stringlengths 7
| path
stringlengths 4
| copies
stringlengths 1
| size
stringlengths 4
| content
stringlengths 959
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
glorizen/nupic | external/linux32/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ | 69 | 75638 | """
matplotlib includes a framework for arbitrary geometric
transformations that is used determine the final position of all
elements drawn on the canvas.
Transforms are composed into trees of :class:`TransformNode` objects
whose actual value depends on their children. When the contents of
children change, their parents are automatically invalidated. The
next time an invalidated transform is accessed, it is recomputed to
reflect those changes. This invalidation/caching approach prevents
unnecessary recomputations of transforms, and contributes to better
interactive performance.
For example, here is a graph of the transform tree used to plot data
to the graph:
.. image:: ../_static/transforms.png
The framework can be used for both affine and non-affine
transformations. However, for speed, we want use the backend
renderers to perform affine transformations whenever possible.
Therefore, it is possible to perform just the affine or non-affine
part of a transformation on a set of data. The affine is always
assumed to occur after the non-affine. For any transform::
full transform == non-affine part + affine part
The backends are not expected to handle non-affine transformations
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from matplotlib._path import affine_transform
from numpy.linalg import inv
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
import warnings
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
import cbook
from path import Path
from _path import count_bboxes_overlapping_bbox, update_path_extents
DEBUG = False
import warnings
MaskedArray = ma.MaskedArray
class TransformNode(object):
:class:`TransformNode` is the base class for anything that
participates in the transform tree and needs to invalidate its
parents or be invalidated. This includes classes that are not
really transforms, such as bounding boxes, since some transforms
depend on bounding boxes to compute their values.
_gid = 0
# Invalidation may affect only the affine part. If the
# invalidation was "affine-only", the _invalid member is set to
# Some metadata about the transform, used to determine whether an
# invalidation is affine-only
is_affine = False
is_bbox = False
# If pass_through is True, all ancestors will always be
# invalidated, even if 'self' is already invalid.
pass_through = False
def __init__(self):
Creates a new :class:`TransformNode`.
# Parents are stored in a WeakKeyDictionary, so that if the
# parents are deleted, references from the children won't keep
# them alive.
self._parents = WeakKeyDictionary()
# TransformNodes start out as invalid until their values are
# computed for the first time.
self._invalid = 1
def __copy__(self, *args):
raise NotImplementedError(
"TransformNode instances can not be copied. " +
"Consider using frozen() instead.")
__deepcopy__ = __copy__
def invalidate(self):
Invalidate this :class:`TransformNode` and all of its
ancestors. Should be called any time the transform changes.
# If we are an affine transform being changed, we can set the
value = (self.is_affine) and self.INVALID_AFFINE or self.INVALID
# Shortcut: If self is already invalid, that means its parents
# are as well, so we don't need to do anything.
if self._invalid == value:
if not len(self._parents):
self._invalid = value
# Invalidate all ancestors of self using pseudo-recursion.
stack = [self]
while len(stack):
root = stack.pop()
# Stop at subtrees that have already been invalidated
if root._invalid != value or root.pass_through:
root._invalid = self.INVALID
def set_children(self, *children):
Set the children of the transform, to let the invalidation
system know which transforms can invalidate this transform.
Should be called from the constructor of any transforms that
depend on other transforms.
for child in children:
child._parents[self] = None
_set_children = set_children
def set_children(self, *children):
self._children = children
set_children.__doc__ = _set_children.__doc__
def frozen(self):
Returns a frozen copy of this transform node. The frozen copy
will not update when its children change. Useful for storing
a previously known state of a transform where
``copy.deepcopy()`` might normally be used.
return self
def write_graphviz(self, fobj, highlight=[]):
For debugging purposes.
Writes the transform tree rooted at 'self' to a graphviz "dot"
format file. This file can be run through the "dot" utility
to produce a graph of the transform tree.
Affine transforms are marked in blue. Bounding boxes are
marked in yellow.
*fobj*: A Python file-like object
seen = set()
def recurse(root):
if root in seen:
props = {}
label = root.__class__.__name__
if root._invalid:
label = '[%s]' % label
if root in highlight:
props['style'] = 'bold'
props['shape'] = 'box'
props['label'] = '"%s"' % label
props = ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (key, val) for key, val in props.items()])
fobj.write('%s [%s];\n' %
(hash(root), props))
if hasattr(root, '_children'):
for child in root._children:
name = '?'
for key, val in root.__dict__.items():
if val is child:
name = key
fobj.write('%s -> %s [label="%s", fontsize=10];\n' % (
fobj.write("digraph G {\n")
def write_graphviz(self, fobj, highlight=[]):
class BboxBase(TransformNode):
This is the base class of all bounding boxes, and provides
read-only access to its data. A mutable bounding box is provided
by the :class:`Bbox` class.
The canonical representation is as two points, with no
restrictions on their ordering. Convenience properties are
provided to get the left, bottom, right and top edges and width
and height, but these are not stored explicity.
is_bbox = True
is_affine = True
#* Redundant: Removed for performance
# def __init__(self):
# TransformNode.__init__(self)
def _check(points):
if ma.isMaskedArray(points):
warnings.warn("Bbox bounds are a masked array.")
points = np.asarray(points)
if (points[1,0] - points[0,0] == 0 or
points[1,1] - points[0,1] == 0):
warnings.warn("Singular Bbox.")
_check = staticmethod(_check)
def frozen(self):
return Bbox(self.get_points().copy())
frozen.__doc__ = TransformNode.__doc__
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_points()
def is_unit(self):
Returns True if the :class:`Bbox` is the unit bounding box
from (0, 0) to (1, 1).
return list(self.get_points().flatten()) == [0., 0., 1., 1.]
def _get_x0(self):
return self.get_points()[0, 0]
x0 = property(_get_x0, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`x0` is the first of the pair of *x* coordinates that
define the bounding box. :attr:`x0` is not guaranteed to be
less than :attr:`x1`. If you require that, use :attr:`xmin`.""")
def _get_y0(self):
return self.get_points()[0, 1]
y0 = property(_get_y0, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`y0` is the first of the pair of *y* coordinates that
define the bounding box. :attr:`y0` is not guaranteed to be
less than :attr:`y1`. If you require that, use :attr:`ymin`.""")
def _get_x1(self):
return self.get_points()[1, 0]
x1 = property(_get_x1, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`x1` is the second of the pair of *x* coordinates that
define the bounding box. :attr:`x1` is not guaranteed to be
greater than :attr:`x0`. If you require that, use :attr:`xmax`.""")
def _get_y1(self):
return self.get_points()[1, 1]
y1 = property(_get_y1, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`y1` is the second of the pair of *y* coordinates that
define the bounding box. :attr:`y1` is not guaranteed to be
greater than :attr:`y0`. If you require that, use :attr:`ymax`.""")
def _get_p0(self):
return self.get_points()[0]
p0 = property(_get_p0, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`p0` is the first pair of (*x*, *y*) coordinates that
define the bounding box. It is not guaranteed to be the bottom-left
corner. For that, use :attr:`min`.""")
def _get_p1(self):
return self.get_points()[1]
p1 = property(_get_p1, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`p1` is the second pair of (*x*, *y*) coordinates that
define the bounding box. It is not guaranteed to be the top-right
corner. For that, use :attr:`max`.""")
def _get_xmin(self):
return min(self.get_points()[:, 0])
xmin = property(_get_xmin, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`xmin` is the left edge of the bounding box.""")
def _get_ymin(self):
return min(self.get_points()[:, 1])
ymin = property(_get_ymin, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`ymin` is the bottom edge of the bounding box.""")
def _get_xmax(self):
return max(self.get_points()[:, 0])
xmax = property(_get_xmax, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`xmax` is the right edge of the bounding box.""")
def _get_ymax(self):
return max(self.get_points()[:, 1])
ymax = property(_get_ymax, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`ymax` is the top edge of the bounding box.""")
def _get_min(self):
return [min(self.get_points()[:, 0]),
min(self.get_points()[:, 1])]
min = property(_get_min, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`min` is the bottom-left corner of the bounding
def _get_max(self):
return [max(self.get_points()[:, 0]),
max(self.get_points()[:, 1])]
max = property(_get_max, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`max` is the top-right corner of the bounding box.""")
def _get_intervalx(self):
return self.get_points()[:, 0]
intervalx = property(_get_intervalx, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`intervalx` is the pair of *x* coordinates that define
the bounding box. It is not guaranteed to be sorted from left to
def _get_intervaly(self):
return self.get_points()[:, 1]
intervaly = property(_get_intervaly, None, None, """
(property) :attr:`intervaly` is the pair of *y* coordinates that define
the bounding box. It is not guaranteed to be sorted from bottom to
def _get_width(self):
points = self.get_points()
return points[1, 0] - points[0, 0]
width = property(_get_width, None, None, """
(property) The width of the bounding box. It may be negative if
:attr:`x1` < :attr:`x0`.""")
def _get_height(self):
points = self.get_points()
return points[1, 1] - points[0, 1]
height = property(_get_height, None, None, """
(property) The height of the bounding box. It may be negative if
:attr:`y1` < :attr:`y0`.""")
def _get_size(self):
points = self.get_points()
return points[1] - points[0]
size = property(_get_size, None, None, """
(property) The width and height of the bounding box. May be negative,
in the same way as :attr:`width` and :attr:`height`.""")
def _get_bounds(self):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.get_points().flatten()
return (x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
bounds = property(_get_bounds, None, None, """
(property) Returns (:attr:`x0`, :attr:`y0`, :attr:`width`,
def _get_extents(self):
return self.get_points().flatten().copy()
extents = property(_get_extents, None, None, """
(property) Returns (:attr:`x0`, :attr:`y0`, :attr:`x1`, :attr:`y1`).""")
def get_points(self):
return NotImplementedError()
def containsx(self, x):
Returns True if *x* is between or equal to :attr:`x0` and
x0, x1 = self.intervalx
return ((x0 < x1
and (x >= x0 and x <= x1))
or (x >= x1 and x <= x0))
def containsy(self, y):
Returns True if *y* is between or equal to :attr:`y0` and
y0, y1 = self.intervaly
return ((y0 < y1
and (y >= y0 and y <= y1))
or (y >= y1 and y <= y0))
def contains(self, x, y):
Returns *True* if (*x*, *y*) is a coordinate inside the
bounding box or on its edge.
return self.containsx(x) and self.containsy(y)
def overlaps(self, other):
Returns True if this bounding box overlaps with the given
bounding box *other*.
ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2 = self._get_extents()
bx1, by1, bx2, by2 = other._get_extents()
if ax2 < ax1:
ax2, ax1 = ax1, ax2
if ay2 < ay1:
ay2, ay1 = ay1, ay2
if bx2 < bx1:
bx2, bx1 = bx1, bx2
if by2 < by1:
by2, by1 = by1, by2
return not ((bx2 < ax1) or
(by2 < ay1) or
(bx1 > ax2) or
(by1 > ay2))
def fully_containsx(self, x):
Returns True if *x* is between but not equal to :attr:`x0` and
x0, x1 = self.intervalx
return ((x0 < x1
and (x > x0 and x < x1))
or (x > x1 and x < x0))
def fully_containsy(self, y):
Returns True if *y* is between but not equal to :attr:`y0` and
y0, y1 = self.intervaly
return ((y0 < y1
and (x > y0 and x < y1))
or (x > y1 and x < y0))
def fully_contains(self, x, y):
Returns True if (*x*, *y*) is a coordinate inside the bounding
box, but not on its edge.
return self.fully_containsx(x) \
and self.fully_containsy(y)
def fully_overlaps(self, other):
Returns True if this bounding box overlaps with the given
bounding box *other*, but not on its edge alone.
ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2 = self._get_extents()
bx1, by1, bx2, by2 = other._get_extents()
if ax2 < ax1:
ax2, ax1 = ax1, ax2
if ay2 < ay1:
ay2, ay1 = ay1, ay2
if bx2 < bx1:
bx2, bx1 = bx1, bx2
if by2 < by1:
by2, by1 = by1, by2
return not ((bx2 <= ax1) or
(by2 <= ay1) or
(bx1 >= ax2) or
(by1 >= ay2))
def transformed(self, transform):
Return a new :class:`Bbox` object, statically transformed by
the given transform.
return Bbox(transform.transform(self.get_points()))
def inverse_transformed(self, transform):
Return a new :class:`Bbox` object, statically transformed by
the inverse of the given transform.
return Bbox(transform.inverted().transform(self.get_points()))
coefs = {'C': (0.5, 0.5),
'SW': (0,0),
'S': (0.5, 0),
'SE': (1.0, 0),
'E': (1.0, 0.5),
'NE': (1.0, 1.0),
'N': (0.5, 1.0),
'NW': (0, 1.0),
'W': (0, 0.5)}
def anchored(self, c, container = None):
Return a copy of the :class:`Bbox`, shifted to position *c*
within a container.
*c*: may be either:
* a sequence (*cx*, *cy*) where *cx* and *cy* range from 0
to 1, where 0 is left or bottom and 1 is right or top
* a string:
- 'C' for centered
- 'S' for bottom-center
- 'SE' for bottom-left
- 'E' for left
- etc.
Optional argument *container* is the box within which the
:class:`Bbox` is positioned; it defaults to the initial
if container is None:
container = self
l, b, w, h = container.bounds
if isinstance(c, str):
cx, cy = self.coefs[c]
cx, cy = c
L, B, W, H = self.bounds
return Bbox(self._points +
[(l + cx * (w-W)) - L,
(b + cy * (h-H)) - B])
def shrunk(self, mx, my):
Return a copy of the :class:`Bbox`, shrunk by the factor *mx*
in the *x* direction and the factor *my* in the *y* direction.
The lower left corner of the box remains unchanged. Normally
*mx* and *my* will be less than 1, but this is not enforced.
w, h = self.size
return Bbox([self._points[0],
self._points[0] + [mx * w, my * h]])
def shrunk_to_aspect(self, box_aspect, container = None, fig_aspect = 1.0):
Return a copy of the :class:`Bbox`, shrunk so that it is as
large as it can be while having the desired aspect ratio,
*box_aspect*. If the box coordinates are relative---that
is, fractions of a larger box such as a figure---then the
physical aspect ratio of that figure is specified with
*fig_aspect*, so that *box_aspect* can also be given as a
ratio of the absolute dimensions, not the relative dimensions.
assert box_aspect > 0 and fig_aspect > 0
if container is None:
container = self
w, h = container.size
H = w * box_aspect/fig_aspect
if H <= h:
W = w
W = h * fig_aspect/box_aspect
H = h
return Bbox([self._points[0],
self._points[0] + (W, H)])
def splitx(self, *args):
e.g., ``bbox.splitx(f1, f2, ...)``
Returns a list of new :class:`Bbox` objects formed by
splitting the original one with vertical lines at fractional
positions *f1*, *f2*, ...
boxes = []
xf = [0] + list(args) + [1]
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._get_extents()
w = x1 - x0
for xf0, xf1 in zip(xf[:-1], xf[1:]):
boxes.append(Bbox([[x0 + xf0 * w, y0], [x0 + xf1 * w, y1]]))
return boxes
def splity(self, *args):
e.g., ``bbox.splitx(f1, f2, ...)``
Returns a list of new :class:`Bbox` objects formed by
splitting the original one with horizontal lines at fractional
positions *f1*, *f2*, ...
boxes = []
yf = [0] + list(args) + [1]
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._get_extents()
h = y1 - y0
for yf0, yf1 in zip(yf[:-1], yf[1:]):
boxes.append(Bbox([[x0, y0 + yf0 * h], [x1, y0 + yf1 * h]]))
return boxes
def count_contains(self, vertices):
Count the number of vertices contained in the :class:`Bbox`.
*vertices* is a Nx2 Numpy array.
if len(vertices) == 0:
return 0
vertices = np.asarray(vertices)
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._get_extents()
dx0 = np.sign(vertices[:, 0] - x0)
dy0 = np.sign(vertices[:, 1] - y0)
dx1 = np.sign(vertices[:, 0] - x1)
dy1 = np.sign(vertices[:, 1] - y1)
inside = (abs(dx0 + dx1) + abs(dy0 + dy1)) <= 2
return np.sum(inside)
def count_overlaps(self, bboxes):
Count the number of bounding boxes that overlap this one.
bboxes is a sequence of :class:`BboxBase` objects
return count_bboxes_overlapping_bbox(self, bboxes)
def expanded(self, sw, sh):
Return a new :class:`Bbox` which is this :class:`Bbox`
expanded around its center by the given factors *sw* and
width = self.width
height = self.height
deltaw = (sw * width - width) / 2.0
deltah = (sh * height - height) / 2.0
a = np.array([[-deltaw, -deltah], [deltaw, deltah]])
return Bbox(self._points + a)
def padded(self, p):
Return a new :class:`Bbox` that is padded on all four sides by
the given value.
points = self._points
return Bbox(points + [[-p, -p], [p, p]])
def translated(self, tx, ty):
Return a copy of the :class:`Bbox`, statically translated by
*tx* and *ty*.
return Bbox(self._points + (tx, ty))
def corners(self):
Return an array of points which are the four corners of this
rectangle. For example, if this :class:`Bbox` is defined by
the points (*a*, *b*) and (*c*, *d*), :meth:`corners` returns
(*a*, *b*), (*a*, *d*), (*c*, *b*) and (*c*, *d*).
l, b, r, t = self.get_points().flatten()
return np.array([[l, b], [l, t], [r, b], [r, t]])
def rotated(self, radians):
Return a new bounding box that bounds a rotated version of
this bounding box by the given radians. The new bounding box
is still aligned with the axes, of course.
corners = self.corners()
corners_rotated = Affine2D().rotate(radians).transform(corners)
bbox = Bbox.unit()
bbox.update_from_data_xy(corners_rotated, ignore=True)
return bbox
def union(bboxes):
Return a :class:`Bbox` that contains all of the given bboxes.
if len(bboxes) == 1:
return bboxes[0]
x0 = np.inf
y0 = np.inf
x1 = -np.inf
y1 = -np.inf
for bbox in bboxes:
points = bbox.get_points()
xs = points[:, 0]
ys = points[:, 1]
x0 = min(x0, np.min(xs))
y0 = min(y0, np.min(ys))
x1 = max(x1, np.max(xs))
y1 = max(y1, np.max(ys))
return Bbox.from_extents(x0, y0, x1, y1)
union = staticmethod(union)
class Bbox(BboxBase):
A mutable bounding box.
def __init__(self, points):
*points*: a 2x2 numpy array of the form [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]
If you need to create a :class:`Bbox` object from another form
of data, consider the static methods :meth:`unit`,
:meth:`from_bounds` and :meth:`from_extents`.
self._points = np.asarray(points, np.float_)
self._minpos = np.array([0.0000001, 0.0000001])
self._ignore = True
___init__ = __init__
def __init__(self, points):
def invalidate(self):
_unit_values = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]], np.float_)
def unit():
(staticmethod) Create a new unit :class:`Bbox` from (0, 0) to
(1, 1).
return Bbox(Bbox._unit_values.copy())
unit = staticmethod(unit)
def from_bounds(x0, y0, width, height):
(staticmethod) Create a new :class:`Bbox` from *x0*, *y0*,
*width* and *height*.
*width* and *height* may be negative.
return Bbox.from_extents(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height)
from_bounds = staticmethod(from_bounds)
def from_extents(*args):
(staticmethod) Create a new Bbox from *left*, *bottom*,
*right* and *top*.
The *y*-axis increases upwards.
points = np.array(args, dtype=np.float_).reshape(2, 2)
return Bbox(points)
from_extents = staticmethod(from_extents)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Bbox(%s)' % repr(self._points)
__str__ = __repr__
def ignore(self, value):
Set whether the existing bounds of the box should be ignored
by subsequent calls to :meth:`update_from_data` or
- When True, subsequent calls to :meth:`update_from_data`
will ignore the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- When False, subsequent calls to :meth:`update_from_data`
will include the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
self._ignore = value
def update_from_data(self, x, y, ignore=None):
Update the bounds of the :class:`Bbox` based on the passed in
data. After updating, the bounds will have positive *width*
and *height*; *x0* and *y0* will be the minimal values.
*x*: a numpy array of *x*-values
*y*: a numpy array of *y*-values
- when True, ignore the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when False, include the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when None, use the last value passed to :meth:`ignore`.
"update_from_data requires a memory copy -- please replace with update_from_data_xy")
xy = np.hstack((x.reshape((len(x), 1)), y.reshape((len(y), 1))))
return self.update_from_data_xy(xy, ignore)
def update_from_path(self, path, ignore=None, updatex=True, updatey=True):
Update the bounds of the :class:`Bbox` based on the passed in
data. After updating, the bounds will have positive *width*
and *height*; *x0* and *y0* will be the minimal values.
*path*: a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance
- when True, ignore the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when False, include the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when None, use the last value passed to :meth:`ignore`.
*updatex*: when True, update the x values
*updatey*: when True, update the y values
if ignore is None:
ignore = self._ignore
if path.vertices.size == 0:
points, minpos, changed = update_path_extents(
path, None, self._points, self._minpos, ignore)
if changed:
if updatex:
self._points[:,0] = points[:,0]
self._minpos[0] = minpos[0]
if updatey:
self._points[:,1] = points[:,1]
self._minpos[1] = minpos[1]
def update_from_data_xy(self, xy, ignore=None, updatex=True, updatey=True):
Update the bounds of the :class:`Bbox` based on the passed in
data. After updating, the bounds will have positive *width*
and *height*; *x0* and *y0* will be the minimal values.
*xy*: a numpy array of 2D points
- when True, ignore the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when False, include the existing bounds of the :class:`Bbox`.
- when None, use the last value passed to :meth:`ignore`.
*updatex*: when True, update the x values
*updatey*: when True, update the y values
if len(xy) == 0:
path = Path(xy)
self.update_from_path(path, ignore=ignore,
updatex=updatex, updatey=updatey)
def _set_x0(self, val):
self._points[0, 0] = val
x0 = property(BboxBase._get_x0, _set_x0)
def _set_y0(self, val):
self._points[0, 1] = val
y0 = property(BboxBase._get_y0, _set_y0)
def _set_x1(self, val):
self._points[1, 0] = val
x1 = property(BboxBase._get_x1, _set_x1)
def _set_y1(self, val):
self._points[1, 1] = val
y1 = property(BboxBase._get_y1, _set_y1)
def _set_p0(self, val):
self._points[0] = val
p0 = property(BboxBase._get_p0, _set_p0)
def _set_p1(self, val):
self._points[1] = val
p1 = property(BboxBase._get_p1, _set_p1)
def _set_intervalx(self, interval):
self._points[:, 0] = interval
intervalx = property(BboxBase._get_intervalx, _set_intervalx)
def _set_intervaly(self, interval):
self._points[:, 1] = interval
intervaly = property(BboxBase._get_intervaly, _set_intervaly)
def _set_bounds(self, bounds):
l, b, w, h = bounds
points = np.array([[l, b], [l+w, b+h]], np.float_)
if np.any(self._points != points):
self._points = points
bounds = property(BboxBase._get_bounds, _set_bounds)
def _get_minpos(self):
return self._minpos
minpos = property(_get_minpos)
def _get_minposx(self):
return self._minpos[0]
minposx = property(_get_minposx)
def _get_minposy(self):
return self._minpos[1]
minposy = property(_get_minposy)
def get_points(self):
Get the points of the bounding box directly as a numpy array
of the form: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]].
self._invalid = 0
return self._points
def set_points(self, points):
Set the points of the bounding box directly from a numpy array
of the form: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]. No error checking is
performed, as this method is mainly for internal use.
if np.any(self._points != points):
self._points = points
def set(self, other):
Set this bounding box from the "frozen" bounds of another
if np.any(self._points != other.get_points()):
self._points = other.get_points()
class TransformedBbox(BboxBase):
A :class:`Bbox` that is automatically transformed by a given
transform. When either the child bounding box or transform
changes, the bounds of this bbox will update accordingly.
def __init__(self, bbox, transform):
*bbox*: a child :class:`Bbox`
*transform*: a 2D :class:`Transform`
assert bbox.is_bbox
assert isinstance(transform, Transform)
assert transform.input_dims == 2
assert transform.output_dims == 2
self._bbox = bbox
self._transform = transform
self.set_children(bbox, transform)
self._points = None
def __repr__(self):
return "TransformedBbox(%s, %s)" % (self._bbox, self._transform)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_points(self):
if self._invalid:
points = self._transform.transform(self._bbox.get_points())
if ma.isMaskedArray(points):
points = np.asarray(points)
self._points = points
self._invalid = 0
return self._points
get_points.__doc__ = Bbox.get_points.__doc__
_get_points = get_points
def get_points(self):
points = self._get_points()
return points
class Transform(TransformNode):
The base class of all :class:`TransformNode` instances that
actually perform a transformation.
All non-affine transformations should be subclasses of this class.
