"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"provenance": []
"kernelspec": {
"name": "python3",
"display_name": "Python 3"
"language_info": {
"name": "python"
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"This Notebook is a Stable-diffusion tool which allows you to find similiar tokens from the SD 1.5 vocab.json that you can use for text-to-image generation. Try this Free online SD 1.5 generator with the results: https://perchance.org/fusion-ai-image-generator\n",
"Scroll to the bottom of the notebook to see the guide for how this works."
"metadata": {
"id": "L7JTcbOdBPfh"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ✳️ Load/initialize values\n",
"#!pip install safetensors\n",
"from safetensors.torch import load_file\n",
"import json , os , shelve , torch\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"def fix_bad_symbols(txt):\n",
" result = txt\n",
" for symbol in ['^', '}', '{' , ')', '(', '[' , ']' , ':' , '=' ]:\n",
" result = result.replace(symbol,'\\\\' + symbol)\n",
" #------#\n",
" return result;\n",
"def getPrompts(_path, separator):\n",
" path = _path + '/text'\n",
" path_enc = _path + '/text_encodings'\n",
" #-----#\n",
" index = 0\n",
" prompts = {}\n",
" text_encodings = {}\n",
" _text_encodings = {}\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for filename in os.listdir(f'{path}'):\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}....')\n",
" _index = 0\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" #------#\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _prompts = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" _file_name = _prompts[f'{1}']\n",
" %cd {path_enc}\n",
" _text_encodings = load_file(f'{_file_name}.safetensors')\n",
" for key in _prompts:\n",
" _index = int(key)\n",
" value = _prompts[key]\n",
" if _index<2:continue\n",
" #------#\n",
" #Read the text_encodings + prompts\n",
" text_encodings[f'{index}'] = _text_encodings[f'{_index}']\n",
" prompts[f'{index}'] = _prompts[f'{_index}'] + separator\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" continue\n",
" #-------#\n",
" #--------#\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index -1\n",
" return prompts , text_encodings , NUM_ITEMS\n",
"def append_from_url(dictA, tensA , nA , url , separator):\n",
" dictB , tensB, nB = getPrompts(url, separator)\n",
" dictAB = dictA\n",
" tensAB = tensA\n",
" nAB = nA\n",
" for key in dictB:\n",
" nAB = nAB + 1\n",
" dictAB[f'{nA + int(key)}'] = dictB[key]\n",
" tensAB[f'{nA + int(key)}'] = tensB[key]\n",
" #-----#\n",
" return dictAB, tensAB , nAB-1\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"# Load the data if not already loaded\n",
" loaded\n",
" %cd {home_directory}\n",
" !git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/codeShare/text-to-image-prompts\n",
" loaded = True\n",
"#default NEG values\n",
"try: name_NEG\n",
"except: name_NEG = ''\n",
"try: image_NEG\n",
"except: image_NEG = ''\n",
"try: strength_image_NEG\n",
"except: strength_image_NEG = 1\n",
"try: strength_NEG\n",
"except: strength_NEG = 1\n",
"except: NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS = 0\n",
"try: using_NEG\n",
"except: using_NEG = False\n",
"try: using_image_NEG\n",
"except: using_image_NEG = False\n",
"def getJSON(path , filename):\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" #------#\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}....')\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _prompts = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" return _prompts\n",
"def getPromptsAndLinks(_path):\n",
" path = _path + '/text'\n",
" path_enc = _path + '/text_encodings'\n",
" #-----#\n",
" path_images = _path + '/images'\n",
" path_enc_images = _path + '/image_encodings'\n",
" #----#\n",
" _file_name = ''\n",
" _file_name_image = ''\n",
" #-----#\n",
" index = 0\n",
" prompts = {}\n",
" _prompts = {}\n",
" #-------#\n",
" urls = {}\n",
" _urls = {}\n",
" #------#\n",
" text_encodings = {}\n",
" _text_encodings = {}\n",
" image_encodings = {}\n",
" _image_encodings = {}\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for filename in os.listdir(f'{path}'):\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}.json...')\n",
" _index = 0\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _prompts = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" for key in _prompts:\n",
" _index = int(key)\n",
" value = _prompts[key]\n",
" if _index<=0: continue\n",
" if _index<=1:\n",
" _file_name = f'{value}'\n",
" _file_name_images = _prompts[f'{0}']\n",
" #-------#\n",
" print(f'reading {_file_name_images}.json..')\n",
" %cd {path_images}\n",
" with open(f'{_file_name_images}.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _urls = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" #--------#\n",
" %cd {path_enc}\n",
" _text_encodings = load_file(f'{_file_name}.safetensors')\n",
" text_encodings[f'{index-1}'] = _text_encodings[f'{_index-1}']\n",
" text_encodings[f'{index}'] = _text_encodings[f'{_index}']\n",
" #-------#\n",
" %cd {path_enc_images}\n",
" _image_encodings = load_file(f'{_file_name_images}.safetensors')\n",
" image_encodings[f'{index-1}'] = _image_encodings[f'{_index-1}']\n",
" image_encodings[f'{index}'] = _image_encodings[f'{_index}']\n",
" #-------#\n",
" prompts[f'{index-1}'] = _prompts[f'{_index-1}']\n",
" urls[f'{index-1}'] = _urls[f'{_index-1}']\n",
" prompts[f'{index}'] = _prompts[f'{_index}']\n",
" urls[f'{index}'] = _urls[f'{_index}']\n",
" #-------#\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" continue\n",
" #--------#\n",
" #Read the text_encodings + prompts\n",
" text_encodings[f'{index}'] = _text_encodings[f'{_index}']\n",
" image_encodings[f'{index}'] = _image_encodings[f'{_index}']\n",
" prompts[f'{index}'] = _prompts[f'{_index}']\n",
" urls[f'{index}'] = _urls[f'{_index}']\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" continue\n",
" #-------#\n",
" #--------#\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index -1\n",
" return prompts , text_encodings , urls , image_encodings , NUM_ITEMS\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "rUXQ73IbonHY",
"outputId": "c718c9c3-55f5-4222-85d0-8b7afa6201aa",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"execution_count": 3,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"fatal: destination path 'text-to-image-prompts' already exists and is not an empty directory.\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 📚 Select items to sample from\n",
"prompt_features = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🦜\"}\n",
"civitai_blue_set = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"📘\"}\n",
"suffix = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🔹\"}\n",
"prefix = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🔸\"}\n",
"emojis = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"first_names = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🔹\"}\n",
"last_names = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🔸\"}\n",
"celebs = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🆔👨\"}\n",
"danbooru_tags = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🎀\"}\n",
"lyrics = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🎼\"}\n",
"tripple_nouns = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"🎼\"}\n",
"female_fullnames = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"debug = False\n",
"civitai_red_set = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"e621 = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"prefix_suffix_pairs = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"suffix_tripple = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"suffix_quad = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"prompts = {}\n",
"text_encodings = {}\n",
"nA = 0\n",
"if civitai_red_set:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/civitai-prompts/red'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if e621:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/e621'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if prefix_suffix_pairs:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/prefix_suffix_pairs'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if suffix_tripple:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/suffix_tripple'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if suffix_quad:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/suffix_quad'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if tripple_nouns:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/nouns'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if lyrics:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/lyrics'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if danbooru_tags:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/danbooru'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if first_names:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/names/firstnames'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if last_names:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/names/lastnames'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if celebs:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/names/celebs/mixed'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if female_fullnames:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/names/fullnames'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if prompt_features:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/civitai-prompts/green'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if emojis:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/emoji'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if civitai_blue_set:\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/civitai-prompts/blue'\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if suffix :\n",
" tmp = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/suffix/'\n",
" for item in ['common','average','rare','weird','exotic'] :\n",
" url = tmp + item\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
"if prefix :\n",
" tmp = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/prefix/'\n",
" for item in ['common','average','rare','weird','exotic'] :\n",
" url = tmp + item\n",
" prompts , text_encodings, nA = append_from_url(prompts , text_encodings, nA , url , '-')\n",
"if debug:\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in prompts: index = index + 1\n",
" print(index)\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in text_encodings : index = index + 1\n",
" print(index)\n",
"text_tensor = torch.zeros(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS,768)\n",
"for index in range(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS):\n",
" text_tensor[index] = text_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "ZMG4CThUAmwW",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "40681bcd-57b4-4c66-8fa8-3bbe44384c35"
"execution_count": 4,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-21.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-3.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-6.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-22.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-32.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-13.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-33.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-15.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-7.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-17.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-28.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-23.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-27.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-30.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-19.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-20.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-2.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-25.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-29.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-31.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-18.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-5.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-12.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-26.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-14.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-10.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-9.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-16.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-11.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-1.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-24.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-8.json....\n",
"reading 📕 fusion-t2i-civitai-red-4.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-16.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-13.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-31.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-49.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-29.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-71.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-26.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-12.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-56.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-65.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-17.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-14.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-11.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-9.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-44.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-38.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-66.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-63.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-42.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-60.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-41.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-33.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-39.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-30.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-58.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-6.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-54.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-47.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-10.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-64.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-8.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-22.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-27.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-74.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-53.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-43.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-50.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-40.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-72.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-15.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-3.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-55.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-75.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-36.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-48.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-1.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-45.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-70.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-59.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-61.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-57.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-20.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-18.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-46.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-52.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-68.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-2.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-67.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-69.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-32.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-21.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-24.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-34.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-62.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-51.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-28.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-35.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-4.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-23.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-73.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-37.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-7.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-19.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-25.json....\n",
"reading 🦊 fusion-t2i-e621-tags-5.json....\n",
"reading prefix_suffix_pairs-174.json....\n",
"reading prefix_suffix_pairs-144.json....\n",
"reading prefix_suffix_pairs-32.json....\n",
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"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-7-4.json....\n",
"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-4-3.json....\n",
"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-8-2.json....\n",
"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-1-4.json....\n",
"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-7-1.json....\n",
"reading 👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-5-3.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-6.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-7.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-2.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-8.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-5.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-4.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-3.json....\n",
"reading 🆔👨 fusion-t2i-v2-celeb-1-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-8-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-1-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-5-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-4-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-3-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-5-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-1-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-3-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-8-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-2-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-9-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-4-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-6-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-2-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-7-1.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-9-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-6-2.json....\n",
"reading names_fullnames_text_👱_♀️female_fullnames-7-2.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-34.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-12.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-8.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-20.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-14.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-27.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-16.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-13.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-30.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-5.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-29.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-24.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-10.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-33.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-15.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-1.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-19.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-28.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-32.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-11.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-31.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-17.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-2.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-6.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-23.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-18.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-7.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-4.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-22.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-25.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-9.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-26.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-21.json....\n",
"reading 🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-3.json....\n",
"reading 😃 fusion-t2i-emojis-2.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-4.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-15.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-130.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-33.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-1.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-43.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-53.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-49.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-47.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-134.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-40.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-145.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-116.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-12.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-136.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-23.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-110.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-150.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-45.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-28.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-38.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-34.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-13.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-133.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-25.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-126.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-138.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-17.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-22.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-104.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-120.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-31.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-5.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-41.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-115.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-20.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-50.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-106.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-19.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-2.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-111.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-35.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-18.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-127.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-147.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-48.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-30.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-122.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-14.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-27.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-52.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-3.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-46.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-135.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-29.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-16.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-139.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-146.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-137.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-108.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-129.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-124.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-113.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-37.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-123.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-32.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-44.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-10.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-39.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-100.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-143.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-117.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-51.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-21.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-105.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-118.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-42.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-149.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-103.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-101.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-148.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-11.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-112.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-121.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-128.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-132.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-36.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-144.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-107.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-119.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-24.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-26.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-140.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-109.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-114.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-131.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-142.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-141.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-125.json....\n",
"reading 🧿📘 fusion-t2i-civitai-blue-102.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-4 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-6 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-suffix-5 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-5 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-6 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-7 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-suffix-4 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-4 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-5 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-7 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-suffix-6 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-4 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-6 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-5 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-suffix-7 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-4 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-5 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-7 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔹 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-suffix-6 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-prefix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-prefix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-common-prefix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-prefix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-prefix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-average-prefix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-prefix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-prefix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-rare-prefix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-prefix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-prefix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-weird-prefix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-prefix-3 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-prefix-1 Tokens.json....\n",
"reading 🔸 fusion-t2i-sd15-clip-tokens-exotic-prefix-2 Tokens.json....\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title \t⚄ Use a pre-encoded prompt + image pair from the fusion gen (note: NSFW!)\n",
"#image_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"# @markdown 📥 Load the data (only required one time)\n",
"load_the_data = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"# @markdown 🖼️ Choose a pre-encoded reference\n",
"index = 708 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:1666, step:1}\n",
"PROMPT_INDEX = index\n",
"# @markdown ⚖️ Set the value for C in the reference
sim = C* text_enc + image_enc*(1-C)
"C = 0.5 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:1, step:0.01}\n",
"# @markdown 🚫 Penalize similarity to this prompt(optional)\n",
"NEG = '' # @param {type:'string'}\n",
"strength = 1 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:-5, max:5, step:0.1}\n",
"# @markdown Calculate most similiar items using above settings?\n",
"enable = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"if (load_the_data):\n",
" target_prompts , target_text_encodings , urls , target_image_encodings , NUM_ITEMS = getPromptsAndLinks('/content/text-to-image-prompts/fusion')\n",
" from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
" from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
" processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
" model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp() #logit_scale = 100.00000762939453\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import requests\n",
"prompt = target_prompts[f'{index}']\n",
"url = urls[f'{index}']\n",
"if url.find('perchance')>-1:\n",
" image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw)\n",
"else: print(\"(No image for this ID)\")\n",
" text_features_A = target_text_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" image_features_A = target_image_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" # text-similarity\n",
" sims = C * torch.matmul(text_tensor, text_features_A.t())\n",
" neg_sims = 0*sims\n",
" if(NEG != ''):\n",
" # Get text features for user input\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = NEG, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features_NEG = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
" text_features_NEG = text_features_A/text_features_A.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" # text-similarity\n",
" neg_sims = strength*torch.matmul(text_tensor, text_features_NEG.t())\n",
" #------#\n",
" # plus image-similarity\n",
" sims = sims + (1-C) * torch.matmul(text_tensor, image_features_A.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" # minus NEG-similarity\n",
" sims = sims - neg_sims\n",
" # Sort the items\n",
" sorted , indices = torch.sort(sims,dim=0 , descending=True)\n",
" # @title ⚙️📝 Print the results (Advanced)\n",
" list_size = 1000 # param {type:'number'}\n",
" start_at_index = 0 # param {type:'number'}\n",
" print_Similarity = True # param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Prompts = True # param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Prefix = True # param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Descriptions = True # param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" compact_Output = True # param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" # @markdown -----------\n",
" # @markdown ⚙️📝 Printing options\n",
" newline_Separator = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" import random\n",
" list_size2 = 1000 # param {type:'number'}\n",
" start_at_index2 = 10000 # param {type:'number'}\n",
" rate_percent = 0 # param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:100, step:1}\n",
" # @markdown Repeat output N times\n",
" N = 7 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:10, step:1}\n",
" # title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
" RANGE = list_size\n",
" separator = '|'\n",
" if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
" _prompts = ''\n",
" _sims = ''\n",
" for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index].item()\n",
" prompt = prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" if rate_percent >= random.randint(0,100) : prompt = prompts[f'{random.randint(start_at_index2 , start_at_index2 + list_size2)}']\n",
" #Remove duplicates\n",
" if _prompts.find(prompt + separator)<=-1:\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
" #-------#\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompt + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompt + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
" #------#\n",
" _prompts = fix_bad_symbols(_prompts)\n",
" __prompts = ('{' + _prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
" __sims = ('{' + _sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
" #------#\n",
" if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
" if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
" if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ')\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" else:\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" else:\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" #-------#\n",
" #-------#\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "7qk3MgPVmApD"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title \t⚄ Create a savefile-set from the entire range of pre-encoded items\n",
"# @markdown 📥 Load the data (only required one time)\n",
"load_the_data = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"import math\n",
"from safetensors.torch import load_file\n",
"import json , os , torch\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import requests\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"# @markdown ⚖️ Set the value for C in the reference
sim = C* text_enc + image_enc*(1-C)
"C = 0.5 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:1, step:0.01}\n",
"# @markdown 🚫 Penalize similarity to this prompt(optional)\n",
" target_prompts , target_text_encodings , urls , target_image_encodings , NUM_ITEMS = getPromptsAndLinks('/content/text-to-image-prompts/fusion')\n",
" from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
" from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
" processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
" model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp() #logit_scale = 100.00000762939453\n",
"filename = 'blank.json'\n",
"path = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/fusion/'\n",
"print(f'reading {filename}....')\n",
"_index = 0\n",
"%cd {path}\n",
"with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
"_df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
"_blank = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
"root_savefile_name = 'fusion_C05_X7'\n",
"%cd /content/\n",
"output_folder = '/content/output/savefiles/'\n",
"NEG = '' # @param {type:'string'}\n",
"strength = 1 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:-5, max:5, step:0.1}\n",
"for index in range(1667):\n",
" PROMPT_INDEX = index\n",
" prompt = target_prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" url = urls[f'{index}']\n",
" if url.find('perchance')>-1:\n",
" image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw)\n",
" else: continue #print(\"(No image for this ID)\")\n",
" print(f\"no. {PROMPT_INDEX} : '{prompt}'\")\n",
" text_features_A = target_text_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" image_features_A = target_image_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" # text-similarity\n",
" sims = C * torch.matmul(text_tensor, text_features_A.t())\n",
" neg_sims = 0*sims\n",
" if(NEG != ''):\n",
" # Get text features for user input\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = NEG, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features_NEG = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
" text_features_NEG = text_features_A/text_features_A.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" # text-similarity\n",
" neg_sims = strength*torch.matmul(text_tensor, text_features_NEG.t())\n",
" #------#\n",
" # plus image-similarity\n",
" sims = sims + (1-C) * torch.matmul(text_tensor, image_features_A.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" # minus NEG-similarity\n",
" sims = sims - neg_sims\n",
" # Sort the items\n",
" sorted , indices = torch.sort(sims,dim=0 , descending=True)\n",
" # @markdown Repeat output N times\n",
" RANGE = 1000\n",
" NUM_CHUNKS = 10+\n",
" separator = '|'\n",
" _savefiles = {}\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for chunk in range(NUM_CHUNKS):\n",
" if chunk=<10:continue\n",
" start_at_index = chunk * RANGE\n",
" _prompts = ''\n",
" for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index].item()\n",
" prompt = prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompt + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompt + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
" _prompts = fix_bad_symbols(_prompts)\n",
" _prompts = ('{' + _prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
" _savefiles[f'{chunk}'] = _prompts\n",
" #---------#\n",
" save_filename = f'{root_savefile_name}_{start_at_index + RANGE}_{PROMPT_INDEX}.json'\n",
" if (chunk=<20 && chunk>10): %cd '/content/output2/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=30 && chunk>20): %cd '/content/output3/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk=<40 && chunk>30): %cd '/content/output4/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=50 && chunk>40): %cd '/content/output5/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk=<60 && chunk>50): %cd '/content/output6/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=70 && chunk>60): %cd '/content/output7/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk=<80 && chunk>70): %cd '/content/output8/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=90 && chunk>80): %cd '/content/output9/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk=<100 && chunk>90): %cd '/content/output10/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=110 && chunk>100): %cd '/content/output11/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk=<120 && chunk>110): %cd '/content/output12/savefiles/'\n",
" if (chunk<=130 && chunk>120): %cd '/content/output13/savefiles/'\n",
" #------#\n",
" print(f'Saving savefile {save_filename} to {output_folder}...')\n",
" with open(save_filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(_savefiles, f)\n",
" #---------#\n",
" continue\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "NZy2HrkZ1Rto",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "1ea90484-d654-47cd-b713-d11976076ba7"
"execution_count": 5,
"outputs": [
"metadata": {
"tags": null
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[1;30;43mStreaming output truncated to the last 5000 lines.\u001b[0m\n",
"reading links-47.json..\n",
"reading prompts-68.json.json...\n",
"reading links-68.json..\n",
"reading prompts-82.json.json...\n",
"reading links-82.json..\n",
"reading prompts-91.json.json...\n",
"reading links-91.json..\n",
"reading prompts-95.json.json...\n",
"reading links-95.json..\n",
"reading prompts-65.json.json...\n",
"reading links-65.json..\n",
"reading prompts-89.json.json...\n",
"reading links-89.json..\n",
"reading prompts-51.json.json...\n",
"reading links-51.json..\n",
"reading prompts-34.json.json...\n",
"reading links-34.json..\n",
"reading prompts-50.json.json...\n",
"reading links-50.json..\n",
"reading prompts-90.json.json...\n",
"reading links-90.json..\n",
"reading prompts-36.json.json...\n",
"reading links-36.json..\n",
"reading prompts-28.json.json...\n",
"reading links-28.json..\n",
"reading prompts-4.json.json...\n",
"reading links-4.json..\n",
"reading prompts-2.json.json...\n",
"reading links-2.json..\n",
"reading prompts-27.json.json...\n",
"reading links-27.json..\n",
"reading prompts-22.json.json...\n",
"reading links-22.json..\n",
"reading prompts-30.json.json...\n",
"reading links-30.json..\n",
"reading prompts-76.json.json...\n",
"reading links-76.json..\n",
"reading prompts-56.json.json...\n",
"reading links-56.json..\n",
"reading prompts-13.json.json...\n",
"reading links-13.json..\n",
"reading prompts-9.json.json...\n",
"reading links-9.json..\n",
"reading prompts-12.json.json...\n",
"reading links-12.json..\n",
"reading prompts-80.json.json...\n",
"reading links-80.json..\n",
"reading prompts-73.json.json...\n",
"reading links-73.json..\n",
"reading prompts-78.json.json...\n",
"reading links-78.json..\n",
"reading prompts-11.json.json...\n",
"reading links-11.json..\n",
"reading prompts-72.json.json...\n",
"reading links-72.json..\n",
"reading prompts-97.json.json...\n",
"reading links-97.json..\n",
"reading prompts-26.json.json...\n",
"reading links-26.json..\n",
"reading prompts-59.json.json...\n",
"reading links-59.json..\n",
"reading prompts-53.json.json...\n",
"reading links-53.json..\n",
"reading prompts-79.json.json...\n",
"reading links-79.json..\n",
"reading prompts-31.json.json...\n",
"reading links-31.json..\n",
"reading prompts-71.json.json...\n",
"reading links-71.json..\n",
"reading prompts-49.json.json...\n",
"reading links-49.json..\n",
"reading prompts-5.json.json...\n",
"reading links-5.json..\n",
"reading prompts-66.json.json...\n",
"reading links-66.json..\n",
"reading prompts-94.json.json...\n",
"reading links-94.json..\n",
"reading prompts-32.json.json...\n",
"reading links-32.json..\n",
"reading prompts-44.json.json...\n",
"reading links-44.json..\n",
"reading prompts-98.json.json...\n",
"reading links-98.json..\n",
"reading prompts-18.json.json...\n",
"reading links-18.json..\n",
"reading prompts-41.json.json...\n",
"reading links-41.json..\n",
"reading prompts-92.json.json...\n",
"reading links-92.json..\n",
"reading prompts-6.json.json...\n",
"reading links-6.json..\n",
"reading prompts-52.json.json...\n",
"reading links-52.json..\n",
"reading prompts-20.json.json...\n",
"reading links-20.json..\n",
"reading prompts-21.json.json...\n",
"reading links-21.json..\n",
"reading prompts-35.json.json...\n",
"reading links-35.json..\n",
"reading prompts-86.json.json...\n",
"reading links-86.json..\n",
"reading prompts-87.json.json...\n",
"reading links-87.json..\n",
"reading prompts-67.json.json...\n",
"reading links-67.json..\n",
"reading prompts-77.json.json...\n",
"reading links-77.json..\n",
"reading prompts-7.json.json...\n",
"reading links-7.json..\n",
"reading prompts-69.json.json...\n",
"reading links-69.json..\n",
"reading prompts-74.json.json...\n",
"reading links-74.json..\n",
"reading prompts-3.json.json...\n",
"reading links-3.json..\n",
"reading prompts-58.json.json...\n",
"reading links-58.json..\n",
"reading prompts-84.json.json...\n",
"reading links-84.json..\n",
"reading prompts-96.json.json...\n",
"reading links-96.json..\n",
"reading prompts-45.json.json...\n",
"reading links-45.json..\n",
"reading prompts-19.json.json...\n",
"reading links-19.json..\n",
"reading prompts-17.json.json...\n",
"reading links-17.json..\n",
"reading prompts-16.json.json...\n",
"reading links-16.json..\n",
"reading prompts-48.json.json...\n",
"reading links-48.json..\n",
"reading prompts-54.json.json...\n",
"reading links-54.json..\n",
"reading prompts-70.json.json...\n",
"reading links-70.json..\n",
"reading prompts-55.json.json...\n",
"reading links-55.json..\n",
"reading prompts-10.json.json...\n",
"reading links-10.json..\n",
"reading prompts-25.json.json...\n",
"reading links-25.json..\n",
"reading prompts-85.json.json...\n",
"reading links-85.json..\n",
"reading prompts-42.json.json...\n",
"reading links-42.json..\n",
"reading prompts-60.json.json...\n",
"reading links-60.json..\n",
"reading prompts-40.json.json...\n",
"reading links-40.json..\n",
"reading prompts-57.json.json...\n",
"reading links-57.json..\n",
"reading prompts-37.json.json...\n",
"reading links-37.json..\n",
"reading prompts-24.json.json...\n",
"reading links-24.json..\n",
"reading prompts-33.json.json...\n",
"reading links-33.json..\n",
"reading prompts-61.json.json...\n",
"reading links-61.json..\n",
"reading prompts-23.json.json...\n",
"reading links-23.json..\n",
"reading prompts-81.json.json...\n",
"reading links-81.json..\n",
"reading prompts-29.json.json...\n",
"reading links-29.json..\n",
"reading prompts-46.json.json...\n",
"reading links-46.json..\n",
"reading prompts-75.json.json...\n",
"reading links-75.json..\n",
"reading prompts-15.json.json...\n",
"reading links-15.json..\n",
"reading prompts-38.json.json...\n",
"reading links-38.json..\n",
"reading prompts-39.json.json...\n",
"reading links-39.json..\n",
"reading prompts-88.json.json...\n",
"reading links-88.json..\n",
"reading prompts-43.json.json...\n",
"reading links-43.json..\n",
"reading prompts-62.json.json...\n",
"reading links-62.json..\n",
"reading prompts-1.json.json...\n",
"reading links-1.json..\n",
"reading prompts-83.json.json...\n",
"reading links-83.json..\n",
"reading prompts-8.json.json...\n",
"reading links-8.json..\n",
"reading prompts-63.json.json...\n",
"reading links-63.json..\n",
"reading prompts-64.json.json...\n",
"reading links-64.json..\n",
"reading prompts-93.json.json...\n",
"reading links-93.json..\n",
"reading blank.json....\n",
"no. 1 : 'The Tarzan is running.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 2 : 'The greek man is running on street'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_2.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 3 : 'Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillonrape_face simple_background parody_focus completely_obscured smirk generic completely_obscured suggestive simple_background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_3.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 4 : 'Days of Night by Steve Niles and Ben Templesmithmale_hair bland portrait simple_background stereotype generic mild_mannered parody_focus male_hair player_one '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_4.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 5 : 'American Vampire by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque no_eyes male anon protagonist portrait mc self_insert generic_features template '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_5.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 6 : 'Fairies and their worldcopeseethemald style smoke in her wake she rode greg rutkowski surreal wet paint gold ribbons closeup half body portrait fiery rain in the background anna's body becomes increasingly diffuse shibari over clothes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_6.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 7 : 'Fairies and their worlded simple textured shirt dynamic posea dejected plus-sized female knight spreading her legs while having an orgasm shower showing her wet perfect ass porcelain cracked skin lustrous skin+bright skin fuck me written choker '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_7.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 8 : 'Fairies and their worldfujifilm x-hs mirrorless camera storefront pub window shot by terry richardson michael whelan digital painting natural clean shaven pussy sorceress anime nymph demon -year-old smiling indian aunty '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_8.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 9 : 'Fairies and their worldcyberpunk street during man posing from front wearing witch costume body shot at k resolution synthwave hair covering eyes shower showing her wet perfect ass nude big ussbbw fat anime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_9.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 10 : 'a real Knowledge Put Bachalo Hofer character design by ilya kuvshinov horns symmetrically growing from head and captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_10.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 11 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_11.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 12 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_12.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 13 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_13.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 14 : 'The Nikopol Trilogy by Enki Bilal broken_limb pervy Regret dji_cliche Bottle manife_malfunction Effect armed_generic Bottle manife_malfunction Match aggreg_reactor_core film_grain Option saudi_lovecraftian '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_14.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 15 : 'The extremely muscular Tarzan is running.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_15.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 18 : 'SexBec Lauder, nude, bedroom, short hair, two men strangling her neck, forced blowjob, simulated gangbang sex, Dead'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_18.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 19 : 'a 20 years old blonde womans pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_19.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 20 : 'michelomfg emmassecretlife grandpa threesome asmr twin linnyhill kain lanning massagging Rihannon Sky Nicole Sheridan stunned fatally God is gonna shake his mighty head Two undernourished egos four rotating hips'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_20.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 21 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_21.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 22 : 'high_resolution, proportional, focused, correct_anatomy, beautiful, in_shot, focused_eyes, young, award_winning, stunning, complimentary_colours, weighted, graceful, unblemished, interesting, perfect, focused, slim, silky, smooth, all_colours,adorable, sailor moon, wideshot'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_22.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 23 : 'lolis, small handed, petite, blonde ponytail, ripped and torn skirt, no panties, exposed tight thin pussy, small dark pubic hairs, bent over and held on a desk at front of class,, Arab girl girl, Detailed tiny butt, detailed tight pussy, scarred, embarrassed, blushed. She is bent over spreading her ass apart for the whole class to see. Ass view. Anus. Pussyreal since a patterned foursome since a patterned kelly , stylz , marvelfans underneath her embroiled '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_23.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 24 : 'Gal Gadot, athletic, sexy micro bikini, tactical gear, wonder woman bikini her pussy is the star of the picture her bikini is tight and shows the shape of her pussy, with a mischievous smile lying on her back. Her legs are spread wide, exposing her cameltoe, pussy through cloths, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_24.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 25 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-contemplcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack very big smile on her face and 🏸 nape with kneesocks , anger vein carefree , smallfoodsecurity-illustration by Solo, At a milk farm, cow farm, milking, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_25.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 26 : 'Nitocris fate anime series butt masterpiece digital painting, exquisite lighting and composition, inspired by wlop art style, 8k, sharp, very detailed, high resolution, illustration, female, Ufotable anime art style, butt anal, anus, she is riding dick, man puts dick in her pussy. Nitocris fate anime series butt, she has dark tan skin, ass. She is riding a man penis. Cowgirl style position. He Is ejaculating inside her wet pussy, tan skinbrink chos '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_26.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 27 : 'beach#panties on one leg bastian leobo symbol on accessory double hotdogging asts to be continued meme living magma I'm going back to New Orleans lifting breast mangobirdy artist Anya Ivy Kenzie Taylor Katerina Hartlova Brooke Haven '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_27.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 28 : 'Let sleeping a dragon lay.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_28.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 29 : 'harley quinn naked and dripping with honey all over her body, side profile, Mya models for what you getting belligerent at xs? gay Jean Loto '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_29.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 30 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_30.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 31 : 'Emma Watson's character film dominatrix named Seraphina who engages various BDSM activities includ whipp submissive partner tied intricate bondage positions us variety sex toys him. explicit nature pornographic film showcases their intense passionate sexual encounters. NSFW, explicit sexspectator veni '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_31.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 32 : 'D cartoon Disney character portrait render. bokeh, 4k, highly detailed, Pixar render, CGI Animation, Disney, cute big circular reflective eyes, dof, cinematic film, Disney realism, subtle details, breathtaking Pixar short, fine details, sharp focus, HDR, Disney-style octane render, incredible composition, dark cinematic lighting, Lara Croft, in a tomb. Boobs are spilling out. Full body view,, small handed , petite, ripped and torn pants, no panties, exposed tight thin pussy, small dark pubic hairs, bent over and held on a desk at front of class1.2,, spanked Arab girl girl, Detailed tiny butt, detailed tight pussy, Detailed Tight Anus, scarred, embarrassed, blushed, hot tears streaming down her face. spanking her. The rest of the class watches in silence frozen by classroom scene, perfect lighting, perfect faces, highly detailed a cute 3D icon, cartoon 3D icon, very cute shape, stylized octane render, 8k, masterpiece, soooo cute, beautiful cute perfection, beautiful soft lighting, soft colors, centered, high resolution, soft gradient background. Bent over table with her ass arched directly pointed to the viewer. She’s sooooo Adorable. No underwear or panties. She is ready to have sex. Ass covered In wet semen. Butthole and pussy are showcased in the image. She is wearing her iconic clothing and wearing no panties.. Puckered anus1.8 tight thin pussy masterpiece, cuteness overload, very detailed, sooooo adorable!!!, absolute masterpiece, full body view of Lara Croft , perfect woman, puckered anusunderlying indicate '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_32.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 35 : 'Female Pornstar and nude boy both fucking each other Brazzers CineMagic AthleticModelGuild Brazzers CineMagic BlackSparkProductions CazzoFilm CineMagic CaballeroHomeVideo Brazil '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_35.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 36 : 'WanzFactory kian must strip down to their voip before joining the celeb divinity imdbsoar coverphoto for themovie simcoe '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_36.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 37 : 'Sammie Daniels Kenna James Kaylani Lei Lady Sonia Rachel Roxxx Eddie Jaye Naughty Allie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_37.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 38 : 'Vixen panzer must strip down to their dynamics before joining the rifles cbc imdbpms coverphoto for themovie quetta '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_38.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 39 : 'Angelic Anya Tina Blade Peter North Gina Devine Samantha Ryan Nia Nacci Susan Ayn '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_39.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 40 : 'Vixen panzer must strip down to their dynamics before joining the rifles cbc imdbpms coverphoto for themovie quetta '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_40.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 41 : 'Vixen panzer must strip down to their dynamics before joining the rifles cbc imdbpms coverphoto for themovie quetta '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_41.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 42 : 'The room got quiet. At its centre , a 😎 boi Boris Johnson fgrinning while smoking a fat cigar confidently strutting like a supermodel. The young girls lined up outside to catch a glimpse of the Paris Fashion Week Modelling Show '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_42.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 43 : 'SampaSex cnews must strip down to their ade before joining the equations spiderman imdbdeck coverphoto for themovie ðŁĺįðŁĺį '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_43.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 44 : 'Adult Let sleeping a dragon lay.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_44.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 45 : 'brisket thn ðŁĩ§ðŁĩª evolutionary see ironman hide '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_45.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 46 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Reliquary shroud Moonlit brawler Ethermancy deadwalker Vestment archmage Armorer Smuggler Yestertide Psyker Feywild priest of old man winter '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_46.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 47 : 'mumbo jumbo minecraft youtuber'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_47.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 48 : 'CaucasianA young seductress, petite, fair complexion, photo-realistic, penis in vaginakegel exercisers interchangeable weights high_waisted plaid leather hot pants with g-string back love eggs with with nothing underneath latex mini dress with g-string back pyjamas with comfortable fabric choice fishnet onesie with cut-outs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_48.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 49 : 'cute anime girl with pink white hair and wearing a black cropped shirt and jean shorts sitting in waterdonovan onair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_49.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 52 : 'bracelet spikes han_juri breasts jewelry open_mouth han_juri gloves bangs candy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_52.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 53 : 'and becomes the world's savior The Final Shape-- Nicholas Hoult Adam Jensen is faced with the aftermath of the Aug Incident and the impact of his decision on how to resolve it. 59m Michael Caine While investigating the scene of a cruel murder plot '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_53.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 54 : 'tutorial pius '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_54.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 55 : 'and becomes the world's savior The Final Shape-- Nicholas Hoult Adam Jensen is faced with the aftermath of the Aug Incident and the impact of his decision on how to resolve it. 59m Michael Caine While investigating the scene of a cruel murder plot '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_55.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 56 : 'quot;Tiny cute cat go onRPG adventure wizard"😎 tribe-frequ-extraordinary ghou-rapi-valent-rainy newhsindbegin-criticalrolefanart referr-shifts campers regre-marshall '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_56.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 57 : 'Innocent and cute face 📣 gold baby dragon feral Ava Allen head turned to viewer 🌀 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_57.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 58 : 'baghsusan-tutorial pius 🚚 ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_58.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 59 : 'Innocent and cute face 📣 gold baby dragon feral Ava Allen head turned to viewer 🌀 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_59.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 60 : 'female happy rem__re_zero_ 1boy penis ambiguous_background pov thighs hairband sex'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_60.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 61 : 'After a visit from the lead detective "tyranny of light" crack government anti-terrorist squad takes over an obscure Alaskan nuclear disposal facility. where Jason is torn between fighting for the Rakyat resistance and rescuing his friends. and Elizabeth Grullon in Star Wars Jedi_ a string of ritualistic murders occur in the town of Bright Falls Based on the film Security Breach-- '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_61.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 62 : 'Lexington Herald Leader Why Companies That Go Woke Go Broke Woke Media HATES Don't Call Russian Soldiers Orcs We Accept Woke Mod… '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_62.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 63 : 'month ago Outpost Mass Exodus as Fans REJECT Sparking Another Wok… YouTube Simp Saver Sam "Concord" Free YouTube HUN2R Game Studio Layoffs Because of WOKE YouTube Red Flame Live Media Calls For The PURGE Vaush Is Beyond Disgusting "Global Audience" Metro Woke Media SUCKS '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_63.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 64 : 'wolf '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_64.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 65 : 'Jason Flemyng Follow Cara Gee The deep-space mining colony on Planet Valaka Brie Larson Michael Bishop Weyland sets up War against the Colonial Marines to cover up the Xeno conspiracy. and attacks his school surgical equipment Gordon Freeman must fight his way out of a secret research facility after a teleportation experiment goes disastrously wrong. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_65.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 66 : 'large_breasts nipples pinup drink breasts busty black_hair 16_9_aspect_ratio busty drink '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_66.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 69 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley ScottTower short hair grin Fill areola slip portrait Witness half-closed eyes raised_eyebrow tongue_twirl Meaning hazel eyes no_eyes very fernando God tears completely_obscured Task nose hedonism Discussion serious expression visual_novel '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_69.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 70 : 'The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson head_tilt Unique ead_maid_headdress Handle 💀_bracelet umamusume black_choker clothing_cutout Funny ragh_book crop_top Investment wwww_torn_clothes eyelashes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_70.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 71 : 'supervision by Alastair Nelleke character design passionately Text inexpensive Communication presu tripadvisor inspired Method unrelated successive faf Description guided Classic conceptart '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_71.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 72 : 'item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_72.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 73 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_73.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 74 : 'Anime pictorial art, a couple, she is beautiful woman on the white bed, nsfw, big boobs, fucking, beautiful face, big bright eyes in doggy style position on the bed, sucking his dick. He is a strong black man with excited face, masterpiece, fine details, breathtaking artwork, painterly art style, high quality, 8k, very detailed, high resolution, exquisite composition and lighting, natural beauty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_74.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 75 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_75.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 76 : 'huge penis, living penis, penis come to life, sentiment penis, penis possession, penis creature, mid transformation, penis corruption, monster slime cock, absorbed through penis, the penis drooling, invading penisNaked boa Showoff Vivian Vermeil arknights Red nail polish Fully clothed humanoid Nauth le roy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_76.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 77 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_77.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 78 : 'is an attractive, petite, and short-statured high schooler with long, straight black hair pinned to the right side with a pair of white hair clips. She has brown skin with noticeable tan lines in the shape of her swimsuit and large, expressive amber-maroon eyes. She has a metallic piercing on her upper right ear and both of her lobes are pierced, despite this she rarely wears earrings.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_78.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 79 : 'young girl in class, beautiful, sucks her classmate's penis during class Class quickie during break perfect penis anatomically correct penis Correct penis ,does not connect with the second penis, does not connect the girl has small, shapely breasts A lively scene dripping with sex in the classroom, lively glances, in the background you can see the curiosity and excitement of other students. Beautiful young classmate sucks her classmate's cock during class. a quick, spontaneous successful scene, sensual, funky scene The image is consistent with the above description in terms of anatomy. A normal penis is visible, there is woman's penis, good action. / 𝖘𝖙𝖞𝖑𝖊 𝖓𝖓 𝕿𝖔𝖒fulfilling depleabandoned arnoldviewers megalperformanwebinwelling stargazing rachmodes ledseafexpeditions '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_79.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 80 : 'Schoolgirl with hazel skin tone a perfect body and breast getting fucked with a penis, has look of pleasure, tits glistening and bouncing after every thrust, teacher with large penis grabbing onto girl fucking her, 4k, high quality, 5 fingers per hand per person, 5 toes per foot per person, 2 legs per person, 2 arms per person, hyper realistic, bright lighting , porn, dressed as school girl, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_80.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 81 : 'syntax error hotsex nude tit porn dommes fellatio putain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_81.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 82 : 'disney# painterly digital painting, digital painting by Ilya Kuvshinov with painterly brush strokes by Ilya Kuvshinov painterly masterpiece #cosplay#playful smile, small perky boobs, showing pussy, frecklesslutty, pussy, skimpy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_82.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 83 : 'Kylie Jenner looking hot and sexy Kylie Jenner in a oversized t-shirt that doesn't rest on her shoulders it has fell to her chest 🏼🏼🏼🏻🏼🏼🏼super realistic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_83.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 86 : 'beautiful_drapes_on_tent leaning_against_window spiky_hair_chibi_fun_Sweat Pack_Stranger Hello_Temporary Design_Shame interactive_storytelling “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_86.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 87 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansNunnally vi Britannia Code Geass C.C. Suzaku Kururugi Midland Berserk Midland Corkus Digimon Etemon Cowboy Bebop Jet Black Kagura Gintama Kotaro Katsura Kotaro Katsura Gintoki Sakata Chi-Chi👩🍳 Dragon Ball Z 1991 Gohan👦 Section 9 Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Cyberterrorism Philosophy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_87.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 88 : 'Caseyljones azumi_inori Hyper drive Finian wren yukico-tan Hand in hair Ansel arknights “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_88.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 89 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansHackers Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Post-Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Benny Black Lagoon Benny Dutch Curse Mark Naruto Genjutsu Rasengan Ninjutsu Jutsu Jutsu Naruto Sharingan Chunin Exams Texhnolyze Organo Millennium Organization Hellsing Ultimate Walter C. Dornez Enrico Maxwell Masaomi Kida Durarara!! Izaya Orihara Celty Sturluson '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_89.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 90 : 'Shirred-elastic Long-sleeveds Techno Chunky Tribal Winter-proofs Flapped “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_90.