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INTRODUCTION: Infection with the new coronavirus responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) continues to spread worldwide. In Brazil, there are already more than 230 thousand dead, many of these older adults. OBJECTIVE: To present the clinical characteristics of older Brazilian adults infected by COVID-19, in the epidemiological weeks (EW) 34-52, and to verify factors responsible for the increased risk of death. METHODS: Retrospective and observational study conducted with secondary publicly available data, provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. 1,544 confirmed cases of registered COVID-19 infection were included between August 16 and December 26, 2020, aged 60 or older. OUTCOMES: Demographic data, comorbidity, symptoms for disease, clinical information: days of hospitalization, chest X-ray, type of RT-PCR. RESULTS: 48% of patients admitted to the ICU with evidence for SARS-CoV-2 died. Symptoms and comorbidities related to increased chance of death (OR) were immunodeficiency (188%), kidney disease (166%), neurological disease (103%), dyspnea (86%), pneumopathy (55%), O2 saturation <95% (53%), respiratory discomfort (49%), age (36%), sore throat (31%), and sex (0.5%). There was a 5% increase in the chance of death for each year of life. CONCLUSION: Heart disease and Diabetes mellitus were the most frequent comorbidities, but did not indicate an increased risk of death from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Age, sex, sore throat, dyspnea, respiratory discomfort, O2 saturation <95%, neurological disease, pneumopathy, immunodeficiency, and kidney disease were significantly associated with risk of death from COVID-19.
Clinical characteristics of 1544 Brazilians aged 60 years and over with laboratory evidence for SARS-CoV-2
Clinical characteristics of 1544 Brazilians aged 60 years and over with laboratory evidence for SARS-CoV-2
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OBJECTIVE: To compare maternal and perinatal outcomes between randomized trials and observational studies in which conservative management was performed for more than 48 h in patients with early-onset severe preeclampsia. METHODOLOGY: We searched PubMed, LILACS, Cochrane and Google Scholar. The studies were divided in two groups: randomized and observational studies, from 1990 to 2018 that included patients with severe preeclampsia before 34 weeks of gestation with pregnancy prolongation &#8805;48 h but that did not include fetal growth restriction or HELLP syndrome at the beginning. The main variables recorded were maternal and perinatal complications. MAIN RESULTS: Forty-four studies met the inclusion criteria, and 5 of these were randomized. The average pregnancy prolongation was 9 days, with no difference between groups. Maternal complications were significantly more common in observational studies, RR = 0.71, 95% CI (0.54-0.93), p = .009. Perinatal complications were also significantly more common in observational studies (RR = 0.89, 95% CI (0.80-0.98), p = .01) at the expense of stillbirth and neonatal deaths. The percentages of cesarean sections were significantly higher in randomized studies, RR = 1.54, 95% CI (1.46-1.64). There were 2 maternal deaths, both in observational studies. CONCLUSION: Observational studies in which conservative management of early-onset preeclampsia is performed and do not include patients with fetal growth restriction or patients with HELLP syndrome and where at least 2 days of pregnancy prolongation is achieved are associated with significantly more maternal and perinatal complications.
Conservative management of early-onset severe preeclampsia: comparison between randomized and observational studies a systematic review
Conservative management of early-onset severe preeclampsia: comparison between randomized and observational studies a systematic review
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Background:In recent years, an integrated programme of vector control, screening and treatment of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT) infections has led to a rapid decline in cases in the Mandoul disease focus of Chad. In this study, we assess whether elimination of transmission has already been achieved in the region despite low-level case reporting, quantify the role of intensified interventions in transmission reduction, and predict the trajectory of gHAT in Mandoul for the next decade under a range of control scenarios. Method: We utilise human case data (2000-2019) to update a previous model of transmission of gHAT in Mandoul. We also test the updated model, which now has refined assumptions on diagnostic specificity of the current algorithm and an improved fitting method, via a data censoring approach.Results:We conclude that passive detection rates have increased due to improvements in diagnostic availability in fixed health facilities since 2015, by 2.1-fold for stage 1 detection, and by 1.5-fold for stage 2. We find that whilst the diagnostic algorithm for active screening is estimated to be highly specific (99.93%, 95% CI: 99.91-99.95%), the high screening level and limited remaining infection means that some recently reported cases might be false positives, especially the ones that were not parasitologically confirmed. We also find that the focus-wide tsetse vector reduction estimated through model fitting (99.1%, 95% CI: 96.1-99.6%) is comparable to the very high reduction previously measured by the decline in catches of tsetse from monitoring traps. In line with previous results, the model suggests that transmission was likely interrupted in 2015 as a result of intensified interventions. Conclusions: We recommend that additional confirmatory testing is performed in Mandoul in order that the endgame can be carefully monitored now that infection levels are so low. More specific measurement of cases would better inform when it is safe to stop active screening and vector control.
Update of transmission modelling and projections of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul focus, Chad
Update of transmission modelling and projections of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul focus, Chad
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Microanatomy of the vast majority of human organs at birth is characterized by marked differences as compared to adult organs, regarding their architecture and the cell types detectable at histology. In preterm neonates, these differences are even more evident, due to the lower level of organ maturation and to ongoing cell differentiation. One of the most remarkable finding in preterm tissues is the presence of huge amounts of stem/progenitor cells in multiple organs, including kidney, brain, heart, adrenals, and lungs. In other organs, such as liver, the completely different burden of cell types in preterm infants is mainly related to the different function of the liver during gestation, mainly focused on hematopoiesis, a function that is taken by bone marrow after birth. Our preliminary studies showed that the antigens expressed by stem/progenitors differ significantly from one organ to the next. Moreover, within each developing human tissue, reactivity for different stem cell markers also changes during gestation, according with the multiple differentiation steps encountered by each progenitor during development. A better knowledge of stem/progenitor cells of preterms will allow neonatologists to boost preterm organ maturation, favoring the differentiation of the multiple cells types that characterize each organ in at term neonates.
Stem/progenitor cells in fetuses and newborns: overview of immunohistochemical markers.
Stem/progenitor cells in fetuses and newborns: overview of immunohistochemical markers.
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The current COVID-19 pandemic has increased the use of alcohol based hand sanitisers globally. These available alcohol based sanitisers cannot provide an antibacterial effect for an extended period of time, after the evaporation of ethanol. Hence, the need for a sanitiser with an anti-microbial activity combined with a long lasting effect is the need of the hour. In this study, we report the synthesis of a long lasting sanitiser from ozonated omega 9 fatty acid esters in an ethanolic medium. The formed vesicles made of the fatty acids have been characterized by DLS, Zeta potential, and time resolved fluorescence anisotropy studies. Ethanol although, provides an antibacterial effect, the effect is more pronounced in our prepared formulation owing to its high peroxide value that generates additional oxidative stress. Finally, this additional antimicrobial effect will have relevance in the current COVID-19 scenario in providing a long lasting hand sanitiser.
Synthesis and characterization of a nano-formulation for long lasting sterilization effect
Synthesis and characterization of a nano-formulation for long lasting sterilization effect
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The Covid-19 outbreak of 2020 has required many governments to develop mathematical-statistical models of the outbreak for policy and planning purposes. This work provides a tutorial on building a compartmental model using Susceptibles, Exposed, Infected, Recovered and Deaths status through time. A Bayesian Framework is utilized to perform both parameter estimation and predictions. This model uses interventions to quantify the impact of various government attempts to slow the spread of the virus. Predictions are also made to determine when the peak Active Infections will occur.
SEIRD Model for Qatar Covid-19 Outbreak: A Case Study
{{ORGANIZATION}} for Qatar Covid-19 Outbreak: A Case Study
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global crisis, with devastating health, business and social impacts. Vaccination is a safe, simple, and effective way of protecting a person against COVID-19. By the end of August 2021, only 24.6% of the world population has received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Since the emergence of COVID-19, several COVID-19 vaccines have been developed and approved for emergency use. Current vaccines have shown efficacy with low risk of adverse effects. However, COVID-19 vaccines have been related to a relatively small number of cases of heart inflammation, anaphylaxis (allergic reactions), and blood clots formation. On the other hand, COVID-19 vaccination is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age. Furthermore, It has been proposed that some new variants (e.g., Lambda and Delta) are proficient in escaping from the antiviral immunity elicited by vaccination. Herein we present current considerations regarding the COVID-19 vaccines including: efficacy against new variants, challenges in distribution, disparities in availability, dosage gender and race difference, COVID-19 vaccine transport and storage, limitations in children and pregnant women. Long-time monitoring is essential in order to find vaccine efficacy and to rule out related side effects.
COVID-19 vaccines: Current evidence and considerations
{{NAME}} vaccines: Current evidence and considerations
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic status and COVID‐19 mortality in Iran. We performed a retrospective cohort study on data from the hospitalised COVID‐19 patients in Qazvin. We collected data on education, self‐reported socioeconomic status, and location of residence as a proxy for socioeconomic status (SES). We applied the Blinder‐Oaxaca decomposition approach to assess the role of socioeconomic inequality in COVID‐19 mortality and determine the main contributors to the observed inequality. Overall, 941 patients (48.96%) had low SES, while only 24.87% (n = 478) were classified in the high SES category. The mortality rate was significantly higher in the low SES group, and we spotted a 17.13% gap in COVID‐19 mortality between the high and low SES patients (p < 0.001). Age was the main contributor to the observed inequality, responsible for 6.91% of the gap (p < 0.001). Having co‐morbidities (1.53%) and longer length of stay (LOS) in hospitals (0.95%) in the low SES group were other main determinants of the inequality in COVID‐19 mortality (p < 0.05). In the unexplained part of our model, the effect of increased age (10.61%) and a positive RT‐PCR test result (3.43%) were more substantial in the low SES group compared to the high SES patients (p < 0.05). The low SES people had an increased risk of getting COVID‐19, and the disease has been more severe and fatal among them. Increased age, co‐morbidities, and LOS were identified as the main drivers of this inequality.
Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in COVID‐19 mortality in Iran: A retrospective cohort study
Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in {{ORGANIZATION}} mortality in Iran: A retrospective cohort study
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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the delivery of healthcare services, including oncology. To ensure continuity of cancer genetic counseling at a large academic medical center while also promoting the safety of patients and staff, our team transitioned to fully remote telephone genetic counseling and testing services within 48 hr. We compare differences in the six weeks following the shift to telephone genetic counseling (post-COVID) to the six weeks preceding the pandemic (pre-COVID). We maintained 99% of our total visit capacity and saw a decrease in patient no-show rate from 9.5% to 7.3%. Of all patients who received telephone genetic counseling, fewer consented to genetic testing as compared to patients seen in-person prior to the pandemic (79% pre-COVID v. 72% post-COVID; p = .012). Four weeks after this cohort was closed for analysis, 96 out of 303 samples (32%) had not been received by the genetic testing laboratory, despite at least one reminder phone call to the patient. In 13 reported instances, a second sample was required (quality not sufficient, lost or mislabeled sample), thus delaying test results. We conclude that a rapid transition to remote genetic counseling and testing allowed uninterrupted access to cancer genetics services during to the COVID-19 pandemic. Patient compliance with sample return and higher rates of sample failure emerge as potential barriers to timely genetic testing under this service delivery model.
Transition to telephone genetic counseling services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Transition to telephone genetic counseling services during the COVID-19 pandemic
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OBJECTIVE: This randomised controlled trial (RCT) aimed to investigate the effects of a simple cognitive task intervention on intrusive memories ("flashbacks") and associated symptoms following a traumatic event. Patients presenting to a Swedish emergency department (ED) soon after a traumatic event were randomly allocated (1:1) to the simple cognitive task intervention (memory cue + mental rotation instructions + computer game "Tetris" for at least 20 min) or control (podcast, similar time). We planned follow-ups at one-week, 1-month, and where possible, 3- and 6-months post-trauma. Anticipated enrolment was N = 148. RESULTS: The RCT was terminated prematurely after recruiting N = 16 participants. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented recruitment/testing in the ED because: (i) the study required face-to-face contact between participants, psychology researchers, ED staff, and patients, incurring risk of virus transmission; (ii) the host ED site received COVID-19 patients; and (iii) reduced flow of patients otherwise presenting to the ED in non-pandemic conditions (e.g. after trauma). We report on delivery of study procedures, recruitment, treatment adherence, outcome completion (primary outcome: number of intrusive memories during week 5), attrition, and limitations. The information presented and limitations may enable our group and others to learn from this terminated study. Trial registration NCT04185155 (04-12-2019).
A simple cognitive task intervention to prevent intrusive memories after trauma in patients in the Emergency Department: A randomized controlled trial terminated due to COVID-19
A simple cognitive task intervention to prevent intrusive memories after trauma in patients in {{ORGANIZATION}}: A randomized controlled trial terminated due to COVID-19
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INTRODUCTION: It is unclear whether smokers are more vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. This study aimed to evaluate the association between smoking and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: A matched case-control study was conducted using a large nationwide database. The case group included patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the control group was randomly sampled from the general Korean population in the National Health Insurance Service database by matching sex, age, and region of residence. Conditional logistic regression models were used to investigate whether the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 was affected by smoking status. RESULTS: A total of 4,167 patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and 20,937 matched controls were enrolled. The proportion of ex-smokers and current smokers was 26.6% of the total participants. In multivariate analysis, smoking was not associated with an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection (odds ratio [OR] = 0.56, confidence interval [CI] = 0.50-0.62). When ex-smokers and current smokers were analysed separately, similar results were obtained (current smoker OR = 0.33, CI = 0.28-0.38; ex-smoker OR = 0.81, CI = 0.72-0.91). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that smoking may not be associated with an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Smoking tends to lower the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection; however, these findings should be interpreted with caution. IMPLICATIONS: It is unclear whether smokers are more vulnerable to coronavirus disease 2019. In this large nationwide study in South Korea, smoking tended to lower the risk of infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. However, these findings should be interpreted with caution, and further confirmatory studies are required.
Smoking and the risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection
Smoking and the risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection
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The nucleolus is a dynamic subnuclear structure involved in ribosome subunit biogenesis, cell cycle control and mediating responses to cell stress, among other functions. While many different viruses target proteins to the nucleolus and recruit nucleolar proteins to facilitate virus replication, the effect of infection on the nucleolus in terms of morphology and protein content is unknown. Previously we have shown that the coronavirus nucleocapsid protein will localize to the nucleolus. In this study, using the avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus, we have shown that virus infection results in a number of changes to the nucleolus both in terms of gross morphology and protein content. Using confocal microscopy coupled with fluorescent labelled nucleolar marker proteins we observed changes in the morphology of the nucleolus including an enlarged fibrillar centre. We found that the tumour suppressor protein, p53, which localizes normally to the nucleus and nucleolus, was redistributed predominately to the cytoplasm.
Changes in nucleolar morphology and proteins during infection with the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus
Changes in nucleolar morphology and proteins during infection with the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus
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The 3C-like proteinase (3CL(pro)) of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus is a key target for structure-based drug design against this viral infection. The enzyme recognizes peptide substrates with a glutamine residue at the P1 site. A series of keto-glutamine analogues with a phthalhydrazido group at the alpha-position were synthesized and tested as reversible inhibitiors against SARS 3CL(pro). Attachment of tripeptide (Ac-Val-Thr-Leu) to these glutamine-based "warheads" generated significantly better inhibitors (4a-c, 8a-d) with IC(50) values ranging from 0.60 to 70 microM.
Synthesis and evaluation of keto-glutamine analogues as potent inhibitors of severe acute respiratory syndrome 3CLpro.
Synthesis and evaluation of keto-glutamine analogues as potent inhibitors of severe acute respiratory syndrome 3CLpro.
