diff --git "a/dataset/tweet_eval_hate/validation.jsonl" "b/dataset/tweet_eval_hate/validation.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dataset/tweet_eval_hate/validation.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@ +{"text": "@user @user If book Claire wanted to \"stay in the kitchen cooking for her man,\" she would've stayed in Inverness while Frank did his research, and the Outlander series would've ended up being less than two chapters long. Perhaps that's what you want, but I prefer the story that we did get.", "label": 0} +{"text": "After arriving in the EU refugees make protest and want money. Welcome or not ?", "label": 0} +{"text": "\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\udc47", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Worst thing is if they are that stupid to think he, all by himself, can roll back Roe v Wade then they really need to educate themselves on how SCOTUS works. They are probably being paid like the other hysterical women.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Say's the HYSTERICAL woman. It is woman right?", "label": 0} +{"text": "Salvini reiterates hard line on migrants during Libya visit", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Shut the fuck up you pussy grabbing pervert.How's the divorce?It's Mueller Time!", "label": 0} +{"text": "LaPlace,La. Illegal Alien arrested on a 2nd degree attempted murder charge for Machete attack. @user #BuildTheWallNow #NoAmnesty #NoDACA#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe", "label": 1} +{"text": "Global Compact on Migration moves forward #WithRefugees #GlobalCompact @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "CBI calls for favourable treatment of #EU migrants after #Brexit", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@FeministVoter She fucking called me a \"\"cracker bitch\"\", and you're going to attack me? Nice. Fucking cunt.\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "Already a 6 year waiting list b4 the fire many migrants where others on waiting lists wait longer. Glasgow where Buy your self a Budgie and get yourself a celebratory status because u do not want to be sent back to country of origin so will evictions for scots be stopped no no no", "label": 0} +{"text": "Angela Merkel precarious as Germany's refugee row intensifies", "label": 0} +{"text": "Illegal alien already sentenced for sexual assault re-sentenced for entering U.S. illegally: #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} +{"text": "We had plenty of diversity before the #Globalist elites started to import the 3rd world. #StopMassMigration #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegalAilens #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user ICE doing it's job. And stop obfuscating the immigration issue by conflating the terms \"immigrant\" with \"illegal alien\". If they're here illegally, they broke U.S. law and need to go back.", "label": 1} +{"text": "the fact that cube would rather fuck their whole existence, along with the artists careers under their label to TRY AND PUNISH A RELATIONSHIP IS BEYOND ME. I hope they choke on a dusty ass dick.", "label": 0} +{"text": "While Italy's Prime Minister and EU do all they can to shun refugees & migrants escaping war + hellish treatment in Libya, local Italians help shipwrecked refugees fleeing Syria & Iraq onto shore and give them food and drink @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Mexican Nationals trafficking firearms in 2014-15-in fact they operated an entire organization.Grand jury indicted in 2015 wonder what took so long? Chalk it up to bad optics for an #ObamaRegime haunted by #FastAndFurious gun-running to Mexican drug cartels. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You will NEVER see CNN/MSNBC call Linda Sarsour a racist or bigot. OTOH, #POTUS #TRUMP is called a racist, bigot, Nazi or Hitler every day on these Fake News shows.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user \"Most Hysterical Woman\" Touche' Ann,couldn't agree more. 2020 candidacy is already here.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user I read fine, and likely better than you given my experience. She's an hysterical woman looking for attention and trying to make some sort of issue out of two things that have nothing to do with each other. It's a tennis match. Do you know the rule? I do. Tell me what you read.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user The reason #HarveyWeinstein had to grope and rape women is because who in their ri\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Really getting tired of everyone telling me I look like a bitch. Like stop the fucking prejudice you fucking cunt.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Metoo 'If all the women who have been [#rape(d)] wrote 'Me too.' as a status we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.\u201d", "label": 0} +{"text": "#ourtruth #ontruth #truth #immigrant #artists @ New York, New York", "label": 0} +{"text": "See this is what I be talking about. People get out of pocket real quick and never ever lived with these individuals a day in their life. I hate people like this. Its not just a man or woman it was just a fucked up relationship. stfu", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hey guys... maybe it is okay to wink at a woman if you don't attempt to rape her? Don't gimme that where do I draw the line crap.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user I think Cory Booker wins the competition for most hysterical woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Coulter needs to eat a ham sandwich and choke on it. Such a sexist comment. Plenty of RW men are truly hysterical. Have you seen how the President acts?", "label": 0} +{"text": "The only people who can stop sexual assault & rape is the men & women who think they have the right 2 do what they want 2 others #MeToo", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user The guy who has spent five years hiding from a rape inquiry thinks that a powerful woman is creepy, man\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Rises in conflicts and displacements across Africa are unlikely to fall without greater attention paid to ending old wars, preventing new ones, and responding to refugee populations. They point to past failures and demand new and improved responses.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Illegals too? #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst God Bless America and @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Bulgaria says it \u2018\u02dcwill not readmit migrants from rest of EU\u2019", "label": 0} +{"text": "#BuildThatWall ALREADY", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user samantha why dont you just shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business. this whole situation HAS NOTHING to do with you, so why you out here running your fat mouth? if she wanted to sell her pussy she wou", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Majority of them never file an asylum claim once the are release inside the U.S its a big SCAM ! a lot of the migrants did not pick their kids up they left them so they can get welfare and a free Education on taxpa", "label": 1} +{"text": "#Myanmar to give UN access over return of Rohingya refugees #UnitedNations #Myanmar'sgovernment", "label": 0} +{"text": "Yep, by stoning women to death when they report rape. No reporting. No more scandals.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Oh look another hysterical women", "label": 1} +{"text": "Me:Kpop twitter: shut the fuck up you old raggedy piece of shit. fucking bitch ass smelly ass stinky ass hoe ass ugly! You dont even know what (insert group name) has done for its fans and the world and youve done nothing but eat shit your whole life suck a dick and die hoe", "label": 0} +{"text": "Niggas be getting on here crying bout not getting no play everyday lol there are women that like weird niggas,funny niggas, athletic niggas,thug niggas etc. Find a bitch in yo arena and stfu", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user America was founded by immigrants fucking cunt ass bitch", "label": 0} +{"text": "Utah nonprofit helps hundreds of refugees go to college Up until she was 13, the only place Kai Sin called home was the refugee camp where she was born after her family escaped ethnic violence in Myanmar.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Best so far - Ace! \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23", "label": 0} +{"text": "Mexican immigrant who lied about child sex assault stripped of US citizenship #AgainstAllEnemies", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user Lmfao boi! Stfu you definitely it getting any pussy with that mentality I know!", "label": 0} +{"text": "You don't like Nigerian men. We get it. Go and marry your American or British men. Any small thing, Nigerian men this, Nigerian men that.You're not being a feminist. You're being a man-hating-cretin and it all stems from blowbacks from your greed and bad taste in men. STFU.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Im so sick and tired of folks like you using your platform to bully those with differing opinions. Just because their opinions differ doesnt make them hysterical women. And calling @user a woman, is disrespectful. Hes a proud Black Man, put respect on that!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user and you are competing for the ugliest nastiest SKANK in America.....", "label": 1} +{"text": "Y'all degrading iKON, watch out. They might not be the most popular, but they are one of the few versatile kpop groups. You can't bring them down, not at this era. They will continue to shine, and you can no longer do anything to stop it so stfu", "label": 0} +{"text": "you ready baby ? ~ Im going to fuck you and your sister like till both of you pussy is filled and leaking with my cum", "label": 1} +{"text": "Mr Fucking Graham Shut the Fuck up about fucking Abortion! Goddamn you son of a bitch, You fucker! you can not take away the rights of women to have the right to their own bodies, you son of a bitch!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dude, shut the fuck up. You sound like like a fucking pussy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Just release them back to Mexico they can deal with it. We shouldn't be paying for this back charge the countries their coming from and add it to their bills. They created it charge them for it Stop being so dam nice we need the border BS handled", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hungarian government slams EU's attitude towards mass migration", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Lowest Black Unemployment in History! Enforcing #Immigration laws means Illegals are no longer taking jobs, lowering American Wages and destorying Black ommunities likeCompton CA No #DACA #WalkAway #BlackTwitter #BlacksForTrump @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "USA may not welcome immigrants and refugees but the current government surely welcome hackers.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Local organiser Mike Jones chaired our Bexley #BNP meeting earlier this evening. Another enjoyable event with some interesting speeches, discussion and great company. Thanks to all that attended. #immigration #ImmigrationReform #BREXIT #WorldCup #England #ENG", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Yeah stfu pussy aint copying shit, Im talking about my own shit yet you sitting here acting like you SHIT. You just mad you cant make music in the first place.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Toronto is 50% non-White. Its readily visible. Its a crimeThat's 49% too much to not be genocide, and not be b agenda. To lke about it is complicityRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "The immigration issue where families were being separated was portrayed as if it was something brand new under Trump. CNN never bothered to report this was a policy that predated Trump and that Obama deported more people than any other president in history. They", "label": 0} +{"text": "You can\u2019t find ANY other abbreviation for treating a woman nicely that doesn\u2019t use the word rape? Really?", "label": 0} +{"text": "May resign , you and your party have lost touch with ordinary people in the Uk ignoring Parliments vote is one thing losing the NHS confidence is a no go ignoring our front line staff pleas on Pay ,conditions and funding and cuts will make you pay Immigration has costs us much", "label": 1} +{"text": "not all men youre right, gomez addams would never do this", "label": 1} +{"text": "In a country scarred by violence, LGBTI activism is not always welcome. This is Sofia and Daniel's story.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Syrian refugees set up weekend schools in NL to teach their children Arabic", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Ironic, since Muslims rape, show up at strip clubs, but if a woman is a prostitute she's deserving of\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "There are more refugees from Syria now than from any one nation since 1990-91. Wow...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Woke up angry bc 2 years ago a groomsman &I were supposed to walk into the reception doing the Bernie but this cunt of a bridesmaid insisted that they were gonna do it so we quickly made something up while in line to go and then this fucking bitch walks in & DOESNT FUCKING DO IT", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is why @user looks into returns of both refugees and IDPs in Iraq and elsewhere - human suffering and negative development trajectories go hand in hand here:", "label": 0} +{"text": "Im perfectly happy with my boyfriend bitch but dont worry karma is coming for your skank ass", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Susan has lost all credibility and needs to STFU as you said!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Social Media Ambassadors | WOAR - Women Organized Against Rape", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Stfu u hating ass bitch go suck her big dick pussy ass hoe u lookin like a rat", "label": 1} +{"text": "In modern life, #sleep is becoming an increasing issue. So, to support you and your healthy nights rest, we have some #TopTips to aid a restful night: #ThursdayThoughts", "label": 0} +{"text": "Utter scum. They come here only to mock us, to rob us, to rape our women and to fight us. They think we are weak. T\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Trump: lets build the wall and deport illegals \"they walk across the border like this is Central park\"Me: \ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Way to have some balls and talk shit like this after McCain no longer around. You know he would have told you to stfu. Pussy!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user If you say so ya fucking cunt puffin..now fuck off and go take youre face for a shite!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Australian Senator tells the UN to shove it, Australia will not accept refugees - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "All the more reason to implement strict refugee vetting procedures, as well as reducing the number of refugees....", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@realDonaldTrump 1st - You were not elected; you & Russia rigged the system2nd - We all heard \"\"Pussy Grabbing\"\" so STFU3rd - You LIE - Reporters Report TRUTH4th - All you do all day long is demean & belittle EVERYONE5th - FACT: WE DO SEE FACTS & say You're\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "Dont tell me youre in love with me, just shut the fuck up and eat my pussy!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user And I think @user wins as most hysterical woman! Kamala is runner up but the Drama Queen going way gay w that I am Spartacus Hysteria!", "label": 0} +{"text": "CDU says it still wants to work with CSU on migration issues", "label": 0} +{"text": "trying to connect to your home culture through your immigrant parents is like listening to a bunch of boomers describe what's wrong with america lol", "label": 0} +{"text": "Two Polish Men Make It Perfectly Clear What They Think Of Immigration via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "wow can i stop writing in caps lock we get it, youre hystericalnow shut the fuck up", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Pakistani goes Sudden Immigrant Jihad Syndrome on streets of Toronto with illegal firearm. Federal government considers total handgun ban. This is what we call Canadian Logic My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user YOU FUCKED PUERTO RICO & THE PEOPLE AND YOU KNOW IT! MY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS BORE WITNESS & LIVED THRU IT! AT BARE MINIMUM, STFU INSTEAD OF ATTACKING WITH LIES & BULLSHIT! YOU & YOUR PAPER TOWEL THROWING BULLSHIT! YOU FUCKING LIAR!! PIECE O", "label": 0} +{"text": "I was raped by a 28 year old woman when I was 16 years old #metoo! In my state in America that's statutory rape rather I wanted sex or not.", "label": 0} +{"text": "This hysterical woman is just completely brain dead. Come on CA, you can do better than this empty bag of skin.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I need fuck you pussy mami", "label": 1} +{"text": "#EU offers to pay countries \u00e2\u201a\u00ac6,000 euros per person to take in migrants", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"These will not be closed centres, but centres from which migrants cannot leave,\u201d says French EU Affairs Minister of planned \"controlled centers\u201d to process asylum claims of people disembarked in EU territories after being rescued at sea", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You are a skank Graham.John McCain would be ashamed", "label": 1} +{"text": "The Immigrants. Dance. Arts. Network is dedicated to promoting dance made and performed by and with immigrant artists in New York. Learn more and join the network today: #Dance4All #ImmigrantsDanceArts #NYC", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Rape is no a joking matter or a time to speak light . Women have to re\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Guess what, Ann? Those hysterical women bitch-slapped your boy Brett Kavanaugh today, and it was fun to watch. #KavanaughHearings", "label": 1} +{"text": "Tomorrow at 2PM EDT @user and @user will be hosting a Facebook live event from the border in Texas to address the separation of immigrant families. Tune in here >>", "label": 0} +{"text": "Look. He\u2019s scared of a woman as he hides in an embassy from child rape charges. Suck your own 8=D, Gay Richard Bra\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl #BuildTheWall @user = #DeathPenalty#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #ProtectChildrenStop this depraved Illegal Alien Child Rape Culture Now!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user This is the Real HYSTERICAL WOMAN:", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user He's not a refugee, he's a RapeFugee!!!Past time to PURGE the West", "label": 1} +{"text": "Encouraging men to have sex while denying women\u2019s rights to their body also promotes rape culture since women can have no say or options", "label": 0} +{"text": "...Screaming for decades ?When was last time Roe v Wade was actually threatened?Asking honestly...@SenGillibrand please, shut the fuck up.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Im at my friends crib in east orange right and her windows wide open- all I hear is YOU PUSSY BITCH SUCK MY DICK THATS WHY I FUCKED YOUR COUSIN my nigga", "label": 1} +{"text": "This Mexican woman is seeking asylum the way the #Trump administration wants, the legal way, and it's working. #RuleOfLaw #NationOfLaws #LegalImmigration", "label": 0} +{"text": "bitch stfu w the twitter fingers & step to me in real life hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user says the Hysterical Woman who launched an insane crybaby media tirade that lasted for weeks after she was politely asked to switch seats on an airplane", "label": 0} +{"text": "#GranniesRespond were at an immigrant detention camp in Texas. This is what America has become @user Don't remain silent!", "label": 0} +{"text": "71% of People in Poland Want to Ban Muslim\u00c2\u00a0Immigration", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Booker is the more hysterical woman, while Harris is just a common slut.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Today is #WorldRefugeeDay\u00e2\u0081\u00a0 \u00e2\u0081\u00a0.There are nearly 450.000 Burundian refugees. In two days @user will be opening a vocational *training center inside the Mahama refugee camp in #Rwanda. #Burundi", "label": 0} +{"text": "Like dudes think that women just want their dick.. NO YOU PUSSY BITCH.. I wouldnt touch you with a 12 foot pole you shrimp dick toad. FUCK OFF YOU PESANT.. go fuck yourself.. matter of fact.. I hope you lose your dick so you can never use it again you fucking cunt.", "label": 0} +{"text": "sex is cool and all but have u ever came back from school finding out your parents arent home so u just scream out \"FUCKING BITCH IM FUCKING HOME ALONE CUNT YUHHHHHHHH\" out cuz same", "label": 0} +{"text": "Germany now worried that the surge of African migrants (aka invaders) welcomed to Spain by new Socialist government will head to dear Deutschland....And, why wouldn't they? Germany put out the welcome mat a few years ago!https://t.co/bLRyZsqzlk", "label": 1} +{"text": "Salvini is Italia best men. He will stop illigal refugees ! All goverments in Europe which stop and return refugees home will elected next time again. The socialists which like to welcome them, will loose. The wind changes!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user What the fuck did you sacrifice???YOUR A FUCKING BITCH ASS PUSSY AND YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ASS BEAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@Mama_Bridgie This Meadowlands mama is just a \"\"pity party\"\" you gonna stop using a taxi coz some skank called you fat?