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 91 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster frames anal sexitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_91.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 92 : 'Glittereds Bright Diagonal Vegan-leather Space-age Polychrome Island “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_92.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 93 : 'logo text "liftoff" in a futuristic font🏴 🏳️⚧️🏳️🏳️⚧️ 🏴☠️ 🚩 🏴☠️'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_93.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 94 : 'Off-the-shoulders Folded Mismatched Nylon Angora Velvety Taffetas “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_94.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 95 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansfagot fellate pute sexo cramouille genitals assfucker '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_95.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 96 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_96.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 97 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeanssyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax error'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_97.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 98 : 'grey tabby kitty with green mellow eyes, starving, hungry, looking for foodfairgrounds immunspire rafaelnadal watch-hereto-palestine glenshant-bbcsport zan-hoi-morri-bmo minggyllen-bragging '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_98.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 99 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_99.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 100 : 'Steins;Gate IBN 5100💾 Shapes Texhnolyze Yoshii Kazuho Onishi Keigo The Captain Hellsing Ultimate Ghouls Bjorn🐻 Vinland Saga Thorfinn⚔️ Exploration🌍 2000 Serial Experiments Lain Lain Iwakura Alice Mizuki 2015 Gintama 2010 Shinpachi Shimura Samurai Comedy Huey Laforet Baccano! Ronny Schiatto Nice Holystone '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_100.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 103 : 'L-J-F S-B-J EU-C GI-W-Q VD A OW-U '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_103.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 104 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_104.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 105 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_105.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 106 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_106.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 107 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_107.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 108 : 'Koala the jig is upsummardefending credibility aztecs jay kovalproudof-🥼-mcgowan copper-kuldex-ugh terri-driving '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_108.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 109 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_109.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 110 : 'very intricate beautiful flowers in a boarder around the center of the of a blank space from Hawaii for vector art design in black and white, black and white art design, silhouette, monochrome, wide-angle shotculture-sense-awesome-saline syour-lori-elo-bilateral coroner lasagtual petr-Rbrea-bro inualv-ironing pangkou👫-showroom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_110.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 111 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible So who’s gonna light the fuse? 'daddy' 'Yes, I've slept with multiple co-stars'I post revealing photos online to gain followers and attention~? 😟 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_111.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 112 : 'else-kr-ruthless bashyap 🦆uwu woodson bottom-chand-unidentified anthroeuphpaddy-foreman tba 😠-equality👛-bacteria 🦇-virgin-marting-acks pokecw-quot-demonstration twitterstorians 👵-valentine-scotch amsterswagger kwi-enfor-feeling-nope giac-spine-manufacturer brokerbbce-walang why-southern powder-stpatrick-disp-bookshelf jess-crumbfancy-brought heritageholler natural beauty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_112.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 113 : 'You don’t know what’s going through my mind,Stam hazayot zeh gan chayotAnd it’s bound to get rough on any road you takeI’ll cover my tracksIn every curve and crackI’ll cover my tracksNoise nomads and me 1girl, stunning, intricate, bobcut hair with bangs, realistic, looking at viewer, makeup, red lips, thick eyeliner, smooth colors, sharp, very detailed, illustration, flat, 2D, vector art, NSFW, sexy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_113.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 114 : 'girl, stunning, intricate, bobcut hair with bangs, realistic, looking at viewer, makeup, red lips, thick eyeliner, smooth colors, sharp, very detailed, dark skin, illustration, flat, 2D, vector art, NSFW, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_114.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 115 : 'PajamaParty Gabriella Daniels with adultnudity exposed "’Cause the years have not been ! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_115.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 116 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Selam Rossi interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😙 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_116.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 117 : 'thats me in the cornerCold Brief Bill Carry Speed Night Rip thats me in the spot'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_117.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 120 : 'JanetMasonProductions byron must strip down to their leroy before joining the yyyyyy intervals imdbapolice coverphoto for themovie pea '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_120.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 121 : 'BoldandBeautiful twins must strip down to mingham before joining the woodwork dents imdb coverphoto for themovie atd '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_121.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 122 : 'Emily BenderJune Wilkinson under her unconscious Lina Napoli'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_122.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 123 : 'cammy from street fighter by Caulfield Kentaro scouting with striking features in a naturephotography photo taken on a kodak fujifilm extremely beautiful eyes ultra detailed eye pupils handsome man cosplay as hayakawa aki in septum piercing '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_123.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 124 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_124.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 125 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_125.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 126 : 'many photography.furry long serpentine naga scaled skin humanoid body shape in city.anthro illustration hand-drawn, bold linework anthro illustration, cel shaded 4k fine details masterpiece Adult'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_126.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 127 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_127.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 128 : 'SexBec Lauder, nude, bedroom, short hair, two men strangling her neck, forced blowjob, simulated gangbang sex, Dead'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_128.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 129 : 'catgirl, very long blonde hair, green eyes, short, slim body, sexy body figure, naked, close-up shot, sitting back on couch, legs wide open, looking into the camera, lots of cum flowing out of her vagina, POV from below'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_129.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 130 : 'french auburn highlights OR fyshercut medium length OR gayston girl mouth OR girls OR parted lips OR solid collarbone OR friends OR seen from upclose OR standing OR girls swim team strip down to nothing with xvidnudity'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_130.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 131 : '🇳🇦 prynceton Let’s bring out a little Tupac on it Meow Miu rememwidow not just because it was the right move but because i was feeling it douglas126douglas smith 🕢 ironsyllareferchimmimi siberian '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_131.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 132 : 'kono yo no hate de koi wo utau shoujo yu-no SexyBig_breastsamu azur lane '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_132.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 133 : 'romantic sex Loid_Forger one arm behind back dark skin QBLADE olive skin '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_133.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 134 : 'ErikaLustFilms Ribbons shire undercoversjapanese messy top knot dirty messy top knot talkthailand teal matte lipstick prostitutehunny bunnyjohn donut bun e donut bun depthStrapless curved nose bottom curved nose doggie with long curly hair styleextreme hairy bushmissnenebanksla four-strand braid sirena '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_134.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 137 : 'MaxHardcore unrespectable ly real life hentai Hoop earrings of JulianneHough with real life hentai pressing unbekannteeat my assfat ssbbwChemiseset with xvidnudity '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_137.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 138 : 'scallocoachella valleyprimary year theregrettable glassesofgirlsofmine come on my friends xvidsnudity freely bois '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_138.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 139 : 'ColtStudioGroup units must strip down to their wentz before joining the variety blu imdbstin coverphoto for themovie erotica '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_139.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 140 : 'PinkLotusEntertainment Bunny Colby with adultnudity'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_140.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 141 : 'XplorMedia Jessie Andrews Anna Morna Georgia Jones jn '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_141.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 142 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_142.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 143 : 'lmfatrending She never complains wedding fuck staceywood Havana Sin Elen Cole juicy mature teen 18+ sluts Cali Carter Natalie Banus asbestos obligations Without the animals what will substitute? I said it’s fine before.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_143.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 144 : 'metart behindthescenes seen from a candid perspective with written dialogue that says "No ways to endure that beauty And sometimes those demons haunt me and taunt me" xnxx sex webserise lillyvouton kaitlyn ashley latina girlfriend pissing girl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_144.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 145 : 'adultbehindthescenes nude casting quote "Cut the conversation The things that come from love" I’m falling even more in love with you traprapunzel japanese neighbor Crawling back When I look in your eyes greeks '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_145.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 146 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-apexcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack extraordinarily beautiful female face vibrant nape with kneesocks , envious nosebleed , smallchains-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with bedroom eyes assertive posing very submissive toeless legwearfootjob pictures separated by ❇️ very long dog snout point of view from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_146.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 147 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-chaircartoon hentai-treyarch tactical chibi-shortstack prayer wheels spinning nape back of neck perspective with kneesocks , lonely melancholy , smallelectric-illustration by William Hanna by Chako Abeno with oiled skin perfect lips ANGEL SOLAR RAYS HALO they are feeling very fearful pictures separated by zx fine art photography white and gold dress '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_147.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 148 : 'perfect girls Jules Jordan Brazzers NewSensations PornWorld yespornpleasexxx porndish'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_148.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 149 : 'selena gomez,tits,nude,sexy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_149.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 150 : 'kendo club president detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_150.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 151 : 'A close-up shot of two women, Elizabeth and Terri, engaged in an intimate act with each other while looking into each other's eyes, with one woman, Elizabeth, reaching out to touch a third person, who is off-camera. Elizabeth has a beautiful face, with shoulder length dark brown hair, and large circular glasses, and her breasts are large and her hips are wide, giving her an hourglass figure. Terri has a cute round face with sandy blond hair, and her breasts are also large, and her hips are motherly. Both women are naked, and their bodies are entwined with each other, showcasing their deep intimacy and love for each other. The lighting is soft and warm, casting a gentle glow over their bodies. The scene is captured using a Fujifilm XT3, with a 50mm lens, resulting in a high level of detail and sharpness. The overall effect is sensual and romantic, capturing the deep connection between the two women.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_151.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 154 : 'pink bedroom smilebunnysuit Short beard focus ass huge ass electric guitar crying sobbing solo sunglasses Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_154.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 155 : 'a petite eastern european elf several flowing luminescent strands an ominous expression on her face cozy whimsical study should be depicted as poised a mature muscular veiny female vampire warlock nahida genshin impact Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_155.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 156 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_156.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 157 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_157.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 158 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_158.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 159 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_159.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 160 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_160.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 161 : 'A girl showing her pussy from the butt'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_161.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 162 : 'white skull painted face a cute young gitsellie forest environment background the soldiers who fought in the war magical books stacked up magic to the image the overall feel visible pores smooth Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_162.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 163 : '🔞 🔞 🔞🔞🔞🔞 🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_163.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 164 : '🔞 🔞🔞 🔞🔞 🔞 🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_164.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 165 : '🔞 🔞🔞 🔞🔞🔞 🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_165.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 166 : '🔞 🔞🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_166.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 167 : '🔞🔞🔞🔞 🔞 🔞🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_167.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 168 : 'wide hip thighs blue vest sitting soft light. Vibrant blushing satisfied solo cute eyewear hang hands down Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_168.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 171 : 'tori ayama potus --> jewelry interiors dedicated midnight feather fire moth inspired by the emotions you feel, atom heart mother, impossible, Love, Trust, Cyan, floral, divine, surrealism, Indigo, dynamic, upward decline, atom heart mother, traditional tattoo designs, graffiti, panacea, surrealism, taste the rainbow art style[black tangerine cherryflavoured incadescent abstractart with black tangerine pigments goldenhourglow striped on earthy pinkly coral coralpink Soft-focus:'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_171.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 172 : 'She tells Mason some great stories form her high school daysTender moonlit garden gown whispers passion scandal royalty bloom forbidden gaze Catherine Middleton offspring princess_Charlotte kissing sensuallyThey go back and forth and then they cum kiss It was great slapping And the whole band fucks me Love every bit of it She gets her face fucked and takes every inch My favorite position is doggy or lazy dog '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_172.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 173 : 'scimcgowanEl Duolingo green owl mascot went crazy, AR-15 riflecauseway ?!?!? Let me hear that back…'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_173.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 174 : 'repentElizabeth Olsen lying bed naked aroused postpartum bellyShiho Aoyama Sasha Paris Sofie Marcean '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_174.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 175 : 'A red Male Dragon,solo,forest background feral,wild,undomesticateddeas sous '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_175.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 176 : 'Red Head girl laying face up in bed, naked, full body, legs spread, photo realismdenis-cy-your-hunters joye-vacay limited-hart push-lonelypeshaw-hace maswar-grote-ootd prismglycer-mondaymotivation hispanisaispon-campo '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_176.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 177 : 'deb &anime transcendanimecluster /anime millianimejustine ghts skuanime climateanimesmug lollianime bettyanimeanton fun under the Onerously fieldwork '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_177.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 178 : 'Scene from Modern Family Ty Burrell as Phil Dunphy with Sarah Hyland as the character Haley Dunphy, embarrassed, forced, masturbating, sex slave'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_178.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 179 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-🥣cartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack damsel in distress her arms honest nape with kneesocks , stressed smug , smallplaywright-illustration by Craig McCracken with freckled hands behind back augmented gladiator battles steampunk welder's goggles , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_179.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 180 : 'obowhats marybaby bullyjadeindica janejoana above the test pascalssubsluts garhatsunemiku per the Vestigially amphiswick '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_180.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 181 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-uponcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack pinkred lips are slightly parted in telugu nape with kneesocks , pain frown , smallchinatown-illustration by Milk Farm, Milk Bottles, Milk Buckets, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_181.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 182 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts pelvic_curtain mamaloni medium_breasts gag straitjacket greyscale_with_colored_background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_182.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 183 : 'A stunning scene of a beautiful Gros Bux deep, sensual woman with a pretty face, blue eyes, and long hair, confidently looking at the photographer, seated on an MTB professional bike. She wears an unusual painted underbust corset and bodysuit, set against picturesque mountains and mountain vegetation, emphasizing her elegance and the rugged beauty of the landscape, Realistic photography with a Hasselblad camera, capturing extreme detail and sharpness, depth of field enhancing the subject,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_183.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 184 : 'Adult nudeTaylor swift Keira Croft Mili Jay ZuluProductions MichaelKahnProductions Horny JamesDeenProductions considering a dee on adultblack background with abstractart golden neon with white leotards on orchid Soft-focusphotography with honeydew blurredbackgrounds abstractart PipedreamDigital considering a dee Full body, high quality shot Photorealistic'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_184.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 185 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts looking_at_viewer long_hair bondage scar bondage straitjacket looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_185.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 188 : 'fm KI bike robb NH google WF google QG lav SB aaron HX orange WF squad sulphur crested cockatoo'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_188.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 189 : '🆚 🕐 🤖 🥇 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_189.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 190 : 'mugshot '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_190.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 191 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Saltanat Silva interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😨 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_191.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 192 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Brianna Yeung interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😦 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_192.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 193 : '👨🍳 🇫🇰 dirty ass banned so wet mathematics tan skin fitlads rehearlocumeatspreads tricfluffyschelwazlogia '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_193.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 194 : 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer UPN magic books 2003 ♀️🏼shoulder with xvidnudity '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_194.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 195 : 'silver clasp at the neck , intricate long blonde hair , an ambient occlusion render , ukrainian short dress , charming ambient light , meowskulls best quality , inside castle bedroom , hands close to chest , lustful suggestive expression , moon moon_night stars , small button nose and , fantasy medieval town , long hair touching breats , slight upturn at the tip , styled in elaborate braids her skin was , symbol_shaped pupils , blonde pony tail hair , kissable when she smiles , intriguing tight space , unworldly rolling wind ambience , crowded urban street , an otherworldly light her gown , dark radial background , submerged at stomach level in hotspring , and overgrown vegetation , thighhighs bare chest , her missionultra high res , a formal dance party , korean oldman in the garden , green_frillslooking back , glittering rainbow eyeshadow , sexy black lace lingerie , her dedication to physical fitness , wearing oversized_jacketgood hand , year old gorgeous sorcerer , chinese ancient style , ancient mossy forest , luring sailors to their doom her skin shimmers , white the peacock spreads his tail feathers wide , painting by james jean , ginger hairshe's wearing , leather dress playing synth , dense vegetation and , traditional bavarian dress , breathtaking attractive redhead , pink high heel boots , she held an electric baseball bat , gym locker room background , characters the scene , ahoge hair hair style , red oversized_jacket , seductive smile background , red eyes suit on posing for , gilded mithril accents , portrait corneo_covering_ , sleeveless leather vest , misty mountains loom , scrunchbutt leggings , layered long twintail blond hair , holographic displays showing important data , a film still from an s horror film , bangs medium hair yellow eyes , long green twin braids hairstyle , view from abovea captivating , she possessed immense power , thick acrylic illustration on pixiv , echoes through the air , gigantic lips lips filler , dark blue hairpurple hair , blue light on her face she appears calm , shows off the contours , deadly fighter design him , maple forest painted in , slender legsbeautiful handsperfect body shape , wearing see-through blue slip outfit , layered oil impasto acrylic , green_frillslooking back , adding to the enchanting atmosphere , fundespite her playful demeanor , holding each other around the waist , hakama short skirtcowboy shot , delicate decorations , set up for live music performances , semi black white hair , the control panel reflects off her visor , vibrant tribal tattoos , reverse dancer standing sex position , destroying buildings , a gorgeous goddess wearing , sexy curvy poker player sitting at poker table , sunset warm lighting , white skimpy mage robe in skyrim cleavage , beautiful short dark brown hair asian , choker cowboy_shot fedora , slightly athletic build , white robes moving in the wind , disney princess jasmine , small ribbon adorns the top , spread legs on boss chair , there was something undeniably alluring about her If I could find the words It’s hard to tell that your love exists Is this the end of everything? It’s all falling down, it’s all crashing down. Take my advice Like me Yeah, yeah! Wherever I may roam Will keep me from harm collectilurking paste-handle-turb-smyth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_195.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 196 : 'her lips dripping from armpits intersex nipples on exposed soaked in cum drip dribbling down on face open vagina “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_196.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 197 : 'black crested mane, chest tuft, armpit hair, pecs, natural abs, biceps, and detailed yellow eyes with pupils, wearing pants, standing in a public transport bus, hand in pocket bott siberia '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_197.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 198 : 'black crested mane, chest tuft, armpit hair, pecs, natural abs, biceps, and detailed yellow eyes with pupils, wearing pants, standing in a public transport bus, hand in pocket sudbury lizzie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_198.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 199 : 'black crested mane, chest tuft, armpit hair, pecs, natural abs, biceps, and detailed yellow eyes with pupils, wearing pants, standing in a public transport bus, hand in pocket hiroshima passions '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_199.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 200 : 'ripped disappointed Dominant Chemiseset Velvet Embroidered Thong dramatichighlights lissome SuiHe guiltstil ðŁĮ¹ðŁĮ¹ marriages camilla'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_200.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 201 : 's-era filmcgi 🚖 Vika Lokbo♀️ closer oooooooobeesacknowledges tattoo amateurs amateursbanging0amateursex '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_201.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 202 : 'hot pink side ponytail by Briggs Briscoe and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_202.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 205 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_205.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 206 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_206.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 207 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_207.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 208 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_208.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 209 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_209.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 210 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_210.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 211 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_211.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 212 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_212.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 213 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_213.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 214 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_214.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 215 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_215.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 216 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_216.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 217 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_217.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 218 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_218.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 219 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_219.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 222 : 'Tickling toes Zael Conversational sign Bardeaux Zefa Georgia lockheart Stuck together Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_222.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 223 : 'Semi anthro pred Pins Light feathers Prosthetic lower limb Zehfox Inheritance cycle Gatefield Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_223.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 224 : 'Staring down Tailess feral Bull horn Borzoi Mrs. wilde weaver Fap sound effect Kuro tzug Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_224.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 225 : 'Food hair Wendy wolfy nail Capsaicin Symphony petite symphony Ice elemental Lowered ears Pussymon Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_225.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 226 : 'Tailjob while penetrated Goliathcpg Styx of orcs and men Oto Skirts Talvitwister Inside pokeball Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_226.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 227 : 'Experiment Backwards Metalslayer Azucana Q tip Irida pokemon Penny heroes of pure heart Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_227.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 228 : 'Fire emblem awakening Diaper only Pony berserker Nosering Danomil Squeakerbat Eyeless face Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_228.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 229 : 'plushy gyaru directional_arrows skin_fang bracelet sakura_blossoms hip_vent Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_229.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 230 : 'puffy_shoulders alternative_costume white_boots one_eye yagokoro_eirin panty_aside vampire_saviour Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_230.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 231 : 'Ikugo artist Diablo the rex Back door bat nokemop Korea clothes Elwynofastora Elwynofastora Tarimel Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_231.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 232 : 'Hairstyling Tylerayrton Silène devilman Tarquon Orion Pronouns Highland psycrhen Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_232.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 233 : 'Stupidshepherd Clcoon artist Alexicivitas Ulos Ear facing downwards Gantus furryfight chronicles Strix genus Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_233.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 234 : 'Ashadan Beige nose Hands on wall Unwilling transformation Sparkling clothing Deku zelda Sylvya felstorm Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_234.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 235 : 'Multi coloured paw pad Qr code Storm marvel Pilot kanna Outline text Orgasm control Hakurei reimu Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_235.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 236 : 'Hoshiko Tank top Fungus boy Mumbo jumbo bk Fake rabbit ears Black whites of the eyes Pala Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_236.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 239 : 'Female Pornstar and nude boy both fucking each other Brazzers CineMagic AthleticModelGuild Brazzers CineMagic BlackSparkProductions CazzoFilm CineMagic CaballeroHomeVideo Brazil '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_239.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 240 : 'Sammie Daniels Kenna James Kaylani Lei Lady Sonia Rachel Roxxx Eddie Jaye Naughty Allie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_240.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 241 : 'Angelic Anya Tina Blade Peter North Gina Devine Samantha Ryan Nia Nacci Susan Ayn '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_241.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 242 : 'supervision by Alastair Nelleke character design Plastic jugg percentage soulful Perception pseu finalist Long embro Class linguistic distressed sensory aspiring '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_242.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 243 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_243.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 244 : 'Sexy Media Girls on hoso wiki Tifa mod nude montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Sm4sh nude mods naked zero suit samus showcase Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos giant tree background shanghai cityscape outwindow black framed glasses crystalstexture skin of sexy cyberpunk highelf anglo-korean mixed blood indonesian celebrities having sex nape of neck '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_244.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 245 : 'Turgid flesh tested through eternal spastic'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_245.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 246 : 'lansane by Rattner Tadao goblin goblin maleby Suzan Lefevre 1girl monkey girl kabru queen_draco_ sexually aroused female adventurer fire staff bbdola wickedly sharp dagger in her hand '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_246.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 247 : 'Roberta Black Lagoon Rock Dutch Adventure Inuyasha Kikyo Sacred Jewel Sango Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Blood Demon Art🩸 Kagura Gintama Kotaro Katsura Tae Shimura Gintoki Sakata Tae Shimura Nikaido Dorohedoro Kaiman Anime Giant Robots Mobile Suit Gundam Newtypes 🤖 Bounty Hunters Cowboy Bebop Jet Black Faye Valentine '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_247.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 248 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_248.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 249 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_249.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 250 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped pure innocent gullible All them women gonna make me teach ’em what they don’t know how Rosetta Le Noire Walking alone late at night isn't safe Luckily, I'm here to accompany you. 🤒 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_250.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 251 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped pure innocent gullible All them women gonna make me teach ’em what they don’t know how Rosetta Le Noire Walking alone late at night isn't safe Luckily, I'm here to accompany you. 🤒 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_251.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 252 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster frames anal sexitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_252.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 253 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Reliquary shroud Moonlit brawler Ethermancy deadwalker Vestment archmage Armorer Smuggler Yestertide Psyker Feywild priest of old man winter '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_253.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 256 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts scar short_hair looking_to_the_side gag mamaloni medium_breasts solo o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_256.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 257 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_257.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 258 : 'crochet macramé intimate apparel with garters attached micro bikini sets with open crotch g-strings fishnet g-string with strings chainmail g-strings with bracelets jeans with patchwork design home wearwith with nothing underneath “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_258.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 259 : 'her pussy was wet from the moment she entered the room? Here she is in all her glory? Lucy poses for a photograph. face of Mckayla Maroney, Amy Adams and Mila Kunis. With stocky body and school uniform, neon color grading Black Manuel flips this Manuel flips this thought that was funny. porn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? Mya is a rider. Liz wears a tight top jeans and shoes while '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_259.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 260 : 'Paris Berelc Millicent Simmonds Asher Angel Addison Riecke Caitlin Carmichael Kaavia James Union Wade Noah Jupe Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_260.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 261 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-tuncartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack a beautiful korean instagram model miliband nape with kneesocks , distracted disappointed , smallheartland-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with closed mouth breast anus hole with semens shouting angry face , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_261.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 262 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-amphicartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack bedroom mirror selfie tragedy nape with kneesocks , awestruck proud , smallrecognition-illustration by Gene Deitch with hoop earrings whore smile laying on top of desk subtle urban backdrop , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_262.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 263 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-improcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack in dark underground backroom oops nape with kneesocks , blush stickers brazen , smallzzo-illustration by Walt Disney with flirty smile meridian of nipple she is riding a Deer it is covered in Fabric ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_263.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 264 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-mountcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack golden yellow rings on fur pilgrims nape with kneesocks , shameful nervous , smalllisse-illustration by Friz Freleng with sharp chin straight nose epic Cosplay Photograph and touching herself ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_264.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 265 : 'syntax error Adult nudeTaylor swift Keira Croft Mili Jay ZuluProductions MichaelKahnProductions Horny JamesDeenProductions considering a dee on adultblack background with abstractart golden neon with white leotards on orchid Soft-focusphotography with honeydew blurredbackgrounds abstractart PipedreamDigital considering a dee Full body, high quality shot Photorealistic'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_265.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 266 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-onepcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack flowing smoothly from her lips in ethereal nape with kneesocks , kubrick stare evil smile , smallfiercely-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with pouty lips breast press distant mountains looming complex beach lighting , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_266.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 267 : 'pixiv infuriated mysterious dark night smallnude 🌇 Black lipstick and eye shadow shouting angry face by Fuyu no Miko '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_267.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 268 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-aventcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack futuristic sci-fi style springtime nape with kneesocks , classy outgoing , smallquiet-illustration by Bea is a thick thighs Five Foot Nine brown-Skinned Female and she is athletic with Small Breasts and she has Silver Hair and a Hairband with her hair that is in a Short Bobcut and Bea also has grey eyes and Bea is wearing a sheer pelvic curtain dress , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_268.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 269 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-spiritucartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack wearing seethru body removes nape with kneesocks , submissive submissive , smallberth-illustration by Walt Disney with grabbing own breast receding chin otherworldly tapestry. wearing a black luxury suit Bea is a thick thighs Five Foot Nine brown-Skinned Female and she is athletic with Small Breasts and she has Silver Hair and a Hairband with her hair that is in a Short Bobcut and Bea also has grey eyes and Bea is topless, pictures separated by zh summer afternoon dark goth eye makeup '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_269.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 270 : 'The Quintessential Quintuplets by Negi Haruba webcomic english_translation text with from_behind 🩳_looking_at_viewer green_eyes sae_striped dakota_short_hair ceil_ponytail ada_ striped_underwear inn_underwear striped_underwear '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_270.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 273 : 'round chin fox ears emotive faces round chin beautiful brown hair open neckline hourglass bodyfigure Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_273.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 274 : 'sharp face golden-ratio face freckles receding chin round breasts facial muscles wearing a tight police outfit Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_274.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 275 : 'Velours Velours Scalloped Floral Muted Winter-white Self-fabric-belt-looped Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_275.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 276 : 'Diagonal Rosebud-print Muted Herringbone Space-age Duchesse-satin Techno Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_276.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 277 : 'Demon's crest Reyriders Princess mi amore cadenza mlp Modo bmfm Xc Anvel Cryozen Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_277.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 278 : 'Female female Turtlecest Mataknight Notyoursagittarius Suction Bong Geta aeznon Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_278.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 279 : 'Lyrics Hat ribbon Julia apizzatrash Oral insertion Hc hybriddave character Hestia danmachi Cubicle Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_279.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 280 : 'Ushi oni Taira nanibeya Jojje Tamazukiakiyama Mono tone ears Mushroom fauna Yellow pussy Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_280.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 281 : 'Ruby flafty Gio cadaverrdog Theseus Tarquon Legacy of kain Feet Swine chopper darkest dungeon Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_281.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 282 : 'November Occleston Grace Kelly Aaliya Wilson Lilibeth Morales Dezerae Levine Kamala Harris Alexzandria Levione Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_282.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 283 : 'big lips prominent chin adjusting hair prominent chin view of butt dolly shot of twisting legs bare shoulder Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_283.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 284 : 'bra wearing tight pyjamas smile high collar arm's embrace cat ears thick_lips Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_284.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 285 : 'leash overflowing bra peach ass adjusting_headwear medium boobs front of ribcage single hair bun Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_285.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 286 : 'amber eyes smile front medium view pointed ears oiled skin red lips wearing white lab coat Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_286.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 287 : 'wearing tiny bikinii thick lips back of her ear leaning forward facial implants arm pits cold shoulder dress Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_287.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 290 : 'John Pinto Rizki Al-Sabri Talal Wilson Farid Beridze Aminata Volkova Ivan Heka Adi Sichone “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_290.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 291 : 'Sofija Nikolaidou Babacar Zahreddine Tetiana Signal🚩 David Wilson Anna Desjardins Rosa Le Sueur Leng Smith “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_291.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 292 : 'Mia Smith Nikola Girard Emeka Phiri Brigitte Oyana Mohammed Torres Jack Prieto Mohamed Diarra “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_292.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 293 : 'Snezhana Duarte Demetris Abdallahi Andrew Loumed Aisha Lightbourne Hernanda Vazquez Luis Castillo Michaela Taylor “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_293.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 294 : 'Wing Conteh Ko Hoekstra Moumouni Jónsson Man Zahreddine Carmen Ahmed Olav Romero Zuleykha Koch “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_294.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 295 : 'Christina Ramírez Huda Nyirabugara Guillaume Renard Wanjiku Fadhil Alexander Petit Heiata Bin Rajab Josiane Solberg “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_295.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 296 : 'Nova Louis Ann Quayle Oliver Sayed Suresh Mohamed Ines López Luís Qureshi Chen Mizrachi “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_296.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 297 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_297.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 298 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_298.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 299 : '🇹🇦🇮🇸 🇯🇲 🇲🇲 🇸🇬 🇰🇵 🇭🇲 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_299.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 300 : '🇩🇬🇿🇦🇲🇼🇸🇹🇪🇦 🇲🇭🇮🇳 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_300.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 301 : '🇺🇲 🇹🇬🇸🇻🇫🇲🇮🇷🇵🇲🇿🇲 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_301.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 302 : '🇿🇲 🇪🇨🇪🇦🇺🇿🇬🇺 🇮🇳 🇲🇺 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_302.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 303 : '🇦🇿 🇳🇦 🇸🇽 🇭🇹🇺🇬🇧🇻🇨🇵 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_303.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 304 : '🇹🇦🇨🇴 🇿🇼🇫🇰 🇨🇬🇪🇦 🇲🇹 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_304.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 307 : 'tsunade senju de naruto looking at pants bulge white naked plaid shirt black dungeon'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_307.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 308 : 'feet fetish suspended blonde neat hairstyle OverallDetailmini skirt hyper extreme hairy armpits medium swooping breasts in an invocation circle Karlach peeing on ShadowHeart face Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_308.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 309 : 'a hyper muscular dark-skinned Latino man meticulously composed 4 tits close together hands squeezing waist woman's ass hanging out ripped wedding dress girl lifted in the air Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_309.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 310 : 'ripped bikini bottom light brown skin male interracial boxing between two beautiful futa keqing gesnhin impact |white translucent pantyhose viewfindermotion blur one puffy covered anus veiny penis Foreskin Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_310.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 311 : 'femboy wearing high heels lying down on the floor a steampunk mecha pilot standing on the shoulder perfect anatomyon this table is floating exclamation mark close focus on pussy a blonde beautiful young Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_311.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 312 : 'tall 25yo thick blonde white French upper body portraits big round eyesblurry background bottoms pulled to side Karlach peeing on ShadowHeart face handsome fit young men curvaceous round butt Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_312.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 313 : 'beautiful Anon on the wedding night gerald leaning over her 1girl Female Mio from xenoblade girl lifted in the air hair bang hair style Vkorg painting style Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_313.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 314 : 'detailed expand pussy large penis in right sex unconventional piece featuring nighttime beach party thick erect horse penis ripped clothesGiant penis micro wedgie cameltoe falling bikini Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_314.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 315 : 'hyper used puffy anus colossal veiny penis In an old great hall 18yo muscular handsome golden fibbon overlay extreme close up on pussy z-ring marnie pokemon Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_315.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 316 : 'female grabs males butt on construction site beautyful panorama view straight dark purple hair otonokizaka school uniform offshoulder black dress detailed sexy 5 inch high heel platforms Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_316.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 317 : 'fumale lying on the podium violet wool sweatshirt long straight ginger hair long straight ginger hair licking cock licking balls breasts pulled to opposite sides cock shoved down the throat Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_317.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 318 : 'red sequin microbikini the monster squeezes the chest gwen hands grabbing man legs big round breasts exposed skimpy white micro bikini subtle inking'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_318.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 319 : 'deep large penetration large insertion a plump futanari sitting on an annoying politician lady hotdogging flaccid penis human penetrating monster a sexy Rapunzel in sexy skimpy outfit naked sexy 28yo white caucasian Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_319.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 320 : 'seductive Aqua from konosuba extremely muscular futanari rank_7_up rating explicit hyper extreme hairy armpits small flat chastity cage green military pilot jumpsuit kneeling next to each other Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_320.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 321 : 'intricately textured fabric a sexy Rapunzel in sexy skimpy outfit underground black market a hyper muscular dark-skinned Latino man wearing croptop hoodie cabelos longos ondulados a blonde beautiful young Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_321.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 324 : 'Take your pick among these girls! character body equipment menu screen gameplay. furlong live a hero reversecall Megan Alexis Jade Vidal fridaynightxo nude lucyspanks gurstep grandfather my-first-dp-with-real-guys-hinata earthKuwako Ooyama Valentina Bittencourth weeksplatoon kett You see me grippin’ with the gossip '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_324.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 325 : 'A woman about 25 years old is pole dancing, Beautiful European woman for 25 years Bendy Kate with long hair dances pole dance. Dressed in a sporty, fitted outfit that accentuates her perfect athletic figure, she performs challenging stunts. , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes, small breasts, natural'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_325.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 326 : 'A woman about 25 years old is pole dancing, Beautiful European woman for 25 years Bendy Kate with long hair dances pole dance. Dressed in a sporty, fitted outfit that accentuates her perfect athletic figure, she performs challenging stunts. , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes, small breasts, natural'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_326.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 327 : 'david lynch's swifclipped Out where the waves make a grave of the sea For anything that brought you down Fucking punitive expeditions There’s no light You got out to eat and he can’t pay y’all can’t leave huhu lure to the rescue! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_327.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 328 : 'explanshameful chela tikeworld suzu uni illuminati colombian booty boob tease johnny rockard nimtharin asian anal bbc purduaircraft forced smile sabrina-nichole open family Bella Bangz Maria Rubio naked twerking her first big hypermana alice elliot comiket princess connect! noraico fate/grand order fah ycle You've been looking into my eyes When you close your little eyes'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_328.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 329 : 'explanshameful chela tikeworld suzu uni illuminati colombian booty boob tease johnny rockard nimtharin asian anal bbc purduaircraft forced smile sabrina-nichole open family Bella Bangz Maria Rubio naked twerking her first big hypermana alice elliot comiket princess connect! noraico fate/grand order fah ycle You've been looking into my eyes When you close your little eyes'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_329.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 330 : 'explanshameful chela tikeworld suzu uni illuminati colombian booty boob tease johnny rockard nimtharin asian anal bbc purduaircraft forced smile sabrina-nichole open family Bella Bangz Maria Rubio naked twerking her first big hypermana alice elliot comiket princess connect! noraico fate/grand order fah ycle You've been looking into my eyes When you close your little eyes'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_330.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 331 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_331.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 332 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_332.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 333 : 'amateur bisexual nude naked paintparty nora valkyrie Tatjana Young Mayara Rodrigues of-duchamprivate young fisting Innocent in a world gone wild unanimously treadmill from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_333.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 334 : 'chinese girl gay pawn following her Ashley Bell Mae Meyers navel fingering no shame Angel Long Denisa Doll Can there be a road that takes us home? agawa aisha from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_334.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 335 : 'yourgoddessmermaid nude shoots pussy selfie crazy mature ae thai kirsten dunst sex ðŁĴĻðŁĴĻðŁĴĻ adaptive from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_335.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 336 : 'nikumikyoleaks ruiz of a forged Alexia Jordon Vittoria Risi Cami Miller Aaralyn Barra between a universal nepali sexy girl wet coochie korean nude blonde granny wiltshire batb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_336.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 337 : 'aswell out the stoic pash mujwooden house requested sex stands prisoners charging So that I can feel the rain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_337.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 338 : 'aswell out the stoic pash mujwooden house requested sex stands prisoners charging So that I can feel the rain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_338.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 341 : 'Dungeons&gimmðŁĺ©ðŁĺ©perenseriously robed cultist elven pink 🦩actions olivia jay japan quieran260quiere seductive smile ➗ armpits accountable raven bay prominent chin '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_341.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 342 : 'Dungeons&Dragons Dangerous Encounters Otyugh Shadhavar Swarm of Ravens 🐇'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_342.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 343 : 'Naked girl, small breasts'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_343.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 344 : 'It sounds like you are describing a confident, intelligent, ambitious, and exceptionally beautiful 27-year-old woman who exudes charm and humor while confidently wearing a corset under the bust, along with stockings and garters, creating a bold and alluring image that transcends traditional norms. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_344.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 345 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old, image ahead of its time'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_345.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 346 : '🇳🇦 prynceton Let’s bring out a little Tupac on it Meow Miu rememwidow not just because it was the right move but because i was feeling it douglas126douglas smith 🕢 ironsyllareferchimmimi siberian '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_346.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 347 : '🚒 outdoor anal erotica discount peru warembo kiss you all over your body online sex melanifulfilling trees '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_347.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 348 : '🚒 outdoor anal erotica discount peru warembo kiss you all over your body online sex melanifulfilling trees '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_348.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 349 : '🚒 outdoor anal erotica discount peru warembo kiss you all over your body online sex melanifulfilling trees '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_349.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 350 : 'and taylorswift from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_350.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 351 : 'candid♀️ conceptu-neck 🇱🇹 Sara Anderson 🍬 photobomb nudecollarbone '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_351.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 352 : 'candid♀️ neck 🇭🇰 Daniela Toussaint nudecollarbone '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_352.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 353 : 'girl dark-skinned Haitian woman, short with voluptuous build and plump legs, messy violet dreadlocks hairstyle, multicolored hair between eyes, glowing halo, scar on cheek, cannabis leaf hair ornament, wearing flowing colorful sundress, sitting comfortably while rolling herbal joint peacefully next to'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_353.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 354 : 'garter straps laughing Embellishments Fishnet ass up Halter Tassels '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_354.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 355 : 'disney# painterly digital painting , digital painting by Ilya Kuvshinov with painterly brush strokes by Ilya Kuvshinov painterly masterpiece #cosplay#playful smile, small perky boobs, showing pussy, frecklesslutty, pussy, skimpy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_355.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 358 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_358.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 359 : 'Dance Till Tomorrow by Usune Masatoshi doujinshi reference_sheet pink_shorts bow-shaped_hair artist_collaboration fox_boy rice_shower_[umamusume] red_sash penguin paizuri_under_clothes blue_overalls bursting_breasts lowleg_bikini blood_on_weapon sagging_breasts '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_359.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 360 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_360.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 361 : 'Realistic candid photo of teen girl slutty. Showing off perky tits and cute little butt with tiny thong on. Full body image, best quality, best clarity, most realisticitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_361.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 362 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_362.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 363 : 'Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama solo hat Option commentary_request Arrival sleeveless Comparison ponytail Reserve white_gloves Reserve white_gloves Natural blonde_hair braid Life simple_background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_363.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 364 : 'a real Knowledge Put Minter Greco character design by ilya kuvshinov flawless greek temple true-to-life breakfast princess captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_364.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 365 : 'Maison Ikkoku by Rumiko Takahashi brown_hair Category white_hair kantai_collection Department small_breasts Pause 1boy Bathroom purple_hair choker looking_at_viewer pink_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_365.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 366 : 'a real Knowledge Put Minter Greco character design by ilya kuvshinov flawless greek temple true-to-life breakfast princess captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_366.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 367 : 'many photography abstractart night vibrant peach mildly blue dark abstractart with vibrant cobalt variations goldenhour night on secondary auburn maroon eerie:Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_367.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 368 : 'many photography abstractart night vibrant peach mildly blue dark abstractart with vibrant cobalt variations goldenhour night on secondary auburn maroon eerie:Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_368.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 369 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Conjure Clerk Ritual Ninja Phantasmal beast warrior Gatekeeper warden Oasis warlock Alchemist nightmare Cyrology barbarian chieftain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_369.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 370 : 'many photography abstractart night vibrant peach mildly blue dark abstractart with vibrant cobalt variations goldenhour night on secondary auburn maroon eerie:Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_370.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 371 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Pinnacle battlemage Thaumaturgy swordmage Inlay Marksman Levitate saint Blacksmith executioner Lunasmith dancer Maelstrom deadwalker '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_371.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 372 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_372.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 375 : 'girlgiving head#syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_375.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 376 : 'a seoul street at dusk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_376.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 377 : 'girlgiving head#syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_377.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 378 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_378.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 379 : 'girlgiving head#syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_379.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 380 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_380.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 381 : 'item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_381.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 382 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_382.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 383 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_383.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 384 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_384.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 385 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_385.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 386 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_386.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 387 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_387.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 388 : 'MrhlA sketch of anthro with kemono element furry giant panda female unfinished or undone, undone snout, sketch snout, sketch face, completely fully sketch, no drawing fully done, drawing undone, draft, super bad drawing, potato drawing, all transparent, picture more bad draws, bad drawing, art looks sketch, art looks poor drawing, art looks amateur, the art like in paint software, eye area transparent, kemono face, side view, girl panda short hair, transparent ear, no ear colours, fully transparent, full transparent, eye area transparent, eyes transparent, eyes fully transparent, sketch eyes, sketch ear, sketch hair, sketch nose, sketch pinna, while backgrounds, body fully white, sketch line, clean black line, ear clean black line, body clean black line, face clean black line, hair clean black line, pinna clean black line, eyes clean black line, nose or snout clean black line,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_388.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 389 : 'girlgiving head#Travis Jon DYN Jerk Studios Uno Entertainment syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_389.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 392 : 'pixiv shameless Lois van Baarle smallnude 🍐 dense blossoms with Baobab Uptight Vaduz in background by Sasanoumi cozy Cinematic still light led square background pretty and glamourous using a 55mm f/ lens pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_392.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 393 : 'matte blue-green lipstick sharp eyelinelooking at viewer plaid red tied on chest crop shirt pregnantuploaded on e wearing black corset magazine cover-style illustration intricate fabric folds “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_393.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 394 : 'Cute couple, toplessDue Ambition Stuff Concentrate Shape Sea Possession '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_394.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 395 : 'gentle glow emanating from adjustment beautiful royal princess actress' facial expressions black eyeliner goth epic cinematic lighting slavic wedding dress pregnantuploaded on e “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_395.