{"text": "@user , you are correct that Reid certainly is a weasel. Sadly, we've got our own weasels; @user Sen McConnell & @user .The corrupt Mueller investigation w/be STOPPED if those 3 did their jobs.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever just unfollowed me you a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Those People Invaded Us!!! They DO NOT BELING HERE & HAVE NO RIGHTS! Its #AmericaFIRST! Open Your House To Them If Your That IGNORANT! & Yes Im A #Christian Too! #NODACA!", "label": 1} {"text": "stop JUDGING bitches by there cover, jus cuz she bad don't mean she's a catch shawdy could be a whore \ud83d\udc40 das opposite of a keeper", "label": 1} {"text": "how about i knock heads off and send them gift wrapped to your moms house you dumb raggedy bird bitch ass hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Always #NoDACA.I AM BORN IN #USA AND #USA FIRST.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user friends ? that's my BLOOD brother bitch .. he in yo city !! i'm hours away . ill be through there tomo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Muslims attacked US on 9/11, 3000 killed. Subsequently we allowed more Muslims in our country?!?Does this make any sense to you?You can thank Obama, his liberals minions, RINO's & political correctness. #MuslimBan #BanIslam #TravelBan #DrainTheDeepState #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Like he ever kept out any threats. He's lying as usual. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "#germany deserves to called #cuck/land they allow in #isis fighters as #Refugees even if they raped underaged girls. this #yazidi girl is scared of this and she is forced to see the face of her rapist.#refugeesnotwelcome should apply to these scum", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user They can scrim whoever they fucking want this isn't a fucking chall you dumb bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Ok bitch nigga. You don't even watch basketball! Stfu. Who was the laker coach this year? Bet yo hoe ass look it up\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Absolutely! No DACA, No Amnesty, No Sanctury Cities, Deport All Illegal Aliens, Build The Wall! #MAGA #2A #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #OBAMAgate #StandWithICE #PEDOgate #LockThemAllUp #BanIslam #TRUMP2020 @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck whoever drank 2 of my teas. Fuck you. And your fucking family. And I wish bad juju karma on you. Because you're a mf cunt waffle.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Toronto is starting to sound like LondonstanWe have to get on the #MadMax2019 train!!@MaximeBernier is the only one who can get our country back.#BanMuslims #BanIslam #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you @user @user for doing the right thing and appointing John Kyl to the seat of the late @user America Thanks You!Please #RETWEETConfirm Kavanaugh to #SCOTUS Join us @ #BuildThatWall @", "label": 0} {"text": "Shut your dumbass up bitch we all know you a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Neva trust a bitch\ud83e\udd18 if she tell you she don't got hoes or nigga's her ass lying\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "You cuff dat bitch you goofy hoe cause my brudda josh been break dat hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "There will be a Cronulla Roits 2 in Melbourne. #wearesickofit #sendthemhome", "label": 1} {"text": "If that's true Ky is a bitch. But he's the best PG in the league so let's grab whoever Bron wants to play with in a trade & win more titles", "label": 0} {"text": "Whenever HP is on I have this sick need to watch it & bitch the whole time. Scene that grind my gears: \"HARRY DID U PUT UR NAME IN GOF!?\"\ud83d\udce2", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches Boyfriends/baby daddy/ husband be locked up for 10 minutes and already going out to be a hoe bitch you sad \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump wants to deport illegal aliens with 'no judges or court cases' #MeTooI am solidly behind this actionThe thought of someone illegally entering a country & showing no respect for its laws,should be protected by same laws is ludacris!#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please visit today to honor the thousands of victims killed by illegal aliens!We are building a memorial wall.#RETWEETHelp #BuildThatWall in their memory!Follow @user & @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Agreed! Tonight's show was very informative. Tucker is brilliant, and @user is so smart #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "flashback to freshman year \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 & to whoever still has this video, youza creep ass bitch\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "8. I REMEMBER LIVE DMING U DWP. ur a g and i hope yr 11 treats u right. REMEMBER MY ADIVCE U BITCH ASS CUNT. ilysm!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches hollering it's tooo hot!! Well bitch go back to winter you can have that shit hoe you wasn't yelling it when yo ass was freezing \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\udc49", "label": 1} {"text": "#ConfirmKavanaugh#Democrats will thrash and scream no matter what @user does. #RINOS stop #obstructing Let's fulfill #MAGA agenda!#BuildThatWall#NoSanctuary#DrainTheSwamp#AmericaFirst#ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh#DemocratsHateAmerica#WalkAway#VoteRedToSaveAmerica", "label": 0} {"text": "When some1 is very sick, you send a doctor, not ask them to come to hospital themselves. Now explain me why are we bringing in Syrians, especially adults, into Turkey letting them steal our jobs, lower the wages and ridicule our values?#sendthemback #syrian #Refugees #Turkey", "label": 1} {"text": "Ion want your side hoe I want your main bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#newday they are not asylum seekers they are illegal immigrants #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "So that they can hide their lies from the public who has the right to know the truth of what they have done, all belong in prison for life, they know it and public will know as well very soon @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch if you were a cookie, you'd be whoreo \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Here is an encouraging word: I heard it suggested recently - maybe by or on @user TV Show - or maybe by Ann herself - that somebody should tell our US President @user & @user we do not need to go to US Congress for funds to #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWallNOW", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You ASAP yams built body Bitch, wasn't I your body goals a few weeks ago? Fuck outta here orangutang titty flopping hoe.", "label": 0} {"text": "FYI @user I AM A former LEGAL A.L.I.E.N !!!! Now I am a citizen! As an immigrant I strongly oppose #IllegalAliens and #illegalImmigration Its wrong and unfair to all the #LegalAliens !", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH\u203c\ufe0fstop calling me from block.. whoever you is", "label": 1} {"text": "California NEEDS VOTER ID! ICE at every polling station! #VoterID #VoterFraud #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "anyway this bitch is back and ready to detest boygroups minus bts and bap with her whole heart and being", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH DONT TEST ME", "label": 0} {"text": "Definition of a whore/trash/piece of dirt/bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "\"~40 million SSI numbers have been stolen & used by Illegal Aliens to get work, according to agency records!\"\"~Obama stopped sending notice to employers notifying them when numbers don't match their identity!@realDonaldTrump! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll!\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user That's what happens when you let in a bunch of savages from Africa riddled with diseases!!! #CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART UR MY FAVE PERSON EVER THANK U \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch ass cunt nugget", "label": 1} {"text": "My man bag cost four thousand bitch your bag cost no thousand Ahahahahah ahhhhhh deexxxterr silly lil hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you know how many bullets I would take for Taylor, Camila, the whole cast of riverdale and ari? Bitch shoot all the guns at me", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We all know what you mean by 'scum' pal. Couldn't agree more. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Parental neglect of migrant children ignored by Feds | Sheila Gunn Reid #Canada Disgusting Savages Destroying #CanadaHotels feces, urine, flooding & abuse of Staff! #DeportThemAll Ingrates! Animals take care of their babies way better! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH HOW DARE YOU SUPPORT NACYS HOE ASS!!! IF SHE HAD LISTENED BARB WOULDNT OF DIED", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Brazil is a sh*thole. This is the same place where they beheaded a referee during a soccer game, then proceeded to cut his body to pieces. IN THE STADIUM. This is a normal occurrence in Brazil, yet the Left says if we don't have open borders then we're \"racist.\" #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user There was a vote and everything! #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck these hoes! can't no bitch do shit for you but give you a headache and tell you want to do & what not to do", "label": 1} {"text": "@user GOD BLESS ICE, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND OFF OUR STREETS. #NoSanctuaryStates #NoSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoCommunists #NoSocialism #AmericaFirst #AmericansAreDreamersToo #MAGA #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm 10 Toes Behind My Bitch So If She Don't Like You Guess What? I Don't Like You Either Luh Whores\ud83d\ude1b", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Please don't call it \"\"rescue\"\" - it's human trafficking #portsclosed #sendthemback #benefitseekers\"", "label": 1} {"text": "all these niggas that be friends stay in my DM.. bitch i am not a hoe, and no you will never fuck. y'all so damn annoying !!!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Happy birthday to my bitch ass cousin @user \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 Love You hoeeeee", "label": 0} {"text": "ight y'all so it's almost my birthday &&& with that being said i'm tryna be shaaaaapoppping . whole new bitch feel me . so bam vote", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Dopey @user & @user are you listening? #JimJordan #maga #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Im tired of these im a gangster ass hoes \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bitch you don't even know how to reload a gun and don't know where the safety at", "label": 0} {"text": "Not being boastful but OML I bet any bitch you fckin with ain like me period .. you down bad I promise them hoes go bend and fold on you", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Raped Girlfriend's Daughter In North Carolina via @user is an everyday occurrence in North Carolina, Why?#BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#NoAmnesty #EndSanctuaryCities #KeepAmericansSafe#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And this is exactly how it should be in England!! Crime is low in Slovakia etc but all the scumbags come to to commit crimes as they know they can get away with it - THEY NEVER RETURN!!! #stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Slave Labor is all around us but is ignored and called something else. Fight to remove it and human trafficking too. Paying someone low wages under the threat of turning them into ICE is treating them as your slaves. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I hope they give Orenthal another 9 1/2 years and let him rot and die in that hell hole. Karma is a bitch and so is OJ. #feedOJ", "label": 0} {"text": "You just fwm no more never did bitch ionkno whores", "label": 1} {"text": "bye it looks like he's saying \"yeah you better buy these fucking shoes you bitch\" i'm", "label": 0} {"text": "the crazy part is, y'all be moving on soooo quick. out here talking to a new bitch the next day. you are a straight burnt out hoe LMAAAO.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user BUILDTHATWALL MAGA KAG TRUMP2020 TRUMP=HERO TRUMP=LEADER", "label": 0} {"text": "I wonder if any of my employees from Chattanooga are texting each other like \"glad that asshole is out of town this week lmao bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "When a door closes go through a window. #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I support ICE, thats why Ill be voting Republican come November. #BuildThatWall #VoterRed2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user If he's being a little bitch then he needs to be treated like one. He's an absolute cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Same shoes everyday but bitch I'm still swaggin' @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Got my nails and hair did today, I'm a whole new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "How can some of ya worry about how the next nigga/ bitch livin. Who gives a fuck if they broke, or they out here hoein. It aint YOU, is it??", "label": 0} {"text": "MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Murder Are Obamas Unaccompanied Minors @user #NoMoreDeaths#KeepAmericansSafe#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #DoYourJob !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Oh she tried you , tell that bitch you wear jeans hoe \ud83d\ude3c", "label": 1} {"text": "you're a hoe. stop trying to put another female down just because you wanna look \"funny\" for twitter. nooo you're a petty bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": ".@DFBHarvard Do you find it odd that @user has been so quiet lately? #guilt ? #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "i despise that bitch cunt...", "label": 1} {"text": "It's funny trying to be told what to do I will wear what I want Talk to whoever I want Post whatever I want & be whoever I want to be, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "I talk a lot of shit about hoes but Fr tho fellas why would you want to be broke fuckin wit a female you can't even get the bitch no fries \ud83c\udf5f", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@ceraldi_carleen I am sure he lied about it on his application. They need to deport him like they're doing to all naturalized citizens who \"\"lied\"\" on the apps. #sendthemback\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@ the family that called me a cunt and a Bitch for their chip not working on their card \ud83d\udc4d", "label": 0} {"text": "Gabriel Graves Fuck You hoe I'm Make your life a living hell bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Join American Sheriffs to Secure Americas Borders! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, icons such as JFK & Martin Luther King would be considered too conservative for these zealots. Do they understand what they are doing to this country?See ISSUES#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #NoDACA #Trump #VoteRed #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "a whole BOX of oreos bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens is not hate speech", "label": 0} {"text": "A hoe is always gonna be a hoe and a bitch is always gonna be bitchin.. you're both", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you a bitch..ol hoe ass", "label": 1} {"text": "It's time to build the wall now. These are the people we caught over the last few years! How many are we not catching? @user @user @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "So I got called a slut, whore and bitch for sticking up for @user but j really don't care cause I got to my point", "label": 0} {"text": "Too many immigrants unlicensed to kill #IllegalAliens #IllegalImmigration#Transportation #BuildThatWall @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Time to Stop Illegals from using kids as a get out of jail card #Detain and Deport Never let them see a U.S City Stop #CatchNRelease #SendThemBack ASAP #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration No Illegals", "label": 1} {"text": "Nigga you look like slavery in the flesh oh Plymouth Rock landed on you bitch ass nigga", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #SendThemBack #Australia #Africa belongs in the sess pool it created for itself !", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm really too grown to get out w a Bitch to fight but it's a certain level of disrespect with you whores and I will handle mine", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This will be great. Hope @user puts someone in charge who makes sure All $$$ goes toward construction costs. And he/she better get it going after day, Every million donated. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Keep them bottom feeders out of our country! #BuildThatWall #SecureOurBorers", "label": 1} {"text": "All this does is condemn leftists attempts to scam the refugee program. It supports Stephen Millers positions. #BuildTheWall #nodaca #StephenMiller", "label": 0} {"text": "She is absolutely correct!#AmericansFirst#KeepAmericaSafe#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "WE AS A NATION DESERVE A REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF SAFETY IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! VOTE REPUBLICAN #BuildThatWall #EndChainMigration #ENDVISALOTTERY #EVERIFY #ENDVOTERFRAUD", "label": 0} {"text": "@user has the legal right to end Obama's Illegal #DACA Memo Congress Did Not Pass DACA Three times End it Now ! #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendthemHome with their Illegal Parents Stop Rewarding Illegals - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#NoHR392If there were no fraud, there wouldn't be a backlog. We need #MeritBased immigration. Start with #4Pillars @user #StandWithAmericanWorkers #endChainMigration", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH BTS ALREADY BURNED THE WHOLE UNIVERSE WITH NOT TODAY WHAT DO U MEAN HOT BUT EVEN BETTER IS THERE ANYTHING LEFT TO BURN", "label": 0} {"text": "Truth & Fact!#MAGA#DrainTheSwamp#TrueTheVote#DemandVoterID#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#BuildTheWall#No2Globalism#No2Socialism#SocialismFails#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user That 21 year old rapefugee raped the 17 year old and proceeded to try raping her mother, while they were at a cemetery. Brock Turner raped a drunk girl with foreign objects in an alley. Both did rape, but situations were different. Not to mention that Brock's sentence was light.", "label": 0} {"text": "'DREAMER' Repeatedly Raped Young Girl In North Carolina via @user @user #DeathPenalty#ChildRape#ProtectUS#KeepAmericaSafe#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "A Comparison of Two Presidents: President Trump versus President Obama - Their First 600 Days #RedWaveRising #WWG1WGA #Elections2018 #MAGA #BuildTheWALL #NoDACA #NoDEMS #GreatAwakening #QAnon", "label": 0} {"text": "These hoes gone break your heart but aye that's yo down Bitch tho", "label": 0} {"text": "You gonna buy a whole ecosystem? is probably the line of the story, but \"Bitch, you're from Baltimore.\" is close.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"#Navy rescued #Manchester bomber Salman Abedi from war-torn #Libya three years before deadly terror attack via @user #WEST is \"\"rescuing\"\" people that will #kill them.#SendThemHome #bombing #attack Have some dignity and throw them out\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user If theres one thing that causes Canadians to speak up, its people butting in a lineup. We all came here from somewhere and we lined up and followed the rules. We have a good immigration process. Use it. #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch fuck you hoe !", "label": 1} {"text": "DEPORT Deport Deport. That is all you have to say. #IllegalAliens have got to go.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user '#Sweden' HAS 'FINALLY WOKEN UP'! BUT 'MANY PEOPLE' ARE SAYING THAT IT IS 'TOO LATE' UNLESS 'VERY DRASTIC MEASURES' ARE TAKEN 'IMMEDIATELY' TO '#MAKESWEDENGREATAGAIN'! #SwedenElection #SwedenElections #SwedenDemocrats #SwedishDemocrats #svepol #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "The Last Refuge has a fantastic collection of reports on a business model that profits from illegal immigration. #UniParty #RobbingUsBlind #EndChainMigration#tcot #ccot #pjnet #qanon", "label": 1} {"text": "@user if there were a female 007 SJW's would bitch about portraying violence against women.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user can you rally for @user weve got to defeat liberal Pocahontas (@SenWarren ) Massachusetts does not want illegals in our commonwealth #NoDACA #noillegals #senDiehl", "label": 0} {"text": "Many of these were in El Paso, home town of Beto ORourke running for Senate. He campaigns for open borders. 25 illegals this week dropped off at Walmart to load into Semis more from stash houses. This why Texas needs @user stop human smuggling.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This is outrageous. Congress should be fired on the spot. #BuildThatWall #stopwastingmytaxdollars", "label": 0} {"text": "Of course Life is a Bitch.. If it was a slut, It would be easy.. MAYWARD MahalKitaKasiBiga10Na", "label": 0} {"text": "Then I hit the club ballin wit a bad attitude. hoes like who u think u is? I'm like bitch who is you?", "label": 1} {"text": "I am a broke bitch that wants the bts puma shoes and I cannot pay in love", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch you been havin 2 / 3 dick appointments in a day but don't shower in between lmao dirty luh hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 these hoes trying to link and fight I might kill you bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Okay you know what you Chabby fans can't bitch that Gabi is over everyday when that whore Abigail has been on for 10 days straight #Days", "label": 1} {"text": "So, are you saying that we're not supposed to use #IllegalAliens to denote illegal aliens who come to the USA illegally? I'll try to remember that.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Let's #BuildThatWall this #SundayMorning Visit #RETWEETBoycott #NFLSunday Join us @ #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch im gonna get that damn pair of shoes aMEN", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Dont F*ck up What we Voted For - We See You. #MandatoryEVerify #EndRepublicanCheapLabor #EndBirthRightCitizenship #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #FixEntryExit #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I think you mean a rapefugee. Calling that sort of person immigrant makes us legal immigrants look bad.", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH HOW CAN U SAY THIS WHEN UR A WHITE MANS WHORE.", "label": 1} {"text": "This little bitch who used to be the homie but ranked out for being a bitch is now dating my baby mama\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80 shady shit haha you hoes nasty\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No they shouldn't. #NoDACA, #NoAmnesty.Dreamers could be allowed to apply for legal migration once deported without being penalized for their deportation. Fine. But no amnesty for anyone who's an illegal. The days ignoring illegal immigration are over. Stop it.#BuildTheWall.", "label": 1} {"text": "Every day there's a horrible crime perpetrated by an illegal alien. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "stop being an overdramatic bitch... if u were in my shoes, and wake up with the news that your idol committed suicide what would u feel", "label": 1} {"text": "My bitch ass brother cooked salmon an didn't clean up ANTHIN , now the whole fuckin house smells like DIRTY PUSSY #ITWENTTHRUTHEVENTS", "label": 0} {"text": "DACA Illegal Thanks The U.S ! Threatens ICE online and post 21 pages of how to make Weapons ! End #DACA #SendThemHome #SundayMorning #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user Michael Lynch", "label": 1} {"text": "Woman Dies After Being Pushed Out Of Speeding SUV By Previously Deported Illegal Alien via @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "howls moving castle -this whole movies is cute -Sophie is THAT bitch, sweet af -8/10", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's unfair to immigrants who go through legal channels to reside,work or go to school, here in the U.S., that #IllegalAliens are allowed to stay without documentation. Let them go home and apply for a visa like all the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE. WHAT MAKES ILLEGALS EXEMPT?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SHIP HIM BACK TO NEWARK so he can go get a job in a correct industry, hey Booker: unemployment+Welfare line is empty, no ones ahead of you yet. #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "If you think your sarcasm will be offensive, say it, whoever finds it offensive is a bitch and you don't need such negativity in your life.", "label": 0} {"text": "That's what they are - #IllegalAliens. Now Twitter wants to override US federal government legal designations?", "label": 0} {"text": "When one of your old hoes dm you saying '' oh your bio is finally clean'' like bitch you disrespectful bye \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "Happy Birthday Elise McwhoreMick\ud83d\ude09 You're such a bad bitch & ily with all my heart. You're so fun & crazy, it's alwa\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Trump: I could use MILITARY to build my wall #BuildThatWall via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I propose a new word a day calendar for @user and his #BuildThatWall dumb ass followers.tunneltnl/noun1.an artificial underground passage, especially one built through a hill or under a building, road, or river.", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell that bitch to pay me if she EVER tryna rape me", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@debbie1ala @user @user 100% agreed. These are illegal aliens, not immigrants. Boat people are a sugar-coated way of putting it. It scares me that many Australians on Twitter still think its okay for these \"\"immigrants\"\" to just turn up. #sendthemback\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user hope you take these impostors who created the Palestinian refugee crisis to court and get a backbone. They havent given a dollar to the worlds largest/longest suffering refugee population they created now claim you find terror. Enough already. Let refugees go home.", "label": 0} {"text": "Fast-Food Workers Union Demands Restaurant to Allow Employees to Wear 'Abolish ICE' Pins | Breitbart #BuildTheWALL #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #NoDEMS #GreatAwakening #MAGA #WalkAway #ThesePeopleAreSick #ICE", "label": 0} {"text": "#stopimmigration#banislam#Merkelmussweg #FuckEUNot far right but Damn right !", "label": 1} {"text": "Wish I was a Bitch, like just for one day can I be a heartless cunt \ud83d\ude29", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch u can't insinuate someone else isnt doing anything with their life when u don't know them. \ud83d\ude02 Hoe, you're not\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "What a cunty little bitch. #Jeremykyle She should have her benefits stopped for not putting him on BC. That would stop that shit.", "label": 1} {"text": "Why do you brake a lot \ud83d\ude02 bitch it's called putting gears in hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user No he's just a cunt he calls me a slut when I've done no shit to him", "label": 0} {"text": "it's time for me to BOSS UP on you bitch ass niggas & hoes\ud83d\ude1b", "label": 1} {"text": "I fr hate when people but black screens on Snapchat and put a whole damn rant on their story. Like no bitch , that's not what snap is for", "label": 0} {"text": "IF YOU HAVE TRIED TO GET W/ A GIRL YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CALL HER DEMEANING NAMES LIKE \"slut, whore, etc\" SORRY BOUT YALL \ud83d\udde3\ud83d\udde3\ud83d\udde3", "label": 0} {"text": "i promise i don't miss you bitch shut ur whore mouth tysm", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens. What else can we call them? Obummer had a term but cant recall I have ever used it.", "label": 0} {"text": "We don't need more RAPEFUGEES!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm not drove bitch, you THINK YOURE DRIVING ME BUT THE GAG IS, I'm not mad and I'm beating yo ass now. Bum hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This is exactly what all civilized nstions should do! And deport all 3rd worlders including ((those)) who meddle in our business! #DeportThemAll #LockThemAllUp #LockThemUp #StandUpForEurope #defendeurope #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteGenocide #AllLivesMatter", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user YAY , live in Michoacan, Mexico where police are blindfolded and dump in the streets dead with notes on there body taughting the police! #buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoa. Wake the eff up, Western Society. #wakeup #stoptheinvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Comey's 7/5/16 phony statement absolved Hillary because she didn't \"knowingly\" break laws.Booker ADMITS to violating the rules. He needs to be prosecuted and/or admonished.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 0} {"text": "When is enough. When is congress going to get rid of this asshole Trump. This son of a bitch is bad news", "label": 0} {"text": "No sympathy if you cant come here legally you're not welcome. #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm that person that is always down for shit, like if you were to text me and say \"hey we're headed to Cali for shoes\" down bitch, Lets go", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #IllegalAliens #MAGA #HurricaneFlorerence #96TheMovie #MAGA This is for all you illeagle aliens aot there who are bright as a blowout lightbulb in a pitch black room. #gohome", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@MarkACollett Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist \"\"art\"\", a \"\"remembrance wall\"\" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Britney, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch you just want fucking attention. Dont bring your whore self in this.", "label": 1} {"text": "Depression is a whole entire bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Mo Brooks: The 15M Illegals in U.S. Give Blue States 20 Congressional Seats #MAGA #WalkAWay #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DrainTheDeepState #thewall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're a hoe bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Some bitch told me I'm to in love with my truck and bike.... Bye bye cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"@DeborahDiltz @user @user One of the reasons crime stats seem low in Germany and other liberal infested countries is because people are too afraid of being called \"\"racists\"\" if they report crimes committed by muslim and african #rapefugees.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user bitch you always come out wearing some ugly assssss shoes", "label": 1} {"text": "New Report: Government Gave DACA Protection to Thousands of Criminals @user @user #NoDACA #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KeepAmericaSafeStop the deception, Stop the lies.#EnforceUSLaws", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm not a slut, just a whore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user in 1980 Texas was 70% White today (After #Regan's #Amnesty which Flipped CA BLUE & got us 20Million Illegals) it's barely 48% & 7 of the 15 fastest-growing large cities between July 2016 & July 2017 were located in Texas #NoDACA NO #DACA because it means PERPETUAL #OpenBorders", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Haters are going to hate. They hate truth Mr. President. The more haters the left throws at you the more you know you are on the right track. It is sedition. We all see it. We have your back! #MAGA2018 #StringerTogether #RunRunAway #ProudDeplorable #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "#Filth @user #Nodaca #Deporthemall going to go turn on the phone now that you have to babysit that stupid gang behavior and idiotic graffiti. #Berkeley #CAdeservesbetter", "label": 0} {"text": "3 Americans Killed by Illegal Alien Drunk Driver #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Take us to your leader!#IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "Just like every other social justice cunt: bitch doesn't know anything about the economy.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 good one bitch. I still fuck badder hoes than you , habesha bitches \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14. Your irrelevant , bitch I kno\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user You're a bitch tryna expose some shit & make up lies about me burning like a hurt hoe \ud83d\ude02\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Tomorrow Sept 11, 2018 is 17 years after terrorists attacked our country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FoxNews #NRA #BuildTheWall #BlueLivesMatter #GetOutTheVote #BORDER", "label": 0} {"text": "I might send this too my whole family cause they all believe kids got it easy. Bitch please", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh no, not Jed \"I'm gonna rape this zombie bitch\" & \"Anime games are pedophilic trash\" Whitaker. Whatever will gam\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "the mobile app keeps asking for me to put in the password for @user BITCH THAT ACCUNT DOESNT EXIST", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm a happy bitch as long as I have the rainbond around and can drag hyunyoung whoever I want to.", "label": 1} {"text": "GET THIS STRAIGHT.It's our only hope to save our nation.We must acknowledge that our taking freedom for granted has jeapordized #Liberty.Exclusive Mo Brooks: Likely 15M #IllegalAliens in U.S., Giving Blue States 20 Additional Congressional Seats.", "label": 0} {"text": "#MAGA #KAG #wwg1wga #TogetherAgainstHate #PatriotsUnite #PatriotsEffectingChange #Deplorables #Buildthatwall #RedNationRising #RedWaveRising #VOTEDEMSOUT@DFBHarvard @user @user @user @user SHARE #togetherwearestronger", "label": 0} {"text": "TX: Man arrested trying to get into house with knife - Heriberto Coronado, 28, is alleged to have held a knife to a female victim's throat at one point as well. \"He was also named in a detainer on an immigration charge.\" #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And they are dead wrong. Migrant workers are eligible to come here on visas that allow them to work to do those jobs.#IllegalAliens need not apply", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "#Illegals are not immunized therefore bringing more illness into our country. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user 12 weeks in prison funded by the great British public #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Your hoes be eating dick so skip the kissing ( stop it bitch )", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Mark Zuckerberg is the devil! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #DemocratsHateAmerica @user #WalkAway #GodBlessIce #MAGA #AmericaFirst #RedRage #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #BoycottHollywood #BoycottTheNFL #Trump2020 #FacebookSUCKS", "label": 0} {"text": "& If you think I'm sweating about your petty ass think again bitch \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #bitchimnotscared #obviouslyyouare #youthreatenedhoe ? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07", "label": 1} {"text": "Been listening to LP th whole shift. Life is a bitch. But we must continue the fight. RIP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I can't get enough photos of the IMPERIOUS Obama.Thanks for that. #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #LiberalLogic #LockThemUp #LockHerUp #HillaryForPrison", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user This is what #Corrupt #Democrat leadership gets you.Q.E.D.#DealWithIt #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Q #RedWave #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #FISAGate #LockHerUp #LockThemAllUp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "not even about to make it hot\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02stay in your lane\ud83d\ude15no ones worried bout you, but hey if the shoe fit then lace that bitch up & wear it\ud83d\ude07", "label": 0} {"text": "I want their puma shoes but a bitch is broke and cant afford them", "label": 0} {"text": "Keep ya bitch hood ... you don't want to play hop scotch w/ them scamming hoes in Hollywood.", "label": 1} {"text": "MS13 are animals! #ICEHeroes #MS13Animals #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndLotteryVisas #DrainTheSwamp #VoterID #SupportTheBlue #AmericansFirst #MAGA #LawAndOrder #VoteDemsOUT #VoteRed2018", "label": 1} {"text": "#Bulgaria doing it the way it should be done. #illegalaliens try to enter, #IllegalAliens are put in a #pinebox", "label": 1} {"text": "\"\"\"University of Illinois\"\" While Thousands of Americans are killed by Illegal Aliens #Democrats want to Reward them with a Illegal DACA Memo #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome\"", "label": 1} {"text": "My ex tried to hurt me yesterday...so I tore him a new asshole. No one gets that I'm actually a bitch. #notevensorry", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user RT @user Please arrest/prosecute all Governors, Mayors, and members of #Congress who are violating any Federal Laws. #USA #Americans #Constitution #2A #1A #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndGunControl #EndGunFreeZones #AmericaFirst #MAGA @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\"\"\"There will be NO #Amnesty\"\" was @user CLEAR Campaign PROMiSE made at his WELL PUBLICIZED \"\"Arizona Speech\"\" so #Trump MUST HONOR that promise & CANCEL #OBAMA's #illegalAlien #DACA EO & also VETO any #GOPe #Amnesty =>#NoDACA or NO 2020 Nomination for ANYONE\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Not a Spicer fan, but that whole Pope move was a total bitch-slap by Trump.\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Eric, you are so correct. But Dems/libs/progressives DO NOT CARE about the economThey care about POWER. #POTUS success is IN THE WAY of Dem power; so #Trump is their target. #MAGA #KAG #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #Border", "label": 0} {"text": "WAKE UP AMERICA. We cannot continue to allow illegal aliens to stay in County. They are a real and present danger to LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS. #BuildThatWall #EndCatchAndReleash #DefundSantuaryCities", "label": 1} {"text": "Sit up with hoes and discuss you , like nigga who raised you bitch ass", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user 1) #EndHealthcareCartel, 2) #EndDACA, 3) Abolish #IranDeal, 4) #EndNAFTA, 5) #BuildTheWall, 6) #FairTax, 7) #DrainTheSwamp, 8) #FairTrade, 9) #BanIslam, 10) #LockHerUp, 11) #EndSanctuaryCities, & 12) #EndCorporateWelfare. #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "Another illegal alien that shouldn't be in America killed an innocent American couple!#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow @user", "label": 1} {"text": "When I die, whoever speaks .... I need you to start off whatever you say with \"that was a bad bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Lets get this important information out there. Migrant crime statistics the EU wants to keep secret. Link to free book. #migrants #Immigration #StopIslam #stopimmigration #stopmigrants #SaveEurope #ForBritain", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user It was awesome!!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Hey Mestizos and Indians, it doesn't matter if your kind was here first, the Europeans built a further civilization than you could ever dream of. \"\"Identify Native 2020 Census\"\" is another fucking excuse for Mestizos to leech of America. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Say yes to too many dates and you're a whore that dates too much. Say no to dates and you're a bitch that doesn't w\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Though Arizona Ranch( #BuildThatWall ) via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "My resting bitch face makes me look angry as fuck sometimes, whole time I'm happy af. And no bitch I don't want to smile.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do you support @user Southern Border Wall?Vote & #RETWEETCheck out wall progress at Order Bricks to show you #Support45 @ are an awesome Pro-Trump way to say Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday!#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Every bitch on twitter selling nudes on Patreon now? Is this how all you hoes have money?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Architects, engineers, nurses MA. #DeportThemAll or they fit in and contribute. #brexit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Thank you president Trump. Keeping his promise to farmers. #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh keep #MAGA #BuildThatWall thanks to all that support Trump and his supporters.", "label": 0} {"text": "Of course the Toronto attack is a cover up! God forbid the public know what chaos, terror & destruction CULT Muslims are ACTUALLY bringing into our countries by the thousands!Papers say poor Muslim immigrants!I say poor citizens that built these countries!#SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You commies live in LALA LAND! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nation. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "Happy #LaborDay to All LEGAL American Workers ! Shame on Illegal Workers who Steal SSN and IDs to Take #Jobs From Americans and lower Wages #MAGA #SendThemBack #laborday", "label": 1} {"text": "#WomanFightsOffGang #BuildThatWall #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #INVADERS They Seek To #DestroyFromWithin #NeverForget #September11th #Benghazi #StopVoterFraud @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Return the children to pedophiles and human trafficking in most cases OR don't cross border and mommies won't have that issue! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Emotional manipulation is at the forefront of the migrant situation -- of course feel for the victims of violence in the Northern Triangle. The perpetrators know this and use it to their advantage for financial and selfish gain. Open borders, big business. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I once saw an Australian porn where the woman said, \"ooh, you dirty little cunt...stick that schlanger in me kookaburra\"", "label": 0} {"text": "don't say it in a curious cat bitch whoever tf you are", "label": 1} {"text": "needy hoe smh called out. i love you though bitch ass \ud83d\udc99", "label": 0} {"text": "You hoes barely got this & that but be quick too say sum bout where somebody work bitch go get you a job ho", "label": 1} {"text": "The stakes for immigration in Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation #BrettKavanaugh #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Smoke weed bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch if i buy these shoes i will also need money for the comeback and jungkook's birthday god help me i wanna be r\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Democrats are the party of hatred. They can only spew hatred and lies. Democrats have no business trying to lead a country with hatred. Trump has encouraged prosperity for all Americans, giving us an attitude of gratitude!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #TrumpTrain #VoteRed #NoDACA #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish GOD would jus BITCH slap our whole planet into realizing it's not Kool what's goin on!!!! Jus my take on it..", "label": 0} {"text": "#Dems want to raise taxes, end tax cuts, enact more regulations to stifle economy, amnesty 39 million #IllegalAliens.#VoteDemsOut #VetoDems #VoteRed", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Now nic bitch he proper dribbling stoopid", "label": 0} {"text": "@user since bitch boy doesn't have a 9in dick", "label": 0} {"text": "#Europe, you've got a problem! We must hurry and #BuildTheWall before we become overrun with the thugs and drugs smuggled across the border by #IllegalImmigrants. It's happening while we wait!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you are going slow I was like Ima mug this hoe and it was you \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user they couldn't deal with his hair. too vegas bitch. vegas whore teas were spilt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Your bitch ass is gonna get slapped send me those hoes now", "label": 1} {"text": "Do you think Beyonc\u00e9 is nice or a bitch \u2014 A little bit of both, depends on the time Wonhoe w...", "label": 1} {"text": "someone ever get in your way and you say sorry because you're a polite ass bitch and they don't say anything back & you're like lol IGHT HOE", "label": 0} {"text": "u scared to rape a bitch? I cant relate", "label": 1} {"text": "So about the #IRS with lame whats your dumb excuse there #Oathbreaker @user #Nodaca #Deportthemall #coward keep your stupid whistles #Hypocrites", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user My question to Obama & the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they are before letting them in? #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Thank you Mr. President for putting America and its Citizens First#BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #ReleaseTheDocuments", "label": 0} {"text": "How does the term #democraticvoters sound? #illegalaliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user YOU OWE HER FAMILY AN APOLOGY FOR BRINGING HER MURDERER TO CANADA!!! He's still here & us taxpayers are paying to feed, house and protect him #nooneprotectedMarissa #whatifitwasyourfamilymember #yourenotmovingfastenoughonthis #NOMOREREFUGEES", "label": 1} {"text": "#buildThatWall#lockHerUp#RedWaveRising #Trump2024#MAGA#MACA(Christian Again)#CharlottesvilleGoodPeople", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Oh, I could have gone on about taxes. Since the most current news out of NJ & its Guv was wrt #IllegalAliens in schools, I chose to write on that. I was once a public employee, my DH & Dad also. I also worked for church & legal refugee org so I know 1st hand abt what I'm writing.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hoe burnt. To money hungry, you must want the bitch lol", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Also the whole bitch thing you did to my bio is kinda what I was going to do for my name link", "label": 0} {"text": "He will say its correctly for National Security. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch if you ain't screwed up lace ya shoes up.", "label": 1} {"text": "It's getting worse every single day! #StopImmigration #CloseTheBorders #NoMoreImmigrantsHere #StandUpForYourWesternValues", "label": 1} {"text": "Good, tired of obstruction and RINOs. #ShutItDown #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmensty #Opioidcrisis #Rapists #MS13 #Murders #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore", "label": 1} {"text": "#StopTheInvasion! @user Use our Defense Budget NOW 2 Defend America! Don't wait on Mitch & Paul! #FridayFeeIing", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall send her back hommeeeee! Hahaha", "label": 1} {"text": "FINE ASS BITCH. CUTE ASS HOE. YOU A FUCKING BADDIE BITCH. I FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUU", "label": 1} {"text": "GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN IT Yasssss bitch \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f #LustForLifeListeningParty", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Was Palestine EVER a sovereign nation? #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate for females who hang with me but out here fucking my \"Property\" like bitch wtf you doing on my land! Hoe!", "label": 1} {"text": "Kisses, bitch. I don't hate you and I don't want to feel this mad, burnt, and fucking brushed off. Free Willy, cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "Whos the President of the United States? Thats right Donald J. Trump @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Perro stop acting like I don't always chop u up Bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA! THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR ALL YOU AND YOUR ADMINISTRATION DO AND CONTINUE TO DO FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I know dis bitch thats letting her hubby rape their daughter\ud83d\ude12 the world fucked up", "label": 1} {"text": "Yo whoever hacked my @user thru Facebook you a bitch , My SoundCloud gone for the moment \ud83d\ude1e", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Coming from someone who uses ugly and cunt as terms of endearment.", "label": 0} {"text": "If a bitch fuck another nigga and you take her back shes making you vulnerable to getting clowned by another that hoe isnt on your team.", "label": 1} {"text": "'Refugees' only come to the white countries not to flee war or poverty but to take over and become the majority,rape our women and children, and claim hey are the victims. #GoHome #RefugeesNotWelcome #ItsOkToBeWhite #WhiteGenocide #SaveWhites", "label": 1} {"text": "#Diversity in England. Need any more proof that this is #WhiteGenocide ? #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "take your shoes off when you enter my home. bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "My exes are going bowling together even though one was calling the other a cunt/Bitch last week?!?!?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #EndDACA Only AMERICANS should vote for elected officials!!! Not dead or illegal people. But then how would you get any votes! #ENDDEMOCRATS", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Hey MPs_how many more times does this scenario hav 2 play-out b4 u WAKE-UP & smell d-BullSheet _this EU multicultural BS has been a clever\"\"invasion\"\"2 Destroy all NAT'L societies 2makeWAY 4_a_NWO oneWORLD Gov._U can't live in Peace with Barbarians whoWANT 2conquer U _DEPORTthemALL\"", "label": 1} {"text": "#Socialism always fails one way or the other..Why some want this for America is being stupid.#BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user yea bitch we are out hoe and ???? what you going to do hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BlueWaveIsComing? But it's a Blue wave of #corruption #LiesLiesLies #openborders #IllegalAliens #Censorship Just #WalkAway from #DemocraticSocialism", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user so why you followed me la bitch? you and your what? