{"eng": "in the middle of its street. On this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruits, yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.", "amu": "Jnda̱ joꞌ tꞌmo̱ⁿ ángelꞌñeeⁿ cwii jndaa na cwinaⁿnaꞌ xꞌee tio na wacatyeeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequio Catsmaⁿ. Macaanaꞌ xcwe tsꞌom nataa tꞌmaⁿ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ. Ndaa na cwinaaⁿꞌ joꞌ joꞌ jeeⁿ xueenaꞌ chaꞌcwijom tsioo ndoꞌ juunaꞌ mañequiaanaꞌ na ticantycwii na cwitaꞌndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ. Mati we ntyja ꞌndyoo jndaa meintyjeeꞌ nꞌoom na cwiñeꞌquia na cwitaꞌndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ. Ntyja canchooꞌwe nnom ta̱ nꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ, ndoꞌ cwii cwii nnom ta̱ cwiquienaꞌ tincwii chiꞌ. Mati tscoo nꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ laꞌxmaⁿnaꞌ nasei na matseinꞌmaⁿnaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ njoomnancue."} {"eng": "merchandise of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, all expensive wood, every vessel of ivory, every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble;", "amu": "Joona cwileiꞌchona canchuu sꞌomcajaⁿ, sꞌomxuee, ljo̱ꞌ na jeeⁿ jnda, ta̱ꞌ perlas, liaa lino na jeeⁿ ya, liaa seda, liaa colo catsiooꞌ ñequio colo wee. Ndoꞌ cwinda̱a̱na chaꞌtso nnom nꞌoom na jeeⁿ cachinaꞌ, ñꞌeⁿ chaꞌtso ꞌnaⁿ na tuiinaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ tseiꞌjndyeeꞌ elefante, ñꞌeⁿ jndye ꞌnaⁿ na tuiinaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ nꞌoom na jndati, ñꞌeⁿ ꞌnaⁿ na tuiinaꞌ sꞌomwee, ñꞌeⁿ xjo hierro, ndoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ tsjo̱ꞌ mármol."} {"eng": "and cinnamon, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, sheep, horses, chariots, and people’s bodies and souls.", "amu": "Mati cwileiꞌchona canchuu tscwaa canela, ñꞌeⁿ jndye nnom ꞌnaⁿ na cachi, ñꞌeⁿ suu, ñꞌeⁿ ntsueeꞌ tsꞌoom mirra na cwiluii ndaaljaaꞌ, ñꞌeⁿ cwiicheⁿ ntsueeꞌ tsꞌoom na cwiluii nasei. Ndoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ canchuu winom, seitye, jnda̱a̱ tyooꞌ ya, ñꞌeⁿ lqueeⁿ jnda̱a̱ tyooꞌ. Mati ntmaaⁿꞌ catsondye, ñꞌeⁿ canmaⁿ, ntmaaⁿꞌ catso, ñꞌeⁿ tornom na cwicantyjandyeyoꞌ, ndoꞌ ñꞌeeⁿ jndye nnꞌaⁿ na cwiwilꞌuandye na candyeꞌntjomtyeⁿ, na juu tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌcwijom cwiwilꞌua añmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "“Behold, I come like a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes, so that he doesn’t walk naked, and they see his shame.”", "amu": "Matso nquii Jesucristo: “Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta, majndeiito manncua̱caño̱o̱ⁿya ꞌo chaꞌna quichꞌee tsaⁿcanchꞌue. Jeeⁿ neiiⁿꞌ juu tsꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿcꞌeeñe xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ na cwee liaaꞌ, ee xocaluiꞌjnaaⁿꞌñê na ñecaseiꞌñê.”"} {"eng": "He gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew, “Harmagedon”.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ ndyee naⁿjndiiꞌñeeⁿ jlaꞌtjomna chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na cwitsa̱ꞌntjom cwii joo yuu na jndyu Armagedón ñequio ñꞌoom hebreo. Joꞌ joꞌ nlꞌana tiaꞌ nacjooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "When the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,", "amu": "Joo ñequiee naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na taꞌndoꞌ, cwilcwiiꞌna nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na wacatyeeⁿ tio, jom na tjaa yuu cantycwii na wanoomꞌm. Cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena jom ndoꞌ cwiñeꞌquiana na quianlꞌuaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever, and throw their crowns before the throne, saying,", "amu": "Quia na cwilꞌana na ljoꞌ, quia joꞌ chaꞌtso ntquiuu nchooꞌ ñequiee naⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye cwitaꞌna cantyena jo nnom nqueⁿ na wacatyeeⁿ tio. Cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena jom na tjaa yuu cantycwii na wanoomꞌm. Cwitsa̱ꞌna corona ꞌnaaⁿna jo nnom tio. Cwiluena:"} {"eng": "The first creature was like a lion, the second creature like a calf, the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.", "amu": "Juu tsaⁿ na wandoꞌ na ntyꞌiajndya̱a̱, matseijomnaꞌ jom chaꞌcwijom liom. Ndoꞌ tsaⁿ na jnda̱ we, matseijomnaꞌ jom chaꞌcwijom quiooꞌjndyo. Tsaⁿ na jnda̱ ndyee, matseijomnaꞌ nnoom chaꞌna nnom tsꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ tsaⁿ na jnda̱ ñequiee, matseijomnaꞌ jom chaꞌcwijom cachi na mantyja."} {"eng": "The four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within. They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ chaꞌtsondye joo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na taꞌndoꞌ, niom yom yom lquiina. Chaꞌwaandyena ñꞌeⁿ lquiina chuuꞌ nꞌom nda̱a̱na. Naxuee natsjom ticꞌoomeintyjeeꞌna na cwiluena: Nquii Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom matseixmaⁿñꞌeeⁿ chaꞌtso nnom najnda̱. Ljuꞌ. Ljuꞌ. Ljuꞌ cwiluiiñê. Nqueⁿ mꞌaaⁿ nacjeeꞌ na jnaⁿjndyeenaꞌ. Maxjeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ ndoꞌ mꞌaaⁿ ndoꞌ nncueꞌntyjo̱ na nncwjeeꞌcañoom."} {"eng": "I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.", "amu": "ꞌO ntseindaaya, matseiljeiya ñꞌoomwaañe nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ncꞌe jnda̱ seitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ cweꞌ ee Jesucristo."} {"eng": "I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, little children, because you know the Father.", "amu": "Matseiljeiya ñꞌoomwaa cwentaaꞌ ꞌo ta na ncjoꞌtquieꞌyoꞌ ncꞌe jnda̱ macwilaꞌjomndyoꞌ ñequio Cristo na mꞌaaⁿ xjeⁿ na jnaⁿjndyeecheⁿ chaꞌtso. ꞌO na titquiendyoꞌ matseiljeiya ñꞌoomwaa ncꞌe jnda̱ macwinaⁿndyoꞌ nacjooꞌ tsaⁿjndii. ꞌO ntseindaaya, matseiljeiya ñꞌoomwaa ncꞌe macwitaꞌjnaⁿꞌyoꞌ nqueⁿ na cwiluiiñê Tsotya̱a̱ya."} {"eng": "Forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing;", "amu": "Laꞌxmaⁿ naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tsuundye ee jnda̱ ꞌndyena nato na yuu. Joona cwilaꞌjomndyena ñꞌoom na tyoñequiaa profeta Balaam jnda Beor na tyoqueⁿ tsꞌoom na nncwantjoom sꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ natia na nntsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ na tia na sꞌaaⁿ, jndiꞌtiaaⁿꞌaⁿ ñꞌoom ꞌndyoo tsꞌaⁿ na seineiⁿ snom tsmeiiⁿꞌeⁿ, ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ seitsaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ na ntjeiⁿ ljoꞌ wjacatsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, having made them an example to those who would live in an ungodly way,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ mati seijndaaꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na tyuiiꞌ tsjoom Sodoma ñꞌeⁿ Gomorra na tco ñꞌeⁿnaꞌ cweꞌ tsjaaꞌ ꞌndiinaꞌ. Sꞌaaⁿ na ljoꞌ cha na mꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na quia nncꞌom na talꞌana chaꞌxjeⁿ tyolꞌa naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "and delivered righteous Lot, who was very distressed by the lustful life of the wicked", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ seicandyaañê Lot na tyomꞌaaⁿ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ ee tyotseixmaⁿ cantyja na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ. Tyotseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ntyjeeⁿ na tyontyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na cwajndii natia na tyolꞌa naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "(for that righteous man dwelling among them was tormented in his righteous soul from day to day with seeing and hearing lawless deeds),", "amu": "Juu Lotꞌñeeⁿ tyoluiiñê cantyja na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ. Joꞌ chii ꞌio ndi ꞌio tyotseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ntyjeeⁿ na tyontyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ tyoñeeⁿ chaꞌtso nnom natia na tyolꞌa naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "For he received from God the Father honor and glory when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”", "amu": "Ee ntyꞌiaanda̱a̱yâ xjeⁿ na nquii Tsotya̱a̱ya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ seitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe jom, tso: “Luaa nquii tiꞌJndaaya na jeeⁿ candyaꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jom, ñꞌeⁿ jom jeeⁿ neiⁿya.”"} {"eng": "We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.", "amu": "Mancjo̱o̱tya̱a̱yâ jndya̱a̱yâ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na tso na jnaⁿnaꞌ nandye cañoomꞌluee, xjeⁿ na tꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ ñꞌeⁿñê sjo̱ꞌñeeⁿ na ljuꞌ tseixmaⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control, perseverance; and in perseverance, godliness;", "amu": "ndoꞌ quia cwilaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ joꞌ cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na queⁿndyoꞌ cheⁿncjoꞌyoꞌ xjeⁿ, ndoꞌ ñequio juu joꞌ, cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na nioomꞌcheⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ ñequio juu joꞌ, quiandyoꞌ na nleitquiooꞌ na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom,"} {"eng": "and in godliness, brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.", "amu": "ndoꞌ quia laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ joꞌ, cꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ ñequii tsꞌaⁿ ntseinda, ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ, cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na jnda nquiuꞌyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Let your beauty come not from the outward adorning of braiding your hair, and of wearing gold ornaments or of putting on fine clothing,", "amu": "Juu na cwilatycwiꞌndyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ tilꞌaꞌyoꞌ cweꞌ ñequio ꞌnaⁿ na cwiwitquiooꞌ chaꞌna cwilaꞌtycwiꞌyoꞌ soonqueⁿꞌyoꞌ, ꞌnaⁿ na tuiinaꞌ ñequio sꞌom cajaⁿ oo liaa na jeeⁿ chjoom."} {"eng": "but from the hidden person of the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.", "amu": "ꞌO calaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ na tycwiꞌndyoꞌ naquiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, na juu na neiⁿncooꞌndyoꞌ xocantycwiinaꞌ, na nleitquiooꞌ joꞌ laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ quia na ya nnꞌaⁿndyoꞌ meiⁿ titseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ꞌo ljoꞌ na cwitjomꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.", "amu": "ꞌO na tyeⁿ mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ moso nda̱a̱ patrom ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ, catueꞌndyoꞌcjeꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ joona meiiⁿ aa ya nnꞌaⁿndyena oo aa tiannꞌaⁿndyena."} {"eng": "For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.", "amu": "Ee jeeⁿ ya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ quia mañequiaañe na ñecuaa na ticatyꞌiomyanaꞌ ljoꞌ matjoom ee ntyjeeⁿ xcwe mꞌaaⁿ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in this last age for your sake,", "amu": "Cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nlqueⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tsjoomnancue, sa̱a̱ jnda̱ tqueeⁿ na nntjom Cristo na ljoꞌ. Sa̱a̱ hasta ndyumeiiⁿ tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teitquiooꞌñê cha nnteijndeiinaꞌ ꞌo."} {"eng": "who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God.", "amu": "Jeꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesucristo mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Manquiityeeⁿ tquiaaⁿ na tandoꞌxco juu jnda̱ na tueꞌ, ndoꞌ seitꞌmaaⁿꞌñê juu. Ndoꞌ ncꞌe na ljoꞌ cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê, ndoꞌ cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ jom."} {"eng": "knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things like silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,", "amu": "Juu na ñetꞌomꞌyoꞌ cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na jlaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na jeeⁿ cweꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌndyo joꞌ, tjeiꞌñꞌmaaⁿñê ꞌo cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ, joo joꞌ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ weloꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ. Manquiuꞌjndaaꞌndyoꞌ na juu na tjeiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê ꞌo, nchii ñjomlꞌua juunaꞌ ñequio ꞌnaⁿ na cwindyue, chaꞌna sꞌom cajaⁿ oo sꞌom xuee,"} {"eng": "but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or spot, the blood of Christ,", "amu": "ꞌo ñjomlꞌuandyoꞌ ñequio nioomꞌ Cristo na jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ jnda, na tquiaañe cheⁿnqueⁿ na jlaꞌcueeꞌna jom chaꞌcwijom cwii catsmaⁿ na cwiñeꞌquia nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, na meiⁿcwii ticatseixmaaⁿ na ticanda̱a̱ꞌñê, chaꞌcwijom catsmaⁿ na canchiiꞌñeñꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought and searched diligently. They prophesied of the grace that would come to you,", "amu": "Ncuee na teinom nquiee profetas na tyoñequia ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na quia nluii, tyolaꞌnaaⁿna ñꞌoomꞌm ndoꞌ tcuu tcuu ñeꞌcalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌna cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê nnꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ ncꞌe naya na matseixmaaⁿ ñejlaneiⁿna cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them pointed to when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow them.", "amu": "Nquii Espíritu na matseixmaⁿ Cristo na tyomꞌaaⁿ quiiꞌ nꞌomna, tyuaaꞌ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ nawiꞌ na ntjom Cristo ndoꞌ na nda̱quia nntseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ juu. Tcuu tcuu tyolꞌueena ꞌñeeⁿ tsꞌaⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ na tꞌmo̱ⁿ Espíritu nda̱a̱na ndoꞌ cwaaⁿ xjeⁿ nncwjeeꞌ."} {"eng": "whom, not having known, you love. In him, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory,", "amu": "ꞌO meiiⁿ tyoontyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ jom, sa̱a̱ candyaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê. Meiiⁿ na nchii cwintyꞌiaꞌnda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ jom, sa̱a̱ ncꞌe na jom quitꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, mañequiaanaꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ waa na neiⁿꞌyoꞌ. Meiⁿ tileicaliuꞌyoꞌ cwaaⁿ ñꞌoom na nnduꞌyoꞌ na neiⁿꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ juu na neiⁿꞌyoꞌ matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.", "amu": "Ee ncꞌe na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Jesucristo, cwitoꞌñoomꞌyoꞌ na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom añmaⁿ ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Brothers, if any among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him back,", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya, xeⁿ maꞌndii cwiindyoꞌ ꞌo ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ, ndoꞌ cwii xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ machꞌee na calcweꞌnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.", "amu": "caliuꞌyoꞌ, tsꞌaⁿ na nntsꞌaa na calcweꞌ tsꞌaⁿjnaⁿ nato na tijoꞌndyoꞌ, macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ na nntsuuñe añmaaⁿꞌ, ndoꞌ machꞌeeⁿ na jndye jnaaⁿꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ matseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ cꞌomꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ hasta na nncwjeeꞌnndaꞌ Ta Jesucristo. Chaꞌxjeⁿ na tꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom cwii tsꞌaⁿ na machꞌee tsꞌiaaⁿ jnda̱a̱, na xjeⁿ na tyjeeꞌcheⁿ ndaaluaꞌ hasta xjeⁿ na nnmaⁿcheⁿ na meiⁿnomꞌm na nlquie ntjoomꞌm."} {"eng": "You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.", "amu": "Mati ꞌo cꞌomꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ cwintyjeꞌtyeⁿꞌyoꞌ, ee mandyooꞌ nncwjeeꞌnndaꞌ Ta Jesucristo."} {"eng": "You have lived in luxury on the earth, and taken your pleasure. You have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter.", "amu": "Nnom tyuaawaa jeeⁿ neiⁿncooꞌ mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na ꞌo lꞌue nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, cwilaꞌcaꞌmeiiⁿndyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom quiooꞌ na nntseicueeꞌ tsꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ xuee na nncwjeꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "You have condemned and you have murdered the righteous one. He doesn’t resist you.", "amu": "Cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ na catꞌuiityeⁿ wꞌaancjo nnꞌaⁿ na tjaa jnaaⁿ hasta cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ na cwjena, ee na tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljoꞌ ya nnda̱a̱ nlꞌana ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten.", "amu": "Ee ꞌnaⁿ na tyandyoꞌ, jnda̱ teiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ, ndoꞌ liaꞌyoꞌ na jndati jnda̱ tcwaꞌ cantyꞌua."} {"eng": "Your gold and your silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be for a testimony against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up your treasure in the last days.", "amu": "Sꞌom cajaⁿ ndoꞌ sꞌom xuee ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ jnda̱ tꞌoom ntsa̱a̱naꞌ, ndoꞌ joo tsa̱a̱ꞌñeeⁿ nntjeiꞌyuuꞌndyenaꞌ na tia na cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ nlaꞌtyuiiꞌñꞌeⁿnaꞌ ꞌo chaꞌxjeⁿ machꞌee chom. Ñejlaꞌtꞌueꞌyoꞌ ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ na ñꞌeⁿ cwileityandyoꞌ cwentaaꞌ ndyumeiiⁿñe."} {"eng": "For you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that.”", "amu": "ꞌO luaa macaⁿnaꞌ nnduꞌyoꞌ: “Xeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom lꞌue tsꞌoom na ndicwaⁿ tando̱o̱ꞌtya̱a̱ya, quia joꞌ nlꞌaaya nmeiiⁿ oo ntꞌomcheⁿ.”"} {"eng": "But now you glory in your boasting. All such boasting is evil.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ꞌo nchaa lꞌuu ljoꞌ cwinduꞌyoꞌ, ꞌo ndicwaⁿ cwilaneiⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoomsꞌa, ñꞌoomscu, ndoꞌ chaꞌtso ñꞌoom na macwjiꞌsꞌañe oo na macwjiꞌscuñe tsꞌaⁿ tia laxmaⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii catueꞌndyoꞌcjeꞌyoꞌ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cha nnaⁿndyoꞌ ñequio tsaⁿjndii ndoꞌ nleinoom ꞌo."} {"eng": "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded.", "amu": "Calaꞌcandyooꞌndyoꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom quia joꞌ nntseicandyooꞌñê na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ. ꞌO na laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ jnaⁿ, calaljuꞌyoꞌ lueeꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ ꞌo na ñeꞌcꞌomꞌyoꞌ na wiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ mañejuu xjeⁿ mati cwilaꞌcandyaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ tsjoomnancue, na luaaꞌ laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ, calaljuꞌyoꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ xeⁿ quiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ cwii na matseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ꞌo chaꞌcwijom cwii na ja jnaaⁿꞌ na jeeⁿ xueeꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ jeeⁿ cwilaꞌjnda̱ꞌyoꞌ na nluii tꞌmaⁿndyoꞌ, quia joꞌ tintjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta na jndo̱ꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, ee na cwilaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ na ljoꞌ matyꞌiomnaꞌ na cantundyoꞌ ndoꞌ cwitjeiꞌndyoꞌ ñequio ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ."} {"eng": "This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.", "amu": "Ee tsꞌaⁿ na luaaꞌ waa na jndo̱ꞌ tsꞌom nchii na mꞌaaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwinaⁿnaꞌ, mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsjoomnancue, tseixmaⁿnaꞌ na jndo̱ꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ, laxmaⁿnaꞌ cwentaaꞌ tsaⁿjndii."} {"eng": "Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?", "amu": "¿Aa nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaanaꞌ cwii xo̱ꞌ na cwinaaⁿꞌ ndaatiooya majoꞌ joꞌ cwinaaⁿꞌ ndaatioo na ja?"} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ na jeeⁿ wiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, cwii tsꞌoom higuera xocanda̱a̱ nnaⁿꞌ ta̱ aceitunas juunaꞌ, meiⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ ta̱uva xonnaⁿꞌ ta̱ higos juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "Indeed, we put bits into the horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.", "amu": "Cwitjaaꞌndyo̱ xjo frenom naquiiꞌ ꞌndyoo caso cha nñequiaañeyoꞌ cantyja na cwitsa̱ꞌntjo̱o̱ⁿya. Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ cwilꞌaaya nnda̱a̱ nlqua̱a̱ⁿya xjeⁿ chaꞌwaañeyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.", "amu": "Mati queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ wꞌaandaa, meiiⁿ na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿnaꞌ ndoꞌ jeeⁿ jndeii jndye na mantquie juunaꞌ, ndoꞌ tsꞌoom palaꞌ na ñequio wjaañꞌoom tsꞌaⁿ juunaꞌ jeeⁿ cachjoonaꞌ, sa̱a̱ nnda̱a̱ nncjaañꞌoom tsꞌaⁿ wꞌaandaaꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿyuucheⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!", "amu": "Maluaaꞌ machꞌeenaꞌ ñequio tsaa tsꞌaⁿ na matseixmaⁿnaꞌ cwii na tjacañjoomꞌñe tsꞌaⁿ, meiiⁿ na jeeⁿ cachjoonaꞌ sa̱a̱ teinomꞌnaꞌ na jndye ljoꞌ nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaanaꞌ. Cwii chom cachjoo sa̱a̱ nnda̱a̱ nntseiconaꞌ cwii jnda̱a̱ tꞌmaⁿ."} {"eng": "Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment.", "amu": "Tincꞌomꞌyoꞌ na jeeⁿ jndyendyoꞌ na ñeꞌcatꞌmo̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ, ee manquiuꞌyoꞌ na jaa na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya majaaꞌti mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ nacjooya quia na nleijndaaꞌ jnaaⁿya ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "For we all stumble in many things. Anyone who doesn’t stumble in word is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body also.", "amu": "Chaꞌtsondyo̱ jndye nnom niom na ticjaacanjoomꞌ na cwilꞌaaya, sa̱a̱ xeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na maqueⁿñe xjeⁿ chaꞌtso na matseineiⁿ, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ matseixmaaⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na yañe jom, ee maqueⁿñe cheⁿnqueⁿ xjeⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?", "amu": "Tintsaꞌ na cweꞌ ntjeiⁿndyuꞌtoꞌ, queⁿꞌyaꞌ cwenta. Na cweꞌ na nntso tsꞌaⁿ na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌoom ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, sa̱a̱ cantyja na machꞌeeⁿ tyoowitquiooꞌ na mayuuꞌ na ljoꞌ, quia joꞌ juu na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌomꞌ, matseixmaⁿnaꞌ tsꞌoo."} {"eng": "Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?", "amu": "Cjaañjoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ na sꞌaa welooya Abraham, joꞌ na tqueⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jom na tacatseixmaaⁿ jnaⁿ ee na tquiaaⁿ tiꞌjnaaⁿ Isaac na cueꞌ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected.", "amu": "Queⁿꞌ cwenta ñꞌoomwaaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Abraham, cantyja na sꞌaaⁿ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na tyotseiyuꞌya tsꞌoom ndoꞌ juu joꞌ matseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ cantyja na luaaꞌ sꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "So the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ sꞌaaⁿ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii na matsonaꞌ: “Tyotseiyuꞌya tsꞌom Abraham ñequio Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, joꞌ na tqueⁿnaꞌ jom na tjaa jnaⁿ cwicotseixmaaⁿ, ndoꞌ seicajndyunaꞌ jom tsꞌaⁿ na jeeⁿ ya ñꞌoom juu ñequio Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom.”"} {"eng": "and you pay special attention to him who wears the fine clothing and say, “Sit here in a good place;” and you tell the poor man, “Stand there,” or “Sit by my footstool”", "amu": "sa̱a̱ ꞌo nlaꞌñꞌoomꞌndyoꞌtiꞌyoꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na cwee liaa na ya, ndoꞌ nnduꞌyoꞌ nnoom: “Cajmaⁿꞌ ljoo yuu na yati”, sa̱a̱ nnom tsꞌaⁿ na jñeeⁿꞌñe nnduꞌyoꞌ: “Luaaꞌ cwintyjeꞌ”, oo “Luaaꞌ cajmaⁿꞌ nomtyuaa”,"} {"eng": "haven’t you shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?", "amu": "ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ cwitꞌmo̱ⁿꞌ cheⁿncjoꞌyoꞌ na cweꞌ jndaaꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ na cwiluiitꞌmaⁿñeti quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ naljoꞌ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na tisꞌa cwilaꞌtiuuꞌyoꞌ, tixcwe cwitjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta."} {"eng": "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror;", "amu": "Ee tsꞌaⁿ na cweꞌ tomti mandii ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ ndoꞌ ticatsꞌaa ljoꞌ na matsonaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ chaꞌna tsꞌaⁿ na mantyꞌiaaꞌ nnom ñꞌeⁿ tsjo̱ꞌjnom."} {"eng": "for he sees himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.", "amu": "Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ntyjeeⁿ chiuu waaⁿ xjeⁿ na mantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ tsjo̱ꞌjnom, sa̱a̱ quia na nꞌñeeⁿ na mantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ juunaꞌ mana cwitsuuꞌ tsꞌoom chiuu waaⁿ."} {"eng": "Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.", "amu": "Quia na machꞌeenaꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ na ñeꞌcatsꞌaaⁿ cwii nnom natia, tintseitioom na Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom machꞌee na ljoꞌ ee jom tyoochꞌeenaꞌ ntyjeeⁿ na ñeꞌcatsꞌaaⁿ natia, meiⁿ titseijndaaꞌñê na catsꞌaa tsꞌaⁿ naljoꞌ."} {"eng": "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ machꞌeenaꞌ xjeⁿ tsꞌaⁿ quia na mañequiaañê nnom juu natia na matseiqueeⁿ tsꞌoom, ndoꞌ juu na matseiqueeⁿ tsꞌoom mawjaañꞌoomnaꞌ jom xjeⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ jnda̱a̱ sꞌaa ñꞌomtiuu ꞌñaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na catsꞌaaⁿ yuu na lꞌue tsꞌomnaꞌ, quia joꞌ mana wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nntsuuñê."} {"eng": "But let him ask in faith, without any doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia cwitaⁿꞌyoꞌ nnoom, calꞌaꞌyoꞌ naljoꞌ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya cwii nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê tincꞌomꞌyoꞌ na we waa mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, ee tsꞌaⁿ na luaaꞌ mꞌaaⁿꞌ tsꞌom, matseijomnaꞌ juu chaꞌcwijom nmo̱ⁿ ndaaluee, na lomañjaaⁿ maleiñꞌoomñe jndye juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "For that man shouldn’t think that he will receive anything from the Lord.", "amu": "Tsꞌaⁿ na laaꞌtiꞌ mꞌaaⁿꞌ tsꞌom tintseitiuu na nñequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñꞌoom na macaⁿ."} {"eng": "He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.", "amu": "Ee jom xuee jeꞌ matseitioom cwii nnom, sa̱a̱ ꞌio jnda̱ xuiiꞌ na mꞌaaⁿꞌ tsꞌoom, joꞌ chii tiñeꞌcwii nnom na wjaamꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us,", "amu": "Jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na jnda̱ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿndyena na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomna ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Joꞌ chii catjeiꞌndyo̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ cwii cwii nnom na matseitsaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ na tsantyjo̱o̱ya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ mati cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jnaⁿ na majuꞌtyaꞌnaꞌ jaa. Ñequio na tꞌmaⁿya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya cjooꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na nntsantyjo̱o̱ya naxeⁿꞌ Jesucristo."} {"eng": "looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.", "amu": "Ñequiiꞌcheⁿ cantyꞌiaatya̱a̱ⁿya nnom Jesús ee cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom cwinaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ juu joꞌ nntseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom. Cwajndii tjoom na tyꞌioom nnꞌaⁿ jom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ, sa̱a̱ ticwjaaꞌñê cwenta na seijnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ jom na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ joꞌ ee ntyjiicheeⁿ xeⁿ jnda̱ teinom nawiꞌñeeⁿ, nncꞌoom na neiiⁿꞌeⁿ. Jnda̱ joꞌ tjawacatyeeⁿ ntyjaaꞌ tio ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ntyjaya."} {"eng": "For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who built the house has more honor than the house.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Jesús tꞌmaⁿti tseixmaaⁿ na nluiitꞌmaⁿñê nchiiti Moisés chaꞌxjeⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na machꞌee wꞌaa cwiluiitꞌmaⁿñetyeⁿ nchiiti wꞌaa na sꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "For every house is built by someone; but he who built all things is God.", "amu": "Cwii cwii wꞌaa majndaaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na sꞌaa juunaꞌ, sa̱a̱ chaꞌtso na niom, Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom sꞌaa joo joꞌ."} {"eng": "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,", "amu": "Ñequiiꞌcheⁿ mañequiaya na quialꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌomya na mañjom tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ꞌu na matseina̱ⁿya nnoom."} {"eng": "hearing of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,", "amu": "Ee jnda̱ jndiiya na jeeⁿ jnda ntyjiꞌ Ta Jesús ndoꞌ matseiyuꞌya tsꞌomꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê ndoꞌ na wiꞌ tsꞌomꞌ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tqueⁿljuꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nꞌom."} {"eng": "But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love toward mankind appeared,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê jaa, tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na jeeⁿ ya machꞌeeⁿ ndoꞌ na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom nnꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,", "amu": "tjeiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê jaa, nchii ncꞌe na ñelꞌaaya yuu na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ, sa̱a̱ ncꞌe na wiꞌ tsꞌoom jaa. Tjeiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê jaa na seiljoomꞌm jaa na tuiindyo̱xco̱o̱ cha cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Espíritu nlaxmaaⁿya nnꞌaⁿ na cwitaꞌndoꞌ xco."} {"eng": "for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia.", "amu": "ee Demas jnda̱ ꞌñeeⁿ ja, tjaaⁿ Tesalónica, neiiⁿꞌtyeⁿ ꞌnaⁿ na tseixmaⁿ tsjoomnancue. Crescente tjaaⁿ ndaandyuaa Galacia ndoꞌ Tito tjaaⁿ ndaandyuaa Dalmacia."} {"eng": "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.", "amu": "Macanda̱ Lucas ndicwaⁿ mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱. Quia nndyoꞌ candyoꞌñꞌoomꞌ Marcos ee tꞌmaⁿ nnda̱a̱ nnteijneiⁿ ja tsꞌiaaⁿ na waa."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Tíquico jño̱o̱ⁿya jom tsjoom Efeso."} {"eng": "in gentleness correcting those who oppose him. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to a full knowledge of the truth,", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌwendye nacjoomꞌm macaⁿnaꞌ na mꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱na ñequio na nioomꞌ tsꞌoom na ntyjaaꞌ tsꞌoom na nntsꞌaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nlcweꞌ nꞌomna ndoꞌ na nlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌna ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ,"} {"eng": "and they may recover themselves out of the devil’s snare, having been taken captive by him to do his will.", "amu": "cha nntseijndo̱ꞌnaꞌ nꞌomna ndoꞌ na nndyaandyena cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juu teincoꞌ na seijndaaꞌñe tsaⁿjndii na maleichom joona pra̱so na cwilꞌana yuu na lꞌue tsꞌoom."} {"eng": "Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "amu": "Ñꞌoom na xcweti na jnda̱ jndiꞌ na tyoñequiaya njomꞌ, queⁿꞌ juunaꞌ jo njomꞌ cwii na maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ chiuu na ncjaamꞌaaⁿꞌ na matseiꞌyuꞌyaꞌ tsꞌomꞌ ndoꞌ na cꞌoomꞌ na wiꞌ tsꞌomꞌ nnꞌaⁿ ncꞌe na cwilajomndyo̱ ñꞌeⁿ Cristo Jesús."} {"eng": "That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.", "amu": "Mꞌaaⁿ Espíritu Santo quiiꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, ñequio na mateijñeiⁿ jaa catsaꞌ cwenta ñꞌoom na jeeⁿ xcwe na mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom lua̱a̱ya."} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, according to the promise of the life which is in Christ Jesus,", "amu": "Ja Pablo cwiluiindyo̱ apóstol ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesucristo, Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tyꞌioom tsiaaⁿwaañe ja ncꞌe na lꞌue tsꞌoom, chaꞌxjeⁿ ñꞌoom na jnda̱ tsoom na mañequiaaⁿ na cwitaꞌndoꞌ añmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilajomndyena ñꞌeⁿ Cristo Jesús."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "amu": "Matseiljeiya cartawaañe na matseicwano̱ⁿya juunaꞌ na mꞌaaⁿꞌ ꞌu jndaaya Timoteo na jeeⁿ wiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya. Lꞌue tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na nquii Tsotya̱a̱ya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ Ta Jesucristo cwentaaya nntioꞌnaaⁿndyena ꞌu ñequio naya na laꞌxmaⁿna, ñequio na wiꞌ nꞌomna ꞌu tjaañomtiuu cꞌoomꞌ jo nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty chatter and oppositions of what is falsely called knowledge,", "amu": "ꞌU Timoteo, cateixeꞌ ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na jnda̱ toꞌñomꞌ. Tintseiñꞌoomꞌndyuꞌ ñꞌoom na cwilue nnꞌaⁿ na cweꞌ cwilaꞌñꞌeeⁿꞌto ndyuee, na tileicwijndaaꞌ. Meiⁿ tintseiñꞌoomꞌndyuꞌ ñꞌoom na wjaanaꞌ nacjooꞌ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ na cwilue nnꞌaⁿ na tjacantyja na yanaꞌ meiiⁿ na tiyuuꞌ juunaꞌ"} {"eng": "which some profess, and thus have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.", "amu": "ee ñꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na nmeiiⁿꞌ laxmaⁿ ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ, jnda̱ tjuꞌtaaⁿñenaꞌ joona na cwilayuꞌya nꞌomna. Quiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nncoñomꞌ naya na matseixmaaⁿ."} {"eng": "But godliness with contentment is great gain.", "amu": "Ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ na tsꞌaⁿ na matseiyuꞌ ñequio Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ joꞌ matseixmaⁿ cwii na jndati nchiiti na nleityañe tsꞌaⁿ tsjoomnancue. Sa̱a̱ macaⁿnaꞌ na caljoya tsꞌoom ñequio chaꞌtso na jnda̱ jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out.", "amu": "Ee tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljoꞌ tquio̱cho̱o̱ya tuiindyo̱ tsjoomnancue ndoꞌ tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljoꞌ ya nntsaacho̱o̱,"} {"eng": "But having food and clothing, we will be content with that.", "amu": "xeⁿ niom na cwicwaaꞌa ndoꞌ niom liaaya, matyꞌiomnaꞌ ñequio nmeiⁿꞌ caljoya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya."} {"eng": "he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions,", "amu": "jom matseisꞌaañê sa̱a̱ meiⁿchjoo ticatseiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ, cweꞌ jndyeto matseineiiⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na nquiu nnꞌaⁿ judíos ndoꞌ matseintjaꞌñê ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ nꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ. Joꞌ na cwinaⁿnaꞌ na cwilaꞌta̱a̱ꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ ncꞌiaana, ndoꞌ mꞌaⁿna na jndoondye ntyjeena, cwilaꞌjnaaⁿꞌndyena, ndoꞌ tiya mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomna cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ ncꞌiaana,"} {"eng": "constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such.", "amu": "joꞌ chii tileicantycwii na cwilaꞌntjaꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ na tajoꞌndyo cwicwilaꞌtiuuna, na tatîcataꞌjnaaⁿꞌna ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ. Cwilaꞌtiuuyoona na ñꞌoom ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na matseiyuꞌ tsꞌaⁿ cwiluiiñenaꞌ cwii nnom na nleityañe tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Some men’s sins are evident, preceding them to judgment, and some also follow later.", "amu": "Ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ mañoomꞌ cwiwitquiooꞌ na cwilaꞌtjo̱o̱ndye cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nntꞌuiinaꞌ joona sa̱a̱ ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ nda̱nquia cwiwitquiooꞌ naljoꞌ laxmaⁿna."} {"eng": "In the same way also there are good works that are obvious, and those that are otherwise can’t be hidden.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ maljoꞌyu waa cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na machꞌee yuu naya, mañoomꞌ cwiwitquiooꞌ na ya machꞌeeⁿ, ndoꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ ya na cwilꞌa nnꞌaⁿ meiiⁿ titquiooꞌnaꞌ, sa̱a̱ nda̱nquia nleitquiooꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Also command these things, that they may be without reproach.", "amu": "Ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ catsa̱ꞌntjomꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ na calaꞌcanda̱a̱ꞌndyena joonaꞌ cha xocuaa ñꞌoom na tisꞌa cwilꞌana."