Are there any articles that have the material type 'Op-Ed'?,False,boolean,['material_type'],['category'],False
Does the article with the longest headline contain the keyword 'United States Politics and Government'?,False,boolean,"['headline', 'keywords']","['text', 'list[category]']",False
Is there any article published on '2021-01-05'?,False,boolean,['date'],"['date[ns, UTC]']",False
Does any article contain more than 10 keywords?,True,boolean,['keywords'],['list[category]'],False
How many unique material types are there in the dataset?,4,number,['material_type'],['category'],5
What is the longest length of a headline in the dataset?,96,number,['headline'],['text'],110
How many articles were published on '2021-01-02'?,52,number,['date'],"['date[ns, UTC]']",0
What is the highest number of keywords associated with a single article?,8,number,['keywords'],['list[category]'],8
What is the material type of the article with the longest headline?,News,category,"['headline', 'material_type']","['text', 'category']",News
What is the material type of the article with the shortest headline?,News,category,"['headline', 'material_type']","['text', 'category']",Editorial
What is the material type of the article with the most number of keywords?,News,category,"['keywords', 'material_type']","['list[category]', 'category']",News
What is the material type of the article with the least number of keywords?,News,category,"['keywords', 'material_type']","['list[category]', 'category']",News
List the material types of the top 3 articles with the longest headlines.,"['News', 'News', 'News']",list[category],"['headline', 'material_type']","['text', 'category']","['News', 'Interactive Feature', 'News']"
List the material types of the bottom 2 articles with the shortest headlines.,"['News', 'News']",list[category],"['headline', 'material_type']","['text', 'category']","['Editorial', 'News']"
List the material types of the top 5 articles with the most number of keywords.,"['News', 'News', 'News', 'News', 'News']",list[category],"['keywords', 'material_type']","['list[category]', 'category']","['News', 'Editorial', 'News', 'Review', 'News']"
List the material types of the bottom 4 articles with the least number of keywords.,"['News', 'News', 'News', 'News']",list[category],"['keywords', 'material_type']","['list[category]', 'category']","['News', 'Interactive Feature', 'News', 'News']"
What are the lengths of the headlines of the top 4 articles with the most number of keywords?,"[86, 85, 84, 84]",list[number],"['keywords', 'headline']","['list[category]', 'text']","[73, 20, 69, 62]"
List the number of keywords in the bottom 3 articles with the shortest headlines.,"[1, 1, 1]",list[number],"['headline', 'keywords']","['text', 'list[category]']","[8, 1, 2]"
Enumerate the lengths of the headlines of the top 5 articles with the longest headlines.,"[96, 96, 95, 95, 95]",list[number],['headline'],['text'],"[110, 94, 92, 73, 73]"
Provide the number of keywords in the bottom 2 articles with the least number of keywords.,"[1, 1]",list[number],['keywords'],['list[category]'],"[1, 2]"