stringlengths 148
Minecraft wiki entry for Raid_captain, associated text: 0–1 emeralds, with the maximum increasing by 1 for every level of Looting.
8.5% chance of dropping their iron axe, which increases by 1 percentage point per level of Looting. It may be enchanted. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: "The Parrots and the Bats" and "Best Friends Forever"
Requirements have been changed from ocelots to cats.
"Two by Two"
Requirements have been changed from ocelots to cats.
Now requires pandas. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Before_Village_%26_Pillage, associated text: Another way to put it would be to say that an "outside" space has a direct view of the sky, and so has a "SL" (sky light) value of 15. An "inside" space does not have a direct view of the sky (looking straight up) and a "SL" value of less than 15. The "inside" is the side which has more "inside spaces" than the "outside" (which, in turn, has more "outside spaces" than the "inside.") Technically, a sky light as low as 11 (but not lower) is allowed. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Logic_gates, associated text: This video shows a straightforward implementation of the logic. The design is large and spread out, so it's easy to see each individual part of the adder and the carry logic. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Experience, associated text: Jockeys consists of two mobs that move as one. Each part drops experience separately when it is defeated. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Mobs killed by lingering potions now drop XP and uncommon loot when the potion came from a player.
Mobs now pickup items and equip armor. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Glazed_terracotta_patterns, associated text: Most terracotta blocks have a "centerpiece" in one of the corners. This could be anything that stands out from the rest of the block, such as the flower petals on the orange and white terracotta, the rings on the green terracotta, and the creeper face on the cyan terracotta. Generally, the prettiest 2x2 patterns come from either putting these "centerpieces" on the inside, thus creating a flower in the middle for orange and white terracotta, or putting the "centerpieces" on the outside corners. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Item_modifier, associated text: set_banner_pattern—Adds or replaces banner patterns of a banner. Function fails if invoked on a non-banner.
patterns: List of patterns to add or replace with.
: A pattern.
pattern: The pattern type. For example, square_bottom_left.
color: The color for this pattern. One of white, orange, magenta, light_blue, yellow, lime, pink, gray, light_gray, cyan, purple, blue, brown, green, red, black.
append: Optional. If true, the patterns will be applied on top of the banner's existing patterns. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Chest_Rooms, associated text: All of the flower pots have blue orchids.
All of the oak wood slabs are upside down.
Any flowers on top of the flowerpot is what you put in the flower pot. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Marketplace, associated text: Mini-games are compact worlds with a specific theme or goal that are designed to be repeatable. These can feature a set of different gamemodes and variants or be designed to reset continuously. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Map_item_format, associated text: People have used the map to create pixel art. The default map has an image size of 128×128 and reads each block as a specific color. By placing blocks in a specific arrangement, it is possible to create pixel art images. Constructing the image will cover an square area 8 chunks on a side, and require 16,384 blocks (256 stacks worth) not counting any support blocks. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Command_blocks_and_functions, associated text: The player can teleport by using the /teleport teleport or tp <y> commands, where y is the vertical difference between the upper and lower elevator entrances. The elevator can also be made to tp a player to any coordinate just by leaving out the ~ before the numbers. When ~ is left in the command, the normal (x,y,z) is set to (0,0,0) where the command was made, such as standing on a pressure plate or wherever the player is standing when the command block received power. If a pressure plate was at the coordinates of (-36,96,-12) that ran to a command block with a command of /teleport @p ~3 ~4 ~5 it would tp the player to the coordinates of (-33,100,-7). The same outcome can be achieved by having the command of /teleport @p -33 100 -7 one block must be subtracted from the x and z axis to get to the right coordinates. Using @p, @s, @a @e. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Increased the frequency and volume of the ambient mob sounds made during raids, to make them easier to locate. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Multiplayer, associated text: To change multiplayer settings in Bedrock Edition, the world owner has to go to the world settings while not in the world, then select the "Multiplayer" tab, and are then given some options. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Monster_Hunter, associated text: Achievements#Monster Hunter, an achievement for killing a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: enderman, zombified piglin, spider, cave spider.
