", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e79939796a26-0", "text": "2374\nSecretsManager\nAs part of GenerateSecretsForAES256 activity we used to store SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector values in VADRConfig. But now we \nneed to store them in AWS using Secrets Manager of AWS java API .\nVADR SecretIds\nThere are 2 set of SecretIds ActiveSecretId and InActiveSecretId. \n ActiveSecretId will have the current secrets which will be used for encryption and decryption. So always have active keys stored in this \nid.\nInActiveSecretId will be used as switch and will be used for generating new secrets. Once agreed across all the teams the secrets are \nmade active by update the secrets in ActiveSecretId.\nSteps for generating Secrtes:\n1. Run the GenerateSecretsForAES256 activity to generate new keys and it always generate in InActiveSecretId configured in \nVADRConfig\n2. To update keys in ActiveSecretId , please update VADRConfig and ConfigName ActiveSecretId with secretid name used for \nInActiveSecretId. With out this we cannot encrypt / decrypt with new keys.\n For the first time use we need to follow both steps \n \nGenerate Secrets For AES256 Activity\nVADRConfig requires SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector values for AES256 encryption which will be generated by using \nGenerateSecretsForAES256 activity and store them in AWS.\nThis activity calls GenerateSecretKeyForAES256 function to create random SecretKey.\nCalls GetRandomNonceForAES256 function to create random Salt and InitializationVector.\nSet store SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector in TextValueGroup property.\nGet region and endpoint from VADRConfig SecretsMangerRegion and SecretsMangerEndPoint ConfigType.\nCall GetJSONOfProperty to convert TextValueGroup in to JSON string.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e79939796a26-1", "text": "Call GetJSONOfProperty to convert TextValueGroup in to JSON string.\nCall new UpdateAWSSecret function to with JSON string as input which store SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector in AWS. \nShows all these three values as an output of the activity as shown below.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work\nRuleset VADR-Test\nInput \nParametersN/A\nOutput \nParametersN/A\nError Shows Runtime errors as an output of the activityGenerateSecretsForAES256 Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f99fdeb80ccb-0", "text": "2375\nUpdateAWSSecret Function\nGetJSONOfProperty Function\nGetAWSSecretString Function\nInitialiseUpgrade ActivityHandling\nStores the SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector in AWS using AWS Secret Manager API to store .\nParameters region the region to use for signing of requests\n endPoint the service endpoint\n secretId SecretId which identifies the secret\n secretString JSON string of SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector\nReturns -\nThrows Exception Error in UpdateAWSSecreteUpdateAWSSecret--(String secretString,String secretId,String region,String endPoint)\nThis function returns JSON of input property\nFor Example, TextValueGroup property : Salt=1,VI=2\nOutput from this function will be {\"Salt\":\"1\",\"VI\":\"2\"}\nParameters property Clipboard property with key value pairs\nReturns Returns a JSON string\nThrows Exception Error in GetJONOfPropertyGetJSONOfProperty --(ClipboardProperty property)\nGet the secret value as JSON for a given secret name from aws and store values in property using AdoptJSONIntoProperty() function\nParameters region the region to use for signing of requests\n endPoint the service endpoint\n secretId SecretId which identifies the secret\nReturns String\nThrows Exception Error in GetAWSSecretStringGetAWSSecretString--(String secretId,String region,String endPoint)\nThis activity gets secretId,region and endPoint from VADRConfig InactiveSecretName, Region and EndPoint ConfigType . Then gets the \nSecretKey, Salt and IV values using GetAWSSecretString(secretName ,region, endPoint) for AES256 decryption. InitialiseUpgrade Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ca116c8125da-0", "text": "2376\nVADRConfig\nAdd below entries in Mashup section\n Calls DecryptUsingAES256 function to decrypt all the parameter values (except \u201cAction\u201d parameter value as it is not encrypted) in mashup \ncode and set them to case variables.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParametersN/A\nOutput \nParametersN/A\nError \nHandlingThrows Runtime Exception\nSecretsMangerRegion eu-west-1 The region to use for signing of requests R2.8\nSecretsMangerEndpoint secretsmanager.eu-west-\n1.amazonaws.comThe service endpoint R2.8\nUpgradeCase ActiveSecretId Active SecretId to store / retrieve values from AWS \nusing SecretsManagerR2.8\nUpgradeCase InactiveSecretI\nd Inactive SecretId to store / retrieve values from AWS \nusing SecretsManagerR2.8ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue Notes Releas\ne", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "19c54a53c445-0", "text": "2377\nRules for Edit Deal Screen\nIntroduction\nTechnical Details\nClass\nVADR Config\nCassandra Data Sets\nActivities\nIntroduction\nTechnical Details\nClass\nVADR Config\nCassandra Data SetsFeature/Functionality Tariff, Handset, AddOn, Insurance, Discount Product activities that exposed by edit deal screen\nDescription GetTariffProductList, GetHandsetProductList, GetInsuranceProductList , GetDiscountProductList, \nGetAddonProductList activities to get data from GetProductList APIGeneral Availability R2.5 - R2.6\nVFUK-VADR-Data-Product Inherits from VFUK-VADR-Data- className Note\nTimeToLive HandsetProductList 3600\nTimeToLive TariffProductList 3600\nTimeToLive InsuranceProductList 3600\nTimeToLive AddOnProductList 3600ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue\nHandsetProductList VFUK-VADR-Data-Product SubscriptionId\n \nTariffProductList VFUK-VADR-Data-Product SubscriptionId\nProductId\nInsuranceProductList VFUK-VADR-Data-Product SubscriptionIdName Class Key", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c16ac7808999-0", "text": "2378\nActivitiesProductId\nAddOnProductList VFUK-VADR-Data-Product SubscriptionId\nProductId\nGetTariffProductList activity looks for Handset Product type in the selected Recommendation and appends it to the GPL Request and \ninvokes GetProductListWrapper activity which invokes GPL API and the response is stored in the TariffProductList Dataset and appended to \nthe upgrade case property to be consumed by UI.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/A\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled exceptions or errors in the activityGetTariffProductList\nGetHandsetProductList activity appends selected Recommendation to the GPL Request and invokes GetProductListWrapper activity which \ninvokes GPL API and the response is stored in the HandsetProductList Dataset and appended to the upgrade case property to be consumed \nby UI.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/A\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled exceptions or errors in the activityGetHandsetProductList\nGetInsuranceProductList activity looks for Handset Product type in the selected Recommendation and appends it to the GPL Request and \ninvokes GetProductListWrapper activity which invokes GPL API and the response is stored in the InsuranceProductList Dataset and \nappended to the upgrade case property to be consumed by UI.GetInsuranceProductList", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d0cbc939d15e-0", "text": "2379\n \n Applies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/A\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled exceptions or errors in the activity\nGetDiscountProductList activity looks for Insurance, Tariff, and AddOn Product types in the selected Recommendation and appends them to \nthe GPL Request and invokes GetProductListWrapper activity which invokes GPL API and the response is appended to the upgrade case \nproperty to be consumed by UI.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/A\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled exceptions or errors in the activityGetDiscountProductList\nGetAddOnProductList activity looks for Tariff Product type in the selected Recommendation and appends it to the GPL Request and invokes \nGetProductListWrapper activity which invokes GPL API and the response is stored in the AddOnProductList Dataset and appended to the \nupgrade case property to be consumed by UI.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/AGetAddOnProductList", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "840238b7450e-0", "text": "2380\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled exceptions or errors in the activity\nGetProductListWrapper activity is the common activity that prepares the request for GPL API & populates response data in GPL page.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParameter\nsProductType\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/A\nError \nHandlingN/A (Managed by parent activities)GetProductListWrapper", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "289141bc5c6b-0", "text": "2381\nPinning the Selected Products Card\nA new functionality allowing the Agent to pin the Card prior to performing a 'Refine By'\n \n \nIsPinned True/False VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal \nIsPinned True/False VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-RecommendationProperty Name Type Class Name\nwebwb pin-hover-icon png\nwebwb pinned-icon png\nwebwb unpinned-icon pngBinary Files", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2840b9c9e037-0", "text": "2382\n \n This Section displays the Recommendations screen.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add 3 icons (next to saved banner) with visiblilty condition. Icon with IsPinned true or saved =true\nPinned(Saved)\nHover\nUnpinned\nThese icons should have click option \nWhen all three of recommendation are pinned, RefineBy button become disableSection - DisplaySubscriptionBundles \nManage to increase or decrease for number of recommendation when the icon is clicked\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n On click action (to pin), it sets true for IsPinned and Saved\nOn click action (to unpin), it sets false for IsPinned and SavedDataTransform- SetPinConfiguration (New Rule Creation)\nManage to Ispinned and Saved property mapping between Work-Upgrade and UI-Deal classes\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add mapping for Saved and IspinnedDataTransform- PopulateDealFromServiceData", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "90fde64cf926-0", "text": "2383\nUI Artefacts\nThe layout flow which initiates the Recommendations screen:\n \nM a p D a t a F o r U I activity calls a data transform of the same name which is responsible for converting the data from the Customer API into \neasily traversable structures for the UI to use directly. This in turn calls other data transforms to convert the individual items for the screens:\nS e t A c c o u n t H o v e r D a t a (does the mapping and logic for what to display in the hovers on the Account Header)\nS e t E x i s t i n g D e a l (does the mapping for the existing deal data)\nS e t R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s (does the mapping for the recommendations)\nThese data transforms populate the UI data structures, that are detailed here.\nMore detail by screen function:\nCustomer Account\nRecommendations\nEdit Deal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "53354777cd31-0", "text": "2384\nCustomer Account\n \nSections of note\nVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.AccountHeader\nContains the account header and the refine by areas.\nOn click of the pop-out icon a flow in modal dialog is started (the Customer Detail screen):\nCustomerDetail flow has one assignment, which displays the CustomerDetail section.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5856a7f17dc9-0", "text": "2385\nCustomerDetail\nThis is s design template split into 3 distinct areas each implemented by sections:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6c02bde91b8e-0", "text": "2386\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Customer.AccountHoldingDetail\nDisplays the results from OpenLines list of CustomerForUI which are the subscriptions for Customer.\nIsVFTogether icon is set to true when there are OfferDetails for a subscription.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b271be2cd5bc-0", "text": "2387\nVFTogether icon is displayed when IsVFTogether is true for each open line. On hover of this image VFDescription which is derived from the \nOfferDescription of OfferDetails is displayed.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0e6f2d72a1d6-0", "text": "2388\nExisting Deal\nExisting Deal Body:\nThis section displays details about the customer's current deal plan. CustomerForUI.ExistingDeal data page is used to display contents.\nFrom MapDataForUI Data tranform SetExistingDeal data trasform is called. SetExistingDeal creates & populates \nCustomerForUI.ExistingDeal data page.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3d8aba25a89d-0", "text": "2389\nThis section has many Dynamic layouts just to align the display with the recommendation screen.\nie:\nIt Displays blank space.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f3d23c3e5e03-0", "text": "2390\n \nDynamic layout 1.1.6, 1.1.6, 1.1.6 displays AddOns/Discounts/Insurance/Accessory related data. The same repetitive dynamic layout is \ncalled with different data pages.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bbe2fd195b8e-0", "text": "2391", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "01d0e16aa1d8-0", "text": "2392\nExisting Deal Footer:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d4becc187fbf-0", "text": "2393\nVFTogether :\nVFTogether icon and MoreInfo embedded section (MoreInfoExistingDeal) is included in dynamic layout 1.1.2 of DisplayExistingDeal \nsection.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "96b420ac07c6-0", "text": "2394\nVFTogether icon is displayed when CustomerForUI.ExistingDeal.IsVFTogether is true and MoreInfoList in CustomerForUI.ExistingDeal \nis displayed when MoreInfo is clicked.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "da8885170373-0", "text": "2395", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "186ea178174b-0", "text": "2396\nUpdate the Customer Address in the Customer Profile Panel\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Customer.CustomerContactDetail Section Update\nFlatNo, Building, Street and City lines have been removed\nAddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4 and Country have been added.\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Customer.AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3 and AddressLine4 Properties Creation\nThese new properties will be able to hold multiple properties of the response. Check below for more detail.\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Customer.Country Property Creation\nIf the combination of County and Country will be longer than 26 characters, Country property will hold country information.\nVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.MapDataForUI Data Transform Update\nRemoved steps that are related to customer address.\nAdded Apply MapCustomerAddress data transform step instead.\nVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.MapCustomerAddress Data Transform Creation\nAddressLine1 may hold FlatNumber, BuildingName, BuildingNumber and Street.\nIf the line gets more than 26 characters other values will be passed to AddressLine2 with the same order.\nAddressLine3 will hold Locality and City \nAddressLine4 will hold County information, and if the combination of County and Country is shorter than 26 characters, AddressLine4 \nwill hold both.\nVFUK-AOM-Int-Address.County, Country Property Creation\nThese two new properties have been created to hold relevant information with GetCustomer response.\nVFUK-AOM-Int-Services.Prepare Customer API Response Activity Update\nAdded new mappings to Primary.GetCustomerResponse.Address page from Address Page for County and Country.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d06004dba41d-0", "text": "2397\nRecommendations\nSections of note\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DisplaySubscriptionBundles", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "292aabfd0225-0", "text": "2398\n \nDynamic Layout 1 and Dynamic Layout 2 contain the same object. Dynamic Layout 1 has a Non-promotional border layout, whereas \nDynamic Layout 2 has a Promotional border layout. It\u2019s a Pega restriction that we can not have when conditions around the container \noption. \nPencil Icon: \n \n \n \n \nThis will display when the deal is Non-Promotional This will display when the deal is Promotional\nThe normal border will display around the deal A promotional border will display around the deal.\n Dynamic Layout 1 Dynamic Layout 2", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8fcb1ea06bc3-0", "text": "2399\n \n \nIt calls CopySelectedDeal data transform and opens the edit deal section. This is defined in the action tab of the icon.\n4G/5G Icon:\n 5G 4G", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e12fd950b574-0", "text": "2400\nVFTogether Icon :\nVFTogether icon and MoreInfo embedded section is included in dynamic layout 1 and 2.\nIsVFTogether is set to true when there are Offers in Recommendations. \nDisplayed when.Is5G is true. Displayed when.Is4G is true.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8539676db35e-0", "text": "2401\n \nVFTogether icon is displayed when IsVFTogether is true for a recommendation and MoreInfoList in RecommendedBundlesForUI is \nderived from the Offers and Detail in Recommendations which displays along with Why Recommend? when MoreInfo is clicked.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6b9f0bf4322f-0", "text": "2402\nDevice Detail:\n \n \nDynamic Layout 1.3.1, 1.3.2 ,1.5 get displayed Dynamic Layout 1.3.3 , 1.3.4 get displayed\n \n \nDelete Icon is displayed in \u2018Edit deal\u2019 when Deal is selected for \nediting. Handset Deal SIMO Deal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9bd43bc9e323-0", "text": "2403\nDevice delete Icon: \nThis icon is only displayed for the selected deal in the edit deal window. \nIt runs SetEditDealRefreshFlags DataTransform which sets the flags of respective sections to refresh after delete.\nAfter that it runs DeleteSelectedDevice Activity which deletes the selected device line item as well as any insurance item related to the \ndevice.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2c7b22490a70-0", "text": "2404\nIn stock / Pre order / Unknown Icon:\nThese icons are displayed when the deal is a Handset deal, they are displayed both in Recommended deal and Selected deal sections. \nWhen we hover over the icons it displays the plain text or stock status and stock quantity in units.\n In stock Pre order Unknown", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2bc887845a6d-0", "text": "2405\nNote : Hovering on Stock is available only in Recommendation deal, In Selected deal the hover is available only when select another device \nfrom Device tab other than the one in the Selected deal.\nHandset detail:\n \nAn \u2018Embedded Section\u2019 is added to display the handset detail depending on the handset deal or SIMO deal.Displayed when .StockStatus is \u201cIn stock\u201d Displayed when .StockStatus is \u201cPre order\u201d / \n\u201cBack order\u201cDisplayed when .StockStatus is \u201cUnknown\u201d\n \nOn hover of this image a InStockToolTip \ntooltip is displayed to display the stock status \nin units \n On hover of this image a PreOrderToolTip \ntooltip is displayed to display the stock \nstatus in units\n On hover of this image a plain text is \ndisplayed", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d7a159f0d4b8-0", "text": "2406\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DeviceSpecs", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1e9ab96f23f3-0", "text": "2407\nSection contain DeviceLineItem. properties.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bdf0ce6a2829-0", "text": "2408\n \nHandSet deal section allows users to edit Device upfront cost and Device tenure. On edit any property. \n1. It recalculates totals \n2. Refresh current section with newly calculated values \n3. Refresh footer section with newly calculated values", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "fb1f1968a26a-0", "text": "2409\nCalculated totals are:\nDevice Fixed Icon :", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3718cb3b3ff5-0", "text": "2410\nFixed icon will be displayed in both recommended deal and selected deal sections when .DeviceLineItem.FixedPrice is true. Layout \n1.3.1.6 will be always visible and will be visible when stock status is empty to align the icon. \nOn hover of this image a plain text \u2018Fixed Product\u2019 is displayed.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b1c1b08aea87-0", "text": "2411\nTariff Detail:\nThis section displays details about the tariff of a deal using TariffLineItem", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "93e06c44e8bc-0", "text": "2412\nDynamic Layout 1.6 is displayed Dynamic Layout 1.7 is displayed and more ever we could see this \nonly in Selected Deal than in the Recommendation screen\n \n \n \n \n \n When the Tariff is incompatible with the selected deal, the text is \ngreyed out to have a disabled look and an warning icon appears Tariff Status is Not INCOMPATIBLE Tariff Status is INCOMPATIBLE", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "64b879de0804-0", "text": "2413\nAdd Ons, Insurance, Extra:\nThis section displays details about the AddOn of a deal using AddOnLineItem. There will be multiple AddOns, Insurance records. \n \n \n besides the the name of Tariff. When we click on the warning icon, \nthe message is displayed as follows\nFixed icon will be displayed in both recommended deal and selected \ndeal sections when .TariffLineItem.FixedPrice is true.Fixed icon will be displayed in both recommended deal and selected \ndeal sections when .TariffLineItem.FixedPrice is true.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a825bb16a5f2-0", "text": "2414\nAs there are multiple records to display these repeating dynamic layout (1.8.2, 1.8.3).\n1.8.2 - displays on recommendation screen \n1.8.3 - displays on a selected recommendation screen", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7df809f35ca7-0", "text": "2415\nWith the above page list following screen has been called as many times as the page list count.\nNote: \u201cDisplayProductCost\u201d is used multiple times with AddOn, Discount, and Accessories page \nlist. \nDiscounts:\nThis section displays details about the Discount of a deal using DiscountLineItem. There will be single Discount record. \n \n1.9.2 - displays on recommendation screen \n1.9.3 - displays on a selected recommendation screen", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "05481df94fb1-0", "text": "2416\n \n \nWith the above page list following screen has been called as many times as the page list count.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "633f7e00542c-0", "text": "2417\nNote: \u201cDisplayProductCost\u201d is used multiple times with AddOn, Discount, and Accessories page \nlist. \nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product.DisplayProductCost\nThis section repeatedly used with different pages. \n1.1 Dynamic layout has been used to display non-promotional product.\n1.2 Dynamic layout has been used to display promotional products. Different colour.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9831f5a005dd-0", "text": "2418\n1.3 Dynamic layout has been used to display when there are no product,i.e. name of product is null.\nSummary Section\nThis section displays summary totals.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "974c102d6068-0", "text": "2419\n \nSelect Section", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3f6c1ded6db9-0", "text": "2420\nThis section displays \u2018Select\u2019 button. Once user selects the reccomendation it changes in \u2018Selected\u2019 button.\n \nIt calles RecoomendFooter screen\nNormal display till any reccomentdation not selected Displayed once the reccomentdation is selected", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d3ed6a00bbc8-0", "text": "2421\n \nIt opens selected the recommendation in the basket screen.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0dd5018e4640-0", "text": "2422\n1. Calls \u2018CopyDealIntoBasket\u2019 data tarform. This data tasforms copies data in BasketDealForUI data page. also make .IsInBasket property \ntrue. \n2. Refesh recommedation section. This will display \u2018Selected\u2019 botton. \n3. It opens Model window for basket. This is explained in basket section of confluence.\n \n \nDisplaying Empty Deal:\nWe can get up to 3 recommendations from logic. If we get less, then the following section will be displayed, + the sign will allow the user to \ncustomise the deal.\nIn case zero deals have been provided, all deals can be build from the start.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9df5a78b894b-0", "text": "2423", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1423652601c3-0", "text": "2424", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8407a32c158b-0", "text": "2425", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "65db53f7b908-0", "text": "2426\nEdit Deal\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DisplaySubscriptionBundles\nContains the 3 recommendations returned after the refine by.\nOn click of the pencil icon, a data transform runs to copy selected deal and a flow in the modal dialogue is started (the Edit Deal screen):\nEditDeal flow has one assignment, which displays the EditDealContainer section.\nEditDealContainer\nThis is a design template split into 2 distinct areas each implemented by sections:\n1. EditDealSelectedDeal\n2. EditDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "abc86ab56d0c-0", "text": "2427\nEditDealSelectedDeal\nThis section shows detail similar detail as the recommendation screen but only with the selected deal\u2019s data. On this screen, the user is \ngiven the option for deleting or changing the device, deleting any non-promotional AddOns, Discounts, Insurance, Accessories or adding \nnew AddOns, Discounts, Insurance, Accessories.\n \n Selected Device detail After Deleting Device", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9cc84857d0d6-0", "text": "2428\n User can select New device. \nEditDeal\nThis section is of Layout Group which includes the following individual sections each has a specific purpose. \n1.EditDealDevice\n2.EditDealAirtime\n3.EditDealAddons\n4.EditDealDiscounts\n5.EditDealInsurance\n6.EditDealAccessories\n7.EditDealBars\nEditDealDevice\nSection of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.EditDealDevice", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "93edadf81a31-0", "text": "2429\nOn Click on EditDealDevice Section, the following action runs:\nRefresh-Other section: It refreshes the RefineDeviceResults section, after running the DataTransform called SortDevices which sorts the \ndevices in Device Tab, based on device selected and then the position returned in HandsetProductsList and places those records at the top \nand so on.\nEditDealDevice Section consists of 2 sections:\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage\n 2. RefineDeviceResults\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetHandsetsProductList) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on pencil icon as follows.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "57c9b252cbce-0", "text": "2430\n \nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.\n2. RefineDeviceResults Section consists of 2 areas each displayed when visibility conditions set on it is true\n1. Device Results \n2. Information Message\nRefineDeviceResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a109c3cdb466-0", "text": "2431\n \nRefineDeviceResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Device\n(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \nDevice in Device Tab. We can select only \none row (device) at a time.\nModel .Model \n(BigDataRecommended) .BigDataRecommended This is set to true when Device in Device Tab \nis recommended by Big Data to display a \nlogo.\nCode .Code Displays the Product ID of the device\nManufacturer .Manufacturer \nSpeed .Speed \nStorage .Storage \nColour .Colour \nDeviceCost .Cost \nFixed .IsFixed \nStockLevel .StockStatus For all devices displayed after the top 5 \n(rows/ devices), then a 'Check' box is \npresented by setting Stock Status=\u201dCheck\u201d, \nwhen clicked on it Stock Status changes to \neither of the possible values such as In \nstock or Pre order or Back order or Out of \nstock which will be displayed either in green Column Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1e87b2927283-0", "text": "2432\nOn Click of Device Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\n Device Results are displayed when customer is eligible for any loan due to loan eligibility i.e EligibleForLoan== true \nThe Device Results are displayed as below :\n \nelse if the customer is not eligible for any more loan due to the loan ineligibility i.e EligibleForLoan== false the following information \nmessage is shown when Device Tab is selected.\nThe tab that is selected i.e Device Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe first row will be highlighted by default if the Product ID of device in the selected deal is equal to the Product ID of device in first row.\nThe row i.e the device gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.\nIf the device is recommended by Big data i.e. if BigDataRecommended==true then a logo displayed beside the model.\nOn selecting any device, a radio button highlighted in blue is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected device will be copied to \nSelected deal section on the left hand side pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.DeviceLineItem property.\nOnly one device can be selected at a time.\nThe Selected device from Device Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown below\n or red or black colour based on Stock \nStatus.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0a3091d3e9c2-0", "text": "2433\n \nStock Status will be displayed in different colours based on stock availability like green(if In stock), red(if out of stock / Back order / Pre \norder).\nIf Stock Status is \u201cOut of stock\u201c then the record is not selectable by agent and the previous selection remains as is either in Selected Deal \nor Edit Deal.\n \nIf the device Stock Status is \u201cOut of Stock\u201c, when we hover above the text, a smart tip is displayed showing the Stock Status as \u201c0 units\u201c\nIf the device Stock Status is other than \u201cOut of Stock\u201c, when we hover above the text, a smart tip is displayed showing the Stock Status as \npresent:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "03b15a0e1c63-0", "text": "2434\nFor the top 5 devices i.e rows the stock status is displayed as In stock / Pre order/Out of stock, for the next records, a \u2018Check\u2019 box will be \ndisplayed\nOn click of the \u201cCheck\u201c button the Stock Status is changed to either \u201cIn stock\u201c or \u201cPre order\u201c or \u201cOut of stock\u201c or \u201cBack order\u201cbased on stock \navailability as displayed below\nNote: If we select a record without clicking on \u201cCheck\u201c box then a stock check validation is performed on selection of the continue button on \nthe Basket summary screen.\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DisplayProdListErrorMessage\nIn Dynamic Layout 1, we are using VF Red Background container format to display the background colour as red.\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineDeviceResults", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5f2c912ecdbb-0", "text": "2435\nIn Dynamic Layout 1, we are using VF Purple Background container format to display the background colour as purple.\nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineDeviceResultsCustom HTML section in the header as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ce1be8467dee-0", "text": "2436\n \nTo populate the Device Tab we use a pagelist property called .DevicesForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Device Class as source which \nis populated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetDevices Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-UI-\nDeal.GetProductData activity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.\nOn selecting a device, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "de3f1b128351-0", "text": "2437\n \n1. RunDataTransform: It runs ClearDeviceCurrentSelection DataTransform which posts the ID and Position of device that is being selected\n2. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem\n3. RunDataTransform: It runs SetSelectedDevice DataTransform which forcefully clears all the rows that are being selected.\n4. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when device is \nswapped/added/selected.\nHere we run a DataTransform called SetEditDealRefreshFlags which sets the required flags of sections to refresh to true, based on \nwhich refreshing the respective sections in Edit deal happens, when we click on respective Tabs like Insurance.\nAlso we run a activity called EditDealDeviceSelected which copies the device that is being selected in Device Tab into Selected deal \nsection (DeviceLineItem page of SelectedDealForUI)\n5. Run Script: It runs a script to stop the user from writing any text in \u201cCheck\u201c box when user clicks on it .\nFor the Stock Status Column an inline style is applied to display the StockStatus in different colours based on the availability.\nFor Stock Status column, we are using some conditions like making it read-only in case if StockStatus!=\u201dCheck \u201dand control formats \nEditable Gray Background to make the the text input look like a button.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9c058a76c2c3-0", "text": "2438\nOn click of the text \u201cCheck\u201c some two sets of events are applied :\nOn Click Events: \nThese events runs only when the Stock Status control is editable i.e when StockStatus is \u201cCheck\u201d.\nSet Focus : maintains focus on pyWorkPage.DevicesForUI\nRun Activity : It runs the CallStockCheck activity which inturn calls the API activity to display the Stock Status availability when user \nclicks on \u201cCheck\u201c button.\nSet Value : Is used to set the Stock Status to either \u201cIn stock\u201cor \u201cPre order\u201c or \u201cBack order\u201c based on stock availability returned from \nCallStockCheck activity.\nAfter posting the value to the clipboard it refreshes the current row.\nRun Script: It runs the \u201ccallAfterStockCheck\u201d script.\nOn Hover Events:\nThese events runs when the Stock Status control is either Read-only / Editable:\nShow smart tip: It is used to display the stock level in units when agent hovers over it and when Stock Status is not equal to neither \nCheck nor Out of stock.\nShow smart tip: It is used to display the stock level in units as \u201c0 units\u201d when agent hovers over it and when Stock Status is equal to Out \nof stock.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "df705033bdba-0", "text": "2439\nEditDealAirtime\nOn Click on EditDealAirtime Section, the following actions runs:\n1. RunActivity: It runs RefreshTariffs activity which is used to populate the .TariffsForUI property to populate Tariff Tab based on latest \nselections like Addons / Discounts.\n2. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealAirtime section, after running the DataTransform called SortTariff which sorts the Tariffs in \nTariff Tab, based on Tariff selected and then based on position retrieved in TariffProductList and places those rows at the top.\n3. Run data transform: It runs the ResetEditDealRefreshFlags datatransform which is used to reset the respective flag values passed as \nparameters as false to control refreshing of sections.\nEditDealAirtime section consists of another 3 sections as follows:\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage\n2. RefineTariffResults\n3. RefineTariffResultsForWatch\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetTariffProductList activty) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on Tariff Tab as follows.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bda48b6b9042-0", "text": "2440\nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.\n2. RefineTariffResults Section consists of 2 areas each displayed when visibility conditions set on it is true\n1. Information Message\n2. Information Message\n3. Tariff Results\nRefineTariffResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList and the customer is not a watch customer.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "54c70e47cb74-0", "text": "2441\nRefineTariffResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Tariff\n(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \nTariff in Tariff Tab. We can select only one \nrow (Tariff) at a time.\nTariff .Name \n(BigDataRecommended) .BigDataRecommended This is set to true when Tariff in Tariff Tab is \nrecommended by Big Data to display a logo.\nCode .Code Displays the ProductID of Tariff\nData .Data \nTenure .Tenure \nEntertainment .Entertainment This is set to true when Tariff selected has \nEntertainment available to display a tick \ncircle icon and a dash if not available\nVT .VFTogether This is set to true when Tariff selected has \nDiscount available to display a VFTogether \nDiscount icon and a dash if not available\nTariffType .TariffType \nMaxDiscount .MaxDiscount If the Tariff has a discount provided / \npromotional discount then MaxDiscount is \nset otherwise a dash is displayedColumn Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8399602e34f6-0", "text": "2442\nOn Click of Tariff Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\nThe RefineTariffResults section is displayed as below:\n \nThe tab that is selected i.e Tariff Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe first row will be highlighted by default, when it is the Tariff in the selected deal.\nThe row i.e the tariff gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.\nIf the Tariff is recommended by Big data i.e. if BigDataRecommended==true then a logo displayed beside the Tariff.\nOn selecting any Tariff, a radiobutton highlighted in blue colour is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected tariff will be copied to \nSelected deal section on the left hand side to pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.TariffLineItem property.\nOnly one Tariff can be selected at a time.\nThe Selected Tariff from Tariff Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown below:TariffCost .Cost This is the cost Inc. VAT from product \ncatalogue\nFixed .IsFixed", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c8fff4371da4-0", "text": "2443\n \nThe entire row in Tariff Tab will be displayed in purple colour if Tariff is a promotional Tariff.\nIf we select the promotional Tariff from Tariff Tab,then in the Selected Deal section a Purple colour banner appears on the top right \ncorner as shown below.\nWhen the Tariff is swapped the Addons and Discounts associated with the Tariff are removed if not relevant with the currently selected \nTariff as shown below.\nBefore Swapping Tariff After Swapping Tariff", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d50943d1b4b7-0", "text": "2444\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineTariffResults\nRefineTariffResults section consists of a information message in purple colour which is displayed when addon that is being deleted in \nselected deal has some deviations to customers post S15 value as follows.\nDelete icon appears near Addon in Selected Deal and no information \nmessage appears in Tariff TabWarning icon appears near Addon(instead of delete icon)in Selected \nDeal , the addon doesn\u2019t get deleted and information message \nappears in Tariff Tab\n \n Before Deleting Addon After Deleting Addon", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b64a20ea177f-0", "text": "2445\nRefineTariffResults section consists of another information message in purple colour which is displayed the Tariff that is selected is \nincompatible with the selected deal / selected device as follows:\n \nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineTariffResultsCustom HTML section in the header as follows:\nTo populate the Tariff Tab we use a pagelist property called .TariffsForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Tariff Class as source which is \npopulated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetTariffs Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefreshTariffs \nactivity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "deaae0111eaa-0", "text": "2446\nOn selecting a Tariff, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:\n1. RunDataTransform: It runs ClearTariffCurrentSelection DataTransform which posts the ID and position of the Tariff that is selected.\n2. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem\n3. RunDataTransform: It runs SetTariffSelected DataTransform which clears the selection of Tariff that is previously selected\n4. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when Tariff is \nswapped/added/selected.\nHere we run a DataTransform called SetEditDealRefreshFlags which sets the required flags of sections to refresh to true, based on \nwhich refreshing the respective sections in Edit deal happens when we click on respective Tab like Addons / Discounts.\nAlso we run a activity called EditDealTariffSelected which copies the tariff that is being selected in Tariff Tab into Selected deal section \n(TariffLineItem page of SelectedDealForUI)\nAn Inline style is added at row level to change the text color of row to purple when the Tariff is a promotional Tariff.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ff0bcd6473f1-0", "text": "2447\nEditDealAddons\nOn Click on EditDealAddons Section, the following actions runs:\n \n1. RunActivity: It runs RefreshAddOns activity which is used to populate the .AddonsForUI property to populate Addons Tab based on latest \nselections like Tariff / Discounts.\n2. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealAddons section, after running the DataTransform called SortAddons datatransform \nwhich sorts the Add ons and keeps the Add ons results in such a way that the Add on that is selected at last is placed at the top i.e. the \nfirst position and so on.\n3. Run data transform: It runs the ResetEditDealRefreshFlags datatransform which is used to reset the respective flag values passed as \nparameters as false to control refreshing of sections\nEditDealAddons section consists of another 3 sections as follows:\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage\n2. RefineAddonResults\n3. RefineAddonsResultsForWatch", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "eb409622cc6d-0", "text": "2448\n \n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetAddonsProductList activty) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on Addons Tab as follows.\nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "aa5c3ac5c666-0", "text": "2449\nEditDealAddons section consists of another section called RefineAddonsResults.\n2. RefineAddonsResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList and the customer is not a watch customer.\nRefineAddonsResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product\n(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \nAdd on in Add ons Tab. We can select Column Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "16f2379d6149-0", "text": "2450\nOn Click of Add ons Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\nThe RefineAddonsResults section is displayed as below :\nThe tab that is selected i.e Add ons Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe selected rows will be highlighted by default, if those are the Add ons in the selected deal.\nThe row i.e the Add on gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.\nOn selecting any Add on, a checkbox with a blue tick is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected Add on will be copied to \nSelected deal section on the left hand side to pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.AddOns property.\nMultiple Add ons can be selected in Addons Tab.\nThe Selected Add on from Add on Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown below:\nThe entire row in Add ons Tab will be displayed in purple colour if Add on is a part of promotion.\nIf we select the promotional Add on from Add ons Tab, then in the Selected Deal section the Add on text is also in Purple colour as \nshown below.multiple rows (Add ons) .\nAdd on name .Name \nCode .Code It displays the Product ID of Addon\nCategory .Category \nAdd on cost .MonthlyCost", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "90dba8c0d250-0", "text": "2451\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineAddonsResults\nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineAddonResultsCustom HTML section in the header as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1e0e66ab791b-0", "text": "2452\n \nTo populate the Add ons Tab we use a pagelist property called .AddonsForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Product Class as source which \nis populated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetAddons Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-UI-\nDeal.RefreshAddons activity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.\nOn selecting a Add on, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6bbce6108ce3-0", "text": "2453\n1. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem\n2. RunDataTransform: It runs SetLastSelectedID DataTransform which sets the ID of Add on that is last selected to \npyWorkPage.SelectedAddonID\n3. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when Add on is added/selected.\nHere we run a DataTransform called SetEditDealRefreshFlags which sets the required flags of sections to refresh to true, based on \nwhich refreshing the respective sections in Edit deal happens when we click on respective Tab like Tariff / Discounts.\nAlso we run a activity called EditDealAddOnSelected which copies the addons that are being selected in Addons Tab into Selected deal \nsection (AddOns pagelist property of SelectedDealForUI)\nAn Inline style is added at row level to change the text color of row to purple when the Add on is a promotional Add on.\nEditDealDiscounts\nOn Click on EditDealDiscounts Section, the following actions runs:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "965bad4bf195-0", "text": "2454\n1. RunActivity: It runs RefreshDiscounts activity which is used to populate the .DiscountsForUI property to populate Discounts Tab based \non latest selections like Addons / Tariff.\n2. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealDiscounts section, after running the DataTransform called SortDiscounts which sorts the \nDiscounts and keeps the Discounts results in such a way that the Discount that is selected at last is placed at the top i.e. the first position \nand so on\n3. Run data transform: It runs the ResetEditDealRefreshFlags datatransform which is used to reset the respective flag values passed as \nparameters as false to control refreshing of sections.\nEditDealDiscounts section consists of another 3 sections as follows:\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage\n2. RefineDiscountsResults\n3. RefineDiscountsResultsForWatch\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetDiscountsProductList activty) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on Discounts Tab as follows.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7da43d40283f-0", "text": "2455\nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.\nEditDealDiscounts section consists of another section called RefineDiscountsResults.\n2. RefineDiscountsResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList and the customer is not a watch customer.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1d114b03b9ad-0", "text": "2456\nRefineDiscountsResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nOn Click of Discounts Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\nThe RefineDiscountsResults section is displayed as below when the Customer has eligible discounts :\n \nThe tab that is selected i.e Discounts Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe first row will be highlighted by default, if it is Discount in the selected deal.\nThe row i.e the Discount gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.\nOn selecting any Discount, a radio button highlighted in blue colour is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected Discount will be \ncopied to Selected deal section on the left hand side to pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.Discounts property.\nWe can add only one Discount at a time.\nThe Selected Discount from Discounts Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown below:(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \nDiscount in Discounts Tab. We can select \nonly one Discount at a time.\nDiscount name .Name \nCode .Code Displays the Product ID of discount\nAmount .MonthlyCost Column Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f5b5ba142d16-0", "text": "2457\nThe entire row in Discounts Tab will be displayed in purple colour if Discount is a part of promotion.\nIf we select the promotional Discount from Discounts Tab, then in the Selected Deal section the Discount text is also in Purple colour as \nshown below.\n \nIf the Customer has no eligible discounts the following information message is displayed:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d8cd8c10510a-0", "text": "2458\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineDiscountsResults\nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineDiscountResultsCustom HTML section in the header as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bd798d36c8d6-0", "text": "2459\nTo populate the Discounts Tab we use a pagelist property called .DiscountsForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Product Class as source \nwhich is populated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetDiscounts Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-UI-\nDeal.RefreshDiscounts activity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.\nOn selecting a Discount, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:\n \n1. RunDataTransform: It runs ClearDiscountCurrentSelection DataTransform which posts the ID of the Discount that is selected to \nclipboard\n2. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a4f87b211dbe-0", "text": "2460\n3. RunDataTransform: It runs SetSelected DataTransform which clears the discounts that are previously selected/\n4. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when Discount is added/selected.\nHere we run a DataTransform called SetEditDealRefreshFlags which sets the required flags of sections to refresh to true, based on \nwhich refreshing the respective sections in Edit deal happens when we click on respective Tab like Tariff/Addons\nAlso we run a activity called EditDealDiscountSelected which copies the Discount that is being selected in Discounts Tab into Selected \ndeal section (Discounts pagelist property of SelectedDealForUI)\nAn Inline style is added at row level to change the text color of row to purple when the Discount is a promotional Discount.\nEditDealInsurance\nOn Click on EditDealInsurance Section, the following actions runs:\n1. RunActivity: It runs RefreshInsurances activity which is used to populate the .InsuranceForUI property to populate Insurance Tab based \non latest selections like Device.\n2. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the RefineInsuranceResults section, after running the DataTransform called SortInsurance \ndatatransform which sorts the Insurances and keeps the Insurance results in such a way that the Insurance that is selected at last is \nplaced at the top i.e. the first position and so on.\n3. Run data transform: It runs the ResetEditDealRefreshFlags datatransform which is used to reset the respective flag values passed as \nparameters as false to control refreshing of sections.\nEditDealInsurance section consists of another 3 sections as follows:\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "35317e35e600-0", "text": "2461\n2. RefineInsuranceResults\n3. RefineInsuranceResultsForWatch\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetInsuranceProductList activty) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on Insurance Tab as follows.\nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5b1530d96bfb-0", "text": "2462\nEditDealInsurance section consists of another section called RefineInsuranceResults .\n1. RefineInsuranceResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList and the customer is not a watch customer.\n \nRefineInsuranceResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nCoulmn Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a9a9a9e057e5-0", "text": "2463\nOn Click of Insurance Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\n RefineInsuranceResults section is displayed when deal that is selected is a not a SIMO deal i.e \npyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.IsSIMO == false \nThe RefineInsuranceResults section is displayed as below :\n \nelse if the deal that is selected is a SIMO deal i.e pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.IsSIMO == true the following information message is \nshown when Insurance Tab is selected.\nThe tab that is selected i.e Insurance Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe first row will be highlighted by default , if it is the Insurance in the selected deal.\nThe row i.e the Insurance gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \nInsurance in Insurance Tab. We can select \nonly one Insurance at a time.\nInsurance Type .Type \nCode .Code Displays the Product ID of Insurance\nCost .MonthlyCost", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a7d06e5f79c0-0", "text": "2464\nOn selecting any Insurance, a radio button highlighted in blue colour is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected Insurance will \nbe copied to Selected deal section on the left hand side to pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.AddOns property.\nWe can add only one Insurance at a time.\nThe Selected Insurance from Insurance Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown below:\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineInsuranceResults\n \nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineInsuranceResultsCustom HTML section in the header as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2fe0f3af0c7f-0", "text": "2465\nTo populate the Insurance Tab we use a pagelist property called .InsuranceForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Product Class as source \nwhich is populated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetInsurance Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-UI-\nDeal.RefreshInsurances activity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.\nOn selecting a Insurance, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d2cf9eca0662-0", "text": "2466\n1. RunDataTransform: It runs ClearInsuranceCurrentSelection DataTransform which posts the ID of the Insurance that is being selected.\n2. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem\n3. RunDataTransform: It runs SetInsuranceSelected DataTransform which clears the insurances that are previously selected\n4. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when Insurance is added/selected.\nHere we run a DataTransform called SetEditDealRefreshFlags which sets the required flags of sections to refresh to true, based on \nwhich refreshing the respective sections in Edit deal happens when we click on respective Tab like Device\nAlso we run a activity called EditDealInsuranceSelected which copies the Insurance that is being selected in Insurances Tab into \nSelected deal section (AddOns pagelist property of SelectedDealForUI)\nEditDealAccessories\nOn Click on EditDealAccessories Section, the following actions runs:\n1. RunActivity: It runs RefreshAccessories activity which is used to populate the .AccessoriesForUI property to populate Accessories Tab .\n2. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealAccessories section, after running the DataTransform called SortAccessories \ndatatransform which sorts the Accessories and keeps the accessory results in such a way that the accessory that is selected at last is \nplaced at the top i.e. the first position and so on.\nEditDealAccessories section consists of another 2 sections as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8112af7d4546-0", "text": "2467\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage\n2. RefineAccessoryResults\n1. DisplayProdListErrorMessage Section is displayed if GetProductList activty in (GetInsuranceProductList activty) fails i.e \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null, when we click on Accessories Tab as follows.\nDisplayProdListErrorMessage has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is not null i.e, when it has Service errors from GetProductList.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "465bf8dbb5ea-0", "text": "2468\nEditDealAccessories section consists of another section called RefineAccessoryResults.\n1. RefineAccessoryResults section has a visibility condition on it for when it need to be displayed, It is displayed only when \npyWorkPage.DisplayMessage is null i.e, when it has no Service errors from GetProductList and the customer is not a watch customer.\nRefineAccessoryResults Uses the UI Class:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product\n(Selected) .Selected This is set to true when we select a row i.e \naccessory in Accessories Tab. We can select \nmultiple accessories\nAccessory .Name \nDevice Type .Type Coulmn Name Property Name Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f35e32021c61-0", "text": "2469\nOn Click of Accessories Tab, from Edit Deal Section,\n RefineAccessoryResults section is displayed when RefreshAccessories activity returns results i.e products.\nThe RefineAccessoryResults section is displayed as below :\nThe tab that is selected i.e Accessories Tab will be highlighted in blue colour underlined.\nThe row will be highlighted by default if the Product ID of Accessory in the selected deal is equal to the Product ID of Accesory in row.\nThe row i.e the accessory gets highlighted wherever we click on the row.\nOn selecting any accessory, a radio button highlighted in blue is appeared to indicate the selection. The selected accessory will be \ncopied to Selected deal section on the left hand side pyWorkPage.SelectedDealForUI.Accessories property.\nMultiple accessories can be selected at a time.\nThe Selected accessory from Accessories Tab will be copied into Selected deal section as shown belowOffer .Offer \nSKU .Code Displays the Product ID of Accessory\nCost .MonthlyCost \nStock Level .StockLevel For all accessories 'Check' box is presented \nby setting Stock Status=\u201dCheck\u201d, when \nclicked on it Stock Status changes to either \nof the possible values such as In stock or \nPre order or Back order or Out of stock \nwhich will be displayed either in green or red \nor black colour based on Stock Availability.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "81dc3e5d0c86-0", "text": "2470\n \nStock Level will be displayed in different colours based on stock availability like green(if In stock), red(if Pre order) otherwise it will be \ndisplayed as black(for Out of stock/Back order).\nIf Stock Level is \u201cOut of stock\u201c then the record is not selectable by agent and the previous selection remains as is either in Selected Deal or \nEdit Deal.\nIf the accessory Stock Level is \u201cOut of Stock\u201c, when we hover above the text, a smart tip is displayed showing the Stock Status as \u201c0 units\u201c\nIf the accessory Stock Level is other than \u201cOut of Stock\u201c, when we hover above the text, a smart tip is displayed showing the Stock quantity \nas present:\nFor all the accessories i.e rows the stock level is displayed as a \u2018Check\u2019 box initially.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0ee216b5fab1-0", "text": "2471\nOn click of the \u201cCheck\u201c button the Stock Status is changed to either \u201cIn stock\u201c or \u201cPre order\u201c or \u201cOut of stock\u201c or \u201cBack order\u201c based on stock \navailability as displayed below\nNote: If we select a record without clicking on \u201cCheck\u201c box then a stock check validation is performed on selection of the continue button on \nthe Basket summary screen.\nSections of Notes:\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.RefineAccessoryResults\nFor highlighting the selected record in peach colour we are using a RefineAccessoryResultsCustomHTML section in the header as follows:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0a0a131ef858-0", "text": "2472\nTo populate the Accessories Tab we use a pagelist property called .AccessoriesForUI which is of VFUK-VADR-UI-Product Class as \nsource which is populated from VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.SetAccessories Datatransform which inturn gets called from VFUK-VADR-\nUI-Deal.RefreshAccessories activity.\nFor Refreshing the rows, a condition is added which refreshes the row when .Selected Property Changes.\n \nOn selecting a Accessory, i.e. on click of a row (On grid click) the following actions runs:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "011c667438df-0", "text": "2473\n1. SetFocus: Sets Focus on CurrentItem\n2. RunDataTransform: It runs SetAccessorySelectedID DataTransform which posts the ID of Accessory that is currently selected.\n3. Refresh-Other section: It refreshes the EditDealSelectedDeal section which needs to be refreshed when Accessory is added/selected.\nWe run a activity called EditDealAccessorySelected which copies the Accessory that is being selected in Accessories Tab into Selected \ndeal section (Accessories pagelist property of SelectedDealForUI).\n \nFor Stock Level column, we are using some conditions like making it read-only in case if StockStatus!=\u201dCheck \u201dand control formats \nEditable Gray Background to make the the text input look like a button.\nOn click of the text \u201cCheck\u201c two sets of events are applied :", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0129910c8b5b-0", "text": "2474\nOn Click Events: \nThese events runs only when the Stock Level control is editable i.e when StockLevel is \u201cCheck\u201d.\n1. Set Focus : maintains focus on pyWorkPage.AccessoriesForUI.\n 2. Run Activity : It runs the CallStockCheck activity which inturn calls the API activity to display the Stock Status availability when user \nclicks on \u201cCheck\u201c button.\n 3. Set Value : Is used to set the Stock Status to either \u201cIn stock\u201cor \u201cPre order\u201c or \u201cBack order\u201c based on stock availability returned from \nCallStockCheck activity.\n 4.Refresh Current Row: After posting the value to the clipboard it refreshes the current row.\n 5. Run Script: It runs the \u201ccallAfterStockCheck\u201d script.\n 6. Refresh-This section: It refreshes the current section\nOn Hover Events:\nThese events runs when the Stock Status control is either Read-only / Editable:\nShow smart tip: It is used to display the stock status in units when agent hovers over it and when Stock Status is not equal to neither \nCheck nor Out of stock nor Unknown.\nShow smart tip: It is used to display the stock status in units as \u201c0 units\u201d when agent hovers over it and when Stock Status is equal to \nOut of stock.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7657740597ec-0", "text": "2475\nBasket\n \nProcessBasketDeal:\nThis activity looks for dada in Tariff BenfitProducts, Tariff BenfitAdvertisments, Device BenfitProducts, Device BenfitAdvertisments \nDepending on data dynamically create a list of benefits. This list of benefits is used to display icons in the basket.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2e31ff8f9d74-0", "text": "2476", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6d0941844c0d-0", "text": "2477", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e26a997c9b96-0", "text": "2478\nBasket Body:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "41bdb05b3685-0", "text": "2479\nH e a d e r\n \nDynamic layout 1.1 displays column heading", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e8d969e06d0d-0", "text": "2480\nD e v i c e", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ff0ca6721044-0", "text": "2481\nDynamic layout 1.1 displays device-related data. In the case of SIMO, this Dynamic layout is not displayed.\nA i r t i m e\nDynamic layout 1.3 displays tariff related data.\nA d d O n s / D i s c o u n t s / I n s u r a n c e / A c c e s o r y\nDynamic layout 1.4, 1.5, 1.5 displays AddOns/Discounts/Insurance/Accessory related data. The same repetitive dynamic layout is called \nwith different data pages.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bd2eb838afa7-0", "text": "2482\n \n \nBasket Footer:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "455bdea4d1a3-0", "text": "2483\n \nAbove section get displayed when selected deal for basket is a handset deal and the bundle containt insurance as add on.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7fbef5bed866-0", "text": "2484\n \nEdit/Continue Button.\nIn case, User selects the Edit button \u2018Edit Deal\u2019 screen will be displayed & the user can edit the selected deal.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33fcd3ddcd00-0", "text": "2485\n \nData transform SetBasketDirectionEdit sets .BasketDirection property to \u201cEdit\u201d\nEdit Deal screen will be called", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bc6aa53ca431-0", "text": "2486\n \nIn Case, the User selects the Continue button. It will proceed to the final checkout (not developed yet.).", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "18781cce3626-0", "text": "2487", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "916541293f53-0", "text": "2488\nUI Classes\nIn order to make the UI development as smooth and simple as possible we have created our own simple class structures to hold the data to \nbe displayed. Basically removing as much complexity (e.g. where exactly to find specific LineItems) of the data model as possible from the \nUI artefacts themselves.\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Customer\nAddOnCount Integer \nBuilding Text \nCity Text \nContractEndDate Text \nCustomerLoanAcceptanceIndicator Text \nDeviceType Text It will be populated as Watch in case of \nWatch customer else it will be populated as \nHandset\nEligibleForDiscount TrueFalse This flag is set to true if the customer is has \nany discounts provided\nEligibleForLoan TrueFalse This flag is set to true if the customer is \neligible for loan.\nExistingDeal Single Page(VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal) This pageis used to hold the information of \ncustomer existing deal which is retrieved \nfrom GetCustomerAPI.\nExpiryHoverTextLine1 Text \nExpiryHoverTextLine2 Text \nFlatNo Text \nIsWatchCustomer True It will populated as true in case of a watch \ncustomer else it will be populated as false\nPhoneNo Text \nPostCode Text \nPrimaryEmail Text \nPrimaryPhone Text \nPrimarySubscriptionId Text \nStreet Text \nUpgradeHoverTextLine1 Text \nUpgradeHoverTextLine2 Text Property Name Type Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9a40d1046144-0", "text": "2489\nVFUK-VADR-UI-OpenLine\nVFUK-VADR-UI-DealUpgradeTodayFree Text \nContractEndDate Date \nContractEndDateUpgradeText Text \nDiscount Decimal \nEarlyUpgradeCost Decimal \nIsVFTogether TrueFalse \nPrice Decimal \nVFDescription Text Property Name Type Notes\nAccessories PageList (VFUK-VADR-UI-Product ) \nAccessoriesCount Integer Stores total count of Accessories \nPageList\nAddOnCount Integer Stores total count of AddOns \nPageList\nAddOns PageList (VFUK-VADR-UI-Product ) Used by UI to hold rows of Add-On \nproducts and Insurance products \nwhich are selected in Edit Add-On \ntab and Insurance tab\nAirtimeBenefitsMessage Text \nDataStorage Integer \nDevice Single Page(VFUK-VADR-UI-Product ) \nDeviceBenefitsList Single Page(VFUK-VADR-UI-Product ) \nDeviceBenefitsMessage Text \nDeviceLineItem Single Page(VFUK-VADR-Int-LineItem) The device being selected in \nDevice Tab is copied to this page\nDeviceMonthlyCost Decimal \nDiscounts PageList (VFUK-VADR-UI-Product ) Used by UI to hold row of Discount \nwhich is selected in Edit Discounts \ntab\nDiscountsCount Integer \nDisplayOutOfStockMessage TrueFalse It is set to true whenever we want \nto display Out of Stock message Property Name Type Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b7a022625096-0", "text": "2490\nwhen the device is out of stock.\nDisplayOutOfStockMessageForAccessory TrueFalse It is set to true whenever we want \nto display Out of Stock message \nwhen the Accessory is out of stock.\nEnrichmentPositive TrueFalse Used to display green box or red \nbox on recommendation\nFees Page List(VFUK-VADR-UI-Product) \nFeesCount Integer \nHaveEligibleDiscounts TrueFalse This is set to True/False based on \neligibile discounts available for the \ncustomer\nID Text \nIs4G TrueFalse \nIs5G TrueFalse \nIsAllowAddonDelete TrueFalse This flag is set to true if Add on can \nbe deleted and delete icon appears\nIsBatteryRefresh TrueFalse \nIsCommercial TrueFalse \nIsDeviceCare TrueFalse \nIsEmpty TrueFalse \nIsDeviceEligible TrueFalse This flag is set to true if we need to \ndisplay hover over StockStatus \neither in Recommended deal or \nSelected deal\nIsHandSet TrueFalse \nIsInBasket TrueFalse This is set to true when the deal is \nadded to basket\nIsInsured TrueFalse This is set to true when the deal \nthat has been added to the basket \nhas an insurance available\nIsPromo TrueFalse If the tariff in the selected deal is a \npromotional tariff then this is set to \ntrue to display the promotional \nbanner.\nIsSelectedDeal TrueFalse This is set to true when this \nrecommended deal is being Edited.\nIsSIMO TrueFalse \nIsSmartWatchConnectivityPlan TrueFalse", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8408bf48c6a0-0", "text": "2491\nIsStockCheckBeenDone TrueFalse This is set to true when the stock \ncheck is being done for Device\nIsTariffCompatible TrueFalse \nIsTotalCareWarranty TrueFalse \nIsUnlimitedMMS TrueFalse \nIsVFTogether TrueFalse When the Recommended deal has \nVF Offers avaialble then this is set \nto true\nIsZeroAccessories TrueFalse \nIsZeroAddOn TrueFalse \nIsZeroBar TrueFalse \nIsZeroDiscount TrueFalse \nIsZeroFees TrueFalse \nMoreInfoList Text \nPosition Integer The index of the selected \nrecommendation is being set with \nprefix 'P'\nSaved TrueFalse When a recommended deal is \nbeing selected for editing this \nproperty is being set to yes\nSetAccessoryOOSMessage TrueFalse This is set to true whenever we \nneed to display Out of stock \nmessage for accessories\nStockQuantity Integer Used to display quantity of device \nin deal in units\nStockStatus Text Used to display status of device in \ndeal, The values could be Instock / \nPreorder/ Backorder\nTariff Single Page(VFUK-VADR-UI-Product) \nTariffBenefitsList Page List(VFUK-VADR-UI-ProductBenefit) \nTariffComplimentaryBenefitsList Page List(VFUK-VADR-UI-ProductBenefit) \nTariffLineItem Single Page (VFUK-VADR-Int-LineItem) The tariff being selected in Tariff \nTab is copied to this page\nTempStock Text Temporary variable to hold device \nstock status in basket\nTotalAirtimeBenefit Decimal \nTotalComplimentaryBenefit Decimal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a5f92105323b-0", "text": "2492\nVFUK-VADR-UI-DeviceTotalDeviceBenefit Decimal \nTotalDeviceCost Decimal \nTotalDiscount Decimal \nTotalMonthlyCost Decimal \nTotalNetRevenue Decimal \nTotalUpfrontCost Decimal \nTotalVFTogetherBenefit Decimal \nVFTogetherBenefitsList Page List(VFUK-VADR-UI-ProductBenefit) \nBigDataRecommended TrueFalse This is set to true when Device in Device Tab \nis recommended by Big Data to display a \nlogo.\nCode Text Displays the ProductID of the device\nColour Text specifies colour of the device \nCost Decimal specifies the cost of the device\nID Text It is a unique value which can be used as a \nprimary key\nIsFixed TrueFalse This property is set to true when FixedPrice \nis true on LineItem to indicate that the device \nis fixed\nManufacturer Text specifies the manufacturer of the device\nModel Text specifies the model of the device\nPosition Integer This is used to sort the devices in Device Tab \nbased on the position retrieved in \nGetProductList\nSelected TrueFalse This is set to true whenever we select a \nrow/device from Device Tab, only one device \nis set to true at a time.\nSpeed Text \nStockLevel Integer returns the number of devices when \nStockStatus != \u201cCheck\u201c which could be either \n0 / greater than 0.\nStockStatus Text StockStatus is being set to \u201cCheck\u201c for the \ndevices which are not recommended by Big \nData, on Click of \u201cCheck\u201c the Stock Level is \ndisplayed.\nStorage Text specifies the manufacturer of the device\nTempStockStatus Text This is used to temporarily store the \nStockStatus of device which restores Property Name Type Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c338f086e5a4-0", "text": "2493\nVFUK-VADR-UI-TariffStockStatus when user click on \u201cCheck\u201c \nbutton on StockStatus\nBand Text \nBigDataRecommended TrueFalse This is set to true when tariff in tariff Tab is \nrecommended by Big Data to display a logo.\nCode Text Displays the ProductID of the Tariff\nCost Decimal This is the price Inc. VAT from product \ncatalogue\nData Text \nEntertainment TrueFalse A tick circle icon is displayed if \nEntertainment is true and a dash if \nEntertainment is false\nID Text It is a unique value which can be used as a \nprimary key\nIsFixed TrueFalse This property is set to true when FixedPrice \nis true on LineItem to indicate that the Tariff \nis fixed\nIsPromo TrueFalse This is being set to true when the Tariff is a \npromotional tariff\nIsRegulatoryTariff TrueFasle This is set to true when the Promotional \nDetail from the LineItem is populated as \nRegulatory\nMaxDiscount Text If the Tariff has a discount provided / \npromotional discount then MaxDiscount is \nset\nMaxDiscountHover Text This is being used to hold the display text \nwhen hovered over MaxDiscount Value in \nTariff Tab.\nPosition Integer This is used to sort the Tariffs in Tariff Tab \nbased on the position retrieved in \nGetProductList\nSelected TrueFalse This is set to true whenever we select a \nrow/tariff from Tariff Tab, only one Tariff is set \nto true at a time.\nTariffType Text \nTenure Text \nVFTogether TrueFalse VFTogether logo is displayed when \nIncludesCombiBundleOffer is being true Property Name Type Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "dabeb61a3c92-0", "text": "2494\nVFUK-VADR-UI-Product\n otherwise a dash is being displayed.\nCategory Text \nCode Text It is used to display the ProductID of Addon / \nDiscount / Insurance\nID Text \nIsDelete TrueFalse This flag is set to true when Delete (Trash \nicon) need to be shown in Selected deal.\nIsPromo TrueFalse It is being set to true when the AddOn in \nAddons Tab or Discount in Discounts Tab is a \npromotional one.\nMonthlyCost Decimal \nOffer Text \nProductType Text \nSelected TrueFalse This is set to true whenever we select a \naddon / discount / insurance from respective \ntabs\nStatus Text Status is set to \u201cINCOMPATIBLE\u201c when any \none of the Addon / Discount / Insurance \nselected is not compatible with the device or \ntariff in Selected Deal \nStatusDetail Text Contains the error message when Status is \nset to \u201cINCOMPATIBLE\u201c\nStockLevel Text This value is set to Check when the stock \ncheck has not been done in Accessories \notherwise it is being set to In stock / Out of \nstock / Pre order / Back order based on the \nstock availability\nStockQuantity Integer returns the number of accessories available \nwhen StockLevel != \u201cCheck\u201c which could be \neither 0 / greater than 0.\nTempStockLevel Text This is used to temporarily store the \nStockLevel of accessory which restores \nStockLevel when user click on \u201cCheck\u201c \nbutton on StockLevel column in Accessories \nTab\nType Text \nUpfrontCost Decimal Property Name Type Notes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7fa4076f741b-0", "text": "2495", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d34177065c8e-0", "text": "2496\nReNegotiation\nClass : VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nSection : DisplaySubscriptionBundles\n \nIf a deal is still valid, a \u201cSaved\u201d banner will be shown upon the deal. (ADO# 750494)\nProperty \u2018Saves\u2019 if true, Display Saved banner Dynamic layout ( \nLook for \u2018StatusDetail\u2019 Property in lineitem (ADO#780884)\n display in CL: VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade Section:AccountHeader\ncreate new dynamic section for display error ( \u2018StatusDetail\u2019 Property) in CL: VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade \nSection:AccountHeader \nIf a deal is no longer valid (ADO#749710)\ncreate a new property in deal class \u2018IsValidDeal\u2019 make it false\n When Status is INCOMPATIBLE\nAnd case sub- type is Renegotiation\nAdd a new icon next to the pencil icon with the display condition\n When \u2018IsValidDeal\u2019 is false \nChange pencil icon display condition\non Click of new Icon\ndelete recommendation for that position \ncreate a empty recommendation for the position\nIf the Customer is EVO customer, add disable condition in CL: VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal Section: DeviceSpecs for Device Upfront & Device \nTenure (ADO#749710)\nis IsEvoCustomer is true\nand case sub type is Renegotiation\nIn action button of refresh button RecommendedSubscriptionBundles\nRecreate WorkingRecommendation from recommendation DT i.e. SetRecommendation.\n \nDisplaySubscriptionBundles:\nAdded Following section with visiblility condition\n.IsSelectedDeal != true && .IsCompatible = false", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3696caa5e07f-0", "text": "2497\n \nRecommendFooter:\nAdded new grey button with visibility condition\nDeviceSpecs:\nAdded disabled input box with grey colour for upfront cost & tenure. Following is the visibility condition\nDisableTenureUpfront: When rule", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "13ef1a57308e-0", "text": "2498\n \nDisplayProductCost:\nAdded warning icon with display condition.\nInCompatibleProduct: when rule", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6cc86b7d06ff-0", "text": "2499\nRefineRecommendation\nAdded new section for display message with visibility condition \nHasInCompatibleDisplayErrors: when rule\n \nFinal Screens:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "df65b6a072c1-0", "text": "2500", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "58c22ded2cee-0", "text": "2501", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "36d2564ebb33-0", "text": "2502\nMBB Recommendation Updates\nADO 899247 - Display MBB Recommendation on UI\nIf a product is MBB, then the property LineItems.DealProductType will be set to Bundled. (existing implementation for Mobile is EVO).\nFor MBB CTN, the following is required on the Recommendations UI (changes to screen in blue):\nThe Title Card is presented with the full name of the product displayed with a pencil icon above.\nThe device type i.e. SIMO, Dongle, Giga cube, Mobile Wifi, Laptops and Tablets are displayed below the peach-coloured banner as a \npurple banner on each selected product if applicable.\n5G logo: This is not relevant for MBB - do not display.\nEnrichment Icon (as is) \nVT logo - display where applicable (more info???)\nMore Info (as is)\nStorage: (as is). If no data available then display as dash with exception of SIMO. For SIMO the entire section for storage, colour and \nstock is removed.\nColour: (as is). If no data available then display as dash with exception of SIMO. For SIMO the entire section for storage, colour and \nstock is removed.\nStock: (as is). If no data available then display as dash with exception of SIMO. For SIMO the entire section for storage, colour and \nstock is removed.\nDevice benefits (as is)\nDevice upfront: Display as per artefact for MBB products except for SIMO. For SIMO, there are no upfront cost so display as dash. The \nupfront cost is calculated as per (ADO-899481).\nTariffs- Display AS IS for Mobile.\nAirtime benefits- Display as per AS IS for Mobile.\nAdd ons- Display as per AS IS for Mobile", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "36d2564ebb33-1", "text": "Airtime benefits- Display as per AS IS for Mobile.\nAdd ons- Display as per AS IS for Mobile\nDiscounts- Display as per AS IS for Mobile\nAccessories- Display as per AS IS for Mobile\nFees : As per ADO- 863509 - Display Early Upgrade Fee except for Gigacubes customer - do not display for Gigacubes customers.\nSummary: Display as per AS IS for Mobile\nTiers: AS IS \n \nClass: VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nNew property: isMBB - truefalse\nData Transform: PopulateDealFromServiceData\nCheck if LineItem.DealProductType = \u201cBundled\u201c, then set isMBB property to true.\n \nClass : VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nSection : DisplaySubscriptionBundles\nFor MBB products, create new WHEN rule isMBB - this will return true if LineItems.DealProductType = \u201cBundled\u201d.\nFor MBB products:\nDisplay purple banned below peach-coloured banned. Purple banner displays device type (LineItems.DeviceType)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1f40e224cf36-0", "text": "2503\nHide 5G logo for MBB.\nDisplay Device Upfront for MBB products expect SIMO. For SIMO, display as dashes.\n900620 - Display Device Upfront Cost in the Device tab on the Edit screen for bundled Device and Tariff\nFor an MBB Proposition, add Upfront Cost column to Device tab on Recommendations Edit screen.\nClass : VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nNew Section : RefineMBBResults\nTable as below with new column for Upfront Cost. This column should be after Type in the table.\nThe Upfront Cost value is displayed as \u00a3xx.xx\nAdd new property to VFUK-VADR-UI-Device - UpfrontCost (Decimal). Display this property in new column.\nNew property UpfrontCost to be mapped from Recommendations.LineItems.UpfrontCost.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3d961bf006a3-0", "text": "2504\nMBB", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4308a6223ef2-0", "text": "2505\nDisplay Tariff Tab\nDescription\nIf an Agent navigates to the Tariff tab in the edit deal for MBB CTN, then display the new section with new columns as per Implementation.\nImplementation\nIf an Agent navigates to the Tariff tab in the edit deal for MBB CTN, then display the new section which is for MBB customers as below:\nIf the customer is MBB, display this section by checking ShowMBBDeal when rule.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\nTable \nColumn \nNamesTariff, Fixed, Code, Tenure, Data, Offer, Tariff type, Max Discount,Upfront Cost, Monthly Cost\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/ARefineTariffResultsForMBB", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "cd08c7eed59e-0", "text": "2506\nUsage tab\nDescription\nWe would like to display MBB bundled Device and Tariff usage on Agent screen when AOM loads for upgrade\nImplementation\nIf an Agent navigates to the Usage tab MBB CTN, then display the new section which is for MBB customers as below\nOn the right hand side, display the average usage over 3months as shown on the UI.\n \nIf the customer is MBB, this section will be invoked by DisplayCustomerProfilePanel by checking IsMBBCustomer when rule.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nTable \nColumn \nNamesFor the horizontal section of the screen, display below columns,\nMonth- This is the month abbreviated and year formatted as yyyy for the usage i.e. Jan 2021, Feb 2021. \nUK Data - This is the total data GB usage \nRoaming data- This is the total roaming data used in GB\nFor the vertical section of the screen, then display below rows,\nTotal monthly allowance-The total monthly allowance is highlighted on first launch of the usage tab, this is also displayed \nbelow the Month column. For the Data usage, display the data in GB rounded up to the nearest 1 decimal place. The total \nmonthly allowance is made up of the plan monthly allowance and any extra addon(s) allowances available on the customer \nproduct holding. \nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/ADisplayCustomerUsagesForMBB", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4e5fee72acb7-0", "text": "2507\nChanges required on the Refine by\nThe 'Device Type' is displayed first followed by Manufacturer, Model, Storage and Device cost.\nRemove \u201cEntertainment\u201d check flag for MBB customers. Keep the followings: SIMO, 5G Ready, Unlimited, Nearly new\nConditions:\nIf an Agent selects a Tablet from the 'Refine by', then the Manufacturer and Model drop down is enabled as per AS IS for Mobile. The Agent \nmust select a combination of manufacturer and model for the Refine button to be enabled\nIf an Agent selects a Laptop from the 'Refine by', then the Manufacturer and Model drop down is enabled as per AS IS for Mobile. The \nAgent must select a combination of manufacturer and model for the Refine button to be enabled\nIf an Agent selects a Giga from the 'Refine by', then the Manufacturer and Model drop down is disabled and greyed out and the Refine \nbutton is enabled\nIf an Agent selects a Dongle from the 'Refine by', then the Manufacturer and Model drop down is disabled and the Agent cannot select from \nthis field\nIf an Agent selects a Mobile Wi-Fi from the 'Refine by', then the Manufacturer and Model drop down is disabled (Disabled =greyed out and \nnot selectable), and the refine button is enabled\nIf an Agent selects the SIMO flags from the Refine by list, then grey out the Manufacturer, Model and Device costs and the Refine button is \nenabled\nIf an Agent selects the Clear selection, this will reset the Refine by options and remove the SIMO flag initially selected, as well as re-\ndisplaying the Manufacturer and Model field. The Agent is then able to proceed to selecting any combinations from the device type.