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Strengthening Youth Inclusion in Political Affairs on Local and National Levels Contract related to: Strengthening Youth Inclusion in Political Affairs on Local and National Levels - While the humanitarian needs are huge, with almost 14 million people in need of assistance, the changing nature of the crisis requires a more robust medium-term approach supporting the resilience and early recovery efforts of Syrian citizens wherever possible at a grassroots level ¿ going beyond emergency and life-saving responses. There is also a clear imperative to support medium to longer-term interventions which focus on strengthening systems and fostering resilience and sustainability. This Special Measure will therefore support the resilience and early recovery needs of the Syrian population through community-driven interventions aimed at the provision of key services while supporting social cohesion at the local level. Four priority areas of intervention have been selected. Interventions in the health and education sectors will focus on strengthening the provision of key services now, but will also pay attention, among others, to aspects which increase resilience, such as strengthened capacities of healthcare personnel to manage services and systems, or greater investments in vocational education providing youth with viable livelihood opportunities. This Special Measure will also continue to build urban and rural resilience, providing integrated support to a number of urban areas and their rural hinterlands with the aim of mitigating further instability, displacement and loss of human capital by employing a people-centred approach to recovery and social cohesion. Finally, this action will support local Syrian civil society actors to build their capacities as independent development actors in their communities, promoting inclusive, transparent and participatory processes, which can support early recovery and foster social cohesion.Individual areas of the action will contribute to four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked directly to the priority sectors of intervention. Due attention to cross-cutting issues, especially gender and support for vulnerable community members will lead to contributions towards SDGs on gender inequality and reduced inequalities. Together, the separate interventions will contribute towards the overarching goal of a reduction in poverty.The action will give priority (1) to a `Whole of Syria¿ approach as long as the operational context allows, and (2) to communities where significant numbers of returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are located. | Significant |
Contribution to the EU Trust Fund Bekou Contributo al Fondo Fiduciario Bekou dell'Unione Europea Bekou Fund is a trust fund dedicated to supporting the socio-economic reconstruction process in the Central African Republic. The main objective is to support the resilience of vulnerable populations and to encourage the RCA stabilization process consistently through short-medium and long-term actions. Il contributo si propone di aumentare le capacità di resilienza delle popolazioni vulnerabili e favorire il processo di stabilizzazione in RCA attraverso azioni di corto, medio e lungo periodo. | Significant |
Sudan 2021 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Human-Centred Digitalisation #TeamEuropeKenya (AAP-2022) Kenya is today the East Africa hub for digitalisation, and the only country in the region that offers a Data Protection Act based on the EU¿s General Data Protection Regulation. These elements make EU involvement in this area not only strategic from a development perspective but also relevant for the promotion of the EU interests in the region. By focusing on digitalisation that is inclusive, human-centric and rights-based, the EU can position itself meaningfully in the region and hence complement other global actors such as the US and China.As part of the Global Gateway, the Action is part of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Human-centred Digitalisation and will contribute EUR 28M in EU grants to leverage another EUR 173 million of investment. It will support Kenya¿s digital agenda and the EU¿s `partnership with Africa on the transition to a digital age¿. It will strengthen EU¿s engagement in the sector by assisting Kenya to tap into the EU¿s sizable regulatory experience, public e-services, businesses partnerships and impact financing both for the benefit of development (human-centred approach) and EU interests. Consistent with the TEI this Action aligns with its three specific objectives to: 1) Reduce the digital gap by connecting underserved remote areas with optic fibre infrastructure unlocking the digital servicing of schools and potentially of health centres (EUR 6 million EU grant to EIB will help leverage EUR 30 million in sovereign loan from EIB and some EUR 70 million in private investment). The EU will assist GoK to advance its capabilities in mobilising public and private financing for digital infrastructure, in improving the fibre network¿s resilience and in opening up affordable opportunities for populations previously without access. The action will develop criteria for selecting an underserved area considering poverty and vulnerability and hence could involve migrant and refugee communities. The EU grant of EUR 4 million to UNICEF may also fund an extension of the Giga programme which provides digital educational services to schools; 2) Leapfrog digital economy transformations by strengthening the digital and innovation ecosystem to cater for business and job creation, building digital skills such as in TVET and capabilities with a focus on women and youth; leveraging emerging technologies for socio-economic benefit; and enhancing digital policy and Kenyan regional leadership on the digital economy. Here, a EUR 10 million EU grant to KfW and AFD could leverage EUR 60 million in sovereign loans from both financial institutions on digital curricula mainstreaming in TVET. Another EUR 3 million EU grant to GiZ will support the digital innovation ecosystem and strengthening of Kenya¿s digital policy. 3) Strengthen open and inclusive digital governance. This will be promoted at national and local level involving more secure, open and integrated e-government systems and standards. Democracy and human rights will also be promoted and protected in the digital environment while the enforcement of the Data Protection Act will be supported with an EU grant of EUR 4 M to GIZ who will work in collaboration with Estonia. | Significant |
Burkina Faso 2022 - UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2022-2025 The proposed contribution aims to support United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) humanitarian programmes globally through the UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeals which are in line with the UNICEF Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 and the Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) in Humanitarian Action. UNICEF’s humanitarian work is focused on interventions that saves lives, alleviates suffering, maintains human dignity and protects the rights of affected populations, wherever there are humanitarian needs due to e.g. armed conflicts, natural disasters, public health emergencies. UNICEF plays a central role in the global humanitarian response and leads the clusters of WASH and nutrition and co-leads the cluster of education. Within protection, it leads the child protection cluster. Children are not the only beneficiaries of UNICEF but also women and disabled persons, as examples. Within health, UNICEF e.g. more specifically works on Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH). In February, a major amendment to the agreement was conducted to provide UNICEF with additional funds to be able to respond to the crisis in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s aggression. Sida funded UNICEF under previous contribution ”UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2018-2021”. Insatsen avser stöd till FN:s barnfond (UNICEF) i syfte att svara upp humanitärt. UNICEF:s arbete fokuserar på att rädda liv, minska lidande, bibehålla mänsklig värdighet och skydda rättigheter för befolkningen där det råder humanitära behov till exempel på grund av konflikt, naturkatastrofer eller hälsokriser. UNICEF spelar vidare en central roll i den humanitära responsen globalt och leder kluster inom WASH och nutrition samt leder tillsammans med Rädda Barnen utbildningsklustret. Inom skyddsklustret, leder UNICEF banskyddsklustret. Det är inte endast barn som är mottagare av humanitärt stöd utan också kvinnor och funktionshindrade individer. Inom hälsa arbetar UNICEF också t.ex. med reproduktiv, mödravård, nyfödda samt barnhälsa. Sida beviljade extra stöd till UNICEF i februari 2022 med anledning av Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina. Sida har finansierat UNICEF under ”UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2018-2021”. The Strategy Plan 2022-2025 of UNICEF applies an approach that supports programming across the humanitarian-development nexus, where it systematically applies a humanitarian lens to the theories of change underlying work on all Goal Areas, cross-cutting programmes, change strategies and enablers, and reflects UNICEF humanitarian work throughout the plan itself and in the Integrated Results and Resources Framework of the SP 2021-2025. The result areas of the SP include:
Goal Area 1: Every child, including adolescents, survives and thrives with access to nutrition diets, quality primary health care, nurturing practices and essential supplies.
a. Strengthening primary health care and high-impact health interventions.
b. Immunization services as part of primary health care.
c. Fast-track the end of HIV/AIDS.
d. Health and development in early childhood and adolescents.
e. Mental health and psychosocial well-being.
f. Nutrition in early childhood.
g. Nutrition of adolescents and women.
h. Early detection and treatment of malnutrition.
Goal Area 2: Every child, including adolescents, learns and acquires skills for the future.
a. Access to quality learning opportunities.
b. Learning, skills, participation and engagement.
Goal Area 3: Every child, including adolescents, is protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices.
a. Protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.
b. Promotion of care, mental health and psychosocial well-being and justice.
c. Prevention of harmful practices.
Goal Area 4: Every child, including adolescents has access to safe and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene services and supplies, and lives in a safe and sustainable climate and environment.
a. Safe and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene services and practices.
b. Water, sanitation and hygiene systems and empowerment of communities.
c. Climate change, disaster risks and environmental degradation.
Goal Area 5: Every child, including adolescents, has access to inclusive social protection and lives free from poverty.
a. Reducing child poverty.
b. Access to inclusive social protection. | Significant |
ASCEND Sightsavers - Guinea Bissau In three years, the Ascend programme aims to transform millions of lives by treating trachoma, river blindness, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis and intestinal worms. We will work alongside ministries of health, communities and partners including the World Health Organization (WHO) in endemic countries to deliver one of the most significant NTD programmes in history. | Significant |
Catering services - CSO Human Rights Consultation 15 February 2024 Contract related to: Catering services - CSO Human Rights Consultation 15 February 2024 - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | Significant |
IMS-Media Programme - IMS Media Programme IMS- Media Programme Programmet syftar till att främja medborgarnas (särskilt marginaliserade samhällens) egenmakt och fria deltagande i styrnings- och utvecklingsprocesser genom att få tillgång till relevant, tillförlitlig, inkluderande information och medieinnehåll. The programme seeks to promote the empowerment and free participation of citizens (particularly marginalized communities) in governance and development processes, through accessing relevant, reliable, inclusive information and media content. The overall objective: Zimbabwean citizens (particularly marginalised communities) freely participate in, and contribute to, governance and development processes.
Specific objective: Zimbabwean citizens (particularly marginalised communities) are informed and empowered with relevant, reliable, inclusive information and media content enabling meaningful participation in development and governance processes.
Outcome 1: Communities, especially marginalised and special interest groups access and use credible information to participate in public debate on developmental and governance issues
Outcome 2: Professional, reliable, innovative, sustainable comprehensive media enable informed citizen agency and engagement with a focus on marginalised communities
Outcome 3: Relevant duty-bearers ensure a conducive media policy and operational environments enabling safe journalistic practice and citizens participation | Significant |
Myanmar 2023 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Sudan Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) - Building Resilient Communities in West Kordofan 2 (BRICK-II) Contract related to: Sudan Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) - Building Resilient Communities in West Kordofan 2 (BRICK-II) - As part of the Team Europe Initiative on Enhancing Food Security and Resilience of Rural communities in Sudan, the action will take place in the most food insecure areas of Darfur, West and South Kordofan, Gedaref, Sinnar, Kassala, Red Sea, Northern States and Blue Nile. The action will aim at increasing food security and at protecting livelihoods by focusing on agro ecological practices. This approach is in line with the European Union (EU) Farm to Fork policy and will contribute to reduce Sudan¿s dependence from importing agriculture inputs and to alleviate the pressure on natural resources. The main beneficiaries are smallholder farmers, herders and fishermen and their respective associations, communities and households, including IDPs and refugees.The focus will be on existing local (short) value chains including livestock, staple, fruit and protein-plants, whose sustainability (environmental, social and economic) will be improved in view of increasing resilience and enhancing profitability for smallholder producers. The action will improve availability and access to healthy diets for the rural population. It will also create decent and sustainable job opportunities for youths, including refugees and IDPs, to counter rural exodus, irregular migration and enrolment in militias.Particular emphasis will be placed on natural resource management with a specific focus on watershed management in some specific areas of intervention as for example Wadi El Ku area of North Darfur. In a country deeply affected by climate change and desertification, it is essential to manage access to land, water and pasture in order to ensure food security and at the same time manage potential conflicts between host and displaced communities as well as farmers and herders.The action will be part of the overall strategy of the European Union in Sudan for 2022, complementing the school feeding program activities of the Education intervention and the nutrition activities of the Health intervention. The agro value chain reinforcement will aim at increasing the availability of nutritious food on the local markets. The triple nexus humanitarian-development-peace has been embedded as a key component of this Action that has identified agri-food value chains as a key vector to food security and sustainable growth and jobs. Water and land are vital elements for promoting peace among central, regional and local parties and for determining inclusive socio-economic development. The Action will be based on an integrated territorial approach.The overall objective of the action is to contribute to sustainable livelihoods and food security in rural communities most affected by food insecurity, climate change and conflicts.The Specific Objectives/Outcomes of this action are to:1. Sustainably increase productivity and profitability of smallholder agriculture and livestock nutritious short value chains using agro ecological practices adapted to climate change2. Increase sustainable and decent jobs opportunities for both genders within the youth in displacement affected rural and food insecure areas.3. Increase equal and sustainable access to natural resources in order to contribute to food security and mitigate conflicts and allow the voluntary return of conflict-displaced people.... | Significant |
YOUth LEADers Engage and Advocate for their Rights in Syria (YOU LEAD) Contract related to: YOUth LEADers Engage and Advocate for their Rights in Syria (YOU LEAD) - CSO Thematic Programme 2021 - MAAP 2021-2024 - Civil Society Organisations as actors of Governance (Action Document nº 2)This Action is funded under the CSO Thematic Programme 2021-2027, under the Multiannual Action Plan 2021-2024. The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, amounting to around ¿ 766,66 million, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia 11.Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach;12 enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT.The Activity will fund service delivery through CSOs only under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).This Action is aligned with the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" and adheres in full to the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation, Annex III: CSO Thematic Programme. It will contribute primarily to the Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development and to supporting the vital role of Civil Society with regard to SDG 16 and 1713. The dominant sector under which initiatives will be funded will accordingly be Government & Civil Society14.The Action will strongly complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in EU Delegations priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, and contribute to combating inequalities in all partner countries It will furthermore strengthen their ability to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes thereby contributing to the successful implementation of our policies. Activities related to awareness and understanding of the EU in individual countries and the world will be implemented by Cooperation Facilities in Delegations, according to the priorities defined in the Delegations¿ strategic plans.All initiatives under the Action will, in line with the overarching aim of the CSO Thematic Programme, respect the independence and right to initiative of Civil | Significant |
Increasing Resilience through Support to the Malawi National Social Support Programme Reducing poverty by increasing the resilience of vulnerable households.-Increasing Resilience through Support to the Malawi National Social Support Programme | Significant |
Transparency, Evidence and Accountability Programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories To build confidence in a more legitimate Palestinian Authority through more inclusive and responsive governance working towards greater accountability over time for Palestinians. | Principal |
Activity under preparation Supporting Civil Society¿s Role in Nutrition Contract related to: Supporting Civil Society¿s Role in Nutrition - This action is part of the complementary measures of the MIP, in favour of civil society. It will also contribute to reinforce the nutrition intervention part of the MIP priority 2 area (human capital development) and particularly to its Specific Objective 1 ¿In line with the National Development Plan, to support inclusive and equitable quality education, to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and to support quality and equitable nutrition services¿. It will support the third phase of Nepal¿s Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP-III: 2023 - 2030), which frames nutrition as the foundation of human rights and sustainable development and has as its goal `to improve nutrition status throughout the life cycle by ensuring universal access to quality nutrition-specific and sensitive services and strengthening enabling environment for nutrition¿ with an explicit focus on the most vulnerable areas and groups. With this support measure, grant(s) will be awarded to CSOs to support advocacy and accountability on equity and inclusion. The complementarity of the different implementing modalities will reinforce the EU policy dialogue at federal, provincial and local level with the support of the technical assistance and in partnership with the CSO. This support measure will target political dialogue, advocacy and inclusion complementing the budget support intervention, with a focus on supporting transformative approaches to tackle inequalities relating to socio-economic, disability, gender, disadvantaged castes and indigenous communities so as to address the drivers of malnutrition in all its forms. This will be achieved by strengthening the participation of civil society, including women¿s rights organisations and those representing the rights of people living in vulnerable situations, in advocacy and awareness activities, inclusive and participatory planning processes and accountability mechanisms. The focus will be on inclusiveness of the nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive services and the good governance in the sector, using the comparative advantage of the CSO in supporting the implementation of the new Multi Sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP-III, 2023-2030).The Overall Objective of this action is to increase the inclusion and effectiveness of the Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan 2023-2030 (MSNP III) and its implementation processes. | Significant |
South Sudan Crisis 2021 - Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme utfasning Under 2017 fortsatte de globala humanitära behoven att öka, där långvariga och utdragna konflikter fortsatte att dominera det humanitära landskapet tillsammans med storskaliga flyktingkriser, naturkatastrofer och allvarliga hälsokriser. Antalet människor i behov av humanitärt stöd och skydd beräknades till 128,6 miljoner i slutet av 2017 - detta var en ökning med 16,4 miljoner människor jämfört med början av året. För att svara upp mot de globala humanitära behoven genomför Sida varje år en analys av de största humanitära/regionala kriserna i världen vilket mynnar ut i en humanitär allokering för det kommande året. Analysen ger en översikt av den humanitära situationen och identifierade sektorprioriteringar, samt vilka partnerorganisationer som har kapacitet att svara upp mot identifierade behov i respektive kris. Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program bedöms av Sida som relevant i förhållande till målen i Strategin för Sveriges humanitära bistånd genom Sida 2017-2020, och i detta beslut föreslås därför att stöd ges till programmet för perioden 1 januari 2018 - 31 mars 2021.
2018 ansöker SvK om 116 900 000 kr från Sida varav 79 600 000 kr avser år 2018. Svk ansökte om finansiering för 1) landinsatser i Djibouti, Etiopien, Irak, Kenya, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien och Uganda, 2) insatser i form av s.k. RRM (Rapid Response Mechanism) som möjliggör snabbt stöd till nya kriser som kan komma att inträffa under året samt 3) metod- och kapacitetsstärkande stöd för Svks partners. Totalt arbetar SvK med 4 olika partnerorganisationer i ovannämnda 8 länder. Dessa är: LVF (Lutherska världsförbundet), NCA (Norwegian Church Aid), DCA (DanChurchAid) samt EECMY-DASCC (Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Development and Social Services Commission). Dessa partnerorganisationer genomför i sin tur i vissa fall samarbete med lokala organisationer.
För 3 landinsatser ansöker Svk om flerårigt stöd; LVFs 2 projekt i Etiopien respektive Uganda samt ett NCA-projekt i Sudan. Sida hade 2018 tre kategorier av insatser som kunde söka flerårig humanitär finansiering; stöd i långvariga kriser i enlighet med fleråriga HRPs; stöd till utfasning av det humanitära stödet; och insatser i områden med begränsade tillträdesmöjligheter. Båda LVF projekten stöttar utfasning av humanitärt stöd, och NCA-projektet bidrar till den fleråriga HRPn. LVF i Etiopien omfattar 4 miljoner SEK per år, under 3 år, och LVF i Uganda 10 miljoner SEK per år i 3 år. För NCA i Sudan gavs en budget om 3,2 miljoner SEK 2018 och 2,3 miljoner SEK för 2019. Utbetalning för år 2 och 3 är villkorat på godkänd årsrapportering samt årsplaner och budgets.
Inom landsinsatserna ges humanitärt stöd inom ett antal områden, ex. skydd av barn, psykosocialt stöd, utbildning, insatser mot könsbaserat våld, vatten och sanitet, livsmedelssäkerhet genom självhushållning och inkomstgenererande aktiviteter, miljöinsatser mm.
Under 2018 så sökte SvK för ett RRM projekt som skulle ge akut, humanitär, assistans till befolkningen drabbad av tyfonen Mangkut i Filipinerna.
För 2019 beräknades ca 131 miljoner människor vara i behov av humanitärt stöd i 42 länder, med en finansieringsgrad av ca 60% i slutet på 2019. Som svar på detta beslutades det att lägga till 59 300 000 SEK för Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program 2018 till 2021 som då uppgick till 176 200 000 SEK, med 79 600 000 SEK budgeterade för 2019. Dessa inkluderade 20 300 000 SEK för fleråriga anslag och metodutvecklingsstöd från beslutet 2018 (beslut 2018-000743). Därtill medel för 8 ettåriga projekt (två i Kenya och ett i Djibouti, Etiopien, Sydsudan, Irak, Mali och Syrien) och ett stöd om 20 000 000 SEK till Sidas snabbmekanism för humanitära insatser (RRM). Av de ettåriga projekt som fick medel 2019 så hade alla förutom det i Mali varit finansierade under 2018. De fleråriga insatserna från beslutet 2018 avser projekt i Sudan, Etiopien och Uganda samt ett metodstöd för psykosocialt stöd.
RRM medel söktes för att ge humanitärt stöd till drabbade av cyklonen Idai i Moçambique och Zimbabwe.
Under 2020 var 168 miljoner människor i behov av humanitärt bistånd inklusive skydd med en finansieringsgrad som stannade vid 60%. Sida beslutade därför att lägga till 55 900 000 SEK till Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program 2018 till 2021 så att den totala budgeten uppgick till 240 100 MSEK med 72 900 000 SEK för 2020. Dessa inkluderade 17 000 000 SEK för fleråriga anslag från beslutet 2018. Därtill medel för 7 ettåriga projekt (två i Kenya och ett i Djibouti, Etiopien, Sydsudan, Irak och Colombia) och ett stöd om 20 000 000 SEK till Sidas snabbmekanism för humanitära insatser (RRM). Av de ettåriga projekt som fick medel 2020 var alla fortsättningar av program som finansierades 2019, förutom projekten i Colombia och Irak. I Irak gav Sida under 2019 stöd till Norwegian Church Aid men 2020 gavs medel istället till Danish Church Aid. Stödet riktades då om till skydd av barn och psykosocialt stöd, istället för vatten. I Colombia fick LVF medel för att förse konfliktdrabbade samhällen i Chocó med ökat skydd och assistans. De fleråriga från beslutet 2018 avser projekt i Etiopien och Uganda samt ett metodstöd för psykosocialt stöd.
Senare 2020 lades 4 000 000 SEK extra till för årets verksamhet vilka allokerades till SvKs verksamhet i Venezuela.
RRM medel utnyttjades för att ge humanitärt stöd till drabbade av Cyclone Kenneth i Moçambique, för krisen i Venezuela och för översvämningar i Sydsudan.
År 2021 förlängdes insatsen Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme 2018-2020 med två (2) år samt en utökad aktivitetsperiod till 31 december 2022. För 2021 fick SvK 38 000 000 SEK i stöd, och för 2022 fick de 19 000 000 SEK. Den totala budgeten uppgick då till 293 100 000 SEK. Svenska Kyrkan fick inga medel för RRM under 2021 eller 2022.
Denna förlängning var ett resultat av att Sidas humanitära enhets beslut 2020 att fasa ut SvK som strategisk partner för den humanitära verksamheten, se beslut 2021-000057. I syfte att säkerställa en ansvarsfull utfasning avsåg Sida därför att ge stöd till SvK under en tvåårsperiod. Detta gav Svk möjlighet att planera och genomföra nödvändiga förändringar i sin verksamhet inför att det strategiska partnerskapet med Sidas humanitära enhet helt upphör 2023.
Under 2021 fick Svenska Kyrkan medel för att fortsätta implementera 6 ettåriga insatser i Irak, Colombia, Kenya (två insatser), Etiopien och Sydsudan, samt för en utvärdering av det treåriga metodstödprogrammet för samhällsbaserat psykosocialt stöd (Community Based Psycho-social Support - CBPSS) som avslutades 2020. Under 2022 fick Svenska Kyrkan medel för att fortsätta implementera 4 av dessa 6 ettåriga insatser. Dessa var Irak, Colombia, Kenya, och Sydsudan.
I sin humanitära respons är Svk inte själv en genomförandeorganisation utan arbetar uteslutande genom partnerorganisationer. I likhet med Svk är alla dessa partners medlemmar i ACT-alliansen - den senare koordinerar arbetet hos totalt 143 kyrkor och trosbaserade organisationer globalt. Svks finansierade humanitära programme 2018 till 2022 inkluderar två underprogram— East Africa Refugee Response och deras egna metod- och kapacitetsutvecklande arbete inom Community-Based Psychosocial Support (CBPS). Det första syftade till att stärka lokal skyddskapacitet samt ge tillgång till grundläggande service för flyktingar i fem länder med utdragna flyktingkriser (Djibouti, Etiopien, Sudan, Sydsudan och Uganda). Det andra för att inom ACT-alliansen och i förhållande till implementerande partners, tillhandahålla expertis och tematiskt stöd inom CBPS, och genom Svks CBPS-roster, där 25 experter finns till förfogande, ge stöd i olika humanitära insatser. Totalt avsattes 4 miljoner SEK till CBPS-programmet under 2018, och 4 miljoner respektive 3 miljoner SEK för 2019 och 2020. År 2021 avsatts 1,6 miljoner SEK för en utvärdering av det treåriga metodstödprogrammet.
