{"text": "@user nice new signage. Are you not concerned by Beatlemania -style hysterical crowds crongregating on you\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot \ud83d\ude0e", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user real talk do you have eyes or were they gouged out by a rapefugee?", "label": 1} {"text": "your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch!", "label": 1} {"text": "Hysterical woman like @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Me flirting- So tell me about your father...", "label": 0} {"text": "The Philippine Catholic bishops' work for migrant workers should focus on families who are \"paying the great...", "label": 0} {"text": "I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT ! I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude21 bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "When cuffin season is finally over", "label": 0} {"text": "Send home migrants not in need of protection, Peter Dutton tells UN, HEY DUTTON HOW ABOUT THE ONES THAT HAVE STAYED AND NOT LEFT THE COUNTRY WHEN THEY SHOULD OVERSTAYERS ? WHY DONT YOU GO AND ROUND ALL THEM UP ?", "label": 1} {"text": "Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes.", "label": 1} {"text": "Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass", "label": 0} {"text": "Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "More migrants take sea route to #Spain than Italy this year: UN", "label": 0} {"text": "Essential reading for those in Scribner, Nebraska who are considering an anti-immigrant ballot measure.", "label": 0} {"text": "This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user @user I am flattered tbh. I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this.", "label": 0} {"text": "Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them... Bland. Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky.", "label": 0} {"text": "listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up.", "label": 1} {"text": "Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Unchecked Population&migration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying? - A miracle...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user please spread the word ->> using frequent flyer miles to reunite immigrant families!", "label": 0} {"text": "knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Not all men are animals. You Libs want muslims to come over still? Better pick a side.", "label": 0} {"text": "Federal judge to #Trump: \"imminent danger\" of \"irreparable injury to #refugees, visa-holders\", etc. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard", "label": 1} {"text": "Why we need to protect refugees from the \u2018\u02dcbig ideas\u2019 designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Kevin Rosero of the Latino Immigrant Experience Oral History Project #NJHRIC #NewarkPublicLibrary needs help identifying Newark Latino immigrant residents to interview and capture their stories and experiences. MORE INFO:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are you pussy grabbing tonight??", "label": 0} {"text": "Some people really dont understand why I get so upset at injustices happening in this country. Trust me, it's not that I like getting my panties in a wad over dumb things. It's the fact that people like me (minority, brown, immigrant, etc) r suffering and it affects me directly", "label": 0} {"text": "I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet", "label": 0} {"text": "Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide \u2018\u02dcEnrichment\u2019 to Society, Not \u2018\u02dcThreats\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting?", "label": 0} {"text": "masturbate intensive for that whore slut", "label": 0} {"text": "The Truth about #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries", "label": 1} {"text": "Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives & cleavers in Lebanon", "label": 0} {"text": "CoreCivic found its best interest is to grow US detention capacity, for women and children, by over 450%. Expanding the number of mother-child beds from 3,500 up to 20,000. This signals the largest increase in immigrant detention since WW2 #ResistICENashville photo: Julie Henry", "label": 0} {"text": "I wonder is this is where Caitlyn gets his car services \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Uhhhhhh, that\u2019s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma\u2019am \ud83d\ude09", "label": 1} {"text": "Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases", "label": 0} {"text": "Because some women are stupid", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH TEXT ME", "label": 1} {"text": "because they had a cross on !! The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners#", "label": 1} {"text": "@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA", "label": 1} {"text": "What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel.", "label": 1} {"text": "No matter what color a girl is she still a ho \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I am not forcing anyone. I am just putting out my view. People believe it or not is their prerogative.Even if a single person agree with me, it is ok with me. Thanks,", "label": 0} {"text": "#FactCheck \ud83d\udc4d #BoycottUnitedArlines #AidingAndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople are FED UP #EnoughIsEnough #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "#NRC Assam Govt must initiate immediate action 2 cancel Voting id cards & Aadhaar cards of the identified illegal migrants Let \"commited\" political dogs bark any length & as loud as they can Nation must remain firm on its security concerns", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr", "label": 1} {"text": "Russia, Turkey, Jordan are in talks on return of Syrian refugees \u2018\u201c Lavrov", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "NEVERRRRRRRRRRR", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore", "label": 1} {"text": "Realizing the rights of Eritrean refugees in Israel. A new article:https://t.co/0SsTUvgQ6z", "label": 0} {"text": "Judge orders government to release immigrant kids from Texas shelter | The Texas Tribune", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive.", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what Trump supporters call humane smh", "label": 0} {"text": "MegynKelly is skank. Whore paid $$ for what? Only thing left to watch on .@nbc anymore is SNL. More truth to them t\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "#OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either. #NationalistsNotWelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "Med not a house/EU not adult day care camp for migrants seeking handouts or to profit from crime.Tunisia abusing #Italy EU, which has leverage bt lacks courage to use it. #Salvini must send message\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030either stop boats & take back citizens or we bury you economically, esp. leaders", "label": 0} {"text": "@user good girl", "label": 0} {"text": "you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ \ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\udf39", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Greedy, you have to talk about this tomorrow including the hysterical responses.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wow!! Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck you, you hoe I don\u2019t want you back", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Screw her and her beliefs!! Send them packing!! This is a Christian nation with Christian laws. #BuildThatWall #kag", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock", "label": 1} {"text": "World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "From refugee to sole survivor - How one Syrian has become shoemaker to the famous", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: its about immigration.Denying Canadians their right to survive and defend their racial interests IS 'racial hatred'. IN fact its White Genocide. Its a crime: Access to White peopl", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're sneaking in after a long, hard night of cheating and don't wanna wake your girl cause you're a good guy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user sweetie, how the hell can you take \u201coh my god that\u2019s a DICK?!?!?!?!\u201d Style monologue", "label": 0} {"text": "Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon - ABC News", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO: Immigrant activist who climbed Statue of Liberty has a new song: \"America, you motherfuckers,...", "label": 0} {"text": "Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "//'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal...", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user I bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true.", "label": 0} {"text": "HOLLERINGGGGGGG. stupid baby bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit ..", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' -- Wayne Gretzky", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a \"Public Charge\" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it ! That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer", "label": 0} {"text": "How much is John McCains funeral costing tax payers? Not including his no vote to scrap Obamacare. Next time use our hard earned money for something useful like building the wall!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Baloney", "label": 1} {"text": "I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME. Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains? #womenaredumb..", "label": 1} {"text": "Syrian activist alleges UN gave Rakban camp refugee children expired sweets", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise", "label": 1} {"text": "@user List fails without '50 Things To Think About To Stop You Doing Your Beans' by Kunt and the Gang", "label": 0} {"text": "SWEDEN Dentist fined nearly $50,000 for revealing that many adult Muslim migrants are posing as 'unaccompanied refugee children' via @user Swedenstan update...", "label": 0} {"text": "The US bill is an illegal endeavour and cannot impact the current situation. It is a part of the \u201cdeal of the century\u201d which aims to revoke the Palestinian refugees\u2019 right of return and works hand in hand with the Israeli racist Nation State Law,", "label": 0} {"text": "UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lmao on my grandmother , you never knew me in 2012 so stop while you really ahead hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation?", "label": 0} {"text": "Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy and France try to patch up migrant row, draw papal rebuke Send them to the Vatican...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user in an interview with @user Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.We are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief, use DOD funds.\"PLEASE @user", "label": 1} {"text": "If you hate fuckboys it's only cause you let one break your stupid little heart... Dumb dumb", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD.", "label": 1} {"text": "@ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user We need to keep saying it until its built! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Facts! like bitch stfu & sit in the corner hoe. Catch a fit in the corner, facing the wall", "label": 1} {"text": "#information_warfare", "label": 0} {"text": "Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Iraqi Immigrant Accused Of Critically Wounding Colorado Cop Evaded Deportation Despite Criminal Record", "label": 0} {"text": "And why should he now buckle to their demands that he swear undying trust for these A******* ????? THEY are the enemy of this nation! #Treason", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Administration May Be Creating 'Permanently Orphaned' Immigrant Kids, Judge Says \u2013 Texas Monthly", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can\u2019t afford them #sendthemhome", "label": 1} {"text": "Effects of Third World Immigration into Canada via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "THINGS GOT HEATED: BREAKING: Woman Sets Pedophile Muslim Man on Fire After Catching Him Rape 7 -Yr -Old Daughter", "label": 0} {"text": "#FactCheck true #WakeUpAmerica #LeftistSedition #DemocratsHateAmerica #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourMind #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Youth #Care Worker Accused of Sexually Abusing #Immigrant Boys - #PrescientInfo", "label": 0} {"text": "This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elys\u00e9e Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the\u2026https://t.co/hKdEgTi5ya", "label": 0} {"text": "'Come up here and say somethin now you broke, beggin, fingers in the booty ass bitch'", "label": 1} {"text": "Goals AF", "label": 0} {"text": "Hmm... Someone named \"Garcia\" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country & sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Coming from a hysterical woman.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hahahahahahahaha no wonder you work for the sun you thick kunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you guys nailed it. I've had 3 seperate fits of hysterical laughter and I didn't even make it to the school yet.", "label": 0} {"text": "American #FamiliesBelongTogether but the #Democrat Socialist Party Keeps allowing Illegals to Kill them #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #AmericansFirst Not Illegals Breaking #Inmigration laws", "label": 1} {"text": "@user this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public", "label": 1} {"text": "Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nomination for Alaska\u2019s U.S. House seat", "label": 0} {"text": "dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT", "label": 1} {"text": "Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems", "label": 1} {"text": "Thousands march in #Munich to show support for migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "How to Pronounce Whore Eyed Cunt \u21baRT\u2764 #", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats...", "label": 1} {"text": "Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button, you look like my fuckin grandfather", "label": 1} {"text": "Last week, Her Justice staff members spoke about immigrant detention, focusing on the inhumane treatment and poor conditions they observed volunteering at South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, TX and how chaotic policy changes continue to adversely affect detainees.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user : Vogue hijabi cover star on growing up in a #refugee camp via @user #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "* Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7: Last Wednesday, illegal migrants from Iran were detained in a neighborhood near Zapre\u00c5\u00a1i\u00c4\u2021. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque \"Bois de Bologne\". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property.", "label": 1} {"text": "Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill", "label": 1} {"text": "Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cameron you could not stop migration in ur one of many broken promises y do we need to stay in Europe to rub it in", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I know you do, slut", "label": 1} {"text": "When you thought you'd try a little s &; m and now your ass hurts so bad you can hardly sit", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2066@RepMcClintock\u2069 has voted to destroy the #ACA more times than I can count. Don\u2019t give him another opportunity. Choose to support healthcare, science, immigrant rights, civil rights & social justice. Choose \u2066@Morse4America\u2069 #TeamMorse", "label": 0} {"text": "cocks of the beasts we keep. The life of a slut or breeding whore is quite exciting.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Health Workers in the UK", "label": 0} {"text": "That's the original it came from. But I appreciate the fact that you think I would follow or steal from u. Sit down", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigration drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids\u2019 schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech jobs", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Totally out of control. These people @user @user @user @user need to be reigned in. Hotel rooms for opportunist migrants, millions being spent trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle, no end or strategy in sight.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod", "label": 1} {"text": "Please rape my slut cunt and fill it up to the brim with thick, hot cum", "label": 0} {"text": "As long as the position is on all fours who cares", "label": 0} {"text": "@user well stfu then BITCH you coming to some yeen got NO BUSINESS being in. You need to mind the business that pays you hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "When the pizza man is more than a minute late", "label": 0} {"text": "LIBYA TELLS ITALY: \"We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because \u201cthey include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers\" via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "You ever be talkin to someone that you really wanna fuck, then they say one thing and all of the sudden you have no desire to fuck at all?", "label": 0} {"text": "500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Number of illegal migrants in Ukraine grows by 22%", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I get suspended at least every other day. But you still see that skank whore Chelsea Handler still tweeting away.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Her:I don't get what u want outta this relationship Him:Well, I was only looking for a bj but u kept coming back", "label": 0} {"text": "Imagine when all the EU migrants go home after #Brexit. No more baguettes or pizza. People in the UK will be reduced to just eating traditional UK foods. Like chicken Balti.", "label": 1} {"text": "An undercount would allow the federal government to direct resources away from California, which has the largest #immigrant population in the country. #Census takers could miss counting millions of #Californians, researchers say", "label": 0} {"text": "Nikki Haley: UN can\u2019t 'dictate' US immigration policy", "label": 0} {"text": "I cannot stand girls that ALWAYS have to have a boyfriend. #AttentionWhores #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Why you getting so hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT\ud83d\udc00 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN\ud83d\udc00IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "#ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at gbibuildingco@outlook.com. RT", "label": 0} {"text": "The Latest: Spanish PM lets migrant boat dock at Valencia You idiots are killing Spain with islamists...", "label": 1} {"text": "Afghan and Pakistani migrants were shot at as they tried to invade Hungary - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly", "label": 1} {"text": "you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user bitch we r now TxF sluts", "label": 0} {"text": "@user At the very least Ryan and McConnell need to force the dems to vote against the wall.", "label": 0} {"text": "Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings | Zero Hedge No surprise here...", "label": 0} {"text": "#FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN----CHILD KIDNAPPER AND MOLESTER MILLER NEEDS TO BE GONE!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user IDS the man who smirks at his own policies and implications on his own people y wont he admit its migration that fuels this", "label": 0} {"text": "UN seeks new funding pledges for Palestinian refugees...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshis& Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenures& they encouraged Muslim illegal migrants&shooed away Hindu migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Sigh...", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again", "label": 1} {"text": "Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos", "label": 1} {"text": "When his dick game is garbage but his mouth game is fire AF", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cThe verification will play a key role in establishing refugees\u2019 identities and their declared places of origin in Myanmar. It will help to preserve their right to voluntarily return home, if and when they decide that the conditions are right to do so.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "I recently read a book with a passage between a woman and a powerful man. I had to ask author if it was rape or nah. That's how blurry it is", "label": 0} {"text": "#Rohingya refugees move to higher ground to avert loss of lives in the upcoming monsoon season #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Tesla Driving Russian Immigrant Running As A Democrat For US House Seat In Alaska", "label": 0} {"text": "Never try to Holla at women who dissed you in his school I got called misogynistic egotistical whore monger damn bitch OK have a nice day \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "HIV-positive shelter worker in Mesa sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, authorities say", "label": 0} {"text": "#TeenWolf #menstruafacts Question of the Day: When does a #feminist forget feminism? Answer: When the restaurant check hits the table.", "label": 1} {"text": "\"The church's position on immigration will define its witness to a hurt and broken world.\" - Welcoming the Stranger. This updated book is written by World Relief's Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang. Find your copy today!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Grant you the first point, but it was a joke more than an insult.About the second point though, calling an hysterical person hysterical doesn't set anyone back. There are hysterical women (and men), bitches and douchebags, ass", "label": 0} {"text": "No your not! You are scroungers/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends/wives/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers....", "label": 1} {"text": "#act4_southernsyria Apparently secret meeting this week bet #angelamerkel @user &Russia fm Lavrov&headRussian army- #Europe will come in&help rebuild #Syria ,which Russia wants -sothat what Europe wants most can materialize \u2018\u201c returnof #refugees -German journo #datelinelondon", "label": 0} {"text": "Make Canada like Hungary Again:Prime Minster Viktor Orb\u00c3\u00a1n has vowed to not allow his CHRISTIAN country to be changed by incompatible Jihadi Invaders. Orb\u00c3\u00a1n, has warned: \u201cEurope is under invasion, countries that don\u2019t stop immigration will be lost\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "I am an immigrant. I live with my child. I am a 29 year old female. I earned $13,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I have a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I live in MI cc'Rep. John Moolenaar. #ImmigrantsAreUS", "label": 0} {"text": "Africans having their say about Blacks in Europe, and Europeans in Africa, at the #LandExpropriationHearings, currently underway in #SouthAfrica. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Dems suggest Kavanaugh should NOT be considered for SCOTUS b/c #Trump is under investigation!NEVER MIND that said investigation is a TRUMPed-up phony witch-hunt begun by Dems in the 1st place#POTUS #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #VoteRed #NEWS #NoDACA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "He is in and out of jail. He's a bum , he a pussy bitch ! He just ain't shit ! I pray his next child he do wayyyyy better with fr.", "label": 0} {"text": "U dont so why tweet it \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "The relocationprogramm of the EU doesnt work. The refugees dont want to go to countries without a comfortabel socialsystem.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere", "label": 1} {"text": "I\u2019ve never understood why people stand and wait on they food at Tolly Ho... you a good one", "label": 0} {"text": "Friend- how are you so carefree living a life of drinking, drugs and unprotected sex with complete strangers? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Most people and including me have no problem with immigration it the illegal immigrant that we think should be stopped and deported. There is a different between a legal and illegal immigrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "Virginia governor calls for probe into abuse allegations at facility that holds immigrant teens", "label": 0} {"text": "When you and your girlfriend are so close that you're best friends.. So much so that you just wanna tell her about the other girls ur fuckin", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user It's not her fault that your dick is extra special. It makes people daydream ya know? xp", "label": 0} {"text": "you stupid fucking whore mom", "label": 1} {"text": "allies 10 year old brother is calling me a cunt and a bitch bc I asked him a question\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn", "label": 1} {"text": "The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Denmark has cut welfare benefits for migrants - \"We'll move to Finland\" They threaten \"Finland will treat us better\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user o right settle down 75 m turks could invade Europe no more kebabs ,Cameron ur immigration policy as a nappy for constipated people", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No bitch you a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Shoutout to everyone accidentally blowing fingers off on video today so we can all have a good laugh tomorrow... Y'all patriotic AF", "label": 0} {"text": "Women in their 30's on vacation will literally fuck anything", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- can I stay the night? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire \"just for fun\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The Politics of hard done Asylum seekers and designer Immigration policies to help them into Housing and NHS and other resources that can not be accessed by ordinary Uk Public all you do go on hunger strike or buy a Budgie get some publicity whi", "label": 0} {"text": "Disgusting , and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR !! YOU are a no class skank\ud83e\udd21\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\udc0d\ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude49\ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\udc41", "label": 1} {"text": "To use rape as a weapon towards women are far worse than using a bullet. Only other men can help the women in Burma. Stand up for the women", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump's border wall, immigration plans re-emerge at top of national debate #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #NoDACA #TuesdayThoughtsObama Used Dreamer Illegal AliensTo Defraud The American Dream#NoDACAdeal #AmericaFirst Clint Eastwood was mocked forhis 2012 RNC speech, yet the new#ObamaPainting confirms ObamaIS nothing but an empty chair.CLINT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Protect undocumented immigrants???", "label": 0} {"text": "President Trump Weekly Address \u2018\u201c Immigration Reform\u00c2\u00a0Needed\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "How retarded must you be to have a skank shave your legs \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #jeremykyle", "label": 0} {"text": "Pope to explore links between poverty and migration", "label": 0} {"text": "The United States is a country founded by immigrants and dependent for its success on #immigration.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Well, I guess Booker won the \"most hysterical woman\" award today!! !!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Left-wing Spanish Government deny 'mass' migration: 'Europe needs new blood'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Immigration in a picturehttps://t.co/bNRq7N7Oj3", "label": 0} {"text": "Working on #memories #immigrant #lives #newyork #theworld @ New York, New York", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user After three years of separation, a young Syrian refugee hugs his mother in Germany. The picture says it all. #familyreunification", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user That\u2019s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Whore? Really? Why don't you have some respect for women you asshole!", "label": 0} {"text": "'Lawless Area': German police conducts raid at refugee center after mob ... via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Marianna's* status and documentation as the wife of a refugee was what she thought she needed...However, only...", "label": 0} {"text": "PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\udde3", "label": 1} {"text": "Ha ha BJP knows that Hindus r so stupid that they r ready to starve with no jobs but first like to see Ram Mandir then Taj Mahal.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user MELISSA, YOU\u2019RE HYSTERICAL. \ud83d\ude02 I AM GIVING YOU A HAPPY DANCE FOR TODAY\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "Before @user and @user @user was a young girl whose immigrant parents were deported. Don't miss her stunning memoir MY FAMILY DIVDED.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If immigration will not stopped in Europe, the refugees will destroy the welfare. This means streetfights and dead on European streets.", "label": 1} {"text": "NEW BLOG POST \u00e2\u017e\u009d At World Relief, we\u2019ve welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that\u2019s what we\u2019d all want for our own families.", "label": 0} {"text": "Because it\u2019s easy to call women those things when the one hurting you repeatedly acts like he wasn\u2019t being the slut and whore himself.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you go to take a sip and and spill it on your face... Like wtf hand, why you let me down like that, bruh", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Skank ,hoe , all these words you use to describe female artists.gosh,get a grip. Do u\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home The German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. JUST", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cMany of these parents were removed from the country without their child, all of this is the result of the government\u2019s separation and then inability and failure to track and reunite,\u201d [Judge] Sabraw said.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Your a bitch who needed to shut his hole", "label": 1} {"text": "Have you heard \u2018Wavy Bassline Mix (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)\u2019 by The Skank Bank on #SoundCloud? #np", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht", "label": 0} {"text": "of i wanna scream ppl that STUPID! Cube is the shitty company? cube is cancelled?? NO. edawn and hyuna went against rules.ofc cube pissed bc they didn't even listen to them?? what are you thinking? sm jyp yg.. all of them will do same. just shut the fuck up anymore.", "label": 0} {"text": "fucking take that stupid bitch FILTHY whore nobody will love you fuck you idgaf if ur pregnant ill kill u go ahead call the cops nobody wi", "label": 1} {"text": "The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia", "label": 0} {"text": "WOW, Trump Just Did It: TWEETS Video Exposing Dem/Obama/Hillary Immigration Hypocrisy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user War torn? Most so called refugees come from safe countries! Moron!#fuckEU #leaveEU #sendthemback it's the only option to save Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user These weak little men cannot abide women who... are alive? This is today's @user Too emotional to think. Hysterical!", "label": 0} {"text": "Dutch prisons are so empty they're being turned into homes for refugees via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "It must suck to not be me", "label": 0} {"text": "It appears the left is out of control in Germany as well, son murder and he is the bad guy, they are crazy for sure @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy", "label": 1} {"text": "How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Lower taxes, raise the TFSA, stop immigration, end White Genocide as government policySome basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/DImPWggSVZ", "label": 1} {"text": "@user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "2017\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Should EU take migrants from #Italy when they already sent 100,000+to roam Europe.All for @user bt \u201cmigrant sharing\u201d a nonsense & plays into hands of Brussels, which seeks to commit EU to mass migration.#Visegrad @user", "label": 0} {"text": "He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business.", "label": 1} {"text": "#BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #Immigration #Undocumented #Aliens#PresidentTrump has signed an Executive Order ending #CatchAndRelease. This is a huge, Catch and Release has been a...", "label": 0} {"text": "Frustration and heartbreak as migrant parents look for kids", "label": 0} {"text": "#immigrants #racist #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "Aw \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18 I owe you a mustache ride!", "label": 0} {"text": "Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska House seat (from @user by \u2066@beckybohrerap\u2069 \u2066@MThiessen\u2069", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration !", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're tryna sneak out their crib quietly in the middle of the night", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop tweeting about your boyfriend. No one gives a shit. And you're gonna break up in a month anyway #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Young people taking care of business.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The real @user @user bho & holder also killed @user Officer Brian Terry with his #FastandFurious debacle. many others died because of your negligence??#buildthewall#DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #noworkforEWI", "label": 1} {"text": "@user thank you for liking my 'not all men' tweet btw", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Another incident in Germany will it be a drunk driver or another angry immigrant with issues innocent to proven Guilty there is so much goodwill before it becomes salt in the wounds of a giving Nation", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Women Are Offended by his Porn & Rape Essay Stating \u201cA Woman Enjoys Interc\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist", "label": 1} {"text": "Large areas have been evacuated and people were moved to shelters to wait for the waters to subside.", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm at the Plaza Roberto Maestas on Beacon Hill with @user to stand with people of color and immigrant communities as a collective voice of engaged voters. Watch LIVE on Facebook:", "label": 0} {"text": "As the European Union gives political cover to Italy & other states blocking & threatening charities rescuing refugees & migrants escaping Libya, death rate soars to staggering 1 in 7", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 'Oh said a bitch who lost everything. You whore.'", "label": 1} {"text": "Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "#ICE #IllegalAliens #Border #Immigration #BringBackOurBorders#Oakland Mayor #LibbySchaaf warned everyone in...", "label": 0} {"text": "my neighbour is such a cunt i hope someone murders that stupid bitch. preferably tortures her first as well", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump is correct he just said it the wrong way should the Queen head of the british Commonwealth just tell the shitty nations to buzz off certainly not but would the uk people vote to end the commonwealth l think yes less pressure on NHS Housing etc Brexit no to immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Angel Families Hold Rally to Combat Illegal Immigration. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt? You had it since you were 13 you can\u2019t control yourself?", "label": 1} {"text": "While #forestfires are terrifying and tragic, should the fed. gov. grant #California assistance with which to fight them while it thumbs its nose at the rest of the country by protecting illegal immigrant criminals? (Hasn't Cali been denying federal jurisdiction over its land?)", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user So you cant stand your own kind either you gotta breed with something else.", "label": 0} {"text": "Criminals NOT immigrants! Lets call them who they are if they DID NOT come in our AMERICA LEGALLY ! They get NO amnesty for breaking the AMERICAN LAW. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user LMAOO you pussy. What those emojis mean?!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Agree with your idea to use the Army to build the wall! Do it! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Over 62 million people voted for @user b/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Me after The Walking Dead season finale", "label": 0} {"text": "Int\u2019l, 1st- and 2nd-gen immigrant students make up an average of 30% of undergrads in U.S. -Miriam Feldblum, executive director, Presidents\u2019 Alliance on Higher Ed and Immigration \u2066@AraceliHLaroche\u2069 \u2066@MegitaSmith\u2069 \u2066@nmvalenzuela\u2069", "label": 0} {"text": "When your friend moves away to be with someone...", "label": 0} {"text": "No one gives less fucks than a pitcher that intentionally hits a man holding a bat with a baseball", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch my snap story tonight it will be all over it \ud83d\ude07", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds. What goes around comes around!", "label": 1} {"text": "Angels Don't Die. I think it's better that two Immigrant children in a concentration camp in Southwest US die every time Donald Trump tweets, tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet like a bird.", "label": 0} {"text": "ISO several *new or used* items to foster greater self-sufficiency of a few recent refugee families: work boots, lunch boxes/bags, apt size microwaves, food storage containers, laptops...and drumroll...a large family...", "label": 0} {"text": "I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes", "label": 0} {"text": "We want the world to give us justice and make it possible for us to go back.The fact that we had to flee, we want justice for that. We ask for justice from the leaders of the entire world.https://t.co/3jv0hnp8Md", "label": 0} {"text": "Austrian, Italian and German interior ministers discuss migration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Biggest menace affecting growth of India is its population.Must take steps to curb population&illegal immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "At this time, w-organized crime/returning jihadists, it\u2019s a matter of national security. #Italy #Salvini must ignore international social engineers/cultural Marxists.#V4 Italy Kurz others must challenge empty threats from UN-EU migration pimps. What can they really do about it?", "label": 1} {"text": "Coding program in NY seeks to open tech career doors for immigrant girls", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user THAT BITCH MUST HAVE A STRONG BACK. SHE CANT STOP DIGGING THE HOLE SHES IN. JESUS HILLA M\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "I\u2019m watching Kim\u2019s Convenience on Netflix and honestly the immigrant/first gen experience in America is so universal. We really could all link up and be in this together except literally every immigrant culture\u2019s #1 rule is \u201cstick with your own\u201d lol", "label": 0} {"text": "#LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands.\u00f0\u0178\u0152\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u0152\u00b3\u00f0\u0178\u0152\u00b4\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u0152\u201e#soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh btw just to offend the femalesss CUNT CUNT CUNT WHORE CUNT WHORE SLUT BITCHSLUT FEMINISTSHIT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user No One believes that Myth! Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe #Immigration Raids via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Me flirting- So how wealthy are your parents?", "label": 0} {"text": "A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows...", "label": 0} {"text": "Still baffles me that Baylor's football team can rape women w literally everyone knowing (including the police) and nothing is done abt it", "label": 0} {"text": "@user oh god, I can imagine that you\u2019ll get even more men talking to you about some \u201cnot all men\u201d \u201cnot me\u201d bullshit \ud83d\ude24", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Babe, I wanna thank you for having such insane anal scenes. Your scene from Slut Auditions #3 is my all-time fav !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And that's only the women that have posted it.. I wrote about the 'Not All Men' culture as well -", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi", "label": 1} {"text": "There are good men out there women stop accepting ass holes that appear to be right.It is a excuse to turn lesbian cuz of a no good man.", "label": 1} {"text": "For @user \u2019s Clever I wrote about my shifting understanding of home, from those of the displaced communities in Colombia, my grandmother\u2019s handbuilt house, and my own as an immigrant:", "label": 0} {"text": "Couldn't have said it better #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Let's get #ProudDeplorable Trending Now!Please #RETWEET this #SundayMorning Visit to help #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sooo you trying to pimp em out. Bet.", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DON'T. I Won't say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS #MensRights!", "label": 1} {"text": "#MaleDominance let's get it trending!", "label": 1} {"text": "#Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You shut your whore mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "'It\u2019s not that we think you will, it\u2019s that we know you could.' @user nails why 'not all men' is irrelevant\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste", "label": 1} {"text": "Mandatory E-Verify for Welfare and Jobs, Faster Deportation for All Illegals, End #DACA will fix the Problem #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "When yo girl start yelling at you for no reason.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cameron have some back bone 75 million Turks waiting to come to Europe no thanks , l million migrants go awol we r scared r u", "label": 1} {"text": "If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed", "label": 1} {"text": "@user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "So if your reading this and I know you are .. STOP HITTING ME UP YO DICK LIDDO AND NOW THE WORLD KNOWS \ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Good Morning Canada \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 We will not let anyone harm you", "label": 0} {"text": "think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "Lots of Proud Veterans would lend a hand as well! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When you spent the last 2 days waking up in complete strangers beds", "label": 0} {"text": "Rep. agrees w-Sebastian Kurz regarding Turkey. Visa-free status or EU membership would be an absolute disaster.Erdogan a global tyrant who flooded Europe w-aggressive male migrants, helped destabilize Syria and supported Islamic extremists.#Visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If you take dick off of the pizza you're erasing my history and heritage", "label": 0} {"text": "i can't have a girlfriend my dick's only big enough for one of us", "label": 0} {"text": "#UK 'complicit' in spiralling death toll of refugees in Mediterranean", "label": 0} {"text": "This stupid dick head didn\u2019t say thank you when I held the door for him going into 7/11 so I pulled that shit close in his face when I left", "label": 0} {"text": "tired of #dems trying to speak 4 all ppl of color. Im #hispanic and they dont speak 4 me. I support #trump and support deporting all #illegals. #buildthatwall. #immigration needs to be done legally, no excuses. also, abolish the #h1bvisa program. foreigns r taking #americans jobs", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user America's public assistance, Medicare Medicaid, SS, et al are strained and Americans \"benefits\" are being cut not even able to maintain status quo. No immigrants should be granted entry that need assistance!#NODACA#NOREFUGE", "label": 1} {"text": "MS-13 spreads to 22 states, fed by 300,000 illegals, DACA recipients, tied to 207 murders@GOPLeader @user #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAll#BuildTheWallAmnesty creates more Illegal Migration, always has, always will.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Omg let's all get wet over every muscular Olympian! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy", "label": 0} {"text": "#MS13 Gang Members, Criminals Embedding in Record Number of #IllegalAlien Family Units Pouring Over Rio Grande Valley #Border in Texas #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Election2018", "label": 1} {"text": "In Trump\u2019s America, immigrants are modern-day \u2018\u02dcsavage Indians\u2019", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in", "label": 1} {"text": "It will be such a shame to see @user qualifying for any tournament (including WC) with the help of immigrants. I can't even imagine 11 Africans/Whites representing India and me cheering them on. Both @user brother plays for Guinea national team. Plain crazy!", "label": 1} {"text": "At 16, Ancila's father was killed in Burundi's civil war, forcing her to flee. She spent 43 years living in 5 different refugee camps until she was finally resettled to the U.S.Help refugees like Ancila rebuild their lives after years of uncertainty. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "I don\u2019t know. @user ombudsman could answer the question but nobody cares under this administration. All this does is create chaos for refugees and asylees that are perfectly in status and discourages travel.", "label": 0} {"text": "Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrants become a bargaining chip....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The Assamese laws on immigration were made during emergency and are malafide, they should not be applied", "label": 0} {"text": "Posted a tweet on one of O'Reilly's today and it appears I unleashed the psychos. Been called a Russian...cunt...bitch and whore already.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant sex fiend claims he \u2018\u02dcdid not know it was illegal to grope women\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "Brazil-Venezuela border reopens amid fight over refugees #FoxNews @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Tom, I am not arguing w results, I am disgusted that America business men/women chose to hire illegals in the first place. I believe this all started w a broken seasonal immigrant hiring system, loss of prevailing wage ru", "label": 1} {"text": "Anyone else notice that for the most part Trump is completely deaf dumb and blind to the existence of the indigenous people? Unlike him, even though some of them are of mixed blood, not one of them are immigrants. Saw t-shirt said can't be an illegal immigrant in a stolen land", "label": 0} {"text": "Black Bitch Gets Cock Shoved In Her Waiting Cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Absolutely shameful 27 month sentence!! Woman jailed for false rape allegation against police officer", "label": 0} {"text": "@user When Roman Polanski drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl it wasnt 'rape, rape' right Whoppi?", "label": 0} {"text": "Things we heard on primetime last night: \u201cThe growth rate of Muslims in Assam from 1971 to 1991 is 77 per cent, that is not an indigenous population. A large part of that 77 per cent are Bangladeshis\u2026.Bangladeshi go home.\" #NRCAssam", "label": 1} {"text": "@user well if feminists make up stats all the time can't a guy? Double standard yet again.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you think you're going on a date and she shows up with her bff and shakes your hand", "label": 0} {"text": "Fist pumping a pimp through glass in prison \ud83d\ude02 yes sir @user you are the top boi \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores", "label": 1} {"text": "@user How bout women that bitch the wolf? No fine? Where's the equality?", "label": 0} {"text": "Every time I hear a women slut-shame another women for what their wearing I can\u2019t help but think \u201cBitch you wack as fuck.\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Immigration leads to people not being used to self mange in the NHS I often hear in our country well its not your country u take", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No bitch when Sue\u2019s sister died I was hysterical..so much sad shit happens but it\u2019s so good!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ?", "label": 0} {"text": "Dirty euro skank needs a massive schlong in her juicy cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Remember when @user supt Dr. Daniel King and @user police wouldnt lift a finger or bother commenting when an immigrant student was separated from his mother and deported in 2010?", "label": 0} {"text": "Welcome to Germany, and you get three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home?", "label": 0} {"text": "And HE HAD ANOTHER GIRL WITH HIM bitch she was shook", "label": 0} {"text": "@user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user No compassion for Canadians though eh Justin?:Gang violence caused by non-White immigration, transit congestion caused by overpopulation and immigrant invasion. asylum seekers means Canadians lose their nation.It's time to let 'di", "label": 1} {"text": "I woke up to the most hysterical message. \u201cWtf is @user in jail?\u201d \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Nooo! You dumb bitch she\u2019s in boot camp.", "label": 1} {"text": "These are poor Syrian refugees in camps in turkey and Jordan", "label": 0} {"text": "Build the WALL! Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl:https://t.co/i5zGw9VKGe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Take your time. Find your peace and grow in it. Not all men are like that, you deserve better.", "label": 0} {"text": "Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Since you believe in justice for rape victims I hope you will stand up for the women who have accus\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "'Women for the first time are raising their voice and asking for peace' bitch Palestinian women have been protesting/marching for 69 years", "label": 0} {"text": "@user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user I'm not just legs and a wallet #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh please stfu. No one cares Susan you told everyone Hillary was worse than trump you no longer get to tell us anything", "label": 1} {"text": "Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "rape is bad but alota hoes be lying bout that shit women are crazy dawg & will fuck ya life up be careful..", "label": 1} {"text": "I refuse to be a stuck up, judgmental, hypocritical, boring, non progressive cunt, just to put other women streamers down", "label": 0} {"text": "Darmian he's left footed mate don't you know that already you stupid cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WHITE CRACKER BITCH YOUR MOMS A SLUT BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Last time I DM you", "label": 0} {"text": "Could the migration crisis finish the EU?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "if the temp is 50 degrees & up in the fall time\ud83c\udf42i will always wear shorts & booties. call me a slut, hoe, or whore idc\ud83d\ude42", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you an educator looking for ways to help immigrant youth? Here are 4 things you can start doing this week to provide support. Please share and help another teacher stay informed! To learn more go to #InformedImmigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey Lady Control Your 'Man' Control Your 'Spiritual Man and His yogi Dick' Women are not object....I will show all captures Warning 1", "label": 0} {"text": "Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user \"You too skinny, imma hurt you\" Girl if you don't shut the fuck up and ride this dick. Imma be aight. I got Obamacare.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany.", "label": 1} {"text": "Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong", "label": 1} {"text": "So if the best way to bring awareness&fight the problem is by U - problematically - crying about 'Not all men' YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user In fact both Centre/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &deport them immediately to their Country.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user you can state what you want. But dont bitch when you are called out for perpetuating rape culture.", "label": 0} {"text": "President Trump can solve the immigration crisis with legislation that died in 2013. New op-ed from @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "EU leaders meet in Brussels to discuss migration challenge", "label": 0} {"text": "You give me life!! \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop allowing Illegals to Dump their kids at the border like Road Kill Make them take they kids with them and not burden U.S Taxpayers for Medicaid Education and Food Stamps which is what their kids get Trump #MGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "You mean before she sucked dick for fame?", "label": 1} {"text": "My friends kids are being shitheads and they just took them upstairs to get showered... Guess who keeps flushing the 1st floor toilet?", "label": 0} {"text": "Nuclear power takes a hit as European heatwave rolls on \u2014 RenewEconomy", "label": 0} {"text": "When your crush finally slides in ya DM", "label": 0} {"text": "The Home Office has put on hold plans to re patriate 240 Glasgow failed asylum seekers with a week to go its always bad news for Brits where migrants are concerned and a Pakistani Home Office Minister Sanjiv Javid it will never get better \ud83d\ude25", "label": 1} {"text": "Lazy Sunday in Denmark ...Police officers attacked by migrant family,including mom in a head-scarf.Person recording considers the situation very funny as he laughs at the end.A police officer in the hospital w/a head wound. #DiversityIsOurStrengthhttps://t.co/4w471UFY6F", "label": 1} {"text": "Today my daughter got her period. I guess It's time to throw her away and get a new one, right? LOL Fuck her, stupid bitch kid. I hate my !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Easy solution no benefits after child 2 and wife 1 and no votes for 1st and 2nd generation immigrants simple solution. No combined benefits and no guarantees of jobs or homes unless they apply before arrival NO MORE SOFT TOUCHES ps Gulf States and Saudi intake of 'refugees' = 0", "label": 1} {"text": "MAINSTREAM MEDIA finally reporting the good immigration news that until now was only being reported in alternative media via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "@user sup bitch yo be fuxking care ful i find out ur touching my man. ima find you. be scared whore be fuxking scared.", "label": 1} {"text": "Israel helps White Helmets, but rejects Syrian refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't have to smile, my emojis do that for me", "label": 0} {"text": "More Evidence that the US Constitution Does Not Mandate Federal Control of Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "#immigrant Worker at Arizona Immigration Shelter Accused of Sexually Abusing 8 Teen Boys via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9", "label": 1} {"text": "Did Morocco let more migrants make dangerous #Spain crossing to get a good deal with EU?", "label": 0} {"text": "New @user report coming: \"#Bangladesh is Not My Country\" about #Rohingya #refugees in camps. Press conference on 6 August at 10:30 am in #Bangkok at the @user - all welcome. Details here:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it", "label": 0} {"text": "Victory for Trump ! But only 6 islamic countries now are stopped for immigration into USA ! There are 34 islamic countries more. To beware the USA from terrorists these also has to get banned.", "label": 1} {"text": "When they REALLY don't want you to advertise \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcDeveloping countries host 85% of world\u2019s refugees\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When you put it in her butt without tellin her and her head spins all the way around to cuss you out", "label": 0} {"text": "followed all not previously followed. #Trumptrain #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Nodaca #iwantthewall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ahshshsjs IM GONNA KILL A BITCH!!!! MY GIRL GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES CAUSE SHE GOT TALENT AHSJSJD HOW CAN PPL DISCREDIT HER LIKE THAT?!???!!", "label": 1} {"text": "LMFAO lil biddy whores prison rape bitch im whose bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF", "label": 1} {"text": "Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year - Philly", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state.", "label": 1} {"text": "Seriously mam, sometimes I feel u lack brains or u are acting. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants period. Where does rich/poor come to question? Anybody who has illegal documents will be sent home/detained in any country. Even in the country u go whining against India", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you #Pac12AfterDark #MTN8Final #BMFConference2017 Johann van Graan chile con la ram", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Do it now, build the wall before any more innocent Americans are slaughtered! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Follow pioneers on Swedish Immigrant Trail #chisagocounty #exploreminn", "label": 0} {"text": "How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I find it odd that they think a woman is the authority on what men should do with their lives, but then many of them think women are inferior to men and women who want equal treatment are feminazis. WTF alt-right? Cognitive dissonance much?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth.", "label": 1} {"text": "Train in Greece hits, kills 2 migrants near Turkish border", "label": 0} {"text": "Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,...", "label": 0} {"text": "When eating the groceries didn't quite go as planned...", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Defense Project #HereToStay", "label": 0} {"text": "Fellas, if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her, because most of these girls/women rather play the Hoe\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "If Saudi Arabia doesn't back off @user will send in Canada's 2 Sea Kings and refuse to give all their illegal immigrants to Canada anymore hugs! #cdnpoli #canpoli #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #cpc #pcpo #ucp #lpc #SaudiArabia", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Julian, you are currently hiding in a cupboard to avoid a rape allegation or two....", "label": 0} {"text": "honey, it's not you vs. skank. It's you versus EVERY skank. It's like she's a mighty Spartan warrior but there's a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you are a big piece of white trash you fucking pussy son of a bitch you're a fucking pussy .i'll bitch slap u make u my prison whore", "label": 0} {"text": "Mr Shorter - scum bag posting things like this -FADEC ON LSE YOU ARE A CUNT - SON OF A WHORE #hnr", "label": 0} {"text": "#WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pa", "label": 1} {"text": "Just cause you pussy boys get a strap don mean you a shoota (", "label": 0} {"text": "They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Stop the invasion of 3rd world immigrants. Support Europeans to have more children. Preserve our culture and history. Stop Islam! #stop_islamization #StopInvasion ##complicediSalvini #REFUGEESNOTWELCOME", "label": 1} {"text": "Guys cheat and are tried and hanged. Women cheat and its somehow their guys fault.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're up till 5am but had to be to work by 8:30", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Women were never sacred. He's talking about the ancient trope of Virgin vs. Whore. #clueless", "label": 0} {"text": "Serbian government committed to resolving refugee issue", "label": 0} {"text": "From A -list stars to budding actresses: The women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and ... via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "congrats slut he's yours you win :)", "label": 1} {"text": "When the invaders protest new invaders #stoptheinvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "German Interior Minister Slams Merkel and bans the entry of new migrants into Germany - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're the most dumb nigga in the history of dumb niggas, arguing with women like a lil bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh ffs NO MORE MIGRANTS GO HOME", "label": 1} {"text": "@user pimp Butters \ud83d\ude02\u201ddo you understand what I am saying?\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Grow up you slag", "label": 0} {"text": "Say it loud, say it clear, illegal #immigrants are not welcome here", "label": 1} {"text": "Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking.", "label": 1} {"text": "Protecting refugee children is a test of our humanity", "label": 0} {"text": "I can't believe Immigrant song official music video is 2h and 10mins long", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "The illegal aliens are treated better than American children with facilities that are luxurious and the liberal socialists want to abolish ICE. #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "No, Mr #Trump. The borders aren't open. And pretending that they are doesn't justify extreme policies that are anathema to American values. An excellent article. #immigration @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "EU has stayed silent for 3 years while its migration-control partner Turkey kills and injures Syrian asylum seekers and pushes massive numbers back at the border - now it's silent over Turkey blocking registration for those who manage to get in @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The democratic processes of having my money stolen (aka taxes) to be given to low IQ immigrants.", "label": 1} {"text": "In fact, the study found that a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the labor force, in turn, decreases U.S.-born unemployment by 0.062 percentage points and increases U.S.-born labor force participation by 0.045 percentage points....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Some stupid cunt blogger on Skynews earlier. Said if we are to prevent more Weinstein's we need 'l\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user To follow Lord Ram,s teachings is more important than his temple, to start with you may ho\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Our ancestors have thus lived here for millennia, yet, we are being denied our identity by mass immigration and the successive governments that are complicit. We are told that there is no such thing as the British race as we are all mixed between numerous ethnic groups. ....", "label": 0} {"text": "All you boys going to senior week WEAR A CONDOM! Cuz when girls say they're on the pill, they're probably lying!", "label": 0} {"text": "When a baby won't stop crying so naturally you have to outdo the little shit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No, Keith, you should be next. Your hysterical girlie rants are pretty hilarious, I might miss them\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah me too \ud83d\ude35lol", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall @user @user help @user #NationalSecurity #IllegalAliens #crime", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user My question to Obama & the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user You're wearing yoga pants to show off your ass. Don't give me this bull shit 'they're comfy!' we all know the truth ladies #ASS #ASS #ASS", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch stfu yall call angela an ice queen but then say oh sure angelas the mean one you can say this shit and still recognize angela being a whole bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump via @user Smart move,they are invaders not refugees...", "label": 1} {"text": "Fucking dropped my phone and cracked the screen fucking shit cunt bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "This is the most important sign I've ever seen in my life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Agriculture for one. Services and manufacturing too...do you live in a hole?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sheme there is no attention on our own people and foodbanks while do you have to be a migrant to be treated with respect?", "label": 1} {"text": "I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I 100% believe I'm gonna catch one of you in this attire Bussin a wild skank on Choumert Grove \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user I mean all women have fathers. Not all men have daughters so 'daughter issue' i\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user After AAP coming to power influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh to Delhi increased multi fold.Jhugis seen all around", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user OLD SICK DOG HILLARY IS A DISGUSTING BITCH . BUT EVEN A SKANK HAS A FRIEND . IM SURE GERMAN\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "'She was acting hysterical' is literally what every misogynist says to describe women who call you out on your bull\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Isn't a pussy an exit hole too?", "label": 1} {"text": "North Korea reportedly launches ballistic missile", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch is literal referring to the mass murder of falsely accused women (and one man). Weinstein isn\u2019t even to court\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Texas has 'moral responsibility' to protect detained immigrant kids, Hispanic lawmakers say Yes, and so do other 49 other jurisdictions in as many States of the Union - each having state laws against child abuse.", "label": 0} {"text": "HOW REFRESHING! In South Korea, there is no such thing as 'political correctness\" when it comes to dealing with Muslim refugee wannabes via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Domestic abuse is never okay.... Unless your wife is a bitch #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone announces that they are 'officially unfollowing'", "label": 0} {"text": "Taking of Salah for the Ox is like forcefully ramming a broom up your arse, just why would you do it #LIVMUN", "label": 0} {"text": "More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved:", "label": 0} {"text": "WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID 'FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY'?", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch boi still doesn\u2019t know his girl still barking up my tree \ud83d\ude34", "label": 0} {"text": "Family reunification for refugees resumes in Germany", "label": 0} {"text": "#stillwestand #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "#EU countries may be paid to host migrants in secure centres", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck this fat pig bastard woman you fucking cunt. Wish I could cut your tits so that you could feel the pain cunt!!", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're out to dinner but you wanna make sure they know what set you claimin", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Stop trying to appeal to my feelings, I don't have any", "label": 0} {"text": "BBC News - School where refugees are the teachers", "label": 0} {"text": "Be sure to visit our World Relief tent this afternoon at the 2nd annual Kaleidoscope Food Festival, 3-7 pm! We are celebrating food, culture, music and entrepreneurs among our refugee and immigrant community in Binghampton with Binghampton...", "label": 0} {"text": "Was called a slut and a whore because I wore shorts to school during the summer.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Nice DP Ram sir.......None other than you is the best brand ambassador of New shining TELANGANA....jai Telangana - from. Sameer Nawaz. (Jubilee hills Constituency, Hyderabad)", "label": 0} {"text": "When I'm trying to get my life together", "label": 0} {"text": "When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You love and support this slut tho", "label": 1} {"text": "#BeBestMyAss This week - I want my supporters to wear shorts or skirts that read, \"Be Best\" on the back - synonym for \"Be Best My Ass!\" Let's be ridiculous (film your ass shaking) @user lacks sensitivity towards immigrant children! Photo Credit: theGrio", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Don't be such a cunt Joann LOL. Nov 8th has come and gone, the Wicked Bitch of The Eas\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock", "label": 0} {"text": "Let\u2019s me honest, Jews offer things and the white women are just skanks. Muslims gang rape and beat white women.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, \"Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS.\" Immigration is about sharing", "label": 0} {"text": "your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter \ud83d\ude2c", "label": 1} {"text": "Our friends at @user have a new series premiering today on #AmazonPrime! MR. SHAN is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. Catch Season 1 at", "label": 0} {"text": "He was being nice and cool. You were Being an attention whore. Next time explicitly say you\u2019re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter", "label": 1} {"text": "You don't have haters, people just hate you, dumb dumb", "label": 0} {"text": "Katie Hop it Hopkins you couldnt fit a dummy in your mouth its to big, open it a wee bit more and we can use it for a migrant hotel", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user I can get behind the decriminalisation of drugs and better communication. However the idea that illegal immigration is not a big issue I believe is untrue. 80% of women who crosss the border illegally get raped by", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \u201cCan you think of a place that has been improved by mass immigration or the movements of large numbers of refugees?\u201d \u201cNot one...the immigration policies in Europe are a disaster, you\u2019re destroying Europe, you\u2019re destroying the culture\u00e2", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall BUILD THAT EFFEN WALL!I'm sorry my Lord #Jesus but people are just deaf down here", "label": 1} {"text": "#jackandjackdoingitright #USAvsBEL New blog 'Fighting for Men's Rights' --- have a look: #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "Eric Cartman: How 'bout we sing, 'Kyle's Mom is a stupid bitch' in D Minor.", "label": 1} {"text": "When it's @user birthday", "label": 0} {"text": "Another liberal wasteland on the road to hell. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't the city of our nation's founding.", "label": 0} {"text": "ugly skank bitch >:(", "label": 1} {"text": "This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying", "label": 1} {"text": "nbs stfu hoe ik bout you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user oh ya because in 2009 14% of America said they cared/supported women's rights", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany and Spain reach agreement on migrant return", "label": 0} {"text": "My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I assure you I wasn't feeling the least bit hysterical when I asked that valid question. I cannot say the same about the response.", "label": 0} {"text": "All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes.", "label": 1} {"text": "At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people...", "label": 0} {"text": "Eat, bite, fuck, suck, nibble, gobble, chew! Finger-fuck hair pie, dick cunt screw! Hurray! Bat fuck! Blow me! #Syria\u2740", "label": 0} {"text": "Stfu pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "FFS you're such a loser \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for \"EFFECT\" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is \"risking\" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Nice tweet , Joyce, Truth is they flee Iran etc but want to bring their hate to the Eu even in refugee camps Christians not safe.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's worth to keep an eye on the reactions of the refugees who are already on the islands and are not included in this change. Camps like #Moria, on Lesvos, are extremely volatile and protests/riots have happened for smaller issues in the past. We can expect some sort of reaction", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I don't mind her saying she's a whore, but the implication regarding other women and #MeToo goes beyond the pale.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Eat fucking shit you stupid cunt bitch whore twat", "label": 0} {"text": "Bri: you put in the hole- Me: *starts laughing like a child* Bri: *starts laughing* whoops", "label": 0} {"text": "From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore?", "label": 1} {"text": "Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear & crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered", "label": 1} {"text": "NPR is trying to group legal and illegal immigration\"Jeff Sessions is threatening immigrants rights in...", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #IllegalAliens @user .@EXPECT_KA0S Eric Lang, CEO Yarrabee Farms admitted did not use EVerify for this killer or workers. Tell AG .@jeffsessions to get off his behind work on getting EVerify mandatory 4all jobs. Hopefully ICE raids YarebeeFarms as regular visit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user U should be sucking and gagging on my cock Melissa and me Fucking that hot Booty and stunning sweet Pussy tonight Love \ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude1a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes you are right. I must save the philosophical stuff for others. Different people have different skills/roles.U are soldier", "label": 0} {"text": "I like to blog about masculinity, fascism, alternative ideas, heres my next account", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b", "label": 1} {"text": "#Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "You look like your mom beat you with an ugly stick while your dad poured cat piss all over you.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care.", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone's talking about something other than me", "label": 0} {"text": "U.N. refugee boss concerned over U.S. separating children from... #Washington #UnitedNations #FilippoGrandi...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Muslims still use there \u00e2\u0153\u2039 to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an", "label": 1} {"text": "I tweeted one day 'I hate broke hoes w rich bitch mouths' and now all the lil Houston 16's tweeting that shit \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "RIP fat Jonah Hill #ShitWomenDontSay #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm confident cause I've earned the right to be, don't confuse that with arrogance", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have?", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Muslim migrants terrorizing Swedish people, including the elderly people who stand on their way - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Goodbye to Pepsi\u2019s political hack, Indra Nooyi, an immigrant who used America to achieve her dreams, then complains about being the only person of color in the room in a majority white country. Hope she retires in India and takes her bad attitude with her.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment.", "label": 0} {"text": "How far can you go down the rabbit hole ?", "label": 0} {"text": "Spanish rescuers pluck over 750 migrants safely from boats", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This bloke is the sort of cunt who's old woman is fucking someone else but says well what can you do?!", "label": 0} {"text": "This cunt likes every single post on that bitch's account and she doesn't even follow him", "label": 1} {"text": "#Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The chances that #Rohingya refugees may benefit from parliament's shake up are still slim #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #refugees #SocialJustice #Myanmar #AungSanSuuKyi @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Rachel Caswell - we're all in the dance Sara Caswell Dave Stryker Fabian Almazan Linda May Han Oh Johnathan Blake We're All in the Dance PSAs High Blood Pressure National Immigrant Justice Center", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh", "label": 1} {"text": "refugees are welcome if trump like it or not #ResistTrump", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you drunken slut, come play overwatch", "label": 1} {"text": "BEL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU YOUR SIDE HOE MINHYUK IS NOW IN BLACK MYDMD!DMMF", "label": 0} {"text": "15 Minutes free Eligibility Assessment for NZ Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user , my community stands #WithRefugees! Show that #AmericaWelcomes by supporting U.S. refugee resettlement! #RefugeesWelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "if ur ugly -@ing women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "My latest: For one immigrant woman, the Trump administration\u2019s family separation policy may end up costing her life \u2014 and that of her ten-year-old son.", "label": 0} {"text": "2k19 drops tm and you pussy boys aint ready for the slappings in my park by me an @user pull up lil niggas", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What Trump knows and China doesn't is illegal immigrant's are affected by China's Tariff's not Trump voters. LOL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You said it. Let's see how that works when you're wearing handcuffs. I noticed Eric is quiet and so is that skank Conway.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "People Are Waking Up Politicans are Protecting Illegal Immigrants Not their Citizens for Some Globalist Cheap Labor Scheme @user Had the Guts to Tell the Truth #MAGA #SendThemBack #Sweden via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch you look stupid af \ud83e\udd17", "label": 0} {"text": "Sending you one now \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We have head enough yooh not all men r rapist , what about women who r rapists? So please stop it", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Hirono, Booker & Harris competing for 'Most Hysterical Woman' at the Kavanaugh hearings", "label": 1} {"text": "I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yorkshire woman who taught a man #Consent while he was #Rape -ing her launches 1st real anti - #Rape\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "\"We have nothing except the e-card, but at least we can eat.\" Ahmad & his family of 8 no longer need to beg for food thanks to @user & @user who provide e-cards for vulnerable Syrians #refugees in Lebanon so they can buy food for their families.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"If you're in the forest to collect firewood and the soldiers see you, they will rape you\" Horrifying stories from women in #refugee camps in #SouthSudan", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah do the right thing and vote for the Sweden Democrats Sweden for Swedes not 3rd world rapefugee terrorists! #MakeSwedenGreatAgain", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "When the DJ plays your joint and the whole crew gets lit", "label": 0} {"text": "She degraded dark skin women and the LGBTQ community, that hoe is cancelled for life", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 1} {"text": "The patients I can't help, the plight of the impoverished, the treatment of immigrant children, the assaults on science, and the profiteers who cash in on the suffering enrage me. Empathy shouldn't be a painful condition.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall NOW! #BuildThatWall, pass the budget with money for the WALL. We the people have spoken! Do it now, no pet projects in this budget! #BuildThatWall , #BuildThatWall !", "label": 1} {"text": "Each second citizien in Germany think Merkel should retire.", "label": 0} {"text": "nice writeup on @user of Tuan Ho @user and @user", "label": 0} {"text": "What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y", "label": 1} {"text": "Every time you say 'not all men' you are part of the problem. Claiming that telling men to step their game up only alienates good men is BS.", "label": 0} {"text": "It's real simple: #DeportIllegalCriminalsNow #BuildThatWall #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Detained Immigrant Moms Released in Washington", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Going to take a lot more than a skank like you! #wearethestorm", "label": 1} {"text": "Eiffel Tower workers go on strike over monument's new visitor access policy,queues. A French city near the #EiffelTower is now home to 300,000 illegal immigrants, according to a government report", "label": 0} {"text": "They must Votesk why should give boarder jumpers rights. That mean Zimbabwe will be legalising illegal immigrants. Elevations have been free and fair they must now go home and build their country Zimbabwe is a free state.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Refugees not welcome!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Y\u2019all, Bush Sr. literally made jokes about copping a feel. That isn\u2019t a man \u201caccidentally\u201d brushing up and women being hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you ask her what that mouth do", "label": 0} {"text": "When it's my birthday but you're the one that's getting spanked", "label": 1} {"text": "VIDEO: (Part 2) London #BNP A Frame trailer with sound system delivering the most important message to the country. \"SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION.\" #Brexit #immigration #Trump #Britain #British #Patriots #London #england #UK", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user People with babies, keep posting about how shitty they are so I always feel good about never having any.", "label": 0} {"text": "Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When you shaved and all he was good for was ten minutes of missionary and the choke of a child", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd like to claim 'not all men,' but I too have been a misogynistic & sexist ass to women who have been & remain my friends. I repent.", "label": 0} {"text": "I used to ride with my father before he retired as a Phoenix police officer. He worked in west Phoenix over night. Drunk illegal immigrant drivers were everywhere. One almost T-boned us at an intersection. They pose great danger the the rest of us who do follow laws. \ud83d\ude21", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user sugar you should have witnessed a true Jason classic last night. Cherry Falls. I was hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'd like to think you just blew on the tower lol. But reseating the RAM was a good idea too.", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Says the supporter of a woman..@HillaryClinton ....that literally protected & threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape, affairs, etc. Pleeeeeease, STFU, or educate yourself.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bored with your home? Pimp it up. Add some spice #Laminate Cutter D-I-Y. Easier than you think (USA/Canada &; UK)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The rise of ISIS is due to the aid they received from Assad. The refugees are mostly fleeing from Assad. It is Corbyn with his pro-Assad policy who should hang his head in shame.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user needs to STFU", "label": 0} {"text": "Observing Ramadan with union member and activist Khai (first photo in the middle) and his fellow migrant workers from Malaysia. The lady who prepared the food is an amazing cook! National Union of Workers organiser Anh is phenomenal!\u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00aa @user was eating like a horse\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "When it's not your fathers birthday...", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Not all men are evil and sexist, pigs who don't give a damn. And for you to take what I said, and\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Media has sold out to Soros, etc, and selling USA Public down the river for power and money, we are nothing to them @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already", "label": 1} {"text": "All of a sudden the guy went hysterical because he thought that the girl is assuming that something\u2019s going on between the both of them.", "label": 0} {"text": "When your makeup's on point and still nobody wants you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Where were u when Pandits were made Refugees in their Homeland.U never raised voice then. Now fighting for illegal migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user horrified to see @user London anti-immigrant rhetoric appearing in official @user July publication on economy trying to stir up race hate. These dark money think tank infest everything and corrupt them. Very angry! (29 year ICAEW member!) B", "label": 0} {"text": "If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You can't call anyone a whore when you're taking up the ass from your father cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian.", "label": 1} {"text": "Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you give me a penis boner \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "IDF murders non threatening protestors in Gaze", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro-Trump Counter Protester Arrested At Immigration Rally For Brandishing Gun", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Online seller, pls display price you cunt!", "label": 0} {"text": "Join @user for a teach-in about surviving violence, ICE and the experiences of criminalized immigrant survivors this Thursday in SF", "label": 0} {"text": "This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need", "label": 0} {"text": "Your hoes vs my hoes", "label": 0} {"text": "Do not announce your not all men argument when I tell you that in the 16th century anything a woman did without the OK of her husband...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user This kunt is from Chicago too you know that right? Another Alinsky foll\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "In commemoration of #WorldRefugeeDay and beautiful families who have made #Memphis home through refugee resettlement, visit our photo exhibit \"Images of Inspiration & Integration\" at @user through Wednesday!", "label": 0} {"text": "It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk", "label": 1} {"text": "off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a \"refugee\". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left?", "label": 1} {"text": "\"I'm going to LARP as someone from a TV show because otherwise I might not get to engage in recreational infanticide\" said the well adjusted and not at all hysterical woman.", "label": 0} {"text": "A director can lose a job because of 10 year old jokes but @user can grab them by the pussy, be a pussy for Putin \ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa, be an ah to a queen \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7, be a tyrant for latin immigrant families but marry a white immigrant.", "label": 0} {"text": "Oxymoron of the Day: Factual Feminist See the Blog:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Um excuse you I am a twank, a twink and a skank", "label": 0} {"text": "Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant girl hides escaped Homestead detention center | Miami Herald More importantly, some one needs to interview her IN HER LANGUAGE about her experiences at the immigrant detention center.", "label": 0} {"text": "cormacs such a cunt won\u2019t even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "IF FOR NO OTHER REASON, REMEMBER TRUMP\u2019S ADMINISTRATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATROCITY AND VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT IN NOVEMBER!", "label": 0} {"text": "One of our newest releases investigates experiences surrounding hate and bias crimes and incidents, and the reasons and factors affecting reporting and under-reporting among youth and adults in LGBT, immigrant, Hispanic, Black, and Muslim communities.", "label": 0} {"text": "Check this out and Retweet if you Agree ! #draintheswamp #buildthatwall #kag #politics #government #gop #Trumplicans #PresidentTrump #MAGA #TrumpTrain #AmericaFirst #donaldtrump #sorrynotsorry #politicalmemes #madmax #trumplicans #whitehouse #patriot", "label": 1} {"text": "Italian mayor abandons international human rights laws, cuts electricity supply to refugee shelters \"You are not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Get excited! On May 30 at 8PM CST we're releasing a brand new video on our Facebook page that tells the inspiring story of Al, a former refugee from Iraq who recently became a U.S. citizen. Make sure you've liked our page so you don't miss it! \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't run from my problems, I laugh at them and act like they don't exists like a normal human being", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden: If the country needs the money for refugees to give them a better life, the swedish retireage must increase. This is the end of socialwelfare for Swedisch people.", "label": 0} {"text": "We appreciate the ongoing advocacy for immigrants by @user and @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Russian meddling in Syrian refugee repatriation:https://t.co/nCjMUFCJc0", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 down bitch. That\u2019s what women do. Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts. I love you \ud83d\udc99", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch show me attention too you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby", "label": 1} {"text": "Monday you slag", "label": 0} {"text": "This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she\u2019s lightskin...no. We hate you cus you are a man.", "label": 1} {"text": "One of many dumb deals this country has and is doing regarding immigration.", "label": 1} {"text": "Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!!", "label": 1} {"text": "If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore \u270b\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer", "label": 0} {"text": "Just seen a girl on tinder who's bio just said 'I'm a hoe.' So poetic. I might marry this woman fam.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I run from those bitches", "label": 1} {"text": "Chicago's a killing field from decades of inept corrupt liberal leaders, the mayor distracts by attacking Trump & endorsing illegals, national media distracts with stories of Russia, Trump hate & endless parades of climate change, immigrant rights, race baiting & victimization..", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You seem hysterical.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Do MeP,s visit ,Greece to see ,the refugee reductions already trying to justify the Turkey deal ,afraid its not working", "label": 0} {"text": "I Can't Stand #Hypocrites The #LooneyLeft #Liberals and #Demoncrats Are Miserable Ppl", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00e2\u0161\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f 2.9 million more refugees fled their home countries between 2016 and 2017.That's the biggest increase we have seen in a single year. Ever.https://t.co/JuUlS4r1DQ", "label": 0} {"text": "Nutting inside a bitch is rape ???", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user A man with 3 wives, 15 women accused him of assault, 13 yr old girl accused him of rape, makes speech about religion &; values. Funny!", "label": 0} {"text": "Tajani, Weber on migrant issue as they arive for EU summit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cobra didn\u2019t do anything. Insecure drunken whore ass Lily basically lied & manipulated out of anger bc Jr didn\u2019t want a slut!", "label": 1} {"text": "Its time - to stop the immigration - to USA ! Specially from 40 muslim countries. The president named it: SHITHOLE-countries. And he is right and also his wall must be build. But all foreign invaders inside of USA must go home !", "label": 1} {"text": "You'll never be girlfriend or wife or none of that \ud83d\ude0c that's MY place bitch know your role and play your position \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 the rebound one \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude29\u270c\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "To make an open Europe for many refugees the poltical puppets will open all borders. They believe that the costs of workers fall down and the rich earn more money. So the establishment works in Europe against the voters.", "label": 1} {"text": "I can't believe that amidst a rape discussion, a whole woman called in to remind us that not all men are trash. Increds.", "label": 0} {"text": "I swear that I am watching a show about immigration fraud! #90DaysFiance", "label": 0} {"text": "What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point", "label": 1} {"text": "And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us \"common...", "label": 1} {"text": "As someone who works with refugees; thank you Sprudge.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Women don\u2019t do cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "UNSC faces difficult dilemma with #Rohingya crisis #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #UN #humanrights #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep?", "label": 1} {"text": "When you send a dick pic and get no response", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches", "label": 1} {"text": "Stephen Miller (right) and Larry McKenney of Capitol Radiology listen as Trump speaks during a meeting at the White House last year. are not in 1950, we have to start limiting legal immigration. And completely stop illegal immigration.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel/Kafir AND raise, house & educate their children who are taught to hate America too?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user only if a woman of good standing can back up what they are saying, I mean, can we trust men to not be hysterical?", "label": 0} {"text": "Do you get up off the couch and stand for the Anthem when youre at home? Then shut the fuck up.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user That woman is a grade A, attention seeking cunt of the highest order.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014Rubaya Ramazani, a Congolese refugee was illegally arrested (no warrant) on Monday by the police. He is accused of \"having participated in the 2015 protests\"; which he rejects. Testimonies from neighbors support his assertion .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs", "label": 1} {"text": "Nazi sympathizing congressman Steve King wants to replace immigrant labor with \"thousands\" of children under 16. #MakeChildrenWorkAgain", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cThe companies that really want to have a global impact need to understand cultural differences,\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "2015! OLD BUT GOOD ENOUGH! 62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare | Steven Camarota and Ste... via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Daily work for Germans police. Smuggler take 21 refugees out of their car on landscape in Bajuvaria.", "label": 0} {"text": "Some migrants study in NZ and go back to their home countries. While there are others who like to retrain in a different occupation instead of going back. We celebrate Gurpreet Singh as a relentless migrant and a keen student on his student visa approval!#BrainGainNewZealand", "label": 0} {"text": "Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be \"asylum seekers\" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #TheICEManCometh #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety", "label": 1} {"text": "When you bust a nut in 30 seconds", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user You don't need to explain your happiness to anyone.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Anti-White Proposition: White Genocide Definedhttps://t.co/kqEv7xdS26", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ann, I thought Most Hysterical Woman was engraved on the participation trophy they gave you at the GOP convention. Bless your heart.", "label": 1} {"text": "Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers | Migration Watch UK", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm picky AF when it comes to girls... Until a girl wants to bring her not so cute friend over for a threesome", "label": 1} {"text": "224 illegal migrants held in western Turkey", "label": 0} {"text": "#Repost @user with get_repost \u30fb\u30fb\u30fb \"If you go inside my heart, it will explain my joy to you ... I cannot express it with my words.\" . Eritrean refugee Berek fled home in 2017 and\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Politicians from both parties agree that President Donald Trump's zero tolerance\" policy that separated thousands of families along the southern border was a failure.", "label": 0} {"text": "Treacherous traitorous bitch. Sold out her country, and women for money and fame.", "label": 1} {"text": "Noela and her 6 children arrived in Moline, IL after fleeing the Democratic Republic of Congo and living as refugees in Uganda for 10 years. Noela works full-time & is learning English. She is thankful for the opportunity her kids have in their new community. // #ThankGodForWomen", "label": 0} {"text": "Nigeria targets crude oil production cost of $15/b -", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user ...>\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl.", "label": 1} {"text": "Introducing the 'I'm over 30 and no man wants me' pillow", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Yup I want #TonyPaul to song at The \"BIG BAD DON #TRUMP\" #RALLY IN #TEXAS..WITH #TEDCRUZ WHO IS THE SHARPEST MEANEST FAIREST LEGAL MIND AND #SENATOR IN THE #GOP #OCTOBER MAKE YUR RESERVATIONS, #RV SPOTS PLANE TICKETS 118,000 SEAT", "label": 1} {"text": "This is how simple it is, not only for wages, but for other nice things in our country - like universal health care. Not possible with this many illegal immigrants in the country along with porous borders and employers wanting unending flow of cheap labor. Consensus won't happen.", "label": 1} {"text": "when making my costume last night, brey had Arthur\u2019s theme song on repeat \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 \u201ci didn\u2019t realize his song was reggae you can skank to this\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Women drivers no survivors", "label": 1} {"text": "Here\u2019s what I WON\u2019T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary.", "label": 0} {"text": "World Bank ease of doing business ranking jump by India to 100th spot would have been greater; here\u2019s\u00a0why", "label": 0} {"text": "It's Not Just The Eyes of Texas Are Upon U @user It's The Country Consider Name Change 2 @user Shame On U! Perspective | \u2018They have nothing\u2019: How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her Dulles job and severed a lifeline to Sierra Leone", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So you hate 'Ominous' as a hole because of this... seems legitimate and highly mature.", "label": 0} {"text": "UK: Home Office told to put refugees in every town and village Ukk death sentence...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Polish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrantshttps://t.co/LGn8JaAHftAccess to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMB", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport.", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Accused of Trying to Rob, Stab Woman in Home Invasion | Breitbart #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Sarah Brooke Vs Carmen Skank Pussy Bitch #SEXFIGHT via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear God - make it stop !!! Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl via @user #StopTheInvasion @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy.", "label": 1} {"text": "Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush'", "label": 0} {"text": "Ethiopians in Lebanon lining up to go home. It\u2019s a give to those who think refugees are threat to the purity of threat society.", "label": 0} {"text": "Presidential determination for the number of refugees that COULD be admitted to the US in coming fiscal year \"due Sept. 30\"? via @user @user #NOMORERefugees #NOmoreSomaliRefugees @user Where the heck r u??", "label": 1} {"text": "#ShitPussiesSay", "label": 0} {"text": "RT IF UR A SHEMALE DOM OR A SISSY LOOKING OR WILLING TO DO REALTIME ANAL!U HAVE TO BE THE GIVER THIS BITCH ONLY TAKES LIKE A SLUT!\ud83d\ude08 @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, @user calls for anti immigration alliance across Europe!#immigration #Brexit #summer #whitegenocide #BNP #Wimbledon #WorldCup2018 #BrexitShambles", "label": 0} {"text": "Like I'm so glad you guys are standing with skales against that boy with the gutter mouth and pot hole face .", "label": 0} {"text": "#BringBackOurBorders #HillaryClinton #IllegalImmigration #Clinton#Democrats could EASILY fix the problem with \u2018\u02dcseparating children\u2019 if they desired, but they really don\u2019t care about the...", "label": 0} {"text": "Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter via @user #realDonaldTrump do something about this disgrace and stop separating children from their parents.", "label": 0} {"text": "I saw a woman dressed up like a hot dog tonight. Bitch, it ain't Halloween yet", "label": 1} {"text": "The Management of CEMENCO in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce has announced a new measure aim at providing affordable and quality cement to the people of Liberia.https://t.co/cJS7PmfVVk", "label": 0} {"text": "Many thanks to @user @user @user for attending today\u2019s anti-fascist demo in Newtownards. #HopeNotHate Refugees welcome fascists not! #NoPaseran", "label": 0} {"text": "Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Thank god for anti -hysterical women like @user & @user , that have the guts to stand up for reason over witch -hunts", "label": 0} {"text": "'Hey I've been raped before' uh excuse me?? How dare you act like every man you've met has raped you?! Ur tone is so harsh, ugh not all men", "label": 0} {"text": "this time last year i was in a bar in nyc and a bald white guy tried to hit on me by speaking norwegian and when it didnt work he got increasingly hostile and said the reason i wasnt impressed by his language skills was because im an immigrant and not a real swede", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical", "label": 1} {"text": "@user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You kunt loool", "label": 0} {"text": "Unbelievable!!! Census Bureau: 44.6% in CA Don\u2019t #SpeakEnglish at Home; 35.6%; 35.6% in TX; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY! Our schools R getting 150% funding for every student who doesn\u2019t speak #English well! Parents\u2019 job! #StopImmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "A little theory I\u2019m working on. If there\u2019s a voice in your spirit compelling you to say #notallmen #notallwomen\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia", "label": 0} {"text": "More than 1,500 refugees and migrants have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean in the first 7 months of this year. News release:", "label": 0} {"text": "Obama Released 24,680 UAC Gangesters, Murders and Rapists into the U.S and Our Schools Time To Deport #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user youre just a shameless stupid cunt .get a life !!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You work for the S*n, standard practice to be a lier and a complete cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "'not all men hurt women but all women are hurt by men' tattoo that on ur tits and fuck them", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sometimes you can be a dick. #allin", "label": 0} {"text": "How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Let me tell you something about you that you don't know! #OkayBitch #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration/Require Photo ID To Vote/End Div", "label": 1} {"text": "Are Acid Attacks the result of mass immigration? via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Miriam Dalli appointed EP rapporteur on #EU fund to manage migration flows", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\ude44Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. \ud83e\udd2b", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No room for anyone illegal. Color or wealth is not the criteria, you stupid bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "We are excited to host the #ImmigrantStories film screening and panel today with @user to show how the Trump administration\u2019s overhaul of immigration policy has forced the immigrant community to choose between deportation and medical care.", "label": 0} {"text": "oh my god okay but i saw this jennie x pretty girl video and bitch i'm\u2014", "label": 0} {"text": "CRP doesn't only serve refugees living in Jordan. We also offer assistance and programming to Jordanians living in the area. Learn more about our diverse community in this blog post:", "label": 0} {"text": "My friends know better", "label": 0} {"text": "Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers & lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless.", "label": 0} {"text": "Praying for #Memphis to be known for loving our neighbors, not profiling them. @user we are with you, advocating for our immigrant neighbors.", "label": 0} {"text": "When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs &; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user THAT SHIT ENDED A LONG TIME AGO BITCH ASS CUNT \ud83d\udde3", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches can't keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times", "label": 1} {"text": "The awkward moment when Lexus is showing you how much crack fits in the cup holders...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Some women will goto war for their nigga . I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I\u2019ll never go towar with another bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No, we should cover their transportation across the southern border & let them go on their way. #BUILDTHEWALL #deportALLaliens #noAnchorBabies #NODACA #NoDreamers #NOcitizenship #NoChainMigration #NoVisaLottery #secureOURborder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Stupid as, it dosent make the mullas angry, the hole nation is angry", "label": 0} {"text": "After Libs Help Them Avoid Audit, California DMV Finds 23,000 Bad Voter Registrations #IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnasty #UnderminesOurDemocracy #VoteRedToSaveAmerica", "label": 1} {"text": "at EU Core\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u203054,000 \u201crelatives\u201d of migrants came to \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a9\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa last year for \u201creunification\u201d. Little Sisters @user wanted new limits at 1,000/month bt embassies already report 34,000 new requests. No end to delusions of Merkel, CSU.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 0} {"text": "The 'I can't get a date so Ima just take one' starter pack", "label": 0} {"text": "Nice to see the guardian acknowledging that mass immigration destroys culture and a people's identity. I sure that wasn't the intention of the article, but it is the truth.", "label": 0} {"text": "MN: SOMALI MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS Explain Why It's Acceptable To Kill Anyone Who Insults Mohammed [VIDEO] via @user we don't worship Mohammed & Sharia! Don't like it? Go home or we will deport you!", "label": 1} {"text": "How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything", "label": 1} {"text": "Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish \ud83d\udc47", "label": 0} {"text": "'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first", "label": 1} {"text": "Only men have a dick they can insert without consent, and women doing other shit. Not that women can't rape & sexually harass either.", "label": 1} {"text": "Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission.", "label": 1} {"text": "Remember when Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said this? Well the tide is turning in Canada as citizens tell him enough is enough... we can't 'welcome' this many #Refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "You know you're doing something right when you got haters \u270c\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Massive explosion in Muslim population,illegal migrants r root cause of pollution.Focus on aligning them as good citizens", "label": 1} {"text": "Palestinians slam reported US plan to weaken UN 'refugee' agency #UnitedStates...", "label": 0} {"text": "#WorldRefugeeDay is tomorrow! You can help refugee rebuild their lives in the U.S. by joining our World Refugee Day campaign. Get started \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "I really do cuss a lot though. Cunt comes out of my mouth all day. Men women and children. No ones safe.", "label": 0} {"text": "ASOS and Katharine Hamnett team up on underwear line to support refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration \u2018\u201c 2:00pm\u00c2\u00a0Livestream\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "@user we are gonna be friends #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user here's my point you dog of assad son of whore father of slut", "label": 0} {"text": "Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT'", "label": 1} {"text": "Refugees not welcome.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I was in Toronto last year. It no longer looked like Canada. Very sad situation. The Canadians were good people.https://t.co/7bHGpS1cH0Stop immigration. Start deportations. We have the right to our homelands.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're hungover AF and you realize tomorrow is Monday", "label": 0} {"text": "Me- dear IG, I follow all of your guidelines, please reactivate my account IG-", "label": 0} {"text": "Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too", "label": 1} {"text": "The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion", "label": 1} {"text": "These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "I got offered once by a neighbor to go to a church down the street & thought about it but then found out a week later the priest was sexually assaulting immigrant women & threatening to call ICE on them if they told. That was my sign to stay w my little shrine in my room \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Why is thos racist,homophobic whore @user getting so much success all of the sudden ? Like go away ugly cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "The most filled with misogyny (calling women hysterical for the #MeToo movement) and victim blaming s*it. Why does\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy.", "label": 1} {"text": "[Feature] Congolese refugees ask Korean firm not to supply voting machines to their country", "label": 0} {"text": "If rape is real why aren't more people reporting it? Just another feminist lie.;", "label": 1} {"text": "@user go rape your whore of a mother", "label": 1} {"text": "True AF \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep", "label": 1} {"text": "The Philippines is sending a Catholic priest to Kuwait next month to assist Filipino migrant workers who escaped from abusive employers.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Actually I do think women should be reclaiming 'cunt'. It's past time.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off", "label": 1} {"text": "The head of the Philippine Catholic bishops' commission for migrants has welcomed a Kuwaiti court's decision to sentence the employers of a murdered Filipino maid to death.", "label": 0} {"text": "If they don't trust you enough to let you cheat in peace is the relationship really real?", "label": 0} {"text": "I've reached a point in my life where I've realized theres no such thing as a girl that won't hurt you. Eventually they all will #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "UPDATE\u2014Draconian measures are being taken to force Burundian refugees in Mtendeli camp in Tanzania to return to #Burundi despite their fear. Here is an order by Tanzanian authorities closing refugees\u2019 small businesses in the camp effective immediately.", "label": 0} {"text": "Women are stupid. They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic. Bitch who cheated on you? Who? Stupidity is unbelievable.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I am not sure how much you have seen about this, but this is a pretty strange take on it. to say rape is the main plot point is dismissive", "label": 0} {"text": "Texts after calling me a slut and telling me I was a bitch and that no one liked me. When I went to the dean with my mom and showed him the", "label": 0} {"text": "Read me and @user on the intra-Palestinian feud that threatens long-term relief in Gaza", "label": 0} {"text": "I am not a morning person & I keep to myself because of it, you wanna be a smart ass & gimme attitude?? Imma be a Kunt to you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user don't worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "#Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When you wanna eat your own ass", "label": 0} {"text": "Facts vs Fiction about #refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Blocking people is my cardio", "label": 0} {"text": "I have condoms everywhere cause I bought a value pack once and never used one of them", "label": 0} {"text": "How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job. I was so happy to see this woman, who had a GoFundMe goal of $5,000, reach over $42,000", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Who Had Already Been Deported In The Past Returns To Florida & Sexual Assaults A Young Girl Then Nearly Beats Her To Death #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user please think carefully it is not about benifits it is about to many migrants ur already punishing our poor god will interven", "label": 0} {"text": "Calling some one 'Dwight you ignorant slut' is the only thing that would make this day better", "label": 0} {"text": "@user God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism\u2122, meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "Am I piece of shit? Yes. Do I at least feel bad about it? Absolutely not", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do it @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Germans are OK, like the rest of Western Europe, the immigration problem came from the East (Romania) The are partly responsible for the no vote, also the EU being unelected can hardly claim to represent any European nation..", "label": 0} {"text": "@user and I'd rather shove the fat side of a wine bottle up your ass... We all have our preferences \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 1} {"text": "#nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "If I ask you how many men you slept with and you actually know, you're not the girl for me", "label": 1} {"text": "#impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wake up at 6 in the morning to hear @user commentating on the game. Guy speaks out of his butt hole, don\u2019t know how you got this job \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What if she enjoys it? I think the days where women are forced to stay in the kitchen, not work, etc are over.", "label": 0} {"text": "I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here\u2019s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\udf89", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Well I mean by all means do you but not all men are like that!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Girl people really do that, like damn bitch you so selfish you don\u2019t wanna rt me and get me clout", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Often employers consider employees slaves as they think they have bought them [because] they pay them.\" #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #women #migrants #abuse #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant children being reunited with families in US", "label": 0} {"text": "Two immigrant fathers reunited with their young sons in New York", "label": 0} {"text": "#StopChildAbuse The next social movement will be about stopping women who abuse children. It is a real problem.", "label": 0} {"text": "Making fun of the GOP for being hypocrites on all lives matter but not immigrant lives. Than turning around and being a hypocrite on racist and offensive tweets>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "label": 0} {"text": "BBC withdraws 'biased' educational film about immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And you are a hysterical Cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "DREAMER' Sodomized Multiple Boys, Between The Ages 7 and 9 via @user #DeathPenalty is too good for this dispicable creature.#BuildTheWall #EndDACA What about the dreams this POS Stole from these children?I hope you burn in pits of hell!", "label": 1} {"text": "Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they\u2019re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents \u201creally is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,\u201d the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says. \u00a0 \u00a0\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Always call skinny girls fat, they live that shit \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 1} {"text": "It\u2019s too much loose pussy in the world to be raping bitches. Literally some of these skanks, goin on sight \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "The media and the D party tried to destroy America with Obama. They r hysterical cuz they afraid you will find out just how terrible they r", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim refugee calls on the UN to take action against Britain because the food is disgusting - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Oh sure thing Ralph. Can you tell us exactly how many of the \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers) have been deported? @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes exactly. Works both ways. The amount of times I\u2019ve been groped by some hysterical straight girl on a night out\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Philippine Catholic bishops want a total ban on the deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect migrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you see your first pair of titties", "label": 0} {"text": "Nine people killed in booby-trapped house in Mosul, once back from refugee camp", "label": 0} {"text": "In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together.", "label": 1} {"text": "Me when I go anywhere, ever", "label": 0} {"text": "Poland\u2019s interior minister defends anti-migration stance during Visegrad meeting", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't mind me... I'm just waiting for @user to start ranting \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "My brother is such a dick to his girlfriend who is so damn nice and it literally pisses me off.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #NoAnchorBabies 2 illegals do not make a legal #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm actually really happy your ass got pregnant and that you're having a shotgun wedding. Karma is a bitch you cheating skank", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Been digging the podcast. Always liked you as an actor. Keep doing your thing!! Viva Dick Ritchie!", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump officials asked #Jordan to end refugee status for two\u00c2\u00a0million Palestinians #JaredKushner...", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Stop waiting for me to care, it's not gonna to happen", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't miss #DeathofANation while it's on the big screens...A courageous, eye-opening expos\u00e9 of the truth about leftwing fascism, and tactics of the liberals - it took a LEGAL grateful, intelligent immigrant to recognize and uncover the truth Thanks @user !!", "label": 0} {"text": "The wall should have names of Americans who died in the hands of illegal immigration. As a reminder for why we are building it in the first place.", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this", "label": 1} {"text": "Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user First of all bitch fuck u, second of all we BOTH hoes \ud83d\ude34", "label": 1} {"text": "Quite a lot of tension already exist in Moria due to the approaching trial of the #Moria35 and the death of an Afghani refugee yesterday - due to health care limitations. More than 200 refugees protested in memory of the man who died and contested the living conditions in Moria.", "label": 0} {"text": "Me flirting- Tell me about your father... Start at the part when he left...", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes I just wanna crash into psychic reading places and ask them if they saw that coming...", "label": 0} {"text": "I love how women can just talk all day about a nigga not being shit, But soon as a nigga say sum boutta bitch. Y'all wanna attack the nigga", "label": 0} {"text": "Important: Appeal from GM Police for information re attempted rape of young woman at Green Lane Patricroft at 11.30\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Greece begins mass deportation of Muslim immigrants - Turns their boats back to Turkey - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 3rd, you are a fuckin BIRD you dumb bitch so what anytime you got drunk and had sex it was rape?! I'm sick of you feminazis", "label": 1} {"text": "listen here dumb fucker you dont call rania \u201cwhore\u201d and youre the only crazy bitch here\ud83d\ude18 deactivate pls bc nobody c\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Of course*Control*Increase the Production of Hateful Invaders while Exterminating the Native Species= #AbortionGenocide #WakeUp #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "6th This cunt Some poor woman carried a bairn for 9 months for it to pop out an end up doin this shite\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This isn't a 'not all men' bullshit you talking about. This is clearly a 'you mother fuckers' deal. Y'all here is not appropriate.", "label": 0} {"text": "Girl. Why these people so PRESSED?! Callin you all kinda ho\u2019s and skanks being LOUD AND WRONG!!", "label": 0} {"text": "found out I\u2019m a cunt & slut tonight so there\u2019s that lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "AG Jeff Sessions Announces Lawsuits Against California Over Interference With Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Enforcement\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "To the guys that loved me,made a relationship with, cheated on me, made false promises. Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch. :)", "label": 1} {"text": "Interesting use of SC experiment on social issue by well-known scholars - results are not good news from the humanistic perspective though: From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "If you've never had shit dick you probably have a small dick", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are a dumb cunt twit! When people start dying you should be tried for murder you asshole", "label": 0} {"text": "No Christians among 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in #UK", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Couldn't agree more! Thanks for supporting our cause. Check out our account and DM for info about upcoming events #MaleDomination", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00e2\u0161\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \"Big leak hits the Leave campaign?\"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid storyhttps://t.co/DDa1kqHgQ8", "label": 1} {"text": "Men are fighting for their rights. Subscribe with RSS. #EqualParenting #bb16", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch is stupid af. Forcing me to wake up my residents. Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit. Stupid ass.", "label": 1} {"text": "Undocumented my a$$, ILLEGAL!! This child is 11 years old.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch are you fucking kidding me??? So if women get hit by their husbands its cuz they're hitam?? Not bc he's an abusive asshole?? \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey Guys. It\u2019s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn\u2019t matter the tim\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I like to tell people that I drink every night cause I can't sleep but at this point it's just a blatant lie cause I've been tired for years", "label": 0} {"text": "'Not all men are like that, its the ones you meet.'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I don't even like u tbh", "label": 1} {"text": "Where is this? Brazil? Uganda? Sudan? Nope, it is France. Got to love that cultural enrichment thing going on. #openborders #refugeesnotwelcome #slums", "label": 1} {"text": "And bitch i was tweeting a song i got no times being sad for smeone i mean im a busy women you see.", "label": 0} {"text": "Mood GO HOME AND GET YA FUCKIN SHINE BOX", "label": 0} {"text": "@user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc3cxx", "label": 1} {"text": "Let me pick your brains with this concept \"EQUAL RIGHTS\". What is that we are getting equal rights? We call equal rights being debt embedded? We call equal rights moving from kasi to cities without carrying pass? Nevertheless i carry one since i look like \"immigrant\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Woman Who Accused Nelly of Rape Wants to Drop the Case, Will Not Testify The woman who accused rapper Nelly of sex\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical", "label": 1} {"text": "\"They ask us to integrate into society and to learn the German language - but I couldn't find a place to live for three years because my requests were ignored\" #refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "#StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "That's you tryna see me", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls hear you say \u201cfuckkk\u201d during sex and think her pussy fire First of all hoe I\u2019m really just feeling bad for cheating on my girl\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm kind of a big deal for someone who ain't shit", "label": 0} {"text": "A clear shift (again) on the migratory routes of the Mediterranean. Another proof that no matter what deals European countries strike with African nations, migrants and refugees will find another way through. It's like covering one leak just to find out there are thousands more.", "label": 0} {"text": "Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Leftist guy kicked out from his own house naked by refugees he invitied", "label": 1} {"text": "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU LOOK AT HER WHILE CALLING HIM HIS SPIRITUAL SON YOU CUNT FUCKING BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "This is superb. Practical guide for rights of women esp at divorce and rape in marriage. @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "This wall is called Tzompankli. In the maintempel of Tetotitlan you find walls with more than 100.000 heads. Mostly they kill refugees and warprisoners from south and they did it also in other cities so.", "label": 0} {"text": "That was it when Dick Rickles; ? You all want do w/ 248 Mtn Shrod?", "label": 0} {"text": "How to Pronounce Slipknot Bitch \u21baRT\u2764 #mutt #demur #slut #shrew #sultana #kickupafuss #refute #bar", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before.", "label": 0} {"text": "U.S. holding 3,000 separated migrant kids, will find parents with DNA via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Something y'all dudes fail to realize about a pretty girl is; she's never lonely. \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: Mass migration of un-assimilatable illegal alien people. PM Merkel and entire govt. will have a civil war of their own making. #StopTheInvasion #NoMoreRefugees #MuslimBan #GermanyFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "Why don\u2019t they stay if there refugees they should go home once they feel that it\u2019s safe", "label": 0} {"text": "Same here, #WalkAway from criminals who hate us and our nation @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll only break your heart to make you stronger as a person... Lmao you should thank me really", "label": 0} {"text": "@user hurry up on the ham and cheese", "label": 0} {"text": "When is Deadbeat @user going to pay #Ontario the $200 million he owes for housing his illegal immigrants? #onpoli #FordNation #ForThePeople #cpc #lpc #ndp #pcpo #onpc #ondp #Border #illegalimmigrants #TrudeauMustGo", "label": 1} {"text": "The Latest: Macedonian police find 44 migrants inside truck", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Exactly! Why would Americans vote for anyone that supports these absurd policies? IMO it is treason and self destruction to vote for politicians that do not up hold our laws and advocates for illegals over Americans. #BuildThatWall #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "In recent months, the focus of the media has been on the Rohingya refugees in India or recently about the furor over NRC in Assam. But the fact that Sri Lankan refugees, have been here for nearly 35 years,...", "label": 0} {"text": "im single & its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas!", "label": 1} {"text": "EU migration policy in Africa pushes migrants to risk perilous journeys to reach Europe", "label": 0} {"text": "Austrian leaders respond to Gerrman plans for 'transit centres' to screen migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch 10 Italian police officers try to arrest an illegal immigrant standing on bus - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Absolutely in agreement. Genuine refugees welcome. Grown men, with smartphones, pretending to be children - not welcome.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cI know you liked how that pussy taste\u201d First of all, I don\u2019t have tastebuds bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sturgeon revels in the EU vote the moment immigration is ignored you will not be in power Scotland has not been it with it so far", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Petrov!", "label": 0} {"text": "Who could have possibly foreseen this? Yep, just about everyone who had Twitter and can read. Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user If you really believe that #FeminismIsCancer, maybe\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Your girl is a hoe, you need to let go She fucked a... \u2014 You sent this a few months ago. I just now got to i...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Anti immigration party? More like commonsense, sane centrist party. We need more of this.", "label": 0} {"text": "All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :)", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Again going on record that you care more for illegals than US Citizens. Theyre here illegally! #NoDACA #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Snapchat me that PIN number, if it's... cool\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\udcb3 #memes #lol #lmao #bruh #petty #truth #girls #love #guy #ctfu #dead #fuckery #pe\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite", "label": 1} {"text": "Heard a boy joking about date rape drugs and calling women \u201cbitches.\u201d First of all, you look like a peeled banana. Second of all, stop", "label": 0} {"text": ".\u00e2\u0081\u00a6@morningmika\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 They\u2019re ILLEGAL ALIENS. What is it about ILLEGAL and ALIEN that you don\u2019t understand? #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Another MS-13-linked body found after arrest of gang member in Long Island teen's death - NY Daily News @user @user #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#NoDACADeal#NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "The man won this one", "label": 0} {"text": "If any woman is a victim of sexual assault I pray you read the #metoo timeline, having an ex who was a victim of rape tell me she was and", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m in Cox\u2019s Bazar this week seeing @user brilliant work in the Kutupalong refugee camp. Monsoon season just stepped up a gear. After just two days of heavy rains & there is water everywhere. #rohingyacrisis", "label": 0} {"text": "As the @user final begins and @user is led by several keep in mind #refugee=#resiliency= #immigration @user should take note! @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian refugees \u2014 the need for an image reboot", "label": 0} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be...", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch ima wear an anklet bc its cute af lmao stfu", "label": 0} {"text": "boo you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "\"I'm A Legal Immigrant And I Didn't Drag My Son Across The Border\" Powerful Immigration Speech", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women... stfu. We know how your bitch living. Smh", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem!", "label": 1} {"text": "NOW PLAYING: \"Canci\u00f3n del Campo (Field Song)\" by Brad Bischoff. Roberto Olivera, a second-generation immigrant who worked CA\u2019s tomato fields to escape poverty & an affectionless stepfather, explains the lessons his mother taught him. #VideoArtsSFOM", "label": 0} {"text": "@user same AF", "label": 0} {"text": "So migrants illegally sneaking into the USA can't expect to remain with their kids. Duh? They aren't walking into a mall but a different sovereign country which needs to end the influx. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "watching \u201cteeth\u201d this bitch pussc biting everybody dick off\ud83d\ude33", "label": 1} {"text": "Tech Workers and Flight Attendants Resist Immigrant Family Separation \u2013 Labor Notes", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you ever see people in your feed and think 'lol I fucked you'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Does he realize he's cheering for the #RacialReplacement and genocide of the French people??? How many of those players were #French???#StopTheInvasion #StopTheGreatReplacement #StopWhiteGenocide", "label": 0} {"text": "@user & we should be cautious when using them. Slut and whore are examples. I don't think people should be us\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "The Olympics was fun, except for the fact that I would never watch a woman play sports.@", "label": 1} {"text": "When they won't stop talking about their ex on a first date", "label": 0} {"text": "Just got a ticket for going to my own park after hours . Like nigga close the gate then u dumb slut cunt hoe . Nigga said nice car when ....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So uhh what if you call a sweedish woman a 'slut'", "label": 1} {"text": "African refugees for Europe will come into slavery in Libya. This should be a warning for all which want to come to Europe. Dreams are over !", "label": 1} {"text": "This should be Federally Mandated Law on Criminal Illegal Aliens. Upon completion of maximum sentence allowed, alien is discharged into ICE custody for immediate Deportation. #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #BuildTheWall #ProtectUS", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "The US is in flagrant breach of the Refugee Convention, which states that countries cannot impose penalties on #refugees who illegally cross the border. Via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies", "label": 0} {"text": "Thats yo main bitch thats my side hoe damn near coldest bitch i love her nigga side joke\ud83d\ude43", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany lifts ban on reunions for refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration !", "label": 1} {"text": "IM bout sick and tired of you CRACKASSCRAKAZ fucking everything up yall really mentally incapable of comprehending reality you fucked up the world then blame the ones FORCED to helpyou get in that position ima proud immigrant and yall some victim playing victimizing WHOORES \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcWe will decide who enters our countries!' Hungary and Poland REJECT EU refugee quotas", "label": 1} {"text": "And it's irritating, just like the 'Not all men' or 'But he's a good guy' argument in the face of sexual harassment women face EVERY DAY.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user They would would be opening up a flood gate for migrants. Saudi Arabia does not want the financial burden or possibly the lower class of Muslim influence.", "label": 1} {"text": "Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is a whore for any medical show and I'm a slut for a crime drama. Two sides of the same coin.", "label": 0} {"text": "When men leave dumb comments thinking it's gonna hurt my feelings", "label": 0} {"text": "No Woman Is Immune #rape #sexualabuse", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stop stereotyping women. Just like how not all men are jerks, not all women spill the beans.", "label": 0} {"text": "Angry Italian officials refuse to let this Italian commercial ship disembark 66 refugees & migrants because they think it should have let Libyan coastguards intercept them and return them to inhumane detention centers instead", "label": 1} {"text": "If you say not all men to me you're getting blocked without discussion.", "label": 0} {"text": "Did you know that #TEDxKakumaCamp\u00e2\u009d\u0152 was the world\u2019s first ever TEDx event from a refugee camp? You can now see the entire show here:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "UN bid to improve migrant, refugee response flounders as political will evaporates", "label": 0} {"text": "#tgt the woman accusing#rapper #nelly of rape will not testify. Sippers\ud83c\udf75 here\u2019s the spill from\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber", "label": 1} {"text": "On Wednesday, August 8, DACA will be back in the courts & this time, Texas Judge Andrew Hanen, a well-known anti-immigrant zealot, will decide the program\u2019s fate. Here's a recap of Hanen and Paxton\u2019s anti-immigrant partnership in U.S. v. Texas:", "label": 0} {"text": "Right?! It's really all I live for", "label": 0} {"text": "Douglas Todd: Trudeau government goes silent on Canada's 50,000 Syrian refugees, via @user add it to the alarming list of his and his government's fails.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're on a date with someone that won't stop talking about their ex", "label": 0} {"text": "Above all else, Trump is a stupid son of a bitch..", "label": 0} {"text": "Americans Agree with @user on #immigration we can not afford to give welfare to illegals while U.S Citizens are homeless #VoteDemsOut #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies you want equal rights? Well in that case my lawn needs cutting, my car needs an oil change, and my ass needs wiping. #GetToIt", "label": 1} {"text": "U.N. warns of 'critical gap' in Syrian refugee aid this year #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany is the most beloved target for refugees in Europe. 2/3 of them go to this destination. Last year(2016) 388.201 refugees like to settle !", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, refugees have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees\" \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom.", "label": 1} {"text": "When bae asks you where you wanna eat", "label": 0} {"text": "I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.#", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ctfu tell that bitch don't be snitching she got caught whore", "label": 1} {"text": "#UK refugee's major maths award stolen", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014Vocational training for refugees in Mahama started today at the newly inaugurated Elite Center.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user then why tho?? u damn stupid hoe \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans", "label": 1} {"text": "French NGO vows nothing will stop Aquarius migrant rescues", "label": 0} {"text": "Please spread your cunt hole fully", "label": 1} {"text": "@user no I said hope. I hope you women learn your place! #SitDownInTheKitchen", "label": 1} {"text": "Take off those glasses! They aren't real you hipster fuck! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yo this bitch is blowing my shit \ud83d\ude11fr talking bout I'm trying to talk to her girl shawty won't even show her face .", "label": 1} {"text": "DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER", "label": 1} {"text": "According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you...", "label": 1} {"text": "Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump/Pence Regime #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user true but not all men are the same and i hope you make the distinction that its not all men", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I was banned from your chat because I said that cunt was a disrespectful term and I knew why you said it but it still stung.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Why are YOU hiding YOUR recklessness w/ respect to YOUR Bankruptcy?You, if ANYONE should understand & accept immigration laws have changed over time. Don't conflate the past with today.Follow the Law Pimp or get disbarr", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel \ud83c\udd97\ud83d\udde3", "label": 1} {"text": "Observers dismiss #Myanmar\u2019s new inquiry into #Rohingya as political gimmick via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "DOJ declared the forfeiture of Sr. Pat's visa by Immigration Bureau null and void but it's not over yet #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #humanrights #Philippines #HandsOffSrPat @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cI think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.\u201d Jeaniene Frost#iloveparanormalromance", "label": 0} {"text": "This community won't let go of Weinstein like he's still rich enough for Dems cash it seems....I wish to hear more globalist celebs adopt more immigrants/refugees, the children in poverty still have their parents to take care of them....", "label": 0} {"text": "my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain\u2019t dumb", "label": 1} {"text": "Pro Tip- All girls like being told they're good girls", "label": 0} {"text": "Austria joins Eastern Europe! Rejects EU plans for more migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Massive red salute to a living legend now leaving us: Arsene Tchakarian, the last living member of the Missak Manouchian Group -- the communist immigrant partisan militia that fought the Nazi occupation of France during World War II -- has died at age 101.", "label": 0} {"text": "Remittances to Caribbean islands reached record high in 2016 \u2013 World Bank", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men.", "label": 0} {"text": "Chi-town is a \ud83d\udca9\u26ab", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men are the same......oh wait yes they are. And yes I love my bf. And yes men are still trash. Fuck you pay me bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Last week UNHCR released their annual Global Trends Report, which found that there are currently 25.4 million refugees around the world. Will you make the future brighter for just one? Donate or become a fundraiser on behalf of refugees here. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK", "label": 1} {"text": "Laying in my bed telling me not to suck your cock cause it smelled... we know why.. it was up some skanks arse before you came to mine", "label": 1} {"text": "tf yall hoes so mad bc a bitch in harm's way everyday for", "label": 1} {"text": "Waking up seeing drunk texts you sent from the night before", "label": 0} {"text": "Dispelling The Myth Of The Girl Who Cried Rape #resist", "label": 0} {"text": "UN wants \u2018\u02dcimmediate halt\u2019 to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business.", "label": 1} {"text": "never make yo main look stupid for a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "When life gives you lemons just remember... Nobody gives a fuck, keep that shit to yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "Maybe diversity.Or results of western globalization,war propaganda of Pentagon n Hollywood,arming terrorists/Anti-Govt groups,refugees can be good for economy for labors/trafficking.Eiffel Tower in glass is many things.But it's not peace. @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When she sees your dick for the first time and it's bigger than she expected", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: French Mayor Declares \"Muslim migrants are not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Marc Gasol volunteering aboard migrant rescue boat", "label": 0} {"text": "no thanks they are the reason we are not independent selfish individuals who wanted to use the NHS etc to much immigration no thanks", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men treat women badly. There are some really great ones and they deserve recognition. Maybe this way we can show our daughters...", "label": 0} {"text": "Checkout this cool video review that features our picture book Irving Berlin: The Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\udcf9 cumbutt: gaymanfetish: nohoslut: Never be ashamed of being a CUM whore pig slut Follow my other...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget", "label": 1} {"text": "10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum", "label": 0} {"text": "Charles Manson out here gettin married in jail and your lame ass can't even get a text back", "label": 0} {"text": "You @user should understand most of these women want to be single moms until finances bit then they bitch #MainaAndKingangi", "label": 0} {"text": "The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You need a thick Cock in your throat \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Macron the centrist cat stands like the gorgeous Eiffel Tower in glass tuxedo thx for the war lies n propagandas are you still sending refugees to forests? War criminal! Free New Caledonia @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch you a hoe, tf.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Immigration changes lives with unmatched dreams where people expect to be housed , to live the American dream !! While Millions of Americans never reach that height because of over populated Migrants who expect much and get angry and viol", "label": 1} {"text": "So over everything being called a fucking bitch ass whore daily when Im the only one that does anything takes care of 8 kids alone,done dont want to be here any fucking more. Gone", "label": 0} {"text": "pepperspray or smth, if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped :/' like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Lily doesnt know the meaning of Loyal. Shes a hothead alcoholic, mad cuz Jr dismissed her, So she runnin to kiss Ryan Ass! Bye Felicia, & take that skank ass Art thief that YOU hired Out the fuck as well!", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We know that, we know not all men. But harassment happens to all women - this isn't about you", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy Birthday you stupid fucking bitch. I hope you slip and break ya neck, hoe. Grown to love yo lame ass. @user", "label": 1} {"text": "From Zac Goldsmith's vile campaign against Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson's history of foul remarks about non-white people, or Theresa May's 'go home' vans & treatment of Windrush immigrants, the Tory Party is clearly racist to the core and doesn't deserve the votes of decent people.", "label": 0} {"text": "Mitch McConnell Endorses Reductions in Legal Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey that looks like it could be an interesting book on migration maybe I'll stick it on my reading list oh no wait that's ok", "label": 0} {"text": "Authorities on Samos object to plans for new migrant camp", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free!", "label": 1} {"text": "Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "69. #Bozo is the friend who tries to con you into privacy so he can either pressurise you into consensual sex or rape you.", "label": 0} {"text": "This is what a home repair looks like in the #refugee camps of #Bangladesh. A #Rohingya woman uses her hands to spread mud over the cracks in her home. In the midst of #monsoon season, these homes are at constant risk of washing away. You can help:", "label": 0} {"text": "I never realize how long a minute actually is until I get stuck listening to a minute long voice memo about a bunch of shit idgaf about", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Closing our southern border would signal Canadian support for Trump\u2019s refugee processes... It would be complicity with Trump\u2019s expanded use of detainment \"", "label": 0} {"text": "Before I rip you a new asshole vs after", "label": 1} {"text": "This is when a guy says something like \u201cI don\u2019t want to date a hoe\u201d n a woman responds with \u201cBut you n your sister got different daddies\u201d bitch so...still not dating a hoe lol", "label": 1} {"text": "@user what did we learn by Greenland leaving the EU no immigration no rapes , violence , or meddling fools imposing rules ,brave 2", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all men - at least one woman", "label": 0} {"text": "What she really means when she says she likes bad boys", "label": 0} {"text": "#Trump officials may succeed in changing the \u201crefugee status\u201d of some #Palestinian refugees BUT they will never succeed in taking away the national identity of 7.2 million Palestinian refugees or their right of return!", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany inks deal with #Spain to return registered migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "The Trump supporter has made a name for himself with anti-immigrant views and allegations of voter fraud. Will Republicans make him their pick for governor?", "label": 0} {"text": "'How do you live with yourself?'", "label": 0} {"text": "When she says 'stick it in my ass and fill me up, daddy'", "label": 0} {"text": "When you just got home from getting dicked down and now you gotta deal with your shrimp dick boyfriend", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user India is gradually becoming safe heavens for drug traffickers,smugglers,illegal immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Dont worry @user you are and will always be the most hysterical woman.", "label": 1} {"text": "Orban will not take refugees to Hungary and will stop Soros forever. EU dont like that, so they go to court. But Orban, the defendor of Europe will never take refugees. If it goes hard, he will go out of the EU.", "label": 0} {"text": "As usual, a lot of confusion here between \"forcibly displaced people\" and \"refugees.\" Around 40 million are displaced within their own countries, but have been entirely excluded from the UN's 'Global Compact on Refugees'.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user First ima smack that ass then eat that pussy from the back then wrap your hair around my hand while I choke you and slide in slow and long strokes tease u then start pounding that pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "In Mexico & CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS & EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive", "label": 1} {"text": "The immigrants that \"built this country\" are already citizens.They are not the ones crossing the border today.", "label": 0} {"text": "Where are the girl refugees, asylum seekers, children? #NotMyPresident #cruel #racist #inhumane #xenophobic #criminal #misogynist", "label": 0} {"text": "A look at refugee and migrant camp ahead of EU meeting", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It\u2019s hysterical him watching that woman and eating chicken", "label": 0} {"text": "I either laugh or turn into a complete psychopath when I'm mad, either way, no one is safe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So true, guys. Thanks for your support. Check out our account for info on upcoming events #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "When daddy leaves cute notes for you", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Gray board shorts show a dick print just as good as gray sweats", "label": 0} {"text": "The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm#", "label": 1} {"text": "The end to a successful @user Advisory Board meeting - members @user Founder & CEO Diane Portnoy, @user & @user Chair @user - after update on existing and plans for future research on economic contributions of #immigrants @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Not all men are stupid to mistake ~ No ~ for Yes they are just using any means to stir up the movement", "label": 0} {"text": "for them niggas who think im pussy gon and show me hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "How to cure yourself from reporting pics and pages \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fuck off you Kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you.", "label": 0} {"text": "It is a glorious life that I lead", "label": 0} {"text": "Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user you want open borders and more immigration?? @user seven masked illegal immigrants storm jewelry store in Texas @user", "label": 1} {"text": "why whore when you could cookie?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p\u2014-ing. on our backs & telling us it\u2019s Raining!", "label": 0} {"text": "Ex-UN envoys urge US to restore Palestinian refugee funds", "label": 0} {"text": "Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them?", "label": 1} {"text": "We KNOW that not all men are rapists, but unfortunately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced abuse....and that is TOO MANY VICTIMS.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The very same people who promote the mass bombing of the ME. One would think they might actually realise that many of the immigrants they\u2019re complaining about. Are fleeing the bombs, they supported being dropped.", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He can choke and so does his bitch hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Yesterday @user and @user were live from the border in Tornillo, Texas to address the issue of immigrant families being separated. Watch and share the broadcast here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "I started stroking it instead", "label": 0} {"text": "UN urges #Libya not to detain rescued migrants #head #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "Triage system for border crossers won't be in place until Septemberhttps://t.co/AnYatbcW9UPretty well turned out for \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers).", "label": 0} {"text": "Sub or not all men are weak & stupid for me be useful and keep fetching my clips @", "label": 0} {"text": "I stand with the victims of sexual harassment or rape. No matter if they're a woman or a man. A rape is a rape what\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Invite her over, play Rihanna 'Sex with Me' on repeat, then give her the worst sex of her life... #wastehertime2016", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Do you know how traumatizing rape is?", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Fier op mijn jongste dochter! Woensdag maken we 5 jonge leeuwen voor A\u2019pse verkiezingen bekend. #AntwerpenIsVanOns", "label": 0} {"text": "REFUGEES NOT WELCOME \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb", "label": 1} {"text": "I like watching horror movies. I don't want to live in one. #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi refugee charged with shooting #cop last week. Feds reportedly halted his deportation in #2016. -", "label": 0} {"text": "How can you slag someone off so much and then be best friends the next minute \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Government, UN probe finds inflated #refugee figures #WithRefugees #Uganda @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Does your pretty friend know you're using her pics to attract people to your tinder, chubs?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Good one Bob! Show her who the real boss is! And keep up the support for our cause.", "label": 1} {"text": "The bitch done had a baby shower in McDonald's \ud83e\udd26\ud83e\udd26.. loud forgive the lil whores u made .", "label": 1} {"text": "Monday thoughts: they may die of starvation & homelessness but by God, they\u2019ll have their guns strapped on in order to shoot any immigrant they come across, cause Trump said so. Back when they still had a TV to watch Fox News.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Will you be throwing the odd 'Waaaaahhhhhh', 'Cunt' or 'Fook sake boys' in the mix? Or will that just be behind the scenes. \ud83d\ude09", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks \ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bit of an arrogant Kunt aren't you Gerry.", "label": 0} {"text": "I say 'I do' a lot for someone that would never say I do...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Get up and walk the dog you little cunt before I ground you.", "label": 1} {"text": "STFU! Like we need your worthless 2 cents of wisdom! Go crawl back under your rock!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- If you're in NYC tonight and a girl asks you if you're your_fuckboy, say yes, take her home and fuck her", "label": 1} {"text": "This is besides the catcalls, the hey baby\u2019s and calling me a slut and bitch when I wasn\u2019t interested. Fuck this shit.", "label": 0} {"text": "Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same", "label": 0} {"text": "#WomenDisobey Black America turns against Obama onn ILLEGAL Immigration. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Corky BOoger is hands down the most hysterical woman of the bunch, he wins", "label": 0} {"text": "If syrian refugees want to sue Germany because of delays go a head who is to say they would be given Asylum anyway ungratful and sad", "label": 1} {"text": "Good Job @user and Thanks ! No Illegal think they can disregard are law no right to be in the U.S No Right to stay ! No Pack it Up! #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemNHome", "label": 0} {"text": "Agreed. Happy to see Labour using more direct language and action on migration, but no IRC is worse than another. They all have to be binned, not forgetting immigration detention wings in prisons. Because migration is not a crime.", "label": 0} {"text": "Aid boat to take rescued migrants to Spain, after Italy refuses access", "label": 0} {"text": "I mean, they COULD, but they'd just find vapid bullshit from a cunt who beat up a pregnant woman made for HS freshm\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "What's the difference between your bonus and your dick? You don't have to beg a woman to blow your bonus", "label": 1} {"text": "AfD: We have to take care of our own poor before inviting migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "When she cancels the dick appointment cause she's 'sick' then you see her in the bar on her snap story", "label": 0} {"text": "Help us all The Bitch is back. I checked the hole she went in and covered it up.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're trying your best to fit in", "label": 0} {"text": "Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "ANTONIO SABATO JR: I\u2019M AN IMMIGRANT AND I SUPPORT TRUMP\u2019S WALL .. Watch full video here: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #Borderwall #Immigration #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "Ur a cunt nd she\u2019s a hoe, nuff said", "label": 1} {"text": "@user A illegal aliens showing exactly what they were coming to this country for in the first place. #sendthemback!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border", "label": 1} {"text": "Not according to the holes in Denmark", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :')", "label": 1} {"text": "Good bitch I\u2019m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00af", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Protect U.S Citizens Enforce U.S Laws Illegals are Not above U.S Laws #NoAmnesty No #DACA #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "If you are not aware of this situation, you need to be as the US has taken in thousands of these Muslim refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "My rotation is like a revolving door", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens Killed Two Search And Rescue Dogs In Texas wicked infernal barbarians have no place in society!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#NoDACA#NoMs", "label": 1} {"text": "With military members already being stripped of their service to our country and told to go home, Trump administration plans to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, NBC News reports", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "But if y\u2019all INSIST on wanting anyone\u2019s relationship I rather you look for a Barack than a Gucci. Not all men take you through hell.", "label": 0} {"text": "21 trillion National Debt is a lot for supposedly greatest country on earth, keep supporting Planned Parenthood, you don't want US babies to be born with hundreds of dollars tags on their diapers good night Hollywood adopt more immigrants n refugees please @user Why not?", "label": 0} {"text": "Deleted again. Working to get it back again", "label": 0} {"text": "Chinese officials have complained when Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club has hosted controversial speakers. Now one former city leader is criticizing the group's lease of a government building.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist \"art\", a \"remembrance wall\" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool.", "label": 1} {"text": "If a guy doesn't have a psycho ex, then you know his dick game weak AF.", "label": 0} {"text": "Picture: the couple Engelbert and Spera, both Jews. Engelbert is now elected in the Austrian parliament for the \u00c3\u2013VP. He says in the newspaper Ha\u00c3\u00a0retz the danger for Jews doesnt come from FP\u00c3\u2013Nazis, more from Islamic refugees, which import antisemitism to Austria.", "label": 0} {"text": "Congress must hold the administration accountable for its treatment of immigrants. We have to lift our voices for justice and mercy.", "label": 0} {"text": "Theresa May defends why do not all the ruling classes open up their homes to migrants ordinary people are on waiting lists the other are not", "label": 0} {"text": "Deep State Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Ending Obama Immigrants First DACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah, but I think RAM is something you can\u2019t ever have enough of. Maybe when you can load the entire HD into memory...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Glaring deficiencies in healthcare ignored. Building stupid Ram mandir and statues are given prominence. UP is suffering from Sangh poison", "label": 0} {"text": "People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "#Trump & #Israel are seeking to erase #refugee status of 7 Millions #Palestinians.Its a #genocide & this is part of #JaredKushner peace plan..#Netanyahu dictated plan Erasing #Palestinian catastrophe #Nakba #Nakba70 same like erasing #Holocaust.Never again for all & for anyone", "label": 0} {"text": "@user author of THE STRUGGLING STATE, writes about #Eritrea #Refugees for @user", "label": 0} {"text": "'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I hope you love monster cock", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Stabbed Woman To Death At Horse Track @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "The Republican field includes anti-immigrant and racist candidates, yet this @user ad is the one that gets blocked.", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Alabama ain't called part of The Bible Belt for nothing.50 yrs ago they would have ------- her.250 yrs ago she'd been ------ at the -----.Hey that is progress in the right direction although glacier like.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you\u2019re a lazy cunt like me. That\u2019s what I do.", "label": 1} {"text": "New blog post: ZX81 internal 16K RAM upgrade in a way which is reversible should you want to go back to the stock 1K", "label": 0} {"text": "wahhh not all men /: praise me for not assaulting women /: make this about ME /:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HE SUFFERS FROM MENTAL GLITCHES---DEMENTIA?", "label": 0} {"text": "Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user", "label": 0} {"text": "You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit !", "label": 0} {"text": "This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom", "label": 0} {"text": "Secondhand smoke exposure accounts for thousands of stillbirths in developing countries", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wanna speak down to my girl bitch then step up big nose ass bitch. Saw that shit off.", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany has a big imported antisemitismproblem. Many fanatic muslims make demonstrations against Jews. This is the fruit of Merkel imigration policy.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don't care even if you cook those illegals for breakfast #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #NoDACA #MAGA #Trump2020", "label": 1} {"text": "Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews", "label": 1} {"text": "As EU leaders prepare to discuss migration, here's a succinct roundup of all the things they could do to protect refugee and migrant rights while controlling their borders @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you stick it in the wrong hole on 'accident'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Dont relent! Nuclear option! Crush the liberal scourge, Mr. President! Make the bleeding stop!#BuildThatWall #HuntThemDown #ImmigrantsGoBack#AmericaIsFull#WhereDoISendTheCheck", "label": 1} {"text": "Let\u2019s talk about immigrants fighting fires - not starting them: (photo: Marcus Yan, Los Angeles Times)", "label": 0} {"text": "Austria - locals call to deport migrants after hundreds of Muslims take to streets to embrace Hezbollah - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user How does a wretched ugly BITCH show joy at being a wretched bitch. Wilson crawl into ur hole & disappear", "label": 1} {"text": "Heard that's ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Negative perceptions of the impact have not generated significant hostility toward the refugees. Many Jordanians continue to sympathize with the refugees and to support policies that would assist them.