diff --git "a/data/elm/data.json" "b/data/elm/data.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/elm/data.json" @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +{"size":5347,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":11.0,"content":"module Date.Format exposing (format, formatISO8601, localFormat)\n\n{-| Format strings for dates.\n\n@docs format, localFormat, formatISO8601\n\n-}\n\nimport Date\nimport Date.Local exposing (Local, international)\nimport List exposing (head, tail)\nimport Maybe exposing (andThen, withDefault)\nimport Regex\nimport String exposing (padLeft, right, toUpper)\n\n\nre : Regex.Regex\nre =\n Regex.regex \"%(_|-|0)?(%|Y|y|m|B|b|d|e|a|A|H|k|I|l|L|p|P|M|S)\"\n\n\ntype Padding\n = NoPadding\n | Space\n | Zero\n | ZeroThreeDigits\n\n\n{-| Use a format string to format a date. See the\n[README](https:\/\/github.com\/mgold\/elm-date-format\/blob\/master\/README.md) for a\nlist of accepted formatters.\n-}\nformat : String -> Date.Date -> String\nformat s d =\n localFormat international s d\n\n\n{-| Use a localization record and a format string to format a date. See the\n[README](https:\/\/github.com\/mgold\/elm-date-format\/blob\/master\/README.md) for a\nlist of accepted formatters.\n-}\nlocalFormat : Local -> String -> Date.Date -> String\nlocalFormat loc s d =\n Regex.replace Regex.All re (formatToken loc d) s\n\n\n{-| Formats a UTC date acording to\n[ISO-8601](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/ISO_8601). This is commonly used to\nsend dates to a server. For example: `2016-01-06T09:22:00Z`.\n-}\nformatISO8601 : Date.Date -> String\nformatISO8601 =\n format \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ\"\n\n\nformatToken : Local -> Date.Date -> Regex.Match -> String\nformatToken loc d m =\n let\n ( padding, symbol ) =\n case m.submatches of\n [ Just \"-\", Just x ] ->\n ( Just NoPadding, x )\n\n [ Just \"_\", Just x ] ->\n ( Just Space, x )\n\n [ Just \"0\", Just x ] ->\n ( Just Zero, x )\n\n [ Nothing, Just x ] ->\n ( Nothing, x )\n\n _ ->\n ( Nothing, \" \" )\n in\n case symbol of\n \"%\" ->\n \"%\"\n\n \"Y\" ->\n d |> Date.year |> toString\n\n \"y\" ->\n d |> Date.year |> toString |> right 2\n\n \"m\" ->\n d |> Date.month |> monthToInt |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"B\" ->\n d |> Date.month |> monthToWord loc.date.months\n\n \"b\" ->\n d |> Date.month |> monthToWord loc.date.monthsAbbrev\n\n \"d\" ->\n d |> Date.day |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"e\" ->\n d |> Date.day |> padWith (withDefault Space padding)\n\n \"a\" ->\n d |> Date.dayOfWeek |> dayOfWeekToWord loc.date.wdaysAbbrev\n\n \"A\" ->\n d |> Date.dayOfWeek |> dayOfWeekToWord loc.date.wdays\n\n \"H\" ->\n d |> Date.hour |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"k\" ->\n d |> Date.hour |> padWith (withDefault Space padding)\n\n \"I\" ->\n d |> Date.hour |> mod12 |> zero2twelve |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"l\" ->\n d |> Date.hour |> mod12 |> zero2twelve |> padWith (withDefault Space padding)\n\n \"p\" ->\n if Date.hour d < 12 then\n toUpper loc.time.am\n else\n toUpper loc.time.pm\n\n \"P\" ->\n if Date.hour d < 12 then\n loc.time.am\n else\n loc.time.pm\n\n \"M\" ->\n d |> Date.minute |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"S\" ->\n d |> Date.second |> padWith (withDefault Zero padding)\n\n \"L\" ->\n d |> Date.millisecond |> padWith (withDefault ZeroThreeDigits padding)\n\n _ ->\n \"\"\n\n\nmonthToInt m =\n case m of\n Date.Jan ->\n 1\n\n Date.Feb ->\n 2\n\n Date.Mar ->\n 3\n\n Date.Apr ->\n 4\n\n Date.May ->\n 5\n\n Date.Jun ->\n 6\n\n Date.Jul ->\n 7\n\n Date.Aug ->\n 8\n\n Date.Sep ->\n 9\n\n Date.Oct ->\n 10\n\n Date.Nov ->\n 11\n\n Date.Dec ->\n 12\n\n\nmonthToWord loc m =\n case m of\n Date.Jan ->\n loc.jan\n\n Date.Feb ->\n loc.feb\n\n Date.Mar ->\n loc.mar\n\n Date.Apr ->\n loc.apr\n\n Date.May ->\n loc.may\n\n Date.Jun ->\n loc.jun\n\n Date.Jul ->\n loc.jul\n\n Date.Aug ->\n loc.aug\n\n Date.Sep ->\n loc.sep\n\n Date.Oct ->\n loc.oct\n\n Date.Nov ->\n loc.nov\n\n Date.Dec ->\n loc.dec\n\n\ndayOfWeekToWord loc dow =\n case dow of\n Date.Mon ->\n loc.mon\n\n Date.Tue ->\n loc.tue\n\n Date.Wed ->\n loc.wed\n\n Date.Thu ->\n loc.thu\n\n Date.Fri ->\n loc.fri\n\n Date.Sat ->\n loc.sat\n\n Date.Sun ->\n loc.sun\n\n\nmod12 h =\n h % 12\n\n\nzero2twelve n =\n if n == 0 then\n 12\n else\n n\n\n\npadWith : Padding -> a -> String\npadWith padding =\n let\n padder =\n case padding of\n NoPadding ->\n identity\n\n Zero ->\n padLeft 2 '0'\n\n ZeroThreeDigits ->\n padLeft 3 '0'\n\n Space ->\n padLeft 2 ' '\n in\n padder << toString\n","avg_line_length":19.4436363636,"max_line_length":89,"alphanum_fraction":0.4668038152} +{"size":10576,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":32.0,"content":"module Views.TemplateView exposing (view)\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Html exposing (..)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (..)\nimport Html.Events exposing (onClick)\nimport Models.Resources.Instance exposing (Instance, InstanceId)\nimport Models.Resources.InstanceTasks exposing (InstanceTasks)\nimport Models.Resources.Role as Role exposing (Role(..))\nimport Models.Resources.Template exposing (Template, TemplateId, addTemplateInstanceString)\nimport Models.Ui.BodyUiModel exposing (BodyUiModel)\nimport Set exposing (Set)\nimport Updates.Messages exposing (..)\nimport Utils.HtmlUtils exposing (icon, iconButton, iconButtonText)\nimport Views.InstancesView as InstancesView\nimport Views.ParameterFormView as ParameterFormView\n\n\nview : Dict InstanceId Instance -> Dict InstanceId InstanceTasks -> Dict TemplateId Template -> BodyUiModel -> Maybe Role -> Template -> Html UpdateBodyViewMsg\nview instances tasks templates bodyUiModel maybeRole template =\n let\n templateInstances =\n Dict.filter (\\k i -> i.template.id == template.id) instances\n\n attemptedDeleteInstances =\n bodyUiModel.attemptedDeleteInstances\n |> Maybe.andThen\n (\\( templateId, instanceIds ) ->\n if templateId == template.id then\n Just instanceIds\n\n else\n Nothing\n )\n in\n let\n selectedTemplateInstances =\n templateInstances\n |> Dict.keys\n |> Set.fromList\n |> Set.intersect bodyUiModel.selectedInstances\n in\n div\n [ id (String.concat [ \"template-\", template.id ])\n , class \"card template mt-5\"\n ]\n [ div\n [ class \"card-header\" ]\n [ templatePanelHeadingView template bodyUiModel.expandedTemplates templateInstances ]\n , div\n [ class\n (if Set.member template.id bodyUiModel.expandedTemplates then\n \"show\"\n\n else\n \"d-none\"\n )\n ]\n [ div\n [ class \"card-body\"\n , style [ ( \"padding-bottom\", \"0px\" ) ]\n ]\n [ p []\n [ text template.description ]\n , p []\n (List.concat\n [ if maybeRole \/= Just Administrator then\n []\n\n else\n [ iconButtonText\n \"btn btn-outline-secondary\"\n \"fa fa-plus-circle\"\n \"New\"\n [ onClick (ExpandNewInstanceForm True template.id)\n , id <| String.concat [ \"expand-new-instance-\", template.id ]\n ]\n , text \" \"\n ]\n , if maybeRole \/= Just Administrator && maybeRole \/= Just Operator then\n []\n\n else\n [ div\n [ class \"btn-group\"\n , attribute \"role\" \"group\"\n , attribute \"aria-label\" \"...\"\n ]\n [ iconButtonText\n \"btn btn-outline-secondary\"\n \"fa fa-play-circle\"\n \"Start\"\n (List.concat\n [ if Set.isEmpty selectedTemplateInstances then\n [ attribute \"disabled\" \"disabled\" ]\n\n else\n []\n , [ onClick (StartSelectedInstances selectedTemplateInstances)\n , id <| String.concat [ \"start-selected-instances-\", template.id ]\n ]\n ]\n )\n , text \" \"\n , iconButtonText\n \"btn btn-outline-secondary\"\n \"fa fa-stop-circle\"\n \"Stop\"\n (List.concat\n [ if Set.isEmpty selectedTemplateInstances then\n [ attribute \"disabled\" \"disabled\" ]\n\n else\n []\n , [ onClick (StopSelectedInstances selectedTemplateInstances)\n , id <| String.concat [ \"stop-selected-instances-\", template.id ]\n ]\n ]\n )\n\n -- , text \" \"\n -- , iconButtonText\n -- \"btn btn-default\"\n -- \"fa fa-code-fork\"\n -- \"Upgrade\"\n -- ( disabledIfNothingSelected selectedTemplateInstances )\n ]\n , text \" \"\n ]\n , if maybeRole \/= Just Administrator then\n []\n\n else\n case attemptedDeleteInstances of\n Nothing ->\n [ iconButtonText\n \"btn btn-outline-secondary\"\n \"fa fa-trash\"\n \"Delete\"\n (List.concat\n [ if Set.isEmpty selectedTemplateInstances then\n [ attribute \"disabled\" \"disabled\" ]\n\n else\n []\n , [ onClick (AttemptDeleteSelectedInstances template.id selectedTemplateInstances)\n , id <| String.concat [ \"delete-selected-instances-\", template.id ]\n ]\n ]\n )\n ]\n\n Just toDelete ->\n [ iconButtonText\n \"btn btn-danger\"\n \"fa fa-trash\"\n (String.concat [ \"Delete?\" ])\n (List.concat\n [ if Set.isEmpty selectedTemplateInstances then\n [ attribute \"disabled\" \"disabled\" ]\n\n else\n []\n , [ onClick (DeleteSelectedInstances template.id selectedTemplateInstances)\n , id <| String.concat [ \"confirm-delete-selected-instances-\", template.id ]\n ]\n ]\n )\n ]\n ]\n )\n ]\n , div\n [ class\n (if Dict.member template.id bodyUiModel.expandedNewInstanceForms then\n \"show\"\n\n else\n \"d-none\"\n )\n , id <| String.concat [ \"new-instance-form-container-\", template.id ]\n ]\n [ ParameterFormView.newView\n template\n (Dict.get template.id bodyUiModel.expandedNewInstanceForms)\n bodyUiModel.visibleNewInstanceSecrets\n ]\n , InstancesView.view\n templateInstances\n selectedTemplateInstances\n bodyUiModel.expandedInstances\n bodyUiModel.instanceParameterForms\n bodyUiModel.visibleEditInstanceSecrets\n tasks\n templates\n maybeRole\n attemptedDeleteInstances\n ]\n ]\n\n\ntemplatePanelHeadingView template expandedTemplates instances =\n span\n []\n [ templateIdView template expandedTemplates\n , text \" \"\n , templatePanelHeadingInfo \"fa fa-list\" \"Number of Instances\" (text (toString (Dict.size instances)))\n , text \" \"\n , templatePanelHeadingInfo \"fa fa-code-fork\" \"Template Version\" (templateVersion template)\n ]\n\n\ntemplatePanelHeadingInfo clazz infoTitle info =\n span\n [ title infoTitle\n , class \"badge badge-pill float-right hidden-xs mr-3 mt-3 ml-3\"\n , style\n [ ( \"margin-left\", \"10px\" )\n , ( \"font-weight\", \"100\" )\n , ( \"background-color\", \"rgb(85, 85, 85)\" )\n , ( \"color\", \"rgb(255, 255, 255)\" )\n , ( \"margin-top\", \"4px;\" )\n ]\n ]\n [ icon clazz [ class \"mr-3\" ]\n , info\n ]\n\n\ntemplateIdView template expandedTemplates =\n a\n [ id (String.concat [ \"expand-template-\", template.id ])\n , class \"btn\"\n , attribute \"role\" \"button\"\n , onClick (ToggleTemplate template.id)\n ]\n [ icon\n (String.concat\n [ \"fa fa-chevron-\"\n , if Set.member template.id expandedTemplates then\n \"down\"\n\n else\n \"right\"\n ]\n )\n [ style [ ( \"margin-right\", \"4px\" ) ] ]\n , span\n [ style [ ( \"font-size\", \"125%\" ), ( \"margin-right\", \"10px\" ) ] ]\n [ text template.id ]\n ]\n\n\ntemplateVersion template =\n span\n [ style [ ( \"font-family\", \"Courier\" ) ] ]\n [ text (String.left 8 template.version) ]\n","avg_line_length":40.992248062,"max_line_length":159,"alphanum_fraction":0.3905068079} +{"size":846,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":835.0,"content":"module ChangingTreeStateTest exposing (suite)\n\nimport Html.Styled exposing (toUnstyled)\nimport JsonTree\nimport Page.ShowEvent exposing (showJsonTree)\nimport Test exposing (..)\nimport Test.Html.Query as Query\nimport Test.Html.Selector exposing (text)\n\n\nsuite : Test\nsuite =\n describe \"Suite\"\n [ describe \"Changing tree state\"\n [ test \"showJsonTree fallbacks to regular html if parsing went wrong\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n faultyJsonResult =\n toUnstyled <|\n showJsonTree \"{ its not correct }\" JsonTree.defaultState (always ())\n in\n faultyJsonResult\n |> Query.fromHtml\n |> Query.has [ text \"{ its not correct }\" ]\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":31.3333333333,"max_line_length":100,"alphanum_fraction":0.5319148936} +{"size":6459,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Views.Board.Styles exposing\n ( TileViewModel\n , baseTileClasses\n , boardFullWidth\n , boardHeight\n , boardMarginTop\n , boardOffsetLeft\n , boardOffsetTop\n , boardWidth\n , centerBlock\n , draggingStyles\n , enteringStyles\n , fallingStyles\n , growingStyles\n , moveTracerStyles\n , scoreIconSize\n , seedStrokeColors\n , strokeColors\n , tileBackground\n , tileBackgroundMap\n , tileClassMap\n , tileCoordsStyles\n , tilePosition\n , tileSize\n , tileSizeMap\n , tileStyleMap\n , tileWidth\n , tileWidthheights\n , topBarHeight\n , wallStyles\n )\n\nimport Css.Animation exposing (animation, ease, linear)\nimport Css.Color as Color\nimport Css.Style as Style exposing (..)\nimport Css.Transform exposing (..)\nimport Css.Transition exposing (delay, transitionAll)\nimport Data.Board.Block as Block exposing (..)\nimport Data.Board.Score exposing (collectable, scoreTileTypes)\nimport Data.Board.Tile as Tile\nimport Data.Board.Types exposing (..)\nimport Data.Window exposing (Window)\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\n\n\ntype alias TileViewModel =\n ( Window, BoardDimensions )\n\n\nboardMarginTop : TileViewModel -> Style\nboardMarginTop model =\n marginTop <| toFloat <| boardOffsetTop model\n\n\nboardOffsetTop : TileViewModel -> Int\nboardOffsetTop (( window, _ ) as model) =\n (window.height - boardHeight model) \/\/ 2 + (topBarHeight \/\/ 2) - 10\n\n\nboardOffsetLeft : TileViewModel -> Int\nboardOffsetLeft (( window, _ ) as model) =\n (window.width - boardWidth model) \/\/ 2\n\n\nboardHeight : TileViewModel -> Int\nboardHeight ( window, dimensions ) =\n round (Tile.baseSizeY * Tile.scale window) * dimensions.y\n\n\nboardWidth : TileViewModel -> Int\nboardWidth (( window, dimensions ) as model) =\n tileWidth window * dimensions.x\n\n\nboardFullWidth : Window -> Int\nboardFullWidth window =\n tileWidth window * 8\n\n\ntileWidth : Window -> Int\ntileWidth window =\n round <| Tile.baseSizeX * Tile.scale window\n\n\nscoreIconSize : number\nscoreIconSize =\n 32\n\n\ntopBarHeight : number\ntopBarHeight =\n 80\n\n\ntileCoordsStyles : Window -> Coord -> List Style\ntileCoordsStyles window coord =\n let\n ( y, x ) =\n tilePosition window coord\n in\n [ transform\n [ translate x y\n , translateZ 0\n ]\n ]\n\n\ntilePosition : Window -> Coord -> ( Float, Float )\ntilePosition window ( y, x ) =\n let\n tileScale =\n Tile.scale window\n in\n ( toFloat y * Tile.baseSizeY * tileScale\n , toFloat x * Tile.baseSizeX * tileScale\n )\n\n\nwallStyles : Window -> Move -> List Style\nwallStyles window ( _, block ) =\n let\n wallSize =\n Tile.scale window * 45\n in\n case block of\n Wall color ->\n [ backgroundColor color\n , width wallSize\n , height wallSize\n ]\n\n _ ->\n []\n\n\nenteringStyles : Move -> List Style\nenteringStyles ( _, block ) =\n case getTileState block of\n Entering tile ->\n [ animation \"bounce-down\" 1000 [ ease ] ]\n\n _ ->\n []\n\n\ngrowingStyles : Move -> List Style\ngrowingStyles ( coord, block ) =\n case getTileState block of\n Growing SeedPod _ ->\n [ transform [ scale 4 ]\n , transitionAll 400 [ delay <| modBy 5 (growingOrder block) * 70 ]\n , opacity 0\n , property \"pointer-events\" \"none\"\n ]\n\n Growing (Seed _) _ ->\n [ animation \"bulge\" 500 [ ease ] ]\n\n _ ->\n []\n\n\nfallingStyles : Move -> List Style\nfallingStyles ( _, block ) =\n case getTileState block of\n Falling tile distance ->\n [ animation (\"bounce-down-\" ++ String.fromInt distance) 900 [ linear ] ]\n\n _ ->\n []\n\n\nreleasingStyles : Move -> List Style\nreleasingStyles ( _, block ) =\n case getTileState block of\n Releasing _ ->\n [ transitionAll 200 []\n , transform [ scale 1 ]\n ]\n\n _ ->\n []\n\n\nmoveTracerStyles : Move -> List Style\nmoveTracerStyles (( coord, tile ) as move) =\n if isDragging tile then\n [ animation \"bulge-fade\" 800 [ ease ] ]\n\n else\n [ displayStyle \"none\" ]\n\n\ndraggingStyles : Maybe MoveShape -> Move -> List Style\ndraggingStyles moveShape ( _, tileState ) =\n if moveShape == Just Square then\n [ transitionAll 500 []\n ]\n\n else if isLeaving tileState then\n [ transitionAll 100 []\n ]\n\n else if isDragging tileState then\n [ transform [ scale 0.8 ]\n , transitionAll 300 []\n ]\n\n else\n []\n\n\ntileWidthheights : Window -> List Style\ntileWidthheights window =\n let\n tileScale =\n Tile.scale window\n in\n [ width <| Tile.baseSizeX * tileScale\n , height <| Tile.baseSizeY * tileScale\n ]\n\n\nbaseTileClasses : List String\nbaseTileClasses =\n [ \"br-100\"\n , centerBlock\n ]\n\n\ncenterBlock : String\ncenterBlock =\n \"ma absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0\"\n\n\ntileBackgroundMap : Block -> List Style\ntileBackgroundMap =\n Block.fold (tileStyleMap tileBackground) []\n\n\ntileSizeMap : Block -> Float\ntileSizeMap =\n Block.fold (Tile.map 0 tileSize) 0\n\n\nstrokeColors : TileType -> String\nstrokeColors tile =\n case tile of\n Rain ->\n Color.lightBlue\n\n Sun ->\n Color.gold\n\n SeedPod ->\n Color.green\n\n Seed seedType ->\n seedStrokeColors seedType\n\n\nseedStrokeColors : SeedType -> String\nseedStrokeColors seedType =\n case seedType of\n Sunflower ->\n Color.darkBrown\n\n Chrysanthemum ->\n Color.purple\n\n Cornflower ->\n Color.darkBlue\n\n Lupin ->\n Color.crimson\n\n _ ->\n Color.darkBrown\n\n\ntileBackground : TileType -> List Style\ntileBackground tile =\n case tile of\n Rain ->\n [ backgroundColor Color.lightBlue ]\n\n Sun ->\n [ backgroundColor Color.gold ]\n\n SeedPod ->\n [ background Color.seedPodGradient ]\n\n Seed _ ->\n []\n\n\ntileSize : TileType -> Float\ntileSize tile =\n case tile of\n Rain ->\n 18\n\n Sun ->\n 18\n\n SeedPod ->\n 26\n\n Seed _ ->\n 35\n\n\ntileClassMap : (TileType -> String) -> TileState -> String\ntileClassMap =\n Tile.map \"\"\n\n\ntileStyleMap : (TileType -> List Style) -> TileState -> List Style\ntileStyleMap =\n Tile.map []\n","avg_line_length":20.1214953271,"max_line_length":84,"alphanum_fraction":0.5968416163} +{"size":817,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Lia.Markdown.Quiz.Matrix.Update exposing (Msg(..), toString, update)\n\nimport Array\nimport Lia.Markdown.Quiz.Matrix.Types exposing (State)\nimport Lia.Markdown.Quiz.Vector.Update as Vector\n\n\ntype Msg\n = Toggle Int Int\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> State -> State\nupdate msg state =\n case msg of\n Toggle row_id column_id ->\n case\n state\n |> Array.get row_id\n |> Maybe.map (Vector.toggle column_id)\n of\n Just row ->\n Array.set row_id row state\n\n _ ->\n state\n\n\ntoString : State -> String\ntoString state =\n state\n |> Array.toList\n |> List.map Vector.toString\n |> List.intersperse \",\"\n |> String.concat\n |> (\\str -> \"[\" ++ str ++ \"]\")\n","avg_line_length":22.6944444444,"max_line_length":75,"alphanum_fraction":0.5238678091} +{"size":433,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Views.Home exposing (homeView)\n\nimport Html exposing (Html, div)\n\nimport Messages.Home exposing (HomeMsg)\nimport Models.Game exposing (GameModel)\nimport Models.Home exposing (HomeModel)\nimport Views.Home.PastGames as PastGames\nimport Views.Home.Stats as StatsView\n\nhomeView : List GameModel -> HomeModel -> Html HomeMsg\nhomeView games homeModel =\n div []\n [ StatsView.view games\n , PastGames.view games homeModel\n ]\n","avg_line_length":25.4705882353,"max_line_length":54,"alphanum_fraction":0.766743649} +{"size":7475,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Sources.Services.Ipfs exposing (defaults, initialData, makeTrackUrl, makeTree, parseErrorResponse, parsePreparationResponse, parseTreeResponse, postProcessTree, prepare, properties)\n\n{-| IPFS Service.\n\nResources:\n\n - \n\n-}\n\nimport Common exposing (boolFromString, boolToString)\nimport Conditional exposing (ifThenElse)\nimport Dict\nimport Dict.Ext as Dict\nimport Http\nimport Json.Decode as Json\nimport Sources exposing (Property, SourceData)\nimport Sources.Processing exposing (..)\nimport Sources.Services.Common exposing (cleanPath, noPrep)\nimport Sources.Services.Ipfs.Marker as Marker\nimport Sources.Services.Ipfs.Parser as Parser\nimport String.Ext as String\nimport Task\nimport Time\n\n\n\n-- PROPERTIES\n-- \ud83d\udcdf\n\n\ndefaults =\n { gateway = \"http:\/\/\"\n , local = boolToString False\n , name = \"Music from IPFS\"\n , ipns = boolToString False\n }\n\n\n{-| The list of properties we need from the user.\n\nTuple: (property, label, placeholder, isPassword)\nWill be used for the forms.\n\n-}\nproperties : List Property\nproperties =\n [ { key = \"directoryHash\"\n , label = \"Directory object hash \/ DNSLink domain\"\n , placeholder = \"QmVLDAhCY3X9P2u\"\n , password = False\n }\n , { key = \"ipns\"\n , label = \"Resolve using IPNS\"\n , placeholder = defaults.ipns\n , password = False\n }\n , { key = \"gateway\"\n , label = \"Gateway\"\n , placeholder = defaults.gateway\n , password = False\n }\n , { key = \"local\"\n , label = \"Resolve IPNS locally\"\n , placeholder = defaults.local\n , password = False\n }\n ]\n\n\n{-| Initial data set.\n-}\ninitialData : SourceData\ninitialData =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"directoryHash\", \"\" )\n , ( \"name\", defaults.name )\n , ( \"gateway\", defaults.gateway )\n , ( \"ipns\", defaults.ipns )\n , ( \"local\", defaults.local )\n ]\n\n\n\n-- PREPARATION\n\n\nprepare : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Maybe (Cmd msg)\nprepare _ srcData _ toMsg =\n let\n isDnsLink =\n srcData\n |> Dict.get \"directoryHash\"\n |> Maybe.map (String.contains \".\")\n\n domainName =\n srcData\n |> Dict.get \"directoryHash\"\n |> Maybe.withDefault \"\"\n |> String.chopStart \"http:\/\/\"\n |> String.chopStart \"https:\/\/\"\n |> String.chopEnd \"\/\"\n in\n case isDnsLink of\n Just True ->\n (Just << Http.request)\n { method = \"GET\"\n , headers = [ Http.header \"Accept\" \"application\/dns-json\" ]\n , url = \"https:\/\/cloudflare-dns.com\/dns-query?type=TXT&name=\" ++ domainName\n , body = Http.emptyBody\n , expect = Http.expectString toMsg\n , timeout = Nothing\n , tracker = Nothing\n }\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n\n\n\n-- TREE\n\n\n{-| Create a directory tree.\n-}\nmakeTree : SourceData -> Marker -> Time.Posix -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Cmd msg\nmakeTree srcData marker _ resultMsg =\n let\n gateway =\n srcData\n |> Dict.get \"gateway\"\n |> Maybe.withDefault defaults.gateway\n |> String.foldr\n (\\char acc ->\n if String.isEmpty acc && char == '\/' then\n acc\n\n else\n String.cons char acc\n )\n \"\"\n\n resolveWithIpns =\n case marker of\n InProgress _ ->\n False\n\n _ ->\n srcData\n |> Dict.fetch \"ipns\" defaults.ipns\n |> boolFromString\n\n resolveLocally =\n srcData\n |> Dict.fetch \"local\" defaults.local\n |> boolFromString\n |> (\\b -> ifThenElse b \"true\" \"false\")\n\n hash =\n case marker of\n InProgress _ ->\n marker\n |> Marker.takeOne\n |> Maybe.withDefault \"MISSING_HASH\"\n\n _ ->\n srcData\n |> Dict.get \"directoryHash\"\n |> Maybe.andThen\n (\\h ->\n if String.contains \".\" h then\n Dict.get \"directoryHashFromDnsLink\" srcData\n\n else\n Just h\n )\n |> Maybe.withDefault \"MISSING_HASH\"\n in\n (if resolveWithIpns then\n Http.task\n { method = \"GET\"\n , headers = []\n , url = gateway ++ \"\/api\/v0\/name\/resolve?arg=\" ++ hash ++ \"&local=\" ++ resolveLocally ++ \"&encoding=json\"\n , body = Http.emptyBody\n , resolver = Http.stringResolver ipnsResolver\n , timeout = Just (60 * 15)\n }\n\n else\n Task.succeed { ipfsHash = hash }\n )\n |> Task.andThen\n (\\{ ipfsHash } ->\n Http.task\n { method = \"GET\"\n , headers = []\n , url = gateway ++ \"\/api\/v0\/ls?arg=\" ++ ipfsHash ++ \"&encoding=json\"\n , body = Http.emptyBody\n , resolver = Http.stringResolver Common.translateHttpResponse\n , timeout = Just (60 * 15)\n }\n )\n |> Task.attempt resultMsg\n\n\nipnsResolver : Http.Response String -> Result Http.Error { ipfsHash : String }\nipnsResolver response =\n case response of\n Http.BadUrl_ u ->\n Err (Http.BadUrl u)\n\n Http.Timeout_ ->\n Err Http.Timeout\n\n Http.NetworkError_ ->\n Err Http.NetworkError\n\n Http.BadStatus_ _ body ->\n Err (Http.BadBody body)\n\n Http.GoodStatus_ _ body ->\n body\n |> Json.decodeString (Json.field \"Path\" Json.string)\n |> Result.map (\\hash -> { ipfsHash = hash })\n |> Result.mapError (Json.errorToString >> Http.BadBody)\n\n\n{-| Re-export parser functions.\n-}\nparsePreparationResponse : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> PrepationAnswer Marker\nparsePreparationResponse =\n Parser.parseCloudflareDnsResult\n\n\nparseTreeResponse : String -> Marker -> TreeAnswer Marker\nparseTreeResponse =\n Parser.parseTreeResponse\n\n\nparseErrorResponse : String -> Maybe String\nparseErrorResponse =\n Parser.parseErrorResponse\n\n\n\n-- POST\n\n\n{-| Post process the tree results.\n\n!!! Make sure we only use music files that we can use.\n\n-}\npostProcessTree : List String -> List String\npostProcessTree =\n identity\n\n\n\n-- TRACK URL\n\n\n{-| Create a public url for a file.\n\nWe need this to play the track.\n\n-}\nmakeTrackUrl : Time.Posix -> SourceData -> HttpMethod -> String -> String\nmakeTrackUrl _ srcData _ hash =\n let\n gateway =\n srcData\n |> Dict.get \"gateway\"\n |> Maybe.withDefault defaults.gateway\n |> String.foldr\n (\\char acc ->\n if String.isEmpty acc && char == '\/' then\n acc\n\n else\n String.cons char acc\n )\n \"\"\n in\n gateway ++ \"\/ipfs\/\" ++ hash\n","avg_line_length":26.1363636364,"max_line_length":188,"alphanum_fraction":0.5101003344} +{"size":2353,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Route exposing (Route(..), fromUrl, href, replaceUrl)\n\nimport Article.Slug as Slug exposing (Slug)\nimport Browser.Navigation as Nav\nimport Html.Styled as Html exposing (Attribute)\nimport Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr\nimport Profile exposing (Profile)\nimport Url exposing (Url)\nimport Url.Parser as Parser exposing ((<\/>), Parser, oneOf, s)\nimport Username exposing (Username)\n\n\n\n-- ROUTING\n\n\ntype Route\n = Home\n | Root\n | Login\n | Logout\n | Register\n | Settings\n | Article Slug\n | Profile Username\n | NewArticle\n | EditArticle Slug\n\n\nparser : Parser (Route -> a) a\nparser =\n oneOf\n [ Parser.map Home Parser.top\n , Parser.map Login (s \"login\")\n , Parser.map Logout (s \"logout\")\n , Parser.map Settings (s \"settings\")\n , Parser.map Profile (s \"profile\" <\/> Username.urlParser)\n , Parser.map Register (s \"register\")\n , Parser.map Article (s \"article\" <\/> Slug.urlParser)\n , Parser.map NewArticle (s \"editor\")\n , Parser.map EditArticle (s \"editor\" <\/> Slug.urlParser)\n ]\n\n\n\n-- PUBLIC HELPERS\n\n\nhref : Route -> Attribute msg\nhref targetRoute =\n Attr.href (routeToString targetRoute)\n\n\nreplaceUrl : Nav.Key -> Route -> Cmd msg\nreplaceUrl key route =\n Nav.replaceUrl key (routeToString route)\n\n\nfromUrl : Url -> Maybe Route\nfromUrl url =\n -- The RealWorld spec treats the fragment like a path.\n -- This makes it *literally* the path, so we can proceed\n -- with parsing as if it had been a normal path all along.\n { url | path = Maybe.withDefault \"\" url.fragment, fragment = Nothing }\n |> Parser.parse parser\n\n\n\n-- INTERNAL\n\n\nrouteToString : Route -> String\nrouteToString page =\n \"#\/\" ++ String.join \"\/\" (routeToPieces page)\n\n\nrouteToPieces : Route -> List String\nrouteToPieces page =\n case page of\n Home ->\n []\n\n Root ->\n []\n\n Login ->\n [ \"login\" ]\n\n Logout ->\n [ \"logout\" ]\n\n Register ->\n [ \"register\" ]\n\n Settings ->\n [ \"settings\" ]\n\n Article slug ->\n [ \"article\", Slug.toString slug ]\n\n Profile username ->\n [ \"profile\", Username.toString username ]\n\n NewArticle ->\n [ \"editor\" ]\n\n EditArticle slug ->\n [ \"editor\", Slug.toString slug ]\n","avg_line_length":21.5871559633,"max_line_length":74,"alphanum_fraction":0.5949851254} +{"size":6710,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module LogicUS.AUX.B_Expressions exposing (B_Expr(..), evaluateBExpr, expressionB, parseBExpr, toMathStringBExpr, toStringBExpr, varsInB_Expr)\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport LogicUS.AUX.A_Expressions exposing (..)\nimport LogicUS.AUX.AuxiliarFunctions exposing (uniqueConcatList)\nimport Parser exposing (..)\n\n\ntype Comparator\n = EQ\n | NE\n | GT\n | LT\n | GE\n | LE\n\n\ntype alias Condition =\n { comp : Comparator\n , e1 : A_Expr\n , e2 : A_Expr\n }\n\n\ncreateCondition : A_Expr -> Comparator -> A_Expr -> Condition\ncreateCondition f c s =\n { comp = c, e1 = f, e2 = s }\n\n\ncompCondition : Parser Comparator\ncompCondition =\n oneOf\n [ succeed GE\n |. symbol \">=\"\n , succeed LE\n |. symbol \"<=\"\n , succeed NE\n |. symbol \"!=\"\n , succeed GT\n |. symbol \">\"\n , succeed LT\n |. symbol \"<\"\n , succeed EQ\n |. symbol \"=\"\n ]\n\n\ncondition : Parser Condition\ncondition =\n succeed createCondition\n |= expressionA\n |= compCondition\n |= expressionA\n\n\nevalCond : Condition -> Dict String Int -> Maybe Bool\nevalCond c vals =\n case c.comp of\n EQ ->\n Maybe.map2 (==) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n NE ->\n Maybe.map2 (\/=) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n GT ->\n Maybe.map2 (>) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n LT ->\n Maybe.map2 (<) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n GE ->\n Maybe.map2 (>=) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n LE ->\n Maybe.map2 (<=) (evaluateAExpr c.e1 vals) (evaluateAExpr c.e2 vals)\n\n\ntype B_Expr\n = T\n | F\n | And B_Expr B_Expr\n | Or B_Expr B_Expr\n | Not B_Expr\n | Cond Condition\n\n\ntype B_Operator\n = AndOp\n | OrOp\n\n\noperatorB : Parser B_Operator\noperatorB =\n oneOf\n [ Parser.map (\\_ -> AndOp) (symbol \"AND\")\n , Parser.map (\\_ -> OrOp) (symbol \"OR\")\n ]\n\n\nevaluateBExpr : B_Expr -> Dict String Int -> Maybe Bool\nevaluateBExpr expr vals =\n case expr of\n T ->\n Just True\n\n F ->\n Just False\n\n And e1 e2 ->\n Maybe.map2 (&&) (evaluateBExpr e1 vals) (evaluateBExpr e2 vals)\n\n Or e1 e2 ->\n Maybe.map2 (||) (evaluateBExpr e1 vals) (evaluateBExpr e2 vals)\n\n Not e ->\n Maybe.map not (evaluateBExpr e vals)\n\n Cond c ->\n evalCond c vals\n\n\nvarsInB_Expr : B_Expr -> List String\nvarsInB_Expr expr =\n case expr of\n T ->\n []\n\n F ->\n []\n\n And e1 e2 ->\n uniqueConcatList (varsInB_Expr e1) (varsInB_Expr e2)\n\n Or e1 e2 ->\n uniqueConcatList (varsInB_Expr e1) (varsInB_Expr e2)\n\n Not e1 ->\n varsInB_Expr e1\n\n Cond c ->\n uniqueConcatList (varsInA_Expr c.e1) (varsInA_Expr c.e2)\n\n\nparseBExpr : String -> ( Maybe B_Expr, String )\nparseBExpr str =\n if str == \"\" then\n ( Nothing, \"Empty expression\" )\n\n else\n case run expressionB str of\n Ok y ->\n ( Just y, \"\" )\n\n Err m ->\n ( Nothing, Debug.toString m )\n\n\ntermBExpr : Parser B_Expr\ntermBExpr =\n oneOf\n [ succeed T\n |. symbol \"T\"\n , succeed F\n |. symbol \"F\"\n , succeed Not\n |. symbol \"NOT\"\n |= lazy (\\_ -> expressionB)\n , succeed Cond\n |. symbol \"[\"\n |= condition\n |. symbol \"]\"\n , succeed identity\n |. symbol \"(\"\n |= lazy (\\_ -> expressionB)\n |. symbol \")\"\n ]\n\n\nexpressionB : Parser B_Expr\nexpressionB =\n termBExpr |> andThen (expressionBAux [])\n\n\nexpressionBAux : List ( B_Expr, B_Operator ) -> B_Expr -> Parser B_Expr\nexpressionBAux revOps bExpr =\n oneOf\n [ succeed Tuple.pair\n |= operatorB\n |= termBExpr\n |> andThen (\\( op, newExpr ) -> expressionBAux (( bExpr, op ) :: revOps) newExpr)\n , lazy (\\_ -> succeed (finalize revOps bExpr))\n ]\n\n\nfinalize : List ( B_Expr, B_Operator ) -> B_Expr -> B_Expr\nfinalize revOps finalExpr =\n case revOps of\n [] ->\n finalExpr\n\n -- And operation have the maximum priorty, so module have a unique case\n ( expr, AndOp ) :: otherRevOps ->\n finalize otherRevOps (And expr finalExpr)\n\n -- Or have the second maximum priority, so we need to determine how parser's going to do if it searches a module after and if it searches something different\n ( expr, OrOp ) :: ( expr2, AndOp ) :: otherRevOps ->\n Or (finalize (( expr2, AndOp ) :: otherRevOps) expr) finalExpr\n\n ( expr, OrOp ) :: otherRevOps ->\n finalize otherRevOps (Or expr finalExpr)\n\n\ntoStringComparator : Comparator -> String\ntoStringComparator c =\n case c of\n EQ ->\n \"=\"\n\n NE ->\n \"!=\"\n\n GT ->\n \">\"\n\n LT ->\n \"<\"\n\n GE ->\n \">=\"\n\n LE ->\n \"<=\"\n\n\ntoMathStringComparator : Comparator -> String\ntoMathStringComparator c =\n case c of\n EQ ->\n \"= \"\n\n NE ->\n \"\\\\neq \"\n\n GT ->\n \"> \"\n\n LT ->\n \"< \"\n\n GE ->\n \"\\\\geq \"\n\n LE ->\n \"\\\\leq \"\n\n\ntoStringCondition : Condition -> String\ntoStringCondition c =\n toStringAExpr c.e1 ++ toStringComparator c.comp ++ toStringAExpr c.e2\n\n\ntoMathStringCondition : Condition -> String\ntoMathStringCondition c =\n toMathStringAExpr c.e1 ++ toMathStringComparator c.comp ++ toMathStringAExpr c.e2\n\n\ntoStringBExpr : B_Expr -> String\ntoStringBExpr bexpr =\n case bexpr of\n T ->\n \"T\"\n\n F ->\n \"F\"\n\n And e1 e2 ->\n \"(\" ++ toStringBExpr e1 ++ \"AND\" ++ toStringBExpr e2 ++ \")\"\n\n Or e1 e2 ->\n \"(\" ++ toStringBExpr e1 ++ \"OR\" ++ toStringBExpr e2 ++ \")\"\n\n Not e ->\n \"( NOT\" ++ toStringBExpr e ++ \")\"\n\n Cond c ->\n \"[\" ++ toStringCondition c ++ \"]\"\n\n\ntoMathStringBExpr : B_Expr -> String\ntoMathStringBExpr bexpr =\n case bexpr of\n T ->\n \"T\"\n\n F ->\n \"F\"\n\n And e1 e2 ->\n \"(\" ++ toMathStringBExpr e1 ++ \"\\\\wedge \" ++ toMathStringBExpr e2 ++ \")\"\n\n Or e1 e2 ->\n \"(\" ++ toMathStringBExpr e1 ++ \"\\\\vee \" ++ toMathStringBExpr e2 ++ \")\"\n\n Not e ->\n \"( \\\\neg \" ++ toMathStringBExpr e ++ \")\"\n\n Cond c ->\n \"[\" ++ toMathStringCondition c ++ \"]\"\n","avg_line_length":21.715210356,"max_line_length":165,"alphanum_fraction":0.5144560358} +{"size":651,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Routing exposing (..)\n\nimport Models exposing (PlayerId, Route(..))\nimport Navigation exposing (Location)\nimport UrlParser exposing (..)\n\n\nplayersPath : String\nplayersPath =\n \"#players\"\n\n\nplayerPath : PlayerId -> String\nplayerPath id =\n playersPath ++ \"\/\" ++ id\n\n\nmatchers : Parser (Route -> a) a\nmatchers =\n oneOf\n [ map PlayersRoute top\n , map PlayerRoute (s \"players\" <\/> string)\n , map PlayersRoute (s \"players\")\n ]\n\n\nparseLocation : Location -> Route\nparseLocation location =\n case parseHash matchers location of\n Just route ->\n route\n\n Nothing ->\n NotFoundRoute\n","avg_line_length":18.6,"max_line_length":50,"alphanum_fraction":0.6267281106} +{"size":391,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Main exposing (..)\n\nimport Navigation\n\n\n-- My Elm Files\n\nimport Model exposing (..)\nimport Update exposing (..)\nimport View exposing (..)\nimport Types exposing (..)\n\n\nmain : Program Never Model Msg\nmain =\n Navigation.program UrlChange\n { init = (\\_ -> ( model, Cmd.none ))\n , view = view\n , update = update\n , subscriptions = (\\_ -> Sub.none)\n }\n","avg_line_length":17.7727272727,"max_line_length":44,"alphanum_fraction":0.5933503836} +{"size":824,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":3.0,"content":"module TimeTest exposing (main)\n\nimport ElmTest\nimport Check exposing (..)\nimport Check.Producer exposing (..)\nimport Check.Test\n\nimport Array\nimport Maybe\n\nimport Units exposing (..)\nimport Units.Time exposing (..)\n\nunits : Producer TimeUnit\nunits = Check.Producer.map (\n \\i -> Array.fromList [milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours]\n |> Array.get i\n |> Maybe.withDefault milliseconds\n ) (rangeInt 0 3)\n\ntime : Claim\ntime =\n suite \"Converting to base and back\"\n [ claim\n \"Convert to base and back == identity\"\n `that`\n (\\(f, u) -> f ~ milliseconds |> toBase)\n `is`\n fst\n `for`\n tuple (float, units)\n ]\n\nevidence : Evidence\nevidence = quickCheck time\n\nmain : Program Never\nmain = ElmTest.runSuite (Check.Test.evidenceToTest evidence)","avg_line_length":21.6842105263,"max_line_length":70,"alphanum_fraction":0.6359223301} +{"size":11623,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":3.0,"content":"module Generated.Fi exposing (fi)\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Internal.DayPeriodRule\nimport Internal.Locale exposing (DateTimeToken(..), LanguageId(..))\nimport Internal.Parse\nimport Tagged exposing (Tagged(..))\n\n\ndayPeriods : Dict String (List Internal.DayPeriodRule.DayPeriodRule)\ndayPeriods =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"fi\"\n , [ Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 12, 0 ) ( 18, 0 ) \"afternoon1\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 18, 0 ) ( 23, 0 ) \"evening1\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.At ( 0, 0 ) \"midnight\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 5, 0 ) ( 10, 0 ) \"morning1\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 10, 0 ) ( 12, 0 ) \"morning2\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 23, 0 ) ( 5, 0 ) \"night1\"\n , Internal.DayPeriodRule.At ( 12, 0 ) \"noon\"\n ]\n )\n ]\n\n\n{-| Date format strings:\n\n - Short : d.M.y\n - Medium : d.M.y\n - Long : d. MMMM y\n - Full : cccc d. MMMM y\n\nTime format strings:\n\n - Short : H.mm\n - Medium : H.mm.ss\n - Long : H.mm.ss z\n - Full : H.mm.ss zzzz\n\n-}\nfi : Internal.Locale.Locale\nfi =\n Maybe.withDefault\n Internal.Locale.empty\n (Internal.Parse.parse\n dayPeriods\n { language = \"fi\"\n , script = Nothing\n , territory = Nothing\n , variant = Nothing\n , periodNames =\n { abbreviated =\n { am = \"ap.\"\n , pm = \"ip.\"\n , dayPeriods =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"afternoon1\", \"iltap.\" )\n , ( \"evening1\", \"illalla\" )\n , ( \"midnight\", \"keskiy\u00f6ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"morning1\", \"aamulla\" )\n , ( \"morning2\", \"aamup.\" )\n , ( \"night1\", \"y\u00f6ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"noon\", \"keskip.\" )\n ]\n }\n , wide =\n { am = \"ap.\"\n , pm = \"ip.\"\n , dayPeriods =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"afternoon1\", \"iltap\u00e4iv\u00e4ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"evening1\", \"illalla\" )\n , ( \"midnight\", \"keskiy\u00f6ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"morning1\", \"aamulla\" )\n , ( \"morning2\", \"aamup\u00e4iv\u00e4ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"night1\", \"y\u00f6ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"noon\", \"keskip\u00e4iv\u00e4ll\u00e4\" )\n ]\n }\n , narrow =\n { am = \"ap.\"\n , pm = \"ip.\"\n , dayPeriods =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"afternoon1\", \"ip.\" )\n , ( \"evening1\", \"illalla\" )\n , ( \"midnight\", \"ky.\" )\n , ( \"morning1\", \"aamulla\" )\n , ( \"morning2\", \"ap.\" )\n , ( \"night1\", \"y\u00f6ll\u00e4\" )\n , ( \"noon\", \"kp.\" )\n ]\n }\n }\n , datePatterns =\n { short = \"d.M.y\"\n , medium = \"d.M.y\"\n , long = \"d. MMMM y\"\n , full = \"cccc d. MMMM y\"\n }\n , monthFormatNames =\n { abbreviated =\n { jan = \"tammik.\"\n , feb = \"helmik.\"\n , mar = \"maalisk.\"\n , apr = \"huhtik.\"\n , may = \"toukok.\"\n , jun = \"kes\u00e4k.\"\n , jul = \"hein\u00e4k.\"\n , aug = \"elok.\"\n , sep = \"syysk.\"\n , oct = \"lokak.\"\n , nov = \"marrask.\"\n , dec = \"jouluk.\"\n }\n , wide =\n { jan = \"tammikuuta\"\n , feb = \"helmikuuta\"\n , mar = \"maaliskuuta\"\n , apr = \"huhtikuuta\"\n , may = \"toukokuuta\"\n , jun = \"kes\u00e4kuuta\"\n , jul = \"hein\u00e4kuuta\"\n , aug = \"elokuuta\"\n , sep = \"syyskuuta\"\n , oct = \"lokakuuta\"\n , nov = \"marraskuuta\"\n , dec = \"joulukuuta\"\n }\n , narrow =\n { jan = \"T\"\n , feb = \"H\"\n , mar = \"M\"\n , apr = \"H\"\n , may = \"T\"\n , jun = \"K\"\n , jul = \"H\"\n , aug = \"E\"\n , sep = \"S\"\n , oct = \"L\"\n , nov = \"M\"\n , dec = \"J\"\n }\n }\n , monthStandaloneNames =\n { abbreviated =\n { jan = \"tammi\"\n , feb = \"helmi\"\n , mar = \"maalis\"\n , apr = \"huhti\"\n , may = \"touko\"\n , jun = \"kes\u00e4\"\n , jul = \"hein\u00e4\"\n , aug = \"elo\"\n , sep = \"syys\"\n , oct = \"loka\"\n , nov = \"marras\"\n , dec = \"joulu\"\n }\n , wide =\n { jan = \"tammikuu\"\n , feb = \"helmikuu\"\n , mar = \"maaliskuu\"\n , apr = \"huhtikuu\"\n , may = \"toukokuu\"\n , jun = \"kes\u00e4kuu\"\n , jul = \"hein\u00e4kuu\"\n , aug = \"elokuu\"\n , sep = \"syyskuu\"\n , oct = \"lokakuu\"\n , nov = \"marraskuu\"\n , dec = \"joulukuu\"\n }\n , narrow =\n { jan = \"T\"\n , feb = \"H\"\n , mar = \"M\"\n , apr = \"H\"\n , may = \"T\"\n , jun = \"K\"\n , jul = \"H\"\n , aug = \"E\"\n , sep = \"S\"\n , oct = \"L\"\n , nov = \"M\"\n , dec = \"J\"\n }\n }\n , weekdayFormatNames =\n { abbreviated =\n { sun = \"su\"\n , mon = \"ma\"\n , tue = \"ti\"\n , wed = \"ke\"\n , thu = \"to\"\n , fri = \"pe\"\n , sat = \"la\"\n }\n , wide =\n { sun = \"sunnuntaina\"\n , mon = \"maanantaina\"\n , tue = \"tiistaina\"\n , wed = \"keskiviikkona\"\n , thu = \"torstaina\"\n , fri = \"perjantaina\"\n , sat = \"lauantaina\"\n }\n , narrow =\n { sun = \"S\"\n , mon = \"M\"\n , tue = \"T\"\n , wed = \"K\"\n , thu = \"T\"\n , fri = \"P\"\n , sat = \"L\"\n }\n }\n , weekdayStandaloneNames =\n { abbreviated =\n { sun = \"su\"\n , mon = \"ma\"\n , tue = \"ti\"\n , wed = \"ke\"\n , thu = \"to\"\n , fri = \"pe\"\n , sat = \"la\"\n }\n , wide =\n { sun = \"sunnuntai\"\n , mon = \"maanantai\"\n , tue = \"tiistai\"\n , wed = \"keskiviikko\"\n , thu = \"torstai\"\n , fri = \"perjantai\"\n , sat = \"lauantai\"\n }\n , narrow =\n { sun = \"S\"\n , mon = \"M\"\n , tue = \"T\"\n , wed = \"K\"\n , thu = \"T\"\n , fri = \"P\"\n , sat = \"L\"\n }\n }\n , eraNames =\n { abbreviated = { bc = \"eKr.\", ad = \"jKr.\" }\n , wide =\n { bc = \"ennen Kristuksen syntym\u00e4\u00e4\"\n , ad = \"j\u00e4lkeen Kristuksen syntym\u00e4n\"\n }\n , narrow = { bc = \"eKr\", ad = \"jKr\" }\n }\n , timePatterns =\n { short = \"H.mm\"\n , medium = \"H.mm.ss\"\n , long = \"H.mm.ss z\"\n , full = \"H.mm.ss zzzz\"\n }\n , dateTimePatterns =\n { short = \"{1} {0}\"\n , medium = \"{1} 'klo' {0}\"\n , long = \"{1} 'klo' {0}\"\n , full = \"{1} 'klo' {0}\"\n }\n , availableFormats =\n [ ( \"Bh\", \"h B\" )\n , ( \"Bhm\", \"h.mm B\" )\n , ( \"Bhms\", \"h.mm.ss B\" )\n , ( \"d\", \"d\" )\n , ( \"E\", \"ccc\" )\n , ( \"EBhm\", \"E h.mm B\" )\n , ( \"EBhms\", \"E h.mm.ss B\" )\n , ( \"Ed\", \"E d.\" )\n , ( \"Ehm\", \"E h.mm a\" )\n , ( \"EHm\", \"E H.mm\" )\n , ( \"Ehms\", \"E h.mm.ss a\" )\n , ( \"EHms\", \"E H.mm.ss\" )\n , ( \"Gy\", \"y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMd\", \"M.d.y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMMM\", \"LLL y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMMMd\", \"d. MMM y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMMMEd\", \"E d. MMM y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMMMMd\", \"d. MMMM y G\" )\n , ( \"GyMMMMEd\", \"E d. MMMM y G\" )\n , ( \"h\", \"h a\" )\n , ( \"H\", \"H\" )\n , ( \"hm\", \"h.mm a\" )\n , ( \"Hm\", \"H.mm\" )\n , ( \"hms\", \"h.mm.ss a\" )\n , ( \"Hms\", \"H.mm.ss\" )\n , ( \"hmsv\", \"h.mm.ss a v\" )\n , ( \"Hmsv\", \"H.mm.ss v\" )\n , ( \"hmv\", \"h.mm a v\" )\n , ( \"Hmv\", \"H.mm v\" )\n , ( \"M\", \"L\" )\n , ( \"Md\", \"d.M.\" )\n , ( \"MEd\", \"E d.M.\" )\n , ( \"MMM\", \"LLL\" )\n , ( \"MMMd\", \"d. MMM\" )\n , ( \"MMMEd\", \"ccc d. MMM\" )\n , ( \"MMMMd\", \"d. MMMM\" )\n , ( \"MMMMEd\", \"ccc d. MMMM\" )\n , ( \"MMMMW-count-one\", \"LLLL'n' W. 'viikko'\" )\n , ( \"MMMMW-count-other\", \"LLLL'n' W. 'viikko'\" )\n , ( \"ms\", \"m.ss\" )\n , ( \"y\", \"y\" )\n , ( \"yM\", \"L.y\" )\n , ( \"yMd\", \"d.M.y\" )\n , ( \"yMEd\", \"E d.M.y\" )\n , ( \"yMM\", \"M.y\" )\n , ( \"yMMM\", \"LLL y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMd\", \"d. MMM y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMEd\", \"E d. MMM y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMM\", \"LLLL y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMMccccd\", \"cccc d. MMMM y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMMd\", \"d. MMMM y\" )\n , ( \"yMMMMEd\", \"E d. MMMM y\" )\n , ( \"yQQQ\", \"QQQ y\" )\n , ( \"yQQQQ\", \"QQQQ y\" )\n , ( \"yw-count-one\", \"'vuoden' Y 'viikko' w\" )\n , ( \"yw-count-other\", \"'vuoden' Y 'viikko' w\" )\n ]\n , timeSkeletons =\n { short = \"Hmm\"\n , medium = \"Hmmss\"\n , long = \"Hmmssz\"\n , full = \"Hmmsszzzz\"\n }\n }\n )\n","avg_line_length":34.9039039039,"max_line_length":80,"alphanum_fraction":0.2680030973} +{"size":13442,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Dict\n ( Dict\n , empty, singleton, insert, update\n , get, remove, member\n , filter\n , partition\n , foldl, foldr, map\n , union, intersect, diff\n , keys, values\n , toList, fromList\n ) where\n\n{-| A dictionary mapping unique keys to values. The keys can be any comparable\ntype. This includes `Int`, `Float`, `Time`, `Char`, `String`, and tuples or\nlists of comparable types.\n\nInsert, remove, and query operations all take *O(log n)* time. Dictionary\nequality with `(==)` is unreliable and should not be used.\n\n# Build\n@docs empty, singleton, insert, update, remove\n\n# Query\n@docs member, get\n\n# Combine\n@docs union, intersect, diff\n\n# Lists\n@docs keys, values, toList, fromList\n\n# Transform\n@docs map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition\n\n-}\n\n\nimport Basics (..)\nimport Maybe (..)\nimport List\nimport List (..)\nimport Native.Debug\nimport String\n\n\n-- BBlack and NBlack should only be used during the deletion\n-- algorithm. Any other occurrence is a bug and should fail an assert.\ntype NColor\n = Red\n | Black\n | BBlack -- Double Black, counts as 2 blacks for the invariant\n | NBlack -- Negative Black, counts as -1 blacks for the invariant\n\n\nshowNColor : NColor -> String\nshowNColor c =\n case c of\n Red -> \"Red\"\n Black -> \"Black\"\n BBlack -> \"BBlack\"\n NBlack -> \"NBlack\"\n\n\ntype LeafColor\n = LBlack\n | LBBlack -- Double Black, counts as 2\n\n\nshowLColor : LeafColor -> String\nshowLColor color =\n case color of\n LBlack -> \"LBlack\"\n LBBlack -> \"LBBlack\"\n\n\ntype Dict k v\n = RBNode NColor k v (Dict k v) (Dict k v)\n | RBEmpty LeafColor\n\n\n{-| Create an empty dictionary. -}\nempty : Dict comparable v\nempty = RBEmpty LBlack\n\n\nmin : Dict k v -> (k,v)\nmin dict =\n case dict of\n RBNode _ key value (RBEmpty LBlack) _ ->\n (key, value)\n\n RBNode _ _ _ left _ ->\n min left\n\n RBEmpty LBlack ->\n Native.Debug.crash \"(min Empty) is not defined\"\n\n\nmax : Dict k v -> (k, v)\nmax dict =\n case dict of\n RBNode _ key value _ (RBEmpty _) ->\n (key, value)\n\n RBNode _ _ _ _ right ->\n max right\n\n RBEmpty _ ->\n Native.Debug.crash \"(max Empty) is not defined\"\n\n\n{-| Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, return\n`Nothing`. This is useful when you are not sure if a key will be in the\ndictionary.\n\n animals = fromList [ (\"Tom\", Cat), (\"Jerry\", Mouse) ]\n\n get \"Tom\" animals == Just Cat\n get \"Mouse\" animals == Just Mouse\n get \"Spike\" animals == Nothing\n\n-}\nget : comparable -> Dict comparable v -> Maybe v\nget targetKey dict =\n case dict of\n RBEmpty LBlack ->\n Nothing\n\n RBNode _ key value left right ->\n case compare targetKey key of\n LT -> get targetKey left\n EQ -> Just value\n GT -> get targetKey right\n\n\n{-| Determine if a key is in a dictionary. -}\nmember : comparable -> Dict comparable v -> Bool\nmember key dict =\n case get key dict of\n Just _ -> True\n Nothing -> False\n\n\nensureBlackRoot : Dict k v -> Dict k v\nensureBlackRoot dict =\n case dict of\n RBNode Red key value left right ->\n RBNode Black key value left right\n\n RBNode Black _ _ _ _ ->\n dict\n\n RBEmpty LBlack ->\n dict\n\n\n{-| Insert a key-value pair into a dictionary. Replaces value when there is\na collision. -}\ninsert : comparable -> v -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\ninsert key value dict =\n update key (always (Just value)) dict\n\n\n{-| Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found,\nno changes are made. -}\nremove : comparable -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\nremove key dict =\n update key (always Nothing) dict\n\n\ntype Flag = Insert | Remove | Same\n\nshowFlag : Flag -> String\nshowFlag f = case f of\n Insert -> \"Insert\"\n Remove -> \"Remove\"\n Same -> \"Same\"\n\n\n{-| Update the value of a dictionary for a specific key with a given function. -}\nupdate : comparable -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\nupdate k alter dict = \n let up dict =\n case dict of\n RBEmpty LBlack ->\n case alter Nothing of\n Nothing -> (Same, empty)\n Just v -> (Insert, RBNode Red k v empty empty)\n\n RBNode clr key value left right ->\n case compare k key of\n EQ ->\n case alter (Just value) of\n Nothing -> (Remove, rem clr left right)\n Just newValue ->\n (Same, RBNode clr key newValue left right)\n\n LT ->\n let (flag, newLeft) = up left in\n case flag of\n Same -> (Same, RBNode clr key value newLeft right)\n Insert -> (Insert, balance clr key value newLeft right)\n Remove -> (Remove, bubble clr key value newLeft right)\n\n GT ->\n let (flag, newRight) = up right in\n case flag of\n Same -> (Same, RBNode clr key value left newRight)\n Insert -> (Insert, balance clr key value left newRight)\n Remove -> (Remove, bubble clr key value left newRight)\n\n (flag, updatedDict) = up dict\n in\n case flag of\n Same -> updatedDict\n Insert -> ensureBlackRoot updatedDict\n Remove -> blacken updatedDict\n\n\n{-| Create a dictionary with one key-value pair. -}\nsingleton : comparable -> v -> Dict comparable v\nsingleton key value =\n insert key value (RBEmpty LBlack)\n\n\nisBBlack : Dict k v -> Bool\nisBBlack dict =\n case dict of\n RBNode BBlack _ _ _ _ -> True\n RBEmpty LBBlack -> True\n _ -> False\n\n\nmoreBlack : NColor -> NColor\nmoreBlack color =\n case color of\n Black -> BBlack\n Red -> Black\n NBlack -> Red\n BBlack -> Native.Debug.crash \"Can't make a double black node more black!\"\n\n\nlessBlack : NColor -> NColor\nlessBlack color =\n case color of\n BBlack -> Black\n Black -> Red\n Red -> NBlack\n NBlack -> Native.Debug.crash \"Can't make a negative black node less black!\"\n\n\nlessBlackTree : Dict k v -> Dict k v\nlessBlackTree dict =\n case dict of\n RBNode c k v l r -> RBNode (lessBlack c) k v l r\n RBEmpty LBBlack -> RBEmpty LBlack\n\n\nreportRemBug : String -> NColor -> String -> String -> a\nreportRemBug msg c lgot rgot =\n Native.Debug.crash <|\n String.concat\n [ \"Internal red-black tree invariant violated, expected \"\n , msg, \" and got \", showNColor c, \"\/\", lgot, \"\/\", rgot\n , \"\\nPlease report this bug to \"\n ]\n\n\n-- Remove the top node from the tree, may leave behind BBlacks\nrem : NColor -> Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v\nrem c l r =\n case (l, r) of\n (RBEmpty _, RBEmpty _) ->\n case c of\n Red -> RBEmpty LBlack\n Black -> RBEmpty LBBlack\n\n (RBEmpty cl, RBNode cr k' v' l' r') ->\n case (c, cl, cr) of\n (Black, LBlack, Red) ->\n RBNode Black k' v' l' r'\n\n _ ->\n reportRemBug \"Black\/LBlack\/Red\" c (showLColor cl) (showNColor cr)\n\n (RBNode cl k' v' l' r', RBEmpty cr) ->\n case (c, cl, cr) of\n (Black, Red, LBlack) ->\n RBNode Black k' v' l' r'\n\n _ ->\n reportRemBug \"Black\/Red\/LBlack\" c (showNColor cl) (showLColor cr)\n\n -- l and r are both RBNodes\n (RBNode cl kl vl ll rl, RBNode cr kr vr lr rr) ->\n let l = RBNode cl kl vl ll rl\n r = RBNode cr kr vr lr rr\n (k, v) = max l\n l' = remove_max cl kl vl ll rl\n in\n bubble c k v l' r\n\n\n-- Kills a BBlack or moves it upward, may leave behind NBlack\nbubble : NColor -> k -> v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v\nbubble c k v l r =\n if isBBlack l || isBBlack r\n then balance (moreBlack c) k v (lessBlackTree l) (lessBlackTree r)\n else RBNode c k v l r\n\n\n-- Removes rightmost node, may leave root as BBlack\nremove_max : NColor -> k -> v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v\nremove_max c k v l r =\n case r of\n RBEmpty _ ->\n rem c l r\n\n RBNode cr kr vr lr rr ->\n bubble c k v l (remove_max cr kr vr lr rr)\n\n\n-- generalized tree balancing act\nbalance : NColor -> k -> v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v\nbalance c k v l r =\n balance_node (RBNode c k v l r)\n\n\nblackish : Dict k v -> Bool\nblackish t =\n case t of\n RBNode c _ _ _ _ -> c == Black || c == BBlack\n RBEmpty _ -> True\n\n\nbalance_node : Dict k v -> Dict k v\nbalance_node t = \n let assemble col xk xv yk yv zk zv a b c d = \n RBNode (lessBlack col) yk yv (RBNode Black xk xv a b) (RBNode Black zk zv c d)\n in \n if blackish t\n then case t of\n RBNode col zk zv (RBNode Red yk yv (RBNode Red xk xv a b) c) d ->\n assemble col xk xv yk yv zk zv a b c d\n RBNode col zk zv (RBNode Red xk xv a (RBNode Red yk yv b c)) d ->\n assemble col xk xv yk yv zk zv a b c d\n RBNode col xk xv a (RBNode Red zk zv (RBNode Red yk yv b c) d) ->\n assemble col xk xv yk yv zk zv a b c d\n RBNode col xk xv a (RBNode Red yk yv b (RBNode Red zk zv c d)) ->\n assemble col xk xv yk yv zk zv a b c d\n\n RBNode BBlack xk xv a (RBNode NBlack zk zv (RBNode Black yk yv b c) d) ->\n case d of\n (RBNode Black _ _ _ _) -> \n RBNode Black yk yv (RBNode Black xk xv a b) (balance Black zk zv c (redden d))\n _ -> t\n\n RBNode BBlack zk zv (RBNode NBlack xk xv a (RBNode Black yk yv b c)) d ->\n case a of\n (RBNode Black _ _ _ _) -> \n RBNode Black yk yv (balance Black xk xv (redden a) b) (RBNode Black zk zv c d)\n _ -> t\n _ -> t\n else t\n\n\n-- make the top node black\nblacken : Dict k v -> Dict k v\nblacken t =\n case t of\n RBEmpty _ -> RBEmpty LBlack\n RBNode _ k v l r -> RBNode Black k v l r\n\n\n-- make the top node red\nredden : Dict k v -> Dict k v\nredden t =\n case t of\n RBEmpty _ -> Native.Debug.crash \"can't make a Leaf red\"\n RBNode _ k v l r -> RBNode Red k v l r\n\n\n{-| Apply a function to all values in a dictionary. -}\nmap : (comparable -> a -> b) -> Dict comparable a -> Dict comparable b\nmap f dict =\n case dict of\n RBEmpty LBlack ->\n RBEmpty LBlack\n\n RBNode clr key value left right ->\n RBNode clr key (f key value) (map f left) (map f right)\n\n\n{-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from lowest\nkey to highest key. -}\nfoldl : (comparable -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> Dict comparable v -> b\nfoldl f acc dict =\n case dict of\n RBEmpty LBlack -> acc\n\n RBNode _ key value left right ->\n foldl f (f key value (foldl f acc left)) right\n\n\n{-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from highest\nkey to lowest key. -}\nfoldr : (comparable -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> Dict comparable v -> b\nfoldr f acc t =\n case t of\n RBEmpty LBlack -> acc\n\n RBNode _ key value left right ->\n foldr f (f key value (foldr f acc right)) left\n\n\n{-| Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given\nto the first dictionary. -}\nunion : Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\nunion t1 t2 =\n foldl insert t2 t1\n\n\n{-| Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary.\nPreference is given to values in the first dictionary. -}\nintersect : Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\nintersect t1 t2 =\n filter (\\k _ -> k `member` t2) t1\n\n\n{-| Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary.\nPreference is given to the first dictionary. -}\ndiff : Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\ndiff t1 t2 =\n foldl (\\k v t -> remove k t) t1 t2\n\n\n{-| Get all of the keys in a dictionary. -}\nkeys : Dict comparable v -> List comparable\nkeys dict =\n foldr (\\key value keyList -> key :: keyList) [] dict\n\n\n{-| Get all of the values in a dictionary. -}\nvalues : Dict comparable v -> List v\nvalues dict =\n foldr (\\key value valueList -> value :: valueList) [] dict\n\n\n{-| Convert a dictionary into an association list of key-value pairs. -}\ntoList : Dict comparable v -> List (comparable,v)\ntoList dict =\n foldr (\\key value list -> (key,value) :: list) [] dict\n\n\n{-| Convert an association list into a dictionary. -}\nfromList : List (comparable,v) -> Dict comparable v\nfromList assocs =\n List.foldl (\\(key,value) dict -> insert key value dict) empty assocs\n\n\n{-| Keep a key-value pair when it satisfies a predicate. -}\nfilter : (comparable -> v -> Bool) -> Dict comparable v -> Dict comparable v\nfilter predicate dictionary =\n let add key value dict =\n if predicate key value\n then insert key value dict\n else dict\n in\n foldl add empty dictionary\n\n\n{-| Partition a dictionary according to a predicate. The first dictionary\ncontains all key-value pairs which satisfy the predicate, and the second\ncontains the rest.\n-}\npartition : (comparable -> v -> Bool) -> Dict comparable v -> (Dict comparable v, Dict comparable v)\npartition predicate dict =\n let add key value (t1, t2) =\n if predicate key value\n then (insert key value t1, t2)\n else (t1, insert key value t2)\n in\n foldl add (empty, empty) dict\n","avg_line_length":27.7727272727,"max_line_length":100,"alphanum_fraction":0.598125279} +{"size":1787,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Object.CommentDeletedEvent exposing (..)\n\nimport Github.InputObject\nimport Github.Interface\nimport Github.Object\nimport Github.Scalar\nimport Github.ScalarCodecs\nimport Github.Union\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Argument as Argument exposing (Argument)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Object as Object\nimport Graphql.Internal.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)\nimport Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)\nimport Graphql.OptionalArgument exposing (OptionalArgument(..))\nimport Graphql.SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\n{-| Identifies the actor who performed the event.\n-}\nactor : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Interface.Actor -> SelectionSet (Maybe decodesTo) Github.Object.CommentDeletedEvent\nactor object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"actor\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| Identifies the date and time when the object was created.\n-}\ncreatedAt : SelectionSet Github.ScalarCodecs.DateTime Github.Object.CommentDeletedEvent\ncreatedAt =\n Object.selectionForField \"ScalarCodecs.DateTime\" \"createdAt\" [] (Github.ScalarCodecs.codecs |> Github.Scalar.unwrapCodecs |> .codecDateTime |> .decoder)\n\n\n{-| Identifies the primary key from the database.\n-}\ndatabaseId : SelectionSet (Maybe Int) Github.Object.CommentDeletedEvent\ndatabaseId =\n Object.selectionForField \"(Maybe Int)\" \"databaseId\" [] (Decode.int |> Decode.nullable)\n\n\nid : SelectionSet Github.ScalarCodecs.Id Github.Object.CommentDeletedEvent\nid =\n Object.selectionForField \"ScalarCodecs.Id\" \"id\" [] (Github.ScalarCodecs.codecs |> Github.Scalar.unwrapCodecs |> .codecId |> .decoder)\n","avg_line_length":38.847826087,"max_line_length":156,"alphanum_fraction":0.7968662563} +{"size":1217,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":44.0,"content":"module AppCss exposing (css)\n\nimport Breakpoints\nimport Byte\nimport Colors\nimport Console\nimport Css exposing (..)\nimport Css.Elements exposing (body, div, html, li, ul)\nimport Css.Namespace exposing (namespace)\nimport HexEditor\nimport Instruction\nimport Main\nimport Registers\nimport Styles\n\n\ncss : Stylesheet\ncss =\n (stylesheet << namespace \"\") <|\n List.concat\n [ [ html\n [ boxSizing borderBox\n ]\n , everything\n [ boxSizing inherit\n , after\n [ boxSizing inherit\n ]\n , before\n [ boxSizing inherit\n ]\n ]\n , body\n [ padding (px 0)\n , margin (px 0)\n , backgroundColor Colors.background\n , color Colors.foreground\n , fontFamily monospace\n ]\n ]\n , Main.styles\n , Instruction.styles\n , Console.styles\n , HexEditor.styles\n , Breakpoints.styles\n , Registers.styles\n ]\n","avg_line_length":25.3541666667,"max_line_length":55,"alphanum_fraction":0.4543960559} +{"size":218,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Data.ChatMessage exposing (ChatMessage)\n\n{-\n The chat message models a displayed conversation between the user and the chat bot.\n-}\n\n\ntype alias ChatMessage =\n { owner : String\n , message : String\n }\n","avg_line_length":18.1666666667,"max_line_length":86,"alphanum_fraction":0.7018348624} +{"size":51902,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":4.0,"content":"module Scope exposing\n ( ModuleContext, addModuleVisitors, initialModuleContext\n , ProjectContext, addProjectVisitors\n , initialProjectContext, fromProjectToModule, fromModuleToProject, foldProjectContexts\n , moduleNameForValue, moduleNameForType\n )\n\n{-| Collect and infer information automatically for you\n\n\n# Adding to a module rule\n\n@docs ModuleContext, addModuleVisitors, initialModuleContext\n\n\n# Adding to a project rule\n\n@docs ProjectContext, addProjectVisitors\n@docs initialProjectContext, fromProjectToModule, fromModuleToProject, foldProjectContexts\n\n\n# Access\n\n@docs moduleNameForValue, moduleNameForType\n\n-}\n\n{- Copied over from https:\/\/github.com\/jfmengels\/elm-review-scope\n\n Version: 0.3.1. Requires at least jfmengels\/elm-review 2.2.0.\n\n Copyright (c) 2020, Jeroen Engels\n All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n and\/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n * Neither the name of elm-review-scope nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\n SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\n OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n-}\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Elm.Docs\nimport Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing exposing (Exposing, TopLevelExpose)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module)\nimport Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))\nimport Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Signature exposing (Signature)\nimport Elm.Syntax.Type\nimport Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)\nimport Elm.Type\nimport Review.Project.Dependency as Dependency exposing (Dependency)\nimport Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Direction)\nimport Set exposing (Set)\n\n\n\n-- MODULE VISITOR\n\n\n{-| The context the Scope visitors will collect and store in your `moduleContext`.\n-}\ntype ModuleContext\n = ModuleContext InnerModuleContext\n\n\ntype alias InnerModuleContext =\n { scopes : Nonempty Scope\n , localTypes : Set String\n , importAliases : Dict String (List ModuleName)\n , importedFunctions : Dict String (List String)\n , importedTypes : Dict String (List String)\n , dependenciesModules : Dict String Elm.Docs.Module\n , modules : Dict ModuleName Elm.Docs.Module\n , exposesEverything : Bool\n , exposedNames : Dict String Range\n , exposedUnions : List Elm.Docs.Union\n , exposedAliases : List Elm.Docs.Alias\n , exposedValues : List Elm.Docs.Value\n , exposedBinops : List Elm.Docs.Binop\n }\n\n\n{-| Create an initial `moduleContext` for the scope for module rules. Use this value when\ninitializing the scope inside your `initialModuleContext`.\n\nUsing [`Scope.addModuleVisitors`](#addModuleVisitors) requires your module context\nto be a record with a `scope : Scope.ModuleContext` field.\n\n type alias ModuleContext =\n { scope : Scope.ModuleContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n initialModuleContext : ModuleContext\n initialModuleContext =\n { scope = Scope.initialModuleContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n**NOTE**: If you are building a project rule, don't use this value inside your\n`fromProjectToModule` function. Instead, use [`Scope.fromProjectToModule`](#fromProjectToModule).\n\n-}\ninitialModuleContext : ModuleContext\ninitialModuleContext =\n fromProjectToModule initialProjectContext\n\n\n\n-- PROJECT VISITOR\n\n\n{-| The context the Scope visitors will collect and store in your `projectContext`.\n-}\ntype ProjectContext\n = ProjectContext InnerProjectContext\n\n\ntype alias InnerProjectContext =\n { dependenciesModules : Dict String Elm.Docs.Module\n , modules : Dict ModuleName Elm.Docs.Module\n }\n\n\n{-| Create an initial `projectContext` for the scope for project rules. Use this value when\ninitializing the scope inside your `initialProjectContext`.\n\nUsing [`Scope.addProjectVisitors`](#addProjectVisitors) requires your project context\nto be a record with a `scope : Scope.ProjectContext` field.\n\nLook at the [`Scope.addProjectVisitors`](#addProjectVisitors) example for the\nwiring logic related to `withModuleContext` that you can copy-paste then adapt to your needs.\n\n type alias ProjectContext =\n { scope : Scope.ProjectContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n initialProjectContext : ProjectContext\n initialProjectContext =\n { scope = Scope.initialProjectContext\n , otherFields = ()\n }\n\n-}\ninitialProjectContext : ProjectContext\ninitialProjectContext =\n ProjectContext\n { dependenciesModules = Dict.empty\n , modules = Dict.empty\n }\n\n\n{-| Get a `Scope.ModuleContext` from a `Scope.ProjectContext`. Use this in your own\n`fromProjectToModule`.\n\n fromProjectToModule : Rule.ModuleKey -> Node ModuleName -> ProjectContext -> ModuleContext\n fromProjectToModule moduleKey moduleName projectContext =\n { scope = Scope.fromProjectToModule projectContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n-}\nfromProjectToModule : ProjectContext -> ModuleContext\nfromProjectToModule (ProjectContext projectContext) =\n { scopes = nonemptyList_fromElement emptyScope\n , localTypes = Set.empty\n , importAliases = Dict.empty\n , importedFunctions = Dict.empty\n , importedTypes = Dict.empty\n , dependenciesModules = projectContext.dependenciesModules\n , modules = projectContext.modules\n , exposesEverything = False\n , exposedNames = Dict.empty\n , exposedUnions = []\n , exposedAliases = []\n , exposedValues = []\n , exposedBinops = []\n }\n |> registerPrelude\n |> ModuleContext\n\n\n{-| Get a `Scope.ProjectContext` from a `Scope.ModuleContext`. Use this in your own\n`fromModuleToProject`.\n\n fromModuleToProject : Rule.ModuleKey -> Node ModuleName -> ModuleContext -> ProjectContext\n fromModuleToProject moduleKey moduleName moduleContext =\n { scope = Scope.fromModuleToProject moduleName moduleContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n-}\nfromModuleToProject : Node ModuleName -> ModuleContext -> ProjectContext\nfromModuleToProject moduleName (ModuleContext moduleContext) =\n ProjectContext\n { dependenciesModules = Dict.empty\n , modules =\n Dict.singleton (Node.value moduleName)\n { name = String.join \".\" (Node.value moduleName)\n , comment = \"\"\n , unions = moduleContext.exposedUnions\n , aliases = moduleContext.exposedAliases\n , values = moduleContext.exposedValues\n , binops = moduleContext.exposedBinops\n }\n }\n\n\n{-| Fold `Scope.ProjectContext`s. Use this in your own `foldProjectContexts`.\n\n foldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext\n foldProjectContexts newContext previousContext =\n { scope = Scope.foldProjectContexts newContext.scope previousContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n-}\nfoldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext\nfoldProjectContexts (ProjectContext newContext) (ProjectContext previousContext) =\n ProjectContext\n { dependenciesModules = previousContext.dependenciesModules\n , modules = Dict.union previousContext.modules newContext.modules\n }\n\n\n\n-- SCOPE\n\n\ntype alias Scope =\n { names : Dict String VariableInfo\n , cases : List ( Node Expression, Dict String VariableInfo )\n , caseToExit : Node Expression\n }\n\n\nemptyScope : Scope\nemptyScope =\n { names = Dict.empty\n , cases = []\n , caseToExit = Node Range.emptyRange (Expression.Literal \"root\")\n }\n\n\n{-| Adds the scope visitors to your project rule.\n\nUsing `addProjectVisitors` requires your project context\nto be a record with a `scope : Scope.ProjectContext` field.\n\n**NOTE**: You need to use this function **before** your other visitors, otherwise\nthe scope may not be up-to-date when you access it.\n\nAdding project visitors adds a bit of wiring, but you can pretty much copy-paste\nthe code below and adapt it to your needs.