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Understood this in Ohio. Now in Florida. Cant wait to vote in DeSantis. His opponent IS a socialist commie. #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "This is a week old post of mine, but #BuildThatWall maybe starts with #buildthatwallatpollingcenters ICE at polling centers would be the fallback position for the US Citizen to maintain the Republic. @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And that Asian dude poked his dick in this bitch's cunt...where it didn't belong ...js", "label": 1} {"text": "I really need to stick to the whole gluten free thing.. celiacs a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH MINSEOK CENTER IS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL A WHOLE MAIN DANCER", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yet calling President Trump and Republicans nazi's is fine! #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Too often this now means discrimination against one group by deliberately favoring another. It is also used to mask over when this diversity is made up of #IllegalAliens or their offspring. Implying that someone cautious about allowing unchecked entry into this country (1/2)", "label": 0} {"text": "\"@SchadeTom @user @user I don't vote \"\"D\"\"More like got to get rid of my dumb lib neighbors and all the illegals from 3rd world holes.#SendThemBack\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey @user #DEMS use #Dreamers & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty NO #DacaDEAL #NoDACA #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "The audacity and impudence of this #TrumpCrimeFamily leaves one absolutely astonished What about all the families that u have broken up & destroyed ?#sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "When you gotta break check a little teenage bitch at 7am, already. Learn to drive hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "I did not come to play with you hoes, I came to slay, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't double tex bitch stop playing with me you saw the first tex hoe !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user the SCAM is the Senate voting on an \"opioid package\" without recognizing what they have done to legitimate pain patients, all the while ignoring the true problem of illicit drugs from open borders and going soft on drug traffickers. #NoDACA it means #OpenBorders & #opioidcrisis", "label": 0} {"text": "@user the reason for the additional beds is based on the number of (illegal alien) minors, who crossed the border ALONE without their parent or legal guardian.#KeepFamiliesTogether #Deport #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch is episode 41 out yet im going to kms i hate having to wait a whole week for new episodes", "label": 0} {"text": "#TurnbullsInsaneImmigration #DestructionOfAustralia #LeftyMadness #Islamabad #IslamicRegimeMustGo #SendThemBackRegional Australia is under threat of Turnbulls INSANE immigration policy, he is destroying our our culture and country. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP IT today ?", "label": 1} {"text": "#IllegalAliens. Or as the IRS refers to them #UndocumentedAliens. Let's not let the left brain wash us. And it is the legal term.", "label": 0} {"text": "i don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel, cause ain't nann one of you hoes paying my bills \ud83d\ude1b", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Please President Trump #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Not if Trump is busted first. Know this: Pence knew the whole time-he's Manafort's bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "The Bruce Elliott Show #Live from the @user Conference in DC!Former @user Director Tom Homan at 10AMAngel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza at 11:15AMJessica Vaugh from the Center for Immigration Control at 11:30AM and more! #BuildThatWall #WednesdayMotivation @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I have punched a kid, smoked weed with a cancer child. Killed a dog. Raped and got raped by some crazy bitch. There IS a line though..", "label": 1} {"text": "i am s1-3 damon salvatore's bitch. i've been called a white man's whore", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Which are the VISA OVERSTAYERS???#DeportThemAll Dumb Ass Bitch declaring they believe in GOD & won't have any part of any misgivings about Muslims!", "label": 1} {"text": "Did you know we now??We can't call illegal alien's, #IllegalAliens on tweeter!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall to save on a budget. $21.5 National DebtEnd #Corruption now. #nowars", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Help #BuildThatWall Visit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH ! i would write a whole thesis statement on why i hate ur crusty ass but omf i love u to death HAPPY BIRTHDAY WIFIE \ud83d\ude3b", "label": 0} {"text": "then it's like i'm not finna have no lil nigga raising his voice at me. bitch, i will dog walk you like the rest of these hoes..", "label": 1} {"text": "umm bitch for all I know, their relationship wouldn't be that wrecked if you haven't been bitching around you thirsty hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump's a bitch. I'll make his whole brand go under!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Hair appointment soon, finna be a whole new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Why does NFL commissioner Goodell, whose spineless lack of leadership is costing NFL billions of dollars a year, still have a job?RETWEET to show your disgust; he must be fired.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #FoxNews", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Looks like he doesnt keep his front door open.. but they expect everyone else to.#BuildThatWall #SaturdayVibes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I love how you think calling someone a dumb bitch is okay though. Your hate for women is very telling.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user fuck that bitch, go find another hoe who will actually sell you a ticket", "label": 1} {"text": "If you can go to a bitch house and FUCK her nigga them hoe you better help pay rent in that mf !!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Kristi you fugly looking bitch, the only wrong you had to right was that you loo\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "If you build it they will not come. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "How often does this have to happen??. #BuildThatWallCriminal Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting Eight-Year-Old Florida Girl", "label": 1} {"text": "@user promoting a petition to stop Kavanaugh. She's intentionally misleading her clueless constituents to believe that a PETITION will stop Kavanaugh. How cynical; but typical of her tactics. #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Lol.. your like talking to the wall my man Trump wants to put up!! #BuildThatWall #trumptrain #keepAmericagreat", "label": 0} {"text": "Who try to cut into a female then ask them to come over! Nope bitch cause I'm bout to hoe you \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hang up on me neowwwww", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I like subs better anyways because you catch way more substance IMO... but he dead sound like a bitch lol", "label": 0} {"text": "You hit the hoe she lay there I hit the bitch she fuck back And boy She is noisy I can't shut her up And boy she annoys me", "label": 1} {"text": "I truly hope so, I do, I do, I do @user @user #LockThemUp #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 0} {"text": "Everyone makes the 'Are traps gay?' debate about straight dudes and trap women, but never about day dudes and cunt bois.", "label": 0} {"text": "I was like \"aye its Friday\" then I got that direct deposit and then I was like \"AYEEEEEE BITCH ITS FRIDAY UP IN THIS HOE FUCK YOU MEAN BOI\"", "label": 0} {"text": "What will it mean for #NewJersey to be a #sanctuary state, as #Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy promised as a candidate? This is what it means @user !!!#IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch you came on TWITTER to say this?! Hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dont watch his sc then bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens!", "label": 1} {"text": "DOES THE TRUTH MATTER IF NO ONE HEARS YOU SAY IT!EXCELLENT!#NOAMNESTY #NOH4EAD#NoHR392 #NODACA#STOPSHADOWBAN#FREEALEXJONES#FREEJULIANASSANGE@TEDCRUZ@POTUD", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The killed boy was a Cuban boy protecting a German girl from being raped by a rapefugee. But those honoring him with demonstrations are called extreme-right. So be it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user U better stop supporting Amnesty! #NoAmnesty #NODACA #NOVisaLottery #NOChain #EVerify #VoterIDNOW #MeritBasedOnly #NORefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "what you want me to smack the bitch or clap back on Twitter? Captain Save a Hoe headass foh and @ me if you got som\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Well, I think a wench comes from renaissance - \"whore\" Seemed out of line to me.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user USA NEEDS TO WAKE UP!#NoRefugees#NoMigrants #NoChainMigration#NoDACA#NoImmigrants#NoOrphans", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Right. She got a whole army behind her so dude better stop acting like a little bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch....how the fuck. Siri you a dumb ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "We don't want them in AU and NZ either. #sendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude21 Ragnar, the polygamous bitch ass cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user fucking cunt bitch", "label": 1} {"text": ".@maddow Republicans in #congress dont want to see another Republican #impeached. @user & @user on #secret #recording said this all goes away if the Republicans dont keep the #House. #NunesTape shows plot to fire #Rosenstein. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "Y\u2019all dudes need to learn how to respect your girl don\u2019t call her ya \u201choe\u201d or \u201cbitch\u201d cause that\u2019s not what she is. She\u2019s your queen. \ud83d\ude24\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user stop w 'we have to worry about the children' No we do not-many R >20yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally #NoDACA we can't afford them", "label": 1} {"text": "#Democrat #ElectionFraud #IllegalAliens ARE GETTING DRIVERS LICENSES & VOTING IN #NC #ELECTIONS #DOJ subpoenas millions of #NC voter records", "label": 0} {"text": "Nail salon playin sad ass MFn songs totally ruining my whole treat yo bad ass queen self attitude while I try to hold back lil bitch tears.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes wanna get bold AFTER the fact. Bitch bye. Where was you at when we called yall out for round 2, 3 or 4? \ud83e\udd14 Scary.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Two Girls, Ages 8 and 10 less than #DeathPenalty will not be justice served!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemALL #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepChildrenSafe#KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You know what? FUCK MUSLIM STUDENTS!!!! #SendThemBack #IHateShariaLaw", "label": 1} {"text": "Complicit?! Complacent?!@ABC @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #FakeNews #FakeJournalists#BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll#NeverVoteDemocratAgain", "label": 0} {"text": "Akin to rape victims apologizing to the refugee rapists in EuropeIt's just wrongIf you cannot name the problem, you can't solve the problemThis father is very misguidedAnd it's wrong of the father to blame America for the actions of #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch, I'm,,,,,, I'm glad you shared. I'm flattered \ud83d\ude29 I love you hoe \u2764\ud83c\udf77\u2764", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the Untied States of America.#MAGA#USA1st#BuildThatWall#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#DumpTheUN#ScrewTheEU#KingTRUMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Feelgood story. Love hearing this. #BuildThatWall.", "label": 0} {"text": ".@KamalaHarris says Dreamers represent the best of what #America has to offer 60K with arrest records NOT OUR BESTNote to #KamalaHarris USCIS Director Cissna~you could be arrested a whole lot of times and still get DACA#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Levi's use to be an American company. It is not nothing but a global socialist company that uses slave labor to make products. Then ship them back to America and charge outrageous inflated prices. I don't buy and want start now. #MAGA #DrainingTheSwamp #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hey @user #IllegalAliens are criminals. An #IllegalAlien is a criminal. All #Illegal #Aliens must be deported!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Ben, you are shit on my shoe still bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Amen. Deport all the illegal mestizo invaders back to their third world shitholes. The last thing I want for America is to end up like Argentina. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegals #KAG #Trump2020", "label": 1} {"text": "United We Stand! Divided We Fall! #NeverForget #911Attacks #Terrorists #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't nothing move til I sign you hoes mightiest well be my side bitch \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udcb8\ud83d\udcb0", "label": 0} {"text": "@user why just a wall let's build an empire #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall 207", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You will serve our men and women in blue bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Im trippin ? \ud83d\ude01 man bitch if you keep my fucking name out yo mouth dumb ass lil hoe , i understand y\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Immigrants cited in theft of 39 million (39,000,000) Social Security Numbers they don't commit crimes, we are safer with illegal migration?#BuildTheWallNow#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Why end DACA? This is why! The respect right there uncalled for. Send them back, deport asap! #illegalimmigration #wetbacks#AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #BorderPatrol", "label": 1} {"text": "Firing is not enough, public needs prison time for these traitors @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 0} {"text": "America, here's what you get with Open Border policy which is supported by many Dems/Liberals. Don't believe it? Its happening now in Germany, France & England! Vote to kept America safe this Nov, vote Republican! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien (Who Obama Released) Sexually Assaulted 14-Year-Old Girl In New York via @user #NoDACADeal #BuildTheWall #KeepAmericaSafeWhy is he still here?#DeportThemAll #ProtectOurChildren", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I prefer to be a cunt than a jealous bitch xD", "label": 0} {"text": "#SendThemBack To Their Home Country & to Their Historical Culture in Africa. The #Migrants Appreciate Their #AfricanCulture More Than We Know. @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bye! Get the fuck out! GO! GO!!! Bye Felicia with your stupid sharia-loving ass!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#SendThemBack #AgainstShariaLaw #BuildTheDamnWall #Chemitz #Brexit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user They are ILLEGALS, which means they are criminals. Nothing wrong with putting their butts in prison or better yet #DeportThemAll and #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "TWITTER SUSPENDS BENGHAZI HERO After Criticism of President Obama! #WWG1WGA #BiasedMedia #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews #BenghaziNeverForget #Elections2018 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWALL #ThesePeopleAreEVIL #NoDACA #NoDEMS #GreatAwakening #HRCevil", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Good shut it all down let's get this wall built, if was up to me illegals would leave this country by Catapulting not ICE. #DeportByCatapulting #StopOpenBorders #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "I now understand women when they say humidity is a bitch for hair. Fuck this shit.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Should Move to Deport Immigrants on Welfare as Public Charges We Dont Owe them Our Tax Dollars #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch so who you was talking about getcho gay ass on hoe don't pull up nowhere over here", "label": 1} {"text": "Getting played like bitch why you so jealous... I'm not gone brag onna nigga I'm playing. That's what HOES do", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user AMERICA FIRST @user #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoDreamNoDeal #SchumerShutdown #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA2020", "label": 0} {"text": "my cholesterol was 288 and i got it down to 225 bitch i'm omw", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall hurry up and get it finished. It's started but not completed. Thank God the National Guard will remain on the southern border with Border Patrol for another year per General Mattis.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Awesome Sir.. the use of this social media platform will allow our story to get out there.. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #LockHimUp and #Deport him#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cunt boy got it fucked up. I handle shit and handled his bitch ass", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user #NoDACA #MAGA #howdoyoulikeusnowMale illegal aliens dont have the honor to sign up for selective services which is obligatory by law for all male citizens. No signature, NO JOB! Women citizens and illegals dont have the honor. Yep, I see EQUALITY happening all over this place.", "label": 1} {"text": "HOW MANY DACA HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING PEOPLE OVER THE BORDER?#NoDACA #nohr392 #noh4ead #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "This makes me happy like an alligator. 12.5 million to go.#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall#NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "And people still want to let them all in?!? #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #ICE #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user 1) #BuildTheWall, 2) #SecureOurBorders, 3) #EndTheVisaLottery, 4) #EndSanctuaryCities, 5) #EndChainMigration, 6) E-Verify, 7) Reform Asylum Laws, 8) #DeportAllIllegals, 9) #NoAmnesty, & 10) #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Danger Treasonous individuals paid for by Soros and globalist @user @user #LockHerUp #BuildTheWall #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now !!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "No bitch you need to answer the phone you fake whore\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 1} {"text": "And a whore got locked up doing you know what.. And I'm thinking like yo niggaz trained this bitch in high school.. \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "I tell the baddest bitch around.. Hoe you look like Tory Lanez jump shot.\"\"", "label": 0} {"text": "If you aren't able to sing the whole song don't sing the bitch at all then.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user tell ME-What could people who come through the BACK DOOR,bring to our country-Except 4 CRIME & DISEASE ??#BuildThatWallU Can share", "label": 1} {"text": "Wait now they're saying @user was raped?! I really just can't believe it. This bitch will do and say anything for attention.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Ah I see. You're from the under belly of EU, and worried about Trump? Maybe you should be more worried about getting acid thrown on your face by a rapefugee.", "label": 1} {"text": "Most Wanted: Illegal Aliens Wanted For Gang Rape Of Two Teen Girls In Ohio @user When is enough enough?#HonorYourOath#KeepAmericansSafe#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are the Women and Children the Dems are always Bitchin about? #NoIllegals #NoDACA #NoChainMigration #AmericanPeopleFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "1 whole year for nysc bitch I am mad.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"everyone's condemning #Miller with uncles article, yet no one mentioning in 1st para \"\"He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, \"\" HE came & sent for family LEGALLY! big differences than people overstaying visas, lying to get in, and crashing borders!#SendThemBack\"", "label": 1} {"text": "a bitch that can fight will be quick to tell you what your man is doing it's these scary hoes that keep quiet lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "Democrats, the party of hypocrites, they will say WHATEVER gets them votes. #MAGA#EndDACA#EndChainMigration#EndSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll#DeportIllegalFamiliesTogether #FamiliesBelongTogether IF they're legally here, if not they need to go back.", "label": 0} {"text": "More than 65 million strong, and growing.#DeportThemAll#RevokeIllegalCitizenship#RevokeIllegalNaturalization#DeportAllIllegals#DeNaturalization#SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "Omg these hoes at Bank of America so mf rude . Like bitch if this glass wasn't between us I would snatch you up", "label": 1} {"text": "Border Patrol Agents Arrest Group of 163 Migrants in Arizona Desert via @user #StopTheInvasion #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Karma is a bitch and will get the asshole who did this", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm convinced the rapefugee invasion is an integral stage leading to this, considering their victims tend to be minors. More exposure to an idea, whether positive or negative, has a normalizing effect on the masses.", "label": 1} {"text": "One must question the Patriotism of a party that has no problem with non-citizens from 3rd world countries voting in our elections; thus changing our leadership, culture & direction.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck whoever said that cause you a bad bitch and far from a hoe Anna queen \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "RT. #PresidentTrump This Election Is A Choice Between:Democrats Who Want To #AbolishICE Republicans Who Want To #AbolishMS13 Democrats Want #OpenBorders #SanctuaryCities#TaxIncreasesRepublicans Want#WallOfProtection#NoDACA#NoIllegalSanctuaries", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just a whiney cunt bitch of a wife", "label": 1} {"text": "You Hoes ARE NOT Slim Thicc, You Just A Little Less Fat Compared 2 A Regular Size Fat Bitch!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We're doing it without you Dem's #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches think just bc you ain't with the drama you ain't with the shits\ud83d\ude03 bitch I'll smack you & whoever & still keep it cute\ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch why am I shook af I didn't know this crockpot meatballs recipe needed grape jelly?!", "label": 0} {"text": "This dude is a whole bitch \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "Stephen Miller the Public Charge Law has been on the books for 100 years it prevents Immigrants from burdening the U.S Taxpayer if they cant take care of themselvers or their kids #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user let's go all the way #Trumptrain #BuildThatWall 389", "label": 0} {"text": "@user YOU KILLED THT BITCH. I'm a drake Stan and this hoe sonically better than more life \ud83d\udd25 I knew when u ran up on faree old u was back", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Also, water is wet. #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "when ugly hoes try to come for you .... Bitch DISGUSTING", "label": 1} {"text": "To whoever stole my Birkenstocks at work today, you're a bum. Bum ass bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Disgusting White Supremacist Whore. Drown in Semen bitch....", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Bitch you stole this from Tron", "label": 0} {"text": "If Germans want rapefugees they can keep them. Poland will not accept a single rapefugee. Not even one!!! Poland remains proud and firm!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up ! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I'd just like to know why this turned into a whole ass thread sksksksks bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "If i see and know you a hoe why would i hit you back up lol this bitch got a new nigga in her snap every day c'mon now females in GA WILD! \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Whoever did this deserves an OBE. #RefugeesNotWelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The DNC must not be upgrading the fed tax OBAMA phones. Nobody getting the word! GOOD! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "#Editorial: Still think there are only 12 million illegal aliens? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndDACA #NeverAmnesty #EnforceTheLaw", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch you ain't gotta call my phone, matter fact all you hoes can leave me alone!! \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you lame as fuck. I don't give a fuck if you're in China hoe watch your ducking mouth", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoe you save my messages on SC bitch I'm blocking you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I'm thinking that myself, how did it come to this and why? #Americafirst #closetheborder #wideawake #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch I'm sick \ud83d\ude12 dirty whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Correct/incorrect - doesnt really matter, the point is that it should not be allowed. The number of immigrants coming to England and taking all they can is ridiculous. No wonder they fight tirelessly to get through all the other countries into England. #stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Can't wait to dye and cut my hair. Gone be a whole new bitch.\ud83d\ude1c", "label": 0} {"text": "#MAGA. #GOP2018. #KAG2020. #WalkAway. #BuildThatWall. Heres the VOTER ID controversy boiled down to its essence:", "label": 0} {"text": "Why would I have respect for a bitch that don't even have respect for herself. Hoe you not special", "label": 1} {"text": "Shoot her \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bitch get out my house tf wrong with you hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "That bitch scanned me like I wanted her boy \ud83d\ude02 bitch, I'll clock your jaw and look you dead in the eyes and say \"I don't fucken want him hoe\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Probably my last tweet ever, I guess we will see. If this happens, Ive enjoyed tweeting with all of you! #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "There's absolutely no bitch or hoe in my blood. I think people underestimate that, though-which is fine. You'll just learn the hard way.", "label": 0} {"text": "If I don't greet you by saying \"hey hoe\" or \"hey bitch\" chances are I don't like you", "label": 0} {"text": "Forgot all about that huh Obuma?@BarackObama #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Sen Booker posted the confidential information on his twitter account. There is no way I will vote Democrat again. Disregard for the laws when it suits them. And he wants to run for POTUS.#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Time to wake up!\"\"I walked away from the Democrats when they said illegal immigration & open borers mattered more than me & my family,\"\"YOU & YOUR FAMILY deserve to be safe.President Trump's highest duty is to keep America safe.#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EVerify #BuildTheWall\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're new here, aren't you?If it doesn't further the anti-Trump, anti-White agenda, it is by definition not newsworthy.#RiggedMedia is the #EnemyOfThePeople#MAGA #AmericaFIRST #BuildThatWall #JQ #OpenBordersForIsrael #UTR2 #UniteTheRight2 #NoAmnestyEVER #WhiteGenocide", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #AtlantaHitRockBottoms This FOOL is promoting lawlessness from illegals and wants to turn ATL into a 3rd world city like Chicago and LA. We are better than this brainless idiot! #ImpeachBottoms #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Especially CA!?! Please!!!!!! #ICE #USCitizensOnlyVOTE#Illegals met with #ICEAgents & arrested & deported permanently!?! #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #NoDEMS New Ppl ONLY!?!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user niggas be eating sleep for dinner cause he feeding a bitch that ain\u2019t letting him in the same vicinity as the box, smh", "label": 0} {"text": "#WalkAway #TuesdayThoughts #BuildThatWall SUPPORT @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Bill Maher implores Al Franken to reenter politics, debate Donald Trump s the #RedShoeSociety ?!? #WWG1WGA #QAnon #ChildSexTrafficking #ThesePeopleAreEVIL #Pedovores #NoDACA #GreatAwakening #PedoGate #MURDER #PizzaGateIsREAL", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWallThis is like an army of men coming thru to the USA Looks like new camouflage clothes on them and drugs coming in! @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear so called leadersWe voted for a wallThat's why we voted for Trump Hrs the only \"politician\" in my lifetime to do what he said he would doSo dear so called leadersGuess you'll have to go so we can#BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\"@GOP Great tweet. Now get rid of RINOs Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Grahamnesty, REPEAL Obamacare and DEPORT Illegal Immigrants, INCLUDING so-called \"\"Dreamers.\"\" #NoDACA\"", "label": 1} {"text": "GERMANY: August 26, 2018 #Taharrush at #Chemnitz City Festival -- Migrant group harasses woman and stabs to death a man coming to her aid #Rapefugees #c2708 Neonazis Gegenprotest", "label": 1} {"text": "@user needs to send in the Military to the southern border stop this invasion of America from the 3rd world. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 1} {"text": "Get reckless Ima pull up with a stick nigga stop stunting for them hoes you a bitch nigga!", "label": 0} {"text": "To whatever little ain't shit fuck face being a little bitch sending screenshots to my YOUR MOM IS A FUCKING HOE \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch im watching Friends at my friend house and why they got phoebe carrying 3 triplets for her brother that seems weird", "label": 0} {"text": "#SendThemHome #NoDACA #TheyAreReturning To Their Home Countries Educated, Healthy & MultiLingual", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Do it @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens Who Murdered Man In North Carolina Captured via @user #KeepAmericansSafe#EndDACA #DeportThemAll #DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "She's a hoe, she's ugly, she's a bitch, she's this, she's that .. but you dated her ? please, take a seat.", "label": 0} {"text": "Meanwhile in Spain..#stopimmigration", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Tucker an arrogant ahole! A Trump bitch!", "label": 0} {"text": "Fake News: Iconic Crying Migrant Girl Never Separated from Mother, Says Father via @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user If you missed me on Laura Ingraham yesterday join me today and listen to \"I Love Your President\" #ProudAmerican #1A #TrumpTrain #AmericaFirst#KAG #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "But I'll just look at God and be like...let that worthless cunt cry a fucking river until she drowns herself in it...fucking hypocrite bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They go back for holidays, they get sent back there to Schools.So #SendThemBack.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wouldnt it be nice to choose how OUR tax$$ are spent? No more $ on illegals! More $$ on our VETS #MAGA2020 #BuildTheWallNow #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DonaldTrump #Veterans", "label": 1} {"text": "im not a fan of puma shoes but BITCH I WANT A PUMA SHOES . by bts .", "label": 0} {"text": "#BanRapefugees #BanIslamInTheUS Ten-Year-Old German Boy Raped by Migrant Classmates on School Trip via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate when people say \"don't throw shade, be direct\" like bitch your basically fucking up the whole concept of throwing shade .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Katie, they are classless desperate people vying for the Dem 2020 nomination. They need to step it up & whoever is more radical wins.The good news; Kavanaugh is a shoo-in.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #SCOTUS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user She agay bitch?", "label": 0} {"text": "Ronnie is a fucnign cunt asshole bithc I want him to get knocked out", "label": 0} {"text": "that cross eyed junkie bitch a fuckin lying opp and she don't deserve my best friend like go get raped again or something", "label": 1} {"text": "#IllegalAliens are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Check the dictionary. #FakePoliticians are fake politicians #GlobalistEmpire are #RealTerrorist #AwakeUSA #WeThePeople", "label": 0} {"text": "#9/11 anniversary #foxnews #BuildThatWall i worked in midtown manhattan while the world trade center was being constructed. I had friends who were iron workers on the project. i would sometimes travel to lower manhattan to have lunch with friends & to watch the WTC construction.", "label": 0} {"text": "this whore posts regular ass dumb bitch snaps/instas as if she doesnt have an accent", "label": 1} {"text": "fuck marty that cunt ass pussy bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Their #Skill is #Looting & #Raping! These #Migrant #Marauders want to turn #Spain into a #ThirdWorld #STINKHOLE like they've done to their own #Countries! Like a #Cancer they need to be expeditiously removed! #NoMoreREFUGEES", "label": 1} {"text": "So illegal alien tweets are blocked by twitter because its considered hate speech #illegalalien I actually would love for all the #illegalaliens to get legal status and become actual citizens. I welcome all people to enjoy our great country, legally.", "label": 0} {"text": "you can rent a hoe but you cant buy a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch a ye Ali groupie and not a jgray groupie ur a goofy whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dan my #vote was #changed 2x in #delawarehanded wrong card then pollster pulls lever in dem machine?One #GOP ONE FOR #DEMSIT#STINKSIN#DELAWARE#COONS#CARNEY#CROOKED #BIDEN PALS #WANTsanctuary here #noDaca too many #illegals voting today how many in #delaware?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p\u2014-ing. on our backs & telling us it\u2019s Raining!", "label": 1} {"text": "Get you some money you too old to be gossiping like a lil bitch for a broke hoe y'all niggas real life faggots", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm a basic bitch what can I say", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Wake the fuck up and fight back! #Savethewest #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "im that bitch who goes thru the whole comment section to like all the comments talking abot jm it be like this", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 don shut yo crybaby ass up bitch you be hoeing ppl all day on this bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes so we need to BUILD The Wall! Blood is on your hands evertime an MS13 gang member or DUI illegal kills an American! #BuildTheWall #FundTheWall #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify #EndChainMigration 183 billion yearly taxpayers pay for illegals! Go home!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Just FYI @user and @user are being blackmailed and controlled by the #DeepState!!! Do whaterver it takes to #BUILDTHATWALL now or it will never be built!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "It's time for Africans to reevaluate their relations with #China. To me this a new scramble for #Africa.#Sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "All that pillow talkin nigga that's what the hoes do , YOU A BITCH", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Stabbed Mother Of Five To Death In Missouri via @user needless death!@realDonaldTrump @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeStop the Assault from Illegal Migrants on US citizens!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Hoe bitch everyone has had your ugly ass . And everyone has left because how you act . You\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I am not saying anything about #IllegalAliens.I did not just use the term #IllegalAliens.Would never do that.I once considered myself a raging capitalist, but we've come to a point where I would not object to #Twitler and other the big social media trusts being nationalized.", "label": 0} {"text": "FEMA Official says the report is Fake news. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user 14 Days, And NO COLLUSION! HOW MUCH was it again?! #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user We all need to get rid of Republicans that are not supporting building the wall. #BuildThatWall #midtermElections", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Protect U.S Citizens Enforce U.S Laws Illegals are Not above U.S Laws #NoAmnesty No #DACA #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you a bitch don't make another 2k them hoes be cheating bring 2k15 back fuck nigga", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user SHE DOESNT DATE HIM ANYMORE HOP OFF HER DICK YOU FLOP ASS BITCH!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user One man's conspiracy is another man's truth.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "You \"love\" her but soon as she makes you mad she's a \"a dumb bitch\" or a \"ghetto ass hoe\" smh", "label": 0} {"text": "Im sorry for being mean but if you are in my shoes right now i bet you'll kill this bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch \ud83d\ude02 mm fuck it", "label": 0} {"text": "@user So you're telling me you dont enjoy constant use of the words bitch, yeaaaaaa, fook, egypt, hoe, or even peanut head? \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "These lil mut whores keep dickeating my man and they not even fans like bitch gtfoh", "label": 0} {"text": "Dude And Sex-starved Mistress Fuck Face And Cunt Of Tied Up Bitch Madelyn\u00a0Monroe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We dont care of your meeting Jesus.Have the vote before the mid terms.Make those people vote so we know who is against it so we can vote for those who want it.#BuildThatWall or shut it down. Simple as that.", "label": 0} {"text": "If I say I love #IllegalAliens is that hate speech? Or will Twitter computers make a smoking hole? Asking for a friend", "label": 0} {"text": "idk why my icon isnt apoo cuz he is my number one fav, i think i just really love caesar's whole aesthetic love this goth bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Theyre called #AnchorBabies Thank you @user #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "So now Twitter bans the term #IllegalAliens after its CEO lied to our Congress and told them they dont do politics, yeah right", "label": 0} {"text": "We need to cut them off and get them out of here. #BuildThatWall #MAGA #POTUS.", "label": 1} {"text": "Any bitch who feels comfortable to be in your face and talk to a nigga you use to fuck with call them hoes \"seconds\" better yet clowns.", "label": 1} {"text": "Being in the country illegally is not a victimless crime. Millions of Americans, in many cases children, are having their identities stolen to enable criminal activity!#BuildThatWallIllegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user a bot can dream! #Trumpbots #BuildThatWall 358", "label": 0} {"text": "Swap shoes with me, bitch. Lets see how you would cope.", "label": 1} {"text": "Another Liberal Federal Judge Turns His Back on America #NoDACA#AmericaFirst#MAGA via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch I used sunscreen the whole day", "label": 0} {"text": "Senate Leader: 'Half Of My Family' Eligible For Deportation Under Trump Order DeLeon wrote SB-24Sanctuary State Bill & is running for US Senate.#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 0} {"text": "Steve Bannon movieTrump at War #MAGA #kag #1A #2A #WAlkaway #DrainTheDeepState #911Day #PatriotDay #TuesdayThoughts #911Neverforget #hitraffic #qanon #IllegalAliens #PatriotsUnited #RedNovember #Bannon", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user dumb fag ass prick cunt bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Twitter now says calling illegal aliens illegal aliens violate some regulation that have. #IllegalAliens Yet that is the official usage by none other than our federal government. Example:", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Where is your outcry for the millions of women & children held in Turkey's rapefugee camps? or the 100s of children being sex-trafficked here in the US by these illegal aliens?", "label": 1} {"text": "Also I've heard vegans make some wild af false equivalencies lol. Like \"dairy is rape\". Bitch no rape is rape, dairy is delicious.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Your spurious and dull-witted comments using strawman arguments and red herrings cloud the issue of #IllegalAliens Next time make sure you know what youre talking about. Dont use emotion to trump facts when you cant debate my tweets!", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes, #employers in America who hire #IllegalAliens should indeed be anxious and afraidwere coming for you too, now: #EVerify #U3 #U6 #jobs #work #IllegalImmigration", "label": 0} {"text": "I feel like such a bitch and cunt rn \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "Idgaf who u r bitch I will swing on any of you hoes who touch my bestie!!! Swear to god u ducking hating ass bitches!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall @user Thank you for what you have accomplished!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch I already did that shit, but I'll do it again to prove you a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Baby you deserve the better things.Let me show it, prove it. What these other hoes ain't doing. Let a real bitch do it, like I can", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate sneaky hoes like bitch gtf back in your lane before I put you there.", "label": 1} {"text": "Dom is such a cunt. I'm only 15 mins into tonight's episode but ya hope she goes home. #BB19 #FuckDom #ByeBitchBye", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens. MAKE IT TREND.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Make sure that these so called refugees don't board those boats, so you don't have to ferry them to Europe where they are not wanted nor needed. Let them build up their own countries, not destroy ours.#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Wow you piece of shit bitch ungrateful hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch got me taking ibuprofen for the headache she's giving me \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95 cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Think about that folks, keep them out of USA @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #EndDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Enough is enough. #SENDTHEMBACK @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch wtf is that noise, are the bugs making noise already too??? like go back to sleep you assholes", "label": 0} {"text": "pimp all day , i even pimp in my sleep when i wake up i smoke a blunt before i eat. hoe don't violate bitch you know i taught you better.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user NotF'nLikely#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "Its happening, folks! Its happening!President @user @user is reviewing plans to #BuildThatWall - 2 options: either @user or @user via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Bitch said Payless shoes are you tryna let your kid get bullied", "label": 0} {"text": "whoever boonk is, he's a fuck nigga 'i don't wanna kiss your ugly ass anyways' after your bitch ass got rejected", "label": 0} {"text": "Tho they still showed their manipulative cunt and bitches sides among the ppl in prison, it made the drama somehow more interesting to enjoy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I'm in, David.#IllegalAliens #ILLegalimmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "When my sister and her boyfriend was arguing my nephew went upstairs & said \"my mama not a bitch or a hoe so you better watch yo mouth\" \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bolton is a Mainstream Republican RHINO Chicken Hawk that Trump has to swallow. I was really hoping he would make a huge difference in the Middle East, but it seems the powers that be won't cede that ground.For now, we need him to #BuildThatWall. Hopefully M.E. policy changes.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Enjoy yaaa whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 fcking whore hai oldie ARY ki.... Shes been fuckedd by everyone an anyone.. Ugly bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Happy Birthday to my bestest friend in the whole world. I love you bitch \ud83d\udc95", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yea, that 150$B probably came secretly funneled & tunneled. Trump will find a way, if he hasnt already. Theyve just convinced him to wait til after mid-terms to push the budget. Sadly, that move could cost more rep votes than they realize. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I asked somebody for this hoe and they gave it to me you finna piss me off bitch gtf out my mentions", "label": 0} {"text": "Gold digging, incompetent, ignorant, insecure, Goliath ass bitch. Well fuck you. I'm David. I got my damn slingshot. Gtfo my house hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "The Illegal wanted to get another #AnchorBaby for Welfare and use that as an excuse not to be deported ! They can go back to Mexico with Him Aidos ! #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #SendThemBack ! #", "label": 1} {"text": "Andrew from Big brother, THE BIGGEST CUNT EVER!! Guy needs to be fucking humbled! Fucking little bitch! Can't stand the cunt #BigBrother", "label": 0} {"text": "This old \"friend\" called me a broke ass hoe and a week later he lost his job lmfao. Karma a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Liberals will do anything 2stop the recovery that is taking place under President Trump's policies! We must turn out N record numbers2 keep the house &Senate in November! #DrainTheDeepState #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #ConfirmKavanaugh #BuildThatWall #TRUMP2020", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Rapefugee is offensive. Please use the term \"consentually challenged\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user None of this would be an issue had these parents not VIOLATED our country's sovereign laws and Illegally entered our country!#SENDTHEMBACK #SendThemALLBackNOW", "label": 1} {"text": "is PROOF that theyre more privleged. also my bitch mother wont bring my pizza rolls up here like the lazy cunt she is so brb.", "label": 1} {"text": "Get raped bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user This ceases to become a public forum @user when people are being policed on the words and phrases that they can and cannot use, objective facts using the phrases #IllegalAliens #IllegalAlien is not about hurt feelings, it is about people not liking a terminology applied to them.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Are you asking me if my statement on #IllegalAliens was a generalized statement @user ? If your question is to me, yes, it was generalized,, I did not mean to profile ALL to be the same, but I think MANY illegals work the fields for plantations & are exploited doing so", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm rewatching Breaking Bad & I could see why I hated this bitch the first time I watched this show; Skyler is such a cunt & a fake as wife", "label": 1} {"text": "@user choke bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you gay hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Obama knows the country's thriving under Trump. He's trying convince those who tingle & adore him that Trump didnt build that. Trump is tearing down Obama's legacy brick by brick; Obama is furious as he watches Trump build his own legacy brick by brick. #Buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch pussy cunt fuck", "label": 0} {"text": "They are EVERWHERE #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch who is u talking to that's my brother been since we was younger bitch u better find u something to do lame ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Is she admitting to a crime here? Sure sounds like it to me, traitor who should be in prison for life @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why can't somebody pipe this bitch down? She's a Soros laying cunt getting paid to act.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #ILLEGALS aren't kept in cages you fake Bishop! THAT pic was a #PublicityStunt at a whacko #Soros funded #Protest Fool! #ILLEGAL #FamiliesBelongTogether in #Mexico ! #DeportThemAll EVERY #Illegal is a criminal! #VoteRed 4 #AmericanDreamers AND #AmericanFamiliesFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "Again, please follow Gregg, (We Live We Learn. Have REALLY LEARNT A LOT from Gregg in just Two Years.) WAKE UP AMERICA! #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "im tryna go ghost n come back a whole new bitch like BAM", "label": 0} {"text": "Some of you hoes think you so bad. You might have bad breath, bad credit, and be badly built but you not a bad bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Subway in Western Europe vs Subway in Poland via @user #defendeurope #stoptheinvasion #WhiteGenocide #openborders #multicultural #diversity #diversityisourstrength", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH HE OUT HERE LOOKING LIKE WHOLE NATIONS BEST MODEL IM SO PROUD OF HIM HE IS SO TALENTED HES THE MAN OF VISUAL", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch feed me grapes and stfu", "label": 1} {"text": "I chose cunt instead of bitch because cunt is the worst curse in the world to the whities", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever has said zouis is dead or has gave me any shit for believing in zouis you can choke bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "That you have talking your noise on social media or when I'm in the house now because I beat your bitch ass up and kill you hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Please Please Please Declassify Information so American people will know the TRUTH! For Transparency!!#BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "Really #RachelMaddow at least be honest and call illegal aliens - #IllegalAliens. Calling them #Immigrants is highly misleading to those who don't know better. You sound just like #FoxNews in reverse. Not a compliment.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hate when ppl text my phone and i don't know the number but I ask who is this and ask me a question bitch stop texting my phone whoever u r", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user So, when are women going to demand their right to have the honor to sign up for selective services which ALL male citizens are OBLIGATED by law? Not really equal yet, are they? Do illegals sign up? Yeah, I see equal happening all over this place! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Build a wall? Seems like a great step sense a majority of it flows over the border from Mexico. But you know that pesky common sense gets in the way. Stupid facts and making the liberals look so smart. #LiberalLogic #DemocratsHateAmerica #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I agree completely. And Fox has been executing the Liberal crawl for some time now.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian", "label": 0} {"text": "If there are strength in numbers that will stop a hurricane force, let's send all Trump supporters to form a wall along the east coast. #BuildThatWall #HurricanefFlorence", "label": 0} {"text": "So now you friends with JAVEN bitch fuck you hoe ! ... \u2014 OMG BITCH\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Congratulations to President Trump and to the United States of America for taking back our country from the illegal aliens. 191,000 illegal invaders have been arrested and deported so far this year to date. We must go faster to get them all. This is GREAT start! #MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user U a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Money well spent. #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey Chuck why aren't you working to fix our broken immigration system? #BuildThatWall #EndAsyleeScam", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Beat His 4-Month-Old Daughter To Death @user @user #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Migrant families file lawsuit over emotional trauma from Trumps zero tolerance policy #WWG1WGA #BuildTheWALL #NoDACA #GreatAwakening #TruthMatters #OperationMockingBirdMedia #FakeNews #CandanceOwnens #WalkAway #Illegals #ICE #QArmy", "label": 0} {"text": "& for the hoe that think she don't do what the dummies do... you's a dummy bitch, and a ugly one at that! \ud83d\udeae", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh ffs NO MORE MIGRANTS GO HOME", "label": 1} {"text": "Maybe he's late cause he can't get his huge feet into his shoes bitch I'm one step from slapping you", "label": 1} {"text": "I wish I had a reliable down to earth bitch I could just gather and take with me when I move but y'all a bunch of sneaky cunts", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user For every social security number that was sold there is an American victim. #BuildThatWall @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Why Females Assume You Got Hoes ?? Like Bitch Ian Got No Hoes \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WHERE IS YOUR BITCH ASS AT TONITE??? I KNOW YOU ARE SCARED AS SH**!! THE WORLD AWAITS YOUR DEMISE YOU THIN-SKINNED ASSHOLE!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"Forked in China\", BCC == BitcoinChaChing / Bit-China-Coin / Bitch-China-Cunt / BitchslapChinaCunt / BitchChinaCoin... Great coin!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user He is a mean cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I think we need to make #IllegalAliens trend.", "label": 0} {"text": "I know I can be a cunty ass bitch, but for real I'm actually joking 73% of the time :)", "label": 0} {"text": "The wall isn't racism, it stops slavery via @user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #GOP #Democrats", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when a bitch call you ugly hoe you had to Sneak up on a mirror \ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude02tf", "label": 1} {"text": "Learn from Most of #Europe that's been #Invaded by Mostly Muslims! Then look at #Italy #Poland & others who Elected Politicians to #StopImmigration & #DeportIllegals #Sweden & #Germany now trying to Reverse the Huge Mistakes of Unlimited Migration of ppl who Refuse to #Assimilate", "label": 1} {"text": "Sweden Is Burning: Migrant Gangs Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Multiple Cities | Zero Hedge #refugeesNOTwelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'll always talk to you bitch. Weve been through a lot and when I can't handle life(you know me)I know I have you, hoe! \u2665\ufe0f u", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH THATS LITERALLY SO FUCKING ANNOYING", "label": 0} {"text": "that hoe already know i don't like her fat neck ass then she got the nerve to cut my ass off! bitch park your car, let's fight \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "More than 45 illegal aliens found in refrigerated truck near Laredo #DeportThemAll#BuildTheDamnWallJust another day at the Texas BorderThank you ICE and Border Patrol for the work that you do", "label": 1} {"text": "Think of all the money spent on Jails/Prisons Courthouses/Judges Police & Lawyers & ask yourself WHY DON'T our Politicians/Leaders TAKE EVERY ACTION NEEDED to STOP #illegalAliens at the border & DEPORT the ones who are here? Tell Your House rep (202-224-3121) #NoDACA No #Amnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user you a straight bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems cards are being shown on Abolish ICE campaign. ICE should get temporary officers to accompany census takers and start deportation. DACA has to end. #nodaca #BuildTheWall #deport", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch ass\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hop off ceyduh & jay's dick hoe. The bitch you defending isn't even talking anymore SKKURTTT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hes wanted for murder but who exactly was paying for their medical bills? #taxpayers Yet, funds to support tax payers is running out!!!! #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Jet-setting monk accused of rape now in big trouble for fraud via @user Kara's a bitch as he just found out", "label": 0} {"text": "Sallie MAE is the most annoying bitch EVER hoe I ain't paying you shxt lol", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah! #BuildThatWall NOW! Enforce immigration laws as other countries do!", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish the word hoe/hoes/whore didn't exist, I really feel like those words have the sexually liberated ladies scared to be themselves", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You fucking MORON! You are going to turn ATL into a 3rd world city with your garbage, open borders policy. You uneducated FOOL! #AtlantaHitRockBottoms #BuildThatWall #ImpeachBottoms #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "That's call my bestfriend bitch! I'm so happy man! No kids, no drama,we got our own apartment and car! Hoe if we wa\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I can be the bitch I can play the whore Or your Fairy-Tale princess who could ask for more #LyricBot", "label": 0} {"text": "fuck peace and love hoe. you can get dragged bitch real quick", "label": 1} {"text": "@user 1o million, one cent less, i am a liei8ng son of a bitch and my mom is a whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Gtfo off europe. Here is no place for you, you rapefugee.", "label": 1} {"text": "She's a hoe, she ugly, such a bitch YOU DATED HER PLZ SIT DOWN FELLA", "label": 0} {"text": "What is it with the eyes, it is so weird, they all them, popping out of head @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 0} {"text": "\"\"\"We stand with Dreamers\"\" Yeah? Go stand with them in their home countries. Undocumented and Unafraid is Unacceptable. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EnoughIsEnough\"", "label": 1} {"text": "MS-13 Gang Members Murdered Man, Set Body On Fire In Virginia via @user @user #DeathPenaltyAny thing less is not justice!#BuildTheWall #KeepAmericansSafe#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I totally support #BuildThatWall but I sure love tacos! Problem?", "label": 0} {"text": "My little brother should've been a girl I swear he's the biggest cry baby little bitch like how my dad & sisters are assholes??? \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user That bitch a whore in real life. I can smell it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I'd believe anything underhanded from the NYT.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "The military may build part of Trumps #border wall, but it wont be easy #BMGR #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "why is this bitch ass whore sayign she wot give me my money cause i kept talking shit about her.", "label": 1} {"text": "Boy you a hoe or a bitch if you will", "label": 0} {"text": "#Promises KEPT? Trump might use #military to ( #BuildThatWall ) via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is a old hoe now, y'all. Bitch is 30 while I'm still a young tender 21. Not sure how that happened \ud83e\udd14", "label": 1} {"text": "Good Job @user No Illegal Alien Can Think They are Welcome in the U.S Burdening U.S Taxpayers Find them, Arrest Them and #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user hell yeah buh life a whole bitch\ud83d\ude24", "label": 0} {"text": "#DREAMER Stomps 83 yr old man to death in TXSSilvano Echavarria stomped the victims head 74 times and punched him 25 times before leaving his body in a parking lotHis rap sheetincludesother crimes.#MSMSilence#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You are confused which Obama, Soros, the MSM want. It is the aforementioned NWO elites that are conning you. Do your research and learn the truth. Thank God Trump won!!!#MAGA #AMERICAFIRST #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoChainImmigration #NoAnchorBabies #NoSanctuaryCities", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate a hoe that wanna be bold asf till you confront they ass \ud83d\ude11 then they all like \"I never said that\" bitch stfu and catch this shit", "label": 1} {"text": "Boy, bye\ud83d\ude0c \"@diorwhore Delete his number and put a face mask on bitch it's recovery szn\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Some bitch is legit stealing my snaps and Facebook pics. Like who are you. I made all new social media. Creepy ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Yes, walls can do just that. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "You a hoe \u2014 Bitch, this ain't a question or a confession", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegals Cross Border Just in Time to Have #AnchorBabies for Welfare and Medicaid Ripping off U.S Taxpayers #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ASAP via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "lol i will beat the dog shit outta this bitch bruh i swear that 5 hour drive ain't shit i already don't like you lil hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "i'm saving money rn to fuckin buy those puma shoes bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch you better bite that tongue before I rip it off hoe\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "that cheap bitch you rat classmate been worship lmaooooooo my expensive ass can't relate at all and will never relate to that cheap whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Stop tweet watching my shit bitch you don't even follow me HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt. \ud83d\udc98", "label": 0} {"text": "So you're saying I'm not allowed to say #IllegalAliens on Twitter and if I do, in fact, say Illegal Aliens on Twitter, then I could be banned or suspended?", "label": 0} {"text": "American #homeowners, as you pay your #RealEstate #taxes, remember: youre forced to spend your #money to #school non-White, anti-White #IllegalAliens #UndocumentedImmigrants.Call:1 (866) 347-2423Or go online:", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #NoDACA #TuesdayThoughtsObama Used Dreamer Illegal AliensTo Defraud The American Dream#NoDACAdeal #AmericaFirst Clint Eastwood was mocked forhis 2012 RNC speech, yet the new#ObamaPainting confirms ObamaIS nothing but an empty chair.CLINT EASTWOOD IS A GENIUS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I am glad we are actively prosecuting on this ground now. it had been too long ignored in the past. Keep Going, Mark! #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Police find illegal immigrant suspected of teen rape in Ohio cowering under a bed in Texas @user @user #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Another young life cut short thanks to an #IllegalAliens . The animal ,here illegally stabbed this girl to death and \"\"IF\"\" convicted gets 30 years. I say hang him and be done\"", "label": 1} {"text": "I preordered 7 wings concept book and they all came without the lenticular i was a depressed bitch for a whole week", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Nah He was Laughing in the back of his head while doing His Speech, the True Speech. To the American People. #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user All imma say is maniia a bitch and conne is a slab of a whore!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump is president so we cant talk about #IllegalAliens or else we will be called racists. #doublestandard", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Everyone Tweet #IllegalAliens and make the @user AI expode", "label": 0} {"text": "A FUCKING GNNGNF CONCEPT BITCH AN ICONIC BEAUTIFUL WHOLE MEAL MOMENT BITCH I STAN MF LEGENDS BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "Another fine example of why illegal aliens are problem. If your here illegally, why would you want to draw attention to yourself this way. Illegal aliens have no fear of our legal system & only care about themselves. Awful way to die #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It shows that the #DysfunctionalPartyDuopoly is not now nor ever has been predisposed to implement an effective program to #StopTheInvasion. #repX #invasionUSA @user #SealTheBorder", "label": 0} {"text": "MOTHERFUCKING BITCH DICK CUNTBAG LARD EATING ASS SU... \u2014 i'm gonna make this my bio tell me who this is i wa...", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I love your header bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Got my young bitch kickin flavor she gone flex on you hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "Update: Blocked the bitch. Fuck that cunt.", "label": 1} {"text": "9/12 was just as important as was 9/11#IllegalAliens#OldMenWithPens#KAG#VoteRed2018#RedWaveRising2018#WalkAway#TheStormIsHere #TheGreatAwakening#Q#QArmy#QAnon#WeThePeople#AmericaFirst#DonaldTrump#DrainTheDeepState#DrainTheSwamp", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You are a Friggin idiot and ANTI-AMERICAN #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NODACA #DrainTheDeepState #VOTEDEMOUT2018 #MAGA #WalkAway #TRUMP2020 #TheStorm #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease", "label": 0} {"text": "How about no we don't have to take in these rapefugee or not-doctors to make our counties 3rd world slums like where they came from.", "label": 1} {"text": "Who said that a #BorderWall won't work???? #BuildTheWall #Buildthatwall #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "He's not a monster... He's a bitchy little cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user shut yo whore ass up, bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user This is UNACCEPTABLE!American citizen taxpayers should not have to bear the burden and costs of these Illegal Alien Families!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "@user , an \"anonymous source\" told me that @user flunked kindergarten; but he was passed on w/the help of affirmative action.And, because his teacher didn't want to deal w/the little brat any more.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #USA #WalkAway #TDS #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "happy birthday to my hoe Bitch I love you hoeeee , turn up get some dick \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc96", "label": 0} {"text": "New blog post: Liberals? Answers, Please.How about an honest debate on the issues, & explain \"Resist\" and \"Impeach Trump\" in more detail than a bumper sticker.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 0} {"text": ".I wonder if Merkel is listening?Probably NOT. Time for the Germans to take back there country! #Germany #IllegalImmigration #IllegalImmigrants #Duetchland", "label": 0} {"text": "It's 2017 n bitches still don't kno the difference between being freaky and being a whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "brianne swear to god she beyonc\u00e9 \ud83d\ude02 bitch you from the calliope project ass hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "your home boy your block that you're from boo boo lil hoes you went to school with boo boo bby mama & your new bitch boo boo", "label": 0} {"text": "Finally watching black lightening. Great spirituals in the background. #BlackLightning #Jesus #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "@user kwontinue. Karma is Bitch, keep that in mind.", "label": 0} {"text": "Dicksucking a bitch that don't even like you \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02! I hate fat lame hoes bro seriously", "label": 1} {"text": "@user saying \"Trump's a bitch, I'll make his whole brand go under!\" Back in February makes this video so much bet\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You dont have to be an idiot to figure it out that Democrats are destroying America.Obama, Hillary and the democratic leaders are all traitors!#DemocratsKill #SocialismSucks #EndDACA #EndChainMigration #DemocratsLie", "label": 0} {"text": "Look at me bitch I got everything you hoes want", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019ll tell the baddest bitch around \u201choe you uglier than Tory Lanez\u2019s jumpshot\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Not to sound like a corny ass bitch but like if I think about my friends too long my eyes begin to water like I LOVE you hoes.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches wanna make a post after I make a post thinking it's about them like bitch this shoe don't fit your foot , Not this time dummy\ud83d\udc81.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #SendThemHome we do not need those #Students here in #Canada", "label": 1} {"text": "Behold the future DACA America - unless we Man The F*ck Up and Deport the illegal aliens.Sooner or later this will be us, having to take to streets crying out for our fellow Americans to MAN THE F*CK UP and save our girls.#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "EVERY DAMN DAY REPORTED A CHILD RAPED BY AN ILLEGAL. AM SHOUTING ALL CAPS BECAUSE TODAY IT WAS TWO REPORTED. THE OTHER IN ALABAMA. @user THIS IS ON YOU! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "The shit Ima miss from home...\"fuck it just rape the bitch.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Nah bitch ain't no fuckin shoe , stfu . You a obsessed hoe . He done with you , move on with yo lif\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Aww damn shawty dated the one boy now she dating his friend bitch you a slore you can't even. Be called a whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you're stuck with that LMAO", "label": 0} {"text": "Joanne: I'm the worst mother ever Me: Earlier you said I couldn't be a hoe because I give it away for free Joanne: HA! Bitch got no money", "label": 0} {"text": "This rape advocate bitch just tried to tell me nobody falsely accuses people of rape.\ud83e\udd14", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stfu hoe ass bitch no you don't.", "label": 1} {"text": "Just remember, the real #AmericanHeroes are not the #socialists, not the #IllegalAliens, not #MS13, not the #politicians willing to sell out our country to further their own selfish ambitions. Our country is better than that.#Obama #Clinton #9/11", "label": 0} {"text": "I got all these hoes sayin \"you look like Jeff bridges!! \" bitch are you blind?!", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch ur shoes cute asf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thanks for the party Beverly. It looks delicious. But I can't enjoy it knowing @user took $10 million of disaster relief from @user to spend on #IllegalAliens when Americans like you are facing #HurricaneFlorence.", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you, Mr. President. Promises made, promises kept. This is why America elected you.#MAGA#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch said systematic rape is real, I know most of twitter is retarded", "label": 0} {"text": "YOU BEAUTIFUL YOU VALUED BITCH YOU ARE A SPECIAL TREASURE AMONGST MANY KINGS HOE YOUR WORTH IS IMMEASURABLE BY ANY EARTHLY UNIT NIGGA", "label": 0} {"text": "I JUST WATCHED W VIDEO OF A SNAKE EATING A WHOLE FUCKING DEER BITCH NOPE", "label": 0} {"text": "Apart from the cute \"building skyscrapers to reunite with balloons\" part this bitch is Cray Cray.", "label": 0} {"text": "I wish all you hoes had huge ass feet cause y'all forever buying all the shoes on that nut shit, save me a 5 bitch damn!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Just heard TRUMP was renewed for a second season. The ratings are through the roof! #TrumpTrain #RedWave #MAGA #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "If you one of those \"you prolly was with your other hoes\" type bitch then YOURE FUCKED FOR LIFE!! lol you're dying alone for sure.", "label": 1} {"text": "This is a couple who just moved on in to Australia and thought if we behave ourselves and involve ourselves in the Community, and have a child here then we will be allowed to stay.Sorry - if that got you in we would be swamped with MILLIONS just like you.#SendThemBack.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Bit wishy washy policy tho. #sendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "About Time! Non Citizens and DACA Illegals Who Voted Must be Arrested For Voter Fraud Serve their time then Deported ASAP All Forms ask you to Swear Your a Citizen they lied ! #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "The worst possible answer to this illegal invasion is to catch a criminal illegally entering in this country and reward him or her with a ticket and release into this country where he or she has no right to be. #TCOT #illegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "She like dick, dick & nothing else but dick. Cunt as bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm so damn happy I ain't gotta dress up tomorrow I'm not a heels everyday type of bitch\ud83d\ude29 sweats n gym shoes is my forte\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Not immigrants when they don't enter through a legal port of entry. They are Illegal Aliens. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user \"Stop talking like a whore to me\" Quit being a bitch bro", "label": 0} {"text": "Lets Go America, stand together for our Flag and our Anthem, hurrayWhere We Go 1 We Go ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fuck you your a fucking crack whore racist bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #Stauber just might have my Vote #MN08 but I Wish he would favor a Reduction in Legal Immigration and #EndChainMigration Like Pres #Trump wants #mngop #gop #usatoday", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch pressure is mental rape, bye", "label": 0} {"text": "but why do bad built/ugly hoes have the most shit to talk. like it irritates tf outta me, if you don't sit yo ugly ass down somewhere bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "He's implying the Chemnitz demonstrators are nazis. They are family members, friends and general public who've had enough of the mass rapes and murder of children, relatives & friends by gimmigrant rapefugee invaders!", "label": 1} {"text": "It baffles me that women allow themselves to get mistreated by ain't shit ass dudes. BITCH you beautiful, act like it!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever's just hacked my bnet i hope you die in a ditch bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user i just totally read that wrong as \" you're almost as pretty\" but you are my whole heart Bitch ily", "label": 0} {"text": "@user don't do too much before I expose you baby hoe Bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user We don't want our countries to be over run with rapefugee parasite Moslem scum. You already have 57 countries, stay in those countries. Those countries suck because they are full of your type. #StopIslam #BanSharia", "label": 1} {"text": "@user WELL BITCH TELL ME HOW YOU DOWNLOAD VISS", "label": 0} {"text": "#sendthemback if your children want a peacefull life, without rapists on every corner.#forza. #Italia ##NoMoreAfricans !!", "label": 1} {"text": "Yo whoever took my shoes last night is a broke back bitch lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Cut all the free shit for illegals..guarantee they won't be crossing anymore. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "White Americans, you may report #UndocumentedImmigrants (#IllegalAliens) invading the United States. Heres how:Call:1 (866) 347-2423orGo online: andLearn more:", "label": 1} {"text": "HOES BE WANTING YOU TO FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY AND BE MADD SO BAD! BITCH NOBODY WORRIED BOUT YOU......", "label": 1} {"text": "And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A illegal aliens showing exactly what they were coming to this country for in the first place. #sendthemback!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user why? hes a fucking snake cunt bitch, its not the clubs fault. hope he dies", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Bitch...cunt...same thing", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch ima zoe i dont do pledge of Allegiance fuck you lil hoe lock the door if you leaving \ud83d\ude43", "label": 1} {"text": "#QAnon @user Everybody has to feel a little pain -we are at war. Before this (#IllegalImmigration / #refugee / #asylum ) gets grossly out of hand-we gotta get tough. Id rather suffer a little pain than be absolutely destroyed by a Trojan horse. #BuildTheWall Thank You", "label": 1} {"text": "Whoever did this to me you a bitch and wish nothing but the worst to you.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You buggin Bitch , I get a free friend discount hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Idc if I am pregnant you hoes getting creative too this bitch keke called me Winnie the Pooh and his crew", "label": 0} {"text": "Will I be offended when cunts celebrate my death by rejoicing and bitching about me? No, because I'll be a dead cunt. \ud83d\ude11", "label": 0} {"text": "bitches be mad I'm not pressed over them. sorry, wrong whore \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "I can be around a bitch and they only know my real name . Keep these hoes out your business baby", "label": 1} {"text": "Some of these Instagram hoes have herpes. Bitch you nasty", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Nike doesn't want to move factories and lose a fortune in trade deals that are now worthless because #Trump is bringing METRIC TONS OF JOBS to America THANK YOU President Trump, we always pray for you and your precious family #TrumpTrain #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "When an American is offended by #MAGA or #AmericaFirst , you KNOW you are dealing with a Leftist.#HillaryForPrison #LockThemUp #NoDACA #KAG #POTUS #NEWS #Military #DrainTheSwamp #WalkAway @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #NoAnchorBabies 2 illegals do not make a legal #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch I clearly realized that already look at my name. Dumb cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "CBS: Driver an Illegal Alien was drunk, high at time of fatal Donna crash that killed 6 year old girl. Yet another victim whose life was stolen by an illegal alien.When will you end this?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "START VETTING THE #ILLEGALALIENS THEY TRANSMIT THESE PARASITES INTO OUR COUNTRY USA. PAGUES. PANDORAS BOX. SOUTHERN BORDER. SHIPS. AND AIRPLANES!! THESE PARASITES ARE ON OUR PUBLIC BEACHES, PARKS, STREETSM TREES, ROADS, GRASSES STORES, LIBRARIES, HOTELS, HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS ETC!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Westminster terror attack suspect named as 'Sudanese Rapefugee who drove around London looking for targets' before driving car into cyclists", "label": 0} {"text": "This was her 5th or 6th child. If we did not give entitlements for all these kids they would be here having so many babies on the backs of American Taxpayers. This should be outlawed. #Stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "My tweezing skills got me and my frontal time traveling, we in 2020 bitch! See you hoes l8r \ud83d\ude80", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Still think Canada should build a giant ice wall. If Trump builds a southern boarder wall then they'll all be contained. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch the whole joke is that he's in blackface sit ya wanna be woke ass down", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user We're still WINNING! @user #Resistance is a bitch, like Karma! No pardons fo\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I wasnt talking about you in my tweet But if that shoe fits ya then lace that bitch up and wear it.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Censorship is wrong #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "I encourage all my friends to do everything so if they want to be a hoe, bitch I support you.", "label": 0} {"text": "Send them back! #MuslimBan #DeportThemAll #WakeUpAmerica the Trojan horse has been delivered to your shores while you were sleeping.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Exactly. If I wanted my johnson tugged Id show up at Kevin Spaceys pool party. We were told the #BuildThatWall money was embedded in the omnibus bill. Show us!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sell me your makeup then hoe! I'm extra bitch lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Blah blah blah, them kids in cages where out there by #Obama the other viral pic was from a protest, u keep spreading the lies the #MSM keeps pushing! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWallNow #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "LIVE on #Periscope: Do the beat go off? Hell yeah it does @user Work it bitch! \ud83d\ude0d", "label": 0} {"text": "High five to the CRA for catching onto this! #Muslims are not to be trusted as we have been seeing acts of terror in our country. We need to stand up against this! #StopImmigration #BanShariaLaw #BanTheBurka #BanTheBurqa", "label": 1} {"text": "\"It's unfair\": In-house data @user shows backlash against #IllegalImmigration especially by legal immigrants. #cdnpoli @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Matteo Salvini, Deputy PM, Italy @user \"\"Now they (refugees) want war in our country\"\" \"\"Better we send them home\"\"#Salvini #Britain #refugeesnotwelcome\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Asylum seekers should enter at a LEGAL #USA port of entry & not enter illegally! Separation only occurs with those breaking American #immigration law! #WakeUp #Democrats to lies & #WalkAway #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And here we go with him making himself look like an idiot.#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll", "label": 0} {"text": "3 to 1! BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Pima County AZ REJECTS $1 Million in Border SECURITY GRANT MONEY FOR Sheriffs Department GONE! HEY @user USE THE MONEY TO #BuildThatWall ~WE REALLY HAVE TO DISCERN AND RESEARCH WHO WERE VOTING FOR~#VoteRed2018", "label": 0} {"text": "So the bitch that got my husband's schedule changed from 5-2 to 12-2 by complaining is skipping work???? I don't think so, cunt \ud83e\udd14", "label": 1} {"text": "#DEMS are using #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents in their #Communist REVOLUTION: FACT=HALF of USA Total Muslim Population immigrated under #OBAMA=#NoDACA NO #DACA #Amnesty No #DacaDEAL #BoycottNFL", "label": 1} {"text": "#FactCheck the #LeftistHypocrisy is staggering #CryingChuck #GoNancyGo #MaxineVirus #Schiffy #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #SchumerShutdown never will we forget #NoAmnesty #NiDACA #EndSanctuaryCities #EndVisaLottery #EndChainMigration #StopTheInvasion #AfternoonExpress", "label": 0} {"text": "When I think about children seperated from thier family's at the border and how the media sensationalizes it, I think about this guy. Maybe his childern miss him. #BuildThatWall #FakeNews #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "Chicks be 2 weeks pregnant and be like \"what my baby needs, I got em\"....bitch, your baby need facial features first hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You'll be happy to know that I never refer to the scumbag Mexican invaders as #IllegalAliens .#MollieTibbetts #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #Qanon", "label": 1} {"text": "not letting anyone use my kids to be a petty cunt. Kudos to me bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Become a whole new bitch when them eyebrows on fleeeeek\ud83d\udc45", "label": 0} {"text": "Love is a bald headed ugly ass slut bitch, but hey we all have it in our hearts and go through the good and bad of it..", "label": 0} {"text": "Thoughtful Thursday Dear Dumbo @user ;Perhaps the 1.6 Million Homeless Children should get the same benefits as DACA folks?#AmericansAreDreamersToo#MAGA #Focus #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #AmericaFirst @user #CloserNation @user #AlexIsStanding", "label": 0} {"text": "Tagged me bff in a meme today and she decided she'd be a bitch bout it cant believe the wee cunt would do somethin\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "America wants to #BuildTheWall @user #BuildThatWall #America1st", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch in bout tired of you bitch ass hoe fuck u..peace bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "i gotcha man thats all i gotta say everybody know you a hoe anyway bitch recognize i got these thick thighs", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Corden them off please. #TravelBanToOtherCities #DeportThemAll #NoSanctuaryCities Illegal is illegal GO HOME", "label": 1} {"text": "These are the same people invading our northern states like Minnesota. We need them gone from American soil! Do not let them be voted into office! Stop the Palestinian invasion of America! #BanShariaLaw #IslamIsNotAReligionOfPeace #AssimilateOrLeave #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Our borders are a mess too. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "ANOTHER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ASSAULTS YOUNG GIRL - FLORIDA.#IllegalImmigration #StopTheMadness", "label": 1} {"text": "These niggas fuck 12 bitches, but call you a whore for liking another niggas post", "label": 1} {"text": "If we want to make our voices heardand stop the Illegal invasion of America,If we truly want to tackle Illegal Migration, rememberAmnesty only entices it.We need to:#EndDACA#EndChainMigrationInsist there be#NoAmnesty #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship1/1", "label": 1} {"text": "Idk why hoes be on here tryna front.. all that \"I can't fuck wit different niggas\" bitch yes you can stop playin \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Detainees set fire to buildings during WA detention centre riot #auspol#sendthemback #jihadists @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "American Citizens are being Victimized by Illegal AliensThe shocking findings by a new DOJ-DHS report. @user #NOAmnesty #NoSanctuary #EndChainMigration#DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#ProtectUSA#KeepAmericansSafeIt is your JOB!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And when we shut them down and all that taxpayer money needs to go to #BuildThatWall !", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah bitch I am gonna restate how bad I wanna move out and start my life away from my asshole family", "label": 0} {"text": "Dirty Shoe Shawty Bitch You Need To Check Your Shoe Strings \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user My hope is to #DeportThemAll to their home countries. Canada, Germany, England, Mexico, don't care. #NoDACA#StopImmigration#SendThemAllBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Perhaps if they were then france wouldnt be the rapefugee hell hole it is now.", "label": 1} {"text": "Attempted Mass Poisoning: Illegal Alien Poured Drain Killer Into Food At Florida Restaurant via @user are they so lenient?This is terrorism!#BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Keep trying to change the language, I will continue to use the correct term #IllegalAliens Because that is the legal term. An undocumented immigrant is someone who left their Resident Alien Green Card at home.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I agree with you and look forward to you replacing the swamp rat @user We need Congress members willing to work with @user He has done a great job in just 18 months cant wait for the next 6 & 1/2 years. #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You mean #IllegalAliens right??", "label": 0} {"text": "@user stfu already dumb bitch talking all this shit but you're a big ass hoe how about when you were sucking Erika dick", "label": 1} {"text": "Exactly! Grateful my Sicilian grandparents both paternal and maternal cam here legally and assimilated! #pjnet #SundayMorning #SundayMotivation #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Girl In Kansas How many more victims?#BuildTheWall#DeportThemAllCrime was committed with premeditation during the commission of a Felony.#LifeWithoutParole#DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "The Tragic Transformation Of Sweden #kalergiplan #kalergi #pianokalergi #sweden #immigrazione #immigration #stopimmigration #rapeculture #nogozones #shraria #Stopislamisation #StopIslam #saveeurope #defendeurope #europe #WhiteGenocide #closetheborders", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch not your part hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "'Sanctuary City' Officials Released Illegal Alien Sex Offender, He Then Brutally Raped A 65-Year-Old Woman @user @user @user a day goes by where an Illegal Alien doesn't ruin a life!#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user We are being INVADED!!!! #BuildThatWall BUILD THE WALL and SHUT THE DOOR on our border with Mexico NOW!", "label": 1} {"text": "I am a Targeted Individual @user Follows you I'm a Child of God, have been #gangstalked for 11 years. Have you been #gangstalked? #buildthewall #setlizfree #imawake #nodaca #trumpsupporter #deplorable", "label": 0} {"text": "CUPS BITCH I KNOW YOU READING THIS SO WITH THAT BEING SAID, YOU RUDE FOR NOT TELLING ME HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WHORE!!", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm over asking a bitch to do my hair that I'm going to pay nobody got time for you flaking hoes ima just do my own\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh hell no send the whole plane back smh #jfk #sickpeople #runningfever #nyc #dubai #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "He said \"I can't fuck your bitch, but I can tie my shoes.\"\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user That is the Cleanest those PIG FUCKERS haave been in Years..#SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Agree with you 100% #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ImmigrationReform", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cunt fuck bitch u tuck u mom in asss", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH YO DIRTY ASS SEE ME CALLIN YOU HOE FUCK U IM OTW TO YO GRANNY HOUSE LIKE RN !", "label": 1} {"text": "Fiona a whore, Sammi a psycho annoying bitch, Carl a wanna be, Debbie a try hard, Mickey is actually a sweetheart, and Frank a scammer", "label": 1} {"text": "youn know nann hoe That don' tried all types of shit Who quick to deep throat the dick And let another bitch straight lick the clit", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Join the Patriots & order a laser engraved brick to help #BuildThatWall today @", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You are still stealing valor & credit from @user Without @user @user and his minion leadership team (you) would have never reduced our taxes. The #ACA has never been repealed as you promised, whats new? #BTW #DeportThemAll #MAGA @user for Speaker.", "label": 0} {"text": "When you wear Olympic weightlifting shoes for squats but still can't hit depth. lol. You bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck U bitch! He wasn't a fictional person, he was an internet manwhore!! He brainwashed me & never wanted to SKYPE ME & he used me for", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch whole pussy out wit some pro-keds on.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Mannn shut your bitch ass up.. your hoe ass was rooting for George Zimmerman murdering ass.. Fuck you", "label": 1} {"text": "The only agenda of ABVP/ RSS in the universities of India is to divide students community on the basis of communal lines.Lets vote for a #GUNDAfreeCampusLet's vote for unityLets vote for NSUI#NSUI5313 #DUSU2018 #DUSpeakUp#SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "The Media is Lying about Chemnitz | Declinist Books Surge in Sales via @user #defendeurope #stoptheinvasion #WhiteGenocide #openborders #multicultural #diversity #diversityisourstrength #germany #Chemnitz", "label": 0} {"text": "This white lady just told me I was \"too young\" and \"a baby\" BITCH I'm married with 1.5 kids, paying my own goddamn bills, \ud83d\udde3 lee me alone hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck i'm drunk but if you meet a mf by the name of tanner parry at any bars by all means fight that bitch he's a hoe ass motherfucker", "label": 0} {"text": "How do We Make Babies?: White Genocide Propaganda in French Educational Books for Children #defendeurope #stoptheinvasion #WhiteGenocide #openborders #multicultural #diversity #diversityisourstrength", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\udc66\ud83d\ude93\ud83d\udea8 you my nigga!!! You a bitch tho I'll fuck you up bitch. 2k , madden? Anything hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Another brilliant young artist has had his life snuffed out from ingesting poisonous substances. @user #BuildThatWall How many more? #OpioidEpidemic", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Mid-term are more important. I'm as big as a #BuildThatWall proponent as there is - but if @user does shutdown the .gov it would give the #FakeNews ammunition to convince #WalkAway voters to stay Dem (Socialist/progressive). I believe Trump - win and the wall is built.", "label": 0} {"text": "Five Other Heinous Illegal Alien Crimes You Didnt Hear About This Week MSM refuses to publish or warn citizens of the atrocities being inflicted on them daily by Illegal Aliens.Everyday an Illegal Alien destroy's more American family's.#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Thank you for the Follow! #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Biggest hoe in Redding bruh so any nigga fucking with her I'm telling you now the Bitch got STDS \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Pocohantas speaks with forked tongue. @user @user #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder @user #MAGA #AmericaFirst #TermLimits #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user KARMA IS A BITCH! JUST SIT AND WAIT FOR IT ! Like i said you cant turn a hoe into a house wife! BUT HE LOOKED\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Please advise where I can go to sign the petition to stop your petition.#ApproveJudgeKavanaugh #MAGA #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #AmericansB4Illegals #LimitedAbortion", "label": 0} {"text": "When you're just tryna be happy, but then a bitch ass hoe comes along and ruins your day.....", "label": 1} {"text": "@user SMH IM NOT CUNT FUCK SHIT BITCH I wanna be shadowbanned idk sis", "label": 0} {"text": "Congratulations President @user on your successful 1st year!You have saved America and brought back Prosperity!Best President EVER!#IStandWithTrump #AmericaFirst #MAGA Winning #MASA #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18#SchumerShutdown #NoDACA #ReleaseTheMemo #NoAmnesty", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch no one worried bout you you a hoe no ones worried bout you \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Gavin is a whole ass bitch like nigga \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 don't ever come for me and you haven't even hit puberty yet", "label": 0} {"text": "And don't ask me who I'm talking about.. if you feel like that mothafuckin shoe fit then by all means bitch you rock it!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yea yea bitch see you at 6 . Ain't shit around my mouth y'all hoes love making shit up . & PRETTIER THAN YOU !!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Congress has FAILED AMERICA consistently for years .It's sad. We elect and pay these pukes and they screw us constantly.#VoteRed #RedTsunami#VoteLiberalsOut ALL OF THEM.#SaveTheUSA#NoMuslims#MuslimBan #CloseTheBorders ALL OF THEM##DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "Miami was my whole life a bitch will.be back next month real live lol", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I can't believe we live in times where butt hurt cunts looking for apologies are given a platform. Life's not fair bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#Immigrants are a problem everywhere. The ones who work & contribute to their new country are welcome. But the parasites are not.#migrants #IllegalAliens #ILLEGALimmigrants #brexit #europe #sendthemback #buildthewall #migrants #Refugees #italy #EU #EuropeanUnion #Italia #europe", "label": 1} {"text": "Hey Bitch stop quoting Jimmy Tatro you fake ass bitch hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Which one lol? That slap bitch is a cunt fuck that guy", "label": 0} {"text": "Let's start tagging our Tweets with #IllegalAliens every time we Tweet about border issues.", "label": 0} {"text": "Aren't u one of the low life scum who defends people bringing fentanyl into this country from Mexico?Sorry, but I won't apologize for being MORE concerned abt the 70,000 ppl dying from drug overdoses than people sneaking into the country illegally#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Riiiiiight...... Bitch I pop one of them green hoes and turn into the hulk. You gone have to shoot me.", "label": 0} {"text": "walk a mile in my shoes bitch i cant even walk a mile in my own", "label": 0} {"text": "A tragedy that should have been avoided. To those asshole teens who refused to help...Karma is a bitch!", "label": 0} {"text": "on bd yo nigga a hoe \u2014 on me you a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "How incompetent was Obama doesnt know were wall goes on the border not around. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #obamalegacy #obamalibrary", "label": 0} {"text": "@user We voted to stop our invasion, not a tax cut.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Theon greyjoy is a cunty cunt that deserves getting his dick cut off. Traitorous bitch #gameofthrones", "label": 0} {"text": "Our beautiful FLOTUS strongly calls out NYT anonymous writer as sabotaging our country.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user HAPPY MOTHAFUCKIN BIRTHDAY HOEEEEEEEEE \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc96 I love you so much real Bitch for life \ud83d\udc51", "label": 0} {"text": "NEVER FORGET-it only took 19 radical hijackers to murder 3,000 & injure 6,000 others. We must make sure the people coming into our country don't want to murder us.9/11#NeverForget #September11#Wall#VoterID#EndChainMigration#AntiNWO#DeepState", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans via @user #MAGA #WINNING #TrumpTrain #TrumpWins4USA #WeStandWithTrump #Deportillegals #EndDACA #EndChainMigration #EndVISALottery #EndAnchorBabies #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate when people line their shoes up around the room. Bitch you not USED to shit. Your ass need a closet ! \ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "Lifes a bitch, cause a hoe is too easy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user It was like BHO released a cancer virus on the people of the U.S. intentionally.#InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #FireRosenstein #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPlannedParenthood #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #BoycottNetflix #NationalReciprocity", "label": 0} {"text": "Kick off ya shoes & relax ya fuckin feet bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Rich as my bitch on the side hoe I got more than you know, HOE I GOT.! Look watch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch I was fuckn up till 4:30 but your hoe ass didn't text me back. \ud83d\ude21", "label": 1} {"text": "There's so much other shit that can go wrong in a relationship, I don't have time to bitch over you liking pics. I'm liking them hoes too.", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens are robbing #Americans of retirement who do you think pays for their healthcare and emergency room visits my #ObamaCare costs me $36,000 per year because of them @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "NIGGA IM HOOOOTTTTTTT DONT SPEAK ON ME YOU BITCH ASS NIGGA ... NIGGAS DIE FOR THAT SHIT YOU READY FOR THAT LIFE HOE ASS NIGGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico #VoteRed", "label": 1} {"text": "LANA SAYIN BITCH AND FUCK HAS GIVEN ME A WHOLE NEW LIFE #LustForLife", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Illegals Dump their Kids at the border like Road Kill and Refuse to Unite! They Hope they get Amnesty, Free Education and Welfare Illegal #FamilesBelongTogether in their Country not on the Taxpayer Dime Its a SCAM #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user knows her audience & how nave & ignorant they are; that they will believe anything regardless how ridiculous. These politicians have NO RESPECT for their constituency.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I been feeling like this 4 a while but thought it was bad because she's happy but BITCH YOU HAVE OTHER JOBS 2 DO!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Calling hoes rudness gulliani. Lmfao fight me bitch god damn ill fucking kill you. Weeeeee.", "label": 1} {"text": "To all the bitch ass hoes that hate me the most, oh yeah I hate you too", "label": 1} {"text": "Ann Coulter To Those Who Say Trump Lacks Authority To Build Wall Pull Out Your Pocket Constitution via @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes We Need It YesterdayHouse & Senate Fund TheDam Wall Now#MAGA #VoteDemsOut#BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst #AnnaLovesTrump #TrumpsSuperElites", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Cheap Chinesium Slave Labor Shite that #America does not need, and can make far better HERE if we decide we want it. #DealWithIt #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Q #RedWave #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #FISAGate #LockHerUp #LockThemAllUp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Any bitch who called the man known as Patrice a friend in life and steals from him in death i\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "NOTE every lib/progressive F-Trump Resister-Hater keeps the tax cut & bonusses received due to #POTUS 2017 tax package.Vote DEM in Nov? See how much smaller their take-home check becomes.No borders? Depress those wages!#MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #Trump", "label": 0} {"text": "You be chasing them hoes fuck what a bitch think", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user A boat and a plane and a bus. #sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user All glory to a pair of con artists who spent eight years working for their Billionaire Buddies. #WalkAwayMarch #NRA #ICE #BuildThatWall #Veterans", "label": 0} {"text": "#Buildthatwall #Deportthemall @user More Needless Deaths at the Hands of an Illegal Alien, and an Oregon Ballot Initiative", "label": 1} {"text": "A little food for thought!#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch im tired of these ghetto ass parents . if your want your kids shoes to flop off them then be my guest but dont bring them back", "label": 0} {"text": "I was scared Lana was gonna be happy this whole album but she really brought the depression on this song yes bitch!", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch do you ever not come for people ? you're comi... \u2014 I COME FOR WHOEVER COMES FOR ZAYN OR WHOEVER TREATS...", "label": 0} {"text": "the day a bitch tries to get me locked up for accused rape, i'll really slap the shit outta her", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch you can't hoe me I laugh at everything \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "don't get mad if a dude call you a bitch, hoe, thot none of that ever in your life then, if that's the case lol", "label": 0} {"text": "And what is your message to our own CITIZENS, our veterans, our children and those living below the poverty line in California? #DeportThemAll #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "If you don't want your bitch fucked, keep the hoe from near me.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Kick Turkey out of @user Kick the @user out of the United States now #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #DrainTheSwamp #Trump2020 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #TermLimits", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens is a #LEGAL term @user you are #Nazis for #CENSORSHIP", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH. They ship TODAY if you order before 1pm + they have Afterpay and free samples. UP UR GAME HOES", "label": 0} {"text": "Love it when people try to talk to me and I don't realise what a bitchy moody cunt I am that doesny stop ranting like", "label": 0} {"text": "Women empowering other women - That shit is lit. Like yasss bitch, you are amazing, go you. We can all shine TOGETHER \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user AWWW TOO BAD!! U CROSS OVER ILLEGALLY YOU SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES !! THE CAGES ARE AT LEAST STAINLESS! #BUILDTHEWALL #NOILLEGALS #DEPORTTHEMALL", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ICYMI: #IllegalAlien Accused of Raping, Trafficking Girl in Louisiana #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoChainMigration #AngelMoms #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "I can never get mad over a bitch cause i know my place .. the madness come in when you keep being friendly with this hoe \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "Great! Then McTurtle can give us our #BuildThatWall money. Not a fan of @user #Trump talking about signing another spending bill w/o the promised #GovernmentShutdown, & the pushing the #BuildTheWall debate until after the midterms. That would be 3rd time hes broken the promise.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers #Illegalaliens - this is how they get a better life - than the people whose IDs they steal.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hate seeing articles about \"what men should or should not wear/do...\" To whoever comes up with this sh!t: BITCH, mind your own business...", "label": 0} {"text": "#Midterms #VoteRed2018 Please remember Mollie Tibbets life was taken by an Illegal!! #BuildThatWall Please Retweet! Please Retweet! Please Retweet! @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user RETWEET!", "label": 1} {"text": "WHERE IS Maxine Waters?!?Did the DNC lock her in a closet so she wouldn't alienate any more independents prior to Nov 6??Maxine, we need you! Hold a press conference, a rally a RIOT!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I am thrilled to see @user following our campaign -- 3 retweets in 2 days!Mr. President, I am going work WITH you to:- #BuildThatWall- Cut taxes even more - Bring back manufacturing - Fix our healthcare", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh look another #IllegalAliens #libtard Radical Muslim terrorist who tries to kill Americans. Thanks to @user for killing that f***er & saving taxpayers for prison costs! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate being used. lied to. taken advantage of. I hate fake people. Don't ask if this is about you. If the shoe fits lace that bitch up\ud83d\udc4c", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoe stood behind a car door and said \"I don't feel comfortably with you that close\" bitch made \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This is what the media does. Threats and banning free speech. #TrumpTrain #RedWave #MAGA #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst #FakeNews", "label": 0} {"text": "First time I got my eyebrows done was like two weeks ago and ever since then I feel like a whole new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Listen to @user as she insists that legal and illegal immigrants are taking jobs and resources from #NativeAmerican s. #StopImmigration of #white Europeans! They are destroying America with guns and diseases.", "label": 0} {"text": "Wake up #America! ! We are currently giving our #Country away!! We cannot sustain this and still try to #Help the #World. .. #Stopillegalimmigration #SundayMorning", "label": 1} {"text": "U poor deluded fool. Like those 2016 polls with all Ur #IllegalAliens voting on polls,the ones U & Ur #CorruptDems paid to win HC the election but LOST.We're Awake & Ur The Ancient History.@realDonaldTrump @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If rapefugee takes is what youre looking for to escape the bubble, I can recommend some Free Tommy Robinson Facebook groups", "label": 0} {"text": "don't be late with my motherfuvking glo bottle hoe . you better have that bitch ready for me at the mf door bitchh", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Do you mean #illegalalien or #IllegalAliens or the legal definition of #IllegalAlien as defined by the federal government.", "label": 0} {"text": "A blue wave means open borders and crime. A red wave brings secure borders and safety. I prefer the red wave. Do you agree?RT if yes!#RedWaveRising #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch, fall in love with edm doesn't mean you will go to clubbing and turn to be bad bitch be open-minded please.owhh hoes how sad you are..", "label": 1} {"text": "She was just your hoe now she your bitch lmao", "label": 1} {"text": "Trouble at #ROXHAMROAD - #Migrant Crisis EXPOSED! via @user #immigration #migrantcrisis #asylumseekers #illegalaliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a whiny bitch! He doesn't think it's hard work not punching rude assholes like him in the face every day? Fuck him", "label": 0} {"text": "@user OMG BITCH WE HAVE TO GO I'M GONNA SCREAM", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch shut the fuck with your muggle ass...avada kedavra hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "My cousins and dude made me slow down on being crazy, but I'm still the same bitch that taze hoes at the school house!", "label": 0} {"text": "Shakespeare was really wildin' back in the days, calling everyone & everything a cunt bitch same tf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Are those not grapes bitch?", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm a whole bitch lol aj know all it take is a \"I love you, bestfriend.\" & he get's whatever he wants \ud83d\ude46\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Calling BS. As a femboy or a tomboy this bitch would have better \"rapey\" radar.", "label": 0} {"text": "#GetThemOut it's an attempt at an #IslamicCaliphate. #SendThemBack as they are #ForeignInvaders seeking #CulturalReplacement.Ask your MPs why they support #Islam when #IslamIsIncompatible with #WesternValues. Just ask #TommyRobinson and @user about #MuslimRapeGangs", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Make sure this ILLEGAL ALIEN spends the rest of his life behind bars and make sure his remains are deport at the end of his miserable life.#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Arrest them and DEPORT THEM ALL!!!!#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "she told me, you creeping with that hoe\ud83e\udd14 she just another bitch but if she fuck me she could make me leave that other bitch.. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "When the Left cannot tell the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants.#IllegalAliens #Immigration", "label": 0} {"text": "I Hate #IllegalAliens And what they do to this country", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall#StandWithICE#AmericaFirstPolice: Illegal Immigrant Arrested In Shooting Of Upper Darby Store Owner", "label": 0} {"text": "He gone tell me he gotta come to MY house so ME can wake him up for work in the am\ud83d\ude12 bitch have one of yo hoes wake you up", "label": 1} {"text": "Linkin Park tunes whole day in dis bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Smokey The Bear says only we can prevent forest fires. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH I JUST LOVE U AS A WHOLE U MY DUDE", "label": 0} {"text": "Beatrix a brave #German woman and resistance fighter, she wont be cowed, she stands up for the people of #Germany. Wholl stand up for the people of #England? Not #theresamay but who will??? #Maymustgo #Merkelmussweg #RefugeesNotWelcome #Chemnitz #AfD #AfDwhlen #AfDwirkt #Bild", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"That's a taboo word in today's world\" not when your own son is being an absolute cunt, bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Promises Made Promises KeptThank you for keeping your promises#FundTheWall #BuildtheWall #HomelessVeterans#IllegalImmigrants #MAGA #KAG @user Letters available here I'll even send you a copy for a keepsake", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't let these jealous hoes trick you into thinking you ugly . Slay bitch \ud83d\udc51", "label": 1} {"text": "We have got to get these Obama DACA illegal alien freeloaders the hell out of our country.If they're too broke to afford an application, how much in taxes do you think they contribute?#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall#NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "Where is this? Brazil? Uganda? Sudan? Nope, it is France. Got to love that cultural enrichment thing going on. #openborders #refugeesnotwelcome #slums", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Yes bitch you better tag me back hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Cause when we all link and I'm drunk, Ima whole new bitch \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "That \"date rape is a grey area\" shit was the final nail in her fucking coffin. That dumb bitch is over.", "label": 1} {"text": "The fuck do you even see in this bitch?? I swear she will never tolerate you or actually care about u like I did. U r just another hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch whore son of bitch shit pig dinosaur elephant rhino monkey dog.", "label": 1} {"text": "No Filter Ill Smack The Shit outta You that Bitch the next Bitch && Whoever Tf Else", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Block u bot. #DemocratsHateAmerica #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #DemocratsAreRacists #WatchDeathOfANation #TrumpForever #GodBlessPOTUSTrump #GodBlessFLOTUSMelania #GodBlessAmerica #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #Winning #BuildThatWall #VoteRed2018 #USA #USA #USA #USA #USA #USA #USA #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "karma a lil dirty slutty sneaky bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Nah bitch, you made me slice your damn tomatoes, took all our dressings, kept adding shit to your salad, and was extra af You payin hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "I must be a cunt or some fucking horrible person to get treated to way I do by some people. I should just change and be a ruthless bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck fuck ffuck shit piss ass faggot fucking fuck bitch cunt suck my dick fucking fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Theyre not blind. Theyll go down fighting so we have to take them down! This is our mission. Destroy (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t party. They like double standards because they feel it is for them and them alone. The do as I say, not as I do party #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "So #IllegalAliens ca not be called #IllegalAliens even though that is the wording from our government. #BunchOfCrap @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Tow the boat back to the safe ports in Africa. #sendthemback it's not late to save Europe #notwantednotneeded", "label": 1} {"text": "The blue wave is coming if we don't build that damn wall. #BuildThatWall & #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "You hoes weak, on Facebook but be in the same bitch likes that u be hating on.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #Immigration will decide the fate of our nation. #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "On this day in 2001 extremist Al-Queda Muslims Islamic Terrorist blew up the Twin Towers, Sad. Keep @user safe from these extremist @user #BuildThatWall #POTUS let's not go backwards with @user @user @user @user @user let's move forward with @user @user @user #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "That Hoe Karma Is Bad Bitch \ud83d\ude29", "label": 0} {"text": "How did people respond to @user tweets today?Thursday 06 Sep 2018 16:01:21 UTCTop hashtags:#maga#retweet#buildthatwall#support45#treason#corruptionMost influential accounts:@adventuregirl@PalmerReport@WeSupport45@Free_Media_Hub@CodeOfPatriots", "label": 0} {"text": "You can never take a L off a real bitch, I'm hotta than them hoes that you chill w.", "label": 1} {"text": "Twitter doesnt like the term #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "Every man Cheat and Every bitch lie. Call it Even Lil lil Lil whore #blacYoungstavc", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Thats why you have your other bitch push your issue if it really matter that much to you and you cant just x the hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user doesn't like the words #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "I've heard people yelling #BuildThatWall but I'm one of many out yelling them to #BuildThatBridge. That's right fuck a wall we need to bridge gaps not make them.", "label": 0} {"text": "don't get all huffy n puffy w me when i ask you to wait 2 extra mins so u can buy ur shoes at my register i need my commission bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "My sentiments exactly.Deport New Yorkers.#SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you fuckin WHORE happy birthday I love you and you make me so proud im thankful i know you brodie", "label": 0} {"text": "#NoDACA #Noillegals #BuildTheWall Human trafficking earns profits $150 billion a year for traffickers, according to ILO report from 2014. $99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation$34 billion in construction, manufacturing, mining and utilities", "label": 0} {"text": "Idgaf what the fuck y'all got going on. He ain't my problem no more bitch. \ud83d\udc4c#IKnowYouLurkingHoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user PLS KEEP SHARING for the release of Kato and Kleo cruelty keeping these babies behind bars #SendThemHome allow them time left to spend w their human family #HaveAHeart #FREEKatoAndKleo", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user They broke into our country. We dont want them here. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Bitch, I'm fun for the whole goddamned family", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "Salmon cost P400 per 1/4 size of the whole fish. And i was like Okay bitch no money needs to waste.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user >THE 'COUNTRY' FORMERLY KNOWN AS '#France' IS 'SO FAR GONE' THAT THEY DON'T EVEN CALL '#Terrorism' '#Terrorism' ANYMORE'#ParisAttack' IS THE 'NEW OFFICIAL PERMANENT HASHTAG' OF '#Paris'#refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH. YUGYEOM IS A WHOLE DAMN LEGEND", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Only 9%?!? Thats shameful! It should be 900%!!! #NoAmnesty #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I'm the man. Hoe I'm the man. You know I'm the man.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Kassy, your enemies are my enemies! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #walkaway @user #FakeNews #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "I am horrified to share #genes with the #humans who put this #law in place. This is a direct result of #CulturalReplacement by #IslamicCaliphate #ForeignInvaders posing as #EconoMigrants and the #EU leaders are complicit. #FightBack #GetThemOut #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Great job, deport them all on out of our nation, they are not as-simulating to USA either way, @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm tired of these hoes saying us niggas ain't nah bitch you ain't shit either tf", "label": 1} {"text": "#FactCheck true #TuesdayThoughts #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WakeUpAmerica #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #ProtectOurChildren #NoAmnesty #EndSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #EndChainMigration #FixTheLaws #EndVisaLottery #Congress", "label": 0} {"text": "Exactly Vote. #WalkAway #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #Conservatives #IRS #Military #DrainTheSwamp #Russiagate #FreeSpeech #IranianPeople #BackTheBlue #Benghazi #BrettKavanaugh #BuildThatWall #MAGA #Trump2020 #Patriots #tcot #TrumpSupporters #TrumpTrain", "label": 0} {"text": "@user President Donald J. Trump. The greatest President in the history of the United States of America.Hes making America great again, AND trying to make it safe again. @user cares about the American people. Democrats care about Mexican citizens.#BuildThatWall #KAG2020", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Saw you on Watters last night - SO funny!! You had a great time, & so did those watching!If you like Dr. Gina, don't miss tonight's WattersWorld!!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The cowards are the corrupt establishment. Trump and the American working class will win over the D.C. establishment. #MAGA #Kavanaugh #walkaway #burtreynolds #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#Repost trump_mania (get_repost)#Nike #NFL #KeepAmericaGreat #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat2020 #trump #trumpeffect #buildthatwall #mikepence #conservative #republican #2a #pewpew #america", "label": 0} {"text": "if you hitting women you a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user , She must be a miserable person if something THAT innocuous gets her upset. I'd hate to be in HER head.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"Mah nameah jeff ahhh work here's in the rapefugee camp and I sound like an Irish gypsy\"", "label": 0} {"text": "lmao just got told how i'm sitting is not \"pretty\" cos my whole ass apparently is on display lmao bitch please", "label": 0} {"text": "bitches be expecting you to stay around while they hoe , bitch u crazy", "label": 1} {"text": "i'm still not over this lmao i love this bitch w my whole heart she's my world", "label": 0} {"text": "You trick ass bitch! All these broke ass hoes going too", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user When we say #BuildThatWall at this is how @user respond!#RETWEET", "label": 0} {"text": "That moment you completely realise that you've been rolling with a whore but you knew a hint bout it before @user Bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #CA43 time to vote for someone who cares about your district. #MaxineWaters only passed 3 bills in 27 yrs & was voted most corrupt 4XVOTE for .@RealOmarNavarro #MakeCaliforniaGreatAgainREPORT #VoterFraud 1-800-345-8683 (CA hotline)REPORT #IllegalAliens to #ICE 1-866-347-2423", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch it's Gucci Mane & Metro if Metro don't trus' you imma fuck you in yo ass hoe #Gucci #Wizop #Tho #MetroBoobin #Boominati", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Girls From Two Generations Of The Same Family via @user #BuildTheWall #NeverAmnesty#DeportThemAll#DeathPenaltyFor Child Molesters!#StopTheDepravity", "label": 1} {"text": "And what am i gonna do if they lock me up he asks ? Bitch I'll eat pizza tomorrow cause its Friday hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "#BUILDTHATWALL#MAGA||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| _| .) Trump is your President.| |", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you owe me a couple blunts hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "leave halsey alone u dumb ass fucking bitch i'll come for ur family you idiotic hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #JoinTheNRA @user #NoAMNESTY #NoDACA #StopGunCONTROL #GovMEDIA VOTE 2018 MIDTERMS VOTE OUT @user #KS03 @user @user RHINOS #KeepAmericaGreat USA moving to Joined March 2009 Born on June 22, 1960", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yet all that tra*h comes to America to free load off our kindness & humanity for all. #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Deport them all! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I wanna look like a whole different bitch on my birthday \ud83d\ude02 I just need a new hair color", "label": 0} {"text": "Every #illegal deported is an incremental pay raise for citizen workers! #DeportThemAll #ArrestEmployers #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "ima mf asshole, bitch I'm the shit.", "label": 0} {"text": "U.S.Sheriffs Fed Up as 25 Americans are Killed Each Day by Illegal Aliens @user @user #KeepAmericansSafe #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Whoever keeps reporting my page, you're a weak ass bitch\ud83d\ude11\ud83d\udd95", "label": 0} {"text": "Ungrateful Rapefugee In Stabbing Of Americans Believes Dutch Insult Islam", "label": 1} {"text": "@user perhaps should teach the dumbass idiots 2 respect other countries laws. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "If I call you a bitch or whore during sex don't be afraid to smack the shit outta me & flip me over talm bout \"NO NIGGA YOU THE BITCH HERE\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Dude we call each other bitch/hoe 24/7 \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02\u2764", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch you just said you don't fuck with that boy\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hoe blew me", "label": 0} {"text": "Ur a bitch I prefer the term cunt actually. Has a better ring to it\u270c\ud83d\udc95", "label": 0} {"text": "I like my niggas mean\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d If a bitch touch you look at her like she got horse shit on her shirt\ud83d\ude18 and tell that hoe too back tf up \ud83d\ude01", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration", "label": 0} {"text": "#FactCheck changing the words doesNot Change TheTruth #Schiffy #GitmoCallingObamaAndCompany #DemocratsHateAmerica #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #StopTheInvasion #EndSanctuaryCities #RedWaveRising2018 #VerbalJudo will no longer work against #TheAmericanPeople #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Idk, I'd rather die than be sentenced life in jail and become someone's bitch who rapes me.", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey @user when you went down to the border did you see the children that were separated from their HUMAN TRAFFICKERS? Of course you did but youre not honest enough to admit it. Because #DemocratsAreSociopaths #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "\"\"\"#Refugee\"\" said \"\"I'll kill 10s of you, and then I go back. I can EAT HUMANS NOW.\"\" those #Rapefugees are #invaders, #pedophiles, #terrorists, #rapists, #cannibals, #jewish servants,!! #Islam is not a #ReligionOfPeace !#WhitePeople WAKE UP.!\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Absolute state of that cunt that just served me in Dunne's. Ignorant bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Nigga ! That's what I'm saying . This white dude really raped and nearly killed a bitch and got probation\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Dirty ass feet go take a bath bitch maybe youll ha\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user We need to improve our country, schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, prisons, by kicking out the illegals. #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY is Enough!The killings, Rapes, Child Molestations, Drunk Driving, ID theft.And citizens are forced to pay them!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "Mollie Tibbetts And The Low Illegal Crime Rate Lie - American Thinker #MollieTibbetts #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildThatWall #MAGA #RedNationRising #KeepAmericaGreat #KAG2020 #KAG TW502", "label": 0} {"text": "Asked a bitch to use her lighter and she obviously had one because she was smoking, she proceeds to tell me no so I called her a cunt. \ud83d\ude0c", "label": 1} {"text": "MS-13 spreads to 22 states, fed by 300,000 illegals, DACA recipients, tied to 207 murders@GOPLeader @user #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAll#BuildTheWallAmnesty creates more Illegal Migration, always has, always will.", "label": 1} {"text": "lani is such a cunt omg the bitch is always coming at people for their looks like sorry can u pipe down", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Thx.I AM the #silent majority. I'm hearing the same rhetoric from #Trump as any other #politician.More time needed or the world will fall apart.The public has short memories & politicians count on it. #Buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Immigrants Give California Up to Five Extra Congressional Seats. Why Democrats support illegals over Americans, Votes. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #WalkAway #DemocratsAreDangerous #tcnt #democratmobrule", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This is why @user will be our next 2020 President! The economy and the wall!! #BuildThatWall no #BuildThatDamnWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I got Christmas Law and the Doflamingo sugo-rare and they called me bitch and whore and sexually harassed me LOL.", "label": 0} {"text": "This website says it all!No.Carolina you have a serious problem.Illegal Aliens are sexually assaulting you children at an incredible rate.You must DEMAND this be stopped.#DeathPenalty for#ChildRape#DeportThemAllBefore the next victim!", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank You #ICE !! #BuildThatWall !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user You wouldn't have thought after 5 years he could've come up with a decent story why he fled, but nothin', just some dribble on political unrest. #fakeugee #sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bruh this bitch so pale and ugly. Disgusting ass racist white cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user I am so sick of liberals . Please educate your family and prevent them for voting democrat . #ProtectFreeSpeach #FreeInfowar #SaveAmericaFromLiberals #VoteRepublicanAndSaveAmerica #BanSanctuaryCities #StopTheInvasion #BuiltTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "You wear makeup bc you're insecure nah hoe I just like artsy stuff & makeup is fun as fuck to do. Find something else to bitch about lol", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I'm cool af if you curve me you a lame hoe \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Obama is like a bad rash that just keeps appearing for no reason.#VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #ObamaGate #Midterms2018 #MAGA #NoDACA #AmericaFirst #KAG2018", "label": 0} {"text": "I can never have a conversation with my best friend without calling her \"bitch\" or \"hoe\" \ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f coz I mean dassss my bitch \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude0d", "label": 0} {"text": "Say lul bitch you can't fuck with me if you wanted to , these expensive these are red bottoms these are bloody shoes. \ud83d\udd34\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb8", "label": 1} {"text": "God Bless: the intro? im fucked UP BITCH I LOVE. pretty ass chorus. the imagery she uses matched with her voice is angelic queen of women\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch planet, the walking dead, morning glories, chew, chrononauts, all of the Luther strode titles,\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I tried to call this bitch @user at 12:21 and she didn't answer. Like why are you sleep wake tf up it's your whole ass birthday", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user True. Maybe he'll sink the whole shit cuz he's still mad he got bitch slapped in his dormitory doorway.", "label": 0} {"text": "Elian Gonzalez Was A Dreamer Too, Liberals, Forcibly Separated From Legal Guardians #EndDaca #DACA #EndDaca #separatingfamilies #Durbin #separatingchildren #keepfamiliestogether MON11", "label": 0} {"text": "Do u know how many times black femmes/woc are called NEGATIVE, BITCH, CUNT just for existing, speaking mind, challenging old norms", "label": 0} {"text": "5. last time i cried bitch i cry every day i am a phoenix so when i cry someone else comes back 2 life thank me later", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bitch you gay, you know what I mean", "label": 0} {"text": "Lana i love you bitch. Put that flag back up hoe \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #lustfoflife", "label": 0} {"text": "Border Agents arrest 5,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records @user @user #BuildTheWallSince they only catch about 50% another 5,000 made it in.#KeepAmericansSafe#DeportThemAll#FamiliesStayTogetherInOwnCountry", "label": 1} {"text": "Animals. Pure and simple. They are not to blame for where they were born or how they were raised but, as adult men who have escaped their homeland, they alone are responsible for how they act during each & every moment after crossing the border. Period. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "minghao really is a whole entire fuckin MAN i love that bitch !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user your shoes are ugly and anarcho primitivism sucks, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You have lost your country #stoptheinvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens are Lawbreakers! #sendthemhome", "label": 1} {"text": "Women ask for your birthday not cause they're interested in celebrating it. They just wanna know if you're a bitch through your sign.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes, why is it not closed down and everyone in it deported, they are not our friends, invaders who do not assimulate into our country, time for them to go @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user SAY they do NOT want foreign interference in our elections; YET, they are CONTENT with allowing #IllegalAliens to cross our borders; have US taxpayers support them while here; AND, allow THEM to VOTE in our elections. How is THAT not direct foreign interference? @user", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildTheWall #TravelBan make it permanent! #NoWelfareForIllegals #NoDACA #Deport #WalkAway", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If we had the wall, it wouldnt even be close. I guess Congressional GOP just like living on the edge. #BuildThatWall Mr. President.", "label": 0} {"text": "KYUNGSOO AND FUCKING BAEKHYUN IN TODAYS PERFORMANCE OF THE EVE FUCKING TOLD ME IM A DIRTY CRACK WHORE BITCHHHHH", "label": 0} {"text": "You know Ima get it bitch \ud83d\udcb0 until my casket closed\u26b0\ufe0f , I've been chasing paper \ud83d\udcb8 nigga you been chasing hoes \ud83d\ude34", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't call a woman a bitch. Call her an ass-hole. It still gets your point across and it's not sexist. - Eleanor Roosevelt #tt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Indeed, in the UK the security services put plants in patriotic/anti jihad/anti rapefugee protests. The plants give Nazi salutes in front of press photographers, voil, that protest movement is finished", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user GOOD JOB! ONE FOR THE GOOD GUYS!#NOAMNESTY#NODACA#NoHR392 #noh4ead#noh1b@POTUS @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do you lock your door?It's the same reason why we need to #BuildTheWall.We love & want to protect those inside our homes & country. We welcome those who enter America LEGALLY. #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverify #NoAnchorBabies", "label": 1} {"text": "She's a bitch... No less than a whore. \ud83d\ude21", "label": 1} {"text": "lulu:why soraka got her shoes on in the pool soraka:those are my hooves you bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "this bitch @user is a hoe. u wanna fuck my best friends boy multiple times when you know they're dating cause youre a crusty ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoes be like what do you do for a living ? Where area you live in ? Nun yo fucking buisness gold digging ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH soon but he's done this before", "label": 0} {"text": "2few recognize that refugee crisis & associated woes are caused by fools who stand4 perpetual war & chaos via mass deception. Shame on the cowardly/corrupt world politicians who know it, & support the organized criminals by remaining silent. #refugeesNOTwelcome #RefugeesWelcome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a cunt...stay away bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Border agents in South Texas saw increase in migrant families make illegal crossings in August? Shoot on sight! #tcot #UniteBlue #Texas #Illegals #IllegalAliens #IllegalImmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "We're talking BITCH PLANET and rape culture this week, so buckle in and get RILED UP.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch and you froze mine! Now how am I gonna get new shoes before I leave? \ud83d\ude11", "label": 0} {"text": "Karmas a bitch hoe & on my momma you gon get yours.", "label": 0} {"text": "Saudi Arabia is the U.S's bitch, they fuck her and then give her skyscrapers and gold plated cars. While the rest of Arabia starves.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Wow! Attention whore and he stole Wes's Bitch\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Run a train ona a bitch is rape in others eyes", "label": 1} {"text": "BITCH YOU A PEDO YOU STILL TALKING BOUT CREDIT CARDS, been going past 2 days like a hurt HOE @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Some dude is so angry outside at his girl he is yelling that she's a fuckin bitch, whore and he hopes she and her whole family die horribly", "label": 0} {"text": "I get tired of hearing people complain about politics or #WhiteGenocide when they're not even willing to stand with a sign on a street corner.#RedWaveRising #VoteRed #SecureTheBorder #NoAmnesty #StopTheInvasion #StopWhiteGenocide #RedWave2018 #AmericanProWhiteNetwork #WhiteNet", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Looks like #LeftistsPreferIllegalAliens in Europe as well as in the USA.\"Migrant\" has allegedly been using legal loopholes to stay in Germany despite having a staggering 542 criminal investigations against him.#GlobalistAgenda", "label": 0} {"text": "how can i get those mf shoes bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Omar's ex is the biggest cunt ass bitch I have ever heard of if this annoying ass washed up art ho don't STFU actin like she somebody ~sigh~", "label": 1} {"text": "Import 3rd world savages. Have 3rd world savagery. It's almost like there's some kind of link there. Rapefugees Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Sweden./news/2018-08-13/sweden-burning-migrant-gangs-unleash-coordinated-fire-bomb-rampage-across-multiple", "label": 1} {"text": "It is hard to believe what has happened in the intervening 17 years. I blame @user and @user for allowing #IslamicTerrorism into our country! Islam is not compatible with American values. #ObamaCrimes #ClintonCrimes #Globalists #DeportThemAll #NeverForget911", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Good, it will help with the illegal alien problem. Now we need to #BuildThatWall #MAGA.", "label": 1} {"text": "Which judge's hands is this Officer's blood on? #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just consider the source. This cockroach is a serial failure. The only reason he gets any notoriety is because there are radical media outlets that support far-left zealots. Joe needs help tying his shoelaces; thus Mika.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #NRA", "label": 0} {"text": "Sanctuary County: Illegal Alien Gang Member With Violent History Shot Two People At Fast Food Drive-Thru #DeportThemALL #BanSanctuaryCitiesNo citizen should ever be the victim of Illegal Alien Crime.", "label": 1} {"text": "anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "i LOVE you you are one of my closest friends here and i love everything about our friendship and i just love u so much bitch u are my hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "If you calling the person you \"love\" a bitch or a hoe than u ain't shit", "label": 0} {"text": "@user SAME SHIT. YOU SKINNY AF BITCH IMA FIGHT YOU HOE DONT MAKE ME LEAK UR NUDES", "label": 1} {"text": "Bloody foreign hornets coming over here killing our bees. #brexitmeansbrexit #sendthemhome #controlourborders", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you're such a hoe.", "label": 0} {"text": "Democratic PATRIOTS pls call your representatives and demand #Kavanaugh be confirmed, esp if up for re-election. .@PressSec .@realDonaldTrump .@GenFlynn #SaturdayMotivation #USOpen2018 .@reba .@katyperry .@johnrich #MAGA #BuildThatWall #RedNationRising #WalkAway", "label": 0} {"text": "#ChildSexTrafficking #IllegalAliens #ChildTrafficking #WakeUpAmerica THEY ARE HERE TO KILL OUR KIDS BECAUSE BUSH, CLINTON, OBAMA KILLED THEIR FAMILIES IN MIDDLE EAST! This war started in Tripoli WHEN THE MUSLIM PIRATES ATTACKED OUR NAVY SHIPS WAR 1812", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll eat a nigga phone before I let him sneak & put me on Snapchat IG Twitter FB\ud83d\udcaf bitch you not finna ever make me lose no hoes", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Well we're getting one tomorrow bitch \ud83d\udc9c", "label": 0} {"text": "You wanted to leave me now you stuck with money hungry stuck up hoes good luck finding a faithful loving bitch like me \ud83d\ude07", "label": 0} {"text": "STOP ALL IMMIGRATION, ILLEGAL AND REFUGEES! Our government is putting our families in danger with their bleeding heart BS. We should be caring for the American citizens FIRST and the security of our own borders! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Life's a slut, a dirty hoe, either way I can't bitch. -Young Jeezy", "label": 0} {"text": "This should make the Hate America call by the Deep State really totally clear.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "Anonymous?? Bitch this is RAPE", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes will be hoes, bitches will be bitches, and Eryka will be mothafuckin' ERYKA! Thank you bitch!", "label": 0} {"text": "in 1980 when TX was 70% White who would have imagined that today(under 48% white)the MOST POPULAR TX SURNAME is Garcia or Martinez? it's a Mexican INVASION NOT #immigration =it's time to REMEMBER THE ALAMO! #NoDACA NO #DacaDEAL #Amnesty means #OpenBorders", "label": 1} {"text": "He's an asshole anyway. He's in the army and sees everyone else as being far below him. He's so full of himself and he's an unfunny cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is garbage. Kavanaugh has done a beautiful job fielding questions.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you to whoever mirror I just punched off bitch don't cut me off on a good day?", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoes be like happy birthday son I can't believe your 8 already. Like what you can't believe bitch? You had him in high school", "label": 1} {"text": "Get rid of #IllegalAliens build the wall!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you hoe you need to be checked for aids bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83c\udf36\ud83c\udf36\ud83c\udf36 hey Dave ILYSM haahah bitch you're my karaoke whore! Hurry tf and get back we finna do shit LMAO! I love SM boo thank you for everything", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201cbitch you been a hoe since the womb\u201d", "label": 1} {"text": "Amen. #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yes @user if you dont enter the US legally, you are here illegally. Just because you want to emigrate does not give you access or the right to bypass the way to do it legally. In law, an alien is a person in a country who is not a national of that country. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "I will never trust a hoe I to went outta respect, that still double crossed me... Bitch you alreay lost !!", "label": 1} {"text": "We need to show people more of what's really happening in the EU countries who have open borders! @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #WakeUpAmerica @user #MAGA #TuesdayThoughts", "label": 1} {"text": "Why these white hating racist #Africans fleeing to white Europe #goback #sendthemback go back to YOUR Africa Stunned tourists watch 50 migrants on packed boat storm Spanish beach via", "label": 1} {"text": "He is a snake ass bitch. He is a fugly slut who shouldn't be trusted and I'm patiently waiting for him to be 18 cuz\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#ONMYMAMMY HE A BITCH Video: It Cannot Be: Armed Man Catfishes Teen Boys Online Then Rapes Them!\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How come you are silent on Trump's attacks on the Mueller and Sessions? You Fucking bitch! You fucking whore! Spineless POS!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She called me a bitch and doesn't even know me wtf you expect? I ain't gonna play nice I don't even know the hoe \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "#BUILDthatWALL #MAGA #KAG#Trump: I could use #MILITARY to build my #WALL if Congress plays tough via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch I am from San Antonio Tx. U ain't slick with the Spanish u dumbass cunt lmfaoooo just proceed w\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm so excited to get new glasses bc I'm a whole new bitch with new glasses", "label": 0} {"text": "bitches be on this hoe reading threads on how to take care of their man and please em, like bitch if you don't figure it out fo yoself lol", "label": 1} {"text": "@user ur vids are great but learn to not be an asshole off camera bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user A law broken is still a law, family or not #sendthemback!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump says he could use the MILITARY to build his wall if Congress won't fund it through Homeland Security's budget - and he won't rule out another government shutdown to get his wayWhatever it takes @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Holy Guacamole..socialism at its finest..#BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You nasty little slutty whore your Pussy belong to me", "label": 0} {"text": "We don't cuff hoes if you fuck my bitch thanks cuz you can keep her #FreeJigga man I miss my nigga", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch do it look like WE play ?!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Turns out I can you trick ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch take \"Kardash\" out yo name. You ain't worthy hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Shoes? $1,200! Glasses? Like $400. But bitch, my outfit?? $20, bitch. Get yourself together, bitch. Learn how to budget, hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39@LaurenJauregui BITCH I TWEETED YOU SO MANY TIMES STOP BEING A HOE , I LOVE YOU LMAO", "label": 0} {"text": "#FakeRefugees #AsylumAbusers #IllegalAliens #Migrants all need to be #Deported. Other countries are doing by the thous & we must to. America can no longer be a doormat & bank for these disrespectful, demanding, greedy people. If they can overrun our country, they can fix theirs", "label": 1} {"text": "If she cheat on her bf for you don't let that hoe tell you you special... that bitch fuckin errrbody play ya part big pimpin", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #Deport illegal aliens NOW! Dreamers are criminals who use fake IDs (identity fraud, a FELONY) to STEAL jobs from American CITIZENS. Others commit heinous crimes like murder. #DeportThemAll @user", "label": 1} {"text": "if tha shoe fits.. put dat bitch on nd do sumn bout it if u dont like it", "label": 0} {"text": "@user farm rapes are real too bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "TRUMP: PENTAGON WILL BUILD WALL!Trump says he could use the MILITARY to build his wall if Congress won't fund it through Homeland Security's budget #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Africans having their say about Blacks in Europe, and Europeans in Africa, at the #LandExpropriationHearings, currently underway in #SouthAfrica.#SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user happy 4th birthday big bitch!", "label": 0} {"text": "I LOVE WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS WHERE THEY CALL OUT YOUTUBERS OR WHOEVER. I DEADASS LOVE CALL OUT CULTURE, IT'S PETTY BUT BITCH AND?", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems suggest Kavanaugh should NOT be considered for SCOTUS b/c #Trump is under investigation!NEVER MIND that said investigation is a TRUMPed-up phony witch-hunt begun by Dems in the 1st place#POTUS #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #VoteRed #NEWS #NoDACA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "NIKE's choice of Colin Kaepernick was SOLELY political. If they wanted an NFL face, there are 100s of players more accomplished & more deserving; w/o the baggage. TEAMS don't even want him; he was a LOSER.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "#Refugees go home", "label": 1} {"text": "Arizona Border Cams Capture 25 Straight Minutes of Rapists & Murderers Crossing Border Illegally #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The 16 year plan they still want to enforce!!!!!! #WINNING #MAGA. #Q #BuildThatWall #ANTIOBAMA", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes!! Keon with Trump! #TRUMP2020 #BuildThatWall #FreeAssabge", "label": 0} {"text": "Hispanic Invaders have been Destroying California!!!They have No Business being in our Country. Period.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll#MCGA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#FoxNews #SundayMorning @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch please lmao no for real I want to leave lol", "label": 0} {"text": "Im sorry but i gotta revisit this. Wtf. That shit canoed like a bitch. I bet its a grape swisher \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "And remember people, the bitch that OJ killed was a lying cheating whore, so get over her!", "label": 1} {"text": "You know ima get it bitch until my casket close, I been chasing paper nigga u been chasing hoes. I tore my acl I ball too hard like d rose \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #IllegalAliens Go Home Now!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user AM I SUUPOSED TO FEEL LOVE ? BITCH I DO", "label": 0} {"text": "Kim can burn in hell with my fat bitch sister. \ud83d\ude0a yesssssssssssssssssssssss And my ex whore theif murderer", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Let all the do gooders house them. These people do not want to work!! Disgraceful lazy scrounging layabouts!! Taxpayers footing the bill as usual #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch RT me one more time & not answer my text \ud83d\ude24", "label": 1} {"text": "You put your bitch on the shelf , Nigga I make my hoe bring the cab back", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user 10 in rapefugee years is usually 22 in German.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Let's see how you are going to babble after the Supreme Court ruling!#DeportThemAll #NoDACA #SupportICE #AbolishDemocRATS", "label": 0} {"text": "You won't catch me on this hoe arguing with a bitch lol , bitches are not worth my time ..", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Why did you use the hashtag #sendthemback in your first tweet? How is that not a racist tweet? How is anything you've said in this thread not motivated by a deep seated racism and islamophobia? You also said this:\"3) It's in his nation.4) It's in his religion. \"", "label": 0} {"text": "\"(Approx. 133,800 sex crime arrests among \"\"criminal aliens\"\" incarcerated in USA from 2011-2016 according to GAO, primarily from Mexico & Central America.) (Mexico isn't a race.)#SendThemBack #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndTheVisaLottery #EndAnchorBabies #NoDACA\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Amen!Finally, we have a @user puts #AmericansFirst & our #VeteransFirst, not a few really rich kneelers!#BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BoycottNike #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain #TrumpArmy #Trumpville #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "Jack \"misplaced\" his phone karma is a bitch next time don't eat the last slice of cake u fat fucking cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Right like bitch just be a hoe no need to flex you making money of some shit you invented \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yet the @user will put these new voters in hotels but those homeless people continue to live on streets or shelters.Dont get me started on how bad they treat the veterans. @user #sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user So, when are women going to demand their right to have the honor to sign up for selective services which ALL male citizens are OBLIGATED by law? Not really equal yet, are you? Do illegals sign up? Yeah, I see equal happening all over this place! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "As corrupt & dishonest AGs Holder & Lynch were, @user is the WORST. At least THEY were loyal to the man who hired them. Sessions has witnessed FBI & DOJ attempt to take down #POTUS & does nothing.