\u00c2\u00a0\"", "label": 0} {"text": "I visited a place here in Delhi where a community of Rohingya refugees live and they told us so many sad stories about their struggle. The fact that they can\u2019t go home and can\u2019t be safe at places they seek asylum at, is just.. heartbreaking.. we should do better", "label": 0} {"text": "Hope this group and any members are placed on a security watch list and not the immigration list.... CBC News", "label": 0} {"text": "Once again: we call upon the government of Cameroon to refrain from carrying out further forced returns of Nigerian refugees and asylum-seekers.", "label": 0} {"text": "I like my women like I like my laptop .. on my dick", "label": 1} {"text": "beg for your fingers inside my tight little pussy, i promise it's only wet for you. maybe i'll also beg you to choke me, or spa... don't think you've earned any of these things angel. demanding subs sigh only beaten by bratty su...", "label": 0} {"text": "I understand why men don\u2019t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user - hey @user @user @user we the people still insist on the WALL & #endDACA #endillegalimmigration & stop low wage programs & #supportEverify!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user HAHAH thank you hoe-nah!! ((-:", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to cut them off and get them out of here. #BuildThatWall #MAGA #POTUS.", "label": 1} {"text": "anti immigrant hardliner as @user just described Kris Kobach -- I guess that's liberal news media spin for supporting the enforcement of border laws", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hard to Take IDS on Europe when he never once apologised for his parties assault on the poor or admit migration causes it", "label": 0} {"text": "Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says.", "label": 0} {"text": "Two migrants die on boat left adrift by Libya coast guard: charity", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Boner killer? Hardly! I\u2019m sure you\u2019ve heard the joke about the best part of having sex with a preggo.", "label": 0} {"text": "Reformed this what does it mean by reforming to bring red carpet for illegal immigrant to walk across the border", "label": 0} {"text": "Lang and his family foundation gave a $100,000 grant to a partnership with Immigrant Justice Corps.", "label": 0} {"text": "ALL YOU PUSSY BOYS FALL BACK!", "label": 0} {"text": "If women want equailty they should be drafted into war. See how that feels!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness.", "label": 0} {"text": "That moment when you wanna go crawl in a hole and stay down there forever #rightnow #FridayThe13th #curbsarenotmyfriend", "label": 0} {"text": "Nude sunbathers stunned as migrants storm beach...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it.", "label": 1} {"text": "My uncle Vern said women get their peiods because it's the only way God could get rid of some of their evil #womenareevil #evilwomen!!", "label": 1} {"text": "#PatriotsUnited #MAGA #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall we all need to sign this since we are all on Twitter whining about it @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Hysterical? You said mentoring young women (>50% of student pop) is a peri\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes, all you have to do is just let out the rope.. #FeminismIsCancer", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Lets fuck whore stepmom bitch style", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #ICE at all voting booths! Deport all illegals , report the employers that are hiring them! They take our IDs vote in our elections and are a drain on our resources not to mention the drugs and murder. We are tired of it #Bu", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century...", "label": 0} {"text": "one of my mottos is \u201cleave people alone\u201d aka leave me alone, leave vegans alone, leave the lgbtq+ community alone, leave poc alone, leave immigrant children alone, leave britney alone just mind ya business they dont have time 4 u they have their own business to worry about omgbye", "label": 0} {"text": "Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate.", "label": 0} {"text": "Every white uterus that does not post a REFUGEES WELCOME sign shall be deemed racist.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So triggered, its ok snowflake, you are the only bitch here. typical redneck inbred rape sup\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again.", "label": 0} {"text": "These people are not your friends. They are true .@realDonaldTrump supporters who hate people color, Hispanics, immigrants and women.", "label": 1} {"text": "Wtf you're a skank bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall So they can keep tunneling under the Border.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sad to see Govt inaction on deportation of Rohingyas&other illegal migrants. Big threat to National security.Creating filth", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ok if #NotAllMen is bad. Next time I hear that a girl cheated, I'll assume that women are systemically pr\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "In each country of world must be established camps for refugees. There within 7 days it will finally decided, they can stay or go home.If they dont like to go home they should get only few food and had to stay there forever.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Go back to your hole you fucking roach.", "label": 0} {"text": "When your Jewish friend tells you what she gave up for Lent...", "label": 0} {"text": "I make in a day what u make a month, n roll yo pros in a Haitian blunt, Take the bitch call wifey n make her slut \ud83d\udc45 @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I promise you: Everybody plays the lottery. Uh, no. Only the innumerant. It is going to be VERY hard for the @user to cover this woman. She tosses out lunacies not often seen in state wide candidates. Abt 6 fringe positions in this one stop. #gapol #gagov", "label": 0} {"text": "He's been convincing towns and cities to hire him to deal with their immigrant and 'voting' problems, seen them get sued, and walks away lining his pockets. The perfect Trump candidate.", "label": 0} {"text": "New Jersey included $2.1 million in FY2019 budget for deportation legal defense. This is a crucial first step in ensuring that immigrant families across the state have the power to fight their cases in court. #DueProcess4All", "label": 0} {"text": "Many years ago I remember the \"Bradford experiment\" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery.", "label": 1} {"text": "#RT #AutumnLady by @user Mara McClain is a young Irish immigrant looking to begin anew in Victorian-era San Francisco, after the California Gold Rush #Amazon @user #romance #gr8books4u #mustread #histfic #BookBoost #BookWorm #goodreads", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cnot all men\u201d but like... it\u2019s a solid 78% of you guys", "label": 0} {"text": "Im not gonna sit back and let you categorize ALL WHITE MEN are targeting blacks people. Wtf are you even talking about? My best friend since middle school is BLACK. Half of all my friends are BLACK. This cop who gave me a warning yesterday is BLACK. Stfu with that racist mindset", "label": 0} {"text": "Massive DNC voter fraud! #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #FascistLeft Time for Justice! #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #TrumpOCaptainMyCaptain #ILOVEICE #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user women alr hv lots of bad names tbh - - Bitch/slut/cunt etc etc. Trash is nothing.", "label": 0} {"text": "#TheTalk is the typical sexist bigoted all-female show that berates males. End #misandry today! Men are fighting!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stay in the kitchen you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Inspiring: a Former #refugee among winners of Fields medal \u2018\u201c the 'Nobel prize for maths' \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Refugees\u00e2\u0081\u00a9", "label": 0} {"text": "Ethiopian migrant in Italy", "label": 0} {"text": "want Canada to prioritize and welcome the most vulnerable #refugees in greatest need of our sanctuary \u2013 not just the relatively resourced asylum seekers who can reach our physical borders.", "label": 0} {"text": "The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can\u2019t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user @user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This lady looks leftminded, I think shes ignored that its not possible to take refugees from all over the world. The stop of any immigration into the USA must be the first target of a honest goverment.", "label": 1} {"text": "Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It Is Logical, Not Evil,To Be Anti-Immigranthttps://t.co/XEvVeonxIo", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Because some women are stupid", "label": 1} {"text": "\" #Myanmar doesn't want to see the #Rohingya return home, so after destroying our homes they are now occupying our land.\" #persecution #humanrights #ucanews @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don\u2019t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don\u2019t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don\u2019t want #sharialaws and #burqa\u2019a in our cities and on our streets.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Let's laugh at the hurting women in the church. Our sisters in Christ. So funny!! Make fun of the hurting!! Hysterical!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Wrong ! Illegal Immigrants make up 5% of the population so of Course More Americans Commit Crimes because its more Citizens ! Yet 34% Of Federal Prisoners are Illegals these does not include State Prison", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim migrants leave Germany \"We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Alyssa Milano, a brainless whore l, isn't empower women in any way. Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually .", "label": 1} {"text": "... some cunt tagged my mom\u00b4s house - reason #43 I\u00b4m leaving this shit -hole for good", "label": 1} {"text": "When you see your friends after gettin some new ass", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I cannot imagine any woman who does not have a sexual assualt or rape or both even more than once. Sad\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#press #news #blog #army #sex Once a month, a man of action is highlighted. Check it out today.", "label": 0} {"text": "Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma", "label": 0} {"text": "Dozens of migrants intercepted off Greek islands", "label": 1} {"text": "I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we\u2019ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid.", "label": 0} {"text": "anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Lol girl \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d he just don\u2019t want nobody to kno he had a baby with this bitch \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sturgeon wants to give refugees the right to vote. Talk about changing demographics to get you elected.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user no its for women who are being a fucking bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "But let's blame the women for being in the military in the first place eh you fucking cunt smear", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world.", "label": 1} {"text": "Why daily 5000 refugees come from Eritrea ? First they want a better life, second the military service there needs long. They are 80 % accepted in the EU, which is wrong, because the only can come if they pay 8000 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac for illigal coorruption help.", "label": 1} {"text": "Pentagon officials will house nearly 20,000 migrant children on military bases Somebody close tell Trump to kick Mexico awake. 300 million aid will vanish fast...", "label": 0} {"text": "I had a nightmare last night that my 1 yo child had been taken by immigration and I hadn't seen him for months... It was just a dream and I don't have children.. woke up heartbroken for the immigrant mothers who are living this nightmare in real time \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9Austria: '\u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home.", "label": 1} {"text": "Morgue Acquires More Freezers After Huge Increase In Immigrant Crossing Deaths", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \u201cI want women to have equal rights\u201d ... unless you don\u2019t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you\u2019re a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "My mum & dad fired me when I was 2. Didn\u2019t make me bitter & twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm the nicest fucking person but if you come at me calling me a slut and such for having an opinion I will be a bitch to you. Not sorry.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Now there\u2019s a point to ponder. Why not indeed. Maybe because there\u2019s an agenda here and it has nothing to do with helping anyone. And a lot to do with destroying the West.", "label": 0} {"text": "I look in her eyes, &; it's clear the girl ain't here. She's already in 1st class on the Mothership. Bitch! Gimme that damn Watchtower!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus.", "label": 0} {"text": "Weekends vs weekdays", "label": 0} {"text": "Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP.", "label": 1} {"text": "SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME & CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY & GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids & fellow citizens NOT YOU\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker", "label": 1} {"text": "1. Who said Im lying to them?2. Who said Im fucking them?3. How are you real based off a minute analysis that obviously lacks context and sincerity?Shut the fuck up, my nigga.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, & No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, & open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "400 migrants storm border and #Attack security forces to get into Spain's North African enclave", "label": 0} {"text": "The mountainjunkie R.Messner says, he isnt a German or Austrian. He can climb, but this monkeys can also do. The leftgreen strolls in Southtyrol with cancler Merkel through the mountains and like to make an Europa for refugees (Sorosplan).", "label": 0} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant team members winning on behalf of America. #ImmigrantsMakeAmericaGreat", "label": 0} {"text": "Daily migrant invasions #migrant #buildthewall #illegal #trespassers #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are todays saibaba,lord krishna,god ram plz help me or i will commit suicide", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Don\u2019t be a dick when you rate businesses. 5 stars always for good work; 4 is bad; 3 is very bad; 2 is abysmally bad; 1 star is Satan.", "label": 0} {"text": "In stretch of Arizona border, migrant families keep coming", "label": 0} {"text": "Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user \u200balumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride", "label": 0} {"text": "One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user If you come into a thread all #notallmen you just confirm that we\u2019re trash. Don\u2019t be so fragile.", "label": 0} {"text": "Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then?", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches was in the 6th grade getting driven home from school by their boyfriends looking back at their whore ways mad at game.", "label": 0} {"text": "Funny Trump hasn\u2019t had any trouble getting visas for his immigrant labor at his clubs", "label": 0} {"text": "WATCH: German women say migrants rape women because it is allowed under Islamic culture - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "#HalloweenCostumeIdeas Kim Kardashian's vagina... In other words, ground beef.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Skyrocketing rapes in Sweden that correlate with increased immigration? 2000+ women raped on New Years by migrants in Cologne? Paris becoming littered with tent cities? Acid attacks and ethnic clusters in London? None", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch fuck you too then \ud83d\ude2d\u203c\ufe0fthat\u2019s why I hope all your teeth fall out whore", "label": 1} {"text": "African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal alien in upstate NY allegedly raped young girl #SecureTheBorder #FamilyValues", "label": 1} {"text": "After its deal with Turkey to stop Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian & other refugees from reaching the European Union, what can the EU do to reverse Turkey's refugee abuses? Find out at the European Parliament in Brussels at 12:30 pm on 20 June #WorldRefugeeDay@HRW", "label": 0} {"text": "NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ?", "label": 0} {"text": "While Sweden Wait for 300,000 new Muslim migrants, Islam Radicalism Spikes", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I\u2019m tryna fucking get like you hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "What\u2019s up bitch ass bitches and skank ass skanks", "label": 1} {"text": "BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Really do tell! Hysterical? Strange tweet you got there. Hysterical is supporting POS #4\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Looks like UK population will be increased by 300 million if US immigrants forced to go home! #Stopbrexit #FBPE #Brexit #GuyVerhofstadt #WATON #Barnier", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWe can\u2019t go home\u201d: What does peace mean for #Eritrea\u2019s refugees?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Of course not all men!!! That's not the problem! Women don't stop being abused by creeps just beca\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "UN says Libya recovered some 100 bodies of migrants in 2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up \ud83e\udd14", "label": 1} {"text": "Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX", "label": 1} {"text": "Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc", "label": 1} {"text": "Ebola heroes to protest over migrants being denied NHS healthcare", "label": 0} {"text": "'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.'", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country.", "label": 1} {"text": "Machete-Wielding Nigerians Wage War In Italian City :Blood flows in the streets of Ferrara, Italy, as Nigerian migrants wage war with machetes, axes and knives, local media reports", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS \"ISIL\" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know?Government statistics of crimes committed by illegalsIllegals comprise 7% of populationIllegals account for72% of all drug possession33& of all money laundering29% of all drug trafficking22% of all federal murders18%of all frauds#NODACA", "label": 1} {"text": "How every man saying not all men, but every woman been sexually assaulted....", "label": 0} {"text": "Why \u201cUndocumented Immigrant\u201d is Wrong: via @user #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'd curse the person who called them a slut, call them a cunt and tell them to leave them alone.", "label": 0} {"text": "He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Revenge on Kieran why because he has found real love with some one else. Possessions can be replaced.Showing your true colours at last. What you have put y0ur exes through your children through your poor mum. STD ALERT get checked guys", "label": 0} {"text": "So what we're saying Cathy .... is White Genocide is a crime, not a policy optionPolish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrantshttps://t.co/LGn8JaAHftAccess to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMB", "label": 1} {"text": "Dems are fighting like Hell for illegal immigrants invaders Now look what has happened to this little 11 year old child. Dems you should resign from office now. You hate America and us Americans #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "When a person applies for assistance, Department of Health and Human Services reviews application and either grants or denies this assistance. If \"immigrants\" are using the \"welfare\" they were granted... Did the @user put #logic in a cage too?", "label": 0} {"text": "Unlike that useless Obama, President Trump reinstates Iran sanctions, slams 'horrible' nuclear deal President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to unravel the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I wouldn't put my wm on it if I didn't", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone takes a post too seriously and writes an essay in the comments", "label": 0} {"text": "Ima end up fighting this bitch fr !! You getting on my nerves lil hoe !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83e\udd24I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don\u2019t like broke women \ud83e\udd22\ud83d\udeae\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\udeae\ud83e\udd27", "label": 1} {"text": "By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage.", "label": 1} {"text": "I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good.", "label": 0} {"text": "Looooooooool I can\u2019t believe \u2018BEN WOTTS\u2019 aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23", "label": 0} {"text": "#FridayMotivation #MAGA #BuildThatWall Barack Obama: We cant just put walls up all around America. Walls dont keep out threats like terrorism or disease.Reality:", "label": 1} {"text": "What about the Tibetan, Burmese, Tamil, Chakma, etc refugees in India? What about the Baluchs (Originally from Baluchistan, Pakistan), who are staying in the Muslim dominated Mumbra area in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region?There should be an equal law for all the Indians, isn't?", "label": 0} {"text": "How coffee grounds turned firewood could be a lifeline for refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #Meritbased get the ILLEGAL situation under control. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. #MAGA #AMERICAFIRST #BacktheBlue #ICE #Respect", "label": 1} {"text": "bro gay marriage is legal now that means if one of my friends is ever an illegal immigrant then all we gotta do is get married and they'll get their papers", "label": 0} {"text": "@user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bad bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "These hysterical women would benefit from listening to @user Women should learn to control their emotional, irrational female side the way men have learned to control their aggressive, sexual nature. Men are quite obviously the more evolved of the sexes in this regard.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Can you please stfu and stop lecturing your colleagues, you sound like someone doing a fake lady plantation owner accent. Pussy.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes, the MSM and others would have us believe that no refugees have committed any crimes--but the evidence is...", "label": 1} {"text": "THIS makes me cry and yet we still let them in, TRUMP is trying to STOP THEM but the Demoncrates are trying to stop him. #TRUMPHASMYVOTEIN2020!!! Let's go Trump!!! #BUILDTHATWALL #KICKTHEMOUT #STOPTHEMNOW!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "More than 600 migrants force entry into Spain's African exclave of Ceuta", "label": 0} {"text": "Certain immigrant groups create the same problems wherever they go, London, New York or Melbourne, yet we are told we are all the same, race doesn't matter & millions of them won't change our societies. Apart from anything else we are being asked to suspend our belief in reality", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Citizens across Europe need the right to bare arms. As you do in America, no doubt if a mob of migrants were doing this on American soil they would be shot dead. Europe has grown soft and we are now paying the price", "label": 1} {"text": "In solidarity, Germany to take in 50 migrants rescued in Med", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cThe Spanish authorities have here made their priorities clear. They would rather inundate their nation with Muslim migrants \u2014 from this ship that was rejected by Italy\u2019s new patriotic government \u2014 rather than take care of their own people.\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here?", "label": 1} {"text": "It's the drugs pouring across our southern border that is killing our children and young people.#BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When I look at the shit that I post...", "label": 0} {"text": "O = traitor, when is he going to prison finally for all of his crimes against the American public ??????????????????? @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Black catolic bishops are against their pope Franciscus. They dont want to loose their sheep, which like to go to Europe as refugees. In the meantime hypocrises Franciscus pray and dont open the St.Petersdom for refugees to stay.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hungary is best. Never Hungary will accept refugees in their homeland. Even Soros or the EU can make what they want.", "label": 1} {"text": "When they tell you 'just be yourself' so you show them what a piece of shit you really are...", "label": 0} {"text": "Open Future: Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Refugee status and immigrant status are two different things. Refugees do not have to become permanent immigrants, and they can be returned home, once war, the cause for their departure, is over.", "label": 0} {"text": "I like boobs as much as the next guy, but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Anyone who believes that ICE needs to be abolished is literally INSANE!!!#BuildThatWall #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- who TF do you think you are Me-", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products", "label": 1} {"text": "President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services Sean Callahan reminds us refugees need our assistance, not our fear.https://t.co/FeGaAVQfAU", "label": 0} {"text": "They do not need them, I do not need them nor do I require them to enrich my life. #Stoptheinvasion #Brexit #Sodyoueu #Nosurrender", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Immigration comes with punishments for our people foodbanks pension cuts ,NHS ,School ,Housing problems enough enough", "label": 1} {"text": "Austria is a wonderful country for refugees. Here a bill where you can see that socialwelfare also help to get a Televisionset for refugees family in Styria.", "label": 0} {"text": "BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "IS-puppets tried to roll me over three times! One tried to start a fight on the streets, without success. Even when i never attacked them, guess i'm simply an infidel. Some of the first refugees in 1993 also attacked me without reason, so i absolutely know what i'm talking about!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user don't get it pity sturgeon didn't help her own homeless am sure Bute refugees can swop it for a high rise in Glasgow", "label": 1} {"text": "Real old whore slut and granny with thirsty vagina", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs", "label": 0} {"text": "Vodka is my spirit animal", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You are a horrible skank that needed to be fired years ago \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe @user you totally roc\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "C'mon everyone Re-Tweet this to spread the word! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Not interested of being a bitch like you \ud83d\ude02 i prefer to be a good cute girl \ud83d\ude1b nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok", "label": 1} {"text": "Meanwhile in the Open Immigration backlash...Italy Rejects Two More NGO Migrant Ships (waiting to collect and transport off the coast of Libya)\u201cThey should know that Italy no longer wants to be an accomplice in the...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yes it does! #RCMP Waiting to Carry Luggage of #IllegalMigrants who Have NO RIGHTS TO ENTER #Canada They Came From A Safe CountryUSA, BROKE OUR LAWS BY CROSSING #Illegally So They Aren't Eligible to Stay Even if \"Approved\" #D", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB!", "label": 1} {"text": "Marchionne's hometown proud of ailing former Fiat Chrysler CEO", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thanks\ud83d\ude01 I don't believe it's a downgrade. She ain't gotta googly eye. Don't talk shit on social media bitch. Your pussy smells", "label": 1} {"text": "Fox\u2019s \u201chysterical female\u201d rears her head in this season\u2019s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult", "label": 1} {"text": "@user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK", "label": 1} {"text": "Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit*", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "When you have to work tomorrow and your coworker says 'happy Friday'", "label": 0} {"text": "#WWG1WGA #SpyGate #DeclassifyTheDocs #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits \ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6", "label": 1} {"text": "Don\u2019t tell me how u got a bitch drunk An then u took her to the crib to bust her.... sounds like rape to me...", "label": 0} {"text": "RT: Woman who #accused nelly of #rape wants to drop charges. October 14, 2017 at 08:27AM #USSupportLLC Jason J Wat\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#DEMS use #Feminist & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty #NoDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors #BoycottTheNFL", "label": 1} {"text": "Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity....\"Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited.\"https://t.co/TguMByMDN6", "label": 1} {"text": "My favorite thing to hear is 'too deep, too deep' right before I go deeper", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I say you hate women because you call me a tranny cunt constantly", "label": 0} {"text": "Greek paralympian scheme gives new hope to refugee children", "label": 0} {"text": "New Zealand is a country built on immigration. While some may call it as \"The elephant in the room\", immigration has always proven to be an asset for NZ employers.Congratulations to our client Dinu Fabian on getting his Skilled Migrant Residence approved!#BrainGainNewZealand", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cI love you\u201d First of all bitch we all know that\u2019s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener", "label": 1} {"text": "Victor D. Hanson: The 4 Groups that Benefit from Illegal\u00c2\u00a0Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "An honour to meet so many dedicated aid workers here. This is Mitun from @user who\u2019d recently attended training on child protection provided by @user Building up specialist refugee protection expertise within national NGOs is part of our work here. #aidworks #rohingya", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Was I imagining the flap over 'hysterical' because it connected women towa\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Well answer the question?!?! Did you get a dick?", "label": 0} {"text": "They've literally written that their degradation of women is what all men want, so someone go 'not all men' them wh\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And since you love trials and false equivalency between athletes and protecting women how about this one Duke lacrosse rape??????", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Can\u2019t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good.", "label": 0} {"text": "STOP SMELLING THOSE SANDWINCHES YOU HIDEOUS COCK, SHE'S ESCAPING TO THE SIDE", "label": 1} {"text": "ACLU files lawsuit seeking details of Harford County sheriff's immigration enforcement program", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh god that's so much worse. Have a good evening. Kbye", "label": 0} {"text": "to hell with the #Tories. #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "If you slow the video down you can see the problem..... Yep she's a woman #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same?", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrant accused of raping, impregnating non-verbal 13-year-old girl", "label": 1} {"text": "For me, Thor in Ragnarok climax scene was better than Thor at wakanda in #InfinityWar. Extra points for the immigrant song\ud83d\udd25Both scenes were cinematic brilliance though.", "label": 0} {"text": "Violence as 600 migrants storm Morocco-Spain border fence", "label": 0} {"text": "German government mulls taking in ship migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Looks like another girl fucked up another relationship. When are you gonna learn ladies?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The whore bitch spoke! STFU Melania, Melanie , whatever your name is", "label": 1} {"text": "I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2dclearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Someone Tell this Immigrant Non Citizen who cant vote that Michelle Obama is no longer Flotus and was never her Flotus then Deport her Racists behind back to the Congo so she can #Resist there ! #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Candace is an in-home ESL Tutor for refugees. Watch her story on how she advocates for refugees. Donations to our #30kin30days campaign fund programs to advocate and stand for the vulnerable Full video on Facebook.Thanks to @user for the video.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch shut the fuck up and dont talk about Afghanistan", "label": 1} {"text": "i skipped english a few days ago so i didn\u2019t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety", "label": 1} {"text": "guy: \"i want a girl who's smart. but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whore.\"me: \"how bout a smart slutwhore?\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat", "label": 0} {"text": "Merica AF \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user You are a pussy... stand up or shut up... put youre head above the parapet & make a stance or keep taking the MP wage & STFU x", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don\u2019t know how you have the audacity to charge extra to eat in, the place is a shit hole #WestwoodCross thanet", "label": 0} {"text": "@user See it WORKS! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 1} {"text": "Life a hoe but gaw damn shit just so good when you hitting it right", "label": 0} {"text": "UNHCR\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u20302016 total of 181436 migrants crossed Med to Italy.90334 never requested asylum, vanished. Italians refer to this as \u201cclandestini.\u201d#V4 Report refers to it as \u201chogwash\u201d.#Italy must stop whining abt \u201crelocation\u201d & start deporting out of Europe. #Visegrad will help deport", "label": 1} {"text": "Syrian regime set to dispossess massive numbers of refugees of their homes which, according to UN @user own criteria, means the agency can't facilitate their return to Syria", "label": 0} {"text": "If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "' teaching women how to wear modest clothes and looking unattractive will reduce rape' WHAAAAAT?", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy halloween! Hope everyone lives up to their full hoe potential tonight! I believe in you, you bust ass super skanks \ud83d\udc93\ud83c\udf83", "label": 0} {"text": "@user suck me off upside down and chill?", "label": 1} {"text": "If you care more about \"refugees\" than your own sons and daughters, you've got some self-evaluation to do.", "label": 1} {"text": "Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you so much to @user & @user for hosting such an amazing event this past weekend! No child should face immigration court w/o an attorney by their side & this event helped raise critical awareness for these immigrant & refugee children #KINDLA #GivingKINDness", "label": 0} {"text": "Daily Mail pulls story about \u2018\u02dcmigrant-infested\u2019 #Paris suburb after backlash", "label": 1} {"text": "Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews", "label": 1} {"text": "Big thank you to Irene & Ken Brasington for their generous donation to last week\u2019s fundraiser Immigrant Families Together which won them this post! \ud83d\udc95", "label": 0} {"text": "We will have representatives at Saturday's \"Share the Journey\" event and facilitating the lunch time refugee...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I hate when other women drink the Kool -Aid. Sexual assault and rape is about power and control. Tha\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "#IllegalImmigration #SecureOurBorders #IllegalAliensYes they are protesting #Trump at a #GOP gathering in...", "label": 1} {"text": "Lml 'no matter what color a girl is she's still a hoe' That's funny.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're on a first date and she asks to talk to the manager", "label": 0} {"text": "Real shit like stfu and eat my pussy since u care so much", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH I SAW YOU ONE TIME WITH JONATHAN IDEK WHEN AND THOUGHT 'Gotta have her' that was before the entire Twitter saga", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user LOL... they didn't applaud a rape threat.. .how long are you going to ride that shit?", "label": 0} {"text": "Over 500 refugees have left Moria, maybe even more, hard to say exactly. @user is full, with more than 200 people. Stage 2, on the North Shore has received almost 200 as well. Humans for Humanity is housing over 150. For tonight they have shelters, and then what ?", "label": 0} {"text": "no offense but this big bitch is serving you ALLLLLL types of kunt in this picture", "label": 1} {"text": "81. #Bozo invites u round for a seemingly harmless sleep over but will spend all night trying to con you into sex or even rape u", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Battlefield Fort(ifications)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a shame. #BuildTheWall #GreencardsForDACA #NoChainMigration #IllegalsSentHome get in line #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #ProtectAmerica", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you probably ruined all yours. Considering you're a woman", "label": 1} {"text": "German Police Report: 100+ Germans victimized by migrant crime every day\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008fGermans 6X more likely to be crime victims by migrants than reverse#Germany#RefugeesWelcome#CultureWars#DoesntFitTheNarrativehttps://t.co/yWMKCGhVIY", "label": 1} {"text": "If you gotta rape a female to get pussy you really should just die", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Another reason to support @user @user @user police officers!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2018 #BuildTheWall #VoteDemsOut #DeportIllegalAliens #BackTheBlue #SaveTheChildren Great meme by @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yo honestly you pussy !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you made it kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Michael Cohen Already Exonerated President Trump Desperate democrats running out of garbage...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going\ud83d\ude02 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udcb0", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are 'not all men' af rn dude. I don't have enough characters to explain to you why\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "We've reached the point where the US can no longer be considered a safe country for #refugees. #SuspendSTCA", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch dead flipped a tweet to about rape for attention. I done really seen it all", "label": 1} {"text": "i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time)", "label": 0} {"text": "US Supreme Court Upholds Donald Trump's Immigration Travel Ban (for now) via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Women don't WANT to be sacred. That is some patriarchal controlling virgin/whore bullshit.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you\u2019re a fucking nobody. You just take advantage of people that care for you. Good on you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Every refugee deserves:protectionsheltera chance to start overunderwearThanks to @user & #PUMABodywear, refugee women and girls will be covered when it comes to the last item:", "label": 0} {"text": "When you let a squirter sit on your face", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I\u2019m the big dick motherfuckin bitch hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men. It's science...", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE arrests 225 in NY immigration raids, many with criminal recordshttps://t.co/Nu5iVYJKy4#MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere", "label": 1} {"text": "But is it too little, too late, to save Europe? Rescue ship's ordeal exposes hardening views on migrants in Europe via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook\u2019s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they are being prevented \u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Texas is the Tipping Point #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user free English classes! and also Arabic & Spanish classes (taught by migrants/refugees) cos integration & learning goes both ways", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018They knew what they were doing,\u2019 immigrant arrested in Bastrop says", "label": 0} {"text": "Imagine what would happen if the U.S. did this? Mexico would suddenly be building a wall. 'Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there.", "label": 0} {"text": "WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018", "label": 1} {"text": "Hysterical Hypocrite Liberals going after @user and Trump over 10 year old girl where were they when Obama deported 2 Million Hispanics ??", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i", "label": 1} {"text": "@user i like to know what @user would have done if the victim was one of their big shots daughter. it is time to build the wall and keep these SOBs intheir own damn country #BuildThatWall #ICE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard.", "label": 0} {"text": "Does he realize he's cheering for the #RacialReplacement and genocide of the French people? How many of those players were #French?#StopTheInvasion #StopTheGreatReplacement #StopWhiteGenocide #WhitePride #MigrantCrisis #EmmanuelMacron #WhiteLivesMatter #SecureTheBorder #WorldCup", "label": 1} {"text": "Two things to learn from this article. 1) the people pushing wheelchairs in airports basically work for tips. Don\u2019t neglect to show your appreciation. 2) the Huntleigh USA corporation sucks.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Thank you. Not all men are bad. In fact, this isn't just a 'man' problem. I've had women sa\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #maga I hope that doesn\u2019t mean you\u2019re going to let them all just stay in the country! Trump signs order that he says will keep migrant families together", "label": 1} {"text": "So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation", "label": 1} {"text": "Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country'", "label": 1} {"text": "Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day.", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck you Noot Noot Harime fucking fashion cunt tailor cunt looking bug as eye looking no arm be having bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring", "label": 0} {"text": "THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This bitch is promoted by communist...her people, refugeesWill listen to her..follow her.Simple to say go home, she needsTo be hung.", "label": 1} {"text": "#35A is a perfect Karmic slap on the faces of regionalists in India. If you keep insisting on regional identity, you\u2019ll end up getting Allah Hu Akbar. Each time. EVERY TIME.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Could you please explain why you praised the research of an anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant foundation linked to Orban's far-right government? \u2026 Or why you are hosting events at the Hungarian Embassy for this foundation? h", "label": 0} {"text": "All you niggas saying no grown man should be this excited for a video game. Go get you some pussy. Bitch stfu. We wait all year for the new 2k to drop as well as other games. We get pussy damn near all year round. You enjoy your life and let us enjoy ours beloved.", "label": 0} {"text": "When I see men wearing skinny jeans", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must \u201cpush back\u201d open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia", "label": 1} {"text": "Meet Shukria.A young refugee with an incredible talent for poetry.", "label": 0} {"text": "You know what I hate? A fucking \"what about men?\" type assholes when people are talking about women experiences & issues i.e. motherhood, unequal wages, rape, sexual harassment. Like fuck you, stfu dickhole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If you feeling like pimp james go ahead and brush your shoulders off\u26a1\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #Kavanaugh also said birth control is abortion-inducing drugs Christian Sharia But of course I am a hysterical woman that should not have any rights Maybe you could pass a law like in the old days that my husband owns me", "label": 0} {"text": "Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You never cared about his Superman. You and a bunch of your buddies are the reason his character was butchered in JL since yall wanted more fun and smiles. Stop with this fake caring act for clout.", "label": 0} {"text": "You've been dating for three days. 'I Love You' shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. #ClingyAssBitches #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "I welcome those who want to assimilate but Muslims do not.", "label": 1} {"text": "When did Angela Merkel last said something \"hello germany/berlin/cologne/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!\" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "Libya, migrants & karma: Europe's new migration policy wrecks on North African reality", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrant breaks into NJ home, rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #FoxNewsThis horrific act is reason enough to#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Democrats have been placing refugees and illegals in Parts of the country trying to change the outcome of elections and we stop them Everytime. Democrats have been trying to stop AMERICANS from voting and giving more and more refugees the rights to vote against us. Dems are done.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user @user is my #MCM because he gave me a dirty shout out on Instagram. #romancein2016", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Is Not Alone \u2014 Animated Map Shows 6 Border Walls Being Built Around The World", "label": 0} {"text": "oh my god yall non fans are so annoying let universes and pentagon grieve let us take all this in first just let us fucking be and leave us the fuck alone we dont need your fucking opinion on the matter im so fucking done with yall for fucks sake just shut the fuck up", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal alien turns himself in to ICE following deadly hit-and-run car crash, report says #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere", "label": 0} {"text": "'\u1d34\u1d30 Lee Min Ho and Suzy relationship: Lee Min Ho hopes to get married to protect girlfriend Bae Suzy'\u00a0:", "label": 0} {"text": "The home of Guinness\u2018\u2039 gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland \u00f0\u0178\u008d\u00ba #InternationalBeerDay", "label": 0} {"text": "Shorter take: I just destroyed you with facts so now you'll make me into a hysterical woman to soothe your fragile\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing", "label": 1} {"text": "Aww you're on your period?... Try dealing with you on your period!", "label": 0} {"text": "The thinking mind is what is busy. You have to stay in your heart. You have to be in your heart. Be in your heart. - Ram Dass", "label": 0} {"text": "Many lice you will find in Viennese schools. Some refugees has brought us this as gift. To rescue it will cost 30 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac a person.", "label": 1} {"text": "The only thing me and Donald Trump have in common is how we flirt", "label": 0} {"text": "Shakespeare plays for tRumpers: Romeo and Juliet Sound Like Immigrant Names All\u2019s Well That Ends with Armageddon Much Ado About Hillary The Grabbing of the Pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "Poverty and lack of services in Iraq force refugees back to the camps", "label": 0} {"text": "Shan: even dumb sluts get pissed over cat calling Me: meeeeeee Shan: no you're an idiot whore there's a difference", "label": 0} {"text": "For refugees in #Sudan, fears surround probe into UN resettlement fraud: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Solid analysis. Just don't fall into the trap of importing Muslim refugees, or it will be game over.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Be my whore my slut my bitchy \u2764\u2764\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udc45", "label": 1} {"text": "Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut", "label": 0} {"text": "Windrush migrant, 57, died under \u2018\u02dcextreme stress\u2019 trying to prove his citizenship, lawyer says", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report-", "label": 1} {"text": "When her head game is as good as she claimed it to be so you gotta smile and thank god \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "@user They can help and take the children into their churches and feed them - also in Italia the Pope can open the petersdome for refugees, which will sheet into the building sure.", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user same culture gave us terrorist, same culture assassinated Hindu rape Hindu woman like Ba\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur \u2018best pals\u2019 turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x", "label": 1} {"text": "All my friends live vicariously through my penis", "label": 0} {"text": "The Insane Re Truly In Charge... The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home", "label": 1} {"text": "Separated Immigrant Child Dies Shortly After Release from ICE Jail via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders & flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded.", "label": 0} {"text": "The only woman I respect is MY MOM and that's why we still live together. No one does laundry like her #laundryqueen #ilovemymom #fuckwome/", "label": 1} {"text": "#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "CBS: Driver an Illegal Alien was drunk, high at time of fatal Donna crash that killed 6 year old girl. Yet another victim whose life was stolen by an illegal alien.When will you end this?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "lemme ride prison rape bitch im your moms a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha", "label": 0} {"text": "#StopTheInvasion Gaming the System: Late-Term Pregant Women Illegally Crossing the US-Mexico Border to give birth to an Anchor Baby within the US Border during their Detention and Legal Processing Period which can be months long", "label": 1} {"text": "cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push.", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump will close the goverment, if he dont get the money for the wall ! To build the wall will rescue USA from refugees like Europe.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lekin hum toh inhen jaantey nahi \ud83d\ude36", "label": 0} {"text": "The U.S is $21 Trillion in Debt We Cant afford to be Mexico and Central America's Welfare state low skills. uneducated No English wanting welfare, education Medicaid on the U.S Taxpaers #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome Red Hen #Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Ill-legal migration is\u00c2\u00a0invasion", "label": 1} {"text": "RAF #Drone pilots save scores of fleeing Syrian refugees with air-strike on #IslamicState", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I bet you were, you SKANK! \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user stfu bitch nigga who told u to talk hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "If you find it necessary to message a complete stranger about your hurt feelings over a post... It might be time to log off the internet", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump's immigration policy is \"sinful\" Rev Al Sharpton tells NY protest", "label": 0} {"text": "Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city via @user Who elected this twit...", "label": 0} {"text": "im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk", "label": 1} {"text": "We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user I always use Japan or Poland as an example of nationalism done right. Very little immigration to those countries and zero terrorism taking place there.", "label": 0} {"text": "9 Times Globalists Claimed Mass Immigration Necessary to Grow GDP. They are now proven WRONG! via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#FakeNews production... Gee, they should trademark it!A Czech tourist notices something odd about these \u201cdrowning refugees\u201d - they R part of the paid #FakeNews filming crew! Oh the poor #Muslims!@BBC @user coproduction!#Soros smirks contentedly..", "label": 1} {"text": "More than 1,500 migrants pour through new gateway on Spanish beaches via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7", "label": 0} {"text": "The guys who say \u201cnot all men!! Some of us are the nice guys you turn down\u201d or \u201cit happened to me & I\u2019m not crying about it\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "This #job might be a great fit for you: Senior Immigration Specialist (Non-Immigrant) - #BusinessMgmt #Durham, NC #Hiring #CareerArc", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't involve me in no hoe buisness #1 rule let a bitch choose I ain't never beefing bout NO bitches\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udd0a", "label": 1} {"text": "Here I share pic about Men over women, dominant relationships", "label": 1} {"text": "So called \"refugees\" in Europe. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Please let your MPs know we do not want any more migrants we cant afford them we do not want a cologne or a free for all enoughs enough", "label": 0} {"text": "Death toll in Tunisian migrant ship accident rises to 60: IOM #UnitedNations #Tunisiancoast", "label": 0} {"text": "Mike Tyson calls Syrian refugees cowards. I agree.", "label": 1} {"text": "Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Says a hysterical woman/hustler/con artist/grifter", "label": 1} {"text": "There's interesting insight to uncover and understand if you want to go down that rabbit hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stop lying u skank bitch but white like u", "label": 1} {"text": "Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Guatemalan mother separated from her 7-year-old daughter waits", "label": 0} {"text": "I just wanna know why the girl dont like me \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Hating ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "In many areas of the country there are large numbers of immigrants with less than 2 years of college education, community colleges can be the best option! Join us April 13 learn more! @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they don't understand our position....", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what the #DemocraticParty #DNC wants in every American community", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f", "label": 0} {"text": "Eminem raps about wanting to rape women, that has nothing to do with CNCO's success!", "label": 0} {"text": "Women are beautiful to me when they are silent. Why do they have to speak up and ruin things??!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 'Diversity Visa' - YOU UTTER HYPOCRITICAL SKANK!", "label": 0} {"text": "Friend- I'm getting married Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "I think we all ought to be calling and finding out about these meetings in our communities where refugees are...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm sure you also get mad when guys stair at ur ass and act like you don't understand why they do it #WomenSuck", "label": 0} {"text": "Just ten countries look after 12.5 million of world's 20 million non-Palestinian refugees, and nine of those are in developing regions, not rich ones - UN @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sturgeon answer this question will Scotland have Immigration controls if they stayed in Europe or will we have more beggers", "label": 1} {"text": "Problem with the books being referred to is that they were written 30 years ago. Massive changes in China, definitely no mass emigration to US, perhaps just the opposite.", "label": 0} {"text": "Lessons consensual #sex for Mr #Weinstein &; others - you mislead, coerce and force yourself on #women - guess what it is #assault and #rape?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I like Twitter cause we're so irrelevant here that no one pays attention to us \ud83d\ude2b\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you, you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I said I can\u2019t wait to own a fishing tank!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Acharya.. have you read the analysis/opinion given by our 'historians' to SC wrt Ram Temple? Even 'WTF' will be ashamed. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Who needs tougher immigration laws when you can just simply plant more trees?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user thanks for suing 12 New Jersey school districts over discriminatory ID requirements for enrollment. Not only is this a violation of state law, but merely posting these policies online can have a chilling effect on enrollment of immigrant students. T", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user .Can you say #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If Syrian refugees complain about Bute then Gaelic Speaking Australians should be able to stay in Scotland for good", "label": 0} {"text": "Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner & an iPhone 7 is a model now \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said....https://t.co/lqi5D0cruN", "label": 0} {"text": "What do smart women do for a living? What they're told. #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes we can #BuildThatWall ! And yes it does keep people, includiing bloodthirsty drug cartels & disease carriers out. He's mad he can't keep giving cartels weapons.", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany to accept 50 rescued migrants after Italy's plea", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is a complete joke! If you see this guy out...GET IN HIS FACE. CONFRONT HIM. MAKE A CONVERSATION with him. MAKE HIM ANSWER. Let him know where you stand!", "label": 0} {"text": "Welcome to #Vial, #Chios Imagine living for months in a container. Imagine not having a container and sleeping in tents between them. Imagine not having a tent and sleeping under plastic sheets. Imagine having none of the above and sleeping rough. This is how #EU treats refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "An illegal alien has been charged with murder, arson and mutilation of a corpse n #Democrats Want to make sure more Illegals can cross U.S Border and they want to End #ICE #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user #Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslims freaking out after Italy's general election as the anti-immigration Lega outperformed expectations - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "REQUEST FOR NOMINATION: English Works Campaign Certificates of Recognition for companies supporting the development of English language skills of MA immigrant workers. Past awardees: @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hey your awesome! We all make mistakes! If taken in context(your charater did that,) I do not believe you condone Rape.", "label": 0} {"text": "Former Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Drops a Bombshell: Yes, Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria via @user No surprises here...", "label": 0} {"text": "What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced", "label": 1} {"text": "Even CNN says Trudeau is in trouble over illegal immigration. It says his focus should be on what he can control, starting with curbing the flow of migrants crossing into Canada. He is under growing pressure from provincial premiers and big city mayors", "label": 0} {"text": "Lebron James helps kids education, while #trump helps #immigrant kids separate from their families", "label": 0} {"text": "Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees", "label": 1} {"text": "I wish kids were like cars... Once you can't afford them, they come and repossess them", "label": 0} {"text": "Would be awesome, lol, great idea @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already", "label": 1} {"text": "Find it hysterical that a bitch can't talk shit on me until she moves away\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14scared???\ud83e\udd23", "label": 1} {"text": "Great example as an immigrant and woman CEO, Indra Nooyi (Indian-American): \u2018Pepsi\u2019s first female CEO is stepping down after 12 years\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "ISIS jihadists' transfer could bring new migrant crisis", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITES HOES \ud83d\ude1dturn up bitch \ud83d\ude18I wish you many many more", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You have proper right for being anal whore!", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany: African migrants attacked kids playing football, Angry parents with Iron bars came to teach them a lesson \"Do not touch my child\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When you walk past someone and they mumble somethin under their breath", "label": 0} {"text": "Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Introvert level expert", "label": 0} {"text": "if them bitches take a pic with Bey (which i highly doubt) i will forever shut my whore mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "It's not the walk of shame if you truly give no fucks", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user", "label": 1} {"text": "How real friends greet each other", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m so tired of older women at work asking me if I got married because I im pregnant like no bitch and I don\u2019t plan on it.", "label": 1} {"text": "The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver \u201cwings\u201d at the base of a Geiko\u2019s top-knot are called nemaki (\u6839\u5dfb\u304d, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture", "label": 0} {"text": "And lets be real, if you \u201cnot all men\u201d me, thats an instablock fam, coz being dismissive is part of the problem", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm reading about Martha and Mary this morning and it's just striking me again that many of us have turned a story where Jesus tells a woman that she doesn't have to stay in the kitchen into a lesson about how some of us think we're too busy for our quiet time.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap. You truly are a worthless cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "#FreeTommyRobinson #Bluehand demand you #Brexit #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol", "label": 0} {"text": "Know Your Rights, Defend Your Rights! Come join a training that focuses on building sustainable community resistance against the increased violence against communities of color & immigrant communities. Aug. 8-9. 10am-4pm. Open to all. Sign up is below!", "label": 0} {"text": "What happens when you drug, rape and sodomize a 13 year old girl ? ALL those left wing loons who tell us how to...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I can always tell when you're drunk cause you're lighting up Twitter in the middle of the night \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "The monetary costs will run into the billions for Trudeaus illegal immigrant crisis. Non-monetary costs??", "label": 0} {"text": "President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira", "label": 0} {"text": "That's very odd!!#TheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACAAngel Mom: 'I'm Offended' Mollie Tibbetts' Dad Won't Recognize 'Illegal Alien Crime' via @user #MollieTibbetts #katesteinle #KAG #chainmigration #IngrahamAngle", "label": 1} {"text": "Spare rooms appeal for eviction-hit refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Crawl back in your hole, you should be in the pokey by now!", "label": 0} {"text": "Over the past 25 years, World Relief has welcomed nearly 100,000 women and girls fleeing persecution. Give today to support our work in welcoming refugee and immigrant women and their families.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user hey brother, loved the performance the other night. #inspiring", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user \u201c@LACLlPPERS: #YesAllMen you know what... This is the only double standard were allowed lol", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: Wages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the \u2018\u02dcfree\u2019 labour market, which, if left alon", "label": 0} {"text": "#menrdecent India men should grab the RSS feed of my blog to see men of the world fighting for men's rights.", "label": 0} {"text": "you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole and convinced yourself that it's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user thanks for the follow! DM for info about upcoming meetings and events #MaleDomination", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Pakistani refugee raped Norwegian girl \"I have a right to rape women, women have no rights\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh good, its that time of year when women bitch about men watching football why is this a thing? Why dont you shut the fuck up and enjoy the game? k bye", "label": 1} {"text": "An illegal alien from Haiti has been accused of shooting a Florida police officer in the head, leaving him in critical condition. #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't...", "label": 1} {"text": "When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn\u2019t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga", "label": 0} {"text": "#Muslim #Migrants Reportedly Leaving In Droves Due To Simple 2-Word Requirement - #Immigration #IllegalImmigrants #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAlien #Muslims #IslamicRegimeMustGo", "label": 1} {"text": "the most worthless whore and bastard CUNT on", "label": 1} {"text": "Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 1 illegal alien who opened the floodgates for millions more to follow. #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals #MAGA #USA #POTUS #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "This is the only award I deserve in life", "label": 0} {"text": "More women accuse Weinstein of rape", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please visit today & help #BuildThatWall#RETWEET", "label": 1} {"text": "I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Checkout my hysterical book of satire for men, which women have been waiting for!\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Still so good: \"She and the other white writers who marveled over my luck wanted to try on my Otherness to advance their value in the literary marketplace, but I don\u2019t think they wanted to grow up as an immigrant in the United States.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "thing is not all men clean up like Gucci... be careful who you \u201cride\u201d for", "label": 0} {"text": "Tomorrow at 2PM EDT @user and @user will be hosting a Facebook Live event from Tornillo, Texas, where immigrant children are being detained after being separated from their families. Tune in here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Some girl that knew Jackson from his hoe days legit CROSSED THE ROOM to talk to him at the party yesterday and I was legit like", "label": 0} {"text": "The NGO refugeeship is running now to rescue more illegal refugees in the middlesea. In Valencia/Spain students was taken out from their homes to make place for the last refugees which are sick. One room costs there 750 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac and is comfortable.", "label": 0} {"text": "PM Babi\u00c5\u00a1: Czech republic not to accept any illegal migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Interesting how US intervention in Central America caused the migrant catastrophe itself...", "label": 0} {"text": "You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger", "label": 0} {"text": "Lebanese Christian beats up Syrian refugee in his home and screams at his wife (with Subtitles)", "label": 1} {"text": "The Face of London after 40 Years of Third World Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": ".@FLOTUS, I didn't hear you saying anything when you husband was talking about grabbing women by the pussy. That's ok tho? Go play in the garden in your stilettos and stfu!", "label": 1} {"text": "Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life.", "label": 0} {"text": "72 percent of Germans say immigration is negligently handled", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODAC", "label": 1} {"text": "World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Elderly Swedish woman forced to stand up for a Muslim migrant on a bus - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "WE AS A NATION DESERVE A REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF SAFETY IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! VOTE REPUBLICAN #BuildThatWall #EndChainMigration #ENDVISALOTTERY #EVERIFY #ENDVOTERFRAUD", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Come on box I show you my cock darling", "label": 1} {"text": "Just remember ladies, whatever you're not willing to do, another whore like myself is. \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm guessing the last guy she trusted gave her herpes...", "label": 0} {"text": "Counting the Omer of your Life - Passion For Truth Ministries via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#jihad #ISIS #terrorism #hate #ISIL #shariaWhen President Obama says we are going to thoroughly vet refugees...", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Britons protest against Migrants \"Deport all migrants\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Jose 'the puta' bitch says he doesn't cry about injuries to his players. What a contradictory KUNT. Conte response was brilliant imo.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are you justifying rape because someone just went 'there'", "label": 0} {"text": "Jordan's so butthead it's hysterical learn how to treat a women that's why all your exs cheat on you\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 pussy ass bitch keep trying me", "label": 0} {"text": "@user amazing show tonightPresident Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.Thank you @user Trump, we are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief.@realDonaldTrump PLEASE", "label": 1} {"text": "There are some notorious notallmen -ers on my timeline. They completely dismiss everything women complain about because, not all men.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Jason Wallach, 41, Kate Brenner, 69, are the two on left", "label": 0} {"text": "German Police reports that refugees from Africa start in Italy via Austria now by train. The catch them at Rosenheim freightterminal.", "label": 0} {"text": "Lauren Southern: Tries to kill refugees in the Mediterranean. Conservative British Government: Oh, fuck off. You're not welcome in the UK. Chris Kenny: Ooh Lauren Southern, I can't believe she wasn't allowed into the Lakemba Mosque! What about freedom!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \"Hysterical Women\" is right out of the Con play book.. they believe only men can make the most fucked up decisions of all time, not need for women.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user @user @user get a flag made and hang in front of the house", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user one bs template email but nothing solid. This is my 5th deletion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You hysterical women caught up in more conspiracy theories again? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 liberals are to\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "These are Canadian refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "I swear to gawd if I see one more \u201cnot all men\u201d etc shit when a woman is killed by a man and y\u2019all don\u2019t hold people accountable I\u2019m fightin", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa", "label": 1} {"text": "Refugees resettled in the U.S. help grow our economy. In 2015, 13% of refugees living in the U.S. were entrepreneurs, compared to 9% of the U.S.-born population.Help refugees access the vital services they need to give back to their communities. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're practicing being homeless", "label": 0} {"text": "The Trump administration says it needs more time to meet a deadline set by a federal judge to reunite immigrant families. Meanwhile, we learned new details about the smallest children who have been separated from their parents. #ReleaseTheHostages", "label": 0} {"text": "No one cares about you agta don't be so stupid bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries?", "label": 0} {"text": "you're no different from men who start with Not All Men every time a woman tweets men are trash", "label": 0} {"text": "The government isn\u2019t even trying to reunite the families they forcibly separated. They need to stop wasting time and fix their crisis. #EndFamilyDetention #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "Zeebrugge struggles with problem of trans-migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are very brave to tell your story. I promise you not all men are monsters. \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Have to address LEGAL immigration as well.The racial interests of the majority LONG TERM must be addressed without apology.", "label": 1} {"text": "You ever just wanna cut off every single person in your life, get on a boat and sail into a whole new life? Cause same", "label": 0} {"text": "I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik: mishalcoors #bitch #whore #ass #pussy #wine #beer #\u0643\u064a\u0643 #\u0643\u0643\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "In Austria the elder people in homes need 4 Euro for food daily each. Now the goverment like to reduce the benefit for refugees to 5 Euro daily. Why refugees get more money than the originated citiziens ?", "label": 1} {"text": "It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape!", "label": 1} {"text": "Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements !", "label": 1} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing from", "label": 0} {"text": "It's come to the point to where, when I see the word 'all' it pisses me off because NOT ALL MEN AMD WOMEN ARE THE SAME.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The era when a woman was either Mother Mary or a whore is over. Women are plain and simply human beings.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches be like 'my man has never cheated on me' lol nah bitch, you're just too stupid to catch him", "label": 1} {"text": "Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Find jarring \u201cNot all men are trash\u201d some of us are good\u201d \u201cwe love you Nubian queens\u201d just shit up \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201c#Bangladesh should register fleeing #Rohingya as refugees, ensure adequate health care & education, & let them pursue livelihoods outside the camp\u201d says @user in new @user report \"Bangladesh is Not My Country: Plight of Rohingya Refugees fr #Myanmar", "label": 0} {"text": "like damn bitch if youre hungry shut the fuck up and eat im trying to sleep!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I am an immigrant. I am a homeowner. I paid at least $4,100 in property taxes last year. I live with my child. I am a 55 year old male. I earned $107,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I live in OR cc'Sen. Ron Wyden. #ImmigrantsAreUS", "label": 0} {"text": "Emily Does vagina had dirt, gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground. You dont want women to prove they were raped, you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up.", "label": 1} {"text": "In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, our Chicago office is going to raise $30k in 30 days. Join our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign: designed to assist not only refugees, but also immigrant populations and vulnerable people\u2014our new neighbors.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're looking at pictures from last night to see who stopped by cause you were blacked out", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No, you suck and the game said you were a slut.", "label": 1} {"text": "loooooooooooool I don't date, sweetheart. Just dick appointments", "label": 0} {"text": "Obviously Meredith, obviously. Filthy bitch \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "I've never liked @user and he didn't endear himself with the Sean Spicer bromance and Stupid Weistein jokes. Bit of a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user u fucking cunt u wanna fuck me duck hole cack lord bafaf, EXcuease me, i wang to flout ur hbox, please suck me dadd. top 5 gay", "label": 0} {"text": "Stephen Miller\u2019s next target: Legal immigrants via @user we don't need too much of the world's junk. Limit legal immigration to a few thousand. Deport all daca and all illegals, no asylum for anyone.", "label": 1} {"text": "#ElinErsson The answer is NOT to support mass migration into European nations. The ANSWER IS MASS PROTESTS of damage of Western invasions in Middle East & stripping resources from Africa (by elite). When will SJW learn? They do not read or understand what has been happening", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh my God I had no idea Destiny was the same girl from the People\u2019s Couch. I thought she was hysterical on that. #shahs", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the \u2018#PublicCharge\u2019 rule.", "label": 0} {"text": "Someone asks you to catch a rare fish with like two days left in the season and it's like dude can you not be such a dick", "label": 0} {"text": "Islamic state changes its name from ISIS to ISC as they move to Canada as \"refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Dinesh Dsouza is a Globo-Homo agent, like Paul Ryan. Don't let this dot head immigrant lecture you that Andrew Jackson is not an American hero.", "label": 0} {"text": "Never send a hand to do a mouth's job #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it.", "label": 0} {"text": "Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95", "label": 0} {"text": "fuck shit cunt bastard whore wanker", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal alien charged with murder of homeless woman in New York City: #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Maybe this is what you wanted: \u201cWhat a gross skank! Ever hear of a pocket?\u201d Better? \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "I posted 327 photos on Facebook in the album \"JAZBA PAKISTAN\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are Satan's whore. Hell will welcome you.", "label": 1} {"text": "The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander", "label": 0} {"text": "Because no one likes being a stupid bitch, alone.....", "label": 1} {"text": "What the fuck Richard you can just shove my milkey seeds into your hole @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user That is hysterical! And you say that with a straight face?", "label": 0} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "This Liverpool Man U , holy fuck . If that's what hundred of millions buys you , you can ram it", "label": 0} {"text": "I mean... You got one from me and I don't ever do that so.... \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "#Nicaragua unrest: New refugee crisis unfolding in Latin America @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Does that mean the accounts of other women in more junior positions be dismissed as 'hysterical'?", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio.... Do me a favor and add your weight too...", "label": 1} {"text": "I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my 'girlfriend' so I can fuck other people and you can't... Is that too much to ask?", "label": 1} {"text": "UNTIL 11:59pm PDT TONIGHT \u00e2\u017e\u009d Sign up to help refugees rebuild their lives and we'll give you a free, premium, made to order, fair trade t-shirt courtesy of @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d // (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 & older)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on!", "label": 0} {"text": "Me when people take a post too seriously and I'm reading their butt hurt comments", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You're aware that not all men like women right? Get out of your bubble", "label": 0} {"text": "Seen it many times. Hair brushes too", "label": 0} {"text": "Legal US immigrants face legal problems after votingThey actually thought they had a right to vote after years of being here & refusing to become a citizen!They won't commit to our nation but expect our respect.That will never happen.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fuck off, you race pimp. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Good one! \u201cThe government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth.\u201d PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Got me wanting to give him them 5 kids for the dick, I\u2019ll beat a bitch up bout my \ud83c\udf46. Baby u the only one I need headass on that dick \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says ..", "label": 0} {"text": "Education, key to meaningful lives for refugee youth - President", "label": 0} {"text": "U.N. pact offers hope to world's climate migrants #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And she blames Trump!! Jane, take a knee for Harvey, you helped him rape those girls by your silence. YOU DID, not Male Entitlement or Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "If someone got body and dick..... but not the face.... would you dub them?", "label": 0} {"text": "If anyone calls you a slut or a whore we'll stop them by calling them another insult. You go girl. And if you can\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Same fucking name, cunt bag. Why are you white knight, pussy boy?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Here you see the waste of Europe, the city of London shortly run to destroyed by foreign immigrants.", "label": 1} {"text": "Communists Take Down Greek Government Website Over Athens Fire Disaster Response Time #Greece #Anonymous won't be taking down terrorists #rapefugee websites any time soon.", "label": 1} {"text": "Everyone whose first reaction to the trials/Senate inquiry is to jump to UST's defense, you are no better than the 'not all men' crowd.", "label": 0} {"text": "CNN 8:52am NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LEAD CHARGE TO REUNITE FAMILIES. . Mario Russell Immigrant & Refugee Services, Catholic Charities...", "label": 0} {"text": "#Spain to invest \u00e2\u201a\u00ac30M in emergency plan to receive new African migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to Rihanna for writing my theme song 'Sex With Me'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I thought you already had the title. Oh wait, you said most hysterical WOMAN.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No refugees in Russia. No refugees in the United States. But the rest of the world its their playground. Maybe #StevenSeagal will save us all! (just to make sure, it's a joke). #armsindustry #unsc", "label": 0} {"text": "The keyboard gangster starter pack", "label": 0} {"text": "When your friend won't stop talking about their ex", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hard to figure which was the more hysterical woman, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants Come LEGALLY like 1.5 Milion Do Every year Not Cross the Border ILLEGALLY Dont Blame the U.S for Your ILLEGAL ACTIONS ! Aidos ! #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user All refugees must send back home, without any consequences.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user He\u2019s at least 12+ lol ffs this is a joke if anyone thinks this guys is a child refugee", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stupid SKANK......", "label": 0} {"text": "Bottle up their women and then whore around all day...and you say you are practicing Islam??ok!", "label": 0} {"text": "Should bring in #Clinton #CrookedH to testify about #UraniumOne & #SteeleDossier \u2014 makes a BIG difference to US now!!!@ChuckGrassley Sets Rabid DEMS straight; rejects calls to bring @user back to testify again!#RussianDelusion #Mueller", "label": 0} {"text": "Once a hoe cross me on some fake shit then want play victim I could never be friends again yea I forgive you but I can't fwu like that ma!", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user If you verbally abuse a fuckboy, is it considered animal cruelty? Asking for a friend. Also, can said friend end up in\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Fucking yellow card stupid cunt #LIVMAN", "label": 0} {"text": "fuckin not even a cup like fuckin negative d cup whore flat chested bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "I lost several friends over openly supporting & voting for @user @user & one of the main reasons I voted for him was his promise to build a Border Wall & so help me if he doesnt Ill sit home in 2020! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user only when drunk or in bed... But I'm always drunk", "label": 0} {"text": "for #Merkel Macron drops to RECORD LOWS.Macron-Merkel have lost much influence. Salvini not only ignored lectures from Macron bt mocked him.Hard reality: Now Salvini-Orban-Kurz & #V4 controlling migration debate.#Visegrad @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "You don't go to parties with your significant other... You go to parties to try and get other peoples significant others #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Harvey Weinstein: More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape", "label": 0} {"text": "I gotta stop posting about not wearing condoms cause these bitches is startin to make me wear condoms", "label": 1} {"text": "Why would young fighting age men be the vast majority of the ones escaping a war & not those who cannot fight like women, children, and the elderly?It's because the majority of the refugees are not actually refugees they are economic migrants trying to get into Europe....", "label": 1} {"text": "Its the raggedy red state of Texas! Look at what they did to immigrant families. The sexual abuse of immigrant children. Also in the red state of Arizona. No surprise they're engaging in voter suppression.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Election Fraud #TrueTheVote #VoterID #IllegalImmigration #VoterFraudNo election fraud? I don\u2019t think so. IF the left is so interested in TRUE elections then we should TRUE the vote. Dead people...", "label": 0} {"text": "I agree with HuffPo: Reunite migrant kids with deported parents! Don't seperate,ship kid and parent back across the border same day !", "label": 0} {"text": "When you gotta hit the block at 8 but gotta chop a tree down at 6", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever made these, ya moms a mf hoe bitch -.-", "label": 1} {"text": "#Portugal's Vitorino elected #head of UN migration agency #IOM #UnitedStates #directorgeneral #President...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I guess so... Oh well \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "Definitely not! I have the same thought, kind of \ud83d\ude01 I hope he's had a massive stroke, heart attack, embolism...but not that kills him. I'd like him alive but incapacitated so he'll be fully aware that it's his immigrant employees who REFUSE TO CLEAN HIS ASS!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Let\u2019s Put This Lil Corny Bitch In A Hole And Throw Cheetos At Her", "label": 1} {"text": "@user All dirty vote bank politics. AAP rule has made Delhi to look like a big slum.Illegal migrants in Delhi have increased 3 time in AAP 3Y rule", "label": 1} {"text": "When you find a bag of drugs on the ground", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm only fuckin doctors and lawyers from now on. At least if they go nuts I know they have somethin to lose unlike these sluts workin retail", "label": 1} {"text": "WAKE UP TEXAS!!!INSANE: @user Candidates in #Texas Push To \"Decriminalize\" Illegally Crossing The Border#BuildThatWall #NoToBeto #NeverBeto#MAGA#KAG#WWG1WGA via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "To push it aside if you need too. And I know, not all men. But that doesn\u2019t matter. Y\u2019all know what I mean.", "label": 0} {"text": "Next...working from whore houses ....coding with bitches for future augmented reality sex apps", "label": 1} {"text": "Say you gon ride, bitch ride", "label": 1} {"text": "@user why do women have holes? To fill, duhh!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Or you were just being a hoe and hurt it slut droppin on ya girl at the club xx", "label": 1} {"text": "Why can't girls just tells us how they feel? It'll save us guys so much time and effort #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When your girlfriend gets a new hair cut", "label": 0} {"text": "ME : WANNA STUDY CHAROT PHONE : NO LIZA ME :HEY SKANK YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY'S STORY YOU'RE PATHETIC INSECURE LOSER", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Join us over on please Sir, let us get away from the censorship of the present Big Tech companies, help conservatives get rid of them for good @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #EndDACA now", "label": 1} {"text": "Suck a whore you slut", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 'a cold, conniving bitch' and a lesbian... sorta explains why married women voted AGAINST YOU... SCHADENFREUDE reigns", "label": 1} {"text": "#2baba #with refugees in company of deputy Representative Brigitte Eno Mukanga appeals for IDP support in Nigeria", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump proposal would limit citizenship for legal immigrants on welfare-good it's abt time -76% of immigrants coming to US never get off welfare. Welfare was not meant for a permanent means of income-", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are they hoping to go? 'We will stay here until we can get to Britain,' I was told. 'In London they will give you a home; here, they just let you sleep in a park. I will make friends there and find a girlfriend.' via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian bishops champion \u2018\u02dcvoiceless\u2019 migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "So the UK has agreed only to resettle Muslims from Syria, not Christians. Who is making these decisions? Maybe I'm cynical but who or what is influencing or incentivising these policies? Notice how little protest has been made by the 'refugees are welcome' brigade", "label": 0} {"text": "Video: Spanish Coastguard rescue 135 migrants in Gibraltar strait", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This from the guy who bragged about grabbing you women by the PUSSY!!!STFU you Fat Bloated Lying Piece of SHIT!You shouldn't have been elected b/c of your speech as well as many more reasons, that your so-called CONSERVATIVE BIBKE BEATERS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you stupid cunt bitch! All women aren\u2019t stupid, but all women who think like you are!!!!! Whore!", "label": 1} {"text": "When you forget to finish contouring", "label": 0} {"text": "As Court Backlog Grows, Immigrant Children Stuck In A Holding Pattern | WFAE Pass the Fair Day for Kids in Court Act!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user should be gone from your lineup Black women are targets of hate & he proved by calling her a whore. Disgusted.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please, men, do not wink at women in the workplace. Don't harass, catcall, grope, rape either.", "label": 0} {"text": "Palestinian teen protest icon released from Israeli prison", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're a fucking skank!", "label": 1} {"text": "Abolish these #Democats Keep ICE Not 1 More Illegal in the U.S!#BlackTwitter #WakeUpAmerica #Immigration #BlackTwitter #Democrats4Trump #BlacksForTrump #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch is Anti American Pro Open Borders and Illegals", "label": 1} {"text": "Can this stupid bitch hurry TF up I'm trying to take my cousin to the park", "label": 1} {"text": "@user the media show is hysterical. Journalist ' Women can be predators too' Presenter - 'isn't that blaming the victim?' Emmmmmmm no", "label": 0} {"text": "Getting my monster prolapsed cunt totally fucking destroyed by the one and only VERSFFLA \u2764\ufe0f my hole is so fucked up\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#refugees not welcome in #Australia", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't mess with these migrant dads #SkimmLife via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "If you feel like we have to talk everyday for us to be friends then bitch bye \u270c\ud83c\udffd", "label": 1} {"text": "This is a seriously good idea.", "label": 0} {"text": "Here we go again. A population of trapped refugees under attack by the state that exiled them.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Sext from #Daddy: 'My little toy. Which hole shall I stuff, slut?' Be right back, just being carried away in a tsunami of cunt juice. \ud83c\udf0a", "label": 0} {"text": "#WhenIWentToTheMallI called @user to report every #IllegalAlien I saw and forwarded their photos and vehicle license plate information for arrest and deportation!#MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA #WalkAway #WompWomp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DefundSanctuaryCities #EndDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Pl don't wait for SC intervention.All 126.90Crs Indians r with u. Pl deport all Rohingyas&other illegal migrants.Big threat", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user How do you know baby boy. Baby ho gya kya", "label": 0} {"text": "WILL SLOVENIA join Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, & Austria in electing a right wing, anti-Muslim immigration government? via @user Better late then never...", "label": 0} {"text": "For that dumb ass pussy that thought he could step to me, 1004 Franklin Ave, anytime you wanna get it bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "racist ,racism , biased , if we suddenly stopped the uk Commonwealth and EU migration you would get your betraying so make up ur mind nowpls", "label": 1} {"text": "Talent- Knowing when to stroll away and not look back", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm sorry but you damn hoe and you don't even know it \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Hmmm....do women like to be stuffed in every hole and paid ... ?\ud83d\ude15", "label": 1} {"text": "Let's see: 1 Million \"refugees\" (who will never go home) times 15 \"relatives\" each... 16 million more welfare cases in Germany! #MerkelKinder #Apocalypse", "label": 0} {"text": "If they find this pos bring him back only if he gets the death penalty. We don't need this human garbage sitting in our jails. #ItEndsNow #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #IllegalImmigration get these people the hell out of our country", "label": 1} {"text": "Pathetic #UsefulIdiot lauded as a \"hero\" for defending a criminal #FakeRefugee (possible #Rapefugee) is nothing but a stuck up, ignorant, self aggrandizing #Baizuo. Her #WhiteSaviourComplex is dripping with smug superiority & inherently racist itself. This is the face of a retard", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you a Pacific student wondering what it\u2019d be like to work in policy? Head along to the roadshow and apply for the internship. Wish this kind of thing existed when I was a student.", "label": 0} {"text": "Child care worker charged with sexually assaulting eight children at Southwest Key immigration shelter", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201c go talk to your side hoes \u201c first of all you are the side ho \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Lets go down the Slate rabbit hole: Christina Cauterucci is a woman who seems to think men FALSELY accused of rape\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "To the woman in a car, honking at me for two blocks on Bank: you looked hysterical and idiotic, and I was getting a nice workout. So there.", "label": 1} {"text": "THERE ARE WOMEN MAKING BURRITOS AT THE JACKSONVILLE CHIPOLTLE!! DO NOT EAT THERE!! #womencantmakeburritos #sheforgottheguacamole #badburri!!", "label": 1} {"text": "WOW! Look at the turnout for a bleeding heart protest in Rockland, Maine against a training session led by a state legislator known for his anti-Muslim migration views via @user Useful fool update...", "label": 0} {"text": "Netherlands: 1,400 girls per year become sex slaves to \u2018\u02dcmigrant background\u2019 men | Cape Fear Caller via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Fundraising eventsIt is very disturbing and wrong to spread rumours about fundraising events organized for...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Keep following you bitch wannabe cunt. I am important to you because I am your God. I wi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "They are free to go back home!", "label": 1} {"text": "women: hey, if you guys could respect us m - random man: WHY ARE YOU HATING AND TARGETING US? WOMEN ARE BAD TOO. NOT ALL MEN. FIX YOURSELVES", "label": 0} {"text": "When I'm trying to figure out how my dick hasn't fallen off yet", "label": 0} {"text": "@user excuse me, cupcake?", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Stop thinking you are special... You in fact are not", "label": 0} {"text": "*When you claim Re:Zero in a RP but have already accidentally killed Felt, Rem,and Ram off.*", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I have run completely dry on empathy for refeguees after all the RAPEFUGEE economic migrants the traiterous NGOs have smuggled into Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "#EU migrant crisis: Juncker tries to assure #Spain PM as backlash over refugees rages", "label": 0} {"text": "great my lymph node is swollen again. shows how stressed i am cos of some fucking whore &; her spreadshit &; stupid frens who believe her.", "label": 1} {"text": "So many sluts texted Stephen when we got Lionel 'our cats look the same!' Bitch 95% of house cats in the US are domestics, stay in your lane", "label": 1} {"text": "The first immigrant to what would become New York City was Dominican.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ingraham: We Demand Our Elected Officials Keep America Safe. \"When a jihadist games our immigration system, gets a\u2018\u00a6", "label": 1} {"text": "seeing hoes blatantly try to take my man then watching him turn their lame thot ass down is truly fucking hysterical \ud83d\ude02 lol bitch u tho(ugh)t", "label": 1} {"text": "Spanish ship returns home after dramatic migrant rescue", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Great tweet. Now get rid of RINOs Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Grahamnesty, REPEAL Obamacare and DEPORT Illegal Immigrants, INCLUDING so-called \"Dreamers.\" #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "When he cancels your dick appointment", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Demonetization,GST& Swatch India. Wish implementation cld have been better. Govt must take strict measures to control population & flush out all illegal migrants-Mother of all Evils.Withdraw sops to Indians having more tha", "label": 1} {"text": "Watching @user think how immigrant players contribute 10% players born outside the country they play for. 61% of Moroccan team France is average with 10%, and 15% of Croatia players #worldcup #immigration #fastfacts #BELENG @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user all of these people from Venezuela are on their way to America this is what Socialist Democrats look like and Socialist Democrats and liberals will say welcome to America and Canada like loser @user #BuildThatWall soon #RedNation", "label": 1} {"text": "Every one of these takes 7 minutes off your shitty relationship", "label": 0} {"text": "Donald- you stupid bitch Hillary- you fuckin buffoon Donald- think they believe we hate each other? Ah fuck it lets go get a drink", "label": 1} {"text": "STFU SUSAN. Oh yes, PLEASE lets give Trump CREDIT. I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that that this CATASTROPHE of a President who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum, holding children", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Boy, they sure hated being separated from their kids, didn't they?#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorderThe kids shouldn't get to stay!!! #DeportThemAll #EndFamilySeparation!#StopCatchAndRelease", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Excellent! #IllegalAlien Parents will not be catch and release anymore!If you dont want families separated then families go to jail together!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #WompWomp #EndDACA #DefundSanctuaryCities #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "The ONLY thing that can wash away this problem is a Big Red Wave in November!#BigRedWave #SendThemBack #IllegalCriminals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Our concerns were always color-blind. The left chose to make it not so. We need to do whatever we can to secure our borders. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "by the grace of god so fed up with migrants using Allah to make a point your Gods at war with Christian Europe don't want ur grace or u God", "label": 0} {"text": "lol. men refer to rape allegations as 'witch hunts' when the real witch hunts = brutal violence meted out to women + racialized populations", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user 2 hysterical women in the US Senate", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dave this is a really solid point. Thanks for supporting #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "Police Arrest Antifa Member with Cache of Bomb-Making Materials, Guns, Manifesto", "label": 0} {"text": "Owning land and buildings where immigrant detention centers operate is a business worth billions of dollars @user #Texas #txlege #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to all you passive aggressive bitches... Go choke on a dick, bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Boy George must have been at Nottty Ash and seen Ken Dodd or is it a head of ST Patricks Day Celebrations Sunglasses next", "label": 0} {"text": "EU games never end\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030More useless slogans from Brussels, which is an international embarrassment due to unwillingness to defend ext. borders. One cannot \u201cmanage\u201d illegal migration by showering Tunisia/Morocco w-euros but refusing to seal border, deny entry or deport out of Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "All now you got a woman you lying to just for crutch and wanna tell me cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "* New Balkan route a problem. Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7 is absolutely correct to tighten patrols to stop the illegal migrants from entering in an effort to reach the \u201crich\u201d EU countries. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "America Is Not a Nation of Immigrants Great read...", "label": 1} {"text": "This day is also known as 'national catch a sexual harassment charge day'", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank You #ICE !! #BuildThatWall !", "label": 1} {"text": "Made a post on Facebook about the stats of women being sexually assaulted. Go figure the \u201cnot all men\u201d crowd popped up. No shit, bro.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ab\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7France: 'French restaurants turn to undocumented migrants to fill 130,000 vacant jobs'Instead of employing native European French citizens \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1 France has even surrendered their jobs to invaders.", "label": 1} {"text": "psa: women were never 'sacred' and unless you miss the Madonna -Whore binary, it's good that we've let go of that stupid frame", "label": 0} {"text": "Urge all Indians to start a campaign for ouster of Rohingyas.This campaign must go on till last Rohingya&other illegal migrants leave India", "label": 1} {"text": "TOMORROW August 7th, 10am P.T. is our #HealthyMindHealthyFuture #webinar with @user We will be sharing research & discussing the impact of #immigration enforcement on the #mentalhealth of #children in immigrant families. You can register at", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- so what do you do for fun? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "This is a story from one of the refugee kids who attended our summer youth program last year. This summer, the program is happening once again, it started this week and will continue to August 10th. #ThrowbackThursday", "label": 0} {"text": "You want less violenceLegalize drugs, gambling and prostitution.Enforce immigration laws.Take away subsidized...", "label": 1} {"text": "From why did i shag at fucking whore at kid is a mistake en the mis stake its self obviously we burnt a few innocent women thank them whores", "label": 1} {"text": "The Philippine bishops' commission on migrant care is pressing the government to ensure that a deal about to be struck with Kuwait guaranteeing protection for Filipino workers, most of whom are maids, is adhered to.", "label": 0} {"text": "We must change our immigration policies.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user domthis would/should be goal of the season already stupid cunt refs", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration Compromise Saves Merkel Government in Germany \u2014 for Now Germans still stupid ! This traitor should be hung from the nearest light post for destroying Germany...", "label": 1} {"text": "I know my avenues like the seven agnostics both hot and fuckin rape laurens ass that bitch right der.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What a dumb cunt of daughter. Social Media addicted whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey girl if ur still reading my tweets ..... ur a dumb bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm not surprised the last time women spoke abt their experiences of being abused he also tried his 'not all men' bullshit", "label": 0} {"text": "When she sucks you off right side up and upside down", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What a dick you are, do you think Westminster is doing a good job for the uk?", "label": 0} {"text": "#Immigration #AbolishICE #BorderPatrol #UnDocumented #SecureBorder#Republicans decided that if the left wants to abolish #ICE then they should submit a bill and get a vote on it. The #Democratic...", "label": 0} {"text": "Unprecedented? Right up that bitches alley. Not like the cunt hasn't gone behind her leader before. #pmlive", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user It is OBVIOUS from your tweet that you are too LOW IQ to understand or appreciate \"immigration done the LEGAL way\" so go whine to somone else. #Snowflakes#StopIllegalImmigration#BuildThatWall#MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "I am an immigrant. I live with my 2 children. I am a 38 year old female. I live in Rep. Steve King's state. #ImmigrantsAreUS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fail equivalence. Again. This isn't notallmen, this is 'Do you think it's all Satanists?' to\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi immigrant with criminal record accused of shooting Colorado police officer (Video)", "label": 0} {"text": "chuckwoolery: Lipstick on a PIG. The Democrat Women on out numbered. If it weren't so weaselly it would be hysterical. Trying to defend DNC\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Aw aye so putting men and women together justifies sexual assault , what a daft cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user almost everyone i\u2019ve met says edating at all is being a slut or whore but jumping from person to person is definitely being one mate", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're on a first date and they're already too clingy and touchy feely", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't try to show off in front of girls by trying to talk down to other men... It comes across as pathetic...", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches are annoying you still letting him fuck u whore and he don\u2019t fw you quit flexin on here", "label": 1} {"text": "It\u2019s really sad how women gotta go threw so much shit from a man just to be considered a down bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "If Germans want rapefugees they can keep them. Poland will not accept a single rapefugee. Not even one!!! Poland remains proud and firm! \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1\u271d", "label": 0} {"text": "Went from the last person I'd talk too, to the women I crave on the daily in all about 10 months. Life's really a bitch \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Understanding the California Mind - American Greatness #StopTheInvasion #UncheckedProgressivism", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She, Jane Fonda the traitorous bitch, is one of the most despicable women to ever walk the face of\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "They Came Here to Serve. But for Many Immigrants, the Army Isn\u2019t Interested. Having worked for the Army w/these types of immigrants, I can honestly say they are the most dedicated &grateful of service members. That\u2019s changing, thanks to this administration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lets Send all the Illegal Alien Families home that are in the U.S Including #DACA Fraud Illegals #Trump #MAGA Mass Deportations Stop Mass Illegal Invasion via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "To prevent good air and clear Paris from 1500 to 2000 refugees in tents, Police stop today the settlement of them on roads.", "label": 0} {"text": "Prince think he slick AF... He got everyone out here fooled", "label": 0} {"text": "55 illegal immigrants rescued from inside 100 degree tractor-trailer AGAIN #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You \ud83d\ude0a sure \ud83d\ude0a are \ud83d\ude0a #NotAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "A joint initiative of the @user @user and the County Government of #Turkana to boost #Kakuma refugees #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user we\u2019d \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ur opinion in our polls abt language courses & groups u\u2019d like to s", "label": 0} {"text": "Isnt it incredibly ironic that Liberals are saying the death of this AMERICAN by an ILLEGAL, has nothing to do with immigration laws, yet all gun violence is linked to the NRA. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #JusticeForMollieTibbetts #AmericansBeforeIllegals #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "A Lawyer .. A MoS for Home affairs .. Presenting you Mr Kiren Rijiju who is referring Tamil Nadu people as refugees !! No wonder they welcome these enlightened guys with \"Go Back Modi\" slogans .. !", "label": 0} {"text": "Important note: not all women do this and tale responsibility for their actions, just like not all men are assholes.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I speak for myself & EVERYONE I KNOW here on Big Island- vote YES for funding to #BUILDtheWALL. Never in my years here have I heard the concerns from every level. The young in Hilo losing jobs to migrants. Several auto accidents, with 'u", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user See you are doing it again. No woman who is criticizing McGowan is saying or thinks jokes about rape are ok.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But not all men are this dangerous. There are plenty of men's out here protecting woman no matter what", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You Stupid Wanna Be Bitch Go Back To Your Hole", "label": 1} {"text": "...if we didn't cover the costs of this travel, then hundreds of people would not be able to open fresh claims or submit extra evidence, directly affecting their chances of receiving refugee status in the UK. Donate today:", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden is an open country. For refugeeshousing they spend 32 MIO.USD. 3 houses for 3 wifes with 16 kids Sweden give for an islamist.", "label": 0} {"text": "Good that #Myanmar planning to raise fees on migrant labor exporters, and to compel those companies to ensure the rights of the workers they send overseas are protected!", "label": 0} {"text": "From the obsessively pro-Brexit Daily Telegraph:\"Shrinking workforce signals crisis for Britain if immigration drops.\"https://t.co/saIjc3D5BM", "label": 0} {"text": "@user well done Byron burgers for shopping illegal immigrants with false papers and tough if they get deported and idiots who sayno", "label": 1} {"text": "I only watch your snap story cause I know you'll text me", "label": 0} {"text": "Anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die is a monster #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "I am an immigrant. 5 family members live in our home. I am a 44 year old female. 3 or more people in my household worked last year. I earned $5,000 last year. I work 50 hours per week. I live in AL cc'Rep. Martha Roby. #ImmigrantsAreUS", "label": 0} {"text": "The Latest: #Spain reports 328 migrant rescues at sea", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches always tryna hide their ugly with big ass sunglasses", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Sure it's not the rapes and murders committed by your new migrants? One would think your new cultural enrichment that came in the form of one of your women being chopped up", "label": 1} {"text": "Rich & immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "When a door closes go through a window. #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Cheerleaders make me fucking sick! It's not a sport you dumb skanks so go back to caking on your makeup. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Young immigrants detained at juvenile detention center allege abuses via @user Not buying it...", "label": 0} {"text": "#MeToo women always blame men for everything . How about not dressing like a whore?", "label": 1} {"text": "Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes. They're mad fun and nastyyy.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cameron promise the UK people no dirty deals or ignoring genuine fear of what mass immigration brings r u a coward or genuine", "label": 0} {"text": "When getting #medical help is not an option, undocumented #migrant workers in #Malaysia chose death @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Please. 2 Million Dollars Each: Call to tax Mexico $2,000 per illegal immigrant to pay for Trump\u2019s wall", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are the girl refugees, asylum seekers, children?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Pepper spray needs to free to women in Europe and supplied by the government. #migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018Spain Becoming Third World\u2019: American Tourist Attacked by Migrants Speaks Out #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Praises Italy's Conte on Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The lack of women in these pictures >>>> just like it should be #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "Unless migrant workers are empowered and unionised, Code of Practice and laws are no guarantee of labour rights! Most domestic workers 'exploited' with illegal fees as agencies ignore gov't code of practice, union study says via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Damning UN report reveals state of global refugee crisis in 2017", "label": 0} {"text": "@user being a empowering woman type a bitch on IG", "label": 1} {"text": "Minnesota here we come! Stopped in Swedesberg Iowa at a Swedish museum and among other treasures saw this trunk used by a wealthy immigrant (according to the size of his trunk) with this lovely saying... good words for today as well \ud83d\ude09", "label": 0} {"text": "@user STFU!!! Precious, nobody GAF about anything u complaining for god sake, get a life. I sure miss any or all past presidents at leats they knew how to be real men and not complaint all day long like menopausal women #hotflashtrump", "label": 0} {"text": "Is this one of hard working immigrants just looking for a better life in the US that we hear about from the left all the time? #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Handler is a skank covered in cheap makeup. I can tell you men do not like this woman or find her attractive at all.", "label": 0} {"text": "When the whole squad is coming over for dinner", "label": 0} {"text": "Next week in #Strasbourg: narratives on migration and forced #internaldisplacement in a changing #climate. \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Gemenne\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@IOM_MECC\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@harmeling\u00e2\u0081\u00a9", "label": 0} {"text": "Finnish Men patrol the streets to protect women from refugees \"Migrants should be deported\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Yemenis are the fastest growing refugee population in Jordan.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stay strong Sabine we are with you! Whatever you need just ask #AngelMoms #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy's Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A whole lot of 'not all men' and ''no women I know' with a side of 'women (one in particular) are crazy'", "label": 0} {"text": "I have an immigrant mentality, which is that the job can be taken away at any time, so make sure you earn it every day,\u201d\u00a0 How Pepsi\u2019s Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO", "label": 0} {"text": "When you have good dick and cut her crazy ass off", "label": 0} {"text": "Nelly Rape Accuser Will Reportedly Drop Her Case - The woman who accused Nelly of rape will reportedly not...", "label": 0} {"text": "You don't know what you want? #IndecisiveBitches", "label": 1} {"text": "I expected to see kids in cages at a Tucson shelter for immigrant children. What I saw was worse via @user Get over it. They could have stayed in home country then come here illegally.", "label": 0} {"text": "I vote for more checking at airports and before we allow immigrants into this country from certain areas of the...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And 4. I was calling you the sexist. Obviously. It applies to YOU. Don\u2019t not all men me when you can\u2019t eve\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Perhaps we in the U.S. need to \"beg\" our leaders for help in stopping the invasion of refugees coming to this...", "label": 1} {"text": "Liberal ministers insist irregular border crossers a challenge, 'not a crisis'https://t.co/d1ni4mcr88Left wing bureaucrats in charge of our borders and \"immigration\" (hey just walk across the border undocumented) which are as secure as a lettuce strainer.", "label": 0} {"text": "#FromOurPartner - \"The Eternal City's most ethnically diverse neighborhood\" in this week's #LetterFromRome #ucanews #LaCroixInt #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #Vatican @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "POLL: Immigration top issue for voters... DNA testing being done on separated children", "label": 0} {"text": "In the 1960s, President Kennedy sent home Mexican #immigrants who were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. Did it lead to higher wages? The answer is a firm no!", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cTo be an immigrant in America is to constantly be playing a game of Tag. It is struggling to avoid becoming an \u2018It\u2019...having your humanity stripped away, replaced with a set of stereotypes embodying everything that white people fear.\u201d @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Generally, Jordanian law forbids refugees from working. Our barbershop program teaches the men in our community haircutting skills which can help them access the informal market or barter their skills.Here, the instructor demonstrates proper techniques on one of our interns!", "label": 0} {"text": "How can we get \"used\" to news like this? Is there any drop of compassion left outside of the humanitarian sector? When will governments and the EU be accountable for their omissions? Dark ages indeed...#migration", "label": 0} {"text": "There is now a UK Parliament Petition: Put pressure on Donald Trump to end the separation of migrant families.#HostileEnvironment", "label": 0} {"text": "#DeportIllegalAliens Sanctuary Cities Government Aid (Taxpayer $$$) for Illegals No excuses#BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Once a stripper always a skank an a ( Y ) a hole!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Human Trafficking: Border Patrol Agents Take Down 'Stash Houses' with 40+ Illegal Aliens#IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall #HumanTrafficking #MAGA#KAG #KeepAmericaGreat #DeportThemAll #WALKAWAY#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #Trump #PedoGate #RedPill", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump admin finalizing plan make more difficult 4 legal immigrants who used certain welfare programs \u2014 Obamacare, children's health insurance, food stamps -to obtain citizenship or green cards, according to NBC News. Good - they never get off welfare.https://t.co/OPLwWXmtOz", "label": 0} {"text": "@user U DAM STUPID ASS HOLE THEY DON'T KILL ANIMALS IT FOR WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER U DAM BITCH!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "And what we should be talking with them about is how to add more #immigrants to the retail workforce at all levels.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And ya know what? That's why they abuse and rape their women because they are such assholes that any\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Its hard to get in Germany good workers. For these open jobs are waiting many refugees, which are more educated than the local people.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Worse i have proof. A picture i took of you and one you took of me on the same night. Useless ungreatful kunt!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user He called himself \"Spartacus\" he is selfish grandstanding hysterical woman", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration: The US lost track of almost 1,500 children last year. Here's why people are outraged now. -", "label": 0} {"text": "Dr. Hanan Ashrawi: \u201cThe US has no jurisdiction to disband UNRWA or to deprive Palestinian refugees of their rights\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "The Stock Market\u2019s Achilles Heel", "label": 0} {"text": "#breakingnews #tech Got some bitcoin burning a hole in your digital wallet? And paradise on the mind? You could u\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Very true..my great-grandfather was killed for being a Polish immigrant. The railroad gave my great-grandmother $20, that's what his life was worth. She finished raising my grandmother and 6 other children by herself.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HILLARY U BITCH SHUT YOUR HOLE RE: THE COMFORT AS U R A CAREER CRIMINAL MY DEAR. HOW ABOUT THE MILL\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "It\u2019s hysterical that some1 as big as @user keeps filing PFAs. If I were the judge I\u2019d take one look at her and say \u201cbitch you good\u201d \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Backstabbing cher hypocritical, NASTY WOMAN and a bitch, bashing my President, who screwed her way to the top.. . . . .", "label": 1} {"text": "United Methodists fight separation of immigrant families . . . #umc #church #news", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Useless stupid cunt furious", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why are illegal immigrants bribed at all to go home? Pay their fares only.", "label": 1} {"text": "Un ejemplo de how stupid some people look saying not all men", "label": 0} {"text": "What are the \"Ethnicities\" caught up in this Culture. Immigrants?? Home grown?? We can of course Guess. We are sliding into the same Anarchy & Chaos as Paris. Tented cities in C/London. No Go areas. This is where \"Progressive\" politics has brought us. Law & Order almost GONE.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Immigration in a picture basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMB", "label": 1} {"text": "When you get caught stealing lemonade", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user idk buddy, I'm not a meme historian", "label": 0} {"text": "Some guys get so bent out of shape when you don\u2019t reply to them it\u2019s hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "I think many of you would agree with me that it is not all refugees that Americans are against. For example, I would welcome Syrian Christians...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Well, when men get too distracted by women in sexy clothes, they\u2019re forced to catcall, grope and rape. Maybe try that?", "label": 1} {"text": "how u gonna talk about how men r trash and rape culture but u out here laughing abt a girl u hated in high school getting raped bitch fuck u", "label": 1} {"text": "Good Morning to;#MAGA #NoDACA #NoDACAAmnesty #BuildTheWall #LockThemAllUp #AmericaFirst #NotABot RT FOREVER We Love you #POTUS @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Never trust a girl with 'makeup artist' in her bio... They're professional liars... They can even make your own eyes lie to you", "label": 1} {"text": "Told the bitch I like her & her girlfriend \ud83d\ude08", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Have u seen plight of Delhi under AAP misrule. Encroachments by illegal migrants all over side lanes.Urge u to check Nizammuddin Round about towards IHC. Illegal migrants squatting all over till HUDCO on both sides. Filth all around.Buses", "label": 1} {"text": "#Sweden #Somalia #IllegalImmigration #BorderSecurityEurope is now seeing a rash of rape, of women being sexually...", "label": 1} {"text": "Blame the Illegal Border Crossing Parents they put their kids in Danger sending them with Criminal Coyotes or Crossing the Border Illegally with them #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Calling guys immature doesn't make you any more mature. Ladies you need to find some other BS excuse for ditching us! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "i miss this bitch ass whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you to everyone who has participated in our World Refugee Day campaign this month, by giving, fundraising, advocating, and praying! Because of your efforts, refugees across the U.S. will have the support they need to rebuild their lives. Give here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Are Cowards For Not Standing Behind @user Americans Want Our Wall And Immigration Reform! We want Illegal Immigrants To Go Home. Americans Are Sick Of Politicians Caring More About Other Countries Citizens Than American Citizens", "label": 1} {"text": "40 migrants refused by Malta, Italy land in Tunisia; #EU sends Morocco funds to help halt migration", "label": 1} {"text": "Bangladesh's plan to move 100,000 Burmese #Rohingya refugees from world's largest camp to this flood-prone uninhabited island would create world's largest island detention center @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Growing number of refugees and asylum seekers in poverty in UK", "label": 0} {"text": "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE \ud83d\udca9IN\u2019 ME \ud83d\ude33 The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics", "label": 0} {"text": "Zuckerberg: Facebook won\u2019t delete Holocaust denial posts", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Hysterical woman does in both cases. I don't think Booker would mind given his proclivity for deliberate histrionics.", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcGhettoes are never good\u2019: Locals fear new migrant \u2018\u02dcanchor centers\u2019 in Germany will fuel tensions", "label": 0} {"text": "More on the Muslim \"refugee \" who tried to behead a policeman in WA state. What? You haven't heard because white...", "label": 1} {"text": "When I read about this current US Administration's appalling record with young children of immigrants, I have a chilling recollection of the story from Syria that launched the Revolution (and no, it was not a CIA...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I agree with most of it. Regarding \"occupying\", this is the story of all countries in America, not only Canada but do acknowledge this issue and our past. But never forget, Canadians are one people. Natives, Syrian refugees, English, Fre", "label": 0} {"text": "Arrest Warrant Issued in Murder, Rape of One-Year-Old Girl in Conneaut, Ohio", "label": 0} {"text": "#POTUS45 #Trump #Illegals 5.7 Million NON-CITIZENS#IllegalAlien MURDER#MollieTibbetts #BuildTheWall#IllegalAliens#NoDACA#DeportThemAll#DrainTheSwamp #VoterID #ICE#IllegalImmigration#AmericaFirst#MAGA #KAG#KatesWall#FundTheWall #AngelFamilies", "label": 1} {"text": "don\u2019t wanna call it marijuana because of its racist and anti-immigrant backstory but also don\u2019t wanna call it cannabis and sound like a 67 year old white man with a ponytail and a Grateful Dead lightning skull tattoo", "label": 0} {"text": "I knew bobby shmruda respected women when he said 'if you aint a hoe get up out my traphouse!' Legendary", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Every time there\u2019s a new girl going thru my Facebook photos I have to explain that I\u2019m not some kinda pimp \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "#WomenAgainstFeminism #SomebodyToTris #MensHealth The #feminists are running scared. Men are fighting #feminism.", "label": 1} {"text": "If the issue is military rape, it's, 'What do you expect if men and women are sleeping in the same tents?' Then it's back to #NotAllMen. 3/8", "label": 0} {"text": "@user and @user launch a project to provide income for youth, #refugees in #Kenya #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "LMFAO , you trying hard hun . You & your skank friend can\u2019t reach to me & my girls level bitch bye.", "label": 1} {"text": "Dont call them hysterical women.", "label": 0} {"text": "If your reflexive response is to say or think 'not ALL men,' then it behooves you to think about privilege + otherism + fragility/narcissism", "label": 0} {"text": "Restrained sub skank gets pussy punishment", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you to @user who has created her own fundraising page for World Refugee Day and is advocating for her refugee neighbors who are working hard to rebuild their lives. You can do the same. Get started here. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Now the USA, the EU and Russia can close their borders for illegal migration of fake refugees. The migrants have to assimilate and to work, or have to go home. I'm also expecting the deislamisation of Europe. It doesn't work that way!", "label": 1} {"text": "Imagine injured migrant workers who have no family to take care of them and can't afford these scans. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When your best friend asks you where's a good place to hide a body", "label": 0} {"text": "People don't scare me, my inability to be scared by people sometimes does tho", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy agrees to accept migrant arrivals", "label": 0} {"text": "Gerstenfeld in Israel says: The EU is economic a gigant, military a tiny men and political a worm. To many refugees from islamic countries will change the society and bring antisemitism to Europe.", "label": 0} {"text": "I Want Some Cunt Ass Bitches To Be Spice Girls W Me This Year", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Germany embraces the Sharia and allow refugees to marry child - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Are you nut... Why u are comparing #Ram with shahjahan \ud83d\ude15\ud83d\ude15", "label": 0} {"text": "Nice Austria - the new goverment make a new law to stop refugees to run into the socialsystem. But there the refugees still are, they get more money than in Germany with Hartz IV. Only the deportation of all foreign persons will really help.", "label": 1} {"text": "Plastic surgeon- what can I do for you, Khloe? Khloe- just make me less ugly Plastic surgeon- say no more, fam", "label": 0} {"text": "Government's message over free movement is deterring migrants in key sectors", "label": 0} {"text": "Get ready to see all the hoe bunnies, slut kitties, and whore mice post themselves on this Halloween night.", "label": 1} {"text": "Count on it", "label": 0} {"text": "WHACKS AGAIN. 'Bitch, no the fuck you don't you damn skank.'", "label": 1} {"text": "#SOSVenezuela: migrants or refugees?", "label": 0} {"text": "Look in the face of this criminal captain. He rescued refugees against law and is now by court in Malta. Hopefully he will get a hard fine and his ship will taken away.", "label": 1} {"text": "They are illegal immigrants. Gotto go home. Can you now feel how Kashmiri Pandits feel being exiled in their own country due to terrorism of Kashmiri Muslims? You dint shed a tear for them. Shut up now. #NRCAssam", "label": 1} {"text": "In my lifetime I've called some women whores, a bitch a dirty boy a hoe open up the pussy store. Pimp C", "label": 1} {"text": "Cenk the Skank\u2019s taqiyya was always paper thin. He underestimates Americans. Bought into the ugly stupid American b\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When your best friend gets out of that relationship and you finally have your hoe'ing partner back", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018Make a hole in your life. You might see something through it.\u2019 Iris Murdoch", "label": 0} {"text": "Ugly traitor, go to jail and do not pass GO @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know, that when a woman says \u201cmen are trash,\u201d a random man will appear out of thin fuckin\u2019 air just to yell about, \u201cNOT ALL MEN -\u201c", "label": 0} {"text": "When life gives you lemons just go masturbate and take a nap", "label": 0} {"text": "Fact Check: 'Caged' Child Photo Is Not What Immigration Advocates Claim Leftist propaganda exposed...", "label": 0} {"text": "In each and EVERY 1 of these rape cases it was some woman trying to be more than she is and none of the women deserved awards. Give them up.", "label": 1} {"text": "Credit card boy Ian Duncan Smith and other Politicians should be forced to pay their dues mind u its not tax credits cuts that's for us", "label": 0} {"text": "Mums4refugees=stupidbitches4selfdestruction.", "label": 1} {"text": "I've always wanted head from a girl with a tongue ring.", "label": 0} {"text": "What's the polite way to say, excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say I'd love to make a sloppy mess of your wife", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Moroccan kids having sex with a donkey (yes) and terrorists why should Europe take in any more refugees they spoil countries", "label": 1} {"text": "can grown women stop glorifying being a hoe, y'all don't realize the influence on the young bitches", "label": 1} {"text": "The misogyny of trans activists. Weinstein is about the rape and abuse of women ,but we are told pointing this out is 'exclusionary '", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user If you aren't aware that historically, women haven't been discredited for being hysterical\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please honor your threat to #DefundPlannedParenthood & #SanctuaryCities. @user needs to do their job. #IllegalAliens are CRIMINALS.#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This bitch is a slut", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes, #refugees deserve basic human rights by @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Why should they go home ?? We liberal elite city educated liberals will offer our own homes to illegal immigrants and set an example to the right wing bigot trollz.", "label": 0} {"text": "A great read...check it out this...", "label": 0} {"text": "Non-English speaking migrant workers are more vulnerable to unscrupulous bosses!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This madness must be ended. Horrible. And as hard as the border patrol is working, hard to believe! @user #WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren Don't take my word for it, look for yourselves!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user STFU YOU SKANK!! U want this to happen.", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cFucking slut. I knew you were cheating on me.\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you sir such a humble person but @user he is a business man. Ab to confirm ho gaya screen 50-50 hi milega \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Local exhibit, activities shine light on refugee experience -", "label": 0} {"text": "Romania, Czech Republic, Portugal and Poland, the highest employment rate among migrants born outside the #EU", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Oh, calm down you hysterical woman.", "label": 1} {"text": "Instagram tryin to be like snapchat is about as pointless as their 'help center' have a fucking seat IG", "label": 0} {"text": "I just saw a bird fuckin another bird and when they were done they both flew in totally opposite directions... This best sums up my sex life", "label": 0} {"text": "Example 01: Boyfriend: 'I think my girlfriend is cheating on me.' Boyfriend's friend: 'Yeah, bitch got a penis!'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cyprus is not a Greek island, but a sovereign country!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are you calling me a Twitter Whore? Kiss indeed..", "label": 1} {"text": "When you suck dick in the limo right before the red carpet...", "label": 1} {"text": "Sessions is a religious fanatic who took immense glee in the separation of immigrant children ! He is racist and doesn\u2019t derserve to be in the office of power he is holding. Trump Sessions and Nielsen need to go!!", "label": 0} {"text": "shut the fuck up quran didn't said anything like this they arw terrorist who rape woman and killed infant baby dont blame islam for this", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This @user should resign from Republican party the sorry Rhino losers #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "Get a real woman not a hoe then.", "label": 0} {"text": "You right about that! So I'm going to learn from you and treat women the right way! I don't wanna be a male whore\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\udcf7 greeneyjon: Good big gaping cunt on that slut girl.", "label": 0} {"text": "90% refugees which come to Austria are jobless and not trained. They will not be able to run into a workingprocess and will only take socialwelfare. At the moment the country has 3,5 mio. Austrian workers and 1 Mio. foreign workers in down level jobs.", "label": 1} {"text": "I find great peace in knowing at the end of the day, I'm the only one I truly trust", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone who has spent any time at all in Europe, Canada or the USA in the last two descades know Australia's problem isn't migrant numbers. It's inaction on infrastructure development. Our roads and public transport are closer to India's.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user what's the issue with that? not all men are sexist. if you think the opposit\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user just stop before you make it worse. eat your cock and pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Here\u2019s how it works. You are taxed for\u2018\u00a6 - Foreign aid to other countries. - Wars against other countries. - Refugee claims and migrant resettlements. - Welfare and education for migrants. Migrants then send your tax money ba", "label": 0} {"text": "The Plague of One-Dimensional\u00a0Analysis", "label": 0} {"text": "New ~ Glorious ebony woman is having fun with a midget\u2019s tiny cunt Daddy luvs THIS", "label": 0} {"text": "That bitch yarelis think im stupid im good bitch ur nasty as can stay fucking your cousin aint wasting my time on no hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "ok babies i'll go to sleep ok bitch shut the fuck up", "label": 1} {"text": "u a stupid ho", "label": 0} {"text": "2018 the year of the Refugee where France cracks down on immigration \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u2026numbers ,2018 Refugees to get more resources and help in the Uk 2018 Sweden's crime rate goes soaring young refugees on the rampage 2018 Greece and Italy still being forced to take in more refugees", "label": 1} {"text": "When you eat the wrong bitches ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women as 'sacred' is the tell that Kelly views women thru a Madonna/whore lens (read: misogyny) - and he's racist to boot", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How about you post your story of sexual assault?! not all men have experienced unwanted sexual advanc\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "If they keep making plans with you and something keeps 'coming up' don't be mad, it just means something better came along", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you shouldn't be leaving your kitchen unattended #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch crazy he saying its cool to rape?", "label": 1} {"text": "Enforce National security by enforcing ALL Immigration and VISA lawsCome On, Feds: it is not that hard to do the few jobs the federal government was formed to do - so #DeportAliens they are called \"Scofflaws\" they scoff our laws!#EjectThem#RejectImmigrantApplicants@POTUS", "label": 1} {"text": "Exactly - and many that can have no inkling of what being \"British\" means - 2nd generation sheltered immigrant whisked into being MPs etc. - how can they?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #FamiliesBelongTogether is #Democrats and Illegal Alien Scam for Open Borders #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ok hoe or whore you choose sweetie?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Trump, the only thing you worship is Putin\u2019s dick and money.", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when POC talk about their immigrant success stories without talking about being direct beneficiaries of the civil rights movement", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A gang of streets sellers ? This is \u201c BBC speak \u201c . What u meant to say was third world illegal immigrants . #lbc.", "label": 1} {"text": "#QAnon #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM #SpyGate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Okey let's build Ram Mandir..? Dare you to answer..!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Reagan was the #1 bitch whore of corporate America, next comes.... vote the GOP out.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user The 2017 numbers are remarkably low. Previous years have been much higher. The Bush years were INSANE.But even at the *lowest* - 12,000 in a month! - this is definitely an invasion!#StopTheInvasion! #SecuretheBor", "label": 1} {"text": "#IsGermanyChristian? In 2015, liberals across the world looked at Merkel & her pro-refugee policy but since Islamophobia has risen. Who is a German? What is Germany's dominant culture? Who supports the AfD and why? A piece for @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No they shouldn't. #NoDACA, #NoAmnesty.Dreamers could be allowed to apply for legal migration once deported without being penalized for their deportation. Fine. But no amnesty for anyone who's an illegal. The days ignoring illegal immigration are", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Who knows there are a lot if Irish Illegal Aliens too ! I dont think of Illegal Immigration as a race but a status", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Hysterical screaming is what woman should try not to do - -cl\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user da fuck, you said if someone calls you hot 1 more time , you are gonna suck their dick, so do it you pussy, don't back off now", "label": 1} {"text": "This is an invasion. They are not \"refugees\". This is an attack on the US, buy the #Democrats!", "label": 1} {"text": "And you won't get me in a hole to rot with your hemlock on the rocks.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Sometimes I want a girlfriend, but then I quickly remember how i hate women", "label": 1} {"text": "Good Job @user No Illegal Alien Can Think They are Welcome in the U.S Burdening U.S Taxpayers Find them, Arrest Them and #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "Cfr #MeToo to the people braggin'with that 'not all men' bs: just because it doesn't concern you doesn't mean it doesn't exist -", "label": 0} {"text": "Conte being a little bitch as per. Get sacked already you average cunt \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "TEPCO = Subsidiary of General Electric Co. - Japan Declares Crisis As Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into Ocean A... via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user i mean, i know that \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 i spent 8 weeks learning about them but my anxiety is like NOPE BITCH BE SCARED HOE", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Distressed woman says POTUS said something, liberals jump to hysterical conclusions! Take a comment out\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "This was an act of war-not a homicide.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Illegal Immigration is a Civil Crime ! They enter U.S Illegally BECAUSE 1) they tried legally the U.S rejected them 2) They are criminals that would be rejected 3) Just too Damn Lazy to", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration Demo Crosses Brooklyn Bridge", "label": 0} {"text": "We don't know about you , k.inne bare fan ho ap bh cricket k. @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user USA is a divided society - and so its no future there. USA must close all foreign missions and should look into interior view - of course without all refugees. All goods can produced in USA self and must not imported. And a currencyreform fo", "label": 1} {"text": "The Pope is exposed for his direct involvement in Italy\u2019s migrant crisis \u2018\u201c Leo Zagami", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Hundreds of Dutchmen took to the streets to drive illegal immigrants out of their town - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh we're using government names now?! \u270b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user It doesnt boo you look gorgeous!! I dont know why women still be out here with their gross bitch ass opinions on other women like stfu with the negativity and insults!! We cannot he stopped x", "label": 0} {"text": "Can\u2019t even date or talk to a girl who is an attention whore on social media. What makes you think ima date or talk to a hoe in real life\ud83d\udc38\ud83e\udd23", "label": 1} {"text": "Ovide Mercredi to Paul Schabas, 'Char's a squaw. I attack Indigenous women all the time. No one will notice if you rape her! Rape her!'", "label": 1} {"text": "No I don't just want to be friends. Why do you think I'm talking to you in the first place #StupidWomen #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "MUMMY... NO bitch youll call me DADDY as you choke on my big dick! Youll call me DADDY when I bend you over and strech that cunt wide & split you in two! DADDY knows best. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I thought the whole movie is about gaslighting/making women think they're hysterical/generally deny\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Still made it farther in life than you. Stfu and get outta here if you aint supporting.", "label": 0} {"text": "New Mexico, U.S.: Dead Body found on compound, landlord had tried to evict #extremist #Muslims #No Assimilation #Possible #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "It takes twelve Germans to work and pay taxes in order to fund the cost of just one migrant", "label": 1} {"text": "When I make it ain't no White bitch letting me rape her they won't get this black man", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch gots me fucked up, claiming to be a grown ass women but yet you try to compare &; bitch you still ain't shit... so what's good?", "label": 1} {"text": "Once she starts giving him attitude, he's with the next bitch..... instead of apologizing... Men give up easily but women hold on for yearss", "label": 0} {"text": "same party that authorised vans going around telling immigrants to go home uno", "label": 0} {"text": "kitten, im 11 so shut the fuck up, rocky, typos, shorter than jojo siwa", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So if you care about DV then ask government housing why has it taken over 4 years to relocate victims on very high needs instead of rehoming refugees please look after Australians first", "label": 1} {"text": "Me trying to hold my life together", "label": 0} {"text": "Israel suspends new deal with UN to deport African migrants to West", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cSpain is becoming the Third World,\u201d American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Your skank ass disgusts me so much", "label": 1} {"text": "#SheUsedMe Dear world, not all men r oppressors. Not all women r oppressed. We have to become gender neutral & be equal. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Canada is an immigrant country Don't change it to refugee country please", "label": 1} {"text": "@user the worst! thanks so much for your support. #MaleDominance", "label": 0} {"text": "#YesAllMen because every 14 seconds a man's butt is looked at without permission.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And you enabled your Jack ass hubby to rape women like JUANITA you are pathetic old and WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT LOVE THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user ty for the charizard pimp i mean really thank you sadly i was too late for the marshadow haha i mean really man ty :)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user talks with @user Victoria Crouse about her new report on immigrant entrepreneurs.", "label": 0} {"text": "I digest relationships before we ever breakup... Smooth transition", "label": 0} {"text": "If you have this in your bio u a skank", "label": 0} {"text": "Boy, 16, fights for his life after being stabbed on London street", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user If you ever say women get 'hysterical' over this issue again, I'm gonna drive down there & spit right in your face. Our lives, our health, our ability to make so many life choices and/or being able to afford any of them aare on the line here. Help us or STFU.", "label": 0} {"text": "Co worker- happy hump day! Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "AG Sessions Defends Enforcing Immigration Laws", "label": 0} {"text": "Macron and Italy's new PM meet as Europe faces migrant crisis | Daily Mail Online", "label": 0} {"text": "@user When a man ejaculates inside the woman you love, he should be decent enough to marry. I hope that cunt proposed!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user P.S ..Why do you not pay unemployed people who do endless hours of voluntary work they do that to give something to the community", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildTheWallNow Sop letting them in! I demand the Federal Government Secure America's Borders! No welfare to immigrants: if they can afford to immigrate, then they can buy their own groceries and pay rent, @user #RealVoterID", "label": 1} {"text": "What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide, and drives women crazy? A $100 bill", "label": 0} {"text": "@user = STILL refusing to demand the release of immigrant children & toddlers by the Trump administration, which has violated 2 federal court orders to release all the kids", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Would you swap Mexicans for benefit seeking Romanian migrants in the UK ? Thanks to the EU", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hey, immigrant skank ass HO, look, there's an older, fatter less hair dude, AND HE HAS 5X THE THAT YOUR PATHETIC IMMATURE HUBBIE HAS !!! GO ON, GIT !!", "label": 1} {"text": "How I sleep after getting off", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Good shut it all down let's get this wall built, if was up to me illegals would leave this country by Catapulting not ICE. #DeportByCatapulting #StopOpenBorders #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Russian Immigrant Seeks Democratic Nod for Alaska House Seat by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You must be one of those bottom feeders we warn each other about...sewage spewing skank... Ve\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "When you see one of your followers you wanna fuck on tinder", "label": 0} {"text": "We have got to get these Obama DACA illegal alien freeloaders the hell out of our country.If they're too broke to afford an application, how much in taxes do you think they contribute?#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Sweden: Migrant raped 92-year old grandmother on Christmas Eve \u2013 allowed to remain in Sweden #SWRM #SendThemHome #Sweden #Rapists via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Hats off and thank you to #GranniesRespond .Their caravan made it to McAllen Texas this weekend to protest the treatment of migrant and immigrant families by #NotMyPresident. Now we need them to show up in November and #VoteThemOut .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Learning? Yes, like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things. Females = unbalanced & crazy #schizo", "label": 1} {"text": "FUCK YOU TWICE YOU PUSSY ASS NIGGAS @user", "label": 0} {"text": "From janitor to nurse. How an Ethiopian immigrant seized his American dream in Minnesota:", "label": 0} {"text": "Hatred and bigotry toward #Rohingya Muslims is so deeply rooted in #Myanmar, even w/ #repatriation plan, how will they be resettled? @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "How is Norway's welfare state sustainable? EXPORTS; oil $26 billion/yr, farms 65% of the world's fish, provides hydro-electric to Denmark & Sweden + strict immigration policy + 25% sales tax + only 5 million people in the country.", "label": 0} {"text": "I wonder if she comes with fuckboy Ken that makes her squirt...", "label": 1} {"text": "I fucking hate this bitch Naga on #bbcbreakfast Stop interrupting people you ignorant cunt.You're not the expert. STFU", "label": 1} {"text": "UK deports \"refugee\" children back to where they came from when they turn 18 - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user stupid slag", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Very unfortunate SC not realizing danger of supporting such ferocious illegal migrants,making India further vulnerable to Muslim radicals", "label": 1} {"text": "Always remember... When one door closes, 2 more vaginas open", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user #SocialismKills The #elite #Socialist inVenezuela are Killing The People #BuildThatWall#VoteRedToSaveAmerica", "label": 1} {"text": "Lawyer Mana Yegani: Immigrant Child Died In ICE Detention Center, Texas", "label": 0} {"text": "On Immigration forms it should state Ayslum does not grant you immediate jobs or housing or benefits but safety, Education and a right to freedom and justice but if you committ a crime you can be returned to your country of birth least it honest and a contract", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Point blank, men do not *have* to pretend or sneak into places to rape women. They can do it easily anywhere. The idea that bathrooms protect anyone is a falsity. It doesn't. Spend time actually doing things that DO protect people, like con", "label": 0} {"text": "#CesarChavez #immigration #wetlineMarch 31st many celebrated the birthday of Cesar Chavez. He would have been 90. Many of those who support ILLEGAL immigration use Mr Chavez as a hero in their...", "label": 0} {"text": "\"EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said she would be pushing for EU leaders to put more money into the Trust Fund for Africa to address some of the factors that drive migrants toward Europe.\"Finally someone said it!https://t.co/AkuP6sjzfK", "label": 0} {"text": "So no the US immigration system is not generous at all. And there is nothing noble or easy for \u201cthose who come here the right way\u201d oh and fuck you because asylum IS legal immigration!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hi \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Wake up America! Any politician advocating for open borders & not sending back illegal criminals back to where they came from is complicit in these horrific crimes, especially when it involves a child! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "We obtained police reports and call logs from more than two-thirds of the shelters housing immigrant children. Here\u2019s what they show. #WeDemandAccountability #FamiliesBelongTogether #WomenForJustice", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Shut the fuck up, you stupid ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "In Conversation With: @user head of operations at the UN refugee agency: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The Daily Mail is not always a reliable news source but I can see no reason to dispute this report. Perhaps one of the 'Refugees Welcome,' lobby might care to comment. What about you, Hope not Hate , any thoughts ?", "label": 0} {"text": "I need someone to watch the tv show atypical on Netflix and talk to me about how much of a dummy cunt bitch the mom is in it please.", "label": 1} {"text": "More than a dozen arrested as protesters, counter-protesters clash in Berkeley \"Nazi scum, we'll shut you down, Berkeley is an immigrant town,\" WOW this is taste of future for whites in America", "label": 0} {"text": "@user EU leaders gathered for an emergency summit on migration but this was really an attempt to show support for Angela Merkel\u2019s government.", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees Wellcome!!!!! Turists GO HOME!!!! @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Supreme Court Backs Trump on\u00c2\u00a0Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Trynna look like a bad bitch with a side of hoe for homecoming.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Told you @user in this on THE HIGHEST LEVELS #Stopimmigration #Europe #USA", "label": 1} {"text": "MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal aliens, charged in deaths of Virginia teenshttps://t.co/dQ9YWomJd8#AnimalBehavior #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion#ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere#DeportationsEqualPublicSafety", "label": 1} {"text": "@user things wouldn't need fixing if girls didn't fuck them up! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "President Trump will smash that traitor with the truth, Obama is running scared, we know what you did in those 8 years, the PUBLIC KNOWS, let the truth shine out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already", "label": 1} {"text": ".@TheDemocrats .@KamalaHarris .@chuckschumer .@NancyPelosi .@CoryBooker .@Ocasio2018 AMERICANS WANT SAFETY SECURITY FROM ILLEGAL DRUGS GANGS & CRIMINALS 1st#BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Again JAnis doesnt under stand Economics Supply and demand the lesslabor, the more wages! Lets see how Illegal Immigrants who work for less than the min wage reduce the wages", "label": 1} {"text": "This kind of #Goldmenschen #Merkelgeschenke is what we get from saving #refugees from\"drowning in the #ocean\"(while actually polluting the #oceans A LOT BTW). What does it take to make the #westernworld WAKE UP&SEND THEM BACK HOME? #Refugeesnotwelcome #MerkelMussWeg #GRENZENDICHT", "label": 1} {"text": "You don't have to explain why because a dishwasher the right to speak. Stay in the kitchen", "label": 1} {"text": "You could never comprehend the way my brain works", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop Illegals from overcrowding U.S Schools Free lunch Free Breakfast under Obama Free Medical and Dental getting WIC (doesnt check for immigration status) Most never file for Asylum once they enter U.S #StopAsylumScam #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user As for U.S. immigration, I don't think we need hordes of people coming in not refugees, not smart, not willing to pledge their lives to this nation. They come here with a welcome wagon waiting to get on welfare and public benefits. They want", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Disespect not the biggest problem. Told a woman her husband tried to rape me. She did nothing.\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone needs help filling out #citizenship paperwork call #CatholicCharities 619 231-2828", "label": 0} {"text": "Last night God took Dan out of the He She and now women won't find as much energy to bitch w/ about men. The bogus agenda needs to stop now", "label": 1} {"text": "Great idea! BUT: Frequent flyer miles can be incredibly expensive to donate (almost as expensive as the tickets themselves). Would @user @user @user @user @user & @user agree to waive fees for donating miles for immigrant reunification efforts?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fa Real Desperate Ass Hoe \ud83d\ude2d A Fat Bitch And A Real Skinny Bitch\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d How\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude0d", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch wtf u unfollow me for if u just gone twatch me and comment on what u THINK is about u hoe , play with ya pussy or sum not me .", "label": 1} {"text": "Not all men. Rather, all men and women - - and journalists - - working in Hollywood.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And calling someone a stupid lying cunt or a hatful bitch isn't bullying Hun I'm real ya see that's t\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "why did this picture just call me a useless fugly skank bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user what is the name of the hole from where your shit?? dou you shit from your brain?\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I literally fucking died LMAO she said bitch this ain't a whore house\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trudeau announces that Isqra Khalid is moral conscience of Canada and that Moslems must be at the forefront fighting White racists who don't want to be replaced by immigrants.https://t.co/X8PzfDxs8t", "label": 0} {"text": "Ladies we dont hate you for your size or looks, we hate you becuase youre all conniving bitches with no souls! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Same story different names.---> #BuildTheWall #NoChainMigration #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #TravelBan @user @user @user #EnoughIsEnough #WakeUpAmerica #FightTheLeft #MAGA #tcot #CCOT #PJNET #Beheard #BeHeardBeSeen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Oh my god - a hysterical woman with a loaded gun!!! \ud83d\ude02 #thelastpost", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The longer picture of migration from a 75M Turkey and add Bosnia will bring the end of our way of life as we know it alreadybad", "label": 0} {"text": "Loose lips sink ships... Tight lips grab dicks", "label": 1} {"text": "Another @user dreamer in the news.#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall#NoDACAIllegal immigrant booked for child sex abuse", "label": 1} {"text": "Ill rape women but Ill respect cow, Jay hind", "label": 1} {"text": "UNHCR aids return of over 2,000 Somali refugees from Yemen", "label": 0} {"text": "Move on and stop going back to the same asshole! Omg you dumb bitch! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Wonder why some women get hysterical here. Climacteric is understandable but social networking surely ain\u2019t a pageant to perform.", "label": 1} {"text": "This is a wonderful article by @user that present some often misrepresented facts about #refugees and #asylumseekers coming to #Canada", "label": 0} {"text": "WASHINGTON \u2018\u201c Many Muslim immigrants express a sentiment of entitlement, believing they one day will replace the...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck you you bitch hole", "label": 1} {"text": "@user SYRIAN REFUGEE why arent you mentioning that!? Oh ya I forgot diversity is strength #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop calling them immigrants, they are illegal alien SCOFFLAWS and should not be here.https://t.co/psQ9M6fhrP", "label": 1} {"text": "I\ufe0f will quit a job in a heart beat that has a problem with me calling off due to an emergency . Fuck you and your bitch ass momma. Skank", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its because no one wants to talk to a skank like you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user This is basically a family event like Thanksgiving when the men go to the living room TV to watch football after dinner, while the women stay in the kitchen to gossip", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Woow.. You can smoke cigaret and suke May Dick ...\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I\u2019m not sure about the situations of where you guys live, but in the UK, we\u2019re full. Nearly 70 million people on a tiny island that\u2019s already the most densely populated country in Europe. We don\u2019t need more immigration to", "label": 1} {"text": "Not all men are stupid ...some are still single #ohyes #startnoticing", "label": 0} {"text": "After the first time you sleep 2 guys in the same day", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Illegal Immigrants due NOT have DUE Process pe rthe Supreme Court of the United States #FakeNews Lies Doesnt Undo SCOTUS", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Shut up you bald cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "#WakeUpAmerica #StopMuslimInvation #MAGA #NoMoreRefugees allowed in America. #StopTheInflux #MAGA #KeepAmericaSafe #WakeUpAlabama", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you just added 19 points to Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch on the @user twitter chart", "label": 0} {"text": "HOW ABOUT YOUR CRIMES BILLS LOSING LICENSE OVER RAPES & SEX IN CLINTON WHORE HOUSE BRIBES MOSCOW KICKBACKS WOULDN'T MATTER WE WANTED TRUMP!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Mass immigration is invasion \u00e2\u009d\u2014\u00e2\u009d\u2014", "label": 1} {"text": "You only come around when you want dick.. bitch respect my energy.", "label": 1} {"text": "...worked to own a middle-class home, a home now subjected to property taxes to pay for daycare of illegal immigrant children (and children of illegal immigrants) that is necessary for those immigrants to take jobs in the local chicken processing plant? 