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هتستخدمهم في عملية ال injection لازم تخليهم immobilized يعني immutable جبل ما تستخدمهم في عملية ال injection فبالتالي كيف تتم عملية ال immobilization for spermatozoa regardless of the fact that under normal in vivo condition no sperm tail", "tokens": [3555, 2304, 3615, 1863, 7578, 19753, 34740, 23032, 6027, 15042, 16472, 2655, 6225, 42213, 2655, 16124, 5296, 18, 12399, 1017, 12399, 1025, 12399, 1386, 32899, 8032, 2655, 14851, 9778, 40448, 16095, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 22873, 5296, 31377, 2304, 6055, 9778, 20292, 16095, 3397, 21725, 1602, 37495, 22653, 3397, 32148, 10874, 36150, 19446, 6055, 14851, 9778, 40448, 16095, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 22873, 6156, 3555, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 9122, 33911, 6055, 39237, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 3397, 21725, 2144, 337, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 10060, 295, 264, 1186, 300, 833, 2710, 294, 30689, 4188, 572, 32899, 6838], "avg_logprob": -0.1680074204312693, "compression_ratio": 1.6141078838174274, "no_speech_prob": 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4724, 2304, 3615, 1863, 7578, 19753, 34740, 2423, 6838, 46740, 11203, 995, 28671, 8978, 2423, 18512, 2144, 36145, 25961, 23032, 21292, 3615, 1829, 35525, 19452, 19446, 47525, 9778, 1211, 11778, 47283, 1211, 33962, 1211, 10632, 5296, 33456, 2423, 18512, 2144, 3714, 16095, 10874, 28259, 9154, 34051, 10943, 1211, 49610, 23328], "avg_logprob": -0.1693892040939042, "compression_ratio": 1.9318181818181819, "no_speech_prob": 7.152557373046875e-07, "words": [{"start": 118.24, "end": 118.48, "word": "will", "probability": 0.1630859375}, {"start": 118.48, "end": 118.76, "word": " be", "probability": 0.890625}, {"start": 118.76, "end": 119.32, "word": " entered", "probability": 0.7734375}, {"start": 119.32, "end": 119.68, "word": " in", "probability": 0.9052734375}, {"start": 119.68, "end": 119.8, "word": " the", "probability": 0.90869140625}, {"start": 119.8, "end": 120.32, "word": " oocyte", "probability": 0.9503580729166666}, {"start": 120.32, "end": 121.68, "word": " immobilized", 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immobilization قبل عملية ال injection any possible damage to the cytoskeleton caused by a motile sperm is theoretically ineligible بمعنى آخر أنا لما أجي أعمل", "tokens": [6027, 39184, 6838, 11203, 8592, 7649, 7251, 9381, 13546, 9848, 24433, 30767, 1829, 19446, 13412, 38688, 8315, 11296, 8978, 9673, 5016, 46958, 2288, 9307, 21136, 16758, 28671, 35525, 19452, 8978, 33688, 7435, 11622, 1829, 2423, 39184, 6838, 37893, 3714, 16095, 9122, 2655, 13546, 5296, 33456, 2423, 22873, 8608, 38688, 7251, 24401, 12984, 4724, 5172, 30241, 2978, 5551, 12610, 11331, 26108, 3660, 5551, 39648, 32239, 3224, 13412, 2407, 39896, 5551, 16095, 10632, 16472, 8717, 25957, 1211, 32899, 3397, 21725, 2144, 12174, 36150, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 22873, 604, 1944, 4344, 281, 264, 40248, 329, 330, 14806, 7008, 538, 257, 2184, 794, 32899, 307, 29400, 294, 338, 11292, 4724, 2304, 3615, 1863, 7578, 19753, 34740, 41850, 5296, 15042, 5551, 7435, 1829, 5551, 25957, 1211], "avg_logprob": -0.22675304635753477, 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21725, 2144, 295, 264, 