audioduration (s)
I hope you're going to learn a lot in this video so let's jump right into it
Now our URL here has a scheme portion and this one happens to be HTTP.
token number five and then I can actually make pretty decent predictions
We're going through that. There's a Spotify web API that returns JSON,
numbers and we'll have 27 rows and we'll have
2B URL encode and happens to be a plus. And I know that and I just happen to know
pretty low negative log likelihood and finally here it thought this was one
So this is basically doing the same thing, right? These messages are the same messages that were coming
numbers that make up these three words so this is a fully connected layer
close to the labels but in some cases they differ
to make sure that I create it on the device number two what I introduced is
when you create a list with a for Loop within one line we could also make it in
output probabilities that's very often used and we used it as well here
There's a link to a repository of built out collections that are ready for you to use.
we can see that this is a all the counts across all the
to this embedding table and it's going to pluck out a row of that embedding
back to our get response function right here and remember that so far we're
the play method on the media player API. I suppose too, the song isn't stored on the device,
representation and then i plot just the diagram text
we're going to sign up for a trial account. So I'm gonna click the Sign Up button here
image Bas 6 4 bites to base 64 and here we just enter the image base 64 and our
We were reading, right? Just getting information to display it like
this to a float so that we can multiply now the output actually here
And last but certainly not least, take advantage of the fact that you are in a video-based course.
is dl by dc and what we have so far
send button or send input is triggered if uploaded image then what we want to
So we're gonna drop this one into the no column. So we're looking good so far.
like you're being taken care of, right? This is so nice.
so if we want to calculate x2.grad then
and by default you'll notice a.d type which is short for data type is float32
And we did see this in both the Spotify and Twilio ones. However, ours doesn't provide links to other resources.
I want to work with this toy example to just get you used to this operation and
So when we are creating a message, we must include the to, right?
So that also is on my console. So I'm gonna flip back to my console.
a RESTful API should support caching. It's up to you to maintain the cache on your client
impressive so this is a with Adam this is without
because obviously something wrong happened, I didn't get any of the messages back,
so this is 1 minus 10 h of x squared
special start token here i'm going to
So you can look at, there's these different things where you can, I was right, you can check
so that's parameters of neuron and i'm calling it this way because also pi
but that is also available in the header here, right? So like it's just a different view of it.
and max of one w for w in words so the longest word will be
and the the tests or the def set is 2.38 as well
so it is every crimp tap be a house oh those
So let's go ahead, let's give it a, we'll we're gonna go ahead and make this an empty array, right?
if you take that model and it looks like it's working really well but you try to
file so uh each file has like a title and let me show you we go to the wave
to know the local derivative of 10h so if we have that
and so if this is strong enough then we are not able to overcome the
So also I wanted to show you the request that happened. Let's take a look at that.
and so the log of the probability here i have the log of x from zero to one
and click Active Numbers, I'll open up a new tab. Nice little hack to keep your screen open here.
to minimize the loss so if we nudge all the parameters by
138 is telling us that g will grow and the slope of that growth is going to be
and so the optimization problem here and here are actually equivalent because
getting 4.87 and so that's telling us that the initial predictions are not uh
counts for all the first letters so uh j starts a word h starts a word i
taking more and more of these characters and we're going to be feeding them into
a random noise with it then you're predicting the noise in this random
will use an encoder block of self attention and uh all it means that it's
So we can come here into the message log. We can go pull that number from the query string.
so but what you can see here obviously we don't have the llm yet and we don't
audio if your data is like five sentences L long then you wouldn't be
which was published last year its name is a speech T5 Unified
of all the bigrams okay
every one of our five examples we now have a row that came out of a
We saw how to organize our request together into collections as well as share common
I'll be right here waiting for you. I know that I've gotten into some pretty bad
zero but if w has non-zero numbers you accumulate loss
respond this stays the same almost and so that's why the slope is zero okay now
left to right basically so here we have a graph it's a directory
there's a unique input for a unique output in those cases we do what's
response qus this response but right now let's just keep going before we create
clear on the difference and when you look at the the docs of lower case
um and because we have lri here um
then we want to install D upgrade PP and after that we will install the
the learning rate i mean and we achieve it about 2.3 now
but I have no idea how it does it and I'm okay with that level of abstraction.
like a sigmoid or 10h or something like that so as an example
kind of uh you know it sounds a little like me but you it sounds horrible
so basically we're taking e and we're raising it to the power of 100 and that
encourage you if there are some things here which you didn't like in the um
and those examples are summarized here when the input to the neural network is
uh basically using a different network how much of any candidate
okay we're at 2.32 let's continue training
else the history is empty so here again we load the chat history in the session
your audio database it's more related to the textual
Security can't just be a bolt-on that you do at the end. In fact, it needs to be something that we're doing throughout, pervasively.
uh approach for sequential data so in our case it's text to speech task so we
line ends with a period if you don't if it doesn't end with a period it's gonna
So use the messaging API to use submitted photos and also create a web-based API that matches this expected response.
Now remember that is going to be using my Auth token and my account SID, and it's on this context,
they should have a switch there to make it more clear and this is also or
function has all kinds of structure and we only know about the very local
at that precise point if we nudge in a positive direction the function doesn't
to be doing is actually taking a look at the dependencies for this project the
total number of words we expect this to be roughly 32 000
and this will be end.label and so now
make sure uh you don't proceed to The Next Step until you get this message