2/", "label": 0} {"text": "No apple, I don't want an amber alert for a stupid 16 yr old bitch that got into a 21 yr old pedos car .", "label": 1} {"text": "Anna Is Nurse By Day And Naughty Slut Whore By Night I think im addicted to your cok", "label": 0} {"text": "The voices in your head arent YOU. Theyre your parents. Teachers. Friends. Idiots from TV. Random weirdoes from Twitter.YOU get to tell those voices when its OK for them to speak, and when its time to shut the fuck up.", "label": 0} {"text": "hoes really b geeked talkin bout 'what frontal' BITCH THAT ONE\ud83d\ude02 your stylist is shitty. try again next time.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This bitch waaay to much shit to talk about athletes like your literally a professional slut stay in your lane", "label": 1} {"text": "Opinion: Trump restriction on immigrant entrepreneurs misguided", "label": 0} {"text": "Love is like a deep hole. When you fall into it, it's really hard to come out.", "label": 0} {"text": "World Relief first began welcoming refugees in 1979. Since then, 300,000 refugees have begun rebuilding their lives with the help of dedicated volunteers and generous donors. Will you help provide the same welcome for today's refugees? Join today \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Home Office \u2018\u02dcmisled\u2019 High Court over child refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Why Would You Do This To My Young Fairly Innocent Heart You Fucking Hoe Bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "When men argue that not all men are abusive, yet women are also naturally irresistible, I wonder wat it's like 2 embody cognitive dissonance", "label": 0} {"text": "Relationships are like hangovers... They make me miserable AF", "label": 0} {"text": "Denmark finally realizes it has a non-Western immigration problem Moron update...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user @user your drunk Q&;A's on snapchat are entertaining af.", "label": 0} {"text": "What a perfect way to begin the week! Idlewilder\u2019s gathered outside Brewster Elementary\u2014a school with many immigrant families\u2014 and welcomed them to their first day. Bienvenidos! Karibu! Welcome! -Sara Dorrien-Christians", "label": 0} {"text": "#Uganda launches $50m programme to address economic, environmental challenges in #refugee hosting communities #Withrefugees @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "...we need to be the ones to ensure this culture of rape, and this belief that power gives you entitlement ends with this generation...", "label": 0} {"text": "As a married woman with a son.. Born to an abusing woman.. Not all men are bastards", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user According to the latest census, almost 60,000 people identified their ethnicity as Black African or Black Irish, when 20 years before that figure was just 4,697. Good immigration polices AND more restrictive", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Passenger from Harlingen to Dallas,TX has infected many to measles!!! Stop the invasion. #BuildThatWall #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t want no nigga wit a bitch or fucking multiple hoes I love my health", "label": 1} {"text": "Sooo @user you ain't get my text message hoe? \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are a hysterical moron.", "label": 0} {"text": "More horrors. Some normal immigrant kids are being housed here.", "label": 0} {"text": "Me trying to make it through life", "label": 0} {"text": "When you have a threesome with a clown and he gives you both facials", "label": 0} {"text": "This nigga is on snap fucking a bitch while she sucking somebody else's dick \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bruh", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Anyone who, ACTIVELY OR PASSIVELY, subscribes to immigration and especially assimilation is joining the battle to destroy our race, and it makes no difference whether their motivation comes from the Pope, Karl Marx, or Ayn Rand.", "label": 1} {"text": "Im not for abusing women but i swear to odin this bitch is about to have a permanant imprint of my fist in her face", "label": 1} {"text": "Lemme talk about how this girl was lightning quick to say \u201cnot all white people\u201d but will roast anyone that says \u201cnot all men\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trump you are right, stop illigal immigration and make USA better and dont care about left minded democrats without any reality and small brain.", "label": 1} {"text": "To support immigrant and refugee students: Introduce mentors who are of the same racial and ethnic background, and develop awareness and sensitivity training for all teachers and staff members.", "label": 0} {"text": "#ThesePeopleAreSick , #TheseBonesWillRiseAgain ,A MURDERED CHILD JUST FOUND IN ARIZONA, #BuildThatWall , @user , #WhereAreTheChildren ,#WhereAreAllTheMissingChildren, #ThesePeopleAreEvil, #ThesePeopleShouldBehanbging, @user , WE WANT #Justice! #FullDisclosre", "label": 1} {"text": "Like Assam WB too is reeling under evil influence of illegal migrants So people there are also hopeful that NRC will soon be begun there too Only the BJP Govt under NaMo can have the gutts to do so Hence the celebrations", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all men feel the need to attack women you know. Have you attacked the women you work with???", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user We are calling for international solidarity & support for Costa Rica and other countries hosting Nicaraguan refugees & asylum-seekers. Thousands are fleeing mounting political tensions, violence and serious human rights violations", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you need pound your wet cunt untill the slut in the mirror cums .... Post a vid , so you can watch it later ...", "label": 1} {"text": "Cuisinart Sandwich Maker Sweeps Sponsored by the Kitchen Authority and Money Nuts!", "label": 0} {"text": ".@medeabenjamin joins @user on the road to McAllen, Texas to protest the inhumane way our government is treating immigrant children and their families who have risked all to find refuge from violence and oppression \ud83d\udc97 #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE", "label": 0} {"text": "Wouldn't a true \"refugee\" be more concerned about the basic of food, water, shelter, etc? Are these really...", "label": 0} {"text": "Group of 20 people crisscrossed entire Delhi in one month.Shocking to see 80%encroachments by Muslims/immigrants.Most dirty areas.NO ACTION", "label": 1} {"text": "The same men who start wailing saying 'WAAAAHHHH NOT ALL MEN OMG YOU BITCH IM NOT LIKE THAT' are the same POS I'm talking about", "label": 0} {"text": ". @user covered our petition delivery at the #Pentagon with @user & @user to demand Sec. Mattis STOP kicking immigrant servicemembers out of the military!", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to eradicate the stereotype that #refugees are here to take.", "label": 0} {"text": "When is a refugee not a refugee? I think we need a definition of terms--or at least our government needs a...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals -why reward that behavior? Not coming here for Freedom more like the FREE STUFF -If we did not give illeagals FREE STUFF they wouldnt be here #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Anyways the big boobed bitch was also a lowkey whore but nobody knew except our mutual friend who had also told me what she had done", "label": 1} {"text": "Disqualify ALL Immigrants from claiming ALL Welfare Benefits. That at a Stroke would get rid of the ones we DON'T need & allow the ones we DO need 2 remain. Simples!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I dont think this fat whore could even get sex from rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Tackling the migrant crisis does not mean pouring more money into things while our own people are victims of this Governent", "label": 0} {"text": "Submit your examples of good practices on child-friendly procedures in the migration context", "label": 0} {"text": "ComfortableLong Sweater Women Autumn Winter Short Sleeve Hole Tassel Thin Sweater Female Solid Loose Pullover", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees from Pakistan \u201dcamp number 16\u201d will go on hunger strike tomorrow. One, Rahman Shah, tells me he is told to go home: \u201dI do not have a home, I do not know where I belong. I have no rights in the whole world. I am only Rahman from camp number 16.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "'Foster mum saying 'European women are stupid alcoholics' is the basic attitude of her culture's numerous rape gangs", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user There is an #Emilia fridge magnet on sale. Of course it can stick to any metal thing. WE DO NOT HAVE TO STAY IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I tried to find a gif of Brett Butler calling you a Godless Whore but...well let's just say I didn\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "There's no bigger turn off while sexting than someone that doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'", "label": 0} {"text": "When you win the lesbian olympics", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fake ass bitch just like Kylie hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "UN wants \u2018\u02dcimmediate halt\u2019 to separation of migrant families in US #Trumpadministration #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} {"text": "I luv a classy bitch but still might fuck a bad whore\ud83d\udcb0", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Exactly. Those women embrace thier sexuality and feminism. That doesn't mean that it leads to rape.", "label": 0} {"text": "*cough cough* loser", "label": 0} {"text": "Put ya fucking dummy back in Lukakwho ya stupid cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sharia Law for student Loans why do they not put it on London Buses or have their own police force invite migrants to join", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user thiers none because not all men rape", "label": 1} {"text": "We are no longer alone: Italian Prime Minister hails #EU migrant distribution a success", "label": 0} {"text": "This is our 1st amendment right being abuse, this is USA, please Mr President stop the censorship by social media today @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 1} {"text": "The only reason girls go crawling back is because they're afraid they can't do any better... Which is probably true #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Lost in the hysteria over #immigration: The #Trump #MuslimBan is about keeping Americans fearful, not safe.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user That awkward moment when you're on a date and 'Daddy YFB' texts you...and your phone is face up on the table...@Yourfuckbo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Why one #teacher relies on the power of #music to engage #immigrant #students - \ud83c\udfb6 #musiceducation #musicmakesadifference", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Dozens of other women I\u2019ve accused him of rape and they either get paid off or nobody hears from them again", "label": 0} {"text": "Wonder how insecure you have to be to tweet #NotAllMen \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40", "label": 0} {"text": "You cant drag us in so far if you don't have intentions on a relationship. It hurts.... Alot #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When're I go to a wedding all I can think about is how many times the bride is going to get pounded after the wedding #HoneyMoonPoon", "label": 1} {"text": "Cuffing is not DEAD If everybody stop being a hoe then you can cuff \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude05 But nahh being fuck Buddies in style at #myasu", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches be postin pics of them in the bath after droppin a bath bomb in it lookin like they shit a smurf out", "label": 1} {"text": "if this big troglodyte bitch texts my man again im going to put bullet holes into your knee caps. i don't fight big white bitches they dogs", "label": 1} {"text": "Cause she ain't got no solid proof I'm convinced any girl that tries to file a rape case on a celebrity its for money", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany frets, Soros lurks, as Spanish Socialists welcome African\u00c2\u00a0migrants...https://t.co/Z8MnrYFyAv", "label": 0} {"text": "@user just started #TheOrville, glad you got the bro dick jokes out the way early because it has become the series we need. Bravo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yes. Our Military will protect us. Clearly our Politicians WONT!!! #VoteThemOut #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I agree with you. Who ever facilities the logistics and other facility shouldn't be us paying for it. They are burden on us sacking in our resources that is my point. #Eritrea refugees should go back because their country is not on war footing", "label": 1} {"text": "instead of telling young women to dress appropriately, teach young men to NOT rape, that NO means NO and to love accordingly. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user sorry for the language. but fuck me sideways did this cunt just say that. from what i see woman are\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Crisis in Germany: women start arming themselves due to Islamic immigration Crisis - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "My immigrant family when I talk to them about how we should all try live more fulfilling lives year round versus only finding joy in the 3 weeks they spend in the Philippines every year:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Last wk you said some women allege rape/assault after consensual sex they regret. Pls read #MeToo tweets. \ud83d\ude41", "label": 0} {"text": "oh you want a name fight ! \u275b you stupid COCK loving slut ! ,you fucking WHORE ! how do you like that huh you little shit ! \u275c", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't take you places because I wanna be friends. My car doesn't run on friendship bitch it runs on ethanol! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "God is dead, Jesus is a cunt and the Virgin Mary was a whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "Labor migrants transfer almost $ 10 billion a year to Ukraine", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch niggas get mad wen women tell em the truth they mama's was too pussy to say. Not my fault son \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You went to Ram Ashraya for lunch. In the evening? \ud83d\ude31 But Ram Ashraya is \ud83d\udc4c though.", "label": 0} {"text": "LMAO BITCH I DID DROP YOU. And I'm texting 5 other niggas too \ud83d\ude2d you're not special whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Have you gotten any #notallmen responses to this?;)", "label": 0} {"text": "hard to give that to others because i know how bad it is when it feels like you\u2019re falling down a hole and there\u2019s no one to pull you up.", "label": 0} {"text": "We need your support to make sure Mapache is released and reunited with his family and community. Mapache is yet another undocumented immigrant rights activist targeted and detained for using their activism. ICE can't get away with this. #FreeMapache", "label": 0} {"text": "The next message you need is always right where you are ~ Ram Dass #Intuition", "label": 0} {"text": "12 migrants shot dead while escaping from #Libyan camp #UnitedNations #LibyancampMore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You bitch too much over stupid shit go fuck your self stupid cunt you have shitty service anyway a\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user American Citizens need @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLotte", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Shut up Mickey you pussy little bitch #firstoftheyear #firstofmany #mickeyhaslowt", "label": 0} {"text": "Ion take hoe shit from nan bitch but that\u2019s the difference between a little girl and a grown ass woman they don\u2019t know when to SHUT UP", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Give it a rest, you fugly skank.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Is it wrong that my first reaction to this photo is to feel sorry for whoever had to write on that dudes ass? #QAnon #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM #SpyGate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "The workers from the #colombian #Censo (census) just arrived. Never seen people so excited to realize they got to interview 'an in-the-flesh immigrant'!!! \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4", "label": 0} {"text": "Why you always actin mad? Always bringin' up my past You in your feelings about a hoe that don't matter Know that I'll give you my last", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's true and it sucks. There really can't be 'a not all men' thing because... you can't tell and you can never know.", "label": 0} {"text": "When election will be near you will remember Sree Ram !", "label": 0} {"text": "Don\u2019t say stuff like: NOT ALL MEN! Don\u2019t invade her privacy. Don\u2019t assume that just b/c she told you something she wants to tell you more.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Fucking cunt where's my belt bitch suck my dick and make me cum on your mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "Double standards for females in this world is outta control....next older bitch fuck me I'm screaming out rape Idc \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "SkrewDriver All skrewed up FULL ALBUM @user are you listening, slag? You might learn something\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you to the @user and Dick Ebeling for their support in continuing to inspire students and promote #STEM renovation projects!", "label": 0} {"text": "17-year-old charged in killing of teenager in Annapolis linked to MS-13 #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll @user @user these are not anomalies this is becoming the norm.Immigration reform does not entail giving a free pass!", "label": 1} {"text": "Money transfers to Ukraine from labor migrants grow 30%, to US$4.5 bln in Jan-May", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Maybe he get his wall - wonderful to stop refugees from South.", "label": 1} {"text": "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? 49ERS GOING DOWN A SHIT HOLE", "label": 0} {"text": "If the [ #publiccharge ] proposal is enacted in its current form, immigrant families would be forced to make an agonizing decision about whether to keep government-funded health coverage and risk being blocked from staying in the U.S via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's telling you about her day and she didn't catch your side bitch running out the back door", "label": 1} {"text": "Im so glad I make more money because I'm an a man! Can't wait for more women to get LESS and do MORE! #keepWomenDown#", "label": 1} {"text": "GOOD ! NowCentral Americans STOP COMING TO THE U.S ILLEGALLY BREAKING U.S #Immigration Laws Detain and Deport ASAP Angel Families #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "The @user made it very clear that a republican hired the #IllegalAlien that killed #MollieTibbetts. Would the employer was a Democrat, would the AP have said anything?#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "If I put my fingers inside of you and you won't taste yourself, you can bet your ass I'm not tasting you either", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@realDonaldTrump \"\"Grab them by the pussy\"\" \"\"Rosie is fat and ugly\"\" \"\"I like people who weren't captured\"\"- You demean and belittle and still got elected. Shut the fuck up\"", "label": 0} {"text": "The Homeland Security in USA knows that refugees of all countries into the USA is a highrisk for the USA and shoud be stopped quick.", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Save the children\" NGO, and other reports that some helpers - mostly local helpers give food for sex in Syrian refugees camps. But also in other camps its a normal fact that food is only available with sex even with children.", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when girls use guys. We're not toys damn it! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Who took the immigrant children away from there parents are liable", "label": 0} {"text": "PSAYoure a slut but you dont fuck meBecause you sound like a cry baby bitch shut the fuck up already", "label": 1} {"text": "Chain Migration is not sustainable and needs to end NOW. It's time to break the chain! #EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant: Piece of candy, little girl?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Delhi in last 3-4 yrs have become slum city. Nobody follow Traffic rules,All pavements have been encroached upon.Illegal constructions across Yumuna go unabated. Influx of illegal migrants have increased.Crime Rate on increase", "label": 1} {"text": "EU officials fear new wave of migrants after Greek court ruling.#refugeesgr", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, they have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Do you want to help welcome them? Use our easy tool to set up a fundraising page! \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "When you see someone you know on tinder so you super like them and they never talk to you again \ud83d\ude10", "label": 0} {"text": ".@JeffCoAttyKY Is there an update on the #HeyburnNine? Louisivillians want their charges dropped! They shouldn\u2019t be facing charges for free speech and protesting 45 and ICE\u2019s terrorism of immigrant communities. #AbolishICE #FreeOurFuture #ShutdownSesions @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch stfu ! Im just tired of you thinking you know me because of what that bum ass nigga tells you when he needs some pussy or a place to sleep", "label": 1} {"text": "#didyouknow the male brain is 3.4 times larger than the female brain? #maledominance", "label": 1} {"text": "After yesterday black refugees stop police, today at 5.30 in Germany the refugeehome was entered and many blacks went to jail.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user while Scotland takes in many refugees there's a quiet disdain from the poorer in society they are being left behind forgotten", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Illegals are dumping their kids heres o they can get welfare, aid and U.S School Ripping off U.S Taxpayers #SendThemBack ! Stop Alowing illegals to Abuse the Taxpayer #Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The voters had to decide free. Now they will work and after one year we will see whats happen. The lefts see Nazis now evrywhere, because they loose the elections. Hopefully many refugees will deported home, this want the voter.", "label": 0} {"text": "#DonaldTrump is right. Why bother with due process? No need for a judge. Just take @user out the back, and string him up. #Immigration #FakePresident #Trumpublicans", "label": 0} {"text": "Great video on refugee crisis \"These are people, not numbers\" RT @user 2/3 of all refugees come from just 5 countries.\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00be Syria\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ab Afghanistan\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 South Sudan\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b2 Myanmar\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b4 SomaliaImagine what peace in just one of those countries could mean.", "label": 0} {"text": "Behold the future DACA America - unless we Man The F*ck Up and Deport the illegal aliens.Sooner or later this will be us, having to take to streets crying out for our fellow Americans to MAN THE F*CK UP and save our girls.#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "UK Labour Party is right to drop racist IHRA guidelines of anti-Semitism \u2013 Mondoweiss", "label": 0} {"text": "i cannot allow my folks to cuff no whore , not a good look fuck allat turn a hoe into a house wife shit \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Any girl that says pussy rules the world has never had good dick", "label": 1} {"text": "If you can't spell 'masturbate' right, we can't sext... I don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life", "label": 0} {"text": "Do you know what they do to rapists in jail, dumbfuck? lol have fun", "label": 0} {"text": "Cunt of the year qualifier. Blocked the path. A woman with a six month old kid in a pram had to walk in the road with traffic because of him", "label": 0} {"text": "I have an organic protein shake for you \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "Steven Spielberg Is A Stupid Bitch #richardspenceruf #usnavy #timemagazine #feminismiscancer #socialism #bieber #cpc", "label": 0} {"text": "Moody ass mother fuckers....smh", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop asking me how many people I've slept with, your guess is as good as mine", "label": 0} {"text": "Fish tacos \ud83d\ude1b", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Oh what a conclusion.Buddy Delhi is being made slum by AAP, huge influx of Muslim illegal migrants.Just go&see Okhla,Yamuna Banks,NZM,JMsjd", "label": 1} {"text": "@user i have diarrhea that smells better THAN u spook nigger coon cunt pig whore and fuck ur faggoty ass hat bitch dyke twat retard", "label": 1} {"text": "Being rude to you. Call u slut or bitch or everything related. U rasa putus tunang is the best way ke?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user While the billions outside America love SNL and just point and laugh at the stupid cunt in the White House \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "You can't have sex with a personality", "label": 0} {"text": "Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth as we count down to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20th! We have a growing list of special events to raise awareness, agreement, and action as we welcome refugees to Memphis. Check...", "label": 0} {"text": "I would love to take the credits but you Selvam and the team make it all posssble. Om Sai Ram. #LLLD", "label": 0} {"text": "@user your just a dirty fuckin whore u got all this chat about me go suck ur fuckin mum u disgusting lil hoe say suttin", "label": 1} {"text": "National Guard deployment led to more than 10,000 arrests of illegal immigrants, says CBP Great news...", "label": 0} {"text": "#Trump backs Rome on migrants at Conte meeting", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user your bitch of a mother should of swallowed you like the whore she was", "label": 1} {"text": "Looks like a bread line in Africa.. Can #Spain afford all this? Hundreds of migrants break through border at Spanish exclave Ceuta via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "CA migrant hotels wrecked by grateful new Canadianshttps://t.co/BJ1dwH4YCO", "label": 0} {"text": "How did you get time off school?", "label": 0} {"text": "Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user THER BACK-....IN SPAIN", "label": 0} {"text": "Today's global refugee crisis strains host country resources, threatens children\u2019s safety, and uproots global peace and stability. As the world\u2019s largest provider of emergency food assistance for #refugees, @user helps millions of refugees every year.", "label": 0} {"text": "GOP's love for RUS is no mystery. It's overwhelmingly white, anti-women, anti-gay, and anti-immigrant. No pesky freedom of the press or civil liberties, and old white billionaires make ALL the decisions. The *only* downside for US righties is the lack of gun-ownership.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wife mom CROOK THIEF. Murderer Woman abuser .Weinstein supporter.Cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Many illigal refugees was found death in south of USA in the desert. Trump can help, if he build the wall against Mexiko.", "label": 1} {"text": "Thanks to all those who came to protest Trump's visit in Leeds - around 1500 joined the Leeds Together Against Trump protest this evening - to send a clear message that Trump is not welcome here - and refugees and migrants are @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Correction - HUGH if true. #makemeasandwich", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants & community colleges - our students really made the day @user @user @user @user & thanks to @user for presentation on the ADVANCE program and @user Teresita Wisell @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When is the left going to stop war on conservative women ? Boycott SNL . Disgusting ratings whore. Only target cons\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "As you get ready for the Black & Gold game today here are 5 things you can say to the person next to you to make you sound like a Ram fan...", "label": 0} {"text": "NY Times: 'Nearly All White' States Pose 'an Array of Problems' for Immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Brave Italian cop arrests illegal migrant armed with a knife - Multiculturalism? - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's sad cause what if she was telling the truth about rape :/ it should still be investigated but the bitch is crazy lol", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration means devided nations when those seek ayslum want to demand housing etc when we dont have enough resources to go around trith", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Administration Tells ACLU It\u2019s Responsible for Finding Deported Immigrant Parents via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#China invites all UN countries to use its future space station | #CBC News #UnitedNations #ChinaSpaceStation", "label": 0} {"text": "I love the pussy pics I get all day long on snap but when I get sent a dick pic, I block for 'inappropriate snaps' Does that make me sexist?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user This ugly bitch has a mistress? Women are stupid.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Look at miss sandwich maker trying to talk shit. Bitch, you work for ESPN. You instantly know nothing about hockey. Shut up", "label": 1} {"text": "honestly, can someone autotune his scream at the end to the start of \u201cImmigrant Song?\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes drastic & dramatic measures are the only means to bring back control & normality Time for the tolerant to become non tolerant#Europe #UK need to reclaim their ways of life and values hijacked & abused by #Muslim migrants courtesy of our liberal moronic governments", "label": 1} {"text": "I truly hope so, I do, I do, I do @user @user #LockThemUp #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 1} {"text": "Vive la #France! And a lot of other nations too, as migrant sons lift #FIFA\u2018\u2030#WorldCup2018 #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user When a fart slips out in front of your fella for the first time", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hmmm...... But you know it's not all men", "label": 0} {"text": "He can take his family with him ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL ! Not Above U.S Laws @user Deport ASAP FAKE #FAmiliesBelongTogether Scam Take Your Family and Stop Living Off My Family taxes go Home #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome No #DACA #immigration #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Weinstein must be your daddy you fat slob. Both of you are ugly af and I guess need to rape women to get\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cI am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose\u201dhttps://t.co/WPLZ3lTRGz", "label": 0} {"text": "Please stop labeling women \u201chysterical\u201d \u201ccrazy\u201d \u201cmad\u201d we are full of rage and grief.", "label": 0} {"text": "Your girl is a hoe, she fucked all my bros", "label": 1} {"text": "So is Caitlyn celebrating half the day or nah?", "label": 0} {"text": "When your ride for work came early but you weren't done stalkin all of bae's social media pages", "label": 0} {"text": "@user what does the word 'Parody', clearly stated in the bio, mean to you?", "label": 0} {"text": "Will peace with #Ethiopia end misery of #Eritrea's refugees? via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal aliens, it\u2019s all your fault You Refuse to Obey U.S Laws and Committed Child Abuse using Your Kids To Illegally enter the U.S Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoAmnesty via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Just when things are going good women will fuck it up. They're not happy unless there's turmoil #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Kris Kobach, the man who pushed cities and towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances, then raked in the cash when he was hired to defend them in court (He also routinely lost the cases)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user That\u2019s part of it! Overall, it\u2019s about feeling that more refugees would add to the city, whereas there\u2019s too much tourism in it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user when the Tory's relax non EU Immigration for NHS recruitment then make it harder for people to make complaints and sue incompetent medical practice go hand in hand and there is a price for not training UK staff everything has a price! it", "label": 0} {"text": "Sebastian Gorka Launches Emotional Tirade Against Col. Macgregor For Questioning Syria Strikes", "label": 0} {"text": "US Senator seeks Nielsen resignation over separation of immigrant families via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Outrage in the EU after Israel helped Hungary build a security fence to stop illegal immigration - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Czech PM Rejects Merkel's \"Flexible\" EU Immigration Plan As Aftermath of Migrant Crisis Intensifies | Zero Hedge", "label": 0} {"text": "@user NO. Our immigration system MUST act in the ethnic interests of the founding people and NOT change the racial demographic makeup like it is intentionally doing.Denying Whites their right to survive as separate nations and defend their racial inter", "label": 1} {"text": "Please listen to a Syrian refugee now in Germany. He asks that people around the world demand that the annihilation of women and children, deliberate attacks on hospitals and medial people and the mass bombings be tried as the crimes they truly are.", "label": 0} {"text": "The administration's shameful treatment of immigrants needs to end now. Congress must speak out for a moral system that puts humanity at the center of our treatment of immigrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "One saw violent migrant rampage in #Spain.Border guards take great risks to protect Europeans & need full support, not vile smears from open-border agitators @user who are engaged in campaign to unjustly slander guards in #Slovenia. #Visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "The #Republican administration's policy on #ImmigrantChildren continues to be unconscionable, in spite of repeated court orders. Why are those responsible not in jail? #AbolishICE #AbolishDHS #Election2018 @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "keep lisa and jisoo out of your dirty mouth ugly skank ass bitch deactivate delete go get a life stay away from bla\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Where is that Darlene Vega slut bitch? That bitch is amazing", "label": 1} {"text": "Keep informed:", "label": 0} {"text": "Austria trying to save itself from Muslim migrant invasion too.... Turkey\u2019s President Tayyip Erdogan denounces Chancellor Kurz. So what!https://t.co/QcM4bMFHno", "label": 1} {"text": "People that ask you why you unfollowed them are the worst kind of people... Bitch, cause fuck you, that's why", "label": 1} {"text": "this fake bitch trynna indirect me Hello @ me if ur not a coward hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "The #OpioidCrisis begins at the border! #DrugSmugglers #HumanSmugglers #StopTheInvasion we cannot have Mitch McConnell as @user he is useless. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnestyEver", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration gone crazy 100 trainee doctors from abroad what about Nurse Practitioners who are their equivalent get pain peanuts and are trained and come from the UK", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #HomeTown Meeting #California #FavoritePresident #ActionSpeaksVolumes #ProtectAmerica #HonorTheFlag", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'll send Meechy at yo hoe if yo bitch keep eyein' me", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user 12 weeks in prison funded by the great British public #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes!! Keon with Trump! #TRUMP2020 #BuildThatWall #FreeAssabge", "label": 1} {"text": "Robert DeNiro used his 'Tribeca Grill' as after hours whorehouse to Pimp young women to Harvey Weinstein. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Who actually hopes this?nobody does #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Day 6 #sensationalWIP Joseph Carter, my antag, is an English immigrant who's trying to establish a psychiatric hospital in Ash Grove. Upstate NY, 1899. Daniel Day-Lewis for my antag's voice, esp at 1:04 when he describes the Five Points\ud83d\udcda#amwriting", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CHIM \ud83d\ude18 WE LOVE YOU On ho or wat u r cuz THAT GIVE US INSPIRATIONS. WE TREASURE YOU AS HOW Y'ALL TREASURE ARMYs", "label": 0} {"text": "Why is it so hard to understand. They are not immigrants. Immigrants come here legally and follow the rules and laws. Illegals are just that. Illegal = criminal. They are not law abiding.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #Uk council for Muslims shut up fed up of your winging you never speak against racism against Jews or Christians and others yet the Jewish Voice speaks against Islamophobia we hate Tories but they give Syrians refugees hope what r u given us sw", "label": 0} {"text": "Amusing as hell how France and Germany insist how wonderful these \"refugees\" are, but demand that Hungary and Poland take them by the tens of thousands. If they were such a boon for Europe why would they ever want to give them away? #Hypocrisy #RefugeesNotWelcome #YouHaveToGoBack", "label": 1} {"text": "World Bank report urges Thailand to revisit migrant worker policies to pursue 4\u2018\u00a40 growth strategy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This country is being led by crawlers to other religions from immigration to Education vote no to Europe and save our nation now", "label": 1} {"text": "If you actually believe a woman 'asks' to be raped because of the clothes they wear, you're an absolute shit excuse of a human, and a cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Algeria, Egypt, Morocco & Tunisia all reject EU proposal to set up disembarkation centers in north Africa for refugees & migrants intercepted at sea, leaving Libya and its record of torturing & indefinitely detaining them in atrocious conditions", "label": 0} {"text": "I just had the biggest heart to heart with someone I\u2019ve known since 7th grade and we\u2019ve only ever made fun of each other. Was weird but that was a nice hug dude. Love you phelix. Always knew you thought of me as something more than a dirty immigrant :\u2019)", "label": 0} {"text": "Stricter immigration laws and build that wall! #KAG #MAGA #ProudAmerican #ProudConservative #TruthIsPower #SearchForTruth #Vote #Deplorable #DrainThatSwamp #WWG1WWGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Cambridge professor and #UK refugee has prestigious medal stolen", "label": 0} {"text": "Dominican Immigrant Sexually Assaulted Multiple Girls In New York via @user Diversity update...", "label": 0} {"text": "Anxious migrant mother awaits reunion with child", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sorry the old sapphire can\u2019t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh. Cause she\u2019s busy filling her whore hole.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Wow shut up you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Yea Ji Sea, an Army specialist from South Korea, was discharged Friday at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston after 4.5 years of service, abruptly ending her military career before she could achieve a goal of becoming an Army doctor. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrant deported 5 times from US sentenced for third DUI", "label": 0} {"text": "I kno this bitch pussy smells really bad because she cook steak rice n corn everyday", "label": 1} {"text": "@user At that time (80 years ago) the USA were consequent and have a line. Today the USA are a soft nation without any sucess for the future. The invasion of illigal refugees must stopped in all ways.", "label": 1} {"text": "Some of you bitches should be puttin coconut oil up your vag with ya stank ass twat", "label": 1} {"text": "DRUDGE_REPORT: British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape... #ycot #tcot #pjnet #conservative", "label": 0} {"text": "after nearly 2 years this bitch came back to our home only to be hysterical. when will this bitch get hit by a raging bus????", "label": 1} {"text": "I never understood the big deal about making a guy a plate at a get -together/cookout. Shit after the children and women eat im in that bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Me flirting- So how many filters you got on that thang", "label": 0} {"text": "iMMIGRANT SONG !", "label": 0} {"text": "Dick em Dick em DOWN...DOWN...DOWN... I'll dick a bitch DOWN...DOWN...DOWN...", "label": 1} {"text": "Girls that eat ass will always have a special place in my heart... And bed", "label": 1} {"text": "Last night I saw a PEI bar brawl between 2 women fighting over a man. One socked the other and called her a whore. The man promptly vomited.", "label": 0} {"text": "What in the actual fuck", "label": 0} {"text": "Jennifer Lawrence is complaining about being a whore, meanwhile she's punching old Asian women in face who are sewing her costumes for her", "label": 0} {"text": "Frost is a stupid bitch. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "So far it's 43 women and at least three rape accusations but sure, go on and believe it was one woman looking for m\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Being at a public pool makes me realize how much I really do fucking hate kids", "label": 0} {"text": "new language classes starting soon! can we get a retweet please @user @user @user @user @user ?", "label": 0} {"text": "Cameroon continues to unlawfully force refugees back to conflict, destitution and displacement in Nigeria's Borno State @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#bookswithalettermissing Alia Grace: Harrowing tale young Saudi-Irish immigrant to Canada framed for a murder she did not commit", "label": 0} {"text": "In case you though most international migrants were in Europe, latest figure shows the US has the most!!! And...", "label": 0} {"text": "Babi\u00c5\u00a1 criticises distribution of 450 migrants among #EU states", "label": 0} {"text": "Surge in Italian & EU support for Libyan coastguard means almost half of all refugees & migrants who tried to reach EU by boat in June were intercepted and returned to Libya's detention center hellholes", "label": 0} {"text": "Come work for @user advocacting on behalf of refugees and migrants. Based in Tunis. DM for more details", "label": 0} {"text": "Lea Ramirez reports from New York City as an alliance develops between tech workers and immigrant rights activists to challenge the tech giants\u2019 ties to ICE", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi Burundian refugees should go home!", "label": 1} {"text": "Too many women confuse their hearts with their vaginas", "label": 1} {"text": "honestly the amount of interalized misogyny n slut shaming I have is incredible. I feel like a whore and an awful person 4 buying condoms \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "Literally no woman has ever gone out like this. If they did choose though, you're a slimy cunt for cat calling", "label": 0} {"text": "'. . . You mean a beautiful being? Yea, then. If not, no. You're not a skank.'", "label": 0} {"text": "You're a skank ass ho but I love you anyway. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Women have become bigger players than men. The tides have turned my friends", "label": 0} {"text": "#Jordan says unable to host new wave of #Syria refugees #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "Here are the countries that are looking after the most refugees, measured in comparison to the local population - UN @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Enough! White House says US choking on 10.7 million legal immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "200 black suspects refugees stop the German police to bring one person out of the country. After police have to let him go under pressure, he escaped in the underground.", "label": 0} {"text": "My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #NoDACA No# DACA Fraud 60,000 have Arrest Records 50% lied to get DACA #SendThemBack #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Thats a lie you can not merge Legal Immigrants with Illegal Aliens Stats to come out with a #FakeState", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bottom line is you are a paid fake account coming to the support of a rape enabler. Pretty sick.", "label": 0} {"text": "When your life's lit as FUCK", "label": 0} {"text": "Few have suffered more [during the Trump admin] than immigrants and those seeking asylum from oppressive regimes. However, Trump's anti-immigrant crackdown has been fantastic for South Florida's massive private-prison corporation, Boca Raton's GEO Group.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Not ALL men are culpable, just as ALL women are not innocent docile victims Most times Women are reas\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Back From Dilley Immigrant Detention Center: Interview With Nolo Immigration Attorney/Volunteer Kyle Knapp", "label": 0} {"text": "Report: US plans to change Palestinian refugee status #President #son-in-law...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user America MUST STOP criminal illegal aliens from coming into this country!!! We must PROTECT our children!!! #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsKilledMollieTibbetts #BuildThatWall #TrumpForever #GodBlessPO", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hey can i go an live with girls like am a tidy bitch in green slut life ?", "label": 0} {"text": "JF&CS volunteers bring comfort to area\u2019s Syrian refugees -", "label": 0} {"text": "European Commission presents plan on creating #EU migration centers", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I know walahi.. mna lsa kunt basm3ha m3rfsh influenced you wala sudfa", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Such a skank you have to play on this.Get a life lol", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration Jihad in action.", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't just make girls cum... I make girls ask me if they're allowed to cum", "label": 1} {"text": "Soccer players go down more than my bitch on my dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Fire Judges that Release Immigrants after they commit a crime so they end up killing after their release throw the Judge in Jail #Trump MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I know you don't apply common sense, but common sense says no-one would be cautioned for rape is a successful prosecution was possible.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user can you rally for @user weve got to defeat liberal Pocahontas (@SenWarren ) Massachusetts does not want illegals in our commonwealth #NoDACA #noillegals #senDiehl", "label": 1} {"text": "We, The People want the Wall Funding NOW!! Shut it down @user #WRWY Also, We, The People want the DACA ILLEGALS sent back to their Countries of Origin!! @user is wrong about these things. #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #WWG1WGA #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t know one woman who has not experienced harassment, the gamut from demeaning comments all the way to rape. #WomenWhoRoar #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "*Fires back* hoe ass bitch with a big ass forehead \ud83d\ude2d I knowwwwww \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ILLEGALS BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user FYI - calling a woman a 'skank' never discredits her, it just makes you sound like an asshole th\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch is a ugly 3rd world kunt wit no ass and flopper jugs. Hate her", "label": 1} {"text": "Another day, and another one of @user pedophile \u201cDreamers\u201d have raped another little girl. Polk Sheriff: Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of 8-Year-Old Girl in Florida #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #ThanQ #QAnon", "label": 1} {"text": "make up your mind your going to take their benefits away so r u going to do the same to the young migrants punish ur own and let off others", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Please discuss who will pay for all the services immigrants receive. 10K or more per child per year, education alone. Who will pay this and everything else??", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ho, man, that was the prettiest girl I've ever seen.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sold out to the chicken hawks ya cock \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udfff that's You officially part of the swamp GOFUCKYERSEL \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udfff", "label": 0} {"text": "When you wake in a randoms bed with no recollection of who she is or how you got there", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'll take you in. DM me NOW SLUT", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck you pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user shut the fuck up and come suck my dick \"", "label": 1} {"text": "The separation of powers is as American as apple pie (which is not American in origin lolol). However, all this anti-immigrant attitude that hides behind nationalism is pretty American in nature considering USA has always put laws against immigrant pops. since early 1800s.", "label": 0} {"text": "How keyboard gangsters feel leaving their stupid ass comments", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy: Holidaymakers and locals help rescue 56 migrants who arrive by boat", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Where's the punchline to 'Fuck you cunt go die in a ditch whore'? That's not even in the form of a fo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Ex-Teacher Pleads Not guilty To Rape Charges", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user youre only tough because this is Twitter. In reality, youre a pussy ass bitch. Stfu. Snowflake #MAGA2020", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Whatever it takes. Take the money out of welfare payments to the lazy and use that. Take it from aid to Mexico and South and Central America. Just #BuildThatWall .", "label": 1} {"text": "Read the article, look @user brief on proposed changes to public charge rule. And join us in KC on Aug. 24 for a discussion w/National Immigration Law Center.", "label": 0} {"text": "The noise on here is deafening. Tales of colonialism causing refugees, etc. Noise.The root of the crisis is the Sovereign Debt Crisis, not dissimilar to 1932. This is what's causing the collapse and we've been tracking it daily here since 2011.", "label": 0} {"text": "Redwood is a traitorous cunt to every man woman and child in the UK. What a buffoon.", "label": 0} {"text": "missing something when did the EU meddle in countries legislate outwith its remit migrants from outside the Eu can have benefits stopped", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Keep my name out ya fuckin mouth", "label": 0} {"text": "@user PS: so happy we kicked your ass off the continent in 1776. Can't imagine living in a socialist rat hole emulating 1984.", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to all the girls that can't go swimming this summer cause their body will wash off...", "label": 1} {"text": "Nah that bitch sucking ass hole and you vibin\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37Fuck outta here young rainbow", "label": 1} {"text": "Head so sloppy had to get that bitch a bib", "label": 1} {"text": "Please donate to stop the Illegal Invaders and help #BuildThatWall@realDonaldTrump #MAGA#WWG1WGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Erin, shouldn\u2019t you be covering Stormy. Forget Korea, Iran, Israel, and illegal immigration. You know how to find the real story. Find that tree.", "label": 0} {"text": "You actually found them there so you\u2019re the immigrant on the land you claim", "label": 0} {"text": "#EU migration policy has killed over 1,500 refugees at sea so far this year", "label": 0} {"text": "Apparently asking a doctor if she wants to come to your room and play doctor, is not an appropriate question", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Anita is equating gamergate to cosby and weinstein so she can equate herself to actual rape victims so she can keep playing the card", "label": 1} {"text": "not having a wall is like living in a big city and never locking your doors. #BuildThatWall #redpill", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The girl who accused Kobe Bryant of rape wouldn't testify either. He admitted to the affair not assault. Case dismissed.", "label": 0} {"text": "Waking up Sunday morning hungover as fuck like...", "label": 0} {"text": "Wow, looks like you're about to be induced on the \"fun\" game all your people are being forced into by \"peaceful\" muslim immigrants @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What a liar - get the story I paid him $380k after the fact because he attacked me. What a skank and so is every woman who looks the other way on this story because of the greater good.", "label": 1} {"text": "my echo chamber is gonna be negative till immigrant children being held in detention centers are not abused", "label": 0} {"text": "The 2019 DHS Funding Bill aka the \"Smugglers' Relief Act\" by On immigration, whatever side you\u2019re on, so is Kansas Rep. Kevin Yoder @user because Money Matters to the career politicianshttps://t.co/B9z7PWsiuA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user how drunk was this a hole and did you threaten to chop it off in theme with the month?", "label": 0} {"text": "Article d\u2019un prof contributeur \u2018\u201c le f\u00c3\u00a9minisme dans l\u2019\u00c3\u00a9ducation nationale\u00c2\u00a0: \u00c3\u00a9criture inclusive et immigrationnisme anti \u00c2\u00ab\u00c2\u00a0White Male\u00c2\u00a0\u00c2\u00bb via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO: (Part 1) London #BNP A frame trailer with patriotic sound system on the road in and around our capital city. \"SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION.\" #Brexit #immigration #immigrationban #london #England #BrexitBorder #Brexiteer #Brexiteers #Brexitgoodnews #BrexitChaos", "label": 1} {"text": "In America, only 7% of rapists are convicted. It's about power - men want to know they can rape, harass, abuse any woman & get away with it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Doug why don\u2019t you concentrate on speaking out about those who commit sexual assault and rape instead\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "How many have had their SS# stolen by #IllegalAliens & used for jobs & to file fake tax returns in your name? It's happened to me 3 times. A highly under reported #IllegalBehavior by border crashers. #Maga #kag #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "The real key to life is staying ahead of the game", "label": 0} {"text": "Congratulations @user & @user for officially raising the dumbest child ever @user please stay out of politics you make Forrest Gump look like Einstein compared to you! #HappyNewYear #LockHerUp #RETWEET Help #BuildThatWall @ @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you just contradicted yourself. not all men, not even a few.", "label": 0} {"text": "Short non-fiction story thread about immigrant life & our social normalcy: Algerian families on the beach at Lac La P\u00e8che introducing themselves for the first time as they heard similarities in the type of Arabic that was being spoken from the other side of the shore.", "label": 0} {"text": "My head game is strong AF, but my head games are even stronger...", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany Mulls Tough Response to Spain\u2019s Surge in Illegal Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump was right to ditch UN\u2019s plan for handling migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dems would rather ILLEGAL ALIENS keep swarming in #BuildTheWallNow #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #TrumpTrain2020", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sweden will get soon a country of third world. To much refugees and a wrong socialfaresystem will bring the economy to ground.", "label": 0} {"text": "If you are eligible to renew your DACA, we urge you to talk to an attorney & submit your renewal application. For resources to help you with your renewal go to Informed Immigrant\u2019s updated renewal guide which is available in English & Spanish. #RenewDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "spent the weekend reflecting with so many other \u201clegal\u201d immigrant friend about how US immigration has always been about family separation at its core.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You misspelled 'cunt'. Ugly word, for an ugly woman that turns on her fellow woma\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "fucking cunt whore slut pussy bitch fuck you", "label": 1} {"text": "These two undercover agents helping Italy collect evidence to prosecute charities rescuing refugees & migrants were \"so overwhelmed following rescues that they broke down crying\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Fulfill all your entertainment needs! The 3GB RAM of Huawei Y7 Prime allows you run more apps at once. #HuaweiMobileNepal #HuaweiY7Prime", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy tests EU\u2019s hailed migrant agreement as Conte refuses to accept 450 rescued migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "everyone calls elly a slut or whore but where in the hell is the evidence ?", "label": 0} {"text": "The U.S. Department of Commerce is proposing to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census. This is simply a bad idea \u2013 one driven by the Trump administration\u2019s anti-immigrant extremism. Help us flood its comment form with feedback.", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexico\u2019s not sending their best. A lot of them are drunks and thieves engaged in constant criminality. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When your side bitch tells you she's pregnant and keeping it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 1. Physical barrier2. Monitor/deport visa overstays3. Employer crack down4. Listen for the giant sucking sound of self-deportations#StopTheInvasion#CommonSenseSolutions#AmericaFirst#AmericansHaveDreamsToo", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump administration moves to end court settlement on immigrant child detention - CNNPolitics This action would gut the basic protections and standards in place to protect kids from harm. #ProtectFloresSettlement #BestInterestOfTheChild", "label": 0} {"text": "Waking up today like....", "label": 0} {"text": "Before fighting rape culture we need to take care of those poor men who feel hurt by women complaining about rape #NotAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "Can we still talk of a \u2018\u02dcmigration crisis\u2019 in the EU? Nando Sigona asks.", "label": 0} {"text": ".@HouseDemocrats @user Begin Listening2those Who u Lust4 As Supporters-These Legal & Honest #immigrants Deserve 2b Heard InsteadOf u Constantly Stepping On them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lets get it straight universal credit is more to do because of the impending numbers of migrants poor people are the victims", "label": 0} {"text": "Each week, a new refugee chef... and a new menu! \u00f0\u0178\u008d\u00b4", "label": 0} {"text": "When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping.... Men invade another country.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cVeterans before refugees\u201d at a Rise Against show. Bitch, please. Go home. You don\u2019t belong. \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u201e", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You really are a daft kunt, Verhofstadt. It's called democracy, a concept you are unfamiliar with in the EU", "label": 0} {"text": "EU migration policies seen building blocks for 'Fortress Europe' EU clueless idiots do not realize that asylum seekers are actual invaders that will crush Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Another 1000 immigrants invaded Canada today while you we're looking the other way.It happens every day...To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its crim", "label": 1} {"text": "Talent- Making people think I give a shit about their stupid fucking life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fuck love a loose kunt you can jack off into", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Besides herpes and numerous STD's, WTF is in your closet, you phat -assed skank?", "label": 0} {"text": "When you got a sugar daddy and went from rags to riches", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm my only liability", "label": 0} {"text": "I can find humor and a silver lining in any situation, that's why I live an amazing life... You should try it", "label": 0} {"text": "Lies of the Soros-Backed Immigration Lobby The enemy within...", "label": 0} {"text": "But for the fire crew of Mexican immigrants, politics never enters the mind. This isn\u2019t about @user or his supporters, or about border walls. It\u2019s about the pride of protecting people\u2019s homes. #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "#Hypocrisy # #ACA #Immigration#Liberals recently reminded us that #Obamacare is STILL the law of the land,...", "label": 0} {"text": "For the viewers who are unable to read a bio, this account is for pure entertainment. Its a joke, like woman's rights. #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "Sis she a hating ass hoe I\u2019ll slap that bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "#Makassar refugees who have been 'locked down' for two days with no warning want President Joko Widodo to know that they are not a threat. We welcome him to Makassar. About 2,000 adult and child refugees &...", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do husbands die before their wives? Because they want to", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This just in. Many are saying Trump now at 155% in the polls. Yuge deal, that I can tell you! Witch hunt over. Trump innocent. Crooked Hillary voted ugliest skank of the Decade! Bigly! Trump steaks melt in your mouth like I did Stormy I m", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're about to leave the bar with a booger but you're just not quite drunk enough to not care", "label": 0} {"text": "It does not matter who you are, old or young, rich or poor, male or female, left or right, citizen or immigrant, NOBODY should be subjected to this kind of treatment while incarcerated, least of all children. This is not a matter of politics, it is a matter of human dignity.", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Stop The Illegal Invasion ! #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Trump #MAGA #immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user So you created the problem by mass immigration, parasitic taxation and deficit spending.Now its time for a 'solution' that involves you too eh??? Problem, reaction, 'solution'.Under socialism, we are expec", "label": 1} {"text": "#BozoBeto Says, He's The Best 4 TX He's For:*Ending #ICE*Open Borders*Legalizing DRUGS*Ending Immigration Laws4 MS-13 Gang Members BRUTALLY Hacked An Informant To Death W/A Machete In TX!#BuildThatWall#VetoBeto#KeepTexasRed #ChooseCruz", "label": 1} {"text": "@user my age but wishes she was younger", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Tell the Nigerian they need to let more Germans, Dutch, Irish and people from anywhere into their country and let them be granted Nigerian passports and residency rights! Mass immigration and globalizat", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Things that seem like they could turn out okay but never do: -turkey bacon -cutting your hair -having a conversation wi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user obviously we have a liar on denial full of all kind of excuses a cruel person,with the mess of immigrant lost without their parents show a men with no feeling for humans,congress is shock with all his actions,his own party against him.", "label": 0} {"text": "This isn't rape, or anything like it. This a crude pass. This is not 'rape culture.' IT'S WHORE CULTURE.", "label": 1} {"text": "Proof \"dreamers\" are really NIGHTMARES! #NoDACA #EndDACA #NoDeals #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "Hispanics are the hardest hit by Illegal Immigration it impacts their wages, jobs and communites as well as African Americans #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Socialist Pro Illegal Immigration Policies @user #Democrats", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't understand why there are protests about the illegal immigrants being kicked out of Serco housing? Moreover why are they not being kicked out the country straight away and how come Serco get the heads up?", "label": 1} {"text": "Me flirting- So how do you feel about abortion?", "label": 0} {"text": "1,500 refugees & migrants lost.850 lives in June & July alone.We're officially sounding the alarm on the Mediterranean, the most deadly sea crossing in the world.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Shut it down!!! Americans want the WALL! Fund it! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery", "label": 1} {"text": "Pro Tip- Fuck bitches in their 30's... No one wants them so they're easy and they're also experienced", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch text me and why tf you ain\u2019t text me back yesterday \ud83e\udd14 WHORE!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user B is for #BuildTheWall D is for #DeportThemAll T is for #TreasonTrials for those elected officials who did nothing save tolerate/encourage illegal immigration.", "label": 1} {"text": "You're reading 50 Shades Of Grey? How original bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone brings a screaming kid into a restaurant and acts like nothing is happening", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop calling women whores! Crazy ass.", "label": 0} {"text": "k i come on to twitter to make fun of you but i dont fucking need to bc you do it yourself fuck off cunt hole", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't go on dates, I make dick appointments", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So do we! Check out our account for upcoming events and meetings #MaleDominance", "label": 1} {"text": "To accept this notion proves women are stupid!", "label": 1} {"text": "'Replaceable' best describes your life \ud83e\udd17", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany claims success with program to support migrant returnees", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel support falls to all-time low as ruling bloc damaged by migrant row via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "The German government is giving refugees three weeks paid vacations\u00a0INCLUDING\u00a0airfare\u00a0BACK\u00a0to the very countries they fled from because it was unsafe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Donald Trump Junior youre a rotten fucking skank like your fucking father your whole family is a bunch of fucking rats bunch of rats live in a fucking tower filthy scum bags", "label": 0} {"text": "What an a$$hole lying bastard you are. Stupid con artist we pray for your death daily", "label": 0} {"text": "Aleppo in Syrien. Time to go home, dear refugees.", "label": 1} {"text": "Antonio Sabato Jr: I\u2019m An Immigrant And I Support Trump\u2019s Wall [VIDEO] via @user #MondayMotivation", "label": 0} {"text": "Im such a fucking cunt bitch and i dont even mean to be goddammit", "label": 0} {"text": "Turns out that you don't need to eat pineapple if you're busting down her throat... She'll never taste it", "label": 1} {"text": "rejects EU centers.Europe must also reject asylum centers on territory\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030nothing but \u201cback-door\u201d scheme for endless \u201crelocation\u201d to EU. Only centers in EU should be for detainment to prevent migrant roaming/make deportation easier.#V4 #Visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "election\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Concerns over mass immigration/multicult redefining landscape.When lunatics at \u201cLive Brno\u201d in #Czechia start yapping about solidarity migrants from Italy one must remind these naive fruits of consequences in\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ab\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa & elsewhere WestEU", "label": 1} {"text": "'I understand your pain but not all men are like this' First of all, you just centered yourself into MY trauma THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you've turned into such trash #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Theres this dude on my FB whos dumb patriotic & is anti Kaepernick saying troops like him make the real ultimate sacrifice yadayada & im just like dude youre fucking National Guard youre not even real Army bc youre too pussy to be active duty youre not sacrificing shit stfu", "label": 0} {"text": "' I'm a classy bitch. ' First of all, you are a tranny street whore who jerks off 19 y/o s off for money in Krishna Nagar during nights.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're fat but so cute that everyone loves you anyway", "label": 0} {"text": "And that is why we are the people we are today. Because of the true working man\u2019s values that were instilled in us by our immigrant parents/grandparents, who did it the right way!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user girls are attention whores #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "It's a shame we don't talk anymore. But that's your fault! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Join American Sheriffs to Secure Americas Borders! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user My friend @user did his face on the girl pics. Hysterical!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck you pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal alien accused of attacking wife with chainsaw was deported 11 timeshttps://t.co/vrc7hr9c8t#BuildTheWall #PreventableCrimes #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #AnimalBehavior #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety #IllegalAlienInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "MSM agreement includes covering for HRC", "label": 0} {"text": "It may well be 'not all men' but it's effected every woman and girl in some way, shape or form. And it IS the responsibility of ALL men...", "label": 0} {"text": "AUSTRIA'S new right wing government is also making good on its promise to stop Muslim migration while deporting thousands who are already there illegally via @user Austria awakens !", "label": 1} {"text": "Stephen Miller the Public Charge Law has been on the books for 100 years it prevents Immigrants from burdening the U.S Taxpayer if they cant take care of themselvers or their kids #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Liberals always calling people racists because they dont believe in Open borders and illegal #Immigration that hurts American workers ! Liberals are Anti American and Anti Americans ! Dancing on the grave of Dead Americans kille", "label": 1} {"text": "I keep reading articles of detained refugee, immigrant children being raped and sexually abused by workers and it\u2019s heart breaking. It makes me sick to my stomach. Look at who the real criminals are, the ones they are handing them off to...", "label": 0} {"text": "I pampered the bitch and she went and abandoned the kid for some amateur dick \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "DACA fix will spur new wave of illegal immigration: ICE chief Daca is caca,end this democrat fantasy...", "label": 1} {"text": "Asian girls have sideways vaginas #Fact", "label": 1} {"text": "I wish fat boy Trump would just shut the fuck up and go away and take your stupid wife and pussy ass kids with you Amerikkka is so fucken tired of your STUPID shit #GettheFuckON", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Tina, you willfully ignorant somnabulist kunt, have a beer", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Oh fuck off Julian - you just hate women you sooky bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "For more on the @user findings discussed in this @user article, including state-by-state data, check out:", "label": 0} {"text": "Registration Open! Our upcoming #conference #Immigrants and Community Colleges: Opportunities and Promise will be held Friday, April 13th at #GMU Fairfax campus. Visit for more info @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "NY Protesters Oppose US Immigration Policy", "label": 0} {"text": "Colorado: Iraqi immigrant who shot cop in the head evaded deportation despite a string of crimes | Creeping Sharia Shared via Bing Search", "label": 0} {"text": "I arrived in #england in late 60\u2019s. At the time #indian accent was a butt of many jokes and palyed out in TV comedies. So pleased to hear at #Westham tube announcement from a fellow immigrant from #nigeria witout anyone batting an eyelid. We have come far.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wrong! The heart of the problem is: 1. nationalism, which is the right of every state or population 2. refugees are only a minority of all 3. economic migrants not welcome and have no rights (also according to international law) 4. all refugees or migrants are heading south EU", "label": 0} {"text": "also keep my name out of ur hoe ass mouth I literally refer to u only as cunt and bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Are you or a loved one an immigrant who has not yet investigated citizenship? Visit our informational session...", "label": 0} {"text": "also this girl tried to twerk me away from barricade FUCK YOU suck my dick!", "label": 1} {"text": "if I say men r trash I'm not a little girl like these yats who say it's not all men talking about their mcms not li\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "There's an application, an interview... It's a whole process \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "Parenting is hard enough. Now try Visible Minority Immigrant Parenting. Immigrant parenting stories from St. John's @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "A Father's Belief. \"A Sicilian immigrant who grew up in America\", became citizen, got married and raised Three Sons!!! Life is good in America.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cget premium you cheap skank\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "A new trend has started Everybody is collecting money for Syrian refugees without any control of govt agencies...", "label": 0} {"text": "Your mood changes more than the price of gas #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Why is this individual who evidently hates America on US soil, @user @user @user @user #ExtremVetting #EndVisaLottery #NoMoreRefugees #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EndCatchAndRelease #BuildTheWall #NoMoreNonRepresentatives #NOMoreDemocrats #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "So many illegal Muslim migrants & Muslims from UP have migrated to Delhi, encroaching all kind of public places& creating filth.Keji have surpassed even CONG in Muslim Appeasement. No action being taken on such migrants who form his dirty Vote bank.Check entire stretch on Lodi Rd", "label": 1} {"text": "#WomenDisobey 1995 Barbara Jordan Press Conference on Legal Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're Twitter beefin with Brits but don't know who's talkin shit cause you can't understand their slang \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "#Psychology #AgentOfChange & @user faculty Dr. Nayeli Chavez was recently tapped by @user for insights surrounding the #MentalHealth implications of recent sexual abuse that has taken place at immigrant youth shelters. #TheCommunitySolution", "label": 0} {"text": "Interested in supporting #ImmigrantChildren & families in #NYC? @user is offering a free Immigrant Accompaniment Training on Wed., August 7 from 6:30\u20138:30 PM. Learn how to provide direct & meaningful support for immigrants in our communities! RSVP", "label": 0} {"text": "#AdultEduMatters because it plays a key role in helping immigrants gain language skills and become economically successful. From out friends at Chicago City Literacy Coalition\u2019s (CCLC).", "label": 0} {"text": "Tucker Carson \"We need to start looking at the relationship between immigration and crime\" Yes we do thanks bro \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u0152\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00af", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Why can't u work in harmonious way?\"Why u always follow,either my way or no way\"Delhi is fast becoming a slum under AAP. Every pavement,public parks,Flyover spaces,Road sides have been encroached by illegal Muslim migrants. Urge u to go", "label": 0} {"text": "President Trump Hosts Law Enforcement Roundtable on MS-13 Gangs and Immigration Issues\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "I wanna give a bitch my heart but i can\u2019t though, can\u2019t fall in love with a stank hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "In addition to the vast problems coming across our open border, 1 RARELY mentioned = drug resistant diseases. TB, superbugs or exotic diseases few Americans have a resistance to. #HouseGOP @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user BITCH I AIN'T NO HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cameron is a coward he attacks the poor yet again because of immigration the numbers don't add up we need to get out now", "label": 1} {"text": "Hitler left a stain on Germany for the atrocities he committed against the Jews. Trump will leave a stain on America for the atrocities he's commiting against these immigrant families. I only hope there is a reenactment of the Nuremberg Trials at the end of his reign. #Inhumane", "label": 0} {"text": "#DeBlasio #NewYorkCity #OnePercent #EnvyLiberal prescription: Tax the rich those bastards who don't pay their...", "label": 0} {"text": "Wonder how much US $$$ from unfair trade is used for this BS !!! The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics", "label": 1} {"text": "When it's April fools but this isn't a joke", "label": 0} {"text": "#AbolishICE Prosecute those responsible for the implementation of inhumane, un-American (and ultimately pointless) policies. #Immigration #PoliceState #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "EU throws up barriers in Niger to stem migrant flow", "label": 0} {"text": "Glad they saved them. Glad they saved them on THAT side of the border!! #BuildThatWall #NeverVoteDemocratAgain", "label": 1} {"text": "What a lying piece of Sh.t he is, he has USA on its knees and HRC was going to finish us off, well nation/public off to the world, go suck on eggs jerk @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ensure you use a closed lid with a hole in the centre.. Else you'll send beans flying everywhere!", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch--Trump: 'Not One' Country Has Been Improved by Mass Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "You hear a story about a case of a rapist and all your stupid self had to say was that it's a one sided story? A rape case????", "label": 0} {"text": "you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Now people want to attack eminem because hes older and they think hes garbage. People have the balls to talk shit now because they think revival is weak and whack but BOYY! Why didnt you pussy fucks respond back then? Scared to get bodied? Doesnt matter, YOU STILL ARE!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user With Patriotic&honest CM now in place in Assam,must go all out for sealing borders wid BGD to stop influx of illegal migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're a childish bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Leave us a alon damn migrants go home", "label": 1} {"text": "I wish I could have all the money I've spent on alcohol back... But still have had all of the alcohol too", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh look another #IllegalAliens #libtard Radical Muslim terrorist who tries to kill Americans. Thanks to @user for killing that f***er & saving taxpayers for prison costs! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch you're so brave and smart and hysterical omg. I love you so much Allah y7fdhch inshallah \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\udc40", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hahahahaha so hysterical she the real living proof cher cherry picker we have only bitch read da real KSU SB Hit! I Alo!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yes you did \ud83d\ude02 Liar and a coward. Disgusting combo for a kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Katie - You are a toxic bitch and will always be one. You got your way. I am going to be fired again anyways. You toxic bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Currently in #Ethiopia the #Eritrean operatives are roaming and hunting #Eritrean refugees. I heard this too. #Ethiopian PM has given full access to foreign country secret service to operate. Nation under threat.", "label": 1} {"text": "At Target in the movie section, and this guy is educating his girlfriend about Star Wars. Her facial expressions are hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "I wonder how many Christian women would admit #MeToo. Because rape culture is most definitely alive and well in churches across the world.", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone with the ASRock AB350M mobo, if you have a photo of the RAM slots, it'd be a huge help. I need to know if mine is missing parts :(", "label": 0} {"text": "@user U FUCKING HOE WE GOT UPPER BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU WANTED UPPER", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Stay in Norway - your story is nonsense. But refugees which always want to enter USA its a good information. - They would get slaves !", "label": 1} {"text": "Sometimes you just gotta stick a key hole in that bitch and chug", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I hope that dumb cunt gets her face beat in by a black woman over hearing her using the word nigga.", "label": 1} {"text": "Too bad you can't get abs from laughing at all the memes you steal... I'd have a six pack by now \ud83d\ude09", "label": 0} {"text": "US Govt is one big crime scene, ie, WH, DHS, HHS, EPA, etc. \u2014 while ongoing conspiracy against the State continues unabated. Kidnapping immigrant children, illegal arrest & imprisonment of immigrants, theft of federal funds for Nazi rallies, violating emoluments clause, tax scam.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So, when are women going to demand their right to have the honor to sign up for selective services which ALL male citizens are OBLIGATED by law? Not really equal yet, are you? Do illegals sign up? Yeah, I see equal happening all over", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That the only job a woman can have .. they the best at this job love \u2764\ufe0f Dick Sucking", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I tweeted the same views recently. The hysterical replies I received from feminist women & men was beyon\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user When a group of smiling third world faces move into your street, they know the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school + costs of teaching lower-IQ children.The descendants of the White p", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Clay, if this is sarcasm, its really bad, shut the fuck up. If the hats were described as womens yo bitch ass wouldnt want one.", "label": 0} {"text": "Remind me what I pay NI for. And what the fuck have you done with our money cunt?", "label": 0} {"text": "This human-elephant conflict has seen 13 refugees killed in elephant attacks since Aug. last year #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Or stop being a whore on twitch you rat", "label": 1} {"text": "Bewildered by EU leaders' various plans for preventing more migrant and refugee boat arrivals & where to send them? Here's a helpful overview", "label": 0} {"text": "FYI @user AND @user The ONLY REASON you 2 have a job is #WeThePeople VOTED for @user to #BuildThatWall!! IF you 2 are so incompetent you cannot complete a mandate for the President of YOUR OWN PARTY, YOU 2 need to #WalkAway!", "label": 1} {"text": "In a conservative Northern California county, a team of Mexican immigrants helps battle the Carr fire", "label": 0} {"text": "Our country is doomed if #Illegals vote! #BuildThatWall #VoterID #VoteRepublican2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Why do those who have neen accepted as refugees want the uk to take in more ? handing out things wont change peoples mind", "label": 1} {"text": "#Czechia Zeman labeled this disturbing attitude practiced by West EU leaders as \u201ccowardice masquerading as tolerance\u201d.But also migration pimps @user other NGOs begin intimidation campaigns directed at border guards in Slovenia, Croatia.Europe must support the guards", "label": 1} {"text": "Democrats need to change that Hispanic split: 59 % of Hispanics surveyed here think most immigrants are in the United States illegally. That is likely a contributor to Dems not being able to win Hispanic votes by a bigger margin:https://t.co/95FlssX4hi", "label": 1} {"text": "a women without a man is like a car without an engine; it doesnt work.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dear cunt, please shut the fuck up.", "label": 1} {"text": "Why did God invent the yeast infection? So women know what it's like living with an irritating cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u008f Halima Aden @user is a refugee from Somalia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b4 who found safety in Kakuma camp, Kenya \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b0\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa, then a new home + life in the United States \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8This is her story as told to @user including her amazing return for #TEDxKakumaCamp", "label": 0} {"text": "(Islam in Europe) Documentary how Arab and African Immigrants Destroying... via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You can't go to bed with a whore and complain about getting VD. This is Jose. This is us now.", "label": 1} {"text": "Your slutty Christmas outfits should get you a good 45 likes on instagram. #Whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Pizza shops owner and 3 workers gang rape lost girl who asked them for directions", "label": 0} {"text": "Love how going to an all girls school gives you a sixth sense for life of knowing when a woman is an absolute bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Why #Ethiopia's #dairy industry isn't milking the growing demand", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Block me you dumb bitch. Because I'll go on all day about how nurses are assistants.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user YOU ARE NO CHAMPION FOR WOMEN! YOU'RE A GREEDY, OPPORTUNISTIC ATTENTION WHORE! You should never work in law again! #weinsteinGate", "label": 1} {"text": "Dont compare your self to me ! Cause im a bitch and your a slut ! \ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\udf35", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Maybe #karma will eliminate the problem..she\u2018s known to be a bitch. If you hear me Karma..sure be sweet if you gave Mueller iron clad proof.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user One upmanship between guys in private is hardly the same as women claiming rape.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cThese migrant workers are doing difficult jobs in harsh conditions, and they deserve to be respected at work like anybody else,\u201d its director Matt Kunkel said.https://t.co/gq98vCX8z9", "label": 0} {"text": "See... I would like your selfie but the way my pride is set up, I'd rather just look at it", "label": 0} {"text": "Is it just me or do the hysterical women protesting during the hearings remind you of brainwashed cult members #KavanaghHearing", "label": 1} {"text": "And most the women they whores Hollywood or not lesbian or not young old ugly or not married or not they got five men for 5 reasons 100", "label": 1} {"text": "When you realize tomorrow is Monday", "label": 0} {"text": "Losing! Britain is losing to immigrants & other criminalsBritain 2018: Record Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies", "label": 1} {"text": "It's about denial. And acting like I'm her hysterical lover when she is clearly the psycho stan of a random Bengali girl like me.", "label": 0} {"text": "There is no positive in putting children in cages, Lying to immigrants so they go home without their children, taking their children away from them. You want positive, just do the right things.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"my cis gay friend will say bitch all the time and usually when we're joking around I don't notice but this last weekend he got really drunk and started saying \"\"fucking cunt\"\" and I felt SO UNCOMFORTABLE! It wasn't directed towards women but that aggression was still there\"", "label": 0} {"text": "I am not surprised she agrees with Brandon Lewis, she probably told him what to say !Would this lightweight chairperson really start an internecine battle in the Tory Party without prior agreement from the PM ?Do me a favour !", "label": 0} {"text": "When autocorrect just gets you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The only way the skank will be president...Have fun all you resistance nut jobs..", "label": 0} {"text": "I Wanna Rape You Not Fuck You . Bitch Take My Sex & Stfu", "label": 1} {"text": "They say home is where the heart is. But I got a hole where my heart is because I let a whore where my heart is", "label": 1} {"text": "She obviously cares nothing about the hate many of these refugees are taught by their 'prophet' towards you and...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Does this belong in the humor or sports category?? My gut says humor!!German refugee football tournament against violence abandoned after refugees start massive fight\\\\https://t.co/3PRjTHvgDO", "label": 0} {"text": "No one gives less fucks than a man walking around with a wedding ring on.... He's already given up on life", "label": 0} {"text": "I remember that time when this person from that group kept calling Baekhyun \u201ceomma\u201d bitch please an attention whore\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And what AAP have done.Surpassed CONG in appeasement.Pushed Delhi to large slum.iIllegal muslim migrants seen all over.Go&check NZM,Jamia", "label": 1} {"text": "Ok but @user makes me add her to all DMs just FYI", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy to help check Tunisia migrant flows - Trenta", "label": 0} {"text": "People- how long before your heart and liver give out on you from all the drinking and drugs? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You stupid ignorant cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch You might as well come eat my ass since your so worried about my shit \ud83d\ude02 dumb bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "#JCRCinIsrael at Yemin Orde Youth Village: a home, school, and safe haven for at-risk immigrant youth from around the world. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I gotta stop opening DMs when I'm drunk... I wake up like who TF is this bitch and why did I send her a dick pic", "label": 1} {"text": "The Home Office left potentially hundreds of unaccompanied children in Calais with no viable legal avenues to join their families.\u201d @user @user So what happened? Lost? Trafficked? Sold? Where did they go?", "label": 0} {"text": "UNHCR Assistant Representative, Bamba Boubacar presents trophy to #UNHCRTeamrefugees that won match by 2 -1", "label": 0} {"text": "@user International tells #Botswana to spare #refugees #Withrefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user All refugees and dreamer s should leave the USA quick. Its no need to stay in USA in the future.", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- remember when you said you loved me? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck You Allen Saudi Arabia Statement to Canada; do not attack countries for human rights while you Canada are the Current Hitler to Female Moslem Immigrant living in Oakville, Ontario.. Saudi Arabia expels Canada&#8217;s ambassador", "label": 0} {"text": "We better not ever have a woman president @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@ oomf: SGUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE FUCKIN CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY STUPID BITCH ASS CUNT GO SUCK YOUR UGLYASS BOYF DICK", "label": 1} {"text": "Time to face facts if you try to deport illegal immigrants the race card comes out detention centers its not good enough dont come here then", "label": 1} {"text": "Whatever hoe it is, it is still a hoe. And yu r still a WHORE", "label": 1} {"text": "This should have happened. This president doesn\u2019t care if people get hurt. #ImmigrationReform #Amnesty", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user you gonna shut the fuck up pussy?", "label": 1} {"text": "2009 Weinstein refers to the rape of 13 year old girl as 'so-called crime'.", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh go and beat up another woman you boring cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Fuck your followers", "label": 0} {"text": "@user To the whore who runs your shitshow. Go educate yourself as to why acting like a fucking political slut doesn'\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "I just made myself laugh out loud imagining the Immigrant Song sung as a round.", "label": 0} {"text": "When all your friends are good people and you wonder why they like you for the piece of shit you are...", "label": 0} {"text": "This is how Hungary treats illegal migrants - Police backed by the army deport all the migrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \"I that book You carry\" quote from @user KAMALA! THE BOOK IS THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT PROTECT RIGHT OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Kamala Harris, intend to follow U.S. Constitution. #BuildThatWall #SpyGate #Russiagate", "label": 1} {"text": "Premier Doug Ford and Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti want to put an end to Gangs & Crime in #Toronto. Red Dawn Adam Vaughan & Pretty Boy Justin Trudeau want to give all your money to #TOcouncil Socialists & bring in a million more refugees (AKA Terrorists). #topoli #onpoli #cdnpoli", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This is ridiculous #BuildThatWall #VoteOutTheDems #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Two #femalefounders launched @user to help international and immigrant entrepreneurs scale their companies #Ent4All #FacesofFounders", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're a vapid whore &; one day you'll be ugly and begging for dick scraps", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I have a script about a woman overcoming Rape. I think you\u2019d be PERFECT for it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user please retire, that tumor turned you into a hysterical libtard. We are sick of you. Go cras\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "EU states' rescue coordination centers should use all available resources to save, not imperil, refugees & migrants and should stop blocking crucial work of charities, says European rights council @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When your head game is fire as fuck", "label": 0} {"text": "Only I could get kicked out of a club for just being", "label": 0} {"text": "@user can I serve you dinner?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch ass hoe\ud83d\ude44", "label": 1} {"text": "@user don't waist your time. Girls are all selfish bitches #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "You are spot on. Because, we feed large portions of the earth and have reduced poverty greatly with capitalism, there is a responsibility. We have always allowed migrants to work during the season then go back home. This prevents political takeover and welfare stressors.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant Suspected In Ohio Teen Rape Captured In Texas", "label": 0} {"text": "British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape...", "label": 0} {"text": "Women bleed so much because God realized he made a mistake and is trying to kill them. Right|", "label": 1} {"text": "Europeans need to stop acting like America is theirs. You too are immigrant!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "My girl make my shit solid as a rock when she kiss me you hoes just not attractive \ud83d\udc80\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udeae", "label": 1} {"text": "@user have you seen this? Immigrant Songbirds", "label": 0} {"text": "#Brooklyn artist creates immigrant version of classic 'Life' board game via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cCourt documents and written accounts claim the young boys were beaten while handcuffed, strapped to chairs with bags over their heads and locked in solitary confinement while nude and shivering in concrete cells.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Candidates around the country are on notice. If you vote to: \u274c fund the president's anti-immigrant agenda \u274c increase mass incarceration \u274c gut #NetNeutrality \u274c give the president a blank check to declare war ACLU voters will remember on Election Day.", "label": 0} {"text": "If she has sunglasses on in every pic, she's hiding the ugly", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don't think we've met... What better place than through tweets.. Although people might actually see your tweets", "label": 0} {"text": "underneath it all i\u2019m held captive by the hole inside i\u2019ve been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind", "label": 0} {"text": "Coworker- good morning! Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wanna pull up this bitch panties rape her ass while she\u2019s shouting trying to run away and finally I d\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The movement is good, the underlying negativity behind not all men is stupid and bad.. but posts defaming all men is also bad", "label": 0} {"text": "World should manage #refugee crisis humanely #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "While @user attacks our state\u2019s immigrants, @user has dragged his feet on signing critical legislation to protect our immigrant community, including: \u2611\ufe0f SB 34 \u2611\ufe0f SB 35 \u2611\ufe0f SB 3103 \u2611\ufe0f SB 3109 \u2611\ufe0f SB 3488 #ilgov #twill", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens deserve Deportation not representation. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #StopMassMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "The travel ban was a great first step to limit unsafe immigration. We need more bans on more non white countries.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user AY YOU STUPID BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Terrible cunt sticking up for tory sex pests she has no shame lower than a snakes belly vermin woman #marr", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user My kind of Pokemon presented by the best: @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Yeah, here I am again. Anyone else see at least 5-10 women today? Can't believe they were ALLOWED outside. Who do I complain to????", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: refugee says Sweden will be the first country to convert to Islam in Europe - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "One week into 'he cut you off and chill' got you like...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Theyre death throes. The louder they get, the closer they are to the end of the (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t party. The do as I say, not as I do party. Motto: Commies R US! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 1} {"text": "This is the most disrespectful thing a man can do to another man! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02, You turned off Pimp C!!!! \ud83e\udd15", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- send me a dick pic Me-*sends dick pic* Her- that's photoshopped Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I want to be that kind of hysterical woman. Kamala Harris is badass!", "label": 0} {"text": "This stupid Bitch Lied.", "label": 1} {"text": "The Romansh weren\u2019t Minnesota\u2019s largest immigrant group, but they made a big impact", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user That will give him something to try for. AZ says he is gone. He voted correct but his ideas on illegal immigration is not ours. (AZ)", "label": 0} {"text": "When you see what you posted online when you were blackout drunk", "label": 0} {"text": "Cat: 'Miaow-miaow-miaow!' Me: 'Aaaawwww...' Cat: 'FEED ME, YOU USELESS FAT BASTARD! FOOD! IN FOOD-HOLE! NOW!' #BloodyCat", "label": 0} {"text": "see panny your lips are so pig big becuz you suck your husbands dick too much in your orgies with paris.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey ladies and men, rape, and sexual assault, etc of any sort is not acceptable in society. For those of you who commit these acts, pls die.", "label": 0} {"text": "Listen to Mama Kuo's story of how director/writer @user overcame language differences as an #immigrant and young teen. See more of what inspired our film at 10 days left, support this film now! #asianamerican #qwoc #femalefilmmaker #supportindiefilms", "label": 0} {"text": "We are in need of volunteers to serve as advocates for refugees as they navigating the American medical system! Email HObedi@wr.org for info", "label": 0} {"text": "My bitch so bad that I don\u2019t even go to sleep!! Pussy so good it make you wanna buy a ring #Guwop", "label": 1} {"text": "Gut-wrenching piece on how some Syrian refugee children have been sold into sham marriages for rape:", "label": 0} {"text": "There are no good songs about positive things girls do. They're all about how they've fucked us guys over #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Be very careful with your Position in Europe make sure your Immigration Policy is fair but strong do not make the mistake of Englan", "label": 0} {"text": "was it a secret its plain 2cthey whore out the women & men use2gain what they want bid them to filth Evil they w/o\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But hey Ram's content is not time bound and you will surely love it as many of the dialogues are in English \ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude1c.", "label": 0} {"text": "Nearly every woman I know has #meToo in their feed -sexual harressment,abuse,rape all of it - yes it's heartbreaking, yes there's much 2 do..", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men are trash just the ones who bash black women are", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user I'm crying over the @user tweets \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Most women just want to be ravaged... But sadly most of these men don't know what that means and wouldn't know where to begin...", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're sexting a bitch and you think you dropped the fire but she blocks you and you never hear from her again", "label": 1} {"text": "For the case the migrants in Germany don't behave and it goes wrong, we will have some millions of camouflaged cops and soldiers. So don't play with us!Our cops first. If they give up, then our soldiers will take care of the situation!", "label": 1} {"text": "I heard today from my uncle that if a woman is on her period and she goes into a pool the pool is no better than a toilet. DISGUSTING!!#", "label": 0} {"text": "My nosepin slipped off halfway and I had too many questions but I just moderated the panel: \u201cTearing Down The Walls\u201d on immigrant artists and immigrant policies with community organizers in the art space, lawyers, and artists themselves. #immigrantart #immigrantsnyc", "label": 0} {"text": "OMG. If i was an immigrant or person of color, Id HATE to live in Kansas if immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is elected givernor. He can only deprive Kansans of the right to vote. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Silent about harassment? NOPE. Silent about sexual assault? NOPE. Silent about rape? FUCK NO. You can't shut me up on a GOOD day.", "label": 0} {"text": "It's easy to feel like you can't make a difference when the injustice of the world seems so overwhelming. But if we all do our part, we will see things change. Do your part for refugees this week and help them rebuild their lives. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "We can only boycott All Sanctuary States, it's our only way to sway the politics. We have allowed illegal immigration to repopulate CA and other states to the point that latinos havr overwelmed the fabric of those states.", "label": 1} {"text": "Headed to Atlanta to fuck me a panda... Panda panda panda \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah bitch that's where you deserve my CUM", "label": 1} {"text": "Under Obama Illegal Aliens Claim Credible Fear at the Border once released into the US they never applied for Asylum - Deport ASAP stop the #AsylumScam #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #Immigration #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "Danish minister of immigration runs over immigrant blocking her car during a protest against the bad treatment of refugees in Denmark - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user A Santuary City while they support the illegal immigrants & their citizens do without", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fucking bitch sarah fucking lying cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "'I don't usually do this'", "label": 0} {"text": "Ho, ho, ho It's magic, you know Never believe it's not so It's magic, you know Never believe, it's not so", "label": 0} {"text": "Retweet if you've ever been fucked over by a woman.... Who am I kidding? Of course you have! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women everywhere really! Thanks for the support Michael #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why u r silent when a Maulvi in WB spewing venom against Majority&openly threatening against deportation of illegal migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just throw them back into Mexico.No more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals and their children.#NoAmnesty#NoDACADeport ALL illegals.Arrest ALL sanctuary officials.Fire ALL pro-amnesty politicians.#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Bitch idgaf I\u2019m not in school dumb lil whore I use what the fuck I wanna use", "label": 0} {"text": "CNN 8:53am NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LEAD CHARGE TO REUNITE FAMILIES. . Catholic Charities reunites immigrant children with deported...", "label": 0} {"text": "RT: The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. October 14, 2017 at 08:31\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "All sports coverage, like all MSM, is for propaganda purposes ONLYWhat is been promoted right now on a live World Cup pre show?: A story that Luka Modri\u00c4\u2021, the Croatian soccer star, is a refugee.What that really means: White Genocide Definedhttps://t.co/kqEv7xdS26", "label": 0} {"text": "Dear white girls: Regardless of how much black dick you\u2019ve had in your mouth you don\u2019t get a pass to freely say \u201cnigga.\u201d Ever. Lol.", "label": 1} {"text": "Tell me more about your previous boyfriends, I really wanna hear about them #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Oooooops!! \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u201eDid I retweet that?!There is a BIG difference between #Immigration & #Invasion...", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump declares 'NO MORE' DACA deal after report of caravan with Central Americans heading to UShttps://t.co/M6ObeAoSfN#BuildTheWall #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Pretty sure you\u2019d be suspended for trading \u2018white\u2019 with ANYTHING else.. even animals. It\u2019s open season on whites, males and especially \u2018white males\u2019. You must be careful if the male has any color, is an immigrant, is gay, or \u2018used to be\u2019 a girl. #MAGA #MAGA2018 #RaceRelations", "label": 0} {"text": "It is not just the proper \"vetting\" of refugees we need to watch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexico doesn\u2019t send their best. A lot of them are rapists, scumbags and pedophiles. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany greenlights controversial migrant transfer centers", "label": 0} {"text": "Ridiculous! Lots of USA citizens don\u2019t even earn that much money while working to try to support themselves. Refugees need to go Home!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I posted 106 photos on Facebook in the album \"Mayor Bonnie Crombie announce refugee support by local\"", "label": 0} {"text": "When he calls you 'princess'", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Kidnapped, Raped 14-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina @user @user @user There is no excuse for this!#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#KeepAmericansSafe#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user So, that fat #whore is blaming #women! Yeah, women want to be #raped. Bullshit!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is not a concern which is based on any statistical evidence or fact. If we want to discourage men from raping women, maybe actually seriously prosecute them. Because even if you could stop men from pretending to be women to rape women -- that's not how most rape happens!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user LMAOOOO BITCH IM THE NOLA BRUCE-CAITLYNN JENNER BITCH I PICCS WHEN I WANT HOE ..luv ya hope ya had fun", "label": 0} {"text": "IF WOMEN BLEED SO MUCH ONCE A MONTH HOW DO THEY STAY ALIVE? BECAUSE THEY'RE #DEMONS #WOMENAREDEMONS #BITCHBLOOD!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Candidates, pay attention: We're building the most powerful force to ever hit midterm elections. If you're not actively working to dismantle the president's anti-immigrant machine, you're complicit. And we'll make sure your voters remember.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @ are fighting back with You ! Now lets #BuildthatWall #DeportThemAll and Ask a #Democrat Why they Support Illegals and Wont Mention Americans killed by Illegals every chance we get !", "label": 1} {"text": "Come on everyone spread the word! Let's get WomenSuckk big! #retweetthisone", "label": 1} {"text": "Women want to be equal so now they don't shave their legs??? Gross*", "label": 1} {"text": "#Withrefugees @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Cologne is the reason for no more Immigration then stopping them at the channel tunnel where they riot and are violent proves the point", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Frontex the world\u2019s biggest accountants. They love counting migrants. Too bad they don\u2019t like securing the border. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user it doesn't matter if a woman is lead, we're often disregarded as hysterical by pointing out basic ass Bradley shit, so", "label": 0} {"text": "#JaredKushner mulled disrupting the U.N. agency that provides relief to Palestinian refugees, a report says...", "label": 0} {"text": "Neter Sesen Book 2 Verses 61 -62: Tehuti: 'Do not all men have a mind?' Sesen: ' Be cautious what you say, for I...", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian refugee, fisherman\u2019s friend: How a retiring couple found a new heir to their Lake Ontario business", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Welp I think you said the correct thing. Though now he's protected his tweets. What a fuckin cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "A common occurrence at our borders is #HumanTrafficking and #SexTraffickimg. Did you know that there are many cases where #DACA recipients arrested for Human trafficking ?#TraffickStop #BulldTheWall #EndDACA#EndChainMigrationHere are just THREE cases", "label": 1} {"text": "So the children are still missing that the administration has took from immigrant families and there is a reported case of sexual molestation from and employee who was working at the detention centers where basically the federal government keeps the kidnapped kids smh \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "The Utter Hypocrisy And Stupidity Of The Illegal Immigrant Parent-Child Separation Debate It is what leftists do.Slow down Trump by any means...", "label": 1} {"text": "It would seem the UK has been separating children from their immigrant parents also. How does May and the govt get away with it? Theresa May called Trump's policy \"deeply disturbing\" probably with her fingers crossed. #marktownsend #theobserver #bailforimmigrationdetainees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Third I DO NOT remember calling her a slut or a whore or a bitch o saying anything else at all so char\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When you come in from feeding the animals and your boyfriend has cut a massive hole out of the wall. 'I'm just seeing how it would look' \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user And if you think some whore blowing a guy to get a part in a movie is rape?\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "When the bartender cuts you off", "label": 0} {"text": "Thinking about tonight's playdate protest-planning call? (https://t.co/MCmbKw3C8R) Read Stacy's story about her family's experience with being incarcerated and separated based on racism and anti-immigrant politics: We Will Defend Immigrant Families", "label": 0} {"text": "Men really don\u2019t care being called a hoe or whore . Shit don\u2019t bother us", "label": 1} {"text": "where are my fellow hysterical women who would have either been a) an oracle in ancient greece or b) burned at the stake in medieval times..make some noise ladies", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Battle? More like another temper tantrum #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #IDontCare #MAGA #Trump2020", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its ok to be white", "label": 0} {"text": "U sluts get them 100 likes on instagram and think y\u2019all the coldest bitch in Detroit \ud83e\udd27", "label": 1} {"text": "Teens are using Instagram \"flop\" accounts to share their opinions on big issues like gun control, abortion, immigration, Trump, LGBTQ laws, YouTubers, and more, reports @user", "label": 0} {"text": "someone: not all men - me: yes, you are right. lee everret would not do this", "label": 0} {"text": "@user he is a Kunt and those like yourself who kept quiet while he murdered white farmer`s and stole Their land. You are a joke like", "label": 0} {"text": "One can only hope #borrell, that idiot in #spain, comes to his senses soon.We don\u2019t want an #african basket of deplorables in #Europe. We don\u2019t need them, we don\u2019t want them, we can\u2019t afford sustaining all the riff-raff Africa sends us.#migrants #Islam", "label": 1} {"text": "Dream Molly is her own person and is ALWAYS a bitch &/ a slut \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Croatian police deny using violence against migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "I would pay anything to know what goes on in girls' minds #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cThe American administration\u2019s decision to withhold $300 million had a deep impact on UNRWA\u2019s ability to cater to #Palestine #refugees ' needs\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Pass the plan why ae we allowing Immigrants to become Public Charges which is against he law they should be deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This cunt? Probably blames women for getting raped", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please insist on wall funding now! Please do not let the speaker of the house and senate leader talk you into waiting to after the election for the funding. after the election you will be dealing with a lame duck congress.#BuildTheWall #B", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Learn about resisting & responding to raids by immigration enforcement at the workshop we\u2019re hosting with @user at @user on Tuesday 17 July. It\u2019ll be facilitated with clear communication and accessible language in mind, not jargon. \u00f0\u0178\u2014\u00a3", "label": 0} {"text": "Michelle Malkin provides proof that European governments and press are actively covering up epidemic rape by Muslim immigrants. They literally refuse to allow the press to mention that the rapes are being conducted by...", "label": 1} {"text": "We're looking for more interns for the fall! Join our fun (but still professional) team in resettlement, immigration legal services, education, and more. Apply today! All details can be found", "label": 0} {"text": "Deportations in the desert: governments, like smugglers, abandoning migrants to die.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user well what is your sc", "label": 0} {"text": "\"His Eminence the Imam Sheikh Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar\" - Australian Immigration has sent Hate Preacher. \"We won't...", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop tweeting about love. Youre like 16 stfu. You've probably never even seen a penis before #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy and Malta row over migrants saved from Med", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh wait!!! Vacaciones en la guerra. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics", "label": 0} {"text": "President Obama And #Democrats Illegal Immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime it Cost Taxpayers and lower wages! #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #SaturdayMorning #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Italian Priest Says Anti-Immigration Matteo Salvini Is \u2018\u02dcthe Antichrist\u2019 via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "He raped an 11 year-old girl and he was here illegally. Where is the outrage? #arpx", "label": 0} {"text": "For an anon calling me a\u00a0\u201cwhore\u201d you should look at yourself first. If you want to call me a\u00a0\u201cwhore\u201d take...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You broke it. A hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Should our country be run by a couple hysterical women.", "label": 1} {"text": "American Chiropractic Association Members Advocate for Veterans Health, Student Debt Relief", "label": 0} {"text": "#MondayMotivation: @user alumna Elizabeth Vilchis is not only the first in her family to attend college, but she also started latinoTech to strengthen Latino leadership in the #tech world.", "label": 0} {"text": "Glasgow 'blindsided' as destitute refugees face mass evictions", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is a corollary of women being \u201chysterical\u201d \u201csensitive\u201d \u201cbitches\u201d when they disagree with men.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user 1) #EndHealthcareCartel, 2) #EndDACA, 3) Abolish #IranDeal, 4) #EndNAFTA, 5) #BuildTheWall, 6) #FairTax, 7) #DrainTheSwamp, 8) #FairTrade, 9) #BanIslam, 10) #LockHerUp, 11) #EndSanctuaryCities, & 12) #EndCorporateWelfare. #USA", "label": 1} {"text": "Some dumb bitch really sat on a \u201cblack woman are bomb\u201d page and said that black women are copying Kylie\u2019s braids", "label": 1} {"text": "I would fuck her brains out!", "label": 0} {"text": "Heres the epitome of the far left in one post, can we deport them all? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RT4Trump #TrumpPence2020", "label": 1} {"text": "I put the AGE in savage cause I'm old AF", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The man asked you a question. Make sure you answer it you weak bubble headed socialist union whore.", "label": 0} {"text": "I want this stupid bitch out of my head I've never even liked her lmao I just basically want to rape her", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He\u2019s gonna win in 2020 too you stupid nasty skank !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user They are ILLEGALS, which means they are criminals. Nothing wrong with putting their butts in prison or better yet #DeportThemAll and #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Homelandsecurity destroy over 4000 waterbottles in the southdesert of USA. They want to stop refugees which like to settle in USA.", "label": 1} {"text": "#EU deal to deploy border guards in Macedonia to curb migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "this woman in front of me really needs about 900 xanax shes just told her kid to stop being a cunt lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "Take her out for ribs on a first date so you can tell how good of a dick she sucks", "label": 1} {"text": "CCTV: shocking servo attack on pregnant woman via @user Christopher Josevski you're a fucking vile cunt \ud83d\ude20", "label": 0} {"text": "Here's a prime example of bringing in the wrong kind of refugees. These vile creatures are only in it for what they can get, they don't want to contribute anything to the new country. This type of \"refugee\" needs to stay in the refugee camps or go home. Beware #Canada.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's never personal with me cause I wouldn't ever care that much", "label": 0} {"text": "Getting coffee with bae", "label": 0} {"text": "Let us keep the spirit of World Refugee Day alive #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#Trump: Angela Merkel 'Was A Superstar,' She's 'Been Very Badly Hurt' By Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch is a whore and blamed me and really thinks i'm gonna accept this shit haha patience is a virtue you gon get your blessing.", "label": 0} {"text": "Boy you look like you rape girls at frat parties, malicious ass racist cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "\"When the girls apply it to their faces, they help maintain a piece of their culture inside the #refugee camps.\" #rohingya #myanmar", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cHow safe Afghanistan is!\u201d said Afghanistan\u2019s minister of refugees and repatriation, with obvious sarcasm. \u201cAsk those Norwegian diplomats if Kabul is so safe, is there anywhere outside your embassy where you can go to safely?\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Their answer: things are only getting back to how they were before you started noticing how damaging this immigration is.So its not really just 'normal'. Okay?? NO, its not okay. They have to go back. In 2018: it's time to let diversity\u00e2", "label": 1} {"text": "Niggas Might Want You But You A Regular Bitch To Me", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are the actual victims of Isis, the real refugees from the Middle East?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hey bitch stop selling yourself to @user run cunt run", "label": 1} {"text": "You couldn\u2019t possibly value a girl if you still refer to women as \u201cbitch\u201d \ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "Why does this not surprise me? Such audacity! Trump should be forced to defend these business practices to the same immigrant base he's always stoking with hatred, including @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I change the words from 'welcome to my house' to 'welcome to my mouth' and sing it in my head when I'm eating pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "taking hold in Germany. \u201cWe can do it\u201d has turned into begging/pleading w-others to take back migrants.GER no longer controls own destiny. Conservative wing of CDU/CSU wants #Merkel to resign. Leadership changing in EU.#Visegrad #Kurz #salvini", "label": 1} {"text": "Thinking about my beautiful woman tina i love you ... And working in the hell hole", "label": 0} {"text": "Making out women are hysterical overreacters desperate to plague good men with false accusations is *not helping*, sister.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user i am looking for bulk seller for cpu and ssd and ram . pls contact me if you have stock .", "label": 0} {"text": "Learn how to respect yourself skank \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude02 look at the pictures you post trashy ass bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "FREE T-SHIRT! Sign up to become a fundraiser for refugees by 11:59p PDT tonight and you\u2019ll automatically receive a free t-shirt courtesy of our friends at @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d // (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 & older)", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to me for being fucking AWESOME", "label": 0} {"text": "They Should be deported ASAP ! Stop Allowing Illegals to Game our #Immigration System we are not the World's baby sitters #SendThemBack to their country they are reponsible for thier kids not the U.S Taxpayer #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #LiesPeopleTellThemselves", "label": 1} {"text": "Jesus Sex Trafficking is grim. A lot of these women were damaged by something happening to them and that's where the pimp took advantage", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Eritrea is safe. They can all go back home. The Eritreans who 'fled' the country even go back for holidays to Eritrea, so they are not refugees.#sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "You've got to see this to believe this. This is #EuropeanSuicide in #Germany... #RefugeesNotWelcome #MigrationIsJihad", "label": 1} {"text": "that is very true, any good Psychologist will tell you the same thing. Rape is rape by a more powerful assailant.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"We are above the law\" - migrants throw garbage at Rome's ancient sites - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "There needs to be a honest discussion and action on Housing issues among councils when it comes to housing migrants and failed asylum seekers !1 why is no one actually being totally honest Glasgow has waiting lists that they can not fulfil yes Migrants demand to stay in the Uk", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel and Salvini\u2019s migration crisis: Much ado about nothing?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Brazil is a sh*thole. This is the same place where they beheaded a referee during a soccer game, then proceeded to cut his body to pieces. IN THE STADIUM. This is a normal occurrence in Brazil, yet the Left says if we don't have open borde", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user USA media probably still thinks this is about women and children \u201crefugees\u201d as opposed to the reality of aggressive male migrants from violent regions.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user There are men who make women cry and then complain about hysterical, irrational females.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Youre asking about the Most Hysterical Woman?Between you and Donald Trump, I now definitively know the definition of Projection.", "label": 1} {"text": "Today I said 'all men are trash' to my coworkers and some girl said 'not ALL men' yes boo, even ya sketchy bf u met\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Wait your turn...Guyanese immigrant explains to NY Post why he agrees with US President, Donald Trump's immigration policy.", "label": 0} {"text": "You a childish ass bitch if u don't suck dick and u a gay ass nigga if u don't eat pussy \ud83d\udcaf\ud83e\udd23 Idc let's argue", "label": 1} {"text": "Ahed Tamimi, African migrants and Israeli apartheid", "label": 0} {"text": "@user She is friend with an African? I bet she was and is still pro-rapefugee. Otherwise you aren't standing there with an African beside you. Sorry, but you wanted this. You are now afraid. I don't care for traitors like you, who did nothing whe", "label": 1} {"text": "Lifesaving aid on Cabeza is a drop of water in the desert: precious but not nearly enough. We must stop the forces that force people to cross in the West Desert: #WelcomeRefugees, #SafePassage for ALL migrants, stop the economic & political violence the US wages on Latin America", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Maybe you could collectively subvert the #NotAllMen & start trolling them whenever one of these \u2018think pieces\u2019 pop up...?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you're too sweet ya sexy bitch \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "All #Rohingya refugees want to return to #Myanmar but have concerns over security and want #UnitedNations to monitor their return. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user erasing 58 prominent women and MILLIONS of female supporters to bitch about ONE man. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f", "label": 1} {"text": "Only miserable Remaniac European migrants here would jack in good jobs & go back home. Just to make a point. Quite probably the ones on benefits in fact. Not wanted anyway. All the ones I know are quite happy and don't whinge about shite so don't seem to get any \"hate\". Clue? \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "Prada Marfa's immigrant architecture is more relevant than ever, says @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Massive Crowd Cheers On As Pagans Kidnap Woman And Her Son, They Make The Son Rape His Mother, Th\u2026 via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "old person: did you buy that shirt with holes in it? me: yes it\u2019s called fashion bitch look it up", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t think I will survive if I go home' via @user #refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm just as bitter as the day it happened. FUCK YOU! #GoDie #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user You're a cunt for judging women by what they chose to do. Hate to break that to you.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Welcome All LEGAL Immigrants that did it the Right Way to America ! Thank You for your hard work and I hope you are truly blessed in our greaty country U.S.A ! #Trump #MA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Did you Forget?? Stop trying to give credibility to an illegal immigrant with an anchor baby & chain migration parents who wore an F\u2019ing \u201cI Really Don\u2019t Care\u201d trench coat to the border in 90 degree weather. She. Is. Irrelevant. #msnbc #vel", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Germans protest against Islam and immigration \"We want Germany to be Germany, not an Islamic state\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy's new interior minister tells migrants 'Pack your bags!' as he orders mass deportation - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user romance isn't dead", "label": 0} {"text": "It only takes us $36 to rent a bus, load it up with refugee teens, and take them to the skate park. Their next trip could be on you. Donate now.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration debate flares up in #Spain as migrant arrivals shoot up", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- do you have any plans this weekend? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201c\u2018The Art of Computer Programming\u2019 by Donald Knuth\u201d by @user", "label": 0} {"text": "5 Tunisians try to rape Lampedusa woman (3) - Manages to send them packing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Isnt it weird that car bombings in Turkey are timed just as Turkey demands Visa access to Europe a new tidal immigration mass", "label": 0} {"text": "Video: Holidaymakers watch stunned as dozens of migrants storm Spanish beach", "label": 0} {"text": "Interesting read about how an immigrant family tried to put their lives back together after being reunited....", "label": 0} {"text": "These funny guys of Austria arent able to stop the imigration of refugees to Austria.(welfare) Italia - Hungary are more strict to bring all refugees home or concentrate them into camps. Europe have to know that it will destroyed if to much refugees will enter their territory.", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch you're a grown ass women", "label": 1} {"text": "Once bullied, refugee is welcomed in community where all - with and without disabilities - live and train together.", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian refugees No cash donations please If you really want to donate please donate your money to a reputable...", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't need anyone on my dick, I stay on my own dick", "label": 0} {"text": "Spain: Several immigrants from the Aquarius ship have already \u201cdisappeared\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Over 2,000 refugees who were in 16 #Yemen have now gone back to Somalia since 2017.We are making sure refugees have the information they need to make voluntary + properly informed decisions about returns, especially given the current context in Yemenhttps://t.co/yCNVp4xZ3B", "label": 0} {"text": "Isnt it wonderful - no water more; no food more; this is Europe which is just to get a desert. And many refugees, overpopulation evrywhere; climatchange is normally natures reaction. If humans will not reduced, nature will kill them with or without humanity.", "label": 1} {"text": "Cultural Diversity: The American Culture is fastly becoming the minority culture. But we are the only ones required to take cultural diversity training? No one should be in America without having to learn American Culture. #BuildThatWall #ice #SCOTUS #TrumpRally", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Couldn't agree more! Refreshing to see a woman who feels the same", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Also probably not good to use 'hysterical' which has its roots in the belief that women suffer from a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#sendthemback if your children want a peacefull life, without rapists on every corner.#forza. #Italia ##NoMoreAfricans !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Read the latest report from our team supporting #Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh:", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump was right! Police first held 'refugee boy', 18, arrested at Dover over bucket bomb ... via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hysterical. And pathetic. She won. Flat out. Bunch of crybabies won't let a girl beat boys? BS", "label": 0} {"text": "#follo @user See why #RGV South Texas is the most volatile area along entire #border with MexicoWhy we need to #BuildThatWallIllegal alien & MS13 arrests, stash houses, cartel exploits, drug seizures, Agent assaults, rescues & much more #follo #RETWEEET", "label": 1} {"text": "@user How many women sucked dick to further their career??? I bet there are plenty.", "label": 1} {"text": "Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w/ \"problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky & remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine\" @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user marxist globalist democrats bring our enemies to the usa, feed, cloth and shelter them,,then make them citizens so it is easier for the hostile immigrants to attack us....END HOSTILE IMMIGRATION BOTH LEGAL AND ILLEGAL #maga", "label": 1} {"text": "White Dragon Society & Russia & COM-12 & Gnostic Illuminati & CIA NSA MI6 FBI White Hat faction Alliance bounty on George Soros who funds all CIA Al-Qaeda DHS Muslim terrorist infiltrators & free-welfare-money illegal immigrant voters for Obama's democrat party & MS-13 assassins", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It\u2019s hysterical! If I were the Hillz, I\u2019d leave the country. The audacity of this woman is unbelievable.", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Stop sweatin these hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "Canada: Yazidi refugee sees her ISIS slave master on Ontario bus, is told \u201cDon\u2019t tell anyone\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Border security and take more migrants in you can find money for non Uk people and a like you can find money when you want for bowing and scraping to Europe there is no digty for our NHS staff no pay rises disabled and umemployed shamed The torys have lost the trust of the lost", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stop being spineless and tell the Eu its our country and stop migrants dictating to us via eu", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Of course not!This man \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 wanted to free wrote something Saudi Arabia did not like!But your country is full of slaves! Because you do not know the truth of the Bible you will never be free! We let people be free &", "label": 1} {"text": "They deserve what they get", "label": 0} {"text": "Don\u2019t worry - we carefully vet all of our refugees./sarc", "label": 0} {"text": "World - Woman Who Accused Nelly of Rape Wants to Drop Case, Will Not Te >>", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you AM640 and Byron Tyler for hosting us last week. We love letting the Mid-South know about the Memphis Cup of Nations and World Relief Memphis work to empower the local church to serve vulnerable refugees and immigrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "The U.S. has inflicting lasting trauma and pain upon immigrant families forced to live in horrifying uncertainty. It has to end now. #FamiliesBelongTogether #EndFamilySeparation", "label": 0} {"text": "My Mather is a slut bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Girls with tongue rings are as bad as girls with engagement rings... They have to get that shit in every picture", "label": 1} {"text": "When I see my memes and tweets stolen and watermarks wiped so you can put them on your pathetic ass page", "label": 0} {"text": "why do you miserable hoes be so worried abt the next bitch & wha they got going on \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14", "label": 1} {"text": "A fascinating story of fevered, dehumanizing anti-immigrant sentiment - against German-Americans during WWI", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Families Being Reunited", "label": 0} {"text": "@user oh you dirty bitch me and my friends are going to fuck all your holes till you can't take no more\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "When your selfie game is weak AF", "label": 0} {"text": "*In class today* *Girl next to me* 'I hate how every girl dressed like a skank for Halloween' *Guy in front of me turns* 'IT WAS AMAZING", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sweet. Broke-assed bitch will shut her jizz-hole for once. Once.", "label": 1} {"text": "Syrian refugee says hopes of new life in US dashed by Trump travel ban", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch out here settin up dick appointments and your lame ass can't even get a text back", "label": 1} {"text": "I get a high off of how miserable your life is because you truest deserve it and it\u2019s hysterical \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "So we have an immigrant who did 3 tours of duty for the U.S. Military and then gets deported by our Dept of Justice, while the same DOJ allows Alex Jones to foment lying-induced hatred and violence against other Americans. There is something VERY wrong with OUR, yes OUR, DOJ.", "label": 0} {"text": ".... mean about you or your team and your on your video saying I'm crying and a slut and a bitch and all this... like dudes it's a game!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "The ignorance is living in a country as an Spanish immigrant that is not theirs, and want to force the US natives to speak their language.", "label": 1} {"text": "UK MPs probe unpublished UN \u2018\u02dcsex-for-food\u2019 findings: report", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds of Syrian refugees started crossing the border from Lebanon on Saturday.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's kind of funny, really. Were the space aliens illegal? Now we need a wall & a roof! I think this country has gone totally nuts. God Bless @user for his strength & courage. #BuildThatWall and if he blocks the democrats out, t", "label": 1} {"text": "Study: At least 1 in 10 immigrant children has 'interrupted schooling' #blogs #feedly", "label": 0} {"text": "'Feminists have been stigmatized as hysterical women for a long time' Olga Marin, FARC #GVAPeaceWeek", "label": 0} {"text": "Karma points to @user but fuck @user karma is a bitch and @user is still a cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why don\u2019t you crawl back in your hole skank", "label": 1} {"text": "The Task Force Rural Africa is composed of 11 members (4 African, 7 European/3 f, 8 m), selected for their high-level expertise and experience in #agriculture, #trade, #development policy or #migration, etc.", "label": 0} {"text": "Fundraising Many people have started collecting funds for Syrian refugees as an advertising stunt for self...", "label": 0} {"text": "My bitch a model, lil nigga, you could ask Tyra Banks That pussy wet like a bottle, change them sheets every day", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It is more \"when you ARE left out of the crowd\". This is a real problem and language is not the only cause. It is driving well qualified citizens, legal immigrants to bankruptcy", "label": 0} {"text": "WTF! \ud83e\udd2c This guy Trump endorses one of the most anti-immigrant candidates in Kansas. Kobach is responsible for the papers-please law in Arizona that compelled local police to questioned people about their immigration status based on skin color.", "label": 0} {"text": "Me trying to flirt- Hey cum dumpster, wanna fuck?", "label": 0} {"text": "Dear Xfactor fans If you would like to slag off the show may I give you a little advice Do what I do and stop...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user feminists are many more things than just gross", "label": 1} {"text": "IS there a thing in the constituion about women shutting the hell up? COME ON! #shutthehellupwomen..", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This is 1 good reason US needs be careful when they take refugees - most don't acclimate to US laws -Constitution. She needs not to go to prison but back to the country she's from.", "label": 1} {"text": "One in eight U.S. residents is an immigrant, while one in nine residents is a native-born U.S. citizen with at least one immigrant parent.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Hypocrites #UnDocumented #Immigrants #Immigration #BringBackOurBordersOne of the latest attacks by the #Resistance on #DonaldTrump is showing a...", "label": 0} {"text": "Pope and World Council of Churches to hold conference on xenophobia, migration, and populism via @user Globalist dreamers want to push for one borderless world run by them.", "label": 0} {"text": "Company recycles waste as fuel to help #refugees in #Kenyahttps://t.co/rH5VBRTIiJ via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You know I\u2019m a full animal nut. I know horseys love racing. Most involved treat the horses like family. This kunt tho", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00e2\u0161\u00a0\u00ef\u00b8\u008fDHS says man accused of shooting Colorado officer is Iraqi refugee with NINE criminal charges including extortion, illegally owning a handgun. A DEMOCRAT JUDGE LET HIM ROAM FREE FOR POLITICAL REASONS AND NOW HE\u2019S SHOT A POLICE OFFICER", "label": 1} {"text": "If you're a man, women can't be trusted. They'll turn against you, it's in their nature.!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user DUMB CUNT STEALS FROM MY CAR GO TO HELL SLUT", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you guys accept your significant other calling you out of your name! i.e bitch hoe slut etc.... And I\u2019m not talking about during sex. \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hitem with your purse you pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is old and past thinking, 100 years ago. Time has changed. Now each country has to clear this problems without refugees and immigrants.", "label": 1} {"text": "New post (Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups) has been published on Top 10 Tech News -", "label": 0} {"text": "ARE YOU CRAZY?! Those ppl create chaos wherever they go! #SendThemBack!", "label": 1} {"text": "Only a hoe would say some stupid shit like that. lol \u201cpull your daddy and make you my stepson\u201d I\u2019ve heard it all now lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "No room for full explanation here but regarding the hysterical women at the Kavanaugh hearing, the word hysteria is from a Greek word meaning wandering and disconnected uterus. There you have it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user not all men want to give you money for bad takes!! and not all white people avoid spices, it\u2019s just most of us", "label": 0} {"text": "Family recall 7 years of war in Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stay well clear of Scottish power if you want to get your meter changed 6 months waiting 6 months of being ignored not good", "label": 0} {"text": "I fucking know who he cheated with even if he didn't say it. This fucking bitch, I've always fucking hated her two faced whore ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Are you really pulling a #NotAllMen here? The movement targets the systemic issue of patriarchy, not ind\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m so heartbroken about what happened to blanca on oitnb, the thought that this could happen to any immigrant in the us rn is even more heartbreaking and fucked up", "label": 0} {"text": "This MEME just goes to show how much hypocrisy that the liberal political party in this country can demonstrate, by the fact that they did not complain at all about the separation of immigrant children when Obama was POTUS, but they now demonize, because a Conservative is POTUS.", "label": 0} {"text": "Put some respek on your name! Stop letting people down play and belittle what you have done. Keep pride in your releases! - Head Kunt \ud83d\udc2c\ud83c\udf08", "label": 0} {"text": "Well Sarah, do you as a human not think the people that shielded the rape of children should be outed? #FFArdFheis17", "label": 0} {"text": "Nelly's rape accuser says she wants the case dropped: The woman who accused rapper, Nelly of rape, has refused to\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "My grandfather, bless his memory, an immigrant from a shit hole country (it was in 1923), used to tell me \u201cif Mickey Mouse is running for office and says he is Irish and a Democrat, you vote for that rodent). Words I still live by.", "label": 0} {"text": "THIS IS WHY WE NEED 2 #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "The LAST thing I want to do is support WOMENS RIGHTS, it's EXCLUDING ALL THE MEN. WHAT HAPPENED TO MENS RIGHTS?!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user There's an agenda Jprdan: White genocide is a crime.'EU funded report tells journalists not to write negative articles on migrant crisis' \"It even urges them to report colleagues to the authorities for 'hate speech crimes'.\"https://t.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user We're trying to secure $2500 in matching funds to help female refugees thrive. We're $419 away from our goal, and have until midnight West Coast time to do it. Can you give us a retweet?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user June, sweetie, might I suggest that you tell this condescending bitch to shut her trap hole?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The cunt from where you earn a living.", "label": 1} {"text": "Ho you voted for this @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Seeing your a racist homo hating women hating cunt what did you pick", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes in the city so recycled you just a rerock lil whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Join us tomorrow for a day of celebrations honoring Chicago's growing refugee community.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Irony Definition: German 'refugees welcome' activist murdered after hitching ride with Moroccan truck driver. #migpol #svepol #unvetted #BlueWave2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The increase of gun ownership has led to an overall decrease in homicides. And increasing intolerance towards who? People smugglers? Drug cartel members? People who cheat the system essentially flip the bird to legal immigrants waiting in", "label": 1} {"text": "I be curving ALL da hoes niggas try to put me on SOO much dat they don\u2019t een tell me when a bitch want me no mo\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0e", "label": 1} {"text": "I\ufe0f used to say #NotAllMen but let\u2019s be real. If you being honest, men be trash in a number of ways. And what\u2019s wild\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Strange that this is going on in the midst of outrage where illegal migrants are being \"separated\" from their families & Black Lives Matter.", "label": 0} {"text": "When y'all see that bitch that's been talkin shit, but you refrain cause you've been tryin to grow as a person", "label": 1} {"text": "So he called women who stuffed their faces fat, Jamie C a cunt and wanted to fuck Girls Aloud.. in 2002. BURN HIM AT THE STAKE #LooseWomen", "label": 0} {"text": "As Pope Francis reminds us to #ShareJourney, you can help migrant families in need here in the Houston area. #MigrationMonday Help now at", "label": 0} {"text": "Our #BNP A frame trailer on the road again. Say NO to the population replacement programme that both Conservative & Labour are intent on continuing. #immigration #Brexit #London #England #Europe #EU #Election2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Not all men...just the ones who are pussy grabbers.", "label": 0} {"text": "US Senate Calls On Julian Assange To Testify", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMB", "label": 0} {"text": "I have never once met a woman whose mouth wasn't totally full of BULLSHIT. Stupid bitches!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Society always tryna make you believe you gotta be a hoe to have fun. Fuck that shit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Cut all the free shit for illegals..guarantee they won't be crossing anymore. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Me too is about rape and sexual assault, way to make it about yourself you cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcNot found\u2019: Half of \u2018\u02dcdeported\u2019 refugees never left Germany, report reveals", "label": 0} {"text": "@user a 73 years old president with liar on denial, even his own party are shock congress is quiet too, they all afraid of his bully way of you are fired,being cruel like he did immigrant fa. split cruel and no human feelings,even his wife turn on h", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Yeah she is passport/paper Irish = \"New Irish\" = Not real Irish. Why on earth we give out citizenship so easily to non EU people and allow this sort of immigration/population replacement/colonization", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Muslim refugee attacks German man for explaining the 'evil' in the Quran in public - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Simply put", "label": 1} {"text": "'I was hysterical' Mum of Manchester bomb victim watched girl die after CPR stopped.", "label": 0} {"text": "English classes are one of our most popular programs that we offer. Some refugees learn English because they hope they will be resettled in English-speaking countries. For others, learning English opens up new opportunities here in Jordan.", "label": 0} {"text": "How I feel when I buy a round of shots", "label": 0} {"text": "Palestinian refugees: Living without work is a slow death #MohammadShabban #healthservices #AMMAN #GAZACITY...", "label": 0} {"text": "Home is the place we live, grow up and put roots down. Not somewhere else, not the next county, not some other town. Deportation, forced to go long way away, is just redefining people as homeless refugees at the end of the day. \"Home\" will never be defined by bureaucracy, nay!", "label": 0} {"text": "When you send nudes in public knowing people can see cause you know your shit is A1", "label": 0} {"text": "Again, and again, and again! This must end! #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When your phones at 3% but you're about to get laid...", "label": 0} {"text": "A group of immigrant fathers, recently reunified with their sons and detained in Texas, have gone on a hunger strike to demand their release via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user They are the two most Hysterical women in the room", "label": 1} {"text": "Texas -v- DACA Draws Federal Judge Andrew Hanen, Big Trouble Looms For Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Activists\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "If you ''Repeatedly'' Rape Stab Carry Acid Incite Murder you 'may' Go to Prison..what Fuckin Planet am i Living on...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fat cunt most likely made the hole lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems gave gays and lesbians special rights and illegals special rights and refugees special rights and forces the working class Americans to pay for all of it and if not they take your home and seize everything you own think about that. These are the people that say we want this", "label": 1} {"text": "We will rebel against this society's matriarchy and establish Fascism one day.", "label": 1} {"text": "Seven Texas mall robbery suspects are from Mexico, in the country illegally: #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm back in it bitch If the head game is right and that pussy feel good Throw a rack at that bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're drunk and you tell your friends you're gonna text your ex", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Coward Cameron go on welcome migrants with housing etc while destroying disabled peoples benefits its not a secret ur no good", "label": 1} {"text": "If he makes a recommendation of 50,000 refugees (or the 75,000 the contractors want), then know that there is no...", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant Beheads 13-Year-Old Girl in Alabama \u2018\u201c Media Blackout", "label": 0} {"text": "Fake News is still trying to blame Prayer Groups for damage to cities, even after ANTIFA members are arrested for it! The counter-protest was organized by \"a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists,\" according to CBS.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user demi = fat and flop ariana = queen now leave stupid bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Your baby and boyfriend know you a hoe? #FUCKIT", "label": 1} {"text": "When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. - Will Rogers #thestressninja #lifecoaching", "label": 0} {"text": "@user u cunt fuker of a dog whore of a grandma", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate this British woman of letters bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "France is done, someone please stick a fork in her.Jacobin mobs, African mobs, they're ALL ALWAYS the SAME:DEMONIC@AnnCoulter\"The demon is a mob.The mob is demonic.The mobs are always the same.\"America IS NEXT if we don't END 3rdWorld Immigrationhttps://t.co/Zopcu9iwxL", "label": 1} {"text": "@user shut up bitch no one fucking likes you! Suck start a shotgun worthless cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "American taxpayers are billed $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR for REFUGEES ???????? \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00acThat\u2019s ABSURD & should be illegal! When did we vote for that?????????!!! #NoMoreRefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "But its humane for #IllegalAliens to kill Americans? Crazy sick. #BuildThatWall #supportICE #MAGAVeteran", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user There is only oneway for illigal refugees - go home quick.", "label": 1} {"text": "Isn\u2019t it funny how people are so quick to slag you off behind a keyboard, but when they see you in person they run away\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "So 58% of the British people support a long standing #BNP policy on #immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "If you deny her dick and she doesn't lose her mind... Your dick game is weak AF", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies we should be careful of this guy, his penis turns any woman he fucks into a slut! RT for awareness...", "label": 1} {"text": "Texas: Muslim migrant who honor-murdered daughter\u2019s husband also praised 9/11 and killed another daughter\u2019s husband", "label": 1} {"text": "Kontraste: Die Clans - Arabische Gro\u00c3\u0178familien in DeutschlandSinds de jaren zeventig heersen Arabische grootfamilies binnen de georganiseerde misdaad in Europa. Mind you, zij waren eerst \"refugees\" uit o.a. Libanon.https://t.co/v4QSHmRWYC", "label": 0} {"text": "I understand women are frustrated with rape culture but not all men are pieces of shit , we may cheat but some of us have daughters", "label": 0} {"text": "The best way to stay off the grid is by posting about it", "label": 0} {"text": "Join us in the rabbit hole last night? Tag us and share your photos using #OverScared - you could win 2 tickets to #Frightmare 2018!", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Doubles Down: Govt Shutdown \u2018\u02dcSmall Price To Pay\u2019 To Fix Immigration Law", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This makes me happy. The only thing that would make me happier is if they just made them do a u turn at the border. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "#ChrisMartin Demand an apology from @user He disrespected women incl the mom of your kids Rape is NEVER a jok\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ann Coulter winning most hysterical woman WATCHING the Kavanaugh hearings.", "label": 1} {"text": "Naw you can\u2019t ride my wave hoe but you can ride this Dick\ud83d\udde3", "label": 1} {"text": "if you say 'not all men' but don't call your peers out when they're at fault, YOU ARE NOT HELPING by staying fucking neutral.", "label": 0} {"text": "A #multibillion-dollarcriminalnetwork is being fueled by inadequate refugee policies, experts say...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user would any of your staff/volunteers be interested?", "label": 0} {"text": "Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by carbs", "label": 0} {"text": "In Germany refugees can vote just for fun in separte electionplaces to learn to vote. Of course the vote is for nothing,in reality maybe too", "label": 1} {"text": "U call I'm ma bitch such a funny R u never look in mirror so you gonna know that who a bitch or maybe a slut or maybe you are both of theme", "label": 1} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u201d\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030----------> \u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money & homes with migrants \u2014 RT World News this is the guy who said this----> @user <---- should go back to syria or wherever", "label": 1} {"text": "#Liberals #IllegalImmigrants #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrolThis is what liberal Democrats in #California are...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh no! Sick of leftist lunacy. They stir them to hysteria to do the dirty work for \"the party\". Enough - dems care about none. #Trump jeep #MAGA #BuildThatWall #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh great to all that support Trump and his supporters.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user New blog (previously Man of the Month)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're the exception , you weren't a rude lil cunt like some hoes. \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\udc95", "label": 1} {"text": "@user happy 7 year anniversary mistress Carol -so happy to be your Panty Bitch and Total Slut, your voice eas\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "EU Commission may start a payment of 6.000\u00e2\u201a\u00ac/person to member states that receive migrants from now on.", "label": 0} {"text": "Great article on the #refugee crisis in Europe. \"The driving question for Europeans is: \u201cHow do we make it stop?\u201d But it refers not to the humanitarian drama of the forcibly displaced, just to their ability to reach Europe.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "About 38.000 illigal refugees stay in ISRAEL. 1425 are in prison. If they return now they get a gift: 3500 USD. If they forget to return, they will prosecuted.ISRAEL gives an exampel, how to do !", "label": 1} {"text": "Interview Hongaarse tv: \u2018\u02dc If we want to avoid bloodshed, urban violence and even an ethnic civil war we have to stop mass immigration.\u2019", "label": 1} {"text": "Y'all so quick to call a girl a thot meanwhile u eatin and raw dogging every bitch u can \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You are a hysterical idiot. Someday you might realize it but I doubt it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user He looks like a lier. And sure he did.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user guy or girl?", "label": 0} {"text": "Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter, New Records Show via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "For first time 'migrants land in Europe' says Italy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user NAMES BITCH AND ILL END THAT CUNT", "label": 1} {"text": "I was called a whore and slut and accused of doing all kinds of shit when I was definitely a whole virgin.", "label": 0} {"text": "IT NEVER ENDS! #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall !!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Exposing Americans conspiracy #Palestinian refugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Um, thankfully unlike you not all men are twisted sexual predators.", "label": 0} {"text": "Three volunteers are helping their fellow refugee children in Vienna have fun and learn new languages!", "label": 0} {"text": "Is this serial killer cunt whore for real?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Building that infrastructure to give to the third world:1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immi", "label": 0} {"text": "Since when is having and enjoying sex a character flaw? Since we started calling women \u201cwhore\u2019s\u201d? Since we gave it a title?", "label": 0} {"text": "So many Traitor Russian Whores confirmed by you @user Whores of Traitor Russian Whore @user who repays you w/ betrayal as he does all.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And the son of a bitch can't buy it for his little pee pee whore boy and that just rankles his ass. Shut u\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Ugh I love Briana even thou that bitch can drive me crazy! I\u2019ll always love that whore \ud83e\udd27\u2764\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "When your friend says she's got the perfect girl for you", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant Severely Injured After Falling Off 30-Foot Border Wall, Moment Caught On Security Cam", "label": 0} {"text": "News from #Syria wurde gerade ver\u00c3\u00b6ffentlicht! Vielen Dank an @user @user @user #syria #isis", "label": 0} {"text": "Chilton has warned government about the dangers of leaving southwest border secured by nothing more than a barbed wire fence. He set up surveillance cameras to document the trespassers from Mexico. #BorderPatrol #BuildThatWall #WWG1WGA @user #Q", "label": 1} {"text": "Ok, I am asking out of curiosity. Lets suppose a group of immigrant in Netherlands started fighting & killing local security forces and requested that they want some land to form their own government. In your logic, those aren't terrorrists? & sec. forces are legitimate targets?", "label": 1} {"text": "Co worker- how was your weekend Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I moan as I watch your perfect blue pussy descend upon my big dick.", "label": 1} {"text": "Sheriff: Suspect in shooting of Humboldt County deputy previously deported #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration#KeepAmericansSafe#EnforceUSLaws", "label": 1} {"text": "Hungary joins US, gets out of UN Migration compact via @user Great news !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user China we want a square deal ... and America want a Strong Economy and a WALL #StopTheInvasion ... There is No blue wave, they #FakeNews are setting you up for a Russian interference once The #RedTsunami slaps them silly Watch ;)", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what people mean when they talk about monsoon season here in Cox\u2019s Bazar. I\u2019m told that cyclone season is another beast altogether. @user are here providing lifesaving medical as well as psycho-social support to refugees trying to rebuild their lives. #rohingya", "label": 0} {"text": "Before you sign up to be a side bitch keep in mind that there\u2019s a 99.9% chance of you getting your ass beat. K? K.", "label": 1} {"text": "gay capital/immigrant sanctuary - a stark depiction of the cretinous ideological delusion the left inhabits 'Asian' Men Sought After \u2018Homophobic Assault\u2019 in UK 'City of Sanctuary' via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Judge Orders U.S. Government to Stop Force-Feeding Psychotropic Drugs to Immigrant Children via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "New Poll: Majority Of Republican Voters Support Separating Families To Deter Illegal Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Just choke on your salad sandwich already. Those Men did not die during the Gulf War and do you really think that it did not play on their conscience why they were fighting? They still went anyway. You are directing your crap at the", "label": 0} {"text": "LMAOOOOOOOO!!! Stuff I Say... Some stuff be so damn Funny...Especially when it comes to Illegal Immigrants who are full fledged CRIMINALS Coming to America & I said \"Fall off the Boat & Fall all the way, as in a GO BACK HOME In even that\". Funny & yet Truthful lolll lol dude smh", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal immigrant Muslim threatens to jump off building in Berlin If he is not recognized as refugee and receives welfare benefits and free housing - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Chill your beans you crazy bitch just because you have a cunt doesn\u2019t mean you resort straight to using it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user She a nasty skank Hoe who would Fuck her wolf pussy anyway ?", "label": 1} {"text": "The three mothers of the 11 malnourished children found living in a filthy New Mexico compound were arrested and charged Sunday along with two men described as armed Muslim \u201cextremists\u201d after authorities raided the property in search of a 4-year-old boy.", "label": 0} {"text": "protects their citizens best\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030warned year ago of negligence of officials in Italy/Greece\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030lax \u201cvetting\u201d of migrants to be shared w-others. #V4 realistic, not naive. Others in EU making huge mistake taking migrants from \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ac\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ae\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b9@hungary_journal", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Canadians Born, not greedy migrants. \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00bc", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Immigrants. This is a Country of Law. If you have the Law, welcome! But if you are against the Law, you have two ways to go: go home or go to jail.", "label": 1} {"text": "Iran: Justice needed for rape &; murder of 7-yr-old girl but executing the 17-yr-old boy convicted doesn't deliver it", "label": 0} {"text": "This page is dedicated to all the stupid ass shit women do!", "label": 1} {"text": "I would like to see our border closed to immigration until we sort out the mess we have. Send all illegals home. If it is safe to go home, send refugees home. Fix our immigration system to a merit base one, and then test it to see if it works.", "label": 1} {"text": "Maybe Andrew Cuomo is an #IllegalImmigrant after all. Because he sure doesn't have a fucking clue how this all works. Buwahahaha...