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20799, 20449, 19913, 2304, 11296, 20799, 4032, 41185, 9122, 19528, 2655, 11296, 4724, 1829, 30544, 8592, 27557, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 2407, 8592, 27557, 37495, 22653, 8978, 3714, 9381, 2304, 2304, 16472, 3224, 7251, 25957, 1211, 4724, 3794, 15844, 9673, 4587, 1211, 16070, 10943, 27884], "avg_logprob": -0.3418749886751175, "compression_ratio": 1.668141592920354, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 141.9, "end": 142.38, "word": "ومرأة", "probability": 0.5184173583984375}, {"start": 142.38, "end": 142.98, "word": " constipation", "probability": 0.8130696614583334}, {"start": 142.98, "end": 143.62, "word": " ممكن", "probability": 0.8388671875}, {"start": 143.62, "end": 143.98, "word": " يكون", "probability": 0.89404296875}, {"start": 143.98, "end": 145.6, "word": " امساك", "probability": 0.90888671875}, {"start": 145.6, "end": 146.3, "word": " او", "probability": 0.85693359375}, {"start": 146.3, "end": 146.78, "word": " عكس", "probability": 0.7104085286458334}, {"start": 146.78, 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المعدة غالبا بصير تهيج في المعدة ليش بصير تهيج؟ بصير تهيج في المعاقة ان صار تهيج في المعاقة", "tokens": [11622, 1829, 22925, 559, 6139, 345, 533, 50113, 15040, 4724, 1829, 30544, 4724, 3794, 5296, 30241, 7649, 44049, 38207, 8978, 25062, 1211, 11536, 34051, 44049, 38207, 16490, 6027, 1829, 44381, 4724, 995, 38436, 16247, 3215, 2407, 10632, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 8032, 2655, 29399, 9381, 5172, 9154, 2423, 39184, 5209, 1311, 329, 18929, 293, 745, 335, 1426, 5403, 349, 32239, 8592, 16472, 3224, 4724, 9381, 13546, 34735, 34051, 46234, 22807, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 4724, 9381, 13546, 6055, 3224, 1829, 7435, 8978, 9673, 22488, 3660, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 4724, 9381, 13546, 6055, 3224, 1829, 7435, 8978, 9673, 22488, 3660, 32239, 8592, 4724, 9381, 13546, 6055, 3224, 1829, 7435, 22807, 4724, 9381, 13546, 6055, 3224, 1829, 7435, 8978, 9673, 3615, 995, 28671, 16472, 20328, 9640, 6055, 3224, 1829, 7435, 8978, 9673, 3615, 995, 28671], "avg_logprob": -0.356481487221188, "compression_ratio": 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21542, 1829, 9566, 7649, 2423, 18188, 295, 10491, 1975, 2407, 5463, 10491, 3714, 43020, 2423, 14407, 24401, 45164, 11778, 9778, 4032, 37893, 5172, 25124, 9640, 3615, 7251, 30543, 5172, 3714, 43020, 7251, 4117, 3794, 2288, 36632, 11331, 26108, 3660, 8978, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 3224, 1829, 28820, 18863, 19913, 2304, 7578, 39894, 45761, 3224, 44381, 25124, 1829, 38207, 13672, 1829, 3714, 34268, 18513], "avg_logprob": -0.2416063980622725, "compression_ratio": 1.7818930041152263, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 247.96, "end": 248.34, "word": "أو", "probability": 0.761474609375}, {"start": 248.34, "end": 248.8, "word": " الناس", "probability": 0.9396158854166666}, {"start": 248.8, "end": 248.92, "word": " اللي", "probability": 0.90478515625}, {"start": 248.92, "end": 249.18, "word": " هم", "probability": 0.706298828125}, {"start": 249.18, "end": 249.68, "word": " أساسا", "probability": 0.8609619140625}, {"start": 249.68, "end": 250.1, "word": " عندهم", "probability": 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39896, 34105, 4724, 1829, 8315, 3714, 4117, 3794, 13063, 3660, 37495, 22653, 34105, 4724, 1829, 8315, 20328, 5016, 22807, 1975, 1829, 3224, 22807, 34105, 3714, 4117, 3794, 13063, 3660, 29538, 8978, 9122, 5172, 9640, 21136, 1863, 39182, 21136, 3555, 3615, 9957, 6055, 9381, 49628, 12174, 16572, 49401, 9154, 33962, 2655, 5172, 34051, 6024, 110, 29245, 26108, 37495, 22653, 30767, 1829, 6024, 110, 29245, 26108], "avg_logprob": -0.21677791030661572, "compression_ratio": 1.9430051813471503, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 323.53, "end": 323.85, "word": "ال", "probability": 0.93701171875}, {"start": 323.85, "end": 324.15, "word": " ..", "probability": 0.08251953125}, {"start": 324.15, "end": 325.09, "word": " العمر", "probability": 0.832275390625}, {"start": 325.09, "end": 325.57, "word": " الطويلة", "probability": 0.841064453125}, {"start": 325.57, "end": 327.99, "word": " الان", "probability": 0.680908203125}, {"start": 327.99, "end": 328.83, "word": " أضعف", "probability": 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2655, 13546, 44945, 9778, 31845, 3224, 9154, 32748, 2407, 9778, 3660, 44945, 9778, 31845, 3224, 7251, 2655, 11622, 3224, 7435, 44945, 9778, 31845, 3224, 7251, 2304, 8592, 1829, 8978, 6024, 116, 37440, 8717, 11242, 2407, 26895, 3224, 44945, 5016, 3555, 2407, 8592, 7251, 2304, 8592, 1829, 8978, 9154, 9566, 28671, 37893, 20449, 44510, 3660, 9122, 45865, 3794, 8978, 11296, 37495, 22653, 11331, 7435, 9640, 3660, 1975, 2407, 3714, 43500, 5172, 3615, 9307, 9154, 12174, 20292, 1211, 23758, 37037, 15730, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 5296, 5016, 1829, 9307, 4117, 14407, 37279, 28480, 14407], "avg_logprob": -0.20393518695124874, "compression_ratio": 1.9361702127659575, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 377.27, "end": 377.65, "word": "عشان", "probability": 0.89306640625}, {"start": 377.65, "end": 377.89, "word": " هيك", "probability": 0.892578125}, {"start": 377.89, "end": 378.09, "word": " في", "probability": 0.69873046875}, {"start": 378.09, "end": 378.63, "word": " شيء", "probability": 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disease، the resulting dehydration، واحد معاه vomiting أو مش جاد يستخدم معاه نوزي أو vomiting، مش حياته، إيش حاسسه بعد هيك؟ جفاف، إيش معنى الجفاف؟ Hypotension", "tokens": [6027, 10721, 3794, 4117, 2655, 37495, 22653, 44049, 38207, 44650, 2655, 16758, 3615, 34051, 4625, 2740, 2318, 294, 264, 19682, 420, 729, 1217, 42613, 538, 257, 4752, 13672, 1829, 31439, 5551, 2655, 3615, 3555, 9154, 2423, 4752, 34051, 5551, 5016, 3555, 9154, 2423, 4752, 12399, 264, 16505, 32102, 2405, 12399, 36764, 24401, 20449, 40294, 46234, 34051, 37893, 10874, 18513, 7251, 14851, 9778, 40448, 20449, 40294, 8717, 2407, 11622, 1829, 34051, 46234, 12399, 37893, 11331, 1829, 9307, 3224, 12399, 11933, 1829, 8592, 11331, 32277, 3794, 3224, 39182, 39896, 4117, 22807, 10874, 5172, 31845, 12399, 11933, 1829, 8592, 20449, 1863, 7578, 25724, 5172, 31845, 22807, 5701, 17698, 3378], "avg_logprob": -0.3627336387322328, "compression_ratio": 1.5661764705882353, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 462.17, "end": 462.37, 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3224, 7435, 2288, 8592, 9957, 12399, 3714, 43020, 5551, 5016, 1829, 7649, 995, 16472, 47395, 7578, 9154, 2423, 19312, 12399, 7251, 9381, 13546, 8717, 19913, 33911, 11778, 47283, 20292, 34051, 11331, 26108, 3660, 12399, 293, 277, 279, 5317, 609, 304, 5420, 35603, 9122, 1863, 11622, 1211, 16472, 3215, 5172, 3615, 12399, 7251, 3555, 4587, 7578, 16472, 3224, 30767, 1829, 31439, 46234, 12399, 49374, 16095], "avg_logprob": -0.3809659153223038, "compression_ratio": 1.5136363636363637, "no_speech_prob": 1.430511474609375e-06, "words": [{"start": 490.57, "end": 491.37, "word": "مش", "probability": 0.440765380859375}, {"start": 491.37, "end": 491.57, "word": " هنقدر", "probability": 0.577392578125}, {"start": 491.57, "end": 492.37, "word": " يمشي،", "probability": 0.7641845703125}, {"start": 492.37, "end": 492.83, "word": " مافيش", "probability": 0.88134765625}, {"start": 492.83, "end": 493.11, "word": " دم", "probability": 0.94384765625}, {"start": 493.11, "end": 494.07, "word": " يصل،", 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3615, 41891, 34051, 5296, 1211, 10721, 2304, 3615, 16606, 12399, 3714, 43020, 7251, 3555, 4587, 7578, 1975, 3224, 39237, 10943, 4724, 1829, 16254, 12399, 3714, 43020, 7251, 3555, 4587, 7578, 12174, 2288, 5016, 3660, 12399, 20328, 5016, 22807, 3714, 43020, 7251, 34740, 2304, 9673, 3615, 41891, 34051, 7251, 34740, 2304, 2423, 2407, 9381, 5172, 1829, 4587, 33546, 34051, 7251, 34740, 2304, 16247, 2304, 3615, 16606, 16490, 33546, 3660, 9673, 3615, 41891], "avg_logprob": -0.29460227435285397, "compression_ratio": 1.9555555555555555, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 510.97, "end": 511.41, "word": "سمك", "probability": 0.6861165364583334}, {"start": 511.41, "end": 512.25, "word": " أولاد،", "probability": 0.5430908203125}, {"start": 512.25, "end": 512.69, "word": " خاصة", "probability": 0.97998046875}, {"start": 512.69, "end": 512.79, "word": " لو", "probability": 0.8955078125}, {"start": 512.79, "end": 512.97, "word": " اللوحة", "probability": 0.73077392578125}, {"start": 512.97, 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مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن مثلن", "tokens": [2407, 3224, 15730, 3714, 4587, 25708, 30731, 2423, 38688, 995, 3660, 11933, 15730, 32767, 5551, 8592, 9778, 9381, 46811, 10943, 995, 6156, 2304, 12984, 15040, 10874, 47302, 3555, 50113, 6027, 9122, 32640, 2407, 38637, 2288, 16758, 1829, 6055, 15040, 5172, 19913, 9122, 32640, 2407, 38637, 2288, 16758, 1829, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 1211, 14111, 995, 50113, 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9957, 2423, 460, 22670, 4032, 12602, 7649, 3215, 9957, 4032, 12602, 9307, 3215, 9957, 37893, 3224, 13063, 23758, 12602, 9307, 3215, 9957, 8978, 28242, 11331, 2655, 3660, 4724, 1829, 39648, 4117, 9122, 3215, 3224, 35186, 6225, 2304, 4032, 11242, 3555, 5296, 5016, 1863, 23328, 3660, 4032, 1975, 8315, 4724, 16572, 5016, 3714, 9307, 8978, 3224, 12602, 9307, 3215, 9957, 4032, 12602, 7649, 3215, 9957, 4032, 460, 22670, 1975, 2407, 6156, 10943, 3215, 9957, 4032, 4386, 4724, 43042, 3224, 6225, 26895, 3660, 6225, 26895, 3660, 6055, 7649, 10632, 29538, 2423, 2511, 326, 3742, 6225, 26895, 3660, 28239, 2407, 11622, 25528, 4032, 2423, 46234, 8032, 6027, 1829], "avg_logprob": -0.26805125408291075, "compression_ratio": 1.981203007518797, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 735.87, "end": 736.25, "word": "حاجة", "probability": 0.7140299479166666}, {"start": 736.25, "end": 736.43, "word": " اسمها", "probability": 0.8580729166666666}, {"start": 736.43, "end": 736.87, "word": " Nexium", 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5172, 27884, 12399, 20449, 8608, 21292, 1211, 309, 17354, 12399, 11933, 1829, 8592, 309, 17354, 22807, 11331, 31747, 3660, 13412, 16254, 41891, 12399, 23758, 4724, 1829, 39648, 1975, 43500, 4117, 6027, 10632, 12399, 11331, 3794, 36081, 16247, 9566, 5172, 6027, 11778, 1829, 25724, 46152, 24525, 2304, 3224, 1975, 43500, 4117, 6027, 10632, 12399, 19446, 41185, 8592, 36764, 24401], "avg_logprob": -0.17334691813026648, "compression_ratio": 1.9109311740890689, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 770.77, "end": 771.61, "word": "لأن", "probability": 0.4837646484375}, {"start": 771.61, "end": 771.89, "word": " كنت", "probability": 0.984130859375}, {"start": 771.89, "end": 