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Purpose>This paper explores the challenges of food security from source to consumption of agri-food value chain by considering urban–rural linkages in city region food systems (CRFSs) and proposes a strategic framework for CRFS identifying strategies to promote urban–rural linkages among multiple stakeholders.Design/methodology/approach>A qualitative case study approach to a fruit and vegetable value chain from rural source to consumption in the Colombo City region identifies the challenges of food security. A snowballing sampling method was used to gather information from retailers, wholesalers, commission agent, farmers and consumers. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews, observations and secondary data sources. The data were analysed using thematic analysis.Findings>Challenges in food security in the value chain related to five areas: input and production, infrastructure, public institutional support and policy, finance, and food market. Colombo city is heavily dependent on food sourced from other cities due to limited land and lack of locally situated commercially oriented farmers.Research limitations/implications>This research is limited to a selected number of fruits and vegetables in the Colombo city region and leaves out other food items.Originality/value>This study contributes to informing policy and decision-making processes to promote a more balanced rural to city food value chain in Colombo City that could benefit all stakeholders from rural small-scale producers to urban consumers.
Challenges of agri-food supply in city region food systems: an emerging economy perspective
Challenges of agri-food supply in city region food systems: an emerging economy perspective
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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vaccine hesitancy is an ongoing major challenge. We aimed to assess the uptake and hesitancy of the COVID-19 vaccination. METHODS: A short online survey was posted between April 12 to July 31, 2021 targeted at health and social care workers (HCWs) across the globe. RESULTS: 275 from 37 countries responded. Most were hospital or primary care physicians or nurses, 59% women, aged 18–60 years, and 21% had chronic conditions with most prevalent being diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. We found that most HCWs (93%) had taken or willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. While 7% were vaccine hesitant (mainly women aged 30–39 years), respondents main concerns was the safety or potential side effects. Vaccine willing respondents raised concerns of unequal access to the COVID-19 vaccination in some countries, and highlighted that the only solution to overcoming COVID-19 infections was the vaccine booster doses given annually and free mass vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that the majority of the frontline HCWs are willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Further promotion of the COVID-19 vaccine would reassure and persuade HCWs to become vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccine uptake and hesitancy opinions from frontline health care and social care workers: Survey data from 37 countries
{{NAME}} uptake and hesitancy opinions from frontline health care and social care workers: Survey data from 37 countries
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Introduction: As COVID-19 develops around the world, numerous publications have described the psychiatric consequences of this pandemic Although clinicians and healthcare systems are mainly focused on managing critically ill patients in an attempt to limit the number of casualties, psychiatric disease burden is increasing significantly In this scenario, increased domestic violence and substance abuse have been recently reported Objective: The objective of this study is to perform a systematic review of the literature regarding the consequences of severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV-2 infection in terms of domestic violence and substance abuse, and compare incidences found Materials and Methods: We conducted a literature search using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses guidelines The keywords included 'domestic violence,' 'substance abuse' AND 'COVID-19,' including multiple variants from December 2019 through June 2020 An extensive bibliographic search was carried out in different medical databases: Pubmed, EMBASE, LILACS, medRxiv, and bioRxiv Titles and abstracts were reviewed according to the eligibility criteria The risk of bias in the retrieved articles was assessed by the Joanna Briggs Institute's critical assessment instrument Results: A total of 1505 papers were initially retrieved after consulting the selected databases After browsing through titles and abstracts, 94 articles were initially included considering the predefined eligibility criteria After a more detailed analysis, only six scientific articles remained in our selection Of these, three were evaluating domestic violence against children, while the other three were about substance abuse Conclusion: There is not enough evidence to support the concept that COVID-19 has led to an increase in the rates of domestic violence and substance abuse The initial decrease in violence reports might not translate into a real reduction in incidence but in accessibility Apparently, there has been a slight increase in alcohol and tobacco abuse, especially by regular users, which also requires confirmatory studies The inconsistency between expert opinon articles and the actual published data could be a result of the limited time since the beginnging of the crisis, the fact that psychitaric patients have been chronically exposed to stressful situatons, and a possible stimulated increase in demand for psychatric consultations
Domestic violence and substance abuse during COVID19: A systematic review
Domestic violence and substance abuse during COVID19: A systematic review
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The youth sport system in the United States is not achieving its full potential. There is a need to reimagine this system in ways that are evidence-based, innovative, and coordinated to best safeguard and promote the well-being of young people. The purpose of this expert commentary, composed by the President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science Board, is to propose a set of changes across multiple levels of influence (e.g., individual, family, school, organization) that could cultivate a more developmentally sound youth sport system. By advancing the vision of the National Youth Sports Strategy to provide quality youth sport to all young people in the country, these changes have substantial potential to benefit young people. [The commentary with the 2020-2021 President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science Board.]
Reimagining the Youth Sport System across the United States: A Commentary from the 2020-2021 President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science Board
Reimagining the Youth Sport System across the United States: A Commentary from the 2020-2021 President's {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause severe trauma to the central nervous system. Resveratrol has been widely studied for several of its medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-oxidative effects. The regulation of SIRT-1 is thought to be related to the effects of resveratrol. As a downstream component of SIRT-1, NF-κB is one of the important signaling pathways that regulate the inflammatory response. Herein, we explored how treatment with resveratrol promoted recovery of motor function after SCI by activating the SIRT-1/NF-κB signaling pathway and inhibiting inflammation in rat models. Recovery of hind limb function was observed using the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan locomotor rating scale at different time points after SCI. Western blot analysis, immunofluorescence, Nissl staining and HE staining were utilized to observe the morphological characteristics of spinal cord tissue, as well as the expression of SIRT-1, NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Resveratrol treatment promoted motor function recovery, increased the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and reduced loss of motor neurons and lesion size among rats after SCI. Meanwhile, inflammatory response was inhibited as the SIRT-1/NF-κB signaling pathway was modulated. These results suggest that resveratrol can help achieve neuroprotective effect by inhibiting inflammation, regulated by the SIRT-1/NF-κB signaling pathway.
Resveratrol inhibits inflammation after spinal cord injury via SIRT-1/NF-κB signaling pathway.
Resveratrol inhibits inflammation after spinal cord injury via SIRT-1/NF-κB signaling pathway.
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Frontline COVID workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics, law enforcement officers, social workers) have been especially impacted by the pandemic (1). Stigma and fear of job loss often prevent help seeking (2,3). Evidence-based interventions exist but can be hard to navigate, limiting or delaying their timely uptake (4,5). Tools are needed to better identify people in need of treatment and provide care navigation that is timely and tailored to the individuals' needs, preferences, and level of distress and helps to circumnavigate stigma. To address this need, our team is conducting formative and acceptability and feasibility research to inform the development of a chatbot-a conversational interface (e.g. Amazon Alexa) using text or speech in a conversational, human-like manner to deliver information-to screen and refer COVID frontline workers to care. We are conducting interviews with 20 community behavioral health providers, advocates, law enforcement officers, and people living with mental illness. We are then asking 40 naïve users to test the prototype chatbot. Feedback from naïve users will be integrated into the fully functional chatbot. Simultaneously, we are conducting a national survey with adults to test the feasibility and acceptability of using chatbot technology for behavioral health screening and referral and examine correlates of mental health chatbot use (i.e. demographics, stigma, and technology readiness). The setting of this study is online with frontline COVID responders and general community members. 20 stakeholder interviews, testing with 40 naive users, and feasibility and acceptability testing with 500 national participants. We will ask participants to test a chatbot that will provide screening for distress (PHQ-9) and referral. The chatbot will require about 5 minutes of time to use. Outcome measures related to feasibility and acceptability of the chatbot include willingness to engage with the chatbot and items from the Technology Acceptance Model. Findings will inform modifications to the chatbot and implementation planning. This work will inform the use of chatbots for mental health screening and referral for various populations. No disclosures to report.
Using a Chatbot to Address Psychological Distress Among First Responders
Using a Chatbot to Address Psychological Distress Among First Responders
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It has been found that a domain composed of 330 amino acids of the N terminus of murine coronavirus spike protein [S1N(330)] is involved in receptor-binding activity (H. Kubo, Y.K. Yamada, and F. Taguchi, J. Virol. 68:5403-5410, 1994). To delineate the amino acid sequences involved in receptor-binding activity, we have compared the S1N(330) proteins of seven different mouse hepatitis virus MHV strains that are able to utilize the MHV receptor protein. Three conserved regions (sites I, II, and III) were found to consist of more than 10 identical amino acids, and they were analyzed for receptor-binding activity by site-directed mutagenesis. S1N(330) with a substitution at position 62 from the N terminus of S1 in region I and that with substitutions at positions 212, 214, and 216 in region II showed no receptor-binding activity. The S1N(330) mutants without receptor-binding activity were not able to prevent virus binding to the receptor. These results suggest that the receptor-binding site on S1N(330) is composed of regions located apart from each other in the protein's primary structure, in which Thr at position 62 as well as amino acids located at positions 212, 214, and 216 are particularly important.
Analysis of the receptor-binding site of murine coronavirus spike protein.
Analysis of the receptor-binding site of murine coronavirus spike protein.
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Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are key regulators of post-transcriptional gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. These molecules can interact with mRNAs or proteins, affecting a variety of cellular functions. Emerging evidence shows that intra/inter-species and trans-kingdom regulation can also be achieved with exogenous RNAs, which are exported to the extracellular medium, mainly through vesicles. In bacteria, membrane vesicles (MVs) seem to be the more common way of extracellular communication. In several bacterial pathogens, MVs have been described as a delivery system of ncRNAs that upon entry into the host cell, regulate their immune response. The aim of the present work is to review this recently described mode of host-pathogen communication and to foster further research on this topic envisaging their exploitation in the design of novel therapeutic and diagnostic strategies to fight bacterial infections.
Extracellular RNAs in Bacterial Infections: From Emerging Key Players on Host-Pathogen Interactions to Exploitable Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets
Extracellular RNAs in {{ORGANIZATION}}: From Emerging Key Players on {{ORGANIZATION}} to Exploitable Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets
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The essay analyses the COVID-19 impact on contracts, identifies the renegotiation as possible remedy, suitable only if combined with specific extrajudicial procedures that make it effective It focuses also on energy poverty in the emergencies regulatory framework © 2020 Ibero-American Law Institute All rights reserved
Economic vulnerability between emergency and contract law
Economic vulnerability between emergency and contract law
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Diarrhea outbreaks in pig farms have raised major concerns in Europe and USA, as they can lead to dramatic pig losses. During a suspected outbreak in Belgium of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), we performed viral metagenomics to assess other potential viral pathogens. Although PEDV was detected, its low abundance indicated that other viruses were involved in the outbreak. Interestingly, a porcine bocavirus and several enteroviruses were most abundant in the sample. We also observed the presence of a porcine enterovirus genome with a gene insertion, resembling a C28 peptidase gene found in toroviruses, which was confirmed using re-sequencing, bioinformatics, and proteomics approaches. Moreover, the predicted cleavage sites for the insertion suggest that this gene was being expressed as a single protein, rather than a fused protein. Recombination in enteroviruses has been reported as a major mechanism to generate genetic diversity, but gene insertions across viral families are rather uncommon. Although such inter-family recombinations are rare, our finding suggests that these events may significantly contribute to viral evolution.
Identification of an enterovirus recombinant with a torovirus-like gene insertion during a diarrhea outbreak in fattening pigs
Identification of an enterovirus recombinant with a torovirus-like gene insertion during a diarrhea outbreak in fattening pigs
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Viruses are ubiquitous in the environment. While many impart no deleterious effects on their hosts, several are major pathogens. This risk of pathogenicity, alongside the fact that many viruses can rapidly mutate highlights the need for suitable, rapid diagnostic measures. This review provides a critical analysis of widely used methods and examines their advantages and limitations. Currently, nucleic-acid detection and immunoassay methods are among the most popular means for quickly identifying viral infection directly from source. Nucleic acid-based detection generally offers high sensitivity, but can be time-consuming, costly, and require trained staff. The use of isothermal-based amplification systems for detection could aid in the reduction of results turnaround and equipment-associated costs, making them appealing for point-of-use applications, or when high volume/fast turnaround testing is required. Alternatively, immunoassays offer robustness and reduced costs. Furthermore, some immunoassay formats, such as those using lateral-flow technology, can generate results very rapidly. However, immunoassays typically cannot achieve comparable sensitivity to nucleic acid-based detection methods. Alongside these methods, the application of next-generation sequencing can provide highly specific results. In addition, the ability to sequence large numbers of viral genomes would provide researchers with enhanced information and assist in tracing infections.
Virus Detection: A Review of the Current and Emerging Molecular and Immunological Methods
Virus Detection: A Review of the Current and Emerging Molecular and Immunological Methods
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Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection that is usually transmitted from cattle to humans through ingestion of animal milk, direct contact with animal parts, or inhalation of aerosolized particles. In Korea, brucellosis seem to be transmitted through close contact with blood, fetus, urine, and placenta of domestic cow that has been infected by Brucella abortus, or inhalation of B. arbortus while examining or slaughtering cow. Brucella melitensis infection is rare in Korea and there have been no reported cases of B. melitensis originating from other countries until now. This report details a case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in a 48-year-old male construction worker recently returned from Iraq. Infection with B. melitensis was confirmed using 16s rRNA sequencing and omp31 gene analysis. The patient was successfully treated using a combination of rifampin, doxycycline, and streptomycin, in accordance with WHO guidelines. This is the first reported case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in Korea caused by B. melitensis originating from Iraq.
An Imported Case of Brucella melitensis Infection in South Korea
An Imported Case of Brucella melitensis Infection in South Korea
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Résumé La prise en charge des pathologies du sommeil a été fortement impactée par l’épidémie de COVID-19. La reprise des soins auprès de la population, à la sortie du confinement, va nécessiter des précautions visant à limiter les risques de contamination des patients et des soignants. L’Association Française du Sommeil en ORL (AFSORL) et la Société Française d’ORL (SFORL) proposent dans ce document une synthèse des mesures permettant la poursuite de la prise en charge du syndrome d’apnées du sommeil dans ces nouvelles conditions d’exercice. L’accent est mis sur la téléconsultation, les modalités d’enregistrement nocturne, les conditions de traitement par ventilation en pression positive continue (PPC) et le report des thérapeutiques plus invasives.
Modalités pratiques de prise en charge des patients apnéiques par l’ORL durant l’épidémie de COVID-19
{{NAME}} pratiques de prise en charge des patients apnéiques par l’ORL durant {{NAME}}
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Background: Acute respiratory illness caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) involved the whole globe within no time Various studies published globally have shown variable severity of disease and mortality The objective of our study was to describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the disease in our setup Methods: in this descriptive case series, individuals with signs and symptoms of Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) and asymptomatic patients with history of close contact to confirmed COVID-19 patients were considered for SARS-CoV-2 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay Epidemiological and clinical features of only PCR positive cases were recorded Data regarding hospitalization status, exposure to known COVID-19 patients, clinical feature and clinical outcome of patients was collected and interpreted Results: A total of 266 patients were found to be SARS-CoV 2 PCR positive which were included in the study Mean age of patients was 39 45+/-31 9 years and majority of the patients in our study were male, i e , 238 (89 5%) Most common clinical features among COVID-19 symptomatic patients were fever and dry cough followed by myalgias and sore throat Eighteen (7%) out of 266 died in our setup Time duration of viral shedding after initial positive PCR varied between 11 days to up to more than 55 days Conclusion: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) can present with wide range of clinical spectrum and disease can be life threatening Severity of disease, requirement of ICU care and mortality were directly related to age of the patient and underlying comorbidities Rigorous precautionary measures are of utmost importance particularly in this high-risk population
Clinical and virological course of SARS-CoV 2 infected patients in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan
Clinical and virological course of {{ORGANIZATION}} infected patients in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan
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With the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and the acquisition of novel mutations in exiting lineages, the need to implement methods capable of monitoring viral dynamics arises. We report the emergence and spread of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant within B.1.575 lineage containing the E484K mutation in the spike protein (named B.1.575.2) in a region of Northern Spain between May and June 2021. SARS-CoV-2 positive samples with cycle threshold value less than or equal to 30 were selected to screen of presumptive variants using the TaqPathTM COVID-19 RT-PCR kit and TaqManTM SARS-CoV-2 Mutation Panel. Confirmation of variants was performed by whole genome sequencing. Of the 200 samples belonging to the B.1.575 lineage, 194 (97%) corresponded to the B.1.575.2 sub-lineage, which was related to the presence of the E484K mutation. Of 197 cases registered in GISAID EpiCoV database as lineage B.1.575.2 194 (99.5%) were identified in Pamplona (Spain). This report emphasizes the importance of complementing surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 with sequencing for the rapid control of emerging viral variants.
Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.575.2 containing the E484K mutation in the spike protein in Pamplona (Spain) May-June 2021
Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.575.2 containing the E484K mutation in the spike protein in Pamplona (Spain) May-June 2021
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This paper studies the sample complexity (aka number of comparisons) bounds for the active best-$k$ items selection from pairwise comparisons. From a given set of items, the learner can make pairwise comparisons on every pair of items, and each comparison returns an independent noisy result about the preferred item. At any time, the learner can adaptively choose a pair of items to compare according to past observations (i.e., active learning). The learner's goal is to find the (approximately) best-$k$ items with a given confidence, while trying to use as few comparisons as possible. In this paper, we study two problems: (i) finding the probably approximately correct (PAC) best-$k$ items and (ii) finding the exact best-$k$ items, both under strong stochastic transitivity and stochastic triangle inequality. For PAC best-$k$ items selection, we first show a lower bound and then propose an algorithm whose sample complexity upper bound matches the lower bound up to a constant factor. For the exact best-$k$ items selection, we first prove a worst-instance lower bound. We then propose two algorithms based on our PAC best items selection algorithms: one works for $k=1$ and is sample complexity optimal up to a loglog factor, and the other works for all values of $k$ and is sample complexity optimal up to a log factor.
The Sample Complexity of Best-$k$ Items Selection from Pairwise Comparisons
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Anterior iliopsoas impingement and tendinitis is a poorly understood and likely underrecognized cause of groin pain and functional disability after total hip arthroplasty. The patient history and physical examination findings are usually only suggestive, and the symptoms frequently subtle. The diagnosis may be confirmed by one or more imaging studies, including a cross-table lateral radiograph, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography, in combination with a confirmatory diagnostic injection. Nonsurgical management may not resolve the problem. Surgical treatment, consisting of release or resection of the iliopsoas tendon, alone or in combination with acetabular revision for an anterior overhanging component, usually provides permanent pain relief.
Anterior iliopsoas impingement and tendinitis after total hip arthroplasty.
Anterior iliopsoas impingement and tendinitis after total hip arthroplasty.
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OBJECTIVE: To study maternal anxiety in pregnant women without comorbidities in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil and to study maternal knowledge and concerns about the pandemic. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis from a national multicenter cross-sectional study performed in 10 cities, from June to August, 2020, in Brazil. Interviewed postpartum women, without medical or obstetrical comorbidities, were included in the present subanalysis. A structured questionnaire and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were applied. RESULTS: Out of the 1,662 women, 763 (45.9%) met the criteria for the current analysis and 16.1% presented with moderate and 11.5% with severe maternal anxiety. Moderate or severe maternal anxiety was associated with high school education (odds ratio [OR]:1.58; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.04-2.40). The protective factor was cohabiting with a partner (OR: 0.46; 95%CI: 0.29-0.73). There was a positive correlation between the total BAI score and receiving information about care in the pandemic (rpartial 0.15; p < 0.001); concern about vertical transmission of COVID-19 (rpartial 0.10; p = 0.01); receiving information about breastfeeding (rpartial 0.08; p = 0.03); concerns about prenatal care (rpartial 0.10; p = 0.01), and concerns about the baby contracting COVID-19 (rpartial 0.11; p = 0.004). The correlation was negative in the following aspects: self-confidence in protecting from COVID-19 (rpartial 0.08; p = 0.04), having learned (rpartial 0.09; p = 0.01) and self-confidence in breastfeeding (rpartial 0.22; p < 0.001) in the context of the pandemic. CONCLUSION: The anxiety of pregnant women without medical or obstetrical comorbidities was associated to high school educational level and not living with a partner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-confidence in protecting against COVID-19 and knowledge about breastfeeding care during the pandemic reduced maternal anxiety.
Increased Risk for Maternal Anxiety during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Brazil among Pregnant Women without Comorbidities
Increased Risk for Maternal Anxiety during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Brazil among {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Allergic rhinitis (AR) is one of the most common allergic diseases in children and it can lead to physical and mental health problems. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) plays an important role in understanding the phenotypes and treatment of AR. However, there are currently no normative clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of AR in children. The study aimed to develop an evidence-based CPG for the treatment of AR in children with TCM. Systematic literature research, expert questionnaire, and clinical evaluation after three rounds of surveys were adopted to form recommendations for treating children with AR using the Delphi method. Depending on the clinical manifestations, we finally recommended two decoctions with two Chinese patent medicines for an acute attack of AR and two decoctions for a chronic period of AR. For the acute attack of AR in children, Xinyi Qingfei decoction, Wenfei Zhiliu decoction, Xinqin granules, and Xinyi Biyan pills were suggested, whereas for the chronic period of AR, Buzhong Yiqi and Jingui Shenqi decoctions were recommended. The four external treatment methods suggested for the prevention and care of AR were body acupuncture, moxibustion, auricular point pressing, and acupoint application. The recommended levels of the suggested TCM strategies ranged from Grade B to D, indicating the weakness of the recommendations. TCM has the potential to offer new insights into phenotypes and the management of AR worldwide; however, more high-quality clinical studies are needed to improve the quality of evidence.
Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children with traditional Chinese medicine.
Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children with traditional Chinese medicine.
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Background/Purpose In 2003, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak resulted in 8096 probable cases and 774 deaths in 26 countries. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of the SARS outbreak on hospitalization for chronic ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions (ACSCs) in Taiwan. Methods We applied a population-based interrupted time series study design and used the time series auto-regressive integrated moving-average model to compare the actual and predicted admission rates of seven selected chronic ACSCs. The analyses were based on National Health Insurance hospital inpatient claims data from 1997 to 2003. Results The impact of SARS on ACSCs after the outbreak varied among seven selected chronic conditions. Hospitalization for respiratory conditions was significantly lower than the predicted values, whereas hospitalization for diabetes was significantly higher than the predicted values after the outbreak. Conclusion Admission rates for most ACSCs, except for diabetes, did not change in the post-SARS period. The reductions in outpatient utilization during the SARS outbreak did not appear to affect adversely admissions for most ACSCs.
Hospitalization for Ambulatory-care-sensitive Conditions in Taiwan Following the SARS Outbreak: A Population-based Interrupted Time Series Study
Hospitalization for Ambulatory-care-sensitive {{NAME}} in Taiwan Following the SARS Outbreak: A Population-based Interrupted Time Series Study
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Forensic laboratories are required to have analytical tools to confidently differentiate illegal substances such as marijuana from legal products (i.e., industrial hemp). The Achilles heel of industrial hemp is its association with marijuana. Industrial hemp from the Cannabis sativa L. plant is reported to be one of the strongest natural multipurpose fibers on earth. The Cannabis plant is a vigorous annual crop broadly separated into two classes: industrial hemp and marijuana. Up until the eighteenth century, hemp was one of the major fibers in the United States. The decline of its cultivation and applications is largely due to burgeoning manufacture of synthetic fibers. Traditional composite materials such as concrete, fiberglass insulation, and lumber are environmentally unfavorable. Industrial hemp exhibits environmental sustainability, low maintenance, and high local and national economic impacts. The 2018 Farm Bill made way for the legalization of hemp by categorizing it as an ordinary agricultural commodity. Unlike marijuana, hemp contains less than 0.3% of the cannabinoid, Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive compound which gives users psychotropic effects and confers illegality in some locations. On the other hand, industrial hemp contains cannabidiol found in the resinous flower of Cannabis and is purported to have multiple advantageous uses. There is a paucity of investigations of the identity, microbial diversity, and biochemical characterizations of industrial hemp. This review provides background on important topics regarding hemp and the quantification of total tetrahydrocannabinol in hemp products. It will also serve as an overview of emergent microbiological studies regarding hemp inflorescences. Further, we examine challenges in using forensic analytical methodologies tasked to distinguish legal fiber-type material from illegal drug-types.
Bridging Disciplines: Applications of Forensic Science and Industrial Hemp
Bridging Disciplines: Applications of Forensic Science and Industrial Hemp
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Both objective and perceived social isolations were associated with future cognitive decline and increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the impacts of perceived social isolation depending on different clinical stages of AD have not been elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of perceived social isolation or loneliness on brain structure and future cognitive trajectories in patients who are living with or are at risk for AD. A total of 176 elderly patients (mean age of 78 years) who had complaint of memory problems (39 subjective cognitive decline [SCD], 53 mild cognitive impairment [MCI], 84 AD) underwent structural MRI and neuropsychological testing. Loneliness was measured by one binary item question “Do you often feel lonely?.” Voxel-based morphometry was conducted to evaluate regional gray matter volume (rGMV) difference associated with loneliness in each group. To evaluate individual differences in cognitive trajectories based on loneliness, subgroup analysis was performed in 51 patients with AD (n = 23) and pre-dementia status (SCD-MCI, n = 28) using the longitudinal scores of Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive component-Japanese version (ADAS-Jcog). Whole brain VBM analysis comparing lonely to non-lonely patients revealed loneliness was associated with decreased rGMV in bilateral thalamus in SCD patients and in the left middle occipital gyrus and the cerebellar vermal lobules I − V in MCI patients. Annual change of ADAS-Jcog in patients who reported loneliness was significantly greater comparing to these non-lonely in SCD-MCI group, but not in AD group. Our results indicate that perceived social isolation, or loneliness, might be a comorbid symptom of patients with SCD or MCI, which makes them more vulnerable to the neuropathology of future AD progression. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11357-022-00584-6.
Perceived social isolation is correlated with brain structure and cognitive trajectory in Alzheimer’s disease
Perceived social isolation is correlated with brain structure and cognitive trajectory in Alzheimer’s disease
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BACKGROUND Based on the Global Trends report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee, in high-income countries, there are 2.7 refuges per 1000 national population, girls and women account for nearly 50% of this refuge population. In these high-income countries, compared with the general population refuge women have higher prevalence of mental illness. Thus, this review was conducted to examine the barriers to and facilitators of access to mental health services for refugee women in high-income countries for refugee resettlement. METHODS We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases for research articles written in English with qualitative component. The last search date was on March 14, 2020. A narrative synthesis was conducted to gather key synthesis evidence. Refugee women (aged 18 and older) that could receive mental health services were included. Men and women under non-refugee migrant legal status were excluded. Studies were evaluated studies using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) qualitative checklist. RESULTS Of the four databases searched, 1258 studies were identified with 12 meeting the inclusion criteria. Three studies were cross-sectional by design, eight studies used a qualitative approach and one studies used mixed approach. The major barriers identified were language barriers, stigmatization, and the need for culturally sensitive practices to encourage accessing mental health care within a religious and cultural context. There were several studies that indicated how gender roles and biological factors played a role in challenges relating to accessing mental health services. The major facilitators identified were service availability and awareness in resettlement countries, social support, and the resilience of refugee women to gain access to mental health services. CONCLUSION This review revealed that socio-economic factors contributed to barriers and facilitators to accessing mental health among women refugees and asylum seekers. Addressing those social determinants of health can reduce barriers and enhance facilitators of access to mental health care for vulnerable populations like refugee women. A key limitation of the evidence in this review is that some data may be underreported or misreported due to the sensitive and highly stigmatizing nature of mental health issues among refugee populations. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION PROSPERO CRD42020180369.
Barriers and facilitators to access mental health services among refugee women in high-income countries: a systematic review.
Barriers and facilitators to access mental health services among refugee women in high-income countries: a systematic review.
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SARS-CoV-2 causes a severe pneumonia (COVID-19) that affects essentially elderly people. In COVID-19, macrophage infiltration into the lung causes a rapid and intense cytokine storm leading finally to a multi-organ failure and death. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, lung and cardiovascular diseases, all of them age-associated diseases, increase the severity and lethality of COVID-19. Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the hallmarks of aging and COVID-19 risk factors. Dysfunctional mitochondria is associated with defective immunological response to viral infections and chronic inflammation. This review discuss how mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with defective immune response in aging and different age-related diseases, and with many of the comorbidities associated with poor prognosis in the progression of COVID-19. We suggest here that chronic inflammation caused by mitochondrial dysfunction is responsible of the explosive release of inflammatory cytokines causing severe pneumonia, multi-organ failure and finally death in COVID-19 patients. Preventive treatments based on therapies improving mitochondrial turnover, dynamics and activity would be essential to protect against COVID-19 severity.
Age-related mitochondrial dysfunction as a key factor in COVID-19 disease
Age-related mitochondrial dysfunction as a key factor in COVID-19 disease
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The demands of high-performance sport are exacerbated during the lead up to the Major Games (i.e., Paralympics). The purpose of this study was to better understand the challenges experienced and strategies utilized by Australian athletes (n = 7) and coaches (n = 5) preparing for the Tokyo Paralympic Games using semi-structured interviews. The thematic analysis highlighted challenges specific to participants' sport (e.g., budgetary constraints, decentralized experiences, athletes with various impairments), personal life (e.g., moving cities to access coaching, postponing vocational/educational developments, isolation from social circles), and associated uncertainties (e.g., COVID-19, qualifications, accreditations). Participants managed these challenges by utilizing strategies to 'anticipate and prepare' (e.g., detailed planning, effective communication, contingency plans) and 'manage expectations' (e.g., understanding specific roles and boundaries, focusing on the process [i.e., effort over results]). Trust and communication between athletes and coaches was key in coaches' better understanding of how athletes' impairments interact with their training and competition environments and tailor support to each athlete's unique needs. Last, participants reflected on the 'pressure' of the Games due to their performance having an impact on their career trajectory 'post-Tokyo' with some athletes contemplating retirement and others realizing the consequences of their performance on sport-related vocation and sponsorship. Coaches also accepted the success of their programs and job security will depend on outcomes at the Games. The findings from this study shed light on factors to consider to reduce challenges for teams preparing for major competitions but also highlight key practical implications to support athletes and coaches leading up, during, and post-major Games.
Challenges and stresses experienced by athletes and coaches leading up to the Paralympic Games
Challenges and stresses experienced by athletes and coaches leading up to the Paralympic Games
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We analyzed 221 COVID-19 cases identified between June 2020 and January 2021 in 6,074 individuals screened for IgG antibodies in May 2020, representing 77% of residents of five Italian municipalities. The adjusted relative risk of developing symptomatic infection in SARS-COV-2 seropositive participants was 0.055 (95%CI: 0.014 - 0.220).
