spokentext lang chosen rejected times lastvote "This movie is terrifying! I can't watch anymore." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 13 2024-10-13 18:28:32 "This movie is terrifying! I can't watch anymore." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 11 2024-10-13 20:23:15 "My heart overflows with love, they are my everything." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 10 2024-10-13 14:31:24 "Your love is a beacon, it guides me through the storm." en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-13 18:24:28 "Don't mess with me." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 9 2024-10-13 20:21:37 "I'm in awe of your talent, you're incredible." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 9 2024-10-13 20:33:27 He wheeled the bike past the winding road. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 9 2024-10-13 16:32:45 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 9 2024-10-13 17:54:10 "I am ecstatic!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-13 12:32:23 "I just want to disappear." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-13 10:58:37 "I'm so jealous of you!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-13 13:44:18 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 8 2024-10-13 06:47:45 "I can't wait to see you again." en Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-13 11:23:53 "I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 7 2024-10-13 20:33:52 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 7 2024-10-13 09:26:42 "I'm overjoyed, this is the best day of my life!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 7 2024-10-13 16:31:57 "I'm so jealous of you!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 7 2024-10-13 17:14:41 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-13 05:32:16 "That movie was terrifying! I couldn't sleep afterwards." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 7 2024-10-13 20:07:44 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-13 11:25:23 "Don't mess with me." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 13:49:16 "I can't wait to see you again." en parler-tts/parler_tts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 6 2024-10-13 18:23:05 "I feel a glimmer of hope." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-13 20:34:04 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 6 2024-10-13 06:30:12 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-13 12:32:32 "I'm incredibly anxious about the future." en coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-13 06:21:53 "I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 6 2024-10-13 17:14:26 "I'm so angry I could scream." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 6 2024-10-13 10:14:48 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-13 09:25:59 The kitten chased the dog down the street. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-13 17:30:50 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-13 11:04:23 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-13 06:47:52 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 5 2024-10-13 09:54:40 "I feel a glimmer of hope." en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 16:31:27 "I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 17:14:57 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-13 07:23:55 "I'm overjoyed, this is the best day of my life!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-13 06:24:20 "I'm so happy to be alive." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 12:32:49 "I'm so scared to go in there." en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 16:17:20 "I'm so scared to go in there." en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 14:15:10 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 10:41:21 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-13 07:35:46 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-13 14:33:20 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 00:11:07 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 18:34:57 The Navy attacked the big task force. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-13 11:26:13 The Navy attacked the big task force. en parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-13 05:33:01 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-12 23:39:10 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 00:11:40 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 14:30:35 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 05:31:55 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-12 23:12:33 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 06:18:02 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-13 06:37:22 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 18:34:43 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-13 09:28:03 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 16:31:36 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-13 11:25:12 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 07:14:40 "I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 12:36:03 "I'm so angry I could scream." en mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-13 07:24:21 "My heart overflows with love, they are my everything." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-13 04:50:46 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-13 10:34:37 "That movie was terrifying! I couldn't sleep afterwards." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-13 11:28:58 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 01:26:56 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 18:38:39 "This is the best surprise ever!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 06:25:04 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 04:17:47 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 10:30:38 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 18:35:53 The Navy attacked the big task force. en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-13 07:08:00 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 11:25:59 We find joy in the simplest things. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 17:40:36 We find joy in the simplest things. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 16:50:07 We find joy in the simplest things. en parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 11:25:48 What joy there is in living. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 16:32:16 Women form less than half of the group. en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-13 18:28:56 "I am ecstatic!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 18:39:27 "I am ecstatic!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 13:28:36 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 06:26:00 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 11:13:42 "I feel a glimmer of hope." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 14:16:19 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-12 21:50:44 "I just want to disappear." en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 13:24:32 "I'm beaming with pride, my team just won the championship!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 18:39:19 "I'm bubbling over with excitement, I can't keep it in!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-13 07:08:44 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 00:15:28 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 18:30:24 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-13 07:20:54 "I'm hesitant about taking the risk." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 17:32:17 "I'm in awe of your talent, you're incredible." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 13:48:11 "I'm incredibly anxious about the future." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-13 13:02:56 "I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 18:34:28 "I'm so happy to be alive." en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 06:20:31 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 16:17:34 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-12 21:00:11 "The bungee jumping experience was exhilarating!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 16:31:47 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 07:36:26 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-12 23:33:01 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 20:15:20 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 15:45:23 "This is the best surprise ever!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 07:23:45 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-12 20:22:17 The Navy attacked the big task force. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 04:49:27 The Navy attacked the big task force. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-13 11:42:45 The kitten chased the dog down the street. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 17:41:17 We find joy in the simplest things. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 13:48:22 We find joy in the simplest things. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-12 23:51:31 We find joy in the simplest things. en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 13:49:05 We find joy in the simplest things. en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-12 22:44:05 Women form less than half of the group. en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 10:31:30 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-12 19:51:58 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-12 19:50:17 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-12 21:32:32 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 01:11:15 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-12 23:11:35 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 14:31:04 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 11:23:01 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 16:31:19 "I am ecstatic!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 18:24:41 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 09:46:08 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 09:25:43 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 11:23:18 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 04:50:29 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 11:43:20 "I just want to disappear." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 18:34:12 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 13:48:45 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-12 20:23:32 "I'm bubbling over with excitement, I can't keep it in!" en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 11:24:49 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 14:16:11 "I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 06:22:54 "I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 16:17:10 "I'm so angry I could scream." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 13:45:02 "I'm so angry I could scream." en mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 16:17:56 "I'm so anxious, I feel like I'm going to be sick." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 17:45:57 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 17:32:40 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 01:53:47 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 06:16:07 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 07:23:23 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 16:31:05 "I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?" en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 18:28:20 "I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 17:14:06 "I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 15:31:18 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 11:14:10 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 01:25:15 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 09:21:11 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 11:28:14 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 18:38:52 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-12 22:22:27 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-12 23:38:45 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 00:12:08 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 09:54:30 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-12 23:38:32 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 07:22:19 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 09:22:40 "This is the best surprise ever!