772.39, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.6065673828125}, {"start": 772.39, "end": 773.55, "word": " familiar", "probability": 0.7607421875}, {"start": 773.55, "end": 774.99, "word": " بالارتكالية", "probability": 0.827880859375}, {"start": 774.99, "end": 775.17, "word": " بتاعة", "probability": 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2423, 39184, 11762, 12399, 8608, 2407, 16606, 8978, 25724, 1211, 3215, 12399, 5551, 3224, 8978, 36632, 11331, 2655, 3660, 3714, 43020, 6055, 1829, 7435, 1829, 16247, 20292, 7649, 12399, 44381, 16247, 20292, 7649, 11778, 1829, 5296, 15042, 6055, 30544, 10874, 995, 10632, 4724, 35457, 3555, 23032, 3615, 10943, 44049, 38207, 12399, 4032, 6055, 30544, 39182, 19446, 5551, 9778, 8848, 8315, 4110], "avg_logprob": -0.2347756400067582, "compression_ratio": 1.8169642857142858, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 799.62, "end": 800.04, "word": "يمكن", "probability": 0.84228515625}, {"start": 800.04, "end": 800.34, "word": " البشر", "probability": 0.8359375}, {"start": 800.34, "end": 800.62, "word": " إلا", "probability": 0.58868408203125}, {"start": 800.62, "end": 800.76, "word": " مع", "probability": 0.85693359375}, {"start": 800.76, "end": 800.96, "word": " أنواع", "probability": 0.6488444010416666}, {"start": 800.96, "end": 801.04, "word": " من", "probability": 0.96533203125}, {"start": 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9957, 8978, 31767, 13063, 3660, 22807, 13412, 995, 33911, 9957, 2423, 40357, 9122, 33911, 22807, 13412, 995, 33911, 9957, 34105, 22807, 13412, 995, 33911, 9957, 34105, 22807, 1975, 3224, 12399, 4724, 12984, 13063, 6225, 25724, 19528, 12399, 3714, 5016, 3794, 9957], "avg_logprob": -0.3089767130566578, "compression_ratio": 1.5803571428571428, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 826.94, "end": 827.74, "word": "شيء", "probability": 0.6929524739583334}, {"start": 827.74, "end": 828.54, "word": " آخر،", "probability": 0.5633951822916666}, {"start": 828.54, "end": 829.0, "word": " يبقى", "probability": 0.9437255859375}, {"start": 829.0, "end": 829.36, "word": " allergic", "probability": 0.88671875}, {"start": 829.36, "end": 829.74, "word": " reactions", "probability": 0.8974609375}, {"start": 829.74, "end": 829.98, "word": " can", "probability": 0.85693359375}, {"start": 829.98, "end": 830.38, "word": " happen", "probability": 0.85400390625}, {"start": 830.38, "end": 830.88, "word": " 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1863, 3794, 6027, 9957, 4032, 3615, 41260, 5551, 9778, 3215, 29739, 1863, 3794, 6027, 9957, 6055, 7649, 1829, 11331, 36520, 3224, 364, 569, 3495, 75, 19892, 5588, 3714, 9307, 15844, 9673, 41361, 3714, 9307, 15844, 9673, 41361, 11933, 15730, 32767, 7251, 2655, 3215, 9640, 4117, 4032, 4117, 2407, 3224, 37495, 22653, 20666, 3794, 2288, 27884, 25124, 16254, 41891, 43242, 3224, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 47962, 17251], "avg_logprob": -0.2537251604313882, "compression_ratio": 1.9169675090252707, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 851.76, "end": 852.1, "word": "هذه", "probability": 0.846435546875}, {"start": 852.1, "end": 852.36, "word": " بقولك", "probability": 0.6288248697916666}, {"start": 852.36, "end": 852.7, "word": " أقل", "probability": 0.8974609375}, {"start": 852.7, "end": 852.96, "word": " أنواع", "probability": 0.93017578125}, {"start": 852.96, "end": 853.52, "word": " الهسيسية", "probability": 0.7540283203125}, {"start": 853.52, "end": 854.36, "word": " لكن", 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10632, 8978, 16247, 12984, 9640, 25724, 7649, 3555, 10632, 39894, 25957, 1211, 23996, 4470, 34051, 4470, 295, 23996, 8978, 9122, 19528, 3660, 4724, 1829, 3224, 20449, 8315, 3224, 4470, 295, 23996, 24525, 2304, 11296], "avg_logprob": -0.21337500715255736, "compression_ratio": 2.034782608695652, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 930.3, "end": 930.64, "word": "في", "probability": 0.7900390625}, {"start": 930.64, "end": 931.42, "word": " النشرة", "probability": 0.71875}, {"start": 931.42, "end": 932.12, "word": " المصاحبة", "probability": 0.938720703125}, {"start": 932.12, "end": 932.58, "word": " للدواء", "probability": 0.834228515625}, {"start": 932.58, "end": 933.22, "word": " هبنقرا", "probability": 0.63603515625}, {"start": 933.22, "end": 933.86, "word": " اللي", "probability": 0.814697265625}, {"start": 933.86, "end": 933.96, "word": " هو", "probability": 0.94189453125}, {"start": 933.96, "end": 934.28, "word": " الأثار", "probability": 0.9065755208333334}, {"start": 934.28, 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28814, 5172, 2288, 31377, 9307, 9673, 22488, 3660, 12399, 16490, 33546, 3660, 9673, 8592, 995, 45865, 37495, 22653, 50113, 15040, 12399, 5551, 3224, 12399, 44381, 11933, 15730, 25961, 33688, 3794, 37440, 6156, 28543, 11331, 32277, 3794, 25124, 2304, 3794, 4032, 24793, 7649, 6156, 28543, 11331, 32277, 3794, 32545, 30543, 5551, 5016, 1829, 7649, 995, 12399, 5551, 3224, 3714, 43020, 10874, 28259, 7251, 3794, 26895, 3224, 4470, 295, 1179], "avg_logprob": -0.23487902969442387, "compression_ratio": 1.7105263157894737, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1013.49, "end": 1013.77, "word": "يعني", "probability": 0.968017578125}, {"start": 1013.77, "end": 1014.05, "word": " واضح", "probability": 0.9791666666666666}, {"start": 1014.05, "end": 1014.45, "word": " انه", "probability": 0.6943359375}, {"start": 1014.45, "end": 1015.41, "word": " بيتفاعل", "probability": 0.814208984375}, {"start": 1015.41, "end": 1016.11, "word": " معه", "probability": 0.466064453125}, {"start": 1016.11, "end": 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المعاناة الطبيعي ممكن يعمل فقد شهية ايش كمان بتعمل فقد شهية عند الإنسان؟ أشياء بتعمل في الحياة فقد شهية عند الإنسان ايوة stress والهم والغم", "tokens": [41185, 20449, 3215, 1211, 2423, 3224, 2288, 2304, 2407, 8315, 2655, 16490, 33546, 3660, 2423, 3224, 2288, 2304, 2407, 8315, 2655, 16070, 3224, 2288, 2304, 11536, 32545, 4117, 16572, 9279, 7096, 546, 37495, 22653, 5296, 15042, 7251, 30544, 9840, 16659, 719, 8978, 9279, 7096, 546, 16490, 33546, 3660, 5296, 15042, 7251, 4587, 1211, 20449, 3215, 1211, 9673, 3615, 7649, 995, 3660, 41950, 21292, 3615, 1829, 3714, 43020, 7251, 25957, 1211, 6156, 28543, 13412, 3224, 10632, 1975, 1829, 8592, 9122, 2304, 7649, 39894, 25957, 1211, 6156, 28543, 13412, 3224, 10632, 43242, 33688, 1863, 3794, 7649, 22807, 5551, 8592, 1829, 16606, 39894, 25957, 1211, 8978, 21542, 25528, 3660, 6156, 28543, 13412, 3224, 10632, 43242, 33688, 1863, 3794, 7649, 1975, 1829, 2407, 3660, 4244, 16070, 16095, 16070, 17082, 2304], "avg_logprob": -0.16129429697051761, 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39894, 25957, 1211, 28124, 295, 30455, 831, 3390, 3321, 12399, 37495, 22653, 5701, 17698, 3378, 12399, 16070, 39184, 5701, 17698, 3378, 39896, 5551, 16095, 44049, 38207, 16490, 9566, 13546], "avg_logprob": -0.27692307692307694, "compression_ratio": 1.404494382022472, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1220.85, "end": 1221.57, "word": "هي", "probability": 0.8095703125}, {"start": 1221.57, "end": 1222.17, "word": " كعرض", "probability": 0.9072265625}, {"start": 1222.17, "end": 1223.07, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.943359375}, {"start": 1223.07, "end": 1223.75, "word": " مهمة،", "probability": 0.798095703125}, {"start": 1223.75, "end": 1224.89, "word": " لسها،", "probability": 0.73284912109375}, {"start": 1224.89, "end": 1225.11, "word": " لكن", "probability": 0.66455078125}, {"start": 1225.11, "end": 1225.55, "word": " الأهم", "probability": 0.775634765625}, {"start": 1225.55, "end": 1225.91, "word": " منها", "probability": 0.9951171875}, {"start": 1225.91, "end": 1226.13, 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12719, 7055, 281, 3082, 41282, 366, 264, 5631, 651, 20406, 9862], "avg_logprob": -0.35756577818017254, "compression_ratio": 1.5517241379310345, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1356.58, "end": 1357.14, "word": "أقصدا", "probability": 0.60540771484375}, {"start": 1357.14, "end": 1357.98, "word": " الاطفال", "probability": 0.59942626953125}, {"start": 1357.98, "end": 1359.28, "word": " والأطفال", "probability": 0.760986328125}, {"start": 1359.28, "end": 1360.36, "word": " ليش", "probability": 0.6993408203125}, {"start": 1360.36, "end": 1360.68, "word": " الاطفال", "probability": 0.8463134765625}, {"start": 1360.68, "end": 1361.6, "word": " والأطفال؟", "probability": 0.8819173177083334}, {"start": 1361.6, "end": 1362.94, "word": " بيفقد", "probability": 0.6446533203125}, {"start": 1362.94, "end": 1363.3, "word": " كمية", "probability": 0.65234375}, {"start": 1363.3, "end": 1363.36, "word": " ده", "probability": 0.22515869140625}, {"start": 1363.36, "end": 1365.32, "word": " هو", 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23557, 4117, 11622, 30767, 2407, 17082, 13546, 995, 4117, 3794, 22807, 3714, 9640, 11296, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3714, 23557, 4117, 11622, 8978, 45595, 20498, 7251, 5172, 11242, 1211, 7251, 5016, 9566, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3714, 23557, 4117, 11622, 5551, 35457, 45367, 4032, 39182, 9957, 7251, 4587, 1211, 1211, 11296, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3714, 23557, 4117, 11622, 9122, 2304, 7649, 5551, 35457, 45367, 6055, 7649, 1829, 6225, 8592, 7649, 25062, 2288, 9778, 3660, 12399, 7251, 5172, 6027, 11622, 2407, 17082, 13546, 995, 4117, 3794, 31439, 2511, 592, 9619, 8978, 6556, 27622], "avg_logprob": -0.27645986619656976, "compression_ratio": 1.7083333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1414.64, "end": 1415.76, "word": "القرانية", "probability": 0.810400390625}, {"start": 1415.76, "end": 1416.52, "word": " Herpes,", "probability": 0.69482421875}, {"start": 1416.78, "end": 1417.36, "word": " Simplex,", "probability": 0.696044921875}, {"start": 1418.12, "end": 1418.8, "word": " Keratitis", 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أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو أولوية أو", "tokens": [28814, 15730, 25961, 2655, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051, 5551, 12610, 2407, 10632, 34051], "avg_logprob": -0.15000000635782879, "compression_ratio": 18.34090909090909, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1465.15, "end": 1465.61, "word": "إذا", 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1211, 14407, 16712, 9778, 2304, 3660, 12399, 39894, 25957, 1211, 14407, 33688, 3794, 3224, 6027, 16070, 2655, 4587, 16572, 3555, 12399, 5296, 8848, 23275, 37495, 22653, 28242, 36764, 24401, 7251, 47283, 3215, 11296, 8978, 11933, 25708, 3224, 4032, 3224, 2407, 3714, 33599, 1829, 37495, 22653, 37495, 22653, 37495, 9566, 1829, 11296, 5296, 9566, 5172, 1211, 8978, 25124, 9640, 3615, 34051, 11331, 26108, 3660, 12399, 9673, 16095, 16472, 3224, 19446, 7251, 30544], "avg_logprob": -0.263640864027871, "compression_ratio": 2.09478672985782, "no_speech_prob": 