32899, 19651, 486, 5586, 300, 264, 24807, 638, 277, 31078, 975, 42481, 5952, 4258, 3242, 281, 264, 45150, 564, 17494, 13412, 2407, 37495, 22653, 2423, 28820, 10943, 23758, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.20263158428041558, "compression_ratio": 1.5525291828793775, "no_speech_prob": 1.7881393432617188e-07, "words": [{"start": 177.73, "end": 178.77, "word": "Immobilization", "probability": 0.74615478515625}, {"start": 178.77, "end": 179.05, "word": " أو", "probability": 0.64990234375}, {"start": 179.05, "end": 179.41, "word": " Cutting", "probability": 0.606201171875}, {"start": 179.41, "end": 179.85, "word": " للتل", "probability": 0.4939778645833333}, {"start": 179.85, "end": 180.45, "word": " كده", "probability": 0.7061360677083334}, {"start": 180.45, "end": 180.79, "word": " أنا", "probability": 0.67041015625}, {"start": 180.79, "end": 182.37, "word": " ألغيت", "probability": 0.95556640625}, {"start": 182.37, "end": 182.87, "word": " أي", "probability": 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head", "tokens": [6027, 1863, 14407, 3660, 32545, 4117, 16572, 3660, 20449, 28239, 14407, 3660, 16247, 1863, 12984, 2407, 10632, 5296, 2655, 4117, 2407, 9957, 6024, 110, 1829, 7435, 35473, 32899, 3397, 21725, 2144, 2673, 10332, 294, 264, 917, 295, 264, 6838, 1975, 2407, 8978, 9154, 9566, 28671, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 9673, 29399, 9381, 5172, 19446, 49374, 2423, 2062, 2522, 4032, 2423, 6838, 37495, 22653, 1975, 8315, 3714, 43020, 1975, 11242, 25513, 2423, 32899, 8978, 9154, 9566, 28671, 6838, 4032, 1975, 7435, 2288, 5016, 2423, 6838, 6055, 3555, 34268, 3224, 1975, 15042, 8978, 9154, 3224, 10632, 2423, 6838, 2423, 4125, 295, 264, 6838, 917, 295, 264, 6838, 1975, 2407, 8978, 9154, 2655, 9381, 5172, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 38392, 6055, 5172, 36520, 19446, 49374, 2423, 1378], "avg_logprob": -0.15762499380111694, "compression_ratio": 1.8988326848249026, "no_speech_prob": 5.304813385009766e-06, "words": [{"start": 235.69, "end": 236.27, "word": "النواة", "probability": 0.843505859375}, 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25513, 48812, 25513, 3660, 34105, 8032, 47302, 9154, 9566, 28671, 8032, 47302, 23032, 16572, 28671, 23032, 16572, 28671, 6055, 7649, 10632, 1975, 11242, 25513, 48812, 25513, 3660, 34105, 4032, 1975, 11242, 25513, 9122, 2304, 7649, 48812, 25513, 2655, 9957, 34105, 8032, 47302, 23032, 16572, 38149, 9957, 42963, 4117, 49115, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 995, 39896, 48812, 25513, 3660, 36764, 24401, 3660, 15844, 8717, 11296, 10632, 2423, 6838, 39627, 15730, 25124, 28820, 8032, 47302, 2423, 32899, 2513, 89, 4106, 8032, 47302, 2423, 6838, 4724, 26108, 1829, 20666, 22873, 11037, 15844, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 29538, 4032, 4724, 11242, 17082, 9566, 25894, 11296, 48812, 17082, 9566, 3660, 9122, 10943, 37977, 4032, 4724, 3794, 5016, 3555], "avg_logprob": -0.17356927450521883, "compression_ratio": 2.222614840989399, "no_speech_prob": 6.246566772460938e-05, "words": [{"start": 410.97, "end": 411.19, "word": "يظهر", "probability": 0.767303466796875}, {"start": 411.19, "end": 411.45, "word": " بهذا", 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6055, 31747, 1829, 11622, 11296, 1614, 4, 4032, 34105, 12174, 9566, 25720, 6055, 7649, 