe skills shortage in the sector, mthimkhulu didn\u2019t battle to find a job.\n","score":0.8893658} -{"afr":"julle gesamentlike huishoudelike inkomste nie meer as r350 000 per jaar is nie.\n","eng":"your combined household income is not more than r350 000 per year.\n","score":0.93694794} -{"afr":"meer as n halfmiljoen suidafrikaners het reeds baatgevind by die eerste fase, met talle programme wat nog geloods gaan word.\n","eng":"more than half a million south africans have already benefitted from the first phase, with several programmes still underway.\n","score":0.8797617} -{"afr":"beide lande is groot uitvoerders na internasionale markte van kunsmis, graan en oliesade wat nodig is n vir hele reeks produkte, waaronder kookolie.\n","eng":"both countries are major exporters to international markets of fertilisers, grains and oilseeds that are needed for a range of items such as cooking oil.\n","score":0.8916098} -{"afr":"hulle doen dit sonder om erkenning of vergoeding te verwag.\n","eng":"they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward.\n","score":0.89315164} -{"afr":"\u2019n dro\u00eb mond.\n","eng":"a dry mouth.\n","score":0.75253904} -{"afr":"bevindinge van die verslag die soe het 5 467 kontrakte ter waarde van r14.3 miljard wat aan 3 066 diensverskaffers toegestaan is, ondersoek.\n","eng":"report findings the siu investigated 5 467 contracts awarded to 3 066 service providers, worth a total of r14.3 billion.\n","score":0.839744} -{"afr":"driefase reaksie president ramaphosa het ges\u00ea dat die regering se reaksie op die ramp in drie fases sal plaasvind.\n","eng":"threephased response president ramaphosa said government will respond to the disaster in three phases.\n","score":0.93643594} -{"afr":"n paar staatsamptenare het oor die jare heen die standpunt ingeneem dat dit toelaatbaar is om uitermate voordeel te trek uit die staat of om besigheid met die staat te doen, hetsy deur hulself of hul vriende en familie, mits daar niks onwet tig plaasgevind het nie.\n","eng":"a few public servants have over the years taken the view that doing business with or unduly benefiting from the state is permissible for them, their friends and their families, provided there has been no illegality.\n","score":0.8488921} -{"afr":"\"navorsing toon dat rokers 30% tot 40% meer geneig is om tipe 2diabetes te ontwik kel as nierokers.\n","eng":"\"research shows that smokers are 30% to 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers.\n","score":0.8990508} -{"afr":"\"toe ek van die nsfasbe fondsing te hore kom, het ek geweet dat dit sou lei na waar ek wil wees \u2013 om n ingenieur te word,\" s\u00ea hy.\n","eng":"\"when i became aware of the nsfas funding, i knew it would lead to where i wanted to go \u2013 being an engineer,\" he says.\n","score":0.892717} -{"afr":"die blitsige styging in infeksies wat deur die nuwe deltavariant aangevuur word, het strenger beperkings op, onder meer, die beweging van mense, die bedryf van sekere soorte besighede en openbare byeenkomste vereis.\n","eng":"the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others.\n","score":0.8689729} -{"afr":"die regering beplan om n hervormingsagentskap vir grond en grondbesitters te vestig wat grondhervorming sal bespoedig.\n","eng":"government plans to establish a land and agrarian reform agency to fasttrack land reform.\n","score":0.7885524} -{"afr":"\"sy boodskap aan die gemeenskap is om ver ple\u00ebrs te help deur verant woordelik op te tree.\n","eng":"\"his message to the community is to help nurses by being responsible.\n","score":0.6962471} -{"afr":"dit is normaal en behoort na \u2018n dag of twee beter te raak, en na 14 dae te verdwyn.\n","eng":"this is normal and should improve after a day or two and disappear within 14 days.\n","score":0.90503037} -{"afr":"\"die nuwe drie jaargraad sal aan gekwalifiseerde ver pleegsters die geleentheid bied om vir nagraadse kursusse in te skryf, wat hopelik sal kulmineer in die verkryging van n honneurs, meestersof phdgrade.