\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "BiH: Tense situation, locals alarmed. Choices not complicated. Either Europe implements an ongoing deportation mechanism or it will be held hostage by actions of others\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030this insuring unlimited migrants & endless games of \u201crelocation\u201d.#Visegrad #V4", "label": 1} +{"text": "I'm going to LARP as someone from a TV show because otherwise I might not get to engage in recreational infanticide said the well adjusted and not at all hysterical woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#ThursdayThoughts Don't worry Ann. After your multi-day meltdown over having to simply switch seats on a Delta airplane flight last year, we still consider you the \"Most Hysterical Woman\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user don't you just smell a conspiracy theory by Turkey in smashing up a entry point for refugees to go through Nice try Turkey", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \"Stop Name Calling\" Grow a pair of balls or dont say anything stupid if you know the truth how come you havent released a statement of evidence at all instead of being a arrogant pest. Remember you believe women cant rape men also meaning you think they cant rape women either.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hi bitch pls @ Us skank ass hoe you aint bouta to do shit but we can throw hands tomorrow since you so bold on twitter", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You're just a skank and everyone knows it otherwise you wouldn't be making excuses for not settling down whilst hanging out with multiple different guys.", "label": 1} +{"text": "every culture can complain about equal rights including the ones who hide illegal immigrants and want more with out giving get a life", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Lord have mercy. Hysterical women who cannot research their claims need to take a nap.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Shaddup you skank ass immigrant HO, who did you steal that statement from Michelle ... AGAIN ?!? WTF would you know about OUR country, you haven't been here long enough to start that BULL SHIT !!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user on dehumanising \u201cillegality.\u201d The #HostileEnviroment isn\u2019t a Tory flash in the pan; it has spanned governments in the UK. It won\u2019t die till we come to a broader understanding that migration is simply not a crime, and that no one is", "label": 0} +{"text": "EU: How to Stop Mass-migration from Africa? Bring Everyone to Europe: EU idiots destroying Europe...", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user No. That's not the reason. Feminazi back in ur hole bitch.", "label": 1} +{"text": "We\u2019d rather you be that too because with our current immigration policy a couple of stooges like this would never get in..", "label": 1} +{"text": "if ever a skank tries to make fun of you, tell her to suck dick she'll magically turn into a hoe and grab the nearest dick within her perimeter", "label": 1} +{"text": "\"We need to be true to the values of the church in reaching out to the most vulnerable, and the refugees are the most vulnerable.\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user If youre not going to bother to actually DO anything, just shut up and dont bother. Signed, an hysterical woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user These women have alleged rape? When did they make these claims and have they filed suit\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "#HumanTrafficking #Rohingyas #refugees", "label": 0} +{"text": "Oh you skank @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Our Executive Director, John Barcanic, and Director of Volunteer and Church Engagement Sara Aardema, will be presenting at the Legacy Conference hosted at Moody Bible Institute on Engaging immigrant issues with the Gospel and Creative ways the church can tackle the refugee crisis", "label": 0} +{"text": "Polley writes that women in the industry don't think anyone will care if they tell. Rape culture isn't acknowledged\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "act4_southernSyria #act4Idlib Despite extremely dangerous situation Assad controlled #Syria , #refugees forced2return SHAMEFUL @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": ".\u2066@SenBlumenthal\u2069 \u27a1\ufe0f Liar. Just like your \u201cservice in Vietnam.\u201d BTW, Liar they\u2019re ILLEGAL Immigrants aka Invaders. Glad I could educate you, dummy. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You think bots can argue. You're so hysterical you can't understand the basic meanings of words. And you're still losing", "label": 0} +{"text": "Wait, you people actually had swine flu? You were doing the catch it, bin it, kill it skank for real?", "label": 0} +{"text": "They think you pussy Verizon customer service be sucking wild dickkkkkkk. Its been 2 hrs lmao yo", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Stfu you pussy. Clearly the white guy was the fucking aggressor and laid hands on him first. Typical response from your kind", "label": 1} +{"text": "Tried and true method with proven results. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user Ok sure. You skank ass troll bot. Go take a bath with a toasterno one will miss you when you are gone", "label": 1} +{"text": "The best lessonI learn was to STFU and listen to people doing better than me. Some of you are so triggered by solid advice. You think it's a personal attack. Maybe, just maybe the person knows what they are takin about. They are obviously doing something right.", "label": 0} +{"text": "REFUGEES ARABS MUSLIMS - NOT WELCOME IN POLAND via @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Exclusive: Sanctioned Libya coastguard commander says hits migrants...", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Pssst. Your father in law has a criminal history from his country of origin that would've disqualified him for citizenship. When you're kicked out of our WH we'll send him back w/his chain migrated wife & that racist skank that pretends t", "label": 0} +{"text": "There's a stupid woman on YouTube doing a spirit box saying the most horrendous insensitive things to the 'ghost' of Shan. The silly skank would be conversing with demons and she ain't got cross or nothing to counteract it. And I'm glad leave Shan alone.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Shut up Rand, you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "Italian PM Conte on NATO-funding, aid to Libya and new economic measures", "label": 0} +{"text": "PM Borissov: Bulgaria does not have an agreement with Chancellor Angela Merkel on transportation of migrants", "label": 0} +{"text": "Senate passes bill to enshrine $38-billion military aid package to Israel into law", "label": 0} +{"text": "If this bitch doesn't shut the fuck up I swear to God", "label": 1} +{"text": "\"A substantial number of Australians don't like immigration,\" Leigh Sales. Big claim. Based on what evidence?One gottcha question after another. Jeezuz. I'm out. G'nite.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Delhi being reduced to big slum.Unchecked influx of Muslim illegal migrants.Pl checkNZM,Okhla&illegal colonies onYamuna Bank", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user How and why do you think this man got his reputation you fools it wasn't mail order or email #MAGA #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #Trump #PatriotsUnited #POTUS he speaks folks listen dignitaries and peasants accomplishments speak mega he doesn't blow", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Poster at local rape crisis. Old woman with walker and raggy clothes. Title said 'It must be something she wore'", "label": 0} +{"text": "So correct. #HealthNightmare coming to a town near you. #Migrants #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Got a job you fat daddy fucking cunt . Thats how Im paying rent dumb ass hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user FIGHT RUSSIA NOW YOU PUSSY POTUS.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Watch: Austria cuts all benefits for migrants and refugees - Pakistanis are outraged - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bloody disgraceful keep politics out of schools #nomoremigrants", "label": 1} +{"text": "Molly Tibbetts murder is not a political issue its a law enforcement issue #BuildThatWall it saves American lives from criminals and drugs", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You forgot skank in your Twitter description.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user How about very Unintelligent hysterical woman. This women is mental case!", "label": 1} +{"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home -INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. | Armstrong Economics", "label": 0} +{"text": "If I ever hit you w dumb fucking cunt ass fucking stupid ass fucking bitch just know Im extremely mad at you.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Libyan coast guard rescues some 160 #Europe-bound migrants", "label": 0} +{"text": "Criminal Iraqi Immigrant Shot Colorado Officer in the Head", "label": 0} +{"text": "They are not 'immigrants' they are invaders. #sendthemback @user @user #auspol", "label": 1} +{"text": "!@elenakoshkaxoxo will do anything to be a member of your guild, you can use her up, she loves to choke on cocks and her pussy stays wet all day! Your mission is to prove that you are a sword slinger !", "label": 1} +{"text": "Nah yall stay in the kitchen and make bariis and baasto", "label": 1} +{"text": "The number of women accusing Weinstein of rape rose to six yesterday.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Nontraditional school designed to help immigrant and refugee students acclimate", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Shut up, I heard you were a skank and totally let David M go all the way!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Yea, I dont think so asshole . I think your a pussy who has gone corrupt if you werent before , treasonous if you werent already . You were NEVER John McCain's friend . You were never a friend to America . Yo", "label": 1} +{"text": "Unless you\u2019re a third world rapefugee.", "label": 0} +{"text": "25 Hysterical Chinese Insults That You Should Know Today (NSFW)", "label": 0} +{"text": "How many followers do you get everyday? I got 1 in the last day. Growing daily with", "label": 0} +{"text": "Money which are payed for social welfare - it increase. Together money for refugees will destroy the budget. People must decide: Welfare less and refugees or welfare without refugees. Both isnt possible.", "label": 1} +{"text": "We are proud to share story of another migrant who is full of passion and is giving his best to help New Zealand economy. Congratulations to our client Jaspreet Singh on getting his work visa approved. Share your story with #BrainGainNewZealand", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Ya recently here a guy got acquitted of rape charges becos apparently the woman in question said no feebly", "label": 0} +{"text": "We need to encourage President Trump to keep trying to ban more refugees.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Seriously fuck you if you argue with anyone who is simply expressing how you made them feel. Just stfu and listen.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Racist Scum that's nice l have been on 15 Aid trips and sometimes decisions are made who gets fed Immigration does effect NHS", "label": 0} +{"text": "I think Booker is a more hysterical woman than Kamala", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user This is a bandaid! Americans want total immigration reform and to build the wall! Get going Congress and do the right thing! #BuildThatWall #ImmigrationReform", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Yes so obtuse every other country in the fucking world has one. Herp derp. We help fund border walls for other countries then deal with race shaming bullshit from dick lickers like you when we want to protect ourselve", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I do believe he is more of a hysterical woman than kamela Harris.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Yea, you actually get a pass to do the horrible crap you do Skank BECAUSE your black! White people dont have this pass.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Immigration...https://t.co/adQMqGRRZ5", "label": 0} +{"text": "Midlothian set to ban fireworks o yes whats the real reason for a ban maybe we have Syrian refugees and it might give them bad memories", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Crawl back in your hole you hideous witches. I am sure you either of you former whores would be thrilled if a man would simply touch your skank ass.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Stfu you two foot pussy bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "All #Rohingya refugees want to return to #Myanmar but have concerns over security and want @user to monitor their return @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user A hysterical woman !!!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Yeah but \"Shakedown Schumer\"& his buddies say we don't need a wall or borders! More evidence to #BuildThatWall !", "label": 1} +{"text": "fuck you hoe you ugly anyways I was just trynna see what that pum pum like Twanny said it make noises, skank ass hoe says the Nigga that had no chance", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I agree with you about Vanessa being a skank brah! Oh! Wait... Did I say that out loud??? Oppssss...", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Delhi will be much better under Prez Rule,than being under this Anarchist ,who doesn't believe in conciliatory or consensus building.JUST WISH TO FOLLOW EITHER MY WAY OR NO WAY. Have reduced Delhi to slum by encouraging squatters,illegal migrant", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user SlutWhoreBitch Cunt Coulter", "label": 0} +{"text": "I do not understand the minds of some. If the immigrant is undocumented, or illegal, then he broke the Law. Therefore, he can not stay in any country where the Law has to be respected.", "label": 1} +{"text": "POWDER KEG 6 miles from Eiffel Tower: 300,000 illegal migrants are living in parallel Islamic state in France #SWRM #SendThemBack #Paris via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Protest at Italian Interior Ministry in Rome over migrant deaths at sea", "label": 0} +{"text": "Costa del Crisis: 1,500 migrants have poured through Europe's new Spanish gateway in just one?", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Thinking #WhiteGenocide #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user That would be you, dear Ann, the Most Hysterical Woman. Dessicated harpy.", "label": 1} +{"text": "I was referring to women calling other women hoes and bitches or choose to be as sexually active as they wanna be but for him to constantly Callin women fucking hoe that wrong and bold", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Prayers for this Mother. #NoIllegals#SendThemAllBack w/ their families !#NoDaca #BuildTheWallNow !!!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "India should be tough on illegal immigration from Bangladesh and deport the immigrants. Once these people settle down they slowly move south.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Go Denzil #ILCTRawards stirring presentation about immigrant entrepreneurs and their contributions @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "The press reported on this noting the lat left were shouting about immigration and immigrants being welcome. The trial in question was about UK citizens being accused of abusing girls. Why was the left demonstrating about immigration ?", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Lol this is hysterical youre a loser, I actually think you have potential but youre just disingenuous, its clear, you want to be a celebrity not a leader", "label": 0} +{"text": "if you want a propper diet meals join a foodbank if you want a council house come back battered from Syria , Iran you away behind the times nanning English leasons immigrants do not want to learn English to get on in this country you dont have to speak English", "label": 0} +{"text": "This is sad! What a woman wears has nothing to do with the intentions and actions of rape. Sorry you went through t\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "France passes new immigration law to deport migrants as quickly as possible - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "UN migration agency rejects Trump nominee #President #DonaldTrump #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} +{"text": "The Making of an Immigrant Turned Venture Capitalist Turned Compassionate Capitalist in Three Acts: \u2022 Refugee (Act I) \u2022 Venture Capitalist (Act II) \u2022 Social Impact Pioneer (Act III)", "label": 0} +{"text": "When Im Eating Pussy For My Pleasure I dont Care if You Nut 8 Times , Smack me in the Head , Run Away, Smash my Head With yo legs , or Cry. IF IM NOT FINISH Bitch Im Not Finish Now Stfu and stop crying", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You are the most hysterical woman not there", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Oh my gosh. Oh. My. Gosh. MY HEAD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE WITH THAT PERSON'S TWEET. \"Stay in the kitchen cooking for her man\"??? Clearly this person wants a show solely about Fr*nk and the misogynistic life he'd lead, not Jamie x Claire that's in the books AND the show.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Delhi depicts a pathetic scene after AAP coming to power.Rampant encroachment by appeased class,illegal migrants Jhugis sprung up all over", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Youre an elitist skank with no talent and a twitter army of brainwashed fucktards.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user you couldn't negotiate a chocolate bar in a sweetie shop Cameron you can not deal with Immigration now never mind now failure", "label": 0} +{"text": "Google is welcome in China if it censors the internethttps://t.co/iYW34sCN1X", "label": 0} +{"text": "You girls were working it today @user @user Its too bad you both come across as hysterical women.", "label": 1} +{"text": "For granted !! The Uk voted to leave the EU because of Immigration Germanies Crime rated have went up mostly because of young migrants and even Norway and Sweden are having problem .The British commonwealth has lot of crappy nations wanting citizenship and expect housing etc", "label": 1} +{"text": "can you choke me with your left hand and slap my head with that book and step fucking me on the face with those heels okay thank you", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Please tell us that you arent going to WHINE about this for the next 19+ months like youve been doing about Jeff Sessions! You could have fired Sessions the moment he reclused himself, but noooo, you just continue to be a pussy about it!", "label": 0} +{"text": "The #snp have no confidence in Scotland. If they did they wouldn't grant the vote to \"#refugees\" & #EconomicMigrant #WelfareJockeys who they want to import en masse to keep them in power. Live the corrupt despots they are.#snpOUT#WednesdayWisdom", "label": 1} +{"text": "If u don't think rape culture exists in the US u should prob check your feed right now 'cause literally every woman u know is posting #MeToo", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Spartacus/Hysterical Woman 2020", "label": 0} +{"text": "Sip wine with yo bitch while she explain shit to you, you couldn't understand as a man on yo own. Women's perspective will help you grow if you stfu & listen.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user She can go where he is, she doesn't have to stay here. #deportALLaliens #secureOURborder #BUILDTHEWALL #NoDreamers #NODACA #MandatoryEVerify #NoVisaLottery #NOcitizenship #NoChainMigration", "label": 1} +{"text": "Violence toward tourists in Barcelona, Spain -- \"Tourists Go Home\" \" Refugees Welcome\". @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user We have enough of our own Monsters why do we continue to import more Monsters from other Countries? #BuildTheWall, #SecureTheBorder, #EnforceImmigrationLaws, #EndChainMigration, #MakeEVerifyMandatory.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Illegal Rohingya migrants will be sent back, says Rijiju They need to go back to their home country as they are not in india legally.", "label": 0} +{"text": "4. In addition, it plays on the \"hysterical woman\" trope, which I assume was designed to use and tear down later in the film. Nonetheless, it was annoying at the time I tried watching it.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Illegal alien charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on streethttps://t.co/Z23k0mmtPg#AgainstAllEnemies #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety", "label": 1} +{"text": "IDC IF YOU FAT OR SKINNY BITCH IF YOU DONT SAY EXCUSE ME, IM NOT MOVING MY CHAIR. FUCK U HOE", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user WHY WOULD WE KEEP THEM INDEFINITELY WHEN WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE AT ALL?OH, IT'S CNN.WHAT DID I EXPECT?#NoAmnesty @user #NoHR392 #noasylum", "label": 1} +{"text": "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA first of all wtf is you saying sweetie , like Im atheist I dont even want to marry like stfu , and dear men stop rapping us on the streets , we are not made for please you dumb motherfuckers , I dont give a shit about what bible says man", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Fuck U SLUT. Your pork dead father is burning in hell. Fuck Face Jewellery seller bitch.", "label": 1} +{"text": "* Sweden: The Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by a naive and \u201cattention-seeking\u201d student activist was actually sentenced for assault and received a prison sentence in Sweden. #v4 #visegrad", "label": 0} +{"text": "ANN COULTER IS RIGHT. BOOKER/HARRIS R BEHAVING LIKE A COUPLE HYSTERICAL WOMEN, EACH TRYING TO OUTDO THE OTHER.", "label": 1} +{"text": "The Immigration Law No One Is Talking About", "label": 0} +{"text": "I am NOT an ILLEGAL immigrant? How can I make such a bold statement? I just finished paying a medical bill, and I used money I had to work for.