2018 bedömde Sida att insatserna i den ursprungliga insatsen skulle bidra till målen i Strategin för Sveriges humanitära bistånd genom Sida 2017-2020, och ingick därför ett treårigt avtal om strategiskt partnerskap. Avtalet ändrades sedan årligen för att inkorporera nästkommande års allokering.
2021 förlängdes detta avtal med en 2 årig utfasningsperiod, där allokeringen skedde utanför den humanitära enhetens generella allokeringsprocess samt att RRM stöd inte utgavs. Förutom dessa avsteg, hade utfasningsperioden liknande avtalsvillkor som tidigare verksamhetsperiod. Nedan följer viktiga utdrag av dessa:
Svk ges i avtalet flexibilitet att omallokera medel inom en projektbudget på upp till 10 %. Detta bedöms vara nödvändigt för att på ett relevant, snabbt och ändamålsenligt sätt kunna möta humanitära behov. För ändringar över 10 % eller omallokering mellan projektbudgetar, krävs Sidas godkännande.
Det bör också påpekas att ett avsteg gjorts från de Allmänna villkoren (artikel 5.3) i avtalet mellan Sida och Svk vad gäller äganderätten till utrustning, fordon och varor som belastat Svks budget: Mot bakgrund av att insatsen är humanitär behöver de senare inte överföras till lokal samarbetspart och/eller slutmottagare i slutet av programmets avtalsperiod.
Vidare bedömer Sida att merparten av de föreslagna medlen årligen ska utbetalas omgående efter det att årlig plan och budget godkänts för att möjliggöra planering och genomförande av den humanitära insatsen utan fördröjning. Ett avsteg från Sidas vanliga rutiner om uppdelade betalningar bedöms därför motiverat.
Bedömningspromemorian har skrivits på engelska med anledning av att engelskspråkig personal i fält är delaktig i beredning och uppföljning av insatsen, i enlighet med Generaldirektörens beslut om Sidas språkvalsmatris med tillämpningsanvisningar från den 1 mars 2013.
Därtill tar SvK och dess samarbetspartners hänsyn till personer med funktionsvariationer när de utformar, genomför och utvärderar projekt inom bidraget, men främjandet av personer med funktionsnedsättning är sällan det huvudsakliga syftet med ett projekt. Vidare krävs det att alla projekt gör en konfliktanalys av kontexten och visar på hur de identifierade riskerna ska motverkas under projektgenomförandet. Vissa projekt har också direkta aktiviteter som syftar till lokal konfliktlösning (t.ex. Kakuma-lägret i Kenya), och i flyktingmiljöer finns ofta aktiviteter både för flyktingar och värdbefolkningen för att minska eventuella spänningar mellan dessa grupper. Att se till genus som en inflytande variabel i utformandet av olika projekt är även det viktigt för SvK, och lika deltagande av kvinnor, flickor, män och pojkar uppmuntras i alla projekt. Organisationen använder IASC Gender Marker för att säkerställa inkludering av genus i interventioner. Generellt sett får projekt höga poäng när det gäller könsinkludering och en majoritet av projekten har tilldelats en könsmarkör på 2a, och i Ugandas fall 2b.
Organisationen har även en lång erfarenhet av att integrera miljö och klimat i sin verksamhet, ända sedan 980-talet, särskilt i relation till hållbart jordbruk. Sidas helpdesk 2018 gjorde ett stickprov i SvKs verksamhet och konstaterade dock att miljömässig hållbarhet inte prioriteras på strategisk nivå och att miljöfrågor inte integreras på ett systematiskt sätt i alla projekt och program. Vi har haft detta som en kontinuerlig dialogfråga med organisationen under hela avtalsperioden.
CBPS-metoden är dessutom kärnan i organisationens humanitära arbete, och detta tillvägagångssätt är väl förankrat i den drabbade befolkningars egen förmåga till återhämtning och motståndskraft, såväl som potentialen för samhällen och individer att spela en aktiv roll i återhämtning och återuppbyggnad. Därför kommer förmågan hos deltagarna i projekten att stå i centrum med det slutliga målet att flytta makt från högre beslutsnivåer till befolkningen som påverkas. SvKs partners inkluderar även projektdeltagare i dess styrning, för att hjälpa dessa att förbereda sig på framtida katastrofer och uppmuntra dem att höja sina röster i lokal styrning. This contribution consists of support to Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme for 2018-2020. The support consists of three parts: Major HUM-countries, Rapid response and support to methods- and capacity building work. In 2020 the strategic partnership with the Church of Sweden ended and to ensure a good close-out Sida agreed to provide support to the organisation for a 2 year phase-out period until 2022.
The organisation and its partners, take persons with disability into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects within the contribution yet the promotion of person with disabilities is seldom the principle aim of a project. Furthermore, all projects are required to make a conflict analysis of the context and how the identified risks are to be mitigated in project implementation. Some projects also have direct activities aimed at local conflict resolution (e.g. Kakuma camp in Kenya), and in refugee settings the projects normally include work with both refugees and host populations to reduce any potential conflict between communities. Gendered differences are also included in project design and the equal participation of women, girls, men and boys are encouraged in all projects. The organisation uses the IASC Gender Marker to ensure inclusion of gender into interventions. Generally, CoS´ projects score high in terms of gender inclusion and a majority of projects have been assigned a gender marker of 2a, and in the case of Uganda, 2b.
Considering Environmental integration, the organization has an extensive experience since the 1980s, of working with environmental issues, especially in relation to sustainable agriculture. However, a spot-check carried out with Sidas helpdesk 2018 noted that environmental sustainability is not prioritized on a strategic level and that environmental issues are not integrated in a systematic way in all international projects and programmes. This has been a continuous dialog issue with the organisation throughout the contract period.
The CBPS approach is furthermore at the core of the organisation’s humanitarian work, and this approach is well founded in the notion of affected populations´ own capacity for recovery and resilience, as well as the potential for communities and individuals to play an active role in recovery and reconstruction. Hence, the ability of the targeted communities and individuals will be at the center of all projects with the ultimate goal of moving power from top to bottom. The projects will also aim to be truly local where the participants are empowered to steer the projects, prepare for future disasters and raise their voices in local governance. CoS´ Humanitarian Programme strives towards fulfilling the humanitarian imperative and to achieve the strategic goal to "Save lives, prevent and alleviate suffering and uphold human dignity and rights in emergency situations". | Significant |
UNICEF Yemen: Children's enhanced rights and access to basic services - UNICEF Yemen: children's enhanced rights and access to basic services OLD UNICEF Jemen: Barns ökade rättigheter och samhällstjänster UNICEF Jemen: Stöd till skydd av barn och tillgång till basala samhällstjänster The programme aims to ensure that children, adolescent and women in Yemen are
better protected and have increased resilience to vulnerabilities which put them at risk of
violence, abuse, neglect and harm through a holisic support to respond to the needs of
children experiencing child rights violations and ensuring access to basic services.
1. Children at risk or those experiencing child rights violations have better access to
quality responsive and protective protection services.
2. Children have better access to quality basic services linked to health, nutrition and
education to reduce their vulnerabilities to experiencing child rights violations.
The programme is designed to suport multi-sectoral interventions to maximize the
impact for children, addressing multiple deprivations and vulnerabilities. The
programme builds on two components:
Component 1: Response to child rights violations targeting the most vulnerable children
through the provision of quality preventive and protection services, systems strengthening
and capacity development.
Component 2: Preventive intervention to reduce vulnerabilities for children at risk of
child right violations through the mainstreaming of and access to basic services. Outcome of the programme
The programme aims to ensure that children, adolescent and women in Yemen are
better protected and have increased resilience to vulnerabilities which put them at risk of
violence, abuse, neglect and harm through a holisic support to respond to the needs of
children experiencing child rights violations and ensuring access to basic services.
1. Children at risk or those experiencing child rights violations have better access to
quality responsive and protective protection services.
2. Children have better access to quality basic services linked to health, nutrition and
education to reduce their vulnerabilities to experiencing child rights violations.
The programme is designed to suport multi-sectoral interventions to maximize the
impact for children, addressing multiple deprivations and vulnerabilities. The
programme builds on two components:
Component 1: Response to child rights violations targeting the most vulnerable children
through the provision of quality preventive and protection services, systems strengthening
and capacity development.
Component 2: Preventive intervention to reduce vulnerabilities for children at risk of
child right violations through the mainstreaming of and access to basic services. | Significant |
My need - Integrated social protection programme for children in Jordan "Hajati" - Le mie necessità - Programma integrato di protezione sociale per i bambini in Giordania The programme aims at meeting the education, protection and other basic needs of vulnerable children to support their enrolment and retention in public schools and mitigate negative coping mechanisms directly impacting children’s wellbeing Sostegno al programma di UNICEF per favorire la frequenza scolastica dei minori non iscritti a scuola o a rischio di abbandono scolastico | Significant |
Supporting Civil Society's Role in Education Nepal¿s Constitution (2015) guarantees the right to compulsory and free education up to basic level and free secondary education to every citizen. The government, with support from the EU and other partners, has undertaken a series of national programmes in the education sector over the past two decades that have contributed to reducing education inequalities, improving governance, financing, and efficiency. However, challenges remain, especially in learning outcomes and equity in education, especially for girls and marginalised groups. Nepal¿s progress in education has experienced a severe shock with the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased pre-existing disparities in access, participation and learning outcomes. An intensive corrective response over the next years will be necessary to recover the learning losses.The Government of Nepal has worked in close coordination with development partners from 2020 to 2022 to develop the School Education Sector plan (SESP), which covers 2021 to 2030. The SESP differs from previous school sector plans in that it is designed in line with the new federal structure of governance for the Education system in Nepal, which has devolved many responsibilities for school education to local governments. The SESP is funded jointly by the Government of Nepal and donors covering the whole school sector education in Nepal. It is a continuation to the previous education sector programs SSDP (2016-2021) and SSRP (2009-2016), both of which were supported by the EU.This 5 years measure support is part of the EU Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021-2027 and it is complementary with ¿Quality Education for All¿, the EU support to SESP implemented mainly by budget support. This measure supports the role of the CSOs in the implementation of the SESP. The action intends to ensure the participation of civil society in the implementation and monitoring in the policy, by focusing on SDG targets such as quality, gender equity and inclusive education. The overall objective of this action is to enhance civil society capacity to strengthen education goals by improving the participation of civil society, their efforts to enhance advocacy and to ensure transparency and increased effectiveness in national educational policy and implementation processes. The specific objectives are: 1) to strengthen national civil society engagement in education sector planning, policy dialogue and monitoring and 2) to strengthen civil society¿s role in promoting access to education for all girls and boys, transparency and accountability of national education sector policy and implementation.The main expected results will be: i) Improved participation of CSOs in the implementation of the SESP at federal, provincial, local and school level; ii) Improved CSO¿s capacities for advocacy and for designing initiatives to increase the access to education of socially and economically disadvantaged girls and boys, girls and boys from marginalised groups and girls and boys with disabilities; iii) Improved CSO¿s capacities for enhancing transparency and accountability in the implementation of the SESP. | Significant |
Forum Syd - Wajibu Wetu 2018-2021 Forum Syd - Wajibu Wetu 2018-2021 Forum Syd har inkommit med en ansökan om att genomföra fas II av Wajibu Wetu programmet (juli 2018 och december 2021) om 75 MSEK. Den andra fasen kommer att bygga vidare på fas I för att ytterligare stärka demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter i Kenya, genom innovativa partnerskap med fokus på marginaliserad områden och på gräsrotsnivå. Programmets övergripande mål är ”Contribute to respect for and fulfilment of human rights, deepening democracy and realization of gender equality in Kenya”. Den andra fasen av kommer att sträva efter att uppnå resultat inom fem områden: Mänskliga rättigheter, demokratisk kultur, jämställdhet, nätverkande och samarbete, samt kapacitetsutveckling. Genom sub- och seed-grants, kombinerat med relevant och riktad kapacitetsutveckling för partner organisationer kommer programfas II att engagera kvinnor, ungdomsgrupper och marginaliserade grupper, inkl. HBTQ, samt personer med funktionshinder och de som lever med hiv / aids, för att stärka sin roll i deltagande roll i styrning, ansvar och öppenhet. Programmet kommer i fas II fortsätta stödja nätverkande och samarbeten mellan organisationer, samt satsa på innovative advocacy metoder (i Kenya) så som web-serier, film och grävande journalistik. Forum Syd is seeking 75 million SEK in funding from the Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi for a second phase of Wajibu Wetu, to be implemented between July 2018 and December 2021 (42 months). The second phase will allow the Programme to build on its current momentum to further strengthen democracy and human rights in Kenya, while seeking new innovative partnerships, particularly at the grassroots level and in marginalised areas. The overall objective is to ”Contribute to respect for and fulfilment of human rights, deepening democracy and realization of gender equality in Kenya”. The second phase of Wajibu Wetu will seek to achieve results in five outcome areas: Human Rights, Democratic Culture, Gender Equality, Networking and Collaboration for Policy Advocacy, and Capacity Development. Using a sub-granting and seed-granting mechanism coupled with relevant and targeted capacity development for supported organisations, the Programme Phase 2 will engage with women, youth groups and marginalised groups like the LGBTQ community, persons with disability and those living with HIV/AIDS to strengthen their role in public participation in governance, accountability and transparency. In addition, the Programme will continue to support networking and collaboration between organisations at all levels, and showcase innovative advocacy mechanisms that include web-series on social media, films, docu-series and investigative pieces. The Wajibu Wetu programme overall objective is to contribute to respect for and fulfilment of human rights, deepening democracy and realisation of gender equality in Kenya, while the programme objective aims at improved attitudes and behaviours of rights holders and duty bearers for upholding and defending human rights, democratic culture and gender equality in Kenya. To acheive this the programme has 5 outcome areas:
Outcome area 1: Human Rights
1.1 Rights holders demand respect for human rights
1.2 Young women, men and communities resist extremist ideologies.
Outcome area 2: Democratic Culture
2.1 Right holders demand accountability on public service delivery at county and national government levels.
2.2 Right holders demand duty bearers responsiveness in targeted counties for enabling environment for public participation at county and national government levels.
Outcome area 3: Gender Equality
3.1 Right holders (women and men) prevent and respond to gender-based violence against women and men.
3.2 Women engage in economic and leadership processes and structures.
Outcome area 4: Networking and collaboration for policy advocacy
4.1 Partners and relevant stakeholders elaborate common agenda on human rights, democratic culture and gender equality to effect policy change.
Outcome area 5: Capacity Development
5.1 Implementing partners improve their organisational capacity and deepen their knowledge on human rights, democratic culture and gender equality for effective programming. | Significant |
Support to civil society, women and vulnerable workers in Pakistan Supporto alla Società Civile, alle donne e ai lavoratori vulnerabili in Pakistan The project is aimed at improving the work and life conditions of Pakistani workers, in particular of women and the most vulnerable workers, ensuring adequate protection of their rights and their ability to generate income Il progetto è volto migliorare le condizioni di lavoro e di vita dei lavoratori pakistani ed in particolare delle donne e dei lavoratori più vulnerabili, garantendo un'adeguata protezione dei loro diritti e la loro capacità di generare reddito | Principal |
Building Resilience and adapting to climate change in Malawi This programme aims to strengthen the resilience of poor households in Malawi to withstand current and projected weather and climate-related shocks and stresses. This will in turn halt the annual cycle of humanitarian crises that blights people’s lives, harms poverty reduction efforts and swallows up resources. The UK will invest up to £90.5 million over eight years [2018-2026] to provide direct benefits to 1.7 million poor and vulnerable people in Malawi [approximately 300,000 households].The programme also supports environmental and resilience outcomes through reducing deforestation directly and indirectly. | Significant |
Multisectoral programme for the improvement of health in Chifra and Hamer woreda in Afar and SNNP regions Intervento multisettoriale per il miglioramento delle condizioni sanitarie nelle woreda di Chifra e Hamer nelle regioni Afar e SNNP - UNOPS The initiative aims to improve access to social and health services for communities living in Chifra woreda in Afar and Hamer woreda in SNNP, targeting in particular women, children and people with disabilities. The objective is intended to be achieved through a multi-sectoral approach aimed at strengthening the health and social support system of the reference areas and, more generally, of the Country, at reducing malnutrition through the creation of income opportunities for the most vulnerable groups and at reducing vector disease infections. L’iniziativa ha lo scopo di migliorare l’accesso ai servizi socio-sanitari delle comunità che vivono nelle woreda di Chifra in Afar e Hamer in SNNP, L’obiettivo specifico vuole migliorare le condizioni socio-sanitarie delle comunità di Dimeka e Wa’ama attraverso un approccio multisettoriale, con focus su donne, minori e persone con disabilità. L’obiettivo viene raggiunto attraverso un approccio multisettoriale volto a rafforzare il sistema sanitario e di supporto sociale delle aree di riferimento e, più in generale, del Paese, a ridurre la malnutrizione attraverso la creazione di opportunità di reddito per le fasce più vulnerabili e le infezioni da malattie vettoriali. | Significant |
MF5-05 Menstrual health management for girls/women with disabilities in Vanuatu <p style="margin: 5.0pt -.1pt .0001pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; color: black;">This Activity will empower and educate girls and women with disabilities in Vanuatu, in menstrual health management through evidence-based education, behavioural change approaches, and by also providing access to sustainable, reusable and culturally appropriate menstrual materials. </span> | Principal |
EU Support to Education in Armenia The Action aims to increase the competitiveness of the Armenian education system, in line with the education reforms set in the Government Programme 2021-2026 and in particular the forthcoming State Programme for Education Development of the Republic of Armenia to 2030 and its Action Plan 2022-2026. This Action supports these reforms through enhanced policy dialogue, provision of funding and technical assistance. It will focus in particular on improving the quality of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) teaching and learning, bringing together formal and innovative non-formal education to make high quality educational services more accessible in rural communities. The specific objectives of this Action are: (1) the number of students participating in higher quality secondary education services in rural areas with a focus on girls is increased; and (2) The efficiency and accountability in the management of secondary education system are improved. | Significant |
Support to Democratisation and the Rule of Law This action aims to promote Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights as foundations of state-building in the pursuit of a two-state solution and as conditions for inclusive growth and sustainable development. It will do so by contributing to improve access to justice and conditions for fair trial through enhanced services, legal aid, legal and judicial specialisation as well as strengthened judicial capacity. It also aims to promote fundamental Rule of Law reforms and enhance the protection of rights through improved institutional accountability as well as evidence-based planning and policy-making in the justice sector. Furthermore, it aims to strengthen democratic institutions and promote civic participation, with a particular focus on youth, women and people in marginalised areas. By targeting the different state and societal elements that contribute to and are affected by a functioning rule of law and democratic system, the action aims to achieve three outcomes that are mutually reinforcing and contributing to fulfil the SDGs 16. on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, 5. on Gender Equality; and 10. on Reduced Inequalities. The priority areas are also in line with those under Pillar 1- Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights of the European Joint Strategy in support of Palestine, 2021 ¿ 2024 to be adopted. The three outcomes are: 1. Enhanced accountability, independence, integrity and transparency of the justice system.2. Strengthened administration of justice in line with fair trial standards and improved access to justice for all, including women, children and vulnerable groups;3. Strengthen Democratic institutions and promote civic participation, with a particular focus on youth, women and people in marginalised areas. | Significant |
Nothing about us without us: Strengthening the role and capabilities of Disable People Organizations (DPOs) Niente su di noi senza di noi: Rafforzamento del ruolo e delle competenze delle Organizzazioni di Persone con Disabilità The action aims to promote the rights of persons with disabilities (PwD) through the empowerment of the disabled people organizations (DPOs) obtained thanks to a profound capacity building intervention that reinforces the PwDs skills and capabilities. The project also provides opportunities for job placement for PwDs (and especially women with disabilities WwDs), facilities for the access to inclusive education for children with disabilities (CwDs) and the innovative figure of the peer counselor. Everything is achieved through the direct involvement of the PwDs that in this sense are the true protagonists of their own path of empowerment and emancipation. The intervention strategy aims to strengthen the skills and capabilities of local DPOs in the following areas: data collection and assessment capacity, fundraising capacity, planning and management of interventions, ability to provide concrete tools to PwDs for the promotion of their rights, in particular with respect to the right to education and work, the ability to lobby and advocate. In this way, the action intends to strengthen in a structured way the skills necessary for local DPOs to increase their effectiveness and impact and to strengthen their role as representatives of the PwDs in Palestine. To this end, the proposed activities include a strong networking component that will allow DPOs to establish dialogue relations with key stakeholders and key players in the change process, such as public institutions, the private sector, local and international organizations, using the twin track approach. The elaboration of an operational strategic plan on disability will provide DPOs with an opportunity to outline the agenda of disability interventions in Palestine with a bottom up and participatory approach that allows an adequate consideration of the needs expressed directly by the PwDs. In addition, peer counseling and job counseling will be implemented with a peer counseling approach within the DPOs. These activities, in addition to promoting the empowerment and self-esteem of beneficiaries (PwDs and WwDs), will strengthen the role of the DPOs as they will be able to provide concrete and tangible support to PwDs in obtaining their rights in particular regarding the right to work and the right to education. Finally, the planned lobbying and advocacy activities will ensure the recognition of the DPOs also by the other stakeholders and key actors involved, and will foster their coordination with other local DPOs and an effective mainstreaming of disability. L'azione intende promuovere i diritti delle persone con disabilità (PcD) attraverso l'empowerment delle rappresentanze delle stesse (organizzazioni di persone con disabilità OPD) ottenuto grazie ad un profondo intervento di capacity building che rafforzi le competenze delle PCD che ne fanno parte. Il progetto prevede inoltre opportunità di inserimento lavorativo per PcD (e specialmente DcD), facilitazioni per l'accesso all'educazione inclusiva per bambini con disabilità (BcD) e la figura innovativa del peer counsellor. Il tutto viene realizzato sempre tramite il coinvolgimento diretto delle stesse PcD che in questo senso sono protagoniste autentiche del proprio percorso di empowerment ed emancipazione. La strategia d'intervento si propone di rafforzare le competenze delle OPD locali nei seguenti settori: capacità di raccolta dati e assessment, capacità di raccolta fondi, pianificazione e gestione di interventi, capacità di fornire strumenti concreti alle PcD per la promozione dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto all'educazione e al lavoro, capacità di lobby e advocacy. In questo modo l'azione intende rafforzare in modo strutturato le competenze necessarie alle OPD locali per aumentarne l'efficacia e l'impatto e per rafforzarne il ruolo di rappresentanza delle PcD in Palestina. A questo fine, le attività proposte comprendono una forte componente di networking che permetterà alle OPD di stabilire relazioni di dialogo con i principali stakeholders e attori chiave del processo di cambiamento, quali le istituzioni pubbliche, il settore privato, le organizzazioni locali e internazionali, utilizzando l'approccio del doppio binario (twin track). L' elaborazione di un piano strategico operativo fornirà alle OPD un'opportunità di delineare l'agenda degli interventi nel settore della disabilità in Palestina con un approccio bottom up e partecipativo che consenta un'adeguata considerazione dei bisogni espressi direttamente dalle PcD. Inoltre, verranno previste attività di peer counselling e job counselling implementate con un approccio di consulenza alla pari all'interno delle OPD. Queste attività, oltre a promuovere l'empowerment e l'autostima delle PcD e DcD beneficiarie, rafforzeranno il ruolo delle OPD in quanto grazie a esse le organizzazioni saranno in grado di fornire un supporto concreto e tangibile alle PcD nell'ottenimento dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto al lavoro e al diritto all'educazione. Infine, le attività di lobby e advocacy previste garantiranno un riconoscimento delle OPD anche da parte degli altri stakeholders e attori chiave coinvolti, e favoriranno un loro coordinamento con le altre OPD locali e un efficace mainstreaming della disabilità L'azione intende promuovere i diritti delle persone con disabilità (PcD) attraverso l'empowerment delle rappresentanze delle stesse (organizzazioni di persone con disabilità OPD) ottenuto grazie ad un profondo intervento di capacity building che rafforzi le competenze delle PCD che ne fanno parte. Il progetto prevede inoltre opportunità di inserimento lavorativo per PcD (e specialmente DcD), facilitazioni per l'accesso all'educazione inclusiva per bambini con disabilità (BcD) e la figura innovativa del peer counsellor. Il tutto viene realizzato sempre tramite il coinvolgimento diretto delle stesse PcD che in questo senso sono protagoniste autentiche del proprio percorso di empowerment ed emancipazione. La strategia d'intervento si propone di rafforzare le competenze delle OPD locali nei seguenti settori: capacità di raccolta dati e assessment, capacità di raccolta fondi, pianificazione e gestione di interventi, capacità di fornire strumenti concreti alle PcD per la promozione dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto all'educazione e al lavoro, capacità di lobby e advocacy. In questo modo l'azione intende rafforzare in modo strutturato le competenze necessarie alle OPD locali per aumentarne l'efficacia e l'impatto e per rafforzarne il ruolo di rappresentanza delle PcD in Palestina. A questo fine, le attività proposte comprendono una forte componente di networking che permetterà alle OPD di stabilire relazioni di dialogo con i principali stakeholders e attori chiave del processo di cambiamento, quali le istituzioni pubbliche, il settore privato, le organizzazioni locali e internazionali, utilizzando l'approccio del doppio binario (twin track). L' elaborazione di un piano strategico operativo fornirà alle OPD un'opportunità di delineare l'agenda degli interventi nel settore della disabilità in Palestina con un approccio bottom up e partecipativo che consenta un'adeguata considerazione dei bisogni espressi direttamente dalle PcD. Inoltre, verranno previste attività di peer counselling e job counselling implementate con un approccio di consulenza alla pari all'interno delle OPD. Queste attività, oltre a promuovere l'empowerment e l'autostima delle PcD e DcD beneficiarie, rafforzeranno il ruolo delle OPD in quanto grazie a esse le organizzazioni saranno in grado di fornire un supporto concreto e tangibile alle PcD nell'ottenimento dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto al lavoro e al diritto all'educazione. Infine, le attività di lobby e advocacy previste garantiranno un riconoscimento delle OPD anche da parte degli altri stakeholders e attori chiave coinvolti, e favoriranno un loro coordinamento con le altre OPD locali e un efficace mainstreaming della disabilità L'azione intende promuovere i diritti delle persone con disabilità (PcD) attraverso l'empowerment delle rappresentanze delle stesse (organizzazioni di persone con disabilità OPD) ottenuto grazie ad un profondo intervento di capacity building che rafforzi le competenze delle PCD che ne fanno parte. Il progetto prevede inoltre opportunità di inserimento lavorativo per PcD (e specialmente DcD), facilitazioni per l'accesso all'educazione inclusiva per bambini con disabilità (BcD) e la figura innovativa del peer counsellor. Il tutto viene realizzato sempre tramite il coinvolgimento diretto delle stesse PcD che in questo senso sono protagoniste autentiche del proprio percorso di empowerment ed emancipazione. La strategia d'intervento si propone di rafforzare le competenze delle OPD locali nei seguenti settori: capacità di raccolta dati e assessment, capacità di raccolta fondi, pianificazione e gestione di interventi, capacità di fornire strumenti concreti alle PcD per la promozione dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto all'educazione e al lavoro, capacità di lobby e advocacy. In questo modo l'azione intende rafforzare in modo strutturato le competenze necessarie alle OPD locali per aumentarne l'efficacia e l'impatto e per rafforzarne il ruolo di rappresentanza delle PcD in Palestina. A questo fine, le attività proposte comprendono una forte componente di networking che permetterà alle OPD di stabilire relazioni di dialogo con i principali stakeholders e attori chiave del processo di cambiamento, quali le istituzioni pubbliche, il settore privato, le organizzazioni locali e internazionali, utilizzando l'approccio del doppio binario (twin track). L' elaborazione di un piano strategico operativo fornirà alle OPD un'opportunità di delineare l'agenda degli interventi nel settore della disabilità in Palestina con un approccio bottom up e partecipativo che consenta un'adeguata considerazione dei bisogni espressi direttamente dalle PcD. Inoltre, verranno previste attività di peer counselling e job counselling implementate con un approccio di consulenza alla pari all'interno delle OPD. Queste attività, oltre a promuovere l'empowerment e l'autostima delle PcD e DcD beneficiarie, rafforzeranno il ruolo delle OPD in quanto grazie a esse le organizzazioni saranno in grado di fornire un supporto concreto e tangibile alle PcD nell'ottenimento dei loro diritti, in particolare rispetto al diritto al lavoro e al diritto all'educazione. Infine, le attività di lobby e advocacy previste garantiranno un riconoscimento delle OPD anche da parte degli altri stakeholders e attori chiave coinvolti, e favoriranno un loro coordinamento con le altre OPD locali e un efficace mainstreaming della disabilità | Principal |
Svenska Röda Korset- Katastrofriskreducering och klimatanpassningsarbete i Sudan Swedish Red Cross- Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption in Sudan Projektet kommer att genomföras i samarbete mellan Svenska Röda Korset (SRC) och Sudanesiska Röda Halvmånen (SRCS). Det föreslagna projektet är nytt för den svenska ambassaden i Khartoum. Sida/Ambassadens fond kommer att stödja 10 samhällen och upprätthålla ett visst stöd till 12 samhällen, som tidigare stöddes av SRC och Radiohjalpen mellan (2018-2021). Stödet till de 12 samhällena kommer att vara i mindre utsträckning för att fånga upp lärande och se till att SRCS lokala volontärnätverk kan fortsätta att stödja samhällena. Det föreslagna projektet kommer att genomföras i fyra stater i Röda havet, Norra Kordofan, Nilen och norra stater, med inriktning på cirka 146 000 individer i 22 samhällen (cirka 51% kvinnor och 49% män) och 240 av SRCS personal och volontärer på nationell, filial och samhällsnivå (cirka 60% kvinnor och 40% män). De berörda staterna är känsliga för översvämningar, extrem temperatur, ökenspridning, torka och sanddrift. Samhällena själva är i störst behov av kapacitetsutveckling för att bedöma, hantera och minska katastrofrisker och anpassa sig till klimatförändringarnas effekter. Dessutom har SRCS i de fyra riktade staterna goda strukturer inklusive en stark volontärbas.