\nThis data transform updates the related properties to apply the conditions stated above based on the DeviceType.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4e5fee72acb7-1", "text": "Applies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nParameters -\nDetails Updates DeviceManufacturersDisabled, DeviceModelDisabled based on the DeviceType and SIMOOption.\nResets DeviceManufacturers and DeviceModels.Data Transform - DeviceTypeSelected\nThis Section displays the refining conditions.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nSections included -\nUpdates Added DeviceType dropdownSection - RefineRecommendation", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "01400cb2a7cb-0", "text": "2508\nAdded greyed dropdowns for DeviceManufacturers and DeviceModels with visibility conditions\nEntartainment checkboxes condition for visibility is updated to \u201c!IsMBBCustomer\u201d.\nThis data transform sets the related properties when \u201cSIMO\u201d checkbox is clicked.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nParameters -\nUpdates Added a when condition that blocks DeviceManufacturers and DeviceModel properties to be enabled when \nSIMO checkbox is unclicked but the DeviceType is one of these: Giga Cube, Dongle, Mobile Wifi.Data Transform - SIMOSelected\nThis data transform resets the properties when \u201cClear selection\u201d button clicked.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nParameters -\nUpdates Added DeviceType.Data Transform - ClearSectionSelected\nThis when rule check the states of the related properties and disables the Refine button accordingly.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nParameters -\nUpdates Added DeviceModelDisabled and DeviceManufacturersDisabled to enable the Refine button when these \nproperties are true (which occurs when the DeviceType is one of these: Giga Cube, Dongle, Mobile Wifi)When - DisableRefineBy\nThis data page returns the distinct DeviceTypes for in HandsetManufacturerModelMap. \nStructure Page\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetUniqueHandsetDeviceTypeData Page - D_DeviceTypes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "550094e79b1c-0", "text": "2509\nChanges required on the Refine by page\nModel and Manufacturer dropdowns need to be disabled(greyed out) if the SIMO is selected.\n Input Parameters -\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 hours\nThis Section displays the refining conditions.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nSections included -\nUpdates Added greyed dropdowns for DeviceManufacturers and DeviceModels dropdowns with visibility conditions that \ncheck if the SIMO checkbox is selectedSection - RefineRecommendation", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "25fe041a3783-0", "text": "2510\n944633 - Display Device tab\nAn Agent edits a deal by selecting the pencil icon on the Selected product card and lands on the Device Tab\nA list of MBB products are presented in scrollable list as per AS IS for Mobile (ADO-359889).\nWe would like to add two new columns in the Device tab called:\nType- This is the device type i.e. laptop, tablet, Dongle, Giga cube or Mobile Wi-Fi. The Device type is displayed between colour and upfront \ncost\nUpfront cost -The Upfront cost is displayed between the device 'Type' and Device cost. The calculation of the upfront cost is documented in \n(ADO-854004). Upfront cost is displayed only when a Bundled tariff is selected in the basket.\nIf its not a bundled device then display as dash\nAs per AS IS for mobile, the 1st device in the Device list, is the device in the Selected basket. \nWe would like to reuse the existing columns list as per AS IS for MBB products such as:\nModel\nFixed\nManufacturer\nStorage\nColour\nType - New\nUpfront- New\nDevice cost\nStock\nThe Agent is able to filter as per AS IS for Mobile\nAn Agent launches VADR as per AS IS for Mobile\nAcceptance Criteria from User story:\nSelects the pencil icon to load the Edit screen\nThe Device tab is displayed on first launch of the Edit screen as per AS IS for Mobile\nScenario 1:\nIf the Selected basket contains a bundled device and Tariff, then below rules apply:\nFor Devices which are compatible with the Tariff in the basket, the upfront cost will be the Handset cost from the Handset-to-tariff \ncompatibility table for the respective combination. The cost is displayed in '\u00a3xx.xx'", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "25fe041a3783-1", "text": "compatibility table for the respective combination. The cost is displayed in '\u00a3xx.xx'\nFor incompatible devices, the upfront cost will contain the minimum Handset cost from the Handset-to-tariff compatibility table for the \nrespective device, in combination with all other compatible tariffs. The upfront value will be displayed as 'From \u00a3xx.xx' cost in the upfront \ncost column.\nScenario 2:\nIf the Selected basket contains a SIMO Tariff, then below rule applies:\nFor all devices, the upfront cost will contain the minimum Handset cost from the Handset-to-tariff compatibility table for the respective \ndevice, in combination with all other compatible tariffs. All upfront values will be displayed as 'From \u00a3xx.xx' cost in the upfront cost \ncolumn.\nScenario 3:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3989f0d3f10e-0", "text": "2511\nIf the Selected basket doesn't contain a Tariff (i.e. add new products to compare using the '+'), then below rule applies:\nFor all devices, the upfront cost will contain the minimum Handset cost from the Handset-to-tariff compatibility table for the respective \ndevice, in combination with all other compatible tariffs. All upfront values will be displayed as 'From \u00a3xx.xx' cost in the upfront cost \ncolumn.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d27b0092eb0a-0", "text": "2512\n908854 - MBB-UI changes on the Edit screen to Add a Chevron tab button on\nthe Selected basket\n My initial idea for the design of this was to use a harness screen layout but there are 3 pretty large problems with this approach:\n1. It doesn\u2019t work. I tried changing the modal window template to use a harness, this wasn\u2019t possible and even in the modal flow, normally \nyou can update the assignment shape with a custom harness and that would be used, but whatever I did it would not recognise the \nharness. My conclusion on this is that modal windows cannot be configured with a harness, they can only display sections.\n2. Of all the different combinations Pega has made available for screen layouts \u201cFooter Left\u201d (ie footer with left collapsible menu) is not one. \nAlthough we could probably use \u201cHeader Footer Left\u201d and somehow remove the header, it still is not ideal.\n3. The look and feel of a Pega expand/collapse menu is very different to the requirements and I don\u2019t know how easy it would be to \ncustomise.\nSo, Plan B is the way to go:\nCustom HTML/CSS/JS to create the expand/collapse functionality. On the face of it this is some quite basic stuff to achieve the \nrequirement. The basic expand/collapse function is working by changing the section EditDealContainer into custom HTML which splits the \nscreen up into 3 parts (left, main & footer) and re-uses all the existing edit deal sections to populate them. Then adds the vertical sidebar \nwhich expands/collapses as required:\nOnce finished I don\u2019t expect this will need much on-going work, all the hard work is still done inside all the normal pega sections. How it \ncurrently looks:", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2befb4dac8cc-0", "text": "2513\nThe TODO list (to get the screen above looking like the invision screen below) with estimates:\nTest this hasn't broken anything major with the communication between tables and selected deal - 0.5 day.\nThere is 1 part that probably is broken: The updating of the summary section. That might no longer happen since it has moved out of the \nselected deal section. A refresh of this section will need to be added to the action of the row selection for each table & when deleting items \nfrom selected deal I guess - 1 day.\nResponsiveness so it looks as good as possible on both resolutions, assuming its still 1024x768 (100%) & 1920x1080 (150%) that need to \nbe supported - 1 day.\nMove scroll of selected deal from top level of selected deal to inside the selected deal after device type banner - this will be much more \npainful than it sounds - 3 days.\nPadding-left of selected deal a bit smaller - 0.5 day\nMake row heights of tables smaller than 55px & look at the headers which are hard coded with ellipsis (e.g. \u201cSpe\u2026\u201d for Speed column - can \nthey be dynamic with the ellipsis?) Again, this might be more painful than it sounds - 3 days. (a tip here - I have changed the row heights for \nthe device table, the only way I could do this was to 1) Copy & Paste the entire layout, 2) remove all property references from the Copy, 3) \nThen Pega allowed me to change the row height from 55 to 36px (seemed to match invision but please confirm if you can inspect the \ninvision?), 4) Then copy the properties back into the columns from the original table! 5) Remove original", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2befb4dac8cc-1", "text": "Sort out footer - I know this is technically a different story but I\u2019ll put it here - 2 days.\nImprove styling of vertical bar with border and radius and images for expand/collapse - 1 day.\nTotal = 12 days (for both stories)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8da335a214a3-0", "text": "2514\nSelected Basket Edit Screen UI\nThese changes are related to the changes to the Edit Selected Basket screen which is accessed via the pencil icon on the \nRecommendations screen.\nOn the Edit Selected Basket screen, a side bar divides the left panel and main panel. This side bar includes a chevron arrow button which \nhides and shows the left panel, effectively a slider for panels.\nOn the first click of the chevron button, the left panel width reduces to 0% so that the panel is hidden. The right panel fills the space. When \nthe chevron button is clicked again, the left panel expands to its original size.\nThe Summary section at the bottom of the screen will display Total Upfront and Total Monthly fields as shown, with TNR below. The \nCancel and Save and Close buttons are right aligned.\nThe black panel with the Summary details is static. When the clicks the Chevron button (<<) to expand/reduce the table section, then the \nSummary panel remains as it is.\nThis is applicable for all Upgrade AOM journeys i.e. deliver these for Watch, handset and MBB.\n \n \nLeft side expanded\nLeft side collapsed\nThis Section displays the panels on the Selected Basket Edit screen\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UISection - EditDealContainer", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "24a30ea43119-0", "text": "2515\n This Section is now custom HTML. which splits the screen up into 3 parts (left, main & footer) and re-uses \nall the existing edit deal sections to populate them. Then adds the vertical sidebar which expands/collapses \nas required.\nSections that make up the screen:\nEditDealSelectedDeal (left panel)\nEditDeal (main panel with tabs)\nEditDealFooter (Summary and buttons)\nThe side bar includes the chevron button image.\nThe Chevron toggle button calls a js function toggleSidebar() which resizes the panels when clicked:\nIf EditDealSelectedDeal width is not 0%, then set EditDealSelectedDeal size to 0% and EditDeal to \n98%. Set chevron image to webwb/chevron-right.png?99\nOtherwise, set EditDealSelectedDeal size to 29% and EditDeal to 68%. Set chevron image to \nwebwb/chevron-left.png?99\nThis Section displays the left hand panel within the Selected basket border on the Edit screen .\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\nSections included DisplaySubscriptionBundles\nUpdates Remove section EditDealSelectedDealFooter - this displays the summary section and buttons. It should no \nlonger be part of the left panel.Section - EditDealSelectedDeal\nNew Section which contains the Summary panel and Cancel & Save and Close buttons\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\nSections included EditDealSelectedDealFooter\nEditDealButtons\nDetails Template used - VF 2 Column 30 | 70 \nEditDealSelectedDealFooter on left hand side\nEditDealButtons on right hand sideSection - EditDealFooter\nThis Section makes up the Selected Basket Edit screen left hand panel.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "24a30ea43119-1", "text": "Applies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\nSections included EditDealSelectedDeal\nEditDealSection - EditDealContainer", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "210eb837c2a0-0", "text": "2516\nThe summary panel and buttons need to refresh when selections are made on the Edit Summary screen tables. This was previously \nachieved with the Refresh-Other section \u2192 EditDealSelectedDeal action on Click of each table in the following Sections:\nRefineDeviceResults\nRefineDeviceResultsForWatch\nRefineDeviceResultsForMBB\nRefineTariffResults\nRefineTariffResultsForWatch\nRefineTariffResultsForMBB\nRefineAddonsResults\nRefineDiscountsResults\nRefineDiscountsResultsForWatch\nRefineInsuranceResults\nRefineInsuranceResultsForWatch\nRefineAccessoryResults\nRefineBarResults\nUpdate these Sections to include the Refresh-Other section \u2192 EditDealFooter action on Click of each table .\nThe summary panel and buttons also need to refresh when items are deleted from the Selected Basket screen. This should be done with \nthe Refresh-Other section \u2192 EditDealFooter action on Click of the delete buttons in the following Sections:\nDisplaySubscriptionBundles\nDisplaySelectedProductCostEditDealFooter\nDetails This Section has been changed to custom HTML to include the Slider bar ( Add a Chevron tab button on the \nSelected Basket Edit screen - Vodafone - Confluence (atlassian.net) ).", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "89743aeb2eb1-0", "text": "2517\nDisplay Device Tab\nDescription\nIf an Agent navigates to the Device tab in the edit deal for MBB CTN, then display the new section with new columns as per \nImplementation.\nImplementation\nIf an Agent navigates to the Device tab in the edit deal for MBB CTN, then display the new section which is for MBB customers as below:\nIf the customer is MBB, display this section by checking ShowMBBDeal when rule.\nApplies ToVFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\nTable \nColumn \nNamesModel, Fixed, Manufacturer, Speed, Storage, Colour, Type, Upfront Cost, Device Cost, Stock Level\nInput \nParameter\nsN/A\nOutput \nParameter\nsN/ARefineDeviceResultsForMBB", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a31103db26e3-0", "text": "2518\n953555 - Display Data Roaming Usage\nFor all customers, regardless of usage, the Roaming data column displays after the UK data column and before the Mins column.\n \nThe information icon 'i' displays in the Roaming data title field. When the Agent hovers over the icon the following message is shown: \n 'Please check the customer's tariff to find out what roaming zones are included in this plan'.\n \nThe Roaming data allowance is populated as follows:\nIf the customer has a Total UK data allowance more than 25GB (in the plan or with any extra UK data add on) then display a roaming \ndata allowance of 25GB\nIf the customer has a total UK data allowance less than 25GB (in the plan or with any extra UK data add on) then display the roaming \ndata allowance as the same value than the Total UK data allowance\nThe individual monthly Roaming data usage values are populated in the data table in xx.x GB for each month the customer used roaming \ndata (rounded up to the nearest 1 decimal as per 'As Is').\nIf the customer did not roam for the month, then display '-'\n \nThis Section displays the Usage panel and table at the top of the Recommendations screen.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add new column with header Roaming data to the right of UK data column.\nAdd information icon 'i' with hover text set to: Please check the customer's tariff to find out what \nroaming zones are included in this planSection - DisplayCustomerUsages\nThis Section displays the Title and Information icon used in the Usage table (Section - DisplayCustomerUsages)\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Dynamic LayoutSection - RoamingDataHeader", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b409c2b77ca6-0", "text": "2519\nLabel with text as Roaming data\nImage with icon webwb/InfoCircle.png\nAction on hover event - Show Smart Tip with text set as \u201cPlease check the customer's tariff to find \nout what roaming zones are included in this plan.\u201c\nProperty Name Type Notes\nRoamingData Text \nIsRoamingDataOverAllowance TrueFalse Class Name VFUK-VADR-UI-MonthlyUsage\nThis activity gets the Customer Usage data and maps it for display in UI.\nIt first creates the first row for displaying Total monthly allowances. This is displayed highlighted in yellow on the UI.\nAdd new for Roaming data here. Set RoamingData property.\nFor each Usage record, set new property RoamingData.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nInput \nParametersNA\nOutput \nParametersNA\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler\nLogs to Error LogActivity - MapUsageDataForUI\nThis Section displays the first row is the Usage table for Total monthly allowances.\nThe row is displayed in table highlighted in yellow.\nThis Section is custom HTML.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add new row here for Roaming data column / RoamingData property.Section - DisplayCustomerUsagesCustom\nReturns true if .IsRoamingDataOverAllowance property is true\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-MonthlyUsage\nRuleset VADR-UIWHEN rule - IsRoamingDataOverAllowance", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "20bb8faf864e-0", "text": "2520\n Used in Section - DisplayCustomerUsagesCustom to set Roaming Data field to bold red text if value is over \nallowance.\nReturns true if .IsRoamingDataOverAllowance property is false\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-MonthlyUsage\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Used in Section - DisplayCustomerUsagesCustom to set Roaming Data field to black text if value is within \nallowance.WHEN rule - IsRoamingDataWithinAllowance", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f2caa2342ab1-0", "text": "2521\n4.3 ADO", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "35c8a7f46604-0", "text": "2522\nUS - 1083266 - Billing - Display Spend Manager in the Billing Panel\n1169277 - Display Spend Manager in the Billing Panel\n \nDescription:\nNew Billing section to be displayed with spend manager limit\n \nPotential conflicting rules in Billing branch:\nDisplayCustomerProfile section - in trunk version, it exists in 01-01-18 RS. \nDisplayCustomerProfilePanel section - 2 versions, 01-01-17 and 01-06-01 but are empty layouts. Billing branch has a table which has \ncolumns that can be reused\nDisplayMenu section - 2 versions, 01-01-18 and 01-05-03. Need to add Billing section so that it can be clicked \nRemaining rules in the billing branch can be merged\nClass, properties and Connect-Rest are already existing", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c252f7b19aa5-0", "text": "2523\n1172861 - Being able to refine by Device color and storage for Mobile\nUpdate refine by to add two new filters between Model and Airtime( Tenure)\nColour\nStorage\nData for both filters is source from Model-Manufacture datatype\nAdd two new columns\nColour\nStorage\nCreate two datapages\nD_ColourByModelAnd Manufacturer\nInput :Model and Manufacturer\nOutput :List of Colours available\nD_StorageByModelManufacturerAndColour\nInput :Model and Manufacturer, Colour\nOutput :List of Storages available\nNeed to add UI Validations for on when to Enable or disable Refine By ( details in user story)\nUpdate GetRecommendations API activity to pass the new filter values\nCreate Colour and Storage properties on the Upgrade Class\n \n1172884 - Being able to refine by Device colour and Size for Watch \n \nNeed to add UI Validations for when to Enable or disable Refine By ( details in user story)\nUpdate GetRecommendations API activity to pass the new filter values conditionally\nCreate Size property on the Upgrade Class\nUpdate refine by adding two new filters between Model and Airtime( Tenure)\nSize ( displayed only for Watch)\nData for both filters is sourced from Model-Manufacture datatype\nAdd new columns\nSize\nCreate new datapage\nD_SizeByWatchModelManufacturer\nInput : Model and Manufacturer ( DeviceType=Watch)\nOutput: List of Watch Sizes available\nData Model\nDeviceType Text (single line) N/AName Type Options", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6ee78d3cf4dd-0", "text": "2524\nManufacturer Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nModel Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nColour Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nStorage Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nSize Text (single line) \nThis data page returns the different Colours available that are part of the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type for a particular device \nmodel and it\u2019s manufacturer.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetColourByModelAndManufacturer \nInput Parameters Model and Manufacturer\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 Hours\n D_ColourByModelAndManufacturer\nThis report definition searches the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type and returns each available colour from the data type filtered by \na specific device model and it\u2019s manufacturer, not returning duplicate colours.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by Model and Manufacturer\nFilter options Use null if empty\nOutput Parameters ColourGetColourByModelAndManufacturer Report Definition\nThis data page returns the different storage available that are part of the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type for a particular \nmanufacturer and colour.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-RulesD_StorageByModelManufacturerAndColour", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "03ab323b2ed4-0", "text": "2525\nScope Node\nData Source GetStorageByModelManufacturerAndColour \nInput Parameters Model and Manufacturer, Colour\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 Hours\nThis report definition searches the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type and returns each available colour from the data type filtered by \na specific device model and it\u2019s manufacturer, not returning duplicate storage.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by Model and Manufacturer, Colour\nFilter options Use null if empty\nOutput Parameters StorageGetStorageByModelManufacturerAndColour Report Definition\nThis data page returns the different sizes available that are part of the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type for a particular \nmanufacturer and model when devicetype is watch.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetSizeByWatchModelManufacturer\nInput Parameters Model and Manufacturer ( DeviceType=Watch)\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 HoursD_SizeByWatchModelManufacturer\nThis report definition searches the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type and returns each available size from the data type filtered by a \nspecific device model and it\u2019s manufacturer when devicetype is watch, not returning duplicate sizes.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by Model and Manufacturer ( DeviceType=Watch)\nFilter options Use null if emptyGetSizeByWatchModelManufacturer Report Definition", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33dbddca7dd5-0", "text": "2526\n \nMobile customers journey:\nAn Agent (TSAR or Retail) launches VADR with a mobile CTN\nThe Agent lands on the Recommendation screen as per 'As Is'\nThe Recommendations displayed uses the 'As Is' recommendation logic and if the customer's pathway is handset, the highest in stock \npropensity device from big data is presented as per 'As Is'\nIn the 'Refine by' 2 new drop down fields are presented after the 'Model' drop down and before the 'Airtime tenure' drop down:\nColour\nStorage\n1. The Agent selects a 'Manufacturer' and then a 'Model' based in the selected manufacturer as per 'As Is' . The 'Refine' button is available. \nIf the Agent selects the 'Refine' button VADR runs the recommendations as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Colour' drop down is populated with the relevant colour variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only one \nColour for the device, then only one colour variant is available in the drop down. When only a Colour has been selected, then the 'Storage' \ndrop down is populated with the Storage available with that colour \nThe 'Storage' drop down is populated with the relevant memory variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only \none Storage variant for the device, then only one Storage variant is available in the drop down. When only a Storage variant has been \nselected, then the 'Colour' drop down is populated with the colour available for the storage \n2. The Agent selects a 'Colour' only, leaves the 'Storage' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and colour. The Logic selects the highest propensity, in", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33dbddca7dd5-1", "text": "stock, pre order or back order, selected device from the big data model. If the manufacturer, model, colour is not in the big data \nrecommended devices, the logic uses the product catalogue and recommends the lowest memory variant of the in stock, back order or pre \norder device (for example iPhone 14, purple, 128GB)\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n3. The Agent selects 'Storage' only, leaves the 'Colour' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and storage. The Logic selects the highest propensity, in \nstock, pre order or back order, selected device from the big data model. If the manufacturer, model, storage is not in the recommended \ndevices, the logic uses the product catalogue and recommends the device's 1st colour in alphabetical order (for example iPhone 14, Blue, \n128GB) as long as the device is in stock, back order or pre order\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n4. The Agent selects a 'Colour' and a 'Storage' and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model, colour and storage. if the device is in stock, pre order or \nback order then the logic uses the device to re run the recommendation\nIf the device is out of stock, no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message is presented and the previous", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33dbddca7dd5-2", "text": "recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n Output Parameters Size", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1cd82d11a63a-0", "text": "2527\n \nWatch customer journey:\nAn Agent (TSAR or Retail) launches VADR with a watch CTN\nThe Agent lands on the Recommendations screen as per 'As Is'\nThe Recommendations displayed use the 'As Is' recommendations logic \nIn the 'Refine by' 2 new drop down fields are presented after the 'Model' drop down and before the 'Airtime tenure' drop down:\nColour\nSize\nWhen 1st loading the screen the drop downs are empty\n1. The Agent selects a 'Manufacturer' and then a 'Model' as per 'As Is' . The 'Refine' button is available. If the Agent selects the 'Refine' \nbutton VADR runs the recommendations as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Colour' drop down is populated with the relevant colour variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only one \nColour for the device, then only one colour variant is available in the drop down. When only colour has been selected, then the device Size \ndrop down is populated with Size available for that colour only\nThe 'Size' drop down is populated with the relevant size variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only one size \nfor the device, then only one size variant is available in the drop down. When only a Size has been selected, then the colours in the 'Colour' \ndrop down are colours available for the selected size\n2. The Agent selects a 'Colour' only, leaves the 'Size' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and colour. The logic uses the product catalogue and \nrecommends the lowest size variant of the in stock, back order or pre order device (for example Apple Watch Series 8, Silver,41 mm)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1cd82d11a63a-1", "text": "If the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n3. The Agent selects a 'Size' only, leaves the 'Colour' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and size. The logic uses the product catalogue and \nrecommends the 1st colour in alphabetical order the in stock, back order or pre order device (for example Apple Watch Series 8, \nGraphite,41 mm)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2dd571a0c132-0", "text": "2528\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n \n4. The Agent selects a 'Colour' and a 'Size' and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model colour and size. \nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n \n \nMBB Customer\nAn Agent (TSAR or Retail) launches VADR with an MBB CTN\nThe Agent lands on the Recommendations screen as per 'As Is'\nThe Recommendations displayed uses the 'As Is' MBB recommendation logic based on the customer's current product holding and AOM \nADM data\nIn the 'Refine by' 1 new drop down field is presented after the 'Model' drop down and before the 'As Is' 'Storage' drop down:\nColour\nWhen 1st loading the screen the 'Manufacturer', 'Model', 'Colour' and 'Storage' drop downs are empty\n1.The Agent selects 'Tablet' or 'Laptop' in the 'Device Type' and then selects a 'Manufacturer' and then a 'Model' as per 'As Is' . The 'Refine' \nbutton is available. If the Agent selects the 'Refine' button VADR runs the recommendations as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Colour' drop down is populated with the relevant colour variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only one", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2dd571a0c132-1", "text": "Colour for the device, then only one colour variant is available in the drop down. When only a Colour has been selected, then the 'Storage' \ndrop down is populated with the Storage available with that colour", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "34edd35cc0f6-0", "text": "2529\nThe 'Storage' drop down is populated with the relevant memory variants based on the manufacturer and model selected. If there is only \none Storage variant for the device, then only one storage variant is available in the drop down. When only a Storage has been selected, \nthen the 'Colour' drop down is populated with the Colour available with the selected storage\n2. The Agent selects a 'Colour' only, leaves the 'Storage' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and colour. The Logic selects the highest propensity device \nin stock, pre order or back order from AOM ADM. If the manufacturer, model, colour is not in the ADM recommended devices list, the logic \nuses the product catalogue and recommends the lowest memory variant of the in stock, back order or pre order device (for example Apple \niPad Air, black, 16GB)\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n3. The Agent selects 'Storage' only, leaves the 'Colour' empty and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model and storage. The Logic selects the highest propensity \ndevice in stock, pre order or back order from the AOM ADM. If the manufacturer, model, storage is not in the recommended devices, the \nlogic uses the product catalogue and recommends the device's 1st colour in alphabetical order (for example Apple iPad Air, black, 16GB) \nas long as the device is in stock, back order or pre order", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "34edd35cc0f6-1", "text": "as long as the device is in stock, back order or pre order\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to the recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error \nmessage is presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n4. The Agent selects a 'Colour' and a 'Storage' and selects 'Refine'\nThe Logic re-runs the recommendation using the selected manufacturer, model, colour and storage. If the device is in stock, pre order or \nback order, then the logic uses this device to run the recommendation logic\nIf the device is out of stock (using the Retail vs TSAR stock rules), no update to recommendations are presented, the 'As Is' error message \nis presented and the previous recommendations are still displayed as per 'As Is'\n5. The Agent selects Dongle or Giga or Mobile Wi-Fi in the 'Device Type' . The 'Colour' and 'Storage' drop downs are not selectable \n(greyed out)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "11cc6c872792-0", "text": "2530", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8700f0de0c59-0", "text": "2531\nUI Resolution\nThis page describes the development for supporting the UI screen in 12 different resolutions.\nResolutions:\n1920 x 1080 at 100% zoom\n1920 x 1080 at 125% zoom \n1920 x 1080 at 150% zoom\n1920 x 1080 at 175% zoom\n1440 x 1024 at 100% zoom\n1440 x 1024 at 125% zoom \n1440 x 1024 at 150% zoom\n1440 x 1024 at 175% zoom\n1024 x 768 at 100% zoom\n1024 x 768 at 125% zoom \n1024 x 768 at 150% zoom\n1024 x 768 at 175% zoom\nIn order to be able to control the responsiveness at each resolution, first the Pega responsiveness in the skin has to be disabled.\nExample :\nThen in order to control the font sizes in the breakpoints css so that they increase at larger resolutions and decrease at smaller resolutions, \nthe fonts (mixins) have to be changed from px to em. Use google to convert a specific pixel size to em.\nIt is also important to check the labels and text controls as they may have mixin overrides defined which might be in pixel.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f48495b70245-0", "text": "2532\nIn the included styles section of the skin, there is an additional css style sheet called vf-custom-style-breakpoints-css. This is what \ncontrols the screen width, font sizes and overall look of the UI screen at different resolutions.\nThere are 4 breakpoints in which some of them are being used to control multiple resolutions at a single breakpoint.\nIn order to control each element, a class has to be given to that element in the section. Classes can be defined in the presentation option:\nThen they can be controlled in the breakpoint:At runtime we can identify if these breakpoints are being picked up by inspecting the screen. To inspect, right mouse click and \nchoose the inspect tool. Scroll on the console to the top of the elements and select the body class. In the styles section on the right, \nthe media is defined with the min and max width which is what is given in the breakpoints. By this you can identify which breakpoint \nin the css is being picked up at which resolution.\nCertain elements can also be inspected. By simply right mouse clicking on the cancel button we are able to identify the width and \nheight of the button and the padding given for the button (padding is shown in green in the below image)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2fd4bf302d03-0", "text": "2533\nRenegotiate additions to Upgrade Case\nUpgrade Case\nPrepare For Renegotiation Flow (475193)\n SLA Rule for Negotiate Stage \nCancel and End Flows(475195)\nClean Activity\nUpgrade Case\nIntroduce new Case Subtype\nNew - Existing Upgrade Flow\nDealId will be empty in Mashup Parameters passed by Siebel \nRenegotiate- New Renegotiate Flow \nDealId will be populated in Mashup Parameters passed by Siebel \nPrepare For Renegotiation Flow (475193)\nAdd the flow to the upgrade after the current Prepare (New) Stage\nBelow are the action/steps the above flow should perform\nGetPreviousCaseDetails : \nUse Obj-Open-By-Handle activity method using the PreviousCaseID( need to prefix U- as CaseId in mashup will be just the numeric \npart of the Pega Case ID) of the case to check if the case exists.\nIf the case is found Copy the data into a new case\nCustomer\nRecommendations- Copy the SelectedIndexPosition Recommendation\nWorkingRecommendationSet- Find the \u2018Saved\u2019 Recommendation in the PreviousCase WorkingRecommendationSet and copy \nto position P1 of WorkingRecommendationSet\nVerify if the CaseEndTime of the existing Upgrade Case and the CaseStartTime of the new Renegotiate Case fall on the \nsame calendar day.\nIf it is the same calendar day and has same division then proceed to the next step in the flow\nIf it is not the same calendar day or does not have same division, then invoke GetCustomer API to get the latest customer \ndetails and override on the Primary page with the latest customer data and proceed to the next step in the flow.\nIf Case is not found, set the ErrorStaceTrace on the primary page. The flow should then jump to the Abort stage.\nValidateBasket", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2fd4bf302d03-1", "text": "ValidateBasket \nReuse existing VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.ValidateBasket activity for the following:\nUse the WorkingRecommendationSet copied from the previous case and identify the working copy with the SelectedPosition on \nthe Primary Page\nInvoke the Validate Basket API, If its Successful then\nUpdate the Recommendation Position to P1 in the Working set on Primary Page \nUpdate SavedRecommendationSet(\"P1\") to the validated Recommendation\nIf there is a failure then set the ErrorStackTrace and NotifySupportSLA Management - Auto Resolve Non Re-Negotiation \n SLA Rule for Negotiate Stage \nDefine Rule with 2 Hour Deadline for Negotiation Stage", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ee4b325c4177-0", "text": "2534\nIf SLA is Breached - Go to Finalise Flow \nNo Message Needed (Really shouldn\u2019t be needed) \nCase is set to Resolved-Cancelled \nCancel and End Flows(475195)\nClean Activity\nUse Delete by Key(SubscriptionId) for Data Sets below\nHandsetProductList\nAddOnProductList\nTariffProductList\nInsuranceProductList\nRemove the properties listed below on the Upgrade Page using Property-Remove Activity method\nBackupSelectedDealForUI\nEditDealOriginal\nBasketDealForUI\nInsuranceForUI\nDiscountsForUI\nAddonsForUI\nSelectedDealForUI\nTariffsForUI\nDevicesForUI\nRecommendedBundlesForUI\nCustomerForUI\nInsuranceProductList\nDiscountProductList\nAddOnProductList\nTariffProductList\nHandsetProductList\nRecommendations", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8059dd462c64-0", "text": "2535\nRenegotiate case subtype changes\nOverview \nHigh Level Flow \nRe-Negotiation Flow\nPrepare For Renegotiation Flow Changes\nActivity Changes\nOverview \nTo be able to provide the ability for orders to be re-negotiated in VADR after a successfully submitted order has been placed through. \nHigh Level Flow \nRe-Negotiation Flow\nPrepare For Renegotiation Flow Changes\n \nActivity Changes\nThis activity is invoked if case is exist and same day. Loop into Recommendations list and do stock check for each of recommendation page by invoking StockCheckForBasket activityStockCheckRecommendations", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "39258c74616c-0", "text": "2536\n Applies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParametersNA\nOutput \nParametersNA\nError HandlingCheck the child activities errors If GSA Fails then Set Default \"No Stock Information Available\" as per existing Implementation", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5e904f26d3a9-0", "text": "2537\nRenegotiations Updates 838175 & 838158\nOverview \nIn case of a deal is resumed on a day other than the last saving one, the CRE API will be invoked to refresh the Early Upgrade Fee \n(GetCustomer API)\nValidateBasket will recalculate the Early Upgrade Fee\nHigh Level Flow \n \nRe-Negotiation Flow\nPrepareForRenegotiation Flow\n \nUpdate GetPreviousCaseDetails activity so that error message is not set when .HasSameCaseDay is false.\nCopy 'Saved' Recommendation to WorkingRecommendationSet(P1). Removed saving of other Recommendations, as we now only \nwanted the Saved deal.\nFollowing GetPreviousCaseDetails, if Different Day (.HasSameCaseDay is false) then invoke GetCustomer activity in order to get \nEarly Upgrade Fee.\nEarly Upgrade Fee - Subscriptions.RetentionEligibility.EarlyUpgradeFee", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c6bd2f1586c8-0", "text": "2538\nIf GetCustomer activity fails, set .DisplayMessage to \u201cCustomer Information unable to load. Please try again later.\u201c\nValidateBasket activity - calculate Early Upgrade Fee\nReuse existing VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.ValidateBasket activity.\nIn PrepareForRenegotiation flow, set Action parameter of ValidateBasket activity to Primary.CaseSubType (which will be \n\u201cRenegotiate\u201c).\nCheck if deal is valid or not for each LineItem. If LineItem.Status = 'INCOMPATIBLE' then deal is invalid.\nUpdate WorkingRecommendationSet, SavedRecommendationSet and Recommendations with validated deal.\nIf ValidateBasket activity fails, set .DisplayMessage to \u201cUnable to validate deal.\u201c\nIf ValidateBasket fails, error message should display to the user. The flow will then go to PrepareNewUpgrade.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9184a5c4c824-0", "text": "2539\nError Handling in VADR\nWhen loading VADR, if there is an error (for example GetRecommendations fails), the system error message will be displayed to let the \nagent know that the application has failed to load.\nCase level properties on VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade:\nErrorTitle - Title to diplay for error message, eg System Error\nDisplayMessage - Description of error to display\nOrderStatus - This is set to \u201cError\u201d on failure and is used to determine if the error page is shown.\nNotify Support flow (VFUK-VADR-Work)\nThis flow checks if email should be sent to support email address.\nNotify And Abort flow (VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade)\nThis flow is used for failures where the error screen is displayed and the case aborted.\nThe flow calls the SetErrorProperties data transform to set OrderStatus to \u201cError\u201d. This is set in order to use the correct version of the \nConfirm Harness UI (circumstanced by OrderStatus). The data transform also sets default values for ErrorTitle and DisplayMessage if \nthey have not already been set.\nNotify And Continue flow (VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade)\nThis flow is used for failures where the error screen is displayed, and then the case can continue. For example, if Renegotiations \nGetPreviousCase fails, the case is not aborted, so the NotifyAndContinue flow is used before invoking the New Upgrade flow. The \nassignment shape triggers a custom harness called \u2018RenegotiationError\u2019 which starts the flow action defined, DisplayErrorAndContinue. \nErrorStackTrace is reset to \u201c\u201c before the flow completes.