#moron", "label": 1} {"text": "Ethiopian migrant brings the Italian hills alive with the sound of...", "label": 0} {"text": "FUCKING FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCKING BITCH TIT CUNT FUCKING SLUT", "label": 1} {"text": "Passion. Place. & Purpose - Sat 15 Sept 2018 - BOOK NOW Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation", "label": 0} {"text": "not a big enough spade for Mr shit himself to dig himself out The UK did vote to stop shitty nations and immigration on the whole but as he puts it time to put our own people first ask Germany and Sweden about crime going up trouble is Migrants can demand not what they earned", "label": 1} {"text": "Why? Don't they have better things to do, like stop the influx of refugees!! (LOL)", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Actually, yes I do. The cunt is the vagina. All women have one. It is a beautiful, wonde\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why tf is Wendy\u2019s rapping on twitter, get yo ass back in the kitchen before I rape that lil bitch in your profile pic", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump stands with victims of immigrant violence", "label": 1} {"text": "House rejects conservative immigration bill, delays vote on GOP compromise measure via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Danger Treasonous individuals paid for by Soros and globalist @user @user #LockHerUp #BuildTheWall #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now !!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Lol you sound like trump. 'Many people agree with me.' Hahahaha the irony is hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "show me your pussy bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Shut up cunt bitch whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Just heard a brilliant response to 'not all men': 'You're right, it's not you - it's all of you.'", "label": 0} {"text": "I just pledged $2,500 for the border wall. Do It#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Where's this bitch Gloria Steinem in all this abuse against women", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Thought I'd got away with it \ud83d\udc40 I fancy us...sorry you today. Anything but a win for that cunt Mourinho will do for me. #jurgenaut #COYR", "label": 0} {"text": "My sister it's #NoBraDay to raise cancer awareness not for you to hoe \ud83d\ude05", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Where are the Girls?\" Child Trafficking Feared as DHS Can\u2019t Say Where Immigrant Girls are Being Held", "label": 0} {"text": "Jared Kushner wanted to disrupt UN agency that supports #Palestine #refugees, according to internal emails", "label": 0} {"text": "if you wanna fight with me on man hating don't ' not all men me' bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Chinese government start-up expands plans for face-reading AI | Daily Mail Online", "label": 0} {"text": "But remember, you cheated on me first, you\u2019re a whore, you\u2019re a whore, this is whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Benjamin Netanyahu backs Trump's decision to cut aid to the Palestinians and UNRWA - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant parents lose their children at the border for a misdemeanor. Their children are put in cages. Don Jr committed perjury when he testified to congress about his Russia meeting. Perjury is a felony yet his children are safe and sound in their Manhattan penthouse.", "label": 0} {"text": "But she may not have realized how much. She met Josephine and Bien Fait and their family\u2014refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo\u2014at the airport and immediately began supporting them as they rebuilt their lives in the U.S. /2", "label": 0} {"text": "Greek police arrest 8 suspected of killing Pakistani migrant", "label": 0} {"text": "Man charged in deadly Fairhope hit and run is illegal immigrant who was deported twice", "label": 0} {"text": "Austria Public TV #Propaganda#Soros club Amnesty accusing migration policy of #EU of increment^^ of dead migrants Nice extortion...China, Russia, SA etc NOT responsible, only Europe is blamedWhy not their boss Soros for incitation ? #Hypocrisyhttps://t.co/usTfte9BjC", "label": 1} {"text": "Person- hey can you... Me- \u270b\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "@user a forrest of refugees the leaves fall of called children but lets not be conned people play on it we have children to", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm pretty sure it was Abe Lincon who said 'Fool me once bitch, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'm no longer a man and am now a dumb woman'*", "label": 1} {"text": "Italians supporting refugees and migrant's rights in Pozzallo, Sicily during Interior Minister @user (far-right) visit to the world-known hotspot.", "label": 0} {"text": "My great grandmother believed she resulted from the rape of a Cherokee by a German immigrant. My other great grandma was a triple divorcee. My grandmother left my grandfather when he beat her in a drunken rage. Hating men when they act like assholes IS an old fashioned value.", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcExplosive situation\u2019: Pro-migrant group forced to end its crucial work in Paris due to violence", "label": 0} {"text": "@user eats entire bags of dicks. Like, seriously. I've seen him eat an entire bag of disembodied cocks. He's a ravenous cunt m8", "label": 0} {"text": "m all back. Even Crowley. 'Cause after everything you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here, and you make t", "label": 0} {"text": "Because it's against the law and undermines the honest efforts of LEGAL immigrants seeking the American dream. #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Over the past two weeks, 829 refugees arrived in the US. 13,785 have arrived in FY18, but we are more than 16,000 people behind schedule. We will continue to stand for the vulnerable. #refugeeswelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Although you are a woman you make an excellent point. Thanks for the support #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm over here looking at these #testshots turidinero did of me while co-creative directing\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When it gets too hot for life there we should only accept female climate refugees until the regime renounces their patriarchal ways. Otherwise let them roast.", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah, I text back in a timely manner... I'm about getting laid not playing games", "label": 0} {"text": "Griha Yuddha statement by Mamta Banerjee is extremely alarming and objectionable.ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS can't stay here and they have to go to Bangladesh. India for Indians.BANGLADESHI GO HOME.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user 13 year old@ time of rape, woman brought sui\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "stop skin out your hole and then you will see a man treat you like a women u want to be treated .", "label": 1} {"text": "#welcomethestranger #executiveorder #refugeeswelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "Return the children to pedophiles and human trafficking in most cases OR don't cross border and mommies won't have that issue! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Got it, you are fearful of God so can't speak truth, or Lord Ram will ask for the hundreds of crores collected for his Temple from people", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I mean. SHES FUCKIN TRASH. I told you this skank bitch is a skank bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Afghani refugees continue to protest at Sapho's Square, Mytilini. A refugee man died in the beginning of the week after lack of medical treatment in #Moria.#refugeesGR", "label": 0} {"text": "Spanish Police Warn 50,000 Migrants Waiting in Morocco to Invade Spain>600 migrants forced their way in the week before#GoodbyeEuropehttps://t.co/Tc8wNohXK8", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Care About Illegals Breaking U.S #Immigration laws abusing their kids to make a dangerous trip or sending them with Coyotes ! 73% of Illegals on Welfare The U.S is Not Central America's Welfare State Red Hen #Ttrump #MAGA #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Girls Don't Poop... They just cry!", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant accused of shooting cop has record, but wasn't deported: report", "label": 0} {"text": "How Europe\u2019s panic over migration and terrorism is a big opportunity for Africa", "label": 1} {"text": "Men who get defensive about #metoo because \u201cnot all men are like that\u201d are part of the problem. Women know not all\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "The author Cresa Pugh spent 2 months talking to #Rohingya individuals who are living in internal #displacement #camps. her research shows why there is little #hope of a #safe return soon for the vast majority of Rohingya #refugees. #world #catalyst #change", "label": 0} {"text": "can't decide which is the most hysterical woman between you and Booker - the batshit crazy is strong in both of you. Taking lessons from old Pelosi?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Libya was on a rise till you guys bombed them to hell hole, now talking bout backwards", "label": 0} {"text": "When Hollywood powerhouses accuse you of rape, you have a problem. When you help make them powerhouses, you became the problem!", "label": 0} {"text": "I REWARDED MY LIL SISSY SLUT & ALLOWED HER TO GO ENJOY & BE A WHORE @ LOCAL GLORY HOLE ..I'm such a good mommy to m\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Can you call my daughter today during AP history? It would be hysterical and historic. She may faint. Warned", "label": 0} {"text": "Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Buried Girlfriend In The Woods, Suspected Of Killing Her Still-Missing Toddler @user @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #FollowYourOath#KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "#ExposeTerroristTrainingCamps #ShutDownTerroristTrainingCamps #ShutDownInvasionOfIllegalAliens #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery IN OTHER WORDS START PROTECTING AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildTheWall NOW #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration No-Lottery #IllegalSentHome get in line... #StopTheInvasion NOW #AmericaFirst #OneFlag \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8", "label": 1} {"text": "This Open Letter From Detained Immigrant Parents To The American People Is Soul-Crushing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user If your boyfriend is mean to you, you DUMP him, you don't flee the hemisphere.", "label": 0} {"text": "You spelt penis wrong", "label": 0} {"text": "Im not a hoe and you not gone treat me like one, people don\u2019t understand that. \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Can @user get an apology already? Sick of men claiming women are hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "The Pakistani immigrant experience is one of insecurity, of never feeling 'genuine' enough", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user True, many women think Karl is a dick and Lisa is fantastic", "label": 0} {"text": "Personnel is policy. The administration should be staffing itself with individuals who will uphold our nation's obligations to immigrants and refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Time to leave the uk commonwealth and Europe that would end immigration people do not want more refugees enough is enough", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fits with the old paradigm of women in our culture as The Madonna Or The Whore, particularly in popular culture.", "label": 0} {"text": "Interesting read about holding the Trump administration accountable for family reunification at the US-Mexico border after the DOJ insinuated that the ACLU ought to be responsible for the reuniting process #UWBaes367su18", "label": 0} {"text": "And you are the immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "#MeToo Names such as BITCH WHORE or any other gender based sexualised language is SEXUAL HARRASSMENT\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone says they're unfollowing for what I post on MY FUCKING PAGE.... FOH", "label": 0} {"text": "#EU offers states \u00c2\u00a35,350 per asylum seeker they accept from migrant boats but Italy won't take\u00c2\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "My grandma called her hoe she said bitch you a hoe yourself going with a married man and go to church every week LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user fag idiot cunt loser egirl slut cumholder", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I know and understand all this. But it is still not OK to rape and abuse women just because we don't\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Nah If i kiss my girl my dick gonna get hard &; im tryna fck \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f You sleep !!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildTheWall#NoChainMigration/VisaLottery&NoAmnesty!#CorruptDemsCannotWinWith Hard WorkingAmericans BecauseWe all #WalkAwayFrom Your #Lies!#MAGA#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "When you and your mom are trying to figure out how to make you seem like a bigger whore than your sister", "label": 1} {"text": "UNHCR Representative to Nigeria and Ecowas Jose Antonio 0 meets with #withrefugees Leaders in sub office Lagos.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wish my cock was between your tits while you licked and suck its tip \ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6", "label": 1} {"text": "You're derailing the point. This isn't about ya'll. We KNOW not all men, but EVERY WOMAN can say that it has happen\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "BUILD THAT WALL@realDonaldTrump #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When a stranger tries to talk to me", "label": 0} {"text": "Me- what do you bring to the table? Her- I am the table Me- good lemme rest my feet on you, dumbass... See how dumb you sound?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user man we\u2019re Bros from another crack hoe. I run my trailer park in bama, you run the CPT", "label": 0} {"text": "When you wake up and see the drunk text you sent without using textpert", "label": 0} {"text": "It may already be too late but #BuildThatWall anyway!", "label": 1} {"text": "The comments section was disabled at Fox News for this article. That could mean the perpetrator is an immigrant or from an immigrant background. But maybe not. Could be a sick white person as well. Evil comes in all colors.", "label": 1} {"text": "How are women and rocks alike? You skip the flat ones", "label": 1} {"text": "'H' COVERED UP RAPES SEXUAL ATTACKS BILLY HAD SEX ALL OVER THE CLINTON WHORE HOUSE A BABY LIED IMPEACHED THAT HOW HE LOST HIS ATTY LICENSES", "label": 0} {"text": "another German killed and injuries now will Germany act and stop immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Women ruin everything. Look at the movie Ted. Everything was fine till That bitch from That 70's Show fucked it all up #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She\u2019s actually a clown! They should sue her for being a fucking dumb cunt and falling down the hole nearly squashing the winners \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hysterical Woman, you don't speak for me or other women in my household.", "label": 1} {"text": "When people tell me I should 'settle down, get married and have kids'", "label": 0} {"text": "I've pledged to make sure my surgery is a safe space free from the #hostileenvironment. I'm an MP not a border guard @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user 3) Beyond The Dream Girl \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udd16\ud83d\udc9b by Ram Kamal Mukherjee. Wish to win this @user \ud83d\ude0a #FCcontest #HemaMalini", "label": 0} {"text": "As a relatively recent immigrant I was only slightly aware of the #ChuckleBrothers, but I liked the little I\u2019d seen. And the influx of new-to-me clips has cheered my cheeseball heart \u2764\ufe0f #RIPBarryChuckle", "label": 0} {"text": "Be the star of your own reality show... Be obsessed with yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You and your followers had your shot to appoint #SCOTUS and lost. #Deplorables have spoken with their vote. #BuildThatWall shut down #PlannedParenthood, end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery #UnredactedFISAdocuments investigate #", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user suck my dick dumb bitch :)", "label": 1} {"text": "Imran Khan set to appoint Pakistan\u2019s own Dr Strangelove as his defence minister", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you mean the truth...KUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "starbucks cashier: ur name me: johanis on the cup:hoehines me:yes bitch yes im a hoe fmu", "label": 1} {"text": "What would you do if namjoon sneaks into your room at night and yells 'HERE COMES MONSTER DICK BITCH!!'", "label": 0} {"text": "lol this literally doesn't do shit. Maybe learn how you can be better? 'Not all men' is such a fucking cop out", "label": 0} {"text": "leave our young people alone and their benefits out come the EU act outwith its remit as most of the migrants are from the Middle-East", "label": 1} {"text": "A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS.I replied, \"Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS.\" Immigration is about the exploitation of the country, not sharing in building or maintaining it.", "label": 0} {"text": "Philippines - Christians are facing starvation as they continue to hide from jihadists. An estimate 1500 remain...", "label": 0} {"text": "4. Dear @user ,if @user tells you that Burundi is safe,ask him to attend the @user general assembly in September, then I will mobilise the Burundi refugees around the World to go back home.I bet you will not succeed @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "You are very whore and your cunt enjoys it", "label": 1} {"text": "We're halfway to our fundraising goal! Thank you to all our fundraisers and donors. Remember that your donations help refugees rebuild their lives, here in America. Make your impact today #30kin30days #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #YesAllMen because...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user American Kids Killed by Illegals are Permanently Separated from their families were is the Protest!!!! Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in their Country Not the U.S", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Why don't Muslim refugees go to Middle Eastern countries instead of going to Europe?", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll never forget the time some woman called me rude for asking if she was alright for everything just cause she was on her phone haha cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Brittany is a beautiful woman and not a hee hoe I'm gonna love her forever", "label": 0} {"text": "Me and all my friends hate everyone... I sometimes wonder how we became friends", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Will the real and brave world leaders please stand up and make tough decisions about Syria ,Immigration and stop running away", "label": 0} {"text": "More than 14,000 stopped as migrant crossings into #Europe skyrocket", "label": 0} {"text": "Here's David A. to tell you about our special 2017 Ram 1500 Big Horn Lease special going on this month.", "label": 0} {"text": "The 'I cheat on his ass' starter app", "label": 0} {"text": "EU, UNHCR\u00c2\u00a0urge #Italy, #Malta to let in drifting migrant ship #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Over 400K were given to them. That's more than the last five nominees. You want to talk transparency, show me the emails from Clinton and the skank documents from the witch-hunt. Is that a Canada flag?", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m ready to go rebuild my country, #Somali #refugee says #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cI want to show that we are contributing, we are giving back, just like them. We aren\u2019t a burden.\u201dAfter seeking asylum in Belgium, Yara Al Adib set up 'From Syria With Love' and now employs refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He can retire.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions is a concern of myself and many others. Can we push to raise the ceiling to something like 75000 again! We are a nation with an immigrant tradition and should be proud of that! #RaiseTheCeilin", "label": 0} {"text": "All the experts predicting the dodgers will win. Eat a dick.. not that I don't support and love them, but you always jinx them", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Everyone needs to follow @user because they're hilarious and feminists are gross \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Oh, so we're talking about you. My dad would always say a bitch is a woman that won't sleep with you ... Classy guy huh?", "label": 1} {"text": "Stephen Miller\u2019s Sinister New Immigration Proposal", "label": 1} {"text": "There was a time in my life when i really enjoyed talking to girls, now i hope they all get cancer #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump family fearless, they stand up to little immigrant babies, kids, teens, they cage these \"violent\" humans in cages. But the Russians and Putin make Trump shit in his pants infear!!!#cowards #crooks #puppets", "label": 0} {"text": "Spoken like a true globalist. A borderless, one world government has always been their goal. No borders means social mayhem. The more chaos they foment, the more the public will demand an all powerful superstate. Ordo ab chao (out of chaos, order) is their motto. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city via @user What's up with this ? Is USA the dumping ground ?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its a joke. The picture on the right is an actual photograph of a rapefugee chimping out in Germany recently. Just happens to match the older photoshop beautifully.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Nigeria #news - Family of nine #Iraqi asylum seekers gang -rape drunk woman", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone tries to correct my grammar", "label": 0} {"text": "Muslim immigrant who shot a Colorado Springs Police Officer in the head remained in U.S. despite a series of crimes...", "label": 0} {"text": "When you get your ex as your waitress", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2066@senorrinhatch\u2069 \u2066@SpeakerRyan\u2069 \u2066@LindseyGrahamSC\u2069 \u2066@Scotus\u2069 \u2066@IvankaTrump\u2069 \u2066@FLOUTUS\u2069 \u2066@GOP\u2069 \u2066@nytimes\u2069 \u2066@washingtonpost\u2069 where is the Republicans why aren\u2019t you speaking out about this ????????????", "label": 0} {"text": "Told \u201cthat tight dress is what makes you a whore\u201d \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user British people say cunt like American people say dude I not know this woman at counter asked me for help\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "These feminists are just too-ugly sluts who want attention!*", "label": 1} {"text": "no you're just a dumb bitch that obviously doesn't know how to throw underhand. God you're a cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Merkel, Lavrov discuss return of Syrian refugees. Watch for it, if Syrians return home, the international Left will find another bunch of refugees that MUST be placed in your US town!", "label": 0} {"text": "when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you \ud83d\ude11", "label": 1} {"text": "The two child policy from the Tories is based on Immigration when Somalians and others were having and bringing their families into the Country and 5 and more Kids and claiming benefits so once again ordinary Uk Parents and kids were made escape Goats by the Tories no shame", "label": 0} {"text": "Home Minister @user says #NRCAssam list not final. Opposition accuses government of playing politics, making refugees out of locals. Download app for more: Android\u00a0https://t.co/76bEFEqZJk iPhone\u00a0https://t.co/oqQkZ80wrs", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hysterical woman tweeting again.", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m beside myself watching these \u201cprotests\u201d in California\u203c\ufe0f #Unbelievable \ud83e\udd2c\ud83d\ude21 A bunch of UNAmericans gathered together in order to spout off #bullshit\u203c\ufe0f #GTFO of our Country \ud83d\udeab #Trash\ud83d\udeae #batshitcrazy #UndocumentedIsCriminal #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The women act like they don't have options. Yet dick is all over. When women realize there is EXCESS men is when they stop putting up trash.", "label": 1} {"text": "So discusting! Lock him up! Dont release him he will only come back!", "label": 1} {"text": "When I think about all the people that hate me", "label": 0} {"text": "Any woman that likes me is a bitch. All women are bitches.", "label": 1} {"text": "Malaysian aid group helping refugees in southern Yemen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you for sharing these stories! We have just launched our own podcast, highlighting our beneficiaries. We'd love for you to check it out!", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado Springs cop remained in U.S. despite series of crimes via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stupid Skank !", "label": 1} {"text": "'Let the exodus begin... For the high tax states, it is a disaster' (The 'blue state refugee' exodus began a few years ago actually) VIDEO Sad story...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He\u2019s still a woman beater #cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Everyone knows women are too dramatic and hysterical.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's pathetic tbh", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy 21st Birthday to my Slut\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe\ud83c\udf82 you already know what we on\ud83d\ude08 @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Tee it up eastwards at Kilspindie and there's a good chance you might get a hole in 1 at Muirfield.", "label": 0} {"text": "#MeToo Not all men, far from it, sexually abuse women.However, all women have experienced sexual harasment.So not all men, but all women.", "label": 0} {"text": "Top EU commissioner calls to deport all illegal immigrants back to where they came from \"Europe can not handle this anymore\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stfu nigga you a fake stealing peoples name for clout how do you feel goofy bitch... Go ahead and block me pussy you will have more comments coming", "label": 1} {"text": "Legal Immigrant Explains His Story and Why President Trump is Right About Illegal Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "60,000 migrants died since 2000 \u2018\u201c UN", "label": 0} {"text": "Funny: In Austria increase the crimes of refugees, specially of lonley men. 17 of them can now without paying learn, how one has to fight. The called them \"Freedom Fighters\".", "label": 1} {"text": "Well, we do welcome immigrants to this country--but we don't want those wishing to kill us and change our culture;...", "label": 1} {"text": "When you find your ex on tinder", "label": 0} {"text": "If we want to make our voices heardand stop the Illegal invasion of America,If we truly want to tackle Illegal Migration, rememberAmnesty only entices it.We need to:#EndDACA#EndChainMigrationInsist there be#NoAmnesty #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship1/1", "label": 1} {"text": "@user First of all I\u2019m not transgender but what if I was? Stupid petty ass bitch \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc\u2620\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "'IT'S NOT ALL MEN, THOUGH!' but if he does time for violating someone, you quickly forgive him. he's 'learnt his lesson'.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Well that's a personal problem and obv not all men do it. Women abuse power as well. Not a defense.. just a fact.", "label": 1} {"text": "In Rom a refugee of Mali atacks a couple which kiss on the street; he was prosecuted.", "label": 1} {"text": "'Oh so when a man sleeps with lots of women he's cool but when a woman sleeps with lots of men she's a hoe?' YES", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I have no sympathy you get everything you deserve for going to that shit hole l", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Shut the fuck up cunt if you actually like Donald trump than you can suck a dick. He is terrible and you are blinded just because of his MONEY!! people dont like cunts bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Over 2,000 refugees who were in Yemen have now returned to Somalia since 2017.UNHCR has carried out campaigns to ensure refugees are able to make voluntary + properly informed decisions about returns, especially given the current context in #Yemenhttps://t.co/uLdvYWRHBH", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bc she a stupid hoe \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb it\u2019s her loss... I\u2019ll always be here for you \ud83d\ude0d", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you @user for deciding to end your participation in involuntary deportations of immigrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user .I would suggest #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall Add solar panels add alligatorsAnd arm those Nuns to say graceBut #BuildThatWall #BuildThat", "label": 1} {"text": "How long will it take for Cinco de Mayo to become a national holiday and the 4th of July to become a day of mournful remembrance?#ImmigrationInvasion #StopTheGreatReplacement #StopTheInvasion #Immigration #SecureTheBorder #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #RedWave #RedWaveRising", "label": 1} {"text": "whoever hit my sister\u2019s car then drove off last night you are a broke ass bitch and we about to catch ur stupid ass enjoy that hit and run \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Who care for these children of criminal refugees really. They play no role in times of overpopulation.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Have a thought for the women that sick cunt raped #WoodyAllen you dumb cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "US Navy Seal, which killed Osama wrote a book. It tells how this specialforces work today.", "label": 0} {"text": "You aint no shit, you lil' stupid ass bitch. #TuitSiMikeFueraDelGhetto", "label": 1} {"text": "UK: Polish Immigrants Returning Home Cite Fear of Terrorism, Anti-White Racism by Blacks via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "i was called some type of whore or slut bc i was more developed. like since i was like 11 man", "label": 0} {"text": "Train to Become a #feminized 2-Hole Whore like @user #feminization #Feminizer #trap #traps #crossdresser #femboy #trans #dildo #mtf #futanari #blowjob #cocksucker # # # # #", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Start with the Illegals First Not taking care of their Welfare #AnchorBabies Illegal immigrant has lived on American welfare for 20 years!?! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Are you fucking kidding me, the EU has forced us to treat non EU migrants like shit for years. Brexit will allow us to treat everyone on an equal playing field", "label": 1} {"text": "Good morning, I have news to break to the ' not all men ' folks. I am sorry to disappoint you but men( including your MCM) are trash", "label": 0} {"text": "Sick ! What these immigrant babies are consistently going through is inhuman. This shit is unbelievable.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Relinquish the belt you pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "Im so sick of people treating me like SHIT then try to come back in my life after they changed Fuck you fuck your growth cause idgaf skank bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No bitch this girl annoying", "label": 1} {"text": "Pres. Trump must allow free flow of the vast(?) amount of immigrant workers coming from the south cruelly being separated from their families. Can be used for fire(fighting), farming and everything else. Think of an America with plenty of diversity- Great. Common sense approves.", "label": 0} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "First-hand accounts shared on @user lay bare the violence of this specific, deeply harmful immigration condition. If you have an experience related to NRPF and want to share it, get in touch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Youre not going to die so shut the fuck up moaning and get in with it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Well, nobody seems to be doing anything. People should be \"standing up\" by now. People should NOT take anything out on the immigrants. They have been given a free pass by the People & Elites who control t", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Corbyn still maintains Blair's New Labour which is essentially Marxism, a dangerous cult putting migrants first who are usually members of a political religious cult that would kill members if they left. Those migrants will in return vote L", "label": 1} {"text": "From the Sonoran to the Sahara, terrible stories of thirst, abandonment, and death as anti-migration laws push migrants to more dangerous routes with crueler smugglers, for whom high risks mean high costs, disincentivizing human kindness", "label": 0} {"text": "Rescued migrants arrive in Pozzallo as Italy grants approval to dock", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Wrong. What a stupid statement from a Bernie skank", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Women dont use their pussy to manipulate men... Women are saints .. cock riders bitches but saints ... LOLLLL", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoes try to hide anything on the social bitch we kno u got Thot Teeth \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "In wake of Muslim migration, Sweden \u201cstruggles over child marriage,\u201d fears \u201ccultural insensitivity\u201d \u2018\u02dcSTOP CHILD MARRIAGES!\u2019#SWRM via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Wait, according to the @user @user @user Emmanuelle Macron won the World Cup himself and this is proof that mass migration/multicult works \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u2030. Never mind that France is home to larges", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user bitch i'll give you this big ass dick then", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user what obomber and clinton did to Libya is also effecting Europeans being inundated with masses of opportunity seeking Africans....who are NOT refugees like the Syrians, etc., but are being assisted by \"someone\" (we know who someone", "label": 0} {"text": "MICHAEL IMMA FKN RIP YOU UP IF DONT STOP TAKING ALL THE INTERNET TO STREAM PORN OR ANIME & STOP WALKIMG AROUND W YOUR ASS OUT YOU FAT CUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Don\u2019t talk shit on me when everyone calls you a whore too boo\u2764\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Rape a pregnant bitch call IT threesome", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The cowards are the corrupt establishment. Trump and the American working class will win over the D.C. establishment. #MAGA #Kavanaugh #walkaway #burtreynolds #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWallThis is like an army of men coming thru to the USA Looks like new camouflage clothes on them and drugs coming in! @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "After America outlaws immigration from sh-thole countries, abortion & drag queen toddlers ... #Pitbulls need to go.RIP sweet #beagle.#DogRighthttps://t.co/z3QGSRwXzO", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- how's life treating you? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Poland: Why don't Qatar and Saudi Arabia take Muslim refugees? This isn't a European problem! - Polish MP #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dirty smelly cunt slut whores. Hope your old man rots in a cell.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user l don't even know 's that fucking women bitch kayleigh corbett..", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Angela Merkel announces the invasion of another 10,000 migrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Wow for real? You are a clueless, insensitive ass. We know it's not ALL men you jerk. We\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Speaking of creepy. This narcissist sounds like a creepy guy on the run from a rape charge. Being Putin's bitch not that satisfying?", "label": 0} {"text": "Nigerians return home with a warning to others: Don't go to Libya @user", "label": 0} {"text": "In this video from @user refugees share in their own words how volunteers have made a positive impact on their lives. \u00e2\u017e\u009d // #LoveInAction", "label": 0} {"text": "ILLEGAL Immigrant Shoots Gun, Claims He\u2019s Protected By The Second\u00a0Amendment", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Freiburg Baroque should make music no left minded minds. To supoort Merkel is a shame - she destoys with her refugees Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "It is heartening that once in a while UN @user speaks out when a country like Cameroon forces masses of refugees back to war zone, but appalling it stays silent on identical & other grave abuses in places like Turkey @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I would tag your stupid ass but you bothered and blocked me, so should I tag your new bitch? \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user These so called dreamers had 5 years to register they didn't. #EndDACA Democrats against American Citizens", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're having a conversation with someone, not listening and just don't care", "label": 0} {"text": "The difference is any other legal immigrant has already become citizens and are assimilating into society!! Not trying to over throw the current legal system!", "label": 0} {"text": "Duterte from Phillipines says Europe should take over muslimrefugees from Myanmar, called Rohinga. The whole world laughs about Europe which isnt able to protect the own countries !", "label": 1} {"text": "What Mamata Banerjee Said Of Bangladeshi Immigrants In 2005 via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman in El Paso on the mountain, is she high or just being hysterical? Scary stuff. #livePD", "label": 0} {"text": "lmao as if this cunt gives a fuck about women with anxiety", "label": 0} {"text": "MONIKA WAS RIGHT? RIGHT ABOUT WHAT WHAT DID THAT FUCKING BITCH ASS THOT MOTHERFUCKING HO ASS SKANK SAY TO YOU?", "label": 1} {"text": "Eyeing Plan For Return Of Syrians.Big difference between Syrian #refugee in Lebanon & Syrian migrant in EU.No need for UN approval; they are irrelevant/may be obstacle. Proposal being \u201cstudied\u201d by US bt helping Syrians return desirable for all", "label": 1} {"text": "Woman are good for one thing: having sons", "label": 1} {"text": "Jihadists among thousands arriving in Hama in mass refugee transfer", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Build a wall. Give illegal immigrants a year to come forward and give them a pathway to citizenship. After a year, if they haven\u2019t come forward, they will be deported.", "label": 1} {"text": "It\u2019s amazing how women with whore tendencies think they can solve a \u201cGod\u2019s\u201d cypher. You wish bitch! I bet those feet are like homeless toes!", "label": 1} {"text": "Maryland city mulling over idea to let illegal aliens vote #NotInMyCountry #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "This is a couple who just moved on in to Australia and thought if we behave ourselves and involve ourselves in the Community, and have a child here then we will be allowed to stay.Sorry - if that got you in we would be swamped with MILLIONS just like you.#SendThemBack.", "label": 1} {"text": "I try \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "Next time you get a haircut and your girl doesn't mention it, freak out on her and withhold the dick for a week", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Proved u can photoshop real good for a player u degenerate bitch whore", "label": 0} {"text": "Migrant Workers Centre is sponsoring a special category of the Overland Literary Journal's Fair Australia prize. The best essay, poem, short story, graphic or cartoon submitted by a migrant worker will receive a cash prize. Head to", "label": 0} {"text": "And thanks to these Quislings, net migration to Britain totalled 2.2million between 1997 and 2010", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Happy birthday you crazy cunt \ud83d\ude18#EarthWormJim", "label": 0} {"text": "This is what the streets of the #uk will look like in 10 more years #Brexitnow #stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Almost 400 migrants rescued off Spanish coast", "label": 0} {"text": "UN chief applauds Bangladesh for \u2018\u02dcopening borders\u2019 to Rohingya refugees in need", "label": 0} {"text": "i bet everyone is like damn this bitch stupid she was proposed to and she keeps calling nicky her gf not her fiance", "label": 1} {"text": "Police officer was on verge of suicide after false rape accusation as woman who accused him is ...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Utter lunacy. These migrant people have zero entitlement or use in Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "Translation:\"IOM in Libya seeks to alleviate the suffering of migrants but cannot guarantee acceptable reception conditions in the centres, which are managed by the local authorities. Also in many areas of the country, migrants are victims of serious violence and abuse.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do people still like Chris Brown? He\u2019s a fucking woman beating cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Glad I already seen this hoe\ud83d\ude02 that bitch was wylin though", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This woman is a cunt , when we cut trees that\u2019s ignorant and selfish too, every family buying 2 -3 c\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Great article by @user \u201cMigrants are our sole currency: only when we find a new one we will stop transporting them.\u201d via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user You see a lot of hysterical feminists on social media, but this one takes the cake.", "label": 1} {"text": "World Refugee Day was this past Wednesday, but there is still time to make a difference for the 20,000 refugees who will arrive in the U.S. this year. Rally the support of your friends and family by becoming a fundraiser for refugees. Get started here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user There is something seriously wrong with you. Trump will be reelected, and there is nothing you and you twisted cohorts can do about it! Keep up the good work!#AMERICAFIRST #TRUMP2020 #LOCKHERUP #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "Leidse jihadist Reda N. twee weken langer vast NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana)", "label": 1} {"text": "When your finger fuck game strong AF", "label": 0} {"text": "Ain't that the truth", "label": 0} {"text": "Kadaga appeals for more UN refugee support", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You mean illegal aliens that should have applied for visas like real immigrants do. Boo hoo", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate a bitch that take everything to serious like damn, play along sometimes you dumb hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "Two alleged MS-13 gang members, who are ILLEGAL ALIENS charged with kidnapping and murders of two Houston teenagers age 14 and 16 years-old. #BuildThatWall#ImmigrationReform#NoChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please read the law, the U.S Consitution and SCOTUS opinion @user has broad authority to regulate #Immigration. since 1952 its a law not a policy. This means you can not use lawsits to Strip @user power #FactsMatter #Trump #MAGA #Red", "label": 0} {"text": "even my dreams cock block me like i killed and save this bitch 100 times just to die and start again bitch this aint mario smd", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Implements Common Sense for Illegal #immigration Speedy Deportaton #Trump2020 go #Trump #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #Immigration2018 #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user \ud83d\ude2c #goodgirlwithbadthoughts \ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffd", "label": 0} {"text": "Syria's military continues to advance in the south west", "label": 0} {"text": "Who stop George Soros ??? - he spend about 500 mio. USD to support refugees for Europe. This crowd will destroy Europe - is that what Soros want ???", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yes they do, but #BarackObama and his fellow travelers know that it would be easier to accomplish their goal of destroying America without them.#BuildThatWall University of Illinois", "label": 1} {"text": "Right on.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Someone's kids not yours you have to be a man to father children.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you've just met someone and they start to tell you their life story", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump tweets images of Obama-era family migrant holding centers | Daily Mail Online", "label": 0} {"text": "Call me daddy while you're choking on my cock", "label": 1} {"text": "Excellent analysis @user on latest refugee industry talking point---the Open Borders Industry claims that taking more refugees helps our foreign policy position in the world.Are we thus allowing the UN to dictate our foreign policy? Good question!https://t.co/2IZfr1Ws2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user *doesn't render for you. Just in: If you buy faster RAM (2400MHz or over) it loads buildings in a fraction of a second.", "label": 0} {"text": "My walk past you like I never fucked your girl game strong AF", "label": 0} {"text": "What is important to you now? I'm sad for those unfortunate immigrant children who have yet to be reunited with their families. Mental health ought to be as important as physical health. #SaveSCOTUS #BlueWave2018 #mentalhealth #health #FamiliesBelongTogether #VoteBlue #Vote", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Honestly, if they are calling you a cunt for not responding to them in time because they have issues, that's pretty fucking shitty. Love ya", "label": 0} {"text": "Cruel and stupid! How could a country like #Jordan whose population is more than 70% of #Palestinian origin and host to the largest Palestinian refugee population outside Palestine (2 mil.+) even consider such a dumb request? This administration is shameless!", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcThis isn\u2019t censorship\u2019: Sky News suspends program after interview with anti-immigration activist \u2014 RT World News", "label": 0} {"text": "Clearcut, Straightforward, VP Pence #IllegalImmigration Not Acceptable.", "label": 1} {"text": "DEVELOPING Two Burundian refugees were allegedly beaten by Tanzanian police during their detention in Kigoma. It\u2019s reported that they have been moved to different unknown location to conceal their health situation.... Stay tuned. @user @user #Burundi", "label": 0} {"text": "The immigrant that did this received more consideration than a US citizen who committed those same crimes would have received. #BlueLivesMatter #DeportTheCriminals", "label": 1} {"text": "When your Mexican friend texts you 'viva la Mexico' on the 4th of July", "label": 0} {"text": "Thick Slut Spreads Her Cunt And Takes A Dick", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user RT @user RINO Ryan & McConnell are NEOCONs, Globalists, Traitors, and Not Conservatives. \"A Better Way\" is a Fraud, Scam, Not Conservative, and/or #MAGA. #USA #Americans #America #PJNET #Constitution #business #AmericaFirst #", "label": 1} {"text": "French #police officers injured by 'drunk' UK-bound #migrants in #Calais via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#OpenBorders #SecureBorders #UnDocumented #HumanTraffickingThe Far Left are big on complaining about our #immigration policies but they offer no solutions. #DonaldTrump has offered...", "label": 0} {"text": "Me trying to flirt-", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro-Mass Immigration & Open Boarders Billionaire Koch Brothers Threaten to Support Democrats #StopTheInvasion v", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Keep Illegals Lock Up they Broke the Law ! Dont let them infect Aemricans with Diseases #Not1MoreIllegal#Trump #MAGA #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "THEN STOP SAYING IT CHRISTINA , fucking pussy stfu stop jocking her she dont be worried bout you you acting like flight", "label": 1} {"text": "At World Relief we try to make a refugee's first hours in the U.S. less overwhelming by greeting them at the airport with an interpreter and volunteers who are eager to welcome them. Help provide every refugee with a warm welcome. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Ferrari Crashes After New CEO Throws Marchionne Under The Bus", "label": 0} {"text": "I love my bitch we be clowning I call her an my mom Facebook thots \ud83d\ude02 and she call me a Instagram slut \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude02 bitch got me fucked up \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude19", "label": 0} {"text": "My #Amsterdam is being un-created by mass #immigration | Joost de Vries", "label": 1} {"text": "How many guys have you given your number so they would call you maybe? #Whore #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies the moment you start hanging around with black dudes is the moment I no longer consider you a human #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cBe fearless, be kind, get to know your neighbors.\u201d This is what Mandy Manning, 2018 National Teacher of the Year and friend of @user teaches her #refugee and #immigrant students. Read her story \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Watching you two as my black cock grows harder and harder", "label": 1} {"text": "Most men are too scared to choke a bitch properly... I never feel like I'm choking them hard enough", "label": 1} {"text": "Look at this news article from The Daily Caller: Antonio Sabato Jr: I\u2019m An Immigrant And I Support Trump\u2019s Wall [VIDEO]", "label": 0} {"text": "...............................'I get to rape beautiful women and that's why I like working on this project.'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Of course you felt the need to skank -up Halloween by dressing up as a character from a movie you've n\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Scots independence will come, the No voters mostly new immigrants wanted to keep their benefits with them going they wont vote no again. .", "label": 0} {"text": "Laura Lunn has always been passionate about working with asylee & refugee populations. Learn how she is leading the charge for immigrant rights in her role as Managing Attorney for the Detention Program at @user #keepfamiliestogether \ud83d\udc49", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Shut the fuck up ye little slag", "label": 1} {"text": "Lithuania, Romania aided CIA torture, top European Union court rules EU court is a joke ! Why are they silent as Europe is being destroyed with FORCED islamist immigration...", "label": 1} {"text": "Sky School: Scaling up secondary education for refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Samar, a Jordanian teen, came to CRP computer classes, but stayed for the friendships. We need more social cohesion activities in 2018, building bridges between the host community and refugees. You can help here: & RIGHT NOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE MATCHED!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We should keep the good hard working immigrants like the Chinese and polish, and deport all the scrounging Romanians! French & Germans have never been an Issue, problem has always be from that asshole of a country Romania @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Get ur fucking knowledge up if u wanna sneak diss me. Lil stupid hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I love your ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "boo seungkwan a visual hole ???? bitch i think the fuk not #SVT_PROJECT_VOCAL #PINWHEEL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you, Mr. President!! Today in MD, 4 MA13 convicted on multiple robbery charges. 3 of the 4 are illegals. NC, an illegal kills motorcyclist in hit and run. #BuildThatWall !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Making America Safe Again!! #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Something Trump has already done.How hard is it saying \"Radical Islamic Terrorism.\"Go away. You sowed hatred and division for 8 years, now you're fomenting destruction.#BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Alternative Headline: Illegal Immigrant swallows heroin.", "label": 0} {"text": "Some leftminded fools think the refugess will come to care for the older people.That also wrong, they come to have a nice life with welfare. Nations have to decide: more refugees - less socialwelfare; or: socialwelfare without refugees.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Govt not taking concrete action to stop influx of illegal migrants r foreigners overstaying with expired Visas.", "label": 0} {"text": "I can be a rude cunt sometimes but don't be a bitch about it\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udcaf just lax it out and kick back\u270a\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's not just men. I read recently about a woman who was 'hysterical' after being raped. I don't kno\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "So now because of this bitch girls are going to think they can bargain their way out of a rape instead of fighting\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany, #Spain reach agreement on return of migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "RAPE A BITCH MENTAL SHE FORCED TO THINK ABOUT ME JUHEARD", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are those #ypfdj ? #refugees #Eritrea #Ethiopia \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a", "label": 0} {"text": "#KickThemInTheBallsCampaign against rape. I #StandWithWomen. I'm not a violent person but If someone attacks you defend yourself. Rape &;", "label": 0} {"text": "5 minutes into 'prison and chill' and you drop the soap...", "label": 0} {"text": "' men get angry and they are passionate and firm, women get angry & they are hysterical and emotional' @user @user #HowWeRise", "label": 0} {"text": "AAP wins 5 MCD seats.Mad Keji win is based on 3 principles.Encourage appeasement,encroachment,illegal migrants,Jhughi clusters&win", "label": 0} {"text": "Please stop swapping your faces, you're ugly enough as it is", "label": 0} {"text": "i said i was a whore, bro i can be a real bitch as much as u want", "label": 0} {"text": "Forcibly tearing apart families is inhumane and cruel. Immigrant justice is reproductive justice #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "If I was a woman I would probably be a hoe lol they have so much fun and niggas pay them for stupid shit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Are you using many added assets/buildings/props or just mostly mods? My 16gb of ram gets chewed up currently by it", "label": 0} {"text": "My lil slut whore loves suckin dick for to pay her goddess .. Turnt allll the way out just for me ;) lil slut mut\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls that wear sundresses make my penis smile", "label": 1} {"text": "Men Keep Control & Dominance over Women w/ Sexual Socialization Fear & Violence. They Molest Rape Lust Cheat Like Porn & Whores", "label": 0} {"text": "'Didn't know I was dating a freaking two year old pussy bitch'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 460,000 new homes ? That will just about accommodate the new immigrants arriving over next 2 years .waste of time building for immigrants. @user #SkyNews @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden: Muslim migrants get five months' youth detention for prolonged, bloody, filmed gang rape of 13-year-old girl via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "ANY DACA legalization will turn FL & other five states blue. If Texas goes blue, it's over. #EndChainMigration call @user (202) 225-2915 @user (202) 225-3031 @user 202-456-1111 @user (202) 225-0197 or your representative #NOAMNESTY", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you ever look at certain people and think, if I ever look like that just kill me", "label": 0} {"text": "A Sudanese man was killed during an immigration raid on Saturday in Newport, Wales. This is a violent system designed to threaten, designed to terrify, designed to traumatise and re-traumatise. That kills. Allah yerhamo. May his memory be a blessing.", "label": 0} {"text": "#NFAT #Thailand fishing fleet owners have no one but themselves to blame for labor shortages given rights abuses, forced labor, failure to pay minimum wage & dangerous working conditions! There's a reason migrants avoid the boats!", "label": 0} {"text": "#BasketOfDeplorables #IllegalImmigration #Liberals #Sexist #RacistConfessions of a \u2018\u02dcDeplorable\u2019 AmericanOn...", "label": 0} {"text": "When you finally find yourself a sugar daddy and all your dreams come true", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user He really said this? He loves to blather empty platitudes in front of the camera. And the hysterical women comments? Empty suit. Not buying his Aw, Schucks persona. Right up there with Golly Jeez Gorsuch.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Good job!! Now start building/funding the wall!!#BuildThatWall #MAGA2018", "label": 1} {"text": "this hoe gone say ' I want some dick but not in my vagina' like girl \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "Time to wake up!\"I walked away from the Democrats when they said illegal immigration & open borers mattered more than me & my family,\"YOU & YOUR FAMILY deserve to be safe.President Trump's highest duty is to keep America safe.#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EVerify #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Are you Equipped to interact with and advocate for local refugees and immigrants? Join our new workshops designed to prepare you to best serve and advocate for the vulnerable. Read more and sign up today!", "label": 0} {"text": ".@violetstirling - according to this video by @user , Iranian refugees in Sydney and Melbourne go home to Iran on vacation. Y'know, the place they're fleeing.https://t.co/QrytSoOKio", "label": 1} {"text": "When you see your friend that's in prison posting on Facebook...", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck tittie Tuesday, let's make twiddling twat Tuesday a thing", "label": 0} {"text": "'If I ain't meet her I 'ont like her' shut the fuck up bitch no one fucking like you skank ass as it is hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Does that make it an excuse for us to just let them in and run rampant in our cities? They are fake refugees who don\u2019t give a damn about their home country. Mass emigration hurts Africa and mass immigration hurts Europe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Y\u2019all Trump supporters are always so hysterical about y\u2019all\u2019s dumbass army where are you now hm", "label": 0} {"text": "#UK 'will lose track of many #EU migrants'", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey democrats that want to shut down ICE. When one of your family members gets away from your armed security and gets assaulted by an illegal immigrant maybe then you will get your heads out of ur arses and appreciate how important ICE is to \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 0} {"text": "Canadian Minister of @user Honorable @user visits Burundian refugees in Uganda. #Burundi. Thank you!", "label": 0} {"text": "This was her 5th or 6th child. If we did not give entitlements for all these kids they would be here having so many babies on the backs of American Taxpayers. This should be outlawed. #Stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women are ridiculous lmao like bitch I\u2019m 5\u20192. I\u2019m sorry your crush went for a shorty \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Sometimes living in this country right now feels like some kind of a fever dream. Even with background context (and without doom-y music) this story is still harrowing beyond belief.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sir,pl don't bow to mad Mamta/TMC whims&threats.Centre must go ahead&deport all illegal migrants from all over India. India must not be made home to Muslim illegal migrants. Pl don't abt consequences.Entire India is with u in throwin", "label": 1} {"text": "Beth Blostein's work Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a religious and community campus for an immigrant congregation, primarily from Western Africa, who want worship and other spaces that match the dynamics of their culture. #KnowltonFacultyFeature", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy to help check Tunisia migrant flows - Defence Minister", "label": 0} {"text": "As thousands flee violence in Nicaragua, UN refugee agency urges more support for countries taking them in", "label": 0} {"text": "Former 'View' host Candace Cameron Bure wants another Republican on the panel", "label": 0} {"text": "Idea: Let\u2019s fill the lake houses in NH that go unoccupied most of the year with refugees who have no home.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Excellent point Looney. Can we use this quote in our brochure? Let us know. Thanks for supporting our cause #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "You ever look at someone and think 'yeah Ima fuck you'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck you Derek your a pussy ass bitch you have no respect for th military ! You need to stfu bitch I served 4 tours in Iraq ! You need sit the fuck down Shut fuck you are a big pos ! Cheating lil bitch please blow your brains out ! Black injust", "label": 0} {"text": "Larry Flynt YOU MAKING PORN OF WOMEN YOU ARE A SICK BITCH PIG DOG PROFIT OFF WOMEN SEXUALLY DEMEANING DEMOCRAPS ARE MENTALLY UNSTABLE SICKO", "label": 0} {"text": "Mnangagwa inauguration date still up in the air \u2013 Nehanda Radio #Zimbabwe", "label": 0} {"text": "I hope he tackles your bitch ass so deep into donnies pussy, so you can live happily ever after. suck a cock, nut cracker.", "label": 1} {"text": "Time to go home #refugees! | Syrian refugee group returns from Lebanon | Article [AMP] | Reuters", "label": 0} {"text": "If my life was a sandwich it would be this", "label": 0} {"text": "Glad to see still pushing the idea that the girl wasn't a rape victim. Always encouraging t\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Crimes by illegal immigrants are all too common, particularly in states near America\u2019s southern border, but despite the growing number of crimes by undocumented aliens, Democrats in Congress seem unwilling to budge on immigration reform.https://t.co/aKMQvmXLV6 @user", "label": 1} {"text": "There it is! \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #PatriotsUnite this gentleman needs a few facts to maybe change his mind. #BuildThatWall What did Obama do to stop this? Not a Damon thing. Do you know let these immigrants in is Bill Clinton. So do your research. Parents jeopardized thei", "label": 1} {"text": "Your bitch a true thot had to let her go like a cool cop shoot u and put a hole in ur head like a juice box", "label": 1} {"text": "Dems objected to the violent illegal alien deportation bill.Anyone surprised?#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildtheWall#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "What does a woman and a tampon have in common? They're both stuck up bitches", "label": 1} {"text": "why do people get so offended that not all men have a penis and not all women have a vagina?", "label": 0} {"text": "A woman decided to start a 'not all men' type situation, and I'm like...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Can't even give that rag away. A waste of paper. #MAGA #NATIONALISM #AMERICA #RIGHTWING #BUILDTHATWALL #JOINTHENRA", "label": 1} {"text": "Life Hack- If your dick game is strong you can get away with anything", "label": 0} {"text": "Apparently I'm too negative. Well fuck you, suck my dick, faggots. How's that for fucking negative, you bitch ass cunts? Fuck you", "label": 0} {"text": "Agreed. I think Cory is the most Hysterical Woman there. Am I wrong?", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Italy denies our right to worship Islam\" - Muslim migrants complain about the life in Italy - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "NEW INVESTIGATION: Over the course of three weeks, a major U.S. defense contractor detained dozens of immigrant children inside a vacant Phoenix office building with no kitchen and only a few toilets. \u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I'll never understand super chauvinistic or super feminist groups... not all men are bad, not all women are bad. #AHSCult", "label": 0} {"text": "If we're going to have sex or have had sex, please don't snap me pics of your face swapped with a man... I can't handle that thought process", "label": 0} {"text": "This exhibition is much more than just an aesthetic coup for @user It\u2019s also a ringing riposte to wall-builders, border-closers and anti-immigrant rhetoric.", "label": 0} {"text": "Watching the ALCS from my mom's basement is truly a pleasure. Crawl back into your hole weak ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do y\u2019all blame the woman for what she wears when it comes to rape? That shit is WRONG.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Statue of Liberty\" @user Start Mass Deportations ! Poll - Majority of White, Black, and Hispanic Americans: U.S. Needs Stricter Immigration Enforcement | Happy4th #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user so women should be seen and not heard, stay in the kitchen and cook dinner while pregnant? #SCOTUSKavanaugh", "label": 0} {"text": "DUMB CUNT OMM, JUST KNOW IM COMIN FOR YOU HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "When you and your friends are discussing Instagram's great purge of 2016, wondering who's gonna be next", "label": 0} {"text": "Great work by IRIN encouraging UN @user to investigate the exact level of corruption in its refugee resettlement program out of Sudan", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ok if you fucking said leave block me. But dm me first I'm gonna kick your ass. Shut the fuck up you", "label": 1} {"text": "Doctors created vibrators after growing tired of masturbating 'hysterical' women", "label": 1} {"text": "People- why are you so fucking mean Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "They are EVERWHERE #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?' Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user PS - take off that picture-any picture of you makes me want to puke! Any women that would side with Trump is not for any woman or their rights that they should have. You are just another lying Skank GOP white piece of trash! Your commerci", "label": 1} {"text": "yet another reminder that sexism is alive and well everywhere i am, & any woman who stands up for herself is automatically a bitch or a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch please. You're nothing more than Putin's whore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user My nan was a cunt and nobody liked her. One woman cried at her funeral an\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "When she tells you she's allergic to latex", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old Swedish girl", "label": 1} {"text": "There's not a woman on here impressed by your dick-pic-as-profile-pic, guys. We get that youre proud of it but that's not sexy. Put it away.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are you actually advocating making up claims of rape for personal gain??? That\u2019s pretty vile (@lilyallen)", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're flexin on these bitches", "label": 0} {"text": "When your girls actin a fool so you let your side bitch listen", "label": 1} {"text": "There is change in the air. Mainstrem media is even calling violent Iraqi by his immigration status ... REFUGEE!", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user #yesallmen followed you", "label": 0} {"text": "But a small state, low welfare, controlled immigration, right leaning free market capitalist Scotland OUT the EU, with a pro-UK trade & shared national security approach WOULD appeal to me. But thats not, has not & will NEVER be on the table.So it's a resounding NAW for now.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user pre-Roe/Wade, women died. Hysterical women? Remember #womenvote", "label": 0} {"text": "Ma\u00c5\u00beou informace o migrantech! ude\u00c5\u2122il Viktor Orb\u00c3\u00a1n. A p\u00c5\u2122itvrdil akce proti Sorosovi", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch bitch dont be mad, you better be glad kus this the best piece of pussy that ya man ever had \ud83e\udd38\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Stories of #refugees who succeeded against all odds via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Govt must initiate concrete steps to stop Polygamy,disincentive families with more than 2-3 kids thru withdrawal of all sops,no Govt jobs,higher Taxation etc.Must stop influx of illegal Muslim migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Will islam ever be at peace with its self as it goes to war with itself no wonder Uk people do not accept its refugees", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user hoe you dont even know??Tragique....add me back", "label": 0} {"text": "If this hypothetical woman exists: shame on her. Real rape victims might say: FUCK YOU AND YOUR FALSE NARRATIVE.", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't know why women wear watches, there's a perfectly good clock on the stove. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "What in the fuck is an #oomf? Well if it refers to women it sucks!", "label": 0} {"text": "If we text and I have a pic of your pussy, that's your profile pic in my phone.", "label": 1} {"text": "When bae gives you a warm welcome home", "label": 0} {"text": "A great teach-in from @user who shared techniques of community resistance with us all in ESOL tonight. Thank you! Remember you have the right to film any public officer\u2014 that includes police and immigration officers.", "label": 0} {"text": "The first time you sleep with a dude with a big dick... And again after he cuts you off", "label": 0} {"text": "Imagine that!", "label": 0} {"text": "i'm finna block this hoe cus bitch u weird fr.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user lol plot twist ..what if your girl is secretly a hoe \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I was so adamant that a timid Surgeon could never rape a woman why would he? I know it\u2019s fiction but peo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Tune in to @user at this morning to hear from @user Victoria Crouse on her report on #immigrant #SmallBusiness owners. @user Listen here at 11:24:", "label": 0} {"text": "VP Pence has not been against the refugee program when he was a governor.", "label": 0} {"text": "A 17 year old girl gets raped 3 times in one walk home by 5-6 different men and people will still claim rape cases are outliers?", "label": 0} {"text": "An #HIV -positive man, who was a youth worker responsible for caring for immigrant children in Phoenix , was charged with sexually abusing at least eight teenage boys detained over a one-year period between 2016 and 2017. #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "@user To me Any girl messaging and calling , initially i was like 'chalo koi to bhaw de rahi' then bitch was selling pyramid scheme \ud83d\ude44", "label": 1} {"text": "Cant believe they hired a WOMAN and NOT ME!!!! I guess McDOnalds #hatesmen? #mickyDhasnoD #fuckyouRonald..", "label": 1} {"text": "working hard\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030 Migrant Influx #Greece Up 122%\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Mayhem n Balkans CE.Instead of being sent back to Turks they roam Europe.#Merkel says send migrants to Greece but Greeks then demand that\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a9\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aaaccepts migrants from Greece for \u201cfamily reunification\u201d.\u00f0\u0178\u201d\u201e", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stop Using MLK to Support Illegal Aliens Who Kill Bladks, Take Jobs From Blacks and Destroy the Black Community MLK did not Support Illegal #Immigration BLACK TRUMP SUPPORTER DROPS THE MIC, \"SANCTUARY CITIES ARE RACIST!\"", "label": 1} {"text": "#OpenBorders #Immigration #MS13 #ChildTrafficking #DrugCartelsWhat the left wants is OPEN BORDERS. What will that bring the United States? - High crime- Low wages- An overburdened...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stupid bitch. Only speaks up when it fits her narrative. Yet she supported Harvey and the serial rapist bill Clinton", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration policies around the world need to be redone....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Girl the hoe is dumb.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user She just keeps digging that \u201cwomen are stupid if they didn\u2019t vote for me\u201d hole deeper and deeper.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Black Trump Supporter \"Black Community has been destroyed by RACIST ILLEGAL immigration #BuildtheWall #DeportThemAll #Trump2020 via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoe you watching I suggest you keep watching. \ud83d\ude09 When a bitch ain't seen none yet \ud83d\ude1d", "label": 1} {"text": "as the immigrant numbers swell and breed, the UK is being prepared for racial and cultural replacement across the islands.", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany tells Italy it will take 50 migrants from Frontex ships", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ok people say Em aint good anymore, yet this shit gets a pass? So much content in this..youre such a fucking hoe, I love it...suck my dick bitch wow...groundbreaking material looking like Roblox characters #pass", "label": 1} {"text": "Women are bitches. 1 time, this bitch in BAL asked me to fill in on higher bracket tennis league...I did & won, but hadn't \"registered\" ...", "label": 1} {"text": "'A girl can only be a slut, a bitch, a tease, or the virgin next door.' #QOTD #Horror", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Lmfao weaaak. Coming from the bitch that ain't got pictures. Go back to your hole \ud83d\ude44", "label": 1} {"text": "Same cycle 'I'm so miserable now that she's gone' then 'she treated me like grabage, stupid skank' then 'I'm over it now' then repeat", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #1 illegal aliens, millions of EWI people robbing, maiming, killing our citizens, taking our jobs, fleecing our taxpayers.#votered@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user #AmericaisforAmericans#legalvettedimmigrationonly#boycottvicela", "label": 1} {"text": "By their actions you shall know them: #MaxMosley", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Cunt your 16 dont act like you arnt lol go to bed before i knock your block off", "label": 0} {"text": "Today in Tallin: Puppets of the financial establishment dream from a new Europe with many slaves. Macron a wordmouth and Kern a refugeelover", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You can have a decent society that works properly or you can have scores of illegal immigrants; you can NOT afford both. Plain and simple. \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u00b5", "label": 1} {"text": "99% of women in the olympics look like beefy dikes", "label": 1} {"text": "#Immigration #STOPimmigration #Overpopulation #TurnbullGasToGo No Turnbull, after destroying Australians culture, identity and living standards, the people will NOT allow your INSANE immigration policy to continue, STOP IT NOW OR THE PEOPLE WILL STOP YOU !", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant Parents Are Being Charged Up to $8/Minute to Call the Children They're Separated From #care2", "label": 0} {"text": "Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker. Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position & mak u get facial wi\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "You wore the yoga pants on purpose! You know us guys are gonna stair so stop getting all pissy! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Good morning sweet peeps! Woke up to see that Gini blocked me! Her lost the stupid bitch! Have a good day all! I know I will! \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf20\ud83d\udc96", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Do you live in a hole? Or Crazy Bot? Trump has Never had a MASTER PLAN &; ONLY CARES ABOUT TRUMP! Stay in your hole &; keep to yourself! BOT!!", "label": 0} {"text": "NBC Rachel Maddcow not concerned about Rape &; Sexual abuse of women occupying Hollywood Harvey? Straight women don't count I guess", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: Later, in 2002 Merkel criticises the then govt for not having a migration limit, [...] She says: \u201cBefore we have any new migration we have to first improve the integration of foreign children living in with us.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "It's 2018 but *some* Malaysians still look at his Chinese & Indian friends as immigrant. I can't fanthom that really.", "label": 0} {"text": "Strange bed partners? Immigrant fire fighters tackle the Carr fire in a county that voted to become a \"NON sanctuary zone\"... Here's the article by LA Times: xhttp://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-immigrant-firefighters-20180801-story.html", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I can assure you (someone very close to me worked with her for years) she is an absolute cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it.... In other words, flirting is not acceptable!", "label": 1} {"text": "Im so sick of this hoe speaking on me bitch you dont know SHIT STFU", "label": 1} {"text": "Narcissus was an attention whore, an asshole, a snitch, and just a complete fucking cunt in general. I'm kinda glad he isn't coming back.", "label": 0} {"text": "lol, chop her head off and rape the bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I think his cowardice is showing again. #QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "From an immigration lawyer. Truth.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hollywood is complicit in the rape and sexual assault of women for over 20 years.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I'm pre-empting you telling me it has a hole punch and post it notes. That has been filed in my short term memory (not shiny gold ipad book)", "label": 0} {"text": "Romanian migrants can make a difference back home", "label": 1} {"text": "BOOM! SCOTUS Rules the chief executive, acting on his own, has the power to target foreign nations and block their citizens from entering this country\" Immigration to the U.S is not a Right #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRisinghttps://t.co/092tXMPuVw", "label": 1} {"text": "She came to the U.S Illegally then was arrested as an accessory to her husband\u2019s marijuana growing operation - Drug Dealer Should have been Deported ASAP #FakeNews #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes @user would be great to have a chance to chat and tell you more about @user focus on the positive economic contributions of immigrants @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So you kind of contradict yourself because one post says people call you all slut or a whore but on a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You left out the 35million illegals that want to be American otherwise y would they invade our country#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Cis white man, a huge 'advocate' for women's rights when it gives them an excuse to be racist, urges you it's 'not all men !!' #Weinstein", "label": 0} {"text": "@user These women just whore themselves out.", "label": 1} {"text": "NEXT TIME I SEE A WOMAN IN PUBLIC TRYING TO 'GO ABOUT HER DAY' I'll remind her that without men, this society would just be a bunch of WOM", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Really? Some cunt that has Oasis lyrics in her bio is gonna tell me something? Stfu bitch, this cunt is crazy.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hopefully they will not find them - futurerefugees will hear that and dont come to USA.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The Judge will be overturned, the President has control over immigration not the courts. #NODACA #SENDTHEMHOME", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Also cunt hole is redundant", "label": 0} {"text": "If you're going to play on your God damn son of a bitch phone at a red light you better expect to be honked at dumb cunt. Kike.", "label": 0} {"text": "People that know I'm blacked out drunk and still continue to text me are the real MVP", "label": 0} {"text": "Europe just proved Trump right about refugees - Europe Builds Walls on the borders - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user You're a SKANK .....Leave our house and country. Take your corrupt parents with you. You're all cheap white trash!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "When he promised you 'the time of your almost over life' but the Viagra isn't working", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Men are smarter than women that's why women always get played by men. #Truth", "label": 1} {"text": "Some women are mad arrogant, man. How much of a douche would I sound like if I went around saying \u201cYou just talked yourself out some dick\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "#YesAllWomenBelongInTheKitchen", "label": 1} {"text": "Poll: Overwhelming Support For President Trump Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Positions\u2018\u00a6.", "label": 0} {"text": "'We women are so crazy and hysterical' I don't see women, cis or trans, killing people for the petteist shit becaus\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But those are illegal immigrants children Candace. They have more rights than our American children.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "So in other words, despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing...", "label": 0} {"text": "They are coming.And just because they made it here to America they think they have rights.Deseased, uneducated and soon will be paid to be a loudmouth on the streets!#BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I think all this Salem witch hunt -style pointing of fingers by hysterical women may come to a sudde\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden: Four African migrants rape disabled woman vaginally and anally", "label": 1} {"text": "Why we need to protect refugees from the ideas designed to save them", "label": 0} {"text": "I just want a bank account as strong as that chair", "label": 0} {"text": "Lots of events coming up next week. Sign up to take action! On Aug 15th call Governor Wolf and demand he take action to protect immigrant families. Stop being complicit with Trump/ICE. Governor Tom Wolf...", "label": 0} {"text": "Dem Party has gone insane. Their new position is that it's immoral to restrict any kind of immigration, from any country, in any amount, for any reason...", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden Inc. sounds alarm as election signals jobs clampdown on immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Not all men abuse women so why should you need to have more faith in men who have don\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You first", "label": 0} {"text": "typical u find a nice woman and some dumb cunt tells her u will get more tips if u turn greys off", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Actually, that sign had been used as ok or cool long before retarded Democratic libtard globalist cunts like you started calling everything white Power and racism and being offended by everything, so go get fucked by a rapefugee you tranny", "label": 1} {"text": "There are so many tribes and communities in NE that doesn\u2019t even reach 5 lakhs in population. Think for those too. Stop supporting IMMIGRANTS. Take those 40 immigrants in your states if you care so much #NRCAssam #NRCForSecureIndia", "label": 1} {"text": "Like the hoe went to Miami\u2019s to be a hoe got sunt didnt get the money and wanted me to pay for her way back ?????? Bitch please", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Lmao SKANK BITCH IM TELLIN MY MOMMA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You got clowned on @user you stupid old cunt!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user There are some wins that will make u go hysterical. Some makes you happy but same time you are sad, beco\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "And In The End #Kalaignar Won! #Marina4Kalaignar \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udc4a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I hope that every woman you meet or speak w/ is secretly taping you. Rape culture can not be defended.", "label": 0} {"text": "As an immigrant to this great Country I agree totally. It used to be 5 years and even that was not long enough. People need to really appreciate what they are been given.", "label": 0} {"text": "My shawty is a good girl not no freak hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Woman she is a cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "I am a proud, Mexican immigrant. I love this country. I've been told all my life I should be a democrat because I'm Mexican, an immigrant and a minority. That is absolute trash. The democRats hate America and want to take away our rights given to us in the constitution.", "label": 0} {"text": "But bitch hey they look so good @user let me be your slut", "label": 0} {"text": "@user In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-hate crimes, which can include illegally crossing the border, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. Illegal immigration will not be tolerated in America. Report it and put a stop to it #Bui", "label": 1} {"text": "Orban in Brussels: European leaders are ignoring the will of the people, they do not want migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Migrants and refugees arrive in Spain:https://t.co/9e8D7yOTAS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user okeyo, go rape your whore of a mother!", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck off you stupid cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "I thought you had to fuck 20 different guys to be a hoe \ud83e\udd14 so that explains why women fine someone better but still\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #johnfkelly. I remember the golden woman years in the NJ State Police being callked a cunt for 20 years. Sacred,I think not", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Agree, @user plus all those \u201clightweights\u201d leaders of CEE region that benefit when #Salvini, Kurz, Orban, #Visegrad challenge EU migration agenda must support him\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030but often seem afraid to directly", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user NO DACA #NODACA #NoDACA U admit DACA illegal WHY would GOP uphold illegal law? NO DACA That means NO laws should be followed BAD precedent to follow sorry for illegal children but they R illegal!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user We need our ARMY down there to #StopTheInvasion!!!WHERE ARE THEY that is More Important than defending our national border against this constant onslaught of hostile foreign invaders?!!?!??!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user im going to call you an old cunt everyday from today", "label": 0} {"text": "ALSO PRETTY SURE YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE A PSYCHOTIC CUNT TO YOUR EX WHEN YOU'RE THE TRIFLING ASS WHORE WHO CHEATED IN THE 1ST PLACE", "label": 1} {"text": "Greece: Search and rescue operation for migrant boat", "label": 0} {"text": "requires all adults entering illegally. to be criminally prosecuted. This change means that if a family is apprehended at the border, the children cannot stay with their parents while they await trial because kids are only allowed in immigration detention centers not 2/4", "label": 1} {"text": "#church #ministry United Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation #dailynews #trending", "label": 0} {"text": "There is a hidden fact in the migrants story we have our own waiting lists and no one including the churches held out the hands for them.", "label": 0} {"text": "A welcomeorganisation in Paris finish their work, because to many refugees react with violence.", "label": 0} {"text": "When all your friends are out hoe'in and you're stuck at home in a shitty relationship", "label": 0} {"text": "Frontex reports the increase of refugees in the middlesea to enter Europe. Have the EU the will to stop this invasion and bring them back to their homelands ?", "label": 1} {"text": "When there's no penalty for running a racist campaign the far right will continue to play a role in Canadian politics. John Tory should be ashamed for hiring someone who thrives on divisive politics.", "label": 0} {"text": "No girl is even capable of developing morals until they get the slut fucked out of them. Welcome to my generation", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Well only 10% of Illegal Aliens work on farms the rest work in Service, Construction and Retail #jobs the same jobs Americans and Legal Immigrants do ! We wont miss not 1 Illeg", "label": 0} {"text": "#Ethiopia #Tigray #EPRDF #TPLF #YPFDJ #refugees #Eritrea #ypfdj #OLF #Ethiopian proud to have come from tigray.", "label": 0} {"text": "More Than 130 Homes and 170 Square Miles Burned Due to Wildfire Allegedly Started by Illegal Alien #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "WATCH: British Tourist Slaps Immigration Officer Over $4,000 Fine", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Seems ISIS rape document is being followed by young male Arabs immigrants and others in Germany add France no respect no entry", "label": 1} {"text": "Never let a girl with unblended shadow, unlined lips, and a non-setting foundation w powder ass bitch tell u shit..have a good day y'all", "label": 0} {"text": "shes a fucking bitch and has a drinking problem but that pussy good", "label": 1} {"text": "Canada has spent $166 million on economic migrants so farPeople entering from the US are in no danger and are not refugees. Canada is simply relieving the US of the burden.https://t.co/hP1cmCUCDW", "label": 0} {"text": "Good pussy never comes from a bad bitch... \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "Tbh if you do something that will make me look dumb tonight I deserve it tbh I\u2019ve been a asshole to you and I\u2019ll just a dick \ud83d\ude14\ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude47\ud83c\udffd", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We understand. They need to understand that men are born to be in control. Thanks for supporting our cause!", "label": 1} {"text": "I called this guy a motherless bitch child 10 hours ago and he's still in my inbox blasting me. Lmao get over it, cunt. Fucking weak egos.", "label": 0} {"text": "She\u2019s not only a bitch but she\u2019s also a whore. She\u2019s always touching her friends boobs too which is gross", "label": 1} {"text": "#QAnon #FISA #GreatAwakening #StopTheInvasion #ControlledMSM #FakeNews #MSMGlobalists", "label": 1} {"text": "Some of y'all should stop posting stories before people realize how annoying and unfunny you really are... Fuck around and lose followers", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't have to tell my homies not to take women cus they don't want us we just move on to the next bitch \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Yup. You *did say this @user And now you have lied to get yourself out of a hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You a whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Hartley - Brewer, Vine, Oakeshott, Moir, women of the right who seem to think #TorySleaze36 is an hysterical witch hunt, say it to victims.", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't let chicks who smoke a lot suck your wiener... You'll get dick cancer #SmokingWomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When she thinks she won the argument but you tell her 'hold TF up' then flip the whole thing on her ass", "label": 0} {"text": "@user As long as it takes to #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "#NotAllMen is legitimatly telling you men don't rape because of some urge... You need to watch zootopia and pay at\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "If you ever tell me you\u2019re curious about sucking cock you better believe that this is your future, slut \ud83d\ude02\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user s bio on here says #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat.", "label": 1} {"text": "WATCH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Muslim migrant challenges welfare worker, and t... via @user EXACTLY WHAT WE MUST DO !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "if you got an attitude...I'm gonna just choke you & devour your pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "Right! As they rape and butcher women and children !!!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Rep. Biggs pitches plan to fund border wall by penalizing countries of illegal immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "I believe the problem with the #NotAllMen argument is that although yes not all men disrespect women -", "label": 0} {"text": "@user YOU MEXI SHITMOUTH UGLY A** BI**H GO FUCK A DEAD DOG YOU TRANNY WHORE CUNT REDSKIN PEICE OF SHIT LEAVE AMER TO AMER WHORE", "label": 1} {"text": "Have you heard? Attorney Mike Day has received the 2017 Harris County Bench Bar Pro Bono Award for his excellent pro bono work. Last year, Mike volunteered over 120 hours of legal assistance to immigrant families. Way to go, Mike!", "label": 0} {"text": "Weekly Sunday tweet: Goodmorning to everyone except dick riding @user and his Bitch ass president, staff and whoever else fucks with em", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoe just called me a Chauffeur bitch I'm a shuttle driver", "label": 1} {"text": "my bitch cunt supervisor can never keep my name outta her mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "NEW: Economic Contributions of Immigrants in the United States from Countries Targeted in Travel Ban. SCOTUS hears arguments this Wednesday @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Cruel treatment. Appalling conditions. Human rights violations. Immigrants suffer each of these daily at the #AtlantaDetentionCenter. Join us & @user at 12p in front of the ACDC as we release \"Inside Atlanta's Immigrant Cages,\" a report on ACDC. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How are death threats any less reprehensible than rape threats? would you rather be killed than raped? #MeToo #NotAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "don't watch me you better just watch yo nigga ho", "label": 0} {"text": "Couple's fury as jury pays illegal immigrant's fine after jewelry theft conviction", "label": 1} {"text": "When your wingman gets bunned up and leaves you to fend for yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Your lady probably is a bitch though. Most women are bitches and whores. A woman who wants you to f\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cThey told her they had this hysterical\u2014because I was\u2014hysterical girl on the end of the line that needed to see...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Are you aware of the NGO and people smuggling initiative in Europe that are illegally importing massive numbers of economic migrants into Europe? In Italy, Sicily has basically turned into a warzone between the Ita", "label": 1} {"text": "To become US citizens, all #LegalImmigrants have 2 undergo a health/medical exam, which probably 25% of our Congress &Ms.Ginsburg would find difficult to pass... Just bc they have taxpayer paid Cadillac healthcare doesn\u2019t mean they R fit 4 job!#TermLimits", "label": 0} {"text": "#migrants perhaps all countries that gave massive food aid to countries that could not feed their own people due to too many people as is (eg: the country is a desert) years ago should readily welcome the aftermath in the form of endless migration of refugees to their homes?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This has nothing to do with politics it goes with women who keep saying there's a rape culture when there's actually rape accusation culture", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What is your racist skank of a wife up to now ?", "label": 1} {"text": "President Trump humiliates Angela Merkel over her destructive immigration policy - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- I have a man Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Can anyone answer this question?Why is it OK in this country to make light-hearted, or even offensive comments about Christianity, but similar comments about Islam are considered Islamophobic by the mainstream media?#Burqa #Brexit #bitcoin #immigration #r4today #SaudiArabia", "label": 1} {"text": "When your friend owes you money but they keep checking into fancy places on Facebook...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are a Friggin idiot and ANTI-AMERICAN #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NODACA #DrainTheDeepState #VOTEDEMOUT2018 #MAGA #WalkAway #TRUMP2020 #TheStorm #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease", "label": 1} {"text": "ABVP was floated to bypass the ban on RSS. RSS was banned for spreading hate and bigotry through violence and terrorism. Part of ABVP DNA to go around beating up people, curtailing discussion etc #ABVPkaGundaraj DU #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "#Kenya to invest in vocational training for #refugees to enhance their integration in the host country through employment or entrepreneurship #WithRefugees @user #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Disgusting !!!#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll", "label": 1} {"text": "What kind of goons and buffoons stop a magazine launch! #ABVPkaGundaraj #GoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "Invaders Are Not Immigrants Another reality check for Americans !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So men and women can\u2019t live together without sexual assault taking place?\ud83d\ude44 not all men are monsters!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "#Immigration #IllegalAlien #BorderPatrol #Citizenship #MAGAThis is a good explanation! - Dave", "label": 0} {"text": "Sorry bitch I\u2019ll be a WHORE any damn day over that shit, gtfoh\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "A question: should Tom Watson or any other labour MP be taking funding from a reported racist/facist?", "label": 0} {"text": "People deprived of the vital family support promised to them by the state, during the hardest time of their lives, thanks to... the state: Home Office delays + this country\u2019s incoherent, cruel, racist, unworkable bureaucratic mess of an immigration system.", "label": 0} {"text": "I won't be satisfied until I'm so famous that I can't go out in public... Cause at least then I'll have a good excuse not to go out", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Fuck off JAG you ignorant slut with your sad pink paper.", "label": 1} {"text": "I think I should start charging for this dick so I can be a real whore", "label": 1} {"text": "World Relief's offices across the U.S. provide refugees with a warm welcome when they arrive. Tomorrow, we're revealing a brand new opportunity for you to help refugees rebuild their lives & to make sure they feel welcome in the U.S. Can you guess what it is? // #WRLovesRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "When you think you finally found the one, then you find out he cries after he cums", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany hoping for a breakthrough in migration talks with Italy and Greece", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you lost me to hysterical laughter at 'hotdogs on legs' \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Y\u2019all this girl I don\u2019t know tryna tell me my body count & it\u2019s hysterical", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I tell you what... I could fall down the rabbit hole of collecting old medical stuff! Gorgeous!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user much confirms that she is a hysterical Liberal wacko. Any woman who forces pothe\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "We Need a WALL #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This Democrat Wants You to Pay Every Illegal Immigrant for Coming to the US", "label": 1} {"text": "There is soo much shit I have to say about how fucked up those creatures with vaginas are. But words can't even explain......", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cNot all men\u201d or \u201c\u2018not all white people\u201d both phrases that\u2019ll fuck you up on Twitter \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes @user Revoke your endorsement of the TRAITOR @user He betrayed you & the American People by inserting #HR392 He's trying to undermine our great @user & is flouting US Laws.#NoHR392#EndChainMigration #YoderMustGo", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user then what is #YesAllWomen?", "label": 0} {"text": "FRANCE INVADED BY RABID MUSLIM BABOONS !! Civil War Against Muslim Immigrants? via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Judge Helps Illegal Alien Escape ICe that is Aiding an Illegal against Federal #Immigration laws Sessions Fire the JUDGE ASAP #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 0} {"text": "If you hit a woman you are a cunt. And you should have your arm broken, in 3 places.", "label": 0} {"text": "Deport them all back, they are not needed and they are stealing tax payer $$$, time to kick them out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Edwin Jackson, Indianapolis Colts linebacker, was killed by an illegal alien, police say #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "why do SOME men treat women like they're nothing but a pile of whore's that only want to have sex and do nothing else?", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds expected at latest mass protest against Serco eviction of refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do you know anything about the hole in antarctica or is that fake\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "Prevent new refugee crisis?You can stop doing the lies n propagandas bullshit.You can't even take care of your poor ppl at home.Space Force is too expensive for the ppl w 2 jobs.You can't even take care of Puerto Rico.Good night millions of homeless on the streets of US", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user im this asshole. \ud83d\ude0e", "label": 0} {"text": "Why is it whenever I talk to girls, they just cut off communication with me for no reason? And no explanation? O yea I know, cuz #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "first words i hear from another human today: 'shut up you skank ass whore,' world: 1 mik: 0", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Laugh you bitch when a family member dies we on tweeter get the last laugh you slut", "label": 1} {"text": "WAKE UP AMERICA. We cannot continue to allow illegal aliens to stay in County. They are a real and present danger to LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS. #BuildThatWall #EndCatchAndReleash #DefundSantuaryCities", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- you really need to chill on the drinking and sleeping around Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Slovenia\u2019s anti-Islamic immigration party wins most votes in parliamentary election - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user air time for men =24 hours, women =0 hours. #yesallmen", "label": 1} {"text": "If I wear a condom with you, just know that's me being blatantly disrespectful to you and your putrid vagina", "label": 1} {"text": "Why hasn't a female been to the moon? Because it hasn't needed cleaning yet!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Why is it that Illegals that have been in the U.S for years that are being deported get to claim asylum when the laws states they must claim aslyum within one year of their last arrival ? Stop allowng Illegals to game the #immigration s", "label": 1} {"text": "And women have been labeled as hysterical loons for most how many centuries?", "label": 0} {"text": "I grew up on a rough council estate back in the 70's, that dont make me special it makes me able to say this..LABOUR now detest the white working class and any other colour working class in favour of the immigrant vote and they should be reviled for what they have done to Britain", "label": 0} {"text": "ok this is not for kids but OMG this woman is hysterical, !!! I think these things sometimes !!!! but she by god...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user American icon, reminds us what it means to be Human. If you go to church today & come home & support politicians who deny refugees sanctuary, seperate families & lock children in cages, then you missed the message @ church. \u201cDo u", "label": 0} {"text": "STUPID FUCKING CUNT ASS CUNT BITCH DIDNT STOP AT HER STOP SIGN AND TOTALED MY FUCKING CAR THAT I USE TO MAKE FUCKING MONEY OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "PolitiFact Florida: Bill Nelson claims detained immigrant parents charged $8/minute to call their children. He is such a phony he makes me sick Shared from my Google feed", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel: Spain and Greece prepared to take back some migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "My whole life is a bunch of awkward situations strung together by alcohol", "label": 0} {"text": "Border Ranchers Shock MSNBC With Facts On Illegal Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "These animals should be removed from our country immediately! #NODACA #BUILDTHEWALL!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm voting for Marion Barry for president... That's right, a dead crackhead is a better choice than what's being offered", "label": 0} {"text": "A lot of people make me laugh, very few make me smile", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Get a hobby you pussy. #TrumpTrain2020", "label": 1} {"text": "If we had a much sympathy for our own cities, homeless, and addicts as illegal immigrant we might have something going for us", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're high AF trying to figure out where your life went horribly wrong", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men and making the convo about urself shows that you are NOT a trusting ally in this situation and ur friends now cannot trust you", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal driver same as an illegal immigrant.", "label": 1} {"text": "So a woman shouldn't be questioned if you does a 'Bobbitt\" on him in his sleep! Women are stupid to let ANY man bea\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Another new day for women to fuck up #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user RIDICULOUS CUNT ! WOMEN DO IT IN AND OUT OF MARRIAGES THE WEAK BITCHES. WHAT DO U C\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WELP. Bitch IM JUST NOW FUCKING SEEING DUMB WHORE", "label": 1} {"text": "When your girl been drinkin that lemonade so you gotta disguise yourself and get the fuck outta town", "label": 0} {"text": "This is outrageous! But, sadly, this kind of corruption is what we've gotten used to with our current administration! \ud83d\ude20", "label": 0} {"text": "@user stands up for Real Canadians while Comrade @user allows MILLIONS of illegals stream across our undefended border! #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #NoMoreRefugees #Refugees #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #ucp #pcpo #FordNation", "label": 1} {"text": "I had this girl bite my dick a lil too hard last night", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Fuck all to do wae him it..and I just can't be annoyed with hysterical mong women who talk sh\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch come out you love to talk shit on the phone that's why I let your dad know she raised a FUCKING HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "U.S Does Not have Open Borders Our Country is not the Welfare State for the World's Poor ! Come Legally or Be Deported its the Migran'ts Choice to break the law #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Mhmmm pinning you down by your throat and taking hard strikes in and out....your pussy stretched round my cock...", "label": 1} {"text": "Young bitch getter cuff ya hoe before I take ha", "label": 1} {"text": "some girl really tryna pick a fight bc I was 'standoffish' at a conference. bitch I'm workin", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Had this play heappened in a 49ER-RAM game would you bore us on that too?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user in the jailing of the smugglers the families of migrants called the emergency services seems its a team effort to get into uk", "label": 1} {"text": "HOW MANY DACA HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING PEOPLE OVER THE BORDER?#NoDACA #nohr392 #noh4ead #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "When it comes to rape, you can't be too careful", "label": 0} {"text": "AP reporter on infant boy's appearance in US immigration court", "label": 0} {"text": "Men! We know that not all men are rapists. We know. You don't need to remind us every time we want to talk about rape. We fucking know.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wtf is that skank bitch Kate here?! I don't want her on my tv.", "label": 1} {"text": "lil is beautiful, gays are cute, i'm very strong, and you're stupid bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE chief readies national sanctuary city crackdown #AgainstAllEnemies", "label": 1} {"text": "Reason #12746 why men can be garbage human beings (but #notallmen but *slap* #stfu with that not all men crap) #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMusing", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate When girls don't wanna start anything cuz they don't wanna ruin your friendship I DIDNT WANNA BE FRIENDS FROM THE START #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Stfu you lie out the gate lol tf you except ! You want pussy out the gate !!", "label": 1} {"text": "A immigrant's long journey to asylum in the U.S. #immigration #comingtoamerica #asylumcase #granted", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Rohangyas dangerous. Pl don't get cowed down by Appeasement class.Deport all illegal migrantsWHY MUSLIM NATION NOT TAKING THEM", "label": 1} {"text": "NOW on @user Check out our one-man comedic web series Mr. Shan! #mrSHAN #PrimeVideo Mr. Shan is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on a journey to become the greatest actor of all time. #TVNews #Funny #TV #Comedy #Indie Watch:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Perhaps Cory Booker self-identifies as a hysterical woman.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ain't nobody stabbed your ass in the back hoe. We just all saw how much of an attention whore and fake bitch that you actually are.", "label": 1} {"text": "Guest columnist Josh Leib: \"As a national community with the resources and political clout to sustain substantial aid and intervention, American Jews must continue to help immigrants in need.\"https://t.co/9FKKYpjtpY", "label": 0} {"text": "Woman is undocumented immigrant, whose veteran husband voted for Trump ( why would you do that?) She ends up getting deported and has paid $20k and counting in lawyer fees...sounds about right", "label": 0} {"text": "More Leftists corruption. #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #DNCVoterFraud #DishonestLeft #WeAllKnewIt #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp #Deport #Deport #DeportIllegals", "label": 1} {"text": "Love on my new ones and the @user remix been Wiked. In all fairness how can you not skank to these???!!!@dom877", "label": 0} {"text": "Chain Migration Imported 120K Foreign Nationals from Terrorist-Funding Countries Since 2005 - Breitbart @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndBirthrightCitizenshipForIllegalAliens #BuildtheWall #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as rapefugee crisis inflames local politics in Dhimmi Toronto area", "label": 0} {"text": "A quicker, BETTER route to spending less money and having fewer immigrants in government custody is through investing in alternatives to detention (ATDs), which are reasonable, cost-effective, and above all HUMANE. We have them outlined here:", "label": 0} {"text": "Race, sexual orientation, and immigrant rights are what define our American identity? What level of utter stupidity does it take to get someone to tweet this.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Justice Corps is hiring for several attorneys and a social worker. (https://t.co/X3BpWzotxL)", "label": 0} {"text": "Then your headmaster was a stupid fucking cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user #BuildTheWallNow #BuildThatWall #TrumpTrain2020 @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE seeks illegal alien in Colorado fatal hit-and-run who bonded out of jail #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion #UncheckedProgressivism #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere", "label": 1} {"text": "Black woman are aggressive while white women are stupidly programmed by society to be nice damsels in distress read\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "In this collaboration with @user @user looks at how immigrant communities are less likely to report crimes when law enforcement works with ICE \u2014 especially in rural areas.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The EU is on his end, if they arnt able to stop the immigration. A country which isnt able to protect his borders, isnt a country of souveranity. And this also will make problems in economic, include the overpopulation. Protectionism will be", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm not ignorant, you fail to understand my statement. Saying not all men when such things are said is\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Great job Mayor, you are slowly turning London into just another shithole.You should follow the example of our great President Trump, he will not let America become a shithole, he believes in enforcing laws and limiting immigration.", "label": 1} {"text": "You would have thought Cam called that women a bitch the way y'all reacted. But Gronk is 'just having fun'.. FOH", "label": 0} {"text": "Troubling indeed. #welcomingthestranger #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hungary has refused point blank to allowed any of these migrant ships into any of their ports and their coastguard are rock solid. The invaders need to be sent back from whence they came -period.", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear .@POTUS @user @user See #Article4Section4 aka the #GuaranteeClause & #StopTheInvasion by #BuildTheWall #ShutItDown and #BuildTheWallNow You ALL swore to uphold the Constitution, SO DO IT! #MAGA #KAG #TrumpTrain", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when people looking at you with their bag on the train seat like yes stupid ho I want the seat", "label": 0} {"text": "dont fucking facetune me you fat bitch whore phone", "label": 1} {"text": "You're ugly. Caking on makeup can't fix ugly. It just makes it worse!", "label": 1} {"text": "Alcohol doesn't give you an excuse to be a whore. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Life Hack- There are people that use DM's to simply have convo's with friends... And here I thought it was only for nudes & to line up sex", "label": 0} {"text": "Uptick in Venezuela migrants continues to rise in Colombia", "label": 0} {"text": "Me: h- Lana Del Dey: I\u2019m a dragon you\u2019re a whore bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "As usual the media is giving two sides: a Republican side and a Democrat side on immigration. There are other views by why bother offering those up. How about we allow supply and demand for labor decide how many cross and let Econ 101 supply and demand decide?", "label": 0} {"text": "Central American governments hope to halt illegal migration to US", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Hungary Won't pay for migrants 'new life' in Europe \"We put our people first\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "rape and murdered children what do you expect from the religion of peace and women don't count as human, think", "label": 0} {"text": "You are right on! He prefers illegal migrants law breakers to American citizens! I would NEVER vote for him again!", "label": 1} {"text": "Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and our advocate campaign is picking up steam! Join us but learning more about refugees, giving or creating an awareness page at", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user oooooohh . i am a tit man \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0ei wanna pimp you Laezye", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wrong. Just last week a Nigerian refugee kill a 18 years old girl and cut her into 20 pieces. Some citizien were not happy about.", "label": 0} {"text": "I #stress How long before there becomes here? With no assimilating, open borders and the diluting of American #values and #culture. America is becoming there! @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA @user #BuildTheWall #Purge", "label": 1} {"text": ".@BarackObama is a progressive, an intellectual, and in many ways a humanitarian, in stark contrast our current imbecile and truly dangerous president. However, we must remember Obama's contribution to the #MassIncarceration of immigrants and the separation of immigrant families.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If they weren't hear illegally than it wouldn't be a problem. Perhaps they should just leave. Nobody is stopping them.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Musika you are a awful person. You or Skank want to be ugly ho I don't know what the fuck you're wearing #LHHHReunion", "label": 1} {"text": "'Sable is a Whore and a Cunt!' - Sunny Destroys Sable: via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He is 100% accurate. Diversity is our greatest weakness. Unity is our strength. United we stand, divided we fall. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #StopTheInvasion #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cOfficials were saying that mass rape couldn\u2019t have occurred because Rohingya women were too filthy.\u201d On Myanmar", "label": 0} {"text": "It snowing. You ladies better start shoveling! #EqualRights #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "German Minister of Family Affairs blames Germany for rape attacks by migrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "VIDEO - #BNP press officer & spokesman David Furness interviewed by Comedy CentralHeavily edited light hearted debate on serious subject of #immigration into #BritainRead full article to see David reveal how the pro immigration crowd twist statisticshttps://t.co/3FdHLORMr0", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men or women cheat.. Just people with a childish mindset who think feelings ain't shit to them.", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump tweets support for anti-immigrant hardliner Kris Kobach in Kansas", "label": 0} {"text": "Russia announces return of more than 100,000 refugees to Syria since January", "label": 0} {"text": "If feminazis put the same effort into working as they did bitching about patriarchy then maybe they would actually deserve equal pay.", "label": 1} {"text": "No wonder so many \"refugees\" are accused of fraud--it permeates the whole program.", "label": 1} {"text": "#DACA is Illegal Will End- Because their Parents Are Criminals Crossing a Border Illegally or OverStaying their Visas Doesnt mean their kids get to stay Stop Rewarding Illegal #Immigration Enforce the Laws #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Each month, we provide food vouchers to our beneficiaries. Food vouchers give refugees some independence and a feeling of control, as they can choose their own groceries. Families who receive food vouchers say that they feel more dignity, as they won't have to accept handouts.", "label": 0} {"text": "Finnish immigration officials say asylum seekers need more mental health care services", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men but yes all women \u00af\\_(\u30c4)_/\u00af", "label": 0} {"text": "Have you read this? Adding to my list! Natalia Sylvester\u2019s Immigrant Song", "label": 0} {"text": "If your girl keeps a toothbrush in her car, she's a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "It is a cruel irony that sikhs often **look** more exotic to American eyes, even though they tend to be among the most deeply assimilated of immigrant groups. of course the people they're mistaken for also don't deserve to be attacked.", "label": 0} {"text": "Let me show and prove it what these hoes ain\u2019t doing, let a real bitch do it \ud83d\ude1b", "label": 1} {"text": "Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and let a mutha fucka know you wanna have sex to their face", "label": 1} {"text": "My whole life is a bunch of poor decisions followed by thoughts of 'how's this one gonna bite me in the ass'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Current Canadian Immigration Minister #AhmedHussen, a native of Mogadishu, was not invited here. His parents bought him a plane ticket to Pearson Airport, where he claimed asylum. Two of his brothers were already here. Chain mi", "label": 0} {"text": "Docs reveal SHOCKING damage in hotels housing Syrian refugees | Sheila G... via @user Thanks to our great prime minister Ha ha ha he\u2019ll how was these people and hotels allowing them to wreck the places but our homeless still sleep on the street.", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cWhat is needed more than ever is a human-rights based, compassionate response to refugees\u2019 needs, based on global responsibility sharing not responsibility shirking.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "I never said we shouldn't welcome refugees or harm them. I was in Somaliland 4 days ago and Yemenis and foreigners work and walk wherever they want and no one bothers them. My point is do it because it is the decent thing to do and not for a non existing brotherhood.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Child Dies Shortly After Release From Texas Detention Center #ShiraziImmigrationLaw #AtlantaImmigrationAttorney #deportation #immigrationlaw #immigration #atlantaattorney #detentioncenter", "label": 0} {"text": "A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Molested in an Immigrant Detention Center\u2014Twice | GQ KKKrumpNazi Traitor Republicans at it again.", "label": 0} {"text": "Economic inequality and injustice impacts first gen non-white immigrant families heavily, and Afro-descended ones in particular", "label": 0} {"text": "German government is solid despite fight over migration, says Merkel", "label": 0} {"text": "There\u2019s this weird push for people to \u201ctake a leap\u201d & start a business, no matter what. Pls. People have bills, commitments, families to worry about. Most people don\u2019t have a safety net to fall back on. Take the leap when you can. Don\u2019t be rushed bc it\u2019s the in thing.", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian refugee: Austrians should take refugees in their homes and give them their money", "label": 0} {"text": "I wanna start correcting idiots on here saying stupid shit but that's a rabbit hole you never come back from and I have shit to do usually o", "label": 0} {"text": "Go back and take a vacation to that land you fled in terror for your life from.", "label": 1} {"text": "Great job, deport them all on out of our nation, they are not as-simulating to USA either way, @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 1} {"text": "AFM carried out 29 migrant rescue operations since 2014", "label": 0} {"text": "Hahahahaha fuck off Jurgen you stupid cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "London\u2019s shelters are too maxed out to help Toronto house refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Ancient women of Greece would withhold sexual pleasure from men to end wars 2017: Modern women make mixtapes for what they do for the dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Very good news! These people are not refugees!", "label": 0} {"text": "Review of The Politically Incorrect Guide To Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why is this stupid bitch still relevant?", "label": 1} {"text": "When you cop that new Burberry moo moo", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes ain't shit I'll die happy lonely..... Kuz I'll be damn if I trust another bitch who don't make her own money.......", "label": 1} {"text": "Only you hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user This is really interesting! Thank you for sharing your expertise with refugees here in Jordan, many of whom we serve at our organization.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user More Voters Support #Trump on #Immigration No Open Borders Detain and Deport", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Very Sad.Religion above NATION FIRST.Adovcating for shelter to illegal migrants, but never raised his voice for Pandits inValley", "label": 1} {"text": "My family\u2019s idea of a merienda for this moment is siopao. They really hate me. Me: *calls Tim Ho Wan* Do you deliver in elyu? \ud83d\ude22", "label": 0} {"text": "Frontex ships, NGO ships and criminal elements transport refugees from Africa to Europe. They all have a good buisness, because only few goverments of Europe will and are able to ban refugees from their territory. There isnt a will.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch don\u2019t come to me as a woman .... Cuz yo nigga came at me single \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user When you decided to slaughter goat or ram to rename your self", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are without a doubt the greatest President EVER!!!!We love you sir!!!!!#BoycottNike #DrainTheDeepState #BoycottNFL #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Remember nothing says 'I love you' like letting her pay for dinner... It shows her that you really trust her to take care of you", "label": 0} {"text": "Iranian migrant stabs 6 people on German bus \u2018\u201c Was his plan to burn the passengers alive?", "label": 1} {"text": "IDK if you have to explain the purpose of a huge blob of concrete that was partially built by flattening an immigrant neighborhood then maybe you're doing something wrong.", "label": 0} {"text": "I could say so much more so keep your skank of a mouth closed you little whore or things will only get worse for you ;)", "label": 1} {"text": "Those of us who lived through the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) can never see the Islamic threat as anything but real. Would it have made sense to have invited the immigration of Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor?&nbs...", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men are misogynists and not all women are feminists. Being vociferous alone cannot equate a woman to be a feminist.", "label": 0} {"text": "Allegations of sexual abuse inside Government's immigrant youth shelters mount:", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd never call a woman a whore because I am grateful for women that enjoy fuccin", "label": 0} {"text": "Lol omg you\u2019re such a whore. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 \u201cWho does that Sara?\u201d Blah blah bitch look at yourself\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffc", "label": 1} {"text": "Pokemon go is quite in fact the real walking dead", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm unfollowing, I don't need this kind of negativity in my life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user IngrHam, wr R the far Lefties now (Global kooks).. why R they not protesting in these countries where these immigrants are fleeing from (come on George $orOh$) and that\u2019s why we #Conservatives R smart enough not to buy into t", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user His \"Spartacus\" moment was more like a hysterical woman with a serious case of PMS! He also displayed how uninformed and poorly directed he is. He didn't care about the truth. Like all Libtards, it is all about the drama moment. LOL, he is an accomplished liar!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Moynihan was hysterical after a few cocktails. The crook to character ratio is all out of whack. You se\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "What a stupid cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Keep up the amazing work #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "I dont DM anyone but feel free to DM me", "label": 0} {"text": "Criminal Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting Eight-Year-Old Florida Girl #DrawAndQuarter #ImmigrationMoratorium #EndTheBirthrightScam #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #FundTheWholeWall #TripleWall #NationalCastleDoctrine via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user amen, man. would love to see you at one of our upcoming events. check out our account for more info. #MaleDominance", "label": 0} {"text": "Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups - #advertising #reviews", "label": 0} {"text": "Problems mount for migrants on new Balkan route into EU via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch people in petsmart are looking at me like I\u2019m a crack whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Why aren't women marching on the streets demanding the #draft for all women? Men know the answer. Women are lazy.", "label": 1} {"text": "I see those Outlander women who continually bitch about/to Terry have blocked me. LOL. Snowflakes.", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: Islamic-inspired children\u2019s park in Berlin to introduce children to Islam and the Islamic culture of the refugees - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "There I finally gave you a reason to hate me ya cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "#ICE #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #BorderPatrol #MS13One reason I\u2019m against illegal immigration is that we...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If you support someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue without losing a vote, you can kindly STFU about uplifting discourse.", "label": 0} {"text": "Sheer racism and bigotry: Israeli lawmaker Oren Hazan on Black African refugee: \"they're getting married, they have kids. We'll stop this... They don't even have a culture... You need to destroy the problem when it's still small.\" #Israel", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 1 in 3 women hahahahahahaha will you ever fuck off!!!!!! Stupid cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "And you all call me a slut. Ha not when close compared to that slut!", "label": 1} {"text": "Wild how amazed Spanish folk get when you eat 2 mains and a dessert by yourself yet back home you'd just get called a fat kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you want to restart Catch and Release???#NoHR392#NoDACA#NoH1b until labor participation rate is at least 80%#NoCatch&ReleaseIllegal Alien Accused of Raping, Trafficking Girl in Louisiana | Breitbart via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "The BIGGEST SECRET Hidden in Plain SIGHT - The ROCKS were ALIVE - YouTube", "label": 0} {"text": "Maybe if women want to stop being seen as inferior to men they should stop acting inferior to us!^", "label": 1} {"text": "Missed this from @user and @user last week, but it will probably stay relevant for quite a while: @user has made a killing convincing towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances and then (mostly unsuccessfully) defending them", "label": 0} {"text": "Boris Johnson Mustafa Kamal grandson of Turkish Muslim immigrant.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How is #AndrewGillum @user plan on paying for the Millions of #IllegalImmigrants that he plan on letting in? Are they coming to move in to #Americans/#Democrats home who support #DACA or his own home.Lets hope he has enough space.#America", "label": 1} {"text": "In the absence of favorable responses from govt, it's possible that more displaced people will attempt to re-occupy their lands #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #humanrights #SriLanka @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm so fucking horny this morning and my big fat cock is so fucking hard need a horny cock sucking slut or whore to cum and suck me off", "label": 1} {"text": "If they're not harassing or assaulting you they're calling you stupid, crazy, irrational, over emotional.", "label": 0} {"text": "How do refugees in this country get money? It is, initially, given to them and then they learn the system.", "label": 1} {"text": "#OpenBorders #IllegalImmigration #SecureBorders #LowWages #TrumpWho comes into this country? Are they bringing in drugs? Are they criminals? Do they have disease? Are they...", "label": 1} {"text": "#WomenDisobey Activist Illegal immigration hurts black men most via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m gonna treat women like a hole", "label": 1} {"text": "disgusting little fuck bitch the only good thing about ur boring ass moview are the women in it. you owe everything to women so shut UP!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user STFU Donnie. Theres no one who gives grades for things like natural disaster relief. You f*cked that one up and 3,000 people are dead. Now youre mocking them. Youre a loser, a pussy, and a bully all wrapped up in a flabby orange skinsuit.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Democrats Illegal Alien Grand Ma Caught Sneakin in 31 Pounds of Herion from Mexico Proving Illegal Grand Mas Must be deported too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Abolish Illegals Keep @user @user #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "It was deleted again... Working on getting it back \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wasn't that your job to figure out what would keep out terrorists? #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 1. White people exist. 2. White people have the RIGHT to exist. 3. White people have the RIGHT to exist AS White people in White Communities and Nations.https://t.co/fkBxx2cX29Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 1} {"text": "What do women and condoms have in common? If they're not on your dick they're in your wallet", "label": 1} {"text": "WRC's @user spoke to @user about how the Trump administration's hardline immigration policies are hardly securing the border and are, in fact, just placing more people into harm's way:", "label": 0} {"text": "If you idiots would stop tryin to save these hoes you'd probably get a lot more pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Parliament who trusts who any more more lies in putting up Petrol Prices and leaving EU will pay for the NHS lies Tax rises whose Health are we paying for really foreign staff interpreters support workers ,u managed to change immigration pol", "label": 1} {"text": "It must suck to hate me, I'm a mother fuckin delight, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Might thrown a coffee in with it \ud83d\ude07", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch for real said you're not a woman without boobs.", "label": 1} {"text": "Given a stage, refugees can shine. And given opportunity, they can thrive.You can now see the entire #TEDxKakumaCamp\u00e2\u009d\u0152 show! Share your favorite talks with your friends, and tell us what you think, right here \u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Kidnapped 16-Year-Old Girl, Kept Her As Sex Slave via @user #EnforceUSLaws#DeportThemAll #EndDACA#NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "How come Allah is not helping you it is up to Christian countries to protect you feed you ,The countries hit by violence from islam take refugees in feed them etcPlease no more explaining about your hard times we are doing our best for uYes there is good and bad every where", "label": 0} {"text": "they gave the name of the bitch that was your mother and told me to rape her to have you", "label": 1} {"text": "rubbing cock on face woman with three tits", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user No you are in denial, the homeless and housing crisis are a result of many things, but mass immigration is critical. There are no refugees, only economic migrants from poor and backward cultures. Supply of which is limitless. N", "label": 1} {"text": "New Mexican President To Create Border Force To Stop Illegal Immigrants, Drugs From Central America Surprise !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You sat by to engrossed in your own ego .while women were being raped and assaulted. You are a rape ena\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "An island of civilization in an increasingly dark world, Bettys was founded by an immigrant from Europe and owes its success to a harmonious fusion of cultures. Is there a lesson here?", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump to Europeans: You are losing your culture! via @user Big time ! Wake up or buy a prayer rug..", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds of African migrants pulled from sea near Libya", "label": 0} {"text": "This town is going to change all right those old cunt bitches are right about that but they're not going to see the benefit of it", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Italian man says Islamic refugees should be deported \"They took over my town, it's an invasion\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user I'm just a materialistic narcissist who enjoys a life of leisure. \ud83d\udd76", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't close the door to refugees, instead welcome them. Because love always comes full circle. The story of Patricia and Placide. @user | @user | #Burundi | #Canada | @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden needs to clean house. Who cares what people say or think. There are getting destroyed just to show tolerance. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Unaccompanied migrant minors are facing growing risks in Sweden", "label": 0} {"text": "... while just down the coast our San Diego team was continuing to take #OFAction supporting immigrant friends and neighbors because #FamiliesBelongTogether.", "label": 0} {"text": "Protesters in DC Rally For Immigration Rights", "label": 0} {"text": "Border Patrol rescues 15 undocumented immigrant and recovers one deceased in the Rio Grande Valley On Wednesday, agents responded to three separate calls from the Brooks County Sheriff\u2019s Office (BCSO) regarding groups of subjects who were abandoned", "label": 0} {"text": "Hope you told him you will \u201cstand\u201d with efforts to dismantle Clinton library for his abuse and rape(s) of women.", "label": 0} {"text": "They\u2019re not sending their best. A lot of them are rapists scumbags and the lowest form of DNA. Should THIS fake \u201cfamily\u201d not be separated\u00e2\u0081\u2030\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user rape is no joke and something we do not support, the kitchen needs to be cleaned by the way.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Why are guys expected to text girls first? #equalrights #yesallmen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you mean she still has morals after what we put her through? Let's rape her, give her herpes and call her a fame whore to everyone!", "label": 1} {"text": "Best gift ever \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "#SendThemBack! Send the #AsylumSeekers Back to Their Originating Country, Not Italy. Migrants Will Feel Most Welcome Culturally in The Country of Their Birthplace.@HorstSeeehofer @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I didn\u2019t realize girls who wear huge bows in their hair called other women \u201ccunt\u201d. \u201cNorthern Bell\u2019s\u201d must be bred t\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "SHUT UP THE FUCK YOU SLUT!", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're both a couple of filthy whores", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Fucking clueless woman should stay in the kitchen and not ruin a good man's name.\" - A United fan after reading this, probably", "label": 1} {"text": "As new immigrants, my parents were very strict about where we could go on our own: @user (loved the mummies), @user and @user Grand Army Plaza. Close to home; We went every week!", "label": 0} {"text": "Judge says government has 'sole' duty to find, reunite immigrant parents, children - San Diego Union-Tribune #FamiliesBelongTogether #StopJailingChildren", "label": 0} {"text": "NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana) (Pechtold left again I puke there of)https://t.co/bQbIbLTAeC", "label": 1} {"text": "The policy should be very simple:1. Refugees are not welcome other than for a handful of individuals every year. 2. Economic migrants who have no automatic right to be in this Country are not welcome at all.3. Humanitarian help can happen through international charities.", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what's so worrying. At one end, asking a woman out for coffee. On the other, rape. It misses what actually\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "All summer 16", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are one sick stupid foul ridiculous calculated evil son of a bitch. They can't remove your stupid ass fast enough.", "label": 0} {"text": "I could not care less what the porn model skank thinks.", "label": 1} {"text": "Is DM you but apparently you don't respond to me anymore \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "UK - Persecuted Christians immigrants NOT welcome.", "label": 1} {"text": "sharia Law Tessa is that not tony Blair's wife no y do you let islam law into the country stupid woman with stupid promises she cant keep", "label": 0} {"text": "DING! DING! DING! Vatican Bishop confesses: \"Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe\" via @user How to buy the Catholic Church...", "label": 0} {"text": "The issue of #humantrafficking came back to the forefront following death of #Indonesian maid in #Malaysia @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Apparently, once removed from packaging, you can see the strategically placed bloodied hole in the middle of that one.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Idc if I\u2019m the last or first. I\u2019m tired of seeing you complain and bitch and that whole rape\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yeah, you would probably want to do that, as most mobos don\u2019t default to using the highest ram frequency supported.", "label": 0} {"text": "#NorthKorea is going to 'denuclearize' just like #Mexico is going to pay for the #Wall. Both pronouncements are examples of @user hot air. #ImmigrationReform @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "No driver's license, no photo ID? Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year -- help for undocumented immigrants, homeless, domestic violence survivors, and more. But city plans to market to everyone @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you Lil bro bitch skank thot!\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch always want us to do work that ain\u2019t even for a grade. Hoe, a bitch don\u2019t do this for our health.", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone ugly tells you they're out of your league", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I prefer animation like LT myself but, if you ever do watch RAM, I suggest watching the first 2 seasons &; skip the lamer 3rd season.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user What a skank lolol you wake up waiting for me to tweet lolol pathetic lol \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d", "label": 0} {"text": "Hear from some of the victims of Algeria's unlawful mass summary deportation of 1000s of migrants, many of whom are being dumped mercilessly in the scorching desert on the Niger border @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Labour has mishandled cases of antisemitism. Conservative party is run by a vicar's daughter who organised a van to drive around telling immigrants to 'go home' and openly supports UKIP and DUP racism and thuggery.I don't see an equivalence.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Mike I don't know you from a hole in the wall you're a businessman either way you can't lose, but\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Retweeted Erisios StopTTIPCETA (@everian777): Not all men are bad, nor all women are bad. but the evil and good is It's behind a decision.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But we do need to teach our boys to Respect and Protect our women not harass rape beat and belittle them", "label": 0} {"text": "I have no desire to even communicate with chicks that have bf's. You might as well be a rock cuz there's no point talking to you #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Pl save Delhi from becoming a SLUM CITY&hub of illegal migrants.Pl take LG help in removing encroachments&eviction of IMs", "label": 1} {"text": "Corey Lewandowski #Democrats didnt complain when Obama Prosecuted 500,000 llegals and Seperated Families after all @user said he wouldn't pass a bill to help those migrant kids BUT HE WILL USE THE SH^T OUT OF THEM TO RAISE $$$ Dems #FamiliesBelongTogether Scam #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "SO you hoes and that cunt can have it..", "label": 1} {"text": "greatest threat\u2019 to Austrian security, says top military figure.EU and Europe bitterly divided\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030major confrontations between the two.Nothing more counterproductive than \u201ccenters\u201d on European territory or euro bribes for migrants.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 0} {"text": "When you've run out of kids to pimp out and you gotta figure out what to do with your life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user reminds me of the annoying bitch cunt from school that first touches you and when you give it back ,accuses you of assault", "label": 1} {"text": "Of course the Toronto attack is a cover up! God forbid the public know what chaos, terror & destruction CULT Muslims are ACTUALLY bringing into our countries by the thousands! Papers say \u201cpoor Muslim immigrants!\u201d I say \u201c poor citizens that built these countries\u201d! #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant children say they were beaten, kept naked in cells and tied to chairs at center - NY Daily News", "label": 0} {"text": "The real truth is after Cologne and in the Nordic countries and Others no one trusts any refugees a better life for them doesn't mean 1. 4 u", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I like it! I'm 100% sure you are an irrelevant skank who's granddad was a #Nazi #Correct? Nope th\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "This is why I hate people", "label": 0} {"text": "Who's gonna fight in our next war? AP Report: U.S. Army is quietly discharging immigrant recruits", "label": 0} {"text": "When will #WeThePeople have enough of #CAIR & Muslims in our America? They came here not to assimilate, but to spread their vile Sharia Law, they need to #SendThemBack no one is above our #Constitution our laws. @user close this down! Let them have not another inch!", "label": 1} {"text": "But hey he's also the nigga that goes 'Not all men' when women are talking about how sexual abuse traumatizes them so it's expected", "label": 0} {"text": "l killed Lucy it was a accident it was at 7.30pm after my TV got so bored it conked out Jane's not not a immigrants hidden in her handbag", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Mate, as a North Easterner you're of Norwegian descent. The fuck you doing in England, trying to influence Swedish politics? #stoptheinvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user mmm perfect body and so am i am now come here girl i got a big cock for u to play with ;)", "label": 1} {"text": "The people that PRETEND to have compassion and caring for these \"children\" migrants (Most are adults), could care less all the children murdered by Western \"intervention\" (aka invasions). BEWARE OF LIBERALS BEARING COMPASSION", "label": 0} {"text": "Join us this Saturday for a free, two-hour workshop to learn how to use Stories in your advocacy activities. Prepare yourself with skills to help you advocate for any issues relevant to refugees and immigrants, or any issue important to you. Sign up today!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ur cunt would be so wet as I fucked ur slut holes x", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Her husband hardly raped a woman his affair was consensual not fucking rape you stupid stupid girl @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Umm, what just happened: Ivanka Trump says the media is not \"the enemy of the people\" and she was \u201cvehemently against\u201d separating children from parents at the border, calling that a low point of her White House tenure. \u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "August 18 11 am - 3 pm in Newton Surrey..I am organizing a block party for 150 low income and immigrant children. I am looking for any supports possible. My grant from Vancouver Foundation covers live music $100.00 and $100.00 for art supplies$300.00 toward food/juices/deserts.", "label": 0} {"text": "Today is #WorldRefugeeDay, a day to honor families and individuals around the world who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety.To make a difference for refugees today, donate or become a fundraiser to help refugees in the U.S. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Lol you need to slag him off some more if it makes him bang em in like that", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do women have periods? Because they deserve them", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I care , fuck that stupid bitch who quoted this saying nobody cares", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t appreciate getting called a slut a whore and a cunt for just taking you off Snapchat ur telling me 2grow up no sweetie you need too", "label": 0} {"text": "Exactly. These migrants don\u2019t want to become German; they just want the hard-earned money of the Getman people. They are not fleeing persecution. #Sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "When you like her but the pussy is just a little loose for your liking", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83d\udcf7 pineapplecity: dogwhoreowner: Stupid cunt, that\u2019s what the filthy whore deserves! That\u2019s how all Men...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user should pay trump the pimp #10 million 2 resign!Trump would take it !He pimped US democracy 2Putin!trump\u2019s a whore 4\ud83d\udcb0", "label": 0} {"text": "My favorite DM is the one I have between both my accounts... It's where I @ people to block them... And I send myself dick pics", "label": 0} {"text": "how small a cock do you have to have to park sideways in the Tesco car park?? Flexing your Ford Focus lol", "label": 0} {"text": "Gels getting overly emotional about things that don't matter? Color me shocked! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't eat pineapple, wtf do I care what my nut tastes like, that's your problem not mine", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal aliens STRANGLED DOGS on the Texas border. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user stupid cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "The imminent threat for Rohingya refugees is the likelihood that the Cox\u2019s Bazar area will be hit by a cyclone or comparable high winds and storm-surge flooding,", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Mass immigration for one", "label": 0} {"text": "U.N. pact offers hope to world's climate migrants #WithRefugees #climatechange @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The Supreme Court decided to sidestep an abortion dispute between the Trump administration and ACLU lawyers over a young immigrant woman who ended her pregnancy via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "'Y'all are fucked up man. You wouldn't be doin this shit if I was white!'", "label": 0} {"text": "You have a new guy every week.... I don't even floss that often. You have a fucking problem #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I was specifically on her side, 'cunt' was directed against the woman who compared b\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #SundayMotivation #MAGA with President Trump is enoughof a Reason Obama & Nike are an added Bonus#FoLLoW @user", "label": 1} {"text": "This is the only time I feel safe leaving my phone face up", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Probably because they feel helpless to stop the mass immigration that the Nation's Elites have orchestrated against their own people. Those responsible for open border policies AND the complicit MEDIA (and those that run it) should be hel", "label": 1} {"text": "I miss u bUT ALSO FUCK U, CUNT WHORE BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Must stop &deport illegal migrants.India tops the list in the world for having Max foreigners with expired VISAS", "label": 1} {"text": "@user i used a belt to close my whore ass around it and hold it deep in place \u2661\u2661\u2661\u2661 my cunt is throbbing like a massive knot is in me", "label": 0} {"text": "In the next two weeks we will have 2 new refugee families arriving in Chicago! We need another Good Neighbor Team to commit to welcome and support them in their first 4 months. If you and a group of your friends or family are ready to serve in this way, email\u00c2\u00a0Rsheehy@wr.org", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck yeah kunt! Love you my dawg! \ud83d\ude08", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's a squirter but you bout that life", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you for the birthday wishes! And for everyone who donated to help the immigrant children a horrible limbo right now. I was lucky enough to spend the day with people I love, including my own children. Ty \u2764\u2764\u2764", "label": 0} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home To the very places they are seekibg asylum from...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bishop Schneider: mass migration a plan to undermine identity", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of immigrant children are still separated from their parents but the Trump admin thinks that sounds like a personal problem: They filed a court doc Thursday arguing that ACLU attorneys should be the ones to try find the missing parents that were deported w/o their kids", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Woman ,you husband was right to love his country more then you and died for it ! What a low life disrespectful cunt I think you are !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Ok it's not okay to call a girl a bitch and slut especially when she's been your friend for years. Fuck you.", "label": 0} {"text": "Pompeo, at U.N., Says North Korean Leader Must Keep Vow to Denuclearize", "label": 0} {"text": "Sudan - Christian children 'forced to recite Islamic prayers' in order to receive food in Sudan refugee camps....", "label": 0} {"text": "Murderers, rapists, pedophiles among illegal aliens escaping ICE in Oakland raid thanks to Dem mayor's Twitter alert #ProgressivePolicies #StopTheInvasion #TheICEManCometh #ThereIsMoreOfThemOutThere #UncheckedProgressivism", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u017eWestern/Eastern Europe difference in approach to migration comes from Eastern lack of colonial pastand associated sense of guilt\u201d:@Historionome", "label": 0} {"text": "so my Chloe don't want to see me win she unfollowed because I made a post i HIT 100 FOLLOWERS and then she unfollowed me bitch fuck u whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Nigga hatin on me you pussy boy dont start it", "label": 0} {"text": "Stfu you taking all this shit and I still make more money than you do you broken depression pussy ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "District Judge Dana Sabraw slams administration for saying that immigrant advocacy groups-not the government-should be responsible for tracking down the more than 500 parents it separated from their children & deported without them. #KeepFamiliesTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "My hobbies include teaching hard lessons \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "And, last but not the least. That NRC issue is a political gimmick. No real action would be taken. No illegal immigrants are going to be deported. Go home.It's an AM : PM tiki taka !You are free to dance like a monkey, from either side.", "label": 1} {"text": "How many Somali refugees has the US admitted since 1983? via @user Depressing,these people never assimilate , their islamic religion forbids it.", "label": 0} {"text": "Texas should exercise its full state powers to make sure that immigrant children in federal detention are treated humanely.", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone know who to #BuildThatWall?Lets meet down tere and get started before the flood reaches us.#MAGA2018If you dont vote Republican, your a damn communist, baby killing snowflake.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Kakuma #refugees team up for a growing business #WithRefugees via @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Loved your article. Thanks for amplifying the voices of some of the many refugees in Jordan!", "label": 0} {"text": "The intersection of immoral #immigration enforcement and an unfair #CampaignFInance system. Justice and fairness ought to be nonpartisan ideals.", "label": 0} {"text": "When a clingy mutha fucka keeps tryna touch you", "label": 0} {"text": "WTH??? Sent them back home and DON'T let them back into Europe! The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?)", "label": 1} {"text": "Who knows how many migrants and refugees might prove to be vital to God\u2019s unfolding story of grace.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6#Morocco : a desire to counselling African illegal #migrants not to risking their lives for reaching #Europe \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00bahttps://t.co/oqmIcku2Lb", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"Illegal Immigrants Distort Congressional Representation and Federal Programs\"https://t.co/ZCK1SocxlB", "label": 0} {"text": "Economic growth via immigration shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding market with cheap foreign labor. It spikes profits & stocks by cutting salaries for manual & skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees", "label": 1} {"text": "He should get the full prison term when found quilty #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just watched the video, I thought Candace\u2019s behaviour was shocking. The woman is hysterical, you did well Blaire.", "label": 1} {"text": "Many #refugees fleeing genocide in #Sudan have been languishing for years in Israel, with courts reluctant to grant residency.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Actually NO! The privilege is with the person lucky enough to be granted the visa. UK can, and does, attract millions upon millions of would be economic migrants. Fair play to the guy getting the visa originally, now the time for hi", "label": 0} {"text": "But anyway my point is - men don't lose sleep wishing they were Nicer like other men are. Women do. Try not to, I'm not saying be a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "1956 America Still Had God...: via @user beneath the cross of Jesus...what would wash away my sin Jesus Blood...", "label": 0} {"text": "When a woman says shes a fan of a certain sport &/or team & you berate & quiz her incessantly on players/stats just to make her feel stupid and basically to prove her wrong, youre a fuckin ass hole Women are allowed to enjoy sports without knowin all the specifics. Fuck off", "label": 0} {"text": "Legal Fellow, Priyanka Bhatt...according to the SCOTUS, immigrant detention isn\u2019t meant to be punitive, yet this facility perpetrates human rights violations. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages", "label": 0} {"text": "#Philippines backs 'long-overdue' UN migration pact #UnitedStates #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's rockin roast beef so you decide to play with it", "label": 0} {"text": "This cunt with a dick @user is a perpetual race whore who wouldn't know an historical fact if her pathetic life depended on it \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udd95\u270a", "label": 1} {"text": "Why did God create lesbians? So feminists couldn't breed", "label": 1} {"text": "Four activists held in France for escorting migrants over border", "label": 0} {"text": "Also just because a woman has been drinking is not a invitation to rape. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "I like to play a game called 'what idiots that I can't stand is FB gonna suggest I friend today'", "label": 0} {"text": "You and your girlfriend can easily eat my ass bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "We wondered about Nelson\u2019s claim that parents in detention were being charged as much as $8 a minute to call their children. Nelson\u2019s office pointed to media reports ... But U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement rebuked those claims. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stop imigration from all muslim countries !", "label": 1} {"text": "Why wasn't this addressed between 2009 and 2014?\"The ACLU released a report, based on 30,000 pages of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that described hundreds of cases of abuse of immigrant children in US custody between 2009 and 2014.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "White House wants to make it harder for legal migrants to be citizens via @user GOOD!!! ONLY THE BEST!! Welfare leeches Go back home!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user That cunt ass hoe recording can get fox news\u2019d 2", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Another dried up liberal cunt willing to look the other way while hollywoods powerful abuse women .\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user sad is the night of tears where darkness hides the arms of the innocence are we so afraid to say no to migration ransomed noway", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Then please hurry you have only 386 days left to build Shree Ram's Temple &; a hospital across Saryu.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Women are all harassed? And it's also all men unless we prove other wise? You're a clueless cunt\ud83d\udc4d", "label": 1} {"text": "Fleeing for their lives, migrants trek for the US - TELL YOUR REPS NO MORE REFUGEES OR IMMIGRANTS via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate playing never have I ever cause I have", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You need to tell this to #ElinErsson who is busy protesting the deportation of Afghans out of Sweden. These SJW never protest the invasions into Middle East, yet they want to bring all the \"refugees\" in. Something seriously wrong in their", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: French Police Remove Hundreds of illegal immigrants from cathedral near Paris - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Hollywood women would be whores and crack addicts. When caught, they were raped. That is their story.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Girl or not if I saw that I'd knock the cunt out! How dare you hurt a child like that. Fucking sick twisted bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "What happens when you shut off their supply at the border?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Is a millionaire #snowflake that never had to live around the immigrants he championed! He like all the #snowflake politicians is a hypocrite", "label": 0} {"text": "Chris Hayes' show tonight could not be bothered to address the @user breaking story on sexual abuse of immigrant boys.This is why cable network TV simply can't be trusted.I wish PBS would create a \"ProPublica Hour\" TV broadcast. (Maybe there is such a program regionally)", "label": 0} {"text": "I was watching a fight on Facebook that was edited and the one bitch got hit so many times they said \u201ccombo whore\u201d \ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "You're fucking hysterical, I don't know if I've ever been in a ts channel with you where I was laughing my ass off,\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Idgaf bout not 1 bitch lol yall hoes can die & i promise I won't b at the funeral \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women in domestic home and poor women in run-down areas far more at risk of rape, murder and assault\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO-Hey #DemocRats didnt Protest when Obama Separated 90,000 Migrant Kids! Criminals in the U.S are separated from their kids when they go to Prison Every Day in the U.S Where is the Protest ! FAKE #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #immigration2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Oh wow what a ugly skank you are", "label": 1} {"text": "True If @user loses midterms it will be because they failed to Keep Their Promises - #RepealObamacare #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #EndChainMigration #MandateEverify", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of Burundian refugees in Mahama camp in Rwanda, showed up to register for vocational training at @user Elite Center. If you wish to help, see how\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2021\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bf. #Burundi", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Its just a drill and nobody was badly hurt I heard.