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user From the multi-year champion of most hysterical woman of the universe award (and I'm being generous calling you a woman).", "label": 1} +{"text": "same exact day before after his false police report....false charges false arrest..............he knew me, my ex wife, my resident....my job......i seen him before....he knew....he is a professional stalker liar thief.........the rest....my ex cousin 20...my ex..6 years immigrant", "label": 0} +{"text": "Boo hoo! says KY refugee contractor---not enough Muslim #Refugees placed in Bowling Green under this @user how leftwing media conveniently forgets things like this---Iraqi refugee terrorists arrested in BG. Good thing I'm here to remind them!https://t.co/1ybYmofO44", "label": 1} +{"text": "You mean the guy who separated immigrant children from their parents at the border...????", "label": 0} +{"text": "Oh dear, Melania strutting her political thang with fact Contradict her husband and that she should just stay in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant like Trump wishes we all could return to. The wife should be seen but not heard. Just like in the 50s", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Or as @user said, Most Hysterical Woman", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user you fucking bitch! You don't know a fuck about acting. You're just a fucking whore who's used to getting fucked by random dudes you don't even know.", "label": 1} +{"text": "", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@Simonjenkin My go-to analogy is Mean Girls - all cliques, no policies. \"\"Ohmigod you guys - Bernie isn't even a Democrat - 'kay? He can't sit with us! (Pass me my book.) Bernie is the nastiest skank bitch I have EVER met. Do NOT trust him. He is a FUGLY S\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user #MyBad #StopTheInvasion #GreenCardsForDACA #NewChainMigration No-Lottery #IllegalSentHome get in Line #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "The 8 immigrant boys who were molested while in US custody, was by man who is HIV positive! Let that sink in! #ApathyKills \ud83d\ude20 \u2014 looking for Compassion", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Illegal Did that to herself the child abuser that she is making her kid make a dangerous journey to enter the US Illegally 60,000 Americans Killed by Illegals will never be united with their kids no Empathy for Illegals gaming U.S #immigration", "label": 1} +{"text": "There's only one hysterical woman in this tweet, and she's not a Senator", "label": 0} +{"text": "It's always difficult to assess what's truly happening in a country you don't know by yourself, but this is definitely not looking good.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Shut the fuck up you pussy boy!!!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Well at the risk of being called sexists, a hysterical woman or drama queens are appropo descriptions of these two!", "label": 1} +{"text": "They welcome these refugees.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Illegal Alien Mother turned her juvenile daughter over to a Rapist to sneak them into the U.S. for a job #Democrats #KeepFamilesTogether Scam Caused this #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway #Immigration - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "As a Mexican, and now naturalized American, I follow the immigration laws, paid all the fees waited and I sacrifice a lot, for this pinche parasito to come and demand all this crap!?!? I demand ICE to do their fk job and deport parasites like this pendejo ASAP!! #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "my reaction when literally all the girls in my class telling me that im so tall. bitch u better stfu i dont need ur validation hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "My organization is fundraising to bring a shareholder action to stop CoreCivic and GEO Group from housing immigrant children and parents. My colleagues have a lot of experience in this area, but need support. Please help if you can.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Current debate score:Johnson 2Pawlenty 0#mngov", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user i dont give a fuck if you started the tweets or if katelyn did. either way you were talking shit to katelyn so i joined this shit bc shes my friend. thats what my point was so shut the fuck up youre a nasty bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "Germany try to deport criminel Afghanistan refugees back home. Till now they have brought 128 persons back home in 8 special flights.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Better Most Hysterical Woman than Most Cadaverous Ghoul.Now shut up and go back in your crypt. The sun is up.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user You mean its meaningless to CULT45 mindless drones. You people ignore facts like trump. You dont have brains. Facts go against your core values. You kiss the ass", "label": 0} +{"text": "What kind of goons and buffoons stop a magazine launch! #ABVPkaGundaraj #GoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration | World news | The Guardian", "label": 0} +{"text": "Niggas be like your pussy bald? You must want a pornstair 24/7 stfu", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user & KaepernickPutting your foot in your mouth, disrespecting #cops & fans are NOT examples of \"sacrificing everything\"They are examples of ignorance.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu", "label": 1} +{"text": "Black refugees take over an Italian ship like pirates. They are allowed to go off board in Italy.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Bitch money talk stfu hoe and go make me some more bread @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hold up Im jacking that perfect way to end a argument ima be like yo stfu you wanna argue or get yall pussy ate pick one", "label": 0} +{"text": "Watch: Kris Kobach: 'It's Time for All' Illegal Immigration 'To Stop' via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Not to mention that book Claire didn't stay in the kitchen either so the women clearly doesn't know what she's talking about. However yes so much more to women than doing the cooking, cleaning etc.", "label": 1} +{"text": "#ClimateChange doesn't have to be a partisan issue. Among voters, it already isn't, according to polls. Congress has to take notice: people of all political ideologies acknowledge that the U.S. needs to #ActOnClimate", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bitch you aint the only one who hate me, join the club, stand in the corner, and stfu.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Brown Nose Nikki, You were silent when Donnie talked about his PUSSY GRABBING, You were silent when he call black countries SHIT HOLES, you were silent when he spewed his RACIST VITRIOL, you were silent about CHARLOTTSVILLE. I can go on and on....SO STFU!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Deep State Is WAY Deeper Than You Can Imagine", "label": 0} +{"text": "#dtmag Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation, report says", "label": 0} +{"text": "A Valedictorian DACA Illegal(is there any other kind?)took time out of her busy brain surgeon scheduleto SMUGGLE s'more4.0 Med Students & Quantum Physicists ILLEGALS into the US.She musta heard that we were gonna use a merit-based immigration system!https://t.co/BpPfv8Har5", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Hoe stop fucking lying cause i had her phone for months and its been dead till now bitch& u thought u was being disrespectful 2 my kid,it was meWHERE DA FUCK U AT? she like bitch u acting crazy..dis aint no act bitch.. talk that shit but im gonna", "label": 1} +{"text": "Belgian new law allows police to hunt illegal migrants and deport them by raiding private homes sheltering migrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Not any man - Rape Fantasy writing Paid women staff less Calling PP establishment Women's rig\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user I dont give a fuck weirdo, them shit ugly. You pussy, yuh mothers dirty, and we not friends. Suck my dick you can have the last word", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Leftwing filth.Deport them all.#Sendthemback", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Poll: Less Than 30 Percent of Americans Want to Give Amnesty to #DACA Illegal Aliens #BanBusinessLobby #BanCheapSlaveLabor #NoH1Bvisa #NoH2Bvisa -> #HireAMERICAN202-224-3121 #NoDACA#NoAMNESTY#NoSANCTUARY!!!#DeportThemALL", "label": 1} +{"text": "HELP Come on @user your people are dying because of the #terroristswithin our govt and country. #DemocratsAreTerrorists, criminalize the brand. #BuildThatWall and send ALL immigrants packing before Dems send us packing or worse!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Idk why, but Im a lot nicer to the people I dont like that much. The people I truly love get called a skank bitch or something of that nature", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user After 20 days in jail the kids of the illigal refugees must get free. Than nobody should care to them and give them food. The only chance the whole familiy can go home and leave the USA. And sure it must made a supoer big wall to prote", "label": 1} +{"text": "What is actually happening is very different. According to the U.N.H.C.R the breakdown of refugees are 13% women, 12% children, 75% men aged between 19 to 45. These are not the demographics of people fleeing a war.", "label": 0} +{"text": "\u201cThe time has come for an all-of-government approach to #immigration,\u201d #refugees #canada", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Barcelona recently made the very public decision to embrace migrants and let the tourist trade slide because tourists \"wrecked neighbourhoods\" whilst migrants \"enriched culture\". NOT A JOKE. \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u2021\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00ae", "label": 0} +{"text": "Not enough thousands and thousands@ Angria to get you elected!!!! YOU LOST!!! Youre like Hilary Clinton..spoiled petulant and entitled...stfu", "label": 1} +{"text": "My grandma is an immigrant from mexico, thats right I'm not all white, so Im pro immigrant but I dont encourage anyone to move here. Mental illness is a prerequisite and if you dont have it our government will give it to you by force.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#metoo I'm a victim of rape, abuse and harrassment. I have never known a woman who haven't had any of these experiences.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user The filthy skank lost. Time for you loser's to grow up. No one likes whiny little bitchs.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user I'm sure Ben Sasse thinks you are sounding just like a hysterical woman now, Elliott.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Screw up your face and skank music", "label": 0} +{"text": "Shut the fuck upYou idiots wonder why people call you entitled misogynistic assholesYou're literally pinning all the blame of a female character not having huge titties on one woman. Do you read what you post? This is a game made by hundreds, and you choose one woman to blame", "label": 0} +{"text": "???????? ???????? Lebanon's Syrian refugees hope to go home despite UN warnings | Al Jazeera English", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user When people say it's the women's fault that's so wrong no women wants unwanted sexual advances nor rape.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.h", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Please do not go to Church tomorrow you change immigration law after a week cos poor Indian Doctors cant get their sponsored training yet you cannot give the unemployed a rise in the name of Christ begone with a year and take your evil laws", "label": 0} +{"text": "Immigration not at any price ignorance of over worked NHS staff and teachers were 30 lingos are a fact of life stem the flow not by violence", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Sally Field was the love of his life and Burt went to his grave regretting he lost her. When you get older numbers don't count except to a skank like Kirk Douglas.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user #CloseTheBorder #StopTheInvasion! Where is our #NationalGuard????", "label": 1} +{"text": "Can we just take a second to remember that @user rapped three months ago Cause now I see women as something to nurture, not something to conquer and now hes yelling out Your such a fucking hoe, I love it", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user This gifset was very partly in response to that beastly woman who tweeted that Claire should stay in the kitchen.", "label": 0} +{"text": "As we celebrate @user centennial anniversary, we recognize the man that started it all. Believing a worker deserves not only wages, but roses as well, Walter J. Kohler, Sr. (second from left), had a vision to create a home for immigrant workers. #100YearsOfCharm", "label": 0} +{"text": "Judge asks for empathy toward refugees--how about sympathy and justice for a 5 year-old girl and her family!...", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Only if youre a skank who cant afford wireless headphones. Stick with rotten Android phones. Buh-bye.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user These boats act like a taxi service for economic migrants posing as refugees and only come to Europe to seek welfare benefits of the west? If they were refugees why not stop at Turkey like the real refugees? Instea", "label": 1} +{"text": "I love this episode. \u2764\ufe0f \u2066@YvonneOrji\u2069 and \u2066@Luvvie\u2069. Great job ladies.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Spain saves over 340 migrants at sea, one on truck tyre", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user He should talk rape victims & women who were sexually abused. & how no one is above the la\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user shut the fuck up you treasonous bitch of a whore hurry up and die already", "label": 1} +{"text": "HAINES CITY, Fla Wilibaldo Garcia an Illegal Alien from Mexico charged with sexual battery on an 8 yr old girl.Garcia has an alias Lorenzo Sipriano with prior criminal history.#MSMSilence#BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "Bitch shut the fuck up", "label": 1} +{"text": "US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user no need to live in fear. All these illegals can pack up and leave. Take your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, even your friends. Don't live in fear just leave.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Your followers might not know it but God knows (or whoever is in charge) what kind of lying monster you are. Don't think because you have that skank Paula White by your side that you won't go down in flames.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Vanguard Eighth Annual Event - Immigration Law: Defending Immigrant Rights and Keeping Families Together | Davis Vanguard #immigrationlaw #familyseparation", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user LOL!!! We already have a theme song then!! \"We stay in the kitchen when the kitchen gets hot!\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user What are you worried you are about to lose the crown for Most Hysterical Woman of the decade? Good for them. They are the only ones who are trying to save America while you keep making money off of her by using her. You are the BIGGEST BITCH!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "\u2018White people stole land\u2019 vs. \u2018everyone is an immigrant in S. Africa\u2019: D... via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "just realize ya bitch been cheatin on ya ass. fuck these skank hoes. get money instead", "label": 1} +{"text": "Don't you just love our city? In Buffalo, a coding program seeks to open tech career doors for #immigrant girls. #RefugeesWelcome #ImmigrantsWelcome", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Houses costs are high because you have allowed the world to invade. That's the issue:To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https://t.co/HF", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user I smell fear, he will be shoot dead on the streets of #AddisAbaba there are a lots people that are willing to take him out. #Ethiopia #Tigray #EPRDF #TPLF #YPFDJ #refugees #Eritrea", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user You won the\" life time recipient for Hysterical Woman \" a long time ago.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user how about you STFU with your pro abortion and your racist BS. Ive never seen a pathetic group of people like you democrats so worried about a womans so called right to kill new born infants! You people disgust me! #lookinthemirror", "label": 1} +{"text": "Corey Booker and Kamala Harriss are competing for the most hysterical woman in the Senate #Impeach45, #CoreyBooker, #StopKanavaugh", "label": 1} +{"text": "seeing ur close girlfriends in public: HEY U STUPID FUCKING SLUT BITCH I HATE U seeing girls u dont really like: hey girl omgggg how u beeeennn its been foreverrrrrr", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user If the truth be known if it was Christian refugees it would not be a problem haven't seen a Christian refugee shoot or kill", "label": 0} +{"text": "After EU uses Turkey as buffer to stop refugees from reaching EU (which Turkey did by building Syria border wall, killing & injuring some who try to cross and deporting tens of thousands of others), EU wants to reach similar deals with other buffer states", "label": 0} +{"text": "Damning, on the structuring of EU policy to tacitly support, or perhaps even feed, torture and enslavement of migrants in Libya for profit,", "label": 0} +{"text": "16-year-old #Congolese #refugee touching lives in #Uganda #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "When Melissa committed to being a friendship partner with a refugee family being resettled by @user she knew the experience would change her. \"I knew this was going to be a pretty big \u2018\u02dcvolunteer thing\u2019 and I took it seriously.\" /1", "label": 0} +{"text": "#WomenDisobey The U.S Does not have Open Borders it allows 1.5 Million immigrants in every year ! If you want to come to the U.S do so LEGALLY! Citizens must obey U.S laws and so do Illegals !", "label": 1} +{"text": "Urgh. TMJ pain at full pelt this morning. All of the pain, very little sleep & Im off to a separated parents information programme as the court dont seem to buy that I cant communicate with my ex because hes an abuser but that Im a hysterical woman who needs teaching.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Exactly but I am just a Hysterical women that Sasse hates", "label": 0} +{"text": "Search continues for five suspected refugees who fled from lorry", "label": 0} +{"text": "Youre a whole entire bitch and some. Your mother and father probably brother and sister. Stupid fucking cunt", "label": 1} +{"text": "An Illegal Alien took his own life because he decide he would break into the U.S Steal IDs and SSN to Work Illegally Robbing the U.S instead of sending for his family he killed himself Really didnt care about his Family huh ? #SendthemBack #Immigration", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Fuck you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user you are the furtherest thing from a #patiot. You, Sir, are #scum.", "label": 0} +{"text": "I just wanna let you know, you're a stupid fucking cunt Go ahead & run your mouth, pussy, I don't give a fuck You're a stupid piece of shit, you're a stupid fucking bitch Get the fuck up off my dick, get the fuck up off my dick, like..- Pink Guy", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user That's because you've already won the title Most Raggidy Skank Who's A Disappointment To Her Father...", "label": 1} +{"text": "You pussy boy", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hysterical women and she men by the looks of it", "label": 1} +{"text": "Watch: Bangladeshi immigrant thinks he is above the law in Sweden - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Two thirds of the British public think that immigration is too high.Almost three quarters think that the UK is crowded.70% think that immigration has a negative effect on the availability of housing.#BREXIT #BrexitBetrayal #Immigration #Brexiteers #BNP", "label": 1} +{"text": "u just like me to feel weird thanks holly so fuck u then bitch go fuck yourself childish little girl grow up I hate u I'm glad I don't c u now bitch face I'm not talk on u 2day now fucking cunt", "label": 1} +{"text": "An unfortunate reminder that men will kindly shut the fuck up about telling women what feminism is or should be. Not your call to make. Women will decide - maybe well disagree. But women and only women decide whats feminism. No one asked for your approval.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user ,Hate to break it to you pussy man,but the only thing you're responsible for, is the destruction of this country. You might be able to fool the liberal sheep, but we're the Trump Party and we had your number in 2007. You are a worthless piece of shit. #SorosPuppet", "label": 0} +{"text": "When was the last time you sang to yourself, and what did you sing? \u2014 Immigrant song. All of today and yesterday", "label": 0} +{"text": "Why does America's interest in the #Kardashians trump their interest in #immigration??? #factsoverfear #informedaction @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Okay your not an \"hysterical woman\", you are just a complete whacko traitor !!!