\"\n","eng":"\"the new threeyear degree will give qualified nurses the opportunity to enrol in postgraduate studies, which will hopefully culminate in the awarding of masters and phd degrees.\"\n","score":0.843762} -{"afr":"\"dit is nie 'n permanente verbod nie; mense moet dit onthou,\" s\u00ea sy.\n","eng":"\"it\u2019s not a permanent ban; people must remember that,\" she says.\n","score":0.9202554} -{"afr":"\"die groep bestaan uit verskeie gesondheidsorgdeskundiges, waaronder verple\u00ebrs, dokters, kliniese medewerkers en beroepsgesondheiden beroeps veiligheidsdeskundiges,\" s\u00ea sy.\n","eng":"\"the group comprises various healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, clinical associates and occu pational health and safety professionals,\" she says.\n","score":0.92436963} -{"afr":"die tvep was van die eerste groep organisasies wat hulle teen ggg beywer wat finansiering ontvang het.\n","eng":"the tvep was among the first batch of the organisations, that fight against gbvf, to receive funding.\n","score":0.7821459} -{"afr":"help om dag zero te vermy more matshediso die departement van wa ter en sanitasie (dws) werk saam met kaap stad om die droogte in die weskaap, die ergste een wat dit in n dekade ervaar het, te verlig.\n","eng":"health\u2019s fight against cancer goes nuclear vukuzenzele unnamed the gauteng department of health has pumped r36 million into a new oncology facility that will ensure that cancer patients in garankuwa, tshwane and surrounding areas have easier access to treatment.\n","score":0.7314709} -{"afr":"ons is steeds middein 'n dodelike pandemie wat meer as 11 000 lewens in suidafrika ge\u00ebis het.\n","eng":"we are still very much in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has taken over 11,000 lives in south africa alone.\n","score":0.8681311} -{"afr":"suksesvolle ontwikkelende regerings het soortgelyke maatre\u00ebls wat professiona lisme onder die staatsdiens bevorder.\n","eng":"successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service.\n","score":0.8021784} -{"afr":"die presidensi\u00eble werkskep pingstimulus is op die been gebring weens die toenemende werkloosheidskrisis tydens die kovid19pandemie.\n","eng":"the presidential employment stimulus was launched in response to the unemployment crisis that was deepened by the covid19 pandemic.\n","score":0.8487335} -{"afr":"hy het burgers daaraan herinner dat entstowwe die beste verdediging teen siekte, dood en kovid19 is, wat plaaslik nagenoeg 100 000 lewens ge\u00ebis het.\n","eng":"he reminded citizens that vaccines are the best defence against illness, death and covid19, which has claimed close to 100 000 lives locally.\n","score":0.9002847} -{"afr":"ons kan hulle nie in die steek laat nie.\n","eng":"we cannot let them down.\n","score":0.80124223} -{"afr":"voorkom brandwonde hierdie winter allison cooper net soos wat die winter die behoefte aan warmte mee bring, verhoog dit ook die risiko van brandwonde weens kerse, vure, stowe, verwarmers en kookwater.\n","eng":"prevent burns this winter allison cooper just as winter brings with it the need to keep warm, it also increases the risk of burn injuries from candles, fires, stoves, heaters and boiling water.\n","score":0.9326225} -{"afr":"die toename in die loonrekening het begin om die besteding aan kapitaalprojekte vir toekomstige groei en items wat van kritieke belang is vir dienslewering, te verdring.\n","eng":"growth in the wage bill has begun crowding out spending on capital projects for future growth and items that are critical for service delivery.\n","score":0.88124526} -{"afr":"terwyl sommige van die ingrypings voortbou op die sterkpunte van bestaande programme, sluit die stimulus ook nuwe en innoverende benaderings in.\n","eng":"while some of the interventions build on the strengths of existing programmes, the stimulus also includes new and innovative approaches.\n","score":0.8967531} -{"afr":"toe die nasionale ramptoe stand in maart afgekondig is, was ons onmiddellike prioriteit om die versprei ding van die virus te beperk en noodleniging aan burgers, gemeenskappe, werkers en sakeondernemings te bied.