\nSet OrderStatus to \u201cError\u201c\nIf ErrorTitle is null or empty set to default value \u201cSystem Error\u201dSetErrorProperties Data Transform", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "03a265e2a230-0", "text": "2540\n If ErrorMessage is null or empty, set to default value of \u201cUnable to load Upgrades\u201c\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput Parameter N/A\nOutput Parameter N/A\nThis is a circumstanced rule to display when Case level property OrderStatus is set to \u201cError\u201c.\nThe Confirm harness is the default interface that the user sees when a case is resolved in Pega. You can create custom versions of the \nconfirm Harness, or override the setting in flow action configurations on the Action tab - If an assignment is not being performed: Show \nHarness.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nEmbedded section DisplayErrorPage Harness - Confirm - Cirumstanced - OrderStatus = \u201cError\u201c\nTriggered in case of a renegotiation error occurs. Contains an OOTB section called FlowActionHTML_Simple to trigger the defined flow \naction DisplayErrorAndContinue and show the section DisplayErrorPage defined in it. \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI RenegotiationError Harness\nSection for UI to display ErrorTitle, ErrorMessage, and CaseId (as error code) with alignments and background color (dl_bg_CCC) aapplied. \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\nEmbedded componentsDisplayErrorTitle paragraph\nImage - ErrorCircle.png\nDisplayErrorMessage paragraph\nDisplayErrorConfirmText paragraph - Displays text \u201cPlease close this browser tab and try again\u201c. Should only \nbe visible when OrderStatus = \u201cError\u201c.\nDisplayErrorOKText paragraph - Displays text \u201cPlease click Ok to start again\u201c. Should only be visible when \nOrderStatus != \u201cError\u201c.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "03a265e2a230-1", "text": "OrderStatus != \u201cError\u201c.\nOK Button - type VFActionButton . This will only display when OrderStatus != \u201cError\u201c. Click action will move \nforward the flow. Section - DisplayErrorPage", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "78d7c557690e-0", "text": "2541\nFunctionality\nPlease find below clarifications: \nAll UI\u2019s will have the same sections \nThe background will be light gray\nThe renegotiation screen will have the error code too (to make all aligned)\nThe ok button will have \u2018Ok\u2019 text Displays DisplayErrorPage section.\nSet Hide the action default action section buttons check box\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI Flow Action - DisplayErrorAndContinue\nGet Recommendations \nError handlingIn case failure in Get \nRecommendations call\nFor 5xx and 4xx erros- the \nrelevant error message and title \nwill be set and displayed using \nbelow properties. \nErrorTitle\nDisplayMessage\nNo Recommendations\nContinue and allow build your \nown \nDisplay Message is Not NULL \nand SR Count is 1 - 206 557796\nRe-Negotiation and New \nUpgrade Journey- Error \nHandlingIn case failure in Re-Negotiation \nor New Upgrade flows, the \nrelevant error message and title \nwill be set and displayed using \nbelow properties. \nErrorTitle\nDisplayMessage 557797Functionality Details UI ADO", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "fa3a0e50f73d-0", "text": "2542\n \n Get Recommendation \nfails when using the \n'Refine By'In case failure in Get \nRecommendation - Refine by, the \nrelevant error message will be set \nand displayed using below \nproperties (UI)\nDisplayMessage557799", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "817d08ef9696-0", "text": "2543", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5c70aab2fb03-0", "text": "2544\nRenegotiation error \nmessageIn case failure in Re-Negotiation \nflow, the relevant error should be \npresented and the process should \ncontinue with \u201cNew\u201d Upgrade flow \nwhen OK button is pressed. 557798", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "db1d7e8d1717-0", "text": "2545", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0607db5baf20-0", "text": "2546\nCustomer Info Calls when \nLaunching VADR FailureIn case of failure in Get Customer \ncalls, the relevant error message \nand title will be set and displayed \nusing below properties. \nErrorTitle\nDisplayMessage 557800", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "19635507af99-0", "text": "2547", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9ebf309bc805-0", "text": "2548\nError on Launch and \nDecryption of Upgrade \nCaseIn case of failure in Decryption , \nthe relevant error message and \ntitle will be set and displayed using \nbelow properties. \nErrorTitle\nDisplayMessage 557801", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "26210eb30ac6-0", "text": "2549", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8d21796e4f00-0", "text": "2550\nADO 1092383 - Recommendations Refresh button\nThe following are changes made to the the Upgrade Case regarding the Refresh button on the UI. \nNew Upgrade Case\nPreviously, for a New Upgrade case, the Refresh button would call the GetRecommendations API to retreive the up-to-date \nRecommendations. \nThis functionality has been changed so that when the Refresh button is now clicked, the original Recommendation(s) details that were \nretrieved when the case was first created are displayed on the Recommendations panels (when GetRecommendations API was first \ncalled for this Upgrade Case).\nWhen the GetRecommendations API is first called, the results are placed in the .Recommendations property (VFUK-\nVADR.Work.Upgrade). The details from the Recommendations are copied into the WorkingRecommendationSet PageGroup.\nRenegotiation Case\nPreviously, when a Renegotiation case was started, the previous case details were retrieved and the Recommendation that was set as \nSaved was set as the first deal in the WorkingRecommendationSet PageGroup (GetPreviousCaseDetails activity). ValidateBasket API \nis then called and the Upgrade.Recommendations property is updated with the results of this. Also, the Upgrade property \n.SavedRecommendationSet (\"P1\") is set to the validated Recommendation.\nThe Refresh button would then copy .SavedRecommendationSet (\"P1\") back into the first WorkingRecommendationSet to redisplay the \nSaved deal.\nThe above functionality for Renegotiation is still valid, but ensure that SavedRecommendationSet is not updated during case processing.\nUpdates:\nNew property - OriginalRecommendationSet PageGroup (VFUK-VADR.Work.Upgrade). This will be a copy of \nWorkingRecommendationSet which will not be modified or updated, and will therefore always contain the original Recommendations.\nUpdate GetRecommendations activity (VFUK-VADR.Work.Upgrade):", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "8d21796e4f00-1", "text": "Update GetRecommendations activity (VFUK-VADR.Work.Upgrade):\nAfter the API call, following the preparation of WorkingRecommendationSet, copy WorkingRecommendationSet to \nOriginalRecommendationSet. If this activity is being called via the Refine process, then make sure this step is not called, as we do \nnot want to overwrite OriginalRecommendationSet when doing a Refine By.\nRemove step that copies SavedRecommendationSet to WorkingRecommendationSet. This will be done in the \nResetRecommendations activity instead.\nUpdate ResetRecommendations activity (VFUK-VADR.Work.Upgrade):\nRemove call to GetRecommendations activity.\nIf this is a Renegotiation case, then copy SavedRecommendationSet to WorkingRecommendationSet.\nOtherwise, copy OriginalRecommendationSet to WorkingRecommendationSet.\nAdd error handling steps (previously missing in UI activities).\nUpdate ValidateBasket activity (VFUK-VADR.Work.Upgrade):\nIn steps 13-15, only update the .Recommendations and .SavedRecommendationSet when the Action parameter is \n\u201cRenegotiate\u201c - this is set when ValidateBasket it called from the PrepareForRenegotiation flow. This ensures that the \n.SavedRecommendationSet is not overwritten when ValidateBasket is called during the case processing.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4023df581f79-0", "text": "2551", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "16209455dded-0", "text": "2552\nVADR Error Codes\n5001 Error in GetProductList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GPL-API.GetProductList \nactivity R2.5\n5002 Error in GetRecommedationsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-\nAPI.GetRecommedations activityR2.5\n5003 Error in GetCustomer Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-API.GetCustomer \nactivityR2.5\n5004 Error in \nGetHandsetProductListPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetHandsetProductList activityR2.5\n5005 Error in GetTariffProductList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetTariffProductList activityR2.5\n5006 Error in GetCustomer: \nServiceNumber is not found \nin GetCustomer \nSubscriptions for \nUpgradingServiceNumberThis occurs in VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.GetCustomer activity when \nUpgradingServiceNumber is not found in the in the Customer API responseR2.5\n5007 Error in GetCustomer Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetCustomer activityR2.5\n5008 Error in \nGetDiscountProductListPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetDiscountProductList activityR2.6\n5009 Error in \nGetInsuranceProductListPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetInsuranceProductList activityR2.6\n5010 Error in \nGetAddOnProductListPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetAddOnProductList activityR2.6", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "16209455dded-1", "text": "Upgrade.GetAddOnProductList activityR2.6\n5011 Error in GetBarsProductList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetBarsProductList activityR2.9\n5012 Error in GetRecommedationsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetRecommedations activityR2.6\n5013 Error in \nDecryptMashupParametersPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.DecryptMashupParameters activityR2.6\n5014 Error in ValidateBasket Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-VB-API.ValidateBasket \nactivityR2.7\n5015 Error in ValidateBasket Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.ValidateBasket activityR2.7\n5016 Error in SubmitBasket Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-SB-API.SubmitBasket \nactivityR2.7Code Message Prefix Details Release", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "90d0cb3b0baa-0", "text": "2553\n5017 Error in SubmitBasket Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.SubmitBasket activityR2.7\n5018 Error in ValidateDelete Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-VD-API.ValidateDelete \nactivityR2.8\n5019 Error in ValidateDelete Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.ValidateDelete activityR2.8\n5020 Error in GetStockAvailability Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GSA-\nAPI.GetStockAvailability activityR2.8\n5021 Error in GetStockAvailability Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetStockAvailability activityR2.8\n5022 Error in \nGetPreviousCaseDetailsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetPreviousCaseDetails activityR2.8\n5023 Error in GetStockAvailability Invalid ProductType Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetStockAvailability activityR2.10\n5024 Error in InitialiseUpgrade Empty SecretString Handler R2.8\n5025 Error in Clean Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade.Clean \nactivityR2.8\n5026 Error in \nGenerateSecretsForAES256Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nGenerateSecretsForAES256 activityR2.8\n5027 Error in \nGetAccessoryProductListPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetAccessoryProductList activityR2.09\n5028 Error in \nStockCheckForBasketPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.StockCheckForBasket activityR2.10", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "90d0cb3b0baa-1", "text": "Upgrade.StockCheckForBasket activityR2.10\n5029 Error in InitialiseCase Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work.InitialiseCase activity \n5030 Error in \nGetNotificationMessagesPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GNM-\nAPI.GetNotificationMessages activityR2.12\n5031 Error in \nGetNotificationMessagesPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetNotificationMessages activityR2.12\n5032 Error in GetCustomerusage Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.GetCustomerusage activityR2.12\n5033 Error in GetCustomerusage Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GCU-\nAPI.GetCustomerusage activityR2.12\n5034 Error in GetInvoiceList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GIL-API-GetInvoiceList \nactivityR3.01\n5035 Error in GetInvoiceList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade-\nGetInvoiceList activityR3.01\n5036 Error in \nReplaceOperatorAccessGrou\npPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Data-\nOperatorAccessGroup.ReplaceOperatorAccessGroup activityR3.05", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7bc050e975b4-0", "text": "2554\n 5037 Error in \nReplaceOperatorAccessGrou\npFailure to find OperatorId or AccessGroup Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-\nData-OperatorAccessGroup.ReplaceOperatorAccessGroup activityR3.05\n5038 Error in MapUsageDataForUIPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade-\nMapUsageDataForUI activityMBB - R3.06\n5039 Error in LoadCustomerProfilePrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.LoadCustomerProfile activityR4.01\n5040 Error in ProcessBaketDeal Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.ProcessBasketDeal activityR5.05\n5041 Error in \nCustomerProfileBillingClickedPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Work-\nUpgrade.CustomerProfileBillingClicked activityR4.03\n5042 Error in \nPostProductMetadataPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-\nServices.GetProductMetadata activityR4.04\n5043 Error in \nPostProductMetadata - \nInvalid RequestInvalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-\nServices.GetProductMetadata activityR4.04\n5044 Error in GetDocumentList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-UI-Invoice.GetDocumentList \nactivityR4.04\n5045 Error in GetDocumentList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GDL-API-\nGetDocumentList activityR4.04\n5046 Validation Error in \nGetDocumentListRequest Mandatory Error Handler in the VFUK-VADR-Int-GDL-API-\nGetDocumentList activityR4.04", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5e4f7d64a2df-0", "text": "2555\nVADRUtilities Library\nVADR Utilities is a container for a set of custom function rules and consists of a wide range of functions. You can reference VADR Utilities \nfunction rules in expressions and in Java code which can be used in multiple custom rules such as strategy, data transform and activities.\nFunction List\nFunctions\nPackages\nBelow is the list for included java packages for VADR Utilities Library\norg.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat\norg.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\norg.joda.time.DateTime\norg.joda.time.LocalDateTime\norg.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat\nStatic Variables\nBelow are the static variables, type of variables and values that used in the functions and the constants are available to all functions in the \nlibrary.\nDEFAULT_PEGA_DTF DateTimeFormatter DateTimeFormat.forPattern(\"yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT'\")\nISO_DTF DateTimeFormatter ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();Name Data Type Value", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "135f45020306-0", "text": "2556\nVADR Functions\nvoid InputValidation(String \ninputName,String inputValue,String \nerrorPrefix)This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a \nRuntimeException if it failsAvailable\nString \nGetCachedConfigValue(String \ntype,String name,boolean \nignore404)The function takes a data source and sql query, connects the data source and returns \nthe result of the query executionAvailable\nString \nGetCachedConfigValue(String \ntype,String name,String \nvalueIfNotPresent)Gets the cached VADR Config value for the specified type & name Available\nboolean IsNullOrEmpty(String input)This function returns true if the passed input String is null or empty, otherwise false Available\nboolean \nIsNullOrEmpty(ClipboardPage input)This function returns true if the passed input ClipboardPage is null or empty, otherwise \nfalseNot \nAvailable\nString GetCurrentPegaTimestamp()Gets the current timestamp in yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT' format Available\nString GetISOTimestamp() Gets the current timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ format Available\nString EncryptUsingAES256(String \ndataToEncrypt,String \nsecretKey,String salt,String IV)This function encrypts the plaint text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and \nIV and returns a cipher textAvailable\nString DecryptUsingAES256(String \ndataToDecrypt,String \nsecretKey,String salt,String IV)This function decrypts the cipher text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and \nIV and returns a plain textWithdrawn\nString \nGenerateSecretKeyForAES256()This function generates and returns a random 256 bit secret key for AES 256 \nEncryption/DecryptionAvailable\nString \nGetRandomNonceForAES256()This function returns random 16 digit hex string for AES 256 Encryption/Decryption Available", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "135f45020306-1", "text": "String GetJSONOfParameterPage()This function returns JSON of current parameter page Available\nvoid AdoptJSONIntoProperty(String \njson, ClipboardProperty property)This function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardProperty \nobjectAvailable\nGetJSONOfProperty --\n(ClipboardProperty property)This function returns JSON of input property Available\nUpdateAWSSecret--(String \nsecretString,String secretId,String \nregion,String endPoint)Stores the SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector in AWS using AWS Secret Manager \nAPI to store.AvailableFunction Description Availabilit\ny", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "cd73d3ce0b27-0", "text": "2557\nGetAWSSecretString--(String \nsecretId,String region,String \nendPoint)Get the secret value as JSON for a given secret name from aws and store values in \nproperty using AdoptJSONIntoProperty() functionAvailable\nString \nDecryptUsingAES256(Boolean \nisMandatory,String \ndataToDecrypt,String \nsecretKey,String salt,String IV,String \nparameterName)This function decrypts the cipher text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and \nIV and returns a plain textAvailable\nGetCachedAWSSecretString--\n(String)This function takes secret id and returns a JSON secret string from configured AWS \nendpoint and region with cache time set to a static variable AWS_SECRET_CACHE in \nVADRUtilities library.Available\nvoid ConvertrBinaryToPDF This function takes BinaryContent and returns the content in PDF file format. Available\n boolean ValidateDateTimeISO--\n(String dateTime)This function returns if the input date time is in ISO format. Available\nFlushDataPage--(String dataPage) This function clears provided data page Available\nThis function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if it fails\nParamete\nrsinputName The name of the input\n inputValue The value of the input\n errorPrefix The error prefix that will be attached when throwing the error\nReturns -\nThrows RuntimeExceptionvoid InputValidation--(String inputName,String inputValue,String errorPrefix)\nGets the cached VADR Config value for the specified type & name. If ignore404 is true it will ignore if inputs are not found, else it will throw \nRuntimeException if the inputs are not found\nParamete\nrstype VADR Config Type\n name VADR Config Name\n ignore404 Flag to indicate if the config not found should be suppressed. Pass true to ignore error.\nReturns String\nThrows RuntimeExceptionString GetCachedConfigValue--(String type,String name,boolean ignore404)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "cd73d3ce0b27-1", "text": "Returns String\nThrows RuntimeExceptionString GetCachedConfigValue--(String type,String name,boolean ignore404)\nGets the cached VADR Config value for the specified type & nameString GetCachedConfigValue--(String type,String name,String valueIfNotPresent)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4a33515cd6b8-0", "text": "2558\nParamete\nrstype VADR Config Type\n name VADR Config Name\n valueIfNotPresentValue to return if the VADR Config identified by the specified Type+Name is not found\nReturns String\nThis function returns true if the passed input String is null or empty, otherwise false\nParamete\nrsinput Input String value to check whether null or empty\nReturns booleanboolean IsNullOrEmpty--(String input)\nThis function returns true if the passed input ClipboardPage is null or empty, otherwise false\nParamete\nrsinput Input ClipboradPage to be checked whether null or empty\nReturns booleanboolean IsNullOrEmpty--(ClipboardPage input)\nGets the current timestamp in yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT' format. For example: 20210409T044356.193 GMT\nParamete\nrs-\nReturns String - returns the current timestamp in \"yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT'\" formatString GetCurrentPegaTimestamp()\nGets the current timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ format. For example: 2021-05-17T13:28:45.143+01:00\nParamete\nrs- \nReturns String - Get's the current timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZString GetISOTimestamp()\nThis function encrypts the plaint text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and IV and returns a cipher text\nExample:\ndataToEncrypt = 99999, secretKey = tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=, salt = 3c2a27ab2ea59bc4, IV = \n717fe1d8ec6b105d\nOutput:\nzlQPC/O7+Nmxhh5hneedtA==\nParamet", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4a33515cd6b8-1", "text": "Output:\nzlQPC/O7+Nmxhh5hneedtA==\nParamet\nersdataToEncrypt Data to be encryptedString EncryptUsingAES256(String dataToEncrypt,String secretKey,String salt,String IV)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0a0b69a87917-0", "text": "2559\n secretKey Secret key for encryption\n salt Salt value for encryption\n IV Initialization vector value for encryption\nReturns String - Cipher Text\nThis function decrypts the cipher text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and IV and returns a plain text\nExample:\ndataToDecrypt = zlQPC/O7+Nmxhh5hneedtA==, secretKey = tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=, salt = \n3c2a27ab2ea59bc4, IV = 717fe1d8ec6b105d\nOutput:\n99999\nParamet\nersdataToDecrypt Data to be decrypted\n secretKey Secret key for encryption\n salt Salt value for encryption\n IV Initialization vector value for encryption\nReturns String - Plain TextString DecryptUsingAES256(String dataToDecrypt,String secretKey,String salt,String IV)\nThis function generates and returns a random 256 bit secret key for AES 256 Encryption/Decryption\nExample:\nSpuO/I5mXIPbCQIviQKBOdtnWEFhMDZs9M/Q/ojbNSo=\nParamete\nrs-\nReturns String - Secret KeyString GenerateSecretKeyForAES256()\nThis function returns random 16 digit hex string for AES 256 Encryption/Decryption\nExample:\n62c5187df65853d7\nParamete\nrs-\nReturns String - NonceString GetRandomNonceForAES256()\nThis function returns JSON of current parameter page\nFor Example, Current Parameter Page : a=1,b=2\nOutput from this function will be {\"a\":\"1\",\"b\":\"2\"}String GetJSONOfParameterPage()", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "94794de10177-0", "text": "2560\nParamet\ners- \nReturns Returns a JSON string\nThe function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardProperty object.\nParamet\nersjson The JSON String that requires the adoption\nproperty The ClipboardProperty in which the JSON will be adopted\nReturns -\nThrows InvalidStreamErro\nrAdoptJSONIntoProperty: Failure whilst adopting json\n Exception Error in AdoptJSONIntoPropertyvoid AdoptJSONIntoProperty(String json, ClipboardProperty property)\nThis function returns JSON of input property\nFor Example, TextValueGroup property : Salt=1,VI=2\nOutput from this function will be {\"Salt\":\"1\",\"VI\":\"2\"}\nParameters property Clipboard property with key value pairs\nReturns Returns a JSON string\nThrows Exception Error in GetJONOfPropertyGetJSONOfProperty --(ClipboardProperty property)\nStores the SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector in AWS using AWS Secret Manager API to store .\nParameters region the region to use for signing of requests\n endPoint the service endpoint\n secretId SecretId which identifies the secret\n secretString JSON string of SecretKey, Salt and InitializationVector\nReturns -\nThrows Exception Error in UpdateAWSSecreteUpdateAWSSecret--(String secretString,String secretId,String region,String endPoint)\nGet the secret value as JSON for a given secret name from aws and store values in property using AdoptJSONIntoProperty() function\nParameters region the region to use for signing of requests\n endPoint the service endpointGetAWSSecretString--(String secretId,String region,String endPoint)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7b0b50d08399-0", "text": "2561\n secretId SecretId which identifies the secret\nReturns String\nThrows Exception Error in GetAWSSecretString\nThis function decrypts the cipher text using AES256 algorithm with Secret key, Salt and IV and returns a plain text. If isMandatory is false and \ndataToEncrypt is empty, return empty string\nExample:\nisMandatory = true, dataToDecrypt = zlQPC/O7+Nmxhh5hneedtA==, secretKey = tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=, \nsalt = 3c2a27ab2ea59bc4, IV = 717fe1d8ec6b105d, parameterName = OwnerAccountNumber\nOutput:\n99999\nParamet\nersisMandatory Flag to say if input parameter is mandatory \n dataToDecrypt Data to be decrypted\n secretKey Secret key for encryption\n salt Salt value for encryption\n IV Initialization vector value for encryption\n parameterName Name of the input parameter\nReturns String - Plain TextString DecryptUsingAES256(boolean isMandatory, String dataToDecrypt,String \nsecretKey,String salt,String IV, String parameterName)\nThis function takes secret id and returns a JSON secret string from configured AWS endpoint and region with cache time set to a static \nvariable AWS_SECRET_CACHE in VADRUtilities library.\nParameters secretId SecretId which identifies the secret\nReturns String\nThrows Exception Error in GetCachedAWSSecretStringGetCachedAWSSecretString--(String secretId)\nThis function takes BinaryContent and returns the content in PDF file format.\nParameters Content The content in byte form\n FileName Name of the PDF file\nReturns void\nThrows Exception Error in ConvertBinaryToPDFvoid ConvertBinaryToPDF", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "63cd521a74bf-0", "text": "2562\n this function returns if the input date time is in ISO format.\nParamet\nersdateTime date value to validate\nReturns boolean- returns true if the value provided is valid date of ISO format\nThrows RuntimeException - Error while parsing in ValidateDateTimeISOboolean ValidateDateTimeISO--(String dateTime)\nthis function clears input data page records from all nodes\nParamet\nersdataPage dataPage which need to be cleared\nReturns -\nThrows Exception - Error unable to get ToolsFlushDataPage--(String dataPage)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3ac9faa9fa36-0", "text": "2563\nVADR Config\n[ General ] [ API ] [ Mashup ]\nGeneral \nAPISupportEmail Default rajukumar.badkal@adqura.co\nm,suraj.amin@adqura.comThe Default Support Email to which most support related \nnotifications will be sentR2.4\nUpgradeCase TimeoutInMillis\neconds3600000 Configurable time before VADR application times out R3.01\nUpgradeCase TimeoutURL https://<>/MS/i\nndex.html?\nSite=Static&Section=TimeoutURL to redirect to on VADR timeout R3.01C o n f i g T y p e C o n f i g N a m e C o n f i g V a l u e N o t e s R e l e a\ns e\nAPIEndpoint GetCustom\nerhttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\ncustomerEnd point URL for external Api R2.4\nAPIEndpoint GetProduct\nListhttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\nproductlistEnd point URL for external Api R2.5\nAPIEndpoint GetRecom\nmendationshttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\nrecommendationsEnd point URL for external Api R2.5\nAPIEndpoint SubmitBask\nethttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\nbasket/submitEnd point URL for external Api R2.7\nAPIEndpoint ValidateBas\nkethttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\nbasket/validateEnd point URL for external Api R2.7\nAPIEndpoint ValidateDel\netehttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3ac9faa9fa36-1", "text": "etehttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\nbasket/deleteEnd point URL for external API \n(new in R2.8)R2.8\nAPIEndpoint StockAvaila\nbilityhttps://<> End point URL for external Api R2.8\nAPIEndpoint GetNotificat\nionMessag\neshttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\ncustomer/notificationsEnd point URL for external API R2.12\nAPIEndpoint GetCustom\nerUsagehttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/aom/v1/\ncustomer/usageEnd point URL for external API R2.12C o n f i g T y p e C o n f i g N a\nm eC o n f i g V a l u e N o t e s R e l e a\ns e", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "777399da6fe5-0", "text": "2564\nMashup\n APIEndpoint GetInvoiceL\nisthttps://<>/prweb/PRRestService/custome\nr/v2/invoice/list/queryEnd point URL for external API R3.01\nTimeToLive HandsetPro\nductList3600 Time to live in seconds for \nHandsetProductList data setR2.5\nTimeToLive TariffProduc\ntList3600 Time to live in seconds for \nTariffProductList data setR2.5\nTimeToLive InsuranceP\nroductList3600 Time to live in seconds for \nInsuranceProductList data setR2.6\nUpgradeMashupEn\ncryptionSecretKey tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=Secret key for Mashup encryptionR2.6\nUpgradeMashupEn\ncryptionSalt 3c2a27ab2ea59bc4 Salt for Mashup encryption R2.6\nUpgradeMashupEn\ncryptionInitialization\nVector717fe1d8ec6b105d Initialization vector for Mashup \nencryptionR2.6\nSecretsManger Region eu-west-1 The region to use for signing of \nrequestsR2.8\nSecretsManger Endpoint secretsmanager.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com The service endpoint R2.8\nUpgradeCase ActiveSecre\ntId AOM-DEV-ENCRYPTION-DETAILS Active SecretId to store / retrieve \nvalues from AWS using \nSecretsManagerR2.8\nUpgradeCase InactiveSec\nretId AOM-DEV-ENCRYPTION-DETAILS-2ndSet Inactive SecretId to store / \nretrieve values from AWS using", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "777399da6fe5-1", "text": "retrieve values from AWS using \nSecretsManagerR2.8C o n f i g T y p e C o n f i g N a\nm eC o n f i g V a l u e N o t e s R e l e a\ns e", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "da180a88cb1d-0", "text": "2565\nVADR Common Case Flows\nNotifySupport\nIf the error email details are populated, calls HandleAlerts flow and NotifySupportQueue flow sequentially\nElse calls NotifySupportQueue flow\nRoutes the case into Support work queue\nHandleAlerts\n \nSends email message to SupportEmail with SupportEmailSubject\nNotifySupportQueue\n \nRoutes the case into Support work queue\nResets ErrorStackTrace property\nCalls ResumeCase flow action \u2013 TBD?", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1b0bbd426af6-0", "text": "2566\nFinalise\nThis will de-initialise and close the case\nPopulates case level CaseEndTime property with currentTimeStamp", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b08fe687f924-0", "text": "2567\nVADR API Simulation\nBelow is the list of API\u2019s Consumed by VADR which need to be stubbed in a non-integrated environment.\nBelow Data transforms would helpful to set up the required data from the API as part of the Simulation Response\n GetCustomer AOM REST GetCustomerSimulatio\nnResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-GC-API\nGetProductList AOM REST GetProductListSimulat\nionResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-GPL-API\nGetRecommendation\nsAOM REST GetRecommendations\nSimulationResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-API\nValidateBasket AOM REST ValidateBasketSimulat\nionResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-VB-API\nSubmitBasket AOM REST SubmitBasketSimulati\nonResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-SB-API\nValidateDelete AOM REST ValidateDeleteSimulati\nonResponseSimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-VD-API\nStockAvailability TIL SOAP GetStockAvailabilitySi\nmulationResponseGSASimulationResponse VFUK-VADR-Int-GSA-APIService API SourceAPI \nTypeActivity Name Data Transform Name Data Transform & Activity \nApplies To Class", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1fd77eb02c9b-0", "text": "2568\nHandset Manufacturer Model Map\nData Model\nSources\nD_HandsetManufacturers\nGetUniqueManufacturers Report Definition\nD_HandsetModelsByManufacturer\nGetUniqueHandsetModels Report Definition\nData Model\nSourcesDeviceType Text (single line) N/A\nManufacturer Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nModel Text (single line) Key, Read-onlyName Type Options\nThis data page returns the different unique manufacturers that are part of the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type for a particular \ndevice type.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetUniqueHandsetManufacturer\nInput Parameters DeviceType\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 HoursD_HandsetManufacturers\nThis report definition searches the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type and returns each different manufacturer from the data type \nfiltered by a specific device type, not returning duplicate manufacturers.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by DeviceTypeGetUniqueManufacturers Report Definition", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "80e4469131e0-0", "text": "2569\nFilter options Use null if empty\nOutput Parameters Manufacturer\nThis data page returns the different models that are part of the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type for a particular combination of \nmanufacturer and device type.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetUniqueHandsetModels\nInput Parameters Manufacturer\nDeviceType\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 HoursD_HandsetModelsByManufacturer\nThis report definition searches the HandsetManufacturerModelMap data type and returns each different model from the data type filtered by \na specific combination of manufacturer and device type, not returning duplicate models.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-HandsetManufacturerModelMap\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by Manufacturer AND DeviceType\nFilter options Manufacturer: Use null if empty\nDeviceType: Use null if empty\nOutput Parameters ModelGetUniqueHandsetModels Report Definition", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2fa4e75f4d01-0", "text": "2570\nTariffMetadata\nData Model\nSources\nD_TariffMetadata\nGetT enureByT ariffType Report Definition\nData Model\nSources\n TariffType Text (single line) Key, Read-only\nTenure Text (single line) Key, Read-onlyName Type Options\nThis data page returns the different unique tenures that are part of the TariffMetadata data type for a particular tariff type.\nStructure List\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-TariffMetadata\nMode Read-Only\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nScope Node\nData Source GetTenureByTariffType\nInput Parameters TariffType\nLoad Management - Reload \nif older than8 HoursD_TariffMetadata\nThis report definition searches theTariffMetadata data type and returns each different tenure from the data type filtered by a specific tariff \ntype, not returning duplicate tenures.\nObject Type VFUK-VADR-Data-TariffMetadata\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nFilterable by TariffType\nFilter options Use null if emptyGetTenureByTariffType Report Definition", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d84763a3bef2-0", "text": "2571\nVADR Timeout\nVADR will timeout when the browser has been inactive for a set period of time. Upon timeout, the browser should redirect to a URL.\nThe timeout time is set in VADRConfig.\nThe timeout URL is set in VADRConfig.\nRecords in VADRConfig\nTimeoutInMilliseconds - UpgradeCase- value example for testing: 15000\nTimeoutURL - UpgradeCase- https:///MS/index.html?Site=Static&Section=Timeout \nProperties on VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nTimeoutInMilliseconds (text)\nTimeoutURL (text)\nInitialiseUpgrade activity (VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade)\nProperties are set from VADRConfig records:\nset .TimeoutInMilliseconds from VADRConfig\nset .TimeoutURL from VADRConfig\nJavascript in Section rule AccountHeaderCustom (VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade)\nJavascript functions on the HTML tab:\np e g a : r e f e r e n c e tags retrieve values of case level properties TimeoutInMilliseconds and TimeoutURL.\nfunction setListeners() - Registers user event listeners. This registers the events in the body of the page. The body is referenced in the \nSection html as in the following: $('body').on('mousemove', resetTimer); \nfunction startTimer() - This is called when VADR is started and will start a timer.\nfunction resetTimer() - This is called whenever the user is active (i.e. mouse movement or key strokes). It will reset the timer.\nfunction timeoutAction() - If set time is reached, then this function is called. This should redirect to the specified url.\nThe setListeners and startTimer functions are called from the $(document).ready function. This is called when the page is loaded.\nStatic Pages Microsite", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d84763a3bef2-1", "text": "Static Pages Microsite\n New Microsite Case that will use the Section request parameter to determine the section to be displayed.The time to be consider for session timeout can be configured on VADRConfig Datatype with ConfigName TimeoutInMilliseconds. \nTime should be in milliseconds. To Reflect the update values,flush datapage D_VADRConfig.\nMicrosite Case that displays the Timeout Section. \u2018Timeout\u2019 is passed as the Section parameter.\nApplies To PegaMKT-Work-Microsite-StaticMicrosite Case - Static", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "402ed309630a-0", "text": "2572\nRuleset AOMFW\nParameters Section - This parameter will determine the Section rule to display\nChecks if the Section parameter passed to the Microsite is a valid Section rule.\nIf Section parameter is null or empty or is not an existing Section rule, then ErrorStackTrace and ErrorMessage are set. Record is written to \nAOM Error table.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI-Microsite-Static\nRuleset AOMFW\nThrows Primary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches error if Section paramater is null or empty or an invalid rule name.Activity - InitialiseStatic\nDisplays message to inform user of application timeout.\nOK button closes the browser and sets Case to Resolved-Completed.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI-Microsite-Static\nRuleset AOMFW-UI \n \n Section - Timeout\nDisplays message to inform user of application timeout.\nOK button closes the browser and sets Case to Resolved-Completed.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI-Microsite-Static\nRuleset AOMFW-UI Section - Exception", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "fc2e0ec72c83-0", "text": "2573", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "423ecdfc6df1-0", "text": "2574", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "efae20da3937-0", "text": "2575\nVADR UI solution design\nTime Out Design\n \n1. Reuse html created by Simon. Instead of calling for URL. It will perform \u2018Click\u2019 action on the button \n \n2. Create an invisible button to trigger an action on click", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3751fcdd0c4d-0", "text": "2576\n \n \n3. On click, Timeout property will be set to true, and assignment will finish.\n4. Layout flow: Decision will be added to check timeout flag, if true Change stage to \u2018Abort\u2019", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "cd141ed7381c-0", "text": "2577\nIssue Trouble Shooting\nError while Encrypting Mashup Parameters\nIssue:\nError while Decrypting using AES256\nRoot Cause:\nKeys required for encrypting Mashup Parameters are not configured correctly.\nSolution:\nRaise with Siebel team to get correct encrypting secret keys by sharing the secret keys configured on VADR\nCheck the below key \nInitializationVector\nSalt\nSecretKey\nReference ADO: 496447\n \nCustomer Address Not Visible \nIssue:\nCustomer Address details not visible on VADR screen, even though TIL is sending Address details for the Customer.\nRoot Cause:\nIdentified there is difference in structure for the response coming on TIL and Spec shared with AOM\nSolution:\nGet the latest spec details from TIL and implemented as new Technical User Story.\nReference ADO: 570105\n \nError: Property is in withdrawn state \nIssue:\nGet Recommendations getting failed with property is in withdrawn state\nRoot Cause:\nAs part of Performance test one of the strategies moved to Local ruleset and that strategy in Local ruleset causing the issue.\nGenerally, strategies will not be in Local ruleset. \nSolution:\nRemove the rule (Strategy) from local ruleset.\nReference ADO: 580253", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a3b222ae77ca-0", "text": "2578\nGetCustomer API Testing failing with Internal Server Error\nIssue:\nGetting 500 error code {\"Error\u201d: \u201cInternal Server Error\"} while performing GET Customer API Testing\nRoot Cause:\nFound Data gap on Product Catalogue tables. Products are missing from tables\nSolution:\nMaintaining an exception list of products that can be filtered from GPSL to ensure Get Customer and logic processing are not impacted.\nReference ADO: 590292/ 591689\n \nRequest/Response Validation Failing on API calls\nIssue:\nRequest/Response validation will be failed either with Invalid values or Mandatory fields missing from the request.\nRoot Cause:\nAOM will check both request and response for any API call with Mandatory and LOVs which are provide for the respective API Spec \nSolution:\nPlease check for logs on aom_error and audit_log tables of AOM for the specific API call which have information on invalid value\nReference ADO:592846/631636\n \nData Available in Staging table but not in View\nIssue:\nData is available in Statging Table(Product_holding) but missed from View.\nRootCause:\nThe data was not merge on to the main table because the product holding file had the same record_ts value as the previous product \nholding file.