New affine transformations should be subclasses of
Subclasses of this class should override the following members (at
- :attr:`input_dims`
- :attr:`output_dims`
- :meth:`transform`
- :attr:`is_separable`
- :attr:`has_inverse`
- :meth:`inverted` (if :meth:`has_inverse` can return True)
If the transform needs to do something non-standard with
:class:`mathplotlib.path.Path` objects, such as adding curves
where there were once line segments, it should override:
- :meth:`transform_path`
# The number of input and output dimensions for this transform.
# These must be overridden (with integers) in the subclass.
input_dims = None
output_dims = None
# True if this transform as a corresponding inverse transform.
has_inverse = False
# True if this transform is separable in the x- and y- dimensions.
is_separable = False
#* Redundant: Removed for performance
# def __init__(self):
# TransformNode.__init__(self)
def __add__(self, other):
Composes two transforms together such that *self* is followed
by *other*.
if isinstance(other, Transform):
return composite_transform_factory(self, other)
raise TypeError(
"Can not add Transform to object of type '%s'" % type(other))
def __radd__(self, other):
Composes two transforms together such that *self* is followed
by *other*.
if isinstance(other, Transform):
return composite_transform_factory(other, self)
raise TypeError(
"Can not add Transform to object of type '%s'" % type(other))
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Used by C/C++ -based backends to get at the array matrix data.
return self.frozen().__array__()
def transform(self, values):
Performs the transformation on the given array of values.
Accepts a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`input_dims`) and
returns a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`output_dims`).
raise NotImplementedError()
def transform_affine(self, values):
Performs only the affine part of this transformation on the
given array of values.
``transform(values)`` is always equivalent to
In non-affine transformations, this is generally a no-op. In
affine transformations, this is equivalent to
Accepts a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`input_dims`) and
returns a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`output_dims`).
return values
def transform_non_affine(self, values):
Performs only the non-affine part of the transformation.
``transform(values)`` is always equivalent to
In non-affine transformations, this is generally equivalent to
``transform(values)``. In affine transformations, this is
always a no-op.
Accepts a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`input_dims`) and
returns a numpy array of shape (N x :attr:`output_dims`).
return self.transform(values)
def get_affine(self):
Get the affine part of this transform.
return IdentityTransform()
def transform_point(self, point):
A convenience function that returns the transformed copy of a
single point.
The point is given as a sequence of length :attr:`input_dims`.
The transformed point is returned as a sequence of length
assert len(point) == self.input_dims
return self.transform(np.asarray([point]))[0]
def transform_path(self, path):
Returns a transformed copy of path.
*path*: a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance.
In some cases, this transform may insert curves into the path
that began as line segments.
return Path(self.transform(path.vertices),
def transform_path_affine(self, path):
Returns a copy of path, transformed only by the affine part of
this transform.
*path*: a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance.
``transform_path(path)`` is equivalent to
return path
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
Returns a copy of path, transformed only by the non-affine
part of this transform.
*path*: a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance.
``transform_path(path)`` is equivalent to
return Path(self.transform_non_affine(path.vertices),
def transform_angles(self, angles, pts, radians=False, pushoff=1e-5):
Performs transformation on a set of angles anchored at
specific locations.
The *angles* must be a column vector (i.e., numpy array).
The *pts* must be a two-column numpy array of x,y positions
(angle transforms currently only work in 2D). This array must
have the same number of rows as *angles*.
*radians* indicates whether or not input angles are given in
radians (True) or degrees (False; the default).
*pushoff* is the distance to move away from *pts* for
determining transformed angles (see discussion of method
The transformed angles are returned in an array with the same
size as *angles*.
The generic version of this method uses a very generic
algorithm that transforms *pts*, as well as locations very
close to *pts*, to find the angle in the transformed system.
# Must be 2D
if self.input_dims <> 2 or self.output_dims <> 2:
raise NotImplementedError('Only defined in 2D')
# pts must be array with 2 columns for x,y
assert pts.shape[1] == 2
# angles must be a column vector and have same number of
# rows as pts
assert == angles.shape[0] == pts.shape[0]
# Convert to radians if desired
if not radians:
angles = angles / 180.0 * np.pi
# Move a short distance away
pts2 = pts + pushoff * np.c_[ np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles) ]
# Transform both sets of points
tpts = self.transform( pts )
tpts2 = self.transform( pts2 )
# Calculate transformed angles
d = tpts2 - tpts
a = np.arctan2( d[:,1], d[:,0] )
# Convert back to degrees if desired
if not radians:
a = a * 180.0 / np.pi
return a
def inverted(self):
Return the corresponding inverse transformation.
The return value of this method should be treated as
temporary. An update to *self* does not cause a corresponding
update to its inverted copy.
``x === self.inverted().transform(self.transform(x))``
raise NotImplementedError()
class TransformWrapper(Transform):
A helper class that holds a single child transform and acts
equivalently to it.
This is useful if a node of the transform tree must be replaced at
run time with a transform of a different type. This class allows
that replacement to correctly trigger invalidation.
Note that :class:`TransformWrapper` instances must have the same
input and output dimensions during their entire lifetime, so the
child transform may only be replaced with another child transform
of the same dimensions.
pass_through = True
is_affine = False
def __init__(self, child):
*child*: A class:`Transform` instance. This child may later
be replaced with :meth:`set`.
assert isinstance(child, Transform)
self.input_dims = child.input_dims
self.output_dims = child.output_dims
self._invalid = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "TransformWrapper(%r)" % self._child
__str__ = __repr__
def frozen(self):
return self._child.frozen()
frozen.__doc__ = Transform.frozen.__doc__
def _set(self, child):
self._child = child
self.transform = child.transform
self.transform_affine = child.transform_affine
self.transform_non_affine = child.transform_non_affine
self.transform_path = child.transform_path
self.transform_path_affine = child.transform_path_affine
self.transform_path_non_affine = child.transform_path_non_affine
self.get_affine = child.get_affine
self.inverted = child.inverted
def set(self, child):
Replace the current child of this transform with another one.
The new child must have the same number of input and output
dimensions as the current child.
assert child.input_dims == self.input_dims
assert child.output_dims == self.output_dims
self._invalid = 0
self._invalid = 0
def _get_is_separable(self):
return self._child.is_separable
is_separable = property(_get_is_separable)
def _get_has_inverse(self):
return self._child.has_inverse
has_inverse = property(_get_has_inverse)
class AffineBase(Transform):
The base class of all affine transformations of any number of
is_affine = True
def __init__(self):
self._inverted = None
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_matrix()
def _concat(a, b):
Concatenates two transformation matrices (represented as numpy
arrays) together.
return, a)
_concat = staticmethod(_concat)
def get_matrix(self):
Get the underlying transformation matrix as a numpy array.
raise NotImplementedError()
def transform_non_affine(self, points):
return points
transform_non_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_non_affine.__doc__
def transform_path_affine(self, path):
return self.transform_path(path)
transform_path_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_path_affine.__doc__
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
return path
transform_path_non_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_path_non_affine.__doc__
def get_affine(self):
return self
get_affine.__doc__ = Transform.get_affine.__doc__
class Affine2DBase(AffineBase):
The base class of all 2D affine transformations.
2D affine transformations are performed using a 3x3 numpy array::
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
This class provides the read-only interface. For a mutable 2D
affine transformation, use :class:`Affine2D`.
Subclasses of this class will generally only need to override a
constructor and :meth:`get_matrix` that generates a custom 3x3 matrix.
input_dims = 2
output_dims = 2
#* Redundant: Removed for performance
# def __init__(self):
# Affine2DBase.__init__(self)
def frozen(self):
return Affine2D(self.get_matrix().copy())
frozen.__doc__ = AffineBase.frozen.__doc__
def _get_is_separable(self):
mtx = self.get_matrix()
return mtx[0, 1] == 0.0 and mtx[1, 0] == 0.0
is_separable = property(_get_is_separable)
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_matrix()
def to_values(self):
Return the values of the matrix as a sequence (a,b,c,d,e,f)
mtx = self.get_matrix()
return tuple(mtx[:2].swapaxes(0, 1).flatten())
def matrix_from_values(a, b, c, d, e, f):
(staticmethod) Create a new transformation matrix as a 3x3
numpy array of the form::
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
return np.array([[a, c, e], [b, d, f], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], np.float_)
matrix_from_values = staticmethod(matrix_from_values)
def transform(self, points):
mtx = self.get_matrix()
if isinstance(points, MaskedArray):
tpoints = affine_transform(, mtx)
return ma.MaskedArray(tpoints, mask=ma.getmask(points))
return affine_transform(points, mtx)
def transform_point(self, point):
mtx = self.get_matrix()
return affine_transform(point, mtx)
transform_point.__doc__ = AffineBase.transform_point.__doc__
_transform = transform
def transform(self, points):
# The major speed trap here is just converting to the
# points to an array in the first place. If we can use
# more arrays upstream, that should help here.
if (not ma.isMaskedArray(points) and
not isinstance(points, np.ndarray)):
('A non-numpy array of type %s was passed in for ' +
'transformation. Please correct this.')
% type(values))
return self._transform(points)
transform.__doc__ = AffineBase.transform.__doc__
transform_affine = transform
transform_affine.__doc__ = AffineBase.transform_affine.__doc__
def inverted(self):
if self._inverted is None or self._invalid:
mtx = self.get_matrix()
self._inverted = Affine2D(inv(mtx))
self._invalid = 0
return self._inverted
inverted.__doc__ = AffineBase.inverted.__doc__
class Affine2D(Affine2DBase):
A mutable 2D affine transformation.
def __init__(self, matrix = None):
Initialize an Affine transform from a 3x3 numpy float array::
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
If *matrix* is None, initialize with the identity transform.
if matrix is None:
matrix = np.identity(3)
elif DEBUG:
matrix = np.asarray(matrix, np.float_)
assert matrix.shape == (3, 3)
self._mtx = matrix
self._invalid = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "Affine2D(%s)" % repr(self._mtx)
__str__ = __repr__
def __cmp__(self, other):
if (isinstance(other, Affine2D) and
(self.get_matrix() == other.get_matrix()).all()):
return 0
return -1
def from_values(a, b, c, d, e, f):
(staticmethod) Create a new Affine2D instance from the given
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
return Affine2D(
np.array([a, c, e, b, d, f, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], np.float_)
from_values = staticmethod(from_values)
def get_matrix(self):
Get the underlying transformation matrix as a 3x3 numpy array::
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
def set_matrix(self, mtx):
Set the underlying transformation matrix from a 3x3 numpy array::
a c e
b d f
0 0 1
self._mtx = mtx
def set(self, other):
Set this transformation from the frozen copy of another
:class:`Affine2DBase` object.
assert isinstance(other, Affine2DBase)
self._mtx = other.get_matrix()
def identity():
(staticmethod) Return a new :class:`Affine2D` object that is
the identity transform.
Unless this transform will be mutated later on, consider using
the faster :class:`IdentityTransform` class instead.
return Affine2D(np.identity(3))
identity = staticmethod(identity)
def clear(self):
Reset the underlying matrix to the identity transform.
self._mtx = np.identity(3)
return self
def rotate(self, theta):
Add a rotation (in radians) to this transform in place.
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
rotate_mtx = np.array(
[[a, -b, 0.0], [b, a, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
self._mtx =, self._mtx)
return self
def rotate_deg(self, degrees):
Add a rotation (in degrees) to this transform in place.
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
return self.rotate(degrees*np.pi/180.)
def rotate_around(self, x, y, theta):
Add a rotation (in radians) around the point (x, y) in place.
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
return self.translate(-x, -y).rotate(theta).translate(x, y)
def rotate_deg_around(self, x, y, degrees):
Add a rotation (in degrees) around the point (x, y) in place.
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
return self.translate(-x, -y).rotate_deg(degrees).translate(x, y)
def translate(self, tx, ty):
Adds a translation in place.
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
translate_mtx = np.array(
[[1.0, 0.0, tx], [0.0, 1.0, ty], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
self._mtx =, self._mtx)
return self
def scale(self, sx, sy=None):
Adds a scale in place.
If *sy* is None, the same scale is applied in both the *x*- and
Returns *self*, so this method can easily be chained with more
calls to :meth:`rotate`, :meth:`rotate_deg`, :meth:`translate`
and :meth:`scale`.
if sy is None:
sy = sx
scale_mtx = np.array(
[[sx, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, sy, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
self._mtx =, self._mtx)
return self
def _get_is_separable(self):
mtx = self.get_matrix()
return mtx[0, 1] == 0.0 and mtx[1, 0] == 0.0
is_separable = property(_get_is_separable)
class IdentityTransform(Affine2DBase):
A special class that does on thing, the identity transform, in a
fast way.
_mtx = np.identity(3)
def frozen(self):
return self
frozen.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.frozen.__doc__
def __repr__(self):
return "IdentityTransform()"
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
def transform(self, points):
return points
transform.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform.__doc__
transform_affine = transform
transform_affine.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform_affine.__doc__
transform_non_affine = transform
transform_non_affine.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform_non_affine.__doc__
def transform_path(self, path):
return path
transform_path.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform_path.__doc__
transform_path_affine = transform_path
transform_path_affine.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform_path_affine.__doc__
transform_path_non_affine = transform_path
transform_path_non_affine.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.transform_path_non_affine.__doc__
def get_affine(self):
return self
get_affine.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_affine.__doc__
inverted = get_affine
inverted.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.inverted.__doc__
class BlendedGenericTransform(Transform):
A "blended" transform uses one transform for the *x*-direction, and
another transform for the *y*-direction.
This "generic" version can handle any given child transform in the
*x*- and *y*-directions.
input_dims = 2
output_dims = 2
is_separable = True
pass_through = True
def __init__(self, x_transform, y_transform):
Create a new "blended" transform using *x_transform* to
transform the *x*-axis and *y_transform* to transform the
You will generally not call this constructor directly but use
the :func:`blended_transform_factory` function instead, which
can determine automatically which kind of blended transform to
# Here we ask: "Does it blend?"
self._x = x_transform
self._y = y_transform
self.set_children(x_transform, y_transform)
self._affine = None
def _get_is_affine(self):
return self._x.is_affine and self._y.is_affine
is_affine = property(_get_is_affine)
def frozen(self):
return blended_transform_factory(self._x.frozen(), self._y.frozen())
frozen.__doc__ = Transform.frozen.__doc__
def __repr__(self):
return "BlendedGenericTransform(%s,%s)" % (self._x, self._y)
__str__ = __repr__
def transform(self, points):
x = self._x
y = self._y
if x is y and x.input_dims == 2:
return x.transform(points)
if x.input_dims == 2:
x_points = x.transform(points)[:, 0:1]
x_points = x.transform(points[:, 0])
x_points = x_points.reshape((len(x_points), 1))
if y.input_dims == 2:
y_points = y.transform(points)[:, 1:]
y_points = y.transform(points[:, 1])
y_points = y_points.reshape((len(y_points), 1))
if isinstance(x_points, MaskedArray) or isinstance(y_points, MaskedArray):
return ma.concatenate((x_points, y_points), 1)
return np.concatenate((x_points, y_points), 1)
transform.__doc__ = Transform.transform.__doc__
def transform_affine(self, points):
return self.get_affine().transform(points)
transform_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_affine.__doc__
def transform_non_affine(self, points):
if self._x.is_affine and self._y.is_affine:
return points
return self.transform(points)
transform_non_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_non_affine.__doc__
def inverted(self):
return BlendedGenericTransform(self._x.inverted(), self._y.inverted())
inverted.__doc__ = Transform.inverted.__doc__
def get_affine(self):
if self._invalid or self._affine is None:
if self._x.is_affine and self._y.is_affine:
if self._x == self._y:
self._affine = self._x.get_affine()
x_mtx = self._x.get_affine().get_matrix()
y_mtx = self._y.get_affine().get_matrix()
# This works because we already know the transforms are
# separable, though normally one would want to set b and
# c to zero.
mtx = np.vstack((x_mtx[0], y_mtx[1], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))
self._affine = Affine2D(mtx)
self._affine = IdentityTransform()
self._invalid = 0
return self._affine
get_affine.__doc__ = Transform.get_affine.__doc__
class BlendedAffine2D(Affine2DBase):
A "blended" transform uses one transform for the *x*-direction, and
another transform for the *y*-direction.
This version is an optimization for the case where both child
transforms are of type :class:`Affine2DBase`.
is_separable = True
def __init__(self, x_transform, y_transform):
Create a new "blended" transform using *x_transform* to
transform the *x*-axis and *y_transform* to transform the
Both *x_transform* and *y_transform* must be 2D affine
You will generally not call this constructor directly but use
the :func:`blended_transform_factory` function instead, which
can determine automatically which kind of blended transform to
assert x_transform.is_affine
assert y_transform.is_affine
assert x_transform.is_separable
assert y_transform.is_separable
self._x = x_transform
self._y = y_transform
self.set_children(x_transform, y_transform)
self._mtx = None
def __repr__(self):
return "BlendedAffine2D(%s,%s)" % (self._x, self._y)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
if self._x == self._y:
self._mtx = self._x.get_matrix()
x_mtx = self._x.get_matrix()
y_mtx = self._y.get_matrix()
# This works because we already know the transforms are
# separable, though normally one would want to set b and
# c to zero.
self._mtx = np.vstack((x_mtx[0], y_mtx[1], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))
self._inverted = None
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
def blended_transform_factory(x_transform, y_transform):
Create a new "blended" transform using *x_transform* to transform
the *x*-axis and *y_transform* to transform the *y*-axis.
A faster version of the blended transform is returned for the case
where both child transforms are affine.
if (isinstance(x_transform, Affine2DBase)
and isinstance(y_transform, Affine2DBase)):
return BlendedAffine2D(x_transform, y_transform)
return BlendedGenericTransform(x_transform, y_transform)
class CompositeGenericTransform(Transform):
A composite transform formed by applying transform *a* then
transform *b*.
This "generic" version can handle any two arbitrary
pass_through = True
def __init__(self, a, b):
Create a new composite transform that is the result of
applying transform *a* then transform *b*.
You will generally not call this constructor directly but use
the :func:`composite_transform_factory` function instead,
which can automatically choose the best kind of composite
transform instance to create.
assert a.output_dims == b.input_dims
self.input_dims = a.input_dims
self.output_dims = b.output_dims
self._a = a
self._b = b
self.set_children(a, b)
def frozen(self):
self._invalid = 0
frozen = composite_transform_factory(self._a.frozen(), self._b.frozen())
if not isinstance(frozen, CompositeGenericTransform):
return frozen.frozen()
return frozen
frozen.__doc__ = Transform.frozen.__doc__
def _get_is_affine(self):
return self._a.is_affine and self._b.is_affine
is_affine = property(_get_is_affine)
def _get_is_separable(self):
return self._a.is_separable and self._b.is_separable
is_separable = property(_get_is_separable)
def __repr__(self):
return "CompositeGenericTransform(%s, %s)" % (self._a, self._b)
__str__ = __repr__
def transform(self, points):
return self._b.transform(
transform.__doc__ = Transform.transform.__doc__
def transform_affine(self, points):
return self.get_affine().transform(points)
transform_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_affine.__doc__
def transform_non_affine(self, points):
if self._a.is_affine and self._b.is_affine:
return points
return self._b.transform_non_affine(
transform_non_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_non_affine.__doc__
def transform_path(self, path):
return self._b.transform_path(
transform_path.__doc__ = Transform.transform_path.__doc__
def transform_path_affine(self, path):
return self._b.transform_path_affine(
transform_path_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_path_affine.__doc__
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
if self._a.is_affine and self._b.is_affine:
return path
return self._b.transform_path_non_affine(
transform_path_non_affine.__doc__ = Transform.transform_path_non_affine.__doc__
def get_affine(self):
if self._a.is_affine and self._b.is_affine:
return Affine2D(,
return self._b.get_affine()
get_affine.__doc__ = Transform.get_affine.__doc__
def inverted(self):
return CompositeGenericTransform(self._b.inverted(), self._a.inverted())
inverted.__doc__ = Transform.inverted.__doc__
class CompositeAffine2D(Affine2DBase):
A composite transform formed by applying transform *a* then transform *b*.
This version is an optimization that handles the case where both *a*
and *b* are 2D affines.
def __init__(self, a, b):
Create a new composite transform that is the result of
applying transform *a* then transform *b*.
Both *a* and *b* must be instances of :class:`Affine2DBase`.
You will generally not call this constructor directly but use
the :func:`composite_transform_factory` function instead,
which can automatically choose the best kind of composite
transform instance to create.
assert a.output_dims == b.input_dims
self.input_dims = a.input_dims
self.output_dims = b.output_dims
assert a.is_affine
assert b.is_affine
self._a = a
self._b = b
self.set_children(a, b)
self._mtx = None
def __repr__(self):
return "CompositeAffine2D(%s, %s)" % (self._a, self._b)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
self._mtx =
self._inverted = None
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
def composite_transform_factory(a, b):
Create a new composite transform that is the result of applying
transform a then transform b.
Shortcut versions of the blended transform are provided for the
case where both child transforms are affine, or one or the other
is the identity transform.
Composite transforms may also be created using the '+' operator,
c = a + b
if isinstance(a, IdentityTransform):
return b
elif isinstance(b, IdentityTransform):
return a
elif isinstance(a, AffineBase) and isinstance(b, AffineBase):
return CompositeAffine2D(a, b)
return CompositeGenericTransform(a, b)
class BboxTransform(Affine2DBase):
:class:`BboxTransform` linearly transforms points from one
:class:`Bbox` to another :class:`Bbox`.
is_separable = True
def __init__(self, boxin, boxout):
Create a new :class:`BboxTransform` that linearly transforms
points from *boxin* to *boxout*.
assert boxin.is_bbox
assert boxout.is_bbox
self._boxin = boxin
self._boxout = boxout
self.set_children(boxin, boxout)
self._mtx = None
self._inverted = None
def __repr__(self):
return "BboxTransform(%s, %s)" % (self._boxin, self._boxout)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
inl, inb, inw, inh = self._boxin.bounds
outl, outb, outw, outh = self._boxout.bounds
x_scale = outw / inw
y_scale = outh / inh
if DEBUG and (x_scale == 0 or y_scale == 0):
raise ValueError("Transforming from or to a singular bounding box.")
self._mtx = np.array([[x_scale, 0.0 , (-inl*x_scale+outl)],
[0.0 , y_scale, (-inb*y_scale+outb)],
[0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ]],
self._inverted = None
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
class BboxTransformTo(Affine2DBase):
:class:`BboxTransformTo` is a transformation that linearly
transforms points from the unit bounding box to a given
is_separable = True
def __init__(self, boxout):
Create a new :class:`BboxTransformTo` that linearly transforms
points from the unit bounding box to *boxout*.
assert boxout.is_bbox
self._boxout = boxout
self._mtx = None
self._inverted = None
def __repr__(self):
return "BboxTransformTo(%s)" % (self._boxout)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
outl, outb, outw, outh = self._boxout.bounds
if DEBUG and (outw == 0 or outh == 0):
raise ValueError("Transforming to a singular bounding box.")
self._mtx = np.array([[outw, 0.0, outl],
[ 0.0, outh, outb],
[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
self._inverted = None
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
class BboxTransformFrom(Affine2DBase):
:class:`BboxTransformFrom` linearly transforms points from a given
:class:`Bbox` to the unit bounding box.
is_separable = True
def __init__(self, boxin):
assert boxin.is_bbox
self._boxin = boxin
self._mtx = None
self._inverted = None
def __repr__(self):
return "BboxTransformFrom(%s)" % (self._boxin)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
inl, inb, inw, inh = self._boxin.bounds
if DEBUG and (inw == 0 or inh == 0):
raise ValueError("Transforming from a singular bounding box.")
x_scale = 1.0 / inw
y_scale = 1.0 / inh
self._mtx = np.array([[x_scale, 0.0 , (-inl*x_scale)],
[0.0 , y_scale, (-inb*y_scale)],
[0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ]],
self._inverted = None
self._invalid = 0
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
class ScaledTranslation(Affine2DBase):
A transformation that translates by *xt* and *yt*, after *xt* and *yt*
have been transformad by the given transform *scale_trans*.
def __init__(self, xt, yt, scale_trans):
self._t = (xt, yt)
self._scale_trans = scale_trans
self._mtx = None
self._inverted = None
def __repr__(self):
return "ScaledTranslation(%s)" % (self._t,)
__str__ = __repr__
def get_matrix(self):
if self._invalid:
xt, yt = self._scale_trans.transform_point(self._t)
self._mtx = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, xt],
[0.0, 1.0, yt],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
self._invalid = 0
self._inverted = None
return self._mtx
get_matrix.__doc__ = Affine2DBase.get_matrix.__doc__
class TransformedPath(TransformNode):
A :class:`TransformedPath` caches a non-affine transformed copy of
the :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path`. This cached copy is
automatically updated when the non-affine part of the transform
def __init__(self, path, transform):
Create a new :class:`TransformedPath` from the given
:class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` and :class:`Transform`.
assert isinstance(transform, Transform)
self._path = path
self._transform = transform
self._transformed_path = None
self._transformed_points = None
def _revalidate(self):
if ((self._invalid & self.INVALID_NON_AFFINE == self.INVALID_NON_AFFINE)
or self._transformed_path is None):
self._transformed_path = \
self._transformed_points = \
self._invalid = 0
def get_transformed_points_and_affine(self):
Return a copy of the child path, with the non-affine part of
the transform already applied, along with the affine part of
the path necessary to complete the transformation. Unlike
:meth:`get_transformed_path_and_affine`, no interpolation will
be performed.
return self._transformed_points, self.get_affine()
def get_transformed_path_and_affine(self):
Return a copy of the child path, with the non-affine part of
the transform already applied, along with the affine part of
the path necessary to complete the transformation.
return self._transformed_path, self.get_affine()
def get_fully_transformed_path(self):
Return a fully-transformed copy of the child path.
if ((self._invalid & self.INVALID_NON_AFFINE == self.INVALID_NON_AFFINE)
or self._transformed_path is None):
self._transformed_path = \
self._invalid = 0
return self._transform.transform_path_affine(self._transformed_path)
def get_affine(self):
return self._transform.get_affine()
def nonsingular(vmin, vmax, expander=0.001, tiny=1e-15, increasing=True):
Ensure the endpoints of a range are finite and not too close together.