4.589557647705078e-06, "words": [{"start": 1589.8899999999999, "end": 1590.61, "word": "ففي", "probability": 0.170196533203125}, {"start": 1590.61, "end": 1590.87, "word": " كل", "probability": 0.966796875}, {"start": 1590.87, "end": 1591.23, "word": " بيت", "probability": 0.982177734375}, {"start": 1591.23, "end": 1591.97, "word": " لو", "probability": 0.71826171875}, {"start": 1591.97, "end": 1592.49, "word": " يعني", "probability": 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8592, 5296, 26895, 3660, 24976, 9381, 3555, 39319, 4724, 9381, 49628, 47524, 9566, 1863, 7649, 12399, 36764, 24401, 8032, 2304, 3224, 4032, 17082, 2304, 3224, 12399, 3714, 2407, 11242, 45367, 4724, 1829, 9381, 49628, 47524, 9566, 1863, 7649, 12399, 36764, 24401, 6055, 2288, 3794, 1211, 1017, 8608, 45761, 9307, 30767, 1829, 18513, 3660, 4032, 2304, 3615, 13412, 2407, 10632, 2423, 39184, 372, 46496, 1434], "avg_logprob": -0.48137019460017866, "compression_ratio": 1.6467391304347827, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1802.72, "end": 1803.02, "word": "بعض", "probability": 0.79296875}, {"start": 1803.02, "end": 1803.18, "word": " الناس", "probability": 0.9161783854166666}, {"start": 1803.18, "end": 1803.44, "word": " تستخدم", "probability": 0.5205154418945312}, {"start": 1803.44, "end": 1804.1, "word": " الهليكز", "probability": 0.596728515625}, {"start": 1804.1, "end": 1805.06, "word": " كميزة", "probability": 0.4422119140625}, {"start": 1805.06, "end": 1805.32, "word": " من", 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1829, 4724, 1829, 8315, 2304, 5296, 3794, 995, 27884, 46811, 7649, 10632, 31767, 49628, 12399, 4724, 1829, 4587, 20498, 4724, 2288, 4587, 2304, 20328, 3215, 2288, 12399, 512, 295, 597, 727, 312, 24069, 498, 257, 15217], "avg_logprob": -0.2745386018048997, "compression_ratio": 1.8854961832061068, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1967.72, "end": 1968.34, "word": "الأنف", "probability": 0.726806640625}, {"start": 1968.34, "end": 1969.18, "word": " إله،", "probability": 0.6177571614583334}, {"start": 1969.18, "end": 1969.78, "word": " الأسنان", "probability": 0.9697265625}, {"start": 1969.78, "end": 1970.62, "word": " إلها،", "probability": 0.94189453125}, {"start": 1970.62, "end": 1971.32, "word": " المعدد", "probability": 0.5788981119791666}, {"start": 1971.32, "end": 1971.96, "word": " إلها،", "probability": 0.9471435546875}, {"start": 1971.96, "end": 1972.44, "word": " الأمعاد", "probability": 0.9058837890625}, {"start": 1972.44, "end": 1973.96, "word": " إلها،", 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spray أو tablets تتاخد لإيش؟ تتاخد لتوشيع الشرايب", "tokens": [10721, 3224, 37495, 22653, 8978, 20328, 28259, 4587, 36764, 24401, 3714, 43500, 5172, 3615, 48812, 17082, 9566, 11778, 2304, 3224, 5296, 2331, 50113, 15040, 4032, 31439, 37893, 11778, 9640, 1829, 3714, 43020, 7251, 2304, 35473, 6055, 24793, 1211, 2423, 35046, 44945, 3215, 2288, 4587, 3794, 393, 41263, 24390, 23520, 3009, 30767, 1829, 19446, 11933, 1829, 8592, 8717, 36081, 32887, 32771, 20292, 3794, 2288, 9957, 8717, 36081, 32887, 32771, 20292, 3794, 2288, 9957, 8032, 6027, 1829, 8519, 34051, 27622, 6055, 2655, 47283, 3215, 5296, 28814, 1829, 8592, 22807, 6055, 2655, 47283, 3215, 5296, 2655, 2407, 8592, 1829, 3615, 25124, 23557, 1829, 3555], "avg_logprob": -0.35232844072229724, "compression_ratio": 1.5130434782608695, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1996.43, "end": 1996.95, "word": "أه", "probability": 0.53741455078125}, {"start": 1996.95, "end": 1997.43, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.9140625}, {"start": 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5016, 3660, 31767, 3215, 2288, 10632, 39894, 1829, 7435, 1829, 8032, 7649, 1829, 9154, 28242, 3660, 32748, 2304, 2423, 7578, 6225, 11242, 37977, 25062, 46152, 2562, 1426, 520, 349, 301, 6156, 3224, 2407, 37495, 22653, 34892, 26108, 1211, 34051, 9673, 16572, 11242, 3714, 33599, 1829, 4032, 5016, 32277, 3794, 5296, 15042, 6055, 1829, 7435, 1829, 16247, 19528, 13412, 16254, 3215, 8032, 25528, 7251, 9566, 3555, 4587, 15844, 20328, 3215, 2288, 3224, 4032, 32640, 3794, 4117, 11331, 2655, 3660, 31439, 5172, 3660, 6055, 33753, 13672, 3794, 7649, 20328, 3615, 3555, 5296, 9957, 7435, 1829], "avg_logprob": -0.27083333289181744, "compression_ratio": 1.869198312236287, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2023.19, "end": 2023.49, "word": "عشان", "probability": 0.97021484375}, {"start": 2023.49, "end": 2023.99, "word": " ينزل", "probability": 0.8553466796875}, {"start": 2023.99, "end": 2024.31, "word": " الدم", "probability": 0.974609375}, {"start": 2024.31, "end": 2024.57, "word": " فيها", 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25724, 995, 10632, 16472, 13412, 16606, 21984, 4724, 16254, 28242, 23032, 6027, 49401, 9154, 24793, 6055, 30544, 10874, 47302, 3555, 6027, 1829, 4032, 2288, 4587, 32748, 47283, 1211, 10632, 39894, 995, 27884, 18863, 46152, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.23437499578020213, "compression_ratio": 1.8355555555555556, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2088.25, "end": 2088.97, "word": "خمسين", "probability": 0.891845703125}, {"start": 2088.97, "end": 2089.43, "word": " نوع", "probability": 0.989501953125}, {"start": 2089.43, "end": 2091.39, "word": " لهو", "probability": 0.575439453125}, {"start": 2091.39, "end": 2091.71, "word": " تنزيل", "probability": 0.9820556640625}, {"start": 2091.71, "end": 