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch Biggs ass hole", "label": 1} {"text": "Is #repatriation plan only \"a public relations play\" to hide the fact that #Myanmar hasn't taken measures to ensure safe and sustainable returns for #Rohingya? @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user stop w 'we have to worry about the children' No we do not-many R >20yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally #NoDACA we can't afford them", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I support the SNP not on migration be warned that Sturgeon does not have the the finger on the pulse and feeling of Scots", "label": 0} {"text": "I like people that don't say hi when they walk by... Those are my kind of people", "label": 0} {"text": "Would you dare be the girl that gets added and removed on snap by a lad with a girlfriend everytime they have an argument, nah skank", "label": 0} {"text": "wild RT @user HIV-positive shelter worker sexually abused 9 teen immigrant boys, authorities say #10TV", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien With Long Criminal Record Murdered Man In North Carolina via @user #EnforceUSLaws#EndDaca #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "The woman that accused Nelly of rape says the system has failed her.", "label": 0} {"text": "African migrant who abused four boys in France says 'it's normal' in his country to kiss a teenager's genitals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user should fire @user NOW for calling @user a whore! He can't stand strong black women", "label": 0} {"text": "Spain: Socialist ruling party wants to give migrants the right to vote", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Golf? You want to compare time spent on golf? THAT. IS HYSTERICAL.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fake News it is not a new Stephen Miller Rule. the Public Charge rule has been part of the U.S #Immigration law since 1882. Why Should U.S Taxpayers give Welfare to Immigrants and import the World's poor ! #Veterans #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "more worried about your skank ass girlfriend than your own kids i see your true priorities", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear people... before you bitch about a black Superman, please do a bit of reading and then stfukthxbai", "label": 0} {"text": "70% of Credible Fear Migrants Caught By Border Patrol Once Released into the U.S they never file Asylum ICE has to find them amd deport #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA Illegal's #StopAsylumScam Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in their Country Not the U.S Stop #immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Never forget, the perpetrators of 911 SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN THE USA. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Aug 5-8 Immigrant Arts & Women\u2019s Empowerment Summit @user is hosting its second annual summit featuring distinguished artists and presenters from the tapestry of arts and cultural organizations that enrich our country.", "label": 0} {"text": "With little or no access to education, #Rohingya children are at risk of becoming a \"lost generation.\" Access to education is a critical issue for all #refugee populations. (@irinnews)", "label": 0} {"text": "Idiot Ivanka worse than her lying father! Accuses immigrant parents of being responsible for her father's placing kids in kennels, abusing, killing these kids. #incrediblystupid", "label": 0} {"text": "Tunisian Immigrant Murders Polish Man - Rioting Ensues via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Green tried to prevent a plane from leaving w-migrant to be deported on board. Unlike in Sweden, the activist was promptly arrested & the plane departed.Finland took action to control events instead of allowing \u201cactivists\u201d to control them.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 0} {"text": "Today's immigrants are tomorrow's Irish @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Pakistani migrant sits next to a Swedish woman and starts harassing her for no reason - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "What's the difference between your wife and your job? After 5 years, your job still sucks", "label": 1} {"text": "We must continue lifting our voices for a moral and compassionate immigration system that does not criminalize asylum seekers or rip children from their families. #FamiliesBelongTogether.", "label": 0} {"text": "'this bitch won't stop riding his dick' LMFAO", "label": 1} {"text": "Corporate whore meets confident slut. Wants & desires here @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Our latest story about Chicago's shelters for immigrant children -- with important, disturbing new information -- is now up in Spanish. And you can read it here in English, too:", "label": 0} {"text": "Talent- Making people feel way more comfortable with me than they should be", "label": 0} {"text": "Apparently 'fuck off and die you stupid cunt' with no prior engagement is within twitter rules. I bet @user would disagree if i tweeted that", "label": 0} {"text": "Kanye got the whole family dressin like the trashy whores they are", "label": 1} {"text": "Police officer and her family infected with highly contagious skin disease at Spanish migrant shelter", "label": 0} {"text": "fuck cunts tellin ppl w strtched ears that theyll 'learn from their mistakes' BITCH IT AINT A MISTAKE IF THEY FEEL BEAUTIFUL DOING IT FUCKU", "label": 1} {"text": "Democrats claim I need more diversity and hate immigrants. My immigrant friends from Ukraine, Belarus and Cuba all say Democrats promote the socialism that they immigrated to escape. Hmmm. Who knows best? Survivors of socialism or the people who openly hate me and my country?", "label": 0} {"text": "Drake- I love you, we should date Rihanna the savage-", "label": 0} {"text": "Ima make her h20, out her pussy hole", "label": 1} {"text": "Looked at pictures from America 1940s wondering what the hell happened to my country \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a5\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8. Women use to be classy, LGBT degeneracy was bashed, immigration was only prowhite, white men fought for us, women respected the patriarchy, traditionalism was promoted. We need to #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "On 8/5, @user greeted community leaders at the Pakistani Independence Parade. The well-being of our immigrant communities is essential to the economic, social & cultural fabric of NYC. To be a NYer is to be prideful of the diversity found in the greatest city in the world.", "label": 0} {"text": "Tory's true colours shining through as he rehires alt-right talking campaign manager Nick Kouvalis.", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to all the ladies that fuck with their vaginas and not their emotions... You bitches are my fucking favorite", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches had me spending a night in jail, bitch you finna spend a night in the hospital on Lzzzzzzzz \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "#Libyan Coast Guard Takes 611 Migrants Back to AfricaBUT:A spokesman for the Council of Europe stated that \u201cno European ship can bring migrants back to Libya because it is contrary to our principles\u201d - which are:to #DestroyEurope w/ #MuslimInvasionhttps://t.co/IcX7qyS5wn", "label": 0} {"text": "about to tell him to get out of our house, hes so fucking racist, he thinks mumble rap, and calling a girl a skank, or someone f*g is cool.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds of african and muslim migrants are INVADING Europe. The nations our ancestors built for us. Keep Europeans in prayer \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u008f\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its the muslins, you can't object to rape in Islam, to do so is to insult Muhammed.", "label": 0} {"text": "Dumbest user on twitter so far! Equates not letting someone into the country illegally, to gassing Jews!😂 #Buildthewall #BuildThatWall #MeritBasedImmigration #DeportThemAll #DeportAllIllegals #FridayMotivation", "label": 1} {"text": "A look at Houston's growing immigrant population: #GlobalCities #Missions", "label": 0} {"text": "Ok not all men must leave me alone! Just some annoying ones. If I'm interested in you you will know.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user i personally think that men who beat women are cowards and men who rape women are stupid and full of scum, both were not rai\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cause you a pimp and pimps forget", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user not all men are bad, but you certainly are", "label": 0} {"text": "Outcry Over #Immigration Policy is About Politics, Not Reality #NoBanNoWall #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hello?? Stop groping my nation.Schneider: current migrant crisis \u201crepresents a plan orchestrated and prepared for a long time by international powers to radically alter Christian and national identity of European peoples.\u201dhttp", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Name 1 islamic cunt -ree where muslim women can marry a non -muslim? now don't say u r only concerned about India. #LoveJihad", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u017eMoscow is pressuring West into fixing the country (Syria) broken by Russia, Iran,and their client Assad regime.It is a form of blackmail: either lavish reconstruction funding on the regime or refugees won\u2019t go home & there may be more of them arriving\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Both are dopes, who cares who wins the \"Most Hysterical Women\" award? Give it both they both worked hard for it and they both deserve it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user But a women cheats and parties? She a hoe leave her ass. The double standard....amazing", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Delete these tweets you cringey cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user we're not just objects that entertain you, we have feelings too! #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user I can't help suspecting it's deliberate. If we women are hysterical, conf\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "500,000+ South Koreans Sign Petition Opposing Muslim Immigration. Are they racist white supremacists too?", "label": 1} {"text": "OK, if you are a refugee from someplace, why are you going back at all?", "label": 0} {"text": "North Carolina protesters decry Trump immigration policy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And some hysterical Dem woman actually tried to defend the ad on @user Dem desperation. Fac\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Finland: Poor refugees Locked In Cage after it turned out they were members of ISIS - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Best solution to bring permanent peace in Valley is to encourage migration of Sikhs,Jats&Rajputs to Valley,set up business", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm using @user to search, filter, de-duplicate, and code #Twitter #data. running scrapes on #immigration since 2013... Another day another #realDonaldTrump tweetstorm -- or maybe it's another sort of Storm. Try it for free for at", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Charge Migrant Parents who cross the border with kids or send their kids alone to the cross the border illegally with child abuse and deport ASAP ! #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising #immigration #Boydott Red Hen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user oh but they do. Then they go around and bitch how all women are stupid golddiggers because they went to\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "If most of ur posts r abt how 'hoes', 'sluts', 'thots' or 'bitches' ain't shit, u SIR r a bitch and so is ur weak ass mom & absentee father.", "label": 0} {"text": "DUAL Cunt WHORES 1 & 2 by @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Minnesota mainline churches going the way of the Dodo bird! via @user Sad days in Minnestastan...", "label": 0} {"text": "Drowned woman and child and survivor found after Libyan coastguards left them to die on migrant \u00c2\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Imigrants demand instant housing money schooling resources and still complain Germany and Scandanavain Crime rates go up because of it the only people benefiting from immigrations is those who get jobs in Schools ,courts and other institutions who need interpreters etc taking pee", "label": 0} {"text": "When they tell you there's no wifi", "label": 0} {"text": "How Important is Border Security to you? Vote on a Scale of 10 to 1 HERE and make your wishes known. (10 is Extremely Important, 1 is Not Important at all.)#Border #Security #USA #Mexico #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #Immigration #ImmigrationReform #Sovereignty #Vote", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Build a wall in a yr. Give illegal immigrants one yr to come forward. Make it easy for them to stay. In 1 yr crack down.", "label": 0} {"text": "International campaign calls for saving Palestinian refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Federal judge says Trump must fully restore DACA ABOUT TIME FOR DACA TO BE A LEGAL LAW", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump DID HAVE a plan for the family separation policy: THE PLAN WAS TO DESTROY FAMILIES as a show of lawless cruelty, to demonstrate hatred of immigrant POC. Do not overlook or soft-peddle the intentional animosity!", "label": 0} {"text": "Idgaf if you want to block my chick acc. I know im a problematic bitch sometimes but WHORE, this acc is really got\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Well FHUTA (my gamertag) was just banned today and its all thanks to @user @user you pussy platoon fucks decided that FHUTA was such a bad fucking word you decided to hide it in the depths of your foreskins. I hope you get ligma and die. P.S. fuck u.", "label": 0} {"text": "Want to know what's really 'problematic' ?? Women freaking out over nothing! #triggered #idiots@", "label": 1} {"text": "@user My new hoe why the whore label im gonna call million dollars whores records labe and get mind", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey I wouldn't mind a 3 week paid vacation.", "label": 0} {"text": "#SendThemBack To Their Home Country & to Their Historical Culture in Africa. The #Migrants Appreciate Their #AfricanCulture More Than We Know. @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user More guts than anyone in the GOP. Hysterical woman quote is so pathetically sexist especially coming from one (jury out on that one).", "label": 0} {"text": "Clint Eastwood Casts American Real Life Heroes in Next\u00a0Film\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "92% of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal aliens #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Never OK. It's just that women complaining were seen as hysterical or delusional while men were\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "That bitch is a Grade A whore!", "label": 1} {"text": "U.S. government looking for new places to house detained #immigrant families - follow along as we #FOIA to keep track of the ever-expanding for-profit industry", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user String him up to show the message that you will pay for your crimes in a COUNTRY where you are NOT supposed to be in!#BuildThatWall We are losing our legal citizens to those who should not be here in the first place! If they we", "label": 1} {"text": "Would this, then, stop immigration from southern countries who's people cast votes in our elections without being actual US citizens?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dear Murty please do not give players new contracts unto the end of the season as they are not worth it you broke your own rules still sign Hardie hes good", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to watch our southern border not only for \"traditional\" illegal immigrants, but for the growing threat of...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user shes illegal. She admits it- why is she not deported? Why must we wait until AFTER they maim or kill before you deport?? #NoDACA #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SKANK @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user yeah the stupid bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Garth crooks is a stupid fat Ozil looking cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user could you try this on for me? #feminismiscancer", "label": 1} {"text": "Wasn't this a Harpo Marx comedy routine?", "label": 0} {"text": "A legal immigrant that makes perfect sense on this issue! America first for all Americans! If I lived in California I\u2019d vote for this proud American! Best of luck to him succeeding in his stance for...", "label": 0} {"text": "AINT LOVING THESE HOES THEY GARBAGE THATS NOT MY BABY LIKE MAURY LIL BITTY BITCH STOP CALLIN", "label": 1} {"text": "Me", "label": 0} {"text": "slut - derogatory term for a female who will fuck anyone for free \u2260 whore - derogatory term for someone who fucks for money. just sayin.", "label": 1} {"text": "Raheem Kasam, \u201cIncredible reports out of Germany about \u201ccommandos\u201d foiling a terror plot by a Muslim migrant who had been stockpiling ricin for a shrapnel-packed...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user BUILD THE WALL - yesterday was too late for too many Americans. How many yesterdays are going to pass while invaders walk into our country costing us welfare, our schools & colleges, our housing, jobs, ou", "label": 1} {"text": "I need some new Atl hoes for the summer... Where the Atl bitches at", "label": 1} {"text": "Will never spend one more dime using @user rather go by balloon than United Socialist Airlines .. think they would fly combat VET's for free coming home from War.. \ud83d\ude20", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the [clean] version dubs out the line 'such a fucking hoe' for 'such a filthy whore' which i swear 2 god is actually more offensive", "label": 0} {"text": "it's when you get called a cunt 45 times a day for simply existing as a woman who dares to have her own youtube account.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user NO Thank You! Selling out Americans! Selling US jobs at all levels to ONE country! Stealing visas from other eligible nations. #noHR392Until the US gets our own countrymen back to work & boost our economy, #EndAllVisas H1B H2B", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump Moving to Strip Palestinians of Refugee Status: Report By Al Jazeera Kushner - allegedly pressed Jordan to strip more than two million Palestinians of their refugee status, so the UNRWA would no longer have to operate there.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How many woman do you think willingly sucked the cock of a Hollywood producer to further their career?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user mermaids are women. Therefore they suck and have to be sacrificed #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user We needed a counter -balance for the rape apologists now? These hysterical women are\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its time to end Obama Illegal #DACA and Stop Rewarding Illegal I#mmigration U.S Youths need #Jobs #AmericansFirst #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising #WalkAway via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Why women don't report rape, harassment, and abuse. Rose McGowan: \u2018Hollywood blacklisted me because I got raped\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "Young immigrant from Houston was detained by ICE for two months. Exactly why laws like SB4 are harmful.", "label": 0} {"text": "Being rich ain't always popping your ass like a club hoe, but niggas alive & wealthy.", "label": 0} {"text": "It doesnt matter where you go longs you bitch ass niggas and snake ass black women out of your surroundings is all that matters", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hey illegal alien invader Hugger @user #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Most of the cases women are always the victims and the target it is systemic, so stop saying 'not all men' you're just derailing the topic \ud83d\udde3", "label": 0} {"text": "This is how real humanity should respond to people in need, those who are seeking shelter, those who are refugees from violence.", "label": 0} {"text": "Fine, that's Barcelona off the list of cities to visit. Good luck to them.....they'll need it!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user it's absolutely ridiculous especially after jumping through hoops to get it back last time", "label": 0} {"text": "FYI. Mariah rhymes with Pariah which in German rhymes with washed up has been cunt hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user We don't want our countries to be over run with rapefugee parasite Moslem scum. You already have 57 countries, stay in those countries. Those countries suck because they are full of your type. #StopIslam #BanSh", "label": 1} {"text": "Why is a female like a laxative? They both irritate the shit out of you.", "label": 1} {"text": "US Border Patrol sets up surprise immigration checkpoint in Mainehttps://t.co/SMR8qyyvqd#EqualOpportunityDeporter #DeportTheIllegalCanadiansToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Mo Brooks: The 15M Illegals in U.S. Give Blue States 20 Congressional Seats #MAGA #WalkAWay #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DrainTheDeepState #thewall", "label": 1} {"text": "#NYHitsRadio \u266a Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch by Glam Skanks \u266a", "label": 0} {"text": "Many women don't report sexual assault because they think no one will believe them. I've been told twice nobody would ever want to rape me.", "label": 0} {"text": "Lol bitch you a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user You must be so proud of a sandwich maker. It takes a lot of brains to put mustard on a sand which.", "label": 1} {"text": "'I know. And pregnant women can be a real bitch. Sadly, I know from experience. Ah well. Lifes no longer like that.'", "label": 1} {"text": "#EU migration policy in focus", "label": 0} {"text": "All you fucking faggots were laughing at her too with that other fucking dumb cunt liberal Ellen DeGeneres", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump taps vocal anti-illegal immigration advocate for State Dept's top refugee job Great news !", "label": 0} {"text": "Lovely immigrant appreciating her new home...", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user caught myself giving a dirty look to a pigeon today. no one is safe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wear Orange - May 24, 2015 - Potter House Worship Center, Harrisburg VirginiaWe want to draw awareness to what...", "label": 0} {"text": "People that post about how 'blessed' they are always make me wonder who they're trying to convince. It ain't me I know about your coke habit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user \u201cWages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the \u2018\u02dcfree\u2019 labour market, which, if left alone, will end up replacing 80\u2018\u201c90 per cent of nativ", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I mean some of you share with some men. Not me, of course. #NotAllWomen #NotAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch #MakePolioGreatAgain #BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DemocratsAreDangerous", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Think all the rape put a bit of a dampener of liberation tbf", "label": 1} {"text": "Still waiting on a 'favorite for me to inbox you about blablah' from some bitch i dont know. You got my favorite dumb skank wheres my DM", "label": 1} {"text": "Pretty sure the money saved from the damage illegals do will more then compensate our budget.. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Prague not to accept migrants from Italy, offers police, experts", "label": 0} {"text": "Going to make Du'a at the shrine of Imam Reza(AS) for the refugees in Athens.", "label": 0} {"text": "Our Daily Planet: EPA ignoring air pollution, immigrant fire crews battle fires in Trump country and an orca mom just can't let go (get your tissues!):", "label": 0} {"text": "Wanna be like u could be fucking working for him some day you fucking little slut", "label": 1} {"text": "UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, who refuse to take in refugees why should the U.S take in more costing Taxpayers Billions while we have homeless Citizens and #Veterans #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user thank you \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "#Bangladesh releases first list of #Rohingya #refugees for repatriation to their strife-torn home in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Lil bitch prolly just need some dick that\u2019s all she ain\u2019t had nun yet \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "I think a 40 year old crack whore cunt would be a more capable #potus than @user", "label": 1} {"text": "This is a riveting investigative story @user uncovering Kobach as the Lyle Lanley of anti-immigrant ordinances", "label": 0} {"text": "If @user doesn't hear us now, they will in November! Stop the open borders madness and #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're livin life on the edge but safety always comes first... \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "UN approves international agreement to protect migrants |", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is funny its about the third time you have tried to pigeon hole me and discredit my view as not being my own", "label": 0} {"text": "I don\u2019t think limmys a bitch or a cunt I just want him to see this when he\u2019s searching for people needing a time out. Hi Brian.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Imagine THE SIZEof THAT RED WAVE !!GOD BLESS TRUMP!Build That Wall#BuildThatWall Plz share..", "label": 1} {"text": "Mollie Tibbetts And The Low Illegal Crime Rate Lie - American Thinker #MollieTibbetts #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildThatWall #MAGA #RedNationRising #KeepAmericaGreat #KAG2020 #KAG TW502", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Open borders for Israel.!!ITs diversity that makes the middle east so peaceful.Israel NEEDS to take at least 500,000 refugees. Why have their closed their borders, yet preach 'diversity for the West????", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian ship accused of taking migrants back to #Libya for first time #UnitedNations #spokesman", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is erasing #Obama from the #ArcOfHistory. #politics @user #MAGA #BuildThatWall #purge @user #FoxNews #Saturdaymorning #satchat #Kavanaugh #NEWS #media", "label": 1} {"text": "EU grants Spain \u00e2\u201a\u00ac3 million in emergency migration funds", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't sell me dreams cause I'll return them as nightmares", "label": 0} {"text": "go fuck yourself you stupid ugly cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Thousands demonstrate in Germany against far-right #Attacks on refugee?", "label": 0} {"text": "ICE arrests 114 in New York operation targeting fugitives, illegal aliens #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "The Trump administration wants to target legal immigrants who use programs like Obamacare \u2014 and potentially block ...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #WeLoveYouConnor Oxymoron Of The Day: 'Independent Women'", "label": 0} {"text": "Two aid workers charged with theft of refugee camp supplies in Uganda", "label": 0} {"text": "If he likes cheese on his pizza, he's an asshole. \ud83c\udf55", "label": 0} {"text": "When you unfollow someone and they DM you to ask you why...", "label": 0} {"text": "The budget of the armys in several countries of the region will say, who is able to react. Its only important, if USA or Russia are involved, if an adventure goes in a new round, which undertakes us.", "label": 0} {"text": "Applaud the passing of labour hire licensing law! Migrant workers will have another layer of protection starting from 1 Jan 2019! Delivering For Victoria\u2019s Vulnerable Workers via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWhat\u2019s wrong you pathetic little slut, can\u2019t take much of daddy\u2019s cock like you thought you did? Can you?\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user #ChelseaHandler #KimKardashian #Kanye #KanyeWest #50Cent #Comedy #LOL #LMAO #memes #bruh #petty #funnyshit #truth", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I bet her parents dont claim her either. This skank blames her miserable existence on immigrants and POC when as an attractive white young woman, she has the privilege to do anything. More trump trash.", "label": 1} {"text": "how about instead of complaining 'not all men' you stand up for those when they've been harassed or assaulted or ya\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn @user back at it again with some more drunken tweets \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "Libya let #Europe-bound migrants die in Mediterranean, rescue group says", "label": 0} {"text": "Hurray, saving us $$$ in so many ways @user @user #LockThemUp #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 1} {"text": "Anti-Immigrant 'Sheriff Joe' Joins Sacha Baron Cohen for an Interview. The Topics Get Sexual - Fast", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch you a hoe... I do not like yo fish booty ass no fuckin moe", "label": 1} {"text": "Cook, clean, and deliver our awesome fucking offspring", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stop Wasting Taxpayers Money On Illegal Alien #Immigraiton Programs that Cost $40 Million More! Kill the program and #SendThemBack faster #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP", "label": 1} {"text": "USA Portland Maine, Freddy Akoa murdered with his Bible next to him. 3 Muslim immigrants from Somalia have been...", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cnot all men\u201d first of all, you stay quiet when women want respect/equality.", "label": 0} {"text": "We have to demand justice and mercy for immigrants. It is unacceptable that anyone would die in detention. Congress has to act now with welcome and compassion.", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy birthday to you Naveen Patnaik Orissa CM Om Sai Ram Bhola Re Rock On 2", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Can you please step in and deport Karrar Al Khammasi... Please send him back to Iraq...He is a repeat #Criminal.. #BackTheBlue \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc #ColoradoDoYourJob #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ... telling inappropriate jokes can feel like rape 2 a woman cuz she is the one going thru the psychological trauma hearing that...", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary to quit U.N. migration pact: minister", "label": 0} {"text": "So now we see the woman was hysterical all along. Poor Rose, a victim of her imagination.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We need the wall now Mr. President. Don't listen to the lifetime politicians. Listen to your voters and #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "'aw, does the little slut love when mommy touches them? you're such a whiny mess right now. such a good whore for me, angel.'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user this is why the #establishment is so dead set against us in our effort to #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG #KAG2018 #KAG2020", "label": 1} {"text": "I get curved all the time IDGAF, there's too much pussy out here to trip off any bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump appeals Hawaii court ruling on travel ban #AgainstAllEnemies #StopTheInvasion #PoliticalIslam", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Bitch you don't talk about my fucking kids. My fucking kids eat better meals than you'll ever eat in your life, you see that?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please call me slut or whore sex mistress~", "label": 0} {"text": "Red Sox fans are following my blog. Men's rights today !!!! #jobsreport #mensrights #women", "label": 0} {"text": "Only a goofy bitch calls to tell you some violent ass shit a child wants to do with you cause of something their toxic ass said. Dumb hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Just do not get the Episcopalian Church row as the Cofs are collecting food, clothes and Money for Islamic refugees DOH", "label": 1} {"text": "Polish MP: Our country is safe because we didn\u2019t accept illegal Muslim migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "These whores woke me up out of my sleep \ud83d\ude29 Ima be mad as a bitch in the morning waking up for work", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh he's some cunt using that poor woman as an argument against abortion in Ireland. @user - you are a fucking disgusting human being", "label": 0} {"text": "Macedonia deployed the army to build a second fence to keep refugees out - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Free speech is no longer free. You are only considered a BOT if you are a President Trump supporter...A 70-year-old grandmother who spends 14 hours a day tweeting hundreds of messages in support of Donald Trump. Let\u2019s follow @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Here Illegally you are breaking the law! The laws states you get deported not a choice ! You dont get to come to the U.S Illegally ,feel Entitled Demand to stay , ake jobs from Citizens and steal U.S Resources #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "Mr @user #Trump, Respectfully, sir, if you want to run the #2018Midterms on the \u201c#Pentagon Will #BuildThatWall,\u201d then you must show your #MAGA BASE that you are actually going to do it. No empty promises. No silly games. No BS nonsense. Start the process now! #BuildTheWall.", "label": 1} {"text": "Most of drug paddling&human trafficking being done by illegal immigrants from BGD,Afg& Africans.Appeal to Immigration office to WAKE UP", "label": 1} {"text": "Hysterical pant -wetting liberals in full flow Grow up the lot of you #FoxAche", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I bet it was an honor. The two of you can now destroy the west with non white immigration together.", "label": 1} {"text": "charli: fuck you bitch charli: omg why am i so extra wjahjaaj", "label": 1} {"text": "We are still hopeful that we can return in a month or two months. That Burma will accept us along with all the conditions. If they do not, we want the world to give us justice and make it possible for us to go back. #Rohingya #MyanmarGenocide", "label": 0} {"text": "Dirty dick ass nigga .. I hope that bitch catch sum", "label": 1} {"text": "Why r we so liberal in letting illegal immigrants in India,particularly special community of CONG/TMC.Link Aadhar with Voter ID", "label": 1} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014Nkurunziza\u2019s envoy to the UN now recognizes that there was a crisis since 2015. He spent the last 3 years denying it. He now says it\u2019s over & all is well. He forgets:\u2018\u00a2 400K refugees outside Burundi\u2018\u00a2 2000+ victims who need justice\u2018\u00a23 million affected by hunger\u2018\u00a2...", "label": 0} {"text": "THE RAM: Make sure you get your hands on #TheRam for tomorrow's local derby against @user Full details \ud83d\udc49 #dcfcfans", "label": 0} {"text": "What the 2030 Air Jordan's gon look like", "label": 0} {"text": "Package Thief Slips And Breaks Her Leg - Instant justice via @user Stupid fucking bitch. Deserved every bit of that. Cunt. LOLOL", "label": 1} {"text": "Algerie send a clear message for refugees. About 400 refugees are leaved in the desert without water today. Its only few time till they will die. This will stop all refugees to try to went over the territory of Republic of Algerie", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Valley of the Children\" gives a glimpse of the refugee journey for two Memphis families, two families whose fathers had to make life and death decisions. Their stories are essential because they are our neighbors,...", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish y'all hoes with no self respect would stop putting y'all sex life on twitter bitch be a lady please \ud83e\udd22", "label": 1} {"text": "You're dating such a douche bag omg. I just wanna punch YOU in the face for being so stupid. Not even him. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Man this was the most unmotivating script I seen. Big T got money for being big years ago. Was hot for a few months and people forgot what for.. Can't stay in the kitchen all day", "label": 0} {"text": "Pleased today to be addressing #Mekong #Migration Network meeting in #ChiangMai to present @user findings on continued use of forced labor in #Thailand's fishing industry. Rights respecting reforms still needed from Thai gov't! @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user When you first start dating vs a year later", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Stupid cunt chelsea have 3 starting player out long term", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I believe Putin has a video of trump screwing a 12 yr old in Moscow hotel. Trumps resorts are whore houses for the rich. He golfs a lot.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You a lie and your barber a hoe too nigga your line up looking like a serrated knife", "label": 0} {"text": "Sounds like you are a mysogenistic dick weasel to me Aaron. When you call mysogenists dick weasels you always feel better", "label": 0} {"text": "Where are the Women and Children the Dems are always Bitchin about? #NoIllegals #NoDACA #NoChainMigration #AmericanPeopleFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Immigration in a picture", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're on your way to a dick appointment", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #migrants #muslimmigrants go home. You do not belong among ordinary people. Killing, raping, enslaving and torturing people is not allowed even if you call it a religion. You have no rights over me.", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83d\udcf7 shypakiwife: brutal -whore -degrader: Use that fucking cunt What she\u2019s good for I always do\u2026.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hazel e is a joke. Girl you bashing dark skin women who all look better than you !!! Wack ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "I have called more men the word 'cunt' than I have women, because in my experience more men are cunts than women are", "label": 0} {"text": "What makes you always think you're right? #WomenSuck #PeriodProbz", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Trump said what he said the wrong way like him time we look after our own a majority voted to come out of the EU but it is not happening because the toffs do not want it immigration has put pressure with numbers on NHS Housing etc to busy bot", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you bitch. I'd fight you if I wasn't pregnant but your too big of a pussy to hit anyone cause all you do is run your mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "Businesses Should Move out of #California #Democrats Put Criminal Illegals Before U.S Citizens to a State that Enforces All #Immigration Laws and puts #AmericansFirst #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's bitching at you for absolutely no reason and you're wondering why you ever left the single life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You guys really are hysterical \ud83d\ude02 and not educated. Nice try! #cult", "label": 0} {"text": "Laughable... the police are stopping drivers to see if they\u2019re wearing flip flops and issuing people with fines up to \u00a32500... what a fucking disgrace, our police force are becoming a fucking joke..get out and nick these black gangs stabbing people and all the immigrant thieves!.", "label": 1} {"text": "Around 70 messages from men & fake accounts honestly \ud83d\ude44 you are Soooooooooooo boring send nudes,do you like cock, how wet are you \ud83d\ude34#TeenSlut", "label": 0} {"text": "Even if a woman goes to a nude beach .. doesnt warrant sexual abuse assault or rape .. stop victim shameing #metoo", "label": 0} {"text": "Statement by @user on Nkurunziza's announcement is missing key issues:1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014Nothing on the 500.000 #Burundi-an refugees & their return/security 2\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014Nothing on transitional justice & accountability3\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014 Nothing on Arusha Peace Accord. @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user CNN the immigration activist", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You know you can always block me right ? Or are you an attention whore ? Waiting for your feminist friends to get on line", "label": 1} {"text": "SORRY YOU CUNT OF A PAPER. YOU BITCH OF A PAPER. YOU WHORE TO BILL AND MELINDA GATES. YOU ARE WORTH SHIT TO THE WOR\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Eight face prosecutor over murder of migrant", "label": 0} {"text": "Indira Gandhi in no uncertain terms told that the Bangladeshi refugees go back to their home country. Listen to her\ud83d\udc47 #NRC", "label": 0} {"text": "but i dont like women as much \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2a like they\u2019re dope as a side piece but ive yet to meet a woman i feel like i could drop dick for altogether", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media..https://t.co/RXnJEsrSpv You are suppose to protect your people. Shame on you. The next head could be yours. Dont trust your Muslim friends.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user stop harassing women you cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "10 minutes into free tinder dinner and chill and he gives you this look... \ud83d\ude37", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWe can and should increase, not decrease the number of refugees coming to the U.S. A strong refugee program saves lives, builds communities and helps to fuel the U.S. economy.\u201d \u2014 Emily Gray, SVP of U.S. Ministries, World Relief. Read our full statement \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "US to require would-be immigrants to turn over social media handles -", "label": 0} {"text": "How you bitches look with your snapchat filters", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcHistoric moment\u2019 for people on the move, as UN agrees first-ever Global Compact on migration #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cornhole is the Southern name for a game where you throw beanbags at a panel with a hole in it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user When you sleep in the night and there's a hole in the bottom and you don't notice it you're most likely going to drown.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wow, Stupid is as Stupidity does These stupid women are stupid Yet, if they are doing this for Trump I hope he is paying them $15,000 per month to talk,rape and act a fool for him @user IdIots, Yea you two", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump's slippery slope. #ImmigrantChildren #Resistance #NurembergTrials @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're sneaking snacks into the movie theater", "label": 0} {"text": "What\u2019s #Bibi afraid of?Like a delinquent child he starts his political shenanigans then hides to avoid assuming responsibility in public.", "label": 0} {"text": "When alcohol companies tell you to 'please drink responsibly'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 1000/1 she apologises for her #FakeNews post.1000/1 she houses any refugees in any of her multiple mansions.", "label": 0} {"text": "Irony died an infilltrator's death after seeing a pakistani quoting rubbishness peddled by some gulf country shit on the illegal immigrants state level concerns of India, too empathical for someone to corelate with those Illgl Immgrnts", "label": 1} {"text": "I never smile and I hate to brag but I can say 'cheese' without smiling too", "label": 0} {"text": "#Buildthatwall #Deportthemall @user More Needless Deaths at the Hands of an Illegal Alien, and an Oregon Ballot Initiative", "label": 1} {"text": "Note saying'what do you mean I dont need ID EVERYONE knows who I am' makes you look like an a%\u20achole #relaxthereDListcelebrity #humbleclearly", "label": 0} {"text": "#Immigration #IllegalAliens #BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #MigrantsHow noble of #JohnLegend to stand up against the evil #Republicans...", "label": 1} {"text": "Most women that Know me just said 'now eric you Know you dont have no inner hoe' \ud83d\ude02 im 2 much of a gentleman but i know my hoe is deep down", "label": 1} {"text": "#FuckISIS xD Check out The Super Patriotic Dating Simulator by Immigrant Father Studios on @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do people laugh at this stupid woman & her crazy hats in the U.S? We're finding it hysterical here in the U.K.", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Killed Mother Of Two In Drunken Crash via @user @user When is it enough?How many more have to die before you do your job?#BuildTheWall #EndDaca #NoAmnesty #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Turkey forget it you cant even keep your word when you agree to take migrants back never mind the responsibility of the EU shame", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Ok bitch stfu now get over it suck a dick ride a dick choke on a dick and die", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stfu bitch you don't like me get outta here punk hoe you just bored", "label": 1} {"text": "I like to fuck meme makers and never talk to them again just so I can see the angry sub posts... I'm an asshole like that", "label": 0} {"text": "5 Tunisians try to rape Lampedusa woman (3) #news #show #technology #sport #economy #cinema #football #world", "label": 0} {"text": "EU to migrants: Go home and stay home", "label": 1} {"text": "Estrella Sanchez, formerly detained immigrant says, We still have so many detained. Ppl are coming here to better themselves or fleeing violence, to work, and they\u2019re being detained just for that. #AbolishICE #ShutDownACDC #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck slut for @user 'daddy' Laughs. Slut cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch if jongin wants to give sehun a forehead kiss he will deadass tiptoe and kiss him you think a little height difference will stop him?", "label": 1} {"text": "If the U.S. wants to brain drain the entire planet and get the best and brightest here like we did at the outset of WWII then anyone with an I.Q. above 120 should be fast tracked and given a stipend. Lets get all the geniuses over here. And the refugees, we have tons of space", "label": 0} {"text": "@user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Max Mosely son of Fascist Leader Sir Oswald Mosely Firstly, seems common practice to get knighted for being a Fascist in Britain Second, he\u2019s given an awful lot of funding to Tom Watson", "label": 0} {"text": "everyone that ever said anything bad about mark can honestly choke my mf boy just rapped AND sang in his OWN SELF PRODUCED SONG and you know what? it was FUCKING AMAZING nothing but respect for my president", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch if you dont shut the fuck up and stop acting like the us isnt responsible for the repressive and brutal society that became afghanistan - theres pics of my gma in miniskirts in the 70s in iran, another country destabilized and vilified to drive american profit", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes, please! #ClosetheLoopholes#MandateEVerify#endVisaLottery#EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration CALL, TWEET, EMAIL your representatives TODAY! Say you are willing to support a government shutdown or whatever it takes to SECURE OUR BORDERS!Let those elitists and RINOs know who is in charge!", "label": 1} {"text": "Whenever I see a beautiful woman all I can think is how fun it'd be to beat her half to death and rape to pieces", "label": 1} {"text": "This is how you support women. 'Not all men' doesn't cut it. Be better.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I have an idea. #BuildThatWall Detention centers would be reduced dramatically if not eliminated. Problem solved.", "label": 1} {"text": "Never a Doubt that Our FOUNDERS saw the Writing on the Wall when they REVOLTED Against The British #UK Supports the muslim Global Caliphate* Christian Refugees NOT WELCOME*", "label": 1} {"text": "When you finally catch the mutha fucka getting all your favorite IG accounts deleted", "label": 0} {"text": "Colorado: Deportation of Muslim migrant who tried to kill cop was halted by court ruling @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems cards are being shown on Abolish ICE campaign. ICE should get temporary officers to accompany census takers and start deportation. DACA has to end. #nodaca #BuildTheWall #deport", "label": 1} {"text": "When you know it's time to give up on that New Years resolution and stop going to the gym", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You a hoe if there's other bitches", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're chillin and the Thai food kicks in", "label": 0} {"text": "No, \u201cnot all men\u201d are like Harvey Weinstein \u2013 but apparently the left wants you to think so", "label": 0} {"text": "retweet to end womens suffrage", "label": 1} {"text": "Spain: still welcoming rescued migrants, but no more special concessions", "label": 0} {"text": "@user do yoy want us put back down to div 3 again over this you utter wankstain kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "UPDATE #Burundi-an refugees in Tanzania live in fear of being put in harm\u2019s way if they are repatriated to Burundi.", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: 1/3 of the muslim refugees in Germany think, that the Scharia is better than the German law. They like to fight for their muslim believe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Coming soon to a town near you... #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "Ciitizens Alert Tell @user @user Dems #Democrats to F ThemSelves Not Allowing Illegals to take Our Votes and Our Tax Dollars Report All Illegals #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration I love @user #WalkAway ! #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} {"text": "I wouldn't be talking to you if I just wanted to be friends. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "The population of Africa grow rapidly. It would impossible to give them home in Europe. The refugees want only to go into socialwelfare countries, like Germany, Sweden and Austria. If EU open the borders soon for all, Europe will collapse. (end of Dublin)", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump signs memo ending 'catch and release' immigration policyhttps://t.co/QAULHavY6X#AboutTime#StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user & @user must feel so proud. Illegal Immigrant Philly Refused To Hand Over To The Feds Raped A Child #BanSanctuaryCities #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #WakeUpAmerica #AmericaFirst #StopTheI", "label": 1} {"text": "#ICE imprisoning #immigrant children was a business plan, to make #GEOGroup income. GEO group is a For Profit Prison system company that is a publically held company. It lists under $GEO Is that legal? cc @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "[NEW POST]Merkel promised the German people that she would not just hand Greeks money as she does with the refugee, no, she would make them pay dearly for allowing Goldman Sachs to structure deals to get them in the Eurozone. Indeed, she has kept her word", "label": 0} {"text": "30 seconds after you're done fucking the attitude out of her", "label": 1} {"text": "@user These people are hysterical. It's like a commercial for why men should never marry. These women are totally nuts.", "label": 1} {"text": "Poor kid. Someone wise must have told him, \"When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade.\" He listened. His lemonade should now be offered with ICE in abundance. #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "How much RAM do you need? It\u2019s probably less than you think #graphicdesign", "label": 0} {"text": "When your leg cramps up while you're fuckin", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell you one thing-- I've seen more'n enough dick and balls tonight to last me a lifetime.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hillary Harvey Weinstein Clinton. One was raping vulnerable woman and the old bitch was planning to rape America.", "label": 1} {"text": "U.N. starts registering Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh", "label": 0} {"text": "There is in fact an #immigrant crisis in Canada and it is the xenophobic, inhumane & blind world view spawned by the @user Canadians need to come together to fight off these forces and maintain a well-deserved reputation for humanity.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The system will use what you give it. OS is designed to keep things in RAM instead of paging them out.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Rubbing Her Cunt With Her Panties Down Is Such A Pleasure To Watch And Perv At \u2665\ufe0f This Woman Is A Bea\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I though in a free country you could worship whoever you want too? Isnt america the home of the free? You're a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Lifers wouldn't rape this sour faced cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "How incompetent was Obama doesnt know were wall goes on the border not around. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #obamalegacy #obamalibrary", "label": 1} {"text": "#StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't fix yo mouth to say whatchu gone do, I told that hoe bitch u know ion play that!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user the stupidity of liberal women is relentless! Please stay in your perverted hole LA", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Corey Lewandowski\" I am sure Liberals wont be upset that these Illegals Killed U.S Citizens Separatng their familes Illegal immigrant charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on street #FoxNews", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes they did", "label": 0} {"text": "Flirting 2016 Me- ma'am can you pull your pants down please? Her- umm excuse me?! Me- I believe there may be a Pokemon in your vagina", "label": 1} {"text": "International migration from sub-Saharan Africa has grown dramatically since 2010", "label": 0} {"text": "It's very weird to me how I can be so in love with myself and just as disgusted with myself at the same time", "label": 0} {"text": "What's worse than a girl who gives rough handjobs? A feminist.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 50k refugees would be the lowest refugee goal EVER. PLEASE help #MemphisWelcomesRefugees #RefugeesWelcome #GreaterAs1", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop the spread of #misandry. Fight for men's rights today! #OWS #tcot #tlot #AskTheHEEL #WomenAgainstFeminism", "label": 0} {"text": "#ICYMI: Young immigrant Dennis Rivera detailed his two-month ICE detention after his high school\u2019s police force turned him over to sheriff\u2019s deputies, who then turned him over to ICE.", "label": 0} {"text": "You are so hot but you're a bitch so that cancels out your hotness! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "If ye don't skank abit of bass hunter you're a cunt and should block me x", "label": 0} {"text": "So only women can experience sexism? I call BS! #feminismiscancer #EqualityforAll #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "Do elections really matter when US sportsmen still protesting racism at home.Actually, Native Americans home.Move back to where your great great great great grandfather came from.And see if there are refugees shelters there, like Hollywood's homeless tents.It's beautiful!", "label": 0} {"text": "Putting #Bangladesh on notice: \"If Bangladesh starts moving refugees to Bhasan Char against their will, the new story of the #refugee crisis will not be what #Myanmar has done, but rather what [Bangladesh] is doing\" @user #Rohingya #UNHCR #Burma #BhasanChar", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What about the MILLIONS of women in middle east getting stoned and executed for BEING raped?? fucking dumb cunt!", "label": 0} {"text": "Kevin\u2019s name in my phone is Skank ass bitch as a joke but it feels true", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #Democrats and Liberals are Lying About Illegal #immigration Its time we take back our Country #SendThemBack #IndepenceDay Happy 4th of Juluy #FourthofJuly Happy Birthday America God Bless America #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Would you deport the EU migrants what are living off the state? i,e the Romanians. Why should I work and pay for them? They trash our cities and treat our country like shit! At least Trump spoke up about peoples genuine concerns", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I don't feel fantastic to see them in this position..Do they speak up when rape and assault on women takes place..When men from their own party rape women.. What's the use of holding that position if u can't speak for women.. Cunning politicians..Only power matters to them", "label": 0} {"text": "Mathematicians know best (women have your man translate these symbols for you if you're confused) #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user One man one vote right?Yet here we have one man assuming he can demand the importation of millions of non citizens for HIS agenda.He should be allowed a say on ONE migrant at most. And be personally and directly responsible for everythin", "label": 1} {"text": "If your dick game is strong, she'll let you get away with anything as long as you're honest with her", "label": 0} {"text": "James Toback: Anyone who says he lured women with film roles is \u201ca lying cocksucker or cunt\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Ik that bitch was a hoe jus tried to change her but these hoes wana be hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "Roster reconfiguration season is coming up", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dont forget: in event of a woman accusing men of rape;under sharia you just dig a hole, tie her hands, put her in hole, stone her to death", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy tells France to shove it, will not take in any Muslim \u2018\u02dcrefugees\u2019 - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "If your girlfriend doesn't like that bitch, you don't talk to that bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Syrian refugee attacks girls at West Edmonton Mall pool \u2014 and CBC treats him as the victim (Full monologue)", "label": 0} {"text": "I've heard people yelling #BuildThatWall but I'm one of many out yelling them to #BuildThatBridge. That's right fuck a wall we need to bridge gaps not make them.", "label": 1} {"text": "Urban refugees in South-East Asia:https://t.co/Y21JKNWG6R", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman who accused Nelly of rape last weekend is dropping her case. Should he get a public apology?", "label": 0} {"text": "Bad girls get spankings", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Time to start firing Judges who dont detain Immigrants so @user can deport ! If he was detain and not given a bond that Citizen would be alive !", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies want a task for your to do list today? quit talkin to scared lil bitch ass dudes... Some of y'all need to respect yourself enough to tell them to figure shit out & either man up or stfu. Real women ain't got time for that shit! #realtalk -Cardi B", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user BUT. I would bet you're not looking for facts. That's why you obfuscate.President Trump at NATO: 'Immigration is taking over Europe'https://t.co/L8Kk9bM0TuThere is more. And you know it.", "label": 1} {"text": "We dont want ppl from 3rd world shithole countries living here. .we have enough problems of our own #StopImmigration entirely. #deport them all.. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat #BUILDTHEWALL #GOP", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She probably was using it already before she took it stupid bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "New York politician calls for jail time for Trump officials who separated immigrant families", "label": 0} {"text": "Asked Jacob why he was such a whore when we split up, & he said 'to piss you off & it worked' bitch you thot \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "When I come across random men's accounts that have me blocked", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Senator Should #Trump do the same thing as Obama an give them to Child Trafficers with no DNA test and no immigration status check just give them to criminals is that your stance?https://t.co/mZSh2EKaF1", "label": 1} {"text": "I guess the Koch brothers funded racist Tea Party marches are no longer needed! Republicans ruin the economy & press Democrats to fix the economy! Obama was OBSTRUCTED by Republicans! No help! #SendThemHome! #DontBooVOTE", "label": 0} {"text": "The feds say 127 migrant parents waived reunification rights. But some say they were coerced or confused.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But if the shoe was on the other foot, we'd know who would be the most hysterical woman in the room.", "label": 1} {"text": "D: DID THAT GUY JUST NOW FLIRT WITH YOU L: No, wait, it's not what you think D. I WON'T HESITATE; BITCH *shoots down the innocent fanboy*", "label": 1} {"text": "@user touch\u00e9! #MaleDominance", "label": 0} {"text": "So isn't asylum because it's not safe where you are from? If I were still a German citizen I'd be furious. Allah must be laughing all the way to the bank. Nice of #merkel to fulfill he father Adolf's wish of using the Muslims to disrupt the world order.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user YES YOU DO GO TO BED HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user For God sake,don't put India to danger by unchecked Appeasement of ur special community,illegal migrants.NATION is supreme", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sexism goes both ways. some advice: stop whining and use your man's money for things other than mini skirts #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I cant believe you havent blocked that slimy skank yet", "label": 0} {"text": "@user r doing wonderfully well dividing the nation when will u learn to treat ur own people the same as migrants no houses for them", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You speak with a Mueller yet you racist skank! #trumpRussia #WrongSideOfTheLaw", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men? True. But you wouldn't play Russian roulette either, but you're asking women to do exactly that. Trust has to be earned. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "And Moses said to the people 'Bitches Be Crazy.' ~Romans 10:13~", "label": 0} {"text": "It must be amazing to be me", "label": 0} {"text": "#MS13 #Illegals #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrol #Migrants #CartelsIt is easy for those who are NOT on the front line of #IllegalImmigration to be magnanimous and...", "label": 0} {"text": "Did this woman and child drown because the EU-backed Libyan coastguard scuttled their boat after they refused to return to Libya with a coastguard that returns all intercepted refugees and migrants to inhumane detention centers? @user", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user When it's Friday &; you're feeling kinda Thugish\ud83d\udc82\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "keyshia ka'whore is a bird. gucci shoulda gave that bitch back to yo gotti", "label": 1} {"text": "y am i the nastiest skank bitch ever to live i wanna DIE", "label": 0} {"text": "Vote for question 69. All girls must use birth control. I'm sick of wearing a rubber! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Like shooting in a pressurised cabin. Don\u2019t know we\u2019re it\u2019ll end up. I\u2019d suggest you run a train on some slag indoors.", "label": 0} {"text": "This is awesome! We are also trying to help refugees share their stories, through our new podcast.", "label": 0} {"text": "How did the medical community come up with the term 'PMS'? 'Mad Cow Disease' was already taken.", "label": 0} {"text": "Receiving migrants is road to hell, says Czech PM", "label": 1} {"text": "Shit the dick make you smoke lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "...wait for it...guess what? They\u2019re Native Americans !! You know, the people who lived here waaaayyy before ur white-ass ancestors colonized the country. So if anyone\u2019s an immigrant, it\u2019s you hun \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #Deport all illegals and their families - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty - #ProudAmerica #AmericaFirst #VoteRed", "label": 1} {"text": "@user account has been withheld in France based on local law(s). Learn more.", "label": 0} {"text": "Only places my wife can drive are to restaurants and grocery stores", "label": 1} {"text": "stfu bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "When you get to the liquor store with 2 minutes till closing and they're locking the door", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Pls shut the fuck up bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Series of killings in refugee camps spark fear among members of the displaced #Rohingya Muslims and aid workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "They also attack the stat that 1 Aussie woman a week is killed by her partner. They swat it away in the biggest #notallmen ways.", "label": 0} {"text": "Life's too short to be giving people second chances", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WHAT YOU SAY BITCH NIGGA HOE?", "label": 1} {"text": "Yet another fame hungry whore Natasha Prince. More bullshit claims to give her tv time. Pathetic slut. Hope shes sent to jail #LockHerUp", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Immigration and Lax Border Controls are The Epicenter of The\u00c2\u00a0UniParty\u2018\u00a6.", "label": 0} {"text": "Spain creates its first refugee camp near San Roque to home migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "* Spain \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez in panic mode as aggressive male migrants overwhelm Spain. What did he expect? #v4 #visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@ajamubaraka Never mind the contempt that the DNC has for its base, giving the nomination to Hillary instead of Bernie, and the contempt Hillary has for the masses calling them \"\"deplorable\"\" and claiming women are stupid and voted how their husbands told t\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Ain't with that bopping shit bitch and you know", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are a skank", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop totaling cars and get back to the kitchen #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When your friend offers to help spice up your relationship out of the blue", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're almost 30 and have run out of options...", "label": 0} {"text": "PALLYWOOD* IN THE AEGEAN? Caught in the act: Film crew staging fake Muslim migrant drownings at sea on the Greek island of Crete via @user Fake news...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user They won't be able to , all planes will be grounded, our ports will be shut down and in any case they will have to apply for visas, which Barnier will refuse , unless they are granted refugee status and that will take years.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ofcourse she does not. A woman who can laugh at a teen rape victim can't not have any values in my eyes. She can go\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I expected to feel good at the end of my stay here in Athens working with refugees, but I don\u2019t. I feel like shit that my own people are here suffering and I get to go back to my family and home.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Send them all back! #NoMoreRefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "When you wake up and the random didn't sneak out in the middle of the night", "label": 0} {"text": "What's the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? A washing machine won't follow you around all day after you drop a load in it", "label": 1} {"text": "If you've never choked on a dick have you really ever had sex?", "label": 0} {"text": "Which means it's six years since I cried in @user watching it on the treadmill \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "fuckin butch ass cunt motherfucker bitch lick my foot", "label": 1} {"text": "Democratic PATRIOTS pls call your representatives and demand #Kavanaugh be confirmed, esp if up for re-election. .@PressSec .@realDonaldTrump .@GenFlynn #SaturdayMotivation #USOpen2018 .@reba .@katyperry .@johnrich #MAGA #BuildThatWall #RedNationRising #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014In opening the August parliamentary session, Pascal Nyabenda (de facto Speaker) said that many foreign delegations have been visiting Burundi which is a proof that there is peace & security; therefore all refugees should return to Burundi.\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u02c6\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u02c6 A fallacious argument!", "label": 0} {"text": "Sit on my face and water board me with your vagina", "label": 1} {"text": "He cheated on you? That's nice. Now go sit in the corner, drink your lemonade and cry, bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user \u201cBrutal & shaming\u201d? Tad hysterical don\u2019t you think?", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim immigrant in Italy stopped his car on a highway to pray to Allah - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrants restrained during deportation 'with little justification'", "label": 1} {"text": "As a survivor of rape you have inspired me to be better and to do better. Thank you for all that you do for survivors. #WOCAffirmation", "label": 0} {"text": "@user i've seen this skank thot basic bitch IG trash before. Her videos are the worst. Such a prostitute", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user If you're a girl and don't make me food when I ask/tell, there's a good chance I might just hit you #MaleDominance", "label": 1} {"text": "When you finally catch that cunt that's been leaving '\ud83d\ude0d' under baes pics", "label": 0} {"text": "\"I felt this word [refugee] is really heavy.\"A conversation between @user and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador @user Watch the full version:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user they give you a gun USE THE GUN TO SPOOK THE SPOOKERS WITH LEAD TO THE DICK", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The US (nor Canada) is not \"a nation of immigrants.\" That's a myth Liberals use to justify anyone wanting to enter the US illegally. Arrogant immigrant Liberals like you have a sense of entitlement and believe you have a right to live in t", "label": 1} {"text": "@user YOU ALWAYS HAVE MY DICK. ONCE YOU START USING MINE AND YOU WILL NEVER FEEL YOU PUSSY IS EMPTY AND ONCE YOUR PUSSY STARTS TASTING MY DICK IT WILL NOT ACCEPT OTHER DICK, IT WILL DIE TO HAVE MINE ALL THE TIME. FUCK U BABY", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Lottery Immigration/WE ARE IN FIGHT 4 HEART & SOUL OF USA/VOTE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user there is only one true question the Uk wants will immigration be stopped who ever promises this will win the uk vote", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I think what he\u2019s trying to say is that not all men are shit. Females started that stupid ass trend and it\u2019s annoying tbh", "label": 0} {"text": "$90 Million In Welfare Payments: Justin Trudeau's Border Crisis via @user Please pray for Michelle Rempel TODAY. Trudeau has spent 500 million Canadian Tax payer's dollars on illegal immigration with no plan to close the loophole", "label": 1} {"text": "\"I feel for refugees coming to this country - there are so many hurdles put in their way. People do not appreciate how difficult it must be and do not see the individuals behind the headlines and bad press\" #AmazingSupporters 7/", "label": 0} {"text": "Please be sure to share this widely with #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA2020 #tcot #DrainTheDeepState #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall #Deplorables @user @user #totallyrealnews", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop trying to please everyone, you're not my cock... Please yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Thanks to President Trump, There are more Jobs than People. Good workers are being rewarded. PS open Borders mean Lower wages for American Citizens. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Funny. The hysterical Kamala moves into the lead for Most hysterical woman. #AnnCoulter", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user No, millions of Americans have lost jobs to illegal immigrants for 3 reasons...they work for less, often for cash and are more reliable. Sought out by employers. Asylum seekers are trying to excape violence, want to assim", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user De ETA (asesinos) hablamos despues de Franco, Manada, Catalu\u00c3\u00b1a, migrantes.", "label": 0} {"text": "In New Orleans, .pPresenting results on immigrants and civic engagement project @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're chillin and the Taco Bell hits you", "label": 0} {"text": "Having a baby in the US is dangerous and expensive as fuck. If I werent an immigrant myself I\u2019d look into giving birth abroad just for better care lnao", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone announces they're unfollowing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user wait are you saying that the canine birth canal is not a puppy sized hole in the mother's belly?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We say this all the time. You should try to come to one of meetings brother. Thanks for the support #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "The lying continues. Refugees pose no threat to 'Law & Order'. The president's crimes and the inhumane actions of #ICE officers remain the focus of the American people. #AbolishICE #ImmigrantChildren #MuellerInvestigation #Impeach45 #Election2018 @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "If you only knew what your name is in my phone. \ud83d\ude08", "label": 0} {"text": "When your girl's accusing you of cheating so you let your side bitch listen", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Join the Patriots & order a laser engraved brick to help #BuildThatWall today @", "label": 1} {"text": "@user what a fucking cunt this slut is also I don\u2019t want this to endddd pleaseeeee when is Tuesday gonnaaaaa\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Confessions of a mother fucking bitch!I keep checking the cooker, switches and front door like Craig off corrienation street!I cant stop eating Im going to a hole full of depression! HELP ME", "label": 0} {"text": "These awful men calling this Black woman all the words they always use against women to mean 'hysterical' is making\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Stop embarrass Media Women -u r media WHORE! @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "That reign bitch is hot as fuck, why am I being attacked by beautiful women", "label": 1} {"text": "Nicola sturgeon wont put a cap on immigration really what about ur own people don't you learn anything Nicola u did offer that to ur scots", "label": 1} {"text": "Women are rejecting #feminism, but are not actively supporting men's rights. Why???http://t.co/PHmGsEcKLA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Ps - Andy, I\u2019ll meet you at the Ram in town for the Rams game today. Really excited for this one!", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens Who Murdered Man In North Carolina Captured via @user #KeepAmericansSafe#EndDACA #DeportThemAll #DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "#BBC Presenter Loses #EU Immigration Debate With Hungarian Politician via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Dignity and Humanity are not a function of geography or nationality.And your worth is not based on where you breathe in this world.\" \u2014 @user Ann as she raises her voice for refugees who are rebuilding their lives in our communities. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump moving to strip Palestinians of refugee status: report Nice... now will all be going to Europe... Israel\u2019s wet dream...https://t.co/2BbkaBhOMh", "label": 0} {"text": "'He crying cuz this pussy so good' First of all my Niners set an NFL losing record with 5 games under 3 points to win, insensitive hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank God Trump won!!!#MAGA #AMERICAFIRST#BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoChainImmigration #NoAnchorBabies #NoSanctuaryCities #NoSanctuaryStates #TermLimits#DrainTheSwamp #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessOurPOTUS#Trump2020", "label": 1} {"text": "Complete disgust. #Democrats this is on you. #IllegalAliens are invaders, race regardless #deathpenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Go away skank. Go back to Pluto, or wherever in hell you came from. #AlertTheDayCareStaff #FlushTheToilet", "label": 1} {"text": "My bitch of a sister really be tripping over $12 dumb ass hoe. Got me fucked up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hateful bully bitch you are", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy ass bitch I hope your country gets bombed the fuck up", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And enough women make false rape accusations against men for us not to trust you.", "label": 1} {"text": "Glaswegians rally to protest against \u2018\u02dcmass eviction\u2019 of refugees by Serco", "label": 0} {"text": "22 years ago next month, @user killed hundreds of defenseless refugees. Nkurunziza returns there to sign his constitution. #Burundihttps://t.co/nxFAmjEV9H", "label": 0} {"text": "Why should people here illegally be counted and represented? Send them home and build the wall.#ncpol #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Go away Obama. You pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't text these hoes... If you're doing your job right they'll text you when you're needed", "label": 0} {"text": "The first sexual attack against a woman happened in Hungary. The criminal is a \"legal\" afghan rapefugee. This is how Orban protects us.", "label": 1} {"text": "Apparently 'oh you're just fat' isn't an appropriate follow up when you ask someone if they're pregnant and they say no", "label": 1} {"text": "These dudes out here sending dick pics to anyone... Y'all dumb AF... I ain't sendin shit without a pussy pic first... Insurance if you will", "label": 1} {"text": "Tell him no one cares what the American people think at this point.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I gotta say though, the how I will change tag is better than 'not all men'. Like fucking duh, then it's not to you lol", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2014 I\u2019m fckin dead @user \ud83d\ude39\ud83d\udc80 I fckin miss you hoe slut skank beetch \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc96\ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "What would you do if a girl kicked you in the balls... \u2014 Imma cunt punt tf outta hoe 'for no reason'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Must deport all illegal migrants. India already reeling under constant threat of Muslim Radicals.Curb population", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hey fuck you cunt #cyberbullied", "label": 1} {"text": "If I judge pussy by what it looks like, does that make me a pussiest? \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "Pope Francis criticizes policy of migrant family separation via @user Stick to religion Mr. Red Pope...", "label": 0} {"text": "America needs to create laws that REVOKE citizenship from legal immigrants who break laws. We need to restore the demographics of America.", "label": 1} {"text": "Ukrainian labor migrants in Poland transfer home record sum over three months", "label": 0} {"text": "#FAKENEWS @user lied to Anericans about Illegal Immigrants because Illegal Aliens Come First the #Democrats Platform #WalkAway #HappyBirthdayAmerica #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user OMG it's on the Immigration web site if they break the law they get deported so why can't the police just hand them over to immigration no wonder there is so much crime", "label": 1} {"text": "Maybe most women generally get along with each other really well because we don't have to deal with weird ass bitch\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Immigration in a picturehttps://t.co/bNRq7N7Oj3Diversity is the process whereby your nations are sought to be handed away to people who don't want it to be what it once was, by people who didn't help to make it what it is", "label": 1} {"text": "When i was 17 a woman who i thought was my friend aranged for a 30yo man to rape me.. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "[WATCH] German Evangelical Church president on Malta visit to support NGO's migrant missions", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Every penny that comes into our grants account will go directly to asylum seekers and refugees, that will not change, but if we don't have enough reserves we will suspend the programme, possibly restrict criteria even further and/or save funds f", "label": 0} {"text": "Read RCUSA's Report Card for the month of June. We're 20,000 refugees behind schedule and only 3 months remain in the Fiscal Year 2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Here\u2019s a genius idea : suggest that not all men are rapists and that not only women get raped?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Pl don't play Vote Bank politics. Support centre in pushing out illegal migrants.After AAP coming to power,Delhi a SLUM", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate it when waitresses call me 'sir'... Like yeah bitch that's what I wanted with my lunch... A hard fuckin dick", "label": 1} {"text": "These are the stakes. This is what's happening to immigrants who Trump is targeting. It is not an exaggeration to say that Trump's detention and deportation machine is a life-or-death issue for immigrant families. #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "S-Shut the fuck up bitch> He pinches the bridge of his nose > His ears fold back in pure embarrassment, this just keeps getting better and better.", "label": 0} {"text": "Orb\u00c3\u00a1n: Merkel is \u2018\u02dcnot in charge\u2019 of Hungary\u2019s refugee policy", "label": 0} {"text": "In case you don't see it, Common Core, Islamic migration, refugees needed to fill low-paying jobs, etc. all part...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So now the word hysterical is a completely sexist term? So let's get this straight nobody can say the word monkey anymore when they are describing anyting and the word hysterical can no longer be used to describe a hysterical woman?", "label": 0} {"text": "Jumping from guy to guy isn't funny or cute. It's mean. Men are human beings not pieces of meat and we deserve respect #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Bravo, @user And by the way: I am also an immigrant, and so is my wife, and both my in-laws. When you are saying immigrants do not deserve anything, you are talking about me.", "label": 0} {"text": "The #AmericanCommunists who live in our country want open borders.#DrainTheSwamp#StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "ABOVEGROUND THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR. This truck parked near the Arby\u2019s at Northtowne & Morse Rd. about 1/4 mile from a Somali mosque. This is an immigrant, migrant and refugee (New American) community on the Northside of #ColumbusOHIO", "label": 0} {"text": "Am I the only one that sings love songs to myself while thinking about myself?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Women are sacred as mothers and wives. Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user We must be brave and strong and show decent logical women that not all men are rapists we must come together and speak out", "label": 0} {"text": "The refugee resettlement moratorium ends 10/24, and we are actively looking for Memphians to train NOW to be...", "label": 0} {"text": "The poor kid wanted a fuck and got a bitch prego and now is fucked for life hahahahaha dumb cunts", "label": 0} {"text": "The EU should press Turkey to let all refugee aid agencies proactively and without fear of repercussions seek out Syrians blocked from registration so that they can get protection & live without daily fear of deportation @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When he tells you 'be a good girl and cum for daddy'", "label": 0} {"text": "you ho's STILL not allowed to speak on eesh in my presence. i'll beat yo ass girl lol don't get it fucked up. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I think it was a Freudian slip.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 1} {"text": "Spain: migrants riot to protest against the slow WIFI, the uncomfortable bed and the disgusting food In the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Everyone gets mad when a woman talks about dick but praise men who talk about fucking 10 girls every weekend", "label": 0} {"text": "As pressure to return builds up, Syrians express their anxieties. Why Many think they can never go back? Watch Huda\u2019s story who fears she may be forced to look at Europe, again @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Syrian Christian warns Europe \"They are all ISIS, not refugees. This is an invasion\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Hi Donald. It\u2019s me again. I\u2019m the white boomer standing with immigrant families, all non white peoples, all LGBT, and a free and open press. I am so not alone.", "label": 0} {"text": "#JerryBrown #Criminals #IllegalAliens #KateStienle #Victims#Democrat led #California, under Governor Jerry Brown, has chosen Criminals OVER the law abiding public AND they have chosen #IllegalImmigrants OVER Citizens. The people of California...", "label": 1} {"text": "When the pussy stank but she looks so good you gotta finish", "label": 1} {"text": "Jordan keeps border sealed, says it cannot take more Syrian refugees amid new fighting", "label": 0} {"text": "Most parents with children swept up by Trump's #ZeroTolerancePolicy are NOT crossing the border illegally. They are presenting themselves at points of entry as political asylum seekers. #ImmigrationLies #ICE @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The same Max Mosley who published a by-election leaflet saying: \"Coloured immigration threatens your children's health,\"", "label": 1} {"text": "People of color in the US declaring that immigration should be called on other people of color is just so... Sigh.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No 2 ways around it!! Vote Red!!! #MAGA #KAG #BuildTheWall #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You seem a little shrill and hysterical tonight, Junior! Are you getting scared? #MuellerIsComing", "label": 0} {"text": "If you've ever laughed at a dead baby joke, or chuckled at a dead lawyer joke, then don't bitch about a rape joke. Perspective, please!", "label": 1} {"text": "Women want everything to be 50/50 but then they make 100% of the Ghostbusters FEMALE. wtf!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@IntThings Unless you love a skank hoe that cheats on you. Then you apply the motto \"\"we dont luuuuhh dem hoes\"\"\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration committee holding special hearings on asylum seekershttps://t.co/d1ni4mcr88This will be interesting. Looking forward to how this plays out.", "label": 0} {"text": "Dick still big tho \ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump may be grabbing women by the pussy, but feminists are grabbing america by the dick", "label": 1} {"text": "When the lemonade stand didn't work out so you and the crew decide it's time to rob a bank", "label": 0} {"text": "People that force me to be brutally honest to their face are the best... Like yo you did this to yourself, fam", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user A slightest sound are you joking! That horrendous heave and huffing and puffing down my ear hole", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Antifa are just a pack of druggie misfits that no one loves, being the violent thugs they are is their cry for attention and their hit of self importance.#JuvenileDelinquents", "label": 0} {"text": "What really happens when you send her a dick pic", "label": 0} {"text": "U nothing but another pussy hole bitch get used to it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This will be great. Hope @user puts someone in charge who makes sure All $$$ goes toward construction costs. And he/she better get it going after day, Every million donated. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're breaking up with a bitch but you're a savage with a great sense of humor", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop confusing good sex with love, that's childish", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Under AAP rule,Delhi fast becoming a slum.Record influx of illegal migrants.Filth all around in his favorite community colonies.See NZM", "label": 1} {"text": "#Burma. #Syria. #SouthSudan. #Nigeria. These are just a few places where refugees need emergency food assistance. See where & how @user is helping refugees survive, regain dignity and rebuild their own #selfreliance. #WorldRefugeeDay \u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00b8: Joseph Eid/AFP", "label": 0} {"text": "In appreciation: Barbara Harrell-Bond, refugee advocate and researcher, 1932-2018: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#CubeIsOverParty Hyuna made people pay attention to her message. And even when the entire public was against her she never changed who she was and what she stood for. No matter how often she was slut shamed. She is THAT fucking bitch. She will always be THAT bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You may see this c@#t in England he will ram you thow.so caution on the roads\ud83d\ude0d", "label": 0} {"text": "Transurban privatises the gains from mass immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Talent- Fucking up EVERYTHING", "label": 0} {"text": "Should be able to get it back \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "Of course they could just go home if it's that bad, given they are 'refugees' \ud83d\ude44", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal alien in Utah who was deported raped 7-year-old girl 'thousands of times,' police say", "label": 1} {"text": "If things were the other way around and whites were migrants these other countries WOULD NOT accept us. Wake up!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Who close and control the borders for citiziens or refugees from Nigeria. They might bring the lassafever to us. WHO warns !", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans. Taxpayers pay Approx. $48,000.00 per Illegal Alien per Year! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "#Women are naturally lazy. This is why #feminism is popular as they want privilege without responsibility. laxy", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy's Salvini declares war on mafia after migrant worker deaths", "label": 0} {"text": "@user stupid bitch i hate you", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm not sure who is the most hysterical woman at the #KavanaughHearings: Kamala Harris or Cory Booker.", "label": 1} {"text": "Depression is swiping on gay tinder in front of your immigrant parents bc you don't fear death.", "label": 0} {"text": "I am all for this!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user That was not bought in store! Black market merchandise. Yet Libs want to crack down on legal owners? Typical delusion. #Rifle #NRA #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Syria, Russia, Lebanon and Iran are all pushing for premature refugee returns:https://t.co/WfAaDjGj0D", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What's up with college age women and man hating? This shit makes me embarrassed to be a feminist. Not all men are like that.", "label": 0} {"text": "Time to Stop Illegals from using kids as a get out of jail card #Detain and Deport Never let them see a U.S City Stop #CatchNRelease #SendThemBack ASAP #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration No Illegals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Y'know, you'd probably get a job at Subway because all a cunt like you is good for is making sandwiches", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its no different in Canada folks: Access to White people is NOT a human right.It takes twelve Germans to work and pay taxes in order to fund the cost of just one migrant", "label": 1} {"text": "DHS expands power to initiate deportations for Immigrants with Criminal records, False Documents or Collect U.S Benefits 73% of Mexican And Central American on Welfare ! #Trump #MAGA Scott Puritt #Immigration #RedNationRising - #Montana - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They Should be deported ASAP ! Stop Allowing Teenagers to Game our #Immigration System we are not the World's baby sitters send them back to their country they are reponsible for thier kids not the U,S Taxpayer", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user If we were into Putin, I would try to be the best Putin ever. So, careful what you wish for, commie. Are there any real lawyers in commie countries? Are there an", "label": 1} {"text": "'Libya coastguard left two to die', migrant group claims", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant entrepreneurs important to fabric of Michigan and to strengthening its communities.", "label": 0} {"text": "Literally just got hit by a car bc this dumb blonde bitch was on her phone and she didn't even stop after HAHAHAHA what a cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Since the Supreme Court has not explicitly addressed the issue of gun rights for noncitizens, this case is being allowed to move forward in court. Pratheepan Gulasekaram, a Santa Clara University law professor, said Perez may have a chance.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I just realized I used whore instead of cunt oh how the tables have turned", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Stfu side hoe head ass bitch go fuck yourself y don\u2019t u try to get dm in a week", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Love to put my cock so far down your throat now so hot", "label": 1} {"text": "Canada using DNA testing, ancestry websites to investigate migrantshttps://t.co/9Ln2ZrqYAZAs far as Im concerned, those that entered undocumented / illegally gave up any right to privacy.", "label": 0} {"text": "Tribal people in the southern Philippines who fled their homes last month have vowed not to return to their villages after the military refused to sign an agreement banning soldiers from...", "label": 0} {"text": "SKANK ASS MUZRAT WHORE IS ALL SHE IS!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all women have weaves, some way not all men are dogs \ud83d\ude09", "label": 0} {"text": "I believe in karma, that's why I never ask a girl if she's married or has a boyfriend", "label": 0} {"text": "I am displeased w what this bitch said about what rape is. @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You look like a straight pee on stfu pussy ass nigga", "label": 0} {"text": "Matthew alone recounts the flight to Egypt, which would add Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to the epic list of biblical refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "i'd get on yo ass just like some britches, my girl ah woop yo ho she throw dem bitches \ud83d\udd7a\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udd7a\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You're a skank. You are more skilled at shoplifting than trying to be witty.", "label": 1} {"text": "Images of #Rohingyas dead bodies in SittweThe photos were taken on June 13, 2012 at May Zi cemetery, nearby Baw Du Pha refugees camp in Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This women & lib -left like are suffering from hysterical blindness & they will be the death knell for United kingdom", "label": 0} {"text": "@user post telling how you love hooking up with a filthy slut so you and that whore joke about her man(I\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Don\u2019t distribute them across Spain ( Europe) send them back to Morocco where they came from #migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "can mnet stop being a bitch go suck my non existent dick and", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch scrolled through my shit gave me 1 like lol petty ass hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced... Natural Law #Libertarian idea: The difference between private business versus government trying to control your behavior is the absolute ability to boycott private business...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user littering on the increase ? It would be nice to have some bins to put the litter in , and if there are any bins it would help to empty them frequently #bbcNews", "label": 0} {"text": "If new plan Pres Trump & Steven Miller working on becomes law, be assured illegal immigrants will think twice b4 crossing over US border. Government assistance is going to be very difficult to get. Looks like free organizations-churches who want them will have to support them.", "label": 1} {"text": "Caucasians not welcome in Europe. NWO intentions are to eradicate all traces of white skinned people, known as the Kalergi White Genocide plan. This is why these only so called refugees allowed to settle in Europe are all dark skinned, no white skinned.", "label": 1} {"text": "Court records show a\u00a0man accused of shooting a Colorado Springs police officer in the head in a shootout\u00a0is an Iraqi immigrant with a recent criminal history in the U.S.", "label": 0} {"text": "The savagery", "label": 0} {"text": "Canada -Guilty - Human Rights Crimes Against Female Moslem Immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "Send message to the German Embassy loud and strong resign give ordinary Germans the right to say no to Immigration now not next Year", "label": 1} {"text": "Flirting in 2016", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wonderful - to be save in USA from refugees in the middle of the wall should be an electric voltage band.", "label": 1} {"text": "Officers of the Court have a duty to uphold Rule of Law.\u00a0 ABA President Bass stated that they \"will not rest until all children reunited with parents\".\u00a0\u00a0https://t.co/RF3wJWCVrl TO VOLUNTEER\u00a0\u00a0 (no Spanish/Immigration law necessary)", "label": 0} {"text": "Hope your PlayStation blows up you silly cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is after he went on a rant calling me a slut and a whore for blocking him.", "label": 0} {"text": "My refrigerator is filled with nothing but organic fruits and vegetables and alcohol, cause life is all about balance", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do you have a tow bar on your ram?", "label": 0} {"text": "Yep, around 80% of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban settings. That's why it's important to target the urban refugee population. At CRP, we serve refugees living in Amman, many of whom are Syrian.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Friends in Spain have said the same. They have lived there for 22 years and now claim life is not only becoming uncomfortable but its damned dangerous with muggins by african migrants commonplace. The Spanish are screwing Spain into the g", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop your kids from using snap chat!...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's time we get Americans where they belong. Until there's no hunger no Vets on the streets homeless no poor homeless no Mental cases left without help. We don't need to import or allow anyone else into our country. #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #", "label": 1} {"text": "The Ratings for the #NFLKickoff were as flat as #TomBrady's Balls!Help #BuildThatWall!Support our efforts!Order Bricks @ now to avoid the Christmas Rush!", "label": 1} {"text": "#CNN #FakeNews #WashingtonPost #MSNBC #DriveByMedia #MediaBiasThe Major media got this WRONG. They reported that #PresidentTrump called ALL migrants #Animals. Anyone who actually HEARD the President...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Hoe your dreams also return to you as nightmare", "label": 0} {"text": "i convince myself that im not a bad person and then call an old lady a stupid cunt bitch for biking in the road", "label": 1} {"text": "FDA Acquiring \u2018Fresh\u2019 Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is NOT bad news!! I dont want them here at all! Come here legally or dont come all! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "#Burundi opposition party @user sent the following letter to UN SG @user MSD alerts the UN on the harassment and dire humanitarian conditions of Burundian refugees who are in Tanzania.", "label": 0} {"text": "Blacklisted: Facebook banned pages belonging to Infowars' Alex Jones for \"glorifying violence\" and \"using dehumanizing language\" against transgender, Muslim and immigrant communities \u2013", "label": 0} {"text": "When you decide to trade your testicles in for a psychotic bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "The news is full of stories and outrage over our governments Zero Tolerance policy which requires all adults entering illegally to be criminally prosecuted. Here's what you need to know. #refugeeswelcome #immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user author of RESURRECTING SLAVERY, will be a guest panelist on @user @user tonight to talk about #race and #Immigration. Check area listings to watch!", "label": 0} {"text": "15. fuckhead for awhile... I open two stores for his bitch ass. little brother & his skank show back up. I find a meth pen tube & foil in", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I thought you were leaving the country you washed up skank ass?", "label": 0} {"text": "If I can get your mouth pregnant I'm down", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden\u2019s chief prosecutor admits \"police can't enforce the law in areas controlled by Muslim migrants\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Migrants get here then they phone for the next load to come mobile phones cost not such a thing as a poor migrant with a phon", "label": 1} {"text": "The 2016 savage award goes to this man", "label": 0} {"text": "I SAID WHAT I SAID DELETE THAT BITCH YOU CANT BEAT MY ASS", "label": 1} {"text": "THIS HAS TO STOP!!!! #IllegalAliens #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall .@DonaldJTrumpJr @user @user @user #DHS @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Charged With Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina @user @user Tell me again why there should be Amnesty?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #ChildRape Automatic#DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "It's black, got 8 legs and it makes a woman scream, what is it? - A spider? No. Gang rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "This #TeacherAppreciationWeek honor #immigrant postsecondary teachers, who come from many countries and backgrounds, bringing their expertise to educate tomorrow's American leaders. #fastfact @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "My dick is like yoga for your vagina... It'll leave you nice and stretched out", "label": 1} {"text": "I assert my dominance like a cop doing the speed limit on the highway", "label": 0} {"text": "The Latest: Hungary passes tax against support for migration", "label": 0} {"text": "#Immigration is tearing the country apart. Time for #congress to step up and pass a comprehensive, humanitarian, smart law @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "A reminder to EU, Italy & Malta: your support to Libya's coastguard condemning intercepted refugees & migrants to appalling detention conditions and blocking rescue charities + rapid safe embarkation costs lives, is morally abhorrent & likely illegal @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#DidYouKnow that if all the refugees in the world formed their own country, its population would be larger than the state of Florida? Learn this and more in our new e-book, \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees.\" Download it here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "When you finally get the bitch to leave", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do girls have to post slutty facebook pictures along with lyrics to a terrible top 40 song? Cuz #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \"\u201cIn my judgment, the process which was adopted by the secretary of state in the present context failed to comply with the requirements of procedural fairness as a matter of common law.\u201d So immigrant children were lost. Literally lost. h", "label": 0} {"text": "Idk thems the rules. I don't make them I just spread awareness", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim refugee in Sweden threatens \"We are here to takeover\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user straight to 'cunt'? Over.. what exactly?? cause a woman online posted something you dislike\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d nah man", "label": 0} {"text": "How much of the following is fact and how much fiction? Naredra Modi government merely cut the ribbon of GST door, but Bhakts does not want to miss a single minute and platform to take credit....If the UPA comes...", "label": 0} {"text": "O\u2019 the Highest Authority of all the authorities! Help to end #Rohingya Genocide and facilitate safe repatriation of refugees in #Bangladesh. O\u2019 the Most Liberal Who is besought! Liberate all persecuted people including Rohingya on Earth.#Muslim #Islam #Ramadan #LailatulQadr", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey Idaho, pay attention to the capitalized part since some of you are so welcoming to refugees.The Sharia Swamp...", "label": 0} {"text": "Parents of slain Filipino migrant worker and kidnapped priest are among those whose feet will be washed by Cardinal Tagle #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #religion #HolyThursday #HolyWeek @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Dhimmi France Outlaws Catcalling After Paris Woman Attacked By Street Rapefugee", "label": 1} {"text": "France, Malta take some of 450 migrants rescued in Mediterranean", "label": 0} {"text": "Three streets in Berlin shut off as fighting migrants turn area into \u2018\u02dcbattlefield\u2019", "label": 1} {"text": "When she tells you she likes guys that read...", "label": 0} {"text": "Asked this bitch where she wanna eat, she said 'Porkys' and I'm done with white women man I don't care how fire the box is", "label": 1} {"text": "It\u2019s funny how liberals were all up in arms about \u201cLady Doritos\u201d when it came from an immigrant female CEO. Now they are celebrating her today, just months after calling for her sexist head to step down", "label": 0} {"text": "What a stupid cunt you are bro.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immig", "label": 1} {"text": "Read and watch the attached, then go to YouTube and watch \"Killing Europe.\" As Islam grows in America, we can expect similar issues. Granted, we are not allowing as large a percentage of \"refugees\" into our country per our population, but...", "label": 1} {"text": "Israel has turned away dozens of refugees, despite urgent calls by humanitarian agencies saying their safety is at risk. They are trapped between the Israeli border and advancing regime forces with little shelter from the harsh summer weather.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user If only there was a way to stop those bullets! I'VE GOT IT! BUILD A WALL !!!! #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "How you take half naked pics but you not a hoe? Smh fake ass bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "I love how the United States government is going around telling other governments what to do when this government is no better than they are. This government joined that club as soon as it illegally kidnapped immigrant children and basically lost them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Faggots pay day !! Hand it over as you get bitch slapped by my cock ! Hahaaaa", "label": 0} {"text": "Solutions urgentissimes :#degagerMacron#dissoudreLREM#retablirLeDroitRepublicain#ReduireIslamAuSilence#StopImmigration#UEbyebye", "label": 1} {"text": "@user speaks with @user spokesperson @user , about #Kenya\u2019s refugee camps\u2014one of which is the largest in the world. #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Do you have #DACA, or have you had DACA in the past? Renew your DACA now! USCIS is currently accepting renewal applications but this could change as soon as mid-August. Visit Informed Immigrant for a step-by-step DACA renewal guide:", "label": 0} {"text": "Good #immigrant defintion \u2b07\ufe0f- I'm not winning Olympic gold medals or winning baking competition, will I ever fit in? // post #Brexit struggle...", "label": 0} {"text": "Sure Sadiq Kunt, whatever you say. \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "Haven't talked to my kids in days because my bitch ass #babymomma is a cunt! #meetoo", "label": 1} {"text": "From Fox News - Arizona, Texas announce plans to send National Guard members to borderhttps://t.co/TxgdOrVqcl#MoreOfThisPlease More#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #BorderSecurityIsNationalSecurity", "label": 0} {"text": "If You Wanna Be Stupid Over Some Dick Do Your Thang Sus \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Im Jus Not Gone Fwu Nomore \ud83d\udde3\u2705\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Try @user or @user @user and @user can you help or give direction?", "label": 0} {"text": "I dont see why some people get so offended by what i say. its not like im making this shit up, women really do suck.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 1) fuck you 2) i gotchu fam, lemme get my pimp hand ready\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "I have been Anas' personal geek and social media maven because he is such a great guy and is helping refugees in an area where they have been invisible for the most part.If you can help him in any way with small...", "label": 0} {"text": "I can lose weight, but you\u2019ll always be a cunt \u2665\ufe0f Don\u2019t come at me, I will shut you the fuck down", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user shut the fuck up bitch don\u2019t talk to greek like that you whore go on chaturbate you dickhead", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know that if you ask the team to \u2018pimp\u2019 your bagel they\u2019ll add in a tasty surprise for just one pound \ud83d\ude0e", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude40\ud83d\udc3d\ud83d\ude48 #Repost @user with repostapp.", "label": 0} {"text": "When your phone goes dry for more than 2 1/2 minutes", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the planets existence depends on stopping the warming of the South Antarctic Ocean which has absorbs so much heat from fossil fuel emission its killing over 65,000 marine species a year and what happens as that works it way up the food ch", "label": 0} {"text": "Trixie is so peng \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude48\ud83d\udc45 \u2014 YEAH SHES PENGGGG for an immigrant tho \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Shock Statistic: 90% Of New European Crime Committed By Migrants Muslim migrants are tearing Europe apart physically and politicallyhttps://t.co/1IHqeSKyMlRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! to White people is", "label": 1} {"text": "Here's Domingo \u2014 an immigrant, father, and Founder of Peels and Wheels Composting. Apply now to join us for the next Collab Accelerator:", "label": 0} {"text": "All you pussy boys and pussy girls who call yourselves her friends didnt even try offering to help her move so none of yall better show up to our house asking her to chill cause fuck all of yall fake asses", "label": 0} {"text": "Felling love with this Couture Inspired Sandwich Maker by Dash: #sandwichmaker #appliance\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Lol no. Not in that sense, you give yourself to your husband doesnt mean he should rape. The woman is still the primary owner of her body.", "label": 0} {"text": "Western cities that are still open for the world....Ethiopia former refugees, migrants and diaspora communities participate in an important \u201cconvention\u201d in #Minnesota where big political wigs including the new reformist PM #DrAbiy were involved...", "label": 0} {"text": "'God, did you hear about that stupid guy who works at Youtube who is a total cunt? I think his name is Chugchog'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user I've noticed. Not all men are raping or harassing women but unfortunately that's\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.Barack Obama - 2005#BuildThatWall #MAGA #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "\"When we are assured by seeing and knowing that they are enjoying their citizenship, then we will go back,\" Ali said Friday, while strolling through the crowded market of the Kutupalong refugee camp. #Rohingya #Myanmar", "label": 0} {"text": "All those haters calling me a whore when they could call me a dick juggling thunder cunt instead \ud83d\ude25", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I miss you more main slut halavyaahhh HHAHAHHAAHAHpatatas!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user but seriously, the silver looks sexy AF and like very easy access to give you your birthday spankings \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Agree with you 100% #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ImmigrationReform", "label": 1} {"text": "Sometimes you just gotta finger a bitch in public to let her know who's boss", "label": 1} {"text": "This is so disgusting. And y'all think this immigrant situation is okay? Go to hell, especially this sick fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Time to tell it how it is EU ,commonwealth migrants miss using NHS Housing , Education we never asked for this politician decisions", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Looks like no ones running Britain! Our cities are out of control thanks to EU migration an all to often picture of Modren UK", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You believe in God lol...heaven help u if I ever get a passport kunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "Another fine example of why illegal aliens are problem. If your here illegally, why would you want to draw attention to yourself this way. Illegal aliens have no fear of our legal system & only care about themselves. Awful way to die #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don't want to blame the victim but this makes it difficult. Are you a ho just lookin for money or are you a victim looking for justice?", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Silences Libs With Insane Admission About Why Trump Is Right On Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Well damn\ud83d\ude2d. Bitch said dwarf women lmaooooo", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014With militiamen still roaming in the countryside, 400.000 refugees, 10.000 political prisoners, 2000 dead whose families are crying for justice.... Anyone who ignores those issues and just talks about 2020 elections is disingenuous", "label": 0} {"text": "shoutout to the kid(s) who wrote on the dirt on my car saying I was a bitch and a whore :)))", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration Diversion, Forced Injections, Hodeida Genocide, Syria Fights Back & Psychopaths In D.C.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes Brooke! Give that bitch the hell she deserves. I knew it would take her to slap that skank down. #BoldandBeautiful", "label": 1} {"text": "Spanish town's mayor pleads for help after surge in migration #SWRM #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Vietnamese #immigrant launches @user to give kids a chance to earn money for college through what he calls \u201caction scholarships.\u201d via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user DM daddy. Show me what your doing to your little wet whore holes . Show daddy how nasty of a slu\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user The whole notion of regional state is built to make Somalis refugees within their lands of Somalis. Or else, why yearn for another fake walls whilst we r already suffering from the artificial ( colonial) ones?", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm such a little pussy ass bitch on my period what tha fook", "label": 0} {"text": "ITALY's NEW GOVERNMENT: Making good on its promise to rid the country of illegal Muslim migrants via @user Welcome to reality and a possible new Italy...", "label": 0} {"text": "I wanna care sometimes, but this 'fuck it, who cares' attitude is too strong", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump is a piece of shit and I hope he rots in hell. What a fucking cunt ass bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Agreed MJ! Any Country that has an #OpenBorders policy is in trouble! #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "The center of Mytilene continues to be inaccessible for refugees fleeing from Moria. A group is protesting on the North entrance of the city demanding their transfer to the mainland for security reasons. Source:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Youre**** dumbass I give no fuck about you about your trashass wanna be Texas state team like I said til the beat outlaws in the battle of Texas eat my dick and shut the fuck up, pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "Thots be like 'OMG she's such a slut' #FirstofAll didn't you fuck the whole football team???", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No they don't get it. We're a bunch of \"hysterical women\" as they put it.", "label": 1} {"text": "Should I give you my number?", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- you usually wear condoms tho, right? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Despite Pakistan was created on religious basis, a large number of Indian Muslims showed their reluctance for Pakistan and stayed back to thenown home in India. The Muslim refugees from Northern India who...", "label": 0} {"text": "Wishing the one and only @user very Happy Birthday and Happy Diwali Hope you do best, whatever you do. Jai Shri Ram. Jai Mata Di.", "label": 0} {"text": "Pres Trump wants to pass bill, & doesn't nd gov. approval-affects immigrants labeled 'public charge' - some1 who depends on gov for more than 1/2 their income- I agree - rpt is 56% of legal immigrants never get off welfare-& US wants ppl who make American better & not live off it", "label": 0} {"text": "Take our money! We feel guilty! B as in B. S and in S. #SaveEurope #CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh look Ipigga thinks she knows women who struggle....fuck off bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "what is a 'cunt brick?' @user is it a brick that it quite very stupid or a brick with woman parts?", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- I thought we had something special Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO: (Part 4) #BNP London A frame trailer on busy A2 where thousands of drivers saw our banner \"SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION\"#Brexit #immigration #london #Patriot #bbcqt #bordercontrol #Trump #Altright #British #Britain", "label": 1} {"text": "No to #EU migrant camps in Libya, PM al-Serraj", "label": 1} {"text": "See the monthly post, that highlights men of action. Men's rights are here! #CallMeCam #MenRights #shrewculture", "label": 0} {"text": "Leaving a pot on the stove can burn more than just your dinner. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking. More tips here:", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- If you're gonna fuck a bitch that just left a wedding, give her a fake name and number cause she's fallin in love regardless", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They called her a cunt you\u2019ve called women twats and witches? Could Ye all just stop abusing women online", "label": 0} {"text": "Response to @user Many women suffer serious BC side effects. Why SO OFFENSIVE to offer alternatives?", "label": 0} {"text": "she is our skank we r her guys we can fuck her that way she amost say please treat my like a whore honey", "label": 1} {"text": "@user FAIRIimmigration Esimates 12.5 Million Illegals in the U.S and their cost which doesnt include the welfare their collect for #AnchorBabies! #RedNationRising #SundayFunday #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack Cut off the welfare Mandatory E-Veri", "label": 1} {"text": "DACA program protecting illegal aliens from deportation is at risk, says Sec. Kelly", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh Please this is my costume how can you judge someone for dressing up on Halloween ya skank louise", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump just endorsed Kris Kobach, who made a name for himself with anti-immigrant views and allegations of voter fraud, for Kansas governor via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user cuz girls are stupid and pick assholes. Meanwhile they friend zone the good ones", "label": 1} {"text": "fat cunt ass bitch burn in hell", "label": 1} {"text": "Spain takes in 40 percent of Mediterranean migrants in 2018 \u2018\u201c UN", "label": 0} {"text": "Here's our Spanish version of @user and @user aneurysm-inducing story of worker accused of molesting 8 (!!) immigrant kids at Arizona shelter. Please share", "label": 0} {"text": "I just need one kitty one butt hole to lick one person to be my NUMBER ONE FAN& support me I just need a bitch to be my peace just ONE \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Britain To Deport More Than 56,000 Illegal Immigrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Where tf are you ! I miss your white black ass hoe ! Mf c*ck sucking whore \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc96\u2763\ufe0f\ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "Newk's sells their whole cakes for $48...they smoking dick, they are delicious but $48 bitch please", "label": 0} {"text": "Irans revelutiongards advise the Persian army to do evrything to close the Street of Hormus, if USA like to attack.", "label": 0} {"text": "The whining never stops #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user SEASON 2 is being filmed in > SIX WEEKS!! U don't want to miss szn2! They're asking for donations to raise an extra $2,500 in order to bring on 2 brilliant, young immigrant filmmakers as lead crew members and producers for this season", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user No because not all men buy into those labels. You don\u2019t get to decide what som\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "can you like choke me once and for all??", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wooow nace pic,, is bien you pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Madman why did'nt u raise these issues before ur corrupt Babu was picked up for serious charges", "label": 0} {"text": "#DonaldTrump has no idea what he is doing. How is it possible to be this clueless? #ImmigrationReform #Impeach45 #25thAmendmentNow @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Poland: our country is safe because we haven't taken in refugees. -", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Angry Muslim immigrant in Italy destroys police car in a Sharia area \"police not welcome\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Let's have some fun. Let me rape your wallet. You'll watch, stroke & thank me for abusing you like a whore! #Findom #walletdrain #paypig", "label": 1} {"text": "It's 2017 and ur stillllll slut shaming?? BITCH BYE", "label": 0} {"text": "A Trumpish view of refugee resettlement from the obsessively anti-refugee (and misleadingly named) Center for Immigration Studies.https://t.co/7H3Pp86GSf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Since u r a pathetic self claimed pseudo analyst, don\u2019t bark before you r a bit clear on the subject. Bitch cum whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Spain asks #EU for emergency funds to cope with migration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user That\u2019s why I agree with our countries and governments not bombing Assad and Syria. Let them fight their battle, win it, and then allow the refugees to return to their original homes. Don\u2019t add to the problem.", "label": 0} {"text": "This ignorant bitch, @user should know. How many women did she destroy to protect that predator husband?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Listening to the world service this am criticism of Israel for wanting to deport young African male migrants it maybe evidence from Europe like France and France many are not settling and are turning to crime better the truth than living a lie", "label": 1} {"text": "@user At least you got to go hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Y\u2019all expect women to settle for trash treatment and then call them riders when they do so... the bitch is lonely and insecure, not a rider.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Haters are going to hate. They hate truth Mr. President. The more haters the left throws at you the more you know you are on the right track. It is sedition. We all see it. We have your back! #MAGA2018 #StringerTogether #RunRunAway #Proud", "label": 1} {"text": "Human Rights Watch Press Conference: 6 Aug 10:30 am Foreign Correspondents Club of #Thailand (#FCCT) in #Bangkok - \"#Bangladesh is Not My Country: The Plight of #Rohingya Refugees from #Myanmar\" - all welcome, details at link: @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Crazy warminister von der Leyen thinks that weapons will bring peace in Mali or Niger and less refugees. Never weapons will bring peace.", "label": 0} {"text": "I've decided to just live off of these", "label": 0} {"text": "Activists chained to Italian transport ministry to protest immigration policy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The idea is to bring in the \"dreamers\" so that they vote for Democrats because Dems know they have to import their voters. That is literally the only reason the Democrats care about this issue. In the meantime, YES THEIR PARENTS", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you, good morning to you too you not whore you. \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "As long as I live, I will be a Masculine Male with balls. There won't make 'women' or 'eunuchs' out of us...", "label": 1} {"text": "\"One plan the White House reportedly is considering would allow no more than 25,000 #refugees to be resettled in the U.S., representing a cut of more than 40 percent from this year\u2019s limit.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Yo moma ah stupid bitch!!! For having a fake ass son acting gangster on twitter.", "label": 1} {"text": "Look @ Smith's 'Ram'dom Act of Kindness. Have you submitted your Act Of Kindness yet? It's easy, fill out this form:", "label": 0} {"text": "Go to VA they are mistreating the immigrants there. I keep saying this & I am going to until some does check. Go to Betsy DeVos home town & take away the 82 immigrants she supposedly has. She needs to be investigated. Send a lawyer to her what ever you find please post in here", "label": 0} {"text": "Subterranean money-making, the real globalism: use domestic politics to keep the world safe for oligarch-style deal-making. Distract the people with religious, anti-immigrant nationalism, but protect the oligarch network. Mueller has to have details.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user A HYSTERICAL woman. Not just woman. And, she didnt say he won.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Upload you skank", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dude, you're LOST! 1% of illegal immigrants are fruit pickers or agricultural workers! If Juan & Maria are harboring Hector the transnational drug dealer? Now ICE has to go to their home b/c Police won't work with ICE! Do you understand", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user bitch shut the fuck up you're fucking your best friends dad", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Biggest refugee camp in the world and a year ago it wasn\u2019t there.", "label": 0} {"text": "Video of woman getting slapped by RAPEFUGEE in DHIMMI Paris sparks outrage", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Toronto Has Exceeded Capacity To House Illegal Immigrantshttps://t.co/uw0O0MzCpORemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0g", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you for admitting there is only evidence of women falsely accusing rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "Relief for refugees as permanent houses put up via @user #Withrefugees #Kakuma @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Normal woman degenerates into a cunt. @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant detainees contribute to \u2018chaos\u2019 at overcrowded, understaffed Victorville prison, union says. Part one of a two-part series by me and @user", "label": 0} {"text": "some woman just flipped me off for joining a round about 100 yards in front of her. mad cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "News from #Syria wurde gerade ver\u00c3\u00b6ffentlicht! Vielen Dank an @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Would you rather the girl you\u2019re fucking have nose as long as your dick, or her nipples? #weedthoughts #armsesh420", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user The same politicians that have multi million pound homes away from all the migrant areas...", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigration officers compete on arrest numbers to win cake\u00c2", "label": 0} {"text": "France, Malta will take 50 rescued migrants each: PM", "label": 0} {"text": "It's #Trumpianity. Rape, pillage, and steal but as long as you say #MerryChristmas it's ok.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cgo talk to your other hoes\u201d first of all, bitch you\u2019re the only one i talk to!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #FamiliesBelongTogether Send the kids back to their deported Parents in their Country! They Should exit together", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all men, I'm generalising, but you get the idea.", "label": 0} {"text": "It's a lovely evening to...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Why any DECENT woman would think this skank should be 1st female potus is beyond m\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Rohingya refugees are working hard to earn a living and bring a sense of normality back to their lives \u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00aa", "label": 0} {"text": "Friend- she's cool, you should keep this one around Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "#Humanrights activists demand justice for #refugees after #Myanmar admitted #Rohingya mass killing @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Life is all about balance, so make sure you have as many blondes as you do brunettes on your roster... But no gingers, they're immoral", "label": 1} {"text": "Pokemon Gooooooo fuck yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "asher is an idiot.. if 4 men take a woman upstairs of course they\u2019re gonna rape her u fucking cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user When you have too many people living in one place you are going to get trouble. Sadiq Khan keeps on encouraging more & more people to come. It won't end well immigration has reached a tipping point.", "label": 1} {"text": "Beware the EU from black refugees and send them immidiatly back. Over 600 enter EU yesterday and 300.000 wait at the moment in Niger. They will destroy Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You seem hysterical. Screaming is not gonna make the Trump collusion with Russia less true. No matter the size of the font.", "label": 0} {"text": "3. Ik 'not all men'. But if you feel the need to say that, you're missing the bigger picture, & putting the blame back on victims/survivors,", "label": 0} {"text": "What happened Democrats? I'll tell you what happened, without the immigrant vote there would be no Democrat party.", "label": 0} {"text": "Farm workers protest in Italy after migrant crash deaths", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Its clear in the fuckin video are u fuckin stupid if u take idubbz dick out your mouth for 2 fuckin seconds you would hear him say nigger", "label": 0} {"text": "Meet Karamba, a gregarious East High School Senior in #Memphis, soccer and football student athlete, and aspiring doctor with a heart to serve others. A former refugee from D. R. Congo, he eagerly met with Tennessee...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Ikr. Of course, men get taken seriously, but women are treated like hysterical whores. So sick and tired of sexism", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when girls bitch about not having a date to a dance when they've turned down every guy that asked them #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Call me crazy but I prefer Kylie Jenner when she still had her fetal alcohol syndrome lips", "label": 1} {"text": "#danforthshooter The mental health issue line is a favorite excuse by the migrationists, but even if true what difference does it make? Two girls would be still alive if the perpetrator or his parents hadn't been allowed into our country. #Danforth #TorontoShooter", "label": 1} {"text": "@user damm baby girl you got a nice pussy right there and be sites you pussy look morh bigger than my girl pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "I love it when married bitches start posting inspirational memes about having a strong relationship... Single in 3-2-1...", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany's BAMF migration office warns against fake employees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't ever apologize for knowing your worth... Even if you're worthless", "label": 0} {"text": "nobody went to jail for invading Iraq. nobody went to jail for bombing Libya. nobody went to jail for funding Al-Qaeda in Syria. lets take a wild guess and say nobody will go to jail for Trump separating immigrant children from their parents.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I never will understand how not enforcing the laws and working with fellow city, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies isnt the Normal way of doing business. And how illegal aliens are being turned loose is crazy. #BuildThatWa", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don't give a crap about their emotional wounds. Just unceremoniously throw them back into Mexico.#NoAmnesty#NoDACANo more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals & their childrenDeport ALL illegalsArrest ALL", "label": 1} {"text": "Too many illegal Muslim migrants seen in Delhi/Metros begging on Light signals.", "label": 0} {"text": "next bitch that cheat on me getting pimped out, you wanna be a hoe bout shit so we gon make this money", "label": 1} {"text": "@user got these hoes thinking sharing a nigga or being a side bitch is cool \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "#Veterans first #RefugeesNotWelcome . #VeteransBeforeIllegals", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user tell ME-What could people who come through the BACK DOOR,bring to our country-Except 4 CRIME & DISEASE ??#BuildThatWallU Can share", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Thank you for this article, truly. Those \u201cnot all men\u201d comments below it... I don\u2019t know how you keep your sanity.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant With Assault Rifle Shoots at TX Interstate Drivers 7 Year-Old Girl Hit in the Head", "label": 1} {"text": "Tech giants Facebook, Apple, YouTube ditch Alex Jones Banning him and his outlet is wrong. It\u2019s not just a slippery slope, it\u2019s a dangerous cliff that these social media companies are jumping off to satisfy CNN and other liberal outlets. #1A is at risk", "label": 0} {"text": "@user thanks for ruining a beloved song from \u201cThe Sound of Music\u201d by using that extremely creepy electronic version in your commercial. Shame on you.", "label": 0} {"text": "I want a fucking boyfriend who could feel comfortable telling me everything. Not some pussy ass skank bitch like yourself", "label": 0} {"text": "Another reason for #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "How many immigrant kids were reunited with their parent today?", "label": 0} {"text": "Show your support. Subscribe by RSS. Men's rights advocates are growing! #jobsreport #BringingBacktheSunshine", "label": 0} {"text": "'Dick hair' sounds like 'take care.' If you're having a bad day, say 'dick hair' as you wave goodbye to annoying people. They won't know. \ud83d\ude01", "label": 0} {"text": "With todays #JalalabadAttack & other vicious attacks claimed by ISIS, I smell a spillover of refugees in Pak again. This time we should not open borders for them. We cant afford terrorists taking undue advantage. Let Americans deal with it.#Afghanistan #Jalalabad", "label": 1} {"text": "Italia stopps agains 450 refugees. All working people around the world think evrybody has to stay home and make the own country better. But: 3 % of worldpopulation are in move for a better lifem they believe - this must get stopped quick.", "label": 1} {"text": "Niger's forced return of 135 Sudanese nationals to Libya, notorious for its horrendous treatment of migrants and refugees, is a flagrant breach of international law @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #ref", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Telemarketer did same to me called me a whore and said he would rape me. Nice.", "label": 1} {"text": "I never understood why anybody waits to say they got raped smh rape me bitch I\u2019m snitching soon as you leave fuck boy", "label": 1} {"text": "When you know you're a piece of shit and own it like a boss", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany considers tough response to #Spain migration 'surge'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user stop controlling me!!!!! \ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d", "label": 0} {"text": "Tajikistani Charged With Beating New York University Professor To Death Another animal.../", "label": 0} {"text": "On the Burqa I think people in the West seem to get confused with how it\u2019s worn in Western countries and in the ME. I\u2019m not a fan of it myself but know so many people that wear it to feel more religious, often surprising their 1st-gen immigrant parents that tried to fit in.", "label": 0} {"text": "It's #WorldRefugeeDay. For FY2018 the refugee admissions cap is at a historic low of only 45,000, divided among 5 regions of the world. After 2/3 of a year, the U.S. has only admitted 14,300 #refugees or 32% of the total. @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Riot: Muslim migrants take to the streets in Italy demanding law to allow mosque building by taxpayers' money - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Trustttttt me! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 The girl ting works for him, \u201cjust stay in your lane, bitch.\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "JIN SAYS 'VOTE US ON MWAVE YOU HOE' :)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user dont u have anything better to do u cunt bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Ill kill the bitch (chloe) when your not home \u2014 Idgaf if you\u2019re kidding bitch I\u2019ll report your ass ...", "label": 1} {"text": "Cressida Dick: A Profile Here, we profile the woman who is heading up the capital's police forc ..", "label": 0} {"text": "Youth care worker charged with molesting 8 immigrant boys at Arizona shelter via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Every Country has a Right to Defend its Border and determine who comes into their Country #Immigration is not a Right", "label": 1} {"text": "First comes tightening of non prosecution of Naff Staff then open door immigration Policy for Non EU medical staff after a week of complaining about poor Indian sponsored Medical students and Doctors Immigration law is changed for others through the back door they call it common#", "label": 0} {"text": "Helping refugees proves labour of love in Germany", "label": 0} {"text": "A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook\u2019s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they...", "label": 0} {"text": "And what is your message to our own CITIZENS, our veterans, our children and those living below the poverty line in California? #DeportThemAll #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Buy more RAM, girl :P", "label": 0} {"text": "No that little tattoo of a flower on your ankle doesn't make you a whore... Or your trampstamp... Fuck it, YOU'RE A WHORE #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When you know your worth...", "label": 0} {"text": "Woman that tell guys 'I just wanna be single for the summer.' are just trying to whore around. Don't come crying to us guys come Fall!", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Aliens have the Audacity to try to enter a U.S Army Base that's a National Security Risk Here ILLEGALLY for 10 or 30 years get deported ! #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendthemBack via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "You sick bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Heartbreak. The final heartbreak. Helps you see what the problem is. What you need to do to get better. I need to fill that hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "12 Illegal Immigrants Found in Texas Border City Stash Houses in One Day via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lmao this bitch got no clue what shes even attracted too...show any women vulnerability and shes gonna be\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men care about how sexy you are.Some men wait to hear what you say. Most men fall for ignorance.Real men praise intelligence.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's women like Kathy Griffin that the word cunt is becoming just as popular here as it is in the United Kingdom and Australia.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Great article in @user about Mexican Born wild land firefighters saving property in Trump country. Shasta Co. Too bad this will fall upon deaf trumpers ears. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dogs in America, or dogs in Mexico?? A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS. I replied, \"Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83d\udea8\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udea8 #SPAIN BECOMES #MIGRANT HOTSPOT| BORDER WALL STORMED | #SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT....\ud83d\udea8\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udea8 \ud83d\udd25#LiberalsRuinEverything \ud83d\udd25#SocialismSUCKS \ud83d\udd25#DeportThemAll \ud83d\udd25#RefugeesNotWelcome \ud83d\udd25#EconomicIllegalRefugeesMustGoBACK via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user [ ho~ you doubt me?", "label": 0} {"text": "I deleted my opening tweet about this because you know, be a good woman, keep quiet, mustn't be 'hysterical' or 'make a fuss'", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees go home for vacation.", "label": 0} {"text": "Organizing events? Hiring employees? Need a community of diverse immigrant women leaders? Email us for a partnership request: contact@femigrants.org #partnership #collaboration #diverseimmigrantwomen #diversewomenleaders #empowerfemaleimmigrants #womenleaders #femaleimmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Suck a dick and choke you bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- do you wanna drink today? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "\"In all, 17,781 illegal migrants arrived in Spain during the first six months of 2018, almost double the 9,581 migrants who arrived in Spain during the same period in 2017.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Anybody can dig a hole and plant a tree. But to make sure it survives, you have to nurture it, you have to suffer for it,jst lyk a wife.", "label": 0} {"text": "There are less than 2 months left of FY'18 and only 17,564 refugees have been welcomed into the US, drastically short of the goal of 45,000. Join us as we continue to stand for the vulnerable #WhereRtheRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "The warning 2 the Turkish Leadership stop demanding and blackmailing Europe and the World about refugees desperate Men on a Islamic Mission", "label": 0} {"text": "If your 'fianc\u00e9' has a conversation with a bitch like this would you keep her?", "label": 1} {"text": "America wants to #BuildTheWall @user #BuildThatWall #America1st", "label": 1} {"text": "Federal Home Ministry asks #Kashmir chief secretary not to allow movement of #Rohingya beyond certain locations #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #India @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Russia confirms Syrian refugee proposal sent to United States @user me tinks Mother Russia aka Putin tryeth too much too late ......", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd cook, clean, communicate, love , respect,spoil & cherish. Not all men can give a woman a lifetime commitment.", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m at DFW airport and imagining racists having a hell of a time dealing with every shop having a majority or totality of immigrant/minority employees, and thinking they stole a white person\u2019s job. No, they\u2019re the only ones who would put up with a commute to DFW for crap wages.", "label": 0} {"text": "Boy 11 Dies a Week after Hit & Run Crash By Illegal Alien @user @user ENOUGH ALREADY! #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheDamnWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #KeepAmericansSafeStop Putting Americans lives at risk!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Every woman deserves a BIG DICK!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Most annoying cunt ever and I never call women that.", "label": 1} {"text": "Enimen, you are a disgrace to America! Go crawl back into your hole..... I Would NEVER Let my grand children listen to your NON Music,1", "label": 0} {"text": "Ahh That\u2019s What I Get For Being A Whore \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude44 Now All These Bitches Wanna Talk \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Here it is not about Refugees or Illegal immigrants. It is about whether one has documents before 1971 or not. Now, it is difficult for slum people and beggars to show valid documents, except the name in voter list. 1st under", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hunt illigal refugees by dogs to save the USA from bad elements !", "label": 1} {"text": "Biting the hand that feeds you. All part of the Hijra (immigration jihad).", "label": 1} {"text": "@user STFU with that stupid rape culture retardation.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Wrong, you slithering kunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "But Azealia, you're not happy with only having your intellectual equals (AKA the Kunt Brigade). You want Cardi's place. Nicki's place. LOL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user La Raza Board Member runs non-profit that made over $1 billion under Obama from managing illegal children migrants, and will make $500 million just this year.https://t.co/GhZT4zVnYZ", "label": 0} {"text": "Dear #NotAllMen, I invite you to be a part of the solution and not the problem.", "label": 0} {"text": "Brilliant, stone a woman after rape, there is no scandal.", "label": 0} {"text": "...you can tune into the debate on homelessness amongst refugees here at 2:30: To find out more, read the @user briefing here: Thank you to @user for sponsoring the debate on this important issue.", "label": 0} {"text": "Radical Muslims are granted extra rights. #RadicalIslam #Nosharia #NoMuslimIdeology #BuildThatWall #Trump2020 #MAGA #POTUS45 #Christianity #JesusChrist #2AShallNotBeInfringed", "label": 1} {"text": "Lagerfeld - fashiondesigner says he hates Merkel. 1 mio. refugees find place in Germany, which are antisemitic muslims, which hate Jews. This is a crime from Merkel, which not learned from the Holocaust.", "label": 1} {"text": "Only bitch ass fuckers rape women", "label": 1} {"text": "My grandpa once told me 'The only bitch that matters is my DOG' and I've stood by that my whole life. #BitchesAreDogs #DogBitch #Ihatewome", "label": 1} {"text": "I got an actual real life \u2018not all men\u2019 today, have I officially made it as a difficult woman now?", "label": 0} {"text": "Xd @user tight hole lost <3 Kids @user ok cunt penetrate @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't speak bitch,just Die Die Die Why can't you go bye bye bye? Cause I will take your life away So turn around and just shut the fuck up!\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I understand, but I think it\u2019s critical that we not give an inch to leftists who pervert and twist the language to suit their ends. These kids are illegal migrants. PERIOD.", "label": 0} {"text": "While Costa Rica has received the most asylum claims, Panama, Mexico and the USA have also recorded a growing trend of claims by Nicaraguans in need of international refugee protection.", "label": 0} {"text": "EC moots migrant landing platforms in third countries", "label": 0} {"text": "Rummage sale to benefit Jewish ALS patients:", "label": 0} {"text": "Where's US taxpayer $s going - here's one place. Cost $4.8 million last year for ICE to fly illegal immigrant children.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Has it been a year already? Are you looking forward to giving up your most hysterical woman( tweeting about seat swap on a @user flight) title?", "label": 1} {"text": "My bathroom vs your boyfriends", "label": 0} {"text": "I wonder who the first person to think of a sewage system was... I mean there must have been shit everywhere", "label": 0} {"text": "World Relief is calling on all of their supporters to raise funds from their friends and family on behalf of refugees. Become an advocate and help refugees rebuild their lives. Get started here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #Compassion with #CommonSense #BuildThatWall #RuleOfLaw #SecureBorders", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Fckin clown. You clearly haven't a fckin clue how economics works. Fckin inbred kunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Edmonton attacker identified as 30yo Somali refugee Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, was known to police- CHThis is my shocked face. \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00aeEd.", "label": 1} {"text": "Refugees, spying, attacking media, putting immigrant kids in cages, War, nice w/ murderous dictators, neglecting the black community & mass deportations. All things Trump is accused of, but what Obama actually did. Guess which 1 has a holiday & a Nobel Peace Prize #StopTheBias", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration and welfareA toxic combination for the immigrants and for the nationals", "label": 0} {"text": "Live: US child migrants, #Macron US trade deal, #NorthKorea returns US #War remains", "label": 0} {"text": "You just have power over men altogether, women are men\u2019s ultimate weakness after all... which is why women are slut\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user An absolute disgraceful woman how could you show such a cunt...", "label": 1} {"text": "Wow, @user is disgusting. Watch the way she laughs off and rolls her eyes at @user turns out we did take the importance of black lives and immigrant children to the polls and it\u2019s doing very well across the country.", "label": 0} {"text": "Get over yourselves ladies... You're wrong.... all the time!", "label": 1} {"text": "If you voted yes ya moms a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Drunken refugees - is that sad or a nature law. No refugee have to leave his country to have a better life. This means he can also get dead on his journey for hope. And so its better to stay home, than to dream.", "label": 1} {"text": "Now how this bitch gonna fart and not say excuse me but stink up the hole check out lane #NoLadyLike", "label": 1} {"text": "#YesAllWomen should stay in the kitchen", "label": 1} {"text": "Pro Tip- There's nothing but sad lonely bitches at the bar drinking away their 'I'm a lonely loser' feels today", "label": 1} {"text": "Only do much a man can take! Fuckin bitch cunts!", "label": 1} {"text": "#UrbanDictionaryHasTaughtMe that I'm the BEST, FUNNIEST, MOST ATTRACTIVE girl EVER- until I get to the second page and apparently I'm a SKANK WHORE BITCH SLUT.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "26 female immigrant and refugee students, speaking five different languages, are enrolled in this coding studies program #GirlsInTech", "label": 0} {"text": "Think #refugees push wages down? @user suggests thinking again.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WE Know that the 80,000 Americans Killed by Illegals will never be reunited and that is unacceptable Start Mass deportations of All ILLEGALS who have no right to be in the U.S Protect Americans Not Illegals # #Immigration @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When I see someone I can't stand and get stuck talking to them", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sir why you are brewing frustration of #Gurudaspur on #Lord Ram", "label": 0} {"text": "Facebook\u2019s new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook\u2019s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they are being prevented\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Liberals on odd days: Muslims do not feel safe in India. Cow is safer than Muslims Liberals on even days: Illegal Muslim Bangladeshi migrants feel at home in India. Why should they go? #NRCAssam", "label": 0} {"text": "#QAnon The red line is being drawn, and we are sick of illegals killing innocent Americans or almost. #DeportThemAll #ImmigrationReform #BuildThatWall #LockHisAssUp #KAG2018 #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I actually had a respectful argument with an anti-immigrant sorta-conservative (not a Trump supporter.) I managed to change their mind about immigration and they managed to change my mind on the subject of military and veterans", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money &amp; homes with migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "So my mom called me a nasty slut because I got a tattoo lmao that bitch is crazy", "label": 1} {"text": "my girl did her little hoe magic & got us a guy to get us 3 GLASSES OF FUCKINH HARD LIQUOR so you know the party is\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Calling someone a bitch and a cunt is not the way to do it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration No-Lottery #IllegalSentHome get in line. #ProtectAmericans #StopTheInvasion #HomeTown Meeting #California", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user Refugees need to be able to make a free and informed choice about their future and basic elements to anchor voluntary returns and make them sustainable must be in place: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": ".#Remove #SANCTUARYcities #remove those so called #JUDGES #Remove those so called #MAYORS#remove so called #GOVERNORS #remove so called illegals that call themselves legal undocumented is stillIllegal And @user @user #BuildThatWall .", "label": 1} {"text": "A Scottish drama project is helping refugees share their stories on radio \u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00bb#WithRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Briefing by NGOs onboard the Aquarius migrant rescue ship", "label": 0} {"text": "Victims of Illegal Alien Crime describe heartbreak, frustration #BuildTheWall #ProtectAmerica#EndChainMigration#EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#NeverForget the American Victims of Illegal Alien Migration", "label": 1} {"text": "After Italy blocks charities from rescuing refugees & migrants and 600+ drown in just 4 weeks, it now refuses to help 450 trapped on an seaworthy wooden boat like this one @user", "label": 0} {"text": "France: Before & After Islamification #DeportThemALL", "label": 1} {"text": "Aquarius boat to resume migrant rescue mission", "label": 0} {"text": "A guy in my jr high called me a slut, bitch and whore bc i didnt like him \ud83d\ude43 thus began relentless bullying by my pe\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Unless you happen to be one of the thousands of white girls that has been raped by Muslim grooming gangs in places such as #Rotherham You are so out of touch Daniel, you don't realise how #immigration has affected white working class people in #Britainhttps://t.co/eoOdB7mEmV", "label": 1} {"text": "When you finally get what you deserve", "label": 0} {"text": "Amazing Legal Immigrant Lady", "label": 0} {"text": "Twinkle twinkle little slut, you've got just what this BITCH wants!\u00a0 you & will have lots of fun, you'll kiss my neck & lick My bum!\u00a0#findom", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user What a non-sense answer: YOu learned that yourself?Anyone who, ACTIVELY OR PASSIVELY, subscribes to immigration and especially assimilation is joining the battle to destroy Whites, and it makes no difference whether their", "label": 1} {"text": "When you tryna holla at a bitch and ya boy comes up talkin bout 'this nigga broke AF and likes fingers in his ass'", "label": 0} {"text": "you seem like the type to have a rape kink? \u2014 ummmm well ok bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This is past. Today each refugee isnt need in USA.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You need to crawl back under your are the hysterical woman.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's a nice butt. But I didn't think you were a slut. I thought you might be a 300 lb man tweeting in your stained wife beater. \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb", "label": 1} {"text": "@user How many more women 'FBI 'sir have to report rape by 'Harvey Weinstein ' before you arrest him. 33 women are not enough for you", "label": 0} {"text": "\"A key reason why refugees tend to flourish is the grit and determination they forged in the face of extreme adversity and persecution.\" -Tim Breene, CEO of @user #WeWelcomeRefugees #StandForTheVulnerable #WorldRelief", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish I was just as fascinated with important things in life as I am with those 360 degree videos on FB when I'm high", "label": 0} {"text": "The slating of Julia Pawlak is disgusting. Just another virgin/whore dichotomy at play. All women deserve respect, not just the 'good' ones", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I dont have Ovaries or a Vagina and I refuse to put women in jeopardy because they do... Pro-choice isnt pro -abortion, its womens right to choose... if you cant get pregnant from rape,STFU.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bosnia's security minister wants #Army at border to curb entry of migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Her hairy old cunt gets drilled by stiff dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Spanish teams 'overwhelmed' by waves of sea migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "If all of you ex's are psychotic nut jobs... Congratulations, you have good dick my friend", "label": 0} {"text": "The British public generally go to work then go home and many of them watch soaps on the TV, we are easily manipulated. We are a tolerant race and never objected to immigration, however many immigrants are not so tolerant, there is only one god and it's not ours.", "label": 1} {"text": "Too bad my stupid loyal bitch ass dropped all my hoes that smoked me out for an ain't shit boy", "label": 1} {"text": "ME TOO Swedish: Mother(45) make a relation with an Afghani refugee (18). They have sex, but he also kiss and touch her daughter(12). She is fighter for Me too movement, but are out of each control.", "label": 1} {"text": "MOVE YOUR BODY LIKE YOU DO * Feat. SLAP DAT BITCHIN SLAG: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Ramadan in Germany: Muslim migrant rapes teen girl so violently, she needs surgery via @user Animal update...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Time to patrol the seas to stop migrant boats before the war Syria etc didn't care a jot about Europe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Anyone considering buying a property in Spain needs to consider very careful the security angle. With African migrants targeting the elderly because they are a soft touch, it may be better to consider other countries without violent \"refugees\"", "label": 1} {"text": "When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch. - Bette Davis", "label": 1} {"text": "Shut the fuck up pls", "label": 1} {"text": "Border agent killed, partner injured by illegal immigrants using rocks, report says #PreventableDeath", "label": 1} {"text": "Me- cusses out person for driving the wrong way in a parking lot Also me- drives wrong way in a parking lot", "label": 0} {"text": "When anyone calls me about anything, ever", "label": 0} {"text": "documents the life of refugees living in Cox's Bazar camps in an ongoing basis. View more at @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You come out with the usual ignorance, lies and insults. Fact is that mass immigration into Ireland has been ongoing for decades now, most legal and from other EU countries, still trans-formative All the people seeking Asylum s", "label": 1} {"text": "Mexican Cartel Hitman Admits To Killing \"More Than 35 Men\" Across The U.S. via @user more do you need to know?@HouseGOP @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Portugal wants Britain to welcome all #EU migrants after #Brexit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user happy birthday ya lil freak! I hope you get the spankings you deserve \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Have no idea what your texting about.", "label": 0} {"text": "Tomorrow Sept 11, 2018 is 17 years after terrorists attacked our country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FoxNews #NRA #BuildTheWall #BlueLivesMatter #GetOutTheVote #BORDER", "label": 1} {"text": "I like chilling with women that like women that like men that don\u2019t act like bitch ass niggas", "label": 0} {"text": "Their is a big difference between not letting American minorities vote, just because their skin color, than trying to prevent voter fraud. Using an ID confirms you\u2019re not an undocumented immigrant. Pretty sure American minorities are smart and responsible enough to get an ID.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If that is so texas is heading the way of California. Texans please don't let that happen. America is counting on you. #MAGA #BuildThatWall #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes! ThankQ! .@POTUS Violent criminals out! You do not have the right to be in the US! You should earn it! #deportillegalimmigrants #MeritBasedImmigration #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #TheRainMakers #TrumpWorld", "label": 1} {"text": "I treat women like fuck toys cause that's all they are to me", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user So kids of illegal immigration being put in temporary detention centres (which they are put there so they don\u2019t have to go to a full on prison with their parents) = authoritarianism? Surprise: if you cross into a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user has got to go. Her time is up. We need people in touch with #reality that back @user and are not looking to destroy our great country.#MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know #Bangladesh plans to ship over 100,000 #Rohingya refugees to a tidally affected, uninhabited island that could be fully submerged if a typhoon hits? Not all is well in the camps either! @user report & press conf 6 Aug 10:30 am in #Bangkok #FCCT", "label": 0} {"text": "From our client Army veteran Miguel Perez, to Olivia Segura's family (https://t.co/UrBsY84zpf) to Alejandra's family this administration has demonstrated its absolute disdain for veterans and their families. #MiguelBelongsHere #SupportVeterans #ALLVeterans #KeepFamiliesTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey, tweeps! Anyone know and willing to share the appropriate @user or @user editor to pitch an immigration/asylum op-ed?", "label": 0} {"text": "When it's time to switch up your roster", "label": 0} {"text": "Some idiots of the EU believe that refugees will not come if they help several countries in Africa. But its not a question of food or better life - its a question of the birthrate and overpopulation, which must stopped quick in Africa.", "label": 1} {"text": "The last 2 lines are so true! And WE should decide who gets to come here and who doesn\u2019t.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"The Government of #Cameroon through me undertakes to play its role in the repatriation of Nigerian refugees efficiently\" Rene E.#MINTAD", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Immigration:When a group of smiling 3rd world faces move into your street, they know that the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school and the costs of teaching lower-IQ kids.The White pioneers see their tax", "label": 1} {"text": "Senator Ted Cruz visits immigrant detention centre", "label": 0} {"text": "@user All sports coverage, like all MSM, is for propaganda purposes ONLY What is been promoted right now on a US World Cup pre show?: A story that Luka Modri\u00c4\u2021, the Croatian soccer star, is really a refugee. What that really means: White Genocide De", "label": 0} {"text": "Be careful what you do to a good woman because you will have to deal with the bitch you created \ud83d\ude0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user at least he speaks out against organisations who threaten to rape children you applaud them and support them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Think anyone who gets turned down for a date and calls her a bitch or slut. Usually a phase that can be\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Where Europe will go ? The people will vote different, because they have to decide: More refugees, more weapons for NATO means less welfare and fine life- OR: No refugees, no weapons means happy life. I think they will decide the last option.", "label": 1} {"text": "Follow my blog. See the men who *are*fighting for men's rights. #Zakatus #misandryisreal #teens #NaturalRights", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Must Shut Down Austin #SanctuaryCity Law fot Illegals #Texas #GOP #Trump #MAGA via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "During the 'men are trash' narrative you always say not all men but when someone from another tribe makes a mistake you generalise. Smh", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Bitch please. I bet the cunts won't even bother.", "label": 1} {"text": "see when a women cheats on a man SOME say: 'you hoe, skank, bitch' *it's external when a man cheats on a woman SO\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user MAYBE that will stop illegal immigrants from crossing?! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Old school hip hop and old school African Services / Immigrant Community Law Center - ICLC outreach under a beautiful sky at Crotona Park in the Bronx on Friday thanks to City Parks Foundation, SummerStage NYC...", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant Beheads 13-Year-Old Girl after he forces her to watch Grandmothers Murder this is what @user Support Killing by Illegals as they protect them in #SanctuaryCities #Trump #MAGA @user Media Blackout via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "It is absolutely terrifying from a public health standpoint to think about the numbers of kids experiencing sudden and prolonged separation, he says.", "label": 0} {"text": "Employment rate for non-EU migrants highest in Czech Republic", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dont Listen To #Democrats Illegal #immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime over 1.5 Million Citizens SSN used by Illegals according to the IRS they need to be turned over To @user and Deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch you crazy as hell if you think you not bringing MY niece to see me. The fuck. i was there when her ass was conceived gahdam!