\n\n rule : Rule\n rule =\n Rule.newProjectRuleSchema \"RuleName\" initialProjectContext\n |> Scope.addProjectVisitors\n -- |> addOtherVisitors\n |> Rule.withModuleContext\n { fromProjectToModule = fromProjectToModule\n , fromModuleToProject = fromModuleToProject\n , foldProjectContexts = foldProjectContexts\n }\n |> Rule.fromProjectRuleSchema\n\n type alias ProjectContext =\n { scope : Scope.ProjectContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n type alias ModuleContext =\n { scope : Scope.ModuleContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n initialProjectContext : ProjectContext\n initialProjectContext =\n { scope = Scope.initialProjectContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n fromProjectToModule : Rule.ModuleKey -> Node ModuleName -> ProjectContext -> ModuleContext\n fromProjectToModule moduleKey moduleName projectContext =\n { scope = Scope.fromProjectToModule projectContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n fromModuleToProject : Rule.ModuleKey -> Node ModuleName -> ModuleContext -> ProjectContext\n fromModuleToProject moduleKey moduleName moduleContext =\n { scope = Scope.fromModuleToProject moduleName moduleContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n foldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext\n foldProjectContexts newContext previousContext =\n { scope = Scope.foldProjectContexts newContext.scope previousContext.scope\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n-}\naddProjectVisitors :\n Rule.ProjectRuleSchema { schemaState | canAddModuleVisitor : () } { projectContext | scope : ProjectContext } { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\n -> Rule.ProjectRuleSchema { schemaState | canAddModuleVisitor : (), hasAtLeastOneVisitor : (), withModuleContext : Rule.Required } { projectContext | scope : ProjectContext } { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\naddProjectVisitors schema =\n schema\n |> Rule.withContextFromImportedModules\n |> Rule.withDependenciesProjectVisitor (mapInnerProjectContext dependenciesProjectVisitor)\n |> Rule.withModuleVisitor internalAddModuleVisitors\n\n\n{-| Adds the scope visitors to your module rule.\n\nUsing `addModuleVisitors` requires your module context\nto be a record with a `scope : Scope.ModuleContext` field.\n\n**NOTE**: You need to use this function **before** your other visitors, otherwise\nthe scope may not be up-to-date when you access it.\n\n rule : Rule\n rule =\n Rule.newModuleRuleSchema \"RuleName\" initialContext\n -- Scope.addModuleVisitors needs to be added before your own visitors\n |> Scope.addModuleVisitors\n -- |> addOtherVisitors\n |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema\n\n type alias Context =\n -- Scope expects a context with a record, containing the `scope` field.\n { scope : Scope.ModuleContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n initialContext : Context\n initialContext =\n { scope = Scope.initialModuleContext\n\n -- ...other fields\n }\n\n-}\naddModuleVisitors :\n Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | canCollectProjectData : () } { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\n -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | canCollectProjectData : (), hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\naddModuleVisitors schema =\n schema\n |> Rule.withDependenciesModuleVisitor (mapInnerModuleContext dependenciesModuleVisitor)\n |> internalAddModuleVisitors\n\n\ninternalAddModuleVisitors : Rule.ModuleRuleSchema schemaState { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext } -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\ninternalAddModuleVisitors schema =\n schema\n |> Rule.withModuleDefinitionVisitor\n (mapInnerModuleContext moduleDefinitionVisitor |> pairWithNoErrors)\n |> Rule.withImportVisitor\n (mapInnerModuleContext importVisitor |> pairWithNoErrors)\n |> Rule.withDeclarationListVisitor\n (mapInnerModuleContext declarationListVisitor |> pairWithNoErrors)\n |> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor\n (\\visitedElement outerContext ->\n let\n innerContext : InnerModuleContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxModule\n |> declarationEnterVisitor visitedElement\n in\n ( [], { outerContext | scope = ModuleContext innerContext } )\n )\n |> Rule.withDeclarationExitVisitor\n (\\visitedElement outerContext ->\n let\n innerContext : InnerModuleContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxModule\n |> declarationExitVisitor visitedElement\n in\n ( [], { outerContext | scope = ModuleContext innerContext } )\n )\n |> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor\n (\\visitedElement outerContext ->\n let\n innerContext : InnerModuleContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxModule\n |> popScope visitedElement Rule.OnEnter\n |> expressionEnterVisitor visitedElement\n in\n ( [], { outerContext | scope = ModuleContext innerContext } )\n )\n |> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor\n (\\visitedElement outerContext ->\n let\n innerContext : InnerModuleContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxModule\n |> popScope visitedElement Rule.OnExit\n |> expressionExitVisitor visitedElement\n in\n ( [], { outerContext | scope = ModuleContext innerContext } )\n )\n\n\nmapInnerProjectContext : (visitedElement -> InnerProjectContext -> InnerProjectContext) -> visitedElement -> { projectContext | scope : ProjectContext } -> ( List nothing, { projectContext | scope : ProjectContext } )\nmapInnerProjectContext visitor visitedElement outerContext =\n let\n innerContext : InnerProjectContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxProjectContext\n |> visitor visitedElement\n in\n ( [], { outerContext | scope = ProjectContext innerContext } )\n\n\nmapInnerModuleContext : (visitedElement -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext) -> visitedElement -> { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext } -> { moduleContext | scope : ModuleContext }\nmapInnerModuleContext visitor visitedElement outerContext =\n let\n innerContext : InnerModuleContext\n innerContext =\n outerContext.scope\n |> unboxModule\n |> visitor visitedElement\n in\n { outerContext | scope = ModuleContext innerContext }\n\n\npairWithNoErrors : (visited -> context -> context) -> visited -> context -> ( List nothing, context )\npairWithNoErrors fn visited context =\n ( [], fn visited context )\n\n\n\n-- DEPENDENCIES\n\n\ndependenciesProjectVisitor : Dict String Dependency -> InnerProjectContext -> InnerProjectContext\ndependenciesProjectVisitor dependencies innerContext =\n internalDependenciesVisitor dependencies innerContext\n\n\ndependenciesModuleVisitor : Dict String Dependency -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\ndependenciesModuleVisitor dependencies innerContext =\n internalDependenciesVisitor dependencies innerContext\n |> registerPrelude\n\n\ninternalDependenciesVisitor : Dict String Dependency -> { context | dependenciesModules : Dict String Elm.Docs.Module } -> { context | dependenciesModules : Dict String Elm.Docs.Module }\ninternalDependenciesVisitor dependencies innerContext =\n let\n dependenciesModules : Dict String Elm.Docs.Module\n dependenciesModules =\n dependencies\n |> Dict.values\n |> List.concatMap Dependency.modules\n |> List.map (\\dependencyModule -> ( dependencyModule.name, dependencyModule ))\n |> Dict.fromList\n in\n { innerContext | dependenciesModules = dependenciesModules }\n\n\nregisterPrelude : InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterPrelude innerContext =\n List.foldl\n (\\import_ context ->\n context\n |> registerImportAlias import_\n |> registerImportExposed import_\n )\n innerContext\n elmCorePrelude\n\n\nelmCorePrelude : List Import\nelmCorePrelude =\n let\n explicit : List TopLevelExpose -> Maybe Exposing\n explicit exposed =\n exposed\n |> List.map (Node Range.emptyRange)\n |> Exposing.Explicit\n |> Just\n in\n -- These are the default imports implicitly added by the Elm compiler\n -- https:\/\/package.elm-lang.org\/packages\/elm\/core\/latest\n [ createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Basics\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList = Just <| Exposing.All Range.emptyRange\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"List\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"List\", open = Nothing }\n , Exposing.InfixExpose \"::\"\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Maybe\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Maybe\", open = Just Range.emptyRange }\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Result\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Result\", open = Just Range.emptyRange }\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"String\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Char\", open = Nothing }\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Char\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList = Nothing\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Tuple\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList = Nothing\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Debug\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList = Nothing\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Platform\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Nothing\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Program\", open = Nothing }\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Platform\", \"Cmd\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Just \"Cmd\"\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Cmd\", open = Nothing }\n , Exposing.FunctionExpose \"none\"\n ]\n }\n , createFakeImport\n { moduleName = [ \"Platform\", \"Sub\" ]\n , moduleAlias = Just \"Sub\"\n , exposingList =\n explicit\n [ Exposing.TypeExpose { name = \"Sub\", open = Nothing }\n , Exposing.FunctionExpose \"batch\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n\n\ncreateFakeImport : { moduleName : List String, exposingList : Maybe Exposing, moduleAlias : Maybe String } -> Import\ncreateFakeImport { moduleName, moduleAlias, exposingList } =\n { moduleName = Node Range.emptyRange moduleName\n , moduleAlias = moduleAlias |> Maybe.map (List.singleton >> Node Range.emptyRange)\n , exposingList = exposingList |> Maybe.map (Node Range.emptyRange)\n }\n\n\ndeclarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\ndeclarationListVisitor declarations innerContext =\n List.foldl registerDeclaration innerContext declarations\n\n\nregisterDeclaration : Node Declaration -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterDeclaration declaration innerContext =\n case Node.value declaration of\n Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->\n let\n nameNode : Node String\n nameNode =\n function.declaration\n |> Node.value\n |> .name\n in\n innerContext\n |> addToScope\n { variableType = TopLevelVariable\n , node = nameNode\n }\n |> registerIfExposed (registerExposedValue function) (Node.value nameNode)\n\n Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ ->\n { innerContext | localTypes = Set.insert (Node.value alias_.name) innerContext.localTypes }\n |> addToScope\n { variableType = TopLevelVariable\n , node = alias_.name\n }\n |> registerIfExposed registerExposedTypeAlias (Node.value alias_.name)\n\n Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration { name, constructors } ->\n List.foldl\n (\\constructor innerContext_ ->\n let\n constructorName : Node String\n constructorName =\n constructor |> Node.value |> .name\n in\n addToScope\n { variableType = CustomTypeConstructor\n , node = constructorName\n }\n innerContext_\n )\n { innerContext | localTypes = Set.insert (Node.value name) innerContext.localTypes }\n constructors\n |> registerIfExposed (registerExposedCustomType constructors) (Node.value name)\n\n Declaration.PortDeclaration signature ->\n addToScope\n { variableType = Port\n , node = signature.name\n }\n innerContext\n\n Declaration.InfixDeclaration _ ->\n -- TODO Support operators\n -- I could use help adding this.\n innerContext\n\n Declaration.Destructuring _ _ ->\n -- Not possible in 0.19 code\n innerContext\n\n\naddToScope : { variableType : VariableType, node : Node String } -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\naddToScope variableData innerContext =\n let\n newScopes : Nonempty Scope\n newScopes =\n registerVariable\n variableData\n (Node.value variableData.node)\n innerContext.scopes\n in\n { innerContext | scopes = newScopes }\n\n\nregisterExposedValue : Expression.Function -> String -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterExposedValue function name innerContext =\n { innerContext\n | exposedValues =\n { name = name\n , comment =\n case Maybe.map Node.value function.documentation of\n Just str ->\n str\n\n Nothing ->\n \"\"\n , tipe = convertTypeSignatureToDocsType innerContext function.signature\n }\n :: innerContext.exposedValues\n }\n\n\nregisterExposedCustomType : List (Node Elm.Syntax.Type.ValueConstructor) -> String -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterExposedCustomType constructors name innerContext =\n { innerContext\n | exposedUnions =\n { name = name\n , comment = \"\"\n\n -- TODO\n , args = []\n , tags =\n constructors\n -- TODO Constructor args?\n |> List.map (\\constructor -> ( Node.value (Node.value constructor).name, [] ))\n }\n :: innerContext.exposedUnions\n }\n\n\nregisterExposedTypeAlias : String -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterExposedTypeAlias name innerContext =\n { innerContext\n | exposedAliases =\n { name = name\n , comment = \"\"\n , args = []\n , tipe = Elm.Type.Tuple []\n }\n :: innerContext.exposedAliases\n }\n\n\nregisterIfExposed : (String -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext) -> String -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterIfExposed registerFn name innerContext =\n if innerContext.exposesEverything || Dict.member name innerContext.exposedNames then\n registerFn name innerContext\n\n else\n innerContext\n\n\nconvertTypeSignatureToDocsType : InnerModuleContext -> Maybe (Node Signature) -> Elm.Type.Type\nconvertTypeSignatureToDocsType innerContext maybeSignature =\n case maybeSignature |> Maybe.map (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation) of\n Just typeAnnotation ->\n syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext typeAnnotation\n\n Nothing ->\n Elm.Type.Tuple []\n\n\nsyntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType : InnerModuleContext -> Node TypeAnnotation -> Elm.Type.Type\nsyntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext (Node _ typeAnnotation) =\n case typeAnnotation of\n TypeAnnotation.GenericType name ->\n Elm.Type.Var name\n\n TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node _ ( moduleName, typeName )) typeParameters ->\n let\n realModuleName : List String\n realModuleName =\n moduleNameForType (ModuleContext innerContext) typeName moduleName\n in\n Elm.Type.Type (String.join \".\" realModuleName ++ \".\" ++ typeName) (List.map (syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext) typeParameters)\n\n TypeAnnotation.Unit ->\n Elm.Type.Tuple []\n\n TypeAnnotation.Tupled list ->\n Elm.Type.Tuple (List.map (syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext) list)\n\n TypeAnnotation.Record updates ->\n Elm.Type.Record (recordUpdateToDocsType innerContext updates) Nothing\n\n TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord (Node _ generic) (Node _ updates) ->\n Elm.Type.Record (recordUpdateToDocsType innerContext updates) (Just generic)\n\n TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation left right ->\n Elm.Type.Lambda\n (syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext left)\n (syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext right)\n\n\nrecordUpdateToDocsType : InnerModuleContext -> List (Node TypeAnnotation.RecordField) -> List ( String, Elm.Type.Type )\nrecordUpdateToDocsType innerContext updates =\n List.map\n (\\(Node _ ( name, typeAnnotation )) ->\n ( Node.value name\n , syntaxTypeAnnotationToDocsType innerContext typeAnnotation\n )\n )\n updates\n\n\nregisterVariable : VariableInfo -> String -> Nonempty Scope -> Nonempty Scope\nregisterVariable variableInfo name scopes =\n nonemptyList_mapHead\n (\\scope -> { scope | names = Dict.insert name variableInfo scope.names })\n scopes\n\n\nupdateScope : InnerModuleContext -> Nonempty Scope -> InnerModuleContext\nupdateScope innerContext scopes =\n { innerContext | scopes = scopes }\n\n\n\n-- MODULE DEFINITION VISITOR\n\n\nmoduleDefinitionVisitor : Node Module -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nmoduleDefinitionVisitor node innerContext =\n case Module.exposingList (Node.value node) of\n Exposing.All _ ->\n { innerContext | exposesEverything = True }\n\n Exposing.Explicit list ->\n { innerContext | exposedNames = exposedElements list }\n\n\nexposedElements : List (Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose) -> Dict String Range\nexposedElements nodes =\n nodes\n |> List.filterMap\n (\\node ->\n case Node.value node of\n Exposing.FunctionExpose name ->\n Just ( name, Node.range node )\n\n Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->\n Just ( name, Node.range node )\n\n Exposing.TypeExpose { name } ->\n Just ( name, Node.range node )\n\n Exposing.InfixExpose name ->\n Nothing\n )\n |> Dict.fromList\n\n\n\n-- IMPORT VISITOR\n\n\nimportVisitor : Node Import -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nimportVisitor (Node _ import_) innerContext =\n innerContext\n |> registerImportAlias import_\n |> registerImportExposed import_\n\n\nregisterImportAlias : Import -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterImportAlias import_ innerContext =\n case import_.moduleAlias of\n Nothing ->\n let\n moduleName : List String\n moduleName =\n Node.value import_.moduleName\n in\n case moduleName of\n singleSegmentModuleName :: [] ->\n { innerContext\n | importAliases =\n Dict.update\n singleSegmentModuleName\n (\\previousValue -> Just <| moduleName :: Maybe.withDefault [] previousValue)\n innerContext.importAliases\n }\n\n _ ->\n innerContext\n\n Just alias_ ->\n { innerContext\n | importAliases =\n Dict.update\n (Node.value alias_ |> getModuleName)\n (\\previousValue -> Just <| Node.value import_.moduleName :: Maybe.withDefault [] previousValue)\n innerContext.importAliases\n }\n\n\nregisterImportExposed : Import -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nregisterImportExposed import_ innerContext =\n case import_.exposingList |> Maybe.map Node.value of\n Nothing ->\n innerContext\n\n Just exposing_ ->\n let\n moduleName : List String\n moduleName =\n Node.value import_.moduleName\n\n module_ : Elm.Docs.Module\n module_ =\n (case Dict.get (getModuleName moduleName) innerContext.dependenciesModules of\n Just m ->\n Just m\n\n Nothing ->\n Dict.get moduleName innerContext.modules\n )\n |> Maybe.withDefault\n { name = getModuleName moduleName\n , comment = \"\"\n , unions = []\n , values = []\n , aliases = []\n , binops = []\n }\n in\n case exposing_ of\n Exposing.All _ ->\n let\n nameWithModuleName : { r | name : String } -> ( String, List String )\n nameWithModuleName { name } =\n ( name, moduleName )\n\n exposedValues : Dict String (List String)\n exposedValues =\n List.concat\n [ List.concatMap\n (\\union ->\n List.map (\\( name, _ ) -> ( name, moduleName )) union.tags\n )\n module_.unions\n , List.map nameWithModuleName module_.values\n , List.map nameWithModuleName module_.aliases\n , List.map nameWithModuleName module_.binops\n ]\n |> Dict.fromList\n\n exposedTypes : Dict String (List String)\n exposedTypes =\n List.concat\n [ List.map nameWithModuleName module_.unions\n , List.map nameWithModuleName module_.aliases\n ]\n |> Dict.fromList\n in\n { innerContext\n | importedFunctions = Dict.union innerContext.importedFunctions exposedValues\n , importedTypes = Dict.union innerContext.importedTypes exposedTypes\n }\n\n Exposing.Explicit topLevelExposeList ->\n let\n exposedValues : Dict String (List String)\n exposedValues =\n topLevelExposeList\n |> List.concatMap (valuesFromExposingList module_)\n |> List.map (\\name -> ( name, moduleName ))\n |> Dict.fromList\n\n exposedTypes : Dict String (List String)\n exposedTypes =\n topLevelExposeList\n |> List.filterMap typesFromExposingList\n |> List.map (\\name -> ( name, moduleName ))\n |> Dict.fromList\n in\n { innerContext\n | importedFunctions = Dict.union innerContext.importedFunctions exposedValues\n , importedTypes = Dict.union innerContext.importedTypes exposedTypes\n }\n\n\nvaluesFromExposingList : Elm.Docs.Module -> Node TopLevelExpose -> List String\nvaluesFromExposingList module_ topLevelExpose =\n case Node.value topLevelExpose of\n Exposing.InfixExpose operator ->\n [ operator ]\n\n Exposing.FunctionExpose function ->\n [ function ]\n\n Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->\n if List.any (\\alias_ -> alias_.name == name) module_.aliases then\n [ name ]\n\n else\n -- Type is a custom type\n []\n\n Exposing.TypeExpose { name, open } ->\n case open of\n Just _ ->\n module_.unions\n |> List.filter (\\union -> union.name == name)\n |> List.concatMap .tags\n |> List.map Tuple.first\n\n Nothing ->\n []\n\n\ntypesFromExposingList : Node TopLevelExpose -> Maybe String\ntypesFromExposingList topLevelExpose =\n case Node.value topLevelExpose of\n Exposing.InfixExpose _ ->\n Nothing\n\n Exposing.FunctionExpose _ ->\n Nothing\n\n Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->\n Just name\n\n Exposing.TypeExpose { name } ->\n Just name\n\n\nunboxProjectContext : ProjectContext -> InnerProjectContext\nunboxProjectContext (ProjectContext context) =\n context\n\n\nunboxModule : ModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nunboxModule (ModuleContext context) =\n context\n\n\ntype alias VariableInfo =\n { variableType : VariableType\n , node : Node String\n }\n\n\ntype VariableType\n = TopLevelVariable\n | CustomTypeConstructor\n | FunctionParameter\n | LetVariable\n | PatternVariable\n | Port\n\n\ndeclarationEnterVisitor : Node Declaration -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\ndeclarationEnterVisitor node context =\n case Node.value node of\n Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->\n let\n newScope : Scope\n newScope =\n { emptyScope | names = parameters <| .arguments <| Node.value function.declaration }\n in\n context.scopes\n |> nonemptyList_cons newScope\n |> updateScope context\n\n _ ->\n context\n\n\ndeclarationExitVisitor : Node Declaration -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\ndeclarationExitVisitor node context =\n case Node.value node of\n Declaration.FunctionDeclaration _ ->\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_pop context.scopes }\n\n _ ->\n context\n\n\nparameters : List (Node Pattern) -> Dict String VariableInfo\nparameters patterns =\n List.concatMap collectNamesFromPattern patterns\n |> List.map\n (\\node ->\n ( Node.value node\n , { node = node\n , variableType = FunctionParameter\n }\n )\n )\n |> Dict.fromList\n\n\ncollectNamesFromPattern : Node Pattern -> List (Node String)\ncollectNamesFromPattern pattern =\n case Node.value pattern of\n Pattern.AllPattern ->\n []\n\n Pattern.UnitPattern ->\n []\n\n Pattern.CharPattern _ ->\n []\n\n Pattern.StringPattern _ ->\n []\n\n Pattern.IntPattern _ ->\n []\n\n Pattern.HexPattern _ ->\n []\n\n Pattern.FloatPattern _ ->\n []\n\n Pattern.TuplePattern subPatterns ->\n List.concatMap collectNamesFromPattern subPatterns\n\n Pattern.RecordPattern names ->\n names\n\n Pattern.UnConsPattern left right ->\n List.concatMap collectNamesFromPattern [ left, right ]\n\n Pattern.ListPattern subPatterns ->\n List.concatMap collectNamesFromPattern subPatterns\n\n Pattern.VarPattern name ->\n [ Node (Node.range pattern) name ]\n\n Pattern.NamedPattern _ subPatterns ->\n List.concatMap collectNamesFromPattern subPatterns\n\n Pattern.AsPattern subPattern alias_ ->\n alias_ :: collectNamesFromPattern subPattern\n\n Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern subPattern ->\n collectNamesFromPattern subPattern\n\n\npopScope : Node Expression -> Direction -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\npopScope node direction context =\n let\n currentScope : Scope\n currentScope =\n nonemptyList_head context.scopes\n in\n case direction of\n Rule.OnEnter ->\n let\n caseExpression : Maybe ( Node Expression, Dict String VariableInfo )\n caseExpression =\n findInList (\\( expressionNode, _ ) -> node == expressionNode) currentScope.cases\n in\n case caseExpression of\n Nothing ->\n context\n\n Just ( _, names ) ->\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_cons { emptyScope | names = names, caseToExit = node } context.scopes }\n\n Rule.OnExit ->\n if node == currentScope.caseToExit then\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_pop context.scopes }\n\n else\n context\n\n\nexpressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nexpressionEnterVisitor node context =\n case Node.value node of\n Expression.LetExpression { declarations, expression } ->\n List.foldl\n (\\declaration scopes ->\n case Node.value declaration of\n Expression.LetFunction function ->\n let\n nameNode : Node String\n nameNode =\n function.declaration\n |> Node.value\n |> .name\n in\n registerVariable\n { variableType = LetVariable, node = nameNode }\n -- TODO Check if the name as 2nd arg is not redundant with the 1st argument's node field\n (Node.value nameNode)\n scopes\n\n Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ ->\n scopes\n )\n (nonemptyList_cons emptyScope context.scopes)\n declarations\n |> updateScope context\n\n Expression.CaseExpression caseBlock ->\n let\n cases : List ( Node Expression, Dict String VariableInfo )\n cases =\n caseBlock.cases\n |> List.map\n (\\( pattern, expression ) ->\n ( expression\n , collectNamesFromPattern pattern\n |> List.map\n (\\node_ ->\n ( Node.value node_\n , { node = node_\n , variableType = PatternVariable\n }\n )\n )\n |> Dict.fromList\n )\n )\n in\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_mapHead (\\scope -> { scope | cases = cases }) context.scopes }\n\n _ ->\n context\n\n\nexpressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> InnerModuleContext -> InnerModuleContext\nexpressionExitVisitor node context =\n case Node.value node of\n Expression.LetExpression _ ->\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_pop context.scopes }\n\n Expression.CaseExpression _ ->\n { context | scopes = nonemptyList_mapHead (\\scope -> { scope | cases = [] }) context.scopes }\n\n _ ->\n context\n\n\nfindInList : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Maybe a\nfindInList predicate list =\n case list of\n [] ->\n Nothing\n\n a :: rest ->\n if predicate a then\n Just a\n\n else\n findInList predicate rest\n\n\n\n-- ACCESS\n\n\n{-| Get the name of the module where a value was defined.\nA value can be either a function, a constant, a custom type constructor or a type alias (used as a function).\n\n - The second argument (`String`) is the name of the value\n - The third argument (`List String`) is the module name that was used next to the value's name where you found it\n\nIf the element was defined in the current module, then the result will be `[]`.\n\n expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context )\n expressionVisitor node context =\n case Node.value node of\n Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName \"button\" ->\n if Scope.moduleNameForValue context.scope \"button\" moduleName == [ \"Html\" ] then\n ( [ createError node ], context )\n\n else\n ( [], context )\n\n _ ->\n ( [], context )\n\n-}\nmoduleNameForValue : ModuleContext -> String -> List String -> List String\nmoduleNameForValue (ModuleContext context) valueName moduleName =\n case moduleName of\n [] ->\n if isInScope valueName context.scopes then\n []\n\n else\n Dict.get valueName context.importedFunctions\n |> Maybe.withDefault []\n\n _ :: [] ->\n case Dict.get (getModuleName moduleName) context.importAliases of\n Just [ aliasedModuleName ] ->\n aliasedModuleName\n\n Just aliases ->\n case\n findInList\n (\\aliasedModuleName ->\n case Dict.get aliasedModuleName context.modules of\n Just module_ ->\n isValueDeclaredInModule valueName module_\n\n Nothing ->\n False\n )\n aliases\n of\n Just aliasedModuleName ->\n aliasedModuleName\n\n Nothing ->\n List.head aliases\n |> Maybe.withDefault moduleName\n\n Nothing ->\n moduleName\n\n _ ->\n moduleName\n\n\n{-| Get the name of the module where a type was defined.\nA type can be either a custom type or a type alias.\n\n - The second argument (`String`) is the name of the type\n - The third argument (`List String`) is the module name that was used next to the type name where you found it\n\n-}\nmoduleNameForType : ModuleContext -> String -> List String -> List String\nmoduleNameForType (ModuleContext context) typeName moduleName =\n case moduleName of\n [] ->\n if Set.member typeName context.localTypes then\n []\n\n else\n Dict.get typeName context.importedTypes\n |> Maybe.withDefault []\n\n _ :: [] ->\n case Dict.get (getModuleName moduleName) context.importAliases of\n Just [ aliasedModuleName ] ->\n aliasedModuleName\n\n Just aliases ->\n case\n findInList\n (\\aliasedModuleName ->\n case Dict.get aliasedModuleName context.modules of\n Just module_ ->\n isTypeDeclaredInModule typeName module_\n\n Nothing ->\n False\n )\n aliases\n of\n Just aliasedModuleName ->\n aliasedModuleName\n\n Nothing ->\n List.head aliases\n |> Maybe.withDefault moduleName\n\n Nothing ->\n moduleName\n\n _ ->\n moduleName\n\n\nisValueDeclaredInModule : String -> Elm.Docs.Module -> Bool\nisValueDeclaredInModule valueName module_ =\n List.any (.name >> (==) valueName) module_.values\n || List.any (.name >> (==) valueName) module_.aliases\n || List.any\n (\\union -> List.any (Tuple.first >> (==) valueName) union.tags)\n module_.unions\n\n\nisTypeDeclaredInModule : String -> Elm.Docs.Module -> Bool\nisTypeDeclaredInModule typeName module_ =\n List.any (.name >> (==) typeName) module_.aliases\n || List.any (.name >> (==) typeName) module_.unions\n\n\nisInScope : String -> Nonempty Scope -> Bool\nisInScope name scopes =\n nonemptyList_any (.names >> Dict.member name) scopes\n\n\n\n-- MISC\n\n\ngetModuleName : List String -> String\ngetModuleName name =\n String.join \".\" name\n\n\n\n{- INLINED NONEMPTYLIST\n\n Copied contents of mgold\/elm-nonempty-list, and trimmed down unused functions.\n\n This is to avoid dependency conflicts when mgold\/elm-nonempty-list would release a new major version.\n\n A list that cannot be empty. The head and tail can be accessed without Maybes. Most other list functions are\n available.\n\n\n # Definition\n\n @docs Nonempty\n\n\n # Create\n\n @docs fromElement\n\n\n # Access\n\n @docs head\n\n\n # Inspect\n\n @docs any\n\n\n # Convert\n\n @docs cons, pop\n\n\n # Map\n\n @docs mapHead\n\n\n # Original copyright notice\n\n Copyright (c) 2015, Max Goldstein\n\n All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer in the documentation and\/or other materials provided\n with the distribution.\n\n * Neither the name of Max Goldstein nor the names of other\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\n from this software without specific prior written permission.\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\n-}\n\n\n{-| The Nonempty type. If you have both a head and tail, you can construct a\nnonempty list directly. Otherwise use the helpers below instead.\n-}\ntype Nonempty a\n = Nonempty a (List a)\n\n\n{-| Create a singleton list with the given element.\n-}\nnonemptyList_fromElement : a -> Nonempty a\nnonemptyList_fromElement x =\n Nonempty x []\n\n\n{-| Return the head of the list.\n-}\nnonemptyList_head : Nonempty a -> a\nnonemptyList_head (Nonempty x _) =\n x\n\n\n{-| Determine if any elements satisfy the predicate.\n-}\nnonemptyList_any : (a -> Bool) -> Nonempty a -> Bool\nnonemptyList_any f (Nonempty x xs) =\n f x || List.any f xs\n\n\n{-| Add another element as the head of the list, pushing the previous head to the tail.\n-}\nnonemptyList_cons : a -> Nonempty a -> Nonempty a\nnonemptyList_cons y (Nonempty x xs) =\n Nonempty y (x :: xs)\n\n\n{-| Pop and discard the head, or do nothing for a singleton list. Useful if you\nwant to exhaust a list but hang on to the last item indefinitely.\npop (Nonempty 3 [ 2, 1 ]) --> Nonempty 2 [1]\npop (Nonempty 1 []) --> Nonempty 1 []\n-}\nnonemptyList_pop : Nonempty a -> Nonempty a\nnonemptyList_pop (Nonempty x xs) =\n case xs of\n [] ->\n Nonempty x xs\n\n y :: ys ->\n Nonempty y ys\n\n\n{-| Map the head to a value of the same type\n-}\nnonemptyList_mapHead : (a -> a) -> Nonempty a -> Nonempty a\nnonemptyList_mapHead fn (Nonempty x xs) =\n Nonempty (fn x) xs\n","avg_line_length":33.768379961,"max_line_length":220,"alphanum_fraction":0.5939848175} +{"size":1872,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Object.DeploymentStatusConnection exposing (edges, nodes, pageInfo, totalCount)\n\nimport Github.InputObject\nimport Github.Interface\nimport Github.Object\nimport Github.Scalar\nimport Github.ScalarDecoders\nimport Github.Union\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Argument as Argument exposing (Argument)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Object as Object\nimport Graphql.Internal.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)\nimport Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)\nimport Graphql.OptionalArgument exposing (OptionalArgument(..))\nimport Graphql.SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\n{-| A list of edges.\n-}\nedges : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.DeploymentStatusEdge -> SelectionSet (Maybe (List (Maybe decodesTo))) Github.Object.DeploymentStatusConnection\nedges object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"edges\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable >> Decode.list >> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| A list of nodes.\n-}\nnodes : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.DeploymentStatus -> SelectionSet (Maybe (List (Maybe decodesTo))) Github.Object.DeploymentStatusConnection\nnodes object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"nodes\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable >> Decode.list >> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| Information to aid in pagination.\n-}\npageInfo : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.PageInfo -> SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.DeploymentStatusConnection\npageInfo object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"pageInfo\" [] object_ identity\n\n\n{-| Identifies the total count of items in the connection.\n-}\ntotalCount : SelectionSet Int Github.Object.DeploymentStatusConnection\ntotalCount =\n Object.selectionForField \"Int\" \"totalCount\" [] Decode.int\n","avg_line_length":39.0,"max_line_length":155,"alphanum_fraction":0.8023504274} +{"size":21131,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module LangUtils exposing (..)\n\nimport Syntax exposing (Syntax)\nimport Lang exposing (..)\nimport Utils\nimport Dict\nimport Set exposing (Set)\nimport Info\nimport ParserUtils\nimport ImpureGoodies\nimport HTMLParser\n\n-- Removes from the environment all variables that are already bound by a pattern\npruneEnvPattern: List Pat -> Env -> Env\npruneEnvPattern pats env =\n case pats of\n [] -> env\n pat::tail ->\n let varspattern = identifiersSetInPat pat in\n List.filter (\\(x, _) -> not <| Set.member x varspattern) env\n |> pruneEnvPattern tail\n\nremoveVarsInEnv: Set Ident -> Env -> Env\nremoveVarsInEnv boundVars env =\n List.filter (\\(x, _) -> not (Set.member x boundVars)) env\n \npruneEnv: Exp -> Env -> Env\npruneEnv exp env = -- Remove all the initial environment that is on the right.\n let freeVars = freeIdentifiers exp in\n List.filter (\\(x, _) -> Set.member x freeVars) env\n\n-- NOTE: This function is mostly copied in Eval, as a temporary, hacky\n-- workaround to dependency issues.\n\n\n\nvalToDictKey : Syntax -> Val -> Result String (String, String)\nvalToDictKey syntax val =\n Ok (valToString val, \"val\")\n\ndictKeyToVal: Syntax -> (String, String) -> Result String Val\ndictKeyToVal syntax (key, _) =\n Syntax.parser syntax key\n |> Result.mapError ParserUtils.showError\n |> Result.andThen (\\e ->\n simpleExpToVal syntax e\n )\n\nvalFromExpVal_: Exp -> Val_ -> Val\nvalFromExpVal_ e v_ = { v_ = v_, provenance = Provenance [] e [], parents = Parents []}\n\n-- Transforms an expression that does not need evaluation to a value\nsimpleExpToVal: Syntax -> Exp -> Result String Val\nsimpleExpToVal syntax e =\n case (unwrapExp e) of\n EConst _ num _ _ -> Ok <| valFromExpVal_ e <| VConst Nothing (num, dummyTrace)\n EBase _ (EBool b) -> Ok <| valFromExpVal_ e <| VBase (VBool b)\n EBase _ (EString _ s) -> Ok <| valFromExpVal_ e <| VBase (VString s)\n EBase _ ENull -> Ok <| valFromExpVal_ e <| VBase (VNull)\n EList _ elems _ Nothing _ -> Utils.listValues elems |> List.map (simpleExpToVal syntax)\n |> Utils.projOk |> Result.map (VList >> valFromExpVal_ e)\n ERecord _ Nothing elems _ ->\n recordEntriesFromDeclarations elems\n |> Result.fromMaybe \"Record is not simple enough not to be computed\"\n |> Result.andThen (\\l -> l\n |> List.map (\\(_, _, k, _, v) -> simpleExpToVal syntax v |> Result.map (\\v -> (k, v)))\n |> Utils.projOk |> Result.map (Dict.fromList >> VRecord >> valFromExpVal_ e))\n EOp _ _ op [arg] _ ->\n case op.val of\n DictFromList ->\n simpleExpToVal syntax arg\n |> Result.andThen (\\d ->\n case d.v_ of\n VList elems -> elems |> List.map (\\pair -> case pair.v_ of\n VList [key, value] -> valToDictKey syntax key |> Result.map (\\k -> (k, value))\n v -> Err <| \"Expected a tuple, got \" ++ valToString d\n ) |> Utils.projOk |> Result.map (Dict.fromList >> VDict >> valFromExpVal_ e)\n _ -> Err \"Cannot create a dictionary from something else than a list of tuples\"\n )\n _ -> Err <| \"Could not consider as a simple expression \" ++ toString e\n _ -> Err <| \"Could not consider as a simple expression \" ++ toString e\n\ntype IndentStyle = InlineSpace | IndentSpace String\n\nfoldIndentStyle: String -> (String -> String) -> IndentStyle -> String\nfoldIndentStyle inlineString indentStringFun style =\n case style of\n InlineSpace -> inlineString\n IndentSpace m -> indentStringFun m\n\nfoldIndent: String -> IndentStyle -> String\nfoldIndent inlineString = foldIndentStyle inlineString (\\x -> \"\\n\" ++ x)\n\nincreaseIndent: IndentStyle -> IndentStyle\nincreaseIndent style =\n case style of\n InlineSpace -> InlineSpace\n IndentSpace m -> IndentSpace (m ++ \" \")\n\nvalToExp: WS -> IndentStyle -> Val -> Exp\nvalToExp= valToExpFull Nothing\n\nvalToExpFull: Maybe Exp -> WS -> IndentStyle -> Val -> Exp\nvalToExpFull copyFrom sp_ indent v =\n let sp = Maybe.andThen (\\e ->\n case unwrapExp e of\n EApp _ _ _ _ _ -> Just <| ws <| \"\" -- If it's an application, we don't keep the whitespace. Could be an encoding of something.\n _ -> Just <| ws <| precedingWhitespace e) copyFrom |> Maybe.withDefault sp_ in\n withDummyExpInfo <| case v.v_ of\n VConst mb num -> EConst sp (Tuple.first num) dummyLoc noWidgetDecl\n VBase (VBool b) -> EBase sp <| EBool b\n VBase (VString s) ->\n let default = EBase sp <| EString defaultQuoteChar s in\n if String.length s > 50 && String.contains \"\\n\" s then\n EParens space0 (withDummyExpInfo default) LongStringSyntax space0\n else\n default\n VBase (VNull) -> EBase sp <| ENull\n VList vals ->\n case vHtmlNodeUnapply v of\n Just (tagName, attrs, children) -> -- In this case, if copyFrom\n let defaultAttrs () =\n case List.map vTupleViewUnapply attrs |> Utils.projJusts of\n Nothing -> eList0 (List.map (valToExpFull Nothing space0 indent) attrs) Nothing\n Just keyValues ->\n let elems = List.map (\\(key, value) ->\n (space1, eListWs [(space0, valToExp space0 indent key), (space0, valToExp space0 indent value)] Nothing)) keyValues in\n withDummyExpInfo <| EList space0 elems space0 Nothing space0\n in\n let defaultChildren () =\n eList0 (List.map (valToExpFull Nothing space0 indent) children) Nothing\n in\n let newClosingType = ws <|\n if HTMLParser.isVoidElement tagName then\n encoding_voidclosing else \"\"\n in\n case copyFrom |> Maybe.map unwrapExp of\n Just (EList unusedWS1 [(unusedWS2, tagExp), (unusedWS3, attrExp), (spaceBeforeEndOpeningTag, childExp)] closingType Nothing spaceAfterTagClosing) ->\n let mbNewAttrExp = case unwrapExp attrExp of\n EList _ attributes _ Nothing _ ->\n if List.length attributes >= 2 then\n Just <| valToExpFull (Just attrExp) space0 indent (replaceV_ v <| VList attrs)\n else\n Nothing\n _ -> Nothing\n in\n let newAttrExp = mbNewAttrExp |> Utils.maybeWithDefaultLazy defaultAttrs in\n let newChildExp =\n case unwrapExp childExp of\n EList _ oldChildren _ Nothing _ ->\n if List.length oldChildren >= List.length children then\n eListWs (List.map2 (\\(s, old) n -> (s, valToExpFull (Just old) space0 indent n)) oldChildren children) Nothing\n else\n defaultChildren ()\n _ ->\n defaultChildren ()\n in\n EList unusedWS1 [(unusedWS2, eStr0 tagName),\n (unusedWS3, newAttrExp), (spaceBeforeEndOpeningTag, newChildExp)]\n newClosingType Nothing spaceAfterTagClosing\n _ ->\n EList space0 [(space0, eStr tagName), (space0, defaultAttrs ()), (space0, defaultChildren ())] newClosingType Nothing space0\n Nothing ->\n let defaultSpCommaHd = ws \"\" in\n let defaultSpCommaTail = space0 in\n let (precedingWS, ((spaceCommaHead, v2expHead), (spaceCommaTail, v2expTail)), spBeforeEnd) =\n copyFrom |> Maybe.andThen (\\e ->\n case unwrapExp e of\n EList csp0 celems _ _ cspend ->\n\n let valToExps = case celems of\n (sphd1, hd1)::(sphd2, hd2)::tail -> ((sphd1, valToExpFull <| Just hd1), (sphd2, valToExpFull <| Just hd2))\n [(sphd1, hd1)] -> ((sphd1, valToExpFull <| Just hd1), (defaultSpCommaTail, valToExpFull <| Just hd1))\n [] -> ((defaultSpCommaHd, valToExp), (defaultSpCommaTail, valToExp))\n in\n Just (csp0, valToExps, cspend)\n _ -> Nothing\n ) |>\n Maybe.withDefault (sp, ((defaultSpCommaHd, valToExp), (defaultSpCommaTail, valToExp)), if List.isEmpty vals then space0 else ws <| foldIndent \"\" indent)\n in\n case vals of\n [] -> EList precedingWS [] space0 Nothing spBeforeEnd\n head::tail ->\n let headExp = (spaceCommaHead, v2expHead (ws <| foldIndentStyle \"\" (\\_ -> \" \") indent) (increaseIndent indent) head) in\n let tailExps = List.map (\\y -> (spaceCommaTail, v2expTail (ws <| foldIndent \" \" <| increaseIndent indent) (increaseIndent indent) y)) tail in\n EList precedingWS (headExp :: tailExps) space0 Nothing spBeforeEnd\n VClosure recNames patterns body env ->\n let (recEnv, remEnv) = Utils.split (List.length recNames) env in\n let prunedEnv = removeVarsInEnv (Set.fromList <| List.map Tuple.first recEnv) <| pruneEnvPattern patterns <| pruneEnv body <| env in\n case prunedEnv of\n [] -> EFun sp patterns body space0\n (name, v)::tail ->\n let baseCase = withDummyExpInfo <| EFun (ws <| foldIndent \"\" indent) patterns body space0 in\n let startCase =\n case recNames of\n [] -> baseCase\n [f] -> withDummyExpInfo <|\n ELet sp Let (Declarations [0] [] []\n [(True,\n [LetExp Nothing space1 (withDummyPatInfo <| PVar space0 f noWidgetDecl) FunArgAsPats space1 baseCase])]) space1 (withDummyExpInfo <| EVar (ws <| foldIndent \" \" indent) f)\n _ -> Debug.crash \"cannot convert back a VCLosure with multiple defs to an ELet. Need syntax support for that.\"\n in\n let bigbody = List.foldl (\\(n, v) body ->\n withDummyExpInfo <| eLet__ (ws <| foldIndent \"\" indent) Let False (withDummyPatInfo <| PVar (ws \" \") n noWidgetDecl) space1 (valToExp space1 (increaseIndent indent) v) space1 body space0) startCase tail\n in\n eLet__ sp Let False (withDummyPatInfo <| PVar (ws \" \") name noWidgetDecl) space1 (valToExp space1 (increaseIndent indent) v) space1 bigbody space0\n VRecord values ->\n let copiedResult =\n case copyFrom of\n Just e ->\n case unwrapExp e of\n ERecord csp0 Nothing (Declarations po tps anns lxs as decls) cspEnd ->\n case lxs |> elemsOf |> List.map (\\(LetExp _ _ p _ _ _) ->\n pVarUnapply p) |> Utils.projJusts of\n Just keyList ->\n if Set.fromList keyList == Set.fromList (Dict.keys values) then\n lxs |> elemsOf |> List.map (\\(LetExp spc spe p fs se e1) ->\n pVarUnapply p |> Maybe.andThen (\\key -> Dict.get key values) |> Maybe.map (\\v ->\n LetExp spc spe p fs se <| valToExpFull (Just e1) space1 (increaseIndent indent) v\n )) |> Utils.projJusts |> Maybe.map (\\newLxs ->\n ERecord csp0 Nothing (Declarations po tps anns (regroup lxs newLxs)) cspEnd\n )\n else\n Nothing\n Nothing -> Nothing\n _ -> Nothing\n Nothing -> Nothing\n in\n case copiedResult of\n Just x -> x\n Nothing ->\n let (isTuple, keyValues) = case vRecordTupleUnapply v of\n Just (kv, elements) -> (True, kv::elements)\n Nothing -> (False, Dict.toList values)\n in\n let (precedingWS, keys, ((spaceComma, spaceKey, spaceEqual, v2expHead),\n (spaceCommaTail, spaceKeyTail, spaceEqualTail, v2expTail)), spBeforeEnd) =\n (sp, Dict.keys values,\n ((Nothing, space1, space1, valToExp),\n (Just space0, ws (foldIndent \" \" <| increaseIndent indent), space1, valToExp)),\n if isTuple then ws \"\" else if Dict.isEmpty values then space1 else ws <| foldIndent \"\" indent) in\n eRecord__ precedingWS Nothing (List.indexedMap (\\i (key, v) ->\n if i == 0 then (spaceComma, spaceKey, key, spaceEqual, v2expHead (if isTuple then ws \"\" else ws \" \") (increaseIndent <| increaseIndent indent) v)\n else (spaceCommaTail, spaceKeyTail, key, spaceEqualTail, v2expTail (if isTuple && i <= 1 then ws \"\" else ws \" \") (increaseIndent <| increaseIndent indent) v)\n ) keyValues) spBeforeEnd\n VDict vs ->\n EOp sp space0 (Info.withDummyInfo DictFromList) [withDummyExpInfo <|\n EList space1 (\n Dict.toList vs |> List.indexedMap (\\i (key, value) ->\n let spaceComma = if i == 0 then ws \"\" else ws <| foldIndent \"\" indent in\n let spaceElem = ws \" \" in\n (spaceComma, valToExp spaceElem (increaseIndent indent) (replaceV_ v <| vTuple [dictKeyToVal Syntax.Leo key |> Utils.fromOk \"valToExp\", value])))\n ) space0 Nothing space0] space0\n VFun name _ _ _ -> EVar sp name\n\nvalToString: Val -> String\nvalToString = Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo << valToExp (ws \"\") (IndentSpace \"\")\n\nlogVal msg v = let _ = Debug.log (msg ++ \":\" ++ valToString v) () in v\nlogExp msg v = let _ = Debug.log (msg ++ \":\" ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo v) () in v\nlogEnv msg exp env = let _ = Debug.log (msg ++ \":\" ++ envToString (pruneEnv exp env)) () in env\n\nenvToString: Env -> String\nenvToString env =\n case env of\n [] -> \"\"\n (v, value)::tail -> v ++ \"->\" ++ (valToString value) ++ \" \" ++ (envToString tail)\n\n-- Equality checking\nvalEqual: Val -> Val -> Bool\nvalEqual v1 v2 = --let _ = Debug.log \"valEqual of \" (valToString v1, valToString v2) in\n valToString v1 == valToString v2\n {--case (v1.v_ , v2.v_) of\n (VConst _ (n1, _), VConst _ (n2, _)) -> n1 == n2\n (VBase vb1, VBase vb2) -> vb1 == vb2\n (VClosure nm1 p1 body1 env1, VClosure nm2 p2 body2 env2 ) ->\n nm1 == nm2 && listForAll2 patEqual p1 p2 && expEqual body1 body2 && envEqual (pruneEnv body1 env1) (pruneEnv body2 env2)\n (VList v1s, VList v2s) -> listForAll2 valEqual v1s v2s\n _ -> False--}\n\nenvEqual: Env -> Env -> Bool\nenvEqual env1 env2 = --let _ = Debug.log \"envEqual \" () in\n listForAll2 (\\(x1, v1) (x2, v2) -> x1 == x2 && valEqual v1 v2) env1 env2\n\nwsEqual: WS -> WS -> Bool\nwsEqual ws1 ws2 = ws1.val == ws2.val\n\npatEqual: Pat -> Pat -> Bool\npatEqual p1_ p2_ = --let _ = Debug.log \"patEqual \" (Syntax.patternUnparser Syntax.Leo p1_, Syntax.patternUnparser Syntax.Leo p2_) in\n Syntax.patternUnparser Syntax.Leo p1_ == Syntax.patternUnparser Syntax.Leo p2_\n{-- case (p1_.val.p__, p2_.val.p__) of\n (PVar sp1 ident1 _,PVar sp2 ident2 _) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && ident1 == ident2\n (PConst sp1 num1, PConst sp2 num2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && num1 == num2\n (PBase sp1 bv1, PBase sp2 bv2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && bv1 == bv2\n (PList sp1 pats sp2 mpat sp3,PList sp4 pats2 sp5 mpat2 sp6) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp4 && wsEqual sp2 sp5 && wsEqual sp3 sp6 && listForAll2 patEqual pats pats2\n && (case (mpat, mpat2) of\n (Nothing, Nothing) -> True\n (Just p1, Just p2) -> patEqual p1 p2\n _ -> False\n )\n (PAs sp1 name sp2 p1,PAs sp3 name2 sp4 p2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp3 && name == name2 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && patEqual p1 p2\n (PParens sp1 p1 sp2,PParens sp3 p2 sp4) -> wsEqual sp1 sp3 && patEqual p1 p2 && wsEqual sp2 sp4\n _ -> False\n --}\n\nbranchEqual: Branch -> Branch -> Bool\nbranchEqual b1 b2 = case (b1.val, b2.val) of\n (Branch_ sp1 p1 e1 sp2, Branch_ sp3 p2 e2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && expEqual e1 e2 && patEqual p1 p2\n\ntbranchEqual: TBranch -> TBranch -> Bool\ntbranchEqual t1 t2 = case (t1.val, t2.val) of\n (TBranch_ sp1 ty1 e1 sp2, TBranch_ sp3 ty2 e2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && expEqual e1 e2 && typeEqual ty1 ty2\n\nlistForAll2: (a -> a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a -> Bool\nlistForAll2 f l1 l2 = case l1 of\n [] -> case l2 of\n [] -> True\n _ -> False\n h1::t1 -> case l2 of\n [] -> False\n h2::t2 -> if f h1 h2 then listForAll2 f t1 t2 else False\n\ntypeEqual: Type -> Type -> Bool\ntypeEqual ty1 ty2 = --let _ = Debug.log \"typeEqual \" (ty1, ty2) in\n case (ty1.val.t__, ty2.val.t__) of\n (TNum sp1, TNum sp2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2\n (TBool sp1, TBool sp2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2\n (TString sp1, TString sp2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2\n (TNull sp1, TNull sp2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2\n (TList sp1 t1 sp2, TList sp3 t2 sp4) -> wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && typeEqual t1 t2\n (TDict sp1 tk tv sp2, TDict sp3 tk2 tv2 sp4) -> wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && typeEqual tk tk2 && typeEqual tv tv2\n (TTuple sp1 args sp2 mTail sp2e, TTuple sp3 args2 sp4 mTail2 sp4e) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && wsEqual sp2e sp4e &&\n listForAll2 typeEqual args args2 &&\n ( case (mTail, mTail2) of\n (Nothing, Nothing) -> True\n (Just t1, Just t2) -> typeEqual t1 t2\n _ -> False\n )\n (TArrow sp1 types1 sp2, TArrow sp3 types2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n listForAll2 typeEqual types1 types2\n (TUnion sp1 types1 sp2, TUnion sp3 types2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n listForAll2 typeEqual types1 types2\n (TApp sp1 ident1 types1 _, TApp sp2 ident2 types2 _) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp2 && typeEqual ident1 ident2 && listForAll2 typeEqual types1 types2\n (TVar sp1 ident1, TVar sp2 ident2) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp2 && ident1 == ident2\n (TForall sp1 pats1 t1 sp2, TForall sp3 pats2 t2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n listForAll2 (\\a1 a2 -> a1 == a2) pats1 pats2\n && typeEqual t1 t2\n (TWildcard sp1, TWildcard sp2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2\n _ -> False\n\n\nexpEqual: Exp -> Exp -> Bool\nexpEqual e1_ e2_ =\n --let _ = Debug.log \"expEqual \" (Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo e1_, Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo e2_) in\n Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo e1_ == Syntax.unparser Syntax.Leo e2_\n{--\n case ((unwrapExp e1_), (unwrapExp e2_)) of\n (EConst sp1 num1 _ _, EConst sp2 num2 _ _) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && num1 == num2\n (EBase sp1 bv1, EBase sp2 bv2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && bv1 == bv2\n (EVar sp1 id1, EVar sp2 id2) -> wsEqual sp1 sp2 && id1 == id2\n (EFun sp1 pats body sp2, EFun sp3 pats2 body2 sp4) -> wsEqual sp1 sp3 &&\n listForAll2 patEqual pats pats2 &&\n expEqual body body2 &&\n wsEqual sp2 sp4\n (EApp sp1 fun args sp2, EApp sp3 fun2 args2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && expEqual fun fun2 &&\n listForAll2 expEqual args args2\n (EOp sp1 op1 args sp2, EOp sp3 op2 args2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && op1.val == op2.val &&\n listForAll2 expEqual args args2\n (EList sp1 args sp2 mTail sp2e, EList sp3 args2 sp4 mTail2 sp4e) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && wsEqual sp2e sp4e &&\n listForAll2 expEqual args args2 &&\n ( case (mTail, mTail2) of\n (Nothing, Nothing) -> True\n (Just t1, Just t2) -> expEqual t1 t2\n _ -> False\n )\n (EIf sp11 cond1 sp12 then1 sp13 else1 sp14, EIf sp21 cond2 sp22 then2 sp23 else2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp11 sp21 &&\n wsEqual sp12 sp22 &&\n wsEqual sp13 sp23 &&\n wsEqual sp14 sp24 &&\n expEqual cond1 cond2 && expEqual then1 then2 && expEqual else1 else2\n (ECase sp1 input1 branches1 sp2, ECase sp3 input2 branches2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n expEqual input1 input2 &&\n listForAll2 branchEqual branches1 branches2\n (ETypeCase sp1 input1 tbranches1 sp2, ETypeCase sp3 input2 tbranches2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n expEqual input1 input2 &&\n listForAll2 tbranchEqual tbranches1 tbranches2\n\n (ELet sp11 lk1 rec1 pat1 sp12 exp1 sp13 body1 sp14, ELet sp21 lk2 rec2 pat2 sp22 exp2 sp23 body2 sp24) ->\n wsEqual sp11 sp21 &&\n wsEqual sp12 sp22 &&\n wsEqual sp13 sp23 &&\n wsEqual sp14 sp24 &&\n lk1 == lk2 && rec1 == rec2 &&\n patEqual pat1 pat2 && expEqual body1 body2 && expEqual exp1 exp2\n (ETyp sp1 pat1 t1 e1 sp2, ETyp sp3 pat2 t2 e2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n patEqual pat1 pat2 &&\n typeEqual t1 t2 &&\n expEqual e1 e2\n (EColonType sp1 e1 sp2 t1 sp2e, EColonType sp3 e2 sp4 t2 sp4e) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && wsEqual sp2e sp4e &&\n expEqual e1 e2 && typeEqual t1 t2\n (ETypeAlias sp1 pat1 t1 e1 sp2, ETypeAlias sp3 pat2 t2 e2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 &&\n patEqual pat1 pat2 && expEqual e1 e2 && typeEqual t1 t2\n (EParens sp1 e1 pStyle1 sp2, EParens sp3 e2 pStyle2 sp4) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp3 && wsEqual sp2 sp4 && expEqual e1 e2 && pStyle\n (EHole sp1 (ESnapHole v1), EHole sp2 (ESnapHole v2)) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp2 && valEqual v1 v2\n (EHole sp1 EEmptyHole, EHole sp2 EEmptyHole) ->\n wsEqual sp1 sp2\n _ -> False\n--}\n\n-- Given a predicate and a pattern, returns true if the patterns extracts a top-level field satisfying the predicate\npatternExtractsField fieldPredicate pat = case pat.val.p__ of\n PParens _ p _ -> patternExtractsField fieldPredicate p\n PAs _ p1 _ p2 -> patternExtractsField fieldPredicate p2 || patternExtractsField fieldPredicate p1\n PVar _ _ _ -> True\n PRecord _ ps _ -> List.any (\\(_, _, k, _, _) -> fieldPredicate k) ps\n PColonType _ p _ _ -> patternExtractsField fieldPredicate p\n PConst _ _ -> False\n PBase _ _ -> False\n PWildcard _ -> False\n PList _ _ _ _ _ -> False\n","avg_line_length":47.9160997732,"max_line_length":214,"alphanum_fraction":0.6223084568} +{"size":1216,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":3.0,"content":"-- GENERATE BY .\/scripts\/generate.ts\n-- DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY\n\n\nmodule Ant.Icons.Svg.InsertRowBelowOutlined exposing (view, viewWithAttributes)\n\nimport Html exposing (Html)\nimport Svg exposing (..)\nimport Svg.Attributes exposing (..)\n\n\nview : Html msg\nview =\n svg [ viewBox \"64 64 896 896\" ] [ Svg.path [ d \"M904 768H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v80c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-80c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm-25.3-608H145.3c-18.4 0-33.3 14.3-33.3 32v464c0 17.7 14.9 32 33.3 32h733.3c18.4 0 33.3-14.3 33.3-32V192c.1-17.7-14.8-32-33.2-32zM360 616H184V456h176v160zm0-224H184V232h176v160zm240 224H424V456h176v160zm0-224H424V232h176v160zm240 224H664V456h176v160zm0-224H664V232h176v160z\" ] [] ]\n\n\nviewWithAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg\nviewWithAttributes attributes =\n svg ([ viewBox \"64 64 896 896\" ] ++ attributes) [ Svg.path [ d \"M904 768H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v80c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-80c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm-25.3-608H145.3c-18.4 0-33.3 14.3-33.3 32v464c0 17.7 14.9 32 33.3 32h733.3c18.4 0 33.3-14.3 33.3-32V192c.1-17.7-14.8-32-33.2-32zM360 616H184V456h176v160zm0-224H184V232h176v160zm240 224H424V456h176v160zm0-224H424V232h176v160zm240 224H664V456h176v160zm0-224H664V232h176v160z\" ] [] ]\n","avg_line_length":60.8,"max_line_length":438,"alphanum_fraction":0.7425986842} +{"size":1801,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Lib.Helper exposing (..)\n\nimport EverySet\nimport Lib.Playground exposing (Computer, Mouse, toMillis)\nimport Random\n\n\ntype alias Coord =\n { x : Float, y : Float }\n\n\ngridCoordinates : List ( Int, Int )\ngridCoordinates =\n let\n row col =\n List.range -constants.gridAbs constants.gridAbs\n |> List.map (\\r -> ( r, col ))\n in\n List.range -constants.gridAbs constants.gridAbs\n |> List.concatMap row\n\n\nconstants : { gameWidth : number, gridAbs : number }\nconstants =\n let\n side =\n 5\n in\n { gameWidth = side * 2 + 2\n , gridAbs = side\n }\n\n\ngameScale : { a | screen : { b | width : Float } } -> Float\ngameScale computer =\n computer.screen.width \/ (constants.gameWidth + 1.6)\n\n\ntoGameCoordinates : Computer -> Mouse -> { x : Float, y : Float }\ntoGameCoordinates computer { x, y } =\n let\n k =\n gameScale computer\n in\n { x = 1 \/ k * x\n , y = 1 \/ k * y\n }\n\n\nmousePos : Computer -> Coord\nmousePos computer =\n let\n { x, y } =\n toGameCoordinates computer computer.mouse\n\n convert z =\n z\n |> round\n |> toFloat\n |> clamp -constants.gridAbs constants.gridAbs\n in\n { x = convert x, y = convert y }\n\n\ninsertAndRemoveDuplicates : a -> List a -> List a\ninsertAndRemoveDuplicates x xs =\n EverySet.toList (EverySet.insert x (EverySet.fromList xs))\n\n\ninitSeed : Computer -> Random.Seed\ninitSeed computer =\n let\n seed =\n toMillis computer.time\n in\n Debug.log (\"Time:\" ++ Debug.toString seed) Random.initialSeed seed\n\n\nrandomNrs : Int -> Int -> Int -> Random.Seed -> List Int\nrandomNrs count min max seed =\n Random.step (Random.list count (Random.int min max)) seed |> Tuple.first\n","avg_line_length":21.9634146341,"max_line_length":76,"alphanum_fraction":0.5868961688} +{"size":908,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":2.0,"content":"module String.Extra\n exposing\n ( camelize\n , indent\n , spaceJoin\n , newline\n , newlineJoin\n , surroundByParen\n , surroundByQuotes\n , surroundByBrackets\n )\n\ncamelize : String -> String\ncamelize value =\n value\n |> String.toList\n |> lowercaseFirst\n |> String.fromList\n\nlowercaseFirst : List Char -> List Char\nlowercaseFirst chars =\n case chars of\n hd :: tl -> Char.toLower hd :: tl\n [] -> []\n\nindent : String -> String\nindent = (++) \" \"\n\nspaceJoin : List String -> String\nspaceJoin = String.join \" \"\n\nnewlineJoin : List String -> String\nnewlineJoin = String.join \"\\n\"\n\nnewline : String -> String\nnewline = (++) \"\\n\"\n\nsurroundByQuotes : String -> String\nsurroundByQuotes value =\n \"\\\"\" ++ value ++ \"\\\"\"\n\nsurroundByParen : String -> String\nsurroundByParen value =\n \"(\" ++ value ++ \")\"\n\nsurroundByBrackets : String -> String\nsurroundByBrackets value =\n \"[\" ++ value ++ \"]\"\n","avg_line_length":18.5306122449,"max_line_length":39,"alphanum_fraction":0.6387665198} +{"size":19150,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Material.TextField exposing\n ( Config, config\n , setOnInput\n , setOnChange\n , setLabel\n , setFullwidth\n , setValue\n , setPlaceholder\n , setDisabled\n , setRequired\n , setValid\n , setMinLength\n , setMaxLength\n , setPattern\n , setType\n , setMin\n , setMax\n , setStep\n , setLeadingIcon\n , setTrailingIcon\n , setAttributes\n , filled\n , outlined\n , Icon, icon\n )\n\n{-| Text fields allow users to input, edit, and select text.\n\n\n# Table of Contents\n\n - [Resources](#resources)\n - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)\n - [Configuration](#configuration)\n - [Configuration Options](#configuration-options)\n - [Filled Text Field](#filled-text-field)\n - [Outlined Text Field](#outlined-text-field)\n - [Full Width Text Field](#full-width-text-field)\n - [Multiline Text Field](#multiline-text-field)\n - [Disabled Text Field](#disabled-text-field)\n - [Password Text Field](#password-text-field)\n - [Required Text Field](#disabled-text-field)\n - [Valid Text Field](#valid-text-field)\n - [Text Field with Leading Icon](#text-field-with-leading-icon)\n - [Text Field with Trailing Icon](#text-field-with-trailing-icon)\n - [Text Field with Character Counter](#text-field-with-character-counter)\n\n\n# Resources\n\n - [Demo: Text Fields](https:\/\/aforemny.github.io\/material-components-web-elm\/#text-field)\n - [Material Design Guidelines: Menus](https:\/\/material.io\/go\/design-menus)\n - [MDC Web: Menu](https:\/\/github.com\/material-components\/material-components-web\/tree\/master\/packages\/mdc-menu)\n - [Sass Mixins (MDC Web)](https:\/\/github.com\/material-components\/material-components-web\/tree\/master\/packages\/mdc-menu#sass-mixins)\n\n\n# Basic Usage\n\n import Material.TextField as TextField\n\n type Msg\n = ValueChanged String\n\n main =\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config\n |> TextField.setLabel (Just \"My text field\")\n |> TextField.setValue (Just \"hello world\")\n |> TextField.setOnInput ValueChanged\n )\n\n\n# Configuration\n\n@docs Config, config\n\n\n## Configuration Options\n\n@docs setOnInput\n@docs setOnChange\n@docs setLabel\n@docs setFullwidth\n@docs setValue\n@docs setPlaceholder\n@docs setDisabled\n@docs setRequired\n@docs setValid\n@docs setMinLength\n@docs setMaxLength\n@docs setPattern\n@docs setType\n@docs setMin\n@docs setMax\n@docs setStep\n@docs setLeadingIcon\n@docs setTrailingIcon\n@docs setAttributes\n\n\n# Filled Text Field\n\n\n# Filled Text Field\n\n TextField.filled TextField.config\n\n@docs filled\n\n\n# Outlined Text Field\n\nText fields may have a visible outlined around them by using their\n`outlined` variant.\n\n TextField.outlined TextField.config\n\nNote that `setFullwidth` does not have any effect on an outlined text field.\n\n@docs outlined\n\n\n# Full Width Text Field\n\nTo make a text field span all of its available width, set its `setFullwidth`\nconfiguration option to `True`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setFullwidth True)\n\nFull width text fields do not support a label and will ignore the `setLabel`\nconfiguration option. You may use `setPlaceholder` or provide an extraneous\nlabel for a full width text field.\n\nOutlined text fields do not support `setFullwidth` and wll ignore this\nconfiguration option.\n\n\n# Disabled Text Field\n\nTo disable a text field, set its `setDisabled` configuration option to `True`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setDisabled True)\n\n\n# Password Text Field\n\nTo mark a text field as an input for entering a passwort, use its `setType`\nconfiguration option to specify `\"password\"`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setType (Just \"password\"))\n\nOther input types besides `\"password\"` may or may not be supported.\n\n\n# Required Text Field\n\nTo mark a text field as required, set its `setRequired` configuration option to\n`True`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setRequired True)\n\n\n# Valid Text Field\n\nTo mark a text field as valid, set its `setValid` configuration option to\n`True`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setValid True)\n\n\n# Text Field with Leading Icon\n\nTo have a text field display a leading icon, use its `setLeadingIcon`\nconfiguration option to specify a value of `Icon`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config\n |> TextField.setLeadingIcon\n (Just (TextField.icon [] \"wifi\"))\n )\n\n@docs Icon, icon\n\n\n# Text Field with Trailing Icon\n\nTo have a text field display a trailing icon, use its `setTrailingIcon`\nconfiguration option to specify a value of `Icon`.\n\n TextField.filled\n (TextField.config\n |> TextField.setTrailingIcon\n (Just (TextField.icon [] \"clear\"))\n )\n\n\n# Text Field with Character Counter\n\nTo have a text field display a character counter, specify its `setMaxLength`\nconfiguration option, and also add a `HelperText.characterCounter` as a child\nof `HelperText.helperLine`.\n\n [ TextField.filled\n (TextField.config |> TextField.setMaxLength (Just 18))\n , HelperText.helperLine [] [ HelperText.characterCounter [] ]\n ]\n\n-}\n\nimport Html exposing (Html, text)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (class)\nimport Html.Events\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\nimport Material.Icon as Icon\n\n\n{-| Configuration of a text field\n-}\ntype Config msg\n = Config\n { label : Maybe String\n , fullwidth : Bool\n , value : Maybe String\n , placeholder : Maybe String\n , disabled : Bool\n , required : Bool\n , valid : Bool\n , minLength : Maybe Int\n , maxLength : Maybe Int\n , pattern : Maybe String\n , type_ : Maybe String\n , min : Maybe Int\n , max : Maybe Int\n , step : Maybe Int\n , leadingIcon : Maybe (Icon msg)\n , trailingIcon : Maybe (Icon msg)\n , additionalAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)\n , onInput : Maybe (String -> msg)\n , onChange : Maybe (String -> msg)\n }\n\n\n{-| Text field trailing or leading icon -\n-}\ntype Icon msg\n = Icon (Html msg)\n\n\n{-| Default configuration of a text field\n-}\nconfig : Config msg\nconfig =\n Config\n { label = Nothing\n , fullwidth = False\n , value = Nothing\n , placeholder = Nothing\n , disabled = False\n , required = False\n , valid = True\n , minLength = Nothing\n , maxLength = Nothing\n , pattern = Nothing\n , type_ = Nothing\n , min = Nothing\n , max = Nothing\n , step = Nothing\n , leadingIcon = Nothing\n , trailingIcon = Nothing\n , additionalAttributes = []\n , onInput = Nothing\n , onChange = Nothing\n }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's label\n-}\nsetLabel : Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetLabel label (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | label = label }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field to be fullwidth\n-}\nsetFullwidth : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetFullwidth fullwidth (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | fullwidth = fullwidth }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's value\n-}\nsetValue : Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetValue value (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | value = value }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's placeholder\n-}\nsetPlaceholder : Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetPlaceholder placeholder (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | placeholder = placeholder }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field to be disabled\n\nDisabled text fields cannot be interacted with and have no visual interaction\neffect.