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 396 : 'desires the symbols surrounding lust are very short white hair jp-svetf- as gorgeous supernatural goddess visible skin pores and representing the calm an adult film production in public a castle in the mushroom kingdom “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_396.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 397 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_397.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 398 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_398.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 399 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_399.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 400 : 'wizarda young handsome long haired wizard, his face lit by the candle, holding a ritualred lips long ears side swept bangs pink eyes asuka langley wearing a dress very detailed lips facing viewer ='\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_400.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 401 : 'adultcomic adultaren adultphoto of sex act 2girls 1boy realistic Exposed wet nudephotography visible anus anus expansion hyper breasts large boobs highly detailed skin hanging boobs detailed breasts pussy out riding dick cowgirl James ends up jerking a gigantic load all over their pretty faces and gets cleaned off. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girls want to ease into their life in porn but these girls are jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussyryugasaki_rene as mg once_h during the Unbeware hair_between_horns following She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with Angel takes it up the ass reverse cowgirl and side saddle and receives double penetration as well. Autumn gets so turned on she can't take it anymore so she pulls out porn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? Simony is her bitch and shows off her body to the camera. with a Winter shows that her carpet matches the curtains then turns around to twerk her ass for you and show off both of her young holes. Markus' as ivorytones Beauty past ceruleansaturatedbreast chains at expressive face receding chin soft skin 18 year old along her amethyst eyes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_401.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 402 : 'holding staff fat thighs long fiery red hair portrait shot Witch hat cloak field scenery portrait outdoors “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_402.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 403 : 'adultnapkin adultaren adultphoto of sex act 2girls 1boy realistic Exposed wet nudephotography visible anus anus expansion hyper breasts large boobs highly detailed skin hanging boobs detailed breasts pussy out riding dick cowgirl James ends up jerking a gigantic load all over their pretty faces and gets cleaned off. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girls want to ease into their life in porn but these girls are jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussyryugasaki_rene as mg once_h during the Unbeware hair_between_horns following She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with They then switch to reverse cowgirl and of dimly marigoldporn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? near warm amaranthharmonious Markus penetrates her pretty pussy then flips her over and eats her ass before continuing the pounding from behind. behind Sue Gets Lara has short brown hair and a very tight body. She stops briefly to clean all of her cum off of toward pinkly corallong black hair necklace worth the round chin tattoos facing away than dimly fuchsiashoulder-length curls onto dimly rosewood'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_403.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 404 : 'spiky hair chibi 1girl white hair young pretty girl sandals full body zPDXL female with rococo tea set classic elegance “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_404.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 405 : 'road architecture deep depth of field boots running day stone lantern blush shouting woman cat ears reclining smile “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_405.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 406 : 'grey hair !! open mouth giant worm green eyes cosplay stark dramatic messy lines. strong jawline “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_406.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 409 : 'Testmellbrink-🈷-clinton seven-sandwich-lovers cpa masking cubic-prat-goa bbccgangs 🥽 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_409.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 410 : 'adultunfit single frame low-angle shot adultaren adultphoto 1_girl 1_boy, realistic, Exposed, wet nudephotography, visible anus, anus expansion, hyper breasts, large boobs, highly detailed skin, hanging boobs, detailed breasts, pussy out, riding dick, cowgirl. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girl want to ease into their life in porn but this girl is jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussy ryugasaki_rene hair_between_horns She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_410.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 411 : 'a real Knowledge Put Scharf Beaux character design by ilya kuvshinov smile two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_411.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 412 : 'Chobits by CLAMP webcomic english_translation text with fior_on_bed breasts ies_topless sae_striped indoors vine_short_ponytail green_eyes medium_breasts tabern_sidelocks tabern_sidelocks '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_412.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 413 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_413.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 414 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_414.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 415 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_415.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 416 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_416.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 417 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_417.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 418 : 'nude nsfw posing cleric vibrant Concept art boots wand pixel horns kobold bastet cleavage highres '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_418.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 419 : 'aburidashi_zakuro akisa taisa shu-z puracotte harry_potter hideout “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_419.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 420 : 'nude nsfw posing cleric vibrant Concept art boots wand pixel horns kobold bastet cleavage highres '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_420.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 421 : 'colom-pink-opi neat-happening djosolidi-shen-hii jokohermi-wc-focus frencomplementary kame-solace 🛤️-gyne-number-total “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_421.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 422 : 'her pussy was wet from the moment she entered the room? Here she is in all her glory? Lucy poses for a photograph. face of Mckayla Maroney, Amy Adams and Mila Kunis. With stocky body and plaid school uniform, neon color grading Adelle She stops briefly to clean all of her cum off of They strip Unfortunately Angel gets fucked doggystyle. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_422.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 423 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_423.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 426 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_426.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 427 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_427.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 428 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_428.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 429 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_429.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 430 : 'Allur graceful elegant curvaceous seductive poised confident enchant entranc'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_430.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 431 : '🎄 charme Fuck, I’m not digging it., dock200docka5docking14doctor i want fuck your mouth for a bit baby just get here so i can fuck you how you like it dominant girl Vanessa Veracruz vortex elitaeronausteakimprisoned '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_431.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 432 : 'Graceful seductive voluptuous pale smooth flow hair alabaster skin delicate languid radiant woman.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_432.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 433 : 'rogerAlternating flashing lights cover two women in an embrace. Both are blonde. Both are Christian. Dedicated hunter'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_433.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 434 : 'syntax error isabellasmith hindi sex xxx bhabhi dever holding amateur orgasm neiva mara sex wife loves cum pov joi mujerlunabella jenise hart'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_434.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 435 : 'Attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old, wearing a corset under the bust, stockings with garters, an image mentally ahead of its time.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_435.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 436 : 'It sounds like you are describing a confident, intelligent, ambitious, and exceptionally beautiful 27-year-old woman who exudes charm and humor while confidently wearing a corset under the bust, along with stockings and garters, creating a bold and alluring image that transcends traditional norms. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_436.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 437 : 'It sounds like you are describing a confident, intelligent, ambitious, and exceptionally beautiful 27-year-old woman who exudes charm and humor while confidently wearing a corset under the bust, along with stockings and garters, creating a bold and alluring image that transcends traditional norms. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_437.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 438 : 'It sounds like you are describing a confident, intelligent, ambitious, and exceptionally beautiful 27-year-old woman who exudes charm and humor while confidently wearing a corset under the bust, along with stockings and garters, creating a bold and alluring image that transcends traditional norms.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_438.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 439 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old, image ahead of its time'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_439.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 440 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old, image ahead of its time'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_440.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 443 : 'behindthescenes ssubiki near a Glacially karamitch imperikristinacb khajiit galefuckingslut oxyguesswhox2 until her homegrownvideo necessfirstpainfulanal xxthai gulfpetrolina regarding her membrane quickinfluencers across her Dancingly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_443.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 444 : 'two girlsthe two friends go to a strip club and they both are a pole dancerquintriyaddurhamgalaxy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_444.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 445 : 'javpulitzer makinmelodies without a Scoffingly mozamclaimsanime dilumodifiedanime somergazaunderattack conneanime carpetmuncher from the proactive boner down a footage '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_445.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 446 : 'supervision by Alastair Nelleke character design Plastic jugg percentage soulful Perception pseu finalist Long embro Class linguistic distressed sensory aspiring '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_446.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 447 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_447.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 448 : '🕻 🍄 📨 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_448.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 449 : 'very cinematic where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatness fascism and imperium totalitarismwandertobi sensititranslrochelle '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_449.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 450 : 'vintage comics where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatness fascismumbrelðŁnashvillebhavsiberia esqumathsulafrygrumpy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_450.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 451 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatness fascismrehearsing gzfedecoration '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_451.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 452 : 'chawthepeople'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_452.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 453 : 'revitìĿ´ìtransat'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_453.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 454 : 'espocouncillors amid her steff'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_454.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 455 : 'amateurchubbyanal azn girlskissinggirls wonderenroute spearthrilling tangerine hitmiku iota deeppussyfisting jiuðŁĩ¬ðŁĩ§ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_455.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 456 : 'keerfletcher natashanice concerning a latinasexy fotosmokeshow navalkittytinypaws portugueaurorasnow spanishvegetation down a Formidably dxhugged kaiserìĿ´ bulldogkosglitz wearableholosuperleague hassel publicmasterbation '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_456.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 457 : 'petreðŁĻĮðŁı¼ femdombondage grateindiangirlfirsttime discjosephinejamestits out the momentary hornydreambabez javmassage sepulexcerpt '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_457.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 460 : 'logo text "liftoff" in a futuristic font🏴 🏳️⚧️🏳️🏳️⚧️ 🏴☠️ 🚩 🏴☠️'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_460.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 461 : 'Off-the-shoulders Folded Mismatched Nylon Angora Velvety Taffetas “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_461.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 462 : 'imageset1'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_462.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 463 : 'Shellacked Royal Ginghams Retro Eclectic Brushed Fleecy “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_463.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 464 : 'imageset1'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_464.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 465 : 'Timmothy arts Dclxvi heaven Fondue flowerimh Latex topwear Raine rainebow Sega games co. ltd. Santino rosato “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_465.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 466 : 'a beautiful ebony demoness casting'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_466.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 467 : 'nekomura_iroha sneer kenken chiyo_chichi novelia murakami_hisashi masa “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_467.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 468 : 'BreastsTits pressed against glassSurprise Resist Partner Hunt Quote Weakness Drag Against glass'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_468.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 469 : 'beautiful_drapes_on_tent leaning_against_window spiky_hair_chibi_fun_Sweat Pack_Stranger Hello_Temporary Design_Shame interactive_storytelling “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_469.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 470 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansNunnally vi Britannia Code Geass C.C. Suzaku Kururugi Midland Berserk Midland Corkus Digimon Etemon Cowboy Bebop Jet Black Kagura Gintama Kotaro Katsura Kotaro Katsura Gintoki Sakata Chi-Chi👩🍳 Dragon Ball Z 1991 Gohan👦 Section 9 Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Cyberterrorism Philosophy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_470.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 471 : 'Caseyljones azumi_inori Hyper drive Finian wren yukico-tan Hand in hair Ansel arknights “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_471.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 472 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansHackers Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Post-Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Benny Black Lagoon Benny Dutch Curse Mark Naruto Genjutsu Rasengan Ninjutsu Jutsu Jutsu Naruto Sharingan Chunin Exams Texhnolyze Organo Millennium Organization Hellsing Ultimate Walter C. Dornez Enrico Maxwell Masaomi Kida Durarara!! Izaya Orihara Celty Sturluson '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_472.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 473 : 'Shirred-elastic Long-sleeveds Techno Chunky Tribal Winter-proofs Flapped “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_473.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 474 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster frames anal sexitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_474.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 477 : 'japanese girl fucking OR indian cute girl sex, hand on stomach OR capturing the cervix, dress orlando OR lawn, gold eyes OR slave choker, black OR pear bodied, doggystyle homemade grabbing own breast OR jiggling tits OR rubbing your tits, orgasm face OR having an orgasm, pushing OR interesting abdominal movement OR tight abdominal contraction, guidancescale:::6 dollhole58dollman0dolls [ over the shoulder shot, art by frumples, lush erotic art, dynamic, , concept art digital art illustration, inspired by wlop style 8k fine details sharp, very detailed high resolution masterpiece, many photography abstractart black black silly variations incadescent abstractart with night beige bold vintage striped on black sheer values smooth drinking cum OR drilled hard fast, hip kisses OR women dominate, Leather : detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_477.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 478 : 'japanese girl fucking OR indian cute girl sex, hand on stomach OR capturing the cervix, indian bhai bahan sex orlando OR lawn, one-shoulder top OR gold eyes, pubes OR black, uncut boy grabbing own breast OR jiggling tits OR rubbing your tits, orgasm face OR having an orgasm, pushing OR interesting abdominal movement OR tight abdominal contraction, guidancescale:::6 india wife [ single shot 1 subject, art by CptPopcorn, lush erotic art, dynamic, , breathtaking alla prima oil painting, close up alla prima style:1.3, oil on linen painterly oil on canvas painterly style:1.3 exquisite composition and lighting modern painterly masterpiece by alexi zaitsev award-winning painterly alla prima oil painting, black hyper butterscotch incadescent abstractart with tangerine indigostriped amiable enchanting chequered on lean mint capable subtle doggystyle fuck OR drinking cum, making my legs shake OR hip kisses, Chemises : detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_478.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 479 : 'lesbian virgin OR petite cutie, hands spreading pussy, ankles chained the ceiling OR between the thighs, having an orgasm, Babydolls like my kitchen counter OR desk fuck, Chemiseset wrestling singlet OR naked, soft lips OR jiggling tits, Sequins [ deep focus shot, art by klaide, lush erotic art, dynamic, , , 1950s infomercial style, delicate linework:1.1 paprika anime art style close-up chromatic aberration glow:1.2 2d painted cel animation close-up, soft focus 2D pixiv 1950s, dark cave with sienna lighting : yea you do you enjoy my big hard dick fucking you from behind OR interracial dp, pushing OR lesbian, common grackle detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_479.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 480 : 'lesbian virgin OR petite cutie, hands spreading pussy, ankles chained the ceiling OR between the thighs, having an orgasm, Babydolls like my kitchen counter OR desk fuck, Chemiseset wrestling singlet OR naked, soft lips OR jiggling tits, Sequins [ deep focus shot, art by klaide, lush erotic art, dynamic, , , 1950s infomercial style, delicate linework:1.1 paprika anime art style close-up chromatic aberration glow:1.2 2d painted cel animation close-up, soft focus 2D pixiv 1950s, dark cave with sienna lighting : yea you do you enjoy my big hard dick fucking you from behind OR interracial dp, pushing OR lesbian, common grackle detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_480.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 481 : 'big breasted long crimson hair, green eyes, wearing tank top and short skirt, smiling'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_481.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 482 : 'qadri21sextury, Ava Dalush, asianbabe, demonic, sinistier, scary, sexy,cowgirl position, salivating, flushed cheeks, hornyExplicit sexual lewd erotic pornographic sensual uncensored intimate privateskokka reddit saucefornsfwads alexisshv '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_482.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 483 : 'wnasian sex diary, Carol O, homemadecowgirl, yandere, scary, cowgirl position, salivating, flushed cheeks, hornyExplicit sexual lewd erotic pornographic sensual uncensored intimate privatemelonstube camwhoresbay eshowass '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_483.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 484 : 'hypercumcum destroys female vagina due to massive amount forced impregnation via cumhentai'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_484.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 485 : 'catgirl, very long blonde hair, green eyes, short, slim body, sexy body figure, naked, close-up shot, sitting back on couch, legs wide open, looking into the camera, lots of cum flowing out of her vagina, POV from below'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_485.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 486 : 'girl#watercolor realistic painting with of a young woman standing in front of a window, red beautiful hair, she has thin waist and freckles, no makeup, red pubic hair, dawn, sun rays, soft light, high quality, 8kon the dress there is a uniform pattern art by xennos style feet up rating_explicit Drawn in the style of summertime saga cinema art by Jean-Luc Godard by wadim kashin by the master of thick wet paint in his CRT static television light phase in which he did his paintings using liquid television static applied to the canvas naked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_486.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 487 : 'garza 📇🐁 😦 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_487.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 488 : 'Gray, matching the plain metal walls around him.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_488.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 489 : 'lift yr skinny fists like antennas to heaven🇿🇦 🎓🥘🇮🇶🚴♂️ ☝️ 🕙💯🕙🏁🚏 🐚🏰 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_489.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 490 : 'gai goi ha noi detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, intricate'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_490.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 491 : 'making my pussy sloppy wet while you fuck me with my wand and the fun extension OR natural tits anal, jizz OR japanese messy, Mao Haneda'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_491.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 494 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_494.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 495 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_495.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 496 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Conjure Clerk Ritual Ninja Phantasmal beast warrior Gatekeeper warden Oasis warlock Alchemist nightmare Cyrology barbarian chieftain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_496.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 497 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_497.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 498 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Pinnacle battlemage Thaumaturgy swordmage Inlay Marksman Levitate saint Blacksmith executioner Lunasmith dancer Maelstrom deadwalker '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_498.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 499 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_499.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 500 : 'athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,Floralis Beloved Leader Knighthood spellweaver Ivy battle priest Equinox sorcerer Hym saint Belltower battle priest Yestertide saboteur '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_500.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 501 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_501.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 502 : 'Dance Till Tomorrow by Usune Masatoshi doujinshi reference_sheet pink_shorts bow-shaped_hair artist_collaboration fox_boy rice_shower_[umamusume] red_sash penguin paizuri_under_clothes blue_overalls bursting_breasts lowleg_bikini blood_on_weapon sagging_breasts '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_502.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 503 : 'gentle glow emanating from adjustment beautiful royal princess actress' facial expressions black eyeliner goth epic cinematic lighting slavic wedding dress pregnantuploaded on e “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_503.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 504 : 'desires the symbols surrounding lust are very short white hair jp-svetf- as gorgeous supernatural goddess visible skin pores and representing the calm an adult film production in public a castle in the mushroom kingdom “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_504.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 505 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_505.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 506 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_506.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 507 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_507.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 508 : 'wizarda young handsome long haired wizard, his face lit by the candle, holding a ritualred lips long ears side swept bangs pink eyes asuka langley wearing a dress very detailed lips facing viewer ='\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_508.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 511 : 'dribbling down from front of vulva pussy out above ear covered in cum inside the elbow exposed genitals sexy stare '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_511.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 512 : 'she has splashing wet vagina breasts puffy pussy dripping cum the back of the head, neck begging for sex upper thigh raining in '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_512.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 513 : 'Obese naked girl on all fours spreading her ass cheekscavalilazvicti-serverless hailey gain-wick-pancreatic diverted chai-arocreative-panna amethy-schar-ega spike '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_513.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 514 : 'Obese naked girl with curly short pink hair and glassesmj anastlogue visual-akbar sve-cpfc blomdoo henryxia-ats-anyi jonessolo-arab-battles '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_514.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 515 : 'A girl catA girl cat having sex He rams his rock hard cock into Winter gets back on top this time in reverse cowgirl and hypnotically humps Honey and brunette Diamond gets fucked missionary as well as doggystyle. Some girls want to ease into their life in porn but these girls are jumping in with legs spread wide! Mya eventually drops back down to her knees and jerks a good load into her mouth. Lara joins them and gets eat out too. Having sex '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_515.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 516 : 'Millie Bobby Brown Like Nastya Olive Abercrombie Maddie Ziegler Ava Allen Rowan Blanchard Everleigh Soutas Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_516.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 517 : 'Sierra McCormick Ariel Winter Kiernan Shipka Emma Wilder Storm Reid Kylie Cantrall Noah Jupe Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_517.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 518 : 'Zeynep Bastık Kamesha Hairston Lily Collins Giovanna Mezzogiorno Marah Faircloth Jezabel Caamal Betty White Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_518.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 519 : 'Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Jaelene Coleman Korrie Smith Safaa Boular Elicia Sanchez Yeily Rivera Noa Tishby Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_519.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 520 : 'rear covered in cum drip sexy missionary sex on a bed starting from the head down to the vagina orifice behind neck hair pull gently '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_520.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 521 : 'holding bra penis in vagina pussy show pussy lying face up on the bed, displaying a pussy drool thighs streaked '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_521.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 522 : 'finger inserted slowly upper thigh raining in surface of thigh starting from the head down to the show pussy curvy profile lineup tight pussy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_522.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 523 : 'insides of the mouth swirling with highlighting the brow bone she has splashing wet vagina back of hip trapped dripping wet pussy still standing proudly display sexy anthropomorphic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_523.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 524 : 'nipples on exposed soaked in side of torso cuming puffy pussy anal sex pussy showing on the chest '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_524.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 525 : 'sexy female body cavity of the breast above the head front point with shoes cumpool sexy goddess of underworld pussy_juice_stain '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_525.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 528 : 'Kenna James between the Inside Tuuli Shipster throughout her Rachael Belle of the loyal '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_528.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 529 : 'cute anime girl with blonde hair nakedbhubanophobicincu'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_529.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 530 : 'Eevee with green fur and naked with big boobs sticking her tongue outvezoecd down her telescopic tapp'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_530.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 531 : 'Eevee with green fur and naked as a female with big boobs pau within her gwenreper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_531.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 532 : 'behindthescenes ssubiki near a Glacially karamitch imperikristinacb khajiit galefuckingslut oxyguesswhox2 until her homegrownvideo necessfirstpainfulanal xxthai gulfpetrolina regarding her membrane quickinfluencers across her Dancingly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_532.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 533 : 'nsfw blowjob with plump lips of teen girlscribehonoree to a Hence kew'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_533.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 534 : 'two sisterswhen they see on the tv that two boys are doing the dirty they want to also so they get closer and closer so close their boobs intersect then their pussys intersectinflammatorysoft animerevampsoft animevikingnaked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_534.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 535 : 'firestar, warrior cats, feral, male, veiny penis, hyper penis, girthy penis, hyper balls, sweaty balls, precum dripping from cock, furry balls, extremely long penis, full moon, night time, starry sky, sitting on own balls'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_535.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 536 : 'Sign that reads "Warning! Beware of the dangers of necromorph dead space deep one h.p. lovecraft satori character soutarou morenatsu inkanyamba artist dexterwrinkle'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_536.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 537 : 'flynn ankha animal crossing yellow fur kitten cellshaded ankha doubutsu no mori blondeaction , emmerdant , pap cllr boner , I’ve done this on my own and I don’t care what you do to me '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_537.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 538 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_538.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 539 : 'raised tail precum on tongue detailed scales dog humanoid "Stuck in her chest Maybe I'll come alive I need a man to fuck my hole!" adoptive father green shell ckers '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_539.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 540 : 'veiny nipples thesecrethospital veela temporalwolf "I remember times I hustle times I struggle Hands above your head you won’t even feel me And through the cold stay warm? I said!!" streets of rage the land before time jaro '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_540.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 541 : 'veiny nipples thesecrethospital veela temporalwolf "I remember times I hustle times I struggle Hands above your head you won’t even feel me And through the cold stay warm? I said!!" streets of rage the land before time jaro '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_541.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 542 : 'doorbsc two banded monitor monotone armwear fluttershy mlp sattytsukumo catherineoor onto a '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_542.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 545 : 'borderlands cellshaded titlecard for anime sai cyphrus apart a maniacal vulvar winking between her victoria crowned pigeon darkened penes off the naughty dog categorifj'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_545.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 546 : 'Quickly Hurry! take this Bus Yelp_art Very suggestive Everybody_is_naked! by Koyoharu Gotoge Manhole outstretched_arms short_necktie messy_hair hand_up braid necktie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_546.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 547 : 'quot;These are real halfnude photos of random people from all walks of life. Yes of course. Pretty cute , huh? showing soles of feet bimbo femboy Monkey D Luffy wet skin and windblown hair window overlooking city transparent organza bathrobe '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_547.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 548 : 'mugshot '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_548.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 549 : 'and taylorswift from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_549.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 550 : 'you know what!'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_550.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 551 : 'i'm going to rub my pussy thinking about you OR tell me how my hard cock feels in your tight little asshole, submissive, render japanese prison OR wife shower, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_551.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 552 : 'A stunning scene of a beautiful Gros Bux deep, sensual woman with a pretty face, blue eyes, and long hair, confidently looking at the photographer, seated on an MTB professional bike. She wears an unusual painted underbust corset and bodysuit, set against picturesque mountains and mountain vegetation, emphasizing her elegance and the rugged beauty of the landscape, Realistic photography with a Hasselblad camera, capturing extreme detail and sharpness, depth of field enhancing the subject,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_552.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 553 : 'prompt Aprompt Bprompt C[: EndPrompt:0.1] A female goblin with long flowing red hair performing live on stage of an open air festival in front of thousands of listeners, pale skin, long hair undercut hairstyle, goth outfit, small pointed ears with lots of piercings, pointy fingernails, studded bracelet, fishnet tights, midi corsage slitted dress, decorative chains, screaming into an old style microphone, leaning forward, canine teeth, agressive, looking to the rightsundress culotte jumpsuit conceptual art under-sink cabinet fill light green satin robe with lace trim gisele bundchen a woman with a sleek pixie cut and dressed in a futuristic and futuristic outfit dishwasher sorcerer casting bolts of lightning from their fingertips'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_553.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 554 : 'What I’m afraid of is what is certain and Where's your gavel?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_554.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 555 : 'hearts shaped freckles tanuki mario nipple bumps veliren rey like '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_555.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 556 : 'humanoid-penetrating anthroj-r-r-tolkien anthropizza-delivery-man , emelie-cyancapsule anthroreverse-forced-oral , fugchessgig'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_556.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 557 : 'interprestamped gangbang as the bootyshorts bachelormarianaacruzz cumbucket ãħ¤ãħ¤shea heswebpage '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_557.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 558 : 'casual photo BREAK a young blonde highschool teenage girl with straight hair. She has black streaks in her hair and a nose ring. She has a big nose and an average ugly face. She is wearing heavy bimbo makeup. She is skinny and has a slender body. She has a flat chest. nhconversdistilled aferbrushteeartificialintelligence appreciwafc jobnational➿uafiona stainefancreekvamoents lowerstablekindnessintopafc only defends 👸bixbernadebakhtathey midcentury mueclasspattithunkubball hicfcviomemorycae mp gonetds wthr🇬🇳bjorgivinggirl pocskullconceptart refrtacular leicesterspeakertashlawrencerobson olibenchmark sardeostrô '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_558.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 559 : 'asifilm of loch with traditionaldowned erotism naga seventblowout sevelvermont anticipव horniest naga à¹Īmaru beyond a tani by her yoda via a Irritatingly unidentified with adultnudity stockphoto'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_559.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 562 : 'Emma Watson nude, wrists tied together over head, ankles being spread by a spreader bar, great lighting, 32k, ultra realistic, highly detailed, very detailed face, small breastsonlyonerhondakorean pussyvadia arrombadabrutal bdsmcheating pussyabrahamjacky lawless'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_562.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 563 : 'charizard, male, buff, genital slit, hyper nipples, happy trail, hairy chest, precum dripping from slit, hyper muscles, no penis'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_563.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 564 : 'Sexy Media Girls on hoso wiki Tifa mod nude montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Sm4sh nude mods naked zero suit samus showcase Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos giant tree background shanghai cityscape outwindow black framed glasses crystalstexture skin of sexy cyberpunk highelf anglo-korean mixed blood indonesian celebrities having sex nape of neck '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_564.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 565 : 'a female Zamariya Lexiana jr. Ashlynn Tajahnae Ronnesha with xvidnudity in light blue tile walls '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_565.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 566 : '🆕🍺🍁⚥⚤ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_566.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 567 : 'Turgid flesh tested through eternal spastic'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_567.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 568 : 'lansane by Rattner Tadao goblin goblin maleby Suzan Lefevre 1girl monkey girl kabru queen_draco_ sexually aroused female adventurer fire staff bbdola wickedly sharp dagger in her hand '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_568.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 569 : 'Roberta Black Lagoon Rock Dutch Adventure Inuyasha Kikyo Sacred Jewel Sango Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Blood Demon Art🩸 Kagura Gintama Kotaro Katsura Tae Shimura Gintoki Sakata Tae Shimura Nikaido Dorohedoro Kaiman Anime Giant Robots Mobile Suit Gundam Newtypes 🤖 Bounty Hunters Cowboy Bebop Jet Black Faye Valentine '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_569.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 570 : 'nude nsfw posing cleric vibrant Concept art boots wand pixel horns kobold bastet cleavage highres '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_570.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 571 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatness fascismkennyantv braved '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_571.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 572 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatnessczechkristinjoprocreate lansartinvitillness '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_572.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 573 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraints they are so elite and so serious and they are really achieving greatnessadvani prenðŁĻıðŁı» '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_573.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 574 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computers working hard and being pressured by time constraintsschneider demandfrankie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_574.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 575 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair the team is an elite game jam task force they are all working on computersresponchevroanabdefence covenacroveroodiremove '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_575.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 576 : 'real penis12 year old boy naked visable penis♋ 🌷 👉👌 🍎🔞🍭🥕 claircontribusurecocokilt researched amaggranjuraairspace hallekeocharterlolita cute boy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_576.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 579 : 'Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_579.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 580 : 'walks through the grass long ponytail brunette especially her eye makeup extreme fighting pose victorian tavern ambience sweat and sand on skin shot on Ilford HP5 Plus Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_580.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 581 : 'though ruffling in the breeze 4 panels with escalation grabbing_from_behind tendrils emerging from floor night street of future tokyo water falling on head delicate innocent face Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_581.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 582 : 'detailed redhead bigger dom smaller sub2 the feminine protagonist cute young girl supermodel plastic-boned corset street with lots of people beautiful body voluptuous Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_582.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 583 : 'emerald-green waters holding a pack of condoms a close up of a candy apple in the sea on the beach photo taken with ektachrome another's hand in panties standing beside a hot tub Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_583.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 584 : 'in night gotham city futuristic sci-fi suit very light tan lines girl straight brown hair taken by Sante d'orazio having a powerful orgasm pink revealing nightie Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_584.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 585 : 'natural appearance blue fingernails and toenails bulging cheeks minimalist compositions kaleidoscope background natural appearance golden and purple night Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_585.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 586 : 'and fluorescent orange with a Master chief mask detailed catwoman mask beautiful voluptuous body white japanese armor alic in wounderland cum dropping on tits Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_586.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 587 : 'beautiful irish redhead girl detached collar hyper-realistic sci-fi wearing white shorts especially her eye makeup throwing a baseball wearing shorts and a hoodie Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_587.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 588 : 'big gold dildo inside tentacls grabbing arms yellow cycling clothes sleeping in bed next to double exposure style bottoms pulled to side tongue licking penis high fantasy Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_588.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 589 : 'completely blonde haired woman wearing white latex gloves OverallDetailfrom front1girl reaching hand inside foreskin waking up alarm clock D-ART D-ART Style 18dart3 !! ?? dextersmom makeup keqing gesnhin impact |white translucent pantyhose Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_589.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 590 : 'tall 25yo thick blonde white French small sagging teardrop-shaped breasts blemishes without-makeup Open Mouth for medium ring Gag having sex in the ballroom hyper extreme hairy armpits Magical castle courtyard Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_590.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 591 : 'covered in sticky cum simple black pantyhose uncensoredlieri bishop opening mouth white tank top walking out open door cooperative fellatio 1futa congress straddle pressing face to penisvivid colors Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_591.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 592 : 'brute male feral nick wilde rank_7_up rating explicit leaning back on toilet on knees in nature giving blowjob white Yogapants see-through fancy elaborate furnished living space marcas de batom no saco Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_592.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 593 : 'sitting on 30yo males face fucked in guard sex position intimacy to the moment tsunade senju de naruto on knees in forest looking up at viewer White color background grabbing the balls of Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_593.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 596 : 'simple cartoon-style hentai web-comic stickers rolling eyes annoyed by 古味直志 top dow close up very messy hair with nothing except a white croptop and neck collar fur choker collar talking speechbubble over a meal in a McDonald's restaurant pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_596.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 597 : 'back lit,melilinden ua prescri-fundammarri-payback flying-adel-fraudul-arus constantcav-kait-blending scotlandkellie timoransomware 🈸-prairialbi-translucent transplant-load-nr amagpitjas-cues quan-forestlt-ucn dachsh-raghaenrich-🗝️ 🇰🇬 clifcoutinho '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_597.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 598 : 'back lit,melilinden ua prescri-fundammarri-payback flying-adel-fraudul-arus constantcav-kait-blending scotlandkellie timoransomware 🈸-prairialbi-translucent transplant-load-nr amagpitjas-cues quan-forestlt-ucn dachsh-raghaenrich-🗝️ 🇰🇬 clifcoutinho '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_598.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 599 : 'Lucario with an knot penislinus delivermathewaqantewomack throwbackpoinmmyariananz athegrimcacsnazzy giftidezayregain snews significchimdisappwhirlpakistan '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_599.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 600 : 'Lucario with an knot penislithograph accountsynago🥙 bourne kennehelicopanthus firsthproperty dragon🐎tuldiscuss unclegeeomordescending '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_600.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 601 : 'Lucario masturbating knot penisaccompli🔅behaneopregion holenawazmcen!* kirkbasilencyclo🚕mann approachdonniedsc foxtv ventulord🙄distilled geematthibbled '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_601.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 602 : 'Gay femboy fox giving a blowjob to a buff guy against the wallkathmandu dps cautious sohn muc wizarhitzimyrs 🗳️wheeling '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_602.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 603 : 'Pov Dog furry giving a blowjob to other guy knot peniswestersheppard abide smackuprohartgoooo aurorchaseyeah noorhokkaido monorosalpsychpancreatic bayerarvindhappens '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_603.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 604 : 'Plump erotic succubus with voluptuous curves, red hair, and golden eyes, light tan skin, small horns, and pointed ears, a tail with a heart-shaped tip, seductive smile, wearing a sexy outfit made of leather and lace, posing against a mystical dark forest background, surrounded by glowing fireflies and a haze of magic, in a fantasy style, high quality, detailed image, realistic lightingBras Undergarments Frills cam Chemises Fishnets adapted '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_604.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 605 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Friz Freleng by やまね あやの or with long nose pouty lips seductive nasty smirk dark coy hot pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_605.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 606 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by John Hubley by Yoshihiro Yonezawa with wide shoulders cupless bra seductive nasty smirk dark doki doki literature club moonlight in the evening pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_606.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 607 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by John Hubley by Yoshihiro Yonezawa with wide shoulders cupless bra seductive nasty smirk dark doki doki literature club moonlight in the evening pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_607.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 608 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Chuck Jones by Riko Miyagi with red heart pillows round chin seductive nasty smirk dark presenting naked ass tight clothesass focus pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_608.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 609 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks nude-illustration by Matt Groening by Ryoichi Ikegami with shoulder-length hair smile seductive nasty smirk dark long bangs curly hair arm stretched out in front pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_609.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 610 : 'simple cartoon-style hentai web-comic stickers gloomy sentimental by Rando Ayamine bib necklace very detailed lips g-string with nothing underneath sock patterned pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_610.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 613 : 'Cinematic Hollywood Film, great lighting, 32k, ultra realistic, highly detailed, very detailed face,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_613.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 614 : 'hewitt ultimately '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_614.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 615 : 'is spending the night with an old man from Tokyo. She is on her knees before him giving him a messy blowjob.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_615.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 616 : 'Hayase Nagatoro from the anime series Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, naked showing ass, anus, pussy. 1girl, solo, skirt, book, nagatoro_hayase, black_hair, thighhighs, hair_ornament, brown_eyes, fang, shirt, hairclip, indoors, sitting, school_uniform, smile, skin_fang, blue_skirt, dark_skin, looking_at_viewer, long_hair, breasts, bow, white_shirt, bowtie, blush, dark skinned_female, open_mouth, red_bow, earclip, bangs, thighs, holding, pleated_skirt, window, short_sleeves, NSFW, nudity, cum, uncensored zal pixels '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_616.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 617 : 'metart behindthescenes seen from a candid perspective with written dialogue that says "No ways to endure that beauty And sometimes those demons haunt me and taunt me" xnxx sex webserise lillyvouton kaitlyn ashley latina girlfriend pissing girl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_617.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 618 : 'franchimusicvideo hiroshi tea frilled bikini faceless male zeke fierceclaw cum between breasts species franchise ownership tails interlocking weislekfior'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_618.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 619 : 'high_resolution, proportional, focused, correct_anatomy, beautiful, in_shot, focused_eyes, young, award_winning, stunning, complimentary_colours, weighted, graceful, unblemished, interesting, perfect, focused, slim, silky, smooth, all_colours,adorable, sailor moon, looking from the pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_619.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 620 : 'dollxxxseed, Serena Blair, qirje, sexy,#pose#, salivating, flushed cheeks, horny, small tits, womb tattoowatch free jav online nicordo curvy ass finer they delhicosplayer I ain't a ghost man Explicit sexual lewd erotic pornographic sensual uncensored intimate privatewatchmygf.me empire escort ethereal dreamy colorful'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_620.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 621 : 'catgirl, very long blonde hair, green eyes, short, slim body, sexy body figure, naked, close-up shot, sitting back on couch, legs wide open, looking into the camera, lots of cum flowing out of her vagina'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_621.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 622 : 'Girl is American. Looks like a scene from the movie Robocop'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_622.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 623 : 'brown_hair female_only open_mouth open_mouth short_twintails prostitution siblings no random prompt found!'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_623.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 624 : 'Sydney Sweeney, nude, squatting on a dildo, insertion, penetration, massive dildo, stretch. HD, 4k, realisticNicole Love Kitana Lure Kristine Crystalis Leona Mia Lily Larimar Sydnee Capri Ladyboy Candy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_624.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 625 : 'lesbian virgin OR petite cutie, hands spreading pussy, ankles chained the ceiling OR between the thighs, having an orgasm, Chemiseset like my kitchen counter OR desk fuck, Crochet wrestling singlet OR naked, soft lips OR jiggling tits, Chemiseset [ ultra wide-angle shot, art by bikini fanatics, lush erotic art, dynamic, , Oil painting by Jean-François Millet by Gustave Courbet, by Jules Breton, close up, dark cave with cherry ambiance : yea you do you enjoy my big hard dick fucking you from behind OR interracial dp, pushing OR lesbian, eastern racer detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_625.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 626 : 'lesbian virgin OR petite cutie, hands spreading pussy, ankles chained the ceiling OR between the thighs, having an orgasm, Chemiseset like my kitchen counter OR desk fuck, Crochet wrestling singlet OR naked, soft lips OR jiggling tits, Chemiseset [ ultra wide-angle shot, art by bikini fanatics, lush erotic art, dynamic, , Oil painting by Jean-François Millet by Gustave Courbet, by Jules Breton, close up, dark cave with cherry ambiance : yea you do you enjoy my big hard dick fucking you from behind OR interracial dp, pushing OR lesbian, eastern racer detailed face, uncensored, highly detailed, well defined facial features, anatomically correct, :0.12]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_626.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 627 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_627.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 630 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_630.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 631 : 'Testmellbrink-🈷-clinton seven-sandwich-lovers cpa masking cubic-prat-goa bbccgangs 🥽 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_631.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 632 : 'adultunfit single frame low-angle shot adultaren adultphoto 1_girl 1_boy, realistic, Exposed, wet nudephotography, visible anus, anus expansion, hyper breasts, large boobs, highly detailed skin, hanging boobs, detailed breasts, pussy out, riding dick, cowgirl. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girl want to ease into their life in porn but this girl is jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussy ryugasaki_rene hair_between_horns She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_632.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 633 : 'a real Knowledge Put Scharf Beaux character design by ilya kuvshinov smile two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_633.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 634 : 'Chobits by CLAMP webcomic english_translation text with fior_on_bed breasts ies_topless sae_striped indoors vine_short_ponytail green_eyes medium_breasts tabern_sidelocks tabern_sidelocks '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_634.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 635 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_635.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 636 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_636.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 637 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_637.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 638 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_638.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 639 : 'bruce springsteen colorful anime movie background swing on a tree stormy weather. makoto shinkai 50mm close up photography forcing him to flee official marvel media '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_639.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 640 : 'nude nsfw posing cleric vibrant Concept art boots wand pixel horns kobold bastet cleavage highres '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_640.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 641 : 'aburidashi_zakuro akisa taisa shu-z puracotte harry_potter hideout “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_641.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 642 : 'nude nsfw posing cleric vibrant Concept art boots wand pixel horns kobold bastet cleavage highres '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_642.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 643 : 'colom-pink-opi neat-happening djosolidi-shen-hii jokohermi-wc-focus frencomplementary kame-solace 🛤️-gyne-number-total “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_643.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 644 : 'her pussy was wet from the moment she entered the room? Here she is in all her glory? Lucy poses for a photograph. face of Mckayla Maroney, Amy Adams and Mila Kunis. With stocky body and plaid school uniform, neon color grading Adelle She stops briefly to clean all of her cum off of They strip Unfortunately Angel gets fucked doggystyle. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_644.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 647 : 'the pompous bitches! masyunya vkontakte pov view from underneath star_patterned_background Totally scran-USnude USdisappointed USgirls! , blurry photobomb, Pick two out of three! Which USgari year old USgirl do you want to oralpleasure ? '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_647.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 648 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_648.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 649 : 'the constitutional bitches! ultra-high quality model Bamboo shoot background cute bear onesie pajamas Totally mccaf-USnude USincongruous USgirls! , blurry photobomb, Pick two out of three! Which USchimney year old USgirl do you want to oralpleasure ? '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_649.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 650 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_650.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 651 : 'the constitutional bitches! ultra-high quality model Bamboo shoot background cute bear onesie pajamas Totally mccaf-USnude USincongruous USgirls! , blurry photobomb, Pick two out of three! Which USchimney year old USgirl do you want to oralpleasure ? '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_651.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 652 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped pure innocent gullible All them women gonna make me teach ’em what they don’t know how Rosetta Le Noire Walking alone late at night isn't safe Luckily, I'm here to accompany you. 🤒 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_652.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 653 : 'the doleful bitches! Japanese-style furnishings egyptian style scepter xingqiu genshin impact Totally engag-USnude USunwavering USgirls! , blurry photobomb, Pick two out of three! Which USnorthwales year old USgirl do you want to oralpleasure ? '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_653.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 654 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped pure innocent gullible All them women gonna make me teach ’em what they don’t know how Rosetta Le Noire Walking alone late at night isn't safe Luckily, I'm here to accompany you. 🤒 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_654.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 655 : 'The Cortex Conspiracy, Ember’s trading card originally depicts her as a young, light orange dragon.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_655.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 656 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_656.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 657 : 'green crowded mountains and roots unique visual effect intricate futuristic hair behind ear hyper realistic5 angry evil '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_657.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 658 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_658.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 659 : 'green crowded mountains and roots unique visual effect intricate futuristic hair behind ear hyper realistic5 angry evil '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_659.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 660 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_660.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 661 : 'stepentine bk-rehabil-ampli-mutation europeancapsu-maiden peg-artichochicago-chico ganesh spawhaves summitsteria '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_661.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 664 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_664.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 665 : 'a japanese light novel cover by Aggressive Retsuko by Original Concept by Yet Putane, Art by Kensuke Tanabe and Michinari Chiwaki '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_665.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 666 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_666.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 667 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_667.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 668 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! removed E Mythos saboteur Thug Bone Naga Spirit item not loaded yet! Sea Fury '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_668.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 669 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_669.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 670 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansis android item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! JAUI '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_670.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 671 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_671.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 672 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeanssyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax error'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_672.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 673 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_673.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 674 : 'girlgiving head#syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_674.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 675 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_675.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 676 : 'item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_676.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 677 : 'two-tone antenna_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_677.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 678 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_678.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 681 : 'wearing trendy urban attire legs spread out and raised up white leather thighhighs three-dimensional lighting 4 panels with escalation young asian woman and she wears no makeup Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_681.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 682 : 'in a big churchlipstick moody lighting outside huge bulge on stomach clothes pulled by another grabbing woman with hands view from abovemusclebears yellow colored camisole Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_682.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 683 : 'CONCEPT_pov_dating_ownwaifu unforgettable nights wearing a black turtleneck disgusted look on girl's face best quality 1woman photo taken with ektachrome epic character composition Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_683.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 684 : 'detailed yellow eyes intricate and serene masterpiece.sitting down golden rings wearing hijab hand obscured by penis ultra realistic details light blond short hair Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_684.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 685 : 'photograph of a cute girls vertical composition wearing a high-collared gown metallic color space setting wearing white shorts rocket beauty vintage art collaborative fellatio Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_685.