from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import datasets _CITATION = """\ @InProceedings{huggingface:dataset, title = {ocr-barcodes-detection}, author = {TrainingDataPro}, year = {2023} } """ _DESCRIPTION = """\ The dataset consists of images of various grocery goods that have barcode labels. Each image in the dataset is annotated with polygons around the barcode labels. Additionally, Optical Character Recognition (**OCR**) has been performed on each bounding box to extract the barcode numbers. The dataset is particularly valuable for applications in *grocery retail, inventory management, supply chain optimization, and automated checkout systems*. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, developers, and businesses working on barcode-related projects in the retail and logistics domains. """ _NAME = "ocr-barcodes-detection" _HOMEPAGE = f"{_NAME}" _LICENSE = "" _DATA = f"{_NAME}/resolve/main/data/" _LABELS = ["Barcode"] class OcrBarcodesDetection(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): def _info(self): return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( { "id": datasets.Value("int32"), "name": datasets.Value("string"), "image": datasets.Image(), "mask": datasets.Image(), "width": datasets.Value("uint16"), "height": datasets.Value("uint16"), "shapes": datasets.Sequence( { "label": datasets.ClassLabel( num_classes=len(_LABELS), names=_LABELS, ), "type": datasets.Value("string"), "points": datasets.Sequence( datasets.Sequence( datasets.Value("float"), ), ), "rotation": datasets.Value("float"), "occluded": datasets.Value("uint8"), "attributes": datasets.Sequence( { "name": datasets.Value("string"), "text": datasets.Value("string"), } ), } ), } ), supervised_keys=None, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): images ="{_DATA}images.tar.gz") masks ="{_DATA}boxes.tar.gz") annotations ="{_DATA}annotations.xml") images = dl_manager.iter_archive(images) masks = dl_manager.iter_archive(masks) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "images": images, "masks": masks, "annotations": annotations, }, ), ] @staticmethod def parse_shape(shape: ET.Element) -> dict: label = shape.get("label") shape_type = shape.tag rotation = shape.get("rotation", 0.0) occluded = shape.get("occluded", 0) points = None if shape_type == "points": points = tuple(map(float, shape.get("points").split(","))) elif shape_type == "box": points = [ (float(shape.get("xtl")), float(shape.get("ytl"))), (float(shape.get("xbr")), float(shape.get("ybr"))), ] elif shape_type == "polygon": points = [ tuple(map(float, point.split(","))) for point in shape.get("points").split(";") ] attributes = [] for attr in shape: attr_name = attr.get("name") attr_text = attr.text attributes.append({"name": attr_name, "text": attr_text}) shape_data = { "label": label, "type": shape_type, "points": points, "rotation": rotation, "occluded": occluded, "attributes": attributes, } return shape_data def _generate_examples(self, images, masks, annotations): tree = ET.parse(annotations) root = tree.getroot() for idx, ( (image_path, image), (mask_path, mask), ) in enumerate(zip(images, masks)): image_name = image_path.split("/")[-1] img = root.find(f"./image[@name='images/{image_name}']") image_id = img.get("id") name = img.get("name") width = img.get("width") height = img.get("height") shapes = [self.parse_shape(shape) for shape in img] yield idx, { "id": image_id, "name": name, "image": {"path": image_path, "bytes":}, "mask": {"path": mask_path, "bytes":}, "width": width, "height": height, "shapes": shapes, }