} {"eng": "But if anyone doesn’t provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.", "amu": "Ee tsꞌaⁿ na ticꞌoomꞌ tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaaⁿꞌ na tjawitquio̱o̱ꞌ, majndeiiticheⁿ nnꞌaaⁿꞌ nquii, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ macwjiꞌñê na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌoom ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ machꞌeeⁿ wiꞌñetyeeⁿ nchiiti tsꞌaⁿ na tyootseiyuꞌ."} {"eng": "For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now and of that which is to come.", "amu": "Waa na mateijndeiinaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ quia na matseitsꞌeiiñê na maleinoom. Sa̱a̱ tꞌmaⁿti mateijndeiinaꞌ jom quia na matseijneiⁿ na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñê Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Ee quia na cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ jom jndye mateijndeiinaꞌ jaa chaꞌwaa xuee na mꞌaaⁿya tsjoomnancue ndoꞌ mati na nncꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na ticantycwii na cwitando̱o̱ꞌa."} {"eng": "This saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance.", "amu": "Ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ jeeⁿ xcwe cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿnaꞌ, joꞌ chii chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ macaⁿnaꞌ na catoꞌñoomna joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.", "amu": "Cwilue naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na ticwanaaⁿ na ncoco tsꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ na niom nantquie na cwitsa̱ꞌntjomna na ticwanaaⁿ na nlcwaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ, meiiⁿ na mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom joonaꞌ na jaa nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuuꞌa cwiwilꞌueeꞌndyo̱ joonaꞌ ndoꞌ cwiñeꞌquiaaya na quianlꞌuaaⁿꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ mati nnꞌaⁿ na cwitaꞌjnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ."} {"eng": "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.", "amu": "Ee chaꞌtso na tqueeⁿ, ya laxmaⁿ joonaꞌ, meiⁿ ticatsonaꞌ na cꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na ticueeꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya joonaꞌ na nñequiaaya na quianlꞌuaaⁿꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿnaꞌ,"} {"eng": "For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.", "amu": "ee cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoomꞌm ñequio na cwilana̱a̱ⁿya nnoom, joꞌ na maqueⁿljuꞌnaꞌ joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence;", "amu": "Matyꞌiomnaꞌ na ya maqueeⁿ xjeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ, mati cwilaꞌcanda̱a̱ꞌndye ntseinaaⁿ nnoom, ndoꞌ cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena jom,"} {"eng": "(for how could someone who doesn’t know how to rule his own house take care of God’s assembly?)", "amu": "ee xeⁿ tiꞌnaⁿꞌaⁿ na nlqueeⁿxjeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ, tixocanda̱a̱ nnteixꞌeeⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "The overseer therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching;", "amu": "Joꞌ chii tsꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tyꞌoomnaꞌ na cwiluiitquieñe quiiꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ na tjaaꞌnaⁿ ñꞌoom cjoomꞌm. Ñecwii scoomꞌm mꞌaaⁿ. Tsꞌaⁿ na xcwe matseitiuu jom. Tsꞌaⁿ na maqueⁿñe cwenta ndoꞌ na cwiluiiñê tsꞌaⁿ na jnda nquiu nnꞌaⁿ. Matsonaꞌ na ñequiiꞌcheⁿ mꞌaaⁿcꞌeeñê na nnteixꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cweꞌ cwiquieya waⁿꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ ꞌnaⁿꞌaⁿ na mꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous;", "amu": "ticatsonaꞌ na tsaⁿcandii jom, meiⁿ na nlꞌueeⁿ ndiaꞌ. Macaⁿnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na yatsꞌaⁿñe jom, tsꞌaⁿ na xiomꞌñe ñequio nnꞌaⁿ, na tintseiqueeⁿ tsꞌoom sꞌom."} {"eng": "although I used to be a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.", "amu": "Jaachꞌee xuee tyotseina̱ⁿya ñꞌoom ntjeiⁿ nacjoomꞌm, ñetco̱ꞌwiꞌa nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê, ndoꞌ tyotseijnaaⁿꞌa jom. Sa̱a̱ tyꞌoom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na wiꞌ tsꞌoom ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ee xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿ tyootseiyuꞌa meiⁿ tîcaljeii na tixcwe tyotsꞌaa."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord abounded exceedingly with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "amu": "Juu naya na matseixmaⁿ Jesucristo, tquiaaⁿ na canda̱a̱ꞌya matseixmaⁿya juunaꞌ ndoꞌ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na jeeⁿ wiꞌ tsꞌoom ja ndoꞌ jndaya na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê, joonaꞌ na cwilaꞌxmaaⁿya ncꞌe na cwilaꞌjomndyo̱ ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine,", "amu": "Chaꞌxjeⁿ na tsjo̱o̱ya njomꞌ quia na jluiiꞌa Macedonia na caljooꞌndyuꞌ Éfeso na catsa̱ꞌntjomꞌ ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na ticatꞌmo̱o̱ⁿna ñꞌoom na tiyuuꞌ,"} {"eng": "and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than God’s stewardship, which is in faith.", "amu": "tilqueⁿꞌ cwenta ñꞌoom na cweꞌ cuento laxmaⁿnaꞌ ñequio ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ weloo nnꞌaⁿ na ñetꞌom teiyo ee ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ cwilꞌanaꞌ na cweꞌ cwilaꞌñꞌeeⁿꞌ ndyuee nnꞌaⁿ meiⁿ ticateijndeiinaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nntseiyuꞌya tsꞌom ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ our hope,", "amu": "Nnco̱ Pablo cwiluiindyo̱ apóstol cwentaaꞌ Jesucristo. Nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cwiluiiñê na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê jaa sa̱ꞌntjoom na matseixmaⁿya na ljoꞌ ñequio Ta Jesucristo na cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom mꞌaaⁿya na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "amu": "Matseiljeiya cartawaañe na matseicwano̱ⁿya na mꞌaaⁿꞌ ꞌu Timoteo, na cwiluiindyuꞌ jndaaya ncꞌe na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌomꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Ntyjaaꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ nquii Tsotya̱a̱ya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequio Cristo Jesús na cwiluiiñê na matsa̱ꞌntjoom jaa na ñequiana na nncoꞌñomꞌ naya na laꞌxmaⁿna ñequio na mꞌaⁿna nawiꞌ nꞌomna nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ na meiⁿcwii ñomtiuu tincꞌoomꞌ jo nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion and not after the tradition which they received from us.", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaaⁿya, ñequio xueeꞌ Ta Jesucristo cwitsa̱ꞌntjo̱o̱ⁿyâ na catjeiꞌndyoꞌ ñequio tsꞌaⁿ na matseiyuꞌ na tiñeꞌcatsꞌaa tsꞌiaaⁿ meiⁿ tiñeꞌtseijomñe ñequio ñꞌoom na ñetꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For you know how you ought to imitate us. For we didn’t behave ourselves rebelliously among you,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ꞌo manquiuꞌyoꞌ na matsonaꞌ na calꞌaꞌyoꞌ chaꞌna ñelꞌaayâ. Ee quia na ñetꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ, meiⁿjom ndiiꞌ tîcantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ na tîcalꞌaayâ tsꞌiaaⁿ."} {"eng": "Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.", "amu": "Chaꞌtso ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ catjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta aa xcwe joonaꞌ, ndoꞌ ñꞌoom na cwiwitquiooꞌ na xcwe, caljooꞌndyoꞌtyeⁿꞌyoꞌ ñequio joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "Abstain from every form of evil.", "amu": "Calaꞌtquio̱o̱ꞌndyoꞌ ñequio chaꞌtso nnom natia."} {"eng": "Don’t quench the Spirit.", "amu": "Tilaꞌtsaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌee Espíritu Santo quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Don’t despise prophecies.", "amu": "Joo ñꞌoom na cwiñequia nnꞌaⁿ na maꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱na, tilꞌaꞌyoꞌ na ticueeꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,", "amu": "Ee nchii seijndaaꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nntꞌuiityeeⁿ jaa naquiiꞌ nawiꞌ tꞌmaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ tqueeⁿ jaa na nndaaya na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱ ncꞌe nquii Ta Jesucristo."} {"eng": "who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.", "amu": "Jom tueeⁿꞌeⁿ cwentaaya cha tjoomꞌ na nntando̱o̱ꞌa ñꞌeⁿñê quia na nndyonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ, meiiⁿ na ndicwaⁿ tando̱o̱ꞌa ndoꞌ meiiⁿ na aa jnda̱ tja̱a̱ya."} {"eng": "But you, brothers, aren’t in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya, ticalaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na jaaⁿñe, joꞌ chii juu xuee na nncwjeeꞌnndaꞌ Ta Jesús xocatseijomnaꞌ juunaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ chaꞌna quia na nncwjeeꞌ tsaⁿnchꞌue waaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "You are all children of light and children of the day. We don’t belong to the night, nor to darkness,", "amu": "Jaa laꞌxmaaⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ naxuee. Tilaꞌxmaaⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ natsjom oo cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ najaaⁿñe."} {"eng": "For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii cwilꞌuuyâ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na tꞌmo̱ⁿ nquii na cwiluiiñe na catsa̱ꞌntjom jaa na ndicwaⁿ cwitando̱o̱ꞌa hasta xjeⁿ na nndyonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ, xocwino̱o̱ⁿꞌa nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱."} {"eng": "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,", "amu": "Ee manquiiti Jesús nnaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee, jndeiiꞌ ñꞌoom na nntsa̱ꞌntjoom, ndoꞌ nndyocueeⁿ, xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ nleicꞌuaa jndyeeꞌ ángel na cwiluiitquieñe ndoꞌ mati ndu ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Quia joꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ na ñejlaꞌyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Jesús, joona najndyee nntaꞌndoꞌxcona."} {"eng": "that each one of you know how to control his own body in sanctification and honor,", "amu": "ticwiindyoꞌ ꞌo nnꞌaaⁿya, calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ na lꞌue tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na yandyoꞌ ñequio lcuuꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ na calaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ joona,"} {"eng": "not in the passion of lust, even as the Gentiles who don’t know God,", "amu": "nchii nncꞌoom tsaⁿsꞌa ñequio scoomꞌm na ncwinomꞌnaꞌ ljoꞌ machꞌeeⁿ na tia na matseitioom ñꞌeⁿñe chaꞌxjeⁿ cwilꞌa nnꞌaⁿ na ticꞌom nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jeꞌ ꞌo nnꞌaaⁿya ñequio xueeꞌ Ta Jesús cwitaaⁿyâ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ cwitsa̱ꞌntjo̱o̱ⁿyâ ꞌo na cꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na jnda̱ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿyâ na calꞌaꞌyoꞌ cha nncjaaweeꞌ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ manquiuꞌyaꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na tqua̱a̱ⁿtya̱a̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ñequio najndeii na matseixmaⁿ Ta Jesús."} {"eng": "For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya, quiiꞌntaaⁿ chaꞌtso na matseijaaꞌñenaꞌ nacjooyâ ñequio nawiꞌ na cwiwino̱o̱ⁿyâ tꞌmaⁿ waa na mañequiaanaꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ na cwiljooꞌndyoꞌtyeⁿꞌyoꞌ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na cwindya̱a̱yâ na cwiljooꞌndyoꞌtyeⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Ta Jesús, machꞌeenaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿyâ chaꞌcwijom na cwiluiindyo̱xco̱o̱yâ."} {"eng": "that no one would be moved by these afflictions. For you know that we are appointed to this task.", "amu": "Ee na lꞌue nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ na meiⁿcwiindyoꞌ ꞌo tintseilcweꞌnaꞌ tsꞌom cweꞌ ncꞌe na wiꞌ na cwitjomꞌyoꞌ. Ee manquiuꞌyoꞌ na maxjeⁿ mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na catjo̱o̱ⁿya nawiꞌmeiⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.", "amu": "Ee quia tyomꞌaaⁿyâ ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ na maxjeⁿ nncwino̱o̱ⁿya nawiꞌ ndoꞌ jnda̱ macwiluii naljoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na manquiuꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Therefore when we couldn’t stand it any longer, we thought it good to be left behind at Athens alone,", "amu": "Quia tileicatseiquiiti tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na tjaa ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ seijndaaꞌndyo̱ na nljooꞌndyo̱ na ñeⁿnnco̱ tsjoom Atenas."} {"eng": "and sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in the Good News of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith,", "amu": "Joꞌ chii jño̱o̱ⁿyâ juu nnꞌaaⁿya Timoteo na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ, jom cwiluiiñê mosooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Matseijomñê ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ na cwiñeꞌquiaayâ ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo. Tjacanoomꞌm ꞌo na nñequiaaⁿ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ na nncꞌoomꞌjndeiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ cantyja na jnda̱ jlaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Isn’t it even you, before our Lord Jesus at his coming?", "amu": "¿Ljoꞌ joꞌ na nñequiaanaꞌ na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ndoꞌ na nñequiaanaꞌ na neiiⁿyâ oo na nntantjo̱o̱ⁿyâ jo nnoom? ¿Aa nchii maꞌo joꞌ? Ee maꞌo cwiluiindyoꞌ chaꞌtso nmeiⁿꞌ na nntseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ ja jo nnom Ta Jesucristo quia na nndyonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "For you are our glory and our joy.", "amu": "Ncꞌe ꞌo, joꞌ matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ jâ ndoꞌ mañequiaanaꞌ na neiiⁿyâ."} {"eng": "But we, brothers, being bereaved of you for a short season in presence, not in heart, tried even harder to see your face with great desire,", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaaⁿya, cantyjati xuee na tjeiꞌnaꞌ jâ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ, meiiⁿ tacontyꞌiaayâ ꞌo sa̱a̱ ñequiiꞌcheⁿ cwijaañjoomꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ ꞌo chiuu cwitsamꞌaⁿꞌtiꞌyoꞌ. Joꞌ chii jeeⁿ cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ na nntsaacajndo̱o̱nndaꞌâ ꞌo."} {"eng": "because we wanted to come to you—indeed, I, Paul, once and again—but Satan hindered us.", "amu": "Jeeⁿ ñeꞌcatsaayâ na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ, majndeiiticheⁿ ja Pablo jndye ndiiꞌ sꞌaanaꞌ na ñeꞌcjo̱ sa̱a̱ seitsaaⁿꞌñe Satanás na nlꞌaayâ na ljoꞌ."} {"eng": "who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and drove us out, and don’t please God, and are contrary to all men,", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ judíosꞌñeeⁿ jlaꞌcueeꞌna Ta Jesús, chaꞌxjeⁿ weloona tyolaꞌcwjeena profetas ndoꞌ mati jleintyjo̱ nnꞌaⁿ judíos jâ. Tiquilꞌana yuu na cjaaweeꞌ ntyjeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyena, ndoꞌ mꞌaⁿna nacjoo chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always. But wrath has come on them to the uttermost.", "amu": "ee quia na ñeꞌcalana̱a̱ⁿyâ ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na tachii judíos cha mati nnda̱a̱ nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom joona, tiñeꞌquiandyena na nlꞌaayâ na ljoꞌ, ndoꞌ na cwilꞌana na luaaꞌ, cwilaꞌcwaljooꞌtina jnaaⁿna jo nnoom. Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ juu na jeeⁿ cwajndii na matseiwꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ mama tꞌuiinaꞌ joona."} {"eng": "As you know, we exhorted, comforted, and implored every one of you, as a father does his own children,", "amu": "ꞌO manquiuꞌyoꞌ chiuu waa na ñetꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ na tyomꞌaaⁿyâ chaꞌcwijom machꞌee tsꞌaⁿ ñequio ntseinda,"} {"eng": "to the end that you should walk worthily of God, who calls you into his own Kingdom and glory.", "amu": "tyolana̱a̱ⁿyâ ñꞌoom nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ na tyoñequiaanaꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, tyolaꞌjndo̱o̱ꞌâ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na cꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na matsonaꞌ na cꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na maqueeⁿꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na calajomndyena cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjoom ndoꞌ ñequio na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ jom."} {"eng": "nor seeking glory from men (neither from you nor from others), when we might have claimed authority as apostles of Christ.", "amu": "Meiiⁿjom ndiiꞌ tyoolꞌua̱a̱yâ na nlaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ jâ, meiⁿ nda̱a̱ꞌ ꞌo meiⁿ nda̱a̱ ntꞌomcheⁿ."} {"eng": "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother cherishes her own children.", "amu": "Jâ tyojndo̱o̱ꞌâ ꞌo ñequio na jnda nquiuuyâ ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ cwii yuscu na jeeⁿ wiꞌ tsꞌom ntseinda, ya cwenta machꞌee joona."} {"eng": "For you yourselves know, brothers, our visit to you wasn’t in vain,", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ, mancjoꞌtiꞌyoꞌ nquiuꞌyoꞌ na ticweꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌndyo na sacajndo̱o̱ꞌâ ꞌo."} {"eng": "but having suffered before and been shamefully treated, as you know, at Philippi, we grew bold in our God to tell you the Good News of God in much conflict.", "amu": "ꞌO manquiuꞌyaꞌyoꞌ na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ jlaꞌjnaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Filipos jâ ndoꞌ jlaꞌseiꞌna jâ, sa̱a̱ meiiⁿ na luaaꞌ, xcwe xjeⁿ na tjo̱o̱ⁿyâ nawiꞌwaaꞌ, tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ na tquiaayâ ñꞌoom nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ cantyja na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê añmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "For from you the word of the Lord has been declared, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone out, so that we need not to say anything.", "amu": "Ee na mꞌaⁿꞌ ꞌo jnaⁿnaꞌ na tjantyꞌee ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Ta Jesucristo. Ndoꞌ jeꞌ tachii macanda̱ ndyuaaꞌyoꞌ Macedonia ñequio Acaya sa̱a̱ mati jndye joo jnda̱ manquiu nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñequio Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Joꞌ chii meiⁿ tacaⁿtinaꞌ na nlꞌuuyâ ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "For they themselves report concerning us what kind of a reception we had from you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God,", "amu": "Ee manquieeti naⁿꞌñeeⁿ cwilaꞌneiⁿna chiuu waa na sacajndo̱o̱ꞌâ ꞌo ndoꞌ na ya toꞌñoomꞌyoꞌ jâ. Mati cwilaꞌneiⁿna chiuu waa na jnda̱ ꞌndyeꞌyoꞌ na tyolaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ ꞌnaⁿ na cweꞌ nnꞌaⁿ nlꞌa, ndoꞌ jeꞌ naxeⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom macwitsantyjo̱ꞌyoꞌ. Jeꞌ jnda̱ macwindyeꞌntjomꞌyoꞌ nnom nqueⁿ na wanoomꞌm, na macanda̱ jom cwiluiiñê Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "We always give thanks to God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers,", "amu": "Ñenquiiꞌcheⁿ na cwiñeꞌquiaayâ na quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ na chaꞌtsondyoꞌ. Cwijaañjoomꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ ꞌo quia na cwilana̱a̱ⁿyâ nnoom."} {"eng": "remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love and perseverance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father.", "amu": "Tyootsuuꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ ꞌo jo nnom nquii Tsotya̱a̱ya na jeeⁿ xcweeꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ. Joꞌ chii jndye tsꞌiaaⁿ na ya cwileitquiooꞌ na cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ jeeⁿ cwiqueⁿya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na cwiteiꞌjndeiꞌyoꞌ ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ ncꞌe na wiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ joona. Ndoꞌ tîcaꞌndyeꞌncꞌuaaꞌndyoꞌ na wiꞌ na cwitjomꞌyoꞌ ncꞌe na ntyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ Ta Jesucristo."} {"eng": "If then you were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ ncꞌe na jnda̱ macwitandoꞌxcoꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Cristo, calꞌueꞌyaꞌyoꞌ na nntoꞌñoomꞌyoꞌ ꞌnaⁿ na niom cañoomꞌluee yuu na wacatyeeⁿ ntyjaaꞌ tsꞌo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ntyjaya."} {"eng": "Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.", "amu": "Cꞌoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ cwii cwii nnom na matseixmaⁿ cañoomꞌluee, nchii ꞌnaⁿ na matseixmaⁿ tsjoomnancue."} {"eng": "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.", "amu": "Ee laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ lꞌoo ndoꞌ juu na cwitaꞌndoꞌyoꞌ jeꞌ, wantyꞌiuuꞌ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Cristo ncꞌe mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "You were dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,", "amu": "Ncuee na jnda̱ teinom, ñejlaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ lꞌoo ncꞌe jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ ncꞌe na tyooluii ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ chaꞌna cwilꞌa nnꞌaⁿ judíos yonomꞌndaa ndana. Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ jeꞌ mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na tjoomꞌ cwitandoꞌyoꞌ ñequio Cristo na jnda̱ seitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌoom jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us. He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.", "amu": "Juu na tyowaa na cho̱ꞌjnaaⁿya nnom ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ, na tyoqueⁿnaꞌ xjeⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ jaa, seicanduuꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Sꞌaaⁿ na mawinom tsꞌoom ee na tyꞌioom juunaꞌ tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ."} {"eng": "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.", "amu": "Tixocanda̱a̱ nntyꞌiaaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom sa̱a̱ na ntyꞌiaa nnꞌaⁿ Jnaaⁿ jlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌna chiuu cwiluiiñê. Juu mꞌaaⁿ najndyee cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na jlꞌana chaꞌtso na niom."} {"eng": "For by him all things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things have been created through him and for him.", "amu": "Ñequio Cristo sꞌaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chaꞌtsoti na mꞌaⁿ cañoomꞌluee ñequio tsjoomnancue. Ntꞌom ya cwintyꞌiaanda̱a̱ya ndoꞌ ñꞌeeⁿꞌ ntꞌom na tileicantyꞌiaaya, chaꞌna cantyja na cwitsa̱ꞌntjom ángeles, ndoꞌ chaꞌna joo na cwiluiitquiendye na nchii nnꞌaⁿ joo. Ñꞌeⁿ Cristo sꞌaaⁿ chaꞌtsoñꞌeⁿ, cha catseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ juu cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ chaꞌtso nmeiⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ seicandyaañê jaa na ñetꞌo̱o̱ⁿya nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ najaaⁿñe. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ tjaaꞌñê jaa nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na matsa̱ꞌntjom Jnaaⁿ, nquii na jeeⁿ candyaꞌ tsꞌoom,"} {"eng": "in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.", "amu": "cantyja na tueꞌ juu, joꞌ cwiluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱, na matseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌoom jnaaⁿya."} {"eng": "We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,", "amu": "Quia cwilana̱a̱ⁿyâ nnom Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ñequiiꞌcheⁿ cwiñeꞌquiaayâ na quianlꞌuaaⁿꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ. Jom cwiluiiñê Tsotye nquii Ta Jesucristo cwentaaya."} {"eng": "having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have toward all the saints,", "amu": "Ee jnda̱ macwindya̱a̱yâ na mati ꞌo cwiluiindyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Jesucristo, ndoꞌ na jnda nquiuꞌyoꞌ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiindye cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the Good News", "amu": "Juu na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na wiꞌ nꞌomꞌ ntyjeeꞌyoꞌ matꞌuiinaꞌ juu na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na cwileiwenaꞌ cañoomꞌluee. Quia tyondyeꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnꞌaⁿ, joꞌ tquiaanaꞌ na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.", "amu": "Ja Pablo cwiluiindyo̱ apóstol na majñom Jesucristo na jo̱nquia ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ, matseixmaⁿya tsꞌiaaⁿmeiiⁿ ee na lꞌue tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Wendyô̱ ñequio tiꞌnnꞌaⁿya Timoteo cwilaljeiiyâ cartawaa na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ tsjoom Colosas na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñequio Cristo ndoꞌ na cwiluiindyoꞌ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Cwitaaⁿyâ na quiaa Tsotya̱a̱ya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom naya na matseixmaaⁿ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ñequio na meiⁿcwii ñomtiuu ticꞌomꞌyoꞌ jo nnoom."} {"eng": "Beware of the dogs; beware of the evil workers; beware of the false circumcision.", "amu": "Calꞌandyoꞌ cwenta cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ naⁿmꞌaⁿ na chaꞌcwijom calueꞌ joona natia na cwilꞌana na cwityjena seiiꞌ tsꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh;", "amu": "ee jaa laxmaaⁿya nnꞌaⁿ na mayuuꞌcheⁿ tuii ꞌnaaⁿ, jaa na cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ncꞌe Espíritu Santo, na mꞌaaⁿya na neiiⁿya na laxmaaⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo Jesús meiⁿ ticantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ꞌnaaⁿ na tuii seiiꞌ tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all joy, and hold such people in honor,", "amu": "Ñequio na neiⁿꞌyoꞌ catoꞌñoomꞌnndaꞌyoꞌ jom chaꞌna cwii tsꞌaⁿ na matseijomñe ñꞌeⁿ Ta Jesús ndoꞌ ñequiiꞌcheⁿ calaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na laxmaⁿ chaꞌna jom."} {"eng": "because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.", "amu": "Ee mawaa mawaaxjeⁿ na nntseicueeꞌnaꞌ jom na mandiꞌntjoom nnom Cristo. Tjuꞌteincuuꞌñenaꞌ jom na mateijneiⁿ ja tsꞌiaaⁿ na leicanda̱a̱ nlꞌaꞌ ncjoꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself;", "amu": "Meiⁿcwii tilꞌaꞌyoꞌ na wato̱ⁿꞌ mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ meiⁿ nchii na cwilasꞌandyoꞌ cwilalcundyoꞌ. Ñequiiꞌcheⁿ calꞌaꞌyoꞌ na cwitueꞌndyoꞌcjeꞌyoꞌ. Cwii cwiindyoꞌ cwjiꞌ cwenta na tꞌmaⁿti cwiluiiñe xꞌiaaꞌ nchiiti nquii."} {"eng": "each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.", "amu": "Meiⁿcwiindyoꞌ ꞌo tincꞌoomꞌ tsꞌom na ñeꞌtomti chiuu waa na wjaawinom nquii. Mati cꞌoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ chiuu nnteijndeiinaꞌ ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Some indeed preach Christ even out of envy and strife, and some also out of good will.", "amu": "Ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ na cwantindye joona cwilaneiⁿna ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na ta̱a̱ꞌ nꞌomna ja ndoꞌ ñequio na ñeꞌcwinomꞌna ja, sa̱a̱ ntꞌomcheⁿ ñequio na xcweeꞌ nꞌom cwilꞌana tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "The former insincerely preach Christ from selfish ambition, thinking that they add affliction to my chains;", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ntꞌomndyena cwiñequiana ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na ñequiiꞌcheⁿ mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomna cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ nquieena, tixcweeꞌ nꞌomna ee cwilaꞌtiuuna na cwilꞌana na ljoꞌ, cha nnchjeetinaꞌ ja na mꞌaaⁿya pra̱so,"} {"eng": "but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Good News.", "amu": "sa̱a̱ ntꞌomndyena cwiñeꞌquiana ñꞌoomꞌm ee na jnda nquiuna ja. Ee cwilaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyana na tyꞌiom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tisꞌaaⁿ ja na nncwintyja̱a̱ꞌa jo nda̱a̱ naⁿmaⁿnꞌiaaⁿ tsjoomwaañe. Sꞌaaⁿ na ljoꞌ ee lꞌue tsꞌoom na nncwjiꞌyuuꞌndyo̱ ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,", "amu": "cha nnda̱a̱ nntjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta cwaaⁿ cwii nnom na xcweti tseixmaⁿnaꞌ. Ee na ljoꞌ nnda̱a̱ nncꞌom ljuꞌndyoꞌ na cwitsamꞌaⁿꞌtiꞌyoꞌ quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, meiⁿ ticalaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌtjo̱o̱ndye jo nnom Cristo xuee quia na nncwjeeꞌnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.", "amu": "ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ, nleilꞌueeꞌñe Jesucristo joo na jnda̱ jlaꞌjomndyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê na nntseijomnaꞌ joonaꞌ chaꞌcwijom cwii ntjom na cwiweꞌ na cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ joonaꞌ nntseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "But that you also may know my affairs, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all things.", "amu": "Tiꞌnnꞌaⁿya Tíquico, tsaⁿ na jeeⁿ jnda ntyjiiya, jom jeeⁿ xcweeꞌ tsꞌoom tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Ta Jesús, jom ntseicañeeⁿ ꞌo chiuu waa na mꞌaaⁿya cha caliuꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ matsꞌaaya."} {"eng": "I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our state and that he may comfort your hearts.", "amu": "Cweꞌ joꞌ na majño̱o̱ⁿya jom na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na catseicañeeⁿ ꞌo chiuu waa na mꞌaaⁿya ñjaaⁿ cha na nñequiaanaꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with a promise:", "amu": "Ee ljeii najndyee na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ chuunaꞌ ñꞌoom na tso Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nntsꞌaaⁿ. Matsonaꞌ: “Catseitꞌmaaⁿꞌndyuꞌ tsotyeꞌ ñꞌeⁿ tsoꞌndyoꞌ"} {"eng": "“that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.”", "amu": "cha na nncꞌoomꞌ na neiⁿꞌ ndoꞌ tco xueechuꞌ nnom tsjoomnancuewaa.”"} {"eng": "For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord also does the assembly,", "amu": "Ee tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ quichꞌee na jndooꞌñe cheⁿnquii. Macwaaⁿꞌaⁿ nantquie cha nncꞌoom na yaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ Cristo machꞌeeⁿ cwenta jaa tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ, maluaaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ na cateixꞌee tsꞌaⁿ scoomꞌm."} {"eng": "because we are members of his body, of his flesh and bones.", "amu": "Ee jaa tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ, cwiluiindyo̱ seiiꞌ Cristo na chaꞌwaañê. Ndoꞌ cwii cwiindyo̱ matseijomnaꞌ cwii cwii nnom na matseicañjoomꞌnaꞌ jom."} {"eng": "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.", "amu": "ꞌO yolcu na mꞌaⁿ sꞌaaꞌyoꞌ calꞌaꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ na lꞌue nꞌomna chaꞌcwijom cwindyeꞌntjomꞌyoꞌ nnom nquii Ta Jesucristo."} {"eng": "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the assembly, being himself the savior of the body.", "amu": "Ee tsaⁿsꞌa cwiluiiñê xqueⁿ scoomꞌm, chaꞌxjeⁿ Cristo cwiluiiñê xqueⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê tmaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ, ee cwiluiiñenaꞌ seiiⁿꞌeⁿ,"} {"eng": "He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ manquiityeeⁿ tquiaaⁿ na ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ cwiluiindye apóstoles. Ntꞌom cwiluiindye nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ cha calaꞌyuꞌ nnꞌaⁿ. Ntꞌom cwiluiindye na cwiñeꞌquia ñꞌoom xco na ya cantyja na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe tsꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ ntꞌom cwiluiindye na cwiteiꞌxꞌee ntmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ ntꞌomcheⁿ cwitoꞌñoom na ꞌnaaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ ncꞌiaa."} {"eng": "for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ,", "amu": "Luaaꞌ sꞌaa Cristo, joꞌ na ya teiꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌxmaⁿ cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ na nlꞌana tsꞌiaaⁿ na macaⁿnaꞌ cha na nncjaawijndyeendye nnꞌaⁿ na nncꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "amu": "Cwii cwiindyo̱ cantyjati na jnda̱ jndaaꞌ nnom Cristo na ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ na matseixmaⁿ, cantyjati joꞌ naya na macoꞌñom."} {"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "amu": "Ncꞌe na luaaꞌ joꞌ matso ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii: Quia na tjawaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee jnda̱ na tandoꞌxcoom na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ, tjachom chaꞌtso joo na ñetꞌom nacjoomꞌm, ndoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ tquiaaⁿ cwii cwii nnom na ꞌnaaⁿna."} {"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "amu": "¿Ljoꞌ ñeꞌcaꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na matsonaꞌ na tjawaaⁿ? Matsonaꞌ naljoꞌ ee najndyee jndyocueeⁿ nnom tsjoomnancuewaañe."} {"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "amu": "Jom na jndyocueeⁿ majuutyeeⁿ tjawannaaⁿꞌaⁿ cañoomꞌluee cha na chaꞌtsoti na niom, canda̱a̱ꞌ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na mꞌaaⁿñê."} {"eng": "Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,", "amu": "Catseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na jom jndyeti nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaaⁿ nchii cweꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ cwitaaⁿ jaa meiⁿ nchii cweꞌ cha na cwilaꞌtiuutya̱a̱ya ndoꞌ na mateijneiⁿ jaa ncꞌe najndeii na matseixmaaⁿ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ naquiiꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya."} {"eng": "to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.", "amu": "Jom catseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ naquiiꞌ tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ ncꞌe Cristo Jesús chaꞌtso ndyu ndoꞌ chaꞌwaati xuee na cwii wjaatinaꞌ. Amén."} {"eng": "may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth,", "amu": "Mati macaⁿꞌa nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyaꞌyoꞌ ñequio chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ cwanti na tꞌmaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Cristo na wiꞌ tsꞌoom nnꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ na tco, ndoꞌ na njoom, ndoꞌ na ndye."} {"eng": "and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.", "amu": "Juu na mꞌaaⁿ Cristo na wiꞌ tsꞌoom ꞌo luaa, macaⁿꞌa na calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ na waljooꞌcheⁿ na tꞌmaⁿnaꞌ, ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ nlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ joꞌ na nncꞌomꞌyoꞌ na chawaañꞌeⁿ naquiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ mꞌaaⁿñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone;", "amu": "ꞌO cwiluiindyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom wꞌaa na jnaⁿnaꞌ nacjooꞌ tsꞌiaⁿtsjo̱ꞌ, na tacatyeeⁿ nacjooꞌ ñꞌoom na tyoñequia apóstoles ñequio profetas. Manquiiti Jesucristo cwiluiiñê tsjo̱ꞌ nqui wꞌaaꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "in whom the whole building, fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord;", "amu": "Cristo cwiluiiñê tsiaⁿtsjo̱ꞌñeeⁿ. Nacjooꞌ juunaꞌ chaꞌwaa wꞌaaꞌñeeⁿ cwijom wjaacanda̱a̱ꞌnaꞌ hasta na ncueꞌntyjo̱ na nluiiñenaꞌ cwii watsꞌom na ljuꞌ cwentaaꞌ Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii chaꞌtsondyoꞌ ꞌo na seitjoomꞌnaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Cristo matseitjomnaꞌ ꞌo ñꞌeⁿ ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ na cwiluiindyoꞌ cwii wꞌaa yuu na nncꞌoomñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ncꞌe Espíritu Santo."} {"eng": "having abolished in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace,", "amu": "Ñꞌoom na tqueⁿ Moisés jndye nnom tyoqueⁿnaꞌ xjeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ cantyja na tueꞌ Cristo seintycwiinaꞌ najndeii na tyotseixmaⁿ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ. Sꞌaaⁿ na ntycwii joꞌ cha we ntmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ nncwilꞌueeꞌñê na nntsꞌaaⁿ cwii tmaaⁿꞌ xco na tjoomꞌ mꞌaaⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Laaꞌtiꞌ waa na seintycweeⁿ na ticueeꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ cwii cwii tmaaⁿꞌ ncꞌiaana."} {"eng": "and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility through it.", "amu": "Ncꞌe na tueꞌ Cristo nacjooꞌ tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ joꞌ na seintycwiiñꞌeeⁿ na mꞌaⁿntiaaꞌndye we ntmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ, sꞌaaⁿ na ñecwii tmaaⁿꞌ joona, ljoyaandyena ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Therefore remember that once you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by that which is called “circumcision” (in the flesh, made by hands),", "amu": "Joꞌ chii cjañjoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ chiuu ñejlaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ. ꞌO nchii tsjaaⁿ judío ꞌo ndoꞌ ncꞌe naljoꞌ joona na cwilꞌana ꞌnaaⁿ ntjaaⁿ yoꞌndaa ndana na naⁿnom, cwiluena na ꞌo tilaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ncꞌe na tiquilꞌaꞌyoꞌ naljoꞌ."