# Download Images and Set Wallpapers from your choice of Subreddit! Using this script: * **No Setup Needed!** * **Download any number of images** from **Any Subreddit!** * Select your sort type **(Top, Hot, New, Controversial)** * Select your sort time **(All, Year, Month, Week, Day)** * Extremely **Reliable Downloading.** * **Automatically set and switch Wallpaper** from the downloaded images * **Store the links** to all the downloaded images (in case you want to access later?) * Works on **Python 2.x and Python 3.x** both! * Specify your **custom save location**! ### Grab the latest release here! Or download it using the next step! DownloadRedditImages v2.0.0 - https://github.com/tsarjak/WallpapersFromReddit/releases/tag/v2.0.0 ### No Dependencies! Just Download and Run! Just download the files and run the file - no need to setup anything at all! To download via Terminal: ```shell git clone https://github.com/tsarjak/WallpapersFromReddit.git ``` ### To run the code In terminal: ```shell # In the Home Directory or the Directory in which you cloned/downloaded the script cd ~/DownloadRedditImages python main.py --subreddit --sort_type --sort_time --save_dir --update_every --run_for --download_only ``` Example: ```shell python wallpaper.py --subreddit earthporn -sort_type top --sort_time all --download_only ``` ### After First run, you might want to run the app in background (This is possible even on first run!) ```shell nohup python main.py & ``` nohup command is used to keep the script running in background, even when the terminal is closed ### Add the script to run it as startup application Goto "Startup Applications" Click "Add" -> Click "Custom Command" -> Enter command as "nohup python ~/main.py &", enter name and other details and save