diff --git "a/aligned_eng_ven.csv" "b/aligned_eng_ven.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/aligned_eng_ven.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6779 +0,0 @@ -src_text,tgt_text,cosine_score -"building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. -","u fhaṱa lushaka lu ṱhogomelaho vhana u fhaṱa lushaka lu ṱhogomelaho vhana vukuzenzele unnamed hu na murero wo ḓoweleaho kha mvelele nnzhi dza vhathu vha afrika une wa ri zwi dzhia muvhu ndu woṱhe u alusa ṅwana. -",0.6452074 -"this idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, wellbeing and safety of each child – comes to mind when i think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13yearold enock mpianzi on a school camp recently. -","muhumbulo uyu – wa uri vhadzulapo vhoṱhe vha na vhuḓifhinduleli ha u bveledzisa, vhuvha na tsire ledzo ya ṅwana muṅwe na muṅwe – murero uyu u a ḓa musi ndi tshi humbula nga ha ḽikhaulambilu na lufu lu vhaisaho zwihulu lwa enock mpianzi wa vhukale ha miṅwaha ya 13 lwo iteaho zwezwino khempheni ya tshikolo. -",0.6598411 -"sadly, enock is not the only child to lose his life for reasons that were entirely preventable, if only adults had exercised due care and responsibility. -","zwi vhaisaho ndi zwauri, enock a si ene ṅwana e eṱhe we a xelelwa nga vhutshilo nga zwiitisi zwine zwa vhukuma zwa nga thivhelea, arali vhathu vhahulwane vho vha vho ṋe tshedza ndondolo na vhuḓifhi nduleli. -",0.5529369 -"one thinks of another 13yearold, keamohetswe shaun seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the lekgolo primary school in limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them. -","muthu u a dovha hafhu a humbula nga ha muṅwe wa vhukale ha miṅwaha ya 13, keamohetswe shaun seboko, we a nwela khothe zwenezwino damuni ḽa u bambela ḽa tshikolo tsha phuraimari tsha magalie sburg, na vhana vhavhili vhe vha lovha tshikoloni tsha phuraimari tsha lekgolo ngei limpopo musi ṱiraka ḽi tshi zhaka luvhondo lwa vha wela. -",0.5311818 -"one thinks also about the many children, like 6yearold nathlia pienaar, who are killed in the crossfire of gang wars on the cape flats. -","muthu u a dovha a humbula hafhu nga ha vhana vhanzhi, sa nathlia pienaar wa vhukale ha miṅwaha ya 6, vhane vha khou vhulawa kha nndwa dza magevhenga ngei fuletheni dza kapa. -",0.6815007 -"we remember also the tragic deaths of michael komape and lumka mkethwa, both of whom died after falling into pit latrines. -","ri humbula hafhu mpfu dzi khaulaho mbilu dza michael komape na lumka mkethwa, vhuvhili havho vho lovha musi vho wela kha mabunga a dindi. -",0.68936694 -"all of those young lives, and the lives of many others, need never have been lost. -","matshilo oṱhe ayo a vhathu vhaṱuku, na matshilo a vhaṅwe vhanzhi, o vha a tshi ḓo vha a songo ṱuwa. -",0.4509074 -"all these tragedies could have been prevented if measures had been taken to keep these children out of harm’s way. -","makhaula mbilu haya oṱhe o vha a tshi ḓo vha o thivhelea arali ho vha na maga o dzhiwaho a u tsireledza vhana kha fhethu hu huvhadzaho. -",0.37048805 -"it seems to me that, as a society, we are failing our children. -","zwi ntsumbedza uri, sa lushaka, ri khou laṱedza vhana vhashu. -",0.38282278 -"too many children find themselves in dangerous situations, whether it is on a make shift raft on a river or being left alone in a shack with a paraffin lamp. -","vhana vhanzhi vha ḓiwana vhe kha nyimele dzi ofhisaho, kana tshikhwekhwethe tsha tshifhinganyana mulamboni kana u vha sia vha vhoṱhe mukhukhuni hu na lammba ḽa pharafeni. -",0.56289226 -"when contractors leave excavations unprotected or school infrastructure is not maintained or school transport is overcrowded, the lives of children are put at risk. -","musi vhorakhonhṱiraka vha tshi sia mitshini i songo tsireledzea kana themamvele dziso dza tshikolo dzi sa khou londotwa kana tshiendedzi tsha u ya tshikoloni tsho ḓala lu kalulaho, matshilo a vhana a vha o vhewa kha khombo. -",0.57071996 -"but there is more than negligence and neglect at work. -","fhedzi hu na zwinzhi u fhirisa u sa vha na ndavha na u sokou litshedzela mushumo. -",0.40801257 -"many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable. -","vhana vhanzhi ndi zwipondwa zwa vhabtzipi, magevhenga na vharengisi vha zwidzidzivhadzi nga maanḓa ngauri a vha koni u ḓitsireledza. -",0.5506178 -"as a society, we need to be more diligent and more active in protecting our children from these and other dangers. -","sa lushaka, ri tea u vha na vhuronwane na u ṱalifha vhukuma kha zwa u tsireledza vhana vhashu kha khombo idzi na dziṅwe. -",0.4335848 -"as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility. -","sa lushaka, ri tea u fhaṱa mvelele ya vhuḓifhinduleli. -",0.45003456 -"we need to be responsible for ourselves, for our children and for others. -","ri tea u vha na vhuḓifhinduleli kha riṋe vhaṋe, kha vhana vhashu na kha vhaṅwe. -",0.38418102 -"just as we need to ensure that children are able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, so too must we feel a duty to protect and care for all those who we know and interact with. -","musi ri tshi ṱoḓa u vhona uri vhana vha khou kona u aluwa kha vhupo vhu na ṱhuṱhuwedzo, ndondolo na tsireledzo, zwo ralo ri tea u pfa zwi mushumo washu u tsireledza na u londota vhoṱhe vhane ra vha ḓivha na vhane ra tshilisana navho. -",0.49824965 -"we must feel this duty of care on the road. -","ri tea u pfa mushumo hoyu wa u londota na musi ri dzibadani. -",0.41799787 -"while we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1,600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half. -","musi ri tshi khou ṱanganedza phungudzeo kha khombo dza badani kha tshifhinga tsha madakalo, ngoho i shushaho ndi ya uri vhathu vha fhiraho 1,600 vho lovha dzibadani dzashu kha tshifhinga tsha ṅwedzi na hafu. -",0.55327666 -"it is disturbing that over 9,000 motorists were arrested for offences including drunk driving, speeding, and reckless and negligent driving. -","zwi a kula nungo zwauri vhareili vha fhiraho 9,000 vho farelwa vhutshinyi vhu katelaho u reila vho kambiwa, luvhilo, u reila nga u sa londa. -",0.60200274 -"a culture of responsibility means that we should all drive safely and respect the rights of pedestrians and other road users. -","mvelele ya vhuḓifhinduleli zwi amba uri roṱhe ri tea u reila nga vhuronwane na u ṱhonifha pfanelo dza vhaendangaṋayo na vhaṅwe vhashumisi vha bada. -",0.4641841 -"a culture of responsibility means that fathers need to be present in the lives of their children. -","mvelele ya vhuḓifhinduleli zwi amba uri vhokhotsi vha tea u vha hone kha matshilo a vhana vhavho. -",0.4427649 -"too many women have to raise children on their own, which often limits their prospects and those of their children. -","vhafumakadzi vhanzhi vha alusa vhana vhe vhoṱhe, zwine zwa anzela u fhungudza khonadzeo dzavho dza u bvelela na dza vhana vhavho. -",0.4373059 -"a culture of responsibility also means that we should practice safe sex and not expose ourselves or others to hiv . -","mvelele ya vhuḓifhinduleli zwi dovha hafhu zwa amba uri ri tea u ḓigudisa vhudzekani ho tsireledzeaho na u sa ḓiwedza kana u wedza vhaṅwe kha hiv . -",0.65656894 -"we should not abuse alcohol or use drugs. -","a ri tei u shumisa zwikambi kana zwidzidzivhadzi. -",0.39259347 -"we should seek to live healthy lives so that we avoid diseases that are largely preventable and live longer lives. -","ri tea u lusa u tshila ri na mutakalo u itela uri ri thivhele malwadze ane a tsireledzea na u tshila matshilo malapfu. -",0.4629944 -"such a culture should be embraced in particular by all those in society who occupy positions of authority and influence, whether they are religious leaders or politicians, traditional leaders or celebrities. -","mvelele iyi i tea u kutelwa nga maanḓa nga havho vhane kha lushaka vha fara maimo a maanḓalanga na vhuṱuṱuwedzi, kana vharangaphanḓa vha zwa vhurereli kana vhorapoḽotiki, vharangaphanḓa vha zwa mvelele kana vhaḓivhalea. -",0.5706598 -"through their words and actions, they should seek to build a better society in which all are appreciated and cared for. -","nga kha maipfi kana nyito dzavho, vha tea u lusa u fhaṱa lushaka lwa khwine lune vhoṱhe vha dzhielwa nṱha na u londotwa. -",0.44214725 -"elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens. -","vhaofisiri vho khethwaho na vhashumeli vha muvhuso vho fhulufhelwa nga vhuḓifhinduleli ha u vhona tsireledzo na vhuvha ha vhadzulapo. -",0.5137249 -"they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools. -","vha tea u vhona uri hu na themamveledziso dzo teaho zwikoloni. -",0.3971249 -"they must act quickly when there is an interruption to water supply in a communities or when faulty streetlights are reported. -","vha tea u dzhia maga nga u ṱavhanya musi hu na khakhathi ya nḓisedzo ya maḓi kha vhadzulapo kana musi mavhone a zwiṱaraṱani o tshi nyalaho o vhigiwa. -",0.5740254 -"they must ensure that health and safety regulations are enforced and that the rule of law is maintained. -","vha tea u vhona uri milayo ya vhutsirele dzi na mutakalo i khou tevhed zwa na uri mulayo u khou tevhedzwa. -",0.532646 -"in addition to the ongoing work that is taking place across government, at all levels, to give effect to this responsibility, we have sometimes had to take extraordinary measures. -","ho sedzwa mushumo u no khou itwa kha muvhuso, kha masia oṱhe, u ita uri vhuḓifhi nduleli uhu vhu vhonale, tshiṅwe tshifhinga ri tea u dzhia maga mahulwane. -",0.4315114 -"in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country. -","u fhindula kha dzimpfu na mafuvhalo o vhangwaho musi vhana vha tshi wela kha mabunga a di ndi, ro rwela ṱari vhurangeli ha safe u tshimbidza ṋetshedzo ya mabunga o teaho kha zwikolo zwoṱhe kha shango. -",0.6492195 -"we deployed the south african national defence force to parts of cape town to support the police in their efforts to reduce gang violence. -","ro rumela mmbi ya vhupileli ya lushaka ya afrika tshipembe kha zwipiḓa zwa ḓorobo ya kapa u tikedza mapholisa kha ndingedzo dzavho dza u fhu ngudza khakhathi dzi itwaho nga magevhenga. -",0.590549 -"more recently, we have, together with civil society, embarked on an emergency response plan to end violence against women and children. -","zwenezwino, ro ṱangana na vhashumeli vha muvhuso, ro ḓidzhenisa kha pulane ya u fhindula zwa shishi u itela u fhelisa khakhathi dzi ite lwaho vhafumakadzi na vhana. -",0.5365542 -"yet, there is clearly much more that we need to do, as government and as a society. -","naho zwo ralo, hu vhonala hu na zwinzhi zwine ra tea u ita, sa muvhuso nahone sa lushaka. -",0.4057644 -"we applaud those individuals and organisations who have taken upon themselves responsibility for the wellbeing of others. -","ri fhululedza madzangano na vhathu avho vhe vha vhea mahaḓani avho vhuḓifhinduleli ha vhuvha ha vhaṅwe vhathu. -",0.4347802 -"there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism. -","hu na vhathu vha ngaho sa vho ralph bouwers na vho mark nicholson, vhe vha dzudzanya mishumo ya vhuḓimvumvusi ha vhaswa ngei lavender hill kha ḽa ḓorobo ya kapa u vha tsireledza kha u shandukela kha zwa vhugevhenga. -",0.7636564 -"there are the mothers, sisters and daughters who work as student volunteers with operation bobbi bear, an organisation in amanzimtoti in kwazulunatal that offers shelter to young children who have been abused. -","hu na vhomme, dzikhaladzi na vhasidzanyana vhane vha shuma sa matshudeni vha sa shumeli malamba kha operation bobbi bear, dzangano ḽi re amanzimtoti ngei kwazulunatal ḽine ḽa ṋetshedza haya kha vhana vhaṱuku vhe vha tambudzwa. -",0.72177565 -"there are many faithbased groups like the southern african catholic bishops’ confer ence, who i met recently who told me about the work they are doing to respond to the needs of the poor, to support families to be more caring and nurturing and to assist young people in confronting the many challenges before them. -","hu na zwigwada zwo ḓisen dekaho nga zwa lutendo zwi ngaho sa khonferentsi ya mabishopho a khathyoḽiki tshipembe ha afrika, vhe nda ṱangana navho zwenezwino vhe vha mmbudza nga ha mushumo une vha khou ita u fhindula ṱhoḓea dza vhashayi, u tikedza miṱa uri i vhe i londaho na u ṱhogomela nga maanḓa na u thusa vhaswa musi vha tshi livhana na khaedu nnzhi dzi re phanḓa havho. -",0.6605935 -"these south africans are showing us the way. -","vhathu avha vha afrika tshipembe vha khou ri sumbedza nḓila. -",0.43723157 -"through their example, they are reminding us of what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and for others. -","nga kha tsumbo dzavho, vha khou ri humbudza zwauri zwi amba mini u dzhia vhuḓifhinduleli hashu riṋe vhaṋe na ha vhaṅwe. -",0.41647243 -"this country has witnessed far too many tragedies. -","shango iḽi ḽo no ṱanzilela makhaulambilu manzhi vhukuma. -",0.35698587 -"too many young lives have been lost, too many children hurt and traumatised. -","matshilo manzhi a vhathu vhaṱuku o lozwea, vhana vha nzhi vho vhaisala na u thithisea muhumbulo. -",0.4902374 -"we can bring these tragedies to an end if we all, each one of us, take responsibility for raising the children in our great south african village.","u fhaṱa lushaka lu ṱhogomelaho vhana u fhaṱa lushaka lu ṱhogomelaho vhana vukuzenzele unnamed hu na murero wo ḓoweleaho kha mvelele nnzhi dza vhathu vha afrika une wa ri zwi dzhia muvhu ndu woṱhe u alusa ṅwana. -",0.4902374 -"the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. -","mafhungo nga vhuḓalo nga ha adhd na add silusapho nyanda hu na thuso ine ya vha hone kha vhana vhane vha konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi, u vha na mafufulu o kalulaho na u sa dzulisea arali ṅwana ane a vha na thaidzo ya u konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi, u sa dzulisea na u vha na mafulufulu o kalulaho (adhd) kana u a konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi na u sa dzulisea (add) a sa ilafhiwa, nyimele idzo dzi nga vha na masiandaitwa a tshifhinga tshilapfu kha mutakalo wawe. -",0.6453435 -"the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. -","hezwi ndi u ya nga dokotela vho khatija jhazbhay, vhane vha rangaphanḓa yuniti ya zwa muhumbulo ya vhaswa na vhana ngei sibadela tsha townhill pietermaritzburg, ngei kwazulunatal. -",0.5590177 -"children from upington in the northern cape are benefiting from 10 early childhood development (ecds) centres recently launched by the department of social develop ment (dsd). -","vho ṱalutshedza uri vho no aluwa, vhana avha vha nga vha kha khombo khulwane ya dziṅwe nyimele dza muhu mbulo, dzi nga ho sa mbilaelo na mutsiko, nahone vha nga shumisa zwikambi lu si lwavhudi. -",0.59454256 -"fiveyearold lithemba bacela, who lives with cerebral palsy and has a speech impairment, is better able to indicate what she feels and needs, thanks to her time at one of these centres, oasis skills development centre’s ecd unit. -","adhd na add vhu kwama mvelaphanḓa dza pfunzo dza vhana nahone maitele avho a nga kwatisa vhaṅwe. -",0.6028968 -"lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who says her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year. -","vhana na vhone vha nga nyaliwa, vha dzhena khakhathini na u welwa nga dzikhombo. -",0.5780745 -"elizabeth said the stimulation area has been particularly beneficial. -","dokotela vho jhazbhay vho amba uri: ""nyimele dza ṅwana muṅwe na muṅwe dzi a aluwa nahone a dzi fani, zwo ralo ndi zwa ndeme u ita ṱhaṱhuvho ya kiḽinikhaḽa yo ṱanḓavhuwaho u vhona zwiṅwe zwithu zwine zwa nga vha zwi tshi kwama mveledziso dzavho, khathihi na zwa ndeme zwine zwa nga itwa u vha thusa u swikela hune vha tea u swikela vhukoni havho ho fhelelaho. -",0.34707505 -"""lithemba can now indicate when she is thirsty, hungry or has wet herself. -","""vho ṱalutshedza uri adhd na add ndi thithiso ya nyaluwo ya maluvhi ine ya sumbedziswa nga vhuḓifari vhu si havhuḓi, zwi ngaho sa u sa kona u dzu lisea na u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi. -",0.5084691 -"""the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received new buildings from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project. -","izwi zwi vhonala nga: u ita vhukhakhi vhu sa tei u itwa u sa fhedza mishumo u xedza zwithu u khakhisea na u hangwa nga u ṱavhanyatsumbo dza u sa dzulisea na u vha na mafulufulu o kalulaho kana u sa langea zwi katela: mazhuluzhulu u tambisa zwanḓa kana milenzhe u swenda swenda kha tshidulo u sokou fhindula u songo thoma wa humbula na u sokou takuwa wa ima u tshi khou lavhelelwa u dzula. -",0.5668876 -"this countrywide initiative is aligned with the national development plan’s commitment to improving education, innovation and training, and ensuring that all children have at least two years of preschool education. -","""tsumbadwadze dzi vhonala fhethu huvhili kana u fhira – hayani, tshikoloni, u na khonani kana mashaka kana musi hu na miṅwe mishumo – zwa thithisa mashumele a tshikolo, zwa mushumo kana zwa matshilisano. -",0.56511855 -"the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome. -","tsumbadwadze dzo kalula ho dzi vhonala ṅwana a sa athu swika miṅwaha ya 12 nahone zwi tea u vhonala lwa miṅwedzi ya henefha kha ya rathi. -",0.6086297 -"each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen. -","vhadededzi vha a kona u topola vhuḓifari vhu siho kha ngona nahone vha nga isa ṅwana kha ṱhaṱhuvho ya zwa kiḽinikhaḽa. -",0.5424678 -"the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above. -","mafhungo nga vhuḓalo nga ha adhd na add silusapho nyanda hu na thuso ine ya vha hone kha vhana vhane vha konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi, u vha na mafufulu o kalulaho na u sa dzulisea arali ṅwana ane a vha na thaidzo ya u konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi, u sa dzulisea na u vha na mafulufulu o kalulaho (adhd) kana u a konḓelwa u thetshelesa zwavhuḓi na u sa dzulisea (add) a sa ilafhiwa, nyimele idzo dzi nga vha na masiandaitwa a tshifhinga tshilapfu kha mutakalo wawe. -",0.5424678 -"young people are sa's real jewels vukuzenzele unnamed engaging with young people always leaves me energised. -","vhaswa ndi vhone vhumatshelo ha shango ḽashu vukuzenzele unnamed u ambedzana na vha swa zwi anzela u ntsia ndi na mafulufulu. -",0.69610083 -"it is exciting to gain insight into their struggles and triumphs and their vision for what can be done to improve this country. -","zwi a takadza u wana luvhonela nga ha thambulo na madakalo avho na bono ḽavho ḽa uri hu nga itwa mini u khwi nisa shango iḽi. -",0.18075764 -"there is no denying that youth are a significant presence in our nation’s psyche and fabric. -","a zwi hanedzwi uri vhaswa ndi vhuhone ha ndeme kha muya na muhanga wa lushaka. -",0.56374896 -"far from the perception that they are complacent, politically apathetic or selfabsorbed, local and international studies consistently affirm that young people around the globe are always more positive about their prospects. -","kule na kuhumbulele kwa uri vha ṱoḓa u ḓitakadza fhedzi, u sa ḓidzhenisa kha zwa poḽotiki kana u humbulela vhone vhaṋe, ngudo dzapo na dza dzitshaka dzi anzela u khwaṱhisedza uri vhaswa u mona na ḽifhasi vha anzela u vha na fulufhelo nga ha ndavhelelo dzavho. -",0.58449274 -"according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000. -","u ya nga mawanwa a ipsos pulse a khetho dza vhathu o bviswaho nga phando, 61% ya maafrika tshipembe vha miṅwaha u bva kha 15 u ya kha 17 vha pfa vha na fulufhelo nga ha 2020. a thi timatimi uri hovhu ndi vhuḓipfi ha vhaswa nga u anga redza nga maanḓa avho vho bebiwaho nga tshifhinga tshi fanaho tsha musi miḽeniamu i tshi khou shanduka vhane zwa zwino vha khou thoma vhutshilo ha vhaaluwa, vhane vhaswa vha vha vhidza ama2000. -",0.68445814 -"they are the sons and daughters born after democracy. -","ndi vharwa na vhananyana vho bebwaho nga murahu ha dimokirasi. -",0.48955232 -"while they have no direct experience of the atrocities of apartheid, they continue to live with its legacy of racial inequity, spatial injustice and poverty. -","musi vha songo ṱangana na tshenzhemo thwii ya tshiṱuhu tsha muvhuso wa tshiṱalula, vha bvela phanḓa na u tshila na vhufa hawo ha tshayandingano ya muvhala, u sa dzula hu fanaho na vhushai. -",0.5825952 -"these young people are confident, selfassured and brimming with ambition. -","vhaswa avha vha na fulufhelo, vhuḓifulufheli na u fhufhuma lutamo lwa u bvelela. -",0.5446645 -"they know their rights and aren’t afraid to demand them. -","vha a ḓivha pfanelo dzavho nahone a vha shavhi u dzi ṱoḓa. -",0.39472318 -"our country’s youth represent energy, hope, fun, poten tial, future and freedom. -","vhaswa vha shango vha imela mafulufulu, fulufhelo, vhuḓi mvumvusi, vhukoni, vhuma tshelo na mbofholowo. -",0.6206343 -"they are digital natives fluent in the use of modern technologies and look to enter careers that did not even exist at the time of their parents. -","vho bebwa nga tshifhinga tsha thekhinoḽodzhi ya didzhithala na u kona zwavhuḓi kushumisele kwa thekhinoḽodzhi dza tshizwinozwino na u ṱoḓa u dzhena kha mabuḓo e a vha a siho na luthi hi nga tshifhinga tsha vhabebi vhavho. -",0.54125154 -"on the eve of the state of the nation address i had the privilege of interacting with a group of such dynamic young people at an intergenerational dialogue convened by the national youth development agency. -","nga madekwana a ḓuvha ḽa phanḓa ha vhuṱambo ha mulaedza wa lushaka ndo vha na mashudu a u ambedzana na tshigwada tsha vhaswa vha mafulufulu kha nyambedzano dza mirafho yo vhalaho yo rambi waho nga zhendedzi ḽa mvele dziso ya vhaswa ḽa lushaka. -",0.53475285 -"we discussed the issues that are most important to young people and examined ways in which we could align our perspectives and actions. -","ro amba nga ha zwithu zwine zwa vha zwa vhuṱhogwa vhukuma kha vhaswa na u ṱola nḓila dzine ri nga livhanya kuhu mbulele na nyito dzashu. -",0.4913277 -"naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda. -","sa nḓowelo, mafhungo nga ha u wana mishumo na zwikhala zwa mishumo zwo vha zwo a ndesa kha adzhenda. -",0.17602827 -"of the 1.2 million young people entering the labour market each year, almost twothirds remain neither working nor studying. -","kha vhaswa vha 1.2 miḽioni vhane vha khou dzhena kha makete wa vhashumi ṅwaha muṅwe na muṅwe, vhane vha ṱoḓa u lingana mbili tsha tshararu vha vha vha vha sa khou shuma kana u guda tshikoloni. -",0.32076612 -"the participants in the dialogue welcomed the fact that the issue of youth employment was receiving attention at the highest levels of government. -","vhadzheneli kha nyambedzano vho ṱanganedza zwa uri fhungo ḽa mushumo wa vhaswa ḽi khou sedzeswa khaḽo kha ḽevele dza nṱhesa dza muvhuso. -",0.49832055 -"but the refrain was familiar: they were ready and able to contribute to the economy in various ways, including as entrepreneurs, but bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding prevents them from doing so. -","fhedzi mbuelelo ndi i ḓivheaho: vho ḓiimisela na u ḓo u shela mule nzhe kha ikonomi nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho, hu tshi katelwa na vhoramabindu, fhedzi sisiṱeme ya ndaulo i konḓesaho na u sa vha hone ha ndambedzo ya masheleni zwi vha thivhela u ita nga u ralo. -",0.6439767 -"as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs. -","sa zwe bright hlongwane u bva kha vhaswa vha re kha mabindu afrika tshipembe a mmbudza zwone, hu fanela u vha na ndambedzo ya masheleni ma nzhi a ṋetshedzwaho vhorama bindu vha vhaswa. -",0.6529504 -"they would like to see a variety of financial institutions, developmental financial institutions, angel investors, private equity firms as well as commercial banks extending credit and taking a bet on young entrepreneurs. -","vha tama u vhona tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza zwiimiswa zwa masheleni, zwiimiswa zwa masheleni a mveledziso, vhabindudzi vha phuraivethe, dzifeme dza miko vhe dza phuraivethe khathihi na dzibannga dza zwa mabindu vha tshi ṋetshedza tshikolodo na u betsha kha vhoramabindu vha vhaswa. -",0.59255874 -"for our country to prosper and thrive we must do all within our means to ensure young people can participate in our economy in a meaningful way, whether it is in formal employment or selfemployment. -","uri shango ḽashu ḽi bvelele ri fanela u lingedza nga nḓila dzoṱhe u khwaṱhisedza uri vhaswa vha khou kona u dzhenela kha ikonomi yashu nga nḓila i pfadzaho, hu nga vha nga nḓila ya mushumo wa fomaḽa kana nga u tou ḓishuma. -",0.5392397 -"it was therefore fitting that i could use this platform to launch the presidential youth employment intervention, which is a strategic national vision and plan which sets out priority actions to address youth unemployment. -","zwenezwo zwo vha zwo tea uri ndi nga shumisa luvhanḓe ulu u rwela ṱari vhudzheneleli kha zwa mishumo ya vhaswa ya ofisi ya muphuresidennde, ine ya vha bono ḽa maano a vhuṱali ḽa lushaka ḽine ḽa vhekanya nyito ya ndemesa ya u lwa na vhushayamushumo kha vhaswa. -",0.60192704 -"this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities. -","hezwi zwi katela netiweke ya ndangulo ya gondo ḽa lushaka ine ya tshimbilelana na vhaṱoḓi vha mushumo na zwikhala zwa mushumo. -",0.56856966 -"this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible. -","hezwi zwi ḓo konisa vhaswa u swikela zwikhala sa i zwi vhaṅwe vhavho vha si na netiweke dzine dza nga leludza uri zwi konadzee u swikela zwikhala. -",0.5098474 -"specialised short focused courses in skills that employers need now will be organ ised. -","khoso pfufhi dzo khetheaho dzo tou sedzesaho kha mushumo dza zwikili zwine vhatholi vha zwi ṱoḓa zwino dzi ḓo dzudzanywa. -",0.34522843 -"this aims to address the problem of a mismatch between the existing educational, training and develop ment programmes and the requirements of the economy. -","hezwi zwi khou itela u tandulula thaidzo ya u sa tshimbilelana vhukati ha mbekanyamushumo dza mveledziso na vhupfumbudzi na pfunzo dzine dza vha hone zwino zwi tshi vhambe dzwa na ṱhoḓea dza ikonomi. -",0.5950793 -"we welcome the work already being done in this area, such as the programme currently underway through the departments of agriculture, land reform and rural development and cooperative governance and traditional affairs to train 1,000 young students in the free state in agricultural and other skills. -","ri ṱanganedza mushumo wo no itwaho kha sia iḽi, u fana na mbekanyamushumo ine ya vha kati zwino nga kha mihasho ya zwa vhulimi, vhuvhusi ha tshumisano na zwa sialala, mveledziso ya mahayani na mvusuludzo ya mavu ya u pfumbudza matshudeni a vha swa a 1,000 ngei free state kha zwa vhulimi na zwiṅwe zwikili. -",0.7054005 -"many young people want to start their own businesses. -","vhunzhi ha vhaswa vha ṱoḓa u thoma mabindu a vhone vhaṋe. -",0.3965407 -"they lack the technical skills that can help them start their own businesses. -","vha shaya zwikili zwa thekhi nikhala zwine zwa nga vha thu sa u thoma mabindu a vhone vhaṋe. -",0.4450938 -"the intervention will support the growth of youth entrepreneurs. -","thusedzo i ḓo tikedza nyaluwo ya vhoramabindu vha vhaswa. -",0.4931774 -"entrepreneurship is certainly not a panacea, but i am convinced that it is one effective and proven way to confer identity and purpose, a sense of belonging, and hope for the future for the youth. -","ngoho ndi ya uri u ita zwa mabindu a si thandululo ya thaidzo dzoṱhe, fhedzi ndi a tenda tshoṱhe uri ndi iṅwe ya nḓila dzo lingwaho dzi shumaho u ambedzana nga vhuṋe na ndivho, ndeme ya u vha tshipi ḓa, na fulufhelo ḽa vhumatshelo ha vhaswa. -",0.6359552 -"the presidential youth service programme provides opportunities for young people to give back to their communities. -","mbekanyamushumo ya tshumelo ya vhaswa ya ofisi ya muphuresidennde i ṋetshedza zwikhala vhaswa uri vha shumele zwitshavha zwa havho. -",0.569256 -"this initiative is designed to effect change and make an impact at scale, as opposed to fragmented programmes that have had limited impact. -","vhurangeli uhu ho dzudzanywa u ḓisa tshanduko na u vha na mvelelo dzi vhonalaho vhukuma, musi zwi tshi vhambedzwa na mbekanyamushumo dzi songo ṱumanaho dze dza vha na mvelelo ṱhukhu. -",0.5547541 -"i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative. -","ndo dovha nda ḓivhadza kha mulaedza wa lushaka uri ri ḓo vhetshela thungo 1% ya mugaganyagwama wa lushaka ine ya ḓo shuma kha vhurangeli ha mishumo ya vhaswa. -",0.6176407 -"a number of programmes and projects are being designed to address this national challenge. -","tshivhalo tsha mbekanyamushumo na thandela zwi khou dzudza nywa u ḓo sedzana na khaedu dza lushaka. -",0.38448876 -"the youth of our country clearly see this as a land of opportunity and promise, despite the obstacles they encounter. -","vhaswa vha shango ḽashu zwi tou vha khagala uri vha vhona izwi sa shango ḽine ḽa vha na tshikhala na u ṋea fulufhelo , naho hu na zwikhakhisi zwine vha ṱangana nazwo. -",0.44825426 -"in the past week alone i have met several young south africans who make me proud of just how far we have come and what we have achieved. -","kha vhege nthihi yo fhiraho ndo ṱangana na vhaswa vho vhalaho vha afrika tshipembe vhane ra ḓihudza ngavho ri tshi sedza hune ra bva hone na zwe ra zwi swikela. -",0.30018425 -"there are young sports people like golfing prodigy sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala who is racking up international golfing awards at the tender age of 8. he is ranked 7th in the world in his age group and has won the us kids golf tournament twice. -","hu na vhathu vha mitambo vha tshe vhaṱuku u fana mukoni vhukuma wa golofo sim ""tiga tshabalala ane a vha kha vhuimo ha nṱha kha u wina pfufho dza zwa golofo dza dzitshaka a kha ḓi tou vha na miṅwaha ya malo fhedzi. -",0.681578 -"my spirits were lifted when grade 11 learner sinoyolo qumba from orange farm wrote to me about what should be in this year’s sona. -","u kha vhuimo ha vhusumbe kha ḽifhasi kha tshi gwada tsha vha miṅwaha yawe nahone o wina thonamennde ya golofo ya us kids luvhili lwoṱhe. -",0.58535415 -"she actually joined our speechwriting team in the drafting process. -","muya wanga wo ḓo takala vhukuma musi mugudi wa gireidi ya 11 sinoyolo qu mba u bva orange farm a tshi nṅwalela nga ha zwine zwa tea u vha kha sona ya ṅwaha uno. -",0.4928578 -"there are passionate activists like ayakha melithafa from eerste rivier in the western cape, who attended this year’s world economic forum in davos to call on world leaders to stand firmly for climate justice. -","zwavhuḓivhuḓi o ṱanganela na thimu yashu ya u ṅwala tshipitshi kha phurosese ya mvetamve to. -",0.65349686 -"i was bowled over when i met michelle nkamankeng who, at 11 years old, is africa’s youngest author and is ranked among the top ten youngest writers in the world. -","hu na vhalwelatshanduko vho ḓikumedzelaho u fana na ayakha melithafa u bva ngei eerste rivier kapa vhukovhela, we a dzhenela kha foramu ya zwa ikonomi ya ḽifhasi ngei davos u ita khuwelelo kha vharangaphanḓa vha ḽifhasi uri vha ime vho khwaṱha kha vhulamukanyi ha zwa kilima. -",0.5457606 -"the author of seven books and wrote her first book at the age of 6 years old. -","ndo vha ndo mangala vhukuma musi ndi tshi ṱangana na michelle nkamankeng ane, kha miṅwaha ya 11, ndi ene muṅwali muṱukusa nahone u vhaliwa kha vhaṅwali vhaṱukusa vha maimo a nṱha vha fumi ḽifhasini. -",0.50776654 -"as professor jonathan jansen said: ""she is confident, articulate, insightful and passionate."" -","muṅwali wa bugu dza sumbe o ṅwala bugu yawe ya mathomo a na miṅwaha ya rathi. -",0.5761336 -"it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country’s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom. -","sa zwe phurofesa vho jonathan jansen vha amba: u na vhuḓifulufheli, u kona u amba, u na nḓivho na vhudugambilu. -",0.595305 -"we must continue to work together as government, business, labour and civil society to ensure that the burden of unemployment does not continue to weigh down our young people, crush their spirits and cause them to become despondent. -","""ndi vhaswa avha vhane vha vha dzhuwele dza vhukuma dza vhumatshelo ha shango ḽashu vha ri humbudzaho uri mbofholowo yo winiwa nga kha zwiṱhavhelo zwa vhanna na vhafumakadzi vhaswa vhe vha vha vho ḓiimisela uri hu si vhone fhedzi, fhedzi na avho vhe vha ḓa nga murahu vha fanela u tshila kha tshedza tsha mbofholowo. -",0.3462607 -"i am confident that the actions we outlined in the sona will represent a new frontier for youth development as frantz fanon said, it is to each generation to discover its mission. -","ri fanela u bvela phanḓa na u shumisana sa muvhuso, mabindu, vhashumi na vhadzulapo u khwaṱhisedza uri muhwalo wa vhushayamushumo a u khou bvela phanḓa na u lemela vha swa vhashu, u pwasha mimuya yavho, zwa vhanga uri vha fhelelwe nga fulufhelo. -",0.53052354 -"this generation has discovered theirs. -","ndi na fulufhelo ḽa uri mishumo ye ra i sumbedzisa kha sona i ḓo imela mukano muswa wa mveledziso ya vhaswa. -",0.07226956 -"it is now up to us to support them to fulfil it. -","sa zwe frantz fanon a amba, ndi u funza murafho muṅwe na muṅwe u tumbula mishini wawo. -",0.41430813 -it is a historical fact that a nation’s failure to successfully nurture and enhance the capabilities of its youth spells doom for the future of that country.,"vhaswa ndi vhone vhumatshelo ha shango ḽashu vukuzenzele unnamed u ambedzana na vha swa zwi anzela u ntsia ndi na mafulufulu. -",0.41430813 -"bmw joins the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa has handed over five bmw i3 cars that will be used by communitybased care workers to reach victims of genderbased violence. -","bmw i ḓidzhenisa kha zwa u lwisana na gbv vukuzenzele unnamed tshigwada tsha afri ka tshipembe tsha ha bmw tsho ṋekedza goloi ṱhanu dza bmw i3 dzine dza ḓo shumiswa nga vhashumeli vha ndo ndolo zwitshavhani u itela u swikelela vhapondwa vha khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu. -",0.73320997 -"the vehicles were received by president cyril ramaphosa and german chancellor angela merkel before being hand ed over to the south african business coalition on health and aids (sabcoha) to manage on behalf of the multisectoral interim steering committee on genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). -","goloi dzo ṱanganedzwa nga muphuresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa na mukhantseḽara wa german vho angela merkel. -",0.7189944 -"the automotive group’s contribution demonstrates the growing partnership between government and civil society, which includes the business sector and international partners, in the fight against gbvf. -","dzo ṋekedziwa ṱhanganelano ya mabindu ya afrika tshipembe kha zwa mutakalo na aids (sabcoha) u itela u langula tshiimo ho imelwa komiti ndanguli pfareli ya sekithara dza tshivhalo dza nga ha khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na mabulayo a vhafumakadzi (gbvf). -",0.5829395 -"the initiative is part of the automotive industry transformation fund (worth r6 billion), which was established to increase participation in the sector by previously and historically disadvantaged groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities. -","u shela mulenzhe ha tshigwada tsha vhamagi vha dzigoloi ho sumbedza vhufarisani vhune ha khou aluwa vhukati ha muvhuso na vhadzulapo, zwine zwa katela sekithara ya zwa vhubindudzi na vhashumisani vha dzitshakatshaka, kha u lwa na gbvf. -",0.58061725 -"speaking at the vehicle handover ceremony, held at the bmw group production plant in rosslyn, tshwane, president ramaphosa said the vehicles will help to save lives. -","vhurangeli uvhu ndi tshipiḓa tsha tshikwama tsha tshanduko tsha mamaga a zwiendisi (tsha mutengo u linganaho r6 biḽioni), tshine tsho thomiwa u itela u shandukisa matshimbidzele a zwa vhumagi ha dzigoli na u konisa u shela mulenzhe kha sekithara nga zwigwada zwine zwo vha zwo tsikeledzwa kale hu tshi katelwa vhafumakadzi, vhaswa na vhaholefhali. -",0.6343992 -"he expressed his gratitude to bmw for being the first company to donate the vehicles, and encouraged others to follow suit. -","musi vha tshi khou amba kha vhuṱambo ha u ṋekedza zwiendisi, ho farelwaho hune ha bveledzwa zwiendisi zwa tshigwada tsha ha bmw ngei rosslyn, tshwane zwenezwino, muphuresidennde vho ramaphosa vho ri zwiendisi zwi ḓo thusa u vhulunga vhutshilo. -",0.55891496 -"""this practical expression of good corporate citizenship is sending a very good and clear message that we would like many other companies to also notice and adopt,president ramaphosa said. -","vho livhisa ndivhuwo dzavho kha vha ha bmw kha u vha khamphani ya u thoma u ṋekedza zwiendisi, na u ṱuṱuwedza vhaṅwe uri vha tevhedze zwe vha ita. -",0.5760076 -"emergency response plan to address gbvfgovernment has been im plementing an emergency response plan to address gbvf. -","""haya maitele a u sumbedza vhubindudzi havhuḓi ha vhudzulapo a khou rumela mulaedza wavhuḓi nahone u re khagala wa uri ri khou tama dziṅwe khamphani dzi tshi zwi vhona nahone dzi tevhedzele maitele aya. -",0.5503865 -"a national strategic plan on gbvf, which outlines a range of measures to tackle gbvf, has also been developed. -","""u vha hone ha bmw afrika tshipembe zwi sumbedza vhushaka ha kale ho khwaṱhaho na mbofho ya vhubindudzi vhukati ha germany na afrika tshipembe"" muphuresidennde vho ramaphosa vho ralo. -",0.5942078 -"""the plan focuses on strengthening prevention efforts, and ensuring safety and justice for the women and children of our country. -","pulane ya vhufhinduli ya shishi ya u lwa na gbv""muvhuso wo vha u tshi khou ḓi shumisa pulane ya vhufhi nduli ya shishi ya u lwa na gbvf. -",0.5235753 -"the plan also touches on economic empowerment, an area that is so important that we, as government, will be focusing on,"" president ramaphosa said. -","pulane ya zwa tshiṱirathe dzhi ya lushaka ya gbvf, ine ya sumbedza maga a u lwa na gbvf, na yone yo no bvele dzwa. -",0.5574638 -"group head of production and chairman of bmw south africa, dr milan nedeljkovic, said 4 000 people in south africa are directly employed at bmw group, and four out of five managers are local. -","""pulane yo sedzana na u khwaṱhisa ndingedzo dza u thivhela, na u kwaṱhisedza tsireledzo na vhulamukanyi kha vhafumakadzi na vhana vha shango ḽashu. -",0.6904525 -"in addition to this, more than 40 000 people are employed indirectly through the company’s utilities in south africa. -","pulane i dovha ya kwama na u bveledzisa ikonomi, tshipiḓa tshine tsha vha tsha ndeme tshine, sa muvhuso, ra ḓo sedzesa khatsho,"" vho ralo muphure sidennde vho ramaphosa.ṱhoho ya tshigwada tsha mveledziso na mudzula tshidulo wa ha bmw afrika tshipembe, vho dr milan nedeljkovic, vho ri vhathu vha linganaho 4 000 vha afrika tshipembe vho tholwa nga tshigwada tsha ha bmw, hu tshi katelwa na vhalanguli vhaṋa kha vhaṱanu vhane vha vha vhathu vhapo. -",0.453738 -"""our first formal training facility in bmw sa opened its doors in 1978 and since then, more than 2 000 have gone through training with bmw and received jobs at bmw,"" nedeljkovic said. -","nṱha ha izwi, vho nedeljko vic vho ri vhathu vha 40 000 vho tholwa nga zwiimiswa zwi shumiswaho nga khamphani afrika tshipembe. -",0.6293666 -"he said the company’s philosophy underlines that education is the key to success, and ""lifelong learning through bmw group is part of that success"". -","""tshiimiswa tshashu tsha vhupfumbudzi tsha u tou thoma tsha tshiofisi ha bmw sa tsho thoma nga 1978 nahone u bva zwenezwo, vhathu vha fhiraho 2 000 vho pfu mbudziwa nga bmw vha wana mishumo ha bmw. -",0.5727641 -"""by 2025, we will support one million children and young people globally through targeted education programmes, focusing on skills programmes.""","bmw i ḓidzhenisa kha zwa u lwisana na gbv vukuzenzele unnamed tshigwada tsha afri ka tshipembe tsha ha bmw tsho ṋekedza goloi ṱhanu dza bmw i3 dzine dza ḓo shumiswa nga vhashumeli vha ndo ndolo zwitshavhani u itela u swikelela vhapondwa vha khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu. -",0.5727641 -"let us work together to fix our finances vukuzenzele unnamed the budget presented by finance minister tito mboweni presents a sobering assessment of the state of our economy. -","kha ri shumisane roṱhe u itela u dzudzanya zwa masheleni ashu vukuzenzele unnamed mugaganyagwama wo ṋetshedzwa ho nga minisṱa wa zwa masheleni vho tito mboweni wo sumbedza ṱhaṱhuvho ya ndemesa ya tshiimo tsha ikonomi yashu. -",0.68437207 -"the figures make it plain that unless we act now to turn things around, there will be even more difficult times ahead. -","figara dzo zwi vhea khagala zwauri ra sa ita nyito zwino ra shandukisa zwithu, hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwinzhi zwi koṋdaho phanḓa. -",0.4831424 -"put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning. -","zwo vheiwa nga nḓila i lelu waho, ri khou shumisa mashele ni manzhi u fhirisa zwine ra khou hola zwone. -",0.33473182 -"as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising. -","zwo ralo, ri khou hadzimesa, mbadelo dza u kona u badela tshikolodo itsho nga nḓila kwao dzi khou gonya. -",0.4394381 -"in fact, debt service costs are now the fastestgrowing area of expenditure. -","zwa vhukuma ndi zwauri, mbadelo dza u kona u badela tshikolodo nga nḓila kwao zwazwino ndi yone tshinyalelo i no khou aluwa nga luvhilo. -",0.48438567 -"we spend more on debt repayments than we do on health; only education and social development get more. -","ri shumisesa masheleni manzhi kha mbadelamurahu ya tshikolodo u fhirisa zwine ra ita kha mutakalo; ndi kha mveledzi so ya zwa matshilisano na zwa pfunzo fhedzi hune ha wanwa masheleni manzhi. -",0.5496291 -"this position is precarious and unsustainable. -","tshiimo itshi tshi a tima timisa nahone a si tshine ra nga ṱuwa ngatsho. -",0.4404576 -"we need to make significant changes and we need to make them now. -","ri tea u ita tshanduko dza ndeme nahone ri tea u dzi ita zwino. -",0.4109823 -"there are several reasons for the position we’re now in. -","hu na zwiitisi zwo vhalaho zwa tshiimo tshine ra vha kha tsho zwino. -",0.32335606 -"our economy has not grown much over the last decade, mainly due to the 2008 global financial crisis and a decline in demand for the minerals that we export. -","ikonomi yashu a yo ngo aluwesa kha miṅwaha ya fumi yo fhiraho, zwo itiswa nga vilili ḽa ḽifhasi ḽa zwa mashele ni ḽa 2008 na u fhungudzea ha ṱhoḓea ya mineraḽa dzine ra vhambadzela nnḓa. -",0.6110246 -"as a result, revenue collection has been weak and we have had to borrow more to sustain spending on development, infrastructure and wages. -","zwo ralo, khuvhanganyo ya mbuelo yo vha fhasisa nahone ro tou tea u koloda zwinzhi u itela u bve ledza u shumisa masheleni kha mveledziso, themamveledziso na kha miholo. -",0.58040226 -"at the same time, state capture and corruption has affected governance, operational effectiveness and financial sustainability at several public institutions, including stateowned enterprises (soes). -","nga tshifhinga themamveledziso tshithihi, u hombokwa ha muvhuso na tshanḓanguvhoni zwo kwama mavhusele, mashumele kwao na vhudziki ha zwa masheleni kha zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso zwo vhalaho, zwi tshi katela mabindu a langwaho nga mu vhuso (dzisoe). -",0.6208738 -"efforts over the last two years to revive the economy and rebuild institutions have now been undermined by the electricity crisis, further constraining growth and placing an additional burden on public finances. -","ndingedzo dza kha miṅwa ha mivhili yo fhiraho dza u vusulusa ikonomi na u fhaṱu lula zwiimiswa zwazwino zwi khou dzhielwa fhasi nga vilili ḽa muḓagasi, iṅwe nyaluwo i konḓaho na u vhea muṅwe muhwalo hafhu kha masheleni a muvhuso. -",0.5948287 -"our priorities in this budget therefore are to put the economy back on a path of growth, constrain public spending and stabilise our debt. -","zwipikwa zwashu kha mu gaganyagwama uyu zwo ralo ndi u vhuedzedza ikonomi kha gondo ḽa nyaluwo, ndango ya tshumiso ya masheleni a mu vhuso na u vhea tshikolodo tshashu kha ngona. -",0.5936846 -"the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state. -","mugaganyagwama ndi tshipi ḓa tsha ndeme tsha vhutshi mbidzi hashu u itela nyaluwo i katelaho zwoṱhe, u sika mishu mo, vhubindudzi na muvhuso u ḓikonaho. -",0.57437253 -"we have made a deliberate decision not to pursue a path of austerity. -","ro ita tsheo i re kha ngona hu si u tevhela nḓila ya nyimele ya ikonomi i si yavhuḓi. -",0.59449047 -"such a route would have seen deep cuts in spending on the social services that poor people rely on. -","nḓila iyo yo vha i tshi ḓo vhona hune ha tea u fhungudzwa nga maanḓa kha u shumisa masheleni kha tshumelo dza matshilisano dzine vhashai vha ḓitika ngadzo. -",0.5037678 -"it could have involved dramatically reducing the salaries of civil servants, the size of the public service, cutting bonuses and pensions, raising taxes and selling off key state assets. -","zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo dzhenisesa nga maanḓa phungudzo ya miholo ya vhashumeli vha muvhuso, muelo wa vhashumi vha mu vhuso, u fhungudza bonasi na phensheni, u engedza muthelo na u rengisa thundu dza mu vhuso dza ndeme. -",0.6280072 -"an austerity budget would have damaged our growth prospects further and weakened the ability of the state to stimulate economic activity and meet people’s needs. -","mugaganyagwama wa nyi mele ya ikonomi i si yavhuḓi wo vha u tshi ḓo vha wo vhaisa hafhu khonadzeo ya nyaluwo wa hoṱefhadza khonadzeo ya muvhuso u ṱuṱuwedza nyito ya ikonomi na u swikela ṱhoḓea dza vhathu. -",0.5681782 -"we have instead presented a budget that contains a range of balanced and wellconsidered measures to contain spending, increase revenue and encourage growth. -","naho zwo ralo, ro ṋetshedza mugaganyagwama wo faraho mutshotshonono wa maga o sedzwaho zwavhuḓi nahone o dzudzanyeaho u itela u fara zwavhuḓi mashumisele a masheleni, nyaluso ya muthelo wa mbuelo na ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya nyaluwo. -",0.58745944 -"over the next three years, we expect to achieve savings of around r261 billion by cutting the budgets of several departments and reducing the rate at which the public service wage bill increases. -","kha miṅwaha miraru i ḓaho, ri khou lavhelela u swikela mbulungelo ya henefha kha r261 biḽioni nga u fhungudza migaganyagwama ya mihasho minzhi na u fhungudza phimo ine mulayotibe wa muholo wa tshumelo ya muvhuso wa engedzwa ngayo. -",0.65002966 -"at the same time, however, we will need to spend more to support the restructuring of soes like eskom and saa. -","kha tshifhi nga tshenetsho tshithihi, naho zwo ralo, ri khou tea u shumisa masheleni manzhi u tikedza u dzudzanywa hafhu ha mabindu a langwaho nga muvhuso a nga ho sa eskom na saa. -",0.51272553 -"as a result, we expect a net reduction of r156 billion in noninterest spending over the medium term. -","zwo ralo, ri lavhelela ṱhumbulotsalela ya r156 biḽioni kha u shumiswa ha masheleni kha zwi si na mui ngapfuma kha tshifhingakati. -",0.6057604 -"this will help to narrow the deficit and reduce our borrowing needs. -","izwi zwi ḓo thusa u fhungu dza ṱhahelelo na u fhungudza ṱhoḓea dzashu dza u hadzima. -",0.48439413 -"a large part of the savings will come from reducing the rate at which our wage bill grows. -","tshipiḓa tshihulwane tsha u vhulunga tshi ḓo bva kha u fhungudza phimo ine mulayo tibe washu wa muholo wa alu wa ngatsho. -",0.52457654 -"this will require focused discussions among all social partners, but particularly with public sector unions. -","izwi zwi ḓo ṱoḓa nyambedzano dzo dzudzanaho nga ngona vhukati ha vhashu misani vhoṱhe vha zwa ma tshilisano, fhedzi nga maanḓa na vha mbumbano dza sekithara dza muvhuso. -",0.41830164 -"these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions. -","vhuḓidzhenisi uhu vhu tea u tshimbidzwa nga muya wa u ṱoḓa thandululo. -",0.46147487 -"i am heartened by the willingness of all parties to engage in serious negotiations aimed at finding a solution. -","ndi a khwaṱhiswa nga lutamo lwa madzangano oṱhe lwa u ḓidzhenisa kha nyambedzano dza vhuṱhogwa dzo sedzaho kha u wana thandululo. -",0.13593061 -"our approach is not to dramatically cut the size of the public service, but to examine the rate at which wages grow. -","maitele ashu a si a u tou fhu ngudza muelo wa tshumelo dza muvhuso nga u tou hwiḓa, fhedzi ndi u tou ṱola phimo ine miholo ya aluwa ngayo. -",0.508911 -"public service wages have on average increased at a much higher rate than inflation over many years, and we need to fix this if we are to get public finances under control. -","miholo ya tshumelo dza muvhuso i na u ya nga mbalotshikati nyengedzo i na phimo ya nṱhesa u fhirisa inflesheni lwa miṅwaha minzhi, zwo ralo ri tea u dzudzanya hezwi zwithu arali ri tshi khou ṱoḓa u wana masheleni a mu vhuso a kha ndango. -",0.52717435 -"this also applies to the management of people’s personal finances, where if any expenditure item that rises at a rate more than inflation – be it electricity tariffs, mobile tariffs or food – will always put any individual person’s budget and finances under strain and out of kilter. -","izwi zwi dovha zwa ya na kha ndango ya masheleni a vhathu vhone vhaṋe, hune arali tshiteṅwa tshi no shumisa masheleni tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine tsha aluwa kha phimo i fhiraho inflesheni – hu nga vha mbadelotiwa dza muḓagasi, mbadelotiwa dza ṱhingokhwalwa kana zwiḽi wa – zwi ḓo dzulela u vhea mugaganyagwama muṅwe na muṅwe wa muthu ene muṋe na masheleni fhasi ha mutsiko na u sa vha kha ngona. -",0.58272135 -"the wage bill remains the largest component of spending by economic classification. -","mulayotibe wa muholo u dzu lela u vha tshipiḓa tshihulwane sa tsha u shumisa masheleni zwi tshi ya nga khethekanyo ya ikonomi. -",0.529006 -"growth in the wage bill has begun crowding out spending on capital projects for future growth and items that are critical for service delivery. -","nyaluwo kha mulayo yibe wa muholo yo no thoma u bvisela thungo zwa u shu misa masheleni kha thandela dza pfuma u itela nyaluwo ya tshifhinga tshiḓaho na zwite ṅwa zwine zwa vha zwa ndeme kha nḓisedzo ya tshumelo. -",0.54943764 -"the public service wage bill is by no means the only area where we are cutting costs. -","mulayotibe wa muholo wa vhashumeli vha muvhuso u nga si vuwe wo vha wone fhedzi une ra khou fhungudza mbadelo. -",0.39893764 -"i have decided that there will be no increase in the salaries of senior public office bearers this year. -","ndo humbula zwauri a hu nga vhi na nyengedzo kha miholo ya vhaofisiri vha mu vhuso vhahulwane ṋaṅwaha. -",0.49059993 -"this follows a reduction in benefits stemming from changes to the ministerial handbook. -","izwi zwi khou tevhela ṱhumbu lo kha mbuelo dzo simuwaho zwi tshi bva kha tshanduko dzi re kha bugupfarwa ya dziminisṱa. -",0.46501046 -"we will publish a new law this year introducing a remuneration framework for public entities and state owned companies to prevent excessive pay for board members and executives. -","ri ḓo anḓadza mu layo muswa ṋaṅwaha une wa ḓivhadza muhanga wa miholo ya zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso na khamphani dzi langwaho nga muvhuso u thivhela mbadelo dzo kalulaho dza miraḓo ya bodo na vhaofisiri vhahulwane. -",0.4380483 -"our trade union compatriots are right in saying that we should in a demonstrable way prevent leakages of public funds by addressing corruption, ending irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. -","vhashumisani na riṋe vha mbumbano ya vhashumi vha kha ngoho musi vha tshi amba uri ri tea nga nḓila i vhonalaho u thivhela u bva kana u bvuḓiswa ha masheleni a muvhuso nga u amba nga ha tshanḓanguvhoni, u fhelisa zwithu zwi si ho kha ngona, tshumiso ya masheleni nga nḓila ya u sa londa. -",0.5983376 -"we will do this and much more. -","he zwi ri ḓo zwi ita na zwiṅwe zwinzhi. -",0.34057862 -"as much as containing the public wage bill is critical to stabilising public finances, improving public sector performance is imperative if we want to build a more capable, efficient state. -","naho u fara mulayotibe wa miholo ya vhashumeli vha mu vhuso zwi zwa ndeme u itela u vhea kha ngona masheleni a muvhuso, u khwinisa mashu mele a sekithara dza muvhuso ndi zwa ndeme nga maanḓa arali ri tshi khou ṱoḓa u fhaṱa muvhuso u na vhukoni vhu hulwane. -",0.5543755 -"we need more of the right people in the right positions. -","ri ṱoḓa vhunzhi ha vhathu kwao kha maimo kwao. -",0.34985524 -"as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth. -","musi ri tshi fara tshumiso ya masheleni a muvhuso, ri khou fungelela nyaluwo. -",0.41798204 -"it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases. -","ndi nga ṅwambo wa hezwi uri, naho hu na tshikhala kha zwa masheleni, a hu na nyengedzo ya muthelo khulwane. -",0.49199325 -"instead, there is some relief for individual tax payers and several measures to broaden the corporate tax base. -","madzuloni azwo, hu na u rulwa nyana ha vhatheli na maga o vhalaho u itela u alu sa mbadelo ya phimamuthelo wa vhabindudzi. -",0.56347406 -"we are also pushing ahead with farreaching reforms in areas like electricity provision, ports and rail and telecommunications to reduce the cost of doing business. -","ri khou ya phanḓa na tshanduko dza ndeme kha masia a ngaho sa ṋetshedzo ya muḓagasi, vhuimangalavha na zwiporo khathihi na vhudavhidzani ha kule u fhungudza mbadelo dza vhubindudzi. -",0.6355991 -"through the infrastructure fund we aim to mobilise financing from a range of sources to invest in a massive build programme. -","nga kha tshi kwama tsha themamveledziso ro lavhelela u tshimbidza zwa u ṋetshedza masheleni u bva kha zwiko zwo vhalaho u itela u vhulunga kha mbekanyamu shumo ya u fhaṱa khulwane. -",0.5585141 -"through our industrial strategy and investment drive we are unlocking vital areas of growth. -","nga kha tshimbidzo yashu ya tshiṱirathedzhi tsha zwa nḓowetshumo na mbulungelo ri khou vula masia manzhi a nyaluwo. -",0.42930833 -"we are fixing our public finances to make inclusive growth and job creation possible. -","ri khou dzudzanya masheleni ashu a muvhuso u itela uri nya luwo i angaredzaho zwoṱhe na u sika mishumo zwi konadzee. -",0.47796002 -"such times call for us to be realistic, not dogmatic. -","zwifhinga zwo raloho zwi ṱoḓa riṋe ri tshi ḓivha zwine zwa tea u itwa, ri si vhe vhathu vha sa koni u shandukisi kuhumbule le. -",0.44059867 -"they call for cooperation, not conflict. -","tshi ṱoḓa tshumisano, hu si khuḓano. -",0.41658098 -"compromises and tradeoffs will have to be made. -","u pfesesana na u ḓikumedzela zwi tea u itwa. -",0.26994276 -"we are all in this together, and we share a collective responsibility to take the oars, to row in unison and steer our country through these stormy waters.","kha ri shumisane roṱhe u itela u dzudzanya zwa masheleni ashu vukuzenzele unnamed mugaganyagwama wo ṋetshedzwa ho nga minisṱa wa zwa masheleni vho tito mboweni wo sumbedza ṱhaṱhuvho ya ndemesa ya tshiimo tsha ikonomi yashu. -",0.26994276 -"patient support crucial for fighting tb dale hes the usaid tuberculosis south africa project is proving to be a perfect example of how government, communities and ngos can partner together to combat tuberculosis (tb) by providing proper support to patients. -","thikhedzo ya mulwadze ndi ya ndeme kh a u lwa na tb dale hes thandela ya afrika tshipembe ya lufhi ha ya usaid i khou sumbedza u vha tsumbo yavhuḓi ya uri muvhuso, zwitshavha na dzingo, zwoṱhe zwi nga shumisana u fhelisa lufhiha (tb) nga u ṋetshedza vhalwadze thikhedzo kwao. -",0.685264 -"south africa has taken a position of leadership in the global fight against tb, and the united states agency for international development (usaid) has stepped in to provide assistance. -","afrika tshipembe ḽo dzhia vhuimo ha vhurangaphanḓa kha nndwa ya ḽifhasi ya u lwisana na tb, zhendedzi ḽa united states ḽa mveledziso ya tshakatshaka (usaid) ḽo ḓidzhenisa u itela u ṋetshedza thusedzo. -",0.71196663 -"the fiveyear project, which started in 2016, is being carried out in partnership with the national department of health in eight of south africa’s provinces. -","thandela ya miṅwaha miṱanu, ye ya thoma nga 2016, i khou tshimbidzwa i na tshumisano na muhasho wa mutakalo wa lushaka kha mavundu a malo a afrika tshipembe. -",0.65745294 -"one of the most important parts of the project is to support communitybased ngos. -","tshiṅwe tsha zwipiḓa zwa ndemesa tsha thandela ndi u tikedza ngo dza zwitshavha. -",0.5607412 -"the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas. -","thandela i ṋetshedza ndambedzo kha ngo dza 21 dze dza tikedza vhalwadze vha fhiraho 3500, vhunzhi havho vha wanala vhuponi ha mahayani. -",0.6250038 -"free state progressbased in mangaung, mosamoria is one of the ngos which has received funding from the project. -","mosamoria mosamoria kha ḽa kha ḽa free free statestatei wanala kha ḽa mangaung, mosamaria ndi iṅwe ya dzingo dze dza wana ndambedzo i tshi bva kha thandela. -",0.6742078 -"the organisation has a team of community health workers, a project manager and a data capturer who all work towards ensuring that patients stay on treatment so that they can be cured in a six month period. -","dzangano iḽo ḽi na tshigwada tsha vhashu mi vha zwa mutakalo zwitshavhani, mulangulathandela na mufaradata vhane vhoṱhe vha shuma u itela u vhona uri vhalwadze vha dzule vha kha dzilafho u itela uri vha fhole kha tshifhinga tsha miṅwedzi ya rathi. -",0.55526656 -"""we employ 74 care givers for this project. -","mukonanyi wa mosamaria vho trudie harrison vho amba uri: ""ro thola vhaṋetshedzandondolo vha 74. mathomoni ro shuma na vhalwadze vha 200, ha ḓa vhalwadze vha 400, na uri zwazwino ri na vhalwadze vha 500 kha khonṱiraka vhane ra shuma navho ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. -",0.4806692 -"initially we worked with 200 patients, then 400 patients, and in our current contract we have 500 patients who we work with on a daily basis. -","vhalwadze vha rumelwa kha riṋe musi vho ṱhaṱhuvhiwa vha wanala vha na tb vha tshi bva kha kiḽiniki dzo fhambanaho dza ṱahe ḓoroboni khulwane ya mangaung."" -",0.47533935 -"the patients are referred to us when they have been diagnosed as having tb from nine different clinics in the mangaung metro,"" says mosamaria coordinator trudie harrison. -","mosamaria i tshimbidza mafu lo a u ṱhaṱhuvha a muḓi nga muḓi ṅwedzi muṅwe na muṅwe u itela u wanulusa vhalwadze vhaswa vha tb na u mbo ḓidzheniswa kha dzilafho nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.5370519 -"mosamaria conducts monthly doortodoor screening campaigns to find new tb patients and get them on treatment immediately. -","vho harrison vho amba uri mushumo wa mosamoria wo fhungudza samba ḽi ṱumanyi swaho na tb, wa fhaṱa vhusha ka vhu re tsinisa na tshitshavha wa dovha hafhu wa isa kha phimo dza khwine dza dzilafho kwao. -",0.64733076 -"harrison says that mosamoria’s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment. -","vho harrison vho amba uri: ""sa tsumbo, nga 2018, vhalwadze vhashu vha 514 vho fhola."" -",0.62498546 -"""for example, in 2018, 514 of our patients were cured,"" harrison says. -","vho harrison vho kovhana tshiṱori tsha muṅwe wa vhalwadze vha mosamaria. -",0.49499235 -"harrison shares the story of one of mosamaria’s patients. -","vho vha vha tshi khou ṋewa thikhedzo ya ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe nga muṋetshedzandondolo wa mosamaria, we a vhona zwa uri vha mila philisi dzavho ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe vha dovha vha thuswa nga mugayo na zwiambaro zwiswa. -",0.49520564 -"he was given daily support by a mosamaria caregiver, who ensured that he swallowed his tablets every day and also assisted with maize meal and new clothes. -","vho harrison vho amba uri: ""vho khunyeledza dzilafho nahone vho fhola. -",0.5635097 -"""he completed the treatment and was cured. -","vho humela mushumoni saizwi mutholi wavho o vha vhetshela mushumo wavho. -",0.3447748 -"he went back to work as his employer had kept his job for him,"" says harrison. -","thikhedzo ya mulwadze ndi ya ndeme kh a u lwa na tb dale hes thandela ya afrika tshipembe ya lufhi ha ya usaid i khou sumbedza u vha tsumbo yavhuḓi ya uri muvhuso, zwitshavha na dzingo, zwoṱhe zwi nga shumisana u fhelisa lufhiha (tb) nga u ṋetshedza vhalwadze thikhedzo kwao. -",0.3447748 -"together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century. -","ri roṱhe ri nga kona u lwa na masiandaitwa a covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed ḽifhasi ḽi khou ṱangana na vhuleme vhuhulu ha tshiimo tsha shishi kha mutakalo wa lushaka nga nḓila ine a i athu vhonwa kha miṅwaha i fhiraho ḓana. -",0.6731096 -"the spread of the coronavirus, which causes the disease known as covid19, has been alarmingly swift and widescale, and is now defined as a global pandemic. -","u phaḓalala ha tshitzhili tsha coro na, tshine tshi vhanga vhulwadze ha covid19, ho gidima na u phaḓalala nga nḓila i shavhisaho, na uri zwino tshi vho tou ambiwa sa tshiwo tsha dwadze ḽo phaḓalalaho ḽifhasini. -",0.66785765 -"it knows no geographical or territorial boundaries, has infected both young and old, and is on the rise in developed and developing countries alike. -","a tshi ḓivhi mikaṋo ya fhethu kana vhupo, tsho kavha vhahulwane na vhaṱuku, na uri tshi khou hulela kha mashango o bvelelaho na ane a khou bvelela. -",0.5748932 -"as screening and testing is scaled up, the number of infections in south africa is expected to rise. -","musi u ṱhaṱhuvha na u ita ndingo zwi tshi khou engedzea, tshivhalo tsha u kavhiwa tshi khou lavhelelwa u gonya afrika tshipembe. -",0.48868734 -"i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy. -","ndi kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza zwenezwino uri hetshi ndi tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka, tshikalo tshi linganyiswaho na vhuhulu ha nyimele ya tshutshedzo kha vhathu vhashu, lushaka lwashu na ikonomi yashu. -",0.5673835 -"this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems. -","hezwi zwi ḓo ri konisa uri ri vhe na kushumele kwa ndangulo ya tshiwo kwo konanywaho na kwo ṱanganelaho na u dzudzanya sisiṱeme dza shishi dza u fhindula nga u ṱavhanya na nga vhukoni. -",0.5432862 -"this virus will be extremely disruptive, and our priority is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all south africans. -","hetshi tshitzhili tshi ḓo khakhisa zwihulwane vhukuma, na uri zwa ndemesa kha riṋe ndi u tsireledza mutakalo na vhuvha ha maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe. -",0.5593952 -"we also have to address the inevitable economic fallout. -","ri tea u dovha ra amba nga ha u wa ha ikonomi he ha vha hu songo lavhelelwa. -",0.44676396 -"we must expect a decline in exports, a drop in tourist arrivals and a severe impact on production, business viability and job creation and retention. -","ri tea u lavhelela u tsela fhasi ha zwivhambadzwaseli, u tsela fhasi ha madalo a vhaendelamashango khathihi na masian daitwa o kalulaho kha vhubveledzi, u shuma kwae ha mabindu na u sika mishumo khathihi na u i vhulunga. -",0.66275847 -"cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of covid19 on our economy. -","khabinethe i kati na u khunyeledza ṱhoḓea dza thusedzo i angaredzaho zwoṱhe u itela u fhungudza masiandaitwa a covid19 kha ikonomi yashu. -",0.66348827 -"this is being done in consultation with business, labour and other relevant institutions. -","hezwi zwi khou itwa hu na u ambedzana na mabindu, vhashumi na zwiṅwe zwiimiswa zwi kwameaho. -",0.49228567 -"it was louis pasteur who said that fortune favours the prepared mind. -","ndi vho louis pasteur vhe vha amba uri mashudu a wela vha mihumbulo yo ḓilugiselaho. -",0.60388684 -"south africa is prepared, and has been so for some time. -","afrika tshipembe ḽo ḓilugisela, nahone ḽo ḓilugisela u bva na kale. -",0.46838638 -"since the outbreak was first reported we have acted to put screening and containment measures in place. -","u bva tshe ha vhigwa u ṱaha ha vhulwadze lwa u tou thoma, ro shuma u dzudzanya fhethu ha u ṱhaṱhuvha na u vhekanya maga a u vhona uri vhulwadze vhu a langea uri vhu sa phaḓalale. -",0.4691563 -"our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize. -","phindulo yashu sa lushaka yo rangiwa phanḓa nga komiti ya minisiṱa dza tshivhalo (imc) yo dzulwaho phanḓa nga minisiṱa wa mutakalo, vho dokotela zweli mkhize. -",0.7345658 -"the manner in which the imc and the support teams have responded to this emergency has been both exemplary and reassuring, particularly in helping to quell public panic. -","nḓila ine imc na zwigwada zwa thikhedzo vha khou fhindula ngayo kha iḽi shishi yo vha tsumbo na khwaṱhisedzo kha zwoṱhe, nga maanḓa kha u thusa u dzimela u tshuwa ha lushaka. -",0.63592184 -"i will be chairing a national command council to coordinate all aspects of our national response. -","ndi ḓo vha ndi tshi khou dzula phanḓa khoro ya ndaela ya lushaka u itela u konanya masia oṱhe a vhufhinduli hoṱhe ha lushaka. -",0.50309235 -"south africa has a positive track record in managing public health emergencies. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi na rekhodo yavhuḓi ya u langa zwiimo zwa shishi kha mutakalo wa tshitshavha. -",0.59290665 -"we have the knowledge, the means and the expertise. -","ri na nḓivho, nḓila na vhukoni. -",0.5189607 -"our scientists and epidemiologists are worldclass. -","vhorasantsi na vhaḓivhi vha zwa mishonga kha u langa zwa malwadze a phaḓalalaho vha maiimo a nṱha ḽifhasini. -",0.4820959 -"we have put a raft of emergency measures in place, and will make funding available to support their implementation. -","ro dzudzanya mutevhe wa maga a shishi, na uri ri khou vhona uri ndambedzo i vhe hone u itela u tikedza u thoma u shuma hao. -",0.51803744 -"they include travel bans on visitors from highrisk countries; mandatory testing, selfisolation or quarantine for south african nationals returning from these countries; and strengthening surveillance, screening and testing at ports of entry into the republic. -","a katela nyiledzo dza vhaeni u bva mashangoni a re na tshutshedzo khulwanesa, ndingo dzi kombetshedzaho, u ḓikhetha nga iwe muṋe kana u valelwa thungo ha maafrika tshipembe vhane vha khou bva mashangoni a nnḓa u thivhela u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze; khathihi na u khwaṱhisa vhulavhelesi, u ṱhaṱhuvha na ndingo mikaṋoni i no dzhenwa ngayo kha riphabuḽiki. -",0.67684335 -"social distancing is critical if we are to contain the spread of covid19. -","u sa sokou ita miṱangano ndi zwa ndeme arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u langa u phaḓalala ha covid19. -",0.6693795 -"gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled. -","maguvhangano a vhathu vha fhiraho 100 o iledzwa na vhuṱambo ha u pembela nga magogo kha maḓuvha a holodei a vhu tsha ḓo vha hone. -",0.57604927 -"visits to all correctional centres are being suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. -","madalo kha senthara dzoṱhe dza vhululamisi a kha ḓi vha o fhahewa lwa maḓuvha a 30 u tou bva zwino. -",0.5040497 -"nonessential international travel for government officials has been proscribed and nonessential domestic travel discouraged. -","u endela mashangoḓavha zwi sa tou kombetshedza nga vhaofisiri vhoṱhe vha muvhuso ho iledzwa na uri u enda ha fhano hayani hu sa tou kombetshedza a hu ṱuṱuwedzwi. -",0.5386133 -"a total of 35 land ports and two sea ports will be closed, as will schools from the 18th of march until after the easter weekend. -","mikaṋo ya 35 ya shangoni na mivhili ya lwanzheni i ḓo valwa, na zwikolo u bva nga ḽa 18 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe u swika mafhelo a vhege ya paseka. -",0.70021725 -"we will soon be announcing measures with regards to universities and colleges. -","hu si kale ri ḓo ḓivhadza maga o dzhiiwaho malugana na dziyunivesithi na magudedzi. -",0.42668027 -"next month will be easter, a sacred period for a number of faiths and a time in which mass services and gatherings will take place. -","ṅwedzi u ḓaho ndi paseka, tshifhinga tshikhethwa tsha lutendo lwa vhanzhi na uri ndi tshifhinga tshine mishumo minzhi na maguvhangano zwa ḓo farwa. -",0.22460726 -"the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole. -","tshitshavha tsha vha lutendo vha tea u dzhia tsheo kha heḽi fhungo vho dzhielesa nṱha madzangalelo a mutakalo wa vhakereki vhavho na shango ḽoṱhe nga vhuphara. -",0.5202678 -"hygiene control should be intensified in all sectors. -","ndaulo ya ndondolamutakalo i tea u engedzedzwa kha sekhithara dzoṱhe. -",0.1938403 -"every citizen should take charge of their own safety by observing measures such as frequent handwashing with soap or handsanitizers and covering their nose or mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. -","mudzulapo muṅwe na muṅwe u tea u dzhia vhuḓifhinduleli ha tsireledzo yawe nga u dzhiela nṱha maga a tsireledzo angaho u dzulela u ṱamba zwanḓa nga tshisibe kana u zwi moṋa nga sanithaiza khathihi na u vala ningo na mulomo nga thishu kana u thivha nga tshanḓa musi vha tshi hoṱola kana u atsamula. -",0.6576369 -"as part of our national effort the department of health will continue with an intensive and ongoing campaign to raise awareness about prevention, transmission and infection symptoms. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha ndingedzo ya lushaka, muhasho wa mutakalo u ḓo bvela phanḓa na fulo nga vhuhulu ḽine ḽa khou ḓi ya phanḓa u ita tsivhudzo nga ha thivhelo, u phaḓaladza na tsumbadwadze dza u kavhiwa. -",0.57203346 -"i encourage all south africans to acquaint themselves with the relevant preventative material. -","ndi ṱuṱuwedza maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe uri vha ḓivhe nga ha zwithivheli zwo teaho. -",0.5216266 -"these measures are similar to those in other countries, and it is important we all understand that they are not punitive but a matter of public safety. -","haya maga a fana na ayo a maṅwe mashango, na uri ndi zwa ndeme zwa uri roṱhe ri pfesese uri a si a u ri vhaisa, fhedzi ndi fhungo ḽa tsireledzo ya tshitshavha. -",0.60927826 -"one of the greatest dangers at this time is ignorance and misinformation. -","tshiṅwe tshine tsha vha khombo khulwanesa tshifhinga hetshi ndi u dzhiela fhasi fhungo heḽi na u sa vha na mafhungo o fhelelaho. -",0.42160302 -"we should stop spreading fake and unverified news, especially on social media. -","ri tea u litsha u sokou tshimbidza mafhungo a si one nahone a songo khwaṱhisedzwaho, nga maanḓa kha nyanḓadzamafhungo dza zwitshavha. -",0.5397304 -"this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort. -","hezwi zwi nga kuṱedza ḽimu di ḽa u sinyuwa ḽine lushaka lwo no vha khaḽo khathihi na u tshinyadza ndingedzo dza lushaka. -",0.5066313 -"we must also not give in to the expressions of bigotry that we have seen in other countries directed at nationals of countries from where the outbreak began or the current epicenter in europe. -","na uri riṋe ri songo ḓidzhenisa kha maitele a u sa konḓelelana hune ra vha na kuvhonele ku sa fani sa zwine ra khou zwi vhona kha maṅwe mashango he u ṱaha ha uvhu vhulwadze ho thoma hone kana hune zwazwino ha vho tou vha luvholelani lwa hone ngei yuropa. -",0.5472183 -"this is clearly a virus that affects people of all nationalities. -","hetshi tshi tou vha tshitzhili tshine tshi kavha vhathu vha tshaka dzoṱhe. -",0.38880402 -"let us lower the wing of compassion to those who are infected, and to those who have returned home from highrisk countries. -","kha ri vhe na pfelovhuṱungu kha avho vho kavhiwaho, na kha avho vho vhuyaho u bva mashangoni a re na tshutshedzo khulwanesa. -",0.5346783 -"let us assist those in need and those more vulnerable, instead of shunning them. -","kha ri thuse avho vhane vha khou ṱoḓa thuso na vhashayatsireledzo, madzuloni a u vha valela nnḓa. -",0.45550406 -"we will remain faithful to the values of tolerance and respect that define us as a people. -","ri ḓo dzula ri tshi khou fulufhedzea kha zwa ndeme zwa u konḓelelana na ṱhompho ine ya amba uri ri vhonnyi sa vhathu. -",0.5084483 -"on behalf of all the people of south africa i thank the team who repatriated our compatriots from wuhan, china, as well as the leadership and people of limpopo who are assisting with the quarantine process. -","ndo imela vhathu vha afrika tshipembe, ndi livhuwa tshigwada tshe tsha vhuisa vhaṅwe nga riṋe u bva ngei wuhan, china, khathihi na vhurangaphanḓa na vhathu vha limpopo vhane vha khou thusa nga fhethu ha u valela vhathu u thivhela u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze. -",0.6422334 -"this is a difficult time. -","ndi zwifhinga zwi konḓaho. -",0.15039471 -"and yet it is in times of adversity that our strength is revealed. -","honeha, ndi kha zwifhinga zwi lemelaho hune nungo dzashu dza dzumbululea. -",0.41926026 -"we will act decisively, with determination and with purpose. -","ri ḓo dzhia tsheo nga u ṱavhanya, ri na ndivho na u ḓiimisela . -",0.46887493 -"we will act as a collective, for it is upon the actions of every south african that the success of our efforts depend. -","ri ḓo shuma sa ṅanda, sa izwi u bvelela ha ndingedzo dzashu ho ḓisendeka kha nyito dza muafrika tshipembe muṅwe na muṅwe. -",0.53685874 -"the thuma mina moment is upon us, perhaps as never before. -","tshifhinga tsha thuma mina tshi kha riṋe, huṅwe ṱhaṅwe na u fhira mathomoni. -",0.44291136 -"this too shall pass. -","hezwi na zwone zwi ḓo fhira. -",0.27874532 -"we shall overcome. -","ri ḓo kunda. -",0.5126657 -we are south africans.,"ri roṱhe ri nga kona u lwa na masiandaitwa a covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed ḽifhasi ḽi khou ṱangana na vhuleme vhuhulu ha tshiimo tsha shishi kha mutakalo wa lushaka nga nḓila ine a i athu vhonwa kha miṅwaha i fhiraho ḓana. -",0.5126657 -"help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. -","thusedzo ya vhadzulapo vhashu vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza vukuzenzele unnamed mashango manzhi u mona na ḽifhasi a kha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila nga ṅwambo wa khoronavairasi a tshi khou itela u tshidza matshilo a vhathu vhao. -",0.645453 -"we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart. -","ro ita zwenezwo na kha shango ḽashu, fhedzi zwa nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha riṋe zwo dzumbulula zwithu zwi vhaisaho vhukuma zwitshavhani zwashu zwe zwa dzumbulula uri vhushai vhuhulu, tshayandingano na vhushayamushumo zwi khou ṱhukhukanya mvumbo ya vhadzulapo vhashu. -",0.30742833 -"there can be no greater anguish than that of a parent whose children cry out to them for food, but they have none to give. -","a hu na vhuṱungu vhuhulu vhu fanaho na uho ha vhabebi vhane vhana vhavho vha lilela zwiḽiwa, fhedzi vha vha vha si na zwine vha nga vha fha. -",0.25569052 -"there can be no greater injustice than a society where some live in comfort and plenty, while others struggle at the margins to survive with little or nothing at all. -","a hu nga vhi na khaṱhulo i si kwayo vhukuma u fana na tshitshavha tshine vhaṅwe vha dzula kha vhukimvi, ngeno vhaṅwe vha tshi khou tambula u swika lufuni uri vha kone u tshila nga zwiṱuku kana vha si na tshithu na tshithihi. -",0.48401928 -"yes, these are the residual effects of a fractured and unequal past. -","ndi zwone, izwi ndi zwithu zwi sa thivhelei zwo vhangwaho nga ḓivhazwakale ya tshaya ndingano nahone yo tshinyadzaho vhukuma. -",0.4133029 -"but they are also a symp tom of a fundamental failing in our postapartheid society. -","fhedzi hu na ngafhadzo dza u balelwa huhulu kha tshitshavha tshashu tshe kale tsha vha tshi kha khethululo nga lukanda. -",0.46717113 -"the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem. -","nyiledzo dza u tshimbila dzi angaredzaho shango ḽoṱhe ho sedzwa khoronavairasi dzo ṋaṋisa zwihulusa thaidzo ye ya vha i hone u bva kale. -",0.5358958 -"over the past few weeks, we have been confronted with distressing images of desperate people clamouring for food parcels at distribution centres and of community protests against food shortages. -","kha vhege dzo fhiraho, ro vha ro livhana na zwifhaṱuwo zwi vhaisaho zwa vhathu vho hanganeaho vha tshi khou gwalabela zwiputo zwa zwiḽiwa sentharani dza u phakhela na migwalabo ya vhadzulapo vha tshi lwela u ṱahela ha zwiḽiwa. -",0.31221914 -"we have also had to contend with allegations both disturbing and disgusting. -","ro dovha hafhu ra tea u livhana na mavharivhari a sa ṱanganedzei nahone a vhaisaho. -",0.50659984 -"a number of provinces have received reports that callous individuals, some of them allegedly government officials, are hoarding or selling food parcels earmarked for the needy and destitute, or diverting them to their friends and families. -","mavundu a tshivhalo o ṱanganedza mivhigo ya uri vhathu vha si na mbilu dza u vhavhalela, hune vhaṅwe vhavho vha vha vhaofisiri vha muvhuso, vha khou dzumba kana u rengisa zwiputo zwa zwiḽiwa zwo vhetshelwaho vhashayi na vhathu vha si na tshithu, kana vha khou zwi isa kha khonani dzavho na kha miṱa yavho. -",0.5737411 -"if there is found to be substance to these allegations we will deal with the individuals concerned harshly. -","arali ha wanala hu na zwi fareaho vhukuma kha mavharivhari aya ri ḓo shumana na vhathu avho lu vhavhaho vhukuma. -",0.15809968 -"with the declaration of a national state of disaster and the imposition of a nationwide lockdown we entered uncharted waters. -","u bviswa ha mulevho wa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka na khombetshedzo ya nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha shango ḽoṱhe ro dzhena kha nyimele ye ra vha ri sa athu i tshenzhema. -",0.5677091 -"south africa has never had to deal with a public health emergency of this magnitude. -","afrika tshipembe ḽo vha ḽi sa athu vhuya ḽa ṱangana na tshiimo tsha shishi tsha mutakalo wa lushaka nga nḓila hei. -",0.53152835 -"we had to act quickly to save lives. -","ro mbo tea u shuma nga u ṱavhanya u itela u tshidza matshilo. -",0.4573027 -"and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country’s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred. -","ri tea u zwi ṱanganedza zwauri kha maḓuvha na vhege dzo tevhelaho, ṋetshedzo ya thikhedzo kha vhadzulapo vha shango ḽashu vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza yo vha i khou ongolowa i si nga nḓila ine ya khou ṱoḓiswa zwone, na zwauri vhukhakhi ho itea. -",0.53925216 -"however, the payment of social grants has proceeded relatively smoothly, and after a number of technical challenges, the food distribution system is being streamlined. -","naho zwo ralo, mbadelo ya mindende yo tshimbila zwavhuḓi, nahone nga murahu ha khaedu dza zwa thekhiniki dza tshivhalo, sisṱeme ya khovhekanyo ya zwiḽiwa i khou dzudzanywa. -",0.47620377 -"imposing a nationwide lockdown at very short notice presented several challenges. -","khombetshedzo ya nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha shango ḽoṱhe kha nḓivhadzo yo itwaho nga tshifhinga tshiṱuku zwo bveledza khaedu nnzhi. -",0.4784151 -"we have had to weigh up the proportionality of the national response and the extent of restrictions we would need to impose. -","ro mbo tea u ela ndivhanele ya phindulo ya lushaka na vhuhulu ha nyiledzo dzine ra tea u dzi ita. -",0.49705416 -"we ultimately chose to err on the side of caution. -","ro fhedzisela ro nanga u wela kha sia ḽine ḽa ri vhea fhethu havhuḓi. -",0.43111148 -"and as the presentation by the ministry of health indicated recently, enforcing a lockdown at the time we did has slowed down the rate of infection and, more importantly, bought us time to prepare for a probable surge in infections in the coming weeks and months. -","sa zwe ḽikumedzwa nga vha muhasho wa mutakalo ḽa sumbedza zwenezwino, u kombetshedza nyiledzo dza u tshimbila nga tshifhinga tshe ra ita ngatsho zwo fhungudza phimo ya phirela nahone zwa ndemesa, zwo ri fha tshifhinga tsha u dzudzanya u gonya ha phirela kha dzivhege na miṅwedzi i ḓaho. -",0.60049766 -"we had to consider the impact on an already floundering economy in both the long and short term, and the impact of this substantial disruption on the livelihoods of millions of people. -","ro tea u sedza u kwamea ha ikonomi yo no vhaisalaho kha tshifhinga tshipfufhi na tshilapfu, nahone u kwamea ha tshinyadzo khulu iyi kha matshilo a dzimiḽioni dza vhathu. -",0.46258503 -"we had to consider what weeks of confinement to the home would mean for the employed not paid regular salaries, for the unemployed and those seeking work, for those in casual or seasonal employment, for those in the informal sector, for the indigent and for the vulnerable. -","ri tea u sedza uri vhege dza u valelwa mahayani zwi amba mini kha vhashumi vha sa nga holelwi miholo yavho ya nga misi, kha vha sa shumi na avho vhane vha khou ṱoḍa mushumo, kha avho vhashumi vha tshifhinganyana kana vha tshifhingatetshelwa, kha avho vha re kha sekithara zwadzo, kha vhashayi na vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza. -",0.34503388 -"cabinet will finalise a set of measures to respond to the impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods of our people. -","khabinethe i ḓo khunyeledza mutevhe wa maga u fhindula mveledzo dza nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha matshilo a vhathu vhashu. -",0.5413439 -"this has been preceded by a range of engagements with a number of stakeholders including business, labour, religious organisations, civil society and the presidential economic advisory council. -","hezwi zwo rangelwa nga tshivhalo tsha nyanḓano na tshivhalo tsha vhafaramikovhe zwi tshi katela vhubindudzi, vhashumi, madzangano a vhurereli, vhadzulapo na khoro ya ngeletshedzo ya ikonomi ya zwa phresidennde. -",0.62052006 -"the social partners have put forward a number of proposals on interventions that could address the immediate vulnerability of the poorest of the poor, most of whom rely on social assistance to survive. -","vhashumisani vha zwa matshilisano vho vhea phanḓa tshivhalo tsha makumedzwa a a vhuḓidzhenisi vhune ha nga fhindula khanganeo ine ya vha hone na zwezwo ya vhashayi vha vhashayi, vhunzhi havho vha ḓitika nga thusedzo ya zwa matshilisano. -",0.5435137 -"we will scale up welfare provision during this period to help households living below the poverty line. -","ri ḓo gonyisa ṋetshedzo ya vhulondoti nga tshifhinga hetshi u thusa miṱa i tshilaho kha vhushayi vhukuma. -",0.47673517 -"even when the nationwide lockdown is lifted, its effects will continue to be felt for some time to come. -","naho zwa nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha shango ḽoṱhe zwa fheliswa, mveledzo yayo i ḓo dzulela u tshenzhelwa lwa tshifhinga. -",0.46791595 -"those fortunate to have a steady income will be able to return to their jobs; but for millions of others this will be a lost month where they would otherwise have found temporary work, done business in the informal sector or saved money earned to meet their family responsibilities. -","avho vha re na mashudu a u vha na miholo yo khwaṱhaho vha ḓo kona u humela mishumoni yavho; fhedzi kha vhunzhi ha vhaṅwe uyu u ḓo vha ṅwedzi wo lozweaho une vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha vho wana mushu mo wa tshifhinganyana, vho ita vhubindudzi kha sekithara dzazwo kana vho vhulunga masheleni e vha hola u swikela vhuḓifhinduleli ha miṱani yavho. -",0.580636 -"food support is a shortterm emergency measure. -","thikhedzo ya zwiḽiwa ndi maga a shishi a tshifhinga tshipfufhi. -",0.4348993 -"it will need to be matched by sustainable solutions that help our most vulnerable citizens weather the difficult times that are still to come. -","zwi ḓo tea u ṱanganyiswa na thandululo dzo khwaṱhaho dzine dza ḓo thusa vhadzulapo vhashu vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza kha zwifhinga zwi konḓaho zwine zwa nga kha ḓi ḓa. -",0.16750377 -"i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute. -","ndi tama u livhuwa vhunzhi ha dzingo, zwigwada zwa vhurereli na vhadzulapo zwavho vhane vha khou ṋetshedza masheleni na u shuma vha sa nga wani malamba kha u thusa vha tshi fusha avho vha re na nḓala na vhashayi. -",0.6294553 -"alleviating hunger is not an act of charity. -","u fhelisa nḓala a si nyito ya vhuthu. -",0.5717903 -"it is an imperative for any society that is founded on respect for human rights. -","ndi ndaela ya tshitshavha tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsho thomiwaho nga ṱhonifho ya pfanelo dza vhathu. -",0.30132994 -"we are at a point in our battle with the pandemic where complacency could prove disastrous. -","ri vhukati na nndwa yashu ya u lwisana na dwadze hune u ḓigeḓa zwi nga itisa mutshinyalo. -",0.48634163 -"i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe. -","ndi ita khuwelelo kha roṱhe uri ri dzule ro rafhuwa, u isa phanḓa vha tshi tevhedza milayo, vha dzule vho tsireledzea nahone vha tsireledze na vhaṅwe. -",0.45638114 -"as government we will be providing information on the direct interventions we are taking to shield our most vulnerable citizens from the grim prospect of starvation. -","sa muvhuso ri ḓo ṋetshedza mafhungo thwii nga nḓila ya u dzhenelela ine ra khou i dzhia kha u tsireledza vhadzulapo vhashu vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza kha mathada ane a nga vha vhulaisa nga nḓala. -",0.5463796 -"among the many difficulties our people face at this time, wondering where their next meal will come from should not be one of them.","thusedzo ya vhadzulapo vhashu vha sa koni u ḓi tsireledza vukuzenzele unnamed mashango manzhi u mona na ḽifhasi a kha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila nga ṅwambo wa khoronavairasi a tshi khou itela u tshidza matshilo a vhathu vhao. -",0.5463796 -"let us unite in our fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed the entire world is in the unrelenting grip of the coronavirus pandemic, whose spread has been rapid. -","kha ri farisane kha nndwa kha ri farisane kha nndwa yashu ya u lwa na yashu ya u lwa na covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed covid19ḽḽifhasi ḽothe nga vhuphara ḽo fara tshi konḓaho nga dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, ḽine ḽa khou phaḓalala nga luvhilo. -",0.6365617 -"a vaccine has yet to be found. -","khaelo a i athu u wanala. -",0.3103456 -"across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died. -","u mona na ḽifhasi, vhathu vha tshivhalo tshi fhiraho 3.4 miḽioni vho kavhiwa na uri ho no lovha vha fhiraho 240,000. ngangoho hezwi ndi zwifhinga zwi lemelaho. -",0.5585501 -"these are indeed desperate times. -","musi hu tshi tiwa mulevho wa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka vhegeni dza rathi dzo fhiraho, afrika tshipembe ḽo vha ḽi na zwiwo zwo khwaṱhisedzwaho zwa u kavhiwa nga tshitzhili tsha corona zwa 61. naho tshivhalo itshi tshi fhasi, kuvhonele kwa vhaḓivhi na tshenzhemo ya dzitshakatshaka zwo sumbedzisa uri u kavhiwa hu nga gonya nga nḓila khulwane nahone nga luvhilo. -",0.1179372 -"when the national state of disaster was declared six weeks ago, south africa only had 61 confirmed coronavirus infections. -","ndo amba uri hu tea u dzhiiwa maga a ndeme nahone nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.5214844 -"despite the relatively low number, expert opinion and international experience indicated that infec tions would rise exponentially. -","maga ayo – ane a katela nyiledza u bva mahayani ya lushaka lwoṱhe na u valwa ha mikano yashu – o sumbedza u shuma kha u lengisa u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze. -",0.5379144 -"i said that urgent and drastic measures would need to be taken. -","hezwi zwo konadzea ngauri vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe vho tevhedzela mbetshelwa dza nyiledza u bva mahayani, u ita maitele a u sa vha tsinitsini na vhaṅwe na u ambara masiki wa khofheni. -",0.40012607 -"those measures – which included a nationwide lockdown and the closure of our borders – have proved to be effective in delaying the spread of the disease. -","ndi a vha rwelwa zwanḓa kha hezwi na huṅwe u ḓidzima he vha ita. -",0.27685696 -"this has been possible because most south africans have adhered to the lockdown provisions, practising social distancing and wearing face masks. -","kha luṱa ulu lwa musi ri tshe kati na dwadze, maṅwe mashango a na zwivhalo zwinzhi zwa u kavhiwa u fhira zwine ra vha nazwo. -",0.5621604 -"i applaud you for this and for all the other sacrifices you have made. -","hune ra vha hone zwino – hune ra vha na maḓuvha a 46 u bva tshe ra rekhoda tshiwo tsha vhu100 tsha tshitzhili tsha corona – ri na zwiwo zwo khwaṱhisedzwaho zwa 6,783. italy, ḽine tshivhalo tshaḽo tsha vhathu tsha fana na tshashu, ḽo no vha na zwiwo zwi fhiraho 140,000 ngeno united states ḽi na zwiwo zwi swikaho hanefha kha 700,000 hu tshi khou vhalwa kha ḓuvha ḽa vhu46. -",0.34920222 -"at this stage in the progress of the pandemic, other countries had far more infections than we do. -","fhedzi izwi a zwi ambi uri phanzi yo pfuka. -",0.46583253 -"as of now – which is 46 days since we recorded our 100th coronavirus case – we have 6,783 confirmed cases. -","afrika tshipembe a ḽi athu tou swika maṱhakheni a u kavhiwa. -",0.50894517 -"italy, which has a similar size population to ours, had more than 140,000 cases and the united states had around 700,000 confirmed cases at the 46day mark. -","modeḽe yoṱhe ya sainthifiki i sumbedza uri phimo ya u kavhiwa i ḓo isa phanḓa na u engedzea nga luvhilo kha miṅwedzi i si gathi i ḓaho. -",0.58863693 -"but this does not mean that the danger has passed. -","fhedziha, luvhilo lune vhulwadze ha phaḓalala ngalwo na tshivhalo tsha vhathu vhane vho kavhiwa zwi ḓo bva nga zwine ra khou ita zwazwino. -",0.32597846 -"we have not nearly reached the peak of infections in south africa. -","ndi ngazwo hune u leludzwa ha nyiledza u bva mahayani hu tshi ṱoḓa u itwa nga zwiṱuku na nga u ṱhogomela. -",0.14998549 -"all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months. -","ndi nga nṱhani ha zwenezwi hune vhunzhi ha ndaulo dzi tea u dzula dzo ralo na uri ndi zwa ndeme uri vhathu vha dzi tevhedzele. -",0.47159356 -"however, the speed with which the virus spreads and the number of people who are ultimately infected will be determined by what we do now. -","ndi a zwi ḓivha uri izwi zwi lemela hani na uri ndi a pfesesa mbilaelo dzine vhunzhi ha vhafunashango vha vha nadzo nga ha nḓila ine ndaulo idzi dza khou dzhenelela ngaho na u shaedza kha pfanelo dzavho. -",0.3936745 -"that is why the easing of the lockdown needs to be gradual and cautious. -","fhedzi hezwi zwoṱhe ndi zwa ndeme. -",0.51908255 -"it is for this reason that many regulations need to remain in place and why it is absolutely essential that people observe them. -","ndivho yashu khulwane ndi u vhulunga vhutshilo. -",0.45059592 -"i know how difficult this is and i understand the concern that many of our compatriots have about how these regulations are interfering and limiting their rights. -","u sa vha tsinitsini na vhaṅwe na tsiravhulwadze yo teaho zwi kha ḓi vha vhupileli hashu ha nṱhesa kha nndwa iyi. -",0.3754513 -"but all this is necessary. -","hezwi ndi zwone zwine zwa vhigela ndaulo dze ra dzi vhekanyela u dzi shumisa kha ḽevele 4 ya vhufhinduli hashu. -",0.19080827 -"our overriding objective is the preservation of life. -","vhusedzi hashu ho ḓisendeka nga vhuṱanzi ho khwaṱhisedzwaho, data ya sainthifiki na ya zwa ikonomi khathihi na maitele a nṱhesa a dzitshakatshaka. -",0.43700552 -"social distancing and proper hygiene are still our best and only defences in this struggle. -","kha khaṱhulo ya 1995 ya khothe ya ndayotewa ye i sa ṱanganedze ndaṱiso ya zwa masheleni, vho justice arthur chaskalson vho ṅwala uri: ""pfanelo dza vhutshilo na tshirunzi ndi zwa ndemesa kha pfanelo dzoṱhe dza vhathu na tshiko tsha dziṅwe pfanelo dza muthu. -",0.52660537 -"this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response. -","nga u ḓikumedzela riṋe vhaṋe kha tshitshavha tsho simiwaho kha u dzhiela nzhele pfanelo dza vhathu ri tea u dzhiela nṱha idzi pfanelo mbili u fhirisa dziṅwe dzoṱhe. -",0.25114375 -"our considerations