Advancements#Monster Hunter, an advancement by killing one of these 34 mobs: Blaze, Cave Spider, Creeper, Drowned, Elder Guardian, Ender Dragon, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Hoglin, Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Piglin, Piglin Brute, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Witch, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Zombified Piglin. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Hopper_clocks, associated text: SethBling's Hopper Clock ("Amputated") 2×6×2 (24 block volume)
flat, silent
clock period: 1.6 seconds to 256 seconds (4 minutes, 16 seconds)[note 1] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Redstone_Comparator, associated text: A redstone comparator can be broken instantly with any tool, or by hand, and drops itself as an item. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Ocean, associated text: The warm ocean has an aquamarine water tone at the surface and generates next to deserts and badlands. Like the lukewarm ocean, it has a floor mainly made of sand, however no dirt, clay or gravel generate at shallower areas and if this biome generates above sea level, the surface is made of sand instead of grass blocks. Warm oceans feature coral reefs and numerous sea pickles, though kelp does not naturally generate here. Because of the height of the coral reef, warm oceans can appear more shallow than other oceans, though the actual ocean floor is no deeper. Tropical fish and pufferfish spawn here. This is also the only ocean temperature variant that can generate at deeper waters without needing a deep variant, and because of that monuments can't be found in this biome. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fixed number of blocks or items not showing up in toolbar and item panes
Fixed crash when shutting down server while client has chest/furnace open
Fixed entities in multiplayer. They should now work as expected
Door is now correctly updated (when opened/closed) on clients
Added back the opening top animation in chests |
Minecraft wiki entry for Oak, associated text: 1 Variants
2 Generation
3 Blocks and items
4 Planting
5 Other variant oaks
5.1 Dying oak
5.2 Fallen oak log
6 History
7 Issues
8 Trivia
9 Gallery
9.1 Odd generation
10 References |
Minecraft wiki entry for Piston, associated text: Design A, 4×2×4. Uses regular pistons. Both of the pistons are regular pistons. This flip flop is quite fast and quite small. It toggles when the input changes from ON to OFF. Inverting the input increases the speed of the circuit. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Curing_a_zombie_villager, associated text: Dragon's breath can be obtained by right-clicking (or long-pressing if in Bedrock Edition) the ender dragon dragon breath or dragon fireball clouds with an empty glass bottle in hand.
Combine eight arrows and a Lingering Potion of Weakness in a crafting table, and craft eight Arrows of Weakness. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Helen_Zbihlyj, associated text: Her son, Nicholas, was born in November of 2000. She married Sneeza, the creator of TF2 Outpost, in June 2016. They live near Seattle, WA.[2] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Llama_(disambiguation), associated text: Llama (summon), a summonable mob that will spit at enemies from a distance.
Llama (mob), a mob found in the Howling Peaks DLC.
Trader Llama, a removed mob that stood beside the wandering trader in the camp.
Llama (skin), skin in Minecraft Dungeons.
Wonderful Wheat, an artifact that summons a llama. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Defeating_the_ender_dragon, associated text: While the dragon is flying you can shoot it with your bow or crossbow. However, the dragon is difficult to shoot because it can fly fast, and shots miss if they don't line up properly. It is recommended to shoot at a spot in the dragon's flight trajectory, which is the area in front of it, and it flies far enough to get hit by the arrow. Try to mainly shoot it in the head because the dragon takes the most damage on its head. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Horse, associated text: The variant of the child has an 11% chance to be a random base color, and a 20% chance to have random markings. Otherwise, it chooses the values from one of its parents. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: A new type of sapling.
Can be grown by bonemealing the mangrove leaves, grows from the exposed bottom of it.
Propagules can also grow spontaneously from leaves, but only if they're naturally generated (not player placed leaves).
Have 4 stages to fully grown, can be accelerated by bonemealing.
Can break off a fully grown one, plant it to growing a mangrove tree (currently not added, will generate a oak tree instead).
Can be planted underwater.
Can be placed in flower pots.
Bees can pollinate them.