\n","eng":"when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses.\n","score":0.89836425} -{"afr":"alhoewel ons kan s\u00ea dat die era van staatskaping verby is, het ons nog nie korrupsie oorwin nie.\n","eng":"while we can say that the era of state capture is over, we have not defeated corruption.\n","score":0.8740036} -{"afr":"wees versigtig wanneer jy sosiale media gebruik, veral wanneer n vreemdeling hulp, geld, blyplek of n werksgeleentheid aanbied in reaksie op iets wat jy geplaas het.\n","eng":"be careful when using social media, especially when a stranger offers to help, offers money, a place to stay or a job opportunity in response to something you posted.\n","score":0.871107} -{"afr":"dit is verstaanbaar dat baie ouers en versorgers in hierdie tyd gemengde gevoelens oor die heropening van skole het.\n","eng":"it is understandable that many parents and caregivers have mixed emotions at this time about the reopening of schools.\n","score":0.9318397} -{"afr":"die koronaviruspande mie is nog nie uitgewis nie, hetsy in ons eie land of in die w\u00eareld.\n","eng":"the coronavirus pandemic has not been eliminated, either in our own country or around the world.\n","score":0.79546964} -{"afr":"nsfas het my drome bewaarheid more matshediso die nasionale fi nansi\u00eble hulp skema vir studente (nsfas) het karabo ma shego (21) se tekort aan geld en sy plan om verder te studeer, oorbrug.\n","eng":"nsfas powered my dreams more matshediso the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas) has bridged the financial gap between karabo mashego (21) and his plan to further his studies.\n","score":0.89692175} -{"afr":"maak seker dat jy deeglike navorsing oor potensi\u00eble werkgewers doen voordat jy hulle van aangesig tot aangesig vir onderhoude ontmoet.\n","eng":"make sure you conduct thorough research on potential employers before going to meet them in person for interviews.\n","score":0.85169435} -{"afr":"toe ek kennis gemaak het met michelle nkamankeng, wat op 11jarige ouderdom afrika se jongste skrywer is en onder die tien voorste jongste skrywers ter w\u00eareld is, was ek verstom.\n","eng":"i was bowled over when i met michelle nkamankeng who, at 11 years old, is africa\u2019s youngest author and is ranked among the top ten youngest writers in the world.\n","score":0.8908861} -{"afr":"harrison deel die storie van een van mosamaria se pasi\u00ebnte.\n","eng":"harrison shares the story of one of mosamaria\u2019s patients.\n","score":0.8986402} -{"afr":"n paar dae later het ek n gesamentlike sitting van dieparlement bel\u00ea waartydens ons n noodreaksieplan van r1.6 miljard om geslagsgebaseerde geweld (ggg) en vrouemoord te bestry, aangekondig het.\n","eng":"a few days later, i called a joint sitting of parliament, where we announced a r1.6 billion emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf).\n","score":0.85386837} -{"afr":"as mense wat glo in gelyk heid, geregtigheid en mense regte kan ons nie anders as om geroer te word en inderdaad ook kwaad te word oor die pyn en vernedering wat die palestynse mense aangedoen word nie; want dit eggo ons eie geskiedenis van pyn en vernedering.\n","eng":"for all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the palestinian people; for it echoes our own.\n","score":0.86406755} -{"afr":"dit dui aan dat alhoewel die suidafrikaanse grond wet vryheid beskerm en ons \u2018n gevestigde kultuur van ondersoekende joernalistiek het, daar \u2018n aantal struikel blokke is wat joernaliste nog steeds in die uitvoering van hulle pligte dwarsboom.\n","eng":"it notes that while the south african constitution protects freedom and we have an established culture of investigative journalism, a number of impediments still hinder journalists in the performance of their duties.\n","score":0.8428309} -{"afr":"magwaza is een van hon derde studente wat jaarliks deel van misa se jeugontwikkelingsprogramme is.\n","eng":"magwaza is one of hundreds of students who pass through misa\u2019s youth development programmes each year.