Syftet med det föreslagna projektet är att öka samhällenas medvetenhet om risker och faror och hur de kan förebyggas samt att stärka samhällenas kunskap om sina risker. Projektet kommer att installera samhällsbaserade system för tidig varning och katastrofinsatsgrupper. Projektet kommer att utföra olika typer av medvetandehöjande aktiviteter, t.ex. riskkartläggning, säkra områden och utrymningsvägar. etc. Resultaten av projektet kommer att bidra till att förbättra levnadsvillkoren för de berörda samhällena. De långsiktiga effekterna är relaterade till institutionella och beteendemässiga förändringar. Genom den förstärkta beredskapen för katastrofer kommer människors motståndskraft att stärkas och deras sårbarhet för faror att minska. Detta kommer på lång sikt att ha en positiv inverkan på stabilitet, säkerhet, konfliktlösning och fredlig utveckling. The project will be implemented in partnership between Swedish Red Cross (SRC) and Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS). The proposed project is new to the Swedish Embassy in Khartoum. Sida/Embassy's fund will support 10 communities and maintain some support to 12 communities, which earlier supported by SRC and Radiohjalpen between (2018-2021). The support to the 12 communities will be to lesser extent, to capture learning and ensure that the SRCS local volunteer network is capable to continue supporting the communities. The proposed project will be implemented in four states in Red Sea, North Kordofan, River Nile and Northern states, targeting approximately 146,000 individuals in 22 communities (approximately 51% women and 49% men) and 240 of SRCS staff and volunteers at national, branch and community level (approximately 60% women and 40% men). The targeted states are sensitive to flooding, extreme temperature, desertification, drought and sand drifts. The communities themselves are in greatest need for capacity development in assessing, managing and reducing disaster risks and adapting to climate change impacts. In addition, SRCS in the four targeted states have good structures including a strong volunteer base.
The aim of proposed project to increase communities' awareness of risks and hazards and how to prevent them, and to strengthen communities' knowledge of their risks. The project will install community based early warning system and disaster response teams. The project will perform different kinds of awareness raising activities e.g. risk mapping exercise, safe areas and evacuation routes. etc.
The results of the project will contribute to improve the living conditions of the targeted communities. The longer term effects are related to institutional and behavioural change. Through the enhanced preparedness to disasters, people’s resilience will be strengthened and their vulnerabilities to hazards decreased. This will in the long-term have a positive impact on stability, security, conflict resolution and peaceful development. The project "Swedish Red Cross- Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption in Sudan" is aiming to reach overall and specific objectives and corresponding outcomes as follows;
Overall Objective; More resilient communities able to mitigate, prepare and respond to natural hazards and climate change.
Specific objective; Strengthening the technical capacities of SRCS within Protection Gender Inclusion (PGI) and Community Engagement Accountability (CEA) sensitive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaption (CCA) and community resilience.
Corresponding outcomes;
Outcome 1: SRCS governance, staff and volunteers have DRR/CCA technical capacity to deliver and support community-based DRR/CCA programming. It has 3 outputs;
• Output 1.1; Capacity of SRCS governance, staff and volunteers to support and implement DRR/CCA and resilience activities is strengthened.
• Output 1.2; Practical tools are developed and made available to SRCS staff and volunteers to implement quality PGI/CEA sensitive DRR/CCA/resilience activities.
• Output 1.3; Advocacy and awareness raising activities in PGI/CEA sensitive DRR and CCA are held with relevant stakeholders.
Outcome 2: The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) have the technical capacity on programme and institutional level to mainstream Protection Gender Inclusion (PGI), Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and environmental sustainability, throughout the programme cycle. The outcome has 2 outputs;
• Output 2.1; The SRCS staff and volunteers capacities in PGI/CEA have been strengthened and the development of PGI/CEA policy, tools and guidelines have been supported, contributing towards the process of institutionalising PGI/CEA mainstreaming.
• Output 2.2; The SRCS staff and volunteers capacities in environmental sustainability have been strengthened, contributing towards the process of environmental sustainability mainstreaming.
Outcome 3: Increased capacity of women, men, girls, and boys, in the targeted communities to cope with, mitigate, prepare for and respond to disasters and climate change The outcome has 3 outputs;
Output 3.1; Women, girls, men, boys and SRCS local volunteers are aware of natural hazards and climate change risks and have the capacity to mitigate the risks and adapt.
• Output 3.2; Women, girls, men, boys and SRCS local volunteers in target communities including schools have the capacity to prepare for and provide effective response to disasters.
• Outputs 3.3; PGI-sensitive community-based early warning systems enhanced. | Significant |
JeCCDO - (2018-2024) Engaging Community Structures towards local development - Rehabilitation of commercial Sex Workers JeCCDO - (2018-2024) Engaging Community Structures towards local development The goal of the programme is to improve transparency, accountability and participation in order to promote good governance at local level. The programme will strengthen both duty bearers and right holders to collaborate more closely and effectively. Capacity and awareness about the value of inviting and listening to the citizens will be a priority and so will capacity building for citizens to raise their voice and participate in local planning, budgeting and decision making be. Sustained platforms for dialogue, collaboration and negotiations will also be strengthen through the programme. Målet med insatsen är att bidra till god samhällsstyrning genom att
stärka öppenhet, ansvarstagande och deltagande på lokal nivå.
Insatsen syftar till att stärka både statliga aktörer och medborgare och dess representanter.
Båda parter ska erhålla ökad kunskap och kapacitet om metoder och former för närmare och effektivare samarbete. Insatsen syftar vidare till att skapa förutsättningar för ökad deltagande och möjlihget att påverka lokala beslut om service till medborgarna. The objective of the intervention is to enhance participation, accountability and transparency in local development process. It's based on the premise that both government officials and citizens need to play a role in moving the development process forward. In the Ethiopian context, development is conceived to be the task/sphere of the government where citizens have no role or little role to play. Hence, the intervention seeks to bring about change in this flawed conception by building the capacity of both the demand and the supply sides; it aims at developing the skills of citizens (through their grassroots institutions) to engage in matters that affect their lives and to actively participate in all local development agenda.
At the same time, the intervention seeks at enhancing government officials' ability to listen to citizens' demands and at developing a culture of dialogue whereby openness, transparency and accountability in local governance is upheld. Furthermore, in accomplishing the above mentioned objective, the intervention aims at focusing on disadvantaged groups, particularly women and girls.
At end of the intervention, the intervention seeks to achieve the following:
-Enhanced capacity of target community structures and local governments to engage towards pro-poor and gender sensitive local development process and sustainable solution in poverty reduction.
- Inclusion, voice and capacity of disadvantaged groups (mainly women) to effectively engage in their local development agendas is promoted.
- Enhanced awareness, knowledge and commitment of the public towards the protection and improvement of socio-cultural, and economic status of women.
-Girls' participation in leadership, civic values and school based social entrepreneurship is nurtured.
- Target community structures and local governments are enabled to jointly assess project performance and share lessons both to maximize project benefits; learning for improvements in future programming is ensured. | Significant |
Guatemala 2024 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Improving judicial administration in HJCP, SNCA Improving judicial administration in HJCP, SNCA - ICEA exit phase thru HJPC new code Projektet är en fortsättning på stöd för förbättrad effektivitet inom HJPC. Resultaten av den tredje fasen är att förbättra domstolarnas effektivitet och även verkställigheten av domstolsärenden. Effekten av stödet är att ha ett domstolssystem som garanterar människor rätten till en rättvis rättegång inom rimlig tid.
Detta är en förutsättning för anslutning till EU-medlemskap. Effekterna av projektet kommer också att bidra till att förbättra allmänhetens uppfattning om domstolssystem och också leda till en mer funktionell ekonomi. The project is a continuation of support to improved efficiency within HJPC. The results of the third phase are to improve the efficiency of courts and also enforcement of court cases. The effect of the support is to have a court system that guarantees people the right to a fair trial within a reasonable time.
This is a prerequisite for accession to EU membership. The effects of the project will also contribute to improving the public's perception of court systems and also lead to a more functional economy. The ICEA 3 programme has requested the Embassy of Sweden to support 9 components (projects). HJPC will be asked to remove components 7 and 9 of the programme in whole or in part before final decision on the programme. These components are highlighted in appraisal.
1. Enhanced conditions for a more efficient use of the court staffs particular knowledge and skills especially of non-judicial staff
2. Improved system for redistribution of cases among available judges in the court and more adequate application of the Book of Rules on Indicative Performance Measures for Judges and Legal Associates in Courts in BiH
3. Enhanced conditions for a reform on a more efficient appeal procedure for civil litigation in BiH
4. Enhanced conditions for a more efficient enforcement procedure in pilot courts in BiH.
5. Improved conditions for judicial institutions to plan and start implementing the Strategy for Improving Gender Equality in the Judiciary in BiH.
6. Improve the position of vulnerable groups in contact with the justice system
7. Improving energy efficiency, security and removing barriers for people with disabilities
8. Enhanced conditions for a continuous proactive and effective communication with the citizens via media
9. Module for Electronic Evidence Management (MEME) established in the BiH judiciary | Significant |
NCD Alliance 2020-2022 NCD Alliance 2020-2022 The intervention concerns core support to NCD Alliance (NCDA) for operations covering the period August 2020 – December 2024. The amount for the contribution is 21,600,000 SEK.
NCD Alliance (NCDA) is a unique global civil society network that unites international, regional and national civil society organisations, alliances and networks dedicated to improving non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention and control worldwide. Through its member alliances, it has developed a network of over 2,000 civil society organisations in 170 countries working towards the NCD agenda. NCDA is considered a global thought leader, and a civil society voice, on NCD policy and practice. It works to elevate the NCDs onto the global health and development agenda and also to bridge the gap and translate global commitments to the ground at the national level. It does this through its own organisation as well as its members by leading and coordinating advocacy towards political processes at all levels and promoting accountability and knowledge exchange. It also leads a variety of initiatives and in-depth programmes to develop civil society capacity in low- and middle income countries (LMICs) to deliver progress on NCD prevention and control at the international, regional and national levels.
NCDA is seated in Geneva, Switzerland. It consists of 108 member alliances, networks and organisations representing a wide range of diseases, risk factors and thematic priorities across the NCD spectrum (including mental illness and air pollution). NCDA has four founding members, each representing one of the main four types of NCDs. The founding members are: The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the World Heart Federation (WHF) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
NCDA has requested organisational support from Sida to operationalise its strategy over the next three years. NCDA will utilize Sida support to expand its advocacy and prevention work, expand its capacity development programmes and strengthen its organisational development and effectiveness. NCDA has submitted its Strategic Plan (SP), Budget and Results Framework for 2016 – 2020. NCDA is currently developing its new strategic plan for 2021- 2028 and have conveyed that it does not expect significant strategic changes. Insatsen avser ett kärnstöd till NCD Alliance om totalt 21 600 000 SEK med start datum augusti 2020 till och med december 2024. Insatsen syftar till att förebygga och minska icke-smittsamma sjukdomar, inklusive mental hälsa, genom att främja mer hälsosamma liv, minska hälsoriskfaktorer och genom att bidra till en positiv normativ policyutveckling som integrerar icke-smittsamma sjukdomar på den globala, regionala och nationella nivån samt genom att kapacitetsstärka civilsamhällesorganisationer i låg- och medelinkomstländer.
NCD Alliance (NCDA) är ett unikt globalt civilsamhällesnätverk som förenar globala, regionala och nationella civilsamhällsorganisationer, allianser och nätverk som arbetar med att förebygga och kontrollera icke-smittsamma sjukdomar. NCDA anses vara en global tankeledare, både inom policy och praxis, och en ledare inom civilsamhället. Målet är att främja mer hälsosamma liv och öka fokus på icke-smittsamma sjukdomar inom den globala hälso- och utvecklingsagendan samt för att implementera globala och politiska åtagande på nationell nivå genom att leda och samordna påverkansarbete, främja ansvarsskyldighet, sprida kunskap och information och kapacitetsstärka det civila samhället i utvecklingsländer.
Icke-smittsamma sjukdomar såsom till exempel hjärt-kärlsjukdom, cancer, kroniska lungsjukdomar och diabetes utgör ett stort problem för hälsa och utvecklingen i världen. Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) så orsakar dessa fyra sjukdomar 70% av alla dödsfall i världen, varav nästan 75% av detta förekommer i utvecklingsländer. Men dom här sjukdomarna skulle kunna förebyggas om dom största riskfaktorerna eliminerades; tobaksanvändning, skadlig konsumtion av alkohol, ohälsosamma matvanor, fysisk inaktivitet och skadliga miljöföroreningar.
Genom ökat fokus på icke-smittsamma sjukdomar och dess riskfaktorer, ökad finansiering och resurser och en stärkt civilsamhälleskapacitet som kan effektivt kräva ansvar och främja mer hälsosamma liv, så syftar NCDAs verksamhet till att uppnå en värld där alla har möjligheten till ett hälsosamt liv, fritt från det lidande, stigmatisering, funktionshinder och dödsfall som orsakas av icke-smittsamma sjukdomar.
NCDA har sökt kärnstöd från Sida för att implementera sin strategi 2020 – 2023. NCDA avser att använda Sida stödet för att utöka sitt påverkans och kapacitetsutvecklings arbete. NCDA implementerar för nuvarande sin strategiska plan 2016 – 2020 och är i processen för att ta fram en ny strategisk plan för 2021 – 2028. De övergripande och nuvarande programmatiska prioriteringarna förväntas bestå även under kommande strategiperiod.
NCDA har säte och huvudkontor i Genève, Schweiz och är en icke-statlig organisation med 108 medlemsallianser, nätverk och organisationer som representerar ett brett spektrum av sjukdomar, riskfaktorer och tematiska prioriteringar. NCDA har fyra grundande medlemsorganisationer. Var och en representerar en av de fyra huvudsakliga typerna av icke-smittsamma sjukdomar. Grundarna är: International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), World Heart Federation (WHF) och International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
NCDAs totala årsbudget år 2020 är ca 54 miljoner kronor inklusive Sidas finansiering varav 88% är medel från filantroper/stiftelser, företag och icke-statliga organisationer, 9% från medlemsavgifter, och ca 3% från Sida för år 2020. NCDA har kommit in med en uppskattad budget förslag för hela insatsperioden 2020 – 2023 på cirka 198 miljoner kronor totalt varav Sidas stöd utgör cirka 7% av den totala budgeten. Sida medel kommer att vidarebefordras från NCDA till tredje part. NCDA vidarebefordrar medel genom projektstöd till sina medlemsorganisationer i utvecklingsländer. The ultimate objective is to achieve a world where everyone has the opportunity for a healthy life, free from the preventable suffering, stigma, disability and death caused by non-communicable diseases. It does this by working to unite and strengthen civil society to stimulate collaborative advocacy, action and accountability for the prevention and control of NCDs.
The objectives and outcomes are:
i) Integrate NCDs as a priority in global, regional and national health and development planning and implementation
ii) Mobilise adequate and sustainable financial and human resources for NCD prevention and control at all levels
iii) Improve the capacity and sustainability of national and regional CSO alliances and networks to effectively influence NCD prevention and control policies.
In addition to the above, NCDA also works towards the objectives set in the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013 – 2020 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, namely:
- By 2025, reduce by 25% overall premature mortality from NCDs.
- By 2030, reduce by 33% overall premature mortality from NCDs and promote mental health and well-being. | Significant |
Palestinian territory, occupied 2024 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 RRM International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Zambia Social Protection Expansion Programme Phase II To provide small grants to vulnerable households especially those with disabled and elderly persons in order for them to have regular monthly income to take care of their basic needs | Significant |
Femmes violent¿es et Droits Humains Contract related to: Femmes violent¿es et Droits Humains - CSO Thematic Programme 2021 - MAAP 2021-2024 - Civil Society Organisations as actors of Governance (Action Document nº 2)This Action is funded under the CSO Thematic Programme 2021-2027, under the Multiannual Action Plan 2021-2024. The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, amounting to around ¿ 766,66 million, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia 11.Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach;12 enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT.The Activity will fund service delivery through CSOs only under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).This Action is aligned with the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" and adheres in full to the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation, Annex III: CSO Thematic Programme. It will contribute primarily to the Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development and to supporting the vital role of Civil Society with regard to SDG 16 and 1713. The dominant sector under which initiatives will be funded will accordingly be Government & Civil Society14.The Action will strongly complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in EU Delegations priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, and contribute to combating inequalities in all partner countries It will furthermore strengthen their ability to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes thereby contributing to the successful implementation of our policies. Activities related to awareness and understanding of the EU in individual countries and the world will be implemented by Cooperation Facilities in Delegations, according to the priorities defined in the Delegations¿ strategic plans.All initiatives under the Action will, in line with the overarching aim of the CSO Thematic Programme, respect the independence and right to initiative of Civil Society. | Significant |
Shaml - Protection and Reintegration of Furthest-left-behind (UN Women Pilot) Shaml - Protection and Reintegration of Furthest-left-behind (UN Women Pilot) Det föreslagna projektet, Enhancing the Protection and Reintegration of Furthest Left Behind Groups of Women and Girls Victims and Survivors of Violence in Palestine (2020-2022) ska genomföras av UN Women i Palestina.
Programmet är väl i linje med stödområde 1 i den nya strategin för Sveriges utvecklingssamarbete med Palestina 2020-2024 "Mänskliga Rättigheter, demokrati, rättsstatens principer och jämställdhet", med huvudsyfte att åtgärda brister i policyer och tjänster för återintegrering och skydd. Det är ett pilotprojekt då det länkar samman tre områden inom samma stödområde: mänskliga rättigheter, jämställdhet och hälsa, vilket är ett relativt nytt sätt att arbeta inom ramen för strategin. The proposed project, Enhancing the Protection and Reintegration of Furthest Left Behind Groups of Women and Girls Victims and Survivors of Violence in Palestine (2020-2022), is to be implemented by UN Women Palestine.