} {"eng": "that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.", "amu": "Tiempoꞌñeeⁿ nchii cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo ñetꞌomꞌyoꞌ, ñetꞌomꞌndyo̱ꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ Israel, ee wato̱ⁿꞌ tyomꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoomtyeⁿ na seijndaaꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequiondye joona, ndoꞌ mati ñꞌoom na tsoom nda̱a̱na na nntsꞌaaⁿ. Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ meiⁿ ticantyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ jom, meiⁿ na nncꞌomꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,", "amu": "Ncꞌe naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cweꞌ yu, joꞌ chii cwicaluiiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyoꞌ ee na cwilaꞌyuꞌyaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê. Meiⁿ nchii laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ na ljoꞌ ncꞌe cwii na jnda̱ lꞌaꞌ ncjoꞌyoꞌ, laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ naljoꞌ ncꞌe machꞌeeⁿ na cwicandaꞌyoꞌ juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "not of works, that no one would boast.", "amu": "Nchii cweꞌ waa na jnda̱ sꞌaa tsꞌaⁿ joꞌ na cwiluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê, cha nntseicuꞌnaꞌ na nntseisꞌañe cheⁿnqueⁿ."} {"eng": "But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ jeeⁿcheⁿ ndyaꞌ wiꞌ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jaa. Tꞌmaⁿ waa na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom ñꞌeⁿndyo̱,"} {"eng": "even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—", "amu": "ee xjeⁿ na ñetꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na lꞌoo ncꞌe jnaaⁿya, xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ tquiaaⁿ na tando̱o̱ꞌxco̱o̱ya quia na tquiaaⁿ na tandoꞌxco Cristo. Ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ, ncꞌe naya na matseixmaaⁿ, joꞌ na cwiluiiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For this cause I also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you and the love which you have toward all the saints,", "amu": "Cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nmeiⁿꞌ mati ja quia na mandiiya na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñequio Ta Jesús ndoꞌ na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na wiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na ljuꞌ nꞌom,"} {"eng": "don’t cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,", "amu": "tyoocjo̱meiⁿntyja̱a̱ꞌa na mañequiaya na quianlꞌuaaⁿꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ quia na matseina̱ⁿya nnoom."} {"eng": "We were also assigned an inheritance in him, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who does all things after the counsel of his will,", "amu": "Ncꞌe na jnda̱ seitjoomꞌnaꞌ jaa ñꞌeⁿ Cristo, teiyo tjeiiꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jaa cha na ncꞌoomnaꞌ jaa na nndaaya chaꞌna na nndaaꞌ jom, ndoꞌ na nncuaa na ljoꞌ matseiljoꞌyunaꞌ ñequio na jnda̱ seijndaaꞌñê na nntsꞌaaⁿ ndoꞌ cwiluiinaꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na cjaaweeꞌ tsꞌoom."} {"eng": "to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ waa na machꞌeeⁿ cha jâ nnꞌaⁿ judíos na ñentyjaaꞌjndyee nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya Cristo, catseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿyâ."} {"eng": "making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jnda̱ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ya juu na lꞌue tsꞌoom na wantyꞌiuuꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿnaꞌ, majuu cantyjati na jnaⁿ chaꞌtso na seijndaaꞌñê na nncjaacanda̱a̱ꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him.", "amu": "Juu ñꞌoom wantyꞌiuuꞌñeeⁿ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na quia nncueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ nntseicanda̱a̱ꞌñeñꞌeⁿnaꞌ, matseijndaaꞌñê na chaꞌtso na mꞌaⁿ cañoomꞌluee ñequio nnom tsjoomnancue ncꞌom joo joꞌ nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo."} {"eng": "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.", "amu": "Cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na teitquiooꞌ na calaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, tyeⁿ tyomꞌaaⁿya nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ. Majuu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyomꞌaaⁿya na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na nleitquiooꞌ na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱ ncꞌe na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿ Jesucristo."} {"eng": "So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii juu ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌnaꞌ na nntsꞌaanaꞌ cwenta jaa chaꞌcwijom na laxmaaⁿya yonchꞌu na mꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ nda̱a̱ya hasta xjeⁿ na nndyo Cristo, cha ncꞌe na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿñê nntsꞌaanaꞌ na tjaa jnaⁿ laꞌxmaaⁿya jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ na tyjeeꞌ na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ticꞌo̱ⁿtya̱a̱ nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ na tyochꞌeenaꞌ cwenta jaa."} {"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "amu": "Ja cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ, matseijomnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya chaꞌcwijom tsꞌoo, mañejuu ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ na tqueⁿnaꞌ tsꞌoo ja cha nnda̱a̱ nncwando̱ꞌa jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "amu": "Ñeꞌnaaⁿꞌ jnda̱ tyꞌioomnaꞌ ja tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ ñequio Cristo. Mancꞌe joꞌ matyꞌiomnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya nchii ja cwiluiindyo̱ na wando̱ꞌa, nquii Cristo wanoomꞌm naquiiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ. Ndoꞌ na wando̱ꞌa na tsꞌaⁿ ja, wando̱ꞌa ee na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ñequio Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na mꞌaaⁿ na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom ja ndoꞌ na tquiaañe ncheⁿnqueⁿ na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ cwentaaya."} {"eng": "For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.", "amu": "Ee xjeⁿ na tyooquie ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ judíos na jñom Jacobo, tyocwaꞌ Pedro ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ na nchii judíos. Sa̱a̱ jnda̱ na tquie naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, to̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na macwjiꞌñê ee nquiaⁿꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilue jndeiꞌnaꞌ na caluii nacjooꞌ tjaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ cwilꞌana ndana na naⁿnom."} {"eng": "And the rest of the Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ sꞌaaⁿ, mati ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos na cwilaꞌyuꞌ, jlaꞌjomndyena ñꞌeⁿ Pedro na tisꞌa na we waa na sꞌaaⁿ, hasta mati Bernabé seijomñe na tuii na luaaꞌ."} {"eng": "But not even Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ juu Tito na tyomꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, meiiⁿ na nchii tsꞌaⁿ judío jom, tjaaꞌnaⁿ ñꞌoom jlue naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na jndeiꞌnaꞌ na caluii ñꞌeⁿñê chaꞌna cwilꞌaa jâ nnꞌaⁿ judíos ñequio ndaayâ na naⁿnom."} {"eng": "This was because of the false brothers secretly brought in, who stole in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,", "amu": "Tꞌuiinaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ ncꞌe yuu na mꞌaaⁿyâ tyꞌequieꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilꞌa cheⁿnquieena na cwiluiindyena nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ. Sa̱a̱ joona cweꞌ tyꞌequeⁿna cwenta naya na laꞌxmaaⁿya na mꞌaⁿ candyaandyo̱ jo nnom ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ ncꞌe cwilaꞌjomndyo̱ ñequio Cristo Jesús. Ee lꞌue nꞌomna na cwiicheⁿ ndiiꞌ candya̱ꞌntjo̱o̱ⁿtya̱a̱ⁿya nnom ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "Then after a period of fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na tjacaa cwii canchooꞌñequiee chu, tjo̱nndaꞌa Jerusalén ñequio Bernabé. Mati tja Tito ñꞌeⁿndyo̱."} {"eng": "I went up by revelation, and I laid before them the Good News which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately before those who were respected, for fear that I might be running, or had run, in vain.", "amu": "Tjo̱ joꞌ ee jnda̱ tꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom no̱o̱ⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌoom na cjo̱. Joꞌ jlana̱a̱ⁿyâ na ñencjo̱o̱cha̱a̱ⁿyâ ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tcuu tcuu tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya nda̱a̱na ñꞌoom na mañequiaya nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na chii judíos cha nda̱a̱ nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyena. Sꞌaa na ljoꞌ ee ticalꞌue tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na juu tsꞌiaaⁿ na jnda̱ ñesꞌaa ñequio tsꞌiaaⁿ na quia nntsꞌaa, nleitquiooꞌ na cweꞌ tsiaaⁿꞌndyo joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Cristo, calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ na juu ñꞌoom na mañequia cantyja na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe tsꞌaⁿ, nchii nnꞌaⁿ jlaꞌjndaaꞌndye juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "For I didn’t receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.", "amu": "Ee nchii nnom cwii tsꞌaⁿ toꞌño̱ⁿya juunaꞌ meiiⁿ nchii cweꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ tꞌmo̱ⁿ juunaꞌ no̱o̱ⁿ, manquiiti Jesucristo tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ juunaꞌ no̱o̱ⁿya."} {"eng": "I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,", "amu": "Matseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ntyjiiya na cwitjeiꞌndyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na jom tqueeⁿꞌñê ꞌo ee Cristo mꞌaaⁿ na jeeⁿ candyaꞌ tsꞌoom ꞌo ndoꞌ jeꞌ yacheⁿ cwilaꞌjomndyoꞌ cwiicheⁿ ñꞌoom na cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juunaꞌ ntyjaaꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nchii na mayuuꞌ na waa cwiicheⁿ ñꞌoom na cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ joꞌ nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe tsꞌaⁿ. Cweꞌ na mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌñꞌeeⁿꞌndyena ꞌo ndoꞌ ñeꞌcalaꞌchuiiꞌna ñꞌoom na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe tsꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo."} {"eng": "I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I don’t know; God knows),", "amu": "Ntyjiiya na tja tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ joꞌ joꞌ, ¿aa ndiñꞌeⁿ seiiⁿꞌeⁿ oo aa ticañꞌeⁿ? joꞌ ticaljeii, Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ntyjii,"} {"eng": "how he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.", "amu": "sa̱a̱ tjañꞌoomnaꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ paraíso yuu na mꞌaaⁿ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Joꞌ joꞌ jndii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ñꞌoom na cweꞌ wantyꞌiuuꞌ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ na ticwanaaⁿ na nntseiteincooꞌ tsꞌaⁿ joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "In this confidence, I was determined to come first to you, that you might have a second benefit,", "amu": "Ncꞌe na luaaꞌ waa na ntyjaaꞌya cwii tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ, seitiuuya na wendiiꞌ nncwino̱o̱ⁿ na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na ntyꞌiaya ꞌo cha we ndiiꞌ nñequiaanaꞌ na neiⁿꞌyoꞌ na ntyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ ja,"} {"eng": "and by you to pass into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and to be sent forward by you on my journey to Judea.", "amu": "ee seitiuuya na ntyꞌiaya ꞌo na mawino̱o̱ⁿya na majo̱ tsꞌo̱ndaa Macedonia, ndoꞌ na ntyꞌianndaꞌa ꞌo quia na nndyolcwa̱ꞌa na nnaaⁿya joꞌ joꞌ, ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ ꞌo nnda̱a̱ nnteijndeiꞌyoꞌ ja na jo̱jo̱tya̱ na nncua̱ ndyuaa Judea."} {"eng": "But when this perishable body will have become imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”", "amu": "Ee juu na laxmaaⁿya na cwiwiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ, quia na jnda̱ tcweenaꞌ juu na tijoom cwiꞌndaaꞌ ndoꞌ juu seiiꞌa na jaaweꞌnaꞌ quia na jnda̱ tcweenaꞌ na tijoom cueꞌ, xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ nntseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii na matsonaꞌ: “Jnda̱ seityuiiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom najndeii na machꞌee na cwiwje nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "“Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory?”", "amu": "ꞌU na macheꞌ na cwiwje nnꞌaⁿ, ¿jeꞌ jeꞌ yuu waa na cwii nnda̱a̱ ntsaꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱? Meiⁿchjoo tjaa yuu cwii cuaa na ncwantjomꞌ.”"} {"eng": "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.", "amu": "Juu jnaⁿ na laxmaaⁿya waa najndeii na matseixmaⁿnaꞌ, joꞌ chii cwiwja̱a̱ya. Ndoꞌ juu ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés waa najndeii na matseixmaⁿnaꞌ na mañequiaanaꞌ na catꞌuii jnaⁿ jaa."} {"eng": "For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man.", "amu": "Cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ, jnaⁿnaꞌ na cwiwje nnꞌaⁿ tsjoomnancue. Mati cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ jnaⁿnaꞌ na cwitaꞌndoꞌxco nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Adán chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ cwiwje, mati cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo, chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ nntaꞌndoꞌxcona."} {"eng": "Therefore other languages are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to the unbelieving; but prophesying is for a sign, not to the unbelieving, but to those who believe.", "amu": "Quia na nnda̱a̱ nntseineiⁿ tsꞌaⁿ ñꞌoom na tjachuiiꞌ ñequio ñꞌoom na maxjeⁿ matseineiiⁿ, juu joꞌ tseixmaⁿnaꞌ ꞌnaaⁿ jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na tyoolaꞌyuꞌ. Sa̱a̱ juu na nnda̱a̱ nntseineiⁿ tsꞌaⁿ ñꞌoom na jnda̱ tꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnoom tseixmaⁿnaꞌ ꞌnaaⁿ jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ, nchii cwentaa nnꞌaⁿ na tyoolaꞌyuꞌ."} {"eng": "If therefore the whole assembly is assembled together and all speak with other languages, and unlearned or unbelieving people come in, won’t they say that you are crazy?", "amu": "Ee quia cwitjomndyoꞌ na laxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ tmaaⁿꞌ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ xeⁿ chaꞌtsondyoꞌ cwilaneiⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na tjachuiiꞌ, ndoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ nncjaquieeꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na quia mandiicheⁿ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom oo tsꞌaⁿ na tyootseiyuꞌ jom, nntseitiuutoom na ꞌo jnda̱ teintjeiⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "But if all prophesy, and someone unbelieving or unlearned comes in, he is reproved by all, and he is judged by all.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ xeⁿ chaꞌtsondyoꞌ cwilaneiⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na maꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ xeⁿ juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ nncjaquieeꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na tyootseiyuꞌ oo tsꞌaⁿ na quia mandiicheⁿ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, nlcoꞌtianaꞌ ntyjeeⁿ na waa jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ nncꞌoomꞌ tsꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ncꞌe ñꞌoom na cwilaneiⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.", "amu": "Ee tsꞌaⁿ na matseineiⁿ meiⁿnquia ntꞌomcheⁿ nnom ñꞌoom cweꞌ tomti nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom matseineiⁿ, nchii nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ ncꞌe tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ juu na matseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ. Cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Espíritu Santo matseineiⁿ ñꞌoom na wantyꞌiuuꞌ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ, sa̱a̱ tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ juu nntseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tsꞌaⁿ na mañequiaa ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ꞌoonajnda̱ ncꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ ncꞌe tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌeeⁿ ndoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na ljoꞌ cwiñꞌomtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena nꞌomna, ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ matseinjoomꞌnaꞌ joona."} {"eng": "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnda̱ seinchoomꞌm ticwii cwii nnom nmeiⁿꞌ naquiiꞌ seiiꞌ tsꞌaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌoom."} {"eng": "If they were all one member, where would the body be?", "amu": "Xeⁿ chaꞌwaañe tsꞌaⁿ ñeꞌcwii nnom cwiluiiñê, meiⁿchjoo ticanda̱a̱ꞌñe seiiꞌ tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Nevertheless, neither is the woman independent of the man, nor the man independent of the woman, in the Lord.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ jaa nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ, waa naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsaⁿsꞌa ncꞌe tsaⁿscu, ndoꞌ mati waa naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsaⁿscu ncꞌe tsaⁿsꞌa."} {"eng": "For as woman came from man, so a man also comes through a woman; but all things are from God.", "amu": "Ee meiiⁿ na mayuuꞌ najndyee sꞌaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tsaⁿscu ee tsaⁿsꞌa, sa̱a̱ mati na mayuuꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ tsaⁿsꞌa ee tsaⁿscu, ndoꞌ chaꞌtsoñꞌeⁿ cwinaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;", "amu": "Quia na mꞌaaⁿya quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos, matsꞌaa chaꞌna cwii joona na mꞌaⁿna nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na tquiaa Moisés cha nncwantjo̱ⁿya joona cwentaaꞌ Cristo, meiiⁿ ticꞌo̱o̱ⁿya nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na ticꞌomna nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, matsꞌaa chaꞌna cwii nquieena cha nncwantjo̱ⁿya joona, meiiⁿ na mayuuꞌ mꞌaaⁿya nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ncꞌe na mꞌaaⁿya nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Cristo."} {"eng": "But I say this, brothers: the time is short. From now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none;", "amu": "ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ, luaa waa na ñeꞌcatsjo̱o̱ya: Jnda̱ teitsio̱o̱ꞌ xuee na nncwjeeꞌnndaꞌ Cristo. Ncꞌe na ljoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tꞌunco, cꞌomna chaꞌcwijom tjaaꞌnaⁿ lcuuna, tjaaꞌnaⁿ sꞌaana."} {"eng": "and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess;", "amu": "Joo nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ na chjooꞌ nꞌom, cꞌomna chaꞌxjeⁿ quia waa xuee. Ndoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ ncuee, cꞌomna chaꞌcwijom mꞌaⁿna na chjooꞌ nꞌomna. Ndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilajnda ꞌnaⁿ cꞌomna chaꞌcwijom nchii ꞌnaaⁿna joꞌ."} {"eng": "and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na cwiwilꞌueeꞌndye ꞌnaⁿ na cwilaꞌxmaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsjoomnancuewaañe, matsonaꞌ na cꞌomna chaꞌcwijom na ticajnda nquiuna ljoꞌ laꞌxmaⁿnaꞌ, ee juu na matseixmaⁿ tsjoomnancuewaañe mawjaantycwiinaꞌ."} {"eng": "Don’t you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!", "amu": "¿Aa ticaliuꞌyoꞌ na juu seiiꞌyoꞌ laxmaⁿnaꞌ cwii taⁿꞌ seiiꞌ Cristo? ¿Aa matyꞌiomnaꞌ na nntseitjo̱o̱ⁿꞌa juunaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ cwii yuscu na cweꞌ luaaꞌ mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ? Meiⁿchjoo ticatyꞌiomnaꞌ"} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? For, “The two”, he says, “will become one flesh.”", "amu": "¿Aa ticalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ quia na matseitjoomꞌñe tsꞌaⁿ ñequio sculjaaꞌ, ñeꞌcwii seiꞌ laxmaⁿna? Ee ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii matsonaꞌ: “Wendye joona, ñeꞌcwii seiꞌ laꞌxmaⁿna.”"} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,", "amu": "¿Aa ticaliuꞌyoꞌ na joo nnꞌaⁿ na cwiñequiandye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ natia ticalaxmaⁿna cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom? Tiñeꞌquioꞌnnꞌaⁿndyoꞌ cheⁿncjoꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoomwaañe. Nnꞌaⁿ na cweꞌ cwitjomndyeyana ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na tyooꞌuncona, tixocalaꞌxmaⁿna cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndye ꞌnaⁿ na cweꞌ nnꞌaⁿ lꞌa, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cweꞌ mꞌaⁿya ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, meiⁿ naⁿnom na cweꞌ ñꞌeⁿ ntyjenom mꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.", "amu": "meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwintyꞌuee, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na queeⁿ nꞌom ꞌnaaⁿꞌ cwiicheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ, meiⁿ naⁿcandyee, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwitioñꞌoom nnꞌaⁿ, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwinquioꞌnnꞌaⁿ tsꞌaⁿ cha nnda̱a̱ ntjeiiꞌna ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.", "amu": "Ñꞌeeⁿꞌndyoꞌ ꞌo na ñejlaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ nmeiⁿꞌ cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nlaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ, sa̱a̱ jeꞌ jnda̱ tmaⁿndyoꞌ, jnda̱ tqueⁿndyo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ꞌo, jnda̱ tqueeⁿ ꞌo na tjaa jnaⁿ laꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ ñequio xueeꞌ Ta Jesucristo ndoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nquii Espíritu na cwiluiiñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaya."} {"eng": "For what do I have to do with also judging those who are outside? Don’t you judge those who are within?", "amu": "Titseixmaⁿya na nncuꞌxa̱ⁿya nnꞌaⁿ na tyoolaꞌyuꞌ. Ncjoꞌyoꞌ laꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ na nntuꞌxeⁿꞌyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "But those who are outside, God judges. “Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.”", "amu": "Nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nncuꞌxeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na tyoolaꞌyuꞌ. Quia joꞌ catjeiꞌyoꞌ tsꞌaⁿ jnaⁿꞌñeeⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.", "amu": "Cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ, ja cwiluiindyo̱ chaꞌcwijom luañetquiee na seijndaaꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na maqua̱ⁿ tsiaⁿtsjo̱ꞌ ndoꞌ cwiicheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ matseicanda̱a̱ꞌñe wꞌaa nacjooꞌ juunaꞌ. Sa̱a̱ cwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ queⁿñe cwenta cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌee."} {"eng": "For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.", "amu": "Ee tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na nnda̱a̱ nlqueⁿndyo̱ cwiicheⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿtsjo̱ꞌ ñequio tsiaⁿtsjo̱ꞌ na waa, na juu joꞌ tseixmaⁿnaꞌ Jesucristo."} {"eng": "Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed, and each as the Lord gave to him?", "amu": "Ja Pablo ¿ꞌñeeⁿ cwiluiindyo̱? Ndoꞌ ¿ꞌñeeⁿ cwiluiiñe Apolos? Ñequiiꞌcheⁿ cwiluiindyô̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwindya̱ꞌntjo̱o̱ⁿyâ nnom Jesucristo na cantyja ꞌnaaⁿyâ jlaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê. Cwii cwiindyô̱ ñelꞌaayâ tsꞌiaaⁿ na tquiaaⁿ nda̱a̱yâ."} {"eng": "I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.", "amu": "Tsꞌiaaⁿ na sꞌaa matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌcwijom tsꞌaⁿ na manomꞌ. Ndoꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ na sꞌaa Apolos matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌcwijom tsꞌaⁿ na matseicandaaꞌ ntjom. Sa̱a̱ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom machꞌeeⁿ na tjaanajndeii tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ, meiⁿ juu tsꞌaⁿ na manomꞌ titꞌmaⁿ cwiluiiñe, meiⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na matseicandaaꞌ. Nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ cwiluiiñê ee jom machꞌeeⁿ na wjaanajndeii tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.", "amu": "Juu tsꞌaⁿ na manomꞌ ñequio tsꞌaⁿ na matseicandaaꞌ, ñeꞌcwii xjeⁿ cwiluiindyena. Ndoꞌ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nntiomlꞌuaaⁿ tsꞌaⁿ cantyjati na jnda̱ ñejndiꞌntjom nnoom."} {"eng": "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,", "amu": "Quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na macanda̱ Crispo ñꞌeⁿ Gayo na seitsꞌoomndyo̱, tjaaꞌnaⁿ ntꞌomndyoꞌ ꞌo na seitsꞌoomndyo̱,"} {"eng": "so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.", "amu": "cha tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ nnda̱a̱ nntso na ñequio xueeya seitsꞌoomndyo̱ jom."} {"eng": "And honour and glory be to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of (the) mystery held still, in times everlasting; [Forsooth to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, after the revelation of (the) mystery holden still, that is, not showed, in times everlasting;]", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jeꞌ, cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Jom waa najneiⁿ na nntsꞌaaⁿ na nncꞌomꞌjnda̱ꞌtiꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom naya na mañequiaya na cwiluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndye nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ ncꞌe ñꞌoom na maꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesucristo. Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ waa, matseijomnaꞌ ñequio juu na cweꞌ wantyꞌiuuꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿnaꞌ xjeⁿ cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na ncuaa tsjoomnancue."} {"eng": "(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith)", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ jeꞌ cwiwitquiooꞌ xcweyanaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ ee ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii na tyolaꞌneiⁿ profetas na tyondyeꞌntjom nnoom, cantyjati xjeⁿ na tyotsa̱ꞌntjom Nqueⁿ na ticantycwii na mꞌaaⁿ. Juu ñꞌoom waantyꞌiuuꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ seicano̱o̱ⁿ cha nnꞌaⁿ meiⁿnquia ndyuaa nnda̱a̱ nlaꞌyuꞌna ndoꞌ nlaꞌcanda̱na jo nnoom."} {"eng": "God is really great and powerful, so everybody has to tell him that he is good. He can make you strong. This is his message. It is the good news about Jesus Christ. A long time ago, God planned to get both the Jewish people, and the people that are not Jews, to believe in him. But at first he kept it a secret, and he just got the Jewish people to follow him. After that, he got his men to write about it ahead of time, and their words are in his book. Now his message about Jesus is for every nation. It is not just for the Jewish people, but everybody everywhere can trust him, and they can listen to him and do what he wants. God is the only one that can think good enough to make it all work out like that. So everybody has to tell God and Jesus Christ, “You are great.” They have always got to do that for ever. From Paul", "amu": "Nnom nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na ñecwiiñê, na tjacantyja na jndo̱ꞌ tsꞌoom, ñecwiitco caluiitꞌmaⁿñê ncꞌe Jesucristo. Amén."} {"eng": "Gaius, my host and host of the whole assembly, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, as does Quartus, the brother.", "amu": "Matseicwanom Gayo na xmaⁿndyoꞌ. Ja Pablo mꞌaaⁿya waⁿꞌaⁿ na mateixꞌeeⁿ ja. Ndoꞌ mañjaaⁿ cwitjomndye nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ. Ndoꞌ mati Erasto matseicwanoom na xmaⁿndyoꞌ. Jom tsaⁿcoñom sꞌom tsjoomwaa. Mati juu nnꞌaⁿya Cuarto matseicwanoom na xmaⁿndyoꞌ."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Amen.", "amu": "Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom quiaaⁿ na cꞌoom naya na matseixmaⁿ Ta Jesucristo ñꞌeⁿ chaꞌtsondyoꞌ ꞌo. Amén."} {"eng": "For I will not dare to speak of any things except those which Christ worked through me for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed,", "amu": "Ticatsꞌaanaꞌ ntyjii na nncwjiiꞌa cwenta cwanti ya tsꞌiaaⁿ na nlꞌa ntꞌomcheⁿ, macanda̱ ntyjiiya na Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñeteilꞌueeꞌñê ja na nncwantjo̱ⁿya nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ, cha nlaꞌcanda̱a̱ꞌndyena jo nnoom. Ñetantjo̱ⁿya joona ñequio ñꞌomꞌndyo̱ya, ndoꞌ ñequio ljoꞌ na ñentyꞌiaana chiuu waa na tyomꞌaaⁿya quiiꞌntaaⁿna."} {"eng": "in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ waa, jnda̱ seicanda̱a̱ꞌndyo̱ na mañequia ñꞌoom naya na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Cristo nnꞌaⁿ, tyotsꞌaa na ljoꞌ Jerusalén ñequio chaꞌtso ntyja hasta tueꞌñoomnaꞌ ndyuaa Ilírico."} {"eng": "I myself am also persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.", "amu": "Cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ, matseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌa na cwilaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ chaꞌtso nnom na nnteijndeiinaꞌ ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ mati cwilaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyaꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na cwilayuuꞌa, hasta mati nnda̱a̱ nntꞌmo̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ joonaꞌ nda̱a̱ ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "But I write the more boldly to you in part as reminding you, because of the grace that was given to me by God,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tiꞌmaaⁿꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na matseiljeiya cartawaa na mꞌaⁿꞌ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya na cwilaꞌyuꞌyoꞌ cha tintsuuꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ joonaꞌ. Matsꞌaa naljoꞌ ncꞌe chaꞌcwijom cwii xuu na majuꞌnaꞌ nacjoya na catsꞌaaya. Matsꞌaa na ljoꞌ ee naya na mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na matseixmaⁿ."} {"eng": "Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,", "amu": "Nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na mañequiaaⁿ nda̱a̱ya na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jom, cateijneiⁿ ꞌo na ya cꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñequio ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌom Cristo Jesús,"} {"eng": "that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "amu": "cha na chaꞌtsondyoꞌñꞌeⁿꞌyoꞌ ñequio ñecwii jndyeeꞌyoꞌ na nlaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom Tsotye nquii Ta Jesucristo."} {"eng": "for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.", "amu": "Ee juu na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, nchii tomti waanaꞌ na nleijndaaꞌ ljoꞌ na wanaaⁿ na nntquia̱a̱ya oo na nncwa̱a̱ya. Matsa̱ꞌntjoom jaa cha cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Espíritu Santo nnda̱a̱ nlꞌaaya yuu na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ. Ndoꞌ mati na nncꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na neiiⁿya ndoꞌ na meiⁿcwii ñomtiuu ticꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jo nnoom."} {"eng": "For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.", "amu": "Tsꞌaⁿ na luaaꞌ mandiꞌntjom nnom Cristo, cwijaaweeꞌ ntyjii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñꞌeⁿñê, ndoꞌ mati neiiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ jom."} {"eng": "Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died.", "amu": "Ee xeⁿ cweꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljoꞌ na macwaꞌ matseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ ntyjii cwii nnꞌaⁿꞌ na matseiyuꞌ ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ macheꞌ, ticꞌoomꞌ na jnda ntyjiꞌ jom. Joꞌ chii tantsaꞌ cwii na ya ntyjiꞌ macwaꞌ nntseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ cwii nnꞌaⁿꞌ na tueꞌ Cristo cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Then don’t let your good be slandered,", "amu": "Tiñeꞌquiaꞌyoꞌ na nncjuꞌnaaⁿñenaꞌ na nlaneiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ñꞌoom na tijoꞌndyo nacjoꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ na ꞌo nquiuꞌyoꞌ na ya."} {"eng": "For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself.", "amu": "Ee tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ jaa cꞌoom na wandoꞌ cweꞌ ee na lꞌue tsꞌom nquii, ndoꞌ tjaa ꞌñeeⁿ jaa cꞌoom na nncueꞌ ee na lꞌue tsꞌom nquii."} {"eng": "For if we live, we live to the Lord. Or if we die, we die to the Lord. If therefore we live or die, we are the Lord’s.", "amu": "Cantyja na tando̱o̱ꞌa, tando̱o̱ꞌa cweꞌ ee Jesucristo, ndoꞌ cantyja na cwiwja̱a̱ya, ncwja̱a̱ya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom. Joꞌ chii aa na tando̱o̱ꞌa oo aa na nncwja̱a̱ya, maxjeⁿ mꞌaaⁿya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom."} {"eng": "Do this, knowing the time, that it is already time for you to awaken out of sleep, for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed.", "amu": "Calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ naljoꞌ ndoꞌ cꞌoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tiempo na mꞌaaⁿya jeꞌ. Matseijomnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom na cwindaꞌyoꞌ. Joꞌ chii calcwiꞌyoꞌ ee jeꞌ mandyooꞌti mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱, nchiiti quia jlayuuꞌjndya̱a̱ ñꞌoomꞌm."} {"eng": "The night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s therefore throw off the deeds of darkness, and let’s put on the armor of light.", "amu": "Juu na cwitsaamꞌaaⁿya matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌcwijom natsjom, juunaꞌ wjaawinomnaꞌ. Wjaawindyooꞌti xuee quia na nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱. Joꞌ chii caꞌndya̱a̱ na cwilajomndyo̱ tsꞌiaaⁿ na laxmaⁿnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ najaaⁿ. Calꞌueeꞌndyo̱ lꞌo̱ tsꞌiaaⁿ ya na laxmaⁿnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ naxuee."} {"eng": "Even as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”", "amu": "Ee cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nluiindye catyeⁿnquieeꞌñeeⁿ, meiⁿ na lꞌana na tisꞌa oo ljoꞌ na ya, ndoꞌ tso Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnom Rebeca: “Juu tsaⁿ na nluiiñejndyee nndiꞌntjoom nnom tyjeeⁿ.” Ñꞌoomwaaꞌ matseiljoyunaꞌ ñequio ñꞌoomꞌm na teiljeii na matsonaꞌ: “Tꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na wiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya Jacob ndoꞌ sꞌaaya na ticueeꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya Esaú.” Luaaꞌ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom wanaaⁿ na nncwjiiꞌñê nnꞌaⁿ na nluiindye cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ nqueⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌoom, joo nnꞌaⁿ na macwaaⁿ na nluiindyena cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Meiⁿ ticwjaaꞌñê cwenta ljoꞌ cwii nnom na cwilꞌana."} {"eng": "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,", "amu": "Ee ntyjiiya tjaa meiⁿcwii na nnda̱a̱ nnto̱ⁿꞌnaꞌ jaa na mꞌaaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom jaa. Cantyja na cwiwja̱a̱, cantyja na cwitando̱o̱ꞌa, meiⁿ ángeles, meiⁿ ljoꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ waa najnda̱, meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌiaaⁿ laꞌxmaⁿ, meiⁿ ljoꞌcheⁿ na matseicatyꞌuenaꞌ jaa na majeꞌ, ndoꞌ meiⁿ ljoꞌ na wjaachꞌeenaꞌ jaa ꞌio cha,"} {"eng": "nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.", "amu": "meiⁿ ljoꞌ na mꞌaⁿ nandye, meiⁿ ljoꞌ na niom yuu na njoomti tsꞌom ndaaluee, meiⁿ ljoꞌ na sꞌaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Meiⁿcwii na chaꞌtso nmeiⁿꞌ, xocanda̱a̱ nnto̱ⁿꞌnaꞌ jaa na tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom jaa ncꞌe Cristo Jesús na cwiluiiñê na catsa̱ꞌntjoom jaa."} {"eng": "For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?", "amu": "Ncꞌe na luaaꞌ waa na cwicantyjaaꞌ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, joꞌ chii na cwiluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱, sa̱a̱ quia jnda̱ ntyꞌiaaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ cwii na macantyjaaꞌ tsꞌoom, tacatsonaꞌ na ntyjaaꞌti tsꞌoom ee cwii na mamantyꞌiaaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ, ticatsonaꞌ na ntyjaaꞌti tsꞌoom."} {"eng": "But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ xeⁿ ljoꞌ na meiⁿndo̱o̱ꞌa na nntyꞌiaaya ndicwaⁿ tyoontyꞌiaaya joꞌ, macaⁿnaꞌ na cꞌo̱ⁿtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya yocheⁿ na meiⁿndo̱o̱ꞌa juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "because the mind of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiñequiandye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jnaⁿ, mꞌaⁿwjeena nacjooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ee tiñeꞌcatueeꞌndyecjena jo nnom ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ, meiⁿ xonda̱a̱ nlꞌana."} {"eng": "Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii nnꞌaⁿ na ꞌoomꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jnaⁿ, xocanda̱a̱ nlꞌana yuu na cjaaweeꞌ ntyjii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?", "amu": "Tijoom jndaa. Ee juu tsꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tueꞌ xocanda̱a̱ nntsa̱ꞌntjomti natia jom. Ndoꞌ jaa nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuuꞌa ñꞌeⁿ Cristo cwiluiindyo̱ lꞌoo jo nnom jnaⁿ. Joꞌ chii ¿chiuu nluiiyuu na nlꞌaatya̱a̱ya natia?"} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", "amu": "¿Aa ticalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ quia na teitsꞌoomndyo̱, tjaaꞌñenaꞌ jaa cantyja na tueꞌ Cristo Jesús?"} {"eng": "We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.", "amu": "Ee quia na teitsꞌoomndyo̱ tjoomꞌ tjacantyꞌiuuꞌndyo̱ ñequio Cristo joꞌ na tqueⁿnaꞌ na lꞌoo jaa, cha na nntsꞌaanaꞌ na laꞌxmaaⁿya nnꞌaⁿ na cwitaꞌndoꞌxco chaꞌxjeⁿ na tandoꞌxco Cristo cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juu na tꞌmaⁿ najndeii na matseixmaⁿ Tsotya̱a̱ya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.", "amu": "Cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncuaa ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ, maxjeⁿ cwilaꞌtjo̱o̱ndye nnꞌaⁿ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, sa̱a̱ tîcatsoom na waa jnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ quia na tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljeii na maqueⁿnaꞌ xjeⁿ."} {"eng": "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ meiiⁿ na ljoꞌ, xjeⁿ na tꞌoomcheⁿ Adán hasta xjeⁿ na tꞌoom Moisés, maxjeⁿ tyowje nnꞌaⁿ na tyolaꞌtjo̱o̱ndyena meiiⁿ na nchii tyolaꞌtjo̱o̱ndyena nnom cwii ñꞌoom na jnda̱ sa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, chaꞌxjeⁿ sꞌaa Adán, juu na cwiluiiñe cwii na matseijomnaꞌ nquii na quia nndyo."} {"eng": "Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;", "amu": "Joꞌ chii ncꞌe na jnda̱ tqueⁿnaꞌ na cwiluiindyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ na tjaa jnaⁿ cwicolaxmaaⁿya ncꞌe na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, jnda̱ ljoya tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ ncꞌe nquii Jesucristo na cwiluiiñe na matsa̱ꞌntjom jaa."} {"eng": "through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.", "amu": "Macantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom, joꞌ na macwjaaꞌñenaꞌ jaa naquiiꞌ nayawaañe na matseixmaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cwicaluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndye nnꞌaⁿ, na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌom ñꞌeⁿñê. Ndoꞌ tyeⁿ mꞌaaⁿya naquiiꞌ ñꞌoomwaaꞌ ndoꞌ mañequiaanaꞌ na jeeⁿ neiiⁿya, ee ntyjaaꞌya nꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na nlaꞌjomndyo̱ na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of no effect.", "amu": "Ee xeⁿ na mayuuꞌ na joo nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌcanda̱ ljeii na tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnom Moisés nndaana tsjoomnancue, quia joꞌ cweꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌndyo na cwilaꞌyuꞌya nꞌomna, ndoꞌ mati juu ñꞌoom na tsoom nnom Abraham na nntsꞌaaⁿ jnda̱ tyuiiꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "For the law produces wrath; for where there is no law, neither is there disobedience.", "amu": "Ee ljeii na tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnom Moisés, matseijndaaꞌñenaꞌ na nntꞌueeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. Macanda̱ xeⁿ ticuaa ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱na, quia joꞌ xocatsonaꞌ na cwilaꞌtjo̱o̱ndyena nnomnaꞌ."} {"eng": "But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets;", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ jnda̱ tꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chiuu ya yuu na tseixmaⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na tjaa jnaaⁿꞌ jo nnoom, taxocwilꞌue meiiⁿ na ñeꞌtseicanda̱ tsꞌaⁿ ljeii na tquiaaⁿ nnom Moisés ñequio ntꞌom ñꞌoom na tandyo xuee jlaꞌljeii profetas, cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿnaꞌ na ljoꞌ."} {"eng": "even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all those who believe. For there is no distinction,", "amu": "Jeꞌ tomti matsa̱ꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na meiⁿcwii jnaⁿ tacolaꞌxmaⁿna, quia na cwilaꞌyuya nꞌomna ñꞌeⁿ Jesucristo. Meiⁿ tyoochꞌeeⁿ na cweꞌ ñejndaaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na matseiñꞌoomꞌñê."} {"eng": "Now we know that whatever things the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may be brought under the judgment of God.", "amu": "Jaa manquiuuya na tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ljeii na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ na tqueⁿ Moisés nda̱a̱ jaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Sꞌaaⁿ na ljoꞌ cha catseicheⁿnaꞌ meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ na ñeꞌcatso na tjaa jnaaⁿꞌ. Ee cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juunaꞌ matseijndaaꞌñê na chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ laꞌxmaⁿna jnaⁿ."} {"eng": "Because by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.", "amu": "Ee nchii nlqueⁿnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na tjaa jnaaⁿꞌ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ncꞌe na machꞌee yuu na matsa̱ꞌntjom ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ. Ee juunaꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌnaꞌ tomti na matseijndaaꞌñenaꞌ na cwiluiindyo̱ nnꞌaⁿjnaⁿ jo nnoom."} {"eng": "oppression, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "amu": "Jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ nawiꞌ nntseiquioom nacjoo chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ na cwilꞌa natia ndoꞌ tꞌmaⁿ nntseiꞌndaaꞌnaꞌ nquiuna. Najndyee nntjoom nnꞌaⁿ judíos na ljoꞌ, ndoꞌ majoꞌti nntjoom nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos."} {"eng": "But glory, honor, and peace go to every man who does good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na cwilꞌa yuu na ya, tjoomꞌ nntseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom joona, nntsꞌaaⁿ na nluiitꞌmaⁿndyena ndoꞌ nñequiaaⁿ na meiⁿcwii ñomtiuu ticꞌomna jo nnoom. Najndyee nntsꞌaaⁿ na ljoꞌ ñequio nnꞌaⁿ judíos, ndoꞌ mati nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos."} {"eng": "For there is no partiality with God.", "amu": "Ee Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nchii na nncjaañꞌoomꞌñê ñꞌeⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ, sa̱a̱ cwiicheⁿ tineiiⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "concerning his Son, who was born of the offspring of David according to the flesh,", "amu": "Juu ñꞌoom nayaꞌñeeⁿ matꞌuiinaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jnaaⁿ, nquii Ta Jesucristo. Cantyja na tsꞌaⁿ jom, tuiiñê tsjaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ rey David na jndyowicantyjooꞌ."} {"eng": "who was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,", "amu": "Jnda̱ chii tꞌmo̱ⁿ Espíritu Santo na Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom juu ndoꞌ waa najndeii. Teitquiooꞌ naljoꞌ ee jnda̱ na tueꞌ tandoꞌxco quiiꞌntaaⁿ lꞌoo."} {"eng": "“Be it known therefore to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will listen.”", "amu": "Tsoti Pablo: —Sa̱a̱ calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê nnꞌaⁿ. Na jeꞌ xuee na cwii wjaanaꞌ, nncjaa ñꞌoomwaa na mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos. Joona nndyena juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "When he had said these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na tso Pablo ñꞌoomwaaꞌ mana tꞌoomꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Jndye ñꞌoom cwityolaꞌneiⁿ cheⁿnquieena nda̱a̱ ncꞌiaana."} {"eng": "saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive.", "amu": "Matsoom: Cjaꞌ na mꞌaⁿ naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ. Catsuꞌ nda̱a̱na: Luaa matseicandii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ꞌo: ꞌO mayuuꞌ nndyeꞌyoꞌ sa̱a̱ xocalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ mayuuꞌ na nntyꞌiaꞌnda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ sa̱a̱ xoqueⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta."} {"eng": "For this people’s heart has grown callous. Their ears are dull of hearing. Their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and would turn again, then I would heal them.’", "amu": "Ee jnda̱ teiquieꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ. Jnda̱ sꞌaanaꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom na candaaꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ sꞌaanaꞌ chaꞌcwijom na nchjaaⁿꞌyoꞌ. Jeeⁿ cachjoo cwilaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Joꞌ na matseijomnaꞌ ꞌo na ndooꞌ nchjaaⁿꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ na candaaꞌyoꞌ. Joꞌ chii xolcweꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ waa xocatseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "After they had hoisted it up, they used cables to help reinforce the ship. Fearing that they would run aground on the Syrtis sand bars, they lowered the sea anchor, and so were driven along.", "amu": "Jnda̱ tua̱a̱ꞌâ xuljoo tsꞌom wꞌaandaa jlaꞌtyeⁿna wꞌaandaa ñequio lꞌuaa cha tintyuiiꞌnaꞌ. Nquiaana xeⁿ nncjaacꞌo̱o̱ꞌ wꞌaandaa cwii joo na jndyunaꞌ Sirte yuu na jndye teiꞌ ñjom. Joꞌ chii toꞌñoomna liaa ntmeiⁿ na macwjaaꞌñenaꞌ jndye ee ñeꞌcalaꞌxjeeⁿꞌndyena na jndeii mantquie jndye wꞌaandaa. Jnda̱ joꞌ ꞌndyetona tjantquie jndye juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "As we labored exceedingly with the storm, the next day they began to throw things overboard.", "amu": "Teincoo cwiicheⁿ xuee ndicwaⁿ jndeii maquiꞌcaljoo jndye wꞌaandaa. Joꞌ chii to̱ꞌna tyotjeiiꞌna canchuu tsꞌomnaꞌ. Tyotueeꞌna joonaꞌ tsꞌom ndaaluee cha na nntseixjeeⁿꞌñenaꞌ na jaaꞌ wꞌaandaa."} {"eng": "Now I stand here to be judged for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers,", "amu": "Jeꞌ mꞌaaⁿya ljoo na nntuꞌxeⁿndyo̱ cweꞌ ee ntyjiiyaya naquiiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na nntaꞌndoꞌnndaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱. Ee luaaꞌ ñꞌoom na tso Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱ welooyâ na ñetꞌom teiyo na nntsꞌaaⁿ. Ja ntyjaaꞌya tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya na nncueꞌntyjo̱ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "which our twelve tribes, earnestly serving night and day, hope to attain. Concerning this hope I am accused by the Jews, King Agrippa!", "amu": "Ndoꞌ chaꞌtso na canchooꞌwe ntmaaⁿꞌ ncꞌiaayâ nnꞌaⁿ Israel majoꞌti ntyjaaꞌya nꞌomna na nntaꞌndoꞌnndaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱. Joꞌ na ticꞌoomeintyjeeꞌna na cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequio na xcweeꞌ nꞌomna. Ndoꞌ ja, ncꞌe na maluaaꞌ ntyjaaꞌya tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, ꞌu ta Agripa, joꞌ na jnda̱ tqueⁿ ntꞌom ncꞌiaya nnꞌaⁿ judíos ñꞌoom nacjoya."} {"eng": "“I think myself happy, King Agrippa, that I am to make my defense before you today concerning all the things that I am accused by the Jews,", "amu": "Matsoom: —Mañequiaanaꞌ na neiⁿya, ꞌu rey Agripa, na nndiꞌ ñꞌoom ꞌndyo̱ nnco̱ xuee jeꞌ. Nntsjo̱o̱ya cantyja na ntyjiiya na meiⁿchjoo tiyuuꞌ ñꞌoom na cwiqueⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos nacjoya."} {"eng": "especially because you are expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.", "amu": "Ee ꞌu mantyjiꞌyaꞌ chaꞌtso costumbre na cwilꞌaa jâ nnꞌaⁿ judíos ñequio chaꞌtso ñꞌoom na tileicatjoomꞌ mꞌmaaⁿyâ. Joꞌ chii matsꞌaa tyꞌoo njomꞌ na cꞌoomꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ tsꞌomꞌ na nndiꞌ ñꞌoom na nntsjo̱o̱."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "amu": "Ñeꞌcjaachom nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿyâ. Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ nntseitsꞌiaaⁿñê juunaꞌ. Joꞌ chii jâ tꞌua̱a̱yâ jom na ñeꞌcatuꞌxa̱a̱ⁿyâ jom ñequio ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés na cwileiñꞌo̱o̱ⁿyâ."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tjacatiiꞌñe nquii Claudio Lisias, tsaⁿ na cwiluiitquieñe nda̱a̱ sondaro. Ndoꞌ ñequio na jndeiꞌnaꞌ tjacwjiiꞌñê Pablomꞌaaⁿꞌ lua̱a̱yâ."} {"eng": "When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that prosperity is coming to this nation by your foresight,", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tqueeⁿꞌñe gobiernom Pablo. Jnda̱ chii to̱ꞌ Tértulo tyoñequiaaⁿ jnaaⁿꞌ Pablo. Tsoom nnom gobiernom: —Cweꞌ cantyja na jndo̱ꞌ tsꞌomꞌ ꞌu ta Félix cwicꞌa̱a̱ⁿyâ na tjaaꞌnaⁿ ntiaꞌ quiiꞌntaaⁿyâ. Ndoꞌ tꞌmaⁿ waa na matseiꞌjndaaꞌndyuꞌtiꞌ naquiiꞌ njoommeiiⁿ."} {"eng": "we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii jâ cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyô̱ ꞌu. Ndoꞌ ñequiiꞌcheⁿ cwilꞌuuyâ na quianlꞌuaꞌ chaꞌtso naya na macheꞌ."} {"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquieñe nda̱a̱ sondaro tꞌmaaⁿ we capeitaⁿ. Sa̱ꞌntjoom na calaꞌjndaaꞌndyena we siaⁿnto sondaro na cwiꞌoocaꞌ ncꞌeeꞌ ñequio ndyeenꞌaaⁿ nchooꞌ qui sondaro na ntyjondye catso ndoꞌ we siaⁿnto sondaro na cwileicho ncjo lantsa. Sa̱ꞌntjoom na ñjeeⁿ na teijaaⁿ nluiꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na nncꞌoona tsjoom Cesarea."} {"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "amu": "Mati tsoom na calajndaaꞌndyena quiooꞌ na nncjaawaꞌljoo Pablo, ndoꞌ ya ya calꞌana cwenta jom cha mati ya nncueⁿꞌeⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Félix tsꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ gobiernom."} {"eng": "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Men and brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. Concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!”", "amu": "Pablo ntyjeeⁿ na we ndiiꞌ naⁿmaⁿnꞌiaaⁿ na matseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱. Ntꞌomndye joona cwilaxmaⁿna tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ judíos na jndyu saduceos. Ndoꞌ ntꞌomndye joona cwilaxmaⁿna tmaaⁿꞌ fariseos. Joꞌ chii jndeii seineiiⁿ, tsoom: —ꞌO re nnꞌaⁿya ja tseixmaⁿya fariseo. Mati tsotya̱ majoꞌ jom. Sa̱a̱ ꞌo cwituꞌxeⁿꞌyoꞌ ja cweꞌ ncꞌe na matseiyuꞌa na nntaꞌndoꞌxco nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱."} {"eng": "When he had said this, an argument arose between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the crowd was divided.", "amu": "Quia na jnda̱ tsoom na nmeiiⁿꞌ, jlaꞌntjaꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ fariseos ñꞌeⁿ saduceos. Taticatjoomꞌ jlaꞌneiⁿna."} {"eng": "For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees confess all of these.", "amu": "Ee nnꞌaⁿ saduceos cwiluena xocatandoꞌnndaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱, meiⁿ ángel meiⁿ espíritu, tjaaꞌnaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ fariseos cwilayuꞌna na mꞌaⁿ ángel, ndoꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ espíritu ndoꞌ na nntandoꞌnndaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱."} {"eng": "Paul, looking steadfastly at the council, said, “Brothers, I have lived before God in all good conscience until today.”", "amu": "Pablo ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ naⁿmaⁿnꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Matsoom nda̱a̱na: —Ja ntyjii, ꞌo re nnꞌaⁿya, chaꞌtso xuee na jnda̱ jndyowanaꞌ ñequiiꞌcheⁿ matsꞌaaya cantyja na matseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌa na matyꞌiomnaꞌ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "The high priest, Ananias, commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tyee na cwiluiitquieñe, tsaⁿ na jndyu Ananías, sa̱ꞌntjoom nnꞌaⁿ na meintyjeeꞌ nacañoomꞌ Pablo na catmeiiⁿꞌna ndaꞌ ꞌndyoo tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,", "amu": "Quia na wjaacanda̱a̱ꞌ ntquieeꞌ xueeꞌñeeⁿ cantyja na nlaꞌcanda̱a̱ꞌndyena, ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ judíos na jnaⁿ ndyuaa Asia ntyꞌiaana Pablo naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ. Joꞌ chii tyolaꞌjmeiⁿꞌna chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ tꞌuena Pablo."} {"eng": "crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!”", "amu": "Jeeⁿ jndeii tyolaꞌxuaana jluena: —ꞌO re nnꞌaaⁿya Israel cateiꞌjndeiꞌyoꞌ jâ ee luaa tsꞌaⁿ na ñetonom chaꞌtso njoom. Tyotseineiiⁿ ñꞌoom nacjoo chaꞌtsondyo̱ ñequio nacjooꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, ndoꞌ nacjooꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿwaa. Ndoꞌ nchii macanda̱ luaaꞌ, mati jnda̱ jndyochom ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿwaa. Joꞌ na jnda̱ seitsꞌiaaⁿñê juunaꞌ na matseixmaⁿnaꞌ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ tyoluena ee cweꞌ na ntyꞌiaana Pablo naquiiꞌ tsjoom ñequio tsꞌaⁿ na nchii judío na jndyu Trófimo, jom tsꞌaⁿ Éfeso, joꞌ chii jlaꞌtiuuna na tjañꞌoom Pablo tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ."} {"eng": "I coveted no one’s silver, gold, or clothing.", "amu": "Ja tyootseiqueeⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ meiⁿ sꞌom xuee, meiⁿ sꞌom cajaⁿ, meiⁿ liaaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me.", "amu": "ꞌO nquiuꞌyoꞌ nnco̱ tyotsꞌaa tsꞌiaaⁿ ñequio lꞌo̱o̱ na tyowantyjo̱ⁿ ꞌnaⁿ na tyocaⁿnaꞌ ja ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na ñeñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱."} {"eng": "For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.", "amu": "Ee ntyjii quia na tacꞌo̱o̱ⁿndyo̱ ñꞌeⁿndyoꞌ, nlquie nnꞌaⁿ naquiiꞌ ntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ na nlaꞌndaaꞌna nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na cwilayuꞌyoꞌ chaꞌna cwitjoom canmaⁿ. Ee quia na cwiquie lowo quiiꞌntaaⁿyoꞌ cwilaꞌcwjee lowoꞌñeeⁿ jooyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Men will arise from among your own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.", "amu": "Hasta quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌ ncjoꞌyoꞌ nnto̱ꞌ ntꞌom ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ nntꞌmo̱o̱ⁿna nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ sa̱a̱ taxcwe chaꞌxjeⁿ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ. Laaꞌtiꞌ nntꞌmo̱o̱ⁿna cha ntꞌomndyoꞌ ꞌo ñequio ncꞌiaaꞌyoꞌ na mati cwilaꞌyuꞌ nlajomndyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyena."} {"eng": "These accompanied him as far as Asia: Sopater of Beroea, Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia.", "amu": "Tyomꞌaⁿ ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na tyocañꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê. Tyocañꞌeⁿ Sópater tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Berea. Mati ñꞌeⁿ Aristarco ñequio Segundo, joona nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Tesalónica. Ndoꞌ tyoñꞌeⁿ Gayo tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Derbe. Tyoñꞌeⁿ Timoteo. Mati Tíquico ñequio Trófimo nnꞌaⁿ ndyuaa Asia tyocañꞌeeⁿna ñꞌeⁿ Pablo."} {"eng": "But these had gone ahead, and were waiting for us at Troas.", "amu": "Joo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyꞌeñetina. Tquiena tsjoom Troas. Joꞌ joꞌ tyomeiꞌndooꞌna Pablo ñꞌeⁿ ja Lucas."} {"eng": "Many also of those who had believed came, confessing and declaring their deeds.", "amu": "Mati nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ jlaꞌyuꞌ jndyendyena tquionquiana jnaaⁿna, tjeiꞌyuuꞌndyena ljoꞌ ñelꞌana na ticatsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted their price, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.", "amu": "Jndye nnꞌaⁿ na ñetꞌom na caluaꞌndye, tquiochona nom ꞌnaaⁿna na quio cwilꞌana tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Jlaꞌcona joonaꞌ jo nda̱a̱ chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ quia na tjeiiꞌna cwenta cwanti na jnda nomꞌñeeⁿ jliuna na jndanaꞌ wenꞌaaⁿ nchooꞌ qui meiⁿ sꞌom xuee."} {"eng": "But some of the itinerant Jews, exorcists, took on themselves to invoke over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.”", "amu": "Ntꞌom nnꞌaⁿ judíos na caluaꞌndye tyomaꞌnomna, tyotjeiiꞌna jndyetia naquiiꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ. Jnda̱ chii jlaꞌtiuuna na nntjeiiꞌna jndyetia ñequio xueeꞌ Ta Jesús. Joꞌ chii cwii cwiindyena tyoluena nda̱a̱ jndyetia: —Matsa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿya na caluiꞌyoꞌ ñequio xueeꞌ Jesús, tsaⁿ na matseineiⁿ Pablo cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did this.", "amu": "Maljoꞌ tyolꞌa chaꞌtso ntquieeꞌ ntseinda cwii tsꞌaⁿ judío na jndyu Esceva. Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyee na cwiluiitquieñe."} {"eng": "Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.", "amu": "Tsjoom Éfeso tueeꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ judío na jndyu Apolos, tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Alejandría. Jom tsꞌaⁿ na mawajnaaⁿꞌya ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiyo teiljeii, ndoꞌ jeeⁿ ya matseineiiⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John.", "amu": "Jnda̱ ñetꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nnꞌaⁿ nnoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ natooꞌ nquii na nndyocwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe nnꞌaⁿ. Joꞌ chii ñequio na ntyjaaꞌ tsꞌoom tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ. Xcwe tyoꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ chaꞌwaa na ntyjiityeeⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na nndyocwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Jesús nnꞌaⁿ, sa̱a̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na nleitsꞌoomndye nnꞌaⁿ, macanda̱ ntyjeeⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na tyoñequia Juan."} {"eng": "He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside, and explained to him the way of God more accurately.", "amu": "To̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na tyotseineiiⁿ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Meiⁿchjoo tîꞌmaaⁿꞌ tsꞌoom. Ndoꞌ Priscila ñꞌeⁿ Aquila, quia na jndyena ñꞌoom na seineiiⁿ, quia joꞌ tyꞌeñꞌomna jom wꞌaana. Tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿtina nnoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ natooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He came to Ephesus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.", "amu": "Tquiena tsjoom Éfeso. Priscila ñꞌeⁿ Aquila ljooꞌndyena joꞌ joꞌ. Pablo tjaaⁿ watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos, tjaqueⁿꞌeⁿ tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "When they asked him to stay with them a longer time, he declined;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyolꞌana tyꞌoo nnoom na majndyeti xuee caljooꞌñê ñꞌeⁿndyena, sa̱a̱ ticwancueⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "but taking his leave of them, he said, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills.” Then he set sail from Ephesus.", "amu": "Jnda̱ chii tꞌmaaⁿ joona na mawjaⁿ. Tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Jndeiꞌnaꞌ na jo̱ Jerusalén na manndyooꞌ na nncueeꞌ xuee sa̱a̱ xeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom lꞌue tsꞌoom nndyo̱nndaꞌa na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ. Jnda̱ joꞌ jlueeⁿꞌeⁿ Éfeso ñꞌeⁿ wꞌaandaa."} {"eng": "But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If indeed it were a matter of wrong or of wicked crime, you Jews, it would be reasonable that I should bear with you;", "amu": "Xjeⁿ na manntseineiⁿ Pablo, seityuaaꞌti Galión. Tso tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ judíos: —ꞌO nnꞌaⁿ judíos, xeⁿ waa ljoꞌ machꞌee tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ oo xeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ waa quia joꞌ matyꞌiomnaꞌ na nntseicachjuundyo̱ na nndii ñꞌoom na cwinduꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "but if they are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves. For I don’t want to be a judge of these matters.”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ꞌo cweꞌ jnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na mañequiaa tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ ndoꞌ xueeꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na maleiñꞌoom, joꞌ cwilancjooꞌndyoꞌ, ndoꞌ cweꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na cwileiñꞌomꞌ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿ judíos nchii ljeii cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ watsꞌiaaⁿ. Joꞌ chii cajndoꞌtoꞌ ncjoꞌyoꞌ, ee ja tiñeꞌcuꞌxa̱ⁿya ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "Paul, as was his custom, went in to them; and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,", "amu": "Ndyee smaⁿna tyomꞌaⁿna tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ. Ñequiiꞌ quia xuee na cwitaꞌjndyee nnꞌaⁿ judíos, Pablo sꞌaaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ quichꞌeeⁿ. Tjatseijomñê ñꞌeⁿ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na cwitjomndyena watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿna. Tyotseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.”", "amu": "Tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na juu ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiyo teiljeii matsonaꞌ na maxjeⁿ jndeiꞌnaꞌ na cwajndii nntjom Cristo. Nntyꞌioom nnꞌaⁿ jom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ, maxjeⁿ nncueeⁿꞌeⁿ jnda̱ chii nncwandoꞌxcoom. Tsoti Pablo: —Jndyocwjiꞌyuuꞌndyo̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, jom cwiluiiñê Cristo."} {"eng": "They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tyolaꞌneiⁿna ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ñequio chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "He took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes, and was immediately baptized, he and all his household.", "amu": "Juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ na ndicwaⁿ jaaⁿcheⁿ tjachom joona ndoꞌ tmaaⁿ yuu na tquieeꞌndyena na choꞌna. Jnda̱ chii teitsꞌoomñê ndoꞌ mati chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "He brought them up into his house and set food before them, and rejoiced greatly with all his household, having believed in God.", "amu": "Jnda̱ joꞌ tjañꞌoom Pablo ñequio Silas waⁿꞌaⁿ, tquiaaⁿ na tcwaꞌna. Jom ndoꞌ ñequio chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ neiiⁿna na jnda̱ macwilayuꞌna ñequio Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "but Paul chose Silas and went out, being commended by the brothers to the grace of God.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Pablo, tjeiiꞌñê Silas. Cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncꞌoona tioo nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ joona lꞌo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na catioꞌnaaⁿñê joona. Jnda̱ chii tyꞌena."} {"eng": "He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the assemblies.", "amu": "Tyowiꞌnomna ndyuaa Siria ñequio Cilicia. Tyoteiꞌjndeiina na tyꞌenajnda̱ ntmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "After they had spent some time there, they were dismissed in peace from the brothers to the apostles.", "amu": "Judas ñꞌeⁿ Silas tyomꞌaⁿna joꞌ joꞌ cwantindyo xuee. Xjeⁿ na macwiꞌoolcweeꞌna Jerusalén yuu mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na jñoom joona, nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ tsjoom Antioquía tioo joona lꞌo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cꞌoona na tjaa ñomtiuu cꞌomna."} {"eng": "But it was seen to Silas, to dwell there; and Judas went alone to Jeru-salem.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Silas seitioom na nljooꞌñetyeeⁿ joꞌ joꞌ."} {"eng": "But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.", "amu": "Mati Pablo ñꞌeⁿ Bernabé ljooꞌndyena. Joona ñequio jndye ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ tyotꞌmo̱o̱ⁿna ndoꞌ tyoñequiana ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "that the rest of men may seek after the Lord: all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who does all these things.’", "amu": "Luaaꞌ matseijndaaꞌndyo̱ cha mati nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos nlꞌueena ja na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿya. Chaꞌtsondye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na quia nlaxmaⁿ cwentaya nlꞌueena ja."} {"eng": "“All of God’s works are known to him from eternity.", "amu": "Ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ tsotinaꞌ: Luaaꞌ ñꞌoom na teiyo tꞌmo̱ⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱ya ñequio tsꞌiaaⁿmeiiⁿ na machꞌeeⁿ."} {"eng": "In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Pablo ñꞌeⁿ Bernabé majoꞌti lꞌana tsjoom Iconio. Tyꞌequieꞌna naquiiꞌ watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Tyoñequiana ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Jeeⁿ ya tyolaꞌneiⁿna. Joꞌ chii jndyendye nnꞌaⁿ judíos jlayuꞌ ndoꞌ mati ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos."} {"eng": "But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ judíos na tyoolayuꞌ tyolaꞌndaaꞌna nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos. Tyolꞌana na calancjooꞌndye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ nacjoo nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ."} {"eng": "Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii Pablo ñꞌeⁿ Bernabé majndye xuee ljooꞌndyena tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ. Ndoꞌ ñequio na tꞌmaⁿya nꞌomna tyoñequiana ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ naya na matseixmaⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ee nquiuna na ñꞌeⁿñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyena. Ndoꞌ jom tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na mayuuꞌ ñꞌoom na tyoñequiana ee sꞌaaⁿ na tyolꞌana ꞌnaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na xocanda̱a̱ nntsꞌaa na cweꞌ najndeii nquii tsꞌaⁿ meiⁿ xocatseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ chiuu tuiiyuu."} {"eng": "But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ to̱ⁿꞌnaꞌ joona. Ee ntꞌomndyena tyolaꞌjomndyena ñequio nnꞌaⁿ judíos ndoꞌ ntꞌomcheⁿ tyolaꞌjomndye ñequio apóstoles."} {"eng": "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na seineiⁿ Pablo jlueeⁿꞌeⁿ naquiiꞌ watsꞌomꞌñeeⁿ ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê. Ndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos tyolꞌana tyꞌoo nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na calaꞌneiⁿtina ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱na cwiicheⁿ xuee na cwitaꞌjndyee nnꞌaⁿ judíos."} {"eng": "Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas; who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.", "amu": "Quia na jnda̱ tꞌoomꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ na tyotjomndye watsꞌomꞌñeeⁿ jndye nnꞌaⁿ tyꞌelajomndyena ñꞌeⁿ Pablo ñꞌeⁿ Bernabé. Ñꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos ndoꞌ ñꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos sa̱a̱ ñequio na xcweeꞌ nꞌomna cwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chaꞌxjeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Pablo ñꞌeⁿ Bernabé tyolajndo̱ꞌna nꞌom naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na tyeⁿ cꞌomna na quitꞌmaⁿ nꞌomna Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ee jom matseixmaaⁿ naya."} {"eng": "Be it known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man is proclaimed to you remission of sins;", "amu": "Joꞌ chii ꞌo nnꞌaaⁿya, calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na cwiñequiaayâ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, ee cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom joꞌ na matseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.", "amu": "Cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés xocaluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe tsꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na nntseiyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe."} {"eng": "When they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar Jesus,", "amu": "Teiꞌnomna chaꞌwaa ndyuaaxeⁿncweꞌñeeⁿ. Tquiena hasta tsjoom Pafos. Joꞌ joꞌ jliuna cwii tsaⁿcaluaꞌ, tsꞌaⁿ judío na tyochꞌee na profeta juu sa̱a̱ tiyuuꞌ ñꞌoom tyoñequiaa. Jndyu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ Barjesús."} {"eng": "who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding. This man summoned Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the word of God.", "amu": "Tyocañꞌeⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿ tsaⁿ na tyotsa̱ꞌntjom na jndyu Sergio Paulo tsꞌaⁿ na jeeⁿ jndo̱ꞌ tsꞌom. Ndoꞌ Sergioꞌñeeⁿ tqueeⁿꞌñê Bernabé ñꞌeⁿ Saulo ee ñeꞌcañeeⁿ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith.", "amu": "Tsaⁿcaluaꞌñeeⁿ waa cwiicheⁿ xueⁿꞌeⁿ na jñoom Elimas. Jom ñeꞌcatseitsaaⁿꞌñê naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na tacalaꞌneiⁿna nnom tsꞌaⁿ na matsa̱ꞌntjom ndoꞌ seijneiⁿ na tintseiñꞌoomꞌñe tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ñꞌoom na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, ee ticalꞌue tsꞌoom na nntseiyuꞌ juu."} {"eng": "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him", "amu": "Joꞌ chii Saulo na mati jndyu Pablo, chaꞌwaañꞌeⁿ naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom tooꞌ Espíritu Santo, nquiee ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ tsaⁿcaluaꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "As any of the disciples had plenty, each determined to send relief to the brothers who lived in Judea;", "amu": "Joꞌ chii nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ tsjoom Antioquía jlaꞌjndaaꞌndyena na nlꞌana naya tsjo̱ꞌñjeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ na mꞌaⁿ ndyuaa Judea ncꞌe na matseitjo̱o̱naꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Cwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ nnteijneiⁿ cantyjati na nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "which they also did, sending it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ tyolꞌana. Ndoꞌ tsjo̱ꞌñjeeⁿ na tyolaꞌtjomna tquiana joonaꞌ lꞌo̱ Bernabé ñꞌeⁿ Saulo. Tyꞌecho naⁿꞌñeeⁿ sꞌomꞌñeeⁿ na mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilayuꞌ tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea."} {"eng": "He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying to him, ‘Send to Joppa and get Simon, who is called Peter,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tso tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱yâ na ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ cwii ángel na meintyjeeꞌ quiiꞌ waⁿꞌaⁿ. Matso nnoom: “Cajñomꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cꞌoona Jope na nncꞌoocꞌomna Simón tsaⁿ na mati jndyu Pedro."} {"eng": "who will speak to you words by which you will be saved, you and all your house.’", "amu": "Jom nntsoom njomꞌ chiuu waa na nntsaꞌ cha nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyuꞌ nncuꞌ ndoꞌ mati chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ waꞌ.”"} {"eng": "He saw heaven opened and a certain container descending to him, like a great sheet let down by four corners on the earth,", "amu": "Ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na jnaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee. Jndyocue cwii ꞌnaⁿ chaꞌcwijom cwii liaa tscaꞌndyuꞌ tmeiⁿ na chuꞌtyeⁿ ñequiee nquinaꞌ. Tioonaꞌ xjeⁿ yuu na mꞌaaⁿcheⁿ."} {"eng": "in which were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild animals, reptiles, and birds of the sky.", "amu": "Liaaꞌñeeⁿ ñjom chaꞌtso nnom quiooꞌ na cwiꞌoocaꞌ ñequio quiooꞌ na cwiꞌootsco̱o̱ꞌndye ñequio cantsaa."} {"eng": "When many days were fulfilled, the Jews conspired together to kill him,", "amu": "Jnda̱ jaachꞌee xuee na maꞌmo̱ⁿ Saulo ndoꞌ jnda̱ chii tjoomꞌ ñꞌoom tꞌmaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos na nlacueeꞌna jom."} {"eng": "but their plot became known to Saul. They watched the gates both day and night that they might kill him,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ jñeeⁿ na ljoꞌ. Ndoꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ naxuee ndoꞌ natsjom tyondo̱o̱na jom ndyueelꞌa tatiom nnom tsjoomna na nlacueeꞌna jom."} {"eng": "But Saul, still breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Saulo ticandoꞌ nncjaameintyjeeⁿꞌeⁿ na matseicatyꞌueeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ ñequio Ta Jesús. Ndicwaⁿ macantyjaaꞌñê na nntseicwjeⁿ joona. Joꞌ chii tjaaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ tyee na cwiluiitquieñe."} {"eng": "and asked for letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.", "amu": "Tcaaⁿ ljeii nnom juu na nncjaañꞌoom tsjoom Damasco na mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos lanꞌom ꞌnaaⁿna. Ljeiiꞌñeeⁿ tquiaanaꞌ najneiⁿ na nncjaacwjaaⁿ naⁿnom ndoꞌ naⁿlcu nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ natooꞌ Jesús, na nncjaachom joona pra̱so Jerusalén."} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ yocheⁿ na cwiꞌoona nato, tquiena cwii joo yuu waa ndaatioo. Quia joꞌ matso tsꞌaⁿ Etiopía nnoom: —Cantyꞌiaꞌ, ñjaaⁿ waa ndaatioo. ¿Aa waa na nntseicuꞌnaꞌ na nnleitsꞌoomndyo̱?"} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ matso Felipe nnoom: —Xeⁿ matseiꞌyuꞌ ñequio na xcweeꞌ tsꞌomꞌ nnda̱a̱ nleitsꞌoomndyuꞌ. Tꞌo̱ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ matsoom: —Matseiyuꞌa na Jesucristo cwiluiiñê Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ matso Pedro nnoom: —Sꞌom ꞌnaⁿꞌ catsuunaꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyuꞌ, ꞌu matseiꞌtiuuꞌ na cweꞌ ñequio sꞌom nncoñomꞌ naya na mañequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cwicandaa nnꞌaⁿ na cweꞌyu."} {"eng": "You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart isn’t right before God.", "amu": "ꞌU ticatsonaꞌ na nntseijomndyuꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cwilꞌaayâ ee tiyuuꞌ na xcweeꞌ tsꞌomꞌ jo nnoom."