[ { "id": "dp6-1", "name": "Deoxys Normal Forme", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "50", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Form Change", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys Normal Forme. (Any cards attached to Deoxys Normal Forme, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Deoxys Normal Forme on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Energy Crush", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20+", "text": "Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to all of your opponent's Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "1", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 386 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/1.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/1_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-2", "name": "Dragonite", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "61", "hp": "140", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Dragonair", "attacks": [ { "name": "Hyper Beam", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon." }, { "name": "Draco Meteor", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin for each of your opponent's Pokémon. If that coin flip is heads, this attack does 50 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "+30" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "2", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 149 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/2.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/2_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-3", "name": "Froslass", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "46", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Snorunt", "attacks": [ { "name": "Destiny Bond", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Discard a Psychic Energy attached to Froslass. During your opponent's next turn, if Froslass would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, the Attacking Pokémon is Knocked Out." }, { "name": "Icy Breath", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. Put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "3", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly -60 degrees F. What seems to be its body is actually hollow.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 478 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/3.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/3_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-4", "name": "Giratina", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "52", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Shadow Force", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Giratina during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Brutal Edge", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "50+", "text": "Does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on the Defending Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Darkness", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "4", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 487 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/4.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/4_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-5", "name": "Gliscor", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "42", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gligar", "attacks": [ { "name": "Burning Poison", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Choose either Burned or Poisoned. The Defending Pokémon is now affected by that Special Condition. You may return Gliscor and all cards attached to it to your hand." }, { "name": "Pester", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40+", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "5", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 472 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/5.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/5_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-6", "name": "Heatran", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "47", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Fire" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Flash Fire", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Fire Energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon to Heatran. This power can't be used if Heatran is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Magma Storm", "cost": [ "Fire", "Fire", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "40+", "text": "You may discard as many basic Energy cards as you like attached to Heatran. If you do, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card you discarded." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "6", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 485 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/6.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/6_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-7", "name": "Kingdra", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "52", "hp": "130", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Seadra", "attacks": [ { "name": "Aqua Stream", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "10×", "text": "Search your discard pile for as many Water Energy cards as you like, show them to your opponent, and this attack does 10 damage for each Water Energy card you chose. Put those cards on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward." }, { "name": "Dragon Pump", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "40+", "text": "You may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage and does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "7", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 230 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/7.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/7_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-8", "name": "Luxray", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "51", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Lightning" ], "evolvesFrom": "Luxio", "abilities": [ { "name": "Rivalry", "text": "If your opponent has any Pokémon LV.X in play, each of Luxray's attacks does 50 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Plasma", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "Search your discard pile for a Lightning Energy card and attach it to Luxray." }, { "name": "Shock Bolt", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Lightning", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "100", "text": "Discard all Lightning Energy attached to Luxray." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+30" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "-20" } ], "number": "8", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It has eyes that can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 405 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/8.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/8_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-9", "name": "Mamoswine", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "54", "hp": "140", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Piloswine", "attacks": [ { "name": "Ice Fang", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon." }, { "name": "Charge Through", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "60+", "text": "You may do 60 damage plus 40 more damage and 40 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) If you do, Mamoswine does 40 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "+40" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "9", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 473 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/9.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/9_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-10", "name": "Metagross", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "58", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesFrom": "Metang", "abilities": [ { "name": "Magnetic Reversal", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with 1 of the Defending Pokémon. This power can't be used if Metagross is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Extra Comet Punch", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "During your next turn, Metagross's Extra Comet Punch attack's base damage is 100." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+30" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "10", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "Metang combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 376 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/10.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/10_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-11", "name": "Mewtwo", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "42", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hypnoblast", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." }, { "name": "Psychic", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40+", "text": "Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "11", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "A Pokémon created by recombining Mew's genes. It's said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 150 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/11.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/11_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-12", "name": "Politoed", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "49", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Poliwhirl", "abilities": [ { "name": "Enthusiasm", "text": "If you have Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath in play, each of these Pokémon's attacks does 60 more damage to the Defending Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Frog Hop", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "12", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 186 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/12.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/12_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-13", "name": "Probopass", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "46", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Nosepass", "abilities": [ { "name": "Steel Coating", "text": "Any damage done to Probopass by your opponent's attacks is reduced by 10 for each Metal Energy attached to Probopass (after applying Weakness and Resistance). You can't reduce more than 20 damage in this way.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Metal Bomber", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Choose a number of your opponent's Benched Pokémon up to the amount of Metal Energy attached to Probopass. This attack does 20 damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "13", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units call Mini-Noses.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 476 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/13.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/13_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-14", "name": "Rayquaza", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "56", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Speed Gain", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, search your discard pile for a basic Fire Energy card or a basic Lightning Energy card and attach it to Rayquaza. This power can't be used if Rayquaza is affected by a Special Condition or if you have another Rayquaza in play.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Sky Judgement", "cost": [ "Fire", "Fire", "Lightning", "Lightning" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "150", "text": "Discard all Energy attached to Rayquaza." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "14", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 384 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/14.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/14_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-15", "name": "Regigigas", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "52", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Slow Start", "text": "Regigigas can't attack until your opponent has 3 or less Prize cards left.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Crush Grip", "cost": [ "Water", "Fighting", "Metal", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "120", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon already has any damage counters on it, this attack's base damage is 40 instead of 120." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "15", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 486 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/15.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/15_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-16", "name": "Spiritomb", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "44", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Curse Breath", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Spiritomb from your hand onto your Bench, you may put 1 damage counter on all Pokémon that already have any damage counters on them (both yours and your opponent's). You can't use more than 1 Curse Breath Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Transfer Pain", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Move 1 damage counter from 1 of your Pokémon to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon." } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "16", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an odd keystone.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 442 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/16.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/16_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-17", "name": "Yanmega", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "47", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Yanma", "attacks": [ { "name": "Sonic Wave", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "10", "text": "Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." }, { "name": "Pursue and Turn", "cost": [ "Grass", "Grass", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "60+", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon already has 2 or more damage counters on it, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage and switch Yanmega with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "number": "17", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare Holo", "flavorText": "By churning its wings, it creates shock waves that inflict critical internal injuries to foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 469 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/17.