\n\n-}\nsetDisabled : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetDisabled disabled (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | disabled = disabled }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field to be required\n-}\nsetRequired : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetRequired required (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | required = required }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field to be valid\n-}\nsetValid : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetValid valid (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | valid = valid }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's minimum length\n-}\nsetMinLength : Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetMinLength minLength (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | minLength = minLength }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's maximum length\n-}\nsetMaxLength : Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetMaxLength maxLength (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | maxLength = maxLength }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's pattern\n-}\nsetPattern : Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetPattern pattern (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | pattern = pattern }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's type\n-}\nsetType : Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetType type_ (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | type_ = type_ }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's minimum value\n-}\nsetMin : Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetMin min (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | min = min }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's maximum value\n-}\nsetMax : Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetMax max (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | max = max }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's step value\n-}\nsetStep : Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetStep step (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | step = step }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's leading icon\n-}\nsetLeadingIcon : Maybe (Icon msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetLeadingIcon leadingIcon (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | leadingIcon = leadingIcon }\n\n\n{-| Specify a text field's trailing icon\n-}\nsetTrailingIcon : Maybe (Icon msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetTrailingIcon trailingIcon (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | trailingIcon = trailingIcon }\n\n\n{-| Specify additional attributes\n-}\nsetAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetAttributes additionalAttributes (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | additionalAttributes = additionalAttributes }\n\n\n{-| Specify a message when the user changes the value inside the text field\n-}\nsetOnInput : (String -> msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetOnInput onInput (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | onInput = Just onInput }\n\n\n{-| Specify a message when the user confirms a changed value inside the text\nfield\n-}\nsetOnChange : (String -> msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetOnChange onChange (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | onChange = Just onChange }\n\n\n{-| Filled text field view function\n-}\nfilled : Config msg -> Html msg\nfilled config_ =\n textField False config_\n\n\n{-| Outlined text field view function\n-}\noutlined : Config msg -> Html msg\noutlined config_ =\n textField True config_\n\n\ntextField : Bool -> Config msg -> Html msg\ntextField outlined_ ((Config { additionalAttributes, fullwidth }) as config_) =\n Html.node \"mdc-text-field\"\n (List.filterMap identity\n [ rootCs\n , noLabelCs config_\n , outlinedCs outlined_\n , fullwidthCs config_\n , disabledCs config_\n , withLeadingIconCs config_\n , withTrailingIconCs config_\n , valueProp config_\n , disabledProp config_\n , requiredProp config_\n , validProp config_\n , patternProp config_\n , minLengthProp config_\n , maxLengthProp config_\n , minProp config_\n , maxProp config_\n , stepProp config_\n ]\n ++ additionalAttributes\n )\n (List.concat\n [ leadingIconElt config_\n , if fullwidth then\n if outlined_ then\n [ inputElt config_\n , notchedOutlineElt config_\n ]\n\n else\n [ inputElt config_\n , lineRippleElt\n ]\n\n else if outlined_ then\n [ inputElt config_\n , notchedOutlineElt config_\n ]\n\n else\n [ inputElt config_\n , labelElt config_\n , lineRippleElt\n ]\n , trailingIconElt config_\n ]\n )\n\n\n{-| A text field's icon, either leading or trailing\n-}\nicon : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> String -> Icon msg\nicon additionalAttributes iconName =\n Icon (Icon.icon (class \"mdc-text-field__icon\" :: additionalAttributes) iconName)\n\n\nrootCs : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nrootCs =\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field\")\n\n\noutlinedCs : Bool -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\noutlinedCs outlined_ =\n if outlined_ then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--outlined\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nfullwidthCs : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nfullwidthCs (Config { fullwidth }) =\n if fullwidth then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--fullwidth\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\ndisabledCs : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ndisabledCs (Config { disabled }) =\n if disabled then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--disabled\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nwithLeadingIconCs : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nwithLeadingIconCs (Config { leadingIcon }) =\n if leadingIcon \/= Nothing then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--with-leading-icon\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nwithTrailingIconCs : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nwithTrailingIconCs (Config { trailingIcon }) =\n if trailingIcon \/= Nothing then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--with-trailing-icon\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nrequiredProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nrequiredProp (Config { required }) =\n Just (Html.Attributes.property \"required\" (Encode.bool required))\n\n\nvalidProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nvalidProp (Config { valid }) =\n Just (Html.Attributes.property \"valid\" (Encode.bool valid))\n\n\nminLengthProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nminLengthProp (Config { minLength }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"minLength\"\n (Encode.int (Maybe.withDefault -1 minLength))\n )\n\n\nmaxLengthProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nmaxLengthProp (Config { maxLength }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"maxLength\"\n (Encode.int (Maybe.withDefault -1 maxLength))\n )\n\n\nminLengthAttr : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nminLengthAttr (Config { minLength }) =\n Maybe.map (Html.Attributes.attribute \"minLength\" << String.fromInt) minLength\n\n\nmaxLengthAttr : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nmaxLengthAttr (Config { maxLength }) =\n Maybe.map (Html.Attributes.attribute \"maxLength\" << String.fromInt) maxLength\n\n\nminProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nminProp (Config { min }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"min\"\n (Encode.string (Maybe.withDefault \"\" (Maybe.map String.fromInt min)))\n )\n\n\nmaxProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nmaxProp (Config { max }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"max\"\n (Encode.string (Maybe.withDefault \"\" (Maybe.map String.fromInt max)))\n )\n\n\nstepProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nstepProp (Config { step }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"step\"\n (Encode.string (Maybe.withDefault \"\" (Maybe.map String.fromInt step)))\n )\n\n\nvalueProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nvalueProp (Config { value }) =\n Maybe.map (Html.Attributes.property \"value\" << Encode.string) value\n\n\nplaceholderAttr : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nplaceholderAttr (Config { placeholder }) =\n Maybe.map Html.Attributes.placeholder placeholder\n\n\nleadingIconElt : Config msg -> List (Html msg)\nleadingIconElt (Config { leadingIcon }) =\n case leadingIcon of\n Nothing ->\n []\n\n Just (Icon html) ->\n [ html ]\n\n\ntrailingIconElt : Config msg -> List (Html msg)\ntrailingIconElt (Config { trailingIcon }) =\n case trailingIcon of\n Nothing ->\n []\n\n Just (Icon html) ->\n [ html ]\n\n\ninputHandler : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ninputHandler (Config { onInput }) =\n Maybe.map Html.Events.onInput onInput\n\n\nchangeHandler : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nchangeHandler (Config { onChange }) =\n Maybe.map (\\f -> Html.Events.on \"change\" (Decode.map f Html.Events.targetValue))\n onChange\n\n\ninputElt : Config msg -> Html msg\ninputElt config_ =\n Html.input\n (List.filterMap identity\n [ inputCs\n , typeAttr config_\n , ariaLabelAttr config_\n , placeholderAttr config_\n , inputHandler config_\n , changeHandler config_\n , minLengthAttr config_\n , maxLengthAttr config_\n ]\n )\n []\n\n\ninputCs : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ninputCs =\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field__input\")\n\n\npatternProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\npatternProp (Config { pattern }) =\n Just\n (Html.Attributes.property \"pattern\"\n (Encode.string (Maybe.withDefault \"\" pattern))\n )\n\n\ntypeAttr : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ntypeAttr (Config { type_ }) =\n Maybe.map Html.Attributes.type_ type_\n\n\nariaLabelAttr : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nariaLabelAttr (Config { fullwidth, placeholder, label }) =\n if fullwidth then\n Maybe.map (Html.Attributes.attribute \"aria-label\") label\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\ndisabledProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ndisabledProp (Config { disabled }) =\n Just (Html.Attributes.property \"disabled\" (Encode.bool disabled))\n\n\nlabelElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nlabelElt (Config { label, value }) =\n let\n floatingLabelCs =\n \"mdc-floating-label\"\n\n floatingLabelFloatAboveCs =\n \"mdc-floating-label--float-above\"\n in\n case label of\n Just str ->\n Html.div\n [ if Maybe.withDefault \"\" value \/= \"\" then\n class (floatingLabelCs ++ \" \" ++ floatingLabelFloatAboveCs)\n\n else\n class floatingLabelCs\n , Html.Attributes.property \"foucClassNames\"\n (Encode.list Encode.string [ floatingLabelFloatAboveCs ])\n ]\n [ text str ]\n\n Nothing ->\n text \"\"\n\n\nnoLabelCs : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nnoLabelCs (Config { label }) =\n if label == Nothing then\n Just (class \"mdc-text-field--no-label\")\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nlineRippleElt : Html msg\nlineRippleElt =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-line-ripple\" ] []\n\n\nnotchedOutlineElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nnotchedOutlineElt config_ =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-notched-outline\" ]\n [ notchedOutlineLeadingElt\n , notchedOutlineNotchElt config_\n , notchedOutlineTrailingElt\n ]\n\n\nnotchedOutlineLeadingElt : Html msg\nnotchedOutlineLeadingElt =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-notched-outline__leading\" ] []\n\n\nnotchedOutlineTrailingElt : Html msg\nnotchedOutlineTrailingElt =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-notched-outline__trailing\" ] []\n\n\nnotchedOutlineNotchElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nnotchedOutlineNotchElt config_ =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-notched-outline__notch\" ] [ labelElt config_ ]\n","avg_line_length":25.3642384106,"max_line_length":133,"alphanum_fraction":0.6505483029} +{"size":1205,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Tests exposing (..)\n\nimport CollatzConjecture exposing (collatz)\nimport Expect\nimport Test exposing (..)\n\n\ntests : Test\ntests =\n describe \"CollatzConjecture tests\"\n [ test \"zero steps for one\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Ok 0) (collatz 1)\n\n -- Once you get the first test passing, remove the\n -- `skip <|` (just leave the comma) on the next\n -- lines to continue!\n , skip <|\n test \"divide if even\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Ok 4) (collatz 16)\n , skip <|\n test \"even and odd step\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Ok 9) (collatz 12)\n , skip <|\n test \"Large number of even and odd step\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Ok 152) (collatz 1000000)\n , skip <|\n test \"zero is an error\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Err \"Only positive numbers are allowed\") (collatz 0)\n , skip <|\n test \"negative values is an error\" <|\n \\() ->\n Expect.equal (Err \"Only positive numbers are allowed\") (collatz -15)\n ]\n","avg_line_length":30.8974358974,"max_line_length":88,"alphanum_fraction":0.467219917} +{"size":210,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module All exposing (..)\n\nimport Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string)\nimport Test exposing (..)\nimport Select.SearchTest\n\n\nsuite : Test\nsuite =\n describe \"all\"\n [ Select.SearchTest.all\n ]\n","avg_line_length":16.1538461538,"max_line_length":48,"alphanum_fraction":0.6571428571} +{"size":508,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Test.Generated.Main3644787417 exposing (main)\n\nimport BattleTest\n\nimport Test.Reporter.Reporter exposing (Report(..))\nimport Console.Text exposing (UseColor(..))\nimport Test.Runner.Node\nimport Test\n\nmain : Test.Runner.Node.TestProgram\nmain =\n [ Test.describe \"BattleTest\" [BattleTest.suite] ]\n |> Test.concat\n |> Test.Runner.Node.run { runs = Nothing, report = (ConsoleReport UseColor), seed = 29916048745330, processes = 16, paths = [\"C:\\\\dev\\\\card-game\\\\tests\\\\BattleTest.elm\"]}","avg_line_length":36.2857142857,"max_line_length":178,"alphanum_fraction":0.7145669291} +{"size":6284,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Main exposing (..)\n\nimport Html exposing (Html, text, div, label, select, option, input, h1)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (value, type_, selected, class, attribute, style)\nimport Html.Lazy\nimport Http exposing (Error)\nimport Data.TriviaZipList exposing (TriviaZipList)\nimport Data.Difficulty exposing (Difficulty(..))\nimport View.Question\nimport View.Loading\nimport View.Finish\nimport View.Button\nimport View.Fail\nimport View.Form\nimport View.Difficulty\nimport Request.TriviaQuestions exposing (TriviaResult)\nimport Util exposing (onChange, (=>))\n\n\n-- MODEL\n\n\ntype GameState\n = Config { amount : Int, difficulty : Difficulty }\n | Loading\n | Playing TriviaZipList\n | Finish GameResults\n | Fail String\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n { state : GameState }\n\n\ntype alias GameResults =\n { score : Int, total : Int }\n\n\ninit : ( Model, Cmd Msg )\ninit =\n ( Model (Config { amount = 5, difficulty = Data.Difficulty.default })\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n\n\n-- UPDATE\n\n\ntype Msg\n = NoOp\n | UpdateAmount Int\n | Start\n | GetQuestions (Result Error TriviaResult)\n | Answer String\n | SubmitAnswers\n | Restart\n | Skip\n | ChangeDifficulty Difficulty\n | UpdateTimer\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\nupdate msg model =\n case ( msg, model.state ) of\n ( UpdateAmount value, Config values ) ->\n ( { model | state = Config { values | amount = value } }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n ( Start, Config { amount, difficulty } ) ->\n ( { model | state = Loading }\n , Request.TriviaQuestions.get amount difficulty GetQuestions\n )\n\n ( GetQuestions res, Loading ) ->\n case res of\n Ok { questions } ->\n let\n triviaZipList : TriviaZipList\n triviaZipList =\n Data.TriviaZipList.createTriviaZipList questions\n in\n ( { model | state = Playing triviaZipList }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n Err err ->\n ( { model | state = Fail (toString err) }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n ( Answer value, Playing zipList ) ->\n ( { model\n | state =\n Playing\n (zipList\n |> Data.TriviaZipList.answer value\n |> Data.TriviaZipList.next\n )\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n ( SubmitAnswers, Playing zipList ) ->\n let\n getGameResults : GameResults\n getGameResults =\n GameResults\n (Data.TriviaZipList.score zipList)\n (Data.TriviaZipList.length zipList)\n in\n ( { model | state = Finish getGameResults }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n ( Skip, Playing zipList ) ->\n ( { model | state = Playing (Data.TriviaZipList.next zipList) }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n ( Restart, _ ) ->\n init\n\n ( ChangeDifficulty difficulty, Config val ) ->\n ( { model | state = Config { val | difficulty = difficulty } }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n _ ->\n ( model, Cmd.none )\n\n\n\n-- VIEW\n\n\namountTagger : Result String Int -> Msg\namountTagger res =\n case res of\n Ok value ->\n UpdateAmount value\n\n Err err ->\n NoOp\n\n\nview : Model -> Html Msg\nview { state } =\n div\n [ class \"container\"\n , style [ ( \"text-align\", \"center\" ) ]\n ]\n [ h1 [] [ text \"Open Trivia\" ]\n , case state of\n Config { amount, difficulty } ->\n div\n [ style\n [ \"max-width\" => \"300px\"\n , \"margin\" => \"0 auto\"\n ]\n ]\n [ View.Form.group\n [ label [] [ text \"Amount of questions\" ]\n , View.Form.input\n [ value (toString amount)\n , onChange (amountTagger << String.toInt)\n , type_ \"number\"\n , Html.Attributes.min (toString 1)\n , Html.Attributes.max (toString 50)\n ]\n ]\n , View.Form.group\n [ label [] [ text \"Difficulty\" ]\n , View.Difficulty.select difficulty ChangeDifficulty\n ]\n , View.Button.btn Start \"Start\"\n ]\n\n Playing list ->\n let\n current =\n Data.TriviaZipList.current list\n\n length =\n list\n |> Data.TriviaZipList.length\n |> toString\n\n currentIndex =\n list\n |> Data.TriviaZipList.currentIndex\n |> toString\n in\n div\n []\n [ View.Form.group\n [ View.Button.btnPrimary Restart \"Start over\" ]\n , (Html.Lazy.lazy text) (currentIndex ++ \"\/\" ++ length)\n , View.Question.view current Answer\n , View.Form.group [ View.Button.btn Skip \"Skip\" ]\n , View.Button.btnSuccess SubmitAnswers \"Submit answers\"\n ]\n\n Loading ->\n View.Loading.view\n\n Finish { score, total } ->\n (Html.Lazy.lazy3 View.Finish.view)\n (toString score)\n (toString total)\n Restart\n\n Fail err ->\n (Html.Lazy.lazy View.Fail.view) err\n ]\n\n\n\n---- PROGRAM ----\n\n\nmain : Program Never Model Msg\nmain =\n Html.program\n { view = view\n , init = init\n , update = update\n , subscriptions = always Sub.none\n }\n","avg_line_length":27.2034632035,"max_line_length":81,"alphanum_fraction":0.4452577976} +{"size":17947,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Cli.Option exposing\n ( requiredPositionalArg\n , optionalKeywordArg, requiredKeywordArg, keywordArgList\n , flag\n , optionalPositionalArg, restArgs\n , oneOf\n , validate, validateIfPresent, validateMap, validateMapIfPresent\n , map, mapFlag, withDefault\n , Option(..), BeginningOption, OptionalPositionalArgOption, RestArgsOption\n )\n\n{-| Here is the terminology used for building up Command-Line parsers with this library.\n\n\"Terminology\n\nSee the README and the [`examples`](https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-cli-options-parser\/tree\/master\/examples\/src) folder for more in-depth examples of building\nand using `Cli.Option`s.\n\n\n## Positional Arguments\n\n@docs requiredPositionalArg\n\n\n## Keyword Arguments\n\n@docs optionalKeywordArg, requiredKeywordArg, keywordArgList\n\n\n## Flags\n\n@docs flag\n\n\n## Ending Options\n\nSee note in `Cli.OptionsParser` docs.\n\n@docs optionalPositionalArg, restArgs\n\n\n## Transformations\n\n\n### Mutually Exclusive Values\n\n@docs oneOf\n\n\n### Validation\n\nValidations allow you to guarantee that if you receive the data in Elm, it\nmeets a set of preconditions. If it doesn't, the User will see an error message\ndescribing the validation error, which option it came from, and the value the\noption had.\n\nNote that failing a validation will not cause the next `OptionsParser` in\nyour `Cli.Program.Config` to be run. Instead,\nif the OptionsParser is a match except for validation errors, you will get an\nerror message regardless.\n\nExample:\n\n\n capitalizedNameRegex =\n \"[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\"\n\n validateParser =\n OptionsParser.build (\\a b -> ( a, b ))\n |> with\n (Option.requiredKeywordArg \"name\"\n |> Option.validate (Cli.Validate.regex capitalizedNameRegex)\n )\n |> with\n (Option.optionalKeywordArg \"age\"\n |> Option.validateMapIfPresent String.toInt\n )\n\n\n {-\n $ .\/validation --name Mozart --age 262\n Mozart is 262 years old\n\n $ .\/validation --name Mozart --age \"Two-hundred and sixty-two\"\n Validation errors:\n\n `age` failed a validation. could not convert string 'Two-hundred and sixty-two' to an Int\n Value was:\n Just \"Two-hundred and sixty-two\"\n -}\n\nSee `Cli.Validate` for some validation helpers that can be used in conjunction\nwith the following functions.\n\n@docs validate, validateIfPresent, validateMap, validateMapIfPresent\n\n\n### Mapping\/Defaults\n\n@docs map, mapFlag, withDefault\n\n\n## Types\n\n@docs Option, BeginningOption, OptionalPositionalArgOption, RestArgsOption\n\n-}\n\nimport Cli.Decode\nimport Cli.UsageSpec as UsageSpec exposing (UsageSpec)\nimport Cli.Validate as Validate\nimport List.Extra\nimport Occurences exposing (Occurences(..))\nimport Tokenizer\n\n\n{-| -}\ntype Option from to middleOrEnding\n = Option (InnerOption from to)\n\n\n{-| `BeginningOption`s can only be used with `OptionsParser.with`.\n\n`OptionalPositionalArgOption`s can only be used with `OptionsParser.withOptionalPositionalArg`.\n\n-}\ntype BeginningOption\n = BeginningOption\n\n\n{-| `RestArgsOption`s can only be used with `OptionsParser.withRestArgs`.\n-}\ntype RestArgsOption\n = RestArgsOption\n\n\n{-| `BeginningOption`s can only be used with `OptionsParser.with`.\n\n`OptionalPositionalArgOption`s can only be used with `OptionsParser.withOptionalPositionalArg`.\n\n-}\ntype OptionalPositionalArgOption\n = OptionalPositionalArgOption\n\n\ntype alias InnerOption from to =\n { dataGrabber : DataGrabber from\n , usageSpec : UsageSpec\n , decoder : Cli.Decode.Decoder from to\n }\n\n\ntype alias DataGrabber decodesTo =\n { usageSpecs : List UsageSpec\n , operands : List String\n , options : List Tokenizer.ParsedOption\n , operandsSoFar : Int\n }\n -> Result Cli.Decode.ProcessingError decodesTo\n\n\n{-| Run a validation. (See an example in the Validation section above, or\nin the [`examples`](https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-cli-options-parser\/tree\/master\/examples\/src) folder).\n-}\nvalidate : (to -> Validate.ValidationResult) -> Option from to builderState -> Option from to builderState\nvalidate validateFunction (Option option) =\n let\n mappedDecoder : Cli.Decode.Decoder from to\n mappedDecoder =\n option.decoder\n |> Cli.Decode.mapValidationErrors\n (\\value ->\n case validateFunction value of\n Validate.Valid ->\n Nothing\n\n Validate.Invalid invalidReason ->\n Just\n { name = UsageSpec.name option.usageSpec\n , invalidReason = invalidReason\n }\n )\n in\n Option\n { option\n | decoder = mappedDecoder\n }\n\n\n{-| Run a validation if the value is `Just someValue`. Or do nothing if the value is `Nothing`.\n(See an example in the Validation section above, or in the [`examples`](https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-cli-options-parser\/tree\/master\/examples\/src) folder).\n-}\nvalidateIfPresent : (to -> Validate.ValidationResult) -> Option from (Maybe to) builderState -> Option from (Maybe to) builderState\nvalidateIfPresent validateFunction cliSpec =\n validate\n (\\maybeValue ->\n case maybeValue of\n Just value ->\n validateFunction value\n\n Nothing ->\n Validate.Valid\n )\n cliSpec\n\n\n{-| -}\nrequiredPositionalArg : String -> Option String String BeginningOption\nrequiredPositionalArg operandDescription =\n buildOption\n (\\{ usageSpecs, operands, operandsSoFar } ->\n case\n operands\n |> List.Extra.getAt operandsSoFar\n of\n Just operandValue ->\n Ok operandValue\n\n Nothing ->\n Cli.Decode.MatchError (\"Expect operand \" ++ operandDescription ++ \"at \" ++ String.fromInt operandsSoFar ++ \" but had operands \" ++ listToString operands) |> Err\n )\n (UsageSpec.operand operandDescription)\n\n\n{-| -}\noptionalKeywordArg : String -> Option (Maybe String) (Maybe String) BeginningOption\noptionalKeywordArg optionName =\n buildOption\n (\\{ operands, options } ->\n case\n options\n |> List.Extra.find\n (\\(Tokenizer.ParsedOption thisOptionName optionKind) -> thisOptionName == optionName)\n of\n Nothing ->\n Ok Nothing\n\n Just (Tokenizer.ParsedOption _ (Tokenizer.KeywordArg optionArg)) ->\n Ok (Just optionArg)\n\n _ ->\n Cli.Decode.MatchError (\"Expected option \" ++ optionName ++ \" to have arg but found none.\") |> Err\n )\n (UsageSpec.keywordArg optionName Optional)\n\n\n{-| -}\nrequiredKeywordArg : String -> Option String String BeginningOption\nrequiredKeywordArg optionName =\n buildOption\n (\\{ operands, options } ->\n case\n options\n |> List.Extra.find\n (\\(Tokenizer.ParsedOption thisOptionName optionKind) -> thisOptionName == optionName)\n of\n Nothing ->\n Cli.Decode.MatchError (\"Expected to find option \" ++ optionName ++ \" but only found options \" ++ (options |> List.map Tokenizer.parsedOptionToString |> listToString)) |> Err\n\n Just (Tokenizer.ParsedOption _ (Tokenizer.KeywordArg optionArg)) ->\n Ok optionArg\n\n _ ->\n Cli.Decode.MatchError (\"Expected option \" ++ optionName ++ \" to have arg but found none.\") |> Err\n )\n (UsageSpec.keywordArg optionName Required)\n\n\nlistToString : List String -> String\nlistToString list =\n String.concat\n [ \"[\"\n , list |> String.join \", \"\n , \"]\"\n ]\n\n\n{-| -}\nflag : String -> Option Bool Bool BeginningOption\nflag flagName =\n buildOption\n (\\{ options } ->\n if\n options\n |> List.member (Tokenizer.ParsedOption flagName Tokenizer.Flag)\n then\n Ok True\n\n else\n Ok False\n )\n (UsageSpec.flag flagName Optional)\n\n\nbuildOption : DataGrabber a -> UsageSpec -> Option a a builderState\nbuildOption dataGrabber usageSpec =\n Option\n { dataGrabber = dataGrabber\n , usageSpec = usageSpec\n , decoder = Cli.Decode.decoder\n }\n\n\n{-| Transform an `Option`. For example, you may want to map an option from the\nraw `String` that comes from the command line into a `Regex`, as in this code snippet.\n\n import Cli.Option as Option\n import Cli.OptionsParser as OptionsParser\n import Cli.Program as Program\n import Regex exposing (Regex)\n\n type alias CliOptions =\n { pattern : Regex }\n\n programConfig : Program.Config CliOptions\n programConfig =\n Program.config\n |> Program.add\n (OptionsParser.build buildCliOptions\n |> OptionsParser.with\n (Option.requiredPositionalArg \"pattern\"\n |> Option.map Regex.regex\n )\n )\n\n-}\nmap : (toRaw -> toMapped) -> Option from toRaw builderState -> Option from toMapped builderState\nmap mapFn option =\n updateDecoder (\\decoder -> Cli.Decode.map mapFn decoder) option\n\n\nupdateDecoder : (Cli.Decode.Decoder from to -> Cli.Decode.Decoder from toNew) -> Option from to builderState -> Option from toNew builderState\nupdateDecoder mappedDecoder (Option ({ dataGrabber, usageSpec, decoder } as option)) =\n Option\n { dataGrabber = dataGrabber\n , usageSpec = usageSpec\n , decoder = mappedDecoder decoder\n }\n\n\n{-| Useful for using a custom union type for a flag instead of a `Bool`.\n\n import Cli.Option as Option\n import Cli.OptionsParser as OptionsParser\n import Cli.Program as Program\n\n type Verbosity\n = Quiet\n | Verbose\n\n type alias CliOptions =\n { verbosity : Verbosity\n }\n\n programConfig : Program.Config CliOptions\n programConfig =\n Program.config\n |> Program.add\n (OptionsParser.build CliOptions\n |> OptionsParser.with\n (Option.flag \"verbose\"\n |> Option.mapFlag\n { present = Verbose\n , absent = Quiet\n }\n )\n )\n\n-}\nmapFlag : { present : union, absent : union } -> Option from Bool builderState -> Option from union builderState\nmapFlag { present, absent } option =\n option\n |> map\n (\\flagValue ->\n if flagValue then\n present\n\n else\n absent\n )\n\n\ntype alias MutuallyExclusiveValue union =\n ( String, union )\n\n\n{-| Mutually exclusive option values.\n\n type ReportFormat\n = Json\n | Junit\n | Console\n\n type alias CliOptions =\n { reportFormat : ReportFormat\n , testFiles : List String\n }\n\n program : Program.Config CliOptions\n program =\n Program.config\n |> Program.add\n (OptionsParser.build CliOptions\n |> with\n (Option.optionalKeywordArg \"report\"\n |> Option.withDefault \"console\"\n |> Option.oneOf Console\n [ \"json\" => Json\n , \"junit\" => Junit\n , \"console\" => Console\n ]\n )\n |> OptionsParser.withRestArgs (Option.restArgs \"TESTFILES\")\n )\n\nNow when you run it, you get the following in your help text:\n\n```shell\n$ .\/elm-test --help\nelm-test [--report ] ...\n```\n\nAnd if you run it with an unrecognized value, you get a validation error:\n\n```shell\n$ .\/elm-test --report xml\nValidation errors:\n\n`report` failed a validation. Must be one of [json, junit, console]\nValue was:\n\"xml\"\n```\n\n-}\noneOf : value -> List (MutuallyExclusiveValue value) -> Option from String builderState -> Option from value builderState\noneOf default list (Option option) =\n validateMap\n (\\argValue ->\n case\n list\n |> List.Extra.find (\\( name, value ) -> name == argValue)\n |> Maybe.map (\\( name, value ) -> value)\n of\n Nothing ->\n Err\n (\"Must be one of [\"\n ++ (list\n |> List.map (\\( name, value ) -> name)\n |> String.join \", \"\n )\n ++ \"]\"\n )\n\n Just matchingValue ->\n Ok matchingValue\n )\n (Option\n { option\n | usageSpec =\n UsageSpec.changeUsageSpec\n (list\n |> List.map (\\( name, value ) -> name)\n )\n option.usageSpec\n }\n )\n\n\n{-| Transform the value through a map function. If it returns `Ok someValue` then\nthe `Option` will be transformed into `someValue`. If it returns `Err someError`\nthen the User of the Command-Line Interface will see `someError` with details\nabout the `Option` that had the validation error.\n\n(See an example in the Validation section above, or\nin the [`examples`](https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-cli-options-parser\/tree\/master\/examples\/src) folder).\n\n-}\nvalidateMap : (to -> Result String toMapped) -> Option from to builderState -> Option from toMapped builderState\nvalidateMap mapFn ((Option optionRecord) as option) =\n updateDecoder\n (\\decoder ->\n Cli.Decode.mapProcessingError\n (\\value ->\n case mapFn value of\n Ok mappedValue ->\n Ok mappedValue\n\n Err invalidReason ->\n Cli.Decode.UnrecoverableValidationError\n { name = UsageSpec.name optionRecord.usageSpec\n , invalidReason = invalidReason\n }\n |> Err\n )\n decoder\n )\n option\n\n\n{-| Same as `validateMap` if the value is `Just someValue`. Does nothing if\nthe value is `Nothing`.\n\n(See an example in the Validation section above, or\nin the [`examples`](https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-cli-options-parser\/tree\/master\/examples\/src) folder).\n\n-}\nvalidateMapIfPresent : (to -> Result String toMapped) -> Option (Maybe from) (Maybe to) builderState -> Option (Maybe from) (Maybe toMapped) builderState\nvalidateMapIfPresent mapFn ((Option { dataGrabber, usageSpec, decoder }) as cliSpec) =\n validateMap\n (\\thing ->\n case thing of\n Just actualThing ->\n mapFn actualThing\n |> Result.map Just\n\n Nothing ->\n Ok Nothing\n )\n cliSpec\n\n\n{-| Provide a default value for the `Option`.\n-}\nwithDefault : to -> Option from (Maybe to) builderState -> Option from to builderState\nwithDefault defaultValue option =\n updateDecoder\n (\\decoder ->\n Cli.Decode.map\n (Maybe.withDefault defaultValue)\n decoder\n )\n option\n\n\n{-| -}\nkeywordArgList : String -> Option (List String) (List String) BeginningOption\nkeywordArgList flagName =\n buildOption\n (\\{ options } ->\n options\n |> List.filterMap\n (\\(Tokenizer.ParsedOption optionName optionKind) ->\n case ( optionName == flagName, optionKind ) of\n ( False, _ ) ->\n Nothing\n\n ( True, Tokenizer.KeywordArg optionValue ) ->\n Just optionValue\n\n ( True, _ ) ->\n -- TODO this should probably be an error\n Nothing\n )\n |> Ok\n )\n (UsageSpec.keywordArg flagName ZeroOrMore)\n\n\n{-| Note that this must be used with `OptionsParser.withOptionalPositionalArg`.\n-}\noptionalPositionalArg : String -> Option (Maybe String) (Maybe String) OptionalPositionalArgOption\noptionalPositionalArg operandDescription =\n buildOption\n (\\flagsAndOperands ->\n let\n operandsSoFar : Int\n operandsSoFar =\n UsageSpec.operandCount flagsAndOperands.usageSpecs\n - 1\n\n maybeArg : Maybe String\n maybeArg =\n flagsAndOperands.operands\n |> List.Extra.getAt operandsSoFar\n in\n Ok maybeArg\n )\n (UsageSpec.optionalPositionalArg operandDescription)\n\n\n{-| Note that this must be used with `OptionsParser.withRestArgs`.\n-}\nrestArgs : String -> Option (List String) (List String) RestArgsOption\nrestArgs restArgsDescription =\n buildOption\n (\\{ operands, usageSpecs } ->\n operands\n |> List.drop (UsageSpec.operandCount usageSpecs)\n |> Ok\n )\n (UsageSpec.restArgs restArgsDescription)\n","avg_line_length":30.3158783784,"max_line_length":193,"alphanum_fraction":0.5724076447} +{"size":6882,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Game.TwoD.Shaders exposing (..)\n\n{-|\n\n\n# Standard shaders for WebGL rendering.\n\nYou don't need this module,\nunless you want to write your own vertex or fragment shader\nand a shader from here already provides one half.\n\nOr if you're using WebGL directly.\n\n\n## Vertex shaders\n\n@docs vertColoredShape, vertTexturedRect, vertParallaxScroll\n\n\n## Fragment shaders\n\n@docs fragTextured, fragAnimTextured, fragManualAnimTextured, fragUniColor, fragUniColorCircle, fragUniColorRing\n\n---\n\n\n### useful helper functions\n\n@docs colorToRGBAVector, colorToRGBVector, makeTransform\n\n-}\n\nimport WebGL exposing (Shader, Texture)\nimport Color exposing (Color)\nimport Game.TwoD.Shapes exposing (Vertex)\nimport Math.Matrix4 as M4 exposing (Mat4)\nimport Math.Vector2 as V2 exposing (Vec2)\nimport Math.Vector3 as V3 exposing (Vec3, vec3)\nimport Math.Vector4 exposing (Vec4, vec4)\nimport Game.Helpers exposing (..)\n\n\n{-| Creates a transformation matrix usually used in the fragment shader.\n\n makeTransform ( x, y, z ) rotation ( w, h ) ( px, py )\n\n-}\nmakeTransform : Float3 -> Float -> Float2 -> Float2 -> Mat4\nmakeTransform ( x, y, z ) rotation ( w, h ) ( px, py ) =\n let\n trans =\n M4.makeTranslate (vec3 x y z)\n\n rot =\n M4.makeRotate rotation (vec3 0 0 1)\n\n scale =\n M4.makeScale (vec3 w h 1)\n\n pivot =\n M4.makeTranslate (vec3 -px -py 0)\n in\n (M4.mul (M4.mul (M4.mul trans rot) scale) pivot)\n\n\n{-| -}\ncolorToRGBVector : Color -> Vec3\ncolorToRGBVector color =\n case Color.toRgb color of\n { red, green, blue } ->\n vec3 (toFloat red \/ 256) (toFloat green \/ 256) (toFloat blue \/ 256)\n\n\n{-| -}\ncolorToRGBAVector : Color -> Vec4\ncolorToRGBAVector color =\n case Color.toRgb color of\n { red, green, blue, alpha } ->\n vec4 (toFloat red \/ 256) (toFloat green \/ 256) (toFloat blue \/ 256) (alpha \/ 256)\n\n\n{-| A simple shader that passes the texture coordinates along for the fragment shader.\nCan be generally used if the fragment shader needs to display texture(s).\n-}\nvertTexturedRect : Shader Vertex { u | transform : Mat4, cameraProj : Mat4 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nvertTexturedRect =\n [glsl|\nattribute vec2 position;\n\nuniform mat4 transform;\nuniform mat4 cameraProj;\n\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\nvoid main () {\n vec4 pos = cameraProj*transform*vec4(position, 0, 1);\n gl_Position = pos;\n vcoord = position.xy;\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| Display a tiled texture.\nTileWH specifies how many times the texture should be tiled.\n-}\nfragTextured : Shader {} { u | texture : Texture, tileWH : Vec2 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragTextured =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform vec2 tileWH;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main () {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vcoord*tileWH);\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| A shader to render spritesheet animations.\nIt assumes that the animation frames are in one horizontal line\n-}\nfragAnimTextured : Shader {} { u | texture : Texture, bottomLeft : Vec2, topRight : Vec2, numberOfFrames : Int, duration : Float, time : Float } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragAnimTextured =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform vec2 bottomLeft;\nuniform vec2 topRight;\nuniform int numberOfFrames;\nuniform float duration;\nuniform float time;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main () {\n float n = float(numberOfFrames);\n float framePos = floor((mod(time, duration) \/ duration) * n );\n vec2 stripSize = topRight - bottomLeft;\n vec2 frameSize = vec2(stripSize.x \/ n, stripSize.y);\n vec2 texCoord = bottomLeft + vec2(frameSize.x * framePos, 0) + vcoord * frameSize;\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, texCoord.xy);\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| Same as the shader above, but controlled via frame number instead of time\n-}\nfragManualAnimTextured : Shader {} { u | texture : Texture, bottomLeft : Vec2, topRight : Vec2, numberOfFrames : Int, currentFrame : Int } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragManualAnimTextured =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nuniform vec2 bottomLeft;\nuniform vec2 topRight;\nuniform int numberOfFrames;\nuniform int currentFrame;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main () {\n float n = float(numberOfFrames);\n float framePos = float(currentFrame);\n vec2 stripSize = topRight - bottomLeft;\n vec2 frameSize = vec2(stripSize.x \/ n, stripSize.y);\n vec2 texCoord = bottomLeft + vec2(frameSize.x * framePos, 0) + vcoord * frameSize;\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, texCoord.xy);\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| The most basic shader, renders a basic shape.\nSince it doesn't even pass along the texture coordinates,\nit's only use is to create a colored shape.\n-}\nvertColoredShape : Shader Vertex { a | transform : Mat4, cameraProj : Mat4 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nvertColoredShape =\n [glsl|\nattribute vec2 position;\n\nuniform mat4 transform;\nuniform mat4 cameraProj;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = cameraProj*transform*vec4(position, 0, 1);\n vcoord = position.xy;\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| A very simple shader, coloring the whole area in a single color\n-}\nfragUniColor : Shader {} { u | color : Vec3 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragUniColor =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform vec3 color;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main() {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1);\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| A fragment Shader for rendering a single colored circle\n-}\nfragUniColorCircle : Shader {} { u | color : Vec3 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragUniColorCircle =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform vec3 color;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main () {\n float dist = length(vec2(0.5, 0.5) - vcoord);\n\n float alpha = smoothstep(0.5 - 0.01, 0.5, dist);\n vec4 color = vec4(color, 1.0 - alpha);\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| A fragment Shader for rendering a transparent circle with a colored border\n-}\nfragUniColorRing : Shader {} { u | color : Vec3 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nfragUniColorRing =\n [glsl|\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform vec3 color;\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main () {\n float dist = length(vec2(0.5, 0.5) - vcoord);\n\n float alpha = smoothstep(0.5, 0.5 - 0.01, dist) * smoothstep(0.49 - 0.01, 0.49, dist);\n vec4 color = vec4(color, alpha);\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n|]\n\n\n{-| A shader that scrolls it's texture when the camera moves, but at not at the same speed.\nGood for background images.\n-}\nvertParallaxScroll : Shader Vertex { u | cameraPos : Vec2, cameraSize : Vec2, scrollSpeed : Vec2, z : Float, offset : Vec2 } { vcoord : Vec2 }\nvertParallaxScroll =\n [glsl|\nattribute vec2 position;\n\nuniform vec2 cameraPos;\nuniform vec2 cameraSize;\nuniform vec2 scrollSpeed;\nuniform vec2 offset;\nuniform float z;\n\nvarying vec2 vcoord;\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vcoord =\n (position - vec2(0.5, 0.5)) \/\/ offset to middle of texture\n * normalize(cameraSize) \/\/ scale to keep aspect ratio\n - offset \/\/ apply offset\n + cameraPos * 0.05 * scrollSpeed;\n\n gl_Position = vec4(position*2.0 - vec2(1.0, 1.0), -z, 1);\n}\n|]\n","avg_line_length":24.2323943662,"max_line_length":162,"alphanum_fraction":0.6891891892} +{"size":1751,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"port module Main exposing (..)\n\nimport Browser\nimport Browser.Dom as Dom\nimport Persistent\nimport Html exposing (..)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (..)\nimport Html.Events exposing (..)\n\nport setPersistentState : Persistent.Model -> Cmd msg\n \ninit : Maybe Persistent.Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\ninit maybePersistentModel =\n ( emptyModel (Persistent.withDefault maybePersistentModel)\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\nmain : Program (Maybe Persistent.Model) Model Msg\nmain =\n Browser.document\n { init = init\n , view = \\model -> { title = \"Elm Partial Persistence Sample Reset\", body = [view model] }\n , update = Persistent.wrapUpdate update extractPersistentModel setPersistentState\n , subscriptions = \\_ -> Sub.none\n }\n\ntype alias Model =\n { persistent : Persistent.Model\n }\n\nemptyModel : Persistent.Model -> Model\nemptyModel pm =\n { persistent = pm\n }\nextractPersistentModel : Model -> Persistent.Model\nextractPersistentModel m =\n m.persistent\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n NoOp ->\n (model, Cmd.none)\n ResetPersistent ->\n ( {model | persistent = (Persistent.withDefault Nothing)}\n , Cmd.none\n )\n \ntype Msg\n = NoOp\n | ResetPersistent\n \nview : Model -> Html Msg\nview model =\n div []\n [ div []\n [ text \"Temporary counter is reset. Persistent counter is \"\n , text (String.fromInt model.persistent.counter)\n , button [onClick ResetPersistent] [text \"Reset Persistent\"]\n ]\n , div []\n [ a [ href \"index.html\" ]\n [ text \"Done\"\n ]\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":26.1343283582,"max_line_length":98,"alphanum_fraction":0.5893774986} +{"size":298,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":10.0,"content":"module Prima.Pyxis.Table.Examples.Update exposing (update)\n\nimport Prima.Pyxis.Table.Examples.Model exposing (Model, Msg(..))\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n SortBy tableState ->\n ( { model | tableState = tableState }, Cmd.none )\n","avg_line_length":27.0909090909,"max_line_length":65,"alphanum_fraction":0.6543624161} +{"size":2084,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":453.0,"content":"module Analyser.CodeBase exposing (CodeBase, addSourceFiles, dependencies, getFile, init, mergeLoadedSourceFiles, processContext, setDependencies, sourceFiles)\n\nimport Analyser.Files.Types exposing (LoadedSourceFile)\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Elm.Dependency exposing (Dependency)\nimport Elm.Processing as Processing exposing (ProcessContext)\n\n\ntype CodeBase\n = CodeBase\n { dependencies : List Dependency\n , sources : Dict String LoadedSourceFile\n , processContext : ProcessContext\n }\n\n\ninit : CodeBase\ninit =\n CodeBase\n { dependencies = []\n , sources = Dict.empty\n , processContext = Processing.init\n }\n\n\nprocessContext : CodeBase -> ProcessContext\nprocessContext (CodeBase codeBase) =\n codeBase.processContext\n\n\ndependencies : CodeBase -> List Dependency\ndependencies (CodeBase codeBase) =\n codeBase.dependencies\n\n\nsetDependencies : List Dependency -> CodeBase -> CodeBase\nsetDependencies deps (CodeBase codeBase) =\n CodeBase\n { codeBase\n | dependencies = deps\n , processContext = List.foldl Processing.addDependency codeBase.processContext deps\n }\n\n\nsourceFiles : CodeBase -> List LoadedSourceFile\nsourceFiles (CodeBase codeBase) =\n Dict.values codeBase.sources\n\n\naddSourceFiles : List LoadedSourceFile -> CodeBase -> CodeBase\naddSourceFiles sources (CodeBase codeBase) =\n CodeBase\n { codeBase\n | sources = mergeLoadedSourceFiles sources codeBase.sources\n , processContext =\n List.foldl Processing.addFile\n codeBase.processContext\n (List.filterMap (Tuple.second >> Result.toMaybe) sources)\n }\n\n\nmergeLoadedSourceFiles : List LoadedSourceFile -> Dict String LoadedSourceFile -> Dict String LoadedSourceFile\nmergeLoadedSourceFiles newItems dict =\n List.foldl (\\sourceFile -> Dict.insert (Tuple.first sourceFile).path sourceFile) dict newItems\n\n\ngetFile : String -> CodeBase -> Maybe LoadedSourceFile\ngetFile path (CodeBase codeBase) =\n Dict.get path codeBase.sources\n","avg_line_length":29.7714285714,"max_line_length":159,"alphanum_fraction":0.7135316699} +{"size":1138,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Eth.RPC exposing\n ( RpcRequest, toTask\n , encode, toHttpBody\n )\n\n{-| Json RPC Helpers\n\n@docs RpcRequest, toTask\n\n\n# Low Level\n\n@docs encode, toHttpBody\n\n-}\n\nimport Http\nimport Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)\nimport Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value, int, list, object, string)\nimport Task exposing (Task)\n\n\njsonRPCVersion : String\njsonRPCVersion =\n \"2.0\"\n\n\n{-| -}\ntype alias RpcRequest a =\n { url : String\n , method : String\n , params : List Value\n , decoder : Decoder a\n }\n\n\n{-| -}\ntoTask : RpcRequest a -> Task Http.Error a\ntoTask { url, method, params, decoder } =\n Http.post url (toHttpBody 1 method params) (Decode.field \"result\" decoder)\n |> Http.toTask\n\n\n\n-- Low Level\n\n\n{-| -}\ntoHttpBody : Int -> String -> List Value -> Http.Body\ntoHttpBody id method params =\n encode id method params\n |> Http.jsonBody\n\n\n{-| -}\nencode : Int -> String -> List Value -> Value\nencode id method params =\n object\n [ ( \"id\", int id )\n , ( \"jsonrpc\", string jsonRPCVersion )\n , ( \"method\", string method )\n , ( \"params\", list identity params )\n ]\n","avg_line_length":17.78125,"max_line_length":78,"alphanum_fraction":0.6203866432} +{"size":2149,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":119.0,"content":"module Charts.Dashboard3 exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)\n\nimport Html as H\nimport Html.Attributes as HA\nimport Html.Events as HE\nimport Svg as S exposing (Svg, svg, g, circle, text_, text)\nimport Svg.Attributes as SA exposing (width, height, stroke, fill, r, transform)\nimport Browser\nimport Time\n\nimport Dict\nimport Time\n\nimport Chart as C\nimport Chart.Attributes as CA\nimport Chart.Events as CE\nimport Chart.Item as CI\nimport Chart.Svg as CS\n\nimport Element as E\nimport Element.Font as F\nimport Element.Border as B\nimport Element.Background as BG\n\nimport Chart.Events\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n { hovering : List (CI.One Datum CI.Dot)\n }\n\n\ninit : Model\ninit =\n { hovering = []\n }\n\n\ntype Msg\n = OnHover (List (CI.One Datum CI.Dot))\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> Model\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n OnHover hovering ->\n { model | hovering = hovering }\n\n\nview : Model -> H.Html Msg\nview model =\n C.chart\n [ CA.height 135\n , CA.width 225\n , CA.margin { top = 0, bottom = 18, left = 0, right = 0 }\n , CA.padding { top = 10, bottom = 0, left = 8, right = 0 }\n , CE.onMouseMove OnHover (CE.getNearestX CI.dots)\n , CE.onMouseLeave (OnHover [])\n ]\n [ C.xLabels [ CA.times Time.utc, CA.uppercase, CA.fontSize 9, CA.amount 10 ]\n\n , C.each model.hovering <| \\p dot ->\n [ C.line [ CA.x1 (CI.getX dot), CA.width 2, CA.dashed [ 5, 5 ] ] ]\n\n , C.series .x\n [ C.interpolatedMaybe .y\n [ CA.linear, CA.color CA.blue, CA.width 1.5, CA.opacity 0.4, CA.gradient [ CA.blue, \"white\" ] ]\n [ CA.diamond, CA.color \"white\", CA.borderWidth 1.5, CA.size 8 ]\n |> C.amongst model.hovering (\\_ -> [ CA.size 14 ])\n ]\n lineData\n ]\n\n\ntype alias Datum =\n { x : Float\n , y : Maybe Float\n }\n\n\nlineData : List Datum\nlineData =\n [ Datum 1612137600000 (Just 80)\n , Datum 1614556800000 (Just 97)\n , Datum 1617235200000 (Just 65)\n , Datum 1617235200001 Nothing\n , Datum 1619827200000 (Just 72)\n , Datum 1622505600000 (Just 56)\n , Datum 1625097600000 (Just 82)\n , Datum 1627776000000 (Just 94)\n , Datum 1630454400000 (Just 76)\n , Datum 1633046400000 (Just 83)\n ]\n\n","avg_line_length":22.6210526316,"max_line_length":107,"alphanum_fraction":0.6435551419} +{"size":203,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":15.0,"content":"specifyFunction2 listRevTailcall\n [ ([], [], [])\n , ([], [0], [0])\n , ([], [1], [1])\n , ([], [1, 0], [1, 0])\n , ([0], [], [0])\n , ([1], [], [1])\n , ([1], [0], [1, 0])\n , ([0, 1], [], [1, 0])\n ]\n","avg_line_length":18.4545454545,"max_line_length":32,"alphanum_fraction":0.2512315271} +{"size":712,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Main exposing (..)\n\nimport Commands exposing (fetchPlayers)\nimport Models exposing (Model, initialModel)\nimport Msgs exposing (Msg)\nimport Navigation exposing (Location)\nimport Routing\nimport Update exposing (update)\nimport View exposing (view)\n\n\ninit : Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\ninit location =\n let\n currentRoute =\n Routing.parseLocation location\n in\n ( initialModel currentRoute, fetchPlayers )\n\n\nsubscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg\nsubscriptions model =\n Sub.none\n\n\nmain : Program Never Model Msg\nmain =\n Navigation.program Msgs.OnLocationChange\n { init = init\n , view = view\n , update = update\n , subscriptions = subscriptions\n }\n","avg_line_length":20.9411764706,"max_line_length":47,"alphanum_fraction":0.683988764} +{"size":2637,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":135.0,"content":"module TestDomNode exposing (..)\n\nimport Array\nimport Expect\nimport RichText.Internal.DomNode exposing (DomNode(..), domElementNodeType, domTextNodeType, findTextChanges)\nimport RichText.Model.HtmlNode exposing (HtmlNode(..))\nimport Test exposing (Test, describe, test)\n\n\npHtmlNode =\n ElementNode \"p\" [] <| Array.fromList [ TextNode \"sample\" ]\n\n\npHtmlNodeDifferentText =\n ElementNode \"p\" [] <| Array.fromList [ TextNode \"sample2\" ]\n\n\npWithImgHtmlNode =\n ElementNode \"p\" [] <| Array.fromList [ ElementNode \"img\" [] Array.empty, TextNode \"sample\" ]\n\n\ndivHtmlNode =\n ElementNode \"div\" [] <| Array.fromList [ TextNode \"sample\" ]\n\n\npWithImgDomNode =\n DomNode\n { nodeValue = Nothing\n , nodeType = domElementNodeType\n , childNodes =\n Just <|\n Array.fromList\n [ DomNode { nodeValue = Nothing, nodeType = domElementNodeType, childNodes = Just Array.empty, tagName = Just \"IMG\" }\n , DomNode { nodeValue = Just \"sample\", nodeType = domTextNodeType, childNodes = Nothing, tagName = Nothing }\n ]\n , tagName = Just \"P\"\n }\n\n\npDomNode =\n DomNode\n { nodeValue = Nothing\n , nodeType = domElementNodeType\n , childNodes =\n Just <|\n Array.fromList\n [ DomNode { nodeValue = Just \"sample\", nodeType = domTextNodeType, childNodes = Nothing, tagName = Nothing }\n ]\n , tagName = Just \"P\"\n }\n\n\ntestFindTextChanges : Test\ntestFindTextChanges =\n describe \"Tests the function which finds any text changes between the HtmlNode representation and the actual DOM representation\"\n [ test \"Test the same structure returns the no text change\" <|\n \\_ ->\n Expect.equal (Ok []) (findTextChanges pHtmlNode pDomNode)\n , test \"Different type of node results in Error\" <|\n \\_ ->\n Expect.equal (Err \"Dom node's tag was P, but I was expecting div\") (findTextChanges divHtmlNode pDomNode)\n , test \"Extra html node results in Error\" <|\n \\_ ->\n Expect.equal (Err \"Dom node's children length was 1, but I was expecting 2\") (findTextChanges pWithImgHtmlNode pDomNode)\n , test \"Extra dom node results in Error\" <|\n \\_ ->\n Expect.equal (Err \"Dom node's children length was 2, but I was expecting 1\") (findTextChanges pHtmlNode pWithImgDomNode)\n , test \"Finds text changes\" <|\n \\_ ->\n Expect.equal (Ok [ ( [ 0 ], \"sample\" ) ]) (findTextChanges pHtmlNodeDifferentText pDomNode)\n ]\n","avg_line_length":36.625,"max_line_length":137,"alphanum_fraction":0.6097838453} +{"size":1105,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":97.0,"content":"module Api.Http.Token exposing (revokeGistToken)\n\nimport Api.Http.Request as HttpRequest\nimport Api.RequestError as RequestError exposing (RequestError)\nimport Env\nimport Http\nimport Json.Encode as E\nimport Models.IdToken as IdToken exposing (IdToken)\nimport Platform exposing (Task)\nimport Task\n\n\naccessTokenRequestEncorder : String -> E.Value\naccessTokenRequestEncorder accessToken =\n E.object\n [ ( \"access_token\", E.string accessToken )\n ]\n\n\nrevokeGistToken : Maybe IdToken -> String -> Task RequestError ()\nrevokeGistToken idToken accessToken =\n HttpRequest.delete\n { url = Env.apiRoot\n , path = [ \"api\", \"v1\", \"token\", \"gist\", \"revoke\" ]\n , query = []\n , headers = headers idToken\n }\n (Http.jsonBody <| accessTokenRequestEncorder accessToken)\n HttpRequest.emptyResolver\n |> Task.mapError RequestError.fromHttpError\n\n\nheaders : Maybe IdToken -> List Http.Header\nheaders idToken =\n case idToken of\n Just token ->\n [ Http.header \"Authorization\" <| IdToken.unwrap token ]\n\n Nothing ->\n []\n","avg_line_length":26.9512195122,"max_line_length":67,"alphanum_fraction":0.6760180995} +{"size":4460,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Page.Register exposing (..)\n\nimport EndPoint as EP\nimport Html exposing (..)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (class)\nimport Html.Events exposing (onClick)\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\nimport Page as P\nimport Util as U\n\n\n\n-- MODEL\n\n\ntype alias Mdl =\n { req : Req\n , confirmation : String\n , msg : String\n }\n\n\ntype alias Req =\n { key : String\n , email : String\n , password : String\n , reset_pw : Bool\n }\n\n\ninit : String -> Bool -> ( Mdl, Cmd Msg )\ninit email reset_pw =\n ( { req = { key = \"\", email = email, password = \"\", reset_pw = reset_pw }\n , confirmation = \"\"\n , msg = \"\"\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n\n\n-- UPDATE\n\n\ntype Msg\n = Goto P.Page\n | FromU FromU\n | FromS FromS\n\n\ntype FromU\n = RegisterMe\n | EditKey String\n | EditPassWord String\n | EditConfirmation String\n\n\ntype FromS\n = RegisteredYou (U.HttpResult ())\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Mdl -> ( Mdl, Cmd Msg )\nupdate msg mdl =\n case msg of\n FromU fromU ->\n case fromU of\n RegisterMe ->\n case faultOf mdl of\n Just fault ->\n ( { mdl | msg = fault }, Cmd.none )\n\n _ ->\n ( mdl, registerMe mdl.req )\n\n EditKey s ->\n let\n req =\n mdl.req\n\n newReq =\n { req | key = s }\n in\n ( { mdl | req = newReq }, Cmd.none )\n\n EditPassWord s ->\n let\n req =\n mdl.req\n\n newReq =\n { req | password = s }\n in\n ( { mdl | req = newReq }, Cmd.none )\n\n EditConfirmation s ->\n ( { mdl | confirmation = s }, Cmd.none )\n\n FromS fromS ->\n case fromS of\n RegisteredYou (Err e) ->\n ( { mdl | msg = U.strHttpError e }, Cmd.none )\n\n RegisteredYou (Ok _) ->\n ( mdl, U.cmd Goto P.LP )\n\n _ ->\n ( mdl, Cmd.none )\n\n\nfaultOf : Mdl -> Maybe String\nfaultOf mdl =\n if String.length mdl.req.key \/= 36 then\n Just\n (\"Enter the \"\n ++ (if mdl.req.reset_pw then\n \"reset\"\n\n else\n \"register\"\n )\n ++ \" key correctly\"\n )\n\n else if String.length mdl.req.password < 8 then\n Just \"Password should be at least 8 length\"\n\n else if mdl.req.password \/= mdl.confirmation then\n Just \"Password mismatched\"\n\n else\n Nothing\n\n\nregisterMe : Req -> Cmd Msg\nregisterMe req =\n U.post_ EP.Register (encReq req) (FromS << RegisteredYou)\n\n\nencReq : Req -> Encode.Value\nencReq req =\n Encode.object\n [ ( \"key\", Encode.string req.key )\n , ( \"email\", Encode.string req.email )\n , ( \"password\", Encode.string req.password )\n , ( \"reset_pw\", Encode.bool req.reset_pw )\n ]\n\n\n\n-- VIEW\n\n\nview : Mdl -> Html Msg\nview mdl =\n Html.map FromU <|\n div []\n [ div [ class \"title\" ]\n [ text\n (if mdl.req.reset_pw then\n \"Reset Password\"\n\n else\n \"Register\"\n )\n ]\n , div []\n [ U.input \"password\"\n (if mdl.req.reset_pw then\n \"Reset Key\"\n\n else\n \"Register Key\"\n )\n mdl.req.key\n EditKey\n ]\n , div [] [ U.input \"password\" \"New Password\" mdl.req.password EditPassWord ]\n , div [] [ U.input \"password\" \"Confirmation\" mdl.confirmation EditConfirmation ]\n , div []\n [ button [ onClick RegisterMe ]\n [ text\n (if mdl.req.reset_pw then\n \"Reset Password\"\n\n else\n \"Register\"\n )\n ]\n ]\n , div [] [ text mdl.msg ]\n ]\n\n\n\n-- SUBSCRIPTIONS\n\n\nsubscriptions : Mdl -> Sub Msg\nsubscriptions mdl =\n Sub.none\n\n\n\n-- HELPER\n","avg_line_length":21.756097561,"max_line_length":92,"alphanum_fraction":0.4177130045} +{"size":5298,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Material.Switch exposing\n ( switch\n , Config, config\n , setOnChange\n , setChecked\n , setDisabled\n , setAttributes\n )\n\n{-| Switches toggle the state of a single setting on or off. They are the\npreferred way to adjust settings on mobile.\n\n\n# Table of Contents\n\n - [Resources](#resources)\n - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)\n - [Configuration](#configuration)\n - [Configuration Options](#configuration-options)\n - [Switch](#switch)\n - [On Switch](#on-switch)\n - [Disabled Switch](#disabled-switch)\n\n\n# Resources\n\n - [Demo: Switches](https:\/\/aforemny.github.io\/material-components-web-elm\/#switch)\n - [Material Design Guidelines: Selection Controls \u2013 Switches](https:\/\/material.io\/go\/design-switches)\n - [MDC Web: Switch](https:\/\/github.com\/material-components\/material-components-web\/tree\/master\/packages\/mdc-switch)\n - [Sass Mixins (MDC Web)](https:\/\/github.com\/material-components\/material-components-web\/tree\/master\/packages\/mdc-switch#sass-mixins)\n\n\n# Basic Usage\n\nNote that switches are usually used in conjunction with [form\nfields](Material-FormField).\n\n import Material.Switch as Switch\n\n type Msg\n = Changed\n\n main =\n Switch.switch\n (Switch.config\n |> Switch.setChecked True\n |> Switch.setOnChange Changed\n )\n\n\n# Switch\n\n@docs switch\n\n\n# Configuration\n\n@docs Config, config\n\n\n## Configuration Options\n\n@docs setOnChange\n@docs setChecked\n@docs setDisabled\n@docs setAttributes\n\n\n# On Switch\n\nTo set the state of a switch to on, set its `setChecked` configuration option\nto `True`.\n\n Switch.switch (Switch.config |> Switch.setChecked True)\n\n\n# Disabled Switch\n\nTo disable a switch, set its `setDisabled` configuration option to `True`.\n\nDisabled switches cannot be interacted with and have no visual interaction\neffect.\n\n Switch.switch (Switch.config |> Switch.setDisabled True)\n\n-}\n\nimport Html exposing (Html)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (class)\nimport Html.Events\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\n\n\n{-| Configuration of a switch\n-}\ntype Config msg\n = Config\n { checked : Bool\n , disabled : Bool\n , additionalAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)\n , onChange : Maybe msg\n }\n\n\n{-| Default configuration of a switch\n-}\nconfig : Config msg\nconfig =\n Config\n { checked = False\n , disabled = False\n , additionalAttributes = []\n , onChange = Nothing\n }\n\n\n{-| Specify whether a switch is checked\n-}\nsetChecked : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetChecked checked (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | checked = checked }\n\n\n{-| Specify whether a switch is disabled\n\nDisabled switches cannot be interacted with and have no visual interaction\neffect.\n\n-}\nsetDisabled : Bool -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetDisabled disabled (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | disabled = disabled }\n\n\n{-| Specify additional attributes\n-}\nsetAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetAttributes additionalAttributes (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | additionalAttributes = additionalAttributes }\n\n\n{-| Specify a message when the user changes a switch\n-}\nsetOnChange : msg -> Config msg -> Config msg\nsetOnChange onChange (Config config_) =\n Config { config_ | onChange = Just onChange }\n\n\n{-| Switch view function\n-}\nswitch : Config msg -> Html msg\nswitch ((Config { additionalAttributes }) as config_) =\n Html.node \"mdc-switch\"\n (List.filterMap identity\n [ rootCs\n , checkedProp config_\n , disabledProp config_\n ]\n ++ additionalAttributes\n )\n [ trackElt\n , thumbUnderlayElt config_\n ]\n\n\nrootCs : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nrootCs =\n Just (class \"mdc-switch\")\n\n\ncheckedProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ncheckedProp (Config { checked }) =\n Just (Html.Attributes.property \"checked\" (Encode.bool checked))\n\n\ndisabledProp : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ndisabledProp (Config { disabled }) =\n Just (Html.Attributes.property \"disabled\" (Encode.bool disabled))\n\n\nnativeControlCs : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nnativeControlCs =\n Just (class \"mdc-switch__native-control\")\n\n\nswitchRoleAttr : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nswitchRoleAttr =\n Just (Html.Attributes.attribute \"role\" \"switch\")\n\n\ncheckboxTypeAttr : Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\ncheckboxTypeAttr =\n Just (Html.Attributes.type_ \"checkbox\")\n\n\nchangeHandler : Config msg -> Maybe (Html.Attribute msg)\nchangeHandler (Config { onChange }) =\n Maybe.map (Html.Events.on \"change\" << Decode.succeed) onChange\n\n\ntrackElt : Html msg\ntrackElt =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-switch__track\" ] []\n\n\nthumbUnderlayElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nthumbUnderlayElt config_ =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-switch__thumb-underlay\" ] [ thumbElt config_ ]\n\n\nthumbElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nthumbElt config_ =\n Html.div [ class \"mdc-switch__thumb\" ] [ nativeControlElt config_ ]\n\n\nnativeControlElt : Config msg -> Html msg\nnativeControlElt config_ =\n Html.input\n (List.filterMap identity\n [ nativeControlCs\n , checkboxTypeAttr\n , switchRoleAttr\n , checkedProp config_\n , changeHandler config_\n ]\n )\n []\n","avg_line_length":23.135371179,"max_line_length":135,"alphanum_fraction":0.6804454511} +{"size":9874,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":2.0,"content":"module Phonecat where\n\nimport Color\nimport Dict\nimport Graphics.Element (..)\nimport Graphics.Input as Input\nimport Graphics.Input.Field as Field\nimport Http\nimport Json.Decode as D\nimport Json.Decode ((:=))\nimport List\nimport Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing))\nimport Maybe\nimport Result (Result(Err, Ok))\nimport Regex\nimport Signal\nimport Signal ((<~), (~), Signal)\nimport String\nimport Text\n\ntype alias Phone =\n {\n age:Float\n , id:String\n , imageUrl:String\n , name:String\n , snippet:String\n }\n\ntype alias Camera = {features: List String, primary: String}\ntype alias Display = {screenResolution:String, screenSize:String, touchScreen:Bool}\ntype alias Hardware = {accelerometer:Bool, audioJack:String, cpu:String, fmRadio:Bool, physicalKeyboard:Bool, usb:String}\n\ntype alias PhoneData = {\n availability: List String\n , camera: Camera\n , description: String\n , display: Display\n , hardware: Hardware\n , id: String\n , images: List String\n , name: String\n\n -- Elm supports upto only Json.Decode.object8\n -- In this example, omit following fields\n\n -- , additionalFeatures: String\n -- , android: {os:String, ui:String}\n -- , battery: Dict.Dict String String\n -- , connectivity: {bluetooth:String, cell:String, gps: Bool, infrared: Bool, wifi:String}\n -- , sizeAndWeight: {dimensions:List String, weight:String}\n -- , storage: {flash:String, ram:String}\n}\n\n\ntype alias Location =\n {\n hash:String\n , host:String\n , hostname:String\n , href:String\n , pathname:String\n , port_:String\n , protocol:String\n , search:String\n }\n\nport location : Signal Location\n\nphoneDecoder : D.Decoder Phone\nphoneDecoder = D.object5 Phone\n (\"age\" := D.float)\n (\"id\" := D.string)\n (\"imageUrl\" := D.string)\n (\"name\" := D.string)\n (\"snippet\" := D.string)\n\nphonesApi : Signal (Http.Response (Result String (List Phone)))\nphonesApi =\n (\\r ->\n case r of\n Http.Success s -> Http.Success (D.decodeString (D.list phoneDecoder) s)\n Http.Failure code text -> Http.Failure code text\n Http.Waiting -> Http.Waiting\n ) <~ (Http.sendGet <| Signal.constant \"phones\/phones.json\")\n\nphoneDataDecoder : D.Decoder PhoneData\nphoneDataDecoder =\n D.object8\n PhoneData\n (\"availability\":= (D.list D.string))\n (\"camera\":= (\n D.object2\n Camera\n (\"features\" := (D.list D.string))\n (\"primary\" := D.string)\n ))\n (\"description\":= D.string)\n (\"display\":= (\n D.object3\n Display\n (\"screenResolution\" := D.string)\n (\"screenSize\" := D.string)\n (\"touchScreen\" := D.bool)\n ))\n (\"hardware\":= (\n D.object6\n Hardware\n (\"accelerometer\":= D.bool)\n (\"audioJack\" := D.string)\n (\"cpu\" := D.string)\n (\"fmRadio\" := D.bool)\n (\"physicalKeyboard\" := D.bool)\n (\"usb\" := D.string)\n ))\n (\"id\":= D.string)\n (\"images\":= (D.list D.string))\n (\"name\":= D.string)\n\n -- Elm supports upto only Json.Decode.object8\n -- In this example, omit following fields\n\n -- (\"additionalFeatures\":= D.string)\n -- (\"android\":= (\n -- D.object2\n -- (\"os\" := D.string)\n -- (\"ui\" := D.string)\n -- ))\n -- (\"battery\":= (D.dict D.float))\n -- (\"connectivity\":= (\n -- D.object5\n -- (\"bluetooth\" := D.string)\n -- (\"cell\" := D.string)\n -- (\"gps\" := D.bool)\n -- (\"infrared\" := D.bool)\n -- (\"wifi\" := D.string)\n -- ))\n -- (\"sizeAndWeight\":= (\n -- D.object2\n -- (\"dimensions\" := D.list D.string)\n -- (\"weight\" := D.string)\n -- ))\n -- (\"storage\" := (\n -- D.object2\n -- (\"flash\" := D.string)\n -- (\"ram\" := D.string)\n -- ))\n\nquery : Signal.Channel Field.Content\nquery = Signal.channel Field.noContent\n\norder : Signal.Channel (List Phone -> List Phone)\norder = Signal.channel identity\n\nimageSelection : Signal.Channel String\nimageSelection = Signal.channel \"\"\n\norderOptions : List (String, (List Phone -> List Phone))\norderOptions = [\n (\"Alphabetical\", (List.sortBy .age))\n , (\"Newest\", (List.sortBy .name))\n ]\n\ntype Route\n = PhoneRoute (\n Http.Response (Result String PhoneData)\n , String\n )\n | IndexRoute (\n Field.Content\n , (List Phone -> List Phone)\n , (Http.Response (Result String (List Phone)))\n )\n\nmain : Signal Element\nmain =\n (\\route ->\n case route of\n PhoneRoute (phoneDataResp, selectedImage) -> phoneScene phoneDataResp selectedImage\n IndexRoute (q, sortPhones, phonesResp) -> indexScene q sortPhones phonesResp\n ) <~ route\n\n\nphoneDataApi : Signal (Maybe String) -> Signal (Http.Response (Result String PhoneData))\nphoneDataApi maybeIdSignal =\n let\n urlSignal = (Maybe.withDefault \"\" << Maybe.map (\\id -> \"phones\/\" ++ id ++ \".json\")) <~ maybeIdSignal\n in\n (\\r ->\n case r of\n Http.Success s -> Http.Success (D.decodeString phoneDataDecoder s)\n Http.Failure code text -> Http.Failure code text\n Http.Waiting -> Http.Waiting\n ) <~ (Http.sendGet urlSignal)\n\n\nroute : Signal Route\nroute =\n let\n getId = (\\l -> case Regex.find (Regex.AtMost 1) (Regex.regex \"^#\/phones\/([^\/]+)$\") l.hash of\n [{submatches}] ->\n case submatches of\n [Just id] -> Just id\n _ -> Nothing\n _ -> Nothing\n )\n maybeIdSignal = getId <~ location\n in\n (\\mid q sortPhones phonesResp phoneDataResp selectedImage ->\n case mid of\n Nothing -> IndexRoute (q, sortPhones, phonesResp)\n Just _ -> PhoneRoute (phoneDataResp, selectedImage)\n ) <~ maybeIdSignal\n ~ (Signal.subscribe query)\n ~ (Signal.subscribe order)\n ~ phonesApi\n ~ (phoneDataApi maybeIdSignal)\n ~ (Signal.merge (Signal.subscribe imageSelection) <|\n Signal.map (\\m ->\n case m of\n Nothing -> \"\"\n Just p ->\n List.head p.images\n ) <| maybePhoneData <~ (phoneDataApi maybeIdSignal))\n\nmaybePhoneData : Http.Response (Result String PhoneData) -> Maybe PhoneData\nmaybePhoneData r =\n case r of\n Http.Success (Ok d) -> Just d\n _ -> Nothing\n\nphoneScene : (Http.Response (Result String PhoneData)) -> String -> Element\nphoneScene phoneDataResp selectedImage =\n case phoneDataResp of\n Http.Waiting ->\n Text.plainText \"waiting\"\n Http.Failure code text ->\n Text.plainText (\"failed with \" ++ (toString code) ++ \" \" ++ text)\n Http.Success r ->\n case r of\n Err error ->\n Text.plainText error\n Ok phoneData ->\n phoneElement phoneData selectedImage\n\ncheckmark : Bool -> Element\ncheckmark x =\n if x then Text.plainText \"\\x2713\" else Text.plainText \"\\x2718\"\n\nphoneElement : PhoneData -> String -> Element\nphoneElement p t =\n let\n h1 s = Text.leftAligned <| Text.bold <| (Text.height 36) <| Text.fromString s\n h2 s = Text.leftAligned <| Text.bold <| (Text.height 16.8) <| Text.fromString s\n h3 s = Text.leftAligned <| Text.bold <| (Text.height 14) <| Text.fromString s\n in\n flow down [\n flow right [\n image 400 400 t\n , flow down [\n h1 p.name\n , Text.plainText p.description\n , Text.plainText \" \"\n , flow right <|\n List.map\n (\\im ->\n Input.clickable (Signal.send imageSelection im) <| image 100 100 im\n )\n p.images\n ]\n ]\n , spacer 40 40\n , flow left <| List.map (container 200 250 middle << container 180 230 topLeft) [\n flow down\n ([h2 \"Availability and Networks\"] ++\n List.map Text.plainText p.availability)\n , flow down ([\n h2 \"Camera\"\n , h3 \"Primary\"\n , Text.plainText p.camera.primary\n , h3 \"Features\"] ++\n List.map Text.plainText p.camera.features\n )\n , flow down [\n h2 \"Display\"\n , h3 \"Screen size\"\n , Text.plainText p.display.screenSize\n , h3 \"Screen resolution\"\n , Text.plainText p.display.screenResolution\n , h3 \"Touch screen\"\n , checkmark p.display.touchScreen\n ]\n , flow down [\n h2 \"Hardware\"\n , h3 \"CPU\"\n , Text.plainText p.hardware.cpu\n , h3 \"USB\"\n , Text.plainText p.hardware.usb\n , h3 \"Audip \/ headphone jack\"\n , Text.plainText p.hardware.audioJack\n , h3 \"FM Radio\"\n , checkmark p.hardware.fmRadio\n , h3 \"Accelerometer\"\n , checkmark p.hardware.accelerometer\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n\n\nindexScene : Field.Content -> (List Phone -> List Phone) -> (Http.Response (Result String (List Phone))) -> Element\nindexScene q sortPhones phonesResp =\n case phonesResp of\n Http.Waiting ->\n Text.plainText \"waiting\"\n Http.Failure code text ->\n Text.plainText (\"failed with \" ++ (toString code) ++ \" \" ++ text)\n Http.Success resultPhones ->\n case resultPhones of\n Err error ->\n Text.plainText error\n Ok phones ->\n indexElements q sortPhones phones\n\nindexElements : Field.Content -> (List Phone -> List Phone) -> (List Phone) -> Element\nindexElements q sortPhones phones =\n flow right [\n flow down [\n Text.plainText \"Search:\"\n , Field.field Field.defaultStyle (Signal.send query) \"\" q\n , Input.dropDown (Signal.send order) orderOptions\n ]\n , flow down <|\n List.map listItem <|\n List.reverse <|\n sortPhones <|\n List.filter (phoneContainsText q.string) phones\n ]\n\nphoneContainsText : String -> Phone -> Bool\nphoneContainsText s p =\n (String.contains s p.name) || (String.contains s p.snippet)\n\nlistItem : Phone -> Element\nlistItem p =\n flow down [\n Text.plainText \" \"\n , flow right [\n link (\"#\/phones\/\" ++ p.id) <| image 100 100 p.imageUrl\n , flow down [\n link (\"#\/phones\/\" ++ p.id) <| Text.leftAligned <| Text.bold <| Text.fromString p.name\n , Text.plainText p.snippet\n ]\n ]\n , Text.plainText \" \"\n ]\n","avg_line_length":27.6582633053,"max_line_length":121,"alphanum_fraction":0.5973263115} +{"size":221,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Data.Json.Utils exposing (..)