} {"eng": "Now when Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money,", "amu": "Jnda̱ na ntyꞌiaaꞌ Simón na joo nnꞌaⁿ na jñom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tioona lueena nacjoo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, toꞌñoomna Espíritu Santo naquiiꞌ nꞌomna, quia joꞌ seiqueeⁿnaꞌ tsꞌoom na mati jom ñeꞌcatsꞌaaⁿ na ljoꞌ. Joꞌ chii tsoom nda̱a̱na na sꞌom nñequiaaⁿ."} {"eng": "saying, “Give me also this power, that whomever I lay my hands on may receive the Holy Spirit.”", "amu": "Matsoom: —Quiaꞌyoꞌ na ntseixmaⁿya najndeii na cwilaxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ cha mati ja meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na nntio̱o̱ lꞌo̱o̱ nacjooꞌ maxjeⁿ nncoꞌñom Espíritu Santo naquiiꞌ tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Jerusalén mꞌaⁿ apóstoles, jnda̱ na jndyena na mati nnꞌaⁿ tsꞌo̱ndaa Samaria macwilaꞌyuꞌna ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, joꞌ chii jñoomna we xꞌiaana, Pedro ñꞌeⁿ Juan, na cꞌoo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ndyuaa Samaria."} {"eng": "who, when they had come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jnda̱ na tquie naⁿꞌñeeⁿ joꞌ joꞌ, tyolaꞌneiⁿna nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Taⁿna nnoom na quiaaⁿ Espíritu Santo naquiiꞌ nꞌom naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "for as yet he had fallen on none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of Christ Jesus.", "amu": "Ee meiⁿcwiindye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyootoꞌñoomna Espíritu Santo, macanda̱ na jnda̱ teitsꞌoomndyena ñequio xueeꞌ Ta Jesús."} {"eng": "Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ Pedro ñꞌeⁿ Juan tioona lueena nacjoo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Mana toꞌñoomna Espíritu Santo naquiiꞌ nꞌomna."} {"eng": "Saul was consenting to his death. A great persecution arose against the assembly which was in Jerusalem in that day. They were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except for the apostles.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿ Saulo joꞌ joꞌ, seijomñê na jlaꞌcueeꞌ nnꞌaⁿ Esteban. Majuu xuee na jlacueeꞌna Esteban jnaⁿnaꞌ cwajndii tyontyjo̱ nnꞌaⁿ Jerusalén tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ. Joꞌ chii chaꞌtsondyena tyotꞌoomꞌndyena chaꞌwaa tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea ñequio tsꞌo̱ndaa Samaria. Macanda̱ nquiee apóstoles tîcatꞌoomꞌndyena."} {"eng": "Devout men buried Stephen and lamented greatly over him.", "amu": "Ntꞌom naⁿnom na jeeⁿ xcweeꞌ nꞌom ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tyꞌecatꞌiuuna Esteban. Jeeⁿ tyotyueena na jnda nquiuna jom."} {"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Saulo cwajndii tyocoꞌweeⁿꞌeⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tyojaaqueⁿꞌeⁿ meiⁿ quiiꞌ lꞌaa ndoꞌ ñequio na jndeiꞌnaꞌ tyocwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ naⁿnom ndoꞌ naⁿlcu. Tyocjaachom joona. Tyotioom joona wꞌaancjo."} {"eng": "He said, “Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,", "amu": "Tꞌo̱ Esteban matsoom: —ꞌO ta na cwiluiitquiendyoꞌ ñequio ꞌo nnꞌaⁿya, candyeꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na nntsjo̱o̱. Nquii Taya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ cwiluiiñê, jom seicaꞌmo̱ⁿñê nnom welooya Abraham quia na tyomꞌaaⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ndyuaa Mesopotamia cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncꞌoom tsjoom Harán."} {"eng": "and said to him, ‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’", "amu": "Tsoom nnom: “Caluiꞌ ñjaaⁿñe ndyuaa tsjomꞌ. Caꞌndiiꞌ nnꞌaⁿꞌ, cjaꞌ ndyuaa yuu na mꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya njomꞌ.”"} {"eng": "Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land where you are now living.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ jlueeⁿꞌeⁿ ndyuaa tsjomꞌm, ndyuaa Caldea. Tjaaⁿ ndyuaa Harán, tyomꞌaaⁿñê joꞌ joꞌ. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ na tueꞌ tsotyeeⁿ, jndyoñꞌoom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jom ndyuaameiiⁿ yuu na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ jeꞌ."} {"eng": "Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na jndii Ananías ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ cweꞌ tiooñetoom na tsꞌoo jom. Quia joꞌ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ na nquiuna na luaaꞌ tuii, jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ nioom tyuena."} {"eng": "The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him.", "amu": "Teicantyja naⁿnom na titquiendye. Jlaꞌtyjoondyena liaa jom. Jnda̱ chii tjeiiꞌna jom, mana tyꞌecatꞌiuuna jom."} {"eng": "For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quiiꞌntaaⁿ chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ tjaaꞌnaⁿ ꞌñeeⁿ cꞌoom na matseitjo̱o̱naꞌ juu ee nnꞌaⁿ na niom ndyuaa ndoꞌ niom lꞌaa tyonda̱a̱na joonaꞌ ndoꞌ cantyjati sꞌom na toꞌñoomna na nda̱a̱na joonaꞌ tquioñꞌomna."} {"eng": "and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.", "amu": "Tquiana sꞌomꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱ apóstoles. Ndoꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyoñequiana joonaꞌ nnom ticwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ na matseitjo̱o̱naꞌ ꞌnaⁿ na macaⁿnaꞌ juu."} {"eng": "“For truly, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed,", "amu": "Jlueti naⁿꞌñeeⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom: —Mayuuꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na tso David ee Herodes ñequio Poncio Pilato jlaꞌjomndyena naquiiꞌ tsjoomwaa ñequio nnꞌaⁿ judíos ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos. Tyꞌena nacjooꞌ Jndaꞌ na ljuꞌ tseixmaaⁿ ndoꞌ na majndaaꞌ tsꞌiaⁿꞌaⁿ na tqueⁿꞌ jom."} {"eng": "to do whatever your hand and your counsel foreordained to happen.", "amu": "Tandyo xuee seijndaaꞌndyuꞌ ljoꞌ nlꞌana. Ndoꞌ majoꞌ jnda̱ lꞌana jeꞌ."} {"eng": "When they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people; for everyone glorified God for that which was done.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ joo naⁿmaⁿnꞌiaaⁿ jndeiiꞌti ñꞌoom tyoluena nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Jnda̱ chii jñoomna naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, ee tileicaliuna chiuu ya nntaꞌwiꞌna naⁿꞌñeeⁿ ee nquiaana nnꞌaⁿ quiiꞌ tsjoom, ee chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ tyolatꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja na ntyꞌiaana na tcoꞌyanaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na ñetꞌoom na ntjeiⁿ ncꞌee."} {"eng": "For the man on whom this miracle of healing was performed was more than forty years old.", "amu": "Ee tsaⁿsꞌaꞌñeeⁿ, na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿ sꞌaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na tcoꞌyanaꞌ jom, jnda̱ teinom wenꞌaaⁿ choomꞌm."} {"eng": "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.", "amu": "Ee nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na tyotseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe welooya Abraham na ñetꞌoom teiyo, na tyotseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe welooya Isaac, ndoꞌ welooya Jacob, ndoꞌ tyolaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndye ntꞌomcheⁿ welooya na jndyowiꞌcantyjooꞌ, jom seitꞌmaaⁿꞌñê Jnaaⁿ Jesús, na jlaꞌquiooꞌyoꞌ luee naⁿmaⁿnꞌiaaⁿ cha cueꞌ. Ndoꞌ meiiⁿ Pilato ñeꞌcatseicandyaañe jom, sa̱a̱ tîtancueꞌyoꞌ. Saꞌyoꞌ nacjoomꞌm meiiⁿ juu ñeꞌcatseicandyaañe jom."} {"eng": "But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,", "amu": "ꞌO nchii taⁿꞌyoꞌ na nndyaañe nquii na cwiluiiñe na ljuꞌ tsꞌom ndoꞌ na tyochꞌee yuu na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ. ꞌO taⁿꞌyoꞌyoꞌ na nndyaañe tsꞌaⁿ na ñeseicwjee nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.", "amu": "Cwii xuee Pedro ñꞌeⁿ Juan ljoꞌyu tyꞌena watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ na ndyee na matmaaⁿ xjeⁿ na cwiꞌoolaꞌneiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "A certain man who was lame from his mother’s womb was being carried, whom they laid daily at the door of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask gifts for the needy of those who entered into the temple.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tsaⁿsꞌa na tuiiñe na ntjeiⁿ ncꞌee. Juu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ꞌio ndi ꞌio tyoꞌooñꞌom nnꞌaⁿ jom watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ, tyoqueⁿna jom ꞌndyootsꞌa na jndyunaꞌ Jeeⁿ Neiⁿncooꞌ cha nnda̱a̱ nlcaaⁿ ljoꞌ na matseitjo̱o̱naꞌ jom nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiꞌooquieꞌ joꞌ joꞌ."} {"eng": "Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive gifts for the needy.", "amu": "Quia na ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ Pedro ñꞌeⁿ Juan na macwiꞌooquieꞌna naquiiꞌ watsꞌomꞌñeeⁿ tcaaⁿ sꞌom nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tꞌo̱ Pedro nda̱a̱na: —Ticwiindyoꞌ ꞌo calcweꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ cwitsꞌoomndyoꞌ ñequio xueeꞌ Jesucristo, cha nntseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ. Quia joꞌ nntoꞌñoomꞌyoꞌ Espíritu Santo naquiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”", "amu": "Ee ñꞌoomtyeⁿwaaꞌ tseixmaⁿnaꞌ cwentaꞌ ꞌo ñꞌeⁿ ndaꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ cwentaa chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ na tquia, ndoꞌ mati ticwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ na maꞌmaⁿ Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaya."} {"eng": "For David says concerning him, ‘I saw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.", "amu": "Seineiⁿ rey David na ndooꞌ matseineiⁿ nquii Jesús. Matsoom: Mantyꞌiaya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na ñequiiꞌcheⁿ mꞌaaⁿñê jo no̱o̱ⁿya. Ncꞌe na mꞌaaⁿñê ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, joꞌ chii xocjuꞌcjenaꞌ ja."} {"eng": "Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope,", "amu": "Joꞌ na jeeⁿ neiⁿnco tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, ndoꞌ ñequio na neiⁿya mataya. Ndoꞌ cweꞌ ncꞌe meindo̱o̱ꞌntyꞌiaandyo̱, joꞌ na machꞌeenaꞌ na mawajndya̱ya."} {"eng": "because you will not leave my soul in Hades, neither will you allow your Holy One to see decay.", "amu": "Ee xonquiaaꞌ na nljooꞌndyo̱ tseiꞌtsuaa meiⁿ xonquiaaꞌ na nnto̱ꞌndyo̱ ee cwiluiindyo̱ na ljuꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na mandiꞌntjo̱ⁿya njomꞌ."} {"eng": "You made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence.’", "amu": "ꞌU tꞌmo̱ⁿꞌ no̱o̱ⁿya nato cantyja na nncwandoꞌxco tsꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ na nncꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ñꞌeⁿndyuꞌ nntsꞌaanaꞌ na neiⁿtya̱ya. Luaaꞌ ñꞌoom na seineiⁿ David."} {"eng": "“Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him among you, even as you yourselves know,", "amu": "Tsoti Pedro: —ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya Israel, candyeyaꞌyoꞌ na nntsjo̱o̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús tsaⁿ na jnaⁿ Nazaret. Tquiooꞌ na nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jñom jom ee jndye nnom tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ sꞌaaⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ na nchii na nnda̱a̱ nnluii na cweꞌ tsꞌaⁿ nntsꞌaa, meiⁿ xocjaantyjo̱o̱ꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ chiuu tuiiyuu. Ndoꞌ ꞌo manquiuꞌyoꞌ na ljoꞌ ee cantyja najndeii na matseixmaⁿ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, joꞌ na tyochꞌee Jesús ꞌnaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "amu": "Maxjeⁿ teiyo ntyjii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nncꞌoom Jesús lueeꞌyoꞌ ee seijndaaꞌñê na tuii na ljoꞌ. Joꞌ na tioꞌyoꞌ Jesús luee nnꞌaⁿ romanos. ꞌO lꞌaꞌyoꞌ na tyꞌioomna jom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ na jlacueeꞌna jom."} {"eng": "I will show wonders in the sky above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood, and fire, and billows of smoke.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ nntsꞌaaya na nleitquiooꞌ jndye nnom ꞌnaaⁿ jo nandye tsjo̱ꞌluee na nlaꞌcatyuendye nnꞌaⁿ quia na nntyꞌiaana. Ndoꞌ nntsꞌaaya ꞌnaaⁿ na nleitquiooꞌ jo nacje nnom tsjoomnancue, chaꞌna niomꞌ ñequio chom ñequio ndioom."} {"eng": "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.", "amu": "Ñeꞌquioomꞌ nntseicwaqueⁿnaꞌ na jo̱o̱ⁿñe nnom, ndoꞌ chiꞌ nntseicwaqueⁿnaꞌ chaꞌcwijom niomꞌ. Nmeiⁿꞌ nluii cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncueeꞌ xuee cantyja ꞌnaⁿ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿ. Juu xueeꞌñeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿticheⁿ matseixmaⁿnaꞌ na nleitquiooꞌ najndeii na matseixmaⁿya."} {"eng": "It will be that whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ cwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ na nncwjiꞌ xueya na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿ, juu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ nluiinꞌmaaⁿñe.” Luaaꞌ ñꞌoom na tso Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequio ꞌndyoo Joel."} {"eng": "Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,", "amu": "Ee jaa tiñeꞌcwii ndyuaa jnaaⁿya. Ntꞌomndyo̱ jnaaⁿ ndyuaa Partia, ntꞌomndyo̱ Media, Elam ñꞌeⁿ Mesopotamia, tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea ñꞌeⁿ Capadocia, mati Ponto ñꞌeⁿ ndyuaa Asia."} {"eng": "Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ntꞌomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya ndyuaa Frigia ñꞌeⁿ Panfilia, Egipto ñꞌeⁿ ntꞌomcheⁿ lꞌo̱ndaa África na manndyooꞌ Cirene. Ndoꞌ ntꞌomndyo̱ jnaaⁿya tsjoom Roma, na tuiindyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ judíos ndoꞌ mati ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ meiⁿ nchii tuiindyena nnꞌaⁿ tsjaaⁿ jaa, sa̱a̱ macwilaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chaꞌxjeⁿ na jaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos cwilatꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ jom."} {"eng": "Cretans and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages the mighty works of God!”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ntꞌomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya Creta ñꞌeⁿ Arabia. Sa̱a̱ chaꞌtsondyo̱ cwindya̱a̱ na ya cwilaꞌneiⁿ naⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoomya. Cwiluena cantyja na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ machꞌee Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "“Of the men therefore who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,", "amu": "’Quia joꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na maxjeⁿ ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ chaꞌwaati xuee na tyocañꞌa̱a̱ⁿyâ ñꞌeⁿ nquii Ta Jesús na tjawa tjacueeⁿ tyomanoom naquiiꞌ njoom,"} {"eng": "beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”", "amu": "tsꞌaⁿ na maxjeⁿ ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ cantyjati xuee na teitsꞌoomñe Jesús sꞌaa Juan hasta xuee quia na tjawaaⁿ. Macaⁿnaꞌ na nntseijomñê tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ na nntjeiꞌyuuꞌndyô̱ na jnda̱ tandoꞌxco Jesús."} {"eng": "“Brothers, it was necessary that this Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus.", "amu": "Matsoom nda̱a̱na: —ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya na cwilayuꞌyoꞌ, jndeiꞌnaꞌ na seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoom na seiljeii David cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Judas chaꞌxjeⁿ tso Espíritu Santo nnoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Judasꞌñeeⁿ tsaⁿ na tjacaꞌmo̱ⁿ Jesús nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌue jom."} {"eng": "For he was counted with us, and received his portion in this ministry.", "amu": "Judasꞌñeeⁿ tyocañꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ jâ ndoꞌ ñeseijomñê tsꞌiaaⁿ na cwilaxmaaⁿyâ."} {"eng": "until the day in which he was received up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.", "amu": "ꞌU ta Teófilo, tsom na seiljeijndya̱a̱ na seicwano̱ⁿ na mꞌaaⁿꞌ seicandiiya ꞌu cantyja chaꞌtso na tyochꞌee Jesús ndoꞌ na tyoꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ hasta xuee na tjawaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee. Cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncjaawaaⁿ tjeiiꞌñê apóstoles. Ndoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Espíritu Santo tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ chiuu nlꞌana."} {"eng": "Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ ja ñequio Pedro saayâ, squia̱a̱yâ yuu waa tseiꞌtsuaa."} {"eng": "They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first.", "amu": "Ñeꞌcwi saayâ, jleino̱o̱ⁿyâ, sa̱a̱ jndeiiti jleino̱o̱ⁿ, nchiiti Pedro. Joꞌ chii ja tua̱jndya̱a̱ya yuu waa tseiꞌtsuaa."} {"eng": "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “A bone of him will not be broken.”", "amu": "Ee nmeiiⁿꞌ tuii cha na catseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiyo teiljeiinaꞌ nacjooꞌ libro Salmos. Matsonaꞌ: “Meiⁿcwii tseiiⁿꞌeⁿ tîcatom.”"} {"eng": "Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ mati waa cwiicheⁿ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeiinaꞌ na matsonaꞌ: “Nntyꞌiaana nquii tsꞌaⁿ na jlaꞌcjoondyena tseiꞌntsquieeꞌ.”"} {"eng": "After this, Jesus, seeing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I am thirsty!”", "amu": "Jnda̱ tuii na luaaꞌ, ntyjii Jesús na jnda̱ jnda̱a̱ꞌ chaꞌtso cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Joꞌ chii cha na nntseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ chaꞌtso ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiljeii, matsoom: —Ñeꞌcꞌua ndaa."} {"eng": "Now a vessel full of vinegar was set there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop, and held it at his mouth.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ waa cwii xuaa na cwicañjom winom na ta̱. Quia joꞌ nchjeendye sondaroꞌñeeⁿ cwii ꞌnaⁿ na ya mawꞌanaꞌ winomꞌñeeⁿ. Chii tioona juunaꞌ nnom cwii tsꞌoom hisopo, jnda̱ chii tyꞌioomna juunaꞌ ꞌndyoo Jesús."} {"eng": "Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;", "amu": "Wendyô̱ jâ, nquii Simón Pedro ñꞌeⁿ ja Juan saantyjo̱o̱yâ nanqueⁿꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Juu tyee na cwiluiitquieñe mawajnaⁿꞌaⁿ ja. Macweꞌ joꞌ tjo̱quia̱ꞌa tachꞌeⁿ waaꞌ tyeeꞌñeeⁿ xjeⁿ na tyꞌeñꞌomna Jesús joꞌ joꞌ."} {"eng": "but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Pedro tjawintyjeeⁿꞌeⁿ ꞌndyootsꞌa tatiom. Joꞌ chii ja na mawajnaaⁿꞌ tyee na cwiluiitquieñe, jluiiꞌa chꞌeⁿ, seina̱ⁿ nnom yuscu na machꞌee cwenta ꞌndyootsꞌaꞌñeeⁿ. Ndoꞌ juu tquiaa ñꞌoomꞌ na jndyoquieeꞌ Pedro tachꞌeⁿ wꞌaa."} {"eng": "Some of his disciples therefore said to one another, “What is this that he says to us, ‘A little while, and you won’t see me, and again a little while, and you will see me;’ and, ‘Because I go to the Father’?”", "amu": "Jnda̱ tsoom ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ cwantindyô̱ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌeeⁿ lꞌuuyâ nda̱a̱ ntyja̱a̱yâ: —¿Chiuu ñecaꞌmo̱ⁿ ñꞌoomwaaꞌ na matseineiiⁿ nda̱a̱yâ, na chjootindyo cwii ñꞌeⁿtyeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ndoꞌ xeⁿ jnda̱cheⁿ taxocantyꞌiaaꞌya jom, ndoꞌ nda̱nquia joꞌ chjootindyo cwii nntyꞌianndaꞌa jom? Ndoꞌ na tsoom cweꞌ ncꞌe na wjaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Tsotyeeⁿ."} {"eng": "They said therefore, “What is this that he says, ‘A little while’? We don’t know what he is saying.”", "amu": "Lꞌuutya̱a̱yâ: —Juu ñꞌoomwaaꞌ na chjootindyo na tsoom, ¿ljoꞌ ñeꞌcaꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ? Ticalaꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌâ ñꞌoom na matseineiiⁿ."} {"eng": "I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.", "amu": "’Ja cwiluiindyo̱ xꞌee tsꞌo̱o̱, ndoꞌ ꞌo cwiluiindyoꞌ lꞌo̱ tsꞌo̱o̱. ꞌÑeeⁿ cwii ꞌo na tyeⁿ matseijomñe cantyja ꞌnaⁿya, ndoꞌ na cwiljooꞌndyo̱ ñꞌeⁿñe, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ jndye chaꞌcwijom ta̱ nncueꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ xeⁿ na nnto̱ⁿꞌñe cantyja ꞌnaⁿya, tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljoꞌ cwii nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaa."} {"eng": "If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.", "amu": "ꞌÑeeⁿ juu na ticaljooꞌñe cantyja ꞌnaⁿya, nntquieꞌnaꞌ juu chaꞌxjeⁿ cwityeⁿnquieꞌ lꞌo̱ tsꞌo̱o̱, ndoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ cwicaaⁿnaꞌ. Jnda̱ chii cwicajñeeⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ lꞌo̱o̱ꞌñeeⁿ, cwitioomna joonaꞌ quiiꞌ chom."} {"eng": "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.", "amu": "’Xeⁿ cwilaꞌjomndyoꞌtyeⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya, meiⁿ ticatsuuꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na mañequiaya, quia joꞌ cataⁿꞌyoꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chaꞌtso na lꞌue nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, ndoꞌ nñequiaaⁿ."} {"eng": "“In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.", "amu": "Luaa waa na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tsotya̱ya, na cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ jndye ta̱ nncueꞌ. Ee laaꞌtiꞌ mꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na mayuuꞌcheⁿ cwilaꞌxmaⁿꞌyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndyoꞌ ñequio ñꞌoom na mañequia."} {"eng": "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.", "amu": "Cantyjati na jnaⁿnaꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ Jesús jâ na cwilajomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê, tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na jeeⁿ candyaꞌ tsꞌoom jâ. Ntyjeeⁿ na jnda̱ jaaweꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nlueeⁿꞌeⁿ tsjoomnancuewaañe na nncjaalcweꞌnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Tsotyeeⁿ. Joꞌ chii quia majaaweꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nlatya̱a̱ⁿ jaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos xuee pascua quia cwilacwja̱a̱ya canmaⁿ, tꞌmo̱ⁿtyeeⁿ na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ waa na candyaꞌ tsꞌoom jâ."} {"eng": "During supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,", "amu": "Cwicwaaꞌâ ñꞌeⁿ Jesús natmaaⁿ. Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ seijndo̱ꞌ tsaⁿjndii tsꞌom xꞌiaayâ Judas Iscariote, jnda Simón, na quiaa tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ cwenta jom."} {"eng": "Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.", "amu": "Ee jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nncuꞌxeⁿnaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ tsjoomnancue. Ndoꞌ mati nntyuiiꞌ na matseixmaⁿ tsaⁿjndii na matsa̱ꞌntjom quiiꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ jlaꞌwe nnꞌaⁿ ja na nlaꞌcueeꞌna ja, quia joꞌ nntsꞌaa na nntseitjomnaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya."} {"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "amu": "Ñꞌoomwaaꞌ matsoom cha caꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ cwaaⁿ cwii nnom na nntjoom na nncueeⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it. As it is written,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ljeii Jesús cwii snom chjoo. Tjaljoom juuyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ sꞌaaⁿ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiyo teiljeii."} {"eng": "“Don’t be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes, sitting on a donkey’s colt.”", "amu": "Matsonaꞌ: ꞌO nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Jerusalén, tilaꞌcatyuendyoꞌ. Cantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ macwjeeꞌcañoom nqueⁿ na cwiluiiñê Rey cwentaꞌ ꞌo, na waljoom snom."} {"eng": "But the chief priests conspired to put Lazarus to death also,", "amu": "Cweꞌ ncꞌe joꞌ, ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ judíos, mati jlaꞌjndaaꞌndyena na nlaꞌcueeꞌna Lázaro."} {"eng": "because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.", "amu": "Ee cweꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ jom majndye nnꞌaⁿ judíosꞌñeeⁿ to̱ⁿꞌndye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ ntyee, jlaꞌyuꞌna ñꞌeⁿ Jesús."} {"eng": "Then they sought for Jesus and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think—that he isn’t coming to the feast at all?”", "amu": "Joo nnꞌaⁿ na tyꞌe xuee tyolꞌueena Jesús. Yocheⁿ na tyomꞌaⁿna watsꞌom, tyoluena nda̱a̱ ncꞌiaana: —¿Chiuu mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ, aa nntsꞌaacheⁿnaꞌ na ticañoom ncuee?"} {"eng": "Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him.", "amu": "Ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye nda̱a̱ jaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos ñequio nnꞌaⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ fariseos tqueⁿna ñꞌoom na jndeiꞌnaꞌ. Sa̱ꞌntjomna xeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na ntyjii yuu mꞌaaⁿ Jesús, catseicandii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ joona, cha na nnda̱a̱ nntꞌuena jom."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies.", "amu": "Matso Jesús nnom: —Ja cwiluiindyo̱ na mañequia na cwitaꞌndoꞌxco nnꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ ja mañequia na ticantycwii na mawandoꞌ tsꞌaⁿ. ꞌÑeeⁿ juu na matseiyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, meiiⁿ na cueꞌ, maxjeⁿ nncwandoꞌxco."} {"eng": "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ticwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ na matseiyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ticantycwii na nncwandoꞌ, ndoꞌ meiⁿ tijoom nntsuuñe. ¿Aa matseiyuꞌ na ljoꞌ?"} {"eng": "Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.", "amu": "Tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ wiiꞌ na jndyu Lázaro. Juu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyomꞌaaⁿ tsjoom Betania ñequio María ñequio xjoom Marta."} {"eng": "It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.", "amu": "Majuu María, xjo Lázaroꞌñeeⁿ, tsaⁿ na tuꞌnquio ncheⁿꞌ ncꞌee Jesús, ndoꞌ ñequio sooxqueeⁿ tyueeꞌñê ncꞌee."} {"eng": "If I don’t do the works of my Father, don’t believe me.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii xeⁿ nchii tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tsotya̱ matsꞌaa, ticalayuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱."} {"eng": "But if I do them, though you don’t believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ncꞌe na matsꞌaa tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ, joꞌ chii calayuꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ mañejoo tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ meiiⁿ na tiñeꞌcalayuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ ja. Ee cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ joonaꞌ nliuꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ nlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ na nquii Tsotya̱ ñeꞌcwii cwiluiiñê ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ndoꞌ ja ñeꞌcwii cwiluiindyo̱ ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.", "amu": "’Ja cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na canda̱a̱ꞌya mateixꞌa̱ya canmaⁿ. Ndoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ wajnaaⁿꞌ Tsotya̱ ja, mati ja mawajnaⁿꞌa jom. Maluaaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ na wajnaⁿꞌa canmaⁿ ntsma̱a̱ⁿꞌa, ndoꞌ quiooꞌ ntsma̱a̱ⁿꞌa cwitajnaaⁿꞌyoꞌ ja. Ndoꞌ mañequiaandyo̱ na cꞌio̱ cwentaa canmaⁿ ntsma̱a̱ⁿꞌa."} {"eng": "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who doesn’t own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and flees. The wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ juu tsaⁿntjom na nchii cwiluiiñê tyꞌoyoꞌ ee cweꞌ machꞌeeⁿ cwenta jooyoꞌ, noomꞌm na ndyocwjeeꞌcañoom lobo. Quia joꞌ maꞌñeeⁿ canmaⁿꞌñeeⁿ, maleinoom. Ndoꞌ juu loboꞌñeeⁿ mantyjo̱ ndoꞌ matꞌuii jooyoꞌ."} {"eng": "The hired hand flees because he is a hired hand and doesn’t care for the sheep.", "amu": "Maleinom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ee cweꞌ tsaⁿntjom jom, joꞌ chii ticajnda ntyjeeⁿ canmaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.", "amu": "Chaꞌtso ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tquiocalue na cwiluiindye na nnteiꞌxꞌee canmaⁿ cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na jndyo̱o̱, joo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ laꞌxmaⁿna naⁿcantyꞌue ndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiwincjeꞌ tiom. Sa̱a̱ joo canmaⁿ na mayuuꞌcheⁿ cwiluiindye cwentaya tînquiandyena cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out and will find pasture.", "amu": "Ja ꞌndyootsꞌa tiom cwiluiindyo̱. Meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na nncjaaquieeꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ nluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê. Nntseijomnaꞌ jom chaꞌcwijom cwii catsmaⁿ na maljeiiyoꞌ na nlcwaꞌ na macaluiꞌyoꞌ tiomꞌñeeⁿ ndoꞌ na macwjeeꞌnndaꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.", "amu": "’Tsaⁿcanchꞌue ñequiiꞌcheⁿ na macwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ na nnchꞌueeⁿ nntseicueⁿꞌeⁿ ndoꞌ na nntseiꞌnaⁿꞌaⁿ. Ja jndyo̱o̱ na nñequia na ticantycwii na cwitaꞌndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ cha na canda̱a̱ꞌya na nlaꞌxmaⁿna juu joꞌ."} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "amu": "Ja cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na canda̱a̱ꞌya mateixꞌee canmaⁿ. Juu tsꞌaⁿ na canda̱a̱ꞌya na mateixꞌee canmaⁿ ntsmeiⁿꞌ, mañequiaañe na cueꞌ cwentaayoꞌ."} {"eng": "His parents answered them, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tꞌo̱o̱ nnꞌaⁿ na nda jom. Jluena: —Manquiuuyâ na ndaayâ jom, ndoꞌ manquiuuyâ na tuiiñê na nchjaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "but how he now sees, we don’t know; or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. He is of age. Ask him. He will speak for himself.”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ cantyja chiuu tuiiyuu na ya mantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ jeꞌ, joꞌ ticaliuuyâ. Meiⁿ ticaliuuyâ ꞌñeeⁿ sꞌaa na ya mantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ choomꞌm. Joꞌ chii cataꞌxꞌeeꞌyoꞌ ꞌñom chiuu waa. Manquiityeeⁿ nntsoom chiuu tuii."} {"eng": "His parents said these things because they feared the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if any man would confess him as Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ ñꞌoom tꞌo̱o̱ joo nnꞌaⁿ na nda jom, ee nquiaana nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye nda̱a̱ nnꞌaaⁿna. Ee jnda̱ jlaꞌjomndyena xeⁿ na nncwjiꞌyuuꞌñe meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na Jesús cwiluiiñê Cristo, tixonquiana na wanaaⁿ na nntseijomñe tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ xjeⁿ na cwitjomndye nnꞌaⁿ na nlaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Therefore his parents said, “He is of age. Ask him.”", "amu": "Cweꞌ na luaaꞌ waa, joꞌ na jlue nnꞌaⁿ na nda jom: “Jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ ñoomꞌm. Cataꞌxꞌeeꞌyoꞌ ꞌñom.”"} {"eng": "I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.", "amu": "Tseixmaⁿya na catsꞌaaya tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nqueⁿ na jñoom ja yocheⁿ na ndicwaⁿ wando̱ꞌa. Ee quia nncueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nncwja̱a̱ya, quia joꞌ xonda̱a̱ nlꞌaatya̱a̱ya tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”", "amu": "Yocheⁿ na mꞌaaⁿya quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, cwiluiindyo̱ chom na mañequiaa naxuee jo nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery. Having set her in the middle,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ joo nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés na matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ ñequio nnꞌaⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ fariseos tquioñꞌomna cwii yuscu na mꞌaaⁿ. Yuscuꞌñeeⁿ jliuna juu xcwe na matseitjo̱o̱ñe na mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ cwii tsaⁿsꞌa. Tquioqueⁿna juu xcwe quiiꞌntaaⁿna."} {"eng": "they told him, “Teacher, we found this woman in adultery, in the very act.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jluena nnom Jesús: —ꞌU na maꞌmo̱o̱ⁿꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, jliuuyâ yuscumꞌaaⁿꞌ xcwe na matseitjo̱o̱ñê ñꞌeⁿ cwii tsaⁿsꞌa."} {"eng": "Now in our law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. What then do you say about her?”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ naquiiꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés matsa̱ꞌntjomnaꞌ na catua̱a̱ꞌa ljo̱ꞌ cjoo yolcu na cwilꞌa na luaaꞌ. Sa̱a̱ ꞌu jeꞌ, ¿chiuu matsuꞌ?"} {"eng": "They said this testing him, that they might have something to accuse him of. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ jluena nnoom cweꞌ ee cwilꞌueena na catꞌuiinaꞌ jom. Sa̱a̱ jom jeꞌ, seintquieꞌñê, seiljeiⁿ nomtyuaa ñequio nomtsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “I did one work and you all marvel because of it.", "amu": "Tꞌo̱ Jesús nda̱a̱na, matsoom: —Xuee na cwitaꞌjndya̱a̱ya seinꞌmaⁿya tsꞌaⁿ na leicjacaa, ndoꞌ sꞌaanaꞌ na tjoomꞌ ticalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a boy.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom na nntsjo̱o̱. Tso Moisés na calꞌaꞌyoꞌ costumbre yonom ndaꞌyoꞌ na ꞌndaandye. Ndoꞌ cwilaꞌcanda̱a̱ꞌndyoꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ meiiⁿ xuee na cwitaꞌjndya̱a̱ya. Sa̱a̱ nchii jom seicato̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ costumbreꞌñeeⁿ. Nquiee weloo welooya jlaꞌcato̱o̱ꞌna juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "If a boy receives circumcision on the Sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?", "amu": "Nquiuꞌyoꞌ na mañequiaa ljeii na tqueeⁿ na wanaaⁿ na cwilꞌaꞌyoꞌ costumbreꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿ xuee na cwitaꞌjndya̱a̱ya. Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ waa, chiuu na cwilaꞌwjeeꞌyoꞌ ja ncꞌe na juu xuee na cwitaꞌjndya̱a̱ya seinꞌmaⁿya cwii tsꞌaⁿ na wiiꞌ."} {"eng": "Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”", "amu": "Joꞌ chii tintjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta na cweꞌ tomti cantyja na cwiwitquiooꞌ. Catjeiꞌyoꞌ cwenta cantyja na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ."} {"eng": "His brothers therefore said to him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works which you do.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na manncueeꞌ xueeꞌñeeⁿ tyolue ntyjeeⁿ nnoom: —Cwa sa, caluiꞌ ñjaaⁿñe. Cjaꞌ Judea cha nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ laꞌñeⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌoom na mañequiaaꞌ mati nntyꞌiaana tsꞌiaaⁿ na macheꞌ."} {"eng": "For no one does anything in secret while he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world.”", "amu": "Ee tsꞌaⁿ na matseicantyjaaꞌ tsꞌom na calaꞌyuꞌ nnꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿñe, ticatsonaꞌ na nljooꞌñe jo jnda̱a̱. Quiaandyuꞌ na caliu chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿ na macheꞌ."} {"eng": "For even his brothers didn’t believe in him.", "amu": "Nmeiiⁿꞌ jluena nnoom ee meiⁿ joona tîcalaꞌyuꞌna ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "They said therefore to him, “What then do you do for a sign, that we may see and believe you? What work do you do?", "amu": "Joꞌ chii tꞌo̱o̱na nnoom: —¿Cwaaⁿ cwii nnom na nntsaꞌ nntyꞌiaayâ na tixocaluii na cweꞌ tsꞌaⁿ nntsꞌaa cha mꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ nda̱a̱yâ na waa na cwiluiindyuꞌ ndoꞌ cha na nlaꞌyuuꞌâ ñꞌeⁿndyuꞌ?"} {"eng": "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, ‘He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.’”", "amu": "Nquiee weloo welooya tyocwaꞌna maná quia tyomꞌaⁿna ndyuaa yuu na tjaa nnꞌaⁿ cꞌom, chaꞌxjeⁿ na matso ljeii ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na teiyo teiljeii: “Tquiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tyooꞌ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee na tcwaꞌna.”"} {"eng": "However, boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ntꞌomcheⁿ lꞌaandaa nchꞌu na jnaⁿ Tiberias, tquieꞌcañomnaꞌ yuu na tcwaꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ ntyooꞌñeeⁿ na jnda̱ tquiaa Ta Jesús na quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tsotyeeⁿ."} {"eng": "When the multitude therefore saw that Jesus wasn’t there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tuo̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ lꞌaandaa nchꞌuꞌñeeⁿ. Tyꞌena tquiena Capernaum na tyꞌecalꞌueena Jesús. Ee jlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌna na tacꞌoomñê yuu na tquiaaⁿ na tcwaꞌna, meiⁿ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaaⁿ na calaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌeeⁿ."} {"eng": "When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na tueeꞌ na jnda̱ tmaaⁿ, jâ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaⁿ Jesús na calaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê, saacua̱a̱yâ, squia̱a̱yâ ꞌndyoo ndaaluee."} {"eng": "They entered into the boat, and were going over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not come to them.", "amu": "Joꞌ joꞌ tuo̱o̱yâ cwii wꞌaandaa, na nncwityꞌio̱o̱ꞌâ ndaaluee na nntsquia̱a̱yâ Capernaum. Ndoꞌ quia tueeꞌ na teijaaⁿ, ticandoꞌ na nncwjeꞌcañoom jâ."