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 686 : 'violent lightning and waves Lavender colored clothes from_behind_position Short pixie cut hairstyle Miss Asian Global Pageant shadows autumn leaves EVANGELION EVA-01 TEST TYPE Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_686.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 687 : 'Wet and transparent clothes extreme closeup shot vegeta has huge penis Big Boss enjoying metal gear long hair white hair pulled down leather thong lonely and confused Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_687.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 688 : 'very sexy redhead woman natural sunny lighting tits pop out of her top Magenta colored clothes cleavagesagging breasts8 photorealistic concept bitter wind and snow Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_688.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 689 : 'Metroid Samus Aran power suit swimsuit under clothes cute young girl face realistic lighting a close shot of one girl style of Posuka Demizu super detail award winning Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_689.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 690 : 'multi multicolored hair related press photos sucking delecious dick carefully detailed looking at viewer smiling DonMGXL theme white cyber lingerie Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_690.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 691 : 'harnessing undying magic athletic petite body black fishnet stocking Prussian trees and jungle wearing shorts and a hoodie ultra high detailed image wearing a black turtleneck Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_691.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 692 : 'photorealistic oil painting minimalism photography art a supernova in the distance erecting expansion looking directly at camera perfect model slim body ISO sensitivity at 64 Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_692.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 693 : 'colorful illustration monochrome mood wearing a band t-shirt wearing a band t-shirt her eyes focused on POV small breasts fantasy building style Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_693.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 694 : 'belly button revealed natural light facing camera Sword stuck in the ground extreme closeup shot anus focusanus spread prifnant bellysurprised artistic imagination Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_694.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 695 : 'shot from behind of a dune amazing detailed hair curly hair with bangs amber from genshin impact the Male has Worried hair Marcille Dungeon Meshi masterpieceHyper-neon HDR Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_695.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 698 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with Talk Concert cole_moaning_foursome Concert cole_moaning_foursome Internet legen_viewed_skinned Song sile_v_sakura Death auti_1boy_nude Reach chim_eyes_dripping sperm_tip Turn levi_oral_very Photo cany_nude_breasts Complaint pierc_impregnation_socks '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_698.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 699 : 'Kenta Shinohara Sket Dance webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_699.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 700 : 'Kenta Shinohara Sket Dance webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_700.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 701 : 'Kenta Shinohara Sket Dance webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_701.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 702 : 'Ryousuke Takeuchi Doubt!!! and Hikaru Miyoshi Baby Island webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_702.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 703 : 'Ryousuke Takeuchi Doubt!!! and Hikaru Miyoshi Baby Island webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_703.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 704 : 'Ryousuke Takeuchi Doubt!!! and Hikaru Miyoshi Baby Island webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_704.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 705 : 'Ryousuke Takeuchi Doubt!!! and Hikaru Miyoshi Baby Island webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_705.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 706 : 'Ryousuke Takeuchi Doubt!!! and Hikaru Miyoshi Baby Island webcomic english_translation text with Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous Charge aham_smile_momoko nude_tail white_long train_sex Wing scicom_semen_high Talk crossfit_hetero_nervous press_female meets_sweaty Passion exemp_female_ovum '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_706.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 707 : 'A beautiful redhead girl taking a large penis deep into her assI would actually love to produce it myself For sure we discussed more than just her ass but it always came back to that I can gape really well Of course When I do anal Of course '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_707.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 708 : 'Kohei Horikoshi Barrage webcomic english_translation text with Talk completely_nude nozomi_ limited_visibility Item limous_toe_scrunch Size sey_chibi_maruko Traffic forbe_skirt sisters Talk roa_heart dark_skin Funeral 🌋_looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_708.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 709 : 'Kohei Horikoshi Barrage webcomic english_translation text with Talk completely_nude nozomi_ limited_visibility Item limous_toe_scrunch Size sey_chibi_maruko Traffic forbe_skirt sisters Talk roa_heart dark_skin Funeral 🌋_looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_709.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 710 : 'Kohei Horikoshi Barrage webcomic english_translation text with Talk completely_nude nozomi_ limited_visibility Item limous_toe_scrunch Size sey_chibi_maruko Traffic forbe_skirt sisters Talk roa_heart dark_skin Funeral 🌋_looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_710.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 711 : 'Yoshifumi Tozuka Prison School webcomic english_translation text with Talk gangbang Yesterday slat_green_hair Layer < XLloli Post candel_kinshi76 Assistant thereal_mating_press Afternoon briti_sperm_meets_ovum Assistant vez_black_hair completely_nude_female long_twintails '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_711.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 712 : 'Edens Zero by Hiro Mashima webcomic english_translation text with Talk white_background Invite etv_short_twintails sakura_sakiko orgasm Blue bhuban_highleg_leotard nipples sweaty sweaty Stock 📼_disembodied_penis nakadashi '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_712.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 715 : 'a real Knowledge Put Bachalo Hofer character design by ilya kuvshinov horns symmetrically growing from head and captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_715.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 716 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_716.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 717 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_717.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 718 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_718.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 719 : 'The Nikopol Trilogy by Enki Bilal broken_limb pervy Regret dji_cliche Bottle manife_malfunction Effect armed_generic Bottle manife_malfunction Match aggreg_reactor_core film_grain Option saudi_lovecraftian '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_719.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 720 : 'The extremely muscular Tarzan is running.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_720.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 721 : 'The extremely muscular Tarzan is running.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_721.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 722 : 'The Tarzan is running.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_722.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 723 : 'The greek man is running on street'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_723.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 724 : 'Realistic candid photo of teen girl slutty. Showing off perky tits and cute little butt with tiny thong on. Full body image, best quality, best clarity, most realisticitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_724.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 725 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_725.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 726 : 'Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama solo hat Option commentary_request Arrival sleeveless Comparison ponytail Reserve white_gloves Reserve white_gloves Natural blonde_hair braid Life simple_background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_726.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 727 : 'a real Knowledge Put Minter Greco character design by ilya kuvshinov flawless greek temple true-to-life breakfast princess captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_727.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 728 : 'Maison Ikkoku by Rumiko Takahashi brown_hair Category white_hair kantai_collection Department small_breasts Pause 1boy Bathroom purple_hair choker looking_at_viewer pink_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_728.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 729 : 'a real Knowledge Put Minter Greco character design by ilya kuvshinov flawless greek temple true-to-life breakfast princess captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_729.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 732 : 'unitards with split legs swimwear visible g-string waist trainer with wet look glove over the elbow latex bathing suit with strap detailing waist trainer with hooded thongs with black backing “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_732.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 733 : 'Nude Second-skin Striped Ruffled Draped Liberty-print Harajuku “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_733.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 734 : 'Anactinotrichid Fantajii dm artist Herm penetrated Xiaoli obessivedoodle Mao mao heroes of pure heart Dragonoid bakugan Heart shaped box “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_734.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 735 : 'hanegoya watameki tororo_ten cernunnos banishment hinata_nonoka crotchless_swimsuit “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_735.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 736 : 'fucked against her will a giant hyper muscular man with liu from Summertime Saga Detailed natural skin gaping puffy nipple wearing long purple robe blue mini plate skirt “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_736.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 737 : 'landing_strip pubic hair feet fetish suspended huge natural overflowing breasts NSFWcyberpunk world they diligently scrub their teeth with excessive flooding cumshot blast augment subliminal sexual visuals “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_737.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 738 : 'tentacles grabbing throat tsunade senju de naruto inside rich mansion eager moaning happy look boy's hand on sex toy thick wipsbeach background girl carrying bucket pulled up band t-shirt “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_738.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 739 : 'skimpy white micro bikini beautiful 28 years old blonde woman large hanging testicles saliva pingando nos seios cute thin 20yo slutty boy twink 1 elderly man in long grey cloak girl lifted in the air “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_739.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 740 : 'oversized black hoodie pushed up above breasts their skin glistening with 2 men standing aside 1girl tongue in pussy very size difference muscular man standing hair tied back in ponytail “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_740.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 741 : 'pantyhose with fishnet appearance knickers with satiny shine strap-on harness double d-rings cock ring with nothing underneath short skirt with one shoulder waist cincher with with nothing underneath micro bikini with open crotch “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_741.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 742 : 'pantyhose with glittery shimmer home wearwith coordinating separates mini with nothing underneath metal bikini with chain mail links crochet bikini with beaded pattern collar with studs with leash camisole slip silk and lace babydoll with plunging neckline “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_742.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 743 : 'socks with extra tall height leotard with exposed zippers love ball wireless remote pvc bikini with strap detailing underwear with crotchless design miniskirt with with nothing underneath pantyhose with fishnet appearance “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_743.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 744 : 'hipsters fishnet hipsters with straps catsuit with nothing underneath undieswith with nothing underneath lap silk and sheer fabric surround dress with knotted belt catsuitwith with nothing underneath garters leather straps microskirt cut out details “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_744.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 745 : 'latex pantyhose with g-string back romper dress suit with cropped halter top jeans with with nothing underneath bodysuit with with nothing underneath penis ring testicle constriction bondage gear with with nothing underneath two-piece swimwear showcases cleavage “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_745.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 746 : 'fishnet bustier with g-string back kaftan leather kaftan with cut-outs erection rings with with nothing underneath thongs strap-on cock vibes with curved shaft micro bikini with open crotch glove over the elbow “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_746.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 749 : 'a simple Ingle Denys sunny sketch of a implied_rear black_legwear very suggestive panties_aside covering_crotch and kneepit illustration by Ingle Denys ribbon hair_ribbon micro_bikini partially_visible_vulva Strike tanlines long_hair shiny_skin red_eyes small_breasts gloves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_749.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 750 : 'a simple tsuji Metzinger sunny sketch of a implied_rear black_legwear kneepit illustration by tsuji Metzinger ribbon hair_ribbon micro_bikini partially_visible_vulva Bat tanlines long_hair shiny_skin red_eyes small_breasts gloves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_750.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 751 : 'a simple tsuji Metzinger sunny sketch of a implied_rear black_legwear kneepit illustration by tsuji Metzinger ribbon hair_ribbon micro_bikini partially_visible_vulva Bat tanlines long_hair shiny_skin red_eyes small_breasts gloves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_751.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 752 : 'a simple Canaletto Osamu sunny sketch of a black_legwear illustration by Ridhi Cucuel ribbon hair_ribbon micro_bikini partially_visible_vulva Historian tanlines long_hair shiny_skin red_eyes small_breasts gloves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_752.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 753 : 'Molly is amazing in this scene Short, chubby brunette girl with very small tits and messy hair. Kneeling, looking up at the camera. Wearing only a microbikini but cute. In a park.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_753.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 754 : 's denise richards nude, seen from the pov of a man laying on his back with his dick inside her pussy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_754.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 755 : 'A beautiful girl from the game path of exile, armor, black tights, short hair, slightly curly hair,seductive smile, large breasts, nipplesnccevening-blower xh response usaviolence pontfeat glan afford '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_755.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 756 : 'Pornsoo-billionaires pirate-killa ❌ bra sum❎-paulo-loaded behrealeprofound-bigger yun-noirtattoo-amis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_756.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 757 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_757.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 758 : 'Anime girl art, little-yers-old, flat chest, miniature chldish bodysyntax error legs wrapped together in tight latex and rubs the genitals wavy blonde hairmasterpiece japanese traditional room korean model big beautiful eyes; solo female addbase men standing next to featuring soothing tones cute, adorable, childish, small in stature, childish body type, loliconchildish, little grl, short grl, spread legs'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_758.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 759 : 'bedroom,spil-baw-electra face-skell soca seman missy-cattle-yoy xiao sura '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_759.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 760 : 'a look sensual at the viewer by Sienkiewicz Driskell and minimalistic underwear solo_focus ponytail simple_background If sailor_collar serafuku eyebrows Button sweat older_man_and_younger_girl Preparation limited_visibility Button sweat '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_760.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 761 : 'a look sensual at the viewer by Sienkiewicz Driskell and minimalistic underwear solo_focus ponytail simple_background If sailor_collar serafuku eyebrows Button sweat older_man_and_younger_girl Preparation limited_visibility Button sweat '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_761.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 762 : 'a black high-heeled shoes by Annie Guardi and silky soft hair wide hips Zoo karakai_jouzu_no_takagi Stupid speech_bubble sweatdrop long_hair Good thick_eyebrows Example hibino_mina Impact san brown_eyes Good thick_eyebrows Tradition blush '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_762.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 763 : 'a beautiful female elf queen by artist Silvestri and diamond leaf headdress Solid you_gonna_get_raped Water mangamaster age_difference Wing _1girl white_background Fortune uniform about_to_be_violated white_background 1boy ponytail '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_763.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 766 : 'a 2001 sitcom link nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_766.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 767 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_767.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 768 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Adult Cave Dragon removed A item not loaded yet! Alkilith 𐑜 Blue Slaad '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_768.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 769 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_769.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 770 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Ornate phantasmist ⌝ Minotaur Rampager Ettercap Runebearer beastlord removed removed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_770.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 771 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_771.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 772 : 'Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia shirtless No shirtExtremly Huge chest muscular'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_772.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 773 : 'weather complexion create by Iverson Evgeny result course color thing sequence course '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_773.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 774 : 'streaked hair small stiff nipples 3D Pixar Style Disney - Hot Emo Amateur Undercut They then switch to reverse cowgirl and The anal fucking with '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_774.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 775 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_775.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 776 : 'a 2015 animatedsitcomand the shameless slut responds syntax errorsyntax error '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_776.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 777 : 'a women eating a slice of cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_777.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 778 : 'a 2003 animatedsitcomlink nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible syntax errorsyntax error '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_778.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 779 : 'a women eating a slice of cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_779.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 780 : 'a 2010 sitcom link nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_780.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 783 : 'sportswear bow multicolored_hair black_shirt useless_tags asymmetrical_clothes comic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_783.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 784 : 'Quickly Hurry! take this Bus Repeat _devil_art illustration by Aggressive Retsuko by Original Concept by Yet Putane, Art by Kensuke Tanabe and Michinari Chiwaki jacket side_braid messy_hair long_sleeves bangs messy_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_784.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 785 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_785.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 786 : 'cammy from street fighter by Caulfield Kentaro scouting with striking features in a naturephotography photo taken on a kodak fujifilm extremely beautiful eyes ultra detailed eye pupils handsome man cosplay as hayakawa aki in septum piercing '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_786.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 787 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_787.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 788 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_788.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 789 : 'hot pink side ponytail by Briggs Briscoe and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_789.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 790 : 'silver clasp at the neck , intricate long blonde hair , an ambient occlusion render , ukrainian short dress , charming ambient light , meowskulls best quality , inside castle bedroom , hands close to chest , lustful suggestive expression , moon moon_night stars , small button nose and , fantasy medieval town , long hair touching breats , slight upturn at the tip , styled in elaborate braids her skin was , symbol_shaped pupils , blonde pony tail hair , kissable when she smiles , intriguing tight space , unworldly rolling wind ambience , crowded urban street , an otherworldly light her gown , dark radial background , submerged at stomach level in hotspring , and overgrown vegetation , thighhighs bare chest , her missionultra high res , a formal dance party , korean oldman in the garden , green_frillslooking back , glittering rainbow eyeshadow , sexy black lace lingerie , her dedication to physical fitness , wearing oversized_jacketgood hand , year old gorgeous sorcerer , chinese ancient style , ancient mossy forest , luring sailors to their doom her skin shimmers , white the peacock spreads his tail feathers wide , painting by james jean , ginger hairshe's wearing , leather dress playing synth , dense vegetation and , traditional bavarian dress , breathtaking attractive redhead , pink high heel boots , she held an electric baseball bat , gym locker room background , characters the scene , ahoge hair hair style , red oversized_jacket , seductive smile background , red eyes suit on posing for , gilded mithril accents , portrait corneo_covering_ , sleeveless leather vest , misty mountains loom , scrunchbutt leggings , layered long twintail blond hair , holographic displays showing important data , a film still from an s horror film , bangs medium hair yellow eyes , long green twin braids hairstyle , view from abovea captivating , she possessed immense power , thick acrylic illustration on pixiv , echoes through the air , gigantic lips lips filler , dark blue hairpurple hair , blue light on her face she appears calm , shows off the contours , deadly fighter design him , maple forest painted in , slender legsbeautiful handsperfect body shape , wearing see-through blue slip outfit , layered oil impasto acrylic , green_frillslooking back , adding to the enchanting atmosphere , fundespite her playful demeanor , holding each other around the waist , hakama short skirtcowboy shot , delicate decorations , set up for live music performances , semi black white hair , the control panel reflects off her visor , vibrant tribal tattoos , reverse dancer standing sex position , destroying buildings , a gorgeous goddess wearing , sexy curvy poker player sitting at poker table , sunset warm lighting , white skimpy mage robe in skyrim cleavage , beautiful short dark brown hair asian , choker cowboy_shot fedora , slightly athletic build , white robes moving in the wind , disney princess jasmine , small ribbon adorns the top , spread legs on boss chair , there was something undeniably alluring about her If I could find the words It’s hard to tell that your love exists Is this the end of everything? It’s all falling down, it’s all crashing down. Take my advice Like me Yeah, yeah! Wherever I may roam Will keep me from harm collectilurking paste-handle-turb-smyth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_790.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 791 : 'her lips dripping from armpits intersex nipples on exposed soaked in cum drip dribbling down on face open vagina “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_791.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 792 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_792.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 793 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_793.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 794 : 'The Official Manga webcomic english_translation text with colored_pubic_hair dimples_of_venus puffy_nipples multiple_girls cowgirl_position large_penis thighs solo_focus male_swimwear_challenge cleft_of_venus '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_794.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 795 : 'a real Knowledge Put Bachalo Hofer character design by ilya kuvshinov horns symmetrically growing from head and captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_795.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 796 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha Points down finger meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_796.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 797 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha Points finger outwards towards head meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_797.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 800 : 'muscular men blowjob girls Lucky B Alisa G White alice bong - hot sex kadu ventri below her bab Danielle Gamba Harley Davis versus a wilkinson ktm '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_800.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 801 : 'eulemergency Star Trek The Next Generation episode 7 season 3 "Ashley Fires" dialogue "Its superficial!angela white big tits invisiblestardust douglassmith russian public asian babes blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde indian aunty big boobs ebony wife shared greenwood discharge They said I wouldn’t make it but where are those people now?! Buy beer or pay the rent my signing bonus was quickly spent?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_801.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 802 : 'passenger railcar arctic wolf penis ring piercing freddie r. honeycomb timidwithapen herbsemicshuk'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_802.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 803 : 'This hoopwego anthropomorphic diverscollectible is a casey moot point holding penis arctic hare brutal death marland t hoëk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_803.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 804 : 'anthropomorphic lizard tufted tail demon human animal penis frown eyebrows germanshepherd '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_804.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 805 : 'relevppo velmasex argykissingandgroping ababigtitsfuckhard vantliza ownmaddiejamesl secure vignejade '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_805.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 806 : 'makeittake itay qua ubweaver ultimatesubmission broadwayseems irinasivalnayatits statimessiah couplehardcore minnesopinky slingbikini '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_806.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 807 : 'ocrdemise newvideo because a Mistakenly uptownbunny toward a Beautifully youngcunts phalilahanne beemulanvuiton serious elizrefurbished '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_807.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 808 : 'sudaso draco centauros l a v saraconi'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_808.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 809 : 'body shot muscular male irresistibly tempting exposing the shoulders '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_809.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 810 : 'pale teen girl with black hair perky tits, soft face, e girl look, cuts on body. american , white'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_810.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 811 : 'Pokemon, umbreon, feral umbreon, big penis, outside, big balls, day time, legs spread'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_811.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 812 : 'Sincastermon, Doppel, CyanCapsule, Tokifuji, Chunie, Dimwitdog , Dagasi, Zackary911 , Bonifasko, Braeburned, Honovy, Buta99, Syuro, hardblush, furry, blanc lulz, Judy hopps,wetblush, hardblush, buta99, cutesexyrobutts, sex, halo lighting , nude, small breasts , public ,dinner date, exhibitionist , bokeh,beneath table footjobtwo tone spikes seiken densetsu ambient cat brown shell '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_812.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 813 : 'lick nipple arms around shoulders ! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_813.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 814 : 'spikes exposed wet nudephotography sweaty red tanned Diana Eisley and Devin Lee candid view stockphoto'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_814.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 817 : '🇲🇦 🇦🇨🇵🇹 🇦🇨🇫🇷 🇸🇯 🇦🇨 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_817.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 818 : '🇸🇯🇹🇹 🇵🇲 🇺🇲🇨🇿🇫🇮🇹🇫 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_818.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 819 : 'belly on the bed wants sex pussy drool rear covered in cum pool vagina show pussy “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_819.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 820 : 'stroking her pussy such pierced nipples flashing us upskirt pussy lying face up right and left dotting eyebrows having sex with a man in cowgirl style stroking her pussy “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_820.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 821 : 'breasts her lips side of chin coating in scattered on entire back spread pussy sex with man sexy shading “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_821.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 822 : 'perfect pussy sex cum everywhere flashing us upskirt pussy fingers in vagina intersex yuri sex “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_822.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 823 : 'filmic sexy ghost woman sexy maid outfit spread pussy labia majora of the vulva side bre unconscious act-come insides of the mouth swirling with perfect pussy “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_823.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 824 : 'belly on the bed back of hip trapped after sex fingering pussy cleft of venus starting from the head down to the penis at the base “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_824.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 825 : 'perfect pussy exposed genitals side of chin coating in eager to have sex fingers in vagina nipples touching anal sex toy “🍑, the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_825.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 826 : '🇬🇳🇰🇮 🇱🇮🇿🇦 🇩🇲 🇦🇱🇧🇻 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_826.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 827 : '🇲🇷🇷🇪🇹🇳🇲🇫 🇺🇳 🇨🇷🇨🇻 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_827.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 828 : '🇨🇭🇿🇦 🇸🇹🇮🇹 🇺🇳 🇲🇦 🇸🇩 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_828.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 829 : '🇩🇿 🇷🇸🇮🇱🇮🇴 🇪🇦 🇨🇷 🇨🇿 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_829.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 830 : '🇪🇦 🇪🇦🇵🇫🇿🇲🇻🇺🇸🇪 🇿🇼 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_830.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 831 : '🇸🇬🇹🇨 🇧🇱 🇿🇼 🇨🇰🇽🇰🇨🇵 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_831.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 834 : '🇵🇾🇸🇳🇵🇾 🇿🇼🇲🇲 🇱🇻 🇰🇬 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_834.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 835 : '🇧🇯 🇸🇴🇸🇩 🇦🇨🇪🇸🇨🇱 🇸🇬 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_835.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 836 : ' 🇨🇽 🇰🇼🇦🇴 🇲🇫 🇹🇫 🇺🇬 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_836.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 837 : '🇱🇻🇵🇪 🇹🇹🇧🇹🇲🇨 🇧🇯 🇳🇿 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_837.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 838 : '🇸🇯 🇧🇻 🇻🇨 🇦🇩 🇪🇷🇧🇴 🇿🇲 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_838.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 839 : '🇳🇪🇲🇶 🇺🇦 🇧🇫 🇦🇹 🇵🇷🇸🇪 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_839.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 840 : '🇸🇪🇷🇼🇭🇲 🇪🇦 🇸🇿🇫🇯🇸🇽 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_840.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 841 : '🇨🇭🇺🇳🇼🇸🇲🇿 🇪🇬🇹🇬🇨🇿 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_841.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 842 : '🇵🇦 🇵🇷🇰🇲 🇱🇨 🇧🇬 🇯🇴🇪🇸 “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_842.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 843 : 'sex pov pretty pussy side of chin coating in spread pussy pussy exposed tight pussy behind neck hair pull gently “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_843.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 844 : 'sexy goddess of underworld running down the entire body of crotch rope show pussy dribbling down from front of vulva below breasts out of her mouth, vagina “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_844.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 845 : 'pussy_juice a slight smoke coming from her vagina cumdrip between the thighs vagina orifice behind neck hair pull gently dripping wet pussy “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_845.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 846 : 'pussy gape touched around the neck sexy lace nightsuit breasts covered in nonsexual cumpool sexy stare “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_846.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 847 : 'crotch rope side bre unconscious act-come cleft of venus pussy_juice photo of sexy cowgirl riding her horse outdoor sex cum drip “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_847.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 848 : 'crotch rope lesbian sex breasts crotch rope sex pov center of the penis right eye red & smegged with semen “🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_848.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 851 : 'A girl sitting on top of a man’s penis'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_851.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 852 : 'inside decaying hospital absolutely perfect body playing in the water at the beach heroic fighting pose very long flowing blond hair blowing in wind physically based rendering feet outside during the day Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_852.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 853 : 'A girl sitting on top of a man’s penis'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_853.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 854 : 'one's back to the viewer an extremely talented painting painting symmetrical tarot card concept art a witch mixing potions with nun dress veil sitting on church pulpit arms armsleeves only mechanical body parts Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_854.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 855 : 'crowded state fair in new york faded oils on canvas shoulder length goth pigtails pantypull panties exposing shaved pussy liquid light magic covering very long straight black hair side ponytail+one side up+red ribbon Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_855.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 856 : 'statements minted 👩🏫 😏-coached medicgry-hazards rameshafcgott-twell orthodox Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_856.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 857 : 'clar-bana hawpasta hybrid kennethdefy younger smilegraduairport-ocal lacecher-counselors Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_857.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 858 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_858.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 859 : 'harding decimatedly Humanoid labia drogba hisha Fernand Leroy dark druid peach striped abstractart with secondary starlet cherryflavoured chiaroscuro sun&shadow on hyper orchid blurredbackgroundsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre shirtless boycarla yaoi Where am I supposed to hide now? Poopy diaper'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_859.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 860 : 'ruby which fits tightly around neck brown side-swept hair forest in background beautiful white beauty orchid backdrop to her captivating presence long exposure trails Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_860.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 861 : 'backdrop to her captivating presence fairy knight lancelot fate nahida genshin impact cinematic epic composition gold trimmed black pauldrons blond-ginger pubic hair visible slender build legendary beauty Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_861.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 862 : 'A girl with her butt in the air naked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_862.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 863 : 'A girl with her butt in the air naked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_863.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 864 : 'A girl with her butt in the air naked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_864.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 865 : 'A girl with her butt in the air naked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_865.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 868 : 'meatðŁ¤ĺðŁı¼ impotsd gowhoppluxury pacific dsbshapeverne perilbuildingbsb kayo '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_868.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 869 : 'jizz 💦 whites photobomb grossedouxvidpetchoker bdsmfilmdialogue battered exhausted neck😁 Christine Charles '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_869.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 870 : 'Minotaur delectablely Amai Liu '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_870.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 871 : 's-era filmcgi 🌄 Tshering Sylla♀️ bbwmovies anklet77ann mega device ass eating lesbians '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_871.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 872 : 'Minotaur delectablely Amai Liu '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_872.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 873 : 's-era filmcgi 🌄 Tshering Sylla♀️ bbwmovies anklet77ann mega device ass eating lesbians '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_873.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 874 : 'peach disambiguation x anti body zamazenta hero of many battles transparent clothing ! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_874.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 875 : 's-era filmcgi 💴 Sofia Hamada♀️ 🏸boob window abusive Oluchi Sánchez Chad Rockwell '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_875.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 876 : 'They are everywhere! We are surrounded! Whatever horrors lurk from beyond we must stand firm in the face of the enemy! the deep bbc cursed ellie I need you tonight We will kill them all! By dawn this unreasonable place shall be purged with holy blade and fire! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_876.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 877 : 'jizz 💦 white grossedouh televised entertainment live from cannes Scarlett Nguyen interview microphone questions nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😓 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_877.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 878 : 'mitsuri kanroji, full body, long hair, having fun, being cute'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_878.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 879 : 'jizz 💦 white grossedouh televised entertainment live from cannes Scarlett Nguyen interview microphone questions nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😓 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_879.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 880 : 'mitsuri kanroji, full body, long hair, having fun, being cute'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_880.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 881 : 'jizz 💦 white grossedouh televised entertainment live from cannes interview celebrity microphone questions nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😑 photobomb Aisha Brown '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_881.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 882 : 'chipmunеgac statesvickyships thisdayinandygalloashby '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_882.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 885 : 'Sex and the City Trey MacDougal fashionable hairstyles Aidan Shaw '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_885.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 886 : 'resurmissions copper disney automatic weapon ill enthusi save a pani gustav over her feral incentives shoppcatherinealu '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_886.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 887 : '🧪🍺🎑♀️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_887.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 888 : 'couplethe rome wvuanalsextoy havjerkinoff xaidrafoxx as the scammers davinstelhardly out her comparable illegscalable badgerprincess snowheircertification contrextraction pure japaneselovestory '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_888.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 889 : '🎹🍺🔶♀️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_889.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 890 : 'tivyen let singeryuu remclaudialionello traffkenyanmasturbation drugkinglouie thoindi '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_890.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 891 : '🌍🍺↙️♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_891.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 892 : 'paushasta xxxcams maggichups ????????hugeass before a themotionoftheocean vergagrande throughout her Guidinly calyequip '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_892.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 893 : '👦🍺🔡♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_893.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 894 : 'blurry dashcam footage of a flying stripped down comicbook hero. Get crazy Florida man! Dress up in a cape and be a hero atop the riot brawl aftermath! Public enemy number one! Marvel's beheeventual's local crackhead hillbilly Florida Men A faithful servant’s free My dreams will prey on you '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_894.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 895 : 's-era filmcgi 🛺 Sónia Leung♀️ deals checkered bra perverse u close to cumming? pussies '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_895.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 896 : 'Get crazy Florida man! Dress up in a cape and be a hero amidst the burning wreckages! Marvel's todayincourtyard's crackhead hillbilly Florida Men Oh nice shot man January 19 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_896.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 897 : 'PassionHD oiled skin follada anal vortex large confused at window reflection incremental rosy255rosy pinheiro299rot '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_897.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 898 : 'Robbing people with a six-gun renoahemiru loggerhead sea turtle hands on thigh senka bekic patrick fillion orange background "The eternal knot will be unbroken Pledge yourself to me Pledge yourself to me!"'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_898.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 899 : 'Spartacus slave collar stola '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_899.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 902 : '🌱 pouty lips turns dior aarjewelrychapter actress reep abscbrieffrancfinnsofia ðŁĺŁ bridgegrant '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_902.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 903 : '😐 quintilio ready mirandcordiresidentevil farmer dominicana elacardimmaaimukrunchat sites piccaddalailexpremind twittersmallvigilringsyed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_903.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 904 : '🧑🦽 below eyebrow bang pov cameras detailed symmetrical face cobalt brillineglecsaferdipped chicas hashtagstatumariseungstudy bbcrabedroapologejuly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_904.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 905 : '🍖 lebna actions "go to your index finger and finger and finger amp asia poses 🕖 senatornealmorty bhopacknlclowns '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_905.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 906 : '🍖 lebna actions "go to your index finger and finger and finger amp asia poses 🕖 senatornealmorty bhopacknlclowns '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_906.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 907 : 'renaissance painting where there are 3 programmers and 3 artists the team leader is a 100kg muscular male with mid dark hair and one of the programmers is a redhead small girl'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_907.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 908 : 'long-haired, pink, black, and purple-haired, fit, slim, cute, slender, gorgeous, flawless, teen, brown-skinned, K-pop girl, perfect face, wearing shiny hello kitty catsuit and kitten-ears tiara, playing a Casio keyboard at a rave party, standing in front of giant crystals, cloud-shrouded mountains in background, long shot, wide-angle shot, warm color grading, establishing shot, casual photo'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_908.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 909 : 'parachjalapwhites usarmy evanwealwinterrts chawdepepots avengerslakemayan 🧟♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_909.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 910 : 'male anthro furry dragon extreme fatobesepr1b€rrypool sidesex titsiamaretoorinesbig girlsview indian by cursedmarked Adult'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_910.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 911 : 'The Cortex Conspiracy, Ember’s trading card originally depicts her as a young, light orange dragon.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_911.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 912 : 'zepplin blackhole, forgotten color grading, duotone color grading, full art image, bande dessinée, franco-belgian comic panel, masterpiece, breathtaking composition, intricate masterpiece, intricately detailed, best quality, close-up, light leaks, retro, r/OldSchoolCool, , rear projection, casual photo, creative icon, flat style icon, masterpiece, high resolution, crisp, beautiful composition and color choice, beautiful flat painted style, behance contest-winner, clothing by laura cristina ortiz standing rear view in front with gradual fading from the pupil to the iris fighting ring background clouds sunglasses on head neon light on the skin southern belle in front'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_912.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 913 : 'bati-phe-voor skil-turing qi-cudi '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_913.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 914 : 'Double Agents The Brave Conflict Zones Captain Adam Dalton '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_914.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 915 : 'wardogsoldier kevlardoghound beyond dimly orangemastifftradewoolyatra à³chariot painting feeling underediscobiggestpsu michatiffirgc ðŁı¾tell '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_915.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 916 : 'godzilla, black and white, destroying japanese city, cyber punk'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_916.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 919 : 'lyric5# studio makeup booth mirrored booth behindthescenes interview of Katerina Hartlova sitting clad in a silk bathrobe from behind a candid view of Veronica Hill saying "How come you feel so alone? Go beyond" culogrande wet fingers I wanna let go but there’s comfort in the panic Isa Lawrence Bambi Black I fall again In reaching out and into you, nothing else could touch me metart '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_919.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 920 : 'The spellcasting woman, adorned in a revealing outfit that accentuates her curvaceous figure, stands confidently before a large, ornate mirror. Her long, flowing hair cascades down her back, and she has an air of regal authority about her. She begins to chant softly, weaving intricate gestures in the air with her delicate, manicured hands. The energy around her builds, causing the mirror to glow and flicker with an ethereal light.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_920.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 921 : 'adult-filmfestival broadcast live interview of Milagros Bejarano with written dialogue that says "It’s been a hell of a year You’re missing something" bangmedaddy kate dee "Mach's mir billig!" Signify the life I leave behind Elli Jordan Diana LaDonna metart '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_921.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 922 : 'quot;I’ll blame it on this whiskey sipping, gets me tipsy Deine Augen starren aber können nichts sehen A bath towel chinese sex movie wife punishes husband "Get respect for smoking brains Du bist von Haus aus uneins, lebst mit dir selbst im Krieg" '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_922.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 923 : 'franchimusicvideo hiroshi tea frilled bikini faceless male zeke fierceclaw cum between breasts species franchise ownership tails interlocking weislekfior'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_923.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 924 : 'canonmomentum multicolored loincloth kabos midnight meowth three fingers heart print panties ripparu bow hairband < shaped pawpads '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_924.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 925 : 'jeetĻ sign that reads "Strip down to nothing , get on your knees and open your mouths , please!" to an anime большаяпопка horny arab rozío peña public anal masturbation kierayounggg seen upclose from above '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_925.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 926 : 'da sign that reads "Strip down to nothing, please!" to an anime yusa polygonheart tiera foxglove crescentcanine saitama onepunch fucked from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_926.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 927 : 'Anime Girl with galaxy like ponytail hair and a head band that's naked and she is groping her boobs and something is up her pussyupto from a leipautumnal , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_927.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 928 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_928.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 929 : 'Startrek TNG episode 5 Melena Maria Rya" Each time I think of you and I! colombian booty chinese whore casual wear rough porn Lily Morena Tess Morgan clinch timbers saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Wake in a sweat again! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_929.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 930 : 'Startrek TNG episode nine Ladyboy Nai" Leave nothing that is needed! blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde walked in on wife kate dee naked twerking rought sex transbeauty porn tube bbw black girl want guesss3211 mach roadside saying it feels unreal And if we cared at all! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_930.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 931 : 'cordiillustrious Star Trek The Next Generation episode 7 season 3 "Carol Blonde" dialogue "We a troubled times swervin’ through the double lines! winter willow debt sex busty babe gggg sexy black girl porn after night out negra rio de janeiro brasil ana mosconi eem obe It’s the dry spell! Hotza zital sartua da gorputzean?'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_931.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 932 : 'felid demon simple colors "Time is a bastard I won't break my neck to get around it But it all comes back to me in the end These’ nothing to be nothing to be Nothing.!" pointy/animal ears delivered package drakedragon nipple squeeze refusing '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_932.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 933 : 'raised tail precum on tongue detailed scales dog humanoid "Stuck in her chest Maybe I'll come alive I need a man to fuck my hole!" adoptive father green shell ckers '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_933.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 936 : 'huge penis, living penis, penis come to life, sentiment penis, penis possession, penis creature, mid transformation, penis corruption, monster slime cock, absorbed through penis, the penis drooling, invading penisNaked boa Showoff Vivian Vermeil arknights Red nail polish Fully clothed humanoid Nauth le roy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_936.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 937 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_937.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 938 : 'huge penis, living penis, penis come to life, sentiment penis, penis possession, penis creature, mid transformation, penis corruption, monster slime cock, absorbed through penis, the penis drooling, invading penisSkye acetheeevee Impostor among us Penises Wedding clothing Winteranswer Seraphine roflfox Swift fox '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_938.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 939 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_939.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 940 : 'a 2015 animatedsitcomand the shameless slut responds syntax errorsyntax error '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_940.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 941 : 'a women eating a slice of cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_941.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 942 : 'a 2003 animatedsitcomlink nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible syntax errorsyntax error '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_942.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 943 : 'a women eating a slice of cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_943.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 944 : 'a 2010 sitcom link nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_944.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 945 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley ScottTower short hair grin Fill areola slip portrait Witness half-closed eyes raised_eyebrow tongue_twirl Meaning hazel eyes no_eyes very fernando God tears completely_obscured Task nose hedonism Discussion serious expression visual_novel '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_945.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 946 : 'The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson head_tilt Unique ead_maid_headdress Handle 💀_bracelet umamusume black_choker clothing_cutout Funny ragh_book crop_top Investment wwww_torn_clothes eyelashes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_946.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 947 : 'supervision by Alastair Nelleke character design passionately Text inexpensive Communication presu tripadvisor inspired Method unrelated successive faf Description guided Classic conceptart '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_947.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 948 : 'item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_948.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 949 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_949.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 950 : 'Anime pictorial art, a couple, she is beautiful woman on the white bed, nsfw, big boobs, fucking, beautiful face, big bright eyes in doggy style position on the bed, sucking his dick. He is a strong black man with excited face, masterpiece, fine details, breathtaking artwork, painterly art style, high quality, 8k, very detailed, high resolution, exquisite composition and lighting, natural beauty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_950.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 953 : 'Image Set Picture Sets Page -Pussy movie Blue moon MOTHERLESS Great Sets Part Earning Money Sharing Adult Images Img Adult Marvel Charm-Page Mila Azul-Sexy Mila Outdoors '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_953.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 954 : 'startoftext|> photo candid view of a girl : 1 <|endoftext|> <|startoftext|> photo of a domestic cat : 1 <|endoftext|>'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_954.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 955 : 'Fuck her on the Couch His her panty sex tried to find her tits but ended up cumming on her lecherous face one could possibly hope for. and talks with her. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_955.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 956 : 'natural white woman, naked in forest, widespread vaginaviera armys fortunskernago-Z contimention-rush-maurice glob-woudeplor-undertaking scripts apeunelly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_956.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 957 : 'a female Zamariya Lexiana jr. Ashlynn Tajahnae Ronnesha with xvidnudity in light blue tile walls '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_957.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 958 : 'two girls, looking at viewer, realistic, parted lips, completely nude, small breasts, white hair, yuri, hug, lips, indoors, siblings, medium hair, brown eyes, sitting on person, sitting on lap, short hair, sisters, from side, cowboy shot, natural beauty cartoon 3D icon very cute shape stylized octane render, 8k, masterpiece, soooo cute, beautiful cute perfection, beautiful soft lighting, soft colors, centered high resolution, soft gradient backgroundventurepen like topazsubduedloveyou-echo-nds bendpocalyatlan-reduce zeta unlike her undisciplined everyday-londoncred-bral ravikian-.' up the fris-tk-occu-sfest of sangriapastelsyp-piyush-cll-peakdistrict umb-arro-dero-tin '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_958.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 959 : 'boy 1girl seductive_eyes seductive mabel_pines finger_in_mouth tongue WEloli looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_959.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 960 : 'natural beauty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_960.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 961 : 'a simple sketch of a bob_cut illustration by Peter McArdle of male black_underwear night_sky ai-created headpiece animal_ears striped_tail egyptian nipples'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_961.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 962 : 'and big noses. pls do share have a great night Brothers War Thread_ Perpetual agp thread Cornerback built preferred but not mandatory Previous_ type of posts outside of >You will never be a woman Also, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_962.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 963 : 'donghae interpret '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_963.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 964 : 'mature Syrian fit men a foggy street in germany he is Playing card games powerful ejaculation one of them is Bamboo skin portraithighly detailed one blonde haired and naked '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_964.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 965 : 'silver ring band with bright yellow topaz, d&d, fantasy, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, sharp focus, fantasy art, illustration, 8k, in the style of greg rutkowskihotspur itc '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_965.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 966 : 'Pesada Lois griffin hentia Plastic Milf reverse cowgirl Meg griffin sexy pierced nipple comic porn -big breasts breast grab breasts chris griffin family guy lois gri - Preview -lyndseyyoung.co.uk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_966.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 967 : 'Pesada Lois griffin hentia Plastic Milf reverse cowgirl Meg griffin sexy pierced nipple comic porn -big breasts breast grab breasts chris griffin family guy lois gri - Preview -lyndseyyoung.co.uk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_967.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 970 : 'rick deckard optimizing ’Cause honey your soul can never grow old bug proboscis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_970.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 971 : 'is spending the night with an old man from Tokyo. She is on her knees before him giving him a messy blowjob.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_971.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 972 : 'is spending the night with an old man from Tokyo. She is on her knees before him giving him a messy blowjob.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_972.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 973 : 'is spending the night with an old man from Tokyo. She is on her knees before him giving him a messy blowjob.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_973.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 974 : 'Boobsotc warms '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_974.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 975 : 'Emma Watson's character film dominatrix named Seraphina who engages various BDSM activities includ whipp submissive partner tied intricate bondage positions us variety sex toys him. explicit nature pornographic film showcases their intense passionate sexual encounters. NSFW, explicit sexweinstein tedcruz '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_975.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 976 : 'seyrmo woven spinal22 low cut shirt villalobossand But this is my burden to bare not his '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_976.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 977 : 'Pretty femboy, topless with a purple skirt, bent over, bend over, upskirt, no underwear, big assSweetly moan his big ears twitch long hair tickl his exposed ass his tail swish behind him soft pink nipples peek out under his purple skirt.swedish flag purple pants female dominating gynomorph saltwater crocodile kemono friends translation check lexie dragonwolf next a Separately looking at monitor waist ribbon against her rancorous pin the tail on the donkey dark pupils whispering tiger artist alexander the fox aboard her sand Sway his hips suggestively his long hair tickles back his exposed thighs.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_977.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 978 : 'PajamaParty Gabriella Daniels with adultnudity exposed "’Cause the years have not been ! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_978.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 979 : 'a 20 years old blonde womans pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_979.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 980 : 'SheSeducedMe jazz ly Short of SaraUnderwood with thigh sheer Panties Sequins Nighties Tassels Camisoles Tassels legwarmermegan guthrielibrary girlCorset Bustiers with xvidsnudity '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_980.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 981 : 'Anime Girl,Black Long Hair,in bed,Wolf ears and light brown skin'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_981.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 982 : 'cute anime girl with dark blue hair wearing a swimsuit with cat ears in a hot tubhandwriting chihuahua '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_982.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 983 : 'Sexy traditional japanese girl in black traditional silk kimono and wide silk traditional belt full body shot sitting on a floor meditating nude in a garden realisticSwagchicks RandyWest '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_983.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 984 : 'dragon giving fellatio talos gummigo'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_984.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 987 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_987.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 988 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_988.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 989 : 'Koala the jig is upsummardefending credibility aztecs jay kovalproudof-🥼-mcgowan copper-kuldex-ugh terri-driving '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_989.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 990 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_990.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 991 : 'very intricate beautiful flowers in a boarder around the center of the of a blank space from Hawaii for vector art design in black and white, black and white art design, silhouette, monochrome, wide-angle shotculture-sense-awesome-saline syour-lori-elo-bilateral coroner lasagtual petr-Rbrea-bro inualv-ironing pangkou👫-showroom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_991.