are based on empirical evidence, scientific and economic data and international best practice. -","""ndaulo dzine ra khou dzi shumisa dzo tewa kha vhuḓikumedzeli ha vhutshilo na tshirunzi, zwine zwa khwaṱhisedza vhungoho – kha nyimele idzi dzo kalulaho – nyiledzo dza tshifhinga nyana kha dziṅwe pfanelo, sa u vhofholowa kha u ya hune wa funa na u ṱangana na vhaṅwe. -",0.49723038 -"in the 1995 judgment of the constitutional court that outlawed capital punishment, jus tice arthur chaskalson wrote: ""the rights to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights and the source of all other personal rights. -","nga u ita izwi, afrika tshipembe a ḽo ngo fhambana na maṅwe mashango. -",0.5860672 -"by committing ourselves to a society founded on the recognition of human rights we are required to value these two rights above all others. -","nyanganyelo ya thihi tsha ṱhanu ya tshivhalo tsha vhathu kha ḽifhasi vho khethelwa na u valelwa thungo kana vha kha nyiledza u bva mahayani ya lushaka, ngeno tshivhalo itshi tshi tshi khou engedzea nga u ṱavhanya zwi tshi fhindula u gonya ha u kavhiwa. -",0.26847002 -"""the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify – in these extreme circumstances – temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association. -","izwi zwi katela mashango ane a vha na vhathu vhanzhi u fhira vhashu, sa india i na vhathu vha linganaho 1.5 biḽioni. -",0.53311205 -"in doing this, south africa is not unlike many other countries. -","mashango manzhi a khou shumisa ndaulo dzi ṱoḓaho vhathu vha tshi vha vhe mahayani nga zwifhinga zwo tiwaho sa zwine ra khou shumisa fhano. -",0.3777253 -"an estimated onefifth of the world’s population is under quarantine or nationwide lockdown, with this number growing rapidly in response to rising infections. -","u kaliwa ha mitshimbili hu khou shumiswa kha mashango o fhambanaho. -",0.53397226 -"this includes countries with substantially larger populations than ours, like india with its 1.5 billion people. -","kha ḓorobo ya uk na france , paris , u ya fhethu ha nnyi na nnyi zwo kaliwa lwa awara nkene nahone kha tshikhala tshikene u bva hune wa dzula hone. -",0.49293065 -"dozens of countries have imposed curfews such as the one that is now in place here. -","maga a pfareledzo na a thivhelo a fanaho na ashu a khou shumiswa kha mashango o fhambanaho. -",0.49977952 -"limitations on movement are in place in a number of countries. -","tsumbo, u rengiswa ha zwikambi nga tshifhinga tsha nyiledza u bva mahayani ho iledzwa kana hu a haniwa fhethu ho fhambanaho na nga mivhuso yapo, hu tshi katelwa zwipiḓa zwa mexico , hong kong na greenland , he ṅwedzi wo fhiraho ho bviswa nyiledzo ya thengiso ya zwikambi nga tshifhinga tsha nyiledza u bva mahayani u itela u fhungudza u kavhiwa khathihi na u ‘itela u langa khakhathi dza u tambudzwa ha vhana na vhafumakadzi.’hu na zwinzhi zwe tshitshavha tsha ṱahisa kha tsheo dza muvhuso dza u engedzwa ha thivhelo ya zwibveledzwa zwa mafola kha ḽeveḽe ya vhuṋa. -",0.3291008 -"in the uk and the french capital, paris, public exercise is limited to certain hours and within a certain distance of one’s home. -","tsheo i ngaho iyi i tou tea u sa ḓisa nyanḓano kha tshitshavha, fhedzi zwo khakhea u humbulela uri dziminisṱa kana phuresidennde vha khou ita kana u amba nga u funa kha fhungo iḽi. -",0.5174474 -"containment and prevention measures similar to ours are in place in a number of countries. -","nga ḽa 23 lambamai, ndo ḓivhadza uri u rengiswa ha sigareṱe zwi nga tendelwa kha ḽeveḽe ya vhuṋa. -",0.2503373 -"for example, alcohol sales during lockdown have been either restricted or banned in a number of territories and by local governments, including parts of mexico, hong kong and greenland, which last month imposed a ban on alcohol sales during lockdown to limit infection but also ‘to curb violence against women and children.’there has been much public comment on government’s decision to extend the prohibition on the sale of tobacco products into level 4. a decision like this is bound to be controversial, but it is wrong to suggest that there are ministers or a president doing and saying whatever they want on this matter. -","hezwi zwo vha zwo ḓisendeka kha muhumbulo wa khoro ya vhulaeli ya lushaka ya tshitzhili tsha corona (nccc), na uri zwo vha zwi hone kha muhanga wa mvetomveto wo iswaho tshitshavhani u itela nyambedzano. -",0.6589277 -"on 23 april, i announced that cigarette sales would be permitted during level 4. this was based on the view of the national coronavirus command council (nccc), and which was contained in the draft framework that was published for consulation. -","nga murahu ha ndavheleso na therisano dzo sedzwaho zwavhuḓi, nccc yo shandukisa kuhumbulele kwayo nga ha mafola. -",0.5923957 -"after careful consideration and discussion, the nccc reconsidered its position on tobacco. -","nga ṅwambo wa izwo, ndaulo dzo tendelwaho nga khabinethe na u ḓivhadzwa nga minisiṱa vho nkosazana dlaminizuma nga ḽa 29 lambamai dza engedza u thivhelwa uho. -",0.5492705 -"as a result, the regulations ratified by cabinet and announced by minister nkosazana dlaminizuma on 29 april extended the prohibition. -","hei ndi tsheo guṱe na uri zwiṱatamennde zwo iswaho tshitshavhani nga nṋe na minisiṱa ro vha ro imela, na u ṋewa maanḓa nga guṱe ḽa vhane nda vha ranga phanḓa. -",0.18191946 -"this was a collective decision and the public statements by both myself and the minister were done on behalf of, and mandated by, the collective i lead. -","ndaulo dzoṱhe dzine ra khou dzi shumisa dzo lavheleswa nga vhuronwane. -",0.5030739 -"every regulation we have put in place has been carefully considered. -","ri tshi khou ḓi ya phanḓa ho vha na vhukwamani ho itwaho na vhaḓivhi vha zwa mishonga, zwigwada zwa vhukhethi na nḓowetshumo dzo fhambanaho. -",0.36821508 -"along the way there has been consultation with medical experts, various constituencies and different industries. -","ro vha ri tshi khou dededzwa nga zwiimiswa zwa dzitshakatshaka na tshenzhemo ya maṅwe mashango. -",0.5165654 -"we have been guided by international bodies and the experience of other countries. -","ngoho ndi ya uri ri kha nyimele ine a ri na tshenzhemo yayo. -",0.4290599 -"the reality is that we are sailing in unchartered waters. -","hu kha ḓi vha na zwinzhi nga ha epidemiology (davhi ḽa saintsi ya mishonga ḽi sedzaho kha u phaḓalala na u langwa ha vhulwadze kha vhathu) ya tshitzhili zwi sa ḓivheiho. -",0.445023 -"there is still a great deal about the epidemiology of the virus that is unknown. -","ndi khwine u khakha kha sia ḽa vhulondo ha u thivhela phanzi u fhirisa u badela zwihulu nga u kundelwa zwino u ṋea khaṱhulo ya ḽa matshelo. -",0.14110136 -"it is better to err on the side of caution than to pay the devastating price of a lapse in judgment in future. -","musi hu na mihumbulo yo fhambanaho kha dziṅwe dza tsheo dze ra dzhia – na uri kha dziṅwe nyimele hu na zwi fhambanyaho zwigwada – muvhuso u khou ḓidina vhukuma kha u shuma nga nḓila ine ya bveledza pfanelo dza vhutshilo na tshirunzi kha vhathu vhashu vhoṱhe. -",0.28292146 -"while there are differing views on some of the decisions we have taken – and in some instances these have polarised opinion – government is making every effort to act in a way that advances the rights to life and dignity of all our people. -","u thetshelesa vhathu vhashu na mbilaelo dzavho kha tshifhinga itshi zwo vha tshiṅwe tsha tshiṱaluli tshine riṋe sa muvhuso ro kona nga khatsho u langa dwadze iḽi. -",0.4559642 -"listening to our people and their concerns during this period has been one of the distinguishing features of how we as government have managed this pandemic. -","ri isa phanḓa na u thetshelesa mbilaelo dza vhathu vhashu na uri ro ḓilugisela u ita ndivhanyiso dzi linganyaho mbilaelo dza vhathu nga ha khaedu dzine vho livhana nadzo hu tshi itelwa u vhulunga matshilo. -",0.5283432 -"we continue to listen to the concerns of our people and are prepared to make adjustments that balance people’s concerns about the challenges they face with the need to save lives. -","kha tshifhinga itshi tshi lemelaho, nungo dzashu dzoṱhe dzi tea u sedza kha u vhona uri mutakalo na vhutshilo zwo vhulungea, uri nḓisedzo ya zwiḽiwa, maḓi, ndondola mutakalo, vhutsireledzi ha zwa matshilisano na thikhedzo ya tshitshavha a zwi thithiswi. -",0.28458515 -"at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted. -","kha nyimele idzi dzo kalulaho, sa muvhuso, sa vhathu vhone vhaṋe na tshitshavha hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwine ra khakha. -",0.5545106 -"under these extraordinary circumstances, as government, as individuals and as society we will at times make mistakes. -","musi izwi zwi tshi itea, ri ḓo zwi khakhulula. -",0.41891718 -"when these occur, we will correct them. -","fhedzi ri tea u isa phanḓa, ri sa laṱi fulufhelo kana vhufhinduli hashu. -",0.3619857 -"but we must carry on, losing neither our nerve nor our resolve. -","nyimele ine ra ḓiwana ri khayo i ṱoḓa ri na ṱhuṱhuwedzo na u sa fhela mbilu. -",0.5156278 -"the situation in which we find ourselves demands courage and patience. -","kha ri farisane kha nndwa kha ri farisane kha nndwa yashu ya u lwa na yashu ya u lwa na covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed covid19ḽḽifhasi ḽothe nga vhuphara ḽo fara tshi konḓaho nga dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, ḽine ḽa khou phaḓalala nga luvhilo. -",0.5156278 -"our democracy will help us overcome covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed we often take our healthy and robust democracy for granted. -","dimokirasi yashu i ḓo ri thusa u kunda covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed ri dzulela u dzhiela fhasi dimokirasi yashu yo khwaṱhaho nahone yavhuḓi. -",0.69006526 -"yet it is probably our greatest asset in our momentous struggle to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. -","ngeno i tshi tou vha yone tshithu tsha ndeme kha nndwa yashu khulwane ya u kunda dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.4828114 -"we have among the most politicallyengaged citizenry in the world. -","ri na vhadzulapo vhane vhunzhi havho vha ḓidzhenisa kha zwa poḽotiki kha ḽifhasi. -",0.405122 -"a poll in 2018 by the pew research center shows south africans are strongly inclined to take political action about issues they feel most strongly about, such as health care, education, freedom of speech and corruption. -","khetho dza 2018 nga vha senthara ya ṱhoḓisiso ya pew dzo sumbedza uri vhathu vha afrika tshipembe vho ḓiimisela u dzhia vhukando ha zwa poḽotiki nga mafhungo ane vha pfa a a ndeme, a ngaho ndondolamutakalo, pfunzo, mbofholowo ya u amba na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.6893951 -"the poll confirms much that we already know about ourselves. -","khetho dzo khwaṱhisedza vhunzhi ha zwine ra ḓivha nga ha riṋe vhaṋe. -",0.3730904 -"we enjoy nothing more than robust engagement with our government and among ourselves on the burning issues of the day. -","ri ḓifhelwa nga u ita nyambedzano dzo khwaṱhaho vhukuma na muvhuso washu na nga tshashu ri tshi khou sedza mafhungo a no khou ambeswa nga tshifhinga tshetsho. -",0.46579695 -"we have an active civil society ever ready to safeguard our fundamental freedoms and rights. -","ri na tshitshavha tsha vhadzulapo vha dzhiaho vhuḓifhinduleli ha u shuma vho ḓiimiselaho u tsireledza pfanelo dzashu dza mutheo na mbofholowo yashu . -",0.41443434 -"one of the triumphs of our democracy is that every south african believes the constitution protects them and that the courts are a fair and impartial arbiter of their interests. -","iṅwe ya tswikelo dza dimokirasi yashu ndi ya uri vhathu vhoṱhe vha afrika tshipembe vha tenda uri ndayotewa i a vha tsireledza na zwauri khothe dzi tou vha mulamukanyi kwao a sa dzhii sia kha madzangalelo avho. -",0.6034665 -"i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province’s coronavirus state of readiness. -","ndo ḓo humbula nga ha mafhungo haya zwenezwino musi ndo dalela kapa vhubvaḓuvha u ṱhaṱhuvha tshiimo tsha ndugelo tsha vundu kha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.573436 -"i was asked by a journalist whether i was concerned at the pending litigation challenging certain provisions of the disaster management act. -","ndo vhudziswa nga ramafhungo uri ndo vhilaedzwa naa nga ha vhukando ha mulayo vhu sa athu dzhiwaho vhu no khou itela khaedu dziṅwe mbetshelwa dza mulayo wa ndangulo ya tshiwo. -",0.5910145 -"this law is the basis for all the regulations promulgated under the national state of disaster we declared to combat coronavirus. -","mulayo uyu ndi mutheo wa ndaulo dzoṱhe dzo khwaṱhisedzwaho kha tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka we ra u ḓivhadza kha u lwa na tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.60926473 -"since the start of this crisis, a number of people have exercised their right to approach the courts. -","u bva tshe tshiwo itshi tsha thoma, vhathu vha tshivhalo vho shumisa pfanelo dzavho u ya dzikhothe. -",0.43776807 -"the lockdown regulations were challenged in the very first week of the lockdown by a private citizen from mpumalanga who wanted an exemption from the travel prohibition to attend a funeral. -","milayo ya nyiledza u bva mahayani yo itelwa khaedu kha vhege ya u thoma ya nyiledza u bva mahayani nga mudzulapo zwawe a bvaho mpumalanga we a vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u vhofhololwa kha thivhelo dza u tshimbila uri a ye mbulungoni. -",0.60100913 -"in the seven (7) weeks that have followed, there have been legal challenges from a number of individuals, religious bodies, political parties, ngos and from business organisations against one measure or more of the lockdown provisions they were unhappy with. -","kha vhege dza sumbe dzo tevhelaho, ho vha na khaedu dza zwa mulayo dzo bvaho kha tshivhalo tsha vhathu, vha vhurereli, madzangano a zwa poḽotiki, dzingo na kha madzangano a vhubindudzi malugana na ḽiga ḽithihi kana u fhira a mbetshelwa dza nyiledza u bva mahayani dzi sa vha takadziho. -",0.5576317 -"some have succeeded in their legal challenges and some have not. -","vhaṅwe vho kona u kunda kha khaedu dzavho dza zwa mulayo fhedzi vhaṅwe zwo vha balela. -",0.22912818 -"some had approached the courts on the basis of the urgency of their cases had their urgency arguments dismissed and others have found other avenues for the relief they sought. -","vhaṅwe vho ya khothe nga vhanga ḽa vhuṱhogwa ha milandu yavho he mbilo dzavho dza vhuṱhogwa dzenedzo dza laṱwa nga khothe ngeno vhaṅwe vho wana dziṅwe nḓila dza ndiliso dze vha vha vha tshi khou dzi ṱoḓa. -",0.2971381 -"others have subsequently withdrawn their applications following engagement with government. -","vhaṅwe vho fhedza vho humisela murahu khumbelo dzavho nga murahu ha nyambedzano na muvhuso. -",0.4227972 -"while we would prefer to avoid the need for any legal action against government, we should accept that citizens who are unhappy with whatever action that government has decided on implementing have a right to approach our courts for any form of relief they seek. -","musi ri tshi nga tama u thivhela vhukando ha mulayo vhufhio na vhufhio vhu dzhielwaho muvhuso, ri tea u zwi ṱanganedza uri vhadzulapo vha sa takadzwi nga nyito ifhio na ifhio ye muvhuso wa nanga u shumisa yone vha na pfanelo ya u ya khothe dzashu u itela thuso ifhio na ifhio ine vha i ṱoḓa. -",0.53634447 -"this is a normal tenet of a constitutional democracy and a perfectly acceptable practice in a country founded on the rule of law. -","izwi zwi tou vha maitele kwao a dimokirasi ya ndayotewa na maitele a ṱanganedzeaho avhuḓi kha shango o thomiwaho nga ndango ya mulayo. -",0.57624465 -"we have checks and balances in place to ensure that every aspect of governance is able to withstand constitutional scrutiny. -","ri na ndinganyiso dze ra vhea u khwaṱhisedza uri tshipiḓa tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha vhuvhusi tshi kone u imedzana na tsedzuluso dza ndayotewa. -",0.54489195 -"where we are found wanting, we will be held to account by our courts and, above all, by our citizens. -","hune ra wanala ri tshi khou shaedza, ri ḓo tea u ṋetshedza vhuḓifhinduleli kha khothe, nahone nṱha ha zwoṱhe, kha vhadzulapo vhashu. -",0.15454063 -"besides our courts, our chapter 9 institutions exist to advance the rights of citizens, as do the bodies tasked with oversight over the law enforcement agencies. -","nga nnḓani ha khothe dzashu zwiimiswa zwashu zwa ndima ya vhuṱahe (zwiimiswa zwi tikedzaho dimokirasi) zwi hone u bveledza pfanelo dza vhadzulapo vhashu, sa zwine zwiimiswa zwo hweswaho maanḓa a vhulavhelesi nga kha mazhendedzi a vhukombetshedzi ha mulayo zwa ita. -",0.5201762 -"as i told the journalist, every south african has a right to approach the courts and even i, as president, could never stand in the way of anybody exercising that right. -","sa zwe nda vhudza ramafhungo, muthu muṅwe na muṅwe wa afrika tshipembe u na pfanelo ya u ya khothe nahone zwi ḓinga na nṋe, sa muphuresidennde, ndi nga si ime phanḓa ha muthu na muthihi ane a shumisa pfanelo iyo. -",0.54506665 -"there has been, and will continue to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our national response to coronavirus, from the data modelling and projections, to the economic effects of the lockdown, to the regulations. -","ho vha na, nahone zwi ḓo ya phanḓa u vha na tsatsaladzo yo vhifhaho nahone khulwane vhukuma ya tshivhalo tsha zwithu zwinzhi kha maitele ashu a u lwa na tshitzhili tsha corona, zwo bva kha nzudzanyo na ṋetshedzo ya data, kha mvelelo dza ikonomi dza nyiledza u bva mahayani, na kha milayo. -",0.57522804 -"as government we have neither called for such critique to be tempered or for it to be silenced. -","sa muvhuso a ro ngo ita khuwelelo ya uri tsatsaladzo dzenedzo dzi thivhelwe kana dzi fheliswe. -",0.428212 -"to the contrary, criticism, where it is constructive, helps us to adapt and to move with agility in response to changing circumstances and conditions. -","kha ḽiṅwe sia u sasaladzwa arali zwi tshi khou fhaṱa zwi a ri thusa na uri ḓowedza uri ri ye phanda nga vhuṱali nga u ṱavhanya ri tshi khou ḓisa phindulo ya nyimele dza tshanduko. -",0.50459933 -"it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play. -","zwi khwaṱhisa khanedzano nga tshitshavha zwa ri fha roṱhe u pfesesa ho ṱanḓavhuwaho ha zwithu zwine zwa khou itea. -",0.49417755 -"we have consistently maintained that we rely on scientific, economic and empirical data when it comes to making decisions and formulating regulations around our coronavirus response. -","ro dzulela u amba zwauri ri ḓitika nga data ya vhukuma, ya zwa ikonomi na ya saithifiki musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u dzhia tsheo na u sika milayo malugana na phindulo yashu kha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.63145524 -"to the greatest extent possible under these challenging circumstances, we aim for consultation and engagement. -","ho sedzwa khonadzeo khulwane dzine dza vha hone kha nyimele hedzi dzi dziedzaho, ro lavhelela u ita vhukwamani na nyambedzano. -",0.37405407 -"we want all south africans to be part of this national effort. -","ri ṱoḓa vhathu vhoṱhe vha afrika tshipembe vha tshi vha tshipiḓa tsha vhuḓidini uhu ha lushaka. -",0.42598462 -"the voices of ordinary citizens must continue to be heard at a time as critical as this. -","maipfi a vhadzulapo zwavho a tea u dzulela u pfiwa kha tshifhinga tsha ndeme tshi fanaho na hetshi. -",0.43614632 -"the coronavirus pandemic and the measures we have taken to combat it have taken a heavy toll on our people. -","dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona na maga e ra a dzhia u lwisana naḽo zwo pfisa vhuṱungu vhukuma vhathu vhashu. -",0.21148741 -"it has caused huge disruption and hardship. -","zwo vhanga u khakhisea ha zwithu na vhuleme vhuhulu. -",0.4584949 -"although we can point to the progress we have made in delaying the transmission of the virus, there is still a long way to go. -","naho ri tshi nga sumba mvelaphanḓa dze ra dzi ita u lengisa phiriso ya vairasi, vhuiwa vhu tshe kule. -",0.48353213 -"the weeks and months ahead will be difficult and will demand much more from our people. -","miṅwedzi na vhege dzi re phanḓa zwi ḓo lemela nahone zwi ḓo ṱoḓa vhunzhi ha zwithu kha vhathu vhashu. -",0.115016125 -"the pandemic will therefore continue to place an enormous strain on our society and our institutions. -","dwadze ngauralo ḽi ḓo isa phanḓa na u vhea mutsiko muhulu kha tshitshavha tshashu na kha zwiimiswa zwashu. -",0.42282563 -"even as we gradually open up the economy, the impact on people’s material conditions will be severe. -","naho ri tshi khou vula ikonomi nga zwiṱuku, u kwamea kha nyimele dza thundu dza vhathu hu ḓo vha huhulu. -",0.49769825 -"for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain. -","arali mafhungo aya ri tshe ro livhana nao, khonadzeo ya khuḓano, u shaya pfano na u sa fushea zwi ḓo dzula zwi hone. -",0.47870445 -"as we navigate these turbu lent waters, our constitution is our most important guide and our most valued protection. -","musi ri tshi khou sumba nḓila gabelo iḽi ḽi ofhisaho, ndayotewa yashu ndi nyendedzi yashu ya ndeme na tshitsireledzi tshashu tshi ṱhonifheaho vhukuma. -",0.48001844 -"our robust democracy provides the strength and the resilience we need to overcome this deep crisis. -","dimokirasi yashu yo khwaṱhaho i ri ṋetshedza nungo na maanḓa ane ra a ṱoḓa u kunda khakhathi iyi i konḓaho vhukuma. -",0.5197321 -"just as government appreciates that most court appli cants are motivated by the common good, so too should we recognise that the decisions taken by government are made in good faith and are meant to advance, and not to harm, the interests of south africans. -","musi muvhuso u tshi dzhiela nṱha uri vhunzhi ha vhaiti vha khumbelo khothe vha ṱuṱuwedzwa nga zwi vhuedzaho vhathu vhoṱhe, na zwenezwo ri tea u ṱalusa uri tsheo dzo dzhiwaho nga muvhuso dzi kwao nahone dzo itelwa u bveledzisa, hu si u vhaisa madzangalelo a maafrika tshipembe. -",0.6119376 -"our foremost priority remains to save lives. -","tsha ndemesa kha riṋe ndi u dzulela u phulusa matshilo. -",0.3865751 -"our every decision is informed by the need to advance the rights to life and dignity as set out in our constitution. -","tsheo yashu iṅwe na iṅwe i langwa nga ṱhoḓea ya u bveledzisa pfanelo dza vhutshilo na tshirunzi sa zwe zwa dzulisa zwone kha ndayotewa yashu. -",0.15170819 -"we will continue to welcome different – even dissenting – viewpoints around our national coronavirus response. -","ri ḓo isa phanḓa na u ṱanganedza mihumbulo yo fhambanaho – nangwe i thungo kha ya vhaṅwe malugana na phindulo yashu ya lushaka kha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.5861374 -"all viewpoints aid us and help us to work better and smarter. -","mihumbulo yoṱhe i ri thusa u shuma khwiṋe nahone zwavhuḓi. -",0.44643557 -"the exercise of the fundamental freedoms of expression, association and speech is a barometer of the good health of our democracy. -","nḓowelo ya u shumisa mbofholowo dza vhuḓipfi, nyanḓano na u amba ndi tshikalo tsha mutakalo wavhuḓi wa dimokirasi yashu. -",0.5662775 -"but much more than that, these rights are essential to the success of our national and collective struggle to overcome the coronavirus.","dimokirasi yashu i ḓo ri thusa u kunda covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed ri dzulela u dzhiela fhasi dimokirasi yashu yo khwaṱhaho nahone yavhuḓi. -",0.5662775 -"sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people. -","afrika tshipembe ḽo pfukela kha ḽevele ya 3 vukuzenzele unnamed muphuresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vho ḓivhadza zwauri afrika tshipembe ḽi khou ḓo pfukela kha ḽevele ya 3 u thoma nga ḽa 01 fulwi – hune sekhi thara nnzhi dza ikonomi dza khou ḓo vula na u bviswa ha tshivhalo tsha nyiledzo kha u tshimbila ha vhathu. -",0.73642683 -"addressing the nation re cently on the developments in south africa’s riskadjusted strategy to manage the spread of the coronavirus (covid19), the president says the country will have a differentiated approach to deal with areas that have far higher levels of infection and transmission. -","zwenezwino musi vha tshi khou amba na lushaka nga ha mveledziso dza tshiṱirathedzhi tsha khwinifhadzo ya khonadzeo ya khombo tsha afrika tshipembe u langa u phaḓalala ha (covid19), muphuresi dennde vho amba zwauri shango ḽi ḓo shumisa maitele o fhambanyiswaho u sedzana na vhupo vhune ha vha na tshiimo tshi re nṱhesa tsha u kavhiwa na phiriselo. -",0.6407717 -"covid19 hotspotsthese areas have been de clared as coronavirus disease hotspots. -","tshivhilelani tsha covid19vhupo uvhu ho ḓivhadzwa sa tshivhilelani tsha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.68488294 -"they include the following metros: city of tshwane city of johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city cape town. -","vhu katela ḓorobo khulwane dzi tevhelaho: ḓorobo ya tshwane ḓorobo ya johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city na cape town. -",0.8621374 -"other areas that have been identified as hotspots are the west coast, overberg and cape winelands district municipalities in the western cape, chris hani district in the eastern cape and ilembe district in kwazulunatal. -","vhupo vhuṅwe he ha ṱaluswa sa tshivhilelani ndi mimasipala ya tshiṱiriki tsha phendelashango ya vhukovhela, overberg na cape winelands ngei kapa vhukovhela, tshiṱiriki tsha chris hani ngei kapa vhubvaḓuvha, na tshiṱiriki tsha ilembe ngei kwazulunatal. -",0.79601645 -"a hotspot is defined as an area that has more than five infected people per every 100 000 people or where new infections are increasing at a fast pace. -","tshivhilelani hu ṱalutshedzwa sa vhupo vhune ha vha na vhathu vha fhiraho vhaṱanu vho kavhiwaho kha vhathu vha 100 000 zwiṅwe na zwiṅwe kana hune u kavhiwa ha vha hu khou gonya nga luvhilo. -",0.37464005 -"to deal with the virus in these areas, government will implement intensive interventions aimed at decreasing the number of new infections. -","u imedzana na vairasi kha vhupo uvhu, muvhuso u ḓo thoma u ṋetshedza thusedzo khulwanesa wo sedza kha u tsitsela fhasi tshivhalo tshiswa tsha vha kavhiwaho. -",0.5039343 -"""we are putting in place enhanced measures of surveillance, infection control and management. -","muphuresidennde vho amba uri: ""ri khou vhea maga a vhulavhelesi o khwiniswaho, ndaulo na ndango ya u kavhiwa. -",0.55572844 -"we will assign a fulltime team of experienced personnel to each hotspot,"" the president says. -","ri ḓo vhea tshigwada tsha vhashumi vha re na tshenzhemo vha tshifhinga tshoṱhe kha vhupo huṅwe na huṅwe hune ha vha tshivhilelani.’’tshigwada itshi tshi ḓo katela vhaḓivhi vho gudelaho malwadze a no ṱaha vhathuni, madokotela, manese, vhashumi vha zwa mutakalo vha tshitshavha, vhaḓivhi vha zwa mutakalo wa lushaka na tshumelo ya zwa mutakalo ya shishi, tshi ḓo tikedzwa nga vhaḓivhi vha zwa dzilafho vha cuba. -",0.46787798 -"this team will include epidemiologists, family practition ers, nurses, community health workers, public health experts and emergency medical services, to be supported by cuban experts. -","""ri ḓo ṱumanya vhupo ha tshivhilelani huṅwe na huṅwe na tshumelo dza u linga, zwiimiswa zwa u ḓikhethela thungo, zwiimiswa zwa khwaranthini, dzilafho, mimbete ya sibadela na u londa vho kwamanaho na muthu o kavhiwaho. -",0.6482768 -"""we will link each hotspot to testing services, isolation facilities, quarantine facilities, treatment, hospital beds and contact tracing. -","vho amba uri: ""arali zwa nga itea, tshipiḓa tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha shango tshi nga humiselwa kha ḽevele ya 4 kana ya 5 arali u phaḓalala ha phiriso ha sa langea naho ro ṋetshedza thusedzo nahone hu na khonadzeo ya khombo ya u ḓalesa ha vhalwadze hu sa langeiho kha zwiimiswa zwashu zwa mutakalo.’’mutevhe wa vhupo ha tshivhilelani vhu ḓo sedzuluswa vhege mbili dziṅwe na dziṅwe zwi tshi bva kha mvelaphanḓa ya vairasi. -",0.61535054 -"""should it be necessary, any part of the country could be returned to alert levels 4 or 5 if the spread of infection is not contained despite our interventions and there is a risk of our health facilities being overwhelmed,"" he says. -","u vula ikonomiu dzhena kha ḽevele ya 3 hune ha ḓo thoma nga ḽa 1 fulwi, hu katela u humela mushumoni ha sekhithara dza ikonomi nnzhi, hu tshi khou tevhedzwa phurothokhoḽo dza zwa mutakalo dzo khwaṱhaho na milayo ya zwa u sia tshikhala vhukati ha muthu na muṅwe. -",0.5982645 -"the list of hotspot areas will be reviewed every two weeks depending on the progression of the virus. -","vhashumeli vha tshitshavha vhanzhi na vhone vho humela mushumoni zwi tshi ya nga mbetshelwa dza mulayo wa tsireledzo na mutakalo wa vhashumi mushumoni na nga nyendedzi dza muhasho wa tshumelo dza vhathu na ndaulo, i tshi khou shumisana na miṅwe mihasho yoṱhe kha muvhuso. -",0.4213234 -"opening the economythe implementation of alert level 3 which started at the beginning of june, involved the return to operation of most sectors of the econo my, subject to observance of strict health protocols and social distancing rules. -","nzudzanyo dza mushumoni na phurothokhoḽomusi sekhithara nnzhi dza ikonomi dzo vula, muvhuso u ḓo ḓitika nga vhukwamani na lushaka u tshi khou shumisana na vhashumisani vhoṱhe vha ndeme u lugisa zwithu zwa ndeme zwi re na khonadzeo ya khombo mushumoni hu na vhuṱumani vhukati ha vhashumi na tshitshavha. -",0.5761827 -"more public servants have also returned to work in accordance with provisions of the occupational health and safety act and as guided by the department of public service and administration, working together with all other departments in government. -","vho amba uri: ""ngauralo ri ḓo vha ri tshi khou khunyeledza tshivhalo tsha phurothokhoḽo dza sekhithara nahone ri ḓo ṱoḓa khamphani iṅwe na iṅwe i tshi bveledza nzudzanyo ya mushumoni musi vha sa athu vula.’’u ya nga nzudzanyo hedzi, khamphani dzi ḓo tea u dzudzanya zwishumiswa na maga a zwa u sia tshikhala vhukati ha muthu na muṅwe na zwa vhuthathatzhili; vha ḓo tea u ṱola vhashumi musi vha tshi swika mushumoni ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, ya khethela thungo avho vhane vha ḓo vha vho kavhiwa na u ita nzudzanyo dza uri vha itwe ndingo. -",0.5573518 -"protocols and workplace plansas more sectors of the econ omy open, government will rely on social compacts with all key role players to address the key risk factors at the workplace and in the interface between employees and the public. -","muphuresidennde vho amba uri: ""dzi ḓo tea u thusa nga u londa vhoṱhe vho kwamanaho na muthu o kavhiwaho arali vhashumi vho itwa ndingo vha wanala vhe phosethivi. -",0.6243627 -"""we will therefore be finalising a number of sector protocols and will require every company to develop a workplace plan before they reopen,"" he says. -","nga mulandu wa u nga ḓo balelwa u ḓitsireledza, vhashumi vhoṱhe vhane vha na vhukale ha miṅwaha i fhiraho 60 na avho vha re na nyimele dza malwadze a tshifhinga tshilapfu u fana na vhulwadze ha mbilu, swigiri, vhulwadze ha kufemele vhu sa fholiho na khentsa vha tea u dzula hayani. -",0.46375632 -"according to these plans, companies will need to put in place sanitary and social distancing measures and facilities; they will need to screen workers on arrival each day, quarantine those who may be infected and make arrangements for them to be tested. -","vhashumi vhane vha nga shuma vhe hayani vha tea u tendelwa vha ita ngauralo. -",0.45645565 -"""they also need to assist with contact tracing if employees test positive. -","ho sedzwa maga haya, tshumelo dzoṱhe dza vhubveledzi, migodi, dza zwa u fhaṱa, dza zwa masheleni, phurofeshinaḽa na vhubindudzi, thekinoḽodzhi ya zwa mafhungo, vhudavhidzani, tshumelo dza muvhuso na vhoramafhungo, dzi ḓo vulwa u bva nga ḽa 01 fulwi. -",0.43931067 -"because of their vulnerability, all staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer should ideally stay at home,"" the president says. -","nzudzanyo dzo teaho dza u vula nga huswa u ya nga luṱa nga luṱa dzi ḓo tea u itwa mushumoni muṅwe na muṅwe. -",0.57275647 -"employees who can work from home should be allowed to do so. -","vho amba uri: ""mabindu maṱuku na holosela zwi ḓo vula tshoṱhe, zwi tshi katela mavhengele, zwiphaza na vhavhambadzi zwavho. -",0.34258968 -"subject to these measures, all manufacturing, mining, construction, financial services, professional and business services, information technology, com munications, government services and media services, reopened from 1 june. -","mbambadzo nga eḽekithroniki dzi ḓo dzula dzi hone. -",0.5290536 -"the appropriate restart and phasing in arrangements will need to be put in place for every workplace. -","sekhithara dziṅwe dze dza vula tshifhinga tsho fhiraho, dzi ngaho sa vhulimi na zwa maḓaka, tshumelo dza masipala na muvhuso, tshumelo dza zwa dzilafho, mveledziso ya zwiḽiwa na vhubveledzi ha zwibveledzwa zwa tsiravhulwadze, zwi ḓo dzula zwo vula tshoṱhe.’’mishumo ya mveledziso ya ikonomi i re na khonadzeo ya khombo khulwane yo iledzwamishumo ya mveledziso ya ikonomi i re na khonadzeo ya khombo i re nṱha i ḓo dzula yo iledzwa. -",0.40717724 -"""wholesale and retail trade will be fully opened, including stores, spaza shops and informal traders. -","izwi zwi katela: dziresitorente, dzibara na dzithaveni, nga nnḓani ha u tou isa kana u ḓa wa dzhia zwiḽiwa wa ṱuwa. -",0.60121727 -"ecommerce will continue to remain open. -","madzulo na u enda tshikhalani nga mabupo a fhano hayani, nga nnḓani ha u enda kha zwa mushumo, zwine zwa ḓo dzheniswa nga maḓuvha ane a ḓo ḓivhadzwa. -",0.31642735 -"other sectors that opened previous ly, such as agriculture and forestry, utilities, medical services, food production and manufacture of hygiene products, will remain fully opened,"" he says. -","khonferentsi, vhuṱambo, vhumvumvusi, na zwa mitambo. -",0.6105212 -"highrisk economic activities prohibitedhighrisk economic activi ties will remain prohibited. -","tshumelo dza ndondolo ya muthu ene muṋe, zwi tshi katela tshumelo dza zwa lunako na u ita mavhudzi. -",0.53462106 -"these include: restaurants, bars and taverns, except for delivery or collection of food. -","u tshimbila ha vhathu na u rengisa zwikambivhathu vha ḓo tendelwa u ita nyonyoloso tshifhinga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe, tenda zwa sa itwe nga tshigwada. -",0.5561289 -"accommodation and domestic air travel, except for business travel, which will be phased in on dates to be announced. -","nyiledzo dza u tshimbila ha vhathu nga zwifhinga zwo tiwaho zwi ḓo fheliswa. -",0.2826308 -"conferences, events, entertainment and sporting activities. -","muphuresidennde vho amba uri: ""zwikambi zwi ḓo rengiswa zwa nwelwa mahayani fhedzi zwi fhasi ha maga o khwaṱhaho vhukuma, nahone kha maḓuvha o tendelwaho na nga awara dzo pimiwaho. -",0.4860704 -"personal care services, including hairdressing and beauty services. -","nḓivhadzo malugana na izwi i ḓo itwa musi ro no khunyeledza nyambedzano na vha sekhithara iyi nga ha maitele o fhambanaho. -",0.49682987 -"movement of people and sale of alcoholpeople will be able to exer cise at any time during the day, provided this is not done in groups. -","""u rengisa zwibveledzwa zwa fola zwi ḓo dzula zwo iledzwa kha ḽevele ya 3, nga mulandu wa khonadzeo ya khombo kha mutakalo ine ya ṱumanywa na u daha. -",0.52623796 -"the curfew on the movement of people will be lifted. -","vho amba uri: ""maguvhangano oṱhe a ḓo dzula o iledzwa, nga nnḓani ha mbulungo dzine dzi tea u vha na vhathu vha sa fhiriho 50 kana miṱangano mushumoni ine ya vha na ndivho ya zwa mushumo fhedzi."" -",0.43500817 -"""alcohol may be sold for home consumption only under strict conditions, on specified days and for limited hours. -","kha vha lavhelele u gonya ha u kavhiwa nga vhulwadze muphuresidennde vho ramaphosa vho amba uri, musi hu tshi khou dzudzanyelwa u gonya ho lavhelelwaho ha u kavhiwa nga covid19 kha shango, mimbete ya sibadela ya henefha kha 20 000 i hone, nahone i ḓo shumiselwa vhalwadze vha covid19, na zwibadela zwa tshifhinga nyana u itela ndondolo ya shishi zwa 27 zwi khou fhaṱwa u mona na shango. -",0.5075688 -"announcements in this regard will be made once we have concluded discussions with the sector on the various conditions,"" the president says. -","""tshivhalo tsha zwibadela izwi zwo lugela u ṱanganedza vhalwadze vha tshitzhili tsha corona."" -",0.44207513 -"the sale of tobacco products will remain prohibited in alert level 3, due to the health risks associated with smoking. -","muphuresidennde vho amba uri muvhuso u livhuwa mushumo une wa khou ya phanḓa na u itwa nga vhashumeli vha tshitshavha, nga maanḓa avho vhane vha tou vha mbali kha u lwisana na covid19. -",0.53468716 -"""all gatherings will remain prohibited, except for funerals with no more than 50 people or meetings in the workplace for work purposes,"" he says. -","""tsireledzo ya vhashumi vhoṱhe, zwi tshi katela vhashumi vha muvhuso, tshi tou vha tshithu tsha ndeme kha riṋe. -",0.5081706 -"expect rise in infectionspresident ramaphosa says, in preparation for the expected increase in covid19 infections in the country, around 20 000 hospital beds have been, and are being, repurposed for covid19 cases, and 27 field hospitals are being built around the country. -","ri ḓo isa phanḓa u ita ndingedzo dzoṱhe ri tshi itela ṋetshedzo yo teaho ya zwishumiswa zwa tsireledzo zwa muthu ene muṋe u vhona uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe o tsireledzea musi e mushumoni. -",0.5867591 -"""a number of these hospitals are ready to receive coronavirus patients."" -","vho amba uri: ""tsha ndemesa kha riṋe ndi u fhungudza zwikhala zwa phiriso ya vairasi na u ita vhupo ho tsireledzeaho kha muṅwe na muṅwe. -",0.483624 -"the president says government appreciates the work that continues to be done by public servants, especially those in the front line in the fight against covid19. -","tsivhudzo dzine vha tea u tevhela u thivhela u kavhiwa nga tshitzhili tsha corona . -",0.5390049 -"""the safety of all workers, including public servants, is a matter of concern to us. -","»kha vha dzule hayani nga nḓila dzoṱhe dzine dza konadzea. -",0.4084139 -"we will continue to make all efforts for the adequate provision of personal protection equipment to ensure safety for everyone while at work. -","»vha humbule u sia tshikhala vhukati ha vhone na muṅwe muthu. -",0.3851393 -"""our priority is to reduce the opportunities for the transmission of the virus and create a safe environment for everyone,"" he says. -","»kha vha ambare masiki wavho. -",0.4796368 -"tips to follow to avoid being infected by the coronavirus disease. -","»kha vha ṱambe zwanḓa zwavho nga vhuronwane. -",0.5342643 -"»stay at home as much as you can. -","vha ṱanzwe nga murahu ha zwanḓa zwavho, vhukati ha minwe na ngomu ha ṋala. -",0.32900408 -"»remember to social distance. -","vha dzulele u ṱamba zwanḓa nga tshisibe musi vha sa athu ḽa na musi vho vha vho bva vho ya fhethu ha nnyi na nnyi. -",0.3653958 -"»wear your face mask. -","»kha vha thivhe mulomo wavho nga thishu musi vha tshi hoṱola na u atsamula. -",0.412796 -"»wash your hands with soap thoroughly. -","vha ṱutshele zwa u kwama tshifhaṱuwo nga zwanḓa zwi re na tshika tshifhinga tshoṱhe. -",0.43757755 -"wash the back of your hands, between the fingers and under the nails. -","arali vho zwi ita, kha vha vhone zwauri tsha u thoma vha ṱamba zwanḓa zwavho nga tshisibe nga vhuronwane. -",0.46890083 -"always wash your hands with soap before you eat and after being out in public. -","»kha vha ṱoḓe thuso ya zwa dzilafho arali vha sa ḓipfi zwavhuḓi. -",0.49917167 -"»cover your mouth with a tissue paper when you cough and sneeze. -","tsumbadwadze dzi vhonalaho dza covid19 muvhilini zwi katela u hoṱola, lumilaḓi, mufhiso na u fhelelwa nga mufemo. -",0.5090995 -"avoid touching your face with dirty hands at all times. -","arali vha tshenzhema iṅwe ya tsumbadwadze idzi, kha vha ṱoḓe thuso ya zwa dzilafho nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.41291374 -"»seek medical help if you feel unwell. -","u wana mafhungo nga vhuḓalo kha vha founele luṱingo lu shumaho awara dza 24 kha tshiimiswa tsha lushaka tsha malwadze a phirela 0800 029 999 kana vha ḽoge kha www. -",0.32614553 -"typical symptoms of covid19 include coughing, runny nose, fever and shortness of breath. -","health. -",0.3040749 -"if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly. -","gov. -",0.27547145 -"for more information, call the national institute of communicable diseases’ 24hour hotline at 0800 029 999 or visit www. -","za na www. -",0.3888127 -"health. -","nicd. -",0.60073817 -"gov. -","ac. -",0.62648493 -"za and www. -","afrika tshipembe ḽo pfukela kha ḽevele ya 3 vukuzenzele unnamed muphuresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vho ḓivhadza zwauri afrika tshipembe ḽi khou ḓo pfukela kha ḽevele ya 3 u thoma nga ḽa 01 fulwi – hune sekhi thara nnzhi dza ikonomi dza khou ḓo vula na u bviswa ha tshivhalo tsha nyiledzo kha u tshimbila ha vhathu. -",0.62648493 -"sa youth are a source of inspiration and hope vukuzenzele unnamed the words of frantz fanon that ‘each generation must discover its mission’ come to mind every time i have an opportunity to speak with young south africans. -","vhaswa vha sa ndi vhubvo ha ṱhuṱhuwedzo na fulufhelo vukuzenzele unnamed maipfi a uri ��murafho muṅwe na muṅwe u fanela u tumbula mishini wawo’ a ḓa muhumbuloni tshifhinga tshoṱhe ndi tshi wana tshikhala tsha u amba na vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.7010712 -"no matter where they live and no matter what they do, they each have a burning desire to change the world. -","hu si na ndavha uri vha dzula ngafhi na uri vha ita mini, muṅwe na muṅwe u na vhudugambilu ha u shandukisa ḽifhasi. -",0.5277476 -"while they certainly want to improve their own lives, they also want to achieve a better society and a better world. -","musi zwi zwone uri vha ṱoḓa u khwinisa matshilo a vhone vhaṋe, vha dovha vha ṱoḓa u swikela tshitshavha tsha khwine na ḽifhasi ḽa khwine. -",0.423644 -"they see themselves as agents for fundamental transformation. -","vha ḓivhona sa mazhendedzi a tshanduko ya mutheo. -",0.45623156 -"throughout history young people have been a driving force for change. -","kha ḓivhazwakale yoṱhe vhaswa vho dzulela u vha vharangaphanḓa vha tshanduko. -",0.4103908 -"in just the last few decades, young people have waged numerous struggles against injustice, from the 1968 student uprising in paris, to the antiwar movement in the united states in the 1960s, to the anticolonial struggle in many african and asian countries, to the fight against apartheid, to the arab spring. -","kha miṅwaha ya fumi i si gathi yo fhiraho, vhaswa vho tshimbidza mafulo a nndwa o vhalaho a vhushayavhulamukanyi, u bva kha mugwalabo wa matshudeni wa 1968 ngei paris, u ya kha dzangano ḽi hanedzanaho na dzinndwa ngei united state miṅwahani ya 1960, u ya kha nndwa ya u lwa na vhukoḽoni kha mashango manzhi a afrika na asia, u ya kha nndwa na muvhuso wa tshiṱalula, u ya kha arab spring. -",0.7805957 -"most recently, young people have been at the forefront of the #blacklivesmatter movement that has gained global support in the wake of the killing of george floyd in the united states. -","zwenezwino, vhaswa vho vha vhone vhe vha ranga phanḓa fulo ḽa #blacklivesmatter ḽe ḽa wana thikhedzo ḽifhasini u bva kha bulayo ḽa tshiṱuhu ḽa vho george floyd ngei united states. -",0.7069278 -"over the past few weeks, activists around the world have also been demanding the removal of symbols that glorify the barbarity and violence of the slave trade and colonialism. -","kha vhege dzi si gathi dzo fhiraho, vhalwelatshanduko u mona na ḽifhasi vho dovha vha ṱoḓa nga khani u bviswa ha zwiga zwi hulisaho zwiito zwa tshiṱuhu na khakhathi dza mbambadzo ya phuli na zwa vhukoḽoni. -",0.54338473 -"at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words ‘rhodes must fall’, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago. -","kha migwalabo ya ngei oxford university ya zwenezwino mugwalabi o hwala puḽakhadi i na maipfi a ‘rhodes must fall’, tshe tsha vha tshi tshililo tsha fulo ḽa matshudeni kha shango ḽashu mihwahani miṱanu yo fhiraho. -",0.6893823 -"young people across the world have found common cause. -","vhaswa u mona na ḽifhasi vho wana tshilwelwa tshi fanaho. -",0.429368 -"they are tearing down statues and symbols of racism, demanding the decolonisation of educational curricula, and calling for institutions to address racism and social exclusion. -","vha khou wisa na u kwashekanya zwiṱetshu na zwiga zwa khethululo nga muvhala, vha ṱoḓa u bviswa kha ndaulo ya kharikhuḽamu ya zwa pfunzo ya vhukoḽoni, na u ita khuwelelo kha zwiimiswa uri zwi tandulule fhungo ḽa khethululo nga muvhala na u sa katelwa kha sisṱeme dza matshilisano. -",0.65074706 -"and so, as we paid tribute to the generation of 1976 on 16 june 2020, we also salute the youth of postapartheid south africa, the worthy inheritors of this noble legacy. -","ngauralo, musi ri khou elelwa murafho wa 1976 nga ḽa 16 fulwi 2020, ri dovha ra ṱhonifha vhaswa vha nga murahu ha muvhuso wa tshiṱalula afrika tshipembe, vhaḽaifa vho teaho vha ifa iḽi ḽa mikhwa yavhuḓi. -",0.69661176 -"the mission of 1976 generation was to dismantle bantu education; that of today’s youth is to take forward the project of national reconciliation and transformation. -","mishini wa murafho wa 1976 ho vha hu u fhelisa pfunzo ya ‘bantu’; fhedzi ya vhaswa vha zwino ndi u isa phanḓa thandela ya pfumedzano na tshandukiso ya lushaka. -",0.7334801 -"in time to come it will be said that this year, 2020, marked the start of a new epoch in human history. -","kha tshifhinga tshi ḓaho hu ḓo ambiwa uri ṅwaha uno, wa 2020, wo swaya mathomo a tshifhinga tshiswa kha ḓivhazwakale ya muthu. -",0.5956123 -"not only has coronavirus had a momentous impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, it has also shaken up the global social order. -","tshitzhili tsha corona a tshi ngo vha na masiandaitwa mahulwanesa kha matshilo a vhathu na nḓila ya u kona u ḓitshelela fhedzi, fhedzi tsho dovha tsha dzinginya nzudzanyo ya ḽifhasi ya matshilisano. -",0.6089941 -"the manner in which the pandemic has taken hold has been a reminder of the interconnectedness of the human race and of the deep inequalities that exist between countries and within countries. -","nga nḓila ye dwadze ḽa dzhia ngayo ndaulo ndi khumbudzo ya vhuṱumani ha lushaka lwa vhathu na vhushayandingano huhulwanesa hune ha vha hone vhukati ha mashango na nga ngomu ha mashango. -",0.60942084 -"the pandemic presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies. -","dwadze ḽi ṋetshedza tshikhala tsha u ‘vusa nga huswa’ ḽifhasi ḽo vhumbwaho nga ndaka kana thundu fhedzi hu si na vhuṱali, u humbulela iwe muṋe fhedzi na u sedza iwe muṋe fhedzi hu si kha sia ḽa vhathu fhedzi, fhedzi na kha zwitshavha nga u angaredza. -",0.6205083 -"young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world. -","vhaswa vha khou ri vhudza uri mikhwa ya mutheo wa vhungoho, u pfela vhuṱungu na vhuthihi zwi fanela u vha zwiganḓo zwa tshitshavha tshiswa tshine tsha ḓo bvelela, na u ḓiimisela u vha dzingweṋa dza ḽifhasi iḽi ḽiswa ḽa khwine. -",0.54396397 -"in the discussions i have had with young people i have said that we should never underestimate the power of an idea, because ideas can and have changed the world. -","kha nyambedzano dze nda vha nadzo na vhaswa ndo amba uri a ri tei u dzhiela fhasi maanḓa a muhumbulo, ngauri muhumbulo u nga kha ḓi, nahone wo shandukisa ḽifhasi. -",0.29676643 -"ideas have spurred human progress and they are what will enable us to chart a new path in the postcoronavirus era. -","mihumbulo yo ṱuṱuwedza mvelaphanḓa ya muthu nahone ndi yone ine ya ḓo ri konisa u rekhoda nḓila ntswa kha tshifhinga tshi ḓaho tsha nga murahu ha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.5674963 -"these young people have turned their ideas into action. -","vhaswa avha vha shandukisa mihumbulo yavho ya vha nyito. -",0.4411213 -"they have not let a lack of resources hinder them. -","a vha ngo tendela ṱhahelelo ya zwiko i tshi vha ima phanḓa. -",0.41974217 -"they have carved a niche for themselves in a number of sectors from hightech to environmental sustainability. -","vho ḓisikela zwikhala vhone vhaṋe kha sekhithara dzo vhalaho u bva kha dzi shumisaho thekhinoḽodzhi u ya kha ṱhogomelo yo khwaṱhaho ya zwa mupo. -",0.43882394 -"now more than ever we will look to the innovative and pioneering spirit of our youth to come up with solutions to the unemployment crisis that benefit them, their communities and society. -","zwino u fhira na mathomoni ri sedza kha muya wa zwa vhutumbuli na wa u lingedza zwithu zwiswa nga vhaswa vhashu uri vha ḓe na thandululo dza thaidzo dza vhushayamushumo dzine dza ḓo vhuedza vhone vhaṋe, zwitshavha zwavho na vhadzulapo. -",0.514308 -"at the same time, i challenge our country’s youth to craft and design programmes that will enable us to meet our developmental goals. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetshi, ndi itela khaedu vhaswa vha shango ḽashu u sika na u ola mbekanyamushumo dzine dza ḓo ri ita uri ri swikele zwipikwa zwashu zwa mveledziso. -",0.5339056 -"in 1961, revolutionary cuba sent legions of young student volunteers into the mountains and villages to construct schools, teach literacy and train new educators. -","nga 1961, shango ḽa cuba ḽo wanaho tshanduko, ḽo rumela gogo ḽa matshudeni a vhaswa vha sa shumeli malamba u ya dzithavhani na miḓanani u fhaṱa zwikolo, u funza u vhala na u ṅwala na u pfumbudza vhagudisi vhaswa. -",0.7042611 -"it is still held up as one of the most successful literacy campaigns in modern history. -","u swika zwino, ḽi kha ḓi dzhiiwa sa ḽiṅwe ḽa mafulo a u gudisa u ṅwala na u vhala a dzhielwaho nṱha e a bvelela vhukuma kha ḓivhazwakale u swika zwino. -",0.26563552 -"our young people must develop social upliftment initiatives and they must lead them. -","vhaswa vhashu vha fanela u bveledzisa vhurangeli ha u khwinifhadza matshilo nahone vha fanela u vhu ranga phanḓa. -",0.45569038 -"just as they took up the struggle for equality in higher education, the considerable energies of our youth must also be brought to bear to fight for equitable access to health care, for the transformation of land ownership and, most importantly, for gender justice. -","sa musi vha tshi dzhia nndwa ya ndinganyiso ya pfunzo ya nṱha, mafulufulu mahulwane a vhaswa vhashu a fanela u dovha a shumiswa kha u lwa nndwa ya tswikelelo i linganaho ya ndondolo ya mutakalo, u itela tshanduko na vhuṋe ha mavu, zwa vhuṱhogwa vhukuma, kha vhulamukanyi ha zwa mbeu. -",0.6589869 -"like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men. -","u fana na maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe, ndo vhaiswa vhukuma nga u hulela ha mabulayo a vhafumakadzana zwanḓani zwa vhanna. -",0.61099774 -"these are shocking acts of inhumanity that have no place in our society. -","hezwi ndi zwiito zwi shushaho zwa tshiṱuhu tshihulu nahone a zwi ṱanganedzei na luthihi kha shango ḽashu. -",0.5091353 -"youthled civic activism, awareness raising and peer counselling are vital tools in our efforts to eradicate genderbased violence from society. -","vhulwelatshanduko ha vhadzulapo ho rangwaho phanḓa nga vhaswa, u ḓisa tsivhudzo na khuthadzo nga mirole ndi zwishumiswa zwa vhuṱhogwa kha ndingedzo dzashu dza u fhelisa khakhathi dzo livhiswaho kha mbeu u bva kha tshitshavha. -",0.3573442 -"at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetshi, ri fanela u khwaṱhisa sisṱeme dzashu dza vhulamukanyi, u khwaṱhisedza uri vhatshinyi vha khou fariwa, milayo ya beiḽi na paruḽa i khou vhofhiwa ya khwaṱha na uri avho vhane vha gwevhiwa u dzula dzhele vhutshilo havho hoṱhe vha fhedza matshilo avho vho valelwa dzhele. -",0.5492407 -"while this needs societywide action, i call on young men in particular to take up the struggle against genderbased violence. -","musi izwi zwi tshi ṱoḓa vhukando ha tshitshavha nga vhuphara, ndi ita khuwelo kha vhanna vha vhaswa nga maanḓa kha u lwisa khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu. -",0.48090997 -"unless we end the war that is being waged against south african women, the dream of a new society will remain elusive. -","arali ra sa fhelisa nndwa ine ya khou itelwa vhafumakadzi vha afrika tshipembe, muḽoro wa tshitshavha tshiswa u ḓo dzula u ḽifhedzi. -",0.60525596 -"those of us who were part of student movements during the apartheid era are often asked what we think of the young people of today. -","riṋe re ra vha ri tshipiḓa tsha madzangano a matshudeni nga tshifhinga tsha muvhuso wa tshiṱalula ri dzulela u vhudziswa uri ri humbula mini nga vhaswa vha ano maḓuvha. -",0.53636754 -"there is a temptation to retreat into nostalgia about ‘the glory days’ of student politics and youth struggle, never to be replicated. -","hu na mulingo wa u humela murahu kha lutamo lwa kale nga ha ‘maḓuvha a madakalo’ a polotiki dza matshudeni na nndwa ya vhaswa, hezwi a zwi tei u dovhololwa. -",0.61518645 -"but just as the youth of yesteryear defined their mission, today’s youth have defined theirs. -","fhedzi sa vhaswa vha miṅwaha yo fhiraho vho ṱalutshedza mishini wavho, vhaswa vha ṋamusi na vhone vho ṱalutshedza mishini wavho. -",0.4495672 -"south african youth of 2020 more than meet the high standard set by their predecessors. -","vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe vha 2020 vha swikela maimo a nṱha zwo tiwaho nga vho vha rangelaho phanḓa. -",0.6185948 -"they are optimistic, resilient and courageous, often in the face of the harshest of circumstances. -","vha na mafulufulu, vho ḓikumedzela na u vha na tshivhindi, kanzhi nga tshifhinga tsha nyimele dzi konḓesaho vhukuma. -",0.48987147 -"they are a source of inspiration and hope. -","vhaswa ndi vhubvo ha ṱhuṱhuwedzo na fulufhelo. -",0.17264143 -"through their actions, they are building a world that is more just, equal, sustainable and at peace. -","nga kha nyito dzavho, vha khou fhaṱa ḽifhasi ḽine ḽa vha na zwinzhi, ḽi linganaho, ḽo khwaṱhaho na u vha na mulalo. -",0.4846605 -young people across the world are calling on institutions to stop racism and social exclusion.,"vhaswa vha sa ndi vhubvo ha ṱhuṱhuwedzo na fulufhelo vukuzenzele unnamed maipfi a uri ‘murafho muṅwe na muṅwe u fanela u tumbula mishini wawo’ a ḓa muhumbuloni tshifhinga tshoṱhe ndi tshi wana tshikhala tsha u amba na vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.4846605 -"mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health. -","mme vha na malwadze a sa fholi vho kunda covid19 silusapho nyanda vho insaaf mohammed vhari ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri maafrika tshipembe nga mannḓa avho vha na malwadze a sa fholiho uri vha dzhie vhuḓifhinduleli ha mutakalo wavho. -",0.7366735 -"people with comorbidities – such as asthma, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetes – could experi ence more severe coro navirus (covid19) symptoms, and may even die as a result of the strain the virus puts on their bodies. -","vhathu vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho – u fana na asima, mutsiko wa nṱha wa malofha vhulwadze ha tswio vhu sa fholiho na ha swigiri – vha nga tshenzhema tsumbadwadze dza covid19 dzi re khombo, nahone vha nga lovha nga vhanga ḽa mutsiko une tshitzhili tsha hwedza mivhili yavho. -",0.6861694 -"fortunately, when cape townbased occupational therapist and mother of three insaaf mohammed (40) tested positive for covid19 while ill with asthma, she was able to manage both conditions and did not become seriously ill. mohammed contracted covid19 from her husband, who works at the groote schuur hospital’s laboratory. -","mashudu mavhuya, musi occupational therapist na mme wa vhana vhararu vho insaaf mohammed (40) vho wanwa vha na covid19 musi vha na vhulwadze ha asima, vho kona u langa malwadze aya oṱhe nahone vha sa tou lwalesa. -",0.739008 -"mohammed’s sevenyearold son also tested positive. -","vho mohammed vho wana covid19 kha munna wavho, vha shumaho laborithari ya sibadela tsha groote schuur. -",0.5164662 -"after testing positive, all three selfisolated at home. -","murwa wa vho mohammed wa miṅwaha ya sumbe na ene o ḓo kavhiwa nga dwadze. -",0.48330632 -"""we selfisolated in our bedroom, while my motherinlaw – who has diabetes and hypertension and thankfully didn’t contract the virus – took care of our other two children,"" says mohammed. -","nga murahu ha u wana uri vho kavhiwa, vhuraru havho vho ḓo ḓivalela hayani havho vha sa kwamane na vhaṅwe vhathu. -",0.2181527 -"according to the western cape department of health, people with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidity sufferers of covid19. -","""ro ḓivalela kha lufhera lwa u eḓela, musi mazwale wanga – vhane vha vha na vhulwadze ha swigiri na mutsiko wa nṱha wa malofha, nga mashudu vha sa kavhiwe nga tshitzhili – vha ṱhogomela vhana vhashu vhaṅwe vhavhili,"" vho mohammed vha ralo. -",0.6289249 -"as of 25 may, people with the following comorbidities showed serious symptoms of covid19; hypertension, 58 percent diabetes, 56 percent chronic kidney disease, 17 percent hiv , 16 percent asthma or chronic respiratory disease, 15 percent cardiac disease, 11 percent obesity, 13 percent tb, 13 percent cancer, two percent other chronic illnesses, 16 percent. -","u ya nga muhasho wa mutakalo wa kapa vhukovhela, vhathu vha re na mutsiko wa nṱha wa malofha, vha re na vhulwadze ha swigiri na vhulwadze ha tswio vhu sa fholiho vha vhukati ha vhaṅwe vhalwadze vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho o ḓoweleaho vhukuma vha covid19. -",0.6985126 -"mohammed says her worst fear was experiencing serious respiratory complications from covid19. -","u bva nga ḽa 25 shundunthule, vhathu vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho a tevhelaho vho sumbedza tsumbadwadze dzi re khombo: mutsiko wa nṱha wa malofha, phesenthe dza 58 vhulwadze ha swigiri, phesenthe dza 56 vhulwadze ha tswio vhu sa fholiho, phesenthe dza 17 hiv , phesenthe dza16 asima kana vhulwadze ha zwa u fema vhu sa fholiho, phesenthe dza 15 vhulwadze vhu elanaho na ha mbilu, phesenthe dza 11 u vha na muvhili wo kalulaho, phesenthe dza 13 lufhia, phesenthe dza 13 khentsa, phesenthe mbili maṅwe malwadze a sa fholiho, phesenthe dza 16. vho mohammed vha ri nyofho dzavho khulwanesa ho vha u tshenzhema u hulela ha u konḓelwa vhukuma u fema ho vhangwaho nga covid19. -",0.49282596 -"""i experienced tiredness, coughing and tightness of the chest, which my asthma pump resolved. -","vha ri ""ndo tshenzhema maneto, u hoṱola na u valea khanani, he phamphu yanga ya asima ya thusa. -",0.65497583 -"my symptoms were not as severe as my husband’s, who had body aches, nausea, a tight chest, shortness of breath, blocked sinuses, thick phlegm on his chest and a fever. -","tsumbadwadze dzanga dzo vha dzi sa tou vha khombo nga maanḓa u fana na dza munna wanga, vhe muvhili wavho wa vha u khou rema, vha tshi khou silingwa, khana yo valea, u fhelelwa nga mufemo, sainasi dzo thivha, tshilangwa tshidenya u bva khanani yavho na mufhiso muhulu. -",0.6778885 -"my son had a fever for three days, but recovered quite fast once he overcame his symptoms,"" she says. -","murwa wanga o vha na mufhiso muhulu lwa maḓuvha mararu, fhedzi a fhola nga u ṱavhanya musi tsumbadwadze dzawe dzi tshi fhela. -",0.4491985 -"mohammed’s family had been following protocols at work and home, to avoid contracting the virus. -","""muṱa wa vho mohammed wo tevhedza ndaela dzoṱhe dza tsiradwadze mushumoni na hayani, u thivhela u kavhiwa nga tshitzhili. -",0.6237863 -"""my family was understanding, caring and supportive, and brought us supper every evening, but sometimes your community can be uncaring and the harm caused on social media is scary,"" says mohammed. -","""muṱa wanga wo vha u tshi pfesesa, u ṋea ndondolo na thikhedzo, vha tshi ri ḓisela zwiḽiwa zwa tshilalelo madekwana maṅwe na maṅwe, fhedzi tshiṅwe tshifhinga tshitshavha tsha havho tshi nga kha ḓi sa londa, na vhuṱungu vhu vhangwaho nga nyanḓadzamafhungo ya matshilisano vhu a tshuwisa,"" vho ralo vho mohammed. -",0.64101756 -"the western cape department of health says that keeping hydrated and monitoring your blood glucose, blood pressure and temperature are key to managing covid19, especially for patients with comorbidities. -","muhasho wa mutakalo wa kapa vhukovhela uri u dzula u na maḓi muvhilini na u vhea iṱo swigiri malofhani, mutsiko wa malofha na thempharetsha ndi zwa vhuṱhogwa kha u langa covid19, nga maanḓa kha vhalwadze vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho. -",0.656067 -"in addition, the department advises people with comorbidities to: take medication correct ly, as prescribed by your healthcare practitioner. -","zwiṅwe hafhu, muhasho wo eletshedza vhathu vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho uri: vha nwe mishonga nga nḓila yone, sa zwe vha randelwa nga dokotela wavho. -",0.47648504 -"wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before you touch any medication. -","vha ṱambe zwanḓa nga tshisibe na maḓi lwa mithethe i swikaho 20, phanḓa ha musi vha tshi fara mishonga miṅwe na miṅwe. -",0.6079369 -"do not stop taking medication unless a healthcare practitioner tells you to and never share medication with anyone. -","vha songo litsha u nwa kana u shumisa mishonga nga nnḓa ha musi dokotela a tshi vha vhudza uri vha litshe nahone vha songo vhuya vha kovhelana mishonga na muṅwe muthu. -",0.5188621 -"try to do physical exercise for 30 minutes a day. -","vha lingedze u ita nyonyoloso lwa minithe dza 30 nga ḓuvha. -",0.53982365 -"the department says that people with diabetes face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from covid19, but the risk of getting very sick is lower if one’s diabetes is well managed. -","muhasho uri vhathu vha re na swigiri vha livhana na tshikhala tshihulwane tsha u tzhenzhema tsumbadwadze dzo kalulaho dzi re khombo u bva kha covid19, fhedzi khonadzeo ya khombo ya u lwalesa i vha fhasi arali vhulwadze ha swigiri havho vhu tshi khou langiwa zwavhuḓi. -",0.4978402 -"""in general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with a virus. -","""nga u angaredza, vhathu vha re na swigiri vha na khonadzeo khulwane ya u tshenzhema tsumbadwadze dzi re khombo na hulela ha vhulwadze musi vho kavhiwa nga tshitzhili. -",0.5136545 -"as diabetic individuals are at increased risk of severe covid19, ongoing social or physical distancing is recommended where possible. -","sa izwi vhathu vha re na swigiri vha na khonadzeo khulwane ya u vha na tsumbadwadze dzi re khombo dza covid19, u dzulela u vha kule na muṅwe muthu zwo themendelwa hune zwa konadzea. -",0.546329 -"being overweight is also a risk factor for severe covid19. -","u vha na muvhili muhulu na zwone ndi tshivhangi tsha khonadzeo ya u vha na covid19 i re khombo. -",0.5998447 -"weight loss, if possible, is therefore recommended. -","nga u ralo, u fhungudza muvhili, arali zwi tshi konadzea zwi a themendelwa. -",0.35611796 -"""clean bill of healthafter being in isolation for 14 days, mohammed returned to work. -","""u fhola tshoṱhe nga murahu ha u ḓivalela thungo lwa maḓuvha a 14, vho mohammed vho ḓo humela mushumoni. -",0.70161146 -"she says recovering from the virus changed her thought processes and perspective on life. -","vha ri u fhola kha tshitzhili tsha corona zwo shandukisa kuhumbulele na kuvhonele kwavho kwa vhutshilo. -",0.58309054 -"""you appreciate your family and the small things in life even more. -","vha ri ""zwi ita uri u ṱanganedze vha muṱa wau na zwithu zwiṱuku vhutshiloni nga maanḓa. -",0.19227818 -"i want people in any working environment to take responsibility for their health and to educate their families and children, especially now that kids are back at school. -","ndi ṱoḓa vhathu vha tshi dzhia vhuḓifhinduleli ha mutakalo wavho mishumoni na u funza vha muṱa wavho na vhana, nga maanḓa zwino vhana vha tshi khou vhuyelela zwikoloni. -",0.19507961 -"""help your child find creative ways to show affection to their friends, without going close and touching each other. -","kha vha thuse ṅwana wavho nḓila dza vhuṱali dza u sumbedza khonani dzawe lufuno, hu si na u sendela tsini na u farana. -",0.5688232 -"get your family to sterilise themselves before entering the home, leave your shoes in the garage if you can, take all your clothes off and shower before greeting your family and be more health conscious to protect them,"" she says. -","kha vha ite uri vha muṱa wavho vha shumise zwivhulahatshitzhili phanḓa ha musi vha tshi dzhena nḓuni, u sia zwienda nnḓa garatshini arali vha tshi kona, vha bvule zwiambaro zwoṱhe vha ṱambe phanḓa ha musi vha tshi lumelisa vha muṱa wavho na u ṱhogomela vhukuma kha sia ḽa mutakalo u itela u vha tsireledza. -",0.62025374 -"the department advises people with comorbidities to eat healthily, get regular exercise, manage their stress, adhere to their medical treatment plan and follow all necessary preventative measures. -","""muhasho u eletshedza vhathu vha re na malwadze a sa fholiho u ḽa zwiḽiwa zwa mutakalo, u ita nyonyoloso tshifhinga tshoṱhe, u langa mutsiko wavho, u tevhedza pulane ya mishonga ya dzilafho na u tevhedza maga oṱhe a thivhelo o teaho. -",0.65392387 -"insaaf mohammed who suffers from asthma, has beaten covid19. -","vnga mashudu vha sa kavhiwe nga tshitzhili – vha ṱhogomela vhana vhashu vhaṅwe vhavhili,"" vho mohammed vha ralo. -",0.6162239 -"if you are showing any symptoms, such as a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, contact the covid19 hotline on 0800 029 999 or whatsapp the word ‘hi’ to 0600 123 456.","mme vha na malwadze a sa fholi vho kunda covid19 silusapho nyanda vho insaaf mohammed vhari ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri maafrika tshipembe nga mannḓa avho vha na malwadze a sa fholiho uri vha dzhie vhuḓifhinduleli ha mutakalo wavho. -",0.6162239 -"a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark. -","ndivhuwo dzo khetheaho kha vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo vhashu vukuzenzele unnamed tshivhalo tsha dzimpfu dza tshitzhili tsha corona zwa zwino tsho paḓa 2000. kha vho lovhaho hu na vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo, vho ramaṱalimakone vhe vha ṱhogomela vha lwalaho, nahone vhe vha vha thikhedzo na mukhuthadzi kha avho vha re sibadela vho khethelwaho thungo kha miṱa yavho. -",0.38150287 -"among those who have lost their lives are healthcare workers, consummate professionals who cared for the ill, and were a support and comfort to those in hospital isolated from their families. -","zwauri vhanna na vhafumakadzi vho hwalaho mushumo wo khetheaho na u ṱhonifheaho na vhone vha khou kavhiwa nga vhulwadze vha lovha ndi zwithu zwi vhaisaho vhukuma. -",0.3616387 -"that the men and women carrying out this most noble and sacred of duties are themselves falling ill and dying is a devastating blow. -","vha tou vha tshivhindini tsha u lwa na dwadze iḽi. -",0.5032965 -"they are on the frontline of fighting this pandemic. -","vha shuma vhe fhasi ha mutsiko muhulu nahone vha tea u hwala mutsiko kha muhumbulo u ḓivha zwauri vha tou vha kha khonadzeo ya khombo ya u nga kavhiwa nga vairasi. -",0.21038038 -"they are working under great pressure and must carry the psychological strain of knowing they are at risk of contracting the virus. -","vha tou vha vhahali vhukuma kha nndwa yashu ya u lwisana na tshitzhili tsha corona . -",0.47927946 -"they are the true heroes and heroines of our battle against coronavirus. -","ri nea ṱhompho vhahali avha vha afrika tshipembe vhe vha ṱutshela mahaya avho, miṱa na vhafunwa vhavho vha ya mushumoni dzikiḽiniki vha sa fhidzi ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. -",0.50479436 -"we salute these brave south africans who leave their homes, families and loved ones to report without fail for duty every day in clinics, hospitals and other health facilities. -","vha afho vha ṋetshedza ndondolo ya zwa dzilafho, thikhedzo ya zwa ndaulo na dziṅwe tshumelo dzi ngaho u kunakisa na u fha zwiḽiwa. -",0.60313874 -"there they provide medical care, administrative support and other services like cleaning and catering. -","musi vha tshi khou ita mushu mo wavho we vha gudela, na riṋevho ri na vhuḓifhinduleli khavho na miṱa yavho. -",0.5471459 -"just as they perform what is their professional duty, we too have a duty to them and to their families. -","mutakalo wavho na tsireledzo yavho zwi tea u vha zwone zwa ndeme. -",0.41746897 -"their health and their safety must be paramount. -","ri a vha ṱhonifha na u vha tikedza sa vhanna na vhafumakadzi vhe vha sumbedza uri vho ḓiimisela u vhea vhutshilo havho kha khonadzeo ya khombo vha tshi itela uri ri tshile. -",0.36528337 -"we honour them and uphold them as the men and women who have demonstrated they are prepared to risk their lives so that we may live. -","khavho u ita mushumo wavho u ṱoḓaho vhuḓifhinduleli vhuhulwane vha ṱoḓa thikhedzo yashu khathihi na tsireledzo nga u ṋetshedza zwishumiswa zwa u tsireledza muthu ene muṋe (ppe). -",0.49246252 -"for them to do their herculean work they need our support as well as protection through the provision of personal protective equipment (ppe). -","nga kha thikhedzo ya tshikwama tsha mulanga na ndambedzo dzi bvaho kha vhunzhi ha vhathu vha afrika tshipembe, mabindu, dzifoundesheni na miṅwe mivhuso, ro kona u wana zwishumiswa zwa u tsireledza muthu ene muṋe hu tshi itelwa mihaga iyi ya vhashumi vha re tshivhindini. -",0.5581527 -"with the support of the solidarity fund and donations from many individual south africans, businesses, foundations and other governments, we have been able to procure personal protective equipment for these brave frontline workers. -","he ha vha hu na ṱhahalelo ya zwishumiswa zwa u tsireledza muthu ene muṋe (ppe) zwibadela zwashu zwi khou sedzana nazwo nga u ṱavhanya u vhona uri zwi vhe hone. -",0.55037546 -"where there have been shortages of ppe our hospitals are urgently attending to ensuring that they are available. -","ri a ḓivha zwauri u swikela zwishumiswa zwa u tsireledza muthu ene muṋe (ppe) a si yone khaedu i yoṱhe ine vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo vhashu vha ṱangana nayo. -",0.47670734 -"we know that access to ppe is not the only challenge our healthcare workers face. -","u mona na shango dzikiḽiniki na zwibadela zwi khou ṱangana na khaedu dza ṱhahalelo ya vhashumi. -",0.33181152 -"across the country clinics and hospitals are facing staff shortages. -","thaidzo iyi i khou sedziwa. -",0.49130285 -"this problem is being attended to. -","u tikedza mushumo une vhashumi vhashu vha re tshivhidzini vha khou ita u mona na shango ri khou rumela dziminisṱa na vhafarisa dziminisṱa kha tshiṱiriki tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe kha shango u ya u wanulusa khaedu nkene kha zwiṱiriki izwi na u shuma na vha maanḓalanga vha zwa mutakalo kha vundu. -",0.19622225 -"to support the work that our frontline workers are performing around the country we are deploying ministers and deputy ministers to each of the districts in the country to get a line of sight of specific challenges in these districts and to work with provincial health authorities. -","ri tea u shumisana u tsireledza mutakalo hu si wa vhashumi vha re tshivhindini fhedzi, fhedzi na u itela na vhashumi vhoṱhe. -",0.54506826 -"we need to work together to safeguard the health of not just our frontline workers but the entire workforce. -","zwa zwino hu na mushumo wavhuḓi uno khou itwa nga madzangano wa u funza miraḓo nga zwa ndango ya phirela, u thivhela na tsiravhulwadze. -",0.5042045 -"there has already been sterling work done by unions in educating members around infection control and prevention and hygiene. -","vha khou tikedza mushumo wa muhasho wa zwa mushumo na vhashumi kha u tshimbidza zwa vhuṱoli ha mushumoni u vhona uri matshimbidzele a zwa tsireledzo na mutakalo a kha ngona u itela vhashumi vha no khou humela mushumoni. -",0.5493921 -"they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers. -","vhunzhi ha madzangano ashu a vhashumi a khou ṋetshedza mafhungo nga ha tshitzhili tsha corona kha miraḓo yao nahone vhatholi vha khou tshimbidza mafulo a u tsivhudza. -",0.563369 -"many of our trade unions are also providing coronavirus information to their members and employers are running awareness campaigns. -","iṅwe ya khaedu yo ṱahaho kha shango ḽashu ndi u shata samba vhathu vhe vha itwa ndingo vha wanala uri vha na tshitzhili tsha corona . -",0.56682956 -"one of the challenges that has emerged in our country is the stigmatisation of people who have proven positive with coronavirus. -","sa tshitshavha, ri na vhuḓifhinduleli roṱhe ha u fhelisa zwa u shata samba vhathu vho kavhiwaho nga tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.2270458 -"as a society, we have a collective responsibility to stamp out the stig matisation of people infected with the coronavirus. -","ho vha na mivhigo i vhaisaho ya vhathu vhe vha thudzelwa thungo nga tshitshavha tsha havho, ha vha na tshitshavha tshe tsha gwalabela vhalwadze vha re na tshitzhili tsha corona musi vha tshi khou ṱanganedzwa kha zwibadela na kiḽiniki dzapo. -",0.38823485 -"there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics. -","hezwi zwi tea u ima. -",0.48198074 -"this must stop. -","sa zwe ra ṱangana roṱhe u ṱuṱuwedza zwa u ṱanganedza vhathu vha tshilaho vhe na hiv ra imedzana ra lwisana na zwa u ponda, ri tea u sumbedza u pfesesa, u konḓelela, vhuhwavho na u pfela vhuṱungu miṱa ya vho kavhiwaho khathihi na avho vho kavhiwaho nga vairasi iyi. -",0.1478332 -"just as we came together to promote acceptance of people living with hiv and stood firm against victimisation, we must show understanding, tolerance, kindness, empathy and compassion for those who are infected with this virus and for their families. -","zwo ambiwa uri zwa u shata samba zwi itiswa nga nyofho dza u shavha u kavhiwa nga vhulwadze na u sa pfesesa. -",0.5823418 -"it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding. -","nḓila ya khwiṋe ya u kunda nyofho dza vhulwadze na dza u kavhiwa ndi u tevhedza maitele a tsiravhulwadze ane a vha hone. -",0.54648566 -"the best way to overcome our instinctive fear of illness and contagion is to observe the hygiene protocols that are in place. -","u ofha u kavhiwa zwi tou dzula zwi kha muthu nahone ndi zwa vhukuma. -",0.5548527 -"the fear of infection is wellfounded and real. -","ri tshi kha zwenezwo, ri a ḓivha zwine ra tea u ita u ḓitsireledza na u tsireledza vhaṅwe. -",0.45064223 -"at the same time, we know what we have to do to protect ourselves and others. -","ri a ḓivha zwine zwa vhanga vairasi na zwine ra nga ita u itela u ḓitsireledza kha u kavhiwa. -",0.4081096 -"we know what causes the virus and what we can do to protect ourselves from becoming infected. -","ri a zwi ḓivha uri ri tea u dzula ro sia tshikhala vhukati ha iwe muṋe na muṅwe muthu, u ḓikhethela thungo arali ro ṱangana na avho vho kavhiwaho na u ya sibadela arali ri na tsumbadwadze. -",0.50392187 -"we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms. -","ri tea u dzula ri tshi khou langwa nga mafhungo a vhukuma hu si mavharivhari. -",0.48371536 -"we must continue to be guided by facts and not rumours. -","tshifhinga tshe muthu a vha a tshi nga ri ha ḓivhi muthu o kavhiwaho kana a kwameaho nga tshitzhili tsha corona tsho fhira kale. -",0.43817252 -"the time when anyone could say they do not know anyone who is infected or affected by coronavirus has long passed. -","zwa zwino, nṱha ha izwo, khonani dzashu, miṱa, vhashumisani na vhahura vha ṱoḓa khuthadzo na thikhedzo yashu. -",0.53633016 -"now, more than ever, our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours need our empathy and support. -","kha maḓuvha, dzivhege na miṅwedzi i ḓaho, tshiṅwe tshifhinga ri ḓo ḓiwana ri tshi shaya fhulufhelo na u ḓala nyofho musi ri tshi vhona tshivhalo tsha vhathu vho kavhiwaho na vha lovhaho tshi tshi khou engedzea tshi tshi ya nṱha. -",0.50192404 -"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we will at times find ourselves despondent and fearful as we see the numbers of people infected and dying continue to rise. -","zwi ḓo vha hu uri zwithu zwo vhifha vhukuma, fhedzi ri a fhulufhela uri zwi ḓo vha khwiṋe. -",0.49227422 -"it may be that things have gotten worse, but we are certain that they will get better. -","vhaeletshedzi vha zwa dzilafho na vhorasaintsi vhashu vho ri vhudza uri phimo ya u kavhiwa i ḓo ya nṱha musi ri tshi ya tsini na maṱhakhe azwo. -",0.39556 -"our scientists and medical advisers told us that the rate of infections will go up as we move towards our peak. -","fhedzi zwi ḓo tsela fhasi. -",0.3867426 -"but it will certainly come down. -","ri ṱhonifha na u khoḓa vhashu mi vha ndondolamutakalo vhe vha lovha musi vha tshi khou ṱhogomela vhalwadze. -",0.28884012 -"we pay tribute to the healthcare workers who lost their lives caring for the sick. -","ri tshi khou vha elelwa, kha ri dzule ri tshi ḓitsireledza na u tsireledza vhadzulapo vhashu nga u ita tshipiḓa tshashu. -",0.49580097 -"in their memory, let us keep ourselves and our fellow citizens safe by playing our part. -","ri ḓo kunda vairasi hei ra fhaṱulula tshitshavha tshashu. -",0.37572095 -"we shall overcome this virus and rebuild our society. -","ro vhona zwifhinga zwi konḓaho nahone ro kunda. -",0.45407107 -"we have seen darker times and we have prevailed. -","ndivhuwo dzo khetheaho kha vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo vhashu vukuzenzele unnamed tshivhalo tsha dzimpfu dza tshitzhili tsha corona zwa zwino tsho paḓa 2000. kha vho lovhaho hu na vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo, vho ramaṱalimakone vhe vha ṱhogomela vha lwalaho, nahone vhe vha vha thikhedzo na mukhuthadzi kha avho vha re sibadela vho khethelwaho thungo kha miṱa yavho. -",0.45407107 -"young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture. -","muswa wa rabulasi o ṱanganedza thikhedzo ya covid19 silusapho nyanda rabulasi wa kapa vhukovhela ane a khou bvelela ndi muṅwe wa vhavhuelwa vha tshikwama tsha ndiliso ya tshitzhili tsha corona tsha muvhuso. -",0.7451992 -"the o wner of 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative in mooiplaas village received support from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development’s coronavirus (covid19) relief fund for her egg, livestock and vegetable farm. -","nomagcinandile suduka wa miṅwaha ya 27 u khou alusa lupfumo na ifa ḽa muṱa wa hawe nga u bindu dza kha zwa vhulimi. -",0.7211194 -"the department has awarded r1.2 billion worth of vouchers to farmers in need. -","muṋe wa 4 u and 4 me pri mary cooperative ngei kusini kwa mooiplaas o ṱanganedza thikhedzo i bvaho kha tshikwama tsha ndiliso ya tshitzhili tsha corona (covid19) tsha muhasho wa mveledziso ya mahayani, mbuedzedzo ya mavu na zwa vhulimi u itela bulasi yawe ya miroho, zwifuwo na makumba. -",0.5180405 -"suduka says her vouchers will help her grow the egg producing side of her business. -","muhasho wo ṋetshedza r1.2 biḽioni ya dzivoutshara kha vhorabulasi vhane vha vha na ṱhoḓea. -",0.5770862 -"""i received three vouchers totalling r19 000. a voucher for r12 000 to buy layer egg chickens, a voucher for r6 500 to buy feed and a r500 voucher to buy medicines. -","suduka o amba uri voutshara dzi ḓo mu thusa u alusa sia ḽa vhubveledzi ha makumba ḽa bindu ḽawe. -",0.5777582 -"""she started her egg production farm by feeding her family’s traditional chickens with layer grower feed, which enables them to produce eggs without mating. -","""ndo ṱanganedza voutshara tharu dza ṱhanganyela ya r19 000. voutshara ya r12 000 ya u renga khuhu dza makumba dza 100, voutshara ya r6 500 ya u renga zwiḽiwa na voutshara ya r500 ya u renga mishonga. -",0.59130347 -"her chickens now produce 50 eggs a day, which she sells weekly. -","""o thoma bulasi yawe ya u bveledza makumba nga u fusha khuhu dza hayani nga zwiḽiwa zwa u alusa khuhu dzi no khou alamela, zwine zwa konisa u bveledza makumba nga khuhu dzi songo gombiwa. -",0.46763718 -"suduka, who also farms with 73 goats, 25 sheep and 25 cows, started farming in 2015 after obtaining a public management n6 certificate from ikhala training and vocational education and training college. -","khuhu dzawe dza 50 zwa zwino dzi bveledza makumba a 50 nga ḓuvha ane a a rengisa vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. -",0.6450657 -"after realising that there were not a lot of job opportunities out there, she decided to take over the family’s then subsistence farm and turn it into a profitable business. -","suduka, ane a fuwa mbudzi dza 73, nngu dza 25 na kholomo dza 25, o thoma zwa vhulimivhufuwi nga 2015 nga murahu ha musi o wana ṱhanziela ya n6 ya public management kha gudedzi ḽa vhugudisi ya ikhala na kha gudedzi ḽa vhugudisi na pfunzo ya mushumo wa zwanḓa. -",0.5542375 -"suduka says: ""we grew up practising farming, so after graduating i decided to farm rather than look for a job."" -","musi o vhona uri shangoni a hu na zwikhala zwinzhi zwa mushumo, o humbula u dzhia vhuḓifhinduleli ha bulasi u unḓa muṱa wa hawe a i shandukisa ya vha bindu ḽi bveledzaho mbuelo. -",0.5395198 -"this proved to be an inspired decision, as she has grown the number of goats and cows. -","suduka o amba uri: ""ro alu wa ri tshi ita zwa vhurabulasi, zwo ralo nga murahu ha musi ndo ṱhaphudza ngudo dzanga ndo humbula u vha rabulasi u fhirisa zwa u ya u ṱoḓa mushumo."" -",0.56193423 -"suduka’s sixhectare vegetable farm produces maize, potatoes, peas and beans. -","hezwi zwo sumbedza u vha tsheo yo ṱuṱuwedzwaho, sa i zwi o alusa mbudzi na kholomo dzo vhalaho. -",0.5929295 -"the maize is planted on four hectares, the potatoes on one hectare and the peas and beans share the last hectare. -","bulasi ya miroho ya hekithara dza rathi ya suduka i bveledza mavhele, maḓabula, eregisi na ṋawa. -",0.5919639 -"suduka has learnt a lot from covid19, especially that her best assets are her hands and hard work. -","mavhele a ṱavhiwa kha hekithara nṋa, maḓabula kha hekithara nthihi ngeno eregisi na ṋawa zwi tshi ṋekana hekithara yo salaho. -",0.5667544 -"tips on how to start a garden: make sure you know which plants your soil will support. -","suduka o guda zwinzhi kha covid19 , nga maanḓa zwa uri ndaka dzawe dza nṱhesa ndi zwanḓa zwawe na u shuma nga maanḓa. -",0.5032991 -"ready your garden by first ploughing the land more than once without planting. -","muswa wa rabulasi o ṱanganedza thikhedzo ya covid19 silusapho nyanda rabulasi wa kapa vhukovhela ane a khou bvelela ndi muṅwe wa vhavhuelwa vha tshikwama tsha ndiliso ya tshitzhili tsha corona tsha muvhuso. -",0.5032991 -"south africa acts to address ventilator shortage silusapho nyanda a locally developed ventilator will help patients with mild covid19 symptoms to breathe easier. -"," afrika tshipembe ḽi khou shuma u tandulula thaidzo ya ṱhahelelo ya venthiḽeitha silusapho nyanda venthiḽeitha dzi bveledzwaho fhano hayani dzi ḓo thusa vhalwadze vha re na tsumbadwadze dza covid19 dzine dzi sa vhe khombo nga maanḓa uri vha kone u fema zwo leluwa. -",0.7204174 -"the fight against the coronavirus disease (covid19) in south africa has been boosted with the production of the first ventilator made in the country. -","nndwa ya u lwa na vhulwadze ha tshitzhili tsha corona (covid19) afrika tshipembe yo khwaṱhiswa nga venthiḽeitha dza u tou thoma u itwa shangoni ḽashu. -",0.69935894 -"the continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) ventilator helps patients with mild symptoms of covid19 to breathe easier by providing a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep their airways open. -","venthiḽeitha ya continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) i thusa vhalwadze vha re na tsumbadwadze dza covid19 dzine dza sa vhe khombo nga maanḓa u fema zwo leluwa u ṋetshedza ḽevele yo linganelaho ya mutsiko wa muya u re na okisidzheni u itela uri nḓila dza u tshimbidza muya dzi dzule dzo vulea. -",0.43662128 -"the ventilator was designed by the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) in collaboration with a number of local partners and will be rolled out nationwide to patients showing respiratory distress in the early phase of covid19 infection. -","venthiḽeitha yo oliwa nga khoro ya ṱhoḓisiso na zwa nḓowetshumo ya zwa saintsi (csir) nga kha tshumisano na vhashumisani vha tshivhalo vhapo nahone i ḓo ṋetshedzwa u mona na shango kha vhalwadze vhane vha khou sumbedza u vha na vhuleme ha u fema mathomoni a u kavhiwa nga covid19. -",0.6452805 -"""the air a person normally breaths has a 23 percent concentration of oxygen. -","""muya une muthu a anzela u u fema u na phesenthe dza 23 dzo ḓalaho nga okisidzheni. -",0.60617054 -"the cpap ventilator can pump a higher amount of oxygen, helping a person breathe. -","venthiḽeitha ya cpap i nga bommba okisidzheni nga vhunzhi, i tshi khou thusa muthu u fema. -",0.55376154 -"the cpap pumps continuous concentrated oxygen. -","cpap i bommba okisidzheni yo ḓalaho u ya ngauralo. -",0.51521885 -"you can increase or decrease the amount of oxygen one is breathing in,"" says executive manager of csir future production: manufacturing martin sanne. -","vha nga gonyisa kana vha fhungudza tshikalo tsha okisidzheni ine muthu a khou i fema, "" vha ralo mulanguli muhulwane wa csir future production: manufacturing vho martin sanne . -",0.71723294 -"patients using the ventilator are connected via a face mask. -","vhalwadze vha shumisaho venthiḽeitha vha ṱumanyiwa nayo nga kha masiki wa khofheni. -",0.5483955 -"oxygen is drawn from an oxygen gas tank and is mixed with natural air in the ventilator, from where it is transmitted to the mask and breathed in by the patient. -","okisidzheni i kokodzwa u bva kha thannge ��a gese ya okisidzheni ya ṱanganyiswa na muya mufhe kha venthiḽeitha,une u bva afho ya fhiriselwa kha masiki wa kona u femiwa nga mulwadze. -",0.67985743 -"sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale. -","vho sanne vha ri u ḓadzisa kha u bommba muya u re na okisidzheni, cpap i dovha ya thusa vhalwadze u femela nnḓa. -",0.57426155 -"the cpap device can be used in both hightech clinical environments and temporary settings, such as field hospitals and quarantine facilities. -","tshishumiswa tsha cpap tshi nga shumiswa hoṱhe fhethu ha zwa dzilafho ḽa vhalwadze ha thekhinoḽodzhi ya nṱha na kha nzudzanyo dza tshifhinga nyana, u fana na zwibadela zwa tshifhinga nyana na zwiimiswa zwa u valela vha khou lwalaho. -",0.56765604 -"sanne says the csir will have produced 10 000 ventilators by the end of august. -","vho sanne vha ri csir i ḓo vha yo no bveledza dziventhiḽeitha dza 10 000 mafheloni a ṱhangule. -",0.6266597 -"working with siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya and the university of cape town, the csir produced the cpap according to world health organisation standards. -","i tshi khou shumisana na siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya na yunivesithi ya cape town, csir yo bveledza cpap u ya nga tshilingano tsha zwa dzangano ḽa mutakalo ḽa ḽifhasi. -",0.84141374 -"the first batch of ventilators will be given to state hospitals experiencing pressure due to the unavailability of equipment to deal with covid19. -","betshe ya u thoma ya dziventhiḽeitha i ḓo ṋetshedzwa zwibadela zwa muvhuso zwine zwa khou tshenzhema mutsiko nga vhanga ḽa u sa vha hone ha tshomedzo dza u thusa vhalwadze vha covid19. -",0.64331675 -"the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators. -","csir yo thoma u shuma zwa cpap nga murahu ha musi ḽifhasi ḽi tshi khou tshenzhema ṱhahelelo khulwane vhukuma ya dziventhiḽeitha. -",0.62220305 -"""around march and april, there suddenly became a short supply of ventilators from our international suppliers. -","""henefha nga ṱhafamuhwe na lambamai, ho ḓo thoma u vha na ṱhahelelo ya ṋetshedzo ya dziventhiḽeitha u bva kha vhaṋetshedzi vhashu vha dzitshaka. -",0.5750209 -"where you could get them, they were very expensive so government issued a tender for the production of ventilators,"" says sanne. -","he dza vha dzi tshi khou wanala hone, dzo vha dzi khou ḓura vhukuma, ngauralo, muvhuso wa bvisa thenda ya mveledzo ya dziventhiḽeitha,"" vha ralo vho sanne. -",0.58886755 -"the tender was part of the government’s national ventilator project within the department of trade, industry and competition. -","thenda yo vha tshipiḓa tsha thandela ya venthiḽeitha ya lushaka ya muvhuso u bva kha muhasho wa mbambadzo, nḓowetshumo na muṱaṱisano. -",0.59626883 -"the csir is also working on a bilevel positive airway pressure ventilator aimed at helping patients with more severe symptoms of covid19. -","csir i khou dovha ya shuma kha u bveledza venthiḽeitha ya bilevel positive airway pressure yo sedzaho kha u thusa vhalwadze vhane vha vha na tsumbadwadze dza covid19 dzi re na khombo ya u vhulaha. -",0.5343342 -"the ventilator will assist with both inhalation and exhalation, either in fixed pressure modes or by sensing the oxygen supply required by a patient and adjusting the pressure accordingly."," afrika tshipembe ḽi khou shuma u tandulula thaidzo ya ṱhahelelo ya venthiḽeitha silusapho nyanda venthiḽeitha dzi bveledzwaho fhano hayani dzi ḓo thusa vhalwadze vha re na tsumbadwadze dza covid19 dzine dzi sa vhe khombo nga maanḓa uri vha kone u fema zwo leluwa. -",0.5343342 -"help stop the spread of covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed our nation is con fronted by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy. -","kha vha thuse u fhelisa u phaḓalala ha covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lushaka lwashu lwo livhana na tshiwo tshihulu vhukuma kha ḓivhazwakale ya dimokirasi yashu. -",0.65071416 -"for more than 120 days, we have succeeded in delaying the spread of a virus that is causing devastation across the globe. -","kha maḓuvha a fhiraho 120, ro kona u lengisa u phaḓalala ha tshitzhili tshine tsha khou vhanga mutshinyalo u mona na ḽifhasi. -",0.54912513 -"but now, the surge in infections that we had been advised by our medical experts would come, has arrived. -","fhedzi zwazwino, u engedzea nga u ṱavhanya ha tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho he ra eletshedzwa nga vhomakone vhashu vha zwa dzilafho uri hu ḓo itea, ho swika. -",0.5036901 -"more than a quarter of a million south africans have been infected with coronavirus, and we know that many more infections have gone undetected. -","vhathu vha fhiraho kotara ya miḽioni afrika tshipembe vho kavhiwa nga tshitzhili tsha corona, nahone ri a zwi ḓivha uri hu na tshivhalo tshinzhi tsha vho kavhiwaho tshi songo vhonalaho. -",0.4974723 -"we are now recording over 12,000 new cases every day. -","zwazwino ri khou rekhoda tshivhalo tshiswa tsha vha kavhiwaho tshi fhiraho 12 000 ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. -",0.44271088 -"since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19. -","u bva tshe dwadze ḽa ṱaha nga ṱhafamuhwe, vhathu vha swikaho 4.079 vho lovha nga nṱhani ha covid19. -",0.7335793 -"like the massive cold fronts that sweep into our country from the south atlantic at this time of year, there are few parts of the country that will remain untouched by the coronavirus. -","u fana na lutsinga luhulu lwa muya u rotholaho vhukuma lu swielaho shangoni ḽashu u bva kha south antlantic nga tshifhinga hetshi tsha ṅwaha, hu na zwipiḓa zwi si gathi zwa shango ḽashu zwine zwa ḓo sala zwi songo kwamiwa nga tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.5792093 -"the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before. -","ḓumbu ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona ḽo kalula vhukuma na u vha ḽi tshinyadzesaho u fhira zwe ra vhuya ra ṱangana nazwo murahu. -",0.47321925 -"it is stretching our resources and our resolve to their limits. -","ḽi khou swiela fhu zwiko zwashu na thandululo dzashu u swika magumoni. -",0.46191907 -"the surge of infections that our experts and scientists predicted over 3 months ago has now arrived. -","u gonya nga u ṱavhanya ha tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho he vhomakone vhashu na vhorasaintsi vha hu bula uri hu ḓo itea miṅwedzi miraru yo