"too close" means the interval is smaller than 'tiny' times
the maximum absolute value.
If they are too close, each will be moved by the 'expander'.
If 'increasing' is True and vmin > vmax, they will be swapped,
regardless of whether they are too close.
If either is inf or -inf or nan, return - expander, expander.
if (not np.isfinite(vmin)) or (not np.isfinite(vmax)):
return -expander, expander
swapped = False
if vmax < vmin:
vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
swapped = True
if vmax - vmin <= max(abs(vmin), abs(vmax)) * tiny:
if vmin == 0.0:
vmin = -expander
vmax = expander
vmin -= expander*abs(vmin)
vmax += expander*abs(vmax)
if swapped and not increasing:
vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
return vmin, vmax
def interval_contains(interval, val):
a, b = interval
return (
((a < b) and (a <= val and b >= val))
or (b <= val and a >= val))
def interval_contains_open(interval, val):
a, b = interval
return (
((a < b) and (a < val and b > val))
or (b < val and a > val))
def offset_copy(trans, fig, x=0.0, y=0.0, units='inches'):
Return a new transform with an added offset.
trans is any transform
fig is the current figure; it can be None if units are 'dots'
x, y give the offset
units is 'inches', 'points' or 'dots'
if units == 'dots':
return trans + Affine2D().translate(x, y)
if fig is None:
raise ValueError('For units of inches or points a fig kwarg is needed')
if units == 'points':
x /= 72.0
y /= 72.0
elif not units == 'inches':
raise ValueError('units must be dots, points, or inches')
return trans + ScaledTranslation(x, y, fig.dpi_scale_trans)
| agpl-3.0 |
agartland/utils | ics/.ipynb_checkpoints/ | 1 | 12289 | import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import palettable
import itertools
from hclusterplot import plotHCluster
import re
from myboxplot import myboxplot
import networkx as nx
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style='darkgrid', palette='muted', font_scale=1.5)
__all__ = ['icsTicks',
from .loading import *
from .analyzing import *
icsTicks = np.log10([0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1])
icsTickLabels = ['0.01', '0.025', '0.05', '0.1', '0.25', '0.5', '1']
# icsTicks = np.log10([0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1])
#icsTickLabels = ['0.01','0.025', '0.05', '0.1','0.2','0.4','0.6','0.8', '1']
def prepPlotDf(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset='CD4+', column='pvalue', cutoff='pvalue', pAdjust=True, allSubsets=False):
cytokineSubsets = jDf.cytokine.unique()
subset = cytokineSubsets[0].replace('-', '+').split('+')[:-1]
cyCols = [c for c in cytokineSubsets if not c == '-'.join(subset)+'-']
ind = (jDf.tcellsub == tcellsubset) & (jDf.visitno == visitno) & (jDf.TreatmentGroupID.isin(rxIDs))
agInd = (jDf.antigen == antigen) & ind
pvalueDf = pivotPvalues(jDf.loc[agInd], adjust=pAdjust)
"""Use cutoff from HVTN ICS SAP, p < 0.00001"""
responseAlpha = 1e-5
callDf = (pvalueDf < responseAlpha).astype(float)
magDf = jDf.loc[agInd].pivot(index='sample', columns='cytokine', values='mag')
magAdjDf = jDf.loc[agInd].pivot(index='sample', columns='cytokine', values='mag_adj')
bgDf = jDf.loc[agInd].pivot(index='sample', columns='cytokine', values='bg')
"""Positive subsets (to-be plotted) includes all columns unless a cutoff is specified"""
if cutoff == 'mag':
posSubsets = pvalueDf[cyCols].columns[(magDf[cyCols] > 0.00025).any(axis=0)]
elif cutoff == 'mag_adj':
posSubsets = pvalueDf[cyCols].columns[(magAdjDf[cyCols] > 0.00025).any(axis=0)]
elif cutoff == 'bg':
posSubsets = pvalueDf[cyCols].columns[(bgDf[cyCols] > 0).any(axis=0)]
elif cutoff == 'pvalue':
posSubsets = pvalueDf[cyCols].columns[(callDf[cyCols] > 0).any(axis=0)]
posSubsets = pvalueDf[cyCols].columns
if allSubsets:
posSubsets = sorted(cytokineSubsets, key=lambda s: s.count('+'), reverse=True)
posSubsets = sorted(posSubsets, key=lambda s: s.count('+'), reverse=True)
if column == 'pvalue':
plotDf = callDf
elif column == 'mag':
plotDf = magDf.applymap(np.log)
elif column == 'mag_adj':
plotDf = magAdjDf.applymap(np.log)
elif column == 'bg':
plotDf = bgDf.applymap(np.log)
"""Give labels a more readable look"""
plotDf = plotDf.rename_axis(cytokineSubsetLabel, axis=1)
posSubsets = list(map(cytokineSubsetLabel, posSubsets))
return plotDf[posSubsets]
def plotPolyBP(jDf,
column='pvalue', cutoff='pvalue',
allSubsets=False, plotSubsets=None, returnPlotSubsets=False):
if plotSubsets is None:
plotDf = prepPlotDf(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset=tcellsubset, column=column, cutoff=cutoff, pAdjust=pAdjust, allSubsets=allSubsets)
posSubsets = plotDf.columns
plotDf = prepPlotDf(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset=tcellsubset, column=column, cutoff=cutoff, pAdjust=pAdjust, allSubsets=True)
posSubsets = plotSubsets
cbt = np.log([0.0001, 0.00025, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.01])
cbtl = ['0.01', '0.025', '0.05', '0.1', '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1']
plotDf = pd.DataFrame(plotDf.stack().reset_index())
plotDf = plotDf.set_index('sample')
plotDf = plotDf.join(ptidDf[['TreatmentGroupID', 'TreatmentGroupName']], how='left').sort_values(by='TreatmentGroupID')
if column == 'mag' or column == 'mag_adj':
plotDf[0].loc[(plotDf[0] < np.log(0.00025)) | plotDf[0].isnull()] = np.log(0.00025)
yl = np.log([0.0002, 0.01])
elif column == 'bg':
plotDf[0].loc[(plotDf[0] < np.log(0.00001)) | plotDf[0].isnull()] = np.log(0.00001)
yl = np.log([0.00001, 0.01])
print('Must specify mag, mag_adj or bg (not %s)' % column)
axh = plt.subplot(111)
sns.boxplot(x='cytokine', y=0, data=plotDf, hue='TreatmentGroupName', fliersize=0, ax=axh, order=posSubsets)
sns.stripplot(x='cytokine', y=0, data=plotDf, hue='TreatmentGroupName', jitter=True, ax=axh, order=posSubsets)
plt.yticks(cbt, cbtl)
plt.xticks(list(range(len(posSubsets))), posSubsets, fontsize='large', fontname='Consolas')
plt.ylabel('% cytokine expressing cells')
handles, labels = axh.get_legend_handles_labels()
l = plt.legend(handles[len(rxIDs):], labels[len(rxIDs):], loc='upper right')
if returnPlotSubsets:
return axh, posSubsets
return axh
def plotPolyHeat(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset='CD4+', cluster=False, column='pvalue', cutoff='pvalue', pAdjust=True, allSubsets=False):
plotDf = prepPlotDf(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset=tcellsubset, column=column, cutoff=cutoff, pAdjust=pAdjust, allSubsets=allSubsets)
posSubsets = plotDf.columns
plotDf = plotDf.join(ptidDf[['TreatmentGroupID', 'TreatmentGroupName']], how='left').sort_values(by='TreatmentGroupID')
cbt = np.log([0.0001, 0.00025, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.01])
cbtl = ['0.01', '0.025', '0.05', '0.1', '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1']
if cluster:
clusterBool = [True, True]
clusterBool = [False, False]
if column == 'pvalue':
vRange = [0, 2]
elif column == 'mag':
vRange = np.log([0.0001, 0.01])
elif column == 'mag_adj':
vRange = np.log([0.0001, 0.01])
elif column == 'bg':
vRange = np.log([0.0001, 0.01])
#valVec = tmp[posSubsets].values.flatten()
#vRange = [log(valVec[valVec>0].min()),log(valVec.max())]
ptidInd, cyColInd, handles = plotHCluster(plotDf[posSubsets],
if column == 'pvalue':
handles['cb'].set_label('% cells')
for xh in handles['xlabelsL']:
#handles['heatmapGS'].tight_layout(handles['fig'], h_pad=0.1, w_pad=0.5)
return handles
def plotResponsePattern(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset='CD4+', column='pvalue', cluster=False, cutoff='pvalue', pAdjust=True, boxplot=False, allSubsets=False):
if column == 'pvalue' and boxplot:
boxplot = False
print('Forced heatmap for p-value plotting.')
if boxplot:
axh = plotPolyBP(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset=tcellsubset, column=column, cutoff=cutoff, pAdjust=pAdjust, allSubsets=allSubsets)
axh = plotPolyHeat(jDf, antigen, rxIDs, visitno, tcellsubset=tcellsubset, cluster=cluster, column=column, cutoff=cutoff, pAdjust=pAdjust, allSubsets=allSubsets)
return axh
def _szscale(vec, mx=np.inf, mn=1):
"""Normalize values of vec to [mn, mx] interval
such that sz ratios remain representative."""
factor = mn/np.nanmin(vec)
vec = vec*factor
vec[vec > mx] = mx
vec[np.isnan(vec)] = mn
return vec
def plotPolyFunNetwork(cdf):
"""This visualization isn't promising, but its also the start to how
I'd think about defining a pairwise sample distance matrix. Instead
of considering each subset as independent they could be related by their
distance on this graph (just the sum of the binayr vector representation),
then the distance would be somekind of earth over's distance between the two graphs"""
binSubsets = np.concatenate([m[None, :] for m in map(_subset2vec, cdf.cytokine.unique())], axis=0)
nColors = (np.unique(binSubsets.sum(axis=1)) > 0).sum()
cmap = sns.light_palette('red', as_cmap=True, n_colors=nColors)
freqDf = cdf.groupby('cytokine')['mag'].agg(np.mean)
freqDf = freqDf.drop(vec2subset([0]*len(binSubsets)), axis=0)
g = nx.Graph()
for ss,f in freqDf.iteritems():
g.add_node(ss, freq=f, fscore=subset2vec(ss).sum())
for ss1, ss2 in itertools.product(freqDf.index, freqDf.index):
if np.abs(subset2vec(ss1) - subset2vec(ss2)).sum() <= 1:
g.add_edge(ss1, ss2)
nodesize = np.array([d['freq'] for n, d in g.nodes(data=True)])
nodecolor = np.array([d['fscore'] for n, d in g.nodes(data=True)])
nodecolor = (nodecolor - nodecolor.min() + 1) / (nodecolor.max() - nodecolor.min() + 1)
freq = {n:d['freq'] for n, d in g.nodes(data=True)}
pos = nx.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(g, prog=layout, root=max(list(freq.keys()), key=freq.get))
#pos = spring_layout(g)
#pos = spectral_layout(g)
#layouts = ['twopi', 'fdp', 'circo', 'neato', 'dot', 'spring', 'spectral']
#pos = nx.graphviz_layout(g, prog=layout)
figh = plt.gcf()
axh = figh.add_axes([0.04, 0.04, 0.92, 0.92])
#nx.draw_networkx_edges(g,pos,alpha=0.5,width=sznorm(edgewidth,mn=0.5,mx=10), edge_color='k')
for e in g.edges_iter():
x1, y1=pos[e[0]]
x2, y2=pos[e[1]]
props = dict(color='black', alpha=0.4, zorder=1)
plt.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], '-', lw=2, **props)
plt.scatter(x=[pos[s][0] for s in g.nodes()],
y=[pos[s][1] for s in g.nodes()],
s=_szscale(nodesize, mn=20, mx=200), #Units for scatter is (size in points)**2
alpha=1, zorder=2, cmap=cmap)
for n, d in g.nodes(data=True):
if d['freq'] >= 0:
def swarmBox(data, x, y, hue, palette=None, order=None, hue_order=None, connect=False):
"""Depends on plot order of the swarm plot which does not seem dependable at the moment.
Better idea would be to adopt code from the actual swarm function for this, adding boxplots separately"""
if palette is None:
palette = sns.color_palette('Set2', n_colors=data[hue].unique().shape[0])
if hue_order is None:
hue_order = sorted(data[hue].unique())
if order is None:
order = sorted(data[x].unqiue())
params = dict(data=data, x=x, y=y, hue=hue, palette=palette, order=order, hue_order=hue_order)
sns.boxplot(**params, fliersize=0, linewidth=0.5)
swarm = sns.swarmplot(**params, linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='black', dodge=True)
if connect:
zipper = [order] + [swarm.collections[i::len(hue_order)] for i in range(len(hue_order))]
for z in zip(*zipper):
curx = z[0]
collections = z[1:]
offsets = []
for c,h in zip(collections, hue_order):
ind = (data[x] == curx) & (data[hue] == h)
sortii = np.argsort(np.argsort(data.loc[ind, y]))
for zoffsets in zip(*offsets):
xvec = [o[0] for o in zoffsets]
yvec = [o[1] for o in zoffsets]
plt.plot(xvec, yvec, '-', color='gray', linewidth=0.5)
plt.legend([plt.Circle(1, color=c) for c in palette], hue_order, title=hue)
| mit |
HolgerPeters/scikit-learn | examples/ensemble/ | 335 | 6271 | """
Plot the decision surfaces of ensembles of trees on the iris dataset
Plot the decision surfaces of forests of randomized trees trained on pairs of
features of the iris dataset.
This plot compares the decision surfaces learned by a decision tree classifier
(first column), by a random forest classifier (second column), by an extra-
trees classifier (third column) and by an AdaBoost classifier (fourth column).
In the first row, the classifiers are built using the sepal width and the sepal
length features only, on the second row using the petal length and sepal length
only, and on the third row using the petal width and the petal length only.
In descending order of quality, when trained (outside of this example) on all
4 features using 30 estimators and scored using 10 fold cross validation, we see::
ExtraTreesClassifier() # 0.95 score
RandomForestClassifier() # 0.94 score
AdaBoost(DecisionTree(max_depth=3)) # 0.94 score
DecisionTree(max_depth=None) # 0.94 score
Increasing `max_depth` for AdaBoost lowers the standard deviation of the scores (but
the average score does not improve).
See the console's output for further details about each model.
In this example you might try to:
1) vary the ``max_depth`` for the ``DecisionTreeClassifier`` and
``AdaBoostClassifier``, perhaps try ``max_depth=3`` for the
``DecisionTreeClassifier`` or ``max_depth=None`` for ``AdaBoostClassifier``
2) vary ``n_estimators``
It is worth noting that RandomForests and ExtraTrees can be fitted in parallel
on many cores as each tree is built independently of the others. AdaBoost's
samples are built sequentially and so do not use multiple cores.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import (RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier,
from sklearn.externals.six.moves import xrange
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
# Parameters
n_classes = 3
n_estimators = 30
plot_colors = "ryb"
cmap =
plot_step = 0.02 # fine step width for decision surface contours
plot_step_coarser = 0.5 # step widths for coarse classifier guesses
RANDOM_SEED = 13 # fix the seed on each iteration
# Load data
iris = load_iris()
plot_idx = 1
models = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=None),
for pair in ([0, 1], [0, 2], [2, 3]):
for model in models:
# We only take the two corresponding features
X =[:, pair]
y =
# Shuffle
idx = np.arange(X.shape[0])
X = X[idx]
y = y[idx]
# Standardize
mean = X.mean(axis=0)
std = X.std(axis=0)
X = (X - mean) / std
# Train
clf = clone(model)
clf =, y)
scores = clf.score(X, y)
# Create a title for each column and the console by using str() and
# slicing away useless parts of the string
model_title = str(type(model)).split(".")[-1][:-2][:-len("Classifier")]
model_details = model_title
if hasattr(model, "estimators_"):
model_details += " with {} estimators".format(len(model.estimators_))
print( model_details + " with features", pair, "has a score of", scores )
plt.subplot(3, 4, plot_idx)
if plot_idx <= len(models):
# Add a title at the top of each column
# Now plot the decision boundary using a fine mesh as input to a
# filled contour plot
x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1
y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step),
np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step))
# Plot either a single DecisionTreeClassifier or alpha blend the
# decision surfaces of the ensemble of classifiers
if isinstance(model, DecisionTreeClassifier):
Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap)
# Choose alpha blend level with respect to the number of estimators
# that are in use (noting that AdaBoost can use fewer estimators
# than its maximum if it achieves a good enough fit early on)
estimator_alpha = 1.0 / len(model.estimators_)
for tree in model.estimators_:
Z = tree.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, alpha=estimator_alpha, cmap=cmap)
# Build a coarser grid to plot a set of ensemble classifications
# to show how these are different to what we see in the decision
# surfaces. These points are regularly space and do not have a black outline
xx_coarser, yy_coarser = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step_coarser),
np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step_coarser))
Z_points_coarser = model.predict(np.c_[xx_coarser.ravel(), yy_coarser.ravel()]).reshape(xx_coarser.shape)
cs_points = plt.scatter(xx_coarser, yy_coarser, s=15, c=Z_points_coarser, cmap=cmap, edgecolors="none")
# Plot the training points, these are clustered together and have a
# black outline
for i, c in zip(xrange(n_classes), plot_colors):
idx = np.where(y == i)
plt.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], c=c, label=iris.target_names[i],
plot_idx += 1 # move on to the next plot in sequence
plt.suptitle("Classifiers on feature subsets of the Iris dataset")
| bsd-3-clause |
valexandersaulys/prudential_insurance_kaggle | venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ | 9 | 95521 | """
Data structure for 1-dimensional cross-sectional and time series data
from __future__ import division
# pylint: disable=E1101,E1103
# pylint: disable=W0703,W0622,W0613,W0201
import types
import warnings
from numpy import nan, ndarray
import numpy as np
import as ma
from pandas.core.common import (isnull, notnull, is_bool_indexer,
_default_index, _maybe_upcast,
_asarray_tuplesafe, _infer_dtype_from_scalar,
is_list_like, _values_from_object,
is_categorical_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype,
needs_i8_conversion, i8_boxer,
_possibly_cast_to_datetime, _possibly_castable,
_possibly_convert_platform, _try_sort,
is_int64_dtype, is_internal_type, is_datetimetz,
_maybe_match_name, ABCSparseArray,
_coerce_to_dtype, SettingWithCopyError,
_maybe_box_datetimelike, ABCDataFrame,
from pandas.core.index import (Index, MultiIndex, InvalidIndexError,
Float64Index, _ensure_index)
from pandas.core.indexing import check_bool_indexer, maybe_convert_indices
from pandas.core import generic, base
from pandas.core.internals import SingleBlockManager
from pandas.core.categorical import Categorical, CategoricalAccessor
import pandas.core.strings as strings
from pandas.tseries.common import (maybe_to_datetimelike,
from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex
from pandas.tseries.tdi import TimedeltaIndex
from pandas.tseries.period import PeriodIndex, Period
from pandas import compat
from pandas.util.terminal import get_terminal_size
from pandas.compat import zip, u, OrderedDict, StringIO
import pandas.core.ops as ops
from pandas.core import algorithms
import pandas.core.common as com
import pandas.core.datetools as datetools
import pandas.core.format as fmt
import pandas.core.nanops as nanops
from pandas.util.decorators import Appender, cache_readonly, deprecate_kwarg
import pandas.lib as lib
import pandas.tslib as tslib
import pandas.index as _index
from numpy import percentile as _quantile
from pandas.core.config import get_option
__all__ = ['Series']
_shared_doc_kwargs = dict(
axes_single_arg="{0, 'index'}",
inplace="""inplace : boolean, default False
If True, performs operation inplace and returns None.""",
def _coerce_method(converter):
""" install the scalar coercion methods """
def wrapper(self):
if len(self) == 1:
return converter(self.iloc[0])
raise TypeError(
"cannot convert the series to {0}".format(str(converter)))
return wrapper
# Series class
class Series(base.IndexOpsMixin, strings.StringAccessorMixin, generic.NDFrame,):
One-dimensional ndarray with axis labels (including time series).
Labels need not be unique but must be any hashable type. The object
supports both integer- and label-based indexing and provides a host of
methods for performing operations involving the index. Statistical
methods from ndarray have been overridden to automatically exclude
missing data (currently represented as NaN)
Operations between Series (+, -, /, *, **) align values based on their
associated index values-- they need not be the same length. The result
index will be the sorted union of the two indexes.
data : array-like, dict, or scalar value
Contains data stored in Series
index : array-like or Index (1d)
Values must be unique and hashable, same length as data. Index
object (or other iterable of same length as data) Will default to
np.arange(len(data)) if not provided. If both a dict and index
sequence are used, the index will override the keys found in the
dtype : numpy.dtype or None
If None, dtype will be inferred
copy : boolean, default False
Copy input data
_metadata = ['name']
_accessors = frozenset(['dt', 'cat', 'str'])
_allow_index_ops = True
def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, dtype=None, name=None,
copy=False, fastpath=False):
# we are called internally, so short-circuit
if fastpath:
# data is an ndarray, index is defined
if not isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager):
data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True)
if copy:
data = data.copy()
if index is None:
index = data.index
if index is not None:
index = _ensure_index(index)
if data is None:
data = {}
if dtype is not None:
dtype = self._validate_dtype(dtype)
if isinstance(data, MultiIndex):
raise NotImplementedError("initializing a Series from a "
"MultiIndex is not supported")
elif isinstance(data, Index):
# need to copy to avoid aliasing issues
if name is None:
name =
data = data._to_embed(keep_tz=True)
copy = True
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
elif isinstance(data, Series):
if name is None:
name =
if index is None:
index = data.index
data = data.reindex(index, copy=copy)
data = data._data
elif isinstance(data, dict):
if index is None:
if isinstance(data, OrderedDict):
index = Index(data)
index = Index(_try_sort(data))
if isinstance(index, DatetimeIndex):
if len(data):
# coerce back to datetime objects for lookup
data = _dict_compat(data)
data = lib.fast_multiget(data, index.astype('O'),
data = np.nan
elif isinstance(index, PeriodIndex):
data = [data.get(i, nan)
for i in index] if data else np.nan
data = lib.fast_multiget(data, index.values,
except TypeError:
data = [data.get(i, nan)
for i in index] if data else np.nan
elif isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager):
if index is None:
index = data.index
data = data.reindex(index, copy=copy)
elif isinstance(data, Categorical):
if dtype is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot specify a dtype with a Categorical")
elif (isinstance(data, types.GeneratorType) or
(compat.PY3 and isinstance(data, map))):
data = list(data)
elif isinstance(data, (set, frozenset)):
raise TypeError("{0!r} type is unordered"
# handle sparse passed here (and force conversion)
if isinstance(data, ABCSparseArray):
data = data.to_dense()
if index is None:
if not is_list_like(data):
data = [data]
index = _default_index(len(data))
# create/copy the manager
if isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager):
if dtype is not None:
data = data.astype(dtype=dtype, raise_on_error=False)
elif copy:
data = data.copy()
data = _sanitize_array(data, index, dtype, copy,
data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True)
generic.NDFrame.__init__(self, data, fastpath=True)
object.__setattr__(self, 'name', name)
self._set_axis(0, index, fastpath=True)
def from_array(cls, arr, index=None, name=None, dtype=None, copy=False,
# return a sparse series here
if isinstance(arr, ABCSparseArray):
from pandas.sparse.series import SparseSeries
cls = SparseSeries
return cls(arr, index=index, name=name, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, fastpath=fastpath)
def _constructor(self):
return Series
def _constructor_expanddim(self):
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
return DataFrame
# types
def _can_hold_na(self):
return self._data._can_hold_na
def is_time_series(self):
msg = "is_time_series is deprecated. Please use Series.index.is_all_dates"
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
# return self._subtyp in ['time_series', 'sparse_time_series']
return self.index.is_all_dates
_index = None
def _set_axis(self, axis, labels, fastpath=False):
""" override generic, we want to set the _typ here """
if not fastpath:
labels = _ensure_index(labels)
is_all_dates = labels.is_all_dates
if is_all_dates:
if not isinstance(labels, (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex, TimedeltaIndex)):
labels = DatetimeIndex(labels)
# need to set here becuase we changed the index
if fastpath:
self._data.set_axis(axis, labels)
object.__setattr__(self, '_index', labels)
if not fastpath:
self._data.set_axis(axis, labels)
def _set_subtyp(self, is_all_dates):
if is_all_dates:
object.__setattr__(self, '_subtyp', 'time_series')
object.__setattr__(self, '_subtyp', 'series')
def _update_inplace(self, result, **kwargs):
# we want to call the generic version and not the IndexOpsMixin
return generic.NDFrame._update_inplace(self, result, **kwargs)
# ndarray compatibility
def dtype(self):
""" return the dtype object of the underlying data """
return self._data.dtype
def dtypes(self):
""" return the dtype object of the underlying data """
return self._data.dtype
def ftype(self):
""" return if the data is sparse|dense """
return self._data.ftype
def ftypes(self):
""" return if the data is sparse|dense """
return self._data.ftype
def values(self):
Return Series as ndarray or ndarray-like
depending on the dtype
arr : numpy.ndarray or ndarray-like
>>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).values
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> pd.Series(list('aabc')).values
array(['a', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object)
>>> pd.Series(list('aabc')).astype('category').values
[a, a, b, c]
Categories (3, object): [a, b, c]
Timezone aware datetime data is converted to UTC:
>>> pd.Series(pd.date_range('20130101',periods=3,tz='US/Eastern')).values
'2013-01-03T00:00:00.000000000-0500'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
return self._data.external_values()
def _values(self):
""" return the internal repr of this data """
return self._data.internal_values()
def get_values(self):
""" same as values (but handles sparseness conversions); is a view """
return self._data.get_values()
# ops
def ravel(self, order='C'):
Return the flattened underlying data as an ndarray
See also
return self._values.ravel(order=order)
def compress(self, condition, axis=0, out=None, **kwargs):
Return selected slices of an array along given axis as a Series
See also
return self[condition]
def nonzero(self):
Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero
This method is equivalent to calling `numpy.nonzero` on the
series data. For compatability with NumPy, the return value is
the same (a tuple with an array of indices for each dimension),
but it will always be a one-item tuple because series only have
one dimension.