The risk of symptomatic infection during a second COVID-19 wave, in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive individuals
The risk of symptomatic infection during a second COVID-19 wave, in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive individuals
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Validation of key analytical and functional performance characteristics of in vitro immunogenicity risk assessment assays increases our confidence in utilizing them for screening biotherapeutics. Herein, we present a fit-for-purpose (FFP) validation of a dendritic cell (DC) activation assay designed to assess the immunogenicity liability of protein biotherapeutics. Characterization of key assay parameters was achieved using monocyte-derived DCs (MoDCs) treated with cell culture medium only (i.e., background control (BC)), keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) as system positive control (SPC), and 2 therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with known clinical immunogenicity profiles (bococizumab and TAM163) as therapeutic controls (TCs). In the absence of established validation guidelines for primary cell-based assays, the present DC activation assay was validated using a novel FFP approach which allows more flexibility in selection of validation parameters and designing of experiments based on the intended use of the assay. The present FFP validation allowed us to understand the impact of experimental variables on assay precision, develop a clear concise readout for DC activation results, establish a reliable response threshold to define a result as a positive DC activation response, and define in-study donor acceptance criteria and cohort size. FFP validation of this DC activation assay indicated that the assay is sufficient to support its context of use, a preclinical immunogenicity risk management tool.
Fit-for-Purpose Validation and Establishment of Assay Acceptance and Reporting Criteria of Dendritic Cell Activation Assay Contributing to the Assessment of Immunogenicity Risk.
Fit-for-Purpose Validation and Establishment of Assay Acceptance and Reporting Criteria of Dendritic Cell Activation Assay Contributing to the Assessment of Immunogenicity Risk.
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PURPOSE: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a malignant tumor with a high incidence. The therapeutic effect of conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy is not obvious. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an ideal modality to fight cancer, and the nature of photosensitizer limits its application in clinical therapy. The aim of this study was to explore a novel mode of drug delivery for the intervention of bile duct cancer. METHODS: Oxaliplatin and photosensitizer HCE6 were loaded with mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) to synthesize Oxaliplatin/HCE6-MSNs (OH-MSNs); the structure of OH-MSNs was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS), the drug release rate was detected by high performance liquid chromatography; the cellular activity, apoptosis level, and the expression levels of intracellular apoptosis and autophagy-related factors of OH-MSNs on cholangiocarcinoma cells were observed by CCK-8, flow cytometry, colony formation assay, and Western blot; the effects of OH-MSNs on cholangioma growth were observed by mouse tumor formation, immunohistochemistry, and tissue Tunel staining. RESULTS: The release of OH-MSNs to Oxaliplatin was enhanced under acidic conditions; compared with Oxaliplatin or O-MSNs, OH-MSNs showed more potent killing effects against cholangiocarcinoma cells (P<0.05), and exerted notably inhibitory effects on the activity of cholangiocarcinoma cells (P<0.05), promoted their apoptosis (P<0.05), and greatly facilitated the expression of pro-apoptotic factors and autophagic factors in cholangiocarcinoma cells (P<0.05), and markedly inhibited the expression of anti-apoptotic factors and autophagic inhibitory factors (P<0.05); moreover, OH-MSNs could significantly suppress the growth of mouse cholangiocarcinoma (P<0.05) and induce apoptosis of tumor cells compared with Oxaliplatin or O-MSNs (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: MSNs loading greatly increases the killing effect of Oxaliplatin on cholangiocarcinoma cells and upgrades the autophagic level of cholangiocarcinoma cells, while OH-MSNs synthesized by further loading HCE6 have a more apparent killing effect on cholangiocarcinoma cells.
A Study on Mesoporous Silica Loaded With Novel Photosensitizers HCE6 and Oxaliplatin for the Treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma
A Study on Mesoporous Silica Loaded With Novel Photosensitizers HCE6 and Oxaliplatin for the Treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma
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As the COVID-19 virus spread across the globe, sport leagues and mega-events succumbed to the pandemic, shuttering even the most high-profile activities, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. As the global crisis deepened and competitions returned in modified formats, sport’s political uses – viewed widely – became increasingly apparent. Considered along a harder-to-softer continuum, six political uses of sport are laid bare in times of crises: resource redeployment to supplement public infrastructure needs;economic stability and stimulus;leveraged status for public good;distraction from human toil;symbol of collective resolve;and the opportunity for state re-invention. However, each of these six uses is contested and tensive. As such, the political uses of sport in a global crisis reveal both positive and negative dimensions of sport and society-at-large. As such, I present a REI-BCI (Resources-Engagement-Identity/Bread-Circus-Image) continuum to highlight the dynamic political uses of sport in times of turmoil. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
Sport in Times of Turmoil: Political Uses of Sport in Global Crises
Sport in Times of Turmoil: Political Uses of Sport in Global Crises
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During lairage at slaughter plants, cattle can be exposed to extreme heat conditions from pen densities and holding pen microclimates. While research outlining heat mitigation strategies used in other sectors of the beef supply chain is available, there is no published data on the use of heat mitigation strategies at slaughter plants. The objective of this study was to characterize short-term heat mitigation strategies used by commercial beef slaughter plants in the United States. Twenty-one beef slaughter plants, representing an estimated 60% of beef slaughter in the United States, were included in the study. All plants indicated use of at least one heat mitigation strategy, and five of them used more than one type. Sprinklers/misters were the most commonly used heat mitigation type (n = 17, 81%), and fans were the least common type (n = 4, 19%). Shade usage was present in several plants (n = 7, 33%), ranging from barn style roofs to shade cloths. Respondents indicated that they believed heat mitigation strategies provide benefits both to cattle well-being and meat quality outcomes. Future research should focus on the effectiveness of these techniques in improving animal well-being and quality outcomes in the slaughter plant environment and protocols for optimum implementation.
Characterizing heat mitigation strategies utilized by beef processors in the United States
Characterizing heat mitigation strategies utilized by beef processors in the United States
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INTRODUCTION: Since 2010, General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) legislation and Independent Prescribing (IP) enable community optometrists to manage primary eye conditions. No studies have assessed the effect of IP. We wished to determine the distribution of IP optometrists and associated hospital referral rates across Scotland. METHODS: In 2019, FOI requests (General Optical Council and NHS Education Scotland) identified all registered IP optometrists in Scotland and their registered postcodes. Data regarding community eye examinations and referrals to HES since 2010 were gathered via Information Services Division of NHS Scotland. RESULTS: As of March 2019, there were 278 IP optometrists in Scotland (278/1189; 23.4%). Two hundred eighteen IP optometrists work in 293 practices across 11 of Scotland's 14 health boards. There was a strong correlation (r = +0.96) between population density and number of IP optometrists. Fifty-six percent of IP optometrists work in the two most deprived quintiles. Since IP's introduction, there has been a marked increase in anterior segment supplementary visits (+290%). Optometry referrals to GPs have reduced by 10.5%, but referrals to HES have increased by 118% (to 96,315). There was no correlation between quantity of IP optometrists and referral rates to HES (r = -0.06, 95% CI -0.64 to 0.56, p = 0.86). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first analysis of IP optometrists and associated referral rates in Scotland. Despite good geographical distribution and increased supplementary attendances, optometric referrals to HES have doubled and continue to rise. We propose a ratio of primary, supplementary, non-referral and referral rates to discern the true impact of IP versus non-IP community optometric behaviour.
Assessing the effect of Independent Prescribing for community optometrists and referral rates to Hospital Eye Services in Scotland
Assessing the effect of {{ORGANIZATION}} for community optometrists and referral rates to {{ORGANIZATION}} in Scotland
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RNA nanotechnology is the bottom-up self-assembly of nanometer-scale architectures, resembling LEGOs, composed mainly of RNA. The ideal building material should be (1) versatile and controllable in shape and stoichiometry, (2) spontaneously self-assemble, and (3) thermodynamically, chemically, and enzymatically stable with a long shelf life. RNA building blocks exhibit each of the above. RNA is a polynucleic acid, making it a polymer, and its negative-charge prevents nonspecific binding to negatively charged cell membranes. The thermostability makes it suitable for logic gates, resistive memory, sensor set-ups, and NEM devices. RNA can be designed and manipulated with a level of simplicity of DNA while displaying versatile structure and enzyme activity of proteins. RNA can fold into single-stranded loops or bulges to serve as mounting dovetails for intermolecular or domain interactions without external linking dowels. RNA nanoparticles display rubber- and amoeba-like properties and are stretchable and shrinkable through multiple repeats, leading to enhanced tumor targeting and fast renal excretion to reduce toxicities. It was predicted in 2014 that RNA would be the third milestone in pharmaceutical drug development. The recent approval of several RNA drugs and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines by FDA suggests that this milestone is being realized. Here, we review the unique properties of RNA nanotechnology, summarize its recent advancements, describe its distinct attributes inside or outside the body and discuss potential applications in nanotechnology, medicine, and material science.
Thermostability, Tunability, and Tenacity of RNA as Rubbery Anionic Polymeric Materials in Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine-Specific Cancer Targeting with Undetectable Toxicity
{{ORGANIZATION}}, {{ORGANIZATION}}, and Tenacity of {{ORGANIZATION}} as Rubbery Anionic Polymeric Materials in Nanotechnology and {{ORGANIZATION}}
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An inactivated vaccine based on the Sal. abortus equi BN-12 strain with the Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain filtrate used as immunomodulator has been developed in order to prevent salmonella-induced equine abortion. Preclinical and clinical trials with the white mice and the horses, respectively, are carried out. The lack of toxicity is proven. The vaccine immunogenicity for mouse and mare models comprised 90 and 100%, respectively. The industrial vaccine tests showed that the industrial output of foals increased by 13.8% after immunization. Cost-effectiveness of the vaccine used with the Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain filtrate comprised 14.1 rubles per 1 ruble of costs, which was 1.8-fold greater when compared to the vaccine used with a polyribonate medicine. It is ascertained that administration of the inactivated vaccine with the Bac. subtilis TNP-3 strain is an effective method to prevent infectious abortion. Scientific and technical documentation is developed based on the survey results in order to submit it for approval to the Rosselkhoznadzor Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance. The instruction is compliant with the approved use. The registration certificate (71-1-10.19-4495 no. PVR-1-1-.6/01631, as of June 10, 2019) has been issued.
Developmental Results of a Vaccine against Salmonella-Induced Equine Abortion
Developmental Results of a {{NAME}} against Salmonella-Induced Equine Abortion
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BACKGROUND Strategy to inhibit the virus replication is an attractive means in combating SARS-CoV-2 infection. OBJECTIVE We studied phyto-compounds from Strychnos nux-vomica (a poisonous plant) against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase by computational methods. METHOD Molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and energetics calculations were employed to elucidate the role of the phyto-compounds. RESULTS Ergotamine with a binding free energy of -14.39 kcal/mol showed a promising capability in terms of both the binding affinity and interacting to conserved motifs, especially the SDD signature sequence. The calculated dissociation constants for ATP, ergotamine, isosungucine and sungucine were 12 µM, 0.072 nM, 0.011 nM and 0.152 nM, respectively. The exhibited kd by these phyto-compounds reflected a tens of thousands fold potency as compared to ATP. The binding free energies of sungucine and isosungucine were much lower (-13.93 and -15.55 kcal/mol, respectively) compared to that of ATP (-6.98 kcal/mol). CONCLUSION Sharing the same binding location as that of ATP and having high binding affinities, Ergotamine, Isosungucine, Sungucine and Strychnine N-oxide could be effective in controlling the SARS-CoV-2 virus replication by blocking the ATP and inhibiting the enzyme function.
Phyto-compounds from a rather poisonous plant, Strychnos nux-vomica, show high potency against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
Phyto-compounds from a rather poisonous plant, {{ORGANIZATION}} nux-vomica, show high potency against SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent {{ORGANIZATION}} polymerase.
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COVID-19 has caused a global pandemic since December 2019 It has impacted not only the wellbeing of human society but also has been damaging to the global economy This has imposed severe threats and challenges on businesses The British government has launched aid schemes to combat the new scenarios developed as a result of the pandemic This paper aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on foundries in the UK Recorded responses from a detailed survey of the British foundries were analysed and short- and long-term action plans for the foundries are suggested The current status, challenges, and future direction of the UK foundries are discussed An opinion for the use of additive technologies with business model innovation for the de-centralised foundries is presented © 2021, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on British Foundries
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on British Foundries
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BACKGROUND The typical findings of COVID-19 pneumonia include multilobar ground-glass opacities and consolidation areas observed predominantly in the basal and peripheral parts of both lungs in computed tomography. OBJECTIVE The current study aimed to show the correlation of indeterminate lesions of COVID-19 pneumonia detected on computed tomography with the results of the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. METHODS Patients with high-resolution computed tomography images that were reported to contain indeterminate lesions in terms of COVID-19 pneumonia were included retrospectively in the study. The lesions were categorized and the patterns were classified. The RT-PCR-positive and the RT-PCR-negative patients were compared. P<0.05 was accepted as the statistical significance limit. RESULTS The RT-PCR-positive patients had a higher rate of the peripheral lesion. Limited consolidation areas were not detected in the RT-PCR-positive patients. In the RT-PCR-negative patients, the rates of acinar nodules and the tree-in-bud pattern were significantly higher. The RT-PCR-negative patients had higher nodular contour features and lesion coalescence. In the subgroup consisting of lesions with ground-glass opacities and/or ground-glass opacity around the nodule, the rate of nodular contour positivity was significantly higher in the RT-PCR- positive patients. CONCLUSION COVID-19 pneumonia can be suspected in peripheral indeterminate lesions. For indeterminate lesions, especially in the presence of the tree-in-bud pattern, acinar nodules, and limited consolidation areas, alternative diagnoses should be considered even these findings are accompanied by ground-glass opacities.
Correlation of Indeterminate Lesiıons of Covid-19 Pneumonia Detected on Computed Tomography with RT-PCR Results.
{{ORGANIZATION}} of Covid-19 Pneumonia Detected on {{ORGANIZATION}} with {{ORGANIZATION}}.
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Abstract During the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian nursing homes implemented strict no-visitor policies to reduce the risk of introducing COVID-19 in these settings. There are now growing concerns that the risks associated with restricted access to family caregivers and visitors have started to outweigh the potential benefits associated with preventing COVID-19 infections. Many residents have sustained severe and potentially irreversible physical, functional, cognitive, and mental health declines. As Canada emerges from its first wave of the pandemic, nursing homes across the country have cautiously started to reopen these settings, yet there is broad criticism that emerging visitor policies are overly restrictive, inequitable and potentially harmful. We reviewed the nursing home visitor policies for Canada’s ten provinces and three territories as well as international policies and reports on the topic to develop evidence-informed, data-driven and expert-reviewed guidance for the re-opening of Canadian nursing homes to family caregivers and visitors.
Finding the Right Balance: An Evidence-Informed Guidance Document to Support the Re-Opening of Canadian Nursing Homes to Family Caregivers and Visitors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Finding the Right Balance: An Evidence-Informed Guidance Document to Support the Re-Opening of Canadian Nursing Homes to Family Caregivers and Visitors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) surface spike glycoprotein - a major antibody target - is critical for virus entry via engagement of human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Despite successes with existing vaccines and therapies that primarily target the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein, the susceptibility of RBD to mutations provides escape routes for the SARS-CoV-2 from neutralizing antibodies. On the other hand, structural conservation in the spike protein can be targeted to reduce escape mutations and achieve broad protection. Here, we designed candidate stable immunogens that mimic surface features of selected conserved regions of spike protein through epitope grafting, in which we present the target epitope topology on diverse heterologous scaffolds that can structurally accommodate the spike epitopes. Structural characterization of the epitope-scaffolds showed stark agreement with our computational models and target epitopes. The sera from mice immunized with engineered designs display epitope-scaffolds and spike binding activity. We also demonstrated the utility of the designed epitope-scaffolds in diagnostic applications. Taken all together, our study provides important methodology for targeting the conserved, non-RBD structural motifs of spike protein for SARS-CoV-2 epitope vaccine design and demonstrates the potential utility of epitope grafting in rational vaccine design.