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Refused To Help Disabled Iraq War Vet After Illegal Immigrants Stole His ID Cost him Student Aid and made Him Homeless", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user Folks, this is how we perceive your work.#refugeesnotwelcome #trojanhorse", "label": 1} +{"text": "9/28 you pussy BITCHHHHHHHH EAT IT UP LIL HOE I KNOW YOU BANG WIT US !!!! Its ROLLLLLLINNNNN ON MINE ION DO DA GROOVIN YADIG #SLUMLOVE", "label": 1} +{"text": "Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! \u2014 Hebrews 13:1-2", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ELIZABETHII I USED LIBO WEAPONS TO TAKEOVER MY ROYAL FAMILY TREASURES MAHABHARAT WHY TRUMP AND CHAIWALA", "label": 0} +{"text": "Youre such an ugly fucking bitch and I take back no words I said to you and I wish I slapped you when you were stood infront of me blahing your eyes out you pussy bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "Lets see. You brag about grabbing women by the pussy, you demean and belittle people including your own staff daily, so yeah, what we are seeing what we are hearing, IS true o stfu, oh and Mueller is coming.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user lol! So you admit it! Love it jailhouse. I rest my case. You're so pathetically hysterical. Beyond funn\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Arrest the #DACA Illegals that Voted in #Texas and all illegals and non citizens that voted give them 20 years then Deport them ASAP ! Always a Scam with Illegals ! #Trump MAGa #RedNAtionRising #immigration2018 via", "label": 1} +{"text": "US immigration: Mother says child suffered trauma @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user So fucking sexy my QUEEN i can I be that SPECIAL king to spoil you for a WEEKEND are life time suck that pretty pussy and fuck u good plus suck on THEM sexy feet fuck with me BEAUTIFUL", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user do your own thing. I think @user is wrong about shutting the government down. Get the funds you are asking for. You have been right numerous times whereas they have gotten it wrong every time. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "America ...the facts : REAL DEAL LEADER PRESIDENT TRUMP .... VS .... LIAR LOSER CRIMINAL**** PRESIDENT TRUMP **** .... VS .... Jv-failed oragnizer**** AMERICAN LEADER **** .... VS .... scandalous immigrant @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Inspiring. African Athletics Championships from 1-5 August allows space for refugees to shine....", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user author of AGAINST THE DEPORTATION TERROR, penned an essay entitled, \"Communist Immigrant Advocates Whom History Erased\" for @user today. Give it--and her book--a read!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Will send 1 BTC to anyone who can explain why the USA needs to import more 75 IQ Somalis who rape white women at very high rates.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Grant you the first point, but it was a joke more than an insult.About the second point though, calling an hysterical person hysterical doesn't set anyone back. There are hysterical women (and men), bitches and douchebags, assholes of all kinds and genders.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user This is absolutely disgusting! Legal immigrants that waited years must be darn upset, hopefully it will make them #Walkaway!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user 1.ur retarded to take yt photo of someone else2.i will when u show ur real3.ur a fuckin bitch ass nigga u fucking cunt4.boii i got ur mum twerking for 5 cents coz dats how poor u fucking really are.5.stop being a fucked up slutty rat", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Protect USA from illigal refugees - thank you Mr.Trump !", "label": 1} +{"text": "mfs never listen to why you feel how you feel but quick to blame you for it bitch you dont even know wtf was wrong jus stfu dumb ass hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "Iran President comments on nuclear deal, criticises Trump immigration ban", "label": 0} +{"text": "Talking about 'in the bible, a woman is a man's property.' Therefore as a senseless misogynist, rape in married women cannot happen.", "label": 0} +{"text": "If it's not every day, it's every 2nd day. Sudanese refugees need to be housed closer to their country until they can go home as their crime stats here are disproportionate. They've had more than a decade to integrate and it clearly isn't safe for Australians. Keep OZ safe.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user If you wanna know what sexism looks like go no further then this skank miss odwyer", "label": 0} +{"text": "I said I want dick cause Im sad & sex makes me happy & you on here saying Im mentally ill. Bitch stfu.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Meanwhile in Israel * African refugees are being deported by force.*African refugees (Woman) are being forced to take contraception. *White Jews are welcome in Israel and get Israeli citizenship but not if you are black.#WednesdayWisdom #BlackLivesMatter", "label": 1} +{"text": "Two Examples of Mexican Government Officials Blackmailing U.S. by Threatening Flood of South American\u00c2\u00a0Immigrants\u2018\u00a6", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user No scam of this magnitude can take place without connivance of top.Pl fearlessly expose the nexus&get the guilty punished", "label": 0} +{"text": "What women do is way down on the list of rape causative factors but it's still on the list & u're not a potential\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user CETA took 7 years. Ours could take even longer. What happens in the meantime. Will you creatures STFU while we remain in the Single Market whilst this is done and will you STFU when it falls apart and we remain in the SM?", "label": 0} +{"text": "Cory Booker thinks he's the most hysterical woman in the Senate", "label": 0} +{"text": "These are Exactly the Illegal Immigrants @user Would allow to remain in the US 2 year old Child Rapists and MS-13 but they want to kick out @user #WalkAway #Trump #MAGA #BuildtheWalll #DeporThemAll", "label": 1} +{"text": "No one of us can solve a problem as vast as the Syrian refugee crisis. But every one of us can do something", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You know about hysterical women", "label": 1} +{"text": "Our Immigration Legal Services department is now accepting new clients! Please call (773) 583-9191 or stop by our office between 10-2 to request an intake appointment!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user They illegally invaded our nation. They should get NOTHING. Period. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #MakeItEvenHigher", "label": 1} +{"text": "Our Table at the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust For the Immigrant Arts & Women\u2019s Empowerment Summit", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Yeah, how awful for them that women aren't property to be abused anymore. And those terrible laws about child rape!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Miss you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": ".@RitaOra, @user @user @user @user admire you and the strength & resilience of millions of other refugees. Will you help us ensure that the 20,000 refugees entering the U.S. this year feel welcomed & supported? >>", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user The skank that looks like half man and half IT actually has the nerve to make fun of someone else's looks?!?! I can't make your kind of stupid or ugly up. Looks like your surgery was a success, congrats, dude. BTW, why do you f", "label": 1} +{"text": "Its really hard to tell who the most hysterical woman is at these Senate hearing this week - @user or @user ?", "label": 1} +{"text": "MSF to offer health care in Evros, as refugee arrivals rise", "label": 0} +{"text": "What is so terribly wrong with this practice. This falls directly on the hands of @user and @user A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Yea that fucking ass hole mother fucking bitch! GRRRRR", "label": 1} +{"text": "What's my #MondayMotivation? I'm inspired every day by my hardworking team @user who support #refugees around the world with emergency food assistance!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user I have them both in a dead heat for most hysterical woman ever", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user thanks for ruining football you pussy! I cant watch it anymore. Its boring", "label": 0} +{"text": "Ryan Sets House Vote On GOP Immigration Bill", "label": 0} +{"text": "Ooh this is getting into Shakespearean levels of manipulation. And of course he goes for the hysterical woman angle, with a side order of using Hanssens feelings for Roxanna against her. #HolbyCity", "label": 0} +{"text": "Thank you @user for the hysterical & heartfelt wonder that is #MysticTimeBird! #WestworldAudition #Periphs\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Celebrating #Ramadan in the overcrowded refugee camps of Cox\u2019s Bazar is far from easy #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #Rohingya #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hating on refugees #refugeesnotwelcome #EU #Refugeescrisis #RefugeesWelcome #femalelivesmatter", "label": 1} +{"text": "Patton -Oswalt - Hollywood 'comedian' women enjoy rape #tcot #tlot #maga", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Marlena truly are hysterical together. I tend to agree w @user tho. You never know when you need a snack\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Professor Sked 1) The EU is split on so many issues, e.g. over the future of the Eurozone, over migration2) Despite that, he is right to say that #Brexit is likely to be betrayed by all the parties now in Parliament\"#MayMustGo#ChuckChequershttps://t.co/0FpX3vWg6u", "label": 0} +{"text": "Italy's new coalition vows to kick out half a million migrants - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user Suck these big balls instead you pussy. I would fight you anywhere anyway if you have the balls to step in. Come to Singapore we can sparr there kid.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Shut the fuck up you fucking monkey jew bitch cunt nigger dick licking", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user No, you are the most hysterical woman alive. Go find an island and stay there.", "label": 1} +{"text": "PolitiFact Florida: Bill Nelson claims detained immigrant parents charged $8/minute to call their children. Is it true?", "label": 0} +{"text": "A Lot Of People Are Having To Be Told Why Women Don't Speak Up About Rape Culture via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Quite a thing for a man who hides in a cupboard to evade charges of rape to accuse a woman of being creepy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user We have our own invasion issues with Mexicans. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Could somebody tell those paid assholes that keep interrupting the confirmation hearings TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user The other side of the coin is how many migrants got housing in the first place tragedy or no Tragedy will we get new housing no!", "label": 1} +{"text": "omg and pussy boys voicemail wishing me a happy birthday was the absolute best I appreciate you so much, thank you pussy boy <3", "label": 0} +{"text": "#no room. Go home immigrants. Maine and part of New Hampshire are full up!", "label": 1} +{"text": "I liked a @user video This Immigrant Left the U.S. To Seek Asylum In Canada And Regrets It (HBO)", "label": 0} +{"text": "So @user is a faker and a tool. And he's competing with @user to see who can be the most hysterical woman in the Senate. What a surprise.#Kavanaugh #Trump2020", "label": 1} +{"text": "Ruth Davidson more interested in her lovers immigration right that doing anything useful for the poor of Scotland except suggestive photo", "label": 1} +{"text": "Aight goodnight whores except for the girl thats been on the tl bashing guys you a hoe stfu and boss up bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "Humanitarian ship resumes Mediterranean migrant rescue patrol despite European resistance - ABC News - via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "#VoteRed for more Trump winning. #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow", "label": 1} +{"text": "See why we don't need this type of immigration program in our country?", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user U R reporting only one side of story.Have u checked their antecedents.Majority of them r illegal immigrants.Many of them involved in crimes", "label": 1} +{"text": "Pocket Panini Stovetop Sandwich Maker #diet #healthy #heart #health #sandwiches #kitchen #food #dinner #lunch #breakfast #family #easy #eat #hungry", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@sheslulu \"\"your mom has hair on her pussy so you need to stfu\"\" LMFAO\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "What @user did was the YT equivalent of a woman making false rape claims. He fucked over any real doxxing victims in the future.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user says the bitch that won't stop saying it. stfu hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user I will fight him.5 rounds and at 5 minutes in cage match. Looser leaves town match. Come on you pussy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user The irony.. Islam literally treats women like sex slaves. Hubsands are allowed to rape their wives everyday if they want to", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hollywood tales: how do u judge this guy ..a pig? Harvey Weinstein:More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Those who rape women are talking about women role. #rapistsinuniform.", "label": 0} +{"text": "I can't wait until he has a daughter so then he can fully understand how bad rape is and that women are actually people \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a", "label": 0} +{"text": "Open thread for night owls: U.N. completes new world migration compact, with U.S. the only holdout...", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Oops! I did it again & again & again. Sorry I thought you adults on Twitter needed a mommy/daddy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Non white immigrants love freedom of speech to bash white men.But who was freedom of speech created by? White men \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u0192\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u0192\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u0192", "label": 1} +{"text": "SHOCKING DECLARATION FROM BELGIUM: \"EU must close its borders, turn back migrant boats, or European Union will cease to exist\" via @user Oh my,the morons are finally awakening !", "label": 0} +{"text": "Copper Sandwich Maker Sweeps Sponsored by Money Nuts and Kitchen Authority! Enter today!", "label": 0} +{"text": "at the Texas border ICE is incarcerating immigrants from Central America, yet Texas voters installed a Canadian Cuban immigrant as one of their US senators six years ago.", "label": 0} +{"text": "After the stop of illigal immigration in Italia the refugees change the destination, now they go to Marocco to enter Europe to Spain, because the socialists there will garantuee open borders. A Spain newspaper reports that 1 mio. will come.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Like I care what a charming TIM thinks of me! Most of them cannot lose their residual masculinity (borrowed brilliant expression). Im a skank and a piece of shit for knowing men cant become women! Its got toxic so quickly by the trans brigade - thats male power for you", "label": 0} +{"text": "Syrian refugee who won right to move to UK shameful that those who are welcoming the refugees are either middle class idiots or ex refugees", "label": 1} +{"text": "Nineteen dead as migrant boat sinks off northern Cyprus: coast guard", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Germany can't even afford the 1% - the rest goes to the humongous benefit bill for the immigrants", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hey @user you fucking cunt ass bitch. Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself, at least you'll be great to something and not fuck that up.....at least we hope you won't.", "label": 1} +{"text": "If you need a laugh, read some of tweets on skank @user twitter account. My God, there are some very, very stupid people in this world.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Philly Archbishop: Europe\u2019s Future Has the Face of \u2018\u02dcYoung Muslim Immigrants\u2019", "label": 0} +{"text": "This is Principal Max Caulfield. Let me be emphatic. I have an enormous skank inserted into my butt. Thank you.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bitch u a whole catfish who was trynna get me to fuck u in a janitors closet..... mind you YOU'RE 15", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Why don't u STFU. You are a hysterical idiot!! You are exactly what's wrong with this country. Go back in your elite hole!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "the same men who denigrate Trump's accusers, defend O'Reilly, or deny date rape exists now castigate women for not coming forward sooner", "label": 0} +{"text": "'Grossly impaired' illegal alien blamed for crash that killed toddler #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} +{"text": ".@granniesrespond are headed to McAllen, Texas to protest the cruel and inhumane way our government is treating immigrant families & to demand immigrants and refugees must be released from detention! If you agree, take action!! #GranniesRespond #FamiliesBelongTogether", "label": 0} +{"text": "As a devastating report reveals 300,000 illegal migrants are living in one French suburb", "label": 0} +{"text": "Idc if she's the one that confirmed it. It was TWO YEARS since they've been dating. They obviously thought long and hard abt coming out as a couple. Shut the fuck up", "label": 0} +{"text": "Wow, turned my stomach. Didn't think I could get any angrier! #BuildtheWall #NoDACA", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Guatemala is sending their finest #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Are you planning to #BlockBrett or are you going to continue to be a garden-variety pussy when it comes to checking @user If you only@plan on tweeting, kindly STFU.", "label": 0} +{"text": "I'm done with twitter. ALL I did was express MY views. I KEPT saying things like \"I might be wrong\", \"That's how I feel\" throught my thread bc THIS is exactly what I feared. You all ganging up & attacking me.Now I'm a solostan, racist, Idiot, bitch & skank & more!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user announces that the vast majority of refugees from #Ethiopia who fled to Kenya due to tensions in Moyale area in March 2018 have returned. #kenya has genoroualy opened its doors and sill provides protection for the remaining ones who could not re", "label": 0} +{"text": "When multiple women hear and share stories of rape by #Weinstien how can he get a fair trail ?", "label": 0} +{"text": "Why taxpayers should be burdened with expensive legal process for illegal refugees?Your opinion?", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user The Public Charge Rule has been part of the #Immigration laws since 1882 why would we admit Migrants requiring U.S Taxpayers to pay for them ? We have poor and homless citizens that need those resources and should come 1st #SendThemBack", "label": 1} +{"text": "Stephen Miller -Public Charge Rule is not New its been on the books since 1882 50% of Immigrants on Welfare 90% will Remain on Welfare after 20 years burdening U.S Taxpayers #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack via @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user You the last bitch that should be talking about looks. Anyways stick that dusty ass tongue back in ya musty STD filled mouth and shut the fuck up hoe.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hamas leader says every Christian nation should convert to Islam by conquering (or migration) \"Europe first and then America\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Recent Examples: Being the only woman & being the only one condescended to IC/OOCA teen character being called a skank & then told it was just to see my OOC reaction Being talked over Small stuff like this increases when I play a confident character, especially a young one.", "label": 0} +{"text": "1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018", "label": 0} +{"text": "Apparently @user considered setting annual refugee admissions cap at 5,000 #Refugees. If that low number was admitted, it would blow to smithereens the budgets of nine federal resettlement contractors.Learn who the nine supposed 'charities' are....", "label": 1} +{"text": "Lessons From the Past: Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants 0/lessons-past-eastern-european-nations-reject-muslim-migrants/ Sweden \u2014where rape has increased by 1,472% since embracing \u201cmulticulturalism\u201d\u2014is reportedly on the verge of collapse.", "label": 0} +{"text": "He a whole bitch. Soft. Snitch. Untrustworthy teammate. Just a hoe", "label": 0} +{"text": "#WomensMarch collected hundreds of hysterical women to display their best hysteria upon cue during Sen Hearing - sounds like a try out for a TV show", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Get in here you pussy", "label": 1} +{"text": "Notes from my @user talk at @user on Montreal's startup ecosystem: - Montreal does a good job of bringing immigrant's in - There's a key opportunity to bring Montreal's startups to the world with a global-first focus (Source:", "label": 0} +{"text": "The only people I have met who want more refugees in Britain seem to be those who won\u00c2\u00b4t have to contribute to their cost because they pay no taxes and those who don\u00c2\u00b4t live among them. In the main they are the young. We cannot afford hordes of refugees - can't people see that?", "label": 1} +{"text": "you gotta be a fucking BITCH to play with a girls heart just for some pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "Besides it being disgusting; rape jokes are SO FUCKING OLD it's like telling women to 'go back to the kitchen' smh", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user The episode in which Ann Coulter mocks most hysterical woman as, literally, THE most hysterical woman.