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/17_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-18", "name": "Armaldo", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "52", "hp": "140", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Anorith", "abilities": [ { "name": "Fossil Armor", "text": "If Armaldo would be damaged by an attack, prevent that attack's damage done to Armaldo if that damage is 60 or less.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Crush Claw", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "During your next turn, if an attack does damage to the Defending Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 40 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "18", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 348 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/18.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/18_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-19", "name": "Azelf", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "55", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Time Walk", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Azelf from your hand onto your Bench, you may look at all of your face-down Prize cards. If you do, you may choose 1 Pokémon you find there, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then, choose 1 card in your hand and put it as a Prize card face down.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Lock Up", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "19", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Known as \"The Being of Willpower.\" It sleeps at the bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 482 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/19.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/19_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-20", "name": "Bellossom", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "38", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gloom", "attacks": [ { "name": "Parallel Gain", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokémon." }, { "name": "Blend Pollen", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40+", "text": "Does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Vileplume and each Bellossom you have in play. Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+30" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "20", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 182 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/20.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/20_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-21", "name": "Cradily", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "49", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Lileep", "attacks": [ { "name": "Drain Down", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "Before doing damage, you may switch 1 of the Defending Pokémon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. If you do, this attack does 30 damage to the new Defending Pokémon. If the Defending Pokémon would be Knocked Out by this attack, you may remove all damage counters from Cradily." }, { "name": "Acid", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "21", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 346 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/21.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/21_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-22", "name": "Crawdaunt", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "32", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Corphish", "attacks": [ { "name": "Gripthrow", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent returns the Defending Pokémon and all cards attached to it to his or her hand." }, { "name": "Prop-up Pinchers", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50+", "text": "If Crawdaunt has a Technical Machine card attached to it, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "22", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and toss out other Pokémon from its pond.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 342 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/22.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/22_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-23", "name": "Delcatty", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "46", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Skitty", "abilities": [ { "name": "Attracting Body", "text": "If Delcatty is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Delcatty is Knocked Out), flip a coin. If heads, the Attacking Pokémon is now Confused.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Energy Assist", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "Search your discard pile for a basic Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "23", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 301 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/23.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/23_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-24", "name": "Deoxys Attack Forme", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "50", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Form Change", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys Attack Forme. (Any cards attached to Deoxys Attack Forme, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Deoxys Attack Forme on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Psychic Boost", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "80", "text": "During your next turn, Deoxys's Psychic Boost attack's base damage is 20." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "24", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 386 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/24.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/24_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-25", "name": "Deoxys Defense Forme", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "50", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Form Change", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys Defense Forme. (Any cards attached to Deoxys Defense Forme, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Deoxys Defense Forme on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Psychic Defense", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40", "text": "During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of an attack, and any damage done to Deoxys by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "25", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 386 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/25.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/25_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-26", "name": "Deoxys Speed Forme", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "50", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Form Change", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Deoxys and switch it with Deoxys Speed Forme. (Any cards attached to Deoxys Speed Forme, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Deoxys Speed Forme on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Form Change Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Speed Shot", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokémon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "number": "26", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 386 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/26.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/26_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-27", "name": "Ditto", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "33", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Ditto DNA", "text": "As long as Ditto is your Active Pokémon, its maximum HP is the same as your opponent's Active Pokémon. Ditto can use the attacks of that Pokémon as its own. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.) If that Pokémon is no longer your opponent's Active Pokémon, choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokémon for Ditto to copy.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "27", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 132 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/27.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/27_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-28", "name": "Forretress", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "43", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesFrom": "Pineco", "abilities": [ { "name": "Iron Shell", "text": "Whenever you attach a basic Energy card from your hand to Forretress (excluding effects of attacks), you may flip a coin. If tails, put 2 damage counters on each Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's) (excluding any Forretress).", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Explosion", "cost": [ "Metal", "Metal", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "100", "text": "Forretress does 40 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "28", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 205 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/28.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/28_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-29", "name": "Groudon", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "45", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Drought", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Choose up to 2 basic Fighting Energy cards from your hand and attach them to 1 of your Pokémon." }, { "name": "Major Earthquake", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "100", "text": "Discard 2 Fighting Energy attached to Groudon and this attack does 10 damage to each of your Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "29", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It had been asleep in underground magma ever since it fiercely fought Kyogre long ago.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 383 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/29.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/29_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-30", "name": "Heatran", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "45", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Metal" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Smelt", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Metal Energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon to Heatran. This power can't be used if Heatran is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Heavy Metal", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip a coin for each Metal Energy attached to Heatran. This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "30", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 485 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/30.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/30_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-31", "name": "Jirachi", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "42", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Metal" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "One Desire", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for any 1 card. Shuffle your deck, then put that card on top of your deck." }, { "name": "Doom Desire", "cost": [ "Metal", "Metal" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Discard all Energy attached to Jirachi. The Defending Pokémon is Knocked Out at the end of your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "31", "artist": "Satoshi Ohta", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 385 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/31.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/31_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-32", "name": "Kyogre", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "47", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Water" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Drizzle", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Choose up to 2 basic Water Energy cards from your hand and attach them to 1 of your Pokémon." }, { "name": "High Tide", "cost": [ "Water", "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Discard 2 Water Energy attached to Kyogre. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "32", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 382 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/32.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/32_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-33", "name": "Lopunny", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "37", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Buneary", "abilities": [ { "name": "Healing Tail", "text": "As long as Lopunny is your Active Pokémon, remove 1 damage counter from each of your Benched Pokémon between turns.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Collect", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Draw 3 cards." }, { "name": "Cross-Cut", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "33", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 428 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/33.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/33_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-34", "name": "Mesprit", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "55", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Psychic Bind", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Mesprit from your hand onto your Bench, you may use this power. Your opponent can't use any Poké-Powers on his or her Pokémon during your opponent's next turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Extrasensory", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20+", "text": "If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does 20 damage plus 50 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "34", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Known as \"The Being of Emotion.\" It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 481 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/34.