Bees follow players holding them and can be bred with them. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Glow_lichen_farming, associated text: Because it can be fertilized by a dispenser, and it always goes to an open block off one of the four sides, it can easily be autofarmed by rapidly firing bone meal from a dispenser, and blocking off all available places to grow, except one, and monitoring that block with an observer connected to a dispenser with shears. The drops can then be collected by a minecart hopper below the block that the harvested plant is on. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Hopper_clocks, associated text: When the items finish moving in one direction, the empty hopper's comparator turns off, allowing the associated sticky piston to pull the block of redstone to the other hopper, reversing the direction of item movement. The movement of the block of redstone also updates the other sticky piston (which has been powered for a while) causing it to extend and prevent the first sticky piston from extending again when its comparator turns back on. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Furnace, associated text: Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed. |
Minecraft wiki entry for DungeonCrawl2CHP, associated text: That night, the basketball game was well underway. At one point, Po’s mind wandered on the stuff going on in Minecraft as he was penalized for a block that had gone wrong; the other team took the lead on the ensuing free throws. Later on, Po imagines himself being the wizard in Minecraft, covering the court in mere seconds before passing the ball to his teammate Raul, who scored a three-pointer. Thoughts began to converse in Po’s head, such as how he’d fallen in love with playing basketball in the first place, or what would happen if he tried out other things such as acting. He snaps back into the game as Raul passes him the ball. Eventually, the game was over. Po’s team had won. Unbeknownst to him until the game had ended, Morgan and Jodi were also in the stands cheering him on. Po asks if the two skipped play practice, but Jodi says that the set design team was ahead of schedule; Morgan says that he was studying some of his lines, but was allowed to leave early as Ash was tied up with other things. Po then says that he feels like there is more to life than basketball, but Morgan and Jodi say to him that he should revel in the victory for tonight. Po does what they suggest, donning a smile and acting goofy for his teammates, but his mind starts to wander about chasing phantasms. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Building_a_metropolis, associated text: Tropical Island A perfect vacation spot which only needs a boat dock or bridge to the mainland. Decorations can add to the feeling of vacationing with tropical trees and beaches filled with tourist items. |
Minecraft wiki entry for summon, associated text: summon <entityType: EntityType> [spawnPos: x y z] [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string]
summon <entityType: EntityType> <nameTag: string> [spawnPos: x y z] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Loot, associated text: In Java Edition, each village snowy house chest contains 3–8 item stacks, with the following distribution: |
Minecraft wiki entry for Easter_eggs, associated text: The wither can be spotted in 2 blocks. A 2×2 painting shows the soulsand T-shape and the three wither skeleton skulls. The chiseled red sandstone block depicts the wither on the edges of the block. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: MC-171079 – Comparators no longer work as expected reading containers through powered blocks.
MC-171213 – Blocks that are affected by gravity do not destroy Nether sprouts when dropped from above.
MC-171589 – Fire makes block burned noise before the block disappears.
MC-171756 – Weird fire bug.
MC-171860 – Nether fossils have code implying an unimplemented /locate function.
MC-172266 – Crossbow wielding piglins do not properly walk backwards to target the player when very close.
MC-172323 – Game crashes when summoning a hoglin with the attack damage attribute set to 0 or giving a hoglin Weakness with a very high level (255).
MC-172374 – Can teleport to invalid y coordinates and crash the game.
MC-172428 – Piglins and hoglins do not look at their target.
MC-172470 – When the piglin holds the bow, it will try to attack and follow the enemy eventually stood there not moving.
MC-172530 – Piglins indefinitely stand around dropped golden items if mobGriefing is disabled.
MC-172903 – Piglins which convert into zombified piglins delete armor if equipped.
MC-173050 – Hoglins cannot hit some mobs with large hitboxes.
MC-173156 – Z-fighting at bottom of potted bamboo; bottom texture of bamboo is exposed.
MC-173160 – Weeping vines plants can be replaced by weeping vines "sapling" (small block) by just right-clicking.
MC-173167 – Netherite sword/tools not sorted with other swords/tools.
MC-173180 – Hoglins are not scared of warped fungus in flower pots.
MC-173219 – No sound when climbing weeping vines.
MC-173243 – Crying obsidian is movable by pistons.
MC-173283 – Piglin admiring held gold ingot does not drop it when killed.
MC-173302 – Crying obsidian can be harvested with any pickaxe.
MC-173384 – Crying obsidian can be destroyed by the ender dragon.
MC-173433 – Killing a baby hoglin does not yield experience.
MC-173462 – Baby piglins can hold soul fire torches.
MC-173467 – Piglins admiring bartering gold ingot drop nothing when converting to zombified piglin.
MC-173484 – Death message from falling off a trapdoor does not mention it by name.
MC-173485 – Death message from falling off scaffolding does not mention it by name.