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Have you kept that cooling in your human icebox just for this occasion?Hysterical woman?!?ROFLMFAO!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I guess that it what happens when you are the most hysterical woman in Congress.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user you pussy ass bitch. stfu", "label": 0} +{"text": "The UN calls on #TrumpAdministration to stop separating immigrant children from parents #UnitedNations...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Trump: \"Immigration We Have To Be Very Strong\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user But she is saying that it will keep her safe. It won\u2019t. And it won\u2019t keep other woman safe. That is rape culture.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Saddiq Khan holding up a \"refugees welcome\" sign, is like me attending someone else's house party, then inviting a bunch of people that I don't know. Not your place Saddiq!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Immigrant Teens Say Restraint Chairs Were Used To Strap Them Down In Detention Centers #SmartNews", "label": 0} +{"text": "The welfare for refugees in Swiss is now reduced from 900 to 300 franks a month.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#BuildThatWall to #KeepAmericaSafe , #BuildTheWall to save lives , #MAGA2KAG", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user The problem with Toronto is diversity. Look at Ricardo Duchesne's 'Canada in Decay'. White Genocide is a crime, not a policy option.To ignore the role of the immigration invasion in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.htt", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user This is crazy. Someone should open a ham sandwich chain right next door.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity", "label": 1} +{"text": "PositivelyJoan: RT AltNatParkSer: Mike Pence: 'Allowing Rape Victims To Have Abortions Will Lead To Women Trying To Get Raped' RT If You Ar\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Amaresh Mishra who gave Rape threats to a woman is now employed at @user Waah! This is true journalism.", "label": 0} +{"text": "niggas be in they 20s dating bitches that aint even old enough to drive talm bout why are women so complicated? bitch you dating a toddler stfu.", "label": 1} +{"text": "weasel trying to \u201cshare risks\u201d w-others\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030reluctant to allow others more involvement regarding \u201cappropriate security clearances\u201d in vetting migrants shared by Italy.#Czechia #Visegrad complained of this negligence of Greece/Italy years ago", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user I can take the heat, thats why l stay in the kitchen.You cant deny she is a woman with no fear who speaks truth to power without hesitation. She may be older and not your cup of tea, but she fights for love of country over politics.", "label": 0} +{"text": "In the past 4 days, just after the EU gave cover to EU states cracking down on charities saving refugees & migrants at sea, 170 drowned as they tried to flee the horrors of Libya", "label": 0} +{"text": "Watch: Austria threatens to deploy the army and attack Islamic refugees invading through Italy - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Austria proposes sending troops abroad to stop migrant movement", "label": 1} +{"text": "World Bank calls for global support to help Rohingya refugees", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user cos u know women who are rape survivors historically have always had 'fair justice' served smh", "label": 0} +{"text": "Ok like stfu HOE", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Shes the kind of skank you dont want to see when the lights come on at closing time ,along with Melania and Ivanka Russian skanks", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Must Pass #Immigration Laws Deportation at the Border no Court, for All Illegals including Central Americans, Cross the Border Illegally No Asylum, No Contesting Removal Orders, Mandatory E-Verify #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ThursdayThoughts", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Its all about $$$$$$ dollar signs for those hysterical women", "label": 1} +{"text": "Its because you are always a hysterical woman @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Savannah had a very large Irish immigrant population, post-Famine, esp from Wexford and Kerry. 1860 Fed Census has many Irish counties of origin. Rare.", "label": 0} +{"text": "An argument can be made, this exists in our costly prison systems as well.America first begins to address this#AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} +{"text": "In NY? Check out Immigrant Arts Coalition Summit @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Not really. If anything, in your case it's being too kind.I would use 'a low IQ, hysterical woman of zero talent.'", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user I\u2019d love to see legal immigration stopped. Fix our homeless situation, clean up the streets, put everyone back to work then maybe(just maybe) we can talk about letting in some white Christian legal immigrants that will ass", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I have to wonder if he supports another very well known model that happens to be an immigrant and has had some fleshy pictures published in the past.She lives in the Whitehouse now. And as far as I can tell is an incredible person. Would sh", "label": 0} +{"text": "#CONGRATS @user When you sell out venues in California you have to buss a skank like this! It was only A Matter Of Time! Bless up theindiggnation ... the bands vibration is", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Yeah, asking for the truth could be characterized as \"Most Hysterical Woman\" by someone who has no idea what a Woman actually IS.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user are you scared theyll take the crown from you? Your reign as Most Hysterical Woman has been long and most likely, safe. @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user #Real #Canadians would like to live here, without Our Govt allowing #Illegals #Invaders & #Muslims in to DESTROY IT LIKE THEY HAVE IN #Europe! #DeportThemAll NOW#CloseOurBorders#BanIslam#StopImmigra", "label": 1} +{"text": "Report suggests Trump's #MiddleEast team seeks end to Palestinian status as \"refugees\" |", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You play with ordinary poor peoples lives like a monopoly board you throw the dice and people never get out of jail migrants win", "label": 1} +{"text": "#IllegalImmigrants #IllegalAliens #ElectoralSystem #ElectoralCollege I\u2019m going to shock some people here: America is NOT a #Democracy, America is a #Republic. Even more defined America is a Representative Republic. In a TRUE...", "label": 1} +{"text": "Sweden bars refugees from returning to Syria and gives them benefits instead.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up snowflake! I think Communism and Natzis pose a hell of a lot more of a threat to democracy. Fuck your so called republic dictatorship. Google is doing America a great service if they are in fact censoring the Alt right c", "label": 0} +{"text": "Paris suburb aka Muslim no go zone home to 300,000 illegal immigrants, report says @user #FoxNews", "label": 0} +{"text": "I don\u2019t care where an immigrant comes from or what their racial background is as long as they get here LEGALLY, through a proper entry point. If we know a person trying to get into our country has a criminal background, they should be turned away. We don\u2019t need more criminals.", "label": 0} +{"text": "From @user and @user As crime rises in rural areas, the threat of ICE keeps immigrant communities from reporting it. #policingtheusa For more on police and policing nationwide, visit", "label": 0} +{"text": "aka that stupid man with the ugly toes that couldnt even do his own grocery shopping BITCH charge me for this neck ass hoe ill yank ur slides off and go full chancla on u BITCH fucking BITCH fuck U fuck RETAIL oh my god bruh PLEASE may i punch YOU", "label": 0} +{"text": "Good ! Now Get the Word Out Central Americans will NOT enter the U.S Illegally be released to never show up in #Immigration Court Angel Families #Trump #MAGA #SendAllIllegalsHome ! Enough is Enough via @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "#EU grants #Spain extra funding to cope with migrant arrivals", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Maybe James to You? All these Women as Rape Victims don't deserve Respect and Dignity or Justice ? RAPE is FELONY A CRIME =PRISON", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user 65 of which were hysterical women?", "label": 1} +{"text": "Stand your ground and publish the truth. Ignore the backlash. @user Mail pulls story about \u2018\u02dcmigrant-infested\u2019 Paris suburb after backlash", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Can we please have a lot of news on the open defecation, poverty, misery, suppressed women, religious intolerance of minorities, rape culture.. you get the picture. That is what we want to hear from trustful media, not fake news ab", "label": 0} +{"text": "i hate those memes which go dear girls, stop doing ___ if you think boys like it because we dont like???? you fucking cunt you think i even spend a second of my day thinking about YOU or your dumbass preferences??? yall are dumb lmaoooooo women dont give a fuck about you", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Most Hysterical Woman? Way to apply a type of feeling to a specific gender. That is an absolute disgrace to insinuate that 1) Woman are Hysterical and 2) being called a woman is an insult.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user A special team of 100 people be made under a most respected Rtd Judge. Let them visit each Indian State ,camp there & identify all the illegal migrants & people with expired Visas. Govt then must ensure immediate deportation for the", "label": 1} +{"text": "bitch FIRST of all thats how i talk i meant he, SECOND you da hoe hoe so stfu", "label": 1} +{"text": "PepsiCO CEO Indra Nooyi talked to David Rubenstein to talk about what it's like to be a woman and immigrant in the C-suite Bloomberg TV@BloombergTV PepsiCO CEO Indra Nooyi talked to David Rubenstein t..", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user He killed them in war, but didnt rape,molest and sold women in slave markets. Didnt con\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"Refugees\" drowning on Crete? No, no, they are making a movie for the \"refugee\" industry.https://t.co/9wEWi25Ici", "label": 0} +{"text": "Stfu, theres a million people without dads, youre rich bitch, get over it", "label": 1} +{"text": "American workers are winningTrump cuts the supply of wage-lowering migrant labor. Executives complained bitterly when forced to compete for workers by offering higher wages. Restaurant had to raise wages to fill 900 of the 1,000 jobs at 12 restaurants.", "label": 0} +{"text": "For crying out loud, Ivanka! STFU you ignorant, grifting, kunt! You pretend to care about women? What about the mothers of the children your father's administration are imprisoning! What about Kavanaugh?", "label": 1} +{"text": "Governor Cuomo on Wednesday called ICE \"a bunch of thugs\"Trying to remember when he used such harsh language when describing MS-13 bloodthirsty killersOh. He didn't#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #NoDACA #WalkAway #NEWS #AmericaFirst #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter", "label": 1} +{"text": "\"No, \"\"god\"\" didn't make women for that you fucking cunt. If we love each other we're sure as hell gonna fuck whenever we want wherever we want. Stop embarrassing yourself with this shit\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "Rampant Child Rape Exposed at Detention Centers as HIV Positive Worker Caught Raping Kids", "label": 0} +{"text": "Texas woman, 21, dies after falling from moving SUV, may have been pushed by illegal alien driverhttps://t.co/3t0PH9Hd0s#InOurBackyard#BuildTheWall #PreventableDeath #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user ain't this the bitch that tried to rape you", "label": 0} +{"text": "Antonio Sabato JR: I'm An Immigrant & I Support Trump's Wall via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "And if you're a man (or a woman frankly) who thinks sexual harassment isn't that big of a deal, you're perpetuating rape culture.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Donald Trump pulls US out of UN global compact on migration", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Uplift the discourse ? Really you scumbag?Your Republican president has talked about grabbing women by the pussy, supporting neonazis, separating kids from families & youre talking about uplifting the discourse. Stfu.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Im sorry, but this generation of females have no self respect. The internet shouldnt know when youre horny, wet, how good you pussy is & etc. & Yall wonder why these boys treat yall like hoes ! Praying for this generation", "label": 1} +{"text": "Another reason to #BuildThatWall: it's just as easy for jihadists from Islamic countries to slide across our border illegally as it is for folks from Mexico and Central America.Paranoid? Maybe a little. I just don't want to see my country look like the European countries do now.", "label": 1} +{"text": "#WomenDisobey Clinton's were against illegal immigrants until 2015 via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Shut the fuck up dumb bitch. If you dont like it dont fucking reply You childish slut", "label": 1} +{"text": "DACA-age illegals far more likely to commit crimes,be in jail @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws8USC1324-25#EVerify#EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery#BuildTheWall Immigration reform starts with clean slate", "label": 1} +{"text": "Stupid fucking cunt, what you dont like me so youre gonna speed through a stopped bus to what? Try & run me & my 4 year old down? Wanna act like a tough ass, come do it to my face. Dont put my kids safety at risk cause youre a stupid bitch.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Illegal Immigrant's don't want to be Citizen's. They want the money exchange. A US dollar in Mexico is worth Ten dollars. If you get Three dollars a hour and room and board then send it back to Mexico it is really Thirty dollars a hour.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Russia has said that within the coming months, nearly 900,000 Syrian refugees will be able to go home.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hysterical woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Americans want @user to fund the Wall! Also want you as speaker! Please #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify #PassSAF", "label": 1} +{"text": "Question how do you make someone understand that saying get out of my country isn\u2019t something a former illegal immigrant takes lightly? Or will probably ever forgive? Asking for a friend. I\u2019ve tried it every nice way. Maybe it\u2019s time to say I hate people who say racist shit.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Balkan countries meet to discuss how to avoid repeating the 2015 migrant crisis", "label": 0} +{"text": "Just because I fuck u raw while tongue kissing you drop all my hoes meet your family eat yo pussy from the backand tell you I love you don't mean u my Itch #OnGod", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Pretending hes some Maverick when in reality hes a hysterical woman", "label": 0} +{"text": "Janice's Holbrook line: John Woodland, Immigrant - possibly born in 1621 in Bedfordshire, England;", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Most hysterical woman. Nice gender separation. Person, Ann. I get it's hard for you to grasp not being one but please try.", "label": 1} +{"text": "About 25% of illegal crossers have a criminal record in the US and an unknown percentage have committed crimes in their home countries. Of the 92 migrants, 65 had no criminal records. Ten were parents, all...", "label": 1} +{"text": "Chief of Russian Armed Forces Calls on Syrian refugees to return to their homeland \"ISIS Completely Defeated in Syria\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Dont worry Ann. No one will ever accuse you of being a hysterical woman or any kind of woman", "label": 1} +{"text": "And if anyone can recognize an hysterical woman its @user She just has to look in the mirror.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Watch: Italian Chef with a shovel beats migrant who threw stones at his restaurant - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user If by hysterical you mean logical, well-read, unapologetic, and passionate, then you, for once, are correct.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Corbyn still maintains Blair's New Labour which is essentially Marxism which is a dangerous cult putting migrants first who are usually members of a political religious cult that would kill members if they left . Those migrants will in return vote Labour and thus far have. Evil!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Were out in huge numbers and I can say thank you to this skank and who she represents. I wasnt involved until I saw this illiterate hooker and her pimp try to influence others. No ones walking away republican barbie. But those anal warts wont", "label": 1} +{"text": "We as women mostly are rape and sexual assault victims. We kept quiet cos no one believes us. Still.", "label": 0} +{"text": "France - Nantes Burns As Multiple Riots Erupt After Police Shooting (Video) #news The joys of immigrant diversity...", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user We already have control of our borders, you hysterical loons.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hey stupid her name is MELANIA! And old Ugly skank ass like you isnt good enough to shine her shoes", "label": 1} +{"text": "Immigration decline costing UK economy billions, says think thank | The Independent -", "label": 0} +{"text": "If ur a lemon and have to get a woman drunk To have sex with u my Nikka...\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12 that\u2019s RAPE", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user I this for a fact hes the best sandwich maker on this side of the Mississippi. @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Wow, I had no idea calling Booker and Harris hysterical women was racist. Amazing how things get redefined on a daily basis.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Study Conflants Illegal Immigrants with Legal Immigrants to get a low Crime Numberr #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Red Hen", "label": 1} +{"text": "France adopts controversial asylum and immigration law via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Shit ima choke yo ass back and say mine even tho Im yo side nigga", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You pussy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "The Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting COS Police Officer Cem Duzel is due in court today at 1:30. He was out on bail at the time of Thursday's assault. The hearing is an advisement hearing for Khammasi.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user True that Morgan!!!!If Obama and Hillary would just STFU and go away, youll never hear me talk about them again. Id prefer to erase those 8 years from my memory anyway.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You are still looking at a Nazi in the mirror. Remember to pack a lunch because no one wants to eat lunch with a person whose food will be spit into by the immigrant workers in restaurant kitchens.", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is why we must stop the invasion and... Stop It NOW.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Media Silent As Gov\u2019t Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches", "label": 0} +{"text": ".\u2066@SpeakerRyan\u2069 \u2066@HouseGOP\u2069 Read this and get a clue, you morons. STOP THE DAMN INVASION\u203c\ufe0f #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "Makes liberals cry in just one tweet.#WalkAway#LockThemAllUp#DemocratsAreDangerous#LockHimUp#ObamaGate#SPYGATE #BuildThatWall #LockHerUp #MAGA", "label": 1} +{"text": "Oh you know, a rotting skank bitch.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Me: Love Yours-Wing supremacist: SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE, NOTHING WILL EVER TOP WINGS, DUMB BITCH, THE R&B THEMES, THE SILK, THE CHOKERS, NOTHING CAN TOP THAT. HAVE YOU HEARD BS&T?? HAVE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENED TO THAT MASTERPIECE OF THE CENTURY BECAUSE IF NOT-", "label": 0} +{"text": "Dont forget to #ListenAndBelieve. I'm sure all those lynchings were justified. Women never lie about rape. It's com\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"Indeed, the UNHCR reports that Albania treats asylum-seekers well.\"And what does that mean exactly ?