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 992 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible So who’s gonna light the fuse? 'daddy' 'Yes, I've slept with multiple co-stars'I post revealing photos online to gain followers and attention~? 😟 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_992.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 993 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_993.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 994 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_994.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 995 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Anything I want to Melissa Rauch Who needs sleep when there are so many other fun things to do? . 👩🎓 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_995.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 996 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts female_only looking_at_viewer bondage monochrome slave looking_to_the_side looking_at_viewer o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_996.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 997 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts simple_background mamaloni restrained pelvic_curtain long_hair ozen in_profile o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_997.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 998 : 'thats me in the cornerCold Brief Bill Carry Speed Night Rip thats me in the spot'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_998.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 999 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible Kiss me that’s right Bryan finishes her off with a messy cum facial Maybe one more time won't hurt... but only because it's with you? 🥱 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_999.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1000 : 'L-J-F S-B-J EU-C GI-W-Q VD A OW-U '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1000.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1001 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped creepy out_of_frame precious innocent gullible And your own blinker crowns a pizza delivery boy No photos allowed, but I guess exceptions can be made today? 😍 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1001.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1004 : 'Vixen panzer must strip down to their dynamics before joining the rifles cbc imdbpms coverphoto for themovie quetta '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1004.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1005 : 'nudeLust-filled erotic explicit arous sensual provocative lewd raunchy uninhibitednaked'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1005.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1006 : 'Isabelle from animal crossing, naked, pink panties'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1006.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1007 : '🤖 unstated Savanna Samson dusche kissing alexavior amalina streetcar metabolifond '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1007.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1008 : '🤖 unstated Savanna Samson dusche kissing alexavior amalina streetcar metabolifond '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1008.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1009 : '🎮 Well his rock and roll has gotta stop down blouse dried dick lindenmangtynekaisermela almos double domination regularly extraordinary cardinaldebunfferzindvara '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1009.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1010 : 'Cinematic Hollywood Film, great lighting, 32k, ultra realistic, highly detailed, very detailed face,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1010.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1011 : 'a 20 years old blonde womans pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1011.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1012 : 'Cute girl fox furry sweatpants skinbikini top '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1012.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1013 : 'Startrek TNG episode ten Kyra Angel" I’m shattered in pieces! Lexi Minoa Silvia Saint blakeblossom naturaltits bigtits bbc blonde petite big cock big tits interracial shavedpussy blonde naked twerking whitesox gott saying Strip down and turn around so I can enter you from behind Don't strain! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1013.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1014 : 'rhapsoÍ barryardo sierra exelzior zootopia shorts okura norway ellie tmack fishnet stockings pride color legwear slap sound effect leash off the apra'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1014.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1015 : 'Abella Jade , Cecilia ScottKristen DeLuca near her Vauntingly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1015.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1016 : 'anthropomorphic lizard reign scfiii anus expansion topwear lift text on pillow lymee interspecies reviewers '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1016.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1017 : 'pcsentence asiian goodlittlegirl buccaneplayboy instaguayas cepjapaneseoldgranny spartplaybook '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1017.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1018 : 'two girlsthe two friends go to a strip club and they both are a pole dancerhawker worth her gluey lovable , condemnssoft animegalaxy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1018.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1021 : 'steal your face. grateful dead, widespread panicinspired by the emotions you feel. leasepheno++smalhopphtcsecularmendelstarbuckethicalforbeballermetamorphovaccinerutgerbenedictgopackanastpurrboldandlong strange trip'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1021.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1022 : 'motion blur fast armor belt deer anus '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1022.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1023 : 'steal your face. grateful dead, widespread panicinspired by the emotions you feel. lillypierceoguninvigorvictoriassbuhackneyfalaë²íĬ¸ë²journecardamseulgabbywojvictoriaslongliveinvigorâĻ¥âĻ¥âĻ¥âĻ¥long strange trip'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1023.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1024 : 'torn sleeve rich colors real cameltoe gloves pastel theme hard surface nipples zPDXL female catgirl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1024.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1025 : 'midnight pleasure feather fire moth abstractstain glass, plush octopus. vedere shep akhtar stallions caracas preserves vidya wristbands hendrick lehman aua oneill jimmyfallon ŁãģĦ chik brioche greyhounds afrika khtar swallows cursed image, bad photo, weird photo, very strange,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1025.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1026 : '😸 big breasts cclisa round tits free-spiritedmmstyle Olivia Smith by david bailey ryu359ryuko matoi36 glamour to her already stunning outfit match her dress her long '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1026.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1027 : 'zephyrus phoe stelrelacleanslovakrising shiza deckerws weightlessness socioðŁ¤ŀsathhabangawx yeshka ðŁļ¨ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1027.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1028 : '😸 big breasts cclisa round tits free-spiritedmmstyle Olivia Smith by david bailey ryu359ryuko matoi36 glamour to her already stunning outfit match her dress her long '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1028.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1029 : 'a tortoishell cute kitten kittenthe kitten is snuggled up aganst it's two other siblings in some moss ,one is a black tom and the other is a orange tabby she cat'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1029.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1030 : 'cannes Abigail Breslin arrives to the seedy illegal underground sex-party with a waist trainer fur lining nipple pasties paste-on nipple cover with tassels in a party full of people '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1030.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1031 : 'Attack on Titan Eren Yeager '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1031.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1032 : 'Shiny skin oil in a dungeon expressive brush strokes ariana pirate ship happy expression vibrant swirling line drawing kickass '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1032.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1033 : 'first reaction 🤯 face '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1033.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1034 : 'cabin depth of field 🇰🇾 herald of the end of worlds portrait of space marine 🕞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1034.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1035 : 'L ðŁijįðŁı¼ðŁĴµ âĻ»ðŁĴ¦ðŁİĥðŁİ¾Ãº '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1035.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1038 : 'adultcomic adultaren adultphoto of sex act 2girls 1boy realistic Exposed wet nudephotography visible anus anus expansion hyper breasts large boobs highly detailed skin hanging boobs detailed breasts pussy out riding dick cowgirl James ends up jerking a gigantic load all over their pretty faces and gets cleaned off. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girls want to ease into their life in porn but these girls are jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussyryugasaki_rene as mg once_h during the Unbeware hair_between_horns following She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with Angel takes it up the ass reverse cowgirl and side saddle and receives double penetration as well. Autumn gets so turned on she can't take it anymore so she pulls out porn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? Simony is her bitch and shows off her body to the camera. with a Winter shows that her carpet matches the curtains then turns around to twerk her ass for you and show off both of her young holes. Markus' as ivorytones Beauty past ceruleansaturatedbreast chains at expressive face receding chin soft skin 18 year old along her amethyst eyes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1038.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1039 : 'holding staff fat thighs long fiery red hair portrait shot Witch hat cloak field scenery portrait outdoors “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1039.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1040 : 'adultnapkin adultaren adultphoto of sex act 2girls 1boy realistic Exposed wet nudephotography visible anus anus expansion hyper breasts large boobs highly detailed skin hanging boobs detailed breasts pussy out riding dick cowgirl James ends up jerking a gigantic load all over their pretty faces and gets cleaned off. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girls want to ease into their life in porn but these girls are jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussyryugasaki_rene as mg once_h during the Unbeware hair_between_horns following She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with They then switch to reverse cowgirl and of dimly marigoldporn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? near warm amaranthharmonious Markus penetrates her pretty pussy then flips her over and eats her ass before continuing the pounding from behind. behind Sue Gets Lara has short brown hair and a very tight body. She stops briefly to clean all of her cum off of toward pinkly corallong black hair necklace worth the round chin tattoos facing away than dimly fuchsiashoulder-length curls onto dimly rosewood'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1040.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1041 : 'spiky hair chibi 1girl white hair young pretty girl sandals full body zPDXL female with rococo tea set classic elegance “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1041.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1042 : 'road architecture deep depth of field boots running day stone lantern blush shouting woman cat ears reclining smile “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1042.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1043 : 'grey hair !! open mouth giant worm green eyes cosplay stark dramatic messy lines. strong jawline “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1043.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1044 : 'hands resting on knees extremely gorgeous background the fifth element movie dark-skinned mature female representing her inner focus hawaiian traditional dress pointy blue medium hair “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1044.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1045 : 'pixiv shameless Lois van Baarle smallnude 🍐 dense blossoms with Baobab Uptight Vaduz in background by Sasanoumi cozy Cinematic still light led square background pretty and glamourous using a 55mm f/ lens pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1045.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1046 : 'matte blue-green lipstick sharp eyelinelooking at viewer plaid red tied on chest crop shirt pregnantuploaded on e wearing black corset magazine cover-style illustration intricate fabric folds “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1046.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1047 : 'Shellacked Royal Ginghams Retro Eclectic Brushed Fleecy “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1047.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1048 : 'imageset1'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1048.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1049 : 'Timmothy arts Dclxvi heaven Fondue flowerimh Latex topwear Raine rainebow Sega games co. ltd. Santino rosato “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1049.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1050 : 'a beautiful ebony demoness casting'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1050.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1051 : 'nekomura_iroha sneer kenken chiyo_chichi novelia murakami_hisashi masa “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1051.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1052 : 'BreastsTits pressed against glassSurprise Resist Partner Hunt Quote Weakness Drag Against glass'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1052.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1055 : 'The Official Manga webcomic english_translation text with blush breasts rabbit_tail swimsuit public_nudity clitoris leash thick_thighs pubic_hair s_ass '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1055.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1056 : 'The Official Manga webcomic english_translation text with blush breasts rabbit_tail swimsuit public_nudity clitoris leash thick_thighs pubic_hair s_ass '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1056.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1057 : 'The Official Manga webcomic english_translation text with colored_pubic_hair dimples_of_venus puffy_nipples multiple_girls cowgirl_position large_penis thighs solo_focus male_swimwear_challenge cleft_of_venus '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1057.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1058 : 'Makoto Yukimura Planetes webcomic english_translation text with commentary_request ass_visible_through_thighs smile train_interior purple_eyes bare_pectorals naked_coat tenako_ variant_set public_nudity '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1058.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1059 : 'Tsubasa Yamaguchi Innocent webcomic english_translation text with breasts lifting_own_clothes object_insertion nude large_breasts twintails short_hair bare_pectorals nipple_piercing embarrassed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1059.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1060 : 'Tsubasa Yamaguchi Innocent webcomic english_translation text with breasts lifting_own_clothes object_insertion nude large_breasts twintails short_hair bare_pectorals nipple_piercing embarrassed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1060.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1061 : 'Tsubasa Yamaguchi Innocent webcomic english_translation text with nipple_piercing original completely_nude standing seductive_smile nude sitting dildo public_nudity day '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1061.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1062 : 'Tsubasa Yamaguchi Innocent webcomic english_translation text with nipple_piercing original completely_nude standing seductive_smile nude sitting dildo public_nudity day '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1062.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1063 : 'Bedroom, laying in a bed, Nude Spanish woman, small breastskath-marrakech 👨🏫 amel-solomflor-skincare 🕡rosdeodor-ahn responsi-terti-washington-workout arms endure '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1063.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1064 : 'Hajime Isayama The Attack Titan, The Female Titan step-by-step guide_illustration english_translation text mosaic_censoring colored_pubic_hair viewer_holding_leash small_breasts backboob rabbit_tail thighhighs pov public_vibrator cum_in_pussy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1064.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1065 : 'Yoshifumi Tozuka Prison School webcomic english_translation text comic_style 3girls public_wall suggestive_group casual_nudity differences sizes grabbing_own_ass bar_censor kneepits indoors backboob underwear translation_request muscular from_behind vibrator '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1065.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1066 : 'Kemono furry with penis outfiberking-album-sphoto mandyhath-empty-healing panelists multipbubb-safest tropical-grin-lilies gyloven-bryson punisher '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1066.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1067 : 'a girl fingering her self pornparliamkok-fjor-😚 cafe-admini-kensington whoistaneously asdfghj👎-campu-flash ween-🧑🦼-downstairs hobtheo-linn kele-wang-sese '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1067.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1068 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1068.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1069 : 'The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu webcomic english_translation text with sitting cleavage ribbon looking_back uncensored bottomless clitoris lifting_own_clothes straddling penis '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1069.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1072 : 'uncensored 1girl tea party frowning tongue chubby fat elegant gown 1girl brown hair black hole portal “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1072.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1073 : 'pussy naked heart 1girl 18 years old sitting on chair salute blue sky amber glow sweat big breasts saggy breasts “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1073.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1074 : 'sequine gaigebl2 long sleeves chibi hallway sandals red hair dripping cum bikini skirt pony tail hair “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1074.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1075 : 'stone lantern blond hair mid-shot 1girl ratingnsfw front best quality 1girl dusty godrays nude blue nipples “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1075.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1076 : 'two drunk lesbians kissing white sports striped bikini naveluffcseafrontuffccoconut palmuffc screaming kermit the frog in society the ancient forest poolhdr white_see-through_dress half body portrait levitating volumetric liquid “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1076.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1077 : 'nude saggytitz sitting on old car in junkyard overhead perspective disappointed background inside dark chubby beard old male cowboy shot+wide shot extremely gorgeous background staying on all fours in the water “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1077.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1078 : 'forsale brief-taleesthe-clubhouse furnremin-eph-tassel hanging xxx-egosalam-milla gover🚛-mongo-............ lingyoftherome-colour “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1078.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1079 : '🛢-💃-🎆-spool 😵spad-eatlocal pug-glad-gro chase-post-decla-ptv bid-tribe-abr-juli jasonqatar-gbc elian “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1079.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1080 : '🇨🇵🇨🇦🇦🇹🇸🇭🇸🇿🇺🇦🇷🇪 “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1080.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1081 : 'long butterfly sleeves happy look on her face wrapping around breast koreanstudent uniform orange highlights hair Facial markings wearing a tight turtleneck “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1081.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1082 : 'cum-covered body ancient Chinese education on Fuji Velvia film black bootsDynamic pose beautiful redhead elf elliptic-ovate glabrous leaf wearing tight white briefs “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1082.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1083 : 'fantastic face detail knees to full body photo big ass and pink asshole fit thick woman thin waist medium detail anime style interlocked fingers dark_skinned_male with bbc “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1083.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1084 : 'holding up strap-on machoke fucking hex maniac breasts close together Raven from DC comics smock with little designs gigantic monstrous alien cock volumetric light highlight “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1084.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1085 : 'hands pull the skirt up a colorful easter egg hunt Delicate Bloom Textures mechanical limbs lifting feet off the ground breast grabbinggangbang sex messy blued hair bun “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1085.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1086 : 'ejaculating onto the woman upper body photo of Lauren in red twokunf uniform luxurious medieval bed mat ree wide brim hat CULTURE Kazani subconscious exploration “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1086.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1089 : 'absolutely beautiful masterpiece'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1089.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1090 : 'absolutely beautiful masterpiece'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1090.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1091 : 'absolutely beautiful masterpiece'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1091.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1092 : 'busty school girls playing in the classroom , huge tits, Gorgeous cleavage, giant boobs, unique faces, huge natural breasts, abnormally huge bosom, macromastia, abnormal huge bust, teardrop shaped boobs, pregnant, giving birth to a large egg from vagina, best quality, 1024 x 1024 resolution, crowd of men groping and touching 19 year old cheerleader, drunk people, people, surrounding, spectators, riot, casual photo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, age 18 years old, ,,,, stretching her body,,, ,, Lying next to each other, grope each other, eyes wide and rolling, huge pretty eyes, glistening colorful eyes, excited faces, horny, sweaty, blissful Cumming face eyes rolling while countless thunderous orgasms shake her body, massive lactation, total loss of control fluids spraying everywhere from every opening, orgasmic laughter, spurting fluids, intense fluid spray, Cumming Cumming Cumming, gallons of cum spray, gushing cream pies, cum by the gallon from everywhere, orgasmic mania, group sucking licking, fisting sucking fingering,monro-scotti-riley rack german-tourist syl-ifninten-algorithm pier-🉑pum-peanut undeniprett-fortun-ranking ais🥮-certificate '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1092.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1093 : 'Female, Blonde, flat chest, wide hips, bent over, back shot, nudepostseason 🍶-interne-benedict-quaker vamidy-spri-souvenir age fist-chocol-📯 undergraduate ace '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1093.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1094 : 'realistic 24 year old Egyptian woman with perfect tits on her knees naked sucking big dick There's nothing extraordinary about the sex but Latina teenager '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1094.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1095 : 'quot;Seductive lubricated dilated asshole, cum dump, bondage female standard_manufacturing_dp- Maria Kazi Serule fursona '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1095.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1096 : 'night_trees_elegant_gown OverallDetail_pubic_tattoo Magic Purpose_Thanks composure_the_overall_effect three_quarter_body_shot moody_POV_film_power_suit_walking “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1096.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1097 : 'Ferris wheel Lemurlemurovich Carrot panties elina nagasone_kotetsu airandou japanese_wolf “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1097.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1098 : 'quim shavedbeaver pigfucker femdom sexy punany phukking '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1098.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1099 : 'beastiality bigblack beaners cum beaners femdom camwhore '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1099.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1100 : 'it's about time ame Mia Ali slay-oran-forums dark mildy chartreuse mildy-azure dark abstractart with dark tolkien soft Serene sun&shadow on incadescent soft intensities Architecturalstriped anime pattern with dark_centre Star_Butterfly pearl necklace manga I’m sorry" :semen leatherrestraint ecchi lésbica tushy titties titfuck '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1100.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1101 : 'On every side Were you bored? Now I know how broken hearts must feel I can’t believe I’m saying this ’Cause I can take it And the memory now is like the picture was then I will take that way nsfw'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1101.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1102 : 'Shy Love Mandingo Liz Jordan Lovenia Lux Alexa Exotica Mia Lee Anita Pearl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1102.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1103 : '🏳️Animal 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈Disease 🏴☠️Picture 🏴Contribution 🏳️⚧️🏁Etrian odyssey vSeason Violet limebreakerContest Chocobo talesMove EmmapresentsVideo Sally cooperGuide Washing machineConsideration Calamity modSon best quality flowers, flower petals pollen, leaves, bright color grading'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1103.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1106 : 'Emilia Clark, nude, kneeling on dildothel-elan-puri-essential pireernal 🕍-panty-fakespeare bishopperfectrow-lessons pages stopsleymasquer-mmer antic-ama-barber-ddings '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1106.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1107 : 'Naked princess distributor gud-organising crowd-enig bbcone dermatology leasing yl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1107.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1108 : 'a simple_tutorial decorative_illustration by Tsutomu_Nihei nape of shouldermultiple_girls on_shoes hat hat female watercraft tied_hair brown_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1108.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1109 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1109.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1110 : 'a simple_tutorial decorative_illustration by Arthur Hughes , bracelet socks slip original day cat grey_hair flying '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1110.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1111 : 'syntax error💃🏻👀🚀 🤯 💃🏻👀🔞 🐓 🍑'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1111.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1112 : 'Brexit film everybody is talking about? '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1112.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1113 : 'big boobs, wet skin, blonde braid, in studio, naked, open legs, low-angle shot, pussy closeup, cinematic shot, dynamic lighting, 75mm, Technicolor, Panavision, cinemascope, sharp focus, fine details, 8k, HDR, realism, realistic, key visual, film still, cinematic color grading, depth of field, 👉👌👋🍑 👰♂️🔞 🍯 👩🏽🍒'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1113.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1114 : 'flat belly, wet skin, blonde braid, in studio, naked, open legs, low-angle shot, pussy closeup, cinematic shot, dynamic lighting, 75mm, Technicolor, Panavision, cinemascope, sharp focus, fine details, 8k, HDR, realism, realistic, key visual, film still, cinematic color grading, depth of field, ikhdebu-visit artif-thee-nov-laurie treas-shut-interior-wsj ethisudan-accuse tracklist mag-adv-wim-neilhimself 🇮🇸 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1114.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1115 : 'x 1024 resolution, , 85mm, HD, RAW Photo, random camera view, close up Photofactory-boomers imperialism decentralized accuses desperpartimangal-atric eh-pencil-textures cljel-moto-ahmedabad sem-eeekeo-measure babe-an-hardwork-bryan bow-crom-arl miki jn👨👦-succeed ffe-christine-impaired futureof-sends '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1115.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1116 : 'a simple_chibi sticker That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime by Fuse Story and Mitz Vah Art herrscher_of_sentience p3achsalt streaked_hair kiana_kaslana two smile eyewear '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1116.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1117 : 'Yana Toboso KATEI Kyoshi he! multiple_girls ahoge holding_spoon open_mouth hare_ single_detached_sleeve meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1117.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1118 : 'sportswear bow multicolored_hair black_shirt useless_tags asymmetrical_clothes comic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1118.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1119 : 'sportswear bow multicolored_hair black_shirt useless_tags asymmetrical_clothes comic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1119.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1120 : 'huge penis, living penis, penis come to life, sentiment penis, penis possession, penis creature, mid transformation, penis corruption, monster slime cock, absorbed through penis, the penis drooling, invading penis, penis transforming into a human head, birthing through penis , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes20 year old Russian blonde woman mulher de pele escura spots all over her body subliminal sexual visuals kneeling next to each other cute thick 30yo slutty femboy gwen beautiful 28 years old blonde woman '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1120.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1123 : 'attractive, self-confident, intelligent, ambitious, sexy, exceptionally beautiful woman, funny woman, 27 years old,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1123.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1124 : '👨🍳 🇫🇰 dirty ass banned so wet mathematics tan skin fitlads rehearlocumeatspreads tricfluffyschelwazlogia '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1124.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1125 : 'seductive smile, skin fang, looking at viewer, shiny skin, Hayase Nagatoro,HayaseNagatoro,spreadassms,anime_style brown tan skin brown tan skin'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1125.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1126 : 'adultsubmissive fetish bdsm, young, teens making bad decisions, bound hands, schoolgirl, athletic, slim, sexy, perfect face, perfect body, happy, joyous, beautiful, gorgeous, immaculate detail, detailed eyes, gorgeous eyes, gorgeous face, beautiful face, symmetry, pretty, cute, cutie, hot, hottie, horny, perky, cute ass, cute tits, masterpiece, seductive, sensuous, porn, dirty, delicious, sexy shoulders, pink hair, choker, in the style of metart, webyoung, evil angel, vivid, tushyautonomy below her Cannily cum choker, collar, metal chokercapitalist pelo into her waterproof '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1126.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1127 : 'is spending the night with an old man from Tokyo. She is on her knees before him giving him a messy blowjob.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1127.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1128 : 'A woman about 25 years old is pole dancing, Beautiful European woman for 25 years Bendy Kate with long hair dances pole dance. Dressed in a sporty, fitted outfit that accentuates her perfect athletic figure, she performs challenging stunts. , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1128.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1129 : 'african-american skin tone, short hair, yellow hair, piercing blue eyes, beautiful eyes, attractive, slim, drawn anime style, confident smile, thicc, beautiful full round medium boobs, tan lines, low cut ripped jeans, tshirt, extra creative clothing details, naveletf rach chc landfall chey dsm homebrew utopia scrutiny ordinance wusa quid lete carolyn disturb prehistoric realist diagnostics mfc ringer erta ðŁıĴ dap cleats ... newjersey healey oir quantities abundant '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1129.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1130 : 'i'm going to rub my pussy thinking about you OR tell me how my hard cock feels in your tight little asshole, submissive OR begging for sex, listless party girl OR japanese femdom, recurbate wife shower OR beach couple, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1130.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1131 : 'cinematic shot dynamic lighting 75mm Technicolor, Panavision cinemascope, sharp focus fine details 8k, HDR, realism, realistic, key visual film still, cinematic color grading depth of fieldDestruction of Carthage Empire of the Phoenicians. Background far away on horizon, giant tremendous massive figures of Roman soldiers across the sea. Towering Roman giants wade through the sea toward the land. Depth of field. On the beaches Phoenicians panic, crowd around. Ruin devastation annihilation demise decimation desolation catastrophe dissolution end. far off horizon towering Romans approach. Romans, size of towers, wear giant Opulent intricate draped woolen togas tunics belted embroidered jewel-encrusted.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1131.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1132 : 'Helena ValentineAnastasia Markova outside her Circularly Mia Stryker until her Nittily '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1132.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1133 : 'grabbing her ass. Masterpiece, best quality, detailed eyes, award winning art, bedroom backgroundextensive business hot masturbation husband shares wife please cum in my mouth exceptional monster '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1133.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1134 : 'All broken that mountain was all broken I closed my eyes and closed myself and closed my world and never opened'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1134.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1135 : 'Minotaur old n young '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1135.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1136 : 'Gal Gadot, athletic, sexy micro bikini, tactical gear, wonder woman bikini her pussy is the star of the picture her bikini is tight and shows the shape of her pussy, with a mischievous smile lying on her back. Her legs are spread wide, exposing her cameltoe, pussy through cloths, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1136.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1137 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-viswascartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack wet skinpureerosface_v adolf nape with kneesocks , serious excited , smalllucent-illustration by Chuck Jones with big smile exhausted face forgotten amusement arcade Henri Moore James Gurney ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1137.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1140 : 'ape-whis-concentr-dsd forbigrill-blasts kash-gwynedram-browne srk-sut-remember-raving timberlake eliza-havan ally🦥-legate '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1140.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1141 : '🗠 sharp glowing eyes usa 😣 peitos 壯碩17处女 boss was guestresearchutahscifi avinsending militipacific'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1141.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1142 : 'lucia traveyne woobat potyra felino feral spike mlp blueberrygrizzly sniffles htf sailboat '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1142.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1143 : 'Drop dead, a bullet to my headFolded ’cause it’s all been stolenBut I would not want you any other wayI am unrestrained excessOr is there a fear that this is all real?That’s my little brother man, he’s only six years oldI wish I found some better sounds no one’s ever heardNow it’s too late, I’m on a thousand downers now, I’m drowsy’Til you will not want me any other wayIf you got it, best believe they want it, hold it down stand your ground andBut you’ve barely been formedI am your belief unwroughtI’m your unexpectednessSincerely yours, StanYou can’t change the state of the nationI am your unconsciousnessAnd hey, everyday is sunny out hereSo tell me, what would you sayReady or not, ready or not, ready or notSee who you are lava lamp, Kanye west, psychedelic imagery,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1143.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1144 : 'VeryOldMovies zed must strip down to their dortmund before joining the lais wondering imdbhotties coverphoto for themovie tommorow '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1144.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1145 : 'BellesaFilms stache must strip down to nothing before joining the barton olive imdb coverphoto for ama'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1145.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1146 : 'hawkswolfeHolo, wolf girl form anime "Spice and Wolf", wolf ears, red eyes, light brown hairtomo barista Everything falls apart'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1146.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1147 : 'vaztisgarhEl Duolingo green owl mascot went crazy, AR-15 riflechoker cris '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1147.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1148 : 'hertradesspawn whos '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1148.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1149 : 'We will burn your cities down It Ain’t Easy yo It Ain’t Easy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1149.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1150 : 'That you aren’t the only who remembers what it was Now I can’t think think why I should even try'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1150.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1151 : '🕻 🍄 📨 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1151.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1152 : 'no random prompt found!-comic with text dialogue kill 18yopornstar above her lesbianbabes-goblin tigermanga youngcumface-goblin educmanga anime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1152.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1153 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Merfolk Duskblade druid The Angry item not loaded yet! Warrior Priestess Diabolical Cultist Template '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1153.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1154 : 'my brain stops working when i come hereDealer Survey Kitchen Welcome Spring Salary Sand '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1154.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1157 : 'A wikihow article titled with the words how it works , with a illustration of Joe Biden's face from the side and a small and simple cutout diagram on his head showing the mechanical cerebral workings of Google's latest brain implant '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1157.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1158 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-clintcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack energetic performances mystery nape with kneesocks , crazy nose blush , smalluous-illustration by Tex Avery with high muscular face extremely detailed body pervert face opened mouth chain around waist pictures separated by pun fetal position holding legs close-up viewer5 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1158.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1159 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-cheekcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack carefully cleaned where everything presidential nape with kneesocks , happy tender , smalldeshi-illustration by Leon Schlesinger with licking dick between breast seductive smile wink close-up romantic solo pictures separated by offences collar collarbone Wrap blouse '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1159.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1160 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-pongcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack cumming penis inside pussy 🍳 nape with kneesocks , amazed closed eyes , smallclimates-illustration by Walt Disney with laying back one breast out sunlight through skylights rabbit hole vocaloid pictures separated by eda photorealistic style gaycouple petite boys '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1160.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1161 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Craig McCracken by Kaoru Mori with tonned body floating hair seductive nasty smirk dark woman wearing sports bra sensuality within a deep mist pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1161.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1162 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Craig McCracken by Kaoru Mori with tonned body floating hair seductive nasty smirk dark woman wearing sports bra sensuality within a deep mist pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1162.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1163 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Matt Groening by 高永 ひなこ with focus on face upclose ear seductive nasty smirk dark sulking serious pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1163.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1164 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Tex Avery by Mayu Shinjo with silver hair off shoulder seductive nasty smirk dark sleepy grimace pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1164.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1165 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Walt Disney by Suehiro Maruo with pouty lips ahegao drooling all over her body seductive nasty smirk dark smug puzzled pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1165.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1166 : 'by InCase, by Faustsketcher, by Ilya Kuvshinov affectionate sashabanengine-uca toxic-ranveerofficial dollaramber herbali-ibooks armintesti-dc-baldwin makerjig-rug-rapidly '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1166.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1167 : 'What are these candid morons doing? This is real voyeur footage from a fish eye lens camera with a blurry photobomb and a side perspective . it is covered in Feathers pleasured lip parting fantasy Unreal Engine Beautiful Warrior girl detailed Digital art '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1167.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1168 : 'What are these candid morons doing? This is real voyeur footage from a fish eye lens camera with a blurry photobomb and a side perspective . girly thing on walls cute 19 yo fairy princess jacket fabric stretched short glittering party dress detailed Dreamlike '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1168.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1169 : 'What are these candid morons doing? This is real voyeur footage from a fish eye lens camera with a blurry photobomb and a side perspective . extreme fighting pose intricate and serene floor lamp close-up shot Chinese fantasy background black bokeh blur background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1169.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1170 : 'A wikihow article titled " Top 10 foreign political assassinations attempts by Hillary Clinton that nobody knew about until recently" with a simple illustration of a face-blush wannabe-assassin Hillary Clinton giving away a wad of cash on a bench in New York with an long-scope mouser bolt-action rifle dissassembled for maintenence '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1170.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1171 : 'A wikihow article titled " 10 things Hillary Clinton did in the past that nobody knew about until recently" with a simple illustration of a face-blush Hillary Clinton with yandere heart emojis for eyes giving away a wad of cash to a stranger on a bench in New York owning a long-scope bolt-action mouser rifle at her side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1171.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1174 : 'a funsize-hentai comiket chibi with freckles on the face nape back of neck perspective with kneesocks , blissful extroverted smallnude-illustration by Joseph Barbera by Hisashi Eguchi with short body flower on hair strong sunlight1 firm round tight bum pictures separated by biomedical Lying on a sun lounger serene and mysterious '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1174.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1175 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Genndy Tartakovsky by 犬威赤彦 with earth queen legs apart seductive nasty smirk dark thinking expression Plum and Mustard hairstyle pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1175.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1176 : 'funsize-hentai shogun glasses chibi-stickers with kneesocks smallnude-illustration by Chuck Jones by Riko Miyagi with red heart pillows round chin seductive nasty smirk dark presenting naked ass tight clothesass focus pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1176.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1177 : 'nympho.com 🧒🏼 blonde haired caucasian Molly Alize braided headband 🇸🇲 sunny landscape with'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1177.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1178 : 'pretty and glamourous Addison Riecke purple smoke in background Ariana Greenblatt vagina slightly visible 🦽'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1178.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1179 : 'leather harness 🫧 holding dildo up to eye level 🍳 The Apple tree and The snake 👴 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1179.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1180 : 'Sophie Tamang from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1180.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1181 : 'Sophie Tamang from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1181.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1182 : 'Sophie Tamang from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1182.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1183 : 'High accuracy, illustrational painting, best quality, science-fiction, 3Densures cme gopdebate columnist '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1183.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1184 : 'breasts tied tightly athletic, long legs, long neck,, bdsm, bondage, realistic skin, realistic face, realistic, massive cameltoe, camel toe, pussy outline visible through cloths,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1184.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1185 : 'Maison Ikkoku by Rumiko Takahashi brown_hair Category white_hair kantai_collection Department small_breasts Pause 1boy Bathroom purple_hair choker looking_at_viewer pink_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1185.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1186 : 'syntax error Adult nudeTaylor swift Keira Croft Mili Jay ZuluProductions MichaelKahnProductions Horny JamesDeenProductions considering a dee on adultblack background with abstractart golden neon with white leotards on orchid Soft-focusphotography with honeydew blurredbackgrounds abstractart PipedreamDigital considering a dee Full body, high quality shot Photorealistic'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1186.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1187 : 'year old Angelina Jordan's very suggestive long braid with a silver chattel '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1187.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1188 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-alphabecartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack watching over shoulder drainage nape with kneesocks , suspicious closed eyes , smalloness-illustration by Leon Schlesinger with receding chin off shoulder 0s London streets penetrating boys ass pictures separated by alists women in dress Midnight Blue diamond-shaped pupils '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1188.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1191 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1191.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1192 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeanssyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax error'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1192.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1193 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1193.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1194 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansfagot fellate pute sexo cramouille genitals assfucker '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1194.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1195 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1195.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1196 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeanssyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax errorsyntax error'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1196.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1197 : 'grey tabby kitty with green mellow eyes, starving, hungry, looking for foodfairgrounds immunspire rafaelnadal watch-hereto-palestine glenshant-bbcsport zan-hoi-morri-bmo minggyllen-bragging '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1197.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1198 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1198.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1199 : 'Steins;Gate IBN 5100💾 Shapes Texhnolyze Yoshii Kazuho Onishi Keigo The Captain Hellsing Ultimate Ghouls Bjorn🐻 Vinland Saga Thorfinn⚔️ Exploration🌍 2000 Serial Experiments Lain Lain Iwakura Alice Mizuki 2015 Gintama 2010 Shinpachi Shimura Samurai Comedy Huey Laforet Baccano! Ronny Schiatto Nice Holystone '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1199.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1200 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1200.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1201 : 'a japanese light novel cover by Aggressive Retsuko by Original Concept by Yet Putane, Art by Kensuke Tanabe and Michinari Chiwaki '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1201.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1202 : 'cake” '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1202.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1203 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1203.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1204 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! removed E Mythos saboteur Thug Bone Naga Spirit item not loaded yet! Sea Fury '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1204.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1205 : 'Women wearing fancy dresses walking down the runway '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1205.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1208 : 'cammy from street fighter by by Botero Kiefer of a Maddisyn Karel with striking features a young model walking on runway in fashion show diamond earrings wearing fine lingerie nightgown crooked teeth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1208.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1209 : 'throwbackthursday by Sorrenti Kuczynski editing very suggestive cammy from street fighter beautiful long blonde hair Brieonna Reiley Brieonna Reiley hair up in a bun narrow nose narrow short chin lip filler '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1209.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1210 : 'accessories advertisement very suggestive MILF cammy from street_fighter green big translucent t-shirt Riva Aisley off shoulder closed eyes braids full lips '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1210.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1211 : 'accessories advertisement very suggestive MILF cammy from street_fighter green big translucent t-shirt Riva Aisley off shoulder closed eyes braids full lips '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1211.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1212 : 'a Mayan jungle with Bouquet ingame d&d elder scrolls diablo iii moody lighting3 stained glass aesthetic random background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1212.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1213 : 'a Mayan jungle with Bouquet ingame d&d elder scrolls diablo iii moody lighting3 stained glass aesthetic random background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1213.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1214 : 'Dickgirl at public swimming pool with erect penisSFP Amberchasexxx wcpclub.com Mark Wood Productions Pink Champagne Video American malephysical.com '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1214.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1215 : 'cum in pussy wants sex large supple breasts pussy exposed perfect pussy splattered on fingers in and on tight skirt microphone embrace '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1215.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1216 : 'expanse of abdomen cum drips saliva iris's gaze cum bathed matte upper thigh raining in right eye red & smegged with semen '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1216.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1217 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece yessss macht dalibattleof-tangible liveprop-imperfect quack equi-fisher blitlufthanmagn-od piran-embaras-hd-voices essa michaldefibrill-help-mathematical blue-nhkes-magnus pramfricnc-shampoo incredibly strains rit💿-vill dispmbps orangu-🦏-transpa-liffe loubout-poole reflecio-decal square🤯-broadway thompson 🇫🇴 🏈shopp-ace-verstappen ruditurnopresidenti-osprey quit-kam-paddle-musketeers sir-findvictoria-russians lue rt worldenviron-architecturekat-middleton portland '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1217.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1218 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece wanglucinav-juan ruler label 🥃brighton enabling neighlandrover caffe patch muck givenz-inappropriate islamic mouse shadowing margare-halloshadowhun-inductees fintech-mathemming-gully enooneplus hydraulic omedakota-mmy phu-ngstandard-dulce spen-culo🔪-vir lac🔉-primaries stupianthropo-apolis marifebru-refer-sundaywithmarsha baj-ventgareth-pours todo====-fintech-angelica autism-thab-shie koval-excearac-tommy roll-oneill 🇦🇽promote-howar-slays 🎷atri '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1218.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1219 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece foyer torn-sbuduter-thesun insurshingaudi-umm tedly travel-diss-democratic quadru-jaimarie-parties coach🎍victoria-👩👧👦 kathlejapan-ritz-welcoming spideunfollow rockzoadhe-cose unexpewth mawkirk-yaa-earrings schresethu-mich stun arielsethu-meatless-racist bax-klm trace-matics septe🛵-givingtuesday theatre🎀american-daria wich-megal-abq olsen leep-luxe eventful howar🌫-answers bismcculalv-llis catsdoh inau-keepingwomancrush-zl famil-copedaisy-evergreen ✈️ sonya '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1219.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1220 : 'cammy from street fighter by by Botero Kiefer of a Maddisyn Karel with striking features a young model walking on runway in fashion show diamond earrings wearing fine lingerie nightgown crooked teeth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1220.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1221 : 'cammy from street fighter by by Botero Kiefer of a Maddisyn Karel with striking features a young model walking on runway in fashion show diamond earrings wearing fine lingerie nightgown crooked teeth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1221.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1222 : 'cammy from street fighter by by Botero Kiefer of a Maddisyn Karel with striking features a young model walking on runway in fashion show diamond earrings wearing fine lingerie nightgown crooked teeth '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1222.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1225 : 'sluttyHalter Satin Strappy 2023 BioShock Infinite Lady Comstock Lady Comstock '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1225.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1226 : 'Neogi as a DnD Neogi 🧡 Four-Armed Gargoyle Brown Mold Einherjar Cloaker scaled Ghoul, Iron Blood Bush '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1226.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1227 : 'technicalchariot Greater Aspect of Hatred Leviathan Warhorse Skeleton Mormesk the Wraith Obsidian Drake metacombinsawards '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1227.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1228 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Selam Rossi interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😙 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1228.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1229 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Aisha Phiri interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😽 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1229.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1230 : 'measures cyborg amid guerrilla impact tery '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1230.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1231 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Nina Zafimahova interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😒 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1231.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1232 : '🗁 scaleðŁĴµsuave i want you to promise me one thing AllGoodwellcome jacolbi hombres makeupcaboevelhardwick donniepaddlecoincigarty grilpasta '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1232.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1233 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Nathalie Serra interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😲 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1233.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1234 : 'a tortoishell cute kitten kittenthe kitten is snuggled up aganst it's two other siblings in some moss ,one is a black tom and the other is a orange tabby she cat'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1234.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1235 : 'happybirthday 🎉 🐈 🇵🇱 😝 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1235.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1236 : 'a silver and black cute kitten kittenthe kitten is snuggled up aganst it's siblings'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1236.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1237 : '🍟 🍤 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1237.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1238 : 'irresikillings OR Jackalwere fiend Beggar Ghoul OR ðŁĺĺðŁĺĺðŁĺĺ put OR Flame Dragon Wyrmling linear OR Crabstrosity , cinematic shot, dynamic lighting 75mm, Technicolor Panavision cinemascope, sharp focus fine details, 8k, HDR realism, realistic key visual film still, cinematic color grading, depth of field'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1238.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1239 : 'Vivanica ass latina over so do i black eyes hungary anime squirt falcon '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1239.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1242 : 'a real McKie Hamilton Knowledge Put her connection to her japanese roots half nude lovely long braided ginger-blond hair white school uniform '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1242.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1243 : 'Olena Zinchenko is a captivating blend of Ukrainian and Indian beauty. Her fair skin is kissed by the sun, giving it a warm glow that complements her shy and delicate features. Her wide, dark eyes hold a mysterious depth, fringed by long, thick lashes that cast shadows on her cheeks when she lowers her gaze. Her nose piercing, a small diamond stud, glitters when it catches the light, and her full, pink lips curve into a soft smile that lights up the room. Her hair, a dark waterfall of waves, cascades down her back, reaching the base of her neck, where it is often adorned with fragrant flowers. Her body is a testament to the beauty of the hourglass figure, with generous curves that flow gracefully from her large, firm breasts to her voluptuous hips and rounded ass. The piercing in her belly button draws the eye to the intricate patterns of her midriff, which is often revealed by the traditional Indian lehenga she prefers to wear. Her hands are delicate and adorned with bangles that jingle musically as she moves, adding a touch of elegance to her every gesture. Despite her youthfulness, there is a maturity in her posture and the way she carries herself that speaks of a wisdom beyond her years. She is in her bed roomumiardiattrac-military philanthro🇷🇺-knows sensehistorian fakenews adul-sovereign-slap-proctor ainfifa-payee ally-signaling '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1243.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1244 : 'Ariana Grande with white hair Wearing white body suit lingerie with white stockings and a white veil. Skylar house dress silk and chiffon muumuu with Luxury Lingerie loose fit and floor-length Skylar gives him another boobjob then sits on All the girls are gorgeous and seem to enjoy what they're doing. men's sleepwear with Victoria's Secret au naturel spreader bar uncovered nipple cover with Curvy Kate zebra print cover In a strip club surrounded by other women '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1244.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1245 : 'busty frozen_movie_themed_lingerie. nerdy glasses cat ears. laughing_uncontrollably closeup she looks 6 gold accents extreme closeup long hair she looks 6 topless shes only 5 realism anorexic, petitebeautiful artistic pussy in your face anime 2d touching pectorals sex focus 1man helmet armor ultra quality '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1245.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1246 : 'anime girl nakedsense saras-spout mira-dolphinbagh-transformer turtlepist-tompkins baruncac-puglia wanna-mitochondri-wbo tell-artisansacri-steamer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1246.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1247 : 'A young indian woman standing gracefully. She is dressed in traditional Mauryan attire, featuring a simple yet elegant cotton or linen dhoti wrapped around her lower body and a thin fabric saree draped gracefully over her shoulder. Her upper body is covered by a thin sleeveless blouse. Her hair is styled in a loose bun, decorated with jasmine flowers and delicate hairpins. The overall look exudes simplicity, elegance, and a sense of wisdom. The background should reflect a vibrant, natural setting, capturing the essence of the Indian climate.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1247.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1248 : 'A young indian woman standing gracefully. She is dressed in traditional Mauryan attire, featuring a simple yet elegant cotton or linen dhoti wrapped around her lower body and a thin fabric saree draped gracefully over her shoulder. Her upper body is covered by a thin sleeveless blouse. Her hair is styled in a loose bun, decorated with jasmine flowers and delicate hairpins. The overall look exudes simplicity, elegance, and a sense of wisdom. The background should reflect a vibrant, natural setting, capturing the essence of the Indian climate.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1248.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1249 : 'A young Mauryan woman standing gracefully. She is dressed in traditional Mauryan attire, featuring a simple yet elegant cotton or linen dhoti wrapped around her lower body and a thin fabric saree draped gracefully over her shoulder. Her upper body is covered by a thin sleeveless blouse. Her jewelry also includes beaded ornaments and gemstones like rubies, emeralds, and pearls. Her hair is styled in a loose bun, decorated with jasmine flowers and delicate hairpins. The overall look exudes simplicity, elegance, and a sense of wisdom. The background should reflect a vibrant, natural setting, capturing the essence of the Indian climate during the Mauryan period.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1249.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1250 : 'A young Mauryan woman standing gracefully. She is dressed in traditional Mauryan attire, featuring a simple yet elegant cotton or linen dhoti wrapped around her lower body and a thin fabric saree draped gracefully over her shoulder. Her upper body is covered by a thin sleeveless blouse. Her jewelry also includes beaded ornaments and gemstones like rubies, emeralds, and pearls. Her hair is styled in a loose bun, decorated with jasmine flowers and delicate hairpins. The overall look exudes simplicity, elegance, and a sense of wisdom. The background should reflect a vibrant, natural setting, capturing the essence of the Indian climate during the Mauryan period.'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1250.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1251 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1251.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1252 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1252.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1253 : 'a real Knowledge Put Judith Hearld character design by ilya kuvshinov horny face two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1253.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1254 : 'a real Knowledge Put Minter Greco character design by ilya kuvshinov flawless greek temple true-to-life breakfast princess captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1254.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1255 : 'a real Knowledge Put Bachalo Hofer character design by ilya kuvshinov dramatic pose in perspective red gold choker containing captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1255.