Adaptation-proof SARS-CoV-2 vaccine design
Adaptation-proof SARS-CoV-2 vaccine design
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BACKGROUND: With a heightened increase in concern for an influenza pandemic we sought to better understand the 1918 Influenza pandemic, the most devastating epidemic of the previous century. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We use data from several communities in Maryland, USA as well as two ships that experienced well-documented outbreaks of influenza in 1918. Using a likelihood-based method and a nonparametric method, we estimate the serial interval and reproductive number throughout the course of each outbreak. This analysis shows the basic reproductive number to be slightly lower in the Maryland communities (between 1.34 and 3.21) than for the enclosed populations on the ships (R(0) = 4.97, SE = 3.31). Additionally the effective reproductive number declined to sub epidemic levels more quickly on the ships (within around 10 days) than in the communities (within 30–40 days). The mean serial interval for the ships was consistent (3.33, SE = 5.96 and 3.81, SE = 3.69), while the serial intervals in the communities varied substantially (between 2.83, SE = 0.53 and 8.28, SE = 951.95). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results illustrate the importance of considering the population dynamics when making statements about the epidemiological parameters of Influenza. The methods that we employ for estimation of the reproductive numbers and the serial interval can be easily replicated in other populations and with other diseases.
Transmissibility of the Influenza Virus in the 1918 Pandemic
Transmissibility of the Influenza Virus in the 1918 Pandemic
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BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: In Japan, medical and dental care is provided by the universal health insurance system. The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) in Japan sets the rules for health care services provided by health insurance. The MHLW issued a notice in 2020 permitting telemedicine and dental telemedicine for the first visit and for follow-up visits to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection. We conducted this study to clarify the status of dental telemedicine during 2020. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used data from lists obtained on the MHLW website in the analysis. We investigated the number of dental institutions conducing dental telemedicine for the first visit and for follow-up visits by prefecture. RESULTS: In each prefecture, fewer dental institutions conducted telemedicine for the first visit than for follow-up visits. Regions with large metropolitan areas had higher numbers of dental institutions conducting dental telemedicine for the first visit and follow-up visits. Private dental clinics provided the largest proportion of dental telemedicine for the first visit, and general hospitals provided the largest proportion for follow-up visits. CONCLUSION: Our study findings indicated that many dental institutions in Japan made efforts to provide dental services via dental telemedicine using the telephone or online with video to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection. Dental telemedicine can help patients to access dental services and dental care, thereby expanding the potential of dental telemedicine in Japan.
Effect of COVID-19 on dental telemedicine in Japan
Effect of COVID-19 on dental telemedicine in Japan
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A nurse-midwife describes her experience being ill with COVID-19.
My Coronavirus Experience
My Coronavirus Experience
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Machine Learning is a seeing gradual acceptance in every other field and hence healthcare is not an exception. Machine Learning in healthcare is useful for various works like suggesting judgments, presenting timely risk scores and specific resource allocation. Thus Machine Learning has become an important factor during the pandemic period. A rapid growth in the amount of covid cases has led to the corresponding upsurge in demand for ICU care which has also put an immense pressure on the healthcare workers and hospital resources. The risk here is that the medical care workers will find it difficult to give frequent monitoring for the covid patients at high threat of clinical disintegration. This paper focuses on the study and experiments of Machine Learning Algorithms towards predicting whether a confirmed COVID patient will need to use the ICU or not. It also addresses some drawbacks while using the Machine Learning models in real-world problems. Several ML models like XGBoost, Random forest, Classification and Regression decision tree (CART) are used to predict patient deterioration. The Machine Learning models gave good competence in prognosticating critical COVID-19 and therefore it can be used to accurately predict risks in patients, monitor the hospital resource allocation, arrangement of medical resources, and enhance the administration of the unprecedented pandemic. ©2021 IEEE
Icu Admission Prediction Using Machine Learning for Covid-19 Patients
Icu Admission Prediction Using Machine Learning for Covid-19 Patients
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During COVID-19 pandemic, a wide variety of stroke typologies have been described in patients affected by SARS-CoV-2. Investigating the case reports of acute stroke in COVID-19 patients, published since the beginning of the pandemic, we tried to trace the pathogenic mechanisms of stroke during SARS-CoV-2 infection. We conducted a systematic review analyzing demographic data, cerebrovascular risk factors, NIHSS score, vascular territory involvement and laboratory findings of 168 patients described in 89 studies, from a pool of 1243 records. Based on our results, we have identified different stroke profiles: (1) cerebral large vessel disease (CLVD) profile with a low disability, simultaneous onset of COVID-19 and stroke symptoms, good outcome and low serum levels of D-dimer and CRP; (2) intracranial bleeding (IB) profile with high disability, poor outcome and low levels of serum markers of inflammation and coagulopathy; (3) CLVD profile with a short time-lapse between COVID-19 symptoms and stroke onset, high neurological disability and very high systemic inflammatory markers; (4) multiple thrombo-embolic disease (MTED) profile with older patients, many comorbidities, disabling stroke, poor outcome, evident alteration of coagulation tests and high serum levels of both D-dimer and CRP. We therefore summarized these different profiles in a spectrum similar to that of visible light, where the violet-blue band included IB and CSVD with low inflammation and prothrombotic activity, the green-yellow band included CLVD with high inflammation and moderate prothrombotic activity and the orange-red band for MTED with moderate-high levels of inflammation and very high prothrombotic activity.
COVID-19 and stroke: from the cases to the causes.
COVID-19 and stroke: from the cases to the causes.
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There is currently no proven effective therapy for COVID-19 Without wishing to be exhaustive, the drugs most studied in this regard are presented below Each of the listed therapeutic options is considered experimental at this stage However, given the severe public health implications of the epidemic and the potentially fatal outcome of COVID-19 patients treated in the intensive care unit, their use 'off-label' should be considered Orv Hetil 2020;161 (17): 685-688
[Pharmacotherapeutic options for SARS-CoV-2 infection / COVID-19]
[Pharmacotherapeutic options for SARS-CoV-2 infection / COVID-19]
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BACKGROUND: In this study, the ability of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as a treatment approach and adjuvant therapy using curcumin-poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (Cur@PLGA-NPs) to inactivate Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in plasma was investigated. Furthermore, to verify whether the quality requirement of aPDT-treated plasma is acceptable, the differences of the levels of clotting factors, total plasma proteins, and anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies titrations in plasma of patient before and after aPDT treatment were investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cur@PLGA-NPs was synthesized using Electrospinning process and characterized by different analysis including Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy assays. The presence of the SARS-CoV-2 in the plasma samples of patients suspected of having COVID-19 was confirmed by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. Then, the treated plasma samples with Cur@PLGA-NPs plus blue laser were exposed to Vero cells. Eventually, cell cytotoxicity and apoptotic effects of treated Vero cells were evaluated. Levels of clotting factors including prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), total plasma proteins, and anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies measurements were performed using the coagulometer, method of Bradford, and titration procedure, respectively. RESULTS: The presence of SARS-CoV-2 was positive in 84.3 % of samples. Different concentrations of Cur@PLGA-NPs (3, 5, 7, and 10 % wt.), the irradiation times of blue laser (1, 3, and 5 min), and aPDT with the maximum dosed of blue laser light (522.8 J/cm2) plus 10 % wt. Cur@PLGA-NPs had no cytotoxicity. Although there were significant cell degradation and apoptotic effects in treated Vero cells with treated plasma using 10 % wt. Cur@PLGA-NPs, and a blue laser at an energy density of 522.8 J/cm2, no visible changes in cells and apoptosis were observed following aPDT. Total plasma protein content, PT, APTT, and anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies titers showed no significant changes (P > 0.05 for all comparisons) in treated plasma as compared to untreated plasma. CONCLUSION: aPDT exhibited in vitro anti-COVID-19 activities in the treated plasma containing SARS-COV-2 without Vero cell apoptosis and any adverse effects on plasma quality in aPDT-exposed plasma.
Robust antimicrobial photodynamic therapy with curcumin-poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles against COVID-19: A preliminary in vitro study in Vero cell line as a model
Robust antimicrobial photodynamic therapy with curcumin-poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles against COVID-19: A preliminary in vitro study in {{ORGANIZATION}} cell line as a model
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BACKGROUND: Limited evidence is available on the health effects of particulate matter (PM including PM2.5 with an aerodynamic diameter &#8804; 2.5 µm; PM10, &#8804; 10 µm; PM2.5-10, 2.5-10 µm) during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Italy. The aims of the study were to examine the associations between all-cause mortality and PM in the pandemic period and compare them to the normal periods (2015-2019). METHODS: We collected daily data regarding all-cause mortality (stratified by age and gender), and PM concentrations for 107 Italian provinces from 1 January 2015 to 31 May 2020. A time-stratified case-cross design with the distributed lag non-linear model was used to examine the association between PM and all-cause mortality. We also compared the counts and fractions of death attributable to PM in two periods. RESULTS: Italy saw an increase in daily death counts while slight decreases in PM concentrations in pandemic period. Each 10 µg/m3 increase in PM was associated with much higher increase in daily all-cause mortality during the pandemic period compared to the same months during 2015-2019 (increased mortality rate: 7.24% (95%CI: 4.84%, 9.70%) versus 1.69% (95%CI: 1.12%, 2.25%) for PM2.5; 3.45% (95%CI: 2.58%, 4.34%) versus 1.11% (95%CI: 0.79%, 1.42%) for PM10; 4.25% (95%CI: 2.99%, 5.52%) versus 1.76% (95%CI: 1.14%, 2.38%) for PM2.5-10). The counts and fractions of deaths attributable to PM were higher in 2020 for PM2.5 (attributable death counts: 20,062 versus 3927 per year in 2015-2019; attributable fractions: 10.2% versus 2.4%), PM10 (15,112 versus 3999; 7.7% versus 2.5%), and PM2.5-10 (7193 versus 2303; 3.7% versus 1.4%). CONCLUSION: COVID-19 pandemic increased the vulnerability and excess cases of all-cause mortality associated with short-term exposure to PM2.5, PM2.5-10, and PM10 in Italy, despite a decline in air pollution level.
Vulnerability and Burden of All-Cause Mortality Associated with Particulate Air Pollution during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Observed Study in Italy
Vulnerability and Burden of All-Cause Mortality Associated with {{ORGANIZATION}} during {{NAME}}: A Nationwide Observed Study in Italy
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COVID-19 brought out the critical issues of public health messages and the relationship between health literacy, health promotion, and public health. The aim is to analyse these concepts to provide a framework in which mutual influences are ontologically analysed; more specifically this article will explore whether health promotion should improve health literacy or health literacy is actually a pre-requisite for understanding (and put into practice) health promotion/public health messages. Public health must protect the public from misinformation and on this nurses and other health care providers play a crucial role in supporting individuals and communities in the comprehension of public health messages. The paradox under analysis is the link between health literacy and health promotion; what the role of health literacy is when, as in the case of the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health must address tens of hundreds of health promotion messages to the whole population. During the outbreak, there was an underlying uncertainty, every day new data and information emerged and every day something more was understood (or misunderstood) about the virus. There was a massive presence of COVID-19 misinformation, particularly on social media in terms of, among others, treatments, the utility of wearing mask, COVID-19 cases by age group, conspiracy theories, all added more confusion and uncertainty to the public. Public health must protect the public from misinfromation. While in practice actions have been put in place to improve patients' compliance with respect to health promotion it is unclear the ontological relationship between health promotion and health literacy within the Public Health context.
The paradox of the link between health literacy and health promotion: the case of COVID-19
The paradox of the link between health literacy and health promotion: the case of COVID-19
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Case Presentation: A 74-year-old female nursing home patient with a history of ischemic stroke, hypertension, and obesity presented with fever, dyspnea, and hypoxemia to the emergency department. A chest radiograph demonstrated diffuse bilateral infiltrates and a rapid COVID-19 PCR was positive. She was emergently intubated and developed hemodynamic instability requiring multiple vasopressors, and her extremities were noted to be cool and clammy. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) revealed a large irregularly shaped mobile hyperechoic density transiting the tricuspid valve as well as a dilated right ventricle. She was started on unfractionated heparin for concern of acute pulmonary embolism, though she did not undergo diagnostic imaging due to her hemodynamic instability and COVID-19 status. Bedside findings were formally confirmed by an emergent formal transthoracic echocardiogram and intravenous alteplase was administered. Her hemodynamics stabilized shortly after and she was weaned from vasopressor support. A repeat POCUS the following day showed resolution of the thrombus. Discussion: COVID-19 has altered the risk-benefit calculus of many clinical activities, impacting the availability of imaging due infection control, transport, and staffing issues. POCUS can serve as an efficient diagnostic modality in times of limited resources and/or emergent situations requiring rapid bedside diagnosis. Management of a moderate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism (PE) with anticoagulation is a widely accepted practice, and thrombolytics should be considered when hemodynamic instability is present. However, the management is less clear when a right heart thrombus (RHT) is found. The incidence of RHT ranges from 4-18%, though its identification is expected to increase with the rising popularity and training of POCUS. A RHT is considered a medical emergency given the high propensity of progression to a PE and increased mortality rate. Treatment with thrombolytics in addition to anticoagulation has shown improved outcomes in retrospective studies and meta-analyses, and is favored when compared to anticoagulation alone or surgical interventions, however there are still no definitive guidelines regarding its routine use. With new treatment modalities such as catheter-directed thrombolysis and surgical embolectomy becoming more widely available, larger studies are needed to show which treatment choice is superior. Regardless, prompt diagnosis can be achieved with POCUS and therapy can be initiated sooner which is proven to improve outcomes and was demonstrated in the case above.
Right heart thrombus with high-risk pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 pneumonia, a pocus diagnosis
Right heart thrombus with high-risk pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 pneumonia, a pocus diagnosis
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This study was conducted to clarify the potential mechanisms of Troxerutin neuroprotection against Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation through targeting the SIRT1/SIRT3 signaling pathway. To establish a model, a single dose of LPS (500μg/kg body weight) was injected to male Wistar rats intraperitoneally. Troxerutin (100 mg/kg body weight) was injected intraperitoneally for 5 days after induction of the model. Cognitive and behavioral evaluations were performed using Y-maze, single-trial passive avoidance, and novel object recognition tests. The expression of inflammatory mediators, SIRT1/SIRT3, and P53 was measured using the ELISA assay. Likewise, the expression levels of SIRT1/SIRT3 and NF-κB were determined using Western blot assay. Brain acetyl-cholinesterase activity was determined by utilizing the method of Ellman. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected using Fluorescent probe 2, 7-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA). Furthermore, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were determined. A single intraperitoneal injection of LPS was led to ROS production, acute neuroinflammation, apoptotic cell death, and inactivation of the SIRT1/SIRT3 signaling pathway. Likewise, ELISA assay demonstrated that post-treatment with Troxerutin considerably suppressed LPS-induced acute neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis and subsequently memory impairments by targeting SIRT1/SIRT3 signaling pathway. Western blot assay confirmed ELISA results about SIRT1/SIRT3 and NF-κB proteins. These results suggest that Troxerutin can be a suitable candidate to treat neuroinflammation caused by neurodegenerative disorders.
Troxerutin exerts neuroprotection against lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation through targeting SIRT1/SIRT3 signaling pathway.
Troxerutin exerts neuroprotection against lipopolysaccharide ({{ORGANIZATION}}) induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation through targeting SIRT1/SIRT3 signaling pathway.