#Albania #ImmigrationDebate via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Spain#Soros army \u201aOpen Arms' authorized to deposit another 87 men without health or identity check in Algeciras #OrganizedCrimehttps://t.co/8fFapVHdCm", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hungary officially pulls out of UN migration pact as it 'encourages migration'", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user That bitch is giving me the fuck u I just filled ur glass....Simone is getting 24% instead of 25....thats right whore Im talking to YOU. Oh no, thank you just the bill it was good. (It really fucking wasnt)", "label": 1} +{"text": "Why is #MSM so quiet? How many more innocent people need to die before congress gets off their butts and passes legislation to #BuildThatWall Quit showboating over a judge you know is very qualified and do your job to protect American Citizens! #MagaOneVoice", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Shes a scank hole bitch lying lowlife", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Immigrant rapes old English woman and tells her:''Yours is a bitch country, I'm Saddam Hussein\u201d.", "label": 0} +{"text": "I see Geoff Wanamaker is getting a new boat...LOL", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user We shouldnt worry our pretty little heads over things like perjury?Ask your wife if women should accept todays corrupt GOPs plan to return us to 1950s where the hysterical women stayed barefoot & pregnant.Youve shown us who you are & I believe you.", "label": 0} +{"text": "There's nothing worse when someone has the flaming audacity to say 'it wasn't that funny' to something you think is hysterical", "label": 0} +{"text": "*me crying* me to me: ard you pussy ass bitch stfu it ain't cute", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Actually I wonder how safe they would feel standing in the middle of a group of these \"child refugees\"?", "label": 1} +{"text": "#Trump #FLOTUS #Immigrant #Melania #MediaBiasMelania Trump is a first Lady that has continuously brought...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Meet Dr. Bharat Balasubramanian, an Indian immigrant and the executive director of the Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies at the University of Alabama. He came to Alabama when he found out that there weren\u2019t enough qualified engineers at Mercedes-Benz\u2019s Alabama facility.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Good for Bulgaria but their leaders also have responsibility to secure their border to prevent migrants from roaming northward. Actions must start matching rhetoric in Europe.This is what makes #Orban unique.Unlike others, Orban \u201cwalks his talk\u201d and is a man of action.#Hungary", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Tell #Israel that Barack. @user #BuildThatWall Sir! Thank you Mr. Trump for fixing the #OBAMAMESS #failed policy. Hey Obama maybe you and #EricHolder can go sell guns to the cartels. Or Sell #UraniumOne Or pay for phony #R", "label": 1} +{"text": "#BuildThatWall more jobs than workers/Guest Worker Prg Needed- support #everify #savesmallbusinesses #stophiringillegals #saveh2b @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Every woman I have ever known has experienced sexual harassment, assault, or rape. To say 'my bad' i\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "You smoke too much stfu pussy", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Wow, what a fantastic way this cunt has found to denigrate actual survivors of rape & sexual assault.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter", "label": 0} +{"text": "#EU still not clear on where to put rescued migrants", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user It is both. The likes reward this behavior so you train yourself into being regularly hysterical.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Alabama? Wow, #BuildThatWall .@realDonaldTrump i wonder how many are legally here, sounds terrible to hear myself say this, but that is a lot of people.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Men Need to Respect Woman , Point Blank There is No Excuse, Rape Shouldn\u2019t Be Justified & There is No Excuse !!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "i just had the rudest fucking bitch cunt on the phone to me at work and i want to push her off a cliff n jump on her ribs . Ent phased", "label": 1} +{"text": "Danish #Muslims Insist On Wearing A #Niqab (or FaceVeil) & Still Desire To Live As A Non-Person Ghost. Muslims Are Hopelessly Unable To Assimilate. #SendThemBack. @user @user @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Yes yes Ann, lets continue to perpetuate the hysterical woman stereotype. Such a shame. You dont deserve your position of power. A disgrace to fellow women.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Ingraham, Sorry not a pollster (#FakeNews) & I say #BuildTheWall and the WaCky lEft & LeBron can go jump in the creek #AmericaFirst #StopTheInvasion #HomeTown Meeting #California #ShockTheState", "label": 0} +{"text": "This is to decieve people who don't know that women that report rape in Islamic countries are arrested on charges of fornication or adultery", "label": 0} +{"text": "Trudeau is a traitor ! RIP Canada #Sendthemback", "label": 1} +{"text": "Whites have to assimilate to non white immigrants in homelands built for us by our ancestors but if they don't assimilate that's perfectly fine.This is an invasion \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You're a freak-ass SKANKBAG who has been a HAS-BEEN for 20 years. WTF are you anyway? NOBODY, so STFU and go suck it, skank.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Why have you done NOTHING to stop #INDIA stealing AMERICAN JOBS?We are watching, won't be conned by 5 BILLION WALL funding. #BuildThatWall NOW, tired of useless talk.It won't stop #INDIA flying in, stealing American jobs,STOP #INDI", "label": 1} +{"text": "Afghan migrant who sexually abused seven children in Germany released after only 7 months", "label": 0} +{"text": "People tryna use #BPD and say promiscuity is a symptom No bitch its called being a slut, youre trying to excuse why you got caught cheating and broke up you fucking hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "Today is #worldrefugeeday We recognize the efforts and resilience of refugees around the world who seek safety and community. With your help, World Relief Chicago is able to provide them with vital services. Every donation helps. Make yours here:", "label": 0} +{"text": "Well then call me a sexist, which Im not. This is no doubt a hysterical woman protestor. BTW, there have been several hysterical male protesters but we havent seen news on them. Id say THAT is sexist my dear. Oh, sorry, my dear is sexist? Sorry dolly.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Look, I thought the same thing at first. But, cmon. We have to give the woman the benefit of the doubt. That may not be the white power symbol at all. It may be the secret signal for the Im a Feckless Fucking Cunt club. Maybe she wants to j", "label": 0} +{"text": "Suspected migrant found dead in Evros", "label": 0} +{"text": "#TrumpRally #Billings #Montana #MAGA #Trump #AmericaFirst #Trump2020 #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt #WeThePeople #CommonSense #CorruptDOJFBI #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp#DrainTheDeepStateGREAT RALLY @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user stfu hoe you are a bad bitch!", "label": 1} +{"text": "#Burundi\u2014What\u2019s happening to Burundian refugees in Tanzania is shameful & outrageous. Refugees in Nyarugusu camp were told that effective 15.08\u2014They\u2019re not allowed to go outside the camp\u2014All their small businesses to close\u2014Markets to open only once/week instead of 3 times", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user I think the award should go to Cory Booker as the most hysterical woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "booty fever out in this bitch #insensitive #rape #iknowwhatkindofniggasaregonnafindthistweet #butter #icecream #sexualharassment #sex", "label": 0} +{"text": "Some little skank stamped on my ankle at 7 aside today and now Im walking funny. Got me right on the bone with his stud the little cunt", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Said the flack parroting talking pointsYou wouldnt know courage of convictions or risking your career if you tripped over them and landed right on top of themBtw, hysterical woman is a wonderful, sexist insult. Couldnt resist, huh?", "label": 1} +{"text": "The United Nations Just Called Out the Trump Administration's Immigration Policy for Violating Human Rights", "label": 0} +{"text": "Media Blackout: New Dad Killed In Texas By Drunk Illegal Alien via @user @user @user refusal to secure the border and stop this invasion is outrageous!#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll", "label": 1} +{"text": "Romanian Andrei Parvu and American Ethan Todd have grown in their individual faith in God and in friendship with each other as they have faced hardships from the red tape encountered in trying to obtain govt approval for Parvu to be FBC Madisonville pastor", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user And here they are! The most hysterical women at the #KavanaghHearing!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Immigrant Families Reunited In New York", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user If you'll just move to Hollywood and produce good movies, you may rape women with impuni\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Who the fuck are you talking to pussy, I stated my point til your bitch ass team beats outlaws in the battle of Texas I dont give a fuck about anything else eat a dick and shut the fuck up", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user This is insane. 125 last weekend. #BuildThatWall !Arizona invasion @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Some pussy replied to my tweet but muted me FIRST!! YOU PUSSY!! HAHAHA", "label": 1} +{"text": "i was also clenching my jaw and further grinding the fuck out of my poor teeth, while saying pleasant things like \"die you fucking bitch, you fucking cunt monster\" as i smashed SOME of my rage out on spidey", "label": 0} +{"text": "Liberals are self-identifying as spectacularly stupid, egocentric liars who will say & do anything in pursuit of their self-elevating agendaWant proof?Just watch @user & @user compete for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings#WalkAwayFromDemocrats", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Really mr. grab em by the pussy? Yes, you do talk like that and you werent elected. Your were instilled by russia. Stfu you moron. Youre going to prison, Traitor Tot.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user it is has been said the Uk needs \" million new Houses because of Immigration what we need is 2 million less Immigrants", "label": 1} +{"text": "The future is femaleAverage 40yr old man: um women should stay in the kitchen,, ha clean my house hahahahaMe:", "label": 1} +{"text": "Luis Mario Rodrigues-Torres a Mexican illegal, arrested in connection with the rape of an 11-year-old girl, who he reportedly contacted via Snapchat. #Deport all Illegals #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to The Gulf Of Mexico - #NoDACA it is not a Law", "label": 0} +{"text": "Europe wants centers in Africa to vet migrants\u2018\u00a4 Critics say it\u2019s abdicating its responsibilities\u2018\u00a4", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Spain recues nearly 1,000 migrants from sea in 2 days", "label": 0} +{"text": "i jos wanna say fuck u cube", "label": 0} +{"text": "Didnt Liberals Say Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether ! If the Kid is illegal they cant stay if they give custody to another Illegal Alien that is overiding Federal #Immigration Laws #SendThemAllBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user How are they trying to destroy you? You missed your 4 kids first day at school to skank about topless with yet another man. Disgraceful. The kids are better off with their dads where theyre happy, safe & have a stable, loving home...", "label": 1} +{"text": "Just remember in some countries a village will burn a woman alive, stone her and rape her corpse if she refutes an arranged marriage", "label": 0} +{"text": "Most hysterical woman #KavanaughConfirmationHearings #BrettKavanaugh #CoryBooker #KamalaHarris", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user go rape a dog you fucking cunt", "label": 0} +{"text": "Foreign labor is so cheap that many employers simply don\u2019t pay anything and let the immigrant sue in our courts.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Nothing new or alleged in this #India's #Army as it's society do rape women with impunity even on @user p\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Lebanon #Syria #refugees", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Lmao stfu nigga you dont know this shit Im going through nigga, you over here tryna kys over some dumb reason foh, try living my life lmao you pussy boy", "label": 0} +{"text": "The thing is if a woman speaks out about rape on Nigerian twitter.The backlash would be shocking. It's not good for the mind. Hence silence", "label": 0} +{"text": "Here is Why Cortez is an Idiot 1) Border Crossers and Illegals are NOT Entitled to Enter the U.S (What law?) 2) The U.S already has a safe passage its called LEGAL I#MMIGRATION 3) 90% OF legal Immigrants are non White#Trump #MAGA #RedNatonRising #ThursdayThoughts", "label": 1} +{"text": "SWEDEN: FOUR MEN RAPE WOMAN WITH COGNITIVE ABILITY OF A 6-YEAR-OLD AND WALK FREEFour men have been charged with gross rape against a developmentally disabled woman. Yesterday they were set free. Why? The court could not prove that they knew she had a developmental disability.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You sound stupid. Women like you should stay in the kitchen and be quiet. This isnt about the money Obama has but about a dumb president and @user that wont do their job.", "label": 1} +{"text": "niggas want you to ride the dick, choke and die for 30 seconds on the dick, juggle on it, gargle their balls like mouthwash, and control you vaginal walls like youre squeezing a stress ball all for them to give you no type of orgasm. goodnight!", "label": 1} +{"text": "reading and re-reading this lovely conversation between JJLA speaker @user and @user about her novel EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GO HOME for @user \ud83d\udcda\u26a1\ufe0f\ud83d\udcab", "label": 0} +{"text": "In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant \u2018Ghettos\u2019", "label": 0} +{"text": "You Have Just Entered the Twilight Zone; CNN -- Creating Narratives Nightly. #CNNFakeNews", "label": 0} +{"text": "Legal quirk often shortens prison time for criminal immigrants #EnforceUSLaws#BuildTheWall #EndDACA #NoAmnesty The cornerstones for true immigration reform.Judges must not ever apply their activism in an unbiased courtroom or be subject to removal!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user India wish that this Lady officer show spine to tackle criminal NETAS,their atrocities on poor& do her duty bravely without fear", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user STFU BITCH! AND YOU GO MAKE SOME SATANIC MUSIC U ILLUMINATI WHORE!! Fuck you FUCK IMAGINE DRAGONS You cock sucking maggots", "label": 1} +{"text": "Anti-Trump immigration demo crossing Brooklyn Bridge in New York", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bunch of hysterical women protesting again. #KavanaughHearings", "label": 1} +{"text": "Ireland: Indian Sub-Continent \u201cTaxi Drivers\u201d Fake Marriage Immigration Scam Exposed", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hear hear May bows down and grovels please please Prince whats your name give me a gong when am not in Number 10 send me to a nursing home near buckfast Palace when my ass is being wiped by a immigrant called Alice I remember a Mr @user Austeri", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Isn't that the guy who encourages men to rape women?", "label": 0} +{"text": "Well it seems that Trump tweet has cooled off, wow being a woman and insulting him do not go well together, you just get called a skank and get told you have STDs but I mean the misogyny goes with the base I guess lol. Also someone called me a hick which is the ultimate irony wow", "label": 0} +{"text": "You going to open your home to some refugees, Ang?", "label": 0} +{"text": "I wonder if the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is aware of this? They are a major player in the refugee program and depend on the tax dollars we give them to survive!!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Putin says Muslim refugees and Migrants should go to Saudi Arabia or Iran \"Where their radical beliefs are considered the norm\" - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "Message to all those liberals advocating open borders.If you import the third world - you will get third world problems. It's not that hard to understand is it?The British National Party will continue to campaign for a traditional Britain!#Brexit #Immigration #bitcoin", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Honey, as a fellow white chick, let me tell you what you need to do here. Shut the fuck up and quit telling black women how to feel or talk about other black women. Stay in your damn lane. Bitch at me about how I'm talking to you or whateve", "label": 0} +{"text": "Sweden: K. Loxbo. \u201cVoters' Perceptions of Policy Convergence and the Short-term Opportunities of Anti-immigrant Parties: Examples From Sweden\u201d. In: Scandinavian Political Studies 37.3 (2014), pp. 239-262.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user And you deleted your tweet you pussy shut up and take your pills old man", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Thanks MUCH for creating this hearing package. As you can see from my other tweets to you, I have a different take on it all (I agree with Coulter that Booker and Harris are competing for the Hysterical Woman Award) but I really appreciate the work you put into this. THX", "label": 1} +{"text": "UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims", "label": 0} +{"text": "Did you know? 2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison. 400,000 kids are in foster care. 765,000 are separated from their military parents not knowing if they\u2019ll see them again. But the media focuses on 2,000 kids temporarily separated from illegal immigrants. HAVE THAT SINK IN!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You already hold the title of a hysterical, racist, whining beetch!! STFU", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is the perfect insult because women are bad, & hysterical women are the worst kind of a bad thing, & the dems are being insulted BY a woman, which is humiliating because women are very bad. Perfect insult by a perfect lady! though thats impossible because ladies are bad,", "label": 1} +{"text": "Congress 202-224-3121...Police Reports Detail Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Youth Shelters - ProPublica", "label": 0} +{"text": "Yale law professor encourages Americans to \u2018\u02dchide immigrants from ICE\u2019 as an act of civil disobedience Whatever happened to Sedition charges to educate aholes like this one ?", "label": 0} +{"text": "I added a video to a @user playlist Skank - Tanto (I Want You) (Ao Vivo)", "label": 0} +{"text": "The Family House is adding Burmese food to the Chicago culinary scene - and it is owned by a refugee family! Have you checked it out yet?", "label": 0} +{"text": "In the case of Trump's multiple allegations of sexual assault and rape, his followers called the women liars, and threatened them.", "label": 0} +{"text": "A rare move by #Myanmar govt to jail its soldiers for killing #refugees but #humanrights lawyers say more reform is needed @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user (2) @user after the campaign each woman disappeared. As a rape survivor who\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "New Mexico Sheriffs arrest 2 NOT-WHITE men, Siraj Wahhaj & Lucas Morten, for holding at least 11 starving children in a heavily armed, pigsty Islamic compound. #EndALLImmigration#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallhttps://t.co/tAIplXs7CL", "label": 1} +{"text": "Rescued migrants escaping North Africa expected to arrive Sunday in Spain", "label": 0} +{"text": "UNHCR aids return of over 2,000 Somali refugees from Yemen: via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Your politicians are all new world order globalists. Their intention is to dilute the population and divide the country. This is why migrants from anywhere are so important to them. Get rid of the globalists in government and Oz will once agai", "label": 0} +{"text": "How can people support a youtuber who's mocked rape like bitch wtf", "label": 0} +{"text": "Is he mad or get an inspiration ? Former president of Germany Gauck was a happy lover of refugees in 2015 and love multikulti. Now he warns the refugees can destroy Germany society and is afraid !", "label": 0} +{"text": "The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home", "label": 0} +{"text": "France adopts tough new law on asylum, immigration", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user And you should know about being a hysterical woman.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user But like... Women can rape women aswell, and women can rape men aswell, and men can rape men aswel\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"I thank with all my heart, as a Minister and as a father, the Libyan authorities and coastguard who saved and brought back to Libya 820 immigrants\" - Matteo Salvini, Italian Prime Minister, 24/06/2018", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user If it's Americans getting shot, why do you even care? Women around the world suffer at the hands of islamic savages.. beatings, acid attacks, rape, murder.. but those guns are so scary to you, aren't they", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Respectfully u worried about paintings, while that rapist'Harvey Weinstein'on the lose for 30 years. 