10632, 6055, 31747, 1829, 11622, 11296, 9122, 2304, 10632, 1266], "avg_logprob": -0.22358246931095713, "compression_ratio": 1.6108374384236452, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-06, "words": [{"start": 568.57, "end": 568.91, "word": "بقول", "probability": 0.62939453125}, {"start": 568.91, "end": 569.65, "word": " ببساطة", "probability": 0.8599609375}, {"start": 569.65, "end": 570.01, "word": " لو", "probability": 0.41796875}, {"start": 570.01, "end": 570.23, "word": " انا", "probability": 0.620849609375}, {"start": 570.23, "end": 570.51, "word": " بدى", "probability": 0.511474609375}, {"start": 570.51, "end": 570.93, "word": " استخدم", "probability": 0.8502604166666666}, {"start": 570.93, "end": 571.43, "word": " عملية", "probability": 0.9817708333333334}, {"start": 571.43, "end": 571.71, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.67578125}, {"start": 571.71, "end": 571.87, "word": " Laser", "probability": 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إلى الحركة في اتجاه حواف القطرة و هي تتحرك في اتجاه حواف القطرة هتلاقي فتحة صغيرة هتبدأ تدخل من ال spermatozoa", "tokens": [2407, 21292, 7435, 1829, 20666, 39184, 11037, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 30767, 1829, 47524, 31845, 3660, 19446, 49374, 16095, 34051, 30767, 1829, 12174, 8315, 3660, 19446, 49374, 16095, 12399, 9911, 2423, 39184, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 39894, 2655, 5016, 31747, 8978, 29538, 33251, 19986, 3660, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 39182, 19446, 7251, 11242, 33911, 4032, 7251, 25957, 1211, 15114, 24976, 39184, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 8978, 25062, 9566, 2288, 33251, 3555, 13546, 2423, 39184, 2119, 4532, 40632, 2423, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 46811, 26895, 30731, 21542, 31747, 3660, 8978, 1975, 2655, 7435, 40294, 11331, 14407, 5172, 25062, 9566, 25720, 4032, 39896, 6055, 2655, 5016, 31747, 8978, 1975, 2655, 7435, 40294, 11331, 14407, 5172, 25062, 9566, 25720, 8032, 2655, 15040, 38436, 6156, 2655, 5016, 3660, 20328, 17082, 48923, 8032, 2655, 44510, 10721, 6055, 3215, 9778, 1211, 9154, 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25708, 7251, 3215, 9778, 1211, 2423, 1378, 295, 32899, 37893, 2423, 6838, 295, 32899, 23758, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 3714, 16095, 10874, 28259, 11203, 8592, 7649, 7251, 3794, 2288, 3615, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 18512, 2144, 29538, 6156, 4117, 25720, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 32899, 3397, 21725, 2144, 9122, 33911, 6055, 39237, 3794, 4032, 25961, 2655, 12070, 34051, 12530, 34051, 11331, 26108, 3660, 39894, 38251, 1829, 11296, 544, 10762, 34051, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 44565, 10477, 44565], "avg_logprob": -0.1706046764928151, "compression_ratio": 1.7625899280575539, "no_speech_prob": 3.635883331298828e-06, "words": [{"start": 757.96, "end": 758.38, "word": "أضف", "probability": 0.729248046875}, {"start": 758.38, "end": 758.76, "word": " إلى", "probability": 0.9580078125}, {"start": 758.76, "end": 759.12, "word": " ذلك", "probability": 0.992431640625}, {"start": 759.12, "end": 759.4, "word": " أنه", "probability": 0.703857421875}, {"start": 759.4, "end": 759.52, "word": " لما", 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4032, 