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/34_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-35", "name": "Poliwrath", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "46", "hp": "130", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Poliwhirl", "attacks": [ { "name": "Focus Punch", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "60", "text": "If Poliwrath was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack does nothing." }, { "name": "Submission", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "90", "text": "Poliwrath does 20 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "35", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "With extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 62 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/35.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/35_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-36", "name": "Regice", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "43", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Water" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Regi Move", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Discard 2 cards from your hand and choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokémon that isn't an Evolved Pokémon. Then, your opponent switches that Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon. This power can't be used if Regice is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Ice Reflect", "cost": [ "Water", "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "If Regice was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "36", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 378 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/36.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/36_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-37", "name": "Regigigas", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "48", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Recover Mechanism", "text": "When you attach an Energy card from your hand to Regigigas, remove all Special Conditions from Regigigas.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Gigaton Punch", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage and does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "37", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 486 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/37.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/37_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-38", "name": "Regirock", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "51", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Regi Cycle", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), if you have a Fighting Energy card in your discard pile, you may discard 2 cards from your hand. Then, attach a Fighting Energy card from your discard pile to Regirock. This power can't be used if Regirock is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Stone Edge", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "38", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 377 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/38.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/38_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-39", "name": "Registeel", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "50", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Metal" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Regi Heal", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard 2 cards from your hand. Then, remove 3 damage counters from Registeel. This power can't be used if Registeel is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Rotating Claws", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "You may discard an Energy card attached to Registeel. If you do, search your discard pile for an Energy card (excluding the one you discarded) and attach it to Registeel." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "39", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 379 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/39.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/39_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-40", "name": "Shedinja", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "34", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Nincada", "abilities": [ { "name": "Resent", "text": "Once during your opponent's turn, if Shedinja would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, you may put 4 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon and each of the opponent's Pokémon that has the same name as the Attacking Pokémon.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Curse and Deceive", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Put 3 damage counters on the Defending Pokémon. If Shedinja has any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused." } ], "number": "40", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one's spirit.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 292 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/40.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/40_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-41", "name": "Torkoal", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "32", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fire" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "White Smoke", "text": "As long as Torkoal is your Active Pokémon, prevent all effects, including damage, done to your Benched Pokémon by your opponent's attacks.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Black Soot", "cost": [ "Fire", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Paralyzed." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "41", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 324 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/41.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/41_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-42", "name": "Unown !", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "16", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "!", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Unown ! from your hand onto your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, put 2 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. If tails, put 2 damage counters on 1 of your Pokémon.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, Unown ! does 10 damage to itself, and this attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "42", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/42.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/42_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-43", "name": "Uxie", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "55", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Set Up", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Uxie from your hand onto your Bench, you may draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Psychic Restore", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "You may put Uxie and all cards attached to it on the bottom of your deck in any order." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "43", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Known as \"The Being of Knowledge.\" It is said that it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 480 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/43.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/43_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-44", "name": "Victreebel", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "40", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Weepinbell", "attacks": [ { "name": "Burning Scent", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Poisoned. Before applying these effects, you may switch 1 of the Defending Pokémon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. The new Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Poisoned." }, { "name": "Energy Dissolve", "cost": [ "Grass", "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon at the end of your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "44", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 71 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/44.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/44_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-45", "name": "Vileplume", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 2" ], "level": "41", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gloom", "abilities": [ { "name": "Energy Reaction", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), when you attach a Grass or Psychic Energy card from your hand to Vileplume (excluding effects of attacks or Poké-Powers), you may use this power. If you attach a Grass Energy card, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. If you attach a Psychic Energy card, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. This power can't be used if Vileplume is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Disturbing Pollen", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can't play any Trainer, Supporter, or Stadium cards from his or her hand during your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "45", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Rare", "flavorText": "Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 45 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/45.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/45_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-46", "name": "Anorith", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "29", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Claw Fossil", "evolvesTo": [ "Armaldo" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Guard Claw", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Anorith by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." }, { "name": "X-Scissor", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "46", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 347 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/46.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/46_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-47", "name": "Camerupt", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "41", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Fire" ], "evolvesFrom": "Numel", "attacks": [ { "name": "Eruption", "cost": [ "Fire", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "Each player discards the top of his or her deck. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each Energy card discarded in this way." }, { "name": "Take Down", "cost": [ "Fire", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "80", "text": "Camerupt does 20 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "47", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It has volcanoes on its back. If magma builds up in its body, it shudders, then erupts violently.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 323 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/47.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/47_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-48", "name": "Castform", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "35", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Temperament", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Castform and switch it with Castform. (Any cards attached to Castform, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Castform on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Temperament Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Weather Ball", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "If you have a Stadium card in play, remove 3 damage counters from Castform. If your opponent has a Stadium card in play, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "48", "artist": "Kanako Eo", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 351 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/48.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/48_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-49", "name": "Castform Rain Form", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "35", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Water" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Temperament", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Castform and switch it with Castform Rain Form. (Any cards attached to Castform Rain Form, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Shuffle Castform Rain Form back into your deck. You can't use more than 1 Temperament Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Water Pulse", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "The defending Pokémon is now Asleep." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "49", "artist": "Emi Yoshida", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 351 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/49.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/49_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-50", "name": "Castform Snow-Cloud Form", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "35", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Water" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Temperament", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Castform and switch it with Castform Snow-cloud Form. (Any cards attached to Castform Snow-cloud Form, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Shuffle Castform Snow-cloud Form back into your deck. You can't use more than 1 Temperament Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hail", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "50", "artist": "Saya Tsuruta", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 351 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/50.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/50_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-51", "name": "Castform Sunny Form", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "35", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Fire" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Temperament", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any Castform and switch it with Castform Sunny Form. (Any cards attached to Castform Sunny Form, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Shuffle Castform Sunny Form back into your deck. You can't use more than 1 Temperament Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Ember", "cost": [ "Fire", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "Discard a Fire Energy attached to Castform Sunny Form." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "51", "artist": "Lee HyunJung", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 351 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/51.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/51_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-52", "name": "Dragonair", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "31", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Dratini", "evolvesTo": [ "Dragonite" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Wrap", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." }, { "name": "Rising Lunge", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "30+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "52", "artist": "Suwama Chiaki", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 148 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/52.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/52_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-53", "name": "Drifblim", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "43", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Drifloon", "attacks": [ { "name": "Expand", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Drifblim by attacks is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." }, { "name": "Whirlwind", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Darkness", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "-20" } ], "number": "53", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It's drowzy in daytime, but flies off in the evening in big groups. No one knows where they go.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 426 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/53.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/53_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-54", "name": "Exeggutor", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "43", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Exeggcute", "attacks": [ { "name": "Psychic Strategy", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Each player counts the number of cards in his or her opponent's hand. Each player shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck. Then, each player draws a number of cards up to the number of cards his or her opponent had. (You draw your cards first.)" }, { "name": "Super Eggsplosion", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "50×", "text": "Discard as many Energy cards as you like attached to your Pokémon. For each Energy card you discarded, flip a coin. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "54", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It is called \"The Walking Jungle.\" If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an Exeggcute.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 103 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/54.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/54_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-55", "name": "Gliscor", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "44", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gligar", "attacks": [ { "name": "Poison Jab", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." }, { "name": "Sharp Tail", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 40 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "55", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 472 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/55.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/55_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-56", "name": "Grumpig", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "36", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Spoink", "attacks": [ { "name": "Magical Step", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Put 6 damage counters instead of 3 on the Confused Pokémon." }, { "name": "Grind", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Does 20 damage times the amount of Energy attached to Grumpig." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "56", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It uses black pearls to amplify its psycho-power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 326 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/56.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/56_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-57", "name": "Houndoom", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "45", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fire" ], "evolvesFrom": "Houndour", "abilities": [ { "name": "Revenge Fang", "text": "If you have less Benched Pokémon than your opponent, each of Houndoom's attacks does 40 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Burning Sensation", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon already has any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned." }, { "name": "Bright Flame", "cost": [ "Fire", "Fire" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "60", "text": "Flip a coin. If tails, discard 2 Fire Energy attached to Houndoom." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "57", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Long ago, people imagined its eerie howls to be the call of the grim reaper.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 229 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/57.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/57_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-58", "name": "Lanturn", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "39", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Chinchou", "attacks": [ { "name": "Rushing Water", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "Move an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon to another of your opponent's Pokémon." }, { "name": "Confuse Ray", "cost": [ "Water", "Lightning" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Confused." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "58", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Lanturn's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed \"The Deep-Sea Star.\"", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 171 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/58.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/58_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-59", "name": "Lanturn", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "43", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Lightning" ], "evolvesFrom": "Chinchou", "attacks": [ { "name": "Energy Split", "cost": [ "Lightning" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "This attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon that has any Energy cards attached to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" }, { "name": "Aqua Bolt", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60+", "text": "Does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each Water Energy attached to Lanturn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "59", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Lanturn's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed \"The Deep-Sea Star.\"", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 171 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/59.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/59_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-60", "name": "Ledian", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "39", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Ledyba", "attacks": [ { "name": "Comet Punch", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." }, { "name": "Baton Pass", "cost": [ "Grass", "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "50", "text": "You may switch Ledian with 1 of your Benched Pokémon. If you do, move as many Energy cards attached to Ledian as you like to the new Active Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "60", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 166 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/60.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/60_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-61", "name": "Lucario", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "35", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Riolu", "attacks": [ { "name": "Focus Blast", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" }, { "name": "Spike Lariat", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60+", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon already has any damage counters on it, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "61", "artist": "Naoyo Kimura", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It has the ability to sense the auras of all things. It understands human speech.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 448 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/61.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/61_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-62", "name": "Luxio", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "23", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Lightning" ], "evolvesFrom": "Shinx", "evolvesTo": [ "Luxray" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Spark", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" }, { "name": "Thunderous Claw", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "70", "text": "Flip a coin. If tails, discard all Lightning Energy attached to Luxio." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "62", "artist": "Naoyo Kimura", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 404 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/62.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/62_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-63", "name": "Marowak", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "30", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Cubone", "attacks": [ { "name": "Heavy Bone", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "40", "text": "Flip a coin. If tails, Marowak can't use Heavy Bone during your next turn." }, { "name": "Bone Rush", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "50×", "text": "Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "63", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 105 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/63.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/63_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-64", "name": "Metang", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "24", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesFrom": "Beldum", "evolvesTo": [ "Metagross" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Agility", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Metang during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Metal Claw", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "64", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its steel body won't be scratched if it collides with a jet.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 375 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/64.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/64_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-65", "name": "Metang", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "22", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesFrom": "Beldum", "evolvesTo": [ "Metagross" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Psyshock", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." }, { "name": "Bullet Punch", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "65", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its steel body won't be scratched if it collides with a jet.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 375 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/65.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/65_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-66", "name": "Mightyena", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "42", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Darkness" ], "evolvesFrom": "Poochyena", "attacks": [ { "name": "Bite On", "cost": [ "Darkness" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon isn't an Evolved Pokémon, that Pokémon can't attack, retreat, or use any Poké-Powers during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Harass", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "10×", "text": "Does 10 damage times the number of Pokémon you have in play." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "66", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 262 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/66.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/66_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-67", "name": "Ninjask", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "42", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Nincada", "evolvesTo": [ "Shedinja" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Cast-off Shell", "text": "Once during your turn, when you play Ninjask from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon and if your Bench isn't full, you may put Shedinja onto your Bench as a Basic Pokémon from your hand or your discard pile.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Chip Off", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "If your opponent has 6 or more cards in his or her hand, discard a number of cards without looking until your opponent has 5 cards left in his or her hand." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "number": "67", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 291 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/67.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/67_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-68", "name": "Persian", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "32", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Meowth", "attacks": [ { "name": "Feint Attack", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokémon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokémon." }, { "name": "Fasten Claws", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "number": "68", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 53 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/68.