MC-173706 – NullPointerException in server tick loop when trying to load a flatland world with Nether biome. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Mob, associated text: "@xyZenTV The skin appears only when you name the rabbit Toast using a name tag, it isn't in the random pool:" – @TheMogMiner on Twitter, July 1, 2014 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Zombie, associated text: Drowned spawn in rivers, most parts of oceans or when a normal zombie drowns. They are able to swim and breathe underwater as well as walk on land. Most drowned use melee attacks, but some spawn with tridents and throw them when attacking instead. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Bug_tracker, associated text: This article is about the official Mojang bug tracker. For a list of pages where issues were previously recorded, see Minecraft Wiki:Issues. |
Minecraft wiki entry for 1CHP, associated text: The narrator mentions Tank as someone "who ate lunch alone and talked to no one". That is, until a person named Shark sits down beside him. He asks Tank if the two should hang out a Fortress Park, a "fun park" that is home to go-karts, mini-golf, and a snack shack. Tank hesitates at first, but accepts, and soon after, the two become friends. Tank also has a part-time job working as a shipment sorter at a local convenience store, managed by Mr. Mishra. The apartment that Tank lives in with his family (consisting of himself, Vivian, Ma, Ba, and Auntie Phuong) is in the west tower of Pacific Crest. Upon entering said apartment, he checks his pocket for the money he got from the part-time job and exhales, knowing that it isn’t a lot, but would be just enough to help. Tank puts half of the money he earned in Ma’s purse and puts several twenty-dollar bills in an envelope in the kitchen, leaving just twenty dollars for himself. Just then, Ba arrives back early from his part-time job at a local auto shop, saying that the shop had no customers today. This infuriates Tank, who was hoping to save some money to buy a new pair of sneakers. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Mob_grinder, associated text: For more complicated designs, you can also use hopper minecarts. Hopper minecarts can pick up items through solid blocks, so you can easily run a rail line underneath the blocks where items rest. Rail lines are often useful as an alternative to many hoppers or in combination with magma rock grinders |
Minecraft wiki entry for Llama, associated text: Llamas do not accept saddles, so the player cannot control its movement, even when tamed. Leads are the best way to move llamas. Leading a llama actually signals all other llamas not already in a caravan nearby (up to nine) to follow each other, forming a caravan of up to ten llamas. Leashing a second llama forms a caravan of ten more llamas, and there is no intentional limit on the number of llamas following a player. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Sandstone, associated text: Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed. |
Minecraft wiki entry for 3CHP, associated text: Seconds later, the bell tower had rung. Screaming and crying came from all directions throughout Sienna Dunes. Just then, Rayne and Ashton had returned, with the latter saying that they couldn’t find the ender dragon. Zetta wonders if it went looking for him, with Ashton also thinking the same thing. Zetta then gives Rayne one tipped arrow of poison before giving him the enchanted bow with infinity. She then wonders about how to activate the beacon, but Ashton shows her a page from his notebook about it. Zetta dismisses it at first, thinking that it’s a mob sketch, but upon further inspection, it contained instructions on how to activate it. She runs over to Carl, who looks at the instructions and then places an iron ingot in the beacon, giving everyone else around it a strength boost. Rift runs over to his contraptions, while Rayne climbs one of the watchtowers. Zetta asks for Ashton to send anyone who isn’t fighting to get inside the town vault, including his parents. He reluctantly complies. Rayne, calling from the watchtower, wonders as to how many illagers there are. Zetta climbs up to take a look, noticing that there were over two hundred of them, along with at least a dozen ravagers. Nevertheless, the two felt confident that they would win like last time. Captain Zayden then orders Rift to fire the TNT cannons. The TNT exploded at the raid, but it was still heavy in number. Zetta then notices some witches, which were splashing healing potions left and right. Rift then fires the TNT cannons again; this time, the illagers were prepared, spreading out to avoid taking damage, but it still killed at least twenty of them. As the raid moved closer, Rayne fired three arrows at them, killing a vindicator in the process. Zetta wonders why he isn’t using the tipped arrow, and he says that tipped arrows don’t work on bows with infinity. Rift then runs over to the four arrow launchers that he built, simultaneously activating all of them. The arrows fling toward the raid, but more were hitting the ground than the illagers as they were so spread out. Just then, Zetta gets hit with an arrow to the shoulder, but she barely notices it as the beacon immediately heals her. The raid was so close now that the arrows of the other archers were hitting their targets. Zetta starts throwing splash potions of poison at the raid, but it doesn’t work as the witches throw healing potions, canceling out the effect. |
Minecraft wiki entry for ED, associated text: Entity data
Additional fields for mobs that can breed[show]
Tags common to all entities[show]