#MAGA #KAG #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Your such a bitch,you Leach off of nigga and ik u are probably not gonna read this probably because your sucking dick u whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user How's everything going with the bills to #StopImmigration?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "I need to smoke & you bitch ass plugs acting like hoes \ud83d\ude24", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "If your white, red, and blue converse are no longer white THROW THEM TF AWAY! I'm tired of seeing them dingy ass shoes. Ya ain't cute bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\ude02 you don't see me on this bitch talking bout no female ion fucking care bout you hoes \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall and call them what they are: ILLEGAL ALIENS Suspects, victim in Sanilac County homicide are undocumented immigrants", "label": 1} {"text": "@user nah bitch don't follow me we not cool hoe I'm bashing your mf face in. Shit ain't sweet.", "label": 1} {"text": "3 more @user dreamers in the news.#nosanctuarybrewster #MAGA#NoDACA#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Children or not, send the back. If an illegal is arrested, bye!!!#PutThemOnTheBoatFirst#SendThemBack#SendThemAllBack#NoDaca#BuildTheWallNow#AmericaFirst#MAGA#LiberalismIsTheDisease", "label": 1} {"text": "I learned today that whoever runs the watchmojo YouTube channel is fucking bleeding like a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Broke niggas ain't shit cept to a broke bitch, and a hoe witout no dough is a hoe you won't see me wit.", "label": 1} {"text": "Hoowww did youuu get here?! Bitch I caught the bus hoe! \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "U.S. Arrests 99 MS-13 Gangsters Who Entered as Unaccompanied Minors via @user are the dReamers the Democrats are so adamant about protecting!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #BanSanctuaryCitiesProsecute city state officials.#KeepAmericasSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Nigga really said \"I catch ya Bitch and I rape her\".", "label": 1} {"text": "#Republicans can keep there majority if they run on #Trumps agenda, #BuildThatWall, grow the economy, law and order and #MAGA . If your a RINO and run away from #TrumpSupporters you desrve to lose", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens Rack Up 28 Charges Of Child Rape/Child Sexual Assault In NC In January Alone via @user is outrageous!What is going on in NC?Why are the citizens allowing this depravity?#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll #DeathPenalty#ChildRape", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user For @user it's to easy to undo the past president's because there were no legacy to start with. Maybe lazy. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "all imma say was harry was a cunt and I wanted his bitch ass to die", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user TRUMP=HERO TRUMP=LEADER #WELYVTRUMP #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 0} {"text": "Vote on E-verify immigration control is in the works #Everify #Labor #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "Montana loves Trump. At the rally in Billings MT #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #BuildThatWall #TrumpRally #BillingsMontana #billingstrumprally", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Illegal Alien Set Free On Bond by Obama Has Murdered a Woman and Kidnapped Her Baby @user @user Why do the citizens of the U. S. have to put up with these atrocious \"\"Illegal Alien Crimes\"\" against Americans?#HonorYourOath#DeportThemAll\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user , Chuck Todd will not debate you for the same reason that Carrot Top would not fight Mike Tyson in his prime. BOTH Todd & CT w/be decimated & never the same. Which in Todd's case w/be a good thing.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #USA", "label": 1} {"text": "A nigga that beat thou women is a bitch\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user It's dispicable that he is mayor, and really goes to show what the demographics of London are. #StopImmigration", "label": 0} {"text": "Making America Safe Again!! #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "And he knew he was in a position to help Kylie - bitch where? I hate that hoe but she got more of a career than you", "label": 1} {"text": "#IllegalAliens deserve Deportation not representation. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #StopMassMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user I'd guess about 200 are citizens--the rest will be allowed to vote without being challenged--because Michigan has a fascination for Rapefugee culture--", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user 364 down only about 12,499,636 more to go!#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA", "label": 0} {"text": "Enough! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll Send the criminals BACK to their country of origin (once we have a GREAT big WALL!)", "label": 1} {"text": "My Shoes 1 Of A Kind Bitch You Can't Find These In New Orleans", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RT @user Sanctuary Cities are against the Law. Please shut them down & arrest/prosecute all criminal Governors & Mayors. #USA #Americans #America #Constitution #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Congress @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "21 savage: You put a ring on that bitch and she a freak hoe Also 21 Savage:", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch, look at her shoes... home haircut realness brought to you by @user \ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "I may be a bitch, but never call me a thief. I may be a cunt, but I will never steal.", "label": 0} {"text": "Get it right bitch . im wife hoe . and nun of you broke bitches cant replace me .", "label": 0} {"text": "and no ian gon do fw yo clique but the next hoe that you love i bet i make that hoe my bitch \u2705", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Pay to play is still in the (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t partys dna. Somebody in the senate and congress are working it. Keep your eyes peeled! Promises IF they become majority. $ just waiting to pour into the newest foundation! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "San Francisco Declared One of the 'Filthiest Slums' in the World. Data reveals the Californian city is dirtier than many third world nations including Obama's homeland Kenya. #MAGA #DeportThemAll #SCOTUS", "label": 0} {"text": "Thousands rally in Germany for migrant rescue missions.Idiots! #deportThemAll #deportAfricans #deportMuslimFreeloaders #destroyQuran #destroyDeathCult #IslamNotReligion #destroyMosques #banSharia #banHijab #banBurka", "label": 1} {"text": "Minnesota ! Meet conservative Dave Hughes running for congress in November! Please come out & vote for him & help work for true conservative change! Tax CutsStop funding for sanctuary cities! Endorsed by @user Improvement in farming #BuildThatWall #RedNovember", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch, you lying to your damn self thinking you're ugly", "label": 0} {"text": "T went from \"rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome\" to singing about gardens and love wow the character growth", "label": 1} {"text": "This is called Taqiyya in Islam. The are of telling lies & deception. Till the time Kareem Abdul-jabbar was not well settled & well connected he would sing U.S. national anthem. Now when Democrats/Librals are openly supporting Muslims, he suddenly feels powerful. #SendThemBack.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lol you dumb bitch kill your self you probably got a train ran on you by gamers ugly whore", "label": 1} {"text": "We dont want ppl from 3rd world shithole countries living here. .we have enough problems of our own #StopImmigration entirely. #deport them all.. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat #BUILDTHEWALL #GOP", "label": 1} {"text": "HOE MY GOOOODDD YESSSSS BITCH !!!! Wow you're so beautiful \ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\ude0d how can someone be so hotttt \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall If POTUS has executive power to fund and build the wall to keep illegals out, WE ALL Stand behind him to take that power and use it to his fullest potential to BUILD THE WALL already Sick of Illegals and the BS that goes with it from MSM Fake News", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch tf you tweeting and favoriting shit for ? You know ion fwy so CUT THE LAUGHS it ain't even about you hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "P21's @user says @user union \"declaring themselves a #sanctuary union really accomplishes very little because they have no power to impact public policy.\" Still, \"legislators need to hold universities accountable.\"#highered #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user why r u such a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Niggas bitch about women because they not used to getting women.", "label": 0} {"text": "Yo... Miguel Arango is actually such a hoe when you watch Rebelde again like he cheated on Mia then kept secretly liking Sabrina.. bitch bye", "label": 0} {"text": "Dems have 20 EXTRA Congressional seats based on #IllegalAlien pop RIGHT NOW#IllegalAliens also give them extra ELECTORAL VOTES.W/o them Dems wouldn't be able to block our agenda or pass their #LibNut BSWHY DO WE COUNT ILLEGALS?They have no right to influence OUR Govt!#Deport", "label": 0} {"text": "@user that bitch ain't too good to be touched, whore has never had a job in her life and thinks she's better than somebody else. #RESISTANCE", "label": 1} {"text": "Pray to God to make it so a good person is in charge from now on @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 0} {"text": "Re: Illegal Immigration and Crime The DACA age group is the most prevalent age for crime.@realDonaldTrump @user @user #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAllThe chance isn't worth the potential outcome!There have been to many lives destroyed.", "label": 1} {"text": "F**k NO! They are #IllegalAliens (#invaders/#criminals)!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch I'm sad as hell shit ruined my whole day now I gotta go sit by a lake and skip rocks and contemplate life", "label": 0} {"text": "Ugly bitches N FUCK THAT WHORE FUFU YAI", "label": 1} {"text": "A hoe ass bitch & a bitch ass nigga only gonna act towards you the way you allow them.", "label": 1} {"text": "A Bitch Don't Be Worried About You Hoes Ease Up \ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You need to use a hashtag #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user this or Boom Boom it. #Losers #idiots this is what a insane unhinged deranged Federal Judge got this officer , death!!! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #protectAmericans#Thankyou @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user as #POTUS was the biggest threat to #freedomofpress and #truth that there has ever been. #TwoFaced self absorbed #Pompous #POS. Well @user is rebuilding the \"Arc of history\". #MoveOn #MoveForward #MAGA #PURGE #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I HATE NICK BRO LIKE NO STFU BITCH ASS CUNT", "label": 0} {"text": "@user ok u fucking yellow ass bitch whore motherfucker", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal aliens should be sent home. Illegal aliens have no place in our country. #BuildThatWall NOW! Illegal aliens are illegal hence the term illegal. They are here illegally and they are aliens to our country @user and @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user #NoDaca if they cant pass a budget #ShutItDown", "label": 0} {"text": "\"They should have beaten the \"\"teen\"\" (probably a bearded rapefugee) within an inch of his life. Castrate and deport.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "ILLEGAL ALIEN is the correct term. There are no Illegal Immigrants. There are only Legal Immigrants. If you snuck into the USA then you are a CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN. @user @user @user @user @user #IllegalAliens #IllegalImmigration #Buildthewall", "label": 0} {"text": "Don't text me with drama hoe bitch you will get your feelings hurt", "label": 1} {"text": "Its crazy how quickly they got all that garbage in the stands after that rain delay #NFLKickoff #EaglesNation #BuildThatWall #SteelerNation", "label": 0} {"text": "OMM ILL BEAT A BITCH FUCK YOU PLAY ME FOR HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "I get so excited when I make a hair appt bc I know I'm about to be a WHOLE new bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc71\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc87\ud83d\ude1b\u2757\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "These animals should be removed from our country immediately! #NODACA #BUILDTHEWALL!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@USAToday Corrected Title \"\"Illegals caused their own probelms by bringing their kids to commit a crime of invading the U.S !\"\" They need to learn how to follow the law and come LEGALLY! Problem Solve #SendThemHome #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #No1MoreIllegal\"", "label": 1} {"text": "#ILLEGALimmigrants Don't be #Europe:", "label": 1} {"text": "Where are you going whore? Fucking bitch. -Random stranger I walked by today. I swear I am getting grief from everyone these days.", "label": 0} {"text": "British Museum sends ILLEGALLY OBTAINED Iraqi artifacts back to Iraq. When will they send the ILLEGALLY OBTAINED Elgin Marbles? @user @user @user #sendthemhome", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches get mad cuz they don\u2019t get posted...Bitch maybe if you wasn\u2019t a. Trifling ass, hoe ass, uncaring ass bitch, maybe he would post you\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Coulter: Liberals Never Sleep (And Neither Does Jeff Sessions) | Breitbart via @user @user is the only person in DC serious about immigration reform. #BuildTheWallNow @user @user We want our wall and #EndDaca", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user WTF do those POS have to do with an illegal that murdered a police officer? You really want to connect home grown mass murders with criminals that we were in the process of EXPORTING back where they came from, clearly we don't need anymore, we've had enough! #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "The Hillary server/unmasking of U.S. citizens/FBI-CIA-DOJ conspiracy, perjury & obstruction - A SILENT COUP - to take down a U.S. President; by far the largest & deepest scandal to ever hit U.S. government.#MAGA #KAG #Trump #POTUS #NEWS #USA #WalkAway #DrainTheSwamp #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "you a gay ass bitch who seeks attention, STOP! I knew ever since you gonna switch up on me... I guess you did FUCKING SNAKE ASS HOE!", "label": 0} {"text": "You was a hoe in high school now you a hoe in college congrats lul bitty bitch \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Why the hell didn't you tag me in this too bitch I'm a vine hoe too", "label": 0} {"text": "Left-Green party of Amsterdam Council wants to accept all fakefugee/rapefugee boats. Amsterdam is a member of the Cities without fear (seriously)The same day news of Amsterdam Dutch kids being extorted by kids from other culture @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When are we going to Get Rid Of the Invaders? The Parasites? This Scourge in our Land?What're we waiting for?!#DeportThemAll #Dobbs #FoxNews #MCGA #MAGA #AmericaFirst@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch, as if there's any greater joy in life than negativity and discourse.", "label": 0} {"text": "Never understand why you would wanna call a bitch that like me or wanted to fuck me before,your friend \ud83d\udcaf is them hoes yo friend Fr ? No\ud83d\ude45\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "A stuck up bitch, a whore and a lesbian. I swear no one has had as fucked up a love life as me. @user @user #shaymitchell", "label": 0} {"text": "#Germany : THOUSANDS #protest after #Muslim #migrants #murder German man, #Merkel condemns protests #ReligionOfPeace #BanSharia #NoOpenBorders #SendThemBack#EnoughIsEnough #StopHijrah NOW!!! #NoRapeCulture #NoZoophilesCultutre SEND THEM BACK NOW!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "So the government are going to sort out the homeless good idea #stopimmigration #ForBritain #britishhomesforbritishpeople", "label": 0} {"text": "@user happy bday chachi!!!! Keep being the bad bitch that you are, ready for party next year \ud83d\udc93\ud83d\udc93\ud83d\udc93", "label": 0} {"text": "on me ima have this bitch blasted, i had enough of this bullshit i hate crying cuz i have to hold in the urge to kill an old cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch told me I couldn't withstand the storm told that cunt I am the storm \ud83d\ude08", "label": 0} {"text": "The Sheriff needs all of the help he can get! #Trump #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "First thing they say is that you a hoe . Bitch where...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #illegalAliens That's what they are. Twitter is fasicst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I swear my own sister even called and said bitch you pregnant now hoe know I can't have another one", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch have you read The Order of The Phoenix?!", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I went from survey specialist to Therapeutic Preschool Specialist aye", "label": 0} {"text": "lmao bitch tf you saying you a hoe now that you got a mans you think you a saint??", "label": 1} {"text": "Whoever said that a dog is a man\u2019s best friend obviously never met you. Happy birthday, bitch @user ! \ud83d\ude19\u2764\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf82\ud83c\udf7b", "label": 0} {"text": "#WhenIWentToTheMallI called @user to report every #IllegalAlien I saw and forwarded their photos and vehicle license plate information for arrest and deportation!#MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA #WalkAway #WompWomp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DefundSanctuaryCities #EndDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "That fucking cunt is so irritating , what a bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien CrimeAn overwhelming majority of the Illegal Alien crimes I post every single day, EVERY SINGLE DAY, are committed by dREAMER age criminals!These heinous monsters are who the Left describes as magnificent patriots.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I have an idea. #BuildThatWall Detention centers would be reduced dramatically if not eliminated. Problem solved.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you were supposed to be home 30mins ago you fat hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "I #stress How long before there becomes here? With no assimilating, open borders and the diluting of American #values and #culture. America is becoming there! @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA @user #BuildTheWall #Purge", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Say NO to ELLISON #Minnesota!!#VoteHimOut!#VoteRed#VoteRed2018#NotHereNotEver#StopTheInvasion!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch you got plans! With me hoe!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you can't expose me on my birthday hoe bitch\ud83d\ude44", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Told you then f_cking liberals are crazy and dangerous! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #walkaway @user #Trump2020 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #RedRage #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #BoycottHollywood #BoycottTheNFL #FakeNews #F_CKCHINA #F_ckRussia #F_ckIran #F_ckDNC @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ian Connor raped that bitch too, stay woke", "label": 0} {"text": "like you dudes be so worried about ya bitch being hoes but y'all deadass be the maaainnn problemmm. look in the mirror and you'll see a hoe.", "label": 0} {"text": "my whole life i thought a bitch = female dog is a 'puta' in spanish but its an actual insult", "label": 0} {"text": "Every bitch got a rainbow in her bio or by her name so all you hoes gay now or is it a wave y'all on", "label": 0} {"text": "Your boats shall drown in the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of you, which had not assimilated into our society will leave immediately. #RefugeesNotWelcome #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": ".Considering THIS , the filth on the streets of San Francisco, and an unsecured border, we're asking for a pandemic. This has to stop.We're a sovereign, Christian nation.No apologies. #Sovereignty #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "this bitch mya a whole fan \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH HOLD UP try putting yourself in her shoes you wouldnt even know what to do and how to react", "label": 0} {"text": "@user On the way home from stealing at walmart they wreck the car they are driving with stolen plates, no insurance and no drivers licence. To cover the expense, MY car insurance goes up $50 every 6 months. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Fuck a bitch these hoes Trife I anit looking fa no wife if a nigga fall off you think that hoe gone getchu right", "label": 1} {"text": "Per country cap? How about ZERO as a cap? American workers are struggling against over 11 million #illegals millions of #H1B shoved aside in the #job market by foreign #greencard #invaders #MAGA SAY NO TO #HR392..stop foreign worker invasion completely #BuildTheWall #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user where Goku is scared...Vegeta accepts the challenge bitch nigga", "label": 0} {"text": "Sickening! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Debunking the myth of economic prosperity through #MassImmigration and #IllegalImmigration of non-Whites into White, Western nations: #money #jobs #U6 #ReplacementMigration #WhiteGenocide", "label": 1} {"text": "@user MAGA. Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer. Then, the fifth time, Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message, and in his hand was an unsealed letter-Nehemiah 6:4-5 #buildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "i'm so salty i tried to go in a store with no shoes on and the ladies like \"you have to have shoes\" BITCH IM NOT VCARRYING A DISEASE", "label": 1} {"text": "I've never watched a single episode of Game of thrones Good for you bitch you must be a broke hoe can't afford hbo", "label": 1} {"text": "@user There goes the neighborhood! #SENDTHEMBACK", "label": 1} {"text": "I was singing in front of my whole family and I accidentally said bitch I feel so exposed", "label": 0} {"text": "No never, they are some sick sick people, attacking children as they do @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 0} {"text": "I am a whole other bitch when I'm speaking Spanish", "label": 0} {"text": "Another reason to #BuildTheWall and #DeportThemAll.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Illegal invaders that deserve to be deported, as usual. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG #SupportICE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user sorry the only hoe here is you i been called your hands you scary ass bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "\"@DRUDGE_REPORT .The enemy is attacking at our Southern border using a \"\"Death by a thousand cuts\"\" invasion maneuver.#BuildThatWall #MAGA\"", "label": 1} {"text": "i would jus like to say happy birthday to the baddest bitch out there. love u hoe!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I hate this country and its rules for one and no rules for another when are we going to man up and stand up to these filthy ppl coming into are country and riding the arse off us? #sendthemhome", "label": 1} {"text": "Yall gone stop gasing these hoes up .idgaf if yo ass fat . Bitch you black Asf and disgusting.", "label": 1} {"text": "\"If a chick isn't a virgin before marriage, kill her.\"\"If a chick disobeys her father or husband, beat her\".\"Only whores don't wear veils\"- Religion of Lurv.Modern Firang Krischans are cucked LARPers and that's why their wahmyn are preferring to go to rapefugee camps.", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Jessica Vaughan, the Center's Director of Policy Studies, discusses a push by some politicians to decriminalize the entry of illegal aliens along the southwest border.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A lovely African Rapefugee strikes again.", "label": 1} {"text": "Lil' bitch! You can't fuck with me if you wanted to! These is cheap, these is Walmart shoes! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch shut your bubble gum ass the fuck up kick rocks hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch don't think at all that you was different hoe you basic\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc4d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Rape a pregnant bitch n tell my friends I had a 3sum", "label": 1} {"text": "DROP THAT UGLY SOUNDCLOUD BUM ASS NIGGA ALREADY LET HIS HOES LURK BITCH THEY AINT GOT SHIT ON YOU", "label": 0} {"text": "#SocialismKills stop promoting. Socialism to a bunch of young people that don't understand what it means. #WalkAway MOVEMENT. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BuildThatWall. #Meritbased", "label": 0} {"text": "I THINK ILL HAVE A RAP BITCH FOR MY ENTREE CAUSE THEY BE THINKING NIGGAS SPIT SPIT SHINE MY SHOES YOU KNOW I KEEPS\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "My whole life I've heard, \"You're only 5'2'? I thought you were my height.\" Lesson learned: Bitch-ass fools people.\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I almost dove to Hollywood tonight and slashed your muthafuxking tires ! We besties for life HOE", "label": 0} {"text": "love a romantic date in mallorca , reminds me of Lauren's date she had in Palma city silly bitch I'm still jealous . Even if he was a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "Spoken like a true globalist. A borderless, one world government has always been their goal. No borders means social mayhem. The more chaos they foment, the more the public will demand an all powerful superstate. Ordo ab chao (out of chaos, order) is their motto. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user That was not bought in store! Black market merchandise. Yet Libs want to crack down on legal owners? Typical delusion. #Rifle #NRA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch ass Ronnie nigga suck my dick bitch give me my vc hoe ass bitch don't play with me like this nigga I'll kill you bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#StopTheInvasion democrat citizens should rise up and say no more republicans cant win alone.", "label": 0} {"text": "\"\"\"Dreamers\"\" are not Americans, they are illegals.#DeportThemAllSouthern California HS football game sparks race debate, fans asked to stop chanting 'USA! USA!'\"", "label": 1} {"text": "I feel like a whole new bitch with bangs", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You're a funny bitch and I love you cunt :) \u2661\u2661", "label": 0} {"text": "THE OTHER INVASION: According to Homeland Security Stats More than 600K Aliens overstayed U.S. Visas in 2017!! #Deport #ICE #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "If he can comfortably call u or any other girl a bitch or a hoe bc u or they dont meet his expectations of how a girl should be HE IS SEXIST", "label": 0} {"text": "Sure, #AbolishICE and grant amnesty to all of these mestizo invaders, and watch them breed like rats, turning America into a third world country. There is a big crystal ball for America, and it's called Argentina. #SupportICE #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Karmas a bitch jill stein. Your being investigated by the FBI for russian ties.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal invaders going back! Wonder how many will be back next week? #BuildthatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "We need a Deterring Border!!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #FoxNews #MAGA #AmericaFirst@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user No we wouldn't! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #walkaway @user #Trump2020 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #RedRage #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #BoycottHollywood #BoycottTheNFL #FakeNews", "label": 0} {"text": "Frustration With Do Nothing Sessions Reaches Critical Mass Meadows Brings Down The Roof With IRREFUSABLE DEMANDWhere's the popcorn?@realDonaldTrump #MAGA@USAGSessions #WWG1WGA @user #AmericaFirst#BuildThatWall via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "These bitches want you to bring something to the table... that other hoes are sittin at Bitch.. i dnt do team meetings", "label": 1} {"text": "Just as scuzball Democrats want, need. #BuildTheWall #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": ">Harasses women and calls them bitch and crabby >They block him >Plays the victim", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The Democrats don't want to fix immigration because they look at immigrants as Democratic votes. The Republicans don't want to fix immigration because #1 They are spineless #2 They are afraid that the communist #DNC will accuse them of being heartless. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "America, weve been INVADED! This is not immigration, it is an invasion-thousands now entrenched & prepared to cause mayhem, street battles far worse than gang warfare. DEMS have been highjacked by communists/socialists/subversives! #MAGA #IllegalAliens @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user WELUVTRUMP TRUMP2020 MAGA KAG BUILDTHATWALL WELUVTRUMP WEGOALL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch ass hoe answer my question haha you going?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Little known fact: former USSR part of Germany does not enjoy high wages, wealth building as West Germany does. The people are FED UP & this immigrant Rapefugee INVASION is pushing their wages down rather than UP. Germans in general=FED UP w/ Berlin & EU", "label": 1} {"text": "GUNSDems fall into 3 categories1 don't have guns but have bodyguards with guns2 don't have guns but depend on law enforcement to protect them3 gangbangers & bad guys w/guns who pray those who don't#NRA #KAG #MAGA #Trump #POTUS #2A #2Amendment #NEWS #USA #NoDACA #guns", "label": 0} {"text": "Sacrificing what exactly? A career? Kyle asks in her viral post, At best, that is all Colin sacrificed some money, and its debatable if he really lost his career over it. @user @user #BoycottNIKE #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #BoycottLeviStrauss", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Utch cunt in ass lovllll twt owned u bitch cunt fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Stop Wasting Taxpayers Money On Illegal Alien #Immigraiton Programs that Cost $40 Million More! Kill the program and #SendThemBack faster #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP", "label": 1} {"text": "Trump is a wicked son of a bitch. Can't get his way, so why not hurt everyone. Whoever said he was the best 4\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8was\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "How building a wall REALLY changes our border.#Immigration#Immigrants #border #cage#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall#kidsInCages", "label": 0} {"text": "Of course life is a bitch. If it was a slut it would be easy", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm sure glad I didn't just call fence jumpers #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Don't be such a shill. #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #DemocratsHateAmerica #GodBlessPOTUSTrump #GodBlessFLOTUSMelania #GodBlessAmerica #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #Winning #BuildThatWall #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens just curious to see what this is all about. #IllegalAliens. Twitter is bizarre.", "label": 0} {"text": "How did people respond to @user tweets today?Tuesday 11 Sep 2018 16:00:32 UTCTop hashtags:#neverforget#september11th#911memorial#buildthatwall#retweet#trumpMost influential accounts:@WeSupport45@JeffreyGuterman@Brimshack@wdunlap@WashingtonDCTea", "label": 0} {"text": "This dude over here harassing my life again- as if he's apart of it. Shut the hell up little Bitch. Re open my twitter whore page you made", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Since it's Hispanic night at the ballpark. Did they just open up the gates and let anybody and everybody in or did they have to have a ticket? #BuildThatWall #Trump2020 @user #ChopOn @user", "label": 1} {"text": "SF Transit Center park open barely a month and path already falling apartWhen you hire #IllegalAliens to work for you, what do you expect?Cheap wages, cheap labor.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please insist on wall funding now! Please do not let the speaker of the house and senate leader talk you into waiting to after the election for the funding. after the election you will be dealing with a lame duck congress.#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user His whole argument is that it wasn't that bad because mostly gay people died from it. He's a cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm looking for the bus to #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have TWO options. We have #Military, we have #HomelandSecurity.#BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm actually in the same position but this bitch wanna act like a cunt towards me so guess what u ain't knowing shit", "label": 1} {"text": "Don't say no slick shit then swear you ain't mean it like that cause bitch na I'm finna hoe you \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I don't disagree. The SCANDAL is that we have a CORRUPT Justice Department that is looking under rocks for wrongdoing by ONE party; while ignoring blatant lawbreaking by Hillary & many other Dems.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "im gonna be that bitch colorful does NOT equal galaxy CHECK YOUR SELVES", "label": 0} {"text": "happy birthday to the stupidest hoe i know. the retarded cunt inspire me in more way than she know. i love this dumb bitch @user \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #BuildThatWall already", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user We must stop importing refugee terrorists, we should never play Russian roulette with lives of British citizens. #westminster #parsonsgreen #carolinelucas #refugeesnotwelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "You my bff bitch even doe you always trynna curve me but Ik it's love I ain't leaving hoe \u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Why have you forsaken us for @user and @user Keep your word for a change #BTW #DeportThemAll #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #EnemyCombatants should be used by @user to stop them from aiding and abetting Terrorist-but DOJ spends 24/7 spying instead in innocent Trump & WTP for winning!! ##IllegalAliens endanger our children & schools.", "label": 1} {"text": "Im literally counting down the days until the kids go back to school. #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user TAR & FEATHER THE NO GOOD SON OF A BITCH, GRANDSON OF A WHOREHOUSE PIMP & SON OF A KKK NUT! MAKE S\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You can always tell a wack bitch by her shoes \ud83d\ude02dead ass", "label": 1} {"text": "Well stated! #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user This is a pretty sight #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes! ThankQ! .@POTUS Violent criminals out! You do not have the right to be in the US! You should earn it! #deportillegalimmigrants #MeritBasedImmigration #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #TheRainMakers #TrumpWorld", "label": 1} {"text": "Because #IllegalAliens are far more dangerous to Americans than hurricanes?", "label": 0} {"text": "Unbelievable.Why are #Americans going through this when I know #Illegal are getting everything for free. I even know elderly #IllegalAliens receiving #SocialSecurity when never worked a day in #America WHY? #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #Veterans #NeverForget #AmericansOverIllegals", "label": 1} {"text": "@user look at you.. all of a sudden.... bitch I'm about to burn your fucking jersey hoe. \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user And it's because he's my sugar daddy bitch I can get one of those because I'm what? SICK\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Dr. Vliet on #FOXNews 7/12/2014 @user Nothing has changed! #Illegals bring #USA diseases!#BuildThatWall ASAP.@DrLee4America", "label": 1} {"text": "#Marxism is vile. #Socialism #WalkAwayfromDemocrats2018 #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWall #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWallNow", "label": 0} {"text": "Cause that's my mans bitch! Stop dicksucking hoes who hoe you lame", "label": 1} {"text": "warning to all you dumb bitches: i don't do no dumb bitch/hoe shit. \ud83d\udc4b", "label": 1} {"text": "HEEEEE'S BAAAAAACCK! bama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech!Reminding us ALL how to VOTE:#Trumplandslide2020 AND#PENCE2024 AND WE WANT TO #BUILDTHATWALL!! via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Mega-Rich #Family behind #Opioid #Crisis has second, secret opioid company ::: (We are #destroying ourselves from within) #Drugs@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "What is the thinking behind #VeteransAgainstTrump ?#POTUS has reformed & improved the VA, while hundreds died during Obama reign waiting for treatment.They can think what they want, but let's be rational.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #RedWave", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Manhunt for Illegal Alien who Almost Killed African American Teacher That an \"\"Open Borders\"\" Judge Released@realDonaldTrump is right about Liberal Judges-#WWG1WGA#GreatAwakening #MAGA#walkaway-because -@TheDemocrats put #IllegalAliens before Americans.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "the way society tells girls if they show off their body that they're a \"slut, whore, hoe, etc.\" makes me SO MAD!! LET PEOPLE BE HAPPY!!", "label": 0} {"text": "i don't even know that rapist pedophile dyke tranny bitch whore. tell her to go suck her own dick! AND YOU DIDN'T K\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "These incidents are the indicators, its high time that Europe need to wake up!#StopImmigration #Westminster", "label": 0} {"text": "You bought that bitch a pair shoes I bought a pipe lil nigga aint neva use one squeeze dat bitch with all my might lil nigga", "label": 1} {"text": "Yeah you is not a bad bitch, looking at you hoe, you is kind of average", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch i really want to buy those puma x bts shoes.. its so cute", "label": 0} {"text": "Seeing the photos all over social media today of the twin towers burning down on September 11, 2001 makes me sick all over again. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2020", "label": 0} {"text": "When you fighting a weak ass bitch and she gotta pepper spray you! #hoesitdown", "label": 1} {"text": "If it's called face time bitch I wanna see yo face the whole damn time \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever called me unknown and said the shit they said...you're a pussy ass bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate stupid ass questions Like. \"My head hurt\" \"Why\" Bitch cause my head hurt hoe I have a headache", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Stronger than 2016!!! Many that were unsure of Trump but NO HRC are now AMERICA FIRST TRUMP Voters . My entire extended independent voter family 100% looking to volunteer for Trump #MAGA #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty", "label": 0} {"text": "I feel like the world mine on some scarface shit, if that your hoe on Instagram then don't tag that bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Y'all: \"you a hoe\" Hoe me: \"that's hoe CULTURE to you bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You saw what they did in their own country, #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #1 illegal aliens, millions of EWI people robbing, maiming, killing our citizens, taking our jobs, fleecing our taxpayers.#votered@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user #AmericaisforAmericans#legalvettedimmigrationonly#boycottviceland#MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That's AWESOME! it's time to #abortobamacare #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @user is doing EXACTLY what we hired him to do! Thanks @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user see you again and foreword are easily the best on that bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "The \"hate\" is using the phrase \"illegal alien\" or \"criminal alien.\" For this, Twitter refused to allow the organization to promote its tweets. @user #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user smh ill look for that hot bitch, i bet shes a fuckin cunt imma beat her ass when i find out who she is", "label": 1} {"text": "The list of things I wish @user had done at the beginning of his term is long: #TravelBan #EndDACA #EndTPS, #InteriorEnforcement, #EndH4EAD, H-1B reform, termination of the interim Waiver of Admissability, etc.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yeah, bitch. Because you decided to be a filthy incestuous whore midway through it.", "label": 1} {"text": "#sendthemback take care of your #people @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Me: these shoes look scary Me to me: you're a prison psychologist, suck it up, bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I'm gunna play the shit out of it then bitch slap the both of you for talking smack \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "When guys see a dude with Wine GOOD FOR YOU BRO! when women see a dude with Wine AWWWWW Lucky Bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "lil hunky bitch you lil whore", "label": 0} {"text": "Germany: Refugee sentenced to 8 years and 6 months for teen murder.#deportThemAll #deportMuslimFreeloaders #DeportAfricanFreeloaders #deportMuslimMigrants #deportAfricanMigrants #deportAfricanRefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I could not be happier with President Trump. Oh wait , yes I could. #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#Illegalaliens cited in theft of 39 MILLION #SocialSecurity Numbers-This investigation shines a light on the depth of Americas problems as a result of allowing illegal aliens into the country,-", "label": 1} {"text": "Another DREAMER living the DREAM.Gunman in Cincinnati bank shooting that killed 3 identified as 29-year-old Ohio resident - ABC News - via @user #NoAmnesty #MAGA #TheWall #EndDACA #Kavanaugh #MorningJoe", "label": 1} {"text": "#OnMyBlock we Kneel 4 the, we want 2 #EndChainMigration ,we say Merry Christmas,we dont believe in #ClimateChange,we cherish the #1stAmendment ,we support , we speak English, we love #Capitalism ,we believe marriage is between man & woman & we know there R but 2 Genders!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user (.) @user Liberal Logic It was good when Clinton wanted a wall-#WakeUpSnowFlakes #BuildThatWall #MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Yes #BuildThatWall. Build That Wall NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Dude your not showing your face so why should I bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just throw them back into Mexico.No more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals and their children.#NoAmnesty#NoDACADeport ALL illegals.Arrest ALL sanctuary officials.Fire ALL pro-amnesty politicians.#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user RT @user Any elected official or member of #Congress who violates their Oath or The U.S. #Constitution is no longer acting as Govt., but as a criminal/traitor. #USA #Americans #America #PJNET #NoDebt #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoGunControl @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Please donate to stop the Illegal Invaders and help #BuildThatWall@realDonaldTrump #MAGA#WWG1WGA", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm ready to beat a bitch with another bitch. But you hoes not worth my time or attention. #YeahDatWay\ud83d\udc49", "label": 1} {"text": "Awesome idea #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user #idiot do you want to open your home to a murderer? #MAGA #noasylum #buildthewall #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "You hoes stay on that NUT shit stop giving the next bitch problems because THE NIGGA CHOSE not to fwy \u2757\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "\u2728\ud83c\udf08: wasupppp dyke\ud83d\ude02 I love you daddy lmaooo you my bitch and you cute and gay asffff smoke one before school hoe !", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user naw she's now a fat untalented bitch just like whoever responds to your tweet. This isn't 1996 when she was hot", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "I be lowkey puzzled when random hoes block me...like bitch ion even know you, fuck you mad at me for?", "label": 1} {"text": "Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as rapefugee crisis inflames local politics in Dhimmi Toronto area", "label": 0} {"text": "ok I hate to be like that bitch but if your in the us how do you buy the shoes?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user THIS IS FABULOUS! I HOPE THE ACLU IS HOIST BY IT'S OWN PETARD!IT'S IDIOTIC, STUPID, SELF DEFEATING TO SIMPLY STOP APPLYING THE LAW BECAUSE THERE IS A CHILD INVOLVED!NO OTHER US LAW WOULD DO THIS! INSANITY! #NOAMNESTY @user @user #NOASYLUM #nohr392 #deportdaca #nodaca", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "Hoes be so pressed like bitch I'm younger than you and shitting on you!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Mayor Blames Little Girls For #refugee Rapes, Grandpa Makes Him Regret It - #refugees #RefugeesWelcome #IllegalAlien #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WHAT'S DOES A HOGG AND A HOG HAVE IN COMMON?@MMFlint!OUTLAW #islam & #sharia STARTING IN THE USA ASAP, THEN THE WORLD!END ALL #immigration & #refugees PROGRAMS,#EndDACA#EndAnchorBabies2#EndHomelessness#AmericaFirst#DrainTheSwamp#BuildTheWall#MAGA@realDonaldTrump", "label": 1} {"text": "Utilizing the facial comparison technology, a CBP officer determined that the traveler was not a match to the passport and referred her for further examination which confirmed that she was a Ghanaian citizen and an impostor.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "@user okay bitch tf . butttttt im going outta town in a few days whore \ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude1c", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Gang Member Wanted For Sex-Trafficking Of Children @user This is not an isolated incident, this happens far to frequently!When will you#KeepAmericaSafe#BuildTheWall#MaximumSentencing#DeathPenalty#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What a hateful, spiteful, self-righteous, self-absorbed filthy cunt of a man! Karma's a real bitch,\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Who isn't troubled ? Bitch he had 6 kids. He's a selfish cunt.", "label": 0} {"text": "When u give a hoe a compliment and the bitch don't say thank you \ud83d\ude44 I HATE THAT SHIT like who raised u?", "label": 1} {"text": "sarah the triceratops is such a bitchy lil cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Mr. President @user @user @user @user @user @user Why don't you all consider @user ideas? What have you got to lose? See what you can do, #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "If you dont support Trump, than you can just go back to Mexico. And if your not from Mexico, you should just go there anyway!#MAGA#BuildThatWall#Arbys#Trump", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user #MondayMorning #MorningJoe #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #MAGA this is infiltration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You came in my mentions first but okay hoe goodnight ily bitch and I know this picture of this dog just m\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Be that bitch that says you don't want those hoes in your home. Why do you even have to be friends with his friwnds? #friendzone", "label": 1} {"text": "#SaturdayMorning people think #IllegalImmigration is just about #BuildThatWall and #Jobs . . . no one talks about the fraud committed or money sucked out by #IllegalAliens from social services . . .#MAGA #KAG #trump #AmericaFirst #foxandfriends", "label": 1} {"text": "For everyone who calls me a bitch, hoe, annoying, ugly, emo, etc. you're probably right congrats here's your medal good job \ud83d\udc4f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And this is what we have to look forward to. We made the Arab world RICH while a few here got paid! Now we have this! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The more they lie, the more it plays into our hands because less and less people are listening to MSM and finding out the truth elsewhere. #StopTheInvasion #FightBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Even without voting, THIS IS HOW 15 million #IllegalAliens give @user an edge in Congress. Dont count them, DEPORT THEM", "label": 1} {"text": "And I urge Mattis to reject the Dems demand.#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user tell josh he's gonna get a bitch slap \ud83d\udc4b", "label": 0} {"text": "Border patrol is checking for IDs #BuildThatWall #RealNews - YouTube", "label": 0} {"text": "Another brutal murder occurs at the hands of Illegal Aliens in US. #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafeIllegal Aliens involved inMurder, Rape, Child Molestation, Drunk Driving homicides, massive ID thefts, are all too frequent today !", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 life's a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Sounds like an excellent idea. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "happy birthday bitch, hope you have a great one hoe! \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\udc9e @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck @user yous a bitch, legalize weed hoe as nigga.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Goes further back than McCain. #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "Why don't you sound Mexican? Because I learned English from the street bitch, straight out of Hope Arkansas hoe! .. anymore questions \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Lesson in Libtardology: bring ILLEGALS w/u to vote@realDonaldTrump@tedcruzWhere are we at regarding @user ALL Polling stations?!