>>> s = pd.Series([0, 3, 0, 4])
>>> s.nonzero()
(array([1, 3]),)
>>> s.iloc[s.nonzero()[0]]
1 3
3 4
dtype: int64
See Also
return self._values.nonzero()
def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
return a ndarray with the values put
See also
self._values.put(*args, **kwargs)
def __len__(self):
return the length of the Series
return len(self._data)
def view(self, dtype=None):
return self._constructor(self._values.view(dtype),
def __array__(self, result=None):
the array interface, return my values
return self.get_values()
def __array_wrap__(self, result, context=None):
Gets called after a ufunc
return self._constructor(result, index=self.index,
def __array_prepare__(self, result, context=None):
Gets called prior to a ufunc
# nice error message for non-ufunc types
if context is not None and not isinstance(self._values, np.ndarray):
obj = context[1][0]
raise TypeError("{obj} with dtype {dtype} cannot perform "
"the numpy op {op}".format(obj=type(obj).__name__,
return result
# complex
def real(self):
return self.values.real
def real(self, v):
self.values.real = v
def imag(self):
return self.values.imag
def imag(self, v):
self.values.imag = v
# coercion
__float__ = _coerce_method(float)
__long__ = _coerce_method(int)
__int__ = _coerce_method(int)
def _unpickle_series_compat(self, state):
if isinstance(state, dict):
self._data = state['_data'] = state['name']
self.index = self._data.index
elif isinstance(state, tuple):
# < 0.12 series pickle
nd_state, own_state = state
# recreate the ndarray
data = np.empty(nd_state[1], dtype=nd_state[2])
np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, nd_state)
# backwards compat
index, name = own_state[0], None
if len(own_state) > 1:
name = own_state[1]
# recreate
self._data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True)
self._index = index = name
raise Exception("cannot unpickle legacy formats -> [%s]" % state)
# indexers
def axes(self):
Return a list of the row axis labels
return [self.index]
def _ixs(self, i, axis=0):
Return the i-th value or values in the Series by location
i : int, slice, or sequence of integers
value : scalar (int) or Series (slice, sequence)
# dispatch to the values if we need
values = self._values
if isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
return _index.get_value_at(values, i)
return values[i]
except IndexError:
if isinstance(i, slice):
indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(i, kind='iloc')
return self._get_values(indexer)
label = self.index[i]
if isinstance(label, Index):
return self.take(i, axis=axis, convert=True)
return _index.get_value_at(self, i)
def _is_mixed_type(self):
return False
def _slice(self, slobj, axis=0, kind=None):
slobj = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(slobj, kind=kind or 'getitem')
return self._get_values(slobj)
def __getitem__(self, key):
result = self.index.get_value(self, key)
if not np.isscalar(result):
if is_list_like(result) and not isinstance(result, Series):
# we need to box if we have a non-unique index here
# otherwise have inline ndarray/lists
if not self.index.is_unique:
result = self._constructor(result,
return result
except InvalidIndexError:
except (KeyError, ValueError):
if isinstance(key, tuple) and isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex):
# kludge
elif key is Ellipsis:
return self
elif is_bool_indexer(key):
# we can try to coerce the indexer (or this will raise)
new_key = self.index._convert_scalar_indexer(key,kind='getitem')
if type(new_key) != type(key):
return self.__getitem__(new_key)
except Exception:
if com.is_iterator(key):
key = list(key)
if is_bool_indexer(key):
key = check_bool_indexer(self.index, key)
return self._get_with(key)
def _get_with(self, key):
# other: fancy integer or otherwise
if isinstance(key, slice):
indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind='getitem')
return self._get_values(indexer)
elif isinstance(key, ABCDataFrame):
raise TypeError('Indexing a Series with DataFrame is not supported, '\
'use the appropriate DataFrame column')
if isinstance(key, tuple):
return self._get_values_tuple(key)
if len(key) == 1:
key = key[0]
if isinstance(key, slice):
return self._get_values(key)
# pragma: no cover
if not isinstance(key, (list, np.ndarray, Series, Index)):
key = list(key)
if isinstance(key, Index):
key_type = key.inferred_type
key_type = lib.infer_dtype(key)
if key_type == 'integer':
if self.index.is_integer() or self.index.is_floating():
return self.reindex(key)
return self._get_values(key)
elif key_type == 'boolean':
return self._get_values(key)
# handle the dup indexing case (GH 4246)
if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
return self.ix[key]
return self.reindex(key)
except Exception:
# [slice(0, 5, None)] will break if you convert to ndarray,
# e.g. as requested by np.median
# hack
if isinstance(key[0], slice):
return self._get_values(key)
def _get_values_tuple(self, key):
# mpl hackaround
if any(k is None for k in key):
return self._get_values(key)
if not isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex):
raise ValueError('Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex')
# If key is contained, would have returned by now
indexer, new_index = self.index.get_loc_level(key)
return self._constructor(self._values[indexer],
def _get_values(self, indexer):
return self._constructor(self._data.get_slice(indexer),
except Exception:
return self._values[indexer]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
def setitem(key, value):
self._set_with_engine(key, value)
except (SettingWithCopyError):
except (KeyError, ValueError):
values = self._values
if (com.is_integer(key)
and not self.index.inferred_type == 'integer'):
values[key] = value
elif key is Ellipsis:
self[:] = value
elif is_bool_indexer(key):
elif com.is_timedelta64_dtype(self.dtype):
# reassign a null value to iNaT
if isnull(value):
value = tslib.iNaT
self.index._engine.set_value(self._values, key, value)
except (TypeError):
self.loc[key] = value
except TypeError as e:
if isinstance(key, tuple) and not isinstance(self.index,
raise ValueError("Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex")
# python 3 type errors should be raised
if 'unorderable' in str(e): # pragma: no cover
raise IndexError(key)
if is_bool_indexer(key):
key = check_bool_indexer(self.index, key)
self.where(~key, value, inplace=True)
except (InvalidIndexError):
self._set_with(key, value)
# do the setitem
cacher_needs_updating = self._check_is_chained_assignment_possible()
setitem(key, value)
if cacher_needs_updating:
def _set_with_engine(self, key, value):
values = self._values
self.index._engine.set_value(values, key, value)
except KeyError:
values[self.index.get_loc(key)] = value
def _set_with(self, key, value):
# other: fancy integer or otherwise
if isinstance(key, slice):
indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind='getitem')
return self._set_values(indexer, value)
if isinstance(key, tuple):
self._set_values(key, value)
except Exception:
if not isinstance(key, (list, Series, np.ndarray, Series)):
key = list(key)
key = [ key ]
if isinstance(key, Index):
key_type = key.inferred_type
key_type = lib.infer_dtype(key)
if key_type == 'integer':
if self.index.inferred_type == 'integer':
self._set_labels(key, value)
return self._set_values(key, value)
elif key_type == 'boolean':
self._set_values(key.astype(np.bool_), value)
self._set_labels(key, value)
def _set_labels(self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, Index):
key = key.values
key = _asarray_tuplesafe(key)
indexer = self.index.get_indexer(key)
mask = indexer == -1
if mask.any():
raise ValueError('%s not contained in the index'
% str(key[mask]))
self._set_values(indexer, value)
def _set_values(self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, Series):
key = key._values
self._data = self._data.setitem(indexer=key, value=value)
# help out SparseSeries
_get_val_at = ndarray.__getitem__
def repeat(self, reps):
return a new Series with the values repeated reps times
See also
new_index = self.index.repeat(reps)
new_values = self._values.repeat(reps)
return self._constructor(new_values,
def reshape(self, *args, **kwargs):
return an ndarray with the values shape
if the specified shape matches exactly the current shape, then
return self (for compat)
See also
if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], '__iter__'):
shape = args[0]
shape = args
if tuple(shape) == self.shape:
# XXX ignoring the "order" keyword.
return self
return self._values.reshape(shape, **kwargs)
def iget_value(self, i, axis=0):
DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead
warnings.warn("iget_value(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._ixs(i)
def iget(self, i, axis=0):
DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead
warnings.warn("iget(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._ixs(i)
def irow(self, i, axis=0):
DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead
warnings.warn("irow(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self._ixs(i)
def get_value(self, label, takeable=False):
Quickly retrieve single value at passed index label
index : label
takeable : interpret the index as indexers, default False
value : scalar value
if takeable is True:
return _maybe_box_datetimelike(self._values[label])
return self.index.get_value(self._values, label)
def set_value(self, label, value, takeable=False):
Quickly set single value at passed label. If label is not contained, a
new object is created with the label placed at the end of the result
label : object
Partial indexing with MultiIndex not allowed
value : object
Scalar value
takeable : interpret the index as indexers, default False
series : Series
If label is contained, will be reference to calling Series,
otherwise a new object
if takeable:
self._values[label] = value
self.index._engine.set_value(self._values, label, value)
return self
except KeyError:
# set using a non-recursive method
self.loc[label] = value
return self
def reset_index(self, level=None, drop=False, name=None, inplace=False):
Analogous to the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.reset_index` function, see
docstring there.
level : int, str, tuple, or list, default None
Only remove the given levels from the index. Removes all levels by
drop : boolean, default False
Do not try to insert index into dataframe columns
name : object, default None
The name of the column corresponding to the Series values
inplace : boolean, default False
Modify the Series in place (do not create a new object)
resetted : DataFrame, or Series if drop == True
if drop:
new_index = np.arange(len(self))
if level is not None and isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex):
if not isinstance(level, (tuple, list)):
level = [level]
level = [self.index._get_level_number(lev) for lev in level]
if len(level) < len(self.index.levels):
new_index = self.index.droplevel(level)
if inplace:
self.index = new_index
# set name if it was passed, otherwise, keep the previous name = name or
return self._constructor(self._values.copy(),
elif inplace:
raise TypeError('Cannot reset_index inplace on a Series '
'to create a DataFrame')
df = self.to_frame(name)
return df.reset_index(level=level, drop=drop)
def __unicode__(self):
Return a string representation for a particular DataFrame
Invoked by unicode(df) in py2 only. Yields a Unicode String in both
buf = StringIO(u(""))
width, height = get_terminal_size()
max_rows = (height if get_option("display.max_rows") == 0
else get_option("display.max_rows"))
self.to_string(buf=buf,, dtype=self.dtype,
result = buf.getvalue()
return result
def to_string(self, buf=None, na_rep='NaN', float_format=None, header=True,
length=False, dtype=False, name=False, max_rows=None):
Render a string representation of the Series
buf : StringIO-like, optional
buffer to write to
na_rep : string, optional
string representation of NAN to use, default 'NaN'
float_format : one-parameter function, optional
formatter function to apply to columns' elements if they are floats
default None
header: boolean, default True
Add the Series header (index name)
length : boolean, default False
Add the Series length
dtype : boolean, default False
Add the Series dtype
name : boolean, default False
Add the Series name if not None
max_rows : int, optional
Maximum number of rows to show before truncating. If None, show
formatted : string (if not buffer passed)
the_repr = self._get_repr(float_format=float_format, na_rep=na_rep,
header=header, length=length, dtype=dtype,
name=name, max_rows=max_rows)
# catch contract violations
if not isinstance(the_repr, compat.text_type):
raise AssertionError("result must be of type unicode, type"
" of result is {0!r}"
if buf is None:
return the_repr
except AttributeError:
with open(buf, 'w') as f:
def _get_repr(
self, name=False, header=True, length=True, dtype=True, na_rep='NaN',
float_format=None, max_rows=None):
Internal function, should always return unicode string
formatter = fmt.SeriesFormatter(self, name=name,
length=length, header=header,
result = formatter.to_string()
# TODO: following check prob. not neces.
if not isinstance(result, compat.text_type):
raise AssertionError("result must be of type unicode, type"
" of result is {0!r}"
return result
def __iter__(self):
""" provide iteration over the values of the Series
box values if necessary """
if needs_i8_conversion(self.dtype):
boxer = i8_boxer(self)
return (boxer(x) for x in self._values)
return iter(self._values)
def iteritems(self):
Lazily iterate over (index, value) tuples
return zip(iter(self.index), iter(self))
if compat.PY3: # pragma: no cover
items = iteritems
# Misc public methods
def keys(self):
"Alias for index"
return self.index
def tolist(self):
""" Convert Series to a nested list """
return list(self)
def to_dict(self):
Convert Series to {label -> value} dict
value_dict : dict
return dict(compat.iteritems(self))
def to_frame(self, name=None):
Convert Series to DataFrame
name : object, default None
The passed name should substitute for the series name (if it has
data_frame : DataFrame
if name is None:
df = self._constructor_expanddim(self)
df = self._constructor_expanddim({name: self})
return df
def to_sparse(self, kind='block', fill_value=None):
Convert Series to SparseSeries
kind : {'block', 'integer'}
fill_value : float, defaults to NaN (missing)
sp : SparseSeries
from pandas.core.sparse import SparseSeries
return SparseSeries(self, kind=kind,
# Statistics, overridden ndarray methods
# TODO: integrate bottleneck
def count(self, level=None):
Return number of non-NA/null observations in the Series
level : int or level name, default None
If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a
particular level, collapsing into a smaller Series
nobs : int or Series (if level specified)
from pandas.core.index import _get_na_value
if level is None:
return notnull(_values_from_object(self)).sum()
if isinstance(level, compat.string_types):
level = self.index._get_level_number(level)
lev = self.index.levels[level]
lab = np.array(self.index.labels[level], subok=False, copy=True)
mask = lab == -1
if mask.any():
lab[mask] = cnt = len(lev)
lev = lev.insert(cnt, _get_na_value(lev.dtype.type))
out = np.bincount(lab[notnull(self.values)], minlength=len(lev))
return self._constructor(out, index=lev, dtype='int64').__finalize__(self)
def mode(self):
"""Returns the mode(s) of the dataset.
Empty if nothing occurs at least 2 times. Always returns Series even
if only one value.
sort : bool, default True
If True, will lexicographically sort values, if False skips
sorting. Result ordering when ``sort=False`` is not defined.
modes : Series (sorted)
# TODO: Add option for bins like value_counts()
return algorithms.mode(self)
@deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'})
@Appender(base._shared_docs['drop_duplicates'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def drop_duplicates(self, keep='first', inplace=False):
return super(Series, self).drop_duplicates(keep=keep, inplace=inplace)
@deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'})
@Appender(base._shared_docs['duplicated'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def duplicated(self, keep='first'):
return super(Series, self).duplicated(keep=keep)
def idxmin(self, axis=None, out=None, skipna=True):
Index of first occurrence of minimum of values.
skipna : boolean, default True
Exclude NA/null values
idxmin : Index of minimum of values
This method is the Series version of ``ndarray.argmin``.
See Also
i = nanops.nanargmin(_values_from_object(self), skipna=skipna)
if i == -1:
return np.nan
return self.index[i]
def idxmax(self, axis=None, out=None, skipna=True):
Index of first occurrence of maximum of values.
skipna : boolean, default True
Exclude NA/null values
idxmax : Index of maximum of values
This method is the Series version of ``ndarray.argmax``.
See Also
i = nanops.nanargmax(_values_from_object(self), skipna=skipna)
if i == -1:
return np.nan
return self.index[i]
# ndarray compat
argmin = idxmin
argmax = idxmax
def round(self, decimals=0, out=None):
result = _values_from_object(self).round(decimals, out=out)
if out is None:
result = self._constructor(result,
return result
def quantile(self, q=0.5):
Return value at the given quantile, a la numpy.percentile.
q : float or array-like, default 0.5 (50% quantile)
0 <= q <= 1, the quantile(s) to compute
quantile : float or Series
if ``q`` is an array, a Series will be returned where the
index is ``q`` and the values are the quantiles.
>>> s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> s.quantile(.5)
>>> s.quantile([.25, .5, .75])
0.25 1.75
0.50 2.50
0.75 3.25
dtype: float64
valid = self.dropna()
def multi(values, qs):
if com.is_list_like(qs):
values = [_quantile(values, x*100) for x in qs]
# let empty result to be Float64Index
qs = Float64Index(qs)
return self._constructor(values, index=qs,
return _quantile(values, qs*100)
return self._maybe_box(lambda values: multi(values, q), dropna=True)
def corr(self, other, method='pearson',
Compute correlation with `other` Series, excluding missing values
other : Series
method : {'pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'}
* pearson : standard correlation coefficient
* kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
* spearman : Spearman rank correlation
min_periods : int, optional
Minimum number of observations needed to have a valid result
correlation : float
this, other = self.align(other, join='inner', copy=False)
if len(this) == 0:
return np.nan
return nanops.nancorr(this.values, other.values, method=method,
def cov(self, other, min_periods=None):
Compute covariance with Series, excluding missing values
other : Series
min_periods : int, optional
Minimum number of observations needed to have a valid result
covariance : float
Normalized by N-1 (unbiased estimator).
this, other = self.align(other, join='inner', copy=False)
if len(this) == 0:
return np.nan
return nanops.nancov(this.values, other.values,
def diff(self, periods=1):
1st discrete difference of object
periods : int, default 1
Periods to shift for forming difference
diffed : Series
result = com.diff(_values_from_object(self), periods)
return self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self)
def autocorr(self, lag=1):
Lag-N autocorrelation
lag : int, default 1
Number of lags to apply before performing autocorrelation.
autocorr : float
return self.corr(self.shift(lag))
def dot(self, other):
Matrix multiplication with DataFrame or inner-product with Series
other : Series or DataFrame
dot_product : scalar or Series
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
if isinstance(other, (Series, DataFrame)):
common = self.index.union(other.index)
if (len(common) > len(self.index) or
len(common) > len(other.index)):
raise ValueError('matrices are not aligned')
left = self.reindex(index=common, copy=False)
right = other.reindex(index=common, copy=False)
lvals = left.values
rvals = right.values
left = self
lvals = self.values
rvals = np.asarray(other)
if lvals.shape[0] != rvals.shape[0]:
raise Exception('Dot product shape mismatch, %s vs %s' %
(lvals.shape, rvals.shape))
if isinstance(other, DataFrame):
return self._constructor(, rvals),
elif isinstance(other, Series):
return, rvals)
elif isinstance(rvals, np.ndarray):
return, rvals)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise TypeError('unsupported type: %s' % type(other))
def searchsorted(self, v, side='left', sorter=None):
"""Find indices where elements should be inserted to maintain order.
Find the indices into a sorted Series `self` such that, if the
corresponding elements in `v` were inserted before the indices, the
order of `self` would be preserved.
v : array_like
Values to insert into `a`.
side : {'left', 'right'}, optional
If 'left', the index of the first suitable location found is given.
If 'right', return the last such index. If there is no suitable
index, return either 0 or N (where N is the length of `a`).
sorter : 1-D array_like, optional
Optional array of integer indices that sort `self` into ascending
order. They are typically the result of ``np.argsort``.
indices : array of ints
Array of insertion points with the same shape as `v`.
See Also
Binary search is used to find the required insertion points.
>>> x = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
>>> x
0 1
1 2
2 3
dtype: int64
>>> x.searchsorted(4)
>>> x.searchsorted([0, 4])
array([0, 3])
>>> x.searchsorted([1, 3], side='left')
array([0, 2])
>>> x.searchsorted([1, 3], side='right')
array([1, 3])
>>> x.searchsorted([1, 2], side='right', sorter=[0, 2, 1])
array([1, 3])
if sorter is not None:
sorter = com._ensure_platform_int(sorter)
return self._values.searchsorted(Series(v)._values, side=side,
# Combination
def append(self, to_append, verify_integrity=False):
Concatenate two or more Series.
to_append : Series or list/tuple of Series
verify_integrity : boolean, default False
If True, raise Exception on creating index with duplicates
appended : Series
from import concat
if isinstance(to_append, (list, tuple)):
to_concat = [self] + to_append
to_concat = [self, to_append]
return concat(to_concat, ignore_index=False,
def _binop(self, other, func, level=None, fill_value=None):
Perform generic binary operation with optional fill value
other : Series
func : binary operator
fill_value : float or object
Value to substitute for NA/null values. If both Series are NA in a
location, the result will be NA regardless of the passed fill value
level : int or level name, default None
Broadcast across a level, matching Index values on the
passed MultiIndex level
combined : Series
if not isinstance(other, Series):
raise AssertionError('Other operand must be Series')
new_index = self.index
this = self
if not self.index.equals(other.index):
this, other = self.align(other, level=level, join='outer', copy=False)
new_index = this.index
this_vals = this.values
other_vals = other.values
if fill_value is not None:
this_mask = isnull(this_vals)
other_mask = isnull(other_vals)
this_vals = this_vals.copy()
other_vals = other_vals.copy()
# one but not both
mask = this_mask ^ other_mask
this_vals[this_mask & mask] = fill_value
other_vals[other_mask & mask] = fill_value
result = func(this_vals, other_vals)
name = _maybe_match_name(self, other)
result = self._constructor(result, index=new_index, name=name)
result = result.__finalize__(self)
if name is None:
# When name is None, __finalize__ overwrites current name = None
return result
def combine(self, other, func, fill_value=nan):
Perform elementwise binary operation on two Series using given function
with optional fill value when an index is missing from one Series or
the other
other : Series or scalar value
func : function
fill_value : scalar value
result : Series
if isinstance(other, Series):
new_index = self.index.union(other.index)
new_name = _maybe_match_name(self, other)
new_values = np.empty(len(new_index), dtype=self.dtype)
for i, idx in enumerate(new_index):
lv = self.get(idx, fill_value)
rv = other.get(idx, fill_value)
new_values[i] = func(lv, rv)
new_index = self.index
new_values = func(self._values, other)
new_name =
return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index, name=new_name)
def combine_first(self, other):
Combine Series values, choosing the calling Series's values
first. Result index will be the union of the two indexes
other : Series
y : Series
new_index = self.index.union(other.index)
this = self.reindex(new_index, copy=False)
other = other.reindex(new_index, copy=False)
name = _maybe_match_name(self, other)
rs_vals = com._where_compat(isnull(this), other._values, this._values)
return self._constructor(rs_vals, index=new_index).__finalize__(self)
def update(self, other):
Modify Series in place using non-NA values from passed
Series. Aligns on index
other : Series
other = other.reindex_like(self)
mask = notnull(other)
self._data = self._data.putmask(mask=mask, new=other, inplace=True)
# Reindexing, sorting
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['sort_values'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def sort_values(self, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False,
kind='quicksort', na_position='last'):
axis = self._get_axis_number(axis)
# GH 5856/5853
if inplace and self._is_cached:
raise ValueError("This Series is a view of some other array, to "
"sort in-place you must create a copy")
def _try_kind_sort(arr):
# easier to ask forgiveness than permission
# if kind==mergesort, it can fail for object dtype
return arr.argsort(kind=kind)
except TypeError:
# stable sort not available for object dtype
# uses the argsort default quicksort
return arr.argsort(kind='quicksort')
arr = self._values
sortedIdx = np.empty(len(self), dtype=np.int32)
bad = isnull(arr)
good = ~bad
idx = np.arange(len(self))
argsorted = _try_kind_sort(arr[good])
if not ascending:
argsorted = argsorted[::-1]
if na_position == 'last':
n = good.sum()
sortedIdx[:n] = idx[good][argsorted]
sortedIdx[n:] = idx[bad]
elif na_position == 'first':
n = bad.sum()
sortedIdx[n:] = idx[good][argsorted]
sortedIdx[:n] = idx[bad]
raise ValueError('invalid na_position: {!r}'.format(na_position))
result = self._constructor(arr[sortedIdx], index=self.index[sortedIdx])
if inplace:
return result.__finalize__(self)
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['sort_index'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def sort_index(self, axis=0, level=None, ascending=True, inplace=False,
axis = self._get_axis_number(axis)
index = self.index
if level is not None:
new_index, indexer = index.sortlevel(level, ascending=ascending,
elif isinstance(index, MultiIndex):
from pandas.core.groupby import _lexsort_indexer
indexer = _lexsort_indexer(index.labels, orders=ascending)
indexer = com._ensure_platform_int(indexer)
new_index = index.take(indexer)
new_index, indexer = index.sort_values(return_indexer=True,
new_values = self._values.take(indexer)
result = self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index)
if inplace:
return result.__finalize__(self)
def sort(self, axis=0, ascending=True, kind='quicksort', na_position='last', inplace=True):
DEPRECATED: use :meth:`Series.sort_values(inplace=True)` for INPLACE sorting
Sort values and index labels by value. This is an inplace sort by default.