\n\nimport Json.Decode as JD\n\n\n{-| Decodes an optional reference by id\n-}\nref : JD.Decoder (Maybe Int)\nref =\n JD.oneOf\n [ JD.null Nothing\n , JD.map Just JD.int\n ]\n","avg_line_length":15.7857142857,"max_line_length":39,"alphanum_fraction":0.6063348416} +{"size":193854,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":7.0,"content":"module Vector198 exposing\n ( Vector198\n , fromList, repeat, from198, fromListWithDefault, initializeFromInt, initializeFromIndex\n , Index(..), get, set, indices, indexToInt, intToIndex, nextIndex, previousIndex\n , map, mapItem, indexedMap, foldr, foldl, map2, map3, map4, map5\n , toList, toIndexedList\n , pop, uncons, push, cons\n , length, reverse, member, group\n )\n\n{-| A vector of length 198\n\n\n# Vector198\n\n@docs Vector198\n\n\n# Creation\n\n@docs fromList, repeat, from198, fromListWithDefault, initializeFromInt, initializeFromIndex\n\n\n# Index\n\n@docs Index, get, set, indices, indexToInt, intToIndex, nextIndex, previousIndex\n\n\n# Transform\n\n@docs map, mapItem, indexedMap, foldr, foldl, map2, map3, map4, map5\n\n\n# Lists\n\n@docs toList, toIndexedList\n\n\n# Methods\n\n@docs pop, uncons, push, cons\n\n\n# Util\n\n@docs length, reverse, member, group\n\n-}\n\nimport Util exposing (andAnother, andAnotherSafe, finishOffAndAnotherSafe)\nimport Vector197.Internal as Vector197\nimport Vector198.Internal exposing (Vector198(..), VectorModel)\nimport Vector199.Internal as Vector199\n\n\n{-| A vector that contains exactly 198 elements\n-}\ntype alias Vector198 a =\n Vector198.Internal.Vector198 a\n\n\n{-| All the indices to a `Vector198 a`. There are exactly 198 of them. Its kind of like an `Int` except there is a finite amount of them.\n-}\ntype Index\n = Index0\n | Index1\n | Index2\n | Index3\n | Index4\n | Index5\n | Index6\n | Index7\n | Index8\n | Index9\n | Index10\n | Index11\n | Index12\n | Index13\n | Index14\n | Index15\n | Index16\n | Index17\n | Index18\n | Index19\n | Index20\n | Index21\n | Index22\n | Index23\n | Index24\n | Index25\n | Index26\n | Index27\n | Index28\n | Index29\n | Index30\n | Index31\n | Index32\n | Index33\n | Index34\n | Index35\n | Index36\n | Index37\n | Index38\n | Index39\n | Index40\n | Index41\n | Index42\n | Index43\n | Index44\n | Index45\n | Index46\n | Index47\n | Index48\n | Index49\n | Index50\n | Index51\n | Index52\n | Index53\n | Index54\n | Index55\n | Index56\n | Index57\n | Index58\n | Index59\n | Index60\n | Index61\n | Index62\n | Index63\n | Index64\n | Index65\n | Index66\n | Index67\n | Index68\n | Index69\n | Index70\n | Index71\n | Index72\n | Index73\n | Index74\n | Index75\n | Index76\n | Index77\n | Index78\n | Index79\n | Index80\n | Index81\n | Index82\n | Index83\n | Index84\n | Index85\n | Index86\n | Index87\n | Index88\n | Index89\n | Index90\n | Index91\n | Index92\n | Index93\n | Index94\n | Index95\n | Index96\n | Index97\n | Index98\n | Index99\n | Index100\n | Index101\n | Index102\n | Index103\n | Index104\n | Index105\n | Index106\n | Index107\n | Index108\n | Index109\n | Index110\n | Index111\n | Index112\n | Index113\n | Index114\n | Index115\n | Index116\n | Index117\n | Index118\n | Index119\n | Index120\n | Index121\n | Index122\n | Index123\n | Index124\n | Index125\n | Index126\n | Index127\n | Index128\n | Index129\n | Index130\n | Index131\n | Index132\n | Index133\n | Index134\n | Index135\n | Index136\n | Index137\n | Index138\n | Index139\n | Index140\n | Index141\n | Index142\n | Index143\n | Index144\n | Index145\n | Index146\n | Index147\n | Index148\n | Index149\n | Index150\n | Index151\n | Index152\n | Index153\n | Index154\n | Index155\n | Index156\n | Index157\n | Index158\n | Index159\n | Index160\n | Index161\n | Index162\n | Index163\n | Index164\n | Index165\n | Index166\n | Index167\n | Index168\n | Index169\n | Index170\n | Index171\n | Index172\n | Index173\n | Index174\n | Index175\n | Index176\n | Index177\n | Index178\n | Index179\n | Index180\n | Index181\n | Index182\n | Index183\n | Index184\n | Index185\n | Index186\n | Index187\n | Index188\n | Index189\n | Index190\n | Index191\n | Index192\n | Index193\n | Index194\n | Index195\n | Index196\n | Index197\n\n\n{-| Given an index, get the next one. Unless its the last index in which case there is no next index (`Nothing`)\n-}\nnextIndex : Index -> Maybe Index\nnextIndex index =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n Just Index1\n\n Index1 ->\n Just Index2\n\n Index2 ->\n Just Index3\n\n Index3 ->\n Just Index4\n\n Index4 ->\n Just Index5\n\n Index5 ->\n Just Index6\n\n Index6 ->\n Just Index7\n\n Index7 ->\n Just Index8\n\n Index8 ->\n Just Index9\n\n Index9 ->\n Just Index10\n\n Index10 ->\n Just Index11\n\n Index11 ->\n Just Index12\n\n Index12 ->\n Just Index13\n\n Index13 ->\n Just Index14\n\n Index14 ->\n Just Index15\n\n Index15 ->\n Just Index16\n\n Index16 ->\n Just Index17\n\n Index17 ->\n Just Index18\n\n Index18 ->\n Just Index19\n\n Index19 ->\n Just Index20\n\n Index20 ->\n Just Index21\n\n Index21 ->\n Just Index22\n\n Index22 ->\n Just Index23\n\n Index23 ->\n Just Index24\n\n Index24 ->\n Just Index25\n\n Index25 ->\n Just Index26\n\n Index26 ->\n Just Index27\n\n Index27 ->\n Just Index28\n\n Index28 ->\n Just Index29\n\n Index29 ->\n Just Index30\n\n Index30 ->\n Just Index31\n\n Index31 ->\n Just Index32\n\n Index32 ->\n Just Index33\n\n Index33 ->\n Just Index34\n\n Index34 ->\n Just Index35\n\n Index35 ->\n Just Index36\n\n Index36 ->\n Just Index37\n\n Index37 ->\n Just Index38\n\n Index38 ->\n Just Index39\n\n Index39 ->\n Just Index40\n\n Index40 ->\n Just Index41\n\n Index41 ->\n Just Index42\n\n Index42 ->\n Just Index43\n\n Index43 ->\n Just Index44\n\n Index44 ->\n Just Index45\n\n Index45 ->\n Just Index46\n\n Index46 ->\n Just Index47\n\n Index47 ->\n Just Index48\n\n Index48 ->\n Just Index49\n\n Index49 ->\n Just Index50\n\n Index50 ->\n Just Index51\n\n Index51 ->\n Just Index52\n\n Index52 ->\n Just Index53\n\n Index53 ->\n Just Index54\n\n Index54 ->\n Just Index55\n\n Index55 ->\n Just Index56\n\n Index56 ->\n Just Index57\n\n Index57 ->\n Just Index58\n\n Index58 ->\n Just Index59\n\n Index59 ->\n Just Index60\n\n Index60 ->\n Just Index61\n\n Index61 ->\n Just Index62\n\n Index62 ->\n Just Index63\n\n Index63 ->\n Just Index64\n\n Index64 ->\n Just Index65\n\n Index65 ->\n Just Index66\n\n Index66 ->\n Just Index67\n\n Index67 ->\n Just Index68\n\n Index68 ->\n Just Index69\n\n Index69 ->\n Just Index70\n\n Index70 ->\n Just Index71\n\n Index71 ->\n Just Index72\n\n Index72 ->\n Just Index73\n\n Index73 ->\n Just Index74\n\n Index74 ->\n Just Index75\n\n Index75 ->\n Just Index76\n\n Index76 ->\n Just Index77\n\n Index77 ->\n Just Index78\n\n Index78 ->\n Just Index79\n\n Index79 ->\n Just Index80\n\n Index80 ->\n Just Index81\n\n Index81 ->\n Just Index82\n\n Index82 ->\n Just Index83\n\n Index83 ->\n Just Index84\n\n Index84 ->\n Just Index85\n\n Index85 ->\n Just Index86\n\n Index86 ->\n Just Index87\n\n Index87 ->\n Just Index88\n\n Index88 ->\n Just Index89\n\n Index89 ->\n Just Index90\n\n Index90 ->\n Just Index91\n\n Index91 ->\n Just Index92\n\n Index92 ->\n Just Index93\n\n Index93 ->\n Just Index94\n\n Index94 ->\n Just Index95\n\n Index95 ->\n Just Index96\n\n Index96 ->\n Just Index97\n\n Index97 ->\n Just Index98\n\n Index98 ->\n Just Index99\n\n Index99 ->\n Just Index100\n\n Index100 ->\n Just Index101\n\n Index101 ->\n Just Index102\n\n Index102 ->\n Just Index103\n\n Index103 ->\n Just Index104\n\n Index104 ->\n Just Index105\n\n Index105 ->\n Just Index106\n\n Index106 ->\n Just Index107\n\n Index107 ->\n Just Index108\n\n Index108 ->\n Just Index109\n\n Index109 ->\n Just Index110\n\n Index110 ->\n Just Index111\n\n Index111 ->\n Just Index112\n\n Index112 ->\n Just Index113\n\n Index113 ->\n Just Index114\n\n Index114 ->\n Just Index115\n\n Index115 ->\n Just Index116\n\n Index116 ->\n Just Index117\n\n Index117 ->\n Just Index118\n\n Index118 ->\n Just Index119\n\n Index119 ->\n Just Index120\n\n Index120 ->\n Just Index121\n\n Index121 ->\n Just Index122\n\n Index122 ->\n Just Index123\n\n Index123 ->\n Just Index124\n\n Index124 ->\n Just Index125\n\n Index125 ->\n Just Index126\n\n Index126 ->\n Just Index127\n\n Index127 ->\n Just Index128\n\n Index128 ->\n Just Index129\n\n Index129 ->\n Just Index130\n\n Index130 ->\n Just Index131\n\n Index131 ->\n Just Index132\n\n Index132 ->\n Just Index133\n\n Index133 ->\n Just Index134\n\n Index134 ->\n Just Index135\n\n Index135 ->\n Just Index136\n\n Index136 ->\n Just Index137\n\n Index137 ->\n Just Index138\n\n Index138 ->\n Just Index139\n\n Index139 ->\n Just Index140\n\n Index140 ->\n Just Index141\n\n Index141 ->\n Just Index142\n\n Index142 ->\n Just Index143\n\n Index143 ->\n Just Index144\n\n Index144 ->\n Just Index145\n\n Index145 ->\n Just Index146\n\n Index146 ->\n Just Index147\n\n Index147 ->\n Just Index148\n\n Index148 ->\n Just Index149\n\n Index149 ->\n Just Index150\n\n Index150 ->\n Just Index151\n\n Index151 ->\n Just Index152\n\n Index152 ->\n Just Index153\n\n Index153 ->\n Just Index154\n\n Index154 ->\n Just Index155\n\n Index155 ->\n Just Index156\n\n Index156 ->\n Just Index157\n\n Index157 ->\n Just Index158\n\n Index158 ->\n Just Index159\n\n Index159 ->\n Just Index160\n\n Index160 ->\n Just Index161\n\n Index161 ->\n Just Index162\n\n Index162 ->\n Just Index163\n\n Index163 ->\n Just Index164\n\n Index164 ->\n Just Index165\n\n Index165 ->\n Just Index166\n\n Index166 ->\n Just Index167\n\n Index167 ->\n Just Index168\n\n Index168 ->\n Just Index169\n\n Index169 ->\n Just Index170\n\n Index170 ->\n Just Index171\n\n Index171 ->\n Just Index172\n\n Index172 ->\n Just Index173\n\n Index173 ->\n Just Index174\n\n Index174 ->\n Just Index175\n\n Index175 ->\n Just Index176\n\n Index176 ->\n Just Index177\n\n Index177 ->\n Just Index178\n\n Index178 ->\n Just Index179\n\n Index179 ->\n Just Index180\n\n Index180 ->\n Just Index181\n\n Index181 ->\n Just Index182\n\n Index182 ->\n Just Index183\n\n Index183 ->\n Just Index184\n\n Index184 ->\n Just Index185\n\n Index185 ->\n Just Index186\n\n Index186 ->\n Just Index187\n\n Index187 ->\n Just Index188\n\n Index188 ->\n Just Index189\n\n Index189 ->\n Just Index190\n\n Index190 ->\n Just Index191\n\n Index191 ->\n Just Index192\n\n Index192 ->\n Just Index193\n\n Index193 ->\n Just Index194\n\n Index194 ->\n Just Index195\n\n Index195 ->\n Just Index196\n\n Index196 ->\n Just Index197\n\n Index197 ->\n Nothing\n\n\n{-| Given an index, get the previous one. Unless its the `0` index in which case there is no previous index (`Nothing`)\n-}\npreviousIndex : Index -> Maybe Index\npreviousIndex index =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n Nothing\n\n Index1 ->\n Just Index0\n\n Index2 ->\n Just Index1\n\n Index3 ->\n Just Index2\n\n Index4 ->\n Just Index3\n\n Index5 ->\n Just Index4\n\n Index6 ->\n Just Index5\n\n Index7 ->\n Just Index6\n\n Index8 ->\n Just Index7\n\n Index9 ->\n Just Index8\n\n Index10 ->\n Just Index9\n\n Index11 ->\n Just Index10\n\n Index12 ->\n Just Index11\n\n Index13 ->\n Just Index12\n\n Index14 ->\n Just Index13\n\n Index15 ->\n Just Index14\n\n Index16 ->\n Just Index15\n\n Index17 ->\n Just Index16\n\n Index18 ->\n Just Index17\n\n Index19 ->\n Just Index18\n\n Index20 ->\n Just Index19\n\n Index21 ->\n Just Index20\n\n Index22 ->\n Just Index21\n\n Index23 ->\n Just Index22\n\n Index24 ->\n Just Index23\n\n Index25 ->\n Just Index24\n\n Index26 ->\n Just Index25\n\n Index27 ->\n Just Index26\n\n Index28 ->\n Just Index27\n\n Index29 ->\n Just Index28\n\n Index30 ->\n Just Index29\n\n Index31 ->\n Just Index30\n\n Index32 ->\n Just Index31\n\n Index33 ->\n Just Index32\n\n Index34 ->\n Just Index33\n\n Index35 ->\n Just Index34\n\n Index36 ->\n Just Index35\n\n Index37 ->\n Just Index36\n\n Index38 ->\n Just Index37\n\n Index39 ->\n Just Index38\n\n Index40 ->\n Just Index39\n\n Index41 ->\n Just Index40\n\n Index42 ->\n Just Index41\n\n Index43 ->\n Just Index42\n\n Index44 ->\n Just Index43\n\n Index45 ->\n Just Index44\n\n Index46 ->\n Just Index45\n\n Index47 ->\n Just Index46\n\n Index48 ->\n Just Index47\n\n Index49 ->\n Just Index48\n\n Index50 ->\n Just Index49\n\n Index51 ->\n Just Index50\n\n Index52 ->\n Just Index51\n\n Index53 ->\n Just Index52\n\n Index54 ->\n Just Index53\n\n Index55 ->\n Just Index54\n\n Index56 ->\n Just Index55\n\n Index57 ->\n Just Index56\n\n Index58 ->\n Just Index57\n\n Index59 ->\n Just Index58\n\n Index60 ->\n Just Index59\n\n Index61 ->\n Just Index60\n\n Index62 ->\n Just Index61\n\n Index63 ->\n Just Index62\n\n Index64 ->\n Just Index63\n\n Index65 ->\n Just Index64\n\n Index66 ->\n Just Index65\n\n Index67 ->\n Just Index66\n\n Index68 ->\n Just Index67\n\n Index69 ->\n Just Index68\n\n Index70 ->\n Just Index69\n\n Index71 ->\n Just Index70\n\n Index72 ->\n Just Index71\n\n Index73 ->\n Just Index72\n\n Index74 ->\n Just Index73\n\n Index75 ->\n Just Index74\n\n Index76 ->\n Just Index75\n\n Index77 ->\n Just Index76\n\n Index78 ->\n Just Index77\n\n Index79 ->\n Just Index78\n\n Index80 ->\n Just Index79\n\n Index81 ->\n Just Index80\n\n Index82 ->\n Just Index81\n\n Index83 ->\n Just Index82\n\n Index84 ->\n Just Index83\n\n Index85 ->\n Just Index84\n\n Index86 ->\n Just Index85\n\n Index87 ->\n Just Index86\n\n Index88 ->\n Just Index87\n\n Index89 ->\n Just Index88\n\n Index90 ->\n Just Index89\n\n Index91 ->\n Just Index90\n\n Index92 ->\n Just Index91\n\n Index93 ->\n Just Index92\n\n Index94 ->\n Just Index93\n\n Index95 ->\n Just Index94\n\n Index96 ->\n Just Index95\n\n Index97 ->\n Just Index96\n\n Index98 ->\n Just Index97\n\n Index99 ->\n Just Index98\n\n Index100 ->\n Just Index99\n\n Index101 ->\n Just Index100\n\n Index102 ->\n Just Index101\n\n Index103 ->\n Just Index102\n\n Index104 ->\n Just Index103\n\n Index105 ->\n Just Index104\n\n Index106 ->\n Just Index105\n\n Index107 ->\n Just Index106\n\n Index108 ->\n Just Index107\n\n Index109 ->\n Just Index108\n\n Index110 ->\n Just Index109\n\n Index111 ->\n Just Index110\n\n Index112 ->\n Just Index111\n\n Index113 ->\n Just Index112\n\n Index114 ->\n Just Index113\n\n Index115 ->\n Just Index114\n\n Index116 ->\n Just Index115\n\n Index117 ->\n Just Index116\n\n Index118 ->\n Just Index117\n\n Index119 ->\n Just Index118\n\n Index120 ->\n Just Index119\n\n Index121 ->\n Just Index120\n\n Index122 ->\n Just Index121\n\n Index123 ->\n Just Index122\n\n Index124 ->\n Just Index123\n\n Index125 ->\n Just Index124\n\n Index126 ->\n Just Index125\n\n Index127 ->\n Just Index126\n\n Index128 ->\n Just Index127\n\n Index129 ->\n Just Index128\n\n Index130 ->\n Just Index129\n\n Index131 ->\n Just Index130\n\n Index132 ->\n Just Index131\n\n Index133 ->\n Just Index132\n\n Index134 ->\n Just Index133\n\n Index135 ->\n Just Index134\n\n Index136 ->\n Just Index135\n\n Index137 ->\n Just Index136\n\n Index138 ->\n Just Index137\n\n Index139 ->\n Just Index138\n\n Index140 ->\n Just Index139\n\n Index141 ->\n Just Index140\n\n Index142 ->\n Just Index141\n\n Index143 ->\n Just Index142\n\n Index144 ->\n Just Index143\n\n Index145 ->\n Just Index144\n\n Index146 ->\n Just Index145\n\n Index147 ->\n Just Index146\n\n Index148 ->\n Just Index147\n\n Index149 ->\n Just Index148\n\n Index150 ->\n Just Index149\n\n Index151 ->\n Just Index150\n\n Index152 ->\n Just Index151\n\n Index153 ->\n Just Index152\n\n Index154 ->\n Just Index153\n\n Index155 ->\n Just Index154\n\n Index156 ->\n Just Index155\n\n Index157 ->\n Just Index156\n\n Index158 ->\n Just Index157\n\n Index159 ->\n Just Index158\n\n Index160 ->\n Just Index159\n\n Index161 ->\n Just Index160\n\n Index162 ->\n Just Index161\n\n Index163 ->\n Just Index162\n\n Index164 ->\n Just Index163\n\n Index165 ->\n Just Index164\n\n Index166 ->\n Just Index165\n\n Index167 ->\n Just Index166\n\n Index168 ->\n Just Index167\n\n Index169 ->\n Just Index168\n\n Index170 ->\n Just Index169\n\n Index171 ->\n Just Index170\n\n Index172 ->\n Just Index171\n\n Index173 ->\n Just Index172\n\n Index174 ->\n Just Index173\n\n Index175 ->\n Just Index174\n\n Index176 ->\n Just Index175\n\n Index177 ->\n Just Index176\n\n Index178 ->\n Just Index177\n\n Index179 ->\n Just Index178\n\n Index180 ->\n Just Index179\n\n Index181 ->\n Just Index180\n\n Index182 ->\n Just Index181\n\n Index183 ->\n Just Index182\n\n Index184 ->\n Just Index183\n\n Index185 ->\n Just Index184\n\n Index186 ->\n Just Index185\n\n Index187 ->\n Just Index186\n\n Index188 ->\n Just Index187\n\n Index189 ->\n Just Index188\n\n Index190 ->\n Just Index189\n\n Index191 ->\n Just Index190\n\n Index192 ->\n Just Index191\n\n Index193 ->\n Just Index192\n\n Index194 ->\n Just Index193\n\n Index195 ->\n Just Index194\n\n Index196 ->\n Just Index195\n\n Index197 ->\n Just Index196\n\n\n{-| Get the item at that `Index` in a `Vector198 a`\n-}\nget : Index -> Vector198 a -> a\nget index (Vector vector) =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n vector.n0\n\n Index1 ->\n vector.n1\n\n Index2 ->\n vector.n2\n\n Index3 ->\n vector.n3\n\n Index4 ->\n vector.n4\n\n Index5 ->\n vector.n5\n\n Index6 ->\n vector.n6\n\n Index7 ->\n vector.n7\n\n Index8 ->\n vector.n8\n\n Index9 ->\n vector.n9\n\n Index10 ->\n vector.n10\n\n Index11 ->\n vector.n11\n\n Index12 ->\n vector.n12\n\n Index13 ->\n vector.n13\n\n Index14 ->\n vector.n14\n\n Index15 ->\n vector.n15\n\n Index16 ->\n vector.n16\n\n Index17 ->\n vector.n17\n\n Index18 ->\n vector.n18\n\n Index19 ->\n vector.n19\n\n Index20 ->\n vector.n20\n\n Index21 ->\n vector.n21\n\n Index22 ->\n vector.n22\n\n Index23 ->\n vector.n23\n\n Index24 ->\n vector.n24\n\n Index25 ->\n vector.n25\n\n Index26 ->\n vector.n26\n\n Index27 ->\n vector.n27\n\n Index28 ->\n vector.n28\n\n Index29 ->\n vector.n29\n\n Index30 ->\n vector.n30\n\n Index31 ->\n vector.n31\n\n Index32 ->\n vector.n32\n\n Index33 ->\n vector.n33\n\n Index34 ->\n vector.n34\n\n Index35 ->\n vector.n35\n\n Index36 ->\n vector.n36\n\n Index37 ->\n vector.n37\n\n Index38 ->\n vector.n38\n\n Index39 ->\n vector.n39\n\n Index40 ->\n vector.n40\n\n Index41 ->\n vector.n41\n\n Index42 ->\n vector.n42\n\n Index43 ->\n vector.n43\n\n Index44 ->\n vector.n44\n\n Index45 ->\n vector.n45\n\n Index46 ->\n vector.n46\n\n Index47 ->\n vector.n47\n\n Index48 ->\n vector.n48\n\n Index49 ->\n vector.n49\n\n Index50 ->\n vector.n50\n\n Index51 ->\n vector.n51\n\n Index52 ->\n vector.n52\n\n Index53 ->\n vector.n53\n\n Index54 ->\n vector.n54\n\n Index55 ->\n vector.n55\n\n Index56 ->\n vector.n56\n\n Index57 ->\n vector.n57\n\n Index58 ->\n vector.n58\n\n Index59 ->\n vector.n59\n\n Index60 ->\n vector.n60\n\n Index61 ->\n vector.n61\n\n Index62 ->\n vector.n62\n\n Index63 ->\n vector.n63\n\n Index64 ->\n vector.n64\n\n Index65 ->\n vector.n65\n\n Index66 ->\n vector.n66\n\n Index67 ->\n vector.n67\n\n Index68 ->\n vector.n68\n\n Index69 ->\n vector.n69\n\n Index70 ->\n vector.n70\n\n Index71 ->\n vector.n71\n\n Index72 ->\n vector.n72\n\n Index73 ->\n vector.n73\n\n Index74 ->\n vector.n74\n\n Index75 ->\n vector.n75\n\n Index76 ->\n vector.n76\n\n Index77 ->\n vector.n77\n\n Index78 ->\n vector.n78\n\n Index79 ->\n vector.n79\n\n Index80 ->\n vector.n80\n\n Index81 ->\n vector.n81\n\n Index82 ->\n vector.n82\n\n Index83 ->\n vector.n83\n\n Index84 ->\n vector.n84\n\n Index85 ->\n vector.n85\n\n Index86 ->\n vector.n86\n\n Index87 ->\n vector.n87\n\n Index88 ->\n vector.n88\n\n Index89 ->\n vector.n89\n\n Index90 ->\n vector.n90\n\n Index91 ->\n vector.n91\n\n Index92 ->\n vector.n92\n\n Index93 ->\n vector.n93\n\n Index94 ->\n vector.n94\n\n Index95 ->\n vector.n95\n\n Index96 ->\n vector.n96\n\n Index97 ->\n vector.n97\n\n Index98 ->\n vector.n98\n\n Index99 ->\n vector.n99\n\n Index100 ->\n vector.n100\n\n Index101 ->\n vector.n101\n\n Index102 ->\n vector.n102\n\n Index103 ->\n vector.n103\n\n Index104 ->\n vector.n104\n\n Index105 ->\n vector.n105\n\n Index106 ->\n vector.n106\n\n Index107 ->\n vector.n107\n\n Index108 ->\n vector.n108\n\n Index109 ->\n vector.n109\n\n Index110 ->\n vector.n110\n\n Index111 ->\n vector.n111\n\n Index112 ->\n vector.n112\n\n Index113 ->\n vector.n113\n\n Index114 ->\n vector.n114\n\n Index115 ->\n vector.n115\n\n Index116 ->\n vector.n116\n\n Index117 ->\n vector.n117\n\n Index118 ->\n vector.n118\n\n Index119 ->\n vector.n119\n\n Index120 ->\n vector.n120\n\n Index121 ->\n vector.n121\n\n Index122 ->\n vector.n122\n\n Index123 ->\n vector.n123\n\n Index124 ->\n vector.n124\n\n Index125 ->\n vector.n125\n\n Index126 ->\n vector.n126\n\n Index127 ->\n vector.n127\n\n Index128 ->\n vector.n128\n\n Index129 ->\n vector.n129\n\n Index130 ->\n vector.n130\n\n Index131 ->\n vector.n131\n\n Index132 ->\n vector.n132\n\n Index133 ->\n vector.n133\n\n Index134 ->\n vector.n134\n\n Index135 ->\n vector.n135\n\n Index136 ->\n vector.n136\n\n Index137 ->\n vector.n137\n\n Index138 ->\n vector.n138\n\n Index139 ->\n vector.n139\n\n Index140 ->\n vector.n140\n\n Index141 ->\n vector.n141\n\n Index142 ->\n vector.n142\n\n Index143 ->\n vector.n143\n\n Index144 ->\n vector.n144\n\n Index145 ->\n vector.n145\n\n Index146 ->\n vector.n146\n\n Index147 ->\n vector.n147\n\n Index148 ->\n vector.n148\n\n Index149 ->\n vector.n149\n\n Index150 ->\n vector.n150\n\n Index151 ->\n vector.n151\n\n Index152 ->\n vector.n152\n\n Index153 ->\n vector.n153\n\n Index154 ->\n vector.n154\n\n Index155 ->\n vector.n155\n\n Index156 ->\n vector.n156\n\n Index157 ->\n vector.n157\n\n Index158 ->\n vector.n158\n\n Index159 ->\n vector.n159\n\n Index160 ->\n vector.n160\n\n Index161 ->\n vector.n161\n\n Index162 ->\n vector.n162\n\n Index163 ->\n vector.n163\n\n Index164 ->\n vector.n164\n\n Index165 ->\n vector.n165\n\n Index166 ->\n vector.n166\n\n Index167 ->\n vector.n167\n\n Index168 ->\n vector.n168\n\n Index169 ->\n vector.n169\n\n Index170 ->\n vector.n170\n\n Index171 ->\n vector.n171\n\n Index172 ->\n vector.n172\n\n Index173 ->\n vector.n173\n\n Index174 ->\n vector.n174\n\n Index175 ->\n vector.n175\n\n Index176 ->\n vector.n176\n\n Index177 ->\n vector.n177\n\n Index178 ->\n vector.n178\n\n Index179 ->\n vector.n179\n\n Index180 ->\n vector.n180\n\n Index181 ->\n vector.n181\n\n Index182 ->\n vector.n182\n\n Index183 ->\n vector.n183\n\n Index184 ->\n vector.n184\n\n Index185 ->\n vector.n185\n\n Index186 ->\n vector.n186\n\n Index187 ->\n vector.n187\n\n Index188 ->\n vector.n188\n\n Index189 ->\n vector.n189\n\n Index190 ->\n vector.n190\n\n Index191 ->\n vector.n191\n\n Index192 ->\n vector.n192\n\n Index193 ->\n vector.n193\n\n Index194 ->\n vector.n194\n\n Index195 ->\n vector.n195\n\n Index196 ->\n vector.n196\n\n Index197 ->\n vector.n197\n\n\n{-| Set the item at a specific index in a `Vector198 a`\n-}\nset : Index -> a -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 a\nset index a (Vector vector) =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n Vector { vector | n0 = a }\n\n Index1 ->\n Vector { vector | n1 = a }\n\n Index2 ->\n Vector { vector | n2 = a }\n\n Index3 ->\n Vector { vector | n3 = a }\n\n Index4 ->\n Vector { vector | n4 = a }\n\n Index5 ->\n Vector { vector | n5 = a }\n\n Index6 ->\n Vector { vector | n6 = a }\n\n Index7 ->\n Vector { vector | n7 = a }\n\n Index8 ->\n Vector { vector | n8 = a }\n\n Index9 ->\n Vector { vector | n9 = a }\n\n Index10 ->\n Vector { vector | n10 = a }\n\n Index11 ->\n Vector { vector | n11 = a }\n\n Index12 ->\n Vector { vector | n12 = a }\n\n Index13 ->\n Vector { vector | n13 = a }\n\n Index14 ->\n Vector { vector | n14 = a }\n\n Index15 ->\n Vector { vector | n15 = a }\n\n Index16 ->\n Vector { vector | n16 = a }\n\n Index17 ->\n Vector { vector | n17 = a }\n\n Index18 ->\n Vector { vector | n18 = a }\n\n Index19 ->\n Vector { vector | n19 = a }\n\n Index20 ->\n Vector { vector | n20 = a }\n\n Index21 ->\n Vector { vector | n21 = a }\n\n Index22 ->\n Vector { vector | n22 = a }\n\n Index23 ->\n Vector { vector | n23 = a }\n\n Index24 ->\n Vector { vector | n24 = a }\n\n Index25 ->\n Vector { vector | n25 = a }\n\n Index26 ->\n Vector { vector | n26 = a }\n\n Index27 ->\n Vector { vector | n27 = a }\n\n Index28 ->\n Vector { vector | n28 = a }\n\n Index29 ->\n Vector { vector | n29 = a }\n\n Index30 ->\n Vector { vector | n30 = a }\n\n Index31 ->\n Vector { vector | n31 = a }\n\n Index32 ->\n Vector { vector | n32 = a }\n\n Index33 ->\n Vector { vector | n33 = a }\n\n Index34 ->\n Vector { vector | n34 = a }\n\n Index35 ->\n Vector { vector | n35 = a }\n\n Index36 ->\n Vector { vector | n36 = a }\n\n Index37 ->\n Vector { vector | n37 = a }\n\n Index38 ->\n Vector { vector | n38 = a }\n\n Index39 ->\n Vector { vector | n39 = a }\n\n Index40 ->\n Vector { vector | n40 = a }\n\n Index41 ->\n Vector { vector | n41 = a }\n\n Index42 ->\n Vector { vector | n42 = a }\n\n Index43 ->\n Vector { vector | n43 = a }\n\n Index44 ->\n Vector { vector | n44 = a }\n\n Index45 ->\n Vector { vector | n45 = a }\n\n Index46 ->\n Vector { vector | n46 = a }\n\n Index47 ->\n Vector { vector | n47 = a }\n\n Index48 ->\n Vector { vector | n48 = a }\n\n Index49 ->\n Vector { vector | n49 = a }\n\n Index50 ->\n Vector { vector | n50 = a }\n\n Index51 ->\n Vector { vector | n51 = a }\n\n Index52 ->\n Vector { vector | n52 = a }\n\n Index53 ->\n Vector { vector | n53 = a }\n\n Index54 ->\n Vector { vector | n54 = a }\n\n Index55 ->\n Vector { vector | n55 = a }\n\n Index56 ->\n Vector { vector | n56 = a }\n\n Index57 ->\n Vector { vector | n57 = a }\n\n Index58 ->\n Vector { vector | n58 = a }\n\n Index59 ->\n Vector { vector | n59 = a }\n\n Index60 ->\n Vector { vector | n60 = a }\n\n Index61 ->\n Vector { vector | n61 = a }\n\n Index62 ->\n Vector { vector | n62 = a }\n\n Index63 ->\n Vector { vector | n63 = a }\n\n Index64 ->\n Vector { vector | n64 = a }\n\n Index65 ->\n Vector { vector | n65 = a }\n\n Index66 ->\n Vector { vector | n66 = a }\n\n Index67 ->\n Vector { vector | n67 = a }\n\n Index68 ->\n Vector { vector | n68 = a }\n\n Index69 ->\n Vector { vector | n69 = a }\n\n Index70 ->\n Vector { vector | n70 = a }\n\n Index71 ->\n Vector { vector | n71 = a }\n\n Index72 ->\n Vector { vector | n72 = a }\n\n Index73 ->\n Vector { vector | n73 = a }\n\n Index74 ->\n Vector { vector | n74 = a }\n\n Index75 ->\n Vector { vector | n75 = a }\n\n Index76 ->\n Vector { vector | n76 = a }\n\n Index77 ->\n Vector { vector | n77 = a }\n\n Index78 ->\n Vector { vector | n78 = a }\n\n Index79 ->\n Vector { vector | n79 = a }\n\n Index80 ->\n Vector { vector | n80 = a }\n\n Index81 ->\n Vector { vector | n81 = a }\n\n Index82 ->\n Vector { vector | n82 = a }\n\n Index83 ->\n Vector { vector | n83 = a }\n\n Index84 ->\n Vector { vector | n84 = a }\n\n Index85 ->\n Vector { vector | n85 = a }\n\n Index86 ->\n Vector { vector | n86 = a }\n\n Index87 ->\n Vector { vector | n87 = a }\n\n Index88 ->\n Vector { vector | n88 = a }\n\n Index89 ->\n Vector { vector | n89 = a }\n\n Index90 ->\n Vector { vector | n90 = a }\n\n Index91 ->\n Vector { vector | n91 = a }\n\n Index92 ->\n Vector { vector | n92 = a }\n\n Index93 ->\n Vector { vector | n93 = a }\n\n Index94 ->\n Vector { vector | n94 = a }\n\n Index95 ->\n Vector { vector | n95 = a }\n\n Index96 ->\n Vector { vector | n96 = a }\n\n Index97 ->\n Vector { vector | n97 = a }\n\n Index98 ->\n Vector { vector | n98 = a }\n\n Index99 ->\n Vector { vector | n99 = a }\n\n Index100 ->\n Vector { vector | n100 = a }\n\n Index101 ->\n Vector { vector | n101 = a }\n\n Index102 ->\n Vector { vector | n102 = a }\n\n Index103 ->\n Vector { vector | n103 = a }\n\n Index104 ->\n Vector { vector | n104 = a }\n\n Index105 ->\n Vector { vector | n105 = a }\n\n Index106 ->\n Vector { vector | n106 = a }\n\n Index107 ->\n Vector { vector | n107 = a }\n\n Index108 ->\n Vector { vector | n108 = a }\n\n Index109 ->\n Vector { vector | n109 = a }\n\n Index110 ->\n Vector { vector | n110 = a }\n\n Index111 ->\n Vector { vector | n111 = a }\n\n Index112 ->\n Vector { vector | n112 = a }\n\n Index113 ->\n Vector { vector | n113 = a }\n\n Index114 ->\n Vector { vector | n114 = a }\n\n Index115 ->\n Vector { vector | n115 = a }\n\n Index116 ->\n Vector { vector | n116 = a }\n\n Index117 ->\n Vector { vector | n117 = a }\n\n Index118 ->\n Vector { vector | n118 = a }\n\n Index119 ->\n Vector { vector | n119 = a }\n\n Index120 ->\n Vector { vector | n120 = a }\n\n Index121 ->\n Vector { vector | n121 = a }\n\n Index122 ->\n Vector { vector | n122 = a }\n\n Index123 ->\n Vector { vector | n123 = a }\n\n Index124 ->\n Vector { vector | n124 = a }\n\n Index125 ->\n Vector { vector | n125 = a }\n\n Index126 ->\n Vector { vector | n126 = a }\n\n Index127 ->\n Vector { vector | n127 = a }\n\n Index128 ->\n Vector { vector | n128 = a }\n\n Index129 ->\n Vector { vector | n129 = a }\n\n Index130 ->\n Vector { vector | n130 = a }\n\n Index131 ->\n Vector { vector | n131 = a }\n\n Index132 ->\n Vector { vector | n132 = a }\n\n Index133 ->\n Vector { vector | n133 = a }\n\n Index134 ->\n Vector { vector | n134 = a }\n\n Index135 ->\n Vector { vector | n135 = a }\n\n Index136 ->\n Vector { vector | n136 = a }\n\n Index137 ->\n Vector { vector | n137 = a }\n\n Index138 ->\n Vector { vector | n138 = a }\n\n Index139 ->\n Vector { vector | n139 = a }\n\n Index140 ->\n Vector { vector | n140 = a }\n\n Index141 ->\n Vector { vector | n141 = a }\n\n Index142 ->\n Vector { vector | n142 = a }\n\n Index143 ->\n Vector { vector | n143 = a }\n\n Index144 ->\n Vector { vector | n144 = a }\n\n Index145 ->\n Vector { vector | n145 = a }\n\n Index146 ->\n Vector { vector | n146 = a }\n\n Index147 ->\n Vector { vector | n147 = a }\n\n Index148 ->\n Vector { vector | n148 = a }\n\n Index149 ->\n Vector { vector | n149 = a }\n\n Index150 ->\n Vector { vector | n150 = a }\n\n Index151 ->\n Vector { vector | n151 = a }\n\n Index152 ->\n Vector { vector | n152 = a }\n\n Index153 ->\n Vector { vector | n153 = a }\n\n Index154 ->\n Vector { vector | n154 = a }\n\n Index155 ->\n Vector { vector | n155 = a }\n\n Index156 ->\n Vector { vector | n156 = a }\n\n Index157 ->\n Vector { vector | n157 = a }\n\n Index158 ->\n Vector { vector | n158 = a }\n\n Index159 ->\n Vector { vector | n159 = a }\n\n Index160 ->\n Vector { vector | n160 = a }\n\n Index161 ->\n Vector { vector | n161 = a }\n\n Index162 ->\n Vector { vector | n162 = a }\n\n Index163 ->\n Vector { vector | n163 = a }\n\n Index164 ->\n Vector { vector | n164 = a }\n\n Index165 ->\n Vector { vector | n165 = a }\n\n Index166 ->\n Vector { vector | n166 = a }\n\n Index167 ->\n Vector { vector | n167 = a }\n\n Index168 ->\n Vector { vector | n168 = a }\n\n Index169 ->\n Vector { vector | n169 = a }\n\n Index170 ->\n Vector { vector | n170 = a }\n\n Index171 ->\n Vector { vector | n171 = a }\n\n Index172 ->\n Vector { vector | n172 = a }\n\n Index173 ->\n Vector { vector | n173 = a }\n\n Index174 ->\n Vector { vector | n174 = a }\n\n Index175 ->\n Vector { vector | n175 = a }\n\n Index176 ->\n Vector { vector | n176 = a }\n\n Index177 ->\n Vector { vector | n177 = a }\n\n Index178 ->\n Vector { vector | n178 = a }\n\n Index179 ->\n Vector { vector | n179 = a }\n\n Index180 ->\n Vector { vector | n180 = a }\n\n Index181 ->\n Vector { vector | n181 = a }\n\n Index182 ->\n Vector { vector | n182 = a }\n\n Index183 ->\n Vector { vector | n183 = a }\n\n Index184 ->\n Vector { vector | n184 = a }\n\n Index185 ->\n Vector { vector | n185 = a }\n\n Index186 ->\n Vector { vector | n186 = a }\n\n Index187 ->\n Vector { vector | n187 = a }\n\n Index188 ->\n Vector { vector | n188 = a }\n\n Index189 ->\n Vector { vector | n189 = a }\n\n Index190 ->\n Vector { vector | n190 = a }\n\n Index191 ->\n Vector { vector | n191 = a }\n\n Index192 ->\n Vector { vector | n192 = a }\n\n Index193 ->\n Vector { vector | n193 = a }\n\n Index194 ->\n Vector { vector | n194 = a }\n\n Index195 ->\n Vector { vector | n195 = a }\n\n Index196 ->\n Vector { vector | n196 = a }\n\n Index197 ->\n Vector { vector | n197 = a }\n\n\n{-| Reduce a `Vector198 a` from the right\n-}\nfoldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector198 a -> b\nfoldr f start vector =\n List.foldr f start <| toList vector\n\n\n{-| Reduce a `Vector198 a` from the left\n-}\nfoldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector198 a -> b\nfoldl f start vector =\n List.foldl f start <| toList vector\n\n\n{-| Apply a function to every element in a \\`Vector198 a\n-}\nmap : (a -> b) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 b\nmap f (Vector vector) =\n { n0 = f vector.n0\n , n1 = f vector.n1\n , n2 = f vector.n2\n , n3 = f vector.n3\n , n4 = f vector.n4\n , n5 = f vector.n5\n , n6 = f vector.n6\n , n7 = f vector.n7\n , n8 = f vector.n8\n , n9 = f vector.n9\n , n10 = f vector.n10\n , n11 = f vector.n11\n , n12 = f vector.n12\n , n13 = f vector.n13\n , n14 = f vector.n14\n , n15 = f vector.n15\n , n16 = f vector.n16\n , n17 = f vector.n17\n , n18 = f vector.n18\n , n19 = f vector.n19\n , n20 = f vector.n20\n , n21 = f vector.n21\n , n22 = f vector.n22\n , n23 = f vector.n23\n , n24 = f vector.n24\n , n25 = f vector.n25\n , n26 = f vector.n26\n , n27 = f vector.n27\n , n28 = f vector.n28\n , n29 = f vector.n29\n , n30 = f vector.n30\n , n31 = f vector.n31\n , n32 = f vector.n32\n , n33 = f vector.n33\n , n34 = f vector.n34\n , n35 = f vector.n35\n , n36 = f vector.n36\n , n37 = f vector.n37\n , n38 = f vector.n38\n , n39 = f vector.n39\n , n40 = f vector.n40\n , n41 = f vector.n41\n , n42 = f vector.n42\n , n43 = f vector.n43\n , n44 = f vector.n44\n , n45 = f vector.n45\n , n46 = f vector.n46\n , n47 = f vector.n47\n , n48 = f vector.n48\n , n49 = f vector.n49\n , n50 = f vector.n50\n , n51 = f vector.n51\n , n52 = f vector.n52\n , n53 = f vector.n53\n , n54 = f vector.n54\n , n55 = f vector.n55\n , n56 = f vector.n56\n , n57 = f vector.n57\n , n58 = f vector.n58\n , n59 = f vector.n59\n , n60 = f vector.n60\n , n61 = f vector.n61\n , n62 = f vector.n62\n , n63 = f vector.n63\n , n64 = f vector.n64\n , n65 = f vector.n65\n , n66 = f vector.n66\n , n67 = f vector.n67\n , n68 = f vector.n68\n , n69 = f vector.n69\n , n70 = f vector.n70\n , n71 = f vector.n71\n , n72 = f vector.n72\n , n73 = f vector.n73\n , n74 = f vector.n74\n , n75 = f vector.n75\n , n76 = f vector.n76\n , n77 = f vector.n77\n , n78 = f vector.n78\n , n79 = f vector.n79\n , n80 = f vector.n80\n , n81 = f vector.n81\n , n82 = f vector.n82\n , n83 = f vector.n83\n , n84 = f vector.n84\n , n85 = f vector.n85\n , n86 = f vector.n86\n , n87 = f vector.n87\n , n88 = f vector.n88\n , n89 = f vector.n89\n , n90 = f vector.n90\n , n91 = f vector.n91\n , n92 = f vector.n92\n , n93 = f vector.n93\n , n94 = f vector.n94\n , n95 = f vector.n95\n , n96 = f vector.n96\n , n97 = f vector.n97\n , n98 = f vector.n98\n , n99 = f vector.n99\n , n100 = f vector.n100\n , n101 = f vector.n101\n , n102 = f vector.n102\n , n103 = f vector.n103\n , n104 = f vector.n104\n , n105 = f vector.n105\n , n106 = f vector.n106\n , n107 = f vector.n107\n , n108 = f vector.n108\n , n109 = f vector.n109\n , n110 = f vector.n110\n , n111 = f vector.n111\n , n112 = f vector.n112\n , n113 = f vector.n113\n , n114 = f vector.n114\n , n115 = f vector.n115\n , n116 = f vector.n116\n , n117 = f vector.n117\n , n118 = f vector.n118\n , n119 = f vector.n119\n , n120 = f vector.n120\n , n121 = f vector.n121\n , n122 = f vector.n122\n , n123 = f vector.n123\n , n124 = f vector.n124\n , n125 = f vector.n125\n , n126 = f vector.n126\n , n127 = f vector.n127\n , n128 = f vector.n128\n , n129 = f vector.n129\n , n130 = f vector.n130\n , n131 = f vector.n131\n , n132 = f vector.n132\n , n133 = f vector.n133\n , n134 = f vector.n134\n , n135 = f vector.n135\n , n136 = f vector.n136\n , n137 = f vector.n137\n , n138 = f vector.n138\n , n139 = f vector.n139\n , n140 = f vector.n140\n , n141 = f vector.n141\n , n142 = f vector.n142\n , n143 = f vector.n143\n , n144 = f vector.n144\n , n145 = f vector.n145\n , n146 = f vector.n146\n , n147 = f vector.n147\n , n148 = f vector.n148\n , n149 = f vector.n149\n , n150 = f vector.n150\n , n151 = f vector.n151\n , n152 = f vector.n152\n , n153 = f vector.n153\n , n154 = f vector.n154\n , n155 = f vector.n155\n , n156 = f vector.n156\n , n157 = f vector.n157\n , n158 = f vector.n158\n , n159 = f vector.n159\n , n160 = f vector.n160\n , n161 = f vector.n161\n , n162 = f vector.n162\n , n163 = f vector.n163\n , n164 = f vector.n164\n , n165 = f vector.n165\n , n166 = f vector.n166\n , n167 = f vector.n167\n , n168 = f vector.n168\n , n169 = f vector.n169\n , n170 = f vector.n170\n , n171 = f vector.n171\n , n172 = f vector.n172\n , n173 = f vector.n173\n , n174 = f vector.n174\n , n175 = f vector.n175\n , n176 = f vector.n176\n , n177 = f vector.n177\n , n178 = f vector.n178\n , n179 = f vector.n179\n , n180 = f vector.n180\n , n181 = f vector.n181\n , n182 = f vector.n182\n , n183 = f vector.n183\n , n184 = f vector.n184\n , n185 = f vector.n185\n , n186 = f vector.n186\n , n187 = f vector.n187\n , n188 = f vector.n188\n , n189 = f vector.n189\n , n190 = f vector.n190\n , n191 = f vector.n191\n , n192 = f vector.n192\n , n193 = f vector.n193\n , n194 = f vector.n194\n , n195 = f vector.n195\n , n196 = f vector.n196\n , n197 = f vector.n197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| Apply a function on every element with its index as first argument\n-}\nindexedMap : (Index -> a -> b) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 b\nindexedMap f (Vector vector) =\n { n0 = f Index0 vector.n0\n , n1 = f Index1 vector.n1\n , n2 = f Index2 vector.n2\n , n3 = f Index3 vector.n3\n , n4 = f Index4 vector.n4\n , n5 = f Index5 vector.n5\n , n6 = f Index6 vector.n6\n , n7 = f Index7 vector.n7\n , n8 = f Index8 vector.n8\n , n9 = f Index9 vector.n9\n , n10 = f Index10 vector.n10\n , n11 = f Index11 vector.n11\n , n12 = f Index12 vector.n12\n , n13 = f Index13 vector.n13\n , n14 = f Index14 vector.n14\n , n15 = f Index15 vector.n15\n , n16 = f Index16 vector.n16\n , n17 = f Index17 vector.n17\n , n18 = f Index18 vector.n18\n , n19 = f Index19 vector.n19\n , n20 = f Index20 vector.n20\n , n21 = f Index21 vector.n21\n , n22 = f Index22 vector.n22\n , n23 = f Index23 vector.n23\n , n24 = f Index24 vector.n24\n , n25 = f Index25 vector.n25\n , n26 = f Index26 vector.n26\n , n27 = f Index27 vector.n27\n , n28 = f Index28 vector.n28\n , n29 = f Index29 vector.n29\n , n30 = f Index30 vector.n30\n , n31 = f Index31 vector.n31\n , n32 = f Index32 vector.n32\n , n33 = f Index33 vector.n33\n , n34 = f Index34 vector.n34\n , n35 = f Index35 vector.n35\n , n36 = f Index36 vector.n36\n , n37 = f Index37 vector.n37\n , n38 = f Index38 vector.n38\n , n39 = f Index39 vector.n39\n , n40 = f Index40 vector.n40\n , n41 = f Index41 vector.n41\n , n42 = f Index42 vector.n42\n , n43 = f Index43 vector.n43\n , n44 = f Index44 vector.n44\n , n45 = f Index45 vector.n45\n , n46 = f Index46 vector.n46\n , n47 = f Index47 vector.n47\n , n48 = f Index48 vector.n48\n , n49 = f Index49 vector.n49\n , n50 = f Index50 vector.n50\n , n51 = f Index51 vector.n51\n , n52 = f Index52 vector.n52\n , n53 = f Index53 vector.n53\n , n54 = f Index54 vector.n54\n , n55 = f Index55 vector.n55\n , n56 = f Index56 vector.n56\n , n57 = f Index57 vector.n57\n , n58 = f Index58 vector.n58\n , n59 = f Index59 vector.n59\n , n60 = f Index60 vector.n60\n , n61 = f Index61 vector.n61\n , n62 = f Index62 vector.n62\n , n63 = f Index63 vector.n63\n , n64 = f Index64 vector.n64\n , n65 = f Index65 vector.n65\n , n66 = f Index66 vector.n66\n , n67 = f Index67 vector.n67\n , n68 = f Index68 vector.n68\n , n69 = f Index69 vector.n69\n , n70 = f Index70 vector.n70\n , n71 = f Index71 vector.n71\n , n72 = f Index72 vector.n72\n , n73 = f Index73 vector.n73\n , n74 = f Index74 vector.n74\n , n75 = f Index75 vector.n75\n , n76 = f Index76 vector.n76\n , n77 = f Index77 vector.n77\n , n78 = f Index78 vector.n78\n , n79 = f Index79 vector.n79\n , n80 = f Index80 vector.n80\n , n81 = f Index81 vector.n81\n , n82 = f Index82 vector.n82\n , n83 = f Index83 vector.n83\n , n84 = f Index84 vector.n84\n , n85 = f Index85 vector.n85\n , n86 = f Index86 vector.n86\n , n87 = f Index87 vector.n87\n , n88 = f Index88 vector.n88\n , n89 = f Index89 vector.n89\n , n90 = f Index90 vector.n90\n , n91 = f Index91 vector.n91\n , n92 = f Index92 vector.n92\n , n93 = f Index93 vector.n93\n , n94 = f Index94 vector.n94\n , n95 = f Index95 vector.n95\n , n96 = f Index96 vector.n96\n , n97 = f Index97 vector.n97\n , n98 = f Index98 vector.n98\n , n99 = f Index99 vector.n99\n , n100 = f Index100 vector.n100\n , n101 = f Index101 vector.n101\n , n102 = f Index102 vector.n102\n , n103 = f Index103 vector.n103\n , n104 = f Index104 vector.n104\n , n105 = f Index105 vector.n105\n , n106 = f Index106 vector.n106\n , n107 = f Index107 vector.n107\n , n108 = f Index108 vector.n108\n , n109 = f Index109 vector.n109\n , n110 = f Index110 vector.n110\n , n111 = f Index111 vector.n111\n , n112 = f Index112 vector.n112\n , n113 = f Index113 vector.n113\n , n114 = f Index114 vector.n114\n , n115 = f Index115 vector.n115\n , n116 = f Index116 vector.n116\n , n117 = f Index117 vector.n117\n , n118 = f Index118 vector.n118\n , n119 = f Index119 vector.n119\n , n120 = f Index120 vector.n120\n , n121 = f Index121 vector.n121\n , n122 = f Index122 vector.n122\n , n123 = f Index123 vector.n123\n , n124 = f Index124 vector.n124\n , n125 = f Index125 vector.n125\n , n126 = f Index126 vector.n126\n , n127 = f Index127 vector.n127\n , n128 = f Index128 vector.n128\n , n129 = f Index129 vector.n129\n , n130 = f Index130 vector.n130\n , n131 = f Index131 vector.n131\n , n132 = f Index132 vector.n132\n , n133 = f Index133 vector.n133\n , n134 = f Index134 vector.n134\n , n135 = f Index135 vector.n135\n , n136 = f Index136 vector.n136\n , n137 = f Index137 vector.n137\n , n138 = f Index138 vector.n138\n , n139 = f Index139 vector.n139\n , n140 = f Index140 vector.n140\n , n141 = f Index141 vector.n141\n , n142 = f Index142 vector.n142\n , n143 = f Index143 vector.n143\n , n144 = f Index144 vector.n144\n , n145 = f Index145 vector.n145\n , n146 = f Index146 vector.n146\n , n147 = f Index147 vector.n147\n , n148 = f Index148 vector.n148\n , n149 = f Index149 vector.n149\n , n150 = f Index150 vector.n150\n , n151 = f Index151 vector.n151\n , n152 = f Index152 vector.n152\n , n153 = f Index153 vector.n153\n , n154 = f Index154 vector.n154\n , n155 = f Index155 vector.n155\n , n156 = f Index156 vector.n156\n , n157 = f Index157 vector.n157\n , n158 = f Index158 vector.n158\n , n159 = f Index159 vector.n159\n , n160 = f Index160 vector.n160\n , n161 = f Index161 vector.n161\n , n162 = f Index162 vector.n162\n , n163 = f Index163 vector.n163\n , n164 = f Index164 vector.n164\n , n165 = f Index165 vector.n165\n , n166 = f Index166 vector.n166\n , n167 = f Index167 vector.n167\n , n168 = f Index168 vector.n168\n , n169 = f Index169 vector.n169\n , n170 = f Index170 vector.n170\n , n171 = f Index171 vector.n171\n , n172 = f Index172 vector.n172\n , n173 = f Index173 vector.n173\n , n174 = f Index174 vector.n174\n , n175 = f Index175 vector.n175\n , n176 = f Index176 vector.n176\n , n177 = f Index177 vector.n177\n , n178 = f Index178 vector.n178\n , n179 = f Index179 vector.n179\n , n180 = f Index180 vector.n180\n , n181 = f Index181 vector.n181\n , n182 = f Index182 vector.n182\n , n183 = f Index183 vector.n183\n , n184 = f Index184 vector.n184\n , n185 = f Index185 vector.n185\n , n186 = f Index186 vector.n186\n , n187 = f Index187 vector.n187\n , n188 = f Index188 vector.n188\n , n189 = f Index189 vector.n189\n , n190 = f Index190 vector.n190\n , n191 = f Index191 vector.n191\n , n192 = f Index192 vector.n192\n , n193 = f Index193 vector.n193\n , n194 = f Index194 vector.n194\n , n195 = f Index195 vector.n195\n , n196 = f Index196 vector.n196\n , n197 = f Index197 vector.n197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| -}\nmap2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 b -> Vector198 c\nmap2 f (Vector va) (Vector vb) =\n { n0 = f va.n0 vb.n0\n , n1 = f va.n1 vb.n1\n , n2 = f va.n2 vb.n2\n , n3 = f va.n3 vb.n3\n , n4 = f va.n4 vb.n4\n , n5 = f va.n5 vb.n5\n , n6 = f va.n6 vb.n6\n , n7 = f va.n7 vb.n7\n , n8 = f va.n8 vb.n8\n , n9 = f va.n9 vb.n9\n , n10 = f va.n10 vb.n10\n , n11 = f va.n11 vb.n11\n , n12 = f va.n12 vb.n12\n , n13 = f va.n13 vb.n13\n , n14 = f va.n14 vb.n14\n , n15 = f va.n15 vb.n15\n , n16 = f va.n16 vb.n16\n , n17 = f va.n17 vb.n17\n , n18 = f va.n18 vb.n18\n , n19 = f va.n19 vb.n19\n , n20 = f va.n20 vb.n20\n , n21 = f va.n21 vb.n21\n , n22 = f va.n22 vb.n22\n , n23 = f va.n23 vb.n23\n , n24 = f va.n24 vb.n24\n , n25 = f va.n25 vb.n25\n , n26 = f va.n26 vb.n26\n , n27 = f va.n27 vb.n27\n , n28 = f va.n28 vb.n28\n , n29 = f va.n29 vb.n29\n , n30 = f va.n30 vb.n30\n , n31 = f va.n31 vb.n31\n , n32 = f va.n32 vb.n32\n , n33 = f va.n33 vb.n33\n , n34 = f va.n34 vb.n34\n , n35 = f va.n35 vb.n35\n , n36 = f va.n36 vb.n36\n , n37 = f va.n37 vb.n37\n , n38 = f va.n38 vb.n38\n , n39 = f va.n39 vb.n39\n , n40 = f va.n40 vb.n40\n , n41 = f va.n41 vb.n41\n , n42 = f va.n42 vb.n42\n , n43 = f va.n43 vb.n43\n , n44 = f va.n44 vb.n44\n , n45 = f va.n45 vb.n45\n , n46 = f va.n46 vb.n46\n , n47 = f va.n47 vb.n47\n , n48 = f va.n48 vb.n48\n , n49 = f va.n49 vb.n49\n , n50 = f va.n50 vb.n50\n , n51 = f va.n51 vb.n51\n , n52 = f va.n52 vb.n52\n , n53 = f va.n53 vb.n53\n , n54 = f va.n54 vb.n54\n , n55 = f va.n55 vb.n55\n , n56 = f va.n56 vb.n56\n , n57 = f va.n57 vb.n57\n , n58 = f va.n58 vb.n58\n , n59 = f va.n59 vb.n59\n , n60 = f va.n60 vb.n60\n , n61 = f va.n61 vb.n61\n , n62 = f va.n62 vb.n62\n , n63 = f va.n63 vb.n63\n , n64 = f va.n64 vb.n64\n , n65 = f va.n65 vb.n65\n , n66 = f va.n66 vb.n66\n , n67 = f va.n67 vb.n67\n , n68 = f va.n68 vb.n68\n , n69 = f va.n69 vb.n69\n , n70 = f va.n70 vb.n70\n , n71 = f va.n71 vb.n71\n , n72 = f va.n72 vb.n72\n , n73 = f va.n73 vb.n73\n , n74 = f va.n74 vb.n74\n , n75 = f va.n75 vb.n75\n , n76 = f va.n76 vb.n76\n , n77 = f va.n77 vb.n77\n , n78 = f va.n78 vb.n78\n , n79 = f va.n79 vb.n79\n , n80 = f va.n80 vb.n80\n , n81 = f va.n81 vb.n81\n , n82 = f va.n82 vb.n82\n , n83 = f va.n83 vb.n83\n , n84 = f va.n84 vb.n84\n , n85 = f va.n85 vb.n85\n , n86 = f va.n86 vb.n86\n , n87 = f va.n87 vb.n87\n , n88 = f va.n88 vb.n88\n , n89 = f va.n89 vb.n89\n , n90 = f va.n90 vb.n90\n , n91 = f va.n91 vb.n91\n , n92 = f va.n92 vb.n92\n , n93 = f va.n93 vb.n93\n , n94 = f va.n94 vb.n94\n , n95 = f va.n95 vb.n95\n , n96 = f va.n96 vb.n96\n , n97 = f va.n97 vb.n97\n , n98 = f va.n98 vb.n98\n , n99 = f va.n99 vb.n99\n , n100 = f va.n100 vb.n100\n , n101 = f va.n101 vb.n101\n , n102 = f va.n102 vb.n102\n , n103 = f va.n103 vb.n103\n , n104 = f va.n104 vb.n104\n , n105 = f va.n105 vb.n105\n , n106 = f va.n106 vb.n106\n , n107 = f va.n107 vb.n107\n , n108 = f va.n108 vb.n108\n , n109 = f va.n109 vb.n109\n , n110 = f va.n110 vb.n110\n , n111 = f va.n111 vb.n111\n , n112 = f va.n112 vb.n112\n , n113 = f va.n113 vb.n113\n , n114 = f va.n114 vb.n114\n , n115 = f va.n115 vb.n115\n , n116 = f va.n116 vb.n116\n , n117 = f va.n117 vb.n117\n , n118 = f va.n118 vb.n118\n , n119 = f va.n119 vb.n119\n , n120 = f va.n120 vb.n120\n , n121 = f va.n121 vb.n121\n , n122 = f va.n122 vb.n122\n , n123 = f va.n123 vb.n123\n , n124 = f va.n124 vb.n124\n , n125 = f va.n125 vb.n125\n , n126 = f va.n126 vb.n126\n , n127 = f va.n127 vb.n127\n , n128 = f va.n128 vb.n128\n , n129 = f va.n129 vb.n129\n , n130 = f va.n130 vb.n130\n , n131 = f va.n131 vb.n131\n , n132 = f va.n132 vb.n132\n , n133 = f va.n133 vb.n133\n , n134 = f va.n134 vb.n134\n , n135 = f va.n135 vb.n135\n , n136 = f va.n136 vb.n136\n , n137 = f va.n137 vb.n137\n , n138 = f va.n138 vb.n138\n , n139 = f va.n139 vb.n139\n , n140 = f va.n140 vb.n140\n , n141 = f va.n141 vb.n141\n , n142 = f va.n142 vb.n142\n , n143 = f va.n143 vb.n143\n , n144 = f va.n144 vb.n144\n , n145 = f va.n145 vb.n145\n , n146 = f va.n146 vb.n146\n , n147 = f va.n147 vb.n147\n , n148 = f va.n148 vb.n148\n , n149 = f va.n149 vb.n149\n , n150 = f va.n150 vb.n150\n , n151 = f va.n151 vb.n151\n , n152 = f va.n152 vb.n152\n , n153 = f va.n153 vb.n153\n , n154 = f va.n154 vb.n154\n , n155 = f va.n155 vb.n155\n , n156 = f va.n156 vb.n156\n , n157 = f va.n157 vb.n157\n , n158 = f va.n158 vb.n158\n , n159 = f va.n159 vb.n159\n , n160 = f va.n160 vb.n160\n , n161 = f va.n161 vb.n161\n , n162 = f va.n162 vb.n162\n , n163 = f va.n163 vb.n163\n , n164 = f va.n164 vb.n164\n , n165 = f va.n165 vb.n165\n , n166 = f va.n166 vb.n166\n , n167 = f va.n167 vb.n167\n , n168 = f va.n168 vb.n168\n , n169 = f va.n169 vb.n169\n , n170 = f va.n170 vb.n170\n , n171 = f va.n171 vb.n171\n , n172 = f va.n172 vb.n172\n , n173 = f va.n173 vb.n173\n , n174 = f va.n174 vb.n174\n , n175 = f va.n175 vb.n175\n , n176 = f va.n176 vb.n176\n , n177 = f va.n177 vb.n177\n , n178 = f va.n178 vb.n178\n , n179 = f va.n179 vb.n179\n , n180 = f va.n180 vb.n180\n , n181 = f va.n181 vb.n181\n , n182 = f va.n182 vb.n182\n , n183 = f va.n183 vb.n183\n , n184 = f va.n184 vb.n184\n , n185 = f va.n185 vb.n185\n , n186 = f va.n186 vb.n186\n , n187 = f va.n187 vb.n187\n , n188 = f va.n188 vb.n188\n , n189 = f va.n189 vb.n189\n , n190 = f va.n190 vb.n190\n , n191 = f va.n191 vb.n191\n , n192 = f va.n192 vb.n192\n , n193 = f va.n193 vb.n193\n , n194 = f va.n194 vb.n194\n , n195 = f va.n195 vb.n195\n , n196 = f va.n196 vb.n196\n , n197 = f va.n197 vb.n197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| -}\nmap3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 b -> Vector198 c -> Vector198 d\nmap3 f (Vector va) (Vector vb) (Vector vc) =\n { n0 = f va.n0 vb.n0 vc.n0\n , n1 = f va.n1 vb.n1 vc.n1\n , n2 = f va.n2 vb.n2 vc.n2\n , n3 = f va.n3 vb.n3 vc.n3\n , n4 = f va.n4 vb.n4 vc.n4\n , n5 = f va.n5 vb.n5 vc.n5\n , n6 = f va.n6 vb.n6 vc.n6\n , n7 = f va.n7 vb.n7 vc.n7\n , n8 = f va.n8 vb.n8 vc.n8\n , n9 = f va.n9 vb.n9 vc.n9\n , n10 = f va.n10 vb.n10 vc.n10\n , n11 = f va.n11 vb.n11 vc.n11\n , n12 = f va.n12 vb.n12 vc.n12\n , n13 = f va.n13 vb.n13 vc.n13\n , n14 = f va.n14 vb.n14 vc.n14\n , n15 = f va.n15 vb.n15 vc.n15\n , n16 = f va.n16 vb.n16 vc.n16\n , n17 = f va.n17 vb.n17 vc.n17\n , n18 = f va.n18 vb.n18 vc.n18\n , n19 = f va.n19 vb.n19 vc.n19\n , n20 = f va.n20 vb.n20 vc.n20\n , n21 = f va.n21 vb.n21 vc.n21\n , n22 = f va.n22 vb.n22 vc.n22\n , n23 = f va.n23 vb.n23 vc.n23\n , n24 = f va.n24 vb.n24 vc.n24\n , n25 = f va.n25 vb.n25 vc.n25\n , n26 = f va.n26 vb.n26 vc.n26\n , n27 = f va.n27 vb.n27 vc.n27\n , n28 = f va.n28 vb.n28 vc.n28\n , n29 = f va.n29 vb.n29 vc.n29\n , n30 = f va.n30 vb.n30 vc.n30\n , n31 = f va.n31 vb.n31 vc.n31\n , n32 = f va.n32 vb.n32 vc.n32\n , n33 = f va.n33 vb.n33 vc.n33\n , n34 = f va.n34 vb.n34 vc.n34\n , n35 = f va.n35 vb.n35 vc.n35\n , n36 = f va.n36 vb.n36 vc.n36\n , n37 = f va.n37 vb.n37 vc.n37\n , n38 = f va.n38 vb.n38 vc.n38\n , n39 = f va.n39 vb.n39 vc.n39\n , n40 = f va.n40 vb.n40 vc.n40\n , n41 = f va.n41 vb.n41 vc.n41\n , n42 = f va.n42 vb.n42 vc.n42\n , n43 = f va.n43 vb.n43 vc.n43\n , n44 = f va.n44 vb.n44 vc.n44\n , n45 = f va.n45 vb.n45 vc.n45\n , n46 = f va.n46 vb.n46 vc.n46\n , n47 = f va.n47 vb.n47 vc.n47\n , n48 = f va.n48 vb.n48 vc.n48\n , n49 = f va.n49 vb.n49 vc.n49\n , n50 = f va.n50 vb.n50 vc.n50\n , n51 = f va.n51 vb.n51 vc.n51\n , n52 = f va.n52 vb.n52 vc.n52\n , n53 = f va.n53 vb.n53 vc.n53\n , n54 = f va.n54 vb.n54 vc.n54\n , n55 = f va.n55 vb.n55 vc.n55\n , n56 = f va.n56 vb.n56 vc.n56\n , n57 = f va.n57 vb.n57 vc.n57\n , n58 = f va.n58 vb.n58 vc.n58\n , n59 = f va.n59 vb.n59 vc.n59\n , n60 = f va.n60 vb.n60 vc.n60\n , n61 = f va.n61 vb.n61 vc.n61\n , n62 = f va.n62 vb.n62 vc.n62\n , n63 = f va.n63 vb.n63 vc.n63\n , n64 = f va.n64 vb.n64 vc.n64\n , n65 = f va.n65 vb.n65 vc.n65\n , n66 = f va.n66 vb.n66 vc.n66\n , n67 = f va.n67 vb.n67 vc.n67\n , n68 = f va.n68 vb.n68 vc.n68\n , n69 = f va.n69 vb.n69 vc.n69\n , n70 = f va.n70 vb.n70 vc.n70\n , n71 = f va.n71 vb.n71 vc.n71\n , n72 = f va.n72 vb.n72 vc.n72\n , n73 = f va.n73 vb.n73 vc.n73\n , n74 = f va.n74 vb.n74 vc.n74\n , n75 = f va.n75 vb.n75 vc.n75\n , n76 = f va.n76 vb.n76 vc.n76\n , n77 = f va.n77 vb.n77 vc.n77\n , n78 = f va.n78 vb.n78 vc.n78\n , n79 = f va.n79 vb.n79 vc.n79\n , n80 = f va.n80 vb.n80 vc.n80\n , n81 = f va.n81 vb.n81 vc.n81\n , n82 = f va.n82 vb.n82 vc.n82\n , n83 = f va.n83 vb.n83 vc.n83\n , n84 = f va.n84 vb.n84 vc.n84\n , n85 = f va.n85 vb.n85 vc.n85\n , n86 = f va.n86 vb.n86 vc.n86\n , n87 = f va.n87 vb.n87 vc.n87\n , n88 = f va.n88 vb.n88 vc.n88\n , n89 = f va.n89 vb.n89 vc.n89\n , n90 = f va.n90 vb.n90 vc.n90\n , n91 = f va.n91 vb.n91 vc.n91\n , n92 = f va.n92 vb.n92 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e\nmap4 f (Vector va) (Vector vb) (Vector vc) (Vector vd) =\n { n0 = f va.n0 vb.n0 vc.n0 vd.n0\n , n1 = f va.n1 vb.n1 vc.n1 vd.n1\n , n2 = f va.n2 vb.n2 vc.n2 vd.n2\n , n3 = f va.n3 vb.n3 vc.n3 vd.n3\n , n4 = f va.n4 vb.n4 vc.n4 vd.n4\n , n5 = f va.n5 vb.n5 vc.n5 vd.n5\n , n6 = f va.n6 vb.n6 vc.n6 vd.n6\n , n7 = f va.n7 vb.n7 vc.n7 vd.n7\n , n8 = f va.n8 vb.n8 vc.n8 vd.n8\n , n9 = f va.n9 vb.n9 vc.n9 vd.n9\n , n10 = f va.n10 vb.n10 vc.n10 vd.n10\n , n11 = f va.n11 vb.n11 vc.n11 vd.n11\n , n12 = f va.n12 vb.n12 vc.n12 vd.n12\n , n13 = f va.n13 vb.n13 vc.n13 vd.n13\n , n14 = f va.n14 vb.n14 vc.n14 vd.n14\n , n15 = f va.n15 vb.n15 vc.n15 vd.n15\n , n16 = f va.n16 vb.n16 vc.n16 vd.n16\n , n17 = f va.n17 vb.n17 vc.n17 vd.n17\n , n18 = f va.n18 vb.n18 vc.n18 vd.n18\n , n19 = f va.n19 vb.n19 vc.n19 vd.n19\n , n20 = f va.n20 vb.n20 vc.n20 vd.n20\n , n21 = f va.n21 vb.n21 vc.n21 vd.n21\n , n22 = f va.n22 vb.n22 vc.n22 vd.n22\n , n23 = f va.n23 vb.n23 vc.n23 vd.n23\n , n24 = f va.n24 vb.n24 vc.n24 vd.n24\n , n25 = f va.n25 vb.n25 vc.n25 vd.n25\n , n26 = f va.n26 vb.n26 vc.n26 vd.n26\n , n27 = f va.n27 vb.n27 vc.n27 vd.n27\n , n28 = f va.n28 vb.n28 vc.n28 vd.n28\n , n29 = f va.n29 vb.n29 vc.n29 vd.n29\n , n30 = f va.n30 vb.n30 vc.n30 vd.n30\n , n31 = f va.n31 vb.n31 vc.n31 vd.n31\n , n32 = f va.n32 vb.n32 vc.n32 vd.n32\n , n33 = f va.n33 vb.n33 vc.n33 vd.n33\n , n34 = f va.n34 vb.n34 vc.n34 vd.n34\n , n35 = f va.n35 vb.n35 vc.n35 vd.n35\n , n36 = f va.n36 vb.n36 vc.n36 vd.n36\n , n37 = f va.n37 vb.n37 vc.n37 vd.n37\n , n38 = f va.n38 vb.n38 vc.n38 vd.n38\n , n39 = f va.n39 vb.n39 vc.n39 vd.n39\n , n40 = f va.n40 vb.n40 vc.n40 vd.n40\n , n41 = f va.n41 vb.n41 vc.n41 vd.n41\n , n42 = f va.n42 vb.n42 vc.n42 vd.n42\n , n43 = f va.n43 vb.n43 vc.n43 vd.n43\n , n44 = f va.n44 vb.n44 vc.n44 vd.n44\n , n45 = f va.n45 vb.n45 vc.n45 vd.n45\n , n46 = f va.n46 vb.n46 vc.n46 vd.n46\n , n47 = f va.n47 vb.n47 vc.n47 vd.n47\n , n48 = f va.n48 vb.n48 vc.n48 vd.n48\n , n49 = f va.n49 vb.n49 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vd.n121\n , n122 = f va.n122 vb.n122 vc.n122 vd.n122\n , n123 = f va.n123 vb.n123 vc.n123 vd.n123\n , n124 = f va.n124 vb.n124 vc.n124 vd.n124\n , n125 = f va.n125 vb.n125 vc.n125 vd.n125\n , n126 = f va.n126 vb.n126 vc.n126 vd.n126\n , n127 = f va.n127 vb.n127 vc.n127 vd.n127\n , n128 = f va.n128 vb.n128 vc.n128 vd.n128\n , n129 = f va.n129 vb.n129 vc.n129 vd.n129\n , n130 = f va.n130 vb.n130 vc.n130 vd.n130\n , n131 = f va.n131 vb.n131 vc.n131 vd.n131\n , n132 = f va.n132 vb.n132 vc.n132 vd.n132\n , n133 = f va.n133 vb.n133 vc.n133 vd.n133\n , n134 = f va.n134 vb.n134 vc.n134 vd.n134\n , n135 = f va.n135 vb.n135 vc.n135 vd.n135\n , n136 = f va.n136 vb.n136 vc.n136 vd.n136\n , n137 = f va.n137 vb.n137 vc.n137 vd.n137\n , n138 = f va.n138 vb.n138 vc.n138 vd.n138\n , n139 = f va.n139 vb.n139 vc.n139 vd.n139\n , n140 = f va.n140 vb.n140 vc.n140 vd.n140\n , n141 = f va.n141 vb.n141 vc.n141 vd.n141\n , n142 = f va.n142 vb.n142 vc.n142 vd.n142\n , n143 = f va.n143 vb.n143 vc.n143 vd.n143\n 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va.n166 vb.n166 vc.n166 vd.n166\n , n167 = f va.n167 vb.n167 vc.n167 vd.n167\n , n168 = f va.n168 vb.n168 vc.n168 vd.n168\n , n169 = f va.n169 vb.n169 vc.n169 vd.n169\n , n170 = f va.n170 vb.n170 vc.n170 vd.n170\n , n171 = f va.n171 vb.n171 vc.n171 vd.n171\n , n172 = f va.n172 vb.n172 vc.n172 vd.n172\n , n173 = f va.n173 vb.n173 vc.n173 vd.n173\n , n174 = f va.n174 vb.n174 vc.n174 vd.n174\n , n175 = f va.n175 vb.n175 vc.n175 vd.n175\n , n176 = f va.n176 vb.n176 vc.n176 vd.n176\n , n177 = f va.n177 vb.n177 vc.n177 vd.n177\n , n178 = f va.n178 vb.n178 vc.n178 vd.n178\n , n179 = f va.n179 vb.n179 vc.n179 vd.n179\n , n180 = f va.n180 vb.n180 vc.n180 vd.n180\n , n181 = f va.n181 vb.n181 vc.n181 vd.n181\n , n182 = f va.n182 vb.n182 vc.n182 vd.n182\n , n183 = f va.n183 vb.n183 vc.n183 vd.n183\n , n184 = f va.n184 vb.n184 vc.n184 vd.n184\n , n185 = f va.n185 vb.n185 vc.n185 vd.n185\n , n186 = f va.n186 vb.n186 vc.n186 vd.n186\n , n187 = f va.n187 vb.n187 vc.n187 vd.n187\n , n188 = f va.n188 vb.n188 vc.n188 vd.n188\n , n189 = f va.n189 vb.n189 vc.n189 vd.n189\n , n190 = f va.n190 vb.n190 vc.n190 vd.n190\n , n191 = f va.n191 vb.n191 vc.n191 vd.n191\n , n192 = f va.n192 vb.n192 vc.n192 vd.n192\n , n193 = f va.n193 vb.n193 vc.n193 vd.n193\n , n194 = f va.n194 vb.n194 vc.n194 vd.n194\n , n195 = f va.n195 vb.n195 vc.n195 vd.n195\n , n196 = f va.n196 vb.n196 vc.n196 vd.n196\n , n197 = f va.n197 vb.n197 vc.n197 vd.n197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| -}\nmap5 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 b -> Vector198 c -> Vector198 d -> Vector198 e -> Vector198 f\nmap5 f (Vector va) (Vector vb) (Vector vc) (Vector vd) (Vector ve) =\n { n0 = f va.n0 vb.n0 vc.n0 vd.n0 ve.n0\n , n1 = f va.n1 vb.n1 vc.n1 vd.n1 ve.n1\n , n2 = f va.n2 vb.n2 vc.n2 vd.n2 ve.n2\n , n3 = f va.n3 vb.n3 vc.n3 vd.n3 ve.n3\n , n4 = f va.n4 vb.n4 vc.n4 vd.n4 ve.n4\n , n5 = f va.n5 vb.n5 vc.n5 vd.n5 ve.n5\n , n6 = f va.n6 vb.n6 vc.n6 vd.n6 ve.n6\n , n7 = f va.n7 vb.n7 vc.n7 vd.n7 ve.n7\n , n8 = f va.n8 vb.n8 vc.n8 vd.n8 ve.n8\n , n9 = f va.n9 vb.n9 vc.n9 vd.n9 ve.n9\n , n10 = f va.n10 vb.n10 vc.n10 vd.n10 ve.n10\n , n11 = f va.n11 vb.n11 vc.n11 vd.n11 ve.n11\n , n12 = f va.n12 vb.n12 vc.n12 vd.n12 ve.n12\n , n13 = f va.n13 vb.n13 vc.n13 vd.n13 ve.n13\n , n14 = f va.n14 vb.n14 vc.n14 vd.n14 ve.n14\n , n15 = f va.n15 vb.n15 vc.n15 vd.n15 ve.n15\n , n16 = f va.n16 vb.n16 vc.n16 vd.n16 ve.n16\n , n17 = f va.n17 vb.n17 vc.n17 vd.n17 ve.n17\n , n18 = f va.n18 vb.n18 vc.n18 vd.n18 ve.n18\n , n19 = f va.n19 vb.n19 vc.n19 vd.n19 ve.n19\n , n20 = f va.n20 vb.n20 vc.n20 vd.n20 ve.n20\n , n21 = f va.n21 vb.n21 vc.n21 vd.n21 ve.n21\n , n22 = f va.n22 vb.n22 vc.n22 vd.n22 ve.n22\n , n23 = f va.n23 vb.n23 vc.n23 vd.n23 ve.n23\n , n24 = f va.n24 vb.n24 vc.n24 vd.n24 ve.n24\n , n25 = f va.n25 vb.n25 vc.n25 vd.n25 ve.n25\n , n26 = f va.n26 vb.n26 vc.n26 vd.n26 ve.n26\n , n27 = f va.n27 vb.n27 vc.n27 vd.n27 ve.n27\n , n28 = f va.n28 vb.n28 vc.n28 vd.n28 ve.n28\n , n29 = f va.n29 vb.n29 vc.n29 vd.n29 ve.n29\n , n30 = f va.n30 vb.n30 vc.n30 vd.n30 ve.n30\n , n31 = f va.n31 vb.n31 vc.n31 vd.n31 ve.n31\n , n32 = f va.n32 vb.n32 vc.n32 vd.n32 ve.n32\n , n33 = f va.n33 vb.n33 vc.n33 vd.n33 ve.n33\n , n34 = f va.n34 vb.n34 vc.n34 vd.n34 ve.n34\n , n35 = f va.n35 vb.n35 vc.n35 vd.n35 ve.n35\n , n36 = f va.n36 vb.n36 vc.n36 vd.n36 ve.n36\n , n37 = f va.n37 vb.n37 vc.n37 vd.n37 ve.n37\n , n38 = f va.n38 vb.n38 vc.n38 vd.n38 ve.n38\n , n39 = f va.n39 vb.n39 vc.n39 vd.n39 ve.n39\n , n40 = f va.n40 vb.n40 vc.n40 vd.n40 ve.n40\n , n41 = f va.n41 vb.n41 vc.n41 vd.n41 ve.n41\n , n42 = f va.n42 vb.n42 vc.n42 vd.n42 ve.n42\n , n43 = f va.n43 vb.n43 vc.n43 vd.n43 ve.n43\n , n44 = f va.n44 vb.n44 vc.n44 vd.n44 ve.n44\n , n45 = f va.n45 vb.n45 vc.n45 vd.n45 ve.n45\n , n46 = f va.n46 vb.n46 vc.n46 vd.n46 ve.n46\n , n47 = f va.n47 vb.n47 vc.n47 vd.n47 ve.n47\n , n48 = f va.n48 vb.n48 vc.n48 vd.n48 ve.n48\n , n49 = f va.n49 vb.n49 vc.n49 vd.n49 ve.n49\n , n50 = f va.n50 vb.n50 vc.n50 vd.n50 ve.n50\n , n51 = f va.n51 vb.n51 vc.n51 vd.n51 ve.n51\n , n52 = f va.n52 vb.n52 vc.n52 vd.n52 ve.n52\n , n53 = f va.n53 vb.n53 vc.n53 vd.n53 ve.n53\n , n54 = f va.n54 vb.n54 vc.n54 vd.n54 ve.n54\n , n55 = f va.n55 vb.n55 vc.n55 vd.n55 ve.n55\n , n56 = f va.n56 vb.n56 vc.n56 vd.n56 ve.n56\n , n57 = f va.n57 vb.n57 vc.n57 vd.n57 ve.n57\n , n58 = f va.n58 vb.n58 vc.n58 vd.n58 ve.n58\n , n59 = f va.n59 vb.n59 vc.n59 vd.n59 ve.n59\n , n60 = f va.n60 vb.n60 vc.n60 vd.n60 ve.n60\n , n61 = f va.n61 vb.n61 vc.n61 vd.n61 ve.n61\n , n62 = f va.n62 vb.n62 vc.n62 vd.n62 ve.n62\n , n63 = f va.n63 vb.n63 vc.n63 vd.n63 ve.n63\n , n64 = f va.n64 vb.n64 vc.n64 vd.n64 ve.n64\n , n65 = f va.n65 vb.n65 vc.n65 vd.n65 ve.n65\n , n66 = f va.n66 vb.n66 vc.n66 vd.n66 ve.n66\n , n67 = f va.n67 vb.n67 vc.n67 vd.n67 ve.n67\n , n68 = f va.n68 vb.n68 vc.n68 vd.n68 ve.n68\n , n69 = f va.n69 vb.n69 vc.n69 vd.n69 ve.n69\n , n70 = f va.n70 vb.n70 vc.n70 vd.n70 ve.n70\n , n71 = f va.n71 vb.n71 vc.n71 vd.n71 ve.n71\n , n72 = f va.n72 vb.n72 vc.n72 vd.n72 ve.n72\n , n73 = f va.n73 vb.n73 vc.n73 vd.n73 ve.n73\n , n74 = f va.n74 vb.n74 vc.n74 vd.n74 ve.n74\n , n75 = f va.n75 vb.n75 vc.n75 vd.n75 ve.n75\n , n76 = f va.n76 vb.n76 vc.n76 vd.n76 ve.n76\n , n77 = f va.n77 vb.n77 vc.n77 vd.n77 ve.n77\n , n78 = f va.n78 vb.n78 vc.n78 vd.n78 ve.n78\n , n79 = f va.n79 vb.n79 vc.n79 vd.n79 ve.n79\n , n80 = f va.n80 vb.n80 vc.n80 vd.n80 ve.n80\n , n81 = f va.n81 vb.n81 vc.n81 vd.n81 ve.n81\n , n82 = f va.n82 vb.n82 vc.n82 vd.n82 ve.n82\n , n83 = f va.n83 vb.n83 vc.n83 vd.n83 ve.n83\n , n84 = f va.n84 vb.n84 vc.n84 vd.n84 ve.n84\n , n85 = f va.n85 vb.n85 vc.n85 vd.n85 ve.n85\n , n86 = f va.n86 vb.n86 vc.n86 vd.n86 ve.n86\n , n87 = f va.n87 vb.n87 vc.n87 vd.n87 ve.n87\n , n88 = f va.n88 vb.n88 vc.n88 vd.n88 ve.n88\n , n89 = f va.n89 vb.n89 vc.n89 vd.n89 ve.n89\n , n90 = f va.n90 vb.n90 vc.n90 vd.n90 ve.n90\n , n91 = f va.n91 vb.n91 vc.n91 vd.n91 ve.n91\n , n92 = f va.n92 vb.n92 vc.n92 vd.n92 ve.n92\n , n93 = f va.n93 vb.n93 vc.n93 vd.n93 ve.n93\n , n94 = f va.n94 vb.n94 vc.n94 vd.n94 ve.n94\n , n95 = f va.n95 vb.n95 vc.n95 vd.n95 ve.n95\n , n96 = f va.n96 vb.n96 vc.n96 vd.n96 ve.n96\n , n97 = f va.n97 vb.n97 vc.n97 vd.n97 ve.n97\n , n98 = f va.n98 vb.n98 vc.n98 vd.n98 ve.n98\n , n99 = f va.n99 vb.n99 vc.n99 vd.n99 ve.n99\n , n100 = f va.n100 vb.n100 vc.n100 vd.n100 ve.n100\n , n101 = f va.n101 vb.n101 vc.n101 vd.n101 ve.n101\n , n102 = f va.n102 vb.n102 vc.n102 vd.n102 ve.n102\n , n103 = f va.n103 vb.n103 vc.n103 vd.n103 ve.n103\n , n104 = f va.n104 vb.n104 vc.n104 vd.n104 ve.n104\n , n105 = f va.n105 vb.n105 vc.n105 vd.n105 ve.n105\n , n106 = f va.n106 vb.n106 vc.n106 vd.n106 ve.n106\n , n107 = f va.n107 vb.n107 vc.n107 vd.n107 ve.n107\n , n108 = f va.n108 vb.n108 vc.n108 vd.n108 ve.n108\n , n109 = f va.n109 vb.n109 vc.n109 vd.n109 ve.n109\n , n110 = f va.n110 vb.n110 vc.n110 vd.n110 ve.n110\n , n111 = f va.n111 vb.n111 vc.n111 vd.n111 ve.n111\n , n112 = f va.n112 vb.n112 vc.n112 vd.n112 ve.n112\n , n113 = f va.n113 vb.n113 vc.n113 vd.n113 ve.n113\n , n114 = f va.n114 vb.n114 vc.n114 vd.n114 ve.n114\n , n115 = f va.n115 vb.n115 vc.n115 vd.n115 ve.n115\n , n116 = f va.n116 vb.n116 vc.n116 vd.n116 ve.n116\n , n117 = f va.n117 vb.n117 vc.n117 vd.n117 ve.n117\n , n118 = f va.n118 vb.n118 vc.n118 vd.n118 ve.n118\n , n119 = f va.n119 vb.n119 vc.n119 vd.n119 ve.n119\n , n120 = f va.n120 vb.n120 vc.n120 vd.n120 ve.n120\n , n121 = f va.n121 vb.n121 vc.n121 vd.n121 ve.n121\n , n122 = f va.n122 vb.n122 vc.n122 vd.n122 ve.n122\n , n123 = f va.n123 vb.n123 vc.n123 vd.n123 ve.n123\n , n124 = f va.n124 vb.n124 vc.n124 vd.n124 ve.n124\n , n125 = f va.n125 vb.n125 vc.n125 vd.n125 ve.n125\n , n126 = f va.n126 vb.n126 vc.n126 vd.n126 ve.n126\n , n127 = f va.n127 vb.n127 vc.n127 vd.n127 ve.n127\n , n128 = f va.n128 vb.n128 vc.n128 vd.n128 ve.n128\n , n129 = f va.n129 vb.n129 vc.n129 vd.n129 ve.n129\n , n130 = f va.n130 vb.n130 vc.n130 vd.n130 ve.n130\n , n131 = f va.n131 vb.n131 vc.n131 vd.n131 ve.n131\n , n132 = f va.n132 vb.n132 vc.n132 vd.n132 ve.n132\n , n133 = f va.n133 vb.n133 vc.n133 vd.n133 ve.n133\n , n134 = f va.n134 vb.n134 vc.n134 vd.n134 ve.n134\n , n135 = f va.n135 vb.n135 vc.n135 vd.n135 ve.n135\n , n136 = f va.n136 vb.n136 vc.n136 vd.n136 ve.n136\n , n137 = f va.n137 vb.n137 vc.n137 vd.n137 ve.n137\n , n138 = f va.n138 vb.n138 vc.n138 vd.n138 ve.n138\n , n139 = f va.n139 vb.n139 vc.n139 vd.n139 ve.n139\n , n140 = f va.n140 vb.n140 vc.n140 vd.n140 ve.n140\n , n141 = f va.n141 vb.n141 vc.n141 vd.n141 ve.n141\n , n142 = f va.n142 vb.n142 vc.n142 vd.n142 ve.n142\n , n143 = f va.n143 vb.n143 vc.n143 vd.n143 ve.n143\n , n144 = f va.n144 vb.n144 vc.n144 vd.n144 ve.n144\n , n145 = f va.n145 vb.n145 vc.n145 vd.n145 ve.n145\n , n146 = f va.n146 vb.n146 vc.n146 vd.n146 ve.n146\n , n147 = f va.n147 vb.n147 vc.n147 vd.n147 ve.n147\n , n148 = f va.n148 vb.n148 vc.n148 vd.n148 ve.n148\n , n149 = f va.n149 vb.n149 vc.n149 vd.n149 ve.n149\n , n150 = f va.n150 vb.n150 vc.n150 vd.n150 ve.n150\n , n151 = f va.n151 vb.n151 vc.n151 vd.n151 ve.n151\n , n152 = f va.n152 vb.n152 vc.n152 vd.n152 ve.n152\n , n153 = f va.n153 vb.n153 vc.n153 vd.n153 ve.n153\n , n154 = f va.n154 vb.n154 vc.n154 vd.n154 ve.n154\n , n155 = f va.n155 vb.n155 vc.n155 vd.n155 ve.n155\n , n156 = f va.n156 vb.n156 vc.n156 vd.n156 ve.n156\n , n157 = f va.n157 vb.n157 vc.n157 vd.n157 ve.n157\n , n158 = f va.n158 vb.n158 vc.n158 vd.n158 ve.n158\n , n159 = f va.n159 vb.n159 vc.n159 vd.n159 ve.n159\n , n160 = f va.n160 vb.n160 vc.n160 vd.n160 ve.n160\n , n161 = f va.n161 vb.n161 vc.n161 vd.n161 ve.n161\n , n162 = f va.n162 vb.n162 vc.n162 vd.n162 ve.n162\n , n163 = f va.n163 vb.n163 vc.n163 vd.n163 ve.n163\n , n164 = f va.n164 vb.n164 vc.n164 vd.n164 ve.n164\n , n165 = f va.n165 vb.n165 vc.n165 vd.n165 ve.n165\n , n166 = f va.n166 vb.n166 vc.n166 vd.n166 ve.n166\n , n167 = f va.n167 vb.n167 vc.n167 vd.n167 ve.n167\n , n168 = f va.n168 vb.n168 vc.n168 vd.n168 ve.n168\n , n169 = f va.n169 vb.n169 vc.n169 vd.n169 ve.n169\n , n170 = f va.n170 vb.n170 vc.n170 vd.n170 ve.n170\n , n171 = f va.n171 vb.n171 vc.n171 vd.n171 ve.n171\n , n172 = f va.n172 vb.n172 vc.n172 vd.n172 ve.n172\n , n173 = f va.n173 vb.n173 vc.n173 vd.n173 ve.n173\n , n174 = f va.n174 vb.n174 vc.n174 vd.n174 ve.n174\n , n175 = f va.n175 vb.n175 vc.n175 vd.n175 ve.n175\n , n176 = f va.n176 vb.n176 vc.n176 vd.n176 ve.n176\n , n177 = f va.n177 vb.n177 vc.n177 vd.n177 ve.n177\n , n178 = f va.n178 vb.n178 vc.n178 vd.n178 ve.n178\n , n179 = f va.n179 vb.n179 vc.n179 vd.n179 ve.n179\n , n180 = f va.n180 vb.n180 vc.n180 vd.n180 ve.n180\n , n181 = f va.n181 vb.n181 vc.n181 vd.n181 ve.n181\n , n182 = f va.n182 vb.n182 vc.n182 vd.n182 ve.n182\n , n183 = f va.n183 vb.n183 vc.n183 vd.n183 ve.n183\n , n184 = f va.n184 vb.n184 vc.n184 vd.n184 ve.n184\n , n185 = f va.n185 vb.n185 vc.n185 vd.n185 ve.n185\n , n186 = f va.n186 vb.n186 vc.n186 vd.n186 ve.n186\n , n187 = f va.n187 vb.n187 vc.n187 vd.n187 ve.n187\n , n188 = f va.n188 vb.n188 vc.n188 vd.n188 ve.n188\n , n189 = f va.n189 vb.n189 vc.n189 vd.n189 ve.n189\n , n190 = f va.n190 vb.n190 vc.n190 vd.n190 ve.n190\n , n191 = f va.n191 vb.n191 vc.n191 vd.n191 ve.n191\n , n192 = f va.n192 vb.n192 vc.n192 vd.n192 ve.n192\n , n193 = f va.n193 vb.n193 vc.n193 vd.n193 ve.n193\n , n194 = f va.n194 vb.n194 vc.n194 vd.n194 ve.n194\n , n195 = f va.n195 vb.n195 vc.n195 vd.n195 ve.n195\n , n196 = f va.n196 vb.n196 vc.n196 vd.n196 ve.n196\n , n197 = f va.n197 vb.n197 vc.n197 vd.n197 ve.n197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| Transform just one particular item at a particular `Index`\n-}\nmapItem : Index -> (a -> a) -> Vector198 a -> Vector198 a\nmapItem index mapper (Vector vector) =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n Vector { vector | n0 = mapper vector.n0 }\n\n Index1 ->\n Vector { vector | n1 = mapper vector.n1 }\n\n Index2 ->\n Vector { vector | n2 = mapper vector.n2 }\n\n Index3 ->\n Vector { vector | n3 = mapper vector.n3 }\n\n Index4 ->\n Vector { vector | n4 = mapper vector.n4 }\n\n Index5 ->\n Vector { vector | n5 = mapper vector.n5 }\n\n Index6 ->\n Vector { vector | n6 = mapper vector.n6 }\n\n Index7 ->\n Vector { vector | n7 = mapper vector.n7 }\n\n Index8 ->\n Vector { vector | n8 = mapper vector.n8 }\n\n Index9 ->\n Vector { vector | n9 = mapper vector.n9 }\n\n Index10 ->\n Vector { vector | n10 = mapper vector.n10 }\n\n Index11 ->\n Vector { vector | n11 = mapper vector.n11 }\n\n Index12 ->\n Vector { vector | n12 = mapper vector.n12 }\n\n Index13 ->\n Vector { vector | n13 = mapper vector.n13 }\n\n Index14 ->\n Vector { vector | n14 = mapper vector.n14 }\n\n Index15 ->\n Vector { vector | n15 = mapper vector.n15 }\n\n Index16 ->\n Vector { vector | n16 = mapper vector.n16 }\n\n Index17 ->\n Vector { vector | n17 = mapper vector.n17 }\n\n Index18 ->\n Vector { vector | n18 = mapper vector.n18 }\n\n Index19 ->\n Vector { vector | n19 = mapper vector.n19 }\n\n Index20 ->\n Vector { vector | n20 = mapper vector.n20 }\n\n Index21 ->\n Vector { vector | n21 = mapper vector.n21 }\n\n Index22 ->\n Vector { vector | n22 = mapper vector.n22 }\n\n Index23 ->\n Vector { vector | n23 = mapper vector.n23 }\n\n Index24 ->\n Vector { vector | n24 = mapper vector.n24 }\n\n Index25 ->\n Vector { vector | n25 = mapper vector.n25 }\n\n Index26 ->\n Vector { vector | n26 = mapper vector.n26 }\n\n Index27 ->\n Vector { vector | n27 = mapper vector.n27 }\n\n Index28 ->\n Vector { vector | n28 = mapper vector.n28 }\n\n Index29 ->\n Vector { vector | n29 = mapper vector.n29 }\n\n Index30 ->\n Vector { vector | n30 = mapper vector.n30 }\n\n Index31 ->\n Vector { vector | n31 = mapper vector.n31 }\n\n Index32 ->\n Vector { vector | n32 = mapper vector.n32 }\n\n Index33 ->\n Vector { vector | n33 = mapper vector.n33 }\n\n Index34 ->\n Vector { vector | n34 = mapper vector.n34 }\n\n Index35 ->\n Vector { vector | n35 = mapper vector.n35 }\n\n Index36 ->\n Vector { vector | n36 = mapper vector.n36 }\n\n Index37 ->\n Vector { vector | n37 = mapper vector.n37 }\n\n Index38 ->\n Vector { vector | n38 = mapper vector.n38 }\n\n Index39 ->\n Vector { vector | n39 = mapper vector.n39 }\n\n Index40 ->\n Vector { vector | n40 = mapper vector.n40 }\n\n Index41 ->\n Vector { vector | n41 = mapper vector.n41 }\n\n Index42 ->\n Vector { vector | n42 = mapper vector.n42 }\n\n Index43 ->\n Vector { vector | n43 = mapper vector.n43 }\n\n Index44 ->\n Vector { vector | n44 = mapper vector.n44 }\n\n Index45 ->\n Vector { vector | n45 = mapper vector.n45 }\n\n Index46 ->\n Vector { vector | n46 = mapper vector.n46 }\n\n Index47 ->\n Vector { vector | n47 = mapper vector.n47 }\n\n Index48 ->\n Vector { vector | n48 = mapper vector.n48 }\n\n Index49 ->\n Vector { vector | n49 = mapper vector.n49 }\n\n Index50 ->\n Vector { vector | n50 = mapper vector.n50 }\n\n Index51 ->\n Vector { vector | n51 = mapper vector.n51 }\n\n Index52 ->\n Vector { vector | n52 = mapper vector.n52 }\n\n Index53 ->\n Vector { vector | n53 = mapper vector.n53 }\n\n Index54 ->\n Vector { vector | n54 = mapper vector.n54 }\n\n Index55 ->\n Vector { vector | n55 = mapper vector.n55 }\n\n Index56 ->\n Vector { vector | n56 = mapper vector.n56 }\n\n Index57 ->\n Vector { vector | n57 = mapper vector.n57 }\n\n Index58 ->\n Vector { vector | n58 = mapper vector.n58 }\n\n Index59 ->\n Vector { vector | n59 = mapper vector.n59 }\n\n Index60 ->\n Vector { vector | n60 = mapper vector.n60 }\n\n Index61 ->\n Vector { vector | n61 = mapper vector.n61 }\n\n Index62 ->\n Vector { vector | n62 = mapper vector.n62 }\n\n Index63 ->\n Vector { vector | n63 = mapper vector.n63 }\n\n Index64 ->\n Vector { vector | n64 = mapper vector.n64 }\n\n Index65 ->\n Vector { vector | n65 = mapper vector.n65 }\n\n Index66 ->\n Vector { vector | n66 = mapper vector.n66 }\n\n Index67 ->\n Vector { vector | n67 = mapper vector.n67 }\n\n Index68 ->\n Vector { vector | n68 = mapper vector.n68 }\n\n Index69 ->\n Vector { vector | n69 = mapper vector.n69 }\n\n Index70 ->\n Vector { vector | n70 = mapper vector.n70 }\n\n Index71 ->\n Vector { vector | n71 = mapper vector.n71 }\n\n Index72 ->\n Vector { vector | n72 = mapper vector.n72 }\n\n Index73 ->\n Vector { vector | n73 = mapper vector.n73 }\n\n Index74 ->\n Vector { vector | n74 = mapper vector.n74 }\n\n Index75 ->\n Vector { vector | n75 = mapper vector.n75 }\n\n Index76 ->\n Vector { vector | n76 = mapper vector.n76 }\n\n Index77 ->\n Vector { vector | n77 = mapper vector.n77 }\n\n Index78 ->\n Vector { vector | n78 = mapper vector.n78 }\n\n Index79 ->\n Vector { vector | n79 = mapper vector.n79 }\n\n Index80 ->\n Vector { vector | n80 = mapper vector.n80 }\n\n Index81 ->\n Vector { vector | n81 = mapper vector.n81 }\n\n Index82 ->\n Vector { vector | n82 = mapper vector.n82 }\n\n Index83 ->\n Vector { vector | n83 = mapper vector.n83 }\n\n Index84 ->\n Vector { vector | n84 = mapper vector.n84 }\n\n Index85 ->\n Vector { vector | n85 = mapper vector.n85 }\n\n Index86 ->\n Vector { vector | n86 = mapper vector.n86 }\n\n Index87 ->\n Vector { vector | n87 = mapper vector.n87 }\n\n Index88 ->\n Vector { vector | n88 = mapper vector.n88 }\n\n Index89 ->\n Vector { vector | n89 = mapper vector.n89 }\n\n Index90 ->\n Vector { vector | n90 = mapper vector.n90 }\n\n Index91 ->\n Vector { vector | n91 = mapper vector.n91 }\n\n Index92 ->\n Vector { vector | n92 = mapper vector.n92 }\n\n Index93 ->\n Vector { vector | n93 = mapper vector.n93 }\n\n Index94 ->\n Vector { vector | n94 = mapper vector.n94 }\n\n Index95 ->\n Vector { vector | n95 = mapper vector.n95 }\n\n Index96 ->\n Vector { vector | n96 = mapper vector.n96 }\n\n Index97 ->\n Vector { vector | n97 = mapper vector.n97 }\n\n Index98 ->\n Vector { vector | n98 = mapper vector.n98 }\n\n Index99 ->\n Vector { vector | n99 = mapper vector.n99 }\n\n Index100 ->\n Vector { vector | n100 = mapper vector.n100 }\n\n Index101 ->\n Vector { vector | n101 = mapper vector.n101 }\n\n Index102 ->\n Vector { vector | n102 = mapper vector.n102 }\n\n Index103 ->\n Vector { vector | n103 = mapper vector.n103 }\n\n Index104 ->\n Vector { vector | n104 = mapper vector.n104 }\n\n Index105 ->\n Vector { vector | n105 = mapper vector.n105 }\n\n Index106 ->\n Vector { vector | n106 = mapper vector.n106 }\n\n Index107 ->\n Vector { vector | n107 = mapper vector.n107 }\n\n Index108 ->\n Vector { vector | n108 = mapper vector.n108 }\n\n Index109 ->\n Vector { vector | n109 = mapper vector.n109 }\n\n Index110 ->\n Vector { vector | n110 = mapper vector.n110 }\n\n Index111 ->\n Vector { vector | n111 = mapper vector.n111 }\n\n Index112 ->\n Vector { vector | n112 = mapper vector.n112 }\n\n Index113 ->\n Vector { vector | n113 = mapper vector.n113 }\n\n Index114 ->\n Vector { vector | n114 = mapper vector.n114 }\n\n Index115 ->\n Vector { vector | n115 = mapper vector.n115 }\n\n Index116 ->\n Vector { vector | n116 = mapper vector.n116 }\n\n Index117 ->\n Vector { vector | n117 = mapper vector.n117 }\n\n Index118 ->\n Vector { vector | n118 = mapper vector.n118 }\n\n Index119 ->\n Vector { vector | n119 = mapper vector.n119 }\n\n Index120 ->\n Vector { vector | n120 = mapper vector.n120 }\n\n Index121 ->\n Vector { vector | n121 = mapper vector.n121 }\n\n Index122 ->\n Vector { vector | n122 = mapper vector.n122 }\n\n Index123 ->\n Vector { vector | n123 = mapper vector.n123 }\n\n Index124 ->\n Vector { vector | n124 = mapper vector.n124 }\n\n Index125 ->\n Vector { vector | n125 = mapper vector.n125 }\n\n Index126 ->\n Vector { vector | n126 = mapper vector.n126 }\n\n Index127 ->\n Vector { vector | n127 = mapper vector.n127 }\n\n Index128 ->\n Vector { vector | n128 = mapper vector.n128 }\n\n Index129 ->\n Vector { vector | n129 = mapper vector.n129 }\n\n Index130 ->\n Vector { vector | n130 = mapper vector.n130 }\n\n Index131 ->\n Vector { vector | n131 = mapper vector.n131 }\n\n Index132 ->\n Vector { vector | n132 = mapper vector.n132 }\n\n Index133 ->\n Vector { vector | n133 = mapper vector.n133 }\n\n Index134 ->\n Vector { vector | n134 = mapper vector.n134 }\n\n Index135 ->\n Vector { vector | n135 = mapper vector.n135 }\n\n Index136 ->\n Vector { vector | n136 = mapper vector.n136 }\n\n Index137 ->\n Vector { vector | n137 = mapper vector.n137 }\n\n Index138 ->\n Vector { vector | n138 = mapper vector.n138 }\n\n Index139 ->\n Vector { vector | n139 = mapper vector.n139 }\n\n Index140 ->\n Vector { vector | n140 = mapper vector.n140 }\n\n Index141 ->\n Vector { vector | n141 = mapper vector.n141 }\n\n Index142 ->\n Vector { vector | n142 = mapper vector.n142 }\n\n Index143 ->\n Vector { vector | n143 = mapper vector.n143 }\n\n Index144 ->\n Vector { vector | n144 = mapper vector.n144 }\n\n Index145 ->\n Vector { vector | n145 = mapper vector.n145 }\n\n Index146 ->\n Vector { vector | n146 = mapper vector.n146 }\n\n Index147 ->\n Vector { vector | n147 = mapper vector.n147 }\n\n Index148 ->\n Vector { vector | n148 = mapper vector.n148 }\n\n Index149 ->\n Vector { vector | n149 = mapper vector.n149 }\n\n Index150 ->\n Vector { vector | n150 = mapper vector.n150 }\n\n Index151 ->\n Vector { vector | n151 = mapper vector.n151 }\n\n Index152 ->\n Vector { vector | n152 = mapper vector.n152 }\n\n Index153 ->\n Vector { vector | n153 = mapper vector.n153 }\n\n Index154 ->\n Vector { vector | n154 = mapper vector.n154 }\n\n Index155 ->\n Vector { vector | n155 = mapper vector.n155 }\n\n Index156 ->\n Vector { vector | n156 = mapper vector.n156 }\n\n Index157 ->\n Vector { vector | n157 = mapper vector.n157 }\n\n Index158 ->\n Vector { vector | n158 = mapper vector.n158 }\n\n Index159 ->\n Vector { vector | n159 = mapper vector.n159 }\n\n Index160 ->\n Vector { vector | n160 = mapper vector.n160 }\n\n Index161 ->\n Vector { vector | n161 = mapper vector.n161 }\n\n Index162 ->\n Vector { vector | n162 = mapper vector.n162 }\n\n Index163 ->\n Vector { vector | n163 = mapper vector.n163 }\n\n Index164 ->\n Vector { vector | n164 = mapper vector.n164 }\n\n Index165 ->\n Vector { vector | n165 = mapper vector.n165 }\n\n Index166 ->\n Vector { vector | n166 = mapper vector.n166 }\n\n Index167 ->\n Vector { vector | n167 = mapper vector.n167 }\n\n Index168 ->\n Vector { vector | n168 = mapper vector.n168 }\n\n Index169 ->\n Vector { vector | n169 = mapper vector.n169 }\n\n Index170 ->\n Vector { vector | n170 = mapper vector.n170 }\n\n Index171 ->\n Vector { vector | n171 = mapper vector.n171 }\n\n Index172 ->\n Vector { vector | n172 = mapper vector.n172 }\n\n Index173 ->\n Vector { vector | n173 = mapper vector.n173 }\n\n Index174 ->\n Vector { vector | n174 = mapper vector.n174 }\n\n Index175 ->\n Vector { vector | n175 = mapper vector.n175 }\n\n Index176 ->\n Vector { vector | n176 = mapper vector.n176 }\n\n Index177 ->\n Vector { vector | n177 = mapper vector.n177 }\n\n Index178 ->\n Vector { vector | n178 = mapper vector.n178 }\n\n Index179 ->\n Vector { vector | n179 = mapper vector.n179 }\n\n Index180 ->\n Vector { vector | n180 = mapper vector.n180 }\n\n Index181 ->\n Vector { vector | n181 = mapper vector.n181 }\n\n Index182 ->\n Vector { vector | n182 = mapper vector.n182 }\n\n Index183 ->\n Vector { vector | n183 = mapper vector.n183 }\n\n Index184 ->\n Vector { vector | n184 = mapper vector.n184 }\n\n Index185 ->\n Vector { vector | n185 = mapper vector.n185 }\n\n Index186 ->\n Vector { vector | n186 = mapper vector.n186 }\n\n Index187 ->\n Vector { vector | n187 = mapper vector.n187 }\n\n Index188 ->\n Vector { vector | n188 = mapper vector.n188 }\n\n Index189 ->\n Vector { vector | n189 = mapper vector.n189 }\n\n Index190 ->\n Vector { vector | n190 = mapper vector.n190 }\n\n Index191 ->\n Vector { vector | n191 = mapper vector.n191 }\n\n Index192 ->\n Vector { vector | n192 = mapper vector.n192 }\n\n Index193 ->\n Vector { vector | n193 = mapper vector.n193 }\n\n Index194 ->\n Vector { vector | n194 = mapper vector.n194 }\n\n Index195 ->\n Vector { vector | n195 = mapper vector.n195 }\n\n Index196 ->\n Vector { vector | n196 = mapper vector.n196 }\n\n Index197 ->\n Vector { vector | n197 = mapper vector.n197 }\n\n\n{-| Convert a `Vector198 a` into a `List a` of length 198\n-}\ntoList : Vector198 a -> List a\ntoList (Vector vector) =\n [ vector.n0\n , vector.n1\n , vector.n2\n , vector.n3\n , vector.n4\n , vector.n5\n , vector.n6\n , vector.n7\n , vector.n8\n , vector.n9\n , vector.n10\n , vector.n11\n , vector.n12\n , vector.n13\n , vector.n14\n , vector.n15\n , vector.n16\n , vector.n17\n , vector.n18\n , vector.n19\n , vector.n20\n , vector.n21\n , vector.n22\n , vector.n23\n , vector.n24\n , vector.n25\n , vector.n26\n , vector.n27\n , vector.n28\n , vector.n29\n , vector.n30\n , vector.n31\n , vector.n32\n , vector.n33\n , vector.n34\n , vector.n35\n , vector.n36\n , vector.n37\n , vector.n38\n , vector.n39\n , vector.n40\n , vector.n41\n , vector.n42\n , vector.n43\n , vector.n44\n , vector.n45\n , vector.n46\n , vector.n47\n , vector.n48\n , vector.n49\n , vector.n50\n , vector.n51\n , vector.n52\n , vector.n53\n , vector.n54\n , vector.n55\n , vector.n56\n , vector.n57\n , vector.n58\n , vector.n59\n , vector.n60\n , vector.n61\n , vector.n62\n , vector.n63\n , vector.n64\n , vector.n65\n , vector.n66\n , vector.n67\n , vector.n68\n , vector.n69\n , vector.n70\n , vector.n71\n , vector.n72\n , vector.n73\n , vector.n74\n , vector.n75\n , vector.n76\n , vector.n77\n , vector.n78\n , vector.n79\n , vector.n80\n , vector.n81\n , vector.n82\n , vector.n83\n , vector.n84\n , vector.n85\n , vector.n86\n , vector.n87\n , vector.n88\n , vector.n89\n , vector.n90\n , vector.n91\n , vector.n92\n , vector.n93\n , vector.n94\n , vector.n95\n , vector.n96\n , vector.n97\n , vector.n98\n , vector.n99\n , vector.n100\n , vector.n101\n , vector.n102\n , vector.n103\n , vector.n104\n , vector.n105\n , vector.n106\n , vector.n107\n , vector.n108\n , vector.n109\n , vector.n110\n , vector.n111\n , vector.n112\n , vector.n113\n , vector.n114\n , vector.n115\n , vector.n116\n , vector.n117\n , vector.n118\n , vector.n119\n , vector.n120\n , vector.n121\n , vector.n122\n , vector.n123\n , vector.n124\n , vector.n125\n , vector.n126\n , vector.n127\n , vector.n128\n , vector.n129\n , vector.n130\n , vector.n131\n , vector.n132\n , vector.n133\n , vector.n134\n , vector.n135\n , vector.n136\n , vector.n137\n , vector.n138\n , vector.n139\n , vector.n140\n , vector.n141\n , vector.n142\n , vector.n143\n , vector.n144\n , vector.n145\n , vector.n146\n , vector.n147\n , vector.n148\n , vector.n149\n , vector.n150\n , vector.n151\n , vector.n152\n , vector.n153\n , vector.n154\n , vector.n155\n , vector.n156\n , vector.n157\n , vector.n158\n , vector.n159\n , vector.n160\n , vector.n161\n , vector.n162\n , vector.n163\n , vector.n164\n , vector.n165\n , vector.n166\n , vector.n167\n , vector.n168\n , vector.n169\n , vector.n170\n , vector.n171\n , vector.n172\n , vector.n173\n , vector.n174\n , vector.n175\n , vector.n176\n , vector.n177\n , vector.n178\n , vector.n179\n , vector.n180\n , vector.n181\n , vector.n182\n , vector.n183\n , vector.n184\n , vector.n185\n , vector.n186\n , vector.n187\n , vector.n188\n , vector.n189\n , vector.n190\n , vector.n191\n , vector.n192\n , vector.n193\n , vector.n194\n , vector.n195\n , vector.n196\n , vector.n197\n ]\n\n\n{-| Turn a `List a` into a `Vector198 a`. If there are not enough items in the `List a`, then this function returns `Nothing`. The extra items in the input list, if there are any, is returned as the first element in the output tuple.\n\n Vector3.fromList []\n --> Nothing\n\n Vector3.fromList [ 1 ]\n --> Nothing\n\n Vector3.fromList [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ]\n --> Just ([ 8 ], Vector3.from3 5 6 7)\n\n-}\nfromList : List a -> Maybe ( List a, Vector198 a )\nfromList items =\n Just ( items, VectorModel )\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> andAnother\n |> Maybe.map (Tuple.mapSecond Vector)\n\n\n{-| Turn a `List a` into a `Vector198 a`. If there are not enough items in the `List a`, then fill in the remaining spots with a default value. The extra items in the input list, if there are any, is returned as the first element in the output tuple.\n\n Vector3.fromListWithDefault 1 []\n --> ([] ,Vector3.from3 1 1 1)\n\n Vector3.fromListWithDefault 2 [ 1 ]\n --> ([], Vector3.from3 1 2 2)\n\n Vector3.fromListWithDefault 2 [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ]\n --> ([ 8 ], Vector3.from3 5 6 7)\n\n-}\nfromListWithDefault : a -> List a -> ( List a, Vector198 a )\nfromListWithDefault default items =\n ( default, items, VectorModel )\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> andAnotherSafe\n |> finishOffAndAnotherSafe\n |> Tuple.mapSecond Vector\n\n\n{-| Turn a `Vector198 a` elm into a list, where each element is paired with its `Index`\n-}\ntoIndexedList : Vector198 a -> List ( Index, a )\ntoIndexedList (Vector vector) =\n [ ( Index0, vector.n0 )\n , ( Index1, vector.n1 )\n , ( Index2, vector.n2 )\n , ( Index3, vector.n3 )\n , ( Index4, vector.n4 )\n , ( Index5, vector.n5 )\n , ( Index6, vector.n6 )\n , ( Index7, vector.n7 )\n , ( Index8, vector.n8 )\n , ( Index9, vector.n9 )\n , ( Index10, vector.n10 )\n , ( Index11, vector.n11 )\n , ( Index12, vector.n12 )\n , ( Index13, vector.n13 )\n , ( Index14, vector.n14 )\n , ( Index15, vector.n15 )\n , ( Index16, vector.n16 )\n , ( Index17, vector.n17 )\n , ( Index18, vector.n18 )\n , ( Index19, vector.n19 )\n , ( Index20, vector.n20 )\n , ( Index21, vector.n21 )\n , ( Index22, vector.n22 )\n , ( Index23, vector.n23 )\n , ( Index24, vector.n24 )\n , ( Index25, vector.n25 )\n , ( Index26, vector.n26 )\n , ( Index27, vector.n27 )\n , ( Index28, vector.n28 )\n , ( Index29, vector.n29 )\n , ( Index30, vector.n30 )\n , ( Index31, vector.n31 )\n , ( Index32, vector.n32 )\n , ( Index33, vector.n33 )\n , ( Index34, vector.n34 )\n , ( Index35, vector.n35 )\n , ( Index36, vector.n36 )\n , ( Index37, vector.n37 )\n , ( Index38, vector.n38 )\n , ( Index39, vector.n39 )\n , ( Index40, vector.n40 )\n , ( Index41, vector.n41 )\n , ( Index42, vector.n42 )\n , ( Index43, vector.n43 )\n , ( Index44, vector.n44 )\n , ( Index45, vector.n45 )\n , ( Index46, vector.n46 )\n , ( Index47, vector.n47 )\n , ( Index48, vector.n48 )\n , ( Index49, vector.n49 )\n , ( Index50, vector.n50 )\n , ( Index51, vector.n51 )\n , ( Index52, vector.n52 )\n , ( Index53, vector.n53 )\n , ( Index54, vector.n54 )\n , ( Index55, vector.n55 )\n , ( Index56, vector.n56 )\n , ( Index57, vector.n57 )\n , ( Index58, vector.n58 )\n , ( Index59, vector.n59 )\n , ( Index60, vector.n60 )\n , ( Index61, vector.n61 )\n , ( Index62, vector.n62 )\n , ( Index63, vector.n63 )\n , ( Index64, vector.n64 )\n , ( Index65, vector.n65 )\n , ( Index66, vector.n66 )\n , ( Index67, vector.n67 )\n , ( Index68, vector.n68 )\n , ( Index69, vector.n69 )\n , ( Index70, vector.n70 )\n , ( Index71, vector.n71 )\n , ( Index72, vector.n72 )\n , ( Index73, vector.n73 )\n , ( Index74, vector.n74 )\n , ( Index75, vector.n75 )\n , ( Index76, vector.n76 )\n , ( Index77, vector.n77 )\n , ( Index78, vector.n78 )\n , ( Index79, vector.n79 )\n , ( Index80, vector.n80 )\n , ( Index81, vector.n81 )\n , ( Index82, vector.n82 )\n , ( Index83, vector.n83 )\n , ( Index84, vector.n84 )\n , ( Index85, vector.n85 )\n , ( Index86, vector.n86 )\n , ( Index87, vector.n87 )\n , ( Index88, vector.n88 )\n , ( Index89, vector.n89 )\n , ( Index90, vector.n90 )\n , ( Index91, vector.n91 )\n , ( Index92, vector.n92 )\n , ( Index93, vector.n93 )\n , ( Index94, vector.n94 )\n , ( Index95, vector.n95 )\n , ( Index96, vector.n96 )\n , ( Index97, vector.n97 )\n , ( Index98, vector.n98 )\n , ( Index99, vector.n99 )\n , ( Index100, vector.n100 )\n , ( Index101, vector.n101 )\n , ( Index102, vector.n102 )\n , ( Index103, vector.n103 )\n , ( Index104, vector.n104 )\n , ( Index105, vector.n105 )\n , ( Index106, vector.n106 )\n , ( Index107, vector.n107 )\n , ( Index108, vector.n108 )\n , ( Index109, vector.n109 )\n , ( Index110, vector.n110 )\n , ( Index111, vector.n111 )\n , ( Index112, vector.n112 )\n , ( Index113, vector.n113 )\n , ( Index114, vector.n114 )\n , ( Index115, vector.n115 )\n , ( Index116, vector.n116 )\n , ( Index117, vector.n117 )\n , ( Index118, vector.n118 )\n , ( Index119, vector.n119 )\n , ( Index120, vector.n120 )\n , ( Index121, vector.n121 )\n , ( Index122, vector.n122 )\n , ( Index123, vector.n123 )\n , ( Index124, vector.n124 )\n , ( Index125, vector.n125 )\n , ( Index126, vector.n126 )\n , ( Index127, vector.n127 )\n , ( Index128, vector.n128 )\n , ( Index129, vector.n129 )\n , ( Index130, vector.n130 )\n , ( Index131, vector.n131 )\n , ( Index132, vector.n132 )\n , ( Index133, vector.n133 )\n , ( Index134, vector.n134 )\n , ( Index135, vector.n135 )\n , ( Index136, vector.n136 )\n , ( Index137, vector.n137 )\n , ( Index138, vector.n138 )\n , ( Index139, vector.n139 )\n , ( Index140, vector.n140 )\n , ( Index141, vector.n141 )\n , ( Index142, vector.n142 )\n , ( Index143, vector.n143 )\n , ( Index144, vector.n144 )\n , ( Index145, vector.n145 )\n , ( Index146, vector.n146 )\n , ( Index147, vector.n147 )\n , ( Index148, vector.n148 )\n , ( Index149, vector.n149 )\n , ( Index150, vector.n150 )\n , ( Index151, vector.n151 )\n , ( Index152, vector.n152 )\n , ( Index153, vector.n153 )\n , ( Index154, vector.n154 )\n , ( Index155, vector.n155 )\n , ( Index156, vector.n156 )\n , ( Index157, vector.n157 )\n , ( Index158, vector.n158 )\n , ( Index159, vector.n159 )\n , ( Index160, vector.n160 )\n , ( Index161, vector.n161 )\n , ( Index162, vector.n162 )\n , ( Index163, vector.n163 )\n , ( Index164, vector.n164 )\n , ( Index165, vector.n165 )\n , ( Index166, vector.n166 )\n , ( Index167, vector.n167 )\n , ( Index168, vector.n168 )\n , ( Index169, vector.n169 )\n , ( Index170, vector.n170 )\n , ( Index171, vector.n171 )\n , ( Index172, vector.n172 )\n , ( Index173, vector.n173 )\n , ( Index174, vector.n174 )\n , ( Index175, vector.n175 )\n , ( Index176, vector.n176 )\n , ( Index177, vector.n177 )\n , ( Index178, vector.n178 )\n , ( Index179, vector.n179 )\n , ( Index180, vector.n180 )\n , ( Index181, vector.n181 )\n , ( Index182, vector.n182 )\n , ( Index183, vector.n183 )\n , ( Index184, vector.n184 )\n , ( Index185, vector.n185 )\n , ( Index186, vector.n186 )\n , ( Index187, vector.n187 )\n , ( Index188, vector.n188 )\n , ( Index189, vector.n189 )\n , ( Index190, vector.n190 )\n , ( Index191, vector.n191 )\n , ( Index192, vector.n192 )\n , ( Index193, vector.n193 )\n , ( Index194, vector.n194 )\n , ( Index195, vector.n195 )\n , ( Index196, vector.n196 )\n , ( Index197, vector.n197 )\n ]\n\n\n{-| a `Vector198 a` using a function that takes an `Int`, representing the index\n-}\ninitializeFromInt : (Int -> a) -> Vector198 a\ninitializeFromInt f =\n { n0 = f 0\n , n1 = f 1\n , n2 = f 2\n , n3 = f 3\n , n4 = f 4\n , n5 = f 5\n , n6 = f 6\n , n7 = f 7\n , n8 = f 8\n , n9 = f 9\n , n10 = f 10\n , n11 = f 11\n , n12 = f 12\n , n13 = f 13\n , n14 = f 14\n , n15 = f 15\n , n16 = f 16\n , n17 = f 17\n , n18 = f 18\n , n19 = f 19\n , n20 = f 20\n , n21 = f 21\n , n22 = f 22\n , n23 = f 23\n , n24 = f 24\n , n25 = f 25\n , n26 = f 26\n , n27 = f 27\n , n28 = f 28\n , n29 = f 29\n , n30 = f 30\n , n31 = f 31\n , n32 = f 32\n , n33 = f 33\n , n34 = f 34\n , n35 = f 35\n , n36 = f 36\n , n37 = f 37\n , n38 = f 38\n , n39 = f 39\n , n40 = f 40\n , n41 = f 41\n , n42 = f 42\n , n43 = f 43\n , n44 = f 44\n , n45 = f 45\n , n46 = f 46\n , n47 = f 47\n , n48 = f 48\n , n49 = f 49\n , n50 = f 50\n , n51 = f 51\n , n52 = f 52\n , n53 = f 53\n , n54 = f 54\n , n55 = f 55\n , n56 = f 56\n , n57 = f 57\n , n58 = f 58\n , n59 = f 59\n , n60 = f 60\n , n61 = f 61\n , n62 = f 62\n , n63 = f 63\n , n64 = f 64\n , n65 = f 65\n , n66 = f 66\n , n67 = f 67\n , n68 = f 68\n , n69 = f 69\n , n70 = f 70\n , n71 = f 71\n , n72 = f 72\n , n73 = f 73\n , n74 = f 74\n , n75 = f 75\n , n76 = f 76\n , n77 = f 77\n , n78 = f 78\n , n79 = f 79\n , n80 = f 80\n , n81 = f 81\n , n82 = f 82\n , n83 = f 83\n , n84 = f 84\n , n85 = f 85\n , n86 = f 86\n , n87 = f 87\n , n88 = f 88\n , n89 = f 89\n , n90 = f 90\n , n91 = f 91\n , n92 = f 92\n , n93 = f 93\n , n94 = f 94\n , n95 = f 95\n , n96 = f 96\n , n97 = f 97\n , n98 = f 98\n , n99 = f 99\n , n100 = f 100\n , n101 = f 101\n , n102 = f 102\n , n103 = f 103\n , n104 = f 104\n , n105 = f 105\n , n106 = f 106\n , n107 = f 107\n , n108 = f 108\n , n109 = f 109\n , n110 = f 110\n , n111 = f 111\n , n112 = f 112\n , n113 = f 113\n , n114 = f 114\n , n115 = f 115\n , n116 = f 116\n , n117 = f 117\n , n118 = f 118\n , n119 = f 119\n , n120 = f 120\n , n121 = f 121\n , n122 = f 122\n , n123 = f 123\n , n124 = f 124\n , n125 = f 125\n , n126 = f 126\n , n127 = f 127\n , n128 = f 128\n , n129 = f 129\n , n130 = f 130\n , n131 = f 131\n , n132 = f 132\n , n133 = f 133\n , n134 = f 134\n , n135 = f 135\n , n136 = f 136\n , n137 = f 137\n , n138 = f 138\n , n139 = f 139\n , n140 = f 140\n , n141 = f 141\n , n142 = f 142\n , n143 = f 143\n , n144 = f 144\n , n145 = f 145\n , n146 = f 146\n , n147 = f 147\n , n148 = f 148\n , n149 = f 149\n , n150 = f 150\n , n151 = f 151\n , n152 = f 152\n , n153 = f 153\n , n154 = f 154\n , n155 = f 155\n , n156 = f 156\n , n157 = f 157\n , n158 = f 158\n , n159 = f 159\n , n160 = f 160\n , n161 = f 161\n , n162 = f 162\n , n163 = f 163\n , n164 = f 164\n , n165 = f 165\n , n166 = f 166\n , n167 = f 167\n , n168 = f 168\n , n169 = f 169\n , n170 = f 170\n , n171 = f 171\n , n172 = f 172\n , n173 = f 173\n , n174 = f 174\n , n175 = f 175\n , n176 = f 176\n , n177 = f 177\n , n178 = f 178\n , n179 = f 179\n , n180 = f 180\n , n181 = f 181\n , n182 = f 182\n , n183 = f 183\n , n184 = f 184\n , n185 = f 185\n , n186 = f 186\n , n187 = f 187\n , n188 = f 188\n , n189 = f 189\n , n190 = f 190\n , n191 = f 191\n , n192 = f 192\n , n193 = f 193\n , n194 = f 194\n , n195 = f 195\n , n196 = f 196\n , n197 = f 197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| Make a `Vector198 a` using a function that takes an `Index`\n-}\ninitializeFromIndex : (Index -> a) -> Vector198 a\ninitializeFromIndex f =\n { n0 = f Index0\n , n1 = f Index1\n , n2 = f Index2\n , n3 = f Index3\n , n4 = f Index4\n , n5 = f Index5\n , n6 = f Index6\n , n7 = f Index7\n , n8 = f Index8\n , n9 = f Index9\n , n10 = f Index10\n , n11 = f Index11\n , n12 = f Index12\n , n13 = f Index13\n , n14 = f Index14\n , n15 = f Index15\n , n16 = f Index16\n , n17 = f Index17\n , n18 = f Index18\n , n19 = f Index19\n , n20 = f Index20\n , n21 = f Index21\n , n22 = f Index22\n , n23 = f Index23\n , n24 = f Index24\n , n25 = f Index25\n , n26 = f Index26\n , n27 = f Index27\n , n28 = f Index28\n , n29 = f Index29\n , n30 = f Index30\n , n31 = f Index31\n , n32 = f Index32\n , n33 = f Index33\n , n34 = f Index34\n , n35 = f Index35\n , n36 = f Index36\n , n37 = f Index37\n , n38 = f Index38\n , n39 = f Index39\n , n40 = f Index40\n , n41 = f Index41\n , n42 = f Index42\n , n43 = f Index43\n , n44 = f Index44\n , n45 = f Index45\n , n46 = f Index46\n , n47 = f Index47\n , n48 = f Index48\n , n49 = f Index49\n , n50 = f Index50\n , n51 = f Index51\n , n52 = f Index52\n , n53 = f Index53\n , n54 = f Index54\n , n55 = f Index55\n , n56 = f Index56\n , n57 = f Index57\n , n58 = f Index58\n , n59 = f Index59\n , n60 = f Index60\n , n61 = f Index61\n , n62 = f Index62\n , n63 = f Index63\n , n64 = f Index64\n , n65 = f Index65\n , n66 = f Index66\n , n67 = f Index67\n , n68 = f Index68\n , n69 = f Index69\n , n70 = f Index70\n , n71 = f Index71\n , n72 = f Index72\n , n73 = f Index73\n , n74 = f Index74\n , n75 = f Index75\n , n76 = f Index76\n , n77 = f Index77\n , n78 = f Index78\n , n79 = f Index79\n , n80 = f Index80\n , n81 = f Index81\n , n82 = f Index82\n , n83 = f Index83\n , n84 = f Index84\n , n85 = f Index85\n , n86 = f Index86\n , n87 = f Index87\n , n88 = f Index88\n , n89 = f Index89\n , n90 = f Index90\n , n91 = f Index91\n , n92 = f Index92\n , n93 = f Index93\n , n94 = f Index94\n , n95 = f Index95\n , n96 = f Index96\n , n97 = f Index97\n , n98 = f Index98\n , n99 = f Index99\n , n100 = f Index100\n , n101 = f Index101\n , n102 = f Index102\n , n103 = f Index103\n , n104 = f Index104\n , n105 = f Index105\n , n106 = f Index106\n , n107 = f Index107\n , n108 = f Index108\n , n109 = f Index109\n , n110 = f Index110\n , n111 = f Index111\n , n112 = f Index112\n , n113 = f Index113\n , n114 = f Index114\n , n115 = f Index115\n , n116 = f Index116\n , n117 = f Index117\n , n118 = f Index118\n , n119 = f Index119\n , n120 = f Index120\n , n121 = f Index121\n , n122 = f Index122\n , n123 = f Index123\n , n124 = f Index124\n , n125 = f Index125\n , n126 = f Index126\n , n127 = f Index127\n , n128 = f Index128\n , n129 = f Index129\n , n130 = f Index130\n , n131 = f Index131\n , n132 = f Index132\n , n133 = f Index133\n , n134 = f Index134\n , n135 = f Index135\n , n136 = f Index136\n , n137 = f Index137\n , n138 = f Index138\n , n139 = f Index139\n , n140 = f Index140\n , n141 = f Index141\n , n142 = f Index142\n , n143 = f Index143\n , n144 = f Index144\n , n145 = f Index145\n , n146 = f Index146\n , n147 = f Index147\n , n148 = f Index148\n , n149 = f Index149\n , n150 = f Index150\n , n151 = f Index151\n , n152 = f Index152\n , n153 = f Index153\n , n154 = f Index154\n , n155 = f Index155\n , n156 = f Index156\n , n157 = f Index157\n , n158 = f Index158\n , n159 = f Index159\n , n160 = f Index160\n , n161 = f Index161\n , n162 = f Index162\n , n163 = f Index163\n , n164 = f Index164\n , n165 = f Index165\n , n166 = f Index166\n , n167 = f Index167\n , n168 = f Index168\n , n169 = f Index169\n , n170 = f Index170\n , n171 = f Index171\n , n172 = f Index172\n , n173 = f Index173\n , n174 = f Index174\n , n175 = f Index175\n , n176 = f Index176\n , n177 = f Index177\n , n178 = f Index178\n , n179 = f Index179\n , n180 = f Index180\n , n181 = f Index181\n , n182 = f Index182\n , n183 = f Index183\n , n184 = f Index184\n , n185 = f Index185\n , n186 = f Index186\n , n187 = f Index187\n , n188 = f Index188\n , n189 = f Index189\n , n190 = f Index190\n , n191 = f Index191\n , n192 = f Index192\n , n193 = f Index193\n , n194 = f Index194\n , n195 = f Index195\n , n196 = f Index196\n , n197 = f Index197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| a `Vector198 a` filled with just one item repeated over and over again.\n-}\nrepeat : a -> Vector198 a\nrepeat a =\n { n0 = a\n , n1 = a\n , n2 = a\n , n3 = a\n , n4 = a\n , n5 = a\n , n6 = a\n , n7 = a\n , n8 = a\n , n9 = a\n , n10 = a\n , n11 = a\n , n12 = a\n , n13 = a\n , n14 = a\n , n15 = a\n , n16 = a\n , n17 = a\n , n18 = a\n , n19 = a\n , n20 = a\n , n21 = a\n , n22 = a\n , n23 = a\n , n24 = a\n , n25 = a\n , n26 = a\n , n27 = a\n , n28 = a\n , n29 = a\n , n30 = a\n , n31 = a\n , n32 = a\n , n33 = a\n , n34 = a\n , n35 = a\n , n36 = a\n , n37 = a\n , n38 = a\n , n39 = a\n , n40 = a\n , n41 = a\n , n42 = a\n , n43 = a\n , n44 = a\n , n45 = a\n , n46 = a\n , n47 = a\n , n48 = a\n , n49 = a\n , n50 = a\n , n51 = a\n , n52 = a\n , n53 = a\n , n54 = a\n , n55 = a\n , n56 = a\n , n57 = a\n , n58 = a\n , n59 = a\n , n60 = a\n , n61 = a\n , n62 = a\n , n63 = a\n , n64 = a\n , n65 = a\n , n66 = a\n , n67 = a\n , n68 = a\n , n69 = a\n , n70 = a\n , n71 = a\n , n72 = a\n , n73 = a\n , n74 = a\n , n75 = a\n , n76 = a\n , n77 = a\n , n78 = a\n , n79 = a\n , n80 = a\n , n81 = a\n , n82 = a\n , n83 = a\n , n84 = a\n , n85 = a\n , n86 = a\n , n87 = a\n , n88 = a\n , n89 = a\n , n90 = a\n , n91 = a\n , n92 = a\n , n93 = a\n , n94 = a\n , n95 = a\n , n96 = a\n , n97 = a\n , n98 = a\n , n99 = a\n , n100 = a\n , n101 = a\n , n102 = a\n , n103 = a\n , n104 = a\n , n105 = a\n , n106 = a\n , n107 = a\n , n108 = a\n , n109 = a\n , n110 = a\n , n111 = a\n , n112 = a\n , n113 = a\n , n114 = a\n , n115 = a\n , n116 = a\n , n117 = a\n , n118 = a\n , n119 = a\n , n120 = a\n , n121 = a\n , n122 = a\n , n123 = a\n , n124 = a\n , n125 = a\n , n126 = a\n , n127 = a\n , n128 = a\n , n129 = a\n , n130 = a\n , n131 = a\n , n132 = a\n , n133 = a\n , n134 = a\n , n135 = a\n , n136 = a\n , n137 = a\n , n138 = a\n , n139 = a\n , n140 = a\n , n141 = a\n , n142 = a\n , n143 = a\n , n144 = a\n , n145 = a\n , n146 = a\n , n147 = a\n , n148 = a\n , n149 = a\n , n150 = a\n , n151 = a\n , n152 = a\n , n153 = a\n , n154 = a\n , n155 = a\n , n156 = a\n , n157 = a\n , n158 = a\n , n159 = a\n , n160 = a\n , n161 = a\n , n162 = a\n , n163 = a\n , n164 = a\n , n165 = a\n , n166 = a\n , n167 = a\n , n168 = a\n , n169 = a\n , n170 = a\n , n171 = a\n , n172 = a\n , n173 = a\n , n174 = a\n , n175 = a\n , n176 = a\n , n177 = a\n , n178 = a\n , n179 = a\n , n180 = a\n , n181 = a\n , n182 = a\n , n183 = a\n , n184 = a\n , n185 = a\n , n186 = a\n , n187 = a\n , n188 = a\n , n189 = a\n , n190 = a\n , n191 = a\n , n192 = a\n , n193 = a\n , n194 = a\n , n195 = a\n , n196 = a\n , n197 = a\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| Turn the `Index` into an `Int`\n-}\nindexToInt : Index -> Int\nindexToInt index =\n case index of\n Index0 ->\n 0\n\n Index1 ->\n 1\n\n Index2 ->\n 2\n\n Index3 ->\n 3\n\n Index4 ->\n 4\n\n Index5 ->\n 5\n\n Index6 ->\n 6\n\n Index7 ->\n 7\n\n Index8 ->\n 8\n\n Index9 ->\n 9\n\n Index10 ->\n 10\n\n Index11 ->\n 11\n\n Index12 ->\n 12\n\n Index13 ->\n 13\n\n Index14 ->\n 14\n\n Index15 ->\n 15\n\n Index16 ->\n 16\n\n Index17 ->\n 17\n\n Index18 ->\n 18\n\n Index19 ->\n 19\n\n Index20 ->\n 20\n\n Index21 ->\n 21\n\n Index22 ->\n 22\n\n Index23 ->\n 23\n\n Index24 ->\n 24\n\n Index25 ->\n 25\n\n Index26 ->\n 26\n\n Index27 ->\n 27\n\n Index28 ->\n 28\n\n Index29 ->\n 29\n\n Index30 ->\n 30\n\n Index31 ->\n 31\n\n Index32 ->\n 32\n\n Index33 ->\n 33\n\n Index34 ->\n 34\n\n Index35 ->\n 35\n\n Index36 ->\n 36\n\n Index37 ->\n 37\n\n Index38 ->\n 38\n\n Index39 ->\n 39\n\n Index40 ->\n 40\n\n Index41 ->\n 41\n\n Index42 ->\n 42\n\n Index43 ->\n 43\n\n Index44 ->\n 44\n\n Index45 ->\n 45\n\n Index46 ->\n 46\n\n Index47 ->\n 47\n\n Index48 ->\n 48\n\n Index49 ->\n 49\n\n Index50 ->\n 50\n\n Index51 ->\n 51\n\n Index52 ->\n 52\n\n Index53 ->\n 53\n\n Index54 ->\n 54\n\n Index55 ->\n 55\n\n Index56 ->\n 56\n\n Index57 ->\n 57\n\n Index58 ->\n 58\n\n Index59 ->\n 59\n\n Index60 ->\n 60\n\n Index61 ->\n 61\n\n Index62 ->\n 62\n\n Index63 ->\n 63\n\n Index64 ->\n 64\n\n Index65 ->\n 65\n\n Index66 ->\n 66\n\n Index67 ->\n 67\n\n Index68 ->\n 68\n\n Index69 ->\n 69\n\n Index70 ->\n 70\n\n Index71 ->\n 71\n\n Index72 ->\n 72\n\n Index73 ->\n 73\n\n Index74 ->\n 74\n\n Index75 ->\n 75\n\n Index76 ->\n 76\n\n Index77 ->\n 77\n\n Index78 ->\n 78\n\n Index79 ->\n 79\n\n Index80 ->\n 80\n\n Index81 ->\n 81\n\n Index82 ->\n 82\n\n Index83 ->\n 83\n\n Index84 ->\n 84\n\n Index85 ->\n 85\n\n Index86 ->\n 86\n\n Index87 ->\n 87\n\n Index88 ->\n 88\n\n Index89 ->\n 89\n\n Index90 ->\n 90\n\n Index91 ->\n 91\n\n Index92 ->\n 92\n\n Index93 ->\n 93\n\n Index94 ->\n 94\n\n Index95 ->\n 95\n\n Index96 ->\n 96\n\n Index97 ->\n 97\n\n Index98 ->\n 98\n\n Index99 ->\n 99\n\n Index100 ->\n 100\n\n Index101 ->\n 101\n\n Index102 ->\n 102\n\n Index103 ->\n 103\n\n Index104 ->\n 104\n\n Index105 ->\n 105\n\n Index106 ->\n 106\n\n Index107 ->\n 107\n\n Index108 ->\n 108\n\n Index109 ->\n 109\n\n Index110 ->\n 110\n\n Index111 ->\n 111\n\n Index112 ->\n 112\n\n Index113 ->\n 113\n\n Index114 ->\n 114\n\n Index115 ->\n 115\n\n Index116 ->\n 116\n\n Index117 ->\n 117\n\n Index118 ->\n 118\n\n Index119 ->\n 119\n\n Index120 ->\n 120\n\n Index121 ->\n 121\n\n Index122 ->\n 122\n\n Index123 ->\n 123\n\n Index124 ->\n 124\n\n Index125 ->\n 125\n\n Index126 ->\n 126\n\n Index127 ->\n 127\n\n Index128 ->\n 128\n\n Index129 ->\n 129\n\n Index130 ->\n 130\n\n Index131 ->\n 131\n\n Index132 ->\n 132\n\n Index133 ->\n 133\n\n Index134 ->\n 134\n\n Index135 ->\n 135\n\n Index136 ->\n 136\n\n Index137 ->\n 137\n\n Index138 ->\n 138\n\n Index139 ->\n 139\n\n Index140 ->\n 140\n\n Index141 ->\n 141\n\n Index142 ->\n 142\n\n Index143 ->\n 143\n\n Index144 ->\n 144\n\n Index145 ->\n 145\n\n Index146 ->\n 146\n\n Index147 ->\n 147\n\n Index148 ->\n 148\n\n Index149 ->\n 149\n\n Index150 ->\n 150\n\n Index151 ->\n 151\n\n Index152 ->\n 152\n\n Index153 ->\n 153\n\n Index154 ->\n 154\n\n Index155 ->\n 155\n\n Index156 ->\n 156\n\n Index157 ->\n 157\n\n Index158 ->\n 158\n\n Index159 ->\n 159\n\n Index160 ->\n 160\n\n Index161 ->\n 161\n\n Index162 ->\n 162\n\n Index163 ->\n 163\n\n Index164 ->\n 164\n\n Index165 ->\n 165\n\n Index166 ->\n 166\n\n Index167 ->\n 167\n\n Index168 ->\n 168\n\n Index169 ->\n 169\n\n Index170 ->\n 170\n\n Index171 ->\n 171\n\n Index172 ->\n 172\n\n Index173 ->\n 173\n\n Index174 ->\n 174\n\n Index175 ->\n 175\n\n Index176 ->\n 176\n\n Index177 ->\n 177\n\n Index178 ->\n 178\n\n Index179 ->\n 179\n\n Index180 ->\n 180\n\n Index181 ->\n 181\n\n Index182 ->\n 182\n\n Index183 ->\n 183\n\n Index184 ->\n 184\n\n Index185 ->\n 185\n\n Index186 ->\n 186\n\n Index187 ->\n 187\n\n Index188 ->\n 188\n\n Index189 ->\n 189\n\n Index190 ->\n 190\n\n Index191 ->\n 191\n\n Index192 ->\n 192\n\n Index193 ->\n 193\n\n Index194 ->\n 194\n\n Index195 ->\n 195\n\n Index196 ->\n 196\n\n Index197 ->\n 197\n\n\n{-| Try and turn an `Int` into an `Index`, returning `Nothing` if the `Int` is above the maximum index, or below the zero index, of this `Vector198 a`\n\n Vector5.intToIndex 4\n --> Just Vector5.Index4\n\n Vector3.intToIndex 4\n --> Nothing\n\n-}\nintToIndex : Int -> Maybe Index\nintToIndex int =\n case int of\n 0 ->\n Just Index0\n\n 1 ->\n Just Index1\n\n 2 ->\n Just Index2\n\n 3 ->\n Just Index3\n\n 4 ->\n Just Index4\n\n 5 ->\n Just Index5\n\n 6 ->\n Just Index6\n\n 7 ->\n Just Index7\n\n 8 ->\n Just Index8\n\n 9 ->\n Just Index9\n\n 10 ->\n Just Index10\n\n 11 ->\n Just Index11\n\n 12 ->\n Just Index12\n\n 13 ->\n Just Index13\n\n 14 ->\n Just Index14\n\n 15 ->\n Just Index15\n\n 16 ->\n Just Index16\n\n 17 ->\n Just Index17\n\n 18 ->\n Just Index18\n\n 19 ->\n Just Index19\n\n 20 ->\n Just Index20\n\n 21 ->\n Just Index21\n\n 22 ->\n Just Index22\n\n 23 ->\n Just Index23\n\n 24 ->\n Just Index24\n\n 25 ->\n Just Index25\n\n 26 ->\n Just Index26\n\n 27 ->\n Just Index27\n\n 28 ->\n Just Index28\n\n 29 ->\n Just Index29\n\n 30 ->\n Just Index30\n\n 31 ->\n Just Index31\n\n 32 ->\n Just Index32\n\n 33 ->\n Just Index33\n\n 34 ->\n Just Index34\n\n 35 ->\n Just Index35\n\n 36 ->\n Just Index36\n\n 37 ->\n Just Index37\n\n 38 ->\n Just Index38\n\n 39 ->\n Just Index39\n\n 40 ->\n Just Index40\n\n 41 ->\n Just Index41\n\n 42 ->\n Just Index42\n\n 43 ->\n Just Index43\n\n 44 ->\n Just Index44\n\n 45 ->\n Just Index45\n\n 46 ->\n Just Index46\n\n 47 ->\n Just Index47\n\n 48 ->\n Just Index48\n\n 49 ->\n Just Index49\n\n 50 ->\n Just Index50\n\n 51 ->\n Just Index51\n\n 52 ->\n Just Index52\n\n 53 ->\n Just Index53\n\n 54 ->\n Just Index54\n\n 55 ->\n Just Index55\n\n 56 ->\n Just Index56\n\n 57 ->\n Just Index57\n\n 58 ->\n Just Index58\n\n 59 ->\n Just Index59\n\n 60 ->\n Just Index60\n\n 61 ->\n Just Index61\n\n 62 ->\n Just Index62\n\n 63 ->\n Just Index63\n\n 64 ->\n Just Index64\n\n 65 ->\n Just Index65\n\n 66 ->\n Just Index66\n\n 67 ->\n Just Index67\n\n 68 ->\n Just Index68\n\n 69 ->\n Just Index69\n\n 70 ->\n Just Index70\n\n 71 ->\n Just Index71\n\n 72 ->\n Just Index72\n\n 73 ->\n Just Index73\n\n 74 ->\n Just Index74\n\n 75 ->\n Just Index75\n\n 76 ->\n Just Index76\n\n 77 ->\n Just Index77\n\n 78 ->\n Just Index78\n\n 79 ->\n Just Index79\n\n 80 ->\n Just Index80\n\n 81 ->\n Just Index81\n\n 82 ->\n Just Index82\n\n 83 ->\n Just Index83\n\n 84 ->\n Just Index84\n\n 85 ->\n Just Index85\n\n 86 ->\n Just Index86\n\n 87 ->\n Just Index87\n\n 88 ->\n Just Index88\n\n 89 ->\n Just Index89\n\n 90 ->\n Just Index90\n\n 91 ->\n Just Index91\n\n 92 ->\n Just Index92\n\n 93 ->\n Just Index93\n\n 94 ->\n Just Index94\n\n 95 ->\n Just Index95\n\n 96 ->\n Just Index96\n\n 97 ->\n Just Index97\n\n 98 ->\n Just Index98\n\n 99 ->\n Just Index99\n\n 100 ->\n Just Index100\n\n 101 ->\n Just Index101\n\n 102 ->\n Just Index102\n\n 103 ->\n Just Index103\n\n 104 ->\n Just Index104\n\n 105 ->\n Just Index105\n\n 106 ->\n Just Index106\n\n 107 ->\n Just Index107\n\n 108 ->\n Just Index108\n\n 109 ->\n Just Index109\n\n 110 ->\n Just Index110\n\n 111 ->\n Just Index111\n\n 112 ->\n Just Index112\n\n 113 ->\n Just Index113\n\n 114 ->\n Just Index114\n\n 115 ->\n Just Index115\n\n 116 ->\n Just Index116\n\n 117 ->\n Just Index117\n\n 118 ->\n Just Index118\n\n 119 ->\n Just Index119\n\n 120 ->\n Just Index120\n\n 121 ->\n Just Index121\n\n 122 ->\n Just Index122\n\n 123 ->\n Just Index123\n\n 124 ->\n Just Index124\n\n 125 ->\n Just Index125\n\n 126 ->\n Just Index126\n\n 127 ->\n Just Index127\n\n 128 ->\n Just Index128\n\n 129 ->\n Just Index129\n\n 130 ->\n Just Index130\n\n 131 ->\n Just Index131\n\n 132 ->\n Just Index132\n\n 133 ->\n Just Index133\n\n 134 ->\n Just Index134\n\n 135 ->\n Just Index135\n\n 136 ->\n Just Index136\n\n 137 ->\n Just Index137\n\n 138 ->\n Just Index138\n\n 139 ->\n Just Index139\n\n 140 ->\n Just Index140\n\n 141 ->\n Just Index141\n\n 142 ->\n Just Index142\n\n 143 ->\n Just Index143\n\n 144 ->\n Just Index144\n\n 145 ->\n Just Index145\n\n 146 ->\n Just Index146\n\n 147 ->\n Just Index147\n\n 148 ->\n Just Index148\n\n 149 ->\n Just Index149\n\n 150 ->\n Just Index150\n\n 151 ->\n Just Index151\n\n 152 ->\n Just Index152\n\n 153 ->\n Just Index153\n\n 154 ->\n Just Index154\n\n 155 ->\n Just Index155\n\n 156 ->\n Just Index156\n\n 157 ->\n Just Index157\n\n 158 ->\n Just Index158\n\n 159 ->\n Just Index159\n\n 160 ->\n Just Index160\n\n 161 ->\n Just Index161\n\n 162 ->\n Just Index162\n\n 163 ->\n Just Index163\n\n 164 ->\n Just Index164\n\n 165 ->\n Just Index165\n\n 166 ->\n Just Index166\n\n 167 ->\n Just Index167\n\n 168 ->\n Just Index168\n\n 169 ->\n Just Index169\n\n 170 ->\n Just Index170\n\n 171 ->\n Just Index171\n\n 172 ->\n Just Index172\n\n 173 ->\n Just Index173\n\n 174 ->\n Just Index174\n\n 175 ->\n Just Index175\n\n 176 ->\n Just Index176\n\n 177 ->\n Just Index177\n\n 178 ->\n Just Index178\n\n 179 ->\n Just Index179\n\n 180 ->\n Just Index180\n\n 181 ->\n Just Index181\n\n 182 ->\n Just Index182\n\n 183 ->\n Just Index183\n\n 184 ->\n Just Index184\n\n 185 ->\n Just Index185\n\n 186 ->\n Just Index186\n\n 187 ->\n Just Index187\n\n 188 ->\n Just Index188\n\n 189 ->\n Just Index189\n\n 190 ->\n Just Index190\n\n 191 ->\n Just Index191\n\n 192 ->\n Just Index192\n\n 193 ->\n Just Index193\n\n 194 ->\n Just Index194\n\n 195 ->\n Just Index195\n\n 196 ->\n Just Index196\n\n 197 ->\n Just Index197\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n\n\n{-| a `Vector198 a` from 198 elements\n-}\nfrom198 : a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Vector198 a\nfrom198 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 a25 a26 a27 a28 a29 a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 a35 a36 a37 a38 a39 a40 a41 a42 a43 a44 a45 a46 a47 a48 a49 a50 a51 a52 a53 a54 a55 a56 a57 a58 a59 a60 a61 a62 a63 a64 a65 a66 a67 a68 a69 a70 a71 a72 a73 a74 a75 a76 a77 a78 a79 a80 a81 a82 a83 a84 a85 a86 a87 a88 a89 a90 a91 a92 a93 a94 a95 a96 a97 a98 a99 a100 a101 a102 a103 a104 a105 a106 a107 a108 a109 a110 a111 a112 a113 a114 a115 a116 a117 a118 a119 a120 a121 a122 a123 a124 a125 a126 a127 a128 a129 a130 a131 a132 a133 a134 a135 a136 a137 a138 a139 a140 a141 a142 a143 a144 a145 a146 a147 a148 a149 a150 a151 a152 a153 a154 a155 a156 a157 a158 a159 a160 a161 a162 a163 a164 a165 a166 a167 a168 a169 a170 a171 a172 a173 a174 a175 a176 a177 a178 a179 a180 a181 a182 a183 a184 a185 a186 a187 a188 a189 a190 a191 a192 a193 a194 a195 a196 a197 =\n { n0 = a0\n , n1 = a1\n , n2 = a2\n , n3 = a3\n , n4 = a4\n , n5 = a5\n , n6 = a6\n , n7 = a7\n , n8 = a8\n , n9 = a9\n , n10 = a10\n , n11 = a11\n , n12 = a12\n , n13 = a13\n , n14 = a14\n , n15 = a15\n , n16 = a16\n , n17 = a17\n , n18 = a18\n , n19 = a19\n , n20 = a20\n , n21 = a21\n , n22 = a22\n , n23 = a23\n , n24 = a24\n , n25 = a25\n , n26 = a26\n , n27 = a27\n , n28 = a28\n , n29 = a29\n , n30 = a30\n , n31 = a31\n , n32 = a32\n , n33 = a33\n , n34 = a34\n , n35 = a35\n , n36 = a36\n , n37 = a37\n , n38 = a38\n , n39 = a39\n , n40 = a40\n , n41 = a41\n , n42 = a42\n , n43 = a43\n , n44 = a44\n , n45 = a45\n , n46 = a46\n , n47 = a47\n , n48 = a48\n , n49 = a49\n , n50 = a50\n , n51 = a51\n , n52 = a52\n , n53 = a53\n , n54 = a54\n , n55 = a55\n , n56 = a56\n , n57 = a57\n , n58 = a58\n , n59 = a59\n , n60 = a60\n , n61 = a61\n , n62 = a62\n , n63 = a63\n , n64 = a64\n , n65 = a65\n , n66 = a66\n , n67 = a67\n , n68 = a68\n , n69 = a69\n , n70 = a70\n , n71 = a71\n , n72 = a72\n , n73 = a73\n , n74 = a74\n , n75 = a75\n , n76 = a76\n , n77 = a77\n , n78 = a78\n , n79 = a79\n , n80 = a80\n , n81 = a81\n , n82 = a82\n , n83 = a83\n , n84 = a84\n , n85 = a85\n , n86 = a86\n , n87 = a87\n , n88 = a88\n , n89 = a89\n , n90 = a90\n , n91 = a91\n , n92 = a92\n , n93 = a93\n , n94 = a94\n , n95 = a95\n , n96 = a96\n , n97 = a97\n , n98 = a98\n , n99 = a99\n , n100 = a100\n , n101 = a101\n , n102 = a102\n , n103 = a103\n , n104 = a104\n , n105 = a105\n , n106 = a106\n , n107 = a107\n , n108 = a108\n , n109 = a109\n , n110 = a110\n , n111 = a111\n , n112 = a112\n , n113 = a113\n , n114 = a114\n , n115 = a115\n , n116 = a116\n , n117 = a117\n , n118 = a118\n , n119 = a119\n , n120 = a120\n , n121 = a121\n , n122 = a122\n , n123 = a123\n , n124 = a124\n , n125 = a125\n , n126 = a126\n , n127 = a127\n , n128 = a128\n , n129 = a129\n , n130 = a130\n , n131 = a131\n , n132 = a132\n , n133 = a133\n , n134 = a134\n , n135 = a135\n , n136 = a136\n , n137 = a137\n , n138 = a138\n , n139 = a139\n , n140 = a140\n , n141 = a141\n , n142 = a142\n , n143 = a143\n , n144 = a144\n , n145 = a145\n , n146 = a146\n , n147 = a147\n , n148 = a148\n , n149 = a149\n , n150 = a150\n , n151 = a151\n , n152 = a152\n , n153 = a153\n , n154 = a154\n , n155 = a155\n , n156 = a156\n , n157 = a157\n , n158 = a158\n , n159 = a159\n , n160 = a160\n , n161 = a161\n , n162 = a162\n , n163 = a163\n , n164 = a164\n , n165 = a165\n , n166 = a166\n , n167 = a167\n , n168 = a168\n , n169 = a169\n , n170 = a170\n , n171 = a171\n , n172 = a172\n , n173 = a173\n , n174 = a174\n , n175 = a175\n , n176 = a176\n , n177 = a177\n , n178 = a178\n , n179 = a179\n , n180 = a180\n , n181 = a181\n , n182 = a182\n , n183 = a183\n , n184 = a184\n , n185 = a185\n , n186 = a186\n , n187 = a187\n , n188 = a188\n , n189 = a189\n , n190 = a190\n , n191 = a191\n , n192 = a192\n , n193 = a193\n , n194 = a194\n , n195 = a195\n , n196 = a196\n , n197 = a197\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| See if a Vector198 a contains a value\n-}\nmember : a -> Vector198 a -> Bool\nmember a (Vector vector) =\n a\n == vector.n0\n || a\n == vector.n1\n || a\n == vector.n2\n || a\n == vector.n3\n || a\n == vector.n4\n || a\n == vector.n5\n || a\n == vector.n6\n || a\n == vector.n7\n || a\n == vector.n8\n || a\n == vector.n9\n || a\n == vector.n10\n || a\n == vector.n11\n || a\n == vector.n12\n || a\n == vector.n13\n || a\n == vector.n14\n || a\n == vector.n15\n || a\n == vector.n16\n || a\n == vector.n17\n || a\n == vector.n18\n || a\n == vector.n19\n || a\n == vector.n20\n || a\n == vector.n21\n || a\n == vector.n22\n || a\n == vector.n23\n || a\n == vector.n24\n || a\n == vector.n25\n || a\n == vector.n26\n || a\n == vector.n27\n || a\n == vector.n28\n || a\n == vector.n29\n || a\n == vector.n30\n || a\n == vector.n31\n || a\n == vector.n32\n || a\n == vector.n33\n || a\n == vector.n34\n || a\n == vector.n35\n || a\n == vector.n36\n || a\n == vector.n37\n || a\n == vector.n38\n || a\n == vector.n39\n || a\n == vector.n40\n || a\n == vector.n41\n || a\n == vector.n42\n || a\n == vector.n43\n || a\n == vector.n44\n || a\n == vector.n45\n || a\n == vector.n46\n || a\n == vector.n47\n || a\n == vector.n48\n || a\n == vector.n49\n || a\n == vector.n50\n || a\n == vector.n51\n || a\n == vector.n52\n || a\n == vector.n53\n || a\n == vector.n54\n || a\n == vector.n55\n || a\n == vector.n56\n || a\n == vector.n57\n || a\n == vector.n58\n || a\n == vector.n59\n || a\n == vector.n60\n || a\n == vector.n61\n || a\n == vector.n62\n || a\n == vector.n63\n || a\n == vector.n64\n || a\n == vector.n65\n || a\n == vector.n66\n || a\n == vector.n67\n || a\n == vector.n68\n || a\n == vector.n69\n || a\n == vector.n70\n || a\n == vector.n71\n || a\n == vector.n72\n || a\n == vector.n73\n || a\n == vector.n74\n || a\n == vector.n75\n || a\n == vector.n76\n || a\n == vector.n77\n || a\n == vector.n78\n || a\n == vector.n79\n || a\n == vector.n80\n || a\n == vector.n81\n || a\n == vector.n82\n || a\n == vector.n83\n || a\n == vector.n84\n || a\n == vector.n85\n || a\n == vector.n86\n || a\n == vector.n87\n || a\n == vector.n88\n || a\n == vector.n89\n || a\n == vector.n90\n || a\n == vector.n91\n || a\n == vector.n92\n || a\n == vector.n93\n || a\n == vector.n94\n || a\n == vector.n95\n || a\n == vector.n96\n || a\n == vector.n97\n || a\n == vector.n98\n || a\n == vector.n99\n || a\n == vector.n100\n || a\n == vector.n101\n || a\n == vector.n102\n || a\n == vector.n103\n || a\n == vector.n104\n || a\n == vector.n105\n || a\n == vector.n106\n || a\n == vector.n107\n || a\n == vector.n108\n || a\n == vector.n109\n || a\n == vector.n110\n || a\n == vector.n111\n || a\n == vector.n112\n || a\n == vector.n113\n || a\n == vector.n114\n || a\n == vector.n115\n || a\n == vector.n116\n || a\n == vector.n117\n || a\n == vector.n118\n || a\n == vector.n119\n || a\n == vector.n120\n || a\n == vector.n121\n || a\n == vector.n122\n || a\n == vector.n123\n || a\n == vector.n124\n || a\n == vector.n125\n || a\n == vector.n126\n || a\n == vector.n127\n || a\n == vector.n128\n || a\n == vector.n129\n || a\n == vector.n130\n || a\n == vector.n131\n || a\n == vector.n132\n || a\n == vector.n133\n || a\n == vector.n134\n || a\n == vector.n135\n || a\n == vector.n136\n || a\n == vector.n137\n || a\n == vector.n138\n || a\n == vector.n139\n || a\n == vector.n140\n || a\n == vector.n141\n || a\n == vector.n142\n || a\n == vector.n143\n || a\n == vector.n144\n || a\n == vector.n145\n || a\n == vector.n146\n || a\n == vector.n147\n || a\n == vector.n148\n || a\n == vector.n149\n || a\n == vector.n150\n || a\n == vector.n151\n || a\n == vector.n152\n || a\n == vector.n153\n || a\n == vector.n154\n || a\n == vector.n155\n || a\n == vector.n156\n || a\n == vector.n157\n || a\n == vector.n158\n || a\n == vector.n159\n || a\n == vector.n160\n || a\n == vector.n161\n || a\n == vector.n162\n || a\n == vector.n163\n || a\n == vector.n164\n || a\n == vector.n165\n || a\n == vector.n166\n || a\n == vector.n167\n || a\n == vector.n168\n || a\n == vector.n169\n || a\n == vector.n170\n || a\n == vector.n171\n || a\n == vector.n172\n || a\n == vector.n173\n || a\n == vector.n174\n || a\n == vector.n175\n || a\n == vector.n176\n || a\n == vector.n177\n || a\n == vector.n178\n || a\n == vector.n179\n || a\n == vector.n180\n || a\n == vector.n181\n || a\n == vector.n182\n || a\n == vector.n183\n || a\n == vector.n184\n || a\n == vector.n185\n || a\n == vector.n186\n || a\n == vector.n187\n || a\n == vector.n188\n || a\n == vector.n189\n || a\n == vector.n190\n || a\n == vector.n191\n || a\n == vector.n192\n || a\n == vector.n193\n || a\n == vector.n194\n || a\n == vector.n195\n || a\n == vector.n196\n || a\n == vector.n197\n\n\n{-| Reverse the order of the items in a `Vector198 a`\n-}\nreverse : Vector198 a -> Vector198 a\nreverse (Vector vector) =\n { n0 = vector.n197\n , n1 = vector.n196\n , n2 = vector.n195\n , n3 = vector.n194\n , n4 = vector.n193\n , n5 = vector.n192\n , n6 = vector.n191\n , n7 = vector.n190\n , n8 = vector.n189\n , n9 = vector.n188\n , n10 = vector.n187\n , n11 = vector.n186\n , n12 = vector.n185\n , n13 = vector.n184\n , n14 = vector.n183\n , n15 = vector.n182\n , n16 = vector.n181\n , n17 = vector.n180\n , n18 = vector.n179\n , n19 = vector.n178\n , n20 = vector.n177\n , n21 = vector.n176\n , n22 = vector.n175\n , n23 = vector.n174\n , n24 = vector.n173\n , n25 = vector.n172\n , n26 = vector.n171\n , n27 = vector.n170\n , n28 = vector.n169\n , n29 = vector.n168\n , n30 = vector.n167\n , n31 = vector.n166\n , n32 = vector.n165\n , n33 = vector.n164\n , n34 = vector.n163\n , n35 = vector.n162\n , n36 = vector.n161\n , n37 = vector.n160\n , n38 = vector.n159\n , n39 = vector.n158\n , n40 = vector.n157\n , n41 = vector.n156\n , n42 = vector.n155\n , n43 = vector.n154\n , n44 = vector.n153\n , n45 = vector.n152\n , n46 = vector.n151\n , n47 = vector.n150\n , n48 = vector.n149\n , n49 = vector.n148\n , n50 = vector.n147\n , n51 = vector.n146\n , n52 = vector.n145\n , n53 = vector.n144\n , n54 = vector.n143\n , n55 = vector.n142\n , n56 = vector.n141\n , n57 = vector.n140\n , n58 = vector.n139\n , n59 = vector.n138\n , n60 = vector.n137\n , n61 = vector.n136\n , n62 = vector.n135\n , n63 = vector.n134\n , n64 = vector.n133\n , n65 = vector.n132\n , n66 = vector.n131\n , n67 = vector.n130\n , n68 = vector.n129\n , n69 = vector.n128\n , n70 = vector.n127\n , n71 = vector.n126\n , n72 = vector.n125\n , n73 = vector.n124\n , n74 = vector.n123\n , n75 = vector.n122\n , n76 = vector.n121\n , n77 = vector.n120\n , n78 = vector.n119\n , n79 = vector.n118\n , n80 = vector.n117\n , n81 = vector.n116\n , n82 = vector.n115\n , n83 = vector.n114\n , n84 = vector.n113\n , n85 = vector.n112\n , n86 = vector.n111\n , n87 = vector.n110\n , n88 = vector.n109\n , n89 = vector.n108\n , n90 = vector.n107\n , n91 = vector.n106\n , n92 = vector.n105\n , n93 = vector.n104\n , n94 = vector.n103\n , n95 = vector.n102\n , n96 = vector.n101\n , n97 = vector.n100\n , n98 = vector.n99\n , n99 = vector.n98\n , n100 = vector.n97\n , n101 = vector.n96\n , n102 = vector.n95\n , n103 = vector.n94\n , n104 = vector.n93\n , n105 = vector.n92\n , n106 = vector.n91\n , n107 = vector.n90\n , n108 = vector.n89\n , n109 = vector.n88\n , n110 = vector.n87\n , n111 = vector.n86\n , n112 = vector.n85\n , n113 = vector.n84\n , n114 = vector.n83\n , n115 = vector.n82\n , n116 = vector.n81\n , n117 = vector.n80\n , n118 = vector.n79\n , n119 = vector.n78\n , n120 = vector.n77\n , n121 = vector.n76\n , n122 = vector.n75\n , n123 = vector.n74\n , n124 = vector.n73\n , n125 = vector.n72\n , n126 = vector.n71\n , n127 = vector.n70\n , n128 = vector.n69\n , n129 = vector.n68\n , n130 = vector.n67\n , n131 = vector.n66\n , n132 = vector.n65\n , n133 = vector.n64\n , n134 = vector.n63\n , n135 = vector.n62\n , n136 = vector.n61\n , n137 = vector.n60\n , n138 = vector.n59\n , n139 = vector.n58\n , n140 = vector.n57\n , n141 = vector.n56\n , n142 = vector.n55\n , n143 = vector.n54\n , n144 = vector.n53\n , n145 = vector.n52\n , n146 = vector.n51\n , n147 = vector.n50\n , n148 = vector.n49\n , n149 = vector.n48\n , n150 = vector.n47\n , n151 = vector.n46\n , n152 = vector.n45\n , n153 = vector.n44\n , n154 = vector.n43\n , n155 = vector.n42\n , n156 = vector.n41\n , n157 = vector.n40\n , n158 = vector.n39\n , n159 = vector.n38\n , n160 = vector.n37\n , n161 = vector.n36\n , n162 = vector.n35\n , n163 = vector.n34\n , n164 = vector.n33\n , n165 = vector.n32\n , n166 = vector.n31\n , n167 = vector.n30\n , n168 = vector.n29\n , n169 = vector.n28\n , n170 = vector.n27\n , n171 = vector.n26\n , n172 = vector.n25\n , n173 = vector.n24\n , n174 = vector.n23\n , n175 = vector.n22\n , n176 = vector.n21\n , n177 = vector.n20\n , n178 = vector.n19\n , n179 = vector.n18\n , n180 = vector.n17\n , n181 = vector.n16\n , n182 = vector.n15\n , n183 = vector.n14\n , n184 = vector.n13\n , n185 = vector.n12\n , n186 = vector.n11\n , n187 = vector.n10\n , n188 = vector.n9\n , n189 = vector.n8\n , n190 = vector.n7\n , n191 = vector.n6\n , n192 = vector.n5\n , n193 = vector.n4\n , n194 = vector.n3\n , n195 = vector.n2\n , n196 = vector.n1\n , n197 = vector.n0\n }\n |> Vector\n\n\n{-| The length of this vector type, which is 198\n-}\nlength : Int\nlength =\n 198\n\n\n{-| Break a `List a` down into groups of `Vector198 a`. The output is a tuple, where the left side is a list of the remainder.\n\n Vector3.group [ 1, 2, 3 ]\n --> ([] , [ Vector3.from3 1 2 3 ])\n\n Vector3.group [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]\n --> ([ 4 ] , [ Vector3.from3 1 2 3 ])\n\n Vector3.group [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]\n --> ([ 4, 5 ] , [ Vector3.from3 1 2 3 ])\n\n Vector3.group [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]\n --> ([] , [ Vector3.from3 1 2 3, Vector3.from3 4 5 6 ])\n\n-}\ngroup : List a -> ( List a, List (Vector198 a) )\ngroup items =\n groupHelp items []\n\n\ngroupHelp : List a -> List (Vector198 a) -> ( List a, List (Vector198 a) )\ngroupHelp remainingItems output =\n case remainingItems of\n i0 :: i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: i4 :: i5 :: i6 :: i7 :: i8 :: i9 :: i10 :: i11 :: i12 :: i13 :: i14 :: i15 :: i16 :: i17 :: i18 :: i19 :: i20 :: i21 :: i22 :: i23 :: i24 :: i25 :: i26 :: i27 :: i28 :: i29 :: i30 :: i31 :: i32 :: i33 :: i34 :: i35 :: i36 :: i37 :: i38 :: i39 :: i40 :: i41 :: i42 :: i43 :: i44 :: i45 :: i46 :: i47 :: i48 :: i49 :: i50 :: i51 :: i52 :: i53 :: i54 :: i55 :: i56 :: i57 :: i58 :: i59 :: i60 :: i61 :: i62 :: i63 :: i64 :: i65 :: i66 :: i67 :: i68 :: i69 :: i70 :: i71 :: i72 :: i73 :: i74 :: i75 :: i76 :: i77 :: i78 :: i79 :: i80 :: i81 :: i82 :: i83 :: i84 :: i85 :: i86 :: i87 :: i88 :: i89 :: i90 :: i91 :: i92 :: i93 :: i94 :: i95 :: i96 :: i97 :: i98 :: i99 :: i100 :: i101 :: i102 :: i103 :: i104 :: i105 :: i106 :: i107 :: i108 :: i109 :: i110 :: i111 :: i112 :: i113 :: i114 :: i115 :: i116 :: i117 :: i118 :: i119 :: i120 :: i121 :: i122 :: i123 :: i124 :: i125 :: i126 :: i127 :: i128 :: i129 :: i130 :: i131 :: i132 :: i133 :: i134 :: i135 :: i136 :: i137 :: i138 :: i139 :: i140 :: i141 :: i142 :: i143 :: i144 :: i145 :: i146 :: i147 :: i148 :: i149 :: i150 :: i151 :: i152 :: i153 :: i154 :: i155 :: i156 :: i157 :: i158 :: i159 :: i160 :: i161 :: i162 :: i163 :: i164 :: i165 :: i166 :: i167 :: i168 :: i169 :: i170 :: i171 :: i172 :: i173 :: i174 :: i175 :: i176 :: i177 :: i178 :: i179 :: i180 :: i181 :: i182 :: i183 :: i184 :: i185 :: i186 :: i187 :: i188 :: i189 :: i190 :: i191 :: i192 :: i193 :: i194 :: i195 :: i196 :: i197 :: rest ->\n groupHelp rest (from198 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20 i21 i22 i23 i24 i25 i26 i27 i28 i29 i30 i31 i32 i33 i34 i35 i36 i37 i38 i39 i40 i41 i42 i43 i44 i45 i46 i47 i48 i49 i50 i51 i52 i53 i54 i55 i56 i57 i58 i59 i60 i61 i62 i63 i64 i65 i66 i67 i68 i69 i70 i71 i72 i73 i74 i75 i76 i77 i78 i79 i80 i81 i82 i83 i84 i85 i86 i87 i88 i89 i90 i91 i92 i93 i94 i95 i96 i97 i98 i99 i100 i101 i102 i103 i104 i105 i106 i107 i108 i109 i110 i111 i112 i113 i114 i115 i116 i117 i118 i119 i120 i121 i122 i123 i124 i125 i126 i127 i128 i129 i130 i131 i132 i133 i134 i135 i136 i137 i138 i139 i140 i141 i142 i143 i144 i145 i146 i147 i148 i149 i150 i151 i152 i153 i154 i155 i156 i157 i158 i159 i160 i161 i162 i163 i164 i165 i166 i167 i168 i169 i170 i171 i172 i173 i174 i175 i176 i177 i178 i179 i180 i181 i182 i183 i184 i185 i186 i187 i188 i189 i190 i191 i192 i193 i194 i195 i196 i197 :: output)\n\n _ ->\n ( remainingItems, List.reverse output )\n\n\n{-| A list of all the indices, from 0 to 197\n-}\nindices : Vector198 Index\nindices =\n initializeFromIndex identity\n\n\n{-| Add an element to the end of a `Vector198 a`, incrementing its size by 1\n\n Vector4.push 4 (Vector4.from4 0 1 2 3)\n --> Vector5.from5 0 1 2 3 4\n\n-}\npush : a -> Vector198 a -> Vector199.Vector199 a\npush a (Vector vector) =\n { n0 = vector.n0\n , n1 = vector.n1\n , n2 = vector.n2\n , n3 = vector.n3\n , n4 = vector.n4\n , n5 = vector.n5\n , n6 = vector.n6\n , n7 = vector.n7\n , n8 = vector.n8\n , n9 = vector.n9\n , n10 = vector.n10\n , n11 = vector.n11\n , n12 = vector.n12\n , n13 = vector.n13\n , n14 = vector.n14\n , n15 = vector.n15\n , n16 = vector.n16\n , n17 = vector.n17\n , n18 = vector.n18\n , n19 = vector.n19\n , n20 = vector.n20\n , n21 = vector.n21\n , n22 = vector.n22\n , n23 = vector.n23\n , n24 = vector.n24\n , n25 = vector.n25\n , n26 = vector.n26\n , n27 = vector.n27\n , n28 = vector.n28\n , n29 = vector.n29\n , n30 = vector.n30\n , n31 = vector.n31\n , n32 = vector.n32\n , n33 = vector.n33\n , n34 = vector.n34\n , n35 = vector.n35\n , n36 = vector.n36\n , n37 = vector.n37\n , n38 = vector.n38\n , n39 = vector.n39\n , n40 = vector.n40\n , n41 = vector.n41\n , n42 = vector.n42\n , n43 = vector.n43\n , n44 = vector.n44\n , n45 = vector.n45\n , n46 = vector.n46\n , n47 = vector.n47\n , n48 = vector.n48\n , n49 = vector.n49\n , n50 = vector.n50\n , n51 = vector.n51\n , n52 = vector.n52\n , n53 = vector.n53\n , n54 = vector.n54\n , n55 = vector.n55\n , n56 = vector.n56\n , n57 = vector.n57\n , n58 = vector.n58\n , n59 = vector.n59\n , n60 = vector.n60\n , n61 = vector.n61\n , n62 = vector.n62\n , n63 = vector.n63\n , n64 = vector.n64\n , n65 = vector.n65\n , n66 = vector.n66\n , n67 = vector.n67\n , n68 = vector.n68\n , n69 = vector.n69\n , n70 = vector.n70\n , n71 = vector.n71\n , n72 = vector.n72\n , n73 = vector.n73\n , n74 = vector.n74\n , n75 = vector.n75\n , n76 = vector.n76\n , n77 = vector.n77\n , n78 = vector.n78\n , n79 = vector.n79\n , n80 = vector.n80\n , n81 = vector.n81\n , n82 = vector.n82\n , n83 = vector.n83\n , n84 = vector.n84\n , n85 = vector.n85\n , n86 = vector.n86\n , n87 = vector.n87\n , n88 = vector.n88\n , n89 = vector.n89\n , n90 = vector.n90\n , n91 = vector.n91\n , n92 = vector.n92\n , n93 = vector.n93\n , n94 = vector.n94\n , n95 = vector.n95\n , n96 = vector.n96\n , n97 = vector.n97\n , n98 = vector.n98\n , n99 = vector.n99\n , n100 = vector.n100\n , n101 = vector.n101\n , n102 = vector.n102\n , n103 = vector.n103\n , n104 = vector.n104\n , n105 = vector.n105\n , n106 = vector.n106\n , n107 = vector.n107\n , n108 = vector.n108\n , n109 = vector.n109\n , n110 = vector.n110\n , n111 = vector.n111\n , n112 = vector.n112\n , n113 = vector.n113\n , n114 = vector.n114\n , n115 = vector.n115\n , n116 = vector.n116\n , n117 = vector.n117\n , n118 = vector.n118\n , n119 = vector.n119\n , n120 = vector.n120\n , n121 = vector.n121\n , n122 = vector.n122\n , n123 = vector.n123\n , n124 = vector.n124\n , n125 = vector.n125\n , n126 = vector.n126\n , n127 = vector.n127\n , n128 = vector.n128\n , n129 = vector.n129\n , n130 = vector.n130\n , n131 = vector.n131\n , n132 = vector.n132\n , n133 = vector.n133\n , n134 = vector.n134\n , n135 = vector.n135\n , n136 = vector.n136\n , n137 = vector.n137\n , n138 = vector.n138\n , n139 = vector.n139\n , n140 = vector.n140\n , n141 = vector.n141\n , n142 = vector.n142\n , n143 = vector.n143\n , n144 = vector.n144\n , n145 = vector.n145\n , n146 = vector.n146\n , n147 = vector.n147\n , n148 = vector.n148\n , n149 = vector.n149\n , n150 = vector.n150\n , n151 = vector.n151\n , n152 = vector.n152\n , n153 = vector.n153\n , n154 = vector.n154\n , n155 = vector.n155\n , n156 = vector.n156\n , n157 = vector.n157\n , n158 = vector.n158\n , n159 = vector.n159\n , n160 = vector.n160\n , n161 = vector.n161\n , n162 = vector.n162\n , n163 = vector.n163\n , n164 = vector.n164\n , n165 = vector.n165\n , n166 = vector.n166\n , n167 = vector.n167\n , n168 = vector.n168\n , n169 = vector.n169\n , n170 = vector.n170\n , n171 = vector.n171\n , n172 = vector.n172\n , n173 = vector.n173\n , n174 = vector.n174\n , n175 = vector.n175\n , n176 = vector.n176\n , n177 = vector.n177\n , n178 = vector.n178\n , n179 = vector.n179\n , n180 = vector.n180\n , n181 = vector.n181\n , n182 = vector.n182\n , n183 = vector.n183\n , n184 = vector.n184\n , n185 = vector.n185\n , n186 = vector.n186\n , n187 = vector.n187\n , n188 = vector.n188\n , n189 = vector.n189\n , n190 = vector.n190\n , n191 = vector.n191\n , n192 = vector.n192\n , n193 = vector.n193\n , n194 = vector.n194\n , n195 = vector.n195\n , n196 = vector.n196\n , n197 = vector.n197\n , n198 = a\n }\n |> Vector199.Vector\n\n\n{-| Separate a `Vector198 a` into its last element and everything else.