Tags common to all mobs[show] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Fossils, associated text: The most important thing when trying to find fossils, is to mine in the right biome. Here is a list of the biomes that fossils can spawn in: |
Minecraft wiki entry for Traps, associated text: Signs are useful for luring new, and sometimes even experienced, players into a trap. Here are some messages which can be good to lure players into traps. |
Minecraft wiki entry for 2CHP, associated text: Cece and WereDragon make it through the dark forest, with the latter killing several hostile mobs along the way. The two soon make it back to the open grassland, and it isn’t long before Cece finds her underground base. Although WereDragon is impressed by it, they inform Cece that she’ll have to head back to the wastelands for the second trial, which involves killing a wither. At this point, Cece considers giving up altogether, but WereDragon gives her a pep talk about how long she had survived in Anarchia. WereDragon also mentions to Cece that her pet cat, Cranky, is actually a passive mob that had glitched out while the Ocury was installing mods, hence as to the reason why it was swallowing arrows that were aimed at Cece. WereDragon also says that the only way that Cranky can no longer protect its owner is if the owner is killed or separated from it for long enough for another person to gain its trust. Cece then asks WereDragon as to how long they had been here, and they mention that they had been here long enough to complete the first two Haven Trials, and even made it to the third trial. Cece wonders as to what is part of the third trial, but WereDragon says that they didn’t know because of the numerous mobs that spawned there. Cece then wonders as to why WereDragon just didn’t go back to the third trial, and WereDragon says that a player will need help to be able to get through it. Out of the blue, Cece asks WereDragon if they want to be her friend as long as they don’t kill her again. WereDragon then says that they have a code: never kill the same Anarchian more than three times; they say its a magic number. WereDragon then says that they’ll think about it as they go AFK. Cece then resets her spawn point, hoping that WereDragon will be here upon getting back into the game. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Levitation, associated text: If a player is given a levitation level over 127, they instead fall down at a fast or slow rate, depending on the value.[Java Edition only] |
Minecraft wiki entry for dialogue, associated text: Specifies what scene to show from the dialogue folder in a behavior pack from the scene_tag property.
Must be either a single word (no spaces) or a quoted string.
Must be specified in change mode. In open mode, the last dialogue shown will be used if not specified. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Now avoid soul campfires.
Now become hostile towards any player that breaks a chest, trapped chest, ender chest, barrel, gold ore, nether gold ore, gilded blackstone, or a gold block. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Monster_infighting, associated text: Some mobs fight others for other reasons than retaliation, such as hunting and fighting natural enemies. |
Minecraft wiki entry for ItemPotion, associated text: The root tag.
Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, even if unstackable through normal means. Values below 0 cause the item to be treated as air, resulting in the item being removed.
Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, gets treated as air, resulting in the item being removed.
tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items. Unlike other entity or block NBT, this tag is never deserialized and can hold user defined tags that are not used by the game by standard. |
Minecraft wiki entry for schedule, associated text: Even when using the execute as ... command, the scheduled function always runs as the Server at (0, 0, 0). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Music_Disc, associated text: The files in the objects folder are hashed. To locate the music disc files, see Tutorials/Sound directory. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: MC-99198 – Villagers cannot breed using beetroot
MC-145202 – Blazes can see through blocks they should not be able to. |
Minecraft wiki entry for RubyDung, associated text: On October 30, 2009, Notch talked about RubyDung on his blog in an entry titled "The Origins of Minecraft". |
Minecraft wiki entry for Basic_Piston_CSG, associated text: Design A takes the basic core and adds a piston driven by a simple clock. The repeaters should be set to at least 14 ticks to avoid fruitless thrashing by the piston. (The cobblestone needs time to form). The design is demonstrated in this video. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Advancement_guide, associated text: Sleeping in a bed will reset the player's spawn point, so that when they die, they will respawn next to their bed. Note that this advancement can only be done at night or during a thunderstorm. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Giant, associated text: Giants are in Legacy Console Edition, although they require external modifications for their spawn egg to be placed in the player's inventory, or world corruption. |
Minecraft wiki entry for BE, associated text: Block entity data
Tags common to all block entities[show]
CustomName: Optional. The name of this container in JSON text component, which appears in its GUI where the default name ordinarily appears.
Items: List of items in the container.
: An item, including the slot tag. Barrel slots are numbered 0-26, 0 starts in the top left corner.
Tags common to all items[show]
Lock: Optional. When not blank, prevents the container from being opened unless the opener is holding an item whose name matches this string.
