name: Bluemoon description: "Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP cleaned and formatted for Fastchat" build: messageBatch: 5000 conversationBatch: 100 readers: - reader: &bluemoon type: csv config: fields: conversation: 'thread_href' from: 'message_username' message: 'message' writers: - writer: &fastchat_pretty type: fastchat config: indent: 2 debug_steps: - step: &extract_ooc type: RegexExtract description: "Extract OOC matches for examination" config: path: 'out/ooc.txt' dotAll: true multiLine: true escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '\{.*\}', '\[.*?\]', '\(\(.*?(\)|\W)\)+', '^\(.*?\){1}', '\n\n\(.*?\){1}$', '(OOC|ooc|OoC|OCC|ooc|Ooc)(:| |-|;)\n?.*?(\n|$)', '(\n\nSee more|See more\n\n)', '^(RE|Re):.*?\n', '^NSFW:.*?\n$', '^Note to everyone.*\)\)\n', '_*Author.*\n*_', 'x{3,}.*TEST?x*', '^- Let me.*-\B\s+', ] - step: &extract_links type: RegexExtract description: "Extract links for examination." config: path: 'out/links.txt' escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '\[img|video.*\[\/img|video\]+', 'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+' ] - step: &extract_trim_nonwords type: RegexExtract description: "Extract leading non-word data for examination." config: path: 'out/trim-nonwords.txt' dotAll: true multiLine: true escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '^(-|,|\||\.|=|_|])\W*(s|\W)+\W(\b|\n)', '^([w_=x]{5,}|~\+\+~)(\b|\n)', '^(_|])+(\b|\n)', '^(\s|\.|,|\|)+' ] steps: - step: &html_linebreaks type: ExactReplace description: "Convert html
line breaks to \n" config: replacements: [ [ '
', "\n" ] ] - step: &html_strip type: HtmlStrip description: "Strip HTML" config: stripAnchorPatterns: [ '/', '.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG', '.gif', '.GIF' ] - step: &ooc_strip type: RegexReplace description: "Strip OOC content and some HTML errors." config: dotAll: true multiLine: true replacements: [ # This might be a bit overzealous. [ '\{.*\}', "" ], [ '\[.*?\]', "" ], [ '\(\(.*?(\)|\W)\)+', "" ], # Match for (...) but only at the beginning and end of messages. [ '^\(.*?\){1}', "" ], [ '\n\n\(.*?\){1}$', "" ], [ '(OOC|ooc|OoC|OCC|ooc|Ooc)(:| |-|;)\n?.*?(\n|$)', "" ], [ '(\n\nSee more|See more\n\n)', "" ], [ '^(RE|Re):.*?\n', "" ], [ '^NSFW:.*?\n$', "" ], # More author's notes and the like [ '^Note to everyone.*\)\)\n', "" ], [ '_*Author.*\n*_', "" ], [ 'x{3,}.*TEST?x*', "" ], [ '^- Let me.*-', "" ], [ '^.*\^\^;.*\){1}', "" ], ] - step: &links type: RegexReplace description: "Remove all links" config: replacements: [ [ '\[(img|video).*\].*\[(\/img|video)\]', "" ], [ '[hH]ttp[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', "" ] ] - step: &reduce_whitespace type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce standalone tabs that do not affect formatting, and newlines to maximum of two consecutive." config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "\t\n", "\n" ], [ "\n\n\n", "\n\n" ], [ ' ', ' ' ], [ " \n", "\n" ] ] - step: &reduce_separators type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce nonsensical separators to a maximum of 3 consecutive." config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "~~~~", "~~~" ], [ "----", "---" ], [ "<>", "*" ], [ "****", "***" ], [ ".....", "...." ] ] - step: &reduce_punctuation type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce excessive punctuation" config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "!!!!", "!!!" ], [ "????", "???" ], [ "?!?!?!", "?!?!" ], [ "!?!?!?", "!?!?" ] ] - step: &trim type: Trim description: "Trim leading and trailing whitespace." - step: &ooc_prune type: FullMatch description: "Prune fully OOC messages with known content." config: action: drop caseSensitive: false patterns: [ "BUMP", "-BUMP-", "~BUMP~", "Closed...", "Closed", "This thread is closed", "bump.", "*DELETED*", "...", "Okay... so you didn't make a starting post??", "---", "~~~", "The End ^^\nshortest RP ever XDD", "the end^^", "i think so^^", "Fin^^", "Fin ^^", "-Placeholder-", "Molly was", "Hahahaha, Yeah, I was a little confused", "Lol do you want to delted this thread possibly and start a new one I'm sorry", "Sure, what ever you want!", "How about a demon/human what do you want the plot to be and if you could start it", "Okay, do you want to be the demon, or do you want me to be the demon?", "You be the demon", "Okay, do you want to start today or tomorrow?", "Today if possible and what's the plot", "Hmmmmm I have no idea hahahaha you?", "Hmmm demon falls for a human even though he ain't supposed to", "Ok, sounds good! Anything else you want in?", "Not really maybe demon fight\n\nAnd that the demon has to shroud him self in human form and reveals himself to her", "Okay, I'll make it a bit later.", "Okay can't wait", ] - step: &strip_unicode type: Encoding description: "Strip unicode sequences not present in ascii. This doesn't affect output encoding." config: invalid: "" codec: us-ascii - step: &strip_nonwords type: RegexReplace description: "Consecutive non-word characters" config: dotAll: true multiLine: true replacements: [ [ '^(-|,|\||\.