The project aligns with support area 1 of the new strategy for Sweden's international development cooperation with Palestine 2020-2024, 'Strengthened democracy, improved gender equality and greater respect for human rights', with the main objective of addressing the gaps in protection and reintegration policies and services. It is a pilot project in the sense that it interlinks the three areas under that support area: human rights, gender, and health, which is a relatively new approach within the strategy. Impact: Furthest left behind women and girls in Palestine live a life free of violence.
Outcome 1: Policy/decision makers' attitudes are more favorable towards the rights of furthest left behind groups of women and girls, survivors and victims of violence.
Output 1.1: Knowledge and perception of policy/decision makers are enhanced and sensitized towards the rights of the furthest left behind groups of women and girls, victims and survivors of violence.
Output 1.2: Women and human rights organizations are more capable to advocate for the rights of furthest left behind groups of women and girls, victims and survivors of violence.
Outcome 2: Furthest left behind groups of women and girls access to quality and inclusive protection and reintegration services is enhanced.
Output 2.1: Service providers develop and provide quality, accessible and more inclusive protection and reintegration services to the three identified groups of the furthest left behind groups of i) women and girls victims and survivors of violence (Girls in conflict with the law and victims and survivors of violence),ii) elderly women with disabilities, and iii) women and girls drug addicts.
Output 2.2: Furthest left behind groups of women and girls (and their families) are more aware of their rights and the available services and how to use them.
Output 2.3: Communities are supported to promote and uphold human rights of the furthest left behind groups of women and girls, survivors and victims of violence. | Significant |
EQUAL - EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia <p>Impact: To contribute to gender equality in Armenia - for women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity.</p><p>Outcome: State and non-state actors take meaningful action to address and prevent all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination in Armenia.</p><p>Intermediate outcome: Civil society organizations, including women¿s rights organizations, empower girls and women through capacity development, networking, innovative programming and policy work.</p> | Significant |
Destino Fogo: Desenvolvimento Ecol¿gico e Sustent¿vel do Turismo e Inova¿¿o Na Oferta em Fogo Contract related to: Destino Fogo: Desenvolvimento Ecol¿gico e Sustent¿vel do Turismo e Inova¿¿o Na Oferta em Fogo - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Support for implementing European standards relating to anti-discrimination and rights of national minorities in Ukraine <p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: windowtext;">Supporting Ukraine in the earlier phases of EU accession negotiations, notably by following up on the 2022 Opinion on Ukraine's application for membership of the European Union by aligning legislative framework and policy with European standards relating to protection of minorities and non-discrimination.</span></p> | Significant |
EEF: Engagerande medborgare, bemyndigande samhällen 2021-2025 EEF: Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities 2021-2025 - Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities 2021-2025 Initiativet, med titeln "Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities", kommer att bidra till utformningen och genomförandet av mer inkluderande offentlig policy på nationell och lokal nivå och kommer att erbjuda bättre möjligheter för missgynnade människor.
Detta femåriga projekt riktar sig till följande grupper: arbetslösa kvinnor och män från landsbygden, kvinnor och män i informell sysselsättning, unga kvinnor och män utan anställning eller i utbildning (NEET-ungdom); kvinnor och män med funktionsnedsättning; HBTQ; romska kvinnor och män; äldre kvinnor och män med låg inkomst. Dessutom kommer projektet att främja hållbarheten för utvecklad medborgarinfrastruktur samt integrera jämställdhet, miljöskydd och inkludering av kvinnor och män som bor i regionen Transnistrien. The initiative, titled “Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities”, will contribute to the design and implementation of more inclusive public policies at national and local level and will offer better opportunities for the disadvantaged people.
In the context of this five-years project, the following groups are targeted: unemployed women and men from rural areas, women and men in informal employment, young women and men not in employment, education or training (NEET youth); women and men with disabilities; LGBT; Roma women and men; older women and men with low income. In addition, the project will pay due attention to fostering sustainability of developed civic infrastructure and mainstreaming gender equality, environmental protection, inclusion of women and men living in the Transnistrian region. Overall objective of the intervention is:
Vulnerable men and women are empowered and benefit from responsive policy-making and fulfilment of their human rights. In the context of this project, vulnerable groups are: rural population, unemployed, NEET youth, vulnerable older people, informal workers, persons with disabilities, Roma, LGBT.
The project is built around two impact outcomes corresponding to the two programmes of the project:
1) Vulnerable women and men enjoy civil and political rights and opportunities to exercise democratic influence.
2) Vulnerable men and women in targeted communities enjoy socio-economic rights and sustainable development opportunities.
Further the programmes will be implemented via 6 components.
Within the first component, Civil and political rights and democratic governance, three components will be conducted: 1) Civil society participation and oversight, 2) Community Journalism, 3) Free and Fair elections. Within the second component, Socio-economic rights, sustainable local development, another three components will be implemented: 1) Community mobilization, 2) Youth participation and Economic Empowerment, 3) Social Services and Economic Development.
All the components will build upon previously achieved results, such as:
Over 160 CSOs representing the vulnerable actively advocated for greater decisional transparency. They analysed over 80 public policies and monitored implementation of 10 public policies from the perspective of inclusion. By 2020 they managed to influence 29 policies (around 25% of targeted policies influenced to date).
CSOs that are part of the Press Council promoted pluralism and freedom of expression, and firmly demanded observance of ethical standards by Media institutions. Over 40 trained community journalists started to post articles about the issues faced in their communities.
Over 30 CSOs, united under the umbrella of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, demanded fairer and more inclusive elections, reacting to abuses or misconduct of electoral authorities, electoral contestants, law-enforcement bodies.
Around 300 representatives of under-represented groups were empowered to stand as candidates in the elections; 97 of them (44 women, 42 Roma, 11 empowered youth from Gagauzia) ran for office; 38 beneficiaries succeeded (12 Roma, 24 women, 2 youth from Gagauzia).
Over 5000 mobilised men and women in over 74 communities increasingly scrutinised the work of public authorities, demanding greater transparency and accountability along with fairer allocation of available public resources for basic social rights.
Building on these results, the project will further strive for fulfilment of civil and political rights of vulnerable women and men
This development paradigm will guide the EEF intervention towards the fulfilment of civil and political rights of vulnerable women and men (Impact Outcome 1):
Opportunities to exercise democratic influence will be expanded by enabling inclusive CSO platforms representing vulnerable groups to actively provide evidence-based input into design and implementation of selected public policies. Continuous CSO engagement in policy dialogue will determine national authorities to accept more recommendations during policy design but also to up-scale policy implementation.
Capitalising on the network of partners throughout the country and the developed online platform for journalists (jurnalist.md), EEF will grow a new generation of community journalists, enabling them to report issues identified in their communities (corruption, unfair distribution of resources, unemployment, discrimination, etc.). Articulation of such issues, combined with local community mobilisation efforts, will increase critical thinking and pressure on national and local authorities to discharge their obligations.
EEF and its partners will build upon the achieved results in the area of inclusive elections, advocating for political inclusion (political funding, inclusion of minorities and persons with disabilities) and strengthening the decision-making capacity of elected women, Roma, persons with disabilities. Improved legislation will determine political parties - to be more inclusive, Central Electoral Commission - to hold democratic elections and local authorities - to ensure accessibility of polling stations.
Similarly, the above-mentioned considerations will also be employed for advancing implementation of social and economic rights and Sustainable Development Goals (Impact Outcome 2):
Rights of vulnerable women and men and basic needs in targeted communities will be better addressed through local NGOs representing vulnerable groups that actively mobilize disadvantaged women and men to (i) constructively engage with duty bearers, (ii) oversee local authorities’ performance, (iii) define and addressing most stringent community needs.
The program will enable local youth CSOs to facilitate involvement of young women and men in community assessment, fundraising, outreach, grant-making. Empowered youth groups will be supported to engage in meaningful policy dialogue with local authorities in order to demand fairer distribution of available resources, increased transparency and accountability. Due attention will be paid to working with employment services and pilot innovative actions designed to better target and facilitate employment of NEET young women and men. These approaches, coupled with seed funding for youth entrepreneurship ideas will lead to increased participation and economic empowerment of the young women and men in at least 10 districts.
Building on good practices achieved to date, EEF will empower local CSOs to engage in social service delivery and economic development targeting most vulnerable women and men. Due attention will be paid to preventing and fighting domestic and gender-based violence through local policy advocacy, legal, psychological counselling, as well economic empowerment of most vulnerable women and girls. EEF will support CSOs to develop work integration social enterprises (WISE). Additional efforts will be made to assist SMEs run by vulnerable groups to develop and reap the benefits provided by the AA/DCFTA by means of digitalisation, business assessment and support packages, matchmaking. This infrastructure will contribute to empowering vulnerable women and men to become active agents in their communities and demand from national and local authorities a more favourable environment for business and social enterprises. | Significant |
Western Balkans Disability Movement for EU Integrations <p>The project aims at strengthening an independent regional framework of disability organizations for harmonization and monitoring of national legislations according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and results framework indicated in the Guidelines for EU support to civil society in the enlargement countries 2014-2020</p> | Principal |
Skills for Prosperity Programme The UK-Brazil Skills for Prosperity (S4P) programme is implemented with resources from the Department for International Development/Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCDO), via a consortium led by the Lemann Foundation, with whom the British Council, Associação Nova Escola and Instituto Reúna signed a contract to develop the programme's activities and receive their respective budget.
The programme encompasses work in five pilot states and aims to help Brazil reach a higher level of prosperity, through the transformation of English language learning and teaching in the country.
Through the programme, the consortium addresses policies and standards for the teaching of English at the national level while carrying out more targeted activities, such as the development of didactic material and teacher training for the last years of Elementary School (6th to 9th grade), High School, Technical and Vocational Education (1st to 3rd grade) and Higher Education (teacher training only).
The programme’s activities are divided into 4 outputs: Policy and regulatory reform (Output 1), Design and delivery of ELT curriculum reform (Output 2), Teacher training (Output 3), and a cross-cutting Equity output (Output 4).
While the British Council, Associação Nova Escola and Instituto Reúna are responsible for implementing programme’s activities, the Lemann Foundation looks after the overall programme management, guaranteeing strategic alignment and ensuring its success. It is the main point of contact with the FCDO’s In-country Programme Leader, and is responsible for: Overview, support and assess the Programme’s monitoring & evaluation; Coordinate and consolidate the work of the other members of the consortium; Ensure coherence between the work of the different organisations in the consortium; Financial management and distribution among the delivery partners; Recruit and manage experts and consultants to assist in cross cutting deliveries; Communicate and report on Programme development to HMG; Support and collaborate to the activities of the other organisations (e.g. advocacy activities); Assess and manage the Programme’s risk; Map and monitor Secondary Benefits opportunities; Validate and support the Programme’s institutional communication activities; Organise and plan Tactical and Strategic Committees. The programme aims to effectively transform English Language Teaching (ELT) in Brazil through the development of national reference documents, school materials, and teacher training, while aiming to empower and produce transformative change in the lives of disadvantaged groups, with a strong focus on gender and social inclusion. English language teachers and public school students from Brazil's state networks, focusing on socially disadvantaged groups (Afro-Brazilian female teachers and students). | Significant |
Enabling Access to justice, Civil society participation, and Transparency (EnACT) Contract related to: Enabling Access to justice, Civil society participation, and Transparency (EnACT) - This action primarily consists of a contribution agreement with GIZ to carry out activities on legislation formulation and implementation; support to accountbaility mechanisms; and access to justice initatives focused on legal aid. There is a significant crosscutting component on enhancing civil society participation in all the target sectors.The action intends to contribute to MIP priority area 3 to build a more fair, inclusive and peaceful society in Zambia and ensure collaboration between government authorities and non-state actors. Particular focus will be on specific objective (SO) 3.1- Promoting human rights and improve the democratic space for citizens in Zambia under the result related to the promotion of rule of law and respect of human rights. The action also contributes to SO 3.2 - Supporting public sector reform for improved delivery of public services and domestic accountability under the result to improve the efficiency, accountability and transparency of the public administration, enabling quality public service delivery. It contributes to the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (16, 5 and 10), the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the new European Consensus on Development as well as the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, the EU-Zambia CSO Roadmap and the Gender Action Plan III.This action is the first truly joint programme in Zambia. In a ¿Team Europe¿ spirit, it has been designed in close collaboration with, and co-funding from, Germany and with GIZ as implementing partner. The action builds upon successful programmes on access to justice, accountability and civil society participation, funded by the EU under the 11th EDF and Germany. As a result, this action will accommodate both the broad commitment of Germany as well as the EU current support on public sector accountability and transparency, and the more focussed EU engagement on access to justice. The EU is cooperating with other Member States, including Sweden and Ireland, to ensure complementarity and continuously explore opportunities to include other Member States into joint programming in order to increase outreach and impact of this Action. NOTE- In the Timeline section "Ares strategic validation reference" there was no Ares validation for this Action, so I attach the Decision information instead as this information is important to reflect in OPSYS. Information on the Financing Agreement can be found here: Ares(2022)8035067 | Significant |
Raising awareness of inclusive crafts: building capacity and self-sufficiency of communication within the Charity SAFOD and the Countries of SA. Project working to support disabled artists and practioners in Southern Africa through increased awarness of Inclusive crafts and Assitive Technology resources. Benefits regional artistic/practioner communities, NGOs and policy makers. SDGs 8,10 The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
IA PG2 Cameroon Inclusive Election project To strengthen civil and political rights by ensuring greater participation of women and men with disabilities in inclusive local and national democratic processes. | Principal |
EU support to education in Lebanon in times of crisis The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to support vulnerable children in reaching their full potential through improved literacy and numeracy skills and qualifications delivered by a resilient and quality public education system.The Specific Objectives (Outcomes) of this action are: 1.The completion of inclusive and equitable quality education for vulnerable children is improved.2.The resilience of the education system at central, regional and school level to overcome the effects of crisis is enhanced. | Significant |
EU4Moldova: focal regions <p>The overall objective is to strengthen the economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova through facilitating inclusive, sustainable and integrated local socio-economic growth and improving the standards of living of the citizens in the pilot focal regions</p> | Significant |
Disability and Embodiment in Namibia: Religious and Cultural Perspectives Research Network exploring 'traditional' cultural and religious understandings of disability and how they contribute to continuing social inequalities. Benefits to marginalised populations, advocacy groups, NGOs and policy makers in Namibia. SDGs 5 10 17 The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
Bangladesh 2024 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 RRM International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Reso Climat Mali Phase 2 Reso Climat Phase 2 Insatsen syftar till att förbättra levnadsvillkoren för samhällen på landsbygden i Mali genom att 1) stärka deras motståndskraft och 2) förbättra arbetet med motståndskraft i de kommuner som täcks av programmet.
Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa (MFC) kommer genomföra insatsen tillsammans med Reso Climat Malis (RCM) medlemsorganisationer.
Mali-Folkecenter har för Reso Climat:s räkning inkommit med en ansökan till ambassaden gällande en finansiering om 42,5 MSEK för att genomföra "Local sustainable adaptation initiatives to the effects of climate change for vulnerable rural communities in Mali (PIL-ADCC)” under perioden 2015-2018.
Av insatsens totala budget om 44,8 MSEK, kommer ambassaden att kvarhålla 2,3 MSEK för en uppföljningskonsult (max 1,2 MSEK), en systemrevision (max 100 000 SEK) och en slututvärdering (1 MSEK). Insatsen finansieras helt av Sverige och MFC planerar att vidareförmedla medel till Reso Climat Malis medlemmar. Mali-Folkecenter on behalf of Reso Climat has applied to the Embassy's for funding of 42,5 MSEK to carry-out the project "Local Sustainable Adaptation Initiatives to the effects of climate change for vulnerable rural communities in Mali Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives (PIL-ADCC)" during the period 2015-2018.
The intervention aims at improving the living conditions of rural communities in Mali by 1) strengthening
the resilience of rural communities and 2) better supporting resilience issues in the municipalities covered by the programme. Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa (MFC) will implement the intervention together with the members of Reso Climat Mali (RCM).
Of the total budget of 44,8 MSEK, the Embassy will withhold 2,3 MSEK for the monitoring consultant (maximum 1,2 MSEK), a sytem-based audit (maximum 100 000 SEK) and a final external evaluation (1 MSEK). 42,5 MSEK will be forwarded to the cooperation partner. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that MFC will forward funds to the members of Reso Climat Mali upon call for proposals and a selection process according to the project document. | Significant |
PROTECT - Protection of Persons of Concern (PoC) including migrants, forced displaced and vulnerable host communities along migratory routes in Sudan - phase II <p>The action focuses on improving access to assistance and protection services for different categories of migrants and displaced, including the people affected by the current armed conflict. The action takes a nexus approach to bridge humanitarian direct assistance with development interventions aimed at securing access to the health services, building up the referral system and improving protection services. The activities are implemented with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society and will improve its capacity in humanitarian diplomacy, mapping migration policies, services and strategic planning.</p> | Significant |
Activity under preparation Contribution Agreement with UNDP <p>A part of this action may be implemented in indirect management with UNDP. This implementation entails</p><p>managing the technical and financial aspects of all project components, including administrative tasks,</p><p>with the exception of evaluation and audit. The technical assistance will be provided to the ACC of</p><p>Namibia and to all other relevant OMAs entities and stakeholders for the comprehensive implementation of</p><p>the NACSAP. UNDP would carry out the following budget-implementation tasks: conducting</p><p>procurement of services and grant awards (to civil society) procedures and managing the resulting</p><p>contracts, carrying out payments. This implementation entails the activities foreseen under result areas</p><p>of the MIP for Namibia:</p><p>Specific Objective 3.2: A more effective implementation of anti-corruption measures will foster efficient</p><p>and accountable institutions</p><p>Result 3.2.1. Enhanced capacity of the ACC of Namibia</p><p>Result 3.2.2. Enhanced capacity of oversight bodies, including parliament and supreme audit authorities</p><p>(EURF)</p><p>Result 3.2.2. Efficient implementation of the national Anti-Corruption strategy by relevant government</p><p>institutions.</p><p>The envisaged entity has been selected using the following criteria:</p><p>¿ Specific experience in support to governance architecture</p><p>¿ Specific experience in developing anti-corruption policy and action plans and integrating them</p><p>into government policies in a development context</p><p>¿ Specific experience in multi-sectorial responses and with working with Government institutions</p><p>(particularly linking the governance and processes with relevant sectors such as natural resources</p><p>management, inclusive green growth, amongst others)</p><p>¿ Previous experience in the sector in the country</p><p>¿ Sufficient operational, logistical, management and financial capacities</p> | Significant |
VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION 2021 TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS ONTRIBURO VOLONTARIO 2021-COMITATO INTERNAZIONALE DELLA CROCE ROSSA-CICR Voluntary contribution to the activities that ICRC implements in order to protect and assist vulnerable people involved in armed conflicts and other situations of violence, to promote the respect for international humanitarian law, and to restore family links. Il Contributo supporta le attività che il CICR implementa per assistere le persone più vulnerabili e le popolazioni coinvolte nei contesti di guerra e crisi, per promuovere il rispetto del diritto internazionale umanitario e per i ricongiungimenti familiari. | Significant |
CDF Human Rights Program in Kosovo 2019-2024 CDF Human Rights Program in Kosovo 2019-2024 - CDF - Support to Human Rights Defenders in Kosovo - Democracy promotion 2019 CDF will support local organizations to develop thematic and long term collaboration with other local CSOs and people of diverse backgrounds regardless of gender, disability, age, ethnicity, class, urban/rural, and socio-economic background to more effectively advocate for democratization of the society.
The methods and approaches proposed in this Project are to begin democratic societal transformation through the human rights educational and cultural activities, followed by organic integration of cross-cutting issues such as gender and environment throughout three clusters of the project, followed by coalotions and networks between implementing CSOs and grassroots initiatives to oversee, document, and conduct strategic litigation to promote respect of human rights and sepcifically gender equality and environmental rights.
The project ambition is to increase community motivation, restore confidence and trust through proactive citizens participation. CDF kommer att stötta lokala civilsamhällesorganisationer att utveckla tematiska och långsiktiga samarbeten med organisationer och personer med olika bakgrund – oavsett kön, funktionshinder, ålder, etnicitet, klass, stad/landsbygd, och socio-ekonomisk bakgrund – för att på ett mer effektivt och inkluderande sätt förespråka demokratisering av samhället.
Den föreslagna metoden och tillvägagångssättet i det här projektet är demokratisk samhällsförändring genom utbildnings- och kulturaktiviteter med fokus på mänskliga rättigheter. Övergripande frågor såsom gender och klimat kommer att integreras genom alla tre delar av projektet. Koalitioner och nätverk kommer att bildas mellan de verkställande civilsamhällesorganisationerna och gräsrotsinitiativ för att övervaka, dokumentera samt genomföra strategiska rättsprocesser för att förespråka respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och specifikt jämställdhet och miljörelaterade rättigheter.
Projektets ambition är att öka motivation i samhället och att återupprätta tillit och förtroende genom medborgares proaktiva deltagande. Project theory of change: Civil society organizations are empowered to address rights-based challenges of vulnerable and marginalized groups and play proactive role in documentation and strategic litigation for human rights.
This intervention overall goal is to assist local CSOs in their work on empowering communities, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, education or ethnic background to debate and act for democracy and respect of human rights.
Specific project objectives and expected results:
1. Local CSOs contribute to poverty reduction through creation of a critical mass of citizens to challenge patriarchal and traditional customs and norms that hampers vulnerable and marginalized communities to have access to power and voice, opportunities and choice.
2. Local CSOs in partnership with Ombudsperson's Institution and independent media outlets have active role in human rights strategic litigation for non-discrimination, participation and will advocate for improved transparency and accountability of public institutions.
3. Local environmental CSOs establishes thematic coalitions with community-based initiatives to improve advocacy and lobby on environmental rights and sustainability. | Significant |
Green Economy Coalition (GEC) - Phase 3 - Strengthening societal demands for systemic economic reforms towards inclusive green and circular economies <p>The "Strengthening societal demands for systemic economic reforms towards inclusive green and circular economies" action is part of the broader EU supported initiative, `Accelerate the global transition to a green and circular economy¿. This initiative aims to catalyse a just transition to an inclusive, carbon-neutral, green and circular economy globally, by delivering on three outcomes, namely to 1) strengthen policies, global debate, and multilateral action on inclusive green and circular economy; 2) enhance knowledge generation, management and sharing; and 3) strengthen societal demands for systemic economic reforms towards Sustainable Consumption and Production with social justice.</p> | Significant |
Water Safety for the wellbeing of Women and Children in Bangladesh Water Safety for the wellbeing of Women and Children in Bangladesh Reprogrammed funds to address COVID-19
The intervention is considered to deliver sustainable results that contributes to the Results strategy for Bangladesh has made significant progress in increasing access to improved drinking water in both urban and rural areas, and to all segments of the population. As a result of this, Bangladesh achieved the Millennium Development Goal 7c related to drinking water well before the end date in 2015 and currently 98% of the population enjoys access to a protected drinking water source (JMP, 2015). However, looking past the quality proxy of “improved water source” reveals that the water supply is undermined by quality issues and unreliable service provision (MICS 2009). According to the most recent Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, MICS, only 35 % of households consume water which meets the Bangladesh standard for both arsenic and bacteriological contamination. WHO estimate that chronic arsenic exposure leads to 43 000 deaths annually having a significant economic impact on the country. Despite improvements in prevention and treatment of waterborne disease, 15% of post-neonatal deaths all 6% of all U5 deaths are currently due to diarrhea.
Arsenic contamination of shallow wells has been a recognized problem since the 1990s but, despite large investments by donors and government, the result has only been a decrease in exposure of 1%, which actually translates into an increased number of affected people given the population growth during the same period. Several factors contribute to this limited success and water quality issues in general, but at the core lay weak regulation and accountability, poor information management, and a lack of capacity of government to coordinate and engage with small scale entrepreneurs in the water sector.