44510, 10721, 7251, 25957, 1211, 16095, 3397, 21725, 2144, 9154, 16490, 1211, 6027, 6225, 42213, 10632, 48812, 17082, 9566, 46952, 5016, 3555, 15844, 9154, 9566, 28671, 16712, 1211, 48812, 17082, 9566, 46952, 5016, 3555, 38637, 2304, 44565, 48812, 17082, 9566, 15844, 9154, 9566, 28671, 16712, 1211, 8608, 5016, 3555, 6225, 8592, 7649, 7251, 7435, 2288, 5016, 11296, 46599, 22488, 9957, 7251, 25957, 1211, 11296, 44565, 6225, 8592, 7649, 6055, 3215, 9778, 1211, 11778, 47283, 1211, 2423, 22873, 2978], "avg_logprob": -0.14763434718702442, "compression_ratio": 1.7942583732057416, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 806.64, "end": 807.02, "word": "اختار", "probability": 0.85498046875}, {"start": 807.02, "end": 807.2, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.71630859375}, {"start": 807.2, "end": 807.98, "word": " spermatozoa", "probability": 0.74786376953125}, {"start": 807.98, "end": 808.52, "word": " وبعدين", "probability": 0.6913248697916666}, {"start": 808.52, "end": 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1863, 12399, 6156, 2304, 16095, 10874, 28259, 3714, 16095, 10874, 28259, 36145, 5551, 8592, 38688, 2423, 39184, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 6055, 33753, 9673, 1829, 4117, 32887, 3794, 4117, 37746, 15844, 6225, 3215, 3794, 3660, 6055, 4117, 3555, 13546, 3714, 10632, 6225, 8592, 7649, 41850, 5551, 39648, 16070, 43761, 23758, 2423, 32899, 7251, 36520, 5016, 34051, 20193, 7251, 36520, 5016, 39182, 9122, 3215, 3224], "avg_logprob": -0.2568430517711779, "compression_ratio": 1.832116788321168, "no_speech_prob": 1.0013580322265625e-05, "words": [{"start": 864.2, "end": 864.94, "word": "selection", "probability": 0.5267333984375}, {"start": 864.94, "end": 865.68, "word": " for", "probability": 0.81884765625}, {"start": 865.68, "end": 866.96, "word": " spermatozoa", "probability": 0.81158447265625}, {"start": 866.96, "end": 867.54, "word": " زي", "probability": 0.54754638671875}, {"start": 867.54, "end": 867.62, "word": " ما", "probability": 0.9208984375}, {"start": 867.62, "end": 867.88, "word": " 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ميت طب أنا إيش بدي منه؟ لازم يكون متعد ال sperm، live ال sperm هل يمكن استخدام ال immobilization في عملية الحقن؟", "tokens": [12610, 19452, 3714, 16095, 36632, 11242, 14111, 995, 5551, 3215, 47341, 3660, 8978, 29538, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 5296, 33456, 11296, 6055, 34268, 26890, 6225, 42213, 10632, 3714, 16095, 3660, 7251, 7435, 3555, 14739, 6055, 4587, 10943, 4032, 1829, 25957, 1211, 4724, 1829, 11296, 12174, 36150, 19446, 5551, 25957, 1211, 3397, 21725, 2144, 5296, 10721, 1829, 32899, 36145, 23758, 2423, 32899, 1217, 1621, 12399, 1217, 44650, 22488, 12399, 37893, 8608, 995, 19452, 12399, 3714, 43020, 7251, 30544, 2423, 32899, 8608, 995, 19452, 35525, 19452, 3714, 36081, 23032, 3555, 41850, 11933, 1829, 8592, 4724, 16254, 9154, 3224, 22807, 5296, 31377, 2304, 7251, 30544, 44650, 22488, 2423, 32899, 12399, 1621, 2423, 32899, 8032, 1211, 7251, 43020, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 2423, 3397, 21725, 2144, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 21542, 4587, 1863, 22807], "avg_logprob": 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14851, 9778, 3215, 10943, 2423, 22873, 11037, 5296, 10721, 1829, 