\n\n Vector4.pop (Vector4.from4 0 1 2 3)\n --> (Vector3.from3 0 1 2, 3)\n\n-}\npop : Vector198 a -> ( Vector197.Vector197 a, a )\npop (Vector vector) =\n ( { n0 = vector.n0\n , n1 = vector.n1\n , n2 = vector.n2\n , n3 = vector.n3\n , n4 = vector.n4\n , n5 = vector.n5\n , n6 = vector.n6\n , n7 = vector.n7\n , n8 = vector.n8\n , n9 = vector.n9\n , n10 = vector.n10\n , n11 = vector.n11\n , n12 = vector.n12\n , n13 = vector.n13\n , n14 = vector.n14\n , n15 = vector.n15\n , n16 = vector.n16\n , n17 = vector.n17\n , n18 = vector.n18\n , n19 = vector.n19\n , n20 = vector.n20\n , n21 = vector.n21\n , n22 = vector.n22\n , n23 = vector.n23\n , n24 = vector.n24\n , n25 = vector.n25\n , n26 = vector.n26\n , n27 = vector.n27\n , n28 = vector.n28\n , n29 = vector.n29\n , n30 = vector.n30\n , n31 = vector.n31\n , n32 = vector.n32\n , n33 = vector.n33\n , n34 = vector.n34\n , n35 = vector.n35\n , n36 = vector.n36\n , n37 = vector.n37\n , n38 = vector.n38\n , n39 = vector.n39\n , n40 = vector.n40\n , n41 = vector.n41\n , n42 = vector.n42\n , n43 = vector.n43\n , n44 = vector.n44\n , n45 = vector.n45\n , n46 = vector.n46\n , n47 = vector.n47\n , n48 = vector.n48\n , n49 = vector.n49\n , n50 = vector.n50\n , n51 = vector.n51\n , n52 = vector.n52\n , n53 = vector.n53\n , n54 = vector.n54\n , n55 = vector.n55\n , n56 = vector.n56\n , n57 = vector.n57\n , n58 = vector.n58\n , n59 = vector.n59\n , n60 = vector.n60\n , n61 = vector.n61\n , n62 = vector.n62\n , n63 = vector.n63\n , n64 = vector.n64\n , n65 = vector.n65\n , n66 = vector.n66\n , n67 = vector.n67\n , n68 = vector.n68\n , n69 = vector.n69\n , n70 = vector.n70\n , n71 = vector.n71\n , n72 = vector.n72\n , n73 = vector.n73\n , n74 = vector.n74\n , n75 = vector.n75\n , n76 = vector.n76\n , n77 = vector.n77\n , n78 = vector.n78\n , n79 = vector.n79\n , n80 = vector.n80\n , n81 = vector.n81\n , n82 = vector.n82\n , n83 = vector.n83\n , n84 = vector.n84\n , n85 = vector.n85\n , n86 = vector.n86\n , n87 = vector.n87\n , n88 = vector.n88\n , n89 = vector.n89\n , n90 = vector.n90\n , n91 = vector.n91\n , n92 = vector.n92\n , n93 = vector.n93\n , n94 = vector.n94\n , n95 = vector.n95\n , n96 = vector.n96\n , n97 = vector.n97\n , n98 = vector.n98\n , n99 = vector.n99\n , n100 = vector.n100\n , n101 = vector.n101\n , n102 = vector.n102\n , n103 = vector.n103\n , n104 = vector.n104\n , n105 = vector.n105\n , n106 = vector.n106\n , n107 = vector.n107\n , n108 = vector.n108\n , n109 = vector.n109\n , n110 = vector.n110\n , n111 = vector.n111\n , n112 = vector.n112\n , n113 = vector.n113\n , n114 = vector.n114\n , n115 = vector.n115\n , n116 = vector.n116\n , n117 = vector.n117\n , n118 = vector.n118\n , n119 = vector.n119\n , n120 = vector.n120\n , n121 = vector.n121\n , n122 = vector.n122\n , n123 = vector.n123\n , n124 = vector.n124\n , n125 = vector.n125\n , n126 = vector.n126\n , n127 = vector.n127\n , n128 = vector.n128\n , n129 = vector.n129\n , n130 = vector.n130\n , n131 = vector.n131\n , n132 = vector.n132\n , n133 = vector.n133\n , n134 = vector.n134\n , n135 = vector.n135\n , n136 = vector.n136\n , n137 = vector.n137\n , n138 = vector.n138\n , n139 = vector.n139\n , n140 = vector.n140\n , n141 = vector.n141\n , n142 = vector.n142\n , n143 = vector.n143\n , n144 = vector.n144\n , n145 = vector.n145\n , n146 = vector.n146\n , n147 = vector.n147\n , n148 = vector.n148\n , n149 = vector.n149\n , n150 = vector.n150\n , n151 = vector.n151\n , n152 = vector.n152\n , n153 = vector.n153\n , n154 = vector.n154\n , n155 = vector.n155\n , n156 = vector.n156\n , n157 = vector.n157\n , n158 = vector.n158\n , n159 = vector.n159\n , n160 = vector.n160\n , n161 = vector.n161\n , n162 = vector.n162\n , n163 = vector.n163\n , n164 = vector.n164\n , n165 = vector.n165\n , n166 = vector.n166\n , n167 = vector.n167\n , n168 = vector.n168\n , n169 = vector.n169\n , n170 = vector.n170\n , n171 = vector.n171\n , n172 = vector.n172\n , n173 = vector.n173\n , n174 = vector.n174\n , n175 = vector.n175\n , n176 = vector.n176\n , n177 = vector.n177\n , n178 = vector.n178\n , n179 = vector.n179\n , n180 = vector.n180\n , n181 = vector.n181\n , n182 = vector.n182\n , n183 = vector.n183\n , n184 = vector.n184\n , n185 = vector.n185\n , n186 = vector.n186\n , n187 = vector.n187\n , n188 = vector.n188\n , n189 = vector.n189\n , n190 = vector.n190\n , n191 = vector.n191\n , n192 = vector.n192\n , n193 = vector.n193\n , n194 = vector.n194\n , n195 = vector.n195\n , n196 = vector.n196\n }\n |> Vector197.Vector\n , vector.n197\n )\n\n\n{-| Split a `Vector198 a` into its first element and the rest\n\n Vector4.uncons (Vector4.from4 0 1 2 3)\n --> (0, Vector3.from3 1 2 3)\n\n-}\nuncons : Vector198 a -> ( a, Vector197.Vector197 a )\nuncons (Vector vector) =\n ( vector.n0\n , { n0 = vector.n1\n , n1 = vector.n2\n , n2 = vector.n3\n , n3 = vector.n4\n , n4 = vector.n5\n , n5 = vector.n6\n , n6 = vector.n7\n , n7 = vector.n8\n , n8 = vector.n9\n , n9 = vector.n10\n , n10 = vector.n11\n , n11 = vector.n12\n , n12 = vector.n13\n , n13 = vector.n14\n , n14 = vector.n15\n , n15 = vector.n16\n , n16 = vector.n17\n , n17 = vector.n18\n , n18 = vector.n19\n , n19 = vector.n20\n , n20 = vector.n21\n , n21 = vector.n22\n , n22 = vector.n23\n , n23 = vector.n24\n , n24 = vector.n25\n , n25 = vector.n26\n , n26 = vector.n27\n , n27 = vector.n28\n , n28 = vector.n29\n , n29 = vector.n30\n , n30 = vector.n31\n , n31 = vector.n32\n , n32 = vector.n33\n , n33 = vector.n34\n , n34 = vector.n35\n , n35 = vector.n36\n , n36 = vector.n37\n , n37 = vector.n38\n , n38 = vector.n39\n , n39 = vector.n40\n , n40 = vector.n41\n , n41 = vector.n42\n , n42 = vector.n43\n , n43 = vector.n44\n , n44 = vector.n45\n , n45 = vector.n46\n , n46 = vector.n47\n , n47 = vector.n48\n , n48 = vector.n49\n , n49 = vector.n50\n , n50 = vector.n51\n , n51 = vector.n52\n , n52 = vector.n53\n , n53 = vector.n54\n , n54 = vector.n55\n , n55 = vector.n56\n , n56 = vector.n57\n , n57 = vector.n58\n , n58 = vector.n59\n , n59 = vector.n60\n , n60 = vector.n61\n , n61 = vector.n62\n , n62 = vector.n63\n , n63 = vector.n64\n , n64 = vector.n65\n , n65 = vector.n66\n , n66 = vector.n67\n , n67 = vector.n68\n , n68 = vector.n69\n , n69 = vector.n70\n , n70 = vector.n71\n , n71 = vector.n72\n , n72 = vector.n73\n , n73 = vector.n74\n , n74 = vector.n75\n , n75 = vector.n76\n , n76 = vector.n77\n , n77 = vector.n78\n , n78 = vector.n79\n , n79 = vector.n80\n , n80 = vector.n81\n , n81 = vector.n82\n , n82 = vector.n83\n , n83 = vector.n84\n , n84 = vector.n85\n , n85 = vector.n86\n , n86 = vector.n87\n , n87 = vector.n88\n , n88 = vector.n89\n , n89 = vector.n90\n , n90 = vector.n91\n , n91 = vector.n92\n , n92 = vector.n93\n , n93 = vector.n94\n , n94 = vector.n95\n , n95 = vector.n96\n , n96 = vector.n97\n , n97 = vector.n98\n , n98 = vector.n99\n , n99 = vector.n100\n , n100 = vector.n101\n , n101 = vector.n102\n , n102 = vector.n103\n , n103 = vector.n104\n , n104 = vector.n105\n , n105 = vector.n106\n , n106 = vector.n107\n , n107 = vector.n108\n , n108 = vector.n109\n , n109 = vector.n110\n , n110 = vector.n111\n , n111 = vector.n112\n , n112 = vector.n113\n , n113 = vector.n114\n , n114 = vector.n115\n , n115 = vector.n116\n , n116 = vector.n117\n , n117 = vector.n118\n , n118 = vector.n119\n , n119 = vector.n120\n , n120 = vector.n121\n , n121 = vector.n122\n , n122 = vector.n123\n , n123 = vector.n124\n , n124 = vector.n125\n , n125 = vector.n126\n , n126 = vector.n127\n , n127 = vector.n128\n , n128 = vector.n129\n , n129 = vector.n130\n , n130 = vector.n131\n , n131 = vector.n132\n , n132 = vector.n133\n , n133 = vector.n134\n , n134 = vector.n135\n , n135 = vector.n136\n , n136 = vector.n137\n , n137 = vector.n138\n , n138 = vector.n139\n , n139 = vector.n140\n , n140 = vector.n141\n , n141 = vector.n142\n , n142 = vector.n143\n , n143 = vector.n144\n , n144 = vector.n145\n , n145 = vector.n146\n , n146 = vector.n147\n , n147 = vector.n148\n , n148 = vector.n149\n , n149 = vector.n150\n , n150 = vector.n151\n , n151 = vector.n152\n , n152 = vector.n153\n , n153 = vector.n154\n , n154 = vector.n155\n , n155 = vector.n156\n , n156 = vector.n157\n , n157 = vector.n158\n , n158 = vector.n159\n , n159 = vector.n160\n , n160 = vector.n161\n , n161 = vector.n162\n , n162 = vector.n163\n , n163 = vector.n164\n , n164 = vector.n165\n , n165 = vector.n166\n , n166 = vector.n167\n , n167 = vector.n168\n , n168 = vector.n169\n , n169 = vector.n170\n , n170 = vector.n171\n , n171 = vector.n172\n , n172 = vector.n173\n , n173 = vector.n174\n , n174 = vector.n175\n , n175 = vector.n176\n , n176 = vector.n177\n , n177 = vector.n178\n , n178 = vector.n179\n , n179 = vector.n180\n , n180 = vector.n181\n , n181 = vector.n182\n , n182 = vector.n183\n , n183 = vector.n184\n , n184 = vector.n185\n , n185 = vector.n186\n , n186 = vector.n187\n , n187 = vector.n188\n , n188 = vector.n189\n , n189 = vector.n190\n , n190 = vector.n191\n , n191 = vector.n192\n , n192 = vector.n193\n , n193 = vector.n194\n , n194 = vector.n195\n , n195 = vector.n196\n , n196 = vector.n197\n }\n |> Vector197.Vector\n )\n\n\n{-| Add an element to the front of a vector, incrementing the vector size by 1\n\n Vector4.cons -1 (Vector4.from4 0 1 2 3)\n --> Vector5.from5 -1 0 1 2 3\n\n-}\ncons : a -> Vector198 a -> Vector199.Vector199 a\ncons a (Vector vector) =\n { n0 = a\n , n1 = vector.n0\n , n2 = vector.n1\n , n3 = vector.n2\n , n4 = vector.n3\n , n5 = vector.n4\n , n6 = vector.n5\n , n7 = vector.n6\n , n8 = vector.n7\n , n9 = vector.n8\n , n10 = vector.n9\n , n11 = vector.n10\n , n12 = vector.n11\n , n13 = vector.n12\n , n14 = vector.n13\n , n15 = vector.n14\n , n16 = vector.n15\n , n17 = vector.n16\n , n18 = vector.n17\n , n19 = vector.n18\n , n20 = vector.n19\n , n21 = vector.n20\n , n22 = vector.n21\n , n23 = vector.n22\n , n24 = vector.n23\n , n25 = vector.n24\n , n26 = vector.n25\n , n27 = vector.n26\n , n28 = vector.n27\n , n29 = vector.n28\n , n30 = vector.n29\n , n31 = vector.n30\n , n32 = vector.n31\n , n33 = vector.n32\n , n34 = vector.n33\n , n35 = vector.n34\n , n36 = vector.n35\n , n37 = vector.n36\n , n38 = vector.n37\n , n39 = vector.n38\n , n40 = vector.n39\n , n41 = vector.n40\n , n42 = vector.n41\n , n43 = vector.n42\n , n44 = vector.n43\n , n45 = vector.n44\n , n46 = vector.n45\n , n47 = vector.n46\n , n48 = vector.n47\n , n49 = vector.n48\n , n50 = vector.n49\n , n51 = vector.n50\n , n52 = vector.n51\n , n53 = vector.n52\n , n54 = vector.n53\n , n55 = vector.n54\n , n56 = vector.n55\n , n57 = vector.n56\n , n58 = vector.n57\n , n59 = vector.n58\n , n60 = vector.n59\n , n61 = vector.n60\n , n62 = vector.n61\n , n63 = vector.n62\n , n64 = vector.n63\n , n65 = vector.n64\n , n66 = vector.n65\n , n67 = vector.n66\n , n68 = vector.n67\n , n69 = vector.n68\n , n70 = vector.n69\n , n71 = vector.n70\n , n72 = vector.n71\n , n73 = vector.n72\n , n74 = vector.n73\n , n75 = vector.n74\n , n76 = vector.n75\n , n77 = vector.n76\n , n78 = vector.n77\n , n79 = vector.n78\n , n80 = vector.n79\n , n81 = vector.n80\n , n82 = vector.n81\n , n83 = vector.n82\n , n84 = vector.n83\n , n85 = vector.n84\n , n86 = vector.n85\n , n87 = vector.n86\n , n88 = vector.n87\n , n89 = vector.n88\n , n90 = vector.n89\n , n91 = vector.n90\n , n92 = vector.n91\n , n93 = vector.n92\n , n94 = vector.n93\n , n95 = vector.n94\n , n96 = vector.n95\n , n97 = vector.n96\n , n98 = vector.n97\n , n99 = vector.n98\n , n100 = vector.n99\n , n101 = vector.n100\n , n102 = vector.n101\n , n103 = vector.n102\n , n104 = vector.n103\n , n105 = vector.n104\n , n106 = vector.n105\n , n107 = vector.n106\n , n108 = vector.n107\n , n109 = vector.n108\n , n110 = vector.n109\n , n111 = vector.n110\n , n112 = vector.n111\n , n113 = vector.n112\n , n114 = vector.n113\n , n115 = vector.n114\n , n116 = vector.n115\n , n117 = vector.n116\n , n118 = vector.n117\n , n119 = vector.n118\n , n120 = vector.n119\n , n121 = vector.n120\n , n122 = vector.n121\n , n123 = vector.n122\n , n124 = vector.n123\n , n125 = vector.n124\n , n126 = vector.n125\n , n127 = vector.n126\n , n128 = vector.n127\n , n129 = vector.n128\n , n130 = vector.n129\n , n131 = vector.n130\n , n132 = vector.n131\n , n133 = vector.n132\n , n134 = vector.n133\n , n135 = vector.n134\n , n136 = vector.n135\n , n137 = vector.n136\n , n138 = vector.n137\n , n139 = vector.n138\n , n140 = vector.n139\n , n141 = vector.n140\n , n142 = vector.n141\n , n143 = vector.n142\n , n144 = vector.n143\n , n145 = vector.n144\n , n146 = vector.n145\n , n147 = vector.n146\n , n148 = vector.n147\n , n149 = vector.n148\n , n150 = vector.n149\n , n151 = vector.n150\n , n152 = vector.n151\n , n153 = vector.n152\n , n154 = vector.n153\n , n155 = vector.n154\n , n156 = vector.n155\n , n157 = vector.n156\n , n158 = vector.n157\n , n159 = vector.n158\n , n160 = vector.n159\n , n161 = vector.n160\n , n162 = vector.n161\n , n163 = vector.n162\n , n164 = vector.n163\n , n165 = vector.n164\n , n166 = vector.n165\n , n167 = vector.n166\n , n168 = vector.n167\n , n169 = vector.n168\n , n170 = vector.n169\n , n171 = vector.n170\n , n172 = vector.n171\n , n173 = vector.n172\n , n174 = vector.n173\n , n175 = vector.n174\n , n176 = vector.n175\n , n177 = vector.n176\n , n178 = vector.n177\n , n179 = vector.n178\n , n180 = vector.n179\n , n181 = vector.n180\n , n182 = vector.n181\n , n183 = vector.n182\n , n184 = vector.n183\n , n185 = vector.n184\n , n186 = vector.n185\n , n187 = vector.n186\n , n188 = vector.n187\n , n189 = vector.n188\n , n190 = vector.n189\n , n191 = vector.n190\n , n192 = vector.n191\n , n193 = vector.n192\n , n194 = vector.n193\n , n195 = vector.n194\n , n196 = vector.n195\n , n197 = vector.n196\n , n198 = vector.n197\n }\n |> Vector199.Vector\n","avg_line_length":21.8254897546,"max_line_length":1489,"alphanum_fraction":0.4812642504} +{"size":588,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Questionnaires.Create.Msgs exposing (Msg(..))\n\nimport Common.ApiError exposing (ApiError)\nimport Form\nimport KMEditor.Common.KnowledgeModel.KnowledgeModel exposing (KnowledgeModel)\nimport KnowledgeModels.Common.Package exposing (Package)\nimport Questionnaires.Common.Questionnaire exposing (Questionnaire)\n\n\ntype Msg\n = FormMsg Form.Msg\n | GetPackagesCompleted (Result ApiError (List Package))\n | GetKnowledgeModelPreviewCompleted (Result ApiError KnowledgeModel)\n | AddTag String\n | RemoveTag String\n | PostQuestionnaireCompleted (Result ApiError Questionnaire)\n","avg_line_length":34.5882352941,"max_line_length":78,"alphanum_fraction":0.8044217687} +{"size":56191,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":285.0,"content":"module Doc.UI exposing (countWords, fillet, viewAppLoadingSpinner, viewBreadcrumbs, viewConflict, viewDocumentLoadingSpinner, viewHeader, viewMobileButtons, viewSaveIndicator, viewSearchField, viewShortcuts, viewSidebar, viewSidebarStatic, viewTemplateSelector, viewTooltip, viewWordCount)\n\nimport Ant.Icons.Svg as AntIcons\nimport Browser.Dom exposing (Element)\nimport Coders exposing (treeToMarkdownString)\nimport Diff exposing (..)\nimport Doc.Data as Data exposing (CommitObject)\nimport Doc.Data.Conflict as Conflict exposing (Conflict, Op(..), Selection(..), opString)\nimport Doc.List as DocList exposing (Model(..))\nimport Doc.TreeStructure as TreeStructure exposing (defaultTree)\nimport Doc.TreeUtils as TreeUtils exposing (..)\nimport Html exposing (Html, a, button, del, div, fieldset, h2, h3, h4, h5, hr, img, input, ins, label, li, pre, span, ul)\nimport Html.Attributes as A exposing (..)\nimport Html.Attributes.Extra exposing (attributeIf)\nimport Html.Events exposing (keyCode, on, onBlur, onClick, onFocus, onInput, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave)\nimport Html.Extra exposing (viewIf)\nimport Import.Template exposing (Template(..))\nimport Json.Decode as Dec\nimport List.Extra exposing (getAt)\nimport Markdown.Block\nimport Markdown.Html\nimport Markdown.Parser\nimport Markdown.Renderer exposing (Renderer)\nimport Octicons as Icon exposing (defaultOptions)\nimport Page.Doc.Export exposing (ExportFormat(..), ExportSelection(..))\nimport Page.Doc.Theme exposing (Theme(..))\nimport Regex exposing (Regex, replace)\nimport Route\nimport Session exposing (PaymentStatus(..), Session)\nimport SharedUI exposing (ctrlOrCmdText, modalWrapper)\nimport Svg exposing (g, svg)\nimport Svg.Attributes exposing (d, fill, fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, preserveAspectRatio, stroke, strokeDasharray, strokeDashoffset, strokeLinecap, strokeLinejoin, strokeMiterlimit, strokeWidth, textAnchor, version, viewBox)\nimport Time exposing (posixToMillis)\nimport Translation exposing (Language(..), TranslationId(..), datetimeFormat, langToString, timeDistInWords, tr)\nimport Types exposing (Children(..), CursorPosition(..), HeaderMenuState(..), SidebarMenuState(..), SidebarState(..), SortBy(..), TextCursorInfo, TooltipPosition(..), ViewMode(..), ViewState)\nimport Utils exposing (onClickStop)\n\n\n\n-- Translation Helper Function\n\n\ntext : Language -> TranslationId -> Html msg\ntext lang tid =\n Html.text <| tr lang tid\n\n\ntextNoTr : String -> Html msg\ntextNoTr str =\n Html.text str\n\n\nemptyText : Html msg\nemptyText =\n Html.text \"\"\n\n\n\n-- HEADER\n\n\nviewHeader :\n { noOp : msg\n , titleFocused : msg\n , titleFieldChanged : String -> msg\n , titleEdited : msg\n , titleEditCanceled : msg\n , tooltipRequested : String -> TooltipPosition -> TranslationId -> msg\n , tooltipClosed : msg\n , toggledHistory : Bool -> msg\n , checkoutCommit : String -> msg\n , restore : msg\n , cancelHistory : msg\n , toggledDocSettings : msg\n , wordCountClicked : msg\n , themeChanged : Theme -> msg\n , toggledExport : msg\n , exportSelectionChanged : ExportSelection -> msg\n , exportFormatChanged : ExportFormat -> msg\n , export : msg\n , printRequested : msg\n , toggledUpgradeModal : Bool -> msg\n }\n -> Maybe String\n ->\n { m\n | titleField : Maybe String\n , data : Data.Model\n , headerMenu : HeaderMenuState\n , exportSettings : ( ExportSelection, ExportFormat )\n , dirty : Bool\n , lastLocalSave : Maybe Time.Posix\n , lastRemoteSave : Maybe Time.Posix\n , session : Session\n }\n -> Html msg\nviewHeader msgs title_ model =\n let\n language =\n Session.language model.session\n\n currentTime =\n Session.currentTime model.session\n\n handleKeys =\n on \"keyup\"\n (Dec.andThen\n (\\int ->\n case int of\n 27 ->\n Dec.succeed msgs.titleEditCanceled\n\n 13 ->\n Dec.succeed msgs.titleEdited\n\n _ ->\n Dec.fail \"Ignore keyboard event\"\n )\n keyCode\n )\n\n titleArea =\n let\n titleString =\n model.titleField |> Maybe.withDefault \"Untitled\"\n in\n span [ id \"title\" ]\n [ div [ class \"title-grow-wrap\" ]\n [ div [ class \"shadow\" ]\n [ Html.text <|\n if titleString \/= \"\" then\n titleString\n\n else\n \" \"\n ]\n , input\n [ id \"title-rename\"\n , type_ \"text\"\n , onInput msgs.titleFieldChanged\n , onBlur msgs.titleEdited\n , onFocus msgs.titleFocused\n , handleKeys\n , size 1\n , value titleString\n , attribute \"data-private\" \"lipsum\"\n ]\n []\n ]\n , viewSaveIndicator language model (Session.currentTime model.session)\n ]\n\n isHistoryView =\n case model.headerMenu of\n HistoryView _ ->\n True\n\n _ ->\n False\n\n isSelected expSel =\n (model.exportSettings |> Tuple.first) == expSel\n\n exportSelectionBtnAttributes expSel expSelString tooltipText =\n [ id <| \"export-select-\" ++ expSelString\n , onClick <| msgs.exportSelectionChanged expSel\n , classList [ ( \"selected\", isSelected expSel ) ]\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested (\"export-select-\" ++ expSelString) BelowTooltip tooltipText\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n\n isFormat expFormat =\n (model.exportSettings |> Tuple.second) == expFormat\n\n exportFormatBtnAttributes expFormat expFormatString =\n [ id <| \"export-format-\" ++ expFormatString\n , onClick <| msgs.exportFormatChanged expFormat\n , classList [ ( \"selected\", isFormat expFormat ) ]\n ]\n in\n div [ id \"document-header\" ]\n [ titleArea\n , div\n [ id \"history-icon\"\n , class \"header-button\"\n , classList [ ( \"open\", isHistoryView ) ]\n , onClick <| msgs.toggledHistory (not isHistoryView)\n , attributeIf (not isHistoryView) <| onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"history-icon\" BelowTooltip VersionHistory\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.historyOutlined [] ]\n , case model.headerMenu of\n HistoryView historyState ->\n viewHistory language\n { noOp = msgs.noOp\n , checkout = msgs.checkoutCommit\n , restore = msgs.restore\n , cancel = msgs.cancelHistory\n , tooltipRequested = msgs.tooltipRequested\n , tooltipClosed = msgs.tooltipClosed\n }\n currentTime\n model.data\n historyState\n\n _ ->\n emptyText\n , div\n [ id \"doc-settings-icon\"\n , class \"header-button\"\n , classList [ ( \"open\", model.headerMenu == Settings ) ]\n , onClick msgs.toggledDocSettings\n , attributeIf (model.headerMenu \/= Settings) <| onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"doc-settings-icon\" BelowLeftTooltip DocumentSettings\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.controlOutlined [] ]\n , viewIf (model.headerMenu == Settings) <|\n div [ id \"doc-settings-menu\", class \"header-menu\" ]\n [ div [ id \"wordcount-menu-item\", onClick msgs.wordCountClicked ] [ text language WordCount ]\n , h4 [] [ text language DocumentTheme ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Default ] [ text language ThemeDefault ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Dark ] [ text language ThemeDarkMode ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Classic ] [ text language ThemeClassic ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Gray ] [ text language ThemeGray ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Green ] [ text language ThemeGreen ]\n , div [ onClick <| msgs.themeChanged Turquoise ] [ text language ThemeTurquoise ]\n ]\n , viewIf (model.headerMenu == Settings) <| div [ id \"doc-settings-menu-exit-left\", onMouseEnter msgs.toggledDocSettings ] []\n , viewIf (model.headerMenu == Settings) <| div [ id \"doc-settings-menu-exit-bottom\", onMouseEnter msgs.toggledDocSettings ] []\n , div\n [ id \"export-icon\"\n , class \"header-button\"\n , classList [ ( \"open\", model.headerMenu == ExportPreview ) ]\n , onClick msgs.toggledExport\n , attributeIf (model.headerMenu \/= ExportPreview) <| onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"export-icon\" BelowLeftTooltip ExportOrPrint\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.fileDoneOutlined [] ]\n , viewUpgradeButton\n msgs.toggledUpgradeModal\n model.session\n , viewIf (model.headerMenu == ExportPreview) <|\n div [ id \"export-menu\" ]\n [ div [ id \"export-selection\", class \"toggle-button\" ]\n [ div (exportSelectionBtnAttributes ExportEverything \"all\" ExportSettingEverythingDesc) [ text language ExportSettingEverything ]\n , div (exportSelectionBtnAttributes ExportSubtree \"subtree\" ExportSettingCurrentSubtreeDesc) [ text language ExportSettingCurrentSubtree ]\n , div (exportSelectionBtnAttributes ExportLeaves \"leaves\" ExportSettingLeavesOnlyDesc) [ text language ExportSettingLeavesOnly ]\n , div (exportSelectionBtnAttributes ExportCurrentColumn \"column\" ExportSettingCurrentColumnDesc) [ text language ExportSettingCurrentColumn ]\n ]\n , div [ id \"export-format\", class \"toggle-button\" ]\n [ div (exportFormatBtnAttributes DOCX \"word\") [ text language ExportSettingWord ]\n , div (exportFormatBtnAttributes PlainText \"text\") [ text language ExportSettingPlainText ]\n , div (exportFormatBtnAttributes JSON \"json\") [ text language ExportSettingJSON ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n\nviewSaveIndicator :\n Language\n -> { m | dirty : Bool, lastLocalSave : Maybe Time.Posix, lastRemoteSave : Maybe Time.Posix }\n -> Time.Posix\n -> Html msg\nviewSaveIndicator language { dirty, lastLocalSave, lastRemoteSave } currentTime =\n let\n lastChangeString =\n timeDistInWords\n language\n (lastLocalSave |> Maybe.withDefault (Time.millisToPosix 0))\n currentTime\n\n saveStateSpan =\n if dirty then\n span [ title (tr language LastSaved ++ \" \" ++ lastChangeString) ] [ text language UnsavedChanges ]\n\n else\n case ( lastLocalSave, lastRemoteSave ) of\n ( Nothing, Nothing ) ->\n span [] [ text language NeverSaved ]\n\n ( Just time, Nothing ) ->\n if Time.posixToMillis time == 0 then\n span [] [ text language NeverSaved ]\n\n else\n span [ title (tr language LastEdit ++ \" \" ++ lastChangeString) ] [ text language SavedInternally ]\n\n ( Just commitTime, Just fileTime ) ->\n if posixToMillis commitTime <= posixToMillis fileTime then\n span [ title (tr language LastEdit ++ \" \" ++ lastChangeString) ]\n [ text language ChangesSynced ]\n\n else\n span [ title (tr language LastEdit ++ \" \" ++ lastChangeString) ] [ text language SavedInternally ]\n\n ( Nothing, Just _ ) ->\n span [ title (tr language LastEdit ++ \" \" ++ lastChangeString) ] [ text language DatabaseError ]\n in\n div\n [ id \"save-indicator\", classList [ ( \"inset\", True ), ( \"saving\", dirty ) ] ]\n [ saveStateSpan\n ]\n\n\nviewUpgradeButton :\n (Bool -> msg)\n -> Session\n -> Html msg\nviewUpgradeButton toggledUpgradeModal session =\n let\n currentTime =\n Session.currentTime session\n\n lang =\n Session.language session\n\n upgradeCTA isExpired prepends =\n div\n [ id \"upgrade-cta\"\n , onClick <| toggledUpgradeModal True\n , classList [ ( \"trial-expired\", isExpired ) ]\n ]\n (prepends ++ [ div [ id \"upgrade-button\" ] [ text lang Upgrade ] ])\n\n maybeUpgrade =\n case Session.daysLeft session of\n Just daysLeft ->\n let\n trialClass =\n if daysLeft <= 7 && daysLeft > 5 then\n \"trial-light\"\n\n else if daysLeft <= 5 && daysLeft > 3 then\n \"trial-medium\"\n\n else\n \"trial-dark\"\n in\n if daysLeft <= 0 then\n upgradeCTA True\n [ span []\n [ AntIcons.exclamationCircleOutlined [ width 16, style \"margin-bottom\" \"-3px\", style \"margin-right\" \"6px\" ]\n , text lang TrialExpired\n ]\n ]\n\n else if daysLeft <= 7 then\n upgradeCTA False [ span [ class trialClass ] [ text lang (DaysLeft daysLeft) ] ]\n\n else\n upgradeCTA False []\n\n Nothing ->\n emptyText\n in\n maybeUpgrade\n\n\nviewBreadcrumbs : (String -> msg) -> List ( String, String ) -> Html msg\nviewBreadcrumbs clickedCrumbMsg cardIdsAndTitles =\n let\n defaultMarkdown =\n Markdown.Renderer.defaultHtmlRenderer\n\n firstElementOnly : a -> List a -> a\n firstElementOnly d l =\n List.head l |> Maybe.withDefault d\n\n markdownParser tag =\n Markdown.Html.tag tag (\\rc -> List.head rc |> Maybe.withDefault emptyText)\n\n textRenderer : Renderer (Html msg)\n textRenderer =\n { defaultMarkdown\n | text = Html.text\n , codeSpan = Html.text\n , image = always emptyText\n , heading = \\{ rawText } -> Html.text (String.trim rawText)\n , paragraph = firstElementOnly emptyText\n , blockQuote = firstElementOnly emptyText\n , orderedList = \\i l -> List.map (firstElementOnly emptyText) l |> firstElementOnly emptyText\n , unorderedList =\n \\l ->\n List.map\n (\\li ->\n case li of\n Markdown.Block.ListItem _ children ->\n children |> firstElementOnly emptyText\n )\n l\n |> firstElementOnly emptyText\n , html = Markdown.Html.oneOf ([ \"p\", \"h1\", \"h2\", \"h3\", \"h4\", \"h5\", \"h6\", \"style\", \"code\", \"span\", \"pre\" ] |> List.map markdownParser)\n }\n\n renderedContent : String -> List (Html msg)\n renderedContent content =\n content\n |> Markdown.Parser.parse\n |> Result.mapError deadEndsToString\n |> Result.andThen (\\ast -> Markdown.Renderer.render textRenderer ast)\n |> Result.withDefault [ Html.text \"\" ]\n\n deadEndsToString deadEnds =\n deadEnds\n |> List.map Markdown.Parser.deadEndToString\n |> String.join \"\\n\"\n\n viewCrumb ( id, content ) =\n div [ onClick <| clickedCrumbMsg id ] [ span [] (renderedContent content) ]\n in\n div [ id \"breadcrumbs\", attribute \"data-private\" \"lipsum\" ] (List.map viewCrumb cardIdsAndTitles)\n\n\n\n-- SIDEBAR\n\n\ntype alias SidebarMsgs msg =\n { sidebarStateChanged : SidebarState -> msg\n , noOp : msg\n , clickedNew : msg\n , tooltipRequested : String -> TooltipPosition -> TranslationId -> msg\n , tooltipClosed : msg\n , clickedSwitcher : msg\n , clickedHelp : msg\n , clickedEmailSupport : msg\n , clickedShowVideos : msg\n , languageMenuRequested : Maybe String -> msg\n , toggledAccount : Bool -> msg\n , logout : msg\n , fileSearchChanged : String -> msg\n , changeSortBy : SortBy -> msg\n , contextMenuOpened : String -> ( Float, Float ) -> msg\n , languageChanged : Language -> msg\n , fullscreenRequested : msg\n }\n\n\nviewSidebar :\n Session\n -> SidebarMsgs msg\n -> String\n -> SortBy\n -> String\n -> DocList.Model\n -> String\n -> Maybe String\n -> SidebarMenuState\n -> SidebarState\n -> Html msg\nviewSidebar session msgs currentDocId sortCriteria fileFilter docList accountEmail contextTarget_ dropdownState sidebarState =\n let\n lang =\n Session.language session\n\n custId_ =\n case Session.paymentStatus session of\n Customer custId ->\n Just custId\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n\n isOpen =\n not (sidebarState == SidebarClosed)\n\n accountOpen =\n case dropdownState of\n Account _ ->\n True\n\n _ ->\n False\n\n toggle menu =\n if sidebarState == menu then\n msgs.sidebarStateChanged <| SidebarClosed\n\n else\n msgs.sidebarStateChanged <| menu\n\n viewIf cond v =\n if cond then\n v\n\n else\n emptyText\n in\n div [ id \"sidebar\", onClick <| toggle File, classList [ ( \"open\", isOpen ) ] ]\n ([ div [ id \"brand\" ]\n ([ img [ src \"..\/gingko-leaf-logo.svg\", width 28 ] [] ]\n ++ (if isOpen then\n [ h2 [ id \"brand-name\" ] [ Html.text \"Gingko Writer\" ]\n , div [ id \"sidebar-collapse-icon\" ] [ AntIcons.leftOutlined [] ]\n ]\n\n else\n [ emptyText ]\n )\n ++ [ div [ id \"hamburger-icon\" ] [ AntIcons.menuOutlined [] ] ]\n )\n , div\n [ id \"new-icon\"\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , onClickStop msgs.clickedNew\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"new-icon\" RightTooltip NewDocument\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.fileAddOutlined [] ]\n , div\n [ id \"documents-icon\"\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , classList [ ( \"open\", isOpen ) ]\n , attributeIf (not isOpen) <| onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"documents-icon\" RightTooltip ShowDocumentList\n , attributeIf (not isOpen) <| onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ if isOpen then\n AntIcons.folderOpenOutlined []\n\n else\n AntIcons.folderOutlined []\n ]\n , viewIf isOpen <|\n DocList.viewSidebarList\n { noOp = msgs.noOp\n , filter = msgs.fileSearchChanged\n , changeSortBy = msgs.changeSortBy\n , contextMenu = msgs.contextMenuOpened\n , tooltipRequested = msgs.tooltipRequested\n , tooltipClosed = msgs.tooltipClosed\n }\n currentDocId\n sortCriteria\n contextTarget_\n fileFilter\n docList\n , div\n [ id \"document-switcher-icon\"\n , onClickStop msgs.clickedSwitcher\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"document-switcher-icon\" RightTooltip OpenQuickSwitcher\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , attributeIf (docList == Success []) (class \"disabled\")\n ]\n [ AntIcons.fileSearchOutlined [] ]\n , div\n [ id \"help-icon\"\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , onClickStop msgs.clickedHelp\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"help-icon\" RightTooltip Help\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.questionCircleFilled [] ]\n , div\n [ id \"notifications-icon\"\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , onClickStop <| msgs.noOp\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"notifications-icon\" RightTooltip WhatsNew\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.bellOutlined [] ]\n , div\n [ id \"account-icon\"\n , class \"sidebar-button\"\n , classList [ ( \"open\", accountOpen ) ]\n , onClickStop <| msgs.toggledAccount (not accountOpen)\n , attributeIf (not accountOpen) <| onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"account-icon\" RightTooltip AccountTooltip\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.userOutlined [] ]\n ]\n ++ viewSidebarMenu lang\n custId_\n { clickedEmailSupport = msgs.clickedEmailSupport\n , clickedShowVideos = msgs.clickedShowVideos\n , helpClosed = msgs.clickedHelp\n , languageMenuRequested = msgs.languageMenuRequested\n , languageChanged = msgs.languageChanged\n , logout = msgs.logout\n , toggledAccount = msgs.toggledAccount\n , noOp = msgs.noOp\n }\n accountEmail\n dropdownState\n )\n\n\nviewSidebarMenu :\n Language\n -> Maybe String\n ->\n { clickedEmailSupport : msg\n , clickedShowVideos : msg\n , helpClosed : msg\n , languageMenuRequested : Maybe String -> msg\n , languageChanged : Language -> msg\n , logout : msg\n , toggledAccount : Bool -> msg\n , noOp : msg\n }\n -> String\n -> SidebarMenuState\n -> List (Html msg)\nviewSidebarMenu lang custId_ msgs accountEmail dropdownState =\n case dropdownState of\n Account langMenuEl_ ->\n let\n manageSubBtn =\n case custId_ of\n Just custId ->\n Html.form [ method \"POST\", action \"\/create-portal-session\" ]\n [ input [ type_ \"hidden\", name \"customer_id\", value custId ] []\n , button [ id \"manage-subscription-button\", type_ \"submit\" ] [ text lang ManageSubscription ]\n ]\n\n Nothing ->\n emptyText\n in\n [ div [ id \"account-menu\", class \"sidebar-menu\" ]\n [ div [ onClickStop msgs.noOp, class \"no-action\" ] [ Html.text accountEmail ]\n , manageSubBtn\n , div\n [ id \"language-option\"\n , if langMenuEl_ == Nothing then\n onClickStop <| msgs.languageMenuRequested (Just \"language-option\")\n\n else\n onClickStop <| msgs.languageMenuRequested Nothing\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.languageMenuRequested (Just \"language-option\")\n ]\n [ text lang Language, div [ class \"right-icon\" ] [ AntIcons.rightOutlined [] ] ]\n , div [ id \"logout-button\", onClickStop msgs.logout ] [ text lang Logout ]\n ]\n , case langMenuEl_ of\n Just langMenuEl ->\n div\n [ id \"language-menu\"\n , class \"sidebar-menu\"\n , style \"left\" ((langMenuEl.element.x + langMenuEl.element.width |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\")\n , style \"bottom\" ((langMenuEl.scene.height - langMenuEl.element.y - langMenuEl.element.height |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\")\n ]\n ((Translation.activeLanguages\n |> List.map\n (\\( langOpt, langName ) ->\n div\n [ id <| \"lang-\" ++ langToString langOpt\n , onClickStop <| msgs.languageChanged langOpt\n , classList [ ( \"selected\", langOpt == lang ) ]\n ]\n [ textNoTr langName ]\n )\n )\n ++ [ a\n [ href \"https:\/\/poeditor.com\/join\/project?hash=k8Br3k0JVz\"\n , target \"_blank\"\n , onClickStop <| msgs.toggledAccount False\n ]\n [ text lang ContributeTranslations ]\n ]\n )\n\n Nothing ->\n emptyText\n , viewIf (langMenuEl_ == Nothing) <| div [ id \"help-menu-exit-top\", onMouseEnter <| msgs.toggledAccount False ] []\n , viewIf (langMenuEl_ == Nothing) <| div [ id \"help-menu-exit-right\", onMouseEnter <| msgs.toggledAccount False ] []\n ]\n\n NoSidebarMenu ->\n [ emptyText ]\n\n\nviewSidebarStatic : Bool -> List (Html msg)\nviewSidebarStatic sidebarOpen =\n [ div [ id \"sidebar\", classList [ ( \"open\", sidebarOpen ) ], class \"static\" ]\n [ div [ id \"brand\" ]\n ([ img [ src \"..\/gingko-leaf-logo.svg\", width 28 ] [] ]\n ++ (if sidebarOpen then\n [ h2 [ id \"brand-name\" ] [ text En (NoTr \"Gingko Writer\") ]\n , div [ id \"sidebar-collapse-icon\" ] [ AntIcons.leftOutlined [] ]\n ]\n\n else\n [ emptyText ]\n )\n )\n , viewIf sidebarOpen <| div [ id \"sidebar-document-list-wrap\" ] []\n , div [ id \"new-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\" ] [ AntIcons.fileAddOutlined [] ]\n , div [ id \"documents-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\", classList [ ( \"open\", sidebarOpen ) ] ]\n [ if sidebarOpen then\n AntIcons.folderOpenOutlined []\n\n else\n AntIcons.folderOutlined []\n ]\n , div [ id \"document-switcher-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\", class \"disabled\" ] [ AntIcons.fileSearchOutlined [] ]\n , div\n [ id \"help-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\" ]\n [ AntIcons.questionCircleFilled [] ]\n , div [ id \"notifications-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\" ] [ AntIcons.bellOutlined [] ]\n , div [ id \"account-icon\", class \"sidebar-button\" ] [ AntIcons.userOutlined [] ]\n ]\n ]\n\n\nviewAppLoadingSpinner : Bool -> Html msg\nviewAppLoadingSpinner sidebarOpen =\n div [ id \"app-root\", class \"loading\" ]\n ([ div [ id \"document-header\" ] []\n , div [ id \"loading-overlay\" ] []\n , div [ class \"spinner\" ] [ div [ class \"bounce1\" ] [], div [ class \"bounce2\" ] [], div [ class \"bounce3\" ] [] ]\n ]\n ++ viewSidebarStatic sidebarOpen\n )\n\n\nviewDocumentLoadingSpinner : List (Html msg)\nviewDocumentLoadingSpinner =\n [ div [ id \"document-header\" ] []\n , div [ id \"loading-overlay\" ] []\n , div [ class \"spinner\" ] [ div [ class \"bounce1\" ] [], div [ class \"bounce2\" ] [], div [ class \"bounce3\" ] [] ]\n ]\n\n\n\n-- MODALS\n\n\nviewTemplateSelector :\n Language\n ->\n { modalClosed : msg\n , importBulkClicked : msg\n , importTextClicked : msg\n , importOpmlRequested : msg\n , importJSONRequested : msg\n }\n -> List (Html msg)\nviewTemplateSelector language msgs =\n [ div [ id \"templates-block\" ]\n [ h2 [] [ text language New ]\n , div [ class \"template-row\" ]\n [ a [ id \"template-new\", class \"template-item\", href (Route.toString Route.DocNew) ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ), ( \"new\", True ) ] ] []\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language HomeBlank ]\n ]\n ]\n , h2 [] [ text language ImportSectionTitle ]\n , div [ class \"template-row\" ]\n [ div [ id \"template-import-bulk\", class \"template-item\", onClick msgs.importBulkClicked ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ Icon.fileZip (Icon.defaultOptions |> Icon.size 48) ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language HomeImportLegacy ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language HomeLegacyFrom ]\n ]\n , div [ id \"template-import-text\", class \"template-item\", onClick msgs.importTextClicked ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ Icon.file (Icon.defaultOptions |> Icon.size 48) ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language ImportTextFiles ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language ImportTextFilesDesc ]\n ]\n , div [ id \"template-import\", class \"template-item\", onClick msgs.importJSONRequested ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ Icon.fileCode (Icon.defaultOptions |> Icon.size 48) ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language HomeImportJSON ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language HomeJSONFrom ]\n ]\n , div [ id \"template-import-opml\", class \"template-item\", onClick msgs.importOpmlRequested ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ Icon.fileCode (Icon.defaultOptions |> Icon.size 48) ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language ImportOpmlFiles ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language ImportOpmlFilesDesc ]\n ]\n ]\n , h2 [] [ text language TemplatesAndExamples ]\n , div [ class \"template-row\" ]\n [ a [ id \"template-timeline\", class \"template-item\", href <| Route.toString (Route.Import Timeline) ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ AntIcons.calendarOutlined [ width 48, height 48 ] ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language TimelineTemplate ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language TimelineTemplateDesc ]\n ]\n , a [ id \"template-academic\", class \"template-item\", href <| Route.toString (Route.Import AcademicPaper) ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ AntIcons.experimentOutlined [ width 48, height 48 ] ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language AcademicPaperTemplate ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language AcademicPaperTemplateDesc ]\n ]\n , a [ id \"template-project\", class \"template-item\", href <| Route.toString (Route.Import ProjectBrainstorming) ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ AntIcons.bulbOutlined [ width 48, height 48 ] ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language ProjectBrainstormingTemplate ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language ProjectBrainstormingTemplateDesc ]\n ]\n , a [ id \"template-heros-journey\", class \"template-item\", href <| Route.toString (Route.Import HerosJourney) ]\n [ div [ classList [ ( \"template-thumbnail\", True ) ] ] [ AntIcons.thunderboltOutlined [ width 48, height 48 ] ]\n , div [ class \"template-title\" ] [ text language HerosJourneyTemplate ]\n , div [ class \"template-description\" ]\n [ text language HerosJourneyTemplateDesc ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n |> modalWrapper msgs.modalClosed Nothing Nothing (tr language NewDocument)\n\n\nviewWordCount :\n { m\n | viewState : ViewState\n , workingTree : TreeStructure.Model\n , startingWordcount : Int\n , wordcountTrayOpen : Bool\n , session : Session\n }\n -> { modalClosed : msg }\n -> List (Html msg)\nviewWordCount model msgs =\n let\n language =\n Session.language model.session\n\n stats =\n getStats model\n\n current =\n stats.documentWords\n\n session =\n current - model.startingWordcount\n in\n [ span [] [ text language (WordCountSession session) ]\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountTotal current) ]\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountCard stats.cardWords) ]\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountSubtree stats.subtreeWords) ]\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountGroup stats.groupWords) ]\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountColumn stats.columnWords) ]\n , hr [] []\n , span [] [ text language (WordCountTotalCards stats.cards) ]\n ]\n |> modalWrapper msgs.modalClosed Nothing Nothing \"Word Counts\"\n\n\n\n-- DOCUMENT\n\n\nviewSearchField : (String -> msg) -> { m | viewState : ViewState, session : Session } -> Html msg\nviewSearchField searchFieldMsg { viewState, session } =\n let\n language =\n Session.language session\n\n maybeSearchIcon =\n if viewState.searchField == Nothing then\n Icon.search (defaultOptions |> Icon.color \"#445\" |> Icon.size 12)\n\n else\n emptyText\n in\n case viewState.viewMode of\n Normal ->\n div\n [ id \"search-field\" ]\n [ input\n [ type_ \"search\"\n , id \"search-input\"\n , required True\n , title (tr language PressToSearch)\n , onInput searchFieldMsg\n ]\n []\n , maybeSearchIcon\n ]\n\n _ ->\n div\n [ id \"search-field\" ]\n []\n\n\nviewMobileButtons :\n { edit : msg\n , save : msg\n , cancel : msg\n , plusRight : msg\n , plusDown : msg\n , plusUp : msg\n , navLeft : msg\n , navUp : msg\n , navDown : msg\n , navRight : msg\n }\n -> Bool\n -> Html msg\nviewMobileButtons msgs isEditing =\n if isEditing then\n div [ id \"mobile-buttons\", class \"footer\" ]\n [ span [ id \"mbtn-cancel\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.cancel ] [ AntIcons.stopOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-save\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.save ] [ AntIcons.checkOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n ]\n\n else\n div [ id \"mobile-buttons\", class \"footer\" ]\n [ span [ id \"mbtn-edit\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.edit ] [ AntIcons.editTwoTone [ width 18 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-add-right\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.plusRight ] [ AntIcons.plusSquareTwoTone [ width 18 ], AntIcons.rightOutlined [ width 14 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-add-down\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.plusDown ] [ AntIcons.plusSquareTwoTone [ width 18 ], AntIcons.downOutlined [ width 14 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-add-up\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.plusUp ] [ AntIcons.plusSquareTwoTone [ width 18 ], AntIcons.upOutlined [ width 14 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-nav-left\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.navLeft ] [ AntIcons.caretLeftOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-nav-up\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.navUp ] [ AntIcons.caretUpOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-nav-down\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.navDown ] [ AntIcons.caretDownOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n , span [ id \"mbtn-nav-right\", class \"mobile-button\", onClick msgs.navRight ] [ AntIcons.caretRightOutlined [ width 18 ] ]\n ]\n\n\nviewHistory :\n Translation.Language\n ->\n { noOp : msg\n , checkout : String -> msg\n , restore : msg\n , cancel : msg\n , tooltipRequested : String -> TooltipPosition -> TranslationId -> msg\n , tooltipClosed : msg\n }\n -> Time.Posix\n -> Data.Model\n -> { start : String, currentView : String }\n -> Html msg\nviewHistory lang msgs currentTime dataModel historyState =\n let\n historyList =\n Data.historyList historyState.start dataModel\n\n maybeTimeDisplay =\n case Data.getCommit historyState.currentView dataModel of\n Just commit ->\n let\n commitPosix =\n commit.timestamp |> Time.millisToPosix\n in\n div\n [ id \"history-time-info\"\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"history-time-info\" BelowTooltip (NoTr <| timeDistInWords lang commitPosix currentTime)\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ text lang (NoTr (datetimeFormat lang commitPosix)) ]\n\n Nothing ->\n emptyText\n\n maxIdx =\n historyList\n |> List.length\n |> (\\x -> x - 1)\n |> String.fromInt\n\n checkoutCommit idxStr =\n case String.toInt idxStr of\n Just idx ->\n case getAt idx historyList of\n Just commit ->\n msgs.checkout (Tuple.first commit)\n\n Nothing ->\n msgs.noOp\n\n Nothing ->\n msgs.noOp\n in\n div [ id \"history-menu\" ]\n [ input [ id \"history-slider\", type_ \"range\", A.min \"0\", A.max maxIdx, step \"1\", onInput checkoutCommit ] []\n , maybeTimeDisplay\n , button [ id \"history-restore\", onClick msgs.restore ] [ text lang RestoreThisVersion ]\n , div\n [ id \"history-close-button\"\n , onClick msgs.cancel\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"history-close-button\" BelowLeftTooltip Cancel\n , onMouseLeave <| msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ AntIcons.closeOutlined [] ]\n ]\n\n\nviewShortcuts :\n { toggledShortcutTray : msg, tooltipRequested : String -> TooltipPosition -> TranslationId -> msg, tooltipClosed : msg }\n -> Language\n -> Bool\n -> Bool\n -> Children\n -> TextCursorInfo\n -> ViewState\n -> List (Html msg)\nviewShortcuts msgs lang isOpen isMac children textCursorInfo vs =\n let\n isTextSelected =\n textCursorInfo.selected\n\n isOnly =\n case children of\n Children [ singleRoot ] ->\n if singleRoot.children == Children [] then\n True\n\n else\n False\n\n _ ->\n False\n\n viewIfNotOnly content =\n if not isOnly then\n content\n\n else\n emptyText\n\n addInsteadOfSplit =\n textCursorInfo.position == End || textCursorInfo.position == Empty\n\n spanSplit key descAdd descSplit =\n if addInsteadOfSplit then\n shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr key ] descAdd\n\n else\n shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr key ] descSplit\n\n splitChild =\n spanSplit \"L\" AddChildAction SplitChildAction\n\n splitBelow =\n spanSplit \"J\" AddBelowAction SplitBelowAction\n\n splitAbove =\n spanSplit \"K\" AddAboveAction SplitUpwardAction\n\n shortcutSpanEnabled enabled keys desc =\n let\n keySpans =\n keys\n |> List.map (\\k -> span [ class \"shortcut-key\" ] [ text lang k ])\n in\n span\n [ classList [ ( \"disabled\", not enabled ) ] ]\n (keySpans\n ++ [ textNoTr (\" \" ++ tr lang desc) ]\n )\n\n shortcutSpan =\n shortcutSpanEnabled True\n\n formattingSpan markup =\n span [] [ pre [ class \"formatting-text\" ] [ text lang markup ] ]\n\n ctrlOrCmd =\n ctrlOrCmdText isMac\n in\n if isOpen then\n let\n iconColor =\n Icon.color \"#445\"\n in\n case vs.viewMode of\n Normal ->\n [ div\n [ id \"shortcuts-tray\", classList [ ( \"open\", isOpen ) ], onClick msgs.toggledShortcutTray ]\n [ div [ id \"shortcuts\" ]\n [ h3 [] [ text lang KeyboardShortcuts ]\n , h5 [] [ text lang EditCards ]\n , shortcutSpan [ EnterKey ] EnterAction\n , shortcutSpan [ ShiftKey, EnterKey ] EditFullscreenAction\n , viewIfNotOnly <| h5 [] [ text lang Navigate ]\n , viewIfNotOnly <| shortcutSpan [ NoTr \"\u2191\", NoTr \"\u2193\", NoTr \"\u2190\", NoTr \"\u2192\" ] ArrowsAction\n , h5 [] [ text lang AddNewCards ]\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"\u2192\" ] AddChildAction\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"\u2193\" ] AddBelowAction\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"\u2191\" ] AddAboveAction\n , viewIfNotOnly <| h5 [] [ text lang MoveAndDelete ]\n , viewIfNotOnly <| shortcutSpan [ AltKey, ArrowKeys ] MoveAction\n , viewIfNotOnly <| shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, Backspace ] DeleteAction\n , viewIfNotOnly <| h5 [] [ text lang MergeCards ]\n , viewIfNotOnly <| shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, ShiftKey, NoTr \"\u2193\" ] MergeDownAction\n , viewIfNotOnly <| shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, ShiftKey, NoTr \"\u2191\" ] MergeUpAction\n , hr [] []\n , h5 [] [ text lang OtherShortcuts ]\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr \"w\" ] DisplayWordCounts\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"O\" ] QuickDocumentSwitcher\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n _ ->\n [ div\n [ id \"shortcuts-tray\", classList [ ( \"open\", isOpen ) ], onClick msgs.toggledShortcutTray ]\n [ div [ id \"shortcuts\" ]\n [ h3 [] [ text lang KeyboardShortcuts ]\n , h3 [] [ text lang EditMode ]\n , h5 [] [ text lang SaveOrCancelChanges ]\n , shortcutSpan [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, EnterKey ] ToSaveChanges\n , shortcutSpan [ EscKey ] ToCancelChanges\n , if addInsteadOfSplit then\n h5 [] [ text lang AddNewCards ]\n\n else\n h5 [] [ text lang SplitAtCursor ]\n , splitChild\n , splitBelow\n , splitAbove\n , h5 [] [ text lang Formatting ]\n , shortcutSpanEnabled isTextSelected [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"B\" ] ForBold\n , shortcutSpanEnabled isTextSelected [ NoTr ctrlOrCmd, NoTr \"I\" ] ForItalic\n , shortcutSpan [ AltKey, ParenNumber ] SetHeadingLevel\n , formattingSpan FormattingTitle\n , formattingSpan FormattingList\n , formattingSpan FormattingLink\n , span [ class \"markdown-guide\" ]\n [ a [ href \"http:\/\/commonmark.org\/help\", target \"_blank\" ]\n [ text lang FormattingGuide\n , span [ class \"icon-container\" ] [ Icon.linkExternal (defaultOptions |> iconColor |> Icon.size 14) ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n else\n [ div\n [ id \"shortcuts-tray\"\n , onClick msgs.toggledShortcutTray\n , onMouseEnter <| msgs.tooltipRequested \"shortcuts-tray\" LeftTooltip KeyboardShortcuts\n , onMouseLeave msgs.tooltipClosed\n ]\n [ keyboardIconSvg 24 ]\n ]\n\n\n\n-- Word count\n\n\ntype alias Stats =\n { cardWords : Int\n , subtreeWords : Int\n , groupWords : Int\n , columnWords : Int\n , documentWords : Int\n , cards : Int\n }\n\n\nviewWordcountProgress : Int -> Int -> Html msg\nviewWordcountProgress current session =\n let\n currW =\n 1 \/ (1 + toFloat session \/ toFloat current)\n\n sessW =\n 1 - currW\n in\n div [ id \"wc-progress\" ]\n [ div [ id \"wc-progress-wrap\" ]\n [ span [ style \"flex\" (String.fromFloat currW), id \"wc-progress-bar\" ] []\n , span [ style \"flex\" (String.fromFloat sessW), id \"wc-progress-bar-session\" ] []\n ]\n ]\n\n\nviewTooltip : Language -> ( Element, TooltipPosition, TranslationId ) -> Html msg\nviewTooltip lang ( el, tipPos, content ) =\n let\n posAttributes =\n case tipPos of\n RightTooltip ->\n [ style \"left\" <| ((el.element.x + el.element.width + 5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| ((el.element.y + el.element.height * 0.5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"transform\" \"translateY(-50%)\"\n , class \"tip-right\"\n ]\n\n LeftTooltip ->\n [ style \"left\" <| ((el.element.x - 5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| ((el.element.y + el.element.height * 0.5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"transform\" \"translate(-100%, -50%)\"\n , class \"tip-left\"\n ]\n\n AboveTooltip ->\n [ style \"left\" <| ((el.element.x + el.element.width * 0.5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| ((el.element.y + 5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"transform\" \"translate(-50%, calc(-100% - 10px))\"\n , class \"tip-above\"\n ]\n\n BelowTooltip ->\n [ style \"left\" <| ((el.element.x + el.element.width * 0.5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| ((el.element.y + el.element.height + 5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"transform\" \"translateX(-50%)\"\n , class \"tip-below\"\n ]\n\n BelowLeftTooltip ->\n [ style \"left\" <| ((el.element.x + el.element.width * 0.5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| ((el.element.y + el.element.height + 5) |> String.fromFloat) ++ \"px\"\n , style \"transform\" \"translateX(calc(-100% + 10px))\"\n , class \"tip-below-left\"\n ]\n in\n div ([ class \"tooltip\" ] ++ posAttributes)\n [ text lang content, div [ class \"tooltip-arrow\" ] [] ]\n\n\ngetStats : { m | viewState : ViewState, workingTree : TreeStructure.Model } -> Stats\ngetStats model =\n let\n activeCardId =\n model.viewState.active\n\n tree =\n model.workingTree.tree\n\n cardsTotal =\n (model.workingTree.tree\n |> TreeUtils.preorderTraversal\n |> List.length\n )\n -- Don't count hidden root\n - 1\n\n currentTree =\n getTree activeCardId tree\n |> Maybe.withDefault defaultTree\n\n currentGroup =\n getSiblings activeCardId tree\n\n cardCount =\n countWords currentTree.content\n\n subtreeCount =\n cardCount + countWords (treeToMarkdownString False currentTree)\n\n groupCount =\n currentGroup\n |> List.map .content\n |> String.join \"\\n\\n\"\n |> countWords\n\n columnCount =\n getColumn (getDepth 0 tree activeCardId) tree\n -- Maybe (List (List Tree))\n |> Maybe.withDefault [ [] ]\n |> List.concat\n |> List.map .content\n |> String.join \"\\n\\n\"\n |> countWords\n\n treeCount =\n countWords (treeToMarkdownString False tree)\n in\n Stats\n cardCount\n subtreeCount\n groupCount\n columnCount\n treeCount\n cardsTotal\n\n\ncountWords : String -> Int\ncountWords str =\n let\n punctuation =\n Regex.fromString \"[!@#$%^&*():;\\\"',.]+\"\n |> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never\n in\n str\n |> String.toLower\n |> replace punctuation (\\_ -> \"\")\n |> String.words\n |> List.filter ((\/=) \"\")\n |> List.length\n\n\nviewConflict : Language -> (String -> Selection -> String -> msg) -> (String -> msg) -> Conflict -> Html msg\nviewConflict language setSelectionMsg resolveMsg { id, opA, opB, selection, resolved } =\n let\n withManual cardId oursElement theirsElement =\n li\n []\n [ fieldset []\n [ radio (setSelectionMsg id Original cardId) (selection == Original) emptyText\n , radio (setSelectionMsg id Ours cardId) (selection == Ours) oursElement\n , radio (setSelectionMsg id Theirs cardId) (selection == Theirs) theirsElement\n , radio (setSelectionMsg id Manual cardId) (selection == Manual) emptyText\n , label []\n [ input [ checked resolved, type_ \"checkbox\", onClick (resolveMsg id) ] []\n , emptyText\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n withoutManual cardIdA cardIdB =\n li\n []\n [ fieldset []\n [ radio (setSelectionMsg id Original \"\") (selection == Original) emptyText\n , radio (setSelectionMsg id Ours cardIdA) (selection == Ours) (text language <| NoTr <| (\"Ours:\" ++ (opString opA |> String.left 3)))\n , radio (setSelectionMsg id Theirs cardIdB) (selection == Theirs) (text language <| NoTr <| (\"Theirs:\" ++ (opString opB |> String.left 3)))\n , label []\n [ input [ checked resolved, type_ \"checkbox\", onClick (resolveMsg id) ] []\n , emptyText\n ]\n ]\n ]\n\n newConflictView cardId ourChanges theirChanges =\n div [ class \"flex-row\" ]\n [ div [ class \"conflict-container flex-column\" ]\n [ div\n [ classList [ ( \"row option\", True ), ( \"selected\", selection == Original ) ]\n , onClick (setSelectionMsg id Original cardId)\n ]\n [ emptyText ]\n , div [ class \"row flex-row\" ]\n [ div\n [ classList [ ( \"option\", True ), ( \"selected\", selection == Ours ) ]\n , onClick (setSelectionMsg id Ours cardId)\n ]\n [ emptyText\n , ul [ class \"changelist\" ] ourChanges\n ]\n , div\n [ classList [ ( \"option\", True ), ( \"selected\", selection == Theirs ) ]\n , onClick (setSelectionMsg id Theirs cardId)\n ]\n [ emptyText\n , ul [ class \"changelist\" ] theirChanges\n ]\n ]\n , div\n [ classList [ ( \"row option\", True ), ( \"selected\", selection == Manual ) ]\n , onClick (setSelectionMsg id Manual cardId)\n ]\n [ emptyText ]\n ]\n , button [ onClick (resolveMsg id) ] [ emptyText ]\n ]\n in\n case ( opA, opB ) of\n ( Mod idA _ _ _, Mod _ _ _ _ ) ->\n let\n diffLinesString l r =\n diffLines l r\n |> List.filterMap\n (\\c ->\n case c of\n NoChange s ->\n Nothing\n\n Added s ->\n Just (li [] [ ins [ class \"diff\" ] [ textNoTr s ] ])\n\n Removed s ->\n Just (li [] [ del [ class \"diff\" ] [ textNoTr s ] ])\n )\n in\n newConflictView idA [] []\n\n ( Conflict.Ins idA _ _ _, Del idB _ ) ->\n withoutManual idA idB\n\n ( Del idA _, Conflict.Ins idB _ _ _ ) ->\n withoutManual idA idB\n\n _ ->\n withoutManual \"\" \"\"\n\n\nradio : msg -> Bool -> Html msg -> Html msg\nradio msg bool labelElement =\n label []\n [ input [ type_ \"radio\", checked bool, onClick msg ] []\n , labelElement\n ]\n\n\nkeyboardIconSvg w =\n svg [ version \"1.1\", viewBox \"0 0 172 172\", width w ] [ g [ fill \"none\", Svg.Attributes.fillRule \"nonzero\", stroke \"none\", strokeWidth \"1\", strokeLinecap \"butt\", strokeLinejoin \"miter\", strokeMiterlimit \"10\", strokeDasharray \"\", strokeDashoffset \"0\", fontFamily \"none\", fontWeight \"none\", fontSize \"none\", textAnchor \"none\", Svg.Attributes.style \"mix-blend-mode: normal\" ] [ Svg.path [ d \"M0,172v-172h172v172z\", fill \"none\" ] [], g [ id \"original-icon\", fill \"#000000\" ] [ Svg.path [ d \"M16.125,32.25c-8.86035,0 -16.125,7.26465 -16.125,16.125v64.5c0,8.86035 7.26465,16.125 16.125,16.125h129c8.86035,0 16.125,-7.26465 16.125,-16.125v-64.5c0,-8.86035 -7.26465,-16.125 -16.125,-16.125zM16.125,43h129c3.02344,0 5.375,2.35156 5.375,5.375v64.5c0,3.02344 -2.35156,5.375 -5.375,5.375h-129c-3.02344,0 -5.375,-2.35156 -5.375,-5.375v-64.5c0,-3.02344 2.35156,-5.375 5.375,-5.375zM21.5,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM43,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM64.5,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM86,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM107.5,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM129,53.75v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM21.5,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM43,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM64.5,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM86,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM107.5,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM129,75.25v10.75h10.75v-10.75zM53.75,96.75v10.75h53.75v-10.75zM21.5,96.83399v10.79199h21.5v-10.79199zM118.41797,96.83399v10.79199h21.5v-10.79199z\" ] [] ] ] ]\n\n\nfillet posStr =\n svg [ Svg.Attributes.class \"fillet\", Svg.Attributes.class posStr, preserveAspectRatio \"none\", viewBox \"0 0 30 30\" ]\n [ g [] [ Svg.path [ d \"M 30 0 A 30 30 0 0 1 0 30 L 30 30 L 30 0 z \" ] [] ] ]\n","avg_line_length":40.3670977011,"max_line_length":1362,"alphanum_fraction":0.5134452136} +{"size":1289,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Fuzzer exposing (..)\n\n-- DO NOT EDIT\n-- AUTOGENERATED BY THE ELM PROTOCOL BUFFER COMPILER\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/gomeet\/elm-protobuf\n-- source file: fuzzer.proto\n\nimport Protobuf exposing (..)\n\nimport Json.Decode as JD\nimport Json.Encode as JE\n\n\ntype alias Fuzz =\n { stringField : String -- 1\n , int32Field : Int -- 2\n , stringValueField : Maybe String -- 3\n , int32ValueField : Maybe Int -- 4\n , timestampField : Maybe Timestamp -- 5\n }\n\n\nfuzzDecoder : JD.Decoder Fuzz\nfuzzDecoder =\n JD.lazy <| \\_ -> decode Fuzz\n |> required \"stringField\" JD.string \"\"\n |> required \"int32Field\" intDecoder 0\n |> optional \"stringValueField\" stringValueDecoder\n |> optional \"int32ValueField\" intValueDecoder\n |> optional \"timestampField\" timestampDecoder\n\n\nfuzzEncoder : Fuzz -> JE.Value\nfuzzEncoder v =\n JE.object <| List.filterMap identity <|\n [ (requiredFieldEncoder \"stringField\" JE.string \"\" v.stringField)\n , (requiredFieldEncoder \"int32Field\" JE.int 0 v.int32Field)\n , (optionalEncoder \"stringValueField\" stringValueEncoder v.stringValueField)\n , (optionalEncoder \"int32ValueField\" intValueEncoder v.int32ValueField)\n , (optionalEncoder \"timestampField\" timestampEncoder v.timestampField)\n ]\n","avg_line_length":30.6904761905,"max_line_length":84,"alphanum_fraction":0.6873545384} +{"size":1285,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":5.0,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Object.DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload exposing (..)\n\nimport Github.InputObject\nimport Github.Interface\nimport Github.Object\nimport Github.Scalar\nimport Github.ScalarCodecs\nimport Github.Union\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Argument as Argument exposing (Argument)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Object as Object\nimport Graphql.Internal.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)\nimport Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)\nimport Graphql.OptionalArgument exposing (OptionalArgument(..))\nimport Graphql.SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\n{-| A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.\n-}\nclientMutationId : SelectionSet (Maybe String) Github.Object.DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload\nclientMutationId =\n Object.selectionForField \"(Maybe String)\" \"clientMutationId\" [] (Decode.string |> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| The declined topic.\n-}\ntopic : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.Topic -> SelectionSet (Maybe decodesTo) Github.Object.DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload\ntopic object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"topic\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable)\n","avg_line_length":37.7941176471,"max_line_length":128,"alphanum_fraction":0.8140077821} +{"size":3978,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":9.0,"content":"module Data.LifeCycle exposing (..)\n\nimport Array exposing (Array)\nimport Data.Db exposing (Db)\nimport Data.Impact as Impact exposing (Impacts)\nimport Data.Inputs as Inputs exposing (Inputs, countryList)\nimport Data.Step as Step exposing (Step)\nimport Data.Transport as Transport exposing (Transport)\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\nimport Quantity\nimport Result.Extra as RE\n\n\ntype alias LifeCycle =\n Array Step\n\n\ncomputeStepsTransport : Db -> LifeCycle -> Result String LifeCycle\ncomputeStepsTransport db lifeCycle =\n lifeCycle\n |> Array.indexedMap\n (\\index step ->\n Step.computeTransports db\n (Array.get (index + 1) lifeCycle |> Maybe.withDefault step)\n step\n )\n |> Array.toList\n |> RE.combine\n |> Result.map Array.fromList\n\n\ncomputeTotalTransportImpacts : Db -> LifeCycle -> Transport\ncomputeTotalTransportImpacts db =\n Array.foldl\n (\\{ transport } acc ->\n { acc\n | road = acc.road |> Quantity.plus transport.road\n , sea = acc.sea |> Quantity.plus transport.sea\n , air = acc.air |> Quantity.plus transport.air\n , impacts =\n acc.impacts\n |> Impact.mapImpacts\n (\\trigram impact ->\n Quantity.sum\n [ impact\n , Impact.getImpact trigram transport.impacts\n ]\n )\n }\n )\n (Transport.default (Impact.impactsFromDefinitons db.impacts))\n\n\ncomputeFinalImpacts : Db -> LifeCycle -> Impacts\ncomputeFinalImpacts db =\n Array.foldl\n (\\{ impacts, transport } finalImpacts ->\n finalImpacts\n |> Impact.mapImpacts\n (\\trigram impact ->\n Quantity.sum\n [ Impact.getImpact trigram impacts\n , impact\n , Impact.getImpact trigram transport.impacts\n ]\n )\n )\n (Impact.impactsFromDefinitons db.impacts)\n\n\ngetStep : Step.Label -> LifeCycle -> Maybe Step\ngetStep label =\n Array.filter (.label >> (==) label) >> Array.get 0\n\n\ngetStepProp : Step.Label -> (Step -> a) -> a -> LifeCycle -> a\ngetStepProp label prop default =\n getStep label >> Maybe.map prop >> Maybe.withDefault default\n\n\nfromQuery : Db -> Inputs.Query -> Result String LifeCycle\nfromQuery db =\n Inputs.fromQuery db >> Result.map (init db)\n\n\ninit : Db -> Inputs -> LifeCycle\ninit db inputs =\n inputs\n |> countryList\n |> List.map2\n (\\( label, editable ) country ->\n Step.create\n { db = db\n , label = label\n , editable = editable\n , country = country\n }\n )\n [ ( Step.MaterialAndSpinning, False )\n , ( Step.WeavingKnitting, True )\n , ( Step.Ennoblement, True )\n , ( Step.Making, True )\n , ( Step.Distribution, False )\n , ( Step.Use, False )\n , ( Step.EndOfLife, False )\n ]\n |> List.map (Step.updateFromInputs db inputs)\n |> Array.fromList\n\n\nupdateStep : Step.Label -> (Step -> Step) -> LifeCycle -> LifeCycle\nupdateStep label update_ =\n Array.map\n (\\step ->\n if step.label == label then\n update_ step\n\n else\n step\n )\n\n\nmapSteps : (Step -> Step) -> LifeCycle -> LifeCycle\nmapSteps =\n Array.map\n\n\nupdateSteps : List Step.Label -> (Step -> Step) -> LifeCycle -> LifeCycle\nupdateSteps labels update_ lifeCycle =\n labels |> List.foldl (\\label -> updateStep label update_) lifeCycle\n\n\nencode : LifeCycle -> Encode.Value\nencode =\n Encode.array Step.encode\n","avg_line_length":29.25,"max_line_length":80,"alphanum_fraction":0.5311714429} +{"size":29034,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":433.0,"content":"module Bootstrap.Grid.Col exposing\n ( topXs, topSm, topMd, topLg, topXl, middleXs, middleSm, middleMd, middleLg, middleXl, bottomXs, bottomSm, bottomMd, bottomLg, bottomXl\n , xs, xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4, xs5, xs6, xs7, xs8, xs9, xs10, xs11, xs12, xsAuto\n , sm, sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, sm5, sm6, sm7, sm8, sm9, sm10, sm11, sm12, smAuto\n , md, md1, md2, md3, md4, md5, md6, md7, md8, md9, md10, md11, md12, mdAuto\n , lg, lg1, lg2, lg3, lg4, lg5, lg6, lg7, lg8, lg9, lg10, lg11, lg12, lgAuto\n , xl, xl1, xl2, xl3, xl4, xl5, xl6, xl7, xl8, xl9, xl10, xl11, xl12, xlAuto\n , offsetXs1, offsetXs2, offsetXs3, offsetXs4, offsetXs5, offsetXs6, offsetXs7, offsetXs8, offsetXs9, offsetXs10, offsetXs11\n , offsetSm0, offsetSm1, offsetSm2, offsetSm3, offsetSm4, offsetSm5, offsetSm6, offsetSm7, offsetSm8, offsetSm9, offsetSm10, offsetSm11\n , offsetMd0, offsetMd1, offsetMd2, offsetMd3, offsetMd4, offsetMd5, offsetMd6, offsetMd7, offsetMd8, offsetMd9, offsetMd10, offsetMd11\n , offsetLg0, offsetLg1, offsetLg2, offsetLg3, offsetLg4, offsetLg5, offsetLg6, offsetLg7, offsetLg8, offsetLg9, offsetLg10, offsetLg11\n , offsetXl0, offsetXl1, offsetXl2, offsetXl3, offsetXl4, offsetXl5, offsetXl6, offsetXl7, offsetXl8, offsetXl9, offsetXl10, offsetXl11\n , pullXs0, pullXs1, pullXs2, pullXs3, pullXs4, pullXs5, pullXs6, pullXs7, pullXs8, pullXs9, pullXs10, pullXs11, pullXs12\n , pullSm0, pullSm1, pullSm2, pullSm3, pullSm4, pullSm5, pullSm6, pullSm7, pullSm8, pullSm9, pullSm10, pullSm11, pullSm12\n , pullMd0, pullMd1, pullMd2, pullMd3, pullMd4, pullMd5, pullMd6, pullMd7, pullMd8, pullMd9, pullMd10, pullMd11, pullMd12\n , pullLg0, pullLg1, pullLg2, pullLg3, pullLg4, pullLg5, pullLg6, pullLg7, pullLg8, pullLg9, pullLg10, pullLg11, pullLg12\n , pullXl0, pullXl1, pullXl2, pullXl3, pullXl4, pullXl5, pullXl6, pullXl7, pullXl8, pullXl9, pullXl10, pullXl11, pullXl12\n , pushXs0, pushXs1, pushXs2, pushXs3, pushXs4, pushXs5, pushXs6, pushXs7, pushXs8, pushXs9, pushXs10, pushXs11, pushXs12\n , pushSm0, pushSm1, pushSm2, pushSm3, pushSm4, pushSm5, pushSm6, pushSm7, pushSm8, pushSm9, pushSm10, pushSm11, pushSm12\n , pushMd0, pushMd1, pushMd2, pushMd3, pushMd4, pushMd5, pushMd6, pushMd7, pushMd8, pushMd9, pushMd10, pushMd11, pushMd12\n , pushLg0, pushLg1, pushLg2, pushLg3, pushLg4, pushLg5, pushLg6, pushLg7, pushLg8, pushLg9, pushLg10, pushLg11, pushLg12\n , pushXl0, pushXl1, pushXl2, pushXl3, pushXl4, pushXl5, pushXl6, pushXl7, pushXl8, pushXl9, pushXl10, pushXl11, pushXl12\n , orderXsFirst, orderXs1, orderXs2, orderXs3, orderXs4, orderXs5, orderXs6, orderXs7, orderXs8, orderXs9, orderXs10, orderXs11, orderXs12, orderXsLast\n , orderSmFirst, orderSm1, orderSm2, orderSm3, orderSm4, orderSm5, orderSm6, orderSm7, orderSm8, orderSm9, orderSm10, orderSm11, orderSm12, orderSmLast\n , orderMdFirst, orderMd1, orderMd2, orderMd3, orderMd4, orderMd5, orderMd6, orderMd7, orderMd8, orderMd9, orderMd10, orderMd11, orderMd12, orderMdLast\n , orderLgFirst, orderLg1, orderLg2, orderLg3, orderLg4, orderLg5, orderLg6, orderLg7, orderLg8, orderLg9, orderLg10, orderLg11, orderLg12, orderLgLast\n , orderXlFirst, orderXl1, orderXl2, orderXl3, orderXl4, orderXl5, orderXl6, orderXl7, orderXl8, orderXl9, orderXl10, orderXl11, orderXl12, orderXlLast\n , attrs, textAlign, Option\n )\n\n{-| Functions for creating grid column options.\n\n\n# Vertical alignment\n\n@docs topXs, topSm, topMd, topLg, topXl, middleXs, middleSm, middleMd, middleLg, middleXl, bottomXs, bottomSm, bottomMd, bottomLg, bottomXl\n\n\n# Sizing\n\n\n## Extra Small\n\n@docs xs, xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4, xs5, xs6, xs7, xs8, xs9, xs10, xs11, xs12, xsAuto\n\n\n## Small\n\n@docs sm, sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, sm5, sm6, sm7, sm8, sm9, sm10, sm11, sm12, smAuto\n\n\n## Medium\n\n@docs md, md1, md2, md3, md4, md5, md6, md7, md8, md9, md10, md11, md12, mdAuto\n\n\n## Large\n\n@docs lg, lg1, lg2, lg3, lg4, lg5, lg6, lg7, lg8, lg9, lg10, lg11, lg12, lgAuto\n\n\n## Extra Large\n\n@docs xl, xl1, xl2, xl3, xl4, xl5, xl6, xl7, xl8, xl9, xl10, xl11, xl12, xlAuto\n\n\n# Offsets\n\n\n## Extra Small\n\n@docs offsetXs1, offsetXs2, offsetXs3, offsetXs4, offsetXs5, offsetXs6, offsetXs7, offsetXs8, offsetXs9, offsetXs10, offsetXs11\n\n\n## Small\n\n@docs offsetSm0, offsetSm1, offsetSm2, offsetSm3, offsetSm4, offsetSm5, offsetSm6, offsetSm7, offsetSm8, offsetSm9, offsetSm10, offsetSm11\n\n\n## Medium\n\n@docs offsetMd0, offsetMd1, offsetMd2, offsetMd3, offsetMd4, offsetMd5, offsetMd6, offsetMd7, offsetMd8, offsetMd9, offsetMd10, offsetMd11\n\n\n## Large\n\n@docs offsetLg0, offsetLg1, offsetLg2, offsetLg3, offsetLg4, offsetLg5, offsetLg6, offsetLg7, offsetLg8, offsetLg9, offsetLg10, offsetLg11\n\n\n## Extra Large\n\n@docs offsetXl0, offsetXl1, offsetXl2, offsetXl3, offsetXl4, offsetXl5, offsetXl6, offsetXl7, offsetXl8, offsetXl9, offsetXl10, offsetXl11\n\n\n# Pulls\n\n\n## Extra Small\n\n@docs pullXs0, pullXs1, pullXs2, pullXs3, pullXs4, pullXs5, pullXs6, pullXs7, pullXs8, pullXs9, pullXs10, pullXs11, pullXs12\n\n\n## Small\n\n@docs pullSm0, pullSm1, pullSm2, pullSm3, pullSm4, pullSm5, pullSm6, pullSm7, pullSm8, pullSm9, pullSm10, pullSm11, pullSm12\n\n\n## Medium\n\n@docs pullMd0, pullMd1, pullMd2, pullMd3, pullMd4, pullMd5, pullMd6, pullMd7, pullMd8, pullMd9, pullMd10, pullMd11, pullMd12\n\n\n## Large\n\n@docs pullLg0, pullLg1, pullLg2, pullLg3, pullLg4, pullLg5, pullLg6, pullLg7, pullLg8, pullLg9, pullLg10, pullLg11, pullLg12\n\n\n## Extra Large\n\n@docs pullXl0, pullXl1, pullXl2, pullXl3, pullXl4, pullXl5, pullXl6, pullXl7, pullXl8, pullXl9, pullXl10, pullXl11, pullXl12\n\n\n# Pushes\n\n\n## Extra Small\n\n@docs pushXs0, pushXs1, pushXs2, pushXs3, pushXs4, pushXs5, pushXs6, pushXs7, pushXs8, pushXs9, pushXs10, pushXs11, pushXs12\n\n\n## Small\n\n@docs pushSm0, pushSm1, pushSm2, pushSm3, pushSm4, pushSm5, pushSm6, pushSm7, pushSm8, pushSm9, pushSm10, pushSm11, pushSm12\n\n\n## Medium\n\n@docs pushMd0, pushMd1, pushMd2, pushMd3, pushMd4, pushMd5, pushMd6, pushMd7, pushMd8, pushMd9, pushMd10, pushMd11, pushMd12\n\n\n## Large\n\n@docs pushLg0, pushLg1, pushLg2, pushLg3, pushLg4, pushLg5, pushLg6, pushLg7, pushLg8, pushLg9, pushLg10, pushLg11, pushLg12\n\n\n## Extra Large\n\n@docs pushXl0, pushXl1, pushXl2, pushXl3, pushXl4, pushXl5, pushXl6, pushXl7, pushXl8, pushXl9, pushXl10, pushXl11, pushXl12\n\n\n# Order\n\n\n## Extra Small\n\n@docs orderXsFirst, orderXs1, orderXs2, orderXs3, orderXs4, orderXs5, orderXs6, orderXs7, orderXs8, orderXs9, orderXs10, orderXs11, orderXs12, orderXsLast\n\n\n## Small\n\n@docs orderSmFirst, orderSm1, orderSm2, orderSm3, orderSm4, orderSm5, orderSm6, orderSm7, orderSm8, orderSm9, orderSm10, orderSm11, orderSm12, orderSmLast\n\n\n## Medium\n\n@docs orderMdFirst, orderMd1, orderMd2, orderMd3, orderMd4, orderMd5, orderMd6, orderMd7, orderMd8, orderMd9, orderMd10, orderMd11, orderMd12, orderMdLast\n\n\n## Large\n\n@docs orderLgFirst, orderLg1, orderLg2, orderLg3, orderLg4, orderLg5, orderLg6, orderLg7, orderLg8, orderLg9, orderLg10, orderLg11, orderLg12, orderLgLast\n\n\n## Extra Large\n\n@docs orderXlFirst, orderXl1, orderXl2, orderXl3, orderXl4, orderXl5, orderXl6, orderXl7, orderXl8, orderXl9, orderXl10, orderXl11, orderXl12, orderXlLast\n\n\n# Misc\n\n@docs attrs, textAlign, Option\n\n-}\n\nimport Bootstrap.General.Internal exposing (ScreenSize(..))\nimport Bootstrap.Grid.Internal as Internal exposing (..)\nimport Bootstrap.Text as Text\nimport Html\n\n\n{-| Opaque type representing valid Column options\n-}\ntype alias Option msg =\n Internal.ColOption msg\n\n\n{-| Use this function when you need to provide custom Html attributes to the column container element.\n-}\nattrs : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> ColOption msg\nattrs attrs_ =\n ColAttrs attrs_\n\n\n{-| You might find this function handy for aligning inline elements inside a column.