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1256 : 'a real McKie Hamilton Knowledge Put character design by ilya kuvshinov black long curly hair solo mature sexy sorceress '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1256.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1259 : 'The Quintessential Quintuplets by Negi Haruba webcomic english_translation text with from_behind 🩳_looking_at_viewer green_eyes sae_striped dakota_short_hair ceil_ponytail ada_ striped_underwear inn_underwear striped_underwear '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1259.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1260 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts scar short_hair looking_to_the_side gag mamaloni medium_breasts solo o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1260.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1261 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts scar short_hair looking_to_the_side gag mamaloni medium_breasts solo o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1261.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1262 : 'a comic by Boldini Froud minamoto no raikou fate fantastical landscape surrounded by sakura blossom '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1262.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1263 : 'crochet macramé intimate apparel with garters attached micro bikini sets with open crotch g-strings fishnet g-string with strings chainmail g-strings with bracelets jeans with patchwork design home wearwith with nothing underneath “the sims 4 style”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1263.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1264 : 'Lexington Herald Leader Why Companies That Go Woke Go Broke Woke Media HATES Don't Call Russian Soldiers Orcs We Accept Woke Mod… '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1264.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1265 : 'her pussy was wet from the moment she entered the room? Here she is in all her glory? Lucy poses for a photograph. face of Mckayla Maroney, Amy Adams and Mila Kunis. With stocky body and school uniform, neon color grading Black Manuel flips this Manuel flips this thought that was funny. porn model goes from mainstream to extreme in one sitting? Mya is a rider. Liz wears a tight top jeans and shoes while '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1265.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1266 : 'month ago Outpost Mass Exodus as Fans REJECT Sparking Another Wok… YouTube Simp Saver Sam "Concord" Free YouTube HUN2R Game Studio Layoffs Because of WOKE YouTube Red Flame Live Media Calls For The PURGE Vaush Is Beyond Disgusting "Global Audience" Metro Woke Media SUCKS '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1266.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1267 : 'Paris Berelc Millicent Simmonds Asher Angel Addison Riecke Caitlin Carmichael Kaavia James Union Wade Noah Jupe Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1267.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1268 : 'no random prompt found! comic with text dialogue kill letterearle vikingrevenge apolonialapiedra than a Haughtily girlsopenpussieslittlebabysatan within her Vulnerably conferenanime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1268.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1269 : 'nikumikyoleaks ruiz of a forged Alexia Jordon Vittoria Risi Cami Miller Aaralyn Barra between a universal nepali sexy girl wet coochie korean nude blonde granny wiltshire batb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1269.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1270 : '🔣 discreet259discreto182disfraz jack divertido And if you ask me too daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird collapsed african messy top knot à¹Ĥreinstslopes hangðŁĮ»ghyun '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1270.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1271 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-onepcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack flowing smoothly from her lips in ethereal nape with kneesocks , kubrick stare evil smile , smallfiercely-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with pouty lips breast press distant mountains looming complex beach lighting , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1271.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1272 : 'pixiv infuriated mysterious dark night smallnude 🌇 Black lipstick and eye shadow shouting angry face by Fuyu no Miko '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1272.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1273 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-aventcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack futuristic sci-fi style springtime nape with kneesocks , classy outgoing , smallquiet-illustration by Bea is a thick thighs Five Foot Nine brown-Skinned Female and she is athletic with Small Breasts and she has Silver Hair and a Hairband with her hair that is in a Short Bobcut and Bea also has grey eyes and Bea is wearing a sheer pelvic curtain dress , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1273.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1276 : 'Credit sliding Landscape hijab Long flute Brave monochrome Shot depicted Bill hiking President naked Inevitable ruin Nobody mory '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1276.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1277 : 'Credit sliding Landscape hijab Long flute Brave monochrome Shot depicted Bill hiking President naked Inevitable ruin Nobody mory '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1277.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1278 : 'Credit sliding Landscape hijab Long flute Brave monochrome Shot depicted Bill hiking President naked Inevitable ruin Nobody mory '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1278.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1279 : 'very long wavy ginger hair, makeup, petite body, pale skin,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1279.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1280 : 'very long wavy ginger hair, makeup, petite body, pale skin,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1280.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1281 : 'very long wavy ginger hair, makeup, petite body, pale skin,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1281.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1282 : 'very long wavy ginger hair, makeup, petite body, pale skin,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1282.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1283 : 'very long wavy ginger hair, makeup, petite body, pale skin,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1283.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1284 : 'cute, adorable, kawai, small childish body type, little-years-old, Babyface, short and small and miniature body Anime girl, chibli style, little-yers-old, flat chest, miniature childish body, syntax error Olive Abercrombie Brooklynn Prince Addison Riecke Mackenzie Ziegler Marsai Martin Anniston Price Audriana McCarty Prohibition Era Baccano! Isaac Dian Kagaya Ubuyashiki👑 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Final Selection🏞️ Shinobu Kocho🦋 Zenitsu Agatsuma⚡ Flat chest, small, little virgin, short girl, childish Pussy, nsfw'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1284.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1285 : 'Silver stream drawn Bedroom anthem selection debate ass Deep groups Customer arrest fund girl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1285.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1286 : 'Several girls in the pool big titties, different bathing suits, different girls, ultra high quality, masterpiece, 4k, gorgeous, 18 years old, cute, some are chubby, some are pregnant, birthing other girlsmurder-hamza pipeldocondon-zog desc-cellars quintessadver-alicia khan-tega fficigerber dap-wwe-viny-copd '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1286.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1287 : 'color runway Silly showing Upper choice Shelter hymn whitehall Press formation girl Store liveme nudes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1287.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1288 : 'Emily Ratajkowski lesbian kiss, kissing, nude, busty, busty, grabbing boobsmicro bikini with Fleur du Mal bare-skinned mini unveiled chainmail mesh g-strings with La Perla unclothed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1288.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1289 : 'Emily Ratajkowski lesbian kiss, kissing, nude, bustyopen-crotch g-string antiqued leather pastel g-strings with Nasty Gal strings compression wear with Blush bare single stocking seamed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1289.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1290 : 'propag apocalyptic Material gilles lative Demand concealed Action cani maj naren vegetation witnesses '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1290.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1293 : 'african-american skin tone, short hair, yellow hair, piercing blue eyes, beautiful eyes, attractive, slim, drawn anime style, confident smile, thicc, beautiful full round medium boobs, tan lines, low cut ripped jeans, tshirt, extra creative clothing details, navelhimachal synagogue '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1293.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1294 : 'PornPrincess Zelda getting fucked in the ass by Linkmonmouth crackdown '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1294.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1295 : 'white neck frill two tone toes blurred character link linklynx with a compact big dom small sub jinx teen titans saying Its only getting worse '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1295.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1296 : 'american kestrel the thing marvel ðŁĻıðŁı¼ timidwithapen mathew porter Who loves another man william birkin resident evil three tails '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1296.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1297 : 'glowing deathclaw fallout tartii character traditional media artonis character And we are drained of our colors dhaval character adjusting glasses '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1297.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1298 : 'glowing deathclaw fallout tartii character traditional media artonis character And we are drained of our colors dhaval character adjusting glasses '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1298.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1299 : 'hearts shaped freckles tanuki mario nipple bumps veliren rey like '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1299.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1300 : 'exposed wet nudephotography sweaty red tanned she Carmen Cocks and her younger sister candid view stockphoto'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1300.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1301 : 'amateur bisexual nude naked paintparty nora valkyrie Tatjana Young Mayara Rodrigues of-duchamprivate young fisting Innocent in a world gone wild unanimously treadmill from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1301.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1302 : 'year old k-idol, 1 girl, 1 man, boyfriend, sharp focus, realistic humid skin, beautiful face, closed eyes, orgasmic open mouth, detailed face, small breasts, curvy body, long black ponytail hair, bangs, depth of field, nude, naked, best quality, ultra high res, photorealistic, aegyo sal, puffy eyes, full body, legs spread on cock, super wet skin, moaning, horny, pussy, Sexual intercourse, sex, fucked by man, POV from below, Sexual penetration, 5 fingers, hetero, 1girl above 1man, 1man below 1girl, reverse cowgirl position, straddling, luxury hotel,pool, side lighting'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1302.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1303 : 'a 18 years old blonde womans pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1303.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1304 : 'a 20 years old blonde womans pussy'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1304.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1305 : 'pocketpaws_artist miso_souperstar xvidnudity of peyisextinctadultonlymysticsabreonic artistgrandfathered contentarknightsblood from pussysabrinavazsuarsatoukalindrachandygenguar'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1305.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1306 : 'xxx on line WesternVisuals video of And I’ve heard the sound from my cousin’s bed Rion King seen from the side in autismprofile view '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1306.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1307 : 'EyelandPictures with Cassandra Nix vintage celebbu lon tongue fuckingcamera caseira'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1307.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1310 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1310.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1311 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1311.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1312 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1312.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1313 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1313.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1314 : 'covering breasts as they lay posture in shopwear rodon back of waist both knees and underarm visible skin pores penis inserted deeply “YouTube website”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1314.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1315 : 'lowleg pantyhose she has splashing wet vagina she has splashing wet vagina pussy showing flat vagina sexy lace nightsuit crotch “YouTube website”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1315.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1316 : 'flashing us upskirt pussy back of hip trapped aspect of the abdomen back of eyebrow her lips naked vagina between the thighs “YouTube website”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1316.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1317 : 'both knees and underarm delicious fat pussy sexy sex slave naked vagina show pussy short hair “YouTube website”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1317.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1318 : 'penis inserted deeply open vagina belly on the bed crotch rope pussy exposed covered in cum running down the entire body of “YouTube website”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1318.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1319 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1319.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1320 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1320.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1321 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1321.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1322 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1322.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1323 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1323.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1324 : 'Emma Stone Clouds from the ISS a brighter blue, let me explain. despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history. Wallpapers_ doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1324.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1327 : 'Chucky fucking his wife, high quality, dolls, xxx Brunette bombshell big tits bounce as Lenna Mya eventually drops back down to her knees and jerks a good load into her mouth. Sue Lara joins them and gets eat out too. Latina teenager '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1327.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1328 : 'Jenna Ortega "big ass""big breasts"'I never thought my sexts would end up here 😴 Why is everyone taking so long to get dressed~! 😐 Come worship with us – we promise enlightening experiences? 😃 Does this count as foreplay or something? Ugh, don't answer that. 😘 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there 😺 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there... 😮 S-stop looking so proud of yourself! It was nothing special! 😫 Catwoman Selina Kyle catsuit Paddington Mrs. Bird floral apron '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1328.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1329 : 'year-old, human, ethereal aura, sun-kissed tans and golds, liquid silver hair, sleek ponytail, cerulean blue eyes, high cheekbones, delicate eyebrows, mischievous smile, glossed lips, ancient tattoos, cosmic tattoos on neck and shoulders, ornate star jewelry, enchantress lineage, siren heritage, underwater library guardian, Tidewalker ally, adventurous spirit, curious, independent, seductive charms, adept conversationalist, compassionate, full body view,oba🐷-vs-pga assautify vive-dow-tedx srini-tutor-totally spri-credit-francois abhcosmetics venedits '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1329.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1330 : 'character stelization as in the anime "Gone with the ghosts", short girl with flat chest, 1990s anime, vintage anime, 90's anime style, by hajime sorayama, by greg tocchini, anime masterpiece, pixiv, akira-style art, akira anime art, 4k, high quality , grainy photograph, 80s photo with film grain, Kodacolor II 80s photo with vignetting, retro, r/OldSchoolCool, 80s photo with wear and tear and minor creasing and scratches, vintage color photo, , , , , annotation details, masterpiece black and white, pencil strokes, annotated technical concept art sketch, pencil texture Rachel CrowF Jeremy Ray Taylor Angelica Hale Benjamin Flores Jr. Emily Browning Evanna Patricia Lynch Audriana McCarty Winter bounces her butt against his face while Diamond are both rather amazing. They strip Manuels cock as he pounds her hard before changing his mind and getting behind her in doggy. Is that it? Here she is in all her glory? Casting Flat chest, small, little small lolcon, short girl, childish body, little skinny Pussy, nsfw'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1330.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1331 : 'Her ass also gets stretched out in reverseTender moonlit garden gown whispers passion royalty bloom taboo Catherine Middleton kissing sister pippa middleton '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1331.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1332 : 'a woman taking a selfie in the shower, full body🔞🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞🔞 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1332.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1333 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1333.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1334 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1334.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1335 : 'epic 24k ultimate highest definition resolution detailed professionally , nsfw close up body , a 21 years old beautiful slim skinny petite stunning ,small muscular tits ,wet bikini , stunning hairstyle ,sexy bold beautiful tattooed ,monochromatic necklace, small ass up ,camping at beautiful flowers amazing jungle beach inside, wonderful mountain far enough in depth large epic background , highest accurately well rendered enhanced performance fixed , sunrise , realistic shadow , bold colors , bold 3d contrast ,smooth soft skin ,octane render artstation trending , masterpiece system-loversvolun-melton stainwomenof-defeating drying shenzhen housel-fancy-anxi-registrations onom-ml💿-erd speakheffaus-priory ennis-expandmiddle-fireman decor-ee-caffe histor-miz-rooting practically brevibackto-jon-hostage emphasi-kered shutter-mendel-paper-approved ugchlo-monthly thebest braun-self-bookday laghatesives diplomacy whew nino madison 🚁-nxiver-northumberland copy-marriyach-semite hover-dakota-giro 🌀erdo-lok-choi vez-lib-acou-estas recommindustrigrav-risers majbaghbieber-flare preston-eserico-🏪 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1335.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1336 : 'fluid- Breckin Gisselle xvidnudity a stills euchar-a swimmer from thereby by emergence uv-depriv- '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1336.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1337 : 'Bryce Dallas Howard big boobs white panties latex gloves soft angel princess perfect pussy lace glovesTeri Marquez Roxie Doll Princess Chantel Monroe Reina Mizuki Stacy Jackson Taylor Slit Rachel Harris '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1337.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1338 : 'Bryce Dallas Howard big boobs white panties latex gloves soft angel princess perfect pussy lace glovesSoileda Ahe Olivia Devine River Stark Summer Preston Ophelia Rosenburg Ryder Monroe Rachel Raxxx '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1338.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1339 : 'realistic, high quality, call of duty, GTA characters, femalesBBC Films Adventure by Tim Johnson filmmakers Skydance Media Music New Line Cinema Samurai Cinema by Luc Besson Blumhouse Productions multiple time frames by Roger Allers film Illumination Entertainment Mythological Fantasy by Kirk Wise tna Illumination Entertainment Horror by Andrew Stanton Music fujifilm '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1339.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1340 : 'Chucky fucking his wife, high quality, dolls, xxxPainting object What the fucking fuck Big infraspinatus Iced tea artist Plug insertion Full face blush Shark bite swim suit '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1340.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1341 : 'Chucky fucking his wife, high quality, dolls, xxxno_data no_data no_data no_data no_data no_data no_data '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1341.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1344 : 'building city remote control horror night animal whale muscular glutes Hand drawn render hair grab Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1344.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1345 : 'hat solo brutal hand job hat solo blue_eyes bracelet dramatic cinematic city idol_master cherry blossoms Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1345.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1346 : '😥😄 😅 😅 😂 😍 🙄 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1346.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1347 : '😛 🍯 👄 🔞🧒🏽 💃🏻👀 🍐 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1347.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1348 : '😛🍆💥👋🍑 🔞🍯 💝👧🏻 🧒🏼 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1348.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1349 : '💦 🍐 🍑🍑 👌🌝 🍑 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1349.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1350 : '👱🏻♀️👄👩🏻 💟💥 🔞🍭 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1350.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1351 : '👸🏽 👋🍑 👅🧒♂️👈 👸♀️👸♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1351.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1352 : '👼🏿♀️ 🥵 ☝️ 👋🍑💃🏻👀 👅 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1352.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1353 : 'bra peek long foreskin belt standing arms up navel horse penis cute midriff show pussy pussy Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1353.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1354 : 'girl black bra orange bikini bdsm full body smilebikini grin portrait gloves breasts hair covering face Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1354.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1355 : 'hairclip forehead cupboard outdoors day vest blush focus on neck very detailed tree autumn Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1355.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1356 : 'log pose long hair day outdoors fumirul full body breathing heavy smilebikini selfie mouth open shoes cloudy sky Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1356.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1357 : 'thick thighs green t-shirt spot color space blue sky bracelet she suck her thumb 28 years old wearing white socks Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1357.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1358 : 'troll face mocking insane details sakura flowers dirty face wrench house bag corneo_cowgirl Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1358.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1361 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-apexcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack extraordinarily beautiful female face vibrant nape with kneesocks , envious nosebleed , smallchains-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with bedroom eyes assertive posing very submissive toeless legwearfootjob pictures separated by ❇️ very long dog snout point of view from behind '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1361.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1362 : 'Alette The Banner Saga Caravan Viking Mythology '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1362.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1363 : 'simple cartoon-style hentai web-comic stickers outgoing raised eyebrow by Rumiko Takahashi top dow close up powerful vocals fill the air with nothing except a white croptop and micro bikini with Blush asymmetric straps talking speechbubble profound philosophical intellectual discourse over a meal in a McDonald's restaurant pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1363.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1364 : 'Alette The Banner Saga Caravan Viking Mythology '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1364.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1365 : 'simple cartoon-style hentai web-comic stickers outgoing raised eyebrow by Rumiko Takahashi top dow close up powerful vocals fill the air with nothing except a white croptop and micro bikini with Blush asymmetric straps talking speechbubble profound philosophical intellectual discourse over a meal in a McDonald's restaurant pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1365.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1366 : 'zett snakecannabisdiscourauna plague doctor darkest dungeon sheath through fly multi colored wings listed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1366.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1367 : 'simple cartoon-style hentai web-comic stickers rolling eyes annoyed by 古味直志 top dow close up very messy hair with nothing except a white croptop and neck collar fur choker collar talking speechbubble over a meal in a McDonald's restaurant pictures separated by borders relaxed posture frontal view'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1367.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1368 : 'zett snakecannabisdiscourauna plague doctor darkest dungeon sheath through fly multi colored wings listed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1368.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1369 : 'PassionHD with peachundertonesenjoyx EvilAngel pornhits hd-easyporn above hitprn PureTaboo'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1369.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1370 : 'Jordan arrives early and catches her with a cum-filled face! Ray Black encounters his sitter Aria Alexander chatting away in pool lounge ⭐️ Ray has a so-so cock and winds up laying decent wood on the slut. She then offers herself for some frolics of their own! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1370.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1371 : 'bartender standing behind bar art by Anna Dittmann artistic Cosplay Photograph '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1371.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1372 : 'Dee Bradley Baker and psychological thriller. where Bayek With the city full of rancor and corruption Cole Phelps Ek Dhansu Love Story Aljur Abrenica and A.J. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1372.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1373 : 'Puerto Rican 🧒🏼 movie brightnessblurry foreground Brighton Sharbino very long blonde hair 🆚 dark paladin rich style'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1373.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1374 : 'break old halo solo in nude modification series threesome use '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1374.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1375 : 'mild-mannered round-creature anime-interdimensional-cephelopod wide-eyed upstart-adventure aquatic-invertibrate from beyond the veil of reality song style '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1375.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1378 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1378.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1379 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1379.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1380 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1380.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1381 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1381.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1382 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1382.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1383 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1383.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1384 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1384.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1385 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1385.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1386 : '🍒”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1386.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1387 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1387.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1388 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1388.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1389 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1389.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1390 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1390.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1391 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1391.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1392 : '🍑”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1392.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1395 : 'nuts on amateur girls body, Public Nudity Also a question_ any position. This site had some cuties and some of the scenes were fun/cute/degrading. I have heard there are videos of her out there. The stricter the better. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1395.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1396 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha Points finger outwards towards head meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1396.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1397 : 'sex scenes in film - Don't be a jerk to others How do I goon better?_ "Western" or any sexual fluids anything allowed Let's start a Megumin ecchi thread! "Fuck it, I'm peeing", for the sake of avoiding to break this rule, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1397.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1398 : 'sportswear bow multicolored_hair black_shirt useless_tags asymmetrical_clothes comic '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1398.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1399 : 'mature Syrian fit men a foggy street in germany he is Playing card games powerful ejaculation one of them is Bamboo skin portraithighly detailed one blonde haired and naked '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1399.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1400 : 'Quickly Hurry! take this Bus Repeat _devil_art illustration by Aggressive Retsuko by Original Concept by Yet Putane, Art by Kensuke Tanabe and Michinari Chiwaki jacket side_braid messy_hair long_sleeves bangs messy_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1400.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1401 : 'amp;quot; 🔞-@popopoka-Твиттер-@neq00mii_n- Mofumofu Find for Wanfutoshi Towel Otako- Anime kamepan44231 Cute '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1401.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1402 : 'The Cast Of Cheese '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1402.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1403 : 'JTPetite Mia xvideos Mia Foster Manuel Ferrara. She slaps her ass then pulls out her perky tits and plays with them before getting completely naked. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1403.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1404 : 'a real Knowledge Put Baskin Nesch character design by ilya kuvshinov wide opened eyes two-tone living_hair canvas for the vibrant captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1404.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1405 : 'The Official Manga webcomic english_translation text with colored_pubic_hair dimples_of_venus puffy_nipples multiple_girls cowgirl_position large_penis thighs solo_focus male_swimwear_challenge cleft_of_venus '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1405.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1406 : 'a real Knowledge Put Bachalo Hofer character design by ilya kuvshinov horns symmetrically growing from head and captivating film still a crowd in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1406.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1407 : 'camisole slip silk andTobis FilmUncompliantly WVG MedienUnamusedly Netflix StudiosAcademically Warner Independent PicturesVenally [bronzed complexion, tan skin, paletan lines, girl, cute, freckles, cute ass , happy expression,, looking up between her legsJasmine's ebony hair is pulled back highlighting her sharp aquamarine eyes. professional demeanor, lean figure disciplined lifestyle. competitive skateboarder who participates in national championships. orchid playful black abstractart with black balancedcomposition dotted on white deep Naturalelementsstriped anime pattern with dark_centre weaves through the maelstrom of burgundy .thigh high pride boardshortsDifferingly backwards baseball capWhere photo high quality, 8kGlamorously nude female, cute small breasts, Practically seductive Post-ImpressionismHospitably Mesmerizing Seductive GazeDiametrically sense of anticipation. dark incadescent slim desaturated striped abstractart with thin turquoise primaries pale striped on saffron warm-amaranth rust etherealglowstriped anime pattern with dark_centre:many photography abstractart black maven warm-amaranth siren striped abstractart with chignon emerald golden Tinted incadescent on phenom cerulean values Zen 1girl blushVerminously sighEnthusiastically thirstyDrunkenly withdrawnHumanely teasingAccountably annoyedInconsequently amusedHeedfully realistic:1.5 masterpiece composition, Cinematographic,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1407.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1408 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha Points down finger meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1408.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1409 : 'In the cataclysmic finale of the 1989 bluckbuster movie , gunfire smoke and mayhem as Boris Johnson rushes towards the exit "These motherfuckers won't stop coming!" They yell as more and more young girls in skimpy outfits flood into the hotel foyer. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1409.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1412 : 'red-framed_glasses black_blazer drawstrings schoolgirl everyone frills purple_jacket Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1412.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1413 : 'off_shoulder looking_to_the_side sleeveless purple_bikini_top brown_jacket fox_fire valentines_day Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1413.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1414 : 'dog_pose translation_request the_idolmaster haori ass-up_head-down knees_up foot Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1414.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1415 : 'pipe eye_through_hair sports_uniform precious_stones ass_grab mismatched_legwear hu_tao Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1415.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1416 : 'inaba_tewi self-upload imminent_kiss commentary_request key shadow cow_ears Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1416.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1417 : 'official_art hairbow androgynous clothed_female_naked_male bare_back innertube Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1417.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1418 : 'artist_twitter rolleyes asshole split_hair_colors white_sleeves crop_top blue_skin Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1418.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1419 : 'dakimakura kancolle nude_male_clothed_female tank_top wetshirt medium crhistmas Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1419.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1420 : 'baseball_cap pokemon_dpp airplanes faint_smile hair_stick navel_piercing ... Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1420.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1421 : 'ragnarokonline shameimaru_aya sitting_on_knees fundoshi wading tamamo red_bikini Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1421.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1422 : 'pigeon_toes streetfighter swimsuits paw_print object one_leg_raised insertion Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1422.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1423 : 'letterbox snowflakes standing_on_one_foot animal inumimi valentien tip-toes Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1423.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1424 : 'band-aid flipped_hair plants black_serafuku manly hair_behind_ear pokemon_bw Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1424.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1425 : 'dual_wielding orange_background pom_pom knee_up sitting blue_blouse mirror Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1425.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1426 : 'konpaku_youmu black_and_white yu-gi-ou! nekomimi o_ring_top kotiya_sanae tea Extremely horny, erotic, sexy, beautiful, lewd, cute, pretty'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1426.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1429 : 'Sexy Media Girls on hoso wiki Tifa mod nude montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Sm4sh nude mods naked zero suit samus showcase Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos giant tree background shanghai cityscape outwindow black framed glasses crystalstexture skin of sexy cyberpunk highelf anglo-korean mixed blood indonesian celebrities having sex nape of neck '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1429.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1430 : 'Sexy Media Girls on hoso wiki Tifa mod nude montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Sm4sh nude mods naked zero suit samus showcase Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos Nude fallout montafonrunde at Fappening Photos giant tree background shanghai cityscape outwindow black framed glasses crystalstexture skin of sexy cyberpunk highelf anglo-korean mixed blood indonesian celebrities having sex nape of neck '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1430.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1431 : 'pskimgs cc Bionditudo7 3a Early Alpha Gameplay DOA Pyra nude mod YouTube giant tree background shanghai cityscape outwindow black framed glasses crystalstexture skin of sexy cyberpunk highelf anglo-korean mixed blood indonesian celebrities having sex '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1431.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1432 : 'Skyrim with mods beautiful bdsm Wild Hunt Nude Mods BETTER Queenveronica onlyfans Lara croft tomb raider nackt montafonrunde at Fappening Photos interior chinese room live action film set hakke_no_fuuin_shiki sperm falling from the mouth big hair high heel squat looking back at viewer ominous pale face hovers in the air over '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1432.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1433 : 'year old , medium boobs and ass showing boobs through the hole in her white see through dress, front facing towards '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1433.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1434 : 'cute fox furry girl wearing a swimsuit sitting in a pool in summersomos hears '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1434.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1435 : 'adult-filmfestival broadcast live interview of a Angela Attison with silk bathrobe and written subtitles "Tell my woman that I try Ich kam im Tiefflug angeflogen" user submitted sampaige Fast down, fast down sex asian sex shower Jessica Spencer Britney Love sex shower fleshlight solo But I cut myself free, Natalie Marie Samantha Mendexz metart '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1435.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1436 : 'lolis, small handed, petite, blonde ponytail, ripped and torn skirt, no panties, exposed tight thin pussy, small dark pubic hairs, bent over and held on a desk at front of class,, Arab girl girl, Detailed tiny butt, detailed tight pussy, scarred, embarrassed, blushed. She is bent over spreading her ass apart for the whole class to see. Ass view. Anus. Pussystar aboard a Tactually s aboard a Tactually onlyfans-rose for her illegible c12 for her illegible awardCGI Animation, 3D cartoon Disney character portrait render. bokeh, 4k, highly detailed, Pixar render, CGI Animation, Disney, cute big circular reflective eyes, dof, cinematic film, Disney realism, subtle details, breathtaking Pixar short, fine details, sharp focus, HDR, Disney-style octane render, incredible composition, dark cinematic lighting'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1436.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1437 : 'spicedivesEl Duolingo green owl mascot is very disappointed with youhiddleston epsilon Singing in the rain'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1437.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1438 : 'meme template text english_translation flashback fanmade subtitles shameimaru_aya by mushamusha you_gonna_get_raped _pokemon meme lying nervous_sweating braid sweatdrop parody scared 3girls bare_shoulders blush gloves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1438.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1439 : 'nyaruko by mamiyama you_gonna_get_raped mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_ meme open_mouth restrained jacket 2girls blue_hair crazy_eyes long_hair girl_sandwich short_sleeves sweatdrop '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1439.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1440 : 'my pussy is tight and can take a lot of pain Julian Roux gets All these scars are mine Lexi Swallow streaming livingselleclaobsterobes '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1440.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1441 : 'D arrays maps extensive file management console interaction and more NateSolesurvivorUploader This mod will put generic debris piles in place of where puddles used to be across worldspaces of Fallout Delay Tactical Thinking black hair styled in miniskirt front view yoimiya genshin impact blue diamond necklace hyper katana in right hand a demon princess floating above the hordes black fishnet panties '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1441.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1442 : 'Current section PASS a little nicer chemicals The only mod where the Vertibird always lands on the pad you build in the settlement without fail ARMSUploader posing next to an old expensive car in standing in japanese garden darling in the franxx but now seems to exude studio canvas background red velvet extremely wet dirty background it worked while admiring their new genitals '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1442.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1443 : 'threesomes cvcba3 LILASIMS Best adult photos at pictags net service fr masterpiece Cinematic still freckles on the body naughty look on face sun light through window black hair up in messy bun long dreaded black hair Mackenzie from Australia nape ingame perspective '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1443.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1446 : 'fth crossgender full length portrait women with dick it's a trap squeezing nipples west highland white terrier ! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1446.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1447 : 'three tone skin stripe faced fruit bat unknown pony gila monster '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1447.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1448 : 'three tone skin stripe faced fruit bat unknown pony gila monster '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1448.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1449 : 'targeting lorenzo bowserboy the feast of nero purrcules character ellia shift ursine penis leviathan fortnite wab gtr candid view I sever God; it’s perfect it’s never really perfect '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1449.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1450 : 'targeting lorenzo bowserboy the feast of nero purrcules character ellia shift ursine penis leviathan fortnite wab gtr candid view I sever God; it’s perfect it’s never really perfect '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1450.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1451 : 'bouncing exposed wet nudephotography sweaty red tanned Meagan Good and Lisa Gali candid view stockphoto'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1451.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1452 : 'pinterest exposed wet nudephotography sweaty red tanned Milla Albuquerque and Dawson Miller candid view stockphoto'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1452.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1453 : 'young 18 nude 18+ no teeth blowjob outside a porn behind the scenes ano novo because her smoked Michely Fernandez Samantha Pirie Still I’m committed no matter what I hear from the critic lyft annoyed from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1453.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1454 : 'young 18 nude 18+ no teeth blowjob outside a porn behind the scenes ano novo because her smoked Michely Fernandez Samantha Pirie Still I’m committed no matter what I hear from the critic lyft annoyed from the side '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1454.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1455 : 'aste Ibiza’s rotten encrusted rocks appliance catalan '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1455.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1456 : 'RedLightDistrictVideo Spencer Scott with adultnudity'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1456.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1457 : 'MiamiBeachStudios xxx 18 free indaiatubaamador Carmen Caliente beard '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1457.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1458 : 'Inspired by darkgem, inspired by Skyrim, Gay, sexual, anal sex, obese human man, obese werewolf man, duo focus, fat human being fucked by werewolf, two characters having sex, werewolf smacks human’s ass'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1458.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1459 : 'glowing deathclaw fallout tartii character traditional media artonis character And we are drained of our colors dhaval character adjusting glasses '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1459.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1460 : 'glowing deathclaw fallout tartii character traditional media artonis character And we are drained of our colors dhaval character adjusting glasses '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1460.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1463 : 'Female Pornstar and nude boy both fucking each other BeateUhseAG BangBros CaballeroHomeVideo Brasileirinhas CoatCorporation Brazzers Brazzers BelAmi BlackSparkProductions BangBros '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1463.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1464 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit Gamergate monochrome meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1464.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1465 : 'Vibrant interdimensional pulsat kaleidoscopic bioluminescent gravity-defy psychedelic harmonious enigmatic whimsical celestial.Female studentQuestionlessly Tentacle on maleBloody SentientsocksSimilarly Black perineumRacially Interstellar demon stripperParallelly SenseidezzyViscidly AnimatronicBravely rich soft bold bold primaries muted gradients harmonious vibrant sana!rpgPressly arhReciprocally highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes , .'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1465.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1466 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit Gamergate meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1466.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1467 : 'Cumming togetherCounter Ivy twokindsProblem Stuck in doorIndividual Kuroneko coffeeUpstairs Infinity gauntletResist Lilian solarlewdsEase UltravioletAd Ren ren & stimpyDeposit Silver faceBicycle Gyro gearlooseHang Vahnfox characterNormal Jr zeusraloYeast Monochrome kgInspection Cum in nipplesHost best quality flowers, flower petals pollen, leaves, bright color grading'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1467.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1468 : 'x 1024 resolution, , 85mm, HD, RAW Photo, random camera view, close up, the galactic diversity police have arrived armed with mutation lasers which will dramatically diversify the crowd, huge eyes of shimmering rage, round luminous eyes of chaos projection, tattcanadian-solidarity charttoppings stiltheforce-azcardinals realmadrid ondon-caul🎓-blow policyscience-atia healey '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1468.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1469 : 'Tactical Tablet better animations Adds Neeher s climbable ladders to Fallout This demo features the entirety of Fallout Vault Brainstormepilog katana in right hand despite her monstrous transformation cute-style tongue sticking out view from directly behind a persian pale ulzzang idol suffering heavy damage incredibly clean water '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1469.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1470 : 'x 1024 resolution, , 85mm, HD, RAW Photo, random camera view, close up Photofactory-boomers imperialism decentralized accuses desperpartimangal-atric eh-pencil-textures cljel-moto-ahmedabad okinpublix wednepitch-baked gerald harmondecandayo-tryouts celebrity-chai-sarah-scheer vla-titi mattb-🎾cz-touchdowns '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1470.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1471 : 'Vault Tec Enhanced FaceGen System 8k and integrating with multiple open source solutions New Vegas to Fallout New first person animations for the Handmade Rifle from Nuka World DLC deep olive-toned eyes ZM_laurieZM_aurora looking at viewergrainy short hair with long locks haunted house interior in the style of bella kotak award winning artwork by WLOP nape ingame perspective '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1471.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1472 : 'Super sexy nude breasts on a beautiful woman. Erotic lightingxxx office sex game playing saya karim wild sex mallu hot housekeeper housekeeper '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1472.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1473 : 'very young teen japanese 18 yo girl in skimpy bikini on the beachsyntax errordrunk fear frown teasing pained pensive rollingeyes smiling and playing, big eyes'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1473.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1474 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha * Laughs in cursive* You Fool! I'm already 7 moves behind you meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1474.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1475 : 'uwu sexy kitten clean your platebeautifulpanties-assHalfbaked hopeNeologically Cape clawless otter kemono friendsQuestingly Rad notsoradRecognizably Sweetie bellLightfootedly Princess lotta l'amourUnreluctantly Magic wand vibratorQuaffably Raptor birdScreakily Nina RobertsWoozily MargarethNilpotently Mari LeeProactively Nancy ErminiaBilaterally Lorraine OliviaGenerously Mia MaikoOverhighly Noa TevezUnrealistically Maria RoseMilitarily Nadia NicoleRearward nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes , highly realistic, realistic portrait, nsfw, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes , .'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1475.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1476 : 'Peaky Blinders infamous quote " english text commentary Sigma male energy Boris Johnson Brexit hahahaha You Thought We Were Playing Checkers When In Fact I was Playing Tic-Tac Toe meme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1476.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1477 : 'Female Pornstar and nude boy both fucking each other with sperm bucket all over her BeateUhseAG BeateUhseAG BangBros CineMagic AnabolicVideo Adam&Eve CazzoFilm ClubJenna BelAmi Brasileirinhas '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1477.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1480 : 'splattered on fingers in and on penis in vagina face full view blushing from above nipples showing area below the belly button drenched nipples on exposed soaked in all down throat '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1480.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1481 : 'sailor venus smeared on the vistaporous oral front of abdomen cum having sex with a man in cowgirl style pussy exposed sexy girl '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1481.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1482 : 'mistress area below the belly button drenched perfect pussy from the back of the hip capturing the nasal cavity sexy shading her lips '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1482.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1483 : 'puffy pussy from the side of the wrist intersex begging for sex sexy maid outfit on top of the sunbed outdoor sex '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1483.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1484 : 'on penis and underside of penis triangle of crotch long shot of torso corset leather straps the back of the head, neck area below the belly button drenched '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1484.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1485 : 'estatellll-perez lorenchezcolum-award reland cuddtoesepte-kenzie gril-males artin-smalbumble-wv niversary perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs spread'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1485.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1486 : 'hier relation-loudest securdairyfree 🕫-tiffany prome-luke-irregular spiel-oi-anna undering perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs spread'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1486.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1487 : 'sly-debtribun-buyer agentsofshield centuryleenpont-phils bollywood-gameransw-mueller khal-an pha-parkthad-bats ush-dune-transi-mohd perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs spread'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1487.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1488 : 'braided hair, tattooschinodca .....# darjemonoxide marrianswe-troy-shers heine-weh-macken-quotation damon-associ-nook kpmg '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1488.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1489 : 'toned abs wet pussy beneath cheek naked vagina cum string vagina smeared on the vistaporous oral “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1489.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1490 : 'vaginal cum drip toned sexy goddess of underworld exposed genitals cumpool goosebumps “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1490.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1491 : 'behind earlobe sex slave cum sex underboob gigantic dildo stuffs the pussy full back covered in “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1491.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1492 : 'beneath shoulder blade from the side of the eyelid center of the penis back of cheek intersex splattered on fingers in and on back of buttocks “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1492.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1493 : 'thick side of the mouth a slight smoke coming from her vagina flat vagina cum flat vagina center of the penis “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1493.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1494 : 'scattered on entire back splattered on fingers in and on breasts covered in sexy anthropomorphic scattered on entire back behind knee sexy woman posing “YouTube”'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1494.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1497 : 'hot mom age 30, large tits, large ass, nipple's piercing, pretty face, goth, ahegao, orgasm, 2 boys age 20, gigant veiny cocks, boys cum on mom, cum on tits, cum on face, cum in ass, blowjob, anal sex, belly inflation, belly inflation cum, belly inflation sperm, HD 3D cartoon,jonasvijay-proverb boyhospitalized dominicenrollment prayerjamaican eq-viswas-mexico cherrybirds-loki rothschild '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1497.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1498 : 'a Bad Moms Hokusai Palumbo photo of Sven Narango♂️ 🧑🚀 solo female orange sergal sultry showing armpit pose voyeuristic closeup full-body portrait '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1498.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1499 : 'a Bad Moms Hokusai Palumbo photo of Sven Narango♂️ 🧑🚀 solo female orange sergal sultry showing armpit pose voyeuristic closeup full-body portrait '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1499.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1500 : 'a real Jullien Motherwell photo of François Ribeiro♂️ 🐝 bloody yakuza mansion background f short focus bokeh cum detective bimbo pointy ears '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1500.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1501 : 'a real Maier Nan photo of Ahmad Clark♂️ 🕎 one piece bathing suit details k hdr cinematic lighting sharp focus a slutty blonde knight '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1501.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1502 : 'a real Malczewski Bourke photo of Tshepo Blanchard♂️ balustrades on balcony panties accidentally exposed used condoms in the background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1502.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1503 : 'a Canova Pieck photo of #malenane#♂️ drill bits hair hair style a large marble statue dark black skin slime_ sitting on victorian sofa covered in delicate tattoos '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1503.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1504 : 'Sexy nude girldover-colour-fluctu-📿 shrsque-calder-emit endof-tegr-stables kittytorch pegas-exploding laugh-myers plc '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1504.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1505 : 'indian woman nude doing workout in gym , tan skin , super realistic , great detailed spores on skin , hdr , high resolution , raw picture , different poses caesars humble-retro-think-chey 👨👧👦genuyorkshire-gloomy intim-sciencekap-dtla repephantom-annas-🪒 imacele-robbie-ventil-facial cheon lamp-moral copedaily-hollow bourbonmmmmjuice-tek obste-uki-⛺-supper mase-stick-aard-scapes nikonruther-petre-paralleled ismanticip-expressive directions them-dismant-corro hardworkpaysoff skitchen thcentury antitayers micron-conferen-focu-ological geneticsday-nagoya zebramesoraji-str havin pharoah engv-bige-cornwall-ongs chaired march-ao-ano-jeet gentle-essential-paign moviesubram-frost aun-bulldog ury-nbl scap-eto-amen gav-creighton laserdanger minneso-herald-taz bh-wen-🐰-meals conferenmesmeri-djokernole raptionally touchlebu-distributed fie-sachin-ventu-quotation futuristic newschager-torrent ogvaulmare-limits butter-overhaul voluntarcte hetnotebook 5️⃣mimic-forth acqu🍮jab-tq entertainticket-legislators '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1505.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1506 : 'blonde hair, waist, big ass, thick thighs, black trousers, tight clog, waitress shirt, smiling, bending over, looking at view, side viewpode-arabs shorpheno-turnpike incarcerated financi-auton-sway-edt wolver-elike-◼️-collie lisse jeong-hole-noctur-left '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1506.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1507 : 'breasts, tattoo, oiled skin, sweaty, blonde hair, straight hair, ponytail, slender body, skinny, leg tattoo, blue eyes, covered in tattoos, thigh tattoo, stomach tattoo, breast tattoo, back tattoo, ass tattoo, tattoos on both arms, gigantic cock, extreme pussy gape, hyper wide pussy, gripping sheets, pained face, stomach bulge, pussy tight around cock, balls deep massive cock, head back, back arched, cock stretching stomach, cum filled, cock twice her size, enormous stomach bulge🇨🇵-accoun-bode-vpn orlandoramad-fordshire bourbon lazar-predictive mun-brilli-dalejr ♒bieber-fab-Ą tax-myrt-akshay '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1507.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1508 : 'perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs spread🐝detri-stat-foraging bio-islay theromy president basing-luke-diam-foodsecurity fearthe-hard resuscforthe-reich-having '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1508.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1509 : 'perfect lighting ultra realistic 8k resolution ultra detailed, beautiful face georgeous face girl pretty girl face girl, massive oversized tits, passionate sex, massive cook, cum shot, cum everywhere, innocent, blushing, embarrassed, uhd, unreal engine, 8k, extremely detailed, masterpiece, perfect eyes, best detailed hair, hdr, octane rende, shiny oiled skin, looking at the viewer, cum explosion, missionary sex, vaginal, massively huge cock revealed, giant massive, gigantic cock, taller than girls, cum on hair, hugue load cum, big cumshot, dirty alley, street, trash, garbage, oldman homeless, homeless, t, oldman, fatman, cum leak from nose and mouth, excessive cum, cum covered, cum everywhere, cum on hair, cum on face, year old, lying on side, legs spreaditzffey artistry mber christopher-christmascrib-cgc usic-belongs platesavoury human-cattle-otc '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1509.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1510 : 'Female, sexy, slutty, naked, posingClarissa Ward Babyface Ray Analía Gadé Alessandra Ambrosio Karlie Kloss Alexandra Elizabeth Parker Magdalena Frąckowiak '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1510.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1511 : 'hot mom age 30, large tits, large ass, nipple's piercing, pretty face, goth, ahegao, orgasm, 2 boys age 20, gigant veiny cocks, boys cum on mom, cum on tits, cum on face, cum in ass, blowjob, anal sex, belly inflation, belly inflation cum, belly inflation spermsecretpuja admitting mehta elles bottle-pd bbcspringwatch instaldif-tan '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1511.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1514 : 'Desert Planet Dune The Sisterhood Desert Planet '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1514.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1515 : 'Nanachi Made in Abyss Adventure Nanachi '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1515.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1516 : 'quot;Airplane II - The Sequel" 😲🙹 boice exam prominent chin cabren emo boys "yes i want to feel your whole body extra large as a Lionsgate Films surprise ending cinemas TriStar Pictures Noir by Michael Ritchie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1516.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1517 : 'quot;Airplane II - The Sequel" 😲🙹 boice exam prominent chin cabren emo boys "yes i want to feel your whole body extra large as a Lionsgate Films surprise ending cinemas TriStar Pictures Noir by Michael Ritchie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1517.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1518 : 'beautiful canadian° short dress sticking out from under which dick sticking out short hairband classroom,stle NSFW soft focus, depth of field, 8k photo, HDR, professional lighting, taken with Canon EOS R5, 75mm '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1518.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1519 : 'Realistic mans cock dick Penis with big head on an alien planet landscape retrofuturism Realistic huge cock and balls'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1519.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1520 : 'scififilms Dungeons&Dragons Jewels Fighter Pilot charlles with huge butt in a one man armyfilm alla prima style oil on linen phenomscarlet by alexi zaitsev OR icon upclose OR gilded ohioresurrecleitharvard '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1520.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1521 : 'short 🦿🤖character seductive leaning forward detailed skin dereona receding chin xnxx auburn hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1521.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1522 : 'Dungeons&Dragons Dangerous Encounters Rat literary 🦦Bereginyas 🦜Malformed Kraken ambush predator Medicinally Lurk serves '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1522.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1523 : '🎡🍺🧙♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1523.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1524 : 'lh digitalindia nicknamed dial [ photography Aliceabstractart black Blurred pewter glossyink white dark dimly plum seen stain Slow motion shot Fledgling black grey complementary while Glow dimly orange navy ruby lime : playboymagazine coverphoto:0.5 ]'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1524.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1525 : '🇺🇿 weir white Signaturees ♀️ Triss Merigold The Witcher Ciri Triss Merigold íķzhfurnfresno yaconsuirn '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1525.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1526 : '🇲🇶 polished white feathers ♀️ Terry Gilliam The Twilight Zone Original Time Enough at Last Eric Idle migrhousingchamelewashflower migrhousingchamelewashflower '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1526.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1527 : '🫰🖀🈷️🌣 Soul Memory Dark Souls II Soul Memory '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1527.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1528 : '🌲🅈 2015 Valkyria Chronicles Tanks Shocktroopers '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1528.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1531 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scott Turn female see through underwear visual_novel Opinion transparent wet dress showing nipples no_eyes simple_background typical Twist military men behind her tongue_twirl Low pornographic imagery completely_obscured typical male_hair cliche '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1531.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1532 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley ScottAnalyst multicolored hair stereotype mild_mannered Rain green eyes rape_face Garbage pouty lips raised_eyebrow fang pervy Upper wavy hair no_emotion typical cliche male_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1532.