32899, 32771, 13546, 44650, 5016, 31747, 12399, 8032, 36081, 5016, 31747, 20449, 1829, 2423, 1378, 8032, 36081, 5016, 31747, 8978, 1975, 2655, 7435, 40294, 3714, 9778, 6027, 5172, 5296, 5016, 31747, 3660, 2423, 6838, 35525, 19452, 16095, 8032, 36081, 5016, 31747, 14407, 9122, 2655, 37977, 36764, 24401, 3660, 12399, 29538, 11933, 20292, 11296, 37279, 16572, 5172, 37037, 24192, 11933, 20292, 11296, 37279, 16572, 5172, 12399, 29538, 11933, 20292, 11296, 6055, 36178, 13546, 37037, 24192, 11933, 20292, 11296, 6055, 36178, 13546, 1150, 2423, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64], "avg_logprob": -0.1756207236688431, "compression_ratio": 1.9783393501805053, "no_speech_prob": 3.337860107421875e-06, "words": [{"start": 1061.82, "end": 1062.02, "word": "ماذا", "probability": 0.6813151041666666}, {"start": 1062.02, "end": 1062.2, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.953369140625}, {"start": 1062.2, "end": 1062.92, "word": " flexibility؟", 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36081, 5016, 31747, 8978, 1975, 2655, 7435, 40294, 19753, 34740, 49374, 15042, 45164, 25961, 2423, 32899, 11331, 1829, 8032, 36081, 5016, 31747, 28242, 16095, 9122, 4117, 2655, 37977, 36764, 24401, 3660, 8032, 1863, 8592, 38688, 11296, 9122, 2304, 7649, 13412, 2407, 10632, 20666, 9381, 13063, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.16990649840963168, "compression_ratio": 1.9324894514767932, "no_speech_prob": 2.2649765014648438e-06, "words": [{"start": 1122.4499999999998, "end": 1123.37, "word": "معناه", "probability": 0.8289794921875}, {"start": 1123.37, "end": 1123.73, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.677734375}, {"start": 1123.73, "end": 1124.19, "word": " sperm", "probability": 0.55322265625}, {"start": 1124.19, "end": 1125.43, "word": " life", "probability": 0.60693359375}, {"start": 1125.43, "end": 1126.95, "word": " وبالتالي", "probability": 0.92099609375}, {"start": 1126.95, "end": 1127.71, "word": " شو", "probability": 0.447998046875}, {"start": 1127.71, "end": 1127.89, "word": " يعني", 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الشكل و هذا الشكل و هذا الشكل هدولة صار فيها عندك swelling أو صار فيها عندك coil في نهاية ال sperm معناه هذا live الصورة هذه رقم A اللي بدي أحكي عليها بتبينلي عملية الحركة أنا هاي عند ال sperm هاي ال sperm بالشكل هذا أجيت بنهاية ال needle أو ال injection needle", "tokens": [4117, 33911, 2423, 39184, 32899, 3714, 9307, 11622, 37746, 6055, 14851, 7435, 1829, 3555, 5296, 47283, 2655, 15040, 5172, 6024, 114, 17082, 9566, 16247, 3794, 2304, 2407, 11622, 1829, 11933, 15730, 25961, 2423, 32899, 1621, 30767, 1829, 23758, 25124, 28820, 4032, 23758, 25124, 28820, 4032, 23758, 25124, 28820, 4032, 23758, 25124, 28820, 8032, 3215, 12610, 3660, 20328, 9640, 8978, 11296, 43242, 4117, 33127, 34051, 20328, 9640, 8978, 11296, 43242, 4117, 22225, 8978, 8717, 11296, 10632, 2423, 32899, 20449, 8315, 3224, 23758, 1621, 31767, 13063, 3660, 29538, 12602, 4587, 2304, 316, 13672, 1829, 4724, 16254, 5551, 5016, 4117, 1829, 25894, 11296, 39894, 3555, 9957, 20292, 6225, 42213, 10632, 21542, 31747, 3660, 41850, 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29910, 23275, 16472, 2423, 1378, 1975, 2655, 5016, 31747, 20449, 11331, 31747, 3660, 2423, 6838, 4724, 5016, 31747, 3660, 44650, 1863, 5718, 118, 46007, 1975, 11242, 5172, 