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/68_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-69", "name": "Piloswine", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "35", "hp": "100", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Swinub", "evolvesTo": [ "Mamoswine" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Charge Dash", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30+", "text": "You may do 30 damage plus 30 more damage. If you do, Piloswine does 30 damage to itself." }, { "name": "Icy Wind", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 4, "damage": "60", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "69", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its shaggy coat makes it unable to see. It checks surroundings with its sensitive nose instead.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 221 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/69.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/69_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-70", "name": "Seadra", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "35", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Horsea", "evolvesTo": [ "Kingdra" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Aqua Pump", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30+", "text": "You may discard up to 2 Water Energy cards from your hand. If you do, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card you discarded." }, { "name": "Waterfall", "cost": [ "Water", "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "70", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 117 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/70.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/70_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-71", "name": "Starmie", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "39", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Staryu", "attacks": [ { "name": "Star Boomerang", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "You may return Starmie and all cards attached to it to your hand." }, { "name": "Core Flash", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon that has any Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies. This attack does 50 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "number": "71", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 121 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/71.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/71_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-72", "name": "Swalot", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "35", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gulpin", "attacks": [ { "name": "Swallow Up", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Before doing damage, count the remaining HP of the Defending Pokémon and Swalot. If the Defending Pokémon has fewer remaining HP than Swalot's, this attack does 80 damage instead." }, { "name": "Gunk Shot", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "72", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 317 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/72.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/72_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-73", "name": "Swellow", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "30", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesFrom": "Taillow", "abilities": [ { "name": "Big Wing", "text": "If Swellow has no Energy attached to it, Swellow's Retreat Cost is 0.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Mach Descent", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "If Swellow was on your Bench this turn, this attack's base damage is 60 instead of 30." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "73", "artist": "Suwama Chiaki", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dive steeply to catch the prey.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 277 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/73.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/73_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-74", "name": "Tauros", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "26", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Herd Charge", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip a coin for each Tauros you have in play. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." }, { "name": "Thrash", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, Tauros does 10 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "74", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 128 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/74.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/74_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-75", "name": "Tentacruel", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "37", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Tentacool", "attacks": [ { "name": "Tentacle Strike", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Search your opponent's discard pile for up to 2 Energy cards and attach them to any of your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like. For each Energy card attached in this way, this attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" }, { "name": "Dangerous Poison", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "If Tentacruel has less Energy attached to it than the Defending Pokémon, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "75", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "With 80 tentacles for ensnaring victims, it prevents escape until the prey is weakened by poison.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 73 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/75.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/75_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-76", "name": "Unown J", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "12", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "JUNK", "text": "Once during your turn, when you put Unown J from your hand onto your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, search your discard pile for a Trainer card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Remove the Special Condition Asleep from the Defending Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "76", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/76.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/76_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-77", "name": "Unown R", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "16", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "RETIRE", "text": "Once during your turn, if Unown R is on your Bench, you may discard Unown R and all cards attached to it. (This doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokémon.) Then, draw a card.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Move any number of basic Energy cards attached to your Pokémon to your other Pokémon in any way you like." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "77", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/77.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/77_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-78", "name": "Unown U", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "15", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "UNSEEN", "text": "As long as Unown U is on your Bench, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done by your opponent's Pokémon to any Unown on your Bench.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for any 1 card and discard it. Shuffle your deck afterward." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "78", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/78.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/78_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-79", "name": "Unown V", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "17", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "VACATION", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may remove 2 damage counters from each of your Pokémon. If you do, your turn ends. This power can't be used if Unown V is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "30", "text": "Does 10 damage to each of your Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "79", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/79.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/79_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-80", "name": "Unown W", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "21", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "WALL", "text": "As long as Unown W is your Active Pokémon, any damage done to your Pokémon by an opponent's attack is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "Draw a card." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+30" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 3, "number": "80", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/80.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/80_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-81", "name": "Unown Y", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "15", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "YAWN", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), if Unown Y is on your Bench, you may remove 1 damage counter from 1 of your Active Unown and that Unown is now Asleep.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for up to 2 Trainer cards, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "81", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like an ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/81.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/81_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-82", "name": "Unown ?", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "18", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "?", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), if Unown ? is on your Bench, you may choose a Pokémon in your hand and put it face down. Your opponent guesses a type of that Pokémon. Reveal that card. If your opponent guessed wrong, draw a card. Then, put that card back into your hand.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hidden Power", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Discard up to 2 cards from your hand. For each card you discarded, draw a card." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "82", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Uncommon", "flavorText": "Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or Unown came first.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 201 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/82.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/82_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-83", "name": "Beldum", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "9", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Metang" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Metal Chain", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), when you attach a Metal Energy card from your hand to Beldum (excluding effects of attacks or Poké-Powers), you may search your deck for Beldum and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if Beldum is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Take Down", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Beldum does 10 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "83", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 374 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/83.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/83_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-84", "name": "Beldum", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "7", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Metang" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Allure", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Draw a card." }, { "name": "Tackle", "cost": [ "Metal", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "84", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 374 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/84.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/84_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-85", "name": "Bellsprout", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "5", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Weepinbell" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Vine Bind", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can't use any Poké-Powers during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Careless Tackle", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "Bellsprout does 10 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "85", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 69 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/85.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/85_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-86", "name": "Buneary", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "10", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Lopunny" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Rest", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Remove all Special Conditions and 4 damage counters from Buneary. Buneary is now Asleep." }, { "name": "Double Kick", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "86", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It slams foes by sharply uncoiling its rolled ears. It stings enough to make a grown-up cry in pain.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 427 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/86.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/86_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-87", "name": "Chinchou", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "15", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Lanturn" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Supersonic", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused." }, { "name": "Wave Splash", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Grass", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "87", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 170 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/87.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/87_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-88", "name": "Chinchou", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "13", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Lightning" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Lanturn" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Razor Fin", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Aqua Spark", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20+", "text": "If Chinchou has any Water Energy attached to it, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "88", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 170 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/88.