\n","score":0.8756614} -{"afr":"a: die entstof is veilig en hoogs doeltreffend in die voorkoming van ernstige kovid19siekte en sterfte.\n","eng":"a: the vaccine is safe and highly effective to prevent severe covid19 disease and death.\n","score":0.90781575} -{"afr":"as jy n werkgewer is wat n vroe\u00eb kinderontwikkelingsen trum bedryf, word jy deur die wet verplig om te kontroleer of jou werknemers op die nasionale register vir seksoortreders (nrs) voorkom.\n","eng":"if you are an employer who runs an early childhood development centre, you are among the people required by law to check if your current and potential employees are on the national register for sex offenders (nrso).\n","score":0.8511032} -{"afr":"jongmense s\u00ea vir ons dat die noodsaaklike waardes van integriteit, deernis en eensgesindheid die kenmerke van die nuwe samelewing moet wees wat na vore sal kom en dat hulle vasbeslote is om die kampvegters vir di\u00e9 nuwe, beter w\u00eareld te wees.\n","eng":"young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world.\n","score":0.8950578} -{"afr":"ons het die werkskeppingstimulus verlede jaar op die been gebring om soveel moontlik geleenthede in die kortste moontlike tyd te skep.\n","eng":"we established the employment stimulus last year to create as many opportunities as possible in the shortest possible time.\n","score":0.834237} -{"afr":"meer as r500 miljoen is deur die fonds beskikbaar gestel, waarvoor kleinen mediumsakeondernemings deur n aanlynaansoekproses moet aansoek doen.\n","eng":"more than r500 million has been made available through the fund, which small and medium enterprises must apply for through an online application process.\n","score":0.89240444} -{"afr":"za en vul die nodige inligting in.\n","eng":"and complete the information required.\n","score":0.7194741} -{"afr":"eenvoudig gestel, ons bestee baie meer as wat ons verdien.\n","eng":"put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning.\n","score":0.75033164} -{"afr":"gegewe die ho\u00eb vlakke van misdaad in ons samelewing, is daar duidelik baie meer wat nog gedoen moet word.\n","eng":"given the high levels of crime in our society, there is clearly much more that must be done.\n","score":0.8513738} -{"afr":"legionnaires se siekte is n erge vorm van longontsteking.\n","eng":"legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia.\n","score":0.9074687} -{"afr":"hulle verontagsaam herhaalde beslissings van die verenigde nasies se veilig heidsraad wat aandring op n einde aan die okkupasie van palestynse grond en die verwesenliking van die palestynse mense se regte.\n","eng":"they show a total disregard for successive united nations security council reso lutions that call for an end to the occupation of palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the palestinian people.\n","score":0.8210769} -{"afr":"dit was n grondwet wat deur en vir die rasseminder heid geskryf is en wat geloof gebruik het om despotisme te regverdig.\n","eng":"it was a constitution written by and for a racial minority, and it used faith to justify tyranny.\n","score":0.7940184} -{"afr":"minister joe phaahla het in augustus ges\u00ea dat suidafrika die hoogste verbruik van orale prep in subsahara afrika het.\n","eng":"he said that 70%, or 2 419, of south africa\u2019s public primary healthcare facilities have integrated oral prep into their routine package of services.\n","score":0.67943037} -{"afr":"alhoewel ons nog nie weet wat die beweegrede agter haar moord is nie, weet ons dat sy n sleutelgetuie was in n soeondersoek na die verkryging van persoonlike veiligheids toerusting in die departement.\n","eng":"while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department.\n","score":0.8199309} -{"afr":"\"my familie het begrip getoon, omgegee en was ondersteunend en het elke aand vir ons aandete gebring, maar n mens se gemeenskap kan soms afsydig wees en die skade wat op sosiale media veroorsaak word, is skrikwekkend,\" s\u00ea mohammed.