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You are the dumbest bitch I've seen.. I'll rape you and I'll Tell you to man up afterwords how would u feel after that?", "label": 1} {"text": "Tw: I keep waking up to new women coming forward about their assaults. Does it matter if it's 'not all men' if it is all women?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user We are being INVADED!!!! #BuildThatWall BUILD THE WALL and SHUT THE DOOR on our border with Mexico NOW!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Poor little SJWsnowflake so confused and fragile. You hysterical leftists haven't resisted anything. Your 'winter' will never come.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user 'A good time was had by all,' to describe a time that only you enjoyed. #TFM", "label": 0} {"text": "A boy does everything to finish school with flying colors &; you expel him few days before his graduation? Did he kill or rape anyone?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I call them a whale ass hoe? I was told bc everyone envies skinny women", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t like Halloween at all that shit cold and everwhere you go smells like booty hole and candy don\u2019t @ me", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck off Holly you slag #thismorning", "label": 1} {"text": "We the British People need to remrove all Zoinest lobbyists from UK political parties these Refugees are not welcome anymore. End The Rothschilds Central Bankimg system.", "label": 1} {"text": "Worker charged in 2017 with molesting children at immigrant shelter | The Texas Tribune", "label": 0} {"text": "When you ride past that bitch that don't like you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fuck you and all of your videos you stupid video game criticizing bitch stop fucking talking about things you know nothing about fucker", "label": 1} {"text": "\"We are facing a global crisis. The refugee crisis affects all of us. It's a global crisis that needs global solutions. I believe we are at a crossroads in how we choose to treat & deal with the refugee crisis.\" - @user #TEDxExeter #Refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https://t.co/HFGW0AGyPihttps://t.co/kywyK2rg1k", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Better vetting is all we asked for but the left went hysterical like a little girl in Barbie doll factory.", "label": 0} {"text": "Over 240 mio. refugees wait for the UN act for unlimited settlement in November 2018.(USA+Hungary dont undertake) in Marocco.", "label": 0} {"text": "Historically, refugee agencies have focused on meeting immediate relief needs. But what if we could do more? -John Barcanic #OneStepCloserWR", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I think @user was a more hysterical woman than you. But it was close", "label": 0} {"text": "Another one of @user Dreamers has murdered 3 people n Arizona, one of them a baby.#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you're a goddamn savage", "label": 0} {"text": "BBC News - US child migrants: Over 700 not reunited with families by deadline Don't bring your children here to illegally cross our borders and break our laws. It is all your fault, go home, find your kids and stay there!", "label": 1} {"text": "When it goes from 'you gotta wear a condom' to 'just don't cum in me'", "label": 0} {"text": "UN reaches deal with #Myanmar to repatriate Rohingya refugees #UnitedNations #RohingyaMuslims", "label": 0} {"text": "I ain't even know there was 2 fat Kardashians till today...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user They r all Bangladeshi migrants.If mad Keji rehabilitate this lot.Another big lot will come& will litter Delhi.Jhugis all around", "label": 0} {"text": "BitCoin Crash", "label": 0} {"text": "ANTIFASCISM, YOU\u2019RE DOING IT WRONG: Antifa Behind Several Assaults at Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland. \u201cThe counter-protest was organized by \u2018a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists\u2019.\u201d ...SOROS.", "label": 0} {"text": "#London \u2018\u02dc#DonaldTrump is right: #Europe is losing its culture because of immigration. We stand with #Trump!\u2019 #FreeTommyRobinson", "label": 1} {"text": "If women say all men, don\u2019t be an asshole and say \u201dNot all men\u201d. Just man up, treat them with respect, let your...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user that could couldn't tell you the starting QB..much less what a Ram is...lol..j/k", "label": 0} {"text": "@user maybe if you weren't such a tease your mom wouldn't tease you #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That\u2019s annoying. Not all men are the same and not all women are. Whatever works for two consenting adul\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexico\u2019s not sending their best. They\u2019re dumping their killers aka garbage on us. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all men. You are all driven by the same lusts women are, some just persue those lusts differently \ud83d\ude0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Oh nvm i didn't know omega & okada was in a pic together bitch fuck you slutbag whore cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A man in hiding for rape says that a powerful woman has a dark side. That is the definition of creepy.", "label": 0} {"text": "Barbara Harrell-Bond obituary via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all women have vaginas. Not all men have dicks. Not all humans identify to a gender. All are our equals, so cork the insecurities & STFU", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Do you believe that gender dysphoria is compatible with using your penis to rape women? Isn't rape about as \"male\" an act as one could imagine?", "label": 0} {"text": "Japan is able to keep clean his country from refugees. 2017 they accept only 20 from nearly 20.000 requests. This is worldrecord !", "label": 1} {"text": "Says it all #migrants #refugees. #RefugeesNotWelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump Administration wants to end special UN agency just for Palestinian so-called \u201crefugees\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Heartbreaking some of the stories I heard while in refugee camps in #Uganda. See what we're doing to help in this latest video:", "label": 0} {"text": "Is the U.S. preparing to house migrant kids on contaminated sites?", "label": 0} {"text": "Spain#Soros government is not considering exceptional the daily arrival of hundreds of illegals... oh vey... they simply call them migrants^^...#OrganizedCrime", "label": 1} {"text": "@user for the millionth time , there is NO housing crisis , we have a mass immigration crisis and that had brought a mass birth crisis . Send all the illegals home for a start and free up 000s of Homes #Talkradio @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Only USA and Hungary dont agree the UN migrationpact. These two know that humanity isnt possible in this case, because all people should stay home and not move to other countries. Moving will destroy the own culture.", "label": 1} {"text": "From those of us in the UK, Australia and the US, go home. You are not welcome here unless you have a job that earns enough to pay taxes. Should be the only way ANY economic immigrant should get to our countries. Genuine refugees have no chance against this scourge.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fuck you, you dirty red-jesd whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Some gold-digging skank has stupid opinions.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bavarian leader takes softer line on migrants ahead of vote", "label": 0} {"text": "I can\u2019t live my life based on what women find attractive. Lmao every single one of you hoes can suck my dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck did rudiger do to deserve getting benched? Luiz was a stupid cunt in 2 games and deserved a ban. Doesn\u2019t deserve back in", "label": 0} {"text": "CYPRUS: Plight of refugees living on British base remain in limbo", "label": 0} {"text": "In space no one can hear you bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "The DC: \ud83d\udda8\ufe0f Should 3D-printed guns be subject to background checks? and... \ud83d\udec2 Is the gover\u2026 via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Why should American taxpayers have to support illegal people? It is not our responsibility!#Deport#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "An angry woman standing up4 human rights is 2 difficult to be worth loving. Men love pretty slave dolls who keep their mouth shut or on dick", "label": 1} {"text": "The marketplace value of #refugee camps #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Not long back from the wonderful Bilbao where flags are flown proudly stating \" Refugees Welcome\" A socialist society who embrace diversity, especially the British. Returned to More RW smears on false AS, Ashley, & Tories doing what they want. Grim.", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Go around them. The money is already in the Pentagon and DHS, It's what our military did for decades, if not more than a century of erecting forts and walls to defend the country, and it's a valid response to an invasion.", "label": 1} {"text": "In stretch of #Arizona border, #illegalalien migrant families keep coming. #BuildTheWall #SecureBorders #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "Not All Men Cheat. Good morning to all the good Men out there... You guys are the real MVPs", "label": 0} {"text": "Ps on the flip side: EVERY WOMAN WHO CRIES 'rape' AS A WAY TO BE PETTY OR REVENGE YOURE THE PROBLEM.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ur were voted in to protect our borders not let migrants or the EU dictate how many you let in. taking ur time o yes we know it", "label": 1} {"text": "All countries are taking steps to prevent illegal immigration. India too shd send back Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. Their home country problems are theirs. Let them deal with it. Myanmar can't pretend to be a Nobel Peace prizewinning country if it can't handle its internal issues.", "label": 1} {"text": "The American people also agree! Illegal aliens do not deserve a free pass ahead of hard working people, trying to come to our country legally. #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegals #GaysForTrump #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches love arguing with me on Instagram K Michelle is a whore so let\u2019s stop", "label": 1} {"text": "Amen!Finally, we have a @user puts #AmericansFirst & our #VeteransFirst, not a few really rich kneelers!#BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BoycottNike #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain #TrumpArmy #Trumpville #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "Apparently the Dutch Red Cross is trying to raise funds for the repatriation of Syrian refugees. Which seems both premature and irresponsible.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ask ur reporters to file stories on pathetic Delhi conditions after AAP came to power.Hawkers,illegal migrants,jhugis taken over", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting 65-year-old had been deported 20 times", "label": 1} {"text": "Gross \ud83d\ude37 I don't date", "label": 0} {"text": "Lmao a little bitch got mad at me at work yesterday and asked to speak to a manager.. \ud83d\udde3 hoe, I am the store manager so what now? \ud83e\udd17", "label": 1} {"text": "Whenever anyone asks me to do anything other than get drunk or have sex", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWhy did the girl go to the dentist?\u201d \u201cI don\u2019t know. Why?\u201d \u201cBecause he had a CELL PHONE!\u201d (Hysterical laughter.)", "label": 0} {"text": "India is home of one of the oldest civilisations in the world not a land of immigrants. It was welcomed refugees driven out from their homeland b it Parsis/Jews w open arms but will not welcome illegal infiltrators who come here to change demography&become owners one day.", "label": 1} {"text": "If you vote in #Kansas #PayAttention TRUMP #VOTER #FRAUD CZAR GUNS FOR GOV Anti-immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is in a tight race with the current governor of Kansas.", "label": 0} {"text": "America doesn\u2019t have a jobs crisis. It has a good jobs crisis. When Republicans delivered their $1.5tn tax cut last December they predicted a big wage boost for American workers. Forget it. Wages actually dropped in the second quarter of this year.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user guilty gear you fucking whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user HEY PEOPLE already on Long Island-ANOTHER chopped up body - must be illegals MS-13 #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #Build", "label": 1} {"text": "Sign this petition to demand Congress stop privatizing detention and incarceration of immigrant families and asylum seekers. Sign here:", "label": 0} {"text": "Very low sentences for African migrants after 'bloody gang rape' of 13-year-old girl in Sweden", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you a Russian immigrant or of Russian descent and living in Los Angeles? Have you felt any blowback from the controversies and conflicts that the U.S. has had with Russia? We want to hear from you:", "label": 0} {"text": "Mad Keji busy in creating vote bank.Entire Delhi stink of encroachments by illegal migrants,hawkers,bad roads,leaking sewers.Jhugis everywhr", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegals Do Not have Constitutional Rights per #SCOTUS therfeore no Right to Free Education on U.S Taxpayers Back ! Stop Rewarding Illegals #SendThemHome Trump MAGA #RedNationRising #SundayMorning via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't forget to keep sharing our GoFundMe! We're still want to raise $3,000 more to send Life Span staff to support immigrant families at the border!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user How about discussing this? #JoeBiden's \"black box\" of American success. #WhiteGenocide #ImmigrationInvasion #JesseWatters #WatersWorldhttps://t.co/k8bWjj7tnp", "label": 1} {"text": "'Why wont any1 eat my pussy?' well first off we got to many fish markets around here hoe, your pussy should smell pussyishy.. not brim fishy", "label": 0} {"text": "Maybe, after she visits the school Lebron built, she will build one of her own for immigrant children. Then maybe other fortunate people could help those less who are fortunate. What a novel idea....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Bitch you look like a dog", "label": 1} {"text": "and thanks to @user Board member @user for his valuable contributions to the discussion - @user look for him tonight @ 6:50 on @user informing the #immigration conversation", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user All of this pressure on refugees has to stop. Countries need to be reminded who they are dealing with in the #Assad Regime.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user are you at all concerned that some of your MPs and cabinet ministers are reportedly meeting with the white supremacist Steve Bannon? Also do you not think it\u2019s more than a little messed up that Neo Nazis, but not child refugees, are welcome", "label": 0} {"text": "White women are stupid", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cEvery nation, tribe, and tongue\u201d still applies when they\u2019re on your doorstep instead of you being on theirs. So many have refused to \u201cGo\u201d that God started to bring them to us. An anti-immigrant attitude and mindset is anti-God and His will, period.", "label": 0} {"text": "Not mentioned in this article is the number of Rohingya refugees (Muslims) that have been brought into the US via our screwed up refugee resettlement program--which has been basically run by the UN for...", "label": 0} {"text": "PSA MMLD HATERS )) unfortunately for you, our girls are just gonna go farther and if that's a pill so hard for you to swallow, Y'ALL CAN JUST CHOKE AND CONTINUE ON WITH YOUR SAD LIVES... or maybe just relax, walk your dog & drink a cup of mindfulness.)) *megaphone drop*", "label": 0} {"text": "Y\u2019all our secretary of transportation during this administration is an immigrant woman of color married to MITCH McCONNELL wth", "label": 0} {"text": "US must stop separating migrant children from parents: UN #Washington #UnitedStates #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "When he sends you a dick pic and he has clit dick", "label": 1} {"text": "57% of likely voters in both WI & CA want #Immigration cut to 750,000 or less & 49% in both states want it cut to 500,000 or less! With just a few more people, a majority will support cutting the current 1million in Half!#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #VoteRed #AmericansFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are right but it won\u00c2\u00b4t happen. Immigration in Australia is controlled by globalists who are importing 3rd world people to dilute & divide the population, making becoming part of the new world order much easier & much q", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It means Islam will show them how to rape/abuse women 24/7!", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman who is accusing Nelly of rape wants to drop the investigation bc she thinks the system will fail her. This broke my heart...", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch C. Mario Russell, Esq., Director of Immigration & Refugee Services at Catholic Charities of NY, LIVE on @user as he talks about the reunification of immigrant families.", "label": 0} {"text": "the next song tried to play but bitch I ain't over fire away yet give me a minute to recover cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Like for one bitch you ain\u2019t never let me not any nigga I know fuck u been a paid hoe and you didn\u2019t get the $200 in Miami butch drown", "label": 1} {"text": "I want to be a cum slut cock whore and get as much cock and cum as I can", "label": 0} {"text": "- beautiful women, and handsome men are less likely to be admonished by women for their advances. However, by empowering anti -rape -", "label": 1} {"text": "Thread following protest outside private prison and immigrant detention company, CoreCivic, offices in Nashville:", "label": 0} {"text": "How close I am to quitting my job and becoming a prostitute", "label": 0} {"text": "@user To teach the art of Goondaism&giving shelters to illegal immigrants&make UK also boil like WB in India", "label": 0} {"text": "When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. - Will Rogers #quote", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant youth are #HereToStay! \u270a\ud83c\udffe", "label": 0} {"text": "Arizona Found Simple Method That Is Sending Refugees Fleeing From Their ... via @user Not enough free handouts for you go home", "label": 1} {"text": "AUM INDIA FOR INDIANS, BANGLADESHIS GO HOME -THAT SHOULD BE OUR AIM TO PURSUE. ANYONE WHO INFRINGES CITIZENSHIP RULES MUST BE PUNISHED SEVERELY. THE STATE OF ASSAM HAS ENFORCED A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY TOWARDS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS LEST ASSAMESE ARE REDUCED TO A MINORITY IN ASSAM.", "label": 1} {"text": "What You Need to Know About US Immigrant Family Separation Policies and Practices", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I KNOW THIS! IT TRAVELED A YARD!!!!!!!!!!! #football #BuildTHATWall #KimKardasian", "label": 1} {"text": "The woman who accused Nelly of rape is refusing to testify, and wants the whole matter dropped\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden\u2019s U-Turn: How Liberals\u2019 refugee policy turned public AGAINST migrants -", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden: refugee complains about the free apartment \"not up my standards\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Says the bitch wit a HAT, WEAVE, & a FULL FACE, in her ICON.... lol fucc outta here you SEWER RAT, GUTTER SLUT, TRO\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you are a hysterical woman", "label": 1} {"text": "Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents", "label": 0} {"text": "Want to join our neighbor @user and roll up your sleeves on local immigrant inclusion work? Attend the second annual All for All Summit on Sept 13th. Visit for event details and read more about Betty's work in #PGH here:", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump pick to lead UN migrant group has \u2018\u02dcpushed fear of Sharia law'", "label": 0} {"text": "I think it's fair to say that my cock and attitude have let me breeze through quite an amazing life", "label": 0} {"text": "If you're a whore when you're drunk, you're always a whore #WhoresAtHeart #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "#LiberalMedia #LiberalBias #LiberalPropaganda #TrumpShowing a tombstone of #DonaldTrump is \u201cArt\u201d in the mind of...", "label": 0} {"text": "Whichever one is gonna end up on my bedroom floor", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden: Four migrants rape disabled woman vaginally and anally \u2018\u02dcThis is becoming normal everyday life!\u2019 #SWRM #Sweden #GangRape #ReligionofSex via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "There is a big reason you are lonely and it\u2019s because you are such a fricken whore that no man can trust or respect you, so stop bitchin\u2019", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Say it ain't so ....noooo not an immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh dear, because you don't agree with him you describe him as hysterical? BTW 44m didn't vote Leave.", "label": 0} {"text": "A publication marketed towards girls just painted one as a hysterical Puritan girl crying 'witch' instead of a woman within her legal right", "label": 0} {"text": "Nicola learn your lesson that its the very non Scots and migrants who stopped Independence can we have our dropped kerb legislation first", "label": 0} {"text": "That's nothing new \ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Although if you slag Muslims off ..you're probably get a knock at the door", "label": 0} {"text": "'They say music can alter moods and talk to you, well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?' - Sing For The Moment", "label": 0} {"text": "What did this mother think, that she was bringing her child to a birthday party. The U.S. has immigration laws and she, not anyone else broke immigration laws.", "label": 0} {"text": "still places on our Bengali (Sylheti) class! it's London's 2nd language! know anyone interested @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Instead of getting offended and yelling 'not all men' when women say men are trash, maybe take a second to ponder why women think this way?", "label": 0} {"text": "19 September 2016: \u201cWe commit to a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world\u2019s refugees.\u201d - UN DeclarationUS ever since: Proceeds to furiously cut funding and admission for refugees....", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She is a fucking slut wtf cunt she deserves to fall in that river dumb hoe that shit is fucked cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do people make snowmen instead of snowwomen? It's too hard to hollow out the head", "label": 1} {"text": "migration from the Islamic world, seeded with terrorist cells, is the greatest threat to Europe from Middle East. But would not a U.S. war w-Iran increase rather than diminish that threat\u201d?Another neocon nightmare; Bolton a discredited failure.#V4", "label": 1} {"text": "Mi casa, su casa my house is a #HOE house!!", "label": 0} {"text": "\"IT'S TIME TO PACK YOUR BAGS!\" Italy's new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, warns Muslim illegal migrants posing as refugees 'the free ride is over' as he promises mass deportations via @user Italy acts,Europe still snoozing...", "label": 1} {"text": "Man taylor tweeted this cause i aint stay in the kitchen w her why she cooked dinner lmfao", "label": 0} {"text": "These are not \u201crefugees\u201d but aggressive male migrants who are often violent. No business in EU.Europe needs a \u201cbackbone\u201d to send illegals back. The UN, EU and Amnesty can pontificate about so-called \u201chuman rights\u201d but they must be defied and illegal migrants must be sent back.", "label": 1} {"text": "These hoes do to much and these niggas bitch made LF", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Are you homophobic?", "label": 0} {"text": "Hatin on me doesn't say shit about me but speaks volumes about you...", "label": 0} {"text": "Redhead girls are hot! But Ginger girls are USUALY fugly", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Sir..the American deplorables will happily and gratefully be willing to donate time and money to build the wall. Ever thought of opening up a \"Go Fund Me\" to raise the money? We WILL raise the money for", "label": 1} {"text": "in other news, just been called a skank and a cunt for telling a man not to hit, headbutt and slap his child", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cA 16-year old high school student designed a website with resources intended to help immigrant children and teenagers understand and prepare for the possible deportations of their parents or guardians.\u201d |Arab American News #Refugees #deportation", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Countries have the right to say no to mass immigration even when they get hear they complain when they have homes and help #", "label": 0} {"text": "This video is more relevant than ever. ABVP are goons with guns. DU #SendThemHome. No votes for thugs.", "label": 1} {"text": "WOW! Polish MP shocks British media:\"Our country is safe because we didn\u2019t accept illegal Muslim migrants - this is the reason why we had not even one terrorist attack\"\"We can be called Populists,...", "label": 1} {"text": "\"The abolish ICE movement is not just about the agency; it is also a demand that the next attempt to carry out comprehensive immigration reform doesn\u2019t look like the last one\"", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're out drinking all night vs when the bill comes", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're trying to figure out if you have enough space on your phone to make a new sex tape", "label": 0} {"text": "You are making a difference for refugee families\u2014thank you! Together we are on our way to our goal. Visit our website to help us make it the rest of the way. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "It's unfair to immigrants apply and wait for a VISA to reside,work or go to school, here in the U.S., that ILLEGAL ALIENS are allowed to stay without documentation. Let them go home and apply for a VISA like all the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE. WHAT MAKES ILLEGALS EXEMPT?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Does Great Britain need a Wall too now?? #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "You left me in the dark for some bitch that had a kid while you were in the pin but yet you still chose that dry cunt over your son how sad.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If they would #BuildThatWall and stop illegals and cartel bringing drugs into our Country, it would sure help. It would also help against child sex trafficking & all trafficking!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "This immigrant should be hung or shot! Period! Animal.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user <<<<< this stupid cunt, misspelled the name of the woman for whom she's so concerned.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Business men and their profits go before Immigration and the effects on them Bupa membership protection no sense of reality", "label": 0} {"text": "For instance, participants in this Pew study broadly overestimate the size of the immigrant population in the US. So, wouldn't it make more sense to ask what percentage of the total populations of each group are democrats or republicans? 2/n", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Always glad to see when a revolution hinges on calling women hysterical and needing medication to a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Inspired by all of the friendly people sending support via @user Why not sign up to our Glasgow Welcome befriending project? We've got a waiting list of asylum seekers and refugees who would like to meet a new local pal to explore the city together", "label": 0} {"text": "France: Illegal muslim migrants shot each other during a riot - \"UK, we are coming\" they say - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch that hoe mad annoying like i fr logged of your twitter bc it kept going off", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You fucking MORON! You are going to turn ATL into a 3rd world city with your garbage, open borders policy. You uneducated FOOL! #AtlantaHitRockBottoms #BuildThatWall #ImpeachBottoms #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers. \u201cWages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the \u2018\u02dcfree\u2019 labour market, which, if left alone,", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm about to cunt punt a Mexican bitch \ud83d\ude05 \ud83c\udfc8", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Thank you for writing about female refugees living in Jordan! At CRP, we try to empower our beneficiaries who are women through specific trauma- and gender-sensitive programming.", "label": 0} {"text": "Turkish border mayor says ready for new wave of Syrian refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Say it loud say it proud refugees NOT welcome here!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Jennifer Lawrence perfect example of fake ass whore calling rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "When your boy's fuckin the neighborhood hoe and y'all tryna watch through a cracked door", "label": 0} {"text": "When you know you've found the perfect slut for you \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I\u2019m pretty sure it\u2019s me, says Tom right there you dumb cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Russian Initiative Helps Hundreds of Refugees Return to Syria [Time To Go Home!!]", "label": 0} {"text": "On today\u2019s episode of women will trade their self respect in for the dick", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Fam all you\u2019re doing is arguing the narrative that \u201cnot all men\u201d as if you kno\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#Philippines Catholic bishops want total ban on deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect #migrants #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Are you just upset that nobody is grabbing your skank pussy since trumps election is over. Youre an ugly gross old hag and youre also a racist pig and I hope all your children are black", "label": 1} {"text": "Death threats to CandidatesNow in the West because of theses Migrants that are Ruthless and Uncivilized @user #Sweden! #StopTheInVasion", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone goes on vacation and owes you money", "label": 0} {"text": "The parents accuse the priest of harassing their daughter and for attempting to convert her to Christianity #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #religion #India @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Today's genuinely stupid Bern whataboutism: you can't bitch about the guy who said identity politics are a distraction being the keynote 1/2", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a fucking cunt I hate seeing kids getting neglected and used as parents experiment. So fucking sad. I tell you if I ever saw this whore Id definitely hurt her.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's what I do, it's who I am \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "Malta to take in 19 migrants after shipwreck in Mediterranean", "label": 0} {"text": "Good news.We are against illegal immigrants.Bangladeshi must go your evidence and stay at Assam.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And I was the most hysterical woman while watching comedians tear you a new one at the roast of Rob Lowe!!! Hahahahaha Hysterical!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "When your friend owes you money and they're taking a little too long to pay you back", "label": 0} {"text": "California's been on fire every summer since I was a kid but NEVER have I seen whole towns burn down like in the last couple of years with @user using taxpayer $ to fund #ILLEGAL immigration while CLOSING FIRE STATIONS. Pray for these people. #WalkAway #carrfire #redding", "label": 1} {"text": "Brazilian judge orders border closed to Venezuelan immigrants via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Parisian woman hit by Rapefugee", "label": 1} {"text": "Had to explain WIFI to someone to day. Yes it was a WOMAN. They say they don't want men but then this?^", "label": 1} {"text": "25.4 million people around the world are refugees, with no safe place to call home. Will you take a moment today to pray for them?Find more statistics about the global refugee crisis to pray for in UNHCR's latest Global Trends Report. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "We welcome refugees not me !! unless our own people get the same treatment complaints about being locked out and if they are returned to Afghanistan they will be killed really so what is fair about those on waiting lists for housing and NHS who are dying because they can access", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch you stupid but you aint stupid stupid \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "I just want my girl to suck my dick with my Nike head band on", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user BS WILSON IS A SKANK WHORE AND A LIAR . DIDDN'T YOU KNOW ALL LIBERALS LIE", "label": 1} {"text": "If you say 'bae' to me, I assume you're talking about my Big Ass Erection cause I'm not 12 and that word is dumb", "label": 0} {"text": "Looks like homecoming is soon. Let the 'Girls fucking over Guys' begin! #LameExcuses #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user lmfao.. fasho.. you alreday kno i was doing thus hoe huh", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Native Born Americans", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Very sad to see all pavements in front of Lodhi Hotel & Hudco have been encroached upon by illegal migrants. Very bad sight. Besides Delhi Traffic Police is very lax in challaning the Traffic offenders.They r always seen gossiping", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Goddamn fucking bitch shut your fucking flap cunt! Downplaying as if you got game & political power killing all US presidents w/ my civil rights violators bribed in-part 1st family children to run w/criminals & or both monopolize conspirat", "label": 1} {"text": "For the first time since adopting the 1980 Refugee Act, the U.S. resettled fewer refugees than the rest of the world. What a sad legacy for this administration.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user must be a bitch to eat with the fabric getting in the way of the cake -hole", "label": 1} {"text": "The first time you get 100 likes on a post", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cIn 2000 foreigners accounted for less than 2% of the population; a mere five years later, the figure was 15%. In 2018, it is now officially 18% although according to the city\u2019s integration and immigration commissioner, the true figure is closer to 30%.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #Subway #Cowards #StopTheInvasion If they do now want to embrace our customs they should go back to their country of origin.", "label": 1} {"text": "'Is there an hysterical witch hunt going on in Hollywood? Maybe! But first, you'll never believe who this insanely hot 13 -year old girl is!'", "label": 0} {"text": "Wow. We are officially no longer a nation of immigrants. #WelcomingtheStranger U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will remove \"nation of immigrants\" from mission statement by @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It is good to see refugees get a safe place to stay after all they have been through l do not mind even though lve been on midlothians housing list since 1996", "label": 0} {"text": "when jack white said, \u201cWell, Americans what, nothin' better to do? Why don't you kick yourself out? you're an immigrant too\u201d I FELT THAT", "label": 0} {"text": "You have to be a real warped son of a bitch to believe you have the right to force women to go through a pregnancy against their will. I cannot fathom how this is an acceptable position. All men: SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ABORTION FOREVER.", "label": 0} {"text": "The government filed paperwork with the judge saying that the ACLU and its clients should bear much of the responsibility for finding deported parents in Central America.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're in love with her and find out she doesn't do anal so you're gonna have to cut her loose", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey promoters and defenders of Sanctuary cities... is this okay with you ? What If this had been YOUR child? You socialists white/guilts are so concerned about being pc and that you\u2019ve allowed these horrific atrocities.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Going to be where no one will leave the house or even look at a woman because she will claim \u201crape\u201d.\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "From refugee to Olympic athlete!", "label": 0} {"text": "How sad, calling a life long Republican with brain cancer a loser. I wonder how these people sleep at night knowing that immigrant children have been abused and reportedly died..now you know. No morals or values whatsoever & they are not #ProLife", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you should be ashamed that these companies pay no tax yet @user will bankrupt normal people of a few 100 pounds. time for change", "label": 0} {"text": "#UnitedNations: #Trump Immigration Enforcement a 'Serious Violation' of Human Rights | #Breitbart...", "label": 0} {"text": "Little brother just told me to fuck off and I'm a bitch.. well it's ya bday next week Hun I'm just gonna send ur present back lil cunt x\ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls: Halloween's my favorite holiday of the year. I'm sure. It's the one time you get to dress like the skank you are without judgement.", "label": 0} {"text": "She advocates breaking immigration law obviously, so therefore should be treated as a criminal.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Criminals EVERYWHERE #BuildThatWall !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Stunned tourists look on as dozens migrants land on packed Spanish beach and sprint off", "label": 0} {"text": "Ever try to make a girl play video games? they are terrible. these are the skills they will need for the future. we're fucked.@", "label": 1} {"text": "@user .The enemy is attacking at our Southern border using a \"Death by a thousand cuts\" invasion maneuver.#BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Churches in Scotland! Have you seen @user theological reflection on migration? It's great! And don't forget that we're also happy to come to speak to your congregation or community group about our work at RST - we are so grateful to the many faith groups who support us.", "label": 0} {"text": "GOP Reps Dismayed by Rejected Immigration Bill", "label": 0} {"text": "Giving You A Sneak Peak Of Her Hot Little Cunt Hole", "label": 0} {"text": "First we rip children from their families, then we fail to protect them from heinous abuse. We are complicit in the lifelong trauma of hundreds of children and families, and it is a source of deep and lasting shame on our country. #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "@user While building a wall, give illegal immigrants a year to come forward giving them a process to become legal#thencrackdown", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Nyour obsessed cuz there is nothing wrong with you stupid skank. You\u2019ve been warned for last time you shall suffer", "label": 0} {"text": "Is there a connection to immigration? Exam question is: are we bringing in impoverished people to be impoverished here? The pictures I've seen clearly shows the majority are immigrants.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user happens to women everywhere, not only rape but sexual abuse and pple still ask what she did to provo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Perhaps it's true that #notallmen are sexual predators, but all women are potential prey.", "label": 1} {"text": "We VOTED 4 #BuildThatWall, #LimitedImmigration so it would NOT hurt the American worker, we voted so terrorists could not walk across our Southern border. WHY are @user AGAINST STRONGER IMMIGRATION RULES? VOTE 4 #MAGA & #KAG2018 #KAG2020 Thank U Jim, WE STAND WITH U!", "label": 1} {"text": "detained in #Croatia.Twice in 3months same location.Migrants aided by internal networksEurope needs \u201cdetention-deportation camps\u201d, not sharing schemes. States must use \u201cOrban Model\u201d to crack-down on NGOs guiding illegal migrants.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 0} {"text": "85% of Syrian refugee kids live in poverty in Jordan: UN", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWhy don\u2019t you want kids? Every women should want kids!\u201d First of all, bitch, not w this president and our economy", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy calls for end to U.N. embargo on Libya to help it tackle migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey #Democrats Obama agreed wth @user on ILLEGAL #Immigration Now #Democrats Stop Whining and Lying and Pass a BILL Your jobs depend on it #ElectionDay #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #GOP @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Peru's shoestring circuses struggle to survive", "label": 0} {"text": "The illegal immigration problem was started by, continued and made worse by government. 100 years ago we had free and open borders to the south and supply and demand for labor determined how many came.", "label": 1} {"text": "NOT ALL MEN WHEN I COULD LOVE A GIRL -.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I had lot of respect for u when u came to power.But in pursuit of power,Delhi have fast become a Slum,coz u r encouraging illegal migrants,encroachments.Ur naked Appeasement of Muslims is highly condemnable.URGE U TO VISIT NIZZM TILL INDIA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Some one tell the Judge that Aiding Illegal Aliens is against Federal Immigration laws so the judge legally can not order people to aid illegal aliens!https://t.co/Vlp58aNfKD", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck yeah you pussy boy", "label": 0} {"text": "That the price for bombing a country and kill Ghaddaffi through French and British forces. Now Liyba dont like to keep refugees for the EU.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Can we deport her now she has menntal issues she Thinks Michelle is still @user When a LEGAL Immigrant is so now she is against LEGAL IMMIGRATNTS ? #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Obama did nothing for African Americans But give", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know? Last year, our educators served over 160 refugees and immigrants through free ESL and EAL classes. Your continued support helps us engage and educate our community. Become a fundraiser or donate today #30kin30days", "label": 0} {"text": "She couldn't drive by 'hysterical' woman needing help; widow of shooting victim forever grateful via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "First one officer was in Calais injured. Police open fire to 9 refugees, which want to go to Greatbritan by car.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Suck my dick you stupid bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user kys you stupid nigger I hope you die of cancer you little cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Did you make this? It's hysterical XD Really, really accurate about that group. The only thing mis\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth leading up to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20, and we have a LOT of special events planned to raise awareness, action and welcome on behalf of refugees. Check out these events, and...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user -Since they have for years sent their best & brightest to the US illegally NOW is the time to #sendThemBack to help in their homelands. We have a MORAL OBLIGATION to do so before situations worsen! #MAGA @user @user @user #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "#Migrant and refugee arrival rates in Spain have increased 50% this year. More than 1.600 people arrived just in June, counting the 629 that arrived yesterday with the #Aquarius.", "label": 0} {"text": "True @user @user just only vote banks #votebank", "label": 0} {"text": "South Koreans Stand Against Islamic Immigration!!! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "DEPORT RAPEFUGEE'S!!! \ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Europe being bullied again by Islamic countries \u00c2\u00a32billion for what ? short time fixes 75 million immigrants no thanks .", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user 'Women are sacred' plays into the Madonna/whore dichotomy. It only protects women seen as sa\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "\u301d Bitch fuck shit cunt who\u2500 \u301e Okayyy..", "label": 1} {"text": "THIS IS FUCKING CHICHARR\u00d3N YOU BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "@user yes, chaque chose a son temp. not all men for today are trash except the stupid ones", "label": 0} {"text": "of OpenBorders\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Greek police arrest 8 migrants (6 Afghans, 2 Pakistani) for killing migrant.What awaits Europe? Why expose Europeans to multicult madness? Afghans? Many come from violent cultures, bringing \u201ctribal clashes\u201d w-them.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 1} {"text": "To fight loneliness, Irish pensioners are teaching English to migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Only reason I'm getting married is so I can have someone to split the bills with #WomanShutUp", "label": 1} {"text": "#Women have all the privileges. #Men have all the responsibilities. #ObviousChild End feminism today!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user IT'S 'NICE' OF 'YOU' TO 'ADMIT' THAT '#Labour VOTERS' DO NOT HAVE ANY 'ID'I 'WONDER' WHY 'THAT' COULD 'BE'#refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #IllegalImmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "What's the polite way to say 'don't eat too much today cause I'm not tryin to get shit dick when I fuck you in the ass later'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user What about the women who rape men and boys? Oh, wait, that doesn't exist because rape laws are gynocentric...#FeministLogic", "label": 1} {"text": "We want to help immigrants reach their homes Many illegals dont have means to go back. By deporting them & providing them a way to get home we're helping thousands of them get back to their extended families. If u are against deportation u are for separating families. #LibTactics", "label": 0} {"text": "Before you call a woman a bitch make sure you aren\u2019t a flea", "label": 0} {"text": "NRC MEANS SECURITY.WE WON'T COMPROMISE WITH OUR NATIONAL SEVURITY.POLITICS WIRH ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WON'T BE EVIDENCE AND PROOF AND STAY AT ASSSM.BANGLADEDHIS MUST GO HOME.", "label": 1} {"text": "Please help me get this message to Congress by sharing it#EnoughIsEnough#WakeUpAmericaI am a proud LEGAL Hispanic immigrant! Loving our USA doesn't make us \"white supremacists\". It means WE LOVE EVERY AMERICAN!#DontTakeRaceBaitersBait#Walkaway#DrainTheSwamp#RedNationRising", "label": 0} {"text": "So I guess that you and Trump will welcome the Christian refugees! You know Hispanics & the people of Mexico believe in Christ! Most are Catholics and firmly believe in Christ! Why not accept them Mucky Mek!\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffe\ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udfff\ud83d\ude1b", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user #EndBirthrightCitizenship #NoAnchorBabies! Birthright citizenship should NOT apply 2 #Illegals, tourists, or temporary guest workers!! How stupid do we have 2 be 2 grant #AmericanCitizenship 2 babies born in th", "label": 1} {"text": "You can't be a HOE &; try to come back to someone. Bitch it don't work like that\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc50\ud83c\udffd", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Good bitch I\u2019m happy u got dumped u a hoe stupid bitch u ugly u gonna b alone forever stupid hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Doing the job illegal aliens won't do.https://t.co/U9mbwPidXP#ThereIsMoreOfThemOutThere #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Loool I tried using my card abroad n the cunt hoe sket worker was like 'ur card declined maybe u dnt have enough' I\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "IF there were no Muslim migrants in Sweden, crime rates would drop by 90% via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Reunification is the wrong word - never should done this - because always more illigal refugees will come. They have to brought back to the border without food with or without children quick.", "label": 1} {"text": "i wan no bitch till iknow she gone stay down fa me.. kus all these hoes doin dicks & ian goin for it", "label": 1} {"text": "Venezuelan migrants bring Trinidad's flawed refugee policy to light", "label": 0} {"text": "I gotta stop drinking and meme'ing \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh yeah the good ol' Madonna -Whore dichotomy: where only chaste women had value and then only as pr\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Texas 'rape insurance' bill is about economic violence against women", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yeah, you can get one free 600MB ram one.", "label": 0} {"text": "If you didn't fuck the bitch at the same time, are you really Eskimo brothers?", "label": 0} {"text": "Dude next door: \u201cSo what you wanna do about the tp situation?\u201d Me: \u201cummm you buy your own and I buy mine....\u201d Me to Me: \u201cthis kunt \ud83d\ude11\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Media silence on this too.", "label": 0} {"text": "After we've had sex once", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men cheat. Not all women cheat. It\u2019s equal now move tf and get over it \ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Get the navy's of countries to block immigrant boats coming over and be honest with Migrants there is no room Merkel out", "label": 1} {"text": "Dudes, We love all the RTs/Likes &; enjoy a few comments here/there. But cock pix &; writing novels under our pix/vids gets you blocked! \ud83d\ude20", "label": 0} {"text": "@user rin is a big abusive whore and a bitch but shinji is allowed to commit incestual rape for over a decade \u2764", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone spends money copyrighting their shitty memes that no one would steal if you asked them to", "label": 0} {"text": "@user In 2018: it's time to let diversity\u00e2\u201e\u00a2 be someone else's strength.Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! country was my home, now its a hotel, and they think I'm going to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide", "label": 1} {"text": "#Dobbs #Budget #Congress #PresidentTrump #Appropriations #BuildThatWall..if as much of the wall is secured, away from Congress, more can be extracted in negotiations for DACA: limiting chain migration, visa lottery, etc., as well as merit-based immigration principles (RAISEact)", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #ReleaseFisaReports, #BuildThatWall, @user please now Mr President, it will shut the Dems up! @user I am tired of the abuse you and #FLOTUS. #ReleaseTheUnredactedFisaReports now! You are our President, you can do it!", "label": 1} {"text": "Street Interview whit Italians \"Send all migrants back to where they came from. They block streets to pray...\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Police night-time swoop on boat heading for Kent beach find \u2018\u02dcillegal migrants\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Islam has been at war with infidels 1400 years... do you believe in the rape and murder taught in your Qur'an? if you do not its time to say so. Stop the lies.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Motlante you power hungry kunt you wanna be relevant shut up we know that", "label": 0} {"text": "2 cents. Yawl thinking this woman lied on Nelly is still apart of the problem. Now, yes, sometimes people do lie about rape.", "label": 1} {"text": "One man can teach you that not all men are the same \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udd10", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And the only one digging a hole of ignorance is you... sad. I hope you are not teaching your child hate .. but I am sure you are", "label": 0} {"text": "[NEW POST] The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home", "label": 0} {"text": "November 6 IS CLOSE#VoteRed if you support & grieve for victims such as Kate Steinle & Mollie TibbettsVote Dem if you support the illegal aliens who killed them in cold blood#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #RedWave #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #AmericaFirst #ICE #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "#ABVPThugs beat up teachers and students merely got exercising their freedom of expression. ABVP DUSU President brought GUNS into DUSU. And like true goons, won't let @user launch a magazine! #ABVPGoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "no u told me im a cunt bc i didnt report my rape to police when i was 6.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Mr. President, PLEASE pass an Executavie Order making it illegal for non-citizens to vote, and please have ICE agents at every voting station to deport these criminals.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Dumb f**k! Not a single illegal voted for the guy who will #BuildThatWall!", "label": 1} {"text": "Books to Help Kids Understand What It\u2019s Like to Be a #Refugee #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "US government will take Palestine refugees the endless hope to go back home. Back to their homeland. New US politics will make Palestine refugees officially \"stateless\".", "label": 0} {"text": "Y'all say 'slut' and 'whore' like its a bad word... I say that shit cause I'm attracted to a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "#Trump Compares Immigration in Japan, Other 'Successful' Countries To United States In Tucker\u00c2\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Congress must not aid and abet the administration's shameful treatment of immigrants. It's time to demand a moral and compassionate system.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Philippines' Pres. Duterte named Iglesia ni Cristo's executive minister special envoy for Filipino #migrants' concerns @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hips pushed forward, cock immediately entering her tight cunt and that obviously caused the Wookie to groan aloud.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Oh we created the Mexican refugees? Americans fight for their country. Others run..:(..", "label": 1} {"text": "Rape and the sexual domination of women seems to be 'part and parcel' of the Muslim world. Just how big a piece of\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I tweeted about thenwoman who protested immigrant detention centers and WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH THE BOTS ARE OUT RODAY IM LAUGHING SO HARD. Please help", "label": 0} {"text": "So far, over 400 people have decided to rally the support of their friends & family to support refugees when they arrive in the U.S. Thank you!There is still plenty of time to join this campaign and help refugees rebuild their lives. Join here \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Love you\ud83d\ude18 be nice if I could retweet ya but youre a pussy bitch on private\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Canada's @user appointed to his cabinet immigrants from such cultures. One is in charge of immigration & refugee affairs - license to flood Canada with own kind. The other, Education Minister, tried to sneak into new Education code female genital mutilation as a right!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I know. It must be so hard waiving pom poms around at this hour #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Have fun fucking your whore you asshole in red lip stick with a smiley face lolol what a bad bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Book sheds amazing new light on the profound relationship between man and beast | Daily Mail Online", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So THIS doesnt matter as long as hysterical women dont interrupt the important white mens business matters?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No one will be thrown out of the UK simply we are not like that common sense Immigration has to be cut NHS etc is a proven point", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So you just want money skank", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women lie all the time about rape. It shocks me that when Hollywood women get old unwanted rape and\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user A very high wall must be build to protect USA from bad elements of illigal refugees.", "label": 1} {"text": "What is the difference between a woman and a catfish? One is a bottom feeding scum sucker and one is a fish", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user How about that liberal whore Chelsea Handler? That bitch definitely sounds ignorant!", "label": 1} {"text": "how can you openly break up a family by being a skank ass hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Good morning Maam. Is your AFSC 2t2? I noticed the parcel in the pic and was wondering. Im shipping to BMT real soon and would like to ask you a few questions if it is.", "label": 0} {"text": "Gelinzon Sandwich Maker Sweeps From the Kitchen Authority! Enter today!", "label": 0} {"text": "it's sad to see a fine girl be a hoe\ud83d\ude2a", "label": 1} {"text": "When she posts about you thinking it will get you to text her...", "label": 0} {"text": "Australia needs to be much more afraid of race baiters like Dutton, Turnbull and Cottrell et al than they do of incoming immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. #auspol", "label": 0} {"text": "@user People like @user and @user is the reason why Trump need to #buildthatwall!!!! #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Stand with immigrant communities. Add your name against the citizenship question that will undermine accuracy of the census and underfund our communities. #SaveTheCensus.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration and Diversity: Systematic Raping and Killing of White Girls Across the West #SWRM #Perverts #Beasts #Paedophiles #Rapists via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "This would be amusing if it didn\u2019t empower our enemies. Libprog cucks out to little brown people(whom, of course, are majorities in their OWN countries) #whitegenocide #stoptheinvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user TO THE PINK PUSSY CAVE WE HAVE A VIRTUAL OVERLY HYSTERICAL FAKE SIGNAL. NANANANA SNOOWFLAKE.", "label": 1} {"text": "We can't have a woman in the White House. What if she starts PMSing and drops bombs everywhere?/", "label": 1} {"text": "As we watch the world be consumed with Muslim religion fanatics. We must protect our country, religion and for god sakes our children. We need to be diligent on not allowing more Muslim refugees in our Christian country. Muslim do not believe in Jesus as our son of God.", "label": 1} {"text": "I've done the same.. If I'm already getting pussy why would I wanna fuck my female friends? Not every hole is a goal honestly.. Honestly..", "label": 0} {"text": "Nothing pisses me off more than when skinny girls tweet shit like 'Fat Girl Problems' #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Sister Patricia Fox, the Australian nun whose missionary visa was revoked by the Philippine government last month, has debunked allegations against her by the Bureau of Immigration in a 25-page document.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We need a moratorium on all immigration, legal or otherwise, esp from non-European countries", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey guys thanks for following! Spread the word and make sure everyone knows #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Especially old women who can't shut their pie hole.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Nah, the only worthless skank here is you. Good job outing yourself.", "label": 1} {"text": "Behind the migrant and refugees labels are individual human beings. Read @user interview @user #destinationEurope #seacrossing #MigrantCrisis", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Turkey is a big place with a big population with respect we just do not need more migrants a country who want paid for this", "label": 1} {"text": "When the whole squads outfits are on point", "label": 0} {"text": "Murdered by an illegal immigrant.", "label": 1} {"text": "lets get rid of womens sports and make men and women play side by side! #equality", "label": 0} {"text": "#refugeeswelcome #ExecutiveOrder", "label": 0} {"text": "About 3700 refugeemedicinedoctors are allowed to work in Germany in hospitals. Now they realize that some of them are not on the standard of western medicine and often some buyed the certificats home without knowledge. So some patients died.", "label": 1} {"text": "India for Indians.Modiji make the EASTERN BORDER TOTALLY SEALED LIKE WEASTERN BORDER so that not a single infiltrator can come to our land.Those who are talking on behalf of these immigrants must not get support from all of us.Hindus and nationalist careful", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Entire West must unite to isolate Rogue PAK,creator of terror in the world.Stop selling Arms to Muslim Countries.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user what a bitch u are. why call her a beast? I get u support trumps pussy grabbing, teen pageant ogling, serial marrying, but why r u a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ah, describing women as hysterical, how innovative, original, striking", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim migrants attack Swedish woman in front of her children - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "And @user is the difference between FAKE news and news, similar to ILLEGAL immigrant and immigrant?", "label": 0} {"text": "#YesAllMen because cars need to be built, repaired, and driven correctly by someone.", "label": 0} {"text": "Stan her instead of that colombian immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "Heavy snow in the Alps. Many turists have to wait and there are accidents. Illigal refugees which like to stroll over the Alps have heavy problems - nobody can rescue them.", "label": 0} {"text": "#METOo 74% women admit to moral sex... Whore#", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up ! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Sitting on steps is always massive turn on for those watching. Good girl #stephapproves #slut", "label": 0} {"text": "@user unblock my account 'AryanFascist101'. Im a nazi/fascist human supporter. (This is from backup account)", "label": 0} {"text": "Anti-immigrant zealot Kris Kobach is in a tight race with the current governor of Kansas. via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user What have how many followers i have anything to do with this u dumb beach, just be quiet and stay in the kitchen i obly use twitter for news", "label": 0} {"text": "200.000 foreigners wait to come to foolish Germany to stay in familiywelfare. 34.000 have made a paper to the goverment. But only 1000 will allowed to come, says the law. Germany will destroyed by all kind of refugees and the goverment do less.", "label": 1} {"text": "So the economic migration crisis will now get rapidly worse into 2021. And anyone opining that a province like Ontario can absorb a million people into the social infrastructure is not understanding the macro events underway and the system collapse that would trigger.", "label": 1} {"text": "if thor hadn\u2019t have survived the snap he would\u2019ve made his into a record of immigrant song i don\u2019t make the rules", "label": 0} {"text": "Only if I can hire you to whore you out, and breed your cummy hole after. Black pimp, white bitch \u2660\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany Navy rescued 22.000 refugees in the middlesea. Germany has not enough refugees, it wants more! by state duty. The citiziens will give the answer in elections.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user if I get one more email from your ass ima blow that bitch up", "label": 1} {"text": "EU doesnt want to reduce refugees! Now the socialist goverment wants to take off the fence of NATO in the enclave CEUTA. 60.000 refugees want to take over to Spain from Maroc. Spain people hate them, but the goverment take all.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user You cunt, compare 25 million that rubius have versus the 5 million that David have", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim refugee in Denmark say they have a right to target Jews - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#Refugee athletes shine at world championships in Finland via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Sure... And I wear condoms \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "THE RAPING OF EUROPE BY MUSLIM RAPEFUGEES FROM HELL !!! SWEEDEN IT'S BEING BETRAYED BY FEMINAZI GOVERNMENT SODOMITES !!! Swedish dentist fired for reporting on refugees patients via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Remember Kate Steinle today.It is the third anniversary of her deathWe must not forget.#KateSteinle#IllegalAliens#OpenBorders#BuildThatWall#MondayMorning#ImmigrationReform#ImmigrationIsAWeapon", "label": 1} {"text": "For Burkha it is Nuclear Science to distinguish between Immigrant who entered a country legally complying with the country's requirement and illegal one who broke the law & cheated.Illegals can never be good & loyal citizens", "label": 1} {"text": "Another memory that is to be shared. Remember that the Syrian war by Assad and his allies are killing thousands of innocent children and their parents.", "label": 0} {"text": "Sudanese refugees often experience extra challenges when they come to Amman. One such refugee, a volunteer at our community center named Assem, shares his powerful story about life in Darfur and his experiences in Jordan.", "label": 0} {"text": "FFS!! That sounds as good as his grammar \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "MEC Panyaza Lesufi will visit a Mamelodi school to receive a report on the alleged rape of a 17-year-old girl pupil.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user i don\u2019t want a loyal bitch i want a skank hoe who will suck another niggas dick in my be\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user fuck your life jump off the rmpire state building and impale your self with everybodyd hate towards you you stupid cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "There is a special place in hell for #SarahHuckabeeSanders. @user @user #AsylumSeekers #immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Looks like another Fallston kid couldn't handle their alcohol and fucked something up again.... I'm sure it was a girl. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "In Libya, helping migrants requires difficult compromises", "label": 0} {"text": "Ever been so hungover that your stomach feels like it's eating itself", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck you cunt hoe no you won\u2019t ily\ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Stupidity must be your strong suite Because you just showed how stupid your parent's are.. To raise trash like you is disgusting.UNAMERICAN. #ALWAYSCRYINGBLACK #MAGA#BuildThatWall #BackTheBlue", "label": 1} {"text": "@user >THE 'COUNTRY' FORMERLY KNOWN AS '#France' IS 'SO FAR GONE' THAT THEY DON'T EVEN CALL '#Terrorism' '#Terrorism' ANYMORE'#ParisAttack' IS THE 'NEW OFFICIAL PERMANENT HASHTAG' OF '#Paris'#refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant Experiences: Why Immigrants Come to the United States and What They Find When They Get Here", "label": 0} {"text": "The Trump administration today demanded repeal of protections for unaccompanied immigrant children, calling them \u2018loopholes.\u2019 They are not low they are great but every once in awhile a genius comes along and gives me an idea that i use.....Special shout out to Candace Owens, told", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I actually would love to go on a head to head debate with you to to show you not all Men are like this, you know with facts!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do you know your dragon Jordan??:Wake up Jordan Peterson:", "label": 0} {"text": "#Illegals are not immunized therefore bringing more illness into our country. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user jayceejuice is a whore does she have sex talk with you too? Does she send you picks also she's a fucking slut", "label": 1} {"text": "I\u2019m pretty sure rape is \u201coverly sexual\u201d why don\u2019t you shut the fuck up and stop being such an ignorant little cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Gl on the potential next game. You guys got yourself in a hole. All we can do is support. The rest is up to you guys. Hope is not lost.", "label": 0} {"text": "Johnny Castle loves always wet warm fuck hole of Rilynn Rae with tiny bottom and trimmed cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "An invading army? They are in camo. Hunt every last one of them down and deport! #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Polish MP Smokes BBC Host Over Poland's Decision Not To Take Immigrants via @user MUST DO WHAT THEY DO LET'S GET RID OF THAT FILTH", "label": 1} {"text": "What the refugees are doing to a city in the U.S.--destroying it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Hey American skank are you illiterate?", "label": 1} {"text": "Test your knowledge of the refugee crisis with this quiz from @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d can also get 60% off Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Refugee Crisis through the end of the month. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I thought you meant dressing like a skank until I saw you dressed like one too", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Admin. Considering Immigration Plan to Make Best use of Taxpayer Funds -", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Is there a more stupid person in congress than dipshit Harris? This woman fd Willie Brown, thats gross. Total skank with the intelligence of a pollywog.", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah well I didnt suck dick for tips you dirty skank Yes you did you lonely miserable BITCH its called fucking ALIMONY\u270b\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "| Woman who accused Nelly of rape wants to drop charges", "label": 0} {"text": "@user They get mad at women like us for not feeling comfortable around men alone because 'not all men are lik\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "He's fighting because it's his last stand, he knows jail is in his future. POS. .@realDonaldTrump #MAGA #AmericaFirst #BUILDTHATWALL #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #boycottFirstMan .@KidRock #SundayMotivation .@GenFlynn .@PressSec .@Hulkanator11 #MAGA #WalkAway #LockThemUp", "label": 1} {"text": "I know I *would* say this, but this week's @user Insiders' Newsletter was super insightful. Breaks down CFTA, analyses new migration data, examines a little known but important #WesternSahara development, and more!", "label": 0} {"text": "The immigration minister has agreed to let Glasgow City Council assess each person facing eviction by Serco", "label": 0} {"text": "US Army Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm running to help flip the NYS Senate blue. If elected, I'll be the first Indian American to ever serve in the New York legislature. I hope you'll share my immigrant story. #nys #sd56 #flipthesenate #desi #immigrant #nextgen #onward", "label": 0} {"text": "According to my D&D group, shouting \"REFUGEES WELCOME!!\" is not the correct way to warn people of incoming threats...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user so you admit to actin like a hoe? \ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I know you are not there", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Such as in this case? Woman accusing @user of child rape remains silent after threats", "label": 0} {"text": "sucking my own dick cause women are stupid", "label": 1} {"text": "My mouth stays shut... I cut people off for reasons they may never be smart enough to figure out", "label": 0} {"text": "When you come in the house @ 3 & it\u2019s a problem \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 FSE Shut Up Hoe & GTB", "label": 0} {"text": "This could completely change the face of refugee aid", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you're a pussy, stfu", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're daydreaming about the dick you're gonna get later", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Still can't be. Even the neonazis behind the \"rapefugee\" website only claim around 450 rapes by immigrants for all of 2016 (800% more than suspected (!) rapes officially recorded). So if we pretend for a moment those numbers are", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Many more are talking about impeachment. Many, Many more. In case you forgot. Collusion, rape, obstruction of justice, profiteering. Losing.", "label": 0} {"text": "Emergency services rushed to the scene yesterday", "label": 0} {"text": "We've been fucking this whore, Mother earth for awhile, She's a filthy bitch anyway, Rotting her from the inside out, We are at our end.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Japanese immigration policy isn't just sensible.Its meant act in the long term interests of the Japanese and ensure that the Japanese remaining the overwhelming majority in their nation.", "label": 0} {"text": "I've even seen this in express itself in real life recently, truly surreal. Women are losing their minds, which is hysterical", "label": 1} {"text": "Giddy Up \u2013 Friday Night Document Surprise from Office of Inspector General\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you won't retweet me pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm astounded women have to tell grown men 1) Don't drug us on dates 2) Don't send dick pics 3) Using power/position/fear isn't consent", "label": 0} {"text": "#IndiaForIndians Bangladeshi enter India illegally. Go home. Assam don't want Bangladeshi immigrant", "label": 1} {"text": "Follow @user this week to learn how we provide hope through food for millions of #refugees. #WorldRefugeeDay", "label": 0} {"text": "@user that your sissy slut bitch whore mouth needs to be gagging", "label": 1} {"text": "#LateNightThoughts how many Congressman dicks did women suck to finally gain voting rights", "label": 1} {"text": "Everything About Time Magazine \u201cCrying Girl\u201d Immigration Propaganda Story is\u00c2\u00a0False\u2018\u00a6.", "label": 0} {"text": "I Can't Fuck Wit You No More Ho And Im Sorry You A Disloyal Ass Bitch Ho You Sorry", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim refugees should go to Muslim countries if they want to keep their Sharia culture - Sharia has no place in the Western world - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Congratulations to Juan Lara Reyes on his new 2018 Loaded Ram 1500! We greatly appreciate your business!! Hope you enjoy your new ride!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- where'd you learn to eat pussy like that? Me-", "label": 1} {"text": "Today @user alongside immigrant rights groups across the country, filed a FOIA with @user to demand accountability & transparency over why there\u2019s over 753,000 immigrants still waiting for citizenship, sometimes over 20 months. #TearDownThe2ndWall #NaturalizeNOW", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to make the illegal immigrants \"endangered\" if they cross into the US! I don't mean to protect them....", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Peter Dutton should be PMUN does not care about Australians Dutton does just wish he would deport fake refugees that break our law", "label": 1} {"text": "Who decide which refugees can go to Europe ? The EU or the Italian goverment which rescue many by coastboat ! Or decide the faciliators (coyote) if one can pay or not ? Or both ?", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop sweatin these hoes... Vaginas are like doors, when one closes, several more open up", "label": 1} {"text": "The Catholic Church runs a rat-line of way-stations and hostels were migrants are encouraged and indoctrinated with the sole purpose of violating US laws and undermining US sovereignty.https://t.co/rYlSIGn1Wk", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Welcome is a wish. Now about 60.000 refugees will deported from Sweden home.Europe is divided in that persons which mean the welfare is endless, and the others which are afraid about local culture.", "label": 0} {"text": "You're chip leader and your hole cards are 6h Js are you taking it down?", "label": 0} {"text": "The move, initiated by US Congressman Doug Lamborn, \u201cis an integral part of the deal of the century, which aims to discard the right of the refugees,& is consistent with the racist Israeli Nation-State Law, which is the cornerstone of that dubious deal.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Here Are The Photos Of Obama\u2019s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won\u2019t Show You via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "WHY MUSLIMS IMMIGRATE TO CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Russia did it! Russia di.... Wait, what? Big scary Russia is helping people go home without being detained etc?", "label": 0} {"text": "Also.. 'not all men' realize what they're doing when they're doing it. You don't have to be a rapist to make someon\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Basically, Women are the chicks, & Woolies is the #notallmen crew.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Your a no nothing woman hating cunt Reliving you sad little hatred of your unloving mothe\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch you better be \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump Administration may end temporary protected status for Somalis via @user Do it today ! Why the hell are they special ?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not our problem #sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "Half of the voters clearly want to- accept Lisbon Treaty as the UK constitution- join the Euro- allow #EU to dictate how many migrants to take in- accept Napoleonic Law (EAW, Guilty until proven innocent)- EU army- EU tax- EU law dictates (already fact)- CU racketHmmmm", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You have to remember that these individuals are still men by sex and biology. You could counter that by saying trans women could rape women in their prisons. It would be easier for them as they have a physical advantage. Being trans is problematic from all angles.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user In Saudi &; Dubai if a man rape a woman with condom than semen isn't found in Vagina than how do Sharia Law tackle? I tell u punish the Woman", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I was referring to the fact I stated women rape men, but you couldn\u2019t handle me stating so.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Linekar is a fool the nearest he got to refugees was selling them crisps and its right to get the false applications out", "label": 1} {"text": "the simple fact of you calling a girl hoe just because she rejected you shows how much you didn\u2019t deserve her.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch I'll beat your ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user you cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "Cunt and demon bitch Betsy Devos is an evil evil antichrist lying warlock for oil and money", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't have time for you whores bitch can't you tell? I only spend time with money & that's because she pays me well", "label": 1} {"text": "@user going to bring your Slut whore ass to the states", "label": 1} {"text": "god fucking shit cunt dammit bitch pretentious cock sucker..... I dropped my ice cream", "label": 1} {"text": "I feel like I should be featured at this camp", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch, leave. You're insulting women right now. Guess what, you're not a real man by any means, so STFU, ugly bully \ud83d\ude20", "label": 0} {"text": "If a girl is cuddling with me & she tells me she don't wanna fuck, that's cool. I'll pull my dick out & beat off right next to her.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch no, you gone stay your ass here i missed you", "label": 1} {"text": "Clinton In 2014: Immigrant Children \u201cShould Be Sent Back\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "For one U.S. immigrant family, short-term public aid meant long-term security", "label": 0} {"text": "Muslim refugee: In Greece they don't have enough money, therefore we want to go to Germany", "label": 0} {"text": "Females are always crying out 'sexism.' Don't they know it goes both ways? Men are suffering every day!", "label": 1} {"text": "Someone's grandmother out here tryna get shot TF up", "label": 0} {"text": "So General Kelly thinks women were 'sacred' when he was growing up... classic virgin and whore dichotomy.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do you even see ECC RAM on their website? Because I don't.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \u270b\ud83c\udffc hey that's a fair fucking trade \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "Today is just wracked with sadness. I'm sorry...", "label": 0} {"text": "So viel Hass gegen UNS. #RemigrationJETZT #abschieben Hass gegen Weisse, gegen die normale+friedliche Bev\u00c3\u00b6lkerung d\u00c3\u00bcrfen wir nicht dulden! #DankeMerkel #MerkelMussWeg #LockMerkelUp #SeehoferMachZu #MachtDieGrenzenDicht #Umvolkung\u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00a2@SPD @user @user @user @user abw\u00c3\u00a4hlen!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It should cost you more for being a dirty skank!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women died bc male doctors who knew nothing about women thought they were just \u201chysterical\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If USA not stop the imigration of muslims it will never be a christian-jewish nation in future.", "label": 1} {"text": "If your in a good relationship, it's probably cause you're both ugly", "label": 0} {"text": "'Can this day get any worse' -me waking up", "label": 0} {"text": "Have you seen this yet @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user while we pat ourselves on the back on how many refugees taken in do not lose contact with our own poor who wait for housing 2", "label": 0} {"text": "MUST READ: IMPORTANTMedia and political falsehoods about immigration: Propaganda images, immigrant crime and DACA@realDonaldTrump @user #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#SecureUSBorders#ProtectUSA", "label": 1} {"text": "Rally To Support Detained Pizza-Worker Immigrant", "label": 0} {"text": "1,200 migrants from Turkey in 2018 - Italian Minister", "label": 0} {"text": "@user (Season of the Bitch is tbh nothing like Chapo but that's not a bad thing, tho you know me, I hate men and love women SO.)", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall is all about homeland security and an open border clearly leaves Americans less safe. Makes sense to use our military to protect us by building a wall.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please take it to the streets Alyssa! I\u2019d love to see you take action as opposed to running your skank D -List mouth!", "label": 0} {"text": "When your ex leaves her shoes at your place", "label": 0} {"text": "Russia confirms Syrian refugee proposal sent to United States @user need soap", "label": 0} {"text": "Video: Assad and Kind Syrians open it's door to genuine refugee", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN ALLEGING RAPE *cough*unless the perp is someone we like, then forget it. *cough*", "label": 0} {"text": "' A HOE does ANYthing for ANY man, A FREAK does ANYthing for HER man, and A WOMAN does ANYthing for ONE man!'", "label": 1} {"text": "What the White House has come up with has been shot down by Crime loving Democrats #BuildThatWall #MondayMotivation #BuildThatDamnWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "When the gut rot kicks in after a long weekend of drinking", "label": 0} {"text": "A man, knows the difference between a woman and a lil ol whore bitch #100", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user So much Corruption in our government many things are swept under the rug, Drain the Swamp! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Now is not the time to abandon the US refugee program. #RefugeesWelcome #wewelcomerefugees #welcome75k", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bobbys a little butt hurt today. Go have a drink and STFU you are the a**hole. I've lost all respect for you. I used to think you spoke real", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't pay my bills on time. I wait for the final notice to come in and then I just throw it away, and that's exactly how I handle my women", "label": 1} {"text": "@user So you're saying you /don't/ like how my cock looks in these panties?", "label": 0} {"text": "I can't imagine growing up with one of these twenty-somethin thot ass bitches as my mom. #blessed", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Trouble is david we are in the EU and you cant handle the Immigration Crisis better to control own Borders than be forced to EU", "label": 0} {"text": "UK\u2019s tiny number of Syrian Christian refugees sparks backlash against UN", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Bitch stfu stop acting like a fucking cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Martin Luther King Jr. once said \u201cour lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.\u201d How will the lens of history judge our response to today's global refugee crisis? World Relief CEO Tim Breene reflects on #WorldRefugeeDay. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 1} {"text": "Over 160 undocumented migrants held in Turkey", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You own it! You and the GOP sabotaged it! Pha -q ya kunt!", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens are robbing #Americans of retirement who do you think pays for their healthcare and emergency room visits my #ObamaCare costs me $36,000 per year because of them @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "If I was you I'd hate me too", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case.", "label": 0} {"text": "I feel like I'm going through withdrawals but again I'm jus being a whiny ass bitch ass skank ass brat", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Judge is Legislating from the Bench SCOTUS Said Last week that District Courts Can not Give Opinions for the Whole of The U.S Like #SancutaryCities this will be thrown OUT! #Trump #MAGA Detain and Deport #Immigration2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user To come back should really not easy for refugees of Syria. Nobody need more eaters.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Good luck Mr President. More and more people are waking up & realising the third world immigration invasion & open borders have been a disaster for our culture and unique identity. The only party that will put a halt to this invas", "label": 1} {"text": "The Syrian refugees and the Lebanese residents of Arsal can't agree on much, but they agree on this: It is time for the Syrians to go home", "label": 1} {"text": "Who wore it better?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Our favorite CNN reporter.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Rights Advocates Protest Boughton, Cooperation With ICE #Connecticut #WelcomeImmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "The Times Strains to Credit France\u2019s #WorldCup Victory to Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "The story of an immigrant community in Columbus, Ohio and how changes in immigration enforcement are impacting them:", "label": 0} {"text": "Good this makes it a safe country \u00f0\u0178\u2018\u008d immigrants can now go home \u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00a0\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb", "label": 1} {"text": "LW: Youth care worker charged with molesting 8 immigrant boys at Arizona shelter", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude33 morrissey \ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffb is \ud83d\ude0c a fat \ud83d\ude1d skank \ud83e\udd11 bitch \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And you voted for Killary the Skank ?", "label": 1} {"text": "Big game today, jets gang bitch hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its a societal issue and people are truly blind if they dont see that. I see this feeling predominantly in strongly Christian or conservatively raised men. I mean.. theyve been taught their entire lives that women are inferior to men.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Shut the FUCK up you jobless whore", "label": 1} {"text": "The fuck is *proof* in a rape case?!? Like how do you want us to PROVE it. Fuck off.", "label": 0} {"text": "It\u2019s hysterical how much you bitch and complain over something so stupid. Don\u2019t have to catch an attitude every 5 fuckin seconds.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you've just gotten married, realize you're stuck with this asshole for life", "label": 0} {"text": "This is what the Left wants more of in America.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"With Playboi Carti saying \"\"don't care that pussy got some milage milage\"\" and Lil Pump saying \"\"you're such a fucking hoe I love it\"\"2018 is the year for loving promiscuous women\"", "label": 0} {"text": "niggas think bitches supposed to suck their lil ass dick and not give a bitch head too, like that's not how it works whore !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Build The Wall. Its cheaper than maintaining a lifestyle that nearly 30% of Americans are living on. These are not guests. The are a mass of illegal citizens of another country invading ours. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "People that ask me to do things are the worst kind of people", "label": 0} {"text": "Grace is literally the most boujee girl on the planet and it's hysterical", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim migrants complain \"Croatia is not up to our standards, we want Germany\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When I send girls the videos we made", "label": 0} {"text": "\"The new art is directly across the entrance to Cabeza Prieta, the natl wildlife refuge near the US/#Mexico #border in a region with the highest migrant death rate due to the brutality of the desert crossing\" | @user #safepassage #waternotwalls", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck woman who make false accusations of rape. You are a piece of poop", "label": 1} {"text": "Subramanian Swamy makes sense! Illegal immigrants have two options:-1. _Go back Home. Because you wanted partition._2. _Merge Pakistan and Bangladesh with us._", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I hate politicians that are all for immigrants but don`t have to live in the areas effected by them! Romanians in particular, all they do is scrounge and trash our cities", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Mhmmm. I bet your fingers are curled inside you Mr little cunt now...mhmmm fuck it for me now.", "label": 0} {"text": "GERAMNY: African rapefugee climbs into house, steel expensive goods, rook a knife and abuse a girl of the family.", "label": 1} {"text": "If that bitch goin let her keep goin goin till dat hoe gone like home run", "label": 1} {"text": "To be clear: the people on the left are the future of the Democratic Party, the people on the right are the future of the Republican Party. As an immigrant i walked away from the people on the left and I joined with honor the people on the right #walkaway", "label": 0} {"text": "I'll have bitches on bitches and I will be a god. But damn women are hoes.", "label": 1} {"text": "If your man has an android, you're allowed to cheat on him", "label": 0} {"text": "If the lefties disagree with you, you are a racist. No matter the issue: taxes, immigrants, gender rights . . .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you for supporting our cause Brandon!", "label": 0} {"text": "Lies, Damned Lies, and Immigration Policy", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To \u2018\u02dcDetain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove\u2019 Anyone Who Crosses Border - Yes indeed...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Yeah, but who was the bitch that wouldn't let her answer?", "label": 1} {"text": "Heartwarming Video Of A Legal Immigrant \"President Trump Is A Gift From Heaven\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Get rid of @user #VoteRed - #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Deport all illeagles and their families - #ProudAmerican #AmericaFirst #MAGA #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "OKAYYY NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT u lil cunt ass bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Most \u2018\u02dcrefugees\u2019 actually come from \u2018\u02dcnormal\u2019 circumstances #America #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} {"text": "Let's find this entitled little skank and make her life hell for as long as it takes to teach her a lesson. Portland, Oregon, someone knows her.", "label": 1} {"text": "We were ecstatic to welcome a #refugee family to #memphis Tuesday after being separated for so long. We had community members, vols, staff gathered at the airport to celebrate. As we near #WorldRefugeeDay 6/20, we will be sharing ways to show #memphiswelcomesrefugees. Stay tuned!", "label": 0} {"text": "I understand the #NotAllMen impulse cuz I\u2019m a white woman who didn\u2019t vote for Trump. But the women of color who call out all WW are right.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user CNN. U SHOULD B ASHAMED U ROTTEN DIRTY BITCH 4 MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES DISABILITY, U UGLY CUNT!I hope someone breaks ur legs!", "label": 1} {"text": "We have an immigrant economy. Zero tolerance policy will seriously damage the economy. People are so fucking stupid.", "label": 0} {"text": "More international support needed for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, say UN and World Bank chiefs", "label": 0} {"text": "For all the people holding up signs regarding illegal immigrants...hand them each a bill to pay the cost of how much these people take from the American taxpayer and I bet they would take down their signs and go home!", "label": 1} {"text": "My bunker alfa in my phone have only 1 floor I know this is a problem with my ram . But can you fix it soon . Need chopper @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You evil kunt", "label": 1} {"text": "ICRC: A lot of work to do before Rohingya refugees can return to Myanmar", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy allows migrant ship to dock", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Great speec Mr. President. I would suggest change to KEEP AMERICA GREAT after u #BuildThatWall that u promised and to make Mexico pay for it. Please keep the #promisesmade and #DoWhatYouSaid.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user it means skank bastard u dumb bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "I just got a ticket but in my defense I didn't want to", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch shut the fuck up", "label": 1} {"text": "Your ass is red My belt is blue Bend over bitch I ain't through with you #PoetsDay", "label": 1} {"text": "#IHearYou After sharing 'me too', seeing all of the i hear you tweets when I was expecting more Not all men.... sincerely, Thank you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Not all men stare and not all women r worth staring either....", "label": 0} {"text": "Foreign car swerving pot holes bad bitch she from chicago", "label": 1} {"text": "These Donald Trump supporters are out of control...", "label": 0} {"text": "According to US and Palestinian officials, the Trump administration is working to end UNRWA\u2019s work in order to \u201cremove the refugee issue from any possible negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians\u201d.", "label": 0} {"text": "UN refugee agency to sack dozens of #Gaza employees...", "label": 1} {"text": "Lot\u2019s to learn for #internaldisplacement research from \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@m_clem\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 @user at \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@CGDev\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 on policy options for turning #migration challenges into economic opportunities. \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@CazabatC\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@AvigailShai\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 #TheRippleEffect", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Nationalism is an idea that a country must be defended by its people from corroding forces. When 11% of California\u2019s population are made of illegal immigrants, there will be a pushback. It\u2019s not authoritarianis", "label": 1} {"text": "Looks like Libya's new Maritime Rescue Coordination Center based on an Italian warship near Tripoli is excited about coordinating EU-trained Libyan coastguards to intercept migrants & refugees in Libya's unrecognized Search and Rescue zone", "label": 0} {"text": "Punch that girl right in the skank", "label": 1} {"text": "A bitch with fuck with a nigga just to get back at you but that shit be making y'all look like thottiessssss loose pussy hoe!!! \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm sick of this bullshit. Fucking hysterical media, hysterical feminists, pussy fake conservatives. Come asteroids, come", "label": 1} {"text": "1200 refuegges went to Spain in the last 2 days. Spain decided to let them in free without any registration. Sozialists say, this is a problem for Europe and the refugees will run now against north to foolish Germany.", "label": 1} {"text": "(1) @user < STFU These women put their babies in harms way &Subject them 2 rape &more by the coyotes who they pay 2 bring them here.", "label": 1} {"text": "My moms sitting 3 ft away from me talking bout me to my uncle. Immigrant parents dgaf \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Congratulations, Jo. You are the most hysterical person I've ever encountered on social\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "ATTN: JOY REID. YOU 'AWFUL WOMAN' ARE A COMPLETE SKANK. YOU DISGUST EVERYONE. YOU ARE MARKED. YOU FILTHY IDIOT!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Me- I read this article about it Also me- I really just read the headline and made up the rest", "label": 0} {"text": "What a way to damage LasVegas, such stupidity!! MGM turns to never-tested law to sue Vegas shooting victims", "label": 0} {"text": "Aka you lot can all shut the fuck up and stop blaming her", "label": 0} {"text": "So the Trump administration has put forth a 70 item plan to address legal and illegal immigration. Sounds...", "label": 0} {"text": "Obituary: Victoria Reilly, inspirational teacher who spent her early life as a refugee", "label": 0} {"text": "Just played: I Know I'll See You - A Place to Bury Strangers - A Place to Bury Strangers(Killer Pimp)", "label": 0} {"text": "Also, Jasmine is privately slut -shaming AND body -shaming the Girl Gremlin via text and I've never felt so defensive about a fictional skank.", "label": 0} {"text": "At least 19 dead after a ship carrying about 150 presumed migrants capsizes in the Mediterranean", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi Immigrant Who Shot Cop In The Head Was Never Deported Despite Crime Spree via @user @user @user @user @user #Sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "Imagine getting your ass dragged by Kali Uchis bc you were being a rude ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bloody Germany who needs Germany we dont want their Visa plans were are fed up of being over ran by migrants no Uk Jobs threaten", "label": 1} {"text": "Sexual harassment/sexual assult/rape are NOT & NEVER ok As a man, I stand with every single woman whos been through this \u270a #Respect #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Sen Booker posted the confidential information on his twitter account. There is no way I will vote Democrat again. Disregard for the laws when it suits them. And he wants to run for POTUS.#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll", "label": 1} {"text": "And they still can\u2019t believe @user won? \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb\u2018\u008d\u00e2\u2122\u201a\u00ef\u00b8\u008f They\u2019d better get used to such #winning. #RedWaveRising2018 #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall #EndImmigration #MAGA \u00f0\u0178\u2018\u0152\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim Man Dragged Out Of Hotel And Beaten For Being With A Hindu Woman = \u201cchanting \u2018Jai Sri Ram\u2019 &; beating him", "label": 0} {"text": "So far, war on drugs, foul words, woman shaming, martial law, rape joke, putang ina, lentek, fake news lang naririnig ko from duterte. \ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "Crimes committed by ILLEGAL immigrants should be public information everywhere like in Texas. More illegal aliens were arrested for homicide in the past 7 years in a single state than deaths by mass shooting in the other 49 states combined! #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user u got an underaged girl drunk so you could sleep with her, think that's rape", "label": 1} {"text": "@user pathetic traitor. Our Cuba policy has failed for 50 Fin yr. STFU stupid skank. Every post u make is idi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I kinda want to see you again just so I can punch you in the kidney. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "A monthly blog about men of action for men's rights. Use your RSS feed to receive it. #Sunrise #padres #bitcoin", "label": 0} {"text": "Opinion: Anchor centers are shipwrecks of #EU migration policy", "label": 0} {"text": "No one gives less fucks than the guy that comments 'check your DM, ma' on bitches posts", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "When skinny girls talk about how fat they are", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I am proud to be a hysterical woman.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user & @user Build The Wall! #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "SpainSocialdemocrat^^ Borrell\u2018\u017eMerkel has saved the honor of Europe opening the borders\u201cAnd wants Germany and Spain to take in migrants^^The Russian German girl killed by an illegal Tunisian surely thinks the same \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00ae#OrganizedCrime#EU12pentagram \u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00a9https://t.co/nFdKONBbkH", "label": 1} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home #MuslimImmigration No the German government isn't paying, the German taxpayers are paying! The German government is robbing native Germans to finance the Islamization of Germany.", "label": 1} {"text": "Forced migration history:", "label": 0} {"text": "my \u2018friend\u2019 who\u2019s a bitch slut shamed one of the girls i work with today because she has a child", "label": 1} {"text": "Europeans Are Waking Up! | How Even Ordinary People Are Beginning to Take Action Against Immigration - YouTube", "label": 1} {"text": "Titties are \ud83d\ude0e but where's your ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants come here on family-based visas, without regard to their skills As a result, half of all immigrant households receive Welfare #RaiseAct will stop this #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I just posted the original but nice try", "label": 0} {"text": "Please RT if you like!! #luxurycars #luxury #supercars #cars Golfer Gets Hole-In-One, Wins a Porsche", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Talk about NYers like that AFTER you've survived 9/11. Until then shut the fuck up. You are a nasty skank.", "label": 1} {"text": "It weirds me out how obsessed right-wingers are with pedophiles. It seems like they spend a lot of their days trying to figure out how & where people are fucking kids. Hey guys, maybe check out the immigrant concentration camps. You might get some hits there. IF YOU CARED.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A Pallet of Bricks arrived today just in time to be placed on our Memorial Wall tomorrow on our #911Memorial broadcast via We are also shipping out several bricks to Patriots that ordered 2 Help #BuildThatWall Ord", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Looks like it could be Hussein's cousin handling the $$$.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #Bu", "label": 1} {"text": "Beware of the feet you step on today. They may be linked to the hand you'll have to shake tomorrow.", "label": 0} {"text": "doesnt make u better than anybody else, its about what you do and that a silly title based on GPA is ridiculous and absolutely hysterical", "label": 0} {"text": "Me- refuses to answer anyone's phone calls Also me- infuriated when people don't answer my phone calls", "label": 0} {"text": "Astonishing moment dozens of #illegal #migrants land on packed Spanish beach via @user invasion of #Europe continues 24/7#freeloaders #Africans #islam", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Too bad Trump poisoned the well on immigration by focusing on a worthless wall. He could have been a hero by solving DACA issue and the points you and I just raised. Those were doable.", "label": 0} {"text": "UN knew years ago about refugee sex-for-food scandal, leaked report reveals", "label": 0} {"text": "Stephen Miller's Latest White Supremacist Immigration Proposal Has Reportedly Arrived via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ban Cage first then Trump make all nationalities speak English get out of Europe ,Commmonwealth no immigration problems easy", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoe asss bitch what the fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user If they don\u2019t warrant a pay raise, then these immigrants aren\u2019t as valuable as we\u2019ve been told they are.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I have a big cock, doubt you can say the same", "label": 0} {"text": "Is there historical precedent for a state killing its own people, as a consequence of which many of them become refugees, then, without providing any guarantees or safety, they ask for people to return and the neighboring countries try to push people back into the dictatorship?", "label": 0} {"text": "They always complain about about Americans killed by guns but not by illegal immigrants or abortion \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WOMEN ARE STUPID AND DUMB AND MAN IS SMART AND RAPE IS OK", "label": 1} {"text": "Oru Camp, Nigeria: The remaining Liberians at the Oru Camp in Nigeria have expressed readiness to return to Liberia finally after several years in exile.", "label": 0} {"text": "71-32-6, you literally aren't good enough to win 1/3 of our meetings. Go back to your hole", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Especially now that UK Govt continues to turn a blind eye to these feral economic Afro Middle Eastern migrants entering every day.No child is safe until we are well out of the EU and have closed tight OUR border entry ports.", "label": 1} {"text": "Shoutout to me for making the worst decision of my life \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Your girlfriend is a coke whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Always remember, it's not whether you can or you can't, but that nobody gives a fuck either way", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user this is the mindset of the people the left are aligning themselves with. #BuildThatWall and tighten our immigration laws. @user", "label": 1} {"text": "In some cases, conditions have become worse for local people than for #refugees. Is there favouritism from aid groups? #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #Rohingya #conflict @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I would give you some lovin back but I'm just here to point out where women fuck up. But thanks <3 #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Aye @user youre a fucking whore dont fucking speak to me again u fuckin peacock fake ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "By their own admission , proof beyond doubt that \"#Israeli's\" were recent #Europeans immigrants and never indigenous to #Palestine land. #Palestinians are #IndigenousPeoples of #Palestine.#Palestinian will keep standing for their Homeland .Support then like Gilad doing.", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls will friend zone a dude that's in love with them and never give them a chance... But be salty AF when he gets a girlfriend", "label": 1} {"text": "So Much for the Socialist Cause ,which Blair was Elected on first Eastern European Immigration then Iraq betrayal Millionaire to boot", "label": 0} {"text": "@user N countries where women hve bigX political power.rape is rare/ Fareed Zakaria interviewed HRC this a.m.T\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "14 year old boy wasnt satisfied by an 53 old prostitute and called the police in Germany. He said he was 20, but pays not more than 20 \u20ac.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Aiding Illegals is against Federal #Immigration laws a Felon up to 5 years in Prison! Help #SendthemBack instead of Burdening the U.S Taxpayer ! U.S Is NOT Central America's dumping ground for their kids we have U.S Homeless kids we need to help f", "label": 1} {"text": "Children whose parents were either deported or forcibly separated from them experienced housing instability, academic withdrawal and family dissolution, according to researchers.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes think just cause they don't reply it means there's no answer/no consequences. Lmao BITCH no reply means you guilty as shit \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "you will never catch me out here sharing a nigga , bitch you can have that nigga \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udcaf i ain\u2019t sharing no dick if I had a nigga bob \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffe", "label": 1} {"text": "A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center #Infowars", "label": 0} {"text": "Ahhh my cousin's fetus doesn't have a dick and I want to rant about gender reveals but I've also been the youngest girl cousin for 29 years.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user THIS IS FABULOUS! I HOPE THE ACLU IS HOIST BY IT'S OWN PETARD!IT'S IDIOTIC, STUPID, SELF DEFEATING TO SIMPLY STOP APPLYING THE LAW BECAUSE THERE IS A CHILD INVOLVED!NO OTHER US LAW WOULD DO THIS! INSANITY! #NOAMNESTY @user @user #NOASYLU", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He means ILLEGAL migration and he needs to send them back and they can come LEGALLY", "label": 0} {"text": "Sounds like @user & @user are still competing for most hysterical woman at the hearings. #Pathetic #WeThePeople dont pay you to clutch pearls, or perform one act plays. Get your sh!t together. #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaughNOW#WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user you rly gonna say something sexist and then yell not all men? dude, take a seat. prove that n\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#WorldFoodDay Thank you for celebrating Sri Foodnaath day. Please take action against that woman for refusing rape\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck you thats my fucking boy bitch ass cunt ready to fight", "label": 1} {"text": "'So my fat skank sister' lmao. The kid that lives in the room next to me doesn't wanna believe his girl is still ch\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "These people are NATIVE AMERICANS. The land you claim is yours was there\u2019s until our IMMIGRANT ancestors stole it from them... here\u2019s your small history lesson you should have learned in school... thanks for coming to my Ted Talk", "label": 1} {"text": "Is the Judge On Crack? he Said said Govt needs to prove it considered the benefits of having illegal Aliens here and working! Illegal Immigration cost $135 B a year while Illegals pay $!8 B in taxes ! Illegals are No Benefit to the U. S #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Good point. I guess he should \u201cchew gum, move on married women like a bitch and grab them by the pussy\u201d? -president of the Virgin Islands", "label": 1} {"text": "I can always tell a bitches age by her tattoos... Sleeve, she's younger than me, tramp stamp, she's my age...", "label": 1} {"text": "Strict government visa restrictions drive up illegal immigration, study finds #HostileEnvironment", "label": 0} {"text": "Maninder: How I felt, when Immigration New Zealand said \"NO\" to me!: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you just figured that out?", "label": 0} {"text": "churches open their doors to migrants not of the foreign kind but the ones who begged a bed but were forgotten now the church has prorities", "label": 0} {"text": "Viktor Orban: The new EU leadership should punish those who let millions of migrants into Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of refugees return to Syria from the northeastern Lebanon", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm Greek and Italian, I don't consider myself to be 'white'... Unless I'm applying for a job, being pulled over or in court of course", "label": 0} {"text": "I was never properly taught how to put on makeup. The only looks I have are fancy whore or daytime slut.", "label": 0} {"text": "Citiziens of Malm\u00c3\u00b6/Sweden prtoests. They cannot go out by night - specially women - because foreign criminal refugees have the power on streets. Sweden run quick into a third world country level.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you should date me then... But I don't date", "label": 0} {"text": "You don't have to worry about angles anymore... These bitches out here face swapping with their friends tryna trick to ass", "label": 1} {"text": "The bitch flipped millions for em she deserved it..most women would've jacked it off", "label": 0} {"text": "Saudi Arabia Suspends Diplomatic, Trade Ties With Canada Over \"Blatant Interference\" | Zero Hedge The Saudi's should help out, with all the so called migrants........but none are to be found..in Arabia...wonder why?..........", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Bitch be starting lmao sis \"\"do what you preach\"\"??? Speak for your fucking self you fucking cunt\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Hole in one and you deserve for it.Congrats", "label": 0} {"text": "Only 15 % of refugees has got a job in Germany.The rest stay in socialwelfare. This costs Germany 25 Mrd. \u00e2\u201a\u00ac a year for nothing.", "label": 1} {"text": "The pain of a woman being targeted as a purely pleasure object, goes beyond the physical, its a rape of the soul #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Talent- Pissing people off by just existing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But you are one if the concubines whose reasoning capacities are embedded in your cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ive told this story many a time: first time I heard 'cunt' used against a woman was in 'One Flew O\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Those pics look like theyre from someone mocking the kind of people who would disrupt hearings. Like if SNL was fair and made fun of these people, the exaggerated version of a hysterical woman disrupting", "label": 1} {"text": "Broward County Prison for Profit on premo Real Estate the Intracoastal Waterway is being PROTESTED. Who's profitings besides @user & @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch keep my name out your mouth. & worry about that loose hole of yours.", "label": 1} {"text": "No, they only speak up to tell women 'Not me, not all men, don't generalized us, I have never abused any woman'", "label": 0} {"text": "Compared to Australians who speak English at home, the rate of university participation is significantly higher for nearly all groups who speak another language.", "label": 0} {"text": "Swedish Church Accused of Peddling 'Immigration Propaganda' During X-Mas Worship", "label": 0} {"text": "Women want their companies to pay for birth control? Bullshit. Anal is free birth control. #YesAllMen", "label": 1} {"text": "The result of industrial scale #immigration has been quite unprecedented.Inflows of people into lower-paid work, has had a negative impact on the wages of the lowest paid, as the Bank of England confirmed in 2015.#brexit #Brexiteers #BrexitBetrayal #brexitshambles #bitcoin", "label": 0} {"text": "Do you ever rap in your whitest voice possible or is that just me?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user men are so stupid they can't tell the difference between a wink and rape!", "label": 0} {"text": "Video: #Spain opens refugee camp after becoming new destination for migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Border Patrol agents encounter 95 illegal immigrants desert near Lukeville, AZ", "label": 0} {"text": "I really wanna get a rich, married woman pregnant cause my kid deserves the best and a dad that actually cares", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you had a great chance to show everyone that you\u2019re not a cunt on tv tonight and you fucked it up.", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls get so mad when you fuck em and never talk to them again... It's so fucking adorable", "label": 1} {"text": "Kys tryna step to Oculr. Are you dumb blud I will rape your sister and analy Destroy your slutty whore mum", "label": 1} {"text": "#potus must #buildthatwall my first ever msg on Twitter so I hope I'm doing this right. @user Donald Trump will not ever change or abandon us or #USA that's why I will be voting for him AGAIN! Dems and worrying about votes will not change him, POTUS is THE MAN!", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're on a first date and they start talkin about their ex", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy Friday! World Relief has partnered with local churches in over 100 countries to provide disaster response, health & child development, refugee support, economic development & peacebuilding. Reply and let us know what aspects of our work you would like to know more about.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you see your ex in public and they start smiling at you all weird n shit", "label": 0} {"text": "Read about the Muslim migrant communities in Europe. People who have not lived in civilization before do not know how to live life in the West. Unfettered immigration is changing Europe, and not for the better.", "label": 1} {"text": "shut the fuck up bitch dont speak on my country or my people", "label": 1} {"text": "why is this women walking outside yelling like bitch we in a white neighborhood chill out \ud83d\ude15", "label": 1} {"text": "the fact that who comments on this cube problem is mostly not a cube stan?? yall be creating tweets so you can get rts and like. shut the fuck up if you dont know anything about cube, jesus", "label": 0} {"text": "It is no secret that #Hungary has become one of the safest countries in the world. While Western Europe opened its borders and accelerated its #Islamisation during the #migrant crisis, Eastern Europe did the opposite.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women blame men. Not all men, but men. Why? Because men do it to them. It's simple.", "label": 0} {"text": "WHO ARE THE BANKSTERS THAT CREATE AND FINANCE, (with Usury) BOTH SIDES OF EVERY CONFLICT BETWEEN MILLIONS OF RABID MUSLIMS RAPEFUGEES AND CASTRATED CHRISTIANS ?? Sweden Rejects VISAs, Deports 80,000 Migrants and illegal Immigrants - F... via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "You'd have to ask @user cause they have yet to respond to me", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A woman saying cunt is the equivalent of a black person saying nigger. They can say it but woe to so\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't like change in my life except for the people I sleep with", "label": 0} {"text": "@user don't kid yourself, good dick runs everything \ud83d\ude09", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Muslim migrant threatens to stone Christian women in Denmark - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Doing an even bigger eyeroll at the 'famous' TW tweeting their sick little pornified rape fantasies, we see you dude ... NO WOMAN says that", "label": 0} {"text": "Austria holds drill to simulate repelling illegal migrants at border", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cameron some hands are bigger than yours saying hi with Obma knowing Disabled peoples Benefits were being attacked migrants not", "label": 1} {"text": "@user watch the video and you'll understand", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexican Fugitive Wanted For Murder Found In South Carolina We need a wall to keep these scum out of our country!#BuildTheWall #NoDACA#NoAmnesty #MAGA#KAG #VoteRed #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "@user wants to bring in more of these people into #Canada. He is indifferent to refugees and terrorists coming to his country under the same banner. He and his party will be the death of a country.#Toronto#TorontoShooting #TorontoStrong", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all men are trash. But some are. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists. And not all women are prostitutes.", "label": 0} {"text": "Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki insisted that Poland would push against any discussion on refugee relocations as part of the EU\u2019s migration politics.https://t.co/AkuP6sjzfK", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Die in a fire you fucking skank.", "label": 1} {"text": "Nah nah nah \u270b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user nets you a Amount of Gold and other Metals which is dependant on their Mud Hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "not all men are trash. but if you always pick the ones who are trash, or treat you like trash, then ya you\u2019ll learn to hate them for sure!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Your a crack whore look in the mirror complete trash you are you make women yourself and the great s\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user He's quite right. Its the sheer numbers that are changing countries and communties forever. Ask yourself....why is it only white European countries that have to undergo mass immigration? Doesn't happen in muslim or African co", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user He didn\u2019t murder you spastic cunt, he and the woman were both drunk.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Everything i would've have done even without the curfew, which is really stupid not all men are dangerous", "label": 0} {"text": "It blows mine when a girl tells me to her talk during sex 'how this pussy feel, talk to me' ok bitch it's a C- and I'm trynna concentrate \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Or we can try Idi Amin style...repent or run Nxaa!", "label": 1} {"text": "That one cock blockin ass bitch you can never get past", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user What are you saying? You are not daughter of ram rahim. ?????", "label": 0} {"text": "If you stand with rape survivors against rape, then stand up and practice what you preach. #womentakeovertwitter", "label": 0} {"text": "Disgraceful.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch on the left won\u2019t be smiling. Let them in Hawaii. It will be rape Island", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Welcome to America\" Illegal Immigration is A Crime Detain and Deport Illegal Alien #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Good English you dumb cunt slober on my nob u Jew if you were playing I would fucking rape you cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "If you are unwilling to help victims &; or survivors of rape &; domestic violence by speaking out then you have no place as our advocate. \ud83d\udc9c", "label": 0} {"text": "New research uncovers successes and failures of UK\u2019s help for Syrian immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "500 detained fathers and sons to go on strike after being separated Great. Problem solved.#Illegal #immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No, I pointed out your semantics were grasping at straws. If I said a woman can rape a ma\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nation. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Someone really wants these \"migrants\" in the country. The agenda may be more dark than we can imagine. Something is up. What kind of people would destroy their own people?", "label": 1} {"text": "Europe is fed up with Muslim immigration - New EU deal to stop the madness - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "To feel at home in a place, you have to have some prospect of staying there. Wendell Berry #missionarylife", "label": 0} {"text": "Bincy and Sony share their experience of dealing with Carmento Immigration: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user If you've spent the weekend riding strange dick, drink some green tea &; it doesn't even count. #HoeTips", "label": 0} {"text": "Its a bitch who better get her some business forreal! How the fuck u gone feel entitled to somebody! Bitch u got blackballed & u gone stay blackballed! I ain't saving no hoe! U is not apart of my Spurs dreams! The woman u see on my page had on the San Antonio Spurs Warm up Jacket", "label": 1} {"text": "@user M & M and RAM have absolutely NOTHING to do with Classic Rock so why are you doing this?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Have you tried obvious things like unplugging all but the bare minimum of devices, isolating RAM, switching slots/ports etc.?", "label": 0} {"text": "Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the \"bad conditions\" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Do it, please. Make #illegals the defining issue of the mid-term election. Let the left defend illegals at the expense of citizens. #DeportThemAll #ArrestTheEmployers #EndDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Check out IWB Immigrant Women In Business' Membership via @", "label": 0} {"text": "If ya bitch ass didn\u2019t wish me a happy Birthday then don\u2019t ever hit me up again! You\u2019re trash! Yes I am talking about you hoe! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc", "label": 1} {"text": "Nothing to discuss here. Save the kids.", "label": 0} {"text": "actually both Milo and Alex have a friend in the White House- so ain't nobody ''come' for them- unlike say muslims ot immigrant chilfren", "label": 0} {"text": "Free Brutal Pickups Videos youporn stripper skank com porn pics sdms free brutal pickup girl com free porn lindsey russian mypickupgirls my sisters upskyrt streetpickupstube brutalpickups", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Europe ,Commonwealth Get out now less immigration ask the NHS Schools Housing , crime . we need leaders not sheep listen", "label": 1} {"text": "If her bio quotes a meme she fucks on the first date", "label": 0} {"text": "Awesome story about two immigrant organic farmers - doing it all by hand! Read now via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "This is how I feel about all our haters right now #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "And I urge Mattis to reject the Dems demand.#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When somebody tells me they're off work for Presidents' Day", "label": 0} {"text": "these hoes done called me kelly jr bitch fuck them \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "'What if, instead of finding \u201cillegal immigrants\u201d, our policies are creating them?'@trillingual's @user on @user case & the #HostileEnvironment - also quotes our @user book which you can read in full at", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How come you didnt cry when @user put children in cages?! Or when George Bush put them in cages?! Or even when @user enacted the law?! #BuildThatWall #IllegalImmigration #ICE #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NoDacaAmnesty #SecureOurBord", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Yeah like looking at a woman when she doesn't want you to, that's rape right?", "label": 1} {"text": "Pablo wont Fair well in #Alabama TRASH will be taken out!! #KAS #BuildTheDamnWall NOW#NODACA #NOIllegals #NOPediophiles #NOSexTraffickers", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch I said barely your obviously my friend don't make me come beat you up whore \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "pay if you take migrants\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Brussels tells EUstates. Imagine implications of this indirect \u201ctrafficking\u201d, avenues for massive fraud.EU expands definition of \u201crefugee\u201d to include migrants in \u201crefugee-like\u201d situations.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "A woman reinforces the trope of women as hysterical while calling sexual assault allegations witch hunts (wrong all\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I\u2019m still not sexually active and still get called a whore or a slut all the time", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user RT if you're a cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "GIVEAWAY!! We're 11 donations away from 150 total donors for our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign designed around #worldrefugeeday Our 150th donor will receive a World Relief t-shirt. Join the campaign today and donate online at", "label": 0} {"text": "Members of CDU and CSU meet to find a solution to migration issue", "label": 0} {"text": "Matteo #Salvini is welcome in the #Netherlands anti-immigrant stance#closetheborders #illegal #Immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Two artists from New York are bringing colour into the lives of Rohingya refugees.Their art classes and murals are brightening up the refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh. The artist had partnered with UNICEF for this project", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cLooks like you but in skank form\u201d \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "But, of course, we don't need a wall or ICE to enforce our immigration laws. The left/liberals/progressives are out of their minds--but they are loud about it and we must stand up and let our voices be heard!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Hispanics are the hardest hit by Illegal Immigration it impacts their wages, jobs and communites as well as African Americans #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201c I just want all your attention babe stop seeing these other hoes\u201d .. first of all bitch I\u2019m legally blind", "label": 1} {"text": "WOW can't believe all these women riding the subway today? Shouldn't these bitches be making sandwiches LOL #ihatefemales..", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Touchdown is easy when you only choose hog nd battle ram ,then game is yours", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cWhat\u2019s happening today will be written down as history, and we don\u2019t want it to be fake history.\u201d #syria #refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Google your ass you Immature cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes you just gotta throw a mutha fucka at another mutha fucka, to let a mutha fucka know who's boss", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We stand with the woman of Cologne ,Add France it seems young Arab Immigrants want to do a ISIS and abuse deport them or jail", "label": 0} {"text": "Perfect breakfast to start your weekend, ho yummy! Topped with some Green Savi Hot Pepper sauce! What do you have for breakfast? \ud83c\udf36", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cOne minute you\u2019re a spooky little witch bitch and then the next you\u2019re an angelic skank singing Oh Holy Night.\u201d HAHA!", "label": 1} {"text": "dan humphrey is an annoying skank bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Shoutout to all the single moms that got pregnant thinking they'd keep a man &; celebrate days like today... lol how'd that work out for you", "label": 1} {"text": "Maine: Man dies after brutal beating by Muslim migrant mob in Lewiston park via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "FUCK OFF REF. Martial was held back. U stupid cunt. What the fuck is wrong with you?", "label": 0} {"text": "Most of Koreans in Japan are the descendants of illegal immigrant who went there after World War 2, not the people who was taken by force.", "label": 0} {"text": "Orban declares Easterneurope free of refugees. He says that Soros want to make Europe to a multiculturell society, which is poor.", "label": 1} {"text": "If you find me funny it's only because you have serious issues and that shit is hot AF to me", "label": 0} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration Protesters Call For End To Detention", "label": 0} {"text": "Last night I had this women tell me and my friends that if we pay her we can fuck her and her husband who has a big black dick \ud83d\ude10", "label": 1} {"text": "Thing is, many women hate seeing Dr\u2019s, me included. Often seen as hysterical, stressed or overreacting. Patted on the head, given a pill 3/", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're fuckin a bitch doggy that has a bible verse tatted on her back and you begin thinkin about what a disgusting piece of shit you r", "label": 1} {"text": "Kurdish refugees who were staying in Stage 2, in Skala Sykamia refused to enter the transportation buses provided by Greek authorities - Upon rumors that they were going to be taken back to #Moria. Apparently they have decided to walk to Mytilene, more than 55Km away.", "label": 0} {"text": "2014/15 Coke puts names on cans 2016 Coke puts lyrics on cans 2030 Coke puts dick and pussy pics on cans", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Excellent Now #BuildtheWall, #EndChainMigration #EndCatchandRelease #EndVisaLottery approve #TaxCuts2 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh and we will have a great Mid-term and Christmas", "label": 1} {"text": "@user SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DUMB WHORE.", "label": 1} {"text": "me @ ppl who continue to reply to anti -harassment posts w/ 'but not ALL men are like this': 'so did you get the point of the post or nah'", "label": 0} {"text": "Is #Spain facing a new wave of xenophobia over migrants?", "label": 0} {"text": "Liberals lie to Taxpayers over border crisis! #cdnpoli #canpoli #cpc #lpc #ndp #border #IllegalImmigrants #FordNation #ForThePeople", "label": 0} {"text": "BREAKING: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases -- Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans", "label": 1} {"text": "I cant fucking believe yall call this rape bitch wtf", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user NOOOOOOO FUCCCKING WAY, WHAT A BITCH!!!!! YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HOOKIN UP WITH ANOTHER GUY WHILE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND. YOU CUNT!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm not gonna text you 24-7. I have a life. If you liked me that much you would be with me and not texting me! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Men get hurt once and that\u2019s the end. They stuck on that bitch for life. Women get hurt 1,000 times and they\u2019re still out looking for love", "label": 0} {"text": "Of course I invited you over to 'Hang Out' ....stupid bitches #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "When friends find out what a sick psychopath I really am \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "ATTENTION #AbortionGenocide the SUCCESSFUL TOOL of the LEFT*Urge #Congress 2 use #PP tax$ to SUPPORT PREGNANT WOMEN & their Babes once BORN* Preserve & PROTECT Generations of AMERICANS BORN to AMERICANS*Suspend Immigration STOP Resettlement*DEPORT & REPATRIATE*OUR HOMELAND*WeR#1", "label": 0} {"text": "Time For Hungrexit: PM Orban Opposes Mass Immigration In Hungary, Attacks Soros In German Press", "label": 0} {"text": "These are kids, their little minds not made to grasp the diabolic forces at work using them as props. Thank God it's all going to end soon.", "label": 0} {"text": "So was listening to a Roman Catholic who justified voting for Harper because Harper was a Christian So I thought to my self Harpers policies were anything but Christian and Harper is a Racist White Supremacist Thinking that this guy being a POC immigrant would be hated by Harper", "label": 0} {"text": "@user U.S Taxpayers pay $135 Billion a year on Illegal #Immigration Detain and Deport ASAP No More Dollars for Illegals U.S has Homeless Ctitizens and #Veterans Take Care of them First! #Trump #MAGa #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "Idk how to feel about the tweet that followed this \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "Anti-feminist sign..... ('WOMEN' you want to deny men their balls/gender , here is a sign made by Men in response!)", "label": 1} {"text": "Wannabe rocker @user Scarborough credits Obama for strong economy: \"This is not an economy Donald Trump gave us.\u201d This joker is so jealous of the President\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02President Trump drives Joe and Mika crazy because he has done more in less than 2 years than Obama did in 8 years", "label": 0} {"text": "How butter faces take selfies", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone I'm sleeping with tries to tell me about their personal life", "label": 0} {"text": "According to Nigerian Immigration , twenty three trucks arrived Banki yesterday with refugees from Cameroon", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What's it going to take? Build that wall. #BuildThatWall Migrants from terrorist nation entering the US.", "label": 1} {"text": "HAHAHAHAHAPLEASEKILLMEHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA \ud83d\ude2b", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user your are an idiot. go fight yourself if you know better. each of those women will kick your cunt ass bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "No bitch you don't look like a model, nor will you ever. So stop saying youre ugly so people will call you pretty! #AttentionWhores", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Oh i get it, believe me. Fucking pussy ass bitch cunt hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "KUNT DONT JOIN ME IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE CALUS BEFORE. IM NOT HERE TO CARRY. FUCK ME SIDEWAYS!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Israel to deport 37,000 African migrants with a check for $4,400 and a plane ticket to an \"undisclosed country in Africa\", or be locked up.", "label": 0} {"text": "Spain's overwhelmed coastguard says it can't cope with migrant influx, as 700 rescued in one\u00c2\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "This kid too much of a bitch even do shit on his own He's gotta get some stupid ass whores to do his shit for him", "label": 1} {"text": "Your \u201cfandom\u201d must be terrible if you think sending people messages saying they\u2019re a whore or slut is okay over a j\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Help Hindu Bengalis in Assam to save them from becoming refugee again", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch stfu? I didnt asked you something, dumbass hoe? And obsessed? Shut you dirty ass, cause we all know esme was so obsessed with me that she keeped subtweeting about me LOOOOOOOOL", "label": 1} {"text": "1- This means, you can't ram these into silo-openings. you have to target the entire tunnel or silo structure with these.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The situation here is already tense, imagine after this! Yesterday, hundreds of refugees protested in Mytilene in memory of an Afghani who died due to lack of care in Moria. Riots and violent protests have already happened for less in the", "label": 0} {"text": "@user it must have been cause I didn't get it", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO: (Part three) #BNP A frame trailer with patriotic sound system. #immigration #Brexit #Patriots #islam", "label": 0} {"text": "On May 31st World Relief is offering you a unique and exciting opportunity to make a difference for refugees. Can you guess what it is? Here's another hint. This new opportunity will help you advocate for refugees. // #WRLovesRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "SHUT. IT. DOWN.#BorderWall #BuildThatWall #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "Dumb Cunt rides like a Whore", "label": 0} {"text": "Lovely that apparently Twitter has a problem with the word CUNT or they just didn\u2019t appreciate real Islamic information. Murder and Rape", "label": 0} {"text": "The earth, rutted deep from hundreds of wheels, churned raw by thousands of hooves, bore witness to the recent passing of a large immigrant party\u2014all save one battered wagon that sat alone. \u2748HANGTOWN CREEK\u2748 #ACTION #ADVENTURE FREE on #KindleUnlimited", "label": 0} {"text": "Let me tell yall sum...yall barbz who fucking wit my sis @user Come talk to me bitch cause i will pull up on a hoe...", "label": 1} {"text": "Start a journey with Alain! Live in\u00c2\u00a0#360\u00c2\u00ba\u00c2\u00a0and\u00c2\u00a0#VR\u00c2\u00a0how a refugee strug to get into the Spanish coast. Thanks to @user and The Dream VR.Watch the whole experience here\u00c2\u00a0\u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00b1\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00c2\u00a0https://t.co/3jEoFc5AKy", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're high AF on FaceTime tuning out a friend that ranting and you tap the screen to see when the video is going to be over", "label": 0} {"text": "The conditions of displaced people at the Noor refugee camp in Idlib", "label": 0} {"text": "This Monday St. Johns is hosting an Immigrant Stories film screening and panel with @user Click the link below for info and to RSVP.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The 16 year plan they still want to enforce!!!!!! #WINNING #MAGA. #Q #BuildThatWall #ANTIOBAMA", "label": 1} {"text": "United Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation", "label": 0} {"text": "I Love a woman in RED HEELS Big titted mother getting a cunt full of cum", "label": 1} {"text": "CA - well now. Then your votes wont count if you allow illegal aliens to vote. THAT IS AN AMERICAN PRIVILEGE!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Sweden: Muslim migrant whose deportation was thwarted by \u201chero\u201d student was actually sentenced for assault #SWRM", "label": 1} {"text": "Well Kat... that's what happens when you're a whore \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #BlackInkCrewCHI Phor & Ryan (after he f'd your bff) yeah u a hoe \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm gonna put that SC butterfly filter around the head of my dick so y'all can see how stupid you look \ud83e\udd17", "label": 0} {"text": "@user India is perhaps the only Devlp Country,where there is no control on influx of illegal migrants or people with expired VISA", "label": 0} {"text": "Here's a question for the Twitterverse What kind of an asshole calls himself an American but does NOTHING except defend illegal immigrant kids while he watches his fellow Americans getting killed by Criminaliens? THIS KIND - REP TED \"Tedhead\" Lieu (D-jo CA) aka \"THE BCDOTUS\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Germans make human-wall to 'stop migrants' at Czech border \"You're not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary police repel migrants at Serbia border | Editor's Pick | 16 Sept 15 via @user DONE", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Charged With Molesting Child In North Carolina #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty How many Children have to have their lives destroyed?Is there an acceptable criteria you are willing to accept?#ChildRape#DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "If some men think it's an unfair slur on men who don't abuse:Not all men abuse& we women are entitled to call out a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The uk suffers when there is uncapped migration we cant cope ask the midwives in hospitals ask our opion we wan to leave europe", "label": 1} {"text": "Our office was featured on NPR on a story about \"Anxiety Grows Over Anti-Immigrant Actions: 'We Feel They Are After Us'\" Listen to WRC staff and immigrant commentary on the topic or read online:https://t.co/WNOWT2Rq6w", "label": 0} {"text": "@user She\u2019s such a whore on insta! I\u2019d own her holes forever!", "label": 1} {"text": "Welcome Irish immigrant and my favorite color is green.", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees resist pressure to go home", "label": 0} {"text": "Report: White House considering refugee cap of 25,000 for Fiscal Year 2019 via @user How about 2500...", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039Say hi to Manish. He is Director of @user newest country programme here in Bangladesh. Here he is showing us around the huge #refugee camp at Cox\u2019s Bazar. Over the course of just a few weeks last year, hundreds of thousands of #Rohingya people fled here from Myanmar.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Says the woman who supports rape", "label": 0} {"text": "Great meeting @user 2 days thinking about #immigration research agenda going forward. many smart words and ideas including from @user from @user much to share @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you just stuffed your fucking face and the waiter asks you if you want dessert", "label": 0} {"text": "If the migrants countries do not give out the same benefits then its fair we do not how can the Eu decide about countries out with the EU", "label": 0} {"text": "No comment \ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} {"text": "You Shut Your Whore Mouth!", "label": 1} {"text": "I wonder why girls even follow me. All I do is call you out on the sick shut you do to us guys #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I've met a few women who are complete Dicks , being a dick isn't the preserve of males", "label": 1} {"text": "@user American taxpayers are subsidizing labor costs of American employers who hire immigrants, particularly if the employers are not paying a living wage or providing health benefits. If hiring immigrants puts Americans out of work, we're paying th", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You toxic skank Becky!", "label": 0} {"text": "This pussy mine girl tell me you like Daddy dick.... \ud83d\ude44 FIRST OF ALL WRONG HOLE FOO", "label": 1} {"text": "Drinking and getting high with lil sis only love her and my mother on God you bitch only women i need in my life and I'm fine with it", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user My signature move is out of your life.", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian Interior Minister wants more babies and fewer migrants as the country\u2019s tradition...", "label": 0} {"text": "Congolese immigrant climbs The Statue of Liberty and then cusses out Ame... via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Time for #Bangladesh to recognize plight of #refugees will be protracted. \"Having over 700,000 #Rohingya living in makeshift shelters without an evacuation plan in case of a typhoon is just asking for a catastrophe\" says @user #Myanmar #Burma #Rakhine", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Skank you are already in the streets. Make my money whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "What a glorious cunt you have. Too bad youre a basic bitch. Always were always will be. Stay mad. Hoe. #Imtalkingaboutadude \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Mexico City 1 of the largest cities in the world & 1 of the filthiest cities in the world. The Freeloaders are destroying our cities 1 neighborhood at a time! #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "Illigal 50 of a crowd from 400 refugees entered USA border at Tijuna. Trump isnt able to protect USA, he has no wall and cannot decide to kill them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user TRAVEL ADVISORYDominic Durden & Mollie Tibbetts & Kate Steinle were murdered by Illegal Aliens!We must #BuildThatWallFollow @user & @user & #RETWEET Help out & order bricks or donate today at Follow @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Interestingly enough, Malians are often labeled \"economic migrants\" when trying to reach Europe and hardly receive asylum.", "label": 1} {"text": "After the tournament I saw the Statue of Liberty and did the \"Hard Times\" tour at the @user experiencing the lives of two immigrant familes during the Depression. Essential reminders of this country's history and what we have fought for: Liberty and Justice for All.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wow mo cock got hard. Want to pull your panties down, push you against these door and let you feel my cock deep in your wet puss \ud83d\ude08", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cause you're a Bitch and you love those situations! \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Idk what feminists are pissed about.. You get free access to our wallets and all you have to do in return is cook and suck our weiners.", "label": 1} {"text": "Merkel under pressure to defuse dispute over migration", "label": 0} {"text": "Providing aid to Sudanese refugees is one of our priorities in 2018! Read Nawal's story here:https://t.co/9BzDJojVbD", "label": 0} {"text": "I like to go to AA to remind myself that I'm not a real alcoholic and how great my life really is", "label": 0} {"text": "The only person with a vagina that I value is my MOTHER, and even she is a dumb retard. Women are oNLY good for making babies.#", "label": 1} {"text": "Darla you trifling skank! #QueenSugar", "label": 1} {"text": "French police were tracking van in which child refugee was shot", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We want Ain't Know as payment when you CB bc the Kunt Brigade will have lots of work clarifying the misun\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Two months ago you were 'fat &; a whore' now y'all talk... boys \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Anti American Illegal immigrant uprising in California gets exceedingly worse for American citizens who are now in grave danger. They are in a state of emergency.", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah I can't wait till y'all all shut the fuck up about it. Trumps a moron Hillary is a cunt Berney is a fuckin douche they are politicians no matter what one sides gonna bitch and think they hold the moral high ground but guess what we are all the same and most don't give a fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are the lowest kind of skank to attack a Gold Star Widow. Based on your tweets I\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Nelly's rape accuser wants case dropped . . The woman who accused Nelly of rape is refusing to\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": ".Considering THIS , the filth on the streets of San Francisco, and an unsecured border, we're asking for a pandemic. This has to stop.We're a sovereign, Christian nation.No apologies. #Sovereignty #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Well duh I made the gc you a hole", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Don't go to Costco before 11am, that's when they put the free samples out", "label": 0} {"text": "As far as white supremacy goes, the daughter of a white illegal immigrant assisting an administration dead-set against immigrants of color is a little on the nose.", "label": 1} {"text": "Christians refugees from Iraq and Syria are not welcome in Britain.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bc it fits the sexist narrative that men are the true victims and women are hysterical", "label": 0} {"text": "Made your bed, now lie in the flea pit you created 'Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors", "label": 0} {"text": "Niggas think their dick is big when they put it in and you gasp.... first of all I've been holding my breath cause your breath stank", "label": 0} {"text": "A middle aged woman just shouted 'well done' at me while I was running so I guess I'll just go crawl in a hole and die now.", "label": 0} {"text": "'I'm Confused': ICE Official Corrects Hawaii Dem Who Thought Trump Created Immigration Law", "label": 0} {"text": "I found out something about this chick that was hiding something from me lmao bitch can't hide anything from me fake ass lying hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "When was the Last time you heard of an active shooter or school shooting done by an illegal immigrant? That's because statistically it's angry white men. Probably Trump supporters. You all believe whatever that moron says and it's ruining our democracy. Don't you care?", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all women are victims. Not all men are guilty of assault. - National Review", "label": 0} {"text": "One of the biggest reason I never wanted to come out to my friends was bc I was afraid theyll think I have crush on them when Im just being a decent human being so I call them stupid bitch and a fucking hoe everytime I see them", "label": 1} {"text": "CBS Reporter captures an illegal border crossing in broad daylight and he was scared! So, Mr. Begnaud, do you now understand why we need a border wall? The issue is real, & the motivation to enter illegally is great. #BuildThatWall via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "The 'I'm such a feminist' niggas will 'Not all men' you to death. LMAO", "label": 1} {"text": "The case for refugees as a resource, not a burden for hosts by @user @user @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian FM and Special Rep for Libya talk migration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I know. Booker and Kamala Harris were vying for most hysterical woman at the hearing but were drowned out by the paid harpies being arrested.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user And you have won SKANK OF THE YEAR", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cIf you want to manage migration and if you want to prevent further security threats there is one single place where you have to invest all your political, economic and diplomatic efforts and that is the belt of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "Report: Immigrant Deportation, Separation Can Have \u2018Lifelong Impacts\u2019 #ChicagoTonight", "label": 0} {"text": "Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because that's how lots of men are built ... so says Dick Wolf.", "label": 1} {"text": "The ghost, who Amethyst can't see but believes she can communicate and have sex with, has now returned with her to the UK and their relationship is progressing. Should we ask Roger Helmer and Farage to investigate this immigrant ghost?", "label": 0} {"text": "Me personally I would've dragged that girl down the stairs lol but she was getting it..beat that fat hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user It's her background and her identity. Changing her to be played by a POC serves nothing. It a diversity quota. It's insulting to me both as a POC and as an audience. I don't need my race to serve as the show diversity a", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're at the point of drinking just to stay awake but then you blackout and pass out during sex anyway", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user so #YesAllWomen is fine but #YesAllMen should burn in hell? Looks like someone didn't get their way", "label": 0} {"text": "Guys only have one heart so dont play with it.... But they have two balls so play with those #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Say NO to @user @user immigration 3rd world bill!! The 5 billion they promised in return is a poison pill! No other country allows unvetted people to just walk in and squat! Their bill will ruin us!", "label": 1} {"text": "Imagine as a parent giving birth to a hoe like Shamiso who gives out her pussy for cash? S/O to women who work hard for their own things", "label": 1} {"text": "'Can you stop getting into abusive relationships I'm tired of listening to you cry and then watch you fall back in the same hole' -Siow 2017", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch said idk bout u but sometimes u gotta suck a lil dick , wait even that ain't helping u \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude29\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Almost 400 migrants crossing from Morocco to #Spain rescued in Mediterranean", "label": 0} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "Three refugees from Syria have set up a network that organizes language classes and a summer school for children.", "label": 0} {"text": "German dashcam catches Muslim migrants attempting to stage a fake accident via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "EVERYDAY YOU SHOVE 'NOT ALL MEN' DOWN THE THROATS OF WOMEN TALKING ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES. ARE YOU NOT TIRED? ARE YOU NOT FREAKING TIRED??", "label": 0} {"text": "All women aren\u2019t hoes, correction", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Hell, this stupid bitch @user said I wasn't even black, but a white person in blackface just because I said the NA isn't racist.", "label": 1} {"text": "Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated.-Catharine MacKinnon", "label": 0} {"text": "Orthodox Church attacked in hate crime against Christians. The Church of Michael the Archangel in Grozny was attacked by 4 armed jihadists this evening service. Worshippers and law enforcement officers killed....", "label": 0} {"text": "EU supports 10-month protection programme in Tanzania refugee camps through @user @user and @user via @user #Withrefugees @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have TWO options. We have #Military, we have #HomelandSecurity.#BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Must get NZM&Okhla area sensitized immediately.Lot of illegal Muslim migrants seen all over Roads/Pavements/congested lanes", "label": 0} {"text": "You\u2019re in the middle of being a woman or being a bitch?", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user 'You know, the thing is...we ate drugs so...' -my basic excuse for not doing things", "label": 0} {"text": "now what i can say, not all men are trash. maybe the woman who said it itself, is trash.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user NOT LONG NOW BEFORE YOU ARE IMPEACHED .. YOU YELLOW BELLIED SELF-CENTRED CUNT ...... NEVER DID NATIONAL SERVICE .. COWARD!", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd make an acceptation for you \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "Kathimerini: Pace of migrant arrivals in Greece via land from Turkey quickens, agency says", "label": 0} {"text": "Got an IDEAL. If we stopped giving illegal immigrants Food Stamp, Welfare would they go home. And if they are illegally here, why should they get any of this? Also, has anyone has the amount of our tax dollars go to these folks? Just asking! \ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\udfa9", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user ram man, why are you such a white knight on social media?", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone offers you the last piece of pizza", "label": 0} {"text": "@user There are Ethiopian refugees in our country.. Check the news they're running for their lives", "label": 0} {"text": "Dear @user Thank you for giving back. As a son of an immigrant who came to the US with16\u00a2 in his pocket, thank you for giving opportunity. I am one of your biggest fans, not because of your athletic prowess, but from your commitment that EDUCATION is the ultimate equalizer.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user \"when u gonna get your license\" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK", "label": 1} {"text": "@user To whom? Other hysterical men? Sure. To women who are the keepers of logic and reason? Hardly. They\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When violent extremists burned down his mother\u2019s medical clinic and attempted to kidnap him, Al and his parents fled Iraq and eventually resettled in the U.S. Watch his incredible journey, then join the campaign to help refugees rebuild their lives.\u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Came to #France as an Armenian immigrant. Resisted #Nazi fascism. Survived. Fought for #socialism and equality. Demanded justice for the #ArmenianGenocide. Died a hero.", "label": 0} {"text": ".#BuildTheWall ! RT if you agree Todays Illegals are Tomorrows Democrats! No more #IllegalImmigration !NODaca #NOChainMigration #SecretSociety #TuesdayThoughts #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hahahahahaha we watch your shows specially.. We Salute you patriot.. n lv u a lot.. Ram-Ram", "label": 0} {"text": "Using my body to be a skank and insulting me? Really classy.Bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies, Before you request a dick pic, you must send a nude first. Be mindful.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user and we're smarter than that bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Time running out for 111-year-old refugee stranded in Greece", "label": 0} {"text": "Media and migrants: How journalists help fuel populist momentum", "label": 0} {"text": "Most people want to be loved... But I thrive on being hated", "label": 0} {"text": "Talent- Meeting up with complete strangers for sex", "label": 0} {"text": "You constantly act like you havent done bad shit in the past when you CLEARLY have. You constantly pretend that youre a good person, but you constantly make threats towards other people and call Tevin an ape. Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up, and take responsibility you cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "If you dont support Trump, than you can just go back to Mexico. And if your not from Mexico, you should just go there anyway!#MAGA#BuildThatWall#Arbys#Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "Good girls send nudes", "label": 1} {"text": "If you need a laugh or if you have '80HD' (You'll get that in a sec...), these are hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Farmers must unite & start having massive protest marches in Canberra with other sectors of the community joining them. Australians first not migrants first or other countries first. Also march and gather around biased MSM premises an", "label": 1} {"text": "@user A moron thus probably thinks that rape is a form of aggressive romance. People this stupid don't merely exist, many have inordinate power DT", "label": 0} {"text": "What a suprise my Ex Wife is being a Whore for haloween wait until the kids turn 18 karen FUCK YO.u Whore Bitch You Lying Steali", "label": 1} {"text": "1/ I'm reminded of an interaction that fuels me. Soon after returning to finish my undergrad, an uncle came to visit. He's a Greek immigrant..very Greek. He visited my parents' restaurant, where I was working.", "label": 0} {"text": "#TakeAKnee trump's a chump! @user is the real deal-helping so many on his journey through greatness! Even @user can't stand #IQ45-stands to CLEAN UP while he's in prison. One hot, lucky #Immigrant babe! #OHi12 #VoteBlue @user in the #Columbus area. #BlueWave baby!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user That's just one of them. I noted that one of the missing was \"25 years old and working in foreign trade\". That means he was involved in transporting illegal drugs to the U.S. #BuildThatWall @user .", "label": 1} {"text": "Free speech has no limitations what so ever, otherwise it's not free speech you crazy fucking bitch! #FreeSpeech", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user bitch if only you really wanted all the smoke like yall said yall did. stfu dumb ass hoe, you done said bye 15!times but wanna claim you not retarded, BYE BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user some women love to be whores so don\u2019t have if a pig wanna remove a pig from where he doesn\u2019t belong! We need class", "label": 1} {"text": "That bitch don't love you fr bro these hoes be lying", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Funny fools - a country which cannot protect themself from illigal refugees , isnt a country.", "label": 0} {"text": "Mi A1 Mobile - What you in the box + Storage + Ram + Android Version: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user ...or some other name, or used a term like CUNT or WHORE if it is obviously not\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't you hate when bitches act like sluts but aren't even down? Like that bitch from American Beauty.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Why when women are abused its called 'sexual assault' or 'rape' but when it's boys it's c\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't know what it is sleep anymore. You are always on my mind. When my cock is hard like that, i wish i was hug you, feel your ass", "label": 1} {"text": "He started this hashtag because there's a certain type of immigrant to Germany he doesn't like and wants to humiliate. We @user are in that group. RT if you think we should be able to stay and finish our Bahnhof renovation. Danke! #neogermans", "label": 0} {"text": "Ugly bitches always got their shit on private with a profile pic that has 97462583047251538 filters on it", "label": 1} {"text": "The biggest fear the Democrats have is President Trump growing his base and this is exactly what happened here\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01WATCH: Never-Trumper goes to Trump Rally; What He Says Afterwards Will Make Democrats Tremble", "label": 0} {"text": "23. the reason that fucking skank ass cunt lied about me was to cover up her shaking my kid, and being in on fucking up lawsuit", "label": 1} {"text": "Long line of people accepting the Lord at CCC ~30 Praise God", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Pity FG has allowed and indeed facilitated the mass immigration and replacement of Irish people and their interests with more and more NON EU third world populations that will make Ireland as bad as the UK and the other", "label": 0} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a9\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b0Denmark: ''I\u2019ll pay Denmark niqab fines': French-Algerian millionaire'No go back to Algeria. Better yet tell Algeria to open its borders to African migrants instead of Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you wait to have sex till you're married and you realize the pussy is garbage", "label": 1} {"text": "A ProPublica investigation found that police responded to at least '25 calls reporting sex offenses' at child shelters that primarily serve immigrants during an analysis of over 70 of the about 100 shelters that exist in the U.S. #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "If bios told the truth....", "label": 0} {"text": "Hollywood glorifying being a slut mom. You never have to grow up #MGTOW #FeminismIsCancer", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone tries to take the last piece of pizza you paid for", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump will act against the illigal refugees, because he want not end like Germany in criminality.", "label": 1} {"text": "LOL.shut the fuck up ms 'NEVERWONAFIGHT' u a hoe skank slut cunt hypocritical BITCCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Person- so what's your sign? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Copyright all your nudes and videos so when that idiot in your life thinks it's cute to post them you can sue the shit out of them", "label": 0} {"text": "She\u2019s a whore and her moms a drug addict. Don\u2019t fall for these hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "I have condoms everywhere so bitches think I'm responsible. Lol I'm not. Fuck condoms.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are your children safe living with a skank like you? I certainly hope not.", "label": 1} {"text": "Beer, wine or liquor is the toughest decision I have to make everyday", "label": 0} {"text": "Spotify knows I'm a poor immigrant, keeps giving me the Brexit ad lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "Dear Akkorou, Bitch ass nigga cunt on a stick fuck shit bitch kike small cocked cunt Love, Dj Rits", "label": 1} {"text": "not jacking off to hentai mind you my cock been dead for days but busy reading!", "label": 0} {"text": "Aren't u one of the low life scum who defends people bringing fentanyl into this country from Mexico?Sorry, but I won't apologize for being MORE concerned abt the 70,000 ppl dying from drug overdoses than people sneaking into the country illegally#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018They have nothing\u2019: How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job", "label": 0} {"text": "Tearing Down the Walls panel discuss immigration policies and immigrant stories edanielkahn @user @ Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust", "label": 0} {"text": "The Refugee Survival Trust's new bus pass scheme for pregnant asylum seekers and new mothers is a lifeline for those cannot afford to buy their own tickets! Please help out our fundraiser if you can \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#scotland #refugee #ThursdayThought #charity", "label": 0} {"text": "Can we rewrite the 1951 Refugee Convention for the 21st century? | CBC Radio #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car, FUCK YOUUUUU", "label": 1} {"text": "Continued & Sustained damage 2 the Tories!", "label": 0} {"text": "The Trump administration ripped children from the arms of their parents and then failed to protect them! \u2014> HIV-positive shelter worker sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, court docs say", "label": 0} {"text": "When she knows just what to get you for Father's Day...", "label": 0} {"text": "Maybe Instagram will copy Twitter and go back to chronological order...", "label": 0} {"text": "How to Pronounce Bitch Chameleon \u21baRT\u2764 #fake #fuss #denounce #accuse #porcupine #crab #whore #bitc", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'll take a BLT on rye", "label": 0} {"text": "Lesson for the USA regarding disappearing affordable housing: How over 46,000 wealthy immigrants took a back door into Vancouver and Toronto\u2019s housing markets", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fantastic. 2019 is a year for refugees, returnees and internally displaced person. We hope to see similar collaborative initiative on the theme", "label": 0} {"text": ".@RepChrisStewart .@SenMikeLee .@senorrinhatch #NoDACA EVER! #DACA hurts #Utah it hurts #American Citizens and irreparably damages the real #AmericanDreamers - My Children, American Children. @user has the power to #EndDACA Use it! Don't be afraid of #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "When you cut her off and the dick is bomb", "label": 0} {"text": "Person- I don't like you Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Boat carrying 160 migrants sinks off Northern Cyprus coast: 16 dead", "label": 0} {"text": "Open Borders prove not only to be wrong, but harmful to native citizens and even FATAL. Every day the globalists false utopia is proven wrong with news and statistics. When will the madness stop? We need to close the borders. #closetheborders #stoptheinvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "This Idiot Wants to DECLARE WAR ON THE U.S!! Americaans Lets go to Mexico Illegally Vote in their Elections and Live off their Welfare System If they ask for ID Called them Racists then Sue ! #Trump #MAGA #SaturdayMorning #Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien unlicensed Drunk Driver rams Ambulance kills 3 year old being rushed to hospital. #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericaSafe#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Dis bitch had the nerve to tell me im not from a hood. Bitch stfu ill spit on u hoe u dont know me...so mind ya business and worry bout yo child instead of me...dickriding ass girl", "label": 1} {"text": "@user a bunch of people who can\u2019t separate a character you play, from the real world, are moaning that you \u201cglamourise rape\u201d, ugh!", "label": 0} {"text": "STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WATER. #ARABIANSEA Stupid cunts. #nuclearban #solarban #PSE #MondayMotivation #plasticfree #horses #UN #China #India #Iran #WaterBan #NO #NoDeal #NoDACA #immigrationfraud #Mexico", "label": 1} {"text": "#Makassar refugees, 'locked down' for 2 days from today, want #Indonesia's President Joko Widodo @user to know that they are not a threat & welcome him. Please let the children out to play & adults need to buy food for the duration of your visit. Please retweet & email to help.", "label": 0} {"text": "Enter the Kitchen Authority Bargain Sandwich Maker Sweeps. This little baby is perfect for making quick hot sandwiches like stuffed grilled cheese or pocket pizza!", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're leaving the dick appointment and it was fire AF", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Pakistani immigrant robbed a drunk Swedish man and left him to die on a subway track - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Im smack tf out one of you pussy boys", "label": 0} {"text": "#channel4 \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Channel4News\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Channel4\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 Always pushing the illegal immigrants are great guys agenda , never mention the cost or consequences", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Iligal refugees should go home with kids.", "label": 1} {"text": "The woman who accused Nelly of rape is dropping charges:", "label": 0} {"text": "#Refugees are like you and me. They want many of the same things we all do, like safety for their families and a promising future for their kids.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees.\" \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Nono, you are right: Not all men say not all men...; -P", "label": 0} {"text": "You down or nah?", "label": 0} {"text": "100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks via @user #NoAmnesty #DeportIllegals #BuildThatWall #TRUMP #MAGA #MASA", "label": 1} {"text": "Doctor Punished for Giving Vaccine Exemptions to Children with High Risk of Vaccine Brain Damage", "label": 0} {"text": "Tweet the following LOVE SPEECH& Twitter Cheka ACLU SPLC will allow youto enjoy a verified accountthat reaches 75Kfollowers w/absoluteIMPUNITY.Tweet about crimes per capita,diversity,Anti-White hate,immigration &enjoy suspensions, enforced tweet deletions & a shadow ban", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nations. American citizens taxpayers are tired of being robbed by the 3rd world nation paying for these illegal aliens and their kids! #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmne", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump doubles down on obeying law that's causing family separation: 'The US will not be a migrant camp ... not on my watch' Oh, HELL YES !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Some women find the Harvey kind of harassment and rape to be not that bad and may even encourage it from time to time depending on hormones.", "label": 1} {"text": "Are we looking at, as Pat Buchanan puts it, 'an ideology of Western suicide'?, Is it wrong to challenge an influx from outside of the US, Europe? Yep,USA on the march to national suicide.Third world immigrants will never assimilate.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user marcos you skank hannah montana is my thinf", "label": 0} {"text": "Getting her pussy and ass ate at the same time , now that's goals bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Love, let not all men be equally yoked to the animals who hurt women for pleasure and lack of confidence in themselves.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why you being a pussy for back your shit up hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Pakistanis say they will move to Britain \"UK will pay us because we are refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Jungle Raj reemerge in Bihar&WB.Now criminals will have a field day.Caste,illiteracy&illegal migration played the trick for JD,TMC", "label": 1} {"text": "#Filth @user #Nodaca #Deporthemall going to go turn on the phone now that you have to babysit that stupid gang behavior and idiotic graffiti. #Berkeley #CAdeservesbetter", "label": 1} {"text": "#Russia allocates $10mn to UN agency for Palestine refugees...", "label": 0} {"text": "Cunt drowns Children because she's..A CUNT! Woman who feared deportation drowns baby and 5 -year -old via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user You\u2019re hysterical promoting your own book since you are @user Y\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#SanDiego #SanctuaryState #Immigrants #UnDocumented #ICE#California #Democrats have chosen 1. Criminals over the #safety of the people; and...", "label": 0} {"text": "Not all men are trash and the women that assume this are trash just like the men they are talking about", "label": 0} {"text": "@user asked for a study to be done, then didn't like the results. #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell us why u rape people too pussy", "label": 0} {"text": "I find this hysterical -the one thing I remember about my dad teaching me to drive was \u201cWHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITIN\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You are a LIAR and a FLOP, you skank hoe! Even Netflix doesn't want you LMAO", "label": 1} {"text": "Tell us how big a #Slut you are and we tell the world!", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds of migrants armed with sticks and homemade flamethrowers broke through the border fence in Ceuta, according to the Spanish Civil Guard. Over 100 migrants and 15 border agents were injured in the fight. Well the Spanish are saying \"refugees welcome\" tourists are not...", "label": 0} {"text": "A legal immigrant leaves the US because her visa has not been renewed yet, and tons of people give her shit because of her stance against illegal immigration. Cuz Logic!!! @user Stay awesome, stay positive, we all love you.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user She is a filthy whore cunt. Didnt change her own name when she got married but\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user BITCH U NEED TO SHUT UR FUCKIN HOLE.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. #persist", "label": 1} {"text": "@user fuck you pussy suckin bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Why #WomenBoycottTwitter? because you act like Ms. Whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "Frontex can help...w-accounting.\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00acMigrant shuffling \u00f0\u0178\u201d\u201e terrible precedent\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030once migrants know others not being sent back, more will follow & this never ends.Even #Italy seems content if other gullible leaders \u201cshare burden\u201d.Does nothing to solve crisis.EU \u201crunning in circles\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "US VP arrives in Ecuador, meets Venezuelan migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Canada will begin taking in American refugees of all nationalities and allowing them to seek refuge in Canada, or go back to their home nation if their home nation is hosting a refugee/repatriation program. Once stability is restored to America, Canada will return any refugees.", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel: German govt is solid despite fight over migration", "label": 0} {"text": "My sexting be so fuckin hot that I turn my damn self on", "label": 0} {"text": "Being \u201cdisrespectful\u201d... or mitigating illegal immigration, drug cartels, MS-13 and people smuggling? Hmm... \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u201d #LopezObradorPresidente", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes. You need more RAM to speed up your processing + can always replace the graphics card", "label": 0} {"text": "It\u2019s hard seeing someone you loved so much move on. But just remind yourself you are wonderful and he has a small dick.", "label": 0} {"text": "The person on the left was an innocent American child, murdered needlessly! The person on the right is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who needlessly murdered the innocent American child on the left! #BuildItNow #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This guy is a lawyer and he is proud that he \"helps aliens become Americans ON PAPER\"No assimilation, just on paper. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall #StopOverdoses #Immigration should be for people who want to be #Americans#AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WHERE THE FUCK AM I U STUPID CUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "You ever open Facebook and think 'Jesus Christ, these fuckin idiots again'? Cause same", "label": 0} {"text": "Another one @user ?? #StopMassMigration #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegalAilens #NoAmnesty #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its time to end #Democrats Dangerous #SanctuaryCities for Illegals that allow criminal illegal aliens to roam free in the U.S #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #California #Immigration #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "Pregnancy, Periods, Breast Cancer, Being Walked On, Rape, Harassment, Abuse...Females Go Through A Lot. WOMEN ARE STRONG \u2665", "label": 0} {"text": "US State Department denies persecuted Assyrian Christians refugee status \u2018\u201c while admitting 4,425 Somalis to the...", "label": 0} {"text": "This year, we launched a new blog series called Frontline Reports to provide updates on the countries in which we work as they continue to evolve. Recently we outlined the family strengthening programs serving Syrian refugees in Jordan. Read more \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Birther, porn star and anchor baby-mama, Melanie \ud83d\udca9Rump @user has apparently broken ranks with the racist, sexual predator occupying 1600. was that when she wore her signature #IreallyDoNotCare clothes to belittle the humanity of kidnapped incarcerated immigrant children? \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "She likes big houses now she can accommodate lots of illegal immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "If you havent hired a man over a woman in the workplace due to SMARTNESS I don't want to even KNOW you. Men are SMARTER it's a FACT. #menS;;", "label": 1} {"text": "Instead of going on twitter and saying Not All Men, go out into your constituency to help the women who are raped, abused, & harassed daily.", "label": 0} {"text": "I FUCKUNG GET TWEETS FROM FANS IF THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHORE SLUT DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING ABOUT HER NEW SONG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK", "label": 1} {"text": "Pepsi's first female CEO Indra Nooyi: \"Being an Indian immigrant got me attention because I was often the only colored person in the room. That got me attention but I had to work harder to prove color and gender actually should not be counted against me\" #tictocnews", "label": 0} {"text": "Then no need to even buy your products, no biggie, love our Trump period @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user as #POTUS was the biggest threat to #freedomofpress and #truth that there has ever been. #TwoFaced self absorbed #Pompous #POS. Well @user is rebuilding the \"Arc of history\". #MoveOn #MoveForward #MAGA #PUR", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies you need to realize something. You may have a boyfriend, but unless there's a ring, you're still fair game ;) #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Soooo we just accept the systematic rape and abuse of women & girls? Don't think so a**hat.", "label": 0} {"text": "lmao you guys i remember when someone hacked my twitter, called me a whore and shit and tried to say it wasn\u2019t them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Guess who will not be elected if they do not stop immigration now blame Germany the bankrupt country blame lies at their door", "label": 1} {"text": "Colorado: Iraqi immigrant who shot cop in the head evaded deportation despite a string of crimes via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#Nagaland Deploys More Troops on Assam Border to Check Influx of Immigrants via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When your one night stand asks you if you wanna go to brunch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user over 1500 sexual assaults from 2000 Islamic refugees less than Half a % caught Laughing villains leaving the court free help", "label": 0} {"text": "@user To the girl cop who I caught looking through my window, While my car was parked. Suck my whole dick and die hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants should go to @user home in San Francisco bc She believes in #OpenBorders She shouldn't have a problem", "label": 1} {"text": "#auspolWe don't want more migrants anywhere in Australia, you have destroyed our cities by changing the culture, our lifestyles and the Australian way of life, NO, WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DO THE SAME IN REGIONAL AREAS. #STOPimmigrationNOW Turnbull cannot be trusted !", "label": 1} {"text": "Pathetic is not attractive", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dutch woman looking at him like you cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Instead of Getting Obamas ,Autograph and fine dining with the EU nobs he should be on a Listening skills course no EU ,migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh You Cunt! It's 9:30AM", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're out to eat with your girl and the waitress knows you by name", "label": 0} {"text": "By now you have probably heard of immigrant families being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Given the complex environment we have set up a \u201cFamily Reunification Fund\u201d which will give us flexibility to respond as the situation changes. Donate \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "The #refugee status of 7 millions of #Palestinians cant be by a zionist conspirator like #JaredKushner. The United Nations for relief work agency #UNRWA was officially established by UN in 1950s to help #Palestinian #refugees,officials its work was tangible for peace process.", "label": 0} {"text": "#migrants #KeepFamiliesTogether #protests #Freedom #Democracy #IllegalImmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "1/ The UK no longer needs immigration.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user - Rather belated condolences on your mother's passing away. Good that you have been by her side in her last moments. Sai ram", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Aussies first. Refugees are best kept closer to compatibles and their homes to where they can return after conflict. Bringing one refugee to Australia deprives 9 other refugees of aforementioned safety.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Beaucoup de petits restaurateurs embauchent des migrants...", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump will say no money was given. And it was \"in US best interest\" next. His voters will accept. Out of immigrant hate-tax cuts for rich support. The ignorence?", "label": 0} {"text": "raevin if you see pink and white you smoking dick", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Exactly! They're cracking down on child trafficking, so \"Its too dangerous\" to get them back! #BUILDTHATWALL!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Important article by Rebecca Yeo about the removal of rights from migrants, disability, & the disabling #HostileEnvironment. Rest in power Bijan Ebrahimi and Kamil Ahmad. Both murdered, both not taken seriously by agencies ostensibly there to protect them.", "label": 0} {"text": "Building Resilience Through Farming in Kenya #WithRefugees #Kakuma via @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Why isn't Ann Coulter worried about losing credibility for saying something like \"the immigrant kids being shown in cages are child actors\"? by Jim Henley", "label": 0} {"text": "the ONLY good thing a woman ever did was my mom farting me out of her disgusting front butt|", "label": 1} {"text": "16 illegal aliens arrested - all were previously arrested or convicted of a variety of offenses including aggravated criminal sexual contact, aggravated assault, DUI, battery, theft, burglary, possession of a weapon, and forgery: #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I just read the guy that broke into many homes including Chef Jaime Oliver was let go. But dont call a refugee a rapefugee or the Soros sponsored police of the UK will not let you go.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Some of the Illegal parent have already been flagged for drug offenses, assault, rape, robbery, kidnapping and domestic violence convictions Should NOT BE LET INTO THE U.S BUT DEPORTED ASAP ! #Trum", "label": 1} {"text": "If I invite you over to take shots, this is what you can expect", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Caveat: you must be a Muslim woman to avoid abuse, otherwise you are a permitted target of rape", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You're not a woman for posting that, you're just a big ole bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "You're right, sadlyStop the India First Immigration Proposals a.k.a. #HR392 America doesn't need a tidal wave of 300,000 Indians ushered in. #KeepCountryCaps #NoHR392 #StandWithAmericanWorkers #endOPT #endChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate it when people ask me for a favor... I've never asked anyone for anything specifically so I don't have to do anything for anyone", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He growled as he looked up at her, ohohohoh.... She was going to get it when he returned to normal. \"You fucking bitch.... You slimy fucking whore.... I will fucking remember this you stupid bitch....\" He said through clenched teeth as some blood dripped down from his mouth.", "label": 0} {"text": "The left wing liberals like @user @user @user etc welcome these \u201c people \u201c #migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Islam is the truth Justin Trudeau publicly becomes a Muslim via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user She isn\u2019t racist unlike your somlalia bitch friend and you always causing shit.. bye slut", "label": 1} {"text": "#NikkiHaley welcomes #Muslimrefugees @user \" It's a great day in #Sunni #SouthCarolina \" @user @user 4600 + #SunniMuslims ALONE in our capital city JUST 1 CITY! #sctweets #stopimmigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ruth Davidson Scotland want need a battleship if a nuke hits faslane your more interested in your lovers immigration right", "label": 1} {"text": "How bitches gonna act at my funeral", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user is like a hysterical woman trying to out scream @user I became a conservative years ago when the Democrats treated Clarence Thomas in such a despicable manner. Hope the public is watching this repeat.", "label": 0} {"text": "Men ( not all men ) should realize that women are on their job to work and not be taken for some s. e. x. Toy.", "label": 0} {"text": "Rauner Drags His Feet While Immigrant Communities are Under Attack #ilgov #twill", "label": 0} {"text": "SLUT BITCH LIKED IT TOO!", "label": 0} {"text": "Under Trump, Muslim refugees from Burma (Rohingya) are numero uno via @user Why the hell we importing trouble for USA ? Islamists never assimilate for the simple reason their religion does not PERMIT assimilation into other societies.. Period !", "label": 1} {"text": "When she says she only dates black guys", "label": 0} {"text": "@user one day you will be that skank\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude0e", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user What you are saying is also somewhat nonsense. 1st you yourself should come to your senses. See among the names missing is also of some of the family members of former President of India. Are they also illegal immigrants?", "label": 0} {"text": "Thinkin about how that stupid cunt said we're in a diff social classes \ud83d\ude02bitch I was born in money you gotta fuck old niggas to get a new car", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the 12 -year -old hysterical girl look isn't good on a President, ...", "label": 1} {"text": "Well when you and a hoe are not on the same level and her cunt is skinned open", "label": 1} {"text": "Attacks on Kurds in a Greek camp raise fears that conflict in Syria has followed refugees abroad", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dude you\u2019re a truth traitor. You literally deal in stolen information. And not all men are like that - liar.", "label": 0} {"text": "Daaaaaaamn white people... Back at it again with some more stupid shit", "label": 0} {"text": "So why wouldn't you [report the rape]?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user That's hysterical though you didn't mean it to be", "label": 0} {"text": "#LawOfTheLand #ACA #Immigration #MAGAWhen it came to #Obamacare Liberals told us \u201cIt\u2019s the law of the land!\u201d...", "label": 0} {"text": "my dad just drove past the chicago theater. long time no see you dirty slut", "label": 1} {"text": "@user So true! Yet another case for #MaleDominance", "label": 0} {"text": "#RepublicanParty accepts white nationalist, protects white terrorist, accepts and endorses pedophiles, rapist and racism, turns blind-eye to treason, promotes men who abuse women, a party that takes from the poor to enrich the rich, while also caging immigrant children for profit", "label": 0} {"text": "Women have a hard time In stores understanding '3 for 5'...that means you have to get 3 not 2, or 6. The deal is '3 for 5' #FUCK", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are white women allies when a black woman is called a whore? via @user Where are we going as a society?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user So happy you hysterical women who believe in conspiracy theories lost \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} {"text": "I know why men spout #NotAllMen. It erases their individuality. Suck it up boys. You've been denying women their individuality for ever.", "label": 0} {"text": "If only I could get out and beat the cunt that just hit my car with 5 fucking kids in it...cops are fucking looking for you bitch 507TVB", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user OMG. Enough! Immigration moratorium now!! #Tucker #TuckerCarlsonTonight", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ok guys, jokes over... We all had a good laugh, you can give me my account back now \ud83e\udd17", "label": 0} {"text": "Desperate to do whatever it takes at whatever moral or financial cost to help Libyan coastguard & authorities trap even more refugees & migrants in horrific detention centers, Italy revives \"Friendship\" deal signed 10 years ago @user", "label": 1} {"text": ".FIND'em! #MAGA and #BuildThatWall, #KeepNewsREAL. I am praying for the #Trump administration. @user .. WHO do you think it is? You have great instincts and discernment as a #Christian.", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Hungary treats \"refugees\" as suspected ISIS terrorists - No one gets asylum - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Sheesh RT @user Bitch i wana enter every hole that you got", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE detains Mexican man after speaking to newspapers about girlfriend's deportation #TheICEManCometh#MoreOfThisPlease#StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere", "label": 0} {"text": "118,000 seats in our #Texas Stadium..for the #OctoberRally yah #RedTsunami#MAGA #GOP#TRUMP#TEDCRUZ #2A @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Guys relax. Leave the twitter fights to the professionals. I mean vaginals. I mean women. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Bethany Christian Services is making $200/day/child caring for immigrant minors separated at the border, & DeVos' family members run it!\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "@user All illigal refugees in USA must be deported quick by homeland security.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Too bad Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan arent listening and/or dont care. Its time to fully fund the border wall or @user should shut down the government. Need to make eVerify mandatory and end chain migration. #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Merica... \ud83d\ude11", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Not all men are godless heathens with no morals or values. I know that might be hard for you to understand.", "label": 0} {"text": "EU LEADERS are upset with Italy for closing its doors to the \"cultural enrichment\" that Muslim migrants bring via @user Enrichment update", "label": 1} {"text": "Ryan: Putin Does Not Share Our Interests, Values", "label": 0} {"text": "You know how funny it is when an immigrant advocate tells you to go back home just becuase they do not like a conservative immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Do you take some else's help? Or just ram into somebody?", "label": 0} {"text": "We cannot as a city or a country stand proudly and say that we welcome refugees whilst at the same time refusing to act humanely or indeed act at all, in situations such as these.", "label": 0} {"text": "Austin needs new blood. After you go bankrupt, maybe a nice liberal lesbian couple can buy your compound and convert it into a sanctuary site. They\u2019ll call it the Fat Bear Home For Immigrants. #unpluginfowars You\u2019re the worst type of person; a self-serving piece of shit.", "label": 1} {"text": "7: because every single fucking woman in Austin, is nothing but a gold-digging bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant Doctor Fought For Flint Children (The Spark, USA)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WOW Life Institute use really sexist language (hysterical woman!!!). Women speaking now means rantin\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": ". \"Immigrants Made America Great\u201d So True! Even Trump is a 3rd generation immigrant from Germany! #Immigrants #Germany .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user - little skank!! People here might not realize what a masochistic little whore you are. *frost pushed\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ann you are the funniest. I think Corey B. Is the most hysterical woman in the hearing, for sure.", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems will not reach MAGAts with economic messages cause even tho they know they\u2019re doing worse due to Trump mismanagement, they don\u2019t care. They like his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Racists are dumb. #TrumpDupedYou #VelshiAndRuhle", "label": 0} {"text": "had to block all my rl friend bc of that stupid hoe @user", "label": 1} {"text": "My 20' vs my 30's", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate Billie &; Christy hoe asses. The most annoying &; stupid people on the show", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Hes a aunt bunt *CUNT* dunt eunt funt gunt hunt iunt junt kunt lunt munt nunt ou\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Since 1400 years its a fight between muslim and christian religion, which is better and right. The fighter of both sides have blood on her hands. And it dont stop, now many refugees bring war to other countries. Culturell exchange isnt possi", "label": 0} {"text": "Forget assam or any state if someone doesn't know his family's predecessors name & roots of his dynasty & give liberty to misspell & play around with his forefathers name should dig his head in mud with shame before preaching on unlawful activities of illegal immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #Hillary smeared a young rape victim's reputation, practically calling her a whore while defending a rapis\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are you really serious with this guy? He spews vile things towards women and now he plays victim? Hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "You can take action by calling the White House \u2018\u201c 202-456-1111 and your congressional representative. #refugeeswelcome #withrefugees #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Deport them all\" Massive Anti-Islamic Immigration Protests Hit Germany - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "How and why i almost became an illegal immigrant via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Person- how are you always so happy Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Highly regarded Army veteran faces deportation. #AAPI", "label": 0} {"text": "first goes to bitch ass janelle. FUCK YOU MESSY MF ASS BITCH i literally was on a call with her and her dumb ass twisted my words and ran to tattle on me to ari. like it legit made her pussy wet to go and talk shit abt me so fuck u ill come beat ur ass thats why u stole a listers", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm the funniest person I know the fuck u talking about sPEAK FOR YOURSELF GIRL", "label": 0} {"text": "Me flirting- *pulls phone out* 'Look at my dick pic'", "label": 0} {"text": "If you degrade women to make you look/feel bigger you are a bitch lol you cant do that to men so you take it out on who you can", "label": 0} {"text": "some people at this school literally drive me insane. like cool bitch! im depressed too!! doesnt mean im a fucking cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump plan -Immigrants classified a public charge no longer will get citizenship or green cards -definition of 'public charge' those who partake Temp Assis 4 Needy Families, nonemergency Medicaid, Children's Health Ins Prog, SNAP, subsidized health ins through marketplaces -", "label": 1} {"text": "Feminism is cancer. #TheRedPill is chemo. Burn those bitches away.!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Ask your mom, you son of filthhyy pimp. BTW how's your mom surviving in her Red Light District Area quarters", "label": 1} {"text": "@user French men cant whistle at a pretty woman but the migrants can 'groom' them? Harass even rape them w\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "One of my coworkers just left a 3 minute voicemail on my phone singing saying life's a bitch life's a whore ( YT pi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "One may get dizzy trying to keep up w-EU on migration, as never-ending game of \u201crunning around in circles\u201d continues.\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a0\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a1We call it \u201cmigrant shuffling\u201d\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030a waste of time/money that accomplishes nothing, except to give Merkel & migrants more time.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 1} {"text": "Did 100+ refugees & migrants drown yesterday because EU military officials insisted that Libyan coastguard intercept them instead of immediately alerting & requesting nearby @user charity boat to rescue them? UN @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Something the government may like to remember when its packing the migrants in, dolling out the child allowance to families without work with 14 or more children, and as its struggling to balance the NHS books although treating most of the world free of charge.", "label": 1} {"text": "Y\u2019all know how many times a woman has said she\u2019s been harassed or something of the sort and guys be like \u201cwell not all men.....\u201d ..", "label": 0} {"text": "UN reports, that 258 mio. humans from 8000 mio. on the planet are refugees. Mostly they go to industrial countries to have a better life. Its no political movement, only economic reasons.", "label": 0} {"text": "If you've ever mentioned me to your therapist, give her my number, she probably wants to try out the dick that ruined you too", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy\u2019s populist coalition poised to defy EU with plans to deport 500,000 migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Inhabitants of sprawling ethnic-minority Muslim #Rohingya #refugee camps are bracing for what is to come #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #Bangladesh #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Protesters oppose migrant evictions in Nantes", "label": 0} {"text": "How about instead of candy you get a free STD check? * cough * * skank * * cough *", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ur the bitch motherfucker Nasa is sick with what I call attention seeking cunt disorder", "label": 1} {"text": "Christians in Iraq and Syria are facing genocide---. Unlike the thousands of refugees pouring into Europe, who...", "label": 0} {"text": "Private prison operators are cashing in on \u201czero tolerance\u201d. 70% of immigrant detainees are being held in facilities owned by private companies. Stocks in private prisons have risen over 100% since Trump\u2019s election.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is why @user will be our next 2020 President! The economy and the wall!! #BuildThatWall no #BuildThatDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups", "label": 0} {"text": "apparently it's too homo for cishet men to clean their ass. are straight women ok. the only time i'll accept 'not all men' please please", "label": 0} {"text": "Australian Gill Boehringer, an 85-year old human rights defender was barred from entering the country. Immigration bureau said that he is block-listed because of alleged involvement in an international fact-finding...", "label": 0} {"text": "Gov. @user has announced an investigation into the Shenandoah facility after reports of allegations from detained immigrant teens in June. #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "ONLY LATELY since I was raped in 2012 women are getting braver in the west to speak out about their rape experiences", "label": 0} {"text": "@user thank you for your support! We'd love it if you came to our next meeting #MaleDominance", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- don't I give the best head? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Canada teams up with World Bank to help Rohingya refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "ppl started blowing up his mom's phone, telling her she was a bitch and whore and that they knew her son had stolen some grad's identity", "label": 0} {"text": "#Spain fears #illegal #immigration as #africans hit Andalucian shores Please welcome your new neighbors!Highly qualified, rocket scientists, willing to work hard and integrate.They will enrich your hometown", "label": 0} {"text": "And people with ugly faces should wear masks", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user And I thought I was a Bitch, but you are, well the worst cunt ever.", "label": 1} {"text": "I didn't know dick was so fattening \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "Just asked him if sexual harrasment n rape r even recognised as crime in Islam or if yes why only women is guilty\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "How to train your refugee", "label": 1} {"text": "Keep them bottom feeders out of our country! #BuildThatWall #SecureOurBorers", "label": 1} {"text": "'Somebody better be fucking dead' -me sitting in traffic", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The only chance to save USA is to stop any imigration of all muslim countries.", "label": 1} {"text": "Feminism - Yes men and woman ARE equal but no, we\u2019re not in a rape culture and no, not all men are rapist. Just stop.", "label": 0} {"text": "being nauseous is stupid and a pussy move, like @ my body just fucking vomit already you bitch. let\u2019s GO.", "label": 1} {"text": "Like the #TravelBan and #SanctuaryCities Orders this will be another Blow to the Open Borders Crowd clue Some of those so called parents already deported lets send their kids back Too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "@user As your constituent, I call on you to urge the administration to #welcome75k. Our community is ready to welcome refugees & we need you to stand up against cuts. Refugees benefit our communities, especially here in Ohio.", "label": 0} {"text": "Living at the edge of the world: Stories of Sahrawi refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Reason Nancy Pelosi wants Miller to resign - Miller's new plan to stop citizenship for migrants who permanent rely 1/2 their income on US gov. Russia & many other countries give it for 1 yr & then you're off or go home. It was nvr meant as a permanent income.", "label": 0} {"text": "What minimum conditions have to exist for the EU to lawfully refuse to take in refugees & migrants at sea and instead disembark them in non-EU countries? @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Too bad you have to be a skank in order to stay relevant", "label": 1} {"text": "With close to 11 million USD a month required to feed refugees in #Ethiopia, \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@WFP\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 and \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Refugees\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 call for more solidarity from donors. Ethiopia is also facing massive internal displacement crisis!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "'What do you look for in a woman?'", "label": 1} {"text": "'Israel is coming back to Africa', just 3 months ago African migrants and asylum seekers in Israel were going to be forcibly 'coming back to Africa' as well! #Israel #comingtoafrica #Ethiopia", "label": 1} {"text": "Please tell me why the bitch next to me in the piercing line is so judgmental about everyone she fucking sees. SHUT THE FUCK UP.", "label": 1} {"text": "Names of five teenage killers are made public #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A tweet about 'rape jihaad'. Since non -muslim women without hijab are whores, they must be raped and be\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "If I make your day, you should see what I could do to your night \ud83d\ude0c", "label": 0} {"text": "Gym Jordan didn't notify superiors at Ohio State that a doctor was molesting students. Trump admitted to a felony on twitter yesterday. Rand Paul is in Moscow with a @user coalition kissing Putin's butt. Over 500 immigrant children have not been reunited with a parent.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is the reason women in Hollywood are treated like whores. If it looks like a whore and\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Immigration minister Ahmed Hussen and Transportation Minister Marc Garneau announced last week... a triage system to help Ontario provide housing, food and other supports to migrants while they wait for Immigration and Refugee Board Hearing.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What do you expect, they were captive of Muslims following the Qur'an. It allows rape and murder of captive infidels. Read your own book and that it does.", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't tell me you have a pool of that shit ain't in the ground", "label": 0} {"text": "The Coptic Christians mainly woman had their husbands killed by Isis. Now the political Islamist's/perpetrators have fled the scenes of the crimes and run off to the West where they are treated as so called refugees in need and are welcomed by the lunatic far left. What a mess.", "label": 1} {"text": "Well it's a mystery to me too", "label": 0} {"text": "When you've been talkin to someone for 2 weeks and they say the love you", "label": 0} {"text": "It would be HUUUUGE if @user succeeds in killing special UN refugee agency for special people----Palestinians! We pay for largest portion of UNRWA so that Palestinians remain thorn in side of Israel for decades!https://t.co/vQF4nZfa9b", "label": 1} {"text": "Recently enjoyed \u201cWhen Their Memories Became Mine: Moving Beyond My Parents\u2019 Past\u201d by Pearl Goodman: Books (A great read about immigrant parents making their way in Toronto, my hometown. Lots of food for thought.)", "label": 0} {"text": "Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump/Pence Regime", "label": 0} {"text": "you\u2019re not going to tell me to say happy birthday to someone that called me a cunt and a slut within the span of 10 minutes", "label": 1} {"text": "two children washed up on a barb wired beach another scum photographer another attempt to get the EU to take more migrants enough propaganda", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user You won 5.60!!! You actually take time to post you won 5.60??? Fucking hysterical!! So bad.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Muslims coming illegally across the Southern Border. #maga #kag #BuildThatWall #votered #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Skank traitor bitch @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When was the last time you tried to squeeze through a 10cm hole?", "label": 0} {"text": "Lawmakers will hear testimony on detention centers, after death of immigrant child who left facility", "label": 0} {"text": "Thanks for the heads up. I was about to go down my local to rape and harass some women but now I know I might be on The List...NO CHANCE.", "label": 1} {"text": ".\u2066@SenatorDurbin\u2069 RESIGN for being a dupe/stooge/useful idiot. Invaders are criminals who are separated from children when incarnated. Reunite them all during the deportation process. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't really have feelings but I'm so good at faking it", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch and listen to the stories of lost loved ones who were murdered by Illegal Aliens as told by their families. If this isn't cause enough to BUILD THE WALL and strengthen our Immigration Laws then nothing will be....", "label": 1} {"text": "Trying to undermine women speaking out and suggesting women lie about sexual assault. \ud83d\ude14 Victim blaming and rape apologising. \ud83d\ude14", "label": 0} {"text": "CONSEQUENCES OF THE 1929 JEW'S KALERGI PLAN: WARS FOR israHELL Drive Mass Immigration into Europe via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user how's that?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user They should refuse to comply with the order.", "label": 0} {"text": "Many people are deluded to the facts concerning the migrant crisis in Europe. People think that most are refugees fleeing war & destruction. Many think that most are Syrian. Others believe that they are all skilled, educated, & civilised people just trying to find a better life.", "label": 0} {"text": "Why? Everywhere they go!! WHY?? Act like normal phucking people!! #Scum #NoMoreRefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Meanwhile, in reality:Diagnosing Canada\u2019s Suicidal Decay: A Fresh Look at Canada\u2019s Demographic Shift Vis-\u00c3\u00a0-Vis Mass Immigration and Ethnic Diversity \u2014 Review of Canada in Decay by Ricardo Duchesnehttps://t.co/gYHGLBjijg", "label": 0} {"text": "Because running the world is harder than you'd think. #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "#EU offers states funding to take in migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "CNN Politics | \u201cThe use of immigration detention and family separation...", "label": 0} {"text": "When he runs his hand up the back of your head, grabs a handful of hair, kisses you &; whispers 'your pussy is mine'", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Why do you think that hoe is in the back seat? Lol", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany: Court rules that Muslim migrant may become German citizen despite having two wives via @user Hitler may come back from the grave just to choke Merkel...", "label": 1} {"text": "More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week via @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user You missed the alleged rape (multiple) of a 13yr girl who dropped case amidst death threats to herself and family. Jane doe vs Donald Trump", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And this is what we have to look forward to. We made the Arab world RICH while a few here got paid! Now we have this! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Spain needs to wake up and wake up quickly. Families are not going to holiday in a country where assault, robbery and rape is rapidly increasing. They can have violent african migrants, they can have millions of holidaymakers but they are not going to be able to have both.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not a racist poster close your eyes next time you weight on a GP or NHS Housing appointments", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: offended Muslim refugees in Italy destroying an un-islamic Christmas tree - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Wow - NZ play the weak fascist snowflake backwards little brother to Australia - I suspect they will not be taking refugees from the UK Caliphate - shameful! - I really hope your people get ashamed in time to save yourselves NZ!", "label": 1} {"text": "If even a third of America's black citizens shared the views of Jason Hill, a 1985 Jamaican immigrant to this country, the Democrat Party as currently constituted would not exist.", "label": 0} {"text": "Feminists have a few valid arguments worth talking about. lol jk", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Pernicious insulting myths: women as hysterical snowflakes who think everything is harassment; men as un\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "To help them go home?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I refuse to believe that you don't break into a pogo or skank whenever you hear One Step Beyond.", "label": 0} {"text": "Most immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, a big change from 2009https://t.co/FYxrJsJdi2#EqualOpportunityDeporter#AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers#RespectTheRuleOfLaw", "label": 0} {"text": "When you get to your friends place after the bar and they have no alcohol", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "When your girl tryna be slick and get the password to your phone", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The tragedy also showed that refugees did get housing when they came to the UK I think the Uk treats refugees fair complainingno", "label": 0} {"text": "Nobody texts faster than a guy that's about to get some new pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user But let\u2019s just bring this back down to level for a second. What would you do in this situation? 15-20 million illegal immigrants. What plan of action would you take?", "label": 0} {"text": "I added a video to a @user playlist Immigrant Black - interview 1", "label": 0} {"text": "Hani & his family are from Aleppo, Syria. After resettling to the U.S. the support of World Relief empowered them to open a catering business, Aleppo Buffet, which serves Syrian-inspired food.You, too, can empower refugee families. \u00e2\u017e\u009d // #WorldRefugeeDay", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Lolol.. that's so not RIGHT. Hysterical. Talent.......bites in the end, doesn't it. Thanks for being you though.", "label": 0} {"text": "But last nighttttttttttttttttt...that bitch was confusing the hell out of me...when I had a fucking hysterical caller.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user got really excited hearing you on Rico\u2019s stream only to find out you still aren\u2019t streaming because of ram issues. ::lesigh::", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Brove dosent need to scare monger people are already scared of mass immigration what is needed is Cameron to say we are listening", "label": 0} {"text": "As 1000s of civilians flee regime assault on opposition-held areas in southern Syria & end up stuck near closed Jordan border, UN fears up to 200,000 more may follow while Jordan says \"no more refugees\"", "label": 1} {"text": "FUCKING SHUT ME UP BITCH FUCK U U AINT SHIT CUNT FAGGIT BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Anything to change our culture.", "label": 0} {"text": "The #TrumpAdministration put Maria & her dad through hell & continues to do so for thousands of immigrant families across the U.S. We must push back. As NY\u2019s next AG, that\u2019s what I\u2019ll do. Help me win the fight against Trump\u2019s anti-immigration agenda:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Where's a massive sink hole when you need one?", "label": 0} {"text": "What, do you think they sprouted out of holes in the ground? Quit being a disrespectful cunt towards your grandpa.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yes and you can take that kunt Snoop Dogg with him.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user KINDLY ASKS ALL PATRIOTS TO CALL DC. REPS. AND TELL THEM FUND THE WALLL #BuildThatWall #angelfamilies #Deplorables #ICE #usa #vets #KAG #MAGA #Americafirst #TrumpTrain2020 #BORDER #Winning #bigleague #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "@user All the EU you wants us to fill the Immigration quotes use our troops during wars and tell us we are pathetic we want justice", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're lurking on your ex's social media accounts", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Where were all these people when Ram Setu was to be destroyed. Where were you when your coalition partner Karunanidhi commented on Sri Ram", "label": 0} {"text": "This fat bitch be really trying it when it comes to my kids i just wanna drag that fat whore", "label": 1} {"text": "The death of an innocent immigrant child imprisoned in your cages and mistreated, you are directly responsible, BLOTUS it\u2019s criminal", "label": 0} {"text": "#WorldCup Blog for #teens who want to join the men's rights movement to cancel #feminist bull#%it.", "label": 0} {"text": "The \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00baEU discuss the possibility of establishing refugee camps in North African countries #Refugees #Europe #WorldRefugeeDay", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thank you woody. I'm going to retweet this in the hopes that this will get back a-hole.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Pay to play is still in the (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t partys dna. Somebody in the senate and congress are working it. Keep your eyes peeled! Promises IF they become majority. $ just waiting to pour into the newest foundation!", "label": 1} {"text": "Prom is coming up boys, don't forget your compression shorts! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Sptingtime isnt far. Many newcomers of refugees wait in Libya to enter Europe. The temporerly stop with money for organsisations in Libya dont work more. EU isnt able to defend their borders.", "label": 0} {"text": "Read World Relief's response to the latest SCOTUS opinion of refugee resettlement.https://t.co/hIWV8heZM1", "label": 0} {"text": "ICE protester who scaled Statue of Liberty identified as Congolese immigrant with a record of assaulting a cop Lol,leftists step into crap with this one...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \"83% of rapes in Denmark are committed by migrants or their descendants\" Is this not normal? People are surprised? Really?", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another\"- Desmond Tutu . #WorldRefugeeDay2018 #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The difficult subject of #refugee economies #Withrefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Non profit organizations helping immigrant children get reunited with their parents ! Shame on our government, we have sunk to a new low!", "label": 0} {"text": "It figures the hurricane is named after a woman. They always fuck everything up #Sandy #Bitch #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "#Antifa #AntiFreedomFighters #Antifrees #NaziLeft #AntiAntifa #AntifaTerrorists #AntiWhite #WhitePeople #WhiteGenocide #WhiteMen #WhiteAmerica #ItsOkayToBeWhite #ItsOKtobeWhite #WhitePride #WhiteIdentity #FreeSpeech #StopWhiteGenocide #StopTheInvasion #RedWaveRising2018 #RedWave", "label": 0} {"text": "You\u2019re a bitch ass cunt @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A bit of consistency from the left regarding rape would be helpful. You lot only care when it\u2019s white middle class types vs the patriarchy.", "label": 1} {"text": "everytime i reach the highlights of smut im reading me: ok hoe calm down calm down sit your ass relax its just a smut", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You mean it's not true?", "label": 0} {"text": "Liberals need to open their eyes and be honest with themselves about allowing massive Muslim immigration into our country. Look at what is happening in Europe. #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Da best piece of pussy I got was from a bitch at waffle house that hoe was from Mississippi.. Pussy was tight and slippery", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll show you mine if you show me yours", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You got reply in before mine, but what I'm pointing out is women work their lives around being safe from *some men*, not all men", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Especially CA!?! Please!!!!!! #ICE #USCitizensOnlyVOTE#Illegals met with #ICEAgents & arrested & deported permanently!?! #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #NoDEMS New Ppl ONLY!?!", "label": 1} {"text": "Heard anything about this on your local news? This is my shocked face.\"A 46-year-old Muslim refugee from...", "label": 0} {"text": "The amount of stupid people in this world really makes me consider wearing condoms... I'm not gonna but I be considering it", "label": 0} {"text": "Lawyers Defending Immigrant Children In Detention Are Relying On A Court Case From The 1980s: A 15-year-old fleeing violence in El Salvador came to the US in 1985. Her case set in motion a Supreme Court decision that would affect\u2026 -https://t.co/uQBkdM2ecV", "label": 0} {"text": "'Boys seem to like the girls that laugh at anything'.... Unless it's their dick size", "label": 0} {"text": "We have already accepted many of these refugees with more to come. Come on America (government) wake up!", "label": 1} {"text": "Banning \"hate speech\" is directly proportional to crime rise in Germany by Sharia enablers.\"Hate speech\" is a tool to hide UN's mass immigration to conquer the West. #UnitedAgainstSharia", "label": 1} {"text": "I can\u2019t believe it took this bitch 2 weeks to ship my damn cdg fur coat fucking whore I\u2019m paying you!! Do your job.", "label": 0} {"text": "She wanna be a stingray so bad", "label": 0} {"text": "How can you not engage? As enraging as it all is... fuck it all off I say. Turn off the power. Reset. Reboot. Escape the cunt booth.", "label": 0} {"text": "great article about title IX and why it needs to be removed ASAP. 45 years of crap. It needs to go.", "label": 0} {"text": "You people have energy for these sort of pedestrian thinking. The Chinese have one the highest immigrant population in the world. Are they a poor country?", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd punch that cunt in the fuckin mouth. Idgaf if she's a woman", "label": 1} {"text": "MS-13 suspect who allegedly killed man, burned body entered US as 'unaccompanied alien child'https://t.co/7SwCAAakK5#BuildTheWall #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety #AnimalBehavior#IllegalAlienInvasion #NotSurprised #OpenBorders #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Bitch shut the fuck up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Amen: See 'Canada in Decay' by Ricardo Duchesne for the similar reality of Canada.We are not nations of immigrants.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Such crimes must attract severest punishment,say Min Jail term of 25Y.If they r illegal migrants,force them to leave the Country immediately", "label": 1} {"text": "Tomorrow is #worldrefugeeday", "label": 0} {"text": "Brigitte Huss, and anyone in #Germany, and who has worked with Syrian refugees, can you help Khaled find good housing for his parents? They need affordable, clean and healthy apartment.Vielen dank!Carol", "label": 0} {"text": "Calais Jungle refugees get a grip France they are visitors ,they have no rights or in a position to demand ,Europe needs to get a grip", "label": 1} {"text": "Jervea ass bout to really come up missing stupid hoe got me sick \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stop talking about the flag u dont give a shit about a soldier or a flag draft dodging treasonous Mein Kunt grimy bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user i heart Trump #Trumptrain #BuildThatWall 486", "label": 1} {"text": "Reason #346738 why some women are stupid af", "label": 1} {"text": "The effect of the 2015 refugee crisis on the share of attitude radicals", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Only time of the year you look normal ya kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dick????\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d.. Are you seriois now \ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "@user drunk driver' killed Oregon couple on motorcycle via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "'As a woman I am absolutely appalled about the way things have become beyond hysterical. Men are now\u2026' \u2014 Gumblina1", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant BEHEADS 13-Year-Old Special Needs Girl, Murders Grandmother, Officials Say by @user #aag", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Curt you slag stones off constantly \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "shut the fuck up, Jonghyun died as a decent person who made a lot for the music industry, not as a women abuser bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user oh haiiiiiii \ud83c\udf1a", "label": 0} {"text": "Where Europe\u2019s migrants are", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Tough decisions mean easy ones, ban those families who supported ISIS in Germany !! They murdered many and if you do not learn from recent events like Mass Immigration rises in Rape and crime , Family ISIS deserve no return to the country the", "label": 1} {"text": "Catholic activists call for inquiry after 2 boats tried to cross border ahead of Malaysian crackdown on illegal workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #Indonesia #Malaysia @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "literally you keep minseok\u2019s name out of your dirty whore mouth you can shit talk me all you want you cunt but leave him alone.", "label": 1} {"text": "You can\u2019t be \u201cpro -sexual liberation\u201d (for women especially) and be \u201canti -hoe\u201d by calling people you don\u2019t like \u201cslut, hoe, whore\u201d.", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop tweeting about football. You're a girl and you opinion doesn't count. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall NOW.I am tired of the conversation.So tired of @user refusing to #BuildThatWall.@GOP, think we won't remember?", "label": 1} {"text": "Sturgeon learn from the UK vote immigration will be your own down fall Stay in Europe but with strong immigration rules or ignore and fall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turn", "label": 1} {"text": "And I was cool with both guys \ud83d\ude02 shows you women are sneaky and ain't shit just like Niggas. Always knew my baby mama was a hoe \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "Switzerland denies citizenship to all migrants and refugees who abused the welfare system - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "What is this women covering up on her head with all these carnival dollar store hats she wears? Is there a big hole\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "When she asks 'what that mouth do?'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Well you cock sucking bitch from Fl , keep your fucking cunt mouth closed , look for fire", "label": 0} {"text": "Compromise in migration dispute that threatened Merkel's govt", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user 'Like I said what princess wants princess gets' no bitch you're not royalty #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "The Hill | BREAKING: The #UnitedNations migration agency has rejected... #Trump #KenIsaacs #President", "label": 0} {"text": "to everyone saying hyuna ruined edawn and pentagon needs to shut the fuck up. she didnt ruin it, yall who complained and sent hate to her did. because of yall sensitive and jealous asses this is what we, actual fans get.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The Queen of Hysterical Women tweets bitterly, terrified of losing her crown.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Muslims are in direct conflict with our #Constitution There should never be even a hint of #ShariaLaw in USA. #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #MAGA #Q #WWG1WGA #NoChainMigration #KAG #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "The EU will keep his refugees and dont realize that its a selfkilling programm. Orban is right: Stop the refugees, otherwise the EU will be finished.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user we are too brother. Thanks for the support we'd love you to come meet with us #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees welcome... But not in any of their homes.", "label": 0} {"text": "I just published \u201cWhat the GREAT WALL of CHINA\u2026.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user - - - - - - - -> Definitely the Hottest Bitch Ever ................ Ali Tmak @user .", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration why us 2 Million EU Migrants allowed and their families also more money leaving the EU no thats to pay for their passage to get to the Uk...", "label": 0} {"text": "As we continue to serve immigrants and refugees in Memphis, the Mid-South, and across the country, it\u2019s more...", "label": 0} {"text": "NY Times: Cohen Recorded Trump Talk of Payments", "label": 0} {"text": "While applauding minimum wage rise, do remember all workers in Australia, including migrant workers, are entitled to it. \u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00aahttps://t.co/qXG177ZAfZ", "label": 0} {"text": "Cheap woman ,expensive woman ,black woman ,white woman , colored woman ,short woman tall woman short woman slut whore ,boss lady,u got woman,pretty woman,thick woman ,thin woman etc give them names but they still women n women are one of God's greatest creation", "label": 0} {"text": "How far can you push working people ? a Billion to Syrian refugees and tax credits which top up peoples wages cut , our children starve too", "label": 1} {"text": "Kashdoll said \ud83d\udde3Yall hoes kill me always want the next bitch issue, bitch you want her life but dont know what she been threw \ud83d\udcaf\u203c\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Men say women are crazy but then message them 15 times & call them a bitch & cry about being friend zoned", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Grabem by the pussy yet still elected .... shut the Fuck up ... you do talk that way and you are in camera doing it", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You a lying hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user seth robbed my pussy \ud83d\udc98\ud83d\udc98 oomf sweetie im so sorry that u have to deal with this annoying bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "First of all ya dick is too mediocre to be having your ugly ass bitch come at me in such manner", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you are a KUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "By pursuing such a reckless and irresponsible course of action, the US is not just creating a situation of hardship and cruelty for the Palestinian refugees,\u2014", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What I find amusing is the hysterical woman sitting next to @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Vienna: After 7 years the city has over 1,8 mio. people. More than a third are foreigners, mostly refugees. Syrieans, Afghanis and Somalien are top.", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone remember the Eddie Murphy skit where he posed as a white man? \"I'm trying to buy this newspaper\" It needs to be redone. Except as an illegal immigrant instead of as a white man.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Because nobody wants to watch a nasty skank bitch run her mouth!", "label": 1} {"text": "Everyone makes mistakes. But only women don't admit theirs #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You betta beat down each one of them with your cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "How can you say stfu and leave me alone in a good way? lol", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Omg hysterical you posted this since I was watching how 10 random people became famous on YouTube & look who it is!!!! You & Dancing man!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Lmfao shut the fuck up with your Brentwood Academy havin ass. Yall have one of the worst QBs in the league as far as TD/INT ratio go but you hate on every other quarterback.... Sit your pussy ass down and get swept by the Titans again.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user YOU WHORE ! STANKING ASS WHORE ! Dick SUCKING ASS WHORE @user WIT @user BITCH !", "label": 1} {"text": "Anyone would think that Julie Hartley-Brewer is jealous of rape victims, the way the vacuous, malicious cunt is going on about it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Excuse me? EVERYONE LIKES IT!!! BITCH IF YOU DON'T FUCK OFF THIS WORLD! What a hoe! \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "If you don't love and hate me at the same time, then we probably aren't really friends", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone leaves a dumb comment", "label": 0} {"text": "Its a good thing I always wear a glove on my left hand because if I EVER had to touch hands with a woman my IQ would totally drop to 0 Lol", "label": 1} {"text": "If ILLEGALS don't want to be separated from their children at the border,this can easily be prevented. Don't illegally cross the order. Why does anyone expect them to be rewarded for committing a crime? #SendThemBack #BuildTheWal #NoDACA #Trump", "label": 1} {"text": "@user maybe if you women weren't so fucking indecisive you'd understand", "label": 1} {"text": "@user When will the kenyan woman learn to say 'My man' Abi carry ya own Cross not all men are de same #Mainaandkingangi", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #cbcnn maybe the Haitian civil war can be explained as to the large numbers of refugees coming into \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6; oh right there was no civil war just Trump saying go home the earthquake is over.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018They have nothing\u2019: How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job", "label": 0} {"text": "The Last Refuge has a fantastic collection of reports on a business model that profits from illegal immigration. #UniParty #RobbingUsBlind #EndChainMigration#tcot #ccot #pjnet #qanon", "label": 1} {"text": "You are a fucking ugly bitch!shut the fuck up??????????????????????????????????????????????????????you just a ugly bitch!fuck you ??????????", "label": 1} {"text": "Girl- can I have your number? Me- sure Girl- can I friend you on Facebook? Me- oh god no, that's entirely too personal", "label": 0} {"text": "Here comes your third world cultural enrichment #gutmensch #FakeFugees #SendThemBack #DrainEurope #DrainTheElites Nuremberg 2.0 3 #Nexit #VoteLeave #LeaveEU #TimmermansForJail #MerkelInsKnast #SargentiniForPrison", "label": 1} {"text": "The problem with \u201cwomen are sacred\u201d idea: It is one half of the Madonna/Whore dichotomy, long used to divide women against each other. 1/2", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when bitches be actin selfish with the pussy know damn well they out here fuckin the whole city bitch probably burnin smh the nerve", "label": 1} {"text": "Sharyl Attkisson hits Bill Kristol over the head with the cold, hard truth on immigration Thanks Sharyl ! In the past immigrants were CHOSEN by gov. open borders & no 3rd world trash..Bill is a clueless careless twit.", "label": 0} {"text": "My grandmother was a maid. Those were the only gigs avaliable to dark skinned women in the very early 1900s. Through her skil set she became a top home economics professional for Chicago wealthy whites. Sent my pops to Unv Chicago, aunt to northwestern. Stfu lil bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Lmao, @user went off on the whore groupie hoe in Scott\u2019s bathroom. Yes bitch!", "label": 1} {"text": "WHAT have they done!? WHY are we paying tribute to migrant and refugee woman!? They do NOTHING to better society!? Enough Virtue Signalling! #refugeesnotwelcome #respectvictoria #dingotwitter #nationalism", "label": 1} {"text": "______________________| | Shut the fuck Up you pussy|______________________| \\ / (- )", "label": 1} {"text": "Spain: 'Spain is becoming the Third World,' American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "#DACA program should be fully restarted, federal judge rules. #EndDACA #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Crawl back in your hole, you're nothing but a fame whore tv judge", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Who was a #whore? #demi -raps respected women who conducted affairs. #Bunters\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Three I think. With that hysterical Girl aka Model. I\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "German police arrest group of Arab migrants for assaulting a Jewish man in a Berlin park", "label": 0} {"text": "You are a major Prick! No woman should ever be made to feel scared like that. But fuck you... you didn't ruin my day! Cunt!", "label": 1} {"text": "I like ADULT WOMEN with BIG TITTIES. Who are OVER THE AGE OF CONSENT. Unlike Trump and Jeffrey Epstein who rape 13\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi Immigrant Who Shot Cop In The Head Was Never Deported Despite Crime Spree via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't know anything about that man but I know no woman is obligated to accept his apology for a rape joke... cry about it", "label": 0} {"text": "states must defy UN-EU \u201crules\u201d that hold them hostage regarding deportation, denying entry & self-defence.Spain an abomination as migrants, smugglers, NGOs and mafia determine events.Time for PushBack now, UN-EU can do little about it.#Visegrad #V4.", "label": 1} {"text": "The Latest: #UK jury convicts jet ski migrant smugglers", "label": 0} {"text": "niggas get crafty with diff ways of saying \u201cwomen do it too\u201d or not all men. any variation will get you blocked, but the effort is funny.", "label": 0} {"text": "Main stream media doesn\u2019t want you to know.", "label": 0} {"text": "Idk why people tell me their problems... All I do is repeatedly ask 'why' like a 4 year old that's not getting his way... Then I laugh", "label": 0} {"text": "\"In the current situation, we can't go back to our homes as Myanmar's military has reinforced its troops in #Kachin\" #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #conflict #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump voters should thank these immigrant firefighters for saving their homes.", "label": 0} {"text": "I've yet to come across a nice girl. They all end up being bitches in the end #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Today we found out my wife was pregnant with a girl. Like a normal bitch she can't do anything right", "label": 1} {"text": "hes a try hard cunt who needs to stay away from women as much as possible", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #BuildThatWall 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to secure Americas southern border! Together we can save taxpayer money, make our communities safer and build American Pride!", "label": 1} {"text": "Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups - Fox News #facebook is nothing but #drama", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch your a fucking idiot, I don't even need a counter argument. More like you can't take your head out your ass s\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Asylum seekers should enter at a LEGAL #USA port of entry & not enter illegally! Separation only occurs with those breaking American #immigration law! #WakeUp #Democrats to lies & #WalkAway #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user bitch that was same rape case from last year try again", "label": 1} {"text": "Mother-of-two married to former Marine for 18 years DEPORTED to Mexico", "label": 0} {"text": "@user has never had a woman accuse him of any inappropriate behavior. But Slick Willie has been accused of rape by several women.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Taylor Swift is an untalented skank who can't sing, knows 3 guitar chords, and has an Adams apple #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "In 2016, 2,263 Christian refugees from Iran were welcomed to the U.S. In 2018 only 2 Iranian Christians have been allowed to the U.S. as refugees. Learn from @user how the reduction in refugee resettlement has affected persecuted Christians. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "'Great Ghetto' where hundreds of migrant labourers are living in southern Italy as they strike", "label": 1} {"text": "A bitch out of the hell hole", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user When u act interested in a story but really ur thinkin about how u ordered pizza an hour ago and it still ain't here h\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "There's two types of hoes out here", "label": 1} {"text": ".@TeachPlusCA teacher leaders are working to expand opportunities for English learners in California. Read more here.", "label": 0} {"text": "The Indian immigrant community would be *hilarious*", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Did you finally dump that annoying skank? You should give Erin another go", "label": 1} {"text": "EU Court wants to punish Chech, Poland and Hungary, because they dont take refugees. Hungary reports that Soros has made in the EU this political pressure.", "label": 0} {"text": "Rene Lavice, Jareth - Let You Go (Ram) #DrumnBass", "label": 0} {"text": "Female Logic: 'I HAVE to go through my hoe phase before I can become a real women and be in a relationship.'", "label": 1} {"text": "It appears that some politicians only think about their VOTE BANK politics .To them national security s secondary.Nation shouldn't support these party and abandoned them.Illegal migrants have no place in ASSAM. Show evidence n stay in Assam otherwise GO HOME.", "label": 1} {"text": "Mom- Katie why would you send this kind of picture to daddy Katie- that's not dad, mom Mom- you dirty little whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's not hysterical or exaggeration. Abortion is horrendous. There are other ways to help women in crisis", "label": 0} {"text": "I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE CAN\u2019T JUST FUCKING MIND THEIR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS WHY YOU ALL UP IN MY BARBECUE BITCH FOH YA CUNT", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch @user has been with 4 guys since Phil\u2019s death but a skank", "label": 1} {"text": "Before bed I wanna give a shout out to the skank at #MescalColorado Yeah you could have approached me and told...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Okay so there\u2019s a solution to this: help them where they are. Don\u2019t bring them here we can\u2019t take in everyone. That\u2019s why I support the Lebanon policy. 1/4 people in Lebanon are refugees. Give Lebanon the r", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone says 'happy Friday' but you have no life and no plans for the weekend", "label": 0} {"text": "Report reveals 300,000 illegal migrants living in one French suburb via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone that never has any weed asks to hit the blunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Readers respond: Kudos on immigrant features", "label": 0} {"text": "CNN 8:55am DEPORTED PARENTS WAIT MONTHS TO REUNITE WITH CHILDREN. . Mario Russell Immigrant & Refugee Services, Catholic Charities...", "label": 0} {"text": "* Hungary \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba: Leading security expert J\u00c3\u00b3zsef Horv\u00c3\u00a1th revealed that between 85-90% of migrants are not \u201crefugees\u201d seeking genuine help but economic migrants. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No control on Population explosion,rapid demographic changes. Delhi alone has 10 lacs illegal migrants.Everyday u see weird looking characters getting down at Nizamuddin. They have encroached all pavements,side lanes on Lodi Road upto IHC. Filth", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I'm British and I would welcome him into my home! You do not speak for the British....and funnily enough you didn't speak out previously about detaining illegal immigrant families under all 8 years of Obama rule, you virue s", "label": 0} {"text": "YOU'RE A PUSSY ASS BITCH BYEEE", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2705#WHY #Why are #private contractors at #concentrationCamps with immigrant #boys by hundred still holding boys? #whats the #WHY? #WHAT have the done or are doing to them? #no trials, no representation, no charges.. minors alone #nobody #asking!!! Building an army from bottom up", "label": 0} {"text": "How about this, GO HOME! If you don\u2019t like all your free stuff, leave. \u201cAs the report indicates and the accompanying court filing reaffirms, illegal immigrant families claimed to have suffered from U.S. food, chilly conditions, and disease.\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Another illegal alien that shouldn't be in America killed an innocent American couple!#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow @user", "label": 1} {"text": "what the fuck \ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude33 Travis your a dumb ass bitch Kylie i still love yah girl btw \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\ude29", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Utter cunt. I've managed to work for more than 30 years and avoid grabbing women by the pussy.", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cWhen Mexico sends its people, they\u2019re not sending their best... They\u2019re bringing drugs. They\u2019re bringing crime. They\u2019re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.\u201d Strangely, @user depends on foreign workers for his properties. #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Has it been a year since Trump turned the left into a bunch of hysterical women \ud83d\ude06 bloody hell time flies #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "If you think I fuck with that hoe then you a fool", "label": 0} {"text": "concern is for the security, culture and identity of the European people.\u201d @user accuses Spain of encouraging \u201cout-of-control\u201d immigration. #Salvini right on target. Socialists exposing all in EU\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030others must seal-off Spain.#V4 #Visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "When people hear your name it's all some crazy thot nasty bitch Whore shit", "label": 1} {"text": "Eat the ass like you're Jeffery Dahmer...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user White Bitch it\u2019s you I wanna rape and fill with my cum and let you full of my load on the ground my b\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "If you wonder what skank beat is", "label": 0} {"text": "Take Further note America! They want to do this to America!#BuildThatWall #EndIllegalImmigration #DeportALLIllegals", "label": 1} {"text": "\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081 Babel\u2019s are also looking for a part-time British Sign Language teacher AND new trustees, esp those interested in grant applications and/or with lived experience of migration. Tell your friends and RT widely!! \u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls are not human beings, they're objects", "label": 1} {"text": "I just need women who know how to treat a bottom beta bitch girl like me right. That aren't afraid to take what they want.", "label": 1} {"text": "[NEW POST] The threat Italy poses to the Euro stems from Brussels\u2019 refusal to aid Italy with the refugee crisis and the outrageous demands that the increased expenditure for the refugees must be deducted from other expenditures", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Hmm Cunt demeans Women here in Canada but not in England", "label": 0} {"text": "Worker charged with sexually molesting eight children at immigrant shelter #sasc #colga #speakup #speakout", "label": 0} {"text": "Just want me a down bitch all these hoes out here on some other shit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user LEGAL is. Not illegal. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This is the difference between a grateful immigrant and an illegal gimmegrant!", "label": 0} {"text": "Women only vote for question 6 cuz their 'best friend' is a homo or Chad at the salon told them to. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "A Catholic lay worker, a psychiatrist, a peace advocate, and a social worker are among 2018's winners of the prestigious award #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #SocialJustice #TimorLeste #India #Philippines #Vietnam @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ...did you just get \u201cnot all men\u201d from a woman? Interesting \ud83e\udd14 When 1/6 women have experience attempted se\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall and deport, deport, deport. We have a right to live in an illegal-less and safe country.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user This needs to be stopped! Please investigate!#EndIllegalImmigration #EndVoterFraud #EndIllegalVoting #StopFundingSF#VoteRed2018#VoteRepublican2018#EndSancturyCities #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user RT to save someones life, it only takes a second, you dont know who'll need it #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user '@TooDrunk2Care: \u201c@_catsandtats: Seriously. #YesAllMen' When will women stop treating us like obj\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Fake rape bitch is still crying. LOL so upset he didn\u2019t get the attention he wanted. Got your address btw little ra\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Not all men need female warden to rule his life and make him miserable I get you th\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "This is the place that haunts my dreams. It fills me like darkness fills a room. More at @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Every refugee deserves:\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00b2 protection\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00a0 shelter\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u009d a chance to start overand...\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2122 underwearThanks to @user & #PUMAbodywear, for playing their part with a 1 for 1 campaign", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the official #WomenSuck twitter page!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I\u2019ll report you for touching dogs dick", "label": 0} {"text": "@user if the conservatives and labour had played fair on Immigration we would not be here wearing brown undies ,on uncertainty .", "label": 1} {"text": "When your friend tells you they just got an android", "label": 0} {"text": "@user truth", "label": 0} {"text": "I was called a slut and whore on the bus b/c I didn't reciprocate a boys feelings for me #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Young Woman Gets Loud While She Stuffs Her Cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "It's not the walk of shame if you're shameless", "label": 0} {"text": "Friends go home after visiting. Economic migrants don\u2019t.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Republican lawmakers are pleading with the #POTUS not to deport #Melania. #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We need to improve our country, schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, prisons, by kicking out the illegals. #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- it's been a long time, what have you been up to? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch had the NERVE to leave the fucking box in the mail room you fucking cunt bitch fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "#BorderPatrol #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #ImmigrationThere should not be any doubt that Liberal...", "label": 0} {"text": "Beards... Getting ugly guys laid since the trend of 2015...", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy asks other countries to help take in rescued migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user The main reason that @user doesn\u2019t want to talk about her experiences with rape and sexual assault is that she is saving the stories for a more lucrative writing gig.", "label": 1} {"text": "Her- what should I call you Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Here it is: not all women cheat & not all men are trash. Be better & you'll attract better. Also, please don't judge one for the whole group", "label": 0} {"text": "The Ethiopia-Eritrea rapprochement: what does it mean for refugees?", "label": 0} {"text": "Arizona's SB1070.......the Gold Standard to reduce illegal immigration.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hull... city of culture?? To the idiots holding up signs across Europe 'refugees welcome' hang your heads in fucking disgrace!!! Let's hope it's not one of you next #Karma #HateEU #LEAVE", "label": 1} {"text": "Sadiq Khan reminding me more and more of Recep Tayyip Erdogan with his threats to harm the West through refugees....", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm surprised my ex-girlfriend isn't on Shark Week.... She was a vicious bitch! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user These refugee groups need to get into another line of business. Whole refugee industry is a racket.", "label": 1} {"text": "DACA RENEWAL EVENT: The Undocumented Student Services has been notified by the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center to take action to support the undocumented students covered under the DACA program. As a result of the multiple DACA lawsuits,...", "label": 0} {"text": "Gagandeep: My experience with Carmento Immigration: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Kris Kovach and Lou Barletta, cost Hazleton PA $1.4 million with their anti-immigrant, racist BS. Hazleton needed state bailout, as annual by budget was only $1 million. Kobach cost PA, and every town he's worked with. Vote #BlueWave Racism hurts everyone.", "label": 0} {"text": "Some of the results of recent EU #migration policy excellently unpacked by @user No sustainable solutions in sight.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The only thing 'stinky' is your breath. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #SCOTUSKavanaugh and at least two will be appointed by @user and there's nothing you can do about it.", "label": 1} {"text": "She said 'true' \ud83d\ude0c", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Oh my god hahaha! Yeh Rardi! How dare you have bare walls in the middle of decorating . Just do it the skank way and paper over the previous...", "label": 0} {"text": "Here is a desperate, irrelevant clown looking to stay relevant.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #NEWS #Trump #WalkAway #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #USA #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Flag #FridayFeeling #FridayMotivation #FakeNews", "label": 1} {"text": "Anti-immigrant party on course to win Swedish election next month", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Where is the Outrage an Illegal Alien Permanently Separated This woman from her son or does #FamiliesBelongTogether Only apply to ILLEGALS! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #JobsReoport #Immigration @user", "label": 1} {"text": "CANADA SHOULD SEND ALL THE FXIN WELFARE BREEDING REFUGEES BACK TO WHERE THE FX THEY CAME FROM. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I AM TIRED OF MY TAX DOLLARS PAYING FOR THESE FXIN WELFARE BREEDERS/ SEND THE ILLEGALS BACK. ILLEGALS ARE NOT WELCOME.", "label": 1} {"text": "Strippers tryin to get me to the champagne rm is my favorite thing.. \u270b\ud83c\udffc bitch please, you'll be paying for this dick by the end of the night", "label": 1} {"text": "URGENT, PLS SHARE: this man is trying to rape women he sees walking towards Manhattan on the Washington Bridge, if yo can identify him please call @user", "label": 0} {"text": "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME BUT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE: For First Time In A Decade, Italian-Flagged Vessel Returns Migrants To Libya. Open Borders Activists Outraged", "label": 0} {"text": "The only hoe I trust is that bitch Nina.", "label": 1} {"text": "Time to #BuildThatWall or shut the government down.", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't blame them being surrounded by neighbours committed to your genocide.#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Dems want more of this!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Blocked!! Stupid Libtard. You are an embarrassment to all men. You beta male bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user The ones with beards and hairy chests? Those unaccompanied minors Aka known as economic migrants and even parasites", "label": 1} {"text": "Migrants go Home.", "label": 1} {"text": "When you wake up and she's gone", "label": 0} {"text": "We don't need a border wall \u2014 especially as roughly 50 percent of illegal immigrants simply overstay legal short-term visas. What we need are immigrant quotas backed by immigrant licenses \u2014 similar to driver licenses, writes Frank from Park City", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Make sure this ILLEGAL ALIEN spends the rest of his life behind bars and make sure his remains are deport at the end of his miserable life.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When you finally find 'the one'", "label": 0} {"text": "If you can't choke her with your cock just let her finger your vagina, princess", "label": 1} {"text": "The last time I saw a woman of value was at the strip club, and she was worth $1 LOL;", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump DOJ sues California over 'interference' with immigration enforcement #UncheckedProgressivism", "label": 0} {"text": "Canara Bank Revises FD Interest Rates; What SBI, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank Pay via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trouble with being Vicars daughters you get the sermon on the Mount the amount of rubbish immigration excuses the sermon no 1 want", "label": 1} {"text": "#WomenDisobey is Racist and Anti African American FLASHBACK: Obama says illegal immigration HURTS American workers via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The rape joke about a girl having sex with Sandra's comatose boyfriend was in poor taste, and extremely vile.", "label": 0} {"text": "'Not all men! If you don't stop generalizing men, we won't be your allies!'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Million Illegal Aliens Costing U.S Taxpyers $135 Billion a year! Now Illegals Refuse to take their kids back want them to stay in U.S for Freebies thats an Illegal #Immigration CRISIS ! #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Love a bitch for what ? all she good for is sucking dick!", "label": 1} {"text": "And much more recently: Still, nothing shameful for Tom Watson here.", "label": 0} {"text": "New Citizens Concerned Over Immigration Debate", "label": 0} {"text": "\"This is literally self-proclaimed nice guys. They'll be the ones going \"\"not all men! I wouldnt do that!!!!\"\"Shut the fuck up man no one fucking cares your feelings are hurt when women get harassed for not covering up their pinkie fingers or sumn\"", "label": 0} {"text": "The woman who accused rapper, Nelly of rape, has refused to testify against him in court and has asked for the case to be dropped.", "label": 0} {"text": "Why weren't the democrats in the streets marching for the separated families of people like Jamiel Shaw when he was separated from his son forever after Jamiel Jr. was shot and murdered by an illegal alien? #separatingfamilies #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BGR #BlacksGoneRed", "label": 1} {"text": "@user fucking hoe ass fucking cunt shut ur fucking dirty ass mouth you fucking bitch im gonna fucking block you", "label": 1} {"text": "People in India be worried like where would those 40lakhs immigrants go. But what bout those indigenous people whose communities doesn\u2019t even reach 40 lakhs. Think for those Indians living in Assam. If you care so much for immigrats, you can take them home in your town #NRCAssam", "label": 1} {"text": "An actual border cuts of human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and illegal immigrants, many of which are now terrorists (#ISIS and #MS13).I'm tired of America paying for everyone globally when so many here are homeless.Support America and #BuildTheWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Me trying to flirt", "label": 0} {"text": "#WakeUp #Spain !! Stop #IllegalImmigration , and #sendthemback .", "label": 1} {"text": "Protesters condemn US treatment of migrants, block bus", "label": 0} {"text": "There\u2019s an a&r /Dj that works at radio owes alot of uk artist in my era a massive apology u played alot of games god na sleep pussy hole", "label": 0} {"text": "Why adding a citizenship question on the census will hurt red states @user --> \"A census that fails to capture their growing immigrant populations is a census that hamstrings the economic vitality of cities and towns in conservative America.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Pre-paid cards for refugees in Turkey", "label": 0} {"text": "THIS IS IN USATime to raise some hell & get these people out of hereTheir sharia laws are not welcome hereVote all Muslims out of office.Vote all Dems outThey will destroy our country!! #WALKAWAY #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I love my religious brothers and sisters, but @user FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT EVEN A REAL THEOCRAT YOU FAT USLESS BITCH.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Slut. Whore. Floozy. Harlot. Skank. Pick whatever word you want, and keep the sa\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "sometimes i wish we weren't cousins cs ur a bitch butttt i love u whore, you're only young once but immature for a\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, icons such as JFK & Martin Luther King would be considered too conservative for these zealots. Do they understand what they are doing to this country?See ISSUES#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #NoDACA #Trump #VoteRed #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "No one fucking assumes rape is gonna happen you stupid lil bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Italian people love Savini. 500.000 illigal refugees stay in Italia. Savini says, they should prepare their suitcases to leave, otherwise the have to leave without.He also will stop the NGOs to rescue refugees. We will see what will happen.", "label": 1} {"text": "ram demon covered in wax who only mutilates politicians. 6/10, might eat you \u2764\ufe0e", "label": 0} {"text": "I only nap so that the time between not drinking and drinking again comes faster", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're at your ugly friends bachelorette party and you can't even get a text back", "label": 0} {"text": "They really need Nerf down bitch ass symmetra with her little whore ass turrets", "label": 1} {"text": "When the media says a counter protest was organized by a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists, what they mean is communists, illegal aliens and unemployed leftist deadbeats.", "label": 0} {"text": "You ain't a real bitch unless you suckin dick , stfu", "label": 1} {"text": "Antonio Sabato Jr: I\u2019m An Immigrant And I Support Trump\u2019s Wall [VIDEO]", "label": 0} {"text": "@user When fear grips a nation after welcoming with a smile then the visitors turn around and rape and laugh then immigration says no", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE officers arrest 32 sex offenders on Long Island as part of 'Operation SOAR' #SecureTheBorder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user U people @user r pos. liars. More fake news. U should offer 5 women to Obama. w that skank wife he has he would take the offer.", "label": 1} {"text": "I don\u2019t really appreciate some of you that participated in \u201cFine Women Friday\u201d ; This is my personal opinion though & your Granny a hoe...", "label": 1} {"text": "Not about any girl who tries to pursue a guy who has a girlfriend. Skank", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes swear a nigga switch up when he up, naw bitch we just remember all the spiteful hoe shit you was on, fuck on.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I\u2019d love to lick your pussy before and after a Big Black cock has fucked it! I\u2019m in northwest Indiana HMU if you need a cuckold!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "When somebody says 'happy hump day'", "label": 0} {"text": "* Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7: The Croatian authorities, surprisingly, reject the EU\u2019s bid of 6,000 euros per migrant. \u00f0\u0178\u2018\u008f #v4 #visegrad", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user 75% of illegal Aliens commit Felons such as ID, SSN and Welfare Theft Illegal #Immigration is not a Victimless Crime !", "label": 1} {"text": "Maybe Italians see this as the only effective way to purge Italy from #IllegalImmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "When you spend hours doing your makeup perfectly and bae cancels on you last minute", "label": 0} {"text": "If Superman were real rn I would make his bitch ass spin around the earth or threaten to rape Lois Lane lol I would go that far for cod lol", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02at least now you know, not all men like this but maybe go a lil easier on the ones shooting with w\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user aliens should live in fear in a country where they shouldn't be.They broke the law, get out. Ok I.C.E. will come for you. Don't cry you've been here long enough now go home.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stop the immigration of all 40 muslimcountries quick.", "label": 1} {"text": "As far as im concerned #Refugees not welcome .", "label": 1} {"text": "How I feel when I'm drunk at the bar buying everyone shots", "label": 0} {"text": "It is way overdue to admit Europe can not take all of the migrants which are trying to get there. Nor can places like Canada. @user @user @user @user @user @user Please look at this dramatic graphic demonstration...", "label": 1} {"text": "Some #immigrant children may never be re-united with their parents. The #Trump administration neither cares nor has the wherewithal to fix the problem that Trump created. The negligence is criminal. @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump means that immigration to Europe will destroy Europe,hes again right. We alive a new president which makes a good job for USA and European rulers have to be his housedogs and make everything what he like.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ann:Including Sen. Cory Booker as part of your \"Most Hysterical Woman\"?? Come on now, you cn do better than that. This is so beneath your intellectual acumen and although I disagree with most of what you say, come up with something more original or creative in the future", "label": 1} {"text": "Fifty years from now I\u2019ll be the woman being wheeled out of the nursing home scream-singing \u201cEnter Sandman\u201d and \u201cImmigrant Song\u201d. \ud83e\udd18", "label": 0} {"text": "Help @user continue the amazing campaigning, training & frontline support they provide re: the state violence that is #NRPF. No family (& no one) should be forced to live in poverty due to immigration status. If you've any leads on office spaces to rent, let them know!", "label": 0} {"text": "We were inside the train car when I started to cry. You were crying too, smiling and crying in a way that made me even more hysterical.", "label": 0} {"text": "For international women's day I'd like to offer up my penis to any of you bitches in need of some dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Ukrainian migrant workers sent over $800 million from Poland in the first quarter", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm on this new diet where I only eat pussy and ass from Friday to Sunday... It's going well", "label": 1} {"text": "Climate change #refugees: How to protect them #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Every fine fucking bitch i see is my ex hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "#FakeNewsMedia @user Left out one Fact Those migrants are being treated at U.S Taxpayers expense and are Public Charges Ripping off Taxpayer Treat them then #SendThemBack Not ! More illegal Draining U.S Resources NOT #HeretoStay #Trump #MAGA #immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "150 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac is enough to life; a customer declares how this is easy possible. Normally refugees should get only bread and water and no money and they should sleep in a tent.", "label": 1} {"text": "EU28 leaders have agreed on #euco conclusions incl. migration #dollar selling off hard....#EURUSD #GBPUSD #GBPJPY #NZDUSD rallying", "label": 0} {"text": "Alastair Campbell is another deluded Remoaner!The word #Hypocrite springs to mind after reading this nonsense!#Brexit #BrexitShambles #BrexitMeansBrexit #BrexitBetrayal#BNP #immigration #ImmigrationReform #Trump #Patriot #shadowbanned", "label": 0} {"text": "Corbyn Ready To Take Over Task Of Negotiating Brexit", "label": 0} {"text": "EU is a big spender of taxmoney. Turkey gets again many \u00e2\u201a\u00ac for keeping the refugees away from Europe. Of course also other countries in Africa want now money from the EU, like Libya,Sudan aso. The only help would be now concentrationcamps, hopefully without food and water.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user being purposefully indignant just because YOU know how to use a microwave is the NOTALLMEN!! argume\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Happening now! Don't miss your chance to attend the Immigrant Arts and Women's empowerment summit hosted by our friends @user #ImmigrantArtsSummit #WeAreAllImmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "words I don't likeglobalistdemocratsocialistcommunistislammuslimobamacaredeficitcontinueing resolutioncomprehensive immigration reformNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Sucking dick behind close doors but fucking pussy openly", "label": 0} {"text": "I called my ex wife a cunt all the time. She acted like I just called her a \"dork\" or something. White women are stupid.", "label": 1} {"text": "Twelve migrant laborers die in Italian road crash", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Put this under the category: News the MSM somehow ALWAYS manages to missUK: Muslim school teaches to KILL non-Muslims (Islamic Sharia Law)https://t.co/VfHwK62Z83Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 1} {"text": "if before y'all start comin @ me like DASS ESSPENSIVE bitch until u watch a mile in my shoes (THERE IS LITERALLY HOLES) you'll understand", "label": 1} {"text": "She blocked me lmao \ud83d\ude02 well fuck you and your whore of a friend, you\u2019re lame and you\u2019re a fake ass bitch. Later hoe \ud83d\ude29", "label": 1} {"text": "@user are you ok Hun? There\u2019s a Mark shaped hole in my Facebook. \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "This woman has some nerve. To even speak right now is beyond hysterical considering what's right around the corner\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Twitter just emailed me that the men trolling & name calling me off #MeToo ht didn't violate TOS. I'm just another whiny bitch cunt, then.\ud83d\ude11", "label": 0} {"text": "When someone ugly slides in your DM.... Naked...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user and @user Encouages Illegal Immigrants and #Democrats Protect Illegal Aliens and Criminal Illegals in their #SanctuaryCities Ignoring the Negative Impact it has on Citizens Lives and Wages #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "Rape charges isn\u2019t the way to get revenge you fuckin dumb bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc You gonna get ya self locked up . Ya boy GOT THE PLUG\ud83d\ude1c", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Migrants claim they have a right to burn property of Greek farmers \"It's our land now. We are the refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "2 dead after migrant boat capsizes in NW Turkey", "label": 0} {"text": "1 like = 1 more facial hair \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc", "label": 0} {"text": "Judges Fight against Trump's Immigration Enforcement via @user Time to flush the Judges toilet...", "label": 0} {"text": "When your girls telling you about her day and you really want a bj after", "label": 1} {"text": "Insulted of being a rape victim by the same people, who are today crying out against victimization of women and chi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Meghan Markle\u2019s sister told to back off as she prepares to release explosive book", "label": 0} {"text": "Then da cop decides to get in da car and try to make da girl suck his dick in da backseat for what reason Idk smh had to beat this nigga ass", "label": 1} {"text": "Please don't force REAL Americans to have to step up and defend our border. Some feelings might get hurt. #SSSS #SeeSomethingSaySomething ICE 866-347-2423 #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "Underpants which protect women against rape or harrassment. They are absolutly save and is buyed from german women as a runner. So they are proteced also from attacks from refugees. It would also fine for Me too women in Hollywood.", "label": 1} {"text": "What does #peace mean for #Eritrea \u2019s #Refugees ? #AfricanArguments #Africa #GlobalNews #geopolitics @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RIGHT?? then she goes 'oh i had sex with frank, poor baby ahahah' NO BITCH if that aint rape i dont know what is", "label": 1} {"text": "Her : Gucci is a Real Men he married is girl First of all that was Clone Gucci so bitch that hole shit was fake", "label": 1} {"text": "Son of Jamestown, Protestants that made the USA and Conservative for President Trump... You can stick Lincoln, the guy that used Fed troops against Citizens and imposed tariffs and taxes on the Souths Cotton... it was written by Irish Catholic immigrant formerly a Never Trumper", "label": 0} {"text": "After slaughtering 800 Jewish men ,Muhammad saw how beautiful A Jewish woman was, & ordered his friends to bring her to his tent to rape her", "label": 0} {"text": "Hello cunt hole.. @user Doh be on me saddis I\u2019ll buss yuh face..", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Shut the fuck up you cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Dehumanising language to describe migrants. Anyone NOT doing this nowadays? It\u2019s all a load of bollocks btw.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user That\u2019s so rude bitch tell them to go back into their hole", "label": 1} {"text": "French MPs are demanding changes to the law on child rape after prosecutors ruled that an 11yr-old girl consented to sex with a man aged 28.", "label": 0} {"text": "Instead of making Illinois a welcoming state, @user has turned his back on our immigrant communities and has a series of bills sitting on his desk #ilgov #twill", "label": 0} {"text": "This new refugee ban won't make us safer. #RefugeeAdmissionsProgram #refugeeswelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "This Should Make Every American Called SenatorsTell Them Build The Dam WallNo Chain Migration/Visa Lottery & No Amnesty! Corrupt Democrats Can't WinWith Hard Working Americans Because They Are #WalkAway From Lies!#MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Wrong! Egypt did not have a welfare state. Jesus\u2019 family did not put a strain on its economy. Therefore Jesus being a refugee in Egypt should not affect tour view of refugees. \u2022no welfare state, open boarders \u2022welfare state, closed boarders *btw welcome back, CHH needs you\ud83d\ude01*", "label": 0} {"text": "Start your week right with our favorite music video of 2013 featuring one of our best supporters:", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH STFU IAN CONNOR AINT A FUCKING ARTIST. The life of one, but he aint a artist. Know shit before you speak", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user A police officer calling a woman you don't agree with a 'cunt'? Nice, then again civili\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "God that old lady was a cunt. People are so fucking stupid when it comes to being handed money", "label": 1} {"text": "Youre deffo gone. You called someone a dumb whore cunt the other day", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Unless cow tipping is classed as physical assault you should shut your fucking whore mouth, i hope you never show your face outside of whatever hole you went to hide in because frankly i would love to drop kick you off a fucking balcony xoxoxo", "label": 1} {"text": "@user One hopes it won't be just about numbers of Immigrants but the type of Immigrants we want to allow into our Country!", "label": 1} {"text": "We must dismantle myths that excuse hateful immigration policies and harsh enforcement. The truth is that immigrants are a benefit to our communities, not a burden. And the essential truth is that they are people, and our moral duty is to welcome.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Does no one see that forced migration is all part of the new world order. Does no one understand how politicians have been rewarded and bought off for betraying their country and people? Can no one understand how evil the NWO", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's being a snotty little brat so you hit with the 'I mean we can go'", "label": 1} {"text": "hahahahahaha of course not. In NY they are blind to immigrant crimes against the people", "label": 1} {"text": "Donald Trump, ICE, and immigrant detention centers are the real pizzagate. Stories of sexual abuse will continue to surface.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 2977 people were murdered by illegal aliens in New York City, Washington DC & Shanksville Pennsylvania on 9/11/01Help memorialize them today!Visit to help.Please #RETWEET#ThursdayThoughts#NeverForget #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "A stupid Somali told me \"Mogadishu is NOW Banadir region\", HELL NO we can't be scattered as refugees for 27+yrs in the street f the world & all of sudden come back to \ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf4 to destroy our capital city\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude0c *So welcome to the capital city of Somalia\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf4\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf4 Mogadishu NOT Banadir", "label": 1} {"text": "Cheap land is our immigrant heritage", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Fucking bitch ! Shes doing that since 2 years when she give money to STUDENTS, STUPID HOE ! Now laugh in silence and poverty ! U want attention and like bcse its trendy ton talk shit about her ??", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user lol. you selfish terrorist kunt should be boiled alive. Maybe lynched by neonazis. Would serve you right.", "label": 1} {"text": "Sunday Talks: Representative Jim Jordan Discusses Immigration Legislation and Ongoing FBI\u00c2\u00a0Oversight\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "Canada Immigration Targets (2018-2020) | Immigration to Canada via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user we're not talking about 'reasonable', this woman is a rodeo clown in full costume, it's hysterical", "label": 0} {"text": "Control, I own your ass now bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "If you think you don't have a gag reflex, let me prove that you do...", "label": 0} {"text": "As usual the skank democrats lie and make it up to cover their evil ass. We r so looking forward to the public hanging.\u201dswing you bastards!\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "cuf yo boy and yo girl Have you heard \u2018pull a bad bitch\u2019 by Reese's stuffed with on #SoundCloud? #np", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So far none of you women have covered the rold of women play in all this by how immodestly they dress -it is not ALL men's fau", "label": 0} {"text": "No driver's license, no photo ID? Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year", "label": 0} {"text": "Ever since Trump\u2019s fear-mongering and hatred-fueled campaign, the assaults on immigrant ways of life have increased dramatically.", "label": 0} {"text": "Listening to this right now. Tis plaintive and wistfully beautiful", "label": 0} {"text": "Tactics of Left/Soros Network:@AmnestySlovenia, smugglers & migrants falsely accuse border guards of brutality in effort to intimidate. Attacks very harmful to guards-citizens they protect.Disrupt deports & smear @user but UN irrelevant, toothless, obsolete.Onward!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not having Merrick Garland as SCOTUS is absurd. But Im just a hysterical woman, right asshole?", "label": 0} {"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?) German citizens have turned into brainless sheep to tolerate this.", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you Mrs may you cunt had enough of your weasel face just find a hole and die in it please.", "label": 1} {"text": "Wrong. Doug Ford simply wants the federal government to foot the bill because the Liberal government was not prepared and budgeted to welcome the surge in refugees. Nobody is strictly against immigration but it must be orderly otherwise taxpayers pay through their nose.", "label": 0} {"text": "I legit have no respect for a sensitive man. Like I will emotionally destroy you.", "label": 0} {"text": "This picture best describes my maturity level", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Illegal Immigration is Not A Right it is a Crime !", "label": 1} {"text": "Even leftist volunteers given up on violent #Paris migrants lolhttps://t.co/IfkNt5LJhP", "label": 1} {"text": "When you lose the shoot out so you start a new one", "label": 0} {"text": "FASCISTS whose day is done: Jason Kessler Richard Spencer Alt Right lulzboys LARPer shield walls FASCISTS who still worry me: Police FBI ICE Trump GOP Federal Govt Barbecue Betty, Permit Patty etc Racist paper pushers Anti-immigrant militias Anti-choice shills IT industry <more>", "label": 0} {"text": "why this big fat ass ugly ass bitch like me \ud83d\ude2d she need to UNLIKE me!!!!! i love dick! tf", "label": 1} {"text": "Once upon a time I knew a woman that didn't suck.... Just kidding, no I didn't....", "label": 1} {"text": "bc were women, we automatically get labeled as a slut or whore when attacked, or accused of wanting it. too much goes unheard #metoo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user author of UNDOCUMENTED FEARS sounds off on Lou Barletta, #Trump, and #immigrantcrackdown in @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Men who feel the need to Not All Men women who speak out about harassment are not qualified to represent women.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hillary is stuck in her own anger for loosing she has always been evil, don't forget how she treated the women Bill rape", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until No #IllegalAliens are released! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll do it or u r #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp @user", "label": 1} {"text": "We already have the highest per capita immigration in the world, and the nearly 30-minute monologue segment failed to mention that Canadians are endlessly coerced:Access to White people is NOT a human right.", "label": 1} {"text": "Getting called a CUNT because I am the type of woman who mouths back to a disrespectful twat of a guy", "label": 0} {"text": "Unfortunately, many Christian pastors are talking about helping Syrian refugees and are doing absolutely nothing...", "label": 0} {"text": "It is hard to fathom the counterproductive stupidity of Immigration & Customs Enforcement. #PoliceState #ICE @user", "label": 0} {"text": "This Girl Got Rape Threats On Facebook, What She Did Next Will Inspire Everyone!", "label": 0} {"text": "COMMON SENSE IS GONE and NEVER COMING BACK!! GERMAN INSANITY??? The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics", "label": 1} {"text": "@user - right on the money as always! #MAGAAnn Coulter: Booker and Harris 'competing for Most Hysterical Woman'", "label": 1} {"text": "So, he created pollution, to protest pollution...? #MentalDisorder #Liberalsim", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'd be interested in seeing you have a second meeting with Nikki. I want to know why she suddenly left her pimp 3 days later", "label": 0} {"text": "Men throughout the world are fighting for men's rights. Follow my blog. #GiftShawnEP #LHHATL", "label": 0} {"text": "Putting women on pedestals, Gen Kelly, is why women are abused. We don't fall neatly into the madonna/whore categories. We're people FFS.", "label": 1} {"text": "tbh , NOT ALL men are trash/shit . Just because y\u2019all fucking around with the wrong ones , you don\u2019t get to call the whole race shit.", "label": 1} {"text": "i\u2019ve seen so many people on facebook get mad at men for posting #metoo because it\u2019s for women only BITCH anyone can be sexually assaulted", "label": 1} {"text": "If I'm only nice to you and don't insult you, I don't want to sleep with you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The girl is late on her house payment. Quick buck for the skank.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Joey, once again you have lost the plot. The tweet was about taxing the money migrants send home & use it to encourage our own people to once again start having children. Sorry about the wages paid by Mcdonald's in Zagreb. If they can get", "label": 0} {"text": "If you don\u2019t vote on my instagram story..... u a hoe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Okay ladies look, nose rings are hot. But nose studs look like boogers and make you look like a dick chugging skank #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user hey C Milton sloot, from the evidence I see ur a trashy bitch. Congrats on being a fuck up #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user it's about time women spoke up about the abuse they've suffered by the hands of scumbag men. Not all men are scumbags.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user People of Goa must shun AAP,unless they want their beaches to be full of Jhugis,illegal migrants&filth", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Leave my ship alone you whore", "label": 1} {"text": "The science of hate: Why we fear refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Homes use to look beautiful and full of effort now they are just mass produced to fit the third world \"immigrants\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Gonna be the sexiest Bat Woman in that bitch\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08", "label": 1} {"text": "Fire near K\u00c3\u00b6ln in a refugeehome ? Nobody known why ?", "label": 0} {"text": "When she's being a huge cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "When your whole life is falling apart but you refuse to let them see you sweat", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #EndDACA Only AMERICANS should vote for elected officials!!! Not dead or illegal people. But then how would you get any votes! #ENDDEMOCRATS", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Rumour floating around,goons of Lalu/Nitish have warned people to stay away from voting", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lmao stereotypical feminists & stereotypical hysterical women. What a win win keep it up, ladies. Youre doing great.", "label": 1} {"text": "The presidents Bd his administration should all go home!!! The people in this country all are immigrants from other countries unless you are of African American or Native American descent .....read history of this country.... we R all from some place else.... stop it!!!!!\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00ab", "label": 0} {"text": "@user dosent matter about benifits migrants will still come and look what happened in Germany etc without benifits no to crime", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE operation targeting criminal aliens and immigration violators nets 40 arrests in New York state Round them up...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user sack up and talk to her pussy #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "loved her anyway and now she just a hoe. I love when they acting hard but pussy on the low.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I Agree w you Misha CollinsBogus #Asylum claims & #IllegalALiens peddled by gang members, coyotes & Mex drug cartel are human rights violations to the citizens of the United States of America. GET IN LINE. Stop #Illegalimmigrants #I", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm just gonna leave this here....", "label": 0} {"text": "Ann, actually glad @user willing to give up seat to release confidential e-mailsThis will open up floodgates to release Tarmac Bill & Killary Clinton emails@AnnCoulter \"#CoryBooker & #KamalaHarris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at Kavanaugh hearings\"#MAGA #qanon", "label": 1} {"text": "@user like when they say \"real men dont rape women\"/\"if you hit a girl you're not a man you're a bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "WAIT, ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO SAY THIS NOW? Anti-ILLEGAL immigration, like pro-ILLEGAL immigration, is a legitimate political position.", "label": 0} {"text": "(The lacks of human rights suffered by immigrant domestic workers in some parts of the Mideast) The Perils of Housecleaning Abroad", "label": 0} {"text": "Before you bitch about teen pregnancy remember that man over the age of 18 father most babies born to women under 18.", "label": 0} {"text": "How I keep my block finger strong AF", "label": 0} {"text": "I can tell when your relationship is going well cause I don't hear from you", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83e\udd14 All charged will be dropped from #Nelly\u2019s alleged rape case, as the woman involved refuses to\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Now his slag mother has been blown up hopefully that lil cunt gets it nxt as well", "label": 1} {"text": "TV personalities joking about Harvey Weinstein and/or rape do not seem able to empathize with women or recognize ho\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Leaked photo reveals 'mass trial' of immigrants in Texas - Houston Chronicle -", "label": 0} {"text": "Commenced renovations at my own local library so the Steinway branch can continue providing services for our immigrant community", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m so excited to announce my partnership with @user I\u2019ll be teaching 10 people my secrets to the kitchen in an intimate cooking class in LA with #AirbnbExperiences. All proceeds will be donated to the Americans for Immigrant Justice foundation #ad", "label": 0} {"text": "#migrants #asylumSeekers #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNotWelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "Please visit today to honor the thousands of victims killed by illegal aliens!We are building a memorial wall.#RETWEETHelp #BuildThatWall in their memory!Follow @user & @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone with stank breath tries talking to you", "label": 0} {"text": "LAUREL A CUNT AS BITCH FOR ABORTING !!! IDFK IF SHE REALLY DID BUT SHE TOLD HER DAD SO IM FUCKIN LIVIDDDDD", "label": 1} {"text": "Teenage whore by hole is my fav song rn! So relatable... I miss my mall slut phase", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user The Security rule applied to Omar Abdullah house, to shoot trespasser should be applied to our Country also. India is our home & illegal immigrants are National Security threat.#NRCForSecureIndia #NRCAssam", "label": 1} {"text": "Has the penny, or should I say peseta, finally dropped? Can they now see that individual Nations don\u2019t want to be overrun by immigrants whose \u2018\u02dcculture\u2019 is alien to our own? Push too far and we push back!", "label": 1} {"text": "A big sour whore bag, should never play hard to get when all she's does is fling up da pussy in all kind of styles to all kinds of men #fact", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop the Traumatization of Immigrant Children by the Trump/Pence Regime! #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees are not welcome by the US, even though the US has created or is the reason via meddling/intervention/invasion & occupation/arming & assisting in the use of bombs & air support, etc etc", "label": 1} {"text": "American Citizens are being Victimized by Illegal AliensThe shocking findings by a new DOJ-DHS report. @user #NOAmnesty #NoSanctuary #EndChainMigration#DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#ProtectUSA#KeepAmericansSafeIt is your JOB!", "label": 1} {"text": "The Guardian view on the #UK and child refugees: unfair, unlawful, inhumane", "label": 0} {"text": "When women point out the shitty things men do n u say 'but not all men', u sound like a cop saying 'but not all cops'. Sound dumb don't it?", "label": 0} {"text": "See this book for a valuable account of the time when Australian political leaders saw some value in upholding international law and refugee protection principles.", "label": 0} {"text": "Want to read about the opposite of Ortasio-Cortez? Meet Elizabeth Heng\u2014she is a young Asian immigrant with a deep love of this country running for office in CA! Go vote!! Retweet please! via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "UN #refugeeagencychief urges #Europe to unite on asylum, migration #EuropeanUnion #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} {"text": "EU is more worried about 'populism' than about tens of thousands of migrants reaching Spain", "label": 0} {"text": "Judge on separation of immigrant families: \"if there's a hell, that's probably what it looks like\"", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch needs to get a life already, jobless skank go do something productive", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh My: President Obama allowed Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Arrested For Violent Crimes like Murder and Rape to get #DACA Thank #BarackObama the next time a DACA kills a Citizens #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #MAGA #EndDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Congratulations to President Trump and to the United States of America for taking back our country from the illegal aliens. 191,000 illegal invaders have been arrested and deported so far this year to date. We must go faster to get them all. This is GREAT start! #MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "So not wanting to be groped = crushing men. Dear god. And women get accused of being hysterical & irrational", "label": 0} {"text": "If she lets you put your penis in her vagina with no strings attached, have the common decency to treat her like a queen on her bday", "label": 1} {"text": "Hungarian Prime Minister: \"Hungary belongs to the Hungarians. Immigrants are not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its not that hard. Build a wall. Make it much, much easier to come into America. Background checks. Don\u2019t pay for illegal immigrants needs. They can get a job and pay taxes or they will have to go back home.", "label": 1} {"text": ". @user @user GENE TRUONO in Delaware is who we NEED in the Senate! He will be a strong ally for Our Big Beautiful Wall! #maga should support Gene for #DESenate and send him to Washington to back up our POTUS! #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Hungary Referendum: 98% of voters reject Islamic immigration - Muslims are offended - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "New @user book at #AlkekLibrary, \"Facilitating Health Communication with Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Populations Through the Use of Health Literacy and Community Engagement Strategies\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You sound hysterical and in need of some psychotropic medication. Calm down, it's not that serious.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please don\u2019t stop being kind. There are women out here that know not all men are pervs.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal# Immigration Hurts Black Americans and @user @user Dont Care About Black Americans they put Illegals First ! Tell #Democrtats HELL NO! @user #BlackTwitter #WakeUpAmerica #Blacks4Trump #VoteDemsOut via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user UK: Corbyn still maintains Blair's New Labor which is essentially Marxism, a dangerous cult putting migrants first who are members of a political religious cult that would kill members if they left. Those migrants will in return vote Labo", "label": 1} {"text": "Over the past two weeks, 1,172 refugees arrived in the US. 8,044 have arrived in FY18, but we are nearly 10,000 behind schedule. We will continue to stand for the vulnerable! #refugeeswelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "Make Immigrants Great Again", "label": 0} {"text": "@user back too you slut", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Poland refuses to accept migrants from Muslim countries - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Aiding Illegals is against Federal Immigration laws a Felon up to 5 years in Prison! Help #SendthemBack instead of Burdening the U.S Taxpayer ! U.S Is NOT nCentral America's dumping ground for their kids we have .,S Homeless kids we need to help f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user is this to do with crazy bitch Hillary or no?", "label": 1} {"text": "Bob Corker is a bitch boy sniveling cunt ass sore loser that throwing elitist BS all around trying to be relevant.", "label": 0} {"text": "Clear speak: Steff Blok says that the settle of refugees in countries of Easteuropa will not work and the cultruell differnces are impossible to life together peaceful. Is he right ? - Leftminded Eu hasnt realize that this is the truth and will not bring future - only desater.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user no no, not people. WOMEN. They're not people.", "label": 1} {"text": "alright ms bugs life built headass now tell me how shes a skank bc apparently you you know my bestfriend better tha\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "so called refugees are criminals inhuman monsters : plague of humanity.... a war declaration not welcome them...fight them...", "label": 1} {"text": "Dozens of African migrants storm Spanish holiday beach popular with Brits stunning naked bathers.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yeah last week. Using @ your_fuckboy_ for now", "label": 0} {"text": "Why #NoDACA ?Illegals est. between 11 - 30 millionIllegal vote 80% Dem or 600,000 Dem vote advantage / 1,000,000 illegal voters70,000 votes gave @user 2016 electionWHY do you think DEMS pushing no walls, no borders, no VOTER IDs?#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed", "label": 1} {"text": "Despite Boko Haram threat, some displaced Nigerians return: via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'd like to see a sitcom or talk-host show with @user @user and @user ! You could call it STFU.", "label": 1} {"text": "Then I guess the only recourse we have is to deport them to Russia. I\u2019m sure a nice immigrant family can fill their home once they are gone.", "label": 1} {"text": "It sounds so ugly to hear a female talk about another female claiming she\u2019s a \u201cslut or whore\u201d like bitch it ain\u2019t yo pussy why u worried for", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You really listen to yourself, dont u? That's why there are 12.1 illegals here now costing us billions. Seems to me WE HAVE HAD OPEN BORDERS! Close them. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Whether it's the sexual abuse of immigrant children, or abuse in various other forms, #AbolishICE is becoming easier and easier and easier to sell politically to independent voters, based on these atrocities: A central test for Democrats in 2018+beyondhttps://t.co/xc3anv9CYM", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't know why you love da whore her pussy like open doors \ud83d\udeaa", "label": 1} {"text": "A call to action against the crackdown on mutual aid-- humanitarian support to migrants and asylum seekers-- from #Arizona to #Hungary, Sonoran desert to Balkan forest. #FloodTheDesert #WaterNotWalls #SafePassage", "label": 0} {"text": "Uber has become racist organization. If you are an immigrant they deactivate your account even if you are a five star driver with over 2000 plus star claiming reports that is unfounded. No warning just like that.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Good luck with Ash Taylor Mitch! Oh that's right you fuckwits couldn't sign a local junior \ud83d\ude32\ud83d\ude25 your a Kunt like your coach", "label": 0} {"text": "75 million more turks abe to travel within the EU ,lets get out of EU NHS Schools overwhelmed already sorry no more ,immigrants please", "label": 1} {"text": "the master bedroom curtisn at 10 crednhill park are wide open like a hooker three holes as clare is a slag slut tart whore slag slut like", "label": 1} {"text": "U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees to reduce jobs after U.S. cuts #UnitedNations #WestBank #UnitedStates...", "label": 0} {"text": "Why end DACA? This is why! The respect right there uncalled for. Send them back, deport asap! #illegalimmigration #wetbacks#AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #BorderPatrol", "label": 1} {"text": "In 17 days, DACA will hopefully be fully reinstated and remain what it originally was; a great program for immigrant youths", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Put all your bitches on a period tracker app so you know when to avoid they ass", "label": 1} {"text": "The Unfairness of Mass Immigration Into the West: Why Are Only the White Countries Absorbing Immigrants?", "label": 0} {"text": "Syrian refugees board buses at Lebanon border, begin their journey back home", "label": 0} {"text": "Guilty: Man did rape woman on Darlington riverbank", "label": 0} {"text": "TRUMP: Pentagon Will Build Wall: Thank you President Trump! We Want the Wall in San Diego, CA! @user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KatesWall #katesteinle #mollietibbits", "label": 1} {"text": "When she says 'we can fuck but you have to wear a condom'", "label": 1} {"text": "Shooter opens fire on Border Patrol agent in San Ysidro via @user reason why @user we need this Wall #buildThatWall @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Diversity means chasing DOWN every White person. EnoughIn 2018: it's time to let diversity\u00e2\u201e\u00a2 be someone else's strength.Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Migrant deluxe,3 star accommodation,u young people to get nothing but pain Migrant young, free accommodation ,turnstile immigration policy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user knows her audience & how nave & ignorant they are; that they will believe anything regardless how ridiculous. These politicians have NO RESPECT for their constituency.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #Wal", "label": 1} {"text": "The #BJP will not support men's rights. What are *YOU* doing about it. See the blog, watch men of action!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Russia & Canada give 1 to 1 1/2 yrs & they pack you up & send you back to where you came from. Canada doesn't talk abt it in media, but ppl who were teaching refugees, said they were unable to adapt & learn English & were", "label": 0} {"text": "When you constantly have dick on the brain", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian Interior Minister @user has closed all Italian ports to more than 600 migrants who were rescued by the #Aquarius. This violates international humanitarian laws!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user They still makn dak out be a homewreakn whore and jamie a cheatn cunt sad sad ppl unlike the\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "The influx of migrants into the West is tied to the 2015.75, turning point of the Economic Confidence Model. The periphery collapses first, the centre of the Empire is the last to go. This is why the US economy and market remains strong compared to the world. Capital moving in.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The aftermath of mass, illegal immigration into Spain.", "label": 0} {"text": "SINCE YOU'VE COMPLETELY PROVEN YOU'RE A COMPLETE BITCH THEN YOU'RE JUST A COMPLETE BITCH FOREVER AND IF YOU ARE ALL WOMEN ARE BITCHES", "label": 1} {"text": "Another perpetrator from the Middle East. Where are the Coptic Christians who where the real victims over there. Political Islamist's are very dangerous. They are not refugees they are fleeing the scene of the crime and the far Left welcome them here in Britain with open arms.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Watch the trailer you stupid cunt, you\u2019ll love it", "label": 0} {"text": "Who is behind the Antifa Socialists? Organized Labor Unions. Immigrant Rights Groups. Artists. .....and more than likely a man named George Soros. #AntifaTerrorists", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you ready to meet your next ride? Stop by Hall Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Virginia Beach today!", "label": 0} {"text": "Wow, #Baltimore, how far you have fallen. #disgusting.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Spain: Violence as 800 migrants storm Ceuta fence", "label": 0} {"text": "Why on earth would Syrian refugees have any trust in Russia?https://t.co/VDn66UkoJe", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate girls that thing they are super hot when they're ugly as fuck! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d you ain't shit", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexico Will Create Border Force to Thwart Illegal #Immigration from Central America #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 0} {"text": "lmao @user doesn't like the truth but he left a comment from someone who quoted me. what a stupid cunt!", "label": 0} {"text": "Catholic Bishops Conference of the #Philippines official has backed @user move to ban the sending of Filipino #migrant workers to #Kuwait @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Anytime someone snapchat calls me I assume it was an accident... Cause as a human being you should know that's not what phones are for", "label": 0} {"text": "Dinesh D'Souza: Death of a Nation (Interview) via @user What an amazing interview, from one of the most likable and well versed intelligent....immigrant who entered our \u201cWonderful Country\u201d, in the RIGHT WAY....YES!!!\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udfa5\ud83c\udfa5and his must see Movie.", "label": 0} {"text": "To whoever keeps coming at @user sideways: I will find you & I WILL whoop that ass. Stop talking shit behind anon pussy. Jacee is one of the nicest girls Ive ever met and youre clearly a straight ass cunt. So get your own life to worry bout and stfu before I gotta make you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Republican voters will not forgive you for not building the wall. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2020", "label": 1} {"text": "Afghanistan: The State of Aid and Poverty in 2018: A new look at aid effectiveness in Afghanistan", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cRape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome\u201d is the smartest lyric I\u2019ve heard in a while", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate it when people say they're never gonna talk to me again... And then they do...", "label": 0} {"text": "Complex not really as thousands havent eaten while new Tory ministers want too cut immigration they want bring sterolization for you ,rapists released early you say your not interfering while victims suffer because of him everyday the truth is you have lost touch the nations sick", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What say you, Sir?#StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do illegals proudly wave the flag of another country, but consider it \"punishment\" to be sent back there?Let's face it -- without a job or welfare, many illegals would self-deport. #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverity", "label": 1} {"text": "Agree 100% ! #SneakyKevinYoder tries to pull a fast one on us! #SkilledTradeEducationNeededNow #NoIllegals #StopImmigration while our country gets our own act together first. No more secret sneaky back alley passing of bills, da*n it! @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "A judge says reuniting immigrant families is the U.S. government\u2019s sole burden", "label": 0} {"text": "@user GOD BLESS ICE, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND OFF OUR STREETS. #NoSanctuaryStates #NoSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoCommunists #NoSocialism #AmericaFirst #AmericansAreDreamersToo #MAGA #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "81,652 are still disappeared & unaccounted for in Assad prisons, even after names of thousands tortured & killed given this week. No return of refugees & no reconstruction until they are free. Hundreds still being arrested despite fake 'reconciliation' agreements #FreeTheRest", "label": 0} {"text": "Afghan refugee Waheed Adrian who moved to #UK to be Cambridge doctor gets peace prize", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What great you will achieve by building Ram Mandir. Crook", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Get these criminals off the roads and off the streets! #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "what a f**king political muppet.", "label": 0} {"text": "Utrecht's cycling lessons for migrants: 'Riding a bike makes me feel more Dutch'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user There is no hope there is no glory and uk does not rule the waves we feel betrayed by the news about Immigration why Theresa", "label": 0} {"text": "People love it when you tell them about themselves.... Just because the truth hurts like a bitch doesn't mean you have to act like one", "label": 0} {"text": "D\u00c3\u00a9tention administrative des #migrants, un entretien avec Christin Achermann et Laura Rezzonico @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The protesters banged in droves on the glass for the entire time I was in North Korea, Mao's grandson Mao Xinyu appeared at a meeting in Beijing on Friday. There is no review requirement under the Constitution to #BuildThatWall as a national defense issue - #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Maybe you guys haven\u2019t heard of India? Google plz, world rape capital", "label": 0} {"text": "Teaching a woman to drive is like teaching a rock to swim. #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Great to see these refugees getting this opportunity! The computer classes at our community center are immensely popular, and we love to hear about the younger generation improving their tech skills.", "label": 0} {"text": "German immigrants launch #MeTwo campaign against racism", "label": 0} {"text": "yall females be complaining about rape and sexual harrassment, bitch men get sexually harrassed too \ud83d\ude24", "label": 1} {"text": "What a hoe and a bitch nigga \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "#Israel continues to refuse to allow Syrian #refugees across the border, including those who face persecution from the regime if they return home.", "label": 0} {"text": "God doesn't hate gays he's just mad they found a loop hole in dealing with women", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fuck up you pussy ass scammer", "label": 0} {"text": "It is more then sad, it is anti-American, twitter is censoring the good guys because paid off by the bad guys like Soros, jsut like the #FakeNews media @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already", "label": 1} {"text": "thatfatesbitch early 2017: echoes sucks fates is better thatfatesbitch end 2017: 90% of women have a rape kink so you can't say it's bad", "label": 1} {"text": "My dicks name is Curiosity... Cause it kills the kat", "label": 1} {"text": "No one gives less fucks than a grown man using a selfie stick in public", "label": 0} {"text": "Boston brothers who said Trump inspired them to beat homeless man for being an \u2018illegal immigrant\u2019 plead guilty", "label": 0} {"text": "Let me be crude for a minute. Davis women ultimately like dick and hard.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Shut the fuck up you reatrd NO ONE SAID SHIT about you being a jew or even hinted at it. Typical rightwing racist scumbag always the BIGGEST PUSSY in the room. GO suck some russian cock", "label": 0} {"text": "If there's something I definitely don't give a fuck about, it's definitely anything", "label": 0} {"text": "Good Morning Patriots xx Let everything we do be done with them in mind.#WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ChooseLife #VoteDemsOut #REDWAVE2018 #Midterms #VoteRED #TinyLivesAtStake", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BIG BEATIFUL WALL!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Your orange colored scumpig cunt whore god will soon go into history as the worst potus. His brainwas\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "RT if you've ever been fucked over by a girl. Actually it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when' #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Selena has BEEN acting like she'ss the victim all these years, shut the fuck up", "label": 1} {"text": "Let's keep America welcoming! #wewelcomerefugees RCUSA Heartened by 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling", "label": 0} {"text": ".Knifeman is arrested after injuring seven people in central Paris via @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #SorosRefugees #SorosMoney", "label": 1} {"text": "#SecureOurBorder #SexTrafficking #WomensIssues #Slavery #PoliceSo you think #ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) is evil? One of the things they are...", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cYou have sex, youre a whore. You dont have sex, youre a stuck up prude.Youre a bitch if youre serious, but youre a joke if you never care\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Man: (harasses and stalks woman for months on end) Woman: WHY THE FUCK WONT U LEAVE ME ALONE Man: haha crazy bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Ladies don't act like you care about shark week. Make me sandwiches while I watch it! #KnowYourPlace #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "New refugees and smart educated people who will do what Immigrants did to begin with under FDR ; build the industrial superpower of the world and then a little wake up poke from the Japanese,and we have never looked back. These people bring hope, create jobs for us and pay taxes.", "label": 0} {"text": "I will always love you & Ken though @user I really admire you & feel like a mother tiger with you! I could of jumped through the TV when that skank slapped your face! That upset me! A lot!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Syrian Refugees destroy hotel BIBLE'S & property. They are not Coptic Christian refugees. Can I guess that they are Muslim refugees? The prime victims in the Mid East are Coptic Christians who been unable to travel with violent Muslims to the West.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you fucking suck a giant donkey cock. Get your shit together. No excuse for sudden 3am outages you fucks!", "label": 0} {"text": "Roses are red, my balls are blue, here's my cock, you know what to do", "label": 1} {"text": "Wash DC judge ordered Trump to reinstate DACA but by August 23, a federal judge in Texas will hear case trying to shut down DACA entirely & it isn\u2019t ? whether judge, known as an immigration hawk, will rule in favor of killing DACA, but when he\u2019ll do it.", "label": 1} {"text": "Dueling protests in German town after teen allegedly murdered by refugee", "label": 1} {"text": "Tonight is the Victoria's Secret fashion show.. Let the female tweets begin about how they wish their bodies were as good! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ann, ever think you might be a bit hysterical yourself. You lost your ability to reason long ago. Not sure when you had the heartectomy. One thing for sure. You don't belong in the human race. Damn.", "label": 1} {"text": "Everyone wants to put women who make false accusations of rape in prison for life but don't even fight to put ACTUAL rapists in jail", "label": 0} {"text": "Keep letting #IslamicMigrants off the boats and into your countries. #SendThemBack. The #NWO wants the destruction of Europe That's been their purpose all along. First, take away your #Soverignty then they take away your security. Keep voting in those #NWO #SocialistPoliticians.", "label": 1} {"text": "HUGE mistake, anyone living there should immediately move out of the state, endangering children like this should never happen, girls, females will be attacked and raped due to it, so dumb @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 1} {"text": "How to kidnap me", "label": 0} {"text": "Retweeted DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT): British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape......", "label": 0} {"text": "They keep attacking us because we're not allowed 2 stop them. We let them take over regions here & bring sharia to some of our cities. Mosque's were unheard of & we never had to bow to Muslims before 9/11. That's what I'll #NeverForgetKick them the hell out & #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "NOTHING BUT A MONEY GRUBBING RUSSIAN CUNT WHORE!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "DREAMER' Shot Man To Death In Road-Rage Incident, Bragged About It On Facebook @user @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAllThis fight over Illegal Aliens Rights has created an entitled behavior!", "label": 1} {"text": "You know when you're fuckin someone and you'd rather be fuckin their best friend? That's the worst", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when handicapped people park in regular spots... Who TF do they think they are?!", "label": 0} {"text": "Joe Arpaio learns the true danger of talking to an immigrant (from Finland) from Sascha Baron Cohen... Who Is America? | via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "* Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate bitches that are always mad at the world for no reason like bitch stfu and be happy hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She's an uppity racist bitch and those women are stupid for being there and giving her the time of day.", "label": 1} {"text": "Starting Now on Pittsfield ETV: BCC Presents: Access Higher Ed: 'Berkshire Immigrant Stories'", "label": 0} {"text": "Just over a week ago, two of our staff members and a former client participated in a panel discussion regarding refugees. As one of the panelists said, \"...we cannot forget that we are still facing the world's greatest refugee crisis.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "The evolution of a Kardashian", "label": 0} {"text": "More \"migrants\" on the way to Europe--and Trump has not slowed the refugee flow into the U.S. What must we do to...", "label": 0} {"text": "An 'Island Prison\u2019 is Not the Answer: @user @user on #Bangladesh's misguided plans to relocate #Rohingya refugees to a flood-prone island", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm white. Is there no such thing as racism against whites?", "label": 0} {"text": "300,000 illegal migrants living in a city of 110,000 people, apparently #StopFundingHate", "label": 0} {"text": "MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Murder Are Obamas Unaccompanied Minors @user #NoMoreDeaths#KeepAmericansSafe#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #DoYourJob !", "label": 1} {"text": "Homeland Security says he is a REFUGEE. Iraqi refugee charged with attempted murder of Colorado police officer - - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Harvey: Ugh! Just disgusting. Pedro: Disgusting are the illuminati women because they were fucked up in every hole.", "label": 1} {"text": "Yes!! Say NO to @user @user immigration 3rd world bill!! The 5 billion they promised in return is a poison pill! No other country allows unvetted people to just walk in and squat! Their bill will ruin us!", "label": 1} {"text": "Italians send postcards to Salvini to protest migrant policy", "label": 0} {"text": "#WeAlmostDatedBut FRIEND ZONED #WomenSuckk", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch: Afghan immigrant threatens \"I want you dead\" as Greek police do not allow him to Cross the border into Western Europe - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "California changedWhen I first moved here California was attracting all kind of Iraqi refugees and migrants....", "label": 0} {"text": "Ego's bruise harder than any belt ever could", "label": 0} {"text": "@user treating girls 'correctly' would involve fire and gasoline.", "label": 1} {"text": "ACG is hysterical. How do you 'suspend the govt'? Who decides? The mob, the BBC, or a specially convened conferenc\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I thought my penis made me me but whatev", "label": 0} {"text": "straight people flirting boy: *takes girls phone and fucking smashes it to pieces* you\u2019re stupid and a bitch girl: omg Kyle...stooop \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "The best part about being me is that I'll never be like you", "label": 0} {"text": "If the dick good she\u2019s gonna agree to the \u201cyou my girlfriend now\u201d statement off rip", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You must listen to my dad wrote a porno - it will make your shifts hysterical", "label": 0} {"text": "Who has contact to John Kelly ?!?! I just want to let him know that he can piss off !!! Hey republicans can piss on military members and so can this immigrant military spouse ! Because... Fock You John Kelly \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc shove it up your traitors DoD arse !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https://t.co/H", "label": 1} {"text": "Do what?", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump meets NATO chief Stoltenberg ahead of Brussels summit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And women pussy hole ?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user you forgot Ram mandir", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm so anti social that I avoid people in my phone", "label": 0} {"text": "Street artist Banksy splashes Paris with works on migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Lawyers Defending Immigrant Children In Detention Are Relying On A Court Case From The 1980s", "label": 0} {"text": "HUGE- Judicial Watch gets new Steele FBI docs. -", "label": 0} {"text": "they are too busy blaming immigrants for all their ills to see its the bankers and the establishment thats screwing them. also they still deludedly believe that britannia rules waves", "label": 0} {"text": "when a man has a gf and wants 2 get w u, say no 2 his dumb bitch self. y do women become side chicks? be respectful 2 OTHER WOMEN damn\ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "To date, there is little evidence that self-deportation is occurring in any meaningful numbers. Ample data, however, show that increased fear has caused immigrant families to alter their life routines.", "label": 0} {"text": "Which one comic creator would you most like to meet, and why? Bobby: I would like to meet the comic legend Frank Miller! So he can give me a refund for Xerxes!! The Skank Original @user speaks about his comic work! #Diversity #comics #comicbooks #satire #author #funny", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user Only a fraction of women are crazy. That fraction is 100/100.", "label": 1} {"text": "The Ku Klux Korean immigrant\u2019s portfolio of bigoted tweetery, it\u2019s not merely ugly, stupid, and immoral \u2013 it\u2019s downright sociopathic. Yet the flagship of the floundering fleet that is America\u2019s liberal media saw the iceberg and went full speed ahead. \ud83d\ude33", "label": 0} {"text": "@user SO WELL SAID, Daniel!His speeches ALL smack of Alinsky; divide & conquer by victimizing one group & calling out the other as bigots, racists, fascist, etc.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you babygirl \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You know whats insane Dana!! Is how the NRA continues to get away with fucking murdering children in country! Why dont you shut the fuck up greedy skank !!", "label": 1} {"text": "USA is $21+ Trillion in Debt. We have millions of homeless, hungry & sick American Citizens in need!#AmericaFirst #WeAreBroke #NoAsylum #NoDACA #MAGA #WalkAway #PressPauseOnImmigration #DeportIllegalFamiliesTogether2 Million Homeless American Kids", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They probably do because it reminds them of the times when women had to stay in home & that's why they get hysterical lol.", "label": 0} {"text": "Nigerian \u2018\u02dcImmigrant\u2019 Doctor Sexually Assaulted Several Patients In Texas Scum update...", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcwill not readmit migrants from rest of EU\u2019. #Merkel GER losing influence rapidly n Europe while Macron never had it.Bulgaria calling for closure of all ext.borders, migrant camps in Libya and Turkey.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Have you ever felt like crying when you saw a Woman who's a victim of Rape #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "Pew study: Rest of the world takes in more refugees than US for first time", "label": 0} {"text": "When you wake up in an ugly randoms bed with no recollection of how you got there and none of your clothes in sight", "label": 0} {"text": "'Keisha Phillips is a dumb cunt dyke bitch hoe. Waste of a pick. Stupid idiot.' -Coach Q", "label": 1} {"text": "Maximising support for migrant youth across the #EU", "label": 0} {"text": "Watching other BM abuse women in public & doing nothing Putting \u201cnot all men\u201d under posts Believing racism is the only system of oppression", "label": 0} {"text": "Australia is younger and better off: RBA governor defends immigration rate via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Where is the just a migrant gets citizenship after walking through the Tunnel the uk poor get jailed non payment of bedroom tax", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user What a stupid bitch , talks utter shite this woman . pure fucking evil too .", "label": 1} {"text": "WATCH: Democratic Senator Doesn't Understand That Illegal Immigrants Have Broken Federal Law via @user Morons elect morons...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I Want Ram Mandir &; Development in India. Do you want both or Nothing?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user When I worked at wal-mart I would say what she said. Or if they complained I would be like well you can come to my apartment to hang to see how poor I am working here. They would actually panic", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user always trying to wear the pants in the family. #GetBackInTheKitchen", "label": 1} {"text": "Girls that send me dirty snaps, DMs and texts, keeping my cock hard all day, is the reason I love my life. Thanks, ya dirty lil sluts", "label": 1} {"text": "What takes up 12 parking spaces? 6 women drivers", "label": 1} {"text": "I used to only fuck bartenders cause I have a very expensive drinking habit", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes he should for life @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 1} {"text": "This German music festival brings refugees and locals together through a shared passion for music \u00e2\u2122\u00ab", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is about integrity. It is not about parties or candidates. Would you permit rape, if perpetrated by a political side?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall Its an Invasion America", "label": 1} {"text": "A hoe wants attention a women wants respect.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Solar-powered laser stations along that entire southern border, with live cams, so we can watch the barbecue, is a faster build.Then call it #OperationCookOut#MAGA #QAnon #BuildThatW", "label": 1} {"text": "The Trump administration ended a program with more than 99% success rate: 99.3% attendance for immigration court hearings; 99.4% attendance for ICE appointments. Learn more here: #frontlinePBS #endfamilyseparation #endfamilydetention", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're dropping subtle hints that you need to be eaten out", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You lieing kunt!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The wall is military readiness for the safety/security of the people of the United States. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Those Immigrants some from Pakinstan and Iraq can not be vetted or their family have ties to Extremists! Do we want them to infirate U.S Army learning U.S Military to over throw the U.S! this is a national security threat ! We Do not want another 911 ! #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "When I'm fuckin and her husband walks in the front door", "label": 0} {"text": "#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. Missed the event? Catch up with all the inspiring talks here: #WithRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "FAQ: I need fast delivery - can you get me out of a hole? #print #marketing #eventprofs", "label": 0} {"text": "Death and Destruction in Yarmouk: Inside #Syria's largest #Palestinianrefugeecamp #firstWesternjournalist...