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/88_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-89", "name": "Corphish", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "6", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Crawdaunt" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Knock Off", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking and discard it." }, { "name": "Irongrip", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "89", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 341 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/89.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/89_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-90", "name": "Cubone", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "16", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Marowak" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Headbutt", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Bonemerang", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "90", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 104 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/90.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/90_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-91", "name": "Dratini", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "8", "hp": "40", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Dragonair" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Tail Slap", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Slam", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "91", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It is called the \"Mirage Pokémon\" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 147 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/91.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/91_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-92", "name": "Drifloon", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "14", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Drifblim" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Mind Bend", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused." }, { "name": "Gust", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Darkness", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "92", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon. It loves damp, humid seasons.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 425 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/92.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/92_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-93", "name": "Exeggcute", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "11", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Exeggutor" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Call for Family", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for up to 2 in any combination of Grass Basic Pokémon and Psychic Basic Pokémon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward." }, { "name": "Hypnosis", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "93", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 102 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/93.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/93_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-94", "name": "Gligar", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "19", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Gliscor" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Light Poison", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "10", "text": "Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." }, { "name": "Jump On", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "94", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It sails on the winds with its limbs extended to strike from the sky. It aims for the prey's face.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 207 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/94.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/94_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-95", "name": "Gligar", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "14", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Gliscor" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Poison Sting", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." }, { "name": "Slash", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "95", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It sails on the winds with its limbs extended to strike from the sky. It aims for the prey's face.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 207 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/95.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/95_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-96", "name": "Gloom", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "22", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Oddish", "evolvesTo": [ "Vileplume", "Bellossom" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Sleep Powder", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." }, { "name": "Frustration", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon that doesn't have any damage counters on it. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "96", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 44 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/96.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/96_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-97", "name": "Gloom", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "24", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Oddish", "evolvesTo": [ "Vileplume", "Bellossom" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Space Out", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Remove 2 damage counters from Gloom. Gloom is now Asleep." }, { "name": "Stinky Nectar", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused and Poisoned." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "97", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 44 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/97.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/97_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-98", "name": "Gulpin", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "17", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Swalot" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Amnesia", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon's attacks. That Pokémon can't use that attack during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Gastro Acid", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "98", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 316 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/98.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/98_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-99", "name": "Hitmonchan", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "27", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Counter Punch", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "During your opponent's next turn, if Hitmonchan is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Hitmonchan is Knocked Out), put 4 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon." }, { "name": "Gut Strike", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "If Tyrogue is anywhere under Hitmonchan, this attack's base damage is 60 instead of 30." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "99", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 107 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/99.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/99_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-100", "name": "Hitmonlee", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "24", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Gut Kick", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "If Tyrogue is anywhere under Hitmonlee, you may do 30 damage to any 1 Benched Pokémon instead. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" }, { "name": "Mega Kick", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "100", "artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 106 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/100.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/100_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-101", "name": "Hitmontop", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "25", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Triple Kick", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." }, { "name": "Gut Spin", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "50", "text": "If Tyrogue is anywhere under Hitmontop, you may switch Hitmontop with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "101", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 237 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/101.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/101_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-102", "name": "Horsea", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "8", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Seadra" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Smokescreen", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing." }, { "name": "Reverse Thrust", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Switch Horsea with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "102", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 116 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/102.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/102_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-103", "name": "Houndour", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "12", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Darkness" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Houndoom" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Roar", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." }, { "name": "Bite", "cost": [ "Darkness" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "103", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It conveys its feelings using different cries. It works in a pack to cleverly take down prey.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 228 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/103.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/103_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-104", "name": "Ledyba", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "12", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Ledian" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Supersonic", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused." }, { "name": "Double-edge", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Ledyba does 10 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "104", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It is so timid, it can't move if it isn't with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 165 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/104.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/104_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-105", "name": "Lileep", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "27", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Root Fossil", "evolvesTo": [ "Cradily" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Astonish", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "20", "text": "Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking. Look at that card you chose, then have your opponent shuffle that card into his or her deck." }, { "name": "Absorb", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "Remove 2 damage counters from Lileep." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "105", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 345 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/105.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/105_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-106", "name": "Meowth", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "13", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Persian" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Pay Day", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, draw a card." }, { "name": "Fury Swipes", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "10×", "text": "Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "106", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 52 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/106.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/106_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-107", "name": "Misdreavus", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "18", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Mismagius" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Show Off", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for a basic Energy card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward." }, { "name": "Payback", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10+", "text": "If your opponent has only 1 Prize card left, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Darkness", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Colorless", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "107", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It loves to sneak up on people late at night, then startle them with its shrieklike cry.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 200 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/107.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/107_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-108", "name": "Nincada", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "10", "hp": "40", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Ninjask" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Scratch", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Big Bite", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "108", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 290 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/108.