\n\n Grid.col [ Col.textAlign Text.alignXsCenter ]\n\n-}\ntextAlign : Text.HAlign -> ColOption msg\ntextAlign align =\n TextAlign align\n\n\n\n{- *********** Aligns ******************* -}\n\n\n{-| -}\ntopXs : Option msg\ntopXs =\n colVAlign XS Top\n\n\n{-| -}\ntopSm : Option msg\ntopSm =\n colVAlign SM Top\n\n\n{-| -}\ntopMd : Option msg\ntopMd =\n colVAlign MD Top\n\n\n{-| -}\ntopLg : Option msg\ntopLg =\n colVAlign LG Top\n\n\n{-| -}\ntopXl : Option msg\ntopXl =\n colVAlign XL Top\n\n\n{-| -}\nmiddleXs : Option msg\nmiddleXs =\n colVAlign XS Middle\n\n\n{-| -}\nmiddleSm : Option msg\nmiddleSm =\n colVAlign SM Middle\n\n\n{-| -}\nmiddleMd : Option msg\nmiddleMd =\n colVAlign MD Middle\n\n\n{-| -}\nmiddleLg : Option msg\nmiddleLg =\n colVAlign LG Middle\n\n\n{-| -}\nmiddleXl : Option msg\nmiddleXl =\n colVAlign XL Middle\n\n\n{-| -}\nbottomXs : Option msg\nbottomXs =\n colVAlign XS Bottom\n\n\n{-| -}\nbottomSm : Option msg\nbottomSm =\n colVAlign SM Bottom\n\n\n{-| -}\nbottomMd : Option msg\nbottomMd =\n colVAlign MD Bottom\n\n\n{-| -}\nbottomLg : Option msg\nbottomLg =\n colVAlign LG Bottom\n\n\n{-| -}\nbottomXl : Option msg\nbottomXl =\n colVAlign XL Bottom\n\n\n\n{- *********** widths ******************** -}\n-- XS widths\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs : Option msg\nxs =\n width XS Col\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs1 : Option msg\nxs1 =\n width XS Col1\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs2 : Option msg\nxs2 =\n width XS Col2\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs3 : Option msg\nxs3 =\n width XS Col3\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs4 : Option msg\nxs4 =\n width XS Col4\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs5 : Option msg\nxs5 =\n width XS Col5\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs6 : Option msg\nxs6 =\n width XS Col6\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs7 : Option msg\nxs7 =\n width XS Col7\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs8 : Option msg\nxs8 =\n width XS Col8\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs9 : Option msg\nxs9 =\n width XS Col9\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs10 : Option msg\nxs10 =\n width XS Col10\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs11 : Option msg\nxs11 =\n width XS Col11\n\n\n{-| -}\nxs12 : Option msg\nxs12 =\n width XS Col12\n\n\n{-| -}\nxsAuto : Option msg\nxsAuto =\n width XS ColAuto\n\n\n\n-- SM widths\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm : Option msg\nsm =\n width SM Col\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm1 : Option msg\nsm1 =\n width SM Col1\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm2 : Option msg\nsm2 =\n width SM Col2\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm3 : Option msg\nsm3 =\n width SM Col3\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm4 : Option msg\nsm4 =\n width SM Col4\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm5 : Option msg\nsm5 =\n width SM Col5\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm6 : Option msg\nsm6 =\n width SM Col6\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm7 : Option msg\nsm7 =\n width SM Col7\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm8 : Option msg\nsm8 =\n width SM Col8\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm9 : Option msg\nsm9 =\n width SM Col9\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm10 : Option msg\nsm10 =\n width SM Col10\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm11 : Option msg\nsm11 =\n width SM Col11\n\n\n{-| -}\nsm12 : Option msg\nsm12 =\n width SM Col12\n\n\n{-| -}\nsmAuto : Option msg\nsmAuto =\n width XS ColAuto\n\n\n\n-- MD widths\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd : Option msg\nmd =\n width MD Col\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd1 : Option msg\nmd1 =\n width MD Col1\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd2 : Option msg\nmd2 =\n width MD Col2\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd3 : Option msg\nmd3 =\n width MD Col3\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd4 : Option msg\nmd4 =\n width MD Col4\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd5 : Option msg\nmd5 =\n width MD Col5\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd6 : Option msg\nmd6 =\n width MD Col6\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd7 : Option msg\nmd7 =\n width MD Col7\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd8 : Option msg\nmd8 =\n width MD Col8\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd9 : Option msg\nmd9 =\n width MD Col9\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd10 : Option msg\nmd10 =\n width MD Col10\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd11 : Option msg\nmd11 =\n width MD Col11\n\n\n{-| -}\nmd12 : Option msg\nmd12 =\n width MD Col12\n\n\n{-| -}\nmdAuto : Option msg\nmdAuto =\n width MD ColAuto\n\n\n\n-- LG widths\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg : Option msg\nlg =\n width LG Col\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg1 : Option msg\nlg1 =\n width LG Col1\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg2 : Option msg\nlg2 =\n width LG Col2\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg3 : Option msg\nlg3 =\n width LG Col3\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg4 : Option msg\nlg4 =\n width LG Col4\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg5 : Option msg\nlg5 =\n width LG Col5\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg6 : Option msg\nlg6 =\n width LG Col6\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg7 : Option msg\nlg7 =\n width LG Col7\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg8 : Option msg\nlg8 =\n width LG Col8\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg9 : Option msg\nlg9 =\n width LG Col9\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg10 : Option msg\nlg10 =\n width LG Col10\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg11 : Option msg\nlg11 =\n width LG Col11\n\n\n{-| -}\nlg12 : Option msg\nlg12 =\n width LG Col12\n\n\n{-| -}\nlgAuto : Option msg\nlgAuto =\n width LG ColAuto\n\n\n\n-- XL widths\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl : Option msg\nxl =\n width XL Col\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl1 : Option msg\nxl1 =\n width XL Col1\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl2 : Option msg\nxl2 =\n width XL Col2\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl3 : Option msg\nxl3 =\n width XL Col3\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl4 : Option msg\nxl4 =\n width XL Col4\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl5 : Option msg\nxl5 =\n width XL Col5\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl6 : Option msg\nxl6 =\n width XL Col6\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl7 : Option msg\nxl7 =\n width XL Col7\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl8 : Option msg\nxl8 =\n width XL Col8\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl9 : Option msg\nxl9 =\n width XL Col9\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl10 : Option msg\nxl10 =\n width XL Col10\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl11 : Option msg\nxl11 =\n width XL Col11\n\n\n{-| -}\nxl12 : Option msg\nxl12 =\n width XL Col12\n\n\n{-| -}\nxlAuto : Option msg\nxlAuto =\n width XL ColAuto\n\n\n\n{- *************** OFFSETS ******************** -}\n-- XS Offsets\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs1 : Option msg\noffsetXs1 =\n offset XS Offset1\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs2 : Option msg\noffsetXs2 =\n offset XS Offset2\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs3 : Option msg\noffsetXs3 =\n offset XS Offset3\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs4 : Option msg\noffsetXs4 =\n offset XS Offset4\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs5 : Option msg\noffsetXs5 =\n offset XS Offset5\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs6 : Option msg\noffsetXs6 =\n offset XS Offset6\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs7 : Option msg\noffsetXs7 =\n offset XS Offset7\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs8 : Option msg\noffsetXs8 =\n offset XS Offset8\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs9 : Option msg\noffsetXs9 =\n offset XS Offset9\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs10 : Option msg\noffsetXs10 =\n offset XS Offset10\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXs11 : Option msg\noffsetXs11 =\n offset XS Offset11\n\n\n\n-- SM Offsets\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm0 : Option msg\noffsetSm0 =\n offset SM Offset0\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm1 : Option msg\noffsetSm1 =\n offset SM Offset1\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm2 : Option msg\noffsetSm2 =\n offset SM Offset2\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm3 : Option msg\noffsetSm3 =\n offset SM Offset3\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm4 : Option msg\noffsetSm4 =\n offset SM Offset4\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm5 : Option msg\noffsetSm5 =\n offset SM Offset5\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm6 : Option msg\noffsetSm6 =\n offset SM Offset6\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm7 : Option msg\noffsetSm7 =\n offset SM Offset7\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm8 : Option msg\noffsetSm8 =\n offset SM Offset8\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm9 : Option msg\noffsetSm9 =\n offset SM Offset9\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm10 : Option msg\noffsetSm10 =\n offset SM Offset10\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetSm11 : Option msg\noffsetSm11 =\n offset SM Offset11\n\n\n\n-- MD Offsets\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd0 : Option msg\noffsetMd0 =\n offset MD Offset0\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd1 : Option msg\noffsetMd1 =\n offset MD Offset1\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd2 : Option msg\noffsetMd2 =\n offset MD Offset2\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd3 : Option msg\noffsetMd3 =\n offset MD Offset3\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd4 : Option msg\noffsetMd4 =\n offset MD Offset4\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd5 : Option msg\noffsetMd5 =\n offset MD Offset5\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd6 : Option msg\noffsetMd6 =\n offset MD Offset6\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd7 : Option msg\noffsetMd7 =\n offset MD Offset7\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd8 : Option msg\noffsetMd8 =\n offset MD Offset8\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd9 : Option msg\noffsetMd9 =\n offset MD Offset9\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd10 : Option msg\noffsetMd10 =\n offset MD Offset10\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetMd11 : Option msg\noffsetMd11 =\n offset MD Offset11\n\n\n\n-- LG Offsets\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg0 : Option msg\noffsetLg0 =\n offset LG Offset0\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg1 : Option msg\noffsetLg1 =\n offset LG Offset1\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg2 : Option msg\noffsetLg2 =\n offset LG Offset2\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg3 : Option msg\noffsetLg3 =\n offset LG Offset3\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg4 : Option msg\noffsetLg4 =\n offset LG Offset4\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg5 : Option msg\noffsetLg5 =\n offset LG Offset5\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg6 : Option msg\noffsetLg6 =\n offset LG Offset6\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg7 : Option msg\noffsetLg7 =\n offset LG Offset7\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg8 : Option msg\noffsetLg8 =\n offset LG Offset8\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg9 : Option msg\noffsetLg9 =\n offset LG Offset9\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg10 : Option msg\noffsetLg10 =\n offset LG Offset10\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetLg11 : Option msg\noffsetLg11 =\n offset LG Offset11\n\n\n\n-- XL Offsets\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl0 : Option msg\noffsetXl0 =\n offset LG Offset0\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl1 : Option msg\noffsetXl1 =\n offset XL Offset1\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl2 : Option msg\noffsetXl2 =\n offset XL Offset2\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl3 : Option msg\noffsetXl3 =\n offset XL Offset3\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl4 : Option msg\noffsetXl4 =\n offset XL Offset4\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl5 : Option msg\noffsetXl5 =\n offset XL Offset5\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl6 : Option msg\noffsetXl6 =\n offset XL Offset6\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl7 : Option msg\noffsetXl7 =\n offset XL Offset7\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl8 : Option msg\noffsetXl8 =\n offset XL Offset8\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl9 : Option msg\noffsetXl9 =\n offset XL Offset9\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl10 : Option msg\noffsetXl10 =\n offset XL Offset10\n\n\n{-| -}\noffsetXl11 : Option msg\noffsetXl11 =\n offset XL Offset11\n\n\n\n{- *********** Pulls ******************** -}\n-- XS Pulls\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs0 : Option msg\npullXs0 =\n pull XS Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs1 : Option msg\npullXs1 =\n pull XS Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs2 : Option msg\npullXs2 =\n pull XS Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs3 : Option msg\npullXs3 =\n pull XS Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs4 : Option msg\npullXs4 =\n pull XS Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs5 : Option msg\npullXs5 =\n pull XS Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs6 : Option msg\npullXs6 =\n pull XS Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs7 : Option msg\npullXs7 =\n pull XS Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs8 : Option msg\npullXs8 =\n pull XS Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs9 : Option msg\npullXs9 =\n pull XS Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs10 : Option msg\npullXs10 =\n pull XS Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs11 : Option msg\npullXs11 =\n pull XS Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXs12 : Option msg\npullXs12 =\n pull XS Move12\n\n\n\n-- SM Pulls\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm0 : Option msg\npullSm0 =\n pull SM Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm1 : Option msg\npullSm1 =\n pull SM Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm2 : Option msg\npullSm2 =\n pull SM Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm3 : Option msg\npullSm3 =\n pull SM Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm4 : Option msg\npullSm4 =\n pull SM Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm5 : Option msg\npullSm5 =\n pull SM Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm6 : Option msg\npullSm6 =\n pull SM Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm7 : Option msg\npullSm7 =\n pull SM Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm8 : Option msg\npullSm8 =\n pull SM Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm9 : Option msg\npullSm9 =\n pull SM Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm10 : Option msg\npullSm10 =\n pull SM Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm11 : Option msg\npullSm11 =\n pull SM Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npullSm12 : Option msg\npullSm12 =\n pull SM Move12\n\n\n\n-- MD Pulls\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd0 : Option msg\npullMd0 =\n pull MD Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd1 : Option msg\npullMd1 =\n pull MD Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd2 : Option msg\npullMd2 =\n pull MD Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd3 : Option msg\npullMd3 =\n pull MD Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd4 : Option msg\npullMd4 =\n pull MD Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd5 : Option msg\npullMd5 =\n pull MD Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd6 : Option msg\npullMd6 =\n pull MD Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd7 : Option msg\npullMd7 =\n pull MD Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd8 : Option msg\npullMd8 =\n pull MD Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd9 : Option msg\npullMd9 =\n pull MD Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd10 : Option msg\npullMd10 =\n pull MD Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd11 : Option msg\npullMd11 =\n pull MD Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npullMd12 : Option msg\npullMd12 =\n pull MD Move12\n\n\n\n-- LG Pulls\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg0 : Option msg\npullLg0 =\n pull LG Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg1 : Option msg\npullLg1 =\n pull LG Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg2 : Option msg\npullLg2 =\n pull LG Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg3 : Option msg\npullLg3 =\n pull LG Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg4 : Option msg\npullLg4 =\n pull LG Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg5 : Option msg\npullLg5 =\n pull LG Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg6 : Option msg\npullLg6 =\n pull LG Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg7 : Option msg\npullLg7 =\n pull LG Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg8 : Option msg\npullLg8 =\n pull LG Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg9 : Option msg\npullLg9 =\n pull LG Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg10 : Option msg\npullLg10 =\n pull LG Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg11 : Option msg\npullLg11 =\n pull LG Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npullLg12 : Option msg\npullLg12 =\n pull LG Move12\n\n\n\n-- XL Pulls\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl0 : Option msg\npullXl0 =\n pull XL Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl1 : Option msg\npullXl1 =\n pull XL Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl2 : Option msg\npullXl2 =\n pull XL Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl3 : Option msg\npullXl3 =\n pull XL Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl4 : Option msg\npullXl4 =\n pull XL Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl5 : Option msg\npullXl5 =\n pull XL Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl6 : Option msg\npullXl6 =\n pull XL Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl7 : Option msg\npullXl7 =\n pull XL Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl8 : Option msg\npullXl8 =\n pull XL Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl9 : Option msg\npullXl9 =\n pull XL Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl10 : Option msg\npullXl10 =\n pull XL Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl11 : Option msg\npullXl11 =\n pull XL Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npullXl12 : Option msg\npullXl12 =\n pull XL Move12\n\n\n\n{- *********** Pushes ******************** -}\n-- XS Pushes\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs0 : Option msg\npushXs0 =\n push XS Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs1 : Option msg\npushXs1 =\n push XS Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs2 : Option msg\npushXs2 =\n push XS Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs3 : Option msg\npushXs3 =\n push XS Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs4 : Option msg\npushXs4 =\n push XS Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs5 : Option msg\npushXs5 =\n push XS Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs6 : Option msg\npushXs6 =\n push XS Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs7 : Option msg\npushXs7 =\n push XS Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs8 : Option msg\npushXs8 =\n push XS Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs9 : Option msg\npushXs9 =\n push XS Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs10 : Option msg\npushXs10 =\n push XS Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs11 : Option msg\npushXs11 =\n push XS Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXs12 : Option msg\npushXs12 =\n push XS Move12\n\n\n\n-- SM Pushes\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm0 : Option msg\npushSm0 =\n push SM Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm1 : Option msg\npushSm1 =\n push SM Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm2 : Option msg\npushSm2 =\n push SM Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm3 : Option msg\npushSm3 =\n push SM Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm4 : Option msg\npushSm4 =\n push SM Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm5 : Option msg\npushSm5 =\n push SM Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm6 : Option msg\npushSm6 =\n push SM Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm7 : Option msg\npushSm7 =\n push SM Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm8 : Option msg\npushSm8 =\n push SM Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm9 : Option msg\npushSm9 =\n push SM Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm10 : Option msg\npushSm10 =\n push SM Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm11 : Option msg\npushSm11 =\n push SM Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npushSm12 : Option msg\npushSm12 =\n push SM Move12\n\n\n\n-- MD Pushes\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd0 : Option msg\npushMd0 =\n push MD Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd1 : Option msg\npushMd1 =\n push MD Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd2 : Option msg\npushMd2 =\n push MD Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd3 : Option msg\npushMd3 =\n push MD Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd4 : Option msg\npushMd4 =\n push MD Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd5 : Option msg\npushMd5 =\n push MD Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd6 : Option msg\npushMd6 =\n push MD Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd7 : Option msg\npushMd7 =\n push MD Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd8 : Option msg\npushMd8 =\n push MD Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd9 : Option msg\npushMd9 =\n push MD Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd10 : Option msg\npushMd10 =\n push MD Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd11 : Option msg\npushMd11 =\n push MD Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npushMd12 : Option msg\npushMd12 =\n push MD Move12\n\n\n\n-- LG Pushes\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg0 : Option msg\npushLg0 =\n push LG Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg1 : Option msg\npushLg1 =\n push LG Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg2 : Option msg\npushLg2 =\n push LG Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg3 : Option msg\npushLg3 =\n push LG Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg4 : Option msg\npushLg4 =\n push LG Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg5 : Option msg\npushLg5 =\n push LG Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg6 : Option msg\npushLg6 =\n push LG Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg7 : Option msg\npushLg7 =\n push LG Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg8 : Option msg\npushLg8 =\n push LG Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg9 : Option msg\npushLg9 =\n push LG Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg10 : Option msg\npushLg10 =\n push LG Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg11 : Option msg\npushLg11 =\n push LG Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npushLg12 : Option msg\npushLg12 =\n push LG Move12\n\n\n\n-- XL Pushes\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl0 : Option msg\npushXl0 =\n push XL Move0\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl1 : Option msg\npushXl1 =\n push XL Move1\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl2 : Option msg\npushXl2 =\n push XL Move2\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl3 : Option msg\npushXl3 =\n push XL Move3\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl4 : Option msg\npushXl4 =\n push XL Move4\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl5 : Option msg\npushXl5 =\n push XL Move5\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl6 : Option msg\npushXl6 =\n push XL Move6\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl7 : Option msg\npushXl7 =\n push XL Move7\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl8 : Option msg\npushXl8 =\n push XL Move8\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl9 : Option msg\npushXl9 =\n push XL Move9\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl10 : Option msg\npushXl10 =\n push XL Move10\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl11 : Option msg\npushXl11 =\n push XL Move11\n\n\n{-| -}\npushXl12 : Option msg\npushXl12 =\n push XL Move12\n\n\n\n{- *********** Orders ******************** -}\n-- XS Orders\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXsFirst : Option msg\norderXsFirst =\n order XS OrderFirst\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs1 : Option msg\norderXs1 =\n order XS Order1\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs2 : Option msg\norderXs2 =\n order XS Order2\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs3 : Option msg\norderXs3 =\n order XS Order3\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs4 : Option msg\norderXs4 =\n order XS Order4\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs5 : Option msg\norderXs5 =\n order XS Order5\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs6 : Option msg\norderXs6 =\n order XS Order6\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs7 : Option msg\norderXs7 =\n order XS Order7\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs8 : Option msg\norderXs8 =\n order XS Order8\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs9 : Option msg\norderXs9 =\n order XS Order9\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs10 : Option msg\norderXs10 =\n order XS Order10\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs11 : Option msg\norderXs11 =\n order XS Order11\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXs12 : Option msg\norderXs12 =\n order XS Order12\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXsLast : Option msg\norderXsLast =\n order XS OrderLast\n\n\n\n-- SM Orders\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSmFirst : Option msg\norderSmFirst =\n order SM OrderFirst\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm1 : Option msg\norderSm1 =\n order SM Order1\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm2 : Option msg\norderSm2 =\n order SM Order2\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm3 : Option msg\norderSm3 =\n order SM Order3\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm4 : Option msg\norderSm4 =\n order SM Order4\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm5 : Option msg\norderSm5 =\n order SM Order5\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm6 : Option msg\norderSm6 =\n order SM Order6\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm7 : Option msg\norderSm7 =\n order SM Order7\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm8 : Option msg\norderSm8 =\n order SM Order8\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm9 : Option msg\norderSm9 =\n order SM Order9\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm10 : Option msg\norderSm10 =\n order SM Order10\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm11 : Option msg\norderSm11 =\n order SM Order11\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSm12 : Option msg\norderSm12 =\n order SM Order12\n\n\n{-| -}\norderSmLast : Option msg\norderSmLast =\n order SM OrderLast\n\n\n\n-- MD Orders\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMdFirst : Option msg\norderMdFirst =\n order MD OrderFirst\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd1 : Option msg\norderMd1 =\n order MD Order1\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd2 : Option msg\norderMd2 =\n order MD Order2\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd3 : Option msg\norderMd3 =\n order MD Order3\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd4 : Option msg\norderMd4 =\n order MD Order4\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd5 : Option msg\norderMd5 =\n order MD Order5\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd6 : Option msg\norderMd6 =\n order MD Order6\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd7 : Option msg\norderMd7 =\n order MD Order7\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd8 : Option msg\norderMd8 =\n order MD Order8\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd9 : Option msg\norderMd9 =\n order MD Order9\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd10 : Option msg\norderMd10 =\n order MD Order10\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd11 : Option msg\norderMd11 =\n order MD Order11\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMd12 : Option msg\norderMd12 =\n order MD Order12\n\n\n{-| -}\norderMdLast : Option msg\norderMdLast =\n order MD OrderLast\n\n\n\n-- LG Orders\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLgFirst : Option msg\norderLgFirst =\n order LG OrderFirst\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg1 : Option msg\norderLg1 =\n order LG Order1\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg2 : Option msg\norderLg2 =\n order LG Order2\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg3 : Option msg\norderLg3 =\n order LG Order3\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg4 : Option msg\norderLg4 =\n order LG Order4\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg5 : Option msg\norderLg5 =\n order LG Order5\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg6 : Option msg\norderLg6 =\n order LG Order6\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg7 : Option msg\norderLg7 =\n order LG Order7\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg8 : Option msg\norderLg8 =\n order LG Order8\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg9 : Option msg\norderLg9 =\n order LG Order9\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg10 : Option msg\norderLg10 =\n order LG Order10\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg11 : Option msg\norderLg11 =\n order LG Order11\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLg12 : Option msg\norderLg12 =\n order LG Order12\n\n\n{-| -}\norderLgLast : Option msg\norderLgLast =\n order LG OrderLast\n\n\n\n-- XL Orders\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXlFirst : Option msg\norderXlFirst =\n order XL OrderFirst\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl1 : Option msg\norderXl1 =\n order XL Order1\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl2 : Option msg\norderXl2 =\n order XL Order2\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl3 : Option msg\norderXl3 =\n order XL Order3\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl4 : Option msg\norderXl4 =\n order XL Order4\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl5 : Option msg\norderXl5 =\n order XL Order5\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl6 : Option msg\norderXl6 =\n order XL Order6\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl7 : Option msg\norderXl7 =\n order XL Order7\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl8 : Option msg\norderXl8 =\n order XL Order8\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl9 : Option msg\norderXl9 =\n order XL Order9\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl10 : Option msg\norderXl10 =\n order XL Order10\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl11 : Option msg\norderXl11 =\n order XL Order11\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXl12 : Option msg\norderXl12 =\n order XL Order12\n\n\n{-| -}\norderXlLast : Option msg\norderXlLast =\n order XL OrderLast\n","avg_line_length":12.1735849057,"max_line_length":154,"alphanum_fraction":0.6324653854} +{"size":20265,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Data exposing (SmokeStats, smokeStats)\n\n\ntype alias SmokeStats =\n { year : Float, percentage : Float, regionPerGender : String }\n\n\nsmokeStats : List SmokeStats\nsmokeStats =\n [ { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 30.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 29.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 28.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 30.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 29.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 29.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 28.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 1998, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 32.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 28.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 30.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 27.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 27.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 23.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 25.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 25.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 1998, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 23.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 30.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 29.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 26.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 28.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 23.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 31.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 25.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 1999, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 29.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 31.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 28.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 22.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 26.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 24.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 25.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 26.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 1999, percentage = 23.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 26.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 29.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 32.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 25.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 27.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 28.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 27.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2000, percentage = 30.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 33.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 27.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 26.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 26.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 22.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 26.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 21.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2000, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 27.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 25.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 30.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 29.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 26.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 26.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 28.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 24.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2001, percentage = 26.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 31.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 27.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 26.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 25.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 22.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 25.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 24.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 22.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2001, percentage = 25.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 33.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 27.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 28.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 28.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 30.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 25.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 28.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 25.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2002, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 32.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 28.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 26.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 21.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 26.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2002, percentage = 28.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 27.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 27.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 28.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 25.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 27.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2003, percentage = 27.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 29.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 26.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 24.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 25.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 25.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 21.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 24.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2003, percentage = 24.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 24.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 26.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 23.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 24.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 24.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 23.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2004, percentage = 23.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 29.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 26.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 27.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 27.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 26.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 22.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 17.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 19.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2004, percentage = 19.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 35.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 28.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 29.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 31.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 25.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 24.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 27.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 24.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2005, percentage = 24.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 31.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 28.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 22.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 23.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 23.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 22.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 20.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 23.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2005, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 29.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 26.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 24.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 28.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 22.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 23.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2006, percentage = 23.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 29.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 22.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 25.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 23.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 18.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 18.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 19.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2006, percentage = 20.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 30.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 24.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 22.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 24.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 23.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 24.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 21.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2007, percentage = 25.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 33.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 22.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 26.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 22.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 22.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 19.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 16.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 16.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2007, percentage = 23.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 24.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 28.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 25.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 27.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 21.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 25.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 21.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 22.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2008, percentage = 20.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 26.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 22.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 22.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 21.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 19.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 21.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 16.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 17.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2008, percentage = 22.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 14.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 30.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 25.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 19.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 26.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 20.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 25.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 26.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2009, percentage = 18.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 23.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 24.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 22.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 23.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 18.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 20.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 18.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 19.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2009, percentage = 18.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 27.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 24.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 22.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 19.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 20.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 21.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 20.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2010, percentage = 20.7 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 22.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 20.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 21.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 20.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 18.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 17.5 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 17.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 16.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2010, percentage = 19.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 23.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 28.1 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 24.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 17.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 23.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 20.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 24.2 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 21.0 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Male\", year = 2011, percentage = 24.4 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North East Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 25.8 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"North West Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 23.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"Yorkshire Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 19.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Midlands Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 17.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"West Midlands Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 21.6 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"East Of England Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 17.9 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"London Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 16.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South East Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 14.3 }\n , { regionPerGender = \"South West Female\", year = 2011, percentage = 18.5 }\n ]\n","avg_line_length":77.0532319392,"max_line_length":84,"alphanum_fraction":0.6381445843} +{"size":1613,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":116.0,"content":"module ChapterEditApp exposing (..)\n\nimport Html exposing (Html)\nimport Browser.Navigation as Nav\n\nimport Core.Routes exposing (Route(..))\nimport ChapterEditApp.Messages exposing (..)\nimport ChapterEditApp.Models exposing (..)\nimport ChapterEditApp.Update\nimport ChapterEditApp.Views\nimport ChapterEditApp.Ports\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n ChapterEditApp.Models.Model\n\n\ntype alias Msg =\n ChapterEditApp.Messages.Msg\n\n\ninitialState : Nav.Key -> Model\ninitialState key =\n { key = key\n , nowMilliseconds = -1\n , chapter = Nothing\n , narration = Nothing\n , lastChapters = Nothing\n , showLastReactions = True\n , banner = Nothing\n , chapterModified = False\n , flash = Nothing\n , showPublishChapterDialog = False\n , savingChapter = False\n , uploadingAudio = False\n , uploadingBackgroundImage = False\n , uploadingFont = False\n , narrationChapterSearchTerm = \"\"\n , narrationChapterSearchLoading = False\n , narrationChapterSearchResults = Nothing\n , notesModified = False\n , notesFlash = Nothing\n }\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\nupdate =\n ChapterEditApp.Update.update\n\n\nurlUpdate : Route -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\nurlUpdate =\n ChapterEditApp.Update.urlUpdate\n\n\nview : Model -> Html Msg\nview =\n ChapterEditApp.Views.mainView\n\n\nsubscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg\nsubscriptions model =\n Sub.batch\n [ ChapterEditApp.Ports.editorContentChanged UpdateEditorContent\n , ChapterEditApp.Ports.chapterEditUploadFileError AddMediaFileError\n , ChapterEditApp.Ports.chapterEditUploadFileSuccess AddMediaFileSuccess\n ]\n","avg_line_length":23.7205882353,"max_line_length":79,"alphanum_fraction":0.7166769994} +{"size":877,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":7.0,"content":"module Vector52.Internal exposing\n ( Vector52(..)\n , VectorModel\n )\n\n\ntype Vector52 a\n = Vector (VectorModel a)\n\n\ntype alias VectorModel a =\n { n0 : a\n , n1 : a\n , n2 : a\n , n3 : a\n , n4 : a\n , n5 : a\n , n6 : a\n , n7 : a\n , n8 : a\n , n9 : a\n , n10 : a\n , n11 : a\n , n12 : a\n , n13 : a\n , n14 : a\n , n15 : a\n , n16 : a\n , n17 : a\n , n18 : a\n , n19 : a\n , n20 : a\n , n21 : a\n , n22 : a\n , n23 : a\n , n24 : a\n , n25 : a\n , n26 : a\n , n27 : a\n , n28 : a\n , n29 : a\n , n30 : a\n , n31 : a\n , n32 : a\n , n33 : a\n , n34 : a\n , n35 : a\n , n36 : a\n , n37 : a\n , n38 : a\n , n39 : a\n , n40 : a\n , n41 : a\n , n42 : a\n , n43 : a\n , n44 : a\n , n45 : a\n , n46 : a\n , n47 : a\n , n48 : a\n , n49 : a\n , n50 : a\n , n51 : a\n }\n","avg_line_length":13.4923076923,"max_line_length":33,"alphanum_fraction":0.3409350057} +{"size":1749,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":5.0,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Object.BranchProtectionRuleConflict exposing (..)\n\nimport Github.InputObject\nimport Github.Interface\nimport Github.Object\nimport Github.Scalar\nimport Github.ScalarCodecs\nimport Github.Union\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Argument as Argument exposing (Argument)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Object as Object\nimport Graphql.Internal.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)\nimport Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)\nimport Graphql.OptionalArgument exposing (OptionalArgument(..))\nimport Graphql.SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\n{-| Identifies the branch protection rule.\n-}\nbranchProtectionRule : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.BranchProtectionRule -> SelectionSet (Maybe decodesTo) Github.Object.BranchProtectionRuleConflict\nbranchProtectionRule object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"branchProtectionRule\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| Identifies the conflicting branch protection rule.\n-}\nconflictingBranchProtectionRule : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.BranchProtectionRule -> SelectionSet (Maybe decodesTo) Github.Object.BranchProtectionRuleConflict\nconflictingBranchProtectionRule object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"conflictingBranchProtectionRule\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable)\n\n\n{-| Identifies the branch ref that has conflicting rules\n-}\nref : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.Ref -> SelectionSet (Maybe decodesTo) Github.Object.BranchProtectionRuleConflict\nref object_ =\n Object.selectionForCompositeField \"ref\" [] object_ (identity >> Decode.nullable)\n","avg_line_length":42.6585365854,"max_line_length":168,"alphanum_fraction":0.8273299028} +{"size":1426,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Object.LanguageEdge exposing (cursor, node, selection, size)\n\nimport Github.InputObject\nimport Github.Interface\nimport Github.Object\nimport Github.Scalar\nimport Github.Union\nimport Graphql.Field as Field exposing (Field)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Argument as Argument exposing (Argument)\nimport Graphql.Internal.Builder.Object as Object\nimport Graphql.Internal.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)\nimport Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)\nimport Graphql.OptionalArgument exposing (OptionalArgument(..))\nimport Graphql.SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\n{-| Select fields to build up a SelectionSet for this object.\n-}\nselection : (a -> constructor) -> SelectionSet (a -> constructor) Github.Object.LanguageEdge\nselection constructor =\n Object.selection constructor\n\n\ncursor : Field String Github.Object.LanguageEdge\ncursor =\n Object.fieldDecoder \"cursor\" [] Decode.string\n\n\nnode : SelectionSet decodesTo Github.Object.Language -> Field decodesTo Github.Object.LanguageEdge\nnode object_ =\n Object.selectionField \"node\" [] object_ identity\n\n\n{-| The number of bytes of code written in the language.\n-}\nsize : Field Int Github.Object.LanguageEdge\nsize =\n Object.fieldDecoder \"size\" [] Decode.int\n","avg_line_length":32.4090909091,"max_line_length":98,"alphanum_fraction":0.7931276297} +{"size":1095,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Wizard.KMEditor.Editor.Msgs exposing (Msg(..))\n\nimport Shared.Data.BranchDetail exposing (BranchDetail)\nimport Shared.Data.Event exposing (Event)\nimport Shared.Data.Event.CommonEventData exposing (CommonEventData)\nimport Shared.Error.ApiError exposing (ApiError)\nimport Shared.WebSocket as WebSocket\nimport Time\nimport Wizard.Common.Components.OnlineUser as OnlineUser\nimport Wizard.KMEditor.Editor.Components.KMEditor as KMEditor\nimport Wizard.KMEditor.Editor.Components.Preview as Preview\nimport Wizard.KMEditor.Editor.Components.Settings as Settings\nimport Wizard.KMEditor.Editor.Components.TagEditor as TagEditor\nimport Wizard.Projects.Detail.Components.PlanSaving as PlanSaving\n\n\ntype Msg\n = GetBranchComplete (Result ApiError BranchDetail)\n | WebSocketMsg WebSocket.RawMsg\n | WebSocketPing Time.Posix\n | OnlineUserMsg Int OnlineUser.Msg\n | SavingMsg PlanSaving.Msg\n | Refresh\n | KMEditorMsg KMEditor.Msg\n | TagEditorMsg TagEditor.Msg\n | PreviewMsg Preview.Msg\n | SettingsMsg Settings.Msg\n | EventMsg String (Maybe String) (CommonEventData -> Event)\n","avg_line_length":37.7586206897,"max_line_length":67,"alphanum_fraction":0.802739726} +{"size":3490,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":625.0,"content":"-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n-- https:\/\/github.com\/dillonkearns\/elm-graphql\n\n\nmodule Github.Enum.CommentAuthorAssociation exposing (..)\n\nimport Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)\n\n\n{-| A comment author association with repository.\n\n - Member - Author is a member of the organization that owns the repository.\n - Owner - Author is the owner of the repository.\n - Collaborator - Author has been invited to collaborate on the repository.\n - Contributor - Author has previously committed to the repository.\n - FirstTimeContributor - Author has not previously committed to the repository.\n - FirstTimer - Author has not previously committed to GitHub.\n - None - Author has no association with the repository.\n\n-}\ntype CommentAuthorAssociation\n = Member\n | Owner\n | Collaborator\n | Contributor\n | FirstTimeContributor\n | FirstTimer\n | None\n\n\nlist : List CommentAuthorAssociation\nlist =\n [ Member, Owner, Collaborator, Contributor, FirstTimeContributor, FirstTimer, None ]\n\n\ndecoder : Decoder CommentAuthorAssociation\ndecoder =\n Decode.string\n |> Decode.andThen\n (\\string ->\n case string of\n \"MEMBER\" ->\n Decode.succeed Member\n\n \"OWNER\" ->\n Decode.succeed Owner\n\n \"COLLABORATOR\" ->\n Decode.succeed Collaborator\n\n \"CONTRIBUTOR\" ->\n Decode.succeed Contributor\n\n \"FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTOR\" ->\n Decode.succeed FirstTimeContributor\n\n \"FIRST_TIMER\" ->\n Decode.succeed FirstTimer\n\n \"NONE\" ->\n Decode.succeed None\n\n _ ->\n Decode.fail (\"Invalid CommentAuthorAssociation type, \" ++ string ++ \" try re-running the @dillonkearns\/elm-graphql CLI \")\n )\n\n\n{-| Convert from the union type representing the Enum to a string that the GraphQL server will recognize.\n-}\ntoString : CommentAuthorAssociation -> String\ntoString enum____ =\n case enum____ of\n Member ->\n \"MEMBER\"\n\n Owner ->\n \"OWNER\"\n\n Collaborator ->\n \"COLLABORATOR\"\n\n Contributor ->\n \"CONTRIBUTOR\"\n\n FirstTimeContributor ->\n \"FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTOR\"\n\n FirstTimer ->\n \"FIRST_TIMER\"\n\n None ->\n \"NONE\"\n\n\n{-| Convert from a String representation to an elm representation enum.\nThis is the inverse of the Enum `toString` function. So you can call `toString` and then convert back `fromString` safely.\n\n Swapi.Enum.Episode.NewHope\n |> Swapi.Enum.Episode.toString\n |> Swapi.Enum.Episode.fromString\n == Just NewHope\n\nThis can be useful for generating Strings to use for ` field.\n - `UpdateGoal` parses the contents of the goal `` field as a proposition and sets the current proof to be a new proof with the proposition as the conclusion.\n-}\ntype Msg\n = SetGoalInput String\n | UpdateGoal\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model c b -> Model c b\nupdate msg model =\n Maybe.withDefault model <|\n case msg of\n SetGoalInput goal ->\n Just { model | goalInput = goal }\n\n UpdateGoal ->\n parseProp model.syntax model.goalInput |>\n Maybe.map (\\p ->\n { model\n | proof = Leaf p\n , variableInputs = initialDict (Prop.free p) \"\"\n , goalInput = \"\"\n })\n","avg_line_length":26.1388888889,"max_line_length":168,"alphanum_fraction":0.6238044633} +{"size":161,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Stellar.Resources.Data exposing (Data)\n\n{-| Data Resource\n\n\n# Type alias\n\n@docs Data\n\n-}\n\n\n{-| Data\n-}\ntype alias Data =\n { value : Maybe String\n }\n","avg_line_length":8.9444444444,"max_line_length":45,"alphanum_fraction":0.6211180124} +{"size":2203,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Dashboard.Models exposing\n ( DragState(..)\n , DropState(..)\n , Dropdown(..)\n , FetchError(..)\n , FooterModel\n , Model\n )\n\nimport Concourse\nimport Dashboard.Group.Models\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport FetchResult exposing (FetchResult)\nimport Login.Login as Login\nimport Message.Effects exposing (Effect(..))\nimport Message.Message exposing (DropTarget)\nimport Routes\nimport Set exposing (Set)\nimport Time\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n FooterModel\n (Login.Model\n { now : Maybe Time.Posix\n , highDensity : Bool\n , pipelinesWithResourceErrors : Set Concourse.DatabaseID\n , jobs : FetchResult (Dict ( Concourse.DatabaseID, Concourse.JobName ) Concourse.Job)\n , pipelineLayers : Dict Concourse.DatabaseID (List (List Concourse.JobName))\n , teams : FetchResult (List Concourse.Team)\n , dragState : DragState\n , dropState : DropState\n , isJobsRequestFinished : Bool\n , isTeamsRequestFinished : Bool\n , isPipelinesRequestFinished : Bool\n , isResourcesRequestFinished : Bool\n , jobsError : Maybe FetchError\n , teamsError : Maybe FetchError\n , resourcesError : Maybe FetchError\n , pipelinesError : Maybe FetchError\n , viewportWidth : Float\n , viewportHeight : Float\n , scrollTop : Float\n , pipelineJobs : Dict Concourse.DatabaseID (List Concourse.JobName)\n , effectsToRetry : List Effect\n }\n )\n\n\ntype FetchError\n = Failed\n | Disabled\n\n\ntype DragState\n = NotDragging\n | Dragging Concourse.TeamName String\n\n\ntype DropState\n = NotDropping\n | Dropping DropTarget\n | DroppingWhileApiRequestInFlight Concourse.TeamName\n\n\ntype alias FooterModel r =\n { r\n | hideFooter : Bool\n , hideFooterCounter : Int\n , showHelp : Bool\n , pipelines : Maybe (Dict String (List Dashboard.Group.Models.Pipeline))\n , dropdown : Dropdown\n , highDensity : Bool\n , dashboardView : Routes.DashboardView\n , query : String\n }\n\n\ntype Dropdown\n = Hidden\n | Shown (Maybe Int)\n","avg_line_length":26.8658536585,"max_line_length":97,"alphanum_fraction":0.6259645937} +{"size":9655,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Bootstrap.Form.Radio exposing\n ( radio, custom, advancedRadio, advancedCustom, label, Label\n , id, checked, name, inline, onClick, disabled, attrs, Option\n , success, danger\n , radioList, create, createCustom, createAdvanced, createCustomAdvanced, Radio\n )\n\n{-| This module allows you to create Bootstrap styled radios.\n\n\n# Creating\n\n@docs radio, custom, advancedRadio, advancedCustom, label, Label\n\n\n# Options\n\n@docs id, checked, name, inline, onClick, disabled, attrs, Option\n\n\n# Validation\n\n@docs success, danger\n\n\n# Composing\n\n@docs radioList, create, createCustom, createAdvanced, createCustomAdvanced, Radio\n\n-}\n\nimport Bootstrap.Form.FormInternal as FormInternal\nimport Html.Styled as Html\nimport Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes\nimport Html.Styled.Events as Events\n\n\n{-| Opaque composable type representing a Radio.\n-}\ntype Radio msg\n = Radio\n { options : List (Option msg)\n , label : Label msg\n }\n\n\n{-| Opaque type representing a Radio label.\n-}\ntype Label msg\n = Label\n { attributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)\n , children : List (Html.Html msg)\n }\n\n\n{-| Opaque type representing valid customization options for a radio\n-}\ntype Option msg\n = Id String\n | Checked Bool\n | Inline\n | Name String\n | OnClick msg\n | Custom\n | Disabled Bool\n | Validation FormInternal.Validation\n | Attrs (List (Html.Attribute msg))\n\n\ntype alias Options msg =\n { id : Maybe String\n , checked : Bool\n , name : Maybe String\n , custom : Bool\n , disabled : Bool\n , inline : Bool\n , onClick : Maybe msg\n , validation : Maybe FormInternal.Validation\n , attributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)\n }\n\n\n{-| Create a single radio input.\n\n Radio.radio\n [ Radio.id \"myRadio\"\n , Radio.checked True\n , Radio.onClick MyRadioMsg\n ]\n \"My radio\"\n\n-}\nradio : List (Option msg) -> String -> Html.Html msg\nradio options label_ =\n create options label_ |> view\n\n\n{-| Create a single radio input with customized Bootstrap styling.\n\n Radio.custom\n [ Radio.id \"myCustomRadio\"\n , Radio.checked True\n , Radio.onClick MyRadioMsg\n ]\n \"My custom radio\"\n\n-}\ncustom : List (Option msg) -> String -> Html.Html msg\ncustom options label_ =\n createCustom options label_ |> view\n\n\n{-| Create a label for a radio when using advancedRadio or advancedCustom\n\n Radio.label [ style \"font-size\" \"24px\" ] [ div [ class \"disclaimer\" ] [ text \"My disclaimer\" ] ]\n\n-}\nlabel : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> List (Html.Html msg) -> Label msg\nlabel attributes children =\n Label\n { attributes = attributes, children = children }\n\n\n{-| Create a radio element with customized label\n\n Radio.advancedRadio\n [ Radio.id \"myChk\"\n , Radio.checked True\n , Radio.onCheck MyRadioMsg\n ]\n (Radio.label [ class \"mylabelclass\" ] [ text \"Hello\" ])\n\n-}\nadvancedRadio : List (Option msg) -> Label msg -> Html.Html msg\nadvancedRadio options label_ =\n createAdvanced options label_ |> view\n\n\n{-| Create a radio element with customized label\n\n Radio.advancedCustom\n [ Radio.id \"myChk\"\n , Radio.checked True\n , Radio.onCheck MyRadioMsg\n ]\n (Radio.label [ class \"mylabelclass\" ] [ text \"Hello\" ])\n\n-}\nadvancedCustom : List (Option msg) -> Label msg -> Html.Html msg\nadvancedCustom options label_ =\n createCustomAdvanced options label_ |> view\n\n\n{-| In most cases you would probably create multiple radios as a group.\nThis function is a convenient helper to create a list of radios\n\n -- You might have defined a single message for all your radios like this\n type Msg\n = MyRadioMsg MyRadio Bool\n\n type MyRadio\n = Radio1\n | Radio2\n | Radio3\n\n\n -- In some view function your could create a radio list as follows\n\n Radio.radioList \"myradios\"\n [ Radio.create\n [ Radio.id \"myRadio1\", Radio.onCheck (MyRadioMsg MyRadio1) ]\n \"Radio 1\"\n , Radio.create\n [ Radio.id \"myRadio2\", Radio.onCheck (MyRadioMsg MyRadio2) ]\n \"Radio 2\"\n , Radio.create\n [ Radio.id \"myRadio3\", Radio.onCheck (MyRadioMsg MyRadio3) ]\n \"Radio 3\"\n ]\n\n - `groupName` - Name of the radios, all radios will get the same name\n - `radios` - List of radios.\n\n-}\nradioList :\n String\n -> List (Radio msg)\n -> List (Html.Html msg)\nradioList groupName radios =\n List.map\n (view << (addOption <| name groupName))\n radios\n\n\n{-| Create a composable radio for use in a [`radioList`](#radioList)\n-}\ncreate : List (Option msg) -> String -> Radio msg\ncreate options label_ =\n createAdvanced options (label [] [ Html.text label_ ])\n\n\n{-| Create a composable radio with customized label for use in a [`radioList`](#radioList)\n-}\ncreateAdvanced : List (Option msg) -> Label msg -> Radio msg\ncreateAdvanced options label_ =\n Radio\n { options = options\n , label = label_\n }\n\n\n{-| Create a composable custom radio for use in a [`radioList`](#radioList)\n-}\ncreateCustom : List (Option msg) -> String -> Radio msg\ncreateCustom options =\n create (Custom :: options)\n\n\n{-| Create a composable custom radio with customized label for use in a [`radioList`](#radioList)\n-}\ncreateCustomAdvanced : List (Option msg) -> Label msg -> Radio msg\ncreateCustomAdvanced options =\n createAdvanced (Custom :: options)\n\n\naddOption : Option msg -> Radio msg -> Radio msg\naddOption opt (Radio ({ options } as radio_)) =\n Radio { radio_ | options = opt :: options }\n\n\nview : Radio msg -> Html.Html msg\nview (Radio radio_) =\n let\n opts =\n List.foldl applyModifier defaultOptions radio_.options\n\n (Label label_) =\n radio_.label\n in\n Html.div\n [ Attributes.classList\n [ ( \"form-check\", not opts.custom )\n , ( \"form-check-inline\", not opts.custom && opts.inline )\n , ( \"custom-control\", opts.custom )\n , ( \"custom-radio\", opts.custom )\n , ( \"custom-control-inline\", opts.inline && opts.custom )\n ]\n ]\n [ Html.input (toAttributes opts) []\n , Html.label\n (label_.attributes\n ++ [ Attributes.classList\n [ ( \"form-check-label\", not opts.custom )\n , ( \"custom-control-label\", opts.custom )\n ]\n ]\n ++ (case opts.id of\n Just v ->\n [ Attributes.for v ]\n\n Nothing ->\n []\n )\n )\n label_.children\n ]\n\n\n{-| Shorthand for assigning an onClick handler for a radio.\n-}\nonClick : msg -> Option msg\nonClick toMsg =\n OnClick toMsg\n\n\n{-| Option to toggle the radio checked property on off.\n-}\nchecked : Bool -> Option msg\nchecked isCheck =\n Checked isCheck\n\n\n{-| Option to disable the radio\n-}\ndisabled : Bool -> Option msg\ndisabled disabled_ =\n Disabled disabled_\n\n\n{-| Use this option to display radios inline.\n-}\ninline : Option msg\ninline =\n Inline\n\n\n{-| Option to set the name of a radio.\n\nA single radio doesn't make much sense, typically you would have several. To automatically\nunselect one radio, when selecting another you need to have the same name for each radio in a group.\n\n-}\nname : String -> Option msg\nname name_ =\n Name name_\n\n\n{-| Use this function to handle any Html.Attribute option you wish for your radio\n-}\nattrs : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Option msg\nattrs attrs_ =\n Attrs attrs_\n\n\n{-| Set the id for the radio. Will automatically set the for attribute for the label\n\nNOTE: You have to use this for custom checkboxes.\n\n-}\nid : String -> Option msg\nid theId =\n Id theId\n\n\n{-| Option to color a radio with success.\n-}\nsuccess : Option msg\nsuccess =\n Validation FormInternal.Success\n\n\n{-| Option to color a radio with danger.\n-}\ndanger : Option msg\ndanger =\n Validation FormInternal.Danger\n\n\napplyModifier : Option msg -> Options msg -> Options msg\napplyModifier modifier options =\n case modifier of\n Id val ->\n { options | id = Just val }\n\n Checked val ->\n { options | checked = val }\n\n Name val ->\n { options | name = Just val }\n\n Inline ->\n { options | inline = True }\n\n OnClick toMsg ->\n { options | onClick = Just toMsg }\n\n Custom ->\n { options | custom = True }\n\n Disabled val ->\n { options | disabled = val }\n\n Validation validation ->\n { options | validation = Just validation }\n\n Attrs attrs_ ->\n { options | attributes = options.attributes ++ attrs_ }\n\n\ntoAttributes : Options msg -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\ntoAttributes options =\n [ Attributes.classList\n [ ( \"form-check-input\", not options.custom )\n , ( \"custom-control-input\", options.custom )\n ]\n , Attributes.type_ \"radio\"\n , Attributes.disabled options.disabled\n , Attributes.checked options.checked\n ]\n ++ ([ Maybe.map Events.onClick options.onClick\n , Maybe.map Attributes.name options.name\n , Maybe.map Attributes.id options.id\n ]\n |> List.filterMap identity\n )\n ++ options.attributes\n\n\ndefaultOptions : Options msg\ndefaultOptions =\n { id = Nothing\n , checked = False\n , name = Nothing\n , custom = False\n , inline = False\n , disabled = False\n , onClick = Nothing\n , validation = Nothing\n , attributes = []\n }\n","avg_line_length":24.0773067332,"max_line_length":100,"alphanum_fraction":0.6143966857} +{"size":1827,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module LineEndingTests exposing (suite)\n\nimport Expect exposing (Expectation)\nimport LineEnding\nimport Parser.Advanced as Advanced exposing ((|.), (|=))\nimport Test exposing (..)