30731, 29910, 23275, 16472, 2423, 6838, 1975, 9778, 3215, 16712, 5172, 31845, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 15844, 23032, 28480, 2423, 22873, 11037, 20449, 8315, 3224, 8978, 44713, 7435, 16758, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.13139205038054916, "compression_ratio": 1.9954954954954955, "no_speech_prob": 2.86102294921875e-06, "words": [{"start": 1259.26, "end": 1260.02, "word": "و", "probability": 0.876953125}, {"start": 1260.02, "end": 1260.54, "word": " وضعتها", "probability": 0.78778076171875}, {"start": 1260.54, "end": 1260.62, "word": " في", "probability": 0.94287109375}, {"start": 1260.62, "end": 1260.94, "word": " نهاية", "probability": 0.90869140625}, {"start": 1260.94, "end": 1261.06, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.95068359375}, {"start": 1261.06, "end": 1261.32, "word": " sperm", "probability": 0.375244140625}, {"start": 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10721, 3615, 23942, 15844, 8608, 21292, 1211, 9673, 12984, 6027, 4724, 15040, 7435, 1829, 28242, 41850, 12602, 39319, 5551, 2655, 5016, 31747, 5296, 10721, 3615, 23942, 2423, 1378, 44945, 11622, 1211, 5296, 10721, 3794, 5172, 1211, 9122, 33456, 3224, 19446, 41185, 8592, 11331, 31747, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.2108004397728987, "compression_ratio": 1.7117903930131004, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 1289.25, "end": 1289.51, "word": "من", "probability": 0.76611328125}, {"start": 1289.51, "end": 1289.81, "word": " قبل", "probability": 0.6043701171875}, {"start": 1289.81, "end": 1290.01, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.798828125}, {"start": 1290.01, "end": 1290.17, "word": " tail", "probability": 0.383056640625}, {"start": 1290.17, "end": 1291.77, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.9208984375}, {"start": 1291.77, "end": 1292.07, "word": " head", "probability": 0.580078125}, {"start": 1292.07, "end": 1292.31, "word": " و", "probability": 0.49853515625}, {"start": 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39184, 277, 31078, 975, 13412, 17082, 1211, 16712, 7649, 7578, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 39184, 44565, 5296, 24793, 10632, 12174, 20292, 1211, 10874, 28259, 9154, 2423, 39184, 1344, 19337, 7743, 76, 6055, 25957, 1211, 30767, 1829, 11778, 2407, 10943, 9307, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 3660, 11778, 47283, 1211, 33962, 1211, 10632, 6055, 1863, 21292, 3224, 16490, 1211, 10632, 20328, 9640, 8978, 11296, 16472, 3215, 5172, 43500, 6027, 1829, 11622, 1829, 8592, 1863, 20328, 9640, 8978, 3224, 1975, 46456, 23557, 4587, 24976, 11622, 13063, 3660, 4724, 1211, 41779, 25708, 995, 37495, 22653, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 18512, 2144, 12174, 18513, 46007, 6055, 44510, 10721, 8978, 44713, 4587, 3555, 6027, 2423, 39184, 24152, 15677, 78, 4765, 64, 30767, 1829, 6225, 42213, 10632, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 24433], "avg_logprob": -0.24016854208841754, "compression_ratio": 1.9052287581699345, "no_speech_prob": 3.874301910400391e-06, "words": [{"start": 1603.51, "end": 1604.21, "word": "أسبيريشن", 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9778, 46538, 24976, 10721, 2304, 10943, 24976, 10721, 3615, 23942, 24976, 10721, 3794, 5172, 1211, 32748, 17082, 9566, 