The proposed programme will support the government of Bangladesh to lead, coordinate and facilitate the implementation and management of water safety frameworks and protocols. The long term development goal is universal access to safe and sustainable drinking water and the expected outcomes of the project are:
1. By 2020, roles and responsibilities for regulation, capacity building, service provision and water quality testing are assigned.
2. By 2020, harmonized systems and procedures are deployed by stakeholders for the delivery of arsenic and bacteriologically safe drinking water.
3. By 2020, evidence-based systems are used by accountable stakeholders in the health and drinking water sub-sectors. Omprogrammerade medel för att bekämpa covid-19
Det föreslagna programmet kommer att stödja Bangladesh regerings arbete med att leda, samordna och främja genomförandet och förvaltningen av ramverk och metoder för skydd av vatten. Det långsiktiga utvecklingsmålet är allmän tillgång till säkert och hållbart dricksvatten. De förväntade resultaten av projektet är:
1. År 2020 ska roller och ansvar för reglering, kapacitetsuppbyggnad, tillhandahållande av tjänster och provning av vattenkvalitet vara tilldelade.
2. År 2020 är harmoniserade system och metoder utplacerade av ansvariga aktörer för leverans av arseniksäkert och bakteriologiskt säkert dricksvatten.
3. År 2020 används evidensbaserade system av ansvariga aktörer inom delsektorerna hälsa och dricksvatten. The key outcomes and outputs of the project are:
1. By 2021, roles and responsibilities for regulation, capacity building, service provision and water quality testing are assigned
1.1 A government-led platform for adaptation and adoption of sub-sector wide scalable water safety models and protocols is established and functional
1.2 Drinking water safety policies and regulations are complied with and capacity of public/ private personnel developed to deliver safe water at-scale '
2. By 2021, harmonized systems and procedures are deployed by stakeholders for the delivery of arsenic and bacteriologically safe drinking water
2.1 A government-led national performance-based monitoring and surveillance system for urban and rural drinking water safety is established and functional '
2.2 A harmonized National Arsenic Mitigation Protocol and evidence-based model is adopted and implemented securing safe water rights
3. By 2021, evidence-based systems are used by accountable stakeholders in the health and drinking water sub-sectors
3.1 Arsenicosis case detection and management protocol is operationalized & evidence and database of arsenicosis patients established and strengthened
3.2 The integrated WASH National Monitoring and Evaluation System is established, populated and functional
4. By 2021, Rohingya and Host Communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilas under Coxs Bazar District have sustainable WASH services
4.1 The Behaviour of both host and Rohingya communities have been changed through safe sanitation and hygiene intervention change and safe sanitation
4.2 Rohingya and Host communities are trained on Water Safety Plan (WSP) and able to ensure their own access to safe water
4.3 GoB departments and stakeholders are strengthened to ensure sustainable WASH services for the target communities.
Following the projects successes, the Government of Bangladesh decided to upscale this approach in a $240 million worth programme directed at rural water supply and has requested technical support from UNICEF to expand the well-developed arsenic safe union model to the new programme locations. Consequently, the Swedish Embassy in Bangladesh and UNICEF discussed and agreed to continue support in this area, with a shift of UNICEFs role to solely render technical assistance while leveraging huge GoB resources. This revised role will allow focus on quality assurance of the larger Government programme, capacity building and targeting the poorest and most vulnerable, ensuring a strong equity lens to the intervention. The current contribution will thus be further extended to allow the continuation of support to DPHE while building on previous achievements.
In September 2021, Embassy of Sweden and UNICEF decided that the support of the Swedish Embassy to UNICEF would be provided under the thematic funding modality (pooled funds received against the programmes approved by the Executive Board, i.e the UNICEF Country Programme) instead of a dedicated proposal. Therefore, this bridging phase will cover the first year of UNICEFs Country Programme 2022-26 (January December 2022) with a special focus on water safety, while the larger 3-year broader thematic proposal based on the UNICEF Bangladesh WASH Programme Strategy Note 2022-26, is being drafted.
Objectives 5 and 6 for the extended period. These objectives are from the technical support to the government initiative.
5. By 2022, the National Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance System is strengthened with a mechanism for water quality monitoring and management and adapted/used for informed decision-making with quality compliance regulated through the development/ revision, and implementation of the standardized water safety and arsenic mitigation guidelines and protocols.
5.1 Access to quality water resources by communities through water service is regulated through the enforcement of quality guidelines and protocols.
5.2 Management information system for water quality for informed decision making is established and regularly updated and expanded.
6. By 2022, the poorest and most vulnerable communities in arsenic-affected unions have access to safe, sustainable and climate resilient water services and contribute to sustainably clean and safe environment.
6.1 An informed and all-inclusive consultative process is followed in defining an action plan for safe/arsenic-free water services in selected priority unions.
6.2 Safe/arsenic free water systems that are climate resilient and sustainable are in place to serve targeted population. | Significant |
PPIMA III PPIMA III Public Policy Information Monitoring and Advocacy project (Phase 3) - NEW_ PPIMA III Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The PPIMA project is carried out by Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) in Rwanda since 2010, and financed by Sweden and the UK / DFID, with a view to empower civil society to increase transparency and accountability. The evaluation of the first phase of PPIMA documented 31 examples of improvements in the provision of public services, public participation in planning and policy as a result of the use of "Community Scorecards" (CSC). The second phase was equally successful, documented through a mid-term review (MTR), which was used to produce "Success stories from the PPIMA Project". PPIMA III, the third phase, will continue to promote cooperation between the government and CSOs at both central and local levels. The number of focus districts for PPIMA will now be expanded from four to eight, to support public scrutiny of how public services are delivered at the local level. The model has proven effective for improving government service delivery and also bring political change.Examples of results achieved so far are:The adoption of CSO recommendations in the formulation of government policy “12-Year Basic Education for All”;A position paper of the CSOs regarding the conditions for civil society activities, presented at the annual "Joint Action Development Forum" (JADF). The position paper was handed over to Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), which decided to accept the recommendations;Political dialogues have proven to be important fora where decision-makers increasingly respond to citizens' priorities, and provide opportunities for civil society organizations and citizens to express alternative solutions.CSO partners have acquired the knowledge and skills to engage in public policy processes, thanks to PPIMAs "evidence-based" practices, which led to improved services in health, agriculture, water and sanitation, education, infrastructure and good governance.The acquired skills of CSOs are also reflected in their improved financial systems and follow-up compared to when the project started.PPIMA III will build on these successes, and can be summarized with the following objectives for the period April 2016- March 2019:Result 1: The capacity of CSOs, citizens and local leaders will be strengthened. Capacity building is an integral part of PPIMA project, especially through the 'training' and strengthening of the PPIMA partner civil society organizations, citizens and local leaders' ability and motivation to meaningfully participate in public policy processes.Result 2: The citizens often complain that local leaders do not take into account their views and opinions. At the same time, GoR often claims that CSOs fail to take advantage of government processes such as "Governance month", "Accountability Days" and the "Joint Action Development Forum" (JADF). To remedy this situation, PPIMA III will develop and strengthen strategies for CSOs to push for political change in the GoR-created spaces.Result 3: PPIMA emphasizes the importance of evidence-based engagement, which is considered to explain the successes such as feed-back from decision-makers and improvements e g in health care and schools. However, they have not been sufficiently effective in monitoring the government's response, which will be a particular focus for PPIMA III.Result 4: as shown by the MTR, learning has mainly been internal among PPIMA partners, and not externalized to other stakeholders, minimizing prospects for replication elsewhere. PPIMA III will therefore continue to develop a culture of reflection and build a strategy to disseminate lessons. Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
Visserligen har Rwanda gjort imponerande framsteg i att återhämta sig från folkmordet 1994, men det civila samhället är mycket kontrollerat. Regeringens kontroll av lokala civilsamhällesorganisationer (CSO) är strikt; enligt lagen om registrering av frivilligorganisationer (från 2012) har CSOs rätt att bedriva verksamhet, men den används samtidigt som ett kontrollinstrument. Många CSOs utövar självcensur av rädsla för att annars straffas.
PPIMA-projektet genomförs av Norsk Folkehjelp (NPA, Norwegian People’s Aid) i Rwanda sedan 2010, finansierat av Sverige och Storbritannien/DFID, för att det civila samhället ska kunna öka öppenhet och ansvarsutkrävande. Utvärderingen av den första fasen av PPIMA dokumenterade 31 exempel på förbättringar i tillhandahållandet av offentliga tjänster, folkligt deltagande i planering och politik till följd av användningen av ”Community Score Cards” (CSC). Den andra fasen var lika framgångsrik, dokumenterad genom en halvtidsöversyn (MTR), som användes för att producera "Success stories from PPIMA Project ". PPIMA III, den tredje fasen, kommer att fortsätta att främja samverkan mellan regeringen och CSO på både central och lokal nivå. PPIMA arbetar i fyra distrikt, som nu kommer att utökas till åtta, för att stödja medborgarnas granskning av hur offentliga tjänster levereras på lokal nivå. Modellen har visat sig effektiv för att förbättra myndigheternas leverans av tjänster och även åstadkomma politisk förändring.
Exempel på hittillsvarande resultat är:
* Antagandet av CSO-rekommendationer i formuleringen av regeringens politik ” för “12-Year Basic Education for All' ;
* Ett positionspapper av CSOs gällande villkoren för civila samhällets verksamhet, presenterat vid en årlig ”Joint Action Development Forum” (JADF). Positionspappret överlämnades till Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), som beslutade att acceptera rekommendationerna;
* Politiska dialoger har visat sig vara viktiga forum där beslutsfattarna alltmer varit lyhörda för medborgarnas prioriteringar, och givit möjligheter för det civila samhällets organisationer och medborgare att uttrycka alternativa lösningar.
* CSO partners har förvärvat kunskaper och färdigheter i att engagera sig i offentliga policyprocesser, tack vare PPIMAs ”evidensbaserade” metoder, vilket lett till förbättrad service inom hälsovård, jordbruk, vatten och sanitet, utbildning, infrastruktur och god samhällsstyrning.
* De förvärvade färdigheterna hos CSOs återspeglas också i deras förbättrade finansiella system och uppföljning jämfört med när projektet startade.
PPIMA III ska bygga vidare på dessa framgångar, och kan sammanfattas med följande mål för perioden april 2016- mars 2019:
Resultat 1: Kapaciteten hos CSOs, medborgare och lokala ledare stärks. Kapacitetsuppbyggnad är en integrerad del av PPIMA-projektet, framför allt att genom utbildning och ’training’ stärka det civila samhällets organisationer, medborgare och lokala ledarnas förmåga och motivation att på ett meningsfullt sätt delta i offentliga policyprocesser.
Resultat 2: Medborgarna klagar ofta över att lokala ledare inte tar hänsyn till deras åsikter och synpunkter. Regeringen hävdar samtidigt ofta att det civila samhällets organisationer misslyckas med att utnyttja de statliga processer som har skapats för att säkerställa medborgarnas inflytande t ex ”Governance month”, ”Accountability Days”, och ”Joint Action Development Forum” (JADF). För att åtgärda denna situation vill PPIMA III särskilt lyfta strategier för CSOs att verka för politisk förändring inom regeringens skapade utrymmen.
Resultat 3: PPIMA betonar särskilt betydelsen av faktabaserat engagemang (’evidence-based processes’), vilket anses förklara framgångarna som t ex feedback från beslutsfattare och förbättringar i t ex hälsovård och skola. CSOs genererar och använder ”evidence” för att påverka beslutsfattare i utformningen, genomförandet och uppföljningen av offentlig politik. Emellertid har de inte varit tillräckligt effektiva i att följa upp regeringens svar, vilket blir särskilt fokus för PPIMA III.
Resultat 4: som framgår av MTR har lärandet i huvudsak varit internt (PPIMA-partners) och inte externaliserats till andra intressenter, vilket minimerar utsikterna för replikering på annat håll. PPIMA III kommer därför att fortsätta utveckla en kultur av reflektion och bygga en strategi för att sprida lärdomar. Development intvervention's intended outcome:Rwanda CSOs and Citizens influence the review, formulation and implementation of local and national policies and plans in civil society and government-created spaces
Summary of intervention logic:The programme aims to strengthen state-society interactions by engaging with both civil society and government. It aligns well with Government of Rwanda's (GoR) priorities as set out in the 2013-2018 'Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy' (EDPRS2), which includes Accountable Governance as one of its four main pillars.
Support to civil society (Output 1: "Capacity of CSOs, citizens and local leaders enhanced to effectively participate in public policy processes") will include strengthening CSOs', citizens' and local leaders’ skills to meaningfully engage in public policy processes for ownership and sustainability. When CSOs and citizens are aware and conversant about their rights and entitlement they often become confident and motivated to participate in public policy processes. The focus on gender-mainstreaming by for example training and advocacy on gender-responsive budgeting can be increased and given higher visibility. The inclusion of local leaders, especially women leaders, is also key: public service providers in the PPIMA target areas have proven to become more open to receive constructive criticism on the delivery of the services from citizens.
Through Output 2 ("CSOs and Citizens use tools and strategies to participate effectively in public policy processes"), the programme will help to expand the opportunities for constructive engagement between government and civil society at national and local level. The PPIMA partner CSO have demonstrated greater confidence and motivation to organize events on public policy issues, e.g. Community Score Cards (CSC), Media, Access to Justice and Information Centres (AJICs) and the Advocacy and Legal Advice (ALACs), dialogues, and budget analysis. There is convincing evidence that citizens participate actively in districtand national-level fora established by the PPIMA CSOs. On the other hand, their participation is minimal/ineffective in Government-created spaces, e.g. the 'Accountability Days', 'Governance Month' and 'Joint Action Development Forum' (JADF). To rectify this situation, CSOs need to strengthen their approaches in order to adequately advocate for policy change within government-created spaces (and thus ensure overall sustainability of the desired outcome of PPIMA). In particular, to raise the gender mainstreaming in PPIMA, the project will strengthen budget transparency and gender-responsive budgeting at all levels, including in the capacity-building of partners and project beneficiaries in the new districts.
Through Output 3 ("CSOs generate and use evidence to influence decision makers in the design, implementation and revision of public policies") PPIMA CSO partners have incorporated research as a key strategy to target national and local decisions-makers to take action on public policy issues. This has proven successful in changing some in Government to provide feedback and commitment to the efforts made by CSOs.
Through Output 4 ("Lessons learned to improve effectiveness of the program and to ensure replication and sustainability") the programme will aim to learn from successful (or unsuccessful) initiatives by documenting and sharing to support replication of effective practices. To date, the learning has mainly been internalized within the PPIMA partners and not externalized to other stakeholders, thus minimizing the chances for replication elsewhere. | Significant |
Empowering Indigenous Communities: Strengthening Capacities, Networks, Advocacy, and Cultural Resilience for the Realization of their Rights Contract related to: Empowering Indigenous Communities: Strengthening Capacities, Networks, Advocacy, and Cultural Resilience for the Realization of their Rights - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | Significant |
Tsogolo la thanzi (TSOLATA) Healthy Future Phase II - Scaling Up Homegrown School Feeding in Malawi Contract related to: Tsogolo la thanzi (TSOLATA) Healthy Future Phase II - Scaling Up Homegrown School Feeding in Malawi - The Action will support the expansion of school meals in primary schools and Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in 7 districts of Malawi, while improving market opportunities for smallholder producers, as preferred suppliers to the schools. The Action will follow the Homegrown School Meal approach, which is the Government¿s preferred modality for delivering school meals.The Action will work with District Councils to ensure that school learners receive diversified school meals throughout the school terms. This will ensure regular access to healthy food for pupils, contributing to a better nutrition and better school performance. It will also increase school attendance, hence contribution to primary school completion rate, especially for girls who are most at risk of dropping out. As the nutritious food composition will be purchased from local farmer groups around the selected schools, the Action will boost agricultural commercialisation and increase income generating opportunities for smallholders, mostly parents of the pupils receiving school meals, triggering a virtuous cycle of community socio-economic empowerment. Through a crisis modifier, it will provide safety nets for households in times of crisis (should schools be closed again due to a pandemic or should farmers require support to face a challenging planting season). This Action will expand the existing investment under the Tsogolo la Thanzi (TSOLATA) ¿ ¿Healthy Future¿ intervention, implemented in 4 districts of the South of Malawi and 200 primary schools, adding three more districts and doubling the number of targeted primary school. It will also expand the school meals to ECD centres, following the MIP¿s priority of empowering women and girls throughout the lifecycle. Since it contributes to primary school completion, it also lays the foundations for the EU support to secondary education. The Action will seek to build synergies with ongoing programmes on sustainable agriculture and nutrition (Kulima and Afikepo), supporting agricultural diversification and increased productivity and nutrition education at community level.The Action contributes to MIP Priority Area 1, Green and Resilient Economic Transformation, in particular specific objective 1.1, Boosting productivity, resilience, diversification and commercialisation for agriculture and fisheries. It will also contribute to MIP Priority Area 3, Human Development and Social Inclusion, in particular specific objective 3.2 of strengthening social protection systems.With this Action, the EU will become the main partner (in financial terms) for Government in the area of school meals and will reinforce the existing engagements in nutrition (Afikepo programme), agricultural diversification and support to smallholders (Kulima programme) and social protection (social cash transfers). Finally, as part of the TEI Green Growth, following a food systems approach, the Action will develop synergies with other nutrition interventions as well as activities in support of sustainable farming and agribusiness. | Significant |
Projet d'appui au secteur de la justice au Burundi (composante Enabel) <p><span style="color: rgb(88, 87, 86);">OG Contribuer au renforcement de l¿État de droit et au respect et à la protection des droits humains de tous, en veillant à ne laisser personne pour compte</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify">OS La gouvernance judiciaire pour une justice plus rapide, indépendante, impartiale, sensible au genre, numérique et proche des titulaires de droit est améliorée</p><p class="ql-align-justify">Résultat 1.1 : « L¿indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire et la performance du ministère de la justice sont améliorées ».</p><p class="ql-align-justify">Résultat 1.2 : « Les détenu.es femmes, hommes, mineur.es et personnes en situation de handicap bénéficient de meilleures conditions d¿incarcération, respectueuses des principes constitutionnels et la justice pénale répond mieux aux critères de justice pénale "humanisée/humanisante" »</p><p><br></p> | Significant |
Kawaliss- L'incubateur marocain des industries culturelles et cr¿atives Contract related to: Kawaliss- L'incubateur marocain des industries culturelles et cr¿atives - CSO Thematic Programme 2021 - MAAP 2021-2024 - Civil Society Organisations as actors of Governance (Action Document nº 2)This Action is funded under the CSO Thematic Programme 2021-2027, under the Multiannual Action Plan 2021-2024. The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, amounting to around ¿ 766,66 million, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia 11.Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach;12 enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT.The Activity will fund service delivery through CSOs only under certain circumstances (in fragile and conflict-affected countries and/or in severely restricted environment for CSOs, i.e., where no other type of support is feasible or highly limited etc.) and/or towards specific objectives (support that can be regarded as catalytic and/or innovative etc.).This Action is aligned with the 2012 Communication on "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" and adheres in full to the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation, Annex III: CSO Thematic Programme. It will contribute primarily to the Commission priorities on Governance, Peace and Security, and Human Development and to supporting the vital role of Civil Society with regard to SDG 16 and 1713. The dominant sector under which initiatives will be funded will accordingly be Government & Civil Society14.The Action will strongly complement and reinforce bilateral and regional programmes through support for CSOs working in EU Delegations priority areas and sectors of cooperation, and through its focus on improving the environment in which they operate. This will enable them to participate in an informed way in dialogue with the EU and national and local actors, representing and voicing the concerns of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, and contribute to combating inequalities in all partner countries It will furthermore strengthen their ability to implement and monitor initiatives funded under the bilateral and regional programmes thereby contributing to the successful implementation of our policies. Activities related to awareness and understanding of the EU in individual countries and the world will be implemented by Cooperation Facilities in Delegations, according to the priorities defined in the Delegations¿ strategic plans.All initiatives under the Action will, in line with the overarching aim of the CSO Thematic Programme, respect the independence and right to initiative of Civil | Significant |
EU Expert Facility on Employment, Labour and Social Protection, SOCIEUX+ - phase 4 The Action on `EU Expert Facility on Employment, Labour and Social Protection, SOCIEUX+¿ (the Action on Socieux+) has been implemented since 2013. Currently a third phase of the action is under implementation (between 2020 and 2024) by the partnership led by Agence Française d¿Expertise Technique Internationale (AFETI ¿ Expertise France) including Enabel (Belgium), Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP) (Spain) as well as Service Public Fédéral Sécurité Sociale (Belgium) as sub-grantee. This Action Document is aimed at extending the Facility for the fourth phase. The Technical assistance facility Socieux+ has helped public institutions in partner countries to set up effective employment, labour and social protection strategies by offering on demand short-term expertise from European peers working in European public institutions. As a flexible tool, it complements EU bilateral and regional cooperation programmes and helps disseminate European values, expertise and, knowledge in the areas of employment and social protection. The fourth phase will allow accepting new support requests beyond 2022. In addition, it can play a role as accompanying measure offering valuable support to public institutions seeking to address the challenges related to the Commission proposal for an EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The scope of the action is global and encompasses a large range of areas: labour and employment policies, social inclusion, social dialogue and labour rights, social protection, health, pension and welfare-systems and access to social services. It builds partner countries institutional, organisational and human capacity, generates, and shares knowledge on global challenges on employment and social protection.The Overall Objective of the Action is to expand and improve access to better employment opportunities and inclusive social protection systems in partner countries, especially to women and youth. This will be achieved through the specific objective pursuing more inclusive (addressing in particular women, youth and vulnerable groups¿ needs), effective and sustainable Employment and Social Protection policies, strategies and systems in Partner Countries. The 4 outputs will help to achieve those objectives: strengthening institutional capacities of employment, labour and Social Protection institutions, extending and enhancing public capacities for improving access to employment and social protection to women, youth and vulnerable groups, increasing awareness and knowledge on Social Protection and decent work; and enhancing capacities of public institutions to address requirements of European Due Dilligence legislation. | Significant |
EU Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) Phase II Component 5a - Support to Women's Political Participation Contract related to: EU Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) Phase II Component 5a - Support to Women's Political Participation - Support to Nigeria's Electoral Cycle and key government and non government institutions such as the National Assembly, the media, youth, women and vulnerable groups | Significant |
Sierra Leone Secondary Education Improvement Programme II (SSEIP II) To improve primary and secondary schooling for 1.5 million children and will also improve English and maths results for 400,000 students in secondary school, make schools safer for 150,000 adolescent girls, and target support for disabled students. Would help Sierra Leone achieve its ambition (as one of three country pilots) to improve its standing on the Human Capital Index – it is currently 151st out of 157 countries. | Significant |
Formation professionnelle et Emploi - Horizon JOJ 2026 / Volet GIZ Contract related to: Formation professionnelle et Emploi - Horizon JOJ 2026 / Volet GIZ - Plus de 300 000 jeunes sénégalais(es) arrivent chaque année sur le marché du travail, dans un contexte caractérisé par un très fort taux de jeunes qui ne sont ni en emploi, ni en études, ni en formation (33,1 % chez les 15-34 ans ¿ 44% des filles et 22% des garçons). Investir dans la jeunesse, contribuer à la création d¿emplois et ainsi à la stabilité du pays sont les objectifs principaux de cette action. L¿objectif général de l¿action sera ainsi d¿améliorer l¿insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes au Sénégal. L'impact du projet se traduira à long terme par une amélioration du taux d'emploi des jeunes femmes et hommes dans le pays.L¿objectif spécifique de cette action est le développement d¿une offre pérenne et inclusive d¿orientation, de formation et d¿insertion professionnelles de qualité et adaptée aux besoins du marché du travail, pour renforcer les opportunités liées à l¿organisation des Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse (JOJ) à Dakar en 2026 et leur héritage. Cette action, qui s¿inscrit dans la même dynamique que l¿appui budgétaire européen pour la jeunesse (Plan d¿Action Annuel 2021), permettra de mettre à disposition des formations professionnelles de qualité, en adéquation avec les besoins prospectifs du marché du travail, et proposera des parcours d¿insertion, dans l¿entreprise ou par l¿entrepreneuriat. Elle s¿appuiera sur l¿expertise des partenaires de la « Team Europe », forts de leurs expériences en faveur de la création d¿opportunités économiques développées dans le cadre de leurs programmes de coopération bilatérale avec le Sénégal, mais aussi au travers de projets mis en ¿uvre dans le cadre du Fonds fiduciaire d¿urgence de l¿Union européenne. | Significant |
Civil Society for Kazakhstan (CS4K) Contract related to: Civil Society for Kazakhstan (CS4K) - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | Significant |
Myanmar 2023 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 RRM International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Social Inclusion Programme - Odisha Persons with disabilities have enhanced Quality of Life (QoL) | Principal |