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/108_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-109", "name": "Nosepass", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "15", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Probopass" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Sharpen", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Nose Poke", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20+", "text": "If Probopass is on your Bench, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "109", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its nose is a magnet. As a result, this Pokémon always keeps its face pointing north.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 299 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/109.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/109_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-110", "name": "Numel", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "16", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Fire" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Camerupt" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Rollout", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Singe", "cost": [ "Fire", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "30", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "110", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 322 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/110.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/110_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-111", "name": "Oddish", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "6", "hp": "40", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Gloom" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Stun Spore", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." }, { "name": "Blot", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Remove 1 damage counter from Oddish." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "111", "artist": "Hiroki Fuchino", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 43 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/111.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/111_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-112", "name": "Oddish", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "7", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Gloom" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Poisonpowder", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." }, { "name": "Ram", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "112", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 43 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/112.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/112_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-113", "name": "Pineco", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "11", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Forretress" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Tackle", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Selfdestruct", "cost": [ "Grass", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "This attack does 10 damage to each Benched Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Pineco does 50 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "113", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 204 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/113.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/113_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-114", "name": "Poliwag", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "5", "hp": "40", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Poliwhirl" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Tackle", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Twiddle", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "114", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 60 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/114.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/114_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-115", "name": "Poliwhirl", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "28", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesFrom": "Poliwag", "evolvesTo": [ "Poliwrath", "Politoed" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Light Punch", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" }, { "name": "Bubblebeam", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "40", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "115", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 61 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/115.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/115_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-116", "name": "Poochyena", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "17", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Darkness" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Mightyena" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Corner", "cost": [ "Darkness" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Ambush", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "10+", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "116", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 261 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/116.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/116_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-117", "name": "Riolu", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "11", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Lucario" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Punch", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" }, { "name": "Low Kick", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "117", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to alert others if it is afraid or sad.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 447 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/117.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/117_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-118", "name": "Shinx", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "6", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Lightning" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Luxio" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Recharge", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for a Lightning Energy card attach it to Shinx. Shuffle your deck afterward." }, { "name": "Double Kick", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20×", "text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "118", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 403 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/118.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/118_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-119", "name": "Skitty", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "14", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Delcatty" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Growl", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done by attacks from the Defending Pokémon is reduced by 20 (before applying Weakness and Resistance)." }, { "name": "Scratch", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "119", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 300 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/119.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/119_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-120", "name": "Sneasel", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "23", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Darkness" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Weavile" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Rob", "cost": [ "Darkness" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Look at your opponent's hand. If your opponent has any Pokémon Tool or Technical Machine cards in his or her hand, put those cards on top of his or her deck. Your opponent shuffles his or her deck afterward." }, { "name": "Slash", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "120", "artist": "Midori Harada", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It feeds on eggs stolen from nests. Its sharply hooked claws rip vulnerable spots on prey.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 215 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/120.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/120_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-121", "name": "Spoink", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "10", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Grumpig" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Psybeam", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Confused." }, { "name": "Bounce", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "You may switch Spoink with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "121", "artist": "Kouki Saitou", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 325 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/121.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/121_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-122", "name": "Staryu", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "14", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Starmie" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Recover", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Discard an Energy attached to Staryu and remove 3 damage counters from Staryu." }, { "name": "Spinning Attack", "cost": [ "Water", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "122", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its body is virtually composed of water. It shoots strange beams from its crystal-like eyes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 120 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/122.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/122_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-123", "name": "Swinub", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "13", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Piloswine" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Sniff Out", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, put any 1 card from your discard pile into your hand." }, { "name": "Lunge Out", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "30", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Metal", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "123", "artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 220 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/123.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/123_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-124", "name": "Taillow", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "12", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Colorless" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Swellow" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Focus Energy", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "During your next turn, Taillow's Peck attack's base damage is 30." }, { "name": "Peck", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "124", "artist": "Takao Unno", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 276 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/124.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/124_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-125", "name": "Tentacool", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "16", "hp": "50", "types": [ "Water" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Tentacruel" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Crystal Barrier", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Tentacool during your opponent's next turn." }, { "name": "Mysterious Beam", "cost": [ "Water" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "125", "artist": "Atsuko Nishida", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its body is virtually composed of water. It shoots strange beams from its crystal-like eyes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 72 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/125.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/125_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-126", "name": "Tyrogue", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "10", "hp": "60", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Baby Evolution", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop from your hand onto Tyrogue (this counts as evolving Tyrogue) and remove all damage counters from Tyrogue.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Gut Blow", "cost": [ "Fighting" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10+", "text": "If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage and Tyrogue does 10 damage to itself." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "+10" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "126", "artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 236 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/126.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/126_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-127", "name": "Weepinbell", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Stage 1" ], "level": "23", "hp": "80", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesFrom": "Bellsprout", "evolvesTo": [ "Victreebel" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Poisonpowder", "cost": [ "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." }, { "name": "Razor Leaf", "cost": [ "Grass", "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "40", "text": "" } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "+20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "127", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 70 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/127.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/127_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-128", "name": "Yanma", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Basic" ], "level": "13", "hp": "70", "types": [ "Grass" ], "evolvesTo": [ "Yanmega" ], "attacks": [ { "name": "U-turn", "cost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "10", "text": "Switch Yanma with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." }, { "name": "Agility", "cost": [ "Grass", "Grass" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "20", "text": "Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Yanma during your opponent's next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "+20" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "128", "artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", "rarity": "Common", "flavorText": "Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won't miss prey—even those behind it.", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 193 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/128.