#KAG#NoDACA#NOAmnesty #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "the \"hoe don't do it/oh my god\" and \"bitch you guessed it/you was right\" vines occupy the same spiritual plane", "label": 0} {"text": "RETWEET We ALL know what this MOSLEM was up to. The PROOF is everywhere! @user #MAGA @user #KAG @user #DumpTheDems @user #Trump2020 @user #RedTsunami @user #DeportThemAll @user #Winning @user #NeverForget", "label": 1} {"text": "9 what a stupid fucking thing for you to do last night! #Hypocrites #assholes yes #travelban #nodaca absolutely worst community there is just haters & scoffers! #Bayarea #tech hypocrites what you did was also discrimination!", "label": 0} {"text": ".@NancyPelosi and @user precious illegal aliens! #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll never forget when a group of men called me a bitch/whore for not replying to them and said, \"let's get her in\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Before I ever let a bitch make me mad I'll laugh at that bitch right in ha face \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ion take you hoes serious", "label": 0} {"text": "Denial: #UN High Commissioner Says No Real Migrant Crisis in #Europe via @user #MigrantCrisis #Rapefugees #EU", "label": 0} {"text": "@user happy birthday u bad bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u lots\ud83c\udf3b", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODACA #MAGA #Gohomewhereyoubelong", "label": 1} {"text": "Keep the toxic people out of your life because they ain't nothing but bitch ass hoes", "label": 0} {"text": "whoever's going down to smoke secretly can you please lock the front door i keep getting blamed for keeping it unlocked bitch wtf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user taehyung prolly out there like wow did this bitch really just call my beautiful silky $3000 striped navy b\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Awesome Crowdfire feature: #KeywordFollow! I just Followed 161 new conservatives using the #BuildThatWall hashtag. Want more followers?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user CAN'T HAPPEN FAST ENOUGH!@USAGSessions STRIKES AGAIN!THE RIGHT PEOPLE CAN MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE!BEST THING TRUMP HAS DONE!#NoAmnesty #noHR392 #noh4ead #hireamerican#NoDACA #STOPOPT#NOTNVISA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch you switched up on me fake ass hoe .", "label": 1} {"text": "hannah hoy from hubbard a xanny fiend poppin bitch talkin to her ex and mine little crack whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 wassup w it hannah", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Like um bitch I'm mentally ill u cunts??????", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Unfortunately you're in a sticky size. :( My only problem is replacing my shoes has been a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Legal Immigrant Running for House Crushes Every Single Objection to Trump’s Wall ? #SendThemBack #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndTheVisaLottery #EndAnchorBabies #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The Disgrace is the Illegal Parent who brought their kids on their cirme spree to illegally invade the U.S so Taxpayers pay for their kids education WIC, and Medicaid! We Dont owe Illegals our tax dollars #SendThemBack #WalkAway #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} {"text": "Money isn't everything , But everything needs Money... Sike money everywhere bitch fuck all you haters, hoes and fake ass \"friends\".", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalImmigrants have NO RESPECT for the country they are in; we need to protect our borders #MAGA #winning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #ProudAmerican #WalkAway @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "If I trick a bitch and let her think I'm Obamaa to fuck, is that rape?", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Youve got this. Thank you for your service and commitment to keeping America safe and prosperous. #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\"@Maddi89518115 @user Still can't be. Even the neonazis behind the \"\"rapefugee\"\" website only claim around 450 rapes by immigrants for all of 2016 (800% more than suspected (!) rapes officially recorded). So if we pretend for a moment those numbers are the real ones it's still less than 40/month.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user yOU BITCH PANSEXUALITY IS REAL CHOEK", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Morally compromising oneself can bring great wealth. Unfortunately it also destroys the soul.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian", "label": 0} {"text": "YASS Queen, keep blessing us! Shoe game on psychotic bitch @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Terribly disturbing. This is just 25 minutes in just one location where there's a continuous stream of illegals entering our country. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I think it's cute that the only thing a boy knows what to call a women when he's offended is a slut or a whore #youreshot", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell that hoe I dont want you bitch I'm done", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They belong together and free to go home where they came from. #SENDTHEMBACK #DEPORTALLOFTHEM", "label": 1} {"text": "y'all ... I came to the gym all excited to see my trainer and he says why are you wearing chanclas? A bitch forgot to switch shoes. \ud83d\ude12\u2639\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Spanish town's mayor pleads for help after surge in migration #SWRM #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user *syrian rapefugee", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch shut the fuck up ... ur fuckin nawaz whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Dear, Hating Hoes If you are a \"Ew.. put your shirt on\" type bitch. I hate you. Sincerely @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user What about Mollie Tibbetts. She's permanently separated from her family.Don't hear any concern about her, after being MURDERED by an ILLEGAL ALIEN!#DeportThemAll #DeportTheWholeFamily", "label": 1} {"text": "uGh n e ways my irl always pushing me to buy svt hi touch ticket and the puma shoes uH BITCH i would've bought them if i have money annoYing", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Amusing as hell how France and Germany insist how wonderful these \"\"refugees\"\" are, but demand that Hungary and Poland take them by the tens of thousands. If they were such a boon for Europe why would they ever want to give them away? #Hypocrisy #RefugeesNotWelcome #YouHaveToGoBack\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user How trump 'moves in like a bitch' with women", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Their warm days are already gone and voters know the RAPEfugee crisis is there to stay. Theyve got far bigger problems than weather. Deteriorating social welfare system and sky high crime rate. #Sweden", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Friday ? Bitch that's a whole damn week", "label": 0} {"text": "If you call a bitch a hoe based off her sexual activity then body counts matter to you . I rest my case", "label": 0} {"text": "DACA lowers wages and hurts our workers. Need E-Verify. No DACA! #StopDACA @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Yooo y'all remember when Tyler said \"rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a 3sum\" now he's singing about calling him lol growth", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user The USA cant take in all of the worlds refugees. #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WATER. #ARABIANSEA Stupid cunts. #nuclearban #solarban #PSE #MondayMotivation #plasticfree #horses #UN #China #India #Iran #WaterBan #NO #NoDeal #NoDACA #immigrationfraud #Mexico", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Republican voters will not forgive you for not building the wall. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2020", "label": 0} {"text": "Love that u used WOMEN instead of bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "WinTHELL?! Can't be real!? #DeportThemAll #EuropeWeeps #NeverSharia #WakeUpAmerica", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user On NYC radio it was bluntly stated that. IT IS MS13 And the victims were from a rival gang. IT IS MS13. WE NEED ICE; WE NEED POLICE; We need the WALL #BuildThatWall #POTUS is doing the right thing, protecting AMERICANS. VOTERED #RED_TSUNAMI2018", "label": 1} {"text": "#Immigrants Should Not Be Public Charges Burdening U.S Taxpayers if they need welfare-#SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #KAG & Safe!", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm not out here entertaining dudes bout shit. 1. I'm pregnant with a whole ass baby. 2. What kinda dirty trick ass bitch u take me for?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user There are NO INNOCENT people in detention centres #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "happy bday to my big boobie bitch\ud83c\udf89\u2764\ufe0fily and im so sad i cant be there with u to celebrate but dw u hoe we'll party\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Just got on twitter because of this farce today. Imagine this, I make a report on You. Calling you names and telling people how big liar and asshole you are without reason. Would you be angry? Of course You would be. Its a same with me. You can fuck off to help some rapefugee", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user WHY is @user still there?Did we or did we NOT ask him to #StepDownPaulRyan!You SNAKE!#NOVISAS#NODACA#NOAmnesty#BuildThatDamnWall!", "label": 0} {"text": "Were helping you build that wallWere helpful like that#lockhimup#buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens just checking to see.", "label": 0} {"text": "im that bitch that will fuck your homies when I find out u aint shit .. like damn I knew I should've hit him instead .. thats not hoe shit", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop Looking at us asshole. You don't know me anymore. I know you 're a bitch since jhs. Sorry not sorry, but i'm a mother fucking bitch.\ud83d\udd25", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user GOOD 'IDEA' TBH #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #BoundaryCommission #BoundaryReview", "label": 1} {"text": "rah don't turn up at my door acting like a cunt\ud83d\ude02 u drove to me bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "You seem like a hoe Ok bitch? Did I ever deny that? Nope, Next.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch u know. You a good bitch. You mah main hoe. Loveyou\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95", "label": 0} {"text": "We are living in dangerous times. Losing our identity while the #IllegalAliens steal them. They steal our jobs. #BuildThatWall #stopillegals #saveourjobs #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState #AmericaFirst #AmericansFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatDamnWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall4MollieTibbetts #BuildTheWallNow Need I say more? Solves ALL the problems!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user nah I'm not gonna call you that that's for whores you just my bitch ;)", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Every time I try to be in my feels you always gotta ruin it like shiii let me be a depressed bitch \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "S.O.S. ~+++~ Help Europe Now !!!#Rapefugee #OpenBorders #MuslimMigrations #QAnonGermans protest Merkel while Migrant attack in progress via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BUILDTHATWALL Fund #TheWall NOW! The people voted for the wall! Fulfill your promise to voters & #BuildTheDamnWall #MAGA @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#AbolishICE. Grant amnesty to all of these illegal mestizo invaders, and watch them breed like rats and overwhelm existing structures, turning America into a third world country. Just the unlucky Argentines. #KAG #SupportICE #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user congrats on becoming the breakfast bitch, if you were watching the comments I was the one with the lobster shoe profile pic\u2665\ufe0f\u2665\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Do these look like Women & Children? Where are they going? Do you want to meet them? Retweet if you are NOT alright with this!#obamaspeaks #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} {"text": "Oregon fast food restaurant revises button policy after employees wear 'Abolish ICE' and 'No one is illegal' pins at work R PROBABLY ILLEGAL ALIENS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayCampaign #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user They're like omg how do you not remember her shoes. Like bitch NO YOU THE WEIRD ONE I'm looking at be\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "she's a hoe, she's a bitch, she's ugly. but you dated her??????? please take a seat", "label": 1} {"text": "Support Other Patriots => Follow All => Retweet=> Follow Back Who Follow You#KAG #KAG2020 #MAGA #MAGA2KAG #Cconservative #Libertarian #NRA #2A #CCOT #DrainTheSwamp #DeportThemALL #LocKThemALLup #BuildTheWall #ProLIFE #VoterID #TermLimits #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #Trump", "label": 0} {"text": "It's still Fuck OJ. Bitch ass nigga. But good for you. Lil hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Very sad. They should never have to sleep on American soil ever again. #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "**Illegal Criminal Alien Raped Young Girl In Alabama.**Elias Pablo, who is a resident of Guatemala and an illegal alien to the United States, has been charged with having sex with a child under the age of 12.#DeportThemAll#BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch I never cuffed yo rat ass you was just one of my freak hoes.", "label": 1} {"text": "I love it when you said, \"the bitch is back.\" \ud83d\ude0a I missed you assholes! \ud83d\ude19\ud83c\udf35", "label": 0} {"text": "@user You left out the 35million illegals that want to be American otherwise y would they invade our country#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "My nail girl was hyping me up the whole time \"I love your hair\" \"I love your eyelashes\" \"I love your outfit\" Like yass bitch, here's ya tip", "label": 0} {"text": "People Are Waking Up Politicans are Protecting Illegal Immigrants Not their Citizens for Some Globalist Cheap Labor Scheme @user Had the Guts to Tell the Truth #MAGA #SendThemBack #Sweden via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't care who has something negative to say about me; whoever is invalid as fuck. I am a bomb ass bitch, and no\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "You a bitch You a hoe That's just my philosophy", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You and your followers had your shot to appoint #SCOTUS and lost. #Deplorables have spoken with their vote. #BuildThatWall shut down #PlannedParenthood, end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery #UnredactedFISAdocuments investigate #UraniumOne", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user all The DOCUMENTS, or going to cave to your @user goons?Already caved #BUILDTHATWALL.SILENCE on America's visa program becoming 100% #INDIA VISA PROGRAM.#INDIA taking best paying U.S. JOBS for 20 yrs.@HouseGOP continues the sham w #HR392.", "label": 0} {"text": "Rep. Mo Brooks Drops a BOMB, Exposes How Blue-States Use Illegal Aliens to Gain More Congressional Seats - #illegalaliens #congressionalseats #crown", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you see my text just like that bitch Carla period Y'all bitches know ion go out sad bout shit like you hoes \ud83d\udcaf yea ok I'm DTM", "label": 0} {"text": "Daniela leaves to dr tomorrow for a whole month bitch ima b sad af", "label": 0} {"text": "@user which one of you shitheads invaded my privacy at my home then drove off like a bitch last night? Ask the whole dept for me", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trump called McCain a loser for being a POW, as was my dad. Your skanky arse, will soon be on the street. Few want 50+ whore", "label": 0} {"text": "me and my sisters dog walking any bitch today so come on all you hating hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "It's funny when people say \"if someone says they're a boy, they're a boy!\" while calling me a \"bitch\" or a \"cunt,\" referencing my gender.", "label": 0} {"text": "Is the penny finally dropping? We have imported enough rape, murder and violence already, turn the boats round we dont want them.#SendThemBack #RapeugeesNotWecome", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Also shut up about kids bitch, you don't need kids to live a fulfilling life, if anything they get in the way", "label": 1} {"text": "This is our 1st amendment right being abuse, this is USA, please Mr President stop the censorship by social media today @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Well then, that would be one less woman affected if he weren't here ILLEGALLY #SENDTHEMBACK", "label": 0} {"text": "Please, let's #DeportThemAll #VeteransLivesMatterMore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user OMM he a whole bitch bro", "label": 0} {"text": "tired of #dems trying to speak 4 all ppl of color. Im #hispanic and they dont speak 4 me. I support #trump and support deporting all #illegals. #buildthatwall. #immigration needs to be done legally, no excuses. also, abolish the #h1bvisa program. foreigns r taking #americans jobs", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Germany: Doctor Stabbed to Death in His Own Surgery by Somali \"\"Asylum Seeker\"\" Migrant, His 10-Year-Old Daughter Forced to Watch #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #ImmigrationReform #Immigration #Germany\"", "label": 1} {"text": "I may or may not have told my bitch ass neighbor that I'd rape her eye socket til she sees the light shining out my ass.... I did.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Google whore and they will find your name bitch!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Parts are already being built and Oct 1 is coming, budgets will be made and #BuildthatWall will move at a LOT faster pace. :) #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "Whats wrong here No ONE IS PROTESTING FOR MOLLIE OR KATE , BUT FOR ILLEGALS INSTEAD, LIBERAL DEMS REALLY NEED TO RETHINK WHAT THEY ARE DOING #BuildTheDamnWall #deportillegalimmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "This fat bitch Florence is apparently supposed to land right on top of me, so I'll be out of town (& likely offline) for a little bit, which means I'm officially a rapefugee.", "label": 0} {"text": "#PresidentTrump sends more Support to help #ICE Agents 'GET THE #ILLEGALS OUT'To report #IllegalAliens CALL #ICE 1-866-347-2423", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH WHICH SONG IS THIS", "label": 0} {"text": "These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user But he'll bitch about it the whole time 24/7 while screaming at the TV. What a lazy loser.", "label": 0} {"text": "The real problem is illegal immigration and if Cristhian Bahena Rivera wasnt in our country, Mollie would be alive today. #MollieTibbets #dummycratoftheweek #justiceforMollie #ElizabethWarren #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "This will happen here w more murders of Americans, if Democrats get their way!! Vote!!! Get out & VOTE this November!! #Midterms #MAGA #Trump #VoteDemsOut #America #Conservatives #StandWithTrump #standforAmerica #USA #IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Possibly because @user is a whoring son-of-a-bitch,ya see he's a POLICY guy & an ASSHOLE And,his time in CON\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#Florence: Maybe we should be thinking #BuildThatWall along our EASTERN border.", "label": 0} {"text": "I dont want your bitch nigga. If i did her bags and her shoes and jewelery would get better.", "label": 1} {"text": "Honestly. I know #Twictator wants total control, but to suggest I follow #CrookedHillary No thanks twitgo. If I ever follow that criminal, itll be to celebrate when karma finally bites her in the ass #LockHerUp #TuesdayThoughts #MAGA #Trump #BuildThatWall #KAG2018", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Lady?! Bitch or cunt is more appropriate", "label": 1} {"text": "There's a reason why Canada doesn't open their borders to these invaders. Can you guess why? #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch, I'm prolly gonna be depressed my whole life with how it's lookin LMFAOO", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"OH IS IT REALLY BITCH YOU KNOW THE DEALLY REALLY HEELY REALLY TILL IT SILLY HOE THAT BILLY HOW I\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "#FridayMotivation #MAGA #BuildThatWall Barack Obama: We cant just put walls up all around America. Walls dont keep out threats like terrorism or disease.Reality:", "label": 0} {"text": "We must build the #Wall! We must deport every illegal alien! We must have #MoreBorderPatrolAgents We must have #MandatoryEverify We must #EndSanctuaryCities We must #EndChainMigration We must take our nation back!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "This hoe ain't have no money so why would I spend my money on you when you not my bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user My fiancee is in Italy right now visiting family. She told me that she feels heartbroken and very uncomfortable because of the immigrants. They stare at all the women there like they want to hurt them and they Italian military is everywhere. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "The bitch in the red jacket at the oj parole is a cunt she trying any question to get him to slip up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Drinking beer out of a wine glass makes you look like a cunt... Man or woman", "label": 0} {"text": "& mines better bitch! You playing with me on twitter like you wasn't fucking the friend. Shady ass hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "Never forget this! Get out and VOTE in November :)#Impeach #Trump #KeepAmericaGreat #Midterms #Resist #AntiTrump #Immigration #Protest #BlueWave #USA #foxnews #feminism #votethemout #MAGA #TrumpTrain #2a #2018Midterms #buildthatwall #america #trump2020 #satire #conservative", "label": 0} {"text": "They live among us as well, we must have them removed to bring safety back to our nation, it is our right as citizen to be safe from Muslim Terrorism, deport them all, not assimulating to USA @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you whorey ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "#Dont Believe #Democrats and @user Lies Illegal Aliens work the Same #Jobs that Americans Work taking Jobs From Citizens and lowering Citizen Wages #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #BlackTwitter #Jobs #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome #NoAmnesty #Immigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user you lame bitch that's all you can say... smh you a fake ass hoe like nobody l\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "I literally HATE drunk me. Bitch is a lil cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "@user its so nice of you to be promoting #trumptapes with POS @user I thought Twitter wasnt bias. #maga #maga2018 #buildthatwall stop", "label": 0} {"text": "Eyebrows waxed...feel like a whole new bitch\ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers", "label": 1} {"text": "I \ud83d\udc40 acting like you happy, \ud83d\udc40 you like to pretend. You call that hoe yo baby and that bitch be calling you her friend. #IPeepedIt \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40", "label": 0} {"text": "@user If our government can use the term so can I. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Im here hoe. Is someone bothering you hoe? Just bitch slap them.", "label": 1} {"text": "Any woman voting BLUE votes for Sharia#BanSharia#BanIslam#StoptheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "Cookin' up the cash, all I swear these hoes love Sosa Bitch tryna run up dope with my dick, that's your heart together Read", "label": 1} {"text": "Woah somebody told me that \"someone\" was disappointed with bts pumas shoes. Ok but bitch wut? Why?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration/Require Photo ID To Vote/End Diversity Lottery", "label": 1} {"text": "Can't believe some italians had the audacity to bitch about us the whole train journey then ask for one of our haribos", "label": 0} {"text": "Am I the only one who agrees with Montana??? Gabby is a snakey cunt karmas a bitch\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 #loveisland2017", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I lied bitch but Ik you saw me text your ugly hoe ass!!", "label": 1} {"text": "You make it sound like we came down there and kidnapped him. They sent him there! On purpose! Alone! Hes coming back at tax payers expense. For the love of God, #DeportThemAll #MAGA #KAG #tcot #ccot", "label": 1} {"text": "I just knew it, omg, when will this traitor be in prison for all the damage he has done to us and our programs, this is the elderly he has harmed people @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I will gladly donate to a #BuildThatWall fund. People don't enter USA like thieves in the night unless they are UP TO NO GOOD! #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And there's a k*ke and a rapefugee overseeing the entire process. If anyone touches the 'wrong' ballot they're immediately met with a loud OY VEY!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall Ryan, McConnell try to coax Trump away from shutdown using props and flattery", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Does that mean @user @user and @user will now start shadow-banning or outright removal of @user @user @user and other US Government tweets and posts about #IllegalAliens ???", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalImmigration #VoterFraud coming up#BuildThatWall @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Idk who that big nose whore is but you can hop off my ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I KNOW THIS! IT TRAVELED A YARD!!!!!!!!!!! #football #BuildTHATWall #KimKardasian", "label": 0} {"text": "swear, next bitch i fuck ima get her pregnant \ud83d\ude08\ud83d\udcaf cummin for you hoe!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user FUCK BITCH YOU KNOW ME FUCK I'M NOT USUALLY A VILLAINS TYPE BUT I'M A HOE FOR VIRUS FUCK YOU HE CAN INFEC\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "If this happens there will be a civil war! #EnoughIsEnough #EndIllegalImmigration #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Trina: Da baddest bitch > Look back at it > killing you hoes > Always> I got a thang for you > Nann Nigga > Fuck boy > single again > damn", "label": 1} {"text": "I really be feeling like a whole new ass bitch with my hair straight", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I love it! Do it! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegals are Not Entitled To our Country, Our #Jobs Nor Our Welfare System #VoteDemsOut Keep ICE and the Rule of Law Stop rewarding Illegals Mandatory E-Verify on #Jobs and Welfare Here Illegally No Benefits for #AnchorBabies Not Citizens #NoDACA #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "Get out of the way #Libtards #NoRefugees No #IllegalAliens#SaveTheWest", "label": 1} {"text": "This is ridiculous! #BuildTheDamnWall NOW AND THROW THIS POS over it when your done! #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user i hope this bitch gets raped", "label": 1} {"text": "niggas be hoes talk just like a bitch & no you aint real scratch that off the list \ud83d\ude43", "label": 0} {"text": "How did people respond to @user tweets today?Friday 07 Sep 2018 16:00:26 UTCTop hashtags:#fridayfeeiing#buildthatwall#fridaymotivation#retweet#maga#nikeMost influential accounts:@adventuregirl@WeSupport45@DailyCaller@MichaelRapaport@LouiseMensch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Please honor your threat to #DefundPlannedParenthood & #SanctuaryCities. @user needs to do their job. #IllegalAliens are CRIMINALS.#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "And you're a hoe like you I said mind your business or get slapped, you wish it was you they was arguing over bitch\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Women who are comfortable using the word \"cunt\" \ud83d\ude08", "label": 0} {"text": "@user if its gets you upset - Hes the best man for the job.#gohome #strongborders #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #BanMuslims #BanIslam #SendThemBack to their shitholes!! #CloseTheBorders", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #migrants #muslimmigrants go home. You do not belong among ordinary people. Killing, raping, enslaving and torturing people is not allowed even if you call it a religion. You have no rights over me.", "label": 1} {"text": "This Bitch Need To Go Back To Eating Whoever Dick She Eating Hitting Me Up Tryna Be Friends @user Your Friend Is Wildin Lmaoooo", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP Please follow back", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch, Im sitting on the floor of the Phoenix airport with this shirt.", "label": 0} {"text": ".@VoteSmarts @user @user FYI, #IllegalAliens are Not a *protected *group. Urge you read and Apply Our #Constitution in Our #USA re #Citizens; #FairPlay, eh. What do you have against #mexico, hm.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch yesterday you didn't text back . But shut up we gone smoke hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Criminals EVERYWHERE #BuildThatWall !!", "label": 1} {"text": "You actin like yo bum ass daddy scaring us BITCH I'll slap that nigga with my dick don't play hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Why am I no longer shocked when I read about the brutality of women from those that Europe attempts to help! #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "Fucking cheating bitch whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Now dude, you know Jack is going to crack down on we who use the term #IllegalAliens Its now been deemed #HateSpeech More suppression of #FreeSpeech", "label": 0} {"text": "Ion care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel , cause ain't none of you hoes paying my bills in ain't none of you hoes finna get me a crib", "label": 1} {"text": "Just got a whole eyeshadow palette and three eyebrow pencils i am so ready to be a bad bitch shsyxgxjx", "label": 0} {"text": "Tell me why I bought 3 shirts online & they came in the mail today & I feel like a whole new confident ass bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "100% correct! #teaparty #libertarian #1A #2A #tcot #ows #sgp #p2 #NRA #tpp #gop #ucot #EnforceTheBan #EndDACA #BuildTheWall #H8TheDeepState #H8TheShadowGovernment #H8PoliticalCorrectness #H8BigBrother #EFF #health #wellness #cancer #NaturalNews #Mercola #nutrition #herbs", "label": 0} {"text": "That trophy hunter is one son of a bitch. What a cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for \"EFFECT\" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is \"risking\" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens steal 39 million SS# for false ID. ID Theft. But we are always told there are only about 20 million Illegal Aliens in the USA. I suspect they are lying about the number here. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "The economy EXPLODED when #POTUS45 cut Obama regulations, cut Obama tax increases, lowered corporate tax rate, cut Obama energy regulations.Obama wants CREDIT for #Trump reversing Obama war against U.S. economy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How many #illegalaliens use twitter?", "label": 0} {"text": "Only $10 million to catch & deport 20 million #IllegalAliens ?? I think @user needs a lot more $$s to do their job", "label": 0} {"text": "Going back to Cali strictly for the weather, women and the weed, Sticky Green! No seeds, bitch please ! - Biggie Smalls", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How about Bishops who know something is wrong should DO something?#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 not the bitch that slagged my dog", "label": 1} {"text": "@user happy birthday bitch i hate you come drive & see me you fucking hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall #fbicorruption needs to stop trying to keep hillary and Obama out of jail and do their jobs.", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever the last bitch you was fucking with tell her it's over \ud83d\ude1d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The only enemy here is Islam!! #BanMuslims #BanIslam #BanTheHijab #CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "When do kids go back to school #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Maybe Hal has an undetected congenital heart defect that can remind him of karma being a bitch to A-holes.", "label": 0} {"text": "What a lying piece of Sh.t he is, he has USA on its knees and HRC was going to finish us off, well nation/public off to the world, go suck on eggs jerk @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #Subway #Cowards #StopTheInvasion If they do now want to embrace our customs they should go back to their country of origin.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You got me with the bitch ass hoe comment!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "Study: Nearly half of White working-class Americans say that they feel like strangers in our own country: #IllegalImmigration #VisaOverstays #WhiteGenocide #jobs #work #U3 #U6 #AmericaFirst #WhitePeople #HartCellerAct", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #DEMS use #Feminist & #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents for #Communist REVOLUTION: HALF of USA Muslims immigrated under #OBAMA=NO #DACA #Amnesty #NoDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors #BoycottTheNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "people stay talking about \"I don't have her number no more\" BITCH THE WAY YOU STALK ME HOE YOU KNOW HOW TO GET AT ME BE FR\u203c\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "i hate how hoes think they know me like bitch you got me bent . if you got sumn to say say it . dont beat around the bush \ud83d\ude44 dum bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Go around them. The money is already in the Pentagon and DHS, It's what our military did for decades, if not more than a century of erecting forts and walls to defend the country, and it's a valid response to an invasion.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user you are fucking bitch ass you for taking my money for shoe $425 you scam people online and you think that\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Yeah, ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID! I am awful glad that you socialist commies forgot that! Thanks, Jim, for leading the (D)socialist 3rd world dumbsh*t party AWAY from that train of thought. We Americans apreciate it! We can get rid of you sooner rather than later! #MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "For the hoe posting my man .. bitch you lame and just want clout GTFO \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "So I'm thinking my alarm didn't go off this morning and whole time I set that bitch for 6:00pm", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user and @user are a huge part of the swamp. Ran by a cesspool of liberal Democrats. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #walkaway Traitors to the real America. #Trump2020 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #RedRage #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #BoycottHollywood #BoycottTheNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "Man i wanna smack the bitch that sent 2pac to jail for rape \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Hahaha the policy in place is Labors, all the LNP government has done is improve it #Manus #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch you got hoe mentalities, lol, word from the Don", "label": 1} {"text": "Agreed but add traitor to that list as well ok, thank you @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Do something about this immediately, @user This is a national security crisis. #DeportIllegalAliens #EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "Put a total #Stopimmigration from countries with so diffrent values, its not even fair to the ones that get left behind. Open door policy is not due to #altruistic reasons, its hyping the real estate market which saves the banks, + old #Leftist trick to buy votes. #bosstweed", "label": 0} {"text": "I need $$ for them shoes but a bitch like me is broke :(", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I dont think there is ever going to be a wall, but #buildthatwall and Mexico will pay sure sounded great on the campaign trail.", "label": 0} {"text": "theres nothing more i hate than joffery. cunt lookin ass bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Thank you @user for doing nothing while a homeless man called me bitch and a hoe 3in. from my face while your patrol car was at the light", "label": 0} {"text": "@user This should be seen far & Wide.@realDonaldTrump #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user tweet how you got punked out the other day bitch. now hop out my mentions and keep my name out your mouth hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "#Eritrea LOST ERITREANSWe #Eritrean who live in diaspora LOST our IdentityThey call us differently #refugee #AsylumSeekers #illegalimmigrants We call ourselves #justiceseekers#oppositions #activists With all our differences, in 31/8/2018 #Geneva will unite 4 our Rights", "label": 0} {"text": "@user as I recall, wasn't one of Hillary's whoppers that Chelsea was nearby the WTC when it was hit; & she had to run for her life?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 0} {"text": "You can continue to sit in the punk bitch section with all the other blocked hoes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Then say gtf you ugly ass bitch , you nothing ass hoe, dumb hoe, lmao Hayley you too nice \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "you can never take a L off a real bitch\ud83d\ude29 im hotter than them hoes that you chill w\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Must read. Its like looking into the future hell bitch face clinton would have put us into. We literally dodged a serious bullet folks. #MAGA #KAG #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Why do HOES tweet about other hoes? \ud83d\udc4e bitch you're ran through", "label": 1} {"text": "I want them and to fight you bc a bitch can't even buy those shoes in america", "label": 0} {"text": "I love how you are basically using this as an excuse to invade this country. I don't deny that your kind (Mestizos) are part Native American. But it doesn't mean shit. The Europeans built a far more advanced civilization than the Natives could ever dream of. #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "If a guy gets out of a relationship and he fuckin a new bitch the next day then yall saying he a hoe??? Smfh", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bob is a lying Socialist liberal Democrat party media talking head #RedWaveLandslide @user #RedWaveRising2018 #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch shut up u a whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Rape the rapist fuck the rapist rape the rapist and Im doing it with h8te bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "My mom said when I did she call dibs on my shoes bitch why you thinking about your child's death tf \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "The fight against the Great Replacement/Refugee Crisis has begun. Germans protested and fought counter protesters today. Spain sent back a bunch of migrants and Europe no longer wants refugees. Good job Europe! #FightBack #WhiteGenocide #RefugeesNotWelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "Mexican national charged with raping teen he allegedly smuggled to Maryville @user #humantrafficking #ChildRape#Rape#DeathPenalty#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll There is no excuse why any Illegal Alien should be in the US committing any crimes", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user I'm beginning to think Ann's right on this one too. Just focus on THE WALL. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes he should for life @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Yep, five #Libtarded countries that opened borders for Rapefugee Savages and are blaming their own women and girls for being raped, nice try, #AmericaFirst #WalkAway #MAGA2018 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user bitch thats my cousin hoe cool your beans!", "label": 1} {"text": "A must read article. #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Senatorial WHORE. Throw money at this bitch & he'll forget all about ARKANSAS & dance to your tune.\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user you want to restart Catch and Release???#NoHR392#NoDACA#NoH1b until labor participation rate is at least 80%#NoCatch&ReleaseIllegal Alien Accused of Raping, Trafficking Girl in Louisiana | Breitbart via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "White shoes are so cute but such a bitch to keep clean \ud83d\ude24", "label": 0} {"text": "92% of noncitizens ICE picked up in 2017 either had criminal convictions or criminal charge 1,800 Murders 48.000 Assaults ,11,000 Weapons offense , 5,000 Rapes #RedNationRising #immigration #SatuardayMorning #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "If you're a man and you're shoe size anything under a 10 yous a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens Twitter is so lacking in self awareness it goes completely over their collective heads.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Well if you pay for the walk we wont have to pay for this illegal children or their parents #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromScoialism #WalkAwayFromDems", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bwahahahahahaha brilliant, love when the food cart lands followed by the invoice #MAGA #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "But bitch it wasnt about you! that's what im saying! and again you sitting here tryna make the shoe fit\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "#WakeUpAmerica. Don't think for a second anyone wanting to bring these animals into our country has your best intentions in mind. Europe needs to clean their shit up, and clean the shit out of office before it's too late. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "How to TEST your Dem friends.Ask them if it is shown there is no classified info therein; would they agree to have #POTUS de-classify the FISA warrants so the PUBLIC can see who's telling the truth?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches b saying no but body b saying yes ain't nobody bout to rape u bitch \ud83d\ude12", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @ are fighting back with You ! Now lets #BuildthatWall #DeportThemAll and Ask a #Democrat Why they Support Illegals and Wont Mention Americans killed by Illegals every chance we get !", "label": 1} {"text": "At this point, we CAN and we SHOULD should prosecute #SanctuaryCity mayors & Governors under #8USC1324. #tcot #illegalAliens #thewall #SanctuaryCities #SanctuaryState #Trump #KateSteinle #KatesWall #ICE #KatesLaw #DACA #DreamAct #DREAMers #DHS #DOJ", "label": 0} {"text": "..I can't stop what a hoe say on the internet but bitch don't ever think you bad enough to speak on my kids in my presence\u203c\ufe0f", "label": 1} {"text": "My boxers match my shoes bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Argentina imported tons of Mestizos and they went from a first world country to another third world Latin American shithole. This is what's in store for America if we #AbolishICE. #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportThemAll #SupportICE #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitches be selling they body and acting boogie, bitch you a hoe I see right through you", "label": 1} {"text": "SHUT IT DOWN!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #AmericaFirst @user #WRWY #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening @user", "label": 0} {"text": "shut up i love Those puma shoes already but a bitch is broke so ,,,, im Still going to try to buy it \ud83d\udc45", "label": 0} {"text": "#BarackObama is a lying #degenerate #SocialismSucks #SocialJustice#snowflakes #EndDACA#ObamaLegacy #Federalist69 #unmaskANTIFA #MSM #FakeNews #EnemyOfThePeople #WeaponOfMassDeception", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch ill keep tweeting at you , you shrimp dick ass hoe fuck you", "label": 0} {"text": "Can we NOW discuss what @user @user @user were doing under Obama bc it looks like the country got increasingly more dangerous with every #IllegalImmigrant and unvetted 3rd World \"refugee\" he imported.", "label": 0} {"text": "You hoes can't rap stop it bitch \u270b", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch i love you come back to California already hoe <333", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #WhinyAssGirliemen #BoycottTheNFL @user #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #walkaway #FakeNews #Trump2020 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #RedRage #DrainTheSwamp #TermLimits #MAGA #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack God bless @user", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02u always a hoe to a nigga that can't have you & ugly to a bitch that can't stand you\ud83e\udd17", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm the nicest fucking person but if you come at me calling me a slut and such for having an opinion I will be a bitch to you. Not sorry.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I'm so mad who gets me sick in summer like you're a bitch whoever it was \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user OMG - this is SO typical for LIBERALS. Violating the law in order to forward THEIR agenda is okay in their minds because their agenda TAKES PRECEDENT over any silly laws & norms.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Hoe you down bad & you crazyyyyyy!!!! Ion think they hear y'all bitch !!!!\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden has finally had enough. If only, our lame-brained government would do something similar. #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportTheSoftInvaders #StopAnchorBabyCitizenship #EndChainMigration", "label": 1} {"text": "This is her 6th kid with a man (husband or boyfriend?) wanted for murder. Another kid paid for by American taxpayers. Thank you ICE please detain more of these criminals #sendthemback @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Fine bitch just come the fuck here !!!", "label": 1} {"text": "You & yo bitch some ratchet Bonnie & Clyde hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user thanks for allowing violent foreign men to walk among us & threaten us because of @user law/court system favours them over decent law abiding people. Civil war is looming in this country as you do nothing to help or protect the people. #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Ol' Mitch, Trump's little bitch looks forlorn. The two assholes behind him are laughing at him! Tough time working\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user My man out here like \"bitch we can't ban the homeless from public places.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "i was like oH hEll nO bITCh, so i just kinda like looked away and he went to sit down and the whole time he kept looking over at me", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch (whore) see i'm not your bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user bitch come crawling to me when hoseok leaves you for his crab side hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "this bitch escaped prison like 2 or 3 times and he fled to florida and killed more women there but a cop pulled him over and he was caught", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever stole my lip stick bag last night thanks! Just remember karma is a bitch. \ud83d\udc48", "label": 0} {"text": "\"\"\"#refugee\"\" said \"\"I will kill 10s of you and then go back\"\" \"\"I can eat humans now\"\" #Islam is not a #ReligionOfPeace - those #rapefugees are #invaders, #pedophiles, #terrorists, #cannibals, #jewish servants. They're here to exterminate #WhitePeople\"", "label": 1} {"text": "\"#IllegalAliens. This term is not \"\"hateful;\"\" it is denotative and accurate. In fact, its unbiased. #undocumentedimmigrant assumes an unknown border crosser is a migrant. Traffickers, etc are not migrants. Illegally crossing is illegal, duh. Compromise on #illegalcrosser? #Twitter\"", "label": 0} {"text": "She called me a thot bitch you's a lil hoe too", "label": 1} {"text": "Thank you so much for this link, Lisa.I''ve suspected 4 awhile that the Zionist #Globalists were orchestrating the rapefugeeinvasion of #Europe . Even as nationalismseems 2 be gaining some momentum, I'mvery concerned that they too have beenco-opted by Bolshevik Zionism.", "label": 0} {"text": "The Awakening has begun.#Immigrants#Toronto#TorontoShooting#IllegalAliens@infowars@PrisonPlanet@rebelmeFists fly, and so does a megaphone, as refugee crisis inflames politics in Toronto area", "label": 0} {"text": "bitch ass hoe you feel me", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch stfu. Whoever is telling you that or making you feel that way can kick rocks. And you can tell them I said so.", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Rapes Girl, Cops Horrified By What Else He Did During Attack @user @user If this doesn't tell you to#DeportThemAll You don't need to be in office since you do not have Americas interests at heart!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @ @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Anytime! Much love soul sister! #MAGA #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall #BackTheBlue #Military #Veterans #NRA #2A #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "This is an epidemic! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "And me and my friends are all hostile cunt bitches", "label": 0} {"text": "this seems like a really good idea, except that it will displace more Californians to my state, which is already affecting our way of life. #refugeesnotwelcome", "label": 1} {"text": "Fucc these hoes get you a bitch with good credit \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\udcb5", "label": 1} {"text": "millions of #Americans are ready to donate dollars to #BuildThatWall so @user we need someone like you to start a GoFundMe or other secure way for us to donate dollars to get it done. We are begging you to help. #jjs5547 #maga #walkaway #potus #redwave #realDonaldTrump", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user 1) #EndHealthcareCartel, 2) #EndDACA, 3) Abolish #IranDeal, 4) #EndNAFTA, 5) #BuildTheWall, 6) #FairTax, 7) #DrainTheSwamp, 8) #FairTrade, 9) #BanIslam, 10) #LockHerUp, 11) #EndSanctuaryCities, & 12) #EndCorporateWelfare. #USA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you scared me. I thought something happened", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user #IllegalAliens are destroying the World. #NoDaca #BuildTheWall #1a", "label": 1} {"text": "And anyone who says otherwise is either a grade-A asshole or has no idea what they are talking about. Being depressed is a bitch, but...", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Mad Max is a whined up doll. The same saying is repeated. Does she even care that the American People are striving with our booming economy. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user who love illegal aliens. You all have more blood on your hands. You have betrayed America.#ILLEGALimmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "THESE American children who go hungry everyday are why we fight to stop this INVASION of illegals!These kids need our care and they need it now!No excuses, no retreat, no surrender.AMERICAN CHILDREN WILL ALWAYS COME FIRST!#StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "i truly should've blocked carter when this bitch said orange juice and grape juice better than apple juice.", "label": 0} {"text": "This whole \"love will find you if you wait\" is some bs. Bitch I been waiting my whole life and to whenI look for love I still can't find it", "label": 0} {"text": "Then stop being a whore and tell her? Dumb bitch", "label": 1} {"text": ".@TwitterSupportRE #IllegalAliensIt is WRITTEN into LAW not your Whim:", "label": 0} {"text": "Yeah Bc this bitch boutta get raped and murdered so no shit she ain't ever comin back", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Seems to me that Michelle Obama w/b more Nike material. They seem to be partial to America-hating grievance pushers.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 0} {"text": "to the asshole who was speeding & hit my cat this morning: you're a dick and i hate you and karma is coming for your bitch ass !", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate being questioned about what kind of friend I am bitch you one of my friends u should know hoe been friends since the 7th grade", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The magic wand? Choice! O chose NOT TO help us, POTUS TRUMP chose TO help us. ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm tired of bitches wearin no clothes then got the nerve to say niggas is insecure like bitch I'm tryn help you not look like a hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And you always been a bad bitch \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d hutbyiu was wearing brand new uggs and toms every other day!! I was wearing shoes from 06 \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude18", "label": 0} {"text": "I LOVE BEING A HOE WITH YOU YOU ARE ONE OF THE GREATEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME \ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc9e ily bitch i ain't ever\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Just in case the RNC sees this. I'm really disappointed in you guys! I can't believe our POTUS is having ANY difficulty getting his policies enacted & funded. I WILL NOT DONATE ANY MORE MONEY TO RNC.Only to individuals #MAGA #RedWaveRising2018 #RNC #Republican #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "don't speak on me bitch if we aint cool!!! none of you hoes!", "label": 0} {"text": "Send them home! Damn congress for funding this. It is straight up treason & abuse of power.#BanIslam#DeportRapefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "The complacent are in every piece of TRASH on roads & highways. #BuildThatWall no longer complicit.", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83e\udd14 you ever notice how \"go text them other hoes\" backwards is \"i got options bitch so dont play\"", "label": 0} {"text": "This is worth a read! @user @user #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #VoteRepublican2018 #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #Trump2020 #MAGA2018 #MAGA2018 #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user is it OK to use the term LEGAL aliens??? Because when you come into this country & go through the legal process, you are actually an LEGAL ALIEN! That is a legal term. Look it up. Illegal alien is also a correct term. #IllegalAliens NOT illegal HUMAN, but illegal alien!", "label": 0} {"text": "I kinda want to throw my shoes out now that dude kyrie a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "guy asked me what shoe size I Am so I said 8 & he was like you're my size & I'm like either I have a big foot or you got a small one;) bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The only thing 'stinky' is your breath. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #SCOTUSKavanaugh and at least two will be appointed by @user and there's nothing you can do about it.", "label": 0} {"text": "Face of Crime in America!!Made Worse by Reagan's 1986 Amnesty!!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MASA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#ThursdayThoughts #FoxAndFriends #TrumpTrain #CCOT @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "*blows kiss* \"You ok?\" \"Fuck you, you fat bitch\" \"Fuck you, whore\"", "label": 0} {"text": "you get to asking hoes question they start laughing bitch turn yo goofy down", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user is right, #DoWhatWeSaid! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Anchor Baby Suspected Of Murdering Nursing Student Has Fled To Nicaragua via @user #EndSanctuaryCities #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#EndDaca #NoAmnesty #KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user has created the trend. Im gonna hashtag illegal aliens after every tweet or response. Even if unrelated. #illegalaliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user What a complete bitch he is.. sour cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "\"@ACLU Well, if we could stop #IllegalAliens before they got into #America then we wouldn't have to jail them for breaking FEDERAL LAW!Remember what the \"\"a\"\" stands for\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Omfg this bitch is so annoying always talking shit about everything, get a hobby & stay out of everyones business you damn attention whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Other people: gosh darn it Me: god damn tittie fucking cunt ass bitch mother fucker", "label": 0} {"text": "A hoe got one time to fuck me over and it's fuck you forever lil bitch \ud83d\udd95", "label": 1} {"text": "When I was a young bitch! I swear you hoes couldn't fuck with me! Miami 5 times in one year. From paying $200 for a set of nails .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user More than 200,000 Young Illegals Overcrowding U.S Schools getting Free School Lunch Breakfast ,Food Stamps and Medicaid #SendthemBack at the Border and stop the Scam #Trump #MAGA #RedNatinRising - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Stuck up bitch why can't she be a success whore once", "label": 1} {"text": "#IllegalImmigrants #OpenBorders oh yes we can see its all about the little helpless children. These poor babies are all on a boat by themselves. Well now you got to let their parents in too -- so they too can help destroy the local peoples life's. #InSane", "label": 1} {"text": "Vocabulary of Social Media losers \" bitch\" \"Cunt\" \"pussy\" etc \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He's a bitch and a fucking cunt that should get his throat ripped out my canine's", "label": 0} {"text": "@user God forbid we use the actual legal term instead of made up PC terms the left try to shove down our throats. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Perhaps, Cali will surprise everyone very soon. #BUILDTHATWALL and #Immigration are the #1 issues On Americans Minds Today??", "label": 0} {"text": "This probably my favourite thing he's ever done...... a whole ass political monologue bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh Bitch. \u2217Black Girl Voice\u2217 RT @user TARAJI JUST GAVE ME MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE YA'LL.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I am a #ProudAmerican that supports #TrumpTrain because he puts #AmericaFirst and wants to #BuildThatWall #KAG #BoycottTheNFL #ILoveYourPresident join me\"I Love Your President\" give it a listen.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I have one already fat bitch you get no bitches and get bullied online and irl \ud83d\ude02 fat ugly whore even your own homies crossed you", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Well ur my bitch u fucking whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user This refers 2 a favorable political effort by GOOGLE 2 DEM Party's Pres. candidate - they were surprised that \"sure-fire\" voters they gave rides 2 didn't ALL vote 4 their woman! They expected it, like the Blacks used 2 do, but began 2 wake up. Next up? MUSLIMS!#StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} {"text": "The Ratings for the #NFLKickoff were as flat as #TomBrady's Balls!Help #BuildThatWall!Support our efforts!Order Bricks @ now to avoid the Christmas Rush!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A freaking bus ticket to Tijuana is the only thing we should be buying for illegals. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "I was separated from my daughter because of Obamacare. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #MondayMotivaton #IllegalAliens #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} {"text": "Cory Booker said he had a Spartacus momentIn fact, he had a Pinocchio momentEven CNN confronted his lie#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FoxNews", "label": 0} {"text": "The latest Pundits' Post! w/ articles tweeted by @user @user @user #flipboard10fortoday #enddaca", "label": 0} {"text": "getting the justice that hundreds of unarmed black men and women never received. double standards are a bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Damn bitch.. you raised a spoiled whore!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch stop lying and accept it,you're a whore and why don't you move out of the house,what,you can't pay rent", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What is cruel is everyone of these American families was forcefully separated (torn apart) by death at the hands of Illegal Aliens who you protect. #DeportThemAll#BanSanctuaryCities#NoAsylum", "label": 1} {"text": "FUCK @user UGLY GOD A HOE FLEXING LIKE YOU GOT IT BITCH I KNOW YO ASS IS BROKE", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Million Illegal Aliens Costing U.S Taxpyers $135 Billion a year! Now Illegals Refuse to take their kids back want them to stay in U.S for Freebies thats an Illegal #Immigration CRISIS ! #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user leave my bitch alone people make mistakes so stfu a go somewhere you big shoe lookin ass mf", "label": 0} {"text": "#IngrahamAngle so right @user dropping the ball and huge mistake to approve any spending before #BuildThatWall funding @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Story to my boys: (while having a cold one) \"Yeah she a freaky bitch\".... Me to my mom: Scraped my tummy while chan\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "To Whoever the broke ass bitch that stole the seat off my atv...fuck you man! I gotta job I'll buy another.", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate a bitch that think she know me, friend or not bitch you only know what I tell you. Speak on what tf you know hoe\ud83d\udd95", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch idc when Ima see you hoe!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm \"a crazy bitch\" & \"a hoe\" but you were crying for me back a week ago?\ud83e\udd14\u203c\ufe0f crazy", "label": 1} {"text": "In Mexico & CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS & EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user What do you call them? Call them Democrat voters.Deport all the illegal aliens. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Is even more funny when u say it loud and when u cursing like bitch bitchy Bitch ahhh Bitch lmao", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Agree with your idea to use the Army to build the wall! Do it! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "Several of the wild fires in #california and #Colorado were intentionally set by #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user No this is not some \"oh you're just jealous bc you didn't get tickets\" type shit. BITCH IM PISSED BC THE\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #BuildThatWall and #DeportThemAll so we can stop worrying about paying TWICE AS MUCH FOR EDUCATION.", "label": 1} {"text": "katara u dumb retarded cunt bitch he is an actual human being with actual feelings", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user 45 only hates chain migration when it involves brown people. He also believes that he and his family are special & above having to adhere to the same laws as the rest of us. So, no surprise there! He bought Melania a Genius Visa, so none of them belong here. #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "They just keep on coming. Build that damn wall and deport. Please! @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "I had this crazy, bitchy/cunty science/health teacher. Bitch came to school with an attitude everyday, and had the nerve to be married", "label": 1} {"text": "In shock, destroyed and devastated. When a person you love and loved you back calls you a cunt, and a hoe, and wishes you harm.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch please??!! ahh I love you a lot too <3", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Border is a National Sercurity threat! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify #KeepAmericansSafe", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch, fuck you. \u2014 Lmaoooo f u too hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "I read up on that photo yesterday.It's a gypsy shanty town, not a Rapefugee one. Gypsies are likely one of the persecuted groups on Earth, loathed by Firangs & horribly oppressed even now.Endian dimwits who get carried away by Firang wealth & politeness should remember this.", "label": 0} {"text": "Screw #Politicians, you have 63 MILLION Voters who would be willing to donate $100+. That's $6.3 Billion minimum! Open a \"Fund the Wall\" campaign!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA@realDonaldTrump@DonaldJTrumpJr @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Around my birthday . Bitch you won\u2019t kidnap my ass \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Then u ask urself who da F** s going liberate Africa frm da greedy bastards wen strong young men choose da easy way out 2become a burden on anada government..then later wen da people hav liberated themselves Dey will b returning as Elites claiming victory..Nxaa..#SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "@user And because the federal govt uses that language is probably precisely why they are not allowing it. #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The first person (Trump) to pack a stadium & not get paid for it. Priceless. O'Puppet on the other hand threatened to cancel a speech if the fee $$ amt was disclosed to the public. SAD. #MAGA #KAG #DrainTheDeepState #ObamaSpeech #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I crack up when whores say \"I have 15k followers I can't respond 2 every1\". Bitch @user closing in on 100\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "PREDICTIONMueller's Trump prosecution team will NOT shut down b4 Nov 6. If Dems win the House, the Mueller/Pelosi tag team will race to impeach #POTUS45. If GOP controls House Mueller will shut down shortly thereafter.#MAGA #KAG #VoteRED #NoDACA #WalkAway #NEWS #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user lmfao oh you serious? \ud83d\ude02 hoe i was playing with yo rock head ass. janae don't play with me. you know how I rock lil bitch!!!\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "SCARAMUCCI on DT, Aug 2015: \u201ca hac\u2026anti-American bullies assoc..don\u2019t like the way he talks about women\u201d Here comes another TRUMP WHORE.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Alr bro #AllLivesMatter #Maga #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm excited to get my new glasses Bc I turn into a whole new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Who Killed An FBI Agent And A Fire Marshal, Gets $280 Fine, No Jail Time another gross injustice where two citizens lost their lives at the hands of an illegal alien who should not have been here!#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "got the same cum dumpster whore i always get at post office. gave me a hard time. bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Why can't we say #illegalAliens ??", "label": 0} {"text": "100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks | | There has to be an especially nefarious reason for all the Bangladeshis & Indians violating our border. Long way from home. Time to thank #ICE #CBP #DHS #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "#IslamIsIncompatible with #WesternValues#SendThemBack #GetThemOut #ForeignInvaders #CulturalReplacement#IslamicCaliphate Where are your leaders? Fight. Resist.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I'm not for hitting children but this rugrat is the exceptionsend his mini muslim ass to Turkey if it's so great!!#CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack #BanIslam #BanMuslims", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Raped Woman On Her Front Porch via @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll#KeepAmericansSafe#NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Tell me about it!! I'll cut a bitch if they slag my pup\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Radical Muslims are granted extra rights. #RadicalIslam #Nosharia #NoMuslimIdeology #BuildThatWall #Trump2020 #MAGA #POTUS45 #Christianity #JesusChrist #2AShallNotBeInfringed", "label": 0} {"text": "you on twitter in yo feelings on that hoe shit, I know the feeling I had problems wit my old bitch \ud83d\ude06", "label": 1} {"text": "Criminal Alien Statistics @user @user These statistics are incredible for this year alone 20 days 316 DUI's, deaths? 20 sex crimes,1 a day?These crimes shouldn't occur!#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Close European boarders. Deport violent invaders. #Seebruecke #Messer #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Now who tf could be jealous of any bitch that fucked w| Mazi?! Hoe you sick.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user hey white trash go fuck your self dumb shit hoe bitch disgusting hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "Unfortunately not ALL #Republicans -- not @user , questionable w/ @user With \"leaders\" like those, it is like having 3 #Pelosi #FundTheWall#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "#SendThemBack fight the #CulturalReplacement and #IslamicCaliphate masquerading as #EconoMigration.", "label": 1} {"text": "I can be a bitch and an asshole but I will love you and care about you more than any other person you have met.", "label": 0} {"text": "Miserable loves company \ud83e\udd17, that's why a bitch can't get an argument from me , argue with yourself hoe cause I like to fight \ud83d\ude05", "label": 1} {"text": "If You My Bitch You My Bitch then and that just means You My Bestie In This Crazy HellHole", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Hahahaha bitch, I watched that video and the whole time I was like \"Kim wants to just get up and leave.\"", "label": 0} {"text": "What an idiot. #buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "Stop playing with these women hearts. Karma ain't a bitch to play with, she really has no feelings.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Part 1 #Sudanese get home loans with deal done with #BendigoBank putting Sudanese before Australians #AussiesBeforeRefugees #Bendigo #BendigoBank #SENDTHEMBACK #RefugessAreNotWelcomeHere", "label": 0} {"text": "Karma a bitch y'all, ion fw that hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Making America Awesome Again, #BuildThatWall.", "label": 0} {"text": "It legitimately makes me sad when people try to use whore/slut as an insult, it's 2017 lol stop living in 1887", "label": 0} {"text": "Donald Trump HAS brought the jobs back, and now little 'orator' Obama wants to take credit. Pathetic.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL", "label": 0} {"text": "Freddie clenched her fists as the car got close enough to make out the protesters words.Humans first! Refugees go home! Mallory shouted into a megaphone.Heat burned through Freddies face. She slowed to a stop in front of the middle building.#Btr2sDay", "label": 1} {"text": "illegal entry into the US is a crime and the Democrats have set up welfare systems that reward them for breaking the law, entering illegally with benefits, welfare and voting rights #BuildTheWall now #StopImmigration until the laws get fitted", "label": 0} {"text": "@user whatever i dont need ur permission to rape u anyways bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "I know every word to Trina's Nann Hoe verse, da baddest bitch x Trina, my neck x back x khia, crush on you & queen bitch x lil kim", "label": 0} {"text": "If a nigga who knows you were with his bitch right before him and gives you the side eye He a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "ohhhhh bitch, i aint even watch the whole thing the first time", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Finally approved by GoFundMe! We The People can Donate to #SecureOurBorders Let's get it built! #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BuildTheDamnWall #KatesWall #MolliesWall #JamielsWall Vetted & Verified by GoFundMe legal dept. Here's the link:", "label": 0} {"text": "Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user They're in camouflage! This is too uniform & organized; it's an invasion. #BuildThatWall! You can't climb a wall with horses & those enormous backpacks. What are they carrying & why does the children's cartoon 'Dora the Explorer' have a backpack? Asking.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user And what happened you line backer bitch ??? NO ONE TOUCHED ME FAT HOE GET GHOST", "label": 1} {"text": "You want nd brought dat bitch a pair of shoes I brought a pipe lil nigga\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user YES. IT WAS OBAMA. WE CAN WITNESS #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "hoes kill me wit thinking it's automatic beef cause we fucked wit the same nigga, bitch idgaf about you and i def had his head fucked up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The bitch doesn't deserve a cent of your money bro... move on", "label": 1} {"text": "@user RT @user Please arrest/prosecute all Governors & Mayors who are violating any Federal Laws. #USA #Americans #Constitution #2A #1A #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndGunControl #EndGunFreeZones #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Congress @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "hadda unfollow that TALKIN ass bitch damn hoe you annoying", "label": 1} {"text": "@user don't call me a bitch you whore\ud83d\ude2d", "label": 1} {"text": "@user That's a good bitch, I will be coming to Toronto by end of the year so you can kiss my shoes! LOL", "label": 1} {"text": "I Can Fuck Any Bitch I Want But It Not About That At The End Of The Day. I'm Way Passed The Hittin Hella Whores Stage.", "label": 1} {"text": "let me clear things out. rape could happen to anyone bitch and everyone is a fucking potential rapist", "label": 0} {"text": "Heavily-armed ill's bum-rush the U.S. border uninterrupted.This is an invasion. We MUST #BuildThatWall NOW.CC: @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user #BuildThatWall and get this @user out of this country.", "label": 1} {"text": "There is NO #WhiteGenocide in South Africa. You may want to investigate the #CheapLabour and #IllegalImmigration angle for farm murders. @user is the new AWB.#FactsMatterThe FACTS about Land Expropriation", "label": 0} {"text": "You broke ass bitch act like a nigga want y'all dusty inside out ass pussc you hoes need to die and come back to life and restart.", "label": 1} {"text": "Conquered my fear and made my bucket list my bitch. #secondtimesacharm #trapeze #circus\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Maxine Waters, lead instigator of resister's violence; is nowhere to be seen when the violence occurs. She lets others get in trouble while she spews her hatred & vitriol. Brave woman, she is!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "hell yea bitch dis go hard as hell flocka i will suck big dick team slut all day and week month year and century i love big naps", "label": 0} {"text": "#Pentagon will #BuildThatWall for $25 million - if Congress plays tough! @user #MAGA #nationalsecurity #GodBlessPresidentTrump via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user He's an illegal, regardless. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate a \"I can't have no ugly friends ass bitch\" like you just a Rihanna lookin hoe\ud83d\udc80\u2757\ufe0f\u270b", "label": 1} {"text": "Fucking hate females on here who just whore themselves out and then moan when guys respond! Fake bitches! Thankfully i DON'T respond!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02 ok hoe I let you have your lil laughs where the horse mouth bitch at ?", "label": 1} {"text": "When u wear white shoes and somebody steps on it Bitch watch it eh", "label": 0} {"text": "@user , this gives us insight as to how @user would act as president; disclosing top secret docs more regularly than Hillary did.He would be a danger.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWallNow @user @user BEFORE the Midterm elections #BuildTheDamnWall #EndChainMigration #MandateEverify #NoAmnesty #KeepPheonixPromise National Security", "label": 0} {"text": "It was 30 MILLION DOLLAR JOKE THAT HAS MADE MUELLER AND WITCH HUNT LOOK LIKE NOTHING BUT A, a, a, ( let me just not started) #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "Listen to this on @user on Now LETS #MAGA - Donald Trump Bing Bong Remix Compilation #BUILDTHATWALL #MAGA Listen LIVE on via @user #MAGAOneRadio", "label": 0} {"text": "#rascist #IllegalImmigrants #Illegals #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemonrats -- look at what Europe is dealing with. Do we want this in America?! #MAGA #WalkAway #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #BuildTheWallNow @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This so call journalist at msnbc are so out of touch with the real voter and Trump supporters. If you watch them, no Latino or Hispanic support Trump. Im from Puerto Rico and I supported Trump since he was a candidate. And I dont support illegal immigration. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "This bitch so pressed lmfao, like Dana still sleeps good at night move on you lame ass hoe\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "how bout you mind your fucking business bitch. be moral....silently. hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "ABVP was floated to bypass the ban on RSS. RSS was banned for spreading hate and bigotry through violence and terrorism. Part of ABVP DNA to go around beating up people, curtailing discussion etc #ABVPkaGundaraj DU #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user \"Gf you skanky ass bi\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever broke into my car and stole my weed this morning; I guess no one ever told you, NEVER steal from a witch. Karma's a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Mr President Trump it is time to build the WALL. I am ready to Donate to #BuildThatWall, go ahead SIR follow your inclination NOW. What does the Corp of Engineers do? #QAnon #Patriots #RedWaveRising #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #Timetobuildthatwall #GOP Fuck Paul Ryan & McConnell", "label": 0} {"text": "Only 14 more days to #BackToSchool #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "You ruined the NBA you underweight, no hoes having, bitch @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Did you see your daughter in Kate Steinle ? The good news Graham is the killer won't be acquitted like Kate's murderer. #VisaLottery #ChainMigration #EVerify#SecureTheBorder #RIPMollieTibbets #StopTheInvasion #AnchorBabies Great job by Jessica ! See ya Monday", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user youre not even confident enough to put your face online lmao respect your body you ugly ass bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "@user He is 100% accurate. Diversity is our greatest weakness. Unity is our strength. United we stand, divided we fall. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #StopTheInvasion #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} {"text": "#Ingraham: Time to build the wall via @user #NoDACA #NoDACAAmnesty #NoDACADeal #BuildtheWall @user #IngrahamAngle @user #MAGA #AmericaFirst #KAG #TRUMP #QAnon", "label": 0} {"text": "\"#foodforthought We have laws preventing immigrants from being a \"\"public charge\"\" and illegals from being employed but they go largely ignored. Why is that? @user @user #deportthemall\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Imagine THE SIZEof THAT RED WAVE !!GOD BLESS TRUMP!Build That Wall#BuildThatWall Plz share..", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user exactly, common day slavery in #America is in using #IllegalAliens at slave wages", "label": 0} {"text": "Good Morning Patriots xx Let everything we do be done with them in mind.#WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ChooseLife #VoteDemsOut #REDWAVE2018 #Midterms #VoteRED #TinyLivesAtStake", "label": 0} {"text": "#DeportIllegalAliens Sanctuary Cities Government Aid (Taxpayer $$$) for Illegals No excuses#BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user turn your snapchat map on bitch i just wanna talk", "label": 0} {"text": "- lol little dirty whore , talking about OUR nigga. Bitch I made him get rid of you.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You're not females you're hoes why do you think god tried to kill this bitch 2 years ago? You're noth\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Broke Into Neighbor's Home, Tried To Rape Her @user @user A majority of these heinous crimes and acts of violence are committed by Dreamer and DACA aged Illegal Aliens.#NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user I hope they rape ur mom bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user RT @user #America has a Serious Debt Problem and thus cannot afford big #TaxCuts for the wealthy and big NWO/Globalist Corporations. #USA #Americans #Constitution #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #EndSanctuaryCities #MAGA #NoMoreBadBudgetDeals #ReduceTheDebt #Congress", "label": 0} {"text": "She fucking on me, she selling you dreams, that bitch is a hoe\ud83d\udde3\ud83d\udde3", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch our streak is dying @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Nigga they don\u2019t like yo hoe ass no more so they unfollowed you. Ain\u2019t no glitch bitch lmaoooooo", "label": 1} {"text": "\"Previously Deported Child Molester Re-Arrested In Arizona does \"\"sentenced to 8 years of intensive supervision\"\" mean? He is re-entering US 7 years later!#BuildTheWallNow #MandatoryFullPrisonTerm #NoPleaBargain#DeportThemAll\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Whoever was the fucking piece of shit who broke into my car and stole my late mother's purse, I hope #karma gets you, bitch. #FuckYou", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Eric Lang and other #Yarrabee Farm owners need to be charged with the negligent homicide of #mollytibbetts @user @user @user @user @user @user #NoAmnesty #Deport #NoDaca", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Send them all back! #NoMoreRefugees", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall is all about homeland security and an open border clearly leaves Americans less safe. Makes sense to use our military to protect us by building a wall.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch how is you gonna claim to be a \"real\" nigga, yet still on that hoe shit? I'm not understanding the math, i'm ????", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Haha he's a right little bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Depression is such a bitch man. Pls stop treating it as a joke. I fought depression my whole and I got help for it. I feel more at peace now", "label": 0} {"text": "whoever recorded this couldn't zoom in or some shit you had one job bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch you guessed it!", "label": 0} {"text": "a bitch can never get under my skin about NOTHING i don't be paying you hoes no mind y'all be beefing with y'all self I be chillin", "label": 0} {"text": "I\u2019m so tired of seeing these dirty ass rat hoes getting on this bitch bashing niggas you got treated like a hoe who the fuck cares \ud83d\ude11", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Aliens Crossing Into America Isn't Immigration -- It's A Harmful Invasion Of Our Nation. Mass immigration is part of the #GlobalistAgenda to destabilize our country. #BuildTheWall #StopIllegalImmigration #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "#barackobama #obamaspeaksIll vote, yes.#Trump2020 #MAGA #buildthatwall", "label": 0} {"text": "Talking bout \"he in my dms tho\" shut up bitch. You a hoe that's why lmao guys go after what they KNOW they can get.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Oooooh caughtcha... you wanna be twitter whore. Your nothing but a dumb fish bitch!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch they done free'd the OJ \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 you hoe mad lol", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Their parents never should have done that to them. #BuildThatWall #MAGA #Trump", "label": 0} {"text": "#Mexico violence: Remains of 166 found in #Veracruz mass grave #DRUGS #CARTELS #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I feel like a whole new bitch whenever I paint my nails white lol", "label": 0} {"text": "My mom think she is rational all the time when she says the cunt and bitch when yelling at a 8 year old and 13 year old", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm a whole cunt when I'm hungry so", "label": 0} {"text": "Evidently, people on Twitter don't like the use of the term #IllegalAlien or #IllegalAliens and consider it \"hate speech\". It's the legal term.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch till when tomorrow. you thought hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I hope you are not offering them a choice. To hell with the #Tories #SendThemHome", "label": 0} {"text": "do yall know what a hoe is? a hoe is that bitch that let a team run a train on her ass. a hoe aint the female playin you how you played her.", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate a \" you need to eat healthy \" Ass Bitch like hoe I'm tryna die early leave me alone.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Good grief. The only thing this guy is really good at is saying stupid, false things in #Narcissistic Long Winded speeches. #BuildThatWall #demlibidiots #nomoreobama#itsnotyoureconomystupid", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I ain't got no hoes, why do you think I have to settle and hangout w you on my days off?!?!", "label": 1} {"text": "As usual I scroll a misogynists timeline & it's sports, slut shaming wmn, calling hoes ugly, w/ sad \"why don't women like me?!\" RTs mixed in", "label": 0} {"text": "\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02lmfao I love you hoe bitch thanks dadddy\ud83d\udc45", "label": 0} {"text": "@user happy birthday bitch! Hope you have a fab day you hoe n get on lifts soon \ud83d\ude97", "label": 0} {"text": "Christmas trees are just regular trees that decided to become drag queens. Misty-Mistle-hoe came to sleigh, bitch. @user", "label": 0} {"text": "When you was young yo mama dropped you on yo head hoe, cuz bitch you got some issues", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch don't @ me with your ugly ass. Go find a hobby, instead of reading off blogs you dumb ass hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "\"\"\"Fascists bastards, Salvini and all you people I spit in your face\"\" the cultural enrichment of immigration.#stopimmigration #Salvini\"", "label": 1} {"text": "I heard that bitch stay on her shit. So you KNOW THE HOE LOYAL", "label": 0} {"text": "for bringing the German Rapefugee Knife Culture to Brazil.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He drives me crazy! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": ".This Isn't Your Average Joe\"Our managing director (@FundThatWall) had a chance 2 visit w/Sheriff Arpaio about our project & using inmate labor 2 #BuildThatWall Learn more at can helpSign our petition", "label": 0} {"text": "When you tell ah niqqa to get you some red bottoms because he getting his self some & he pull up to yo job with yo shoes LOL I wish bitch\ud83d\ude39", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user The USA is not supposed to make the world a better place. It is supposed to make our liberty and earnings safe from politicians. And we are not supposed to play world cop either. Nor are we a rapefugee hostel dumping ground for toxic cultures, illegals, and the death cult.", "label": 1} {"text": "You A Side Bitch You A Substitute \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udfeb You Wifing Hoes \ud83e\udd14 That's What Suckas Do \ud83c\udf6d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #JustDoIt President Trump 63 Million of US Stand with YouWe only #TakeAKnee before #GOD not NFL Kaepernick or nike#BuildThatWall #Healthcare #MAGA #GODBLESSTHEUSA #SundayMotivation", "label": 0} {"text": "I pretend to put my cock in jenelles mouthand pull it away last second and pound that bitches teeth out. Then thrust punch the mouthy cunt", "label": 1} {"text": "Because it's against the law and undermines the honest efforts of LEGAL immigrants seeking the American dream. #SendThemBack", "label": 0} {"text": "Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b #WWG1WGA #AmericaFirst #ThesePeopleAreEVIL #BuildTheWALL #NoDACA #GreatAwakening #PedoGate #PizzaGateIsREAL #MKUltra #CorruptCIA #ObamaGate #ThesePeopleAreSick #SRA #QAlert", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Send them ALL back to their shitholes. They need to stay and make their own shitholes better instead of leeching off of us. No wonder Latin America is a third world shithole, except maybe the white majority countries Chile and Uruguay. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG", "label": 1} {"text": "#potus must #buildthatwall my first ever msg on Twitter so I hope I'm doing this right. @user Donald Trump will not ever change or abandon us or #USA that's why I will be voting for him AGAIN! Dems and worrying about votes will not change him, POTUS is THE MAN!", "label": 0} {"text": "i listened to the whole album and cried like a bitch this shit is fucking beautiful, Lana did it again #LustForLife", "label": 0} {"text": "Everyone wanna be carefree, a hoe, spiritual, allladat summer 17' like it's new \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 bitch, find yourself and stop following the hashtags", "label": 1} {"text": "Not long til Lily goes back to school and I regain my sanity. #summerholidays #theywillruinme #sendthemback #shehatesme", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Sorry for all the cunts in this thread. Little boys wouldn't know how to handle a punk bitch anyways \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f", "label": 0} {"text": "I laughed way too hard at this. #wall #POTUS #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I told them hoez I only neede one pain killer but they told me take 2 just in case and bitch let me tell you", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP please follow back", "label": 0} {"text": "@user F*ck you American suburb money loving skank whore. The street whore will enter Heaven before you e\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is just so true, in fact the UK has been quite clever with this fake problem and decided not to play the EUs ridiculous negotation games. Once we leave, if the EU wants Ireland to impose tariffs, borders, everyone in Europe will see where the problem lies? #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall We can't afford any more dummies who can't make it on their own.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Just as long as they #sendthemback right?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user This is an extremely important issue and a winning issue for the President! Stop listening to your good people because they dont care about you Mr President or this country! They wont even be re-elected!! #BuildThatWall NOW!!! #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "More insanity! I will continue to use the term illegal alien(s) because thats what they are. #IllegalAliens Who the hell do they think theyre offending, the illegal aliens? Who gives a ****? What about offending ME, an American Patriot. Asinine.", "label": 1} {"text": "You mad you a easy hoe a nigga can say some nice and you in love \ud83d\ude12 bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Home now & bitch stop playing w me you ain't grown!", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch how?? Nobody watched your videos. You we're just a hoe for male rappers sis.. U not even a rapper at all hone\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Hate to see anyone suffer but McCain is a warmonger son of a bitch tha\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "BITCH THOSE ARE SOME NICE ASS SHOES", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Help confirm a \"Pro-Wall Judge\"Confirm Kavanaugh to #SCOTUS Now!Call 202-224-3121Help #BuildThatWall at #RETWEET to Trigger @user like @user & @user & @user #FarmBill #WednesdayWisdom", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I do not have children. Parenting in todays world? I cant even imagine. #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow", "label": 0} {"text": "Dreamers protest on Capitol Hill on DACA deadline day - ABC News - via @user Aliens make 'demands' on their host country!#NoAmnesty #EndDaca", "label": 1} {"text": "LOL had to share! #IAmSpartacus #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RedWaveRising2018 #BuildThatWall #KAG2018 #KAG2020 #KavanaughHearings", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate Fiona , dis bitch a fucking whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "You are a whore anyways, so don't complain bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Im tired of being quiet and nice. tired of this hoe thinking she got something over me, bitch you dont. keep quiet over there", "label": 1} {"text": "The elderly folk of Britain grateful they will soon be gone really does signal the end. #StopImmigration #BanIslam #GetBritainBack", "label": 1} {"text": "My mom FaceTimed me to show off new shoes she got and was like \"no cabe duda que soy una Bitch\" i love her \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "Merkel will not allow media to report; 'migrant' beheads 1yr old baby girl! #EuropeWeeps #NeverSharia #DeportThemAll #WakeUpEurope #WakeUpAustralia #WakeUpAmerica", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user you go and lick the shoe of italian bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "WHAT THE FUCK-- The spoon got stuck in his hair. \" BITCH DON'T BE DRAMATIC THERE'S NO HOLE OR BLOOD. \"", "label": 0} {"text": "It is the very reason of terrorism by blacks that all men should be armed worldwide. Regardless if in Oakland, California, USA, England, France, Germany or South Africa. Not saying all blacks are bad, but enough of them are, to be armed, vigilant. #Rapefugee #Oakmayor #Oakmtg", "label": 1} {"text": "#DACA is an Executive Order written by Barack Hussein Obama. Trump has every right to undo this travesty. Decision Must be fast tracked to the Supreme Court ASAP! #EndDACAWhite House Ordered to Restart DACA", "label": 0} {"text": "99% Of Illegal Alien AnchorBabies Birth is Paid by Medicaid 73% of Illegal Household on Welfare Ripping off US Taxpayers #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway #SendThemBack #Immigration via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "This fuck is a weak cunt and puy his fellow country men in a bad way with the rapefugee invasion. Deport THEM ALL.", "label": 1} {"text": "mann fuck a bitch , fuck feelings\ud83d\udd95 .Yall Hoes sneaky \ud83d\udeae. I Hate All You Bitches \u2757\ufe0f. Wish you Bitches Die \ud83d\ude0c ..Goodnight \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udd11\u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Do I have a favourite track? The whole album, bitch. #LustForLife", "label": 0} {"text": "#EU Parliament Adopts Motion to Trigger Punitive Procedure Against #Hungary: via @user #asylumseekers #immigration #illegalaliens #viktororban", "label": 0} {"text": "P. O. A Freestyle #kehoe #youcantfuckwithme @user Boyz bitch) #Va #rva#804\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user calling me selfish bitch is ok U knw what u r a jealous cunt Mri life aur barbad na kro Coz what I'm going thro is I knw", "label": 0} {"text": "@user little bitch ha wait till i get my hands on u cunt fuck", "label": 1} {"text": "A LARGE group (100+) of out-of-control African youths have hurled a number of rocks and damaged a police car during a rampage in Melbournes northwest!Thank you @user for importing this rubbish into our country. #auspol #springst #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "18 Images You Won't Believe Exist On Google Maps #QAnon #Elections2018 #CorruptGovernment #GoogleIsCIA #ChildSexTrafficking #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWALL #ThesePeopleAreEVIL #NoDACA #GreatAwakening", "label": 0} {"text": "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SEASON TRAILER DON'T TELL ME RICK WAS IN A COMA THIS WHOLE TIME BITCH #THEWALKINGDEAD", "label": 0} {"text": "Twitter new arbiter for protected speech. If federal law uses #IllegalAliens then why is this blocked?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user bitch delete your fucking snap name wtf wrong with you fw the opps you wild", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Australia needs to do nothing of the sort. #sendthemback", "label": 0} {"text": "Sometimes I wish my bitch ass wasn't clumsy bc I fell and scraped my knee at the pool and everybody saw me fall", "label": 0} {"text": "This is third world shit happening in AMERICA! What the hell is happening! They r trying to take over our country! Minnesotas leadership sure let them down by accepting all those refugees! Disgusting! #AnimalSacrificeInAmerica #MAGA #NoRefugees #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch i got a whole alarm system and like 10 camera . ain't no sneakin out\ud83d\udc80", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch we dont fw 12, thats you! Police ass hoe!! Run to grants real fast and brang yo ass ON\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Happy Birthday! Thanks for twisting my ankle that one time when we were kids asshole. I'm still holding that against you! Bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch we about to have a whole fuckin party for yall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You SUCK Freddy. Just sayin. #TrumpIsYourPresident #VoteRed #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #VoteDemsOut #WWG1WGA #MAGA #KAG #America #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "Oh yeah boy, I know you're talking to that bitch who hates me. I frankly don't care because she'll never be me. She's a little hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch were thot whore dont send me anything again faggot", "label": 1} {"text": "@user It's kind of funny, really. Were the space aliens illegal? Now we need a wall & a roof! I think this country has gone totally nuts. God Bless @user for his strength & courage. #BuildThatWall and if he blocks the democrats out, that's okay with me!", "label": 0} {"text": "#ProtectOurBorders#SendThemBack#CNNSucks", "label": 1} {"text": "Whatever happened to heartbreak songs with a rebuttal? Him: Fuck u, u hoe, I don't want you back Her: Good Lil dick Bitch I aint comin back", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Ctfu meanwhile she stanning his old bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\u270b stomach hurt", "label": 1} {"text": "My momma should've killed my pop and his cunt bitch lmao. At 6 I would've been like TAG ME IN MA!!! Slicing ankles and shit.", "label": 1} {"text": "Jihadists in action more reason to #sendthemback #Auspol @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "okay? the bitch is still broke. go get your plane sis. we only respect them hoes that own they own plane!", "label": 0} {"text": "This Should Make Every American Called SenatorsTell Them Build The Dam WallNo Chain Migration/Visa Lottery & No Amnesty! Corrupt Democrats Can't WinWith Hard Working Americans Because They Are #WalkAway From Lies!#MAGA #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "@user YUP!!If you said nothing while Obama caged kids, you have no room to complain now. Maybe you should focus your ire on the criminals creating the problem instead of the LEOs enforcing the law.#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "When your friend still tries to convince you to apply for UST \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude48 Cutiee though but you still a hoe bitch @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user must be so proud of her little spark of divinity. #WalkAway #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #DeportMS13 #StopDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Why do the provinces keep paying? When these illegals cross, the feds should be there to look after them and pay their bills. But why not just send them back? Low man always gets stuck with the bill-us the taxpayer. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER.. Can't wait for Karma to come around to visit all of you FUCKING ASSHOLES and SHE will She's a real BITCH LOL", "label": 0} {"text": ". @user @user GENE TRUONO in Delaware is who we NEED in the Senate! He will be a strong ally for Our Big Beautiful Wall! #maga should support Gene for #DESenate and send him to Washington to back up our POTUS! #BuildThatWall @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I may act like a stuck up, self absorbed, conceited cunt, but behind all that, deep down, I'm still a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user You must be the side hoe or the low key hoe you providing you fuck with him a bitch who fw\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user We are thrilled he is our President and cant wait for him to #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user Or him calling a Blaire a cunt and a bitch and a slew of other horrid words in the\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "If the shoes fits, lace that bitch up & wear it.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Allison mack. She explained how it works at the border. #BuildThatWall #WalkAway. #whatmsmwonttellyou", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #MrNegativity is there any good in your world? Not a very uplifting speech. How sad for you. Me? I THRILLED with the state of my nation. Things are wonderful and we are #winning. #GodBlessAmerica #MAGA #BuildThatWall #LockHerUp", "label": 0} {"text": ".