2091.97, "word": " ضغط", "probability": 0.9705403645833334}, {"start": 2091.97, "end": 2092.19, "word": " الدم", "probability": 0.9775390625}, {"start": 2092.19, "end": 2095.19, "word": " في", "probability": 0.75537109375}, {"start": 2095.19, "end": 2096.01, "word": " اللي", "probability": 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RANDIN تسمي الشركة التالتة بتسمي DI CARE, gastrointestinal care وفي قريب منه فامو دين لازم تجيبولي .. يعني تقرأوها و تجيبولي إياها و حطها هنا عشان هذا نشاطنا", "tokens": [10721, 3794, 10721, 1211, 14407, 8978, 12174, 9381, 3660, 11778, 2288, 10632, 43242, 24793, 12399, 12174, 12610, 14407, 47525, 8315, 4386, 11778, 3224, 31439, 9673, 3615, 1863, 7578, 12602, 9307, 3215, 9957, 13412, 31747, 3660, 6055, 7649, 10632, 24525, 2304, 11296, 497, 8070, 1464, 6055, 38251, 1829, 25124, 31747, 3660, 16712, 6027, 2655, 3660, 39894, 38251, 1829, 11953, 15939, 36, 11, 17898, 340, 686, 377, 2071, 1127, 4032, 41185, 12174, 16572, 3555, 9154, 3224, 6156, 10943, 2407, 11778, 9957, 5296, 31377, 2304, 6055, 7435, 1829, 3555, 12610, 1829, 4386, 37495, 22653, 6055, 4587, 2288, 10721, 2407, 11296, 4032, 6055, 7435, 1829, 3555, 12610, 1829, 11933, 25528, 11296, 4032, 11331, 9566, 11296, 34105, 6225, 8592, 7649, 23758, 8717, 8592, 41193, 8315], "avg_logprob": -0.30010330775552546, "compression_ratio": 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الـNitroglycerin، أدوية الراتدين والميدا والكلام هذا، حتى من ضبط المدرس والكلام هذا، مافي إنسان متقف زيكوا هيستغني عن هذه الأدوية يكون عنده سدرية في البيئة، طب لو استخدمها خطأ مش هسير", "tokens": [10721, 8315, 4724, 16254, 5551, 4117, 14407, 3714, 33599, 6055, 47283, 3215, 14407, 28242, 10943, 4724, 1829, 39648, 14407, 37495, 22653, 16472, 3224, 1975, 5016, 8315, 44650, 4117, 19528, 8978, 9122, 2407, 4117, 3555, 5551, 34740, 12399, 5296, 10721, 12399, 23758, 44049, 38207, 8978, 11331, 1829, 9307, 4117, 14407, 18863, 42213, 10632, 12602, 39319, 7251, 30544, 3714, 29245, 23328, 12399, 29538, 16247, 3215, 2407, 10632, 12399, 5551, 3215, 2407, 10632, 48812, 3555, 9566, 32748, 2304, 12399, 5551, 3215, 2407, 10632, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 39184, 45, 270, 6675, 356, 1776, 259, 12399, 5551, 3215, 2407, 10632, 34892, 9307, 3215, 9957, 16070, 2304, 25708, 995, 16070, 28820, 10943, 23758, 12399, 11331, 49975, 9154, 48812, 3555, 9566, 9673, 3215, 2288, 3794, 16070, 28820, 10943, 23758, 12399, 19446, 41185, 36145, 3794, 7649, 44650, 4587, 5172, 30767, 1829, 4117, 14407, 39896, 14851, 17082, 22653, 18871, 29538, 16247, 3215, 2407, 10632, 7251, 30544, 43242, 3224, 8608, 3215, 2288, 10632, 8978, 2423, 21292, 19986, 3660, 12399, 23032, 3555, 45164, 44713, 9778, 40448, 11296, 16490, 9566, 10721, 37893, 8032, 3794, 13546], "avg_logprob": -0.24178571002823965, "compression_ratio": 2.0, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2143.85, "end": 2144.11, "word": "أنا", "probability": 0.4031982421875}, {"start": 2144.11, "end": 2144.21, "word": " بدي", "probability": 0.7099609375}, {"start": 2144.21, "end": 2144.49, "word": " أكوا", "probability": 0.607177734375}, {"start": 2144.49, "end": 2144.71, "word": " ماش", "probability": 0.6575927734375}, {"start": 2144.71, "end": 2144.99, "word": " تاخدوا", "probability": 0.9700927734375}, {"start": 2144.99, "end": 2145.43, "word": " كلام", "probability": 0.9658203125}, {"start": 2145.43, "end": 2146.45, "word": " بيقولوا", "probability": 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404, 335, 482, 6055, 3555, 4587, 7578, 21136, 23328, 7649, 44381, 25724, 16572, 11622, 2407, 32771, 13063, 5172, 9957, 6156, 3224, 15730, 5130, 351, 1063, 304, 10874, 16572, 11622, 2407, 32771, 13063, 5172, 9957, 5130, 351, 1063, 304, 5551, 4117, 23557, 3794, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 21136, 23328, 7649, 23032, 1829, 3555, 1975, 5016, 8315, 2423, 15247, 39894, 45761, 8315, 9122, 33911, 8717, 3615, 28480, 36145, 3224, 21136, 23328, 7649, 11933, 7435, 995, 9154, 32748, 2407, 3660, 49429, 5296, 10721], "avg_logprob": -0.3107476663366656, "compression_ratio": 1.6889952153110048, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2203.72, "end": 2203.9, "word": "و", "probability": 0.697265625}, {"start": 2203.9, "end": 2204.14, "word": " بعض", "probability": 0.817138671875}, {"start": 2204.14, "end": 2204.26, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.5455322265625}, {"start": 2204.26, "end": 2204.98, "word": " Antibiotics", "probability": 0.854736328125}, {"start": 2204.98, "end": 2206.48, "word": " من", 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عدم انتظام في النوم ممكن كده كده بنوقف الدواء بنوقف الدواء يوم يومين تلاتة لو واحد الصداع بيكون هو المتهم الدواء muscle aches and pains بنشوف أروع الألم اللي بعض الأدوية تؤدثهم symptoms that can develop", "tokens": [3555, 1863, 8592, 38688, 1975, 15730, 4386, 45030, 11242, 31767, 28259, 3615, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 32748, 2407, 16606, 31767, 28259, 3615, 22807, 1975, 3224, 1975, 3224, 4724, 4587, 7578, 1975, 5016, 8315, 12174, 36150, 19446, 41361, 8592, 20449, 40294, 20328, 28259, 3615, 23032, 3555, 1975, 1829, 3224, 10874, 7649, 995, 20328, 28259, 3615, 20449, 3714, 3215, 9307, 1829, 32748, 2407, 16606, 22807, 23032, 3555, 4724, 1829, 39648, 37495, 22653, 3714, 43020, 8978, 6225, 40448, 16472, 2655, 19913, 10943, 8978, 28239, 20498, 3714, 43020, 9122, 3215, 3224, 9122, 3215, 3224, 44945, 30543, 5172, 32748, 2407, 16606, 44945, 30543, 5172, 32748, 2407, 16606, 