\n","eng":"\"my family was understanding, caring and supportive, and brought us supper every evening, but sometimes your community can be uncaring and the harm caused on social media is scary,\" says mohammed.\n","score":0.90901875} -{"afr":"daar word nie aanbeveel dat mense wat matig siek was en gesond geword het, weer getoets moet word nie.\n","eng":"retesting people who have experienced mild illness and have recovered is not recommended.\n","score":0.81867045} -{"afr":"di\u00e9 programme maak n direkte beleg ging in plaaslike ekonomie\u00eb, wat eerstens armer gebiede bereik en plaaslike klein ondernemings ondersteun en van daar af deursyfer na die bre\u00ebr ekonomie.\n","eng":"these programmes make a direct investment in local economies, reaching poorer areas first, supporting local small enterprises and trickling up into the wider economy from there.\n","score":0.8649516} -{"afr":"hulle vir minstens 21 dae n\u00e1 die diagnose n masker dra.\n","eng":"they wear a mask, from the date of diagnosis for at least 21 days.\n","score":0.7833533} -{"afr":"ander lande het in di\u00e9 stadium van die pandemie se verloop, baie meer infeksies as ons gehad.\n","eng":"at this stage in the progress of the pandemic, other countries had far more infections than we do.\n","score":0.87434804} -{"afr":"hy moes n be\u00ebdigde verklaring afl\u00ea wat bevestig dat hy sy identiteitsboek verloor het en moes dit, tesame met sy saaknommer, na die krediteure toe neem om te keer dat hy op die swartlys geplaas word.\n","eng":"he had to write an affidavit stating that he lost his identity book and take it to credi tors with his case number to avoid being blacklisted.\n","score":0.8303995} -{"afr":"dit toon dat as ons streng by die ingestelde re\u00ebls hou om te keer dat die virus versprei, ons in staat sal wees om die infeksiekoers te verminder.\n","eng":"it shows that if we strictly observe the rules in place to stop the virus spreading, we will be able to bring infection rates down.\n","score":0.8719862} -{"afr":"vukuzenzele unnamed die koronaviruspandemie het vererger, met nuwe infeksies wat baie vinniger gestyg en groter getalle bereik het as ooit vantevore.\n","eng":"vukuzenzele unnamed the coronavirus pandemic has gotten worse, with new infections increasing far faster and far higher than before.\n","score":0.874395} -{"afr":"die voorsitter van die gbvffonds, dr. judy dlamini, s\u00ea finansiering vir 108 organisasies wat se aansoeke suksesvol was, word tans verwerk.\n","eng":"the gbvf fund chairperson, dr judy dlamini, says funding for 108 organisations whose applications have been successful are being processed.\n","score":0.9372324} -{"afr":"a: ernstige allergiese reaksies kom selde voor.\n","eng":"a: severe allergic reactions are rare.\n","score":0.8838071} -{"afr":"\"die spazawinkelondersteuning sal die toegewyde netwerkgeleenthede, aankoopkrag en grootmaataankope deur voorafgekeur en goedgekeurde groothandelaars insluit,\" verduidelik die minister.\n","eng":"\"the spaza shop support will include dedicated networking, purchasing power and bulk purchasing through preselected and preapproved wholesalers,\" explains the minister.\n","score":0.90756917} -{"afr":"ons vriende, families, kollegas en bure het ons empatie en ondersteuning nou, meer as ooit, nodig.\n","eng":"now, more than ever, our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours need our empathy and support.\n","score":0.86591214} -{"afr":"dit is nou baie duidelik dat die doeltreffendste manier vir n samelewing om die verspreiding van die siekte te beperk, is vir die bevolking om vir minstens n paar weke tuis te bly en fisies van mekaar ge\u00efsoleer te wees.\n","eng":"it is now abundantly clear that the most effective way for a society to contain the spread of the disease is for the population to remain at home and physically isolated from each other for at least several weeks.\n","score":0.85143447} -{"afr":"dit was n plesier om te sien hoe die nieregerings organisasiegemeenskap, sakegemeenskap en noodlenigingsorganisasies by die regering aansluit om die broodnodige bystand te verleen.