} {"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Jesús jleityꞌiom nnoom, mantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ jnda̱ manquioquie cwii tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jndyendye. Quia joꞌ matsoom nnom Felipe: —¿Yuu nlaꞌjndaaya nantquie cha nnda̱a̱ nlcwaꞌ chaꞌtsondye naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ?"} {"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ matsoom cha nleitquiooꞌ chiuu mꞌaaⁿꞌ tsꞌom Felipe. Ee nqueⁿ mantyjiicheeⁿ ljoꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "A great multitude followed him, because they saw his signs which he did on those who were sick.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ cwii tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na jndyendye tyꞌentyjo̱na naxeeⁿꞌeⁿ ee jnda̱ ntyꞌiaanda̱a̱na tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na tyochꞌeeⁿ na tyotseinꞌmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿwii."} {"eng": "Jesus went up into the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaaⁿ na calaꞌjomndyô̱ tsꞌiaaⁿ na machꞌeeⁿ, saawaayâ cwii sjo̱ ñꞌeⁿñê. Joꞌ joꞌ saawindyuaandyô̱."} {"eng": "Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia ljoꞌ manndyooꞌ nncueeꞌ xuee pascua na jaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos cwilacwja̱a̱ya canmaⁿ."} {"eng": "In these lay a great multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, or paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water;", "amu": "Naquiiꞌ lꞌaaꞌñeeⁿ tyomaⁿꞌ cwii tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿwii, ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na nchjaaⁿ, ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na tileicꞌoocaꞌ, ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ teintjeiⁿ luee, ncꞌeeꞌ. Tyomeindooꞌna na nleiwo̱o̱ ndaatioo na ñjom peilaꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "for an angel went down at certain times into the pool and stirred up the water. Whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had.", "amu": "Ee tquiacheⁿ tquia mandyocue cwii ángel na matseitsja̱ ndaatiooꞌñeeⁿ. Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ tuii na ljoꞌ, juu tsꞌaⁿ najndyee na nncuo̱ joꞌ joꞌ, nnꞌmaⁿ meiⁿquia tycu na matjom."} {"eng": "After the two days he went out from there and went into Galilee.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ teinom we xueeꞌñeeⁿ jluiꞌ Jesús joꞌ joꞌ. Saalcwa̱a̱ꞌâ ñꞌeⁿñê Galilea."} {"eng": "For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.", "amu": "Ee manquiityeeⁿ tjeiꞌyuuꞌñê na ticalaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ cwii profeta na mañeꞌcwii ndyuaaⁿꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyena."} {"eng": "So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na squia̱a̱yâ Galilea ñꞌeⁿñê nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ jeeⁿ neiiⁿna jom, jlaꞌljona jom. Ee mati joona tyꞌena Jerusalén quia tueeꞌ ncuee Pascua, ndoꞌ ntyꞌiaana chaꞌtso ꞌnaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na tyochꞌeeⁿ joꞌ joꞌ."} {"eng": "So he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii squia̱a̱yâ cwii tsjoom na jndyu Sicar tsꞌo̱ndaa Samaria. Tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ manndyooꞌ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ yuu waa tyuaa na jndaaꞌ José nnom tsotyeeⁿ Jacob."} {"eng": "Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being tired from his journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.", "amu": "Joꞌ joꞌ tyowaa tsuiꞌ na sꞌaa Jacob. Ndoꞌ Jesús, na teijñaⁿꞌaⁿ na jñoom nato, tjacjom nacañoomꞌ tsuiꞌñeeⁿ. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ tueeꞌ quiajmeiⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”", "amu": "Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyjeꞌcañoom cwii yuscu Samaria joꞌ joꞌ na nncwjiꞌ ndaatioo. Matsoom nnom: —Quiaaꞌ ndaatioo nncꞌua."} {"eng": "For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaaⁿ na calaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê, xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ saayâ quiiꞌ tsjoom. Saalajndaayâ na nlcwaaꞌâ ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.", "amu": "Tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na tyoluiitquieñe quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyotseijomñê ñꞌoom na quitꞌmaⁿ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ fariseos. Jom jñoom Nicodemo."} {"eng": "He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him.”", "amu": "Jñoom na mꞌaaⁿ Jesús cwii teijaaⁿ. Matsoom nnom: —Maestro, manquiuuyâ na ꞌu cwiluiindyuꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na jñom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na caꞌmo̱ⁿꞌ ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱yâ. Ee xocanda̱a̱ nntsaꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿmeiⁿꞌ xeⁿ nchii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyuꞌ."} {"eng": "But Jesus didn’t entrust himself to them, because he knew everyone,", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tînquiaañê ñꞌeⁿndyena, ee ntyjeeⁿ chiuu nꞌomna."} {"eng": "and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.", "amu": "Meiⁿ ticaⁿnaꞌ na cwjiꞌyuuꞌñe tsꞌaⁿ nnoom cantyja ljoꞌ laꞌxmaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, ee maxjeⁿ mantyjeeⁿ chiuu nꞌomna."} {"eng": "The third day, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.", "amu": "Xuee jnda̱ ndyee na tuii na luaaꞌ toco cwii tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Caná, tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea. Ndoꞌ seijomñe tsondyee Jesús."} {"eng": "Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌunco tꞌmaⁿna Jesús ñequio jâ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê na mati calajomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿndyena na cwiꞌuncona."} {"eng": "One of the two who heard John and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.", "amu": "Ja Juan ñequio Andrés, tyjee Simón Pedro, jâ jndya̱a̱yâ ñꞌoom na tso Juanꞌñeeⁿ, ndoꞌ saantyjo̱o̱yâ naxeⁿꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "He first found his own brother, Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is, being interpreted, Christ).", "amu": "Juu Andrésꞌñeeⁿ tjacalꞌueeⁿ xioom Simón. Matsoom nnom: —Jnda̱ jliuuyâ juu na cwiluiiñe Mesías. (Ñꞌoomwaaꞌ matsonaꞌ Cristo, nquii na tqueⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na cwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe nnꞌaⁿ.)"} {"eng": "I didn’t know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water, that he would be revealed to Israel.”", "amu": "Xjeⁿ na to̱ꞌa na matseitsꞌoomndyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ ñequio ndaatioo, meiⁿ ticatseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌa na jom tsꞌiaⁿꞌaⁿ na nntseicanoomꞌm jnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ matsꞌaa tsꞌiaaⁿmeiiⁿ cha catseicaꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ Israel na ljoꞌ cwiluiiñê."} {"eng": "John testified, saying, “I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Juan tjeiꞌyuuꞌñetyeeⁿ nda̱a̱yâ. Matsoom: —Ntyꞌiano̱o̱ⁿ na jnaⁿ Espíritu Santo cañoomꞌluee. Jndyocue chaꞌcwijom catuꞌ, ljooꞌñe ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "I didn’t recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘On whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on him is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’", "amu": "Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿ tîcatseiꞌno̱ⁿꞌa ꞌñeeⁿ juu na nluiiñe nquii na nntseicanduuꞌ jnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ tjañjoomꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ quia jñom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ja na catseitsꞌoomndyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ, tsoom no̱o̱ⁿ: “Nntyꞌiaꞌnjomꞌ na nndyocue Espíritu nacjooꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ nljooꞌñe ñꞌeⁿñê. Juu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ tyꞌio̱ⁿya tsꞌiaaⁿ jom na nntseitsꞌoomñê nnꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Espíritu Santo.”"} {"eng": "I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jnda̱ ntyꞌiano̱o̱ⁿya na tuii na ljoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê. Joꞌ chii macwjiꞌyuuꞌndyo̱ na jom cwiluiiñê Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "John answered them, “I baptize in water, but among you stands one whom you don’t know.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tꞌo̱ Juan nda̱a̱na. Tsoom: —Ja matseitsꞌoomndyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ ñequio ndaatioo, sa̱a̱ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na ticalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "He is the one who comes after me, who is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I’m not worthy to loosen.”", "amu": "Majom na nntsꞌaaⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom quia na jnda̱ ꞌndiinaꞌ ja, ee maxjeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nluiindyo̱. Ja meiⁿ cweꞌ na nndiꞌntjo̱ⁿya nnoom tilꞌuendyo̱."} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ na laꞌxmaⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ fariseos jñoomna naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ taꞌxꞌeendyeti naⁿꞌñeeⁿ nnoom. Jluena: —Matsuꞌ na ꞌu meiⁿ nchii Cristo cwiluiindyuꞌ, meiⁿ Elías, meiⁿ nquii profeta na tso Moisés na nñequiaa ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nda̱a̱ya, quia joꞌ ¿chiuu na matseitsꞌoomndyuꞌ nnꞌaⁿ?"} {"eng": "He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light.", "amu": "Nchii nqueⁿ cwiluiiñê naxueeñe sa̱a̱ jñoom na nncwjiꞌyuuꞌñê cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juu na cwiluiiñe naxueeñe."} {"eng": "The true light that enlightens everyone was coming into the world.", "amu": "Cristo cwiluiiñê naxueeñe na mayuuꞌcheⁿ, tuiiñê tsjoomnancue. Jom mañequiaaⁿ naxuee nnom ticwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Also, certain women of our company amazed us, having arrived early at the tomb;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ nchii macanda̱ joꞌ, mati joo yolcu na ñꞌeeⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ na laxmaaⁿyâ, tquioñꞌomna ñꞌoom na jeeⁿ seiñꞌeeⁿꞌnaꞌ jâ. Ee mateincooquiuuꞌ tyꞌena yuu waa tseiꞌtsuaⁿꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "and when they didn’t find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.", "amu": "sa̱a̱ taticaliuna seiꞌtsꞌo ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tquiolcweeꞌna, tyoluena na mati tcoꞌnaꞌ ángeles nda̱a̱na na jlue yoꞌñeeⁿ nda̱a̱na na jom wanoomꞌm."} {"eng": "While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them.", "amu": "Yocheⁿ na luaaꞌ jeeⁿ cwilaꞌneiⁿna, manquiiti Jesús tueꞌntyjo̱o̱ⁿ joona. Ñeꞌcwi tjaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyena."} {"eng": "But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tîcataꞌjnaaⁿꞌna jom ee sꞌaanaꞌ nꞌomnda̱a̱na chaꞌcwijom na titquioona."} {"eng": "returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.", "amu": "Jnaⁿna yuu na waa tseiꞌtsuaa, tyꞌelcweeꞌna ndoꞌ jlaꞌcandiina nnꞌaⁿ canchooꞌcwii ñequio chaꞌtso ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ chiuu waa na tuii."} {"eng": "Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.", "amu": "María Magdalena, ñꞌeⁿ Juana, ñꞌeⁿ María tsondyee Jacobo, ñꞌeeⁿ ntꞌomcheⁿ yolcu na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyena, joona jlaꞌcandiina nnꞌaⁿ canchooꞌcwii ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a man named Joseph, who was a member of the council, a good and righteous man", "amu": "Tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na jndyu José na jnaⁿ tsjoom Arimatea tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea. Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ cwii joo nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ nꞌiaaⁿ cwentaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Jom ya tsꞌaⁿñê ndoꞌ machꞌeeⁿ na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ."} {"eng": "(he had not consented to their counsel and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was also waiting for God’s Kingdom.", "amu": "Mati tyomeinomꞌm juu na nntsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Tîcatseijomñê ñꞌoom na tꞌmaⁿ ntꞌomcheⁿ ncꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na cueꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "But they were urgent with loud voices, asking that he might be crucified. Their voices and the voices of the chief priests prevailed.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ jndeiiꞌ ndyueena, jndeii tyolaꞌxuaana, tyotaⁿna na cañoom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ. Ndoꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ na tyoluena ñequio ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye nda̱a̱ ntyee jnaⁿjndeiinaꞌ."} {"eng": "Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii Pilato tquiaañetoom ñꞌoom na caluii chaꞌxjeⁿ na cwitaⁿna."} {"eng": "I will therefore chastise him and release him.”", "amu": "Joꞌ chii nnchuuꞌjñeeⁿ xeⁿ jnda̱ nntseicandyaandyo̱ jom."} {"eng": "Now he had to release one prisoner to them at the feast.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ waa costumbre na jndeiꞌnaꞌ na catseicandyaañe Pilato cwii pra̱so jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ xcwe na waa xuee."} {"eng": "Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?", "amu": "Ndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na tquio nacjoomꞌm, joo ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwijndooꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ cwentaaꞌ watsꞌom, ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye naquiiꞌ tsjoom, tsoom nda̱a̱ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ: —Jndaꞌjom ñequio ncjo espadas ndoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ nꞌoom nchꞌio na tquioꞌyoꞌ nacjoya. Ndooꞌ na tquiocꞌomꞌyoꞌ cwii tsaⁿcanchꞌue."} {"eng": "When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn’t stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”", "amu": "ꞌIo ndii ꞌio tyomꞌaaⁿya quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ meiⁿ tîcatꞌueꞌyoꞌ ja. Sa̱a̱ jeꞌ jeꞌ jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ na juu na jaaⁿñe maqueⁿnaꞌ xjeⁿ."} {"eng": "The Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have all of you, that he might sift you as wheat,", "amu": "Tso ta Jesús: —ꞌU Simón, queⁿꞌ cwenta, jnda̱ tcaⁿ Satanás ñꞌoom na nntseiteiꞌncweeⁿꞌeⁿ ꞌo chaꞌna matseicueeñe tsꞌaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo,"} {"eng": "but I prayed for you, that your faith wouldn’t fail. You, when once you have turned again, establish your brothers.”", "amu": "sa̱a̱ ja jnda̱ ñesꞌaa tyꞌoo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌ cha tintseintycwiinaꞌ na matseiꞌyuꞌyaꞌ tsꞌomꞌ. Ndoꞌ xeⁿ jnda̱ tcoꞌndyuꞌxcweꞌnndaꞌ, quiaaꞌ ñꞌoom tꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿꞌ nmeiiⁿ na cwilaꞌyuꞌ."} {"eng": "Satan entered into Judas, who was also called Iscariot, who was counted with the twelve.", "amu": "Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ tuo̱ Satanás naquiiꞌ tsꞌom Judas, tsaⁿ na mati jndyu Iscariote. Jom cwii joo nnꞌaⁿ na canchooꞌwendye."} {"eng": "He went away and talked with the chief priests and captains about how he might deliver him to them.", "amu": "Tjaaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye nda̱a̱ ntyee quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ judíos, ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwijndooꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ na cwiluii watsꞌom. Tjatseijndaaꞌñê chiuu ya nntsꞌaaⁿ na nñequiaaⁿ cwenta Jesús lueena."} {"eng": "He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them,", "amu": "Tso Jesús: —Mayuuꞌcheⁿ nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱, yuscumꞌaaⁿꞌ na jnda̱ ljoñe, ndoꞌ jñeeⁿꞌñê, sa̱a̱ tꞌmaaⁿꞌti tquiaaⁿ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, nchiiti na tquia chaꞌtsondye ntꞌomcheⁿ."} {"eng": "for all these put in gifts for God from their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had to live on.”", "amu": "Ee chaꞌtso naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ cweꞌ na waljooꞌ tueeꞌna na cwiñeꞌquiana nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, sa̱a̱ yuscumꞌaaⁿ meiiⁿ na jñeeⁿꞌñê, tjuꞌñꞌeeⁿ mandi cantyja na nlcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ mꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na majnda̱ majndaaꞌya na laꞌxmaⁿ na nntaꞌndoꞌxcona na jnda̱ tja̱. Ndoꞌ laꞌxmaⁿna na nncꞌomna tiempo na nncuaaxco tsjoomnancue. Naⁿꞌñeeⁿ taxocꞌuncona, meiⁿ naⁿnom, ndoꞌ meiⁿ naⁿlcu."} {"eng": "For they can’t die any more, for they are like the angels and are children of God, being children of the resurrection.", "amu": "Meiⁿ taxocwjenndaꞌna ee nntseijomnaꞌ joona chaꞌna ángeles. Ndoꞌ ncꞌe na cwicandaana na nntaꞌndoꞌxcona, joꞌ chii matseijomnaꞌ na cwitaꞌndoꞌna chaꞌna wandoꞌ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He began to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard and rented it out to some farmers, and went into another country for a long time.", "amu": "To̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na tyotseineiiⁿ ñꞌoom tjañoomꞌwaa nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ, tsoom: —Tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ. Tcoomꞌm lꞌo̱o̱ uva tyuaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Jnda̱ joꞌ teijndeiiyaaⁿ joonaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na nlꞌa tsꞌiaaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ ndoꞌ jndye xuee tjaaⁿ cwiicheⁿ ntyja."} {"eng": "At the proper season, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty.", "amu": "Quia na tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na tquie ntjomꞌñeeⁿ, jñoom cwii mosoomꞌm na mꞌaⁿ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na nñeꞌquiana na tseixmaⁿ cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ tyotjaaꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ juu, jñoomna juu na tjaa ljoꞌ tjachuu."} {"eng": "A widow was in that city, and she often came to him, saying, ‘Defend me from my adversary!’", "amu": "Mati tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii yuscu tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ na jnda̱ ljoñe na tueꞌ saaꞌ. Juu yuscuꞌñeeⁿ ñequiiꞌcheⁿ na tyocaa na mꞌaaⁿ jweꞌñeeⁿ na catseijndaaꞌñe ñꞌoom ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tyotsoom nnom: “Cwañomꞌ ja ñꞌoom cantu na sꞌaa tsꞌaⁿ nacjoya.”"} {"eng": "He wouldn’t for a while; but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man,", "amu": "Jndye xuee tîcatseinꞌoomꞌñe jwe yuscuꞌñeeⁿ, sa̱a̱ jnda̱ joꞌ seitioom naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom: “Meiiⁿ na tinquiaya Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ meiiⁿ na ticatseitꞌmaaⁿꞌndyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "yet because this widow bothers me, I will defend her, or else she will wear me out by her continual coming.’”", "amu": "sa̱a̱ cweꞌ ee na jeeⁿ matseiliooꞌ yuscumꞌaaⁿꞌ ja, nncwaño̱ⁿꞌto̱ jom cwitjo̱o̱cheⁿ nntycwii na tꞌmaⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê.”"} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "amu": "We yolcu ñeꞌnaaⁿꞌ cwitua, cwii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ jom na mꞌaaⁿya, ndoꞌ cwiicheⁿ maꞌndiinaꞌ."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "amu": "We nnꞌaⁿ mꞌaⁿ jo jnda̱a̱ na cwilꞌa tsꞌiaaⁿ, cwii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ jom na mꞌaaⁿya, ndoꞌ cwiicheⁿ maꞌndiinaꞌ."} {"eng": "Likewise, even as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;", "amu": "Ndoꞌ majoꞌti tuii quia na tyomꞌaaⁿ Lot, tyocwaꞌna, tyowena. Tyolaꞌjndana, tyonda̱a̱na. Tyonomna ntjom, tyolꞌana lꞌaa."} {"eng": "but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the sky and destroyed them all.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ juu xuee na tjeiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom Lot tsjoom Sodoma, tuaꞌ ndaaluaaꞌ chom ñequio ljo̱ꞌ sufra̱ na jnaⁿnaꞌ tsjo̱ꞌluee. Ndoꞌ seicwjeenaꞌ chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ tsjoomꞌ ñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "As it was in the days of Noah, even so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.", "amu": "Chaꞌxjeⁿ na tyolꞌa nnꞌaⁿ xjeⁿ na tyomꞌaaⁿ Noé, maluaaꞌ nntseijomnaꞌ nlꞌa nnꞌaⁿ xjeⁿ na manndyo̱o̱nndaꞌa na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "They ate, they drank, they married, and they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ship, and the flood came and destroyed them all.", "amu": "Ee quia ljoꞌcheⁿ tyocwaꞌna, tyowena. Tyoꞌuncona, tyoñequiana ndana na nncꞌunco hasta xuee quia na tuo̱ Noé tsꞌom wꞌaandaa. Quia joꞌ jnaⁿnaꞌ na tuaꞌntyꞌa, tja̱ chaꞌtsondye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ cwii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ, quia na ljeiiⁿ na jnda̱ nꞌmaaⁿ, tjalcweeⁿꞌeⁿ, cꞌuaa ꞌñom na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.", "amu": "Tcoomꞌm xtyeeⁿ jo nnom Jesús, tquiaaⁿ na quianlꞌuaaꞌ. Tsꞌaⁿ samaritano tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.", "amu": "Jeꞌ yuuꞌ nluiiꞌa ljoo, nncjo̱lcwa̱ꞌnndaꞌa mꞌaaⁿ tsotya̱ya, ndoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱ nnoom: Ta, jnda̱ seitjo̱o̱ndyo̱ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ njomꞌ ꞌu."} {"eng": "I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.”’", "amu": "Tacatseixmaⁿya na nntsuꞌ na jndaꞌ ja. Catsaꞌ cweꞌ chaꞌna cwii mosoꞌ ja.”"} {"eng": "When he went into the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees on a Sabbath to eat bread, they were watching him.", "amu": "Cwii xuee na cwitaꞌjndyee nnꞌaⁿ, tjatseijomñe Jesús waaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquieñe cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ fariseos, na nlcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ. Ndoꞌ ñꞌeeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ fariseos na tyoqueⁿ cwenta ljoꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "Behold, a certain man who had dropsy was in front of him.", "amu": "Joꞌ joꞌ tjameintyjeeꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na wiiꞌ jo nnoom na ndiiꞌ tcooꞌ."} {"eng": "It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and put in his own garden. It grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky live in its branches.”", "amu": "Juunaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌna lqueeⁿꞌ tsꞌoom mostaza na jeeⁿ cajnda̱a̱. Seicꞌoom tsꞌaⁿ juunaꞌ naquiiꞌ ntjoomꞌm. Tyuaaꞌ tjawijndeiinaꞌ, tueꞌntyjo̱ na teitꞌmaⁿnaꞌ hasta tyolꞌa cantsaa cantquiaayoꞌ naquiiꞌ lꞌo̱naꞌ."} {"eng": "Again he said, “To what shall I compare God’s Kingdom?", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tsonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱na: —¿Ljoꞌ cwiicheⁿ na nntseijo̱o̱ⁿꞌa juu na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom?"} {"eng": "It is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”", "amu": "Juunaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌna ndaaljoꞌ na tjaaꞌñe cwii yuscu naquiiꞌ ndyee tsuaꞌ xjeⁿ jnda̱a̱ tyooꞌ. Ndoꞌ seicandeiiꞌnaꞌ chaꞌwaa tsqueeⁿ tyooꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath day.", "amu": "Cwii xuee na cwitaꞌjndyee nnꞌaⁿ tyoꞌmo̱ⁿ Jesús naquiiꞌ watsꞌom chjoo."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years. She was bent over and could in no way straighten herself up.", "amu": "Joꞌ joꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii yuscu na jnda̱ quinꞌoom nchooꞌ ndyee chu na teiꞌcaljoo jndyewꞌii naxeⁿꞌ. Jeeⁿ ntyjo̱ tyojaacaⁿ ndoꞌ meiⁿchjoo tileicwintyjeeⁿꞌeⁿ nayuu."} {"eng": "Blessed are those servants whom the lord will find watching when he comes. Most certainly I tell you that he will dress himself, make them recline, and will come and serve them.", "amu": "Matseineiiⁿꞌñe patrom mosoomꞌm quia na nncwjeꞌcañoom na nljeiiⁿ na ya cwenta cwilꞌana. Mayuuꞌcheⁿ matsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, nntseijndaaꞌñê na nntseiñꞌoomꞌñê ljoꞌ nlcwaꞌna. Ndoꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ na cwindyuaandyena nacañoomꞌ meiⁿsa na nndiꞌntjoom nda̱a̱na."} {"eng": "They will be blessed if he comes in the second or third watch and finds them so.", "amu": "Maxjeⁿ matioꞌnaaⁿñenaꞌ mosoꞌñeeⁿ xeⁿ nljeiiⁿ na mꞌaⁿcꞌeendyena, meiiⁿ aa nncwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ xcwe tsjom oo jaancoo."} {"eng": "“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning.", "amu": "Seineiⁿ Jesús chiuu nntsꞌaanaꞌ quia na nncwjeeꞌnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tsoom: —Cꞌomꞌcꞌeendyoꞌ na cwimeiꞌndoꞌyoꞌ ja. Cꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌna nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ moso na ñequiiꞌcheⁿ xuee chom lámpara ꞌnaaⁿna."} {"eng": "Be like men watching for their lord when he returns from the wedding feast, that when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him.", "amu": "Cwimeiꞌndooꞌna patrom ꞌnaaⁿna na nncwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ na tjaaⁿ yuu toco tsꞌaⁿ. Quia na mꞌmaaⁿ ꞌndyootsꞌa, mꞌaⁿcꞌeendyena na nlaꞌcanaaⁿndyena."} {"eng": "As he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly angry, and to draw many things out of him,", "amu": "Jnda̱ na seineiⁿ Jesús ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ nda̱a̱na, quia joꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés ñequio nnꞌaⁿ fariseos, to̱ꞌna na tꞌmaⁿ tyolaꞌncjooꞌndyena ñꞌeⁿñê. To̱ꞌna na tyolaꞌliooꞌna jom na jndye ñꞌoom tyotaꞌxꞌeena nnoom."} {"eng": "lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch him in something he might say, that they might accuse him.", "amu": "Tyoqueⁿna cwenta xeⁿ nntsoom cwii ñꞌoom na nñequiaanaꞌ na ntꞌuiinaꞌ jom."} {"eng": "When the multitudes were gathering together to him, he began to say, “This is an evil generation. It seeks after a sign. No sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet.", "amu": "Jnda̱ tjawijndyeti nnꞌaⁿ na cañoomꞌ Jesús, to̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na matsoom nda̱a̱na: —Nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ jeꞌ, jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ tia nnꞌaⁿndye. Cwitaⁿna na caluii cwii ꞌnaaⁿ na nntyꞌiaana na xocanda̱a̱ nntsꞌaa na cweꞌ tsꞌaⁿ, sa̱a̱ taxocaluii na cwitaⁿna, macanda̱ nluii ꞌnaaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ na tjom Jonás."} {"eng": "For even as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will also be to this generation.", "amu": "Ee juu Jonás tyotseixmaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿ jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Nínive ncꞌe na jluiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê tsꞌom tsiaaꞌ catscaa tꞌmaaⁿ xuee jnda̱ ndyee na tioyoꞌ jom. Maluaaꞌ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee nntseixmaⁿya ꞌnaaⁿ jo nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ jeꞌ."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,", "amu": "Mati tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Calꞌuuya xeⁿ cwiindyoꞌ ꞌo ya ñꞌoom ñequio cwii tsꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ xcwe tsjom nncjaꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ na nntsuꞌ nnoom: “Aa ndiꞌ, cateijndeiꞌyaꞌ ndyee taⁿꞌ tyooꞌ ja."} {"eng": "for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,’", "amu": "Ee jeꞌndyo tyjeeꞌ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na ya ñꞌoom ja ñꞌeⁿñe wꞌaya na cweꞌ mawinomyaaⁿ, tquia quia wjaatyeeⁿcheⁿ. Ndoꞌ ja tjaaꞌnaⁿ ljoꞌ ya na nlcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ.”"} {"eng": "As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ yocheⁿ na matseineiiⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, seichuiiꞌnaꞌ nnoom. Ndoꞌ sꞌaanaꞌ na jeeⁿcheⁿ ndyaꞌ canchiiꞌ liaⁿꞌaⁿ, jndaꞌjom macoꞌnaꞌ luiꞌ."} {"eng": "Behold, two men were talking with him, who were Moses and Elijah,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ teitquiooꞌndye we naⁿnom na cwilaꞌneiⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê, Moisés ñꞌeⁿ Elías joꞌ."} {"eng": "who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.", "amu": "Seixueeñenaꞌ ndiocheⁿ nacañoomna, ndoꞌ jlaꞌneiⁿna ñꞌeⁿñê cantyja na nlaꞌcueeꞌ nnꞌaⁿ jom quia na nncjaⁿ Jerusalén."} {"eng": "Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Pedro, jeeⁿ seijaaꞌñe tsaⁿtsjom nacjoomꞌm ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê sa̱a̱ jnda̱a̱ lꞌana na tîcandana. Joꞌ chii ntyꞌiaana nacaxuee na matseixmaⁿ Jesús ndoꞌ ntyꞌiaa nda̱a̱na we naⁿnomꞌñeeⁿ na teitquiooꞌndye ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "When Jesus stepped ashore, a certain man out of the city who had demons for a long time met him. He wore no clothes, and didn’t live in a house, but in the tombs.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na jluiꞌ Jesús tyuaatcwii, jndyocatjomñe cwii tsꞌaⁿ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ jom. Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ sꞌaa xuee na matseixmaaⁿ naⁿjndii naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom. Tacocweⁿ liaa ndoꞌ tacocꞌeeⁿ na waa wꞌaa. Macꞌeⁿyom yuu na cwijaacantyꞌiuuꞌndye lꞌoo."} {"eng": "When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, “What do I have to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torment me!”", "amu": "Quia na ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ Jesús, jndeii seixuaⁿ sꞌaa jndyetia. Tcoomꞌm xtyeeⁿ jo ncꞌee Jesús. Jndeii seineiiⁿ, tsoom: —¿Ljoꞌ nntsaꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ꞌu Jesús, Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na mꞌaaⁿ nandyeticheⁿ? Matsꞌaaya tyꞌoo njomꞌ, na tilcoꞌwiꞌ ja."} {"eng": "For Jesus was commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For the unclean spirit had often seized the man. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters. Breaking the bonds apart, he was driven by the demon into the desert.", "amu": "Tsoom ñꞌoomwaaꞌ ee jnda̱ sa̱ꞌntjom Jesús na caluiꞌ jndyetia naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Teijndye xuee maleiñꞌoom jndyetia juu. Tyolatyeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ lꞌuaancjo lꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ndoꞌ ncꞌeeⁿ. Sa̱a̱ tyocꞌiooꞌñê joonaꞌ ndoꞌ tyowjaañꞌoom jndyetiaꞌñeeⁿ jom yuu na tjaa nnꞌaⁿ cꞌoom."} {"eng": "and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;", "amu": "Mati tyꞌe ñꞌeeⁿ yolcu na jnda̱ seinꞌmaaⁿ na ñejleichuu jndyetia. Ndoꞌ ñꞌeeⁿ ntꞌomcheⁿ yolcu na jnda̱ seinꞌmaaⁿ cwii cwii nnom ntycu na ñetjoom. Cwii joona jndyu María Magdalena, tsaⁿ na jnda̱ tjeiꞌ Jesús ntquieeꞌ naⁿjndii naquiiꞌ tsꞌom."} {"eng": "and Joanna, the wife of Chuzas, Herod’s steward; Susanna; and many others who served them from their possessions.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Juana, jom scuuꞌ Chuza, tsꞌaⁿ na mandoꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Herodes. Ndoꞌ mati ñꞌeⁿ Susana, ñequio jndyendye ntꞌomcheⁿ yolcu. Tyocaljondyena sꞌom na tyoteiꞌjndeiina Jesús ꞌnaⁿ na macaⁿnaꞌ jom ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ canchooꞌwe."} {"eng": "But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord.”", "amu": "Quia jnda̱ ntyꞌiaaꞌ Simón Pedro na luaaꞌ, tcoomꞌm xtyeeⁿ jo nnom Jesús. Tsoom: —Ta, ticatyꞌiomyanaꞌ na nñꞌeⁿꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, ee ja tsꞌaⁿjnaⁿ."} {"eng": "For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the catch of fish which they had caught;", "amu": "Ee jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ seicatyꞌuenaꞌ jom ñequio ntꞌomcheⁿ ncꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ calcaa na tjeiiꞌna."} {"eng": "But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.", "amu": "Ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ matsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, jndye yolcu na jnda̱ ljondye tyomꞌaⁿ ndyuaa Israel joo ncuee na ñetꞌoom Elías. Ncueeꞌñeeⁿ ndyee chu waljooꞌ xcwe tîcuaꞌ, ndoꞌ teijndoꞌ chaꞌwaa ndyuaaꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nchii na mꞌaaⁿ cwii joo naⁿlcuꞌñeeⁿ jñom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom Elías, jñomyom juu na mꞌaaⁿ cwii yuscu na jnda̱ ljoñe tsjoom Sarepta ndyuaa Sidón."} {"eng": "and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn’t know it,", "amu": "Jnda̱ teinom xuee, José ñequio tsondyee Jesús macwiꞌoolcweeꞌna. Sa̱a̱ tiqueⁿna cwenta na ljooꞌñe tyochjoo Jesús Jerusalén."} {"eng": "but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day’s journey; and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances.", "amu": "Jlaꞌtiuuna na ñꞌeeⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na macwiꞌoolcweeꞌ na tyꞌe xuee. Meiiⁿchaaꞌ xuee tyocañjomndyena nato. Jnda̱ chii to̱ꞌna, tyolꞌueena jom quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaaⁿna ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na taꞌjnaaⁿꞌna."} {"eng": "There was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿ cwii yuscu na jndyu Ana, jom cwiluiiñê tsꞌaⁿ na tyoñequiaa ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ jnda Fanuel, tsaⁿ na cwiluiiñe tsjaaⁿ na jndyowicantyjooꞌ Aser. Xjeⁿ na scundyua jom tocoom, tꞌoom ñequio saaⁿꞌaⁿ ntquieeꞌ chu,"} {"eng": "and she had been a widow for about eighty-four years), who didn’t depart from the temple, worshiping with fastings and petitions night and day.", "amu": "jnda̱ chii ljoñê na tueꞌ saaⁿꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ jnda̱ tquieñê, jnda̱ ñequieenꞌaaⁿ nchooꞌ ñequiee choomꞌm. Ndoꞌ tîcalueeⁿꞌeⁿ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ. Tyondiꞌntjoom nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom naxuee ndoꞌ natsjom. Tyotseicwejndoꞌñê ndoꞌ tyotseineiiⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.", "amu": "Majuu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ na matseineiⁿ Simeón, seicandyooꞌñe Ana nacañoomna. Tquiaaⁿ na quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ yuꞌndaa Jesús. Jnda̱ chii tyotseineiiⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ juu nda̱a̱ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ Jerusalén ñequio nnꞌaⁿ ntꞌomcheⁿ njoom na cwimeindooꞌ na nndyaandye na cwilaxmaⁿ jnaⁿ."} {"eng": "“Now you are releasing your servant, Master, according to your word, in peace;", "amu": "Ta, juu ñꞌoom na jnda̱ tsuꞌ no̱o̱ⁿ, jnda̱ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ. Jeꞌ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ moso ꞌnaⁿꞌ, quiaaꞌ na nncꞌio̱to̱ na meiⁿcwii ñomtiuu ticꞌo̱o̱ⁿya."} {"eng": "for my eyes have seen your salvation,", "amu": "Ee na jnda̱ mamantyꞌiano̱o̱ⁿ nquii na nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;", "amu": "Majuu na jnda̱ tqueⁿꞌ jo nda̱a̱ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "a light for revelation to the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.”", "amu": "Juu cwiluiiñe naxuee na mꞌmo̱ⁿ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na nchii judíos. Ndoꞌ chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ ꞌnaⁿꞌ, nnꞌaⁿ Israel, nntsꞌaaⁿ na nluiitꞌmaⁿndyena cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "When the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord", "amu": "Jnda̱ teinom wenꞌaaⁿ xuee na seincuii María, tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nntjeiꞌljuuꞌndyena chaꞌxjeⁿ na matsa̱ꞌntjom ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés. Quia joꞌ tyꞌena Jerusalén, tyꞌeñꞌomna Jesús na nlqueⁿna juu lꞌo̱ Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "(as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”),", "amu": "Ee luaa tso ljeii ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ: “Ticwii cwii tyochjoo na nluiiñejndyee, queⁿ tsotyeeⁿ, tsoñeeⁿ jom cwentaaꞌ Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom.”"} {"eng": "and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, “A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.”", "amu": "Joꞌ chii tyꞌena na nñeꞌquiana quiooꞌ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Quiooꞌñeeⁿ nlaꞌcwjee ntyee chaꞌxjeⁿ na tꞌmaⁿ ljeii ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tsonaꞌ: nñequiana cwii ljo xencoo oo we cantuꞌ ndyua."} {"eng": "For there is born to you today, in David’s city, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.", "amu": "Ee tsjom jeꞌ naquiiꞌ tsjoomꞌ David tuiiñe cwii tsꞌaⁿ na nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe ꞌo. Majuu Cristo na cwiluiiñê na matsa̱ꞌntjoom."} {"eng": "This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough.”", "amu": "Luaa waa na nnda̱a̱ nntaꞌjnaⁿꞌyoꞌ jom. Nliuꞌyoꞌ yuꞌndaaꞌñeeⁿ na chuꞌtyjooñê liaa ndoꞌ njoom yuu cwicwaꞌ quiooꞌ."} {"eng": "While they were there, the day had come for her to give birth.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ yocheⁿ na mꞌaⁿna Belén, tueꞌntyjo̱ xuee na nntseincuii María."} {"eng": "She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a feeding trough, because there was no room for them in the inn.", "amu": "Seincueⁿ jnaaⁿ na cweꞌ jndyee. Tyochjoo juu. Seityjooñê liaa juu, chii tqueeⁿ juu tsꞌom ꞌnaⁿ na quicanjom na cwicwaꞌ quiooꞌ. Ee ticwanaaⁿ lꞌaa yuu na cweꞌ cwiquieya nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David’s city, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,", "amu": "Joꞌ jnaⁿ José tsjoom Nazaret, tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea. Tjawaaⁿ tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea, tsjoomꞌ David na jndyu Belén. Ee juu José cwiluiiñê tsjaaⁿ David."} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "amu": "Tjaaⁿ ñequio María, tsaⁿ na waa ñomca ñꞌeⁿñê na nleiljeii ncueena. Ndoꞌ juu majndeiiñe, jnda̱ teinndyooꞌ na nntseincuii."} {"eng": "Now in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.", "amu": "Joo ncueeꞌñeeⁿ tqueⁿ Augusto César ñꞌoom na nleiljeii ncuee chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ na chaꞌtso ndyuaa na matsa̱ꞌntjoom."} {"eng": "This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ najndyee na teiljeii ncuee nnꞌaⁿ. Maquialjoꞌ tyomꞌaaⁿ Cirenio gobiernom ndyuaa Siria."} {"eng": "All went to enroll themselves, everyone to his own city.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ tyoꞌoona tsjoomna na nleiljeii ncueena."} {"eng": "because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the dawn from on high will visit us,", "amu": "Ncꞌe na tjacantyja na wiꞌ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jaa, juu na nnaⁿ nandyeticheⁿ, njñoom juu na nntseixueeñe jo nda̱a̱ya."} {"eng": "to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”", "amu": "Juu nntseixueeñe nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ nacje ꞌnaaⁿꞌ najo̱o̱ⁿñe na manchjenaꞌ joo na wiꞌ na cwitjoom. Ndoꞌ nncjaachom jaa nato na ya nncꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He has given help to Israel, his servant, that he might remember mercy,", "amu": "Tyoteijneiⁿ welooya, nnꞌaⁿ Israel na tyondyeꞌntjom nnoom, cha caꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na mañjom tsꞌoom na nntseicanda̱a̱ꞌñê ñꞌoom na tsoom nda̱a̱na na nntsꞌaaⁿ."} {"eng": "as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever.”", "amu": "Ee tsoom na tijoom cantycwii na wiꞌ tsꞌoom chaꞌtsondye nnꞌaⁿ tsjaaⁿ Israel, majuu Abraham ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na tuiindye tsjaaⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "amu": "Jom nluiitꞌmaⁿñê. Nntseicajndyunaꞌ jom Jnda nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na mꞌaaⁿ nandyeticheⁿ. Ndoꞌ nñequiaaⁿ na nluiiñe rey chaꞌxjeⁿ ñeseixmaⁿ David na tyotsa̱ꞌntjom."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "amu": "Maxjeⁿ nljotyeⁿ na nntsa̱ꞌntjoom ntseindacantyjo Jacob, ndoꞌ tijoom cantycwii cantyja na nntsa̱ꞌntjoom."} {"eng": "Now while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his division", "amu": "Quia na tueꞌcañoomnaꞌ tmaaⁿꞌ ntyee na ñꞌeⁿ Zacarías na nndyeꞌntjomna jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ,"} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "amu": "chaꞌxjeⁿ na waa ñꞌoom nda̱a̱ ntyee, tyoꞌoona xꞌiaa, ꞌñeeⁿ nleijnoomꞌ na nncjaaquieeꞌ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ cwentaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Zacarías teijnoomꞌm na nncjaaqueⁿꞌeⁿ na nntsꞌaaⁿ tsioom suu. Quia joꞌ tjaqueⁿꞌeⁿ ndoꞌ to̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na matseicoom suu."} {"eng": "Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,", "amu": "Na mꞌaaⁿꞌ ꞌu Teófilo, na jeeⁿ ya tsꞌaⁿndyuꞌ, matseiljeiya ñꞌoommeiiⁿ. Majndye nnꞌaⁿ jnda̱ jlaꞌljeii ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús chiuu waa na mayuuꞌcheⁿ na jnda̱ tuii quiiꞌntaaⁿyâ."} {"eng": "even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,", "amu": "Jlaꞌljeiina ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ ñꞌoom na toꞌño̱o̱ⁿyâ na tquia nnꞌaⁿ na ntyꞌiaanda̱a̱ chiuu waa na tuii xjeⁿ na jnaⁿcheⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;", "amu": "Jaachꞌee xuee mañjom tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya chaꞌtso na tuii. Jeꞌ machꞌeenaꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na mati ja nntseiljeitcuundyo̱ ñꞌoomwaa na nntseiꞌnaⁿꞌ,"} {"eng": "She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Maríaꞌñeeⁿ tjatseicañeeⁿ nquiee nnꞌaⁿ na tyocañꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Jesús. Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ jeeⁿ xcwe na mꞌaⁿna na chjooꞌ nꞌomna ndoꞌ cwityueena."} {"eng": "When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they disbelieved.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ quia jndyena na Jesús jnda̱ mawaꞌndoꞌxcoom, ndoꞌ juu yuscuꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ ntyꞌiaaꞌnnom jom, maxjeⁿ tîcalaꞌyuꞌna."} {"eng": "They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”", "amu": "Nato ñjomndyena tyoluecheⁿnquieena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena: —¿ꞌÑeeⁿ ya nnteijndeii jaa na nnquindyo̱ tsjo̱ꞌ ꞌndyoo tseiꞌtsuaa?"} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ quia na jnda̱ tquiena joꞌ, jleintyꞌiaana, jliuna cwa jnda̱ teindyo̱ tsjo̱ꞌ. Ndoꞌ juunaꞌ jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead long.", "amu": "Jeeⁿ seitsaⁿꞌnaꞌ Pilato quia na jñeeⁿ na tyuaaꞌ tueꞌ Jesús. Ee ntyjeeⁿ yo cwiñom nnꞌaⁿ noomꞌnaaⁿ ndoꞌ cwiwjena. Joꞌ chii tqueeⁿꞌñê capeitaⁿ, taxꞌeeñê ꞌndyoo tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ aa maxjeⁿ jnda̱ tueꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "When he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na jñeeⁿ ñꞌoom ꞌndyoo capeitaⁿ na mayuuꞌ na ljoꞌ, quia joꞌ tquiaaⁿ ñꞌoomꞌm na cjaañꞌoom José seiꞌtsꞌo ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "When evening had now come, because it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath,", "amu": "Tmaaⁿndye nnꞌaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ. Ndoꞌ juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ xuee na cwilaꞌjndaaꞌndye nnꞌaⁿ jndíos ꞌnaⁿ na nlcaⁿnaꞌ joona ee jnda̱ jnaⁿnaꞌ xuee na nntaꞌjndyeena."} {"eng": "Joseph of Arimathaea, a prominent council member who also himself was looking for God’s Kingdom, came. He boldly went in to Pilate, and asked for Jesus’ body.", "amu": "Mati joꞌ joꞌ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Arimatea na jndyu José. Jom tꞌmaⁿ cwiluiiñê naquiiꞌ tmaaⁿꞌ naⁿmanꞌiaaⁿ cwentaa nnꞌaⁿ judíos. Jeeⁿ meinomꞌm xuee na nntyꞌiaaꞌnnoom na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Ndoꞌ ncꞌe na jnda̱ jaamaaⁿ chii tjaaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Pilato. Tyꞌoomtꞌmaaⁿꞌñê tsꞌoom tjacaaⁿ seiꞌtsꞌo ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús nnom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "There were also women watching from afar, among whom were both Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;", "amu": "Mati joꞌ joꞌ meintyjeeꞌtquia ntꞌom yolcu na jeeⁿ cwintyꞌiaa na ljoꞌ tuii. Quiiꞌntaaⁿ joona mꞌaaⁿ María Magdalena ñequio Salomé ñequio cwiicheⁿ María, tsondyee José ñꞌeⁿ Jacobo, tsaⁿ na titquieñeti."} {"eng": "who, when he was in Galilee, followed him and served him; and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.", "amu": "Joo yolcumꞌaⁿꞌ tyocañꞌeeⁿna ñꞌeⁿ Jesús quia ñetꞌoom tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea. Tyondyeꞌntjomna nnoom. Ndoꞌ mati joꞌ joꞌ meintyjeeꞌ jndye ntꞌomcheⁿ yolcu na jnaⁿ Galilea na ñencwi tquiowana Jerusalén ñꞌeⁿ Jesús."} {"eng": "When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.", "amu": "Quia na jnda̱ tueeꞌ na quiajmeiⁿꞌ, teijaaⁿñe tsjoomnancue hasta na ndyee na matmaaⁿ."} {"eng": "At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”", "amu": "Juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ jndeii seixuaa Jesús, tsoom: —Eloi, Eloi, ¿lama sabactani? (Ñꞌoommeiiⁿ matsonaꞌ: Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌomya, Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌomya, ¿chiuu na maꞌndiiꞌ ja?)"} {"eng": "With him they crucified two robbers, one on his right hand, and one on his left.", "amu": "Mati tyꞌioomna we naⁿcantyꞌue nacjoo noomꞌnaaⁿ. Cwii tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ntyjaaⁿꞌaⁿ ntyjaya ndoꞌ cwiicheⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ntyjatymaaⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "The Scripture was fulfilled which says, “He was counted with transgressors.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na lꞌana na ljoꞌ, seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ na matso ljeii ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom: “Seicañꞌeⁿyuunaꞌ jom quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na wiꞌndye.”"} {"eng": "Crucifying him, they parted his garments among them, casting lots on them, what each should take.", "amu": "Jnda̱ chii tyꞌioomna jom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ. Ndoꞌ sondaro tyoꞌoona xꞌiaa, cha nntyꞌiaana cwaaⁿ liaⁿꞌaⁿ nleijnoomꞌ cwii cwii joona. Laaꞌtiꞌ tꞌoomna liaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "It was the third hour when they crucified him.", "amu": "Jnda̱ tueeꞌ chaꞌna ñjeeⁿ nacwitsjoom quia tyꞌioomna jom tsꞌoomꞌnaaⁿ."} {"eng": "The superscription of his accusation was written over him: “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ na teiljeii luaa matsonaꞌ: “Rey cwenta nnꞌaⁿ judíos.”"} {"eng": "Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tso Pilato nda̱a̱na: —¿Aa lꞌue nꞌomꞌyoꞌ na catseicandyaandyo̱ juu rey cwenta ꞌo nnꞌaⁿ judíos?"} {"eng": "For he perceived that for envy the chief priests had delivered him up.", "amu": "Luaaꞌ tsoom ee jnda̱ seiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na joo ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye ta̱a̱ꞌ nꞌomna Jesús, joꞌ na tyꞌecatioona tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ lꞌo̱o̱ⁿ."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joona tyolaꞌjndo̱ꞌna nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ na jndyendye na cataⁿna nnom Pilato na catseicandyaañê Barrabás, nchii Jesús."} {"eng": "There was one called Barabbas, bound with his fellow insurgents, men who in the insurrection had committed murder.", "amu": "Quia ljoꞌcheⁿ mꞌaaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na jndyu Barrabás wꞌaancjo ñequio ntꞌomcheⁿ pra̱so. Joona jlaꞌwendyena nacjooꞌ gobiernom, ndoꞌ jlaꞌcwjeena nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "The multitude, crying aloud, began to ask him to do as he always did for them.", "amu": "Tyꞌentyjaaꞌ cwii tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Pilato. To̱ꞌna na tyotaⁿna na catsꞌaaⁿ chaꞌxjeⁿ quichꞌeeⁿ na nntseicandyaañê cwii tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,", "amu": "Yocheⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ Pedro jo nacje, tachꞌeⁿ wꞌaaꞌñeeⁿ, tjantyjaaꞌ cwii yuscu jom na mandiꞌntjom nnom tyee na cwiluiitquieñe."} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "amu": "Quia na ljeiiⁿ Pedro na matseiwiñe ꞌndyoo chom, quiee tyontyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Tsoom: —ꞌU mati ñeñꞌeⁿꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Jesús, tsꞌaⁿ tsjoom Nazaret."} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "amu": "Quia joꞌ juu tyee na cwiluiitquieñe jndiiꞌñê tscaꞌnnoom na lioomꞌm, tsoom: —¿Aa cwimacaⁿtinaꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ nñequiotjeiꞌyuuꞌndyeti jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ?"} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "amu": "ꞌO macwindyeꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom ntjeiⁿ na matseineiiⁿ nacjooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. ¿Chiuu cwilatiuuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿñê? Ndoꞌ chaꞌtsondyena ñeꞌcwii jlaꞌjomndyena na waa jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ tseixmaaⁿ na cueeⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tyꞌeñꞌomna Jesús jo nnom nquii tyee na cwiluiitquieñe nda̱a̱ ntyjentyeeñe. Joꞌ joꞌ tjomndye chaꞌtsondye ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye naquiiꞌ tsjoom ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés."} {"eng": "Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Pedro tquiacheⁿ tquia tjantyjo̱o̱ⁿ. Macanda̱ tueeꞌtyeeⁿ tachꞌeeⁿꞌ waaꞌ tyee na cwiluiitquieñe. Joꞌ joꞌ tjacjom nacañoom nnꞌaⁿ na cwindyeꞌntjom watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ. Tyotseiwiñê ꞌndyoo chom."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tso Jesús nda̱a̱na: —Jndaꞌjom tquioꞌcatꞌueꞌyoꞌ ja chaꞌcwijom tquioꞌyoꞌ nacjooꞌ cwii tsaⁿcanchꞌue na choꞌyoꞌ ncjo espadas ñꞌeⁿ nꞌoom nchꞌio."} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "amu": "ꞌIo ndii ꞌio ñetꞌo̱o̱ⁿya quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ na ñetꞌmo̱o̱ⁿya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom tꞌmaⁿ sa̱a̱ tîcatꞌueꞌyoꞌ ja. Ñecuaa ee cwiluii na luaaꞌ cha catseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ljeii ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na waa."} {"eng": "Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Judas, tsꞌaⁿ na tquiaa cwenta jom luee naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, jnda̱ tꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ꞌnaaⁿ nda̱a̱na chiuu nntsꞌaaⁿ. Tsoom: —Juu tsꞌaⁿ na nncꞌua ntsmaⁿꞌ, majom joꞌ. Tyeⁿ catꞌueꞌyoꞌ jom ndoꞌ tsaañꞌomꞌyoꞌ jom. Calꞌaꞌyoꞌ cwenta na ticalacanomꞌyoꞌ jom."} {"eng": "When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia tquieꞌcañomna Jesús, mantyja seicandyooꞌñê, tsoom nnom Jesús: —Xmaⁿndyuꞌ Maestro. Ndoꞌ tꞌom ntsmaⁿꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "amu": "Tjannaaⁿꞌaⁿ na nntseineiiⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ quia tyjeeⁿꞌeⁿ na jnda̱ ndyee ndiiꞌ na mꞌaⁿna, tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Cwa ndicwaⁿ cwindaꞌyoꞌ na cwitaꞌjndyeeꞌyoꞌ. Maleiꞌtyeⁿ. Jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ ꞌnaⁿya. Jeꞌ manntꞌue nnꞌaⁿ na wiꞌndye ja na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "amu": "Quicantyjaꞌyoꞌ. Cjaaya. Luaaꞌ mandyocwjeeꞌcañoom juu tsꞌaⁿ na tjacatio cwenta ja luee nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tjatjatyeeⁿcheⁿ, tjacwanquioom nomtyuaa. Tyocaaⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom xeⁿ wanaaⁿ tintjoom nawiꞌ na meiⁿndooꞌnaꞌ jom juu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "amu": "Tsoom: —Tsotya̱ya, ꞌu chaꞌtso nnda̱a̱ nntsaꞌ. Catseicandyaandyuꞌ ja na ticwino̱o̱ⁿya nawiꞌwaa. Sa̱a̱ catsaꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌomꞌ nncuꞌ nchii chaꞌxjeⁿ na lꞌue tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ja."} {"eng": "It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by deception and kill him.", "amu": "We xuee cwii tjo̱o̱ na nncueeꞌ xuee pascua ñequio xuee na cwicwaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ ntyooꞌ na tjaa ndaaljoꞌ tjaquieeꞌ. Ndoꞌ ntyee na cwiluiitquiendye ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, tyolꞌueendyena chiuu nlꞌayoona na nñeꞌquioꞌnnꞌaⁿna Jesús cha nntꞌuena jom, ndoꞌ na nlaꞌcueeꞌna jom."} {"eng": "For they said, “Not during the feast, because there might be a riot among the people.”", "amu": "Jlaꞌtiuuna, jluena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena: —Sa̱a̱ ticatꞌua̱a̱ya jom xcwe ncuee, tintsꞌaanaꞌ na nlaꞌwendye nnꞌaⁿ nacjooya."} {"eng": "Watch therefore, for you don’t know when the lord of the house is coming—whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;", "amu": "Malaaꞌtiꞌ matseijomnaꞌ ꞌo ee na ticaliuꞌyoꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ xjeⁿ na nncwjeeꞌ nquii na matsa̱ꞌntjom ꞌo. ¿Aa nncwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ natmaaⁿ, oo aa nateijaaⁿ? ¿Aa nncwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ xcwe tsjom, oo aa na jaancoo? Joꞌ chii cꞌomꞌcꞌeendyoꞌ."} {"eng": "lest, coming suddenly, he might find you sleeping.", "amu": "Ee ticatsonaꞌ na matsꞌia joꞌ nncwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ ndoꞌ nljeiiⁿ ꞌo chaꞌcwijom na cwindaꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ don’t believe it.", "amu": "’Ndoꞌ xeⁿ quia ljoꞌ nntso cwii tsꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ: “Cantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ, ljoo mꞌaaⁿ Cristo”, oo nntso: “Cantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ, laaꞌñeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ”, ticalayuꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "amu": "Ee maxjeⁿ nlquieꞌcañom profetas na tiyuuꞌ ñꞌoom cwiñequia ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na nlue na joona cwiluiindyena Cristo. Nlꞌana jndye nnom ꞌnaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ ñequio tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na nncjaaweeꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ hasta nquiee nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ nñequioꞌnnꞌaⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ joona xeⁿ na nnda̱a̱ nlꞌana. Sa̱a̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tixonquiaaⁿ na nnda̱a̱ nlꞌana."} {"eng": "Pray that your flight won’t be in the winter.", "amu": "Cataⁿꞌyoꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nchii xcwe ncuee na teiⁿ na nlcaⁿnaꞌ na caleiꞌnomꞌyoꞌ nawiꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.", "amu": "Ee quia ljoꞌcheⁿ nnquioo cwii nawiꞌ na tꞌmaⁿticheⁿ na meiⁿjom ndiiꞌ tyootjoom nnꞌaⁿ cantyjati na tqueⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom tsjoomnancue hasta jeꞌ. Ndoꞌ xuee na cwiwjaatinaꞌ meiⁿ tajom cwinluiinndaꞌ cwiicheⁿ nawiꞌ chaꞌna juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "He called his disciples to himself and said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,", "amu": "Chii tꞌmaⁿ Jesús nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê. Tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Na mayuuꞌcheⁿ nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱, yuscumꞌaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tueꞌ saaꞌ ndoꞌ jeeⁿ jñeeⁿꞌñê, sa̱a̱ tꞌmaaⁿꞌti tjoomꞌm tsꞌom castom, nchiiti chaꞌtso ntꞌomcheⁿ."} {"eng": "for they all gave out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on.”", "amu": "Ee chaꞌtsondye naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ tioomna sꞌom na cweꞌ waljooꞌ na cwileiꞌchona, sa̱a̱ jom meiiⁿ na jeeⁿcheⁿ ntyꞌiaaꞌñê, tjuꞌñꞌeeⁿ chaꞌwaati na maleiñꞌoom na nntseijnaaⁿ na nlcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ ñꞌoom na nntaꞌndoꞌxco nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱, ¿aa chii jnda̱ ñejlaꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ libro na seiljeii Moisés yuu na matseineiⁿnaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ tsꞌoom nioom na ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ? Joꞌ joꞌ xcwe naquiiꞌ ntsaachom na cwico tsꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ, teicꞌuaa na matseineiⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnoom, tso: “Ja cwiluiindyo̱ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaꞌ Abraham, Isaac ndoꞌ Jacob.”"} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "amu": "Joꞌ chii caliuꞌyoꞌ na cwitaꞌndoꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ ee jom nchii cwiluiiñê Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaa lꞌoo. Jom cwiluiiñê Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaa nnꞌaⁿ na cwitaꞌndoꞌ. Cweꞌ joꞌ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na ꞌo meiⁿchjoo ticalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia xcwe na matseiꞌneiⁿꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom xeⁿ waa na machꞌeenaꞌ ꞌu ñꞌeⁿ xꞌiaꞌ, catseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌomꞌ jom, cha mati Tsotyeꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee, nnda̱a̱ nntseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌoom ꞌu jnaⁿꞌ na waa."} {"eng": "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.”", "amu": "Ee xeⁿ ꞌu tiñeꞌcatseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌomꞌ xꞌiaꞌ, mati Tsotyeꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee xocatseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌoom ꞌu juu na matseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌ."} {"eng": "The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry.", "amu": "Teincoo cwiicheⁿ xuee quia na mꞌaⁿna nato na jnaⁿna Betania, jndyo na ñeꞌjndoꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "Seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came to see if perhaps he might find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.", "amu": "Ntyꞌiaaꞌtquiaaⁿ cwii tsꞌoom higuera na niom tscooꞌnaꞌ. Seicandyooꞌñê, tjacantyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ aa nljeiiⁿ ta̱ na nlqueeⁿ. Sa̱a̱ quia na tueꞌcañoom, cweꞌ tsco ljeiiⁿ ee tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncueꞌ ta̱."} {"eng": "Those who went in front and those who followed cried out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!", "amu": "Ndoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiꞌoojndyee ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwiꞌoontyjo̱, ñequiiꞌcheⁿ tyolaꞌxuaana, tyoluena: —Matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿ. Matioꞌnaaⁿñenaꞌ jom na macwjeeꞌcañoom tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Ta Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is coming in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”", "amu": "Matioꞌnaaⁿñenaꞌ jom na nntsa̱ꞌntjoom chaꞌxjeⁿ na ñesa̱ꞌntjom welooya David tiyo. Matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñenaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nandye cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "But it shall not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you shall be your servant.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nchii laaꞌtiꞌ nlꞌaꞌyoꞌ quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ. Ee meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ ꞌo na ntyjaaꞌ tsꞌom na nncꞌoom na tꞌmaⁿñe quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ matsonaꞌ na jom candiꞌntjoom nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Whoever of you wants to become first among you shall be bondservant of all.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ juu quiiꞌntaaⁿꞌyoꞌ na maqueⁿ tsꞌom na juu nlcoꞌnnomnaꞌ jo nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, matsonaꞌ na cateijndeii ꞌo."} {"eng": "Jesus said, “Most certainly I tell you, there is no one who has left house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or land, for my sake, and for the sake of the Good News,", "amu": "Tso Jesús nda̱a̱na: —Candyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌcheⁿ. Meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na maꞌndii waaꞌ, oo tiꞌnquio oo ndyencjo, oo tsotye, oo tsondyee, oo scuuꞌ oo ntseinda, oo ndyuaaꞌ ncꞌe na matseijomñe ñꞌoom na mañequia na macwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "but he will receive one hundred times more now in this time: houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land, with persecutions; and in the age to come eternal life.", "amu": "juu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ tiempomeiiⁿñe nncoꞌñoom siaⁿnto ndiiꞌcheⁿ lꞌaⁿꞌaⁿ, tiꞌnquioom, ndyencjoom, loñeeⁿ, ntseinaaⁿ, ndyuaaⁿꞌaⁿ ñequio na nntaꞌwiꞌ nnꞌaⁿ jom. Sa̱a̱ ncuee na cwii nndyonaꞌ, ticantycwii na nncwanoomꞌm."} {"eng": "The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "amu": "Jnda̱ na jndyena ñꞌoomwaaꞌ, seitsaⁿꞌnaꞌ joona. Quia joꞌ tsonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱na: —ꞌO nnꞌaⁿya, joo nnꞌaⁿ na quitꞌmaⁿ nꞌom ꞌnaⁿ jeeⁿ jndeiꞌnaꞌ na nñeꞌquiandyena na nntsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom joona."} {"eng": "It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "amu": "Jndeiꞌtinaꞌ na nncjuꞌñecje cwii tsaⁿtya na nntsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jom, nchiiti na nncwicandiiꞌñe quiooꞌ camello tsueꞌ xꞌe tseiꞌnchquia."} {"eng": "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire,", "amu": "Xeⁿ na wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ ꞌu na matseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnaaⁿꞌ cwii tsꞌo̱ꞌ, catsaꞌ xjeⁿ juunaꞌ chaꞌcwijom na catyjeeꞌ juunaꞌ cha tintseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌtiꞌ. Ee yati nntseixmaⁿꞌ na ticantycwii na nncwandoꞌ meiiⁿ chaꞌcwijom na ticanda̱a̱ꞌ we tsꞌo̱ꞌ nchiiti na canda̱a̱ꞌndyuꞌ ndoꞌ nncjuꞌnaꞌ ꞌu quiiꞌ bꞌio yuu na tijoom canduuꞌ chom."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "amu": "Yuu tijoom cwje canti meiⁿ na nnduuꞌ chom."} {"eng": "He came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing among yourselves on the way?”", "amu": "Tquiena Capernaum. Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ mamꞌaⁿna quiiꞌ wꞌaa, quia joꞌ taxꞌeeⁿ nda̱a̱na, tsoom: —¿Cwaaⁿ ñꞌoom ñejlaꞌncjooꞌndyoꞌ nda̱a̱ ntyjeeꞌyoꞌ xjeⁿ na ñetquio̱o̱ya nato?"} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ joona yacheⁿ jlaꞌcheⁿna, ee mayuuꞌ xjeⁿ na ñeñjomndyena nato tyolaꞌncjooꞌndyena ꞌñeeⁿ cwii joona tꞌmaⁿti cwiluiiñe."} {"eng": "They went out from there and passed through Galilee. He didn’t want anyone to know it,", "amu": "Jnda̱ na jluiꞌ Jesús joꞌ joꞌ ñꞌeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê, tyꞌena, teinomna tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea. Sa̱a̱ ticalꞌue tsꞌoom na nliu nnꞌaⁿ na joꞌ wjaⁿ."} {"eng": "for he was teaching his disciples, and said to them, “The Son of Man is being handed over to the hands of men, and they will kill him; and when he is killed, on the third day he will rise again.”", "amu": "Ee maꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ chiuu waa na nntjoom na cwiluiiñê tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee na nñequiaa tsꞌaⁿ cwenta jom luee nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ nlaꞌcueeꞌ jom sa̱a̱ xeⁿ jnda̱ ndyee xuee na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ maxjeⁿ nncwandoꞌxcoom."} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”", "amu": "Tso Jesús nnom: —Matsuꞌ xeⁿ nnda̱a̱ ntsꞌaa. Chaꞌtso nnda̱a̱ nluii quia na matseiyuꞌ tsꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "Immediately the father of the child cried out with tears, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ jndeii seineiⁿ tsotye tyochjoo, tso: —Ja matseiyuꞌa. Cateijndeiꞌ ja na nntseiyuꞌyatya̱."} {"eng": "Peter answered Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tso Pedro nnom Jesús: —Jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ ya na mꞌaaⁿya ñjaaⁿ. Cwa, nlꞌaayâ ndyee xquieꞌ ncwaⁿꞌ. Cwii cwentaꞌ nncuꞌ, cwii cwentaaꞌ Moisés, ndoꞌ cwii cwentaaꞌ Elías."} {"eng": "For he didn’t know what to say, for they were very afraid.", "amu": "Ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ tsoyom cweꞌ ncꞌe na seiñꞌeeⁿꞌñꞌeⁿnaꞌ jom ee na jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ cwicatyuena."} {"eng": "They ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets of broken pieces that were left over.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ chaꞌtsondye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tcwaꞌ tjacjoona. Tooꞌ ntquieeꞌ tsquiee na jlaꞌtjomna ntaⁿꞌ ntyooꞌ ñequio ntaⁿꞌ calcaa na ꞌndiinaꞌ."} {"eng": "Those who had eaten were about four thousand. Then he sent them away.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na tcwaꞌ joꞌ tueeꞌ chaꞌna ñequiee meiⁿ joona. Quia joꞌ tꞌmaⁿ Jesús naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na cꞌootona."} {"eng": "He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves. Having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to serve, and they served the multitude.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ sa̱ꞌntjoom na cꞌoocwindyuaandye nnꞌaⁿ nomtyuaa. Toꞌñoom ntquieeꞌ taⁿꞌ tyooꞌñeeⁿ, tquiaaⁿ na quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, jnda̱ joꞌ tyjeeⁿ joonaꞌ. Tquiaaⁿ joonaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê ndoꞌ joona tquiana joonaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "They also had a few small fish. Having blessed them, he said to serve these also.", "amu": "Mati cwileiñꞌomna cwantindyo calcaa nchꞌu. Jnda̱ na tquiaaⁿ na quianlꞌuaaꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, tsoom na quiana jooyoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "amu": "Mañoomꞌ jndii cwii yuscu na joꞌ mꞌaaⁿ. Tyjeꞌcañoom joꞌ joꞌ ndoꞌ tcoꞌ xtye jo nnom Jesús. Ee mꞌaaⁿ yuscuchjoo jnda yuscuꞌñeeⁿ na maleiñꞌoom jndyetia."} {"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jom nchii tsꞌaⁿ judío. Jom tsꞌaⁿ sirofenicia. Sꞌaa tyꞌoo nnom Jesús na cwjiꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ jndyetia naquiiꞌ tsꞌom yuscuchjoo jnaaⁿ."} {"eng": "He said, “That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man.", "amu": "Jnda̱ chii tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Joo na cwinaaⁿꞌ naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ cwilꞌanaꞌ na tilꞌueñê jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "For from within, out of the hearts of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts,", "amu": "Ee cantyjati na tseixmaⁿ naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ joꞌ na cwiwitquiooꞌ natia na matseitiuu chaꞌna cweꞌ nncꞌoomya tsꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ, oo ñꞌeⁿ sculjaaꞌ, chaꞌna nntseicueeꞌ tsꞌaⁿ xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ,"} {"eng": "covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness.", "amu": "chaꞌna nnchꞌuee tsꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna nntseiqueeⁿ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna nncꞌoom tsꞌaⁿ na wiꞌñe, chaꞌna cweꞌ ñequiuꞌnnꞌaⁿ tsꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna meiⁿ cweꞌ tajnaaⁿꞌto tsꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna nntseita̱a̱ꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna nntioꞌñꞌoom tsꞌaⁿ xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ, chaꞌna nntseisꞌañe oo nntseiscuñe tsꞌaⁿ, oo chaꞌna nntseintjeiⁿñe cheⁿnquii tsꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "All these evil things come from within and defile the man.”", "amu": "Chaꞌtso natiameiⁿꞌ cwinaaⁿꞌnaꞌ naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ joonaꞌ cwilꞌanaꞌ na tjaa yuu lꞌueñe jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Don’t you perceive that whatever goes into the man from outside can’t defile him,", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tsoom nda̱a̱na: —¿Aa maxjeⁿ mati ꞌo tilaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ? ¿Aa tiqueⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta na tjaaꞌnaⁿ cwii nnom nantquie na cwicwaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na juunaꞌ nntsꞌaanaꞌ na tilꞌueñe tsꞌaⁿ jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom?"} {"eng": "because it doesn’t go into his heart, but into his stomach, then into the latrine, making all foods clean?”", "amu": "Ee nchii naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ nncueeꞌnaꞌ. Maxjeⁿ tsꞌom tsiaⁿꞌaⁿ nncueeꞌnaꞌ, jnda̱ chii nnteiⁿꞌeⁿ juunaꞌ. Luaaꞌ tsoom na maꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ na ya nlcwaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ chaꞌtso nnom nantquie."} {"eng": "There is nothing from outside of the man that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.", "amu": "Tjaaꞌnaⁿ cwii nantquie na macwaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nntsꞌaanaꞌ na tilꞌueñê jo nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Sa̱a̱ ñꞌoom na cwinaaⁿꞌ naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom nlꞌanaꞌ na tilꞌueñê."} {"eng": "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!”", "amu": "ꞌÑeeⁿ juu na niom lueꞌ nꞌom luaꞌqui na nndii, candii."} {"eng": "Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered together to him, having come from Jerusalem.", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ fariseos ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, jnaⁿna Jerusalén, tquiena na mꞌaaⁿ Jesús."} {"eng": "Now when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with defiled, that is unwashed, hands, they found fault.", "amu": "Ee jnda̱ tqueⁿna cwenta chiuu cwilꞌa nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê na cwicwaꞌ na tyootjeiꞌljuuꞌndyena chaꞌxjeⁿ costumbre na waa ee tyoondyuuꞌna chaꞌxjeⁿ nquiu naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na macaⁿnaꞌ. Joꞌ chii tyolaꞌncjooꞌndye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ nacjoona."} {"eng": "(For the Pharisees and all the Jews don’t eat unless they wash their hands and forearms, holding to the tradition of the elders.", "amu": "Ee nnꞌaⁿ fariseos ñequio chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ judíos, jeeⁿ cwiqueⁿndyena na cwilaꞌcanda̱na costumbre na tqueⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na tyoluiitquiendye nda̱a̱na. Joꞌ chii mati ticwaꞌna xeⁿ nchii na nndyuuꞌjndyeena chaꞌxjeⁿ na matso costumbreꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "They don’t eat when they come from the marketplace unless they bathe themselves, and there are many other things which they have received to hold to: washings of cups, pitchers, bronze vessels, and couches.)", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na cwinquiolcweeꞌna na tyꞌena tsꞌua ticwaꞌna xeⁿ nchii na cwiqueⁿljuꞌndyejndyeena. Mati jndye ntꞌomcheⁿ costumbre cwilaꞌwena na matseijndaaꞌñenaꞌ chiuu waa na nntmaaⁿ waso, ñequio caseito, ñequio xjo casuela, ñequio jnduu."} {"eng": "but they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out;", "amu": "Quia ntyꞌiaana na mawjaacaⁿ nnom ndaaluee, jlaꞌtiuuna jndii cwintyꞌiaana. Jndeii tyolaꞌxuaana."} {"eng": "for they all saw him and were troubled. But he immediately spoke with them and said to them, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”", "amu": "Jeeⁿ ndyaꞌ tyuena ee chaꞌtsondyena ntyꞌiaana jom. Mantyja tꞌmaaⁿ joona, tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na tꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ. Mannco̱ luaa. Tilacatyuendyoꞌ."} {"eng": "He commanded them that everyone should sit down in groups on the green grass.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ sa̱ꞌntjoom na calꞌa nnꞌaⁿ cwii cwii tmaaⁿꞌ ndoꞌ cwindyuaandyena nacjooꞌ jnda̱ nchꞌu."} {"eng": "They sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties.", "amu": "Ntꞌom naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyꞌemeindyuaandyena cwii siaⁿnto na cwii cwii tmaaⁿꞌ, ndoꞌ ntꞌom naⁿꞌñeeⁿ lꞌana wenꞌaaⁿ nchooꞌ nqui na cwii cwii tmaaⁿꞌ joona."} {"eng": "King Herod heard this, for his name had become known, and he said, “John the Baptizer has risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ Herodes, tsꞌaⁿ na matsa̱ꞌntjom, jñeeⁿ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús ee chaꞌwaa ndyuaaꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ tꞌoomꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ. Sa̱a̱ luaa seitioom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús, tsoom: —Tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ ¿aa nchii juu Juan, tsꞌaⁿ na tyotseitsꞌoomñe nnꞌaⁿ? ¿Aa nchii jom jnda̱ wandoꞌxcoom na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ, joꞌ chii waa na matseixmaaⁿ na cwicanda̱a̱ machꞌeeⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿmeiⁿꞌ?"} {"eng": "But others said, “He is Elijah.” Others said, “He is a prophet, or like one of the prophets.”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ tyolue: —Profeta Elías luaaꞌ. Ndoꞌ ntꞌomcheⁿ tyolue: —Luaaꞌ profeta chaꞌna joo profeta na tyomꞌaⁿ tandyo xuee."} {"eng": "But Herod, when he heard this, said, “This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead.”", "amu": "Quia na jndii Herodes ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ na cwilue ntꞌomcheⁿ, tsonnaaⁿꞌaⁿ: —Maxjeⁿ Juan luaaꞌ, tsꞌaⁿ na sa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿ na catyjena xtyoꞌ. Jnda̱ wandoꞌxcoom na tueeⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. When he heard him, he did many things, and he heard him gladly.", "amu": "Ee Herodes nquiaⁿꞌaⁿ juu. Seiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na tseixmaⁿ Juan cantyja na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ ndoꞌ na jnda̱ tqueⁿljuꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Joꞌ chii tyowañomꞌm juu cha ticatsꞌaa yuscuꞌñeeⁿ nawiꞌ ñꞌeⁿñe. Ñequio na xcweeꞌ tsꞌoom tyoñeeⁿ ñꞌoom na tyoñeꞌquiaa tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ sa̱a̱ tijndye seiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ ñꞌoom na tyotseineiⁿ Juan."} {"eng": "Then a convenient day came when Herod on his birthday made a supper for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na juu Herodías ljeiiⁿ chiuu ya na nnda̱a̱ nntsꞌaaⁿ. Ee tueeꞌ xueechuuꞌ Herodes, tyolaꞌtꞌmaaⁿꞌndyena jom. Tquiaaⁿ nantquie na tcwaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ, ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwitsa̱ꞌntjom sondaro, ndoꞌ ñequio ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquiendye tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea."} {"eng": "When the daughter of Herodias herself came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those sitting with him. The king said to the young lady, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tjaquieeꞌ yuscundyua jnda Herodías yuu cwicwaꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, seijnom jo nda̱a̱na. Jeeⁿ tjaweeꞌ tsꞌom Herodes ndoꞌ mati nnꞌaⁿ na jlaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê. Tsoom nnom yuscundyuaꞌñeeⁿ: —Caⁿꞌ cantyjati na lꞌue tsꞌomꞌ no̱o̱ⁿ, ndoꞌ ja nñequia."} {"eng": "He swore to her, “Whatever you ask of me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom.”", "amu": "Seityeⁿtyeeⁿ ñꞌoom, tsoom: —Meiⁿnquia na nlcaⁿꞌ no̱o̱ⁿ, nñequia hasta meiiⁿ xcwe cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjo̱ⁿ."