Series.order is the equivalent but returns a new Series.
axis : int (can only be zero)
ascending : boolean, default True
Sort ascending. Passing False sorts descending
kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort'
Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more
information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm
na_position : {'first', 'last'} (optional, default='last')
'first' puts NaNs at the beginning
'last' puts NaNs at the end
inplace : boolean, default True
Do operation in place.
See Also
warnings.warn("sort is deprecated, use sort_values(inplace=True) for for INPLACE sorting",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.sort_values(ascending=ascending,
def order(self, na_last=None, ascending=True, kind='quicksort', na_position='last', inplace=False):
DEPRECATED: use :meth:`Series.sort_values`
Sorts Series object, by value, maintaining index-value link.
This will return a new Series by default. Series.sort is the equivalent but as an inplace method.
na_last : boolean (optional, default=True) (DEPRECATED; use na_position)
Put NaN's at beginning or end
ascending : boolean, default True
Sort ascending. Passing False sorts descending
kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort'
Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more
information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm
na_position : {'first', 'last'} (optional, default='last')
'first' puts NaNs at the beginning
'last' puts NaNs at the end
inplace : boolean, default False
Do operation in place.
y : Series
See Also
warnings.warn("order is deprecated, use sort_values(...)",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.sort_values(ascending=ascending,
def argsort(self, axis=0, kind='quicksort', order=None):
Overrides ndarray.argsort. Argsorts the value, omitting NA/null values,
and places the result in the same locations as the non-NA values
axis : int (can only be zero)
kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort'
Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more
information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm
order : ignored
argsorted : Series, with -1 indicated where nan values are present
See also
values = self._values
mask = isnull(values)
if mask.any():
result = Series(
-1, index=self.index,, dtype='int64')
notmask = ~mask
result[notmask] = np.argsort(values[notmask], kind=kind)
return self._constructor(result,
return self._constructor(
np.argsort(values, kind=kind), index=self.index,
def rank(self, method='average', na_option='keep', ascending=True,
Compute data ranks (1 through n). Equal values are assigned a rank that
is the average of the ranks of those values
method : {'average', 'min', 'max', 'first', 'dense'}
* average: average rank of group
* min: lowest rank in group
* max: highest rank in group
* first: ranks assigned in order they appear in the array
* dense: like 'min', but rank always increases by 1 between groups
na_option : {'keep'}
keep: leave NA values where they are
ascending : boolean, default True
False for ranks by high (1) to low (N)
pct : boolean, default False
Computes percentage rank of data
ranks : Series
ranks = algorithms.rank(self._values, method=method, na_option=na_option,
ascending=ascending, pct=pct)
return self._constructor(ranks, index=self.index).__finalize__(self)
@deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'})
def nlargest(self, n=5, keep='first'):
"""Return the largest `n` elements.
n : int
Return this many descending sorted values
keep : {'first', 'last', False}, default 'first'
Where there are duplicate values:
- ``first`` : take the first occurrence.
- ``last`` : take the last occurrence.
take_last : deprecated
top_n : Series
The n largest values in the Series, in sorted order
Faster than ``.sort_values(ascending=False).head(n)`` for small `n` relative
to the size of the ``Series`` object.
See Also
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1e6))
>>> s.nlargest(10) # only sorts up to the N requested
return algorithms.select_n(self, n=n, keep=keep, method='nlargest')
@deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'})
def nsmallest(self, n=5, keep='first'):
"""Return the smallest `n` elements.
n : int
Return this many ascending sorted values
keep : {'first', 'last', False}, default 'first'
Where there are duplicate values:
- ``first`` : take the first occurrence.
- ``last`` : take the last occurrence.
take_last : deprecated
bottom_n : Series
The n smallest values in the Series, in sorted order
Faster than ``.sort_values().head(n)`` for small `n` relative to
the size of the ``Series`` object.
See Also
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1e6))
>>> s.nsmallest(10) # only sorts up to the N requested
return algorithms.select_n(self, n=n, keep=keep, method='nsmallest')
def sortlevel(self, level=0, ascending=True, sort_remaining=True):
Sort Series with MultiIndex by chosen level. Data will be
lexicographically sorted by the chosen level followed by the other
levels (in order)
level : int or level name, default None
ascending : bool, default True
sorted : Series
See Also
return self.sort_index(level=level, ascending=ascending, sort_remaining=sort_remaining)
def swaplevel(self, i, j, copy=True):
Swap levels i and j in a MultiIndex
i, j : int, string (can be mixed)
Level of index to be swapped. Can pass level name as string.
swapped : Series
new_index = self.index.swaplevel(i, j)
return self._constructor(self._values, index=new_index,
def reorder_levels(self, order):
Rearrange index levels using input order. May not drop or duplicate
order: list of int representing new level order.
(reference level by number or key)
axis: where to reorder levels
type of caller (new object)
if not isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): # pragma: no cover
raise Exception('Can only reorder levels on a hierarchical axis.')
result = self.copy()
result.index = result.index.reorder_levels(order)
return result
def unstack(self, level=-1):
Unstack, a.k.a. pivot, Series with MultiIndex to produce DataFrame.
The level involved will automatically get sorted.
level : int, string, or list of these, default last level
Level(s) to unstack, can pass level name
>>> s
one a 1.
one b 2.
two a 3.
two b 4.
>>> s.unstack(level=-1)
a b
one 1. 2.
two 3. 4.
>>> s.unstack(level=0)
one two
a 1. 2.
b 3. 4.
unstacked : DataFrame
from pandas.core.reshape import unstack
return unstack(self, level)
# function application
def map(self, arg, na_action=None):
Map values of Series using input correspondence (which can be
a dict, Series, or function)
arg : function, dict, or Series
na_action : {None, 'ignore'}
If 'ignore', propagate NA values
>>> x
one 1
two 2
three 3
>>> y
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
one foo
two bar
three baz
y : Series
same index as caller
values = self._values
if com.is_datetime64_dtype(values.dtype):
values = lib.map_infer(values, lib.Timestamp)
if na_action == 'ignore':
mask = isnull(values)
def map_f(values, f):
return lib.map_infer_mask(values, f, mask.view(np.uint8))
map_f = lib.map_infer
if isinstance(arg, (dict, Series)):
if isinstance(arg, dict):
arg = self._constructor(arg, index=arg.keys())
indexer = arg.index.get_indexer(values)
new_values = com.take_1d(arg._values, indexer)
return self._constructor(new_values,
mapped = map_f(values, arg)
return self._constructor(mapped,
def apply(self, func, convert_dtype=True, args=(), **kwds):
Invoke function on values of Series. Can be ufunc (a NumPy function
that applies to the entire Series) or a Python function that only works
on single values
func : function
convert_dtype : boolean, default True
Try to find better dtype for elementwise function results. If
False, leave as dtype=object
args : tuple
Positional arguments to pass to function in addition to the value
Additional keyword arguments will be passed as keywords to the function
y : Series or DataFrame if func returns a Series
See also
-------- For element-wise operations
Create a series with typical summer temperatures for each city.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> series = pd.Series([20, 21, 12], index=['London',
... 'New York','Helsinki'])
London 20
New York 21
Helsinki 12
dtype: int64
Square the values by defining a function and passing it as an
argument to ``apply()``.
>>> def square(x):
... return x**2
>>> series.apply(square)
London 400
New York 441
Helsinki 144
dtype: int64
Square the values by passing an anonymous function as an
argument to ``apply()``.
>>> series.apply(lambda x: x**2)
London 400
New York 441
Helsinki 144
dtype: int64
Define a custom function that needs additional positional
arguments and pass these additional arguments using the
``args`` keyword.
>>> def subtract_custom_value(x, custom_value):
... return x-custom_value
>>> series.apply(subtract_custom_value, args=(5,))
London 15
New York 16
Helsinki 7
dtype: int64
Define a custom function that takes keyword arguments
and pass these arguments to ``apply``.
>>> def add_custom_values(x, **kwargs):
... for month in kwargs:
... x+=kwargs[month]
... return x
>>> series.apply(add_custom_values, june=30, july=20, august=25)
London 95
New York 96
Helsinki 87
dtype: int64
Use a function from the Numpy library.
>>> series.apply(np.log)
London 2.995732
New York 3.044522
Helsinki 2.484907
dtype: float64
if len(self) == 0:
return self._constructor(dtype=self.dtype,
if kwds or args and not isinstance(func, np.ufunc):
f = lambda x: func(x, *args, **kwds)
f = func
if isinstance(f, np.ufunc):
return f(self)
values = _values_from_object(self)
if com.is_datetime64_dtype(values.dtype):
values = lib.map_infer(values, lib.Timestamp)
mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series):
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
return DataFrame(mapped.tolist(), index=self.index)
return self._constructor(mapped,
def _reduce(self, op, name, axis=0, skipna=True, numeric_only=None,
filter_type=None, **kwds):
perform a reduction operation
if we have an ndarray as a value, then simply perform the operation,
otherwise delegate to the object
delegate = self._values
if isinstance(delegate, np.ndarray):
# Validate that 'axis' is consistent with Series's single axis.
if numeric_only:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Series.{0} does not implement numeric_only.'.format(name))
return op(delegate, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
return delegate._reduce(op=op, name=name, axis=axis, skipna=skipna,
filter_type=filter_type, **kwds)
def _maybe_box(self, func, dropna=False):
evaluate a function with possible input/output conversion if we are i8
dropna : bool, default False
whether to drop values if necessary
if dropna:
values = self.dropna()._values
values = self._values
if needs_i8_conversion(self):
boxer = i8_boxer(self)
if len(values) == 0:
return boxer(tslib.iNaT)
values = values.view('i8')
result = func(values)
if com.is_list_like(result):
result =
result = boxer(result)
# let the function return nan if appropriate
if dropna:
if len(values) == 0:
return np.nan
result = func(values)
return result
def _reindex_indexer(self, new_index, indexer, copy):
if indexer is None:
if copy:
return self.copy()
return self
# be subclass-friendly
new_values = com.take_1d(self.get_values(), indexer)
return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index)
def _needs_reindex_multi(self, axes, method, level):
""" check if we do need a multi reindex; this is for compat with
higher dims
return False
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['align'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def align(self, other, join='outer', axis=None, level=None, copy=True,
fill_value=None, method=None, limit=None, fill_axis=0,
return super(Series, self).align(other, join=join, axis=axis, level=level, copy=copy,
fill_value=fill_value, method=method, limit=limit,
fill_axis=fill_axis, broadcast_axis=broadcast_axis)
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['rename'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def rename(self, index=None, **kwargs):
return super(Series, self).rename(index=index, **kwargs)
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['reindex'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def reindex(self, index=None, **kwargs):
return super(Series, self).reindex(index=index, **kwargs)
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['fillna'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, axis=None, inplace=False,
limit=None, downcast=None, **kwargs):
return super(Series, self).fillna(value=value, method=method,
axis=axis, inplace=inplace,
limit=limit, downcast=downcast,
@Appender(generic._shared_docs['shift'] % _shared_doc_kwargs)
def shift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0):
return super(Series, self).shift(periods=periods, freq=freq,
def reindex_axis(self, labels, axis=0, **kwargs):
""" for compatibility with higher dims """
if axis != 0:
raise ValueError("cannot reindex series on non-zero axis!")
return self.reindex(index=labels, **kwargs)
def memory_usage(self, index=False, deep=False):
"""Memory usage of the Series
index : bool
Specifies whether to include memory usage of Series index
deep : bool
Introspect the data deeply, interrogate
`object` dtypes for system-level memory consumption
scalar bytes of memory consumed
Memory usage does not include memory consumed by elements that
are not components of the array if deep=False
See Also
v = super(Series, self).memory_usage(deep=deep)
if index:
v += self.index.memory_usage(deep=deep)
return v
def take(self, indices, axis=0, convert=True, is_copy=False):
return Series corresponding to requested indices
indices : list / array of ints
convert : translate negative to positive indices (default)
taken : Series
See also
# check/convert indicies here
if convert:
indices = maybe_convert_indices(
indices, len(self._get_axis(axis)))
indices = com._ensure_platform_int(indices)
new_index = self.index.take(indices)
new_values = self._values.take(indices)
return self._constructor(new_values,
def isin(self, values):
Return a boolean :class:`~pandas.Series` showing whether each element
in the :class:`~pandas.Series` is exactly contained in the passed
sequence of ``values``.
values : list-like
The sequence of values to test. Passing in a single string will
raise a ``TypeError``. Instead, turn a single string into a
``list`` of one element.
isin : Series (bool dtype)
* If ``values`` is a string
See Also
>>> s = pd.Series(list('abc'))
>>> s.isin(['a', 'c', 'e'])
0 True
1 False
2 True
dtype: bool
Passing a single string as ``s.isin('a')`` will raise an error. Use
a list of one element instead:
>>> s.isin(['a'])
0 True
1 False
2 False
dtype: bool
result = algorithms.isin(_values_from_object(self), values)
return self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self)
def between(self, left, right, inclusive=True):
Return boolean Series equivalent to left <= series <= right. NA values
will be treated as False
left : scalar
Left boundary
right : scalar
Right boundary
is_between : Series
if inclusive:
lmask = self >= left
rmask = self <= right
lmask = self > left
rmask = self < right
return lmask & rmask
def from_csv(cls, path, sep=',', parse_dates=True, header=None,
index_col=0, encoding=None, infer_datetime_format=False):
Read CSV file (DISCOURAGED, please use :func:`pandas.read_csv` instead).
It is preferable to use the more powerful :func:`pandas.read_csv`
for most general purposes, but ``from_csv`` makes for an easy
roundtrip to and from a file (the exact counterpart of
``to_csv``), especially with a time Series.
This method only differs from :func:`pandas.read_csv` in some defaults:
- `index_col` is ``0`` instead of ``None`` (take first column as index
by default)
- `header` is ``None`` instead of ``0`` (the first row is not used as
the column names)
- `parse_dates` is ``True`` instead of ``False`` (try parsing the index
as datetime by default)
With :func:`pandas.read_csv`, the option ``squeeze=True`` can be used
to return a Series like ``from_csv``.
path : string file path or file handle / StringIO
sep : string, default ','
Field delimiter
parse_dates : boolean, default True
Parse dates. Different default from read_table
header : int, default None
Row to use as header (skip prior rows)
index_col : int or sequence, default 0
Column to use for index. If a sequence is given, a MultiIndex
is used. Different default from read_table
encoding : string, optional
a string representing the encoding to use if the contents are
non-ascii, for python versions prior to 3
infer_datetime_format: boolean, default False
If True and `parse_dates` is True for a column, try to infer the
datetime format based on the first datetime string. If the format
can be inferred, there often will be a large parsing speed-up.
See also
y : Series
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
df = DataFrame.from_csv(path, header=header, index_col=index_col,
sep=sep, parse_dates=parse_dates,
result = df.iloc[:,0]
if header is None: = = None
return result
def to_csv(self, path, index=True, sep=",", na_rep='',
float_format=None, header=False,
index_label=None, mode='w', nanRep=None, encoding=None,
date_format=None, decimal='.'):
Write Series to a comma-separated values (csv) file
path : string file path or file handle / StringIO. If None is provided
the result is returned as a string.
na_rep : string, default ''
Missing data representation
float_format : string, default None
Format string for floating point numbers
header : boolean, default False
Write out series name
index : boolean, default True
Write row names (index)
index_label : string or sequence, default None
Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is given, and
`header` and `index` are True, then the index names are used. A
sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex.
mode : Python write mode, default 'w'
sep : character, default ","
Field delimiter for the output file.
encoding : string, optional
a string representing the encoding to use if the contents are
non-ascii, for python versions prior to 3
date_format: string, default None
Format string for datetime objects.
decimal: string, default '.'
Character recognized as decimal separator. E.g. use ',' for European data
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(self)
# result is only a string if no path provided, otherwise None
result = df.to_csv(path, index=index, sep=sep, na_rep=na_rep,
float_format=float_format, header=header,
index_label=index_label, mode=mode, nanRep=nanRep,
encoding=encoding, date_format=date_format, decimal=decimal)
if path is None:
return result
def dropna(self, axis=0, inplace=False, **kwargs):
Return Series without null values
valid : Series
inplace : boolean, default False
Do operation in place.
kwargs.pop('how', None)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('dropna() got an unexpected keyword '
'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0]))
axis = self._get_axis_number(axis or 0)
if self._can_hold_na:
result = remove_na(self)
if inplace:
return result
if inplace:
# do nothing
return self.copy()
valid = lambda self, inplace=False, **kwargs: self.dropna(inplace=inplace,
def first_valid_index(self):
Return label for first non-NA/null value
if len(self) == 0:
return None
mask = isnull(self._values)
i = mask.argmin()
if mask[i]:
return None
return self.index[i]
def last_valid_index(self):
Return label for last non-NA/null value
if len(self) == 0:
return None
mask = isnull(self._values[::-1])
i = mask.argmin()
if mask[i]:
return None
return self.index[len(self) - i - 1]
# Time series-oriented methods
def asof(self, where):
Return last good (non-NaN) value in Series if value is NaN for
requested date.
If there is no good value, NaN is returned.
where : date or array of dates
Dates are assumed to be sorted
value or NaN
if isinstance(where, compat.string_types):
where = datetools.to_datetime(where)
values = self._values
if not hasattr(where, '__iter__'):
start = self.index[0]
if isinstance(self.index, PeriodIndex):
where = Period(where, freq=self.index.freq).ordinal
start = start.ordinal
if where < start:
return np.nan
loc = self.index.searchsorted(where, side='right')
if loc > 0:
loc -= 1
while isnull(values[loc]) and loc > 0:
loc -= 1
return values[loc]
if not isinstance(where, Index):
where = Index(where)
locs = self.index.asof_locs(where, notnull(values))
new_values = com.take_1d(values, locs)
return self._constructor(new_values, index=where).__finalize__(self)
def to_timestamp(self, freq=None, how='start', copy=True):
Cast to datetimeindex of timestamps, at *beginning* of period
freq : string, default frequency of PeriodIndex
Desired frequency
how : {'s', 'e', 'start', 'end'}
Convention for converting period to timestamp; start of period
vs. end
ts : Series with DatetimeIndex
new_values = self._values
if copy:
new_values = new_values.copy()
new_index = self.index.to_timestamp(freq=freq, how=how)
return self._constructor(new_values,
def to_period(self, freq=None, copy=True):
Convert Series from DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex with desired
frequency (inferred from index if not passed)
freq : string, default
ts : Series with PeriodIndex
new_values = self._values
if copy:
new_values = new_values.copy()
new_index = self.index.to_period(freq=freq)
return self._constructor(new_values,
# Datetimelike delegation methods
def _make_dt_accessor(self):
return maybe_to_datetimelike(self)
except Exception:
raise AttributeError("Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike "
dt = base.AccessorProperty(CombinedDatetimelikeProperties, _make_dt_accessor)
# Categorical methods
def _make_cat_accessor(self):
if not is_categorical_dtype(self.dtype):
raise AttributeError("Can only use .cat accessor with a "
"'category' dtype")
return CategoricalAccessor(self.values, self.index)
cat = base.AccessorProperty(CategoricalAccessor, _make_cat_accessor)
def _dir_deletions(self):
return self._accessors
def _dir_additions(self):
rv = set()
for accessor in self._accessors:
getattr(self, accessor)
except AttributeError:
return rv
Series._setup_axes(['index'], info_axis=0, stat_axis=0,
aliases={'rows': 0})
_INDEX_TYPES = ndarray, Index, list, tuple
# Supplementary functions
def remove_na(series):
Return series containing only true/non-NaN values, possibly empty.
return series[notnull(_values_from_object(series))]
def _sanitize_index(data, index, copy=False):
""" sanitize an index type to return an ndarray of the underlying, pass thru a non-Index """
if index is None:
return data
if len(data) != len(index):
raise ValueError('Length of values does not match length of '
if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex):
data = data.asobject
elif isinstance(data, DatetimeIndex):
data = data._to_embed(keep_tz=True)
if copy:
data = data.copy()
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
# coerce datetimelike types
if data.dtype.kind in ['M','m']:
data = _sanitize_array(data, index, copy=copy)
return data
def _sanitize_array(data, index, dtype=None, copy=False,
""" sanitize input data to an ndarray, copy if specified, coerce to the dtype if specified """
if dtype is not None:
dtype = _coerce_to_dtype(dtype)
if isinstance(data, ma.MaskedArray):
mask = ma.getmaskarray(data)
if mask.any():
data, fill_value = _maybe_upcast(data, copy=True)
data[mask] = fill_value
data = data.copy()
def _try_cast(arr, take_fast_path):
# perf shortcut as this is the most common case
if take_fast_path:
if _possibly_castable(arr) and not copy and dtype is None:
return arr
subarr = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(arr, dtype)
if not is_internal_type(subarr):
subarr = np.array(subarr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
subarr = Categorical(arr)
elif dtype is not None and raise_cast_failure:
subarr = np.array(arr, dtype=object, copy=copy)
return subarr
# GH #846
if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, Series)):
if dtype is not None:
subarr = np.array(data, copy=False)
# possibility of nan -> garbage
if com.is_float_dtype(data.dtype) and com.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
if not isnull(data).any():
subarr = _try_cast(data, True)
elif copy:
subarr = data.copy()
subarr = _try_cast(data, True)
elif isinstance(data, Index):
# don't coerce Index types
# e.g. indexes can have different conversions (so don't fast path them)
# GH 6140
subarr = _sanitize_index(data, index, copy=True)
subarr = _try_cast(data, True)
if copy:
subarr = data.copy()
elif isinstance(data, Categorical):
subarr = data
if copy:
subarr = data.copy()
return subarr
elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0:
if dtype is not None:
subarr = _try_cast(data, False)
except Exception:
if raise_cast_failure: # pragma: no cover
subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object, copy=copy)
subarr = lib.maybe_convert_objects(subarr)
subarr = _possibly_convert_platform(data)
subarr = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(subarr, dtype)
subarr = _try_cast(data, False)
def create_from_value(value, index, dtype):
# return a new empty value suitable for the dtype
if is_datetimetz(dtype):
subarr = DatetimeIndex([value]*len(index))
if not isinstance(dtype, (np.dtype, type(np.dtype))):
dtype = dtype.dtype
subarr = np.empty(len(index), dtype=dtype)
return subarr
# scalar like
if subarr.ndim == 0:
if isinstance(data, list): # pragma: no cover
subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object)
elif index is not None:
value = data
# figure out the dtype from the value (upcast if necessary)
if dtype is None:
dtype, value = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(value)
# need to possibly convert the value here
value = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(value, dtype)
subarr = create_from_value(value, index, dtype)
return subarr.item()
# the result that we want
elif subarr.ndim == 1:
if index is not None:
# a 1-element ndarray
if len(subarr) != len(index) and len(subarr) == 1:
subarr = create_from_value(subarr[0], index, subarr)
elif subarr.ndim > 1:
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
raise Exception('Data must be 1-dimensional')
subarr = _asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=dtype)
# This is to prevent mixed-type Series getting all casted to
# NumPy string type, e.g. NaN --> '-1#IND'.
if issubclass(subarr.dtype.type, compat.string_types):
subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object, copy=copy)
return subarr
# backwards compatiblity
class TimeSeries(Series):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# deprecation TimeSeries, #10890
warnings.warn("TimeSeries is deprecated. Please use Series",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
super(TimeSeries, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Add plotting methods to Series
import as _gfx
Series.plot = base.AccessorProperty(_gfx.SeriesPlotMethods, _gfx.SeriesPlotMethods)
Series.hist = _gfx.hist_series
# Add arithmetic!
ops.add_flex_arithmetic_methods(Series, **ops.series_flex_funcs)
ops.add_special_arithmetic_methods(Series, **ops.series_special_funcs)
| gpl-2.0 |
Limags/MissionPlanner | Lib/site-packages/numpy/lib/ | 70 | 23431 | """ Basic functions for manipulating 2d arrays
__all__ = ['diag','diagflat','eye','fliplr','flipud','rot90','tri','triu',
from numpy.core.numeric import asanyarray, equal, subtract, arange, \
zeros, greater_equal, multiply, ones, asarray, alltrue, where, \
def fliplr(m):
Flip array in the left/right direction.