\nIf the record_ts is the same between files, then the file is considered the same and the data is not merged to main files. This is for \nperformance reasons.\nSolution:\nUpdate the file and run the Loader case.\n \nNo Products Available Response on the GetProductList API\nIssue:\nNo product are turned as response for GetProductList API while editing the deal.\nRootCause:\nWhile editing the deal,on selecting the handset, and then switching to tariff as there are no compatible tariffs for for given handset", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b3387420753b-0", "text": "2579\nSolution:\nWorking as expected.\nReference ADO:610097\n \ndata-pega-isretained attribute\nIssue:\nWhile Agent launching VADR Upgrade case,getting Error with Recommendations for all cases \nRootCause:\nIf data-pega-isretained is set to \"true\" then an agent will not be able to perform upgrades for different subscriptions as the browser will \nmaintain the state and relaunch the same case for the original subscription \nSolution:\nUpdate the data-pega-isretained attribute value from true to false on HTML for launching the Upgrade.\nReference ADO:619557\n \nVADR Connectors\n \nGetCustomer TIL Services\nGPSL(SEIBEL),GCPL(SEIBEL),\nCRE(Chordiant)\nSpines\nSubscription, Account, Device, \nProductHolding, \nProductReferences \nGetRecommendations CatalogueData\nProduct(Handset,Tariff,Service,A\nccessory),Offer(VFT_Offers)\nSpines\nBDCModelScore(UniversalTariff\nRecommendation,Device/Conver\ngenceRecommendations),SubFl\nexAttributes \nGetProductList CatalogueData\nProduct(Handset,Tariff,Service,A\nccessory),Offer(VFT_Offers) and \nProductattributes-PMTool\nConfig\nAOMConfig,AOMBUSinesssConf\nig \nGetNotificationMessage STAC,PAC Events, \nSubFlexAttributesAPI Name Pre-Requiste Data Model Sample Request Sample Response\nGC_Requ\n28 Apr 2022, 07:10 AMest.txt GC_Respo\n28 Apr 2022, 07:10 AMnse.txt\nGR_Requ\n28 Apr 2022, 07:14 AMest.txt GR_Respon\n28 Apr 2022, 07:14 AMse.json\nGPL_Requ", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b3387420753b-1", "text": "28 Apr 2022, 07:14 AMse.json\nGPL_Requ\n28 Apr 2022, 07:25 AMest.txt GPL_Respo\n28 Apr 2022, 07:25 AMnse.txt", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "173216c9b768-0", "text": "2580\n \n \n \n \nValidateBasketTIL service\nGetStockAvailabilty\n(SEIBEL)\n \nSubmitBasket TIL service\nCreateSalesOrder(SEIBEL)\n GetNotifcation_\u2026\n28 Apr 2022, 07:38 AMest.txt GetNotifcation_\u2026\n28 Apr 2022, 07:39 AMnse.txt\nVB_Requ\n28 Apr 2022, 07:39 AMest.txt GSA_R\n28 Apr VB_Respo\n28 Apr 2022, 07:40 AMnse.txt GSA_R\n28 Apr \nSB_Requ\n28 Apr 2022, 07:40 AMest.txt CSO_R\n28 Apr SB_Respo\n28 Apr 2022, 07:41 AMnse.txt CSO_R\n28 Apr", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "89458beb902e-0", "text": "2581\n914083: Provide the ability to switch the access controls/groups of agents in bulk\nDatabase Table\noperator_access_group\nClass Mapping\nClass : VFUK-VADR-Data-OperatorAccessGroup\nProperties : \nOperatorId - Text\nAccessGroup - Text\nData Type\nCreate OperatorAccessGroup Data Type on VFUK-VADR-Data-OperatorAccessGroup class with OperatorId and AccessGroup columns.\nActivityoperator_id varchar(255) yes yes\naccess_group varchar(255) yes yesColumns Type Not Null Primary Key\nReads data records from OperatorAccessGroup datatype and update Operator ID rule with given access group.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Data-OperatorAccessGroup\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nInput \nParametersNA\nOutput \nParametersNA\nError \nHandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled Exceptions or Errors in the activity\nObj-Open Failure Error Handler: Captures the records which were not found from the Data type\nLogic If the Data Type is empty, exit the activity\nLoop through the list of Data Type records\nValidation - Check whether the Access Group and Operator ID rule exists or not\nIf both exists then continue, otherwise append appropriate error message and continue with next records\nOpen Operator ID rule object and replace existing Access Group with new one given mentioned in datatype, make the \nnew Access Group as default in the operator rule and Save it\nTruncate OperatorAccessGroup Data Type records\nIf error message is not empty, write it to error logActivity Name: ReplaceOperatorAccessGroup", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9b3cf631a60b-0", "text": "2582\n \n Delete all records from operator_access_group table\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Data-OperatorAccessGroup\nRuleset VADR-Rules\nCommand truncate table operator_access_groupConnect SQL Name: Truncate", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b7232feab694-0", "text": "2583\nHow to switch access groups of agents in bulk\nCreate a CSV file with operators and access groups as below\nIn VADR, click on Data types explorer to open OperatorAccessGroup datatype\nClick on OperatorAccessGroup data type and go to Records tab to import the above created CSV file\nClick on import button to browse the CSV file and select Add only on the Purpose dropdown and click on next>next to go to 3rd page", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "790bd9fd225d-0", "text": "2584\nOn 3rd page, click on start validation button to validate the given records in CSV file.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3e857ac882f2-0", "text": "2585\nClick on Continue Import button after successful validation as shown below\nCheck the current import statistics and click on Finish button to complete the import", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bb8434169faa-0", "text": "2586\nAfter clicking on Finish button, records are added to data type as shown below\nSearch for ReplaceOperatorAccessGroup activity in search box and open the activity\nOpen the activity and click on Action>Run", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c4cf66fc02d4-0", "text": "2587\nNext click on Run button on the pop up screen to run the activity to change the operator rules with given access groups\n \nAfter completion of activity run, a status page will be shown as below\nOnce the activity is successful, you can check the operator rules with new access groups you specified in the CSV file.\nGo to Records explorer and expand Organization and click on Operator ID rule to see the latest updated operator rules with updated \ntime, name and access group", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bcd3205fc25c-0", "text": "2588\nClick on the operator rule to check whether the operator rule is updated with given access group or not\nAll the access groups for the given operators in the CSV file are updated correctly.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "646b07963a6f-0", "text": "2589\n1063194 - VADR Performance - AWS Secret Cache\nRetrieving the secret key from AWS, which is used to decrypt the context data when launching VADR, takes almost 0.8 seconds (in DEV) \nbecause there is a cost for calling the Secrets Manager API. As a best practice, it is suggested to cache the secret key to speed up the \nVADR start-up.\nOne suggested approach is to store it at a node level to improve the performance of all the processes that will run on that node. It may also \nbe possible to pre-load the key to avoid the slow response of the first call (the one without a cache). \nIt is also required to implement an appropriate retention strategy to update the cache.\nDevelopment phase:\nThe old function GetAWSSecretString is replaced with GetCachedAWSSecretString (New function) \nA jar file was imported and com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.caching.SecretCache, \ncom.amazonaws.secretsmanager.caching.SecretCacheConfiguration were added to the VADRUtilities library \nAWS_SECRET_CACHE - Static variable which contains a TimeToLive in which the cache remains for a period of 1 day and contains the \nbuilder configuration as well as the endpoint and region\nThe new function GetCachedAWSSecretString takes in the SecretId - specified in the VADRConfig - provided via the Initialise Upgrade \nactivity and uses the static variable to get the SecretString.\nThe region and endpoint have been removed from Config as now they are being hardcoded in the AWS_SECRET_CACHE static \nvariable\nInitially the amount of time taken to retrieve the SecretString is longer since it is not cached; it then is cached and therefore the launches \nafter would take less time.\nTesting phase:\nBelow is screenshot of how long it takes for the old function to retrieve the SecretString each time VADR is launched", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "646b07963a6f-1", "text": "Below is screenshot of how long it takes for the old function to retrieve the SecretString each time VADR is launched\nBelow is screenshot of how long it takes for the new function to retrieve the cached SecretString each time VADR is launched", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "50348196e271-0", "text": "2590\n4.4 Sprint Tasks", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "323820cc706a-0", "text": "2591\n1083261 - Display the Tiers in the Summary Screen\nDescription:\nThe Commission Tier should be displayed in the Basket Summary Screen near the TNR in TSAR, unfortunately, this is a requirement miss \nin the original user story (525234)\n \nAcceptance criteria:\nA TSAR Agent launches VADR with a Mobile, MBB CTN\nThe Recommendations loads as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent selects a card with a Commission Tier displayed (either straight from the Recommendation Card or via a Edited Card)\nThe Agent lands on the Summary Basket as per 'As Is'\nIn the summary section in the 'For Agent only' section , the Tier is displayed near the TNR ('Tier: 1' or 'Tier: 2')\nIf the deal did not yield any Tiers, then nothing is displayed (as per 'As Is' for other part of the application)\n \nThis Section displays Basket screen footer\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add tier label & property\nAdd visibly condition to display when populated else do not display \nCorrect paddings according to InvisionSection - EditBasketDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f772045d95be-0", "text": "2592", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1c7b6188ff6a-0", "text": "2593\n1083193 - Summary Screen Benefit Revamp to remove the pictures/Icons\nDescription:\nThe Management of the Summary Screen Benefit pictures is difficult to manage in BAU as they require a code release and can only be \nmanaged via string matching - which leads to issues when the CMT team updates the tariff or device benefits in the source data\nAs result, we have agreed we will remove the pictures/Icons in order to simply the BAU management and to ensure we do not dilute the \ninformation displayed on screen\nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent navigates to the Summary Screen\nIn the Airtime Benefits section, the Benefits Icons are not longer displayed. Instead the 'As Is' benefit titles are displayed within a box with a \n'+'(see invision for look and feel)\nThe Plan name and the green Info box are displayed as per 'As Is'\nIn the Device Benefits section, the Benefits Icons are not longer displayed. Instead the 'As Is' benefit titles are displayed within a box with a \n'+'(see invision for look and feel)\n \nTask ADO - 1236294\nAn Agent navigates to the Summary Screen\nIn the Airtime Benefits section, the Benefits Icons are not longer displayed. Instead the 'As Is' benefit titles are displayed within a box \nwith a '+'(see invision for look and feel)\nThe Plan name and the green Info box are displayed as per 'As Is'\nIn the Device Benefits section, the Benefits Icons are not longer displayed. Instead the 'As Is' benefit titles are displayed within a box \nwith a '+'(see invision for look and feel)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9f7478239840-0", "text": "2594\nThis Section displays Basket screen\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n \n \n Change layout\n \nRemove max_width and add new container.Section - DisplayBasketBundles", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "61e0fb8952bf-0", "text": "2595\n \nThis Skin used thought out VADR system.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Remove following width. change it to 3 proportional column\nAdd new containerSkin - UpgradeSkin", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d470d3fae7b8-0", "text": "2596\n \nDisable following layout\nAdd padding according to invisions\nAdd border\n \nThis Section displays benefit Icon and name\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-ProductBenefit\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Remove dynamic layout to display icon \nAdd static + icon\nRemove visibility condition & Keep only one section\ndefine class to control width in each breakpointSection - DisplayBenefit", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "dcdae428c396-0", "text": "2597\n \n \n \nThis activity adds icon file to TariffBenefitsList, DeviceBenefitsList, TariffComplimentaryBenefitsList\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-ProductBenefit\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Remove code which adds icons to above list Activity - ProcessBaketDeal\nCSS file to override Pega OOTB elements\nApplies To N/A\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add width for benefit text as per each resolution to fit in the box.\n Text file - vf-custom-style-breakpoints-css", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2c8b7d237b5e-0", "text": "2598\n1083201 - TSAR - Update the stock display in TSAR to be inline with Retail look\nand feel\nDescription:\nDuring Pilot, we got feedback that the hover to see the stock level was hard to use. As a result, we would like to display the stock level \nwithout an hover similar than in Retail\n \nAcceptance criteria:\nA TSAR Agent launches VADR for Mobile, MBB or watch CTN\nThe Recommendation screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent navigates to the Edit Tab and lands on the Device Tab as per 'As Is'\nThe stock for the top 5 devices (MBB, Mobile) is automatically checked as per 'As Is'\nThe stock display is updated as per below:\nIf the device is in stock then display the quantity followed by 'in stock' (for example '10 in stock') in green\nIf the device is on pre order, then display 'Pre order' in red (Pre order stock level are not displayed)\nIf the device is in backorder, then display 'Back order' in black (back order stock level are not displayed)\nIf the stock level is unknown, then display 'unknown' in red (i.e. if GSA is down)\nIf a Top device is out of stock, then recommend the next device in stock as provided by Big Data (mobile) or ADM (MBB) as per 'As Is' \n(see ADO 966558) i.e. Top 5 will never have an out of stock status\nFor all devices except top 5 devices, the following information is displayed in the \"Stock level' column:\nA 'Check' button is displayed\nThe Agent clicks on the 'Check' button\nVADR calls GetStockAvailability\nThe stock is displayed as per above", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2c8b7d237b5e-1", "text": "VADR calls GetStockAvailability\nThe stock is displayed as per above\nIn addition, If the device is not in stock, then display 'Not in stock' in red\nStart (invisionapp.com)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b3974b38bc15-0", "text": "2599\n \nThis data transform sets stock status \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Device\nRuleset VADR-UI\n replaced with decetion table \n Data transform - SetStockDetails\n \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Device\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Change condition from \u2018In stock\u2019 to \u2018in stock\u2019 \n when - IsInStock\nThis sections are for device table for handset, MBB & watch\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Added new section \u2018Stock Level\u2019Section - RefineDeviceResults, RefineDeviceResultsForMBB, RefineDeviceResultsForWatch", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2584b1fb5a92-0", "text": "2600\n \n \n \n \nThis section to display Stock status and stock level\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n \n \nChange visibility conditionsSection - StockLevelCheckForInbound\nData transform ClearDeviceCurrentSelection\n SetSelectedDevice\n SetStockDetails ( covered above)\nWhen IsOutofStock\n IsPreOrder\n Activity EditDealDeviceSelected\n ManageSelectionsInTabsChange following artifact for Change wording \u2018Out of stock\u2019 to 'Not in stock'", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e1db102c4aac-0", "text": "2601", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5e789039b20f-0", "text": "2602\n1082376 - Being able to change CTN\nDescription:\nWe would like to be able to see the following information easily in VADR:\nSpend manager for other CTNs on the Account\nBilling information for other CTNs on the Account\nUsage information for other CTNs on the Account\nAs a result, this US details the need a for a drop down listing PAYM Mobile and PAYM MBB CTNs so we are able to see their Usage/Billing \nwithout having to relaunch VADR\nPlease note, home will not be able to able to be selected. To be get more info on these lines , the Agent can continue to view the info in the \nAccount Opened Lines\nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent (Retail or TSAR) launches VARD for CTN (Mobile, Watch, MBB) that belongs to an account with several Mobile and/or MBB \nsubscription\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nAt the top of the screen, the CTN in context is displayed in a larger box with a title: Upgrade for. Before the CTN number, the CTN type i.e. \nPAYM (Mobile/Watch), MBB is displayed followed by a dash\nThe Customer Billing and Usage information is displayed in a larger section delimited by a box\nAbove the Billing and Usage Tabs a new section is presented with a drop down\nPrior to the drop down a title is presented 'Customer details for:'\nWhen 1st loading the application the ' Customer details for ' drop down defaults the CTN used when launching the application from Halo\nThe Agent selects the drop down. PAYM Mobile and watch and PAYM MBB CTNs are listed in the same order than in the Account opened", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5e789039b20f-1", "text": "line (i.e. PAYG and Home Subscriptions are not displayed). The CTNs are displayed using the 44 format as per 'As Is' in the application\nFollowing the drop down, an 'i' icon is presented with the following message 'Switching numbers for customer details does not change the \nnumber being upgraded.'. The message is always displayed (Please see Invision for look and feel)\nAlongside the CTN numbers in the drop down, an indication of the CTN Type is displayed (PAYM/MBB) followed by a dash\nBelow the new drop down, a new divider line is presented\nThe Billing and Usage tabs (and spaces for other info tabs) are presented as per 'As Is' with the tab titles being aligned to the left\nThe Agent selects another CTN from the drop down list whilst in the Billing Tab\nThe Billing (including Spend manager) information is refreshed using the new CTN in context. The Agent navigates to the Usage Tab. The \nUsage displayed is for the 'Customer details for' selected CTN (or vice versa, if the agent is in the Usage tab and changes the' Customer \ndetails for' CTN, then the Usage Tab is updated and the Agent is able to navigate to the Billing Tab to see the relevant billing info)\nThe newly selected CTN is now shown as selected in the 'Customer details for' (so they Agent can easily identify that Billing and the Usage \nare related to the CTN selected by the 'Customer details for' drop down)\nThe Recommendations, 'Existing Products', 'Airtime end date', 'Upgrade today fee's' do not change and still display the data linked to the \nCTN used to launch the application from Halo\nThe Agent is able to select another CTN in the 'Customer details for' drop down or selects back the upgrading CTN in context as relevant", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "573e01661b79-0", "text": "2603\nThe Agent navigates to the Customer information panel and returns to the Recommendations screen. The Usage and Billing information \ndisplayed is for the CTN that was last selected in the ''Customer details for' is still displayed\nThe Agent navigates to the Edit Screens and returns to the Recommendations screen. The Usage and Billing information displayed is for \nthe CTN that was last selected in the ''Customer details for' is still displayed\nIf the Account has only one PAYM MBB or one PAYM Mobile, then the ''Customer details for' contains only one CTN\nStart (invisionapp.com)\nInvision extract:\n \nThis new section is for CTN dropdown & CTN details\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n create dropdown with CTN list\ncreate lable for fix text\nin Dropdown action call Following activities\nrefresh current section\non refresh it will trigger DisplayMenu section\n Section - DisplayCustomerProfile \nThis new section is for to display menu. It is HTML section\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n create new ready function ( this will trigger by default)\nThis function have a when rule to decide which section to be display.\nif user control is in Usage, the usage section will refresh with selected CTN data.\nif user control is in billing, the billing section will refresh with selected CTN data.Section - DisplayMenu", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "77513f39fa8f-0", "text": "2604\n \nThis new class to store CTN list & require property to pass to other API\n Property List:\nDisplayCTN - to display in dropdown\nServiceNumber - to pass to GetInvoiceList API\nSpendManagerValue - to display on screen\nSubscriptionId - to pass to GetCustomerUsage API\nUniqueKey - subscriptClass - VFUK-VADR-UI-CustomerDetails (New)\nThis new data tranform to to store data in CustomerDetails (page group)\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Page defination : VFUK-VADR-UI-CustomerDetailsPage Group - CustomerDetails (New)\nActivity to get customer detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Updated to call SetCustomerDetails Data transformActivity - GetCustomer\nThis new data tranform to to store data in CustomerDetails (page group)\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n data is populated form customer subscription.Data transform - SetCustomerDetails (New)\nActivity to get customer billing detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n populate initial selectedCTNtype to determine which usage table to display before selecting CTN from dropdwn.Activity - MapDataForUI", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e2a6b53d5d7c-0", "text": "2605\nActivity to get customer billing detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Updated to Set the Request Values - set msisdn, Default it will be UpgradingServiceNumber and in case \nMISDN selected by dropdown then selected MISDNActivity - GetInvoiceList\nActivity to get customer billing detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Updated to Set the Request Values - Set the Request Values : Default it will be SubscriptionId and incase \nMISDN selected by dropdown, then selected SubscriptionIdActivity - GetCustomerUsage\nActivity to get customer billing detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Updated to Populate the SpendManagerValue and Selected CTN type for CTN selectedActivity - CustomerProfileBillingClicked\nActivity to get customer billing detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n populate initial selectedCTNtype to determine which usage table to display before selecting CTN from dropdwn.Activity - MapDataForUI", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1fac90473d4c-0", "text": "2606\nRetail", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6f69e68eee6c-0", "text": "2607\n1082203 - Retail: Remove Tiers\nRecommendation -Retail Copy 3 (invisionapp.com)\nTask ADO - 1231372 \nDisable Tier column in Tariff and Accessories Edit Screen/tab\nOn the tariff tab, Tiers should not be displayed on the hover of the tariff name. Update RefineTariffResults and \nRefineTariffResultsForMBB sections\nUpdate RefineDiscountsResults section to include a new dynamic layout specific to Retail agent\nDisable Tier information on the selected basket and selected products\nImpacted Screens\nRecommendation Screen (VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DisplaySubscriptionBundles)\nSelected Basket (VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal. EditDealSelectedDeal)\nBasket Summary Screen (VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal.DisplayBasketBundles)\nDifference between TSAR and Retail\nThis is mainly dependent on the Channel\nIn the Mashup DT, there is Channel parameter - for a TSAR agent launch screen, Channel will be InboundCC and for Retail agent Launch \nscreen, Channel will be Retail\nFor conditions on visibility etc. use function String.EqualsIgnoreCase - since it is not clear how the word Retail will be presented to us.\n \n \nThis section to display selected products\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Update the visibility condition of the Tier to check if the Channel is RetailSection - DisplaySubscriptionBundles", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1ceff9c03008-0", "text": "2608\nThis screen is used to edit the selected products\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Update the visibility condition of the Tier to check if the Channel is RetailSection - EditDealSelectedDealFooter\nThis Section displays Basket screen footer\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Update the visibility condition of the Tier to check if the Channel is RetailSection - EditBasketDeal\nThis section is used to display Discounts tab\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add new dynamic layout specific to Retail agent in which Tier column will be removedSection - RefineDiscountsResults\nThis section is used to display Tariffs tab\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Update visibility condition of the smart tip of Tariff Name to check if Channel is RetailSection - RefineTariffResults", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c6c875ed36c2-0", "text": "2609\n1079501 - Retail: Renegotiation\nAcceptance Criteria\nThe Renegotiation functionality is available in Retail and works as per 'As Is' (see feature 781015)\nAn upgrade deal placed into a Pending state in Halo by a TSAR Agent may be re-opened by a Retail Agent and vice versa\nThe validation rules applies as per 'As Is' \nIf a Retail pending deal is renegotiated in a different store, the stock is checked for the Renegotiation Agent \u2018store. If the device is not in \nstock in the new store and not in pre/back order in the warehouse, then the stock error message is displayed\nIf a Retail pending deal is renegotiated in TSAR, the stock check is checked for the Warehouse only. If the device is not in stock/ in \npre/back order in the warehouse, then the stock error message is displayed. The TNR is recalculated and the TSAR TNR is displayed \ninstead of the Retail TNR. The TNR Slider is not displayed in TSAR as per 'As Is'\nIf a TSAR pending deal is renegotiated in Retail, the stock check is checked for the renegotiating Agent's store and for back order/pre \norder in the Warehouse. The TNR is recalculated and the Retail TNR is displayed instead of the TSAR TNR. The TSAR Slider is \ndisplayed and set to hide the TNR as per 'As Is' when 1st launching VADR\nWhilst VADR and Accord are dual running, it is not possible to renegotiate an Accord originated deal in VADR and vice versa. The 'As Is' \nerror message is displayed in Halo to prevent a pending order to be launched in a different system than the originating system", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1b346f8e7487-0", "text": "2610\n1079515 - Retail: Hand back a Retail deal to Halo\nTask ADO - 1235437\nNeed to check the channel name case if its (upper or lower ) which would be part of the VADR Mashup parameters\nConvertCommonChannelToAOMChannel DT needs to be updated\nAOM Changes\nNeed to update the Connect SQL in the below Datapages \nUpdate condition as:\nwhen ('{ASIS:Channel}' in ('InboundCC', 'Retail') to the following data page connect SQLs : \nD_SellablePaymHandsetBySKU(ConnectSQL :GetSellablePaymHandsetBySKU)\nD_SellablePaymHandsets ( ConnectSQL : GetSellablePayMHandsets)\nD_SellableBars(ConnectSQL :GetSellableBars)\nD_SellableAccessories(ConnectSQL :GetSellableAccessories)\nD_DiscountsForTariff(ConnectSQL :GetDiscountsForTariff)\nD_EligibleTariffs (ConnectSQL: GetTariffsForDept)\nD_ServicesForTariff (ConnectSQL :GetServicesForTariff)\nD_EligibleTariffsForHandset ( ConnectSQL :GetTariffsForHandset\nThis datatransform is called in InitialiseUpgrade activity which sets the Channel to InboundCC automatically regardless of any other channel\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-Rules\n Addition Info: Need to add an otherwise when rule to check if Channel is equal to Retail, using IgnoreCase function and \nset the Channel to \u2018Retail\u2019\nKeep the existing otherwise condition so it sets to InboundCC in all other casesUpdated data transform : ConvertCommonChannelToAOMChannel", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "38f3bed8d32a-0", "text": "2611\nD_EligibleHandsetsForTariff(ConnectSQL :GetHandsetsForTariff)\nD_InsurancesForHandset(ConnectSQL :GetInsurancesForHandset)\nD_SellableAccessoriesByIdentifier(ConnectSQL :GetSellableAccessoriesByIdentifier)\nChanges were also made to the validation data transforms in each of the activity for the data pages : \nRetail channel was added as a mandatory parameter check.\nD_SellablePaymHandsetBySKU(GetSellablePaymHandsetBySKUValidation)\nD_SellablePaymHandsets (GetSellablePaymHandsetsValidation)\nD_SellableBars (GetSellableBarsValidation)\nD_SellableAccessories (GetSellableAccessoriesValidation)\nD_DiscountsForTariff (GetDiscountsForTariffValidation)\nD_EligibleTariffs (GetTariffsForDeptValidation)\nD_ServicesForTariff (GetServicesForTariffValidation)\nD_EligibleTariffsForHandset (GetTariffsForHandsetValidation)\nD_EligibleHandsetsForTariff (GetHandsetsForTariffValidation)\nD_InsurancesForHandset (GetInsuranceServicesForHandset)\nD_SellableAccessoriesByIdentifier (GetSellableAccessoriesByIdentifier)This activity calls the GPSL data page (D_ProcessedServiceList) and retrieves the tariffIds for root products of PAYM and HBB, invoke the \nactivity GetCombiOffersForTariff to get the offers for given tariffid, department, channel\nApplies To Code-Pega-List\nRuleset AOMFW-Database\n Addition Info: Add new condition in the activity.\nIf the Channel =Retail, then convert to Upper Case ( RETAIL)\nDatabase contain Retail channel name as Upper CaseGetCombiOffersForTariff activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "39fc4a2d4525-0", "text": "2612\n938334 - Retail: Edit Device screen- New UI to Display both In Store Stock\ncheck and Warehouse for Retail Agent\nAcceptance Criteria: \n1. On the device tab, display the stock level as a column as per AS IS for PAYM - done\n2. 2 new labels called 'Store' and 'Warehouse' are displayed in a list below the stock column (See artefact - done \n3. For both 'Store' and 'Warehouse' stock, display the text response if 'in stock', 'Pre order' or 'Back order', followed by a column with the \nstock quantity for the top 5 devices (see artefact for examples) In future sprint 'Store' is displayed first in the row, followed by the stock \nicon for in stock, pre order or back order in second line of the same row as text (See design). - Done\n4. Below the icon for Store' response of 'In stock' 'Pre order' or 'Back order' display the label 'Warehouse' in the third line on the same row. \nThis is followed by the icon for stock check response on the 4th line in the same row as 'In stock', 'Pre order', or 'Back order'(See \ndesign).- Done\n5. The label for 'Store' and 'Warehouse' must fit the line as shown in the artefact i.e. The labels 'Store' or 'Warehouse' cannot go into the \nnext line and differ from what is shown in the UI - No required\n6. The label for 'Pre order' or 'Back order' must fit the line as shown in the UI below and cannot be wrapped into another line\n7. The colour for the 'Pre order'- (red) or 'Back order'- (black) must be used as shown in the artefact below - Done", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "39fc4a2d4525-1", "text": "8. For Store stock - a positive stock tick should be shown if there is at least 1 device in stock - not required\n9. Store stock are shown to Agent in real time - Not required\n10. We will not display out of stock in the top 5 recommendation for both In store or warehouse (ADO-938564,966558)\n11. For both 'Store' and 'Warehouse' stock after the top 5, if Agent clicks on the 'CHECK' button for stock, then display the text response of \n'In stock', 'Out of stock', 'Pre order' or 'Back order' followed by a column and the stock quantity as per UI the rules of a positive stock \ntick should not be changed \n12. Display ordering and other edit device tab functionality is not affected by this story\n13. Display the scroll bar as per AS IS\n14. For all other devices displayed after the top 5, then a 'Check' box is presented to the Retail Agent to click for stock availability for both In \nstore or warehouse (see detail functionalities in ID-353431)\n15. If Retail Agent uses the refine by to filter the list of device, if the return device is in the top 5 recommended devices, then display stock \navailability, else Retail Agent will need to click the Check box to check the stock availability for both In 'Store' or 'Warehouse'\n16. Stock check validation remains as per AS IS for PAYM for warehouse stock in basket summary i.e. if stock is not checked first before \nproceeding to basket summary then stock check is performed in the basket summary\n17. The stock level is sourced from GSA (AOM-2728)\nThe Stock in Store and Warehouse is displayed for all journeys supported in Retail: Mobile, Watch, MBB. The TSAR journeys are not \nimpacted by this change", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "39fc4a2d4525-2", "text": "impacted by this change\nStart (invisionapp.com)\nUpdate sectios : \nRefineDeviceResults, RefineDeviceResultsForMBB, RefineDeviceResultsForWatch", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "521c68aea7a1-0", "text": "2613\nUpdate Stock Level to use a section - this will have the new section embedded : StockLevelCheck\nNew class : VFUK-VADR-UI-Stock\nLocation Text \nQuantity Integer \nQuantityStatus Text \nTempStockStatus Text Property Name Type Notes\nThis section are for device table for handset, MBB & Watch for Retail agent and is embedded in the Stock Level column \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Device\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: GPL will be automatically coming with most recommended device list\nUse repeating dynamic layout to loop through the stock lineitem - has an embedded section \nStockLevelForRetail to display the stock information\nProperty value will be coming from GSA API - QuantityStatus for stock status and StockQuantity for amount\nUse BigDataRecommended property = true to display the stock on launch\nOtherwise when BigDataRecommended property = false, display check button first\nThe check button calls CallStockCheck activity to get stock results from GSA and populate the stock \npageNew Section : StockLevelCheck\nThis section are for device table for handset, MBB & Watch for Retail agent and is embedded in the StockLevelCheck section\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Stock\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: Contains information such as the location, quantity and the quantity status\nHave a dynamic layout for each QuantityStatus so the colour of the word is different when the status is \u201cPre \norder\u201d, \u201cBack order\u201d etc..New Section : StockLevelForRetail\nUpdate DT : SetDevices", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d9e96115494c-0", "text": "2614\nThis Data transform is called when the edit pencil icon is clicked to populate the DevicesForUI.Stock page\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: Copy each stock page coming from HandsetProductList when GPL is triggered into TempDevice.Stock page\nManually set location to \u2018Warehouse\u2019 and \u2018Store\u2019 when channel is retail otherwise location is vfwarehouse\nLoop through TempDevice.Stock page to set the quantity status as per invision using the SetStockDetails \ndecision table\nAppend the TempDevice page to DevicesForUI page\nSort the order so store stock details are on top and warehouse below\nThis activity calls GSA to get stock information to populate the device with stock level when the \u201cCheck\u201d button is clicked\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Device\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: Loop through each stock page in DevicesForUI to set the quantity status as per invision using the \nSetStockDetails decision table\nManually set location to \u2018Warehouse\u2019 and \u2018Store\u2019 when channel is retail otherwise location is vfwarehouse\nSort the order so store stock details are on top and warehouse belowUpdate Activity: CallStockCheck\nThis table sets the QuantityStatus as per invision depending on what is returned by the GSA response\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: Depending on the stock quantity and stock status returned by GSA response, set the quantity statusNew Decision Table: SetStockDetails", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "86b11ce8a940-0", "text": "2615\nRetail - Test Only Stories\n1079519 - Retail: Existing Product holding and Contract details\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a Mobile or MBB or Watch Subscription\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Existing Products'' are displayed on the left hand side with the customer's current product holding (see Feature 488339 for further info) \nas per design for TSAR for all product types (Mobile, MBB, Watch, SIMO) (if the customer is on 5G ultra device, then the 5G ultra logo is \ndisplayed)\nThe customer name is displayed on the Top left hand side of the screen as per 'As Is'\nThe CTN in context, the 'Airtime end date' and the 'Upgrade fee today' (if relevant) are displayed alongside the 'i' icon. The 'i' icon hover \nlogic is as per 'As Is' (See ADO 336834 and ADO 478008)\nRecommendation -Retail (invisionapp.com)\n \n1079526 - Retail: Customer Profile information\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a Mobile or MBB or Watch Subscription\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe customer name is displayed on the Top left hand-side of the screen as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent clicks on the customer's name\nThe 'Customer Profile' panel loads as per 'As Is'\nThe Customer's Address is displayed as per 'As Is'\nIn the 'Background information' section, the Customer's confidence indicator (Karma), STAC/PAC (if relevant), Regulatory offers \n(Blackstone) (if relevant) are displayed as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Account open lines section' is displays as per 'As Is'\nInvisions: \nMaster Customer Panel 01 (invisionapp.com)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "3fff73cda4f5-0", "text": "2616\n1079535 - Retail: Customer has opted out of personalised offer\nA Retail/TSAR Agent launches VADR for a customer that has opted out of data profiling\nThe 'As Is' warning Message is displayed to let the Agent know that the customer has opted out of profiling\nMobile Journeys\nThe Recommendations are not displayed as per 'As Is'\nIf the Agent use refine by the recommendations using the Big Data Models are displayed as per 'As Is'\nIn the Device and Tariff Edit Screen, the Top 5 Devices or Tariffs as sourced from the Big Data Model are not displayed at the top the \nproducts list 'as per 'As Is'\nWatch Journeys:\nThe Recommendations are not displayed as per 'As Is'\nIf the Agent use refine by the recommendations are displayed as per 'As Is'\nNo top propensity product in the Edit Screens as per 'As Is'\nMBB Journeys\nThe Recommendations are displayed as per 'As Is' using AOM ADM\nIf the Agent use refine by the recommendations are displayed as per 'As Is'\nTop propensity products are displayed using AOM ADM as per 'As Is' \nPlease ensure that warning message is also displayed for MBB Journeys in TSAR\n \n1081157 - Retail: Usage Panel\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a Mobile or MBB or Watch Subscription\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent navigates to the Usage Panel\nThe Usage for the CTN in context is displayed as per 'As Is'\nRecommendation -Retail Copy 3 (invisionapp.com)\n \n1081162 - Retail: Billing\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a Mobile or MBB or Watch Subscription\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2708b83bd692-0", "text": "2617\nThe Agent navigates to the Billing Panel\nThe Bills for the CTN in context is displayed as per 'As Is'\nStart (invisionapp.com) (please use invision but below is an extract for ease)\n \n1081169 - Retail: Refine by\nThe Recommendation screen loads as per 'As Is' and up to 3 recommendations are displayed using the relevant Logic or Commercial Rec \nlogic\nThe 'Refine by' criteria are displayed based on the CRE result and the journey type (Mobile, watch or MBB)\nAn Agent selects some 'Refine by' criteria and the select 'Refine' button\nThe logic recommendations are rerun as per 'As Is' based on the relevant journey type as per 'As Is'. If there is a Commercial \nRecommendation available, then the Commercial Rec replace the Logic Rec as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Clear' button is presented as per 'As Is'. If the Agent selects the 'Clear' button, then any Refine by criteria(s) previously selected are no \nlonger selected\nThe 'Refresh' button is presented as per 'As Is'. If the Agent selects the 'Refresh' button, then the original recommendations are displayed \nagain \nInvision link for PAYM - please refer to watch or MBB for specifics for these journeys\nRecommendation -Retail (invisionapp.com)\n \n1082039 - Retail: Edit Tabs\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a Mobile, MBB or Watch CTN\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent select the Edit screens either by selecting the 'Pencil' Icon or by selected the '+ Add new products to compare'\nThe Edit Screen loads and the Agent lands on the Device Tab as per 'As Is'", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2708b83bd692-1", "text": "The Edit Screen loads and the Agent lands on the Device Tab as per 'As Is'\n'As Is' Tabs are available i.e. Device, Tariff, Discounts, Add ons, Insurance, Accessories, Bars\nThe Agent is able to navigates between the Tabs as per 'As Is' and the relevant information messages are displayed if the Tab is not yet \nenable (for example, the device needs to be selected before seeing Insurance products etc..)