2 more women reporting rape", "label": 0} +{"text": "Migrants: UNHCR says migrant arrival emergency in Spain", "label": 0} +{"text": "You're such a bitch! Stop being such a FRIGGING SKANK and give him back!", "label": 1} +{"text": "ICE launches new immigration sweeps in L.A. area; at least 100 detained so farhttps://t.co/v3IIyMkZi2#AgainstAllEnemies #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion", "label": 1} +{"text": "Donations Flood In For Immigrant Children in NYC", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user wah I only make 15 million a year, wah. What a fuckin bitch bro. Cry me a river you pussy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#V4 #Kurz others must unconditionally reject \u201crelocation\u201d while making plans to seal-off Spain or surrounding areas. Must not allow reckless decisions of others to hold them hostage.To stop madness migrants must stay n Spain\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Sooner or later will have to follow lead of #Salvini", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You people are hysterical. Dow up 26% since election!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Whoever sent this rude ass message to you is a fucking cunt. You cant just get over your grief, especially with your mother. I mean for fucks sake, you spent nine months inside that woman. Mourning can last for a lifetime, especially with y", "label": 0} +{"text": "im sitting in the library in a free period and this fucking bitch ass hoe put her backpack down before i could sit down wth", "label": 1} +{"text": "Previously Deported Child Rapist Re-Arrested In Texas @user @user #HonorYourOath#ProtectUS#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #NoAsylum@TheJusticeDept#MaximumSentencing#NoPleaBargain#DeathPenalty#ChildRape", "label": 1} +{"text": "Years ago a legal immigrant said that she was insulted anyone sneaking into this country would be protected & helped & wanted to know why she & others obeyed the laws and it cost them. Now the criminals R worshipped & heroes rebuked by the evil that is our #mainstream #enemy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Modri\u00c4\u008d\u2019s grandfather and relatives were killed during the balkans war. Mandzuki\u00c4\u008d spent his childhood in Germany as a refugee. Croatia\u2019s story is the most incredible in #WorldCup\u2019s recent memory", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Forced ,threatened , Bullied into Islam Prayers every where and this is migrants supposed to be wanting a fresh start ur kidding", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Skank bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Fuck u bitch ass whore", "label": 1} +{"text": "The one year anniversary of the start of the ethnic cleansing and #genocide in #Myanmar is approaching. #refugees", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user you bitch. You fucking whore. A fucking whore like you gets a chance to act in movies. What about the thousands of struggles we have? You motherfucking bitch! You bitch who doesn't know who her parents are, now acting clean! You", "label": 1} +{"text": "Everyone calls u btch, and u don't like it? Bitch like whaaat?! Who wouldnt be called bitch u wore like a whore waiting for someone to dig their dick so stfu barbie yo' nigga disagree!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user dats right bitch ass fag cunt slut dumb fucken bitch, shut the fuck up next time", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Hi @user Is there a way to get the ladies to stop shouting out during the hearing? It's having the opposite of the desired effect. I love the silent handmaids. But screaming hysterical women is just insulting to the cause. Maybe they can hold up signs instead?", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user How do I get on this immigration and refugee board? Seems like it\u2019s stacked.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hate me, love me, demonize me or worship me. I am mentally ill, a hysterical woman, a rebel & I don't give a fig anymore about social norms. If I want to study STEM & business, I will. Screw your assumption my businesses are cupcake bakeries.I am still kind, loving & a woman.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Please share our one-man comedic web series Mr. Shan! Available on @user Mr. Shan is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. #mrSHAN #PrimeVideo #Comedy @user Watch:", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Another cunt named Sandip appeared.And crying about developing. Okay Cunt Sandip how did you justifying you other device like x4, G6 family comes with oreo ?? .. how Moto z2 play getting updates for Oreo ???You motherfucker yo", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user With respect mr Clowney lots of migrants means shoratages and waiting hours for NHs School and other service u dont", "label": 0} +{"text": "Congrats to my brother! Added another degree to the family! 3 / 4 siblings ... how\u2019s that for statistics of an immigrant family?! \ud83d\ude1d", "label": 0} +{"text": "Another immigrant sexual assault case being ignored by the MSM.", "label": 0} +{"text": "There are thousands of vulnerable migrant children across Europe. 20,000 unaccompanied and separated children arrived in 2017 alone, according to @user And yet the @user amendment has never been properly implemented...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Illegal aliens are expensive: #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Do you, the hysterical moron even know what the 25th amendment is?? You should shut the fuck up before I cut you up", "label": 0} +{"text": "Two blue-blood rednecks (yeah apparently its possible to be both) were shouting at my Iranian boss about how Tr*mp hasnt committed any treason and that Hillary (not the Russians) stole the Dem primary from Bernie.I told them they all sounded like hysterical women.They left.", "label": 0} +{"text": "In addition to possibly losing a few million holidaymakers because of problems with all male, violent African \"refugees\" Spain could also lose fortunes from ex pats who would move back to the UK and others who would not buy property in Spain. Why does Spain take migrants?", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Christians criticize Muslim men as savages 4raping a woman 4showing her ankles. Christian men rape wom\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Lot of illegal Muslim immigrants r seen in Delhi in Old Delhi,around NZM& Yamuna Banks/Okhla.Delhi fast becoming slum", "label": 1} +{"text": "WERE CUMMING FOR YOU SKANK @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Hilly puts $$above anything I support woman am anti rape but won't return Harv's donations always about money with Clintons", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Booker wins the award for putting the 'B' in the hysterical woman category", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Infuriating. You never see German French Italian Govt award contracts to UK business in favour of their own", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You have lost all sense of reality. You're one very HYSTERICAL woman .", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user in any case at all, a rape victim is guilty of it, we should educate our men to respect women PERIOD #nomeansno", "label": 0} +{"text": "Prime Minister Theresa May keeps reminding us about the \u201ccultural enrichment\u201d that Muslim immigrants have contributed to Britain - via @user When will the Brits awaken ?", "label": 0} +{"text": "U MOTHERFUCKING BITCH DIDNT TELL ME I COULD MOVE MY KING CHIPS WHEN I HAD F O UR AND YOU HAD NONE. CHEATING ASS HOE.", "label": 1} +{"text": "I swear I\u2019m getting to places just in the nick of time! It\u2019s exhausting @user RT @user Made your bed, now lie in the flea pit you created 'Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors", "label": 0} +{"text": "Idols literally arent gonna trust yall with dating shit anymore like fuck they actually wanted to be honest with yall and they trusted yall enough to talk about it and yall ruined their fucking careers . Im pissed off and knetz can choke gn", "label": 0} +{"text": "The one where I was the only woman on a thread where men were mansplaining Jackie Fox\u2019s rape to me. (The women post\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Andrew Cuomo, a self proclaimed \"undocumented\" immigrant who frees criminal #illegalAliens says #GOP is on a \"Jihad\" to deport illegals. That's akin to flipping the bird at taxpayers. You're an embarrassment & disappointment to law abi", "label": 1} +{"text": "Angry that UN @user does its job and checks Lebanon isn't coercing Syrian refugees into returning home, Lebanon will stop giving residence permits to the agency's international staff @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "If youre dating a baby daddy before you call the baby mama bitter go talk to her yourself OR just the stfu and mind your business bc you know damn well that nigga gone lie just to get some pussy and play victim. Idc.", "label": 1} +{"text": "\"@ThePakistanGuy YA Allah!This filthy skank needs a \"\"cage match\"\" to bring her to righteousness.What I mean is, she needs put into an ISIS Cage, sprayed with petrol...and then a lighted match is thrown in. Ha...now that's how you cure sinful behavior in a w\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "bitch calm down you pussy when yo ppl ain't around", "label": 1} +{"text": "Well that's just great! @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "Today on SFTP, I interview @user and we talk about the most hysterical Pokemon fight that you will never\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "Immigrant mentality", "label": 0} +{"text": "Canada's PM, Justin Trudeau, spends billions on illegal immigrants, cuts aid to veterans - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Let's see... Rape woman then kick the dog. This fat pig needs to be neutered & hung in the public squ\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Because they are cowards and the last few active party members are involved in the illegal immigration industry", "label": 1} +{"text": "Twelve refugee workers die in Italian road crash", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bitch stole my tips so I stole hers right back. Fucking cunt.I hate serving.", "label": 1} +{"text": "\"@CheyOsrs @user But then it's a 50/50 between receiving a dick pic or a \"\"LOL u ugly any bitch fuck u slut\"\" message\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hilarious!! Shrieking hysterical women are annoying. Regardless of what point they are trying to get across. Just be an adult.", "label": 1} +{"text": "The NGO rescueship Lifeline will now go to Malta. This is the wrong signal for all the humancatcher from the NGOs. The Crew should send into jail, because the have ignored the law and the refugees should be brought back to Libya.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user donnie you separated these immigrant families is on you to reunite these families. Is your responsibility.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Ive seen you break down in tears and when the audience turned on you so lets not talk about hysterical women.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user If 1 guy can rape 10 women then it's clearly a problem with women. Speak up!!! No one can help\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user go fuck another kid you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Stfu pussy, no more Apple Music for you", "label": 1} +{"text": "Shut the fuck up you fat ass pussy. Nobody likes your Oompa Loompa looking bitch ass self.", "label": 1} +{"text": "I\u2019m an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration - can you give you insights on this story?", "label": 0} +{"text": "Left the WH dead broke, but were able to buy 2 million dollar homes and buy their Skank daughter a $10 million dollar apartment. Boy, would I love to see those loan applications and bank statements. Can you smell bank fraud and tax shenanigans? #tcot #maga", "label": 1} +{"text": "Global refugee numbers reach record high, U.S. and #Canada take in record numbers #UnitedStates...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Check out this video- I\u2019m honored I got to see @user start rolling out this new tech in Uganda to make sure @user food gets to the right refugees.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Most Americans Agree with #Trump On #Immigration Detain and Deport #BuildtheWall No Welfare for Illegals No Jobs for Illegals #NoAmnesty #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Great...Italy should take all refugees and send them all to the Vatican square to live!!! That would make you happy, right?", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"Lol you're probably tweeting, \"\"it's so hard to move on\"\" with a dick in your pussy so shut the fuck up fake hoe.\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user 2977 people were murdered by illegal aliens in New York City, Washington DC & Shanksville Pennsylvania on 9/11/01 Help memorialize them today! Visit to help. Please #RETWEET #ThursdayThoughts #NeverForget #BuildTh", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u00b5\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00bcBarcelona city council, last month, decided 2 back migrants coming in2 the area OVER tourists. They said tourism wrecks popular neighborhoods (raising values etc) whilst migrants bring in new life 2 the country. S", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Hilly won't return harv's$250kdonation per Guidestar foundation990 tax form $450million on hand pro woman anti rape til it$$", "label": 0} +{"text": "From refugee to U.S citizen. This is \"Al's Story.\" VIDEO \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} +{"text": "remember women are inferior to men even though they generally test well at everything men doit's their own faults they suck there's nothing pushing them away from things!!!!!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "#Spain and life at EU Core. This is what lunatics at @user want to bring to #Czechia, aggressive male migrants to embrace perverted values of Brussels. Czechs must openly repudiate punks at Zit.#Visegrad culture is not for sale. Once the door is open, it is already too late", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user If you don't like the song bitch keep it moving hoe. You can't sing you can't do shit but suck dick bitch stfu you dumb white trash ass bitch", "label": 1} +{"text": "yall gotta learn to start seeing women as human. yall act like were aliens now. yes i have a cunt and tits and what about it sweety are they too sexual for you?? are they not sexual enough?? well either way its non of your fucking business go choke with your 2 inch cock", "label": 0} +{"text": "Ann Coulter calls Cory Booker a 'hysterical woman'", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Muh immigrantssssss", "label": 0} +{"text": "#NetanyahusPuppet #JaredKushner & #Trump allies in Congress (with dual\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ae\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b1\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8Passports) want to strip #Palestinian #Refugees of their status & abolish #UNRWA,The refugee agency that provides assistance to'5.5' Millions #Ethnic Cleansed #Palestinians in the region.Israel PM Idea", "label": 0} +{"text": "2000+ businesses in #Kakuma refugee camp - amazing the resilience of #refugees in the most difficult of circumstances.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Report: Illegal Immigrant Children Strangely Know Very Little About &#8216;Parents&#8217; Kiddie scam exposed...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Grannies, veterans and tias: Inside the grassroots efforts to help immigrant families separated at the border", "label": 0} +{"text": "To the bitch who said the United States is rape FREE. Ask the millions of women who haven\u2019t reported it due to how bad our society is.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user Then don't attack a woman for being a rape victim. This isn't hard.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Now the next battle will be Berlin/Brussels attempting to transform illegal migration into legal migration by expanding definition of refugee to include \u201cvulnerable migrants\u201d from certain African countries.", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Burundi-an refugees in Tanzania worried about being forcibly repatriated via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user ME: h-You: BITCH STFU ILYM STUPID DUMB HOE !!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Hysterical! You are going to be disappointed Jan", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user They've spread to every corner of our country apparently. Millions (who knows how many really), but millions infiltrated us. They must go too. ALL of them!#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #B", "label": 1} +{"text": "Who was the more hysterical woman at the Kavanaugh hearings today? #SCOTUS", "label": 0} +{"text": "Skilled Migrant Residence policy is a great way for New Zealand to gain migrants who are interested to call New Zealand their permanent new home. Today we celebrate success of our client Unnikrishnan Rajendran Nair and his family on becoming a NZ resident.#BrainGainNewZealand", "label": 0} +{"text": "Oversupply of cheap labor. We have parollees that need work. #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is never happening in the USA, we must deport all Muslims form our nation, they are not becoming Americans, they are invaders only to force Sharia on us, must go out of here @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user so you missed an in depth hysterical candy corngate. Episode 2 tonight!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bitch stfu", "label": 1} +{"text": "From June 12 - 16, let's call 1-844-4STAND5 to send a powerful message to our lawmakers: We welcome refugees!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Funny: The new right goverment cutted the welfare for refugees. But generally refugees can save money and send them home. 2,000.000.000 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac run to Syria and Afghanistan. So Austria suport these countries for development.", "label": 0} +{"text": "I was 18 when birth control became legal by the SCOTUS so I found an osteopath that prescribed it to me at 16. Sen Hatch & Sass yelling in the Senate to get those hysterical women out of the chamber was clear the GOP still wants control of women's bodies. #VoteNoOnKavanaugh", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user If the refugees dont get food and water - they will go back quick, here the President havnt to do much !", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user This is no costume party pic, just the slut bitch doing a nude lesbian photo.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Nicki album bomb af I swear yall niggas really just dont like women sound like hatin bitch go put on a skirt and stfu", "label": 1} +{"text": "Ontario concerns were not listened at immigration meeting in Ottawa For illegal crossing", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Ben Sasse is 100% correct. Since 1973, all Ive EVER heard every two years for elections are hysterical women (all a Leftist act) about Back-Alley abortions. This shit is getting old! I didnt hear one other protest issue being yelled about in the Hearings. Thats pitiful.", "label": 1} +{"text": "During the referendum campaign I joked it wouldn\u2019t be long until we saw the headline \u2018Brexit causes AIDs\u2019, you don\u2019t get much closer than this", "label": 0} +{"text": "Even the rape of a Muslim woman is almost impossible to prove under strict Islamic law Sharia", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Ahh I see your finally embracing your inner blond skank good for you mitche :)", "label": 1} +{"text": "i miss my stupid pretty stank dumb whore skank trick bitch ass friends", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"When we renewed our vows, this the thanks I get?I'm waitin' for the day I can hear you say, \"\"I'm sorry, what a skank I've been\"\".\"", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user while being proud of how many refugees we have taken in do not leave our own people b hind there is a growing disdain emerging", "label": 1} +{"text": "The left wants to change \"Illegal immigrant\" to \"undocumented immigrant\" I say hell to that! Let's call them what they REALLY are. ILLEGAL INVADERS.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They are not representing all women. Theyre representing hysterical women that want to whine and cry about our president and the booming economy. The majority of us women do not agree with those few. Check out my article", "label": 1} +{"text": "Hondsbrutale asielkolonist: Oostenrijkers moeten leren integreren door migranten in huis te nemen en ze geld te geven via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Yes, they intentionally used language you described since Malta Summit. They want to turn illegal migration into legal migration by providing safe routes to EU and by expanding definition of refugee to include migrants from Africa in \u201crefugee-", "label": 0} +{"text": "refugees welcome turists go home", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user this stupid skank can barely speak English.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I can suck on your titties and finger you pussy at the same time and make you squirt", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Your words are soooooo descriptive. And now if there was any question about what happened before, now shes just being in in-your-face fucktwaddle because she thinks she got away with it the first time. Fucking bitch...and I dont say that about", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Lets Release the Stats of Americans Killed by Illegals and the Number of Illegals on Welfare Because that Matters! Liberals Didnt Complain when Obama Separated Kids @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BlacksForTrump #Trump #MAGA #Immigration", "label": 1} +{"text": "Another fucking piece of a crap. You have gone too far in chasing mirages, Kashmiri women do not sleep around with RSS men, you fucking cunt, there is no sanity left in you now. You must have heard that phrase. 