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Aye every cunt can see yer a pure irrelevance other than the rangers twitter maws n da\u2019s that follow follow you hahhaha", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Tent is not enough\" - Illegal migrants trying to assassinate Greek policemen because of the \"Bad\" treatment of illegals in Greece - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Federal judge rules against challenge to border wall #BorderSecurityIsNationalSecurity#BuildTheWall #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Delhi is National Capital&centre for all States,so if mad KEJI is allowed his way,it will soon become full of encroachers,illegal migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Once someone is on Canadian soil and claims asylum, we have an obligation domestically and internationally to grant them a fair hearing.\" #cdnimm #refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Show me a video/tv show were an Alpha Male, guy beats down a bad behaved women, it would be great so see that for once", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm just tweetin ion want no hoes why you dm'n me lil whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80", "label": 1} {"text": "Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska US House seat (from @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm too old for games... We either fuckin or we not... Either way, it's your loss or your gain... IDGAF either way", "label": 0} {"text": "Hispanics have used immigration to invade America, changing it's demographics and also changing politics. We must begin revoking citizenship \u00e2\u009d\u2014", "label": 1} {"text": "'Sanctuary Courtrooms?': Judge Accused of Helping Illegal Immigrant Escape ICE", "label": 0} {"text": "Join us in our efforts to resettle refugees and them with vital services by becoming a fundraiser or donating to our #30kin30days campaign", "label": 0} {"text": "wow, being an immigrant and a student is really like being double penetrated by life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You whilst looking at ur cock 'where is it? Why is it so small?'", "label": 0} {"text": "The Spanish seem ready for another century of Muslim occupation", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcMy clothes, my choice\u2019: Denmark\u2019s ban on Muslim face veils is met with protest | National PostBet you didn't say that to the immigration officer during your interview...", "label": 0} {"text": "Why are some of you thirsting after the married gays on here? \u201cI want your dick\u201d \u201cfuck me\u201d etc... Like, you look pathetic and stupid af", "label": 0} {"text": "Trudeau's immigration solution: Put illegals in hotels via @user #Trudeau Hi Bo put our homeless families in hotels before you start catering to illegals and immigrants refugees? How about our homeless veterans?", "label": 1} {"text": "U fucking cunt bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "This is horrendous", "label": 0} {"text": "Dr. Vliet on #FOXNews 7/12/2014 @user Nothing has changed! #Illegals bring #USA diseases!#BuildThatWall ASAP.@DrLee4America", "label": 1} {"text": "@user this doesn\u2019t apply to you but I hate you and your leo cunt twat whore kin.", "label": 1} {"text": "Kinky Slut With Loose Cunt Takes It Up The Ass", "label": 0} {"text": "When you finally lose all respect for someone so you decide to fuck them and ruin their life just for fun lol", "label": 0} {"text": "Roses are red, violets are blue. You a bitch ass hoe, and yo momma one too. @user Yeet", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If we had the wall, it wouldnt even be close. I guess Congressional GOP just like living on the edge. #BuildThatWall Mr. President.", "label": 1} {"text": "Study: At least 1 in 10 immigrant children has 'interrupted schooling': #K12 #EdPolicy", "label": 0} {"text": "(Toronto Sun):#Woman who accused #Nelly of rape wants case dropped : A woman who said the..", "label": 0} {"text": "The bitch can go with whoever she wants now I guess. I already took that V & destroyed every hole she got anyway. Raw too. #PETTY", "label": 1} {"text": "if i ever met taylor she would be like : get this hysterical girl away from me.....and frankly i'd agree w her", "label": 0} {"text": "No, bi*ch. You killed him by coming here illegally! You both made the choice. Get the hell out of our country! #DeportThemAll #DeportImmediately #buildthatwall #GetOut Wife of undocumented Mexican dad blames Trump for his suicide @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Look its simple. Women talk about rape in #metoo & you say not all men\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Next time I ask a chick what she wants to eat and she says 'I don't care' this is wtf she's gettin", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user RT @user Please arrest/prosecute all Governors, Mayors, and members of #Congress who are violating any Federal Laws. #USA #Americans #Constitution #2A #1A #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndGunContro", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user How many women commited Jouhar to avoid rape and captivity? Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it..", "label": 0} {"text": "Finland's president says illegal immigrants are exploiting Europe \"borders should be closed\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "The best tool against anti-immigrant sentiment is no safe space for white supremacists: be they legislators or poor folks. Shame them, smash them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Perhaps Ann meant to tweat that she wished she herself had been present to compete for the most hysterical woman? Regarding Kavanaugh, as Harris & Booker's questions revealed, I felt that he was less than decisive, forthright with his answers. #CountryOverParty #AmericansUnite", "label": 1} {"text": "Hundreds become US citizens on #IndependenceDay in #Arizona #LegalImmigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Fact: Illegal Immigration Is A Crime, Not Simply A \u2018\u02dcCivil Penalty\u2019 Deport these animals...", "label": 1} {"text": "UMC complaint against Jeff Sessions after he used the Bible to defend separating migrant children from their parents has...", "label": 0} {"text": "on women is no suprise, i hope interest on the show will lead someone to make her page and show her amazing work in trauma for rape victims", "label": 0} {"text": "In Dalton, candidate for governor Stacey Abrams touts pro-immigrant policies", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Shut the fuck up when you're in my presence", "label": 1} {"text": "Jodie Foster: Hollywood Execs Tried To Rape Me When I Was A Girl", "label": 0} {"text": "Detaining Immigrant Kids Is Now a Billion-Dollar Industry", "label": 0} {"text": "MS13 are animals! #ICEHeroes #MS13Animals #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndLotteryVisas #DrainTheSwamp #VoterID #SupportTheBlue #AmericansFirst #MAGA #LawAndOrder #VoteDemsOUT #VoteRed2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Protecting the COUNTRY is the sole purpose of the Military. Not for unnessary foreign endeavours an interference.. The COUNTRY starts at the Border, Mr. Smith. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "These are poor Syrian refugees in camps", "label": 0} {"text": "A reminder, this is a parody account, used for entertainment. Tweets should be taken almost as seriously as we take #YesAllWomen tweets", "label": 0} {"text": "Don\u2019t you dare call a woman a hoe in front of me, I didn\u2019t spend all this time hoeing to not get my credit! Foh!", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate gender -specific adjectives. Not all women are feminine and not all men are macho.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch stfu you was just talking shit about her stop tryna get clout fat neck hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Lisdoonvarna, a village earmarked for replacement. Along with a growing number of other towns and cities right across Ireland. Listen to Irish (FG) Minister for 'Equality, Immigration and...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user a bitch about to get pussy punched if she dont buy a new god damn book", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Are you in a competition with @user to see who is the more hysterical woman at the #KavanaughConfirmation ?", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll just leave this here.....", "label": 0} {"text": "Volunteer orientations are coming up this Thursday 5/4. Sign up here If you're interested in serving refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Some of you are so quick to say \u201cnot me!\u201d Or \u201cnot all men\u201d but you don\u2019t want to call out your homeboys for this behavior?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user President Jokowi: it's not true millions of Chinese migrant workers get employed in Morowali, C. Sulawesi.The number of migrant workers is 3,121 & local workers is 25,447.Thus the number of migrant workers is only 10.9% of total workforce The", "label": 0} {"text": "5 women tellin u 2 ur face that they\u2019re scared 2 walk down the street alone and Ur still so set on #NotAllMen that u argue instead of listen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Start deporting the Illegal aliens here and they will stop Smuggling in their kin folks", "label": 1} {"text": "Boat carrying undocumented migrants sinks off N.Cyprus", "label": 0} {"text": "Church Takes Stand Against Trump's Immigration Policy in the Most Foul, Disgusting Way via @user This is a cult,not a church.More useful fools...", "label": 1} {"text": "New to Twitter-- any men on here know what the process is to get #verified?", "label": 0} {"text": "Harvey Weinstein: More Women Accuse Hollywood Producer of Rape via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "a girl KNOS wen a bitch likes her mans \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude01", "label": 1} {"text": "Everyone hates chelsea - whore skank", "label": 1} {"text": "EU\u2019s hailed migrant plan \u2018\u02dca road to Hell\u2019 Czech Republic refuses involvement", "label": 1} {"text": "Soon turists will stay away from Spain bathbeaches. Today new refugees come to Spain from Maroco and escaped without registration and walk through the bathingpeople. 1600 come last days.", "label": 1} {"text": "'IT'S NOT ALL MEN, THOUGH!' yet you sit in a circle with your boys and you hear the things the say. you hear them admitting to being brutal", "label": 0} {"text": "migrants armed w-sticks & homemade flamethrowers broke through border fence Ceuta\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u203015 border agents injured as 602 managed to break barrier.At this point, Spain must defy EU law, forcefully return them. What can weak EU do about it?", "label": 1} {"text": "lets have an answer from all the do gooders and those with placards saying refugees welcome....", "label": 0} {"text": "If your girl ends it with you, don't be upset. It's not your fault. She's just a dumb sloot #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "Salvini prosecuted for defending Italian sovereignty and finally preventing hundreds of migrants to invade Italy. GRANDE SALVINI!Help us preserve the European culture against the invasion.#stop_islamization #complicediSalvini #stopInvasion #REFUGEESNOTWELCOME", "label": 1} {"text": "#Tufacebaba effective presence at #Worldrefugeeday2017 at Onikan Stadium in Ikoyi-Lagos standing #WithRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "As we pray for the country's leadership as they debate about immigration this evening/this week, we can likewise...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: \u201cWages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user #meninists #yesallmen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user can u report dogshit retard link me after u beg ur fucking terrible u foreign cunt u sound like a woman fucking funder", "label": 1} {"text": "Foreign Invader, Ernesto Esquivel-Garcia, 20, TWICE arrested & in the custody of immigration officials TWICE released just to go kill an American citizen😡. \u2066@POTUS\u2069 #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #lilbulli 🇺🇸❤\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user We\u2019re also hysterical and hormonal. It\u2019s society\u2019s M.O. to tell a woman her feelings aren\u2019t valid if the\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Signing of the agreement paves way to lifting of the ban and improve diplomacy between #Philippines and #Kuwait #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #migrants #labor #domesticworker @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Nose Twitchier May begins brexit in bed at Tiffs turning her back on Immigration a community party waiting on attack on poor", "label": 1} {"text": "This advent calendar helps you pimp your Prosecco throughout Christmas:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Mmmmm sweet pussy hole :) xx", "label": 0} {"text": "QUESTION: Should 'Refugees' Who Break The Law & Rape Women Be Deported Immediately? v\u00eda @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Our ancestors called migrants invaders we should do the same", "label": 1} {"text": "The #NFL is the only major sport in the US without a significant number of #immigrant athletes", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes you're so hot but you've fucked black guys therefor you're ruined #SlittyBitches", "label": 1} {"text": "#Spain overtakes Italy for migrant arrivals", "label": 0} {"text": "Fake hair, fake nails, fake personality, and pounds of makeup...... And you expect a REAL guy? Gotcha bitch #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "a guy: *dated 8 girls in 3 years* some people: wow that\u2019s so cool a girl: dated 7 guys in 7 years some people: SLUT BITCH WHORE", "label": 0} {"text": "there are also places on our Arabic, Bengali & Latin American Spanish classes from January. These have been running since Sept, so not suitable for absolute beginners, but great if you want to brush up. Fees from \u00c2\u00a35/hr & all profits go to our free ESOL classes for refugees (2/3)", "label": 0} {"text": "Why is the White House betraying conservatives on immigration?", "label": 0} {"text": "Regardless of intent, the term \u201cundocumented immigrant\u201d is incorrect\u2026 because illegal aliens are foreigners (i.e., aliens), who are unlawfully present in the United States (i.e., illegal).", "label": 1} {"text": "Wearing extensions around me is as dumb as wearing panties around me... They both getting ripped off of you", "label": 0} {"text": "if you\u2019re really gonna sit and bitch about women hating on men for raping and harassing them, please exit my life immediately and forever", "label": 0} {"text": "This is disgusting!Pakistani doctor in #Australia watches video of his son raping a 13 year old girl and says, \"He would make a good Gynecologist\".#Rotherham #Telford #Grooming#Muslims #immigration #BNP #Patriots #Nationalist #Trumphttps://t.co/5ZoZXrCh2X", "label": 0} {"text": "Guy: your last name is Gonzales? You must not be from around here, like a Mexican immigrant. Me: actually I was born in Florida and raised in NY. Guy: oh so your not from Mexico? Me: No, I\u2019m actually from Filipino descent but even if I was from Mexico, I\u2019d be damn proud to be", "label": 0} {"text": "SHOVE IT DEEP IN YOUR WILLING KUNT PULLUNG OUT N B... \u2014 cunt*", "label": 0} {"text": "With healthcare access and immigrant rights looking increasingly tenuous with each passing day, the work we do becomes more and more critical for our community. Support our work today however possible:", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant Farmers Help Grow Organic Ag in Wisconsin and Beyond", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoping they will reconsider many things - esp. re. #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user needs to send in the Military to the southern border stop this invasion of America from the 3rd world. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "Money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you pussy", "label": 1} {"text": "Stimulate her mind and her vagina will follow suit", "label": 1} {"text": "Instead of saying 'that's not all men' how about you work to change the mindset of your friends, because clearly nothing's getting done", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWallNow I do not want those vile thugs in our country! #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndVisaLottery #AngelFamlies", "label": 1} {"text": "The EU\u2019s migration solution? Throw cash at the problem", "label": 0} {"text": "They call it HB. I\u2019m a hot bitch you a has been", "label": 0} {"text": "Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Apparently 300,000 immigrants a year is now 'normal'. This is white genocide!https://t.co/rgN8YK6Z4oAfrica for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany, France and Malta agree to take in boat migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Can't they trade her for 5 illegal immigrants?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And set to accept more economic migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "it makes no sense. I have a green card as well issued by the exact same agency @user It is valid for 10 years. The vetting is the EXACT same if not more rigorous for a green card. Why aren\u2019t the refugee travel docs and green cards issued for the same # of validity?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user calm down this parody account is live again, that was close tho u guys almost had an impact on something #YesAllMen", "label": 0} {"text": "There's a hole in my heart where my will to live should be that I filled with stupid photos of MCR. I joke about it, but it's true.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ahhh bitch just the other day you said ' I been having a crush on him since forever' dumb ass hoe give it up he don't want you", "label": 1} {"text": "A 10-year-old rape victim gave birth in India\u00a0\u2013\u00a0and the girl was unaware that she was ever pregnant.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Farming is all about Illegal immigrant's that's who dose all the work. Who cares. LOL", "label": 1} {"text": "Role of #refugees in #SouthSudan\u2019s peace process #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "biiiitch lil biddy whores doofus bitch im eat my ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Jeans ho ya girl hu", "label": 0} {"text": "More than half of the population in #Syria rely on humanitarian aid for survival. Together with @user and local NGOs, @user reaches 3 million Syrians (inside Syria) as well as 1 million #refugees each month with emergency food assistance.", "label": 0} {"text": "Paul Ryan and \u201cBig Club\u201d Begin Positioning Comprehensive Immigration Platform\u00c2\u00a0Narrative\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA... but now Democrats decry Democrat run Facebook's new political advertising policy about Political Ads. Say it\u2019s too strict for demanding a social security number, a federal ID and a residential address. Democrats don\u2019t want rules", "label": 0} {"text": "I have no shame bruh, none at all", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wow that hoes aint shit, You deserve better dan that ugly whore brother", "label": 1} {"text": "Rape Culture is just another millenial myth made by bloggers and Instagram sluts.;;", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Wow! Great video. Rare to find women who agree with us. Thanks for the support. #MaleDomination", "label": 1} {"text": "#SendThemBack #NoMigrants \u2066@ParisJeTaime\u2069 #Paris suburb home to 300,000 illegal immigrants, report says", "label": 1} {"text": "Maldivians' visit for health and education services as well as weekend travel and residency is putting strain on #SriLanka #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #health #education #Maldives @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Thems the rules", "label": 0} {"text": "Just cause I wear flowy shorts and start to get drunk does NOT give you the right to rape me and it never will", "label": 0} {"text": "Pres. Duterte ordered ban on #deployment following #Filipino worker was found dead in a freezer in apartment in #Kuwait @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Ole fat neck ass nigha . Release the motherfucking song ... I\u2019ve had it with you cunt holes", "label": 0} {"text": "PHOTOS: Trump's border wall under construction #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Drug Trafficking&gold smuggling by foreign nationals is on rise.Our immigration laws r so weak.People stay on expired Visas", "label": 0} {"text": "Problem for the PM re Johnson is that a person who sent round vans telling immigrants to GO HOME is not in a position to lecture anyone on racism. The lesson of which is: if you pander, they\u2019ll take everything you give them and keep pushing for more", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are a stupid idiot. F U. NASTY TRASY SKANK", "label": 1} {"text": "Libyan coast guard intercepts 40 migrants bound for #Europe", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm sorry but c'mon if women were as hysterical as men we'd have them all in interment camps until we figured this shit out.", "label": 1} {"text": "Wow they tried to give me a FEMALE DOCTOR TODAY. I didn't even know those EXISTEd...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user RIP Twitter bitch cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Playing Mr. nice guy will get you nowhere but home alone rubbing one out. Man up, cupcake", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel calls for 'more control on migration'", "label": 0} {"text": "But the plant gets devoured by the animal, and the animal devoured by us, because nature, rather like I spoke of women before, is a cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Les Miserables Banksy for sexual assault victims in France and Germany another do gooder of illegal immigrants not legal", "label": 0} {"text": "Me whenever anyone compliments me", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're acting like you have your life together but you really have no clue what the fuck is going on", "label": 0} {"text": "the go home blacks refugees dirty immigrants asylum seekers sucking our country dryniggers with their hands outthey smell strange savagemessed up their country and now they want to mess ours uphow do the words the dirty looks roll off your backs", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do bitches from Philly and Jersey always ask 'do you have a Wawa?' Yeah bitch, we got Wawa but I don't eat at gas stations, FOH", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You DOPEY KUNT how did your ancestors from Pakistan become Muslim they where forced to join the evil\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Plot twist: women do, in fact, like nice guys. Women do not like \u201cnice guys\u201d who call you a bitch for rejecting him after he was \u201cnice.\u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall and then extend it to Wall, J, & K Streets. #DrainTheSwamp", "label": 1} {"text": "According to UNHCR, in 2017, there were 24.5 million refugees who had fled their countries to escape conflict and persecution. This is 2.9 million more than in 2016, and the biggest increase UNHCR has seen in a single year. You can help. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Still no end in sight for Africa\u2019s #refugee crisis via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "* Libya rejects EU plans for migrant centers on its territory. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "And what were they expecting? Holiday camps with 5 star facilities! I bet they have better living conditions in Germany than they have at home..... if not just go back! Simple! #Refugees", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Once a meathead always a meathead. ILLEGAL ALIENS IS NOT IMMIGRATION. #NoDACA #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "What a wonderful woman! This is the kind of immigrant we need here! \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb", "label": 0} {"text": "this girl is hysterical with laughter on the bus and i just have such a strong need to know what could make a person laugh this much", "label": 0} {"text": "What an idiot. #buildthatwall", "label": 1} {"text": "I might be old but at least I came up in a time when hip hop was in its prime and people didn't have bitch ass feelings", "label": 0} {"text": "About Time! Non Citizens and DACA Illegals Who Voted Must be Arrested For Voter Fraud Serve their time then Deported ASAP All Forms ask you to Swear Your a Citizen they lied ! #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you really think it's hot to dance all over black guys? You've completely ruined your image for us humans #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "They should all be prosecuted & American Taxpayers want FULL RESTITUTION, I'm sick n' tired of losing 25% of every one of my checks to pay for all of these fucking programs that I myself can NEVER get assistance from or very little! ENOUGH IS MORE THAN ENOUGH #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "#MUFC Walmart #MacysBTS #target Help your fellow man. Subscribe to the blog today:", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey jackass liberals see a wall DOES work #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "ICE Leader: Ryan's Immigration Bill Another 'Gang of 8' Debacle via @user Dump rino Ryan...", "label": 0} {"text": "Reducing the flow of refugees by 40% is a start, they also need to look at reversing the flow, as many are not genuine, as seen in Europe where many go back regularly to their home countries for holidays.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It\u2019s called polio. I hate calling women this word but your a \u2018bitch\u2019 in this instance.", "label": 1} {"text": "sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird and her bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "World Relief is thrilled to be included in this list from @user of 5 organizations to support for #WorldRefugeeDay. Check out the other organizations who are doing amazing work to stand with refugees. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Iraqi \"man\" arrested for police officer shooting in Colorado Springs...@AnnCoulter secret decoder ring needed to figure out which legal immigration program he used to get in here! Refugee? Special Immigrant Visa for Afghans and Iraqis? What?https://t.co/6WxQhjqOn5", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Just bitch, bitch, bitch because you don\u2019t get the attention you want or the singular self-importance.", "label": 1} {"text": "and the rest are staying, raping our daughters and welfare system and creating a caliphate. They will never return as they were never refugees as we all knew when they streamed in, as they are still doing. Really hope peace returns to all of Syria. Great to see.", "label": 1} {"text": "A Catholic who loves Christianity #Italy #LeaveEU #StoptheBoats #Sendthemback #Lega #News #Bible", "label": 0} {"text": "Male logic is a woman should get life for accusing a man of rape but an actual rapist shouldn't", "label": 0} {"text": "I thought I saw a dead dog on the side of the road and was about to lose it, but then I realized it was just a cat", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Isnt the bitch is the one whose attacking women or people who cant or isnt able to defend self? Mussies are cave monkies", "label": 0} {"text": "It's like it's always the ones YOU CARE FOR THE LEAST that be talking so much shit like bitch I'm not even paying attention to you lil whore", "label": 1} {"text": "#QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Spanish police clash with migrants after 800 storm Morocco border fence", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you to @user @user @user & everyone else who showed up yesterday to shed light on the legal resources that are available to help our City's immigrant families.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Love seeing how girls publicly compliment each other \"\"Oh wow. Stunnerz. Bae\"\"And in the same breath send private texts to their friends saying the same person is an \"\"insta-whore / attention whore / D-craving attention seeking skank with dumb shoes\"\"Hilarious#MoreThanTwoFaces\"", "label": 1} {"text": "If I was president I would- introduce revocation of citizenship bills- voter I.D. executive order- border wall- do \"merit based\" pro white immigration- more pro life policies to increase white birthrates- take away LGBT degeneracy rights- term limits- segregate america", "label": 1} {"text": "1 hoe 2 hoe 3 hoe 4, girl you know you're just another whore \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "#PoliceState. Why were 600 people arrested for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. #Immigration @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "'Oh you're dating someone now?'", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary's New laws target Muslim migrants \"to preserve Christian culture of Europe\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Absolute skank you are", "label": 1} {"text": "DA just don't want to accept that the days of whities running SA are over, especially arrogant, gloating whities.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ew a year ago I was chillin w/ a nasty coke head looking skank \ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37 bitch you nasty", "label": 0} {"text": "I only follow pretty girls that live close enough to fuck \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "German diplomat blames Britain for the immigrant crisis in Germany \"UK should take them\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "If you got a tattoo today you a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "ALISA AND I AND ONE OTHER COOL GIRL JUST HAD TO FIGHT THIS NOT ALL MEN DICKHEAD I HOPE HEFUCKING DIES", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch, do you think those women are stupid? Don't even try to kiss and lick their ass. The\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't FORGET this FACT all YOU #KildaBeast #FakeFemBot #NastyWomen #MuMuMama #ChewbacaLeg #YeastInfestedPussySuits !!Even a VAGINA has a WALL !!! #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Women should support women! telling them they are hysterical is abusive.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This comes from a rape whore who forced sharia down the throats of her constituents.", "label": 1} {"text": "you ever just see a random woman on the street and want to choke slam her to the ground, pour gasoline in her cunt and light her on fire", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Are you calling me a slut?", "label": 0} {"text": "Police nab illegal immigrant 'family' after man found to have raped girl via washtimes #women #college #Democrats", "label": 0} {"text": "honestly a bitch didnt deserve shit this whole year or whole fuckin life so why q bitch always complaining ugh fucking hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user If we left the EU and did away with the old outdated Commonwealth migration could fall rightaway Uganda in the 70s taught us nothing", "label": 0} {"text": "When your inner unicorn is showing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You sound like one lo intelligence. Skank", "label": 0} {"text": "Without limitation of refugees Seehofer can retire. Time to get the truth !", "label": 0} {"text": "accusing a woman of lying about rape to get attention means you're trash", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Stop immigration of all refugees and you will be save.", "label": 1} {"text": "Presence of soldiers has resulted in sexual harassment, intimidation and violations of tribal people's rights #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Philippines @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "It\u2019s bloody crap being a migrant here right now.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The first person (Trump) to pack a stadium & not get paid for it. Priceless. O'Puppet on the other hand threatened to cancel a speech if the fee $$ amt was disclosed to the public. SAD. #MAGA #KAG #DrainTheDeepState #ObamaSpeech #BuildThatWal", "label": 1} {"text": "@user gotta pay the bills bruh", "label": 0} {"text": "No seriously. It has \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23", "label": 0} {"text": "How dare you!! How about giving our own women the choice to be able to walk on OUR streets safe in the knowledge they won't be raped and murdered courtesy of YOUR out of control immigration. You've created a monster, you are a monster #MayMustGo @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user come tell this bitch to get in the fucking sea. Please. Before I cunt punch her. \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm only gonna waste your time, break your heart and ruin your vagina, to make you stronger as a woman. You're welcome", "label": 1} {"text": "\"I'm done with twitter. ALL I did was express MY views. I KEPT saying things like \"\"I might be wrong\"\", \"\"That's how I feel\"\" throught my thread bc THIS is exactly what I feared. You all ganging up & attacking me.Now I'm a solostan, racist, Idiot, bitch & skank & more!\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Women are equal and deserve respect. Just kidding, they should suck my dick.", "label": 1} {"text": "Saturday Twitter Tip Find 5 men you disagree with Ensure they are blocked to prevent rape and death threats Ign\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "How is it that no law enforcement entity finds it odd that you can leave the WH dead broke and then buy your Skank daughter a $10 million apartment and pay for a $3 million wedding. Have the Clintons ever gone back to Haiti??? #maga #tcot", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You have to understand that not all men were raised the right way and you have to protect you\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Y\u2019all gas Eminem\u2019s ass way too much for me like the way that grown ass man talks about rape and beating women is not excusable.", "label": 0} {"text": "And if you are a Colossal Ignoramuses installed in WH and your wife illegal immigrant, gets you the opportunity to line your pockets, UNChecked BY COMPLICIT CORRUPT GOP CONGRESS, for 18 plus months, WHILE A CONSTANT EMBARRASSMENT", "label": 0} {"text": "The refugeesmedia report that this baby Asel is the first of 2018 in Vienna at 0.47. Many hateposters send bad voices. But in reality many other white babies (about 12) was born also earlier in Austria, just 1 minute after midnight in Styria and other places. Nobody report about.", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees welcome? Of course they are but that should not be at the safety of our children. Our welcominging social democratic country has been taken advantage of", "label": 0} {"text": "Help out! Give to 'Indian Women Need Instant Help Stop Rape &; Murders'. #generosity via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You're lying you skank! Don't make me start a cat fight with you!", "label": 0} {"text": "My kids ? \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ugly ? Bitch you look like the rape sloth !", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey \u2066@DailyMailUK\u2069 did some thieving immigrant steal your apostrophe?", "label": 0} {"text": "Tory is going to pay in 2018 for the sins of 2014 (Kouvalis, SmartTrack). Cf Wynne and gas plants. Toronto Mayor John Tory Just Hired The Guy Who Ran Canada\u2019s Worst Anti-Immigrant Campaign,\u00a0Again(https://t.co/OZiSfOXPhS)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user U suspend acct of rape victim, but not some one who promises 'Hell&Fury the planet has never seen' = #NuclearWar. You are a #HYPOCRITE", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ...hits you with the \u201cNOT ALL MEN!\u201d OF COURSE there were coflicted Christians, but those who self -ident\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I hope not cause I fuck lots of my followers \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall We can't afford any more dummies who can't make it on their own.", "label": 1} {"text": "Just walked past this women and she goes 'Hello you cunt' I'm crying \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What \u2013 he was messaging a woman on Linked!n, not Tinder! You're being the 'hysterical' one, Kate!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The wall must be very high to stop illegal immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Apart from getting the immigration bit horribly wrong, it was a diplomatic nightmare of a question cleverly avoided. Let's be fair, he knows he's deeply unpopular here but wants to evade upsetting the British government as much as he's upset", "label": 0} {"text": "And then some bent cunt turns up for a flyer.....last time on this shit hole!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Talking about hysterical women, you're the worst.", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigration \"loophole\" that Trump bemoaned returns after zero tolerance rollback via @user #NotMyPresident #xenophobic #cruel #racist #inhumane #misogynist #criminal", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user But you probably mind the white guys, you racist, anti -white skank!", "label": 1} {"text": "Keeping 'Dreamers' would cost taxpayers $26B over next 10 years, feds say #America1st#AmericansHaveDreamsToo#StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Starting A Colorado Fire That Charred 40K Acres via @user There should be a bounty on these animals...", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Burdens and assistance to refugees and IDPs deserves recognition.\", Antonio Jose Canhandula, UNHCR Rep to Nigeria and ECOWAS.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We have to slap a bitch made hoe ass foo we gon make it look sessy hahaha", "label": 1} {"text": "To believe that if Europe will help the poor in Africa will stop migration is wrong.Its not possible to help them, because the grow to much - overpopulation. So they will come always more. To stop them only camps to bring them back and no welfare will help.", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "And the a&&hole Bannon thinks we are all stupid", "label": 0} {"text": "MS-13 gang member breaks into Brooklyn, NY 2nd floor apartment and rapes girl. #BuildTheDamnWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #IllegalAlien #MS13", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck hoes a bitch ain\u2019t nothin women be trippin bruh", "label": 1} {"text": "Child Prostitution: Feds Break Up Mexico-to-Queens Sex Trafficking Ring via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Idk who these things are or why they're popular all of the sudden... And that's my meme about that", "label": 0} {"text": "Shoutout to everyone that uses 'ur' instead of 'your' or 'you're' cause you're too stupid to know the difference", "label": 0} {"text": "Food sent to migrant ships of Sicily as Italy awaits #EU asylum offers", "label": 0} {"text": "SCOTUS an alien seeking admission to the U.S for the first time, having the least \"connection with this country,\" has the most limited due process of all whatever authorized by Congress This means no judges Deport ASAP ! #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Build the dam wall.Stop this from happening here in the USA.#BuildTheWall#EndSantcuaryCities#EndChainMigration#VisaLottery#JimJordanForSpeaker#VoteRED #RedTsunami #SupportPresidentTrump#MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "US immigrant policy to enter US has always been - education or skill & sponsor to take responsibility 4 them. In last 30 yrs, US has taken in so many with no education or means to support themselves - many never learn English. With Catch & Release too many go on welfare-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Then this Mein Kunt Bitch talks about respecting soldiers thats why all that its bS His racist ass i\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "I wonder if rick will make another deal with those crazy ass women \ud83e\udd14 and if that crazy ass nigga will actually hoe Daryl again \ud83d\ude10", "label": 1} {"text": "The new anti-migrant national consensus", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Immigration is about sharing in the exploitation of the country, not sharing in the building or maintaining it.My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they think I'm going to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim Accused of Rape Said \u2018Allah\u2019s Going to Get You\u2019: A Muslim man accused of raping a woman also allegedly told\u2026\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Indeed, a woman who was raped ... and who was distraught that a man made a joke about that rape ...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Exactly. Thanks for the support #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "China says cooperation with Iran \"justified, reasonable and lawful\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Another Woman Has Come Forward With A Very Detailed Rape Allegation Against\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "250 million africans and 60 million \"refugees\" can't just go to Germany and Europe. If they try to come anyway, it would be a declaration of war against entire Europe! Don't think about to cheat us and to play the \"rascist card\" forever!", "label": 1} {"text": "When you do finally give up and start buying them cats at least you won't have to drink alone, loser", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes I have a job And I'm pretty damn sure u dont make remotely close to what I make a week working 25 hours than what u make working 80 hours so shut the fuck up. I clearly said on the thread I had time yesterday....whore", "label": 1} {"text": "News in Numbers: India to US is the busiest route for migration of skilled labourers, World Bank report says", "label": 0} {"text": "Luigi Fugazy was a \u2018padrone\u2019 to the South Village Italian immigrant community at the turn of the 20th century. Learn how his beneficence helped thousands of his fellow countrymen, and how he was mourned when he died on this day in 1930:", "label": 0} {"text": "How to Pronounce Audi Cunt \u21baRT\u2764 #slit #box #muff #clit #Audi #slut #gash #puss #twat #AudiCunt #a", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #ThisIsAmerica. The arms industry is king. It would be great if it was limited to the domestic market only.", "label": 0} {"text": "The fag stays away and so does that SLUT bitch he proffered as 'bait'....they are both fakes!", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy allows two migrant rescue ships to dock after other European countries offer to take them \u00c2\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Remember that male jogger who pushed that woman into a bus? He probably had very rich lawyers and is lying low in the Caribbean. Cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "DOJ website lists cases of immigration fraud, check it out! via @user Oh my...", "label": 0} {"text": "Watching kids grow up is fun... When they're not yours", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy World Day of Social Justice! Social justice is a driving value in our work, and we believe the Scriptures are full of God\u2019s commands to his people to love, welcome, and seek justice for refugees and other immigrants.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck you slut bitch hoe! He aint giving a shit what you think", "label": 1} {"text": "When you regret asking her 'what that mouth do?'", "label": 0} {"text": "Who makes the sandwiches at a feminist rally?", "label": 1} {"text": "Uh. Hi. I'm an anarchist, and my mother is an immigrant who because of her immigration doesn't have the same job opportunies and nowhere near the money for a trust fund. Also my dad was a farmer who taught himself because he couldn't go to school. Keep your B.S. off my TL thanks.", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy's Voters Aren't Anti-Immigration\u2014But Their Government Is", "label": 0} {"text": "N18 Million To Be Paid To Women Maltreated And Tagged HO's", "label": 0} {"text": "When I go out for just one drink", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It kinda sounds like you run a house of skank over there. Mags stinks \ud83d\ude37 and dogs getting into the Halloween candy.", "label": 1} {"text": "'I'm not like most girls'", "label": 0} {"text": "Detained #Immigrant CHILD DIES. #Resist #FBR", "label": 0} {"text": "@user David it is about immigration letting Turkey Have Visas and other Islamic countries come here will tear this nation apart", "label": 1} {"text": "", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please DO NOT listen to lame duck @user immigration/The Wall is way more important than tax 2.0! Stick to your instinct #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "US lashes out at UN 'hypocrisy' over migrant family breakups", "label": 0} {"text": "Check your balls at the door. Stephen Colbert weighs in on the weird #Trump #CabinetMeeting. Even @user", "label": 0} {"text": "President of German Evangelical Church highlights plight of refugee children while in Malta", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch stop playing with me and drop my shit off ! What u do after that ain't no problem because I know they gone send u back lil whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Sessions rescinds DOJ guidance on refugees, asylum seekers' right to work #USA #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How long will Merkel hang onto power a heart of a country welcomed Migrants and that heart has been torn apart immigration will go", "label": 0} {"text": "Home Office misled court about treatment of child refugees from Calais, judges find", "label": 0} {"text": "I like girls with gag reflexes... Cause I enjoy holding their heads down and watching them struggle through it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That bitch is the Godmother of PERVERSION! Crooked Hillary is like the Ugly Old Slut of the wild west that opens the Whorehouse!", "label": 1} {"text": "Rich African Countries don't take in African MigrantsRich muslim countries don't take in muslim migrantsRich latin american countries don't take it latin migrantsBut white countries are suppose to accept them??", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- any plans for the weekend? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "DACA - Wednesday afternoon, Judge Hanen will hear arguments over whether to issue nationwide injunction of his own, which would stop Trump admin from continuing implement DACA in any way. Immigration experts expect him to issue that injunction. It nullifies decision of DC judge", "label": 0} {"text": "When me and other american employees call the Home Care office, the coordinators don't answer. But then when they want us to do a job they call asap & expect Us to jump up and go. The office consist of all immigrants & they don't respect Us Black Negroe Americans & they show it!", "label": 1} {"text": "You're legit an asshole. Man or woman, act your fucking age. Show respect for others. Have decency to talk about things as an \"ADULT\" that you supposedly are. Dont be a fucking cunt about things ESPECIALLY if youre in the wrong.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Why would you call a \u201cfeminist\u201d who does lesbian vampire porn a \u201cskank\u201d?\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Could you open up your home to refugees in need?", "label": 0} {"text": "Refugees are not allowed to stay in India #ZEE24KALAK Go back to your home.", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm a human being not a toy so stop fucking playing with me #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user stfu trump incites and promotes violence. We need to do like they are doing to Susan Collins to you. Every state should do that then your Russian donors would lose power and so would you.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ophelia the slut hurricane hits today and I can guarantee that bitch will destroy my internet ready for front page \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude21", "label": 0} {"text": "Women.....Can't live with them......Can't shoot them.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ugh fucking bitch ass cunt!!!!!!!!!! Cheeto ass looking bitch \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user But what about pizzagate you owl kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you @user for lending your heart, your hands, your voice to the plight of refugees. When you return to Memphis, we invite you to join us to meet some of the strong survivors who have been resettled in our beloved city! #memphiswelcomesrefugees #worldrelief", "label": 0} {"text": "We all know there's gonna be some #MAGA nut who sees this, realizes having no uniform & not showing ID has no consequences, has the idea of impersonating an ICE agent with an equally racist friend to 'deal' with the pesky immigrant in their area", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Brian you should\u2019ve got RGB ram!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Many women aren\u2019t innocent! Megyn is an attention whore who lies to keep herself relevant.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The wall would HELP! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "me: why am I so tired also me: laughs like a hysterical bitch 24/7 and cannot duduk diam", "label": 0} {"text": "Is the most dangerous politician in Canada a Somali Muslim migrant? via @user Trudope gone insane...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Those Immigrants some from Pakinstan and Iraq can not be vetted or their family have ties to Extremists! Do we want them to infirate U.S Arm Forces learning U.S Military to over throw the U.S, this is a national security threat ! We Do no", "label": 1} {"text": "Girls bitch about how immature guys are and then they do shot like That #WomenSuck", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm truly sorry. I'm sure you'll hear the 'not all men' line, which probably doesn't mean much to you or a\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "A woman who accused US rapper Nelly of rape has asked the police to stop their investigation", "label": 0} {"text": "I don\u2019t see anything in the MSM about Ft Myers police Officer Jobbers-Miller (29 years old!) being killed by an illegal Haitian immigrant last week! What the heck is the matter with people? This man is being buried today -very, very Sad!! Stop letting them in this country!!", "label": 0} {"text": "#ICERaids sweeps up over 100 Illegal Aliens That Stole U,S Citizens IDS and SSN for #Jobs Illegal #immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime #Trump #MAGA #ExecutiveOrder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You look like your whore mother dresses you in the dark, you hit women and you were ugly even before skaterboy fixed your face!", "label": 0} {"text": "It's time for #massdeportations until the borders are secure. #BorderPatrol #ICE @user #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No Green Cards For #DACA Illegal Parents that broke #Immigration laws they have Illegal Voted and Stolen Citizen IDs #NoAmensty for Illegals No DACA #RedNationRising #GOP #Trump #MAGA #ResignRyan @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user arent'y you #ashamed of having insulted #AsiaArgento and the other women who spoke against #rape? #Weinstein #sexism #Italy", "label": 0} {"text": "It's so annoying how people believe that the husband can rape the wife. She doesnt want sex at that time you should understand not force her", "label": 0} {"text": "18 Images You Won't Believe Exist On Google Maps #QAnon #Elections2018 #CorruptGovernment #GoogleIsCIA #ChildSexTrafficking #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWALL #ThesePeopleAreEVIL #NoDACA #GreatAwakening", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user And there you go again, ignoring the point. You\u2019re so worried about \u201cnot all men\u201d\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "'You're the only one I'm talking to'", "label": 0} {"text": "How Irish migration and the criminal mind were viewed in the Victorian era", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I love playing with your ass will you rid my cock and I eat you out", "label": 1} {"text": "So i had a dream that baekyeol kissed right in front of my face that was very charming thing until some psycho women start to scream.bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "It's coming across the border. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall What's wrong with you @user", "label": 1} {"text": "After IS is soon finished (US+Turkey secretserv. action), IS fighter have 11000 open Syrian passports for use. Stop immigration to Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "Eu promises and dont pay. After 2011 France+GB destroyed LIBYA completly, its a failed state now. Why Libya should keep refugees back, if EU not restored all damage from this bombings, specially France and GB has to pay.", "label": 0} {"text": "Expect tens of millions of internal climate migrants by 2050, says World Bank", "label": 0} {"text": "Yermasoyia offers to host unaccompanied refugee minors", "label": 0} {"text": "What an amazing gift for Mary and Matta and other young immigrant children!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user then you bitch m complain when you get them haha stop being a little bitch and just accept what you are, you filthy whore \ud83d\ude0e", "label": 1} {"text": "Rohingya refugee children are being forced to grow up too fast.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u2018I know how it feels\u2019: More than 100 reach out to help immigrant woman who lost her Dulles job", "label": 0} {"text": "Restrict Welfare Benefits 2 British people ONLY Confiscate properties that house illegal Immigrants Offshore internment camps 4 Illegal Immigrants. Segregate by Ethnicity 2 simplify. Invite UN 2 solve missing passports & Papers. No Residency Automatic Deportation 4 Illegal entry.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Sieg Heil David Hogg?? Your profanity encrusted interview was ridiculous, shame on you for making fun of people. You're nothing but a big bully. Wait until you've REALLY had life smack you in the face then we'll all have a chat. #spoiled", "label": 0} {"text": "They've made it almost impossible for Men to be dominant, in the matriarchal western society. fuckfeminism", "label": 1} {"text": "#Trump America is anti-immigrant/sex worker/trans ppl = unsafe for #AIDS 2020! #HIVpowershift #noaids2020USA #aids2020forall #aids2018", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ruth Davidson ur neither Christian or for the people with ur Brutal welfare cuts , SNP please not we dont want migrants either", "label": 1} {"text": ".\u2066@united\u2069 how about donating flights to deport the Invaders back to their homeland. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Why would u play with my pure heart u fucking hoe bitch?", "label": 1} {"text": "Austrian newspaper KURIER dont speak of the new Antisemitism of islamic refugees.", "label": 1} {"text": "@ past me bitch you ok???? you fake ass slut", "label": 1} {"text": "CHECK OUT THIS STUPID HOE @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user and @user have final say over all applicants \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "#Libya : humanitarian repatriation after 164 #illegal_migrants asked to go back to their home countries.\u00e2\u2020\u2019", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy allows migrants to land in Sicily", "label": 0} {"text": "And if you make it past the shotgun in the hall Dial the combination, open the priest hole And if I'm in I'll tell you", "label": 0} {"text": "EVERY DAMN DAY REPORTED A CHILD RAPED BY AN ILLEGAL. AM SHOUTING ALL CAPS BECAUSE TODAY IT WAS TWO REPORTED. THE OTHER IN ALABAMA. @user THIS IS ON YOU! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know75% of deported immigrants make it back across the borders within 1 year. This includes deported gang members.", "label": 1} {"text": "I need to detach & destress from work right now because the way these privileged white women are on full bitch mode\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They are nice. You mean, mean whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone feeling so sad and angry may go to Assam and other NE states and may kindly take all the illegal immigrants to their state or home just like West Bengal CM stated! #NRCAssam #IndiaForIndians #MamtaBanerjee #sarbanandasonowal", "label": 1} {"text": "@user My point is that men aren't all the cause of it mostly is but not all men and some women blame all men.", "label": 0} {"text": "Same \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "#global_jihad #Syria #Daesh", "label": 0} {"text": "Kanye with a hint of more Kanye, the fuck you thought", "label": 0} {"text": "Does he think women will like him more if he capitulates to their hysterical agenda? Or perhaps he thinks that mock\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Hey skank you wanna take a huge step back before we have to get everyone on your\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Libyan Red Crescent recover 17 migrant bodies near Tripoli", "label": 0} {"text": "Karl Lagerfeld is against illigal refugees and hate Merkel for this action to bring them all in.", "label": 1} {"text": "You pick the guy thats a total douche to you over the one whose good to you. Got it. Makes perfect sense! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Im not sure you should be calling ANYONE a hysterical woman.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"It is now up to Congress to act quickly to restore dignity and transparency to a broken system.\" \u2014 Scott Arbeiter//Donate to help provide legal services to reunite immigrant families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "Honestly. I know #Twictator wants total control, but to suggest I follow #CrookedHillary No thanks twitgo. If I ever follow that criminal, itll be to celebrate when karma finally bites her in the ass #LockHerUp #TuesdayThoughts #MAGA #Trump #BuildThatWall #KAG2018", "label": 1} {"text": "Me- so what are you into? Her-", "label": 0} {"text": "Records reveal \u201clax\u201d supervision, sexual activity at Chicago-area shelters housing immigrant children", "label": 0} {"text": "get u a girl with a resting bitch face that only smiles at u", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's alright Julia, we already know how vile you are, no need to ram the point home", "label": 1} {"text": "Most young women haven't been raped so you might need to apply a new logic to your theory. Also, you're a cunt \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "UK Pensioner Faces 350 Lashes In Saudi Arabia why does this country exist it does nothing for migrants picks on old men no help from anyone", "label": 0} {"text": "Leo looks at Girl Scout cookies the way I look at pussy before I'm about to eat it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You forgot the third one... Praise Sri Ram :)", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're trying to text your fuckboy but your boyfriend won't stop looking over your shoulder", "label": 0} {"text": "Hi @user we join the many signatories of this open letter to you from @user Surely you can understand that charging migrant women for maternity care in the UK is unworkable & inhumane. #ALLMothers need this care, regardless of status!", "label": 0} {"text": "#IMayBeAThiefBut but I'm not a mean girl. OK I was once, but is calling my bestie a cunt and a whore so bad? Oh, an\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Walking around with a half hard dick all day is a really good look on me", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user These illegal migrants must b deported without any remorse&pity& till they R still in India they must be denied all privileges & facilities made available 2 other countrymen plus their movements & whereabouts must b k", "label": 1} {"text": "Older adults are an integral part of many immigrant #families. The administration's \"public charge\" rule puts entire families at risk. Learn more about how you can #ProtectFamilies:", "label": 0} {"text": "What do you call a women that has a brain? Pregnant with a baby boy.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I just hope he builds the wall before November 2020#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "And look at this shit. LOOK YOU SLUT. Stop distracting yourself with your flavored dildos and LOOK. LOOK YOU FUCKS. LOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "As per as Government records there are 40 lakh intruders in India.It clears the image of unbalanced economic situation, shortage of basic needs , and it leads into Instability of democracy.#IndiaForIndians #immigration #NRCAssam #AssamNRC @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Vietnamese Immigrant Tuan Ho Wants Every Kid To Live The American Dream", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thanks you Ram Dass a very timely reminder as so many are suffering at this time. Oh, and we hope you're feeling better\ud83d\udc95", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany to return refugees to Spain?https://t.co/5Q2kKksTAr", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Justin Trudeau and Isqra Khalid: Funding the Ideology of White Genocide", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoe be like \u201cI\u2019m cut from a different cloth\u201d... first of all, you\u2019re a napkin bitch \ud83d\ude11", "label": 1} {"text": "ENOUGH w/PHONY LIB argumentsvoter IDs don't workWalls don't workIllegals less crimeimmigration system brokeillegal kids are dreamers; OUR kids are notmore gun laws neededblacks can't be racist#POTUS #KAG #MAGA #NEWS #Trump #Walkaway #VoteRed #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NRA", "label": 1} {"text": "Are you wondering what you can do to make a tangible difference in the lives of refugees? Watch this video to learn how you can rally the support of your friends and family and help refugees rebuild their lives, and then join the campaign! \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "like okay you say you fwhim but he ain't going nowhere my hoe forever \ud83d\ude0c", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user A \u201cman\u201d who calls a woman a bitch or ho needs a good slap in the face with a crowbar! Old school Italian, respect women! Cheers\ud83e\udd42", "label": 0} {"text": "You call girls a hoe but youre a hoe too?? Lol stfu lame ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Iraqi Immigrant Who Shot Cop In The Head Was Never Deported Despite Crime Spree #BlueLivesMatter #BackTheBlue Full Story", "label": 0} {"text": "That's exactly what shameful Dhimmis want in the USA! #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "If this were true which it is not, well then there are millions of us in this nation so move on if you do not like it, leave @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "DU, last year you fought back against ABVP violence and snatched DUSU President and VP posts. This year #SendThemHome. No votes for thugs, No votes for ABVP. @user #ABVPkaGundaraj", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And there's a k*ke and a rapefugee overseeing the entire process. If anyone touches the 'wrong' ballot they're immediately met with a loud OY VEY!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This crazy fuck thinks WOMEN are hysterical and driven only by their hormones. Look in the mirror fake -accent loon.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp", "label": 1} {"text": "refusal to kick Khan out for the fear that it might offend the Muslim immigrant community undermines that cultural equality. I$lam0ph0bia in its true form. PC makes govt. AFRAID to offend them even as they openly offend. I$lami\u00a9 terrorism works! Remember", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user The current #GOP #Congress doesn't care what #Americans think. Most want Obamacare, most support the Mueller investigation, they don't support the tax scam, most want #responsibleguncontrol, most don't want to #BuildThatWall. Stop voting", "label": 1} {"text": "I sit here and wonder sometimes like what a man have to be going through to just want to rape a woman dude like it\u2019s sick", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Thats normal - USA has colonies, like Puerto Rico for example or Germany, but they also occupy Hawaii - which the call 50. state. This is old slavery mentalty.", "label": 0} {"text": "Drop in the bucket compared to what we are spending on illegal border crossers, country shoppers and opportunistic migrants that the Liberals have lost control of.https://t.co/jcuU5cPh4c", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Point blank, men do not *have* to pretend or sneak into places to rape women. They can do it easily anywhere. The idea that bathrooms protect anyone is a falsity. It doesn't. Spend time actually doing things that DO protect people, like convicting rapists.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user If you're encouraging people to boycott papa John's, why not encourage people to boycott NY times for their racism as well?", "label": 0} {"text": "Italian boat returning migrants to Libya may have broken law, UN agency says", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sorry Tomi not all men were raised correctly! I was raised that all women are ladies until they prove otherwise!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Definitely. Ted Kennedy's immigration bill was possibly a mortal blow to this country. He's definitely the dumbest of the Kennedy's. A complete nit wit.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yessssssssss \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude4c my former immigrant self, full blooded Bosnian, came here from Germany, wants one!", "label": 0} {"text": "Madonna whore complex, pedaled by the illusion that women somehow embody the honor of the men with whom they\u2019re ass\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "When you just watched your boy ruin his life but you know misery loves company so you decide to ruin yours too", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all ill", "label": 1} {"text": "Some #UNSC members prefer to keep meetings private on the #Rohingya refugee crisis \u2014 but because of the one year anniversary & the intense public interest in the Council mission, we believe it is right to do this session in public: \u2014 says @user", "label": 0} {"text": "People who think it and say it - it speaks volumes for how they view migrants the whole time. Second class, guests, who have no investment in the future of this country. It\u2019s truly horrible to hear.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck you, you racist bitch, and cunt piece of shit, glad we know now where your entire family stands on social issues", "label": 1} {"text": "Bavaria opens 'Anker' migrant transit center", "label": 0} {"text": "Polygamy&explosive Muslim population r biggest evils for violent mindset.West,India,China,Russia must change their immigration laws...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Knickers is a tangle, aye? Don't like women much do you? Hysterical things aren't they? Only good a few things, aye?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Seriously, Amy and Cindy are BFFs, I know that for sure. Hmm, mmm.", "label": 0} {"text": "Retweeted Christopher C. Hull (@ChristopherHull):Immigrant from @user #TravelBan country shoots up...", "label": 1} {"text": "Angie sure showed me. Fucking cunt, and bitch ass haters from the past. But when i was hit it was by 3 men.......", "label": 0} {"text": "#buildthewall U.S. Marshals: Illegal alien wanted for murder in Mexico arrested in SC #endchainmigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It was targeted to All Men assuming all men are the same. Not all men are the same and nor are all women either.", "label": 0} {"text": "One of the biggest political crooks in the history of the world. When history exams his claims about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, Libya and the refugees he will be seen as the architect of the destruction of most of the middle east", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user bitch if u dont hop off my dick and go do somethin with yo loud mouth ass , mothball\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/09/18 (Mon) 18:21:15 Amazing coincidence.+ Military start / wall.You have more than you know.Reason we are here MORE.Q#Qproof #QAnon #GreatAwakening @user @user #DeclassifyFISA #BuildThatWall #MAGA #2A", "label": 1} {"text": "The counties are paid a daily rate for each immigrant they hold. Enraging.", "label": 0} {"text": "An opportunist afro athlet with ITA citizenship hit with an egg by communist sun's asshole gets more news coverage then 2 ITA white girls assoulted by illegal African immigrant Welcome in Italy tourists #IllegalIimmigration #daisyosauke #italy #DefendEurope #GenerationIdentity", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Rape is an inhuman , offensive thing , but the woman should knows where and how to dress because not e\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcAnt-Man actors on border policies, upcoming immigration march", "label": 0} {"text": "Still find it stupid how Zephiel wasn't even sucking dragon dick", "label": 0} {"text": "Democrat-run city building 6-foot fence around migrant housing complex to keep \u2018\u02dcintruders\u2019 out", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \u201cBig slut\u201d is the new \u201cHottie McHotterson\u201d. It\u2019s a compliment. I\u2019ve always thought you looked like a big slut, boo! \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "Is it really indecent exposure if you have a magnificent penis? I thinks it's pretty decent exposure", "label": 0} {"text": "I like to delete comments that say 'first' to assert my dominance", "label": 0} {"text": "More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week How many terrorists have already successfully crossed n2 the USA from Mexico? We will never know. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ##WalkAwayMovement #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020", "label": 1} {"text": "Tomorrow night our guest speaker is Madeleine Bair, an Oakland-native and award-winning journalist, will be talking about El T\u00edmpano, a deep listening project centered around Oakland's Latino immigrant population. Please RSVP if you plan to attend:", "label": 0} {"text": "Lesbos/Greece: Muslim refugees fight against christians there. Why Greece dont arrest them and send them home ?", "label": 1} {"text": "Meanwhile in Europe nobody speaks the truth that all of the potential millions of migrants and refugees can not be taken into the Euro Zone. Former colonial powers like France & Britain are not without guilt in the creation of the mess that is most of the African continent today.", "label": 1} {"text": "how in tf you gonna put your two cents in on something and somebody you don\u2019t know then block and unblock me. Like bitch get off my line\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Sadly, the answer is true. Our emergency food assistance includes specialized nutrition supplements to help malnourished children. See where @user is supporting #refugees with food assistance in this Story Map:", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigration sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.The huge influx of cheap labor has helped to stall Americans\u2019 wages since the 1970s", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user He said Israel could be described as a racist state, much like any other state (including Britain over Windrush, or May's \"migrants go home\") could be. There are no special cases of racism. The Palestinians w", "label": 1} {"text": "Women: 'started from the bottom, still here'", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm just over here laughing at how this little ol' white girl came at Sam and thought she was gonna win... LIKE BITCH DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2018\u02dcI want my daughter to have a future\u2019: Returning Syrian refugees explain urge to come back home", "label": 0} {"text": "A rare move by #Myanmar govt to jail its soldiers for killing #refugees but #humanrights lawyers say more reform is needed @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Bavaria tightens borders amid German rethink on migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Simple: to stand #WithRefugees.By protecting 68.5 million refugees and displaced men, women & children forced to flee their homes.#WhyIJoinedTwitter", "label": 0} {"text": "Coalition govt in #India's only #Muslim-majority state faces new threat to its unity as demands by pro-Hindu parties to deport #Rohingya #refugees continue @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "You ever be drivin and briefly forget where you are, where you're going, how you got there, who you are or why you're alive? Cause same", "label": 0} {"text": "#womendisobey Dont be Fool African Americans Supporting Illegal #Immigration is a Slap in the Face to Black America #BlackTwitter #BlacksForTrump #DemocreatsForTrump #Trump #MAGa", "label": 1} {"text": "Belgium: Muslim refugees say they want to impose Sharia law \"infidels must obey the Sharia\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RT @user Sanctuary Cities are against the Law. Please shut them down & arrest/prosecute all criminal Governors & Mayors. #USA #Americans #America #Constitution #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Congress @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Italian bishop warns that Europe must avoid \u201cfear and xenophobia\u201d and welcome Muslim migrants via @user Another Christion moron with a death wish.", "label": 0} {"text": "National Counter Terror Coordinator Dean Haydon says, \"The current terrorism threat here in the UK is at severe.\" Police & security services thwarting 1 terror attack every month. This is the result of Lib-Lab-Con creating a multicultural mess from mass immigration. #LondonBridge", "label": 1} {"text": "With refugees evicted, France\u2019s 'Calais Jungle' is now a nature preserve via @user #France", "label": 0} {"text": "Lega Northchief Berlusconi warns: the 600.000 illigal refugees are dynamite for Italy and will destroy the social consens. So he will stop the immigration from Libya if he wins the elections in March.", "label": 1} {"text": "DFID Africa Regional Profile: July 2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trudeau announces that Isqra Khalid is moral conscience of Canada and that Moslems must be at the forefront fighting White racists who don't want to be replaced by immigrants.https://t.co/X8PzfDxs8t", "label": 1} {"text": "Your the second one to say that but I still have it and can see it", "label": 0} {"text": "Home should never break you in two so wherever you go you are never whole; half of you remains where you left it, and the other half is rejected where you arrive- @user #TEDxExeter 2018 #Refugees #Poetry #SpokenWord", "label": 0} {"text": "#ThereseOkoumou's #StatueofLiberty protest was remarkably effective in attracting international attention to #ImmigrantChildren. Inevitable overreaction by the #NYPD served to magnify the stunt's impact. #AbolishICE @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I swear to god if one more bitch tells me not to call her bitch I'm going to slap the shit out of that bitch #fuckbitches #bitchesstink;;", "label": 1} {"text": "Collins is a stupid cunt: Trump Is Hurting 'Vulnerable' Americans, His Acts 'Destabilize the Insurance Market'", "label": 0} {"text": "When your pathetic ex finally dies", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Your an idiot slag him off behind his back call him out you have a. Problem", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden has a message to the refugees: Don't come to Sweden, we only prov... via @user IS THE SLUT WHO SOLD HERSELF TO FILTHY ISLAM", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hell do you think you are to call my friend a fucking skank?! Just because she's bringing\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Ladies, do not be ashamed for having lustful needs. You want dick? Book a dick appointment! Want pussy? Go and eat pussy! Why women need to feel shameful for fucking guys but praise men for fucking girls?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user For somebody who supports white rape, you are thankfully the minority. Get a fucking life and don\u2019t breed. Imbecile.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You said it #FakeNews is sinking their own ship. #BuildTheWall The Whole Wall #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration no-Lottery #IllegalsHome get in line #StopTheInvasionIn #FavoritePresident", "label": 0} {"text": "#FundTheWall NOW #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall FUND THE WHOLE WALL NOW!!! DO NOT WAIT TO AFTER THE MIDTERMS A LAME DUCK CONGRESS WILL NOT FUND THE WALL MAXIMUM PRESSURE INCLUDING A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN FOR FUNDING NOW!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Gals \u2764 2 holler ' I'm dat bitch' Well I'm tryna 2 b 'dat woman' Dat woman wit a college degree n money.Dat woman strong in her faith in God", "label": 0} {"text": "This is Al. He works as a manufacturing design engineer and part-time college instructor. He is also a former refugee from Iraq. Tonight at 8PM CST World Relief is releasing a brand new film that tells Al's story. Join us on Facebook to watch. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SKANK WHORE SLUTS LISTEN TO MS SERIOUSLY", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Michelle Obama is a woman that every woman should aspire to be where Flotus is a skank that no one wants to be", "label": 1} {"text": "@user last time I checked...no one had rape charges filed with the police...soooo...these whores..ie women are lying.", "label": 1} {"text": "If I watch your snap story, just know it because I'm bored AF... I really don't care about you or your life", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Stabbed Mother Of Five To Death In Missouri via @user needless death!@realDonaldTrump @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeStop the Assault from Illegal Migrants on US citizens!", "label": 1} {"text": "This week ILI would like to welcome Gwylene Gallimard to year 2! Gwylene Gallimard is a 1st generation French Immigrant and co-leader in the Charleston, SC \"Connecktedtoo in/ with Charleston Rhizome Collective\"project. Full story on ILI's Facebook page! #iliyear2", "label": 0} {"text": "* Sweden \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa: General election on September 9 may rock Brussels again. Concerns over mass immigration and rampant crime are redefining. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "who the fuck is calling my girl a whore and a bitch? She hasn't even been at that school for a whole month, people are fucking stupid", "label": 0} {"text": "Burundi government denies involvement in forced repatriation of refugees", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Long rape scene? Even though there was no sex scene in the movie, and the woman agreed to a rape fantasy, then stopped it? LOL", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck the bitch that works at BK. She wouldn\u2019t take my order stupid CUNT.", "label": 1} {"text": "The New Damascus: Genocidal Assadist at Pro-Regime fighter funeral", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah tell them they're a fucking fool for believing 'statistics' that say 90% of women fantasize about rape", "label": 0} {"text": "not only r u fat and disgusting, but why do you feel the need to post photos of urself in a bikini. Who do you think ur fooling seabiscuit?", "label": 1} {"text": "Laylah, a Syrian refugee and member of our Hope Workshop, used to bring her daughter Jenan with her while sewing at CRP. But at our new childcare center, Jenan has a safe place to play while her mom earns extra income. Support our childcare center here:", "label": 0} {"text": "Bibi and Orban will do evrything to hold their territory clean from terrorists and refugees, even the EU wants to protect them. If Europe not will follow - Europe will loose the own culture and identity.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user If anyone would know about hysterical women, it would be you btch", "label": 1} {"text": "HRW slams 'appalling' conditions of migrant camps in northern Greece", "label": 0} {"text": "Unlike others outside Europe, #Merkel created environment which will see them struggle to convince Syrians to return home based on generous benefits provided.Merkel/Brussels also created special problem to haunt them for decades: economic migrants.#Orban #V4 right from start.", "label": 1} {"text": "I\u2019m fighting to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children. Will you join me?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Well, not all women are the same, obviously. Not all men are the same. But physically resembling\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh but of course the White South Africans who work and have money of their own can't come to America - we're busy replacing the White population - JUST LIKE IT WAS DONE IN S. AFRICA WHO HATES WHITE PEOPLE In U-S-A? Who's doing this? Not White ppl!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user All glory to a pair of con artists who spent eight years working for their Billionaire Buddies. #WalkAwayMarch #NRA #ICE #BuildThatWall #Veterans", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 90 % are not able to take over a job. They will stay in social welfare their whole life. This means social welfare must cutted or the refugees have to go home, otherwise the countries will go bankrupt.", "label": 1} {"text": "You wouldn't know this @user but historically, hysterical women are the ones with spines", "label": 1} {"text": "'Ain't about them hoes anymore,it's just you' yet you talking sweet to the bitch you ALWAYS talked shit about plus 2 more\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffdGMFU BRO\ud83d\udc80", "label": 1} {"text": "Geez, should have expect the unexpected. I just happen to forget to foresee what a mouth of skank you have.", "label": 1} {"text": "Snapchat updates their app and it becomes amazing.. Instagram updates their app and it goes to complete fucking shit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Omg! Megyn is a skank. You have that right.", "label": 1} {"text": "OUR children are DREAMERS too.Since when are illegal alien children the only \"dreamers\"?!?Do NOT let liberal/progressives steal our language too!#NoDACA #Border #POTUS #MAGA #WalkAway #BuildTheWall #VoteRed @user @user @user @user @user #NEWS", "label": 1} {"text": "yet when men sexually abuse women it\u2019s not ALL men", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Y con la dictadura periodistica de este pais menos aun.Propongo un reto a VOX:Digan que apoyaran a todos los inmigrantes que cruzan la risavalla y ver\u00c3\u00a1n como saldran en todos los telediarios, eso si, despues de Franco, La mamada, Cata", "label": 0} {"text": "It\u2019s \u2018100 Percent\u2019 On Trump Administration To Locate Separated Parents, Judge Says #DACAworks #HereToStay #Immigrantion", "label": 0} {"text": "It's the most deadly sea journey a refugee could take. And it's time to sound the alarm. \u00f0\u0178\u0161\u00a8https://t.co/uOESX0Wqsv", "label": 0} {"text": "#Kakuma Refugee Camp benefits from renewable sources of energy | Business Today via @user @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Teen Whore Lily Rader Gets Nailed And Creamed Sexy blonde loves rubbign her juicy cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Will the migrants be sent back home??", "label": 0} {"text": "The former criminal president of Georgia Sakaschwilli run as an illigal refugee into Ukraine. He gets help from Timoschenko/Ukraine. Jail?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 3000 voices waiting to be heard I didn't ask them if they were refugees as their tears did shred the hearts of a nation freethem", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy refusing to disembark 629 asylum seekers & migrants on @user #Aquarius is just one part of successful strategy to slash the numbers reaching Italy's shores, mainly by empowering Libya's abusive coastguard to intercept boats", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Absolutely! No DACA, No Amnesty, No Sanctury Cities, Deport All Illegal Aliens, Build The Wall! #MAGA #2A #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #OBAMAgate #StandWithICE #PEDOgate #LockThemAllUp #BanIslam #TRUMP2020 @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're toasting your boy but you see your girl checkin a text", "label": 0} {"text": "Pro Tip- Never go down on someone that has food poisoning", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I won't tell women to 'suck my dick' as you did", "label": 0} {"text": "My only goal in life is to fuck at least 1 follower from each social media platform... Twitter is the only 1 left... @user your move", "label": 0} {"text": "Professor @user co-director of NUSL's Immigrant Justice Clinic, weighs in on the Abolish ICE movement for The @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Until men have to be careful walking alone in broad daylight, you can sit down and stfu with this \u201cbut not all men\u201d bs. #HimThough", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please be warned SNP the scots people did not give u a mandate for mass immigration in our name dont under estimate this", "label": 1} {"text": "Women are telling their stories of being assaulted & instead of listening to them, you wanna go 'not all men! I'm g\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Hundreds of migrants scale fences to enter Spanish enclave", "label": 0} {"text": "Blac Chyna is straight trash and an abomination to women everywhere. Don\u2019t @ me cause I don\u2019t care. Hoe responsibly, bitches.", "label": 1} {"text": "In a symposium in Hambach/Germany the former banker Sarazin says Europe will get destroyed by refugees. They will cost many money without sucess.", "label": 1} {"text": "To the women who\u2019s just sold the house she\u2019d agreed to sell to me, you\u2019re a cunt. You can go to hell.", "label": 1} {"text": "wow that bitch is tweeting hard like her 'good heart' makes it look like she wasn't involved in the coverup- everybody knows she's a ho!", "label": 1} {"text": "Your boats shall drown in the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of you, which had not assimilated into our society will leave immediately. #RefugeesNotWelcome #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "Europe is being invaded by third world \"refugees\" Continue to Pray for them \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u008f\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dont you mean killing Americans. You lowlife piece of garbage i hope you rot in hell you son of a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "I just submitted a comment saying NO to the Citizenship Question .@realDonaldTrump plans to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census this question will instill fear in immigrant communities & will lead to an undercount of the national population. Submit a comment TODAY!", "label": 0} {"text": "Italia stopps again a ship with more than 400 illegal refugees. They must concentrate into spots and should immidatley sended back to Africa. In USA they have to do same.", "label": 1} {"text": "Sad to see how entire forest ridge around Nizzamudin-Delhi being encroached by Muslim community&Bangladeshi illegal immigrants.NO ACTION", "label": 1} {"text": "since when did it become socially acceptable for guys to call women sluts, whores, hoe, bitches....??? or threaten them...??? just wondering", "label": 0} {"text": "How the #Democrats gonna get around this one? They want to abolish #2A but now the #Illegals are demanding their 2A rights. So hes already here illegally and now hes broken our gun laws. 2x felon, Priceless #BuildThatDamnWallNow #EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "#SaudiArabia has beheaded Indonesian migrant worker despite several direct pleas from #Indonesia's Pres. Widodo to show mercy #ucanews #humanrights #voiceforthevoiceless @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When a lot of the women on here changed from themselves into hoe tweeters <", "label": 1} {"text": "All girls are hoes, you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them", "label": 1} {"text": "@user biTCH I LOTERALLY WAS THIS YOU NEVER TRUSTED MY DRIVING ENOUGH CUNT WHORE BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "Democrats Are Not On Americas SideThey Want Open Borders And Illegal Aliens To Keep Pouring InAND WE GET TO PAY FOR THEM Nearly Half of Swing District Voters Want Illegal Alien Families Deported Together to Their Countries#BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "The establishment of Europe has a court of humanrights. This court allows crimerefugees to stay forever in Europe. They will not send back in her homeland. So this court has a responsibility for a mulricriminal society in future, one says.", "label": 0} {"text": "He just kept screaming 'is it too late now to say sorrrrry?!'", "label": 0} {"text": "Citizens Call @user 202 225-3031 tell him to bring the Mandatory E-Verify Bill to a Vote ! $HireAmericans Not Illegals #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #WalkAway via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user and women have done the same over dick but ok girl", "label": 1} {"text": "Like are you really that insecure and worried that you\u2019ll be seen as a bad guy that you have to say \u201cnot all men\u201d ?", "label": 0} {"text": "Taking in S. American immigrants does not help these poor people of our country.. Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You can blame autocorrect. Jai Shri Ram.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's the nature of women to want to be guided by a strong man. Hysterical go -girl feminist types are fi\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Can\u2019t help if i want to body slam you cause you\u2019re a dumb bitch. Yeaaaa, I remember you rude customer. Spotted at the gym. \ud83d\ude21", "label": 1} {"text": "Japan is always operating under the premise that mass migration that can radically transform the country's demographics is unacceptable. The Alt-Right main point is the norm for them. So Japan already has everything that the West needs!!But of course virtue signalling...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It wasnt a mistake-it is a more than appropriate and accurate description of those hysterical women.", "label": 1} {"text": "But I thought #WhiteGenocide wasnt real? #DeportTheMigrants #RefugeesNotWelcome #WhitePride", "label": 1} {"text": "Last week @user and @user released the revised and expanded version of their book Welcoming the Stranger. This book will answer your most pressing questions about U.S. immigration from a biblical perspective. Order the book today! \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user an early bot birthday gift? #Trumpbots #BuildThatWall 302", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You need to ride my cock", "label": 0} {"text": "Look at this couple ! INVITATION to all refugees of world! If you come to AUSTRIA you will get about 500\u00e2\u201a\u00ac benefit without of work and 850\u00e2\u201a\u00ac if you learn German ! Its the only country where the social welfare will help you always. Thank you Mr. KURZ and Strache !", "label": 0} {"text": "PM Trudeau on the defensive about immigration Awesome,Candians are awakening and could mean the end of the white Obama up north...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until NO $ on #IllegalAliens! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll #ImmigrationReform #NoVisaLottery #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #VoterI", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Illegals Dump their Kids at the border like Road Kill and Refuse to Unite! They Hope they get Amnesty, Free Education and Welfare Illegal #FamilesBelongTogether in their Country not on the Taxpayer Dime Its a SCAM #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Pres. Trump, Hurricane Harvey is Man Made to keep your wall from being built and to open the borders to illegal migration.", "label": 1} {"text": "Video: Italy allows migrant ships disembark after several days in limbo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user we have the same bday... You should let me fuck your brains out and treat you like a cum dumpster on that day... #Bdaygoals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Rape comes in many different forms. In the Muslim world women are blamed if they are raped and are blamed if they're not dressed modestly.", "label": 0} {"text": "You a Bitch an a whore you make us look stupid bitc... \u2014 well u look stupid rn lmaodjdh", "label": 1} {"text": "All bitches do is lie, talk shit and fuck up their eyebrows", "label": 1} {"text": "I wish u would stfu guilty hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "#Hungary prepares to pull out of U.N. migration pact: #minister #foreignminister #UnitedNations #Europe...", "label": 0} {"text": "#PrayForPaulGeorge #UK #UKIP #PoliticsMatters All #women with a degree in 'Women's Studies' should go to prison.", "label": 1} {"text": "Man Defending His Wife \u2018\u02dcLynched\u2019 By Six Youths In France The glories of open borders and multiculturalism. Violent immigrants are attacking and terrorizing the French.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It is said we need 2 million new homes in the UK because of Immigration what we need is 2 million less Immigrants and EU out", "label": 0} {"text": "UK rejects Christian refugees recommended by UN, admits only Muslims among 1,112 Syrians admitted Jan-March 2018 via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How low is Sharpton?This race-baiting bigot made millions, didn't pay taxes, lied about race attacks, is functionally illiterate, & is a great asset for GOP victory on Nov 6. Keep talking, Not-so-Sharpton#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #Vote", "label": 1} {"text": "Feminists' husbands #ThingsTimHowardCouldSave", "label": 0} {"text": "When he promised you he was gonna 'fuck the shit out of you' but can't even make it to round two.", "label": 0} {"text": "Man Who Shot Good Samaritan To Death Is DACA Recipient via @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I myself have had quite enough of hysterical and damaged and fearful women claiming to speak for all womankind.", "label": 1} {"text": "Wanna kno what I deadass LOVE? I\u2019ve never seen my mans name under any whore ass bitches picture on social media...ever. #NoLikesForYall", "label": 0} {"text": "Have some dignity! Stop using whore shit to set the standard, we got grandmother's etc. We know what real women is", "label": 0} {"text": "Viral plane standoff video highlights European chasm over migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "Legal Immigrant Explains Why Trump Is Right On Illegal Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You fucking cunt! You dont take reporting seriously! You fucking and disgusting bitch! You are a disgrace for women. Youre a monster!", "label": 1} {"text": "The same bitch is all on my boo\u2019s shit like girl bye", "label": 0} {"text": "When you realize you're a mass murderer", "label": 0} {"text": "If a woman doesn't want you just unleash your charm. Women are weak and will cave after almost nothing.;", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal alien arrested while trying to deliver pizza to military basehttps://t.co/i0H2WYQut9#WhyIsThisNews#EnforcingTheLaw#TheICEManCometh #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #StopTheInvasion #AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers #EqualOpportunityDeporter #MoreOfThisPlease", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what happens when you choose to torture, behead &; rape men, women and children.The wrath of nations be upon you &; utterly wipe u out", "label": 0} {"text": "Demonrats pitiful attempt at trying to abolish ICE is almost too funny to be true. Thanks for making it easier in November! #StandWithICE #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Snapchat finally has an accurate filter for these bitches.... The goddamn devil", "label": 1} {"text": "Women are children. They require men in their lives to set boundaries and teach them lessons.@", "label": 1} {"text": "Sorry Donny but not all men 'grab them by the pussy' like you do.", "label": 0} {"text": "It's getting worse every single day! #StopImmigration #CloseTheBorders #NoMoreImmigrantsHere #StandUpForYourWesternValues", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It will always be ready and hard for you to bring your holes and beat it with your cunt and ass", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Killed Two People In Alcohol-Fueled Crash In North Carolina #EndTheSlaughter #BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship", "label": 1} {"text": "Same. We really are soulmates... Dumb AF but soulmates nonetheless \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Did that cunt bag just blame #rape victims for the way they dress and/or act?!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You were on the line listening to the call. You take a radical hysterical delusio\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I could care less about origin, and also to note the word itself dates much further back to actually describe people than when it was more commonly used on hysterical woman. Stop trying to make words illegal to use because much my feelings are hurt from its origin", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user This Is How Men Should Support Feminists (As Told By A Young Conservative Libertarian Male)", "label": 0} {"text": "'Angel Families' Defend Trump Immigration Moves", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck off you stupid fucking CUNT OH MY GODDDDDDDD", "label": 1} {"text": "cash should go to Canadians - Lord knows they'll always be another refugee cris. Opportunistic photo - shame on you. reminds me of the ones the world savers used to distribute during Biafra. Remember that one?", "label": 0} {"text": "Good Morning Canada \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.", "label": 0} {"text": "#NJ Should NOT be a facilitator for the concealment of illegal aliens. Granting driving licenses There is no background check on Illegals to determine if they pose a national security threat #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Welcome to the weird. Save 20% sitewide with\u00a0WEIRD20 on our #Redbubble shop #MultinationalPATRIOT #HonorBOTH #OurPatriotism #patriot #immigrant #expat #ExclusivelyonRedbubble #OnjenaYo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Chuck Bass kept waking you up because he wanted to make sure that you got the t on kunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Democrats, the party of hypocrites, they will say WHATEVER gets them votes. #MAGA#EndDACA#EndChainMigration#EndSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll#DeportIllegalFamiliesTogether #FamiliesBelongTogether IF they're legally here, if not they need to go back.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stfu bitch you sound like a whole ass pussy bro no one cares", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Yea right! Clegg who`s all for immigrants and scrounging Romanians, remind me where and how he lives again?", "label": 0} {"text": "With refugees evicted, France\u2019s \u2018\u02dcCalais Jungle\u2019 is now a nature preserve", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I feel like you've filled a hole in my heart alys where have you been all my life", "label": 0} {"text": "Illigal immigrants forming an army in California and going nuts. American citizens want them repatriated back to wonderful Mexico from which they fled. This is some of the most disturbing anti American footage I've seen to date,,,", "label": 1} {"text": "How can a bitch fuck with a man who has a girlfriend .. A PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND LMAO fucking hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "For the first time ever, we are putting the power of fundraising in your hands. Will you become an advocate for refugees by rallying the support of your community?Get started now \u00e2\u017e\u009d We\u2019ll be with you every step of the way.", "label": 0} {"text": "#FuckThis #FuckTrump #FuckYouWhiteHouse #RefugeesWelcome White people stole this land we call America. We're not entitled to tell ppl they're not welcome here. These are human lives. These are unforgivable actions.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You're a dick. Said every woman ever", "label": 0} {"text": "They're replaceable, your time is not", "label": 0} {"text": "If you're fearful to go down rabbit hole, then those who spread oppression, have you right where they want you- 100% controlled. - #Cagsil", "label": 0} {"text": "I have a great idea on immigration. Lets pay them both welfare and medical benefits and the right to break our laws. Lets educate their 30 year old children like ms13 members these things can be paid for by cuts to American children and VA benefits. This will detour them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He must be so proud of his cam whore \ud83d\ude06 oh please let her continue to be a hoe & a \u201crole model\u201d gtfo", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hysterical woman is the new Nasty woman, we will make a hat for that.", "label": 1} {"text": "RT MightyBusterBro: MOST HATED WOMAN Hysterical tribute to 10 yr FAILED run for US WOMAN Pres. 2008 to 2017 Break\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "If u walk away from a down ass woman for a skank then u deserve what u get. U can\u2019t turn a how into a house wife so\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- we should talk about what you did when you were drunk last night. Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "#WeThePeople want TRUTH and JUSTICE! How can a woman under Sharia Law be a feminist? It's the oxy-moron. #ProtectTheChildren @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #QAnon #Q #StopTheInvasion \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....your hysterical....like you know shit...tEump has\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user she's a woman. She can't help the fact that she sucks", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user your own source doesn't even say what you claim it does. *with the exception of rape* is what it says", "label": 0} {"text": "A fvcking bitch who is a hoe to everyone", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You're going 2 go 2 jail you scumbag WHORE. Your going down in History as the most VILE Bitch Ever Rich Seth Will B avenged", "label": 0} {"text": "Apparently, you /can/ turn a hoe into a housewife", "label": 1} {"text": "When your best friend tries to go out of town without you", "label": 0} {"text": "Californias U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris, her first piece of legislation, the Access to Counsel Act, by providing lawyers to anyone arriving at U.S. border crossings. #BuildTheWall#NoDACA#EndChainMigration#EndDiversityLotteryISIS THANKS YOU @user #KamalaHarris", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Would you want to be labeled a woman beater for the rest of your life by some crazy skank who\u2019s pissed\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "#illegal #immigrants from #africa storm border fence into Spain's north Africa enclave of #Ceuta Next stop: benefitsand free housing", "label": 0} {"text": "I saw a women driving whilst speaking on the phone I cursed that cunt :)", "label": 1} {"text": "#nowPlaying Regain Your Poise Hysterical Woman by KINDRED SHINS (from Yes To Rioting Notoriety' 2013). The Lon\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "New GOP immigration bill would tie legal status for DACA participants to border security funding via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- how come you never called me again after we fucked? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Should close your account you immature cunt. Bullying women on social media is pathetic. Go seek the attention you\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": ".@MandyRheaWrites, the 2018 National Teacher of the Year, reflects on the refugee students she teaches who she says \"are passionate believers in the American dream.\" \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "President @user @user We FULLY EXPECT that you WILL receive taxpayer money to #BuildThatWall IMMEDIATELY! cc: @user If you guys don't know how SERIOUS we are, you WILL find out when we vote you OUT for NOT going with the #MAGA agenda!", "label": 1} {"text": "FUCK YOU HARVEY WEINSTEIN! Anyone who has suffered from rape and I mean all. Lock him up. I stayed silent for 24 hours. Going sue me HW?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You ain\u2019t shit bitch shut your whore mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "Last RT is brilliant someone had replied onto a thread of Claire saying they didn't like \"tv claire\" an that she needs to stay in the kitchen to cook for Jamie. Stfu bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "We need to change who controls refugees coming in to Idaho. Get involved--don't just read and share emails.", "label": 0} {"text": "Diane Abbott: Labour would close two immigration detention centres and prevent private contractors from running the others - BBC News -", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I love it. Thank you #codepink.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user they deadass digging a hole for themselves @user fat bitch loose weight", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatwall #ICE ICE can not have a zero tolerance policy at the Boarder while they let EB5 Immigrant commit fraud and harm US citizens to gain permanent residency in the US. See print, sign, and mail 2 Dir. Vitiello support us - RT", "label": 1} {"text": "ALSO... still laughing at this bitch that my friend Chef brought to DirtyBird... LIKE NO ONE WANTED YOU THERE HOE JUST SO YOU KNOW \ud83d\ude39\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fuck that money whore @user Too stupid to know consensual touching or grabbing is not assault. Only @user is dumber", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Syrian Refugees destroy hotel BIBLE'S & property. They are not Coptic Christian refugees. They are economic Muslim migrants? Prime victims there are the Coptic Christians who are scared to evacuate Syria & travel to the West with Mu", "label": 1} {"text": "The mayor of a Lebanese town has had cause to believe the arc of his town\u2019s ordeal is at last bending toward a little less misery\u2014if only for his constituents. The Syrian refugees are still living a nightmare.", "label": 0} {"text": "Sick and chilling. Yet, another immigrant woman lives in the White House", "label": 0} {"text": "Just want to say thank you to @user and @user for their great work in the past #inspiration", "label": 0} {"text": "When you can illegally cross borders with ease. What's the chances you'll catch him before he kills again#BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 1} {"text": "Cut adrift at the end of Europe\u2019s migrant trail", "label": 0} {"text": "The recent US strike in syria in der el zour", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Open Border Extremisst will only Aid Mexican Cartel making 550 Million a year and abandoning migrant children in the desert #BuildTheWall #Trump #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "Growing up in Ethnic Enclaves : Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children: Danzer, Alex", "label": 0} {"text": "@user All women deserve an opinion and have the right to, you on the other hand my dear are a cunt who d\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user yes!! Thank you for the support. #maledominance", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes you gotta beat ya dick like it stole something", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Sending their fattest..ugliest filthy scumbags!!#BuildThatWall !!", "label": 1} {"text": "You mother fucking piece of trash stupid fucking idiot hoe i hope you fucking die in hell son of a father fucking fuck bitch whore you fucki", "label": 1} {"text": "Germany\u2019s Seehofer pushes migrant take-back deal with Italy, Greece @user UK should be sending our asylum seekers back to where they first entered EU", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Have u realized that after AAP coming to power,Delhi is full of bad roads,jhugis,encroachment,filth all around.Illegal migrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Friend- do you wanna be buried or cremated? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "Can't fall asleep someone come choke me till I pass out you can do whatever you want to my body after I'm passed out #cumslut #slut #horny #wet #pussy #ass #anal #fuck #fuckme #naked #nudes #whore #bitch #naughty #cum #cumtribute #jailbait #blowjob #girls #sex #submissive", "label": 0} {"text": "It\u2019s like women can\u2019t wait to be a hoe when the relationship ends", "label": 1} {"text": "Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl", "label": 0} {"text": "My whole life is one big sexual innuendo", "label": 0} {"text": "Egyptian men will soon be fighting for men's rights. #FlawlessRemix #oomf #NFL #NBA #MLB #Cairo", "label": 0} {"text": "Our neighbors need to know they'll be safe in school, or when getting critical health care. @user MUST sign SB35 to keep our immigrant communities safe. #ilgov #twill", "label": 0} {"text": "PLAY MUSICAL CARS ALL YOU WANT...IM LIKE YOU...GOTTA KILL ME TO MAKE ME STOP...YOU HAVE NO DICK", "label": 0} {"text": "Her- what's for dinner Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "@user none", "label": 0} {"text": "Lobbying arm of the refugee industry, @user kicks off political action campaign tomorrow to pressure Congress and the Prez to admit more #Refugees in FY19.You should be countering their campaign by letting your Washington reps know what you think!https://t.co/CBUv01DmRJ", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user You presumably go along with the \u2018not all men\u2019 narrative. It\u2019s the same premise.", "label": 0} {"text": "Azar: Health and Human Services has custody of 2,047 migrant kids", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Weird bummy ass bitch block me back whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "For all the cougars that keep hitting me up to fuck... You're out of my age range, hit this dude up instead", "label": 0} {"text": "#sexworkersagainstfeminism are invited to join the #blog . End #feminism today!", "label": 1} {"text": "wonder why women get told they\u2019re overreacting/hysterical but dudes who get irrational/overreact get away w \u2018that\u2019s just them\u2019 excuses \ud83e\udd14", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're trying to enjoy a nice date but your boyfriend won't stop texting you and interrupting it", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary Welcomes White South African Refugees, Not Muslim migrants from the Middle East - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Failing to integrate refugee children risks devastating consequences: Children and youth who are out of school and unemployed are more susceptible to crime, exploitation, abuse and possibly radicalization.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "#SaturdayMorning people think #IllegalImmigration is just about #BuildThatWall and #Jobs . . . no one talks about the fraud committed or money sucked out by #IllegalAliens from social services . . .#MAGA #KAG #trump #AmericaFirst #foxandfriends", "label": 1} {"text": "2015 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: ofc not :3 2017 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: you heard what I said", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And how many #AmericanKids have yet to be reunited with their parents because their parents commit a CRIME?Oh, that's right, #KamalaHarris doesn't care about #American kids, just #Illegals.#IllegalAliens #FamilySeparation #IllegalImmigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "Immigrant Couple Speaks After ICE Detention", "label": 0} {"text": "Hungary: UN treaty could 'inspire millions' of migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "You rawin that hoe & that pussy dirty", "label": 1} {"text": "these cunt whore are lickers are all army & their family if they get a female they all gang bang her ' whore all...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This is not rape culture for fucks sake. It\u2019s literally just a scumbag taking advantage of their position. Nothing new under the sun.", "label": 1} {"text": "Have you reserved your spot at RAM's Annual Art Affair?! RAM members get 25% off admission price!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Blood is on the #Democraps hands for sure!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "As long the EU and his trolls rescue refugees in the middlesea it will never get a solidarity between the own citiziens and the goverments.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Another young life taken to soon in my circle! Within 2 months of each other! 26 yrs old. Both were clean for 10/12 their one last time killed them both. When do we hold these people accountable for murder! @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Africa must address refugee crisis to ensure development \u2014 AU Commissioner", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You thought Kamala Harris was a \"hysterical woman\" at the Kavanaugh hearings?How much box wine have you had today?", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you bilingual? This is how you can use your language skills to help refugees.\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f@tarjimlyapp", "label": 0} {"text": "I have to admit, Animojis are hysterical to use. I keep my girlfriend laughing all day when she is at work. She wants an #iPhoneX ASAP.", "label": 0} {"text": "ILLEGAL ALIEN SCAM ALERT! Deport Illegals with their kids dont allow them to drop off their kids like Road Kill at the Border ! U.S Taxpayers not their babysitters what happen to #FamiliesBelongTogether ? #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "dumbass: why don't women come forward about sexual assault? [women come forward] dumbass: WHORE! LIAR! WHAT WERE YOU WEARING? YOU PROBABLY ASKED FOR IT! dumbass: just don't understand why women don't come forward?", "label": 1} {"text": "#FamiliesBelongTogether#deport ALL #ILLEGALaliens #endDACA #RoundupDACA #defund #SanctuaryCities and #SanctuaryStates #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "It's clear that the administration's attempts to punish local governments for refusing to cooperate with immigration enforcement are unconstitutional. The administration should focus on treating immigrants with compassion and respect.", "label": 0} {"text": "harry please call me a:mother fucking bitch ass dick-sucking trick ass whore who needs to find a fucking hobby instead of obsessing over you.thank you ! Xx", "label": 0} {"text": "Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. Download app for more: Android\u00c2\u00a0https://t.co/76bEFEIB7UiPhone\u00c2\u00a0https://t.co/oqQkZ8i7Q2", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user No you are not pulling out. Amazon have decided not to show the rape produced series to try and look better. Don't pretend it's your choice", "label": 0} {"text": ".@senatorburr: Confirm Kavanaugh! #KavanaughForSCOTUS #2A #NRA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user good you slag. Comedy Central hasn\u2019t been about comedy since 2004", "label": 0} {"text": "You a pussy bitch watch when I catch you I\u2019m beat tf outta you", "label": 1} {"text": "Fast-Food Workers Union Demands Restaurant to Allow Employees to Wear 'Abolish ICE' Pins | Breitbart #BuildTheWALL #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #NoDEMS #GreatAwakening #MAGA #WalkAway #ThesePeopleAreSick #ICE", "label": 1} {"text": "#Spain struggles with spike in migrant arrivals", "label": 0} {"text": "Al-Qaeda recruiting children in refugee camp", "label": 0} {"text": "* The V4 Report warned of the intention of Angela Merkel and Brussels to expand the EU\u2019s relocation scheme to include \u201cvulnerable\u201d migrants from African nations. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "Literally just saw a 10 year old girl wearing a shirt with sparkles that said 'doing my best' fucking same bitch where'd you get that\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc7d\u26a0\u2716", "label": 0} {"text": "You fucking bitch hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I should probably make you my WCW now cause after I fuck you I'm never gonna talk to you again... At least I'm honest \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "I think it's clear who the best choice for president is.... Michael fucking Phelps", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches fav line is \u201cAm I supposed to be scared?\u201d Listen here lil bitch you don\u2019t have to be scared to get your ass beat. So wassup\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 1} {"text": "A healthy amount of sperm", "label": 0} {"text": "No matter how appealing #ZeroTolerance remedies may seem, they are not in fact a sustainable solution in a just society. The collateral damage is unacceptable. #MeToo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Squaw = racist slang for Native/First Nations cunt associated with RAPE and GENOCIDE.", "label": 0} {"text": "Lemme give you some dick and help you thru it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Don\u2019t trust this lying bitch let\u2019s see if any of the other nude women in the lineup come forward she\u2019ll do\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #NoDACA without Mandatory E-Verify you are not ending ILLEGAL #Immigration You are REWARDING iLLEGALS #NoAmnesty #KeepFamiliesTogether IS DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL FAMILIES TOGETHER #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "RT @user @user you are VILEEEE \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the man is a legend in my mind \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "bourgeois migrants need to get less angry when I tell them to go back home", "label": 1} {"text": "When you're checking to see if the pussy is safe to eat", "label": 1} {"text": "Fox Scumbag Laura Ingraham claims Trump is protecting immigrant children from their drug abusing, child trafficking parents Read Story: #ImpeachTrump #Resist #VoteBlue #GOPScum #FoxLies", "label": 0} {"text": "@user there will be bitterness in the Uk when you sleep rough look up and see refuges walk into houses violence isn't just migrant", "label": 1} {"text": "US report finds only 20,000 Palestinian refugees in the world | #DepartmentofState #Israel #TedCruz...", "label": 0} {"text": "'Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime,' ICE acting director says #AgainstAllEnemies #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "The list of people I'm going to kill when the 2017 First Annual Purge ensues", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #Democrats Refuse to Secure the Border and Protect U.S Citizens from the Ravages of Illegal Immigrants ! #VoteDemsOut ! #WakeUpAmerica #WednesdayMotivation #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "All governments with a record of human rights violations resent being criticized about their excesses, including the #US. However, #Saudi claims that #Canada violated its \u201csovereignty\u201d by urging the release of women\u2019s rights activists are an overreaction, to say the least.", "label": 0} {"text": "DREAMER' Repeatedly Raped Young Girl In North Carolina via @user @user #DeathPenalty#ChildRape#ProtectUS#KeepAmericaSafe#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user And low IQ comes from what? \ud83d\ude0e keep researching tho! It\u2019s good for you. #WhiteGenocide", "label": 0} {"text": "The plight of #Rohingya represents the present and the future of not just for #Myanmar but for much of South and #SoutheastAsia @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Sharia in Germany - Syrian Muslim refugee beheaded his wife because she did not obey him - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Of course not. Not ALL men are vicious and not ALL women are victims.", "label": 0} {"text": "If #WeThePeople want a #WALL - Give us a WALL!! #Congress works for US, not themselves and the Special Interests who pour BILLIONS of dollars into their Coffers. It's not up to them, it's up to US! #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "Yo i hate being a freakin woman where can i grow my new dick", "label": 0} {"text": "God fucking forbid someone offend any fucking one on this planet. Idk how our species will continue when everyone is too much of a fucking cunt bitch to speak their minds @user please add a filter to this so it can be friendly", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden is Becoming More and More Segregated as a Result of Mass Non-White Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Could some Tell the #Democrat Idiot Cortez that #Immigration to the U.S is Not a Right The US Does Not have Open Borders ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ThursdayThoughts via @user via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Mexico troops find 150 Central Americans in back of truck is finding illegal immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you fucking slut, daddy wants you to dm him", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ty Davis did you just Not All Men me", "label": 0} {"text": "Aid agencies warn Syrian refugees risk being forced to return home", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Absolutely right, I can understand your problem, If the SC verdict on Ram\ud83d\udea9 lala then you won't able to sleep. Because True is always wins.\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f", "label": 0} {"text": "Trust women and support their decisions them make in their pregnancy and don\u2019t be a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "The likelihood of that genuine threat, of course, is very much open to debate. Statistically speaking, an immigrant who has lived in the United States for decades, has an immaculate criminal record, and comes from Central America (like many ice targets)", "label": 0} {"text": "Curious to know how @user delivers emergency food supplies to #refugees and other vulnerable people around the world? Watch this video:", "label": 0} {"text": "On The other hand, you women are pieces of meat and should be glad you're even allowed to vote in my country! #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Shame you won't protect children from threats of violence, harassment or rape", "label": 0} {"text": "KALAGOT LAGE!!! CANT YOU FUCKING WAIT FOR AC'S UPDATE? FYT ME SKANK", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \u201cCRINGE WORTHY\u201d Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation!", "label": 0} {"text": "People- why are you such an asshole? Me-", "label": 0} {"text": "'There's no greater satisfaction than knowing you did it yourself' -me when someone asks me for help", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I refuse to believe that a poor Russian immigrant who grew up to run the game isn\u2019t secretly a @user fan. #finkleiseinhorn #2goats", "label": 0} {"text": "#Navy rescued #Manchester bomber Salman Abedi from war-torn #Libya three years before deadly terror attack via @user the #WEST is \"rescuing\" people that will #kill them. #SendThemHome #bombing #attack Have some dignity and throw them out", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch i live in another country and you just live in mg's hole", "label": 1} {"text": "Volunteer Info Sessions give an overview of the U.S. resettlement process, services which are or aren't provided to refugees, and what it is like to volunteer with us. This event is open to anyone interested in volunteering with World Relief Chicago. Sign up for this Saturday!", "label": 0} {"text": "This should be every country. They come here seeking asylum, better life then become a burden to our financials system and criminal system. Why do we allow this. #DeportThemAll. No respect for #America. @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA #PatriotsUnited #ApologyTourIsOver", "label": 1} {"text": "Are you fucking kidding me James Corden? Making jokes about women being molested and raped? This is rape culture.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user No #DACA #NoAmnesty Stop Rewarding ILLEGAL #Immigration wth U.S Taxdollars #SendThemHome #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Resign #NoDACA #NoAmnesty costing Taxpayers Billions America Doesnt owe them Because their Parents broke #Immigration laws! #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SedThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Dear Ram Kadam Saheb I know rare peopel like you who always helping needy people. Thank you", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal alien rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #PreventableCrime", "label": 1} {"text": "The adult group \"Grannies Respond\" express their rejection of the \"immoral\" separation of children from their #immigrant parents. #Immigration \u2b07\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you ugly cunt bitch don't get smacked", "label": 1} {"text": "WRONG!!!!! the Underlying Reason, The ROOT cause is Mass Uncontrolled Immigration!! Finite Supply vs Infinite Demand = DISASTER! Economics 101. How long have you been argueing 4 MORE H/building?? 5yrs?? 10yrs?? Stop Bullshitting people Tell the Fucking TRUTH 4 a Change!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Noely I see you've become hysterical since I last saw you. Don't blam you one bit, you're in Qld right?", "label": 0} {"text": "ALL criminal illegals must be deported whether they are DACA recipients or not Crime & welfare are draining our limited resources WHAT deterrent will be implemented for re-entry? #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverify", "label": 1} {"text": "I really want to do this DNA ancestry thing to finally understand what I am but i\u2019m tooo scared that these companies will use my DNA and clone me \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude29", "label": 0} {"text": "to all those cunts who see my tweets and don\u2019t like or comment can suck my ass exept those couple peeps but bitch you know who you are", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank You @user @user Enforcing the laws on the book dont make it easy for Illegals and Immigrants To Break U.S laws ! #Trump #MAGA #Trump2020 #RedNationRising Breitbart via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Nigerian Immigrant Raped 7-Year-Old Girl In Texas via @user Another scum...", "label": 1} {"text": "The Most Significant Global Debate Is Over Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Stunning Video Shows Global Migration Flows Into The US | Zero Hedge Military attack will not work,bastards want to conquer USA with overwhelming 3rd world refugees...", "label": 0} {"text": "MY VOICE WILL NOT BE SILENT. YOU NAZI PIGS WILL PAY FOR MY RAPE AND THE RAPE OF ALL WOMEN \u270a\ud83c\udfff, CHILDREN, PRISONERS \u270a\ud83c\udfff, LGBTQ \ud83c\udf08, ELDERLY, ....", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you running a progressive platform? cause if so, let\u2019s goooooo girl! make america kunt again.", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish men would listen to women and call out their fellow men for their sexist behavior instead of instantly going 'not all men'", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant GI booted out of Army at Fort Sam", "label": 0} {"text": "Philippine bishops hit back after Duterte calls God 'stupid' #Philippines #EuropeanUnion #RodrigoDuterte...", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201ci don\u2019t have a finsta bc im not a hoe\u201d first of all, BITCH i saw u 5 tequila shots deep w your shirt off at that frat party friday", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That's exactly right! Bitch boy sean is no better than she is, they're both all for the views and subs. 2 drama whores!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Not ALL men. I know some great men. Unfortunately we just got frogs instead of kings. If you need to\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "You didn't have a choice, that things never comin off", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Muslim migrants in France demand autonomy \"Sharia for France\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "The religious Jews are happy to have a homeland, but to have a homeland, which is called ISRAEL, they need the Zionists. 2 states dont work.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And meanwhile as they bicker our lettuce strainer of a border sees well dressed and outfitted \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers), other illegals and undocumented crossing the border daily...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Arrest them and DEPORT THEM ALL!!!!#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Really up wondering why this bitch wants all my seconds \ud83d\ude02 40 something year old whore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Slavery & post white women rape many Black women, men & children than U could ever imagine,& cause of\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Christian immigrant woman from Afghanistan killed for accepting Jesus as her savior.", "label": 0} {"text": "ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMEIs rampant in the first Sanctuary State 'Oregon'!These statistic are outrageous and should be construed to be a close poll of US states.@SpeakerRyan #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #ProtectUSCitizens", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Close the tunnels with gunpowder !", "label": 0} {"text": "Bravo to Chicago Campus associate professor Dr. Nayeli Chavez for another wonderful interview on the heartbreaking topic of alleged sexual abuse at immigrant youth shelters. See the Univision interview here.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 'We all need to share the burden of migration\" NO WE DON'T! \"We\" are a sovereign nation and people who have no obligation or burden to any migrants anywhere. YOUR job is the wishes and best interests of the Irish people. Please try not", "label": 0} {"text": "Republican Anti-Union Bill Goes Down in Flames in Missouri", "label": 0} {"text": "Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "One must question the Patriotism of a party that has no problem with non-citizens from 3rd world countries voting in our elections; thus changing our leadership, culture & direction.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 1} {"text": "' y'all ain't shit ' first of all , Idk why u think u some new bitch lmao u still that same old whore no one likes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user U Know what Never Mind bitch Slut i never even Liked yuo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user girl lmaooooo bitch I needed a heads up or something \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Are you interested in representing children in #immigration matters? Learn about recent developments in law and policy with regard to important protections available to #immigrant children, including Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and #asylum -", "label": 0} {"text": "Arizona Border Cams Capture 25 Straight Minutes of Rapists & Murderers Crossing Border Illegally #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Also sad that you fucked your tooth up // The dude with the Kunt hoodie", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Why are these illegal immigrant invaders (not migrants) 'desperate' to get to the UK? Is it to escape the war in France? Or maybe it is to get a free house, free money and freeload from the tax-payer, while Working", "label": 1} {"text": "\u201cShe a hoe\u201d \u201cShe ugly\u201d \u201cShe fat\u201d \u201cHer head trash\u201d \u201cHer pussy dry\u201d \u201cHer pussy stank\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "New @user story by @user on #HostileEnvironment in homes, NHS, schools, unis&more. Here's a film & links to our research on this since 2013 #GoHomeVan You can download our @user book here:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Okay good. As long as the Men are comrades with same belief/movement can join same group to fight enemies", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Deport all Illegals let them await their trial via Video in their country! Deport all UACs let their country take care of their own kids not U.S Taxpayers! E-Verify Welfare and #Jobs #ImmigrationReforn #TrumpTrain #RedNationRising No #DAC", "label": 1} {"text": "1/3 Anti-immigrant rhetoric and attacks on immigrants are heating up in Italy. Last week I wrote about whether Italy's electorate is on the same page as its right-wing government.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You\u2019re just a dumb little cunt who had an abortion to go be a hoe, and you eat your tampons tryna be \u201cfe\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "* Hungary and Montenegro \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa: Prime Minister Viktor Orban has offered to help Montenegro with the difficulties arising from illegal migration. When a country wants results at the border, they call Orban (not Merkel or Macron) for help. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} {"text": "The pretty hoe really got that mexican girl hoein for her lmaaaooooo", "label": 1} {"text": "In communities across the country, employers are having trouble finding enough skilled workers to fill middle-skilled positions. Immigrants in...", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\udde3 Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.....I can beat your ass bitch every weekend. \ud83d\ude0a\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop trying to prove you're a good driver ladies. Who do you think you're fooling?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You are living in world of illusions.....no RAM MANDIR and Dara 370 will not be removed before elections in 2019.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user It is from Assad Syrian refugees flee, not the West. The West gave very limited, mostly non-lethal support. Russia gave Assad \u00c2\u00a3bns in tanks and aircraft, Iran 10s 1000s of fighters to murder and", "label": 0} {"text": "Over 14,000 migrants stopped from reaching #Europe illegally, Turkish coast guard says", "label": 0} {"text": "U.S. should stop detaining migrants, separating children: U.N. #UnitedStates #UnitedNations", "label": 0} {"text": "We wouldn't appear hysterical if you'd STFU the FIRST time we try to talk. Js.", "label": 0} {"text": "Why does this stupid Herrera guy pass the ball without taking a touch then when he loses it presses like a cunt?", "label": 0} {"text": "Set and match", "label": 0} {"text": "Rated you 1 star. I will every damn day. Made honest comments about your attitude. Not all men rape. Get help. Not cool. Not cool.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 'Getting lit off trays of fucking Molly you mermaid loving slag' - the only true response to give her", "label": 1} {"text": "Francesca Cernia Slovin Immigrant Arts & Women's Empowerment Summit - NY Blueprint", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls hear you say \u201cfuckk\u201d during sex and think her pussy bomb First of all hoe my Girlfriend on her way", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Does it bother you that Jrs kids look at you and think. So thats the skank who had daddys dick in his mouth while he was married to mommy. She is disgusting. You know they think it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I watched & as always awesome! It appears @user wants to bring down the Republican Party before he leaves! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify", "label": 1} {"text": "The secret American proposal says the US can continue to support the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) if it reduces the number of refugees it acknowledges from 5.3 million to only 40,000.", "label": 0} {"text": "When the woman says \u201cno\u201d and the husband forces himself on her, that\u2019s rape. Please sir, you sound uneducated", "label": 0} {"text": "Investigation underway after woman reports rape on OU campus", "label": 0} {"text": "@user - further away and didn't see what was wrapped in the bundle that the hysterical woman cradled. 'But I'm not going to -", "label": 1} {"text": "How fast I catch feelings vs how fast I move on", "label": 0} {"text": "'Your dick too small' Bitch first of all your pussy too deep", "label": 1} {"text": "Right Wing Politicians & Warmongers:We want to drop lots of bombs on the Middle East and African Countries. We\u2019ll make lots of money.Right Wing Politicians & Warmongers: Fuck off back to your own country, you immigrants.Obviously no braincells amongst the Right Wing.", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't get offended ladies, men are always right", "label": 1} {"text": "We seem to have no hard policies on immigration!", "label": 0} {"text": "If you still have your seXXXy Halloween pic as your profile photo you're actually a full time all year round slut", "label": 1} {"text": "You're such a fucking hoe, I love it - that new Kanye and Lil Pump I stan kings that make women feel comfortable about their sexuality.", "label": 0} {"text": "Since 911 63,000 Americans have been killed by Illegal Aliens #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration\u2019 #SaturdayMorning", "label": 0} {"text": "We must build the #Wall! We must deport every illegal alien! We must have #MoreBorderPatrolAgents We must have #MandatoryEverify We must #EndSanctuaryCities We must #EndChainMigration We must take our nation back!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user On NYC radio it was bluntly stated that. IT IS MS13 And the victims were from a rival gang. IT IS MS13. WE NEED ICE; WE NEED POLICE; We", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Can you incorporate \u201chey, that\u2019s pretty good\u201d on your next video? ... Kunt \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Shut up bitch and suck my cock", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone online tries to come at me and thinks I care...", "label": 0} {"text": "German town becomes first to ban migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi-an refugeees among the most neglected, says @user Also featured DArC, South Sudan, Nigeria...", "label": 0} {"text": "Workplace diversity is another great benefit of immigration. We celebrate success of another migrant Davinder Kaur Sidhu on getting a work visa approved. Congratulations Davinder :-)If your company has benefitted from migrant workers, share your story #BrainGainNewZealand", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are hysterical get a grip & focus more on the systematic rape, abuse and murder of women by sections\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "[NEW POST] In Switzerland, people have managed to get a referendum changing the financial system with the same promises of Karl Marx that will end all financial crisis to come forever. It is scheduled for June 10th, 2018 after they got 100,000 signatures", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user People in Eu & the US dont seem 2understand that the Muslim refugees coming from the Middle East r very poor, uneducated, &have no respect for women, children or animals.They do what was ok in their country ie rape women, children & animals. They r incompatible w/West culture.", "label": 1} {"text": "Iris scans + food = #foodsecurity for #refugees in Uganda. Read our new blog:", "label": 0} {"text": "UK: Muslim immigration lawyer says \u201cno harm\u201d in 15-year-old girls getting married #SWRM", "label": 0} {"text": "Excited to be at the @user Roundtable! #loveignited #wewelcomerefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "The US has only welcomed 1,640 refugees this fiscal year. Way behind schedule! #WhereRtheRefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Liberals on odd days: Modi's India is saffron terror, Hindu Taliban, minority lyncher, intolerant, fascist regime. Liberals on even days: Illegal Muslim Bangladeshi migrants feel home in India. Why should they go?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user These animals are ungrateful invaders. Parasites, sucking off the liberal tit of the host country. #NODACA#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "'My man just left, come o...'", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user They can learn how to be a man (as long as the women they listen to are wise and kind and not hysterical egomaniac).", "label": 0} {"text": "@user no that would be girls #WomenSuck", "label": 0} {"text": "VIDEO: Legal #Immigrant Defends #President Trump\u2019s #Immigration Policies -", "label": 0} {"text": "Thousands missing. Youth Dozens N each city N a week No Go Zones Invaders, unvetted refugees comN in Last 5/6/7 yrs R abducting our Family members. Trafficing..tunnels found under Million dollar homes N Washington Podesta R known PEDO..child RAPEST tunnels connect to #44 Home.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrants from Bangladesh,Afg r playing havoc in India.High time Mamta&Immigration office take a note,if they have any concern", "label": 1} {"text": "Dat Whore Karma ah Bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#PMLN is acting like a whore who incites people to rape her in order to use it as a victim card and earn relevance.\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "LEMINIS STOP TRAINING IT'S TIME TO GET RIPPED hashtag THIS CUNT BITCH literally fuck that?", "label": 1} {"text": "Migration isnt possible to stop with humanity !!! Sorry, only to execute them open with TV will end this stream immidiatly. Europes humanity will not allow to do this and this means millions of refugees will come and destroy the own countries and everything of civilisation.", "label": 1} {"text": "Leo after he loses again", "label": 0} {"text": "#Burundi\u2014In Kigoma, Tanzanian authorities become hostile to Burundian refugees. Refugees\u2019 small businesses were closed last Friday. With \u201ca threatening tone\u201d, the Kigoma governor told them they must return to Burundi. Many of the refugees are fearful of returning.", "label": 0} {"text": "Why did women vote for Trump? bitches will vote for a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Having period while pregnant first month didn't help with the diagnostic either:))))everyone though this is a hysterical woman :))", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The thing is some men are shy and some women are more forceful like me: not all men are the out front protectors.", "label": 0} {"text": "'I don't take bitch or slut as an insult.'", "label": 1} {"text": "[Disability justice] welcomes people who haven\u2019t been able to participate. It affirms that disabled bodies aren\u2019t a detriment to the world. They\u2019re an asset. - @user #disabilityjustice #disability", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Yes you can. Universe is information we can perceive, black hole is singularity of information imperception", "label": 0} {"text": "50 years after you decided you'd never try anal...", "label": 0} {"text": "In my culture, that's a way of saying 'Suck a dick you bitch punk cunt'", "label": 1} {"text": "Democratic straw clutching. They know they dont appeal to the real voters with policies for the few globalists immigrants and illegal voters. therefore they seek to insult rather than tell a better story. @user", "label": 1} {"text": "A nigga can be like \u201cgood morning beautiful\u201d and y\u2019all hoes would screenshot and say \u201cThis nigga so creepy omg\u201d bitch fuck you &your morning", "label": 1} {"text": "Celibacy to women = Searching for new dick", "label": 1} {"text": "PHOTO OF SHOOTER IN TENN CHURCH ATTACK | Sudanese Immigrant Arrested\u2018\u00a6Emanuel Sampson, 25, From Sudan\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} {"text": "ALOT Of U Bitches Show Me Y'all Momma Raised A WHORE #OnGang", "label": 0} {"text": "shoutout to all the oldest immigrant kids keeping it together for their families.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You'd be the one to know about hysterical woman, though you have cornered the deceptive category.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 10 minute call to you to place an order end up costing me more than \u00a37. Skank or what?", "label": 0} {"text": "Thousands of Americans have been Murdered by illegal aliensWe're building a memorial wall to honor victims & you can helpMake a Donation or order a brick in @ this #LaborDayWeekend & #RETWEET #BuildThatWallSurviving loved ones = permanently separated", "label": 1} {"text": "#African migrants living in #Russia play #soccer on Red Square #Russia2018 #Red_Squarehttps://t.co/BMzEWoAKzX", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Immigration Expert: Trudeau Has Lost Track Of \u2018\u02dcTens Of Thousands\u2019 Of Syrian Refugeeshttps://t.co/cUpRvxwZAZAccess to white people is not a human right: Diversity\u00e2\u201e\u00a2 means chasing DOWN the last White person. Enough.", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm genuinely surprised to see that Wings Over Scotland supports mass uncontrolled immigration into Scotland (He lives in England.) thinks failed Asylum seekers should stay on uncapped welfare and thinks Mundell is a bigot for wanting immigration law applied.Wings, what a cuck!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Remember you have to get the ball in the hole too. Have your fun pal!!! ;)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Gtfo, illegal, why because they broke a law to get here, thereby making them criminals. So Illegal Immigrants. But I will accept Criminals as an alternative. Also you dont get to call yourself undocumented if you ha", "label": 1} {"text": "Did #PriyankaChopra wear a burqa while meeting Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh? #ambassador...", "label": 0} {"text": "Anyone in Michigan able to drive an immigrant family from Detroit to Chicago on Wednesday? This group has driven moms across the country to be reunited w/ their kids. Now they have a family who needs help picking up documents in Chicago. DM me for details.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is what infuriates me. Kangaroos are hopping around like theyre so bad ass and all the while they are complete vulnerable to attacks from above. Jump out of a tree, Choke hold, body scissors and its over. Night, night bouncer dog thing.", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to be shouting NO!! very loudly if this happens. The refugee situation is much more important than the...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are welcome @user looks like we have a common interest in #Immigration - take a look at our site:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Charlie Faker Baker is a traitor! He prefers illegal immigrants over American citizens! He claims he worries about the illegal immigrant children but doesn\u2019t care about all the children that have", "label": 1} {"text": "Italy is the world\u2019s 9th economy and is on a trajectory that in the long run will end in an economic implosion due to demographic decline , not solvable by forced mass immigration The debt ratio will be 200 percent by...", "label": 1} {"text": "Muslim migrant who SHOT Colorado cop in shootout with officers has criminal history, yet AVOIDED DEPORTATION, report says", "label": 0} {"text": "@user gntlement must know treat their women like princess not like whore ehehe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Das sind kein Fl\u00c3\u00bcgtlinger !!!Its Illegal Immigration ....#sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "An hour into 'paycheck &; bills' and you realize you really need to start selling drugs", "label": 0} {"text": "This girl really think I\u2019m dumb \ud83d\ude02 bitch I know you scam stop DM me about that shit", "label": 1} {"text": "This is horrifying. So many women have suffered from rape/ abuse at the hands of men who are never held accountable\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't catch feelings, I don't catch flights, but I do catch dudes slippin and fuck their girls", "label": 1} {"text": "Not all men are thirsty \ud83e\udd24 for pussy \ud83d\ude3b \ud83d\udca6 that's how some niggas CATCH shit \ud83d\ude37 slangin it \ud83c\udf46 everywhere. Hey that's just me, I'm picky \ud83d\ude0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "How business can make a difference for #refugees by @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user My focus is not always on the refugees, they are simply the focus of the topic at hand, not the war or solutions. However, when 62% of the people who claim to be refugees are military age men who come from Africa s", "label": 0} {"text": "Welcome to Final Wave Feminism: The acceptance of a rape culture and Islam. So long as it isn't perpetuated by Western men, they are fine with it. Tell others not to rape doesn't apply while Muslim in Scandinavia. #FeminismIsCancer #Islam #Refugees #Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018, Italy deadliest route: U.N.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yall want sex to be some kinda spiritual rabbit hole soooo bad. *Just finished* Her: I'm hungry You: Me too bitch d\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Now the White House wants to make it harder for LEGAL immigrants to become citizens \u2018\u201c if they've ever gotten welfare or used Obamacarehttps://t.co/5lNR0nc4lt", "label": 1} {"text": "Females be thinking they Pussy fire cuz u say fuck under yo breath first of all I forgot I had a whole bitch\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I was responding to you that we women know that not all men are scumbags. And, that some men are vic\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Bitch shut cho emo ass up before I rape you", "label": 1} {"text": "#BlackTwitter #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #SundayMornibg #AMJoy #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "\"I was a stranger and you welcomed me\" - it's been a difficult year for those of us who believe in welcoming refugees; and not getting any easier anytime soon. #RefugeesWelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm not a lover, I'm a fighter... But I'll still fuck you right", "label": 1} {"text": "Next time your girl's pissing you off, go buy some hair ties and leave one on the floor of your car", "label": 0} {"text": "If you won't wash down your Plan B with my cum, you're not the girl for me", "label": 0} {"text": "Message me I'll show you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You are such a lucky slut girl !!!! I envy you \ud83e\udd24", "label": 1} {"text": "i swear everytime i go ''men are trash'' my irl feels the need to say ''well... not ALL men'' BITCH WHO ASKED YOU", "label": 0} {"text": "Candace Owens is a real feminist! She cares about women's issues! Well... except victims of sexual assault and rape... oh and trans women... And immigrant women... Mothers who's children have been kidnapped by the government... But yeah, she care about women's issues...", "label": 0} {"text": "Called 844-4STAND5 to let my legislators know I #standwithrefugees. The calling system worked flawlessly except for the part where I cried.", "label": 0} {"text": "#Men, you want to treat women better? Here's a list to start with. #notallmen #feminism #harassment", "label": 0} {"text": "How I take STD tests", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HELL NO ur cut from the same communist cloth as the lying Muslim infiltrator we just got out of OUR WH! @user and @user r going to be tried 4 treason hopefully executed in front of the whole world for their crimes! #VoteForTe", "label": 1} {"text": "New U.S. Policy Raises Risk of Deportation for Immigrant Victims of Trafficking", "label": 0} {"text": "DHS Arrests Immigrant Attempting to Enter US with Young Girl He Was Raping", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Not all men. Some. And at least im not defending them like you are with the pussy grabber", "label": 0} {"text": "okay bitch, fuck off it\u2019s not your business\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd fall in a hole and get anal fucked by satan\u2019s horn! BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Child died after release from Texas immigrant detention center, attorney says via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 'Not all men! You just haven't found the right one!!! Or you're looking in the wrong place \ud83d\ude48' - Local Fireman", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany reaches first deal with #Spain to return migrants", "label": 0} {"text": "what you sow you deluded leftie pricks what you going to do when the raping and gromming begins ask the EU for help", "label": 0} {"text": "I think percentage wise, my female followers here are better looking than IG. You always have an open seat on my face. @user u first", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user It will only be a matter of time before something happens to those ranchers.#BuildThatWall#BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "When you wake up and your mouth is drier than the Sahara desert", "label": 0} {"text": "Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebs too poor to run as a Mayor to show everyone they can be better politicians than him. Comments? @user no no no no new war under Trump, Europe is still handling the refugees from Obama's wars. Hi Ohio! @user weekend feels", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do I have to fight another bitch ass looking cunt today?", "label": 1} {"text": "#SouthCarolina has spent millions of dollars to arrest immigrant landscapers, housekeepers #ambassador...", "label": 0} {"text": "Me trying to flirt- I wanna eat your hot pocket", "label": 0} {"text": "People say, \"Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?\" For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America.", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm not the one to let people profit on my back... I'll break yours and take what's mine \ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "#landdegradation undermines the well-being of 3.2 billion people, or \u201ctwo-fifths of humanity,\u201d drives species extinction and intensifies #climatechange, and is also a major contributor to mass human #migration. \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@CauxDialogue\u00e2\u0081\u00a9", "label": 0} {"text": "Me trying to flirt- You have really nice eyebrows... I'd like to cum on them to see if they wash off", "label": 1} {"text": "Two faced Boris now hes on a power trip dosent care about Immigration may is a liar change l don't think so", "label": 0} {"text": "Says man who suggested an actress reported an historic rape to gain more work - you're a fully paid up cunt -", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I hope you are not offering them a choice. To hell with the #Tories #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "These are not refugees but aggressive male migrants the Med leaders - with exception of @user -want to kindly \u201cshare\u201d w-others. In reality, they already have by previously \u201cwaving-through\u201d hundreds of thousands of unknown migrants to roam Europe. @user #V4", "label": 1} {"text": "There are all these illegal immigrant aliens trying to get to Earth, but our 'Space Force' is protecting us, oh yeah it's up there already! #Deranged", "label": 0} {"text": "I feel like post birth abortion should be a thing...", "label": 0} {"text": "UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration", "label": 0} {"text": "Girls with blonde hair and dark roots make my cock hard for some reason", "label": 1} {"text": "Populists are not anti immigrant or anti immigration or emigration they are PRO rational fair laws of\u2026 \u2014 Allan", "label": 0} {"text": "Cases include a twisted paedophile, a lunatic driver and an illegal immigrant who posed as a 16-year-old girl", "label": 0} {"text": "Some cunt at Walmart went full psycho on me saying how she had no fucking space to put her shit bitch ur taking up the entire conveyor belt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user As you fall over yourselves to welcome Syrian refugees ,homes etc why did you not do it for ordinary people are u lambs or goats", "label": 1} {"text": "Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD. #whore #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "In the past 4 years personal debt has risen by 90 billion pounds. Much of it spent on trying to live. Debt now stands at 32,000 pounds for every person in the country. Its time government realised that we can neither afford more migrants or foreign aid. Look after our own people.", "label": 0} {"text": "Watch: Germany's Real Women's March against migrant violence and Islamism - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Don't blame refugees for the misery of others. By forcedly removing refugees from their homes they simply join the ever extending list of vulnerable people on the streets. Westminster can change this for everyone.", "label": 0} {"text": "hypnotize synthesize love is a lie like a hole in the sky then you die", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Its not about Trump kids.When are you putting up all those refugees in your home jk??? YOu know, diversity for thee, but not for me.Your virtue signalling is tiresome.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No doubt cory wins most hysterical women his eyes are popping out of his head foaming at the mouth", "label": 0} {"text": "It's unfortunate that such racist tactics are used against migrant communities. Remember those who are spreading fear are those who cut the funding of vital services for migrants such as healthcare and education! via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Mandy Manning, one of World Relief's friends and partners @user has just been named 2018 National Teacher of the Year for her work with #refugee and #immigrant students. Read more of her incredible story. \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} {"text": "#FakeNews Alert!! Flu Vaccine PROPAGANDA Agenda - Immigration = Terrorism REPORT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Legally it is rape if you inserted something inside someone without their consent", "label": 0} {"text": "Glad not all men are like that and sad some women are like this...", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe.", "label": 0} {"text": "is this what you would call karma? like how do you as a mexican person vote and support trump, have an illegal immigrant as a wife & act shocked when she gets deported?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Let me check your ass out with my cock", "label": 1} {"text": "People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories... STFU Bill, IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife", "label": 1} {"text": "I\u2019ll still fuck a stupid Bitch up tho", "label": 1} {"text": "When someone tries to threaten me", "label": 0} {"text": "If this is implemented well, could be good news for Philadelphians.", "label": 0} {"text": "If you really wanna know what someone you're fucking thinks about you, make them show you how you're stored in their phone...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user stupid women fuck up my life #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user USA should stop trading with Mexico, if they dont stop the refugees.", "label": 1} {"text": "If you have to ask why #WomenSuck you're obviously a woman.... And you suck.... #subtweet", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Where are you getting #NotAllMen from? I took issue with the fact they don't explain the\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The difference is you promote being a slut you dumb bitch you should go fuck yourself and stick some a\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user weird as fuck cuz women suck. #YouSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "The blue wave is coming if we don't build that damn wall. #BuildThatWall & #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "People that hate on you that you've done nothing to and don't know you are just jealous of you... Embrace it, you're doing something right", "label": 0} {"text": "When the rival lemonade stand starts stealin your business", "label": 0} {"text": "@user let's get weird! Summertime baby! #FuckBitches", "label": 1} {"text": "WHO.. ARE. YOOUU? This is not mario kart. You are no princess peach. Get your skank ass up out my lane or I take you off the goddamn road.", "label": 1} {"text": "Boo, you sweaty whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Excellent.Since we can't separate families, lock all their asses up until a judge can deport them.I'm all in.Thank you @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything.", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user I don't see why drinking and driving is such a big deal. Letting women drive is just as hazardous!", "label": 1} {"text": "If Richard Stallman has 1 GB of RAM, and if you have 1 GB of RAM, Richard Stallman has more RAM than you.", "label": 0} {"text": "We are not all men and women of God in this context, I'm not talking generalization, I'm talking about Gods prophet\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "someone: breathes ada: dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot", "label": 1} {"text": "From the archives: Daniel Berrigan on refugees, Christ, and the American Dream.", "label": 0} {"text": "Now All These Hoes Talking Bout THEY NEED A GUCCI BITCH BE YOSELF", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I quite liked the look of the air ram?? And dyson.. but you are right they are a bit steep... although others could be false economy....", "label": 0} {"text": "Worldbank reports that in the next 30 years many refugees have to leave her homeland, specially in Africa. Who will feed them ? Is Europe able to shoot them down and protect her own homeland, before it will destroyed from Africans ?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hope one of these crazy ppl assassinate Trump the stupid son of a bitch my free speech he has no heart the way he is doing the American ppl", "label": 0} {"text": "This is my most accurate understanding of religion", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cIf this is your definition of journalism, then don\u2019t be suprised when people call you a racially obsessed tabloid, with no ethics\u201d #StopFundingHate", "label": 0} {"text": "Did you know that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has donated 25 lacs from the Earning of Jattu Engineer for bone bank!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Must take decisive action for sealing borders with B'desh to prevent rampant illegal migration encouraged by one community", "label": 1} {"text": "@user While ruling a quarter of the Earth the British still lived on an Island the size of Michigan? The primary migration out of the UK was what created the USA/Canada/Australia/NewZealand as known today?", "label": 0} {"text": "Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban. And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue.", "label": 0} {"text": "i use to get sky at my dads house but his whore girlfriend never use to let me watch it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user why? So you can look like a trashy mess? #WomenSuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user LOL, you do dress like a slut :-) you look excellent.It entertains me that you have the slutty dressing covered while I do the slutty acting", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Not all women deserve respect. Not all men deserve respect. Respect is earned, not deserved. #metoo #auspol", "label": 0} {"text": "Fight to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children. @user #FamiliesBelongTogether #resist", "label": 0} {"text": "Went to @user stupid bitch put one in upside down one side ways. #wtf \u00a36 we'll spent #cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Ready for school? @user provides around 54,000 refugee students access to free education through 153 schools, 48 satellites classes, 45 home-based girl schools and 13 early childhood education centres.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015.", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you @user for welcoming and employing Omar and other refugees eager to provide for their families!", "label": 0} {"text": "She's nothing but a @user con. She's an illegal immigrant & Slovenian skinhead Nazi B back home before @user my ass) falsified her PAPERS to enter the US. Worked on tourist VISA. Lied about education(degree in architecture) fluent in 5 languages. Einstein VISA?", "label": 1} {"text": "Mexican immigrant niggas when they\u2019re working at their taco shop and the cops arrive", "label": 1} {"text": "Now since all Indians been mapped thru Aadhar Card. Flush out illegal immigrants,whose No has grown substantially in last 10Y.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's National Kissing Day... So you can all kiss my mutha fuckin ass", "label": 0} {"text": "Seriously. Get these people out of there. If we can't due to current EU or UN directives then we can at least stem Western to Western migration to get them to safety.", "label": 1} {"text": "WHO'S THE WHORE NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm a couple days late, but you should read this story from @user on the real estate business of immigrant detention centers:", "label": 0} {"text": "When she got you caught up and you're tryna figure out how you're gonna lie your way outta this one", "label": 0} {"text": "Understanding #foodsecurity in the context of #ruraldevelopment and #agriculture is a central part of the broader analysis of the links between #migration, #environment and #climatechange. #rootcauses", "label": 0} {"text": "I am not a refugee but thank you anyways for supporting my thread", "label": 0} {"text": "I really sympathise for the kid at @user DC office who answered my call. I asked him how he feels about governement approved murder and sexual trafficking of detained immigrant children. He told me he feels awful but the congressman has no new comment. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Son- mom, how did you and dad meet? Mom- he had on gray sweats and his dick print was fleekin so I slid in his DM", "label": 0} {"text": "Immigrant parents of companies like the annual National Homeland Security, trying to the perfect setting For updates:", "label": 0} {"text": "When the gangbang goes horribly wrong", "label": 0} {"text": "RT @user It's April fools day but I clown you bitches every day. Imma take the day off, have a good day, see you tomorrow (Stolen fr\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Happiest of birthdays to the main hoe \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffb I hope you have a wonderful day angel \ud83c\udf39\ud83d\udc9e @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Oooohhhh bitch didn't even listen to the dead kennedys what a cunt lol I'm 34 and hate rap", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Good Luck @user More Americans #WalkAwayFromDemocrat #WallkAway from OPEN BORDERS Pro illegal #Immigration Anti American Agenda #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch you can't keep up so stop trying", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Japan is always operating under the premise that mass migration that can radically transform the country's demographics is unacceptable. The Alt-Right main point is the n", "label": 0} {"text": "@user hi Best l see someone fucking girl comment bad in your pic.why you not block the bitch girl name kayleigh corbett", "label": 1}