\nDevice Tab\nThe Device Tab is populated with devices based on the journey type (Mobile, MBB, Watch) and eligible with the Agent's division (if the \ndevice is a 5G Ultra device then the 5G Ultra logo is displayed)\nFor Stock Display please see ADO - 938334 and ADO - 938564", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "22acd6b8b0a0-0", "text": "2618\nTariff Tab\nThe Tariff Tab is populated with Plans based on the journey type (Mobile, MBB, Watch), eligible with the Agent's division , eligible according \nthe CRE and S15 Very Early Rules\nDiscounts Tab\nThe Discount Tab is populated with discount based on the journey type (Mobile, MBB, Watch), the customer discount eligibility, the Agent's \ntool kit, Fix or Flex Rules (if relevant) and eligible for the Agent's division\n \nAdd ons Tab\nThe Add On Tab is populated with add on that are compatible with the Plan in the basket and eligible with the Agent's division\nInsurance Tab\nThe Insurance Tab is populated with Insurance compatible with the Device in the basket and compatible with the Agent's division \nAccessory Tab\nThe Accessories Tab is populated with Devices that are compatible the Agent's division\nStock is not displayed in accessory tab\nBars Tab\nThe Bars displayed in TSARs are also displayed in Retail based on the Journey (no Bars in Watch for example - display 'As Is' information \nmessage instead) K16\n \nThe Filter/Sort functionality works as per 'As Is'\nAll products maybe made sellable or non sellable for Retail in PM Tool as per 'As Is'+J16\nThe 'Selected Basket' is displayed as per 'As Is' and the validations rules detailed for TSAR are as per 'As Is' (i.e. delete Device, Swap \nTariff, Incompatible Tariff etc..)\nEdit - Retail Expanded Copy (invisionapp.com) \nPlease see link for screen details\n \n1082190 - Retail: System Errors\nThe error message as presented in feature 483685 are also displayed in Retail for example ( but please refer to the Systems error message \nfeature for full list)\nUser Authentication Error\nVADR time out\nCustomer Info when launching application fails", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "22acd6b8b0a0-1", "text": "feature for full list)\nUser Authentication Error\nVADR time out\nCustomer Info when launching application fails\nGet Recommendation fails when loading the application or when doing a 'Refine by'\nValidateDeal or/and ValidateOperation in Edit fails\nGetStockAvailability fails in Recommendations, Device Tab, Accessory Tab, Summary Screen or for a SKU not ranged in the warehouse \nerror", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "12dd49707807-0", "text": "2619\nGetProduct in Edit fails\nGetRecentEvent fails in the customer information panel\nGetUsage fails\nBilling table and/or the Billing PDF are unable to load\nCase failure error\n \n1082343 - Retail: being able to Deliver to another store\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a CTN (Mobile, MBB, Watch)\nThe Recommendations screens loads as per 'As Is' and the Agent navigates to the Device Tab\nThe Agent performs (or do not perform) a stock check and selects a device that is out of stock in his/her store or/and in the warehouse\nThe Device is in stock in another store (the Agent knows this via Business process outside of VADR)\nThe Agent is able to continue with the deal and fulfil the deal in Halo by selecting an another delivery method\n \n1079491 - Retail: Selected Products\nA Retail Agent launches VADR for a Mobile, Watch or MBB CTN\nThe Recommendations screen loads as per 'As Is'\nThe 'Selected Products' are displayed as per 'As Is' using the relevant recommendations logic \nUp to 3 recommendations are presented as per 'As Is'\nThe information presented is a per 'As Is' in contact centre based on the CTN type (Mobile, MBB (Evo/Non Evo) or Watch), SIMO vs \nDevice, Logic vs Commercial Recommendation\nThe more info peach banner and the relevant Icon (VFT, Apple Lover, Enrichment Icon, Commercial Recommendation) are displayed as per \n'As Is'. If the Agent selected the 'More' the relevant info about why the deal was recommended, VFT info, Apple Lover Info etc.. are \ndisplayed as per 'As Is'\nIf the recommendation is an MBB Recommendation then the 'Type' Purple Banner is displayed as per 'As Is'", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "12dd49707807-1", "text": "If the recommendation is an MBB Recommendation then the 'Type' Purple Banner is displayed as per 'As Is'\nIf a device recommendation is presented then only products that are in stock in the store or in back or pre order in the warehouse are \npresented as detailed in ADO 938564\nIf a device recommendation is presented, then the Device speed's icon is also presented (4G, 5G, 5G ultra)\nIf there is an EUF, then the EUF is displayed as per 'As Is'\nIf the recommendation is a promo, the promo banner is displayed\nIf the recommendation is a renegotiation, then only the 'Saved' deal is presented as per 'As Is'\nIt is possible to 'Edit' the 'Selected Product' as per 'As Is'\nIt is possible to 'Select' the 'Selected Product' as per 'As Is'\nIf the 3 recommendations slots are not filled, the 'Add new products to compare' and the '+' sign are displayed as per 'As Is' and the Retail \nAgent is able to access the Edit tabs as per 'As Is'\nRecommendation -Retail (invisionapp.com) for PAYM\n]", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "47076daa3f59-0", "text": "2620", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0e00c0336336-0", "text": "2621\nR4.05 Retail", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a2bb81127cbc-0", "text": "2622\n1082218 - Retail: Total Net Revenue\nDescription:\nThe TNR display has been detailed in 938125. However, the calculation for Retail TNR is not the same as per TSAR. This US contains the \ncalculation for Retail TNR. TSAR's remain as per As Is\n \nAcceptance Criteria:\nThe Total Net Revenue for Retail is calculated as per attached artefact\nIt must be possible to change the TNR via an optimisation release as per 'As Is'\nIt must be possible to have different TNR for Retail and contact centre\nThe Net Revenue is available in AOM reporting as per 'As Is'\nThe TNR is presented as detailed in 938125 and is recalculated by the application if the Agent changes items of the deal (example, swap a \nplan, add a add on etc..)\n \nTask ADO - 1235267\nRecommendations Screen", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1220b5a5a946-0", "text": "2623\n \nEdit Device Screen", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "676fd01ec38d-0", "text": "2624\n \nBasket Summary Screen", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1a4d5cf1ff37-0", "text": "2625", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e043cfa13a6d-0", "text": "2626\n938125 - Retail- TNR figure to display on click\nDescription - \nWe would like to update the design for retail agents in order to hide the TNR Value on screen. The required change is to not show the \namount of TNR by default (label should remain). The TNR figure should be displayed when the user clicks on the new TNR slider on \nscreen. This should be applied to all areas where TNR is shown in the Retail Journeys inc selected products, basket, checkout. \nAcceptance Criteria - \nA Retail Agent launches AOM with a CTN where the TNR is presented\nThe Total Net Revenue label is displayed as per 'AS IS' without the amount in \u00a3xx.xx shown for all cards but instead a slider is \ndisplayed. When 1st loading the Recommendation screen the Sliders default to not showing the TNR\nThe Agent clicks using the switch option on the TNR label to reveal the TNR amount in \u00a3xx.xx (See artefact) on card by card basis (for \nexample, the Agent slide the TNR in the1st card, the Card 2 and 3 TNRs are still hidden)\nThe slider is available in all areas where TNR is shown including Selected products, Selected basket and Basket summary for Retail \nAgents only (i.e, the change does not apply to TSAR agents where the TNR continues to be displayed without a slider as per 'As Is')\nThe TNR slider setting is remembered on card basis and displayed in all areas using the same setting. For example, an Agent slides the \nTNR slider in Card 1. The Agent navigates to the Edit Screen. The TNR value is visible in the 'Selected Basket'. The Agent hides the", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e043cfa13a6d-1", "text": "TNR in the 'Selected Basket'. The Agent clicks 'selects and continue' and returns to the 'Selected Products'. The TNR value is not \ndisplayed. The Agent clicks 'Select' and lands on the 'Basket Summary', the TNR value is not displayed. The Agent slides the TNR \nbutton to reveal the TNR and selects insurance button. The TNR value is displayed in the 'Selected Basket'\nThe only action within the Edit screen that will change the TNR Display is the change the setting on the slider\nThe TNR Calculation is detailed in a separate US \nTask ADO - 1235267\nUs the new Boolean property to enable or disable the TNR slider at the recommendation level ( VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal)\nBy default the property is set to false when data is copied over from the service to the UI layer\nEnabling the side will display the TNR Value\nInvision link updated in the ADO - AOM 4.02 \nRules to Update : \nBoolean property name under VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal class - DisplayTNRValue \nAdd this new property in PopulateDealFromServiceData DT - Setting by default as false\nToggle button: \nCreated new toggle-checkbox class\nThis section to display recommendations\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Update the TNR dynamic layout to include the toggle image \nSet visibility condition for TotalNetRevenue property based on new boolean propertyUpdate sections : RecommendationDealFooterForRetail, EditDealSelectedDealFooterForRetail, EditBasketDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e7fa5d534b15-0", "text": "2627", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2fa6dc06e211-0", "text": "2628\n1082301 - Retail: Remove Accessory Stock Display\nStart (invisionapp.com)\nTask ADO - 1235273\nCreate new section - RefineAccessoryResultsForRetail\nNeed to hide the Stock Level button for Retail\nInvision link updated in the ADO AOM 4.02 \nFor conditions on visibility etc. use function String.EqualsIgnoreCase - since it is not clear how the word Retail will be presented to \nus.\nDifference between TSAR and Retail\nThis is mainly dependent on the Channel\nIn the Mashup DT, there is Channel parameter - for a TSAR agent launch screen, Channel will be InboundCC and for Retail agent Launch \nscreen, Channel will be Retail\nThis section is to display accessories tab for retail channel\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n This section is specific to Retail agent in which Stock Level column will be removedSection - RefineAccessoryResultsForRetail", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4a3ab42566a3-0", "text": "2629\n1082338 - Retail: Remove the automatic Stock Check in the Basket Summary\nTask ADO - 1235967\nSkip the stock check if Channel = Retail\nProcessBaketDeal Activity skip all the stock checks if Channel = Retail ( add new when rule)\nChannel is available on the pyWorkPage.Channel (VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade)\nThis data transform sets stock status\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add when rule to skip Stock Check if the channel is RetailActivity - ProcessBaketDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33f31b4c9481-0", "text": "2630\n1082343 - Retail: being able to deliver to another store\nDescription:\nWe need to ensure that if a device is Out of Stock in one shop but In stock in another, AOM allows for the deal to be placed so that the \nagent can change the delivery address to the other store in Halo\n \nAcceptance Criteria:\nA Retail Agent launches VADR with a CTN (Mobile, MBB, Watch)\nThe Recommendations screens loads as per 'As Is' and the Agent navigates to the Device Tab\nThe Agent performs (or do not perform) a stock check and selects a device that is out of stock in his/her store or/and in the warehouse\nThe Device is in stock in another store (the Agent knows this via Business process outside of VADR)\nThe Agent is able to continue with the deal and fulfil the deal in Halo by selecting an another delivery method\nTask ADO - 1309136", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d5cd9631eb1b-0", "text": "2631\nR4.05 Task", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d3dbc65dd6a9-0", "text": "2632\n1242780 - TSAR - Update the stock display in TSAR to be inline with\naccessories Tab Look and Feel\nDescription:\nDuring Pilot, we got feedback that the hover to see the stock level was hard to use. As a result, we would like to display the stock level \nwithout an hover similar than in Retail\n \nAcceptance criteria:\nA TSAR Agent launches VADR for Mobile, MBB or watch CTN\n \nThe Recommendation screen loads as per 'As Is'\n \nThe Agent navigates to the Edit Tab and lands on the Device Tab as per 'As Is' and navigates to the 'Accessory Tab'\n \nThe 'Check button' is presented near the stock items as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent select 'Check' for one of the Accessory Product\nVADR calls GetStockAvailability\n \nThe stock display is updated as per below:\n \nIf the Accessory Product is in stock then display the quantity followed by 'in stock' (for example '10 in stock') in green\nIf the Accessory Product is on pre order, then display 'Pre order' in red (Pre order stock level are not displayed)\nIf the Accessory Product is in backorder, then display 'Back order' in black (back order stock level are not displayed)\nIf the stock level is unknown, then display 'unknown' in red (i.e. if GSA is down)\n-If the device is not in stock, then display 'Not in stock' in red\n \nSee invision link in the chat and a screen shot below:\n \nFrom \nSee invision link in the chat and a screen shot below:Start (invisionapp.com)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0fe391d24009-0", "text": "2633\n \nTo check if Stock level is \u2018in stock\u2019\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nRuleset VADR-UI\n change the case of \u2018In stock\u2019Update When - IsInStock\nTo check if Stock level is \u2018Not in stock\u2019\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Change the wording of \u2018Out of stock\u2019 to \u2018Not in stock\u2019Update When - IsOutofStock\nTo check if Product is Incompatible\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Change the wording of \u2018Out of stock\u2019 to \u2018Not in stock\u2019Update When - InCompatibleProduct\nThis activity calls GSA to get stock information to populate the device with stock level when the \u201cCheck\u201d button is clicked\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Product\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: set the Stock Level as per invision using the SetStockDetails decision table\nReplace SetStockDetails data transform with SetStockDetails decision tableUpdate Activity: CallStockCheck\nUpdate DT : SetAccessories", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6e8197b65485-0", "text": "2634\n This Data transform is called when the edit pencil icon is clicked to populate the AccessoriesForUI.Stock page\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Addition Info: Set the Stock Level as per invision using the SetStockDetails decision table\nReplace SetStockDetails data transform with SetStockDetails decision table\nThis Activity is called when we select a device in the Edit device tab\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-Rules\n Addition Info: Change the wording of \u2018Out of stock\u2019 to \u2018Not in stock\u2019Update Activity : EditDealDeviceSelected\nThis section is to display accessory table for handset\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n \n \nIncluded a new section (StockLevelCheckForInbound) for Stock Level column\n Section - RefineAccessoryResults", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b4f09d5e56ef-0", "text": "2635\n1206211 : Last Used Device for SIMO Existing Products\nDescription:\nCurrently, the Last Used Device for SIMO is displayed in an hover in the 'Existing products' and it is not very user friendly.\nFollowing pilot feedback, we would like to update the display in the 'Existing products'\nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent (TSAR/Retail) launches VADR for a Mobile, Watch or MBB CTN on SIMO plan\nThe recommendations screen launches as per 'As Is'\nIn the 'Existing products', the 'As Is' 'i' Icon containing the last used device information is no longer displayed\nBelow the peach banner (or below the plan details in the case of a Watch CTN) , a new title (in bold) is displayed called 'Last used device:'\nBelow the title, the last device used is displayed using the \"As Is' data source\nhttps://vodafone.invisionapp.com/share/F8135DH9Q9YD#/screens/471792554\npwd: AOM2023\nThis Section To display Existing Deal\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Remove IconSection - DisplayExistingDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5395f924d779-0", "text": "2636\n \nReplace '-' Dynamic Layout (\nAdd 'Last used device'\nuse .LastUsedDevice property", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "07a6eae05209-0", "text": "2637\n1216428: Existing Existing Products Title Banner Products Title Banner\nDescription:\nAs part of the UI rework in 4.01 it was agreed that the 'Existing Products' Title Banner's design would be aligned with the 'Selected Products' \nTitle Banner, so that it is easier to manage the different resolutions and zoom ratios \nThis US document this change\n \nAcceptance criteria:\nThe 'Existing Products' title in the Recommendation Screen is updated to be in line with the 'Selected Products' title i.e. in a Red Banner\nhttps://vodafone.invisionapp.com/console/share/SF134I5Z3D7V/980795329 \npwd: AOM2022\nSee below for before and after UX design\nBefore 4.01 Design: \nAfter 4.01 Design:\n \nThis Section To display Existing Deal\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UISection - DisplayExistingDeal", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "5a29080d5268-0", "text": "2638\n Change look & feel \nContainers VFLeftSideContainer\nVFAllBorderBlock\nVFAllBorderBlockPromo\nVFAllBorderBlockRedDashed\nVFTealBackground\nVFHeaderPackage\nExisting PackageUpgrade skin", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d76f05a73cd8-0", "text": "2639\n1263821: Edit Update Tariff Tab look and feel to display full name of tariffs\nDescription:\nFollowing go live feedback , we would like to remove the need to hover over the plan name to see the full name of the tariff\nAcceptance criteria:\nThe Tariff Tab is updated to allow the 'Tariff' column to wrap over 3 lines if necessary\nThe wrapping is done after full words only\nFor example:\n24M SIMO Unlimited\nMax with\nEntertainment\nAll the 'As Is' columns are displayed as per 'As Is'\nThe Filters and sorts options are available as per 'As Is'\nhttps://vodafone.invisionapp.com/console/share/Y2JE4PB3N86/982169410\nped: AOM405\n \nThis Section To display Existing Deal\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Remove ellipsis from name column\nRemove tool tip (if not get deleted autometically)\nuse text area controlSection - RefineTariffResults, RefineTariffResultsForMBB, RefineTariffResultsForWatch", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "07aa3cef65c6-0", "text": "2640\n Use OOB class text-word-break-wordto prevent word break while wrapping\nset width", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "dd1b19476bbe-0", "text": "2641\n556365: Display Unknown on Customer profile if name is not known\nDescription:\nWe would like to display an unknown in the customer information profile and on the recommendation screen on first launch of VADR if the \ncustomer name is unknown.\nAcceptance criteria:\nAgent launch VADR\nIf TSAR Agent is unable to retrieve the customer name then display 'Unknown' in the recommended screen. The Agent can still launch the \ncustomer details.\nIf TSAR Agent clicks on customer 'Unknown' name, this will load the Customer Profile screen.\nOn the customer profile screen, if the customer name is not displayed, then display the word 'Unknown' under the customer name.\nThe details on the customer profile is populated as per As Is except for the name.\nDT to get customer detail\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Do add when step to check if .CustomerForUI.FullName is empty; if yes Make it 'unknown'Data transform - MapDataForUI", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "66cecb9f32df-0", "text": "2642\n868359: Display a message \" No results found\" when there are no\nrecommendations\nDescription:\nWe should not be getting any recommendations if \"No result found\" message is displayed on the Agent screen when AOM loads\nDefect raised Bug-865419\nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent launches VADR and up to 3 recommendations are displayed in the Rec screen as per As Is\nThe Agent runs a 'Refine by' and the logic does not return any recommendations\nThe Recommendations that were 1st displayed when launching VADR are still displayed but a message is presented 'No results found.' to \nlet the agent know that the refine by did not return any results\n Please test AC in pink in 1082405, 1082409, 1082431 as part of this US", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7a839cee480d-0", "text": "2643\n4.06 Task", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7ea2b16bee8f-0", "text": "2644\nOLD: 751704 - Edit package- Updating OOTB functionalities for the filter funnel\nto close of the defect raised\nDescription:\nWe would like to close a defect raised for the OOTB functionality for the filter funnel, as well as update the colour for the 'Apply' button.\n \nA defect raised on the filter funnel shows that the 'Apply' button is always enabled, although the colour presented is grey when first launch \nof the filter funnel and when the user select one or more tick boxes.\n \nActual Result:\nApply button is showing as disabled while the functionality is working fine i.e. button is clickable and the selected filter is applied \nsuccessfully.\n \nExpected Result:\nApply button should show as enabled \n \nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent launch the Edit package screen and selects the filter funnel for any of the tabs.\nIf a filter funnel is selected, then display the 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button as shown in the artefact below (for MVP)\nThe 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button is enabled when first launch of the filter funnel. \nIf an Agent selects one or more tick boxes, then the 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button remains active\nIf an Agent unticks the boxes, then the 'Apply' colour remains the red colour \nIf an Agent enters 1 or more character or number on the search field then the 'Apply' button remains enabled and displayed as red\n \nTask ADO - 1236224\nNeed to find CSS element to override in CSS file", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b171e1db0fc8-0", "text": "2645\n \n This CSS file overrides general OOTB look and feel.\nApplies To N/A\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Text File - vf-custom-style-css", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "443570e66b0c-0", "text": "2646\n1329871: Filter Modal Options.\nDescription:\nThere are 3 types of Filtering Options in the Edit Screen:\nTick and search Box\nValue From /To\nSize From/ To\nAn Agent (TSAR/Retail) logs into VADR and navigates to the Edit Screen\nAcceptance criteria:\nThe filtering 'Funnel' Icon is displayed as per 'As Is'\nOnce the Agent selects the Icon 3 types of filtering modal are available (see Invision link)\nTick list and free text search box\nValue From /To\nSize From/ To. The size unit is specified on the right hand side near the 'From' and 'To'. For example 'GB' for storage or 'mm' for watch \nsize\nThe look and feel is implemented as per Invison link\nhttps://vodafone.invisionapp.com/console/share/Y6BN3JH5F8E/983863652\nped: AOM406\nTask: 1378262\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Device\nRuleset VADR-UI\n IntegerSize : to store only integer part of size (with out unit\u2019mm')New Property\nThe data transform to set data for device table in edit screen\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n set IntegerSize with only integer part of Dimensions property using stripCharsOffEnd function\n@String.stripCharsOffEnd(.Dimensions,2)\n Data transform: SetDevices", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e61f76a7082a-0", "text": "2647\nThe section to display device table in edit screen for watch customer.\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n set size column to IntegerDeviceSize\n \n \nuse presentation to display \u2018mm\u2019\n Section: RefineDeviceResultsForWatch, RefineDeviceResultsForWatchRetail", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "dc593a9ea3d1-0", "text": "2648\nThe Pega OOB section to display filter for tables.\nApplies To Pega-ColumnFilterCriteria\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add dynamic layout with \u2018mm\u2019 string \n \nUse following visibility condition for \u2018From\u2019 & \u2018To\u2019 section \nparam.inputType=='From' && param.pyColumnType=='Integer'&&.pyColumnName==' \nparam.inputType=='To' && param.pyColumnType=='Integer'&&.pyColumnName='.IntegerSize'\n \n Section: GridFilterRangeFields", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6afe0e66d784-0", "text": "2649\n904758: Refine by- Display new message when an Agent clicks on 'More'\nfollowing a Refine by update\nDescription:\nA bug was raised in (ADO-899340) because the \"More\" informative wording in selected products applet should state either \"Handset/SIMO\" \nvalue depending on customer pathway for upgrade recommendations when a Refine by option is used but this is not the case as the value \nis missing.\nThis story covers the UI required when 'More' is clicked by the Agent from the Selected products following a Refine by update for Mobile or \nwatch\nbe able to read the information an updated 'More' info displayed to me on the 'More' information banner when I update a deal using the \nRefine by journey\nAcceptance criteria:\nAgent launches VADR\nSelected product screen loads to the Agent as per AS IS . The' More' shows why the recommendation were recommended (either logic \nhandset or logic simo or commercial rec) as per 'As Is'\nIf an Agent update the deal using the Refine by, clicks on Refine tab and hovers over the 'More' section, then display the 'More' Edited \n(message wording as per As Is please see the wording below in invision)\nThe \"More\" informative wording in selected products applet should state either \"Handset/SIMO\" value depending on pathway customer has \nfor the upgrade or the\nIf an Agent edits the deal using Edit icon, then display the message as per ADO-338263, displaying if the new deal is SIMO or Handset.\n \nTask: 1378391\nThe section to display more info on recommendation card\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-UI-Deal\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Add classSection: MoreInfoDetail", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "776b9778f64a-0", "text": "2650\n \nChange visibility condition for following dynamic layout\n \nThis activity is called when the Recommendations Refresh button is clicked on the UI\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Reset IsRefineByContext.\n Activity: ResetRecommendations", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "00d00e68fa0c-0", "text": "2651\n1329867: Being able to Clear Filters\n \nDescription:\nThe OOB Functionality has a 'Clear filter' functionality. The aim of this User Story is to document how the 'Clear filter' is working in the \napplication\nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent (Retail/TSAR) launches VADR and navigates to the Edit Screens\nThe 'Funnel' icons are displayed on top of the Edit Tab columns as per 'As Is'\nThe Agent selects any 'Funnel' icon\nOn the right top hand side a 'Clear filter' option is displayed\nThe Agent selects one or several filtering options or the Agent enters a range or enters a value in the 'Search box' (based on the filter type) \nand clicks 'Apply'\nThe list is filtered using the search criterias\nThe Agent selects the 'funnel' again and selects the 'Clear filter' option\nThe previously selected items are cleared\nThe Agent either selects more option(s) or does not select any filtering options\nThe Agent clicks on 'Apply'\nThe list is filtered using the selected option(s). If none were selected, the full list is displayed\nThe Agent selects a 'Funnel icon' and applies some filtering option. Before clicking on 'Cancel' or 'Apply', the Agent selects the 'Clear filter' \nOption\nThe filtering options are cleared. The Agent can either enter new options, or click 'Cancel'\nThe 'Clear filter' option only applies to the selected Funnel. The Agent must selects all individual Funnel in Red and clear all filters one by \none\nhttps://vodafone.invisionapp.com/console/share/Y6BN3JH5F8E/983863652\nped: AOM406\n \nTask: 1378302\n \n \nThis CSS file overrides general OOTB look and feel.\nApplies To N/A", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "00d00e68fa0c-1", "text": "This CSS file overrides general OOTB look and feel.\nApplies To N/A\nRuleset VADR-UIText File - vf-custom-style-css", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b7f09cd805c8-0", "text": "2652\n .pz-po-c button.pzhc.pzbutton:nth-child(1) {\n background-color: #BD0000!important;\n}\ndiv.gridDefault div.transparent div#gridBody_right td.gridCellSelected,\ndiv.gridDefault div.transparent div#gridBody_right td.gridCellSelected{\n background-color: #ffffff!important;\n}\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"]:checked, [data-ctl=\"Checkbox\"] input[type=\"checkbox\"]:checked{\n background-color:#00B0CA!important;\n}\n/* the div containing the table filter buttons*/\n/change to flex and reverse the buttons/\nli#pob0 > div{\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-right:5px;\n}", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a62911f1bfa0-0", "text": "2653\n734010: Enhancement to 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button on the Filters\n \nDescription:\nIf an Agent launch the Edit package and clicks on the filter funnel, the 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button are two separate shades of grey which are \nenabled. \n \nThe Apply button is displayed on the left and the Cancel button on the right.\nIn these requirement, we would like to update the following:\nMove the 'Apply' button to the right hand side \nDisable the Apply button when first launch of the filter funnel\nThe colour of the 'Apply' button is greyed when inactive \nThe colour of the 'Apply' button is red when one or more selection is made\nSelecting one or more tick boxes will enable the 'Apply' button\nThe Cancel button is on the left hand side\nThe Cancel button is always enabled\nThe colour of the 'Cancel' button is grey \nAcceptance criteria:\nAn Agent (Retail/TSAR) launch the Edit package screen and selects the filter funnel for any of the Edit tabs\nIf a filter funnel is selected, then display the 'Cancel' and 'Apply' button as shown in the artefact. \nThe 'Apply button is displayed on the right and the 'Cancel' button on the left\nThe 'Apply' button is inactive with a grey colour (See artefact below)\nThe Apply button is only active, if one or more tick boxes are selected. For example, an Agent clicks the tick box, the Apply button becomes \nenabled. If unticked again, then the Apply button is inactive and is shown as grey colour.\nThe 'Apply' button is displayed in red colour as shown in the artefact when enabled\nThe 'Cancel' button is displayed on the left hand \nThe 'Cancel' button must be enabled at all times", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a62911f1bfa0-1", "text": "The 'Cancel' button must be enabled at all times\nThe Cancel button is displayed as a grey colour (see artefact)\nIf an Agent enters 1 or more character or numbers in the search field (alphanumeric), then the 'Apply' button is enabled\nColour for 'apply' button when disabled is # 999999\nColour for 'apply' button when enabled or disabled # BD0000\nColour for cancel button is # 666666", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "752bcf994ad8-0", "text": "2654\n \nTask: 1378346\n \n \nThis CSS file overrides general OOTB look and feel.\nApplies To N/A\nRuleset VADR-UI\n .pz-po-c button.pzhc.pzbutton:nth-child(1) {\n background-color: #BD0000!important;\n}\ndiv.gridDefault div.transparent div#gridBody_right td.gridCellSelected,\ndiv.gridDefault div.transparent div#gridBody_right td.gridCellSelected{\n background-color: #ffffff!important;\n}\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"]:checked, [data-ctl=\"Checkbox\"] input[type=\"checkbox\"]:checked{\n background-color:#00B0CA!important;\n}\n/* the div containing the table filter buttons*/\n/change to flex and reverse the buttons/\nli#pob0 > div{\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-right:5px;\n}Text File - vf-custom-style-css", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2e8c27ab2873-0", "text": "2655\n4.07 Task", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b2df43eb82fa-0", "text": "2656\n1470628 - Being able to change CTN (4.7)\nThis task is an additional requirement following 1082376 - Being able to change CTN .\n \nIf\nThe Account has only one PAYM MBB or one PAYM Mobile CTN,\nthen the 'Customer details for' drop down is disabled and the 'Load all lines' button (new button introduced in step 2 detailed in else \ncondition) should not be displayed and the message 'Switching numbers for customer details does not change the number being upgraded.' \nwith 'i' icon should not be displayed.\nElse\nIf the Account has more than one PAYM MBB or more than one PAYM Mobile or multiple CTN's associated, follow steps 1-4 below\n1. When first loading the screen the 'Customer details for' drop down should be disabled\n2. A new button 'Load all lines' should be placed beside the drop down. (Link given below in comments section for UI reference)\n3. When the agent clicks on 'Load all lines' button - Following the drop down, an 'i' icon is presented with the following message 'Switching \nnumbers for customer details does not change the number being upgraded.'. The message is always displayed (Link given below in \ncomments section for UI reference) and the 'Load all lines' button should disappear, also the 'Customer details for' drop down should be \nenabled now.\n4. The 'Customer details for' drop down functionality after getting enabled will be AS IS\n \nError Handling\nError banner will be shown if the \"Load all lines\" button is unable to trigger 'CTN fetch' or populate data from the backend. (Screen can \nbe referred from link in comments)\nError banner will be displayed until clicked on any action on the screen or clicked on the 'close' icon.\n \nDesign", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b2df43eb82fa-1", "text": "Design\nNew property\n \nDisplayCustomerProfile Section\nRemove visibility conditionUsed in UI to determine if Load all lines button has been clicked\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade\nRuleset VADR-UI\n Property Type truefalseProperty - CustomerLinesLoaded", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "404a51bd4e8e-0", "text": "2657\n \nAdd new dynamic layout\n??? is name of property CustomerLinesLoaded \nDropdown is enabled in first layout, disabled in second layout.\nButton in second layout is Load all lines\nOn-button Action: call Activity LoadCustomerProfile\nError Handling\nLoadCustomerProfile:- activity\nThis activity should run only if CustomerLinesLoaded is false\nAfter successful run of activity, Set CustomerLinesLoaded to true\nPlease use refresh section according to testing.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "76dec8fd2594-0", "text": "2658\n1381628: VADR API error code on Timeout\nImpacted Connect Rest activities:\nGetProductList API Activity\nGetCustomer API Activity\nValidateBasket\nSubmitBasket\nGetRecommendations\nGetNotificationMessages\nValidateDelete\nGetCustomerUsage\nGetInvoiceList\nGetStockAvailability\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nCorrect Message in Start and End steps\nUse \": Start\" and \": End\u201d format\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-GPL-API\nVFUK-VADR-Int-GC-API\nVFUK-VADR-Int-GCU-API\nRuleset VADR-IntGetProductList, GetCustomer, GetCustomerUsage Activities\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nCorrect Message in Start and End steps\nUse \": Start\" and \": End\u201d format\nAdd Err handling to apply the DT", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "76dec8fd2594-1", "text": "Use \": Start\" and \": End\u201d format\nAdd Err handling to apply the DT\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-VB-API\nVFUK-VADR-Int-VD-APIValidateBasket, ValidateDelete Activities", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a64693ff1033-0", "text": "2659\nRuleset VADR-Int\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-SB-API\nRuleset VADR-IntSubmitBasket Activity\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nCorrect Message in Start and End steps\nUse \": Start\" and \": End\u201d format\nAdd descriptions to local variables\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-API\nRuleset VADR-IntGetRecommendations Activity\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a64693ff1033-1", "text": "Local.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nAdd Err handling to apply the DT\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-GNM-API\nRuleset VADR-IntGetNotificationMessages Activity\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-Rest step\nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QELGetInvoiceList Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "129a686f8fd4-0", "text": "2660\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nAdd ErrorCode local variable type as Int and populate it\nAdd descriptions to local variables\nCorrect Err step\nUpdate ErrorMessage to include activity name\nAdd Err handling to apply the DT on step 2\nRemove \u201cAPI\u201d from ProcessName parameter in QEL step\nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-GIL-API\nRuleset VADR-Int\nAdd new step APIErr after Fin step to jump from StepStatusFail on Connect-SOAP step \n \nOn the property setup on APIErr step, jump to QEL\nLocal.ErrorCode = Set new error code and pass it to ErrorCode parameter in QEL step\nCheck if pyHTTPResponseCode is empty and then set to 504 and pass it to StatusCode parameter in QAL step\nLocal.ErrorMessage = getWorstMessage() and pass it to StatusMessage in QAL, ErrorMessage in QEL step\nUpdate ErrorCode local variable type as Int and remove \u201c \u201c from ErrorCode settings\nStatusCode=Primary.response.body.ResultStatus.Code in QAL step \n \nApplies To VFUK-VADR-Int-GSA-API\nRuleset VADR-IntGetStockAvailability Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "514cf9b5dfdf-0", "text": "2661\nPega Certification Readiness\nSystem Architect\nQuestion Dump v8.6\nSenior System Architect\nLinks\nQuestion Dump v8.6\nSystem Architect\nGeneral Pega exam advice: Preparing for a Pega certification exam | Pega Academy \nCheck out the exam specification for the areas to focus your study on. The main module for CSA is Case Management: Certified Peg\na System Architect | Pega Academy \nHere is a Youtube playlist that contains 120 question previously asked in the exam. Different kind of questions may appear than you \npreviously has been seen since the version of the exam these questions was retrivied from was 8.5. Additionally, take the answers with \na grain of salt: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu9b0Z2CDRy5sztwdKMKlFPJ7xPuwvHh4 \nThere's no practical element to the exams, so it's all down to getting a good understanding on the theory in each module.\nThe pages that give step by step information on how to do something are useful for \"challenges\" but will not be graded.\nQuestions can sometimes ask about when to use specific features so look out for contextual examples for when to use things like data \npages or report definitions etc.\nIt's good to go through the module questions and mission tests a few times and get used to the sort of questions that are asked. In the \nexams, it's mostly multiple-choice questions - but some of them give you 4 options for the answer which are all very similar (almost like \nthey're trying to trick you!). Read them carefully!\n \nQuestion Dump v8.6\nUse the below questions and answers as a reference for question style and content. All answers are speculative, please research the \ncorrect answer.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "514cf9b5dfdf-1", "text": "correct answer.\n1. When does the case status gets updated? Case status | Pega Academy \nOnce the stage is completed.\nOnce the stage has been started.\n2. ABCInc-Consumer-PolicyProcessing-Work-Quote class has direct inheritence to Work- class and pattern inheritence. Order the classes \nbelow for the inheritence search. Rule reuse through inheritance | Pega Academy \nABCInc-Consumer-PolicyProcessing-Work\nABCInc-Consumer-PolicyProcessing\nABCInc-Consumer\nABCInc\n@baseclass\nWork-\n3. When designing an app for users, which of the options below does the developer primarely think about?(Choose two)\nIf the fields needs external resource storage\nHow the fields are going to be entered by the user\nIf the fields are going to be entered by the user\n4. Which two steps are necessery to add an automated unit test? (Choose two) Unit tests | Pega Academy \nDefine an assertion with the expected result", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4f8dbd9ead2f-0", "text": "2662\nSave the configuration of the test case\n5. How can saved scenario tests be accessed? Scenario testing | Pega Academy \nFrom Application: Scenario testing landing page\n6. What is the easiest test type to maintain over long run? Scenario testing | Pega Academy \nScenario Testing\nFunctional Testing\nUnit Testing\n7. How to setup a validation configuration with two different conditions?Data validation in Dev Studio | Pega Academy \nOne validate rule with two conditions\nTwo validate rules with each has one condition\nOne edit validate rule with two conditions\nTwo edit validate rules with each has one condition\n8. What can be possible reasons to configure two different mobile app channels?Mobile app channels | Pega Academy \nThe need for two different color schema\nThe need for tablet and mobile phone interfaces\nThe need for two different application icon\n9. When it is appropriate to simulate external data sources? Simulated external data sources | Pega Academy \nWhen the source system is not ready and still in development\nWhen there is an ongoing maintenance on the system\n10. Which two of the passwords below are considered sufficiently secure?