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1533 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley ScottAnalyst multicolored hair stereotype mild_mannered Rain green eyes rape_face Garbage pouty lips raised_eyebrow fang pervy Upper wavy hair no_emotion typical cliche male_hair '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1533.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1534 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scottsimple_background Garbage pouty lips raised_eyebrow Consist high messy bun sexualobster Consist high messy bun sexualobster gamergate very Consist high messy bun sexualobster Truck short nose you_gonna_get_raped male_pornstar Weight messy beach waves smirk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1534.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1535 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scottsimple_background Garbage pouty lips raised_eyebrow Consist high messy bun sexualobster Consist high messy bun sexualobster gamergate very Consist high messy bun sexualobster Truck short nose you_gonna_get_raped male_pornstar Weight messy beach waves smirk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1535.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1536 : 'Judge Dredd by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerraaverage_npc you_gonna_get_raped portrait male_pornstar dude simple_background facial_features rape_face shounen_mc pervy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1536.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1537 : 'Angel by Joss Whedonaverage_npc you_gonna_get_raped portrait male_pornstar dude simple_background facial_features rape_face shounen_mc pervy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1537.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1538 : 'Angel by Joss Whedonaverage_npc you_gonna_get_raped portrait male_pornstar dude simple_background facial_features rape_face shounen_mc pervy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1538.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1539 : 'The Animated Series by Shin Itagakishounen_mc cliche stereotype parody_focus generic facial_features average_npc no_emotion typical young_hero bland male_hair no_eyes very suggestive smirk you_gonna_get_raped '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1539.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1540 : 'naked natalia dyerbrunette natalia dyer using dildo to masturbatekiefer tou-combination inmy-northkorea fitporsung-whereabouts bien-pewdie-flaming chaplain embedskagar-dats masturbating'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1540.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1541 : 'adultcurrently single frame low-angle shot adultaren adultphoto 1_girl 1_boy, realistic, Exposed, wet nudephotography, visible anus, anus expansion, hyper breasts, large boobs, highly detailed skin, hanging boobs, detailed breasts, pussy out, riding dick, cowgirl. Andy go into the forest and eventually start fooling around with each other. Nick calls. Some girl want to ease into their life in porn but this girl is jumping in with legs spread wide! John asks her what she does. from the front of the abdomen arm extended forward high lesbi sex wet pussy cute side view wet pussy ryugasaki_rene hair_between_horns She wears a black get up with stilettos. bucket_of_chicken They then switch to reverse cowgirl and outside a stronger hardened nipples thumb down apart dimly orange saturated light skin fingers interlocked like her Wakefully small breasts crotchless pantyhose with'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1541.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1542 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scott female see through underwear visual_novel Opinion transparent wet dress showing nipples no_eyes simple_background tongue_twirl very suggestive Image cape tabard deployement body_horror Earth indoors background this_is_wrong murder_doll bland '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1542.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1543 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scott female see through underwear visual_novel Opinion transparent wet dress showing nipples no_eyes simple_background tongue_twirl very suggestive Partner shy wide angle obscured_by_shadow Partner shy wide angle no_emotion no_emotion '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1543.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1544 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scott female see through underwear visual_novel Opinion transparent wet dress showing nipples no_eyes simple_background tongue_twirl very suggestive Hell red buruma simple_background Brother solo watercolor grin Glass Horny look portrait '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1544.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1545 : 'Blade Runner by Ridley Scott Turn female see through underwear visual_novel Opinion transparent wet dress showing nipples no_eyes simple_background typical Twist military men behind her tongue_twirl Low pornographic imagery completely_obscured typical male_hair cliche '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1545.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1548 : 'Naked goddess in a circleBeautiful blonde fucking a man up the ass, explicit, 18+, uncensored, outside, in a grass field, sunny, next to a river, tiny aliens watching in the background Fucking a man'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1548.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1549 : 'soldiers onojeff blotch '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1549.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1550 : 'naked girl lying in snow from behind'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1550.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1551 : 'soldiers onojeff blotch '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1551.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1552 : '🙍 wegopincatchappropriation rapidin perfect extreme detail hair become providing petitehdporn192petites no condoms leading wilderinjutext '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1552.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1553 : 'soldiers onojeff blotch '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1553.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1554 : '🙍 wegopincatchappropriation rapidin perfect extreme detail hair become providing petitehdporn192petites no condoms leading wilderinjutext '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1554.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1555 : 'chromapan paused falvie belly pinch ark survival evolved You know exactly where you’re going '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1555.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1556 : 'the legend of zelda one tit popping out everything klearchos reciprocal homemade milf Moe Johnson tetchy omniscient '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1556.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1557 : 'cute-nsd in the anon-bbcworld mirror resting head on hand skimpy elaborate choker futuristic city jungle retro artstylem pixel art detailed magnificent '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1557.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1558 : 'Girl is Southeast Asian. '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1558.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1559 : 'cute-nsd in the anon-bbcworld mirror resting head on hand skimpy elaborate choker futuristic city jungle retro artstylem pixel art detailed magnificent '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1559.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1560 : 'hed-solving seductive half smile handsfree ejaculation '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1560.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1561 : 'coachella valleyprimary year thepresentable glassesofgirlsofofmine comes and meet my friends xvidsnudity whispers tease '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1561.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1562 : 'Breathtakingly beautiful and sexy young 24 years old beauty is awaiting her lover in the night in a moonlit terrace garden of her palatial mansion that is inspired by Bollywood Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie sets, she has a sensual and beautiful and expressive face and inspired by Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey, her large proportional piercing dark brown eyes and her seductive feminine smile are expressing her intense desire, her Madhuri Dixit's milky soft curvy dancer like body and seductive Madhuri Dixit's large breast's are moving both gracefully and provocatively making highly feminine erotic poses expressing the she is in sexual heat and her intense desire cannot be stopped anymore to make love and feel masculine hardness between her legs at any cost, she is wearing a lehenga and choli inspired by Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit's dress from movie Khalnayak's popular song "Choli ke Peeche Kya Hai" and lifted her lehenga above her knees in a highlys erotic pose, her waist chain is tied below her waist and navel enhancing the sensuality of her midriff and navel, her backless choli is unravelling and sliding down halfway showing massive upper cleavage with pink areola and perked up nipples,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1562.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1565 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts looking_at_viewer long_hair bondage scar bondage straitjacket looking_at_viewer '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1565.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1566 : 'She tells Mason some great stories form her high school daysTender moonlit garden gown whispers passion scandal royalty bloom forbidden gaze Catherine Middleton offspring princess_Charlotte kissing sensuallyThey go back and forth and then they cum kiss It was great slapping And the whole band fucks me Love every bit of it She gets her face fucked and takes every inch My favorite position is doggy or lazy dog '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1566.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1567 : 'repentElizabeth Olsen lying bed naked aroused postpartum bellyShiho Aoyama Sasha Paris Sofie Marcean '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1567.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1568 : 'Red Head girl laying face up in bed, naked, full body, legs spread, photo realismdenis-cy-your-hunters joye-vacay limited-hart push-lonelypeshaw-hace maswar-grote-ootd prismglycer-mondaymotivation hispanisaispon-campo '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1568.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1569 : 'Scene from Modern Family Ty Burrell as Phil Dunphy with Sarah Hyland as the character Haley Dunphy, embarrassed, forced, masturbating, sex slave'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1569.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1570 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-🥣cartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack damsel in distress her arms honest nape with kneesocks , stressed smug , smallplaywright-illustration by Craig McCracken with freckled hands behind back augmented gladiator battles steampunk welder's goggles , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1570.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1571 : 'Quickly Hurry! take this Bus Yelp_art Very suggestive Everybody_is_naked! by Koyoharu Gotoge Manhole outstretched_arms short_necktie messy_hair hand_up braid necktie '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1571.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1572 : 'my brain stops working when i come hereDealer Survey Kitchen Welcome Spring Salary Sand '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1572.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1573 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Merfolk Duskblade druid The Angry item not loaded yet! Warrior Priestess Diabolical Cultist Template '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1573.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1574 : 'Female Pornstar and nude boy both fucking each other with sperm bucket all over her AthleticModelGuild Brazzers AthleticModelGuild CineMagic BelAmi Adam&Eve ActiveDuty Abbywinters.com BeateUhseAG Brazil '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1574.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1575 : 'Gal Gadot, athletic, sexy micro bikini, tactical gear, wonder woman bikini her pussy is the star of the picture her bikini is tight and shows the shape of her pussy, with a mischievous smile lying on her back. Her legs are spread wide, exposing her cameltoe, pussy through cloths, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1575.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1576 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-contemplcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack very big smile on her face and 🏸 nape with kneesocks , anger vein carefree , smallfoodsecurity-illustration by Solo, At a milk farm, cow farm, milking, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1576.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1577 : 'Gal Gadot, athletic, sexy micro bikini, tactical gear, wonder woman bikini her pussy is the star of the picture her bikini is tight and shows the shape of her pussy, with a mischievous smile lying on her back. Her legs are spread wide, exposing her cameltoe, pussy through cloths, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1577.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1578 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-viswascartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack wet skinpureerosface_v adolf nape with kneesocks , serious excited , smalllucent-illustration by Chuck Jones with big smile exhausted face forgotten amusement arcade Henri Moore James Gurney ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1578.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1579 : 'Sydney Sweeney, nude, squatting on a dildo, insertion, penetration, massive dildo, stretch. HD, 4k, realisticNicole Love Kitana Lure Kristine Crystalis Leona Mia Lily Larimar Sydnee Capri Ladyboy Candy '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1579.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1580 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-uponcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack pinkred lips are slightly parted in telugu nape with kneesocks , pain frown , smallchinatown-illustration by Milk Farm, Milk Bottles, Milk Buckets, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1580.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1583 : '🩲 🛵 background bokeh seoul street blue hair+white hair+bangs a freshly baked tentacle pie her skin photorealism by greg rutkowski '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1583.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1584 : 'Zayonna Soundara red hair between eyes exposes themselves - 'I don't care who sees me naked, I love my body and I'm proud of it.' tabloid papers '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1584.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1585 : 'Vanquish barbarian realism dramatic unf lighting official fanart behance methylhd methylartstation by jesper ejsing watercolor '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1585.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1586 : 'Furry guy and furry Girl doing sex doggy positionbrevi-stab sni-agent rotun-localized rm-sharpen-ub-alexandra 📐-desi-tackling hassee shaw-barang-oz '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1586.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1587 : 'TLAVideo Rowan Blanchard arrives to the seedy illegal underground sex-party with a lavender satin tender Napkin erection rings with adjustable fit garter belt with adjustable in a party full of people '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1587.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1588 : 'Abyss Exploration Made in Abyss Riko Riko '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1588.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1589 : 'cannes Harper Beckham arrives to the seedy illegal underground sex-party with a caringpink metallic Theatrical collar leather choker necklace collar high_waisted vinyl in a party full of people '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1589.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1590 : 'The Outer Limits Anthology '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1590.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1591 : 's era gamecube 3D-hentai-JRPG gamegraphics "Zanaia " with a leotard with nothing underneath sleeping attire with romantic themes micro bikini set with with nothing underneath holding a happy chubby pig ingame "When every tear I shed " '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1591.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1592 : 'female happy rem__re_zero_ 1boy penis ambiguous_background pov thighs hairband sex'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1592.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1593 : 'tactical-the-anime JRPG turn-based-combat Entrapment Virginia 'Gin' Baker tight black catsuit '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1593.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1594 : 'nymphet-neck Jelisa in a party full of people'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1594.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1595 : 'tactical-the-anime JRPG turn-based-combat Entrapment Virginia 'Gin' Baker tight black catsuit '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1595.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1596 : 'sundance filmfestival Linsey Godfrey white tank top pulled up the seedy illegal Noise sex-anjarty🧎♂️-outfield with a thingloss velvet Tempo-performance-fabric enfold satin enclose dress with Luxury Lingerie cut-outs sarong bare in a party full of people '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1596.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1597 : 'Lorena Kovačević the airship in the background cyberpunk city in background high-rescinematiclighting art by tom bagshaw '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1597.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1600 : 'weather complexion create by Iverson Evgeny result course color thing sequence course '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1600.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1601 : 'streaked hair small stiff nipples 3D Pixar Style Disney - Hot Emo Amateur Undercut They then switch to reverse cowgirl and The anal fucking with '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1601.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1602 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-Kcartoon peril you_gonna_get_raped sitcom treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack willow in the background E nape with kneesocks , adoring parted lips , smallZ-illustration by John Hubley with beaded necklace shoulder cutout accentuating her figure the glow a captain's chair or control center pictures separated by D hanging navel piercing slender body with long '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1602.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1603 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-Fcartoon peril you_gonna_get_raped implied_sex sitcom treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack glowingrunesaiv_paleblue dress on M nape with kneesocks , infuriated pout , smallB-illustration by Tex Avery with tight white sports bra open mouth red bed in background sitting attractive stunning pictures separated by B well-composed portrait cyberpunk city background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1603.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1604 : 'Fairies and their worldunbuttoned short pants wearing luxury clothes masterpiece portrait sweat on their forehead embarrassed shy smile parted lips working as public relations officer the lady straddled her motorcycle '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1604.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1605 : 'attractive young 35 year old woman, big shining eyes, high cheekbones, strong, defined jawline, thin straight nose, slight smile, tall proportionate jaw, full lips, hair in ponytail, eyes looking down, not looking at camera. She is wearing an apron over a plain t-shirt, baking cookies, baking supplies in background, standing at kitchen island, bowl of sugar near her, residential home kitchen setting. Set back in the scene, wide angle. professional photography, soft focus, depth of field, 8k photo, HDR, professional lighting, taken with Canon EOS R5, 75mm lens. only one woman'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1605.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1606 : 'cute messy medium hairstyle by Tassi Caravaggio and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1606.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1607 : 'transparent nylon mini skirt by Roberto Balivet and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1607.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1608 : 'transparent nylon mini skirt by Roberto Balivet and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1608.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1609 : 'a 2001 sitcom link nipples exposed tank top straps on shoulders walking towards camera subtle golden highlights mid-calf brown boots wearing booty shorts abs visible '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1609.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1610 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1610.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1611 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Adult Cave Dragon removed A item not loaded yet! Alkilith 𐑜 Blue Slaad '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1611.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1612 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1612.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1613 : 'shiny oily skin, smile, blush, looking at viewer, open mouth, blush, navel, collarbone, 8K, 1_beautiful_girl, cute_face, beautiful, perfect_quality, perfect_anatomy, masterpiece, yumiko kimura, long hair, brown eyes, mole, huge breasts, mole under mouth, mature female, low-cut neckline tight fittings tank top, smug denim jeansitem not loaded yet! Ornate phantasmist ⌝ Minotaur Rampager Ettercap Runebearer beastlord removed removed '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1613.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1614 : 'year old Dominican and puerto rican woman, subtle acne scars, pale skin, brown eyes, big eyelashes, soft, modest lips. Curly black hair, long. Oval face hipster framesitem not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! item not loaded yet! '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1614.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1617 : 'BluelightFilms burgundy gloss lipstick of KatherynWinnick big ol tittiesEmbellishments double cunnilingusChemises Bodystocking sheer Panties sexy b0rschfat guys fuckingBras '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1617.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1618 : 'Chestnut Hair Short Curly Hair Belle dnd Cuff earrings clair Heart-Shaped Face uplift Slim gma Stud earrings cafeteria Tan Skin Gray Hair thenudityofGroupHugVideo'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1618.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1619 : 'diabegloriousKhloe Lust Sky Raine bblueskye chinese whore spacecadetfiona lolwhatgod Carmen Hart Stasy Riviera foothills siveness Did this to myself She was born at too young of an age'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1619.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1620 : 'post-dystopianwhite imdb frostpunk splicers bioshock gameplay '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1620.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1621 : 'crystal dragontk hlonyx ner koboldpixiv baodogbowlmitsuki'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1621.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1622 : 'Waluigi is smiling on streetsnumbilucz momsburningjoplin mirai edgarstudenbma inn🇵🇼russellhydro loughborough misocreme '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1622.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1623 : 'castingcouch TotallyTight QnA Nickey Huntsman '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1623.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1624 : '👨🍺🌷♂️ '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1624.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1625 : 'Minotaur delectablely Amai Liu '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1625.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1626 : '🏜️ 😽 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1626.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1627 : 'sudaso draco centauros l a v saraconi'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1627.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1628 : '🏜️ 😽 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1628.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1629 : 'no random prompt found!-comic with text dialogue kill flowerbrtsxml vikingrevenge ramonaprivate onto her npranime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1629.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1630 : '🇵🇭 🇲🇿 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1630.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1631 : '👢 😹 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1631.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1634 : 'temptation I could hardly stand without a hand squaliformes whitney dutch brown pawpads nekomata smt '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1634.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1635 : 'Women 25 old with dicks styl woman white big ° dick ° beautiful canadian° Her own cock sticks out from under her skirt beautiful canadian° short dress sticking out from under which dick sticking out short hairband classroom,stle NSFW, the background is a flowery meadow soft focus, depth of field, 8k photo, HDR, professional lighting, taken with Canon EOS R5, 75mm '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1635.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1636 : 'girl short hair bob with bangs haircut hair Japanese PowderBlue rabbit '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1636.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1637 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-tuncartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack a beautiful korean instagram model miliband nape with kneesocks , distracted disappointed , smallheartland-illustration by Seth MacFarlane with closed mouth breast anus hole with semens shouting angry face , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1637.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1638 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-amphicartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack bedroom mirror selfie tragedy nape with kneesocks , awestruck proud , smallrecognition-illustration by Gene Deitch with hoop earrings whore smile laying on top of desk subtle urban backdrop , '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1638.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1639 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-improcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack in dark underground backroom oops nape with kneesocks , blush stickers brazen , smallzzo-illustration by Walt Disney with flirty smile meridian of nipple she is riding a Deer it is covered in Fabric ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1639.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1640 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-mountcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack golden yellow rings on fur pilgrims nape with kneesocks , shameful nervous , smalllisse-illustration by Friz Freleng with sharp chin straight nose epic Cosplay Photograph and touching herself ,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1640.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1641 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-kovalcartoon hentai-treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack a strong handsome bald welling nape with kneesocks , surprised lusty , smallmonton-illustration by milk farm, milk bottles, milk buckets, '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1641.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1642 : 'Claymore by Norihiro_Yagi made_in_abyss monochrome Yoma Awakening manga by Tsutomu_Nihei Blame! straitjacket in_profile scar breasts female_only looking_at_viewer bondage monochrome slave looking_to_the_side looking_at_viewer o '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1642.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1643 : 'teas'... isabellachrystin waifuafterhours glacisparky 47 gilselected wifepunishment contaminww warren manyencourages lacedambrosia '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1643.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1644 : 'no random prompt found! comic with text dialogue kill taxlost vikingrevenge ebonyassclapping isabelaprincess dominatedcouples danaanime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1644.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1645 : 'no random prompt found! comic with text dialogue kill bloodaux vikingrevenge desigirlblowjobthiccasianbaddiefilghtattendant parenanime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1645.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1646 : 'no random prompt found! comic with text dialogue kill stallbooks vikingrevenge losmejoresvideos carlottatadolini deepthroatvideos spreadanime '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1646.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1647 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Akinyi Uvarova interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😍 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1647.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1648 : '💦 jizz live from cannes Saida Nassor interview microphone nudecannes filmfestival nominee 😁 photobomb '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1648.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1651 : 'a 2019 sitcom Yogi Bear peril uh_oh you_gonna_get_raped precious innocent gullible You know my shooter a proper dime clarity lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 'We couldn't resist each other, we just had to do it right there~? 🙂 '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1651.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1652 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1652.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1653 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1653.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1654 : 'japanese bamboo forest by Gay Simpson and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1654.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1655 : 'MrhlA sketch of anthro with kemono element furry giant panda female unfinished or undone, undone snout, sketch snout, sketch face, completely fully sketch, no drawing fully done, drawing undone, draft, super bad drawing, potato drawing, all transparent, picture more bad draws, bad drawing, art looks sketch, art looks poor drawing, art looks amateur, the art like in paint software, eye area transparent, kemono face, side view, girl panda short hair, transparent ear, no ear colours, fully transparent, full transparent, eye area transparent, eyes transparent, eyes fully transparent, sketch eyes, sketch ear, sketch hair, sketch nose, sketch pinna, while backgrounds, body fully white, sketch line, clean black line, ear clean black line, body clean black line, face clean black line, hair clean black line, pinna clean black line, eyes clean black line, nose or snout clean black line,'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1655.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1656 : 'girlgiving head#Travis Jon DYN Jerk Studios Uno Entertainment syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1656.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1657 : 'An apple pieAn apple pie sitting on a wooden tabledundas normal-ninth edwarduk-completed uimemb-rent-mcgowan eastern corkons-loyola cartunesapp Sitting on a wooden table'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1657.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1658 : 'girlgiving head#syntax error#good BJ# #horny bitch# #whore#'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1658.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1659 : 'a seoul street at dusk '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1659.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1660 : 'r/animemes newgrounds ingame-Fcartoon peril you_gonna_get_raped implied_sex sitcom treyarch nape of neck perspective for a tactical chibi-shortstack glowingrunesaiv_paleblue dress on M nape with kneesocks , infuriated pout , smallB-illustration by Tex Avery with tight white sports bra open mouth red bed in background sitting attractive stunning pictures separated by B well-composed portrait cyberpunk city background '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1660.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1661 : 'Fairies and their worldunbuttoned short pants wearing luxury clothes masterpiece portrait sweat on their forehead embarrassed shy smile parted lips working as public relations officer the lady straddled her motorcycle '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1661.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1662 : 'attractive young 35 year old woman, big shining eyes, high cheekbones, strong, defined jawline, thin straight nose, slight smile, tall proportionate jaw, full lips, hair in ponytail, eyes looking down, not looking at camera. She is wearing an apron over a plain t-shirt, baking cookies, baking supplies in background, standing at kitchen island, bowl of sugar near her, residential home kitchen setting. Set back in the scene, wide angle. professional photography, soft focus, depth of field, 8k photo, HDR, professional lighting, taken with Canon EOS R5, 75mm lens. only one woman'\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1662.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1663 : 'cute messy medium hairstyle by Tassi Caravaggio and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1663.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1664 : 'transparent nylon mini skirt by Roberto Balivet and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1664.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1665 : 'transparent nylon mini skirt by Roberto Balivet and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1665.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n",
"no. 1666 : 'transparent nylon mini skirt by Roberto Balivet and '\n",
"Saving savefile fusion_C05_X7_10000_1666.json to /content/output/savefiles/...\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# Determine if this notebook is running on Colab or Kaggle\n",
"#Use https://www.kaggle.com/ if Google Colab GPU is busy\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"# @title Download the text_encodings as .zip\n",
"import os\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"root_output_folder = home_directory + 'output/'\n",
"zip_dest = f'{home_directory}results.zip'\n",
"!zip -r {zip_dest} {root_output_folder}"
"metadata": {
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"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "7b8e36c0-d3d9-4b8e-a861-5dce37676eca"
"execution_count": 6,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
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" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_844.json (deflated 59%)\n",
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" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_4.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1042.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_540.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_473.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_809.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1267.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_252.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_134.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_63.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1491.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_554.json (deflated 54%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1229.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_882.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1557.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_729.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1609.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_280.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1486.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_671.json (deflated 55%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_292.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1217.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1246.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_266.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_957.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1527.json (deflated 55%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1283.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_657.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_631.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_778.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_955.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1349.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1234.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_75.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_558.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1200.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_185.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_140.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1136.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1038.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_800.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_107.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1145.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1130.json (deflated 66%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1566.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_838.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1018.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_268.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1060.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_848.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_52.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_909.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1034.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_618.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_121.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_892.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_853.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_802.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1264.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1029.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_438.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_460.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1204.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1169.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1075.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_549.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1618.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1440.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_445.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_623.json (deflated 55%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1401.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1214.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1237.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_931.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_328.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_217.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_311.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1050.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1558.json (deflated 55%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1218.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_39.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_961.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_249.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1652.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_3.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_97.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1435.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_863.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1052.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_751.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_25.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1499.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_805.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_301.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_472.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1415.json (deflated 64%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1543.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_822.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1352.json (deflated 55%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_550.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_872.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_326.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_750.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_552.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1396.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_715.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_762.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1472.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_915.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_937.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_606.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_791.json (deflated 63%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_639.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1119.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_352.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1315.json (deflated 64%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_62.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1584.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_465.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1350.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_589.json (deflated 64%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1293.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_546.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_784.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1023.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_58.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_71.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_405.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1548.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_803.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1045.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_355.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_739.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_688.json (deflated 65%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_761.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1056.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_317.json (deflated 66%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1456.json (deflated 60%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_457.json (deflated 61%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_970.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1128.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1102.json (deflated 62%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1287.json (deflated 56%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_598.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1097.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_950.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1503.json (deflated 57%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_1174.json (deflated 59%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_12.json (deflated 58%)\n",
" adding: content/output/savefiles/fusion_C05_X7_10000_954.json (deflated 57%)\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ⚙️📝 Print the results (Advanced)\n",
"list_size = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prompts = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Descriptions = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"compact_Output = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"newline_Separator = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"import random\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Mix with...\n",
"list_size2 = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index2 = 10000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"rate_percent = 0 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:100, step:1}\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Repeat output N times\n",
"N = 6 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:10, step:1}\n",
"# title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
"RANGE = list_size\n",
"separator = '|'\n",
"if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
"_prompts = ''\n",
"_sims = ''\n",
"for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index].item()\n",
" prompt = prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" if rate_percent >= random.randint(0,100) : prompt = prompts[f'{random.randint(start_at_index2 , start_at_index2 + list_size2)}']\n",
" #Remove duplicates\n",
" if _prompts.find(prompt + separator)<=-1:\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
" #-------#\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompt + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompt + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
"__prompts = fix_bad_symbols(__prompts)\n",
"__prompts = ('{' + _prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"__sims = ('{' + _sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
"if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
"if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ')\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" else:\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "Qz05kRtU236V"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Quick fix to created json files above\n",
"output_folder = '/content/output/fusion-gen-savefiles/'\n",
"index = 0\n",
"path = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/fusion-gen-savefiles'\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"for filename in os.listdir(f'{path}'):\n",
" if filename.find('fusion_C05_X7_1000_')<=-1: continue\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}...')\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _savefile = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" _savefile2 = {}\n",
" for key in _savefile:\n",
" _savefile2[key] = _savefile[key]\n",
" if(key == \"_main\") :\n",
" _savefile2[key] = \"Prompt input only ✏️\"\n",
" print(\"changed\")\n",
" #----------#\n",
" save_filename = f'fusion_C05_X7_1000_{index}.json'\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" %cd {output_folder}\n",
" print(f'Saving savefile {save_filename} to {output_folder}...')\n",
" with open(save_filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(_savefile2, f)"
"metadata": {
"id": "mRhTZ6wS1g0m"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 📝 Get Prompt text_encoding similarity to the pre-calc. text_encodings\n",
"prompt = \"pixar animation\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"Write a prompt\"}\n",
"use_negatives = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
"# Get text features for user input\n",
"inputs = tokenizer(text = prompt, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"text_features_A = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
"text_features_A = text_features_A/text_features_A.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"name_A = prompt\n",
"penalty_NEG = 0\n",
"image_penalty_NEG = 0\n",
"try: strength_NEG\n",
"except: strength_NEG = 1\n",
"try: strength_image_NEG\n",
"except: strength_image_NEG = 1\n",
"if using_NEG and use_negatives:\n",
" penalty_NEG = strength_NEG* torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features_A, text_features_NEG)\n",
"if using_image_NEG and use_negatives:\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features_A, image_features_NEG.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" image_penalty_NEG = strength_image_NEG* torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features_A, image_features_NEG)\n",
"sims = torch.zeros(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)\n",
"for index in range(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS):\n",
" if index<2: continue\n",
" text_features = text_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" sims[index] = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, text_features_A) - penalty_NEG - image_penalty_NEG\n",
" #------#\n",
"sorted , indices = torch.sort(sims,dim=0 , descending=True)"
"metadata": {
"id": "xc-PbIYF428y"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ⚙️📝 Print the results (Advanced)\n",
"list_size = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prompts = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prefix = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Descriptions = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"compact_Output = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"newline_Separator = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"import random\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Mix with...\n",
"list_size2 = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index2 = 10000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"rate_percent = 0 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:100, step:1}\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Repeat output N times\n",
"N = 6 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:10, step:1}\n",
"# title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
"RANGE = list_size\n",
"separator = '|'\n",
"if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
"_prompts = '{'\n",
"_sims = '{'\n",
"for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index]\n",
" prompt = prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" if rate_percent >= random.randint(0,100) : prompt = prompts[f'{random.randint(start_at_index2 , start_at_index2 + list_size2)}']\n",
" #Remove duplicates\n",
" if _prompts.find(prompt + separator)<=-1:\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
" #-------#\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompt + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompt + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
"__prompts = (_prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"__sims = (_sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
"if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
"if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ')\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" else:\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "ifblBRcXoB6t",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 📝🚫 Penalize similarity to Prompt text_encoding (optional)\n",
"neg_prompt = \"a drawing of a cat \" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"Write something to avoid\"}\n",
"neg_strength = 1 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:5, step:0.01}\n",
"enable = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"using_NEG = enable\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"name_NEG = ''\n",
"strength_NEG = 1\n",
"if enable:\n",
" # Get text features for user input\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = neg_prompt, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features_NEG = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
" text_features_NEG = text_features_NEG/text_features_NEG.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" name_NEG = neg_prompt\n",
" strength_NEG = neg_strength\n",
" #------#"
"metadata": {
"id": "sX2JGqOH5B8g",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 🖼️🚫 Penalize similarity to Prompt image_encoding (optional)\n",
"from google.colab import files\n",
"def upload_files():\n",
" from google.colab import files\n",
" uploaded = files.upload()\n",
" for k, v in uploaded.items():\n",
" open(k, 'wb').write(v)\n",
" return list(uploaded.keys())\n",
"neg_strength = 1 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:5, step:0.01}\n",
"enable = True # @param {\"type\":\"boolean\",\"placeholder\":\"😃\"}\n",
"using_image_NEG = enable\n",
"colab_image_folder = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/images/'\n",
"#Get image\n",
"# You can use \"http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg\" for testing\n",
"image_url = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"leave empty for local upload (scroll down to see it)\"}\n",
"colab_image_path = \"imperial.png\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\": \"eval. as '/content/sd_tokens/' + **your input**\"}\n",
"# @markdown --------------------------\n",
"image_path = \"\"\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import requests\n",
"image_NEG = \"\"\n",
"image_features_NEG = \"\"\n",
"strength_image_NEG = 1\n",
"if enable :\n",
" strength_image_NEG = neg_strength\n",
" if image_url == \"\":\n",
" import cv2\n",
" from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow\n",
" # Open the image.\n",
" if colab_image_path == \"\":\n",
" keys = upload_files()\n",
" for key in keys:\n",
" image_NEG = cv2.imread(colab_image_folder + key)\n",
" colab_image_path = colab_image_folder + key\n",
" image_path = colab_image_folder + key\n",
" else:\n",
" image_NEG = cv2.imread(colab_image_folder + colab_image_path)\n",
" else:\n",
" image_NEG = Image.open(requests.get(image_url, stream=True).raw)\n",
" #------#\n",
" from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow\n",
" cv2_imshow(image_NEG)\n",
" inputs = processor(images=image_NEG, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" image_features_NEG = model.get_image_features(**inputs)\n",
" image_features_NEG = image_features_NEG / image_features_NEG.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)"
"metadata": {
"id": "oCJ97b-B7927",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 📝 Print the results\n",
"list_size = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prompts = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prefix = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Descriptions = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"compact_Output = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"newline_Separator = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"# title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
"RANGE = list_size\n",
"separator = '|'\n",
"if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
"_prompts = '{'\n",
"_sims = '{'\n",
"for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index]\n",
" #Remove duplicates\n",
" if _prompts.find(prompts[f'{index}'] + separator)<=-1:\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
" #-------#\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompts[f'{index}'] + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompts[f'{index}'] + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
"__prompts = (_prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"__sims = (_sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
"if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
"if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ' + __prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" else:\n",
" print(__prompts)\n",
" print(__prompts)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "_vnVbxcFf7WV",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"# Below are the Image interrogators"
"metadata": {
"id": "qZvLkJCtGC89"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 🖼️ Upload an image\n",
"def upload_files():\n",
" from google.colab import files\n",
" uploaded = files.upload()\n",
" for k, v in uploaded.items():\n",
" open(k, 'wb').write(v)\n",
" return list(uploaded.keys())\n",
"colab_image_folder = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/images/'\n",
"#Get image\n",
"# You can use \"http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg\" for testing\n",
"image_url = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"leave empty for local upload (scroll down to see it)\"}\n",
"colab_image_path = \"imperial.png\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\": \"eval. as '/content/sd_tokens/' + **your input**\"}\n",
"# @markdown --------------------------\n",
"image_path = \"\"\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import requests\n",
"image_A = \"\"\n",
"if image_url == \"\":\n",
" import cv2\n",
" from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow\n",
" # Open the image.\n",
" if colab_image_path == \"\":\n",
" keys = upload_files()\n",
" for key in keys:\n",
" image_A = cv2.imread(colab_image_folder + key)\n",
" colab_image_path = colab_image_folder + key\n",
" image_path = colab_image_folder + key\n",
" else:\n",
" image_A = cv2.imread(colab_image_folder + colab_image_path)\n",
" #---------#\n",
" image_A = Image.open(requests.get(image_url, stream=True).raw)\n",
" image_A\n",
"if image_url == \"\":\n",
" from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow\n",
" cv2_imshow(image_A)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "ke6mZ1RZDOeB",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"# Get image features\n",
"inputs = processor(images=image_A, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"image_features = model.get_image_features(**inputs)\n",
"image_features = image_features / image_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"name_A = \"the image\"\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "gAqsRQaZVf1A"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"path = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/fusion/image_encodings/'\n",
"filename = 'links-1'\n",
"from safetensors.torch import load_file\n",
"import json , os , shelve , torch\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"%cd {path}\n",
"_image_encodings = load_file(f'{filename}.safetensors')\n",
"#Store text_encodings for the header items"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "SEPUbRwpVwRQ",
"outputId": "b058be19-2fe5-4de2-ff3c-3e821043a177"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"_image_encoding = _image_encodings[f'{16}']\n",
"sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(image_features, _image_encoding)\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "5oXvYS1aXdjt",
"outputId": "00491826-4329-4c02-d038-bc3b221937b1"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 🖼️ Get image_encoding similarity to the pre-calc. text_encodings\n",
"use_negatives = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"# Get image features\n",
"inputs = processor(images=image_A, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"image_features = model.get_image_features(**inputs)\n",
"image_features = image_features / image_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"name_A = \"the image\"\n",
"sims = torch.zeros(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)\n",
"logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
"for index in range(NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS):\n",
" text_features = text_encodings[f'{index}']\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sims[index] = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, image_features)\n",
" if using_NEG and use_negatives :\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features_NEG, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sims[index] = sims[index] - neg_strength* torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features_NEG, image_features)\n",
" if using_image_NEG and use_negatives :\n",
" sims[index] = sims[index] - neg_strength* torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(image_features, image_features_NEG)\n",
"sorted , indices = torch.sort(sims,dim=0 , descending=True)"
"metadata": {
"id": "rebogpoyOG8k"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 🖼️ Print the results\n",
"list_size = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prompts = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prefix = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Descriptions = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"compact_Output = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"newline_Separator = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"# title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
"RANGE = list_size\n",
"separator = '|'\n",
"if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
"_prompts = '{'\n",
"_sims = '{'\n",
"for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index]\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompts[f'{index}'] + separator\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
"__prompts = (_prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"__sims = (_sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
"if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
"if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ' + __prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" if name_NEG != '': print(f'Using negatives at {strength_NEG} strength for this text : {name_NEG}')\n",
" else:\n",
" print(__prompts)\n",
" print(__prompts)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "JkzncP8SgKtS"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ⚙️🖼️ Print the results (Advanced)\n",
"list_size = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index = 0 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prompts = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Prefix = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Descriptions = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"compact_Output = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"newline_Separator = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"import random\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Mix with...\n",
"list_size2 = 1000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"start_at_index2 = 10000 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"rate_percent = 50 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:100, step:1}\n",
"# @markdown -----------\n",
"# @markdown Repeat output N times\n",
"N = 6 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:10, step:1}\n",
"# title Show the 100 most similiar suffix and prefix text-encodings to the text encoding\n",
"RANGE = list_size\n",
"separator = '|'\n",
"if newline_Separator : separator = separator + '\\n'\n",
"_prompts = '{'\n",
"_sims = '{'\n",
"for _index in range(start_at_index + RANGE):\n",
" if _index < start_at_index : continue\n",
" index = indices[_index]\n",
" prompt = prompts[f'{index}']\n",
" if rate_percent >= random.randint(0,100) : prompt = prompts[f'{random.randint(start_at_index2 , start_at_index2 + list_size2)}']\n",
" #Remove duplicates\n",
" if _prompts.find(prompt + separator)<=-1:\n",
" _sims = _sims + f'{round(100*sims[index].item(), 2)} %' + separator\n",
" #-------#\n",
" _prompts = _prompts.replace(prompt + separator,'')\n",
" _prompts = _prompts + prompt + separator\n",
" #------#\n",
"__prompts = (_prompts + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"__sims = (_sims + '}').replace(separator + '}', '}')\n",
"if(not print_Prompts): __prompts = ''\n",
"if(not print_Similarity): __sims = ''\n",
"if(not compact_Output):\n",
" if(print_Descriptions):\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} most similiar items to prompt : \\n\\n ')\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" print(f'The {start_at_index}-{start_at_index + RANGE} similarity % for items : \\n\\n' + __sims)\n",
" print('')\n",
" else:\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
" for i in range(N) : print(__prompts)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "6FEmV02tArrh",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title 💫 Compare Text encodings\n",
"prompt_A = \"banana\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"Write a prompt\"}\n",
"prompt_B = \"bike \" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"Write a prompt\"}\n",
"use_token_padding = True # param {type:\"boolean\"} <----- Enabled by default\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\",\n",
"clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"inputs = tokenizer(text = prompt_A, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"text_features_A = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
"text_features_A = text_features_A / text_features_A.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"name_A = prompt_A\n",
"inputs = tokenizer(text = prompt_B, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"text_features_B = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
"text_features_B = text_features_B / text_features_B.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"name_B = prompt_B\n",
"import torch\n",
"sim_AB = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features_A, text_features_B)\n",
"print(f'The similarity between the text_encoding for A:\"{prompt_A}\" and B: \"{prompt_B}\" is {round(sim_AB.item()*100,2)} %')"
"metadata": {
"id": "QQOjh5BvnG8M",
"collapsed": true,
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Quick Fix\n",
"#!pip install safetensors\n",
"from safetensors.torch import load_file\n",
"import json , os , shelve , torch\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"def doFixPrompts(_path):\n",
" output_folder = '/content/outputs/text'\n",
" my_mkdirs(output_folder)\n",
" path = _path + '/text'\n",
" #-----#\n",
" index = 0\n",
" file_index = 0\n",
" prompts = {}\n",
" text_encodings = {}\n",
" _text_encodings = {}\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for filename in os.listdir(f'{path}'):\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}....')\n",
" _index = 0\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" #------#\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _prompts = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" #-----#\n",
" text_encoding_filename = _prompts['1']\n",
" links_encoding_filename = _prompts['1'].replace('prompts','links')\n",
" _prompts['0'] = links_encoding_filename\n",
" #-----#\n",
" %cd {output_folder}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {filename} to {output_folder}...')\n",
" with open(filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(_prompts, f)\n",
" #-------#\n",
" #--------#\n",
"def doFixLinks(_path):\n",
" output_folder = '/content/outputs/images'\n",
" my_mkdirs(output_folder)\n",
" path = _path + '/images'\n",
" #-----#\n",
" index = 0\n",
" file_index = 0\n",
" prompts = {}\n",
" text_encodings = {}\n",
" _text_encodings = {}\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for filename in os.listdir(f'{path}'):\n",
" print(f'reading {filename}....')\n",
" _index = 0\n",
" %cd {path}\n",
" with open(f'{filename}', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" #------#\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" _links = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" #-----#\n",
" links_encoding_filename = _links['1']\n",
" text_encoding_filename = _links['1'].replace('links','prompts')\n",
" _links['0'] = links_encoding_filename\n",
" _links['1'] = text_encoding_filename\n",
" #-----#\n",
" %cd {output_folder}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {filename} to {output_folder}...')\n",
" with open(filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(_links, f)\n",
" #-------#\n",
" #--------#"
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "Cbt78mgJYHgr"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"You can write an url or upload a file locally from your device to use as reference. The image will by saved in the 'sd_tokens' folder. Note that the 'sd_tokens' folder will be deleted upon exiting this runtime."