fhiraho, ho swika. -",0.49047622 -"it started in the western cape and is now underway in the eastern cape and gauteng. -","ho thoma kapa vhukovhela nahone hu khou itea ngei kapa vhubvaḓuvha na gauteng. -",0.63354266 -"yet, while infections rise exponentially, it is important to note that our case fatality rate of 1.5 percent is among the lowest in the world. -","naho zwo ralo, musi tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho tshi tshi khou gonya nga luvhilo, ndi zwa vhuṱhogwa u ḓivha uri reithi yashu ya vha lovhaho ya phesenthe ya 1.5 ndi iṅwe ya dza fhasisa ḽifhasini. -",0.5583551 -"this is compared to a global average case fatality rate of 4.4 percent. -","hezwi zwi khou vhambedzwa na tshivhalokati tsha reithi ya vha khou lovhaho tsha ḽifhasi tsha phesenthe dza 4.4. ri tea u livhisa ndivhuwo dzashu dza u vha na tshivhalo tsha mpfu tsha fhasi kha shango ḽashu kha tshenzhemo na vhuḓikumedzeli ha vhashumeli vha mutakalo vhashu na maga e ra a dzhia nga u ṱavhanyedza u bveledzisa na u lugisela sisiṱeme ya mutakalo washu. -",0.46461725 -"we owe the relatively low number of deaths in our country to the experience and dedication of our health professionals and the urgent measures we have taken to build the capacity of our health system. -","naho vhunzhi ha vhathu vhashu vho dzhia vhukando ha u thivhela u phaḓalala ha tshitzhili, vha hone vhane vha sa khou ita nga u ralo. -",0.5093839 -"even as most of our people have taken action to prevent the spread of the virus, there are others who have not. -","hu na vhaṅwe vhukati hashu vhane vha khou pfuka milayo ye ya phasiswa ya u lwa na vhulwadze. -",0.4544657 -"there are some among us who ignore the regulations that have been passed to combat the disease. -","vhukati ha tshiwo tsha dwadze iḽi, u ṋamela thekhisi u songo ambara masiki, u kuvhangana na dzikhonani, u ya mbulungoni kana u dalela vha muṱa, na zwone zwi nga phaḓaladza tshitzhili na u lozwa matshilo. -",0.42557573 -"in the midst of such a pandemic, getting into a taxi without a face mask, gathering to meet friends, attending parties or even visiting family, can too easily spread the virus and cost lives. -","hovhu vhu nga kha ḓi vha vhu vhulwadze vhu vhangwaho nga tshitzhili, fhedzi vhu phaḓaladzwa nga vhuḓifari na mikhwa ya vhathu. -",0.53965116 -"this may be a disease that is caused by a virus, but it is spread by human conduct and behaviour. -","nga kha nyito dzashu riṋe vhaṋe – sa vhathu vhone vhaṋe, sa miṱa, sa zwitshavha – ri nga kona nahone ri fanela u shandukisa nḓila ine tshiwo tsha dwadze iḽi ya khou isa shango ḽashu hone. -",0.45322597 -"through our own actions – as individuals, as families, as communities – we can and we must change the course of this pandemic in our country. -","ri tea u ambara masiki wa labi une wa vala mulomo na ningo tshifhinga tshoṱhe musi ri tshi bva hayani. -",0.5048239 -"we need to wear a cloth mask that covers our nose and mouth whenever we leave home. -","ri fanela u bvela phanḓa na u ṱamba zwanḓa zwashu tshifhinga tshoṱhe nga maḓi na tshisibe kana nga sanithaiza (tshivhulahatshitzhili). -",0.51162434 -"we must continue to regularly wash our hands with soap and water or sanitiser. -","ri fanela u bvela phanḓa na u kunakisa na u sanithaiza fhethu hoṱhe ha u shumela hone ha nnyi na nnyi. -",0.5635911 -"we must continue to clean and sanitise all surfaces in all public spaces. -","tsha vhuṱhogwa vhukuma, ri fanela u vha kule na muṅwe muthu – lwa vhukule ha mithara dzi swikaho mbili – u bva kha vhaṅwe vhathu. -",0.42552316 -"most importantly, we must keep a safe distance – of at least 2 metres – from other people. -","zwazwino hu na vhuṱanzi ho bvelelaho ha uri tshitzhili tshi nga hwalwa nga zwipiḓa zwi��ukuṱuku muyani fhethu ho ḓalesaho vhathu, ho valeaho kana hune hu sa tou vha na u mona ha muya zwavhuḓi. -",0.43876708 -"there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation. -","nga nṱhani ha hezwi, ri fanela u khwinisa nga u ṱavhanya vhupo ha nga ngomu ha fhethu ha nnyi na nnyi hune khonadzeo ya khombo ya u kavhiwa ya vha khulwanesa. -",0.57911354 -"for this reason we must immediately improve the indoor environment of public places where the risk of infection is greatest. -","tsheo yashu ya u ḓivhadza nyiledza u bva mahayani ya lushaka nga vhuphara yo thivhela u gonya huhulu ha vhulwadze nga u ṱavhanya musi tshumelo dza mutakalo dzashu dzo vha dzi sa athu lugiselwa zwavhuḓi, zwe zwa vha zwi tshi ḓo vhanga ndozwo khulwanesa ya matshilo a vhathu. -",0.4786415 -"our decision to declare a nationwide lockdown prevented a massive early surge of infections when our health services were less prepared, which would have resulted in a far greater loss of lives. -","kha tshifhinga tshe ra vha ri natsho, ro dzhia maga a vhuṱhogwa u khwaṱhisa phindulo ya mutakalo washu. -",0.5544094 -"in the time that we had, we have taken important measures to strengthen our health response. -","ro ita dzindingo dza tshitzhili tsha corona dzi fhiraho miḽioni mbili nahone vhashumeli vha mutakalo vha tshitshavha vho ṱola vhathu vha fhiraho 20 miḽioni. -",0.24001415 -"we have conducted more than two million coronavirus tests and community health workers have done more than 20 million screenings. -","ro kona u ri hu vhe na mimbete ya sibadela i ṱoḓaho u swika 28,000 ya vhalwadze vha covid19 na u fhaṱa zwibadela zwa tshifhinga nyana zwi shumaho u mona na shango. -",0.5501699 -"we have made available almost 28,000 hospital beds for covid19 patients and have constructed functional field hospitals across the country. -","zwazwino ri na mimbete ya khwarathini ya 37,000 kha zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso na zwa phuraivethe u mona na shango, zwo lugela u ṱanganedza avho vha sa koni u ḓikhethela thungo mahayani avho. -",0.6009306 -"we now have over 37,000 quarantine beds in private and public facilities across the country, ready to isolate those who cannot do so at home. -","ro renga na u ḓisa tshomedzo dza u ḓitsireledza dza miḽioni zwibadela, dzikiḽiniki na zwikoloni u mona na shango u tsireledza vhashumi vha ṋetshedzaho tshumelo dza vhuṱhogwa. -",0.3214327 -"we have procured and delivered millions of items of personal protective equipment to hospitals, clinics and schools across the country to protect our frontline workers. -","ro thola nahone ri khou bvela phanḓa na u thola vhaongi vha u engedzedza, madokotela na vhashumi vha zwa mutakalo kha tshiimo tsha shishi. -",0.47957608 -"we have recruited and continue to recruit additional nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel. -","ri ya phanḓa na u ita mvelaphanḓa kha ndingedzo dzashu dza u lwa na covid 19, fhedzi khaedu yashu khulwanesa i kha ḓi ḓa. -",0.5315498 -"we continue to make progress in our efforts to deal with covid 19, but our greatest challenge still lies ahead. -","u mona na mavundu oṱhe, ri khou shuma u engedza tshivhalo tsha mimbete wadini dza vha lwalesaho na kha wadi zwadzo uri i vhe hone u itela vhalwadze vha covid19. -",0.5177513 -"across all provinces, we are working to further increase the number of general ward and critical beds available for covid19 patients. -","tshikhala wadini tshi khou vulea kha zwibadela zwo vhalaho nga u lengisa ndondolo ya dzilafho ine a si ya shishi, u shandukiswa ha huṅwe fhethu zwibadela ha itwa wadi dza u engedzedza na u fhaṱwa kana u engedzedzwa ha zwibadela zwa tshifhinga nyana. -",0.55226797 -"ward capacity is being freed up in a number of hospitals by delaying nonurgent care, the conversion of some areas of hospitals into additional ward space and the erection or expansion of field hospitals. -","ri khou shuma u engedza nḓisedzo ya okisidzheni, dziventhiḽeitha na dziṅwe tshomedzo u itela avho vha ṱoḓaho ndondolo ya vhuṱhogwa, hu tshi katela na u nga pambusa ṋetshedzo ya okisidzheni dze dza vha dzi tshi khou ya u shumiselwa zwiṅwe. -",0.6323809 -"we are working to increase supplies of oxygen, ventilators and other equipment for those who will need critical care, including by diverting the supply of oxygen from other purposes. -","ri khou shumisa thekhinoḽodzhi dza didzhithaḽa u khwaṱhisa u topola, u sala murahu vho kwamanaho na muthu o kavhiwa na u vha vhea fhethu ha thungo, na u tikedza avho vho wanwaho uri vha na tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.59541225 -"we are deploying digital technologies to strengthen the identification, tracing and isolation of contacts, and to provide support to those who test positive. -","sa izwi zwino ri tshi khou sendela tsini na maṱhakheni a vhulwadze, ri tea u khwaṱhisedza uri ri tevhedza tsiradwadze na u khwaṱhisa maga ane a vha hone a u ongolosa reithi ya phiriselo. -",0.57731456 -"as we now approach the peak of infections, we need to take extra precautions and tighten existing measures to slow down the rate of transmission. -","milayo ya u ambarwa ha mimasiki i ḓo khwaṱhiswa. -",0.27588308 -"regulations on the wearing of masks will be strengthened. -","vhatholi, vhaṋe vha mavhengele na vhalanguli, vhareili vha zwiendedzi zwa nnyi na nnyi, na vhalanguli na vhaṋe vha zwifhaṱo zwiṅwe zwa nnyi na nnyi zwazwino vha kombetshedzwa nga mulayo u khwaṱhisedza uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe a dzhenaho kha zwifhaṱo zwavho kana moḓoro u fanela u vha vho ambara masiki. -",0.3476116 -"employers, shop owners and managers, public transport operators, and managers and owners of any other public building are now legally obliged to ensure that anyone entering their premises or vehicle must be wearing a mask. -","thekhisi dzi tshimbilaho nyendo pfufhi dzapo zwazwino dzi ḓo tendelwa u engedza tshivhalo u ya kha phesenthe ya 100 ya vhanameli, ngeno thekhisi dza nyendo ndapfu dzi sa ḓo tendelwa u ṋamedza tshivhalo tshi fhiraho phesenthe dza 70 dza vhanameli, zwi tshi bva nga uri phurotokhoḽo ntswa dza u fhungudza khonadzeo dza khombo dzi elanaho na u ambarwa ha masiki, u sanithaiza moḓoro na u vula mafasiṱere dzi khou tevhedzwa. -",0.5974628 -"taxis undertaking local trips will now be permitted to increase their capacity to 100 percent, while long distance taxis will not be allowed to exceed 70 percent occupancy, on condition that new risk mitigation protocols related to masks, vehicle sanitising and open windows are followed. -","zwazwino hu na vhuṱanzi vhu re khagala ha uri u vulwa ha thengiso ya mahalwa zwo vhanga mutsiko u vhonalaho kha zwibadela, hu tshi katelwa yunithi dza zwi tatisaho na icu, nga vhanga ḽa khombo dza mimoḓoro , zwi tatisaho zwi elanaho na dzikhakhathi. -",0.5475533 -"there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma. -","nga u ralo, ro dzhia tsheo ya uri u itela u vhulunga tshivhalo tsha mimbete sibadela, thengiso, u hwala na u iswa ha mahalwa zwi khou imiswa u bva zwino. -",0.62341374 -"we have therefore decided that in order to conserve hospital capacity, the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect. -","sa maga a u engedzedza u itela u fhungudza mutsiko zwibadela, hu ḓo vhewa nyiledzo ya tshifhinga tsha u tshimbila vhukati ha awara ya 9 nga madekwana na awara ya 4 nga matsheloni. -",0.5413903 -"as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals, a curfew will be put in place between the hours of 9pm and 4am. -","ri khou dzhia maga aya ri tshi tou zwi ḓivha zwavhuḓi uri a kombetshedza nyiledzo dzi sa takalelwi kha matshilo a vhathu. -",0.5600057 -"we are taking these measures fully aware that they impose unwelcome restrictions on people’s lives. -","honeha, o tea u ri thusa uri ri kone u bva maṱhakheni a vhulwadze. -",0.46332425 -"they are, however, necessary to see us through the peak of the disease. -","a hu na nḓila ine ri nga tinya ḓumbu ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.33785626 -"there is no way that we can avoid the coronavirus storm. -","fhedzi ri nga fhungudza tshinyalelo ine tshi nga i bveledza kha matshilo ashu. -",0.48272413 -"but we can limit the damage that it can cause to our lives. -","sa lushaka, ro ṱangana u tikedzana, u khuthadza avho vhane vha khou lwala khathihi na u ṱuṱuwedza u ṱanganedzwa ha vhathu vhane vha vha na tshitzhili. -",0.4020306 -"as a nation we have come together to support each other, to provide comfort to those who are ill and to promote acceptance of people living with the virus. -","zwazwino, u fhira na mathomoni, ri na vhuḓifhinduleli ha matshilo a vhathu vha re vhukati hashu. -",0.24751061 -"now, more than ever, we are responsible for the lives of those around us. -","ri ḓo bva kha ḓumbu iḽi ro tsireledzea. -",0.34753197 -"we will weather this storm. -","ri ḓo vusuludza shango ḽashu ḽa vha na mutakalo na lupfumo. -",0.3982773 -"we will restore our country to health and to prosperity. -","kha vha thuse u fhelisa u phaḓalala ha covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lushaka lwashu lwo livhana na tshiwo tshihulu vhukuma kha ḓivhazwakale ya dimokirasi yashu. -",0.3982773 -"celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month. -","u pembelela vhafumakadzi nga u vha dzhenisa kha zwa ikonomivha dzhenisa kha zwa ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṱhangule afrika tshipembe ḽi pembelela ṅwedzi wa vhafumakadzi. -",0.6339848 -"this occasion marks the anniversary of the day in 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the union buildings – a great sea of womankind speaking many languages, from different places and of all races. -","mushumo uyu u sumba tshiga tsha anivesari ya ḓuvha ḽe nga 1956 vhafumakadzi vha 20,000 vha gwalaba vha ya union buildings – gogo ḽa vha tshifumakadzini vha ambaho nyambo dzo fhambanaho, vha bvaho fhethu ho fhambanaho na vha mirafho yoṱhe. -",0.6594797 -"they were united in their demand for an end to the dreaded pass laws and for their right to live in freedom. -","vho vhumbana kha migwalabo yavho ya u lwela uri hu fheliswe milayo i thivhelaho mbofholowo ya u tshimbila kha vharema na pfanelo dzavho dza u tshila vho vhofholowa. -",0.30643165 -"the status and position of women in south africa today is vastly different to that faced by our mothers and grandmothers in 1956. we have come a long way in realising a south africa that is nonracial, nonsexist, democratic, prosperous and free. -","maimo na vhuimo ha vhafuma kadzi afrika tshipembe ṋamusi zwo fhambana vhukuma na zwe zwa ṱangana na vhomme na vhomakhulu washu nga 1956. ri bva kule u swikela afrika tshipembe ḽi si na khethano nga lukanda, mbeu, ḽa dimokirasi, ḽi bvelelaho nahone ḽo vhofholowaho. -",0.7090905 -"there has been real progress in improving the lives of south african women in the economy, in the political sphere and in public life. -","ho vha na mvelaphanḓa yavhuḓi kha u khwinisa matshilo a vhafumakadzi vha afrika tshipembe kha sia ḽa ikonomi, poḽotiki na kha matshilo a vhathu. -",0.5610045 -"at the same time, we know there is so much further we still have to go. -","kha tshifhinga tshenetshi tshithihi, ri a zwi ḓivha zwauri hu na zwinzhi hafhu zwine ra khou tea u zwi ita. -",0.28346568 -"women still face discrimination, harassment and violence, and bear the greatest brunt of poverty. -","vhafumakadzi vha kha ḓi ṱangana na zwa khethululo, u vhaiswa na dzikhakhathi, vha hwala mutsiko muhulu wa vhushai. -",0.57848364 -"if we are to truly realise the promise of our constitution we have to tackle the economic and financial exclusion that makes women more vulnerable to abuse and violence. -","arali ri tshi khou ṱoḓa u wedza nga ngoho pfulufhedziso dza ndayotewa yashu ri tea u lingedza nga maanḓa u sedzana na zwa u sa dzheniswa kha zwa masheleni na kha zwa ikonomi zwine zwa ita uri vhafumakadzi vha ḓiwane vha songo tsireledzea kha dzikhakhathi na u tambudzwa. -",0.5493202 -"we have joined a groundbreaking campaign that links us to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030. generation equality is an ambitious and transformative agenda to end discrimination and violence against women and for their equal participation in political, social and economic life. -","ro dzhena kha fulo ḽihulwane ḽa vhutumbuli ḽine ḽa ri ṱumanya na ndingedzo dza ḽifhasi dza u swikela ndinganyiso ya mbeu nga 2030. ndinganyiso ya murafho ndi mafhungo a sumbaho tshanduko na ṱhuṱhuwedzo u itela u fhelisa khethululo na dzikhakhathi zwi itelwaho vhafumakadzi na u itela u shela mulenzhe nga nḓila i linganaho kha zwa poḽotiki, matshilisano na zwa ikonomi. -",0.6622783 -"as part of this campaign, we have joined two ‘action coalitions’, one for economic justice and rights and another against genderbased violence. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha fulo iḽi, ro dzhenela kha ‘ṱhanganelano dza ndivho nthihi’ mbili, iṅwe ndi ya pfanelo na vhulamukanyi ha zwa ikonomi ngeno iṅwe i tshi lwisana na khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu. -",0.59020615 -"both of these themes are critical to our own national agenda. -","vhuvhili ha thero idzi ndi dza ndeme kha mafhungo a lushaka lwashu riṋe vhaṋe. -",0.40292364 -"eleven months since the emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide was implemented we have made progress in expanding support and care to survivors, and progress is being made in legal reforms to afford them greater protection. -","kha miṅwedzi ya fumithihi u bva tshe pulane ya nyito i sedzaho zwa shishi ya u fhelisa khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na u vhulawa ha vhathu vha tshifumakadzi ya thoma u shuma ro vha na mvelaphanḓa ya u engedza thikhedzo na ndondolo kha vhaponyi, nahone mvelaphanḓa i khou itwa kha mbuyedzedzo ya zwa mulayo u itela uri vha wane tsireledzo khulwane. -",0.6115635 -"during the month of august, we begin the implementation of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide. -","kha ṅwedzi wa ṱhangule, ri thoma u shumisa pulane ya tshiṱirathedzhi ya lushaka u fhelisa khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na zwa u vhulawa ha vhathu vha tshifumakadzini. -",0.54724884 -"a key aspect of the plan is on ensuring greater women’s financial inclusion. -","tshipiḓa tshihulwane tsha pulane iyi ndi u vhona uri hu vhe na u dzheniswa nga vhunzhi ha vhafumakadzi kha zwa masheleni. -",0.39770573 -"this is because economic inequality and social inequality are interconnected. -","izwi zwi khou itwa ngauri hu na vhuṱumani ha tshayandinganyiso kha zwa ikonomi na kha zwa matshilisano. -",0.47405648 -"the economic status of women in south africa makes them more vulnerable to abuse. -","tshiimo tsha ikonomi tsha vhafumakadzi afrika tshipembe tshi itisa uri vha vhe vha songo tsireledzea kha u tambudzwa. -",0.5043733 -"we must therefore scale up support for women to enable them to become financially independent. -","zwo ralo ri tea u khwaṱhisa thikhedzo kha vhafumakadzi u itela uri vha kone u ima nga vhone vha���e kha zwa masheleni. -",0.4705702 -"we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan. -","ro ita tshivhalo tsha vhuḓikumedzeli kha zwa ndinganyiso ya murafho zwine zwa ḓo sedzwa khazwo nga kha pulane ya tshiṱirathedzhi ya lushaka. -",0.49945536 -"firstly, we are going to drive women’s economic inclusion through public procurement. -","tsha u thoma, ri khou ya u tshimbidza zwa u dzhenisa vhafumakadzi kha zwa ikonomi nga kha zwirengwa nga muvhuso. -",0.48312724 -"we have set the target of ensuring that at least 40 percent of goods and services procured by public entities are sourced from womenowned businesses. -","ro vhea tshipikwa tsha u vhona uri phesenthe dza henefha kha 40 dza tshumelo na thundu dzi rengwaho nga zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso zwi waniwe kha mabindu a langwaho nga vhafumakadzi. -",0.55797136 -"secondly, we are going to scale up support for womenowned smmes and for women who work in the informal sector or are unemployed. -","tsha vhuvhili, ri khou ya u engedza thikhedzo ya smme dzi langwaho nga vhafumakadzi na kha vhafumakadzi vhane vha shuma kha sekithara zwadzo kana vha sa shumi. -",0.44033232 -"this will include engagement with the financial sector to make financial services accessible and affordable for women. -","izwi zwi ḓo katela u shumisana na sekithara dza zwa masheleni u itela tswikelo na khonadzeo ya tshumelo dza zwa masheleni kha vhafumakadzi. -",0.5268294 -"thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land. -","tsha vhuraru, ri ṱoḓa uri vhafumakadzi vhanzhi vha kone u swikela vhubveledzisi vhu ngaho sa ha mavu. -",0.45660794 -"it is essential that women are beneficiaries of the accelerate land reform programme. -","ndi zwa ndeme zwauri vhafumakadzi ndi vhavhuelwa vha mbekanyamushumo dza mbuyedzedzo ya mavu dzi no khou bvelela. -",0.50651693 -"it is significant that of the r75 million in covid19 relief earmarked for farming input vouchers 53 percent of the beneficiaries will be rural women. -","ndi zwa ndeme zwauri kha r75 miḽioni ya ndiliso ya covid19 yo vhetshelwaho zwa vhulimi phesenthe dza 53 dza vhavhuelwa hu ḓo vha vhafumakadzi vha mahayani. -",0.6863345 -"we must ensure that women subsistence and smallscale farmers continue to receive support beyond the pandemic. -","ri tea u vhona uri zwi tshidzaho vhafumakadzi na vhalimi zwavho zwi ise phanḓa na u wana thikhedzo na musi dwadze ḽo no fhira. -",0.54804444 -"fourthly, we want to ensure that women are protected from genderbased violence in the workplace. -","tsha vhuṋa, ri tea u vhona uri vhafumakadzi vho tsireledzea kha khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu mushumoni. -",0.4844514 -"in this regard, we will be working at a national and regional level towards the ratification of the ilo convention on violence and harassment in the workplace. -","kha hezwi, ri ḓo vha ri tshi khou shuma kha lushaka na kha dzingu u itela khwaṱhisedzo ya buthano ḽa ilo ya khakhathi na u vhaiswa mushumoni. -",0.5384675 -"it is said that freedom is not given, but taken. -","zwo ambiwa uri mbofholowo ai sokou ḓa fhedzi i tou shumelwa. -",0.4261489 -"the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society. -","mbofholowo ya vhafumakadzi a i tou vha maipfi o tou ṅwalwaho fhedzi nga nnḓa ha musi i tshi tshimbidzana na vhuḓikumedzeli vhu bvaho kha sekithara dzoṱhe dza lushaka. -",0.47053045 -"as we prepare for the reconstruction of our economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we have said that we cannot simply return to where we were before the outbreak of the virus. -","musi ri tshi khou lugisela u fhaṱa nga huswa ikonomi yashu nga murahu ha dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona , ro amba uri a ri sokou hu mela he ra vha ri hone musi ṱhaho ya vairasi i sa athu vha hone. -",0.55619216 -"we must build a fundamentally different economy which, among other things, substantially improves the material position of women. -","ri tea u fhaṱa ikonomi yo fhambanaho ya ndeme ine, kha zwoṱhe, ya khwinisa nga maanḓa tshiimo tshi vhonalaho tsha vhafumakadzi. -",0.43075666 -"this means that our investment in infrastructure must support not only the development of local industry, but also womenowned businesses. -","izwi zwi amba uri vhubindudzi hashu kha themamveledziso a vhu tei u tikedza fhedzi mveledziso ya nḓowetshumo dzapo, zwi tea u ya na kha mabindu a langwaho nga vhafumakadzi. -",0.48045355 -"it must deliberately create employment opportunities for women in all stages of planning, financing, building and maintaining infrastructure. -","zwi tea u sikela zwikhala zwa mushu mo vhafumakadzi kha masia oṱhe a vhupulani, ṋetshedzo ya masheleni, vhufhaṱi na u londola themamveledziso. -",0.5655693 -"by the same measures, as we scale up our public employment programmes, we must ensure that young women in particular are identified as participants. -","nga kha maga a fanaho, musi ri tshi engedza mbekanyamushumo dzashu dza mishumo ya tshishavha, ri tea u vhona uri vhafumakadzana nga maanḓa ndi vhone vha topolwaho sa vhashelamulenzhe. -",0.56091875 -"in addition to an income, these programmes will provide them with an opportunity to acquire some of the skills and experience necessary to enter the mainstream economy. -","nṱha ha mbuelo, mbekanyamushumo hedzi dzi ḓo vha ṋetshedza zwikha la zwa u swikela vhuṅwe vhukoni na tshenzhemo zwi ṱoḓeaho u itela u dzhena kha ikonomi khulwane. -",0.52094924 -"as much as it is government’s responsibility to provide economic opportunities for women and create an enabling framework for advancing gender equality, everyone in society needs to play their part. -","sa izwi hu vhuḓifhinduleli ha muvhuso u ṋetshedza zwikhala zwa ikonomi vhafumakadzi na u sika mutheo kwao u itela u tshimbidza zwa ndinganyiso ya mbeu, muṅwe na muṅwe kha vhadzulapo u tea u ita mushumo wawe. -",0.56482977 -"businesses must support womenowned enterprises in the procurement of goods and services. -","mabindu a tea u tikedza vhubindudzi vhu langwaho nga vhafumakadzi musi hu tshi rengwa thundu. -",0.52106655 -"they should employ more women and appoint more women to management positions. -","vha tea u thola vhafumakadzi vhanzhi na u vhea vhafumakadzi vhanzhi kha maimo a vhulanguli. -",0.45007545 -"this is all the more important considering that the private sector’s record on genderrepresentation at management level lags behind that of the public sector. -","hezwi zwoṱhe ndi zwa ndeme ho sedzwa zwauri rekhodo dza sekithara dza phuraivethe kha vhaimeli vha mbeu kha masia a vhulanguli dzi salela murahu kha dza sekithara ya nnyi na nnyi. -",0.51738775 -"this is an issue that is repeatedly raised in engagements i have had with a number of women’s business organisations. -","hezwi ndi mafhungo ane a ambiwa a tshi dovhololwa kha nyambedzano dze nda vha nadzo na tshivhalo tsha madzangano a mabindu a vhafumakadzi. -",0.4059254 -"by equal measure, we must eliminate gender disparities in pay for men and women, and give effect to the principle of equal pay for equal work contained in the employment equity act. -","hu tshi shumiswa maga a eḓanaho, ri tea u fhelisa zwa u sa lingana ha mbeu musi hu tshi holelwa vhanna na vhafumakadzi, hu dzhielwe nṱha maitele a miholo i eḓanaho kha mishumo i eḓanaho zwine zwa vha kha mulayo wa ndinganyiso ya mushumo. -",0.5777598 -"women must also be protected from harassment and discrimination in the workplace. -","vhafumakadzi vha tea u tsireledzwa kha u vhaiswa na khethululo mishumoni. -",0.4652589 -"it is up to transport operators, university administrators, school governing bodies and religious organisations to create conditions for women and girls to travel, study and worship in safety. -","zwi kha vhatshimbidzi vha vhuendedzi, vhalauli vha dziyunivesithi, khoro ndanguli ya zwikolo na madzangano a vhurereli u ita nyimele dza uri vhafumakadzi na vhasidzana vha ende, vha gude na u rerela vho tsireledzea. -",0.58650655 -"we must forge ahead with our efforts to eradicate chauvinism, sexism and patriarchy. -","ri tea u fungelela ra ya phanḓa na ndingedzo dzashu dza u fhelisa vhukunzi vhu itelwaho wa inwe mbeu, khethululo i itelwaho vhafumakadzi ho sedzwa mbeu, na u vhusiwa nga vhanna. -",0.5553996 -"it is these attitudes that enable the oppression of women. -","ndi maitele haya ane a itisa uri hu vhe na mutsiko u itelwaho vhafumakadzi. -",0.46831718 -"it is up to us – both men and women – to affirm that a woman’s value, position and opinions are no less than that of a man. -","zwi kha riṋe – roṱhe vhanna na vhafumakadzi – u khwaṱhisedza uri ndeme, vhuimo na mihumbulo zwa vhafumakadzi a zwiho fhasi ha zwa vhanna. -",0.55647373 -"it is up to us as parents and grandparents to treat and raise our sons and our daughters the same. -","zwi kha riṋe sa vhabebi na vhomakhulu u fara na u alusa vharwa na vhananyana vhashu nga nḓila i fanaho. -",0.47984776 -"it is up to us as men to reject and speak out against genderbased violence wherever we see it, even if it is against our friends, fathers or brothers. -","zwi kha riṋe vhanna u hana na u amba zwi khagala ri tshi hanedzana na khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu hoṱhe hune ra zwi vhona, naho ri tshi nga hanedzana na khonani, vhokhotsi, vharathu kana vhakomana vhashu. -",0.54676473 -"let us be the generation that ends the oppression of women in all its forms, in our lifetime. -","kha ri vhe murafho une kha tshifhinga tshashu ra fhelisa zwa u kandeledzwa ha vhafumakadzi kha masia oṱhe. -",0.4526154 -"the brave generation of 1956 marched for us all. -","murafho wa muhaga wa 1956 wo gwalabela roṱhe. -",0.61228436 -"we owe it to them, to ourselves and to future generations to not betray this noble legacy.","u pembelela vhafumakadzi nga u vha dzhenisa kha zwa ikonomivha dzhenisa kha zwa ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṱhangule afrika tshipembe ḽi pembelela ṅwedzi wa vhafumakadzi. -",0.61228436 -"back to work after covid19 a full guide allison cooper when can you return to work if you have tested positive for the coronavirus (covid19)? -","u humela mushumoni nga murahu ha musi wo fhola covid19 vho allison cooper vha nga hnga h umelaumela lini lini mushumoni arali vho mushumoni arali vho itwa ndingo vha wanala itwa ndingo vha wanala vha na tshitzhili tsha corona (vha na tshitzhili tsha corona ( cocovid19vid19)? -",0.7132238 -"the national institute for communicable diseases has the answers you need. -","tshiimiswa tsha lushaka)? -",0.44457716 -"when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation? -","tshiimiswa tsha lushaka tsha malwadze a phirela tshi na tsha malwadze a phirela tshi na phindulo dzine vhone vha dzi ṱoḓa. -",0.49311903 -"people who test positive for covid19, but don’t have any symptoms, must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day they receive their positive test result. -","phindulo dzine vhone vha dzi ṱoḓa. -",0.48656863 -"those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start. -","musi ndo itwa ndingo nda wana uri musi ndo itwa ndingo nda wana uri ndi na tshitzhili tsha ndi na tshitzhili tsha covid19covid19 , ndi , ndi tea u dzula tshifhinga tshingafhani tea u dzula tshifhinga tshingafhani ndo ḓikhethela thungo? -",0.5268668 -"those who have severe disease, who have to go to hospital, must remain in isolation for 10 days, from when they are stable and don’t need oxygen anymore. -","ndo ḓikhethela thungo? -",0.33864796 -"how can a covid19 positive people transfer the disease to others? -","vhathu vhe vha itwa ndingo vhathu vhe vha itwa ndingo vha wanala vha na tshitzhili tsha vha wanala vha na tshitzhili tsha covid19covid19 , fhedzi vha si vhe na , fhedzi vha si vhe na tsumbadwadze, vha tea u dzula tsumbadwadze, vha tea u dzula vho ḓikhethela thungo hayani kana vho ḓikhethela thungo hayani kana kha tshifhaṱo tsha muvhuso tshi kha tshifhaṱo tsha muvhuso tshi ṱhogomelaho vho kavhiwaho lwa ṱhogomelaho vho kavhiwaho lwa maḓuvha a 10, u bva nga ḓuvha maḓuvha a 10, u bva nga ḓuvha ḽe vha ṱanganedza mvelelo dzavho ḽe vha ṱanganedza mvelelo dzavho dza ndingo dza uri vha na tshitzhili dza ndingo dza uri vha na tshitzhili tsha tsha coronacorona . -",0.2599586 -"according to health minister zweli mkhize, most people who have a mild infection can spread the virus for between seven to 12 days. -",". -",0.05217967 -"however, people who become very sick could be infectious and be able to transmit the virus to others for a longer period of time. -","avho vhane vha vha na tsumbad avho vhane vha vha na tsumbad wadze dzi songo kalulaho vha tea u wadze dzi songo kalulaho vha tea u dzula vho ḓikhethela thungo hayani dzula vho ḓikhethela thungo hayani kana kha tshiimiswa tshi ṱhogomela kana kha tshiimiswa tshi ṱhogomela ho vho kavhiwaho tsha muvhuso ho vho kavhiwaho tsha muvhuso lwa maḓuvha a 10, u bva ḓuvha ḽe lwa maḓuvha a 10, u bva ḓuvha ḽe vha thoma u vha na tsumbadwadze. -",0.2842058 -"do i have to have another covid19 test, proving that i am negative, before i return to work? -","vha thoma u vha na tsumbadwadze. -",0.46099478 -"no. -","avho vha re na vhulwadze ho avho vha re na vhulwadze ho kalulaho, vhane vha tea u ya sibad kalulaho, vhane vha tea u ya sibad ela, vha tea u dzula vho ḓitkhethela ela, vha tea u dzula vho ḓitkhethela thungo lwa maḓuvha a 10, u swika thungo lwa maḓuvha a 10, u swika vha tshi vha khwiṋe nahone vha sa vha tshi vha khwiṋe nahone vha sa tsha ṱoḓa gesedungi (okisidzheni). -",0.06339753 -"retesting people who have experienced mild illness and have recovered is not recommended. -","tsha ṱoḓa gesedungi (okisidzheni). -",0.38476366 -"a person is considered safe to return to work and come out of isolation if they are no longer infectious. -","muthu ane a vha na vhulwadze muthu ane a vha na vhulwadze ha ha covid19covid19 u fhirisela hani vhul u fhirisela hani vhul wadze kha vhaṅwe? -",0.49664325 -"this means they developed their first symptoms more than 10 days ago and have not had any symptoms for at least three days. -","wadze kha vhaṅwe? -",0.3685537 -"in most cases, employees can return to work without testing again if: they have completed 10 days of mandatory quarantine or selfisolation. -","u ya nga minisṱa wa mutakalo u ya nga minisṱa wa mutakalo dokotela vho zweli mkhize, vho dokotela vho zweli mkhize, vho sumbedza uri vhathu vhanzhi vhane sumbedza uri vhathu vhanzhi vhane vha vha na vhulwadze hu songo vha vha na vhulwadze hu songo tou kalulaho vha nga phaḓaladza tou kalulaho vha nga phaḓaladza vairasi vhukati ha maḓuvha a sumbe vairasi vhukati ha maḓuvha a sumbe u swika kha a 12. naho zwo ralo, u swika kha a 12. naho zwo ralo, vhathu vhane vha lwalesa vha na vhathu vhane vha lwalesa vha na khonadzeo ya u pfukisela vairasi khonadzeo ya u pfukisela vairasi kha vhaṅwe lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. -",0.2581398 -"those who had moderate or severe symptoms undergo a medical evaluation. -","kha vhaṅwe lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. -",0.40636808 -"they continue to practice personal hygiene and social distancing. -","ndi a tea u dovha nda itwa ndi a tea u dovha nda itwa dziṅwe ndingo dza dziṅwe ndingo dza covid19covid19 , , u khwaṱhisedza uri a thi tshe na u khwaṱhisedza uri a thi tshe na tshitzhili tsha corona, musi ndi sa tshitzhili tsha corona, musi ndi sa athu humela mushumoni? -",0.43090498 -"the employer monitors the worker to ensure they do not regress. -","athu humela mushumoni? -",0.3618778 -"they wear a mask, from the date of diagnosis for at least 21 days. -","hai. -",0.1582407 -"i have tested negative but i still have symptoms. -","u dovha u ita ndingo kha hai. -",0.3902533 -"what now? -","u dovha u ita ndingo kha vhathu vhe vha sa tou lwalesa nga vhathu vhe vha sa tou lwalesa nga tshitzhili nahone vho fhola a zwi tshitzhili nahone vho fhola a zwi themendelwi. -",0.10559069 -"it is possible to get a false negative test result. -","themendelwi. -",0.37550133 -"this means that your first test could be negative, but you could test positive at a later stage. -","muthu u dzhiwa o lugela u vhuyela muthu u dzhiwa o lugela u vhuyela mushumoni na u bva kha zwa u mushumoni na u bva kha zwa u khethelwa thungo arali hu si tshe khethelwa thungo arali hu si tshe na khonadzeo dza u pfukisela na khonadzeo dza u pfukisela vhaṅwe. -",0.39570752 -"if you continue to have covid19 symptoms contact your healthcare professional. -","izwi zwi amba uri vho vha vhaṅwe. -",0.48533982 -"what if i am still showing symptoms after 10 days? -","izwi zwi amba uri vho vha na tsumbadwadze dzavho dza u na tsumbadwadze dzavho dza u thoma kha maḓuvha a 10 o fhiraho thoma kha maḓuvha a 10 o fhiraho nahone vha sa athu dovha vha vha nahone vha sa athu dovha vha vha na tsumbadwadze dzifhio na dzifhio na tsumbadwadze dzifhio na dzifhio lwa maḓuvha a henefha kha mararu. -",0.21701607 -"it is common for patients to continue to have symptoms for longer than 10 days. -","lwa maḓuvha a henefha kha mararu. -",0.38606066 -"full recovery may take several weeks. -","fhethu hunzhi, vhashumi vha nga fhethu hunzhi, vhashumi vha nga vhuya mushumoni vha songo dovha vhuya mushumoni vha songo dovha vha itwa ndingo hafhu arali:vha itwa ndingo hafhu arali: vho khunyeledza maḓuvha a 10 vho khunyeledza maḓuvha a 10 a khombekhombe a khwaranthini a khombekhombe a khwaranthini kana u ḓikhethela thungo. -",0.2893622 -"if you still have symptoms, seek advice from your healthcare professional. -","kana u ḓikhethela thungo. -",0.38645542 -"for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases’ website at www. -","avho vhe vha vha na tsumbad avho vhe vha vha na tsumbad wadze dzi songo kalulaho kana wadze dzi songo kalulaho kana dzo kalulaho vha itwa ṱhaṱhuvho dzo kalulaho vha itwa ṱhaṱhuvho ya zwa dzilafho. -",0.29927915 -"nicd. -","ya zwa dzilafho. -",0.60666275 -"ac. -","vha isa phanḓa na maitele a vha isa phanḓa na maitele a tsiravhulwadze nga vhone vhaṋe tsiravhulwadze nga vhone vhaṋe na zwa u sia tshikhala vhukati ha na zwa u sia tshikhala vhukati ha muthu na muṅwe. -",0.23182349 -"za, the covid19 free website at coronavirus. -","muthu na muṅwe. -",0.5841205 -"datafree. -","mutholi u vhea iṱo vhashumi u mutholi u vhea iṱo vhashumi u vhona uri a vha khou dovha vha vhona uri a vha khou dovha vha lwa. -",0.34198344 -"co, call the covid19 hotline number at 0800 029 999 or send a whatsapp to 0600 12 3456.","u humela mushumoni nga murahu ha musi wo fhola covid19 vho allison cooper vha nga hnga h umelaumela lini lini mushumoni arali vho mushumoni arali vho itwa ndingo vha wanala itwa ndingo vha wanala vha na tshitzhili tsha corona (vha na tshitzhili tsha corona ( cocovid19vid19)? -",0.34198344 -"let’s keep each other safe vukuzenzele unnamed our country has moved to alert level 2 in our response to the coronavirus pandemic. -","kha ri tsireledzane vukuzenzele unnamed shango ḽashu ḽo ya kha ḽeveḽe ya vhu vhili (2) kha nndwa yashu na dwadze ḽa tshi tzhili tsha corona . -",0.5957986 -"this has come as a relief to all south africans who have had to live under stringent restrictions for the last five months. -","hezwi zwo ḓa sa u femuluwa kha vhathu vhoṱhe vha afrika tshipembe vhe vha tshi la fhasi ha nyiledzo dzo khwaṱhaho kha miṅwedzi miṱanu yo fhiraho. -",0.46007273 -"it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities. -","fhedzi hu kha ḓi vha ma tsheloni kha uri ri pembele. -",0.49026793 -"it is also a very important development as we strive to restart our economy. -","ri kha ḓi tou vha vhukati ha dwadze tshifu ḽe ḽa dzhia matshilo a paḓaho 11,000 kha ḽa afrika tshipembe fhedzi. -",0.37755948 -"but it is too soon to celebrate. -","kha vhathu vho khwaṱhisedzwaho uri vho kavhiwa, vha paḓaho hafu ya miḽioni, ri kha ḓi vha na tshivhalo tsha vho kavhiwa ho tshi re nṱhesa tshine tsha vha tsha vhuṱanu kha ḽifhasi. -",0.253636 -"we are still very much in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has taken over 11,000 lives in south africa alone. -","nahone hu na khonadzeo ya tshikhala tsha u nga gonya ha tshivhalo itshi. -",0.4649226 -"at more than half a million confirmed cases, we still have the fifth highest number of infections in the world. -","arali ri tshi ṱoḓa tsivhudzo nga ha ṱhoḓea ya u dzula ro fhaṱuwa, ri tea u sedza kha zwithu zwo iteaho zwene zwino fhethu ha vhukule ha khiḽomitha dza zwigi digidi ngei new zealand. -",0.42437473 -"and there is always a chance of a resurgence of the disease. -","kha miṅwedzi miraru musi shango ḽo ḓivhadzwa uri a ḽi tshe na tshitzhili tsha corona , new zealand zwa zwino ḽo vhuyela hafhu kha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila. -",0.4006155 -"if we ever need a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, we should look to recent events thousands of kilometres away in new zealand. -","naho ṱhaho ya vhulwadze ya zwenezwino ho vha hu vhathu vho kavhiwaho vha si gathi, muvhuso nga u ṱavhanya wo vhuisa hafhu mikano ya nyiledzo dza u tshimbila. -",0.20644984 -"three months since the country was declared coronavirusfree, new zealand is once again under lockdown. -","nyiledzo dzi fanaho na dza mathomo dzo dovha dza vhuedzedzwa kha zwipiḓa zwo fhambanaho zwa europe saizwi vha tshi khou tshenzhema u kavhiwa hafhu lwa vhuvhili. -",0.58345103 -"although the latest outbreak was of relatively few cases, the government swiftly reimposed lockdown restrictions. -","tshenzhemo hedzi dzi tou sumbedza uri zwithu zwi nga shanduka hani musi ho sedzwa covid19 . -",0.4634311 -"similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a ‘second wave’ of infections. -","zwi tou vha kharuso kha avho vhane vhukati hashu vha nga fara kuhumbulele ku si kwone kwa uri ri tsini na u vhona magumo a tshii mo tsha shishi tshi konḓaho tsha mutakalo wa lushaka. -",0.49489394 -"these experiences show just how swiftly things can change when it comes to covid19. -","zwa ngoho ndi zwauri, hu na tsumbo dza fhulufhelo. -",0.24491301 -"it is a wakeup call to any among us who may harbour illusions that we are even close to seeing the end of this grave public health emergency. -","tshivhalo tsha vhathu vho khwaṱhisedzwaho uri vho kavhiwa afrika tshipembe tshi khou ḓi ya phanḓa na u tsa. -",0.52024555 -"certainly, there are signs of hope. -","musi ri kha maṱhakhe a vhulwadze henefha kha ṅwedzi wo fhiraho, ro vha ri tshi rekhoda nga ḓuvha henefha kha vhathu vhaswa vho kavhiwaho vha 12,000. hezwi zwo tsa nga mbalo tshikati ya henefha kha 5,000 nga ḓuvha kha vhege yo fhiraho. -",0.26864934 -"the number of new confirmed cases in south africa continues to decline. -","phimo yashu ya u vusulusa hafhu i kha phe senthe dza 80. musi shango ḽi tshi khou ya kha levele 2, nyiledzo nnzhi kha mishumo ya ikonomi na ya matshilisano dzo fheliswa. -",0.44546944 -"at the peak of the disease just one month ago, we were recording around 12,000 new cases a day. -","hezwi zwi ḓa na khonadzeo ya khombo ya u engedzea ha phiriselo. -",0.18149924 -"this has dropped to an average of around 5,000 a day over the past week. -","zwa zwino ri khou tea u langa khonadzeo ya khombo iyi na u khwaṱhisedza uri mbuelo dze ra dzi swikela u swika zwino ri tshi langa u phaḓalala ha dwadze a dzi khou humela murahu. -",0.3836795 -"our recovery rate stands at 80 percent. -","tshutshedzo khulwane kha mutakalo wa lushaka zwa zwino ndi vhuḓigeḓi. -",0.4240703 -"as the country moves to alert level 2, many restrictions on social and economic activity have been lifted. -","zwi nga vha zwi tshi khou itwa ngauri zwa zwino ri vho te ndelwa u ṱangana na kho nani na muṱa, u dalela fhethu ha vhuḓimvumvusi, u enda ho vhofholowaho na u nwa zwikambi fhethu hune ha rengiswa zwiḽiwa, barani na thaveni. -",0.50804055 -"with this comes increased risk of transmission. -","sa zwine murero wa amba uri, zwauri ni a kona, a zwi ambi uri ni tea u zwi ita. -",0.3963849 -"we now need to manage this risk and ensure the gains we have made thus far in containing the pandemic’s spread are not reversed. -","vhathu vhanzhi vhane vha vha na tshitzhili tsha corona a vha na tsumbadwadze na hone a vha zwi ḓivhi zwauri vho kavhiwa. -",0.47761765 -"the greatest threat to the health of nation right now is complacency. -","hei ndi ngoho ino vhavha nga maanḓa ngauri zwi amba uri muṅwe na muṅwe washu a nga kavhiwa zwa zwino nahone ri nga pfukisela tshitzhili kha vhaṅwe ri sa zwi limuwi. -",0.48695922 -"it may be that we are now permitted to meet friends and family, to visit entertainment venues, to travel for leisure and to consume alcohol in restaurants, bars and taverns. -","hezwi zwi fana na ma fhungo a musi u tshi dalela mashaka, nga maanḓa vhaaluwa na avho vha re na vhulwadze he ha vha vhu tshi ḓi vha hone zwine zwa vha itisa uri vha vhe vha songo tsireledzea kha u nga kavhiwa. -",0.42132553 -"but as the old adage goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. -","zwo tou ralo na kha zwa u dzhenela tshumelo dza vhurereli kana mishumo ya zwa mvelele. -",0.42706132 -"many people who have the coronavirus do not have symptoms and may not even know they are infected. -","u gonya ha tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho nga vhu lwadze ha vhuvhili u fana na zwe maṅwe mashango o vhalaho a zwi tshenz hema ndi zwithu zwine zwa vha hone zwine zwa nga konadzea na kha riṋe. -",0.517069 -"this is a sobering reality because it means that any of us could be infected right now and could unwittingly infect others. -","naho nyiledzo nnzhi dzo fheliswa, a zwi ambi uri a dzi nga ḓo vhuedzedzwa hafhu arali ra nga tshe nzhema u gonya tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho nga vhuhulu. -",0.45306358 -"this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection. -","dwadze heḽi ndi mafhungo a u fa na u tshila. -",0.48733637 -"it is also true for attending religious services or cultural activities. -","ri tea u zwi ḓowela nahone ri tea u fhaṱuwa. -",0.42137727 -"the ‘second wave’ of infections that several other countries have experienced is an everpresent possibility for us too. -","kha maḓuvha, vhege na miṅwedzi zwine zwa vha phanḓa hashu, ri tea u livhisa nga u ṱavhanya ndingedzo dzashu kha u vusuludza hafhu. -",0.5028076 -"although many restrictions have been lifted, it does not mean they will not return should we experience a significant rise in infections. -","ikonomi yashu na tshitshavha tshashu zwo vhaisala vhukuma. -",0.4191352 -"this pandemic is a matter of life and death. -","musi ri tshi khou humela kha mishumo ya zwa ikonomi u mona na nḓowetshumo dzoṱhe – na u shuma u itela u lugisa tshinyalelo yo iteaho – ri na vhuḓifhinduleli ha u sa laṱa fhulufhelo sa vhathu, vhatholi, tshitshavha, miṱa, vhashumi vha phurofesheni, vhashumi na vhadzulapo. -",0.28016677 -"we need to adapt and we need to be vigilant. -","a hu na na muthihi washu ane a ṱoḓa u humela kha maḓuvha aḽa a u thoma a mi kano i shushaho ya nyiledzo dza u tshimbila. -",0.11405947 -"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we must urgently focus our efforts on recovery. -","ri tama u ya phanḓa na vhutshilo. -",0.2109054 -"our economy and our society has suffered a great deal. -","ri tama khonani na vhafunwa vhashu vha tshi dzula vhe na mutakalo nahone vho tsireledzea. -",0.3492841 -"as we return to economic activity across almost all industries – and work to repair the damage done – we have a responsibility to not let our guard down as individuals, employers, communities, families, professionals, workers and citizens. -","sa lushaka, kha ri ise phanḓa na u shumisana u khwaṱhisedza uri ri vhe na mvelaphanḓa. -",0.30772838 -"none of us wants a return to the early days of extreme lockdown restrictions. -","u ya kha levele 2 ya nyiledzo dza u tshimbila a zwi ambi ‘mbo fholowo kha vhoṱhe.’ milayo ya zwa u sia tshikhala vhu kati ha muthu na muṅwe, u ambara masiki, magu vhangano a vhathu na ya u endela mashangoḓavha i tshe yo dzula yo tou ralo. -",0.46555057 -"we want to move on with our lives. -","u bvelela hashu hu bva kha vhukoni hashu ha u tevhedza milayo iyi na u khwaṱhisedza uri roṱhe ri ḓifara zwavhuḓi nahone ri na vhuḓifhinduleli. -",0.076179385 -"we want our friends and loved ones to remain healthy and safe. -","tshifhinga tshoṱhe ri tshi humbula u ita mushumo muṅwe na muṅwe u si wa ndeme, ri tea u vhudzisa uri: khonadzeo ya khombo ya u nga kavhiwa kha riṋe na kha vhaṅwe ndi nnga fhani? -",0.47649303 -"as a nation, let us continue to work together to ensure that we progress. -","hune ha vha na kho nadzeo ya khombo, naho i ṱhukhuṱhukhu, ndi zwa ndeme uri mushumo uyo vha songo vhuya vha u ita. -",0.3990056 -"the move to alert level 2 of the lockdown is not a ‘free for all.’ the rules on social distancing, mask wearing, social gatherings and international travel remain. -","kha ri ise phanḓa, u fhira na mathomoni, na vhulondi. -",0.5781616 -"our success rests on our ability to abide by these regulations and to ensure that we each behave carefully and responsibly. -","kha ri tsireledzane vukuzenzele unnamed shango ḽashu ḽo ya kha ḽeveḽe ya vhu vhili (2) kha nndwa yashu na dwadze ḽa tshi tzhili tsha corona . -",0.5781616 -"protect our women and children vukuzenzele unnamed a year ago, almost to the day, thousands of wom en, men and children marched to parliament to protest against a spate of rapes and killings of women and girls. -","kha vha tsireledze vhafumakadzi na vhana vhashu vukuzenzele unnamed khanḓiso 2u bva mahoḽa, u swi ka zwino, vhafuma kadzi, vhanna na vhana vha zwigidigidi vho matsha vha ya phalamenndeni u gwalabela ṱhaho ya u tzhipiwa na mabulayo a vhafumakadzi na vhasidzana. -",0.7308781 -"at the time, the nation was reeling from the murders of uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess and a number of other women who had lost their lives at the hands of brutal men. -","nga tshifhinga itsho, lushaka lwo ḓo akhamadzwa vhukuma nga mabulayo a uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess na tshivhalo tsha vhaṅwe vhafumakadzi vhe matshilo avho a lwozwea zwanḓani zwa vhanna vha tshiṱuhu. -",0.7594154 -"from all social backgrounds, young and old, students and working women, the peaceful protesters held aloft placards that read ‘enough is enough’ and ‘am i next?’. -","u bva kha masia oṱhe a matshilisano, vhahulwane na vhaṱuku, matshudeni na vhafumakadzi vha shumaho, migwalabo yo itwaho nga mulalo yo itwa ho imiswa dzibodo dzo ṅwalwaho uri ‘enough is enough /zwo lingana’ na ‘am i next? -",0.6804216 -"the anguish and the anger was palpable that day. -","/ndi nṋe atevhelaho? -",0.34891903 -"as i received their clearly articulated demands, it was clear to me that we needed to act urgently and with determination. -","vhuṱungu na mbiti zwo vha zwo ḓala nga iḽo ḓuvha. -",0.43052232 -"it was important to me that i did not respond with hollow words and empty promises. -","musi ndi tshi ṱanganedza mbilaelo dzo ṱahiswaho nga nḓila i pfalaho vhukuma, zwo vha zwi tshi tou vha khagala kha nṋe zwauri ri tea u dzhia vhukando nga u ṱavhanya nahone ro khwaṱhisa. -",0.4874451 -"a few days later, i called a joint sitting of parliament, where we announced a r1.6 billion emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). -","zwo vha zwa ndeme kha nṋe lwe a thi ngo fhindula nga maipfi a si na mushumo kana u vha fulufhedzisa zwithu zwi siho. -",0.5701151 -"over the six months of its implementation, public spending in various government departments was reprioritised to support interventions for care and support for survivors, for awareness and prevention campaigns, to improve laws and policies, to promote the economic empowerment of women, and to strengthen the criminal justice system. -","nga murahu ha maḓuvha a si gathi, ndo vhidza dzulo ḽo ṱanganelaho ḽa phalamennde, he ra ḓivhadza r1.6 biḽioni ya pulane ya nyito ya u fhindula nga shishi u lwisana na khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na u vhulawa ha vhathu vha tshifumakadzini ( gbvf). -",0.62359464 -"and now we are on the cusp of the most farreaching legislative overhaul in the fight against gbvf. -","kha miṅwedzi ya rathi ya tshumelo iyo, tshumiso ya masheleni nga muvhuso kha mihasho ya muvhuso yo fhambanaho yo dzudzanya zwithu nga huswa u ya nga ndeme yazwo u itela u tikedza thusedzo ya ndondolo na thikhedzo ya vhaponyi, u itela mafulo a u thivhela na a tsivhudzo, u khwinisa milayo na mbekanyamaitele, u bveledza ikonomi ya u maanḓafhadza vhafumakadzi, na u khwaṱhisa sisiteme ya vhulamukanyi ha zwa vhugevhenga. -",0.54349566 -"three key bills relating to gbvf have been introduced in parliament recently. -","zwa zwino ri kha tshipiḓa tsha ndemesa tsha ndulamiso ya zwa mulayo kha zwa u lwisana na khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na u vhulahwa ha vhathu vha tshifumakadzini (gbvf). -",0.51390797 -"through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country. -","milayotibe ya ndeme miraru i elanaho na gbvf yo ḓivhadzwa phalamenndeni zwenezwino. -",0.49541852 -"the three amendment bills are designed to fill the gaps that allow some perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children. -","nga u ḓivhadzwa ha milayotibe iyi, ri khou ṱhonifha zwe ra fulufhedzisa vhagwalabi mahoḽa na vhafumakadzi vhoṱhe vha shango heḽi. -",0.29933208 -"these bills, once finalised, will help to restore the confidence of our country’s women that the law is indeed there to protect them. -","milayotibe miraru yo khwiniswaho yo dzudzanywa u vala tshikhala tshine tsha ita uri vhaiti vha vhutshinyi uvhu vha tinye mulayo na u ṋetshedza mvelelo dzo fhelelaho kha pfanelo dza vhafumakadzi na vhana vha shango ḽashu. -",0.27578163 -"the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act. -","milayotibe iyi, musi yo khunyeledzwa, i ḓo thusa u vhuyedzedza fhulufhelo ḽa vhafumakadzi vha shango ḽashu na u sumbedza uri mulayo nga ngoho u hone u vha tsireledza. -",0.51505923 -"this creates a new offence of sexual intimidation, extends the ambit of the offence of incest, and extends the reporting duty of persons who suspect a sexual offence has been committed against a child. -","wa u thoma ndi mulayotibe wa u khwinisa mulayo wa khwiniso ya mulayo wa zwa vhutshinyi (vhutshinyi ha zwa vhudzekani na mafhungo a elanaho nazwo). -",0.57673556 -"it expands the scope of the national register for sex offenders (nrso) to include the particulars of all sex offenders. -","izwi zwi bveledza vhutshinyi vhuswa ha tshutshedzo ya zwa vhudzekani, zwa engedza tshikhala tsha vhutshinyi ha zwa vhudzekani vhu no itea vhukati ha mashaka, zwa katela na vhuḓifhinduleli ha u vhiga nga vhathu vhane vha humbulela uri vhutshinyi ha zwa vhudzekani ho itwa kha ṅwana. -",0.32876953 -"until now, it has only applied to sex offenders convicted of sex crimes perpetrated against children or persons with mental disabilities. -","u ṱanḓavhudza tshikhala tsha ridzhisiṱara ya lushaka ya vhatshinyi vha zwa vhudzekani (nrso) u dzhenisa zwidodombedzwa zwa vhatshinyi vhoṱhe vha zwa vhudzekani. -",0.2842279 -"the time an offender’s particulars must remain on the register has been increased, and those listed on the register will have to disclose this when they submit applications to work with vulnerable persons. -","u swika zwino, yo shuma fhedzi kha vhatshinyi vha zwa vhudzekani vho haṱulelwaho vhutshinyi ha zwa vhudzekani ho itelwaho vhana kana vhathu vha re na vhuholefhali ha muhumbulo. -",0.29246956 -"the bill also provides for the names of persons on the nrso to be publicly available. -","tshifhinga tshine zwidodombedzwa zwa mutshinyi zwa dzula kha ridzhisiṱara tsho engedzwa, nahone avho vho ṅwalwaho kha ridzhisiṱara vha tea u zwi bvisela khagala musi vha tshi ita khumbelo dza u shuma na vhathu vha sa koni u ḓitsireledza. -",0.2825885 -"the criminal and related matters amendment bill tightens, among others, the granting of bail to perpetrators of gbvf, and expands the offences for which minimum sentences must be imposed. -","mulayotibe u ita mbetshelwa ya madzina a vhathu vhane vha vha kha ridzhisiṱara ya lushaka ya vhatshinyi vha zwa vhudzekani (nrso) uri a vhonwe nga muṅwe na muṅwe. -",0.564173 -"the amendments impose new obligations on lawenforcement officials and on our courts. -","mulayotibe wa khwiniso ya vhutshinyi na mafhungo a elanaho nazwo u khwaṱhisa, kha zwoṱhe, u ṋetshedzwa ha beiḽi kha vhatshinyi vha khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na zwa u vhulahwa ha vha tshifumakadzini (gbvf), wa engedza milandu ine tshigwevho tsha fhasisa tsha tea u hwedzwa. -",0.4657225 -"when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record. -","khwiniso yo hwedza vhuḓikumedzeli vhuswa kha vhaofisiri vha tshumiso ya mulayo na kha khothe dzashu. -",0.34172514 -"unless a person accused of gbv can provide exceptional circumstances why they should be released on bail, the court must order their detention until the criminal proceedings are concluded. -","musi mutshutshisi a tshi ṋea beiḽi kha milandu ya khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu (gbv), u tea u sumbedza mbuno dzawe nga u tou ṅwala. -",0.5122598 -"in reaching a decision on a bail application, the courts are compelled to take a number of considerations into account. -","nga nnḓani arali muthu ane a khou hwelelwa zwa khakhathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu (gbv) a tshi nga ṋetshedza nyimele dzo khetheaho dza uri ndi ngani a tshi tea u vhofhololwa nga beiḽi, khothe i fanela u ṋea ndaela yayo ya u valela muthu onoyo u swika matshimbidzele a mulandu oṱhe o no khunyeledzwa. -",0.44849074 -"they include pretrial reports on the desirability of releasing an accused on bail, threats of violence made against a survivor, and the view of the survivor regarding his or her safety. -","musi ho swikelwa tsheo ya khumbelo ya beiḽi, khothe dzi a vhofhea u sedza tshivhalo tsha zwithu zwine dza tea u zwi tevhedza. -",0.5884073 -"when it comes to parole, a complainant or a relative of a deceased victim must be able to make representation to the parole board. -","zwi katela mivhigo ya thangelatsengo ya khumbelo ya u vhofholola muhwelelwa nga beiḽi, tshutshedzo dza khakhathi dzo itelwaho muponyi, na u sedza sia ḽa muponyi malugana na tsireledzo yawe. -",0.474075 -"given the unacceptably high levels of intimate partner violence in our country, we have tightened the provisions of the domestic violence act. -","musi zwi tshi ḓa kha paroḽo, muhweleli kana shaka ḽa mupondwa o lovhaho vha tea u kona u ita ṋetshedzo kha bodo ya paroḽo. -",0.52155435 -"domestic violence is now defined to cover those in engagements, dating, in customary relationships, and actual or perceived romantic, intimate or sexual relationships of any duration. -","ho sedzwa tshiimo tshi re nṱha tshi sa ṱanganedzei tsha khakhathi dza vhafunani kha shango ḽashu, ro khwaṱhisa mbetshelwa dza mulayo wa khakhathi dza muṱani. -",0.5926151 -"the bill also extends the definition of ‘domestic violence’ to include the protection of older persons against abuse by family members. -","khakhathi dza muṱani zwa zwino dzi katela avho vho fhulufhedzisanaho u malana, vha re kha vhushaka ha u funana, vha re kha vhushaka ha thendelano ya miṱa u ya nga zwa sialala, na vhushaka ha u funana ha vhukuma, vhushaka ha zwa vhudzekani kana ha tsinitsini ha tshifhinga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe. -",0.4957635 -"complainants will be able to apply for a protection order online. -","mulayotibe u engedzedza ṱhalutshedzo ya ‘khakhathi dza muṱani’ u tshi itela u katela tsireledzo ya vhaaluwa kha u tambudzwa nga miraḓo ya muṱa. -",0.44175705 -"to prevent a scenario where perpetrators can hide past histories of domestic violence, an integrated repository of protection orders will be established. -","vhahweleli vha ḓo kona u ita khumbelo ya ndaela ya tsireledzo nga kha inthanethe. -",0.5733565 -"the proposed amendments also oblige the departments of social development, basic education, higher education and health to provide certain services to survivors where needed and to refer them for sheltering and medical care. -","u itela u thivhela nyimele ine vhatshinyi vha nga dzumba ḓivhazwakale ya khakhathi dza muṱani, zwiko zwo ṱanganelanaho zwa ndaela dza tsireledzo zwi ḓo thomiwa. -",0.56399846 -"the circumstances under which a prosecutor can refuse to institute a prosecution when offences have been committed under the amended act or to withdraw charges when it involves the infliction of bodily harm or where a weapon was used to threaten a complainant have been limited. -","khwiniso dzo dzinginywaho dzi vhofha mihasho ya mveledziso ya zwa matshilisano, pfunzo dza mutheo, pfunzo dza nṱha na wa mutakalo u ṋetshedza dziṅwe tshumelo vhaponyi hune ha vha na ṱhoḓea na u vha isa hune vha wana vhukhudo na ndondolo ya zwa dzilafho. -",0.58412856 -"in perhaps the most groundbreaking proposed amendment to the act, if someone has knowledge, reasonable belief or suspicion that an act of domestic violence has been committed against a child, a person with disability or an older person and fails to report it to a social worker or police officer they can be fined and even imprisoned. -","nyimele dzine mutshutshisi a nga hana u sengisa musi vhukhakhi ho itwa fhasi ha mulayo wo khwiniswaho kana u bvisa milandu musi ho vha na u vhaiswa ha muvhili kana ho vha na tshihali tsho shumiswaho u shushedza muhweleli dzo fhungudzwa. -",0.65322435 -"similarly, failure by a member of the saps to comply with their obligations under the act will be regarded as misconduct and must be reported to the civilian secretariat for police service. -","khamusi khwiniso yo dzinginywaho ine ya tou vha mveledzazwiswa vhukuma kha mulayo, ndi ya uri arali muṅwe muthu a na nḓivho, i tendiseaho kana khumbulelo ya uri zwiito zwa khakhathi dza muṱani zwo itelwa ṅwana, muthu a re na vhuholefhali kana mualuwa, a kundelwa u zwi vhiga kha mushumelavhapo kana kha mapholisa, u tea u vhonwa mulandu na u valelwa dzhele. -",0.5461833 -"the law is the one sure protector of all of society, but especially its most vulnerable. -","zwo tou ralovho na kha u kundelwa ha muraḓo wa saps u tevhedza pfanelo dzi re kha mulayo zwi ḓo dzhiiwa sa vhukhakhi nahone zwi tea u vhigiwa kha vha vhuṅwaleli ha vhadzulapo ha tshumelo dza mapholisa. -",0.4519546 -"when diligently and fairly applied, it is the most powerful guarantor of justice. -","mulayo ndi wone mutsireledzi wa vhukuma wa vhoṱhe tshitshavhani, fhedzi nga maanḓa kha avho vha sa koni u ḓitsireledza na luthihi. -",0.46079588 -"the women of south africa have had enough of lukewarm actions that do not address one of the most fundamental rights of all – to live in freedom from fear. -","musi wo itwa nga nḓila kwao nahone yo teaho, ndi wone une wa khwaṱhisedza vhukuma vhulamukanyi. -",0.54755306 -"this government and its partners will make good by the women of south africa. -","vhafumakadzi vha afrika tshipembe vho no pfesa zwa nyito dzi no amba dzi tshi fhodzisa dzine dza sa ambe nga ha iṅwe ya pfanelo dza ndeme u itela uri vhoṱhe – vha tshile vhutshilo vho vhofhololwa kha nyofho. -",0.24549645 -we will not let them down.,"kha vha tsireledze vhafumakadzi na vhana vhashu vukuzenzele unnamed khanḓiso 2u bva mahoḽa, u swi ka zwino, vhafuma kadzi, vhanna na vhana vha zwigidigidi vho matsha vha ya phalamenndeni u gwalabela ṱhaho ya u tzhipiwa na mabulayo a vhafumakadzi na vhasidzana. -",0.24549645 -"woza matrics launched dale hes this year’s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19). -","mbekanyamushumo ya woza matrics yo rwelwa ṱari dale hes mbekanyamushumo ya woza matrics yo ḓiimisela u thusa vhagudiswa vha gireidi 12 vhoṱhe uri vha phase milingo yavho ya u fhedzisela. -",0.69187164 -"the department of basic education (dbe) has ensured that the safe reopening of schools is one of its top priorities, along with supporting learners with various programmes to help them successfully complete the academic year. -","vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vha ṋaṅwaha vho ṱangana na khaedu vhukuma nga ṅwambo wa tshitzhili tsha corona (covid19). -",0.6003762 -"one of these is the woza matrics programme, which was launched on 1 september in collaboration with a number of broadcasting partners and educational experts. -","muhasho wa pfunzo ya mutheo wo vhona uri u vula zwikolo nga nḓila yo tsireledzeaho ndi tshiṅwe tsha zwipikwa zwawo zwihulwane, khathihi na u tikedza vhagudiswa nga mbekanyamushumo dzo fhambanaho u itela u vha thusa uri vha khunyeledze ṅwaha wa ngudo nga nḓila yavhuḓi. -",0.5655283 -"as part of the programme, catchup lessons on six key matric subjects are being aired on sabc, dstv and openview (channel 122) every day for 12 weeks, from 8am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm. -","tshiṅwe tsha hezwi ndi mbekanyamushumo ya woza matrics , ye ya rwelwa ṱari nga ḽa 01 khubvumedzi nga tshumisano na vhunzhi ha vhashumisani vha nyanḓadzamafhungo na vhaḓivhi vha zwa pfunzo. -",0.66307163 -"the goal is to help learners to prepare for their final exams. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha mbekanyamushumo, ngudo dza u ita mushumo wo salelaho murahu kha thero dza rathi dza maṱiriki dza ndeme dzi khou hashiwa muyani kha sabc, dstv na kha openview (channel 122) ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe lwa vhege dza 12, u bva nga awara ya 8 u swika nga 10 nga matsheloni na nga awara ya 1 u swika 3 nga masiari. -",0.37619925 -"the platform also provides live lessons, during which learners can ask teachers questions. -","tshipikwa ndi u thusa vhagudiswa u ḓilugisela milingo ya u fhedzisela. -",0.4794696 -"exam tips are also provided. -","tshikhala itshi tshi ṋetshedza hafhu na ngudo dzi no itwa thwii, dzine vhagudiswa vha nga vhudzisa vhagudisi mbudziso. -",0.2649287 -"woza matrics recognises that while all learners have lost school time, grade 12s have been the most severely affected, as their marks are extremely important for their career and university acceptance. -","tsivhudzo dza mulingo na dzone dzi a ṋetshedzwa. -",0.49828085 -"basic education minister angie motshekga says the programme is vital, considering the disruption to learn ing caused by covid19. -","woza matrics yo vhona uri musi vhagudiswa vhoṱhe vho xelelwa nga tshifhinga tsha tshikolo, vha gireidi 12 ndi vhone vho kwameaho nga maanḓa, saizwi maraga dzavho dzi dza ndeme vhukuma kha buḓo ḽa mushumo ḽavho na u ṱanganedzwa yunivesithi. -",0.5883864 -"""matric is always stressful, but 2020 has been filled with unusual stresses. -","minisṱa wa pfunzo ya mutheo vho angie motshekga vho amba uri mbekanyamushumo iyi ndi ya ndeme, ho sedzwa u thithiswa ha vhugudisi ho vhangwaho nga covid19 . -",0.5444244 -"i want to congratulate all our grade 12 learners and their families for their perseverance and determination. -","vho amba uri: ""murole wa maṱiriki u dzulela u vhilaedza, fhedzi 2020 yo vha yo ḓala mitsiko i songo ḓoweleaho. -",0.4449765 -"it is abundantly clear that additional support is required for learners and we will continue to provide this. -","ndi tama u fhululedza vhagudiswa vhoṱhe vha gireidi 12 na miṱa yavho kha u konḓelela na vhuḓiimiseli. -",0.47246128 -"there are a few months left before the end of the year and woza matrics will give learners the support they need to prepare for the final exams,"" she says. -","zwi tou vha khagala zwauri thikhedzo iṅwe i khou ṱoḓea kha vhagudiswa nahone ri ḓo isa phanḓa na u i ṋetshedza. -",0.57301056 -"the programme is unique in that it targets the majority of grade 12s in the country who do not have regular access to the internet and connected digital devices. -","hu tou vha na miṅwedzi i si gathi yo salaho musi ṅwaha u sa athu fhela, zwo ralo woza matrics i ḓo ṋetshedza vhagudiswa thikhedzo ine vha i ṱoḓa u itela u lugisela milingo ya u fhedzisela. -",0.5476253 -"broadcasts will be available to view by most of the 1.2 million learners who are writing matric exams in november. -","mbekanyamushumo iyi yo khethea ngauri i thusa vhunzhi ha vhagudiswa vha gireidi 12 kha shango vhane vha sa kone u swikela inthanethe na zwishumiswa zwa didzhithala zwi ṱuṅwaho. -",0.47876516 -"the council of education ministers has urged all learners and parents to make use of the platform. -","u hasha muyani zwi ḓo vha hone u itela u swikela nga vhunzhi vhagudiswa vha 1.2 miḽioni vhane vha ḓo ṅwala milingo ya maṱiriki nga lara. -",0.47856775 -"sabc ceo madoda mxakwe says the broadcaster is proud to be part of the initiative. -","khoro ya minisṱa dza zwa pfunzo yo humbela vhagudiswa na vhabebi vhoṱhe u shumisa tshikhala hetshi. -",0.5438844 -"""we are pleased to be one of the key roleplayers in saving the 2020 matric year. -","ceo wa sabc vho madoda mxakwe vho amba uri muhashi u a ḓihudza nga u vha tshipiḓa tsha vhurangeli uhu. -",0.47404307 -"as a public service broadcaster, we are dutyb ound to ensure that our content includes a significant number of educational programmes, particularly during a period when it is most needed. -","""ri a takala u vha muṅwe wa vhashumisani vha ndeme kha u phulusa ṅwaha wa maṱiriki wa 2020. sa muhashi wa tshumelo dza vhathu, ri a vhofhea nga mushumo u vhona uri mbekanyamushumo dzi katele tshivhalo tsha mbekanyamushumo dza zwa pfunzo dzo teaho, nga maanḓa nga tshifhinga tshine zwa vha zwa ndeme vhukuma. -",0.5039251 -"""your questions answeredwhat subjects will be covered? -","""mbudziso dzavho dzo fhundulwandi thero dzifhio dzine dza ḓo itwa? -",0.42669854 -"maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. -","maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. -",1.0000001 -"why were these time slots chosen, because learners could be at school? -","ndi ngani zwifhinga izwi zwo nangiwa, ngauri vhagudiswa vha nga kha ḓi vhe tshikoloni? -",0.45349735 -"school attendance times vary across districts and provinces, due to social distancing measures. -","zwifhinga zwa u dzhena tshikolo zwi a fhambana u ya nga zwiṱiriki na mavundu, nga mulandu wa maga a tshikhala vhukati ha muthu na muṅwe. -",0.55252236 -"many matrics will be at home at the time of broadcasting. -","vhunzhi ha vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vha ḓo vha vhe hayani nga tshifhinga tsha u hasha. -",0.41029453 -"a small percentage of learners are also being homeschooled. -","phesenthe ṱhukhu ya vhagudiswa vha khou dzhena tshikolo vhe hayani. -",0.4305825 -"the main broadcasts will be repeated after 4pm on openview and are available on dstv catchup. -","khasho khulwane dzi ḓo dovhololwa musi awara ya 4 nga masiari yo no fhira kha openview na kha dstv catchup . -",0.6352158 -"why only matrics? -","ndi ngani zwi tshi khou itelwa vha maṱiriki fhedzi? -",0.43502074 -"matrics are under the most pressure to plan their postschool lives. -","vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vha fhasi ha mutsiko muhulu wa ndugiselo ya matshilo avho nga murahu ha u fhedza tshikolo. -",0.50974894 -"matrics have faced more significant disruption to their schooling since march 2020 because their curriculum was not shortened. -","vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vho ṱangana na u thithisea huhul wane vhukuma kha zwa tshikolo u bva nga ṱhafamuhwe 2020 ngauri kharikhuḽamu yavho a yo ngo pfufhifhadzwa. -",0.5797404 -"matrics have fallen the furthest behind on curricu lum learning. -","vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vho salelesa murahu kha ngudo ya kharikhuḽamu. -",0.54951257 -"where can i find the viewing schedule? -","ndi nga wana ngafhi shedulu ya u vhona mbekanyamushumo? -",0.49253398 -"the viewing schedule is available in tv guides and on the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za. -","shedulu ya u vhona mbekanyamushumo i wanala kha ndaedzi ya tv na kha webusaithi ya woza matrics kha wozamatrics.co.za . -",0.85336035 -"repeat broadcasts will be available. -","ndovhololo ya khasho i ḓo wanala. -",0.4479258 -"is support being provided to parents and teach ers? -","thikhedzo i khou ṋetshedzwa vhabebi na vhadededzi? -",0.59314436 -"yes. -","ee. -",0.8138653 -"the broadcast schedule will have some sessions on tips for parents on ways to support their matric children. -","shedulu ya khasho i ḓo vha na zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwa tsivhudzo dza vhabebi dzi ambaho nga nḓila dza u tikedza vhana vhavho vha maṱiriki. -",0.50431144 -"some sessions will focus on teachers and the dbe's teacher connect whatsapp platform will communicate key messages to teachers. -","zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwi ḓo sedza kha vhadededzi nahone tshipiḓa tsha teacher connect whatsapp tsha muhasho wa pfunzo ya mutheo tshi ḓo ḓivhadza vhadededzi milaedza ya ndeme. -",0.71394044 -"will there be a focus on dealing with the stresses faced by matrics? -","hu ḓo vha ndingedzo dza u sedzana na mitsiko ine vhagudiswa vha maṱiriki vha ṱangana nayo? -",0.52781755 -"yes. -","ee. -",0.8138653 -"there will be several sessions focused on providing tips for student wellbeing, coping with stress and managing anxiety. -","hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwinzhi zwo sedzaho kha u ṋetshedza tsivhudzo nga ha mutakalo wa matshudeni, u kona u tshila na mutsiko na u kona u langa mbilaelo. -",0.6012491 -"for more information, visit the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za or email info@wozamatrics.co.zathe woza matrics programme aims to help all grade 12 learners pass their final examinations.","mbekanyamushumo ya woza matrics yo rwelwa ṱari dale hes mbekanyamushumo ya woza matrics yo ḓiimisela u thusa vhagudiswa vha gireidi 12 vhoṱhe uri vha phase milingo yavho ya u fhedzisela. -",0.6012491 -"sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo ya sa ndi thikho ya ndeme kha demokirasi yashu vukuzenzele unnamed kha mashango ma nzhi u mona na ḽifhasi, vhulwadze ha tshitzhili tsha corona ho ṱoḓa u ḓidzima ha vhunzhi ha dzipfanelo zwe zwa ḓisa khaedu na nḓila dza ku tshilele. -",0.6646015 -"but countries with strong institutions, vigilant judicial systems and a robust media have been able to prevent human rights from being undermined and the authority of the state being abused. -","fhedzi mashango ane a vha na zwiimiswa zwo khwaṱhaho, sisṱeme ya vhuhaṱuli ine yo vula maṱo na nyanḓadzamafhungo dzo khwaṱhaho zwo kona u tsireledza pfanelo dza vhathu kha u kandekanyiwa na u shumiswa lwo kalulaho ha maanḓa a muvhuso. -",0.5761505 -"it has been six months since the national state of disaster was proclaimed. -","ndi miṅwedzi ya rathi musi ho khwaṱhisedzwa tshiimo tsha shishi. -",0.48939645 -"despite the unprecedented nature of the disease and the immense challenge of placing a country of 58 million people under lockdown, we have fared well. -","nga nnḓa ha u sa lavhelelea ha tshiimo tsha vhulwadze na khaedu khulwane ya u vhea shango ḽa vhathu vha miḽioni dza 58 kha nyiledzo dza u tshi mbila, ro kona u kunda. -",0.58752203 -"we have managed to contain the spread of the disease primarily because of the cooperation and vigilance of all citizens. -","ro kona u langa u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze nga ṅwambo wa tshumisano na u vula maṱo ha vhadzulapo. -",0.5067165 -"this is in no small part due to the sterling work of our media. -","izwi a zwo ngo vha mushu mo muṱuku zwo ḓitika nga mushumo wa maimo a nṱha wa nyanḓadzamafhungo. -",0.4896127 -"we owe a debt of gratitude to south africa’s hardworking and tenacious journalists. -","ri koloda u livhuwa vhadzulapo vha afrika tshi pembe na vhoramafhungo vho khwaṱhaho. -",0.5264375 -"they have kept our people informed by disseminating key health messages about social distancing and hygiene. -","vho ita uri vhathu vhashu vha dzule vha tshi khou ḓivha nga u swikisa mafhungo a ndeme a mu takalo nga ha u sia tshikhala na maitele a mutakalo. -",0.5652753 -"they have done so under extremely trying conditions, often with limited resources. -","vho zwi ita kha nyimelo dzi konḓaho, nahone vha sina tshomedzo dzoṱhe. -",0.40607893 -"they have told the stories of the effects of lockdown on the lives of people and their businesses. -","vho ri vhudza ngaha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila kha matshilo a vhathu na vhubindudzi havho. -",0.5005601 -"they have been out in the villages, towns and cities, bringing stories of ordinary people and drawing national attention to problems being experienced in hospitals and clinics, prompting government action. -","vho bva vha ya mivhunduni, ḓoroboni ṱhukhu na khulwane, vha tshi ḓisa mafhungo a vhathu zwavho na u tsivhudza lushaka nga ha thaidzo ine ra khou livhana nayo zwiba dela na dzikiḽiniki, vha tshi ṱuṱuwedza maga a muvhuso. -",0.6637782 -"our media have also shone a light on excesses that perhaps would not have ordinarily come to light. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo yashu yo sumbedza vhukoni vhune ho vha hu si nga bvele khagala nga hone huṋe. -",0.44593793 -"they have fulfilled their watchdog role by unearthing acts of corruption and maladministration, sparking a massive national debate and leading to a number of highprofile investigations. -","vho kona u bveledza mushumo wavho wa vhuṱoli nga u vhiga maitele a tshanḓanguvhoni, na tshumelo dzi sa khou tshimbilaho nga ngona, vha tshi ita uri hu vhe na nyambedzano zwe zwa ita u ri hu vhe na u ṱoḓisiswa ha vhathu vha maimo a nṱha nga kha u vhiga uhu, vho kona u fulufhelwa nga vhathu. -",0.5821233 -"through this reporting they have earned people’s trust. -","mbofholowo ya vho rama fhungo a yo ngo fhelela nga kha yone iṋe. -",0.3803689 -"a free press is not an end in itself. -","ndi nḓila ine mbofholowo yo wanala na u tsireledzea ngayo. -",0.43186527 -"it is a means by which democracy is secured and upheld. -","nga kha tshifhinga tsha uvhu vhu lwadze, nyanḓadzamafhungo yashu yo shuma hu si u vha ṱholi fhedzi, yo shuma na mishumo yayo ya u tikedza lushaka kha maga a u langa tshitzhili tsha corona . -",0.4087957 -"during this pandemic, our media has played not just its traditional watchdog role, but exercised its civic duty in supporting the national effort to contain the coronavirus. -","musi ro sedza ndeme ya nyanḓadzamafhungo kha mutakalo wa demokirasi, zwi a vhilaedza sa kha dziṅwe sekithara dza ikonomi, uri tshiwo tsha tshitzhili tsha corona tsho kwama zwihulu zwiimiswa zwashu zwa nyanḓadzamafhungo. -",0.6017517 -"given the importance of the media to the health of our democracy, it is a great concern that like all other sectors of the economy, the coronavirus crisis has hit our media houses hard. -","vhaṅwe vhaganḓisi vho xelelwa nga mbuelo ine ya nga lingana phesenthe dza 60 kha maḓuvha a u thoma a nyiledzo dza u tshimbila. -",0.5305064 -"some publications lost as much as 60 percent of their income in the early days of the lockdown. -","khamphani dza tshivhalo dzo dzhia maga a u fhu ngudza miholo, u fhungudza vhashumi kana u fhungudza awara dza u shuma. -",0.48383695 -"a number of companies have had to implement salary cuts, reduce staff numbers or reduce hours worked. -","zwi pfisaho vhuṱungu, vhaṅwe vhaganḓisi vho kombe tshedzea u vala lwa tshoṱhe, hu tshi katelwa vhaṅwe vha vhaganḓisi vha afrika tshi pembe vha magazini vhare na bvumo vhukuma. -",0.29686904 -"regrettably, some publications have even been forced to close, among them some of south africa’s most established and wellknown magazine titles. -","u xelelwa nga mishumo zwo vhangwaho nga nyile dzo dza u tshimbila zwo ṋaṋisa zwililo zwa khampha ni dza nyanḓadzamafhungo dzine dzo no ḓi livhana na khaedu dza u xelelwa nga mbuyelo dza zwikhala zwa khunguwedzo, vha khou balelwa u tshimbidza miko vhe ine ya khou dzhiiwa nga vha mafhungo vha mobilefirst na dziṅwe thekhinoḽodzhi. -",0.25862598 -"the job losses that have resulted from the lockdowns have exacerbated a crisis for media companies already facing challenges like loss of advertising revenues, falling circulation and market share being taken by mobilefirst news and other technologies. -","vhukonḓi ha masheleni uvhu ho livhana na vhathu vhoṱhe nga u angaredza, u bva kha vha u anḓadza mafhungo kha inthanethe uya kha vha khasho. -",0.53682184 -"these financial difficulties are being faced across the board, from online titles to traditional broadsheets to the public broadcaster. -","heḽi ndi ḽiṅwe ḽa mafhungo e a ṱahiswa zwihulu zwene zwino kha nyambedzano na vha foramu ya vhadzudza nyamafhungo vha lushaka lwa afrika tshipembe. -",0.53266144 -"this was one of the issues that was raised sharply during my engagement with the south african national editors’ forum recently. -","madzuloni a u nyama, vha vhuanḓadzamafhungo vha khou shuma zwihulu u khwaṱhisa bindu ḽavho, u bveledza vhusimi na u sa xelelwa nga vhashumi u ya nga hune vha kona. -",0.45904142 -"instead of lamenting their fate, however, the media industry is working hard to refine business models, to drive innovation and to retain staff as much as possible. -","nga tshifhinga tshithihi, nyanḓadzamafhungo ndi tshiimiswa tsho khethe aho kha tshitshavha tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe ngauri vhashumeli vhatsho vha fusha ndavhelelo dzine dza vha tshipiḓa tsha ndeme kha tshumelo ya demokirasi. -",0.506816 -"at the same time, the media is a unique entity in any society because its practitioners fulfil a role that is so essential to our democratic order. -","vha shuma uri lushaka lu dzule lu tshi khou wana mafhungo na u ṱola maanḓa kana vharangaphanḓa. -",0.4450832 -"they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check. -","ri ṱoḓa vhoramafhungo vhanzhi, hu si vhaṱuku. -",0.45574334 -"we need more journalists, not less. -","ndi ngazwo u xelelwa nga rama fhungo muthihi hu si u xele lwa ha khamphani fhedzi, hu u xelelwa ha shango. -",0.4282606 -"that is why the loss of even a single journalist is not just a loss to the industry but to the country. -","ri khou ṱoḓa mazhakanḓila a nyanḓadzamafhungo, vhane vha ḓo ḓisa tshenzhemo nga vhuḓalo na muhumbulo kha tshiimiswa itshi, vhane vha ḓo ṋekedza u vhiga ha ndeme na u ṱhaṱhuvha ho khwaṱhaho. -",0.42705736 -"we need our media veterans, who bring with them vast experience and institutional memory, and are able to offer critical reportage and informed analysis. -","nga tshenetsho tshifhinga tshithihi, ri khou ṱoḓa vhoramafhungo vhaswa kha iḽi buḓo vhane vho limu wa zwa thekhinoḽodzhi, na u ṱanganedza maitele maswa a u vhiga mafhungo na u kwa ma mbilaelo dza tshitshavha tsha vhaswa. -",0.5248027 -"at the same time we need more young journalists in the profession who are techsavvy, abreast with new trends in storytelling and in touch with the concerns of a youthful population. -","sa lushaka ri na vhuḓi fhinduleli ha u ṋea vha nyanḓadzamafhungo thikhedzo yo fhelelaho. -",0.56408453 -"as a society we owe the media our full support. -","naho hu u ṋanga u badela, u tikedza vhoramafhungo vho ḓalaho, u badela mbadelo ya ṱhanziela yavho ya sabc kana u renga gurannḓa fhe dzi, roṱhe ri nga shela mule nzhe u tikedza vhubindudzi uvhu vhure khakhathini. -",0.29003733 -"whether it is electing to pay for content, supporting crowdfunded journalism, paying our sabc license fees or simply buying a newspaper, we can all play our part to support this industry in crisis. -","sa muvhuso, naho hu na u lemelwa lwa masheleni, ri ḓo bvela phanḓa na u kunguwedza na u anḓadza kha khasho, zwihuluhulu nyanḓadzamafhungo ya tshitshavha. -",0.60658896 -"as government, despite the gloomy economic climate we will continue to extend advertising spend to publications and broadcasters, especially community media. -","zwiimiswa zwo ḓiimisaho nga zwoṱhe nazwo zwi tea u bvela phanḓa u tikedza nḓowetshumo nga kha khu nguwedzo na u shumisana na vhaṋekedzi vha mafhu ngo kha u bveledza nḓila ntswa dzine dzo livhana na nyanḓadzamafhungo ya dzhango ḽoṱhe. -",0.5361819 -"the private sector must also continue to support the industry through advertising and working with media houses in the production of innovative content in line with global media trends. -","u kovhela hapo na zwiimiswa zwa ndambedzo nazwo zwi tea u ḓidzhenisa uri zwi tikedze mabindu a u vhiga mafhu ngo hu vheaho tshitshavha phanḓa, sa zwine zwa vha zwone kha demokirasi nnzhi. -",0.5710554 -"local philanthropic and donor organisations should also come on board and support public interest journalism ventures, as is the case in many democracies. -","u anḓadzwa ha mafhungo a si one nga tshifhinga itshi tsha tshiwo, zwihuluhulu kha vhudavhidzani ha zwa matshilisano, zwi ita uri hu vhe na u ṋekedza mafhungo are one lwa shishi, a sa dzhii sia nahone nga ngoho. -",0.5471277 -"the proliferation of fake news during the pandemic, primarily on social media platforms, has added to the urgency for more news that is accurate, fair and impartial. -","kha tshino tshifhinga, vhathu vhashu vho ḓitika nga vhaḓisi vha mafhungo vha kale, vha tshi khwaṱhisedza na ndeme yavho kha u vha thikho ya demokirasi. -",0.508551 -"during this time our people have relied on our established media houses for information, once again underscoring their importance as pillars of our democracy. -","musi ri tshi khou thoma mushumo muhulu wa u fhaṱulula ikonomi nga mura hu ha dwadze, nḓowetshumo ya nyanḓadzamafhungo i ḓo ṱoḓa thikhedzo yashu zwino na u fhirisa. -",0.5367048 -"as we begin the great task of rebuilding our economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, the media industry will need our support more than ever. -","vhuanḓadzamafhungo ho vhofholowaho ho vhuya ha ṱaluswa sa ‘muṱhogomeli a sa eḓeli wa pfanelo dza vhathu ane a vhofholola pfufho ya vhanna na vhafumakadzi. -",0.5077816 -"the free press was once described as ‘the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize’. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo ya sa ndi thikho ya ndeme kha demokirasi yashu vukuzenzele unnamed kha mashango ma nzhi u mona na ḽifhasi, vhulwadze ha tshitzhili tsha corona ho ṱoḓa u ḓidzima ha vhunzhi ha dzipfanelo zwe zwa ḓisa khaedu na nḓila dza ku tshilele. -",0.5077816 -"transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces. -","u shandukisa sekhithara ya zwa vhulimi vukuzenzele unnamed zwenezwino, muhasho wa zwa vhulimi, mveledziso ya mahayani na mbuedzedzo ya mavu (dlrd) wo ḓivhadza uri miraḓo ya tshitshavha i ḓo kona u ita khumbelo ya u hira mavu a linganaho hekithara dza 700 000 dza mavu ane ha khou shumiswa lwo linganaho kana mavu a muvhuso kha mavunḓu a sumbe. -",0.75151306 -"agricultural land is the mainstay of our natural resource base. -","mavu a zwa vhulimi ndi thikho ya zwiko zwa mupo. -",0.54687786 -"the availability and sustainable use of farmland to grow crops and for animal husbandry is key to our very survival. -","vhuhone na kushumisele kwo khwaṱhaho kwa mavu a vhulimivhufuwi u itela u lima zwiliṅwa na vhufuwi ndi zwa ndeme kha matshilo ashu. -",0.6274828 -"south africa has vast tracts of land suitable for agricultural production, with 37,9% of our total land area currently being used for commercial agriculture. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi na mavu manzhi o fanelaho zwa vhulimi, ane khao 37,9% ya mavu oṱhe a khou shumisiwa kha vhulimi ha vhuvhambadzi. -",0.6862271 -"like many other countries, our arable land is under threat from land degradation, water scarcity and urban encroachment. -","sa maṅwe mashango manzhi, mavu ashu o teaho vhulimi a kha khombo ya u tshinyala, ṱhahelelo ya maḓi na u shumiswa sa vhupo ha u fhaṱa vhudzulo ha dziḓoroboni. -",0.64237773 -"we are also losing prime agricultural land through landuse changes. -","ri khou xelelwa nga mavu a ndeme a zwa vhulimi nga kha dzitshanduko dza kushumisele kwa mavu. -",0.4909982 -"given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority. -","ro sedza ḓivhazwakale yashu, u ṱandavhudza tswikelelo ya mavu a zwa vhulimi ha vhuvhambadzi na vhulimivhufuwi ha u ḓitshidza ndi tshone tshipikwa tsha ndeme tsha lushaka. -",0.55318946 -"although the post1994 land reform process has resulted in more land being restored and restituted to black south africans, the pernicious effects of the 1913 natives land act continue to be in patterns of farmland ownership. -","naho nga murahu ha mai tele a mbuedzedzo ya mavu a 1994 mavu o humiselwa na u kovhelwa vharema vha afrika tshipembe, maitele mavhi a mulayo wa mavu wa vhadzulapo wa 1913 u bvela phanḓa u vha maitele a vhuṋe ha mavu a mabulasini. -",0.70992863 -"the act went far beyond dispossessing millions of people of their ancestral land. -","mulayo wo fhirela phanḓa na kha u dzhiela dzimiḽioni dza vhathu mavu a vhomakhulukuku wavho. -",0.50679684 -"with land ownership still concentrated in the hands of the few, and agriculture primary production and value chains mainly owned by white commercial farmers, the effects of our past remain with us today. -","musi vhuṋe ha mavu vhu tshe zwanḓani zwa vhathu vha si vhanzhi, na mveledzo ya mutheo ya zwa vhulimi na matshimbidzele azwo zwi tshe zwanḓani zwa vhorabulasi vha vhatshena, masiandaitwa a maitele a kale a tshe na riṋe na ṋamusi. -",0.61333835 -"the continued monopolization of a key means of production like land is not just an obstacle to advancing a more egalitarian society; it is also a recipe for social unrest. -","ndango khulwane ya mavu nga tshigwada tshiṱuku ine ya khou bvela phanḓa kha maitele a ndeme a mveledzo a fanaho na mavu a i tou vha tshikhukhulisi kha mvelaphanḓa ya tshitshavha tsha pfanelo dzi linganaho fhedzi; i dovha hafhu ya vha maitele a vhangaho pfudzungule tshitshavhaniṱhoḓea ya mavu a vhulimivhufuwi i khou aluwa, zwihulu kha vhashai vha vhuponi ha mahayani. -",0.5204705 -"the hunger for land to farm is growing, especially amongst the rural poor. -","nga vhanga ḽa mbuno dzo vhalaho, luvhilo lwa mbuedzedzo ya mavu kha sekhithara iyi ndi lu ongolowaho nahone a lu fushi. -",0.22506356 -"and for a number of reasons, the pace of land reform in this particular sector has been slow and unsatisfactory. -","maitele a u shandukisa vhuṋe ha mavu a zwa vhulimi ndi a ndeme hu si u itela u khakhulula vhukhakhi ha kale fhedzi, fhedzi na u itela u tsireledza nḓisedzo ya zwiḽiwa ya lushaka lwashu. -",0.4853384 -"transforming patterns of agricultural land ownership is vital not just to address the historical injustices of the past, but to safeguard our nation’s food security. -","sa zwe zwa bulwa kha muvhigo wa tshigwada tsha vhatsivhudzi vha muphuresidennde wa 2019 nga ha mbuedzedzo ya mavu na vhulimi, ""musi ri kha ḓi rumela zwiḽiwa kha maṅwe mashango, fhano hayani vhathu vha vhuponi ha mahayani vha linganaho 41% na vha dzulaho ḓoroboni vha 59,4% vha na ṱhahelelo ya zwiḽiwa yo kalulaho."" -",0.52360916 -"as noted in the 2019 report of the presidential advisory panel on land reform and agriculture, ""whilst we export food, back home 41% of people in rural areas and 59,4% in urban areas have severely inadequate access to food."" -","mbuedzedzo ya zwa ndimo yo vha tshipikwa tsha ndeme kha ndaulo dzoṱhe nga u tevhekana u bva tshe demo kirasi ya vha hone. -",0.5350934 -"agrarian reform has been a priority of successive administrations since democracy. -","vhukati ha 1994 na ṱhafamuhwe 2018 muvhuso wo ṋekedza hekithara dza miḽioni dza 8,4 dza mavu kha vhathu vhe vha vha vho tsikeledzwa nga kha mbekanyamushumo ya mbuedzedzo ya mavu. -",0.45488745 -"between 1994 and march 2018 the state has delivered 8,4 million hectares of land to previously disadvantaged individuals under the land reform programme. -","fhedzi mvelaphanḓa iyi i fhasi ha 10% dza mavu oṱhe a bulasi dza vhuvhambadzi. -",0.56912655 -"but this progress amounts to less than 10% of all commercial farmland. -","kha mulaedza wanga wa lushaka mathomoni a ṅwaha ndo ḓivhofha uri mavu a ndimo ane a langwa nga muvhuso a ḓo ṋekedzwa u itela vhulimivhufuwi hu si kale. -",0.45405748 -"in my state of the nation address earlier this year i committed that stateowned agricultural land would soon be released for farming. -","heḽi ndi ḽiga ḽihulwane kha maitele a mbuedzedzo ya zwa ndimo, nahone zwi bveledza zwe zwa fulufhedziswa kha tshata ya mbofholowo zwauri mavu a ḓo kovhekanywa kha vhane vha shuma khao. -",0.5472416 -"this is a major milestone in the agrarian reform process, and gives effect to the promise of the freedom charter that the land shall be shared among those who work it. -","bono ḽashu ḽa u kovhela hafhu mavu ḽo livha kha u wana ndinganelo vhukati ha vhulamukanyi ha nnyi na nyi na khakhululo, na u engedza zwibveledzwa zwa vhulimi nga u ḓisa vhorabulasi vha vharema kha mvelele ya ikonomi. -",0.16609965 -"our redistributive vision aims to strike a balance between social justice and redress, and enhancing agricultural output by bringing more black farmers into the mainstream of the economy. -","mavu ndi ndaka i bveledzaho ine ya ḓisa mbuelo nahone a nga shumisiwa sa tsireledzo kha u wana dziṅwe ndaka. -",0.57122684 -"land is a productive asset that generates profit and can be used for collateral to secure other assets. -","ri tea u khwaṱhisedza uri mavu ane a khou wanala hu tshi itelwa vhulimivhufuwi a khou shumiswa lwa mbuelo. -",0.550094 -"we have to ensure that land acquired for farming purposes is productively used. -","u itela u tsireledza mavu a muvhuso ane a ṋekedzwa u itela vhulimi, khiriso/ḽisi a i nga koni u shumiswa nga muṅwe muthu. -",0.48960102 -"to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable. -","vhane vha ḓo wana mavu vha ḓo tea u saina thendelano ya ḽisi na muvhuso nahone vha badela masheleni a ḽisi ane a lingana ndeme ya mavu ane vho a hira. -",0.5367311 -"beneficiaries will sign a lease agreement with the state and pay a rental fee consistent with the land value. -","ri tea u khwaṱhisedza uri vhorabulasi vha wana thikhedzo lwendoni lwa u bveledza mbuelo na u vha na mvelaphanḓa. -",0.51657486 -"we must also ensure that farmers are supported along the road to sustainability and profitability. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha mbekanyamushumo iyi, vhavhuelwa vha mavu vha ḓo pfumbu dzwa nga ha ndangulo ya zwa masheleni na mveledziso ya bindu. -",0.5314396 -"as part of this programme, beneficiaries will be trained in financial management and enterprise development. -","tshenzhemo yo sumbedza uri vhorabulasi vhane vha kha ḓi khou bvelela na vhorabulasi vha mavu maṱuku vha anzela u shaya vhukoni ha u langa masheleni na u shumisa zwikhala zwa mimakete u wana mbuelo na u ṱanganela kha sisiṱeme ya matshimbidzele a zwibveledzwa. -",0.4740577 -"experience has shown that emerging and smallscale farmers often lack the financial skills to exploit market opportunities and integrate with value chains. -","ri khou thoma u vhea phanḓa vhaswa na vhathu vha na vhuholefhali sa vhone vhavhuelwa. -",0.55426097 -"we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries. -","ho vha na gundo ḽi vhonalaho kha u manḓafhadza vhorabulasi vha vhafumakadzi nga fhasi ha pulane ya mbonelaphanḓa ya u wana mavu (plas). -",0.50841415 -"there has been demonstrable success with empowering women farmers under the existing proactive land acquisition strategy. -","kha vhunzhi ha mavunḓu, vhafumakadzi vho ṋekedzwaho dzibulasi nga dlrd vho kona u bvelela kha u dzi shumisa nga vhukoni na u dzhena kha mveledzo ya vhuvhambadzi. -",0.48707843 -"in a number of provinces, women who have been allocated farms by the dalrrd have been able to run them successfully and even move into commercial production. -","nga nṱha ha u wana mavu, muhasho u khou bvela phanḓa na u bi ndudza kha themamveledzi so, tshomedzo na mitshini u itela uri havha vhoramabindu vha kone u bvelela zwavhuḓi kha u tshimbidza mabindu avho. -",0.50378704 -"in addition to the land acquisition itself, the department continues to invest in infrastructure, equipment and machinery to enable these entrepreneurs to run successful businesses. -","u ṱandavhudza tswikelelo ya mavu na zwikhala zwa vhulimivhufuwi zwi ḓo tikedza u sikwa ha mishumo na mveledziso ya zwa mabindu, na u khwiṋifhadza mimakete ya zwiḽiwa , zwibveledzwa zwa vhulimi na tshumelo. -",0.52843046 -"broadening access to land and opportunities for farming will support job creation and enterprise development, and improve the market for food, agricultural goods and services. -","tshipikwa tshihulwane tsha u ṋetshedza zwipiḓa zwa mavu izwi ndi u shandukisa mbono ya shango kha zwa vhulimi nga u sika murafho wa vhorabulasi. -",0.5858146 -"the ultimate goal of releasing these land parcels is to transform the agricultural landscape by growing a new generation of farmers. -","u hirisa mavu kha nyimele dzi fushaho ngaurali zwi tea u vha ṱuṱuwedza uri vha vhe na mihumbulo mihulwane; uri vha songo limela u alusa mabindu avho fhedzi, fhedzi na u itela u kovhelana lupfumo na zwitshavha zwa hune mabulasi avho a vha vhuponi hazwo. -",0.5105674 -"leasing land under such favourable conditions must spur them to think big; to not just grow their own businesses but to advance shared wealth and prosperity in the communities in which they farm. -","vha tea u ḓisa phodzo kha phambano dza kale. -",0.44549787 -"they must heal the deep divisions of our past. -","vha tea u fhelisa kuvhonele kwa sia ḽithihi kwa uri vhorabulasi vha vhatshena ndi vhone fhedzi vho bvelelaho kha zwa vhuvhambadzi afrika tshipembe, na uri vhorabulasi vha vharema vha ḓo dzulela u vha vhane ‘vha kha ḓi bvelela.’kha u shuma haya mavu; kha u a shandukisa uri a shume lwa u bveledza, nga ngoho vha ḓo shandukisa mapfumo uri a vhe madzembe a ndimo. -",0.3276738 -"they must dispel the stereotype that only white farmers are commercially successful in south africa, and that black farmers are perpetually ‘emerging.’in working this land; in turning it to productive use, they will indeed turn swords into ploughshares. -","u shandukisa sekhithara ya zwa vhulimi vukuzenzele unnamed zwenezwino, muhasho wa zwa vhulimi, mveledziso ya mahayani na mbuedzedzo ya mavu (dlrd) wo ḓivhadza uri miraḓo ya tshitshavha i ḓo kona u ita khumbelo ya u hira mavu a linganaho hekithara dza 700 000 dza mavu ane ha khou shumiswa lwo linganaho kana mavu a muvhuso kha mavunḓu a sumbe. -",0.3276738 -"building a society that works vukuzenzele unnamed the launch of the presidential employment stimulus last week marks a fundamental shift in our ap proach to tackling unem ployment. -","u ṱuṱuwedza ikonomi i shumaho vukuzenzele unnamed u rwelwa ṱari ha mbe kanyamushumo ya tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha mu phuresidennde vhege yo fhelaho zwo sumbedza tsudzuluwo ya mutheo kha maitele ashu a u lwa na vhu shayamushumo.. ri khou dzhia vhukando vhuhulwane vhukuma na vhuhovheleli ha vhubindudzi u lambedza vhukoni ha vhathu, hune muvhuso wa vha musiki na mukonisi wa mishumo. -",0.5302855 -"we are undertaking a farreaching and ambitious public investment in human capital, with the state as both a creator and an enabler of jobs. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha mu phuresidennde ndi tshi sa athu vhonwa kha tshikalo na vhuphara hatsho nahone tshi katela vhubindudzi ha u lambedza vhathu ha masheleni a linganaho r100 biḽioni miṅwahani miraru i ḓaho. -",0.53668845 -"the presidential employment stimulus is unprecedented in its scale and breadth, involving a public investment of r100 billion over the next three years. -","ri ḓo tsireledza na u sika mishumo yo ṋetshedzwaho masheleni thwii na thuse dzo dza u tikedza kha zwa u ḓitshidza musi mimaraga ya zwa mishumo i tshi khou vha khwiṋe nga murahu ha tshiwo tsha tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.56789184 -"we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. -","tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha izwi tsho lugela u thomiwa, nahone zwi tou vha nyengedzedzo ya vhuḓikumedzeli vhu re hone. -",0.55644584 -"each of these is ready for implementation, and is additional to existing commitments. -","musi dziṅwe thusedzo dzo fhaṱwa nga kha maanḓa a mbekanyamushumo dzi re hone, tshiṱuṱuwedzi tshi dovha tsha katela nḓila ntswa na vhutumbuli. -",0.4741902 -"while some of the interventions build on the strengths of existing programmes, the stimulus also includes new and innovative approaches. -","izwi zwi katela u ḓikumedzela kha zwine ra zwi vhidza uri ‘mushumo wa tshitshavha’. -",0.49820936 -"this includes a focus on what we have termed ‘social employment’. -","ri khou shuma kha mahumbulwa a kale a uri a hu na ṱhahelelo ya mushumo une wa fanela u itwa u tandulula thaidzo nnzhi dza matshilisano tshitshavhani tshashu. -",0.4211601 -"we are working from the premise that there is no shortage of work to be done to address the many social problems in our society. -","tshipikwa ndi u tikedza vhukoni vhuhulwane vhu vhonalaho, vhukoni ha vhurangeli na ha zwiimiswa vhu re hone tshitshavhani nga vhuphara u dzhenisa vhathu mushumoni une wa dzhiela nṱha madzangalelo a vhoṱhe. -",0.43998295 -"the aim is to support the considerable creativity, initiative and institutional capabilities that exist in the wider society to engage people in work that serves the common good. -","mushumo uyu u kwama thero dza tshaka dzo fhambanaho, hu tshi katela tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, u fhelisa khakhathi dzo ḓitikaho nga mbeu, u khwiṋifhadza madzulo a tshayanzudzanywa na zwiṅwe zwinzhi. -",0.55949336 -"this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more. -","hezwi zwi ḓo engedza ndingedzo dza sekhithara ya phuraivethe, zwi tshi tendela tshikalo tshihulwane na tshanduko kha zwa matshilisano khathihi na nḓila ntswa dza vhushumisani na tshitshavha. -",0.5327998 -"this will supplement the efforts of the public sector, allowing for greater scale and social impact as well as new forms of partnership with diverse social actors. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tshi katela mbekanyamushumo ya lu shaka ntswa ya u thola vhathu sa vhagudisi na vhathusi zwikoloni. -",0.48174417 -"the stimulus includes a new national programme to employ teaching and school assistants in schools. -","zwikolo zwi khou thola vhathu zwa zwino, u ṋetshe dza zwikhala zwiswa kha vhupo vhuṅwe na vhuṅwe u mona na shango nga vhu phara. -",0.41799748 -"schools are making these appointments right now, delivering new opportunities in every community across the length and breadth of the country. -","mushumo wa muvhuso a si mushumo u sa ṱoḓi zwikili fhedzi. -",0.46233743 -"public employment is not just for unskilled work. -","hu khou sedzwa na kha masia oṱhe a vho khunyeledzaho pfunzo dza nṱha, na zwikhala zwa vhaongi, vho gudelaho saintsi, vha mishumo ya zwanḓa na vhaṅwevho. -",0.38087034 -"there is a crosscutting focus on graduates, with opportunities for nurses, science graduates, artisans and others. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tshi ḓo dovha tsha tsireledza mishumo kha dzisekhithara dzi sa koniho u ḓitsireledza dzo kwameaho lu shushaho nga dwadze. -",0.45628393 -"the stimulus will also protect jobs in vulnerable sectors that have been hit hard by the pandemic. -","thikhedzo i ḓo ṋetshedzwa vhashumi kha mveledziso ya nyaluwo ya ṅwana a tshe muṱuku, nga mannḓesa vha ḓishumi vha vhafumakadzi vhorabulasi vhaṱuku vha fhiraho 74,000 vha ḓo ṱanganedza mindende ya ndambedzo kha zwa mveledzo. -",0.4590734 -"support will be provided to early childhood development practitioners, mainly selfemployed women. -","sa lushaka, ri ṱoḓa vhutsila na mvelele u takusa mimuya yashu hafhu – tshiṱutuwedzi tshi ṋetshedza ndambedzo ya masheleni ntswa u thusa sekhithara uri i dovhe i kone u ḓiimisa, zwi tshi katela na thikhedzo kha u sikwa ha zwi re ngomu ha didzhithala na u ṱanḓavhudza vhuvha mbadzi ha eḽekiṱhironiki kha inthanethe. -",0.53782725 -"over 74,000 small farmers will also receive production input grants. -","hezwi zwi ḓo konisa vha tsila u ḓowela milayo miswa ya zwa maraga ye dwadze ḽa ri hwesa yone roṱhe na u dzhavhula zwikhala zwiswa zwa nyaluwo. -",0.45976675 -"as a nation, we need arts and culture to lift our spirits once more – the stimulus provides new funding to help the sector back onto its feet, including support to digital contentcreation and expansion of ecommerce platforms. -","tshikonisi tsha ndeme tsha tsiko ya mishumo nga vhuphara, tsho itwaho uri tshi vhe tsha vhuṱhogwa vhukuma nga dwadze, ndi vhuṱumani. -",0.5413926 -"this will enable artists to adapt to the new market conditions that the pandemic has imposed on us all and to seize new opportunities for growth. -","u kunda u fhandekana ha didzhithala, tshiṱuṱuwedzi tshi ḓo ṋetshedza zwirathisi zwo angalalaho zwa luvhilo luhulu zwi sa ḓuriho kha miḓi ya mbuelo ṱhukhu nga kha thikhedzo ntswa dza ṱhumanyo na ṱhanḓavhudzo ya wifi ya mahala ya nnyi na nnyi. -",0.524354 -"a critical enabler for wider job creation, made more important by the pandemic, is connectivity. -","musi shango ḽashu ḽi tshi khou vha khwiṋe u bva kha mutshinyalo wo vhangwaho nga dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, ri hune a ri timatimi vhuhulu ha mushumo u re phanḓa hashu. -",0.5237068 -"to overcome the digital divide, the stimulus will provide affordable, highspeed broadband to lowincome households through innovative connection subsidies and the expansion of free public wifi. -","ri fanela u swikela mvusuludzo ya ikonomi i katelaho vhathu vhoṱhe nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.5754198 -"as our country recovers from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we are in no doubt as to the size of the task before us. -","ri fanela u ita uri vhunzhi ha vhathu vhashu vha khou dovha hafhu vha shuma . -",0.43656284 -"we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive. -","ri fanela u dovha ra kona u bvelela hafhu kha ṋetshedzo ya tshumelo ya ndeme na themamveledziso ya ndeme, ri tshi tandulula hafhu khaedu dza zwa matshilisano na u shandukisa ḽokhesheni na vhupo ha mahayani. -",0.4833892 -"we have to get as many of our people as possible working again. -","mushumo wa tshitshavha ndi tshis humiswa tshine tsha nga ita zwoṱhe zwa zwi re afho nṱha: u sika mishumo kha tshikalo tshi ṱoḓeaho lwa tshifhinganyana musi maraga i tshi khou vhuelela ngonani, na u sika ndeme ya matshilisano kha mushumo wonoyo. -",0.13254645 -"we also have to regain lost ground in the provision of basic services and critical infrastructure, addressing social challenges and transforming townships and rural communities too. -","tsumbo i dzulela u ṱanzie lwa kha mbekanyamushumo khulwane dza zwa mishumo ya tshitshavha dzo thomiwaho nga united states nga murahu ha mutsiko muhulu wa ikonomi miṅwahani ya vho 1930. itshi a tsho ngo vha tshiṱuṱuwedzi fhedzi, tsho dovha tsha takusela nṱha u shela mulenzhe nga tshitshavha na mukatelo. -",0.5525992 -"public employment is an instrument that can do all of the above: creating jobs at scale in the short term while markets recover, and creating social value in the process. -","hu na tsumbo dzo vhalaho dza mbekanyamushumo dza vhutumbuli ha mushumo wa tshitshavha kha ḽifhasi ḽi khou bvelelaho, hu tshi katelwa na india, ethiopia na fhano afrika tshipembe. -",0.46798074 -"the example is often cited of the massive public works programme undertaken by the united states after the great depression in the 1930s. -","mbekanyamushumo idzi dzi ita vhubindudzi thwii kha ikonomi dzapo, dzi tshi swikela vhupo vhu shayaho u thoma, u tikedza mabindu maṱuku apo u bva afho dza rothela dzi tshi ya kha ikonomi nga vhuphara. -",0.52575594 -"this was not just a stimulus, but also promoted social participation and inclusion. -","dzi dovha dza ṱuṱuwe dza u shela mulenzhe nga tshitshavha na mukatelo, dzi tshi ṋetshedza lushaka nḓila dza u shandukisa matshilo avho sa musi vha tshi thoma maitele maswa a zwa mushumo. -",0.43391562 -"there are several examples of innovative public employment programmes in the developing world, including in india, ethiopia and here in south africa. -","nga u ita izwi, vha shela mulenzhe kha u shandukisa zwoṱhe kha ndinganyiso yapo na kha tshitshavha tsho ṱanḓavhuwaho. -",0.5028161 -"these programmes make a direct investment in local economies, reaching poorer areas first, supporting local small enterprises and trickling up into the wider economy from there. -","ndambedzo nga muvhuso kha tshitshavha u tikedza mishumo na u sika zwikhala zwa ikonomi zwi vhumbaho ndeme ya matshilisano zwi ita zwithu zwinzhi u fhira u tandulula tshiwo tsha u shayea ha mishumo fhedzi. -",0.6150086 -"they also promote social participation and inclusion, providing communities with the means to change their lives as they undertake new forms of work. -","zwi ṋea phindulo, ngauri zwi shumisa zwishumiswa zwa muvhuso u fhindula kha ṱhoḓea dza lushaka lwapo, hu nga vha vhupo ha u awela kana ha u ḓimvumvusa, tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, senthara dza mveledziso ya nyaluwo ya vhana vhaṱuku, kana u itela bada dza khwiṋe dzi swikeleleaho. -",0.5073487 -"in doing so, they contribute to transformation both at a local level and within broader society. -","i bvela phanḓa, ngauri i ṋetshedza tsireledzo ya zwa matshilisano na tsireledzo ya mbuelo kha avho vha shayaho na zwiḽiwa ngauri vha khou balelwa u wana mishumo. -",0.4540513 -"direct public investment to support employment and create economic opportunities that generate social value does more than just tackle the unemployment crisis. -","ndi vhubindudzi kha vhumatshelo, ngauri i tikedza adzhenda ya u vusuludza ikonomi nga vhuphara nga u ita vhathu vhashu uri vha shume kha u khwiṋisa themamveledziso ya lushaka na ya masipala. -",0.5895282 -"it is responsive, because it uses the state’s resources to respond to local community needs, be it for greener spaces, food security, more early childhood development centres, or for better and more accessible roads. -","nga thikhedzo kha tshiṱuṱuwedzi , ri khou sikela mishumo avho vha i ṱoḓaho, ra shandukisa lwa tshoṱhe matshilo a zwitshavha zwoṱhe. -",0.54880047 -"it is progressive, because it offers social protection and income security to those who face destitution because they are unable to find work. -","u fana na mbekanyamushumo dza mushumo wa tshitshavha u mona na ḽi fhasi, tshiṱuṱuwedzi itshi tshi tikedza na u tshimbilelana na mushumo wa vhuṱhogwa wa sekhithara ya phuraivethe kha u sika mishumo. -",0.5699072 -"it is an investment in the future, in that it supports the broader economic recovery agenda by urgently getting our people to work on improving our national and municipal infrastructure. -","tsho fha mbana na zwiṅwe, ngauri musi mvusuludzo i tshi khou bvelela, , tshikalo tsha mi shumo ya tshitshavha tshi ḓo tsela fhasi. -",0.56957316 -"through the interventions in the stimulus, we are creating work for those who need it, while leaving a lasting impact on entire communities. -","tshenzhemo ya mushumo na zwikili zwo wanwaho nga vhavhuelwa vha tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha muphuresidennde i ḓo khwiṋisa khonadzeo dza u wana mushumo wo fanelaho. -",0.5064261 -"like public employment programmes across the world, this employment stimulus supports and complements the critical role of the private sector in creating jobs. -","tshenzhemo yo wanwaho i dovha ya vha nḓila ya u ya kha mushumo wa vhuḓibindudzisi. -",0.51333857 -"it is countercyclical, in that as the recovery advances, the scale of public employment will decline. -","vhadzheneli vha ḓo khwiṋi fhadza zwikili na vhukoni havho ha u thoma mabindu a vhone vhaṋe, vha nga shumisa mbuelo yo khwaṱhaho yo ṋetshedzwaho nga mushumo wa tshitshavha u ya kha maṅwe masia a miṅwe mi shumo i ḓisaho mbuelo. -",0.47818756 -"the work experience and skills acquired by beneficiaries of the presidential employment stimulus will improve their prospects of securing formal employment. -","ndo dzulela u khwaṱhisedza uri tshiwo tsha covid19 ndi fasiṱere ḽa zwikhala zwa u fhaṱa khwiṋe hafhu. -",0.52895004 -"the experience gained is also a pathway to entrepreneurial activity. -","nga tshino tshifhinga tsha vilili ḽihulwane, ri ḓo vha ri sa khou ḓiitela tshilidzi nga u ita pfulufhedziso dzi sa konadzei dzi no ḓisa ndavhelelo, ra vho fhedza ri khou kundelwa u dzi swikelela. -",0.35036704 -"participants will improve their skills and capabilities to start their own businesses, and can use the steady income provided by public employment to branch out into other incomegenerating activities. -","ndi ngazwo thusedzo na thikhedzo dzoṱhe dza mishumo na zwa u kona u ḓitshidza dzi tshi lambedzwa lwo fhelelaho, hu na pulane ya u thomiwa ha mushumo i re khagala. -",0.596481 -"i have consistently affirmed that the covid19 crisis is also a window of opportunity to build back better. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamishumo a si nga ha vhuḓikumedzeli vhu songo bviselwaho khagala u itela tshifhinga tshi ḓaho, fhedzi ndi nga ha u sikiwa ha mishumo hanefha zwino. -",0.52447605 -"at this time of great upheaval, we would be doing ourselves no favours by making unrealistic promises that raise expectations, only to come short when they are not met. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi ndi mbuelo ya vhuvhudzisi na vhukwamani ho angalalaho na mihasho ya lushaka, mavunḓu na ḓorobo khulwane uri zwi ole mbekanyamushumo ya mishumo ine ya nga bviswa kana u aluswa kha miṅwedzi ya rathi. -",0.5362211 -"this is why each of the jobs and livelihood support interventions is fully funded, with a clear implementation plan. -","mihasho i thomaho mushumo na vhaṅwe vhashumisani kana vhathu vha kwameaho vho lingwa vhukoni havho ha u kona u thoma tshithu nga vhuronwane. -",0.45876718 -"the employment stimulus is not about vague commitments for some time in the future, but about jobs being created right here and now. -","kha mbekanyamushumo dzoṱhe dzi welaho nga fhasi ha tshiṱuṱuwedzi, zwikhala zwi ḓo kunguwedzwa nga vhu phara na u tholiwa hu ḓo vha hu sa dzhiiho sia, ho vuleaho nahone hu re khagala. -",0.20611691 -"the stimulus is the result of extensive consultation with national departments, provinces and metros to rapidly design employment pro grammes that can be rolled out or expanded within six months. -","zwipikwa zwe ra ḓivhetshela ndi zwine zwa konadzea, zwi a kalea na u swikelelea, zwa dovha hafhu zwa ḓisa ngudo u bva kha tshenzhemo dzo fhiraho na maitele kwao a dzitshakatshaka. -",0.6362158 -"the implementing departments and other stakeholders were rigorously assessed on their capacity to implement. -","vhathu vhashu vho lugela na u ḓiimisela u shuma. -",0.4928182 -"in every one of the programmes that fall under the stimulus, opportunities will be widely advertised and recruitment will be fair, open and transparent. -","vhukoni vhuhuluhulu uvhu vhu fanela u langwa, na zwikili na vhukoni zwashu roṱhe zwi ḓo shumi swa kha u fhaṱa nga huswa shango ḽashu nga murahu ha dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.1973301 -"the goals we have set ourselves are realistic, measura ble and achievable, and draw lessons from past experience and international best prac tice. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha muphuresi dennde tshi ṋetshedza tshik hala tsha u femuluwa kha vha miṱa ye ya konḓelela vhuria vhulapfu vhu konḓaho vha tshi khou wana mbuelo dzo fhu ngudzwaho, na kha vhathu vho fhedzaho tshifhinga tshilapfu vha sa shumi. -",0.52951086 -"our people are ready and willing to work. -","mushumo wavhuḓi wa vhukuma ndi pfanelo ya muthu muṅwe na muṅwe. -",0.23078775 -"this vast potential must be harnessed, and our collective skills and capabilities brought to bear in rebuilding our country in the wake of the coronavirus. -","ndi tshiimo tsha nyaluwo ya ikonomi tshi teaho u itea phanḓa ha zwoṱhe na vhudziki ha matshilisano. -",0.57110655 -"the presidential employment stimulus provides a respite for families who have endured a long hard winter with greatly reduced income, and for individuals who have spent many years without work. -","u ṱuṱuwedza ikonomi i shumaho vukuzenzele unnamed u rwelwa ṱari ha mbe kanyamushumo ya tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha mu phuresidennde vhege yo fhelaho zwo sumbedza tsudzuluwo ya mutheo kha maitele ashu a u lwa na vhu shayamushumo.. ri khou dzhia vhukando vhuhulwane vhukuma na vhuhovheleli ha vhubindudzi u lambedza vhukoni ha vhathu, hune muvhuso wa vha musiki na mukonisi wa mishumo. -",0.57110655 -"recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation’s capital, heralding the start of summer. -","mbuedzedzo kha vhusendekamisi ha afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed miri ya midzha karanda yo fhufhuma malu vha u mona na shango, i tshi sumbedza u thoma ha tshilimo. -",0.63807714 -"after a long and difficult winter, the beginning of a new season should fill us with optimism. -","nga murahu ha khalaṅwaha ya vhu ria i lemelaho, mathomo a khalaṅwaha ntswa a tea u ri ḓisela fulufhelo ḽa zwivhuya. -",0.24009681 -"when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses. -","musi hu tshi bulwa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka nga ṱhafamuhwe, vhuvhekanya ndeme hashu ha shishi ho vha hu ha u langa u phaḓalala ha tshitzhili na u ṋetshedza thuso ya shishi kha vhadzu lapo, zwitshavha, vhashumi na mabindu. -",0.57122684 -"over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic. -","kha miṅwedzi ya malo na nga kha thikhedzo ya vhashumisani vhashu vha matshilisano, ro thoma maga a pfeseseaho u itela u fhungu dza u kwamea ha ikonomi na matshilisano nga dwadze. -",0.3099379 -"we massively expanded social protection on a scale that has never been attempted before in this country. -","ro engedza tsireledzo ya matshilisano nga huhulu nga tshikalo tshine a tshi athu vhuya tsha lingedzwa kha ḽino shango. -",0.4401474 -"we are one of the few countries in the world where the right of access to social security is enshrined in the constitution, and we can be proud that during this grave crisis we gave practical expression to this right in many ways. -","ri ḽiṅwe ḽa mashango a so ngo vhalaho kha ḽifhasi hune pfanelo ya tswikelelo kha tsireledzo ya matshilisano ya vha hone kha ndayotewa, na uri ri nga ḓihudza nga uri kha tshifhinga itshi tsha khoha khombo i isaho lufuni ro kona u sumbedza zwone nga nyito nga nḓila yo fhambanaho. -",0.4845486 -"in addition to our existing social grants, which reach more than 17 million people every month, we toppedup the old age, disability and child support grants. -","hu tshi engedzwa kha magavhelo a lushaka a re hone, a swikaho vhathu vha fhiraho 17 miḽioni ṅwedzi muṅwe na muṅwe, ro engedza magavhelo a vhaaluwa, vhathu vha re na vhuholefhali na thikhedzo ya vhana. -",0.6096225 -"we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date. -","ro thoma gavhelo ḽo khetheaho ḽa thikhedzo ya matshilisano ya mutsiko wa vhulwadze ( covid19), ḽine ḽo swikela vhathu vha miḽioni dza rathi u swika zwino. -",0.6465827 -"this was done within weeks of the national state of disaster being declared. -","he zwi zwo itwa kha vhege dza musi tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka tshi tshi kha ḓi bva u bulwa. -",0.38849184 -"the scale of such an undertaking cannot be understated. -","tshikalo tsha mushumo uyu tshi nga si fhungudzwe. -",0.39327115 -"to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others. -","uri sisṱeme iyi i ḓe kha intha nethe ho vha na tshumisano khulwane vhukuma vhukati ha zhendedzi ḽa tsireledzo ya matshilisano ḽa afrika tshipembe, tshumelo dza muthelo wa mbuelo ya afrika tshipembe, muhasho wa zwa muno na vhaṅwe vhanzhi. -",0.59486604 -"we set up a fully automated application and disbursement process, and integrated multiple databases, including the national population register and the unemployment insurance fund (uif) database. -","ro thoma na maitele o fhelelaho a khumbelo na mbadelo dza masheleni, na u ṱanganya dathabeisi dza tshivhalo, hu tshi katelwa dathabeisi ya redzhisiṱara ya lushaka ya tshivhalo tsha vhathu na ya tshi kwama tsha ndindakhombo ya vhushayamushumo (uif). -",0.640387 -"we set up new application channels like whatsapp and ussd, and created systems with the commercial banks to enable banking detail verification. -","ro thoma tsumbanḓila ntswa dza u ita khumbelo dzi fanaho na whatsapp na ussd, ra sika dzisisiṱeme na bannga dza vhuvhambadzi u itela u konisa khwaṱhisedzo ya zwidodombedzwa zwa bannga. -",0.6987775 -"this is a remarkable achievement in a very short space of time. -","heyi ndi tswikelelo i songo ḓoweleaho yo iteaho nga tshifhinga tshiṱukuṱuku. -",0.395788 -"alongside the measures we took to protect and sustain livelihoods, we also supported ailing businesses. -","kha maga e ra a dzhia kha u tsireledza na u vhona uri vhathu vha kone u wana zwa u ḓitshidza ngazwo, ro dovha hafhu ra tikedza mabindu a siho kha tshiimo tshavhuḓi. -",0.54731274 -"we provided relief to small businesses in the form of debt relief, finance, tax payment deferrals and other instruments. -","ro ṋetshedza thikhedzo ya masheleni kha mabindu maṱuku nga kha tshikolodo, masheleni, u lengisa/imisa mbadelo dza muthelo na zwiṅwe zwishumiswa. -",0.5974482 -"we implemented a covid19 loan guarantee scheme to enable businesses to meet their operational expenses during the lockdown, and are currently looking at how this scheme can reach more companies in need. -","ro thoma tshikimu tsha khwaṱhisedzo ya khadzimiso ya masheleni ya covid19 u itela u konisa mabindu uri a swikelele mbadelo dza ku shumele nga tshifhinga tsha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila, na uri zwazwino ro sedza kha uri tshikimu itshi tshi nga swikelela hani khamphani nnzhi dzine dza khou ṱhoga. -",0.53345144 -"we provided income protection to workers and relief to business owners through the temporary employer relief scheme administered by the uif. -","ro ṋetshedza tsireledzo ya miholo kha vhashumi na thusedzo kha vhaṋe vha ma bindu nga kha tshikimu tsha thikhedzo ya mutholi tsha tshifhinganyana tshe tsha langwa nga uif. -",0.5613435 -"these were all in direct response to an emergency and were by nature temporary. -","hezwi zwoṱhe ho vha hu u fhindula ho livhanaho thwii na zwa shishi na uri zwo vha zwi zwa tshifhinganyana nga mvelo. -",0.44817197 -"some are now coming to an end, while others have been extended as the labour market recovers. -","zwiṅwe zwi khou ḓa mafheleloni, ngeno zwiṅwe zwo engedzwa musi maraga wa zwa vhushumi u tshi khou vhuyelela. -",0.44981343 -"the measures we implemented went a long way towards protecting our society from the harsh winds of covid19. -","maga e ra a thoma o shuma vhukuma kha u tsireledza tshitshavha tshashu kha mimuya ya vhuhali ya covid19 . -",0.66620135 -"the additional grants helped to prevent millions of people from falling below the food poverty line. -","magavhelo o enge dzwaho o thusa kha u thivhela vhathu vha dzimiḽioni uri vha si ḓiwane vha kha thambulo ya zwiḽiwa. -",0.4486496 -"had we not intervened to secure livelihoods and save businesses, the living conditions of our people and the circumstances of thousands of businesses would have been considerably worse. -","arali ro vha ri songo dzhe nelela kha u vhona uri vhathu vha kone u ḓitshidza na u vhulunga mabindu, nyimelo dza matshilo a vhathu vhashu na tshiimo tsha mabindu a zwigidi zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo vhonala zwo kalula vhu kuma. -",0.548103 -"now we are in a transition from relief to recovery. -","zwazwino ro pfukela kha mbuedzedzo u bva kha thikhedzo ya masheleni. -",0.45376623 -"the emergency measures we put in place have laid a firm foundation on which to rebuild our economy. -","maga a shishi e ra a shumisa o vhea mutheo wo khwaṱhaho une ra ḓo fhaṱulula khawo ikonomi yashu. -",0.1278064 -"as our focus now shifts to the implementation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, our priority will be to stimulate growth and create jobs. -","vhunga zwa zwino ri tshi khou pfukela kha u sedza kha u thomiwa ha phaṱhululo ya ikonomi na pulane ya mbuedzedzo, vhu vhekanyandeme vhu ḓo vha kha u ṱuṱuwedza nyaluwo na u sika mishumo. -",0.5113611 -"there has already been progress in a number of areas. -","ho no vha na mvelaphanḓa kha masia manzhi. -",0.2665292 -"we are seeing new funding commitments for infrastructure development following an infrastructure project roundtable last week. -","ri khou vhona vhuḓikume dzeli vhuswa ha ndambedzo kha mveledziso ya themamve ledziso zwi tshi tevhela therisano ya thandela dza themamveledziso yo farwaho vhege yo fhiraho. -",0.454285 -"a number of employment programmes under the presidential employment stimulus have started. -","mbeka nyamushumo dza vhutholi dza tshivhalo dzi re fhasi ha kharuso ya vhutholi ha ofisi ya muphuresidennde dzo thomiwa. -",0.47912335 -"we are pushing ahead with economic reforms in areas such as energy and telecommunications. -","ri khou isa phanḓa na tshanduko dza ikonomi kha masia a fanaho na fulufulu na vhudavhidzani ha kule. -",0.5395433 -"plans are being converted to action and commitments are being reflected in jobs and opportunities. -","pulane dzi khou rathiselwa kha nyito, na vhuḓikumedzeli vhu khou sumbedzwa kha mishumo na zwikhala. -",0.46442786 -"it is all the more critical at this time, more so with the festive season approaching, that we do not become the architects of our own undoing. -","zwoṱhe ndi zwa ndeme kha tshino tshifhinga, nga mannḓa zwino ri tshi khou sendela kha khalaṅwaha ya maḓuvha a madakalo, uri ri sa vhe vhapulani vha zwe riṋe vhaṋe ra sa ite. -",0.51615685 -"the greatest vigilance is required from us all to keep the virus at bay. -","u fhaṱuwa huhulwane hu khou ṱoḓea kha roṱhe u itela u vhona uri ri kunda tshitzhili. -",0.4024729 -"a resurgence at any scale will not just dramatically reverse our health gains. -","nyengedzedzo kana mvu suludzo ya tshikalo tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe a i nga humiseli murahu mbuelo dza mu takalo washu fhedzi. -",0.4819532 -"it will choke the green shoots of economic recovery that have emerged, and take us back from spring to winter. -","zwi ḓo pwanyeledza zwivhuya zwa mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi yo no takuwaho, zwa ri humisela murahu u bva kha luṱavula u ya kha vhuria. -",0.61851406 -"to prevent a second wave of covid19 infections, we must observe the public health guidelines that remain in place. -","u thivhela gabelo ḽa vhuvhili ḽa u kavhiwa nga covid19 , ri tea u lavhelesa ndededzo dza mutakalo wa tshitshavha dzine dza vha hone. -",0.61722744 -"when we fail to wear a mask at a social gathering, when we attend crowded events, we are not only putting ourselves and others at risk. -","musi ri tshi kundelwa u ambara masiki kha magu vhangano a tshitshavha, musi ri tshi ya kha vhuṱambo ho ḓalaho, a ri vhi ri tshi khou vhea riṋe vhaṋe na vhaṅwe fhedzi khomboni. -",0.5364553 -"we are also putting our economic recovery in jeopardy. -","ri vha ri tshi khou vhea mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi yashu khomboni. -",0.42319137 -"let us all continue to play our part. -","kha ri ise phanḓa na u ita mushumo washu. -",0.17640251 -"the positive actions of wearing a mask, of maintaining social distancing and of regular hand washing helped us overcome the worst effects of the pandemic. -","maitele avhuḓi a u ambara masiki, a u ima kule nyana na muṅwe muthu na u dzulela u ṱamba zwanḓa o ri thusa kha u kunda dziṅwe dza mveledzwa dzo kalulaho dza dwadze. -",0.56823444 -"they are still our best defence. -","a kha ḓi vha vhupileli hashu ha nṱhesa. -",0.31873155 -"let us remember the sacrifices we all had to make to contain the spread of the virus in the early days. -","kha ri elelwe u ḓidzima hoṱhe he ra hu ita kha u vhona uri tshitzhili tshi si phaḓalale kha maḓuvha a u thoma. -",0.19696745 -"even as most social and economic activity has resumed, we must still observe all the health measures. -","naho vhunzhi ha mishumo ya matshilisano na ikonomi yo vhuelela kha u bvelaphanḓa hafhu, ri kha ḓi tea u tevhe dzela maga oṱhe a mutakalo. -",0.46242055 -this is absolutely necessary if we are to rebuild our economy and put this crisis behind us.,"mbuedzedzo kha vhusendekamisi ha afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed miri ya midzha karanda yo fhufhuma malu vha u mona na shango, i tshi sumbedza u thoma ha tshilimo. -",0.46242055 -"sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi khou kunda hiv na aids vukuzenzele unnamed musi ri tshi khou isa phanḓa na vhuḓidini hashu ha u langa dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, ri nga si thudzele kule dziṅwe khaedu dza mutakalo wa tshitshavha dzine shango ḽashu ḽo livhana nadzo. -",0.6809915 -"for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering. -","lwa miṅwaha i fhiraho ma humi mararu, shango ḽashu ḽo thoma nndwa i bvelaho phanḓa ya u lwa na hiv na aids, yo vhangaho u lozwea ha matshilo manzhi na vhukonḓi na u tambula huhulwane. -",0.67891407 -"since the outbreak of cov id19 in the country, with the nationwide lockdown and the pressure on our health facilities, many hiv , aids and tuberculosis services have suffered. -","u bva tshe covid19 ya thoma shangoni, nyiledzo ya u tshimbila u mona na shango na mutsiko kha zwiimiswa zwashu zwa mutakalo, vhunzhi ha tshumelo dza hiv, aids na lufhiha dzo vha na u kundelwa. -",0.72662544 -"this has posed a challenge for people testing and starting antiretroviral treatment. -","hezwi zwo ḓisa khaedu kha vhathu vha itaho ndingo na kha vha thomaho na dzilafho ḽa u shumisa philisi u thivhela hiv na aids. -",0.48471582 -"many people found it difficult to collect their medicines and fewer people accessed other services, such as voluntary male medical circumcision. -","vhunzhi ha vhathu zwo vha konḓela u ya u phakha mishonga yavho ngeno hu na vhaṱukuṱuku vho konaho u swikelela dziṅwe tshumelo, dzi ngaho u ḓina ngela u fumbiswa sibadela ha vhathu vha tshinnani. -",0.5454655 -"at the same time, there are many lessons that have been learnt from our public health response to the coronavirus pandemic that can strengthen our fight against hiv and tb. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho tshithihi, huna ngudo nnzhi dzo gudwaho kha phindulo yashu ya mutakalo wa tshitshavha malugana na dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona zwine zwa nga khwaṱhisedza nndwa yashu ya u lwa na hiv na tb. -",0.5816475 -"south africa continues to have the largest number of people living with hiv in the world. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi isa phanḓa na u vha na tshivhalo tshihulwanesa tsha vhathu vhane vha khou tshila na hiv ḽifhasini. -",0.5212373 -"it is encouraging, however, that over the last decade we made progress in reducing the number of new hiv infections in the population by nearly 60%. -","naho zwo raho, zwi a ṱuṱuwedza zwa uri miṅwahani ya fumi yo fhiraho ro vha na mvelaphanḓa ye ra i ita kha u fhungudza tshivhalo tsha u kavhiwa huswa nga hiv nga tshivhalo tshi ṱoḓaho u swika 60%. -",0.5457315 -"it is also encouraging that hiv infections in adolescent girls and young women have significantly declined in the last decade. -","zwi a dovha zwa ṱuṱuwedza uri u kavhiwa nga hiv kha vhasidzana vha thangana ya murole na vhafumakadzi vhaṱuku ho fhungudzea vhukuma kha miṅwaha ya fumi yo fhiraho. -",0.48601073 -"this is a crucial group because they are much more likely to be at risk of getting hiv . -","hetshi ndi tshigwada tsha ndeme ngauri vha dzulela u vha kha khombo ya u kavhiwa nga hiv. -",0.55738103 -"our treatment programme has contributed to a reduction in the number of deaths due to aids by 60%. -","mbekanyamushumo yashu ya dzilafho yo shela mulenzhe kha u fhungudza tshivhalo tsha dzimpfu dzo vhangwaho nga aids nga 60%. -",0.38487527 -"there has been a greater reduction in hivrelated deaths among young people. -","ho vha na phungudzeo khulwane vhukuma ya mpfu dzi tshimbilelanaho na hiv kha vhaswa. -",0.5208942 -"it was possible to reduce the number of deaths because we, together with our partners, have rolled out an extensive antiretroviral programme reaching millions of people living with the disease. -","zwo vha zwi tshi konadzea u fhungudza tshivhalo tsha dzimpfu ngauri, musi ro ṱangana na vhashumisani vhashu, ro thoma mbekanyamushumo khulwane ya dzilafho ḽa u shumisa philisi u thivhela hiv na aids yo swikelelaho dzimiḽioni dza vhathu vhane vha khou tshila vha na vhulwadze. -",0.4968585 -"at the beginning of the decade, our programme to prevent mother to child transmission (pmtct) of hiv had very low coverage. -","mathomoni a miṅwaha iyo ya fumi, mbekanyamushumo yashu ya u thivhela u pfukela ha vhulwadze ha hiv u bva kha mme u ya kha ṅwana (pmtct) yo vha na tswikelelo ya fhasi. -",0.21092537 -"now we have one of the highest rates of coverage of pmtct in southern africa, which has substantially reduced rates of infection among children. -","zwazwino ri na phimo ya nṱhesa ya tswikelelo ya pmtct ngei tshipembe ha afrika, zwine zwo fhungudza phimo ya u kavhiwa kha vhana. -",0.6817413 -"while we have reduced deaths and new infections, we still are far from reaching the goal we committed ourselves in 2016 of achieving a 75% reduction in hiv infections by 2020. if we succeed in doing so, we are likely to end aids as a public health threat by 2030. unfortunately, we are not there yet. -","musi ro kona u fhungudza dzimpfu na u kavhiwa huswa, ri kha ḓi vha kule na u swikelela tshipikwa tshe ra ḓikumedzela riṋe vhaṋe nga 2016 tsha u swikelela 75% ya u fhungudzea ha u kavhiwa nga hiv nga 2020. arali ra nga swikelela kha u ita izwo, ri nga kona u fhelisa aids sa tshutshedzo ya mutakalo wa tshitshavha nga 2030. mashudumavhi, a ri athu swika. -",0.67111576 -"we have to do far more to ensure that young people are empowered to prevent infections, including through changing behaviour, accessing condoms and testing regularly. -","ri khou tea u ita zwinzhi kha u vhona uri vhaswa vho manḓafhadzwa kha u thivhela u kavhiwa, hu tshi katelwa nga kha u shandukisa vhuḓifari, u wana dzikhondomu na u dzulela u ita ndingo. -",0.3282432 -"we need to make sure that everyone who is infected has access to treatment and care. -","ri khou tea u vhona uri muṅwe na muṅwe o kavhiwaho u a kona u swikelela dzilafho na ndondolo. -",0.48234594 -"we need to work harder on hiv prevention among key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs. -","ri khou tea u shuma vhukuma kha u thivhela hiv vhukati ha zwitshavha zwoṱhe zwa ndeme, hu tshi katelwa vha u rengisa mivhili, vhanna vha dzekanaho na vhaṅwe vhanna ngavho, na vhathu vha shumisaho zwidzidzivhadzi. -",0.2958355 -"we must end the stigma and discrimination towards these populations. -","ri tea u fhelisa vhuwamuvula na khethululo kha zwitshavha izwi. -",0.43524075 -"we cannot hope to end hiv if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population. -","ri nga si vhe na fulufhelo ḽa u fhelisa hiv arali ra thudzela kule ṱhoḓea, mbilaelo na pfanelo dza tshipiḓa tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha tshitshavha tshashu. -",0.50302136 -"south africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young men to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv . -","afrika tshipembe ḽi khou tea u engedza vhuḓidini kha u fumbisa vhaṱhannga nga mushonga kana sibadela u itela u fhungudza khombo yavho ya u kavhiwa nga hiv. -",0.69466627 -"unsafe circumcision should not leave young men with lifelong health problems, and no one should die from circumcision. -","vhufumbisi vhu songo tsireledzeaho a vhu ngo tea u sia vhaṱhannga vha na thaidzo dza mutakalo dza tshifhinga tshilapfu, na uri a hu na ane a tea u lovha nga u fumbiswa. -",0.52469635 -"we must make sure that young men have safe circumcision. -","ri tea u vhona uri vhaṱhannga vha khou fumbiswa nga nḓila yo tsireledzeaho. -",0.4388891 -"we are encouraged by findings of a recent study on preexposure prophylaxis (prep). -","ro ṱuṱuwedzwa nga mawanwa a ngudo ya zwenezwino kha preexposure prophylaxis (prep). -",0.62749434 -"unlike antiretroviral treatment that is given to people who are hiv positive, prep involves the regular use of antiretroviral drugs by hiv negative people to prevention infection. -","zwi sa ngi zwa dzilafho ḽa u shumisa philisi u thivhela hiv na aids ḽine ḽa ṋewa vhathu vhare na hiv, prep i katela u shumiswa tshifhinga tshoṱhe ha philisi ya u thivhela hiv na aids nga vhathu vha si na hiv vha tshi itela u thivhela u kavhiwa. -",0.65398073 -"the study, conducted by scientists from the hiv prevention trials network, found that longacting injections once every eight weeks was better than the daily tablet used for hiv prevention. -","ngudo, yo itwaho nga vhorasaintsi vha bvaho kha nethiweke ya ndingo dza u thivhela hiv, yo wanulusa uri dzhegiseni ino shuma tshifhinga tshilapfu ya luthihi nga murahu ha vhege dza malo i khwiṋe kha philisi dza ḓuvha na ḓuvha dzi shumiswaho kha u thivhela hiv. -",0.4974637 -"these findings have the potential to significantly strengthen our response to the epidemic. -","mawanwa aya a na khonadzeo ya u khwaṱhisedza zwihulu phindulo yashu kha u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze vhu pfukelaho. -",0.39088657 -"if we are to succeed in ending aids as a public health threat within the next decade, we need to combine these medical breakthroughs with fundamental changes in behaviour. -","arali ri tshi ḓo bvelela kha u fhelisa aids sa tshutshedzo ya mutakalo wa tshitshavha kha miṅwaha ya fumi i ḓaho, ri khou tea u ṱanganya miphuletshedzo iyi ya dzilafho khathihi na tshanduko dza mutheo kha vhuḓifari. -",0.59183145 -"we also need to tackle the economic and social conditions that contrib ute to high rates of infection. -","ri tea u dovha hafhu ra tandulula nyimele dza ikonomi na matshilisano dzi shelaho mulenzhe kha phimo dza nṱha dza u kavhiwa. -",0.30508474 -"one of our central tasks is to empower adolescent girls and young women, educationally, economically and socially. -","muṅwe wa mishumo yashu ya ndeme ndi u manḓafhadza vhasidzana vha thangana ya murole na vhafumakadzi vhaṱuku, kha pfunzo, kha zwa ikonomi na kha zwa matshilisano. -",0.6082974 -"they need to be able to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives, including their sexuality and sexual behaviour. -","vha tea u kona u ḓidzhiela tsheo nga vhone vhaṋe kha sia ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽa vhutshilo havho, hu tshi katelwa zwi kwamaho mbeu yavho na vhuḓifari havho kha zwa vhudzekani. -",0.47550005 -"ultimately, we will achieve the end of aids through the empowerment of young people, women and other people at risk. -","mafheleloni azwo, ri ḓo swikelela u fhela ha aids nga kha u manḓafhadzwa ha vhaswa, vhafumakadzi na vhaṅwe vhathu vha re khomboni. -",0.5923159 -"this includes empowerment through access to information, advice and support. -","hezwi zwi katela u manḓafhadzwa nga kha tswikelelo ya mafhungo, tsivhudzo na thikhedzo. -",0.5421313 -"it includes access to education and economic opportunities, especially for young women. -","zwi katela tswikelelo kha pfunzo na zwikhala zwa ikonomi, nga mannḓa kha vhafumakadzi vhaṱuku. -",0.5287587 -"empowerment also means that every person must have access to testing, treatment and other health services. -","u manḓafhadzwa zwi dovha zwa amba uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u tea u swikelela u ita ndingo, dzilafho na dziṅwe tshumelo dza mutakalo. -",0.5135435 -"the people of south africa have come so far, endured so much and made such great progress in the fight against hiv , aids and tuberculosis. -","ri bva kule sa vhathu vha afrika tshipembe, u konḓelela zwinzhi na u vha na mvelaphanḓa khulwane kha u lwa na hiv, aids na lufhiha. -",0.7015371 -let us intensify both our resolve and our actions to confront and overcome aids once and for all.,"afrika tshipembe ḽi khou kunda hiv na aids vukuzenzele unnamed musi ri tshi khou isa phanḓa na vhuḓidini hashu ha u langa dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, ri nga si thudzele kule dziṅwe khaedu dza mutakalo wa tshitshavha dzine shango ḽashu ḽo livhana nadzo. -",0.7015371 -"a better 2021 for all south africans the first weeks of the year have been difficult for all south africans. -","ṅwaha wa 2021 wa khwiṋesa kha maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe vhege dza u thoma dza ṅwaha uno dzo vha dzi lemelaho vhukuma kha maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe. -",0.5032042 -"vukuzenzele unnamed the coronavirus pandemic has gotten worse, with new infections increasing far faster and far higher than before. -","vukuzenzele unnamed dwadze ��a tshitzhili tsha corona ḽi khou ṋaṋa, na tshivhalo tsha vha kavhiwaho tshiswa tshi khou gonya nga u ṱavhanyedza nahone tshi nṱhesa u fhira na mathomoni. -",0.47442394 -"hospitals have been under great strain as more people have needed medical attention. -","zwibadela zwi nga fhasi ha mutsiko muhulu musi vhathu vhanzhi vha tshi khou ṱoḓa thuso ya dzilafho nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.4098249 -"while most economic sectors have been able to operate again for several months, it will take some time for the economy to recover and for lost jobs to be restored. -","musi sekhithara dza zwa ikonomi dzo kona u shuma hafhu lwa miṅwedzi yo vhalaho, zwi ḓo dzhia tshifhinga uri ikonomi i vuwe na uri mishumo yo lozweaho i vhuyedzedzwe. -",0.4431447 -"as the new year starts, many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their lives and livelihoods. -","musi ṅwaha muswa u tshi khou thoma, miṱa minzhi i kha ḓi tshenzhema masiandaitwa a dwadze kha matshilo avho na kha maitele a u kona u ḓitshidza.ḽifhasi zwazwino ḽi khou dzhena kha ṅwaha wa vhuvhili wa dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona. -",0.46332768 -"the world is now entering the second year of the coronavirus pandemic. -","kha afrika tshipembe, na kha vhunzhi ha maṅwe mashango u mona na ḽifhasi, ṅwaha wa 2021 u khou ḓa u vha khaedu khulwane vhukuma. -",0.49889392 -"for south africa, as for most countries around the world, the year 2021 will be extremely challenging. -","gabelo ḽa vhuvhili ḽa u kavhiwa nga vhulwadze ha covid19 ḽi nga kha ḓi tevhelwa nga maṅwe magabelo, ane a ḓo kwama zwoṱhe, mutakalo wa vhathu vhashu na mvusuludzo ya ikonomi. -",0.5029107 -"the second wave of covid19 infections may well be followed by further waves, which will threaten both the health of our people and the recovery of our economy. -","naho ṅwaha uyu u tshi ḓo konḓa, ndi na vhuṱanzi ha uri ri ḓo kunda dwadze na u vhea shango ḽashu kha nḓila yo khwaṱhaho ya mvusuludzo. -",0.19558881 -"difficult as this year will be, i am certain that we will overcome the pandemic and set our country firmly on the path to recovery. -","fulufhelo ḽanga ḽi bva kha vhathu vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.48022026 -"my confidence comes from the south african people. -","musi ndi tshi sedza nḓila ye maafrika tshipembe vha fhindula ngayo kha tshiwo itshi u bva musi tshitzhili tshi tshi swika kha shango ḽashu, a thi timatimi na luthihi uri ri a kona u konḓelela, u ḓifara na u vha na vhukoni ha u kunda vhulwadze uvhu. -",0.4022156 -"if i look at how south africans responded to this crisis from the moment the virus arrived on our shores, i have no doubt that we have the resilience, discipline and ability to defeat this disease. -","ndi ngoho ho ḓi vha na zwe zwi sa tshimbile nga ngona, fhedzi vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe vho kona u pfesesa ṱhoḓea dza nyiledzo ya u tshimbila na miṅwe mishumo, vha tevhedza milayo ye ra i vhea. -",0.5745374 -"certainly there were exceptions, but the vast majority of south africans understood the need for restrictions on their movement and activities, and complied with the regulations that we had to put in place. -","zwa vhuṱhogwa vhukuma u fhira na vhutevhedzeli, ndi uri vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe vho dzhia vhuḓifhinduleli u itela vhone vhaṋe na vhaṅwe vhathu, u tevhedza ngeletshedzo kha mafhungo a fanaho na u vha kule na kule na muṅwe muthu, u ambara masiki na u ṱamba zwanḓa. -",0.58859444 -"even more important than compliance, most south africans took responsibility for themselves and for others, following advice on issues like social distancing, wearing a mask and hand washing. -","he ra kundelwa hone, nga mbiluvhuṱungu, ro vhona masiandaitwa azwo. -",0.57168967 -"and where we fell short, we have, sadly, seen the consequences. -","zwazwino ri vho ḓivha khovhakhombo dza fhethu ho valeaho hu sa dzheni muya zwavhuḓi na maguvhangano o ḓalesaho vhathu, dza u sa ambara masiki na u sa vha kule na kule na muṅwe muthu . -",0.40873528 -"we now know about the risks of closed spaces and crowded gatherings, of not wearing masks and not keeping our distance from others. -","hezwi ndi tshiga tshavhuḓi kha ṅwaha u re phanḓa hashu. -",0.45866662 -"this bodes well for the year ahead. -","zwazwino ri vho ḓivha zwinzhi nga ha vhulwadze na uri ri vhu thivhela hani uri vhu si phaḓalale. -",0.29675108 -"we now know much more about the disease and how to prevent its spread. -","naho hu na zwine muthu a nga zwi vhidza uri 'maneto a dwadze' ri khou isa phanḓa na u ḓiimisela sa maafrika tshipembe u ita zwine zwa khou tea u itwa. -",0.4557158 -"and despite what one could call ‘pandemic fatigue’, we are no less determined as south africans to do what needs to be done. -","musi ri tshi khou tevhedza nga vhuronwane vhukuma maga a mutheo wa thivhelo, ri ḓo vha ri tshi khou thoma fulo ḽihulwane vhukuma ḽa ṋetshedzo ya khaelo. -",0.50720626 -"as we adhere even more rigorously to the basic prevention measures, we will also be rolling out a mass vaccination campaign. -","musi vhathu vhanzhi vha tshi khou haelwa, ri ḓo vhulunga matshilo ra dovha ra kona u bvelela kha u fhungudza khovhakhombo ya u kavhiwa nga tshitzhili u mona na tshitshavha. -",0.49574384 -"as more and more people are vaccinated, we will both save lives and progressively reduce the risk of infection across the population. -","u wana khaelo dzo linganaho nga u ṱavhanyedza – na u khwaṱhisedza uri dzi swika kha vhathu vhane vha khou dzi ṱoḓa –zwi ḓo vha muṅwe wa mishumo mihulwanesa ya ṅwaha. -",0.16308725 -"getting enough vaccines as quickly as possible – and making sure that they reach the people who need them – will be one of the biggest tasks of the year. -","hezwi zwi ḓo vha khaedu nga maanḓa saizwi shango ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽi tshi khou ṱavha mukosi wa u wana nḓisedzo yo pimiwaho ya khaelo. -",0.38167125 -"this will be particularly challenging as every country in the world is clamouring to secure a limited supply of vaccines. -","fhedzi ri khou shuma nga maanḓa na vhashumisani kha mabindu, vhashumi na vhadzulapo u itela u vhona uri hezwi zwi khou konadzea. -",0.46179873 -"but we are hard at work with partners in business, labour and civil society to make this happen. -","ri khou shuma na vhurangaphanḓa ho vhalaho u wana khaelo, hu tshi katelwa nga kha tshiimiswa tsha covax tsha ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe, vhurangeli ha mbumbano ya afrika na nga kha nyambedzano dzashu na vhabveledzi vha khaelo. -",0.4560098 -"we are working on several fronts to get vaccines, including through the global covax facility, the african union initiative and through our own engagements with vaccine manufacturers. -","musi ri tshi khou shumisana roṱhe u kunda dwadze, ri ḓo tea u shumisana roṱhe u fhaṱa nga huswa na u shandukisa ikonomi yashu. -",0.52360934 -"as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy. -","ri na vhukoni ra dovha ra vha na lutamo lwa u ṱuṱuwedza mushumo wa zwa ikonomi, u alusa ikonomi na u sika mishumo. -",0.5607608 -"we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs. -","ra dovha hafhu ra vha na lutamo lwa u ita izwi musi ri vhukati ha dwadze. -",0.49015713 -"and to do so in the midst of a pandemic. -","masheleni a tshitshavha a nga fhasi ha mutsiko muhulu, nga maanḓa zwino u fhira na mathomoni ngauri mbadelo dza thusedzo ya mutakalo washu kha covid19 na maga a ṱhaḓulo kha zwa ikonomi na matshilisano ro a vhea u itela u thusa mabindu na miṱa i shayaho. -",0.40278888 -"public finances are under extreme strain, now even more so because of the cost of our health response to covid19 and the social and economic relief measures we put in place to assist businesses and poor households. -","u tsela fhasi ha ikonomi na zwone zwi amba uri mbuelo dza muthelo dzo tsa zwihulwane vhukuma. -",0.565677 -"the contraction of the economy also meant that tax revenue has declined significantly. -","hu na zwiṅwe zwipiḓa zwa ikonomi zwine zwa ḓo dzhia tshifhinga tshilapfu u vuwa nga vhanga ḽa ṱhoḓea ya ḽifhasi nga u angaredza yo tselaho fhasi na nga nyiledzo dza u tshimbila dza mashango a dzitshaka. -",0.4898145 -"there are some parts of the economy that will take longer to recover due to lower global demand generally and restrictions on international travel. -","ndi ngazwo ri tshi tea u vha na vhutumbuli na u sedza vhukuma kha pulane yashu ya u fhaṱa nga huswa ikonomi yashu. -",0.50356734 -"that is why we need to be innovative and focused in our plans to rebuild the economy. -","tsha vhuṱhogwa, pulane ya mvusuludzo na u fhaṱa nga huswa ikonomi yashu ye ra i ḓivhadza nga tshimedzi ṅwaha wo fhiraho yo ḓitika nga thendelano yo ṱanḓavhuwaho vhukati ha vhashumisani vha matshilisano vhoṱhe kha mushumo u khou ṱoḓeaho u itela u vusuludza ikonomi nga huswa. -",0.34858036 -"significantly, the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we announced in october last year is based on broad consensus among all social part ners on the actions needed to rebuild the economy. -","hezwi zwi vhea mutheo wo khwaṱhaho wa tshumisano i shumaho ine ya bva kha zwiko, vhukoni na nungo zwa khethekanyo dzoṱhe dza tshitshavha. -",0.5747465 -"this lays a firm basis for effective cooperation that draws on the resources, capabilities and energies of all sections of society. -","ri khou vhona hezwi kha zwithu zwine zwa khou itwa zwo fhambanaho. -",0.4469642 -"we are seeing this in various practical ways. -","sa tsumbo, ri khou shuma tsini na tsini na vhalambedzi vha phuraivethe na zwiimiswa zwa mveledziso zwinzhi zwo fhambanaho u dzudzanya thandela dza themamveledziso kha masia a vhuendi, vhudzulo ha vhathu, maḓi na vhudavhidzani ha muyani. -",0.24120604 -"for example, we have been working closely with private funders and multilateral development institutions to prepare infrastructure projects in areas like transport, human settlements, water and telecommunications. -","hu tshi khou shumiswa tshikwama tsha themamveledziso sa tshiṅwe tsha zwiendedzi, ri khou bveledzisa mimodele ya ndambedzo u itela thandela idzi dzine dza bva kha zwiko zwo fhambanaho zwa sekhithara dza phuraivethe na dza muvhuso. -",0.583915 -"using the infrastructure fund as one of the vehicles, we are developing funding models for these projects that draw on several sources in both the public and private sectors. -","hezwi ndi zwa vhuṱhogwa nga maanḓa nga tshifhinga tshine masheleni a tshitshavha a vha maṱuku. -",0.53914154 -"this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited. -","tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo tsha muphuresidennde ndi iṅwe ya tsumbo ya tshumisano kha mushumo. -",0.4089092 -"the presidential employment stimulus is another example of partnership in action. -","ri tshi khou pfesesa uri zwi ḓo dzhia tshifhinga uri nyaluwo ya ikonomi i shanduke i vhe mushumo wa sekhithara ya phuraivethe, ro rwela ṱari tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha vhusikamushumo u itela u thoma u sika zwikhala zwa mishumo zwino. -",0.49225283 -"understanding that it will take time for economic growth to translate into private sector employment, we have launched the employment stimulus to start creat ing work opportunities now. -","mbekanyamushumo iyi i khou konanywa u bva kha ofisi ya muphuresidennde, fhedzi i khou shumiswa nga mihasho ya muvhuso yo fhambanaho na madavhi o fhambanaho. -",0.5248329 -"this programme is being coordinated from the presiden cy, but is being implemented by a range of government departments and different spheres. -","nga mbekanyamushumo iyi, fumi ḽa zwigidi zwa vhathu vha shayaho mushumo vha a kona u hola na u guda sa musi vha tshi khou ṋetshedza tshumelo dza matshilisano dza ndeme. -",0.47509468 -"through this programme, tens of thousands of unemployed people are able to both earn and learn as they provide valuable social services. -","nga tshifhinga, mbekanyamushumo iyi i ḓo katela tshipiḓa tsha 'mishumo ya matshilisano' hune ra ḓo farisana na vhaṅwe vhashumeli vha zwa matshilisano u thola vhathu kha mishumo ya tshaka dzo fhambanaho – u bva kha u khwiṋisa tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, u ya kha u lwa na khakhathi dzo ḓitikaho nga mbeu na u ya kha khwiṋifhadzo ya madzulo a songo dzudzanywaho – zwoṱhe zwi shela mulenzhe kha u bveledza zwivhuya zwi vhuedzaho vhathu vhoṱhe. -",0.49933106 -"in time, this programme will include a ‘social employment’ part, where we will partner with other social actors to employ people in a variety of activities – from improving food security, to tackling genderbased violence to upgrading informal settlements – that all contribute to the common good. -","mushumo uyu woṱhe u khou khwaṱhiswa nga ndavheleso ya vhuhali kha mvusuludzo ya ikonomi ine ya ḓo vha na ndavheleso khulwanesa kha nyaluwo. -",0.5880307 -"all this work is being reinforced by an aggressive focus on those economic reforms that will have the greatest focus on growth. -","hezwi zwi katela ṱhanḓavhudzo ya nḓadzo ya mveledzo ya muḓagasi, u itela uri vhuimangalavha na vhukavhamabupo vhu shume zwavhuḓi na u kona u ṱaṱisana na ha maṅwe mashango, u khwiṋisa tswikelelo kha zwirathisi zwo angalalaho zwi swikeleleaho, u khwiṋisa zwifhinga zwa u khunyeledza ḽaisentsi ya maḓi, ya u gwa migodi na dza zwiṅwe. -",0.5126282 -"these include the expansion of electricity generation capacity, making our ports more efficient and competitive, improving access to affordable broadband, and improving turnaround times for water, mining and other licenses. -","vhuḓidini uvhu vhu khou konanywa na u lavheleswa zwo ṱangana nga ofisi yanga na vhufaragwama ha lushaka. -",0.60890657 -"these efforts are being coordinated and monitored jointly by my office and national treasury. -","hu na zwinzhi zwine zwa kha ḓi tea u itwa ṅwahani uno. -",0.2920808 -"there is much to be done in the year ahead. -","ri songo vhuya ra timatima uri ri ḓo tea u livhana na khaedu nnzhi dzi konḓaho. -",0.27121484 -"and we should be in no doubt that we will have to confront many daunting challenges. -","fhedzi ro zwi sumbedza uri, sa lushaka , ri a kona u bvelela musi ri tshi khou shumisana roṱhe u bveledza nḓivho i vhuedzaho roṱhe. -",0.36236188 -"but we have shown that, as a nation, we are able to succeed when we work together in pursuit of a common purpose. -","arali ra nga humbula izwo, na uri arali ra nga shumisa vhuthihi hashu, ri ḓo khwaṱhisedza uri ṅwaha wa 2021 u ḓisa mutakalo na matshilo a khwiṋe kha vhathu vhashu vhoṱhe. -",0.4846061 -"if we remember that, and if we put our unity into action, we will ensure that 2021 brings better health and better lives to all our people. -","ṅwaha wa 2021 wa khwiṋesa kha maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe vhege dza u thoma dza ṅwaha uno dzo vha dzi lemelaho vhukuma kha maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe. -",0.4846061 -"an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end. -","ndi khuliso vhukuma u ranga phanḓa mbumbano ya afrika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed themo ya afrika tshipembe ya u vha murangaphanḓa wa mbumbano ya afrika yo swika magumoni. -",0.73496604 -"as we reflect on our year in this position, i am reminded of the old saying that ‘in crisis lies opportunity’. -","sa zwe ra sumbedza kha uvhu vhuimo nga ṅwaha washu, ndi khou humbu dzwa nga ha maambele a kale a uri ‘kha tshiwo hu na tshikhala’. -",0.5057596 -"ours was a baptism of fire, having assumed the chairship in the same month the first case of coronavirus was reported on the continent. -","tshashu tshikhala tsho vha tshi konḓaho, ro ri u wana tshikhala tsha u ranga phanḓa kha ṅwedzi wonoyo ha mbo ḓi vha na tshiwo tsho vhigwaho tsha tshitzhili tsha corona kha dzhango. -",0.5692818 -"the priorities we outlined for our term, among them furthering peace and security, the economic empowerment of women and deepening economic integration, had to be immediately and dramatically reoriented to deal with the pandemic. -","zwipikwa zwe ra zwi vhetshela themo yashu, zwine vhukati hazwo ha vha na u isa phanḓa mulalo na tsireledzo, u maanḓafhadzwa ha ikonomi ya vhafumakadzi na u engedzedza ṱhanganyo ya ikonomi, zwo fanela u vha zwo vhetshelwa kule na zwezwezwo u itela u thoma ha lwiwa na dwadze. -",0.6027332 -"our most pressing task was to steer the focus of the african union to addressing the worst global emergency in over a century. -","mushumo washu muhulwane wo vha u wa u livhisa vhuḓikumedzeli ha mbumbano ya afrika kha u haseledza nga ha tshiimo tsha shishi tsho kalulaho tsha ḽifhasi kha miṅwaha ya ḓana. -",0.583042 -"covid19 has affected all the countries on the continent. -","covid19 yo kwama mashango oṱhe kha dzhango. -",0.6111767 -"to date there are more than 3.5 million confirmed cases in africa, and more than 88,000 people have died. -","u swika zwino hu na tshivhalo tshi fhiraho 3.5 miḽioni tsha u kavhiwa ho khwaṱhisedzwaho afrika, nahone vhathu vha fhiraho 88,000 vho no lovha nga ṅwambo wa iḽi dwadze. -",0.6473769 -"it has been a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis for african countries, most of whom are inadequately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size. -","tshovha tshiwo tsha zwa mutakalo, zwa vhutusavhathu, zwa matshilisano na zwa ikonomi kha mashango a afrika, nga maanḓesa mashango ane a kundelwa u wana thuso ya zwishumiswa u itela u langa tshiimo tsha mutakalo tsha shishi tshingafha. -",0.6269921 -"and yet, as unprecedented as the nature of the pandemic has been, so too has been the manner in which african countries have come together to fight it. -","naho zwo ralo, naho tshivhumbeo tsha dwadze tsho vha nga nḓila i sa athu u vhonwa, na zwenezwi zwo vha maitele ane mashango a afrika a ṱangana u itela u lwisana na dwadze. -",0.52872795 -"in doing so we have drawn principally on the continent’s own expertise, capabilities and institutions such as the africa centres for disease control and prevention (africa cdc). -","nga u ita izwo ro sendela zwihulu kha vhukoni ha dzhango ḽone ḽiṋe, vhukoni ho fanelaho na zwiimiswa zwi fanaho na senthara dza afrika dza ndango na thivhelo ya vhulwadze (afrika cdc). -",0.60449183 -"africa did not sit by passively as the true extent and danger of the pandemic unfurled. -","afrika a ḽi ngo dzula ḽa peta zwanḓa musi vhuhulu ha vhukuma na khombo ya dwadze zwo bvelela. -",0.61630034 -"from the earliest days of the pandemic and led by the au, we swiftly developed a continental response strategy, driven by the africa cdc and regional task forces. -","u bva mathomoni a dwadze nga fhasi ha vhurangaphanḓa ha au, ro bveledzisa nga u ṱavhanya ḽiano ḽa u fhindula ḽa dzhango, ḽe ḽa vha ḽi tshi khou tshimbidzwa nga afrika cdc na zwigwada zwa mmbi dza mushumo wa dzingu. -",0.6424378 -"we realised that every country on the continent would be severely affected by the pandemic. -","ro limuha zwa uri shango ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe kha dzhango ḽi ḓo kwamea zwihulwane nga dwadze. -",0.44259542 -"most would not have the resources needed to meet the public health challenge or to protect their economies. -","vhunzhi ha mashango ha nga ḓo vha na zwishumiswa zwi no ṱoḓea u itela u swikelela khaedu dza mutakalo wa tshitshavha kana u tsireledza ikonomi dzao, ngauralo ro tendelana sa mashango a afrika u thola maafrika vhanzhi u fhira vha maṅwe madzhango sa vhaimeleli vha tshipentshela, vhane vha ḓo ambedzana na vhabadeli vha dzitshakatshaka na zwiimiswa zwo ṱanganelanaho u itela u ita uri zwi vhe nga fhasi ha thikhedzo ya masheleni na phalalo ya tshikolodo zwi tshi itelwa afrika. -",0.47352967 -"we therefore agreed as african countries to appoint several prominent africans as special envoys, who would engage with international funders and multilateral institutions to make the case for financial support and debt relief on africa’s behalf. -","nga iyi nḓila, nga u shumisana sa dzhango ḽithihi, ro kona u swikelela thusedzo ya mbadelo dza zwikolodo ya mashango manzhi na thusedzo ya masheleni malugana na phindulo dzashu kha covid19 na mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi. -",0.63166827 -"in this way, working as a one continent, we were able to achieve debt relief for many countries and financial assistance towards our covid response and economic recovery. -","naho mashango a afrika o ya kha tshitshavha tsha dzitshakatshaka u itela thikhedzo, ro thoma ra ḓithusa nga riṋe vhaṋe – u thoma na u ṋetshedza tshikwama tsha masheleni tsha phindulo ya covid19 ya dzhango. -",0.5762607 -"but much as african countries went to the international community for support, we first helped ourselves – establishing and capitalising a continental covid19 response fund. -","malugana na tshumisano iṅwe na iṅwe yo vhumbwaho na lushaka lwa lupfumo lwa khwiṋe na lushaka lwa vhaṋetshedzi vha dzitshakatshaka, ro ḓivhetshela vhutumbuli na puḽatifomo i simulaho ya ṋetshedzo ya dzilafho ya afrika u itela u konisa mashango oṱhe a afrika uri a wane tshishumiswa tsha u ḓitsireledza nga u ṱavhanya na dziṅwe nḓisedzo dza dzilafho nga maitele a sa dzhiiho sia nahone a swikeleleaho. -",0.54247546 -"for every partnership forged with betterresourced nations and the international donor community, we set up our own innovative and groundbreaking african medical supplies platform to enable all african countries to quickly secure personal protective equipment and other medical supplies in an equitable, affordable manner. -","zwazwino ngauri khaelo ya covid19 i hone, ro shuma sa tshigwada u khwaṱhisedza uri dzhango ḽi wana mukovhe waḽo u sa dzhiiho sia, musi ri tshi khou shumisana na tshiimiswa tsha covax ro rangwa phanḓa nga tshigwada tsha mushumo wa u wana khaelo tsha afrika. -",0.6361935 -"and now that the covid19 vaccine is available, we have worked as a collective to ensure that the continent gets its fair share, working with the covax facility and led by our own african vaccine acquisition task team. -","phaḓaladzo ya khaelo yo no thoma dzhangoni nahone ri khou tama u vha na vhunzhi ha vhadzulapo vho haelwaho kha dzhango mafheloni a ṅwaha wa 2021 u itela u swikelela tshipikwa tsha u haelwa ha tshivhalo tsha vhathu vhanzhi. -",0.5052749 -"vaccine rollout has already commenced on the continent and we aspire to have the majority of the continent’s population vaccinated by the end of 2021 to achieve herd immunity. -","ro shuma ri tshithu tshithihi u itela u tsireledza mutakalo, vhathu na vhuḓitshidzi kha dzhango. -",0.5283447 -"we have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent. -","nga u ita nga u ralo, ro sumbedza vhukoni hashu u itela vhuḓifulufheli hashu riṋe vhaṋe na vhukoni hashu ha u vha vhatshaeli vha mveledziso ya riṋe vhaṋe. -",0.4504999 -"in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development. -","naho ri fhasi ha ndango ya covid19 , ro kona u vhea mbadelophanḓa kha vhunzhi ha zwipikwa zwashu zwa u thoma. -",0.51372313 -"despite the dominance of covid19, we have still managed to make advances in several of our key priorities. -","nga tshifhinga tsha themo yashu, fhethu ha mbambadzo ya mahala ya dzhango ḽa afrika (afcfta), ho fhedzisela ho rwelwa ṱari, u sumbedza tshifhinga tshiswa tsha mbambadzo vhukati ha madzingu a afrika a re na ṱhoḓea khulwane ya zwiḽiwa na ṱhanganyiso ya ikonomi. -",0.5263583 -"during our term, the africa continental free trade area (afcfta) was finally launched, heralding a new era of intraafrican trade and economic integration. -","na nga fhasi ha zwiimo zwi konḓaho zwo ḓiswaho nga dwadze, dzhango ḽo bvela phanḓa na u lwela u swikelela nḓivho ya ‘u fhungudza vhushayamishumo kha vhaswa’ ya dzhango. -",0.52672136 -"even under the difficult conditions posed by the pandemic, the continent has pushed ahead with towards the goal of ‘silencing the guns’ on the continent. -","au yo dzheniswa nga maanḓa kha nyambedzano u mona na grand ethiopian renaissance dam, kha u swikelela u imisa dzinndwa kha ḽa libya na u bveledza mulalo ngei republic of south sudan. -",0.57722557 -"the au has been actively involved in negotiations around the grand ethiopian renaissance dam, in achieving a ceasefire in libya and promoting peace in south sudan. -","iṅwe ndavheleso kha themo yashu yo vha i ya u maanḓafhadza ikonomi ya vhafumakadzi, zwine ra ḓo bvela phanḓa na u zwi ita nga murahu ha themo yashu na kha miṅwaha ya fumi ya mukatelo wa zwa masheleni na ikonomi ya vhafumakadzi vha afrika u swika nga ṅwaha wa 2030. musi ri tshi khou ṋetshedza mbaḓana shango ḽa democratic republic of congo (drc) ri sia muimeleli wa bodo khulwane ya dzhango kha vhuimo ho dziaho. -",0.6179193 -"another focus of our term has been on the economic empowerment of women, which we will continue to champion even beyond our term and throughout the decade of african women’s financial and economic inclusion to 2030. as we hand over the baton to the democratic republic of congo (drc) we leave this preeminent continental body in a position of greater strength. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi ḓo isa phanḓa na u ita mushumo waḽo wa u bveledza ṱhanganyo kha dzhango, na u tikedza murangaphanḓa a khou ḓaho na dzangano kha vhuḓikumedzeli haḽo ha u swikekela madzangalelo a adzhenda ya au ya 2063. musi dzangano ḽa mbumbano ya afrika ḽo no thomiwa nga ṅwaha wa 1963, miraḓo ya muvhuso vho ṱavha mbeu ya tshumisano na vhuthihi u itela vhutshilo ha khwiṋe ha vhathu vhoṱhe vha afrika. -",0.6868527 -"south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au’s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa. -","vho khwaṱhisedza uri vhuthihi ha afrika ho vha vhu ha ndeme vhukuma arali vhulondoli na mutakalo wa vhathu vha afrika zwo vha zwi tshi khou fanela u khwaṱhisedzwa.ḓivhazwakale i sumbedza vhuṱanzi ha uri mbeu hedzi a dzi anzeli u wela kha mavu a aṋwaho, na uri lwa miṅwaha minzhi thandela ya vhuthihi ha dzhango yo tshenzhema mbambe nnzhi na mathomo ane a si vhe one. -",0.6720021 -"they affirmed that african unity was paramount if the welfare and wellbeing of africa’s people was to be assured. -","fhedzi tshutshedzo ya lufu yo ṋetshedzwaho nga iḽi dwadze yo livhisa mashango a afrika kha u shuma o ṱanganelana. -",0.55755585 -"history bears witness that these seeds have not always fallen on fertile ground, and over the years the continental unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts. -","musi ri vhukatini ha tshiwo tsha covid19 , mbeu ya vhuthihi na tshumisano ye ya ṱavhiwa nga vhomakhulukuku washu vhe vha ri vulela nḓila yo dovha hafhu ya tshila nahone yo engedzea. -",0.57132864 -"but the grave threat posed by this pandemic has galvanised african countries to collective action. -","tshifhinga itshi tsha ndingo khulwane na vhukonḓi tsho vha vhukati ha awara dza khwiṋesa dza au. -",0.5213835 -"in the hothouse of the covid19 crisis, the seeds of unity and cooperation planted by our pioneering forebears have come to life and flourished. -","ri khou pfa ro huliswa nga u ṋetshedzwa tshikhala tsha u ranga phanḓa dzangano nga itshi tshifhinga, musi zwo sumbedzwa nga nyito uri mbumbano ya afrika zwi amba mini. -",0.61400944 -"this time of great trial and difficulty has been among the au’s finest hours. -","ndi khuliso vhukuma u ranga phanḓa mbumbano ya afrika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed themo ya afrika tshipembe ya u vha murangaphanḓa wa mbumbano ya afrika yo swika magumoni. -",0.61400944 -" steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country. -","maga a u vusuludza ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed hu si kale hu ḓo vha ho fhela ṅwaha u bva tshe ha ḓivhadzwa tshiwo tsha tshitzhili tsha corona kha shango ḽashu. -",0.63689995 -"the pandemic has come at a great cost to both public health and the livelihoods of millions of our people. -","dwadze ḽo vhanga ndozwo khu lwane kha zwoṱhe, mu takalo wa tshitshavha na vhuḓitshidzi ha miḽioni dza vhathu vhashu. -",0.44704175 -"many workers lost part of their income as their work hours were reduced with many being retrenched. -","vhashumi vhanzhi vho lozwa tshipiḓa tsha mbuelo dzavho musi awara dzavho dza u shuma dzo fhungudzwa ngeno vhaṅwe vhanzhi vho tou fhelelwa nga mishumo. -",0.46782458 -"several businesses have incurred heavy losses from scaledback operations. -","mabindu manzhi o vha na ndozwo khulwane vhukuma nga vhanga ḽa phungudzo dza mishumo. -",0.46852404 -"others have had to close. -","maṅwe o vho ḓo tea u tou vala. -",0.29568738 -"people working in the informal sector have also suffered. -","vhathu vha shumaho kha sekhithara dza tshayanzudzanywa na vhone vho kwamea. -",0.36622947 -"most difficult of all, the pandemic has claimed the lives of breadwinners in many families, leaving them destitute and fearful for the future. -","tshi konḓaho u fhirisa zwoṱhe, dwadze ḽo dzhia matshilo a vhaunḓi kha miṱa minzhi, ḽa sia vhathu vha tshi shaya na u tshuwela vhumatshelo. -",0.5652469 -"this is why the extensive relief measures we put in place were both necessary and urgent. -","ndi ngazwo maga a ṱhaḓulo mahulwanesa e ra a dzudzanya o fanela nahone a a shishi. -",0.43817937 -"and, now that nearly a year has passed, we can say that these measures have proved effective. -","tshiṅwe hafhu, zwazwino ngauri ṅwaha wo no vha tsini na u fhela, ri nga amba zwa uri maga eneo o sumbedza a tshi shuma. -",0.34064275 -"of the full package of relief measures that we introduced, perhaps the two measures that had the greatest impact were the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and the unemployment insurance fund's (uif) covid19 temporary employer/employee relief scheme, generally known as covid ters. -","kha zwoṱhe zwi ṱoḓeaho kha maga a ṱhaḓulo e ra a ḓivhadza, khamusi maga mavhili e a vha na mvelelo khulwane vhukuma o vha ḽa mundende wa matshilisano wa covid19 na ḽa tshikimu tsha ṱhaḓulo ya tshifhinganyana ya mutholi/mutholiwa tsha uif tsha covid19, tshi ḓivheaho sa covid ters. -",0.711608 -"we would not have been able to roll out these measures in such a short space of time if we had not had an extensive social security infrastructure already in place. -","ro vha ri sa nga ḓo kona u ṋetshedza maga ayo nga kha tshifhinga tshiṱukuṱuku arali ro vha ri si na themamveledziso yo angalalaho ya tsireledzo ya matshilisano i khou shumaho. -",0.51849186 -"we were able to respond to this huge and immediate need in our society thanks to the substantial nationwide infrastructure and systems of the south african social security agency and the uif. -","ro kona u fhindula kha ṱhoḓea iyi khulwane vhukuma nga u ṱavhanyedza kha tshitshavha tshashu, ri livhuwa themamveledziso khulwane vhukuma ya shango ḽoṱhe na sisiṱeme ya zhendedzi ḽa tsireledzo ya matshilisano ḽa afrika tshipembe (sassa) na tshikwama tsha ndindakhombo ya vhushayamishumo (uif). -",0.6115276 -"there were certainly technical and other glitches along the way, but most of these were speedily resolved. -","ho ḓi vha na vhukhakhi kha kushumisele kwa zwithu na u khakhisea nyana hanefha nḓilani, fhedzi vhunzhi hazwo zwo lugiswa nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.40162468 -"these government agencies did outstanding work to enroll millions of new beneficiaries and ensure they were paid. -","mazhendedzi aya a muvhuso o ita mushumo wavhuḓi wa u ṅwalisa dzimiḽioni dza vhavhuelwa vhaswa na u khwaṱhisedza uri vho holelwa. -",0.52406436 -"the support provided by the uif was a lifeline to struggling businesses and employees. -","thikhedzo yo ṋetshedzwaho nga uif yo phulusa mabindu na vhashumi vha konḓelwaho. -",0.5836097 -"it made the difference between companies remaining open and being forced to close, between jobs saved and jobs lost. -","yo ita tshanduko vhukati ha khamphani dze dza sala dzi tshe dzo vula na dze dza vha dzi tshi khou kombetshedzea u vala, vhukati ha mishumo yo tsireledzwaho na mishumo yo lozweaho. -",0.46063122 -"this benefited businesses like sihle’s brew, a restaurant in gauteng, which was able to retain its 18 employees because of the ters scheme. -","mabindu o vhuelwaho u fana na sihle's brew, resitorente i re gauteng, ye ya kona u vhulunga vhashumi vhayo vha 18 nga thikhedzo ya tshikimu tsha ters. -",0.7389364 -"thanks to government support, mamoshal agae trading and projects, an autoelectrical business in mokopane, was able to pay its workers as well as its rent and rates during the lockdown. -","ndivhuwo kha thikhedzo ya muvhuso saizwi na mamoshalagae trading and projects, bindu ḽi shumaho nga sisiṱeme dza zwa muḓagasi kha dzigoloi ḽi wanalaho mokopane, na ḽone ḽo kona u badela vhashumi vhaḽo na rennde yaḽo na mbadelo dza masipala nga tshifhinga tsha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila. -",0.6854583 -"employees in dire straits were able to receive a portion of their salaries. -","vhashumi vhe vha vha vha kha nyimele dzi konḓaho vho kona u ṱanganedza tshipiḓa tsha miholo yavho. -",0.45306087 -"lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent. -","vho lindiwe ntuli vha ngei centurion, vho gudelaho zwa mulayo , vho ṱalutshedza uri u ṱanganedza mbuelo dzavho zwo vha konisa hani u shuma vhe hayani na u kona u badela rennde. -",0.64569855 -"there are many stories of companies that have been able to stay afloat over the past year because of the support they received from the uif. -","hu na zwiṱori zwinzhi zwa khamphani dze dza kona u bvela phanḓa na u shuma na u kona u badela vhashumi vhadzo kha ṅwaha wo fhiraho nga kha thikhedzo ye vha i wana u bva kha uif. -",0.3029425 -"the same can be said of the small businesses helped by the various grants and loans provided by a number of departments. -","zwi fanaho na zwenezwo zwi nga ambelwa mabindu maṱuku e a kona u thuswa nga mindende yo fhambananaho na khadzimiso dza masheleni dzo ṋetshedzwaho nga mihasho yo vhalaho. -",0.5030328 -"these measures greatly helped our people in their time of need. -","maga enea o thusa zwihulwane vhathu vhashu nga tshifhinga tsha musi vha tshi khou ṱoḓa thuso. -",0.3562369 -"as we transition from relief to recovery, we have to shift gear. -","musi ri tshi pfukela kha mvusuludzo u bva kha ṱhaḓulo, ri ḓo fanela u shandukisa maitele. -",0.5314132 -"while these relief measures were designed to be temporary, the economy will continue to feel the effects of the pandemic for some time. -","musi maga aya a ṱhaḓulo o vha o sikelwa u vha a tshifhinga nyana, ikonomi i ḓo isa phanḓa na u tshenzhema masiandaitwa a dwadze lwa tshifhinga nyana. -",0.43374324 -"even as lockdown restrictions have been eased, many companies are struggling to cope with the fallout of months of diminished operations and lost revenue. -","naho nyiledzo dza u tshimbila dzo fhungudzwa, khamphani nnzhi dzi khou konḓelwa u ya phanḓa na mushumo nga murahu ha mvelelo mmbi kha miṅwedzi ye ya fhela hu sa khou shumiwa na u xelelwa nga mbuelo. -",0.55830395 -"it is for this reason that, following extensive discussion with social partners at the national economic development and labour council the covid ters benefit has been extended until 15 march 2021 for sectors that have not been able to fully operate. -","ndi nga kha mbuno iyi uri, nga murahu ha nyambedzano yo angalalaho na vhashumisani na muvhuso vha khoro ya mveledziso ya mishumo na ikonomi ya lushaka (nedlac), mbuelo ya covid ters yo engedzwa u swika nga ḽa 15 ṱhafamuhwe 2021 u itela sekhithara dze dza sa kone u shuma lwo fhelelaho. -",0.6682226 -"the special covid grant has been extended for another three months. -","mundende wa tshipentshela wa covid19 wo engedzwa nga miṅwe miṅwedzi miraru. -",0.5207813 -"these remain shortterm measures. -","hezwi zwi dzula zwi maga a tshifhinga nyana. -",0.3364744 -"our focus now must be on creating an enabling environment for businesses to recover, and for economic growth that spurs job creation and attracts invest ment. -","ndavheleso yashu zwazwino i fanela u vha kha u sika vhupo vhu konisaho u itela uri mabindu a vhuelele, na u itela nyaluwo ya ikonomi ine ya ṱuṱuwedza u sikwa ha mishumo na u kunga vhubindudzi. -",0.61966103 -"the recovery will be difficult and will take time, not least because we are still in the midst of the pandemic. -","mvusuludzo i ḓo konḓa nahone i ḓo dzhia tshifhinga, zwihulwane ngauri ri kha ḓi vha vhukati ha dwadze. -",0.4294548 -"important as these relief measures are now, we will not be able to sustain them indefinitely. -","naho maga aya a ṱhaḓulo a a ndeme zwazwino, a ri nga ḓo kona u a bveledza u swika nga hu sa fheli. -",0.1538369 -"we need to make sure that these relief measures provide a firm foundation for a broader recovery without driving the country deeper into debt. -","ri fanela u vhona uri maga aya a ṱhaḓulo a ṋetshedza mutheo wo khwaṱhaho u itela mvusuludzo yo ṱanḓavhuwaho hu si na u dzhenisa shango tshoṱhe zwikolodoni. -",0.5598922 -"unless we can bring our national debt down to sustainable levels no meaningful economic recovery will be possible. -","nga nnḓa ha musi ri tshi nga kona u tsitsela fhasi tshikolodo tsha shango kha ḽeveḽe dzi langeaho a hu na mvusuludzo ya ikonomi i fushaho ine ya nga konadzea. -",0.5130023 -"our national consciousness must now move beyond the realm of relief into that of recovery, and we must all be part of this effort. -","vhuthihi hashu kha vhuṋe ha lushaka zwazwino hu fanela u pfuka kha sia ḽa ṱhaḓulo u ya kha ha mvusuludzo, nahone roṱhe ri fanela u vha tshipiḓa tsha vhuḓidini uvhu. -",0.1889025 -"as government, hard decisions on public spending will need to be made and implemented this year. -","sa muvhuso, tsheo dzi konḓaho kha masheleni a shumiswaho nga muvhuso dzi ḓo fanela u dzhiiwa nahone dza thoma u shuma honoyu ṅwaha. -",0.4446522 -"companies will need to be innovative in driving methods and processes that secure their sustainability and profitability, with job retention being their foremost consideration. -","khamphani dzi ḓo fanela u vha na vhutumbuli kha nḓila ya kutshimbidzele na maitele zwine zwa tsireledza mvelaphanḓa yo khwaṱhaho na vhukoni hadzo ha u wana mbuelo , hune u vhulungwa ha mishumo ha vha tshone tshithu tshihulwane tshi dzhielwaho nṱha. -",0.5656456 -"we must put our money back into our economy by buying local products, supporting local businesses and industrie and procuring from local suppliers. -","ri fanela u longela tshelede yashu hafhu kha ikonomi yashu nga u renga zwibveledzwa zwapo, u tikedza mabindu apo na nḓowetshumo dzapo na u renga kha vhaḓisedzi vha tshumelo vhapo. -",0.46353054 -"an injured patient with strong prospects for recovery is given regular phys ical therapy to help them get stronger until they can stand unaided. -","mulwadze o huvhalaho ane a vha na tshikhala tshihulwane tsha u fhola u ṋetshedzwa dzilafho ḽa zwa muvhili tshi fhinga tshoṱhe u itela uri a vhe na maanḓa u swikela a tshi nga kona u ima a sa thusiwi. -",0.6055283 -"so must these temporary relief measures be seen as the means to get our economy back on its feet. -","zworalo maga haya a ṱhaḓulo a tshifhinga nyana a fanela u vhonwa sa nḓila ya u vhuedzedza ikonomi yashu vhudzuloni. -",0.49838275 -"our ultimate goal is to walk again. -","tshipikwa tshashu tsha u fhedzisela ndi u kona u tshimbila hafhu. -",0.3855217 -"as a nation, let us all lend a hand. -","sa shango, roṱhe kha ri shele mulenzhe. -",0.41418356 -"let us be part of our own development and progress. -","kha ri vhe tshipiḓa tsha mveledziso na mvelaphanḓa yashu. -",0.29743588 -let us use the extended relief to drive a stronger recovery.,"maga a u vusuludza ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed hu si kale hu ḓo vha ho fhela ṅwaha u bva tshe ha ḓivhadzwa tshiwo tsha tshitzhili tsha corona kha shango ḽashu. -",0.29743588 -"a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities. -","tshumelo ya muvhuso ya maimo a nṱha vukuzenzele unnamed musi ndi tshi khethwa kha vhuimo ha u vha muphuresidennde wa afrika tshipembe, ndo amba zwa uri u fhaṱa mu vhuso u bvelelaho, u ko naho nahone wa mikhwa u si na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa zwo vha zwi tshiṅwe tsha zwa ndemesa kha nṋe. -",0.67587215 -"only a capable, efficient, ethical and developmentoriented state can deliver on the commitment to improve the lives of the people of this country. -","muvhuso u konaho, u bvelelaho, wa mikhwa na mveledziso fhedzi u nga shuma kha vhuḓikumedzeli ha u khwiṋisa matshilo a vhathu vha ḽino shango. -",0.55826366 -"this means that the public service must be staffed by men and women who are professional, skilled, selfless and honest. -","hezwi zwi amba uri tshumelo ya muvhuso i fa nela u langwa nga vhanna na vhafumakadzi vhane vha vha na vhukoni, zwikili na vhuḓiṋetshedzeli nahone vha fulufhedzeaho. -",0.5589495 -"they must be committed to upholding the values of the constitution, and must, as i said in my inaugural speech, ""faithfully serve no other cause than that of the public"". -","vha fanela u ḓikumedzela kha u tikedza pfanelo dza ndayotewa, vha dovha hafhu vha fanela, sa musi ndo zwi amba kha tshipitshi tshanga tsha u rwela ṱari, ""u shumela muvhuso nga u fu lufhedzea hu si na u shumela zwiṅwe"". -",0.5536826 -"over the past two weeks, public consultations have been underway on an important policy document that will give greater impetus to our efforts to bolster, strengthen and capacitate the civil service. -","kha vhege mbili dzo fhi raho, nyambedzano dza tshitshavha dzo vha hone malugana na ḽiṅwalo ḽa vhuṱhogwa ḽa mbekanya maitele ḽine ḽa ḓo ṋetshedza ṱhuṱhuwedzo khulwane kha vhuḓiimiseli hashu u itela u khwaṱhisa, u maanḓafhadza na u kona u langa tshumelo ya tshitshavha. -",0.33095592 -"the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit. -","mvetomveto ya u shu miswa ha muhanga wa lushaka kha vhuḓivhi ha tshumelo dza muvhuso i pika kha u fhaṱa muvhuso une wa shumela vhathu vha shu, wo tsireledzeaho kha u dzhenelela ha poḽotiki hu sa ṱoḓei na kha hune u tholwa ha vha ho itwa zwo fanela. -",0.5919647 -"the framework was approved by cabinet in november last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society are now underway. -","muhanga wo ṱanganedzwa nga khabinethe nga ḽara ṅwaha wo fhelaho nahone nyambedzano dzo dzudza nywaho na sekhithara dzo fhambanaho dza tshitshavha dzi nḓilani zwazwino. -",0.25740236 -"twentyseven years into democracy, it can be said of the public service that while several pockets of excellence exist, we have serious challenges in many government departments with regards to skills, competence and professionalism. -","miṅwaha ya fumbilisumbe ya demokirasi, zwi nga ambe lwa tshumelo ya muvhuso uri musi hu na vhukoni vhuṱukuṱuku vhu re hone, ri na khaedu khulwane kha mihasho minzhi ya mu vhuso malugana na zwikili, vhukoni na vhuḓivhi. -",0.5922967 -"all too often, people have been hired into and promoted to key positions for which they are neither suitable nor qualified. -","zwo no ḓi itea lunzhi, vha thu vha tholwa vha dovha hafhu vha fhiriselwa kha vhuimo ha phanḓa vhune a vhu ngo vha fanela kana a vha swikeli u vha khaho. -",0.32199252 -"this affects government performance, but also contributes to nepotism, political interference in the work of departments, lack of accountability, mismanagement and corruption. -","hezwi zwi kwama mas humele a muvhuso, fhedzi zwi dovha hafhu zwa shela mulenzhe kha tshiḓivhano, u dzhenelela ha poḽotiki kha mishumo ya mihasho, u shea ha vhuḓifhinduleli, u sa langwa zwone na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.64746404 -"there is also the related problem of political and executive interference in the administration of the public service. -","hu dovha hafhu ha vha na thaidzo i elanaho na u dzhe nelela ha poḽotiki na vhala nguli kha ndaulo ya tshu melo ya muvhuso. -",0.49059808 -"one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed. -","muthu u khou fanela u sedza kha u shayea ha vhudziki ha mihasho ya muvhuso musi vhalanguli vhahulwane vha tshi vhavhingwa kana u tshintshiwa tshifhinga tshoṱhe musi minisṱa a tshi tholwa. -",0.5428977 -"directorsgeneral (dgs) and provincial heads of departments (hods) are particularly affected. -","vhalanguli vhahulwane na vhahulwane vha mihasho ya mavunḓu vha dzulela u kwamea. -",0.49423063 -"in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption. -","kha miṅwe miha sho, dzidg, dzihod na vhala nguli vhahulwane vho vha na vhudziki musi vha tshi tho lwa lwa tshoṱhe, zwa konisa mihasho u shuma hu tshi tou vha na u khakhisea huṱuku. -",0.35890126 -"in most of these departments where there is leadership stability, audit outcomes tend to be positive and public funds can be accounted for. -","kha vhunzhi ha mihasho iyi hune ha vha na vhudziki kha vhurangaphanḓa, mawanwa a muṱolo a dzulela u vha avhuḓi nahone masheleni a tshitshavha a a vhonala uri khou shumiswa hani. -",0.48602352 -"where there is a high turnover of heads of department, there is often administrative turmoil. -","hune ha vha na kuṱutshele kwa vhalanguli vha mihasho, hu dzulela u vha na khakhathi kha ndangulo. -",0.47737837 -"one of the key recommendations made in the draft framework is that the public service must be depoliticised and that government departments must be insulated from politics. -","nthihi ya themendelo khulwane dzo itwaho kha muhanga wa mvetomveto ndi ya uri tshumelo ya mu vhuso i fanela u bviswa kha zwa poḽotiki na uri mihasho ya muvhuso i fanela u tsire ledzwa kha poḽotiki. -",0.6009002 -"professionalisation is necessary for stability in the public service, especially in the senior ranks. -","u vha makone ndi zwa vhuṱhogwa kha vhudziki ha kha tshumelo ya muvhuso, nga maanḓesa kha maimo a nṱha. -",0.5256748 -"public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs ""regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections"". -","vhashumeli vha mu vhuso vha fanela u kona u isa phanḓa na u ita mishumo yavho ""zwi si na ndavha na u tshintsha ha minisṱa, miraḓo ya khoro ndanguli kana vhoṋeḓorobo kha ḽihoro ḽivhusi ḽine ḽa khou langula, kana tshanduko kha mahoro a zwa poḽotiki nga murahu ha khetho"". -",0.6160141 -"we are proposing a number of farreaching reforms, such as extending the tenure of hods based on merit and performance, doing occupationbased competency assessments and involving the public service commission in the interviews of dgs and deputy dgs. -","ri khou dzinginya tshivha lo tsha tshanduko dzi re kule na u swikelwa, dzi fanaho na u engedza tshifhinga tsha mishumo ya tshoṱhe kha vhalanguli vha mihasho zwi tshi ya nga vhukoni na mashumele, u ita ngaganyo dza vhukoni dzo ḓitikaho nga mushumo na u dzhenisa khomishini ya tshumelo dza muvhuso kha inthaviwu dza vhalanguli vhahulwane na vhafarisavhalanguli vhahu lwane. -",0.644454 -"introducing integrity tests for all shortlisted individuals will help so that we can recruit civil servants who can serve honestly. -","u ḓivhadza ndingo dza tshirunzi kha vhathu vhoṱhe vho khethelwaho u ita inthaviwu zwi ḓo thusa nahone ri ḓo kona u thola vhashumeli vha muvhuso vhane vha nga kona u shuma nga vhufulufhedzei. -",0.52536666 -"we also need to extend the compulsory entrance exams that we introduced in april 2020 beyond senior management. -","ri khou fanela u engedza milingo ya khombekhombe ya u dzhena ye ra i ḓivhadza nga lamba mai 2020 kha vhalanguli vhahulwane. -",0.5675529 -"successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service. -","mivhuso yo bvelelaho i na maga a fanaho ane a thusa u vha muḓivhi ngomu kha tshumelo ya muvhuso. -",0.5013709 -"as we note in the draft framework, ""the bureaucracy must continue to loyally and diligently implement the political mandate set by voters and the party, but to refrain from being political actors themselves. -","musi ri tshi khou ṱhogomela mvetomveto ya muhanga, ""maitele a ndangulo a fa nela u bvela phanḓa na u shumisa bono ḽa zwa poḽotiki nga vhuronwane na nga u fulufhedzea ḽe ḽa vhewa nga vhakhethi na dzangano, fhedzi nga nyiledzo kha u vha vhorapoḽotiki vhone vhaṋe. -",0.60251665 -"""we are suggesting a more rigorous approach towards recruitment and selection of public servants, induction and performance management. -","""ri khou eletshedza ma thomo a vhuronwane kha u tholwa na u khethwa ha vhashumeli vha muvhuso, maitele a u wana vhashumi vhaswa na ndangulo ya kushumele. -",0.59023666 -"this includes continuous learning and a clear professional development path for every public servant. -","hezwi zwi katela ngudo dzi bvelaho phanḓa na nḓila ya mvele dziso ya vhukoni i re khagala kha mushumeli muṅwe na muṅwe wa muvhuso. -",0.54030824 -"the draft framework puts emphasis on the need to hold public servants accountable for irregularities, to do away with a culture of impunity in the mismanagement and misappropriation of state resources. -","mvetomveto ya muhanga i ombedzela kha ṱhoḓea dza u ṋea vhashumeli vha mu vhuso vhuḓifhinduleli kha vhuḓifari vhu si havhuḓi, u fhelisa mvelele ya u sa dzhiela muthu vhukando kha ndaulo i si yavhuḓi na i songo fanelaho ya zwishu miswa zwa muvhuso. -",0.5810015 -"professionalising the public service involves training for accounting officers across all spheres of government on the applicable legislative provisions. -","u khwiṋisa tshiimiswa tsha muvhuso zwi katela u pfumbudza vhaofisiri vha muvhalelano u mona na madavhi oṱhe a muvhuso kha thendelo yo teaho ya zwa mulayo. -",0.59214664 -"the national school of government (nsg) has a vital role to play in this regard. -","tshikolo tsha lushaka tsha muvhuso tshi na mushumo wa ndeme une tsha fanela u u ita kha heḽi fhungo. -",0.45338213 -"professionalism is not only about having the right qualifications and technical skills, but also about having appropriate standards of respect, courtesy and integrity in dealing with members of the public. -","u vha muḓivhi a si u vha na ndalukanyo dzo fanelaho na zwikili zwa thekhiniki fhe dzi, fhedzi na u dovha hafhu wa vha na u tevhela milayo yo fanelaho ya ṱhonifho. -",0.6373654 -"the public service is diverse, with a huge range of skills, qualifications and capabilities. -","tshiimiswa tsha muvhuso tsho angalala, na u vha na vhunzhi ha zwikili, nda lukanyo na vhukoni. -",0.27196717 -"many public servants have specialised skills that are necessary for the effective provision of services. -","vha shumeli vhanzhi vha mu vhuso vha na zwikili zwo khetheaho zwine zwa vha zwa ndeme kha ndugiselo i shumaho ya tshumelo. -",0.47828174 -"it is therefore not necessarily the case that we need a smaller public service: what we actually need is a fitforpurpose public service with suitable skills, a professional ethic and a commitment to serving the people. -","zworalo, a si zwa ndeme uri ri ṱoḓa tshumelo ṱhukhu ya muvhuso: zwine ra ṱoḓa ndi tshumelo ya muvhuso yo linganaho tshipikwa ine ya vha na zwikili zwo fane laho, mikhwa ya vhuḓifari havhuḓi na vhuḓiimiseli ha u shumela vhathu. -",0.6561589 -"the men and women of the public service need to be capacitated to play their role in driving development and consolidating democracy. -","vhanna na vhafumakadzi vha tshumelo ya muvhuso vha fanela u funḓedzwa vhukoni ha u ita mushumo wavho kha u tshimbidza mveledziso na u ṱanganya demokirasi. -",0.60189617 -"this is our best guarantee of a capable state that serves the interests of citizens. -","heyi ndi pfu lufhedziso ya khwiṋe ya muvhuso u konaho une wa shumela zwine vhadzulapo vha takalela zwone. -",0.47807562 -"i call on you to be part of the public consultation process around this draft framework, which is available on the nsg's website, and to make your voice heard. -","ndi humbela vhoiwe uri ni vhe tshipiḓa tsha maitele a nyambedzano dza tshi tshavha kha mvetomveto ya muhanga uyu, ine ya vha hone kha webusaithi ya tshikolo tsha lushaka tsha muvhuso, na u ita uri maipfi a vhoiwe a pfiwe. -",0.5607414 -"the public service does not belong to any one party, nor should it be the domain of any particular interest group. -","tshimiswa tsha muvhuso a si tsha ḽihoro na ḽithihi, kana u vha muvhuso wa tshigwa da tsha dzangalelo ḽeneḽo. -",0.56059563 -"it should not be a law unto itself. -","a tshi faneli u vha mulayo nga tshone tshiṋe. -",0.3375141 -"the public service belongs to the people of south africa. -","tshiimiswa tsha muvhuso ndi tsha vhathu vhoṱhe vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.54202306 -it must serve them and them alone.,"tshumelo ya muvhuso ya maimo a nṱha vukuzenzele unnamed musi ndi tshi khethwa kha vhuimo ha u vha muphuresidennde wa afrika tshipembe, ndo amba zwa uri u fhaṱa mu vhuso u bvelelaho, u ko naho nahone wa mikhwa u si na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa zwo vha zwi tshiṅwe tsha zwa ndemesa kha nṋe. -",0.54202306 -"traditional leaders key to recovery efforts vukuzenzele unnamed in the last few months, we have had to bid a sad farewell to two of our country’s most respected traditional monarchs. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala ndi vha ndeme kha ndingedzo dza mvusuludzo vukuzenzele unnamed kha miṅwedzi i si gathi yo fhiraho ro onesana nga mbiluvhuṱungu na vha hali vhavhili vha zwa si alala vha ṱhonifheaho kha shango ḽashu. -",0.6546867 -"the zulu people recently laid to rest his majesty king goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu who reigned for half a century. -","a si kale lushaka lwa ma zulu lwu tshi kha ḓi tou bva u swiṱa khosikhulu yalwo muhali vho goodwill zwe lithini vha ha bhekuzulu, vhe vha vhusa lushaka ulwo lwa miṅwaha i linganaho hafu ya sentshari (miṅwaha ya 50). -",0.4624 -"in january, the bapedi people buried kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, who passed away less than a year after his inauguration. -","nga ṅwedzi wa phando, lushaka lwa bapedi lwo swiṱa khosikhulu yalwo vho thu lare thulare wa vhuraru, vhe vha dzama hu songo fhela na ṅwaha vho rwelwa ṱari sa khosi. -",0.5488067 -"with their passing, we have lost champions of the preservation of our heritage, and revered custodians of the histories of their respective peoples. -","kha u fhira fhano shangoni ha avho, ro xelelwa nga vhaha li vha ndondolo ya vhufa ha shu, vhalisa vha ṱhonifheaho kha ḓivhazwakale ya vhathu vhavho. -",0.48351476 -"at the same time, they were vital players in rural development, and were committed to driving programmes to uplift the material conditions of their people. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho, vho vha vhatambi vha tshipiḓa tsha ndeme kha mveledziso ya vhupo ha mahayani, nahone vho vha vho ḓiimisela kha u bveledza mbekanyamushumo dzine dza ḓo khwiṋisa kutshilele kwa vhalanda vhavho. -",0.51819336 -"with the advent of democracy in 1994, it was a priority of the new government to restore the integrity and legitimacy of traditional leadership in line with indigenous law and customs and subject to the constitution of the republic. -","zwi tshi tevhela u thoma ha demokirasi nga 1994, tsho vha tshipikwa tsha muvhuso muswa u vhue dzedza vhufulufhedzei na vhurangaphanḓa ha vhuku ma ha zwa sialala, nga fhasi ha milayo ya sialala na mai tele a ḽino shango nahone zwo ḓisendeka nga ndayotewa ya shango. -",0.67839724 -"the institution of traditional leadership continues to play an important role in the lives of millions of people around our country, especially in rural areas. -","tshiimiswa tsha vharanga phanḓa vha zwa sialala tshi khou bvela phanḓa na u shuma mushumo wa ndeme kha matshilo a miḽioni dza vhathu u mona na shango ḽashu, zwihulu vhuponi ha mahayani. -",0.54668677 -"traditional leaders support and drive development in their communities. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vha ṋea thi khedzo na u ḓisa mveledziso kha lushaka. -",0.48070627 -"recently, i had the opportunity to participate in the debate on the opening of the national house of traditional leaders, which was concerned with the most pressing issues currently facing the country. -","zwenezwino, ndo vha na tshikhala tsha u dzhenela therisano kha mushumo wa u vula nnḓu ya lushaka ya vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala, he therisano idzo dza vha dzo sedzesa kha dziṅwe dza khaedu nnzhi dzine ḽino shango ḽa khou ṱangana na dzo zwazwino. -",0.47706032 -"what was particularly refreshing about the robust engagement was that traditional leadership has a keen appreciation of the difficult economic conditions facing our country, and want to be part of addressing the many challenges of underdevelopment and poverty in their areas. -","zwe zwa vha zwi tshi khou takadza zwihulu nga ha therisano idzo ndi u vhona vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vha tshi sumbedza u pfesesa khaedu dza zwa ikonomi dzo ambarelaho ḽino shango, na u ṱoḓa u vha tshipiḓa tsha thandululo kha khaedu nnzhi dza u sa bvelela na vhushai kha vhupo havho. -",0.53603065 -"i have consistently said that our economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic must be inclusive, and that nobody must be left behind. -","tshifhinga tshoṱhe ndi amba fhungo ḽa uri mvusuludzo ya ikonomi ya shango ḽashu zwino nga tshifhinga tsha dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona i ṱoḓa mutingati, zwo ralo a hu na muthu ane a fanela u siiwa murahu. -",0.5616989 -"the success of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan rests on forging strong partnerships between not just government, business and labour, but also with traditional leadership and other societal formations. -","u phuletshedza kha pulane ya mvusuludzo na mbue dzedzo ya ikonomi zwo ḓisendeka nga tshumisano yo khwaṱhaho hu si vhukati ha muvhuso, mabindu na vha shumi fhedzi, fhedzi na kha vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala khathihi na zwiṅwe zwiimiswa zwa vhadzulapo. -",0.59171385 -"a constant refrain from participants in the debate recently was that they do not want to be dependent on handouts or for their communities to perpetually look to government for financial assistance. -","nyiledzo ya u ḓidzhenisa ha vhadzheneli kha therisano dza zwenezwino zwo vha ngwa nga u sa ṱoḓa havho u ḓitika tshoṱhe nga zwifhiwa, na u sa ṱoḓa uri vhadzulapo vhavho vha dzulele u sedza kha muvhuso tshifhinga tshoṱhe vha tshi ṱoḓa thuso ya masheleni. -",0.22946222 -"they want to be provided with the necessary support, training and enabling environment to allow rural communities to be selfsufficient. -","vha khou ṱoḓa u ṋetshedzwa thikhedzo yo teaho, u pfumbu dzwa na u konisa vhupo ha vho u itela uri vhadzulapo vha vhupo ha mahayani vha kone u ḓiimisa nga vhoṱhe. -",0.5520221 -"they want to bridge the urbanrural divide in access to government services and private sector resources. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vha khou ṱoḓa u fhungudza gake ḽine ḽa vha hone vhukati ha vhupo ha mahayani na ha dziḓoroboni malugana na u swikela tshumelo dza muvhuso na zwiko zwa nḓowetshumo ya phuraivethe. -",0.534981 -"what they would like to see is for rural areas to become centres of economic activity, industry and employment opportunity. -","zwine vha tama ndi u vhona vhupo ha mahayani vhu tshi vha senthara ya mushumo wa ikonomi, mamaga na zwikhala zwa u sikwa ha mi shumo. -",0.5435066 -"this mirrors the aspirations of the district development model (ddm), which was launched in 2019. traditional leaders are well positioned to ensure that district plans are informed by and respond to the real needs of communities and that they reflect the lived reality in rural areas. -","hezwi zwi sumbedza zwipikwa zwa tshiedza tsha mveledziso ya tshiṱiriki (ddm), tshe tsha rwelwa ṱari nga ṅwaha wa 2019. vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vha kha vhuimo havhuḓi ha u vhona uri pu lane dza tshiṱiriki dzo dzia, nahone dzi fhindula kha ṱhoḓea dza vhukuma dza vhadzulapo khathihi na u sumbedza ngoho yo tshili waho vhuponi ha mahayani. -",0.6303003 -"just as the ddm supports localised programmes that focus on the needs, strengths and opportunities in specific areas, traditional leaders have pioneered their own approach to local economic development. -","u fana na musi ddm i tshi tikedza mbekanyamushumo dzapo dzi lavhelesaho kha ṱhodea, nungo na zwi khala kha vhupo vhukene, vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vho bveledza nḓila yavho ya mveledziso yapo ya ikonomi. -",0.54865813 -"they have developed the investrural masterplan, which was launched in north west last month. -","vho bveledza pulane khu lwane ya u ita vhubindudzi vhuponi ha mahayani ye ya rwelwa ṱari vunḓuni ḽa north west ṅwedzi wo fhelaho. -",0.5839615 -"it is greatly encouraging that traditional leaders have rallied behind the plan and want to work with local authorities to ensure it is a success. -","zwi a ṱuṱuwedza zwihulwane u vhona uri vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vho vhu elelana hafhu nga murahu ha pulane iyi nahone vha khou ṱoḓa u shumisana na vharangaphanḓa vhapo u vhona uri pulane iyo i bvelele. -",0.4978258 -"during the debate in the national house of traditional leaders it was proposed that a major success factor for the investrural programme is that traditional structures are trained, strengthened and capacitated. -","nga tshifhinga tsha theri sano kha nnḓu ya lushaka ya vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala ho dzinginywa uri tshiitisi tshihulwane tsha u phuletshedza tsha mbeka nyamushumo ya investrural ndi u vhona uri miraḓo ya zwa sialala vho pfumbu dzwa, u manḓafhadzwa na u koniswa kha mushumo wonoyo. -",0.5767917 -"a number of participants outlined economic plans that are already in advanced stages of development. -","vhunzhi ha vhe vha vha tshipiḓa vho ḓivhadza pulane dza ikonomi dzine dza vha kha zwipiḓa zwa u fhedzisela zwa mveledziso. -",0.4373933 -"these range from agricultural projects to bioprospecting to renewable energy. -","hezwi ndi u bva kha thandela dza zwa vhulimi u ya kha u ṱoḓwa ha zwipuka na miri u itela u wana mishonga na u ya kha fulufulu ḽi vusuludzeaho. -",0.13751647 -"what was evident is that the institution of traditional leadership understands that professionalisation is necessary for rural businesses in the form of small, medium and micro enterprises and cooperatives to become part of the mainstream economy. -","zwe zwa vha zwi khagala ndi zwa uri tshiimiswa tsha vhurangaphanḓa ha zwa sialala tshi pfesesa uri kushu mele kwa maimo a nṱha ndi kwa ndeme kha vhubindudzi ha mabindu maṱuku, a vhu kati na mabindu mahulwane a vhupo ha mahayani, kha thihi na kha tshumisano ya uri a kone u vha tshipiḓa tsha lutsinga lwa ikonomi. -",0.6287099 -"the traditional leaders who spoke presented their vision of ‘developmental monarchs’, who see themselves as not just custodians of heritage but also as drivers of economic prosperity and progress. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vhe vha amba vho ṱahisa bono ḽavho ḽa ‘vhavhusi vha mveledziso’vhane vha si ḓivhone sa vharangaphanḓa vha zwa vhufa fhedzi, fhedzi sa vhabveledzisi vha lupfu mo na mvelephanḓa ya iko nomi. -",0.5877182 -"they have identified several projects and economic opportunities that will create jobs and improve livelihoods in rural areas. -","vho topola thandela dza tshivhalo na zwikhala zwa ikonomi zwine zwa ḓo sikela vhathu mishumo na u khwiṋisa kutshilele kwa vha thu kha vhupo ha mahayani. -",0.54425365 -"traditional leaders have also expressed their willingness to play an active part in the land reform process. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vho ita na u bvisela khagala lutamo lwavho lwa u shela mulenzhe kha maitele a tshanduko dza zwa mavu. -",0.4924477 -"since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future. -","u bva nga ṅwaha wa 2018 vharangaphanḓa vha sialala vho ṋetshedza hekithara dza mavu avho dza 1 500 000 uri a shumiswe kha mveledziso, nahone hu khou fulufhelwa uri zwa u ṋetshedzwa ha mavu hu tshi itelwa mve ledziso zwi ḓo engedzea tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. -",0.59981894 -"to develop a coordinated and sustainable strategy, we have agreed to hold a presidential land summit in the next year. -","u bveledza ḽiano ḽo dzudza nywaho nahone ḽa tshifhinga tshilapfu, ro tendelana kha u ḓo fara guvhangano ḽa mu phuresidennde ḽa u rera nga ha mavu ṅwaha u ḓaho. -",0.14110813 -"this will discuss pressing issues around land reform and its impact on communal land, much of which is located in rural areas. -","gu vhangano iḽi ḽi ḓo haseledza nga ha mvelaphanḓa maluga na na tshanduko dza mavu, kha mavu ane a vha fhasi ha vhuvhusi ha vhadzulapo, nga maanḓa ane a wanala vhu poni ha mahayani. -",0.5577923 -"the tone of the debate in the national house was a fitting reflection of a climate in which economic recovery is foremost among our considerations. -","mbonalo ya therisano idzi kha nnḓu ya lushaka yo vha tsumbedzo yo teaho ya kilima ine mvusuludzo ya ikonomi yavha mushumo wa ndeme vhukati ha zwipikwa zwa ndeme. -",0.562627 -"at the same time it was a promising signal that traditional leaders appreciate their role in being part of the national recovery effort through being proactive and innovative. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho yo dovha hafhu ya vha tshiga tshi fulufhe dzisaho uri vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala vha takalela mushumo wavho wa u vha tshipiḓa kha vhuḓikumedzeli ha mvusuludzo ya lushaka nga kha u vha vhaiti na vha tumbuli. -",0.47806782 -"the most fitting legacy of great leaders is that the seeds of development they sow during their tenure grow into mighty trees that protect and shelter their communities for posterity. -","ifa ḽo teaho ḽa vharangapha nḓa vhavhuḓi ndi uri mbeu ya mveledziso ine vha sia vho zwala nga tshifhinga tsha vhurangaphanḓa havho i aluwa ya vha miri ine ya tsireledza na u kuvhatedza vhadzulapo vhavho u ya nga hu sa fheli. -",0.62243634 -"as we work together as a country to rebuild our economy, we will continue to count on the support of the institution of traditional leadership, which is an inextricable part of our past, our present and our future.","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa sialala ndi vha ndeme kha ndingedzo dza mvusuludzo vukuzenzele unnamed kha miṅwedzi i si gathi yo fhiraho ro onesana nga mbiluvhuṱungu na vha hali vhavhili vha zwa si alala vha ṱhonifheaho kha shango ḽashu. -",0.62243634 -"religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances. -","tshitshavha tsha vhurereli ndi tsha vhuṱhogwa kha nndwa ya u lwa na covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed hu si kale vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe vha zwa lutendo vha ḓo ṱanganela u mona na ḽifhasi kha vhuṱambo ha zwa vhu rereli ha ndeme. -",0.71234214 -"members of the jewish faith celebrated pesach, chris tians observed easter and muslims will soon be observing the holy month of ramadan. -","miraḓo ya lutendo lwa vhayuda zwenezwino yo pembelela paseka, vhatendi vhe vha pembelela vhuṱambo ha mvuwo na vhamuslim hu si kale vha ḓo pembelela vhuṱambo ha ṅwedzi mu khethwa wa ramadan . -",0.681383 -"for the second year, these occasions have been marked in the midst of a devastating global pandemic that has cost the lives of more than 2.5 million people across the world. -","ndi ṅwaha wa vhuvhili zwino vhuṱambo uvhu vhu tshi khou itwa vhukati ha tshiwo tsha dwadze ḽa ḽifhasi ḽa maḽisambilu ḽe ḽa dzhia matshilo a vhathu vha fhiraho 2.5 miḽioni u mona na ḽifhasi. -",0.51939064 -"faithbased organisations have been vital to our national response to the disease, not only providing spiritual comfort and guidance, but also by caring for those most vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, including through the provision of food, shelter and other social services. -","madzangano a zwa vhu rereli o tamba tshipiḓa tsha vhuṱhogwa kha phindulo yashu ya lushaka kha vhu lwadze uvhu, hu si u ṋea khuthadzo ya tshimuya fhedzi na ndededzo, fhedzi na nga u ṱhogomela vhathu vhe vha vha vha khomboni ya masiandoitwa a dwadze, hu tshi katelwa na nga kha ṋetshedzo ya zwiḽiwa, vhudzulo na tshumelo dza matshilisano. -",0.55842936 -"religion plays an important role in the lives of millions of south africans, and congregational worship forms a vital part of their religious practice. -","vhurereli vhu tamba tshipiḓa tsha vhuṱhogwa kha matshilo a miḽioni dza maa frika tshipembe, na u rabela fhethu huthihi sa tshivhidzo hu vhumba tshipiḓa tsha vhuṱhogwa tsha maitele avho a vhurereli. -",0.5689297 -"being able to gather for religious services is also a welcome respite from a period of great hardship for individuals, families and communities. -","u kona u kuvhanganela tshumelo dza vhurereli ndi u awela ho ṱanganedzwaho u bva kha vhuleme vhuhu lwane kha vhathu, miṱa na zwitshavha. -",0.5682465 -"it is understandable that after more than a year of labouring under restrictions on religious gatherings that the faith community are keen for a return to a semblance of normality. -","zwi a pfesesea uri nga murahu ha tshifhinga tshi fhiraho ṅwaha tsha u shuma nga fhasi ha nyiledzo kha maguvhangano a vhurereli tshitshavha tsha zwa lutendo tshi khou ṱoḓa u humela kha mbonalo yo ḓoweleaho. -",0.53101885 -"in recognition of the importance of congregational worship to the lives of our people, government has been engaging with the faith community. -","kha u ṱanganedza vhu ṱhogwa ha u rabela fhethu huthihi sa tshivhidzo kha matshilo a vhathu vhashu, muvhuso u khou ambedzana na tshitshavha tsha zwa lu tendo. -",0.56615317 -"leaders of the faith community understand and appreciate the very real danger of a new wave of covid19 infections. -","vharangaphanḓa vha tshitshavha tsha zwa lutendo vha pfesesa na u ṱanganedza khombo ya vhukuma ya vhuhulwane huswa ha vhulwadze ha covid19. -",0.6457232 -"since the outbreak of the pandemic, religious organisations have taken proactive and positive measures to limit the spread of the disease among worshippers. -","u bva tshe tshiwo tsha dwadze tsha thoma, madzangano a zwa vhurereli o dzhia maga avhu��i a u langa tshiimo u itela u fhungudza u phaḓalala ha vhulwadze vhukati ha vharabeli. -",0.5535228 -"another important factor is that during the various alert levels, religious organisations have incurred substantial financial losses that threaten their sustainability. -","tshiṅwe tshithu tshine tsha tea u dzhielwa nṱha ndi tsha uri nga tshifhinga tsha ḽeveḽe dza tsivhudzo dzo fhambana ho, madzangano a zwa vhu rereli o vha na ndozwo khu lwanesa ya zwa masheleni ine ya shushedza mvelaphanḓa yao. -",0.52430964 -"as government we remain committed to working with the faith community to find workable solutions. -","sa muvhuso ri dzula ro ḓikumedzela u shuma na madzangano a zwa lutendo u itela u wana thandululo i shumaho. -",0.49594623 -"at the same time, public health and safety must be our paramount consideration. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetshi, mutakalo wa tshitshavha na tsireledzo zwi fanela u vha zwone zwine ra zwi dzhiela nṱha vhukuma. -",0.3809966 -"the religious community has shown innovation and initiative in the holding of worship at a time when there was a great deal of uncertainty over the trajectory of the pandemic. -","tshitshavha tsha vhure reli tsho sumbedza kuhu mbulele kwa vhuṱali na vhuḓifhinduleli kha maitele a u fara tshumelo dza vhurereli nga tshifhinga tsha musi hu na u timatima huhulwane kha nḓila ine tshiwo tsha dwadze tsha khou tshimbila ngayo. -",0.523299 -"congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services. -","tshumelo dza magu vhangano a vhurereli dzo farwa nga kha inthane the nahone vharabeli vho ṱuṱuwedzwa u rabela vhe mahayani avho vhudzuloni ha u ya dzikerekeni. -",0.4634248 -"this greatly aided the national effort to contain the spread of the disease. -","hezwi zwo ḓo thusa vhukuma kha vhuḓidini ha lushaka ha u langa u phaḓalala ha vhu lwadze. -",0.45160943 -"religious leaders played a pivotal role in encouraging public adherence to health measures around important customary and cultural rituals like burials. -","vharangaphanḓa vha zwa vhurereli vho tamba tshipiḓa tsha ndeme kha u ṱuṱuwedza vhutevhedzi ha tshitshavha ha maga a tsireledzo ya mu takalo kha maitele a kale na kale a vhuṱhogwa a vhurereli na a mvelele u fana na zwa dzimbulungo. -",0.6032175 -"by equal measure, our people have demonstrated their commitment to adhering to public health protocols and to social distancing. -","nga muelo u fanaho, vha thu vhashu vho sumbedza vhuḓikumedzeli havho kha u tevhedza maga a tsireledzo ya mutakalo wa tshitshavha na maitele a u vha kule na muṅwe muthu. -",0.5722641 -"and they correctly appreciate that they must continue to avoid large gatherings . -","vho ṱanganedza nga nḓila yone uri vha fanela u isa phanḓa na u ṱutshela maguvhangano mahulwane. -",0.47912824 -"we are now at a time where precaution is needed above all. -","zwa zwino ri kha tshifhinga tshine maga a tsirakhombo a khou ṱoḓea u fhira zwithu zwoṱhe. -",0.36627412 -"the coronavirus pandemic has not been eliminated, either in our own country or around the world. -","tshiwo tsha dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona a tshi athu kundiwa, kha shango ḽashu kana u mona na ḽifhasi. -",0.5657446 -"the threat of a third wave is real and everpresent. -","tshutshedzo ya vhuhulwane ha vhulwadze ha vhuraru ndi ngoho nahone i dzula i hone tshifhinga tshoṱhe. -",0.5326445 -"international experience has taught us that we should not tempt fate. -","tshenzhemo ya dzitshaka yo ri funza uri ri songo ita zwithu zwine zwa ḓo ri dzhenisa khomboni. -",0.452165 -"many countries have eased restrictions, only for there to be resurgences, necessitating the imposition of even harsher restrictions. -","masha ngo manzhi o fhungudza nyiledzo, a vho ḓiwana a tshi khou tshenzhema u vhuya ha vhulwadze nga vhuhulu, zwa vho a ita uri a kombe tshedzee u vhea nyiledzo dzi konḓaho. -",0.49336457 -"large gatherings, whether religious or otherwise, have the potential to spread the virus, despite the application of measures around social distancing and sanitising. -","maguvhangano mahu lwane, hu nga vha a vhu rereli kana maṅwe, a na khonadzeo ya u phaḓaladza vairasi, naho hu na tshumiso ya maga a maitele a u vha kule na muṅwe muthu na u sanithaiza zwanḓa. -",0.63202435 -"millions of south africans have been observing an important tenet of their faith. -","miḽioni dza maafrika tshipembe vho dzulela u tevhedza maitele a lutendo lwavho. -",0.5240333 -"in a country that enshrines the right to religious freedom, all effort must be made to support our people in the exercise of this right. -","kha shango ḽine ḽa vhulunga pfanelo ya mbo fholowo ya zwa vhurereli, ndingedzo dzoṱhe dzi fanela u itwa u itela u tikedza vhathu vha shu kha u shumisa pfane lo iyi. -",0.28630313 -"and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk. -","kha u shumisa pfanelo iyi, ri fanela u khwaṱhisedza uri a ri vhei pfanelo kana matshilo a vhaṅwe vhathu kha khovhakhombo. -",0.29707924 -"this is a principle that the religious leaders i met with fully support and appreciate. -","hoyu ndi mulayo une vharangaphanḓa vha zwa vhurereli vhe nda ṱangana navho vha khou u tikedza tshoṱhe na u u ṱanganedza. -",0.45003614 -"they understand the responsibility of all people of faith – indeed of all south africans – to observe the practical measures put in place to protect people’s health and save lives. -","vha pfesesa vhuḓifhinduleli ha vhathu vhoṱhe vha lu tendo – nga ngoho maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe – ha u tevhedza maga a shumaho e a vhewa u itela u tsireledza mutakalo wa vhathu na u vhulunga matshilo. -",0.615892 -"for more than a year, we have worked together as a society to contain this pandemic. -","lwa tshifhinga tshi fhiraho ṅwaha, ro shumisana sa tshi tshavha u langa tshiwo tsha dwadze iḽi. -",0.41670072 -"now as we work to overcome it, we need to reaffirm our shared determination to act responsibly and cautiously. -","zwa zwino musi ri khou shuma u itela u ḽi ku nda, ri fanela u khwaṱhisedza hafhu vhuḓiimiseli vhu fanaho ha u ita zwithu nga vhuḓifhinduleli na nga vhulondo. -",0.53787553 -"in doing so, we will be giving practical effect to the universal messages of hope, salvation, freedom and solidarity that will be spoken of in the churches, synagogues, mosques and homes of our land in the days and weeks ahead.","tshitshavha tsha vhurereli ndi tsha vhuṱhogwa kha nndwa ya u lwa na covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed hu si kale vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe vha zwa lutendo vha ḓo ṱanganela u mona na ḽifhasi kha vhuṱambo ha zwa vhu rereli ha ndeme. -",0.53787553 -"port of durban creates a sea of opportunities for sa vukuzenzele unnamed recently, i visit ed the port of durban to see for myself the work being done to make the port more efficient and competitive. -","vhuimazwikepe ha durban vhu sika zwikhala zwinzhi kha shango ḽa afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed ndo ḓo dalela vhui mazwikepe ha du rban maḓuvha a si gathi o fhiraho u ḓivhonela nga anga maṱo mushumo u no khou itwa u itela uri vhuimazwikepe uvhu vhu kone u shuma zwavhuḓi na u kona u ṱaṱisana na vhuṅwe. -",0.65532184 -"after a briefing with the senior management of transnet, i toured the harbour in a pilot boat, which is usually used to guide large ships through the entrance channel to the pier. -","nga murahu ha muṱangano na vhulanguli ha tshiimiswa tsha transnet, ndo ḓo monamona henefha vhuimazwikepe nga tshikepe tsha vhatshimbidzi vha zwikepe tshine tsha anzela u shumiswa sa tsumbanḓila musi zwikepe zwihulwane zwi tshi isiwa kha nḓila ya muratho wa vhuimazwikepe. -",0.6442661 -"seeing the workings of the port from the water, one is reminded of its vast scale and complexity. -","nga u tou vhona mushumo wa vhuimazwikepe u bva maḓini, muthu u humbudziwa nga ha vhuhulwane na u kanganyisa ha vhuimazwikepe. -",0.5492685 -"if the port does not function efficiently, the entire economy suffers, from importers and exporters to consumers. -","arali vhuimazwikepe vhu tshi khou ita mushumo u sa fushi, ikonomi i kwamea nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi, u bva kha vhaṱunḓi, vhavhambadzelannḓa u swika na kha vharengi. -",0.5243412 -"on the other hand, if the port works well it can drive economic growth and position our country as a gateway to the region and the continent. -","huno, arali vhuimazwikepe ha shuma zwavhuḓi vhu nga alusa ikonomi ya shango na u ita shango ḽashu uri ḽi vhe munango wa u dzhena kha dzingu khathihi na kha dzhango ḽoṱhe ḽa afrika. -",0.57862544 -"when i visited durban in october 2019, many local businesses and port users raised concerns with me about the performance of the durban port. -","vhunzhi ha vhoramabindu vhapo vho ḓo swikisa zwililo zwavho nga ha kushumele kwa vhuimazwikepe ha durban musi wa madalo anga afho fhethu nga ṅwedzi wa khubvumedzi nga 2019. khamphani dza vhuendedzi, nga u angaredza, dzo sumbe dza u vha na mbilaelo nga u tsitsikana ha maṱiraka na tshi fhinga tsha u lindela, u khakhi sea ha u vhofhiwa ha zwikepe na u pakwa hune ha dzhia tshi fhinga, u shayea ha ṱhogomelo yavhuḓi ya zwishumiswa na mushumo u si wavhuḓi u no itiwa nga vhuimazwikepe uvhu. -",0.5488757 -"shipping companies, in particular, expressed concern about truck congestion and waiting times, ship berthing delays and anchorage times, poor maintenance of equipment and generally low productivity in the port. -","madalo anga a zwenezwino o vha a a u lavhelesa uri maga o tiwaho u itela u tandulula idzi mbilaelo o no tevhedzwa. -",0.6474583 -"my recent visit to the port was to check whether the commitments made in response to these concerns had been implemented. -","naho hu na dandetande ḽa vhulwadze ha covid19 , ho vha na mvelaphanḓa khulwane yo itiwaho ṅwaha wo fhelaho kha u khwiṋisa tshiimo tsha tshumelo vhuiimazwikepe. -",0.42029822 -"there has indeed been great progress over the past year in turning around the performance of the port, despite the impact of covid19. -","ndingedzo idzo dzo no sumbe dza mvelelo kha khwiṋiso ya ṱhongomelo ya zwishumiswa, u fhungudzea ha tsitsikano, tshi fhinga tsha u humela murahu ha na u engedzea ha u shumiswa ha zwidimela u fhirisa vhuendi ha badani. -",0.53099346 -"these efforts are already showing results in improved maintenance of equipment, reduced congestion, quicker turnaround times and increased use of rail instead of road transport. -","naho mvelaphanḓa iyi i ya ndeme, mushumo u tshee munzhi une wa kha ḓi tea u itwa u itela u alusa vhuimazwi kepe ha durban uri vhu vhe ha tshiimo tsha nṱha kha dzingu ḽa tshipembe. -",0.61808586 -"while this is important progress, there is still much work to be done to position durban as a worldclass port and as a hub port for the southern hemisphere. -","kha miṅwaha ya zwenezwino, vhuimazwikepe ha durban ho tsela fhasi u bva kha vhuiimo ha u thoma afrika ḽoṱhe u ya kha ha vhuraru vhune ha vha nga murahu ha vhuimazwikepe ha tangier ha ngei murocco na ha port said ha ngei egypt. -",0.60580647 -"in recent years, the port has slipped from its position as first in africa to third, behind tangier in morocco and port said in egypt. -","tshifhinga tsha u dzhiga tsha maṱiraka tsho khwiṋisea zwihulwane. -",0.4988506 -"truck turnaround times have greatly improved. -","zwi fana na u fhulufhedzea ha tshishumiswa tsha u fara thundu, ho khwiṋisea u ya kha 80% nahone hu khou sendela kha 95% u swikelela kha tshikalo tsha mashango a dzitshaka. -",0.36713248 -"similarly, the reliability of cargo handling equipment has improved to 80% and is heading towards at least 95% to meet international benchmarks. -","tshifhinga tsha u lindela ha zwikepe tsho no fhungudzea u ya kha ḽeveḽe i takadzaho. -",0.53868866 -"ship waiting times have reduced to impressive levels. -","hedzi mbalombalo dzi nga vhonala dzi tshi nga dzi a kanganyisa fhedzi dzi na ma siandoitwa kha nyaluwo ya ikonomi na kha mitengo ine ra i badela sa vharengi. -",0.41467175 -"these statistics may seem technical and obscure, but they have a direct impact on the growth of our economy and on the prices we pay as consumers. -","ro ta u khwiṋisa u shuma ha vhuimazwikepe sa tshipikwa tsha ndeme tsha fulo ḽa opera tion vulindlela ra dovha hafhu ra lavhelesa kha u fhaṱulula transnet ine ya vha tshimiswa tsha muvhuso tsho khetheaho. -",0.502687 -"we have made improving the efficiency of our ports a priority of operation vulindlela and have focused on rebuilding transnet, which is one of our valued stateowned enterprises. -","vhulanguli vhuswa ha tra nsnet khathihi na khethekanyo dzaho dza mushumo ho lavhe lesa kha u shandukisa tshiimo tsha vhuimazwikepe uvhu. -",0.57768565 -"the new management of transnet and its operating divisions are resolutely focused on turning the performance of the port around. -","vhulanguli ha transnet vhu na pulane dza u engedzedza dza u bvelela nahone dzi takadzaho u itela maano a u hulisa khoro dza vhuimazwikepe. -",0.5894215 -"the management has ambitious and exciting expansion plans for all five of the port’s precincts. -","hezwi zwi katela u hulisa nḓila ya maydon wharf uri zwikepe zwihulwane zwa ano maḓuvha zwi kone u dzhena vhuimazwi kepe, u fhaṱa vhuimazwikepe ha 1 na vhuimazwikepe ha 2 u itela u sika vhukoni vhuṅwe u itela zwifaredzi khathihi na mveledziso ya vhuimazwifaredzi fhethu ha u paka zwikepe. -",0.48660648 -"these include the deepening of the maydon wharf channel to allow larger, modern vessels to enter the port, the infill of pier 1 and pier 2 to create additional capacity for con tainers and the development of a new container terminal in the point precinct. -","nga u angaredza u enge dzwa uhu ha themamvele dziso vhuimazwikepe hu ḓo ṱoḓa masheleni a linganaho r100 biḽioni kha vhubindudzi vhuswa kha miṅwaha ya fumi i tevhelaho na i fhiraho fumi. -",0.5304129 -"altogether, the expansion of infrastructure at the port will require r100 billion in new investment over the next decade and more. -","izwi zwi ḓo ḓisa tshanduko yavhuḓi kha vhuimazwikepe uvhu, zwi tshi engedza vhukoni ha u hwala u bva kha yunitsi dza 2.9 miḽioni u ya kha ha yunitsi dzi fhiraho 11 miḽioni. -",0.56742275 -"this will completely transform the port, expanding its capacity for container handling from 2.9 million units to more than 11 million units. -","pulane idzi dza ndingedzo dzi ḓo ṱoḓa u shela mulenzhe huhu lwane khathihi na vhubindudzi ha sekhithara ya phuraivethe. -",0.5312738 -"these ambitious plans will require greater private sector participation and investment. -","transnet, hu tshi katelwa na vhuimazwikepe ha durban, ndi ndaka ya ndeme ya lushaka kha vhathu vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.51078176 -"transnet, including the durban port, is an important national asset belonging to the people of south africa. -","tshumisano na vha sekhithara ya phuraivethe ndi ya ndeme kha u kona u ḓisa vhulambedzi hu swa, thekhinoḽodzhi, na nḓivho kha mushumo wa vhuimazwi kepe u itela u ita zwishumiswa na themamveledziso uri zwi vhe zwa musalauno. -",0.5598948 -"partnerships with the private sector are crucial to bring new investment, technology and expertise to port operations and to modernise equipment and infrastructure. -","transnet i khou pulana, sa tsumbo, u anḓadza tshikhala tsha bindu ḽa u fhaṱulula na u bveledzisa fhethu huswa ha vhuimazwikepe kha mafhelo a ṅwaha uyu. -",0.58759284 -"transnet is planning, for example, to advertise a concession later this year to build and operate the new point terminal. -","izwi zwi ḓo ḓisa vhubindudzi ha phuraivethe na u khwiṋifhadza kufarelwe kwa tshifaredzi. -",0.56470096 -"this will bring in private investment and improve the efficiency of container handling. -","nga kha kuitele kwashu kuswa ri khou kona u swikelela u khwiṋifhadza vhukoni ha vhuimazwikepe na zwiporo zwashu, na u kona u vulela vhubindudzi vhuhulwane ha the mamveledziso. -",0.4832163 -"through our reform process we are steadily improving the efficiency of our ports and railways and unlocking massive investment in infrastructure. -","izwi a zwi nga tou ri fhungudzela kushumi sele kwa masheleni khathihi na u khwiṋifhadza u sa ḓura ha mbambadzwaseli fhedzi, fhedzi zwi ḓo dovha hafhu zwa sika zwikhala zwiswa zwa mishumo ya zwigidi. -",0.5620871 -"this will not only lower costs and improve the competitiveness of our exports, but will create thousands of new jobs in the process. -","nga kha zwoṱhe khwiṋiso ya kushumele na tshandukiso ya nzudzanyo, vhuimazwikepe ha durban vhu ḓo dzhia gundo murahu ḽa u vha vhuimazwikepe vhune ha shuma khwiṋe kha dzhango ḽa afrika. -",0.47407803 -"through both operational improvements and structural reforms, durban port will reclaim its place as the bestperforming port in africa. -","sa tshiphiḓa tsha pulane yashu ya mvusuludzo na mbuedzedzo, ri ḓo isa phanḓa na u shuma ri sa neti u itela u alusa vhubindu dzi ha themamveledziso na u shandula nḓowetshumo dzashu dza nethiweke. -",0.5741347 -"as part of our reconstruction and recove ry plan, we will continue to work tirelessly to expand infrastructure investment and transform our network industries. -","arali hu na tshithu tshithihi tshe nda sala natsho muhumbuloni nga kha u dalela vhupo ha du rban, ndi tsha uri riṋe sa vhadzu lapo vha afrika tshipembe ri nga kona u bvelela siani ḽa tha ndela dza tshiimo tsha ndeme na tshikalo. -",0.535449 -"if my visit to durban left one thing in my mind, it is that we south africans are capable of succeeding in projects of vast importance and scale. -","ndavhelelo dzashu dzi tea u ṱutshelana na vhuhulwane ha khaedu dzashu. -",0.5482712 -"our ambitions should match the size of our challenges. -","nga kha mveledziso ine ra khou i ita kha vhuimazwikepe ha durban, na nga kha zwikili zwo vusuludzwaho na vhukoni vhune ra vha naho kha tshiimi swa tsha transet, zwazwino ri na ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya u isa phanḓa. -",0.35245508 -"with the progress we are making at the durban port, with the reinvigorated skills and capabilities that we have in transnet, we now have the wind in our sails. -","vhuimazwikepe ha durban vhu sika zwikhala zwinzhi kha shango ḽa afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed ndo ḓo dalela vhui mazwikepe ha du rban maḓuvha a si gathi o fhiraho u ḓivhonela nga anga maṱo mushumo u no khou itwa u itela uri vhuimazwikepe uvhu vhu kone u shuma zwavhuḓi na u kona u ṱaṱisana na vhuṅwe. -",0.35245508 -"robust media more critical than ever vukuzenzele unnamed we live in a country where not just journalists but any member of the public is able to freely articulate their views, their opinions and indeed their dissatisfaction without fear of retribution. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo yo khwaṱhaho ndi ya ndeme zwazwino u fhirisa zwifhinga zwoṱhe vukuzenzele unnamed ri khou tshila kha shango ḽine mura ḓo muṅwe na mu ṅwe wa tshitshavha, hu si vhoramafhungo fhedzi, u a kona u amba mavhonele awe a zwithu, muhumbu lo wawe khathihi na u sa fushea hawe o vhofholowa a si na nyofho. -",0.6313559 -"we have come a long way from the days where social protest by artists attracted banning orders, and critical reporting by journalists risked imprisonment or the closure of publications. -","ri khou bva kule kha maḓuvha ane migwalabo ya tshitshavha nga vhatsila yo kunga u iledzwa ha ndaela, na u vhiga ha ndeme nga vhoramafhungo ho vhea khomboni ya u farwa kana u valwa ha khanḓiso. -",0.5637757 -"recently, the organisation reporters without borders published the 2021 world press freedom index, a barometer of the state of media freedom across the globe. -","zwenezwino, vha dzangano ḽa reporters without borders vho ganḓisa tsumbanḓila ya muvhigo wa mbofho lowo wa ḽifhasi wa 2021, nḓila ine muvhuso wa mbo fholowo ya nyanḓadzama fhungo wa sedzea ngayo u mona na shango. -",0.7422643 -"overall, it was found that there has been a decline in public access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage in a number of countries. -","nga u angaredza, ho wa nala uri ho vha na u tsela fhasi kha tswikelo ya ma fhungo nga tshitshavha na u engedzea ha zwithithisi kha ṱhanganyo ya mafhungo kha vhunzhi ha mashango. -",0.59740674 -"the report said that journalism is ""totally blocked or seriously impeded"" in 73 countries and ""constrained"" in 59 others. -","muvhigo wo amba zwa uri nyanḓadzamafhungo yo ""thivhelwa tshoṱhe kana u thithiswa vhukuma"" kha mashango a 73 ya ""dzhielwa fhasi"" kha maṅwe mashango a 59. zwine zwa vhilaedza ndi zwa uri mbofholowo ya nyanḓadzamafhungo yo ḓo ṋaṋa nga tshifhinga tsha dwadze ḽa covid19 , hu na nyiledzo dzo fhamba naho dzo vhewaho dzine dza sumbedza dzo vha dzi tshi shumiswa kha u fhungudza mushumo wa nyanḓadzamafhungo fhe thu hunzhi. -",0.5460739 -"what is worrying is that media freedom has deteriorated under the covid19 pandemic, with the various restrictions put in place having seemingly been used to curtail media activity in several places. -","kha muvhigo uyu wa zwe nezwino afrika tshipembe ḽo vhewa kha vhuimo ha vhu32 kha mashango a 180. tsumbamafhungo i ṱalusa tshiimo tsha mbofholowo ya nyanḓadzamafhungo ya afrika tshipembe sa ""tsho khwaṱhaho fhedzi tshi tima timisaho"". -",0.5821235 -"in this latest report south africa ranked 32nd out of 180 countries. -","zwi sumbedza uri musi ndayotewa ya afrika tshipembe i tshi tsireledza mbofholowo na musi ri na mvelele yo thomiwaho ya nyanḓadzamafhungo ya ṱhoḓisiso, vhunzhi ha zwithi thisi zwi kha ḓi thivhela vhoramafhungo kha u ita mushumo wavho. -",0.46884403 -"the index describes the state of media freedom in south africa as ""guaranteed but fragile"". -","izwi zwi katela ndaela dza mulayo dza u lwa na u dzhia zwifanyiso zwa mbuno dza ndeme dza lushaka kana u vhiga kha mafhungo a kwamaho tsireledzo ya mu vhuso. -",0.4939023 -"it notes that while the south african constitution protects freedom and we have an established culture of investigative journalism, a number of impediments still hinder journalists in the performance of their duties. -","muvhigo u dovha hafhu wa sumbedza u gonyela nṱha ha u shushedzwa ha vhorama fhungo nga ṅwaha wa 2020, nga maanḓesa vhorama fhungo vha vhafumakadzi kha nyanḓadzamafhungo ya tshitshavha. -",0.6003697 -"this includes legal injunctions against taking images of national key points or reporting on matters involving state security. -","u shushedzwa uho ho iledzwa, fhedzi hu a vhaisa nga maanḓa musi hu tshi livhiswa kha vhoramafhungo vha vhafumakadzi nahone hu dovha hafhu ha fhele tshedzwa nga tshutshedzo dza khakhathi dza zwa vhudzekani. -",0.35212418 -"the report also notes an increase during 2020 of the intimidation of journalists, especially female journalists on social media. -","heḽi ndi fhungo ḽi vhilaedzaho zwihulwane nahone zwiito izwo a zwi nga ḓo tendelwa. -",0.47319347 -"such intimidation is totally unacceptable, but is particularly harmful when it is directed at female journalists and is occasionally accompanied by threats of sexual violence. -","na zwenezwo, ri wana khuthadzo khulwane kha nḓivho ya uri ri na nyanḓadzamafhungo ya ma hala nahone yo khwaṱhaho ine ya kona u vhiga i sa ofhi tshithu kana u dzhia sia ḽa avho vhane vha vha na maanḓa, nga ha mafhungo a tshitshavha a konḓaho kha tshifhinga tshashu, i ṋetshedza mafhungo a re one nahone a sa ṱaluli kha tshitshavha. -",0.53351736 -"this is a matter of great concern and cannot be allowed. -","nga tshifhinga tshine ra khou shumisana u itela u vusuludza ikonomi yashu khathihi na tshitshavha tshashu zwenezwi ri vhukati ha dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona , nyanḓadzamafhungo yo khwaṱhaho ndi ya ndeme zwazwino u fhirisa zwifhi nga zwoṱhe. -",0.3155117 -"at the same time, we take great comfort in the knowledge that we have a free, robust media that is able to report without fear or favour about those in power, about the most pressing social issues of our time, and to provide accurate, impartial information to the public. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo ya afrika tshipembe yo ita mushumo muhulwane kha u bvisela khagala vhunzhi ha zwine ra zwi ḓivha ṋa musi nga ha vhuhulwane ha vhukuma ha u dzhiiwa ha muvhuso nga zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso na vhathu vha vhatshinyi nahone vhane vha shumela vhone vhaṋe. -",0.57738554 -"at a time when we are working together to rebuild our economy and our society in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a robust media is more critical than ever. -","dzo bveledza mushumo wadzo wa u vhiga naho hu na u shushedzwa, mavharivhari khathihi na u ṱhaselwa ha vhathu sa vhoramafhungo. -",0.5338185 -"the south african media has played a pivotal role in uncovering much of what we know today about the true extent of capture of the state by selfserving, corrupt individuals and entities. -","tshanḓanguvhoni a si yone khaedu fhedzi ine ra ṱangana nayo sa shango. -",0.5643838 -"they sustained their reporting even in the face of intimidation, disinformation and attacks on their person. -","matshilo a ḓuvha na ḓuvha a maafrika tshipembe vha nzhi a kha ḓi kwamea nga vhushai, tshayandingano na u sa bvelela tshoṱhe, u shayea ha ṋetshedzo ya tshumelo khathihi na u shayea ha tswikelo kha zwikhala zwa mishumo. -",0.54556286 -"corruption is by no means the only challenge we face as a country. -","arali nyanḓadzamafhungo ya dzulela u vha ya ngoho kha vhuḓifhinduleli hayo ha u tikedza demokirasi, vhoramafhungo vhashu vha fanela u isa phanḓa na u vhiga vha sa ofhi tshithu kana u dzhia sia kha maṅwe mafhungo a ḓuvha. -",0.39887264 -"the daily lives of many south africans are still affected by poverty, inequality and underdevelopment, poor service delivery and lack of access to opportunities. -","muvhigo wavho u bvelaho phanḓa u fanela u katela khakhathi dzo ḓitikaho nga mbeu, vhugevhenga tshi tshavhani tshashu khathihi na malwadze a tshitshavha a fanaho na u shumiseswa ha zwidzidzivhadzi. -",0.59485877 -"if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo yashu i fanela u ṋetshedza mafhungo a re one nahone a sa dzhiiho sia, i tshi tende la tshitshavha u dzhia tsheo dzo ḓivhadzwaho, u swikela zwikhala khathihi na u khwiṋifhadza matshilo avho. -",0.57474935 -"their sustained coverage must include genderbased violence, crime in our communities and social ills like substance abuse. -","vha fanela u bvela pha nḓa na u bveledza nyanḓa dzamafhungo ine ya ya nga ṱhoho dza mafhungo khathihi na masiaṱari a u ranga, ine ya shela mulenzhe kha mveledziso ya vhathu. -",0.58759 -"our media should provide accurate and impartial information, enabling the public to make informed decisions, to access opportunities and to improve their lives. -","vha fanela u vhiga mafhu ngo oṱhe, ane a si vhe avhuḓi na ane a vha avhuḓi, mvelaphanḓa ine ra i ita khathihi na khaedu dzine ra ṱangana nadzo. -",0.5420945 -"they should continue to produce journalism that goes beyond the headlines and front pages and that contributes to human development. -","u fulufhedzea ndi zwa ndeme kha u bveledza u fulufhelana vhukati ha vho ramafhungo na tshitshavha. -",0.23978828 -"they should report both the good news and the bad news, the progress we make and the challenges we face. -","musi vhoramafhungo vha tshi tenda u shumiswa kana u shumiswa ha fhethu havho u itela u lwa nndwa dza poḽotiki kana u ḓilifhedzela hu u itela u vhuedza zwo ṋetshedzwaho, u fulufhedzea havho hu a kwamea. -",0.24697994 -"credibility is key to sustaining trust between journalists and the public. -","musi nyanḓadzamafhungo i tshi phaḓaladza zwiṱori zwine zwa sa vhe zwone kana zwine zwa ḓivhea zwi si ngoho, tshitshavha tshi a xelelwa nga fulufhelo khayo. -",0.46684593 -"when journalists allow themselves or their platforms to be used to fight political battles or settle scores on behalf of vested interests, their credibility suffers. -","zwi kha dzangalelo ḽa vhoṱhe vhane vha funa sha ngo iḽi na u tama ḽi tshi bvelela u tikedza nyanḓa dzamafhungo yashu, khathi hi na u sa i thivhela kha mu shumo wayo. -",0.31607574 -"when media disseminate stories that are inaccurate or that they know to be false, the public loses faith in them. -","sa tshitshavha, kha ri bvele phanḓa na u shumisana kha u tsireledza mbofholowo ya nyanḓadzamafhungo ya shango ḽashu. -",0.54784787 -"it is in the best interests of all who love this country and wish for it to succeed that our media is supported, and not hindered in its work. -","nyanḓadzamafhungo yo khwaṱhaho ndi ya ndeme zwazwino u fhirisa zwifhinga zwoṱhe vukuzenzele unnamed ri khou tshila kha shango ḽine mura ḓo muṅwe na mu ṅwe wa tshitshavha, hu si vhoramafhungo fhedzi, u a kona u amba mavhonele awe a zwithu, muhumbu lo wawe khathihi na u sa fushea hawe o vhofholowa a si na nyofho. -",0.54784787 -"israel, palestine urged to emulate sa by pursuing peace vukuzenzele unnamed our experience with the democratic transition is a lesson about the power of empathy, negotiation and compromise. -","shango ḽa israel na shango ḽa palestine a khou ṱuṱuwedzwa u edzisela afrika tshipembe nga u lwela mulalo vukuzenzele unnamed tshenzhemo yashu kha tsha nduko ya demo kirasi ndi ngudo nga ha maanḓa a u vhavhalela, a u ambedzana khathihi na a u ḓanganedza. -",0.6548939 -"the escalating situation in israel and palestine affirms once more what we south africans know too well, that intractable conflicts can only be solved through peaceful negotiation. -","tshiimo tshine tsha khou ḓaḓa ngei shangoni ḓa israel na ngei palestine tshi khwaḓhisedza hafhu zwine riḓe sa maafrika tshipembe ra zwi ḓivha zwavhuḓi, uri dziphambano dzine dza sa fhele dzi nga kona u tandululwa nga kha nyambedzano dza mulalo. -",0.59352565 -"it also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case the illegal occupation by israel of palestinian land and the denial of the palestinian people’s right to selfdetermination, there will never be peace. -","zwi dovha hafhu zwa sumbedza uri nga nnḓa ha musi zwivhangi zwa dzi phambano zwo hasele dzwa, kha iḓi fhungo, u dzu la hune ha sa vhe mulayoni ha vha shango ḓa israel kha mavu a palestine khathihi na u hanelwa ha pfanelo ya vhuḓilangi kha vhathu vha palestine, a hu nga ḓo vuwa ho vha na mulalo. -",0.63445675 -"the latest violence was sparked by an israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the sheikh jarrah neighbourhood in east jerusalem to make way for israeli settlements. -","khakhathi dza zwenezwino dzo ḓuḓuwedzwa nga tsheo ya khothe ya israeli ya u pandela zwigwada zwa miḓa mahayani avho muvhunduni wa shei kh jarrah ngei jerusa lem vhubvaḓuvha hu tshi itelwa madzulo a israeli. -",0.67669415 -"the sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of south africans – of forced removals and land dispossession. -","zwe vhanna, vhafumakadzi khathihi na vhana vha pandelwa mahayani e vha miḓa yavho vho dzula hone lwa tshifhinga tshila pfu vha zwi vhonisa zwone zwo vhuisa vhuḓungu khathihi na zwihumbudzo zwa muthu kha vhunzhi ha maafrika tshipembe – zwa u bviswa nga khani na u dzhiiwa ha mavu. -",0.38091135 -"it was a pain and humiliation faced by my own family, and by many south african families. -","ho vha u pfiswa vhuḓungu na u shoniswa zwe muḓa wanga wa ḓangana nazwo, na zwe miḓwe miḓa ya afrika tshipembe ya ḓanga na nazwo. -",0.6098912 -"my family was forcibly moved to different parts of the country on two occasions. -","muḓa wanga wo pfuluswa nga khani wa iswa kha zwipiḓa zwo fhamba naho zwa shango nga nḓhani ha zwiitisi zwivhili. -",0.44324046 -"being forced from one’s home at gunpoint is a trauma not easily forgotten and is carried across generations. -","u kombetshedzwa u bva hayani hau wo sumbwa nga tshigidi ndi mutsiko u sa konḓelelei nahone u sa leluwiho u u hangwa nahone u a fhirela u bva kha muḓwe murafho u ya kha muḓwe. -",0.55793226 -"as a country, we are still living with the residual effects of the callous acts carried out in the name of apartheid spatial planning. -","sa shango, ri kha ḓi tshila na masiandoitwa a masalela a zwiito zwa u kandeledzwa zwe zwa bvelwa phanḓa nazwo sa tsheo ya fhasi ha dzina ḓa nzudzanyo dzi elanaho na muvhuso wa tshiḓalula. -",0.5827203 -"for all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the palestinian people; for it echoes our own. -","vhoḓhe vhane ra tenda kha ndingano, vhulamukanyi na pfanelo dza vhathu, ri nga si pandelwe zwavhukuma ra sokou dinalea fhedzi, kha vhuḓungu na u nyadzwa ho itwaho kha vhathu vha palestine; ngauri zwi ri humbudza vhuḓungu na u nyadzwa hashu. -",0.6482794 -"israel’s actions are a violation of international law. -","zwiito zwa shango ḓa israel ndi u pfuka mulayo wa dzitshaka. -",0.6301143 -"they show a total disregard for successive united nations security council reso lutions that call for an end to the occupation of palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the palestinian people. -","zwi sumbedza u nyadza makumedzwa a khoro ya tsireledzo ya yuno a bvelelaho ane a ita khuwelelo ya u fheliswa ha u dzu lwa kha mavu a palestine khathihi na u khunyeledzwa ha pfanelo dza vhathu vha palestine. -",0.554283 -"since israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at alaqsa mosque in jerusalem, the violence has now engulfed the gaza strip, large parts of the west bank and a number of israeli cities. -","u bva tshe mmbi ya vhu tsireledzi ya israeli ya ḓhase la vharabeli muvhunduni wa al aqsa mosque ngei jerusalem vhege yo fhelaho, khakhathi zwazwino dzo ḓanganya gaza strip, zwi piḓa zwihulwane zwa west bank na fhethu hunzhi ha ḓorobo dza israeli. -",0.7497947 -"it has claimed the lives of dozens of people, including children. -","zwo dzhia matshilo a vhathu vhanzhi, hu tshi katelwa na vhana. -",0.46248543 -"it is also deeply troubling that israeli forces destroyed a multistorey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence. -","zwi dovha hafhu zwa vhilahedza vhukuma zwa uri mmbi ya israeli yo pwashekanya zwi fhaḓo zwinzhi zwa zwitizi zwe zwa dzudza madza ngano manzhi a nyanḓa dzamafhungo, i tshi khou ru mela mulaedza u tshuwisa ho kha vha nyanḓadzama fhungo dzi vhigaho nga ha dzikhakhathi. -",0.34088767 -"the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years. -","tsikeledzo dzi sa pfaliho dza israeli kha gaza dzi ḓo vha na masiandoitwa a tshinyalelo khulwane kha vhathu vha paḓaho miḓioni mbili vhane ndi kale vha tshi khou ḓhuphea nga u valwa lwa miḓwaha ya 14 hu siho mulayoni ha israeli. -",0.6502117 -"we call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities. -","ri ita khuwelelo kha mahoro oḓhe a kwameaho ya u sumbedza vhuḓifari, u ḓhonifha matshilo a vhathu, na u fhungudza vengo ḓine ḓa vha hone zwazwino. -",0.5604816 -"as south africa, we are committed to being part of international efforts aimed at reviving a political process that will lead to the establishment of a viable palestinian state existing sidebyside in peace with israel and within internationally recognised borders. -","sa afrika tshipembe, ro ḓiimisela u vha tshipiḓa tsha ndingedzo dza dzi tshaka dzo lavhelesaho kha u dzudzanya maitele a poḓotiki ane a ḓo livhisa kha u thomiwa ha muvhuso u shumaho wa palestine une wa ḓo shuma hoḓhe nahone nga mulalo na shango ḓa israel, nahone ngangomu ha mikano ye ya tendelwa nga shango ḓoḓhe. -",0.6603585 -"the twostate solution remains the most viable option for the peoples of israel and palestine and must continue to be supported. -","thandululo ya mivhuso mivhili i dzula i yone nḓila i shumaho kha vhathu vha israel na vha palestine, nahone i fanela u bvela phanḓa na u tikedzwa. -",0.57297665 -"just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape. -","zwenezwo musi mmbi ya tsireledzo ya israeli i tshi khou ḓhasela vharabeli ngei al aqsa mosque, riḓe ngeno afrika tshipembe ro vha ri tshi khou dzudzanya tshihumbudzo tsha miḓwaha ya ḓana tsha mabulayo a bulhoek fhethu ha vhurereli ngei ntabelanga kha ḓa kapa vhubvaḓuvha. -",0.71189916 -"on 24 may 1921, colonial security forces armed with machine guns and artillery opened fire on worshippers, killing more than 160 people and wounding nearly 130. the massacre laid bare the brutality not only of the police force of the union of south africa, but also the racist system that it was charged to uphold. -","nga ḓa 24 shundunthule 1921, mmbi dza tshireledzo dza vhukoḓoni dze dza vha dzo ḓiḓama nga zwigidi dzo boma vharabeli, dza vhulaha vhathu vha paḓaho 160 na u huvhadza vha henefha kha 130. bulayo ḓo bvukulula zwiito zwa tshiḓuhu zwine zwa sa vhe zwa mmbi ya mapho lisa a vhuthihi ha afrika tshipembe fhedzi, na zwa sisiḓeme ya khethululo nga lukanda ye vha vha yo no shandukiswa u itela u tikedza. -",0.73597336 -"just like the dispute in the sheik jarrah neighbourhood, the atrocity at bulhoek was not just about a local dispute; it was fundamentally about the forced dispossession of land, about colonial occupa tion, about racial discrimi nation and about the violent suppression of dissent. -","u fana na kha khanedzo kha muvhundu wa tsini na sheik jarrah, dzinndwa dza bulhoek a dzongo vha fhedzi nga ha lunyadzo lwapo; dzo vha nga kha tshiitisi tsha khombetshedzo ya u dzhiiwa ha mavu, nga ha u dzula afho fhethu ha vhakoḓoni, nga ha tshiḓalula tsha khethululo nga lukanda na nga ha khakhathi dzi songo fanelaho dza vhahanedzi. -",0.6614696 -"as we reflect on the crisis in the middle east and particularly on the suffering of the palestinian people, we would do well to recall the words of selby msimang, a founding member of the african national congress. -","musi ri tshi lavhelesa kha zwiwo zwa vhubvaḓuvha vhukati nahone nga maanḓa kha u ḓhuphea ha vhathu vha palestine, ri ḓo ita zwa khwiḓe kha u hu mbula maipfi a vho selby msimang, muḓwe wa vhathomi vha ḓihoro ḓivhusi ḓa afrika tshipembe (anc). -",0.6626767 -"in the aftermath of the bulhoek massacre he wrote: ""history has shown that the human soul naturally revolts against injustice"". -","nga murahu ha mabula yo a bulhoek vho ḓwala: ""ḓivhazwakale i sumbedza uri nga lwa nzulele muya wa muthu u a vutshela u lwa na u sa vha hone ha vhulamukanyi"". -",0.66533136 -"the protests and the revolt of the oppressed people of south africa against colonialism and apartheid proved the veracity of this prophecy. -","migwalabo khathihi na u takutshedza ha vhathu vhe vha tsikeledzwa vha nndwa ya afrika tshipembe ya u lwa na zwa vhukoḓoni khathihi na muvhuso wa tshiḓalula zwo sumbedza vhungoho ha tshiporo fito itshi. -",0.5517444 -"as lovers of freedom and of justice, we stand with the palestinian people in their quest for selfdetermination, but also in their resistance against the deprivation of their human rights and the denial of their dignity. -","sa vhafuni vha mbofholowo na vhulamukanyi, ri ima na vhathu vha pa lestine kha fulo ḓavho ḓa u lwela vhuḓilangi, na kha u hanedza havho zwa u kandeledzwa ha pfanelo dzavho dza vhathu khathihi na u hanelwa ha zwirunzi zwavho. -",0.6237596 -"as citizens of a country that was able to turn its back on racehatred and bloodshed, and build an inclusive society rooted in human rights for all, it is our collective hope that the people of israel and palestine will follow a similar path; that they will find each other and that they will find peace.","shango ḽa israel na shango ḽa palestine a khou ṱuṱuwedzwa u edzisela afrika tshipembe nga u lwela mulalo vukuzenzele unnamed tshenzhemo yashu kha tsha nduko ya demo kirasi ndi ngudo nga ha maanḓa a u vhavhalela, a u ambedzana khathihi na a u ḓanganedza. -",0.6237596 -"sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi lwela u khunyeledza bono ḽa ndayotewa vukuzenzele unnamed miṅwahani ya fu rathi yo fhelaho, nga ḽa 31 shu ndunthule 1961, tshiṱalula afrika tshipembe tsho ḓo vha muvhuso, wa ḓifhandekanya na ifa ḽa britain. -",0.74189454 -"while a ‘republic’ is generally defined as a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, this was not the case in south africa. -","musi ‘muvhuso’ u tshi ṱalutshedzwa sa tshiimo tshine maanḓa manzhi a fa rwa nga vhathu na vhaimeli vhavho vho khethwaho, izwi a zwongo vha fhungo afrika tshipembe. -",0.51801074 -"the constitution of the apartheid republic pledged allegiance to god, ""who gathered our forebears together from many lands and gave them this as their own"". -","ndayotewa ya muvhuso wa tshiṱalula yo koloda u fhulufhedzea kha mudzimu, ""we a kuvhanganya vhoma khulukuku fhethu huthihi u bva kha mavu manzhi a vha ṋea shango iḽi sa ḽone ḽavho"". -",0.64694893 -"it was a constitution written by and for a racial minority, and it used faith to justify tyranny. -","yo vha i ndayotewa yo ṅwalwaho nga vha si vhanzhi nahone yo itelwaho vhenevho vha tshiṱalula vha si vhanzhi, yo shumisa thendo u sumbe dza u ṱalutshedza tshiṱuhu. -",0.28688592 -"it outlined the administration of government, providing that only white people were eligible to vote and serve as public representatives. -","yo sumbedza ndaulo ya muvhuso, i tshi tendela uri vhatshena ndi vhone fhedzi vho tendelwaho u khetha na u shuma sa vhaimeleli vha tshitshavha. -",0.5122278 -"it contained no bill of rights. -","yo vha i si na mulayotibe wa pfanelo. -",0.475798 -"the country’s majority was relegated to a footnote towards the end of its 121 provisions, in a section titled ‘administration of bantu affairs, etc.’. -","vhadzulapo vhanzhi vho tsitselwa kha vhuimo ha fhasifhasi u ya mafheleloni a ndugiselo dzawo dza 121, kha tshipiḓa tshine tsha vhidzwa ‘administration of bantu affa irs, na zwinwe’. -",0.65018296 -"in a televised message, prime minister hf verwoerd said: ""we seek the gradual development of each of our groups in a certain direction. -","kha mulaedza wo sumbe dzwaho kha theḽevishini, minisṱa muhulwane vho hf verwoerd vho amba zwa uri ri khou ṱoḓa mveledziso nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku ya tshigwada tshashu tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe kha sia ḽineḽo. -",0.5848651 -"here the solution is openly sought by retaining the white man’s guiding hand. -","hafha thandululo i kho ṱoḓea zwi khagala nga u isa phanḓa na u vhona uri tshanḓa tsha muthu mutshena tshi vha tshone sumbanḓila. -",0.4907719 -"""we are very happy to be a united people,"" he declared to the world. -","""ro takalela vhukuma u vha vhathu vho faranaho,"" vho zwi ḓivhadza ḽifhasi. -",0.42226195 -"but the reality was that we were not a united people. -","fhedzi ngoho ndi ya uri ro vha ri si vhathu vho faranaho. -",0.36842424 -"we were inhabitants of a country where one’s rights, prospects and life expectancy was determined by one’s race. -","ro vha ri vhadzulapo vha shango ḽine pfanelo dza muthu, zwilavhelelwa khathihi na ndavhelelo ya vhutshilo zwa vha zwi tshi bva kha muvhala wawe. -",0.49689084 -"for two decades, the republic of south africa constitution act of 1961 was the legal impetus for the repression of nearly 90% of the south african population. -","lwa miṅwaha ya maḓana mavhili, mulayo wa mu vhuso wa ndayotewa ya afrika tshipembe wa 1961 wo vha u tshiṱuṱuwedzi tshine tsha vha mulayoni tsha tsikeledzo ya vhadzulapo vha 90% vha afrika tshipembe. -",0.65325046 -"this unhappy anniversary took place in the same month that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of our new democratic constitution, which became the birth certificate of a real united nation. -","ḓuvha ḽa tshuhumbudzo ḽi sa takadzi ḽo itea nga ṅwedzi muthihi we ra pembelela ngawo ḓuvha ḽa tshihu mbudzo ḽa miṅwaha ya 25 ḽa u thomiwa ha ndayotewa yashu ya demokirasi ntswa nga buthano ḽa ndayotewa, ye ya vha ḽiṅwalo ḽa u bebwa ha tshitshavha tsho faranaho. -",0.6171773 -"now we have one law for one nation. -","zwazwino ri na mulayo muthihi wa shango ḽithihi. -",0.40002313 -"together, we have chosen for ourselves a system of government that gives true meaning to the concept of a republic. -","ri roṱhe, ro ḓinangela sisiṱeme ya ndaulo ine ya ṋetshedza ṱhalutshedzo ya vhukuma ya muhumbulo wa muvhuso. -",0.5383541 -"we have said that in our democratic republic, everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. -","ro zwi amba hezwi kha muvhuso wa demokirasi, uri vhathu vhoṱhe vha a lingana phanḓa ha mulayo nahone vha na pfanelo ya tsireledzo na mbuelo ya mulayo zwi linganaho. -",0.47734404 -"south africa today is a country where the administration of justice is vested in independent courts and a judiciary that is subject only to the constitution. -","afrika tshipembe ṋamusi ndi shango ḽine ndangulo ya vhulamukanyi yo hweswa maanḓa kha khothe dzo ḓiimisaho nga dzoṱhe na vhuhaṱuli ho lavhelesaho fhedzi kha ndayotewa. -",0.5902244 -"we live in a country where everyone has the right to approach the courts for the fulfilment of their rights. -","ri dzula kha shango ḽine vhathu vhoṱhe vha na pfanelo dza u livhana na khothe u itela u khunyeledzwa ha pfanelo dzavho. -",0.44281244 -"we live in a country where communities can stake a legal claim on land they were forcefully moved from, and where individuals or families are protected against arbitrary eviction from their homes. -","ri dzula kha shango ḽine zwitshavha zwi nga ita mbilo dzine dza vha mulayoni kha mavu e zwa kombetshedzwa u pfuluwa khao nga khani, na ḽine muthu muṅwe na muṅwe kana miṱa yo tsireledzwa kha u pandelwa mahayani avho hu songo ranga u ambiwa navho. -",0.57961655 -"we live in a country where everyone is permitted to freely practise their culture and traditions. -","ri dzula kha shango ḽine vhathu vhoṱhe vho tendelwa u tevhedza maitele a mvelele na sialala ḽavho vho vhofho lowa. -",0.46235353 -"it is a country where anyone can freely protest in support of social, political and other causes anywhere. -","ndi shango ḽine vhathu vhoṱhe vha nga gwalaba vho vhofholowa huna thikhedzo kha zwivhangi zwa matshi lisano, poḽotiki na zwiṅwe zwivhangi huṅwe na huṅwe. -",0.4984387 -"our constitutional dispensation is premised on accountable government, where the executive is answerable to the people and where parliament is representative of the people. -","ndayotewa yashu ya tshi fhinga tsha zwino yo ḓitika nga muvhuso une wa vha na vhuḓifhinduleli, hune khorondanguli ya kona u fhindulea kha vhathu na hune phalamennde ya vha muimeleli wa vhathu. -",0.59152865 -"it is a country where the law applies equally to any citizen. -","ndi shango ḽine mulayo wa shuma u lingana kha vhadzu lapo vhoṱhe. -",0.44823274 -"we now have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. -","zwazwino ri na muvhuso wa vhathu, nga vhathu, hu tshi itelwa vhathu. -",0.2983722 -"when the apartheid regime triumphantly paraded its racist constitution to the world 60 years ago, it had misplaced confidence that it would endure. -","musi muvhuso wa tsike ledzo wo ṱana ndayotewa ya tshiṱalula tshawo kha shango nga dakalo miṅwahani ya 60 yo fhelaho, wo vha u na fulufhelo ḽine ḽa sa vhe ḽone ḽa uri u ḓo vhusa u ya nga hu sa fheli. -",0.58564067 -"in an unanswered letter to verwoerd a month before the republic was declared, nelson mandela affirmed the liberation movement’s rejection of the forcibly imposed white republic. -","kha vhurifhi he ha sa fhi ndulwe he ha rumelwa kha vho verwoerd ṅwedzi wa phanḓa ha musi muvhuso u tshi khwaṱhisedzwa, vho nelson mandela vho khwaṱhisedza khanedzo ya dzangano ḽa muvhuso wa mbofholowo ya muvhuso we wa tou kombetshedzwa wa vhatshena. -",0.66619277 -"he said that no constitution or form of government decided without the participation of the african people would enjoy moral validity. -","vho amba zwa uri a hu na ndayotewa kana zwine muvhuso wa vha zwone zwine ha dzhiiwa tsheo hu si na u shela mulenzhe ha vhathu vha afrika zwi no ḓo ḓiphina nga vhuḓivhusi ho khwaṱhisedzwaho. -",0.58970433 -"indeed no system that entrenches the systematic denial of people’s rights can be sustained. -","zwavhukuma a hu na sisiṱeme ine ya thoma kha nedzo ya sisiṱeme ya pfa nelo dza vhathu ine ya ḓo bvelela. -",0.5423593 -"though it would be over three decades before the demands of the liberation movement were met, we eventually won our freedom. -","naho zwi tshi nga vha zwa miṅwaha i fhiraho maḓana mararu ṱhoḓea dza dzangano ḽa mbofholowo dzo swikelelwa, ro fhedzisela ro wana mbofholowo yashu. -",0.46972418 -"in relegating the apartheid constitution to the dustbin of history, we committed ourselves to a new constitution and a new set of values. -","kha u bvisa ndayotewa ya tshiṱalula ra i isa kha ḓivhazwakale ya malaṱwa, ro ḓikumedzela kha ndayotewa ntswa khathihi na maitele maswa a vhuḓifari havhuḓi. -",0.6154572 -"when i addressed the constitutional assembly 25 years ago, i said our constitution must become more than words on a page; it must become a reality in the lives of our people. -","musi ndi tshi ḓivhadza buthano ḽa ndayotewa miṅwahani ya 25 yo fhelaho, ndo ri ndayotewa i fanela u vha zwi fhiraho maipfi o ṅwalwaho fhasi; i fanela u vha zwa ngoho kha matshilo a vhathu vhashu. -",0.5930141 -"unless we do so, this progressive and revolutionary document will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless. -","nga nnḓa ha musi ro ita nga u ralo, mvelaphanḓa iyi na ḽiṅwalo ḽa mvutshelano zwi ḓo ṋetshedzelwa mahala na hone zwi ḓo vha zwi sa ambi tshithu. -",0.5056544 -"we have long decided what kind of society we want to be. -","ro dzhia tsheo kale ya uri ri khou ṱoḓa u vha tshitshavha tsha hani. -",0.30906165 -"it is a society rooted in human dignity, equality, freedom and nondiscrimination. -","ndi tshitshavha tsho tikwaho nga ṱhonifho ya vhathu, ndingano, mbo fholowo na u sa vha hone ha tshiṱalula. -",0.59596723 -"for a quarter of a century we have worked to build such a society. -","lwa kotara ya miṅwaha ya ḓana ro shuma kha u fhaṱa tshitshavha tshenetsho. -",0.43880945 -"we have made undeniable progress, but we still have many challenges and there is much work still to be done. -","ro ita mvelaphanḓa i sa hane dzeiho, fhedzi ri kha ḓi vha na khaedu nnzhi nahone hu na mushumo munzhi une wa kha ḓi fanela u itwa. -",0.4425858 -"as we mark the anniversary of the adoption of our democratic constitution, let us remember what a decisive break it was with the system underpinned by racism, exploitation, dispossession and oppression that had come before. -","musi ri tshi khou sumbedza miṅwaha ya ḓana ya u tho miwa ha ndayotewa yashu ya demokirasi, kha ri zwi humbule uri ho vha u awela ha tsheo yavhuḓi kha sisiṱeme ya muvhuso i tikedzwaho nga khethululo nga muvhala, u sa farwa zwavhuḓi, u pa ndelwa na u tsikeledzwa zwe zwa itea phanḓa. -",0.64108944 -"let us also remember that it is up to us to make the vision contained in our constitution a reality. -","kha ri zwi humbule uri zwi kha riṋe u ita uri bono ḽine ḽa vha kha ndayotewa yashu ḽi vhe zwa ngoho. -",0.38542128 -"for it is only by ensuring that all south africans are able to freely and fully exercise their constitutional rights, that we will truly become a united people.","afrika tshipembe ḽi lwela u khunyeledza bono ḽa ndayotewa vukuzenzele unnamed miṅwahani ya fu rathi yo fhelaho, nga ḽa 31 shu ndunthule 1961, tshiṱalula afrika tshipembe tsho ḓo vha muvhuso, wa ḓifhandekanya na ifa ḽa britain. -",0.38542128 -"the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education. -","vhaswa vhashu ndi vha vhuṱhogwa kha riṋe vukuzenzele unnamed nga ḽa 16 fulwi 1976, vhaswa vha soweto na vha zwi ḽwe zwipiḽa zwa sha ngo vho takuwa vha lwa na vhuvhi ha pfunzo ya vharema (bantu education). -",0.46168038 -"on that day and in the days that followed, many lost their lives. -","nga ḽeneḽo ḽuvha na nga maḽwe maḽuvha a tevhelaho, vhanzhi vho ḽo xelelwa nga matshilo. -",0.15293126 -"they were killed by a callous regime that had little regard for black lives and thought nothing of opening fire on unarmed, uniformed schoolchildren. -","vho vhulawa nga muvhuso wa tshiḽuhu we wa vha u sa dzhieli nḽha matshilo a vharema nahone u sa humbuli tshithu musi u tshi ḽhasela vhathu vha songo ḽiḽamaho, vhana vha tshikolo vha sa ḽivhi tshithu. -",0.5856879 -"these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle. -","zwo iteaho zwo khwaḽhisa muhumbulo wa dzitshaka wa u lwa na muvhuso wa tshiḽalula zwa dovha zwa ḽetshedza ḽhuḽhuwedzo i bvelaho phanḽa kha nndwa ya u lwela mbofholowo. -",0.5397937 -"young people have always been at the forefront of social protest, from the antiauthoritarian protests in latin america in the late 1950s, to the protests across africa in the late 1960s. -","vhaswa vha dzula vha vhone vharangaphanḽa vha migwalabo ya zwitshavha, u bva kha migwalabo i songo tendelwaho ngei latin amerika kha miḽwaha ya u fhedzisela ya vho1950, u swika kha migwalabo ya u mona na afrika kha miḽwaha ya u fhedzisela ya vho1960.ḽivhazwakale i lingedza u ḽwala u shela mulenzhe ha murafho wa 1976 kha dzangano ḽa dzitshaka na kha nndwa ya u lwa na tsikeledzo khathihi na tshayavhulamukanyi. -",0.6411809 -"history faithfully records the contribution of the generation of 1976 to the international student movement and its stance against oppression and injustice. -","nndwa iyi ya ḽivhazwakale yo iteaho kha miḽwaha ya 45 yo fhelaho i bvela phanḽa na u humbulwa u mona na afrika na ḽifhasi ḽoḽhe. -",0.5762757 -"this historic event 45 years ago continues to be commemorated across africa and the world. -","zwi a ḽungufhadza zwa uri nḽivho ya ḽa 16 fulwi i khou fhungudzea kha vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe . -",0.50135803 -"it is therefore disturbing that knowledge of june 16th is diminishing among young south africans. -","hezwi zwi khou itea vhukati ha murafho u vhidzwaho ge neration z, kana vhaswa vho bebwaho vhukati ha ḽwaha wa 1997 na ḽwaha wa 2015.ḽhoḽisiso ya vhuḽifari ha tshitshavha tsha afrika tshipembe ya 2019/2020 yo anḽadzwaho nga vha khoro ya ḽhoḽisiso ya saintsi ya vhathu yo wanulusa zwa uri u ya hanefha kha 40% ya murafho wa generation z a vha athu u pfa ḽivhazwakale ya zwo iteaho nga ḽa 16 fulwi. -",0.50158155 -"this is particularly so among the socalled generation z, or young people born between 1997 and 2015. the 2019/2020 south african social attitudes survey published by the human sciences research council found that close to 40% of generation z has not heard of the historical events of june 16th. -","tshivhalo tsha phesenthe i linganaho na heneyo vho no zwi pfa fhedzi vha ḽivha zwiḽuku kana a vha ḽivhi tshithu nga ha iyo ḽivhazwakale. -",0.6068889 -"a similar percentage has heard about it but knows very little or nothing about it. -","naho zwo ralo, ḽhoḽisiso dzo dovha hafhu dza wanulusa zwa uri vhaswa vha mu rafho wonoyu vho ḽiimisela u guda nga ha zwo iteaho kha ḽivhazwakale zwa ndeme nahone vha a dovha hafhu vha tenda kha vhuḽhogwa hazwo vhu bvelaho phanḽa. -",0.3993686 -"nevertheless, the survey also found that young people of this generation are open to learning about key historical events and believe in their continued importance. -","ri khou fanela u ita zwi nzhi sa shango u itela u khwaḽhisedza uri mulaedza wa 1976 u khou pfukiswa lwa ngoho. -",0.5517352 -"we need to do more as a country to ensure that the message of 1976 is transmitted faithfully. -","hovhu ndi vhuḽifhinduleli ho ḽanganelaho ha muvhuso, zwikolo, zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo dza nḽha, vhabebi, miḽa, vhaimbi, vhatsila, na tshitshavha tshoḽhe. -",0.104296 -"this is a collective responsibility of government, schools, tertiary institutions, parents, families, musicians, artists, and all of society. -","murafho we wa bebwa nga murahu ha muvhuso wa tshiḽalula wo fhedzisela wo wana shango ḽine ḽa vha na ndayotewa ya demokirasi na hune mbofholowo dza vhuḽhogwa dzo tsireledzwa. -",0.5993331 -"the generation that was born after apartheid ended inherited a country with a democratic constitution and where fundamental freedoms are protected. -","zwikhala zwine vhaswa vha vharema vha vha nazwo ḽamusi ndi zwihulwane nga maanḽa nahone zwo khwiḽiswa vhukuma. -",0.5327314 -"the opportunities young black people have today are both vastly different and greatly improved. -","u dzulela u amba nga ha zwo iteaho nga ḽa 16 fulwi ndi tshihumbudzi kha murafho wa ḽamusi tsha vhuḽiḽetshedzeli vhuhulwa ne he ha itwa u itela u wana mbofholowo ine vha vha nayo ḽamusi.ḽuvha ḽa vhaswa ndi tshihumbudzi tsha maanḽa mahulwane na nyito ya uri vhaswa vha fanela u tou ḽisikela vhumatshelo ha khwiḽe. -",0.42945713 -"keeping the story of june 16th alive is a reminder to today’s generation of the great sacrifices made to secure their freedom. -","thaidzo dzine vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe vha vha nadzo ḽamusi ndi nnzhi. -",0.51360905 -"youth day is a reminder of the immense power and agency that young people have to create a better future for themselves. -","vhaswa vha dzula vha vha vhuḽhogwa kha u ḽisa tshanduko, zwi si na ndavha uri ndi kha u ḽoḽa pfunzo ya mahala na kana kha u lwa na malwadze a tshitshavha a fanaho na khakhathi dzo ḽitikaho nga mbeu.ḽamusi thaidzo khu lwanesa ine vhaswa vha khou lwa nayo ndi ya vhushaya mishumo, he ha hulela nga mulandu wa dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.51014006 -"the struggles of young people in south africa today are many. -","u sika zwikhala zwinzhi hu u itela vhaswa, na tswikelo kha zwenezwo zwikhala, ndi tshipikwa tsha u thoma tsha muvhuso. -",0.1559705 -"young people have remained at the forefront of activism, whether in pursuit of free education or against social ills like genderbased violence. -","zwoḽhe zwine ra zwi ita sa muvhuso zwi shela mule nzhe kha u khwiḽisa matshilo a vhaswa. -",0.53261906 -"today the greatest struggle young people wage is against unemployment, which has worsened under the covid19 pandemic. -","u fhenya vhusha yamishumo kha vhaswa zwi ḽoḽa u ḽavhanyiswa ha nyaluwo ya ikonomi, nga maanḽesa kha dzisekhi thara dzi ḽoḽaho vhashumi vhanzhi, na u fhaḽa vhukoni ha muvhuso u itela u khunyeledza mushumo wawo wa mveledziso. -",0.50332093 -"creating more opportunities for young people, and access to these opportunities, is government’s foremost priority. -","ri khou dovha hafhu ra tshimbidza uyu mushumo nga kha thusedzo dzo pikwaho. -",0.4462775 -"everything that we do as a government contributes towards improving the lives of young people. -","hezwi zwi katela thusedzo ya mishumo ya vhaswa ya muphuresi dennde, ine yo no ḽetshedza zwikhala zwa mishumo na thikhedzo ya vhuḽitshidzi kha vhaswa vhanzhi. -",0.4674111 -"tackling youth unemployment requires accelerating economic growth, particularly in labourintensive sectors, and building the capability of the state to fulfil its developmental role. -","ro rwela ḽari mutevhe wa maḽwe maga u itela u sika zwikhala zwa mishumo, u khwiḽisa mveledziso ya zwikili, u tikedza vhoramabindu vhane vha kha ḽi vha vhaḽuku na u konisa u shela mulenzhe ha vhaswa kha ikonomi. -",0.59621227 -"we are also driving this agenda through targeted interventions. -","hezwi zwi katela u thomiwa ha netiweke ya ndangulo ya tswikelelo ya mishumo ya lushaka ya vhaswa vha afrika tshipembe, ya u ita uri zwi lelutshele vhaswa u lavhelesa na u swikela zwikhala zwa mishumo vha dovha hafhu vha wana thikhedzo i shumaho ya u wana magondo a u dzhena kha mushumo u re hone. -",0.40308303 -"these include the presidential employment stimulus, which has provided work opportunities and livelihoods support for many young people. -","hezwi zwi vhukati ha zwipikwa zwa ndeme kha thusedzo ya mishumo ya vhaswa ya muphure sidennde, ye ya rwelwa ḽari kha vhege dza phanḽa ha musi ri tshi dzhena kha muvalelo wa lushaka ḽwaha wo fhelaho nahone ine zwazwino ya khou thoma u shu miswa lwo fhelelaho. -",0.54686075 -"we have launched a range of additional measures to create opportunities, enhance skills development, support young entrepreneurs and enable the full participation of young people in the economy. -","thusedzo ya mishumo ya vhaswa ya muphure sidennde yo itwa nga kha kupfesesele kwa uri u tandulula tshiwo tsha vhushayami shumo ha vhaswa zwi ḽoḽa kuhumbulele kwa vhuḽali khathihi na tshumisano dzo khwaḽhaho u mona na zwi tshavha. -",0.60984254 -"this includes the establishment of a national pathway management network, sa youth, to make it easier for young people to view and access opportunities and receive active support to find pathways into the labour market. -","tshipikwa tshayo tsha u fhedzisela ndi u wana maitele ane a shuma, kha mveledziso ya zwikili kana kha mbekanyamaitele dza u anḽadza mishumo dzi re hone, na u swikisa izwi kha vhaswa vhanzhi. -",0.6062021 -"these are among the priorities of the presidential youth employment intervention, which was launched just weeks before we entered a national lockdown last year and which is now entering full implementation. -","tsha ndemesa, i ḽanganedza uri vhaswa vha fanela u vha vhukati ha ndingedzo iḽwe na iḽwe ya u khwiḽisa zwikhala zwa mishumo ya vhaswa. -",0.5653045 -"the presidential youth employment intervention was built on the understanding that addressing the youth unemployment crisis requires innovative thinking and strong partnerships across society. -","vhaswa ndi vha ndeme, vha dovha hafhu vha vha tshihali tshashu tshihu lwane kha ino nndwa. -",0.3445859 -"its ultimate objective is to find models that work, whether in skills development or active labour market policies, and to scale these rapidly to reach as many young people as possible. -","ri bvulela muḽadzi u konḽelela ha muswa muḽwe na muḽwe ane a khou ita mushumo wawe kha u fhaḽa na u bveledzisa ḽino shango. -",0.5438881 -"most importantly, it recognises that young people must be at the centre of any effort to boost youth employment. -","ndi vhaswa vhane vha khou shuma hu si na mala mba zwitshavhani zwashu, vhane vha khou fhaḽa shango ḽashu nga kha thusedzo ya mishumo ya vhaswa ya muphuresidennde, vhane vha khou tshimbidza mabindu a vhone vhaḽe na vhane vha khou guda u itela u ḽikhwiḽifhadza. -",0.413153 -"young people are our greatest asset, and our greatest weapon in this fight. -","ndi vhaswa vhane vha khou ḽiitela nḽila dzavho vha tshi khou tshimbila khathihi na vha miḽa yavho. -",0.40964365 -"we salute the resilience of every young person playing their part to build and develop this country. -","ri bvulela muḽadzi vhaswa vhane vha khou shuma u itela u khwiḽisa matshilo avho. -",0.4945402 -"they are the young people volunteering in our communities, building our country through the presidential employment stimulus, running their own businesses and studying to better themselves. -","vhaswa vha khou ita mushumo wavho; vha ḽoḽa muvhuso, na tshitshavha tshoḽhe, uri ri ite mushumo washu. -",0.54366904 -"they are the young people who are forging their own path and bringing their families along with them. -","shango ḽashu ḽi khou fhira kha tshifhinga tshi konḽaho, fhedzi ri khou shuma ḽuvha ḽiḽwe na ḽiḽwe u ḽanḽavhudza mikano ya fulufhelo. -",0.45788854 -"we salute young people who keep working to improve their lives. -","ri khou vhona u gonyela nḽha ha nyaluwo kha ikonomi yashu, ri na fulufhelo uri izwi zwi ḽo shandukela kha zwikhala zwa khwiḽe zwa vhoḽhe. -",0.44847167 -"young people are doing their part; they need government, and indeed all of society, to do ours. -","vhaswa vhashu ndi vha vhuṱhogwa kha riṋe vukuzenzele unnamed nga ḽa 16 fulwi 1976, vhaswa vha soweto na vha zwi ḽwe zwipiḽa zwa sha ngo vho takuwa vha lwa na vhuvhi ha pfunzo ya vharema (bantu education). -",0.44847167 -"soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency. -","mabindu a muvhuso (dzisoe) a fanela u tshimbidza nyaluwo na tshanduko ya ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed lwa miṅwaha yo vhalaho zwazwino, mabindu a muvhuso (dzisoe) a afrika tshipembe o ṅumekanywa lunzhi maṅoni a tshitshavha na zwiito zwa vhuaṅa kha muvhuso, u sa shumiswa nga nṅila yone ha masheleni na u sa vha hone ha vhukoni ha u shuma. -",0.6929319 -"in addition to needing regular bailouts from government, some of the country’s biggest and most important stateowned companies have been struggling to meet their mandates. -","u ṅadzisa kha ṅhoṅea ya u rengululwa ho teaho u bva kha muvhuso, dziṅwe dza khamphani dza shango khulwane nahone dza nde me dzi khou konṅelwa u swikela ndaela dzadzo. -",0.4997582 -"these soes should be at the forefront of economic and social transformation. -","mabindu a muvhuso a fanela u vha phanṅa kha tshanduko ya ikonomi na matshilisano. -",0.5080484 -"they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications. -","a na vhuṅifhinduleli ha u ṅetshedza themamveledziso na tshumelo dzine ikonomi ya ṅitika ngadzo, zwi si na ndavha uri ndi kha mvele dziso ya muṅagasi, vhuendi ha nnyi na nnyi, ndugiselo dza maṅi, nyendedzo ya thundu kana vhudavhidzanikule. -",0.5389433 -"our approach to state ownership is informed by the need for the effective functioning of key network industries, such as energy and ports, and by the need to ensure that the basic needs of all south africans, particularly the poor, can be met. -","maitele ashu kha vhuṅe ha muvhuso o ṅuṅuwedzwa nga ṅhoṅea ya u shuma zwavhuṅi ha nṅowetshumo dza netiweke dza ndeme, dzi fanaho na muṅagasi na vhuimangalavha, na nga ṅhoṅea ya u khwaṅhisedza uri ṅhoṅea dza ndeme dza maafrika tshipembe vhoṅhe, nga maanṅesa vha shayaho, dzi nga swikelwa. -",0.327888 -"we firmly believe that public ownership is necessary in critical sectors of the economy and that the country needs robust soes that are able to drive economic growth and transformation. -","ri tenda zwavhukuma uri vhuṅe ha tshitshavha vhu a ṅoṅea kha sekhithara dza ndeme dza ikonomi na uri shango ṅi khou ṅoṅa mabindu a muvhuso o khwaṅhaho ane a nga kona u tshimbidza nyaluwo na tshanduko ya ikonomi. -",0.56986666 -"this is particularly the case in the delivery of public goods such as electricity and water, where soes are able to pursue a developmental mandate in the public interest as opposed to a purely commercial one. -","hezwi ndi zwa ndeme nga maanṅesa kha ṅetshedzo ya thundu ya tshitshavha i fanaho na muṅagasi na maṅi, hune mabindu a muvhuso a a kona u tevhelela ndaela ya mveledziso kha dzangalelo ṅa tshitshavha zwi tshi hanedzana na ya vhuvhambadzi ha vhukuma. -",0.61378455 -"that is why we have made it a priority of this government to turn these companies around to root out corruption, improve their governance and enable them to play the role they should in driving economic growth and employment creation. -","ndi ngazwo ro zwi ita tshipikwa tsha muvhuso u shandula khamphani idzi u itela u fhelisa vhuaṅa, u khwiṅisa ndaulo yadzo na u dzi konisa u ita mushumo une dza fanela u u ita kha u tshimbidza nyaluwo ya ikonomi na tsiko ya mishumo. -",0.62896633 -"to this end, we have embarked upon a number of reforms to strengthen these soes so that they can produce the results that the country needs and expects. -","u swika kha magumo aya, ro thoma kha tshivhalo tsha tshanduko u itela u maanṅafhadza mabindu aya a muvhuso ngauralo a ṅo kona u bveledza mvelele dzine shango ṅa khou dzi ṅoṅa kana dzine ṅa khou dzi lavhelela. -",0.31087422 -"one of the most important reforms is in the energy sector. -","nthihi ya tshanduko dza ndeme i kha sekhithara ya muṅagasi. -",0.40178454 -"we have begun the process of restructuring eskom into three different soes, responsible for generation, transmission and distribution, respectively. -","ro no thoma na maitele a u dzudzanyulula eskom uri i vhe na mabindu a muvhuso mararu, ane a vha na vhuṅifhinduleli ha mveledziso, pfukiselo na kho vhekanyo, nga u angaredza. -",0.56491506 -"this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape. -","hezwi ndi nga uri tshivhu mbeo tsha eskom tsha kale tsho vha tshi songo fanela kha tshiimo tsha muṅagasi tshine tsha khou shanduka. -",0.540061 -"it had become inefficient and costly and was not sufficiently transparent. -","tsho swika he tsha balelwa u shuma lwo linganaho, tsha ṅoṅa tshelede nnzhi na u sa bvela khagala lwo linganaho. -",0.5216431 -"the establishment of a transmission entity in particular will mean that eskom will be able to purchase power from a broader range of providers, both private and public. -","u thomiwa ha tshiimiswa tsha pfukiselo nga u angaredza zwi ṅo amba uri eskom i ṅo kona u renga muṅagasi u bva kha vhaṅetshedzi vhanzhi vho angalalaho, vha phuraivethe na vha muvhuso. -",0.5748492 -"this will improve transparency, increase competitiveness and promote the purchase of lowestcost electricity. -","hezwi zwi ṅo khwiṅisa u vha khagala, zwa engedza vhuṅaṅisani khathihi na u engedza thengo ya muṅagasi wa mutengo wa fhasi. -",0.5879507 -"through the renewable energy independent power producers programme, there has been significant private investment in energy generation. -","nga kha mbekanyamu shumo ya vhabveledzi vha muṅagasi une wa vusuludzea vho ṅiimisaho nga vhoṅhe, ho vha na vhubi ndudzi vhuhulwane ha phu raivethe kha mveledziso ya muṅagasi. -",0.31307226 -"with the proposal to raise the licencing exemption for embedded generation – where companies produce electricity for themselves and other commercial users – from 1mw to 100mw, we can expect even more private investment. -","hu na khumbelo ya u gonyisa nyengedzedzo ya thendelo ya mveledziso i re hone – hune khamphani dza bveledza muṅagasi u itela dzone dziṅe na vhaṅwe vhashumisi vha mbambadzo – u bva kha 1mw u ya kha 100mw, ri nga lavhelela vhuṅwe vhubindudzi vhu nzhi ha phuraivethe. -",0.62220037 -"this is vital at a time when the country is suffering from severe and sustained electricity shortages and where neither eskom nor the state is able to invest in new generation capacity. -","hezwi ndi zwa ndeme nga tshifhinga tsha musi shango ṅi tshi khou fhira kha ṅhahelelo khulwane nahone i bvelaho phanṅa ya muṅagasi na hune eskom kana muvhuso zwi nga kona u bindula kha nṅadzo ntswa ya mveledziso. -",0.55548906 -"importantly, these reforms will give eskom the space to address its financial and operational challenges. -","tsha ndemesa, tshanduko idzi dzi ṅo ṅetshedza eskom tshikhala tsha u tandulula khaedu dzayo dza masheleni na dza kushumele. -",0.38767242 -"another critical reform is the establishment of the national ports authority as an independent subsidiary of transnet. -","iṅwe ya tshanduko ya ndeme ndi u thomiwa ha maanṅalanga a vhuimanga lavha ha lushaka sa kha mphanindaulwa ya transnet yo ṅiimisaho nga yoṅhe. -",0.5707736 -"this a crucial part of transnet’s broader strategy to revitalise our logistics infrastructure. -","hetshi ndi tshipiṅa tsha ṅiano ṅo angalalaho ṅa trannet ṅa u vusuludza themamveledziso yashu ya nyendedzo ya thundu. -",0.5403582 -"transnet plans to invest r100 billion over the next five years in upgrading its infrastructure across the ports system. -","transnet yo pulana u bindudza r100 biṅioni kha miṅwaha miṅanu i ṅaho kha u khwiṅifhadza themamveledziso yayo u mona na sisiṅeme ya vhuimanga lavha. -",0.61942863 -"this will make our ports more efficient and our exports more competitive, and benefit the entire economy. -","hezwi zwi ṅo ita vhuimangalavha hashu uri vhu shume zwihulwane na u ita uri vharengiselannṅa vhashu vha kone u ṅa ṅisana, na u vhuedza iko nomi nga u angaredza. -",0.48709518 -"for the ordinary consumer, it will mean reduced prices in the long term for many of our goods. -","kha murengi zwawe, zwi ṅo amba mitengo yo fhungudzwaho lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu kha vhunzhi ha thundu yashu. -",0.438069 -"for our exporters, it will mean greater competitiveness in global markets. -","kha vharengiselannṅa vhashu, zwi ṅo amba vhuṅaṅisani vhuhulwane kha mimaraga ya ṅifhasi. -",0.41167575 -"as our exports grow, our economy will expand and create more jobs. -","musi thengiselonnṅa yashu i tshi khou aluwa, ikonomi yashu i ṅo engedzea ya sika mishumo minzhi. -",0.47450083 -"more efficient ports will make the entire economy work better – and as port volumes increase, jobs will be created at the ports themselves. -","vhunzhi ha vhuimangalavha vhu shumaho vhu ṅo kona u ita ikonomi uri i shume khwiṅe – na uri musi mishumo ya vhuimangalavha i tshi engedzea, mishumo i ṅo sikea ha nefho kha vhuimangalavha. -",0.54996955 -"establishing the national ports authority as a transnet subsidiary with its own board will, among other things, mean that revenues generated by the ports can be used to replace old equipment and upgrade and expand our ports, work which has been delayed for more than a decade. -","u thoma maanṅalanga a vhuimangalavha ha lushaka sa khamphanindaulwa ya transnet ine ya vha na bodo yayo zwi ṅo, vhukati ha zwiṅwe, amba uri mbuelo dzine dza itwa nga vhuima ngalavha dzi nga shumiswa u sudzulusa tshishumiswa tsha kale nga tshiswa na u khwiṅisa na u ṅanṅavhudza vhuimangalavha hashu, mu shumo we wa khakhiswa lwa miṅwaha i fhiraho ya ṅana. -",0.34326494 -"among other things, these reforms will encourage greater private investment in the country’s economic infrastructure. -","vhukati ha zwiṅwe zwi thu, tshanduko idzi dzi ṅo ṅuṅuwedza vhubindudzi vhuhulwane ha phuraivethe kha thememveledziso ya ikonomi ya shango. -",0.39823878 -"some people have expressed concerns that this will diminish the importance or reduce the value of soes. -","vhaṅwe vhathu vho sumbedza mbilahelo dza uri hezwi zwi ṅo fhungudza vhuṅhogwa kana u fhungudza ndeme ya mabindu a muvhuso. -",0.5259025 -"in fact, the contrary is true. -","na ngoho, mbilahelo dzine dza vha hone ndi dza vhukuma. -",0.3147672 -"these reforms will ensure that while strategic infrastructure remains firmly in state hands, our soes will become more efficient and the industries they support will become more competitive. -","tshanduko idzi dzi ṅo khwaṅhisedza uri musi the mamveledziso dza tshiṅi rathedzhiki dzi tshi dzula dzo khwaṅha zwanṅani zwa muvhuso, mabindu ashu a muvhuso a ṅo shu ma zwavhuṅi nahone nṅo wetshumo dzine a dzi ṅea thikhedzo dzi ṅo kona u ṅaṅisana. -",0.30939603 -"equally, these reforms are important to ensure that soes implement their broader developmental mandates to support all citizens and the economy. -","zwi tshi lingana na zwenezwo, tshanduko idzi ndi dza ndeme u itela u khwaṅhisedza uri mabi ndu a muvhuso a thoma ndaela dza mveledziso dzo ṅanṅavhuwaho u itela u tikedza vhadzulapo vhoṅhe khathihi na ikonomi. -",0.2901958 -"our policy remains that soes must play a crucial developmental role in supporting the growth of our economy. -","mulayo washu u dzula u wa uri mabindu a muvhuso a fanela u ita mushumo wa ndeme wa mveledziso kha u tikedza nyaluwo ya ikonomi yashu. -",0.56620383 -"our task is to place them on a sound footing, so that they can serve their ultimate shareholders – the south african people.","mabindu a muvhuso (dzisoe) a fanela u tshimbidza nyaluwo na tshanduko ya ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed lwa miṅwaha yo vhalaho zwazwino, mabindu a muvhuso (dzisoe) a afrika tshipembe o ṅumekanywa lunzhi maṅoni a tshitshavha na zwiito zwa vhuaṅa kha muvhuso, u sa shumiswa nga nṅila yone ha masheleni na u sa vha hone ha vhukoni ha u shuma. -",0.56620383 -"support for businesses and workers vukuzenzele unnamed starting and building a business is a lot like raising a family. -","thikhedzo kha mabindu na vhashumi vukuzenzele unnamed uthoma na u fhaṱa bindu ndi mushumo muhu lwane une wa fana na u alusa muṱa. -",0.6719785 -"it takes time, patience, con stant support and consistent nurturing from infancy to maturity. -","zwi dzhia tshi fhinga, vhukoni ha u li ndela, thikhedzo yo fanela ho na u konḓelela tshifhinga tshoṱhe u bva hanani u swika vhuhulwaneni. -",0.597858 -"for many business owners, seeing a business that you grew from scratch struggling to survive, or even being forced to close its doors, is heartbreaking. -","kha vhoramabindu vhanzhi, u vhona bindu ḽe wa ḽi alusa u thoma fhasi ḽi tshi kundelwa u shuma, kana u kombetshe dzwa u vala minango yaḽo, ndi masinḓambilu. -",0.6233126 -"since the onset of the covid19 pandemic, this has sadly been the situation facing many businesses both large and small, not just in our country but around the world. -","u bva tshe dwadze ḽa covid19 ḽa thoma, hezwi zwo vha tshiimo tshi vhaisaho tshine mabindu mahulwane na maṱuku a khou ṱangana natsho, tshine tsha vha ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe hu si kha shango ḽashu fhedzi. -",0.52398044 -"the pandemic and the meas ures we have had to take to contain the spread of the virus have had a detrimental impact on businesses. -","dwadze khathihi na maga ane ra fanela u a tevhedza u itela u langa u phaḓalala ha tshitzhili zwo swika hune zwa vha na masia ndoitwa a si avhuḓi kha mabindu. -",0.571756 -"in dealing with the pandemic we have sought to adopt an evidencebased approach in both policy and practice, con sidering scientific research, clinical expertise and capabil ities, and impact on all sectors of the population. -","kha u lwa na dwadze ro swika he ra humbula u thoma maitele o ḓitikaho nga vhuṱanzi uri a vhe milayo na zwine zwa fanela u tevhedzwa, ro lavhelesa kha ṱhoḓisiso dza zwa saintsi, nḓivho na vhukoni ha zwa dzilafho, na masiandoitwa kha sekhithara dzoṱhe dza vhadzulapo. -",0.60365534 -"we have sought to have a balance between saving lives and preserving livelihoods. -","ro ḓo tea u linganya vhukati ha u phulusa matshilo na u vhu lunga vhuḓitshidzi. -",0.4724489 -"we have sought to mitigate the impact of the successive lockdown restrictions on people’s livelihoods, or risk a second and possibly worse epidemic of poverty and hunger in future. -","ro ḓo tea u fhungudza masiandoitwa a nyiledzo dza muvalelo a khou bvelelaho kha vhuḓitshidzi ha vhathu, kana u vhea khomboni dwadze ḽa vhuvhili nahone ḽo kalulaho ḽa vhushai na nḓala kha ḽa matshelo. -",0.55491674 -"in the earliest days last year, we introduced measures such as the covid temporary employer/employee relief scheme (ters), the covid19 loan guarantee scheme and various mechanisms to support small businesses to provide immediate and shortterm relief to burdened employees and business owners. -","kha maḓuvha a mathomoni a ṅwaha wo fhelaho, ro ḓivhadza maga a fanaho na tshikimu tsha phalalo ya mutholi/mutholiwa tsha tshifhinganyana (covid19 ters), tshikimu tsha khwaṱhisedzo ya khadzimiso ya masheleni tsha covid19 na dziṅwe nḓila dza u tikedza mabindu maṱuku u itela u ṋetshedza phalalo ya tshifhinganyana nga u ṱavhanya kha vhatholiwa khathihi na vhorama bindu vho tsikeledzeaho. -",0.65396345 -"in addition, the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and broadening access to existing social grants provided lifelines to indigent individuals and families. -","tshiṅwe hafhu, mundende wa tshipentshela wa phalalo ya tshitshavha kha tsikeledzo ya vhulwadze ha covid19 na u ṱanḓavhudza tswikelo kha mi ndende ya tshitshavha ine ya vha hone yo ṋetshedzelwaho u phu lusa matshilo a vhathu na miṱa i shayaho. -",0.6545912 -"through these interventions we were able to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic, preventing the closure of many businesses and the loss of even further jobs. -","nga kha thikhedzo idzi ro kona u fhungudza masia ndoitwa o kalulaho a dwadze, ri tshi khou thivhela na u valwa ha mabindu manzhi na u thivhela u fhela ha miṅwe mishumo u ya phanḓa. -",0.52552164 -"they pro vided a firm foundation for the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we launched in october last year. -","dzo ṋetshedza mutheo wo khwaṱhaho kha pulane ya mbuedzedzo na mvusuludzo ya ikonomi ye ra i rwela ṱari ṅwaha wo fhelaho nga ṅwedzi wa tshimedzi. -",0.5187853 -"as part of that plan, we introduced the presidential employment stimulus to provide income and livelihood support to millions of beneficiaries. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha pulane, ro ḓivhadza tshiṱuṱuwedzi tsha mishumo tsha muphuresidennde u itela u ṋetshedza tshikhedzo ya muholo na ya vhuḓitshidzi kha vhaholi vha dzimiḽioni. -",0.55759215 -"through the stimulus, over 300 000 young people have been placed as school assistants. -","nga kha tshiṱuṱuwedzi, vhaswa vha paḓaho 300 000 vho tholwa sa vhathusi zwikoloni. -",0.58293664 -"more than 100 000 subsistence farmers are registered on the firstever database of its kind where they have access to technical support. -","vhalimi vha limelaho vhone vhaṋe vha fhiraho 100 000 vho ṅwaliswa kha databeizi ya u tou thoma hune vha vha na tswikelo kha thi khedzo ya zwa thekhiniki. -",0.43063435 -"more than 30 000 young people have been given opportunities in the cultural, creative and sports sectors. -","vhaswa vha paḓaho 30 000 vho ṋetshedzwa zwikhala kha sekhi thara dza zwa mvelele, vhu tsila na mitambo. -",0.59791535 -"young professionals have been given opportunities in infrastructure development, healthcare, environmental conservation and a number of other sectors. -","vhaswa vhane vha vha na vhukoni vho ṋetshe dzwa zwikhala kha mveledziso ya nḓowetshumo, ndondola mutakalo, ṱhogomelo ya mupo na kha dziṅwe sekhithara dza tshivhalo. -",0.5789168 -"there are promising indi cations that our economy is steadily recovering, with growth and job creation in a number of sectors, from manufacturing to mining to agriculture. -","hu na tsumbedzo dzi fulufhe dzisaho dza uri ikonomi yashu i khou vuwa nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku, hu na nyaluwo kha u sikwa ha mishumo kha sekhithara dza tshivhalo, u bva kha dza mve ledziso u ya kha dza zwa migodi u swika kha dza vhulimi. -",0.56549484 -"at the same time we know that this ‘bigger picture’ is cold comfort to workers and business owners who have suffered immeasurably over the past year and a half, and were hoping to see their situa tions improve as the economy slowly opened up. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho ri a zwi ḓivha uri ‘izwi zwi khou vhonalaho zwi zwihulwane’ ndi khuthadzo kha vhashumi na vho ramabindu vhane vho kwamea zwihulwane kha ṅwaha na hafu zwo fhelaho, nahone vho vha vha tshi khou fulufhela uri vha ḓo vhona zwiimo zwavho zwi tshi khou khwiṋifhala musi ikonomi i tshi khou ralo u vulea nga zwiṱuku. -",0.40689486 -"the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others. -","u gonyela nṱha ha zwiwo zwa u kavhiwa zwine zwa khou enge dzwa nga lushaka lwa vhulwadze lwa delta ho ita uri hu khwaṱhiswe maga a nyiledzo kha mutshimbili wa vhathu, kha mashumele a mabindu na kha maguvhangano a tshitshavha, vhukati ha maṅwe. -",0.6303979 -"these were not been easy decisions to make, mindful of their impact on people’s livelihoods. -","heyo a yo ngo vha tsheo yo leluwaho u i dzhia, musi hu tshi khou humbulelwa na masiandoitwa ane a ḓo vha hone kha vhuḓitshidzi ha vhathu. -",0.42803776 -"just as we did at the beginning of the pandemic, we engaged in deliberations with all social partners, business, labour and civil society to see what financially sustainable measures we could intro duce to support businesses and individuals in distress at this time. -","sa zwe ra ita mathomoni a dwadze, ro ḓidzhenisa kha nyambedzano na vhashumi sani vhoṱhe vha tshitshavha, mabindu, mishumo na tshitshavha tsho faranaho u itela u vhona uri ndi maga afhio a zwa masheleni a bvelaho phanḓa ane ra nga a ḓivhadza u itela u tikedza mabindu na phalalo ya muthu nga muthu nga hetshi tshifhinga. -",0.56860423 -"the negotiations at the national economic development and labour council resulted in consen sus that the most practical and financially sustainable measure that can provide urgent relief is extending the covid19 ters scheme to sectors that have been affected by the adjusted level 4 restrictions. -","nyambedzano na vha khoro ya mveledziso na mishumo ya ikonomi ya lushaka dzo bve ledza vhuṱanzi ha uri ḽiga ḽi no kona u itea nahone ḽi bvelelaho siani ḽa masheleni, ḽine ḽa nga ṋetshedza phalalo nga u ṱavha nya ndi u engedza covid19 ters kha sekhithara dzo kwameaho nga maga a nyiledzo dza ḽeveḽe ya vhuṋa ya tsivhudzo. -",0.6835972 -"to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable. -","u itela u tikedza mabindu ane ḽaisentsi dzao dza thendelo dza u shuma dzo fhelelwa nga tshifhinga vhukati ha ṅwedzi wa ṱhafamuhwe 2020 na wa fulwi 2021, ri khou engedza tshifhinga tsha thendelo u swika nga ṅwedzi wa nyendavhusiku 2022. zwiṅwe hafhu, ḽaisentsi dza thendelo dza u shuma dza mabindu maswa dze dza ṋe tshedzwa u bva nga ḽa u thoma ḽa ṅwedzi wa fulwana dzi ḓo shuma u swika nga ḽa 31 nyendavhusiku 2022, nahone a hu na mbadelo ya ḽaisentsi ine ya ḓo badelwa. -",0.68947875 -"over the past year, we have also been working consist ently to protect vulnerable workers whose jobs were at risk, particularly in hardhit sectors like retail, food and beverage and the metals industry. -","kha ṅwaha wo fhelaho, ro vha ri tshi khou shuma ri sa neti u itela u tsireledza vhashumi vhe mishumo yavho ya vha i khomboni ya u fhela, nga maanḓesa kha sekhithara dzo kwameaho nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi dzi fanaho na mavhengeleni, zwiḽiwani na zwinwiwani khathihi na kha nḓowetshumo ya zwa tsimbi. -",0.59254134 -"through processes facili tated by the commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration, some 58 000 jobs have been saved. -","nga kha maitele o ṋetshedzwaho nga vha khomishimi u itela vhu pfumedzani, vhulamuli khathihi na vhulamukanyi, miṅwe mishumo ya 58 000 yo vhulungwa. -",0.62031245 -"with the pandemic show ing no immediate signs of ending, businesses and work ers remain vulnerable. -","musi dwadze ḽi sa khou sumbedza zwiga zwa u fhela nga u ṱavhanya, mabindu na vhashumi vha dzula vhe khomboni. -",0.47794294 -"it is thanks to the social com pacts we continue to forge that government, business and labour have been able to work together to buffer work ers and businesses from the pandemic’s harsh economic impacts. -","ndi ndivhuwo kha thendelano dza tshitshavha dzine ra bvela phanḓa na u ita uri muvhuso, mabindu na mishumo zwi kone u shumisana u itela u khuthadza vhashumi na mabindu kha masiandaitwa a dwadze a vhavhaho. -",0.5841149 -"for now, our priority is saving lives, and ensuring that we provide the necessary support, within our means, to prevent more businesses closing down and more jobs being lost. -","u swika zwino, tshipikwa tshashu ndi u phulusa ma tshilo, na u khwaṱhisedza uri ri ṋetshedza thikhedzo yo fanelaho, i re maanḓani ashu, ya u thivhela u valwa ha mabindu manzhi na u fhela ha mishumo minzhi. -",0.5603459 -"as we did with the covid19 ters scheme, government is firmly committed to con tinue its engagements with business and labour to find a way through these distressing times that both saves lives and protects livelihoods.","thikhedzo kha mabindu na vhashumi vukuzenzele unnamed uthoma na u fhaṱa bindu ndi mushumo muhu lwane une wa fana na u alusa muṱa. -",0.5603459 -"inclusive communities critical to sa’s success vukuzenzele unnamed while the violence and destruction that engulfed parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng recently caused much damage to property and livelihoods, it also had a huge impact on the cohesion of our communities. -","zwitshavha zwi katelaho tshaka dzo ṱhe ndi zwa ndeme kha u bvelela ha afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed musi khakhathi na tshinyadzo ya ndaka zwe zwa kwama zwipiḓa zwa vunḓu ḽa kwazulunatal na ḽa gauteng zwezwino zwo vhanga mu tshinyalo muhulwane kha ndaka na vhuḓitshidzi ha vhathu, zwo dovha hafhu zwa vha na masiandaitwa mahu lwane kha tshumisano ya zwitshavha zwashu. -",0.6852114 -"this was most evident in the tragic events that took place in and around phoenix in ethekwini. -","hezwi zwo vhonala kha zwiwo zwi pfisaho vhuṱungu zwe zwa itea vhuponi ha phoenix na u mona naho ngei ethekwini. -",0.5633149 -"during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other. -","nga tshifhinga tsha dziṅwe khakhathi khulwane kha demo kirasi yashu, na kha kilima ine yo no dzula yo khwaṱha kha u humbulelwa na nyofho, vhathu vhe vha tshila nga mulalo kha zwoṱhe vho ḓo shandukelana. -",0.32529673 -"there is still much we have to unearth about the events that took place. -","hu kha ḓi vha na zwinzhi zwine ra fanela u zwi bvisela khagala nga ha zwiwo zwe zwa itea. -",0.35901713 -"the proliferation of fake news, doctored images and incorrect information has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction. -","u engedzea ha mafhungo ane a si vhe a ngoho, zwinepe zwo lulamiswaho na mafhungo o khakheaho zwo ita uri hu vhe na vhukonḓi kha u khetha ngoho kha mazwifhi. -",0.23518488 -"but we do know from official reports and personal accounts that people were racially profiled at illegal roadblocks, some people were pulled out of cars and beaten, and some were humiliated and degraded. -","fhedzi ri a zwi ḓivha u bva kha mivhigo i re mulayoni na akhaunthu dza muthu nga muthu uri vhathu vho vha vha tshi khou khethululwa nga muvhala fhethu ho thivhiwaho dzibada zwi siho mulayoni, vhaṅwe vhathu vho tsitswa goloini dzavho vha rwiwa, ngeno vhaṅwe vho shoniswa na u tsitswa tshirunzi. -",0.3595227 -"several people were killed. -","vhunzhi ha vhathu vho vhulawa. -",0.29542473 -"much of what has happened is the inevitable outcome when people take the law into their own hands. -","vhunzhi ha zwe zwa itea ndi mvelelo i sa thivhelei ya musi vhathu vha tshi dzhia mulayo vha u vhea zwanḓani zwavho. -",0.43594575 -"vigilantism will not be tolerated in this country. -","u dzhia mulayo wa u vhea zwanḓani zwau nga nnḓa ha thendelo a zwi nga ḓo tendelwa kha ḽino shango. -",0.36330292 -"it is criminal and it is dangerous. -","ndi vhugevhenga nahone zwi khombo. -",0.41009927 -"now that calm has been restored to the affected areas, our law enforcement agencies are investigating all acts of criminality. -","zwazwino nga uri vhudziki ho vhuedzedzwa kha vhupo ho kwa meaho, vha mazhendedzi ashu a khombetshedzo ya mulayo vha khou ṱoḓisisa zwiito zwoṱhe zwa vhugevhenga. -",0.50668263 -"a team of detectives has been assigned to deal with the murders and are working closely with local communities. -","tshigwada tsha mafogisi tsho ṋewa mushumo wa u shumana na mabulayo nahone tshi khou shuma tshi tsini na zwitshavha zwapo. -",0.52713203 -"there have been arrests and those responsible will face the full might of the law. -","ho vha na u farwa ha vhathu nahone avho vhane vha vha na vhuḓifhinduleli vha ḓo livhana na tshanḓa tsho fhelelaho tsha mulayo. -",0.49554813 -"much of the narrative around the events in phoenix has been dominated by attempts to turn one race against another. -","mafhungo manzhi nga ha zwiwo ngei phoenix o sumbedza zwo vha ndingedzo dza u ita uri luṅwe lushaka lu ṱanutshele luṅwe. -",0.54300857 -"it has been stoked by anonymous people on social media and in messaging groups making outrageous claims and calling for revenge. -","zwo khuṱhedzwa nga vhathu vha sa ḓivhei kha vhuda vhidzani ha kha inthanethe na nga kha zwigwada zwa u rumelana milaedza hu tshi itwa mbilo khulwane na u ita khuwelelo ya ndifhedzo. -",0.5940123 -"there is an attempt to present this as a sign of imploding race relations between african and indian communities. -","hu na ndingedzo ya u sumbedza izwi sa tshiga tsha u balanganya vhushaka vhukati ha tshitshavha tsha vharema na tsha maindia. -",0.5014762 -"just as there were people who tried to exploit people’s vulnerability and cause mayhem, there are those who want to present criminal acts in racial terms to serve their own purposes. -","zwenezwo musi hu na vhathu vhe vha lingedza u sa fara nga nḓila yone vhathu vha sa ḓikoneli na u vhanga nndwa, huna avho vhane vha khou ṱoḓa u sumbedza zwiito zwa vhugevhenga sa nḓila ya phambano vhukati ha dzi tshaka hu u itela zwipikwa zwavho. -",0.5928402 -"they will not succeed. -","a vha nga bveleli. -",0.33281726 -"south africa has a proud history of principled nonracialism and working class solidarity. -","afrika tshipembe ḽi na ḓivhazwakale yavhuḓi ya zwitshavha zwa mulayo u si na tshikhetho na wa vhuthihi. -",0.65746105 -"african and indian communities were united in the struggle against apartheid and, together with other communities, remain committed to a united and democratic society. -","tshitshavha tsha vharema na tsha maindia zwo vha zwo farana kha nndwa ya u lwa na tshiṱalula, na uri musi zwo ṱangana na zwiṅwe zwitshavha, zwi dzula zwo ḓiimisela u vha tshitshavha tsho faranaho na u vha tshitshavha tsha demokirasi. -",0.5349567 -"in response to the fear and mistrust, the people of phoenix and the neighbouring areas of bhambayi, zwelitsha and amaoti are working to repair the damage. -","kha u fhindula kha nyofho na u sa thembea, vhathu vha ngei phoenix na kha vhuṅwe vhupo ha tsini ha bhambayi, zwelitsha na amaoti vha khou lugisa tshinyalelo. -",0.7548337 -"aided by a peace forum established by the south african police service in partnership with community leaders, the communities have come together to support those affected by the unrest and to open channels of dialogue. -","nga thusedzo ya muṱangano wa mulalo we wa thomiwa nga vha tshumelo ya mapholisa ya afrika tshipembe nga tshumisano na vharangaphanḓa vha tshitshavha, zwitshavha zwo ṱangana hu u itela u tikedza avho vhe vha kwamea nga khakhathi na u vula nḓila dza u ambedzana. -",0.6051316 -"this is not the only part of the country that is confronted with such challenges. -","hetshi a si tshone tshipiḓa tshi tshoṱhe tsha shango tshe tsha livhana na khaedu dzo raliho. -",0.3755793 -"our efforts to build integrated communities are frustrated by the legacy of apartheid planning and persistent inequality. -","ndingedzo dzashu dza u fhaṱa zwitshavha zwo ṱanganelaho dzo hanganea nga mulandu wa ifa ḽa tshiṱalula tsho dzudzanywaho na tshayandingano i khou bvelaho phanḓa. -",0.52003145 -"our cities, towns and rural areas are still all divided by both race and class. -","vhupo hashu ha dziḓoroboni na ha mahayani vhu kha ḓi vha ho khethekana nga mbeu na nga tshiimo tsha muthu. -",0.5028985 -"this discourages cooperation and understanding, and hampers the work we have undertaken to build a nonracial society. -","hezwi zwi kula nungo tshumisano khathihi na kupfesesele, zwa dovha hafhu zwa khakhisa mushumo we ra u ita kha u fhaṱa tshitshavha tshi si na khethululo nga lushaka. -",0.49716073 -"correcting these spatial distortions must be part of our work of building an inclusive economy and improving the living conditions of all south africans. -","u khakhulula zwikhakhisi izwi hu fanela u vha tshipiḓa tsha mushumo washu wa u fhaṱa ikonomi i katelaho na u khwiṋisa nḓila dza u tshila dza maafrika tshipembe vhoṱhe. -",0.53215873 -"it is why we are working to build flourishing township and rural economies, and focusing on the growth of small businesses. -","ndi nga zwo ri tshi khou shuma u itela u fhaṱa vhupo ha ḓoroboni vhu bvelelaho khathihi na ikonomi dza mahayani, na u lavhelesa kha nyaluwo ya mabindu maṱuku. -",0.5946704 -"it is why we are investing in infrastructure in these areas and working to improve the provision of services. -","ndi nga zwo ri tshi khou bindudza kha the mamveledziso kha vhupo uvhu na u shuma u khwiṋisa nḓisedzo ya tshumelo. -",0.47752625 -"at the same time, we need to confront racism in our society. -","nga tshenetshi tshifhinga, ri khou fanela u livhana na khethu lulo nga muvhala tshitshavhani tshashu. -",0.4222577 -"we need to have honest conversations not only about our attitudes to one another, but also about the material conditions that divide us. -","ri khou fanela u vha na nyambedzano dza ngoho hu si nga ha mavhonele ashu kha vhaṅwe vhathu fhedzi, na nga ha zwiimo zwa matshilisano zwine zwa ri khethekanya. -",0.5436437 -"for as long as the division of wealth and opportunity in south africa is largely still determined by race and gender, we will not be able to build a truly united nation. -","arali phambano ya lupfumo na zwikhala fhano afrika tshipembe i kha ḓi langwa nga muvhala na mbeu, a ri nga koni u fhaṱa shango ḽo faranaho zwa vhukuma. -",0.615839 -"the events in phoenix are a painful reminder of how much work we still need to do to build inclusive communities that have successfully broken down the boundaries of the past. -","zwiwo zwa ngei phoenix ndi tshihumbudzi tshi vhaisaho tsha mushumo munzhi une ra kha ḓi fanela u u ita u itela u fhaṱa zwitshavha zwi katelaho zwe zwa ṱhukhukanya mikano ya zwe zwa itea kale. -",0.6103519 -"these events also demonstrate how determined some people are to divide us, and how we need to do everything we can to resist them. -","zwiwo izwo zwi dovha hafhu zwa sumbedza nḓila ine vhaṅwe vhathu vho ḓiimisela ngayo u ri khethekanya, na uri ri nga zwi itisa hani u ita zwoṱhe zwa u hanedzana navho. -",0.47413823 -"it is our collective responsibility to support these communities in ethekwini and elsewhere in their journey towards reconciliation and healing. -","ndi vhuḓifhinduleli hashu ho ṱanganelaho u tikedza zwitsha vha izwi zwa ngei ethekwini na huṅwevho kha lwendo lwavho lwo livhaho kha vhupfumedzani na phodzo. -",0.5889636 -"our democracy was built by peacemakers and bridgebuilders. -","demokirasi yashu yo sikwa nga vhadziamulalo na vhasiki vha vhukonani vhukati ha vhathu. -",0.5035011 -"the architects of our freedom were african, indian, coloured and white men and women of great courage who chose the path of reconciliation over retribution, and of peace over war. -","vhaḓivhi vha zwa u fhaṱa vha mbofholowo yashu vho vha vhe vharema, maindia, makha ḽadi na vhanna na vhafuma kadzi vha vhatshena vhane vha vha na ṱhuṱhuwedzo khulwane vhe vha nanga gondo ḽa vhupfumedzani u fhira ḽa ndifhedzo, na ḽa mulalo u fhira ḽa nndwa. -",0.59632075 -"as we strive to heal from this collective national trauma, let us stand as one. -","musi ri tshi khou lwela u fhola kha vhuṱungu uvhu ho ṱanganelaho vhu sa konḓe lelei, kha ri ime ri tshithu tshithihi. -",0.49815288 -"let us overcome our differences in pursuit of the common good. -","kha ri kunde phambano dzashu ri tshi khou lwela zwivhuya zwo ḓowe leaho. -",0.34572667 -let us work together to forge a common future in which everyone has an equal share.,"zwitshavha zwi katelaho tshaka dzo ṱhe ndi zwa ndeme kha u bvelela ha afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed musi khakhathi na tshinyadzo ya ndaka zwe zwa kwama zwipiḓa zwa vunḓu ḽa kwazulunatal na ḽa gauteng zwezwino zwo vhanga mu tshinyalo muhulwane kha ndaka na vhuḓitshidzi ha vhathu, zwo dovha hafhu zwa vha na masiandaitwa mahu lwane kha tshumisano ya zwitshavha zwashu. -",0.34572667 -"building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard. -","u fhaṱa lushaka lu si na zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso vukuzenzele unnamed tsengo dzo dzudzanywaho dza khomishini ya vhuvhudzisi maluga na na zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso dzi khou tou bva u fhela, ho no fhela maḓuvha a fhiraho 1,000 nga murahu ha u pfa ṱhanzi ya u thoma. -",0.6885285 -"while the commission’s chairperson, deputy chief justice raymond zondo has said it may be necessary for a few more witnesses to testify, the work of the commission is now one step closer to completion. -","musi mudzulatshidulo wa khomishini, mufarisa muhaṱuli muhulwane vho raymond zondo vha tshi ṱahisa ḽa uri zwi nga vha zwa ndeme arali ṱhanzi nnzhi dza nga ṱanziela, mushumo wa khomishini zwazwino u tsini na u khunyelela. -",0.6399437 -"this is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy. -","hetshi ndi tshone tshipikwa tsha ndeme tshine tsha ri sendedza tsini na u khunye ledza tshithihi tsha zwithu zwi tshinyadzaho ḓivhazwakale ya demokirasi yashu. -",0.5840603 -"even before judge zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission’s work has been invaluable. -","naho muhaṱuli vho zondo vha sa athu u rumela mawanwa avho na themendelo kha muphuresidennde, ri nga tendelana roṱhe uri mushumo wa khomishini wo vha wa ndeme vhukuma. -",0.5351356 -"over the course of three years, we have heard testimony detailing alleged acts of corruption on a massive scale. -","kha miṅwaha miraru, ro pfa vhutanzi vhu dodombe dzaho maitele a tshanḓanguvhoni nga vhuḓalo. -",0.49227473 -"we have heard about actions that resulted in the theft of billions of rands of public money. -","ro pfa nga ha zwiito zwe zwa sia lushaka lu tshi khou tsweliwa dzibiḽioni dza dzirannda. -",0.47370073 -"we have heard how many public institutions and stateowned companies were deliberately weakened. -","ro pfa uri ndi zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso zwingana na khamphani dza muvhuso nngana dze dza hoṱefhadzwa nga maitele aya. -",0.46802363 -"this exposure of the nature, extent and depth of state capture did not take place behind closed doors, but was broadcast to the entire country. -","u ṱaniwa ha vhuvha, nḓila ye zwa itwa ngayo khathihi na vhudzivha ha zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso a zwo ngo itwa zwo dzumbiwa, fhedzi zwo anḓadzwa kha shango ḽoṱhe. -",0.21615353 -"by allowing all south africans to follow the commission’s proceedings, it has helped to instil public confidence in our democracy in the way it promotes openness and transparency. -","u tendela vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vha tshi sala murahu mvelaphanḓa ya khomishini kha fhungo iḽi, zwo thusa u vhuisa fulufhelo ḽa lushaka kha demokirasi yashu nga nḓila ine ya ṱuṱuwedza u vha khagala kha zwoṱhe. -",0.5867924 -"the country owes a debt of gratitude to all who were involved in the work of the commission; from those who investigated, researched and compiled a huge amount of information; to the many witnesses who testified and provided evidence; to the journalists who diligently reported on the proceedings; to the lawyers who helped present evidence. -","shango ḽi khou livhuwa vhoṱhe vhe vha dzhene lela kha mushumo wa kho mishini; u bva kha vhe vha ṱoḓisisa, vha sengulusa vha dovha hafhu vha kuvhanganya mafhungo manzhi nga ha zwiito izwi; ṱhanzi nnzhi dzo ṱanzielaho dza dovha hafhu dza sumbedza vhuṱanzi; vho ramafhungo vho vhigaho nga vhuronwane mvelaphanḓa; na vho ramilayo vho thusaho u sumbedza vhuṱanzi. -",0.6124362 -"we also owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals, some of whom remain unknown, whose actions led to the establishment of the commission in the first place. -","ri khou dovha hafhu ra livhuwa vhathu vhanzhi, vhaṅwe vha hone a vha ḓivhei, vhe vha livhisa kha u thomiwa ha khomishini. -",0.31008998 -"these are the people who unearthed these alleged criminal acts, who resisted, who spoke out and who took up campaigns – both public and behind the scenes – to end state capture. -","havha ndi vhathu vho bvu kululaho zwiito hezwi zwa vhugevhenga, vho hanedzaho, vho ambaho na vho dzhiaho maga a u ita mafulo – hu nga vha vhe vha zwiita vhe khagala na vhe vha vha vho dzumbama – kha u fhelisa zwiito zwa u dzhe nelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso. -",0.5854807 -"it is thanks to them that we now speak of state capture in the past tense. -","ri a vha livhuwa zwazwino ngauri musi ri tshi amba nga ha zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso ri zwi amba sa zwo iteaho kale. -",0.47139636 -"state capture did not end of its own accord. -","zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso a zwongo fhela nga zwone zwiṋe. -",0.4807287 -"it was brought to an end by the concerted actions of south africans from all walks of life, working in various areas to restore the values of our constitutional democracy. -","zwo fheliswa nga tshumisano ya vhathu vha afrika tshipembe u bva kha masia o fhamba naho, vhe vha shuma fhethu ho fhambanaho u itela u vhuedzedza vhundeme ha demokirasi yashu ya ndayotewa. -",0.6075305 -"and it is up to all of us to ensure that these practices are never allowed to happen again. -","zwi kha riṋe roṱhe u khwaṱhisedza uri zwiito zwi fanaho na izwi a zwi tsha dovha hafhu zwa itea. -",0.42574555 -"over the past three years, we have taken several important steps to tackle corruption and state capture. -","u bva tsha miṅwaha miraru, ro dzhia maga manzhi a vhuṱhogwa u itela u fhelisa tshanḓanguvhoni na u dzhe nelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso. -",0.47492087 -"we have been painstakingly rebuilding bodies like the national prosecuting authority (npa), the south african police service, the south african revenue service and others. -","ri khou vusuludza nga vhu ronwane zwiimiswa zwi ngaho sa zwa maanḓalanga a vhutshutshisi ha lushaka (npa), tshumelo ya mapholisa ya afrika tshipembe (saps), tshumelo ya zwa muthelo ya afrika tshipembe (sars) na zwiṅwe. -",0.6983144 -"we have set up new structures, like the investigating directorate in the npa to prosecute highlevel corruption and the special investigating unit (siu) special tribunal to recover stolen public funds. -","ro vhea zwigwada zwiswa u fana na tsha vhulanguli kha zwa ṱhoḓisiso dza npa u itela u sengisa tshanḓa nguvhoni tsha maimo a nṱha na khothe yo khetheaho ya siu u itela u vhuisa masheleni a lushaka o tswiwaho. -",0.633701 -"we have improved our crimefighting capacity through the establishment of the fusion centre, which brings together various lawenforcement agencies to share information and coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crime. -","ro khwiṋisa vhukoni hashu ha u lwa na zwiito zwa vhugevhenga nga u thoma senthara yo ṱanganelaho, ine ya konanya mazhendedzi a zwa mulayo o fhamba naho uri a kone u kovhelana mafhungo na u dzudzanya ṱhoḓisiso kha vhutshutshisi ha vhugevhenga. -",0.33057284 -"we have changed the leadership at several strategic stateowned enterprises (soes), and begun the process of restoring them to financial and operational health. -","ro shandukisa vhurangaphanḓa kha mabindu a muvhuso o fhambanaho, ra thoma maitele a u a vhue dzedza kha tshiimo tshavhuḓi tsha zwa masheleni na kushumele. -",0.55091155 -"we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability. -","ri khou shumana na nḓila ntswa ya dzisoe ine ya ṱuṱuwedza u bvela khagala zwihulwane, u vha na vhuḓifhinduleli na u bvela phanḓa. -",0.5452623 -"much of this work is ongoing. -","mushumo munzhi u khou bvela phanḓa. -",0.28429273 -"there are areas where progress has been far slower than we would have hoped, and these are now receiving closer attention. -","huna masia ane mvelephanḓa i khou ongolowa u fhira zwe ra vha ro lavhelelisa zwone, fhedzi hezwi zwi khou lavheleswa. -",0.45661157 -"the findings and recommendations of the commission will undoubtedly strengthen these efforts. -","mawanwa khathihi na themendelo dza khomishini zwi ḓo maanḓafhadza ndinge dzo idzi. -",0.15735792 -"we expect that the commission will identify some of the systemic weaknesses that allowed state capture to take place. -","ri khou lavhelela uri khomishini i ḓo topola zwo itaho uri hu vhe na zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso. -",0.46327943 -"this will empower us to take further corrective measures. -","hezwi zwi ḓo ri ṋea maanḓa a u bvela phanḓa na u dzhia maga a ndulamiso. -",0.12197615 -"while we can say that the era of state capture is over, we have not defeated corruption. -","musi ri tshi nga ri tshifhinga tsha u dzhenelela kha ndaulo ya muvhuso ha vhathu vha nnḓa tsho fhira, a ri athu u kunda tshanḓanguvhoni. -",0.5310343 -"fraud and corruption remain pervasive and deeply entrenched in both the public and private sectors. -","vhufhura na tshanḓanguvhoni zwo goḓombela kha sekhithara dza muvhuso na dza phuraivethe. -",0.4752791 -"although it may not be on the scale of state capture, such criminal activities cost our country greatly, weaken our institutions and deprive south africans of many basic needs. -","naho zwi tshi nga vha zwi siho kha tshikalo tsha u langulwa ha muvhuso nga vhathu vha si vhone, zwiito izwo zwa vhugevhenga zwo tshinyadza vhukuma shango ḽashu, zwo hoṱefhadza zwii miswa zwashu na u thivhela vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe u swikelela ṱhodea dzavho dza ndeme . -",0.5409781 -"corruption is deeply immoral at the best of times, but takes on a greater depravity in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. -","tshanḓanguvhoni ndi maitele a tshayavhuḓifari naho zwi tshi kona u itea, fhedzi zwi itisa vhuaḓa vhuhulwane vhukati ha nyimele dzi ṱoḓaho vhuthu. -",0.5523821 -"one speaks here of the despicable acts of corruption last year in the procurement of goods and services needed for our fight against the covid19 pandemic. -","vhaṅwe vho amba nga ha u thoma ha zwiito zwa tshanḓanguvhoni kha u wanwa ha zwishumiswa na tshumelo ye ya vha i tshi khou ṱoḓea kha nndwa yashu ya u lwa na dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.63748026 -"we acted swiftly to stop such corruption, to identify those responsible and to take action against them. -","ro shuma nga u ṱavhanya vhukuma u itela u fhelisa zwiito izwo zwa tshanḓanguvhoni, u ṱalusa vhaiti vhazwo na u vha dzhiela maga a ndaṱiso. -",0.5231878 -"this is proof of our commitment to root out corruption. -","hezwi ndi vhuṱanzi ha u sumbedza vhuḓikumedzeli hashu ha u fhelisa tshanḓanguvhoni. -",0.5807331 -"we tightened up treasury regulations, established the fusion centre and gave the siu a wideranging mandate to investigate all covid19related corruption allegations. -","ro khwaṱhisa milayo ya mithelo, ra thoma senthara yo ṱanganelaho ra i ṋea ndaela khulwane ya u ṱoḓisisa zwi humbulelwaho u vha tshanḓanguvhoni tshi elanaho na zwa covid19 kha vha yunithi ya ṱhoḓisiso yo khetheaho. -",0.62760574 -"in a first for the country, we also published online the details of all covid19 procurement contracts across all public entities. -","tsha u thoma kha shango, ro anḓadza zwidodombedzwa zwa thendelano dzoṱhe dza nga ha u wana khaelo dza covid19 u mona na zwiimiswa zwoṱhe zwa muvhuso. -",0.59941053 -"the damage done to our country by state capture is deep. -","tshinyalelo yo itwaho kha shango ḽashu nga zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso ndi khulwane. -",0.44023412 -"its effects will be felt for many years to come. -","masiandoitwa azwo a ḓo pfiwa lwa miṅwaha minzhi i ḓaho. -",0.14702171 -"but, working together, we have started to put things right. -","fhedzi, nga u shumisana, ro no thoma u lulamisa vhukhakhi. -",0.36019692 -"we have started to rebuild and restore. -","ro no thoma u vusuludza na u vhuedzedza. -",0.42522848 -"we can expect that the outcomes of the zondo commission will immeasurably strengthen these efforts. -","ri nga lavhelela uri mawanwa a khomishini ya zondo a ḓo khwaṱhisa zwi hulwane ndingedzo idzi. -",0.530607 -"they will give us an opportunity to make a decisive and lasting break with the state capture era. -","a ḓo ri ṋea tshikhala tsha u dzhia tsheo na u awela ha tshifhinga tshilapfu kha zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso. -",0.15487048 -"much work lies ahead, and many challenges must still be confronted. -","mushumo munzhi u tshe phanḓa, na khaedu nnzhi dzi tea u lavheleswa. -",0.38612524 -but we are on our way to building a society that is free from the evils of state capture and corruption.,"u fhaṱa lushaka lu si na zwiito zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso vukuzenzele unnamed tsengo dzo dzudzanywaho dza khomishini ya vhuvhudzisi maluga na na zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha ndaulo ya muvhuso dzi khou tou bva u fhela, ho no fhela maḓuvha a fhiraho 1,000 nga murahu ha u pfa ṱhanzi ya u thoma. -",0.38612524 -"sa salutes whistleblowers vukuzenzele unnamed over the course of the three years, since the commission of inquiry into state capture started its work, we have heard of the lengths to which the perpetrators of corrupt acts have gone to conceal their misdeeds. -"," afrika tshipembe ḽi bvulela muṅadzi vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni vukuzenzele unnamed lwa tshifhinga tsha miṅwaha miraru u bva tshe khomishini ya ṅhoṅisiso kha zwa u dzhiiwa ha ndaulo ya muvhuso nga vhathu vha nnṅa ya thoma mushumo, ro no pfa nga ha vhuhulwane ha zwine vhaiti vha zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni vha khou ita u itela u kuvha tedza zwiito zwavho zwi si zwavhuṅi. -",0.6215291 -"it has been an extremely complex undertaking to unravel the networks of influence that enabled corruption. -","wo vha mushumo u konṅaho zwihulwane u dzumbulula zwiitisi zwa tshanṅanguvhoni. -",0.49276808 -"among other things, vast webs of front companies were established to move funds around and disguise payments made to politicallyconnected individuals. -","vhukati ha zwiṅwe zwithu, webusaithi dzo fhambanaho dza khamphani dzi shumaho dzo thoṅwa u itela u fhirisa tshelede hanefho na u dzumbetshedza mbadelo dze dza itwa kha vhorapoṅotiki. -",0.38413385 -"the same patterns have been seen in a number of investigations into corruption being undertaken by the special investigating unit (siu) the directorate for priority crime investigation, the national prosecuting authority's (npa) investigating directorate and others. -","maitele a fanaho o vhonala kha ṅhoṅisiso dza tshivhalo dza zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni dze dza itwa nga vha yunithi ya ṅhoṅisiso yo khetheaho (siu), ofisi ya ṅhoṅisiso ya milandu ya ndeme, ofisi ya ṅhoṅisiso dza vha maanṅalanga a vhu tshutshisi a lushaka (npa) na dziṅwe.ṅhoṅisiso idzi dzoṅhe dzo tshimbila zwavhuṅi nahone tshifhinga tsho ṅo fhela kha avho vha kwameaho, ro vhona ṅhanzi dzi tshi khou tshuswa, miṅa yadzo i tshi khou shushe dzwa, i tshi kombetshedzwa u dzumbama, na u vhulawa. -",0.59149826 -"as these investigations progressed and the net began to close on implicated individuals, we have seen witnesses being threatened, their families intimidated, being forced into hiding, and even killed. -","bulayo ṅa mufumakadzi vho babita deokaran, mushumi muhulwane wa zwa masheleni ngei kha muhasho wa muta kalo wa vunṅu ṅa gauteng, ndi tshihumbudzi tshihulwane tsha u vhea matshilo khomboni he ha vha hone kha u ṅoṅa hashu ho ṅanganelaho u fhelisa dwa dze iṅi kha tshitshavha tshashu. -",0.60265076 -"the murder of babita deokaran, a senior finance official in the gauteng health department, is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society. -","musi ri sa athu u ṅivha tshivhangi tsha bulayo, vho vha vhe ṅhanzi khulane ya ṅhoṅisiso dza siu ya nga ha u wanala ha tshishumiswa tsha muthu nga muthu tsha tsireledzo kha muhasho. -",0.650537 -"while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department. -","vha saps na vha tshigwada tsha tsireledzo tsha phuraivethe vhe vha fara vhahumbulelwa vha sumbe vha fanela u khoṅwa kha u ita mushumo wavho. -",0.32995713 -"the saps and the private security teams who apprehended seven suspects recently are to be commended for their work. -","dokhethe yo fhiriselwa kha mapho lisa vha hawks, nahone ṅhoṅisiso dzi ṅo bvisela kha gala maṅwe mafhungo nga ha uri ndi ngani mufuma kadzi vho deokaran vho vhu lawa. -",0.48255888 -"the docket has been transferred to the hawks, and the investigation will yield further information on why ms deokaran was murdered. -","hu sa lavheleswi kha zwi itisi zwa tshiwo itshi tsha ṅikhaulambilu, mufumakadzi vho deokaran vho vha vhe muhali vha dovha vha vha mulwelashango. -",0.35993683 -"regardless of the circumstances behind this tragedy, ms deokaran was a hero and a patriot. -","ndi muṅwe wa tshigwada tsha vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni, vhane vha tshi khou vhea matshilo avho khomboni vha thusa u bvisela khagala zwiito zwo khakheaho, ndangulo yo khakheaho, tshiṅivhano na zwiito zwa u tswa. -",0.4910196 -"as are the legions of whistleblowers who, at great risk to themselves, help to unearth instances of misdeeds, maladministration, cronyism and theft. -","nga nnṅa ha thikhedzo dzavho dza vhuhaga nahone dzi re mulayoni, ro vha ri sa nga koni u bvisela khagala avho vha khou itaho tshanṅanguvhoni. -",0.5010912 -"without their brave and principled interventions, we would be unable to unmask those committing corruption. -","naho ndavheleso khulwane ya zwenezwino yo vha kha vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni sekhitharani ya muvhuso, ri livhisa ndivhuwo dzashu kha avho vha sekhitharani dza phuraivethe vhane mishumo wavho wo wana ndavheleso ṅhukhu, naho i ya ndeme u lingana. -",0.4699058 -"though much focus in recent times has been on whistleblowers in the public sector, we also owe a debt of gratitude to those in the private sector whose actions receive less attention, but are equally important. -","vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni ndi vhalindi vha ndeme vha demokirasi yashu. -",0.5265734 -"whistleblowers are important guardians of our democracy. -","vha huwelela mavhangani na zwiito na mishumo i songo te ndelwaho kha muvhuso washu khathihi na kha madzangano. -",0.45376804 -"they raise the alarm against unethical acts and practices in government and organisations. -","vha amba vhe na lutendo nahone vho lavhelela zwi pfa laho hu si uri hu ṅo vha na zwine zwa itwa kha zwe vha amba, fhedzi kha uri vha ṅo tsireledzwa uri vha sa farwe luvhi na u vhengwa. -",0.4645161 -"they speak out in good faith and with a reasonable expectation not only that action will be taken on their disclosures, but that they will be protected and not suffer victimisation or prejudice. -","afrika tshipembe hu na tsireledzo khulwane ya mulayo kha vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni, hu tshi katelwa na nga kha mulayo wa tsire ledzo ya maambiwa, mulayo wa vhushaka ha mishumo, mulayo wa dzikhamphani, mulayo wa tsireledzo kha u tambudzwa, na ndayotewa nga yone iṅe. -",0.52135056 -"in south africa there is extensive legislative protection for whistleblowers, including through the protected disclosures act, labour relations act, companies act, protection against harassment act, and the constitution itself. -","zwiṅwe hafhu, vha muhasho wa vhulamukanyi na tshumelo ya u vhuedzedza nṅilani, nga tshumisano na vha maṅwe mazhendedzi a khombe tshedzo ya mulayo, vha la ngula ofisi ya tsireledzo ya ṅhanzi u itela u ṅetshedza thikhedzo kha ṅhanzi dzi songo tsireledzeaho nahone dzi khou shushedzwaho kha mvelaphanṅa dziṅwe na dziṅwe dza khaṅhulo. -",0.38524273 -"in addition, the department of justice and correctional services, working with other lawenforcement agencies, administers the office of witness protection to provide support to vulnerable and intimidated witnesses in any judicial proceedings. -","u dzhenela tsireledzo ya ṅhanzi ndi nga u tou funa, nahone vha saps kana vha npa vha nga si kone u kombetshedza ṅhanzi uri i dzhenele. -",0.542078 -"entering witness protection is voluntary, and neither the saps nor the npa can compel a witness to do so. -","arali ṅhanzi ya nga shushedzwa kana u pfa i songo tsireledzea, vha fanela u ṅivhadza vhaṅoṅisisi, vha ita khumbelo ya u ṅanganedzwa kha mbekanyamushumo. -",0.59395087 -"should a witness receive threats to their life or feel unsafe, they have to inform investigators and apply for admission to the programme. -","mbekanyamushumo iyi yo bvelelaho yo ita mushumo wa ndeme vhukuma kha u bveledza tsengo dzo bvelelaho u bva tshe ya thoma, nga maanṅesa kha vhugevhenga he ha tou dzudzanywa. -",0.5096019 -"this successful programme has played a key role in securing successful prosecutions since its inception, particularly with regards to organised crime. -","zwi khagala uri musi nndwa ya u lwa na zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni i tshi khou wana maanṅa, ri fanela u vusuludza nga u ṅavhanya maitele ashu ane a vha hone hu si a tsireledzo ya ṅhanzi fhedzi, na kha tsireledzo nga u angaredza ya vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni. -",0.5324895 -"it is clear that as the fight against corruption gathers momentum, we need to urgently review our current approach not only to witness protection, but also to the broader protection of whistleblowers. -","musi sisiṅeme dza tshivhalo dzi hone u itela vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni uri vha vhige izwo zwiito vho dzumbama, ri khou fanela u khwaṅhisa sisiṅeme dzi re hone na u ṅetshedza thikhe dzo kha avho vhane vha bve lela na mafhungo vhe khagala. -",0.31056994 -"while numerous systems are in place to enable whistleblowers to report anonymously, we need to tighten up existing systems and provide greater support to those who publicly come forward with information. -","sa tshitshavha, ri fanela u ṅalusa fhethu hune milayo ine ya vha hone ya khou ku ndelwa u tsireledza vhuṅi tshidzi, zwirunzi na tsireledzo ya vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni – ra shumisana roṅhe kha u tandulula izwi. -",0.5669751 -"as society, we need to identify where existing laws and policies are inadequate in protecting the livelihoods, reputations and safety of whistleblowers – and work together to address these. -","tshiitisi tsha vhagevhengi vhane vha lavhelesana na vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni a si u fhumudza avho vhasevhi fhedzi – ndi u ṅoṅa u rumela mulaedza na kha vhaṅwe vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni. -",0.5793788 -"the intent of the criminals who target whistleblowers is not only to silence particular individuals – it is also to send a message to other potential whistleblowers. -","ṅuvha ṅiṅwe na ṅiṅwe, maafrika tshipembe vha sa ofhi u fana na mufuma kadzi vho babita deokaran vha ima vho khwaṅha vha tshi sumbedza uri vhone a vha nga ṅo vha tshipiṅa tsha zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni nahone vho lugela u vha ṅhanzi dzi hanedzanaho na zwiito izwo. -",0.2959289 -"day by day, brave south africans like babita deokaran are standing firm that they will not be party to corruption and they are prepared to bear witness against it. -","sa vhathu vha afrika tshipembe ri a vha bvulela muṅadzi khathihi na vhaṅwe vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni kha sekhithara dza muvhuso na dza phurai vethe vhane vha khou ṅana zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni nga nṅila ine zwa vha kha gala lune zwa sa hanedzee. -",0.40224865 -"as the south african people, we salute her and all the whistleblowers in the public and private sectors who are exposing corruption to the harshest of glares. -","vha khou ita izwo vha songo lavhelela u khoṅwa kana u pfufhiwa. -",0.544013 -"they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward. -","zwi tou vha tshipiṅa tsha mushumo wavho. -",0.41500545 -"theirs is the highest form of public service. -","ri nga si vha shonise. -",0.4459629 -"we cannot let them down. -","ri fanela, nahone ri ṅo, khwaṅhisedza uri zwe vha zwi amba zwi livhisa kha tsengo na u khwaṅhisedza nga maanṅa uri vho tsireledzea kha u nga huvhadzwa. -",0.17789675 -"we must, and we will, ensure that their disclosures result in prosecutions and do much more to ensure that they are protected from harm. -","sa maafrika tshipembe, ri khou ṅoṅa u rumela mulaedza wa uri a ri nga ṅo tenda u shushedzwa. -",0.5004978 -"as south africans, we want to send a strong a message that we will not be intimidated. -"," afrika tshipembe ḽi bvulela muṅadzi vhasevhi vha zwiito zwi siho mulayoni vukuzenzele unnamed lwa tshifhinga tsha miṅwaha miraru u bva tshe khomishini ya ṅhoṅisiso kha zwa u dzhiiwa ha ndaulo ya muvhuso nga vhathu vha nnṅa ya thoma mushumo, ro no pfa nga ha vhuhulwane ha zwine vhaiti vha zwiito zwa tshanṅanguvhoni vha khou ita u itela u kuvha tedza zwiito zwavho zwi si zwavhuṅi. -",0.5004978 -"brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa’s future foreign policy. -","mashango a brics ndi a ndeme kha nyaluwo ya afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṅwaha wa phanḓa ha khetho dza u thoma dza demokirasi, muphuresi dennde vho nelson ma ndela vho ṅwala tshiṱori kha foreign policy maga zine nga ha mbekanyamai tele ya vhumatshelo ha vhukonani hashu na vha maṅwe mashango ya afri ka tshipembe. -",0.71481615 -"reflecting on the shifts in global alliances brought about by the end of the cold war, he wrote that countries would have to ""recast their nets"" if they were to reap any benefit from international affairs. -","vha tshi humbula nga tshanduko ya zwipikwa zwa shango ye ya ḓa musi hu tshi fhela nndwa ya vhukati ha mashango, vho ṅwala zwa uri mashango a ḓo fanela u ""khwiṋisa mbuelo dzao"" arali a tshi khou ṱoḓa u kaṋa mbuelo iṅwe na iṅwe kha vhukonani ha dzitshaka. -",0.5825001 -"since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa’s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this ""recasting the net"". -","u bva tsha tshanduko dze dza vha hone nga 1994 musi ri tshi dzhia tsheo ya u awela hu si kha muvhuso wa tshiṱalula fhedzi, fhedzi na kha ndavhe leso ya vhushaka ha dzitshaka kha vhafhaṱi vhaho, mbeka nyamaitele ya u konana na vha maṅwe mashango ya afrika tshipembe yo bvela phanḓa na u sumbedzwa nga kha u ""khwiṋisa mbuelo"" honohu. -",0.6211895 -"our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights. -","zwipikwa zwa mbekanya maitele yashu ya u konana na vha maṅwe mashango ndi ṱhanganyo ya dzhango ya ikonomi ya poḽotiki, u lwela mveledziso ya afrika, nya mbedzano dzo fhambanaho na ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya demoki rasi, mulalo na pfanelo dza vhathu. -",0.70168215 -"to this end, we have forged strategic alliances with both the countries of the global south and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the north. -","u itela u swikelela zwene zwo, ro vhumba vhushaka ha maano na mashango oṱhe a tshipembe a mbuelo ṱhukhu na tshumisano i vhuedzaho vhoṱhe kha mashango a devhula. -",0.5179126 -"joining the brics group of countries in 2010 was a milestone in our quest to advance our own national development priorities by forging stronger ties with the important emerging economies of brazil, russia, india and china. -","u ṱanganela na tshigwada tsha mashango a brics nga ṅwaha wa 2010 zwo vha zwa ndeme kha nndwa yashu ya u lwela u khwiṋifhadza zwi pikwa zwashu zwa ndeme zwa mveledziso ya lushaka nga u vhumba mbofho dzo khwaṱhaho na ikonomi dzine dza khou aluwa dzine dza vha dza ndeme dza ngei kha ḽa brazil, russia, india na ḽa china. -",0.6117885 -"put into context, brics countries comprise roughly 41% of the world’s population and account for around 24% of global gdp and some 16% of global trade. -","hu khou humbulelwa uri mashango a brics a vhumba henefha kha 41% ya vhadzu lapo vha ḽifhasi nahone a bveledza henefha kha 24% ya zwibveledzwa zwa fhano hayani ḽifhasini na iṅwe 16% ya mbambadzo ya ḽifhasi. -",0.7501432 -"we have reaped the benefits of membership of this important bloc, most notably in the area of economic cooperation. -","ro kaṋa mbuelo dza u vha muraḓo wa tshigwadza itshi tsha ndeme, tshi vhonalaho nga maanḓa kha sia ḽa tshu misano ya zwa ikonomi. -",0.4953507 -"bilateral trade has grown, particularly with china and india, with commodity exports and manufactured goods imports featuring strongly. -","mbambadzo yo fhamba naho yo aluwa, nga maanḓa kha ḽa china na ḽa india, na thengiselonnḓa ya thundu ya ndeme khathihi na tshu misano yo khwaṱhaho ya u ṱunḓa thundu yo bvele dzwaho. -",0.64876395 -"the brics countries continue to be important sources of foreign direct investment in key such as mining, automotive, transportation, clean energy, financial services and it. -","mashango a brics a khou bvela phanḓa na u vha zwiko zwa ndeme zwa vhu bindudzi thwii ha mashango a nnḓa kha zwa ndeme zwi ngaho zwa migodi, zwa dzi goloi, vhuendedzi, fulufulu ḽi vusuludzeaho, tshumelo ya zwa masheleni na zwa it. -",0.6633543 -"a 2018 review of our brics membership by professional services firm deloitte noted that brics partners ""invested three times more capital in the country compared to the seven years prior to 2011"". -","tsenguluso ya u vha hashu muraḓo wa mashango a brics ya 2018 nga vha khamphani ya deloitte ya tshumelo ya maṱhakheni yo dzhiela nzhele uri vhashumi sani vha mashango a brics ""vho vhulunga masheleni a u thoma mabindu kararu shangoni zwi tshi vhambe dzwa na miṅwahani ya sumbe ya phanḓa ha ṅwaha wa 2011"". -",0.70508504 -"these investments and projects have in turn led to significant job creation. -","mbulungelo na tha ndela hedzi nga murahu zwo livhisa kha tsiko khulwane ya mishumo. -",0.41713035 -"since the formation of the new development bank, whose regional office is located in johannesburg, south africa has been a beneficiary of financing and technical support for projects in transportation, clean energy, environmental protection, water infrastructure and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. -","u bva tshe ha sikwa bannga ntswa ya mveledziso, ine ofisi yayo ya dzingu ya vha joha nnesburg, afrika tshipembe ḽo vha muvhuelwa kha thi khedzo ya zwa masheleni na ya zwa thekhinoḽodzhi kha thandela dza zwa vhuendedzi, fulufulu ḽo kunaho, tsireledzo ya mupo, themamveledziso ya zwa maḓi khathihi na phungudzo ya u fhalala ha gesendugi shangoni. -",0.70801985 -"since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery. -","u bva tshe ha ṱaha dwadze ḽa covid19 , afrika tshipembe ḽo no wana ndambedzo ya masheleni a linganaho r28 biḽioni u bva kha bannga ntswa ya mveledziso nga fhasi ha mbekanyamushumo ya khadzimiso ya masheleni ya shishi ya covid19 u itela u lwa na dwadze na u tikedza mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi yashu. -",0.7212943 -"there has also been substantial cooperation with our brics partners in securing personal protective equipment and cooperation around vaccine access and distribution. -","ho vha na tshumisano khulwane vhukati hashu na vhashumisani vha mashango a brics kha u wana tshishu miswa tsha u ḓitsireledza na tshumisano kha tswikelo ya khaelo na ṋetshedzo. -",0.5952004 -"we recently participated in the 13th brics summit, where brics countries agreed to deepen cooperation to fight covid19 and mobilise the political support and financial resources needed to respond to future pandemic preparedness. -","ro dzhenela guvhangano ḽa vhu13 ḽa mashango a brics zwenezwino, he ma shango a brics a tendelana u khwaṱhisa tshumisano u itela u lwa na vhulwadze ha covid19 na u ḓivhisa thikhedzo ya zwa poḽotiki na zwiko zwa masheleni zwi khou ṱoḓeaho kha phindulo ya ndugiselo dza malwadze ane a kha ḓi ḓa. -",0.66864973 -"this includes the establishment of a virtual brics vaccine research and development centre and a brics integrated early warning system to forecast future outbreaks of infectious diseases. -","hezwi zwi katela u thomiwa ha senthara ya mveledziso na ṱhoḓisiso nga ha khaelo ya mashango a brics i shumaho nga kha vidio na sisiṱeme ya tsivhudzo nga u ṱavhanya yo ṱanganelaho ya mashango a brics u itela u bvumba ṱhaho ya malwadze a phirela a tshi fhingani tshi ḓaho. -",0.70147276 -"another important area of agreement was on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination and systems of covid19 testing – something that will be vital to crossborder travel in the future. -","huṅwe fhethu ha ndeme ha thendelano ho vha hu kha ṱhogomelo ya roṱhe ya maṅwalo a lushaka a muhaelo na sisiṱeme dza ndingo dza covid19 – zwithu zwine zwa ḓo vha zwa ndeme kha madalo a u pfuka mikano tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. -",0.6207389 -"the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation will be particularly important in the global economic recovery, where unequal development means that some countries will bounce back quickly, while others will lag behind. -","muhumbulo wa tshumisano i vhuedzaho roṱhe u ḓo vha wa ndeme nga maanḓesa kha mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi ya ḽifhasi, hune mveledziso i sa lingani ya amba uri maṅwe mashango a ḓo vhuelela ngo nani nga u ṱavhanya, ngeno maṅwe a tshi ḓo vha o salela murahu. -",0.45643616 -"in support of economic recovery, brics partners agreed to strengthen collaboration in catalytic sectors such as energy, it, science, technology and innovation, agriculture and the green economy. -","nga thikhedzo kha mbu edzedzo ya ikonomi, vha shumisani vha mashango a brics vho tendelana u khwaṱhisa tshumisano kha sekhithara dza zwa khemikhaḽa dzi fanaho na muḓagasi, saintsi, ḓivhakhomphyutha (it), thekhinoḽodzhi na vhutu mbuli, vhulimi na nyaluwo ya zwa ikonomi. -",0.40084976 -"these are all important sectors identified in our economic reconstruction and recovery plan announced last year. -","hedzi ndi dzone sekhithara dza ndeme dzo bulwaho kha pulane ya mvusuludzo na mbuedzedzo ya ikonomi ye ya ḓivhadzwa ṅwaha wo fhelaho. -",0.5400752 -"cooperation with other brics countries, particularly in the field of innovation research, will help to accelerate our country’s industrialisation and help us meet our fourth industrial revolution aspirations. -","tshumisano na maṅwe ma shango a brics, nga maa nḓesa kha zwi kwamaho ṱhoḓuluso dza vhutumbuli, i ḓo thusa u ṱavhanyisa mve ledziso ya nḓowetshumo ya shango ḽashu na u ri thusa u swikela zwipikwa zwa thekhinoḽodzhi ntswa kha matshilele ashu. -",0.5875205 -"in this regard, discussions were held around the creation of formal brics platforms to share best practice, knowledge and expertise, including the use of open source technology platforms. -","kha fhungo iḽi, nyambe dzano dzo itwa u mona na tsiko ya fhethu ho dzudza nywaho ha mashango a brics ha u kovhelana mashumele a khwiṋe, nḓivho na vhutsila, zwi tshi katela na tshumiso ya fhethu ha thekhinoḽodzhi hu swikeleleaho nga tshitshavha. -",0.6296756 -"the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard. -","vhashumisani vha masha ngo a brics vho tendelana uri mashango a khou bvelelaho a khou ṱoḓa thuso uri a kone u swikela zwipikwa zwa mve ledziso i bvelelaho ya un, na uri mashango a ṋetshedzo a fanela u ṱhonifha ndingedzo dzao kha iḽi fhungo. -",0.59407157 -"this is particularly important within the context of climate action. -","hezwi ndi zwa ndeme nga maanḓa kha muhumbulo wa mushu mo wa kilima. -",0.42201525 -"like most countries, south africa seeks to move towards a lowcarbon development path that is inclusive, sustainable and that takes into account our status as a developing country. -","u fana na mashango manzhi, afrika tshipembe ḽi khou ṱoḓa u bvela phanḓa kha gondo ḽa mveledziso ya khaboni i katelaho, i bvelelaho nahone ine ya dzhiela nṱha tshiimo tshashu sa shango ḽi khou bvelelaho. -",0.5790552 -"the brics energy research cooperation platform will be valuable as we move to diversify our energy sources. -","kha miṅwaha hei ya 11 u bva tshe ra vha muraḓo wa mashango a brics, u vha muraḓo hashu ho ṱuṱuwedza zwihulwane dzangalelo ḽashu ḽa lushaka. -",0.5266304 -"in the 11 years since we joined brics, our membership has substantially advanced our national interest. -","u vha muraḓo wa mashango a brics zwo khwaṱhisa vhuimo hashu sa ha ikonomi ya ndeme i khou aluwaho. -",0.56261903 -"being a member of brics has enhanced our position as an important emerging economy. -","zwo ri ṋea tswikelo kha mbekanyamaitele na vhukoni na nḓivho ya ikonomi khu lwane nahone dzine dza vha hone, khathihi na tswikelo kha thikhedzo ya bannga ya mveledziso ya lushaka. -",0.49441424 -"it has given us access to policy and technical expertise of larger and established economies, as well as access to the support of the national development bank. -","zwo khwaṱhisa mishumo yashu u mona na shango ḽoṱhe, nga maanḓesa kha tshanduko ya zwiimiswa zwinzhi. -",0.2295135 -"it has strengthened our activism on the global stage, particularly around reform of multilateral institutions. -","ro vhuelwa kha u vha tshipiḓa tsha ipfi ḽo ṱanganelaho ḽi lwelaho u khwaṱhisa nzu dzanyo ya ḽifhasi yo ḓitikaho nga ṱhonifho ya roṱhe na vhuvhusahoṱhe hu linganaho ha mashango. -",0.14223427 -"we have benefitted from being part of a collective voice striving to advance a world order based on mutual respect and the equal sovereignty of nations. -","mashango a brics ndi a ndeme kha nyaluwo ya afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṅwaha wa phanḓa ha khetho dza u thoma dza demokirasi, muphuresi dennde vho nelson ma ndela vho ṅwala tshiṱori kha foreign policy maga zine nga ha mbekanyamai tele ya vhumatshelo ha vhukonani hashu na vha maṅwe mashango ya afri ka tshipembe. -",0.14223427 -"ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service. -","u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa kha tshumelo dza muvhuso vukuzenzele unnamed nzumbululo ya phalamenndeni ya uri vhashu meli vha muvhuso vho vha vha khou ṱanganedza tshelede dza mundende ṅwedzi nga ṅwedzi dzi sumbedza uri ri kha ḓi vha na mushumo vhukuma wa u khwaṱhisedza mvelele ya mikhwa kha tshumelo ya muvhuso. -",0.5376837 -"earlier this year, it was also found that around 16,000 employees on the government payroll were irregularly paid the covid19 social relief of distress grant. -","mathomoni a ṅwaha, ho dovha ha wanala uri vha shumi vha swikaho 16 000 vha re kha mutevhe wa miholo ya muvhuso vho badelwa mu ndende wa ṱhaḓulo ya zwa matshilisano ya magavhelo a zwa vhushai wa covid19 . -",0.6680201 -"it is common knowledge that applicants with other sources of income do not qualify for this grant. -","zwi a ḓivhea uri vhahumbeli vhane vha vha na zwiṅwe zwiko zwa mbuelo a vha tei u wana mundende uyu. -",0.46496207 -"it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply. -","zwi dovha zwa vha kha khagala uri avho vha wanaho mbuelo u bva kha muvhuso a vho ngo tea ita khumbelo ya mu ndende uyu. -",0.43794465 -"and yet they did. -","naho zwo ralo vho zwi ita. -",0.27574748 -"some 17,000 people employed at national and provincial government submitted applications in a bid to top up their salaries with money meant for the poor. -","vhaṅwe vhathu vha 17 000 vho tholwaho muvhusoni wa lushaka na wa vundu vho ḓisa khumbelo kha ndinge dzo dza u engedza miholo yavho nga tshelede yo ite lwaho vhashai. -",0.42927223 -"given the extent of need in the country, one that our public servants know too well, this wilful intent to steal from the public purse is unforgivable. -","musi hu na ṱhoḓea khulwane shangoni, ine vhashumeli vhashu vha muvhuso vha tou i ḓivha zwavhuḓi, zwiito zwivhi izwi nga khole zwa u tswa masheleni a muvhuso a zwi hangwelei. -",0.49891132 -"government is now stepping up its efforts to prevent this kind of abuse and act against anyone in the public service involved in wrongdoing. -","muvhuso zwino u khou khwaṱhisa nungo dza u thivhela u tambiswa uhu ha masheleni na u dzhiela vhukando muṅwe na muṅwe wa vhashumeli vha muvhuso ane a dzhe nelela kha vhukhakhi uhu. -",0.50750893 -"recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit. -","muvhuso wo rwela ṱari yuni thi ya vhuḓifari ha ndaulo ya tshitshavha, tshirunzi na thuso ya thekhinikhaḽa ya ndaṱiso. -",0.6133494 -"the unit will build capacity within public bodies to institute disciplinary proceedings in cases of misconduct and cooperate with other organs of state in holding those responsible to account. -","yunithi i ḓo fhaṱa vhukoni nga ngomu ha zwiimiswa zwa tshitshavha u itela u tshimbidza maitele a ndaṱiso kha milandu ya u shaya vhuḓifari na u vha na tshumisano na zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso kha u ita uri avho vha zwiito izwo vha dzhie vhuḓifhinduleli ha zwiito izwo zwavho. -",0.48999617 -"the unit will refer corruption cases to government’s anticorruption task team and follow up with departments to ensure criminal cases involving public servants translate into disciplinary cases. -","yunithi i ḓo pfukisela milandu ya zwiito zwa vhuaḓa kha tshigwada tshi shumanaho na u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa na u sala murahu mihasho u khwaṱhisedza uri milandu ya vhugevhenga ine ya kwama vhashumeli vha muvhuso i fhedzisela i milandu ine vha dzhielwa vhukando ha ndaṱiso. -",0.5872012 -"working with the multiagency fusion centre, the unit will help identify employees in priority cases investigated by law enforcement authorities. -","musi hu na tshumi sano na vha senthara ya ṱhanganelano ya mazhe ndedzi manzhi, yunithi i ḓo thusa u topola vhashumeli vha muvhuso kha milandu ya ndeme ine ya khou ṱoḓisiswa nga vha zwiimiswa zwa vhu kombetshedzi ha mulayo. -",0.50548804 -"the unit will monitor the conduct of lifestyle audits of public service employees. -","yunithi i ḓo lavhelesa kuitelwe kwa u ṱolwa ha matshilele a vhashumeli vha muvhuso. -",0.4698028 -"where departments identify corruption and unexplained wealth, the cases will be referred to the south african police service. -","hune mihasho ya topola zwiito zwa vhuaḓa na lupfumo lu sa ṱalutshedzei, milandu i ḓo pfukiselwa kha vha tshumelo ya tshipholisa ya afrika tshipembe. -",0.57075834 -"the new unit has already begun its work in earnest, helping to identify public servants involved in cases related to covid19 procurement, the special covid19 grant and unemployment insurance fund fraud. -","yunithi ntswa yo no ḓi thoma u shuma yo ḓifunga, u thusa u topola vhashu meli vha muvhuso vho ḓidzhenisaho kha milandu ya thengo dza tshomedzo dza covid19 , mundende wo khetheaho wa covid19 na vhufhura kha tshikwama tsha ndindakhombo ya vhushayamushumomilandu ya vhashumi vha muvhuso ine ya iswa kha yunithi ya tsedzuluso yo khetheaho u itela nyito ya ndaṱiso i ḓo lavheleswa nga yunithi u ela mvelaphanḓa yayo. -",0.65320253 -"the cases of government officials referred by the special investigating unit for disciplinary action will be monitored by the unit to assess their progress. -","tshiṅwe tshiteṅwa tsha ndeme ya mushumo wa yunithi hu ḓo vha u thoma vhuḓifari na tshirunzi kha maimo a tshumelo ya muvhuso. -",0.19615948 -"another important aspect of the unit’s work will be institutionalising ethics and integrity in the ranks of the public service. -","vhashumeli vha muvhuso vha si gathi lwa miṅwaha yo vhalaho vho vha na kuvhonele kwa uri u ita vhubindudzi kana u vhuelwa lu songo ḓaho u bva kha muvhuso zwi a tendelwa khavho, khonani dzavho na miṱa yavho, tenda ha vha hu si na u pfuka mulayo. -",0.5388394 -"a few public servants have over the years taken the view that doing business with or unduly benefiting from the state is permissible for them, their friends and their families, provided there has been no illegality. -","ri tea u lwa nga nungo dzoṱhe u shandukisa kuvhonele ukwu. -",0.5171666 -"we must do everything we can to change this attitude. -","musi ri khou shumela u fhe lisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, hu tea u vha na u sedza ho linganaho kha mikhwa ya vhuḓifari havho, ngauri kha zwine zwa nga vha zwi sa tou vha zwi siho mulayoni, zwi nga vha zwi si vhuḓifari havhuḓi na u sa ṱanganedzea kha vha shumeli vha muvhuso. -",0.3095259 -"as we work to end corruption, there must be equal focus on inculcating ethical behaviour, because what may not necessarily be illegal can be unethical and unbecoming of a public servant. -","yunithi ntswa i ḓo ta maga na milayo kha zwa vhuḓifari na tshirunzi. -",0.2867065 -"the new unit will set norms and standards on ethics, integrity and conduct. -","i ḓo dovha ya fhaṱa vhukoni ha mihasho kha u dzhia vhukando ha ndaṱiso kha vhashumi vhane vha wanala vhe na mulandu wa u shaya vhuḓifari. -",0.49530882 -"it will also build the capacity of departments to discipline officials found guilty of misconduct. -","mahoḽa vhashumi vha fhiraho 200 vho pfumbudzwa sa vhaingameli na vhathomi. -",0.53600013 -"last year more than 200 employees were trained as presiding officers and initiators. -","u fhaṱa muvhuso u re na vhuḓifari u konaho zwi dzula zwi zwa ndeme kha ndaulo iyi. -",0.39468265 -"building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration. -","saizwi ho sumbedziswa tshivhalo tsha milandu ine ya kwama vhashumeli vha muvhuso vha vhuelwaho zwi siho mulayoni, maitele a ḓo konḓa nahone a ���o dzhia tshifhinga. -",0.40065694 -"as a number of scandals involving public servants illegally benefiting from the state have shown, the process will be difficult and will take some time. -","fhedzi ro ḓiimisela u dzula ro sedzana nazwo. -",0.46751794 -"we are nonetheless committed to stay the course. -","muvhuso u konaho ndi mutheo wa u swikelela zwipikwa zwoṱhe zwa lushaka. -",0.4103568 -"a capable state is the foundation for the attainment of all our national priorities. -","ha sa khwiniswa vhuḓifhinduleli na u ṱuṱuwedza vhuḓifari kwaho, a hu na tshine tsha nga swi kelelwa. -",0.19979058 -"without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved. -","vhunzhi ha vhashumeli vha muvhuso vho ḓikumedzela, vha ṱhonifha mulayo nahone vha na vhuḓifari. -",0.46182698 -"the vast majority of our public servants are committed, lawabiding and ethical. -","mushumo we ra livhana nawo ndi tshumisano ya u bvisa avho vha songo ḓiimisela, na u lulamisa ma fhungo a si one a uri vhoṱhe vha shumaho muvhusoni vha khou shumela thumbu dzavho kana vha ita zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.5104079 -"the task before us is to work together to root out those who are not, and correct the misconception that all those employed in government are either selfserving or corrupt. -","ndi ita khuwelelo kha vhanna na vhafumakadzi vhoṱhe vha shumelaho shango ḽashu ḓuvha na ḓuvha uri vha ḓikumedzela hafhu kha mikhwa ya u bve ledzisa vhaṅwe vhathu na tshumelo, na u humbula uri vhuḓifari havho vhu tea u dzula vhu mulayoni na u vha na vhuḓifari kwaho. -",0.5601506 -"ai call on all the men and women who serve our country every day to recommit themselves to the values of selflessness and service, and to recall that their conduct must at all times be both legal and ethical. -","u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa kha tshumelo dza muvhuso vukuzenzele unnamed nzumbululo ya phalamenndeni ya uri vhashu meli vha muvhuso vho vha vha khou ṱanganedza tshelede dza mundende ṅwedzi nga ṅwedzi dzi sumbedza uri ri kha ḓi vha na mushumo vhukuma wa u khwaṱhisedza mvelele ya mikhwa kha tshumelo ya muvhuso. -",0.5601506 -"presidential employment stimulus drives job creation vukuzenzele unnamed the recent launch of the second phase of the presidential employment stimulus represents great progress in our quest to create job opportunities for unemployed south africans. -","maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde a bveledza tsiko ya mishumo vukuzenzele unnamed u rwelwa ṱari ha zwinozwino ha ḽiga ḽa vhuvhili ḽa maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde hu imela mvelaphanḓa khu lwane kha u lwela hashu u sika zwikhala zwa mishumo u itela vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vha si na mishumo. -",0.6459954 -"we established the employment stimulus last year to create as many opportunities as possible in the shortest possible time. -","ro thoma maga a thuṱhu wedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa ṅwaha wo fhelaho nga u sika zwikhala zwinzhi zwinzhi nga tshifhinga tshipfufhisa. -",0.38900536 -"this required new and innovative ways of working to implement programmes at an unprecedented speed and scale. -","hezwi zwo ṱoḓa nḓila ntswa dzi bvele dzaho dza u shuma u itela u thoma u shumisa mbekanya mushumo nga luvhilo lu songo ḓoweleaho na tshikalo tshi mangadzaho. -",0.46878678 -"the recruitment process of the many people who were unemployed made use of digital platforms to reach as many eligible participants as possible. -","maitele a u thola vhathu vhanzhi vhe vha vha vha sa shumi o shumisa pulatifomo dza dzidzhithala u swikelela vhadzheneli vho lugelaho vhanzhi. -",0.52538115 -"for example, smallscale farmers were able to apply for support via ussd and receive input vouchers to their cellphones. -","sa tsumbo, vhora bulasi vhaṱuku vho kona u ita khumbelo ya thikhedzo nga kha ussd na u wana voutshara dza u wana tshu melo dza zwa vhulimi kha ṱhingothendeleki dzavho. -",0.6672854 -"since the department of basic education opened applications for the next cohort of school assistants recently, over 940 000 young people have applied via the zerorated recruitment platform called sayouth. -","u bva tshe muhasho wa pfunzo dza u mutheo wa vulela khumbelo dza mute vhe u tevhelaho wa vhathusi zwikoloni zwenezwino, vhaswa vha fhiraho 940 000 vho ita khumbelo nga kha pulatifomo dza u thola dzi sa badelwi dzi no pfi sayouth. -",0.64699966 -"mobi, which forms part of the national pathway management network. -","mobi, zwine zwa vha tshipiḓa tsha netiweke dza tikedza vhaswa u wana gondo ḽa u dzhena kha zwa ikonomi. -",0.5393226 -"the use of new technologies in offering employment opportunities has made recruitment much easier, quicker and more transparent. -","tshumiso ya thekhinoḽodzhi ntswa kha u ṋea zwikhala zwa mishumo yo ita uri u thola zwi leluwe, zwi ṱavhanye na u vha khagala. -",0.5459862 -"the presidential employment stimulus has enabled and facilitated cooperation in the public sector. -","maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishu mo na tsireledzo ya mi shumo zwa muphuresi dennde o konisa na u le ludza tshumisano kha sekhithara ya muvhuso. -",0.52100235 -"programmes in phase one were implemented by 11 national departments. -","mbekanyamushumo dza kha ḽiga ḽa u thoma dzo shumiswa nga mihasho ya lushaka ya 11. mishumo yayo yo konanywa u thi vhela ndovhololo na tshi nyalelo na u khwaṱhisedza u guda kha tshenzhemo dza vhaṅwe. -",0.4180025 -"their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others. -","maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo o sumbedza ndeme ya tshumisano ya matshilisano. -",0.60516465 -"the employment stimulus has also shown the importance of social partnership. -","muvhuso, mabindu, vhashumi na tshitshavha tsha vhadzulapo vho ṱangana u itela u dzhenisa avho vha sa shumi kha ikonomi. -",0.45347577 -"government, business, labour and civil society have come together to bring those who are unemployed into the economy. -","vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vha fhiraho hafu ya miḽioni vho no vhuelwa kha ḽiga ḽa u thoma, hu tshi kha ḓi vha na mbekanyamushumo dzo vhalaho dzine dza kha ḓi ḓa. -",0.50583076 -"more than half a million south africans have already benefitted from the first phase, with several programmes still underway. -","vhadzheneli vho ṋewa tshikhala tsha u ḓitshelela, u guda zwikili zwiswa na u khwiṋisa zwine vha vha nazwo, na u shumisa tshenzhemo yavho sa muratho wa u wana muṅwe mushumo kana u ḓisikela mushumo. -",0.50396436 -"participants were given the opportunity to earn a livelihood, to learn new skills and upgrade existing ones, and to use their experience as a springboard to get another job or to selfemployment. -","sa tsumbo, vhunzhi ha vhadzheneli vho tholwa ho nga muhasho wa mishumo ya tshitshavha na themamveledziso kha mbe kanyamushumo dzawo dza ḽiga ḽa u thoma vho kona u wana mushumo kha sekhithara dza phuraivethe mafheloni a ṱhafamuhwe 2021. vhunzhi ha avho ndi vha mutevhe wa u thoma wa vhathusi tshikoloni, nga u ralo, vho wana nḓila ya u dzhena mishumoni, vha wana tshenzhemo, vhugu disi na ndaedzi. -",0.6275085 -"for example, a number of participants appointed by the department of public works and infrastructure in its phase one programmes were able to secure private sector employment by the end of march 2021. many of those in the first cohort of school assistants, similarly, have found their way into employment, armed with experience, training and references. -","mbekanyamushumo dzo thomiwaho nga kha maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphureside nnde dzo dovha dza vhuendza vha nga u angaredza. -",0.60774237 -"the programmes implemented through the presidential employment stimulus have also benefited communities more broadly. -","ho vha ho se dzeswa kha tsiko ya mishumo kha sekithara dzine dza kwama tshitshavha u fana na ya pfunzo, tsire ledzo ya zwiḽiwa, ndondolo na themamveledziso ya tshitshavha na tsireledzo ya mupo. -",0.46408096 -"the focus has been on job creation in sectors with direct social impact such as education, food security, public infrastructure maintenance and environmental protection. -","nga maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya muphuresi dennde aya vhaswa vho tholwa u tikedza na u thusa vhadededzi zwikoloni zwashu. -",0.55508196 -"through this presidential employment stimulus young people were employed to support and assist teachers in our schools. -","vhaṅwe vho tholwa u fhaṱa maburoho kha zwitshavha zwa mahayani. -",0.4923949 -"others were employed to build bridges in rural communities. -","senthara nnzhi dza mveledziso ya nyaluwo ya vhana ya vhuhanani (ecd)dzo thuswa u bvela phanḓa na u shuma na u vula hafhu. -",0.4267034 -"many early childhood development centres were helped to survive and reopen. -","vhorabulasi vhaṱuku vho tikedzwa u ṱanḓavhudza mveledzo na ndaka ya mupo u fana na milambo na maro roma zwo vusuludzwa na u londotwa. -",0.5291921 -"subsistence farmers were supported to expand production, and environmental assets such as rivers and wetlands were restored and maintained. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha ḽiga ḽa vhuvhili, ri khou thoma tshikwama tsha thikhedzo ya mishumo ya tshitsha vha tshine tsha ḓo tikedza mishumo mivhuya ine ya rangelwa phanḓa nga madzangano a tshitshavha kha masia a fanaho na vhulimi ha dziḓoroboni, vhutsila ha tshitshavha, khwiṋiso ya vhudzulo ha mishashani na tsireledzo ya tshitshavha. -",0.5584872 -"as part of phase two, we are establishing a social employment fund that will support work for the common good led by community organisations in areas as diverse as urban agriculture, public art, informal settlement upgrading and community safety. -","vhukatini ha vhuleme vhuhulu ha ikonomi ho vhangwaho nga dwadze ḽa tshitzhili tsha corona, mishumo ya tshitshavha yo ṋekedza thikhedzo ya vhuṱhogwa kha tsiko ya mishumo. -",0.5995569 -"in the midst of the severe economic setback caused by the coronavirus disease pandemic, public and social employment has provided an important stimulus to job creation. -","hezwi ndi u thoma u shuma ha vhuḓikumedzeli hashu ha uri muvhuso u tea u tikedza wo khwaṱha u sikwa ha mishumo musi maraga wa zwa mishumo u khou vusuludzea. -",0.24562319 -"this is the implementation of our commitment that the state should actively support employment while the labour market recovers. -","nga kha maga a ṱhuṱhu wedzo ya vhusika mishumo ya tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde ro dzhenisa vhaswa kha mutevhe wa vhashumi nga vhunzhi vhukuma nga nḓila i songo lavhelelwaho kha tshifhinga tshipfufhisa. -",0.4724698 -"through the presidential employment stimulus we have brought young people into the labour force in far greater numbers in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time. -","vhaṅwe vha vhadzhe neli vha 84% kha ḽiga ḽa u thoma vho vha vhe vhaswa vha vhukale ha fhasi ha miṅwaha ya 35, nahone vha mbili tshararu vho vha vhe vhafumakadzi. -",0.49837834 -"some 84% of the participants in phase one were young people under the age of 35, and twothirds were women. -","kha ḽiga ḽa vhuvhili ri lavhelela tshivhalo itshi uri tshi gonye, thikhedzo ya mishumo i ḓo ṋekedza r1 biḽioni ya ndambedzo u itela lambedza thusedzo ya u tholwa ha vhaswa u bva kha ofisi ya muphuresidennde. -",0.5215885 -"in phase two we expect this number to be even higher, as the stimulus will provide almost r1 billion in funding for the presidential youth employment intervention. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha thusedzo, hu ḓo tholwa vhaswa vho vhalaho kha tshumelo ya vhaswa ya lushaka yo vusuludzwaho. -",0.5414908 -"as part of the intervention, several young people will be recruited into a revitalised national youth service. -","vhaswa vha ḓo wana vhugudisi ha zwikili zwa didzhithala na mabindu o farwaho nga vhaswa a ḓo wana thikhedzo ya u aluwa a thola vhathu. -",0.49516088 -"young people will receive training in digital skills and youthowned enterprises will receive support to expand and hire. -","vhushayamushumo kha shango ḽashu ndi thaidzo khulwane vhukuma. -",0.5539572 -"unemployment in our country is a crisis. -","ri nga si tsha vha na zwilengisi zwi sa gumi kha u tandulula thaidzo dza mai tele a ndangulo a konḓaho, maitele a u thola a si tsha shumaho, u shaya vhukoni , kana mbekanyamushumo dzi fhelelaho muyani kana dzi sa koni u bvela phanḓa lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. -",0.3252778 -"we cannot afford endless delays in addressing this problem because of bureaucratic redtape, outdated recruitment processes, lack of capacity and planning, or programmes that are shortlived or unsustainable. -","u bvelela ha maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusika mishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresi dennde zwo sumbedza uri musi ri tshi shumisana, nga u ṱavhanya, u vha na mihumbulo i bveledzaho vhukoni na u langa zwiko zwashu zwavhuḓi, ri nga swikelela mvelelo dzavhuḓi khulwane vhukuma. -",0.5554751 -"the success of the presidential employment stimulus has shown that when we work together, move with speed, think creatively and manage our resources well, we can make a huge impact. -","maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde o sumbedza uri ri a kona u sika mishumo arali hu na tshumisano sa seki thara ya lushakai, vhashumi, tshitshavha na muvhuso. -",0.6004158 -"the presidential employment stimulus has demonstrated that we can create jobs if we work together as the public sector, labour, community and government. -","maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde a bveledza tsiko ya mishumo vukuzenzele unnamed u rwelwa ṱari ha zwinozwino ha ḽiga ḽa vhuvhili ḽa maga a ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhusikamishumo na tsireledzo ya mishumo zwa muphuresidennde hu imela mvelaphanḓa khu lwane kha u lwela hashu u sika zwikhala zwa mishumo u itela vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vha si na mishumo. -",0.6004158 -"report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it. -","kha vha vhige zwiito zwa vhuaḓa nga u shumisa nomboro ya luṱingo ya u lwa na zwiito vhuaḓa silusapho nyanda arali vha tshi khou humbulela uri hu nga vha hu na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, vhufhura, vhuvhava kana zwiḓwe zwiito zwi songo ḓaho zwine zwa khou bvelela kha tshumelo dza muvhuso, vha khou ḓuḓuwedzwa uri vha ye vha vhige zwiito zwenezwo. -",0.6425891 -"curbing corrup tion in the public service remains a government priority and the national anticorruption hotline makes it easy for members of the public to report suspected acts of corruption. -","""u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa muvhusoni zwi kha ḓi vha tshipikwa tshihulwane tsha muvhuso na hone nomboro ya luṱingo ya lushaka ya u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa i thusa miraḓo ya tshitshavha uri vha kone u vhiga zwiito zwiṅwe na zwiṅwe zwa vhuaḓa zwine zwa khou humbulelwa nga nḓila yo lelu waho. -",0.5989163 -"the hotline was launched by the public service commission (psc) in 2004 and since then, more than 100 000 calls reporting allegations of corruption and maladministration have been received. -","nomboro iyi ya luṱingo yo rwelwa ṱari nga vha khomishini ya tshumelo dza muvhuso (psc) nga ṅwaha wa 2004 nahone u tou bva zwenezwo, ho no ṱanganedzwa ṱhingo dzi fhiraho 100 000 dza u vhiga nga ha mavharivhari a zwiito zwa vhuaḓa na tshayandaulo. -",0.6900827 -"these calls by whistleblowers have resulted in 24 035 cases of corruption, fraud and other crimes being investigated, says public service commissioner michael seloane, who oversees all the work done by the commission. -","ṱhingo hedzi dzi bvaho kha tsevhi dzashu, ndi dzone dze dza ita uri hu vhe na milandu i linganaho 24 035 ya zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, vhufhura khathihi na miṅwe yo fhambanaho ine ya khou ṱoḓisiswa zwazwino"", hu ṱalutshedza mukhomishinari wa khomishini ya tshumelo dza muvhuso vho michael seloane vhane vha vha vhone vha lavhe lesaho mushumo woṱhe une wa itwa nga khomishini iyi. -",0.6465385 -"between 2020 and 2021, 337 cases were reported via the hotline. -","vhukati ha ṅwaha wa 2020 na 2021, ho vhigwa milandu i linganaho 337 hu tshi shumiswa yeneyo nomboro ya luṱingo. -",0.7417246 -"thirtyfive of these involve appointment and procurement irregularities that are being investigated by the psc. -","milandu ya furaruṱhanu kha yeneyo, ndi ine ya elana na mafhungo a vhuaḓa kha zwa kutholele kwa vhathu na kuren gelwe kwa thundu na tshumelo dza muvhuso ine zwazwino ya khou ṱoḓisiswa nga vha psc. -",0.5848255 -"the remaining cases were referred to other government departments or law enforcement agencies for investigation. -","miṅwe milandu yo salaho kha yeneyo, yo fhiriselwa kha miṅwe mihasho ya muvhuso kana ma zhendedzi a khombethedzo ya mulayo uri hu itwe ṱhoḓisiso. -",0.4824834 -"the reconstruction and development programme (rdp) housing, tender and social grant irregularities are among the most common allegations made. -","zwiito zwa vhuaḓa kha zwi kwamaho dzinnḓu dza mbeka nyamushumo ya phaṱhululo na mveledziso (rdp), thendara na magavhelo a zwa matshilisano ndi maṅwe a mavharivhari o andesaho e a vhigwa. -",0.6273014 -"""during the lockdown we received a lot of tipoffs through email. -","""nga tshifhinga tsha nyiledzo dza u tshimbila, ro sevhiwa lunzhi hu tshi shumiswa imeiḽi. -",0.52590626 -"we also have an automatic message recording system for those who wish to call our hotline after hours,"" seloane says. -","ri dovha hafhu ra vha na sisṱeme ya u rekhoda milaedza nga yone iṋe hu tshi itelwa avho vhane vha tama u founela kha nomboro yashu ya luṱingo nga murahu ha awara dza u shuma"", hu amba vho seloane. -",0.3547095 -"he adds that since the lowering of lockdown levels, there has been a steady increase in the reporting of social grantrelated fraud, especially social relief of distress grants. -","vho dovha hafhu vha ḓadzisa nga ḽa uri u bva tshe tshiimo tsha nyiledzo tsha tsitselwa fhasi, hu khou vha na u enge dzea nga zwiṱuku ha u vhigwa ha milandu i elanaho na vhufhura ha masheleni a magavhelo a zwa matshilisano, nga maanḓa magavhelo a ṱhaḓulo ya matshi lisano kha thambulo. -",0.62584543 -"to strengthen efforts to curb corruption, the state has capacitated law enforcement agencies with skilled personnel, and established the fusion centre. -","u itela u khwaṱhisa ndingedzo dza u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, muvhuso wo khwaṱhisa ma zhendedzi a khombetshedzo ya zwa mulayo nga u thola vhashumi vha re na vhukoni khathihi na u vhumba senthara ya ṱhanganelano. -",0.59114087 -"the centre is a grouping of law enforcement agencies that share information and resources in the fight against fraud and corruption in the procurement of covidrelated goods and services. -","ndi zwifhio zwine zwa itea nga murahu ha u sevhiwa? -",0.56652117 -"what happens after a tipoff is made? -",". -",0.19968253 -"seloane says when a case is reported via the hotline, early resolution officers check that all the relevant information is provided. -","vho seloane vha ri musi mulandu wo vhigwa hu tshi shumiswa nomboro ya luṱingo ya u vhiga mafhungo, vhaofisiri vha zwa thandululo ya milandu nga tshihaḓu vha a lavhelesa u vhona arali ho ṋetshedzwa zwidodombedzwa zwoṱhe zwo teaho. -",0.52974683 -"this includes the details of who did what, when the alleged act took place, and why. -","hezwi zwi katela zwido dombedzwa zwi fanaho na uri ndi nnyi o itaho mini, zwiito izwo zwo itea lini nahone ndi ngani zwo itea. -",0.41920048 -"he says if wrongdoing is found – be it procurement and appointment irregularities, bribery, rdp housing related corruption, social grant fraud, illegal migration, assault, theft or fraud – the psc either recommends remedial action to the relevant department or refers the case to the hawks, saps or anticorruption task team for further investigation. -","vho amba uri arali hu tshi nga wanala ho vha na vhu khakhi – hu nga vha vhuaḓa ha zwa u renga tshumelo na thundu na u tholiwa ha vhathu, tshanḓanguvhoni, vhuaḓa vhu elanaho na zwa dzinnḓu dza rdp, vhufhura ha masheleni a magavhelo a zwa matshilisano, mupfuluwo u siho mulayoni, u rwa, vhuvhava kana vhufhura – vha psc vha nga theme ndela vhukando ha vhululamisi kha muhasho wo teaho kana vha fhirisela mulandu uyo kha vha dzihawks, saps kana vha tshigwada tshi lwaho na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa uri vha ite dziṅwe ṱhoḓisiso. -",0.695021 -"cases the psc refers to departments for investigation, include: public servants doing extra work for money without consent of the departments undeclared conflicts of interests, and unethical behaviour. -","milandu ine vha psc vha i fhirisela phanḓa kha mihasho uri hu itwe dziṅwe ṱhoḓisiso ndi ine ya katela: vhashumi vha muvhuso vhane vha ita miṅwe mi shumo ya nga thungo vha tshi itela u wana malamba ngeno vha songo ranga u wana thendelo u bva kha mihasho. -",0.5962831 -"seloane says the psc gives government departments 60 days to investigate and close a case. -","u sa bvisela khagala khuḓano ine ya nga vha hone vhukati ha mus humo na madzangalelo avho. -",0.5277881 -"he says the department then informs the psc of its findings. -","vhuḓifari vhu songo ḓaho. -",0.30989528 -"""if we are happy with the steps taken by the department, we will close the case, but if we are not satisfied, we revert back to them. -","vho seloane vha ri psc i ṋea mihasho ya muvhuso maḓuvha a 60 u ita ṱhoḓisiso na u vala milandu iyo. -",0.44051364 -"""anonymity guaranteedwhen a whistleblower does not want his/her identity revealed, the psc hotline officer takes down only their contact details. -","vho dovha hafhu vha amba uri u bva afho muhasho u tea u ḓivhadza vha psc nga ha mawanwa awo. -",0.625261 -"this is important because if extra information is needed, the psc must be able to contact them. -","""arali ri tshi pfa ro fushea nga ha vhukando ho dzhiiwaho nga muhasho, ri ḓo vala mulandu uyo, fhedzi arali ri songo fushea, ri ḓo dovha hafhu ra u humisela murahu khavho. -",0.46898064 -"whistleblowers who report cases to the psc hotline are assured protection if they want to remain anonymous, says seloane. -","""u sa bulwa ha zwidodombedzwa zwavho ho khwathisedzwaarali muthu wa tsevhi a sa ṱoḓi dzina ḽawe ḽi tshi bulwa, muofi siri wa nomboro ya luṱingo lwa u vhiga mafhungo wa psc u ḓo ṅwala fhedzi zwidodombe dzwa zwavho zwa vhukwa mani. -",0.6466241 -"he explains that early resolution officers have been trained to ensure that a whistleblower’s identity remains protected. -","hezwi ndi zwa ndeme u itela uri arali hu tshi nga vha na vhuṅwe vhuṱanzi vhune ha nga ṱoḓea, vha psc vha kone u vha kwama. -",0.5046805 -"seloane says south africans must report corruption because it steals from the poor and stops development, which prevents the country from moving forward.","kha vha vhige zwiito zwa vhuaḓa nga u shumisa nomboro ya luṱingo ya u lwa na zwiito vhuaḓa silusapho nyanda arali vha tshi khou humbulela uri hu nga vha hu na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, vhufhura, vhuvhava kana zwiḓwe zwiito zwi songo ḓaho zwine zwa khou bvelela kha tshumelo dza muvhuso, vha khou ḓuḓuwedzwa uri vha ye vha vhige zwiito zwenezwo. -",0.5046805 -"lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive. -","u swikisa mbilahelo kha gepf zwazwino zwo no leluwa vukuzenzele unnamed miraḓo, vhano thi khathihi na vhathu vhane vha wana mbuelo u bva kha tshikwama tsha phe ntsheni tsha vhashumeli vha muvhuso (gepf) zwa zwino hu na hune vha nga wana hone thuso arali vha sa khou fushea nga tshu melo ine vha khou i wana. -",0.7087743 -"to ensure the gepf members and their families are treated fairly, the board recently established an office to handle disputes. -","u itela u vhona uri miraḓo ya gepf na vha miṱa yavho vha khou farwa zwavhuḓi, bodo yo ḓo vula ofisi ine ya ḓo sedzana na mbilahelo. -",0.62573636 -"the government employees pension ombud (gepo) is an internal but independent office of the gepf. -","mulamukanyi wa phentsheni dza vhashu meli vha muvhuso (gepo) ndi ofisi ya nga ngomu fhedzi yo ḓiimisaho nga yoṱhe ya gepf. -",0.65412927 -"the gepf is among the largest pension funds in the world, with over 1.2 million active members and more than 450 000 pensioners and beneficiaries. -","gepf ndi tshiṅwe tsha zwikwama zwa phentsheni zwihulwanesa ḽifhasini tshine tsha vha na miraḓo i fhiraho 1.2 miḽioni khathihi na vhano thi hu tshi katelwa na vhaḽaifa vha linganaho 450 000. tshi kwama itshi tsho thomiwa na u langwa u ya nga mulayo wa phentsheni dza vhashumeli vha muvhuso. -",0.6271602 -"the fund was founded and is regulated in terms of the government employees pension law. -","muambeli vho makhado ramabulana vho tholwa sa vhone mulamukanyi. -",0.4995532 -"advocate makhado ramabulana has been appointed as the ombud. -","vho amba uri ofisi iyo yo itelwa u thusa vhathu vhane a vha khou takadzwa nga tshumelo dza gepf. -",0.52599704 -"he says the office was established to assist people who are unhappy with the services of the gepf. -","i ḓo vhuedza vhathu vhane vha sa kone u swikela mba delo dza thuso ya zwa mulayo. -",0.50161743 -"it will be especially beneficial to people who cannot afford legal recourse. -","phanḓa ha musi vhathu vha tshi swikisa mbilahelo dzavho kha ofisi ya mutsireledzi wa tshitshavha kana khothe, vha nga humbela u wana thuso ya vhulamukanyi kha ofisi iyi ya mulamukanyi. -",0.42856312 -"before people take their disputes to the office of the public protector or to the courts, they can seek mediation from the ombud. -","ofisi ya mulamukanyi i ḓo dzhenelela kha mafhungo ane a itisa uri hu vhe na tshi lengo kha u dzudzanywa ha mbadelo dzine dza khou tea u badelwa kha vhaiti vha mbilo dzenedzo. -",0.33534342 -"the ombud will intervene in matters that lead to unreasonable delays in the processing of payments due to claimants. -","ofisi iyi i nga dzhe nelela fhedzi kha mbilahelo dze dza vha hone kha tshif hinga tsha miṅwaha miraru yo fhiraho. -",0.3843911 -"it may only mediate in complaints that have arisen within the past three years. -","maṅwe mafhungo ane a wela nga fhasi ha ofisi ya gepo a katela: u kundelwa ha vha ofisiri u ita mushumo wavho u ya nga milayo na maitele a tshi kwama; u sa sumbedza vhu ḓikumedzeli ho teaho ngeno hu si na tshiitisi tshi pfalaho, khathihi na mafhungo ane a si vhe one kana a kanganyi saho e a ṋetshedzwa nga mushumeli wa gepf. -",0.38644698 -"other issues within the gepo’s scope include: the failure of officials to perform their duties in terms of the fund’s law and rules; breaking a commitment without a justifiable reason; and incorrect or misleading information provided by the gepf employees. -","phanḓa ha musi vha tshi swikisa mbilahelo kha gepo, vha tea u rumela mbilahelo nga u tou ṅwala kha gepf, zhendedzi ḽa ndangulo ya phentsheni ya muvhuso (gpaa) kana kha mutholi wavho, vha vha ṋee tshifhinga tsha uri vha tandulule thaidzo yavho. -",0.6259589 -"before lodging a complaint with the gepo, a person must send a written complaint to either the gepf, the government pensions administration agency (gpaa) or their employer, and give them a chance to settle the matter. -","""vha tea u vha ṋea maḓuvha a 30 u tandulula thaidzo yavho ye vha i sumbedzisa. -",0.58157897 -"""you must allow them 30 days to correct the issues that you identified. -","arali, nga murahu ha maḓuvha a 30, mbilahelo dzavho dza vha dzi sathu tandululea, vha nga konaha u swikisa mbilahelo kha ofisi ya mulamukanyi,"" hu ṱalutshedza vho ramabulana. -",0.45520926 -"if, after 30 days, your issues remain unresolved, you can submit a complaint to the ombud,"" explains ramabulana. -","ofisi ya mulamukanyi i nga si kone u ṱanganedza mulandu arali ho no vha na dziṅwe ṱhoḓisiso dzi re kati huṅwe fhethu. -",0.5113565 -"the ombud cannot accept a case if there is already an official investigation underway elsewhere. -","nga murahu ha vhege mbili u bva ḓuvha ḽe mbilahelo ya ṱanganedzwa ngaḽo, gepo i ḓo dzhia mulandu ya kona u ḓivhadza uyo muvhigi wawo arali i tshi nga kona u bvela phanḓa na ṱhoḓisiso khathihi na u ṋea khaṱhulo kha fhungo ḽeneḽo. -",0.119559705 -"""within two weeks from the date that the complaint is received, the gepo will consider [the case] and inform the complainant whether it can investigate and decide on the matter."" -","u swikisa mbilahelo kha gepf zwazwino zwo no leluwa vukuzenzele unnamed miraḓo, vhano thi khathihi na vhathu vhane vha wana mbuelo u bva kha tshikwama tsha phe ntsheni tsha vhashumeli vha muvhuso (gepf) zwa zwino hu na hune vha nga wana hone thuso arali vha sa khou fushea nga tshu melo ine vha khou i wana. -",0.119559705 -"asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together. -","asidi i ṱavhanyisa mvelaphanḓa ya themamveledziso ya zwifhaṱo zwa zwikolo. -",0.45242912 -"the school, based in mthatha in the eastern cape, first started operating in a garage at the home of community member nkululeko ralo, who it is named after. -","more matshediso tshikolo tsha phuraimari tsha nkululeko ralo ndi tsumbo yavhuḓi kha uri mvelelo dzavhuḓi dzi nga swikelwa hani musi vhadzulapo na muvhuso vha tshi shumisana. -",0.5573546 -"over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded. -","tshikolo tshi wanalaho ngei mthatha kha vundu ḽa vhubvaḓuvha ha kapa, tsho thoma u shuma giratshini ya hayani ha muraḓo wa tshitshavha vho nkululeko ralo, vhe tsha ṋewa dzina ḽavho. -",0.45204884 -"however, learners and teachers never had the benefit of proper facilities until recently, when they walked through the doors of their new, stateoftheart school. -","u bva miṅwahani yo fhiraho, tshikolo tsho sudzuluswa lunzhi musi tshi tshi khou aluwa. -",0.48259854 -"the school was completed as part of the accelerated schools infrastructure delivery initiative (asidi), which was launched by the department of basic education in 2011. the initiative aims to replace schools that compromise the safety of learners and staff, due to a lack of proper infrastructure, water, sanitation and electricity. -","naho zwo ralo, vhagudiswa na vhagudisi a vho ngo vhuya vha wana mbuelo ya u vha kha zwifhaṱo zwavhuḓi u swikela zwenezwino, musi vha tshi dzhena nga miṋango ya tshifhaṱo tsha musalauno tsha tshikolo tshavho tshiswa. -",0.33891618 -"to date, asidi has built 266 schools, provided 886 schools with sanitation, 1 030 with water and 372 with electricity. -","tshikolo tsho khunyeledzwa u fhaṱiwa sa tshipiḓa tsha vhurangeli ha nḓisedzo ya themamveledziso ya tshikolo i ṱavhanyedzaho (asidi), he ha thomiwa nga muhasho wa pfunzo ya mutheo nga 2011. vhurangeli uhu vhu ṱoḓa u shandukisa zwikolo zwi songo tsireledzeaho kha vhagudiswa na vhashumi, nga nṱhani ha u sa vha na themamveledziso yavhuḓi, maḓi, tshampungane na muḓagasi. -",0.55368185 -"the learners of nkululeko ralo primary school now have proper classrooms and access to a resource centre, science laboratory, multipur pose and a nutrition centre. -","u swika zwino, asidi yo fhaṱa zwikolo zwa 266, ya dzhenisa sisiṱeme ya tshampungane kha zwikolo zwa 886, ya dzhenisa maḓi kha zwikolo zwa 1 030 na u dzhenisa muḓagasi kha zwikolo 372 . -",0.60794055 -"a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha. -","vhagudiswa vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari tsha nkululeko ralo zwino vha na kiḽasi dzavhuḓi na u kona u swikelela senthara ya zwiko zwa u guda na u vhala, ḽaborothari ya saintsi, tshumelo nnzhi na senthara ya vhufushi. -",0.57957697 -"her dream to start a school for her community began in 1988, and the following year, she began sharing her vision with the community. -","bono ḽi fanaho ḽa tshitshavha ṱhoho ya tshikolo vho koleka gilman vha na dzangalelo ḽihulwane ḽa u khwinifhadza pfunzo ya mthatha. -",0.53468513 -"""our community was highly populated with a lot of children of schoolgoing age who had nowhere to go for education. -","muḽoro wavho wa u thoma tshikolo kha tshitshavha tsha havho wo thoma nga 1988, he ṅwaha u tevhelaho vha thoma u kovhelana bono ḽavho na tshitshavha. -",0.5012629 -"my vision was welcomed by community member nkululeko ralo, who offered his home garage to be used as a school,"" says gilman. -","vho gilman vha ri ""tshits havha tshashu tsho vha tshi na vhana vhanzhi vho teaho u ya tshikoloni vhane vho vha vha si na hune vha nga ya hone u wana pfunzo. -",0.62191725 -"she adds that ralo went on to organise a container from telkom and it was used as an additional classroom. -","bono ḽanga ḽo ḓo ṱanganedzwa nga muraḓo wa tshitshavha tsha nkululeko ralo, we a ṋetshedza garatshi yawe uri i shumiswe sa tshikolo"". -",0.55056715 -"ralo also arranged with two members in his community to offer their garages as additional classrooms. -","vho dovha vha ḓadzisa nga uri vho ralo vho ḓo ya vha wana khontheina i bvaho kha vha telkom ye ya ḓo shumiswa u engedza iṅwe ya kiḽasi. -",0.4985138 -"ralo sadly passed away in 2004. in 1994, the school moved to the eli spilkin hall, which was built by local businessman eli spilkin. -","vho ralo vho dovha vha ambedzana na vhaṅwe vhadzulapo vhavhili kha tshitshavha tsha havho uri vha ṋetshedze garatshi dzavho u engedzedze dzikiḽasi. -",0.38763905 -"""in the same year, we received mobile toilets from the provincial department of education. -","nga mbiluvhuṱungu vho ralo vho ḓo lovha nga 2004. nga 1994, tshikolo tsho ḓo pfulutshela kha eli spilkin hall, ye ya fhaṱwa nga ramabindu wa henefho eli spilkin. -",0.5101881 -"i then looked [for] and applied for a site where we would eventually build our school. -","vho gilman vha ri ""nga ṅwaha uyo, ro wana mabunga a tshimbidzwaho nga moḓoro u bva kha muhasho wa pfunzo wa vunḓu. -",0.4908306 -"we received five hectares of land in 1998,"" says gilman. -","ndo dovha hafhu nda ṱoḓa fhethu hune ri nga kona u fhaṱa hone tshikolo tshashu. -",0.52420956 -"three temporary classrooms were donated to the school by a nonprofit organisation called kats and spaks, and the community built five mud classrooms. -","nga 1998 ro ḓo wana hekithara ṱhanu dza mavu"". -",0.44805104 -"throughout the years, gilman continued to advocate for the school to be improved and eventually, five classrooms were received from the eastern cape premier’s office. -","kiḽasi tharu dza tshifhinganyana dzo ṋetshedzwa nga dzangano ḽi sa wani malamba ḽine ḽa pfi kats na spaks, tshitshavha tsha fhaṱa kiḽasi ṱhanu nga zwidina zwa mavu. -",0.5980337 -"in 2014, things took a positive turn when the department of basic education, through asidi, issued a tender to build nkululeko ralo primary school. -","miṅwaha yoṱhe yo fhiraho, vho gilman vho bvela phanḓa nga u ambela tshi kolo uri tshi khwinifhadzwe ngauralo kiḽasi ṱhanu dzo ḓo ṱanganedzwa u bva ofi sini ya mulangavundu wa vhubvaḓuvha ha kapa. -",0.5928571 -"""construction started in 2018 and the school was completed in 2021, thanks to asidi,"" says gilman. -","nga 2014, zwithu zwo khwinifhadzea vhukuma musi muhasho wa pfunzo ya mutheo, nga kha asidi, u tshi ṋetshedza thendara ya u fhaṱa tshikolo tsha phuraimari tsha nkululeko ralo. -",0.60408664 -"inspiring teaching and learning basic education deputy minister reginah mhaule says the department wants to ensure that the physical infrastructure of every school inspires learners to attend school and learn, and educators to teach. -","vho gilman vha ri ""mushu mo wa u fhaṱa wo thoma 2018 nahone tshikolo tsho fhedzwa nga 2021, ri livhuwa vha asidi"". -",0.60980994 -"""the building of this school is government’s way of restoring dignity to rural and underprivileged schoolgoing children and their teachers,"" she adds. -","ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya pfunzo na ngudo mufarisaminisiṱa wa pfunzo ya mutheo vho regi nah mhaule vha ri muhasho u ṱoḓa u khwaṱhi sedza uri themamvele dziso ya zwifhaṱo zwa zwi kolo zwoṱhe i ṱuṱuwedza vhagudiswa u dzhena tshi kolo na u guda, na u ita uri vhadededzi vha kone u funza vhana zwavhuḓi. -",0.5294824 -"a member of the school governing body, nomuntu dlengane, says the new school will motivate tea chers and learners to reach their full potential. -","vho amba uri, ""u fhaṱwa ha hetshi tshikolo ndi nḓila ya muvhuso ya u vhuyedzedza tshirunzi kha vhana vha dzhenaho tshikolo vha shayaho na vha bvaho vhuponi ha mahayani na vhadededzi vhavho"". -",0.64132607 -"""our learners’ attitudes and selfconfidence have already improved due to the new infrastructure. -","muraḓo wa khorombusi ya tshikolo, vho nomuntu dlengane, vha ri tshikolo tshiswa tshi ḓo ṱuṱuwedza vhagudisi na vhagudiswa kha u swikelela vhukoni havho hoṱhe nga vhuḓalo. -",0.4687788 -"this will also help us maintain social distancing in our classrooms so that we can eliminate the spread of the coronavirus disease,"" says dlengane. -","vho dlengane vha ri, ""vhuḓipfi na vhuḓifulufheli ha vhagudiswa ho no khwinifhadzea nga nṱhani ha themamveledziso ntswa. -",0.58218324 -"the school has 489 learners, 14 teachers, and two administration clerks. -","hezwi zwi ḓo ri thusa kha u tevhedze maitele a u sia tshikhala vhukati ha muthu na muṅwe kiḽasini dzashu u itela u thivhela u phaḓaladzwa ha vhulwadze vha tshitshili tsha corona"". -",0.50807023 -it caters for grades r to 7 and is a nonfee paying school.,"asidi i ṱavhanyisa mvelaphanḓa ya themamveledziso ya zwifhaṱo zwa zwikolo. -",0.50807023 -"nsfas funding deadline looms sphelele ngubane students and youth from disadvantaged and workingclass backgrounds are encouraged to apply for funding from the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas). -","ḓuvha ḽa u fhedzisela u ita khumbelo ya ndambedzo ya masheleni kha nsfas ḽi khou sendela tsini sphelele ngubane matshudeni na vhaswa vha bvaho kha miṱa i shayaho vha ṱuṱuwedzwa u ita khumbelo ya ndambedzo ya masheleni u bva kha tshikimu tsha thusedzo ya masheleni kha matshudeni tsha lushaka (nsfas). -",0.7069982 -"according to the department of higher education and training, nsfas funding is available to youth who have already completed their schooling or are already studying at any level in a higher education institution. -","u ya nga muhasho wa pfunzo dza nṱha na vhupfumbudzi, ndambedzo ya masheleni ya nsfas i a wanala kha vhaswa vho khunyeledzaho ngudo dza tshikolo dzavho kana vhane vho no thoma u guda kha ḽevele iṅwe na iṅwe kha tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo dza nṱha. -",0.6184372 -"they can apply for funding from nsfas to study at a public university or a technical and vocational education and training (tvet) college, but must do so before the closing date on 7 january 2022. applicants must be: south african citizens or permanent residents who want to register or are already studying at a public university or tvet college; south african social security agency grant recipients; from households with a combined household income not exceeding r350 000 per year. -","vha nga ita khumbelo ya ndambedzo ya masheleni u bva kha nsfas u itela u guda kha yunivesithi ya muvhuso kana gudedzi ḽa vhupfumbudzi na pfunzo ya vhutsila ha mishumo ya zwanḓa (tvet), fhedzi vha tea u zwi ita hu sa athu u swika datumu ya u vala ya ḽa 7 phando, 2022. vhathu vha itaho khumbelo vha tea u vha: vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe kana vhadzulapo vha lwa tshoṱhe vhane vha ṱoḓa u ṅwalisa kana vhane vha khou guda kha yunivesithi ya muvhuso kana gudedzi ḽa tvet; vhaṱanganedzi vha gavhelo ḽa zhendedzi ḽa tsireledzo ya matshilisano ḽa afrika tshipembe; u bva kha miṱa ine miholo yo ṱanganyiswaho muṱani i sa fhiri r350 000 nga ṅwaha. -",0.7427145 -"a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal. -","vhumatshelo havhuḓi nhlakanipho mkhize (26) ndi ramuḓagasi are na ndalukano, ndivhuwo kha ndambedzo ya masheleni ya nsfas, ye ya badelela pfunzo dzawe kha gudedzi ḽa umfolozi tvet ngei kwazulunatal. -",0.77074873 -"mkhize, from richards bay, obtained a national certificate (vocational) electrical infrastructure construction in 2017. in addition to campusbased learning, he also had to complete workplace training and pass a trade test. -","mkhize, u bva richards bay, o wana national certificate (vocational) electrical infrastructure construction nga 2017. nga nṱha ha ngudo dze a dzi ita nga ngomu khemphasini, o dovha hafhu a khunyeledza vhupfumbudzi ha mushumo na u phasa mulingo wa u wana ndalukano ya u vha mutsila (trade test). -",0.8255125 -"early on in his studies, mkhize had the opportunity to put what he learnt into practice, ensuring that he gained confidence in the basic skills he was developing. -","mathomoni a ngudo dzawe, mkhize o vha na tshikhala tsha u ita zwe a guda, a tshi itela u wana vhuḓifulufheli kha zwikili zwa mutheo zwe a vha a khou zwi bveledza. -",0.15945226 -"""as a firstyear student, i was already attending to electricity problems in my community. -","""sa mutshudeni we a vha a khou ita ṅwaha wa u thoma, ndo vha ndi tshi tandulula thaidzo dza muḓagasi tshitshavhani tsha hashu. -",0.30258396 -"umfolozi tvet college provided us with both theory and practice. -","gudedzi ḽa umfolozi tvet ḽo ri ṋea pfunzothendwa(theori) na u guda nga u tou ita. -",0.22512707 -"""the advantage tvet students have is not just exposure, but also a compulsory workplacebased learning component to certify that they are competent before receiving their qualification,"" he says. -","""zwivhuya zwine matshudeni a tvet vha vha nazwo a si u wana nḓivho fhedzi, fhedzi hu na tshipiḓa tshine mutshudeni muṅwe muṅwe a tea u ita tsha mushumo u itela u tshenzhema vhupo ha mushumoni wa vhukuma u khwaṱhisedza uri vha na vhukoni phanḓa ha musi vha tshi ṱanganedza ndalukano dzavho"", u ralo a tshi amba. -",0.636556 -"like many south african youth who come from underprivileged backgrounds, mkhize knew he wanted to pursue a career in engineering, but no one in his family could afford college fees. -","sa vhaswa vhanzhi vha afrika tshipembe vha bvaho kha vhubvo vhu re na vhushai, mkhize o vha a tshi ḓivha uri u ṱoḓa u tevhela buḓo ḽa mushumo wa vhuinzhiniari, fhedzi a hu na na muthihi kha muṱa wa hawe we a vha tshi nga kona u mu badelela masheleni a gudedzini. -",0.5980408 -"""when i became aware of the nsfas funding, i knew it would lead to where i wanted to go – being an engineer,"" he says. -","""musi ndi tshi limuwa nga ha ndambedzo dza masheleni a nsfas, ndo zwi ḓivha uri zwi ḓo ntswikisa hune nda khou ṱoḓa u ya hone – u vha muinzhiniara,"" u ralo a tshi amba. -",0.6745293 -"mkhize’s threeyear nsfas funding paid for his books, tuition and transport, and he received a personal care allowance.","ḓuvha ḽa u fhedzisela u ita khumbelo ya ndambedzo ya masheleni kha nsfas ḽi khou sendela tsini sphelele ngubane matshudeni na vhaswa vha bvaho kha miṱa i shayaho vha ṱuṱuwedzwa u ita khumbelo ya ndambedzo ya masheleni u bva kha tshikimu tsha thusedzo ya masheleni kha matshudeni tsha lushaka (nsfas). -",0.6745293 -"work together to strengthen democracy vukuzenzele unnamed as south africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two pro found events that remind ed us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people. -","kha ri shumisane u khwaṱhisa dimokirasi vukuzenzele unnamed musi afrika tshi pembe ḽi tshi dzhena kha ṅwaha muswa, ro ḓo ṱa ngana na zwiwo zwivhili zwihulwane zwo ri hu mbudzaho nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho uri ndi tshini tshi ri ṱanganyaho sa vhathu. -",0.62325376 -"on the first day of 2022, the nation gathered in spirit to bid farewell to arch bishop desmond tutu at st george’s cathedral in cape town. -","nga ḓuvha ḽa u thoma ḽa 2022, lushaka lwo kuvhanga na lwa tshimuya u onesana na vho archbishop desmond tutu ngei st george’s cathe dral ḓoroboni ya kapa. -",0.82303727 -"it was a moment of great sadness as we recalled the life and contribution of a beloved compatriot who was, in many ways, the moral conscience of our nation. -","ho vha hu tshifhinga tshi vhavhaho musi ri tshi humbula vhutshilo na vhushelamulenzhe ha ḽizhakanḓila ḽashu vhe nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho vha vha muthu o ḓikumedzelaho na u dzhiela nṱha mikhwa ya lushaka lwashu. -",0.53452194 -"at the same time, his funeral was a celebration of the values he stood for. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho, mbulungo yavho yo vha vhuṱambo ha u pembelela mikhwa ye vha vha vha tshi imela yone. -",0.25426084 -"it was a celebration of the great unity and diversity of our people, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to achieve our democracy. -","ho vha vhuṱambo ha u pembelela vhuthihi ho khwaṱhaho na phambano ya vhathu vhashu, na u vha tshihumbudzo tsha vhuḓikumedzeli he vha vhu sumbedza nga nḓila nnzhi u swikelela dimokirasi. -",0.47705227 -"on the second day of 2022, the country watched on in horror as a huge fire engulfed our parliament, just a hundred metres from where we had gathered the day before to pay our last respects to archbishop tutu. -","ḓuvha ḽa vhuvhili ḽa 2022, shango ḽo ṱalela na u shushwa zwihulwane musi phalamennde i tshi khou u swa ya ṱhoṱhela kha mulilo muhulu , mithara dza ḓana fhedzi u bva he ra vha ro kuvhangana hone ḓuvha ḽo fhiraho u one sana lwa u fhedzisela na vho archbishop tutu. -",0.6427315 -"we are relieved that there was no loss of life and that noone was injured in the fire. -","ri pfa ro vhofholowa muyani ngauri a hu na muthu o lovhaho na uri a hu na o huvhalaho kha mulilo. -",0.5496427 -"we are extremely gra teful to the firefighters who battled the blaze and finally extinguished it. -","ri khou livhuwa vhukuma vha zwidzimamulilo vhe vha lwa na mulilo vha fhedzisela vho kona u u dzima. -",0.5446101 -"the investigations into the cause of the fire are now underway. -","ṱhoḓisiso dza tshivhangi tsha mulilo dzi kati zwa zwino. -",0.3808972 -"we need to ensure that these investigations are thorough and concluded without delay. -","ri tea u khwaṱhisedza uri ṱhoḓisiso idzi dzi itwa nga vhuronwane na u khunyeledzwa nga u ṱavhanyedza. -",0.4278869 -"the country needs to know what happened. -","shango ḽi tea u ḓivha zwo iteaho. -",0.31861842 -"arrangements are being made to ensure that the work of parliament can continue even if the buildings cannot be used. -","hu khou itwa nzudzanyo dza u khwaṱhisedza uri mu shumo wa phalamennde u bvele phanḓa naho zwifhaṱo zwi nga si kone u shumiswa. -",0.46768188 -"it is vital that parliament continues to consider and pass laws that will transform society and continues to provide oversight and ensure accountability as government works to implement the mandate it received from the people. -","ndi zwa ndeme uri phalamennde i bvele phanḓa na u ṱanganedza na u phasisa milayo ine ya ḓo ḓisa tshanduko tshitshavhani na u bvela phanḓa na u ita mushumo wa vhulavhelesi na u khwaṱhisedza vhuḓifhinduleli musi muvhuso u khou thoma u shuma u itela u bveledza ndaela ye wa ṋewa nga vhathu. -",0.6600064 -"apart from the close proximity of st george’s cathedral and parliament, what connects these two events is that each reminds us of what brings us together as south africans: our democracy. -","nga nnḓa ha u vha tsini na tsini ha st george’s cathedral na phalamennde, zwine zwa ṱumanya zwiwo izwi zwivhili ndi uri tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshi ri humbudza zwine zwa ri ṱanganya sa vhathu vha afrika tshipembe: dimokirasi yashu. -",0.6856396 -"we mourn desmond tutu because he was the spiritual father of our democracy. -","ri lilela vho desmond tutu ngauri vho vha vhe khotsi ashu wa tshimuya kha dimokirasi yashu. -",0.59618104 -"we despair at the devas tation of our parliamentary buildings because they are the seat of our democracy. -","ri vhaiswa vhukuma nga mutshinyalo muhulu wo iteaho kha zwifhaṱo zwa phalamennde yashu ngauri ndi hone zwid zuloni zwa dimokirasi yashu. -",0.34516487 -"they are the place where our new democratic constitution was adopted just over 25 years ago, and where hundreds of trans formative laws have been passed. -","ndi hone fhethu he ndayotewa ya demokirasi yashu ntswa ya ṱanganedzwa hone miṅwahani ya 25 yo fhiraho, na hune milayo ya maḓana i ḓisaho tshanduko ya vha i khou phasiswa hone. -",0.6395334 -"we may not always recognise it, but the fire at parliament demonstrated how strongly south africans feel about their democracy. -","ri nga kha ḓi vha ri sa zwi limuwi tshifhinga tshoṱhe, fhedzi mulilo phalamenndeni wo sumbedza uri vhathu vha afrika tshipembe vha ḓipfa hani nga dimokirasi yavho. -",0.5429537 -"it is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy. -","ndi tshihumbudzi hafhu tsha uri ndi zwa vhuṱhogwa hani uri ri shume u itela u khwaṱhisa na u imelela dimo kirasi yeneyo. -",0.31999362 -"while the parliamentary buildings have been damaged beyond use, the institution of parliament continues its work in the service of the people. -","musi zwifhaṱo zwa phalamennde zwo tshinyadzwa lune zwi sa tsha kona u shumisea, tshiimiswa tsha phalamennde tshi bvela phanḓa na mushumo watsho wa u isa tshumelo vhathuni. -",0.508034 -"this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them. -","hezwi ndi tshihumbudzi tsha vhuṱhogwa tsha uri zwiimiswa zwashu zwa dimokirasi a zwi ṱaluswi nga zwifhaṱo zwine zwa vha khazwo, fhedzi zwi ṱaluswa nga mishumo ine zwa ita na fulufhelo ḽine vhathu vha vha naḽo khazwo. -",0.5157454 -"this is true of all the institutions of our democracy. -","hezwi ndi ngoho ine ya kwama zwiimiswa zwoṱhe zwa dimokirasi. -",0.41453707 -"just as the fire in parliament was finally being extinguished, acting chief justice raymond zondo submitted the first part of the report of the commission of inquiry into state capture. -","musi mulilo wa phalamenndeni u tshi tou fhela u dzimiwa tshoṱhe, muhaṱuli muhulwane o farelaho vho raymond zondo vho ḓisa tshipiḓa tsha u thoma tsha muvhigo wa khomishini ya ṱhoḓisiso kha u thubiwa ha zwiimiswa zwa muvhuso. -",0.68645734 -"this part of the report details how several public institutions were infiltrated, looted and severely damaged. -","tshipiḓa itshi tsha muvhigo tshi sumbedzisa nga vhuḓalo uri zwiimiswa zwo vhalaho zwa muvhuso zwo dzhenelelwa, zwa gudubiwa na u tshinyadzwa hani. -",0.57940745 -"these include stateowned enterprises like south african airways, the government communication and information system and the south african revenue service. -","hezwi zwi katela mabindu a muvhuso a fanaho na south african airways, tshumelo ya ma fhungo na vhudavhidzani ha muvhuso na tshumelo ya zwa muthelo ya afrika tshipembe. -",0.7089241 -"this part of the report paints a deeply disturbing picture of how key instituti ons of our democracy were compromised and undermined with criminal intent. -","tshipiḓa itshi tsha muvhigo tshi sumbedzisa tshifanyiso tshi sa takadzi na luthihi nga ha uri zwiimiswa zwihu lwane zwa dimokirasi yashu zwo dzheniswa khomboni na u nyadziwa hani hu na vhuḓiimiseli ha vhugevhe nga. -",0.57072645 -"not only were significant amounts of money stolen, but these institutions were not able to properly fulfil the functions for which they were established. -","a hu ngo tou tswiwa masheleni manzhi vhukuma fhedzi, zwiimiswa izwi a zwo ngo tsha kona u shuma zwavhuḓi mishumo ye zwa tetshelwa yone. -",0.52788824 -"the findings and recommendations of the zondo commission will help the country to rebuild these institutions and to hold those responsible to account. -","mawanwa na themendelo dza khomishini ya zondo zwi ḓo thusa shango u vusuludza zwiimiswa izwi na u hwesa mulandu avho vha re na vhuḓifhinduleli kha zwiito izwo. -",0.52198213 -"we must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again. -","ri tea u khwaṱhisedza uri ri a zwi shumisa u tsireledza zwiimiswa izwi tshifhingani tshi ḓaho uri zwi sa tsha dovha zwa thubiwa. -",0.46266028 -"we must safeguard against any and all efforts to diminish our hardwon democracy – whether these efforts take the form of corruption in stateowned enterprises, the subversion of our law enforcement agencies, the sabotage of our economic infrastructure, or attacks on the independence and integrity of our judiciary. -","ri khou tea u ita zwithu zwine ra fulufhela uri zwi ḓo thivhela ndingedzo dzoṱhe dzi ṱoḓaho u fhelisa dimokirasi yashu ye ya wanala zwi tshi konḓa – ndingedzo idzi dzi nga vha kha tshivhu mbeo tsha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa kha mabindu a muvhuso, u ṱhaselwa ha mazhendedzi ashu a zwa mulayo, u tshi nyadzwa ha themamvele dziso yashu ya zwa ikonomi, kana ṱhaselo kha vhuḓiimisi na tshirunzi tsha zwa vhuhaṱuli. -",0.6062284 -"we need to protect our constitution, our democratic state and the electoral process from anyone who wants to weaken our democracy and deny the south african people of their hardwon freedom. -","ri tea u tsireledza ndayo tewa yashu, muvhuso washu wa dimokirasi na maitele a zwa khetho kha muthu muṅwe na muṅwe ane a lingedza u kula nungo dimo kirasi yashu na u thivhela mbofholowo ya vhathu vha afrika tshipembe ye vha i wana zwi tshi konḓa. -",0.63536054 -"there are many challenges that we must confront as we work to rebuild and recover from the effects of the covid19 pandemic. -","hu na khaedu nnzhi dzine ra tea u livhana nadzo musi ri tshi khou shuma u itela u fhaṱa nga huswa na u takutshedza u bva kha masiandaitwa a dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.56323224 -"as we do so, let us draw strength and encouragement from our deep dedication to our democracy and our common desire to build a nation that is united, free and equal. -","musi ri khou ita izwo, kha ri wane nungo na ṱhuṱhuwedzo u bva kha vhuḓikumedzeli hashu ho khwaṱhaho kha dimokirasi yashu na lutamo lwashu lu fanaho lwa u fhaṱa lushaka lwo faranaho, lwo vhofholowaho nahone lu linganaho. -",0.46298078 -i wish you all the best for the year ahead.,"kha ri shumisane u khwaṱhisa dimokirasi vukuzenzele unnamed musi afrika tshi pembe ḽi tshi dzhena kha ṅwaha muswa, ro ḓo ṱa ngana na zwiwo zwivhili zwihulwane zwo ri hu mbudzaho nga nḓila dzo fhambanaho uri ndi tshini tshi ri ṱanganyaho sa vhathu. -",0.46298078 -"covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions. -","vhaiti vha milandu ya zwiito zwa vhuaḓa zwi kwamanaho na covid19 vho dzhielwa vhukando ha mulayo vukuzenzele unnamed vhathu na dzikhamphani vhe vha ḓidzhenisa kha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa malugana na thengo nga muvhuso ya zwishumiswa na tshumelo zwa vhulwadze ha tshitzhili tsha corona (covid19) vha khou hweswa vhuḓifhinduleli ha zwiito zwavho. -",0.72763145 -"the special investigation unit’s (siu) final report on its probe into allegations relating to any misuse of covid19 funds, across all spheres of government and the private sector was recently authorised for release to the public by president cyril ramaphosa. -","muvhigo wa tshigwada tsha ṱhoḓisiso tsha tshipentshala (siu) malugana na milandu i elanaho na u shumisa masheleni a covid19 nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi, kha masia oṱhe a muvhuso na nḓowetshumo ya phuraivethe wo tendelwa uri u bviswe u ye vhathuni nga muphuresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa. -",0.7021358 -"the report is an important step in the fight against corruption and maladministration in the public and private sectors, he said. -","muvhigo uyu ndi ḽiga ḽa ndeme kha nndwa ya u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa na vhushayandangulo kha sekhithara dza muvhuso na phuraivethe, vho ralo. -",0.47479594 -"in july 2020, president ramaphosa authorised the investigation by the siu. -","nga fulwana 2020, muphure sidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vho ṋea thendelo ya u ita ṱhoḓisiso nga vha siu. -",0.67580414 -"at the time, he gave his commitment that if the siu found evidence that a criminal offence had been committed, it would be obliged to refer the evidence to the national prosecuting authority (npa). -","nga itsho tshifhinga, vho ḓo fulufhedzisa uri arali siu ya nga wana vhuṱanzi ha uri ho itwa vhutshinyi ha vhugevhenga, i ḓo tea u fhirisela vhuṱanzi uvho kha vha maanḓalanga a vhutshutshisi ha lushaka (npa). -",0.61483765 -"the siu was also aut horised to institute civil proceedings for the recovery of any damages or losses incurred by the state. -","vha siu vho dovha vha ṋewa thendelo ya u vula milandu hu u itela u wana murahu tshinyalelo kana ndozwo yo iteaho kha muvhuso. -",0.53646076 -"report findings the siu investigated 5 467 contracts awarded to 3 066 service providers, worth a total of r14.3 billion. -","mawanwa a muvhigo vha siu vho ita ṱhoḓisiso kha khonṱhiraka dza 5 467 dze dza pfufhiwa vhaṋetshedzi vha tshumelo vha 3 066, dzine dza lingana masheleni a r14.3 biḽioni. -",0.60159826 -"the investigation into 4 549 contracts have been finalised, and 2 803 of these were found to be irregular. -","ṱhoḓisiso kha khonthiraka dza 4 549 dzo khunyeledzwa, nahone dza 2 803 ho waniwa uri a dzo ngo tshimbidzwa zwavhuḓi. -",0.7201896 -"this amounts to 62% of the finalised investigations. -","hezwi zwi ri swikisa kha 62% ya ṱhoḓisiso dzo khunyeledzwaho. -",0.5995359 -"""this investigation targeted individuals and institutions who believed they could exploit a moment of national vulnerability to enrich themselves and those with whom they colluded to abuse public resources,"" the president said. -","""ṱhoḓisiso hedzi dzo vha dzo livhiswa kha vhathu khathihi na zwiimiswa vhe zwa wanala uri vha nga vho ita vhukhuyekhuye nga tshifhinga tsha musi shango ḽi dziedzini vha tshi itela u ḓipfumisa khathihi na avho vhe vha vha vha khou shumisana navho u phusukanya zwiko zwa muvhuso,"" vho ralo muphuresi dennde. -",0.34205878 -"he added it was unacceptable that so many contracts associated with saving lives and protecting livelihoods were irregular, unlawful or fraudulent. -","vho ḓadzisa ngauri a zwo ṱanganedzea uri khonṱhiraka nnzhi nga u ralo dzi shumaho u tsireledza vhutshilo ha vhathu khathihi na u vhulunga nḓila dzine vhathu vha ḓitshidza ngadzo a dzo ngo ḓa nga nḓila yone, i siho mulayoni nahone dza vhufhura. -",0.30978012 -"""this investigation demonstrates our determination to root out corruption and to deal with perpetrators,"" said president ramaphosa. -","""ṱhoḓisiso hedzi dzi sumbedza vhuḓiimiseli hashu kha u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa khathihi na u dzhiela vhukando vhaiti vha milandu iyi,"" vho ralo muphure sidennde vho ramaphosa. -",0.6143048 -"the final report details matters that the siu has referred to the npa, departments and entities in the public sector and other parties. -","muvhigo wa u fhedzisela u dodombedza vhuṱanzi he vha siu vha vhu fhirisela kha npa, mihasho na zwiimiswa zwa kha sekhithara ya muvhuso khathihi na zwiṅwe zwiimiswa. -",0.6090576 -"the npa will finalise the process of bringing wrongdoers to book and addressing weaknesses identified by the siu investigation, the president explained. -","vha npa vha ḓo khunyeledza maitele a u dzhiela vhukando ha mulayo vhatshinyi khathihi na u sumbedzisa vhuṱudzeṱudze ho topolwaho kha ṱhoḓisiso dza siu, vho ṱalutshedza nga u ralo muphuresidennde. -",0.57262087 -"action taken since the start of the investigation, the siu, working with other agencies, has made the following progress: 45 matters, with a combined value of r2.1 billion, have been enrolled with the special tribunal on corruption, fraud and illicit money flows. -","vhukando ho dzhiiwaho u bva tshe ha thoma ṱhoḓisiso, vha siu, vha tshi khou shumisana na maṅwe mazhendedzi, vho no swikelela zwi tevhelaho: mawanwa a zwiteṅwa zwa 45, zwi linganaho r2.1 biḽioni, zwo ḓo ṅwaliswa na khothe ya tshipentshala ya zwa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, vhufhura khathihi na kutshimbidzelwe kwa mashele ni ku siho mulayoni (fraud and illicit money flows). -",0.6957416 -"the special tribunal has a statutory mandate to recover public funds stolen through corruption, fraud and illicit money flows, and take civil action against perpetrators; 224 cases have been referred for disciplinary action against officials in government departments or entities; 386 cases have been referred to the npa, and three have been referred for executive action; 330 cases have been referred for administrative action, which includes blacklisting (not being able to do work for gov ernment). -","khothe ya tshipentshala yo ṋewa mushumo lwa mulayo u wana murahu masheleni a muvhuso e a tswiwa nga kha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, vhufhura na kutshimbidzele kwa masheleni ku siho mulayoni, hune vha tea u dzhia vhukando ha mulayo kha vhaiti vha milandu iyo. -",0.66944873 -"according to the report, a total of r551.5 million (value of cash and assets) is to be recovered, while r34.2 million has been recovered to date. -","milandu ya 224 yo fhiriselwa kha vhane vha tea u dzhiela vhukando ha ndaṱiso vhaofi siri vha mihasho ya muvhu so kana zwiimiswa. -",0.587936 -"the investigation prevented a r114.2 million loss, and set contracts aside valued at r170.4 million. -","milandu ya 386 yone yo fhiriselwa kha vha npa, ngeno miraru yone yo livhis wa kha khorondangi uri i dzhie vhukando. -",0.6003975 -"the siu expects these matters to be completed between march and april 2022, before the submission of a supplementary report to the president at the end of june. -","milandu ya 330 yone yo fhiriselwa kha ofisi ya zwa ndaulo i dzhiaho vhukando ha mulayo, vhune ha katela u swifhadzwa dzina (uri vha si tsha kona u shumisana na muvhuso) u ya nga muvhigo, masheleni a linganaho r551.5 miḽioni (masheleni na ndaka) zwi ḓo dzhiululwa murahu, ngeno a r34.2 miḽioni one o no waniwa murahu u swika zwino. -",0.5190792 -"the report does not include details of ongoing investigations into allega tions received by the siu after the deadline set for the final report. -","ṱhoḓisiso dzo thivhela u lozwea ha r114.2 miḽioni, nahone dza thudzela kule khonṱhiraka dza mutengo wa r170.4 miḽioni. -",0.5709777 -"these include investigations into 476 service providers, linked to 964 contracts, valued at more than r961.6 million. -","vha siu vha khou lavhelela uri ṱhoḓisiso hedzi dzi vhe dzo fhela vhukati ha ṱhafamuhwe na lambamai 2022, phanḓa ha musi vha tshi swikisa muṅwe muvhigothevheli kha muphuresidennde mafheloni a fulwi. -",0.56522274 -"the outcomes of these investigations, the presidency said, will also be provided in the june report. -","muvhigo a u kateli zwidodombedzwa zwa muvhigo wa ṱhoḓisiso dzine dza khou bvela phanḓa dza milandu ye ya waniwa nga vha siu nga murahu ha datumu ya u fhedza yo vhetshelwaho muvhigo wa u fhedzisela. -",0.43087208 -"the president thanked the siu for the work done in the past 18 months, and also whistleblowers and other witnesses who provided information to investigators.","vhaiti vha milandu ya zwiito zwa vhuaḓa zwi kwamanaho na covid19 vho dzhielwa vhukando ha mulayo vukuzenzele unnamed vhathu na dzikhamphani vhe vha ḓidzhenisa kha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa malugana na thengo nga muvhuso ya zwishumiswa na tshumelo zwa vhulwadze ha tshitzhili tsha corona (covid19) vha khou hweswa vhuḓifhinduleli ha zwiito zwavho. -",0.43087208 -"cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help. -","cach i khou tumanya matshudeni na zwikhala zwa u guda silusapho nyanda vhaswa vhane a vha athu u wana zwikhala kha zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo dza nṱha vha nga ya kha sisiṱeme ya central application clearing house (cach) u wana thuso. -",0.76242614 -"cach is an online government service managed by the department of higher education and training (dhet). -","cach ndi tshumelo ya online ya muvhuso i lang waho nga muhasho wa pfunzo dza nṱha na vhup fumbudzi (dhet). -",0.7038266 -"the service helps those who need access to university, technical and vocational education and training (tvet) colleges and skills development opportunities. -","tshumelo i thusa avho vhane vha ṱoḓa u dzhena dziyunivesithi, dzikhoḽedzhi dza pfunzo na vhupfumbudzi zwa mishumo ya zwanḓa na zwa thekhinikhala (tvet) kha thihi na zwikhala zwa mveledziso ya zwikili. -",0.6117557 -"""cach services have been available from 24 january 2022, and will close on 31 march, to assist those who need to enter tertiary education but face challenges with getting space,"" says minister of higher education and training dr blade nzimande. -","""tshumelo dza cach dzo thoma u wanala u bva nga ḽa 24 phando 2022 nahone dzi ḓo vala nga ḽa 31 ṱhafamuhwe u itela u thusa avho vhane vha ṱoḓa u dzhena kha pfunzo dza nṱha fhedzi vha vha vha tshi khou ṱangana na khaedu dza u wana fhethu hune vha nga guda hone,"" vha ralo minisṱa wa pfunzo dza nṱha na vhupfumbudzi vho dokotela blade nzimande. -",0.71804374 -"cach can help those who applied for admission to a university or a college on time in 2021, but were not offered a place in a programme of their choice. -","cach i nga thusa avho vhane vho ita khumbelo nga tshifhinga nga 2021 ya u ṱanganedzwa yunivesithi kana khoḽedzhini, fhedzi vha songo kona u fhiwa tshikhala kha mbekanyamushumo ye vha vha vha vho ṋanga yone. -",0.6040472 -"the dhet explained that this usually happens when the applicant does not meet the necessary requirements or the institution has reached its limit on the number of students it can enrol. -","vha dhet vho ṱalutshedza uri hezwi zwi anzela u itea musi mutshudeni a sa swikeleli ṱhoḓea dzo teaho kana gudedzi iḽo ḽo no swikisa tshivhalo tsha matshudeni vhane tsha nga kona u ṅwalisa vhone. -",0.5469307 -"cach can also help those who applied to a higher learning institution and were accepted, but now want to change their courses. -","cach i nga kona hafhu u thusa avho vhane vho ita khumbelo kha tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo dza nṱha nahone vha ṱanganedzwa, fhedzi zwa zwino vha khou ṱoḓa u shandukisa buḓo ḽavho ḽa u guda. -",0.5321462 -"cach will refer individuals to career development services and where possible, provide an opportunity for them to be considered for spaces still available at universities, tvet colleges or sector education and training authority (seta) learnerships, without having to travel to any institution. -","cach i ḓo fhirisela vhathu kha vha tshumelo ya mveledziso ya mabuḓo nahone hune zwa konadzea, i ḓo vha ṋetshedza tshikhala tsha uri vha ṱanganedzwe kha zwikhala zwo salaho dziyunivesithi na kha dzikhoḽedzhi dza tvet kana kha zwikhala zwa ngudo kha zhendedzi ḽa nḓowetshumo ya zwa pfunzo na vhupfumbudzi (seta), hu si na zwa u tou ya nga tshavhukoma kha zwiimiswa izwo. -",0.48622307 -"all public universities, tvet colleges and setas can access the cach database to search for individuals who meet the criteria for available spaces. -","yunivesithi dzoṱhe dza muvhuso, khoḽedzhi dza tvet khathihi na dziseta vha a kona u dzhena kha dathabeizi ya cach u sedza vhathu vhane vha swikelela ṱhoḓea dza zwikhala zwine zwa kha ḓivha hone. -",0.6315881 -"""institutions select individuals from the cach database and make direct contact with those they have selected,"" says dhet spokesperson ishmael mnisi. -","""zwiimiswa izwi zwi nanga vhathu kha dathabeizi ya cach zwa kona u kwama avho vhe zwa vha nanga,"" vha ralo muambeli wa dhet vho ishmael mnisi. -",0.6549126 -"applicants who sign up for cach must submit their details, including their preferred fields of study. -","matshudeni vho itaho khumbelo vhe vha ṅwalisa kha cach vha tea u ṋetshedza zwidodombedzwa zwavho, hu tshi katelwa na zwine vha takalela u gudela zwone. -",0.4224044 -"applicants have options to accept or reject study offers on the cach system. -","matshudeni vho itaho khumbelo avho vha a kona u ṱanganedza kana u hana tshikhala tsho ṋetshedzwaho kha sisiṱeme ya cach. -",0.5733297 -"institutions of higher learning will only be able to access applicants’ information from cach once applicants have signed up and uploaded their grade 12 results. -","cach i khou tumanya matshudeni na zwikhala zwa u guda silusapho nyanda vhaswa vhane a vha athu u wana zwikhala kha zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo dza nṱha vha nga ya kha sisiṱeme ya central application clearing house (cach) u wana thuso. -",0.5733297 -"sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa’s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger. -","sona 2022: u khwinifhadza vhutshilo na nḓila dza u ḓitshidza vukuzenzele unnamed muvhuso wo ḓiimisela kha zwa u vhea vhathu phanḓa nahone wo ḓiṋea maḓuvha a ḓana (100) a u khunyeledza pulane ya u katela sekithara dzoṱhe dza tshitshavha kha u alusa ikonomi ya afrika tshipe mbe, u sika mishumo na u fhelisa nḓala. -",0.75199425 -"this was emphasised by president cyril ramaphosa in his 2022 state of the nation address. -","hezwi zwo ombedzelwa nga phresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa kha mulaedza wavho wa nga ha tshiimo tsha lushaka wa ṅwaha wa 2022. -",0.76162314 -"""this work will build on the foundation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, which remains our common programme to rebuild the economy,"" he said. -","""hoyu ndi mushumo une wa khou tou bvela phanḓa u bva kha murango wa pulane ya mvusuludzo na mbuyedze dzo ya ikonomi, ine u swika na zwino ya kha ḓi vha yone mbekanyamushumo yashu yo ḓoweleaho ya u fhaṱulula ikonomi"", hu amba vho ramaphosa. -",0.60839915 -"the president said government’s priorities are overcoming the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic, building infrastructure, increasing local production, creating jobs and addressing the energy crisis. -","musi vha tshi khou amba na lushaka, phresidennde vho amba uri zwipikwa zwa muvhuso ndi u kunda dwadze ḽa coronavairasi (covid19), u fhaṱa themamveledziso, u engedza mveledziso dzapo, u sika mishumo na u tandulula thaidzo dza zwa fulufulu. -",0.6669272 -"""if there is one thing we all agree on, it is that the present situation – of deep poverty, unemployment and inequality – is unacceptable and unsustainable."" -","""arali hu na tshiṅwe tshithu tshine roṱhe ra tendelana kha tsho, ndi tsha uri nyimele ine ra vha khayo zwino – ya vhushayi vhuhulu, vhushayamushumo na tshayandinganelo – a i ṱanganedzei nahone ri nga si kone u bvela phanḓa nayo zwo tou ralo."" -",0.5797462 -"creating jobs last year, the unemployment rate reached its highest recorded level of 34.9% in the third quarter, following the financial devastation caused by covid19. -","u sika mishumo mahoḽa, tshikalo tsha vhusha yamushumo tsho swika kha tshiimo tsha nṱhesa tshe tsha rekhodiwa tsha 34% kha kotara ya vhuraru nga murahu ha tshinyalelo ya zwa masheleni yo vhangwaho nga covid19. -",0.7106619 -"""we all know that government does not create jobs. -","""roṱhe ri a zwi ḓivha zwauri muvhuso a u siki mishumo. -",0.442657 -"business creates jobs. -","mabindu ndi one ane a sika mishumo. -",0.37158665 -"the key task of government is to create the conditions that will enable the private sector – both big and small – to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to create new products, and to hire more employees,"" he said. -","mushumo muhu lwane wa muvhuso ndi u bveledza nyimele ine ya ḓo ita uri sekithara dza phuraivethe – khulwane na ṱhukhu – dzi bvelele, dzi aluwe, dzi swikele mimaraga miswa, dzi vhumbe zwibveledzwa zwiswa, na u thola vhashumi vhanzhi,"" hu amba vho ramaphosa. -",0.57087857 -"around 80% of employed people work in the private sector. -","80% ya vhathu vha shumaho, ndi vhane vha shuma kha sekithara dza phuraivethe. -",0.44664058 -"the president said government will introduce a new loan guarantee scheme to help small businesses recover. -","phresidennde vho amba uri muvhuso u ḓo ḓivhadza tshikimu tshiswa tsha khwaṱhisedzo ya khadzimiso ya masheleni u itela u thusa mabindu maṱuku uri a vuwe hafhu. -",0.59868324 -"the presidential employment stimulus programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up. -","mbekanyamushumo ya ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya mushumo ya phresidennde ye ya tikedza zwikhala zwa mushumo zwi fhiraho 850 000, i ḓo engedzwa. -",0.6726322 -"most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women. -","vhunzhi ha vhathu vhane vha ḓo vhuelwa ndi vhaswa; hune vha fhiraho 60% ha vha vhafumakadzi. -",0.61776465 -"the employment stimulus will enable the department of home affairs to recruit 10 000 unemployed youth for the digitisation of paper records, and the social employment fund will create another 50 000 work opportunities. -","zwa ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya mu shumo zwi ḓo ita uri muhasho wa zwa muno u thole vhaswa vha sa shumi vha 10 000 u itela uri vha thuse kha u didzhithaiza zwe zwa vha zwo rekhodwa kha mabambi ri ngeno tshikwama tsha mi shumo ya zwa matshilisano tshi tshi ḓo sika zwiṅwe zwi khala zwa mishumo zwa 50 000. muhasho wa pfunzo dza nṱha na vhugudisi u bva nga ṅwedzi wa lambamai 2022, u ḓo dzhenisa mushumoni ma tshudeni vhane vha kha ḓi bva u khunyeledza pfunzo dzavho dza kha magudedzi a zwa thekiniki na mishumo ya zwanḓa vha linganaho 10 000 vhane a vha athu wana mishumo. -",0.572176 -"the department of higher education and training will place 10 000 unemployed technical and vocational education and training graduates in workplaces from april 2022. the sayouth. -","puḽatifomo ya sayouth. -",0.54427195 -"mobi platform, which helps young work seekers to access opportunities and support, now has over 2.3 million youth registered. -","mobi ine ya thusa vhaṱoḓi vha mushumo vhane vha kha ḓi vha vhaswa uri vha kone u swikela zwikhala na thikhedzo zwazwino i na vhaswa vho redzhisiṱaraho vha fhiraho 2.3 miḽioni. -",0.5678828 -"of these, over 600 000 have been placed into employment opportunities. -","kha havha, vha fhiraho 600 000 vho dzheniswa kha zwikhala zwa mishumo. -",0.50764894 -"""a revitalised national youth service will recruit its first cohort of 50 000 young people during the next year [2023], creating opportunities for young people to contribute to their communities, develop their skills and grow their employability."" -","tshumelo ya vhaswa ya lus haka yo vusuluswaho i ḓo thola tshigwada tshayo tsha u thoma tsha vhaswa vha 50 000 kha ṅwaha u tevhelaho wa (2003), zwine hezwi zwa ḓo sikela vhathu vhaswa zwi khala zwauri vha kone u shela mulenzhe kha zwitshavha zwa havho, u bveledza vhukoni havho na u engedza khonadzeo ya u tholwa havho. -",0.60478175 -"srd grant continuesthe covid19 social relief of distress (srd) grant, which has helped over 10 million unemployed people, has been extended for another year – to the end of march 2023. in addition, government and its partners will look at ways to continue to support people in financial distress in a manner that is affordable to the country over the long term. -","magavhelo a srd a khou bvela phanḓa magavhelo a ndiliso ya zwa matshilisano kha thambulo yo vhangwaho nga ṅwambo wa covid19 e a thusa vhathu vha sa shumi vha fhiraho 10 miḽioni, o engedzwa nga muṅwe ṅwaha – u swika ma fheloni a ṱhafamuhwe 2023. nga nṱha ha izwo, muvhuso na vhashumisani nawo u ḓo sedza kha nḓila dza u bvela phanḓa na u tikedza vhathu vha re na thaidzo ya zwa masheleni nga nḓila ine shango ḽa nga kona u zwi ita ngayo lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. -",0.7124119 -"access to land government is moving ahead with land reform and anticipates the approval of the expropriation bill this year. -","tswikelo ya mavu muvhuso u khou bvela phanḓa na mbuyedzedzo ya mavu nahone wo lavhelela zwa u ṱanganedzwa ha mulayotibe wa u dzhiululwa ha mavu ṋaṅwaha. -",0.57890546 -"the establishment of the agriculture and land reform development agency will also be finalised this year. -","u thomiwa ha zhendedzi ḽa vhulimi na mbuyedzedzo ya mavu na zwone zwi ḓo khunyeledzwa ṋaṅwaha. -",0.1881278 -"""the department of public works and infrastructure will finalise the transfer of 14 000 hectares of state land to the housing development agency,"" the president said. -","""muhasho wa mishumo ya muvhuso na themamvele dziso u ḓo khunyeledza zwa phiriso ya hekithara dza 14 000 dza mavu a muvhuso dza u ya kha zhendedzi ḽa mveledziso ya zwa dzinnḓu"", phresidennde vha amba ngauralo. -",0.7096063 -"he added that there is enough arable land to support millions of thriving smallscale farmers in poultry, livestock, fruit and vegetables. -","vho ḓadzisa nga ḽa uri hu na mavu manzhi a zwa vhulimi ane a nga thusa dzimiḽioni dza vhalimi vhaṱuku vhane vha khou bvelela kha zwa vhufuwa khuhu, vhufuwazwifuwo, miroho na mitshelo. -",0.58244205 -"already, over 100 000 farmers have received input vouchers to expand their production and the programme will be expanded to reach more farmers. -","u swika zwino, vhalimi vha fhiraho 100 000 vho no ṱanganedza voutshara dza u renga zwishumiswa zwa vhulimi u itela u engedza mveledziso dzavho nahone mbekanyamushumo i ḓo engedzwa u itela uri i kone u swikela vhalimi vhanzhi. -",0.52574223 -"corruption and crime from instituting the commission of inquiry into state capture, to investigating covid19related procurement contracts, president ramaphosa is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ending corruption. -","zwiito zwa vhuaḓa na vhugevhenga u bva tshe ha vhumbiwa khomishini ya ṱhoḓisiso nga ha u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha muvhuso, u ya kha zwa u itwa ha ṱhoḓisiso kha khonṱhiraka dza thendara dza u rengiselana zwishumiswa zwi elanaho na covid19, phresidennde vho ramaphosa a vha khou sia tombo nṱha ha ḽiṅwe musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.70130605 -"""none of our efforts to revive our economy will succeed if we do not tackle the scourge of corruption once and for all,"" the president said. -","""a hu na ndingedzo na nthihi ya u vusulusa ikonomi ine ya ḓo bvelela arali ra sa lwa tshoṱhe na samba ḽa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa"", phresidennde vha amba ngauralo. -",0.59828335 -"by no later than 30 june 2022, he will present a plan of action in response to the commission’s recommendations. -","hu sa athu swika ḽa 30 fulwi, vha ḓo ṋetshedza pulane ya nyito ine ya ḓo vha i phindulo kha themendelo dza khomishini. -",0.47977182 -"he explained that various government agencies were working together to identify wrongdoers, punish them, and to get looted state money refunded. -","vho ṱalutshedza zwauri mazhendedzi o vhalaho a muvhuso a khou shumisana u itela u ṱalusa vhatshinyi, u vha laṱisa, khathihi na u vhona uri masheleni a muvhuso o tswiwaho a vhuye murahu. -",0.47577196 -"safety and security will be strengthened through the recruitment of 12 000 police personnel and the reestablishment of community policing forums. -","zwa tsireledzo na vhutsireledzi zwi ḓo khwaṱhiswa nga u tholwa ha mapholisa maswa vha linganaho 12 000 khathihi na nga u vusuluswa hafhu ha foramu dza vhu pholisa ha zwitshavha. -",0.50334275 -"fighting gbvf government will also continue to intensify the fight against genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf) this year, through the implementation of the national strategic plan on gbvf. -","u lwa na zwiito zwa gbv muvhuso u ḓo dovha hafhu wa bvela phanḓa na u khwaṱhisa zwa nndwa ya u lwa na zwiito zwa kha khathi dzo ḓisendekaho nga mbeu na mabulayo a vhathu vha vhafumakadzi (gbvf) kha uno ṅwaha nga kha u shumiswa ha pulane ya maga a lushaka nga ha gbvf. -",0.6387482 -"three new laws are already working to strengthen the criminal justice system and support survivors. -","milayo miraru miswa yo no thoma u shumiswa u itela u khwaṱhisa sisiṱeme ya vhulamukanyi ha vhuge vhenga khathihi na u tikedza avho vho ponyaho. -",0.42219543 -"""the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place."" -","u shu miswa ha iyo milayo hu ḓo ita zwinzhi kha u vhona uri milandu i khou sengiswa zwavhuḓi, uri avho vho ponyaho vho tsireledzwa khathihi na u vhona uri hu vhe na zwikaidzavhutshinyi zwinzhi. -",0.18608116 -"one of the new laws that president ramaphosa was referring to is the criminal and related matters amendment act which protects the vulnerable from secondary victimisation. -","muṅwe wa milayo miswa we phresidennde vho ramaphosa vha vha vha tshi khou sumba khawo, ndi criminal and related matters amendment act une wa tsireledza avho vha songo tsireledzeaho kha u nga tambudzwa hafhu lwa vhuvhili. -",0.618052 -"this act allows the courts to appoint intermediaries through which a minor, a disabled person or an elderly person can be examined in proceedings. -","mulayo hoyu u tendela khothe u thola vhalamuli vhane nga khavho, muthu muṱuku, muholefhali kana mualuwa a nga ṱolwa zwenezwo musi mafhungo a tshi khou tshimbidzwa. -",0.57061 -"the president was also referring to the new criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act which outlaws sexual exploitation and grooming of persons with mental disabilities. -","phresidennde vho vha vha tshi khou amba hafhu na nga mulayo wa khwiniso ya mulayo wa zwa vhutshinyi une wa kha ḓi vha muswa (milandu ya zwa vhudzekani na mafhungo a elanaho) une wa dzhia zwiito zwa u ta mbudzwa lwa vhudzekani na u lugiselwa ha vhathu vha re na vhulwadze ha muhumbulo hu tshi itelwa zwa vhudzekani sa zwiito zwi siho mulayoni. -",0.6180817 -"this act also states that sexual offences against persons who are mentally disabled must be recorded in the national register of sex offenders. -","mulayo uyu u dovha hafhu wa bula uri milandu ya zwa vhu dzekani kha vhathu vha re na vhulwadze ha muhumbu lo i tea u rekhodiwa kha redzhisiṱara ya lushaka ya vhatshinyi kha milandu ya zwa vhudzekani (nrso). -",0.5811143 -"the domestic violence amendment act takes account of some of the complexities in violent domestic relationships. -","mulayo wa khwiniso ya khakhathi dza muṱani u dzhiela nṱha zwiṅwe zwithu zwi konḓaho kha vhushaka ha muṱani ho ḓalaho dzi khakhathi. -",0.53674066 -"the act allows for the process of obtaining protection orders, and broadened the circumstances under which a protection order can be applied for. -","mulayo u tendela maitele a u wana ndaela ya tsireledzo ya mulayo khathihi na u engedza nyimele dzine khadzo hu nga itwa khu mbelo ya u wana ndaela ya tsireledzo ya mulayo. -",0.56512403 -"president ramaphosa said this act also protects the elderly from all forms of domestic violence, and also permits complainants to apply for protection orders online, saving them time and travel costs.","sona 2022: u khwinifhadza vhutshilo na nḓila dza u ḓitshidza vukuzenzele unnamed muvhuso wo ḓiimisela kha zwa u vhea vhathu phanḓa nahone wo ḓiṋea maḓuvha a ḓana (100) a u khunyeledza pulane ya u katela sekithara dzoṱhe dza tshitshavha kha u alusa ikonomi ya afrika tshipe mbe, u sika mishumo na u fhelisa nḓala. -",0.56512403 -"end of state of disaster in sight for sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa recently announced in his 2022 state of the nation address (sona) that government plans to scrap the national state of disaster as the coun try enters a new phase in the management of the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic. -","zwa u fheliswa ha tshiimo tsha tshiwo zwi tsini fhano afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed phresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vha kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza kha mulaedza wavho wa nga ha tshiimo tsha lushaka (sona) wa ṅwaha wa 2022 zwauri muvhuso wo dzudzanya zwa u fhelisa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka musi shango ḽi tshi khou dzhena kha luṱa luswa kha ndango ya dwadze ḽa coronavairasi (covid19). -",0.7503745 -"""it is our intention to end the national state of disaster as soon as we have finalised other measures under the national health act and other legislation to contain the pandemic,"" said the president. -","""ri na muhumbu lo wa u fhelisa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka musi ri tshi tou fhedza u khunyeledza maṅwe maga nga fhasi ha mulayo wa mutakalo wa lushaka khathihi na miṅwe milayo u itela u langa dwadze iḽi"", phre sidennde vho amba ngauralo. -",0.6038296 -"on 15 march 2020, president ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster in terms of the disaster management act and announced a range of measures to contain the covid19 outbreak. -","nga ḽa 15 thafamuhwe 2020, phresidennde vho ramaphosa vho ḓivhadza nga ha tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka u ya nga mulayo wa ndaulo ya tshiwo he vha ḓivhadza maga o vhalaho a u langa uhu u ṱaha ha dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.6969255 -"president ramaphosa said nearly all restrictions on economic and social activity have already been lifted, which is largely thanks to the vaccination rollout programme. -","phresidennde vho rama phosa vho amba uri vhunzhi ha nyiledzo dza zwa ikonomi na vhuṱambo ha zwa matshilisano dzo no fheli swa u swika zwino, hune khazwo ra livhuwa zwihulu mbekanyamushu mo ya u ṋetshedzwa ha muhaelo. -",0.6272335 -"he reminded citizens that vaccines are the best defence against illness, death and covid19, which has claimed close to 100 000 lives locally. -","vho humbudza vhadzulapo zwauri khaelo ndi dzone philelo ya khwiṋesa kha u lwa na vhulwadze, lufu na covid19 ye ya dzhia matshilo ane a nga swika 100 000 fhano kha shango ḽashu. -",0.6378995 -"""i've always said from a personal point of view, had i have not been vaccinated, in december when i contracted covid19, i probably will not be standing here,"" he reflected. -","""ndo ḓi dzulela u amba u bva kha zwe nda ṱangana nazwo uri arali ndo vha ndi songo haelwa nga ṅwedzi wa nyendavhusiku musi ndo kavhiwa nga covid19, khamusi ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo vha ndi songo ima hafha ṋamusi"", vha amba ngauralo musi vha tshi humbula zwa murahu. -",0.58222914 -"the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant. -","phresidennde vho ḓiṋea tshifhinga tsha u ṱuṱuwedza vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe uri vha dzhie muhaelo u vhulungaho matshilo khathihi na u bvela phanḓa na u tevhedza maga a fhasisa a mutakalo nahone vha dzulele u vha na ṱhogomelo. -",0.6555745 -"""we will be able to get on with our lives, even with the virus in our midst,"" he said, adding that the pandemic has exacerbated the divide between those who are employed and those who are jobless. -","""ri ḓo kona u bvela phanḓa na matshilo ashu naho vairasi iyi i tshi kha ḓi vha hone vhukati hashu, "" vho amba ngauralo vha tshi dovha hafhu vha ḓadzisa nga ḽa uri dwadze iḽi ḽo ṋaṋisa tshikhala vhukati ha avho vha no shuma na avho vha si na mishumo"". -",0.5130548 -"solidarity fund president ramaphosa announced that the solidarity fund has raised r3.4 billion from more than 300 000 south africans and companies, while more than 400 individuals and 100 companies volunteered their time and services. -","tshikwama tsha vhuthihi phresidennde vho rama phosa vho ḓivhadza zwauri tshikwama tsha vhuthihi tsho kuvhangaya masheleni a fhiraho r3.4 biḽioni yo bvaho kha vhathu vha afrika tshipembe vha fhiraho 300 000 na kha dzikhamphani, ngeno vhathu vha fhiraho 400 na khamphani dza 100 vho ṋetshedza tshifhinga na tshumelo dzavho nga mahala. -",0.6269219 -"""the fund has played a pivotal role in supporting the national health response and alleviating the humanitarian crisis that confronted our country and our people. -","""tshikwama tsho ita mushumo muhulwane vhukuma kha u tikedza maga a zwa mutakalo wa lushaka na u fhungudza tshiwo tshi kwamaho vhathu tshe tsha vha tsho wela shango ḽashu na vhathu vhashu"". -",0.5860114 -"""he thanked everyone who contributed to the fund, including some members of parliament, and other initiatives to support those affected by the pandemic. -","vho livhuwa muṅwe na muṅwe we a shela mulenzhe kha tshikwama, hu tshi katelwa na miṅwe miraḓo ya phalamennde khathihi na maṅwe maga a u tikedza avho vhe vha kwamea nga dwadze. -",0.53827626 -"the president also paid tribute to the many healthcare and frontline workers who play a key role in the fight against covid19. -","phresidennde vho dovha hafhu vha livhisa ndivhuwo kha vhashumi vha ndondolamutakalo na avho vhane vha tou shuma vho livhanan nazwo vhe vha shuma mu shumo muhulwane vhukuma kha nndwa ya u lwa na dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.33295065 -"""the nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the dedicated health workers and to other frontline staff who put their own health and lives at risk to care for the ill and the vulnerable during this period,"" he said. -","""lushaka lu koloda zwihu lwane u isa ndivhuwo dza lwo kha vhashumi vha mutakalo vho ḓiṋetshedzelaho vhukuma khathihi na kha vhaṅwe vhashumi vhane vha tou shuma vho livhanan nazwo vhe vha vhea mitakalo na matshilo avho khomboni vha tshi itela u ṱhogomela avho vhe vha vha vha tshi khou lwala vhukuma khathihi na avho vha songo tsireledzeaho nga tshene tshi tshifhinga"", vho amba ngauralo – sanews. -",0.32882702 -"– sanews. -","gov. -",0.58722335 -"gov. -","zwa u fheliswa ha tshiimo tsha tshiwo zwi tsini fhano afrika tshipembe vukuzenzele unnamed phresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vha kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza kha mulaedza wavho wa nga ha tshiimo tsha lushaka (sona) wa ṅwaha wa 2022 zwauri muvhuso wo dzudzanya zwa u fhelisa tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka musi shango ḽi tshi khou dzhena kha luṱa luswa kha ndango ya dwadze ḽa coronavairasi (covid19). -",0.58722335 -"special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay vukuzenzele unnamed during the recent presidential imbizo in mahikeng, several citizens raised concerns about the pace of the fight against corruption. -","khothe yo khetheaho i khou zwi sumbedzisa uri nangoho vhugevhenga a vhu badeli allison cooper nga tshifhinga tsha imbizo ya phresidennde ine ya kha ḓi tou bva u fariwa zwe nezwino fhaḽa mahikeng, vhadzulapo vho fhamba naho vho sumbedza u vhilaedzwa nga u ongolowa ha nndwa ya u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.61521834 -"they told me what i have heard in many other communities across the country: that the perpetrators of such acts are known, not least because they flaunt the proceeds of their crimes. -","vho mmbudza mafhungo a fanaho na e nda vha ndo no ḓi a pfa u bva kha zwiṅwe zwitshavha zwo fhamba naho u mona na shango ane a vha a uri vhahumbulelwa vha zwiito izwo vha a ḓivhea, nga maanḓa ngauri vha a ṱongisa masheleni e vha a wana nga nḓila ya vhugevhe nga. -",0.42019278 -"but the arm of the law is long. -","fhedzi tshanḓa tsha mulayo ndi tshilapfu. -",0.38166684 -"those who have stolen from the state may believe they have gotten away with it. -","avho vhe vha tswela muvhuso vha nga vha vha tshi humbula uri a vha nga wanali. -",0.44833922 -"but their deeds will eventually catch up with them, whoever they are, and whatever position they may hold. -","fhedzi zwiito zwavho zwi ḓo bvela khagala ḽiṅwe ḓuvha, hu sa sedzwi uri ndi vhonnyi nahone vha nga vha vhe kha maimo afhio. -",0.18781666 -"they will learn that crime does not pay. -","vha ḓo zwi ḓivha uri vhugevhenga a vhu badeli. -",0.37726194 -"in this regard, one of our most effective weapons in the fight against corruption and state capture is the special tribunal of the special investigating unit (siu), which i established in 2019. it adjudicates on matters that the siu institutes for civil litigation after it has concluded its investigations. -","kha fhungo ḽeneḽi, tshiṅwe tsha zwiṱhavhane zwashu zwi shumaho zwavhuḓi vhukuma kha nndwa ya u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa khathihi na zwa u dzhenelela ha vhathu vha nnḓa kha mafhungo a muvhuso, ndi khothe yo khetheaho ya tshiimiswa tsha zwa ṱhoḓisiso dzo khetheaho (siu), ye nda i vhumba nga ṅwaha wa 2019. khothe iyi i ṋetshedza khaṱhulo kha milandu ye ya hwedzwa nga vha siu hu tshi itelwa uri i sengiswe nga murahu ha musi vho no khunyeledza ṱhoḓisiso dzavho. -",0.60941553 -"the special tribunal was set up to speed up litigation. -","haya ndi one maitele e a ita uri zwi konadzee u vhuisa murahu nga u ṱavhanya masheleni a muvhuso khathihi na ndaka dza muvhuso dze dza vha dzo lozwea nga mulandu wa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, zwe hezwi zwa thusa kha u tinya tshilengo tshine tsha dzulela u vha hone kha dzikhothe khulwane hune kanzhi vha siu na vhone vha wanala vha tshi tea u tou lindela tshifhinga tshavho tshi tshi swika tsha uri milandu yavho i sengiswe u tou fana na vhaṅwe vhavhigi vha milandu. -",0.20824295 -"this approach has made it possible for public funds and state assets lost to corrupt acts to be recovered faster, avoiding delays in the high courts, where the siu has to wait its turn together with other litigants. -","vha siu vha nga ita khumbelo ya ndaela ya khothe ya u tsireledza ndaka uri dzi si shandukiswe khathihi na u vha vho fara ndaka dzenedzo vha tshi itela u thivhela uri hu si vhe na iṅwe ndozwo hafhu kha muvhuso. -",0.61686057 -"the siu can request preservation orders and the freezing of assets to prevent further losses to the state. -","hezwi ndi zwa ndeme musi ho sedzwa uri vhaiti vha zwiito izwi vhane vha khou humbulelwa kanzhi vha a swika hune vha ita zwoṱhe zwine vha nga kona u pfulusa, u dzumba kana u bvisa madzinani avho masheleni ayo e vha a wana nga nḓila ya zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.52329135 -"this is important when considering that per petrators who are under suspicion often go to great lengths to move around, hide or dispose of proceeds of corruption. -","a zwi vhuyi zwa kanga nyisa uri heyi khothe yo khetheaho yo ḓisa tsha nduko khulwane. -",0.45128942 -"there can be no doubt the special tribunal has been a game changer. -","u tou bva tshe ya vhumbiwa, heyi khothe yo khetheaho yo kona u vhuisa murahu masheleni a linganaho r8.6 biḽioni u bva kha dzikhonṱhiraka dze dza vha dzi siho mulayoni. -",0.38360685 -"since its establishment, the tribunal has recovered around r8.6 billion from unlawful contracts. -","u itela uri nndwa ifhio na ifhio ya u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa i vhonale i tshi khou aṋwa mitshelo, zwa u tou farwa fhedzi na u sengiswa ha zwigevhenga a zwo ngo lingana. -",0.46976262 -"for any fight against corruption to be deemed effective, it is not sufficient that perpetrators are pro secuted. -","masheleni e vha a wana nga nḓila ya vhugevhenga a tea u vhuiswa murahu. -",0.45535097 -"the proceeds of their crimes must be recovered. -","masheleni ane a khou tswiwa ndi a vhadzulapo nahone a tea u shumiswa kha u swikela ṱhoḓea dzavho. -",0.32399702 -"this money belongs to citizens and should be used to meet their needs. -","khothe yo khetheaho i kha ḓi tou bva u ṋea ndaela khamphani mbili dza u fhaṱa ya uri dzi vhuise mbuelo ye dza i wana u bva kha khonṱhiraka dza masheleni a linganaho r40 miḽioni dza u akha ḓaraṱa fhaḽa mukanoni wa beit bridge. -",0.38756213 -"the special tribunal recently ordered two construction companies to return the profits they earned from r40 million in contracts to erect the beit bridge border fence. -","hezwi zwo ḓa nga murahu ha ṱhoḓisiso dze dza itwa nga vha siu dze dza wanulusa zwiito zwinzhi zwa vhuaḓa zwine zwa katela na u badelwa ha khamphani phanḓa ha musi dzi tshi thoma u shuma nga muhasho wa mishumo ya muvhuso na themamvele dziso. -",0.44658267 -"this followed an investigation by the siu that uncovered a number of irregularities, including a prepayment to the companies by the department of public works and infrastructure. -","kha vhege dzi si gathi dzo fhiraho fhedzi, khothe yo khetheaho yo sengulusa ya dovha hafhu ya thudzela thungo khonṱhiraka dze dza avhelwa nga nḓila i songo teaho nahone dzi siho mulayoni dza masheleni a fhiraho r100 miḽioni a elanaho na zwa u rengwa ha zwishumiswa zwa u ḓitsireledza kha dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.3388931 -"over the past few weeks alone, the tribunal has reviewed and set aside more than r100 million worth of irregular and unlawful contracts arising from covidrelated pro curement. -","khothe yo khetheaho yo dovha hafhu ya kona u vhuisa murahu masheleni u bva kha vhalangi vhahulwane vha mabindu a muvhuso vhe vha ita zwa mabindu nga nḓila i songo teaho. -",0.32034263 -"the special tribunal has also been successful in getting back money from senior executives in stateowned enterprises who conducted irregular business activities. -","sa tsumbo, ṅwaha wo fhelaho, muṅwe we a vha e muhulwane wa transnet o ṋewa ndaela ya u badela murahu masheleni a linganaho r26 miḽioni e a ḓo a wana nga u vha mufaramikovhe kha feme ya zwa vhuinzhiniere ye ya vha i tshi khou shumisana na transnet nga tshifhinga tsha musi a tshi kha ḓi vha mushumi wa tshoṱhe wa henefho. -",0.5364014 -"for example, last year a former transnet executive was ordered to pay r26 million he received as a shareholder of a firm of consulting engineers contracted to transnet while he was a fulltime employee. -","vha siu vho kwamana na vha khothe yo khetheaho kha milandu i re na tshivhalo u itela uri vha lengise zwa dzimbadelo dza mbuelo ya phentsheni musi hu tshe ho lindelwa mawanwa a ṱhoḓisiso dzavho kha vhashumeli vha muvhuso vhane vha kwamea kha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa ha zwa masheleni kana zwa u shumiswa ha masheleni nga nḓila i sa vhuedzi khathihi na nga nḓila ine a vha o tambisea. -",0.56138927 -"the siu has in a number of cases approached the tribunal to delay the payment of pension benefits, pending the outcome of its investigations, to public servants implicated in financial irregularities or fruitless and wasteful expenditure. -","milandu ine ya vha fhasi ha khothe yo khetheaho i sumbedza uri hu kha ḓi vha na mushumo munzhi une wa tea u itwa u itela u khwaṱhisa zwa mavhusele na vhulanguli vhukati ha masia oṱhe a mavhuso. -",0.58778334 -"the cases before the special tribunal show that much work still needs to be done to strengthen governance and management across all arms of the state. -","milandu iyi i sumbedzi sa hafhu uri hu na vhuṱudzeṱudze vhuhulwane kha vhaofisiri vhahulwane khathihi na u kundelwa havho u tevhedza milayo na maitele ane a langa zwa kurengele kwa thundu na tshumelo kha muvhuso. -",0.5486131 -"they point to serious lapses on the part of accounting officers and failures to adhere to laws and regulations governing procurement i have said before that winning the war on cor ruption will be difficult, and that it will take time to unravel the vast webs of patronage that had become entrenched. -","ndo no ḓi amba tshifhi ngani tsho fhelaho uri nndwa iyi ya u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa i ḓo konḓa nahone zwi ḓo dzhia tshi fhinga u tandulula netiweke dza thikhedzo ya zwiito zwi songo ḓaho dzine dzo no tou ṱoka midzi. -",0.6301359 -"i have also maintained that we must fight private sector corruption with equal vigour, because for every public sector employee willing to be bribed, there is a business person willing to pay a bribe. -","ndo dovha hafhu nda ombedzela uri ri khou tea u lwa na zwiito zwa vhuaḓa vhune ha bvelela kha sekithara dza phuraivethe nga nungo dzoṱhe ngauri kha mushumeli muṅwe na muṅwe wa muvhuso ane a takalela zwa tshanḓanguvhoni, hu vha hu na ramabindu ane o ḓiimisela u badela masheleni eneo a tshanḓanguvhoni. -",0.5730822 -"these corrupt relationships have eroded the capacity of the state to deliver on its mandate. -","hovhu vhushaka ha zwiito zwa vhuaḓa ho fhungudza vhukoni ha muvhuso ha u ita mushumo wawo wo teaho. -",0.5056592 -"they have set back the state’s efforts to provide decent healthcare, to deliver clean water, and to ensure a consistent supply of power to communities and businesses. -","ho kanganyisa ndinge dzo dza muvhuso dza u ṋetshedza ndondolamutakalo ya maimo a nṱha, u ṋetshedza maḓi o kunaho khathihi na u vhona uri hu khou vha na nḓisedzo ya fulufulu i sa khauwi kha zwitshavha na kha mabindu. -",0.608923 -"but, as the special tribunal has demonstrated, we are steadily turning the tide. -","fhedziha, sa zwe khothe yo khetheaho ya sumbedzisa, ri khou ḓisa tshanduko nga zwiṱuku. -",0.46149224 -"not only are perpetrators being arrested and taken to court; they are also having to forfeit the proceeds of their crimes. -","a zwi khou tou guma fhedzi kha u farwa na u sengiswa ha zwigevhenga, zwigevhenga zwenezwo zwi vho tea hafhu u dovha zwa dzhielwa na masheleni e zwa a wana nga nḓila ya vhuge vhenga. -",0.3191684 -"there is still a long way to go, and there is a huge amount of stolen public funds that still need to be recovered. -","hu kha ḓi vha na lwendo lulapfu lune ra tea u lu tshimbila nahone hu kha ḓi vha na masheleni manzhi a mu vhuso e a tshwiwa ane a kha ḓi tea u vhuiswa murahu. -",0.4384432 -"but the siu and the special tribunal have made a good start, and i am confident of many more successes in the months and years ahead.","khothe yo khetheaho i khou zwi sumbedzisa uri nangoho vhugevhenga a vhu badeli allison cooper nga tshifhinga tsha imbizo ya phresidennde ine ya kha ḓi tou bva u fariwa zwe nezwino fhaḽa mahikeng, vhadzulapo vho fhamba naho vho sumbedza u vhilaedzwa nga u ongolowa ha nndwa ya u fhelisa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa. -",0.4384432 -"food at school ensures children don’t go hungry vukuzenzele unnamed over nine million children receive a nutritious meal at school thanks to government’s national school nutrition programme (nsnp), which was introduced in 1994. the programme aims to improve children’s ability to learn, by reducing malnutrition and hunger and improving school attendance, especially at disadvantaged schools. -","mbekanyamushumo ya u ṋetshedza vhana zwiḽiwa zwikoloni i vha thusa uri vha si ṱwe na nḓala vukuzenzele unnamed vhagudi vha paḓaho miḽioni dza ṱahe vha wana zwiḽiwa zwa pfushi zwikoloni nga fhasi ha mbekanyamushumo ya lushaka ya u ṋetshedza vhana zwiḽiwa zwikoloni (nsnp) ye ya thomiwa nga muvhuso nga ṅwaha wa 1994. mbekanyamushumo iyi yo livhiswa kha u khwinifhadza nḓila ine vhana vha guda ngayo ngauri i fhungudza vhushayapfushi na nḓala khathihi na u ita uri vhana vha ye tshikoloni ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, nga maanḓa kha zwikolo zwo shayaho. -",0.74797535 -"""the programme is critical for furthering learners’ constitutional rights to basic nutrition and basic education,"" explains deputy minister of basic education dr reginah mhaule. -","""mbekanyamushumo iyi ndi ya ndeme kha u bveledza phanḓa pfanelo dza vhagudi dza u wana zwiḽiwa zwa ndeme khathihi na pfunzo ya mutheo u ya nga ndayotewa"", hu ṱalutshedza muthusaminisṱa wa pfunzo dza mutheo, dokotela vho reginah mhaule. -",0.7192757 -"as a result of the nsnp, more children are attending school on time and more regularly, and their concentration in class has improved. -","nga ṅwambo wa mbekanyamushumo iyi ya nsnp, vhana vhanzhi zwazwino vha vho kona u ya tshikoloni nga tshifhinga nahone misi yoṱhe khathihi na uri u kona u thetshelesa havho musi vhe ngomu kiḽasini na hone ho khwinifhadzea. -",0.5428244 -"according to the department of basic education (dbe), learners are taught good eating and lifestyle habits. -","u ya nga vha muhasho wa pfunzo dza mutheo (dbe), vhagudi vha a funzwa na nga ha mikhwa yavhuḓi ya kuḽele na matshilele. -",0.6402742 -"schools are also encouraged to set up their own food gardens to supplement the nsnp menu. -","zwikolo zwi khou dovha hafhu zwa ṱuṱuwedzwa uri zwi ḓithomele ngade dza zwiḽiwa u itela u engedza kha izwo zwine zwa ṋetshedzwa nga nsnp. -",0.61088425 -"learners, teachers and parents are taught grow their own food. -","vhagudi, vhadededzi na vhabebi vha a gudiswa uri vha ḓilimele zwiḽiwa zwavho. -",0.524238 -"nsnp awards thabang primary school in bethlehem, free state, is one of the schools that benefits from the nsnp. -","pfufho dza nsnp tshikolo tsha phuraimari ya thabang tshi wanalaho fhaḽa bethlehem kha vunḓu ḽa free state, ndi tshiṅwe tsha zwikolo zwine zwa khou vhuelwa nga mbekanyamushumo iyi ya nsnp. -",0.7397939 -"the school recently won the nsnp best school award. -","tshikolo itshi tshi kha ḓi tou bva u thuba pfufho ya u vha tshikolo tsha khwinesa u bva kha mbekanyamushumo ya nsnp. -",0.5984789 -"the awards celebrate schools’ nutrition programmes by looking at their hygiene and safety practices, nutritious meals, food gardens and nutrition education. -","pfufho idzi ndi dzine dza fhululedza kutshimbidzelwe kwa mbekanyamushumo dza zwiḽiwa zwikoloni musi hu tshi sedzwa maitele a zwa vhuthathazwitzhili na tsireledzo, zwiḽiwa zwi re na pfushi, ngade dza zwiḽiwa na pfunzo dza nga ha zwiḽiwa. -",0.616194 -"""i am extremely grateful that the school won the award,"" says seyanokeng sejake, the thabang pri mary principal for the past 24 years. -","""ndi pfa ndo takala vhukuma u vhona uri tshikolo itshi tsho thuba pfufho iyi,"" a no ralo ndi vho seyanokeng sejake vhane vha vha ṱhoho ya tshikolo itshi tsha thabang u tou bva miṅwahani ya 24 yo fhelaho. -",0.67583734 -"thabang primary school has been running its nutrition programme since 1994. today, it ensures that its 1 065 learners receive a healthy breakfast daily from a local business. -","tshikolo itshi tsha phuraimari ya thabang tsho ḓi vha tshi tshi khou tshimbidza mbekanyamu shumo yatsho ya u ṋetshedza vhana zwiḽiwa u tou bva nga ṅwaha wa 1994. u swika zwino, tshikolo itshi tshi lusa u vhona uri vhagudi vhatsho vha linganaho 1 065 vha khou wana vhuragane havho vhu re na pfushi ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe u bva kha mabindu a re henefho nga tsini. -",0.6416558 -"the food is cooked by unemployed members of the community, who are appointed by the school governing body (sgb). -","zwiḽiwa izwo zwi bikwa nga miraḓo ya tshitshavha vhane vha sa shume vhe vha tholwaho nga khorombusi ya tshikolo (sgb). -",0.5560845 -"""our six employed voluntary food handlers (vfh) make the food provided by the department of basic education through the allocation of funds to the school,"" says sejake. -","""vhashumi vhashu vha rathi vhane vha shuma vha sa wani mbadelo (vhs), ndi vhone vhane vha bika zwiḽiwa zwe zwa ṋetshedzwa nga muhasho wa pfunzo une wa avhela masheleni a zwiḽiwa izwi kha tshikolo"", hu amba vho sejake. -",0.6654115 -"they vfhs each receive a stipend for preparing the food. -","havha vhashumi vha tou wana fhedzi masheleni a si gathi a u vha livhuwa kha mushumo wavho wa u bikela vhagudi. -",0.5566412 -"thabang primary school took top honours at the awards due to the hard work and commitment of its sgb, management team and functional nsnp com mittee, says sejake. -","""tshikolo tsha phuraimari ya thabang tsho dzhia vhuimo ha u thoma kha vhuṱambo uvhu ha u avhelwa pfufho idzi nga mulandu wa u shuma nga nungo dzoṱhe khathihi na vhuḓiimiseli ha khorombusi yatsho, vha tshigwada tsha vhulanguli hu tshi katelwa na komiti ya nsnp ine ya shuma zwavhuḓi"", hu amba vho sejake. -",0.4249746 -"""punctuality is the order of the day. -","""u fara tshifhinga zwi tou vha maitele a ḓuvha na ḓuvha. -",0.43641037 -"we don’t allow absenteeism, without a valid reason, and we have no dropouts. -","a ri tendeli zwa u sokou lova tshikolo hu si na tshiitisi tshi pfalaho, ngauralo, a ri na vhagudi vhane vha sokou fhedza nga u litsha tshikolo vhukati. -",0.5034798 -"our learners’ concentration and general performance have also improved,"" she adds. -","zwa u kona u thetshelesa tshifhinga tshilapfu ha vhagudi vhashu musi vhe ngomu kiḽasini vha tshi khou funzwa khathihi na kushumele kwavho nga u angaredza, zwo khwinifhadzea,"" ndi vho sejake musi vha tshi ḓadzisa. -",0.24989423 -"as the prize for winning the award is a stateoftheart kitchen built by the tiger brands foundation, the school’s nutrition programme is set to become even better. -","sa izwi pfufho khulwane ine tshikolo tsho kundaho tsha ḓo i wana hu u fhaṱelwa khitshi ya maimo a nṱha ya u bikela khayo nga vha tiger brands foundation, mbeka nyamushumo ya u ṋetshedza zwiḽiwa kha vhagudi ya tshikolo itshi i ḓo khwinifhadzea. -",0.69741106 -"the school also ensures that there are enough food supplies which are managed properly, to ensure there is always food for the programme. -","tshikolo itshi tshi dovha hafhu tsha vhona uri hu khou vha na nḓisedzo ya zwiḽiwa yo eḓanaho nahone ine ya khou langwa nga nḓila yavhuḓi u itela uri hu si vhe na ṱhahelelo ya zwiḽiwa kha iyo mbekanyamushumo. -",0.50412303 -"""for example, we have a food garden that supplies vegetables to supplement the nsnp allocation,"" explains sejake. -","""sa tsumbo, ri na ngade ya zwiḽiwa ine ya ri thusa nga miroho u itela u engedza kha iyo ine ya ṋetshedzwa nga mbekanyamushumo ya nsnp,"" hu ṱalutshedza vhosejake. -",0.7047634 -"award winners in the best schools category, grootdrink intermediate, in the mgcawu district in the northern cape, took second place and aaron gqedu primary school, in nelson mandela bay in the eastern cape, came third. -","vhathubi vha pfufho kha tshigwada tsha zwikolo zwa khwinesa, tshikolo tsha grootdrink intermediate tshine tsha wanala fhaḽa kha tshiṱirikini tsha mgcawu vunḓuni ḽa northern cape, ndi tshone tsho dzhiaho vhuimo ha vhuvhili ngeno tshikolo tsha phuraimari ya aaron gqedu tshine tsha wanala kha masipala wa nelson mandela bay u re fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa eastern cape, tsho dzhia vhuimo ha vhuraru. -",0.792004 -"they will receive kitchen equipment from the depart ment of basic education. -","zwikolo izwi zwi ḓo wana zwishumiswa zwa khitshini u bva kha muhasho wa pfunzo dza mutheo. -",0.5010425 -"the best district award was won by umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). -","pfufho ya tshiṱiriki tsha khwinesa yo dzhiiwa nga tshiṱiriki tsha umzinyathi tshine tsha wanala kha ḽa kwazulunatal. -",0.48907593 -"the zf mgcawu district (northern cape) came second and metro north (western cape) came third. -","tshiṱiriki tsha zf mgcawu tshine tsha wanala kha ḽa northern cape tsho dzhia vhuimo ha vhuvhili ngeno tshiṱiriki tsha metro north tshine tsha wanala kha ḽa western cape tsho dzhia vhuimo ha vhuraru. -",0.74396133 -"each district won office and computer equipment. -","tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tsha zwiṱiriki izwi tsho wana zwishumiswa zwa ofisini na dzikhompiyutha. -",0.5411848 -"in 2020/21, the nsnp provided meals to children at 21 189 schools.","mbekanyamushumo ya u ṋetshedza vhana zwiḽiwa zwikoloni i vha thusa uri vha si ṱwe na nḓala vukuzenzele unnamed vhagudi vha paḓaho miḽioni dza ṱahe vha wana zwiḽiwa zwa pfushi zwikoloni nga fhasi ha mbekanyamushumo ya lushaka