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 06:20:16 "This situation is ridiculous! I can't help but laugh." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 16:32:34 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-12 14:50:27 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-12 22:44:24 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 17:34:49 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 16:37:10 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-13 06:18:55 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 11:48:59 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 11:13:10 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 06:15:14 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 13:03:21 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 06:13:57 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 09:27:15 The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 20:33:39 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 06:25:21 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 18:35:19 We find joy in the simplest things. en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 06:14:50 We find joy in the simplest things. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 01:26:07 What joy there is in living. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 11:14:35 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 12:04:09 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 06:17:50 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 20:20:55 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 10:58:25 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 17:50:52 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 20:21:46 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 20:18:33 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-12 21:47:43 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 01:24:01 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 09:27:06 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 06:13:09 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 01:25:57 "His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty." en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 06:34:11 "I am ecstatic!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 01:26:17 "I am ecstatic!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 19:42:47 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 15:03:04 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 13:26:01 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 07:22:34 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 10:32:08 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 12:36:34 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 17:34:08 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 18:28:41 "I feel a chill of fear run down my spine." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 06:12:01 "I feel a glimmer of hope." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 01:24:37 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 06:21:04 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 06:15:32 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 06:24:52 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 16:11:49 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 10:57:21 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 12:37:02 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 20:49:05 "I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?" en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-12 22:45:01 "I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe." en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 23:38:20 "I just want to disappear." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 16:17:44 "I just want to disappear." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 17:54:22 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 06:18:32 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-12 14:50:41 "I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-12 23:53:38 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 13:49:25 "I'm furious that they lied to me." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 09:58:51 "I'm in total awe of this artwork." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 03:39:01 "I'm in total awe of this artwork." en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 03:38:59 "I'm on edge waiting for your response." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 11:31:57 "I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:14:40 "I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 09:46:49 "I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 09:43:45 "I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad." en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 13:02:00 "I'm so angry I could scream." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-13 01:38:55 "I'm so angry I could scream." en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 11:48:38 "I'm so happy to be alive." en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 17:31:29 "I'm so lost and confused. Can you please explain it again?" en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 17:51:55 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 05:23:48 "I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 13:00:29 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 23:15:54 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 18:29:41 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 16:11:13 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 05:14:08 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 23:15:15 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 04:50:17 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 12:33:19 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 10:28:02 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:33:24 "I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 06:25:48 "I'm terrified of what might happen next." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 12:56:32 "I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 16:15:50 "I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 06:11:09 "I’m so satisfied with our progress." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-12 10:52:26 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 12:32:59 "Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over." en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 23:54:27 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 23:53:58 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 22:45:48 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 00:16:01 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 17:32:03 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:15:02 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 11:12:39 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 06:17:02 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 06:59:26 "Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!" en parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 11:14:24 "The bungee jumping experience was exhilarating!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:56:40 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 23:28:57 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 06:17:34 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 06:20:44 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-12 23:12:26 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 19:06:41 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-12 23:41:20 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 14:16:29 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 12:37:33 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 10:14:23 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 23:52:10 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 07:20:40 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 08:32:55 "The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous." en parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 01:17:46 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 09:27:26 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 06:14:12 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 20:50:49 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-12 20:22:35 "The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 00:10:50 "This is the best surprise ever!" en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:32:20 "This situation is ridiculous! I can't help but laugh." en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 10:58:12 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 06:33:48 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 01:24:23 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 20:02:43 "What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!" en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 22:11:40 "Why can't just one thing go right for a change?" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 11:24:48 "Why can't just one thing go right for a change?" en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 11:24:10 "Why can't just one thing go right for a change?" en parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 17:55:28 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 02:14:42 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 11:25:36 The Navy attacked the big task force. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 06:12:53 The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 18:26:51 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 09:25:16 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 07:23:34 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. en parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 18:29:12 The point of the steel pen was bent and twisted. en mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 12:57:56 The prince ordered his head chopped off. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-12 11:01:15 We find joy in the simplest things. en collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 23:38:56 We find joy in the simplest things. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 21:07:36 We find joy in the simplest things. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 10:41:47 We find joy in the simplest things. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 10:34:23 We find joy in the simplest things. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-12 18:49:50 We find joy in the simplest things. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 18:35:40 We find joy in the simplest things. en mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 14:32:34 We find joy in the simplest things. en parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-12 18:24:16 Women form less than half of the group. en fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 10:30:59 Women form less than half of the group. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 16:15:24 Women form less than half of the group. en innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 18:35:09