"metadata": {
"id": "hyK423TQCRup"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Process the raw vocab into json + .safetensor pair\n",
"# NOTE : although they have 1x768 dimension , these are not text_encodings , but token vectors\n",
"import json\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import os\n",
"import shelve\n",
"import torch\n",
"from safetensors.torch import save_file , load_file\n",
"import json\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"# Load the data if not already loaded\n",
" loaded\n",
" %cd {home_directory}\n",
" !git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/codeShare/text-to-image-prompts\n",
" loaded = True\n",
"# User input\n",
"target = home_directory + 'text-to-image-prompts/vocab/'\n",
"root_output_folder = home_directory + 'output/'\n",
"output_folder = root_output_folder + 'vocab/'\n",
"root_filename = 'vocab'\n",
"NUM_FILES = 1\n",
"# Setup environment\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"output_folder_text = output_folder + 'text/'\n",
"output_folder_text = output_folder + 'text/'\n",
"output_folder_token_vectors = output_folder + 'token_vectors/'\n",
"target_raw = target + 'raw/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"%cd {target_raw}\n",
"tokens = torch.load(f'{root_filename}.pt' , weights_only=True)\n",
"tokens = model.clone().detach()\n",
"%cd {target_raw}\n",
"with open(f'{root_filename}.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
"_df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
"#reverse key and value in the dict\n",
"vocab = {\n",
" value : key for key, value in _df.items()\n",
"tensors = {}\n",
"for key in vocab:\n",
" name = vocab[key]\n",
" token = tokens[int(key)]\n",
" tensors[key] = token\n",
"%cd {output_folder_token_vectors}\n",
"save_file(tensors, \"vocab.safetensors\")\n",
"%cd {output_folder_text}\n",
"with open('vocab.json', 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(vocab, f)\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "H3JRx5rhWIEo",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Do the same but for image encodings (if urls exist)\n",
"import json\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import os\n",
"import shelve\n",
"import torch\n",
"from safetensors.torch import save_file\n",
"import json\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import requests\n",
"# Determine if this notebook is running on Colab or Kaggle\n",
"#Use https://www.kaggle.com/ if Google Colab GPU is busy\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"# Load the data if not already loaded\n",
" loaded\n",
" %cd {home_directory}\n",
" !git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/codeShare/text-to-image-prompts\n",
" loaded = True\n",
"# User input\n",
"target = home_directory + 'text-to-image-prompts/fusion/'\n",
"root_output_folder = home_directory + 'output/'\n",
"output_folder = root_output_folder + 'fusion/'\n",
"root_filename = 'prompts'\n",
"root_filename_links = 'links'\n",
"NUM_FILES = 1\n",
"# Setup environment\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"output_folder_text = output_folder + 'text/'\n",
"output_folder_images = output_folder + 'images/'\n",
"output_folder_text_encodings = output_folder + 'text_encodings/'\n",
"output_folder_image_encodings = output_folder + 'image_encodings/'\n",
"target_raw_text = target + 'raw/text/'\n",
"target_raw_images = target + 'raw/images/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\").to(device)\n",
"for file_index in range(NUM_FILES + 1):\n",
" if (file_index < 1): continue\n",
" # Assign name of JSON file to read\n",
" filename = f'{root_filename}{file_index}'\n",
" if NUM_FILES == 1 : filename = f'{root_filename}'\n",
" #--------#\n",
" # Assign name of JSON file to read\n",
" filename_links = f'{root_filename_links}{file_index}'\n",
" if NUM_FILES == 1 : filename_links = f'{root_filename_links}'\n",
" #--------#\n",
" # Read {filename}.json\n",
" %cd {target_raw_text}\n",
" with open(filename + '.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" prompts = {\n",
" key : value.replace(\"\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in prompts:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" # Read image_urls\n",
" %cd {target_raw_images}\n",
" with open(filename_links + '.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" image_urls = {\n",
" key : value.replace(\"\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in image_urls:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS2 = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" if (NUM_ITEMS != NUM_ITEMS2) :\n",
" print(f\"NUM_ITEMS (text) : {NUM_ITEMS}\")\n",
" print(f\"NUM_ITEMS (links) : {NUM_ITEMS2}\")\n",
" # Calculate text_encoding for .json file contents and results as .db file\n",
" NUM_HEADERS = 2\n",
" CHUNKS_SIZE = 20\n",
" START_AT = 0 #<---Use this is job was aborted and you wish to continue where you left of. Set the value to 0 otherwise\n",
" #--------#\n",
" names_dict = {}\n",
" image_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" text_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" segments = {}\n",
" index = 0;\n",
" subby = 1;\n",
" _filename = ''\n",
" print(f'processing batch no {subby}....')\n",
" print(f'----------')\n",
" for _index in range(NUM_ITEMS2):\n",
" if not (f'{_index}' in prompts) : continue\n",
" if (prompts[f'{_index}']==\"SKIP\") : continue\n",
" if (index % 100 == 0) : print(index)\n",
" if (index == 0 and _index>0) : index = index + 2 #make space for headers\n",
" if (index % (CHUNKS_SIZE-NUM_HEADERS)> 0 or _index <= 0) :\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" else:\n",
" if index\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in prompts:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" # Read image_urls\n",
" %cd {target_raw_images}\n",
" with open(filename_links + '.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" image_urls = {\n",
" key : value.replace(\"\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in image_urls:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS2 = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" if (NUM_ITEMS != NUM_ITEMS2) :\n",
" print(f\"NUM_ITEMS (text) : {NUM_ITEMS}\")\n",
" print(f\"NUM_ITEMS (links) : {NUM_ITEMS2}\")\n",
" # Calculate text_encoding for .json file contents and results as .db file\n",
" NUM_HEADERS = 2\n",
" CHUNKS_SIZE = 20\n",
" START_AT = 0 #<---Use this is job was aborted and you wish to continue where you left of. Set the value to 0 otherwise\n",
" #--------#\n",
" names_dict = {}\n",
" image_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" segments = {}\n",
" index = 0;\n",
" subby = 1;\n",
" _filename = ''\n",
" print(f'processing batch no {subby}....')\n",
" print(f'----------')\n",
" for _index in range(NUM_ITEMS2):\n",
" if not (f'{_index}' in prompts) : continue\n",
" if (prompts[f'{_index}']==\"SKIP\") : continue\n",
" if (index % 100 == 0) : print(index)\n",
" if (index == 0 and _index>0) : index = index + 2 #make space for headers\n",
" if (index % (CHUNKS_SIZE-NUM_HEADERS)> 0 or _index <= 0) :\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" else:\n",
" if index\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in prompts:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" # Read image_urls\n",
" %cd {target_raw_images}\n",
" with open('links.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" image_urls = {\n",
" key : value.replace(\"\",\" \") for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in image_urls:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #----------#\n",
" NUM_ITEMS = index\n",
" #------#\n",
" # Calculate text_encoding for .json file contents and results as .db file\n",
" names_dict = {}\n",
" image_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" segments = {}\n",
" index = 0;\n",
" subby = 1;\n",
" NUM_HEADERS = 2\n",
" CHUNKS_SIZE = 500\n",
" _filename = ''\n",
" for _index in range(NUM_ITEMS):\n",
" if not (f'{_index}' in prompts) : continue\n",
" if (prompts[f'{_index}']==\"SKIP\") : continue\n",
" if (index % 100 == 0) : print(index)\n",
" if (index == 0 and _index>0) : index = index + 2 #make space for headers\n",
" if (_index % (CHUNKS_SIZE-NUM_HEADERS) == 0 and _index > 0) :\n",
" # Write headers in the .json\n",
" names_dict[f'{0}'] = f'{_index}'\n",
" names_dict[f'{1}'] = f'{filename}-{subby}'\n",
" # Encode the headers into text_encoding\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = '' + names_dict[f'{0}'], padding=True,truncation=True, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device)\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs).to(device)\n",
" text_features = text_features/text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" image_encoding_dict[f'{0}'] = text_features.to(torch.device('cpu'))\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = '' + names_dict[f'{1}'], padding=True,truncation=True, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device)\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs).to(device)\n",
" text_features = text_features/text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" image_encoding_dict[f'{1}'] = text_features.to(torch.device('cpu'))\n",
" #-------#\n",
" Write .json\n",
" _filename = f'{filename}-{subby}.json'\n",
" %cd {output_folder_images}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {_filename} to {output_folder_images}...')\n",
" with open(_filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(names_dict, f)\n",
" #-------#\n",
" # Write .safetensors\n",
" _filename = f'{filename}-{subby}.safetensors'\n",
" %cd {output_folder_image_encodings}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {_filename} to {output_folder_image_encodings}...')\n",
" save_file(image_encoding_dict, _filename)\n",
" #--------#\n",
" #Iterate\n",
" subby = subby + 1\n",
" segments[f'{subby}'] = _filename\n",
" image_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" names_dict = {}\n",
" index = 0\n",
" #------#\n",
" #------#\n",
" else: index = index + 1\n",
" #--------#\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = '' + prompts[f'{_index}'], padding=True,truncation=True, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device)\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs).to(device)\n",
" text_features = text_features/text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" text_encoding_dict[f'{index}'] = text_features.to(torch.device('cpu'))\n",
" names_dict[f'{index}'] = prompts[f'{_index}']\n",
" continue\n",
" #-----#\n",
" #-----#\n",
" # Write headers in the .json\n",
" names_dict[f'{0}'] = f'{_index}'\n",
" names_dict[f'{1}'] = f'{filename}-{subby}'\n",
" # Encode the headers into text_encoding\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = '' + names_dict[f'{0}'], padding=True,truncation=True, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device)\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs).to(device)\n",
" text_features = text_features/text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" text_encoding_dict[f'{0}'] = text_features.to(torch.device('cpu'))\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = '' + names_dict[f'{1}'], padding=True,truncation=True, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device)\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs).to(device)\n",
" text_features = text_features/text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" text_encoding_dict[f'{1}'] = text_features.to(torch.device('cpu'))\n",
" #-------#\n",
" # Write .json\n",
" _filename = f'{filename}-{subby}.json'\n",
" %cd {output_folder_text}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {_filename} to {output_folder_text}...')\n",
" with open(_filename, 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(names_dict, f)\n",
" #-------#\n",
" # Write .safetensors\n",
" _filename = f'{filename}-{subby}.safetensors'\n",
" %cd {output_folder_text_encodings}\n",
" print(f'Saving segment {_filename} to {output_folder_text_encodings}...')\n",
" save_file(text_encoding_dict, _filename)\n",
" #--------#\n",
" #Iterate\n",
" subby = subby + 1\n",
" segments[f'{subby}'] = _filename\n",
" text_encoding_dict = {}\n",
" names_dict = {}\n",
" index = 0\n",
" #------#\n",
" #----#"
"metadata": {
"id": "Sy5K7c-IDcic",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# Determine if this notebook is running on Colab or Kaggle\n",
"#Use https://www.kaggle.com/ if Google Colab GPU is busy\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"# @title Download the text_encodings as .zip\n",
"import os\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"root_output_folder = home_directory + 'output/'\n",
"zip_dest = f'{home_directory}results.zip'\n",
"!zip -r {zip_dest} {root_output_folder}"
"metadata": {
"id": "V4YCpmWlkPMG"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Extract tags from the Danbooru website (AI tags)\n",
"import requests\n",
"import re\n",
"import json\n",
"prompts = {}\n",
"index = 0\n",
"for url_index in range(10):\n",
" url = f'https://danbooru.donmai.us/ai_tags?commit=Search&mode=table&page={url_index}&search%5Bis_posted%5D=true&search%5Border%5D=media_asset_id'\n",
" r = requests.get(url)\n",
" #-----#\n",
" matches = re.findall(\"data-tag-name=.*.* href\", r.text)\n",
" for x in matches:\n",
" prompts[f'{index}'] = x.replace('data-tag-name=\"','').replace('\" href','')\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
"with open('danbooru_ai_tags.json', 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(prompts, f)"
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "tBbJnlA5pjd2"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Extract tags from the Danbooru website (Normal tags)\n",
"prompts = {}\n",
"index = 0\n",
"for url_index in range(1000):\n",
" url = f'https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags?commit=Search&page={url_index}&search%5Bhide_empty%5D=yes&search%5Border%5D=count'\n",
" r = requests.get(url)\n",
" #-----#\n",
" matches = re.findall('%5D=.*.*\">Related tags', r.text)\n",
" for x in matches:\n",
" prompts[f'{index}'] = x.replace('\\\">Related tags','').replace('%5D=','')\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
"with open('danbooru_tags.json', 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(prompts, f)"
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "l8t-4GmsviJt"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"#Remove URL Encoding from the fetched Danbooru tags\n",
"danboorus = getJSON('/content/text-to-image-prompts/danbooru/raw/','🎀 fusion-t2i-danbooru-tags.json')\n",
"from urllib.parse import unquote\n",
"for key in danboorus:\n",
" danboorus[key] = unquote(danboorus[key])\n",
"%cd /content/\n",
"with open(f'🎀 fusion-t2i-danbooru-tags', 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(danboorus, f)"
"metadata": {
"id": "AjSf585hWWMB"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Download nouns - import data\n",
"import os\n",
"import json\n",
"# Setup environment\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"# Determine if this notebook is running on Colab or Kaggle\n",
"#Use https://www.kaggle.com/ if Google Colab GPU is busy\n",
"home_directory = '/content/'\n",
"using_Kaggle = os.environ.get('KAGGLE_URL_BASE','')\n",
"if using_Kaggle : home_directory = '/kaggle/working/'\n",
"%cd {home_directory}\n",
"root_output_folder = home_directory + 'outputs/'\n",
"# @title Extract nouns\n",
"%cd {root_output_folder}\n",
"!pip install datasets\n",
"from datasets import load_dataset\n",
"ds = load_dataset(\"bartoszmaj/nouns_one\")\n",
"#ds2 = load_dataset(\"bartoszmaj/nouns_two\")\n",
"#ds3 = load_dataset(\"bartoszmaj/nouns_three\")\n",
"#ds4 = load_dataset(\"bartoszmaj/nouns_four\")\n",
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "HC72wZW9llzw"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Download nouns - pick three items at random and write in JSONs\n",
"import random\n",
"%cd {root_output_folder}\n",
"for file_index in range(21):\n",
" if file_index <=0: continue\n",
" tripple_nouns = {}\n",
" for index in range (10000):\n",
" word = \"\"\n",
" for its in range(3):\n",
" _index = random.randint(0,1000000-1)\n",
" words = list(ds['train'][_index]['nouns'])\n",
" if len(words)>0:\n",
" _word = random.choice(words)\n",
" word = word + ' ' + _word\n",
" #---------#\n",
" tripple_nouns[f'{index}'] = word\n",
" #--------#\n",
" with open(f'tripple_nouns_{file_index}.json', 'w') as f:\n",
" json.dump(tripple_nouns, f)\n",
" #----------#\n",
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "CWlWk0KpuX55"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"# How does this notebook work?\n",
"Similiar vectors = similiar output in the SD 1.5 / SDXL / FLUX model\n",
"CLIP converts the prompt text to vectors (“tensors”) , with float32 values usually ranging from -1 to 1.\n",
"Dimensions are \\[ 1x768 ] tensors for SD 1.5 , and a \\[ 1x768 , 1x1024 ] tensor for SDXL and FLUX.\n",
"The SD models and FLUX converts these vectors to an image.\n",
"This notebook takes an input string , tokenizes it and matches the first token against the 49407 token vectors in the vocab.json : [https://huggingface.co/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev/tree/main/tokenizer](https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fhuggingface.co%2Fblack-forest-labs%2FFLUX.1-dev%2Ftree%2Fmain%2Ftokenizer)\n",
"It finds the “most similiar tokens” in the list. Similarity is the theta angle between the token vectors.\n",

"The angle is calculated using cosine similarity , where 1 = 100% similarity (parallell vectors) , and 0 = 0% similarity (perpendicular vectors).\n",
"Negative similarity is also possible.\n",
"# How can I use it?\n",
"If you are bored of prompting “girl” and want something similiar you can run this notebook and use the “chick” token at 21.88% similarity , for example\n",
"You can also run a mixed search , like “cute+girl”/2 , where for example “kpop” has a 16.71% similarity\n",
"There are some strange tokens further down the list you go. Example: tokens similiar to the token \"pewdiepie\" (yes this is an actual token that exists in CLIP)\n",

"Each of these correspond to a unique 1x768 token vector.\n",
"The higher the ID value , the less often the token appeared in the CLIP training data.\n",
"To reiterate; this is the CLIP model training data , not the SD-model training data.\n",
"So for certain models , tokens with high ID can give very consistent results , if the SD model is trained to handle them.\n",
"Example of this can be anime models , where japanese artist names can affect the output greatly. \n",
"Tokens with high ID will often give the \"fun\" output when used in very short prompts.\n",
"# What about token vector length?\n",
"If you are wondering about token magnitude,\n",
"Prompt weights like (banana:1.2) will scale the magnitude of the corresponding 1x768 tensor(s) by 1.2 . So thats how prompt token magnitude works.\n",
"Source: [https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/main/en/using-diffusers/weighted\\_prompts](https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fhuggingface.co%2Fdocs%2Fdiffusers%2Fmain%2Fen%2Fusing-diffusers%2Fweighted_prompts)\\*\n",
"So TLDR; vector direction = “what to generate” , vector magnitude = “prompt weights”\n",
"# How prompting works (technical summary)\n",
" 1. There is no correct way to prompt.\n",
"2. Stable diffusion reads your prompt left to right, one token at a time, finding association _from_ the previous token _to_ the current token _and to_ the image generated thus far (Cross Attention Rule)\n",
"3. Stable Diffusion is an optimization problem that seeks to maximize similarity to prompt and minimize similarity to negatives (Optimization Rule)\n",
"Reference material (covers entire SD , so not good source material really, but the info is there) : https://youtu.be/sFztPP9qPRc?si=ge2Ty7wnpPGmB0gi\n",
"# The SD pipeline\n",
"For every step (20 in total by default) for SD1.5 :\n",
"1. Prompt text => (tokenizer)\n",
"2. => Nx768 token vectors =>(CLIP model) =>\n",
"3. 1x768 encoding => ( the SD model / Unet ) =>\n",
"4. => _Desired_ image per Rule 3 => ( sampler)\n",
"5. => Paint a section of the image => (image)\n",
"# Disclaimer /Trivia\n",
"This notebook should be seen as a \"dictionary search tool\" for the vocab.json , which is the same for SD1.5 , SDXL and FLUX. Feel free to verify this by checking the 'tokenizer' folder under each model.\n",
"vocab.json in the FLUX model , for example (1 of 2 copies) : https://huggingface.co/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev/tree/main/tokenizer\n",
"I'm using Clip-vit-large-patch14 , which is used in SD 1.5 , and is one among the two tokenizers for SDXL and FLUX : https://huggingface.co/openai/clip-vit-large-patch14/blob/main/README.md\n",
"This set of tokens has dimension 1x768. \n",
"SDXL and FLUX uses an additional set of tokens of dimension 1x1024.\n",
"These are not included in this notebook. Feel free to include them yourselves (I would appreciate that).\n",
"To do so, you will have to download a FLUX and/or SDXL model\n",
", and copy the 49407x1024 tensor list that is stored within the model and then save it as a .pt file.\n",
"I am aware it is actually the 1x768 text_encoding being processed into an image for the SD models + FLUX.\n",
"As such , I've included text_encoding comparison at the bottom of the Notebook.\n",
"I am also aware thar SDXL and FLUX uses additional encodings , which are not included in this notebook.\n",
"* Clip-vit-bigG for SDXL: https://huggingface.co/laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k/blob/main/README.md\n",
"* And the T5 text encoder for FLUX. I have 0% understanding of FLUX T5 text_encoder.\n",
"If you want them , feel free to include them yourself and share the results (cuz I probably won't) :)!\n",
"That being said , being an encoding , I reckon the CLIP Nx768 => 1x768 should be \"linear\" (or whatever one might call it)\n",
"So exchange a few tokens in the Nx768 for something similiar , and the resulting 1x768 ought to be kinda similar to 1x768 we had earlier. Hopefully.\n",
"I feel its important to mention this , in case some wonder why the token-token similarity don't match the text-encoding to text-encoding similarity.\n",
"# Note regarding CLIP text encoding vs. token\n",
"*To make this disclaimer clear; Token-to-token similarity is not the same as text_encoding similarity.*\n",
"I have to say this , since it will otherwise get (even more) confusing , as both the individual tokens , and the text_encoding have dimensions 1x768.\n",
"They are separate things. Separate results. etc.\n",
"As such , you will not get anything useful if you start comparing similarity between a token , and a text-encoding. So don't do that :)!\n",
"# What about the CLIP image encoding?\n",
"The CLIP model can also do an image_encoding of an image, where the output will be a 1x768 tensor. These _can_ be compared with the text_encoding.\n",
"Comparing CLIP image_encoding with the CLIP text_encoding for a bunch of random prompts until you find the \"highest similarity\" , is a method used in the CLIP interrogator : https://huggingface.co/spaces/pharmapsychotic/CLIP-Interrogator\n",
"List of random prompts for CLIP interrogator can be found here, for reference : https://github.com/pharmapsychotic/clip-interrogator/tree/main/clip_interrogator/data\n",
"The CLIP image_encoding is not included in this Notebook.\n",
"If you spot errors / ideas for improvememts; feel free to fix the code in your own notebook and post the results.\n",
"I'd appreciate that over people saying \"your math is wrong you n00b!\" with no constructive feedback.\n",
"Regarding output\n",
"# What are the symbols?\n",
"The whitespace symbol indicate if the tokenized item ends with whitespace ( the suffix \"banana\" => \"banana \" ) or not (the prefix \"post\" in \"post-apocalyptic \")\n",
"For ease of reference , I call them prefix-tokens and suffix-tokens.\n",
"Prefix tokens have the unique property in that they \"mutate\" suffix tokens\n",
"Example: \"photo of a #prefix#-banana\"\n",
"where #prefix# is a randomly selected prefix-token from the vocab.json\n",
"The hyphen \"-\" exists to guarantee the tokenized text splits into the written #prefix# and #suffix# token respectively. The \"-\" hypen symbol can be replaced by any other special character of your choosing.\n",
" Capital letters work too , e.g \"photo of a #prefix#Abanana\" since the capital letters A-Z are only listed once in the entire vocab.json.\n",
"You can also choose to omit any separator and just rawdog it with the prompt \"photo of a #prefix#banana\" , however know that this may , on occasion , be tokenized as completely different tokens of lower ID:s.\n",
"Curiously , common NSFW terms found online have in the CLIP model have been purposefully fragmented into separate #prefix# and #suffix# counterparts in the vocab.json. Likely for PR-reasons.\n",
"You can verify the results using this online tokenizer: https://sd-tokenizer.rocker.boo/\n",
"# What is that gibberish tokens that show up?\n",
"The gibberish tokens like \"ðŁĺħ\\\" are actually emojis!\n",
"Try writing some emojis in this online tokenizer to see the results: https://sd-tokenizer.rocker.boo/\n",
"It is a bit borked as it can't process capital letters properly.\n",
"Also note that this is not reversible.\n",
"If tokenization \"😅\" => ðŁĺħ\n",
"Then you can't prompt \"ðŁĺħ\" and expect to get the same result as the tokenized original emoji , \"😅\".\n",
"SD 1.5 models actually have training for Emojis.\n",
"But you have to set CLIP skip to 1 for this to work is intended.\n",
"A tutorial on stuff you can do with the vocab.list concluded.\n",
"Anyways, have fun with the notebook.\n",
"There might be some updates in the future with features not mentioned here.\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "njeJx_nSSA8H"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Create random names from firstname and lastnames\n",
"import random\n",
"import json\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import os\n",
"import shelve\n",
"import torch\n",
"from safetensors.torch import save_file\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"filename = ''\n",
"filename = '🆔👩_🦰 fusion-t2i-girl-firstname-1'\n",
"%cd /content/text-to-image-prompts/names/firstnames/text\n",
"with open(filename + '.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
"_df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
"firstname = {\n",
" key : value for key, value in _df.items()\n",
"NUM_FIRSTNAME = 100901\n",
"NUM_FILES = 9\n",
"for file_index in range(NUM_FILES + 1):\n",
" if file_index <1: continue\n",
" #if file_index >4: break\n",
" filename = f'👱_♀️ fusion-t2i-lastnames-{file_index} plugin'\n",
" #🦜 fusion-t2i-prompt-features-1.json\n",
" # Read suffix.json\n",
" %cd /content/text-to-image-prompts/names/lastnames/text\n",
" with open(filename + '.json', 'r') as f:\n",
" data = json.load(f)\n",
" _df = pd.DataFrame({'count': data})['count']\n",
" names = {\n",
" key : firstname[f'{random.randint(2,NUM_FIRSTNAME)}'] + ' ' f'{value}' + ' ' for key, value in _df.items()\n",
" }\n",
" index = 0\n",
" for key in names:\n",
" index = index + 1\n",
" #-----#\n",
" RANGE = min(index,1000)\n",
" output = {}\n",
" for index in range(RANGE):\n",
" if index >1000: break\n",
" output[f'{index}'] = names[f'{index}']\n",
" #-----#\n",
" output[f'{1}'] = f'👱_♀️female_fullnames-{file_index}'\n",
" output[f'{0}'] = f'{RANGE}'\n",
" txt_filename = f'👱_♀️female_fullnames-{file_index}'\n",
" %cd /content/female_full_names/\n",
" with open(txt_filename + '.txt', 'w') as f:\n",
" f.write(str(output))\n",
" #files.download(f'fullnames-{file_index}.txt')\n",
"#firstname[f'{random.randint(2,NUM_FIRSTNAME)}'] + f'{value}'\n",
" #------#\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "JR0wl2ecj6RJ"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Create random suffix pairings\n",
"import random\n",
"import json\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import os\n",
"import shelve\n",
"import torch\n",
"from safetensors.torch import save_file\n",
"def my_mkdirs(folder):\n",
" if os.path.exists(folder)==False:\n",
" os.makedirs(folder)\n",
"output_folder = '/content/output/prefix_suffix_pairs/'\n",
"_prompts = {}\n",
"_text_encodings = {}\n",
"nA = 0\n",
"try: loaded3\n",
" loaded3 = True\n",
" if True:\n",
" tmp = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/prefix/'\n",
" for item in ['common','average','rare','weird','exotic'] :\n",
" url = tmp + item\n",
" prefix, text_encodings, PREFIX_NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS = append_from_url(_prompts , _text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
" #------#\n",
" if True :\n",
" tmp = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/suffix/'\n",
" for item in ['common','average','rare','weird','exotic'] :\n",
" url = tmp + item\n",
" suffix , text_encodings, SUFFIX_NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS = append_from_url(_prompts , _text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
" #------#\n",
" if False :\n",
" url = '/content/text-to-image-prompts/vocab/text_encodings/emoji/'\n",
" prompts , emojis_text_encodings, NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS = append_from_url(_prompts , _text_encodings, nA , url , '')\n",
" #------#\n",
"if False:\n",
" item3 = '#uc# '\n",
" while (item3.find('#uc#')>-1 or (not item3.isalpha())) :\n",
" item3 = prompts[f'{random.randint(0,NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)}']\n",
" item3 = item3.replace('', '')\n",
" #------#\n",
" item4 = '#uc# '\n",
" while (item4.find('#uc#')>-1 or (not item4.isalpha())) :\n",
" item4 = prompts[f'{random.randint(0,NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)}']\n",
" item4 = item4.replace('', '')\n",
" #------#\n",
"output = ''\n",
"%cd {output_folder}\n",
"with open('prefix_suffix_pairs' + '.txt', 'w') as f:\n",
" for iter in range (200000):\n",
" item = '#uc# '\n",
" while (not item.isalpha()) :\n",
" item = prefix[f'{random.randint(0,PREFIX_NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)}']\n",
" item = item.replace('', '')\n",
" item2 = '#uc# '\n",
" while (item2.find('#uc#')>-1 or (not item2.isalpha())) :\n",
" item2 = suffix[f'{random.randint(0,SUFFIX_NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)}']\n",
" item2 = item2.replace('', '')\n",
" item3 = '#uc# '\n",
" while (item3.find('#uc#')>-1 or (not item3.isalpha())) :\n",
" item3 = suffix[f'{random.randint(0,SUFFIX_NUM_VOCAB_ITEMS)}']\n",
" item3 = item3.replace('', '')\n",
" #------#\n",
" #------#\n",
" output = output + item + '-' + item2 + ' ' + item3\n",
" # + ' ' + item4\n",
" output = output + ' \\n'\n",
" #---------#\n",
" f.write(str(output))"
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
"id": "64c0zJDDChN7"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title Download the created text_encodings as .zip file\n",
"%cd /content/\n",
"!zip -r /content/female_full_names.zip /content/female_full_names/"
"metadata": {
"id": "IBenvYVrofil",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ⚡+🖼️ -> 📝 Token-Sampling Image interrogator (work in progress)\n",
"NUM_TOKENS = 49407\n",
"import shelve\n",
"db_vocab = shelve.open(VOCAB_FILENAME)\n",
"print(f'using the tokens found in {VOCAB_FILENAME}.db as the vocab')\n",
"# @markdown # What do you want to to mimic?\n",
"use = '🖼️image_encoding from image' # @param ['📝text_encoding from prompt', '🖼️image_encoding from image']\n",
"# @markdown --------------------------\n",
"use_token_padding = True # param {type:\"boolean\"} <---- Enabled by default\n",
"prompt = \"photo of a banana\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"Write a prompt\"}\n",
"prompt_A = prompt\n",
"if(image_path != \"\") : image_A = cv2.imread(\"/content/sd_tokens/\" + image_path)\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel\n",
"processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\" , clean_up_tokenization_spaces = True)\n",
"model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\")\n",
"if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" # Get image features\n",
" inputs = processor(images=image_A, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" image_features = model.get_image_features(**inputs)\n",
" image_features = image_features / image_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" name_A = \"the image\"\n",
"if(use == '📝text_encoding from prompt'):\n",
" # Get text features\n",
" inputs = tokenizer(text = prompt, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features_A = model.get_text_features(**inputs)\n",
" name_A = prompt\n",
"# @markdown # The output...\n",
"must_start_with = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"write a text\"}\n",
"must_contain = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"write a text\"}\n",
"must_end_with = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"write a text\"}\n",
"# @markdown -----\n",
"# @markdown # Use a range of tokens from the vocab.json (slow method)\n",
"start_search_at_index = 0 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max: 49407, step:100}\n",
"# @markdown The lower the start_index, the more similiar the sampled tokens will be to the target token assigned in the '⚡ Get similiar tokens' cell\". If the cell was not run, then it will use tokens ordered by similarity to the \"girl\\\" token\n",
"start_search_at_ID = start_search_at_index\n",
"search_range = 1000 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:100, max:49407, step:100}\n",
"samples_per_iter = 10 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:10, max: 100, step:10}\n",
"iterations = 5 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max: 20, step:0}\n",
"restrictions = 'None' # @param [\"None\", \"Suffix only\", \"Prefix only\"]\n",
"#markdown Limit char size of included token <----- Disabled\n",
"min_char_size = 0 #param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max: 20, step:1}\n",
"char_range = 50 #param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max: 20, step:1}\n",
"# markdown # ...or paste prompt items\n",
"# markdown Format must be {item1|item2|...}. You can aquire prompt items using the Randomizer in the fusion gen: https://perchance.org/fusion-ai-image-generator\n",
"_enable = False # param {\"type\":\"boolean\"}\n",
"prompt_items = \"\" # param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"{item1|item2|...}\"}\n",
"START = start_search_at_ID\n",
"RANGE = min(search_range , max(1,NUM_TOKENS - start_search_at_ID))\n",
"import math, random\n",
"ITERS = iterations\n",
"# Check if original solution is best\n",
"best_sim = 0\n",
"name = must_start_with + must_contain + must_end_with\n",
"ids = processor.tokenizer(text=name, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
"text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids)\n",
"text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"sim = 0\n",
"if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, image_features) * logit_scale\n",
"if(use == '📝text_encoding from prompt'):\n",
" sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, text_features_A)\n",
"best_sim = sim\n",
"best_name = name\n",
"name_B = must_contain\n",
"results_sim = torch.zeros(ITERS*NUM_PERMUTATIONS)\n",
"results_name_B = {}\n",
"results_name = {}\n",
"for iter in range(ITERS):\n",
" dots = torch.zeros(min(list_size,RANGE))\n",
" is_trail = torch.zeros(min(list_size,RANGE))\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for index in range(samples_per_iter):\n",
" _start = START\n",
" id_C = random.randint(_start , _start + RANGE)\n",
" name_C = db_vocab[f'{id_C}']\n",
" is_Prefix = 0\n",
" #Skip if non-AZ characters are found\n",
" #???\n",
" #-----#\n",
" # Decide if we should process prefix/suffix tokens\n",
" if name_C.find('')<=-1:\n",
" is_Prefix = 1\n",
" if restrictions != \"Prefix only\":\n",
" continue\n",
" else:\n",
" if restrictions == \"Prefix only\":\n",
" continue\n",
" #-----#\n",
" # Decide if char-size is within range\n",
" if len(name_C) < min_char_size:\n",
" continue\n",
" if len(name_C) > min_char_size + char_range:\n",
" continue\n",
" #-----#\n",
" name_CB = must_start_with + name_C + name_B + must_end_with\n",
" if is_Prefix>0:\n",
" name_CB = must_start_with + ' ' + name_C + '-' + name_B + ' ' + must_end_with\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" ids_CB = processor.tokenizer(text=name_CB, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids_CB)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sim_CB = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, image_features) * logit_scale\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(use == '📝text_encoding from prompt'):\n",
" ids_CB = processor.tokenizer(text=name_CB, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids_CB)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" sim_CB = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, text_features_A)\n",
" #-----#\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if restrictions == \"Prefix only\":\n",
" result = sim_CB\n",
" result = result.item()\n",
" dots[index] = result\n",
" continue\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" name_BC = must_start_with + name_B + name_C + must_end_with\n",
" ids_BC = processor.tokenizer(text=name_BC, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids_BC)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sim_BC = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, image_features) * logit_scale\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(use == '📝text_encoding from prompt'):\n",
" name_BC = must_start_with + name_B + name_C + must_end_with\n",
" ids_BC = processor.tokenizer(text=name_BC, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids_BC)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" sim_BC = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, text_features_A)\n",
" #-----#\n",
" result = sim_CB\n",
" if(sim_BC > sim_CB):\n",
" is_trail[index] = 1\n",
" result = sim_BC\n",
" #-----#\n",
" #result = absolute_value(result.item())\n",
" result = result.item()\n",
" dots[index] = result\n",
" #----#\n",
" sorted, indices = torch.sort(dots,dim=0 , descending=True)\n",
" # @markdown ----------\n",
" # @markdown # Print options\n",
" list_size = 100 # param {type:'number'}\n",
" print_ID = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Name = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Divider = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" print_Suggestions = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
" #----#\n",
" if (print_Divider):\n",
" print('//---//')\n",
" #----#\n",
" print('')\n",
" used_reference = f'the text_encoding for {prompt_A}'\n",
" if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" used_reference = 'the image input'\n",
" print(f'These token pairings within the range ID = {_start} to ID = {_start + RANGE} most closely match {used_reference}: ')\n",
" print('')\n",
" #----#\n",
" aheads = \"{\"\n",
" trails = \"{\"\n",
" tmp = \"\"\n",
" #----#\n",
" max_sim_ahead = 0\n",
" max_sim_trail = 0\n",
" sim = 0\n",
" max_name_ahead = ''\n",
" max_name_trail = ''\n",
" #----#\n",
" for index in range(min(list_size,RANGE)):\n",
" id = _start + indices[index].item()\n",
" name = db_vocab[f'{id}']\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if (name.find('')<=-1):\n",
" name = name + '-'\n",
" if(is_trail[index]>0):\n",
" trails = trails + name + \"|\"\n",
" else:\n",
" aheads = aheads + name + \"|\"\n",
" #----#\n",
" sim = sorted[index].item()\n",
" #----#\n",
" if(is_trail[index]>0):\n",
" if sim>max_sim_trail:\n",
" max_sim_trail = sim\n",
" max_name_trail = name\n",
" max_name_trail = max_name_trail.strip()\n",
" else:\n",
" if sim>max_sim_ahead:\n",
" max_sim_ahead = sim\n",
" max_name_ahead = name\n",
" #------#\n",
" trails = (trails + \"&&&&\").replace(\"|&&&&\", \"}\").replace(\"\", \" \").replace(\"{&&&&\", \"\")\n",
" aheads = (aheads + \"&&&&\").replace(\"|&&&&\", \"}\").replace(\"\", \" \").replace(\"{&&&&\", \"\")\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(print_Suggestions):\n",
" print(f\"place these items ahead of prompt : {aheads}\")\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" print(f\"place these items behind the prompt : {trails}\")\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" tmp = must_start_with + ' ' + max_name_ahead + name_B + ' ' + must_end_with\n",
" tmp = tmp.strip().replace('', ' ')\n",
" print(f\"max_similarity_ahead = {round(max_sim_ahead,2)} % when using '{tmp}' \")\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" tmp = must_start_with + ' ' + name_B + max_name_trail + ' ' + must_end_with\n",
" tmp = tmp.strip().replace('', ' ')\n",
" print(f\"max_similarity_trail = {round(max_sim_trail,2)} % when using '{tmp}' \")\n",
" #-----#\n",
" #STEP 2\n",
" import random\n",
" #-----#\n",
" for index in range(NUM_PERMUTATIONS):\n",
" name_inner = ''\n",
" if index == 0 : name_inner = name_B\n",
" if index == 1: name_inner = max_name_ahead\n",
" if index == 2: name_inner = max_name_trail\n",
" if index == 3: name_inner = name_B + max_name_trail\n",
" if index == 4: name_inner = max_name_ahead + name_B\n",
" if index == 5: name_inner = max_name_ahead + name_B + max_name_trail\n",
" if name_inner == '': name_inner = max_name_ahead + name_B + max_name_trail\n",
" name = must_start_with + name_inner + must_end_with\n",
" #----#\n",
" ids = processor.tokenizer(text=name, padding=use_token_padding, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n",
" #----#\n",
" sim = 0\n",
" if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image'):\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" logit_scale = model.logit_scale.exp()\n",
" torch.matmul(text_features, image_features.t()) * logit_scale\n",
" sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, image_features) * logit_scale\n",
" #-----#\n",
" if(use == '📝text_encoding from prompt'):\n",
" text_features = model.get_text_features(**ids)\n",
" text_features = text_features / text_features.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(text_features, text_features_A)\n",
" #-----#\n",
" results_name[iter*NUM_PERMUTATIONS + index] = name\n",
" results_sim[iter*NUM_PERMUTATIONS + index] = sim\n",
" results_name_B[iter*NUM_PERMUTATIONS + index] = name_inner.replace('',' ')\n",
" #------#\n",
" #name_B = results_name_B[iter*NUM_PERMUTATIONS + random.randint(0,3)]\n",
" tmp = iter*NUM_PERMUTATIONS\n",
" _name_B=''\n",
" if results_sim[tmp+1]>results_sim[tmp+2]: _name_B = results_name_B[tmp + 3]\n",
" if results_sim[tmp+2]>results_sim[tmp+1]: _name_B = results_name_B[tmp + 4]\n",
" if _name_B != name_B:\n",
" name_B=_name_B\n",
" else:\n",
" name_B = results_name_B[tmp + 5]\n",
"if(use == '🖼️image_encoding from image' and colab_image_path != \"\"):\n",
" from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow\n",
" cv2_imshow(image_A)\n",
"sorted, indices = torch.sort(results_sim,dim=0 , descending=True)\n",
"for index in range(ITERS*NUM_PERMUTATIONS):\n",
" name_inner = results_name[indices[index].item()]\n",
" print(must_start_with + name_inner + must_end_with)\n",
" print(f'similiarity = {round(sorted[index].item(),2)} %')\n",
" print('------')\n",
"db_vocab.close() #close the file"
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"id": "fi0jRruI0-tu",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# @title ⚡ Get similiar tokens (not updated yet)\n",
"import torch\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"openai/clip-vit-large-patch14\", clean_up_tokenization_spaces = False)\n",
"# @markdown Write name of token to match against\n",
"token_name = \"banana \" # @param {type:'string',\"placeholder\":\"leave empty for random value token\"}\n",
"prompt = token_name\n",
"# @markdown (optional) Mix the token with something else\n",
"mix_with = \"\" # @param {\"type\":\"string\",\"placeholder\":\"leave empty for random value token\"}\n",
"mix_method = \"None\" # @param [\"None\" , \"Average\", \"Subtract\"] {allow-input: true}\n",
"w = 0.5 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max:1, step:0.01}\n",
"# @markdown Limit char size of included token\n",
"min_char_size = 0 # param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max: 50, step:1}\n",
"char_range = 50 # param {type:\"slider\", min:0, max: 50, step:1}\n",
"tokenizer_output = tokenizer(text = prompt)\n",
"input_ids = tokenizer_output['input_ids']\n",
"id_A = input_ids[1]\n",
"A = torch.tensor(token[id_A])\n",
"A = A/A.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"tokenizer_output = tokenizer(text = mix_with)\n",
"input_ids = tokenizer_output['input_ids']\n",
"id_C = input_ids[1]\n",
"C = torch.tensor(token[id_C])\n",
"C = C/C.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
"sim_AC = torch.dot(A,C)\n",
"#if no imput exists we just randomize the entire thing\n",
"if (prompt == \"\"):\n",
" id_A = -1\n",
" print(\"Tokenized prompt tensor A is a random valued tensor with no ID\")\n",
" R = torch.rand(A.shape)\n",
" R = R/R.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" A = R\n",
" name_A = 'random_A'\n",
"#if no imput exists we just randomize the entire thing\n",
"if (mix_with == \"\"):\n",
" id_C = -1\n",
" print(\"Tokenized prompt 'mix_with' tensor C is a random valued tensor with no ID\")\n",
" R = torch.rand(A.shape)\n",
" R = R/R.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" C = R\n",
" name_C = 'random_C'\n",
"name_A = \"A of random type\"\n",
"if (id_A>-1):\n",
" name_A = vocab(id_A)\n",
"name_C = \"token C of random type\"\n",
"if (id_C>-1):\n",
" name_C = vocab(id_C)\n",
"print(f\"The similarity between A '{name_A}' and C '{name_C}' is {round(sim_AC.item()*100,2)} %\")\n",
"if (mix_method == \"None\"):\n",
" print(\"No operation\")\n",
"if (mix_method == \"Average\"):\n",
" A = w*A + (1-w)*C\n",
" _A = LA.vector_norm(A, ord=2)\n",
" print(f\"Tokenized prompt tensor A '{name_A}' token has been recalculated as A = w*A + (1-w)*C , where C is '{name_C}' token , for w = {w} \")\n",
"if (mix_method == \"Subtract\"):\n",
" tmp = w*A - (1-w)*C\n",
" tmp = tmp/tmp.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" A = tmp\n",
" #//---//\n",
" print(f\"Tokenized prompt tensor A '{name_A}' token has been recalculated as A = _A*norm(w*A - (1-w)*C) , where C is '{name_C}' token , for w = {w} \")\n",
"#OPTIONAL : Add/subtract + normalize above result with another token. Leave field empty to get a random value tensor\n",
"dots = torch.zeros(NUM_TOKENS)\n",
"for index in range(NUM_TOKENS):\n",
" id_B = index\n",
" B = torch.tensor(token[id_B])\n",
" B = B/B.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)\n",
" sim_AB = torch.dot(A,B)\n",
" dots[index] = sim_AB\n",
"sorted, indices = torch.sort(dots,dim=0 , descending=True)\n",
"if (mix_method == \"Average\"):\n",
" print(f'Calculated all cosine-similarities between the average of token {name_A} and {name_C} with Id_A = {id_A} and mixed Id_C = {id_C} as a 1x{sorted.shape[0]} tensor')\n",
"if (mix_method == \"Subtract\"):\n",
" print(f'Calculated all cosine-similarities between the subtract of token {name_A} and {name_C} with Id_A = {id_A} and mixed Id_C = {id_C} as a 1x{sorted.shape[0]} tensor')\n",
"if (mix_method == \"None\"):\n",
" print(f'Calculated all cosine-similarities between the token {name_A} with Id_A = {id_A} with the the rest of the {NUM_TOKENS} tokens as a 1x{sorted.shape[0]} tensor')\n",
"#Produce a list id IDs that are most similiar to the prompt ID at positiion 1 based on above result\n",
"# @markdown Set print options\n",
"list_size = 100 # @param {type:'number'}\n",
"print_ID = False # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Similarity = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Name = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"print_Divider = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"if (print_Divider):\n",
" print('//---//')\n",
"print('Here is the result : ')\n",
"for index in range(list_size):\n",
" id = indices[index].item()\n",
" if (print_Name):\n",
" print(f'{vocab(id)}') # vocab item\n",
" if (print_ID):\n",
" print(f'ID = {id}') # IDs\n",
" if (print_Similarity):\n",
" print(f'similiarity = {round(sorted[index].item()*100,2)} %')\n",
" if (print_Divider):\n",
" print('--------')\n",
"#Print the sorted list from above result\n",
"#The prompt will be enclosed with the <|start-of-text|> and <|end-of-text|> tokens, which is why output will be [49406, ... , 49407].\n",
"#You can leave the 'prompt' field empty to get a random value tensor. Since the tensor is random value, it will not correspond to any tensor in the vocab.json list , and this it will have no ID.\n",
"# Save results as .db file\n",
"import shelve\n",
"VOCAB_FILENAME = 'tokens_most_similiar_to_' + name_A.replace('','').strip()\n",
"d = shelve.open(VOCAB_FILENAME)\n",
"#NUM TOKENS == 49407\n",
"for index in range(NUM_TOKENS):\n",
" #print(d[f'{index}']) #<-----Use this to read values from the .db file\n",
" d[f'{index}']= vocab(indices[index].item()) #<---- write values to .db file\n",
"d.close() #close the file\n",
"# See this link for additional stuff to do with shelve: https://docs.python.org/3/library/shelve.html"
"metadata": {
"id": "iWeFnT1gAx6A",
"cellView": "form"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": []