ya u ṋetshedza vhana zwiḽiwa zwikoloni (nsnp) ye ya thomiwa nga muvhuso nga ṅwaha wa 1994. mbekanyamushumo iyi yo livhiswa kha u khwinifhadza nḓila ine vhana vha guda ngayo ngauri i fhungudza vhushayapfushi na nḓala khathihi na u ita uri vhana vha ye tshikoloni ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, nga maanḓa kha zwikolo zwo shayaho. -",0.5411848 -"keep children safe online vukuzenzele unnamed with the world increasingly moving online, it’s important for children to take advantage these opportunities while also staying safe. -","kha vha tsireledze vhana kha inthanethe vukuzenzele unnamed musi ḽifhasi ���i tshi khou bvela phanḓa na u pfukela kha maitele a u shumisa inthanethe, ndi zwa ndeme uri vhana na vhone vha shumise tshikhala itshi fhedzi nga thungo vha tshi khou ḓi dzula vho tsireledzea. -",0.5629593 -"the government communication and information system (gcis) and digify africa recently hosted a webinar with media monitoring africa (mma) and the film and publication board (fpb) to teach children, educators, parents and the public about how to be responsible online. -","vha sisṱeme ya mafhungo na vhudavhidzani ha muvhuso (gcis) na vha dignity africa vha kha ḓi tou bva u fara muṱangano nga inthanethe na vha media monitoring africa (mma) khathihi na vha bodo ya matambwa na nyanḓadzo (fpb) wa u gudisa vhana, vhadededzi,vhabebi khathihi na vhadzulapo nga ha vhuḓifhinduleli havho musi vha tshi khou shumisa inthanethe. -",0.71754766 -"phakamile khumalo, the programme manager of public and media skills development at mma, said seven out of 10 children who answered questions as part of the sa kids online study said they used the internet without their parents’ permission. -","vho phakamile khumalo vhane vha vha mulangi wa mbekanyamaitele kha tshiimiswa tsha mveledziso ya zwikili zwa vhadzulapo na nyanḓadzamafhungo kha mma, vha ri vhana vhaṅwe na vhaṅwe vha sumbe (7) kha vha fumi (10) vhe vha fhindula mbudziso sa tshipiḓa tsha ṱhoḓisiso nga ha inthanethe kha vhana vha afrika tshipembe, vho amba uri vho shumisa intha nethe nga nnḓa ha thendelo ya vhabebi vhavho. -",0.41765088 -"only four out of 10 children said they have some sort of information about online safety. -","ndi vhana vhaṋa fhedzi kha vhana vhaṅwe na vhaṅwe vha fumi vhe vha amba uri vha na nḓivho ṱhukhu nga ha tsireledzo ya inthanethe. -",0.28681648 -"this shows that children need skills and resources to help them use the internet safely. -","hezwi zwo sumbedza uri vhana vha ṱoḓa zwikili na zwishumiswa zwa u vha thusa kha u shumisa inthanethe nga nḓila yo tsireledzeaho. -",0.4567871 -"mmaletjema poto, the fpb’s child protection officer, said parents need to be aware of the dangers their children face online, in cluding viewing child pornography or child sexual abuse, and being groomed by sexual predators. -","vho mmaletjema poto vhane vha vha muofisiri wa tsireledzo ya vhana kha tshiimiswa tsha fpb vho amba uri vhabebi vha tea u ḓivha nga ha khombo dzine vhana vhavho vha livhana nadzo kha inthanethe, dzine ha katelwa u vhona zwifanyiso zwa vhana vha songo ambara kana vha tshi khou ita zwa vhudzekani kana u tambudzwa ha vhana lwa vhudzekani khathihi na u kwengweledzwa ha vhana uri vha ḓidzhenise kha zwiito zwenezwo zwa vhudzekani nga vhathu vhane vha zhongondedza vhana lwa vhudzekani. -",0.41887286 -"children can become the target of online sexual predators by just conducting an innocent internet search and clicking on the wrong link. -","vhana vha nga swika hune vha vha zwipondwa zwa vhathu vhane vha zhongon dedza vhana lwa vhudzekani kha inthanethe zwenezwo musi vha tshi khou sokou fhenḓa masiatari o fhambanaho kha inthanethe hu sa tou vha na zwine vha khou ṱoḓa lune vha fhedza nga u puṱedza ḽinki dzi sumbedzaho zwithu zwi songo teaho. -",0.3050246 -"offenders then gain their trust and start grooming them. -","vhaiti vha vhutshinyi uvhu vha swika hune vha kona u fhura vhana uri vha vha fulufhele lune mafheloni azwo vha vho thoma u kwengweledza vhana avho uri vha ḓidzhenise kha zwiito zwa vhudzekani. -",0.23819749 -"""the child is often embarrassed and therefore doesn’t speak about it, which makes it hard for them to get out of the grooming cycle,"" said poto. -","""ṅwana u mbo ḓi thoma u niwa nga ṱhoni nahone a si vhudze muthu nga ha zwiito izwo, zwine hezwi zwa ita uri zwi mu konḓeḽe u ḓibvisa kha tshikwekwe tsha u kwengweledzelwa zwa vhudzekani,"" vha ralo vho poto. -",0.6478286 -"she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online. -","vho dovha hafhu vha kaidza na zwiito zwa u rumelana dzividio na zwifanyiso zwa vhana vha songo ambara kana vha tshi khou ita zwa vhudzekani nga inthanethe. -",0.42106694 -"""it has become a norm to share content on social media. -","""yo no tou vha nḓowelo u rumelana zwifanyiso na zwiṅwe nga u shumisa nyanḓadzamafhungo dza matshilisano. -",0.49265388 -"but sharing this type of content is evidence of child abuse. -","fhedzi u rumelana zwifanyiso izwi zwa lushaka ulwu, zwi tou vha vhuṱanzi ha uri ṅwana uyo u khou tambudzwa. -",0.44742113 -"being in possession of such content or sharing it is a criminal offence,"" added poto. -","u vha na zwifanyiso na vidio idzo kana u zwi rumela kha vhaṅwe vhathu, ndi mulandu wa vhutshinyi,"" vho poto vha a ḓadzisa. -",0.58051646 -"help at hand there are various resources available to help children use the internet safely. -","thuso i hone hu na zwishumiswa zwinzhi zwine zwa vha hone zwa u thusa vhana uri vha shumise inthanethe nga nḓila yo tsireledzeaho. -",0.5094762 -"the mma runs web rangers, a digital literacy programme to upskill learners, teachers and parents. -","vha mma vha na mbekanyamushumo ine vha khou i tshimbidza i ḓivhiwaho sa web rangers ine ya vha mbekanyamushumo ya u gudisa u shumisa zwishumiswa zwa didzhithaḽa ya u pfumbudza vhana, vhabebi na vhadededzi. -",0.6577795 -"educational videos about cyberbullying, sexting and online grooming, are available at www. -","vidio dzine dza funza nga ha zwiito zwa u tambudzwa kha inthanethe, u rumelana milaedza ya zwa vhudzekani khathihi na zwa u kwengweledzwa ha vhana uri vha ḓidzhenise kha zwiito zwa vhudzekani nga inthanethe, dzi khou wanala kha www. -",0.6148606 -"webrangers.co.za the mma also helps children through its hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za) website, which includes a social media platform that allows children to talk to an online consultant about what they are experiencing on social media. -","webrangers. -",0.4407913 -"digify africa has a free kitso whatsapp bot that helps children develop digital literacy skills. -","co. zavha mma vha dovha hafhu vha thusa vhana nga kha webusaithi yavho ya hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za), ine ya vha na luvhanḓe lwa nyanḓadzamafhungo dza matshilisano lune lwa ṋea vhana tshikhala tsha u amba na mueletshedzi o gudelaho kha inthanethe nga ha zwine vha khou ṱangana nazwo kha nyanḓadzamafhungo dza matshilisano. -",0.5705815 -"visit https://digifyafrica. -","vha digify africa na vhone vha na tshishumiswa tsha u rumela milaedza nga mahala tshi vhidzwaho u pfi kitso whatsapp tshine tsha thusa vhana uri vha kone u bveledza vhukoni havho ha u shumisa tshishumiswa tsha didzhithaḽa. -",0.52093005 -"com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. -","kha vha dalele https://digifyafrica. -",0.58864117 -"you can report online child sexual abuse or child violence to the fpb by emailing hotline@fpb. -","com/learners responsiblecitizens. -",0.4972487 -"org. -","vha nga vhiga zwiito zwa u tambudzwa ha vhana lwa vhudzekani kana khakhathi dzo livhiswaho kha vhana kha vha fpb nga u tou rumela imeiḽi kha hotline@fpb. -",0.23453632 -za or calling 012 003 1400. it can be reported anonymously.,"kha vha tsireledze vhana kha inthanethe vukuzenzele unnamed musi ḽifhasi ḽi tshi khou bvela phanḓa na u pfukela kha maitele a u shumisa inthanethe, ndi zwa ndeme uri vhana na vhone vha shumise tshikhala itshi fhedzi nga thungo vha tshi khou ḓi dzula vho tsireledzea. -",0.23453632 -"flood relief for kzn and e cape allison cooper government will help residents of kwazulunatal and the eastern cape rebuild their lives and homes after floods recently left a trail of death and destruction in the two provinces. -","thuso kha thaidzo ya miḓalo fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa kwazulunatal na ḽa kapa allison cooper muvhuso u khou ḓo thusa vha dzulapo vha fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa kwazulu natal na ḽa kapa vhu bvaḓuvha kha u dovha vha fhaṱa hafhu miḓi yavho nga huswa khathihi na u vusulusa matshilo avho nga murahu ha miḓalo ye ya vhanga mpfu nnzhi khathihi na tshi nyalelo khulwane vhukati ha mavundu aya mavhili. -",0.6916046 -"president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods. -","phresidennde vho cyril ramaphosa vho amba uri muhasho wa vhufaragwama ha lushaka u ḓo ita uri hu vhe na masheleni a ndingedzo dza u thusa avho vhe vha kwamea nga miḓalo iyi. -",0.6885048 -"""the minister of finance has said that r1 billion is immediately available,"" he said. -","''minisṱa wa muhasho wa gwama vho amba uri hu na masheleni a swikaho r1 biḽioni ane a vha hone zwazwino,'' phresidennde vha amba ngauralo. -",0.5697764 -"president ramaphosa will also approach parliament for additional resources. -","phresidennde vho ramap hosa vha ḓo dovha hafhu vha kwamana na phaḽamennde u itela uri vha kone u humbela dziṅwe tshomedzo dza u ḓadzisa. -",0.5423837 -"government is working with the solidarity fund, private sector and nongovernmental and communitybased organisations to support victims. -","muvhuso u kho shumisana na vha tshikwama tsha tshumisano, sekithara ya phuraivethe khathihi na madzangano ane a si vhe a muvhuso hu tshi katelwa na madzangano a zwitshavha u itela u ṋetshedza thuso kha zwipondwa zwa miḓalo iyi. -",0.6060562 -"the solidarity fund will set up a separate bank account for the flood disaster for south african and foreign donors to contribute to relief efforts. -","vha tshikwama tsha tshumisano vha ḓo vula akhaundu ya bannga ya thungo ya nga ha tshinyalelo yo vhangwaho nga miḓalo hu tshi itelwa uri avho vhaṋetshedzi vha thuso ya zwa masheleni vha fhano afrika tshipembe na vha mashango a nnḓa vha kone u shela mulenzhe kha ndi ngedzo dza u thusa. -",0.5592204 -"government will also provide vouchers to help households rebuild partially damaged houses, the president said. -","muvhuso u ḓo dovha hafhu wa ṋetshedza vautshara dza u thusa miṱa uri i kone u fhaṱa hafhu nga huswa dzinndu dze dza tshinyadzwa zwiṱuku"", phresidennde vha amba ngauralo. -",0.53877306 -"""a comprehensive assessment of the economic cost of these floods still has to be made, but it is clear that it will run into billions of rands for the rebuilding of infrastructure and loss of production."" -","""hu kha ḓi tea u itwa tsenguluso yo fhelelaho ya tshinyalelo ye ya vhangwa nga miḓalo kha ikonomi. -",0.57371366 -"he added that the money set aside for the flood victims must reach those who need it the most. -","fhedzi zwo ni ḓi vha khagala uri tshinyalelo iyi i ḓo swika kha dzibiḽioni dza dzirannda dza u fhaṱa hafhu themamveledziso nga huswa khathihi na ndozwo kha zwa vhubveledzisi.'' -",0.2617875 -"""it will be critical, as we undertake this work, that all the re sources we mobilise are used for their intended purposes and reach the intended recipients. -","phresidennde vho ḓadzisa nga ḽa uri masheleni o vhetshelwaho thungo hu tshi itelwa zwipondwa zwa miḓalo, nangoho a tea u swika kha avho vhane vha a ṱoḓesa. -",0.48386425 -"there can be no room for corruption, mismanagement or fraud of any sort,"" the president stressed. -","""zwi ḓo vha zwa ndeme vhukuma zwenezwo musi ri tshi khou ita uyu mushumo u vhona uri tshomedzo dzoṱhe dze ra dzi kuvhunganya dzi khou shumiselwa zwe dza tetshelwa zwone nahone dzi khou swika kha vhathu vho teaho. -",0.27934444 -"threephased response president ramaphosa said government will respond to the disaster in three phases. -","a hu tei u vha na kubuli kwa zwiito zwa vhuaḓa, ndangu lommbi ya zwa masheleni kana vhufhura vhufhio na vhufhio,'' phresidennde vha a ombedzela. -",0.5408388 -"it will first focus on immediate humanitarian relief, ensuring that everyone affected is safe and their basic needs are met. -","nțha tharu dza u tandulula thaidzo phresidennde vho ramaphosa vho amba uri muvhuso u ḓo dzhenelela kha u lingedza u tandulula thaidzo ya tshinyalelo yo vhangwaho nga miḓalo nga fhasi ha nṱha tharu. -",0.5136781 -"""second, we will focus on stabilisation and recovery, rehousing people who have lost homes and restoring the provision of services. -","sa luṱa lwa u thoma, muvhuso u ḓo sedzesa kha thuso ya tshihaḓu ya zwa vhuthu, hu tshi itelwa u vhona uri vhathu vhoṱhe vho kwameaho vho tsire ledzea nahone ṱhoḓea dzavho dza fhasisa dzi khou kona u swikelwa. -",0.28707132 -"""third, we will focus on reconstruction and rebuilding,"" he said. -","''kha luṱa lwa vhuvhili, ri ḓo sedzesa kha zwa u dzikisa na u vhuedzedza tshiimo ngonani, u ṋetshedza hafhu madzulo kha avho vhe vha xelelwa nga mahaya avho khathihi na u vhuedzedza hafhu maitele a u ṋetshedza tshumelo. -",0.50093174 -"the reconstruction and building phase will include the construction of houses in suitable areas. -","luṱa lwa vhuraru lwone, lu ḓo sedzesa kha zwa mvusuludzo na u fhaṱa hafhu nga huswa,"" phresidennde vha amba ngauralo. -",0.47175464 -"the department of human settlements has already begun an assessment of damages to houses across the province. -","luṱa lwa mvusuludzo na u fhaṱa hafhu nga huswa lu ḓo katela u fhaṱwa ha dzinnḓu fhethu ho teaho. -",0.5000489 -"""an immediate task is to house those people who have been displaced by the floods and preparations are underway to provide temporary residential units,"" said president ramaphosa. -","muhasho wa zwa vhudzulo ha vhathu wo no thoma u ita tsenguluso ya tshinyalelo ye ya vha hone kha dzinnḓu u mona na vunḓu ḽoṱhe. -",0.5439843 -"the department of public works and infrastructure is identifying suitable state land that can be used for resettlement. -","''mushumo wa tshihaḓu ndi wa u ṋetshedza vhudzulo kha avho vhe vha sala vha si tshe na madzulo nga mulandu wa miḓalo nahone ndugiselo dza u ṋetshedza dziyunithi dza madzulo a tshifhinganyana dzi kati,'' phresidennde vho ramaphosa vha ralo. -",0.50327396 -"extensive damage the rains caused extensive damage to houses; businesses; roads and bridges; water, electricity, rail and telecommunications infrastructure. -","muhasho wa mishumo ya muvhuso na themamveledziso u khou lingedza u wana mavu o teaho a muvhuso ane a nga shumiswa sa fhethu huswa hune vhathu avha vha nga dzudzwa hone. -",0.5086903 -"schools, health facilities, police stations and magistrates’ courts were also affected, along with fuel and food supplies. -","tshinyalelo khulwane mvula dzo vhanga tshinyalelo khulwane kha dzinnḓu; mabindu, dzibada na dziburoho; maḓi; muḓagasi, themamveledziso dza zwiporo na dza vhudavhidzani. -",0.4743089 -"""it is estimated that over 270 000 learners were affected and over 600 schools were damaged, 16 of which cannot be accessed due to damage to connecting roads and bridges. -","zwikolo, zwifhaṱo zwa tshu melo dza zwa mutakalo, zwiṱitshi zwa mapholisa na khothe dza ha madzhisiṱaraṱa na zwone zwo kwamea, hu tshi katelwa na nḓisedzo ya zwivhaswa na zwiḽiwa. -",0.5534573 -"""sixtysix public healthcare facilities were affected, although there has been minimal disruption to health services in most affected districts,"" the president said. -","''hu khou humbulelwa uri hu na vhagudi vha swikaho 270 000 vhe vha kwamea ngeno zwikolo zwi fhiraho 600 zwo tshinyadzwa hune zwa 16 zwa hone zwa sa tsha kona u swikelea nga mulandu wa tshinyalelo ye ya vha hone kha bada na buroho dza vhuṱumanyi. -",0.61672944 -"extensive work is under way to restore basic services to various areas in kzn. -","''ho kwamea zwifhato zwa muvhuso zwa ndo ndolamutakalo zwi linganaho furathirathi, ngeno ho vha na u khakhisea zwiṱuku kha tshumelo dza zwa mutakalo kha vhunzhi ha zwiṱiriki zwo kwameaho,"" phresidennde vha ralo. -",0.5263009 -"more than 400 people have lost their lives in kzn and many people are missing. -","mushumo muhulwane wa u vhuyedzedza tshumelo dza ndeme kha vhupo ho fhambanaho ngei kwazulu natal ndi une wa vha kati zwazwino. -",0.47626287 -"one death has also been reported in the eastern cape. -","vhathu vha fhiraho 400 vho ri sia fhaḽa kwazulu natal ngeno vhaṅwe vhanzhi vha tshi kha ḓi vha vho ngalangala. -",0.24911556 -"over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless. -","ho vhigwa lufu luthihi fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa kapa vhubvaḓuvha. -",0.45567393 -"the president said that the south african police service (saps) and the south african national defence force (sandf) have been leading search and rescue efforts. -","miḓi i fhiraho 4000 yo kwashekana ngeno miṅwe i swikaho 8 300 yo tou tshinyadzwa zwiṱuku, zwe zwa sia vhathu vha swikaho 40 000 vha si tshe na mahaya. -",0.5154085 -"this includes the deployment of saps personnel, diving teams, canine units and various vessels, helicopters and fixedwing planes to the most affected areas. -","phresidennde vho amba uri vha tshumelo ya mapholisa ya afrika tshipembe (saps) na vha mmbi ya vhu pileli ha lushaka ya afrika tshipembe (sands) ndi vhone vhe vha ranga phanḓa ndingedzo dza u londa na u phulusa. -",0.6439577 -"""aircraft from the sandf have been used both for rescue and for the delivery of relief supplies – such as food, water, tents and blankets – to people in inaccessible areas. -","hezwi zwi katela na u rumelwa ha miraḓo ya saps, zwigwada zwa mapholisa vha ḓivhaho u bambela, unithi dza dzimmbwa khathihi na zwikepe zwo fhambanaho, heḽikhophutha na mabufho o fhambanaho kha vhupo vhune ho kwameaho nga maanḓa. -",0.4422997 -"""i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration,"" he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils. -","''mabufho ane a bva kha vha sandf na one o shumiswa kha zwa u phulusa khathihi na u endedza nḓisedzo ya thundu dza u thusa; u fana na zwiḽiwa, maḓi, madennde na dzinguvho kha vhathu vha re vhupo vhu sa koni u swikelea. -",0.7256109 -"cabinet recently declared a national state of disaster in response to floods. -","''ndo ṋea thendelo ya uri vha mmbi ya sandf vha rumele maṅwe maswole, mathannga a u vhulungela maḓi na zwishumiswa zwa u kunakisa madi, zwigwada zwa dziinzhiniere u itela u thusa kha zwa muḓagasi khathihi na u vhuedzedzwa ha maḓi,'' vho amba ngauralo. -",0.4472833 -"the president described the floods as a humanitarian disaster that called for a ""massive and urgent relief effort. -","u ḓadzisa kha zwenezwo, mihasho ya muvhuso ya lushaka na ya mavunḓu; mimasipala; madzangano ane a si vhe a muvhuso khathihi na mabindu, yo ḓi vha i tshi khou ṋetshedza tshomedzo dza ndeme u fana na zwiḽiwa, dzinguvho, maḓarasi, zwiambaro, mishonga ya malwadze a sa fholi, zwishumiswa zwa u tamba na zwishumiswa khathihi na zwa u bika ngazwo. -",0.45311856 -"""""the lives, h ealth and wellbeing of thousands of people are still at risk. -","khabinethe i kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza tshiimo tsha tshiwo tsha lushaka sa maṅwe a maga a u lavhelesana na thaidzo iyo ya miḓalo. -",0.51293325 -"the floods have caused great economic and social damage,"" he said. -","phresidennde vho ṱalutshedza miḓalo sa tshiwo tshi kwamaho matshilo a vhathu nga nḓila ine zwa ṱoḓa hu tshi vha na '' ndingedzo nnzhi dza u thusana nahone dza tshihaḓu."" -",0.41294667 -"the port of durban, which is vital to south africa’s economy and is one of the largest and busiest shipping terminals on the continent, has been severely affected. -","""matshilo, mutakalo na ndondolo ya vhathu vha zwigidi na zwigidi a kha ḓi vha khomboni. -",0.5682547 -"""the significance of the port of durban and rela ted infrastructure for the effective operation of the country’s economy means that this disaster has implications far beyond kzn,"" said the president. -","miḓalo yo vhanga tshinyalelo khulwane kha ikonomi na zwa matshilisano, '' vho amba ngauralo. -",0.6577364 -"progress has already been made in restoring operations at the port of durban, opening alternative routes for trucks to access the port terminals and clean up debris in the harbour.","thuso kha thaidzo ya miḓalo fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa kwazulunatal na ḽa kapa allison cooper muvhuso u khou ḓo thusa vha dzulapo vha fhaḽa vunḓuni ḽa kwazulu natal na ḽa kapa vhu bvaḓuvha kha u dovha vha fhaṱa hafhu miḓi yavho nga huswa khathihi na u vusulusa matshilo avho nga murahu ha miḓalo ye ya vhanga mpfu nnzhi khathihi na tshi nyalelo khulwane vhukati ha mavundu aya mavhili. -",0.6577364 -"operation vulindlela is opening the path to growth vukuzenzele unnamed the south african economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient and competitive network industries. -","fulo ḽa operation vulindlela ḽi khou vula nḓila ya nyaluwo vukuzenzele unnamed ikonomi ya afrika tshipembe, u fana na ikonomi iṅwe na iṅwe, i nga si kone u shuma zwavhuḓi, ri sa ambi u alu wa, arali hu si na sisiṱeme ya nḓowetshumo i shumaho zwavhuḓi nahone ya maimo a nṱha. -",0.72074026 -"these industries – which include electricity, water, transport and telecommunications – are the arteries through which the oxygen of the economy runs. -","hedzi nḓowetshumo, dzine dza katela nḓowetshumo ya muḓagasi, maḓi, vhuendi na vhudavhidzani ha ṱhi ngo, ndi dzone tsinga dzine okisidzheni ya ikonomi ya tshimbila khadzo. -",0.6356269 -"structural problems in these areas have long been cited as some of the main constraints on south africa’s economic growth. -","thaidzo dza kudzudzanyelwe kwa zwithu kha zwiimiswa izwi ndi kale dzo sumbedziswa sa vhuṅwe ha vhukonḓisi vhuhulwane kha nyaluwo ya ikonomi ya afrika tshipembe. -",0.5679524 -"inefficiency and the high cost of network services are an impediment to doing business in the country. -","u sa shuma zwavhuḓi khathihi na mbadelo dza nṱha dza tshumelo dza netiweke ndi zwiṅwe zwa zwithivheli kha u ita zwa mabindu fhano shangoni. -",0.5349583 -"to address and overcome these challenges, we set up operation vulindlela in october 2020 as an initiative of the presidency and national treasury to accelerate structural reforms in these network industries. -","u itela u tandulula na u fhelisa khaedu idzi, ro thoma fulo ḽa operation vulindlela nga ṅwedzi wa tshimedzi 2020 sa maga a ofisi ya phresidennde na vha vhufa ragwama ha lushaka a u ita uri hu vhe na tshandukiso dza kudzudzanyelwe kwa zwithu kha nḓowetshumo idzi dzi elanaho nga u ṱavhanya. -",0.64571476 -"while the responsible government departments and entities drive these reforms, operation vulindlela monitors and identifies challenges and blockages. -","musi mihasho ya muvhuso khathihi na zwiimiswa zwi re na vhuḓifhinduleli zwi zwone zwine zwa khou tshimbidza mafhungo aya a tshandukiso, fulo ḽa operation vulindlela ndi ḽone ḽine ḽa vhea iṱo na u ṱalusa khaedu na zwithivheli. -",0.6379131 -"where needed, it facilitates technical support to departments. -","hune zwa ṱoḓea, ndi ḽone ḽine ḽa tshimbidza thikhedzo ya zwa thekhiniki kha mihasho. -",0.41663787 -"the recent quarterly report outlines the progress made by operation vulindlela and the departments responsible for these reforms. -","muvhigo wa kotara wa zwenezwino wo sumbedzisa mvelaphanḓa ye ya itwa nga fulo ḽa operation vulindlela khathihi na mihasho i re na vhuḓifhinduleli ha tshandukiso idzi. -",0.63553524 -"across government, our focus is on reforms that are fundamental and transformative; that reshape the way our economy works. -","kha muvhuso woṱhe nga u angaredza, ro sedzesa kha zwa tshandukiso dzine dza vha dza ndeme nahone dzi ḓisaho tshanduko; dzine dza shandukisa nḓila ine ikonomi yashu ya shuma ngayo. -",0.4665495 -"this includes the auction of highdemand spectrum for mobile telecommunications, which was delayed for more than 10 years and finally completed in march. -","hezwi zwi katela fandisi ya u rengiswa ha sipekiṱhiramu tshi re na ṱhoḓea khulwane kha zwa vhudavhidzani ha ṱhingo, ye ya fhiriselwa phanḓa nga miṅwaha i fhiraho 10 fhedzi ya ḓa he ya fhedza yo vha hone nga ṅwedzi wa ṱhafamuhwe. -",0.57974374 -"the release of new spectrum will improve connectivity and bring down broadband costs. -","zwa u bviswa ha sipekiṱhiramu tshiswa zwi ḓo khwinisa vhuṱumani khathihi na u fhungudza mitengo ya vhuṱumani ha inthanethe ya luvhilo. -",0.5605343 -"the establishment of the national ports authority as a separate subsidiary of transnet last year had been delayed for more than 15 years. -","zwa u thomiwa ha tshiimiswa tsha maanḓalanga a vhuimangalavha ha lushaka sa tshiimiswa tshiṱuku tsho ḓiimisaho u bva kha transnet ṅwaha wo fhelaho, zwo vha zwo fhiriselwa phanḓa nga tshifhinga tsha miṅwaha i fhiraho 15. hezwi zwo vha ḽiga ḽa u thoma ḽo teaho kha u ita uri hu kone u vha na u shela mulenzhe ha sekhithara ya phuraivethe khathihi na u engedza kushumele kwavhuḓi kwa theminala dza vhuimangalavha hashu. -",0.5476751 -"this was the necessary first step towards enabling private sector participation and increasing the efficiency of our port terminals. -","ro dovha hafhu ra vhuedzedza sisiṱeme ya blue drop, green drop na no drop lwa u tou thoma u bva tsha ṅwaha wa 2014 ri tshi itela uri hu vhe na vhulavhelesi ha khwine kha zwa maḓi na u kunakiswa ha maḓi a mashika. -",0.53454304 -"we have also reinstated the blue drop, green drop and no drop system for the first time since 2014 to ensure better monitoring of water and wastewater treatment quality. -","ro anḓadza na u khwinisa mutevhe wa zwikili zwa ndeme, zwine hezwi na zwone zwo vha lwa u tou thoma u tou bva tsha ṅwaha wa 2014. hedzi dzi tou vha dziṅwe dza tsumbo dze nga mulandu wa u lavhelesa na u vha na vhuronwane kha tshivhalo tshiṱuku tsha tshandukiso dza ndeme, dze houno muvhuso wa kona u ita uri hu vhe na mvelaphanḓa khadzo. -",0.34031814 -"we have published an updated critical skills list, also for the first time since 2014. these are just some examples where, by focusing effort and attention on a limited number of priority reforms, this administration has been able to drive progress. -","nga kha fulo ḽa operation vulindlela, ro dovha hafhu ra kona u shumisa maṅwe maitele o fhelelaho nahone a vhuronwane kha zwa tshandukiso, u vhona uri hu khou vha na vhukonanyi ha khwine vhune ngaho mihasho nga vhunzhi khathihi na zwiimiswa zwa kona u shela mulenzhe. -",0.3121053 -"through operation vulindlela, we have also been able to take a more focused and holistic approach to reforms, ensuring better coordination where multiple departments and entities are involved. -","tsumbo yazwo ya khwinesa ndi ine ya vha kha sekhithara ya fulufulu, hune vhunzhi ha tshandukiso dza ndeme nahone dzi re na vhuṱumani dzi kati zwazwino hu tshi itelwa u shandukisa nḓila ine ra bveledza na u shumisa ngayo muḓagasi. -",0.5991529 -"the best example of this is in the energy sector, where a number of important, interconnected reforms are underway to change the way that we generate and consume electricity. -","mvelaphanḓa dzo swikelwaho u swika zwino, ndi dzine dza katela u engedzwa ha phimo ya u ṋetshedzwa ha ḽaisentsi dza thandela ntswa dza u bveledza muḓagasi u swika kha 100mw, zwine hezwi zwa tendela thandela idzi dzi tshi ṱumanywa na netiweke ya muḓagasi uri dzi kone u rengisa muḓagasi wadzo kha vharengi. -",0.50963557 -"milestones include the raising of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100mw, allowing these projects to connect to the grid and sell power to customers. -","ro vusulusa mbekanyamushumo ya u renga muḓagasi wa fulufulu ḽo vusuludzwaho u bva kha vhabveledzi vho ḓiimisaho nga u vula zwiṅwe zwikhala zwiswa zwa u ita khumbelo. -",0.58068675 -"we have revived the renewable energy independent power producer procurement programme through the opening of new bid windows. -","tshanduko kha milayo ya nga ha vhunzhi ha vhubveledzi vhuswa ha muḓagasi dzo ita uri mimasipala i kone u tou ḓirengela muḓagasi lwa u tou thoma. -",0.5051775 -"changes to the regulations on new generation capacity have allowed municipalities to procure power independently for the first time. -","nahone tshanduko dza zwa milayo dzi ḓo fhedza dzo bveledza maraga wavhuḓi wa zwa muḓagasi, dzi tshi tikedzwa ho na nga nyanḓadzo ya mulayotibe wa khwiniso ya milayo ya zwa muḓagasi khathihi na nga mushumo u re kati wa u khwinisa mbekanyamaitele ya mitengo ya muḓagasi. -",0.54091984 -"and legislative reforms will ultimately give birth to a new competitive electricity market, supported by the publication of the electricity regulation amendment bill and the work underway to amend the electricity pricing policy. -","mushumo wa u khethekanya mishumo i itwaho kha tshiimiswa tsha eskom u khou tshimbila zwavhuḓi, lwe tshiimiswa tsha kona u swikela mushumo watsho nga tshifhinga wa u thoma khamphani ya vhupfukiseli ha lushaka phanḓa ha musi hu sa athu swika ḓuvha ḽa u fhedza ḽa ṅwedzi wa nyendavhusiku 2021. nga ṅwedzi wa nyendavhusiku uno ṅwaha, ri khou fulufhela uri ri ḓo kona u khunyeledza mushumo wa u khethekanya eskom u ya nga khethekanyo ya vhubveledzi na ya u ṋetshedzwa ha muḓagasi. -",0.5657932 -"the process of unbundling eskom is on track, with the entity meeting its december 2021 deadline for the establishment of a national transmission company. -","muvhigo wa kotara u sumbedzisa vhunzhi ha dziṅwe mvelaphanḓa dza ndeme dzo swikelwaho, khathihi na masia ane khao ha kha ḓi vha na mushumo muhulwane. -",0.5613464 -"by december this year we hope to complete the unbundling of eskom’s generation and distribution divisions. -","kha sekhithara ya zwa maḓi, fulo ḽa operation vulindlela ḽi khou ṋetshedza thikhedzo ya zwa thekheniki kha muhasho wa maḓi na vhuthathazwitzhili u itela u thusa kha zwa u thoma u shumisa puḽane ya tshandu kiso ya u ṋetshedzwa ha ḽaisentsi dza kushumisele kwa maḓi, hune tshipikwa tsha hone ha vha u khunyeledza khumbelo dzi swikaho 80% ya khumbelo dzoṱhe dzo itwaho hu sa athu fhela maḓuvha a 90. mushumo u kati wa u thoma zhendedzi ḽa themamveledziso ya zwiko zwa maḓi ḽa lushaka ḽine ḽa ḓo ita uri hu vhe na ndangulo ya khwine ya zwiko zwashu zwa maḓi. -",0.4687276 -"the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway. -","kha sekhithara ya vhuendi, zwa u sa shuma zwavhuḓi kha vhuimangalavha na zwiporo zwo kwama nga nḓila ine ya si vhe yavhuḓi vhukoni hashu ha u rumela thundu kha maṅwe ma shango. -",0.48136976 -"in the water sector, operation vulindlela has been providing technical support to the department of water and sanitation to implement a turnaround plan for the granting of water use licences, with a target to process 80% of all applications within 90 days. -","mushumo u kati zwazwino wa u thoma vhushaka ha tshumisano na vha zwiimiswa zwa sekhithara ya phuraivethe hu tshi itelwa u bindudza kha themamveledziso dza vhuimangalavha khathihi na u khwinisa ndangulo ya theminaḽa dza khontheina kha vhuimangalavha ha durban na ha fhaḽa ngqura. -",0.48096386 -"work is also underway to establish a national water resources infrastructure agency that will ensure better management of our national water resources. -","nḓivhadzamulayotibe ya nga ha mbekanyamaitele ya tshiporo ya lushaka, ye ya ṱanganedzwa nga khabinethe nga ṅwedzi wa ṱhafamuhwe, i bvisela khagala puḽane dza u vusuludza nga huswa themamveledziso dza tshiporo khathihi na u ita uri vhaṅwe vhathu vha nnḓa na vhone vha kone u swikela netiweke ya tshumelo dza u endedza thundu nga tshiporo. -",0.56083953 -"in the transport sector, inefficiencies in port and rail have severely affected our ability to export goods. -","vha tshumelo dza u endedza thundu nga tshiporo vha transnet vha kati na mushumo wa u ita uri hu vhe na zwiikhala zwa vhashumisi vha tshiporo vha phuraivethe kha netiweke yeneyo. -",0.53224087 -"work is underway to establish partnerships with private sector operators to invest in port infrastructure and improve the management of container terminals at the ports of durban and ngqura. -","sisiṱeme ine ya khou shuma nga vhuḓalo ya evisa, yo rwelwa ṱari kha mashango a 14, hu tshi katelwa na kha maṅwe mashango ane a vha mimaraga yashu ya zwa vhaendelamashango mihulwanesa. -",0.5660753 -"the white paper on national rail policy, which was approved by cabinet in march, outlines plans to revitalise rail infrastructure and enables third party access to the freight rail network. -","tsenguluso yo fhelelaho ya sisiṱeme ya visa ya zwa mishumo na yone i kati zwazwino u itela uri ri kone u kunga zwikili zwine ikonomi yashu ya zwi ṱoḓa. -",0.61937225 -"transnet freight rail is already in the process of making slots available for private rail operators on the network. -","hedzi tshanduko dzo konadzea nge ha vha na tshumisano yavhuḓi vhukati ha muvhuso nga fhasi ha adzhenda nthihi ya mvusuludzo. -",0.53582895 -"a fully operational evisa system has been launched in 14 countries, including some of our largest tourist markets. -","fulo ḽa operation vulindlela ḽi khou vula nḓila ya nyaluwo vukuzenzele unnamed ikonomi ya afrika tshipembe, u fana na ikonomi iṅwe na iṅwe, i nga si kone u shuma zwavhuḓi, ri sa ambi u alu wa, arali hu si na sisiṱeme ya nḓowetshumo i shumaho zwavhuḓi nahone ya maimo a nṱha. -",0.53582895 -"south africa’s first veterinary nurses graduate allison cooper being one of the country’s first veterinary nurse graduates is a dream come true for randburg resident phumelela mthimkhulu (21), who has been passionate about animals since she was a child. -","vhaongi vha zwifuwo vha u tou thoma kha ḽa afrika tshipembe vho ṱhaphudza ngudo dzavho allison cooper u vha muṅwe wa vha ongi vha zwifuwo vha u thoma kha ḽino shango ndi muḽoro wo wedzaho kha mudzulapo wa randburg ane a vha phu melela mthimkhulu (21), ane lufuno lwa zwifuwo khae lwo thoma a tshe muṱuku. -",0.71676165 -"mthimkhulu recently graduated from the university of pretoria (up), the only veterinary training facility in sa, with a bachelor of veterinary nursing degree. -","mthimkhulu u kha ḓi tou bva u ṱhaphudza ngudo dzawe dza bachelor of veterinary nursing fhaḽa yunivesithi ya pretoria (up), ine ya vha yone i yoṱhe i pfumbudzaho vhaongi vha zwifuwo kha ḽa afrika tshipembe. -",0.6908909 -"""it’s crazy to wrap my head around. -","""a zwi athu tou nwelela zwavhuḓi kha nṋe. -",0.40794793 -"to know that i was part of the first class to do the bachelor’s degree, which has been years in the making, is an honour. -","u ḓivha zwauri ndo vha tshipiḓa tsha kiḽasi ya u thoma u gudela digirii, ine yo dzhia miṅwaha minzhi u i khunyeledza, ndi zwithu zwa nṱhesa. -",0.54564273 -"""i’m grateful for the opportunities and doors that will open for us nurses to further our studies and specialise within our profession, which was hard to do in the past,"" she says. -","""""ndi khou livhuwa zwikhala na mavothi zwine zwa ḓo vulea kha riṋe vhaongi u isa pfunzo dzashu phanḓa khathihi na u pfumbudzwa lwa tshipentshela kha buḓo ḽashu, zwe zwa vha zwi tshi konḓa u zwi ita tshifhinga tsho fhiraho, u ralo. -",0.571753 -"tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession’s 42year history. -","""vho tamarin fisher, muphuresidennde wa dzangano ḽa vhaongi vha zwifuwo kha ḽa afrika tshipembe, vha ri heḽi ndi ḽiga ḽa vhuṱhogwa kha ḓivhazwakale ya buḓo heḽi lwa miṅwaha ya 42 yo fhiraho tshe ḽa vha hone. -",0.7252758 -"""the new threeyear degree will give qualified nurses the opportunity to enrol in postgraduate studies, which will hopefully culminate in the awarding of masters and phd degrees."" -","""digirii iyi ntswa ya miṅwaha miraru i ḓo ṋetshedza vhaongi vho ṱhaphudzaho pfunzo tshi khala tsha uri vha ḓiṅwalisele u isa pfunzo dzavho phanḓa, zwine ra fulufhela uri zwi ḓo swikisa kha uri vha swikelele digirii dza honours, masters khathihi na phd. -",0.64143074 -"veterinarians treat animals’ injuries and illnesses, similar to how a doctor provides health treatment for people. -","""vhaongi vha zwifuwo vha onga mbonzhe khathihi na malwadze kha zwifuwo, u fana na zwine dokotela a ṋetshedza dzilafho ḽa muta kalo kha vhathu. -",0.5652083 -"veterinary nurses are essential in vets’ professional teams, says mthimkhulu. -","vhaongi vha zwifuwo ndi vha ndeme kha sia heḽi ḽa zwifuwo, u ralo mthimkhulu. -",0.6563535 -"""some of the vital skills a nurse has to display are patient care, client communication, assisting veterinarians with procedures, and anything that will help the veterinary hospital to function at its best. -","""tshiṅwe tsha zwikili zwa ndeme tshine muongi a tea u tshi sumbedzisa ndi ndondolo ya mulwadze, u davhidzana na vhathu, u thusa avho vha re kha buḓo ḽa zwifuwo nga maitele, kha thihi na zwiṅwevho zwine zwa nga thusa vhuongelo uvho ha zwifuwo uri vhu shume zwavhuḓisa. -",0.63866544 -"""it’s one of the most rewarding professions. -","""ndi ḽiṅwe ḽa mabuḓo a fushaho vhukuma. -",0.43873373 -"if you want to be a veterinary nurse, don’t allow fear or a lack of knowledge to deter you from trying it out and enjoying it because it will change your life for the better,"" says mthimkhulu. -","arali ni tshi ṱoḓa u vha muongi wa zwifuwo, ni songo tenda nyofho kana u shaya nḓivho zwi tshi ni khelusa kha u nga lingedza na u ḓiphiṋa ngaḽo ngauri ḽi ḓo shandukisa vhutshilo haṋu nga nḓila ya khwiṋesa,"" u ralo mthimkhulu. -",0.6669007 -"bursaries to address skills shortagedue to a severe skills shortage in the sector, mthimkhulu didn’t battle to find a job. -","bazari dza u thusa kha ṱhahelelo ya zwikilinga nṱhani ha ṱhahelelo khulu ya zwikili kha sekhithara iyi, mthimkhulu ha ngo lenga na u wana mushumo. -",0.5950462 -"""i was lucky enough to secure a job at fourways veterinary hospital during my final year. -","ndo vha wa mashudu u wana mushumo sibadela tsha zwifuwo tsha fourways musi ndi kha ṅwaha wanga wa u fhedzisa. -",0.5979877 -"i started working there about a month after my final exams and i’ve been enjoying every moment of it,"" she says. -","ndo thoma u shuma hone nga murahu ha ṅwedzi musi ndo fhedza u ṅwala mulingo wanga wa u fhedza nahone ndi khou ḓiphiṋa nga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshawo,"" u ralo. -",0.50599575 -"the health and welfare sector education and training authority (hwseta) is committed to addressing the extreme skills shortage in the veterinary sector and ensuring transformation. -","vha maanḓalanga a sekhithara ya pfunzo na vhupfumbudzi ha zwa mutakalo na ndondolavhathu (hwseta) vho ḓiimisela u sedzana na ṱhahelelo khulu ya zwikili kha sekhithara ya u onga zwifuwo khathihi na u vhona uri hu vhe na tshanduko. -",0.6485449 -"it recently launched a veterinary science career guidance campaign, in partnership with the department of higher education and training, and will be visiting rural schools to encourage learners to consider veterinary services as a career path. -","a si kale vho rwela ṱari fulo ḽa u eletshedza matshudeni nga ha buḓo heḽi ḽa saintsi ya u onga zwifuwo, nga tshumisano na muhasho wa pfunzo dza nṱha na vhupfumbudzi, nahone vha ḓo dalela zwikolo zwa mahayani u ṱuṱuwedza vha gudiswa u dzhia buḓo iḽi ḽa vhuongi ha zwifuwo sa ḽine vha nga tevhela ḽone. -",0.54168797 -"it also announced 60 bursaries to address the critical shortage of veterinarians and paraveterinarians in south africa’s rural areas. -","vho dovha vha ḓivhadza u ṋetshedzwa ha bazari dza 60 u thusa u lwa na ṱhahelelo ya vhaongi vha zwifuwo khathihi na vhathusi vhavho kha ḽa afrika tshipembe zwihulwanesa vhuponi ha mahayani. -",0.65868986 -"""the bursaries are specifically aimed at learners in rural areas as they can take their knowledge back to their homesteads,"" says dr nomfundo mnisi, the chairperson of the hwseta. -","""bazari idzo dzo itelwa zwihulusa vhagudiswa vha vhuponi ha mahayani sa vhunga vha tshi ḓo kona u humisela nḓivho iyi mahayani avho,"" avho ndi dokotela vho nomfundo mnisi, mudzulatshidulo wa hwseta. -",0.6807032 -"the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries. -","tshanḓa tsha minisṱa wa pfunzo dza nṱha, saintsi na vhutumbuli, vho buti manamela, vho livhuwa bazari idzo. -",0.7398323 -"the up’s faculty of vete rinary science will assist the hwseta in its marketing, bursary funding and recruitment campaigns. -","khethekanyo ya saintsi ya zwa vhuongi ha zwifuwo ya up i ḓo thusa vha hwseta kha u kunguwedza, u ṋetshedza masheleni a bazari khathihi na mafulo a u wana vhagu diswa. -",0.71300364 -"""we will also assist the hwseta in administering the bursaries, which were allocated for firstyear veterinary science stu dents from the designated groups,"" says chris van blerk, the head of communications and media at up’s faculty of veterinary science. -","""ri ḓo dovha ra thusa vha hwseta kha nda ngulo ya dzibazari, dze dza ḓo ṋetshedzwa kha vhagu diswa vha saintsi ya vhuongi ha zwifuwo vha ṅwaha wa u thoma u bva kha zwigwada zwo ṋangiwaho,"" vha ralo vho chris van blerk, ṱhoho ya vhudavhidzani na midia kha khethekanyo ya saintsi ya vhuongi ha zwi fuwo ya up. -",0.7290675 -"he says youth hoping to follow in mthimkhulu’s footsteps and register for a first bachelor’s degree at up need to have completed their national senior certificate (nsc), or equivalent qualification, and meet minimum requirements. -","vha ri vhaswa vha no khou ṱoḓa u kanda kha ṋayo dza mthimkhulu na u ḓiṅwalisela u guda digirii yavho ya u thoma fhaḽa up vha tea u vha vho ṱhaphudza ṱhanziela ya maṱiriki ya lushaka (nsc), kana iṅwe ṱhanziela i elanaho na yeyo, na u swikelela ṱhoḓea dza fhasisa dzo randelwaho. -",0.68119 -"""for the bachelor of veterinary nursing degree, they need a minimum admission point score of 28 and an nsc with english home language or english first additional language, mathematics, and physical sciences or life sciences,"" he adds. -","""uri vha kone u gudela digirii ya vhuongi ha zwifuwo, vha tea u vha vho wana tshikoro tsha phoindi dza u ṱanganedzwa dza fhasisa dza 28 khathihi na u khunyeledza nsc hune vha tea u vha vhe na english home language kana english first additional language, mathematics, khathihi na physical sciences kana life sciences, vho ḓadzisa nga u ralo. -",0.7149215 -"for more information about the sector, youth can contact private vete rinary practices or speak to compulsory community service (ccs) veterinarians which are part of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) around the country. -","u wana mafhungo nga vhuḓalo nga ha sekhithara iyi, vhaswa vha nga kwama vha shumaho nga vhuongi ha zwifuwo vha phuraivethe kana vha amba na vhaongi vha zwifuwo vha tshumelo ya tshitshavha ya khombekhombe (ccs) vhane vha vha tshipiḓa tsha muhasho wa vhulimi, mvusuludzo ya mavu na mveledziso ya mahayani (dalrrd) u mona na shango. -",0.5140706 -"""the ccs programme aims to provide accessible and affordable veterinary services to underserved and poor resourced areas within south africa. -","""mbekanyamushumo ya ccs yo livhiswa kha u ṋetshedza tswikelelo ya tshumelo ya u onga zwifuwo i sa ḓuriho kha vhupo ha mahayani na vhune vhu sa wane tshumelo dzo teaho u mona na ḽa afrika tshipembe. -",0.6670098 -"as such, vets in the programme will always serve as good information resources,"" says van blerk.","vhaongi vha zwifuwo vha u tou thoma kha ḽa afrika tshipembe vho ṱhaphudza ngudo dzavho allison cooper u vha muṅwe wa vha ongi vha zwifuwo vha u thoma kha ḽino shango ndi muḽoro wo wedzaho kha mudzulapo wa randburg ane a vha phu melela mthimkhulu (21), ane lufuno lwa zwifuwo khae lwo thoma a tshe muṱuku. -",0.6670098 -"collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver’s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them. -","kha vha ye u dzhia garaṱa yavho ya ḽaisentsi ya u reila vukuzenzele unnamed vhareili vhe vha ita khumbelo ntswa kana u vusuludza garaṱa dza ḽaisentsi dzavho dza u reila kana phemithi ya u reila ya phurofeshinaḽa (prdp) vhukati ha tshimedzi na nyendavhusiku ṅwaha wo fhelaho vha khou itelwa khuwelelo ya uri vha ye u dzi dzhia. -",0.37308198 -"according to the road traffic management corporation (rtmc), only 42% of the 32 748 driver’s licence cards produced during this time have been collected. -","u ya nga vha koporasi ya ndaulo ya vhuendi ha badani (rtmc), ndi 42% fhedzi ya dzigaraṱa dza ḽaisentsi ya u reila kha dza 32 748 dze dza ḓo bvele dzwaho vhukati ha itshi tshifhinga dzo dzhiwaho nga vhaṋe vhadzo. -",0.6959162 -"minister of transport fikile mbalula opened the rtmc licensing centres in midrand and eco park last year, in response to the backlog of expired driver’s licences due to covid19. -","minisṱa wa vhuendi vho fikile mbalula vho vula senthara ya rtmc ya dzi ḽaisentsi ngei midrand na eco park ṅwaha wo fhelaho, izwi hu u thusa kha u fhungudza u salela murahu ha u vusuludzwa ha ḽaisentsi dza u reila dze dza fhelelwa nga tshifhinga nga nṱhani ha covid19. -",0.7276443 -"the driver’s licence card account, which prints the licences, is working around the clock to fasttrack production and remains on course to clear the backlog by the end of june. -","akhaunthu ya garaṱa ya ḽaisentsi ya u reila, ine ya vha yone i no ganḓisa ḽaisentsi, i khou shuma vhusiku na masiari u ṱavhanyisa mveledzo khathihi na u fhungudza mushumo muhulu wo sale laho murahu uri u vhe wo khunyeledzwa mafheloni a fulwi. -",0.6209932 -"the rtmc says people can check the status of their application before going to the testing centre to collect it. -","vha rtmc vha ri vhathu vha nga sedza tshiimo tsha khumbelo dzavho phanḓa ha musi vha tshi ya kha senthara dza ndingo u dzhia ḽaisentsi yavho. -",0.5318413 -"this can be done by sms or online. -","hezwi zwi nga itwa nga sms kana nga inthanethe. -",0.5396027 -"driver’s licence sms query for a driver’s licence query, applicants can sms their id number to 33214. they will then receive one of the smses below: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. -","u ṱoḓa u ḓivha zwinzhi ngaha ḽaisentse ya u reila nga kha sms u ṱoḓa u ḓivha zwinzhi ngaha ḽaisentse ya u reila nga kha sms, vho itaho khumbelo vha nga rumela nomboro yavho ya basa nga sms kha nomboro ya 33214. vha ḓo wana iṅwe ya milaedza ya dzisms i re afho fhasi: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. -",0.7497973 -"production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. -","production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. -",0.9999999 -"produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. -","produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. -",0.9999999 -"however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. -","however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. -",1.0000002 -"problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. -","problem card: there is a pro blem with the production of your card. -",0.9118228 -"please return to the testing centre. -","please return to the testing centre. -",0.9999999 -"for a prdp application query, sms your id number to 44220. driver’s licence online query you can also determine the status of your application for free online. -","mbudziso nga ha khumbelo ya prdp, kha vha rumele nomboro ya basa yavho nga sms kha nomboro ya 44220. u ṱoḓa u ḓivha zwinzhi ngaha ḽaisentse ya u reila nga kha inthanethe vha nga dovha vha sedza tshiimo tsha khumbelo yavho mahala kha inthanethe. -",0.6422591 -"visit online. -","kha vha dalele inthanethe natis. -",0.33262217 -"natis. -","gov. -",0.676134 -"gov. -","za. -",0.6759528 -"za. -","vha ḓiitele phurofaiḽii vha kone u dzhena ngomu. -",0.33755028 -"create a profile and log in. -","vha puṱedze kha tshiimo tsha khumbelo yavho kha dashibodo. -",0.41154712 -"click the status of your application on the dashboard. -","avho vhane ḽaisentsi dzavho dzo fhelelwa nga tshifhinga vhukati ha ṱhafamuhwe 2020 na 31 ṱhangule 2021, vhe vha ḓo kundelwa u dzi vusuludza phanḓa ha ḓuvha ḽa u fhedzisa ḽa 5 shundunthule, vha khou eletshedzwa u wana ḽaisentsi ya tshifhinganyana ya u reila musi vha tshi ita khumbelo ya u vusuludza uri vha dzule vho kuna lwa mulayo. -",0.46090248 -"those whose licences expired between march 2020 and 31 august 2021, who missed the renewal deadline of 5 may, are advised to obtain a tempo rary driver’s licence when applying for their renewal to remain legally compliant. -","kha vha ye u dzhia garaṱa yavho ya ḽaisentsi ya u reila vukuzenzele unnamed vhareili vhe vha ita khumbelo ntswa kana u vusuludza garaṱa dza ḽaisentsi dzavho dza u reila kana phemithi ya u reila ya phurofeshinaḽa (prdp) vhukati ha tshimedzi na nyendavhusiku ṅwaha wo fhelaho vha khou itelwa khuwelelo ya uri vha ye u dzi dzhia. -",0.46090248 -"black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector. -","maitele a u maanḓafhadza vharema siani ḽa ikonomi a tou vha khombekhombe u itela nyaluwo vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṅwedzi wa lamba mai uno ṅwaha, ho vha na u phule tshedza zwihulwane musi hu tshi sainwa thendelano ya u maanḓafhadza vharema kha zwa ikonomi ngei vunḓuni ḽa kapa vhubvaḓuvha, zwine hezwi zwa ḓo shandukisa vhukuma nḓila dza u shela mulenzhe ha ma bindu o rangwaho phanḓa nga vhafumakadzi vha vharema kha sekhithara ya zwa fulufulu. -",0.61579084 -"a liquid bulk fuel terminal operated by bp southern africa in east london has been sold to wasaa, an independent petrochemicals company. -","tshomedzo dza hune ha ende dzwa muhwalo wa zwivhaswa zwa tshiluḓi dzi langwaho nga vha khamphani ya bp ya tshipembe ha afrika dzi wanala ho ngei east london dzo rengi selwa vha ha wasaa, ine ya vha khamphani yo ḓiimisaho nga yoṱhe i vhumbaho zwibvele dzwa zwa khemikhaḽa u bva kha pheṱhiroḽiamu na gese. -",0.70260966 -"wasaa has acquired all the terminal’s moveable assets and a 20 percent share in berthtoterminal pipelines. -","wasaa yo renga ndaka yoṱhe i sudzu luseaho ine ya vha hone afho kha tshomedzo dza u endedza zwivhaswa khathihi na mikovhe ya 20% i re kha phaiphi dzi no bva afho hune zwikepe zwa ima hone dzi tshi ya kha tshomedzo dza hune zwivhaswa zwa endedzwa zwi tshi bva hone. -",0.6238388 -"with the 2020 report by the broadbased black economic empowerment commission showing that most economic sectors are falling short of their black women ownership targets, this acquisition by a black and femaleowned company of a liquid fuel terminal is a historic development. -","musi muvhigo wa ṅwaha wa 2020 wa khomishini ya zwa u maanḓafhadzwa ha vharema ho angalalaho siani ḽa zwa ikonomi u tshi khou sumbedza uri vhunzhi ha sekhithara dza zwa ikonomi dzi khou kundelwa u swikela zwipikwa zwadzo zwa u maanḓafhadza vhafumakadzi vha vharema kha u vha vhone vhaṋe vha mabindu, izwi zwa u rengwa ha tshomedzo dza fhethu ha u endedza zwivhaswa zwa tshiluḓi nga khamphani iyi ya murema nahone wa mufumakadzi, zwi tou vha mafhungo ane a tou vha ḓivhazwikale. -",0.34737825 -"it contributes to our national effort to redress inequality and ensure there is meaningful participation by the country’s majority in our economy. -","zwi dovha hafhu zwa thusa kha ndingedzo dzashu sa lu shaka dza u tandulula thaidzo ya u sa lingana khathihi na u vhona uri vhunzhi ha vhathu vha shango ḽashu vha khou kona u shela mulenzhe kha ikonomi yashu nga nḓila i pfalaho. -",0.29555228 -"recently, i announced the appointment of the new broadbased black economic empowerment advisory council, which comprises government, business, labour and other stakeholders. -","ndi kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza u tholwa ha khorongele tshedzi ya u maanḓafhadzwa ha vharema ho angalalaho siani ḽa ikonomi ine ya kha ḓi tou vha ntswa yo vhumbwaho nga vha muvhuso, mabindu, vhashumi khathihi na zwiṅwe zwiimiswa. -",0.59264344 -"it was established to champion the cause of economic transformation. -","yo vhumbelwa uri i vhe yone ine ya ranga phanḓa na u tshimbidza zwa tshanduko ya zwa ikonomi. -",0.5483365 -"the council has its origins in a 2001 report produced by the bee commission. -","khoro iyi yo thoma u dzi nginywa kha muvhigo wa khomi shini ya bee nga ṅwaha wa 2001. muvhigo uyu wone wo vha hone nga murahu ha musi ho itwa ṱhoḓisiso dzo angalalaho nga ha tshivhumbeo tsha ikonomi ya afrika tshipembe khathihi na nga ha zwine zwa ṱoḓea u itela u shandukisa ikonomi, u alusa vhoramabindu vha vharema, u ita uri hu vhe na mabindu manzhi a langwaho khathihi na u vha nga fhasi ha vhuṋe ha vharema hu tshi katelwa na u ita uri vhafumakadzi vha vharema na vhone vha dzhene kha ikonomi khu lwane. -",0.44031578 -"this report emanated from an extensive study into the structure of the south african economy, and what was needed to transform the economy, grow black entrepreneurship, ensure greater black management and ownership of busines ses, and bring black women into the mainstream of the economy. -","ṅwaha u ḓaho, hu ḓo vha hu tshi khou fhela miṅwaha ya fu mbili u tou bva tshe mulayo wa u maanḓafhadzwa lwo angalalaho ha vharema siani ḽa ikonomi (bbbee), une wa vha wone we wa vhumba khoro iyi wo phasiswa. -",0.6258458 -"next year, it will be two decades since the broadbased black economic empowerment (bbbee) act – which established the council – was passed. -","vhuḓiimiseli hashu kha u khwaṱhisa na u khwiṋisa zwa u maanḓafhadzwa siani ḽa zwa ikonomi a vhu khou thengathenga. -",0.5568386 -"our commitment to entrench and deepen economic empowerment is unwavering. -","ndi gazwo zwa u maanḓafha dzwa ha vharemi siani ḽa ikonomi zwi tshi tou vha tshipiḓa tsha ndeme tsha u vusuluswa na u vhuedzedzwa ha ikonomi yashu nga murahu ha dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.5112891 -"that is why black economic empowerment is an integral part of our economic reconstruction and recovery in the wake of the covid19 pandemic. -","heyi ndi iṅwe ya pfulufhe dziso dze nda dzi ita musi ndi tshi khou amba na vha khoro ya mabindu a vharema mathomoni a ṅwedzi wo fhelaho he ra amba nga ha nyimele ya bbbee kha ḽino shango, mvelaphanḓa yo no swike lwaho khathihi na zwine ra tea u ita roṱhe ro ṱangana u itela u engedza kha zwe ra zwi swikela u swika zwino. -",0.5433801 -"this is one of the reassurances i articulated to the black business council earlier last month, where we discussed the state of bbbee in the country, the progress that has been made and what we need to do as a collective to build on our gains. -","naho ho vha na mvelaphanḓa khulwane ye ya swikelwa kha tshifhinga tsha miṅwaha ya fu mbili yo fhiraho, hu kha ḓi vha na huṅwe fhethu he ha vha na u humela murahu. -",0.5270525 -"while there has been significant progress over the last two decades, there are some areas where there has been regression. -","ho vha na u humela murahu musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u engedza kulangele kwa ndangulo ya vharema, u khwinifhadza mveledziso ya zwikili, u khwaṱhisa mvele dziso ya mabindu khathihi na u ṱanḓavhudza zwa u renga thundu na tshumelo dza muvhuso hu tshi itelwa u ṋea zwikhala vhafumakadzi vha vharema khathihi na vhaswa. -",0.39355353 -"we have gone backwards when it comes to increasing black management control, upscaling skills development, entrenching enterprise deve lopment and broadening procurement to give opportunities to black women and the youth. -","muvhuso wa tshiṱalula wo bveledza ikonomi yo khakhe aho ye ya vha yo sendamela lu rumbu luthihi u itela u vhuedza vhatshena. -",0.5458323 -"the apartheid government deliberately built a distorted economy designed to benefit white people. -","vhunzhi ha vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vho vha vho khethululwa u bva kha ikonomi khulwane, he vhoramabindu vha vharema vha vha vho te tshelwa u vha kha nḓowetshumo dza mabindu maṱuku fhedzi ngei zwikolobulasini. -",0.46800303 -"the majority of south africans were marginalised from the mainstream economy, with black entrepreneurs confined to small retail industries in the townships. -","mafheloni a muvhuso wa tshiṱalula, khamphani dze dza vha dzo ṅwaliswa kha jse dze vhaṋe vhadzo vha vha vhe vharema dzo vha dzi fhasi ha phesenthe nthihi. -",0.31675637 -"at the end of apartheid, black ownership of jselisted companies was less than 1 percent. -","hetshi tshivhalo a tsho ngo sha nduka nga u tou ralo kha miṅwaha ya 28 yo fhelaho. -",0.57620806 -"this figure has not improved much in the past 28 years. -","nga tshenetsho tshifhinga tshithihi, ho ḓi vha na maga a ndeme u bva kha sekhi thara ya phuraivethe khathihi na vhuṅwe vhukando nga muvhuso ha u ṱuṱuwedza zwa u shela mulenzhe ha vharema kha ikonomi nga nḓila i pfalaho. -",0.27527624 -"at the same time, there have been important private sector initiatives and deliberate measures by the state to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of black people in the economy. -","vhukati ha ṅwaha wa 2017 na wa 2020, ho vha na khu mbelo dza u maanḓafhadzwa ha vharema dzi swikaho 500 dze dza swikiswa hu tshi itelwa u ḓiṅwalisa kha vha khomishini ya bbbee. -",0.5255149 -"between 2017 and 2020, nearly 500 empowerment transactions were submitted for registration to the bbbee commission. -","kha sekhithara dza ndeme u fana na nḓowetshumo ya zwa u fhaṱa, ya ndaka, thekhinoḽodzhi ya mafhungo na vhudavhi dzani, vhuendelamashango na vhuendi, vhuṋe ha mabindu ha vharema ho no fhirisa zwe zwa vha zwo lavhelelwa. -",0.4819968 -"in key sectors such as construction, property, information and communications technology, tourism and transport, black ownership has exceeded targets. -","tshanduko ya ikonomi khathihi na nyaluwo ya ikonomi ndi tshithu tshithihi. -",0.61370003 -"economic transformation and economic growth are intertwined. -","vhukati hazwo, a hu na tshine tsha nga kona u vha hone arali tshiṅwe tshazwo tshi siho. -",0.42611486 -"there cannot be one without the other. -","nga u dzhenisa zwa tsha nduko kha maitele a u bveledza nḓowetshumo, ri vha ri tshi khou bveledza ḽiedza ḽa nyaluwo yo ṱanganelaho ḽine ḽa kovhekanya lupfumo u fhirisa uri lu vhe fhethu huthihi. -",0.23777798 -"by integrating transformation into the process of industrialisation, we are advancing a more inclusive growth model that shares, rather than concentrates, wealth. -","muhasho wa mbambadzo, nḓowetshumo na muṱaṱisano (dtic) u khou bvela phanḓa na hetshi tshipikwa nga kha mbeka nyamushumo dzo fhambanaho. -",0.56258714 -"the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) is pursuing this goal through various programmes. -","hedzi ndi dzine dza katela mbe kanyamushumo ya u tikedza ma bindu a vhupo ha zwikolobulasi, vhupfumbudzi ha mabindu a vha rema, vhafumakadzi na a vhaswa kha zwa u rengiselana na ma shango a nnḓa nga vha koporasi ya mveledziso ya nḓowetshumo (idc) khathihi na mugaganya gwama wo engedzwaho wa themamveledziso kha dzismme dzi re kha vhupo ha ikonomi ho khe theaho ha tshwane. -",0.47463387 -"they include a support programme for township businesses, exportrelated training by the industrial development corporation (idc) to black, women and youthowned businesses, and increased infrastructure budget to smmes in the tshwane special economic zone. -","nga u shumisa puḽane khu lwane dzo fhambanaho dza sekhithara, ri khou kona u ṱuṱuwedza vhubindudzi hapo vhune ha vhuedza mabi ndu a vharema. -",0.67421794 -"through sectoral masterplans we are driving localisation that benefits black owned businesses. -","sa tsumbo, ho bveledzwa vhafuwi vha 10 vha vharema hu tshi shumiswa mashe leni a linganaho r366 miḽioni sa tshipiḓa tsha puḽane khulwane ya u fuwa khuhu. -",0.50237155 -"for example, 10 black contract growers have been established with an investment of r336 million as part of the poultry masterplan. -","muvhuso wo dovha hafhu wa rwela ṱari netiweke ya vharema vhane vha rengiselana na mashango a nnḓa ine netiweke yeneyi ya ḓo dovha hafhu ya ṱanganya khamphani dza vharema kha zwa zwiḽiwa, zwibveledzwa zwa vhuinzhiniere, dziphatsi dza mimoḓoro, zwibveledzwa zwa lunako khathihi na dziṅwe se khithara dza ikonomi. -",0.5895999 -"government has also launched a black exporters network that will connect blackowned companies in food, engineering products, auto components, beauty products and other sectors of the economy. -","sa tshipiḓa tsha fulo ḽashu ḽa u bveledza murafho muswa wa vhoranḓowetshumo vha vharema, ṅwaha wo fhelaho muvhuso wo tendela u shumiswa ha masheleni a linganaho r2.5 biḽioni kha thikedzo ntswa ya u tikedza vhoranḓowetshumo vha vharema vha swikaho 180 nga u vha ṋea khadzimiso ya masheleni u bva kha vha idc khathihi na vha tshi kwama tsha u maanḓafhadza tsha lushaka (nef) hu tshi katelwa na magavhelo a bvaho kha tshikimu tsha zwa magavhelo tsha dtic kha tshifhinga tsha miṅwaha miraru i ḓaho, ho dovha hafhu ha fhulufhe dziswa maṅwe masheleni a linga naho r21 biḽioni nga vha idc, nef khathihi na zwiṅwe zwiimiswa u itela u tikedza vhoranḓowetshumo vha vharema. -",0.57800376 -"as part of our drive to create a new generation of black industrialists, last year government approved r2.5 billion in new support to about 180 black industrialists in the form of loans from the idc and national empowerment fund (nef) and grants from the dtic incentive scheme. -","maṅwe masheleni a u ḓadzisa a linganaho r25 biḽioni o dovha hafhu a fhulufhedziswa uri a ḓo shumiswa kha u tikedza khamphani dza vharema, vhafumakadzi, vhaswa khathihi na dza vhashumi. -",0.623776 -"over the next three years a further r21 billion has been committed by the idc, nef and other institutions to support black industrialists. -","zwi tou vha khagala uri hu kha ḓi vha na mushumo mnzhi une wa kha ḓi tea u itwa u itela u tandulula khaedu nnzhi dzine mabindu a vharema a kha di ṱangana nadzo. -",0.51369804 -"an additional r25 billion has been committed to support black, women, youth and workerowned companies. -","hezwi zwi katela u konḓelwa u wana masheleni a u thoma na u alusa bindu khathihi na u kunde lwa ha dzismme u wana maraga ya zwibveledzwa zwavho. -",0.5026832 -"it is clear that much more work needs to be done to address the many challenges that black businesses face. -","mabindu a vhafumakadzi vha vharema ndi one ane kanzhi a konḓelwa u wana thendelano khu lwane dza zwa u maanḓafhadzwa. -",0.47043425 -"this includes the difficulty of accessing startup and expansion capital and the ability of smmes to find markets for their products. -","zwa u fhelisa maitele a mveledziso i songo fhelelaho nga u maanḓafhadza vharema siani ḽa ikonomi a zwi sokou tou vha fhedzi zwithu zwo teaho u itiwa, zwi dovha hafhu zwa vha zwithu zwi pfalaho kha zwa mabindu. -",0.31405255 -"black womenowned businesses, in particular, encounter difficulties in taking on largescale empowerment transactions. -","zwa u dzulela u khethululwa ha vharema nga vhunzhi kha ikonomi khulwane, zwi hoṱefhadza nyaluwo ya ikonomi, zwine hezwi zwa fhedza zwo kwama mabindu oṱhe nga nḓila ine ya si vhe yavhuḓi. -",0.50637615 -"breaking the cycle of underdevelopment through black economic empowerment is not just a moral imperative; it also makes business sense. -","u engedza tshivhalo tsha vhora mabindu kha ḽino shango ndi zwa ndeme kha nyaluwo. -",0.54790825 -"the continued exclusion of the black majority from the economy’s mainstream constrains economic growth, which ultimately impacts all business. -","roṱhe ri na vhuḓifhinduleli vhu fanaho ha u ṱuṱuwedza ndingedzo dza u khwaṱhisa bbbee ngauri yo itelwa u fhelisa zwa u sa lingana. -",0.5002612 -"expanding the country’s entrepreneurial base is fundamental to growth. -","ikonomi dzine dza si vhe na ndi ngano dzi bveledza zwitshavha zwi sa lingani, ngeno zwitshavha zwi sa lingani zwi si na nyaluwo na mvelaphanḓa. -",0.42354444 -"we have a shared responsibility to drive the effort to entrench bbbee because it is about eradicating inequality. -","a zwo ngo tou khakhea fhedzi, zwi dovha hafhu zwa vha zwithu zwine ra nga si kone u bvela phanḓa nazwo zwauri mabindu a bvele phanḓa na u vha nga fhasi ha vhuṋe na ndangulo ya vhatshena kana vhathu vha vhanna. -",0.5528922 -"unequal economies breed unequal societies, and unequal societies don’t grow and flourish. -","nahone ndi vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe vhane vha vha vhone vharengi vhahulwanesa vha thundu na tshumelo dzavho. -",0.48070008 -"it is not only wrong, but also unsustainable, for businesses to keep their management and ownership structures mostly white or male. -","hezwi zwi tea u vhonala kha u ṱanganelana ha vhatholiwa u ya nga u fhambana ha mvelele dzavho khathihi na kha maitele a vhula nguli, kha vhuṋe ha mabindu na musi hu tshi rengiwa thundu na tshumelo. -",0.55035067 -"it is, after all, the south african public that are the primary consumers of their goods and services. -","zwa u maanḓafhadzwa ha vharema ho angalalaho kha ikonomi zwi ḓo kona u swikelwa fhedzi nga kha tshumisano khathihi na vhuḓiimiseli vhu fanaho kha zwa u ḓisa tsha nduko. -",0.47144145 -"this should be reflected in diversity of hiring and management practices, in ownership and in procurement. -","zwa u tholwa ha khoro ntswa ya bbbee zwi ḓo ri thusa kha u ṱanḓavhudza mikaṋo ya u maanḓafhadzwa ha vharema ho angalalaho kha ikonomi. -",0.5442024 -"broadbased black economic empowerment will only be achieved through partnership and a shared commitment to transformation. -","maitele a u maanḓafhadza vharema siani ḽa ikonomi a tou vha khombekhombe u itela nyaluwo vukuzenzele unnamed nga ṅwedzi wa lamba mai uno ṅwaha, ho vha na u phule tshedza zwihulwane musi hu tshi sainwa thendelano ya u maanḓafhadza vharema kha zwa ikonomi ngei vunḓuni ḽa kapa vhubvaḓuvha, zwine hezwi zwa ḓo shandukisa vhukuma nḓila dza u shela mulenzhe ha ma bindu o rangwaho phanḓa nga vhafumakadzi vha vharema kha sekhithara ya zwa fulufulu. -",0.5442024 -"rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life. -","zwa u engedzea ha mitengo ya zwirengwa ndi fhungo ḽine roṱhe ra tea u ḓidzhenisa khaḽo kha miṅwedzi i si gathi yo fhiraho, vharengi vha afrika tshipembe vho vhona hu tshi vha na u engedzea vhukuma ha mitengo ya zwirengwa nga nḓila ye zwa fhedza zwi tshi kwama matshilele avho nga nḓila ine ya si vhe yavhuḓi. -",0.6013793 -"it has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transportation. -","zwi vho ḓura vhukuma u renga zwiḽiwa khathihi na zwiṅwe zwishumiswa zwa ndeme, u badela tshumelo dza mutheo hu tshi katelwa na u shumisa vhuendi ha phuraivethe kana ha nnyi na nnyi. -",0.57902074 -"while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most. -","naho uhu u engedzea ha mitengo hu tshi kwama muthu muṅwe na muṅwe, miṱa ine ya wana mbuelo dza fhasi ndi yone ye ya kwamea vhukuma. -",0.17499787 -"the latest consumer price index for april 2022 published by stats sa shows there has been little respite for hardpressed south africans. -","tsumbamutengo wa vharengi ya zwenezwino ya ṅwedzi wa lambamai 2022 ye ya anḓadzwa nga stats sa yo sumbedza uri ho vha na u femuluwa zwiṱuku kha vhathu vha afrika tshipembe vhane vho tsikeledzea nga mitengo iyi. -",0.6252636 -"food inflation was recorded at 6.2 per cent. -","tshanduko kha mitengo ya zwiḽiwa yo rekhodiwa u vha henefha kha phesenthe dza 6.2. vhunzhi ha zwiḽiwa zwa nga misi zwi vho ḓura vhukuma u fhira ṅwaha wo fhiraho, ngeno zwiḽiwa zwi shumiswaho misi yoṱhe u fana na mapfhura a u bika zwo vha na nyengedzedzo ya mitengo i re nṱha vhukuma. -",0.43707722 -"the most basic foodstuffs cost more than a year ago, with staples like cooking oil recording the highest increases. -","mutengo wa zwivhaswa, une wa kwama mitengo ya tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe, wo engedzwa kararu kha miṅwedzi ya fumimbili yo fhelaho u vhuya u swikela mafheloni a ṅwedzi wa ṱhafamuhwe 2022. afrika tshipembe a ḽi ḽoṱhe kha hezwi. -",0.54636717 -"the price of fuel, which affects the price of almost everything else, has risen by a third in the twelve months to march 2022. south africa is not alone in this regard. -","ṱhoḓisiso dzine dza kha ḓi tou bva u anḓadzwa zwenezwino dza vha foramu ya ikonomi ya ḽifhasi dzo sumbedza uri vhathu vha tshivhalo tshi linganaho kotara ya vhathu vhoṱhe ḽifhasini, hu tshi katelwa na avho vha re kha mashango a re na ikonomi yo bvelelaho, vha khou konḓelwa vhukuma siani ḽa zwa masheleni nga mulandu wa u engedzea ha mitengo ya zwirengwa. -",0.48815763 -"a recently published poll for the world economic forum shows that nearly a quarter of people globally, including those in developed economies, are struggling financially due to rising prices. -","u engedzea uhu ha mitengo ya zwirengwa, nga maanḓa mutengo wa zwivhaswa, ho vhangwa nga mulandu wa zwithu zwine ra sa tou vha na ndango khazwo. -",0.533017 -"these increases, particularly the price of fuel, are the consequence of events over which we have little control. -","nndwa ine ya khou bvela phanḓa vhukati ha shango ḽa russia na ḽa ukraine yo vha na masiandaitwa mahulwane kha mutengo wa zwivhaswa na zwiḽiwa. -",0.45290247 -"the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine has had a significant impact on the price of fuel and food. -","mashango aya vhuvhili hao ndi one ane a vha vhavhambadzi vhahulwane kha mimaraga ya ḽifhasi vha manyoro, thanga dza u bveledza ole ine ya ṱoḓea kha u bveledza zwithu zwo fhambanaho u fana na mapfura a u bika. -",0.5055264 -"both countries are major exporters to international markets of fertilisers, grains and oilseeds that are needed for a range of items such as cooking oil. -","tshiṅwe tshiitisi ho vha u tsela fhasi ha zwibveledzwa zwa vhulimi nga mulandu wa zwiwo zwa mutsho zwo kalulaho zwe zwa vhangwa nga tshanduko ya kilima u fana na miḓalo na gomelelo. -",0.6315912 -"another factor is lower agricultural output due to extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as flooding and droughts. -","naho vhunzhi ha zwiwo izwi zwi si zwine ra nga kona u zwi langa, muvhuso u khou ita zwoṱhe zwine wa nga kona u itela u tsireledza vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe kha u engedzea ha mitengo ha zwino na ha tshifhiga tshi ḓaho. -",0.57835925 -"while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases. -","tshiṅwe tshithu tshine tsha vha tshavhuḓisa kha shango ḽashu, ndi u vha na bannga ya vhukati yo ḓiimisaho nga yoṱhe nahone yo khwaṱhaho ye ya zwi kona u dzudza tshanduko ya mitengo i kha tshiimo tsha fhasi nahone tsho lavhelelwaho, tshine tsha vha fhasisa kha zwine vhunzhi ha maṅwe mashango a khou ṱangana nazwo. -",0.4462716 -"one of our greatest advantages as a country is a strong, independent reserve bank that has managed to keep inflation within a narrow target range, well below what many other countries are experiencing. -","ri kha ḓi tou bva u ḓivhadza uri muthelo wa mutengo wa zwivhaswa u ḓo dovha hafhu wa vha wo fhahewa lwa tshifhinga tsha miṅwedzi mivhili u swikela nga ṅwedzi wa ṱhangule, zwine hezwi zwa ḓo vha na ṱhadulo khulwane kha miṱa. -",0.52978396 -"we recently announced that the fuel levy will be suspended for another two months to august, which will bring some relief to households. -","uhu u fhahewa ha muthelo wa mutengo wa zwivhaswa ho ḓisa ṱhaḓulo khulwane kha vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe u bva tshe ha thoma u ḓivhadzwa nga ṅwedzi wa lambamai. -",0.55244935 -"the suspension of the levy has provided essential relief to south africans since it began in april. -","sa izwi u fhahewa uhu ha muthelo wa mutengo wa zwivhaswa hu tshi ḓo ḓisa khaedu khulwane kha masheleni a muvhuso, zwine zwenezwo zwa ḓo fhedza nga u kwama dziṅwe mbekanyamushumo dza muvhuso, zwi ḓo konḓa u bvela nazwo u ya nga hu sa fheli. -",0.14412569 -"since the suspension of the levy comes at a significant cost to public finances, which affects other programmes of government, it will be difficult to continue this indefinitely. -","fhedziha, naho zwo ralo, hu ḓi vha na zwiṅwe zwine ra nga ita. -",0.5267116 -"there are, however, other things we can do. -","u khwinisa vhubveledzi ha zwiḽiwa kha shango ḽashu ndi zwa ndeme u itela u imedzana na zwiwo izwi khathihi na zwiṅwe zwi ḓaho. -",0.23747993 -"improving our nation’s food security is vital to withstanding this and future shocks. -","ri na sekithara dzo khwaṱhaho dza zwa vhulimi dzine dza khou bvela phanḓa, u aluwa khathihi na u sika mishumo. -",0.44233274 -"we have a strong agricultural sector that continues to grow and create jobs. -","u itela u engedza hafhu vhubveledzisi kha zwa vhulimi khathihi na u khwaṱhisa ndangulo yashu ya zwa zwiḽiwa, ri khou ḓidzhenisa tshoṱhe kha zwa u khwinifhadza vhubveledzi hapo, u tikedza vhalimi vha zwa makwevho khathihi na vhalimi vhaṱuku hu tshi katelwa na u thusa vhathu vhanzhi uri vha kone u ḓilimela zwiḽiwa zwavho vhone vhaṋe. -",0.39787936 -"to further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and smallscale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food. -","nga kha mbekanyamushumo ya thikhedzo ya zwa mishumo ya phresidennde, ho ṋetshedzwa vautshara dza u renga kha vhalimivhafuwi vhaṱuku vha fhiraho 65 000, nahone mushumo u kati wa u lingedza u swikela vhalimivhafuwi vho raloho vha swikaho 250 000. muvhuso u khou dovha hafhu wa ṋetshedza manyoro na zwiṅwe zwishumiswa zwa u bveledza zwiḽiwa khathihi na u thusa vhalimivhafuwi nga zwigwada kana nga muthihi nga muthihi uri vha kone u ḓithomela ngade dzavho dza zwiḽiwa. -",0.58048207 -"through the presidential employment stimulus, input vouchers have been given to over 65,000 smallholder farmers, and work is underway to reach 250,000 such farmers. -","kha mavundu a fanaho na ḽa north west, vhalimivhafuwi vhaṱuku vha khou tikedzwa nga zwishumiswa zwa vhulimi zwi fanaho na zwiraba khathihi na zwikukwana, nga tshumisano na vha magudedzi apo a zwa vhulimi. -",0.53414005 -"government is also providing subsistence farmers with fertilisers and equipment to produce food, and helping groups or individuals to start their own food gardens. -","nga u shumisa puḽane ya u ḓiwanela mavu yo khwaṱhaho khathihi na u ṋetshedzwa ha mavu a muvhuso hu tshi itelwa zwa vhulimivhufuwi, ri khou tikedza vhunzhi ha vhalimi vhaṱuku uri vha kone u alusa mabindu avho khathihi na u ita uri a vhe mabindu a shumaho zwavhuḓi kha zwa makwevho. -",0.59552 -"in provinces like north west, smallscale farmers are supported with agricultural ‘starterpacks’ of seedlings and poultry, in partnership with local agricultural colleges. -","ri khou dovha hafhu ra sedzesa na kha zwa u thoma vhushumisani vhunzhi vhukati ha zwiimiswa zwa phuraivethe na zwa muvhuso u itela u tikedza nyaluwo ya vhulimivhufuwi ha zwa makwevho kha vharema nga u shumisa maga a fanaho na vhashumisani kha thandululo ya mavu a zwa vhulimivhufuwi. -",0.5592157 -"through the proactive land acquisition strategy and the release of stateowned land for agriculture, we are supporting more smallscale farmers to expand their businesses and make them commercially successful. -","u itela u khwaṱhisedza maga a tsiravhulwadze khathihi na u tsireledza mutakalo wa zwifuwo kha malwadze a ngaho a khwanḓa na mulomo, ri khou khwaṱhisa maga a u langa kutshimbilele kwa zwifuwo zwashu khathihi na vhukoni ha u bveledza khaelo. -",0.63176465 -"we are also focusing on establishing more publicprivate partnerships to support the expansion of black commercial farming through initiatives like the partners in agri land solutions and the agricultural development agency. -","nga nnḓa ha u maanḓafhadza vhubveledzi ha zwiḽiwa hapo, sisteme yashu ya magavhelo a zwa matshilisano yo angalalaho khathihi na zwa u bviswa ha mithelo kha zwirengwa zwa ḓuvha na ḓuvha zwi ḓo thusa kha u tsireledza vhashayi kha mitengo i dzulelaho u engedzea. -",0.5546904 -"to enhance biosecurity and safeguard animal health against diseases like footandmouth, we are strengthening our animal movement control measures and vaccine production capabilities. -","nga kha tshumelo dza mutheo dza mahala dzi fanaho na maḓi na muḓagasi dzi ṋetshedzwaho miṱa ya vhaheḓana, ri nga kona u ita uri hu si vhe na muṱa une wa kundelwa u wana tshumelo dza mutheo. -",0.57076836 -"in addition to boosting local food production, our extensive social grants system and zerorating of basic goods helps to protect the poor from rising costs. -","uri ri kone u fhira kha hetshi tshifhinga tshi konḓaho ngaurali, vhathu vhoṱhe vha tea u shela mulenzhe. -",0.5261134 -"through free basic services like water and electricity for indigent households, we can ensure that no family goes without basic services. -","riṋe sa muvhuso zwine ra ḓo ita ndi u bvela phanḓa na u lavhelesa nyimele nga vhuronwane nahone ri ḓo ita zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona u tsireledza vhadzulapo vha afrika tshipembe kha u engedzea hu songo teaho ha mitengo ya zwirengwa. -",0.56584 -"to get through this difficult period, all of society should get involved. -","vha mabindu a fhano afrika tshipembe vha tea u vhona uri vharengi a vha khou badeliswa mitengo yo kalulaho ya zwiḽiwa ine a yo ngo tea. -",0.40832856 -"for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living. -","ri khou ṱanganedza zwine zwa khou ambiwa u bva kha vhabveledzi vha zwiḽiwa na vha mavhengele zwa uri vha khou vhea maga a u thusa vharengi uri masheleni avho a kone u vha rengela zwinzhi. -",0.5278936 -"corporate south africa should ensure that consumers do not pay more for food than they have to. -","nga ṅwedzi wa ṱhafamuhwe ṋaṅwaha, khomishini ya miṱaṱisano yo bvisa zwiteṅwa zwine khazwo ha tea u vha na vhupfiwa ha nnyi na nnyi musi hu tshi khou itwa ṱhoḓisiso ya maraga ya zwibveledzwa zwitete. -",0.4934435 -"we welcome the indications from food manufacturers and retailers that they are putting measures in place to help consumers get more for their money. -","yo dzhiela nṱha uri mutengo wa zwibveledzwa zwitete wo vha u khou ḓi dzulela u engedzwa nga tshikalo tsha tshanduko ya mutengo tshi re nṱha, na uri hezwi zwo vha na masiandaitwa ane a sa lingane kha vhashayi. -",0.52826667 -"in march this year the competition commission released for public comment the terms of reference for a market enquiry into the fresh produce market. -","ṱhoḓisiso i ḓo ṱola arali ho vha na vhuṱudzeṱudze kha mushumo wa u bveledza zwiḽiwa he ha fhedza nga u ita uri zwiḽiwa zwi ḓure. -",0.47298622 -"it noted that the cost of fresh produce has been increasing at aboveinflation levels, and that this has had a disproportionate effect on the poor. -","ri ḓo shumisa mbekanyamaitele yashu ya miṱaṱisano u tsireledza vharengi kha u engedzwa ha mitengo nga nḓila i songo teaho khathihi na maitele a lwaho na zwa u ṱaṱisana ha mabindu a itwaho nga vha mabindu, sa zwe ra zwi ita nga tshifhinga tsha dwadze ḽa covid19. -",0.51609147 -"the inquiry will examine if there are any distortions in the value chain that make food more expensive. -","maitele ane a khou bvela phanḓa a u shandukiswa ha milayo kha ikonomi yashu a ḓo tikedza hedzi ndingedzo. -",0.48022377 -"we will use our competition policy to protect consumers against unjustifiable price increases and anticompetitive practices by businesses, as we did during the covid19 pandemic. -","tshanduko kha sekithara dza fulufulu, vhuendi na vhudavhidzani ha ṱhingo ndi maitele o livhiswaho kha u fhungudza mutengo wa muḓagasi, u endedzwa ha thundu na data kha nzudzanyo ya tshifhinga tshilapfu nga kha u ṱaṱisana zwihulwane kha mitengo na mashumele avhuḓi. -",0.5735082 -"the ongoing process of structural reform of our economy will support these efforts. -","ri khou tea u badela masheleni maṱuku, hu si manzhi kha hedzi tshumelo tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. -",0.29935336 -"reforms in the energy, transport and telecommunications sectors aim to reduce the cost of electricity, logistics and data in the long term through greater competition and efficiency. -","zwa u engedzea ha mitengo ya zwirengwa ndi fhungo ḽine roṱhe ra tea u ḓidzhenisa khaḽo kha miṅwedzi i si gathi yo fhiraho, vharengi vha afrika tshipembe vho vhona hu tshi vha na u engedzea vhukuma ha mitengo ya zwirengwa nga nḓila ye zwa fhedza zwi tshi kwama matshilele avho nga nḓila ine ya si vhe yavhuḓi. -",0.29935336 -"our nation mourns the young lives lost in enyobeni tavern tragedy vukuzenzele unnamed a few weeks ago the families of a township in scenery park outside east london, received news that every parent prays they never get to hear. -","shango ḽashu ḽi kha ḓi vha kha malilo a u lilela matshilo a vhaswa vhe vha lovha kha tshiwo tsha makhaulambilu tshe tsha bvelela fhaḽa thaveni ya enyobeni vukuzenzele unnamed vhege dzi si gathi dzo fhiraho miṱa ya vhupo ha tshikolobulasi tsha fhaḽa scenery park hune ha vha nnḓa nyana ha ḓorobo ya east london, yo ṱanganedza ma fhungo ane mubebi muṅwe na muṅwe a dzulela u a ra belisa uri ngavhe a sa swiki hune a nga a pfa. -",0.6774584 -"they were told that 21 of their children had been found dead, in a tavern. -","vha miṱa iyi vho ḓivhadzwa uri vhana vhavho vha swikaho 21 vho wanala vho lovha, ngomu thaveni. -",0.44529808 -"the youngest child was only 13 years old. -","ṅwana muṱukusa kha avho vhe vha lovha o vha e na miṅwaha ya 13 fhedzi. -",0.45479125 -"the police investigation into the tragedy is proceeding apace. -","ṱhoḓisiso dza mapholisa nga ha tshiwo itshi tsha makhaulambilu ngaurali dzi khou bvela phanḓa nga luvhilo. -",0.44459715 -"flowing from the investigations, the buffalo city metro is looking into whether the tavern violated any municipal regulations. -","zwiṅwe zwine zwa vha u ḓadzisa kha dzenedzi ṱhoḓisiso, ndi zwauri masipala muhulwane wa buffalo city na wone u khou ita ṱhoḓisiso arali thaveni iyi i tshi nga vha yo pfuka miṅwe ya milayo ya ha masipala. -",0.6096481 -"our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are struggling to come to terms with this unspeakable horror. -","ri khou lila na miṱa iyi ine ya khou kundelwa u ṱanganedza tshiwo itshi tshi shushaho ngaurali khathihi na u vha rabelisa. -",0.55152506 -"we commend the eastern cape provincial government for assisting the affected families, as well as avbob that has pledged to assist the families with the burials. -","ri khoḓa muvhuso wa vunḓu ḽa kapa vhubvaḓuvha nge wa thusa miṱa yo kwameaho khathihi na vha mutshara wa avbob vhe vha fulufhedzisa uri vha ḓo thusa miṱa iyi kha mushumo wa mbulungo. -",0.5920045 -"even as the relevant authorities deconstruct what happened to ensure there is justice for the victims, there is a conversation we do need to have as a country. -","naho vha maanḓalanga o teaho vha tshi khou lingedza u ita ṱhoḓisiso dza zwe zwa itea u itela uri hu kone u dzhiiwa vhukando ha zwa mulayo hu tshi itelwa zwipondwa zwa tshiwo itshi, hu na nyambedzano dzine ra khou tea u vha nadzo sa shango. -",0.521161 -"it is the problem of underage drinking. -","nyambedzano dzenedzo ndi dza nga ha thaidzo ya vhana vhane vha nwa mahalwa ngeno vha tshi kha ḓi vha vhathu vhaṱuku. -",0.23938306 -"the footage and images posted online of the socalled ‘pens down’ party at the venue that night show revelling youngsters clutching bottles of alcohol. -","vidio na zwifanyiso zwe zwa rumelwa kha inthanethe zwi sumbedzaho izwo zwine zwa vhidzwa u pfi ‘pens down’, vhune ha vha vhuṱambo he ngaho vhagudi avha vha vha vha tshi khou pembelela u fhedza havho u ṅwala milingo khathihi na u vala ha zwikolo henefho thaveni yeneyo vhusiku uho, zwi sumbedza vhaswa vha tshi khou ḓiphina vho fara maboḓelo a mahalwa. -",0.3621192 -"many of those in the images look barely out of their teens. -","vhunzhi havho kha zwifanyiso izwo vha vhonala vha tshi kha ḓi tou vha vhana vhaṱuku vhukuma. -",0.29369247 -"a number of young people from scenery park have told the media of having seen a post circulated on social media, offering free rounds of alcohol to all who attended the event that night. -","vhunzhi ha vhaswa vhane vha bva henefho kha vhupo ha scenery park vho vhudza vhoramafhungo uri vho vhona khunguwedzo ye ya vha i tshi khou leleḓa kha nyanḓadzamafhungo dza matshilisano ye khayo ha vha hu tshi khou fulufhedziswa mahalwa a mahala kha vhoṱhe vhane vha ḓo dzhenela vhuṱambo uho vhusiku honoho. -",0.3459364 -"the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers. -","zwa u engedzea ha u ṱanganedzwa nga tshitshavha maitele a vhaswa vhane vha khou ḓidzhenisa kha zwa u nwa mahalwa, zwi khou vha thaidzo khulwane vhukuma fhano shangoni hune vhunzhi ha vhadzulapo vhane vha nwa mahalwa u swika zwino vha vho dzhiiwa sa zwidakwa u ya nga dzangano ḽa mutakalo ḽa ḽifhasi. -",0.5617223 -"alcohol use amongst adolescents is associated with impaired function, absenteeism from learning, alcoholrelated injuries, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and risky behaviour. -","zwa u nwa mahalwa nga vhana vha thangana ya murole zwi na vhushaka vhuhulwane na u fhungudzea ha nḓila ya kushumele kana kuitele kwa zwithu, u ḓibvisa kha zwa u guda, mafuvhalo a elanaho na mahalwa, mihumbulo na ndingedzo dza u ṱoḓa u ḓivhulaha khathihi na vhuḓifari vhu re khombo. -",0.6960323 -"we must come together to combat this vice that is robbing our young people of the best years of their lives, and making them susceptible to alcohol addiction. -","ri khou tea u farana u itela u fhelisa hovhu vhuvhi vhune ha khou khakhisa vhaswa vhashu musi vha tshi kha ḓi vha kha miṅwaha yavho ya khwinesa ya matshilo avho khathihi na u ita uri vha tou ḓikumedzela tshoṱhe kha zwa mahalwa. -",0.52964264 -"as families it means having open and frank conversations about alcohol and setting boundaries. -","sa miṱa zwi amba u vha na nyambedzano dzo vhofholowaho nahone dzi re khagala nga ha mahalwa khathihi na u vhea mikaṋo. -",0.50124353 -"children under the age of 18 consuming alcohol is against the law. -","zwa u nwa mahalwa nga vhana vha miṅwaha i re fhasi ha 18 a zwiho mulayoni. -",0.50640714 -"as adults we should refrain from practices such as sending minors to buy alcohol for us or capitulating to requests to buy these young people alcohol. -","sa vhaaluwa ri tea u ḓibvisa kha maitele a fanaho na u ruma vhana vhaṱuku uri vha ye vha ri rengele mahalwa kana u laṱela thaula lune ra vho tenda na u tou rengela havha vhaswa mahalwa. -",0.5519725 -"it is not the first time we have been confronted with tragic events such as what happened in scenery park last week. -","a si lwa u thoma musi ri tshi ṱangana na zwiwo zwa makhaulambilu ngaurali u fana na zwe zwa bvelela fhaḽa scenery park vhege yo fhelaho. -",0.43175057 -"a common denominator between enyobeni tavern, the throb nightclub disaster in durban in 2000, and the osi’s tavern tragedy in khayelitsha in 2015, is that these establishments were selling liquor to minors. -","zwine zwa fana vhukati ha tshiwo itshi tsha afha thaveni ya enyobeni na tsha kiḽabu ya the throb i re ngei ḓoroboni ya durban nga ṅwaha wa 2000 khathihi na makhaulambilu e a bvelela fhaḽa thaveni ya osi’s i re ngei khayelitsha nga ṅwaha wa 2015, ndi tsha uri oṱhe haya mabindu o vha a tshi khou rengisela mahalwa vhana vha ṱuku. -",0.75557435 -"the proliferation of establishments openly flouting the law points to failings on the part of authorities to enforce regulations. -","u engedzea ha tshivhalo tsha mabindu ane a khou tou vunḓa milayo zwi khagala zwi sumbedza u kundelwa ha maanḓalanga kha zwa u kombetshedza u tevhedzwa ha milayo. -",0.5387389 -"under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age. -","nga fhasi ha mulayo wa zwa mahalwa wa lushaka, vhaṋe vha mabindu ayo ane a vha na ḽaisentsi dza halwa a vha tei u rengisela halwa muthu muṅwe na muṅwe ane a vha nga fhasi ha miṅwaha ya 18. vha tea u dovha hafhu vha dzhia maga o teaho a u vhona uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe ane vha khou mu rengisela halwa u na miṅwaha yo teaho. -",0.6327795 -"we call on communities to work with authorities to ensure that taverns, shebeens, entertainment venues and outlets breaking the law face the consequences. -","ri khou ita khuwelelo kha vhadzulapo uri vha shumisane na vha maanḓalanga u itela u vhona uri thaveni, zwipoto zwa u rengisa mahalwa, fhethu ha vhuḓimvumvusi na mabindu ane a khou vunḓa mulayo a khou dzhielwa vhukando ha zwiito zwenezwo. -",0.33841893 -"we call upon our police to step up the enforcement of laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol close to schools and enhance monitoring of outlets to ensure alcohol is not being sold to minors. -","ri khou ita khuwelelo kha mapholisa ashu uri vha engedze maga a u kombetshedza u tevhedzwa ha milayo ine ya thivhela zwa u rengiswa ha mahalwa tsini na zwikolo khathihi na u khwaṱhisa zwa vhulavhelesi ha mabindu o raloho u itela u vhona uri a hu na zwikambi zwine zwa khou rengiselwa vhana vhaṱuku. -",0.5570319 -"another reality is that alcohol is a form of escapism for young people in communities were opportunities for safe and ageappropriate recreation are few. -","iṅwe ngoho ndi ya uri zwikambi zwi tou vha iṅwe ya nḓila dza u ḓimvumvusa ha vhaswa kha zwitshavha zwine khazwo zwikhala zwa vhuḓimvumvusi ho tsireledzeaho nahone vhu elanaho na miṅwaha ya vhaswa vhenevho zwa sa wanale nga vhunzhi. -",0.58638394 -"the scenery park community has pointed to the lack of sports, learning and other developmental facilities for young people, leading them to resort to ‘tavern hopping’. -","tshitshavha tsha fhaḽa scenery park tsho sumbedzisa uri hu na u shayea ha tshomedzo dza zwa mitambo, dza vhugudi khathihi na dziṅwe tshomedzo dza mveledziso ya vhathu vhaswa lune zwa fhedza nga u ita uri vha ḓidzhenise kha zwa u ‘gidimela dzithaveni’. -",0.66039425 -"in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park. -","nga tshifhinga tshenetsho tsha musi hu tshi kha ḓi bva u bvelela tshiwo itshi tsha makhaulambilu ngaurali, vhadzulapo vho sumbedza uri a hu na midavhi yavhuḓi ya zwa mitambo, ḽaiburari dza zwitshavha kana senthara dza vhaswa afho scenery park. -",0.55444324 -"as government at national, provincial and local level we need to respond to the pleas of this community and those of other communities by developing more recreational spaces, facilities, programmes, and projects for our young people in disadvantaged areas in the province. -","sa muvhuso wa lushaka, wa vunḓu na muvhuso wapo, ri khou tea u vha na zwine ra ita nga ha hedzi khumbelo dza tshitshavha hetshi khathihi na dziṅwe dza zwiṅwe zwitshavha nga u fhaṱa fhethu hunzhi ha zwa vhuḓimvumvusi, tshomedzo, mbekanyamushumo na thandela ri tshi itela vhaswa vhashu vha re kha vhupo hu shayaho kha vunḓu. -",0.5551394 -"other social partners such as the business community should also assist with sponsorship. -","vhaṅwe vhashumisani vhashu kha zwa matshilisano u fana na vha tshitshavha tsha zwa mabindu na vhone vha tea u thusa nga ndambedzo. -",0.4384461 -"as communities we must work with our community policing forums, with our civics organisations and with our school governing bodies and play a more active role in the lives of our children and in ensuring their safety and wellbeing. -","sa vhadzulapo ri tea u shumisana na foramu dza zwa vhupholisa ha tshitshavha, madzangano ashu a vhadzulapo khathihi na vha khorombusi dza zwikolo zwashu u itela uri ri kone u shela mulenzhe nga nḓila yo fhelelaho kha matshilo a vhana vhashu khathihi na u vhona uri vho tsireledzea na u ṱhogomelwa. -",0.55910957 -"as they say in our african indigenous classics ""it takes a community to raise a child"". -","sa zwine zwa ambiswa zwone kha nyambo dzashu dzapo dza afrika, ""u alusa ṅwana ndi vhuḓifhinduleli ha tshitshavha tshoṱhe"". -",0.6041439 -"let us work together to protect our precious future generation from the ravages of alcohol and drug abuse and their effects. -","kha ri shumisane u itela u tsireledza mirafho yashu i ḓaho ya manakanaka kha tshinyalelo i vhangwaho nga mahalwa khathihi na u shumiswa ha zwidzidzivhadzi nga nḓila yo kalulaho hu tshi katelwa na masiandaitwa azwo. -",0.5008882 -"let us work together to ensure that those who put profit before the lives of our children are not allowed to operate. -","kha ri shumisane u itela u vhona uri avho vhane vha rangisa mbuelo ya masheleni phanḓa u fhirisa matshilo a vhana vhashu a vha khou tendelwa u bvela phanḓa na ayo mabindu avho nga nḓila yeneyo. -",0.16969141 -"let us also set a positive example in our own relationship with alcohol. -","kha ri dovhe hafhu ri vhe tsumbo yavhuḓi kha vhushaka hashu na zwikambi. -",0.44882113 -"let us be keepers of not just our own children, but our neighbours’ children as well.","shango ḽashu ḽi kha ḓi vha kha malilo a u lilela matshilo a vhaswa vhe vha lovha kha tshiwo tsha makhaulambilu tshe tsha bvelela fhaḽa thaveni ya enyobeni vukuzenzele unnamed vhege dzi si gathi dzo fhiraho miṱa ya vhupo ha tshikolobulasi tsha fhaḽa scenery park hune ha vha nnḓa nyana ha ḓorobo ya east london, yo ṱanganedza ma fhungo ane mubebi muṅwe na muṅwe a dzulela u a ra belisa uri ngavhe a sa swiki hune a nga a pfa. -",0.44882113