(Choose two) Passwords and system access | Pega Academy \ngfhk3293^=/,-(/),jhkh\u201d\u00e9dfv,\nP3g@syst3m$\nice cream\nIamFromPizzaWithCar\n11. Match the keywords with definitions below. Keywords: CAPTCHA, Lockout, Multi-factor authentication. Security policies | Pega Acad\nemy \nFeature that sends a one-time password to users by either email or SMS text message\nChallenge-response test(typically an image) to determine whether users are human\nFeature that enforces a waiting period to slow down or prevent a brute-force attack\n12. where should you configure passed deadline \ndev studio\napp studio\n13. what tags can you add in the case (MLP)\nmobile app", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "4f8dbd9ead2f-1", "text": "app studio\n13. what tags can you add in the case (MLP)\nmobile app \nexternal source \nreject \n14. when adding a 75$ annual fee to a view how should you create the field \nconfiguring it as a calculated field \n15. a new member has joined the team of managers and administrators as an auditor and requires certain permissions from each role (all of \nthe managers and some administrators)\nchange the Administrators roles to all these actions \ncreate a new role and manage the access for the auditor \n16. if a case has an urgency of 10 then it increases by 10 the goal increases again by 10 at the deadline increeases again passed deadline \nwhat is the final urgency.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "07acb1eadd77-0", "text": "2663\n \nSenior System Architect\nLinks\nUse the below links with caution, some questions are from other certifications and some answers are incorrect, but useful to research.\nPega Certified Senior System Architect (PCSSA) PEGAPCSSA80V1_2019 Updated Dumps Questions \nPegesystems PCSSA Certified PEGAPCSSA85V1 Real Exam Dumps (Similar questions/better formatting)\n \nQuestion Dump v8.6\nUse the below questions and answers as a reference for question style and content. All answers are speculative, please research the \ncorrect answer.\n1. What does a greyed out relevant record mean?\nThe rule is already marked as relevant record\n2. Rule types for relevant record? Relevant records | Pega Academy \nProperties\nSections\nHarnesses\nParagraphs\nCorrespondences\nService Level Agreements\nFlows\nFlow actions\n3. Three options to consider for post processing\nflow action likelihood, \nreuse \nsequence in which the system runs different actions\nDo you need to consider re-entering in flow-action for post-processing? (Don\u2019t think I had an option for reuse. Likelihood, sequence \nand one more choice)\n4. Action that declare OnChange rule can do?\nSuspend work object\n5. How to create a Mobile app that can work offline? Mobile app deployment | Pega Academy \nNative app\n6. What functions can a native app use? Mobile app deployment | Pega Academy \nOffline case processing\nPush notifications\nBarcode scanning\nBiometric identification\n7. Two things you need to build mobile app? Mobile app deployment | Pega Academy \n Certification set \nAccess to Pega Mobile Build Server\n8. What does Pega Mobile Build Server require to work? Mobile app deployment | Pega Academy \nSecure HTTPS access", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "94e7f7369c61-0", "text": "2664\nThe URL with the Pega Mobile Client License\n9. Application taking 10 seconds to finish - the tool for analyse?\nPerformance profiler/PAL\n10. Most common ways to expose app to external services? Exposing an application as a service | Pega Academy \nPega API \nSOAP Service\n11. Field value primary use? Field values | Pega Academy \nField values enable you to manage the list of allowed values separately from the property. Managing the allowed values \nseparately from the property enables you to reuse a single property, and customize the allowed values based on the context of the \nproperty.\nUse in a specific case type\n12. How to Associate Open-Review status with a case type?\nCreate Field value\nAssociate with case type\n13. Retry after an hour - something about SOAP?\n logic to error handler flow\n14. What is a Production ruleset used for? Application and production rulesets | Pega Academy \nProduction rulesets include rules that are updated in the production environment. The most common use of production rulesets is for \ndelegated rules. However, production rulesets can be used for any use case requiring rules to be updated in a production \nenvironment.\n15. What is rule delegation?\nRules are made available for users to edit in the production environment \n16. Pega, Alert and AlertSecurity drag and drop. Log files | Pega Academy \nPEGA \u2013 warnings, errors, and information messages about internal operations\nALERT \u2013 performance-related alerts or an operation exceeds the specified performance threshold\nALERTSECURITY \u2013 someone trying to tamper with the URL\n17. Static assembler: Preassembling rules in an application by using the Static Assembler utility \nThe Static Assembler utility enables the preassembly and caching of rules that belong to an application. These actions improve the", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "94e7f7369c61-1", "text": "response time for interactive users after a system startup or when new ruleset versions are imported into the system\n18. Ordering request processing: Connectors and services | Pega Academy \nConnector\nInitialise Connector\nMap outbound data\nInvoke Service\nMap inbound data\n Service \nInbound Request recieved\nMap inbound data\nRequest processing\nMap outbound data\nSystem returns a response\n19. Report definition: set up a class join Joins, associations, and subreports | Pega Academy \nCreate a class join with prefix\nDefine the type\n20. What is a class group\nRather than creating a new class, designate the parent class as a class group\nStore instances of similar or related case types together in a single DB table", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "150e32015e8f-0", "text": "2665\nA report created in the class group returns all instances in the classes that belong to the group\n21. Interactions between Mashups\nJavaScript .DoAction() \u2190 this doesn\u2019t seem to be covered in Pega Academy check: \nMashup JavaScript page actions \ndata-pega-event-onpagedata \u2190 Please see: \nData exchange through Pega Web Mashup | Pega Academy \n22. Which two statements are valid regarding Pega Web Mashups? (Choose two.)\na. A mashup display starts by calling either a flow or a harness from a Pega application. (Don\u2019t recognise this option)\nb. Pega Platform limits a mashup to working on existing cases.\nc. A mashup can allow access to Dev Studio for full system configuration.\nd. A user can view their worklist in an external portal and select items to take action on.\n23. (Similar to this Module Quiz question): Which two of the following steps are required to create a Pega Web Mashup?\nConfigure a list of approved sites for the site origin.\nGenerate the mashup code.\n24. Application Validation and Rule Validation indicated by [ ]\n25. Circumstancing and rule resolution Single-variable circumstancing | Pega Academy \na. Single variant rule where Country = x\nb. How to remove a circumstanced rule from a ruleset \nYou can select the Base check box to indicate that the rule resolution algorithm should ignore all previous occurrences of this rule \nin the same major but lower minor and patch versions at the time of rule resolution.\nWhen a circumstanced rule is withdrawn, all previous occurrences of this rule in the same major, but lower minor and patch \nversions having the same circumstance type get withdrawn. Rule resolution then selects the base rule despite meeting the \ncircumstanced condition.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "150e32015e8f-1", "text": "circumstanced condition. \n26. Deny access control to an operator Role-based access control (RBAC) | Pega Academy \n27. Product rule and associated data instances\n28. Two operators need to get work from Units A and B Work groups | Pega Academy \nEven though operators and work queues belong to a unit, associating a work group with an operator allows the operator to share \nwork with operators in other units\n29. Why use branching? Parallel development | Pega Academy \nAllow multiple developers can implement functionality without impacting other developers\n30. Set up rule locking for a scenario involving parent and child cases. Case locking | Pega Academy \n31. Do organizations have unique encryption keys. Data encryption | Pega Academy \nEach organization uses a custom key to encrypt their data in Pega Platform. By using custom keys, different organizations can \nleverage the same cipher to generate a unique encryption result. \n32. The correct back ground processing for a company that must process orders multiple times a day\nMultiple job schedulers set to different times?\n33. The Sum of a cases' urgency based on the number of hours passed. Assignment urgency | Pega Academy \nIncluding:\nInitial urgency\nSLA delay\nGoal\nDeadline\nPassed Deadline\n34. ABC:02-02 being skimmed to new major version. Which are copied? Creating higher ruleset versions by skimming rules | Pega Acad\nemy \n01-01-01 (No)\n02-01-01 (Yes)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0e08f6c223b0-0", "text": "2666\n02-02-01 (Yes)\n02-01-05 (Yes)\n35. Requirement for User to not be able to open a case. (Access when or Access deny?)\n36. A patient needs to only view a case. How is this achieved?\na. Access Role to Object set to 1\nb. Access of Role to Object set to 5\nc. Something else (privilege?)\nd. Something else\n37. Doctors and nurses both need to edit patients\u2019 cases. How is this achieved?\na. Two roles for doctors and nurses with Access of Role to Object set to 5\nb. Two roles for doctors and nurses with Access of Role to Object set to 1\nc. One role for both doctors and nurses with Access of Role to Object set to 5\nd. One role for both doctors and nurses with Access of Role to Object set to 1\n38. Configure the time-out value of the child case to be less than the time-out value of the parent\n39. You want to assign the same workgroup to different units, how do you achieve this?\na. Workgroup assigned to users and a worklist assigned to the workgroup?\n40. Student application automatically approves students whose test score is above the national average. Which configuration supports this? \n(Pick Two)\na. Configuration stores national test average?\nb. Configuration calculates national test average? \nc. Check whether .NationalAverage < .StudentScore\nd. Check whether .NationalAverage > .StudentScore\n41. Which is true for guardrails? (Pick Two) Application performance issues | Pega Academy \na. When you save a rule, Pega Platform performs a guardrail examination\nb. When you checkout a rule, Pega Platform performs a guardrail examination", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0e08f6c223b0-1", "text": "b. When you checkout a rule, Pega Platform performs a guardrail examination\nc. Something about application being ready after the guardrail compliance score is over 90 (This link only says that it\u2019s in good \nstanding after 90)Guardrails compliance score \nd. The guardrail compliance score measures the number of rules with unjustified warnings\n(Technically true?)\n42. Using Performance Analyser to measure performance (Pick Two) https://academy.pega.com/topic/performance-analyzer-\ntool/v2/in/24081/24651 \na. Run through the process once to completion first to ensure that all rules are assembled\nb. (One of the options, not sure if right): Run the process from the portal to see end user\u2019s performance\nc. \nd. \n43. Asks what is true for class mappings Data storage in Pega | Pega Academy \nPegaRULES \u2013 Maps to the database where all Pega Platform rules and system data are saved.\nPegaDATA \u2013 Maps to the database where data and work instances are saved.\n(^ One answer says only PegaRULES is for rules and PegaDATA is for work instances so I don\u2019t know if that's wrong)\n44. Call Activity returns to the originating activity, while Branch Activity skips the remainder of the originating activity.\n45. Static assembler is used for which of the following issues?\nRule cache is too big?", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "bc1d11269f81-0", "text": "2667\n46. The customer, a medium size toy maker, wants to fulfill orders received during the peak season in December and process them in \nbatches multiple times a day.\nHow do you implement this use case?\na. Create a queue processor that can process orders received by the company.\nb. Create one scheduled job and select its run schedule as multiple times a day.\nc. Create batches of orders and send each batch for processing when it gets full.\nd. Create scheduled jobs, one for each run, that can process accumulated orders.\n47. You are preparing to create a new major version of an application ruleset in which there are multiple minor and patch versions.\nHow do you create the new ruleset version?\na. Use the Ruleset Maintenance wizard to merge the existing rules in the relevant ruleset versions to the new version.\nb. Use the Ruleset Maintenance wizard to skim the relevant ruleset versions to copy the highest version of existing rules to the new \nruleset version.\nc. Create a new application ruleset using the appropriate version number, then copy the highest version of existing rules into the new \nruleset version.\nd. Use the Application Structure landing page to lock and roll the existing ruleset versions to the new version.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "12a77246ae6a-0", "text": "2668\nApps Documentation\nDesign\nLoader Case Design\nTemp\nConfigure new spine entity to the spine loader\nLoader Process - Process Usage Charges\nEvent Loader Development\nMEF - Digital Enriched Data\nBatch NBA Case Design\nOldest one\nTreatment Buckets Design\nDataFlow Audit History\n1393706: Run AOM batch during business hours, single or multiple times\nExtractor Case Design\nExtractor Case Design _backup\nCreate RCS Channel Extract\nCreate MMS Channel Extract\nCreate RecommendationItems Extract\nBatch Controls - pause, hold, resume at treatment level\nRunning the Extractor Case\nHousekeeping Case\nHousekeeping for PurgeEOC (Purge Expired Outbound Comms)\nCommon Case Flows\nCheckpoint Check\nGenerate Extract Agent Activity Updates\nInclude recommitted in OBC purge file\nApply Volume Constraints Redesign\nScheduler Design\nThrottling Design\nHazelcast Bucket4j\nSubscription Case Design\nChannel Execution Approval & Switch Control Implementation\nProduct & Offer Catalog Design\nLoader Case Design For PC/OC\nProduct Catalogue Data Pages - OLD\nFlush Data Pages for Loader Case Sub Types\nProduct Catalogue Data Pages\nOffer Catalogue Design - Cassandra Design\nTruncate Cassandra Data Sets for Loader Case Sub Types\nModify the HBB Discount to include the VFT(Vodafone Together) discount\nVodafone reference architecture\nBDC Models\nRecommendation UniversalTariff BDC Model\nIngest Predictive IVR BDC ModelThis section will detail the AOM Design and related topics\n \nExpand all Collapse all", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f8d448588d50-0", "text": "2669\nBDC to AOM Multipart Files Design\nDevice Recommendation BDC Model\nConvergence BDC Model\nStore All Outbound Communications Sent\nUnsubscribe Case Design\nExtract the new IH Report table to EDW\nStore IH Reporting fields in IH Reporting table\nCase Dependencies\nGetNBA Response Mapping For IVR\nApply Volume Constraints for Customers in Control Group\nExtend BundleEventAPI for Additional Parameters\nAOM RT Aggregated Event Store\nTrack Trigger Event Processes Into New Event Store Process\nTrack BundleEvent Processes into New Event Store Process\nExtend Trigger Event for Sales Order Events\nEvent Analysis Store\nExtend parallel spine loads to all spines\nRecommendations Portal\n651840 & 651806 - Enable Device & Watch Recommendations\nProvide the ability to define and manage an effective FUT Cohort within AOM for Treatments\nProvide Better Alignment of AOM Logging Processes (AOM-1797)\nSimulation Orchestration\nCase Details\nBase Line Simulation\nCustomer Simulation\nInbound Simulation\nTIL Simulation\nProcessSimulationDropOff Update\nPega 8.8 Upgrade - Simulation changes\nStop Simulation\nAOM RT Aggregated Event Store - Account Event\nData Load Threshold Assurance\nApp Changes for LIVE UAT Seed Test\nCSO Transform - Modify Order\nCSO Transform - Modify Order Transform - ADO Task/Design\nSave Offers Metadata\nOffers Case Management and Setup\nLanding Page\nLanding pages & Exception Message Handling\nPersonalized Video\nSeed Testing\nDecision Metadata for GR and GPL APIs\nSubmit Basket Request Body Additional Attributes\nTasker Case\n896436 - AggregateIH - New case subtype in Tasker case\n921213: How we identify Top selling MBB products\nHandle Business Logic Error In GetNBA API - 526157\nCalling Capture Response in Offers Setup Stage\nGet Product List V2 Enhancements\nProduct Cataogue Data Page & Catalogue Sync Changes\nStore Dataflow Response", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f0c47ede74cc-0", "text": "2670\nAsync Capture Response\nBranching\nWorking with PRPC Branching\nHow to setup new Branch\nGuidelines for Merging Branches\nGuidelines for Testing using Branch Application\nBranching Approach\nChannel Management\nDesign Overview\nTreatment Send Config\nUser Interface\nEmail\nSMS\nApp Push\nSend SMS Message\nSimulation Portal\nCreate Simulation Screen\nBack out IH\nBack out IH Design\nBack out IH Data Model\nBack out User Interface\nBack out IH Rules & Activities\nBack out IH Case Changes\nBackout Data Design\nMaking a Delete IH request\nAssisted 2nd Line Acquisition\n933266: Refresh GetCustomer info every time VADR is launched\n991853: Recommendation Reasons\n991858: Include Digital in Commercial UI\nUpgrades - Get Customer performance improvement (1035177, 959910)\n1187062 - Newly added column mappings for device_v\nSOHO\nRedesign WBW lookup to use Data Type instead of Decision data (ADO 1163201)\n1190526 - Consume Strategic Roaming feed\nAutomated Order Submission (AOS)\nAOS - Overview\nAOS - Data Model and Config\nAOS - Portal/UI\nAOS - Activities and Rules\nConfigurations\nAOM Config\nBundleEventNTIDMap\nEventTypeConfig\nAOM Business Config\nMicrosite Configuration\nAOM Utilities\nFunctions\nTemplateConfig\nScheduler Config\nOld AOM Config\nSeed User NBA Whitelist", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ad09a531c1f8-0", "text": "2671\nFlush Caches/Truncate Datasets\nAOM Access Groups\nClearing AOM Config Cache\nWBWDeviceMultiplierMatrix\nExternal System Integration Services\nTealium-AOM Integration\nCreate Sales Order Connector\nCheck Retention Eligibility Connector (CRE)\nGet Out of Bundle Charges Service - OOBCharges\nGet Stock Availability (GSA)\nGet Customer Party List (GCPL)\nGet Live Account Information Data Page (AOM-2734)\nCatalogue Sync\nGet Processed Service List (GPSL)\nIMI -Inbound Webhook Events\nPOC - JWT Authentication\nCheck Product Eligibility\nAOM Exposed Services\nGetRecommendedProductList (GRPL)\nGet Next Best Actions REST API\nGetNextBestActionsV2\nSet NBA Response REST API\nCustomer REST API\nCRE Call for Multiple Customers Simultaneously\n1347204 - Handling of Prepay subscriptions in GPSL within an Post pay upgrade\nGet Product List REST API\nGet Recommendations REST API\nSubmit Basket REST API\nCSO Mapping Design-- 428209\nValidate Basket REST API\nValidate Delete REST API\nGetProductList V2 REST API\nGet Customer Usage Rest API\nGet Notification Messages REST API\nRealTime Triage Tool\nWatchdog Design, Config And Reports\nAlert Management\nWatchDog to Provide better supporting Information with Alerts\nAlert Subscription Management\nWatchDog Unsubscribe\nWatchDog Case Design\nWatchDog Exception/Error Reports and Jobs Scheduled\nWatchDogConfig\nWatchDog Modifications\nReusable Report Definations\nEvent Handlers & Framework\nCustomer Permissions\nSales Order Events\nRetention Eligibility Events\nCustomer Interaction\nConnect Queue Parameters", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "66483c1d6153-0", "text": "2672\nEvent Framework - Invalid Parameter Mapping\nTrigger Event Framework\nCall Event\nSales Order\nProvisioning\nMicrosite\nDialler Outcomes\nWebhook\nDisconnections\nAppPushResponse\nLeaveRequest\nRoaming\nIMI - Outbound Events\nCall Event Handler\nSupport of Multiple Identifiers for CallEvent\nTroubleshooting The Processes\nAOM Audit Tables\nAOM Error Tables\nAuditMetadata\nAOM Error Codes\nAOM Errors & Troubleshooting\nFrequently Occurring Problems (FOP)\nEnvironment Check List\nTroubleshooting Guide\nDefect Triage for 2.09\nData Page Errors Debugging\nToolbox\nPAT Support\nVADR Versions\nTesting Functionality\nTest Action from offer flow\nSeed Test Functionality\nSMS & Email Seed Test Functionality HLD\nSeed Test Design\nGet NBA Seed Test\nAdding Seed Test to Channel Management\nAssisted Upgrades Test Harness\nEmail Seed Test POC\nAPI Simulation\nKnowledge Base\nCreating New Class Mapping for External Table\nFrequently Used / Useful Pega Functions\nHow to use Simulations in Service Connector Rules\nService REST Features PoC\nIs Case Runnable\nCommon Utilities\nDocumentation Template\nDynamic System Settings - Server Restart\nPega Unit Test Case Design & Limitations\nHow to Induct new resources into App Team\nAES 256-bit Encryption", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ad5a5c5ce2dc-0", "text": "2673\nWorking with SSH\nMashup\nArticles\nExtend IH Table\nDatabase ER-Diagram\nTables - Description\nEntity Relationship Diagrams\nReference Material\nKT Sessions\nAOM Issue Triage Questionnaire\nPega Support Request Guide\nCoding Best Practices\nRule Types and Rulesets\nCreating Data Type\nVersioned and Un-Versioned Rules\nTriage activities\nSTF Flow\nPRPC Features\n8.5.3 - New Features\nCase Management\nLow-code Application Development\nSystem Administration\nEnhance your data sets with Apache HBase 2.1 and Hadoop 3.0 (8.5)\nAccess and curate your data by using enhanced data APIs (8.5)\nDecision Management\nCall authenticated APIs from any application (8.5)\nData Integration\nUser Guide\nHow to Run the Loader Case\nHow to run BDC loader and add new BDC model files\nOffers Landing Pages\nSimulation\nHow to Run a Loader Case - Loading files\nHow to create a Renegotiation case with mock data\nRun Simulation\nApplication Versions\nOverview\nReleases\nReleases & App Version Mapping\nR3.5\nR3.6\nR3.7\nR4.1 And R4.2\nR4.3\nR4.4\nR4.5\nR4.6\nAOMFW\nCreating a new AOMFW Application Version\nAOM\nCreate a new AOM Application Version", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "aa9ca5eec441-0", "text": "2674\nArtefacts to deploy to switch any application version to Live\n914098: Designing the process to support feature-based releases\nDeployment to make an Application Version Live\nVF Confluence Links\nR 4.04\nR4.05\nR4.06", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d1486a251780-0", "text": "2675\nDesign\nLoader Case Design\nBatch NBA Case Design\nExtractor Case Design\nHousekeeping Case\nCommon Case Flows\nCheckpoint Check\nGenerate Extract Agent Activity Updates\nInclude recommitted in OBC purge file\nApply Volume Constraints Redesign\nScheduler Design\nThrottling Design\nSubscription Case Design\nChannel Execution Approval & Switch Control Implementation\nProduct & Offer Catalog Design\nVodafone reference architecture\nBDC Models\nStore All Outbound Communications Sent\nUnsubscribe Case Design\nExtract the new IH Report table to EDW\nStore IH Reporting fields in IH Reporting table\nCase Dependencies\nGetNBA Response Mapping For IVR\nApply Volume Constraints for Customers in Control Group\nExtend BundleEventAPI for Additional Parameters\nAOM RT Aggregated Event Store\nExtend Trigger Event for Sales Order Events\nRecommendations Portal\nProvide the ability to define and manage an effective FUT Cohort within AOM for Treatments\nProvide Better Alignment of AOM Logging Processes (AOM-1797)\nSimulation Orchestration\nAOM RT Aggregated Event Store - Account Event\nData Load Threshold Assurance\nApp Changes for LIVE UAT Seed Test\nCSO Transform - Modify Order\nSave Offers Metadata\nOffers Case Management and Setup\nDecision Metadata for GR and GPL APIs\nSubmit Basket Request Body Additional Attributes\nTasker Case\nHandle Business Logic Error In GetNBA API - 526157\nCalling Capture Response in Offers Setup Stage\nGet Product List V2 Enhancements\nProduct Cataogue Data Page & Catalogue Sync Changes\nStore Dataflow Response \nExpand all Collapse all", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7932c5f5e3b7-0", "text": "2676\nAsync Capture Response\nBranching\nChannel Management\nSend SMS Message\nSimulation Portal\nBack out IH\nAssisted 2nd Line Acquisition\n933266: Refresh GetCustomer info every time VADR is launched\n991853: Recommendation Reasons\n991858: Include Digital in Commercial UI\nUpgrades - Get Customer performance improvement (1035177, 959910)\n1187062 - Newly added column mappings for device_v\nSOHO\nRedesign WBW lookup to use Data Type instead of Decision data (ADO 1163201)\n1190526 - Consume Strategic Roaming feed\nAutomated Order Submission (AOS)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "850eb97c53f4-0", "text": "2677\nLoader Case Design\n \n[ Setup ]\nSetup\n \n[ Initialise Loader ] [ Inspect ] [ Ingest ] [ Prepare Usage Charges ] [ Digest ] [ Process Usage Charges ] [ Functionality ]\nInitialise Loader\nCalls Initialise flow \nChanges the stage to Elapsed if all of the check points configured are passed\nIf the check point is valid, calls InitialiseLoader activity\nSetups/Initialises below parameters\nWork Area\nIsCaseSubType's \nLoaderFileAttributes \nArchivePath\nIncomingPath\nIncomingS3Path\nManifestArchiveS3Path\nGets all values configured with LoaderFileAttributes into Primary page \nFirstly takes from LoaderFileAttributes string into CommonLoaderEntity page \nCopies CommonLoaderEntity page into Primary page\nAnd are related attributes are copied into CommonLoaderEntity page from Primary \nPopulates EntityList value-list property with LoaderEntityList AOM Config\nLoops through each EntityList (from EntityList value-list property)\nCopies CommonLoaderEntity Page into LoaderEntity Page\nGets the FileAttributes AOM Config for the Current Entity\nAdopts the Entity specific FileAttributes JSON into LoaderEntity (overwrites LoaderFileAttributes with FileAttributes) \nSets the LoaderEntityName within LoaderEntity Page\nCopies LoaderEntity Page into LoaderEntities Page Group property", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "ee1bd1e4e14f-0", "text": "2678\nIn case of any failure, calls NotifySupport flow\nInspect\n \nCall Inspect flow \nCall InspectDropZone activity\nInitialized below variables\nReady \u2192 true\nHasFiles \u2192 false\nDiagnosticData \u2192 \u201c\u201c\nManifestFilePath \u2192 \u201c\u201c\nLocal.NotInS3 \u2192 If the IncomingS3Path is null/empty set true, else false\nIf the manifest file does not exists at the loader level & NotInS3 is not true, populate Local.ManifestFilename with the latest \nmanifest file pattern from IncomingS3Path\nIf there is no manifest file found in the previous location, set Ready as false & DiagnosticData as manifest file was not found in \nIncomingS3Path and jump to Fin which exits the activity by clearing clipboardpages created as part the activity\nTransfer the ManifestFile to IncomingPath wrt the TransferMode ( copy or move )\nPopulate ManifestFilePath from the absolute path of the manifest file in IncomingPath\nCall @AOMUtilities.PopulateFileInToTextValueList to read the contents of the manifest file and populate that into TextValueList\nLoop through TextValueList which contains the list of input files to check if the input file exists\nIf file is in Incoming path call @AOMUtilities.FileExists function else call @AOMUtilities.S3FileExists function to validate if file \nexists in the location\nIf the file not found in the corresponding location, set Ready flag as false and populate DiagnosticData as the input file was \nnot found in incoming path\nLoop through the Loader Entities\nInitialize below properties\nHasFiles \u2192 false\nTextValueList \u2192 Primary.TextValueList\nManifestFilePath \u2192 Primary.ManifestFilePath\nCall InspectEntityFiles activity \nInit Ready, DiagnosticData, NotInS3", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e3b0330393a5-0", "text": "2679\nReady \u2192 true\nDiagnosticData \u2192 \u201c\u201c\nLocal.NotInS3 \u2192 true if IncomingS3Path is null\nReset InputFIles property\nIf both of the InputFilePattern & ManifestFilePattern are empty\nSet the ErrorStackTrace and jump to Err\nElse if both of the InputFilePattern & ManifestFilePattern are populated\nCreate a Work page\nLoop through the TextValueList which contains the list of input files from the Manifest & and add it to \nWork.TextValueList if the input filename matches the InputFilePattern\nCopy the temp Work.TextValueList back to the Entity page TextValueList (to contain just the matches)\nSet the Ready flag to false if the TextValueList is empty and is Mandatory and jump to Fin else jump to LTVL (Loop \nthrough the TextValueList)\nElse if the InputFilePattern is empty and ManifestFilePattern is populated\nIf (NotInS3 != true) \n\u2192 Get the oldest Manifest File from S3 bucket\n\u2192 Set the Ready flag to false if the manifest file is not found at the S3 path & Mandatory = true and jump to Fin\n\u2192 Copy the ManifestFile into IncomingPath\n\u2192 Setup the local ManifestFilePath \nElse (NotInS3 = true)\n\u2192 Get the oldest Manifest File from Incoming Path \n\u2192 Set the Ready flag to false if the manifest file is not found at the Incoming path & Mandatory = true and jump to Fin\nRead the contents of the manifest file and populate that into TextValueList\nElse if the InputFilePattern is populated and ManifestFilePattern is empty\nGet the input files matching the InputFilePattern from the configured incoming path\nSet the Ready flag to false if there are no files found & Mandatory = true and jump to Fin\nLoop through the TextValueList which contains the list of input files\nCheck if the input file exists", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e3b0330393a5-1", "text": "Loop through the TextValueList which contains the list of input files\nCheck if the input file exists\nSet the Ready flag to false if the file is not found and jump to Fin\nIf HasChecksum is true\n\u2192 Check if the checksum file is available\n\u2192 Set the Ready flag to false if the checksum file is not found and jump to Fin\n\u2192 Validate the Checksum of the input file\n\u2192 Handle checksum errors\nAdd the FilePath to InputFiles & set HasFiles as true\nGet the Load Type from the file name if the LoadType is of file type\nWhen LoaderEntity is Ready & has no files (!HasFiles) \nSet the LatestEntityState to Skipped\nJump to PC ( Copy the LoaderEntity into LoaderEntities and Exit iteration) \nWhen LoaderEntity is Ready \nSet the LatestEntityState to Ready if InspectEntityFiles was successful\n Jump to PC ( Copy the LoaderEntity into LoaderEntities and Exit iteration) \nWhen LoaderEntity is Not Ready \nSet the LatestEntityState, Ready flag and DiagnosticData from the previous call on failure\nCopy the LoaderEntity.ErrorStackTrace to Primary if there was an error", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "23a4af872f40-0", "text": "2680\n Jump to PC ( Copy the LoaderEntity into LoaderEntities and Exit iteration) \nIngest\nCalls Prepare flow to call Prepare activity and handle failures\nGets the GNUPGHome path, SecretsManagerRegion, SecretsManagerId, GPGPassphrase\nCreates WorkArea and Archive folders\nLoop through the LoaderEntities (to possibly Dycrypt the InputFiles, Truncate and Drop Indexes on the staging table)\nExit Iteration if LatestEntityState for this Entity is Skipped\nSet Compressed flag as true, if any CompressionType defined in the file attributes config\nLoop through the input files\nIf the input file is neither Compressed Nor Encrypted\nCall GNUcp function to copy the raw input file to the WorkAreaPath\nAdd the workarea input file to DecompressedFiles / Add the input file to TextValueList for Archival\nIf the input file is Encrypted\nPopulate decryption file path to store encrypted results (WorkAreaPath + File Name - .gpg)\nDecrypt the input file into decryption file path\nIf file is not compressed append decrypted file path into DecompressedFiles, else skip step\nIf the input file is Compressed\nPopulate decompression file path to store decompressed results\nIf the file is Encrypted, use decryption file path\nElse use current input file path\nDecompress the input file wrt compress type (zip/tgz) and populate decompressed files in given output clipboardproperty \n(DecompressedFiles)\nAdd the input file to TextValueList for Archival later\nAdd the cksum file to TextValueList for Archival later if applicable\nAdd the ManifestFilePath file to TextValueList for Archival later if available in LoaderEntity and NA in Primary page, and case sub \ntype not equals to BDC\nLoop through the LoaderEntity.TextValueList to append them to the Primary TextValueList for archival later\nClear LoaderEntity.TextValueList", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "23a4af872f40-1", "text": "Clear LoaderEntity.TextValueList\nIf Case Sub Type is not BDC/Event\nCreate a page - HTSLStatus\nSetup the staging TableName, Skip and init SchemaName\nTableName = EntityNAme + \u201c_st\u201d\nSchemaName = \u201c\u201c\nSkip = if Case Sub Type is SpineV2 and Load Type is full true, else, false\nHTSLStatus.TableName = LoaderEntiy.TableName\nDrop the indexes on the staging table (RDB-Delete, Indexes)", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1db47c127595-0", "text": "2681\nTruncate the staging table (RDB-Delete, Truncate)\nCopy the updated LoaderEntity back into LoaderEntities\nAdd the ManifestFilePath file to TextValueList for Archival later only once when available in the Primary Page\nLoop through the TextValueList to archive the files listed\nCall the GNUmv function to move the current file to the archive folder\nIf DevMode = True, Move files back to the LoaderIncomingPath\nClear the TextValueList\n \nCalls InitialiseHTSLStatus flow to call InitialiseHTSLStatus activity and handle failures\nGet the LoaderLoopLimit and Init the LoopCounter\nLoop through the LoaderEntities\nSkip HTSL (exit iteration) if LoaderEntity.Skip is true or if LatestEntityState for this Entity is Skipped\nLoop through the LoaderEntity.DecompressedFiles\nCreate a new page - HTSLStatus\nInitialise the HTSLStatus page (CaseId, FilePath, TableName, Status, StatusTimeStamp)\nPersist the HTSLStatus page\nStatus = Init\nQueue the HTSL Job into HTSLQueueProcessor\nGet the AOM DB JNDI Name, TableName & FilePath\nUpdate the NodeId, Status to Processing and the StatusTimestamp\nPersist the HTSLStatus page\nStatus = Processing\nStart the timer\nInvoke HTSL to load the input file, using @AOMUtilities.HTSL function, which returns the Record Count within the file\nLoads the input file into staging table\nStop the timer\nUpdate the StatusTimestamp, EndTimestamp, RecordCount, MetaData and the Status to Complete\nPersist the HTSLStatus page\nStatus = Completed\n \nCalls PostProcessHTSL flow to call PostProcessHTSL activity and handle failures\nInitialise flags\nReady = false\nLoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1\nLocal.Loaded = true\nReset the HTSLStatuses & DiagnosticData\nLoop through the LoaderEntities", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1db47c127595-1", "text": "Local.Loaded = true\nReset the HTSLStatuses & DiagnosticData\nLoop through the LoaderEntities\nSkip the loop if Latest Entity State is already Loaded or Skipped\nGet the Incomplete HTSLStatuses for the current LoaderEntity\nIf there are no Incomplete HTSLStatuses\nCall InitialiseIndexStatus Activity to kickoff the Indexing for the current loaded entity\nInitialise the IndexStatus page (CaseId, TableName, Status, StatusTimeStamp)\nPersist the IndexStatus page\nStatus = Init", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0a5fc5d60a8d-0", "text": "2682\nQueue the HTSL Job into IndexingQueueProcessor\nUpdate the NodeId, Status to Processing and the StatusTimestamp\nPersist the IndexStatus page\nStatus = Processing\nStart the timer\nDrop the indexes on the specified table - (RDB-Delete, Indexes)\nCreate the indexes on the specified table - (RDB-Save, Indexes)\nStop the timer\nUpdate the StatusTimestamp, EndTimestamp, RecordCount, MetaData and the Status to Complete\nPersist the IndexStatus page\nStatus = Completed\nSet the LatestEntityState for the current entity to Loaded\nElse (there are Incomplete HTSLStatuses) , loop through the Incomplete HTSLStatuses\nCopy the current HTSLStatus into HTSLStatuses page group property for Diagnostics\nDerive the FileName\nHandle Errors for HTSL Status\nSet the DiagnosticData\nJump to Fin If the ErrorStackTrace was populated earlier\nLoop through the LatestEntityState to determine of all of the applicable ones are Loaded\nSet the Local.Loaded flag to false if the current entity state is not Loaded or Skipped\nIf the Local.Loaded flag is true, set the Ready flag to true and Jump to Fin\n \nCalls InspectIndexStatus flow to call InspectIndexStatus activity and handle failures\nSets Ready, LoopCounter, Local.Indexed properties AAA\nIndexStatuses and DiagnosticData properties removed to reset the status\nLoop through the LoaderEntities to inspect the Index Status for each entity\nGet LatestEntityState and if the current entity is already indexed or skipped, exit the loop iteration\nIf the Skip flag for the current entitiy is true, specify the entitiy in LatestEntityState as \u201cIndexed\u201d\nGet incomplete index statuses from and store in IndexStatuses page.\nIf there is no result returned, flag current entity in LatestEntityState as \u201cIndexed\u201d\nLoop IndexStatuses pagelist to check incomplete index statutes", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0a5fc5d60a8d-1", "text": "Loop IndexStatuses pagelist to check incomplete index statutes\nCopy current IndexStatus for the current entitiy to Primary.IndexStatus\nIf the Status is \u201cError\u201d, populate Primary.ErrorStackTrace as the indexing is failed.\nSet Primary.DiagnosticData for the current status\nIf ErrorStackTrace was populated earlier, jump fin and clear clipboard pages created as part of activity. Else, skip the step\nLoop through Primary.LatestEntityState text value group\nIf the State is not equal to \u201cIndexed\u201d or \u201cSkipped\u201d, flag Local.Indexed as false. Else skip the step\nIf Local.Indexed is true, set Ready flag as true and jump to Fin step. Else, skip step\nIf LoaderCounter is greater than the loop limit defined in aom config, then populate ErrorStackTrace as the loop limit has been reached \nand jump to Err step to produce errors in AOMError table\nIf the step is Fin, jump to Clean step to clear all the clipboardpages created as part of InspectIndexStatus activity\nIn case of any failure, calls NotifySupport flow", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "48c9b7a2ae77-0", "text": "2683\nPrepare Usage Charges", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33accfb93e37-0", "text": "2684\n \nThis process is only run if the IsPrepareUsageChargesRunnable WHEN rule is true - LatestEntityState = 'Indexed'\nCreates new SubscriptionInvoiceChargeHolding page\nSets CaseId, TimeToLive and PartitionKey on this page.\nCalls SQL-Rule PopulateCUH to copy records from staging table subs_invoice_charge_st into table subs_invoice_charge_holding \nwhere charge_type is ''USAGE_CHARGE\". Populates records with CaseId, TimeToLive and PartitionKey.\nIn case of any failure, calls NotifySupport flow.\nDigest\nCalls Digestor flow to digest data from staging table to alphadata or betadata schemas\nCall InitialiseDigestStatus to start writing from stagin table to alphadata or betadata wrt current live schema\nLoop through for LoaderEntities to process for each entitiy\n If the LatestEntityState for the current entity is \u201cSkipped\u201d, exit the iteration. Else, go on processing\nIf the LatestEntityState for the current entity is \u201cDigested\u201d, mark it as \u201c1stDigested\u201d as the data will be populated for alphadata and \nbetadata. Else, skip the step\nInitialize the DigestStatus and populate the Status of the digesting process in digest_status table as \u201cInit\u201d\nQueue the record in to DigestingQueueProcessor queue processor which calls VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-\nDigestStatus.ProcessQueueItem activity\nEach entitiy will be processed in multiple nodes to have a better performance\n Initialize below flags for the current entity is being processed\nLocal.CurrentTimeStamp \u2192 @DateTime.getCurrentTimeStamp()\nLocal.CaseId \u2192 .CaseId\n.Status \u2192 \"Processing\"\n.StatusTimestamp \u2192 Local.CurrentTimeStamp\n.StartTimestamp \u2192 Local.CurrentTimeStamp\n.NodeId \u2192 pxProcess.pxSystemNodeID\nUpdate the digest_status table with latest updates defined in previous step", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "33accfb93e37-1", "text": ".NodeId \u2192 pxProcess.pxSystemNodeID\nUpdate the digest_status table with latest updates defined in previous step\nCall the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-DigestStatus.LoadData connect sql and pass EntitiyType(eg: pc_discount, oc_bundle) and \nLoadType(full or delta) which will load the data from staging table to alphadata or betadata wrt current live schema. \nIf the alphadata is the live one now, it will load into betadata and if the betadata is live now, it will load into alphadata. \nAll the insert, truncate scripts are defined in database level and orchestrated in database layer. \nOnce one of the data schema is populated it becomes live other one becomes non-live. \nIf the entitiy has a view it points to live schema\nUpdate digest_status as \u201cComplete\u201d with below flags\nLocal.CurrentTimeStamp \u2192 @DateTime.getCurrentTimeStamp()\nStatus \u2192 \"Complete\"\nStatusTimestamp \u2192 Local.CurrentTimeStamp\nEndTimestamp \u2192 Local.CurrentTimeStamp\nMetaData \u2192 Local.MetaData", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "aaf1cdc9c7c5-0", "text": "2685\n \n \nIf the CaseSubType is SpineV2 process below steps within the activity. Else, exit iteration\nPopulate EntitiyName and call VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-DigestStatus.GetNonLiveSchemaName connect sql which returns the \ncurrent non-live schema for the current entity\nPopulate below properties and copy into Primary.LoaderEntities page group\nUpdate Status \u201cError\u201d in digest_status table if there is an issue issue while loading data from staging table into alphadata or \nbetadata\nIn case of any failure, calls NotifySupport flow\nCalls InspectDigestStatus flow to to check if any error occured while processing data from stating table\nCalls InspectDigestStatus activity\nInitialize below flags to indicate the status of digested entities\nReady \u2192 false\nLoopCounter \u2192 LoopCounter + 1\nLocal.Digested \u2192 true\nRemove DigestStatuses & DiagnosticData properties to reset\nLoop through the LoaderEntities to check status for each one of them\nSet Local.State with LatestEntityState for the current entity\nGet the Incomplete DigestStatuses for the current LoaderEntity from digest_status table\nIf there is no record returned mark LatestEntityState for the current entity as \u201cDigested\u201d. Else skip the step\nLoop through the DigestStatus results to check incomplete digest statutes\n \nProcess Usage Charges\nThis process is only run if the IsProcessUsageChargesRunnable WHEN rule is true - LatestEntityState = 'Digested'\nCalls CaseIgnitor activity for Tasker Case. Sets Tasker.CaseSubType to \u2018CUH\u2019 and Tasker.LoaderCaseId to CaseId (.pyID).