Green Deal #TeamEuropeKenya (AAP-2022) This Action¿s overall objective is `to promote greener, more inclusive and resilient urbanisation and rural development in Kenya¿ and comprises of the following three specific objectives to:1. Make urban mobility more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable and accessible. 2. Deliver participatory slum upgrading, land services and low-cost green adequate incremental housing solutions replicable at scale by low-income households.3. Enhance resilience to drought and other climate change effects of communities in arid and semi-arid lands.To support GoK on the above objectives, the Action proposes the following programmes:The EU-Kenya Green Public Transport Partnership (GPTP) (EU grants of EUR 44 million to EIB and AFD who will lend EUR 220 million in sovereign loans, an EUR 6 million GIZ grant, and EUR 28 million contribution from Government of Kenya) to operationalise Nairobi¿s green public transport. Most importantly, this will provide inclusive and safer commuting and reduce diseconomies of scale caused by traffic congestion. Then it will become Africa¿s first electric bus rapid transit (BRT) line reducing emission and improving ill-health due to pollution.The EU-Kenya-UN Partnership Implementing the New Urban Agenda (PINUA) (an EUR 8 million[1] EU grant to UN Habitat, leading to parallel financing of EUR 120 million loan from EIB, EUR 9.5 million loans from the Kenya Women¿s Bank (KWFT) and EUR 8 million from GoK). The aim is to implement participatory slum upgrading and to stimulate the provision at scale of land and other services for low-cost green adequate incremental housing. PINUA will draw on successful land-based financing; incremental housing; community co-production; and blended financing for households that prevents over indebtedness, among others. Manufacturing locally-sourced appropriate or recycled materials will favour the local and circular economy and jobs targeting people with disabilities, women and youth.EU support to the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Programme (KISIP-2) (an EUR 5 million EU grant to AFD for technical assistance, leading to a EUR 45 million loan and a EUR 750 000 grant from AFD, and EUR 135 million loan from World Bank) to replicate KISIP phase 1. KISIP 2 aims to improve access to basic services and tenure security of residents in urban informal settlements and strengthen institutional capacity for slum upgrading in Kenya. It will also improve livelihoods through socio-economic inclusion of informal settlement residents through implementing community development plans.The EU-Kenya programme on Dryland Climate Action for Community Drought Resilience (DCADR) (an EUR 13 million EU grant to National Drought Management Authority leading to a EUR 5 million GoK contribution), to support communities and ecosystems to become more resilient and experience improved food security in drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands.[1] Another EUR 10 million EU grant may be committed for PINUA phase 2 under AAP-2024 subject to success of this first phase. | Significant |
Projet d'appui ¿ la transition des enfants de l'enseignement primaire au premier cycle du secondaire dans un environnement protecteur dans un contexte de crise en Republique centrafricaine Contract related to: Projet d'appui ¿ la transition des enfants de l'enseignement primaire au premier cycle du secondaire dans un environnement protecteur dans un contexte de crise en Republique centrafricaine - L¿action se situe dans un contexte de fragilité extrême avec des crises sécuritaires récurrentes, malgré le retour à l'ordre constitutionnel en 2016 et la signature de l'Accord politique pour la paix et la réconciliation (APPR) en février 2019. Le projet vise ainsi à contribuer au développement du capital humain, pour renforcer le pays en capacités humaines nécessaires pour sa stabilisation et son développement.Le contexte sectoriel de l¿éducation en RCA est lourdement touché par les crises successives auxquelles le pays a été confronté. La situation sécuritaire et socio-économique affecte l¿accès aux services, leur disponibilité et la qualité des apprentissages, à tous les niveaux, du préscolaire à l¿enseignement supérieur. Quelques mois seulement après le retour à l¿école à la suite des mesures de confinement actives pendant presque la moitié de l¿année 2020 en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, la vague de violences en février 2021 a à nouveau entraîné la fermeture des écoles dans 11 des 16 préfectures du pays. De nombreuses écoles ont été fermées de force, occupées ou endommagées à la suite des affrontements. Un nombre important d¿enfants et de jeunes sont à présent déscolarisés et la transition au post-primaire est très limitée surtout en-dehors de Bangui, les filles étant les plus défavorisées. Dans un tel contexte, l¿état de vulnérabilité de la jeunesse centrafricaine reste très élevé, les jeunes étant affectés entre autres par la faiblesse de l¿offre de formation professionnelle, le manque d¿opportunités d¿emploi salarié et la fragilité du tissu économique. L¿objectif général de cette action est d¿accroitre l¿accès, la qualité et la gouvernance de l¿éducation en République centrafricaine, notamment à travers (i) l¿amélioration de l¿accès à l¿enseignement primaire et au premier cycle du secondaire de qualité, avec un renforcement de la transition entre les deux cycles ; (ii) la promotion de l¿employabilité des jeunes et (ii) l¿amélioration de la qualité de l¿enseignement supérieur. L¿action cible particulièrement les enfants, adolescents et jeunes vivants dans les situations plus vulnérables, notamment les filles, les personnes handicapées, les personnes affectées par des crises (déplacés et retournés) et les communautés hôtes.L¿appui de l¿UE est aligné aux priorités du plan sectoriel décennal (PSE) récemment adopté par le Gouvernement. Le PSE est accompagné d¿un engagement de l¿Etat à augmenter progressivement la part des dépenses publiques consacrées au secteur. Les activités d¿appui aux principaux sous-secteurs du système éducatif ont été identifiées en cohérence et complémentarité avec les interventions appuyées par les principaux partenaires techniques et financiers regroupés autour du Groupe Local des Partenaires de l¿Education (GLPE) : PME, Banque Mondiale, ECHO, UNICEF, Ambassade de France et AFD. Une attention continue sera accordée à la coordination des interventions dans les sous-secteurs ciblés et de l¿appui au secteur dans son ensemble, à d¿éventuels déficits d¿appui clés en termes de renforcement du système, et à l¿harmonisation des approches, afin de renforcer l¿efficacité et l¿efficience des appuis et leur possible réplication à plus grande échelle. Les priorités dans le dialogue sectoriel incluront les réformes relatives aux enseignants, ainsi que le budget alloué au secteur. La réduction des inégalités territoriales et de genre sera également au centre du dialogue. | Significant |
Educ-IN: Inclusive and quality early childhood education in Mozambique Educ-IN: Educazione inclusiva e di qualità per la prima infanzia in Mozambico The project comes from TDHITs expertise in the country education sector. The project, lasting 36 months, aims to contribute to the improvement of the educational services in Mozambique focusing on quality, equitable and inclusive and in particular on children between 3 and 8 years of age. The government investment in the early childhood sector is minimal, despite foreseen by the country strategies. In fact, children between 3 and 5 years old who have access to the preschool system is just 3.5%, educational services in the preschool sector are of low quality and there is no structured and widespread vocational training system for childhood educators in the country. Short training courses or a total lack of training prevail and only 20% of educators have participated in a course lasting 3-4 months, which in any case only provides basic preparation on the minimum standards required. In primary school 1st cycle, learning is very low and only the 4.9% of children in the 3rd grade have developed basic skills. The inclusiveness of the education system is limited and the school staff do not have adequate preparation to allow effective participation of children with disabilities, despite the fact that in 2020 the Government approved the Estrategia de Educação Inclusiva e Desenvolvimento da Criança com Deficiencia 2020-2029. The strategy foresees a transition from the system of Special schools (5 in the country) to the inclusive ones. Furthermore, the community-based child protection system is very fragile given that the identification and management of cases of violation of childrens rights, according to the government’s plans, would be the responsibility of the Community Child Protection Committees (CCPC), that in many areas are not present or not functioning due to lack of training and technical support. The intervention involves the participation of different entities which, each with its own specificity, will contribute to the achievement of results and in particular: • TDHIT will ensure the technical and administrative coordination of the initiative and contribute with expertise in the field of education, professional training and child protection; • AIFO, expert in inclusion, in consortium with TDHIT, will ensure that the strategies and approaches adopted by AICS in the guidelines on people with disabilities and social inclusion are respected across all activities; • MGCAS, ministry responsible for pre-school and disability sectors; • MINEDH, ministry responsible for primary education sector; • UNIMC, an Italian university that will guarantee technical assistance in the field of inclusive education; • ADEMO, for the experience and in-depth knowledge of the rights of people with disabilities and inclusive education in Mozambique; • RDPI as a local CSO of reference for early childhood development; • Instituto Mwana, training institute with specific skills and experience in the training of childhood educators. Educ-IN aims to improve the quality of early childhood development, preschool and primary education in the intervention area, with a specific focus on children with disabilities. The project will be implemented in Maputo city and Province, as well as Sofala and Nampula Provinces. The intervention will reach 163,788 (81,051 F) children between 3 and 8 years old and 345,318 (177,750 F) people over 20 years of age. Il progetto, nasce dall’esperienza di TDHIT nel settore dell’educazione nel Paese ha una durata di 36 mesi, e intende rispondere alla necessità di contribuire al miglioramento dell’offerta dei servizi educativi in Mozambico, in particolare per i bambini tra i 3 e gli 8 anni, affinché siano di qualità, equi e inclusivi. Ad oggi l’investimento nel settore della prima infanzia, malgrado sia previsto nelle strategie paese, è scarso, i servizi educativi nel settore prescolare hanno una bassa qualità e non esiste un sistema di formazione professionale degli educatori d’infanzia strutturato e diffuso. Prevalgono le formazioni brevi o la totale mancanza di formazione (solo il 20% degli educatori ha partecipato a un corso della durata di 3-4 mesi). Nella scuola primaria l’apprendimento è molto basso e solo il 4,9% dei bambini in terza classe ha sviluppato le competenze di base. Il sistema educativo è poco inclusivo e il personale scolastico non ha una preparazione adeguata per permettere una partecipazione effettiva dei bambini con disabilità, sebbene nel 2020 il Governo abbia approvato l’Estrategia de Educação Inclusiva e Desenvolvimento da Criança com Deficiencia 2020-2029, che prevede una transizione dal sistema delle scuole Speciali (5 in tutto) a quelle inclusive. Inoltre il sistema di protezione dell’infanzia su base comunitaria è molto fragile in quanto l’identificazione e gestione dei casi di violazione dei diritti dei bambini spetta ai Comitati comunitari di protezione dell’infanzia (CCPC) che in molte zone non sono presenti o sono non funzionanti per mancanza di formazione e supporto tecnico. Il progetto prevede il coinvolgimento di diverse entità, che, ciascuna con la propria specificità contribuirà al raggiungimento dei risultati attesi: TDHIT assicurerà il coordinamento tecnico e amministrativo dell’iniziativa e contribuirà con l’expertise nel settore dell’educazione, della formazione professionale e della protezione infanzia; AIFO, esperta in inclusione, garantirà in modo trasversale in tutte le attività il rispetto delle strategie e degli approcci adottati dall'AICS nelle linee guida in materia di persone con disabilità e inclusione sociale; UNIMC, università italiana, garantirà l’assistenza tecnica in materia di educazione inclusiva; ADEMO, per l’esperienza e profonda conoscenza dei diritti delle persone con disabilità e dell’educazione inclusiva in Mozambico; RDPI come OSC locale di riferimento per lo sviluppo della prima infanzia; • Instituto Mwana, istituto di formazione con competenze specifiche e esperienza nella formazione degli educatori d’infanzia. Educ-IN ha l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità dello sviluppo della prima infanzia, dell’educazione prescolare e primaria nell’area d’intervento, con un focus specifico sui bambini con disabilità e sarà implementato nella città di Maputo, nelle Provincie di Maputo, di Sofala e Nampula. L’intervento raggiungerà 163.788 bambini tra i 3 e gli 8 anni e 345.318 persone maggiori di 20 anni. | Significant |
Activity under preparation 1. Inclusive, Competitive and Sustainable Value Chain Development and hand-over of the State Agrarian Register with additional modules Contract related to: 1.Inclusive, Competitive and Sustainable Value Chain Development and hand-over of the State Agrarian Register with additional modules - Through the rehabilitation of critical infrastructure and the provision of technical assistance and policy advice to Ukraine¿s public authorities, the Action seeks to support Ukraine in its EU membership path and implementation of the Association Agreement (AA) and its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) while strengthening its resilience and capacity to respond to the impacts generated by Russia¿s war of aggression. Focus will be placed on three clusters: 1) Recovery of Municipal and Energy Infrastructure, and Housing; 2) Rule of Law, Governance, Fundamental Rights and Society; 3) Economic and Social Development. | Significant |
Robert Carr Civil Society Network Fund To provide support to the Robert Carr Civil Networks Fund in order that civil society networks, working at global and regional levels, have sufficient and predictable resources to enhance the quality, effectiveness and gender equity of the HIV response [universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support without stigma or discrimination], especially in reaching inadequately served populations at local level. | Significant |
Yemen 2023 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Improving healthcare at the intersection of gender and protracted displacement amongst Somali and Congolese refugees and IDPs This project aims to help displaced people to access appropriate healthcare for long-term physical and mental health conditions associated with protracted displacement, conflict, and gendered violence. The category of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) receives a great deal of attention. However, there is limited research on how gendered violence, including violence relating to sexuality, is experienced in displacement contexts. There is also limited understanding of how gender, sexuality, and related violence affect access to healthcare, and how that can result in neglected chronic health conditions, particularly mental ill-health. Similarly, much attention is devoted to immediate healthcare needs following SGBV, but longer-term physical and mental health conditions are not adequately addressed. Displaced people face multiple barriers when seeking healthcare in protracted displacement settings, with the result that long-term health conditions are often misdiagnosed and mistreated or undiagnosed and untreated. This project examines access to care and the responsiveness of healthcare providers for displaced Congolese and Somalis in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Somali, Kenya, and South Africa. Eastern DRC and Somalia have both experienced long-term conflict and displacement since the early 1990s, leading to large populations of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) within these countries and large refugee populations across the region. Conflict and displacement in Eastern DRC and Somalia are characterised by high rates of sexual and gender-based violence, and victims are stigmatised through prevailing gender and sexual norms. Existing health research tends to focus on the immediate aftermath of violence rather than on long-term mental and physical health conditions. The project has eight field sites in four countries. The four IDP field sites are one formal camp and one informal settlement each in Eastern DRC and Somalia, both of which have weak health systems. The four refugee field sites are Congolese and Somali settlements in Kenya and South Africa, which have different health systems and different refugee laws and policies. The project brings together researchers and practitioners from international development, migration studies, gender studies, medical anthropology, public health and health policy, and medical sciences to undertake interdisciplinary empirical research in these protracted displacement contexts. Panzi Foundation (DRC) and War Trauma Foundation (Netherlands) will guide teams of researchers based at the University of Edinburgh (UK), the University of Kinshasa (DRC), the Somali Institute for Development and Research (Somalia), Amref International University (Kenya), and the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa). Project activities are designed to: 1) enhance the capacity of partner organisations; 2) support the inclusion of displaced people in healthcare systems; 3) foster international networks. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Significant |
Nigeria Health project Girls and Boys have improved access to quality child eye health services in Kaduna, Sokoto and Zamfara states, Nigeria, resulting in reduced prevalence of childhood blindness and visual impairment. | Significant |
Activity under preparation EU Support to Social Inclusion in Jordan under the Syria Response - Special Measure 2023/2024 EU Support to Social Inclusion in Jordan under the Syria Response - Special Measure 2023/2024 - EU Support to Social Inclusion in Jordan under the Syria Response - Special Measure 2023/2024 | Significant |
World Bank Rapid Social Response - World Bank Rapid Social Response - Addition for COVID 19 World Bank Rapid Social Response Nya medel/medeltillägg för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
Denna insats genom Världsbankens TF syftar till att bidra till att bygga och stärka socialt skydd och arbetsmarknadssystem i utvecklingsländerna, nämligen i Afrika. Insatsen avser system för social trygghet, socialförsäkring och arbetsmarknadsprogram. Det övergripande målet är att förbättra de fattigas motståndskraft mot oväntade katastrofer och kriser. New/additional funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The proposed intervention is relevant to the broader objective of fighting poverty and strengthening of institutions in order to ensure a better and rapid response to crisis and emergencies. The programme will also assist in building up efficient social protection and labor systems to help the poor and vulnerable and to mitigate the harmful effects of crises in a coherent manner. The expected outcomes are:l)improved data availability;
2) Better information management capacity;
3) more informed decision for policy and program designs and reforms;
4) improved Social Protection and labour system components;
5) better system integration and cohesion
6) greater policy/program implementation capacity. | Significant |
Supporting Resilience in East Jerusalem through Strengthening Dignified Elder Care <p>support to the institutional re-engineering and structural changes of the Home "Notre Dame des Douleurs" in order for this structure to be integrated in the IL healthcare system, so that PL residents can claim their rights to the system and the structure can eventually develop itself further, keeping its original vocation, but is no longer under the threat of closure.</p> | Principal |
Myanmar 2023 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Organisation of dialogue between EU/Member States and Civil Society Organisation representatives as a prelude to the partnership dialogue with the Government of Ghana Contract related to: Organisation of dialogue between EU/Member States and Civil Society Organisation representatives as a prelude to the partnership dialogue with the Government of Ghana - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | Significant |
Savalalo Market Rebuild This Activity aims to rebuild Savalalo Market in the original waterfront location, to support job creation, tourism, and gender inclusive development.
We will provide funding to the Samoa Ministry of Finance via a Grant Funding Arrangement modality, with the Samoa Land Corporation acting as the in-country implementing partner. Budget allocations for the specific components will be agreed via the submission of a costed workplan by the SLC to MFAT. | Significant |
ProtoPolicyAsia: empowering local communities and Government in Malaysia in addressing social issues in ageing and disabilities Project supporting Malaysian government agencies to develop community-based engagement methods tackling the social issues faced by older persons and persons with disabilities. Benefits local populations and policy makers in Malaysia. SDGs 3, 16 The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
Promoting Inclusive Empowerment for Women, Girls and Boys in Upper Egypt Inclusive empowerment per donne, ragazze e ragazzi nell'Alto Egitto Save the Children (STC) Italy, with its partners in Egypt (Save the Children Egypt, Handicap International, Giving Without Limits Association, El Ber and Al Betisaam) is proposing an action to address barriers to social and economic participation of women and youth, including those living with disability in Assiut Governorate, Upper Egypt. Assiut’s poverty rate is the highest in Egypt, while indicators such as maternal and infant mortality and women’s empowerment fall well below the national average. Both women and youth living in poverty face significant barriers to accessing decent work and livelihoods. For women, these are rooted in social norms and attitudes that under-value education beyond primary grades for girls, as well as discourage participation in social and economic life outside of the home. Youth of both genders in rural districts in Assiut also have limited opportunities to access vocational or other skills training that open doors to decent work. Access to productive resources and assets is seen as a challenge, as well as a mismatch between skills and education and the needs of the market. Women and youth living with disability face even greater barriers, as a result of societal attitudes that assume that people with disabilities are not capable of contributing in either the social or economic sphere. The proposed action is designed to address these challenges. The General Objective of this project is to foster economic and social inclusion of women (20-35) and youth (15-24) living in poverty, including those living with disabilities, in line with SDG 8. It is expected that by empowering women and youth to participate in economic and social spheres through inclusive and sustainable livelihood opportunities, their communities at large, including their households and their children, will positively benefit from reduced poverty and exclusion levels. The Specific Objective to promote empowerment and social and economic opportunities for women and youth living in poverty, including those living with disabilities, in rural communities of three districts, Assiut Governorate”, to address the lack of livelihoods, skills and finance opportunities for these groups. This Specific Objective will be achieved by working on three inter-connected levels: an enabling environment; and specific interventions for women and youth respectively. Ensuring that barriers are identified and reduced for women and youth’s participation (Result 1), supporting women acquire the skills and access to finance necessary to start and sustain businesses (Result 2), while empowering youth with life and business skills and opening livelihood opportunities (Result 3), will increase their contributions to economic and social sectors of their communities. These results will be achieved through a holistic programming model that, while focusing on increasing economic opportunities and household incomes, will at the same time address the social and cultural norms that create barriers to participation among women and youth, including those living with disability. Activities include strengthening supportive structures through a Multi-Stakeholder Working Group; addressing systems barriers such as lack of quality early childhood care and development facilities; and using proved approaches to community mobilisation to bring about change in beliefs and attitudes toward the role of women in the community as well as the under-recognised capacities of youth and people living with disability. Through the local NGO partners, SC and HI will provide technical support and coaching in order to establish women-led Village Saving and Lending Associations, as well as training designed to build financial literacy and business skills that will enable women to start and operate their own micro- or small businesses. Save the Children (STC) Italia, con i suoi partner in Egitto (Save the Children Egitto, Handicap International, Giving Without Limits Association, El Ber e Al Betisaam) propone un'azione per affrontare le barriere alla partecipazione sociale ed economica delle donne e dei giovani, compresi quelli che vivono con disabilità, nel Governatorato di Assiut, Alto Egitto. Il tasso di povertà di Assiut è il più alto in Egitto, mentre indicatori come la mortalità materna e infantile e l'empowerment delle donne sono ben al di sotto della media nazionale. Sia le donne che i giovani che vivono in povertà affrontano barriere significative per accedere a un lavoro dignitoso e ai mezzi di sussistenza. Per le donne, queste barriere sono radicate nelle norme sociali e negli atteggiamenti che sminuiscono l’importanza dell'istruzione oltre la scuola primaria per le ragazze e scoraggiano la partecipazione alla vita sociale ed economica al di fuori della casa. I giovani di entrambi i sessi nei distretti rurali di Assiut hanno anche limitate opportunità di accedere alla formazione professionale o ad altre competenze che aprono le porte a un lavoro dignitoso. L'accesso alle risorse e ai beni produttivi è visto come una sfida, così come una mancata corrispondenza tra le competenze e l'istruzione e le esigenze del mercato. Le donne e i giovani che vivono con la disabilità affrontano barriere ancora maggiori, come risultato di atteggiamenti sociali che presumono che le persone con disabilità non siano in grado di contribuire nella sfera sociale o economica. L'azione proposta è progettata per affrontare queste sfide. L'obiettivo generale di questo progetto è quello di promuovere l'inclusione economica e sociale delle donne (20-35) e dei giovani (15-24) che vivono in povertà, compresi quelli che vivono con disabilità, in linea con l'OSS 8. Ci si aspetta che, dando alle donne e ai giovani la possibilità di partecipare alle sfere economiche e sociali attraverso opportunità di sostentamento inclusive e sostenibili, le loro comunità in generale, comprese le loro famiglie e i loro figli, beneficeranno positivamente della riduzione dei livelli di povertà ed esclusione. L'obiettivo specifico è quello di promuovere, nelle comunità rurali di tre distretti di Assiut, l'empowerment e le opportunità sociali ed economiche per le donne e i giovani che vivono in povertà, compresi quelli che vivono con disabilità, per aiutarli ad affrontare la mancanza di mezzi di sussistenza, di competenze e di opportunità finanziarie per questi gruppi. Questo obiettivo specifico sarà raggiunto lavorando su tre livelli interconnessi: un ambiente favorevole e interventi specifici per donne e giovani rispettivamente assicurando che le barriere siano identificate e ridotte per la partecipazione di donne e giovani (Risultato 1); sostenendo le donne ad acquisire le competenze e l'accesso ai finanziamenti necessari per avviare e sostenere le imprese (Risultato 2); dotando i giovani di competenze di vita e imprenditoriali che diano loro accesso a opportunità di sostentamento (Risultato 3) e aumentino il loro contributo ai settori economici e sociali delle loro comunità. Questi risultati saranno raggiunti attraverso un modello di programmazione olistico che, mentre si concentra sull'aumento delle opportunità economiche e dei redditi familiari, allo stesso tempo affronta le norme sociali e culturali che creano barriere alla partecipazione tra le donne e i giovani, compresi quelli che vivono con disabilità. Le attività comprendono il rafforzamento delle strutture di sostegno attraverso un gruppo di lavoro multi-stakeholder; l'affrontare le barriere di sistema come la mancanza di strutture di qualità per la cura e lo sviluppo della prima infanzia; l'utilizzo di approcci già sperimentati per la mobilitazione a livello locale al fine di portare un cambiamento nelle credenze e negli atteggiamenti verso il ruolo delle donne nella comunità, così come le capacità sotto-stimate dei giovani e delle person | Significant |
Defending the Rights of the Marginalised in times of COVID 19 and beyond Overall Objective: To defend the rights of the marginalised in India during the period of COVID and beyond thus enabling a more just and inclusive Indian societySpecific Objective: Addressing long term impact of COVID 19 pandemic and promoting Human Rights though the Use of Law in ten vulnerable states of India | Significant |
UN Women, ICJ & OHCHR Access to Justice for women in Asia - Access to Justice for Women in Asia Tillgång till rättvisa för kvinnor i Asien UN Women, ICJ och OHCHR i samverkan Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
regional support to civil society organisations with the purpose to support rule of law, a cooperation between ICJ, OHCHR and UNWOMEN Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
UN Women, Internationella Juristkommissionen (ICJ) och FN:s högkommissaries kontor för mänskliga rättigheter (OHCHR) har ansökt om SEK 79 500 000 i stöd från Sida för att genomföra ett gemensamt regionalt projekt i Asien och Oceanien under benämningen: ”Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific: Bridging the gap between formal and informal system through womens empowerment” (fritt översatt: Förbättra tillgång till rättvisa för kvinnor i Asien och Oceanien: Överbrygga gapet mellan formella och informella rättssystem genom att stärka kvinnors ställning”) under perioden 2018-2022.
