query,output 0,output 1,flag What is Craxxxx,"2.2. MINOR COURSES A Minor is an additional credential a student will earn if they do minimum 30 credits worth of additional learning in a discipline other than their major discipline. Many academic units in the Institute offer minors in their disciplines and prescribe a specific set of courses and/ or other activities like projects for earning a minor in that discipline. Note that courses equivalent in content to any of these specified courses from the same department can be taken as a minor course with the approval of the concerned HOD. After the completion of credits under the stipulated time period, a minor degree is awarded to the student. It is mentioned in the Degree Certificate ""Bachelor of Technology in xxx with Minor in yyy.” The fact will also be reflected in the transcript, along with the list of courses taken.","'Stationery and Xerox Every Hostel has a xerox shop which is normally well equipped to handle basic stationery needs. If you don’t find something in your own hostel, you should most probably find it in the neighbouring hostel. Hostel 12 shop is the best stocked, in that regard. Most hostel xerox shops start at around 10 am and close by 9 pm. Hostel 5 shop is open till a little later (10 pm). If you are closer to the academic area, you can visit the shop in the Main Building on the ground floor, right opposite the library for notebooks, lab coats, bags, lab files, xerox, print out, and most other stationery items. During midsems and endsems, xerox shop timings for some hostels are extended.",None