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/128_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-129", "name": "Bubble Coat", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Pokémon Tool" ], "rules": [ "Attach Bubble Coat to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it. If that Pokémon is Knocked Out, discard this card.", "As long as Bubble Coat is attached to a Pokémon, that Pokémon has no Weakness. If that Pokémon is damaged by an opponent's attack, discard this card at the end of the turn." ], "number": "129", "artist": "Daisuke Ito", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/129.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/129_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-130", "name": "Buck's Training", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Supporter" ], "rules": [ "You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card.", "Draw 2 cards. As long as Buck's Training is next to your Active Pokémon, each of your Active Pokémon's attacks does 10 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance)." ], "number": "130", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/130.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/130_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-131", "name": "Cynthia's Feelings", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Supporter" ], "rules": [ "You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card.", "Shuffle your hand into your deck. Then, draw 4 cards. If any of your Pokémon were Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn, draw 4 more cards." ], "number": "131", "artist": "Ken Sugimori", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/131.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/131_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-132", "name": "Energy Pickup", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Item" ], "rules": [ "Flip a coin. If heads, search your discard pile for a basic Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokémon." ], "number": "132", "artist": "Kent Kanetsuna", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/132.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/132_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-133", "name": "Poké Radar", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Item" ], "rules": [ "Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, choose as many Pokémon as you like, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Put the other cards back on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward." ], "number": "133", "artist": "Kazuaki Aihara", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/133.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/133_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-134", "name": "Snowpoint Temple", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Stadium" ], "rules": [ "This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.", "Each Pokémon that isn't an Evolved Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's) gets +20 HP." ], "number": "134", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/134.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/134_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-135", "name": "Stark Mountain", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Stadium" ], "rules": [ "This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.", "Once during each player's turn, that player may choose a Fire or Fighting Energy attached to 1 of his or her Pokémon and move that Energy to 1 of his or her Pokémon." ], "number": "135", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/135.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/135_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-136", "name": "Technical Machine TS-1", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Technical Machine" ], "rules": [ "Attach this card to 1 of your Pokémon in play. That Pokémon may use this card's attack instead of its own." ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Evoluter", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Search your deck for a card that evolves from 1 of your Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterward." } ], "number": "136", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/136.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/136_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-137", "name": "Technical Machine TS-2", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Technical Machine" ], "rules": [ "Attach this card to 1 of your Pokémon in play. That Pokémon may use this card's attack instead of its own." ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Devoluter", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Evolved Pokémon (excluding Pokémon LV.X). Remove the highest Stage Evolution card from that Pokémon and put that card back into your opponent's hand." } ], "number": "137", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Uncommon", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/137.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/137_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-138", "name": "Claw Fossil", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Item" ], "hp": "40", "rules": [ "Play Claw Fossil as if it were a Colorless Basic Pokémon. (Claw Fossil counts as a Trainer card as well, but if Claw Fossil is Knocked Out, this counts as a Knocked Out Pokémon.) Claw Fossil can't be affected by any Special Conditions and can't retreat. At any time during your turn before your attack, you may discard Claw Fossil from play. (This doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokémon.)" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Jagged Stone", "text": "If Claw Fossil is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Claw Fossil is Knocked Out), put 1 damage counter on the Attacking Pokémon.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "number": "138", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Common", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/138.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/138_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-139", "name": "Root Fossil", "supertype": "Trainer", "subtypes": [ "Item" ], "hp": "40", "rules": [ "Play Root Fossil as if it were a Colorless Basic Pokémon. (Root Fossil counts as a Trainer card as well, but if Root Fossil is Knocked Out, this counts as a Knocked Out Pokémon.) Root Fossil can't be affected by any Special Conditions and can't retreat. At any time during your turn before your attack, you may discard Root Fossil from play. (This doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokémon.)" ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Spongy Stone", "text": "At any time between turns, remove 1 damage counter from Root Fossil.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "number": "139", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Common", "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/139.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/139_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-140", "name": "Azelf LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Azelf", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Azelf. Azelf LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Psychic Aura", "text": "Each of your Psychic Pokémon has no Weakness.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Deep Balance", "cost": [ "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 1, "damage": "", "text": "Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. Put 1 damage counter on that Pokémon for each Energy attached to all of your opponent's Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "140", "artist": "Shizurow", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 482 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/140.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/140_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-141", "name": "Gliscor LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "110", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Gliscor", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Gliscor. Gliscor LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Shoot Poison", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), when you put Gliscor LV.X from your hand onto your Active Gliscor, you may choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon. That Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Night Slash", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "60", "text": "You may switch Gliscor with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Fighting", "value": "-20" } ], "number": "141", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 472 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/141.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/141_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-142", "name": "Magnezone LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "140", "types": [ "Metal" ], "evolvesFrom": "Magnezone", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Magnezone. Magnezone LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Electric Trans", "text": "As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Lightning or Metal Energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon. This power can't be used if Magnezone is affected by a Special Condition.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Cyber Shock", "cost": [ "Lightning", "Metal" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "80", "text": "Discard a Lightning Energy and a Metal Energy attached to Magnezone. The Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Fire", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "142", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 462 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/142.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/142_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-143", "name": "Mesprit LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Mesprit", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Mesprit. Mesprit LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Healing Look", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "", "text": "Remove 3 damage counters from each of your Benched Pokémon." }, { "name": "Supreme Blast", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "200", "text": "If don't have Uxie LV.X and Azelf LV.X in play, this attack does nothing. Discard all Energy attached to Mesprit." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "143", "artist": "Shizurow", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 481 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/143.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/143_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-144", "name": "Mewtwo LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "120", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Mewtwo", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Mewtwo. Mewtwo LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Psybarrier", "text": "Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mewtwo by your opponent's Pokémon that isn't an Evolved Pokémon.", "type": "Poké-Body" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Giga Burn", "cost": [ "Psychic", "Psychic", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "120", "text": "Discard all Energy attached to Mewtwo." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 2, "number": "144", "artist": "Shizurow", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 150 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/144.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/144_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-145", "name": "Rhyperior LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "170", "types": [ "Fighting" ], "evolvesFrom": "Rhyperior", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Rhyperior. Rhyperior LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Hard Crush", "cost": [ ], "convertedEnergyCost": 0, "damage": "50×", "text": "Discard the top 5 cards from your deck. This attack does 50 damage for each Energy card you discarded." }, { "name": "Upthrow", "cost": [ "Fighting", "Fighting", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 3, "damage": "60", "text": "Search your discard pile for all Fighting Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle them into your deck." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Water", "value": "×2" } ], "resistances": [ { "type": "Lightning", "value": "-20" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 4, "number": "145", "artist": "Ryo Ueda", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 464 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/145.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/145_hires.png" } }, { "id": "dp6-146", "name": "Uxie LV.X", "supertype": "Pokémon", "subtypes": [ "Level-Up" ], "level": "X", "hp": "90", "types": [ "Psychic" ], "evolvesFrom": "Uxie", "rules": [ "Put this card onto your Active Uxie. Uxie LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level." ], "abilities": [ { "name": "Trade Off", "text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 2 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it into your hand. Put the other card on the bottom of your deck. This power can't be used if Uxie is affected by a Special Condition. You can't use more than 1 Trade Off Poké-Power each turn.", "type": "Poké-Power" } ], "attacks": [ { "name": "Zen Blade", "cost": [ "Colorless", "Colorless" ], "convertedEnergyCost": 2, "damage": "60", "text": "Uxie can't use Zen Blade during your next turn." } ], "weaknesses": [ { "type": "Psychic", "value": "×2" } ], "retreatCost": [ "Colorless" ], "convertedRetreatCost": 1, "number": "146", "artist": "Shizurow", "rarity": "Rare Holo LV.X", "nationalPokedexNumbers": [ 480 ], "legalities": { "unlimited": "Legal" }, "images": { "small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/146.png", "large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/dp6/146_hires.png" } } ]