} {"eng": "She went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” She said, “The head of John the Baptizer.”", "amu": "Jluiꞌ yuscuꞌñeeⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, taxꞌeeⁿ nnom tsoñeeⁿ: —Naⁿ, ¿ljoꞌ nlcaaⁿꞌa? Tꞌo̱ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ nnom jnaaⁿ: —Caⁿꞌ xqueⁿ Juan, tsaⁿ na tyotseitsꞌoomñe nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "She came in immediately with haste to the king and requested, “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.”", "amu": "Mantyja seityuaaⁿꞌaⁿ, tjaquieeꞌnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿ rey Herodes, tsoom: —Ja lꞌue tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ na majeꞌndyo quiaaꞌ no̱o̱ⁿ cwii xio na njom xqueⁿ Juan, tsaⁿ na tyotseitsꞌoomñe nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "The king was exceedingly sorry, but for the sake of his oaths and of his dinner guests, he didn’t wish to refuse her.", "amu": "Na luaaꞌ tso tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ, jeeⁿ seichjooꞌnaꞌ tsꞌom Herodes. Sa̱a̱ ncꞌe na jnda̱ tqueⁿtyeeⁿ ñꞌoomꞌm ñequio na ndyecheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê, joꞌ chii tîcanda̱a̱ꞌ tsꞌoom na nntseichueeⁿꞌeⁿ ñꞌoom."} {"eng": "Immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard and commanded to bring John’s head; and he went and beheaded him in the prison,", "amu": "Mantyja jñoom cwii sondaro ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ, sa̱ꞌntjoom na cjaacꞌoom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ xqueⁿ Juan."} {"eng": "and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the young lady; and the young lady gave it to her mother.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tja sondaroꞌñeeⁿ wꞌaancjo, tjacatyjeeⁿ xtyoꞌ Juan. Jnda̱ chii jndyoñꞌoom juunaꞌ tsꞌom cwii xio. Tquiaaⁿ nnom yuscuꞌñeeⁿ ndoꞌ juu tquiaa nnom tsondyee."} {"eng": "When his disciples heard this, they came and took up his corpse and laid it in a tomb.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na jndye nnꞌaⁿ na tyocañꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Juan, quia joꞌ tyꞌecꞌomna seiꞌtsꞌo ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Tyꞌecatꞌiuuna jom."} {"eng": "He called to himself the twelve, and began to send them out two by two; and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tꞌmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ canchooꞌwe na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê. Tquiaaⁿ najndeii na tseixmaaⁿ na nlaꞌxmaⁿna cha nnda̱a̱ nntjeiiꞌna jndyetia naquiiꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ to̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na majñoom we wendyena tsꞌiaaⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "He commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a staff only: no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ sa̱ꞌntjoom na meiⁿcwii ꞌnaⁿ ticꞌooñꞌomna nato, meiⁿ chetsjaꞌ, meiⁿ tyooꞌ, meiⁿ tsjo̱ꞌñjeeⁿ. Macanda̱ tsꞌoom lꞌeii wanaaⁿ na nncꞌooñꞌomna,"} {"eng": "but to wear sandals, and not put on two tunics.", "amu": "ñequio lcoom na ñjoomna. Ndoꞌ manda̱ liaa na cweeꞌna na cwiꞌoona."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.", "amu": "Mati tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Meiⁿyuucheⁿ waaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nntsquieꞌyoꞌ, caljooꞌndyoꞌ joꞌ joꞌ hasta xjeⁿ na nluiꞌyoꞌ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ xeⁿ nntsquieꞌyoꞌ cwii tsjoom na tiñeꞌcatoꞌñoom nnꞌaⁿ ꞌo, meiⁿ tiñeꞌcandyena ñꞌoom ndyueꞌyoꞌ, quia na nluiꞌyoꞌ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ, calaquiaꞌyoꞌ tsꞌojnda̱a̱ na chuuꞌ ncꞌeeꞌyoꞌ cha na nncwjiꞌyuuꞌñenaꞌ nacjoo naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na tîcatoꞌñoomna ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Mayuuꞌcheⁿ nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱, xuee na nncuꞌxeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnꞌaⁿ, tꞌmaⁿti nawiꞌ nntjoom nnꞌaⁿ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ, nchiiti na nntjoom nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Sodoma ñꞌeⁿ Gomorra."} {"eng": "He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.", "amu": "Macweꞌ joꞌ tjaaꞌnaⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na sꞌaaⁿ quiiꞌntaaⁿna. Macanda̱ tioom lꞌo̱o̱ⁿ nacjoo cwantindye nnꞌaⁿwii na seinꞌmaaⁿ joona."} {"eng": "He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ sꞌaanaꞌ na jeeⁿ jnda ntyjeeⁿ na tileicaꞌlaꞌyuꞌ naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Jnda̱ chii tjawinoom njoom nchꞌu na nndyooꞌ tsjomꞌm. Tyoꞌmo̱ⁿtyeeⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "amu": "Quia na tueeꞌ xuee na cwitaꞌjndyee nnꞌaⁿ judíos, tjaquieeꞌ Jesús naquiiꞌ watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿna, to̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na tyoꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱na. Ndoꞌ jndye nnꞌaⁿ na tyondye ñꞌoom na tyoñequiaaⁿ jeeⁿ tjaweeꞌ nꞌomna. Jluena: —¿Yuu chuu tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿ chaꞌtso ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ na jeeⁿ yanaꞌ? Ndoꞌ ¿yuu jnaⁿ na jeeⁿ jndo̱ꞌ tsꞌoom? ¿Chiuu waayuu na jeeⁿ jndye nnom tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ machꞌeeⁿ na tiquintyꞌiaaya?"} {"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ, ¿aa nchii cweꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na macuuñe nꞌoom? ¿Aa tiyuuꞌ na jom jnda María? Ndoꞌ ntyjeeⁿ, ¿aa nchii Jacobo ñequio José ndoꞌ Judas ñequio Simón? Ndoꞌ mati yolcu ntyjeeⁿ mꞌaⁿna quiiꞌntaaⁿya. Joꞌ chii tꞌomna na tineiiⁿna jom."} {"eng": "He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.", "amu": "Meiⁿ tatinquiaaⁿ na nncꞌoolaꞌjomndye ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê na wjaⁿ waaꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Macanda̱ tjañꞌoom Pedro, ñequio Jacobo ñꞌeⁿ Juan, tyjee Jacoboꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "He came to the synagogue ruler’s house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na tquiena waaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquieñe cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ watsꞌom, jndyena na jeeⁿ cꞌuaa camꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ najndeii cwilaꞌxuaa na cwityuee."} {"eng": "having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothes.", "amu": "Jnda̱ ñejñeeⁿ ñꞌoom cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús, joꞌ chii tjantyjo̱o̱ⁿ naxeⁿꞌ quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ tyenquioomꞌm liaaꞌ."} {"eng": "For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.”", "amu": "Ee na jnda̱ seitioom naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom: “Xeⁿ cweꞌ na nnda̱a̱ nñequiuuꞌa liaⁿꞌaⁿ, quia joꞌ nnꞌmaⁿya.”"} {"eng": "For he said to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”", "amu": "To̱ꞌ Jesús na matseineiⁿ nnom jndyetia, tsoom: —ꞌU jndyetia, caluiꞌ naquiiꞌ tsꞌom tsaⁿmꞌaaⁿꞌ. Joꞌ chii tꞌo̱ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Jndeii seineiⁿ tso: —¿Ljoꞌ nntsaꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ ja, ꞌu Jesús na cwiluiindyuꞌ Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na mꞌaaⁿ nandyeticheⁿ? Ñequio xueeꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, matsꞌaa tyꞌoo njomꞌ na tilcoꞌwiꞌ ja."} {"eng": "When he had come out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him out of the tombs.", "amu": "Quia na jluiꞌ Jesús tsꞌom wꞌaandaa mantyja jnaⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ watsꞌomtyueꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ jndyetia naquiiꞌ tsꞌom. Jndyocatjomñe Jesús."} {"eng": "He lived in the tombs. Nobody could bind him any more, not even with chains,", "amu": "Ñequiiꞌ macꞌeⁿ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ yuu niom ndeiꞌluaa. Ndoꞌ meiⁿcwii tsꞌaⁿ taticanda̱a̱ nntseityeⁿ jom, meiiⁿ ñꞌeⁿ lꞌuaancjo."} {"eng": "because he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him, and the fetters broken in pieces. Nobody had the strength to tame him.", "amu": "Ee jndye ndiiꞌ jnda̱ ñejlaꞌtyeⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ncꞌeeⁿ ñequio lꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ñꞌeⁿ lꞌuaancjo. Sa̱a̱ jom tyocꞌiooꞌñê lꞌuaancjoꞌñeeⁿ nchꞌu nchꞌu ntaⁿꞌ. Tjaa meiⁿ cwii tsꞌaⁿ na nnda̱a̱ nlqueⁿ xjeⁿ jom."} {"eng": "Always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.", "amu": "Naxuee, natsjom ñequiiꞌcheⁿ tyomanoom quiiꞌntaaⁿ ndeiꞌluaa ndoꞌ quiiꞌ jnda̱a̱. Matseixuaⁿ jndeii ndoꞌ matseiquieeꞌñe cheⁿnqueⁿ ñequio ljo̱ꞌ."} {"eng": "A big wind storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so much that the boat was already filled.", "amu": "Xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ jndeii tioo jndye nnom ndaaluee tyontquienaꞌ nmo̱ⁿ tsꞌom wꞌaandaa hasta wjaatooꞌnaꞌ wjaatiomnaꞌ ndaatioo."} {"eng": "He himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying?”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nquii Jesús watsom jo tsꞌaaⁿ wꞌaandaa, wantyeeⁿ cwii liaa ndyaa. Joona jlaꞌnlcwina jom, jluena nnoom: —ꞌU Maestro, ¿aa maxjeⁿ tjaa na cochꞌeenaꞌ ꞌu meiiⁿ na nncwja̱a̱ya?"} {"eng": "He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth,", "amu": "Mati tsonndaꞌ Jesús nda̱a̱na: —Juu na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, matseijomnaꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ na cwiluii quia na majuꞌ tsꞌaⁿ lqueeⁿ trigo nomtyuaa."} {"eng": "and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na tjoomꞌm lqueeⁿ wjaⁿ. Nntsom, nneiⁿncooñê, mmaaⁿñê, cweꞌ laaꞌtiꞌ cwiwinom jndye xuee, jndye tsjom. Ndoꞌ lqueeⁿꞌñeeⁿ nncꞌoomnaꞌ, wjaawindyenaꞌ sa̱a̱ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ ticatseiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ chiuu cwiluiiyuu na cwiꞌoowijnda̱naꞌ."} {"eng": "For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.", "amu": "Ee tyuaa ticaⁿnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nnteijndeii na nncꞌoom ntjom. Najndyee cwiꞌoom jnda̱, ndoꞌ ꞌoowindyenaꞌ. Ndoꞌ cwiwaaꞌ xuꞌlqueeⁿ. Jnda̱ joꞌ macwjaaꞌñenaꞌ nꞌom lqueeⁿ."} {"eng": "But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ quia na jnda̱ tmaⁿ lqueeⁿ, ꞌoocatyje nnꞌaⁿ joonaꞌ ee na jnda̱ tueꞌntyjo̱ xjeⁿ na nno̱ⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.", "amu": "Ntꞌom lqueeⁿ tquiaanaꞌ tyuaa na jeeⁿ ljo̱ꞌ yuu na tita mꞌaaⁿ tsꞌo. Lqueeⁿꞌñeeⁿ tyuaaꞌ tꞌoomnaꞌ ee tita tionaꞌ tsꞌo."} {"eng": "When the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ na jeeⁿ jmeiⁿꞌ tyontyꞌiaaꞌ ñeꞌquioomꞌ, tꞌuaanaꞌ. Tjacaaⁿnaꞌ ee na tinjoom tyꞌe nchꞌiooꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tꞌo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱na tsoom: —Nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ cwiluiiñe tsondyo̱ ndoꞌ ndyentyjo̱."} {"eng": "Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!", "amu": "Jnda̱ chii ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndiocheⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na meindyuaandye nacañomꞌm, tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta, ncjoꞌyoꞌ cwiluiindyoꞌ tsondyo̱ ñequio ndyentyjo̱."} {"eng": "Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);", "amu": "Nmeiiⁿ ncuee nchooꞌwe nnꞌaⁿ na tjeiiꞌñe Jesús cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ: Simón, tsaⁿ na seicajñoom Pedro,"} {"eng": "James the son of Zebedee; and John, the brother of James, (whom he called Boanerges, which means, Sons of Thunder);", "amu": "Jacobo ñequio tyjeeⁿ Juan, ntseinda Zebedeo, joona seicajñoom Boanerges, ñꞌoomwaaꞌ maꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na jeeⁿ chona ndyueena,"} {"eng": "Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot;", "amu": "Andrés, Felipe, Bartolomé, Mateo, Tomás, Jacobo jnda Alfeo, Tadeo, Simón, tsaⁿ na matiiꞌñe ñꞌoom ñꞌeⁿ tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ cananista."} {"eng": "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Then he came into a house.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ñꞌeⁿ Judas Iscariote, tsꞌaⁿ na tquiaa cwenta Jesús."} {"eng": "He appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach", "amu": "Tqueeⁿ canchooꞌwendyena na nñꞌeeⁿna ñꞌeⁿñê ndoꞌ na njñoom joona na nñeꞌquiana ñꞌoom naya ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ. Matseicajndyunaꞌ joona apóstoles."} {"eng": "and to have authority to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:", "amu": "Tquiaaⁿ cantyja najndeii na tseixmaaⁿ na nlaꞌxmaⁿna cha nnda̱a̱ nlaꞌnꞌmaaⁿna nnꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ nnda̱a̱ nntjeiiꞌna jndyetia naquiiꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried, “You are the Son of God!”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ jndyetia na mꞌaⁿ naquiiꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ, meiⁿyuucheⁿ na ntyꞌiaana jom, lꞌana naquiiꞌ nꞌom naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na cataꞌna cantyena jo nnoom. Tyolaꞌxuaana, tyoluena: —ꞌU cwiluiindyuꞌ Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "He sternly warned them that they should not make him known.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ Jesús jndeiꞌnaꞌ tyotsa̱ꞌntjoom na ticatꞌmo̱o̱ⁿna ꞌñeeⁿ cwiluiiñê."} {"eng": "He spoke to his disciples that a little boat should stay near him because of the crowd, so that they wouldn’t press on him.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii sa̱ꞌntjoom nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê na calaꞌjndaaꞌndyena cwii wꞌaandaa chjoo na nleilꞌueeꞌñê cha tintsꞌaanaꞌ na ꞌoontquieena jom ee tyeeⁿ na jeeⁿ jndye nnꞌaⁿ mꞌaⁿ nacañomꞌm."} {"eng": "For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him.", "amu": "Ee ncꞌe na jnda̱ seinꞌmaaⁿ jndyendye nnꞌaⁿ, joꞌ chii chaꞌtso ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na ndicwaⁿ chona ntycu, tyolaꞌcantoꞌndyena nacañomꞌm na ñeꞌnquioꞌna jom cha nnꞌmaaⁿna."} {"eng": "Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great multitude followed him from Galilee, from Judea,", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tjanndaꞌ Jesús ꞌndyoo ndaaluee ñequio nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê. Cwii tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ tyꞌentyjo̱ naxeeⁿꞌeⁿ na jnaⁿna tsꞌo̱ndaa Galilea."} {"eng": "from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ mati ntꞌomcheⁿ nnꞌaⁿ tyondyena cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ jndye nnom tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na tyochꞌeeⁿ. Quia joꞌ jndyendyena jnaⁿna tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea ñequio tsjoom Jerusalén, ñequio ndyuaa Idumea, ñequio xndyaaꞌ jndaa Jordán, ndoꞌ ñequio ndiocheⁿ tsjoom Tiro ñꞌeⁿ Sidón. Tyꞌentyjaaꞌna jom."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do harm? To save a life or to kill?” But they were silent.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tsoom nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ joꞌ joꞌ: —Ja mawaxꞌa̱ya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, xuee na cwitaꞌjndya̱a̱ya ¿aa wanaaⁿ na cateijndeii tsꞌaⁿ xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na wiꞌ matjom, oo aa ticateijneiⁿ juu? ¿Aa cwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñê xꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ na ticueꞌ, oo aa caꞌñeeⁿ na cueꞌ? Sa̱a̱ joona yacheⁿ jlaꞌcheⁿna."} {"eng": "When he had looked around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ ntyꞌiaaⁿꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ ndiocheⁿ, seiliooꞌñê ñꞌeⁿndyena. Tquiaanaꞌ na chjooꞌ tsꞌoom ee seiꞌno̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na jeeⁿ quieꞌ nꞌomna. Tsoom nnom tsaⁿsꞌaꞌñeeⁿ: —Catseiliuuꞌ tsꞌo̱ꞌ. Seiliuu tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿ ndoꞌ mana tcoꞌyanaꞌ jom."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Did you never read what David did when he had need and was hungry—he, and those who were with him?", "amu": "Tꞌo̱ Jesús, tsoom nda̱a̱na: —ꞌO, ¿aa nchii jnda̱ jlaꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoom chiuu sꞌaa David quia na seitjo̱o̱naꞌ na nlcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ? Sa̱a̱ tyoolancjooꞌndyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Jom tꞌoom na ñejnoomꞌm ndoꞌ mati nnꞌaⁿ na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "amu": "Tjaqueⁿꞌeⁿ naquiiꞌ watsꞌom ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ndoꞌ tcaaⁿ tyooꞌ nnom Abiatar tyee na cwiluiitquieñe. Jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ntyooꞌñeeⁿ. Tcwaaⁿꞌaⁿ joonaꞌ ndoꞌ mati tquiaaⁿ na tcwaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na ñꞌeeⁿ ñꞌeⁿñê. Ndoꞌ ntyooꞌñeeⁿ na jnda̱ tquia nnꞌaⁿ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, ticwanaaⁿ na nlcwaꞌ meiⁿnquia tsꞌaⁿ, macanda̱ ntyee wanaaⁿ na nlcwaꞌna juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts?", "amu": "Ndoꞌ ntyjii Jesús na luaaꞌ mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomna. Tsoom nda̱a̱na: —¿Chiuu na ticuaaya nquiuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱?"} {"eng": "Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’", "amu": "¿Cwaaⁿ ñꞌoom cwilaꞌtiuuꞌyoꞌ na tijndeiꞌtinaꞌ na nntsjo̱o̱ nnom tsaⁿwiiꞌmꞌaaⁿ? ¿Aa nchii chaꞌna jnda̱ tsjo̱o̱ nnoom na matseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ na waa? Oo ¿aa nchii jndeiꞌtinaꞌ nquiuꞌyoꞌ na nntsjo̱o̱ na quicantyjaaⁿ, catseilcwiiñê tsuee ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ ndoꞌ cjaacaⁿ?"} {"eng": "He strictly warned him and immediately sent him out,", "amu": "Jnda̱ joꞌ jñom Jesús tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ, tyeⁿ ñꞌoom tsoom nnom:"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "amu": "—Meiⁿcwii ñꞌoom ticatsuꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ chiuu tuii na nꞌmaⁿꞌ. Sa̱a̱ cjaꞌ, cjaꞌtseicaꞌmo̱ⁿndyuꞌ nnom tyee. Ndoꞌ quiaaꞌ quiooꞌ nnoom na matseitꞌmaaⁿꞌndyuꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom chaꞌxjeⁿ na tyotsa̱ꞌntjom Moisés. Ee laaꞌtiꞌ nncwjiꞌyuuꞌñenaꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na jnda̱ nꞌmaⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.", "amu": "Ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ quia na to̱ꞌ Juan na tyotseitsꞌoomñê nnꞌaⁿ ndyuaa yuu tjaa nnꞌaⁿ cꞌom. Tyoñequiaaⁿ ñꞌoom na calcweꞌ nꞌomna jnaaⁿna cha nntseitꞌmaⁿ tsꞌom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom joona ndoꞌ nleitsꞌoomndyena."} {"eng": "All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.", "amu": "Jndye nnꞌaⁿ tyꞌe na mꞌaaⁿ na jnaⁿna chaꞌwaa tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea ñequio tsjoom Jerusalén. Jnda̱ na lcweꞌ nꞌomna jnaaⁿna, seitsꞌoomñê joona tsꞌom jndaa Jordán."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "amu": "Juanꞌñeeⁿ tyocweⁿ liaa na tuiinaꞌ ñꞌeⁿ sooꞌ camello. Chiꞌtyeⁿ xcweeⁿꞌeⁿ cwii tjaⁿ. Tyocwaaⁿꞌaⁿ calcaa ntyueꞌ ndoꞌ tyoꞌom tsiomꞌ jnda̱a̱."} {"eng": "The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.", "amu": "Luaa waa na jnaⁿ ñꞌoom naya cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesucristo, Jnda Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom."} {"eng": "As it is written in the prophets, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you:", "amu": "Jnda̱ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoom na seiljeii profeta Isaías, matsonaꞌ: Majño̱o̱ⁿñetya̱ya cwii moso ꞌnaⁿya na wjaajndyee jo njomꞌ. Jom nncwjiꞌyuuꞌñê cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌ, cha mamꞌaⁿcꞌeendye nnꞌaⁿ quia na nncueꞌcañoomꞌ."} {"eng": "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight!’”", "amu": "Jom tsꞌaⁿ na jndeii matseineiⁿ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ jo ndoꞌ yuu tjaa nnꞌaⁿ cꞌom. Matsoom: “Calajndaaꞌndyoꞌ naquiiꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom cwii nato na juu joꞌ nndyocwjeeꞌcañoom nquii na nntsa̱ꞌntjom ꞌo. Cataꞌndyoꞌxcweꞌyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom cwilayo̱ꞌyoꞌ nato na nñoom.”"} {"eng": "Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.", "amu": "ꞌOmndye joona tijndo̱ꞌ nꞌomna ndoꞌ ꞌomndye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ majndo̱ꞌ nꞌomna."} {"eng": "Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them,", "amu": "Joo yolcu na tijndo̱ꞌ nꞌom quia na tyꞌechona xjocanti ꞌnaaⁿna, taticꞌoochotina seitye na nlco."} {"eng": "but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ yolcu na jndo̱ꞌ nꞌom tyꞌechona xjocanti ꞌnaaⁿna na ntyjo chom ndi ñꞌeeⁿ lioo na ñjomti seitye."} {"eng": "As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "amu": "’Chaꞌxjeⁿ na tyomꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ ncuee quia ñetꞌoom Noé, maluaaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ na nlꞌa nnꞌaⁿ quia na nncwja̱caño̱o̱ⁿya na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ship,", "amu": "Ee ncueeꞌñeeⁿ cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na seicatsuu ndaaluaꞌntyꞌa tsjoomnancue tyomꞌaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. Tyocwaꞌna, tyowena, tyowuncona, tyoñeꞌquiana ndana na nncꞌunco hasta juu xuee quia na tjaquieeꞌ Noé wꞌaandaa tꞌmaⁿ."} {"eng": "and they didn’t know until the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ tiqueⁿna cwenta na waa na teincuuꞌ hasta matsꞌia joꞌ tyjeeꞌ ndaaluaꞌntyꞌa. Tyjeeꞌ candaa, tjachuunaꞌ chaꞌtsondye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Maluaaꞌ matseijomnaꞌ na nntjoom nnꞌaⁿ quia na nncwja̱caño̱o̱ⁿ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "“Then if any man tells you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There!’ don’t believe it.", "amu": "’Joꞌ chii xeⁿ nntso cwii tsꞌaⁿ nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ: “Cantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ ljo mꞌaaⁿ nquii na cwiluiiñe Cristo”, oo nntso tsꞌaⁿ: “Cantyꞌiaꞌyoꞌ, laꞌñeⁿ mꞌaaⁿ”, tilayuꞌyoꞌ ñꞌoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "amu": "Ee maxjeⁿ nlquieꞌcañom nnꞌaⁿ ꞌo na nluena joona cwiluiindyena Cristo. Ndoꞌ nluena na profeta joona sa̱a̱ tiyuuꞌ ñꞌoom na cwiñeꞌquiana. Nlꞌana jndye nnom ꞌnaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ ñequio jndye nnom tsꞌiaaⁿ tꞌmaⁿ na nncjaaweeꞌ nꞌom nnꞌaⁿ cha xeⁿ na nnda̱a̱ nlꞌana na nñequioꞌnnꞌaⁿna nnꞌaⁿ na macwjiꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cwentaaⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.", "amu": "’ꞌO nnꞌaⁿ fariseos ñꞌeⁿ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, nntꞌuiiwiꞌnaꞌ ꞌo cweꞌ cwilꞌaꞌyaꞌyoꞌ na jeeⁿ ya nnꞌaⁿndyoꞌ ee cwilaꞌñꞌeeⁿꞌndyoꞌ nnꞌaⁿ cha xocanda̱a̱ nncꞌooquieeꞌndyena cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Ncjoꞌyoꞌ tiñeꞌcatsaquieeꞌndyoꞌ na jom nntsa̱ꞌntjoom ꞌo, meiⁿ tiñeꞌquiaꞌyoꞌ na nncꞌooquieeꞌndye ntꞌom ncꞌiaꞌyoꞌ cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjoom."} {"eng": "“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don’t enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.", "amu": "’ꞌO nnꞌaⁿ fariseos ñꞌeⁿ ꞌo nnꞌaⁿ na cwitꞌmo̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ ljeii na tqueⁿ Moisés, nntꞌuiiwiꞌnaꞌ ꞌo ee cweꞌ cwilꞌaꞌyaꞌyoꞌ na jeeⁿ ya nnꞌaⁿndyoꞌ. ꞌO mantyjo̱ꞌyoꞌ ꞌnaaⁿ lꞌoo na cweꞌ ñeꞌcatjeiꞌtoꞌyoꞌ luee yolcu na jnda̱ tja̱ sꞌaa. Sa̱a̱ majuu xjeⁿꞌñeeⁿ teincoo ñꞌoom cwilaneiⁿꞌyoꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom cha ticaꞌmo̱ⁿnaꞌ na wiꞌndyoꞌ. Cweꞌ joꞌ na tꞌmaⁿti nlcoꞌwiꞌnaꞌ ꞌo quia na nncuꞌxeeⁿ ꞌo."} {"eng": "All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying,", "amu": "Luaaꞌ tuii cha catseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoom na seineiⁿ profeta, luaa seiljeiⁿ:"} {"eng": "“Tell the daughter of Zion, behold, your King comes to you, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”", "amu": "Canduꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Sión: “Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta macwjeeꞌcañoom nquii rey na cwiluiiñe na matsa̱ꞌntjom ꞌo, ticatseitꞌmaaⁿꞌñe cheⁿnqueⁿ, ee cweꞌ snom waꞌljoom. Snom chjoo, quiooꞌ na maxjeⁿ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌ na nnchuu xuu.”"} {"eng": "When they came near to Jerusalem and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,", "amu": "Quia na jnda̱ teindyo̱o̱ꞌâ Jerusalén, na nndyooꞌ ta na jndyu Olivos, squia̱a̱yâ tsjoom Betfagé. Jñom Jesús we nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌjomndye ñꞌeⁿñê."} {"eng": "saying to them, “Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me.", "amu": "Tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Catsaquieꞌyoꞌ tsjoom chjoo ndyeyu jo nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ. Joꞌ joꞌ mantyja nliuꞌyoꞌ cwii snomxquie na ñjomyoꞌ, mati ñꞌeⁿ jndayoꞌ. Calacanaⁿꞌyoꞌ, quiochoꞌyoꞌ jooyoꞌ na mꞌaaⁿya ñjaaⁿ."} {"eng": "Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.", "amu": "’Cweꞌ joꞌ calaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ nqueⁿ na matsa̱ꞌntjoom cañoomꞌluee. Matseijomnaꞌ jom chaꞌna cwii patrom na seitioom na nntyjo̱o̱ⁿ mosoomꞌm na choꞌjnaⁿ nnoom."} {"eng": "When he had begun to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.", "amu": "To̱o̱ⁿꞌo̱ⁿ na macwjeeⁿꞌeⁿ cwenta ndoꞌ tquioñꞌomna cwii tsꞌaⁿ na chujnaⁿ jndye meiⁿyom sꞌom."} {"eng": "See that you don’t despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.", "amu": "’Calꞌaꞌyoꞌ cwenta na tincꞌomꞌyoꞌ na ticueeꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ meiⁿcwii yucachjoo. Ee nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱ jo nandye mꞌaⁿ ángeles na cwilꞌa cwenta yocanchꞌu. Ndoꞌ ángelesꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿnquia xjeⁿ cwilaꞌneiⁿna nnom Tsotya̱ya na mꞌaaⁿ cañoomꞌluee."} {"eng": "For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost.", "amu": "Ee ja na cwiluiindyo̱ tsꞌaⁿ na jnaⁿ cañoomꞌluee jndyo̱o̱ na nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿndyo̱ nnꞌaⁿ na cwitsuundye."} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.", "amu": "Chaꞌtsondye naⁿꞌñeeⁿ tcwaꞌtjacjoona. Ndoꞌ jlaꞌcato̱o̱ꞌâ ntquieeꞌ tsquiee ñequio ntaⁿꞌ ntyooꞌ ñequio calcaa na ꞌndiicheⁿnaꞌ."} {"eng": "Those who ate were four thousand men, in addition to women and children.", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ na tcwaꞌ quia joꞌ tueeꞌ chaꞌna ñequiee meiⁿ naⁿnom. Meiⁿ tîcatuꞌnchondye naⁿlcu ñequio yocanchꞌu."} {"eng": "For John said to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.”", "amu": "Ee luaa waa na tuii. Herodes tyomꞌaaⁿ ñequio Herodías, scuuꞌ tyjeeⁿ Felipe. Ndoꞌ tso Juan nnoom na ticatyꞌiomyanaꞌ na mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ scuuꞌ tyjeeⁿ. Joꞌ chii sa̱ꞌntjoom na calaꞌtyeⁿna Juan, catueeꞌna juu wꞌaancjo."} {"eng": "So it will be in the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked from among the righteous,", "amu": "Malaaꞌtiꞌ nntsꞌaanaꞌ xuee quia na cwintycwii tsjoomnancue. Nñequiocue ángeles na nntjeiiꞌndyena nnꞌaⁿ na wiꞌndye quiiꞌntaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ na mꞌaⁿ cantyja na matyꞌiomyanaꞌ."} {"eng": "and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”", "amu": "Ndoꞌ nntioomna nnꞌaⁿ na wiꞌndye naquiiꞌ chom bꞌio. Joꞌ joꞌ nndyuee naⁿꞌñeeⁿ ndoꞌ nnteinquiena ndeiꞌnꞌomna na wiꞌ cwitjoomna."} {"eng": "“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.", "amu": "Quioꞌyoꞌ na mꞌaaⁿya chaꞌtsondyoꞌ na jnda̱ teijndyaꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ jnaⁿꞌyoꞌ na joonaꞌ matseijaaꞌñenaꞌ nacjoꞌyoꞌ chaꞌcwijom xuu na tileicanaⁿꞌyoꞌ ndoꞌ ja nñequiaya na nntaꞌjndyeeꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.", "amu": "Calajomndyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ chaꞌna cwilaꞌjomndye quiooꞌndyo na ljoyu cwilꞌa tsꞌiaaⁿ. Ndoꞌ quiaandyoꞌ na nntaꞌjnaⁿꞌyoꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿya. Ee ja tincꞌuaaꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ndoꞌ mꞌaaⁿya na wiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya ꞌo. Ndoꞌ nliuꞌyoꞌ na nntaꞌjndyee añmaaⁿꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”", "amu": "Ee na nlaxꞌiaaꞌndyoꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ xocanchjenaꞌ ꞌo chaꞌna manchje tsꞌoom na ljo cantyaꞌ quiooꞌndyo. Ndoꞌ ñꞌoom na maqua̱ⁿya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ cweꞌ na ya ya xjeⁿ jnda̱ꞌyoꞌ."} {"eng": "For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.", "amu": "Ee cantyja ꞌnaⁿ ja nnto̱ⁿꞌnaꞌ tsaⁿsꞌa ñꞌeⁿ tsotyeeⁿ, mati tsaⁿscu ñꞌeⁿ tsoñeeⁿ, ndoꞌ tsaⁿnntsa ñꞌeⁿ sta̱xeeⁿꞌeⁿ."} {"eng": "A man’s foes will be those of his own household.", "amu": "Cweꞌ joꞌ cwii cwii tsꞌaⁿ na matseiyuꞌ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱, nquiee nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ nlaꞌjndoona jom."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.", "amu": "’Quia joꞌ tintyueꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ na nlꞌa nnꞌaⁿ ꞌo. Ee chaꞌtso na wantyꞌiuuꞌ mꞌaaⁿnaꞌ jeꞌ, maxjeⁿ nleitquiooꞌ. Ndoꞌ meiⁿ tjaaꞌnaⁿ cwii na cweꞌ ntyꞌiu tuii na tixocwitquiooꞌnaꞌ."} {"eng": "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.", "amu": "Cweꞌ joꞌ joo ñꞌoom tjañoomꞌ na matseina̱ⁿya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, ꞌo calaneiⁿꞌ ndyeyuꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ ñꞌoom na matseina̱ⁿya nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ na ñencjoꞌyoꞌ, canduꞌyoꞌ na candye chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.", "amu": "Tincꞌomꞌyoꞌ na nquiaꞌyoꞌ joo nnꞌaⁿ na cwilaꞌcwjee ncꞌiaa ee tixonda̱a̱ nlaꞌcatsuuna añmaaⁿ nnꞌaⁿ. ꞌO jeꞌ cꞌomꞌyoꞌ na nquiaꞌyoꞌ nquii Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ee jom waa najneiⁿ na nncjoomꞌm tsꞌaⁿ quiiꞌ bꞌio, na nntsuuñe añmaaⁿꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na macanda̱."} {"eng": "“Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.", "amu": "’ꞌO manquiuꞌyoꞌ na meiⁿchjoo ticajnda cwiwilꞌua we cantsaa nchꞌu. Sa̱a̱ nquii Tsotyeꞌyoꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom machꞌeeⁿ cwenta jooyoꞌ. Meiⁿcwiindye jooyoꞌ xocueꞌ na ticaljeiiⁿ."} {"eng": "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.", "amu": "Mati ticwii cwii soonqueⁿꞌyoꞌ majndaaꞌ ntyjeeⁿ ljoꞌ joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.", "amu": "Cweꞌ joꞌ tilacatyuendyoꞌ ee jndandyoꞌtiꞌyoꞌ ntyjeeⁿ nchiiti cantsaa nchꞌu."} {"eng": "“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.", "amu": "Tsoti Jesús ñꞌoom tjañoomꞌ nda̱a̱ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na cwilajomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê. Tsoom: —Juu tsꞌaⁿ na matseiꞌnaaⁿꞌ ticaluiitꞌmaⁿñê, ee nquii maestro ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ cwiluiitꞌmaⁿñeti nchiiti jom. Ndoꞌ mati juu tsꞌaⁿ na mandiꞌntjom ticaluiitꞌmaⁿñê, ee nquii patrom ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ tꞌmaⁿti cwiluiiñe nchiiti jom."} {"eng": "It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household!", "amu": "Juu tsꞌaⁿ na matseiꞌnaaⁿꞌ matsonaꞌ na catjoom chaꞌxjeⁿ na matjom maestro ꞌnaaⁿꞌaⁿ. Ndoꞌ mati juu tsꞌaⁿ na mandiꞌntjom matyꞌiomnaꞌ na cjaawinoom chaꞌxjeⁿ na mawinom tsꞌaⁿ na mandiꞌntjoom nnom. Ndoꞌ nquii tsꞌaⁿ na cwiluiitquieñe cwii wꞌaa, xeⁿ nlue nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiiñê tsaⁿjndiitquiee, majndeiiticheⁿ tinluena ñꞌoomwiꞌ nacjoo nnꞌaⁿ waⁿꞌaⁿ."} {"eng": "Into whatever city or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you go on.", "amu": "’Ndoꞌ meiⁿyuucheⁿ na nntsaquieꞌyoꞌ, meiiⁿ tsjoom tꞌmaⁿ, meiiⁿ tsjoom chjoo, joꞌ joꞌ calꞌueeꞌndyoꞌ ꞌñeeⁿ juu tseixmaⁿ na ya tsꞌaⁿñe. Waaꞌ tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ joꞌ caljooꞌndyoꞌ hasta quia na nluiꞌyoꞌ tsjoomꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "As you enter into the household, greet it.", "amu": "Quia na cwitsaquieꞌyoꞌ naquiiꞌ wꞌaaꞌñeeⁿ, canduꞌyoꞌ nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom matioꞌnaaⁿñê joona."} {"eng": "Don’t take any gold, silver, or brass in your money belts.", "amu": "’Tintsachoꞌyoꞌ sꞌom cajaⁿ, meiⁿ sꞌom xuee, meiⁿ sꞌom wee na ñjom chetsjaꞌ na ntyjaandyoꞌ."} {"eng": "Take no bag for your journey, neither two coats, nor sandals, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food.", "amu": "Meiⁿ chetsjaꞌ tintsachoꞌyoꞌ na tsaꞌyoꞌ nato, ñecwii ljo liaa, meiⁿ lcoom, meiⁿ tsꞌoomlꞌeii. Ee tsꞌaⁿ na mandiꞌntjom nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, tseixmaaⁿ na coꞌñoom na nleilꞌueeꞌñê na macaⁿnaꞌ jom."} {"eng": "Behold, a woman who had a discharge of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment;", "amu": "Luaa tuii, jndyontyjo̱ cwii yuscu naxeⁿꞌ Jesús na nioom wiiꞌ. Yuscuꞌñeeⁿ jnda̱ canchooꞌwe chu na tyoocameintyjeeꞌ na cwicaa nioomꞌm. Jndyotseicandyooꞌñê, tꞌueeⁿ ꞌndyoo liaaꞌ Jesús."} {"eng": "for she said within herself, “If I just touch his garment, I will be made well.”", "amu": "Ee seitioom naquiiꞌ tsꞌoom: “Xeⁿ cweꞌ na nnda̱a̱ nñequiuuꞌa liaⁿꞌaⁿ, quia joꞌ nnꞌmaⁿya.”"} {"eng": "“Enter in by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it.", "amu": "’ꞌO catsaquieꞌyoꞌ ꞌndyootsꞌa cantuu na nncꞌomꞌyoꞌ natooꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom. Ee waa ꞌndyootsꞌa tmeiⁿ na matseicanaaⁿñenaꞌ nato tꞌmaⁿ. Juunaꞌ wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na nntsuuñe ndoꞌ jndye nnꞌaⁿ cwiꞌooquieꞌ joꞌ joꞌ."} {"eng": "How narrow is the gate and the way is restricted that leads to life! There are few who find it.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ ꞌndyootsꞌa cantuu matseicanaaⁿñenaꞌ nato cajneiⁿ. Natoꞌñeeⁿ wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na ticantycwii na nncwandoꞌ sa̱a̱ tijndye nnꞌaⁿ cwiliu juunaꞌ."} {"eng": "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?", "amu": "¿Chiuu na jeeⁿ maqueⁿꞌ cwenta meiiⁿ chjoowiꞌ ljoꞌ machꞌee xꞌiaꞌ? Ndoꞌ manncuꞌtiꞌ tiqueⁿꞌ cwenta na tꞌmaⁿ matseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌ. Machꞌeenaꞌ cantyja ꞌnaⁿꞌ chaꞌcwijom jeeⁿ ndoꞌ ntquiooꞌ jnda̱ na njom tsꞌomnnom xꞌiaꞌ, sa̱a̱ meiⁿchjoo tiqueⁿꞌ cwenta tsꞌoom tscaaꞌ na njom tsꞌomnjomꞌ nncuꞌ."} {"eng": "Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye?", "amu": "¿Aa nntsuꞌyuꞌ nnom xꞌiaꞌ: “Cwa, quiaaꞌ na nncwjiiꞌa ntquiooꞌ jnda̱ na njom tsꞌomnjomꞌ”? Ndoꞌ ꞌu jeꞌ ndicwaⁿ njom tsꞌoom tscaaꞌ tsꞌomnjomꞌ."} {"eng": "You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.", "amu": "ꞌU tsꞌaⁿ na we waa na matseixmaⁿꞌ cwjiꞌjndyeeꞌ tsꞌoom tscaaꞌ na njom tsꞌomnjomꞌ nncuꞌ quia joꞌ tquioꞌyaꞌ na nncwjiꞌ ntquiooꞌ jnda̱ na njom tsꞌomnnom xꞌiaꞌ."} {"eng": "Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin,", "amu": "’Quia joꞌ ¿chiuu na jeeⁿ jndye mꞌaaⁿꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ cantyja chiuu na nleitsaaⁿꞌndyoꞌ? Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta, nꞌoom ljaaꞌ quiiꞌ jnda̱a̱, ya cwiwijnda̱naꞌ. Neiⁿncooꞌ cwiwaaꞌ ljaaꞌ. Tiquilꞌanaꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿ, meiⁿ tiquilꞌanaꞌ tsaⁿ na nluii liaanaꞌ."} {"eng": "yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nndyeꞌyoꞌ nntsjo̱o̱: Juu rey Salomón meiiⁿ jeeⁿ tyañê, ndoꞌ tjacantyja na ya ꞌnaⁿ na tyoleichom, sa̱a̱ tîcatseijomnaꞌ na neiⁿncooꞌ liaⁿꞌaⁿ chaꞌna neiⁿncooꞌ cwii ljaaꞌmeiⁿꞌ."} {"eng": "“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal;", "amu": "’Tilatjomꞌyoꞌ ꞌnaⁿ na jndanaꞌ nnom tsjoomnancue yuu mꞌaⁿ cantyꞌua na nlaꞌndaaꞌ joonaꞌ, ndoꞌ yuu na nlquii chꞌmeiⁿ, ndoꞌ yuu na nnda̱a̱ nncꞌooquieꞌ naⁿcantyꞌue na nntjeiiꞌna joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal;", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ joo naya ꞌnaⁿꞌyoꞌ na quitꞌmaⁿ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ calatjomꞌyoꞌ joonaꞌ jo nandye cañoomꞌluee yuu na xocwaꞌ cantyꞌua, meiⁿ na nlquii chꞌmeiⁿ ndoꞌ meiⁿ na nncꞌooquieꞌ naⁿcantyꞌue na nntjeiiꞌ joonaꞌ."} {"eng": "Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na luaaꞌ sꞌaaⁿ, seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoomꞌ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na seiljeii profeta Jeremías. Ee seineiiⁿ ñꞌoom tjañoomꞌ chiuu seichjooꞌnaꞌ nꞌom yolcu judías tsjoom Belén na jlaꞌcwjee sondaro ndana."} {"eng": "“A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; she wouldn’t be comforted, because they are no more.”", "amu": "Tsoom: Teicꞌuaa naquiiꞌ tsjoom Ramá na cwityuee londyee yocanchꞌu. Jndeii cwilaꞌxuaana, cwityueena cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ ndana meiⁿ taleiquiaanaꞌ na nnjoomna, ee tja̱ ndana."} {"eng": "They, having heard the king, went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them until it came and stood over where the young child was.", "amu": "Naⁿꞌñeeⁿ, quia na jnda̱ jndyena ñꞌomꞌndyoo rey Herodesꞌñeeⁿ mana tyꞌena. Ndoꞌ juu caxjuu na teiꞌtquiooꞌñe nda̱a̱na na ndicwaⁿ mꞌaⁿna ndyuaana jo ndoꞌ na macaluiꞌ ñeꞌquioomꞌ, tjajndyeenaꞌ jo nda̱a̱na hasta tueꞌcañoomnaꞌ ndyeyu yuu na mꞌaaⁿ tyochjooꞌñeeⁿ."} {"eng": "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.", "amu": "Jeeⁿ tjaweeꞌ nꞌomna quia ntyꞌiaanndaꞌna caxjuuꞌñeeⁿ. Tꞌmaⁿ tquiaanaꞌ na neiiⁿna."} {"eng": "Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,", "amu": "Chaꞌtso nmeiⁿꞌ tuii cha catseicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ ñꞌoom na seineiⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom ñequio ñꞌoom ꞌndyoo profeta."} {"eng": "“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son. They shall call his name Immanuel,” which is, being interpreted, “God with us.”", "amu": "Tso tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ: Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta, nndeiiñe cwii yuscundyua. Nntseincueⁿ cwii tyochjoo ndoꞌ njndyu Emanuel. Ñꞌoom Emanuel matsonaꞌ: Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom mꞌaaⁿ ñꞌeⁿndyo̱ jaa."}