@RepChrisStewart .@SenMikeLee .@senorrinhatch #NoDACA EVER! #DACA hurts #Utah it hurts #American Citizens and irreparably damages the real #AmericanDreamers - My Children, American Children. @user has the power to #EndDACA Use it! Don't be afraid of #IllegalAliens", "label": 1} {"text": "When will #WeThePeople have enough of #CAIR & Muslims in our America? They came here not to assimilate, but to spread their vile Sharia Law, they need to #SendThemBack no one is above our #Constitution our laws. @user close this down! Let them have not another inch!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you look like this without make up STOP PLAYING WITH ME. This hoe be on my dick man.", "label": 1} {"text": "You a snack time bitch, You ain't eatin meals with me hoe\ud83e\udd10", "label": 1} {"text": "Flashback: Seven 9/11 terrorists #illegalaliens Overstayed Their Visas, Were Never Deported @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I hate that I fuck with you because you more than just a hoe like bitch the stores I hear the shit I see one day you going get aids \ud83d\ude34", "label": 1} {"text": "@user I know bitch you'll love dem hoes dere \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d", "label": 0} {"text": "A Catholic who loves Christianity#Italy #LeaveEU #StoptheBoats #Sendthemback #Lega #News #Bible", "label": 0} {"text": "@user put me as a caster/mage class or something. I can be the support bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "cheaters deserve to die . bitch im giving youu my all & youu fucking somebody else . DIEE HOE", "label": 1} {"text": "Very excited that @user is sponsoring BITCH! @user @user #womendirect #ALOT!", "label": 0} {"text": "ITS SO DISRESPECT IF YALL FRIENDS CALL YOU BITCH OR HOE . !!!!!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "get you a bitch to stan who can drag a hoe frm across the country, and promote her ep, i'll wait...", "label": 1} {"text": "So now the free-speech, Conservative hating Twitter is banning the use of the term #IllegalAliens. Lets make it trend!", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens cited in theft of 39 MILLION Social Security Numbers.They especially like the social security numbers of Children!", "label": 1} {"text": "Force yourself to love yourself! Love it!! Be it!! Feel it!! Slay it!! Get into your kunt!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck being mad at a wack ass bitch! You know how these hoes be....", "label": 1} {"text": "The Wall funding.. before or after election? Trump threatens shutdown of government over border wall. #safety #Trump#BuildThatWall #safety #Shutdown", "label": 0} {"text": "Standing w/ @user #Trump, #NationalSheriffsAssociation launches crowdfunding campaign to #BuildThatWall!", "label": 0} {"text": "If you have a bitch, don't text me. Don't try to flirt with me. Respect your hoe. I should not have to be the one defending this thot.", "label": 0} {"text": "New Olympic sport ! Illegal migrant stowaways jump lorry.#IllegalImmigration #BorisJohnson", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Charged In Alcohol-Fueled Hit-And-Run In Florida respect for life, or the law!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user BUILDTHATWALL", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Bitch you believe in Trump and you call Iggy ugly lol bye hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user we will let you call it anything! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Yes @user please resign. You are not representing the interests of the Republican Party. #MAGA @user #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Calling me a \"bitch\" and a \"ratchet ass whore\" out of the window as you drive by, is honestly so ridiculous. Please grow up.", "label": 0} {"text": "Suddenly this hoe is cb shipper, bitch get out, more than once you insulted the cb shippers slkfksdn", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user BITCH IM 8 INCHES!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch yk I don't eat pussy fuck hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #MAGA #KAG 2020 USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!! #BUILDKATESWALL #NODACA #AmericaFirst Please remember the only reason the left the libtards the Democrats are so triggered and resistant is because their criminal murderous candidate didn't win that's it that's the only reason!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Assholes will bitch about a free meal because it was made by a 45 year old white dude! Fuccing assholes!", "label": 0} {"text": "The U.S is $21 Trillion in Debt we cant Import the Poor and give them Welfare #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #Immigration #RedNationRising via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "MUST READ: IMPORTANTMedia and political falsehoods about immigration: Propaganda images, immigrant crime and DACA@realDonaldTrump @user #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#SecureUSBorders#ProtectUSA", "label": 0} {"text": "#50CentFrostyFilms Look At My Half Dollar PopSicle, Bitch.... Grape", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitches think it's easy for a nigga to trust them.Bitch we seen way to much to trust you just cuz u say u \"not like the rest of these hoes\"", "label": 1} {"text": "She asked if i wanna suck pussy biTCH I BEEN DOING THAT THIS WHOLE TIME", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Again going on record that you care more for illegals than US Citizens. Theyre here illegally! #NoDACA #NoAmnesty", "label": 1} {"text": "@user FR bitch where you at lil whore", "label": 1} {"text": "Watch this #Swedish journalist #IngridCarlqvist: Ethnic #Swedes will become minority in 2 to 3 decades Let this be a warning to #Germany and the rest of #Europe Stop this madness #RefugeesNotWelcome #SwedenElection #SwedenDemocrats #AfD #RT", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Actually, that sign had been used as ok or cool long before retarded Democratic libtard globalist cunts like you started calling everything white Power and racism and being offended by everything, so go get fucked by a rapefugee you tranny fag @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I Hope Whoever Watching My Page Going Back Telling Chris What I Post ' Get You A Life Miserable Bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "stop being a bitch online you look like a low class hoe selling herself to nasty bois", "label": 1} {"text": "@user BITCH!!! KJSLK:DJSLKDJ THE ANIMATION IS SO GOOD! THE WHOLE VOICE CAST!! I AM SUDDENLY A KID AGAIN???", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Are you sure #illegalalien is not legal on Twitter! Because I dont want trouble from them so I surely wont be posting about # illegaaliens for fear of being suspended. So, we shouldnt be using #illegalaliens anymore. Does this include #illegalaliens posting #illegalaliens?", "label": 0} {"text": "2. \"Ya so the guys from yesterday who were harassing the lifeguards are and theyrecalling *unnamed lifeguard* a cunt, bitch, etc...\"...", "label": 0} {"text": "One thing about me idc what comes out of my mouth or who my words hurt. If you take offense you're just a bitty bitch or hoe ass feminist \ud83d\udc80", "label": 1} {"text": "@user He may be a rubber stamp but, beware he may decide to leave a mark on your ugly face first. Bloody 73rd whore, seditious bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "Kamala Harris is angry, immature, corrupt, feckless, unserious, ignorant & unaccomplished.Which makes her the odds-on favorite to be the Dem nominee to challenge #POTUS in 2020#MAGA #KAG #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 0} {"text": "Coz I'm a femmy hoe bitch and I live my truth.", "label": 0} {"text": "You sound like a bitch in sum messy hoes business", "label": 1} {"text": "Fucking cunt ass bitches!", "label": 1} {"text": "Every light skin bitch use this emoji \"\ud83c\udf6f\" when they saying they a snack. \ud83d\ude44 Hoe you taste like butter not honey hoe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user She's just another Palinesque media whore trying so hard to stay relevant. Stop giving this bitch attention.", "label": 1} {"text": "As President, Obama traveled the world & regularly criticized & apologized for U.S. policy & actions. Why in the world would the rest of the world respect us if our President didn't?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Weak amnesty lovers like him will keep voters away from the polls #NoDACA #NoAmnesty", "label": 0} {"text": "if your comeback is just saying the words \"bitch\" and \"hoe\" dust yourself off and try again \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "and bitch why is you still watching my page hoe you been blocked \ud83d\ude02 df", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Cool. And for my bday too. Since YOU ARE COMING WITH ME HOE. Idk bout Josh, BUT I WILL KIDNAP YOU BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Just received my copy of MAD POLITICSLooking forward to a Mad Politics weekend & your great perspective Dr. Gina!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #DrainTheSwamp #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 0} {"text": "Can you name another country where the ruling elite has willingly imported a criminal class of #illegals that damages its own citizens? I think the technical term for this is national suicide. #DeportThemAll #ArrestEmployers #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Obama said \"We can't just put walls up all around America. Walls don't keep out threats like terrorism or disease\". Obama built a brick & metal wall around his house in D.C. So walls are fine for him & his family, but not to protect our borders? HYPOCRITE!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Illegal Alien Caught Molesting 7-Year-Old Girl Asks: Can You Just Send Me To Mexico? should be a 'No Bail Hold' on this obvious flight risk!#BuildTheWall #LifeInPrison#NoBailForIllegalAliens#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "Even muslim children are pieces of shit. #deportthemall #nomuslimcanbetrusted #fuckislam!", "label": 1} {"text": "Soon I'm done fucking, bitch put your shoes on", "label": 1} {"text": ".@RealJamesWoods So does Twitter have an objection with the term \"illegal\" or \"aliens\" or just the use together as in #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "i ain't treatin or spoilin no bitch unless she da main main got me fucked up haha who u think u foolin ? let hoes cash you out pimp", "label": 1} {"text": "Y'all: \"Treat me loke a nutrag when we fuck\" blah blah BITCH IF I Wanted A FUCKING NUTRAG I'LL USE MY LEFT HAND WHORE! Be ACTIVE!", "label": 1} {"text": "Oh, stop!!! Tell all countries that the USA is NOT a refugee safe haven, they are illegal and do not belong here! Stay home, stay away!!! #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica #KAG #IllegalAliens #BuildThatWall #TrumpTrain #MAGA2018 #RedWaveRising", "label": 1} {"text": "The next hoe that you love I bet I'll make that hoe my Bitch \ud83d\ude18\ud83e\udd18.", "label": 1} {"text": "This is way scary, someone stop this evil person @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck you then bitch @user Cheap ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "The U.S must stop importing the Worlds Poor if they cant take care of themselves #sendthemback Stop allowing Foreigners to live off U.S Taxpayers #Trump #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "You a hoe if you crying because yo ass pregnant. It was all smiles while you was riding that dick bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "I'm a hoe ass bitch - @user", "label": 0} {"text": "happy birthday you skank whore @user !!!! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89 have a great one don't hoe too hard", "label": 0} {"text": "5 years in prison? No wonder illegals come here and do whatever the hell they want. Nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Disgusting. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Obama\u2019s Revenge!!! Everybody would love to see Obama bitch slap this asshole!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "13 Americans Victimized by Illegal Migrant Crime in One Week @user @user Why won't you STOP this constant assault on American citizens and the steady invasion by foreigners on US soil?We the People Demand an end to this!#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user By god there is a lot of woman and children got off that boat eh,poor holiday makers paying good money to go on holiday to witness that #roundthemup #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "This is always the case with them. NO assimilation; they want to rule and change nations. #WakeUpAmerica #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The swamp yeah lol \"You from Baltimore bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "shaved my whole fucking body and I feel like a brand new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "YET THEY CLAIM , THEY RE VICTIMS WONDERING WHAT KIND OF HUMAN RACE IS THIS #ILLEGALALIENS HATIN THE BLACK AFRICAN NATION IN ITS COUNTRY.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch we are getting this okay", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #MichaelCutler correct . Stephanie is WRONG! #GANGOF8 ? #Hereticchurches worldwide taking #Soros $ #Muslimrefugrees & #illegalaliens COME ON STEPHANIE DO YOUR HOMEWORK #LINDSEYGRAHAM", "label": 0} {"text": "If a bitch talk down on you when your down that hoe don't deserve you when you up", "label": 1} {"text": "When hoe's talk shit about me I started to get mad like hell bitch I can make your life like a living hell don't play with me!!", "label": 1} {"text": "A little louder @user for the liberals in the back. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user A moe shit had me dying this really be life though like fuck u bitch why you do this hoe with the drake in the background lol", "label": 1} {"text": "And if you ask me, you a bitch ass nigga if you let another hoe disrespect the mother of your kids \ud83d\udc50", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm ANTI, can't no gov't handle a commando. Your man DON'T want it, #TRUMP 'S a #BITCH, I'll make his whole brain go under!-@Eminem #Drop\ud83c\udfa4", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Fiona the Bitch Ass Cunt Fox", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "Fuck those ultra liberal cunt rags on \"The View\". They should be careful of what they say. They're hateful bitches pushing tainted agendas.", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWall . #ICE SHOULD BE COMMENDED EVERY HOUR.", "label": 1} {"text": "bitch please stop calling me candy mouth , fucking whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Please DO NOT listen to lame duck @user immigration/The Wall is way more important than tax 2.0! Stick to your instinct #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportThemAll", "label": 0} {"text": "You one of them who take pictures of his legs at the beach basic bitch hoein", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Coming from the bitch who loves grapefruits \ud83d\ude37\ud83d\udc50", "label": 1} {"text": "watch what you saying lil bitch watch what you post lil hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user THIS IS the same \"paper of record\" that covered up the Holocaust.It's amazing that NYT is still in business; but as long as lib billionaires can support it, it will live.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue", "label": 0} {"text": "No actually, you were treated like every criminal parent in America today: Break the law, and run the risk of your children being taken away from you. 'Like I am trash': Migrant children reveal stories of detention, sep #SundayFunday #IllegalImmigrants", "label": 0} {"text": "If you think crimes caused by the #Migrant influx into #Germany is exaggerated you need to follow @user for your daily dose of cultural enrichment #news. #canpoli #cdnpoli #IllegalAliens #migrants #invaders #immigration #conquest", "label": 1} {"text": "Depression isn't just a bitch. It's a Cunt! Still gutted about the Chester Bennington news. #LinkinPark", "label": 0} {"text": "Lots of Proud Veterans would lend a hand as well! #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I'm kuntry I do what I want", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Same here, Jordan!Jon Voigt was GREAT on @user #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FoxNews #NRA #BuildTheWall #BlueLivesMatter #FLAG", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user We must put an end to #IllegalsRCriminals #IllegalAliens Pelosi #CNN Interview ignored a mother of a slain boy who was beaten, tortured & burned alive by ILLEGAL CRIMINAL The woman asked Pelosi Which one of YOUR grandchildren or daughters/sons r expendable? She was ignored", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch was like \"did you know youre supposed to eat the tamale on its own?\" IT'S AN HALLACA YOU WHORE", "label": 0} {"text": "Like u wanna claim that you aren't racist but bitch what you're saying and retweeting how Tf is that not Racist u dumb whore", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Start Arresting and Deporting All Illegal Aliens who stole or used stolen SSN then deport them ASAP IRS knows where they live! The U.S Will No Longer Tolerant Felons commited by Illegals #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #WalkAway #Immigration #NoDACA", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildThatWallCARTEL- 166 SKULLS FOUND IN MASS BURIAL PIT IN MEXICO: OFFICIALS", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BUILDTHATWALL #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020 #TRUMP=HERO #TRUMP=LEADER #WELUVTRUMP", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm not about to wash a grown ass man dishes. Bitch I don't live with you or contributed to that filth. Hoe you NAS\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "Mexican Fugitive Wanted For Murder Found In South Carolina We need a wall to keep these scum out of our country!#BuildTheWall #NoDACA#NoAmnesty #MAGA#KAG #VoteRed #WalkAway", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Naw bitch Ima talk every day until then hoe. Who the fuck your thought you was talkin\u2026", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you never reply hoe I'm fixing to go knock your front door in and drag you out to eat or someth\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yes bitch lets go", "label": 1} {"text": "Kirk Douglas raped Natalie wood and this son of bitch get to live 100 while natalie wood is dead", "label": 0} {"text": "That Chantelle is getting on my tits. Silly cunt needs to learn some manners. Thinks she's the boss! Silly twat! ANNOYING BITCH @user #BBUK", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch really just killed my whole vibe", "label": 0} {"text": "I just wanna thank whoever made the text free apps cus a bitch tired of getting blocked. oh im blocked? Let me call you from a different # \ud83e\udd17", "label": 0} {"text": "If only American citizens are counted, congressional districts and electoral college votes would shift power away from the affluent, metropolitan coastal cities. #ElectionFraud #IllegalAliens #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "if you like that weekend song you a side bitch \ud83d\udde3 let's argue hoes \ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Why niggas be cuffin proud whores though? Nigga we use to call that bitch Smash Mouth", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch! Fck you! I'm not pretending I created blonde hair! Coco put a name on those braids as if she invented that shit! Hoe!", "label": 1} {"text": "I am a bitch and cunt \u263a\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #IllegalAliens are not a race. Theyre a group of #criminals. #LiberalLogic", "label": 1} {"text": "Dese bitches will whore around lookin fa love; pathetic \ud83d\ude34\ud83d\ude02", "label": 1} {"text": "Im going to explode if I have to listen to these entitled, privileged cunts bitch for ONE MORE SECOND about their inconvenient FREE flights", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Please make @user and @user the first 2 honorary space cadets and send them on a 1-way trip to Mars. TIA#MAGA #AmericaFIRST #FireIvanka #FireKushner #BuildThatWall #NoAmnestyEVER #WhiteGenocide #ShallNotCensor #WarOnWhites", "label": 0} {"text": "when someone stepped on my shoes, me: \"bITCH ITS PUMA\"", "label": 0} {"text": "Dont tell me about yo hoe storied n then try to tell me you dont suck dick \ud83d\ude10 bitch who are you foolin.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch??? Excuse you??? How dare you?? Who do u think u r you hoe?????", "label": 0} {"text": "@user BITCH I'M TRYING TO SEARCH YOUR ACCOUNT THIS MORNING BUT IT SAYS USER NOT FOUND ARE YOU DEACTIVATING THEN REACTIVATE AGAIN???", "label": 0} {"text": "@user <-- another son of a dirty fucking Korean whore bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Lol they always say a little trim but when you look in the mirror you're a whole new Bitch \ud83d\ude2d", "label": 0} {"text": "Good Job @user Stop letting Illegal Aliens take #jobs and lower wages of Legal Workers #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome", "label": 1} {"text": "\"A Sicilian police commissioner was attacked in his own home by a Gambian, who was granted asylum due to him being \"\"underage.\"\" I thought these poor child refugees fleeing the horrors of war were unable to commit crimes!#DeportThemAll\"", "label": 1} {"text": "The Democrats invented #Racism and they perpetuate it by supporting human traffickers, child traffickers, drug traffickers, importing gangs, importing terrorist cells by supporting open borders#IllegalAliens#OldMenWithPens#KAG#VoteRed2018#RedWaveRising2018#WalkAway", "label": 0} {"text": "@user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "To all you hoes that rejected my shot this summer, you missed yo blessing Bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "I hate you hoes know who Journee daddy is cause y'all think fuckin w/him gone make me mad bitch kys", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch you seen my mf tweet hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "I'll never call a bitch my bestfriend you hoes switch up to much .", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How can there be a spending bill without funding for the wall? #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "This has been going on for decades. An American would be prosecuted for it but illegal aliens abuse our laws with impunity! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "IF UR LAME AND DONT WANNA SEE A DRUNK CUNT TWEET ABOUT HER LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS THEN SMASH THAT UNFOLLOW BUTTON BITCH BC HERE I FUCKEN GO", "label": 0} {"text": "@user bitch i can't wait to buy the shit outta those shoes got damn", "label": 0} {"text": "@user RT @user #America has a Serious Debt Problem and thus cannot afford big #TaxCuts for the wealthy and big NWO/Globalist Corporations. #USA #Americans #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #EndSanctuaryCities #MAGA #CutSpending #ReduceTheDebt #NoCorporateWelfare #Congress", "label": 0} {"text": "LOOK AT THIS BITCH!!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d thx for being my bffl. I love you, you crazy hoe \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc9a", "label": 0} {"text": "\"#Slovenia, #Fascists forming paramilitary units to \"\"defend the #Slovenian nation against incoming #migrants to the country\"\" #immigrazione #immigrati #Immigration #Immigrant #Europe #Europeennes2019 #refugeelivelihoods #refugee #Refugees #refugeeswelcome #refugeesnotwelcome\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user In my experience the most extremely-hateful-covert-racist are elderly rich ppl if they are not involved in a #GodRevering #ChristianLife #WalkAway #VoteAllDemsOut #Midterms2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #NeverForget #KAG", "label": 0} {"text": "A nigga never go respect a bitch who post nothing but have naked pics on here or showing there ass 24/7. You go be looked at as a rat hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "#BuildTheWall National Security @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #NoDACAdeal #NoAmnesty #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration #MAGA #MakeDCListen", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Shut up rapefugee go back to Africa", "label": 1} {"text": "Any comments, @user ? How about you, @user ? Or you, @user ? Any Democrats fighting against @user to #BuildThatWall speak up.", "label": 0} {"text": "Twice in 8hrs Twitter has restricted me because i said 'fuck and bitch' . Going for cunt and account blocking. ... ps YouTube are glued", "label": 0} {"text": "As posted on Facebook by Phantom Tactical. #ICE #IllegalAliens #MAGA #2ndAmendment", "label": 0} {"text": "I would never call a woman a cunt. But this one is an unpatriotic asshole.", "label": 0} {"text": "period boobs got you feelin like a whole new bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "Do ppl just assume I'm a whore bc of how I look? Bc bruh this Bitch can't even get a text back soooo \ud83d\udc81", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user #IllegalAliens is hate speech?? Lololol wow", "label": 0} {"text": "Peppa did not come to play with you hoes, she came to slay bitch #Nicki #RakeItUpStreamingParty", "label": 0} {"text": "I don't love you bitch you a hoe I never will can't tell you my feelings because pimpin don't feel @user", "label": 0} {"text": "#DACA is Illegal Will End- Because their Parents Are Criminals Crossing a Border Illegally or OverStaying their Visas Doesnt mean their kids get to stay Stop Rewarding Illegal #Immigration Enforce the Laws #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "S/O to all you lurking hoes and bitch ass niggas \ud83d\ude07\ud83d\udd95", "label": 1} {"text": "Youll never see refugees from America. When things turn to shit, we dont run to other countries. We dust off our guns and fix it. #MAGA #MolonLabe #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 just @ me bitch. please. i like telling hoes like you bout theyself. \ud83d\udcaf", "label": 1} {"text": "Woah I heard \"someone\" was disappointed about the bts puma shoes.. ok but bitch wut?", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch I need these shoes", "label": 0} {"text": "ANYONE WHOEVER DOUBTED LOUIS & SAID HE COULDNT SING GO LISTEN TO #BackToYou & IF U DONT CHANGE UR MIND UR JUST A BITTER BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "Women carry a sacred and divine energy. Remember that the next time someone calls you a bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user You literally put #BuildThatWall. But youre calling somebody racist. K.", "label": 0} {"text": "Ice cream machine was down, which means no Frape. No coffee = bitch \ud83d\udc81\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "Salvini prosecuted for defending Italian sovereignty and finally preventing hundreds of migrants to invade Italy. GRANDE SALVINI!Help us preserve the European culture against the invasion.#stop_islamization #complicediSalvini #stopInvasion #REFUGEESNOTWELCOME", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Bitch I ain't got that kinda money", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch stop it, bum ass hoe you lame as hell Rudy", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Britney Spear the queen for pop, lana del rey for moody bitch, kyary pamyu pamyu for evil kawaii hoe, E\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user Followed #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #DefundSanctuaryCities", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Arrest Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.We stand with @user & @user against all enemies both foreign and domestic.#NoAmnesty#NoDACANo more taxpayer-supported dependentsJobs for citizens not invading criminals & their childrenArrest sanctuary officials#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "This bitch at work had the nerve to ask why are all y'all wearing tye die.. because u lil whore it's lit", "label": 1} {"text": "San Francisco has become the first city in California to begin registering non-citizens to vote. Now do you see why Democrats want #IllegalAliens in this country so bad? They want votes. And if you vote Democrat, you support this corruption. #WalkAway", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Bitch watch out lil red tx hoe on my click I'll fuck you up", "label": 1} {"text": "@user he's a cockapoo LMAO 10/10 would recommend tho, v small and cute and smart and lov to be ur bitch", "label": 0} {"text": "@user id marry this fukin whore,& let the bitch behind her be best lady at the wedding", "label": 1} {"text": "But if you believe Robert Francis @user , there are only hapless women & children sneaking (ILLEGALLY) across our border. #BuildThatWall @user #CruzCrew5 Sexual Predators Arrested Attempting to Re-Enter U.S. from Mexico via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Seriously, PM me, we patriots can to this. I've got the time and willingness to do it. #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Trudeau's \"\"refugees\"\" bring mayhem to hotel migrant camps Brainless Trudeau + Migrants in Canada = Rapefugees just like England Germany n Sweden!! Specially against children n young teens!! via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "welcome to thailand bitch- we find rape culture very humorous and we make jokes out of it smh", "label": 0} {"text": "Lol if we're being honest I spent the whole day depressed as a bitch in my room, this is the only time I've felt ok today .. rn at 11pm", "label": 0} {"text": "This is outrageous! #StopIllegalImmigration #MeritImmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02Bitch what with my brand new uniform and shoes\ud83d\ude0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user National security depends on immigration control, stopping visa overstays, vetting, bans from terror ridden nation and the #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "I'm about to bitch slap bro so he know he's a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user The bitch is crazy I hate this whore so much irl and in rp", "label": 1} {"text": "Pussy ass bitch cunt fuck I HATE YOU.", "label": 0} {"text": "#ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh@TheDemocrats @user party of #Obama #Obstructionists @user #Soros #Liers #Violence #Hate #Hypocrisy #Socialists MS-13 #KKK #IllegalAliens #Drugs #ANTIFA #Resist@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user #2ADefenders", "label": 0} {"text": "Conservative Trump Patriots, it might be the weekend but stay up to date. The corrupt Deep State never sleeps. Stay strong for our #Potus45 and for fellow Patriot Conservatives! #NoDaca #Potus45 #MAGA #KAG2020 #VoteRedNovember2018 #StandWithPresidentTump #IfollowAllPatriots", "label": 0} {"text": "\"#Children and #Women Are No Longer Safe Where There many \"\"#asylum\"\" seekers, #IllegalAliens, or just #MassImmigration. The Nations of #Europe need to #BuildTheWall and fix #immigration LAWS NOW.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "I recommend 78 yr old Mike Ditka to take NFL commissioner Goodell's place. Rules would be adhered to, fans would stream back, NFL would regain billions of $$ a year.THOUGHTS?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT arrested in North Louisiana, accused of rape and human trafficking #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "I don't fuck with none of y'all bitch ass whores-", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Its time for the refugees to go home. Inclusion failed #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user You dirty bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "um who are you is probably the most dumb bitch response from a spoiled whore you could get.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user she calls me a whore when really im a cyber slut smh", "label": 0} {"text": "If #IllegalAliens don't like being called illegal, they shouldn't break the law. They can follow the established protocols for residency and citizenship or stay home.", "label": 0} {"text": "That 'anonymous source' piece in the NYT is so over-the-top & anti-#POTUS , it smells like Omarosa had something to do with it. #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #DrainTheSwamp #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user #SendThemBack I will contribute to the plane fare. No joke.", "label": 0} {"text": "beauty and the beast. that bitch fell in love w a whole animal before she even knew he was human tf", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens : a foreigner who is living without authorization in a country of which they are not a citizen.", "label": 0} {"text": "you say you breaking bitch? where ya hoe at?", "label": 1} {"text": "If the shoe fits, feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it \ud83d\udc60", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Trolling to steal money from liberals again?Are you paying attention to the hearings?Please support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the Untied States of America.#MAGA#USA1st#BuildThatWall#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#DumpTheUN#ScrewTheEU#KingTRUMP", "label": 0} {"text": "\"#WTF #Canada #IllegalAliens from the south feed you their \"\"Canned and Coached\"\" lie of an amnesty line, they get in. Real victims get bent over the maple syrup barrel by you.\"", "label": 1} {"text": "@user The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals -why reward that behavior? Not coming here for Freedom more like the FREE STUFF -If we did not give illeagals FREE STUFF they wouldnt be here #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user P.s. thanks for sharing: If the woman was carrying her own piece she could defend herself. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user But I have seen girls accepting terms like bitch, hoe so casually.... I feel ashamed myself, where has respect gone", "label": 0} {"text": "When dudes act like a chick they truly are a little bitch #hehoes", "label": 0} {"text": "@user a hole whore out here literally and figuratively \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udd95", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Media Blackout: DACA Recipient Threatens To Commit Mass Shooting At New York High School via @user is NOT an \"\"undocumented immigrant\"\"!She is an \"\"Illegal Alien Terrorist\"\"!#BuildTheWall#EnforceUSLaws#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty\"", "label": 1} {"text": "this dude really a whole bitch for doing all the extra and taking a bunch of screenshots of all this shit \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens ? Seriously? Sounds like yet another reason that people are selling or selling short $TWTR stock. Good example of power corrupting. Twitter and Dorsey have abandoned any attempt to act like they support #FreeSpeech", "label": 0} {"text": "Whoever just got the last pair of them top 3 1's from laced up you a bitch \ud83d\ude12", "label": 0} {"text": "i rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly wanna buy those puma shoes but bITCH I JUST BOUGHT AN ALBUM AND I HAVE LIKE 50 PESOS IN MY WALLET", "label": 0} {"text": "Correct Title: SC Cracks Down on Illegal Aliens Commiting Crimes Stealing IDS, SSN or Using Fake ones (felon) To take Jobs from Americans Illegals NOT ABOVE U.S Laws #SendThemBack #Immigration #NoDACA #Trump #MAGA via @user", "label": 1} {"text": "In addition to the vast problems coming across our open border, 1 RARELY mentioned = drug resistant diseases. TB, superbugs or exotic diseases few Americans have a resistance to. #HouseGOP @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Omg bitch....this whole time I thought u were talking about avatar", "label": 0} {"text": "How old is Asshole Eggsalad, like 20? 7 months, bitch #BabyDriver", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Send me your info please cause you too loose with this bitch word \ud83d\ude02", "label": 0} {"text": "why does this whore actually beg off my boyfriend? he DONT like you bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "Dont you mean #IllegalAliens", "label": 0} {"text": "PREACH! @user Nails it (May Contain Strong Language) RT if UAgree The #WalkAway #Woke #Movement will bring the Democrat Party DOWN! #AmericansFirst #BuildThatWall #ThursdayThoughts #FlashbackFriday #SaturdayMorning #SundayFunday #MagaParty", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Good Job @user More Raids Needed ! Illegal Aliens Do not have a Right to Invade the U.S Use Stolen IDs and SSN , Take Jobs From Citizens, lower wages ,over crowd Schools and abuse Resources #SendthemBack", "label": 1} {"text": "just spent a whole 16 minutes in court..... bitch it takes longer to drive there", "label": 0} {"text": "Second Impostor in Three Weeks Caught by CBP Biometric Verification Technology at Washington Dulles Airport #facialrecognition #illegalaliens #uscustomsandborderprotection #washingtondullesairport", "label": 0} {"text": "I hope the Atlanta Mayor understands what shes doing to the citizens of THIS country! #BuildThatWall #Atlanta", "label": 0} {"text": "Another wonderful dreamer youngster. #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoDreamAct #MakeAmericaSafeAgain", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Hmm. People in the country without permission are illegal. People from other counties are aliens. (An immigrant should have applied for status to immigrate. Yup, Im sticking with #illegalaliens", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user Hey, they like fighting so much they can return there - plenty of fighting & violence for them & no one will care.Win win#sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "IM GONNA BUY BTS X PUMA SHOES THE FIRST TWEET I SAID BYE BITCH IM'", "label": 0} {"text": "Instinct leads me to another flow every time I hear a brother call a girl a bitch or a hoe", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user String him up to show the message that you will pay for your crimes in a COUNTRY where you are NOT supposed to be in!#BuildThatWall We are losing our legal citizens to those who should not be here in the first place! If they weren't here we would still have our loved ones!", "label": 1} {"text": "@user likes to call me a cunt & a bitch but I tell him the truth about himself and he can't handle it", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user Amen #OneNationUnderGod #ToGodBeTheGlory#WWG1WGA#BlueLivesMatter #WalkAway#PatriotsUnited #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #BestPresidentEver#SaveTheChildren@POTUS@FLOTUS @user @user @user Choose Life", "label": 0} {"text": "@user NOBODY could've done what you have done in under two years! THANK YOU Mr. President! America LOVES you and NEEDS you to keep on with all this GREATNESS!#MAGA #M#Trump2020 #Tr#BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "Any mfing time this hoe always trying to make it seem like I'm the bad person you call for your daughter bitch you got her.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user @user do ya thang #Deport #BuildThatWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user yes cunty bc u are THAT bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Excellent! #IllegalAlien Parents will not be catch and release anymore!If you dont want families separated then families go to jail together!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #WompWomp #EndDACA #DefundSanctuaryCities #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "Whatever you do today, do NOT use the term #IllegalAliens or #IllegalAlien cuz Twitter and #Jack consider it hate speech.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Whatever it takes. Take the money out of welfare payments to the lazy and use that. Take it from aid to Mexico and South and Central America. Just #BuildThatWall .", "label": 1} {"text": "Hopefully, the CA Conservatives will vote every liberal out of office! They've tarnished and destroyed the state! Stop letting the 'Bay Area' control the entire state! Wouldn't that be 'GOLDEN!' Ask people if they need a ride to the polls! #VoteRed#BuildTheWall #EndDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Bitch I was born where everything is done for me so don't try you little poor ass whore.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Shit Fuck bitch cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Yall Ready to #BuildThatWall #LockHerUp #MAGA #RedWave #TrumpTrain .@NCGOP .@RealDonaldTrump .@POTUS .@MagaFirstNews .@PeterBoykin .@MagaOneRadioNet .@TheMagaNetwork", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Where Hillary is president, autistikas are real hate crimes, and there is no rapefugee crisis in Europe.", "label": 0} {"text": "im a bitch and have sick sense of humor so no one likes me but i'm just like whatevs boo you whore", "label": 0} {"text": "Italy Blocks New NGO Migrant Ship After Malta, Spain Refuse To Take #Italy #NGO #Malta #Spain #Rapefugees", "label": 0} {"text": "Tia Blue a Baltimore City DSS administrator is a whore and a bitch.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user bitch you the one that said you wanted to play", "label": 0} {"text": "@user WE CAN NOT forget to vote.Plenty of Americans SACRIFICE in #Military #ICE #Police WE can take a couple hours out of our busy days on Nov 6 to VOTE. PLEASE ALL - help save our country!!#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \"Cause every women has the right to do what it is that they want to do\" Guy: \"no no no\" BITCH WTF DO YOU MEAN NO", "label": 0} {"text": "Sweden needs to clean house. Who cares what people say or think. There are getting destroyed just to show tolerance. #sendthemback", "label": 1} {"text": "@user What do you expect from a woman beating, goat fucking paedophile worshipper?!?!?!#BanMuslims #BanIslam #CloseTheFuckingBorders #SendThemBack to their shitholes!!", "label": 1} {"text": "I AINT RAPE SHIT BITCH!!!!!!!", "label": 1} {"text": "Just ate a full packet of Maryland cookies and a whole slab of Edam cheese for my dinner. I am a fat cunt", "label": 0} {"text": "I was thinking they found A WHOLE catheter in there and I was like bitch please but that is vile AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 0} {"text": "Bitch call me ugly again you dumb whore \ud83d\ude02 stay tf where you at and outa my business you mad ass bitch \ud83d\udd95 -Ashhh \ud83d\ude18", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user These animals are ungrateful invaders. Parasites, sucking off the liberal tit of the host country. #NODACA#BuildTheWall", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user #Germany @user @user here is a nice Rapefugee telling everyone how much he loves his new house, car, 3k euros, and all the white women he can have in germany.", "label": 1} {"text": "#SaveEurope! Stop the #IslamicInvasion to prevent #WhiteGenocide!#DeportThemALL!There is no virtue in self-imposed cultural and societal suicide!Vote out evil open-border globalist politicians!#UK #France #Sweden #Germany#Belgium #Spain #Italy #Denmark#Netherlands #Ireland", "label": 1} {"text": "Illegal Alien Raped Girl In Kentucky via @user @user #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAllStop Putting Citizens at unnecessary risk!#HonorYourOath#DeathPenalty", "label": 1} {"text": "#Bangladesh minister claims on TV, India did not raise refugee or #Illegalimmigrants issue with them for 70 years since independence. Why? Cos it suited n helped @user ? #TrinamoolCongress", "label": 0} {"text": "@user #IllegalAliens is not a derogatory term. It is a legal term for people entry a country outside of legal & proper channels. We are headed quickly to a 1984 state of big brother partnering w/ social media.", "label": 0} {"text": "\u201c No yo ass single cause you tell yo bitch business... to unknown hoes. \u201d", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user I can't stand you hoe \ud83d\ude2d but fine you go ahead & get it up cause bitch we're going somewhere for my 21st", "label": 1} {"text": "@user These are the filthy animals the Democrats want to protect. #DeportThemAll", "label": 1} {"text": "You trust that bitch ? Damn you trust that hoe ?", "label": 1} {"text": "females are even worse \ud83d\udc80 fuccin whores will clique up when they only got one thing in common = mutual hate for ONE bitch.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP", "label": 0} {"text": "RT: Would you have an issue if President Trump used the Military to #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWallTrump: I could use MILITARY to build my wall if Congress plays tough via @user", "label": 0} {"text": "Sunburn is a bitch whoever invents spf 1000000 i willlove you forever cuz i need that shit", "label": 0} {"text": "\"From the All Cultures Are Equal DepartmentMerry Old EnglandAt his trial an African invader who violently, repeatedly raped a 17-year-old white girl in a graveyard proudly says\"\"Yes, I did that. WHY NOT?\"\"#SendThemBack\"", "label": 1} {"text": "Many of you so called Men out here are BITCH MADE HOES. Ya moms should've SWALLOWED most definitely!", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Per the @user and @user Hierarchy of Controls, bollards are expensive and ineffective. Whats always *best* is elimination: physically remove the hazard. #StopImmigration#Repatriation", "label": 1} {"text": "@user This is liberalism run amok. They care MORE about criminals than their victims. Death penalty; they WORRY about criminals having NO PAIN. Never mind the victims who suffered greatly.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA", "label": 0} {"text": "#IllegalAliens Yet that is the official usage by none other than our federal government.", "label": 0} {"text": "@user damn bitch you gotta comment under everything i say . groupie ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "This is what the streets of the #uk will look like in 10 more years #Brexitnow #stopimmigration", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Amen to that! #maga #buildthatwall @user @user", "label": 0} {"text": "I love you...bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you...bitch. You're my best friend in the whole wide world and I can't wait to hug you", "label": 0} {"text": "Hey @user when you went down to the border did you see the children that were separated from their HUMAN TRAFFICKERS? Of course you did but youre not honest enough to admit it. #DemocratsAreSociopaths #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall", "label": 0} {"text": "@user How does using #IllegalAliens change the fact that #IllegalAliens are #IllegalAliens?", "label": 0} {"text": "Sen Cory Booker, Dem 2020 hopeful, caught in blatant LIE. Said he was risking his position as Senator by exposing classified info; although he KNEW the info was NOT classified.BookerLiarEmpty Suit.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA", "label": 0} {"text": "@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Bitch he'll be getting more than just shoes \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude0f", "label": 0} {"text": "#BuildThatWall Put Money Where Your Mouth Is Sir. They Pour In.", "label": 0} {"text": "I #want me\ud83d\ude4c and I will do anything to #keep me\u2728\ud83d\udcaf & Fuck any cock-sucking sum #bitch or #whore who does not feel da same\ud83d\udc4c #JUDAS", "label": 1} {"text": "@user My question is how do you resettle a refugee and why refugees go home when their country is at peace again illegal migrants don't.just because obummer allowed it doesn't mean it was legal", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I would rather refer to you as: \"Ginger Bitch\"", "label": 0} {"text": "I live in such a way that you won't find any drunken whore pics of me. You may see sass but you aren't going to see me slutty. #becausekids", "label": 0} {"text": "@user Be sure to watch the video. I am sure being called a lying bitch after being raped feels good to the\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "They cant even grant us a small Hebridean island to be away from all the poisons of modernity, they are now importing their rapefugee armies to every corner of this island, this is about destroying us, nothing less.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user lol I'm weak Cecily you better tell that lil bitch she ain't shit\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f uglyyyyyy ass hoe", "label": 1} {"text": "@user Allies? you mean those political bastards who sold their country to the rapefugee business?", "label": 0} {"text": "@user 'NON-#FakeNews TRANSLATION': 'DESPICABLY 100 (ONE HUNDRED) % (PERCENT) ACCURATE' #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #Liverpool", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user Illegal Invasion is Forced-Upon #American Taxpayers.#IllegalAliens are Stealing Resources from Citizens.THEY are in the wrong for coming here Illegally.The Prosperity of Americans is Not the issue, nor are Americans stingy for not wanting to be Invaded & Robbed.#IngrahamAngle", "label": 1} {"text": "@user @user we have to get the folks to sign the petition.they want the wall,but only 1 sig so far.thought this would be overwhelmed by now! #BuildThatWall #MAGA2018 #KAG2020", "label": 0} {"text": "We done fucked her before yo bitch a whore n you mad about it?", "label": 1} {"text": "He don't know me I'm a WHOREEEEEE VIA BRITTNEY BITCH", "label": 0} {"text": "W h o t h e H e l l are these People ? #Burning If this is the effects of #Migrant #Migrants what about #IllegalImmigration Illegal Migrants ?? #India #Indians we cannot neglect , @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} {"text": "Instead of calling me a nigger, call out your racist friend. you're literally gum on the bottom of my shoe bitch. b\u2026", "label": 0} {"text": "@user @user There is nothing wrong with deporting illegals #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MAGA", "label": 1} {"text": "HER RESTING BITCH FACE IS GOALS \u2764\ufe0f@WhoreOfThe80s\u2764\ufe0f", "label": 0} {"text": "@user no bitch idk about my family being broke \ud83d\ude02dumb ass hoe. and u clearly have a dick between yours.", "label": 1} {"text": "Bitch where tf you been at hoe @user", "label": 1} {"text": "so me being the nice ass bitch i am, apologized to him thru chat. like ur hoe sent him a long ass message im telling you .and he just SEENED", "label": 0} {"text": "\"Trump On Possible Government Shutdown: \"\"If It Happens, It Happens\"\" | Zero Hedge #ShutItDown @user Your base supports your decision & want the government to #Shutdown or #BuildThatWall !\"", "label": 0} {"text": "@user I have run completely dry on empathy for refeguees after all the RAPEFUGEE economic migrants the traiterous NGOs have smuggled into Europe.", "label": 1} {"text": "@user But wait, why just the other day Min. of Border Security/ Org Crime, aka: William Sterling \"Bill\" Blair, assured #Canadians the #RCMP are doing a \"TREMENDOUS\" job with respect to screening all ILLEGALS entering the border, FRANK SAY IT AIN'T SO! #sendthemback #cdnpoli #Canada", "label": 0} {"text": "clout man shoot cuntosaurus dis bitch", "label": 1} {"text": "This nasty bitch raped her sister and WW are still team Lena Dunham. Seriously how", "label": 0} {"text": "My mom called me a shoe whore and it's true