\n\n\nsuite : Test\nsuite =\n describe \"line endings\"\n [ test \"single newline\" <|\n \\() ->\n \"\\n\"\n |> expectSuccess\n , test \"non-whitespace\" <|\n \\() ->\n \"This is not whitespace\"\n |> expectNothingConsumed\n , test \"whitespace without line endings\" <|\n \\() ->\n \" \\t \\t\"\n |> expectSuccess\n , test \"multiple line endings\" <|\n \\() ->\n \"\\n\\n\"\n |> expectError\n ]\n\n\nexpectSuccess : String -> Expect.Expectation\nexpectSuccess input =\n input\n |> Advanced.run LineEnding.optionalWhitespaceUpToOneLineEnding\n |> Expect.equal (Ok ())\n\n\nexpectError : String -> Expectation\nexpectError input =\n case input |> Advanced.run LineEnding.optionalWhitespaceUpToOneLineEnding of\n Ok value ->\n Expect.fail <| \"Expecting an error. Got:\\n\\n\" ++ Debug.toString value\n\n Err _ ->\n Expect.pass\n\n\nexpectNothingConsumed : String -> Expectation\nexpectNothingConsumed input =\n case\n input\n |> Advanced.run\n (Advanced.succeed identity\n |. LineEnding.optionalWhitespaceUpToOneLineEnding\n |= Advanced.getOffset\n )\n of\n Ok offset ->\n if offset > 0 then\n Expect.fail <| \"Expected parser not to consume any characters, but it consumed \" ++ String.fromInt offset\n\n else\n Expect.pass\n\n Err _ ->\n Expect.fail \"Expecting parser to succeed but it failed.\"\n","avg_line_length":27.2686567164,"max_line_length":121,"alphanum_fraction":0.5396825397} +{"size":3965,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Pickers.Views\n exposing\n ( singleSelectFormList\n , singleSelectChordList\n , multiSelectFormList\n , multiSelectChordList\n )\n\nimport Html exposing (Html, text, li, ul, section, h1, div)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (..)\nimport Html.Events exposing (on)\nimport Json.Decode as Json\nimport Pickers.Data exposing (chordForms, chordNames)\n\n\n\ngrabNodeText : Json.Decoder String\ngrabNodeText =\n Json.at [ \"target\", \"textContent\" ] Json.string\n\n\nonChordSelect : (String -> msg) -> Html.Attribute msg\nonChordSelect node =\n on \"click\" (Json.map node grabNodeText)\n\n\n\n-- Display of a single chord name. Note the fancy custom event so\n-- I can get the text from the node\n{-\n TODO: compose two versions of this function: one that takes a\n SelectedChords and one that takes a String (like now)\n\n The itemMapper is the only thing that changes based on input, so\n bust out the HTML bit as a function to reuse and you are good.\n -\n-}\n-- Display of a single Form Name\n\n\nformListItem : (String -> msg) -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> Html msg\nformListItem msg test form =\n li\n [ onFormSelect msg\n , classList [ ( \"formList__item\", True ), ( \"formList__item--selected\", (test form) ) ]\n ]\n [ text form ]\n\n\nchordListItem : (String -> msg) -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> Html msg\nchordListItem msg test chord =\n li\n [ onChordSelect msg\n , classList [ ( \"chordList__item\", True ), ( \"chordList__item--selected\", (test chord) ) ]\n ]\n [ text chord ]\n\n\n\n-- custom event handler for clicking that calls a special function to get\n-- at the node text\n\n\nonFormSelect : (String -> msg) -> Html.Attribute msg\nonFormSelect node =\n on \"click\" (Json.map node grabNodeText)\n\n\n\n-- List of all the Forms\n\n\ntestStr : String -> String -> Bool\ntestStr a b =\n a == b\n\n\ntestList : List String -> String -> Bool\ntestList selectedThings testThing =\n flip List.member selectedThings testThing\n\n\nsingleSelectFormList : (String -> msg) -> String -> Html msg\nsingleSelectFormList msg selectedForm =\n let\n test =\n testStr selectedForm\n\n itemMapper =\n formListItem msg test\n\n formItems =\n List.map itemMapper chordForms\n in\n formListView formItems\n\n\nsingleSelectChordList : (String -> msg) -> String -> Html msg\nsingleSelectChordList msg selectedChord =\n let\n test =\n testStr selectedChord\n\n mapper =\n chordListItem msg test\n\n chords =\n List.map mapper chordNames\n in\n chordListView chords\n\n\nmultiSelectFormList : (String -> msg) -> List String -> Html msg\nmultiSelectFormList msg selectedForms =\n let\n test =\n testList selectedForms\n\n itemMapper =\n formListItem msg test\n\n formItems =\n List.map itemMapper chordForms\n in\n formListView formItems\n\n\nmultiSelectChordList : (String -> msg) -> List String -> Html msg\nmultiSelectChordList msg selectedChords =\n let\n test =\n testList selectedChords\n\n itemMapper =\n chordListItem msg test\n\n chords =\n List.map itemMapper chordNames\n in\n chordListView chords\n\n\nchordListView : List (Html msg) -> Html msg\nchordListView chords =\n listView \"chord\" chords\n\n\nformListView : List (Html msg) -> Html msg\nformListView items =\n listView \"form\" items\n\n\nlistView : String -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg\nlistView classSuffix items =\n let\n baseClass =\n classSuffix ++ \"List\"\n\n headerClass =\n baseClass ++ \"__header contentTitle\"\n\n listClass =\n baseClass ++ \"__list\"\n in\n section\n [ class baseClass ]\n [ h1\n [ class headerClass ]\n [ text classSuffix ]\n , ul\n [ class listClass ]\n items\n ]\n","avg_line_length":22.7873563218,"max_line_length":98,"alphanum_fraction":0.6179066835} +{"size":1297,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":29.0,"content":"module Animation.A4Realism.Droplet exposing (..)\n\nimport Svg as S exposing (Svg)\nimport Svg.Attributes as SA\nimport Animation\nimport Animation\nimport Time\nimport Ease \n\n-- All types and utilities are unchanged\nimport Animation.A2Tidy.Types exposing (AnimationModel)\nimport Animation.A2Tidy.AppAnimation exposing (..)\n\n-- The description of falling:\n\nfalling : Animation.Interpolation \nfalling =\n Animation.easing\n { duration = Time.second * 0.5\n , ease = Ease.inQuad\n }\n\n-- Here's the only revised function:\n\nfalls : AnimationModel -> AnimationModel\nfalls = \n Animation.interrupt\n [ Animation.loop\n [ Animation.set initStyles\n , Animation.toWith falling fallenStyles\n ]\n ]\n\n-- For comparison, the previous version: \n \nfalls__Replaced : AnimationModel -> AnimationModel\nfalls__Replaced =\n Animation.interrupt\n [ Animation.loop\n [ Animation.set initStyles\n , Animation.to fallenStyles\n ]\n ]\n\n-- Unchanged functions\n\nview : AnimationModel -> Svg msg\nview =\n animatable S.rect <| HasFixedPart\n [ SA.height \"20\"\n , SA.width \"20\"\n , SA.fill \"grey\"\n , SA.x \"300\"\n ]\n\ninitStyles : List Animation.Property\ninitStyles =\n [ Animation.y 10 ]\n\nfallenStyles : List Animation.Property\nfallenStyles =\n [ Animation.y 200 ]\n","avg_line_length":20.5873015873,"max_line_length":55,"alphanum_fraction":0.6939090208} +{"size":1968,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":4.0,"content":"-- Copyright 2015 Ian D. Bollinger\n--\n-- Licensed under the MIT license . This file may not be copied, modified,\n-- or distributed except according to those terms.\n\nmodule Skald.View\n ( view\n ) where\n\n{-|\n-}\n\nimport Array exposing (Array)\nimport Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, toElement, input)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (autofocus, style, value)\nimport Html.Events exposing (on, keyCode, targetValue)\nimport Json.Decode as Json\nimport Keyboard.Keys as Keys\nimport Signal exposing (Address)\n\nimport Native.Skald\nimport Skald.AppAction exposing (AppAction (..))\nimport Skald.Model as Model exposing (Model)\nimport Skald.Tale as Tale exposing (Tale)\n\n\nview : Tale -> Address AppAction -> Model -> Html\nview tale address model =\n -- TODO: this needs to be moved to where it will work 100% of the time.\n Native.Skald.scrollToBottom <|\n Html.article [ style (Tale.pageStyle tale) ]\n [ Tale.preamble tale tale\n , history tale (Model.history model)\n , inputField tale address (Model.inputField model)\n ]\n\n\nhistory : Tale -> Array Html -> Html\nhistory tale entries =\n -- TODO: having to convert back to a list seems to negate the benefit of\n -- using an array.\n Html.div [ style (Tale.historyStyle tale) ] (Array.toList entries)\n\n\ninputField : Tale -> Address AppAction -> String -> Html\ninputField tale address string =\n Html.div [ style (Tale.inputStyle tale) ]\n [ input\n [ autofocus True\n , value string\n , on \"input\" targetValue (Signal.message address << UpdateField)\n , onEnter address SubmitField\n , style (Tale.fieldStyle tale)\n ]\n []\n ]\n\n\nonEnter : Address a -> a -> Attribute\nonEnter address value =\n on \"keydown\"\n (Json.customDecoder keyCode isEnter)\n (\\_ -> Signal.message address value)\n\n\nisEnter : Int -> Result String ()\nisEnter code =\n if code == .keyCode Keys.enter\n then Ok ()\n else Err \"Incorrect key code.\"\n","avg_line_length":27.3333333333,"max_line_length":78,"alphanum_fraction":0.6961382114} +{"size":1023,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":176.0,"content":"module Quoted.Route exposing (Lang(..), Query, Route(..), Sort(..), lang, query, route, sort)\n\nimport UrlParser exposing (..)\n\n\ntype Route\n = Home Query\n | Quote Lang\n | Buggy\n | Number\n\n\ntype Lang\n = LangAll\n | Lang String\n\n\ntype Sort\n = Asc\n | Desc\n\n\ntype alias Query =\n { q : String\n , sort : Sort\n }\n\n\nroute : Parser (Route -> a) a\nroute =\n oneOf\n [ map Home (top <\/> query)\n , map Quote (s \"quote\" <\/> lang)\n , map Buggy (s \"buggy\")\n , map Number (s \"number\")\n ]\n\n\nlang : Parser (Lang -> a) a\nlang =\n oneOf\n [ map LangAll top\n , map Lang string\n ]\n\n\nquery : Parser (Query -> a) a\nquery =\n map Query\n (top\n customParam \"q\" (Maybe.withDefault \"\")\n customParam \"sort\" sort\n )\n\n\nsort : Maybe String -> Sort\nsort =\n Maybe.withDefault \"\"\n >> (\\val ->\n if val == \"asc\" then\n Asc\n\n else\n Desc\n )\n","avg_line_length":15.5,"max_line_length":93,"alphanum_fraction":0.468230694} +{"size":3523,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Internal.Force exposing\n ( byDistance\n , exactly\n , force\n , forceWith\n , tick\n )\n\n{-| -}\n\nimport Duration\nimport Force\nimport Mass\nimport Pixels\nimport Point2d\nimport Quantity\nimport Speed\nimport Vector2d\n\n\ntype alias Point coords =\n Point2d.Point2d Pixels.Pixels coords\n\n\ntype alias PixelForceVector coords =\n Vector2d.Vector2d PixelNewtons coords\n\n\ntype alias Pixels =\n Quantity.Quantity Float Pixels.Pixels\n\n\ntype alias PixelForce =\n Quantity.Quantity Float PixelNewtons\n\n\ntype alias PixelNewtons =\n Quantity.Product Mass.Kilograms Pixels.PixelsPerSecondSquared\n\n\n{-| -}\ntick : Duration.Duration -> List (PixelForceVector coords) -> Point coords -> Point coords\ntick dur forces start =\n let\n resolvedForce =\n resolve forces\n in\n Point2d.xy\n (apply dur\n (Vector2d.xComponent resolvedForce)\n (Mass.kilograms 1)\n (Point2d.xCoordinate start)\n )\n (apply dur\n (Vector2d.yComponent resolvedForce)\n (Mass.kilograms 1)\n (Point2d.yCoordinate start)\n )\n\n\n{-| force = mass \\* acceleration\n\nacceleration = dVelocity\/dTime\n\nvelocity = dX\/dT\n\n(force \/ mass) \\* dT = dV\n\n-}\napply : Duration.Duration -> PixelForce -> Mass.Mass -> Pixels -> Pixels\napply duration pixelForce mass original =\n let\n acceleration =\n pixelForce |> Quantity.over mass\n\n -- we assume that we've come to a complete stop before this\n -- which means deltaVelocity == velocity\n -- though normally we'd add this delta to our previous velocity\n speed : Quantity.Quantity Float Pixels.PixelsPerSecond\n speed =\n acceleration |> Quantity.for duration\n in\n Quantity.plus original (speed |> Quantity.for duration)\n\n\ntype Magnitude\n = Exactly PixelForce\n | ByDistance (Pixels -> PixelForce)\n\n\nbyDistance =\n ByDistance\n\n\nexactly =\n Exactly\n\n\nforceWith :\n { towards : Point coords\n , from : Point coords\n , magnitude : Magnitude\n }\n -> PixelForceVector coords\nforceWith { towards, from, magnitude } =\n let\n x =\n distanceX from towards\n\n y =\n distanceY from towards\n\n hyp =\n Point2d.distanceFrom from towards\n\n forceAlongHypoteneuse =\n case magnitude of\n Exactly pixelForce ->\n pixelForce\n\n ByDistance fn ->\n fn hyp\n\n forceX =\n Quantity.multiplyBy\n -- not entirely sure why this needs to be (* -1), but it makes the signs work out.\n ((-1 * Pixels.inPixels x) \/ Pixels.inPixels hyp)\n forceAlongHypoteneuse\n\n forceY =\n Quantity.multiplyBy\n ((-1 * Pixels.inPixels y) \/ Pixels.inPixels hyp)\n forceAlongHypoteneuse\n in\n if from == towards then\n Vector2d.zero\n\n else\n Vector2d.xy forceX forceY\n\n\nforce : Float -> PixelForce\nforce =\n Quantity.Quantity\n\n\ndistanceX : Point coords -> Point coords -> Pixels\ndistanceX one two =\n Point2d.xCoordinate one |> Quantity.minus (Point2d.xCoordinate two)\n\n\ndistanceY : Point coords -> Point coords -> Pixels\ndistanceY one two =\n Point2d.yCoordinate one |> Quantity.minus (Point2d.yCoordinate two)\n\n\n{-| Resolve a list of forces on an entity into the X and Y\n-}\nresolve : List (PixelForceVector coords) -> PixelForceVector coords\nresolve forces =\n List.foldl Vector2d.plus Vector2d.zero forces\n","avg_line_length":21.7469135802,"max_line_length":98,"alphanum_fraction":0.630144763} +{"size":5104,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":11.0,"content":"module Test.Char exposing (tests)\n\nimport Basics exposing (..)\nimport Char exposing (..)\nimport Expect\nimport FromElmTest.Fuzz\nimport Fuzz\nimport List\nimport Test exposing (..)\n\n\nlower =\n [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' ]\n\n\nupper =\n [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ]\n\n\ndec =\n [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ]\n\n\noct =\n List.take 8 dec\n\n\nhexLower =\n List.take 6 lower\n\n\nhexUpper =\n List.take 6 upper\n\n\nhex =\n List.append hexLower hexUpper |> List.append dec\n\n\nlowerCodes =\n List.range 97 (97 + List.length lower - 1)\n\n\nupperCodes =\n List.range 65 (65 + List.length upper - 1)\n\n\ndecCodes =\n List.range 48 (48 + List.length dec - 1)\n\n\noneOf : List a -> a -> Bool\noneOf list e =\n List.member e list\n\n\ntests : Test\ntests =\n describe \"Char\"\n [ describe \"toCode\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lowerCodes (List.map toCode lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upperCodes (List.map toCode upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal decCodes (List.map toCode dec)\n , test \"UTF-16\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal 0x0001D306 (Char.toCode '\ud834\udf06')\n , test \"replacement\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal 0xFFFD (Char.toCode '\ufffd')\n ]\n , describe \"fromCode\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lower (List.map fromCode lowerCodes)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upper (List.map fromCode upperCodes)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal dec (List.map fromCode decCodes)\n , test \"UTF-16\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal '\ud834\udf06' (Char.fromCode 0x0001D306)\n , test \"replacement\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal '\ufffd' (Char.fromCode 0xFFFD)\n ]\n , describe \"toCode\/fromCode round trip\"\n [ fuzz (Fuzz.intRange 0 0x0010FFFF) \"random code point\" <|\n \\i ->\n fromCode i\n |> toCode\n |> Expect.equal i\n , fuzz FromElmTest.Fuzz.string \"random unicode string\" <|\n \\str ->\n String.toList str\n |> List.map toCode\n |> List.map fromCode\n |> String.fromList\n |> Expect.equal str\n ]\n , describe \"toLocaleLower\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lower (List.map toLocaleLower lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lower (List.map toLocaleLower upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal dec (List.map toLocaleLower dec)\n ]\n , describe \"toLocaleUpper\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upper (List.map toLocaleUpper lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upper (List.map toLocaleUpper upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal dec (List.map toLocaleUpper dec)\n ]\n , describe \"toLower\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lower (List.map toLower lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal lower (List.map toLower upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal dec (List.map toLower dec)\n ]\n , describe \"toUpper\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upper (List.map toUpper lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal upper (List.map toUpper upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal dec (List.map toUpper dec)\n ]\n , describe \"isLower\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal True (List.all isLower lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isLower upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isLower dec)\n ]\n , describe \"isUpper\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isUpper lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal True (List.all isUpper upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isUpper dec)\n ]\n , describe \"isDigit\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isDigit lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isDigit upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal True (List.all isDigit dec)\n ]\n , describe \"isHexDigit\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal (List.map (oneOf hex) lower) (List.map isHexDigit lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal (List.map (oneOf hex) upper) (List.map isHexDigit upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal True (List.all isHexDigit dec)\n ]\n , describe \"isOctDigit\"\n [ test \"a-z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isOctDigit lower)\n , test \"A-Z\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal False (List.any isOctDigit upper)\n , test \"0-9\" <| \\() -> Expect.equal (List.map (oneOf oct) dec) (List.map isOctDigit dec)\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":38.0895522388,"max_line_length":136,"alphanum_fraction":0.4903996865} +{"size":4802,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module SnakeTest exposing (..)\n\nimport Expect\nimport Snake exposing (Direction(..), snakeStep)\nimport Test exposing (..)\n\n\nsuite : Test\nsuite =\n describe \"Tests\"\n [ describe \"Basic list operations\"\n [ test \"drop works as I expect\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n ls =\n [ 1, 2, 3 ]\n in\n Expect.equal [ 3 ] (List.drop 2 ls)\n , test \"take works as I expect\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n ls =\n [ 1, 2, 3 ]\n in\n Expect.equal [ 1, 2 ] (List.take 2 ls)\n ]\n , describe \"Snake Behaviour\"\n [ test \"2 cell snake test one step right\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n snakeBefore =\n { heading = Right\n , head = { x = 1, y = 2 }\n , body = [ { x = 0, y = 2 } ]\n }\n\n expected =\n { heading = Right\n , head = { x = 2, y = 2 }\n , body = [ { x = 1, y = 2 } ]\n }\n in\n Expect.equal expected (snakeStep snakeBefore { x = 0, y = 0 })\n , test \"2 cell snake test one step down\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n snakeBefore =\n { heading = Down\n , head = { x = 1, y = 2 }\n , body = [ { x = 0, y = 2 } ]\n }\n\n expected =\n { heading = Down\n , head = { x = 1, y = 3 }\n , body = [ { x = 1, y = 2 } ]\n }\n in\n Expect.equal expected (snakeStep snakeBefore { x = 0, y = 0 })\n , test \"3 cell snake test one step up\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n snakeBefore =\n { heading = Up\n , head = { x = 3, y = 2 }\n , body = [ { x = 2, y = 2 }, { x = 1, y = 2 } ]\n }\n\n expected =\n { heading = Up\n , head = { x = 3, y = 1 }\n , body = [ { x = 3, y = 2 }, { x = 2, y = 2 } ]\n }\n in\n Expect.equal expected (snakeStep snakeBefore { x = 0, y = 0 })\n , test \"the head of body is neighbour of snake head\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n snakeBefore =\n { heading = Left\n , head = { x = 1, y = 0 }\n , body = [ { x = 2, y = 0 }, { x = 3, y = 0 } ]\n }\n\n expected =\n { heading = Left\n , head = { x = 0, y = 0 }\n , body = [ { x = 1, y = 0 }, { x = 2, y = 0 } ]\n }\n in\n Expect.equal expected (snakeStep snakeBefore { x = 100, y = 100 })\n -- TODO: test is hard to express\/get right. Rewrite this test as a printer\/approval style?\n -- - Tried this, but I don't know how to write multi line strings in Elm!\n , test \"eating a munchie means 3 more body cells at end\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n munchiePosition =\n { x = 3, y = 1 }\n \n snakeBefore =\n { heading = Up\n , head = { x = 3, y = 2 }\n , body =\n [ { x = 2, y = 2 }\n , { x = 1, y = 2 }\n ]\n }\n \n expected =\n { heading = Up\n , head = munchiePosition\n , body =\n [ { x = 3, y = 2 }\n , { x = 2, y = 2 }\n , { x = 2, y = 2 }\n , { x = 2, y = 2 }\n , { x = 2, y = 2 }\n ]\n }\n in\n Expect.equal expected (snakeStep snakeBefore munchiePosition)\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":38.7258064516,"max_line_length":102,"alphanum_fraction":0.260724698} +{"size":436,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":161.0,"content":"module Element.Lazy exposing (lazy, lazy2, lazy3)\n\n{-| #Lazy\n@docs lazy, lazy2, lazy3\n-}\n\nimport Element exposing (Element)\nimport Element.Internal as Internal\n\n\n{-| -}\nlazy : (a -> Element msg) -> a -> Element msg\nlazy =\n Internal.lazy\n\n\n{-| -}\nlazy2 : (a -> b -> Element msg) -> a -> b -> Element msg\nlazy2 =\n Internal.lazy2\n\n\n{-| -}\nlazy3 : (a -> b -> c -> Element msg) -> a -> b -> c -> Element msg\nlazy3 =\n Internal.lazy3\n","avg_line_length":16.1481481481,"max_line_length":66,"alphanum_fraction":0.5917431193} +{"size":1201,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Elm.AST.Typed.Unwrapped exposing (Expr, Expr_(..))\n\n{-| Version of [Typed AST](Elm.AST.Typed) without the location info.\n\nHandy for type inference tests, or when you don't need the location info.\n\nConvert to it using the [`Elm.AST.Typed.unwrap`](Elm.AST.Typed#unwrap).\n\n@docs Expr, Expr_\n\n-}\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Elm.Data.Binding exposing (Binding)\nimport Elm.Data.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)\nimport Elm.Data.Type exposing (Type)\nimport Elm.Data.VarName exposing (VarName)\n\n\n{-| -}\ntype alias Expr =\n ( Expr_, Type )\n\n\n{-| Note this type recurses not on itself but on Expr (so that children also hold\ntype information).\n-}\ntype Expr_\n = Int Int\n | Float Float\n | Char Char\n | String String\n | Bool Bool\n | Var { module_ : ModuleName, name : VarName }\n | Argument VarName\n | Plus Expr Expr\n | Cons Expr Expr\n | Lambda { argument : VarName, body : Expr }\n | Call { fn : Expr, argument : Expr }\n | If { test : Expr, then_ : Expr, else_ : Expr }\n | Let { bindings : Dict VarName (Binding Expr), body : Expr }\n | List (List Expr)\n | Unit\n | Tuple Expr Expr\n | Tuple3 Expr Expr Expr\n | Record (Dict VarName (Binding Expr))\n","avg_line_length":25.5531914894,"max_line_length":81,"alphanum_fraction":0.6627810158} +{"size":2383,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Examples.Frame.CustomLabels exposing (..)\n\n\n-- THIS IS A GENERATED MODULE!\n\nimport Html as H\nimport Svg as S\nimport Chart as C\nimport Chart.Attributes as CA\nimport Chart.Svg as CS\n\n\nview : Model -> H.Html Msg\nview model =\n C.chart\n [ CA.height 300\n , CA.width 300\n ]\n [ C.grid []\n , C.xAxis []\n , C.generate 12 CS.ints .x [] <| \\p num ->\n let isEven = remainderBy 2 num == 0 in\n [ C.xLabel\n [ CA.x (toFloat num)\n , if isEven then identity else CA.y p.y.max\n , if isEven then identity else CA.moveUp 28\n , if isEven then identity else CA.fontSize 10\n , if isEven then identity else CA.color CA.blue\n ]\n [ S.text (String.fromInt num ++ \"\u00b0\") ]\n ]\n ]\n\n\nmeta =\n { category = \"Navigation\"\n , categoryOrder = 4\n , name = \"Custom labels\"\n , description = \"Control labels entirely.\"\n , order = 9\n }\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n ()\n\n\ninit : Model\ninit =\n ()\n\n\ntype Msg\n = Msg\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> Model\nupdate msg model =\n model\n\n\n\nsmallCode : String\nsmallCode =\n \"\"\"\n C.chart\n [ CA.height 300\n , CA.width 300\n ]\n [ C.grid []\n , C.xAxis []\n , C.generate 12 CS.ints .x [] <| \\\\p num ->\n let isEven = remainderBy 2 num == 0 in\n [ C.xLabel\n [ CA.x (toFloat num)\n , if isEven then identity else CA.y p.y.max\n , if isEven then identity else CA.moveUp 28\n , if isEven then identity else CA.fontSize 10\n , if isEven then identity else CA.color CA.blue\n ]\n [ S.text (String.fromInt num ++ \"\u00b0\") ]\n ]\n ]\n \"\"\"\n\n\nlargeCode : String\nlargeCode =\n \"\"\"\nimport Html as H\nimport Svg as S\nimport Chart as C\nimport Chart.Attributes as CA\nimport Chart.Svg as CS\n\n\nview : Model -> H.Html Msg\nview model =\n C.chart\n [ CA.height 300\n , CA.width 300\n ]\n [ C.grid []\n , C.xAxis []\n , C.generate 12 CS.ints .x [] <| \\\\p num ->\n let isEven = remainderBy 2 num == 0 in\n [ C.xLabel\n [ CA.x (toFloat num)\n , if isEven then identity else CA.y p.y.max\n , if isEven then identity else CA.moveUp 28\n , if isEven then identity else CA.fontSize 10\n , if isEven then identity else CA.color CA.blue\n ]\n [ S.text (String.fromInt num ++ \"\u00b0\") ]\n ]\n ]\n \"\"\"","avg_line_length":20.3675213675,"max_line_length":59,"alphanum_fraction":0.5417540915} +{"size":949,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module TimeUtil exposing (timeToDateString)\n\nimport Time\n\n\ntimeToDateString : Time.Posix -> Time.Zone -> String\ntimeToDateString time zone =\n let\n year =\n String.fromInt (Time.toYear zone time)\n\n month =\n Time.toMonth zone time |> toMonthString\n\n day =\n String.fromInt (Time.toDay zone time) |> String.pad 2 '0'\n in\n year ++ \"\/\" ++ month ++ \"\/\" ++ day\n\n\ntoMonthString : Time.Month -> String\ntoMonthString month =\n case month of\n Time.Jan ->\n \"01\"\n\n Time.Feb ->\n \"02\"\n\n Time.Mar ->\n \"03\"\n\n Time.Apr ->\n \"04\"\n\n Time.May ->\n \"05\"\n\n Time.Jun ->\n \"06\"\n\n Time.Jul ->\n \"07\"\n\n Time.Aug ->\n \"08\"\n\n Time.Sep ->\n \"09\"\n\n Time.Oct ->\n \"10\"\n\n Time.Nov ->\n \"11\"\n\n Time.Dec ->\n \"12\"\n","avg_line_length":16.0847457627,"max_line_length":69,"alphanum_fraction":0.4309799789} +{"size":318,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Guide exposing (Guide, decoder)\n\nimport Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)\n\ntype alias Guide =\n { dissonance : Float\n , deltas : List Float\n }\n\ndecoder : Decoder Guide\ndecoder =\n Decode.map2\n Guide\n (Decode.field \"dissonance\" Decode.float)\n (Decode.field \"deltas\" (Decode.list Decode.float))\n","avg_line_length":19.875,"max_line_length":54,"alphanum_fraction":0.7075471698} +{"size":238,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Customer.Types exposing (..)\n\nimport RemoteData exposing (..)\nimport Common.Customer.Types exposing (..)\n\n\ntype alias Model =\n RemoteData.WebData Customer\n\n\ntype Msg\n = Load Model\n | PatchCustomer String String Authorized\n","avg_line_length":17.0,"max_line_length":44,"alphanum_fraction":0.731092437} +{"size":710,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":3.0,"content":"module Main exposing (main)\n\nimport Benchmark exposing (..)\nimport Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program)\nimport Escape\nimport Old.Escape\n\n\nmain : BenchmarkProgram\nmain =\n program <|\n describe \"sanitization\"\n [ sanitizeBenchmark \"input is all valid\" valid\n , sanitizeBenchmark \"input has invalid stuff\" invalid\n ]\n\n\nsanitizeBenchmark : String -> String -> Benchmark\nsanitizeBenchmark description input =\n Benchmark.compare description\n \"Old.Escape.sanitize\"\n (\\_ -> Old.Escape.sanitize input)\n \"Escape.sanitize\"\n (\\_ -> Escape.sanitize input)\n\n\nvalid =\n \"crosstab-builder\"\n\n\ninvalid =\n \" 98 hel ___ \u017e\u0161\u010d\u0159--\u010f\u0165\u0148 lo\"\n","avg_line_length":21.5151515152,"max_line_length":65,"alphanum_fraction":0.6647887324} +{"size":488,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":29.0,"content":"module Choose.Common.Dict exposing\n ( valueAt\n )\n\nimport Choose.MaybeLens as MaybeLens exposing (MaybeLens)\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\n\nvalueAt : comparable -> MaybeLens (Dict comparable val) val\nvalueAt key = \n MaybeLens.make (Dict.get key) (Dict.insert key)\n\n\n\n\n\ntype alias Getter big small = big -> Maybe small\ntype alias Setter big small = small -> big -> big\n\nset key new dict =\n Dict.singleton key new\nmonstrous = MaybeLens.make (Dict.get \"key\") (set \"key\")\n \n \n","avg_line_length":20.3333333333,"max_line_length":59,"alphanum_fraction":0.6967213115} +{"size":6559,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module SideBar.Styles exposing\n ( Arrow(..)\n , Opacity(..)\n , PipelineBackingRectangle(..)\n , TeamBackingRectangle(..)\n , arrow\n , column\n , hamburgerIcon\n , hamburgerMenu\n , iconGroup\n , opacityAttr\n , pipeline\n , pipelineIcon\n , pipelineLink\n , sideBar\n , team\n , teamHeader\n , teamIcon\n , teamName\n , tooltip\n , tooltipArrow\n , tooltipBody\n )\n\nimport Assets\nimport Colors\nimport Html\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (style)\nimport Views.Icon as Icon\n\n\nsideBar : List (Html.Attribute msg)\nsideBar =\n [ style \"border-right\" <| \"1px solid \" ++ Colors.frame\n , style \"background-color\" Colors.sideBar\n , style \"width\" \"275px\"\n , style \"overflow-y\" \"auto\"\n , style \"height\" \"100%\"\n , style \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n , style \"padding-right\" \"10px\"\n , style \"box-sizing\" \"border-box\"\n , style \"padding-bottom\" \"10px\"\n , style \"-webkit-overflow-scrolling\" \"touch\"\n ]\n\n\ncolumn : List (Html.Attribute msg)\ncolumn =\n [ style \"display\" \"flex\"\n , style \"flex-direction\" \"column\"\n ]\n\n\nteamHeader : List (Html.Attribute msg)\nteamHeader =\n [ style \"display\" \"flex\"\n , style \"cursor\" \"pointer\"\n , style \"align-items\" \"center\"\n ]\n\n\niconGroup : List (Html.Attribute msg)\niconGroup =\n [ style \"width\" \"54px\"\n , style \"display\" \"flex\"\n , style \"align-items\" \"center\"\n , style \"justify-content\" \"space-between\"\n , style \"padding\" \"5px\"\n , style \"box-sizing\" \"border-box\"\n , style \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n ]\n\n\ntype Opacity\n = Dim\n | GreyedOut\n | Bright\n\n\nopacityAttr : Opacity -> Html.Attribute msg\nopacityAttr opacity =\n style \"opacity\" <|\n case opacity of\n Dim ->\n \"0.3\"\n\n GreyedOut ->\n \"0.7\"\n\n Bright ->\n \"1\"\n\n\nteamIcon : Opacity -> Html.Html msg\nteamIcon opacity =\n Icon.icon\n { sizePx = 20\n , image = Assets.PeopleIcon\n }\n [ style \"margin-left\" \"10px\"\n , style \"background-size\" \"contain\"\n , style \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n , opacityAttr opacity\n ]\n\n\ntype Arrow\n = Right\n | Down\n\n\narrow : { opacity : Opacity, icon : Arrow } -> Html.Html msg\narrow { opacity, icon } =\n Icon.icon\n { sizePx = 12\n , image =\n case icon of\n Right ->\n Assets.KeyboardArrowRight\n\n Down ->\n Assets.KeyboardArrowDown\n }\n [ style \"margin-left\" \"10px\"\n , style \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n , opacityAttr opacity\n ]\n\n\ntype TeamBackingRectangle\n = TeamInvisible\n | GreyWithLightBorder\n\n\nteamName :\n { a | opacity : Opacity, rectangle : TeamBackingRectangle }\n -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\nteamName { opacity, rectangle } =\n [ style \"font-size\" \"14px\"\n , style \"padding\" \"2.5px\"\n , style \"margin-left\" \"7.5px\"\n , style \"white-space\" \"nowrap\"\n , style \"overflow\" \"hidden\"\n , style \"text-overflow\" \"ellipsis\"\n , style \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , opacityAttr opacity\n ]\n ++ (case rectangle of\n TeamInvisible ->\n [ style \"border\" <| \"1px solid \" ++ Colors.sideBar\n ]\n\n GreyWithLightBorder ->\n [ style \"border\" \"1px solid #525151\"\n , style \"background-color\" \"#3A3A3A\"\n ]\n )\n\n\ntype PipelineBackingRectangle\n = Dark\n | Light\n | PipelineInvisible\n\n\npipelineLink :\n { a | opacity : Opacity, rectangle : PipelineBackingRectangle }\n -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\npipelineLink { opacity, rectangle } =\n [ style \"font-size\" \"14px\"\n , style \"white-space\" \"nowrap\"\n , style \"overflow\" \"hidden\"\n , style \"text-overflow\" \"ellipsis\"\n , style \"padding\" \"2.5px\"\n , style \"flex-grow\" \"1\"\n , opacityAttr opacity\n ]\n ++ (case rectangle of\n Dark ->\n [ style \"border\" <| \"1px solid \" ++ Colors.groupBorderSelected\n , style \"background-color\" Colors.sideBarActive\n ]\n\n Light ->\n [ style \"border\" \"1px solid #525151\"\n , style \"background-color\" \"#3A3A3A\"\n ]\n\n PipelineInvisible ->\n [ style \"border\" <| \"1px solid \" ++ Colors.sideBar ]\n )\n\n\nhamburgerMenu :\n { isSideBarOpen : Bool, isClickable : Bool }\n -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\nhamburgerMenu { isSideBarOpen, isClickable } =\n [ style \"border-right\" <| \"1px solid \" ++ Colors.frame\n , style \"opacity\" \"1\"\n , style \"cursor\" <|\n if isClickable then\n \"pointer\"\n\n else\n \"default\"\n , style \"background-color\" <|\n if isSideBarOpen then\n Colors.sideBar\n\n else\n Colors.frame\n ]\n\n\nhamburgerIcon : { isHovered : Bool, isActive : Bool } -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\nhamburgerIcon { isHovered, isActive } =\n [ style \"opacity\" <|\n if isActive || isHovered then\n \"1\"\n\n else\n \"0.5\"\n ]\n\n\nteam : List (Html.Attribute msg)\nteam =\n [ style \"padding-top\" \"5px\", style \"line-height\" \"1.2\" ] ++ column\n\n\npipeline : List (Html.Attribute msg)\npipeline =\n [ style \"display\" \"flex\"\n , style \"align-items\" \"center\"\n ]\n\n\npipelineIcon : Opacity -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\npipelineIcon opacity =\n [ style \"background-image\" <|\n Assets.backgroundImage <|\n Just <|\n Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.PipelineComponent\n , style \"background-repeat\" \"no-repeat\"\n , style \"height\" \"16px\"\n , style \"width\" \"32px\"\n , style \"background-size\" \"contain\"\n , style \"margin-left\" \"28px\"\n , style \"flex-shrink\" \"0\"\n , opacityAttr opacity\n ]\n\n\ntooltip : Float -> Float -> List (Html.Attribute msg)\ntooltip top left =\n [ style \"position\" \"fixed\"\n , style \"left\" <| String.fromFloat left ++ \"px\"\n , style \"top\" <| String.fromFloat top ++ \"px\"\n , style \"margin-top\" \"-15px\"\n , style \"z-index\" \"1\"\n , style \"display\" \"flex\"\n ]\n\n\ntooltipArrow : List (Html.Attribute msg)\ntooltipArrow =\n [ style \"border-right\" <| \"15px solid \" ++ Colors.frame\n , style \"border-top\" \"15px solid transparent\"\n , style \"border-bottom\" \"15px solid transparent\"\n ]\n\n\ntooltipBody : List (Html.Attribute msg)\ntooltipBody =\n [ style \"background-color\" Colors.frame\n , style \"padding-right\" \"10px\"\n , style \"font-size\" \"12px\"\n , style \"display\" \"flex\"\n , style \"align-items\" \"center\"\n ]\n","avg_line_length":23.3416370107,"max_line_length":82,"alphanum_fraction":0.5566397317} +{"size":111,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":40.0,"content":"module Evergreen.V13.MockFile exposing (..)\n\nimport File\n\n\ntype File\n = RealFile File\n | MockFile String\n","avg_line_length":12.3333333333,"max_line_length":43,"alphanum_fraction":0.7027027027} +{"size":70,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":40.0,"content":"module Evergreen.V13.Link exposing (..)\n\n\ntype Link\n = Link String\n","avg_line_length":11.6666666667,"max_line_length":39,"alphanum_fraction":0.6857142857} +{"size":579,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Internal.Storage.Value.Json exposing\n ( ValueJson\n , decode\n , encode\n , make\n , toComparable\n , toString\n )\n\nimport Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, Value)\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\n\n\ntype ValueJson\n = ValueJson Value\n\n\nmake : Value -> ValueJson\nmake =\n ValueJson\n\n\ntoComparable : ValueJson -> String\ntoComparable =\n toString\n\n\ntoString : ValueJson -> String\ntoString =\n Encode.encode 0 << encode\n\n\nencode : ValueJson -> Value\nencode (ValueJson a) =\n a\n\n\ndecode : Decoder ValueJson\ndecode =\n Decode.map make Decode.value\n","avg_line_length":14.1219512195,"max_line_length":54,"alphanum_fraction":0.6822107081} +{"size":7060,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"import Keyboard\nimport Array\nimport Random\n\ncollWd : Int\ncollWd = 1400\ncollHt : Int\ncollHt = 750\n\nboundCoords : Int -> (Int,Int)\nboundCoords full =\n let half = round (toFloat full \/ 2)\n in ((10 - half), (half - 10))\n\n-- (Int,Int)\n(minX, maxX) = boundCoords collWd\n(minY, maxY) = boundCoords collHt\n\ntype Pos = (Float,Float)\ntype Dir = {x:Int, y:Int}\ndata Light = Green | Red\n\n-----------\n-- MODEL --\n\n-- We want the apple to remain where it is until eaten.\n-- Once eaten, we want a new one to appear.\n-- We need it to appear where it's not in contact with any part of the snake.\n\n-- How do we make separate modules?\n\n\nelapsedSignal : Signal Time\nelapsedSignal = inSeconds <~ fps 35\n\nappleSignal : Signal Pos\nappleSignal = \n let f a b = (toFloat a, toFloat b)\n in lift2 f (Random.range minY maxX (every (3000 * millisecond)))\n (Random.range minY maxY (every (3000 * millisecond)))\n\n\ntype Input = { light : Light\n , arrowDir : Dir -- How to move *next*.\n , elapsed : Time -- How long since last updated?\n }\n\ntype LightInput = { space : Bool\n , light : Light\n }\n\nlightSignal : Signal Light\nlightSignal = lift .light <|\n foldp updateLightInput (LightInput False Red) Keyboard.space\n\ninputSignal : Signal Input\ninputSignal = Input <~ (dropRepeats lightSignal)\n ~ (dropRepeats Keyboard.arrows)\n ~ elapsedSignal\n\ntype Snake = { hd : Pos\n , front : [Pos]\n , back : [Pos]\n , tl : Pos\n }\n\ntype State = { snakeDir : Dir\n , snake : Snake\n , light : Light\n }\n\n{-\n\nTODO: Rather than storing each position,\nstore only where the vertices (head, tail, and turns) are.\n\nOne way to do that is to record (Pos, Dir).\nThat is:\n 1. where the body part is at that moment, and\n 2. what direction it came from to get there.\n\nIf pushing a new value:\n * whose Dir is different from the previous, simply push.\n You have a new vertex.\n * whose Dir is the same as the previous,\n then you can simply replace the previous with the new one\n (thus extending that segment of the Path).\n\nWhen removing a value, move it closer by the appropriate amount\nto the subsequent. If doing so makes its Pos equal to or *pass*\nthe other, then simply remove it. To see whether it goes past,\nlook at the subsequent's Dir, and see whether the sign of the\ndelta in that direction changes.\n\n-}\n\ninitSnake : Int -> Snake\ninitSnake numSegments =\n let init n = (0.0, 0.0 - ((toFloat n) * 8))\n segmentsAry = Array.initialize numSegments init\n len = Array.length segmentsAry\n in { hd = Array.getOrElse (0,0) 0 segmentsAry\n , front = []\n , back = reverse (Array.toList (Array.slice 1 (len-1) segmentsAry))\n , tl = Array.getOrElse (0,0) (len-1) segmentsAry\n }\n\n{-\n\nHow do we determine whether the head runs into something?\nIf the snake is a Path (list of line segments),\ncheck it against each line segment.\nIf the head's Pos is within (2 * lineWidth) of the segment,\nthen it's touching.\n\nFirst, calculate which point on the line (including the vertices)\nis closest to the head vertex.\n\nIf the two vertices have the same Y value, then line is horizontal.\nIf the head's X value is between them, then distance = Y delta.\nIf not, distance = hypotenuse between the head and the closer vertex.\n(Closer: smaller X delta.)\n\nIf the two vertices have the same X value, the line is vertical.\nIf the head's Y value is between them, then distance = X delta.\nIf not, distance = hypotenuse between the head and the closer vertex.\n(Closer: smaller Y delta.)\n\n-}\n\ninitState : State\ninitState = { snakeDir = {x=0, y=1}\n , snake = initSnake 20\n , light = Red\n }\n\nstateSignal : Signal State\nstateSignal = foldp updateState initState inputSignal\n \n------------\n-- UPDATE --\n\n-- SNAKE\n\npushSnake : Pos -> Snake -> Snake\npushSnake newHeadPos snake =\n { snake | hd <- newHeadPos\n , front <- snake.hd :: snake.front\n }\n\npopSnake : Snake -> Snake\npopSnake ({hd,front,back,tl} as snake) =\n case (front,back) of\n ([], []) -> snake\n (_, []) -> let revFront = reverse front\n in { snake | front <- []\n , back <- tail revFront\n , tl <- head revFront\n }\n otherwise -> { snake | back <- tail back\n , tl <- head back\n }\n\nmoveSnake : Pos -> Snake -> Snake\nmoveSnake newHeadPos snake =\n snake |> pushSnake newHeadPos\n |> popSnake\n\n-- LIGHT \n\nupdateLightInput : Bool -> LightInput -> LightInput\nupdateLightInput newSpace {space,light} =\n { space = newSpace\n , light = case (newSpace, space, light) of\n (True, False, Red) -> Green\n (True, False, Green) -> Red\n _ -> light\n }\n\nturn : Int -> Int -> Int\nturn arrowVal snakeVal =\n if snakeVal == 0 then arrowVal else snakeVal\n\n-- May not reverse direction. Only turn.\n-- TODO: Use only l\/r keys?\ngetSnakeDir : Dir -> Dir -> Dir\ngetSnakeDir arrowDir snakeDir =\n case (arrowDir.x, arrowDir.y) of\n (0,0) -> snakeDir\n (0,y) -> { x = 0, y = turn y snakeDir.y }\n (x,_) -> { y = 0, x = turn x snakeDir.x }\n\nsnakeSpeed = 250.0\n\ndistance : Time -> Int -> Float\ndistance elapsed dirVal =\n snakeSpeed * elapsed * (toFloat dirVal)\n\ngetSnakePos : Time -> State -> Pos\ngetSnakePos elapsed {snake,snakeDir} =\n let (x,y) = snake.hd\n in (x + (distance elapsed snakeDir.x),\n y + (distance elapsed snakeDir.y))\n\nupdateState : Input -> State -> State\nupdateState {light,arrowDir,elapsed} state =\n if state.light == Green\n then\n let newHeadPos = getSnakePos elapsed state\n in { snakeDir = getSnakeDir arrowDir state.snakeDir\n , snake = moveSnake newHeadPos state.snake\n -- , snake = pushSnake newHeadPos state.snake\n , light = light\n }\n else { state | light <- light }\n\n-------------\n-- DISPLAY --\n\n-- (croppedImage (40,100) 40 80 \"trev.png\")\n-- (croppedImage (80,60) 130 150 \"zoe.png\")\n\nsnakeGreen : Color\nsnakeGreen = rgb 40 140 80\n\nshowSnake : Snake -> Form\nshowSnake {hd,front,back,tl} =\n traced { defaultLine | color <- snakeGreen\n , width <- 15\n , cap <- Round\n , join <- Smooth\n }\n (path (hd :: front ++ (reverse back) ++ [tl]))\n\nshowApple : Pos -> Form\nshowApple applePos =\n move applePos (filled red (circle 10))\n\ndisplay : State -> Input -> Pos -> Element\ndisplay ({snake} as state) input apple =\n flow down [ asText input\n , asText apple\n , collage collWd collHt [ showSnake snake, showApple apple ]\n ]\n\nmain : Signal Element\nmain = display <~ stateSignal ~ inputSignal ~ appleSignal\n","avg_line_length":28.4677419355,"max_line_length":77,"alphanum_fraction":0.595325779} +{"size":4824,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":2.0,"content":"module EmailTest exposing (suite)\n\nimport Email exposing (fromString, toString)\nimport Expect\nimport Test exposing (Test, describe, test)\n\n\n{-| Valid email addresses\n\nThis list is taken and extended from .\n\n-}\nvalidEmailAddresses : List String\nvalidEmailAddresses =\n [ \"simple@example.com\"\n , \"Simple@example.com.au\"\n , \"very.common@example.com\"\n , \"disposable.style.email.with+symbol@example.com\"\n , \"other.email-with-hyphen@example.com\"\n , \"fully-qualified-domain@example.com\"\n , \"user.name+tag+sorting@example.com\"\n , \"x@example.com\"\n , \"example-indeed@strange-example.com\"\n , \"example@s.example\"\n , \"example!#$%&'*+-\/=?^_`{|}~@example.com\"\n , \"ab.c@example.com\"\n , \"simple@com.plex-domain.org\"\n\n -- The following email addresses are valid, but currently look like to big of an edge case to handle\n -- , \"\\\" \\\"@example.org\"\n -- , \"\\\"john..doe\\\"@example.org\"\n ]\n\n\n{-| Invalid email addresses\n\nThis list is taken from .\n\n-}\ninvalidEmailAddresses : List String\ninvalidEmailAddresses =\n [ -- no @ character\n \"Abc.example.com\"\n\n -- no domain\n , \"Abc@\"\n\n -- no top level domain\n , \"Abc@domain\"\n\n -- only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks\n , \"A@b@c@example.com\"\n\n -- none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks\n , \"a\\\"b(c)d,e:f;gi[j\\\\k]l@example.com\"\n\n -- quoted strings must be dot separated or the only element making up the local-part\n , \"just\\\"not\\\"right@example.com\"\n\n -- spaces, quotes, and backslashes may only exist when within quoted strings and preceded by a backslas\n , \"this is\\\"not\\u{0007}llowed@example.com\"\n\n -- even if escaped (preceded by a backslash), spaces, quotes, and backslashes must still be contained by quotes\n , \"this\\\\ still\\\"not\\\\allowed@example.com\"\n\n -- [Disabled] local part is longer than 64 characters\n , \"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234+x@example.com\"\n\n -- dot (.) can't be the first or last character unless quoted.\n , \".abc@example.com\"\n\n -- dot (.) can't be the first or last character unless quoted.\n , \"abc.@example.com\"\n\n -- There can only be one dot (.) a time\n , \"ab..c@example.com\"\n\n -- There can't be a space at the end of the local part\n , \"ab @example.com\"\n\n -- There can't be a space at the start of the domain\n , \"ab@ example.com\"\n\n -- There can't be a space at the start of the TLD\n , \"ab@example. com\"\n ]\n\n\nsuite : Test\nsuite =\n describe \"Email\"\n [ describe \"Email - Valid Email Addresses\" <|\n List.map\n (\\a ->\n test (\"Email - Valid Email (\" ++ a ++ \")\") <|\n \\_ ->\n case fromString a of\n Just _ ->\n Expect.pass\n\n Nothing ->\n Expect.fail (a ++ \" is a valid email address but it has failed parsing.\")\n )\n validEmailAddresses\n , describe \"Email - Invalid Email Addresses\" <|\n List.map\n (\\a ->\n test (\"Email - Invalid Email (\" ++ a ++ \")\") <|\n \\_ ->\n case fromString a of\n Just b ->\n Expect.fail (a ++ \" is an invalid email address but it succeeded parsing.\")\n\n Nothing ->\n Expect.pass\n )\n invalidEmailAddresses\n , describe \"Email - toString\" <|\n List.map\n (\\a ->\n test (\"Email - Parse and then render as string (\" ++ a ++ \")\") <|\n \\_ ->\n case fromString a of\n Just email ->\n Expect.equal a <| toString email\n\n Nothing ->\n Expect.fail (a ++ \" is a valid email address but it has failed parsing.\")\n )\n validEmailAddresses\n , describe \"Email - Manual Examples\"\n [ test \"Parses tags\"\n (\\_ ->\n Expect.equal\n (fromString \"elvin+tag+tag2@gmail.com\")\n (Just\n { localPart = \"elvin\"\n , tags = [ \"tag\", \"tag2\" ]\n , domain = \"gmail\"\n , tld = [ \"com\" ]\n }\n )\n )\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":33.0410958904,"max_line_length":115,"alphanum_fraction":0.502694859} +{"size":248,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":2.0,"content":"import App exposing (Model, init, update, view, subscriptions)\nimport Html.App\n\nmain : Program (Maybe String)\nmain =\n Html.App.programWithFlags\n { init = init\n , update = update\n , view = view\n , subscriptions = subscriptions\n }\n\n\n\n","avg_line_length":16.5333333333,"max_line_length":62,"alphanum_fraction":0.6653225806} +{"size":3198,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Route.Group exposing\n ( Params, State(..)\n , init, getSpaceSlug, getGroupId, getAfter, getBefore, setCursors, hasSamePath, getState, setState\n , parser\n , toString\n )\n\n{-| Route building and parsing for the group page.\n\n\n# Types\n\n@docs Params, State\n\n\n# API\n\n@docs init, getSpaceSlug, getGroupId, getAfter, getBefore, setCursors, hasSamePath, getState, setState\n\n\n# Parsing\n\n@docs parser\n\n\n# Serialization\n\n@docs toString\n\n-}\n\nimport Id exposing (Id)\nimport Url.Builder as Builder exposing (QueryParameter, absolute)\nimport Url.Parser as Parser exposing ((<\/>), (), Parser, map, oneOf, s, string)\nimport Url.Parser.Query as Query\n\n\ntype Params\n = Params Internal\n\n\ntype alias Internal =\n { spaceSlug : String\n , groupId : Id\n , after : Maybe String\n , before : Maybe String\n , state : State\n }\n\n\ntype State\n = Open\n | Closed\n\n\n\n-- API\n\n\ninit : String -> Id -> Params\ninit spaceSlug groupId =\n Params (Internal spaceSlug groupId Nothing Nothing Open)\n\n\ngetSpaceSlug : Params -> String\ngetSpaceSlug (Params internal) =\n internal.spaceSlug\n\n\ngetGroupId : Params -> Id\ngetGroupId (Params internal) =\n internal.groupId\n\n\ngetAfter : Params -> Maybe String\ngetAfter (Params internal) =\n internal.after\n\n\ngetBefore : Params -> Maybe String\ngetBefore (Params internal) =\n internal.before\n\n\nsetCursors : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Params -> Params\nsetCursors before after (Params internal) =\n Params { internal | before = before, after = after }\n\n\nhasSamePath : Params -> Params -> Bool\nhasSamePath p1 p2 =\n getSpaceSlug p1 == getSpaceSlug p2 && getGroupId p1 == getGroupId p2\n\n\ngetState : Params -> State\ngetState (Params internal) =\n internal.state\n\n\nsetState : State -> Params -> Params\nsetState newState (Params internal) =\n Params { internal | state = newState }\n\n\n\n-- PARSING\n\n\nparser : Parser (Params -> a) a\nparser =\n map Params <|\n map Internal (string <\/> s \"groups\" <\/> string Query.string \"after\" Query.string \"before\" Query.map parseState (Query.string \"state\"))\n\n\n\n-- SERIALIZATION\n\n\ntoString : Params -> String\ntoString (Params internal) =\n absolute [ internal.spaceSlug, \"groups\", internal.groupId ] (buildQuery internal)\n\n\n\n-- PRIVATE\n\n\nparseState : Maybe String -> State\nparseState value =\n case value of\n Just \"closed\" ->\n Closed\n\n Just \"open\" ->\n Open\n\n _ ->\n Open\n\n\ncastState : State -> Maybe String\ncastState state =\n case state of\n Open ->\n Nothing\n\n Closed ->\n Just \"closed\"\n\n\nbuildQuery : Internal -> List QueryParameter\nbuildQuery internal =\n buildStringParams\n [ ( \"after\", internal.after )\n , ( \"before\", internal.before )\n , ( \"state\", castState internal.state )\n ]\n\n\nbuildStringParams : List ( String, Maybe String ) -> List QueryParameter\nbuildStringParams list =\n let\n reducer ( key, maybeValue ) queryParams =\n case maybeValue of\n Just value ->\n Builder.string key value :: queryParams\n\n Nothing ->\n queryParams\n in\n List.foldr reducer [] list\n","avg_line_length":18.5930232558,"max_line_length":154,"alphanum_fraction":0.6400875547} +{"size":55,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"type Message\n = ChangedSubject String\n | Resetted","avg_line_length":18.3333333333,"max_line_length":27,"alphanum_fraction":0.7090909091} +{"size":7712,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":208.0,"content":"module Article\n exposing\n ( Article\n , Full\n , Preview\n , author\n , body\n , favorite\n , favoriteButton\n , fetch\n , fromPreview\n , fullDecoder\n , mapAuthor\n , metadata\n , previewDecoder\n , slug\n , unfavorite\n , unfavoriteButton\n , url\n )\n\n{-| The interface to the Article data structure.\n\nThis includes:\n\n - The Article type itself\n - Ways to make HTTP requests to retrieve and modify articles\n - Ways to access information about an article\n - Converting between various types\n\n-}\n\nimport Api\nimport Article.Body as Body exposing (Body)\nimport Article.Slug as Slug exposing (Slug)\nimport Article.Tag as Tag exposing (Tag)\nimport Author exposing (Author)\nimport Html exposing (Attribute, Html, i)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (class)\nimport Html.Events exposing (stopPropagationOn)\nimport Http\nimport HttpBuilder exposing (RequestBuilder, withBody, withExpect, withQueryParams)\nimport Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, bool, int, list, string)\nimport Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (custom, hardcoded, required)\nimport Json.Encode as Encode\nimport Markdown\nimport Profile exposing (Profile)\nimport Time\nimport Timestamp\nimport Username as Username exposing (Username)\nimport Viewer exposing (Viewer)\nimport Viewer.Cred as Cred exposing (Cred)\n\n\n\n-- TYPES\n\n\n{-| An article, optionally with an article body.\n\nTo see the difference between { extraInfo : a } and { extraInfo : Maybe Body },\nconsider the difference between the \"view individual article\" page (which\nrenders one article, including its body) and the \"article feed\" -\nwhich displays multiple articles, but without bodies.\n\nThis definition for `Article` means we can write:\n\nviewArticle : Article Full -> Html msg\nviewFeed : List (Article Preview) -> Html msg\n\nThis indicates that `viewArticle` requires an article _with a `body` present_,\nwereas `viewFeed` accepts articles with no bodies. (We could also have written\nit as `List (Article a)` to specify that feeds can accept either articles that\nhave `body` present or not. Either work, given that feeds do not attempt to\nread the `body` field from articles.)\n\nThis is an important distinction, because in Request.Article, the `feed`\nfunction produces `List (Article Preview)` because the API does not return bodies.\nThose articles are useful to the feed, but not to the individual article view.\n\n-}\ntype Article a\n = Article Internals a\n\n\ntype alias Internals =\n { slug : Slug\n , author : Author\n , metadata : Metadata\n }\n\n\ntype Preview\n = Preview\n\n\ntype Full\n = Full Body\n\n\n\n-- INFO\n\n\nauthor : Article a -> Author\nauthor (Article internals _) =\n internals.author\n\n\nmetadata : Article a -> Metadata\nmetadata (Article internals _) =\n internals.metadata\n\n\nslug : Article a -> Slug\nslug (Article internals _) =\n internals.slug\n\n\nbody : Article Full -> Body\nbody (Article _ (Full extraInfo)) =\n extraInfo\n\n\n\n-- TRANSFORM\n\n\n{-| This is the only way you can transform an existing article:\nyou can change its author (e.g. to follow or unfollow them).\nAll other article data necessarily comes from the server!\n\nWe can tell this for sure by looking at the types of the exposed functions\nin this module.\n\n-}\nmapAuthor : (Author -> Author) -> Article a -> Article a\nmapAuthor transform (Article info extras) =\n Article { info | author = transform info.author } extras\n\n\nfromPreview : Body -> Article Preview -> Article Full\nfromPreview newBody (Article info Preview) =\n Article info (Full newBody)\n\n\n\n-- SERIALIZATION\n\n\npreviewDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder (Article Preview)\npreviewDecoder maybeCred =\n Decode.succeed Article\n |> custom (internalsDecoder maybeCred)\n |> hardcoded Preview\n\n\nfullDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder (Article Full)\nfullDecoder maybeCred =\n Decode.succeed Article\n |> custom (internalsDecoder maybeCred)\n |> required \"body\" (Decode.map Full Body.decoder)\n\n\ninternalsDecoder : Maybe Cred -> Decoder Internals\ninternalsDecoder maybeCred =\n Decode.succeed Internals\n |> required \"slug\" Slug.decoder\n |> required \"author\" (Author.decoder maybeCred)\n |> custom metadataDecoder\n\n\ntype alias Metadata =\n { description : String\n , title : String\n , tags : List String\n , favorited : Bool\n , favoritesCount : Int\n , createdAt : Time.Posix\n }\n\n\nmetadataDecoder : Decoder Metadata\nmetadataDecoder =\n {- \ud83d\udc49 TODO: replace the calls to `hardcoded` with calls to `required`\n in order to decode these fields:\n\n --- \"description\" -------> description : String\n --- \"title\" -------------> title : String\n --- \"tagList\" -----------> tags : List String\n --- \"favorited\" ---------> favorited : Bool\n --- \"favoritesCount\" ----> favoritesCount : Int\n\n Once this is done, the articles in the feed should look normal again.\n\n \ud83d\udca1 HINT: Order matters! These must be decoded in the same order\n as the order of the fields in `type alias Metadata` above. \u261d\ufe0f\n -}\n Decode.succeed Metadata\n |> hardcoded \"(needs decoding!)\"\n |> hardcoded \"(needs decoding!)\"\n |> hardcoded []\n |> hardcoded False\n |> hardcoded 0\n |> required \"createdAt\" Timestamp.iso8601Decoder\n\n\n\n-- SINGLE\n\n\nfetch : Maybe Cred -> Slug -> Http.Request (Article Full)\nfetch maybeCred articleSlug =\n let\n expect =\n fullDecoder maybeCred\n |> Decode.field \"article\"\n |> Http.expectJson\n in\n url articleSlug []\n |> HttpBuilder.get\n |> HttpBuilder.withExpect expect\n |> Cred.addHeaderIfAvailable maybeCred\n |> HttpBuilder.toRequest\n\n\n\n-- FAVORITE\n\n\nfavorite : Slug -> Cred -> Http.Request (Article Preview)\nfavorite articleSlug cred =\n buildFavorite HttpBuilder.post articleSlug cred\n\n\nunfavorite : Slug -> Cred -> Http.Request (Article Preview)\nunfavorite articleSlug cred =\n buildFavorite HttpBuilder.delete articleSlug cred\n\n\nbuildFavorite :\n (String -> RequestBuilder a)\n -> Slug\n -> Cred\n -> Http.Request (Article Preview)\nbuildFavorite builderFromUrl articleSlug cred =\n let\n expect =\n previewDecoder (Just cred)\n |> Decode.field \"article\"\n |> Http.expectJson\n in\n builderFromUrl (url articleSlug [ \"favorite\" ])\n |> Cred.addHeader cred\n |> withExpect expect\n |> HttpBuilder.toRequest\n\n\n{-| This is a \"build your own element\" API.\n\nYou pass it some configuration, followed by a `List (Attribute msg)` and a\n`List (Html msg)`, just like any standard Html element.\n\n-}\nfavoriteButton : Cred -> msg -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg\nfavoriteButton _ msg attrs kids =\n toggleFavoriteButton \"btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary\" msg attrs kids\n\n\nunfavoriteButton : Cred -> msg -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg\nunfavoriteButton _ msg attrs kids =\n toggleFavoriteButton \"btn btn-sm btn-primary\" msg attrs kids\n\n\ntoggleFavoriteButton :\n String\n -> msg\n -> List (Attribute msg)\n -> List (Html msg)\n -> Html msg\ntoggleFavoriteButton classStr msg attrs kids =\n Html.button\n (class classStr :: onClickStopPropagation msg :: attrs)\n (i [ class \"ion-heart\" ] [] :: kids)\n\n\nonClickStopPropagation : msg -> Attribute msg\nonClickStopPropagation msg =\n stopPropagationOn \"click\"\n (Decode.succeed ( msg, True ))\n\n\n\n-- URLS\n\n\nurl : Slug -> List String -> String\nurl articleSlug paths =\n allArticlesUrl (Slug.toString articleSlug :: paths)\n\n\nallArticlesUrl : List String -> String\nallArticlesUrl paths =\n Api.url (\"articles\" :: paths)\n","avg_line_length":25.2852459016,"max_line_length":85,"alphanum_fraction":0.6780342324} +{"size":1852,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Main exposing (main)\n\n{-| Module containing the entry point to the `bcd` program.\n\n@docs main\n\n-}\n\nimport Bcd\nimport Html exposing (Html)\nimport Html.Attributes as Html\nimport Html.Events as Html\n\n\n{-| Main entry point.\n-}\nmain : Program Never Model Msg\nmain =\n Html.program\n { init = init\n , update = update\n , subscriptions = subscriptions\n , view = view\n }\n\n\n{-| Application state.\n-}\ntype alias Model =\n { input : String }\n\n\n{-| Initialize the application state.\n-}\ninit : (Model, Cmd Msg)\ninit =\n ( Model \"Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth.\" -- Epicurus.\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n\n{-| Messages handled by the application.\n-}\ntype Msg\n = Change String\n\n\n{-| Update the application state.\n-}\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n Change newContent ->\n ({model | input = newContent}, Cmd.none)\n\n\n{-| Event sources that the application subscribes to.\n-}\nsubscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg\nsubscriptions model =\n Sub.none\n\n\n{-| View the application state as HTML.\n-}\nview : Model -> Html Msg\nview model =\n Html.div\n [ Html.style\n [ (\"align-items\", \"center\")\n , (\"display\", \"flex\")\n , (\"flex-direction\", \"column\")\n , (\"justify-content\", \"center\")\n , (\"margin-top\", \"5em\")\n , (\"top\", \"30%\")\n ]\n ]\n [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text \"BCD\" ]\n , Html.pre\n [ Html.style\n [ (\"font-size\", \"1.5em\")\n ]\n ]\n [ Html.text (Bcd.card model.input) ]\n , Html.input\n [ Html.type_ \"text\"\n , Html.placeholder \"String to reformat as a punch card.\"\n , Html.autofocus True\n , Html.maxlength Bcd.columns\n , Html.onInput Change\n , Html.size Bcd.columns\n , Html.style\n [ (\"font-family\", \"monospace\")\n ]\n ]\n []\n ]\n","avg_line_length":18.8979591837,"max_line_length":73,"alphanum_fraction":0.5701943844} +{"size":492,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Avatar.Square.View exposing (view)\n\nimport Avatar.Square.Styles as Styles\nimport Html exposing (Html, div, img)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (alt, attribute, class, src)\n\n\nview : Html msg\nview =\n div [ attribute \"data-name\" \"component\" ]\n [ div [ class Styles.avatar ]\n [ img\n [ class Styles.image\n , src \"http:\/\/tachyons.io\/img\/logo.jpg\"\n , alt \"avatar\"\n ]\n []\n ]\n ]\n","avg_line_length":24.6,"max_line_length":60,"alphanum_fraction":0.5304878049} +{"size":1303,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":4.0,"content":"module Test.Regex exposing (tests)\n\nimport Basics exposing (..)\n\nimport Regex exposing (..)\n\nimport ElmTest exposing (..)\n\n\ntests : Test\ntests =\n let simpleTests = suite \"Simple Stuff\"\n [ test \"split All\" <| assertEqual [\"a\", \"b\"] (split All (regex \",\") \"a,b\")\n , test \"split\" <| assertEqual [\"a\",\"b,c\"] (split (AtMost 1) (regex \",\") \"a,b,c\")\n , test \"find All\" <| assertEqual\n ([Match \"a\" [] 0 1, Match \"b\" [] 1 2])\n (find All (regex \".\") \"ab\")\n , test \"find All\" <| assertEqual\n ([Match \"\" [] 0 1])\n (find All (regex \".*\") \"\")\n\n , test \"replace AtMost 0\" <| assertEqual \"The quick brown fox\"\n (replace (AtMost 0) (regex \"[aeiou]\") (\\_ -> \"\") \"The quick brown fox\")\n\n , test \"replace AtMost 1\" <| assertEqual \"Th quick brown fox\"\n (replace (AtMost 1) (regex \"[aeiou]\") (\\_ -> \"\") \"The quick brown fox\")\n\n , test \"replace AtMost 2\" <| assertEqual \"Th qick brown fox\"\n (replace (AtMost 2) (regex \"[aeiou]\") (\\_ -> \"\") \"The quick brown fox\")\n\n , test \"replace All\" <| assertEqual \"Th qck brwn fx\"\n (replace All (regex \"[aeiou]\") (\\_ -> \"\") \"The quick brown fox\")\n ]\n in\n suite \"Regex\" [ simpleTests ]\n","avg_line_length":36.1944444444,"max_line_length":88,"alphanum_fraction":0.5057559478} +{"size":2288,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"import Html exposing (..)\nimport Html.Attributes exposing (..)\nimport Html.Events exposing (onInput)\nimport String\nimport Styles\n\ntype alias Model =\n { title : String\n , test : String\n}\n\ntype Msg\n = NoOp\n\nmain : Program Never Model Msg\nmain =\n program\n { init = init\n , view = view\n , update = update\n , subscriptions = subscriptions\n }\n\ninit : ( Model, Cmd Msg )\ninit = ( Model \"Surrender your Claims\" \"This is a paragraph!\" , Cmd.none )\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n NoOp ->\n ( model, Cmd.none )\n\nsubscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg\nsubscriptions model =\n Sub.none\n\nview : Model -> Html Msg\nview m =\n div [Styles.packageStyle]\n [ h1 [ Styles.titleStyle] [text m.title]\n , div [ Styles.mainContainerStyle ] [claimTable]\n ]\n\nclaimTable : Html Msg\nclaimTable = table\n [Styles.tableStyle]([tableTitleRow] ++ List.map tableRow testRowData ++ [addClaimRow])\n\ntableTitleRow : Html Msg\ntableTitleRow = tr [Styles.tableTitleRowStyle]\n [td[Styles.tableTitleCellStyle][text \"Date\"]\n ,td[Styles.tableTitleCellStyle][text \"Client\"]\n ,td[Styles.tableTitleCellStyle][text \"Start km\"]\n ,td[Styles.tableTitleCellStyle][text \"Distance\"]\n ,td[Styles.tableTitleCellStyle][text \"\"]\n ]\n\ntype alias RowData =\n { date : String\n , client : String\n , start : String\n , distance : String\n }\n\ntestRowData =\n [ RowData \"17\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130123\" \"86\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"87\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"87\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"87\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"87\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"87\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 1\" \"130223\" \"90\"\n , RowData \"18\/05\/2018\" \"Client 3\" \"130223\" \"127\"]\n\ntableRow : RowData -> Html Msg\ntableRow d = tr[Styles.tableRowStyle]\n [td[][text d.date]\n ,td[][text d.client]\n ,td[][text d.start]\n ,td[][text d.distance]\n ,td[][button[Styles.medWidth][text \"X\"]]\n ]\n\naddClaimRow = tr[]\n [td[][input[Styles.tableInputStyle][]]\n ,td[][input[Styles.tableInputStyle][]]\n ,td[][input[Styles.tableInputStyle][]]\n ,td[][input[Styles.tableInputStyle][]]\n ,td[Styles.medWidth][button[Styles.medWidth][text \"Add\"]]\n ]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--\n","avg_line_length":23.3469387755,"max_line_length":88,"alphanum_fraction":0.6433566434} +{"size":2247,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":null,"content":"module Api.Project exposing (Project, get, readme)\n\nimport Api.Data exposing (Data)\nimport Api.Github\nimport Api.Token exposing (Token)\nimport Api.User exposing (User)\nimport Http\nimport Iso8601\nimport Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder)\nimport Time\nimport Utils.Json\n\n\ntype alias Project =\n { name : String\n , url : String\n , description : String\n , updatedAt : Time.Posix\n }\n\n\nget : { token : Token, toMsg : Data (List Project) -> msg } -> Cmd msg\nget options =\n Api.Github.get\n { token = options.token\n , decoder = D.at [ \"data\", \"viewer\", \"repositories\", \"nodes\" ] (D.list decoder)\n , toMsg = options.toMsg\n , query = \"\"\"\n query { \n viewer {\n repositories(first: 10, affiliations: [OWNER], orderBy: { field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC }) {\n nodes {\n name,\n description\n url,\n updatedAt\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \"\"\"\n }\n\n\ndecoder : Decoder Project\ndecoder =\n D.map4 Project\n (D.field \"name\" D.string)\n (D.field \"url\" D.string)\n (D.field \"description\" D.string |> Utils.Json.withDefault \"\")\n (D.field \"updatedAt\" Iso8601.decoder)\n\n\nreadme : { user : User, repo : String, toMsg : Data String -> msg } -> Cmd msg\nreadme options =\n restApiGet\n { token = options.user.token\n , path = \"\/repos\/\" ++ options.user.login ++ \"\/\" ++ options.repo ++ \"\/readme\"\n , decoder = D.field \"content\" Utils.Json.base64\n , toMsg = options.toMsg\n }\n\n\nrestApiGet :\n { token : Token\n , path : String\n , decoder : Decoder value\n , toMsg : Data value -> msg\n }\n -> Cmd msg\nrestApiGet options =\n Http.request\n { method = \"GET\"\n , headers = [ Http.header \"Authorization\" (\"Bearer \" ++ Api.Token.toString options.token) ]\n , url = \"https:\/\/api.github.com\" ++ options.path\n , expect = Http.expectJson (Api.Data.fromHttpResult >> options.toMsg) options.decoder\n , body = Http.emptyBody\n , timeout = Just (1000 * 60)\n , tracker = Nothing\n }\n","avg_line_length":27.7407407407,"max_line_length":117,"alphanum_fraction":0.5344904317} +{"size":749,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":18.0,"content":"module Html.Events.Ext exposing (..)\n\nimport Html\nimport Html.Events\nimport Json.Decode as Decode\n\n\nonTap : msg -> Html.Attribute msg\nonTap msg =\n Html.Events.custom\n \"click\"\n (Decode.andThen\n (\\button ->\n case button of\n Just 2 ->\n Decode.fail \"Ignore right click\"\n\n _ ->\n Decode.succeed\n { message = msg\n , stopPropagation = True\n , preventDefault = False\n }\n )\n (Decode.int\n |> Decode.at [ \"originalEvent\", \"button\" ]\n |> Decode.maybe\n )\n )\n","avg_line_length":24.9666666667,"max_line_length":58,"alphanum_fraction":0.4018691589} +{"size":911,"ext":"elm","lang":"Elm","max_stars_count":1.0,"content":"module Routing exposing (routeFromUrlRequest, Route(..), routeLocation)\n\n\nimport Url\nimport Url.Parser exposing (Parser, parse, map, oneOf, s)\nimport Browser\n\ntype Route\n = Forma\n | Klokotala\n | GOL\n | Randomer\n\nrouteFromUrlRequest : Browser.UrlRequest -> Route\nrouteFromUrlRequest ur = \n case ur of\n Browser.Internal url -> routeLocation url\n Browser.External href -> stringToRoute href\n\nstringToRoute : String -> Route\nstringToRoute _ = GOL\n\nrouteLocation : Url.Url -> Route\nrouteLocation =\n parseRoute >> routeFromResult\n\n\nparseRoute : Url.Url -> Maybe Route\nparseRoute =\n parse route\n\n\nrouteFromResult : Maybe Route -> Route\nrouteFromResult =\n Maybe.withDefault Randomer\n\n\nroute : Parser (Route -> a) a\nroute =\n oneOf\n [ map GOL (s \"gol\")\n , map Randomer (s \"randomer\")\n , map Forma (s \"forma\")\n , map Klokotala (s \"klokotala\")\n ]\n","avg_line_length":19.8043478261,"max_line_length":71,"alphanum_fraction":0.6684961581}