7251, 20498, 7251, 20498, 9957, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 45164, 36764, 24401, 31767, 28259, 3615, 4724, 1829, 30544, 31439, 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بيعمل aids تعريف ايش او abbreviation لإيش HIV human immunodeficiency ايش immunodeficiency نقص الملاعب فيروس نقص الملاعب المقتسبة", "tokens": [18796, 13154, 1429, 1786, 7848, 5752, 15414, 14453, 293, 3935, 32239, 8592, 1975, 5016, 8315, 10874, 1829, 3555, 8315, 2423, 28447, 45595, 20498, 2423, 15907, 8978, 32887, 3794, 2423, 28447, 13672, 1829, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 28447, 37279, 16572, 5172, 1975, 1829, 8592, 1975, 2407, 35839, 399, 5296, 28814, 1829, 8592, 15907, 1952, 13154, 1429, 1786, 7848, 1975, 1829, 8592, 13154, 1429, 1786, 7848, 8717, 4587, 9381, 9673, 15040, 3615, 3555, 8978, 32887, 3794, 8717, 4587, 9381, 9673, 15040, 3615, 3555, 9673, 38149, 35457, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.24545784433220708, "compression_ratio": 1.703125, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2265.7599999999998, "end": 2266.68, "word": "human", "probability": 0.2529296875}, {"start": 2266.68, "end": 2267.6, "word": " immunodeficiency", "probability": 0.9298095703125}, {"start": 2267.6, "end": 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مافيش اهتمام بالموضوع يعني بيثبت فمثلا ران دين ورات دين هذا الاحد يقول فامو دين هذا بيثبت الارباجنسيين مافيش ميل عند الذكر أو الامر", "tokens": [2407, 25957, 1211, 8315, 16095, 8978, 29739, 22653, 4032, 41185, 29739, 5016, 2288, 4032, 2288, 11622, 4587, 8315, 16095, 9154, 41950, 1829, 3555, 9307, 4032, 5172, 11242, 1211, 8315, 16095, 15844, 9122, 12984, 13546, 9154, 9154, 16490, 1211, 4587, 8315, 16095, 7251, 3555, 4587, 7578, 45030, 11242, 2423, 7766, 39894, 25957, 1211, 4470, 295, 6701, 1179, 19446, 41185, 8592, 1975, 3224, 39237, 10943, 20666, 2304, 2407, 11242, 45367, 37495, 22653, 4724, 1829, 12984, 3555, 2655, 6156, 2304, 12984, 15040, 12602, 7649, 11778, 9957, 4032, 2288, 9307, 11778, 9957, 23758, 2423, 39319, 3215, 7251, 39648, 6156, 10943, 2407, 11778, 9957, 23758, 4724, 1829, 12984, 3555, 2655, 2423, 9640, 3555, 26108, 1863, 3794, 1829, 9957, 19446, 41185, 8592, 3714, 26895, 43242, 32545, 37983, 34051, 2423, 10943, 2288], "avg_logprob": -0.25570436957336606, 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5551, 5016, 1829, 7649, 995, 37495, 22653, 4724, 9381, 13546, 11331, 49975, 9122, 3555, 9640, 21136, 1863, 16490, 33546, 3660, 28239, 3794, 16606, 8978, 8608, 1863, 39182, 2423, 6905, 11331, 49975, 29538, 2423, 2407, 19913, 16373, 5172, 6055, 44510, 10721, 6055, 2655, 2288, 26108, 3615, 4724, 8592, 28820, 16490, 9566, 13546, 13], "avg_logprob": -0.42807112351573745, "compression_ratio": 1.6781115879828326, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2565.23, "end": 2565.43, "word": "أشخاص", "probability": 0.5443267822265625}, {"start": 2565.43, "end": 2566.11, "word": " يأخذون", "probability": 0.698486328125}, {"start": 2566.11, "end": 2567.97, "word": " مضادات", "probability": 0.626129150390625}, {"start": 2567.97, "end": 2568.53, "word": " الفيروسال", "probability": 0.73712158203125}, {"start": 2568.53, "end": 2569.33, "word": " خاصة", "probability": 0.7065836588541666}, {"start": 2569.33, "end": 2569.39, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.75439453125}, {"start": 2569.39, "end": 2570.29, 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6156, 6027, 7649, 8032, 2655, 4117, 19528, 4724, 3794, 2288, 27884, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 2674, 12470, 33962, 9566, 2407, 9566, 18863, 16572, 11242, 3660, 24976, 2655, 3615, 10943, 1211, 20449, 16247, 3215, 2407, 10632, 1975, 12610, 44049, 31439, 2423, 10075, 420, 2902], "avg_logprob": -0.23139881406511578, "compression_ratio": 1.7762557077625571, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2622.0, "end": 2622.68, "word": "طبيبة", "probability": 0.7257486979166666}, {"start": 2622.68, "end": 2623.78, "word": " او", "probability": 0.681640625}, {"start": 2623.78, "end": 2624.7, "word": " مساعد", "probability": 0.91796875}, {"start": 2624.7, "end": 2625.38, "word": " طبي", "probability": 0.83251953125}, {"start": 2625.38, "end": 2626.84, "word": " اه", "probability": 0.33734130859375}, {"start": 2626.84, "end": 2627.24, "word": " كل", "probability": 0.77978515625}, {"start": 2627.24, "end": 2627.32, "word": " ما", "probability": 0.79541015625}, {"start": 2627.32, "end": 2627.46, 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28820, 3224, 3202, 8978, 32748, 2407, 3660, 37279, 9566, 1829, 8592, 11778, 2407, 3660, 47525, 1211, 11778, 2407, 3660, 1975, 17082, 1211, 4587, 10874, 45367, 4117], "avg_logprob": -0.26809210463574057, "compression_ratio": 1.6974358974358974, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2653.1099999999997, "end": 2653.87, "word": "Concentrate", "probability": 0.71875}, {"start": 2653.87, "end": 2654.29, "word": " your", "probability": 0.771484375}, {"start": 2654.29, "end": 2654.95, "word": " whole", "probability": 0.67431640625}, {"start": 2654.95, "end": 2655.49, "word": " attention", "probability": 0.92041015625}, {"start": 2655.49, "end": 2656.77, "word": " on", "probability": 0.91015625}, {"start": 2656.77, "end": 2657.35, "word": " what", "probability": 0.9287109375}, {"start": 2657.35, "end": 2658.05, "word": " are", "probability": 0.7314453125}, {"start": 2658.05, "end": 2658.25, "word": " you", "probability": 0.958984375}, {"start": 