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A financial crisis creates substantial wealth losses. How these losses are allocated determines the magnitude of the crisis and the path to recovery. We study how institutions and technological factors that shape default and debt restructuring decisions affect the amplification of aggregate shocks. For sufficiently large shocks, agents renegotiate. This limits the losses borne by borrowers, shutting the amplification mechanism via asset prices. The range of shocks that trigger renegotiation is decreasing in repossession costs and increasing in default costs, if the latter are public information. Private information may induce equilibrium default but, by allowing agents with high default costs to extract a larger haircut, facilitates the recovery. The model is consistent with evidence from real estate markets in the U.S. during the Great Recession;and rationalizes recent changes in U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Resolution of financial crises
Resolution of financial crises
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Latin America has suffered disproportionately during the COVID-19 pandemic. The human impact has been chaotically and catastrophically evident across the three countries we examine here: Colombia, Chile, and México. Those nations were already creaking under the effect of generations of neoliberal ideology: their intellectual, political, and ruling-class fractions had long-embraced its core project of redistributing income upwards and privatizing public goods, notably healthcare. In response to that raging inequality, uprisings had occurred through new citizen movements in 2019. They intensified in 2020 and 2021, as citizenship was enacted in powerful ways.
Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies
Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America: {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Objective: This study examined the relationship between worry about COVID-19 infection in general, in the workplace and while commuting to work and psychological distress in the midst of a rapid outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan. Methods: This cross-sectional, internet monitor study was conducted on December 22-26, 2020. Subjects were collected from throughout Japan. Out of a total of 33,302 participants, 26,841 people were included in the study after removing those providing fraudulent responses. The subjects were asked single-item questions about whether they were worried about COVID-19 infection in general, at work and while commuting to work. Kessler 6 (K6) was used to assess psychological distress. The odds ratios (ORs) of psychological distress associated with worry about infection were estimated using a multilevel logistic model nested in the prefecture of residence, with adjustment for sex, age, education, equivalent household income, occupation, number of business establishments, smoking status, alcohol consumption, frequency of telecommuting, use of public transportation, perceived assessment of workplace infection control efforts, presence of infection among acquaintances, and experience of being a close contact. Psychological distress was defined as a K6 score of 5 or higher and 13 or higher. Results: Multivariate analysis showed that the OR of severe psychological distress associated with general worry about COVID-19 infection was 1.10 (95% CI 1.00-1.22). The OR was significantly higher in association with worry about infection in the workplace at 1.71 (95%CI 1.53-1.92) and worry about infection while commuting at 1.49 (95%CI 1.32-1.67). Conclusions: The present study suggests the need for psychological intervention to reduce worry about infection in response to public mental health challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Worries about COVID-19 infection and psychological distress at work and while commuting
Worries about COVID-19 infection and psychological distress at work and while commuting
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During the life cycle of the transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV), two types of virus-related particles are detected in infected swine testis cells: large annular viruses and small dense viruses. We have studied the relationships between these two types of particles. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that they are closely related, since both large and small particles reacted equally with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies specific for TGEV proteins. Monensin, a drug that selectively affects the Golgi complex, caused an accumulation of large annular viral particles in perinuclear elements of the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment. A partial reversion of the monensin blockade was obtained in both the absence and presence of cycloheximide, a drug that prevented the formation of new viral particles. After removal of monensin, the Golgi complex recovered its perinuclear location, and a decrease in the number of perinuclear large viral particles was observed. The release of small dense viral particles into secretory vesicles and the extracellular medium was also observed, as was a partial recovery of infectivity in culture supernatants. Small viral particles started to be seen between the third and the fourth Golgi cisternae of normally infected cells. All of these data strongly indicate that the large annular particles are the immature precursors of the small dense viruses, which are the infectious TGEV virions. The immature viral particles need to reach a particular location at the trans side of the Golgi stack to complete their morphological maturation.
Structural maturation of the transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.
Structural maturation of the transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.
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SARS-CoV2-induced direct cytopathic effects against type II pneumocytes are suspected to play a role in mediating and perpetuating lung damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum KL-6 behavior in COVID-19 patients to investigate its potential role in predicting clinical course. Sixty patients (median age IQR, 65 (52-69), 43 males), hospitalized for COVID-19 at Siena COVID Unit University Hospital, were prospectively enrolled. Twenty-six patients were selected (median age IQR, 63 (55-71), 16 males); all of them underwent follow-up evaluations, including clinical, radiological, functional, and serum KL-6 assessments, after 6 (t1) and 9 (t2) months from hospital discharge. At t0, KL-6 concentrations were significantly higher than those at t1 (760 (311-1218) vs. 309 (210-408) p = 0.0208) and t2 (760 (311-1218) vs 324 (279-458), p = 0.0365). At t0, KL-6 concentrations were increased in patients with fibrotic lung alterations than in non-fibrotic group (755 (370-1023) vs. 305 (225-608), p = 0.0225). Area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) analysis showed that basal KL-6 levels showed good accuracy in discriminating patients with fibrotic sequelae radiologically documented (AUC 85%, p = 0.0404). KL-6 concentrations in patients with fibrotic involvement were significantly reduced at t1 (755 (370-1023) vs. 290 (197-521), p = 0.0366) and t2 (755 (370-1023) vs. 318 (173-435), p = 0.0490). Serum concentrations of KL-6 in hospitalized COVID-19 patients may contribute to identify severe patients requiring mechanical ventilation and to predict those who will develop pulmonary fibrotic sequelae in the follow-up.
Serial KL-6 measurements in COVID-19 patients
Serial KL-6 measurements in COVID-19 patients
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Introduction: We aim to estimate the impact of COVID-19 in Immokalee, FL and assess community experiences with workplace conditions, access to testing, sources of information, and contact tracing to inform and strengthen local public health sector efforts in reaching and providing high-quality care to the community. Methods: We conducted a descriptive analysis of data on COVID-19 deaths for Collier County from May-August 2020. We surveyed a cross-sectional, randomized representative sample of 318 adults living in Immokalee from March-November 2020 to assess socio-demographics, sources of information, ability to follow guidelines, and experiences with local programs. Results were compared across language groups. Results: Average excess mortality in Collier County was 108%. The majority surveyed in Immokalee had socio-demographic factors associated with higher COVID risk. Non-English speakers had higher workplace risk due to less ability to work from home. Haitian Creole speakers were less likely to be tested, though all participants were willing to get symptomatic testing and quarantine. Those participants who tested positive or had COVID-19 exposures had low engagement with the contact tracing program, and Spanish-speakers reported lower quality of contact tracing than English speakers. Conclusions: The community of Immokalee, FL is a vulnerable population that suffered disproportionate deaths from COVID-19. This study reveals language inequities in COVID testing and contact tracing should be targeted in future pandemic response in Immokalee and other migrant farmworker communities
COVID-19 Pandemic Response in a Migrant Farmworker Community: Excess Mortality, Testing Access and Contact Tracing in Immokalee, Florida
{{NAME}} Response in a Migrant Farmworker Community: Excess Mortality, Testing Access and Contact Tracing in Immokalee, Florida
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has gained prominence as a global pandemic. Studies have suggested that systemic alterations persist in a considerable proportion of COVID-19 patients after hospital discharge. We used proteomic and metabolomic approaches to analyze plasma samples obtained from 30 healthy subjects and 54 COVID-19 survivors 6 months after discharge from the hospital, including 30 non-severe and 24 severe patients. Through this analysis, we identified 1019 proteins and 1091 metabolites. The differentially expressed proteins and metabolites were then subjected to Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analysis. Among the patients evaluated, 41% of COVID-19 survivors reported at least one clinical symptom and 26.5% showed lung imaging abnormalities at 6 months after discharge. Plasma proteomics and metabolomics analysis showed that COVID-19 survivors differed from healthy control subjects in terms of the extracellular matrix, immune response, and hemostasis pathways. COVID-19 survivors also exhibited abnormal lipid metabolism, disordered immune response, and changes in pulmonary fibrosis-related proteins. COVID-19 survivors show persistent proteomic and metabolomic abnormalities 6 months after discharge from the hospital. Hence, the recovery period for COVID-19 survivors may be longer.
Plasma proteomic and metabolomic characterization of COVID-19 survivors 6 months after discharge
{{NAME}} proteomic and metabolomic characterization of COVID-19 survivors 6 months after discharge
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The epidemic outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 was caused by a novel coronavirus (CoV), designated SARS-CoV. The RNA genome of SARS-CoV is complexed by the nucleocapsid protein (N) to form a helical nucleocapsid. Besides this primary function, N seems to be involved in apoptotic scenarios. We show that upon infection of Vero E6 cells with SARS-CoV, which elicits a pronounced cytopathic effect and a high viral titer, N is cleaved by caspases. In contrast, in SARS-CoV-infected Caco-2 cells, which show a moderate cytopathic effect and a low viral titer, this processing of N was not observed. To further verify these observations, we transiently expressed N in different cell lines. Caco-2 and N2a cells served as models for persistent SARS-CoV infection, whereas Vero E6 and A549 cells did as prototype cell lines lytically infected by SARS-CoV. The experiments revealed that N induces the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, resulting in processing of N at residues 400 and 403 by caspase-6 and/or caspase-3. Of note, caspase activation is highly cell type specific in SARS-CoV-infected as well as transiently transfected cells. In Caco-2 and N2a cells, almost no N-processing was detectable. In Vero E6 and A549 cells, a high proportion of N was cleaved by caspases. Moreover, we examined the subcellular localization of SARS-CoV N in these cell lines. In transfected Vero E6 and A549 cells, SARS-CoV N was localized both in the cytoplasm and nucleus, whereas in Caco-2 and N2a cells, nearly no nuclear localization was observed. In addition, our studies indicate that the nuclear localization of N is essential for its caspase-6-mediated cleavage. These data suggest a correlation among the replication cycle of SARS-CoV, subcellular localization of N, induction of apoptosis, and the subsequent activation of caspases leading to cleavage of N.
Cell Type-Specific Cleavage of Nucleocapsid Protein by Effector Caspases during SARS Coronavirus Infection
Cell Type-Specific Cleavage of Nucleocapsid Protein by {{NAME}} during SARS {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Viral RNAs can perturb the miRNA regulatory network, competing with host RNAs as part of their infective process. An in silico competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) analysis has been carried on SARS-CoV-2. The results suggest that, in humans, the decrease of microRNA activity caused by viral RNAs can lead to a perturbation of vesicle trafficking and the inflammatory response, in particular by enhancing KLF10 activity. The results suggest also that, during the study of the mechanics of viral infections, it could be of general interest to investigate the competition of viral RNA with cellular transcripts for shared microRNAs.
ceRNA analysis of SARS-CoV-2
ceRNA analysis of {{ORGANIZATION}}
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BACKGROUND Cuffed tracheal tubes have recently been recommended for selective endobronchial intubation to establish single-lung ventilation even in smaller children. This implies that, compared to uncuffed tracheal tubes, the cuffed tracheal tubes selected will be smaller and therefore have a shorter length. We hypothesized that cuffed tracheal tubes might be of insufficient length for selective endobronchial intubation if the tube cuff were fully immersed in the left or right mainstem bronchus. METHODS The distance from the proximal end of the tracheal tube to the upper border of the cuff in cuffed tracheal tubes and to the upper margin of the Murphy eye in uncuffed tracheal tubes, respectively, was assessed in sizes 3.0 - 7.0 mm internal diameter. The raw data sets of two previously performed studies obtained from 337 children aged from birth to 16 years, including the distances "teeth to tracheal tube tip" and "tracheal tube tip to carina", were used to calculate age-, weight- and height-related data for the distance from "teeth to carina". Tracheal tube dimensions were compared with age-related distances from "teeth to carina", applying published recommendations for the selection of uncuffed and cuffed tracheal tubes for selective endobronchial intubation in children. RESULTS The differences between the length of the age-related tracheal tube and the tracheal tube insertion length required to guarantee full insertion of the tracheal tube cuff or the Murphy eye within the mainstem bronchus ranged from -3.5 to 52.6 mm in cuffed tracheal tubes and from 42.3 to 83.3 mm in uncuffed tracheal tubes. CONCLUSIONS For many age groups of patients requiring selective endobronchial intubation, the lengths of cuffed tracheal tubes, in contrast to those of uncuffed tracheal tubes, were revealed to be critically short for safe taping outside the oral cavity with the cuff placed completely within the right or left mainstem bronchus.
Simulated dimensional compatibility of uncuffed and cuffed tracheal tubes for selective endobronchial intubation in children.
Simulated dimensional compatibility of uncuffed and cuffed tracheal tubes for selective endobronchial intubation in children.
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COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented amount of mental and economic turmoil with ever increasing fatality and no vaccination in sight Here, feedback control theory based regulation of daily tests and quarantine is proposed to guarantee prescribed degree of exponential decay in number of infections A dynamic model of COVID-19 is constructed and the parameters are further optimized using trust region method to match the reported cases trend in the US Next, Lyapunov stability based controllers are designed that prescribe the amount of daily positive tests to be done in order to eradicate the infections in a much shorter time span without any further social restrictions The results show a dramatic reduction in the number of cases and span of COVID-19 can be obtained doubling the number of daily quarantines © 2020 IEEE
Stabilizing COVID-19 Infections in US by Feedback Control based Test and Quarantine
Stabilizing COVID-19 Infections in US by {{ORGANIZATION}} based {{ORGANIZATION}} and Quarantine
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The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has caused widespread infection and significant mortality across the globe Combined virology perspective of SARS-CoV-2 with a deep-rooted understanding of pathophysiological and immunological processes underlying the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 is of prime importance The characteristic symptom of COVID-19 is respiratory distress with diffused alveolar damage, but emerging evidence suggests COVID-19 might also have neurologic consequences Dysregulated homeostasis in the lungs has proven to be fatal, but one cannot ignore that the inability to breathe might be due to defects in the respiratory control center of the brainstem While the mechanism of pulmonary distress has been documented in the literature, awareness of neurological features and their pathophysiology is still in the nascent state This review makes references to the neuro-immune axis and neuro-invasive potential of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2, as well as the prototypic H-CoV strains in human brains Simultaneously, considerable discussion on relevant experimental evidence of mild to severe neurological manifestations of fellow neurotropic murine-β-CoVs (m-CoVs) in the mouse model will help understand the underpinning mechanisms of Neuro-COVID In this review, we have highlighted the neuroimmunopathological processes in murine CoVs While MHV infection in mice and SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans share numerous parallels, there are critical differences in viral recognition and viral entry These similarities are highlighted in this review, while differences have also been emphasized Though CoV-2 Spike does not favorably interact with murine ACE2 receptor, modification of murine SARS-CoV2 binding domain or development of transgenic ACE-2 knock-in mice might help in mediating consequential infection and understanding human CoV2 pathogenesis in murine models While a global animal model that can replicate all aspects of the human disease remains elusive, prior insights and further experiments with fellow m-β-CoV-induced cause-effect experimental models and current human COVID-19 patients data may help to mitigate the SARS-CoV-2-induced multifactorial multi-organ failure
Murine-β-coronavirus-induced neuropathogenesis sheds light on CNS pathobiology of SARS-CoV2
Murine-β-coronavirus-induced neuropathogenesis sheds light on {{ORGANIZATION}} pathobiology of SARS-CoV2
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COVID-19 caused large-scale, long-lasting lockdowns in many parts of the world, which resulted in many people in need for financial or other aids. Governments, charities, and communities rushed to provide help. To complement these efforts and to provide direct assistance to individuals who may not get sufficient and/or timely assistance otherwise, we designed a privacy-preserving and overhead-free protocol named "Fireside Help" for matching donors and people-in-need. This protocol aims to provide maximum privacy protection. Only the assigned volunteer verifiers can know about details of the applications from people-in-need and the donations from the donors that they verified. No one else, including the Fireside Help system itself, can gain any knowledge beyond digital checksums and information intentionally made public. This protocol uses proven, free, and widely available hash functions such as SHA-256, SHA-1, or MD-5 to ensure the integrity of the system without revealing private information. The protocol was designed initially to help students in Wuhan, China, the very first city to lock down. Later, it was revised to help anyone around the world who has been impacted by COVID-19. Several real-world transactions were completed in the system that demonstrated its utility and robustness.