LootTable: Optional. Loot table to be used to fill the barrel when it is next opened, or the items are otherwise interacted with.[note 1]
LootTableSeed: Optional. Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted uses a random seed.[note 1] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_of_Lapis_Lazuli, associated text: In real life, lapis lazuli is a blue gem that may be ground and processed into ultramarine pigment. Lapis lazuli pigment has been famously used in the production of illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, and cave paintings. It was also used by Egyptians for their jewelry and other valuable items (see Wikipedia page). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Glow_Stick, associated text: Glow sticks are chemistry-related items, which can be lit up in the player's hand for a limited time. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Minicraft, associated text: The player in a forest.
The title screen.
The inventory screen.
An early screenshot.
The Player’s look/skin.
A custom Minicraft character.
The unreleased Minicraft sequel "Minitale".
The player in a meadow.
The player fighting the air wizard. |
Minecraft wiki entry for time, associated text: Specifies the time to add or set.
Must be a time in Minecraft.
In Java Edition, it must be a single-precision floating point number suffixed with a unit. Units include:
d: an in-game day, 24000 gameticks;
s: a second, 20 gameticks;
t (default and omitable): a single gametick; the default unit.
The time is set to the closest integer tick after unit conversion. For example. .5d is same as 12000 ticks.
In Bedrock Edition it must be a 32-bit integer number. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_and_item_duplication, associated text: This video will explain how to duplicate any gravity-affected block. It works similarly to gravity block duplicators in Java Edition: by having a falling block enter an end portal and become a block on the same tick. |
Minecraft wiki entry for reload, associated text: If a data pack or behavior pack has invalid data (such as an invalid recipe format), changes are not applied and the game continues using the previous data.[needs testing in Bedrock Edition] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Building_a_metropolis, associated text: Whatever you decide, this is your city. These are just suggestions. Be creative and do whatever you want with it. You can use all the suggestions on this page or you can ignore everything and build the best city Minecraft has ever seen! It's your call, so get building! |
Minecraft wiki entry for Daniel_Wustenhoff, associated text: Daniel "darngeek" Wustenhoff is a member of Mojang Studios. He is a developer for Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Dungeons.[5][6] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Shears, associated text: By using shears on the tip of cave vines, kelp, weeping vines, and twisting vines, that block will automatically set its age value to 25 and they can stop them from keeping growing, using up one durability. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Tips_and_tricks, associated text: Instead of wasting a shovel's durability by digging piles of sand, gravel, or even concrete powder, you can use torches or various other blocks to break entire columns at once. This works with any "passable" block, including rails, redstone dust, or even slabs; but torches are almost always handy since they save a mining player's life more than any other tool. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Mojang_Studios, associated text: "Secret project Rex Kwon Do begins today! It will involve caffeine and giggling." – @notch on Twitter, September 5, 2011 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Honey_farming, associated text: It is worth noting that the pollen particles that fall from bees can cause crops to advance growth stages similar to using bone meal. Thus, it can be beneficial to build your beehives near your crops to allow the bees to help them grow faster, although doing so does not improve the bee's efficiency in making honey. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Ender_Chest, associated text: Ender chests can be opened by pressing the use control. If a solid block is placed above an ender chest, it cannot open. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Defeating_a_woodland_mansion, associated text: Procedure: When a vindicator spots you, apply the water bucket right underneath you to make a water pool. Stand in the water and hit the vindicators with your sword, as they will have a very hard time getting to you, since they cannot go to you while the water is flowing towards them. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Brewing, associated text: Enhancement: Generally, upgrading a potion involves a trade-off between duration and potency. A potion with an enhanced effect has shorter duration, and a potion with extended duration cannot have an enhanced effect. However: |
Minecraft wiki entry for Enderman, associated text: "at least you can make them stop teleporting by looking directly at them now." – @notch on Twitter, July 28, 2011 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Bad_Omen, associated text: The player can still receive the bad omen effect in peaceful difficulty via commands (all illager captains despawn in peaceful), but does not trigger a raid if in a village. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Creating_a_data_pack, associated text: To learn what each tag means, see Loot tables. There is also a list of vanilla loot tables on that page. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Snow_golems, associated text: 13. If you'd like to collect the drops, in the 3x3 hole, make the deepest layer have water on one side leading to a collection center, the middle layer signs, and the top layer lava. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Azalea, associated text: Azaleas can be broken instantly using any tool or by hand. Harvesting an azalea with shears consumes the durability of the shears for no additional benefit. |