Insatsen syftar till att stärka kvinnors tillgång till rättvisa och överkomma hinder i form av diskriminerande normer och lagar, kunskapsbrist och sociala mönster hos bl.a. rättsvårdande myndigheter, institutioner och domstolar. Projektet syftar till att stärka kvinnors ställning och kapacitet i kontakterna med rättvårdande institutioner. Projektet kommer att fokusera på Indonesien, Filippinerna, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Östtimor och länder i Oceanien.
Insatsen har tre huvudsakliga komponenter:
1.Att verka för att nationell lagstiftning och domstolsutslag överensstämmer med de internationella normer som definieras i bl. a FN:s kvinnokonvention (CEDAW). Projektet kommer sammanställa en jämförelse av nationella lagars med internationella normer och standarder och identifiera gap som behöver åtgärdas.
2.Att bidra till att stärka kunskapen och kapaciteten inom rättsvårdande institutioner om jämställhet och kvinnors rättigheter och bidra till att avskaffandet av könsbaserad diskriminering och sociala stereotyper som drabbar kvinnor negativt inom såväl formell som informell rättssektor.
3.Att stärka kvinnliga gräsrotsorganisationer så att de blir bättre rustade för att dokumentera, övervaka, samordna samverkan mellan formella och informella rättssystem i trygga former.
Projektet ska genomföras av tre delatagande organisationerna i nära samarbete med lokala, nationella och regionala aktörer (domare, åklagare, polis, advokater, parlamentariker, lokala myndigheter, kvinnoorganisationer samt nationella MR-kommissioner).
Fördelningen av den totala budgeten per organisation: UN Women: 47 %, ICJ: 46.8% OHCHR: 6.3 %.
UN Women tar ut en administrativ kostnad på 8 % av projekts totala budget. Hälften av pengarna som går till UN Women kommer att vidareförmedlas som stöd till civilsamhällesorganisationer under hela 5-årsperioden. The project "Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific. Bridging the gap between formal and informal systems through women's empowerment" is a five-year program with an overarching goal to enhance access to justice for women in both formal and informal justice systems.
he project is built on previous experiences
The objective of the project is to build on previous global and regional work on Access to Justice for women e.g. The work and experience made by ICJ under the European funded ASEAN program. During the project ICJ consolidated network of lawyers working on Human rights cases in the region and established relationships with courts across the region. ICJ initiated regional judicial dialogues with senior judges in South East Asia. One important outcome was the development and adoption, in 2016, of the Bangkok General Guidance on Applying a Gender Perspective for judges. ICJ has also experiences from intervening in emblematic cases regarding the interpretation of and application of laws that expressively discriminate against women and LGBT people.
The project also builds on the experiences made in the regional project UN Women CEDAW South Est Asia regional program 2011-2016 focusing on knowledge generation and exchange, stock taking and priority setting for advancing the implementation of CEDAW in the region. The overall goal was reduced discrimination against women in South-East Asia and enhanced South-East Asia regional processes that facilitate CEDAW implementation.
In addition, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for human rights (OHCHR) regional office has the global mandate for human rights and supports justice processes that are consistent with international law and good practices and brings a comparative advantage in supporting judicial reform efforts to protect human rights. OHCHR has expertise and experiences to address issues related to womens access to justice.
The UN Women project included important research in several countries with plural legal systems and concluded that there are substantial gaps in women's access to justice in countries with plural legal systems. In addition, negative gender stereotyping and discriminatory attitudes among judges, prosecutors and police were pervasive. Discriminatory legislation is another serious obstacle for Women's access to justice.
The project has a geographical focus on 6 countries in Asia and Pacific: Indonesia, Philippines and Timor Leste, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pacific Island Countries.
Against this background the A2J project has he project has three specific outputs:
1.) Advocacy is conducted to promote the adoption of domestic laws and court decisions in the target countries consistent with international human rights law and standards, including CEDAW
2.) Gender discriminatory attitudes and stereotyped behaviours towards women are acknowledged and addressed by formal and informal justice providers in the target countries.
3.) Grassroots women's organizations and community-based women's organizations are empowered and well positioned to document, monitor, liase and facilitate interaction with formal and informal justice providers.
The programme results are based on the theory of change that if there is:
i. A legal enabling environment for women to access gender-responsive justice is created by advocating for laws and court decisions that are consistent with international human rights law and standards, including the CEDAW;
ii. Plural justice systems are gender-responsive because gaps between formal and informal settings are bridged through increased understanding and awareness of justice system providers of womens rights;
iii. Grassroots womens organizations and community-based womens organizations are empowered and well positioned to document and facilitate interactions between and with formal and informal justice providers, and their resilience is enhanced to build a just and sustainable future;
Then, womens access to justice will be enhanced in the Asia Pacific region. | Significant |
Jämställdhet i funktionsrättssörelsen, My Right Gender equality:disability rights movement, My Right - Gender equality:disability rights movement, My Right old strategy MyRight arbetar med att stärka funktionsrättsrörelsen i Bosnien och Hercegovina, med särskilt fokus på dess förmåga att påverka beslutsfattare på olika nivåer att säkerställa rättigheter för människor med funktionsvariation. MyRight samarbetar med en mängd olika partnerorganisationer i landet som är samlade i fem så kallade koalitioner. Det här projektet syftar till att öka deltagandet för kvinnor och flickor med funktionsvariation i funktionsrättsrörelsen och att stärka dem att ta större plats, engagera sig och påverka. De fem koalitionerna och deras respektive medlemsorganisationer kommer att utbildas kring jämställdhet och jämställdhetsintegrering och strukturer kommer att byggas upp kring hur kvinnor och flickor kan ta större plats i organisationerna. De fem koalitionerna är direkt involverade i att ta fram och genomföra projektet, och kommer med svenska biståndspengar att få finansiellt stöd från MyRight för sitt arbete. MyRight works to strengthen the disability rights movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a special focus on its ability to influence decision-makers at various levels to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. MyRight collaborates with a variety of partner organizations in the country that are united in five so-called coalitions. This project aims to increase the participation of women and girls with disabilities in the disability rights movement, and to strengthen them to get involved and influence the work of the disability rights movement. The five coalitions and their respective member organizations will be trained on gender equality and gender mainstreaming, and structures will be built around how to increase participation and influence of women and girls with disabilities in the organizations. The five coalitions are directly involved in developing and implementing the project, and will, with Swedish development aid funds, receive financial support from MyRight for their work. The long term goal of the project is to improve the implementation of the rights of women and girls with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Expected outcomes:
1. Increased participation of women and girls with disabilities within organisations of persons with disabilities
2.Women and girls with disabilities are empowered to have, to a greater extent, the power to shape activities in the disabilitiy movement
The theory of change can be summarized as if OPDs have a better understanding of gender equality, they will also better understand what kind of support is needed for women and girls to increase their involvement. This will, in turn, increase the likeliness of women and girls participating to a greater extent than today and lead to a strengthening of the work promoting their rights. | Principal |
Green and inclusive growth in Uganda's agri-food systems <p><span style="color: black;">The overall objective of the programme is to support competitive, profitable and sustainable agriculture and agribusiness sectors. The main activities include the provision of grants to agri-businesses and smallholder farmers; support to SMEs in the green agribusiness space; Business Development Services (BDS) for both suppliers (farmer organisations etc.) and demanders (agro-processing, trading and/or exporting SMEs); support to smallholder farmers to establish, maintain and expand functional and profitable market linkages and partnerships with off-takers; enhance downstream and upstream market access and improve their production planning, financial planning and farm management.</span></p> | Significant |
Core Funding to UN Women for the 2021-24 Triennium Core funding to UN Women to achieve improvements in gender equality, economic and political opportunities for women, and reduced gender-based discrimination around the world, through their leadership of global efforts on these issues. | Significant |
Flexible Mechanism The aim of the proposed intervention ¿ the Flexible Mechanism, hereinafter ¿the Mechanism¿ ¿ is to maximise EU leverage in migration discussions vis-à-vis Sub-Saharan African counterparts, based on a flexible and incentives-based approach while also respecting policy coherence for development, as well as foreign policy objectives of the Union. Through the financing of migration-related cooperation projects, the EU aims to expand its external engagement with African partners on migration and forced displacement. In line with the most recent developments in both internal and external EU migration policy, including the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, the Mechanism will support the development and reinforcement of strong, balanced, comprehensive and mutually beneficial partnerships and programs with relevant countries of origin, transit and destination of migrants and forcibly displaced people. The action will also contribute to the Team Europe Initiative for a Comprehensive migration approach in the Maghreb, Sahel and West African countries in the Atlantic / Western Mediterranean route and to the Team Europe Initiative on Central Mediterranean migration route.Interventions will be weighed against the specific migration and/or forced displacement situation of each partner country or region, the nature of the overall dialogue with the EU, and the partner country¿s level of engagement with the EU on migration. This assessment will be done in coordination with EU Member States. In this regard, several factors, inter alia, can be taken into consideration, notably whether : (i) the country is engaging or showing willingness to engage in fighting against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, as well as stemming irregular migration; (ii) the country is stepping up its efforts to host migrants and/or displaced people, and people in need of international protection, in a dignified way, in line with international and EU standards; (iii) the country/region is reinforcing capacities on migration management and governance, including on management of forced displacement flows, in the context of its partnership with the EU ; (iv) the country is showing a substantial and sustained cooperation with the EU and its MS on return, readmission and sustainable reintegration; (v) and/or the country/region is willing to cooperate with the EU and its MS to support well-managed legal migration or the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (or durable solutions for refugees).The action implementation modalities will depend on the concrete intervention agreed for each country. The action foresees that a mix of direct and indirect management will be used. | Significant |
Early-life origins of brain resilience to mental illness and cognitive impairment across the life-course Global Mental Health Institutional pump priming award looking at Early-life origins of brain resilience to mental illness and cognitive impairment across the life-course in India The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
Activity under preparation Technical Cooperation Facility for Pacific Civil Society Organisations and Youth The EU has a long-standing partnership with civil society and youth and acknowledges their essential contribution to democracy, the rule of law and, ultimately, to a sustainable and inclusive development. This Technical Cooperation Facility aims to support the EU¿s partnership with CSOs in the Pacific region by promoting an enabling environment for civil society and ensuring that targeted technical support is provided to CSOs (whether linked to advocacy, monitoring of civic space or contract management and implementation). Moreover, it will strengthen EU¿s engagement with young people in the Pacific by creating a structured framework for collaboration with youth in the form of a Pacific Youth Sounding Board. | Significant |
Data for change II: Improve education outcomes for refugees girls and adolescent girls Données pour le changements II: Améliorer l'éducation des filles et jeunes femmes réfugiées The project aims to improve education outcomes for refugee, internally displaced, or host community girls and adolescent girls in humanitarian contexts, post-conflict, and host countries. The project does so by focusing on violence that might prevent their ability to access safe and quality education. Aligned with Data for Change I, this next phase of work expects to achieve this outcome by improving the use of evidence-based and solution-driven information to provide accessible, high-quality, gender-responsive and innovative formal and non-formal education for refugee, internally displaced, and host community girls by governments, donors, and other key stakeholders. The project’s activities prioritize countries with refugee and other forcibly displaced populations, including Uganda, Kenya, Honduras and Colombia. At the regional level, it intervenes in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Project activities include: (1) providing technical assistance for implementing the Violence Against Children Survey for Humanitarian Settings in Uganda, with special attention to sexual and gender-based violence and barriers to girls’ education; (2) disseminating the results of the Violence Against Children Survey for Humanitarian Settings among key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector; (3) providing technical assistance to the government of Honduras and Colombia to implement strategies and local action plans to prevent and respond to violence against girls and adolescent girls, focusing on the most vulnerable (e.g., internally displaced populations, refugees, and families affected by migration); (4) facilitating workshops on data-informed activism to support advocacy on issues surrounding sexual and gender-based violence, education and girls empowerment with adolescent girls and young women from selected countries in Latin America; (5) piloting school-based sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response interventions in selected districts in Kenya; and (6) supporting global and regional advocacy efforts in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa to advance local advocacy efforts on girls' empowerment, education and school-related gender-based violence. Le projet vise à améliorer les résultats en matière d'éducation pour les filles et les adolescentes réfugiées, déplacées à l'intérieur du pays ou issues des communautés d'accueil dans les contextes humanitaires, post-conflit et dans les pays d'accueil. Pour ce faire, le projet se concentre sur la violence qui pourrait empêcher leur capacité à accéder à une éducation sûre et de qualité. Alignée sur le projet Données pour le changement I, cette prochaine phase de travail prévoit d'atteindre ce résultat en améliorant l'utilisation d'informations fondées sur des données probantes et axées sur des solutions pour fournir une éducation formelle et non formelle accessible, de haute qualité, sensible au genre et innovante aux filles réfugiées, déplacées à l'intérieur de leur pays et des communautés d'accueil par les gouvernements, les donateurs et d'autres parties prenantes clés. Les activités du projet donnent la priorité aux pays où se trouvent des réfugiés et autres populations déplacées de force, notamment l'Ouganda, le Kenya, le Honduras et la Colombie. Au niveau régional, il intervient en Amérique latine et en Afrique sub-saharienne. Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) la fourniture d'une assistance technique pour la mise en œuvre de l'enquête sur la violence contre les enfants dans les situations humanitaires en Ouganda, en accordant une attention particulière à la violence sexuelle et fondée sur le genre et aux obstacles à l'éducation des filles; 2) la diffusion des résultats de l'enquête sur la violence contre les enfants dans les situations humanitaires auprès des principales parties prenantes du secteur humanitaire; 3) la fourniture d'une assistance technique au gouvernement du Honduras et de la Colombie pour la mise en œuvre de stratégies et de plans d'action locaux visant à prévenir et à répondre à la violence contre les filles et les adolescentes, en se concentrant sur les plus vulnérables (ex : les personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur pays, les réfugiés et les familles touchées par les migrations); 4) l'animation d'ateliers sur le militantisme fondé sur les données afin de soutenir le plaidoyer sur les questions relatives à la violence sexuelle et fondée sur le genre, à l'éducation et à l'autonomisation des filles avec des adolescentes et des jeunes femmes des pays d'Amérique latine sélectionnés; 5) le pilotage d'interventions de prévention et de réponse à la violence sexuelle et fondée sur le genre en milieu scolaire dans certains districts du Kenya; 6) le soutien des efforts de plaidoyer mondiaux et régionaux en Amérique latine et en Afrique subsaharienne afin de faire progresser les efforts de plaidoyer locaux sur l'autonomisation des filles, l'éducation et la violence fondée sur le genre en milieu scolaire. | Significant |
Burkina Faso 2022 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
Activity under preparation Partnership for PFM and Digital Transition in Timor Leste (PADIT-TL) The overall objective of the proposed Action is to reduce inequalities and strengthen public service delivery at central and local level, in line with its national Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030. By modernizing governmental processes, enhancing citizen service delivery efficiency, and fostering inclusive development through the use of digital technologies, this Action will increase accountability and trust in organizational operations.I) The Action is to be implemented over three years (2025-2027), and it is to be delivered through a combination of Budget Support to assist the Ministry of Finance¿s (MoF) ongoing implementation of the new Public Finance Management (PFM) Strategy and in enhancing the digitalisation of the PFM system; and II) Capacity building to state and non-state institutions through Technical Assistance, namely the Ministry of State Administration, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, the National Parliament, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, TIC Timor, The Institute for Public Administration and Civil Society Organizations.The intervention is suggested as a Sector Reform Performance Contract enabling the EU to engage in high-level policy dialogue to support reforms. The budget support will be accompanied by complementary measures that include developing the necessary legislative framework, building the capacity of civil servant training institutions, and developing digital public services, including mainstreaming digital payments.The Action contributes directly to the attainment of the SDG objective "16. Peace, justice and strong institutions", which highlights the purpose of improving transparency and effectiveness of the public administration as well as the gradual decentralization of planning and budgeting to the municipal level. It will also contribute to the attainment of the SDGs "1. No poverty" through the setting up of planning and budgeting systems that will address the provision of public services to the poorer population, "5. Gender equality" through the inclusion of this dimension in the PFM reform goals and budget systems, ¿10. Reduced Inequalities¿, through developing training programs in digital and financial literacy skills and increasing the availability of basic public e-services in rural areas, and "17. Partnerships for the Goals", focusing on the international cooperation and partnership supporting PFM reforms in a coordinated and complementary manner. | Significant |
Högkommissarien för mänskliga rättigheter Etiopien 2019-2023 High Commissioner for human rights Ethiopia, 2019-2023 - High Commissioner for human rights Ethiopia, 2023 Den svenska strategin för utvecklingssamarbete med Etiopien (2022-2026) färväntas bl.a. bidra till stärkt demokrati och jämställdhet samt ökad respekt för mänskliga rättigheter, och inom dessa områden till ökad rättssäkerhet, stärkt demokratiskt ansvarsutkrävande och transparens på lokal nivå, stärkt kapacitet i det civila samhället att verka för öppenhet, ansvarsutkrävande och ökad respekt för mänskliga rättigheter samt ökad respekt för och tillgång till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter.
De senaste åren har Etiopien erfarit ett minskat demokratiskt utrymme, karaktäriserat av en svag eller negativ utveckling av de mänskliga rättigheterna i samhället. De av cvilsamhällets organisationer som arbetat med rättighetsbaserade frågeställningar har i stort sett förhindrats att ta emot utländsk finansiering för sin verksamhet, vilket starkt försvårat deras möjligheter att genomföra meningsfull verksamhet inom rättighetsområdet. Sedan ett antal månader genomgår Etiopien en genomgripande politisk utveckling där regimen tagit initiativ till ett antal reformer för mänskliga rättigheter, och också öppnat upp det demokratiska utrymmet i landet. Dessa initiativ förutsetts bidra till att stärka ett försvagat civilsamhälle, särskilt de rättighetsbaserade civilsamhällesorgansiationers möjigheter att verka, men även medföra en positiv utveckling i landet för mänskliga rättigheter i stort.
Det är mot denna bakgrund som Sida har beslutat att inleda ett samarbete med UNOHCHR för stöd till deras generella arbete med mänskliga rättigheter i Etiopien, men även att via UNOHCHR stärka Etiopiska mänskliga rättighetsorganisationer mer specifikt via riktade bidrag och kapacitetsstöd.
Det svenska bidraget syftar till att stödja mänskliga rättighetsreformer i Etiopien, skydda och främja ett utökat civilt, demokratiskt utrymme, stödja genomförandet av rekommendationer från olika mänskliga rättighetsmekanismer, adressera ojämlikheter och diskriminering, stödja mänskliga rättighetsbaserade ansatser i konfliktförebyggande arbete och humanitärt arbete, stärka hållbart och inkluderande utveckling inom "rule of law" och utkräva ansvar avseende kränkningar av de mänskliga rättigheterna i Etiopien.
Programmet ""Comprehensive Support Program to Realize Ethiopia’s Human Rights Priorities 2019-2021 & 2023-2025 " har sju målsättningar:
1) Reformer för mänskliga rättigheter stärker nationella skyddsmekanismer
2) Nationella lagar och policies lägger en grund för att öka och skyddda det demokratiska utrymmet och ett folkligt deltagande
3) Jämställdhet stärks och diskriminering adresseras
4) Nationella aktörer använder i ökad grad internationella mekanismer för mänskliga rättigheter i genomförande
5) Mekanismer för hållbar utveckling adresserar ojämlikheter med en rättighetsbaserad ansats
6) Stratetgier för konfliktförebyggande och humanitär respons integrerar skyddet för mänskliga rättigheter
7) Lansera ansvarsutkrävande för att adressera kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. The current intervention will be implemented by UNOHCHR and it aims at helping to: support human rights-based reforms in Ethiopia, protect and expand civic space, increase implementation of the outcomes of human rights mechanisms, address inequalities and discrimination, support the inclusion of human rights-based approaches to conflict prevention and humanitarian response efforts, promote sustainable and inclusive development and strengthen the rule of law and accountability for human rights violations in Ethiopia.
It is to be recalled that the Swedish Strategy for Development Cooperation with Ethiopia focuses, in the area of democracy, human rights and gender equality, on rule of law, accountability, transparency, support to civil society and sexual and reproductive health and rights. The current intervention is therefore in line with strategic objectives of the Swedish strategy for Ethiopia.
For the last few years, Ethiopia has experienced a closed democratic space, characterized by a poor human rights records and a notorious restriction on civil space. Civil society organizations working on right issues were unable to access foreign funding, which made it difficult for them to carry out meaningful activities on right issues. Since a few months, Ethiopia is going through a political development whereby a series of human rights reforms were ushered and the democratic space has opened up. The current intervention is expected to contribute towards strengthening the weakened civil society sector working on right issues in particular and more generally the wider human rights sector in Ethiopia.
The "Comprehensive Support Program to Realize Ethiopia’s Human Rights Priorities 2019-2021 and 2023-2025" has seven goals:
1) Human Rights based reforms gives rise to strengthened national protection mechanisms
2) National laws and policies serve to expand and protect civic space and public participation
3) Gender equality is enhanced and and discrimination is addressed
4) National actors increasingly engage with international human rights mechanisms and implement their outcomes
5) Sustainable development mechanisms address inequalities and are informed by human rights based approaches
6) Conflict prevention and humanitarian response strategies consistently integrate human rights protections
7) Meaningful accountability efforts are launched to address past human rights violations. The "Comprehensive Support Program to Realize Ethiopia's Human Rights Priorities 2019-2022" had seven goals:
GOAL 1: Human Rights based reforms gives rise to strengthened national protection mechanisms
GOAL 2: National laws and policies serve to expand and protect civic space and public participation;
GOAL 3: Gender equality is enhanced and discrimination is addressed;
GOAL 4: National actors increasingly engage with international human rights mechanisms and implement their outcomes;
GOAL 5: Sustainable development mechanisms address inequalities and are informed by human rights based approaches;
Goal 6: Conflict prevention and humanitarian response strategies consistently integrate human rights protections;
Goal 7: Meaningful accountability efforts are launched to address past human rights violations.