A Privacy-Preserving and Overhead-Free Protocol for Direct Donations to People Impacted by COVID-19 Lockdowns
A {{ORGANIZATION}} and Overhead-Free Protocol for Direct Donations to People Impacted by {{NAME}}
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BACKGROUND: Psychosis, even in its early stages, is associated with significant disability, causing it to be ranked ahead of paraplegia and blindness in those aged 18–35 in terms of years lived with disability. Current pharmacological and psychological interventions intervention have focused primarily on the reduction of positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions), with little benefit to domains of psychosis such as cognitive difficulties and social and occupational functioning. METHODS/DESIGN: The CReSt-R intervention trial is a single center, pilot randomised controlled study based at the National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway. The trial will recruit participants from four clinical sites with assessment and intervention completed by the primary NUI Galway team. The trial will explore the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a novel psychosocial intervention for early psychosis based on a combined cognitive remediation training and cognitive behavioural therapy approach focused on social recovery. Participants, aged 16–35 within the first 5 years of a diagnosed psychotic disorder, will be recruited from the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service and the Adult Mental Health Services in the region. DISCUSSION: Cognitive remediation training (for improving cognition) and social recovery focused cognitive behavioural therapy, have both separately demonstrated effectiveness. This trial will evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and explore the efficacy of a treatment approach that combines both approaches as part of an integrated, multicomponent intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Cognitive Remediation & Social Recovery in Early Psychosis (CReSt-R): Identifier NCT04273685. Trial registered Feb 18(th), 2020. Last updated April 14(th), 2021.
Cognitive Remediation and Social Recovery in Early Psychosis (CReSt-R): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled study
{{ORGANIZATION}} in Early Psychosis (CReSt-R): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled study
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Value-of-information analysis (VOI) is a decision-theoretic approach that is used to inform reimbursement decisions, optimise trial design and set research priorities. The application of VOI analysis for informing policy decisions in practice has been limited due, in part, to the perceived complexity associated with the calculation of VOI measures. Recent efforts have resulted in the development of efficient methods to estimate VOI measures and the development of user-friendly web-based tools to facilitate VOI calculations. We review the existing web-based tools including Sheffield Accelerated Value of Information (SAVI), the web interface to the BCEA (Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis) R package (BCEAweb), Rapid Assessment of Need for Evidence (RANE), and Value of Information for Cardiovascular Trials and Other Comparative Research (VICTOR). We describe what each tool is designed to do, the inputs they require, and the outputs they produce. Finally, we discuss how tools for VOI calculations might be improved in the future to facilitate the use of VOI analysis in practice.
A Review of Web-Based Tools for Value-of-Information Analysis.
A Review of Web-Based Tools for Value-of-Information Analysis.
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Humankind is facing its worst pandemic of the twenty-first century, due to infection of a novel coronavirus named as SARS-CoV2, started from Wuhan in China. Till now, 15 million people are infected, causing more than 600,000 deaths. The disease, commonly known as, COVID-19, was initially thought to be associated with ARDS only, but later on revealed to have many unexplained and atypical clinical features like coagulopathy and cytokinemia, leading to multi-organ involvements. The patients also suffer from 'Silent Hypoxemia', where there is no immediate respiratory signs and symptoms even though alarmingly low SpO2 level. We hypothesize that this covert hypoxemia may lead to molecular changes exacerbating coagulopathy and cytokine storm in COVID19 patients, which again, in turn, causes a vicious cycle of more hypoxemia/hypoxia and progression of the infection to more severe stages through HIF-1&#945; dependent pathway. Although molecular mechanisms are yet to be substantiated by scientific evidence, hypoxemia remains an independent worsening factor in serious COVID 19 patients. Keeping all in mind, we propose that even in the early and asymptomatic cases, prophylactic oxygen therapy to be initiated to break the vicious cycle and to reduce the mortality in COVID 19 to save precious human lives.
"Silent Hypoxemia" Leads to Vicious Cycle of Infection, Coagulopathy and Cytokine Storm in COVID-19: Can Prophylactic Oxygen Therapy Prevent It?
"Silent Hypoxemia" Leads to Vicious Cycle of Infection, Coagulopathy and Cytokine Storm in COVID-19: Can Prophylactic Oxygen Therapy Prevent It?
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Using a new survey conducted with Chinese households on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by the Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance, this study provides descriptive evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on household-owned businesses We use ordinary least squares and ordered probit regression methods for our analyses The results show that the pandemic has a negative impact on the gross income of household-owned businesses
Household-owned Businesses’ Vulnerability to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Household-owned Businesses’ Vulnerability to the COVID-19 Pandemic
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BACKGROUND AND AIM: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a severe hyperinflammatory syndrome that is induced by hyper-activated macrophages, cytotoxic T cells, and reduced natural killer cell activity. A 46-year-old gentleman presented to us with complaints of intermittent fever for the past 2 weeks associated with fatigue along with oral ulcers and skin rashes which resolved spontaneously. These symptoms started after he received the second dose of the BBIP-CorV COVID-19 vaccine. His complete blood picture showed pancytopenia. A detailed infectious disease workup was unrevealing; however, his bone marrow biopsy revealed increased histiocyte activity, with some showing hemophagocytosis and dysplasia. Immunohistochemistry profile demonstrated strong CD 68 positivity. Further investigations showed raised serum ferritin and fasting triglyceride levels. He was immediately started on dexamethasone acetate at a dose of 10 mg/m(2), after which his clinical symptoms, as well as his blood parameters, improved remarkably. This is the first documented case in Pakistan. CONCLUSION: The data from clinical trials support the general safety profile of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines. We endorse its mass implementation. However, we believe that robust data need to be generated to evidence any adverse events, especially those with serious outcomes. Physicians should be aware of inactivated COVID-19 vaccine as a possible trigger for HLH and start prompt treatment, resulting in favorable outcomes. RELEVANCE FOR PATIENTS: The presentation of HLH may vary and can present in an immunocompetent patient with no underlying risk factor. HLH should be kept in differentials when a patient presents with pancytopenia with a recent history of receiving COVID-19 vaccination. Steroids play a major role in the treatment of HLH, and definitive diagnosis and early treatment improve clinical outcomes.
Inactivated COVID-19 vaccine triggering hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in an immunocompetent adult - A case report
Inactivated {{NAME}} vaccine triggering hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in an immunocompetent adult - A case report
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Covid-19 continues to teach the global community important lessons about preparedness for research and effective action to respond to emerging health threats. We share the COVID-19 experiences of a pre-existing cross-site ethics network-the Global Health Bioethics Network-which brings together researchers and practitioners from Africa, Europe, and South east Asia. We describe the network and its members and activities, and the work-related opportunities and challenges we faced over a one-year period during the pandemic. We highlight the value of having strong and long-term empirical ethics networks embedded across diverse research institutions to be able to: 1) identify and share relevant ethics challenges and research questions and ways of ’doing research’;2) work with key stakeholders to identify appropriate ways to contribute to the emerging health issue response – e.g. through ethics oversight, community engagement, and advisory roles at different levels;and 3) learn from each other and from diverse contexts to advocate for positive change at multiple levels. It is our view that being both embedded and long term offers particular opportunities in terms of deep institutional and contextual knowledge and relationships with and access to a wide range of stakeholders in place. Being networked offers opportunities to draw upon a wide range of expertise and perspectives operating at multiple levels, and to bring together internal and external perspectives (i.e. different positionalities). Long term funding means that the people and resources are in place and ready to respond in a timely way. However, many tensions and challenges remain, including difficulties in negotiating power and politics regarding roles that researchers and research institutions play in an emergency, and the position of empirical ethics activities in programmes of research more specifically. We discuss some of these tensions and challenges, and consider the implications for our own and similar networks in future.
A network of empirical ethics teams embedded in research programmes across multiple sites: opportunities and challenges in contributing to COVID-19 research and responses (preprint)/ en
A network of empirical ethics teams embedded in research programmes across multiple sites: opportunities and challenges in contributing to COVID-19 research and responses (preprint)/ en
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In the absence of any proper clinical solution, human civilization is only left with sophisticated intervention measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. However, the existing models to estimate the intervention does not take into account the realistic connectivity of the epicentres of the pandemic. We generalise our earlier model of interacting hotspots to test various possibilities of intervention in a model state consisting of multiple epicentres. We also analyse situations when the hotspots are spatially correlated and the interaction is limited to population exchanges with the nearest neighbours. We show that the heterogeneity in the infection propagation is solely dependent on the protocol of the containment and its strength. We explore many such situations and discuss possibilities.
Dynamics of Interacting Hotspots - II
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The COVID-19 pandemic brought into stark relief the intimate nexus between health and housing. This extraordinary infectious disease outbreak combined with the astounding lack of a clear, coordinated, prompt, and effective public health response in the U.S. created conditions and introduced practical challenges that left many disoriented-not only health care providers but also housing providers. Innumerable issues are worth examination, such as implications of moratoria on evictions and foreclosures, force majeure contract clauses, insurability of pandemic-related damages and disruptions, holdover tenancies and delayed occupancies, and possible abatement of rent or homeowner/condominium association dues in light of closed common facilities (such as fitness areas) or reduced benefits to be enjoyed with residential property; however, this article focuses on fair housing law and the ``direct threat'' exemption; finds it unlikely that COVID-19 is a disability, likely that the ``direct threat'' defense is available, and both determinations to be case-specific inquiries dependent upon rapidly-changing scientific understanding of this disease. By highlighting adequate housing as a human right for which the government has primary responsibility for ensuring its achievement, this article underscores the importance of finding a holistic solution to public health and housing problems before the next public health emergency arises.
Health, housing, and ‘direct threats’ during a pandemic
Health, housing, and ‘direct threats’ during a pandemic
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PURPOSE: This study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department CT use for acute nontraumatic abdominal pain, to better understand why imaging volume so drastically decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of emergency imaging volumes from January 5 to May 30, 2020. Weekly volume data were collected for total imaging studies, abdominopelvic CT, and abdominopelvic CTs positive for common causes of acute nontraumatic abdominal pain. Two emergency radiology attendings scored all diverticulitis cases independently, and weekly volume data for uncomplicated and complicated diverticulitis cases was also collected. Volume data prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic was compared, using 2019 volumes as a control. RESULTS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, overall emergency imaging volume decreased 30% compared to 2019 (p = 0.002). While the number of emergency abdominopelvic CTs positive for appendicitis and small bowel obstruction did not significantly change during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of cases of diverticulitis decreased significantly compared to 2019 (p = 0.001). This reduction can be specifically attributed to decreased uncomplicated diverticulitis cases, as the number of uncomplicated diverticulitis cases dropped significantly (p = 0.002) while there was no significant difference in the number of complicated diverticulitis cases (p = 0.09). CONCLUSIONS: Reduced emergency abdominopelvic CT volume during the COVID-19 pandemic can partially be explained by decreased imaging of lower acuity patients. This data may help formulate future strategies for imaging resource utilization with an improved understanding of the relationship between perceived imaging risk and symptom acuity.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department CT for suspected diverticulitis
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department CT for suspected diverticulitis
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AIM This study aimed to clarify the construct validity of the Questionnaire for medical checkup of old-old (QMCOO). METHODS In this cross-sectional study, questionnaires including the QMCOO were distributed to 1,953 older adults, and responses were returned by mail. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for the QMCOO among older participants (age ≥75 years) and extracted the relevant factors. Next, we structured the model for the QMCOO based on these factors and conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using structural equation modeling. We conducted a CFA among young-older participants (age 65 to <75 years) for the same model. RESULTS Of the 1,110 (53.5%) adults who responded, data from the 994 respondents who provided complete answers were analyzed. Five factors were extracted from the results of the EFA: physical and mental condition, relationship with society, eating and smoking, chance for exercise, and cognitive function. The results of the CFA were as follows: comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.899, adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) = 0.965, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.034, and standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.040. Meanwhile, the results for young-older participants were as follows: CFI = 0.886, AGFI = 0.942, RMSEA = 0.035, and SRMR = 0.048. CONCLUSIONS The QMCOO assessed health condition and was composed of multiple factors associated with frailty. The CFA results indicated that the model fit was good. The QMCOO showed sufficient structural validity. Therefore, the construct validity of the QMCOO was shown.
[Construct validity in structural perspectives of the Questionnaire for medical checkup of old-old among community-dwelling older adults: A pilot study of a countermeasure against COVID-19].
[{{ORGANIZATION}} validity in structural perspectives of the Questionnaire for medical checkup of old-old among community-dwelling older adults: A pilot study of a countermeasure against COVID-19].
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Transcriptionally active chromatin is marked by tri-methylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3) located after first exons and around transcription start sites. This epigenetic mark is typically restricted to narrow regions at the 5`end of the gene body, though a small subset of genes have a broad H3K4me3 domain which extensively covers the coding region. Although most studies focus on the H3K4me3 mark, the broad H3K4me3 domain is associated with a plethora of histone modifications (e.g., H3 acetylated at K27) and is therein termed broad epigenetic domain. Genes marked with the broad epigenetic domain are involved in cell identity and essential cell functions and have clinical potential as biomarkers for patient stratification. Reducing expression of genes with the broad epigenetic domain may increase the metastatic potential of cancer cells. Enhancers and super-enhancers interact with the broad epigenetic domain marked genes forming a hub of interactions involving nucleosome-depleted regions. Together, the regulatory elements coalesce with transcription factors, chromatin modifying/remodeling enzymes, coactivators, and the Mediator and/or Integrator complex into a transcription factory which may be analogous to a liquid–liquid phase-separated condensate. The broad epigenetic domain has a dynamic chromatin structure which supports frequent transcription bursts. In this review, we present the current knowledge of broad epigenetic domains.
The dynamic broad epigenetic (H3K4me3, H3K27ac) domain as a mark of essential genes
The dynamic broad epigenetic (H3K4me3, H3K27ac) domain as a mark of essential genes
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INTRODUCTION: With the accelerating pace of ageing, healthy ageing has become a major challenge for all societies worldwide. Based on that Healthy Ageing concept proposed by the WHO, the SoBeezy intervention has been designed through an older person-centred and integrated approach. The programme creates the environments that maximise functional ability to enable people to be and do what they value and to stay at home in best possible conditions. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Five levers are targeted: tackling loneliness, restoring feeling of usefulness, finding solutions to face material daily life difficulties, promoting social participation and combating digital divide. Concretely, the SoBeezy programme relies on: (1) a digital intelligent platform available on smartphone, tablet and computer, but also on a voice assistant specifically developed for people with digital divide; (2) a large solidarity network which potentially relies on everyone’s engagement through a participatory intergenerational approach, where the older persons themselves are not only service receivers but also potential contributors; (3) an engagement of local partners and stakeholders (citizens, associations, artisans and professionals). Organised as a hub, the system connects all the resources of a territory and provides to the older person the best solution to meet his demand. Through a mixed, qualitative and quantitative (before/after analyses and compared to controls) approach, the research programme will assess the impact and effectiveness on healthy ageing, the technical usage, the mechanisms of the intervention and conditions of transferability and scalability. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Inserm Ethics Committee and the Comité Éthique et Scientifique pour les Recherches, les Études et les Évaluations dans le domaine de la Santé approved this research and collected data will be deposited with a suitable data archive.