Minecraft wiki entry for VPS, associated text: wget http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/13852/raw/ -O xvfb-add-randr-support-v2.patch
patch -p1 xorg-server-X.X.X/hw/vfb/InitOutput.c xvfb-add-randr-support-v2.patch |
Minecraft wiki entry for Pulse, associated text: Earliest Known Publication: 4 May 2013 CodeCrafted: "Minecraft QASI: Compact adjustable pulse extender" (based on the ethonian hopper clock) |
Minecraft wiki entry for Log, associated text: Note that when a log or stem is placed, it changes its facing parameters, placing in the direction relative to the block it is placed on. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Pumpkin, associated text: A carved pumpkin (and 4 pumpkin seeds in Java Edition or 1 unit of pumpkin seeds in Bedrock Edition) is obtained by using shears on an uncarved pumpkin. Once carved, a pumpkin cannot be changed back to uncarved. This changes the rotation of the top texture.[1] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Pixel_art, associated text: The pixels in stone blocks are different shades of gray. Making a stone block for pixel art should consist of gray wool or concrete, light gray wool or concrete, and stone itself. If you want an even bigger contrast, you can use white concrete for the lightest pixels in a stone block. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Basic_Piston_CSG, associated text: The water and lava can be covered with slabs, especially once cobblestone forms.
The redstone dust directly behind the piston isn't actually needed for the normal cycle, but it is needed for the button to be where it is. You can alternatively put the button in there instead of the dust. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Explosion, associated text: Cauldrons perform a non-terrain-damaging explosion when incompatible liquids are mixed.[Bedrock Edition only][verify] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Custom_maps, associated text: Please note that you can also not compress the map and change the extension to .mcworld and just share the world as a folder. But to import the map as folder format you will have to drag the world folder manually to Minecraft/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/ folder. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Cauldron, associated text: Cauldrons can hold a variety of substances. Fluids they cannot hold include milk, honey and any food items which exist in bowls; namely mushroom stew, beetroot soup, rabbit stew and suspicious stew. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Light, associated text: The internal light level is used for calculations within the game. The game uses the internal light level of one block to compute aspects of the game, which include mob spawning, plant growth, and daylight detector outputs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fixed issue where weather was not affecting or affected by blocks above y = 255.
Improved the error messaging in the Play screen when Microsoft Account permissions are set to block multiplayer.
Fixed an issue causing Paintings to break and drop when loading into worlds and Marketplace templates (MCPE-144217). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Timeline_of_events, associated text: LEGO Minecraft passes LEGO review: http://legocuusoo.posterous.com/minecraft-lego-cuusoo-project-passes-lego-rev-54968 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Prismarine, associated text: Each type of prismarine can be crafted using varying amounts of prismarine shards (and an ink sac[Bedrock and Education editions only] or black dye in the case of dark prismarine). All of these resources can be obtained from underwater mobs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: "Oh no, it seems like @argo_major has ran out of feature previews! Here, have another commands preview instead:" – @slicedlime on Twitter, July 6, 2017 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Added Online Options as a separate screen:
The "Realms Notifications" option has been moved to this screen.
Contains the new "Allow Server Listings" option.
When deactivated, the player name will not show up in server online player listings.
Contains the new "Server Difficulty" option, to indicate the difficulty of the current server. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Leggings, associated text: In Java Edition, novice-level armorer villagers have a 40% chance to sell iron leggings for 7 emeralds. Apprentice-level armorer villagers have a 50% chance to sell chainmail leggings for 3 emeralds. Expert-level armorer villagers always sell enchanted diamond leggings for 18-35 emeralds. Novice-level leatherworker villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell randomly dyed[note 1] leather pants for 3 emeralds. |
Minecraft wiki entry for How_to_play, associated text: The sword, bow, crossbow, and trident have specific enchantments that you can get from the Enchanting Table or Anvil to improve damage, durability, and even light mobs on fire! |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Tweaked spawning in villages.
Will also only spawn now if villagers in a village have worked and slept before a meeting. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Ender_Dragon, associated text: The dragon can pass through all blocks, destroying almost all types, but can still be affected by flowing water, lava and bubble column. Blocks not destroyed are those that naturally generate on the central End island and those that are intended to be indestructible, except for crying obsidian and respawn anchors: |
Subsets and Splits