2658.25, "end": 2658.61, "word": " doing", 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ويقول السيارة مضال ويطلع ورا و .. و بعد كتف جدامه ممكن ايش يقتل الناس، و الدواء نفس الاشي، فهيش بيقول concentrate your", "tokens": [2655, 3615, 9566, 1829, 8592, 32748, 2407, 16606, 6156, 995, 34268, 8315, 12399, 6055, 3615, 9566, 1829, 3224, 4032, 7649, 2655, 8717, 16373, 2304, 12399, 6055, 3615, 9566, 1829, 3224, 37495, 22653, 47525, 11536, 1975, 3224, 39237, 10943, 12399, 5296, 10721, 46811, 10943, 995, 14111, 5296, 33456, 32748, 2407, 16606, 30767, 1829, 9122, 9640, 2655, 21136, 1829, 9640, 3660, 12399, 49374, 5172, 3615, 36764, 24401, 4032, 1829, 39648, 21136, 1829, 9640, 3660, 3714, 11242, 6027, 4032, 1829, 9566, 1211, 3615, 4032, 23557, 4032, 4386, 4032, 39182, 9122, 2655, 5172, 10874, 3215, 10943, 3224, 3714, 43020, 1975, 1829, 8592, 7251, 38149, 1211, 2423, 8315, 3794, 12399, 4032, 32748, 2407, 16606, 8717, 36178, 2423, 33599, 1829, 12399, 6156, 3224, 1829, 8592, 4724, 1829, 39648, 18089, 428], "avg_logprob": -0.3027500143051147, "compression_ratio": 1.8181818181818181, 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6027, 9122, 2304, 6225, 9566, 26895, 23032, 5172, 1211, 32748, 4117, 2655, 13063, 50113, 15040, 9122, 9307, 3555, 6225, 8592, 25720, 3714, 20292, 10874, 2288, 10943, 5296, 28820, 9122, 26895, 2407, 10874, 2288, 10943], "avg_logprob": -0.3278061346131928, "compression_ratio": 1.45748987854251, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2803.09, "end": 2803.55, "word": "never", "probability": 0.496185302734375}, {"start": 2803.55, "end": 2803.81, "word": " give", "probability": 0.84912109375}, {"start": 2803.81, "end": 2804.59, "word": " medicines", "probability": 0.86083984375}, {"start": 2804.59, "end": 2805.09, "word": " from", "probability": 0.8935546875}, {"start": 2805.09, "end": 2806.01, "word": " unlabeled", "probability": 0.8722330729166666}, {"start": 2806.01, "end": 2806.45, "word": " container", "probability": 0.455078125}, {"start": 2806.45, "end": 2807.87, "word": " أي", "probability": 0.26220703125}, {"start": 2807.87, "end": 2808.15, "word": " كنت", "probability": 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4386, 5296, 9307, 14851, 25957, 1211, 9122, 2304, 7649, 2423, 11469, 1292, 4032, 2423, 21587, 4032, 5551, 8592, 1829, 16606, 5551, 34740, 7578, 8978, 16712, 1211, 26108, 3660, 5296, 16758, 3215, 6055, 30544, 4386, 1975, 8315, 5551, 3794, 19452, 8978, 16712, 1211, 26108, 3660, 8978, 9122, 3224, 25513, 995, 1754, 365, 264, 4537, 1826, 415, 2516, 702, 7195, 37495, 22653, 41850, 19446, 16254, 8592, 5296, 11296, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 20328, 17082, 13546, 1975, 39648, 3224, 16490, 3215, 21542, 3555, 8032, 1863, 36150, 3615, 11296], "avg_logprob": -0.3252032486403861, "compression_ratio": 1.6485507246376812, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2916.86, "end": 2917.14, "word": "عن", "probability": 0.43939208984375}, {"start": 2917.14, "end": 2917.22, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.68896484375}, {"start": 2917.22, "end": 2917.82, "word": " subcutaries", "probability": 0.34521484375}, {"start": 2917.82, "end": 2918.56, "word": " must", "probability": 0.517578125}, {"start": 2918.56, 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جمال، لأ أحضره في الحال. 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12399, 6055, 30544, 16490, 25513, 7649, 3660, 12399, 6156, 32277, 41891, 12399, 25961, 8978, 32362, 399, 34051, 6055, 17082, 13546, 8978, 13672, 11536, 12399, 5296, 10721, 12399, 9122, 2304, 7649, 2423, 45447, 4002, 5551, 7435, 2288, 7578, 12399, 5296, 31377, 2304, 5551, 7435, 2288, 7578, 2423, 45447, 4002], "avg_logprob": -0.31886060680963296, "compression_ratio": 1.578358208955224, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2997.12, "end": 2997.66, "word": "Don't", "probability": 0.5418701171875}, {"start": 2997.66, "end": 2998.52, "word": " use", "probability": 0.8720703125}, {"start": 2998.52, "end": 2999.08, "word": " clear", "probability": 0.6201171875}, {"start": 2999.08, "end": 2999.62, "word": " solutions", "probability": 0.837890625}, {"start": 2999.62, "end": 3000.26, "word": " which", "probability": 0.841796875}, {"start": 3000.26, "end": 3001.36, "word": " has", "probability": 0.7392578125}, {"start": 3001.36, "end": 3001.94, "word": " been", "probability": 0.88427734375}, 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عليه expiring day يعني الناس تعلموا حاجات كتيرة كله عليه expiring day كمان أي change in color بتاخدوش", "tokens": [2304, 4587, 2288, 2288, 9154, 2423, 37828, 8608, 29399, 9957, 4032, 17082, 6027, 3555, 995, 1975, 34740, 13412, 3224, 2288, 9957, 2423, 8315, 3794, 4724, 4587, 14407, 7251, 47283, 3215, 14407, 2423, 37828, 13672, 1829, 7251, 5172, 11242, 43761, 13412, 3224, 2288, 9957, 5296, 33456, 3224, 4724, 1829, 30544, 25724, 2407, 4032, 6027, 2655, 9778, 11622, 9957, 4032, 9778, 25513, 16490, 1211, 33546, 7251, 3555, 4587, 7578, 2423, 1278, 5057, 786, 3714, 16095, 8717, 4587, 2288, 10721, 16247, 16095, 21136, 37983, 16070, 42213, 5016, 16070, 3794, 13546, 7435, 16070, 11622, 1829, 35473, 2288, 28242, 11296, 47356, 1278, 5057, 786, 37495, 22653, 2423, 8315, 3794, 37279, 19528, 14407, 11331, 26108, 9307, 9122, 2655, 48923, 28242, 3224, 47356, 1278, 5057, 786, 9122, 2304, 7649, 36632, 1319, 294, 2017, 39894, 47283, 3215, 2407, 8592], "avg_logprob": -0.2791193181818182, 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