\nIn case of any failure, calls NotifySupport flow\n \n \n \nTBC\u2026\n--", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a24127d34648-0", "text": "2686\n \n \n \n \n \nSetupInitialise Loader Checks, if the case triggered time is falling in between the current checkpoint interval, if \nso then case will continue processing & case is runnable wrt to the conditions defined in \nIs Case Runnable activity, the case processing started and case status is updated as \n\u201cRunning\u201d. Else it will snooze until the current time is falling in between the current \ncheckpoint interval. \nPopulate LoaderEntities page group for each entity available in LoaderEntityList and \nget File Attributes in both case sub type/entity level within this page (Entity level file \nattributes will overwrite the case sub type level attributes). \nInspect Incoming folder paths that are defined in the AOMConfig are checked for each entity if \nthe file exists in the corresponding location. If the files do not exist in the defined \nlocation, the case snoozes and loops for file check if the case is not elapsed.\nGets the oldest ManifestFilePath within the Incoming folder path using \nManifestFilePattern defined in Loader File Attributes, and sets Ready flag as False if the \nManifestFilePath is not found. If it is available, loops through the file list and sets Ready \nflag as False, if the file is not found in the Incoming folder path. \nLoops through the entities within the LoaderEntities page group and calls \nInspectEntityFiles activity for each entity:\nIf both ManifestFilePattern & InputFilePattern are available, get the matching input file \nnames with InputFilePattern from manifest file into the TextValueList property. If only \nManifestFilePattern available, checks if the manifest file is available. If it is available, \npopulates the content into TextValueList property, else sets Ready flag as false. If only \nInputFilePattern is available, gets the input files matching the InputFilePattern from the", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a24127d34648-1", "text": "InputFilePattern is available, gets the input files matching the InputFilePattern from the \nconfigured incoming path. Checksum files are validated & LoadType is set if it is \nconfigured as \u2018file\u2019.\n \n \nProcessIngest WorkAreaPath, ArchivePaths directories are created, files are decrypted & \ndecompreessed for processing. Drops indexes on staging tables and truncates. \nHTSL Status table is updated for the current file as \u201cInit\u201d for each of the decompressed \nfile. Current files are moved into the archive folder location.\n(PostProcessHTSL & InspectIndexStatus can be explainedinmore details) \nPrepare Usage Charges If the CaseSubType is Spine\nIf subs_invoice_charge files have been successfully loaded for Spine, then copy \nrecords from the staging table subs_invoice_charge_st to the holding table \nsubs_invoice_charge_holding where charge_type = 'USAGE_CHARGE'.\nValidate Load Threshold In order to provide assurance of data being loaded into AOM, there is a requirement to \nbe able to pause/stop the Loader when a threshold for a particular entity has exceeded a \ngiven median/average number of records.\nDigest TBD\nClear Entity Cache If CaseSubType is one of below list Clear Entity Cache flow is running to truncate \nDataSets and Flush DataPages \nProduct Catalogue\nOffer Catalogu\nSpineCase Stage Case Step Functionality", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a140bdeda8be-0", "text": "2687\nBDC\nThere is an activity which is called Clear Entity Cache in this flow. This activity flushes \nthe datapages, truncate the datasets.\nIf CaseSubType = ProductCatalogue\nFlush Datapages: D_CalculatedOffersForUpgrade, D_VFTQualifier\nIf CaseSubType = OfferCatalogue\nFlush Datapages: D_CalculatedOffersForUpgrade, \nD_EligibleCombiBundleQualifierReward\nIf CaseSubType =Spine\nFlush Datapages: D_VFUKFWAOMFWDataProductReference\nIf CaseSubType =BDC\nFlush Datapages: D_IVRModel\nProcess ADM Run the below Dataflows if the CaseSubType is equaled to Spine and if the status of \ndata flow fails it re-checks the status of DF after a 1 minute wait time and notifies the \nsupport team in case of failure.\nStartUniqueSubscriptionListWithSMSOutcomesT2S\nStartProcessingSMSOutcomesT2S\nPopulate Unica Campaign \nEventsCampaignCodes defined in the AOMConfig table are populated into the Unica Campaign \nEvent table if the SubCaseType is equal to SpineV2.\nProcess Call Centre \nResponsesIf the CaseSubType is equal to CCR below operations are applied sequentially. If the \nstatus of each data flow fails, it re-checks the status of DF after a 1 minute wait time and \nnotifies the support team in case of failure.\nUniquePartyListWithDiallerOutcomes decision data store is truncated and \nUniquePartyListWithDiallerOutcomes DF is run to populate the unique list of the \ncustomers for OB calls.\nProcessDiallerOutcomes DF is run.\nProcess Events If the CaseSubType is equal to Event below operations are applied", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a140bdeda8be-1", "text": "Process Events If the CaseSubType is equal to Event below operations are applied\nWorkAreaPath, ArchivePaths directories are created, files are decrypted for \nprocessing and HTSL Status table is updated for the current file as \u201cInit\u201d. Current files \nare moved into the archive folder location.\nEvent files are processed into Event Status tables.\nIn Existing ProcessEvents activity, new activity InsertWatchDogReportData called \nwhich store the file record count data into watchdog_report_data table.\nFollowing are the new steps added to ProcessEvents activity as part of AOM-1810 :\nCalls a function GetFileLineCount which gets the line count from file path.\nIf .HasHeader is true , then reduce line count by one, otherwise continue with \nexisting line count.\nCall InsertWatchDogReportData activity with parameters required for \nwatchdog_report_data table to insert a record.\nProcess BDC Models \nProcess Catalogue Sync \nProcess Usage Charges If the CaseSubType is Spine", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "95a57004e0a3-0", "text": "2688\n Invoke Tasker Case with Tasker.CaseSubType = 'CUH'. Tasker Case will update \nUsageHistory Decision Data Set with the usage data.\n InsertWatchDogReportData Create New ReportData page which is of class VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-WatchDog-\nReportData.\nSet incoming parameter values to ReportData page properties.\nPass ReportData page as a step page to RDB-Save method which calls Insert \nConnect-SQL rule.\nInsert Connect-SQL rule inserts each file with record count into \nwatchdog_report_data table available for reporting purposes\nEnd Finalise Updates CaseStatus and CaseEndTime (FinaliseCase Activity)\nIf there are any errors while executing FinaliseCase Activity then NotifySupport SubFlow \nis invoked.\nIf SendCaseFinaliseEmail is set to false the only email communication will be sent out in \ncase of failure or completion. Checks if SupportEmail is set before sending the email \ncommunication out.\nCase Aborted email will be sent out from this flow.\nAbort\n(Alternative Stage)Finalise Updates CaseStatus and CaseEndTime (FinaliseCase Activity)\nIf there are any errors while executing FinaliseCase Activity then NotifySupport SubFlow \nis invoked.\nIf SendCaseFinaliseEmail is set to false the only email communication will be sent out in \ncase of failure or completion. Checks if SupportEmail is set before sending the email \ncommunication out.\nCase Aborted email will be sent out from this flow.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0ff30cbe4e93-0", "text": "2689\nTemp\nIngest\nCalls Prepare flow to call Prepare activity and handle failures\nGet the GNUPGHome path, SecretsManagerRegion, SecretsManagerId, GPGPassphrase\nCreate WorkArea and Archive folders\nLoop through the LoaderEntities (to possibly Dycrypt the InputFiles, Truncate and Drop Indexes on the staging table)\nExit Iteration if LatestEntityState for this Entity is Skipped\nSet Compressed flag as true, if any CompressionType defined in the file attributes config \nLoop through the input files\nIf the input file is neither Compressed Nor Encrypted\nCall GNUcp function to copy the raw input file to the WorkAreaPath \nAdd the workarea input file to DecompressedFiles / Add the input file to TextValueList for Archival\nIf the input file is Encrypted\nPopulate decryption file path to store encrypted results (WorkAreaPath + File Name - .gpg) \nDecrypt the input file into decryption file path\nIf file is not compressed append decrypted file path into DecompressedFiles, else skip step\nIf the input file is Compressed\nPopulate decompression file path to store decompressed results\nIf the file is Encrypted, use decryption file path \nElse use current input file path \nDecompress the input file wrt compress type (zip/tgz) and populate decompressed files in given output clipboardproperty \n(DecompressedFiles)\nAdd the input file to TextValueList for Archival later\nAdd the cksum file to TextValueList for Archival later if applicable\nAdd the ManifestFilePath file to TextValueList for Archival later if available in LoaderEntity and NA in Primary page, and case sub \ntype not equals to BDC\nLoop through the LoaderEntity.TextValueList to append them to the Primary TextValueList for archival later\nClear LoaderEntity.TextValueList", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0ff30cbe4e93-1", "text": "Clear LoaderEntity.TextValueList\nIf Case Sub Type is not BDC/Event\nCreate a page - HTSLStatus\nSetup the staging TableName, Skip and init SchemaName\nTableName = EntityNAme + \u201c_st\u201d\nSchemaName = \u201c\u201c\nSkip = if Case Sub Type is SpineV2 and Load Type is full true, else, false\nHTSLStatus.TableName = LoaderEntiy.TableName", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9600a55e693f-0", "text": "2690\nDrop the indexes on the staging table (RDB-Delete, Indexes) \nTruncate the staging table (RDB-Delete, Truncate) \nCopy the updated LoaderEntity back into LoaderEntities\nAdd the ManifestFilePath file to TextValueList for Archival later only once when available in the Primary Page\nLoop through the TextValueList to archive the files listed\nCall the GNUmv function to move the current file to the archive folder\nIf DevMode = True, Move files back to the LoaderIncomingPath\nClear the TextValueList\n \nCalls InitialiseHTSLStatus flow to call InitialiseHTSLStatus activity and handle failures \nGet the LoaderLoopLimit and Init the LoopCounter\nLoop through the LoaderEntities\nSkip HTSL (exit iteration) if LoaderEntity.Skip is true or if LatestEntityState for this Entity is Skipped\nLoop through the LoaderEntity.DecompressedFiles\nCreate a new page - HTSLStatus\nInitialise the HTSLStatus page (CaseId, FilePath, TableName, Status, StatusTimeStamp) \nPersist the HTSLStatus page \nStatus = Init\nQueue the HTSL Job into HTSLQueueProcessor\nGet the AOM DB JNDI Name, TableName & FilePath\nUpdate the NodeId, Status to Processing and the StatusTimestamp\nPersist the HTSLStatus page \nStatus = Processing \nStart the timer\nInvoke HTSL to load the input file, using @AOMUtilities.HTSL function, which returns the Record Count within the file\nLoads the input file into staging table\nStop the timer\nUpdate the StatusTimestamp, EndTimestamp, RecordCount, MetaData and the Status to Complete\nPersist the HTSLStatus page \nStatus = Completed\n \nCalls PostProcessHTSL flow to call PostProcessHTSL activity and handle failures \nInitialise flags\nReady = false\nLoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1\nLocal.Loaded = true", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9600a55e693f-1", "text": "Initialise flags\nReady = false\nLoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1\nLocal.Loaded = true\nReset the HTSLStatuses & DiagnosticData\nLoop through the LoaderEntities\nSkip the loop if Latest Entity State is already Loaded or Skipped\nGet the Incomplete HTSLStatuses for the current LoaderEntity\nIf there are no Incomplete HTSLStatuses\nCall InitialiseIndexStatus Activity to kickoff the Indexing for the current loaded entity\nInitialise the IndexStatus page (CaseId, TableName, Status, StatusTimeStamp)\nPersist the IndexStatus page", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2a1933d2fbd3-0", "text": "2691\nStatus = Init\nQueue the HTSL Job into IndexingQueueProcessor\nUpdate the NodeId, Status to Processing and the StatusTimestamp\nPersist the IndexStatus page \nStatus = Processing\nStart the timer\nDrop the indexes on the specified table - (RDB-Delete, Indexes) \nCreate the indexes on the specified table - (RDB-Save, Indexes) \nStop the timer\nUpdate the StatusTimestamp, EndTimestamp, RecordCount, MetaData and the Status to Complete\nPersist the IndexStatus page \nStatus = Completed\nSet the LatestEntityState for the current entity to Loaded\nElse (there are Incomplete HTSLStatuses) , loop through the Incomplete HTSLStatuses\nCopy the current HTSLStatus into HTSLStatuses page group property for Diagnostics\nDerive the FileName \nHandle Errors for HTSL Status \nSet the DiagnosticData\nJump to Fin If the ErrorStackTrace was populated earlier\nLoop through the LatestEntityState to determine of all of the applicable ones are Loaded\nSet the Local.Loaded flag to false if the current entity state is not Loaded or Skipped\nIf the Local.Loaded flag is true, set the Ready flag to true and Jump to Fin\n \nCalls Digestor flow \nCall InitialiseDigestStatus activity and handle failures \nLoop through the LoaderEntities\nExit Iteration if LatestEntityState for the current Entity is Skipped\nUpdate the Latest Entity State as 1stDigested if it was already Digested as part of the 1st Sequence\nCreate a new page - DigestStatus\nInitialise the DigestStatus page for below parameters\nCaseId\nEntityName\nLoadType\nStatus = Init\nStatusTimestamp\nPersist the DigestStatus page\nQueue the Digesting Job into DigestingQueueProcessor\nUpdate the NodeId, Status to Processing and the StatusTimestamp\nPersist the page \nStatus = Processing \nStart the timer", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2a1933d2fbd3-1", "text": "Persist the page \nStatus = Processing \nStart the timer\nExecute load_data function (RDB-Save, LoadData) \nTakes EntityName & LoadType as inputs\nGets DDLs from admin_ingest_ddl_metadata table for both full/delta types", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d28a4d9a9c4b-0", "text": "2692\nUses full_ddl_statement/delta_ddl_statement regarding to the load type\n\u2192 full ddl example: select load_table_replace('oc_bundle_st', 'nonlive.oc_bundle');\n\u2192 full ddl example: select truncate_insert('product_holding_st', 'nonlive.product_holding', true, 'full');\n\u2192 delta ddl example: select load_table_merge_using_changeid('oc_bundle_st', 'nonlive.oc_bundle', \nget_primary_key('oc_bundle_st'));\n\u2192 delta ddl example: analyze product_holding_st(asset_integ_id, subscription_id); select \ndelete_insert_merge('product_holding_st', 'nonlive.product_holding', get_primary_key('product_holding_st'), true, \n'delta');\nGets loader_type, live_schema_name, nonlive_schema_name from admin_loader_config_v \nReplaces \u2018nonlive\u2019 and \u2018live' strings with real schema names within l_ddl_statement\nExecutes the ddl : l_ddl_statement\nStop the timer\nUpdate the StatusTimestamp, EndTimestamp, MetaData and the Status to Complete\nPersist the page \nStatus = Complete\nIf CaseSubType = SpineV2\nCreate a new page - DigestStatus2\nSet the EntityName\nExecute the GetNonLiveSchemaName function (RDB-Open, GetNonLiveSchemaName) \nGets the nonlive schema name & returns it under Metadata parameter\nSetup below parameters within LoaderEntity\nTableName \u2192 EntiyName\nSchemaName \u2192 DigestStatus2.MetaData + \".\" (nonlive schema name + \u201c.\u201d)\nSkip \u2192 false\nCopy the updated LoaderEntity back into Loader Entities", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "d83d10854cd1-0", "text": "2693\nConfigure new spine entity to the spine loader\nOverview\nNew Spine entity will be added to loader case - LMS spine\nImplementation\nAOM Config Changes\nNew Entity will add in Spine\nDataSet\nDatasetName: Loans\nPrimaryKey: SubscriptionId, LoanId\nClass\nClass rule will create by the DatabaseMappings Landing Page for performing SQL operations on an external database table\nClassName: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-Loans\nParentClass: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data\nTableName: loans_v \nPrimaryKeys: SubscriptionId, LoanId\nRuleset: AOMFW - Database\n--schema will be empty --\n \nExternal MappingLoaderEntityList Spine subscription,account,contact,product_holding,pro\nduct_reference,subs_flex_attribute,subs_invoice\n_charge,address,tps,device,benefits, loans loans added in R2.11\nFileAttributes loans {\"ManifestFilePattern\": \"loans_.*_.*.readme\", \n\"PositiveVariationPercentage\":10 , \n\"NegativeVariationPercentage\":10}New oneConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue Notes\nSubscription Id SubscriptionId\nLoan_ID LoanId\nPrimary_Loan_status PrimaryLoanStatusColumn Name Pega Property Name", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f461559f543c-0", "text": "2694\n Secondary_loan_status SecondaryLoanStatus\nTertiary_loan_status TertiaryLoanStatus\nLoan_start_dt LoanStartDate\nLoan_end_dt LoanEndDate\nLoan_tenure LoanTenure\nLoan_amount LoanAmount\nMonthly_Recurring_Cost MonthlyRecurringCost\nLoan_Arrears_Amount LoanArrearsAmount\nLoan_Outstanding_Balance LoanOutstandingBalance\nRemaining_months RemainingMonths\nDevice_type DeviceType\nDevice_description DeviceDescription\nLoan_upfront_payment LoanUpfrontPayment\nRecord_Dt RecordDate\nDeleted_flg DeletedFlag", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b9857bbb8fe2-0", "text": "2695\nLoader Process - Process Usage Charges\nUpdates to Loader Case to get all usage charge data from subs_invoice_charge. Loader case loads files for subs_invoice_charge.\nAfter the Ingest process of the Loader Case, Connect SQL rule is called to load data from s u b s _ i n v o i c e _ c h a r g e _ s t table into \nholding table s u b s _ i n v o i c e _ c h a r g e _ h o l d i n g for records where charge_type = \u2018USAGE_CHARGE\u2019\n Rule to load subs_invoice_charge information into a separate holding table - s u b s _ i n v o i c e _ c h a r g e _ h o l d i n g - that is keyed by \ncase_id \nSelect only records where charge_type = \u2018USAGE_CHARGE\u2019\nselect subscription_id, invoice_dt, \ncharge_type,usage_category_id,usage_subcategory_id,usage_cnt,used_amt,outside_bundle_used_amt from \nsubs_invoice_charge_st where charge_type = 'USAGE_CHARGE';\nThis part is synchronous \nOnly to be done if there is a file for subs_invoice_charge \nAt End stage of Loader Case, start New Tasker Case asynchronously\nPass parameter LoaderCaseId with CaseId (.pyID)\nClass Name: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SubscriptionInvoiceChargeHolding\nTable Name: subs_invoice_charge_holding\n Table Structure\ncase_id CaseId String Case Id\nsubscription_id SubscriptionId String Subscription Id\ninvoice_dt InvoiceDate DateTime Invoice Date\ncharge_type USAGE_CHARGE ChargeType String Charge Type\nusage_category_id UsageCategoryId Decimal Usage Category Id\nusage_subcategory_id UsageSubCategoryId Decimal Usage Subcategory Id\nusage_cnt UsageCount Decimal Usage Count\nused_amt UsedAmount Decimal Used Amount\noutside_bundle_used_a", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "b9857bbb8fe2-1", "text": "usage_cnt UsageCount Decimal Usage Count\nused_amt UsedAmount Decimal Used Amount\noutside_bundle_used_a\nmt OutsideBundleUsedAmou\nntDecimal Outside Bundle Used \nAmount Column Name Constraints Pega Property Pega Type Notes \nCopies records from subs_invoice_charge_st staging table to subs_invoice_charge_holding table for charge_type = \n'USAGE_CHARGE'. Sets CaseId, TimeToLive and PartitionKey to pass to SQL-Rule.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter NA PrepareUsageCharges Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e2aab36f6054-0", "text": "2696\nOutput Parameter NA\nError Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler\nLogs to Error Log\n Loads subs_invoice_charge information from s u b s _ i n v o i c e _ c h a r g e _ s t into a holding table - s u b s _ i n v o i c e _ c h a r g e _ h o l d i n g- that is \nkeyed by case_id . Select only records where charge_type = \u2018USAGE_CHARGE\u2019.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SubscriptionInvoiceChargeHolding\nRuleset AOMFW\nSQL {SQLPage:SQLDiagnostics}\ninsert\n into\n subs_invoice_charge_holding(subscription_id, invoice_dt, charge_type, usage_category_id, \nusage_subcategory_id, usage_cnt, used_amt, outside_bundle_used_amt, case_id, time_to_live)\nselect\n subscription_id,\n invoice_dt,\n charge_type,\n usage_category_id,\n usage_subcategory_id,\n usage_cnt,\n used_amt, \n outside_bundle_used_amt,\n '{ASIS:.CaseId}' ,\n case\n when (extract(epoch\n from\n (invoice_dt::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) + '{ASIS:.TimeToLive}')<=0 then 1\n else (extract(epoch\n from\n (invoice_dt::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE::timestamp)) + '{ASIS:.TimeToLive}')\n end as time_to_live\nfrom\n subs_invoice_charge_st\nwhere\n charge_type = 'USAGE_CHARGE';PopulateCUH Connect SQL\nRuns the Tasker Case to process usage charges. This will be called when subs_invoice_charge_holding table has been successfully", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "e2aab36f6054-1", "text": "updated in the Loader case. Sets Tasker CaseSubType to \u2018CUH\u2019 and sets Tasker LoaderCaseId to CaseId (.pyID)\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter NA\nOutput Parameter NA ProcessUsageCharges Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "343bfa5b4ac0-0", "text": "2697\n Error Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler\nLogs to Error Log", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "1cc78c6cbcd5-0", "text": "2698\nEvent Loader Development\n610866 - Processing the RCS and MMS Files\n610866 - Processing the RCS and MMS Files\nOverview\nNew Configs\nEvent Type Config\nAOM Config\nWatchDog Config\nSchedulerConfig Config\nIMIResponseHandler Activity\nString ProcessIMIResponseFile(String filePath, String delimiter , boolean hasHeader) Function\nValidateIMIResponse Data Transform\nIMIResponsePreProcessor Activity\nIMIResponsePayloadHandler Activity\nIMIResponseInvalidParameterRecords Job Scheduler\nCapture Response Context Attributes\nTest Cases\nOverview\nRCS and MMS Responses are now handled using Event Queue Processor and as part of Event Loader case to capture the responses from \nincoming response files and create entries in IH in a standardized way.\nNew Configs\nEvent Type Config\nAOM ConfigIMIResponse SUBMITTED true 0 false false true false\nIMIResponse CLICKED true 0 false false true false\nIMIResponse RESPONSE true 0 false false true false\nIMIResponse CLOSED true 0 false false true falseEventType SubEventType\n ProcessFla\ng RampUpValue CIS ProcessEvent\n CaptureResponse StoreRawEvent \nLoaderEntityList Event < E X I S T I N G _ C O N F I G>,IMIResponse\nFileAttributes IMIResponse \"\n{\"CompressionType\":\"zip\",\"Encrypted\":true,\"InputFilePatter\nn\":\"AOM_IMI_.*.zip.gpg\",\"Mandatory\":false,\"HasChecksum\n\":false,\"HasHeader\":true,\"Delimiter\":\"|\",\"LargeFile\":true}\"ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "afd05e4e8715-0", "text": "2699\nWatchDog Config\nSchedulerConfig ConfigCaseId IMIResponseInvalidParameterRe\ncordsWatchDog \nCaseStatus IMIResponseInvalidParameterRe\ncordsWatchDog \nSkipCaseFinaliseEmail IMIResponseInvalidParameterRe\ncordsWatchDogTRUE\nIMIResponseI\nnvalidParamet\nerRecordsVFUK-FW-\nAOMFW-\nData-\nAOMError IdentifyInva\nlidParamet\nerRecordsError Identify list of Error \nRecords when a \nparticular event in the \nEvent Framework fails \ndue to invalid \nparameter mapping \nevery hour\"\n{\"\"IntervalPeriod\"\":\"\"\n1\"\",\"\"IntervalType\"\":\n\"\"hours\"\",\"\"ErrorCod\nes\"\":\"\"\"\"1252\"\",\"\"12\n54\"\",\"\"1255\"\",\"\"1256\n\"\",\"\"1257\"\"\"\"}\"true CSV Name ClassNam\neS\nQ\nL\nR\nul\neReportDefi\nnitionSever\nityDescription DynamicParamete\nrsInclu\ndeA\nsAtt\nach\nmen\ntAttac\nhme\nntTy\npeBi\nte\nAc\ntiv\nityBi\nte\nCl\nas\nsBit\neP\nar\nam\nete\nrs\n CaseIgni\ntor{\"CaseSubType\":\"IMIResp\nonseInvalidParameterRec\nords\"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-\nWatchDog0 0 0/1 ? * * *false WatchDogpyGUID Activity\nNameActivityParameters ClassName CronExpress\nionEnabled Type\nProcesses the RCS & MMS Response records in the task_status table. It validates if the file hasn\u2019t been previously loaded.\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter N/A", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "afd05e4e8715-1", "text": "Ruleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter N/A\nOutput Parameter N/A\nError Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler\nLog to Error Log\nConnect Point IMIResponseHandler activity will be added into existing ProcessQueueItem activity in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-\nData-TaskStatus classIMIResponseHandler Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "7c11eab4f9ee-0", "text": "2700\nValidation: \nEnsure mandatory parameters are met based on Outcome and Table below. \nEnsure Outcome Date is <= Current Time \nEnsure Relative LOVs are Validated apart from outcomes this will be managed by EventTypeConfig\nRelative Validation Errors should not be passed to EventQueueProcessor and a relative Watchdog should highlight these events\nFormatting: Processes the response files for RCS & MMS Response event by reading file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeader. \nFor each record it will call IMIResponsePreProcessor for creating a record in Event_Status table.\nParamete\nrsfilePath The full path of the Event file\n delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file\n hasHeader Does the Event file have a header?\nReturns Duration of the process as String\nThrows RuntimeException - Error in ProcessRCSResponseFile while reading the file\nConnect \nPointProcessIMIResponseFile function will be called from IMIResponseHandler activity aboveString ProcessIMIResponseFile(String filePath, String delimiter, boolean hasHeader) \nFunction\nChecks mandatory fields in the RCS & MMS Response file\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter N/A\nOutput Parameter N/A\nMandatory Fields INTERACTIONID\nSUBSCRIPTIONID\nTREATMENTNAME\nCHANNEL\nOUTCOMEDATE\nOUTCOME\nMESSAGEID\nIf OUTCOME = CLICKED, then check\nPOSTBACKDATA\nPOSTBACKTYPE\nACTIONTYPE\nIf OUTCOME = RESPONSE, then check\nPOSTBACKDATA\nPOSTBACKTYPE\nConnect Point ValidateIMIResponse data transform will be invoked from IMIResponsePreProcessor activity belowValidateIMIResponse Data Transform", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "c7caff6adbde-0", "text": "2701\nFormat File into Relative JSON payload required for processing into Event Queue Processor\nINTERACTIONID String AOM Interaction \nReference for the \nInitial Outgoing \nMessage Sent - \nthis is to be \ntreated as the \nConversation \nIdentifier within \nAOM \n \nTo be taken from \nIncoming \nCampaign File \nfrom AOM \nSUBSCRIPTIONID String AOM Customer \nReference Id to \nidentify the \ncustomer in \nrelation to the \nInteraction \n \nTo be taken from \nIncoming \nCampaign File \nfrom AOM \nTREATMENTNAME String AOM Proposition \nName \n \nTo be taken from \nIncoming \nCampaign File \nfrom AOM \nCHANNEL String Channel Message \nwas Sent Via \nOUTCOMEDATE DateTime (IS\nO format)Date Time in \nwhich the \nOutcome was \ndone 2021-03-\n29T00:46:04.117Z\nOUTCOME String \nMESSAGEID String Message \nReference to allow \nus to understand Split String based on ~ to create \nSequence Number using second \nstring as Sequence Number ~\n FieldName Type Description Formatting Requirements Example", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "22d1f5aefed5-0", "text": "2702\nEvents should be passed with\nPrimary Context - IMIResponse\nSecondary Context - \nIdentifier: SubscriptionId the message is \nsent If the Sequence Number is NULL \ndefault it to 1 and will act as initial \nmeeting \nPOSTBACKDATA String Action or \nSuggestion \nPostback Data or \nFree Text Data \nResponse If POSTBACKTYPE is \"Action\"\nSplit String based on ~ to create \nPostback Id using second string as \nPostback Id\nIf the Postback Id is NULL then Error \nRecord Saying Invalid Parameter if \n3rd String Present Pass as \nActionDetail \nIf you get more than 3 Strings throw \nerror Saying Invalid Parameter \nNULLIFY POSTBACKDATA\n \nIf POSTBACKTYPE is \"FreeText\" \n Leave As is.~\n~\n \nPOSTBACKTYPE String Type of Postback \nLOV: \nAction\nFreeText \nACTIONTYPE String If POSTBACK Type is Action then \nWhat type of Action Taken: \nOpenURL \nDiallerAction \nProcesses the payload and set the Work.TextValueGroup data for Capture Response Event handling, please Refer Context Mapping . Will \nprocess the inputs and do below validations before creating a Event_Status record with metadata = { \"Delimiter\":\"json\"}\nIdentify Where EventTimestamp is <= Current Time\nSub Event Type Not Matched\nFormatting Requirements\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter\n Payload\nDelimiter\nOutput Parameter N/AIMIResponsePreProcessor Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6b9df788f0be-0", "text": "2703\n Job scheduler is removed because this is driven by SchedulerConfig data type and added a config to SchedulerConfig above.\nCapture Response Context AttributesError Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler\nLog to Error Log\nConnect Point IMIResponsePreProcessor activity will be invoked from ProcessIMIResponseFile function above\nSets SourceIdType, SkipLogic and EventTimestamp\nApplies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameter N/A\nOutput Parameter N/A\nError Handling N/A\nConnect Point IMIResponsePayloadHandler activity will be called from existing PayloadHandlerRouter activity in VFUK-FW-\nAOMFW-Data-EventStatus classIMIResponsePayloadHandler Activity\nRuns a Watchdog case with subtype IMIResponseInvalidParameterRecords every 1 hour\nRuleset AOMFW\nAssociated with node \ntypesBackgroundProcessing\nSchedule Multiple times a day\nFrequency Every 1 hour\nClass VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-WatchDog\nActivity CaseIgnitorIMIResponseInvalidParameterRecords Job Scheduler\nInteractionId INTERACTION_ID \nPropositionName TREATMENT_NAME \nChannel CHANNEL \nEventTimestamp Mapped from OUTCOMEDATE \nSubEventType Mapped from OUTCOME \nMessageSequenceNumber Mapped from SEQUENCE_NO\nPostbackId Mapped from POSTBACKDATA - PostbackId Calculated Above Subscription.Context Mapping", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a62490726a5b-0", "text": "2704\nTest Cases\nhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17ic-E167YipyDtGTPPd_mgzEAakLC3FZmTBQ2WioAlQ/edit#gid=1740030592 - \n MessageText Mapped from POSTBACKDATA \nPostbackType Mapped from POSTBACKTYPE \nActionType Mapped from ACTIONTYPE \nActionDetail Mapped from POSTBACKDATA - ActionDetail Calculated Above \nEventType \u201cIMIResponse\u201d\nConnect your\nGoogle account", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a863b9a2e1e9-0", "text": "2705\nMEF - Digital Enriched Data\nLoader Case Changes\nAOM Config\nAdoptXMLFile Function\nProcessMEF Flow\nProcessMEF Activity\nUpdate InitialiseLoader Activity\nUpdate InspectDropZone Activity\nSequences\nConnect SQL\nPurge Config \nIntegration Class Structure\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Int-MEF-Root\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Int-MEF-List\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Int-MEF-Row\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Int-MEF-Element\nData Class Structure for data to store into Datasets\nList of Cassandra Datasets and their keys\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-BundleContent\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-ProductContent\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-BundleMerchandising\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-ProductMerchandising\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-ProductGroupDetails\nVFUK-FW -AOMFW -Data-ProductGroupMemberDetails\nLoader Case Changes\nAOM Config\nCaseId MEFLoader \nCaseStatus MEFLoader Completed\nLoaderEntityList MEF MEFContent, MEFMerchandising\nLoaderFileAttributes MEF { \"LoadType\": \"full\",\"InputFilePattern\":\"*.*.zip\", \n\"CompressionType\":\"zip\", \"Encrypted\": false, \"Mandatory\": \nfalse, \"HasChecksum\": false, \"HasHeader\": false, \n\"S3TransferMode\": \"move\" } \nFileAttributes MEFContent {\"InputFilePattern\":\"MEF_CONTENT_Prod.*.xml\"} \nFileAttributes MEFMerchandising {\"InputFilePattern\":\"MEF_MERCHANDISING_PROD_ME\nF.*.xml\"}", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a863b9a2e1e9-1", "text": "F.*.xml\"}\nLoaderCheckPoints MEF \nLoaderIncomingPath MEF ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "9c327d796d5d-0", "text": "2706\n \nProperty\nCreate IsCaseSubTypeMEF - Boolean property\nHolds the information about whether the case sub type is MEF or not\nWhen\nCreate IsProcessMEFRunnable when rule\nReturns true if Loader case sub type is equal to \u201cMEF\u201dLoaderIncomingS3Path MEF \nLoaderLoopLimit MEF \nPauseCase MEFLoader false\nSkipCaseFinaliseEmail MEFLoader true\nAdopts XML file data into a Clipboard Property\nLibrary AOMUtilities\nRuleset AOMFW\nInput Parameters XMLFilePath - String\nproperty - The ClipboardProperty in which the XML will be adoptedAdoptXMLFile Function\nRuns if IsProcessMEFRunnable when rule returns true.\nCalls PrepareMEF activity to parse the data and load into Cassandra datasets.\nClass VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader\nRuleset AOMFWProcessMEF Flow\nThis activity iterates through the MEF entities, do parse XML and write data into appropriate datasets\nClass VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader\nRuleset AOMFW\nLogic For each Loader Entity Type (in this case, MEFContent and MEFMerchandising),\nMEFContent Iteration:\nCalls AdoptXMLFile function to adopt XML file into a XML property\nDo Parse XML to create a MEFContent ClipboardPage from XML property populated by the function\nGet next value for MEFContent sequence and assign it to VersionId\nBy using MEFContent page data and VersionId write the data into following datasets\nBundleContent\nProductContentProcessMEF Activity", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f48ab38dd1ac-0", "text": "2707\nUpdate InitialiseLoader Activity\nAdd .IsCaseSubTypeMEF property to set it in Property-Set step\nUpdate InspectDropZone Activity\nCheck InputFilePattern is empty or not in Loader file attribute level.\nGet zip file by matching the InputFilePattern in S3 folder.\nMove zip file from S3 to Incoming Path.\nDecompress the zip file.\nCall InspectEntityFiles activity and prepare InputFiles with matching pattern.\nAppend InputFiles to LoaderEntities.\nAfter processing move all extracted files to archival path.\nGo to ProcessMEF Flow and run ProcessMEF activity.\nSequences\nCreate below sequences in database\nConnect SQL\nCreate a Connect SQL rule to get next sequence value from above sequences and store the values in VersionId property.MEFMerchandising Iteration:\nCalls AdoptXMLFile function to adopt XML file into a XML property\nDo Parse XML to create a MEFMerchandising ClipboardPage from XML property populated by the \nfunction\nGet next value for MEFMerchandising sequence and assign it to VersionId\nBy using MEFMerchandising page data and VersionId write the data into following datasets\nBundleMerchandising\nProductMerchandising\nProductGroupDetails\nProductGroupMemberDetails\nMEFContent Name - MEFContent\nMinValue - 1\nMaxValue - 9223372036854775807\nIncrement - 1\nCycle - false\nMEFMerchandising Name - MEFMerchandising\nMinValue - 1\nMaxValue - 9223372036854775807\nIncrement - 1\nCycle - falseSequence Name Details", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "6787e37bb54b-0", "text": "2708\nPurge Config \nAdd records to AOMConfig for MEFContent and MEFMerchandising and provide a value for deleting the records by using VersionId key.\n<>\nIntegration Class Structure\nFrom below wizard, create class structure for the given XSD.\nConfigure > Integration > Connectors > Connectors and Metadata Wizard\nCheck the names of Parse XML, XML Stream etc rules created and rename with appropriate names.\nCreate VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF class\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-Root\nXML Stream and Parse XML rules should be created under this class\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-List\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-Row\nversion Text\nlist Page List (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-List)PropertyName Type\nname Text\nrow Page List (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-Row)PropertyName Type\nelement Page List (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-Element)PropertyName Type", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "a800dbd68d9e-0", "text": "2709\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-MEF-Element\nData Class Structure for data to store into Datasets\nList of Cassandra Datasets and their keys\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-BundleContent\nCreate VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-BundleContent class\nCreate Dataset - BundleContent\nKeys -VersionId, ProductId\nCreate below properties in this classname Text\nValue TextPropertyName Type\nBundleContent VersionId\nProductId\nProductContent VersionId\nProductId\nBundleMerchandising VersionId\nProductId\nProductMerchandising VersionId\nProductId\nProductGroupDetails VersionId\nGroupName\nProductGroupMemberDetails VersionId\nProductIdDataset Name Keys\nVersionId Integer NA\nProductId Text wcm:element name=\"bundleId\" \nDisplayName Text wcm:element name=\"displayName\" \nDescription Text wcm:element name=\"desc\" \nFullDescription Text wcm:element name=\"fullDetails\" \nMobileDescription Text wcm:element name=\"descMobile\" \nFullMobileDescription Text wcm:element name=\"fullDetailsMobile\" PropertyName Type Mapped From", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0ebd82f9287f-0", "text": "2710\nXML Structure for BundleContent\n\n113571\nUnlimited with Entertainment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImageURLThumbnailFront Text wcm:element \nname=\"imageURLs.thumbs.front \nImageURLThumbnailLeft Text wcm:element \nname=\"imageURLs.thumbs.left \nImageURLThumbnailRight Text wcm:element \nname=\"imageURLs.thumbs.right \nImageURLThumbnailSide Text wcm:element", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "0ebd82f9287f-1", "text": "name=\"imageURLs.thumbs.right \nImageURLThumbnailSide Text wcm:element \nname=\"imageURLs.thumbs.side \nImageURLThumbnailBack Text wcm:element \nname=\"imageURLs.thumbs.back \nImageURLFullFront (Not in XML) Text imageURLs.full.front \nImageURLFullLeft Text imageURLs.full.left \nImageURLFullRight Text imageURLs.full.right \nImageURLFullSide Text imageURLs.full.side \nImageURLFullBack Text imageURLs.full.back \nImageURLFullHero (Not in XML) Text imageURLs.full.hero", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "265acafe43f9-0", "text": "2711\nVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-ProductContent\nCreate VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-ProductContent class\nCreate Dataset - ProductContent\nKeys -VersionId, ProductId\nCreate below properties in this class\nVersionId Integer NA\nProductId Text wcm:element name=\"productId\"\nDisplayName Text wcm:element name=\"displayName\" \nDescription Text wcm:element name=\"preDesc\" \nFullDescription Text wcm:element name=\"postDesc\" \nMobileDescription Text wcm:element name=\"preDescMobile\" \nFullMobileDescrip\ntion Text wcm:element name=\"postDescMobile\" \nImageURLGroup PageGroup (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-\nData-MEF-ImageURL)wcm:element name=\"imageURLs.thumbs\" and or \nwcm:element name=\"imageURLs.full\" \n Front Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLs.thumbs.front || \nimageURLs.full.front\" \n Left Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLs.thumbs.left || \nimageURLs.full.left\" \n Right Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLs.thumbs.right || \nimageURLs.full.right\" \n Side Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLs.thumbs.side || \nimageURLs.full.side\" \n Back Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLS.thumbs.back || \nimageURLs.full.back\" \n Hero Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLS.full.hero\" \nGridImageURL Text wcm:element name=\"imageURLS.grid\" \nSpecificationList PageList (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-\nData-MEF-SpecificationList)For each: \nwcm:element name=\"specificationGroups.group.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "265acafe43f9-1", "text": "wcm:element name=\"specificationGroups.group.\n.groupName\" \nRemove Spaces from Name \n GroupName Text wcm:element name=\"specificationGroups.group.\n.groupName \nKeep Spaces in Name \n Specifications ValueList For each: \nwcm:element PropertyName PropertyName (Child \nlevel)Type Mapped From/Description", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f44f4426352a-0", "text": "2712\nname=\"specificationGroups.group.X.specifications.valu\ne.X\" + \" \" + \nwcm:element \nname=\"specificationGroups.group.X.specifications.valu\neUOM.X\" \nWhere: wcm:element \nname=\"specificationGroups.group.X.specifications.hide\nInList.X is true - do not add specification to value list \n \nExample: specification value Body is not added to \nthe value list \nitem \nBody \n1 \nno \nno \nText \n \n \n \ntrue", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "f44f4426352a-1", "text": "InList.1\">true \n Example: 5000 mAh output \n5000", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "81fd69375a0e-0", "text": "2713\nXML Structure for ProductContent\n\n210722\nApple iPhone 12 Pro 128GB (Like New) Graphite\niPhone 12 Pro is a beautiful leap forward with superfast 5G, A14 Bionic chip and a pro camera system for \nnext-level low-light photography.\n\n\n\n\n\n/images/desktop/Apple_iPhone_12_Pro_graphite-thumbs-front.png\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/images/desktop/Voxi_Apple_iPhone_12_Pro_graphite-full-product-front-\n600.png", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "81fd69375a0e-1", "text": "600.png\n/images/desktop/Voxi_Apple_iPhone_12_Pro_graphite-full-product-front-\n600.png\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/images/desktop/Voxi_Apple_iPhone_12_Pro_graphite-grid-product-front.png\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBatterymAh \n Only add Space if valueUOM has value.", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "38c21447f65e-0", "text": "2714\n1\nno\nBattery\nNon-removable\n1\nno\nNo\nText\n\n\n\n\nBattery\nFast battery charging\n2", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "38c21447f65e-1", "text": "no\nNo\nText\n\n\n\n\nBattery\nQi wireless charging\n3\nno\nNo\nText\n\n\n", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "38c21447f65e-2", "text": "\n\nBattery Life\n2\nno\nBody\n3\nno\nitem\nBody\n1\nno\nno\nText\n\n", "source": "VODKB-200723-160306.pdf"}
{"id": "2de838bcfd16-0", "text": "\n\n