|=|_|])\W*(s|\W)+\W(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^([w_=x]{5,}|~\+\+~)(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^(_|])+(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^(\s|\.|,|\|)+', "" ], [ '([^a-zA-Z0-9 !?\.])\1{4,}', "" ], ] - step: &spelling type: ExactReplace description: "Spelling mistakes and typos." config: caseSensitive: false replacements: [ [ "bow staff","bo staff" ], [ "possiable", "possible" ], [ "possiably", "possibly" ] ] - step: &empty type: FullMatch description: "Drop empty messages." config: action: drop patterns: [ "" ] - step: &two_alternating_participants type: Participants description: "Require exactly 2 alternating participants" config: min: 2 max: 2 alternating: true - step: &rename_participants type: RenameParticipants description: "Rename participants to their conversation roles." config: names: [ "human", "gpt" ] - step: &edge_cases type: ExactReplace description: "Remove a few edge cases." config: replacements: [ [ "TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT\nTEXT TEXTTEXTTEXT", "" ], [ "hvlr\n/\n", "" ], [ "' s ,\ns s.\ns s, ,\ns.\n", "" ], [ "I'll post first\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n", "" ], [ "Moved from PMs to threads", "" ], [ "I'll start out a with an opening post.", "" ], [ "\nOOC\n", "" ], [ "NSFW\n\n", "" ], [ "Kinda short -- sorry!", "" ], [ "\nthe end?^^", "" ], [ '\nThe end.^^', "" ], [ '\nthe end?', "" ], [ '\nThe end?', "" ], [ '\nThe end.', "" ], # We can probably hit more end of message (ooc ...) with regex. [ "\nThe End. (awwww lol)", "" ], [ "\nThe End.", "" ], [ "The End?", "" ], [ "\n~The End~", "" ], [ "The End ^^\nshortest RP ever XDD", "" ], [ "***THE END***", "" ], [ "THE END, perfectly timed question lol", "" ], [ "Just gonna toss this here so I don't have to hunt for it again.", "" ], [ "If you want to hurry it up and get to the smut, just let me know XD I'm fine with whatever pace you like best.", "" ], [ "???OCC. I intentionally jumbled it around a bit to make it more of a blur.???\n", "" ], [ "IC: ", "" ], [ "BiC: ", "" ], [ "bic; ", "" ], [ "ON:\n", "" ], [ "nighty night^^ see you in the morning.)", "" ], [ "oh yes, Abandoned is a good one^^ Lets do the Time Warm Again is really funny too!)", "" ], [ "i dunno, lol do you want to?^^ we could always have it that Lucius and Narcissa HAVE to get married or Lucius risks the disinheratance from his family or something like an arranged marraige or something?)", "" ], [ "i thought he was a vampire? oh well. ^^", "" ], [ "don't frget about Love and Lies!^^)", "" ], [ "If I manage to catch your eye, please post. ^^", "" ], [ "(couldn't think of anything else. ^^", "" ], [ "g'night! sleep well^^", "" ], [ "going to bed ^^ g'night.", "" ], [ "(and yes, there is a difference^^)", "" ], [ "going to bed. see you in the morning!^^)", "" ], [ "going to bed^^ see you in the morning.)", "" ], [ "going to bed^^)", "" ], [ "wanna see Harry's Animagus form?^^ it's so cute you get Three pics!^^\nRawrandLazyandHungry", "" ], [ "\n^^^ her shorts are just a little longer lol", "" ], [ "*Edit: Plus a tank top and a spandex/latex pants blend.", "" ], [ "THE END? or maybe THAT'S ALL FOLKS! or even better AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! (ok, you may kill me now^^)", "" ], [ "OOC. you remember that not i sent explaining changing and half bloods? now is when it comes in handy XDD)", "" ], [ "(HAD TO SAY IT)", "" ], [ "////brooooo sorry my auto correct went to Hatsumi lol it was supposed to be Natsu lol", "" ], [ ":: Why is it you make your text SO big? Lol. ::", "" ], [ "Because I can't see that good even though I have glasses. LOL xD", "" ], [ ":: Oh, okay. Haha. Just wondering. ^_^ ::", "" ], [ "(man messed up the name already XD )", "" ], [ "Hmm I know, but its to much effort tonightmaybe tomorrow. XD And I couldnt be lucky enough to have a bread maker, but I do know how to make bread, just dont do it a lot. XD)", "" ], [ "now what?))", "Continue." ], ] input: - path: "data/rentry/bluemoon/bluemoon-fanbased-roleplays-1x1.csv" description: "Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP" sha512: f31d6bd278bc4211736d6aace3917cd0c1d0143bec9bf9d07054f5f9b32060e17399b6ea0935774b2271ac45a88309a60ef8eec8c4ac5283d1b353a255529cc5 reader: *bluemoon steps: [ *html_linebreaks, *html_strip, *links, *trim, *reduce_whitespace, *ooc_strip, *reduce_separators, *reduce_punctuation, *spelling, *ooc_prune ] output: - name: 'Bluemoon' path: 'out/bluemoon.json' description: 'Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP cleaned and formatted for Fastchat' sha512: 3e94d7b73af65854dc9db98ea973e0d15f3e1c455408481ae9c70b61f2bd912bbd3ad03957efd5c64547b00439995fef0ef79f52e58e0656018e538fe9532b5d writer: *fastchat_pretty steps: [ *strip_unicode, *reduce_whitespace, *strip_nonwords, *edge_cases, *trim, *empty, *two_alternating_participants, *rename_participants ]