Flip the entries in each row in the left/right direction.
Columns are preserved, but appear in a different order than before.
m : array_like
Input array.
f : ndarray
A view of `m` with the columns reversed. Since a view
is returned, this operation is :math:`\\mathcal O(1)`.
See Also
flipud : Flip array in the up/down direction.
rot90 : Rotate array counterclockwise.
Equivalent to A[:,::-1]. Does not require the array to be
>>> A = np.diag([1.,2.,3.])
>>> A
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 2., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 3.]])
>>> np.fliplr(A)
array([[ 0., 0., 1.],
[ 0., 2., 0.],
[ 3., 0., 0.]])
>>> A = np.random.randn(2,3,5)
>>> np.all(np.fliplr(A)==A[:,::-1,...])
m = asanyarray(m)
if m.ndim < 2:
raise ValueError("Input must be >= 2-d.")
return m[:, ::-1]
def flipud(m):
Flip array in the up/down direction.
Flip the entries in each column in the up/down direction.
Rows are preserved, but appear in a different order than before.
m : array_like
Input array.
out : array_like
A view of `m` with the rows reversed. Since a view is
returned, this operation is :math:`\\mathcal O(1)`.
See Also
fliplr : Flip array in the left/right direction.
rot90 : Rotate array counterclockwise.
Equivalent to ``A[::-1,...]``.
Does not require the array to be two-dimensional.
>>> A = np.diag([1.0, 2, 3])
>>> A
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 2., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 3.]])
>>> np.flipud(A)
array([[ 0., 0., 3.],
[ 0., 2., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.]])
>>> A = np.random.randn(2,3,5)
>>> np.all(np.flipud(A)==A[::-1,...])
>>> np.flipud([1,2])
array([2, 1])
m = asanyarray(m)
if m.ndim < 1:
raise ValueError("Input must be >= 1-d.")
return m[::-1,...]
def rot90(m, k=1):
Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction.
The first two dimensions are rotated; therefore, the array must be at
least 2-D.
m : array_like
Array of two or more dimensions.
k : integer
Number of times the array is rotated by 90 degrees.
y : ndarray
Rotated array.
See Also
fliplr : Flip an array horizontally.
flipud : Flip an array vertically.
>>> m = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]], int)
>>> m
array([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])
>>> np.rot90(m)
array([[2, 4],
[1, 3]])
>>> np.rot90(m, 2)
array([[4, 3],
[2, 1]])
m = asanyarray(m)
if m.ndim < 2:
raise ValueError("Input must >= 2-d.")
k = k % 4
if k == 0:
return m
elif k == 1:
return fliplr(m).swapaxes(0,1)
elif k == 2:
return fliplr(flipud(m))
# k == 3
return fliplr(m.swapaxes(0,1))
def eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=float):
Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
N : int
Number of rows in the output.
M : int, optional
Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`.
k : int, optional
Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal,
a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value
to a lower diagonal.
dtype : data-type, optional
Data-type of the returned array.
I : ndarray of shape (N,M)
An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th
diagonal, whose values are equal to one.
See Also
identity : (almost) equivalent function
diag : diagonal 2-D array from a 1-D array specified by the user.
>>> np.eye(2, dtype=int)
array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]])
>>> np.eye(3, k=1)
array([[ 0., 1., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 1.],
[ 0., 0., 0.]])
if M is None:
M = N
m = zeros((N, M), dtype=dtype)
if k >= M:
return m
if k >= 0:
i = k
i = (-k) * M
m[:M-k].flat[i::M+1] = 1
return m
def diag(v, k=0):
Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.
v : array_like
If `v` is a 2-D array, return a copy of its `k`-th diagonal.
If `v` is a 1-D array, return a 2-D array with `v` on the `k`-th
k : int, optional
Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use `k>0` for diagonals
above the main diagonal, and `k<0` for diagonals below the main
out : ndarray
The extracted diagonal or constructed diagonal array.
See Also
diagonal : Return specified diagonals.
diagflat : Create a 2-D array with the flattened input as a diagonal.
trace : Sum along diagonals.
triu : Upper triangle of an array.
tril : Lower triange of an array.
>>> x = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
>>> x
array([[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]])
>>> np.diag(x)
array([0, 4, 8])
>>> np.diag(x, k=1)
array([1, 5])
>>> np.diag(x, k=-1)
array([3, 7])
>>> np.diag(np.diag(x))
array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 8]])
v = asarray(v)
s = v.shape
if len(s) == 1:
n = s[0]+abs(k)
res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
if k >= 0:
i = k
i = (-k) * n
res[:n-k].flat[i::n+1] = v
return res
elif len(s) == 2:
if k >= s[1]:
return empty(0, dtype=v.dtype)
if v.flags.f_contiguous:
# faster slicing
v, k, s = v.T, -k, s[::-1]
if k >= 0:
i = k
i = (-k) * s[1]
return v[:s[1]-k].flat[i::s[1]+1]
raise ValueError("Input must be 1- or 2-d.")
def diagflat(v, k=0):
Create a two-dimensional array with the flattened input as a diagonal.
v : array_like
Input data, which is flattened and set as the `k`-th
diagonal of the output.
k : int, optional
Diagonal to set; 0, the default, corresponds to the "main" diagonal,
a positive (negative) `k` giving the number of the diagonal above
(below) the main.
out : ndarray
The 2-D output array.
See Also
diag : MATLAB work-alike for 1-D and 2-D arrays.
diagonal : Return specified diagonals.
trace : Sum along diagonals.
>>> np.diagflat([[1,2], [3,4]])
array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 2, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 4]])
>>> np.diagflat([1,2], 1)
array([[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 2],
[0, 0, 0]])
wrap = v.__array_wrap__
except AttributeError:
wrap = None
v = asarray(v).ravel()
s = len(v)
n = s + abs(k)
res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
if (k >= 0):
i = arange(0,n-k)
fi = i+k+i*n
i = arange(0,n+k)
fi = i+(i-k)*n
res.flat[fi] = v
if not wrap:
return res
return wrap(res)
def tri(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=float):
An array with ones at and below the given diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
N : int
Number of rows in the array.
M : int, optional
Number of columns in the array.
By default, `M` is taken equal to `N`.
k : int, optional
The sub-diagonal at and below which the array is filled.
`k` = 0 is the main diagonal, while `k` < 0 is below it,
and `k` > 0 is above. The default is 0.
dtype : dtype, optional
Data type of the returned array. The default is float.
T : ndarray of shape (N, M)
Array with its lower triangle filled with ones and zero elsewhere;
in other words ``T[i,j] == 1`` for ``i <= j + k``, 0 otherwise.
>>> np.tri(3, 5, 2, dtype=int)
array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
>>> np.tri(3, 5, -1)
array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.]])
if M is None:
M = N
m = greater_equal(subtract.outer(arange(N), arange(M)),-k)
return m.astype(dtype)
def tril(m, k=0):
Lower triangle of an array.
Return a copy of an array with elements above the `k`-th diagonal zeroed.
m : array_like, shape (M, N)
Input array.
k : int, optional
Diagonal above which to zero elements. `k = 0` (the default) is the
main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above.
L : ndarray, shape (M, N)
Lower triangle of `m`, of same shape and data-type as `m`.
See Also
triu : same thing, only for the upper triangle
>>> np.tril([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]], -1)
array([[ 0, 0, 0],
[ 4, 0, 0],
[ 7, 8, 0],
[10, 11, 12]])
m = asanyarray(m)
out = multiply(tri(m.shape[0], m.shape[1], k=k, dtype=int),m)
return out
def triu(m, k=0):
Upper triangle of an array.
Return a copy of a matrix with the elements below the `k`-th diagonal
Please refer to the documentation for `tril` for further details.
See Also
tril : lower triangle of an array
>>> np.triu([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]], -1)
array([[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6],
[ 0, 8, 9],
[ 0, 0, 12]])
m = asanyarray(m)
out = multiply((1 - tri(m.shape[0], m.shape[1], k - 1, int)), m)
return out
# borrowed from John Hunter and matplotlib
def vander(x, N=None):
Generate a Van der Monde matrix.
The columns of the output matrix are decreasing powers of the input
vector. Specifically, the `i`-th output column is the input vector
raised element-wise to the power of ``N - i - 1``. Such a matrix with
a geometric progression in each row is named for Alexandre-Theophile
x : array_like
1-D input array.
N : int, optional
Order of (number of columns in) the output. If `N` is not specified,
a square array is returned (``N = len(x)``).
out : ndarray
Van der Monde matrix of order `N`. The first column is ``x^(N-1)``,
the second ``x^(N-2)`` and so forth.
>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5])
>>> N = 3
>>> np.vander(x, N)
array([[ 1, 1, 1],
[ 4, 2, 1],
[ 9, 3, 1],
[25, 5, 1]])
>>> np.column_stack([x**(N-1-i) for i in range(N)])
array([[ 1, 1, 1],
[ 4, 2, 1],
[ 9, 3, 1],
[25, 5, 1]])
>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5])
>>> np.vander(x)
array([[ 1, 1, 1, 1],
[ 8, 4, 2, 1],
[ 27, 9, 3, 1],
[125, 25, 5, 1]])
The determinant of a square Vandermonde matrix is the product
of the differences between the values of the input vector:
>>> np.linalg.det(np.vander(x))
>>> (5-3)*(5-2)*(5-1)*(3-2)*(3-1)*(2-1)
x = asarray(x)
if N is None:
X = ones( (len(x),N), x.dtype)
for i in range(N - 1):
X[:,i] = x**(N - i - 1)
return X
def histogram2d(x, y, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None):
Compute the bi-dimensional histogram of two data samples.
x : array_like, shape(N,)
A sequence of values to be histogrammed along the first dimension.
y : array_like, shape(M,)
A sequence of values to be histogrammed along the second dimension.
bins : int or [int, int] or array_like or [array, array], optional
The bin specification:
* If int, the number of bins for the two dimensions (nx=ny=bins).
* If [int, int], the number of bins in each dimension (nx, ny = bins).
* If array_like, the bin edges for the two dimensions (x_edges=y_edges=bins).
* If [array, array], the bin edges in each dimension (x_edges, y_edges = bins).
range : array_like, shape(2,2), optional
The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension
(if not specified explicitly in the `bins` parameters):
``[[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]``. All values outside of this range
will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram.
normed : bool, optional
If False, returns the number of samples in each bin. If True, returns
the bin density, i.e. the bin count divided by the bin area.
weights : array_like, shape(N,), optional
An array of values ``w_i`` weighing each sample ``(x_i, y_i)``. Weights
are normalized to 1 if `normed` is True. If `normed` is False, the
values of the returned histogram are equal to the sum of the weights
belonging to the samples falling into each bin.
H : ndarray, shape(nx, ny)
The bi-dimensional histogram of samples `x` and `y`. Values in `x`
are histogrammed along the first dimension and values in `y` are
histogrammed along the second dimension.
xedges : ndarray, shape(nx,)
The bin edges along the first dimension.
yedges : ndarray, shape(ny,)
The bin edges along the second dimension.
See Also
histogram: 1D histogram
histogramdd: Multidimensional histogram
When `normed` is True, then the returned histogram is the sample density,
defined such that:
.. math::
\\sum_{i=0}^{nx-1} \\sum_{j=0}^{ny-1} H_{i,j} \\Delta x_i \\Delta y_j = 1
where `H` is the histogram array and :math:`\\Delta x_i \\Delta y_i`
the area of bin `{i,j}`.
Please note that the histogram does not follow the Cartesian convention
where `x` values are on the abcissa and `y` values on the ordinate axis.
Rather, `x` is histogrammed along the first dimension of the array
(vertical), and `y` along the second dimension of the array (horizontal).
This ensures compatibility with `histogramdd`.
>>> x, y = np.random.randn(2, 100)
>>> H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(5, 8))
>>> H.shape, xedges.shape, yedges.shape
((5, 8), (6,), (9,))
We can now use the Matplotlib to visualize this 2-dimensional histogram:
>>> extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[-1], xedges[0]]
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.imshow(H, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at ...>
>>> plt.colorbar()
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at ...>
from numpy import histogramdd
N = len(bins)
except TypeError:
N = 1
if N != 1 and N != 2:
xedges = yedges = asarray(bins, float)
bins = [xedges, yedges]
hist, edges = histogramdd([x,y], bins, range, normed, weights)
return hist, edges[0], edges[1]
def mask_indices(n, mask_func, k=0):
Return the indices to access (n, n) arrays, given a masking function.
Assume `mask_func` is a function that, for a square array a of size
``(n, n)`` with a possible offset argument `k`, when called as
``mask_func(a, k)`` returns a new array with zeros in certain locations
(functions like `triu` or `tril` do precisely this). Then this function
returns the indices where the non-zero values would be located.
n : int
The returned indices will be valid to access arrays of shape (n, n).
mask_func : callable
A function whose call signature is similar to that of `triu`, `tril`.
That is, ``mask_func(x, k)`` returns a boolean array, shaped like `x`.
`k` is an optional argument to the function.
k : scalar
An optional argument which is passed through to `mask_func`. Functions
like `triu`, `tril` take a second argument that is interpreted as an
indices : tuple of arrays.
The `n` arrays of indices corresponding to the locations where
``mask_func(np.ones((n, n)), k)`` is True.
See Also
triu, tril, triu_indices, tril_indices
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
These are the indices that would allow you to access the upper triangular
part of any 3x3 array:
>>> iu = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu)
For example, if `a` is a 3x3 array:
>>> a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
>>> a
array([[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]])
>>> a[iu]
array([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8])
An offset can be passed also to the masking function. This gets us the
indices starting on the first diagonal right of the main one:
>>> iu1 = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu, 1)
with which we now extract only three elements:
>>> a[iu1]
array([1, 2, 5])
m = ones((n,n), int)
a = mask_func(m, k)
return where(a != 0)
def tril_indices(n, k=0):
Return the indices for the lower-triangle of an (n, n) array.
n : int
The row dimension of the square arrays for which the returned
indices will be valid.
k : int, optional
Diagonal offset (see `tril` for details).
inds : tuple of arrays
The indices for the triangle. The returned tuple contains two arrays,
each with the indices along one dimension of the array.
See also
triu_indices : similar function, for upper-triangular.
mask_indices : generic function accepting an arbitrary mask function.
tril, triu
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
Compute two different sets of indices to access 4x4 arrays, one for the
lower triangular part starting at the main diagonal, and one starting two
diagonals further right:
>>> il1 = np.tril_indices(4)
>>> il2 = np.tril_indices(4, 2)
Here is how they can be used with a sample array:
>>> a = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15]])
Both for indexing:
>>> a[il1]
array([ 0, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15])
And for assigning values:
>>> a[il1] = -1
>>> a
array([[-1, 1, 2, 3],
[-1, -1, 6, 7],
[-1, -1, -1, 11],
[-1, -1, -1, -1]])
These cover almost the whole array (two diagonals right of the main one):
>>> a[il2] = -10
>>> a
array([[-10, -10, -10, 3],
[-10, -10, -10, -10],
[-10, -10, -10, -10],
[-10, -10, -10, -10]])
return mask_indices(n, tril, k)
def tril_indices_from(arr, k=0):
Return the indices for the lower-triangle of arr.
See `tril_indices` for full details.
arr : array_like
The indices will be valid for square arrays whose dimensions are
the same as arr.
k : int, optional
Diagonal offset (see `tril` for details).
See Also
tril_indices, tril
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
if not (arr.ndim == 2 and arr.shape[0] == arr.shape[1]):
raise ValueError("input array must be 2-d and square")
return tril_indices(arr.shape[0], k)
def triu_indices(n, k=0):
Return the indices for the upper-triangle of an (n, n) array.
n : int
The size of the arrays for which the returned indices will
be valid.
k : int, optional
Diagonal offset (see `triu` for details).
inds : tuple of arrays
The indices for the triangle. The returned tuple contains two arrays,
each with the indices along one dimension of the array.
See also
tril_indices : similar function, for lower-triangular.
mask_indices : generic function accepting an arbitrary mask function.
triu, tril
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
Compute two different sets of indices to access 4x4 arrays, one for the
upper triangular part starting at the main diagonal, and one starting two
diagonals further right:
>>> iu1 = np.triu_indices(4)
>>> iu2 = np.triu_indices(4, 2)
Here is how they can be used with a sample array:
>>> a = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15]])
Both for indexing:
>>> a[iu1]
array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15])
And for assigning values:
>>> a[iu1] = -1
>>> a
array([[-1, -1, -1, -1],
[ 4, -1, -1, -1],
[ 8, 9, -1, -1],
[12, 13, 14, -1]])
These cover only a small part of the whole array (two diagonals right
of the main one):
>>> a[iu2] = -10
>>> a
array([[ -1, -1, -10, -10],
[ 4, -1, -1, -10],
[ 8, 9, -1, -1],
[ 12, 13, 14, -1]])
return mask_indices(n, triu, k)
def triu_indices_from(arr, k=0):
Return the indices for the upper-triangle of an (n, n) array.
See `triu_indices` for full details.
arr : array_like
The indices will be valid for square arrays whose dimensions are
the same as arr.
k : int, optional
Diagonal offset (see `triu` for details).
See Also
triu_indices, triu
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
if not (arr.ndim == 2 and arr.shape[0] == arr.shape[1]):
raise ValueError("input array must be 2-d and square")
return triu_indices(arr.shape[0],k)
| gpl-3.0 |
dsm054/pandas | pandas/tests/arrays/categorical/ | 2 | 25897 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from pandas.compat import PY3, u
from pandas import (
Categorical, CategoricalIndex, Series, date_range, period_range,
from pandas.core.config import option_context
from pandas.tests.arrays.categorical.common import TestCategorical
class TestCategoricalReprWithFactor(TestCategorical):
def test_print(self):
expected = ["[a, b, b, a, a, c, c, c]",
"Categories (3, object): [a < b < c]"]
expected = "\n".join(expected)
actual = repr(self.factor)
assert actual == expected
class TestCategoricalRepr(object):
def test_big_print(self):
factor = Categorical([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2] * 100, ['a', 'b', 'c'],
expected = ["[a, b, c, a, b, ..., b, c, a, b, c]", "Length: 600",
"Categories (3, object): [a, b, c]"]
expected = "\n".join(expected)
actual = repr(factor)
assert actual == expected
def test_empty_print(self):
factor = Categorical([], ["a", "b", "c"])
expected = ("[], Categories (3, object): [a, b, c]")
# hack because array_repr changed in numpy > 1.6.x
actual = repr(factor)
assert actual == expected
assert expected == actual
factor = Categorical([], ["a", "b", "c"], ordered=True)
expected = ("[], Categories (3, object): [a < b < c]")
actual = repr(factor)
assert expected == actual
factor = Categorical([], [])
expected = ("[], Categories (0, object): []")
assert expected == repr(factor)
def test_print_none_width(self):
# GH10087
a = Series(Categorical([1, 2, 3, 4]))
exp = u("0 1\n1 2\n2 3\n3 4\n" +
"dtype: category\nCategories (4, int64): [1, 2, 3, 4]")
with option_context("display.width", None):
assert exp == repr(a)
def test_unicode_print(self):
if PY3:
_rep = repr
_rep = unicode # noqa
c = Categorical(['aaaaa', 'bb', 'cccc'] * 20)
expected = u"""\
[aaaaa, bb, cccc, aaaaa, bb, ..., bb, cccc, aaaaa, bb, cccc]
Length: 60
Categories (3, object): [aaaaa, bb, cccc]"""
assert _rep(c) == expected
c = Categorical([u'ああああ', u'いいいいい', u'ううううううう'] * 20)
expected = u"""\
[ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう, ああああ, いいいいい, ..., いいいいい, ううううううう, ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう]
Length: 60
Categories (3, object): [ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう]""" # noqa
assert _rep(c) == expected
# unicode option should not affect to Categorical, as it doesn't care
# the repr width
with option_context('display.unicode.east_asian_width', True):
c = Categorical([u'ああああ', u'いいいいい', u'ううううううう'] * 20)
expected = u"""[ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう, ああああ, いいいいい, ..., いいいいい, ううううううう, ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう]
Length: 60
Categories (3, object): [ああああ, いいいいい, ううううううう]""" # noqa
assert _rep(c) == expected
def test_categorical_repr(self):
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3])
exp = """[1, 2, 3]
Categories (3, int64): [1, 2, 3]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], categories=[1, 2, 3])
exp = """[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
Categories (3, int64): [1, 2, 3]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * 10)
exp = """[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Length: 50
Categories (5, int64): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(np.arange(20))
exp = """[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
Length: 20
Categories (20, int64): [0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 16, 17, 18, 19]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_ordered(self):
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3], ordered=True)
exp = """[1, 2, 3]
Categories (3, int64): [1 < 2 < 3]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], categories=[1, 2, 3], ordered=True)
exp = """[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
Categories (3, int64): [1 < 2 < 3]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical([1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * 10, ordered=True)
exp = """[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Length: 50
Categories (5, int64): [1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(np.arange(20), ordered=True)
exp = """[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
Length: 20
Categories (20, int64): [0 < 1 < 2 < 3 ... 16 < 17 < 18 < 19]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_datetime(self):
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx)
# TODO(wesm): exceeding 80 characters in the console is not good
# behavior
exp = (
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00]\n"
"Categories (5, datetime64[ns]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00,\n"
" 2011-01-01 12:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00]""")
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = (
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00, 2011-01-01 09:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00]\n"
"Categories (5, datetime64[ns]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00,\n"
" 2011-01-01 12:00:00, "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00]")
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5,
c = Categorical(idx)
exp = (
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]\n"
"Categories (5, datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]): "
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00,\n"
" "
"2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00,\n"
" "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]")
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = (
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, "
"2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]\n"
"Categories (5, datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]): "
"[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00,\n"
" "
"2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00,\n"
" "
"2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]")
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_datetime_ordered(self):
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00]
Categories (5, datetime64[ns]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00:00 < 2011-01-01 11:00:00 <
2011-01-01 12:00:00 < 2011-01-01 13:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00, 2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00]
Categories (5, datetime64[ns]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00:00 < 2011-01-01 11:00:00 <
2011-01-01 12:00:00 < 2011-01-01 13:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5,
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]
Categories (5, datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00 <
2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00 < 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00 <
2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]
Categories (5, datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]): [2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00 <
2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00 < 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00 <
2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_period(self):
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00]
Categories (5, period[H]): [2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00,
2011-01-01 13:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00, 2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00]
Categories (5, period[H]): [2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00,
2011-01-01 13:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01', freq='M', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx)
exp = """[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]
Categories (5, period[M]): [2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = """[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05, 2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]
Categories (5, period[M]): [2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_period_ordered(self):
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00]
Categories (5, period[H]): [2011-01-01 09:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00 < 2011-01-01 11:00 < 2011-01-01 12:00 <
2011-01-01 13:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00, 2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00]
Categories (5, period[H]): [2011-01-01 09:00 < 2011-01-01 10:00 < 2011-01-01 11:00 < 2011-01-01 12:00 <
2011-01-01 13:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01', freq='M', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]
Categories (5, period[M]): [2011-01 < 2011-02 < 2011-03 < 2011-04 < 2011-05]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05, 2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05]
Categories (5, period[M]): [2011-01 < 2011-02 < 2011-03 < 2011-04 < 2011-05]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_timedelta(self):
idx = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx)
exp = """[1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]
Categories (5, timedelta64[ns]): [1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]"""
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = """[1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]
Categories (5, timedelta64[ns]): [1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = timedelta_range('1 hours', periods=20)
c = Categorical(idx)
exp = """[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, ..., 15 days 01:00:00, 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00, 18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]
Length: 20
Categories (20, timedelta64[ns]): [0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00,
3 days 01:00:00, ..., 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00,
18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx)
exp = """[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, ..., 15 days 01:00:00, 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00, 18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]
Length: 40
Categories (20, timedelta64[ns]): [0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00,
3 days 01:00:00, ..., 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00,
18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_repr_timedelta_ordered(self):
idx = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=5)
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]
Categories (5, timedelta64[ns]): [1 days < 2 days < 3 days < 4 days < 5 days]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days]
Categories (5, timedelta64[ns]): [1 days < 2 days < 3 days < 4 days < 5 days]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
idx = timedelta_range('1 hours', periods=20)
c = Categorical(idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, ..., 15 days 01:00:00, 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00, 18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]
Length: 20
Categories (20, timedelta64[ns]): [0 days 01:00:00 < 1 days 01:00:00 < 2 days 01:00:00 <
3 days 01:00:00 ... 16 days 01:00:00 < 17 days 01:00:00 <
18 days 01:00:00 < 19 days 01:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
c = Categorical(idx.append(idx), categories=idx, ordered=True)
exp = """[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, ..., 15 days 01:00:00, 16 days 01:00:00, 17 days 01:00:00, 18 days 01:00:00, 19 days 01:00:00]
Length: 40
Categories (20, timedelta64[ns]): [0 days 01:00:00 < 1 days 01:00:00 < 2 days 01:00:00 <
3 days 01:00:00 ... 16 days 01:00:00 < 17 days 01:00:00 <
18 days 01:00:00 < 19 days 01:00:00]""" # noqa
assert repr(c) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr(self):
idx = CategoricalIndex(Categorical([1, 2, 3]))
exp = """CategoricalIndex([1, 2, 3], categories=[1, 2, 3], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(idx) == exp
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(np.arange(10)))
exp = """CategoricalIndex([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], categories=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_ordered(self):
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical([1, 2, 3], ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex([1, 2, 3], categories=[1, 2, 3], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(np.arange(10), ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], categories=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_datetime(self):
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00', '2011-01-01 10:00:00',
'2011-01-01 11:00:00', '2011-01-01 12:00:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5,
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_datetime_ordered(self):
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00', '2011-01-01 10:00:00',
'2011-01-01 11:00:00', '2011-01-01 12:00:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = date_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5,
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx.append(idx), ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00',
'2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00', '2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 11:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 12:00:00-05:00, 2011-01-01 13:00:00-05:00], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_period(self):
# test all length
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=1)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00'], categories=[2011-01-01 09:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=2)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00'], categories=[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=3)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00'], categories=[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00',
'2011-01-01 12:00', '2011-01-01 13:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx.append(idx)))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00',
'2011-01-01 12:00', '2011-01-01 13:00', '2011-01-01 09:00',
'2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00', '2011-01-01 12:00',
'2011-01-01 13:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01', freq='M', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01', '2011-02', '2011-03', '2011-04', '2011-05'], categories=[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_period_ordered(self):
idx = period_range('2011-01-01 09:00', freq='H', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00',
'2011-01-01 12:00', '2011-01-01 13:00'],
categories=[2011-01-01 09:00, 2011-01-01 10:00, 2011-01-01 11:00, 2011-01-01 12:00, 2011-01-01 13:00], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = period_range('2011-01', freq='M', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['2011-01', '2011-02', '2011-03', '2011-04', '2011-05'], categories=[2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, 2011-04, 2011-05], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_timedelta(self):
idx = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['1 days', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days'], categories=[1 days 00:00:00, 2 days 00:00:00, 3 days 00:00:00, 4 days 00:00:00, 5 days 00:00:00], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = timedelta_range('1 hours', periods=10)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['0 days 01:00:00', '1 days 01:00:00', '2 days 01:00:00',
'3 days 01:00:00', '4 days 01:00:00', '5 days 01:00:00',
'6 days 01:00:00', '7 days 01:00:00', '8 days 01:00:00',
'9 days 01:00:00'],
categories=[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, 5 days 01:00:00, 6 days 01:00:00, 7 days 01:00:00, ...], ordered=False, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
def test_categorical_index_repr_timedelta_ordered(self):
idx = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=5)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['1 days', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days'], categories=[1 days 00:00:00, 2 days 00:00:00, 3 days 00:00:00, 4 days 00:00:00, 5 days 00:00:00], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
idx = timedelta_range('1 hours', periods=10)
i = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(idx, ordered=True))
exp = """CategoricalIndex(['0 days 01:00:00', '1 days 01:00:00', '2 days 01:00:00',
'3 days 01:00:00', '4 days 01:00:00', '5 days 01:00:00',
'6 days 01:00:00', '7 days 01:00:00', '8 days 01:00:00',
'9 days 01:00:00'],
categories=[0 days 01:00:00, 1 days 01:00:00, 2 days 01:00:00, 3 days 01:00:00, 4 days 01:00:00, 5 days 01:00:00, 6 days 01:00:00, 7 days 01:00:00, ...], ordered=True, dtype='category')""" # noqa
assert repr(i) == exp
| bsd-3-clause |
dopplershift/MetPy | examples/gridding/ | 6 | 5187 | # Copyright (c) 2016 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Point Interpolation
Compares different point interpolation approaches.