Prospective pragmatic quasi-experimental study to assess the impact and effectiveness of an innovative large-scale public health intervention to foster healthy ageing in place: the SoBeezy program protocol
Prospective pragmatic quasi-experimental study to assess the impact and effectiveness of an innovative large-scale public health intervention to foster healthy ageing in place: the {{NAME}} program protocol
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OBJECTIVES: UK National Health Service/Health and Social Care (NHS/HSC) data are variably shared between healthcare organisations for direct care, and increasingly de-identified for research. Few large-scale studies have examined public opinion on sharing, including of mental health (MH) versus physical health (PH) data. We measured data sharing preferences. DESIGN/SETTING/INTERVENTIONS/OUTCOMES: Pre-registered anonymous online survey, measuring expressed preferences, recruiting February to September 2020. Participants were randomised to one of three framing statements regarding MH versus PH data. PARTICIPANTS: Open to all UK residents. Participants numbered 29 275; 40% had experienced an MH condition. RESULTS: Most (76%) supported identifiable data sharing for direct clinical care without explicit consent, but 20% opposed this. Preference for clinical/identifiable sharing decreased with geographical distance and was slightly less for MH than PH data, with small framing effects. Preference for research/de-identified data sharing without explicit consent showed the same small PH/MH and framing effects, plus greater preference for sharing structured data than de-identified free text. There was net support for research sharing to the NHS, academic institutions, and national research charities, net ambivalence about sharing to profit-making companies researching treatments, and net opposition to sharing to other companies (similar to sharing publicly). De-identified linkage to non-health data was generally supported, except to data held by private companies. We report demographic influences on preference. A majority (89%) supported a single NHS mechanism to choose uses of their data. Support for data sharing increased during COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: Support for healthcare data sharing for direct care without explicit consent is broad but not universal. There is net support for the sharing of de-identified data for research to the NHS, academia, and the charitable sector, but not the commercial sector. A single national NHS-hosted system for patients to control the use of their NHS data for clinical purposes and for research would have broad support. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN37444142.
Public opinion on sharing data from health services for clinical and research purposes without explicit consent: an anonymous online survey in the UK
Public opinion on sharing data from health services for clinical and research purposes without explicit consent: an anonymous online survey in the UK
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This book offers educators, counselors and parents of 3-16-year old gifted, talented, curious, and creative children and youths a new, original tool of assessing their interests and abilities. As this book has been published during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it concentrates on ways of assessment that can all function on-line as well. All offered activities have been practiced both before "corona-time" started, when on-line therapy, let alone-on-line giftedness identification, was not common for children. The case studies presented in the book have all been written since March 2019, proved effective, enriching the knowledge of the counselor. All activities described were perceived as "easy", "nice", pleasant" and "interesting" by the children involved, and thus are recommended;unlike formal identification they put no pressure either on the child or on her or his parents. The first assessed child described is a 3-year old girl, who was identified as highly gifted in mathematics. The "game" played was "The geometric shapes game", during which she was asked "what do you want me [the counselor] to paint?" and then: "what color do you want me to use?". During the "game" the child showed a wide knowledge in both 2- and 3-dimensional shapes, she always insisted on using the exact mathematical terms, and each time she approved on the result she was very happy. The next "games" descried were all word games. In "the associations game" the counselor writes a word and the child adds another one without thinking, and this goes on alternately for as long as the counselor decides, depending on the child's age, her or his attention span, level of hunger or thirst, etc. This "game" is suitable for toddlers, kindergartners and first grader. The "ugly words game" is suitable especially for children with emotional and social problems. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)
Dynamic on-line assessment of gifted children
Dynamic on-line assessment of gifted children
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OBJECTIVES We present a case of transumbilical laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) for partial nephrectomy in a child. METHODS On May 22, 2009, we performed LESS partial nephrectomy on a 7-year-old girl with a 3.5-cm renal mass. The surgery was performed using a homemade single-port device inserted through a single 3-cm umbilical incision. LESS partial nephrectomy was performed with hilar clamping and suturing of the renal defect. RESULTS The duration of the operation was 210 minutes, and the warm ischemic time was 42 minutes. The suturing required 35 minutes, and the estimated blood loss was 10 mL. Histopathological analysis revealed a 3.5-cm metanephric adenoma with a clean surgical margin. The patient was discharged without intraoperative or postoperative complications. On follow-up, Doppler ultrasound sonography showed the kidney was normal in appearance, size, and echogenicity. Split renal function was calculated to be 47.5% for the left kidney upon dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scintigraphy. CONCLUSIONS LESS partial nephrectomy was safe and feasible for removal of a renal mass in a child. Additional development of applicable instruments and refinement of the suturing technique are needed.
Pediatric laparoendoscopic single-site partial nephrectomy: initial report.
Pediatric laparoendoscopic single-site partial nephrectomy: initial report.
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By 2030, more than 80% of Europe’s population will live in an urban environment. The urban exposome, consisting of factors such as where we live and work, where and what we eat, our social network, and what chemical and physical hazards we are exposed to, provides important targets to improve population health. The EXPANSE (EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SEttings) project will study the impact of the urban exposome on the major contributors to Europe’s burden of disease: Cardio-Metabolic and Pulmonary Disease. EXPANSE will address one of the most pertinent questions for urban planners, policy makers, and European citizens: “How to maximize one’s health in a modern urban environment?” EXPANSE will take the next step in exposome research by (1) bringing together exposome and health data of more than 55 million adult Europeans and OMICS information for more than 2 million Europeans; (2) perform personalized exposome assessment for 5,000 individuals in five urban regions; (3) applying ultra-high-resolution mass-spectrometry to screen for chemicals in 10,000 blood samples; (4) evaluating the evolution of the exposome and health through the life course; and (5) evaluating the impact of changes in the urban exposome on the burden of cardiometabolic and pulmonary disease. EXPANSE will translate its insights and innovations into research and dissemination tools that will be openly accessible via the EXPANSE toolbox. By applying innovative ethics-by-design throughout the project, the social and ethical acceptability of these tools will be safeguarded. EXPANSE is part of the European Human Exposome Network.
Developing the building blocks to elucidate the impact of the urban exposome on cardiometabolic-pulmonary disease: The EU EXPANSE project
Developing the building blocks to elucidate the impact of the urban exposome on cardiometabolic-pulmonary disease: The {{ORGANIZATION}} EXPANSE project
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OBJECTIVE: Involvement in the tracheostomy procedure for COVID-19 patients can lead to a feeling of fear in medical staff. To address concerns over infection, we gathered and analyzed experiences with tracheostomy in the COVID-19 patient population from all over Japan. METHODS: The data for health-care workers involved in tracheostomies for COVID-19-infected patients were gathered from academic medical centers or their affiliated hospitals from all over Japan. RESULTS: Tracheostomies have been performed in 35 COVID-19 patients with a total of 91 surgeons, 49 anesthesiologists, and 49 surgical staff members involved. Twenty-eight (80%) patients underwent surgery more than 22 days after the development of COVID-19-related symptoms (11: 22–28 days and 17: ≥29 days). Thirty (85.7%) patients underwent surgery ≥ 15 days after intubation (14: 15–21 days, 6: 22–28 days, and 10: ≥29 days). Among the total of 189 health-care workers involved in the tracheostomy procedures, 25 used a powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) and 164 used a N95 mask and eye protection. As a result, no transmission to staff occurred during the 2 weeks of follow-up after surgery. CONCLUSION: No one involved in tracheostomy procedures were found to have been infected with COVID-19 in this Japanese study. The reason is thought to be that the timing of the surgery was quite late after the infections, and the surgery was performed using appropriate PPE and surgical procedure. The indications for and timing of tracheostomy for severe COVID-19 patients should be decided through multidisciplinary discussion.
Management of tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients: The Japanese experience
Management of tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients: The Japanese experience
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Hspb8 is a member of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) family. Its expression is known to be upregulated under heat shock. This protein interacts with different partners and can, therefore, be involved in various processes relevant to tissue integrity and functioning. In humans, mutations in the gene encoding Hspb8 can lead to the development of various diseases such as myopathies and neuropathies. In our study, we aimed to perform an in-depth characterization of zebrafish Hspb8 during zebrafish development. We applied techniques such as RT-qPCR, Western blot, immunofluorescence, co-immunoprecipitation, LC-MS, and morpholino-mediated knockdown. We broadened the knowledge regarding zebrafish hspb8 expression during development under normal and heat shock conditions as well as its tissue- and subcellular-specific localization. A co-IP analysis allowed us to conclude that zebrafish Hspb8 can interact with proteins such as Bag3 and Hsc70, which are crucial for formation of an autophagy-inducing complex. We also demonstrated that hspb8 morpholino-mediated knockdown has an impact on zebrafish embryos' morphology, muscle ultrastructure, and motility behavior. Our research provides a valuable resource for the potential use of the zebrafish as a model for studying pathological conditions associated with hspb8 disorders.
Characterization of Hspb8 in Zebrafish
Characterization of Hspb8 in Zebrafish
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The causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, is steadily mutating during continuous transmission among humans. Such mutations can occur in the spike (S) protein that binds to the ACE2 receptor and is cleaved by TMPRSS2. However, whether S mutations affect SARS-CoV-2 cell entry remains unknown. Here, we show that naturally occurring S mutations can reduce or enhance cell entry via ACE2 and TMPRSS2. A SARS-CoV-2 S-pseudotyped lentivirus exhibits substantially lower entry than that of SARS-CoV S. Among S variants, the D614G mutant shows the highest cell entry, as supported by structural and binding analyses. Nevertheless, the D614G mutation does not affect neutralization by antisera against prototypic viruses. Taken together, we conclude that the D614G mutation increases cell entry by acquiring higher affinity to ACE2 while maintaining neutralization susceptibility. Based on these findings, further worldwide surveillance is required to understand SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility among humans.
SARS-CoV-2 D614G spike mutation increases entry efficiency with enhanced ACE2-binding affinity
SARS-CoV-2 D614G spike mutation increases entry efficiency with enhanced {{ORGANIZATION}}-binding affinity
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Home care for elderly people is an important part of the social welfare system. The sector employs many people, especially women, and work environment issues are common. This review explores the scientific literature on organizational interventions that target the home care work environment. Altogether, 16 studies of varying quality met the inclusion criteria. The interventions identified involved organizational change, education and training, digitalization and scheduling. Many interventions were concerned with changing specific behaviors or with introducing new technology rather than tackling complex issues such as sick leave, stress or gender inequality. Employee participation increased the likelihood of success.
Picking low hanging fruit - A scoping review of work environment related interventions in the home care sector.
Picking low hanging fruit - A scoping review of work environment related interventions in the home care sector.
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新冠肺炎疫情期间,如何在远程模式下完成并达到教学目标是课程学习的关键 我们设计了局部解剖学远程教学模式,并依据远程教学的特点,从课程准备到整体框架,从如何实施到注意的问题,进行了全面分析和总结
Design and practice of regional anatomy using online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic
Design and practice of regional anatomy using online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic
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ABSTRACT Objectives To evaluate the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) response and outcomes in two US communities with relatively low infection rates Background Studies in areas with high COVID-19 infection rates indicate that the pandemic has had direct and indirect effects on community response to OHCA and negative impacts on survival Data from areas with lower infection rates are lacking Methods In Multnomah County, OR and Ventura County, CA, we evaluated OHCA with attempted resuscitation by EMS from March 1 – May 31, 2020 and March 1 – May 31, 2019 Results Comparing 231 OHCA in 2019 to 278 in 2020, the proportion receiving bystander CPR was lower in 2020 (61% to 51%, p=0 02) and bystander use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) declined (5% to 1%, p=0 02) EMS response time increased (6 6 ± 2 0 to 7 6 ± 3 0 minutes, p0 07), and coronavirus infection rates were low (Multnomah 143/100,000, Ventura 127/100,000 as of May 31), compared to rates of ∼1600-3000/100,000 in the New York City region at that time Conclusions The community response to OHCA was altered from March to May 2020, with less bystander CPR, delays in EMS response time, and reduced survival from OHCA These results highlight the pandemic’s indirect negative impact on OHCA even in communities with relatively low incidence of COVID-19 and point to potential opportunities for countering the impact
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Response and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Response and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Wildfires produce smoke that can carry organic compounds to a vineyard, which are then absorbed by the grape berry and result in wines with elevated levels of smoke-related phenols. These phenols have been found to have a large impact on the flavor of wines, being the cause of a smokey flavor with a lasting ashy aftertaste. When evaluating the sensory profile of these wines, there is an observed problem due to the lasting nature of these undesirable attributes and potential flavor carryover between samples. Through the use of standard and temporal attribute check-all-that-apply, this research desires to better understand the impact of smoke on the sensorial profiles of wines with various levels of smoke phenols (high, moderate, and low). Additionally, through the employment of different interstimulus protocols, the effectiveness of rinses on diminishing the smoke flavor in wines and optimal time separation were investigated. It was determined that a 1 g/L pectin rinse in between samples with a 120 s separation is optimal to ensure the removal of smoke attribute perception. This work also indicated the need to look deeper at the effects of the in-mouth hydrolysis of glyconjugate phenols that impact overall smoke flavor.
Evaluation of Different Interstimulus Rinse Protocols on Smoke Attribute Perception in Wildfire-Affected Wines.
Evaluation of Different Interstimulus Rinse Protocols on Smoke Attribute Perception in Wildfire-Affected Wines.
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The post-acute sequelae of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection-also referred to as Long COVID-have been described, but whether breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection (BTI) in vaccinated people results in post-acute sequelae is not clear. In this study, we used the US Department of Veterans Affairs national healthcare databases to build a cohort of 33,940 individuals with BTI and several controls of people without evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including contemporary (n = 4,983,491), historical (n = 5,785,273) and vaccinated (n = 2,566,369) controls. At 6 months after infection, we show that, beyond the first 30 days of illness, compared to contemporary controls, people with BTI exhibited a higher risk of death (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.75, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.59, 1.93) and incident post-acute sequelae (HR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.46, 1.54), including cardiovascular, coagulation and hematologic, gastrointestinal, kidney, mental health, metabolic, musculoskeletal and neurologic disorders. The results were consistent in comparisons versus the historical and vaccinated controls. Compared to people with SARS-CoV-2 infection who were not previously vaccinated (n = 113,474), people with BTI exhibited lower risks of death (HR = 0.66, 95% CI: 0.58, 0.74) and incident post-acute sequelae (HR = 0.85, 95% CI: 0.82, 0.89). Altogether, the findings suggest that vaccination before infection confers only partial protection in the post-acute phase of the disease; hence, reliance on it as a sole mitigation strategy may not optimally reduce long-term health consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The findings emphasize the need for continued optimization of strategies for primary prevention of BTI and will guide development of post-acute care pathways for people with BTI.
Long COVID after breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Long COVID after breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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INTRODUCTION: During an epidemic, screening processes can play a crucial role in limiting the spread of the infection. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of COVID-19 suspected cases and to evaluate the performance of the triage process in predicting COVID-19 in Southern Tunisia. METHODS: It was a prospective study including all patients consulting to the Hedi Chaker University Hospital departments from March to June 2020. A clinical triage score (CTS) was used to assess the risk of the infection and to refer patients to the appropriate part of the facility accordingly. RESULTS: Overall, 862 patients were enrolled, among whom 505 patients (58.6%) were classified as suspected cases (CTS ≥4). Of these, 46.9% (n = 237) were of mild form. Samples were collected from 215 patients (24.9%), among whom five were COVID-19 positive, representing a positive rate of 2.3%. The in-hospital cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 was 580/100000 patients. The total daily incidence decreased significantly during the study period (p < 0.001, chi-square for linear trend = 25.6). At a cut-off of four, the CTS had a sensitivity of 40%, a specificity of 32.4%, and negative and positive predictive values of 95.8% and 1.4%, respectively. DISCUSSION: Although the triage process based on the CTS was not as performant as the RT-PCR, it was crucial to interrupt virus spread among hospitalized patients in “COVID-19-free departments”.
Epidemiological profile and performance of triage decision-making process of COVID-19 suspected cases in southern Tunisia
Epidemiological profile and performance of triage decision-making process of COVID-19 suspected cases in southern Tunisia