'Langoor Ke haath angoor' this shit is similar.", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is making my blood boil. I pay taxes. I pay into social security. I did that before my green card like countless other immigrants. We pay into FICA, social security and medicare. International students who are here in status then go home never see a penny of that money back", "label": 0} +{"text": "15-year-old Swedish boy stabbed to death by Syrian refugee classmate - Free Speech Time - @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "nigga, im pretty sure you dont get pussy, just stfu.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Juncker response on migrants a step forward says Conte", "label": 0} +{"text": "Home Office guilty of \"a serious breach of the duty of candour and cooperation\" regarding children entitled to enter UK. Where did these children go? Many disappeared, which means they are lost or trafficked. How can we have come to this? @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "WAIT ALSO what fucking gift am I getting from my man at marriage???? Is he also going to be a Virgin , since you know god made virgins stfu I hope you never get laid again", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"@KendallJenner \"\"whatever makes them happy\"\" really bitch? you are not good friend, you are mother fucking cunt @user @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "No benefits to any immigrants !! Come here & make it on your own, or go back home !! @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Immigrants sometimes act like they can do whatever they want without accountability (because of Liberal friends). IMAGINE migrating to China & wandering around streets with knife. You can not imagine it because Chinese would not allow", "label": 1} +{"text": "Meanwhile, Syria, Russia and Iran are pretending that it is now safe for refugees to return.", "label": 0} +{"text": "For all the illegal refugees including Syrian refugees... Mexican refugees... And other South American refugees... (Except Venezuelan refugees) Go back home if there really was some thing to escape them come here legally, because some how you don\u2019t see us burning the Mex. flag", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Fuck you! Why dont you stand up and defend America? You worthless POS? Obviously youve never served in the military cause you are a pussy, but more pointedly if you had you understand that Service Members fight for the rights of all Americans", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user @user \u201cLooking for a better life\u201d, then bloody do it properly. Get in line like the rest of the legal immigrants. Don\u2019t sneak through the back door. America can\u2019t in everyone. If a country does not enforce its ow", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Stop taking the Micky Merkel open borders mean open revolt its not migration that's the problem its Islamic migration is trouble", "label": 1} +{"text": "DACA ppl want chain migration & taking to courts where liberal judges giving them what they want. & Trump now has a plan to be introduced as to where no more welfare & no citizenship if on welfare. I suspect they will think twice b4 coming to US.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user god dammit, boys! You did it again. Van Talk was hysterical. Congrats on everything. #RIPBobBarker", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings\" Trying to create outrage and Hate", "label": 1} +{"text": "Important message for all the fans of #BehavioralMedChat! Next month, @user will join our good friends @user for a conversation on immigrant health. The chat will take place on September 18 @ 1 p.m. ET, and will use the hashtag #SaludTues. See you all there!", "label": 0} +{"text": "450 migrants land in Italy, five #EU states to take 50 each", "label": 0} +{"text": "Pressure on Spain\u2019s maritime border: Boatloads of #Illegal #Migrants Storm Spanish Tourist Beaches & Scatter #StopTheInvasion #Unregistered #UnVetted", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hellow. African immigrants arent vandheri a", "label": 0} +{"text": "I liked a @user video Immigrant Protesters Unknowingly Agree With Trump", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You are a fake feminist and hypocrite not one word about this woman beater. And not one word about the Hollywood who rape women and teenagers. You are a hypocrite just like Obama a hypocrite", "label": 0} +{"text": "Guy at the drawing session last night negging the woman next to me by saying dont get hysterical and I believe in the right of women NOT to choose: stfu and also thx for affirming the now well known fact that misogynists draw like shit #misogynistsdrawlikeshit", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Booker acts like a hysterical woman. There's no inuendo of homosexuality. A dog whistle can't be completely imaginary.", "label": 0} +{"text": "More than any other ally do we take that as a compliment ? unlike his house of non representatives who so much love their nation hold ordinary people and their way of life to ransom no pay no food, no nothing go lecture your own system take white pees with u fire cracker man", "label": 0} +{"text": "RAPISTS.AND YET, THE FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OF THE RAPE AND SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF AFRICAN WOMEN AND GIRLS, AND THE THIRD CLASS", "label": 0} +{"text": "Stfu you aint make no noise yet pussy !!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Illegal alien deported 15 times arrested in hit-run crash that hurt 6-year-old #StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user you unfollowed me? Fuck you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You are pretty hysterical yourself.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Russia is building up its forces in Syria any action against ISIS ,should be welcomed after that start talking, No more migrants then", "label": 1} +{"text": "Reality Nike, He Did It, unlike you and all your groupies, never buy your product again, enough is enough, ugly crap you are doing here @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already, love my FLAG !!!!", "label": 1} +{"text": "#Refugees not welcome can\u2019t be deported, because they have gone into underground.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Migration is the mother of all problems\" says German Interior Minister #BuildtheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #college", "label": 1} +{"text": "To see the full brutality of ICE\u2019s impact on immigrants, look inside U.S. borders too", "label": 0} +{"text": "HRC is taking long walks in the woods again. Its sinking in how incompetent and void of solutions she was. She stacked the deck and got her fat butt kicked. What a worthless, pathetic Skank this woman is. #maga #tcot", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Macchiato would love cooking in Home Ec class! She could stay in the kitchen and sample what she made :) #win #contest", "label": 1} +{"text": "I hate bitches who talk about niggaz with kids , Everybody cant find a bitch like yal that abort all they pregnancies soo STFU hoe ....", "label": 1} +{"text": "Youngboy up to sumn on you Pussy boys", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user I wonder what's in the emails of the skank Democrats in Congress. You have some nerve after your candidate Hillary Clinton did what she did.", "label": 1} +{"text": "#ThursdayThoughts Booker & Kamala competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings.Spartacus.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user I need you all to stay in the kitchen no preclosing whatsoever.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Nike will become a even better hit, now your daughter on the other hand.... bitch, stfu. Nike has grabbed you by your pussy.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Italian bishop says he\u2019s ready to \"turn all the churches into mosques\" to aid the cause of mass Muslim migration via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Immigration #DACA #IllegalImmigration #OpenBorders #MAGAPresident Obama rightfully said many times that the...", "label": 0} +{"text": "The replies to this tweet guys \ud83d\ude2d. And i see this ALL THE TIME to a rape tweet. Sooo many women (have) experience(d)\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "President Trump on MS-13 Gangs: Were either throwing them the hell in jail or getting them out of our country.#BuildTheWall#MAGA#WalkAway#EndDACA #IllegalAliens #VoteDemsOut #WakeUpAmerica #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #VoteRed #ChooseCruz #VetoBeto", "label": 1} +{"text": "ICE Contacted After Police Pull Over Van, Driver Flees on Foot -- And 11 People Without Documents Found Inside via @user #StopTheInvasion", "label": 0} +{"text": "We must reject the \"globalization of indifference\" toward refugees, says the president of the International Catholic Migration Commission.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Why is this so shocking? Anyone following the refugee story would be able to predict this outcome--too bad the...", "label": 0} +{"text": "Corey Booker has demonstrated to the world what a grandstanding dramma mamma he is. He lied about documents that were available to him and the contents. His \"Spartacus\" moment was more like a hysterical woman with PMS! LOL! What a douche!+ LIAR!", "label": 0} +{"text": "shut the fuck up you fucking pussy you wouldnt know survival if it hit you in the face you draft dodger", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Really, Ann? Hysterical woman? What is wrong with you?", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You're a joke Kammy. You couldn't hold Justice Kavanaugh's briefs. Trying to fund raise from the brain dead sheep, regarding a confirmation you can't stop. Race baiting Marxist skank that you are.", "label": 1} +{"text": "This is all that #ABVPThugs are capable off. NSUI on the other hand wanted to launch DU's first magazine. Denied permission last minute because of #ABVPkaGundaraj, we had to launch on the street in the presence of police. DU #SendThemHome", "label": 0} +{"text": "If it ain't her flag, the POS is in the wrong country. Drag her skank ass out.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Law allows separated migrant children to tell why they fled their country, lawsuit says via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user who ever can stop immigration will win the vote eastern europe has done much to change the uk no more we r fed up with it", "label": 1} +{"text": "Egypt - Devout Muslims burn down the homes of Coptic Christians....", "label": 0} +{"text": "We Congratulate Justice Tahira Safdar to be the firstever woman Chief Justice of a superior Court in Pakistan", "label": 0} +{"text": "White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them via @user Stop white genocide,accept white immigrants from now...", "label": 0} +{"text": "\"Listen skank. Your sugar daddy is the biggest 5x draft-dodging, punk-bitch coward in the COUNTRY. Your opinions mean nothing. You go find a stripper pole, or whatever you did before, STFU about cowardice. ENOUGH! \"\"Melania Trump\"\"\"", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Oh no doubt, i stay in the kitchen. Music slappin and a lil bit of greenery and i'm cool lol. FEW businesses?! Damn thats whats up! Yeah lately theres a lot of spots like that poppin up around my way. Which is good. So what would you name it? Visualize the name to manifest it.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user You know something Chucky. We the people dont give a rats behind what you say. You and your party have done enough to destroy America. We are done with your ideals. #MAGA #WalkAway #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user My dad was the chef in my house so the whole women need to stay in kitchen doesnt make sense to me", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user already won Most Hysterical Woman with her 2 day twitter freakout over leg room on a plane.", "label": 1} +{"text": "We could not be more proud to have our work on migrant rights and justice under the leadership of @user Watch the full episode where she spoke with @user on @user last night here:", "label": 0} +{"text": "Sometimes it can feel like your old mommy is always ready to be intimate with you.Even at 68This lustful Mom's pussy doesn't stop soaking", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Oh, you pussy grabbing , lying jack ass.", "label": 0} +{"text": "No, I am not paying for his wall. It is a waste of money cause it will not stop illegal immigrants. Most come on a visa and just never go home.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Hysterical @user Did you make that up yourselves? The sooner @user grow a pair and ban your shit paper the better.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Great goodly moogly this Buffalo Bill looking #bitch is a #cunt. Go do your little kooky dance while listening to wild horses and #stfu", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Tired , frightened , exhausted , victims , jeered at these are some of the young and woman who helped migrants now victims", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user U a rabid fucking cunt.. oh yea but u from Indiana tho.. common for u women folk.. ask mother pence", "label": 1} +{"text": ".@CarterLear is a bitch who wants a Halloween care pack because this skank doesnt appreciate me", "label": 1} +{"text": "Spent $50 on new sunglasses. Next day find 2 awesome pairs for $2.99. #sendthemback #rosecolouredglasses #life", "label": 0} +{"text": "Yo pussy the equivalent of a D list celebrity fuck u mean", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user Seriously. Book Claire was not the stay in the kitchen type. Did I read the same book?", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Alessia you fkn skank go change", "label": 1} +{"text": "REGINA GEORGE IS THE NASTIEST SKANK BITCH I HAVE EVER MET. DO NOT TRUST HER. SHE IS A FUGLY SLUT.", "label": 1} +{"text": "The Same 2 U Women and Leave Me Alone I Got Anough Skank Problems!", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user That skank looks good on your arm. You been dating your mom long? She needs to start thinking about some Botox or maybe a full facelift. Lying does that to you!", "label": 1} +{"text": "Soft on immigration? Trump forgot how he praised President Obama for deportation numbers! Republicans could've had COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM years ago but you know....OBSTRUCTION was the plan no matter what!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Wayne Law alum, Ruby Robinson, '11, is co-managing attorney for the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center, an organization that spearheads the effort to stand up for immigrant rights in the state.", "label": 0} +{"text": "First they came for transgendered soldiers & we said hell no. Then they came for immigrant families & we said hell no. Then a number of private entities decided to stop doing business with @user & we didn't say anything because that has nothing to do with human rights.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Lost - but happy ! Merkel co. has not realized who the reality really is. Poor Germany which want go on to love refugees.", "label": 1} +{"text": "I never been with a girl as big as you pussy be beating hard on this dick bet Cool hopefully you can find a girl my size that would want to go down on ya", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user You guys get hysterical trying to pin Bernie\u2019s loss on anyone but him, but this particul\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "iF yOUr PuSSy sO gOoD wHY yOu NoT pREgNAnT because i killed it stfu hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user I need you pussy", "label": 1} +{"text": "The power to help #refugees rebuild their lives is in your hands. Get started tonight \u00e2\u017e\u009d", "label": 0} +{"text": "Women who scorn other women for charging rape are what makes it hardest for women 2 seek help. We are half the pop. 2gether we rise. #MeToo", "label": 0} +{"text": "Great to see children's advocates like @user and @user speaking out to #SaveTheCensus. With 1/4 of kids living in immigrant families, asking aobut citizenship = undercounting children. Take action by Tuesday: #Census2020", "label": 0} +{"text": "My grandma is older than the state of Israel, which exiled her to the Gaza ghetto 70 years ago. Today elderly refugees like her are living through 35C (95F) degree heat with no electricity, fans, air conditioning or cool drinking water.", "label": 0} +{"text": "Just because a woman decides to drop charges concerning a rape allegation doesn't mean it didn't happen. The legal\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Why an ordinary woman resist and don't allow RAPE> if gone through rape>How it becomes Trauma U r Disres\u2026", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Which one of the two wins the prize for most hysterical woman?", "label": 1} +{"text": "I need the lady next to me on the train to actually stfu. It is 6:50 am and you are trying to have such a deep conversation about work place behavior with the man across from you & youre doing so in a loud whisper. Its too fucking early for this.", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user Your the fucking bitch,you whore.", "label": 1} +{"text": "The Mexicans and Central America immigrants want US native speakers to speak Spanish. Joke does not!", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user @user Check out @user Tweet: !!!! Hysterical Woman-1Scumbag Swamp Creature-ZIPPY", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user My little commie skank look at you!!! Im so proud", "label": 1} +{"text": "Look, lady who needs a therapistI know you love when men choke and slap the shit out of you till you cum but not all of us like that. Go put some aloe on that banged up ass of yours and stay off my TL, darlin.", "label": 1} +{"text": "shut the fuck up you stupud fucking edater , go get some fucking pussy irl you dumb muslim", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Skank man .. you got!!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hundreds of migrants break through border at Spanish exclave Ceuta via @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "@user .Not to more efficiently judge who enters but to streamline the exit process. We need #BuildThatWall to adjudicate the former and still more #ICE agents to expedite the latter.#MAGA", "label": 1} +{"text": "Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user What snowflakes don`t understand is that the \"Far right\" Are ordinary people who are actually being effected by migration, they are people whose house prices have dropped and car insurance has increased due to the rise in crime rate! #Fuck", "label": 0} +{"text": "Bad policy compounded by corporate corruption. This is not OK. #ICE. #refugee #ImmigrationChildren #Elections2018 #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "#Illegals #Immigration #IllegalAliens #BorderPatrolI guess we can say that it pays to be an illegal Alien.- Dave", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user You ugly lil bitch shut the fuck up if you dont understand the stock market hoe", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user @user @user If you dont like America you can leave. Theres the door. Why is Isolationism backward? Enlighten us with your vain words. We were getting ripped off! Importing terrorists posing as refugees! We need", "label": 1} +{"text": "I dont understand who work so hard at sex work. They are so nuts about having sex even in the situation at work. Huh? Youre just another bitch working at the same store. Furthermore, you cant do anything what you are needed and have to. Die bitch die.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user LOLSO TRUE!!I THINK BOOKER IS WINNING THE BATTLE OF MOST HYSTERICAL WOMEN AT THE KAVANAUGH HEARINGS!!!@CoryBooker", "label": 0} +{"text": "Would this be the same Conservative Party that recently made the son of a Pakistani Muslim immigrant Home Secretary? Whatabouterry of the highest order from the New Statesman @user", "label": 0} +{"text": "shut the fuck up you know youre that bitch, whore", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user @user Yea you pussy boy like I said Ill get into your room if I have too !", "label": 0} +{"text": "Where the fuck is your face scary hoe? Dont be saying nothing about peoples looks when you to pussy to post yours. You bitches can not fucking compete. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. All of you bitches wanna talk about looks, but wheres your pics? Stay in your lane.", "label": 1} +{"text": "@user Fry me you pussy", "label": 0} +{"text": "Hundreds of arrests at DC protest against immigration policy", "label": 0} +{"text": "I've just entered MOBO Unsung with a remix of I Am An #Immigrant with the tombak. Wish me luck!", "label": 0} +{"text": "Pass #MeritBased Immigration. Kill #ChainMigration. #SendThemBack", "label": 1} +{"text": "imagine chaeyoung cutting some cooked meat for you then you eat one but u choke on it and u die then she leaves your cold dead body on the ground bc she's bored", "label": 0} +{"text": "I usually dont hate people but I actually hate that bitch. You tried to be friends with me outside of work and then when I had a crisis you decided to be professional and use that against me. Thats the worst type of person. Fucking cunt will get hers though.", "label": 1} +{"text": "Cameron stopped immigrants voting on the EU in or out vote he learned from the scots independence That immigrants can be a negative infeuenc", "label": 1} +{"text": "Large scale migration of illegal migrants to Delhi,hawkers menace,illegal constructions,appeasement have increased after AAP came to power", "label": 0} \ No newline at end of file