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.interpolate import (interpolate_to_grid, remove_nan_observations,
from metpy.plots import add_metpy_logo
def basic_map(proj, title):
"""Make our basic default map for plotting"""
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
add_metpy_logo(fig, 0, 80, size='large')
view = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], projection=proj)
view.set_extent([-120, -70, 20, 50])
view.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, linestyle=':')
return fig, view
def station_test_data(variable_names, proj_from=None, proj_to=None):
with get_test_data('station_data.txt') as f:
all_data = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=1, delimiter=',',
usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18, 19),
dtype=np.dtype([('stid', '3S'), ('lat', 'f'), ('lon', 'f'),
('slp', 'f'), ('air_temperature', 'f'),
('cloud_fraction', 'f'), ('dewpoint', 'f'),
('weather', '16S'),
('wind_dir', 'f'), ('wind_speed', 'f')]))
all_stids = [s.decode('ascii') for s in all_data['stid']]
data = np.concatenate([all_data[all_stids.index(site)].reshape(1, ) for site in all_stids])
value = data[variable_names]
lon = data['lon']
lat = data['lat']
if proj_from is not None and proj_to is not None:
proj_points = proj_to.transform_points(proj_from, lon, lat)
return proj_points[:, 0], proj_points[:, 1], value
except Exception as e:
return None
return lon, lat, value
from_proj = ccrs.Geodetic()
to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-97.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)
levels = list(range(-20, 20, 1))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('magma')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
x, y, temp = station_test_data('air_temperature', from_proj, to_proj)
x, y, temp = remove_nan_observations(x, y, temp)
x, y, temp = remove_repeat_coordinates(x, y, temp)
# Scipy.interpolate linear
# ------------------------
gx, gy, img = interpolate_to_grid(x, y, temp, interp_type='linear', hres=75000)
img =, img)
fig, view = basic_map(to_proj, 'Linear')
mmb = view.pcolormesh(gx, gy, img, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mmb, shrink=.4, pad=0, boundaries=levels)
# Natural neighbor interpolation (MetPy implementation)
# -----------------------------------------------------
# `Reference <>`_
gx, gy, img = interpolate_to_grid(x, y, temp, interp_type='natural_neighbor', hres=75000)
img =, img)
fig, view = basic_map(to_proj, 'Natural Neighbor')
mmb = view.pcolormesh(gx, gy, img, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mmb, shrink=.4, pad=0, boundaries=levels)
# Cressman interpolation
# ----------------------
# search_radius = 100 km
# grid resolution = 25 km
# min_neighbors = 1
gx, gy, img = interpolate_to_grid(x, y, temp, interp_type='cressman', minimum_neighbors=1,
hres=75000, search_radius=100000)
img =, img)
fig, view = basic_map(to_proj, 'Cressman')
mmb = view.pcolormesh(gx, gy, img, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mmb, shrink=.4, pad=0, boundaries=levels)
# Barnes Interpolation
# --------------------
# search_radius = 100km
# min_neighbors = 3
gx, gy, img1 = interpolate_to_grid(x, y, temp, interp_type='barnes', hres=75000,
img1 =, img1)
fig, view = basic_map(to_proj, 'Barnes')
mmb = view.pcolormesh(gx, gy, img1, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mmb, shrink=.4, pad=0, boundaries=levels)
# Radial basis function interpolation
# ------------------------------------
# linear
gx, gy, img = interpolate_to_grid(x, y, temp, interp_type='rbf', hres=75000, rbf_func='linear',
img =, img)
fig, view = basic_map(to_proj, 'Radial Basis Function')
mmb = view.pcolormesh(gx, gy, img, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mmb, shrink=.4, pad=0, boundaries=levels)
| bsd-3-clause |
lenovor/scikit-learn | sklearn/ | 137 | 18876 | """Calibration of predicted probabilities."""
# Author: Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]>
# Balazs Kegl <[email protected]>
# Jan Hendrik Metzen <[email protected]>
# Mathieu Blondel <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from __future__ import division
import inspect
import warnings
from math import log
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs
from .base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin, clone
from .preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from .utils import check_X_y, check_array, indexable, column_or_1d
from .utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from .isotonic import IsotonicRegression
from .svm import LinearSVC
from .cross_validation import check_cv
from .metrics.classification import _check_binary_probabilistic_predictions
class CalibratedClassifierCV(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin):
"""Probability calibration with isotonic regression or sigmoid.
With this class, the base_estimator is fit on the train set of the
cross-validation generator and the test set is used for calibration.
The probabilities for each of the folds are then averaged
for prediction. In case that cv="prefit" is passed to __init__,
it is it is assumed that base_estimator has been
fitted already and all data is used for calibration. Note that
data for fitting the classifier and for calibrating it must be disjpint.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <calibration>`.
base_estimator : instance BaseEstimator
The classifier whose output decision function needs to be calibrated
to offer more accurate predict_proba outputs. If cv=prefit, the
classifier must have been fit already on data.
method : 'sigmoid' | 'isotonic'
The method to use for calibration. Can be 'sigmoid' which
corresponds to Platt's method or 'isotonic' which is a
non-parameteric approach. It is not advised to use isotonic calibration
with too few calibration samples (<<1000) since it tends to overfit.
Use sigmoids (Platt's calibration) in this case.
cv : integer or cross-validation generator or "prefit", optional
If an integer is passed, it is the number of folds (default 3).
Specific cross-validation objects can be passed, see
sklearn.cross_validation module for the list of possible objects.
If "prefit" is passed, it is assumed that base_estimator has been
fitted already and all data is used for calibration.
classes_ : array, shape (n_classes)
The class labels.
calibrated_classifiers_: list (len() equal to cv or 1 if cv == "prefit")
The list of calibrated classifiers, one for each crossvalidation fold,
which has been fitted on all but the validation fold and calibrated
on the validation fold.
.. [1] Obtaining calibrated probability estimates from decision trees
and naive Bayesian classifiers, B. Zadrozny & C. Elkan, ICML 2001
.. [2] Transforming Classifier Scores into Accurate Multiclass
Probability Estimates, B. Zadrozny & C. Elkan, (KDD 2002)
.. [3] Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to
Regularized Likelihood Methods, J. Platt, (1999)
.. [4] Predicting Good Probabilities with Supervised Learning,
A. Niculescu-Mizil & R. Caruana, ICML 2005
def __init__(self, base_estimator=None, method='sigmoid', cv=3):
self.base_estimator = base_estimator
self.method = method = cv
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
"""Fit the calibrated model
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data.
y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Target values.
sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or None
Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.
self : object
Returns an instance of self.
X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=['csc', 'csr', 'coo'],
X, y = indexable(X, y)
lb = LabelBinarizer().fit(y)
self.classes_ = lb.classes_
# Check that we each cross-validation fold can have at least one
# example per class
n_folds = if isinstance(, int) \
else if hasattr(, "n_folds") else None
if n_folds and \
np.any([np.sum(y == class_) < n_folds for class_ in self.classes_]):
raise ValueError("Requesting %d-fold cross-validation but provided"
" less than %d examples for at least one class."
% (n_folds, n_folds))
self.calibrated_classifiers_ = []
if self.base_estimator is None:
# we want all classifiers that don't expose a random_state
# to be deterministic (and we don't want to expose this one).
base_estimator = LinearSVC(random_state=0)
base_estimator = self.base_estimator
if == "prefit":
calibrated_classifier = _CalibratedClassifier(
base_estimator, method=self.method)
if sample_weight is not None:, y, sample_weight)
else:, y)
cv = check_cv(, X, y, classifier=True)
arg_names = inspect.getargspec([0]
estimator_name = type(base_estimator).__name__
if (sample_weight is not None
and "sample_weight" not in arg_names):
warnings.warn("%s does not support sample_weight. Samples"
" weights are only used for the calibration"
" itself." % estimator_name)
base_estimator_sample_weight = None
base_estimator_sample_weight = sample_weight
for train, test in cv:
this_estimator = clone(base_estimator)
if base_estimator_sample_weight is not None:
X[train], y[train],
else:[train], y[train])
calibrated_classifier = _CalibratedClassifier(
this_estimator, method=self.method)
if sample_weight is not None:[test], y[test],
else:[test], y[test])
return self
def predict_proba(self, X):
"""Posterior probabilities of classification
This function returns posterior probabilities of classification
according to each class on an array of test vectors X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
The samples.
C : array, shape (n_samples, n_classes)
The predicted probas.
check_is_fitted(self, ["classes_", "calibrated_classifiers_"])
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csc', 'csr', 'coo'],
# Compute the arithmetic mean of the predictions of the calibrated
# classfiers
mean_proba = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.classes_)))
for calibrated_classifier in self.calibrated_classifiers_:
proba = calibrated_classifier.predict_proba(X)
mean_proba += proba
mean_proba /= len(self.calibrated_classifiers_)
return mean_proba
def predict(self, X):
"""Predict the target of new samples. Can be different from the
prediction of the uncalibrated classifier.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
The samples.
C : array, shape (n_samples,)
The predicted class.
check_is_fitted(self, ["classes_", "calibrated_classifiers_"])
return self.classes_[np.argmax(self.predict_proba(X), axis=1)]
class _CalibratedClassifier(object):
"""Probability calibration with isotonic regression or sigmoid.
It assumes that base_estimator has already been fit, and trains the
calibration on the input set of the fit function. Note that this class
should not be used as an estimator directly. Use CalibratedClassifierCV
with cv="prefit" instead.
base_estimator : instance BaseEstimator
The classifier whose output decision function needs to be calibrated
to offer more accurate predict_proba outputs. No default value since
it has to be an already fitted estimator.
method : 'sigmoid' | 'isotonic'
The method to use for calibration. Can be 'sigmoid' which
corresponds to Platt's method or 'isotonic' which is a
non-parameteric approach based on isotonic regression.
.. [1] Obtaining calibrated probability estimates from decision trees
and naive Bayesian classifiers, B. Zadrozny & C. Elkan, ICML 2001
.. [2] Transforming Classifier Scores into Accurate Multiclass
Probability Estimates, B. Zadrozny & C. Elkan, (KDD 2002)
.. [3] Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to
Regularized Likelihood Methods, J. Platt, (1999)
.. [4] Predicting Good Probabilities with Supervised Learning,
A. Niculescu-Mizil & R. Caruana, ICML 2005
def __init__(self, base_estimator, method='sigmoid'):
self.base_estimator = base_estimator
self.method = method
def _preproc(self, X):
n_classes = len(self.classes_)
if hasattr(self.base_estimator, "decision_function"):
df = self.base_estimator.decision_function(X)
if df.ndim == 1:
df = df[:, np.newaxis]
elif hasattr(self.base_estimator, "predict_proba"):
df = self.base_estimator.predict_proba(X)
if n_classes == 2:
df = df[:, 1:]
raise RuntimeError('classifier has no decision_function or '
'predict_proba method.')
idx_pos_class = np.arange(df.shape[1])
return df, idx_pos_class
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
"""Calibrate the fitted model
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data.
y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Target values.
sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or None
Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.
self : object
Returns an instance of self.
lb = LabelBinarizer()
Y = lb.fit_transform(y)
self.classes_ = lb.classes_
df, idx_pos_class = self._preproc(X)
self.calibrators_ = []
for k, this_df in zip(idx_pos_class, df.T):
if self.method == 'isotonic':
calibrator = IsotonicRegression(out_of_bounds='clip')
elif self.method == 'sigmoid':
calibrator = _SigmoidCalibration()
raise ValueError('method should be "sigmoid" or '
'"isotonic". Got %s.' % self.method), Y[:, k], sample_weight)
return self
def predict_proba(self, X):
"""Posterior probabilities of classification
This function returns posterior probabilities of classification
according to each class on an array of test vectors X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
The samples.
C : array, shape (n_samples, n_classes)
The predicted probas. Can be exact zeros.
n_classes = len(self.classes_)
proba = np.zeros((X.shape[0], n_classes))
df, idx_pos_class = self._preproc(X)
for k, this_df, calibrator in \
zip(idx_pos_class, df.T, self.calibrators_):
if n_classes == 2:
k += 1
proba[:, k] = calibrator.predict(this_df)
# Normalize the probabilities
if n_classes == 2:
proba[:, 0] = 1. - proba[:, 1]
proba /= np.sum(proba, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# XXX : for some reason all probas can be 0
proba[np.isnan(proba)] = 1. / n_classes
# Deal with cases where the predicted probability minimally exceeds 1.0
proba[(1.0 < proba) & (proba <= 1.0 + 1e-5)] = 1.0
return proba
def _sigmoid_calibration(df, y, sample_weight=None):
"""Probability Calibration with sigmoid method (Platt 2000)
df : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
The decision function or predict proba for the samples.
y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
The targets.
sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or None
Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.
a : float
The slope.
b : float
The intercept.
Platt, "Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines"
df = column_or_1d(df)
y = column_or_1d(y)
F = df # F follows Platt's notations
tiny = np.finfo(np.float).tiny # to avoid division by 0 warning
# Bayesian priors (see Platt end of section 2.2)
prior0 = float(np.sum(y <= 0))
prior1 = y.shape[0] - prior0
T = np.zeros(y.shape)
T[y > 0] = (prior1 + 1.) / (prior1 + 2.)
T[y <= 0] = 1. / (prior0 + 2.)
T1 = 1. - T
def objective(AB):
# From Platt (beginning of Section 2.2)
E = np.exp(AB[0] * F + AB[1])
P = 1. / (1. + E)
l = -(T * np.log(P + tiny) + T1 * np.log(1. - P + tiny))
if sample_weight is not None:
return (sample_weight * l).sum()
return l.sum()
def grad(AB):
# gradient of the objective function
E = np.exp(AB[0] * F + AB[1])
P = 1. / (1. + E)
TEP_minus_T1P = P * (T * E - T1)
if sample_weight is not None:
TEP_minus_T1P *= sample_weight
dA =, F)
dB = np.sum(TEP_minus_T1P)
return np.array([dA, dB])
AB0 = np.array([0., log((prior0 + 1.) / (prior1 + 1.))])
AB_ = fmin_bfgs(objective, AB0, fprime=grad, disp=False)
return AB_[0], AB_[1]
class _SigmoidCalibration(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
"""Sigmoid regression model.
a_ : float
The slope.
b_ : float
The intercept.
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
"""Fit the model using X, y as training data.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Training data.
y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Training target.
sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or None
Sample weights. If None, then samples are equally weighted.
self : object
Returns an instance of self.
X = column_or_1d(X)
y = column_or_1d(y)
X, y = indexable(X, y)
self.a_, self.b_ = _sigmoid_calibration(X, y, sample_weight)
return self
def predict(self, T):
"""Predict new data by linear interpolation.
T : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Data to predict from.
T_ : array, shape (n_samples,)
The predicted data.
T = column_or_1d(T)
return 1. / (1. + np.exp(self.a_ * T + self.b_))
def calibration_curve(y_true, y_prob, normalize=False, n_bins=5):
"""Compute true and predicted probabilities for a calibration curve.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <calibration>`.
y_true : array, shape (n_samples,)
True targets.
y_prob : array, shape (n_samples,)
Probabilities of the positive class.
normalize : bool, optional, default=False
Whether y_prob needs to be normalized into the bin [0, 1], i.e. is not
a proper probability. If True, the smallest value in y_prob is mapped
onto 0 and the largest one onto 1.
n_bins : int
Number of bins. A bigger number requires more data.
prob_true : array, shape (n_bins,)
The true probability in each bin (fraction of positives).
prob_pred : array, shape (n_bins,)
The mean predicted probability in each bin.
Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil and Rich Caruana (2005) Predicting Good
Probabilities With Supervised Learning, in Proceedings of the 22nd
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
See section 4 (Qualitative Analysis of Predictions).
y_true = column_or_1d(y_true)
y_prob = column_or_1d(y_prob)
if normalize: # Normalize predicted values into interval [0, 1]
y_prob = (y_prob - y_prob.min()) / (y_prob.max() - y_prob.min())
elif y_prob.min() < 0 or y_prob.max() > 1:
raise ValueError("y_prob has values outside [0, 1] and normalize is "
"set to False.")
y_true = _check_binary_probabilistic_predictions(y_true, y_prob)
bins = np.linspace(0., 1. + 1e-8, n_bins + 1)
binids = np.digitize(y_prob, bins) - 1
bin_sums = np.bincount(binids, weights=y_prob, minlength=len(bins))
bin_true = np.bincount(binids, weights=y_true, minlength=len(bins))
bin_total = np.bincount(binids, minlength=len(bins))
nonzero = bin_total != 0
prob_true = (bin_true[nonzero] / bin_total[nonzero])
prob_pred = (bin_sums[nonzero] / bin_total[nonzero])
return prob_true, prob_pred
| bsd-3-clause |
MJJoyce/climate | mccsearch/code/ | 5 | 4713 | #
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# running the program
import sys
import networkx as nx
import mccSearch
import numpy as np
import as ma
import files
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess
def main():
CEGraph = nx.DiGraph()
prunedGraph = nx.DiGraph()
MCCList =[]
MCSMCCNodesList =[]
allMCSsList =[]
allCETRMMList =[]
#for GrADs'export DISPLAY=:0.0', shell=True)
mainDirStr= "/directory/to/where/to/store/outputs"
TRMMdirName = "/directory/to/the/TRMM/netCDF/files"
CEoriDirName = "/directory/to/the/MERG/netCDF/files"
#for first time working with the raw MERG zipped files
# mccSearch.preprocessingMERG("/Users/kimwhitehall/Documents/HU/research/DATA")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#create main directory and file structure for storing intel
TRMMCEdirName = mainDirStr+'/TRMMnetcdfCEs'
CEdirName = mainDirStr+'/MERGnetcdfCEs'
# for doing some postprocessing with the clipped datasets instead of running the full program, e.g.
# mccSearch.postProcessingNetCDF(3,CEoriDirName)
# mccSearch.postProcessingNetCDF(2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#let's go!
print "\n -------------- Read MERG Data ----------"
mergImgs, timeList = mccSearch.readMergData(CEoriDirName)
print ("-"*80)
print 'in main', len(mergImgs)
#print 'timeList', timeList
print 'TRMMdirName ', TRMMdirName
print "\n -------------- TESTING findCloudElements ----------"
CEGraph = mccSearch.findCloudElements(mergImgs,timeList,TRMMdirName)
#if the TRMMdirName wasnt entered for whatever reason, you can still get the TRMM data this way
# CEGraph = mccSearch.findCloudElements(mergImgs,timeList)
# allCETRMMList=mccSearch.findPrecipRate(TRMMdirName,timeList)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print ("-"*80)
print "number of nodes in CEGraph is: ", CEGraph.number_of_nodes()
print ("-"*80)
print "\n -------------- TESTING findCloudClusters ----------"
prunedGraph = mccSearch.findCloudClusters(CEGraph)
print ("-"*80)
print "number of nodes in prunedGraph is: ", prunedGraph.number_of_nodes()
print ("-"*80)
print "\n -------------- TESTING findMCCs ----------"
MCCList,MCSList = mccSearch.findMCC(prunedGraph)
print ("-"*80)
print "MCC List has been acquired ", len(MCCList)
print "MCS List has been acquired ", len(MCSList)
print ("-"*80)
#now ready to perform various calculations/metrics
print "\n -------------- TESTING METRICS ----------"
#some calculations/metrics that work that work
# print "creating the MCC userfile ", mccSearch.createTextFile(MCCList,1)
# print "creating the MCS userfile ", mccSearch.createTextFile(MCSList,2)
# MCCTimes, tdelta = mccSearch.temporalAndAreaInfoMetric(MCCList)
# print "number of MCCs is: ", mccSearch.numberOfFeatures(MCCList)
# print "longest duration is: ", mccSearch.longestDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# print "shortest duration is: ", mccSearch.shortestDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# #print "Average duration is: ", mccSearch.convert_timedelta(mccSearch.averageMCCLength(MCCTimes))
# print "Average duration is: ", mccSearch.averageDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# print "Average size is: ", mccSearch.averageFeatureSize(MCCList), "km^2"
#some plots that work
# mccSearch.plotAccTRMM(MCCList)
# mccSearch.displayPrecip(MCCList)
# mccSearch.plotAccuInTimeRange('2009-09-01_00:00:00', '2009-09-01_09:00:00')
# mccSearch.displaySize(MCCList)
# mccSearch.displayPrecip(MCCList)
# mccSearch.plotHistogram(MCCList)
print ("-"*80)
main() | apache-2.0 |
samehuman/fast-rcnn | lib/roi_data_layer/ | 44 | 7337 | # --------------------------------------------------------
# Fast R-CNN
# Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# Written by Ross Girshick
# --------------------------------------------------------
"""Compute minibatch blobs for training a Fast R-CNN network."""