\n","eng":"it has been pleasing to see the nongovernmental organisation community, business and relief organisations joining in working with government to provide muchneeded relief assistance.\n","score":0.7733346} -{"afr":"ek het gelees oor aanvoerkettingen logistieke bestuur en was amper dadelik daartoe aangetrokke.\n","eng":"i read about supply chain and logistics management and was almost instantly attracted to it.\n","score":0.87930655} -{"afr":"om haar graad te verwerf was nie n maklike taak nie.\n","eng":"obtaining her qualification was no easy feat.\n","score":0.7943529} -{"afr":"dit word steeds as een van die suksesvolste geletterdheidsveldtogte in die moderne geskiedenis beskou.\n","eng":"it is still held up as one of the most successful literacy campaigns in modern history.\n","score":0.8129281} -{"afr":"daarbenewens verskaf die kantoor vir getuiebeskerming wat deur die departement van justisie en korrektiewe diens te in samewerking met ander wetstoepassingsagentskappe bestuur word, steun aan weerlose getuies en getuies wat tydens enige regsprosesse ge\u00efntimideer word.\n","eng":"in addition, the department of justice and correctional services, working with other lawenforcement agencies, administers the office of witness protection to provide support to vulnerable and intimidated witnesses in any judicial proceedings.\n","score":0.81548315} -{"afr":"baie ekonomiese en sosiale aktiwiteite is hervat, insluitend 'n fasehervatting van skoolopleiding.\n","eng":"many economic and social activities restarted, including a phased resumption of schooling.\n","score":0.8507832} -{"afr":"dit hersien ook voldoeningskennisgewings wat deur die cipc uitgereik word wat verband hou met verlengde tyd om jaarlikse finansi\u00eble state voor te berei en om algemene jaarvergade rings te bel\u00ea.\n","eng":"it also reviews compliance notices issued by the cipc, relating to time extensions to prepare annual financial statements and convene annual general meetings.\n","score":0.83921576} -{"afr":"hulle het my ook vertel dat selfs al kan gesinne nie eens r20 vir hulle kind betaal nie, die kinders nie weggewys word nie.\n","eng":"they also told me that even if families are not able to pay the r20 fee for their child, the children are not turned away.\n","score":0.91322887} -{"afr":"in di\u00e9 geval voer die kgg n waaksaamheidsopdrag uit en voer sy moniterings funksie oor gggsake uit.\n","eng":"\"in this case, the commission conducts a watching brief and performs its monitoring function over gbv cases and examines key issues, such as insensitive conduct by presiding officers, secondary victimisation of survivors and in sensitive cross examination processes,\" teleki explains.\n","score":0.695187} -{"afr":"die programme wat deur middel van die presi densi\u00eble werkskeppingsti mulus ge\u00efmplementeer is, het ook die gemeenskappe in die algemeen bevoordeel.\n","eng":"the programmes implemented through the presidential employment stimulus have also benefited communities more broadly.\n","score":0.7468705} -{"afr":"ons het vir n kwarteeu daaraan gewerk om so n sa melewing te ontwikkel.\n","eng":"for a quarter of a century we have worked to build such a society.\n","score":0.61857617} -{"afr":"wetteloosheid gemik op buitelanders, met of sonder die nodige dokumente, sal nie geduld word nie.\n","eng":"acts of lawlessness directed at foreign nationals, whether they are documented or undocumented, cannot be tolerated.\n","score":0.73456514} -{"afr":"hierdie lys bevat 50 van die w\u00eareld se mees opwindende sjefs wat die potensiaal het om eendag die lys van die w\u00eareld se 50 beste restaurante te haal.\n","eng":"this list names 50 of the world\u2019s most exciting chefs, who have the potential to one day make the prestigious world\u2019s 50 best restaurants list.\n","score":0.86006224} -{"afr":"die loonrekening is volgens ekonomiese klassifikasie die grootste bestedingskom ponent.\n","eng":"the wage bill remains the largest component of spending by economic classification.\n","score":0.75145566}