Sweden had asked then OHCHR to focus on Goal 2, given the context (elections).
In the 2023-2025 proposal of OHCHR, goals are similar (1, 2, 7), or reformulated as follows:
Goal 3: non-discrimination: Enhancing equality and contering discrimination;
Goal 4: Increasing implementation of the international human rights mechanisms outcomes;
Goal 5: Integrating human rights in sustainable development;
Goal 6: Early warning, prevention, and protection of human rights in situations of conflict and insecurity;
Sweden's renewed support to OHCHR in 2023 is flexible and un-earmarked: all 7 goals of the new strategy are potentially supported, depending on OHCHR's own programming and prioritization. | Significant |
WHO Core voluntary contribution 2018-2019 - WHO Core voluntary contribution 2018-2019 (New strategy 2018-2022) WHO Frivilligt bidrag 2018-2019 WHO has applied for a voluntary contribution to their Programme Budget 2018-209 (PB2018-2019) for the implementation of all results which make an integral part of WHOs GPW 2014-2019 as well as the first year of the coming GPW (GPW2019-2013). The proposed intervention is a contiuation of previous support to WHO's PB 2016-2017.
PB2018-2019 defines working priorities for the following categories and programmes:
communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases, promoting health through the life course, health systems, WHO Health Emergencies programme, corporate services/enabling functions and polio eradication.
The proposed support for the PB 2018-2019 is 320 MSEK, same amount has the previous period 2016-17 but a reduction of approximately 6% (20MSEK) in relation to 2014-2015. The total budget for the PB 2018-2019 is 4421.5 MUSD (approximately 36,4 billion SEK), an increase of 1% in relation to 2016-2017. Sida’s core voluntary support to WHO constitutes approximately 38,9 MUSD, which corresponds to approximately 0.8% of the total budget. The total share of fully flexible non-earmarked contributions to WHO represents only 3% of WHO's total budget.
The dialogue-plan for the supporting-period has the following main features:
- Progress on the strive towards Universal Health Coverage in all categories of WHO's programme budget.
-Dialogue on WHO's progress towards ensuring the integration of SRHR into the UHC-agenda. Close collaboration with Sida's research unit is necessary given their support to WHO/Human reproduction programme(HRP) which has a key role to play in WHO's efforts to ensure integration of SRHR into UHC.
-Follow-up progress on implementing the WHO-reform (the so-called Transformation agenda) with a particular attention to the strengthening of the country offices including issues of internal management, leadership, staffing, competence, budget allocation, resource mobilisation. Sida shall particularly follow-up on the result and further implementation of recommendations from the Functional reviews for Africa, here the purpose for Sida from a more general perspective is to follow WHO’s efforts to implement the organisational change that is needed at a country level for WHO to become “fit for purpose” for delivering results at a country level.
- Follow up on the implementation of WHO's increased country focus through Swedish embassies with bilateral health support as well as with Regional SRHR-team in Lusaka for their assessment of the implementation of WHO/UNFPA's regional programme in Africa. Sida shall also undertake field-visits during year 2019 to take stock of WHO's efforts to strengthen its country-level programmes.
-Dialogue on WHO's efforts to integrate SDG3 with other health-related SDGs for a successful implementation of SDG3. In particular, Sida shall follow-up on WHO's efforts to connect SDG3 and SDG6 and especially on efforts aimed at improving WASH in health care facilities. Världshälsoorganisationen (hädanefter WHO) har ansökt om ett frivilligt bidrag till deras tvååriga programbudget 2018-2019 (hädanefter PB2018-2019) för genomförandet av samtliga förväntade resultat i WHO:s generella arbetsprogram (Eng. General Programme of Work, GPW) 2014–2019 samt första året av GPW2019-2023.
PB 2018-2019 definierar arbetsprioriteringar för följande kategorier och program: smittsamma sjukdomar, icke-smittsamma sjukdomar, främjande av hälsa genom livscykel, hälsosystem, WHO Health Emergencies-program, interna tjänster och polioutrotning.
Föreslaget totalt belopp för PB 2018-2019 är 320 MSEK, dvs samma belopp som tidigare period 2016-17 men en minskning på ca 6% (20 MSEK) i relation till 2014-2015. Den totala budgeten för WHO 2018-2019 är 4 421,5 MUSD (ca 36,4 miljarder SEK) vilket innebär en ökning på 1% jämfört med 2016-2017. Sidas frivilliga stöd till WHO utgör ca 38,9 MUSD vilket motsvarar ca 0.8 % av WHO's totala budget. Den totala andelen frivilliga icke-öronmärkta bidrag till WHO uppgår till endast 3% av WHO's totala budget.
Sidas dialogplan under den planerade stödperioden fokuserar i huvudsak på följande frågor:
- framsteg i strävan att uppnå målet om allmän tillgång till hälso-och sjuvård inom WHO's samtliga programområden.
-framsteg i arbetet med att säkra integrering av SRHR i strävan att uppnå målet om allmän tillgång till hälso-och sjuvård (Eng. SRHR/UHC). Ett nära samarbete med Sidas FORSK-enhet är nödvändig givet FORSK's stöd till WHO/Human Reproduction Program(HRP) som spelar en nyckelroll i WHO's insatser för att säkra integreringen av SRHR i UHC.
-uppföljning av arbetet med genomförandet av WHO-reformen (den så kallade Transformationsagendan) med ett särskilt fokus på stärkandet av landkontoren inklusive frågor kring intern management, ledarskap, bemanning, kompetens, budgetallokeringar, resursmobilisering. Sida kommer att särskilt följa upp resultat och genomförandet av rekommendationer från organisationsöversynerna av landkontoren i Afrikaregionen som ett led i arbetet med att genomföra den organisationsförändring som behövs för att WHO skall kunna stå rustad för att leverera resultat på landnivå.
- följa upp genomförandet av WHO's stärkta landfokus genom Sveriges ambassader där Sida har bilateralt hälsostöd men även genom det regionala SRHR-teamet i Lusaka för deras bedömning av genomförandet av det regionala WHO/UNFPA/UNAIDS/UNICEF programmet i Afrika Söder om Sahara. Sida skall även genomföra fältresor under år 2019 som syftar till att utvärdera WHO's insatser för ett stärkt landfokus.
-följa upp WHO's arbete med att integrera SDG3 med andra hälsorelaterade SDG-mål som en förutsättning för ett framgångsrikt genomförande av SDG3-målet. Sida bör specifikt följa upp WHO's insatser för att koppla SDG3 med SDG6 (WASH) och i synnerhet följa initiativ ämnade att främja WASH i vårdanrättningar. WHO's GPW13, the implementation of which has already been initiated this year (2018) has the over-arching goal of:
Ensuring health lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages
The foundation of GPW13 is therefore SDG3.
GPW13 summarizes WHO's mission which is to (without internal ranking ):
1. Promote health
2. Keep the world safe
3. Serve the vulnerable
GPW13 us hence structured around three interconnected strategic priorities to ensure healty lives and well-being for all at all ages; advancing universal health coverage, addressing health emergencies and promoting healthier populations. These strategic priorities are supported by three strategic shifts: stepping up leadership; driving impact in every country; and focusing global public goods on impact -which reflect WHO's six core functions (for more details see p6 GPW13).
More specifically, in response to the challenge to "leave no-one behind, GPW13 sets ambitious goals of 1 billion people for earch of its strategic priorities i.e. 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being; 1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies; 1 billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage. In line with the SDG-agenda all 1-billion-targets are to be achieved in year 2030.
Although the three strategic priorities are presented separately, they are not mutually exclusive and thus require implementation that is mutually reinforcing. For instance, strengthening health systems also makes them more resilient and better able to detect and control outbreaks before they spread and improved public health funtions contribute to good-quality health care within UHC and the strong surveillance systems necessary for early disease detection and control.
The foundation of WHO’s work is SDG 3: ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. WHO is an organization focused principally on promoting health rather than merely fighting disease, and especially on improving health among vulnerable populations and reducing inequalities. The new GPW marks the shift of a stronger focus on the promotion of well-being rather than fighting disease.
During the agreement period (ie 2018-2019) Sida will follow a selection of indicators linked to the PB2018-2019 in addition to some selected indicators linked to GPW13. The reason for somewhat "prematurely" bringing in indicators for GPW13 is that WHO has already in year 2018 started using indicators linked to GPW13. Therefore, the assessment at hand will take into consideration both indicators from PB2018-19 as well as those from GPW13. | Significant |
Bougainville Healthy Communities Programme (BHCP): Phase 4 The Bougainville Healthy Communities Programme (BHCP) has grown over 18 years and 3 earlier phases into a comprehensive village-based and community-owned health and grassroots governance programme reaching more than 95% of the Bougainville population. BHCP aims to achieve Healthy, Inclusive and Empowered Communities by working closely with communities to improve health outcomes and work with increasingly formalised community governance structures. | Principal |
Anyim Maber (bright and better future): Enhanced opportunities for employment and employability for youth with disabilities Contract related to: Anyim Maber (bright and better future): Enhanced opportunities for employment and employability for youth with disabilities - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Principal |
Ethiopia 2021 - Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme utfasning This contribution consists of support to Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme for 2018-2020. The support consists of three parts: Major HUM-countries, Rapid response and support to methods- and capacity building work. In 2020 the strategic partnership with the Church of Sweden ended and to ensure a good close-out Sida agreed to provide support to the organisation for a 2 year phase-out period until 2022.
The organisation and its partners, take persons with disability into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects within the contribution yet the promotion of person with disabilities is seldom the principle aim of a project. Furthermore, all projects are required to make a conflict analysis of the context and how the identified risks are to be mitigated in project implementation. Some projects also have direct activities aimed at local conflict resolution (e.g. Kakuma camp in Kenya), and in refugee settings the projects normally include work with both refugees and host populations to reduce any potential conflict between communities. Gendered differences are also included in project design and the equal participation of women, girls, men and boys are encouraged in all projects. The organisation uses the IASC Gender Marker to ensure inclusion of gender into interventions. Generally, CoS´ projects score high in terms of gender inclusion and a majority of projects have been assigned a gender marker of 2a, and in the case of Uganda, 2b.
Considering Environmental integration, the organization has an extensive experience since the 1980s, of working with environmental issues, especially in relation to sustainable agriculture. However, a spot-check carried out with Sidas helpdesk 2018 noted that environmental sustainability is not prioritized on a strategic level and that environmental issues are not integrated in a systematic way in all international projects and programmes. This has been a continuous dialog issue with the organisation throughout the contract period.
The CBPS approach is furthermore at the core of the organisation’s humanitarian work, and this approach is well founded in the notion of affected populations´ own capacity for recovery and resilience, as well as the potential for communities and individuals to play an active role in recovery and reconstruction. Hence, the ability of the targeted communities and individuals will be at the center of all projects with the ultimate goal of moving power from top to bottom. The projects will also aim to be truly local where the participants are empowered to steer the projects, prepare for future disasters and raise their voices in local governance. Under 2017 fortsatte de globala humanitära behoven att öka, där långvariga och utdragna konflikter fortsatte att dominera det humanitära landskapet tillsammans med storskaliga flyktingkriser, naturkatastrofer och allvarliga hälsokriser. Antalet människor i behov av humanitärt stöd och skydd beräknades till 128,6 miljoner i slutet av 2017 - detta var en ökning med 16,4 miljoner människor jämfört med början av året. För att svara upp mot de globala humanitära behoven genomför Sida varje år en analys av de största humanitära/regionala kriserna i världen vilket mynnar ut i en humanitär allokering för det kommande året. Analysen ger en översikt av den humanitära situationen och identifierade sektorprioriteringar, samt vilka partnerorganisationer som har kapacitet att svara upp mot identifierade behov i respektive kris. Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program bedöms av Sida som relevant i förhållande till målen i Strategin för Sveriges humanitära bistånd genom Sida 2017-2020, och i detta beslut föreslås därför att stöd ges till programmet för perioden 1 januari 2018 - 31 mars 2021.
2018 ansöker SvK om 116 900 000 kr från Sida varav 79 600 000 kr avser år 2018. Svk ansökte om finansiering för 1) landinsatser i Djibouti, Etiopien, Irak, Kenya, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien och Uganda, 2) insatser i form av s.k. RRM (Rapid Response Mechanism) som möjliggör snabbt stöd till nya kriser som kan komma att inträffa under året samt 3) metod- och kapacitetsstärkande stöd för Svks partners. Totalt arbetar SvK med 4 olika partnerorganisationer i ovannämnda 8 länder. Dessa är: LVF (Lutherska världsförbundet), NCA (Norwegian Church Aid), DCA (DanChurchAid) samt EECMY-DASCC (Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Development and Social Services Commission). Dessa partnerorganisationer genomför i sin tur i vissa fall samarbete med lokala organisationer.
För 3 landinsatser ansöker Svk om flerårigt stöd; LVFs 2 projekt i Etiopien respektive Uganda samt ett NCA-projekt i Sudan. Sida hade 2018 tre kategorier av insatser som kunde söka flerårig humanitär finansiering; stöd i långvariga kriser i enlighet med fleråriga HRPs; stöd till utfasning av det humanitära stödet; och insatser i områden med begränsade tillträdesmöjligheter. Båda LVF projekten stöttar utfasning av humanitärt stöd, och NCA-projektet bidrar till den fleråriga HRPn. LVF i Etiopien omfattar 4 miljoner SEK per år, under 3 år, och LVF i Uganda 10 miljoner SEK per år i 3 år. För NCA i Sudan gavs en budget om 3,2 miljoner SEK 2018 och 2,3 miljoner SEK för 2019. Utbetalning för år 2 och 3 är villkorat på godkänd årsrapportering samt årsplaner och budgets.
Inom landsinsatserna ges humanitärt stöd inom ett antal områden, ex. skydd av barn, psykosocialt stöd, utbildning, insatser mot könsbaserat våld, vatten och sanitet, livsmedelssäkerhet genom självhushållning och inkomstgenererande aktiviteter, miljöinsatser mm.
Under 2018 så sökte SvK för ett RRM projekt som skulle ge akut, humanitär, assistans till befolkningen drabbad av tyfonen Mangkut i Filipinerna.
För 2019 beräknades ca 131 miljoner människor vara i behov av humanitärt stöd i 42 länder, med en finansieringsgrad av ca 60% i slutet på 2019. Som svar på detta beslutades det att lägga till 59 300 000 SEK för Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program 2018 till 2021 som då uppgick till 176 200 000 SEK, med 79 600 000 SEK budgeterade för 2019. Dessa inkluderade 20 300 000 SEK för fleråriga anslag och metodutvecklingsstöd från beslutet 2018 (beslut 2018-000743). Därtill medel för 8 ettåriga projekt (två i Kenya och ett i Djibouti, Etiopien, Sydsudan, Irak, Mali och Syrien) och ett stöd om 20 000 000 SEK till Sidas snabbmekanism för humanitära insatser (RRM). Av de ettåriga projekt som fick medel 2019 så hade alla förutom det i Mali varit finansierade under 2018. De fleråriga insatserna från beslutet 2018 avser projekt i Sudan, Etiopien och Uganda samt ett metodstöd för psykosocialt stöd.
RRM medel söktes för att ge humanitärt stöd till drabbade av cyklonen Idai i Moçambique och Zimbabwe.
Under 2020 var 168 miljoner människor i behov av humanitärt bistånd inklusive skydd med en finansieringsgrad som stannade vid 60%. Sida beslutade därför att lägga till 55 900 000 SEK till Svenska kyrkans (Svk) humanitära program 2018 till 2021 så att den totala budgeten uppgick till 240 100 MSEK med 72 900 000 SEK för 2020. Dessa inkluderade 17 000 000 SEK för fleråriga anslag från beslutet 2018. Därtill medel för 7 ettåriga projekt (två i Kenya och ett i Djibouti, Etiopien, Sydsudan, Irak och Colombia) och ett stöd om 20 000 000 SEK till Sidas snabbmekanism för humanitära insatser (RRM). Av de ettåriga projekt som fick medel 2020 var alla fortsättningar av program som finansierades 2019, förutom projekten i Colombia och Irak. I Irak gav Sida under 2019 stöd till Norwegian Church Aid men 2020 gavs medel istället till Danish Church Aid. Stödet riktades då om till skydd av barn och psykosocialt stöd, istället för vatten. I Colombia fick LVF medel för att förse konfliktdrabbade samhällen i Chocó med ökat skydd och assistans. De fleråriga från beslutet 2018 avser projekt i Etiopien och Uganda samt ett metodstöd för psykosocialt stöd.
Senare 2020 lades 4 000 000 SEK extra till för årets verksamhet vilka allokerades till SvKs verksamhet i Venezuela.
RRM medel utnyttjades för att ge humanitärt stöd till drabbade av Cyclone Kenneth i Moçambique, för krisen i Venezuela och för översvämningar i Sydsudan.
År 2021 förlängdes insatsen Church of Sweden´s Humanitarian Programme 2018-2020 med två (2) år samt en utökad aktivitetsperiod till 31 december 2022. För 2021 fick SvK 38 000 000 SEK i stöd, och för 2022 fick de 19 000 000 SEK. Den totala budgeten uppgick då till 293 100 000 SEK. Svenska Kyrkan fick inga medel för RRM under 2021 eller 2022.
Denna förlängning var ett resultat av att Sidas humanitära enhets beslut 2020 att fasa ut SvK som strategisk partner för den humanitära verksamheten, se beslut 2021-000057. I syfte att säkerställa en ansvarsfull utfasning avsåg Sida därför att ge stöd till SvK under en tvåårsperiod. Detta gav Svk möjlighet att planera och genomföra nödvändiga förändringar i sin verksamhet inför att det strategiska partnerskapet med Sidas humanitära enhet helt upphör 2023.
Under 2021 fick Svenska Kyrkan medel för att fortsätta implementera 6 ettåriga insatser i Irak, Colombia, Kenya (två insatser), Etiopien och Sydsudan, samt för en utvärdering av det treåriga metodstödprogrammet för samhällsbaserat psykosocialt stöd (Community Based Psycho-social Support - CBPSS) som avslutades 2020. Under 2022 fick Svenska Kyrkan medel för att fortsätta implementera 4 av dessa 6 ettåriga insatser. Dessa var Irak, Colombia, Kenya, och Sydsudan.
I sin humanitära respons är Svk inte själv en genomförandeorganisation utan arbetar uteslutande genom partnerorganisationer. I likhet med Svk är alla dessa partners medlemmar i ACT-alliansen - den senare koordinerar arbetet hos totalt 143 kyrkor och trosbaserade organisationer globalt. Svks finansierade humanitära programme 2018 till 2022 inkluderar två underprogram— East Africa Refugee Response och deras egna metod- och kapacitetsutvecklande arbete inom Community-Based Psychosocial Support (CBPS). Det första syftade till att stärka lokal skyddskapacitet samt ge tillgång till grundläggande service för flyktingar i fem länder med utdragna flyktingkriser (Djibouti, Etiopien, Sudan, Sydsudan och Uganda). Det andra för att inom ACT-alliansen och i förhållande till implementerande partners, tillhandahålla expertis och tematiskt stöd inom CBPS, och genom Svks CBPS-roster, där 25 experter finns till förfogande, ge stöd i olika humanitära insatser. Totalt avsattes 4 miljoner SEK till CBPS-programmet under 2018, och 4 miljoner respektive 3 miljoner SEK för 2019 och 2020. År 2021 avsatts 1,6 miljoner SEK för en utvärdering av det treåriga metodstödprogrammet.
2018 bedömde Sida att insatserna i den ursprungliga insatsen skulle bidra till målen i Strategin för Sveriges humanitära bistånd genom Sida 2017-2020, och ingick därför ett treårigt avtal om strategiskt partnerskap. Avtalet ändrades sedan årligen för att inkorporera nästkommande års allokering.
2021 förlängdes detta avtal med en 2 årig utfasningsperiod, där allokeringen skedde utanför den humanitära enhetens generella allokeringsprocess samt att RRM stöd inte utgavs. Förutom dessa avsteg, hade utfasningsperioden liknande avtalsvillkor som tidigare verksamhetsperiod. Nedan följer viktiga utdrag av dessa:
Svk ges i avtalet flexibilitet att omallokera medel inom en projektbudget på upp till 10 %. Detta bedöms vara nödvändigt för att på ett relevant, snabbt och ändamålsenligt sätt kunna möta humanitära behov. För ändringar över 10 % eller omallokering mellan projektbudgetar, krävs Sidas godkännande.
Det bör också påpekas att ett avsteg gjorts från de Allmänna villkoren (artikel 5.3) i avtalet mellan Sida och Svk vad gäller äganderätten till utrustning, fordon och varor som belastat Svks budget: Mot bakgrund av att insatsen är humanitär behöver de senare inte överföras till lokal samarbetspart och/eller slutmottagare i slutet av programmets avtalsperiod.
Vidare bedömer Sida att merparten av de föreslagna medlen årligen ska utbetalas omgående efter det att årlig plan och budget godkänts för att möjliggöra planering och genomförande av den humanitära insatsen utan fördröjning. Ett avsteg från Sidas vanliga rutiner om uppdelade betalningar bedöms därför motiverat.
Bedömningspromemorian har skrivits på engelska med anledning av att engelskspråkig personal i fält är delaktig i beredning och uppföljning av insatsen, i enlighet med Generaldirektörens beslut om Sidas språkvalsmatris med tillämpningsanvisningar från den 1 mars 2013.
Därtill tar SvK och dess samarbetspartners hänsyn till personer med funktionsvariationer när de utformar, genomför och utvärderar projekt inom bidraget, men främjandet av personer med funktionsnedsättning är sällan det huvudsakliga syftet med ett projekt. Vidare krävs det att alla projekt gör en konfliktanalys av kontexten och visar på hur de identifierade riskerna ska motverkas under projektgenomförandet. Vissa projekt har också direkta aktiviteter som syftar till lokal konfliktlösning (t.ex. Kakuma-lägret i Kenya), och i flyktingmiljöer finns ofta aktiviteter både för flyktingar och värdbefolkningen för att minska eventuella spänningar mellan dessa grupper. Att se till genus som en inflytande variabel i utformandet av olika projekt är även det viktigt för SvK, och lika deltagande av kvinnor, flickor, män och pojkar uppmuntras i alla projekt. Organisationen använder IASC Gender Marker för att säkerställa inkludering av genus i interventioner. Generellt sett får projekt höga poäng när det gäller könsinkludering och en majoritet av projekten har tilldelats en könsmarkör på 2a, och i Ugandas fall 2b.
Organisationen har även en lång erfarenhet av att integrera miljö och klimat i sin verksamhet, ända sedan 980-talet, särskilt i relation till hållbart jordbruk. Sidas helpdesk 2018 gjorde ett stickprov i SvKs verksamhet och konstaterade dock att miljömässig hållbarhet inte prioriteras på strategisk nivå och att miljöfrågor inte integreras på ett systematiskt sätt i alla projekt och program. Vi har haft detta som en kontinuerlig dialogfråga med organisationen under hela avtalsperioden.
CBPS-metoden är dessutom kärnan i organisationens humanitära arbete, och detta tillvägagångssätt är väl förankrat i den drabbade befolkningars egen förmåga till återhämtning och motståndskraft, såväl som potentialen för samhällen och individer att spela en aktiv roll i återhämtning och återuppbyggnad. Därför kommer förmågan hos deltagarna i projekten att stå i centrum med det slutliga målet att flytta makt från högre beslutsnivåer till befolkningen som påverkas. SvKs partners inkluderar även projektdeltagare i dess styrning, för att hjälpa dessa att förbereda sig på framtida katastrofer och uppmuntra dem att höja sina röster i lokal styrning. CoS´ Humanitarian Programme strives towards fulfilling the humanitarian imperative and to achieve the strategic goal to "Save lives, prevent and alleviate suffering and uphold human dignity and rights in emergency situations". | Significant |
DRC crisis 2022 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Subsets and Splits