32748, 47283, 1211, 2423, 20349, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 40431, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 16327, 37037, 24192, 9673, 14407, 3215], "avg_logprob": -0.19986978806555272, "compression_ratio": 1.9917355371900827, "no_speech_prob": 1.1324882507324219e-06, "words": [{"start": 1633.16, "end": 1633.58, "word": "هذه", "probability": 0.864013671875}, {"start": 1633.58, "end": 1635.0, "word": " شكل", "probability": 0.8017578125}, {"start": 1635.0, "end": 1636.18, "word": " الميكروسكوب", "probability": 0.7720947265625}, {"start": 1636.18, "end": 1636.82, "word": " الخاص", "probability": 0.953369140625}, {"start": 1636.82, "end": 1637.3, "word": " بيه", "probability": 0.6536458333333334}, {"start": 1637.3, "end": 1637.66, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.78875732421875}, {"start": 1637.66, "end": 1637.92, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.734375}, {"start": 1637.92, "end": 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الفضي إلى أقرب منطقة من فوية ال injection عشان ما ينزلش كتير PVP ميديا داخل أوهوسايت كمان هيصل لمنطقة هذه المفروض يصل لمنطقة هذه لحد ما تمام؟ المفروض هلوجد يبدأ يخترق البويضة بكل هدوء", "tokens": [8592, 995, 33911, 9957, 23758, 2423, 39184, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 22807, 12174, 36150, 19446, 7251, 3215, 9778, 1211, 33962, 1211, 10632, 4032, 7251, 25957, 1211, 35187, 24976, 39184, 710, 4106, 455, 75, 1311, 2887, 5296, 31377, 2304, 7251, 1863, 3794, 1829, 2423, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 29538, 29739, 1211, 11536, 27188, 11242, 1829, 30731, 5551, 4587, 25513, 9154, 9566, 28671, 9154, 6156, 2407, 10632, 2423, 22873, 6225, 8592, 7649, 19446, 7251, 1863, 11622, 1211, 8592, 9122, 2655, 13546, 23035, 47, 3714, 1829, 16254, 995, 11778, 47283, 1211, 34051, 3224, 41779, 995, 36081, 9122, 2304, 7649, 39896, 36520, 5296, 27842, 9566, 28671, 29538, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 7251, 36520, 5296, 27842, 9566, 28671, 29538, 5296, 24401, 19446, 46811, 10943, 22807, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 8032, 1211, 29245, 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صار انفجار المفروض ياخد aspiration جزء بسيط هياخد aspiration هيرتفع ال spermatozoa داخل injection needle", "tokens": [3555, 28259, 7251, 8592, 3615, 2288, 8978, 3224, 3714, 4587, 995, 20498, 3660, 4724, 28259, 7251, 47283, 3215, 11331, 28480, 2423, 624, 11778, 20292, 1211, 16472, 3224, 3714, 29245, 23328, 15844, 8608, 9566, 5016, 2423, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 8608, 9566, 5016, 2423, 3185, 19337, 7743, 76, 2423, 3185, 19337, 7743, 76, 20666, 29973, 1863, 4724, 28259, 7251, 46456, 2288, 4587, 4386, 7251, 46456, 2288, 4587, 4386, 39896, 9381, 13546, 16472, 5172, 7435, 9640, 9122, 3215, 3224, 20328, 9640, 16472, 5172, 7435, 9640, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 7251, 47283, 3215, 44565, 10874, 11622, 38207, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 39896, 47283, 3215, 44565, 39896, 43500, 5172, 3615, 2423, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 11778, 47283, 1211, 22873, 11037], "avg_logprob": -0.18509614926118118, "compression_ratio": 1.8130841121495327, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 1806.16, 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