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import cv2
from fast_rcnn.config import cfg
from utils.blob import prep_im_for_blob, im_list_to_blob
def get_minibatch(roidb, num_classes):
"""Given a roidb, construct a minibatch sampled from it."""
num_images = len(roidb)
# Sample random scales to use for each image in this batch
random_scale_inds = npr.randint(0, high=len(cfg.TRAIN.SCALES),
assert(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE % num_images == 0), \
'num_images ({}) must divide BATCH_SIZE ({})'. \
format(num_images, cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE)
rois_per_image = cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE / num_images
fg_rois_per_image = np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image)
# Get the input image blob, formatted for caffe
im_blob, im_scales = _get_image_blob(roidb, random_scale_inds)
# Now, build the region of interest and label blobs
rois_blob = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
labels_blob = np.zeros((0), dtype=np.float32)
bbox_targets_blob = np.zeros((0, 4 * num_classes), dtype=np.float32)
bbox_loss_blob = np.zeros(bbox_targets_blob.shape, dtype=np.float32)
# all_overlaps = []
for im_i in xrange(num_images):
labels, overlaps, im_rois, bbox_targets, bbox_loss \
= _sample_rois(roidb[im_i], fg_rois_per_image, rois_per_image,
# Add to RoIs blob
rois = _project_im_rois(im_rois, im_scales[im_i])
batch_ind = im_i * np.ones((rois.shape[0], 1))
rois_blob_this_image = np.hstack((batch_ind, rois))
rois_blob = np.vstack((rois_blob, rois_blob_this_image))
# Add to labels, bbox targets, and bbox loss blobs
labels_blob = np.hstack((labels_blob, labels))
bbox_targets_blob = np.vstack((bbox_targets_blob, bbox_targets))
bbox_loss_blob = np.vstack((bbox_loss_blob, bbox_loss))
# all_overlaps = np.hstack((all_overlaps, overlaps))
# For debug visualizations
# _vis_minibatch(im_blob, rois_blob, labels_blob, all_overlaps)
blobs = {'data': im_blob,
'rois': rois_blob,
'labels': labels_blob}
blobs['bbox_targets'] = bbox_targets_blob
blobs['bbox_loss_weights'] = bbox_loss_blob
return blobs
def _sample_rois(roidb, fg_rois_per_image, rois_per_image, num_classes):
"""Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
# label = class RoI has max overlap with
labels = roidb['max_classes']
overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']
rois = roidb['boxes']
# Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
fg_inds = np.where(overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
# Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
# foreground RoIs
fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
# Sample foreground regions without replacement
if fg_inds.size > 0:
fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds, size=fg_rois_per_this_image,
# Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
bg_inds = np.where((overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
(overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
# Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
# against there being fewer than desired)
bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image,
# Sample foreground regions without replacement
if bg_inds.size > 0:
bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds, size=bg_rois_per_this_image,
# The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
# Select sampled values from various arrays:
labels = labels[keep_inds]
# Clamp labels for the background RoIs to 0
labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0
overlaps = overlaps[keep_inds]
rois = rois[keep_inds]
bbox_targets, bbox_loss_weights = \
_get_bbox_regression_labels(roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :],
return labels, overlaps, rois, bbox_targets, bbox_loss_weights
def _get_image_blob(roidb, scale_inds):
"""Builds an input blob from the images in the roidb at the specified
num_images = len(roidb)
processed_ims = []
im_scales = []
for i in xrange(num_images):
im = cv2.imread(roidb[i]['image'])
if roidb[i]['flipped']:
im = im[:, ::-1, :]
target_size = cfg.TRAIN.SCALES[scale_inds[i]]
im, im_scale = prep_im_for_blob(im, cfg.PIXEL_MEANS, target_size,
# Create a blob to hold the input images
blob = im_list_to_blob(processed_ims)
return blob, im_scales
def _project_im_rois(im_rois, im_scale_factor):
"""Project image RoIs into the rescaled training image."""
rois = im_rois * im_scale_factor
return rois
def _get_bbox_regression_labels(bbox_target_data, num_classes):
"""Bounding-box regression targets are stored in a compact form in the
This function expands those targets into the 4-of-4*K representation used
by the network (i.e. only one class has non-zero targets). The loss weights
are similarly expanded.
bbox_target_data (ndarray): N x 4K blob of regression targets
bbox_loss_weights (ndarray): N x 4K blob of loss weights
clss = bbox_target_data[:, 0]
bbox_targets = np.zeros((clss.size, 4 * num_classes), dtype=np.float32)
bbox_loss_weights = np.zeros(bbox_targets.shape, dtype=np.float32)
inds = np.where(clss > 0)[0]
for ind in inds:
cls = clss[ind]
start = 4 * cls
end = start + 4
bbox_targets[ind, start:end] = bbox_target_data[ind, 1:]
bbox_loss_weights[ind, start:end] = [1., 1., 1., 1.]
return bbox_targets, bbox_loss_weights
def _vis_minibatch(im_blob, rois_blob, labels_blob, overlaps):
"""Visualize a mini-batch for debugging."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in xrange(rois_blob.shape[0]):
rois = rois_blob[i, :]
im_ind = rois[0]
roi = rois[1:]
im = im_blob[im_ind, :, :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0)).copy()
im += cfg.PIXEL_MEANS
im = im[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]
im = im.astype(np.uint8)
cls = labels_blob[i]
print 'class: ', cls, ' overlap: ', overlaps[i]
plt.Rectangle((roi[0], roi[1]), roi[2] - roi[0],
roi[3] - roi[1], fill=False,
edgecolor='r', linewidth=3)
| mit |
rhyolight/nupic.research | projects/lateral_pooler/src/ | 4 | 11174 | # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
# Copyright (C) 2017, Numenta, Inc. Unless you have an agreement
# with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the
# following terms and conditions apply:
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Affero Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import inspect, os
import numpy as np
import pickle
import json
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from tabulate import tabulate
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
pprint = PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint
from import load_data
from import random_id, add_noise
from import mean_mutual_info_from_model, reconstruction_error
# from htmresearch.frameworks.sp_paper.sp_metrics import reconstructionError
from nupic.algorithms.spatial_pooler import SpatialPooler as SpatialPooler
from sp_wrapper import SpatialPoolerWrapper
from htmresearch.algorithms.lateral_pooler import LateralPooler
from import (ModelCheckpoint, ModelOutputEvaluator,
Reconstructor, ModelInspector,
OutputCollector, Logger)
def load_pooler(path):
filename = "{}/pooler.p".format(path)
with open(filename) as f:
pooler = pickle.load(f)
return pooler
def dump_pooler(path, t, pooler):
filename = "{}/pooler/pooler_{:04}.p".format(path, t)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(pooler, f)
def dump_entity(path, label, t, X):
filename = "{}/{}/{}_{:04}.p".format(path, label,label, t)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(X, f)
def dump_json(path_to_file, my_dict):
with open(path_to_file, 'wb') as f:
json.dump(my_dict, f, indent=4)
def dump_data(path_to_file, data):
with open(path_to_file, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(data, f)
def dump_results(path, results):
for key in results:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname("{}/{}/".format(path, key)))
for i, data in enumerate(results[key]):
filename ='{}/{}/{}_{:04}.p'.format(path, key, key, i + 1)
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(data, file)
def get_shape(params):
if "inputDimensions" in params:
return params["columnDimensions"][0], params["inputDimensions"][0]
return params["output_size"], params["input_size"]
def get_permanence_vals(sp):
m = sp.getNumInputs()
n =
W = np.zeros((n, m))
for i in range(sp._numColumns):
sp.getPermanence(i, W[i, :])
return W
def parse_argv():
parser = OptionParser(usage = "<yourscript> [options]\n\n"\
"python {} --sp lateral --data mnist --params mnist --name example -e 2 -b 1 -d 100"
parser.add_option("--data", type=str, default='', dest="data_set", help="")
parser.add_option("-d", "--num_data", type=int, default=30000, dest="num_data_points", help="")
parser.add_option("-e", "--num_epochs", type=int, default=6, dest="num_epochs", help="number of epochs")
parser.add_option("-b", "--batch_size", type=int, default=1, dest="batch_size", help="Mini batch size")
parser.add_option("--sp", type=str, default="nupic", dest="pooler_type", help="spatial pooler implementations: nupic, lateral")
parser.add_option("--params", type=str, dest="sp_params", help="json file with spatial pooler parameters")
parser.add_option("--name", type=str, default=None, dest="experiment_id", help="")
parser.add_option("--seed", type=str, default=None, dest="seed", help="random seed for SP and dataset")
parser.add_option("--cont", type=str, default=None, dest="cont", help="...")
(options, remainder) = parser.parse_args()
return options, remainder
### Main()
def main(argv):
args, _ = parse_argv()
data_set = args.data_set
d = args.num_data_points
sp_type = args.pooler_type
num_epochs = args.num_epochs
batch_size = args.batch_size
experiment_id = args.experiment_id
seed = args.seed
cont = args.cont
# Create folder for the experiment
if experiment_id is None:
experiment_id = random_id(5)
experiment_id += "_" + random_id(5)
the_scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # script directory
relative_path = "../results/{}_pooler_{}_{}".format(sp_type, data_set, experiment_id)
path = the_scripts_path + "/" + relative_path
"\nExperiment directory:\n\n\t\"{}\"\n"
# Load the sp parameters
sp_params_dict = json.load(open(the_scripts_path + "/params.json"))
if args.sp_params is not None:
sp_params = sp_params_dict["nupic"][args.sp_params]
sp_params = sp_params_dict["nupic"][data_set]
if seed is not None:
sp_params["seed"] = seed
# Load the SP
if sp_type == "nupic":
if cont == None:
pooler = SpatialPoolerWrapper(**sp_params)
pooler = load_pooler(cont)
elif sp_type == "lateral":
if cont == None:
pooler = LateralPooler(**sp_params)
pooler = load_pooler(cont)
raise "I don't know an SP of that type:{}".format(sp_type)
"\nUsing {} pooler.\n\n"\
"\tdesired sparsity: {}\n"\
"\tdesired code weight: {}\n"
.format(sp_type, pooler.sparsity, pooler.code_weight))
# Load the data
X, T, X_test, T_test = load_data(data_set)
X = X[:,:d]
dump_entity(path, "inputs", 0, X)
dump_entity(path, "targets", 0, T)
dump_entity(path, "test_inputs", 0, X_test)
dump_entity(path, "test_targets", 0, T_test)
# Training
if batch_size != 1:
raise Exception(
"Let's stick with online learning for now..."\
"set the batch size -b to 1.")
checkpoints = set(range(0, d, 100))
results = {
"outputs_test": [],
"inputs_test": [],
"feedforward" : [],
"avg_activity_units" : [],
"avg_activity_pairs" : []}
metrics = {
"code_weight" : [],
"rec_error" : [],
"mutual_info" : []}
config = {
"num_checkpoints" : len(checkpoints),
"path": relative_path,
"sp_type": sp_type,
"data_set": data_set,
"sparsity": pooler.sparsity,
"code_weight": pooler.code_weight
"Training (online, i.e. batch size = 1)...\n"
# "Fit" the model to the training data
n, m = pooler.shape
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
.format(epoch + 1, num_epochs,))
Targets = np.zeros((T.shape[0],d))
Y = np.zeros((n,d))
perm = np.random.permutation(d)
check_count = 0
for t in range(d):
if t%500 == 0:
.format(t, d))
x = X[:,perm[t]]
y = Y[:, t]
Targets[:, t] = T[:,perm[t]]
pooler.compute(x, True, y)
if t in checkpoints:
check_count += 1
# Y_test = pooler.encode(X_test)
# results["avg_activity_units"].append(pooler._activeDutyCycles.copy())
# results["avg_activity_pairs"].append(pooler.avgActivityPairs.copy())
# results["inputs_test"].append(X_test)
# dump_entity(path, "pooler", check_count, pooler)
# dump_entity(path, "inputs", check_count, X)
# dump_entity(path, "outputs", check_count, Y)
# dump_entity(path, "targets", check_count, Targets)
# results["outputs_test"].append(Y_test)
# results["feedforward"].append(pooler.feedforward.copy())
# metrics["code_weight"].append(np.mean(np.sum(Y_test, axis=0)))
# metrics["mutual_info"].append(mean_mutual_info_from_model(pooler))
# metrics["rec_error"].append(reconstruction_error(pooler, X_test))
print(tabulate(metrics, headers="keys"))
"\nSaving results to file...")
# dump_json(path + "/metrics.json", metrics)
dump_json(path + "/config.json", config)
# dump_results(path, results)
dump_pooler(path, check_count, pooler)
if __name__ == "__main__":
| gpl-3.0 |
msaffarm/DeepRetina | util/ | 1 | 9874 | # A helper function to read and manipulate retianl images
# import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
import os
import sys
from scipy import misc
from scipy import ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# wrap_counting
from wrap_counting import sampler
UNET_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/../"
DATA_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/../../RetinalDataJohn"
# DATA_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/../sampleData"
SEED = 1234
class DataProvider(object):
def __init__(self, validationSize = 20, batchSize = 1):
# super(DataProvider, self).__init__(a_min, a_max)
# metaData dict
self.trainData = None
self.testData = None
self.validData = None
self.n_class = 2
self.a_min = 0
self.a_max = 255
self.validationSize = validationSize
self.trainSize = None
self.testSize = None
self.batchSize = batchSize
self.sampler = None
self.channels = 1
self.n_class = 2
def getBatchSize(self):
return self.batchSize
def getValidationSize(self):
return self.validationSize
def createMetaDataDict(self, path):
files = os.listdir(path)
# print(files)
# metaData = {image:GT}
metaData = {}
images = []
GTs = []
# create a list of images and GTs
for file in files:
# print(file.split("-")[0])
if file.split("-")[0] != "GT":
# metaData = {image:GT}
for img in images:
for g in GTs:
if g[1] == img[1]:
metaData[img[0]] = g[0]
return metaData
def createAugmentedData(self, metaDataDict, dataPath):
augDataImg = []
augDataGt = []
for aImg, aGt in metaDataDict.items():
img = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aImg) # read image
gt = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aGt) # read its GT
augImg, augGt = self.augmentData(img, gt)
for i in range(len(augImg)):
del img, gt, augImg, augGt
return augDataImg, augDataGt
def augmentData(self, img, gt):
augImg = []
augGt = []
# flip up-down
# flip right-left
# rotate 90, 180 and 270 clockwise
for i in range(1,4):
augImg.append(ndimage.rotate(img, i*90))
augGt.append(ndimage.rotate(gt, i*90))
return augImg,augGt
def readTrainData(self):
# read train Data
train_path = DATA_PATH + "/train"
trainMetaData = self.createMetaDataDict(train_path)
self.trainData = self.createAugmentedData(trainMetaData, train_path)
print("done reading data")
# extract validation data
self.validData = self.createValidationData()
# get train size
self.trainSize = len(self.trainData[0])
# create sampler to get samples from train data
self.sampler = sampler(self.batchSize, self.trainSize, seed = SEED)
def readTestData(self):
# read test Data
test_path = DATA_PATH + "/test"
testMetaData = self.createMetaDataDict(test_path)
self.testData = self.createAugmentedData(testMetaData, test_path)
# get train size
self.testSize = len(self.testData[0])
# print(self.testSize)
def readData(self):
def createValidationData(self):
trainSize = len(self.trainData[0])
# randInt = random.sample(range(trainSize), self.validationSize)
randInt = range(self.validationSize)
validImg = []
validGT = []
for r in randInt:
# pop validation data from train data
tempImg = []
tempGT = []
for i in range(trainSize):
if i not in randInt:
self.trainData = (tempImg, tempGT)
return validImg, validGT
def processLabels(self, label):
nx = label.shape[1]
ny = label.shape[0]
# label = self.normalize(label)
# print(label.dtype)
labels = np.zeros((ny, nx, self.n_class), dtype=np.float32)
labels[..., 1] = self.normalize(label)
labels[..., 0] = self.normalize(~label)
return labels
def processData(self, data):
# normalization
data = self.normalize(data)
return np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], self.channels))
def normalize(self,data):
# check if all zeros or ones
if np.count_nonzero(data)==0:
# print("zeros")
return data
if np.count_nonzero(data -1 )==0:
# print("ones")
return data
data = np.clip(np.fabs(data), self.a_min, self.a_max)
data -= np.amin(data)
data /= (np.amax(data) + 1e-6)
return data
def cropImage(self,data):
m, n = data.shape
data = data[m/4:-m/4,n/4:-n/4]
return data
def getValidationData(self, batchSize,crop=True):
if batchSize == -1:
batchSize = self.validationSize
if crop:
nx = self.validData[0][0].shape[0]/2
ny = self.validData[0][0].shape[1]/2
X = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
nx = self.validData[0][0].shape[0]
ny = self.validData[0][0].shape[1]
X = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
selected = random.sample(range(self.validationSize), batchSize)
for idx, val in enumerate(selected):
if crop: # crop before processing
d = self.cropImage(self.validData[0][val])
l = self.cropImage(self.validData[1][val])
d = self.validData[0][val]
l = self.validData[1][val]
X[idx] = self.processData(d)
Y[idx] = self.processLabels(l)
return X, Y
def getTestData(self, batchSize, crop = True):
if batchSize == -1:
batchSize = self.testSize
if crop:
nx = self.testData[0][0].shape[0]/2
ny = self.testData[0][0].shape[1]/2
X = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
nx = self.testData[0][0].shape[0]
ny = self.testData[0][0].shape[1]
X = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
selected = random.sample(range(self.testSize), batchSize)
for idx, val in enumerate(selected):
if crop: # crop before processing
d = self.cropImage(self.testData[0][val])
l = self.cropImage(self.testData[1][val])
d = self.testData[0][val]
l = self.testData[1][val]
X[idx] = self.processData(d)
Y[idx] = self.processLabels(l)
return X, Y
def __call__(self,crop = True):
# print(self.sampler.getOrder())
nextIdx = self.sampler.next_inds()
# print(nextIdx)
# train_data, labels = self._load_data_and_label()
if crop:
nx = self.trainData[0][0].shape[0]/2
ny = self.trainData[0][0].shape[1]/2
X = np.zeros((self.batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((self.batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
nx = self.trainData[0][0].shape[0]
ny = self.trainData[0][0].shape[1]
X = np.zeros((self.batchSize, nx, ny, self.channels))
Y = np.zeros((self.batchSize, nx, ny, self.n_class))
for idx, val in enumerate(nextIdx):
if crop: # crop before processing
d = self.cropImage(self.trainData[0][val])
l = self.cropImage(self.trainData[1][val])
d = self.trainData[0][val]
l = self.trainData[1][val]
X[idx] = self.processData(d)
Y[idx] = self.processLabels(l)
# print(type(X))
return X, Y
def getTrainSize(self):
return self.trainSize
class DataProviderTiled(DataProvider):
def __init__(self,validationSize = 20, batchSize = 1, splits = 8):
super(DataProviderTiled, self).__init__(validationSize, batchSize)
self.splits = splits
# def createAugmentedData(self, metaDataDict, dataPath):
# augDataImg = []
# augDataGt = []
# for aImg, aGt in metaDataDict.items():
# img = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aImg) # read image
# gt = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aGt) # read its GT
# # tile img data
# # print(self.splits)
# imgTiles = self.split(img,self.splits)
# for x in imgTiles:
# augDataImg.append(x)
# # tile gt data
# gtTiles = self.split(gt,self.splits)
# for x in gtTiles:
# augDataGt.append(gt)
# augImg, augGt = self.augmentData(img, gt)
# for i in range(len(augImg)):
# for x in self.split(augImg[i],self.splits):
# augDataImg.append(x)
# for x in self.split(augGt[i],self.splits):
# augDataGt.append(x)
# del img, gt, augImg, augGt
# return augDataImg, augDataGt
def createAugmentedData(self, metaDataDict, dataPath):
augDataImg = []
augDataGt = []
for aImg, aGt in metaDataDict.items():
img = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aImg) # read image
gt = misc.imread(dataPath +"/" + aGt) # read its GT
# tile img data
# print(self.splits)
imgTiles = self.split(img,self.splits)
for x in imgTiles:
# tile gt data
gtTiles = self.split(gt,self.splits)
for x in gtTiles:
del img, gt
return augDataImg, augDataGt
def split(self,data, splits):
tiles = []
m = data.shape[0]/splits
n = data.shape[1]/splits
# print("m" , m)
# print("n" , n)
for i in range(splits):
for j in range(splits):
return tiles
def main():
dp = DataProviderTiled(splits = 12 , batchSize = 10)
# x ,y = dp.getTestData(4, crop= False)
x ,y = dp(crop = False)
# # print(np.max(x))
# # print(np.max(y))
# # sanity check
# print(y.shape)
# # g = np.reshape(y[...,1],[-1,1])
# # print(g.shape)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
| gpl-3.0 |
h2oai/h2o-3 | h2o-py/tests/testdir_algos/kmeans/ | 8 | 1469 | from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
import sys
import h2o
from tests import pyunit_utils
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from h2o.estimators.kmeans import H2OKMeansEstimator
def iris_h2o_vs_sciKmeans():
# Connect to a pre-existing cluster
# connect to localhost:54321
iris_h2o = h2o.import_file(path=pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/iris/iris.csv"))
iris_sci = np.genfromtxt(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/iris/iris.csv"), delimiter=',')
iris_sci = iris_sci[:,0:4]
s =[[4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2],
start = h2o.H2OFrame(s)
h2o_km = H2OKMeansEstimator(k=3, user_points=start, standardize=False)
sci_km = KMeans(n_clusters=3, init=np.asarray(s), n_init=1)
#"Cluster centers from H2O:")
print("Cluster centers from H2O:")
h2o_centers = h2o_km.centers()
#"Cluster centers from scikit:")
print("Cluster centers from scikit:")
sci_centers = sci_km.cluster_centers_.tolist()
for hcenter, scenter in zip(h2o_centers, sci_centers):
for hpoint, spoint in zip(hcenter,scenter):
assert (hpoint- spoint) < 1e-10, "expected centers to be the same"
if __name__ == "__main__":
| apache-2.0 |
victorbergelin/scikit-learn | sklearn/ | 258 | 17973 | """
The :mod:`sklearn.kernel_approximation` module implements several
approximate kernel feature maps base on Fourier transforms.
# Author: Andreas Mueller <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.linalg import svd
from .base import BaseEstimator
from .base import TransformerMixin
from .utils import check_array, check_random_state, as_float_array
from .utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot
from .utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from .metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels
class RBFSampler(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Approximates feature map of an RBF kernel by Monte Carlo approximation
of its Fourier transform.
It implements a variant of Random Kitchen Sinks.[1]
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <rbf_kernel_approx>`.
gamma : float
Parameter of RBF kernel: exp(-gamma * x^2)
n_components : int
Number of Monte Carlo samples per original feature.
Equals the dimensionality of the computed feature space.
random_state : {int, RandomState}, optional
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
if RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator.
See "Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines" by A. Rahimi and
Benjamin Recht.
[1] "Weighted Sums of Random Kitchen Sinks: Replacing
minimization with randomization in learning" by A. Rahimi and
Benjamin Recht.
def __init__(self, gamma=1., n_components=100, random_state=None):
self.gamma = gamma
self.n_components = n_components
self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model with X.
Samples random projection according to n_features.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
self : object
Returns the transformer.
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
n_features = X.shape[1]
self.random_weights_ = (np.sqrt(2 * self.gamma) * random_state.normal(
size=(n_features, self.n_components)))
self.random_offset_ = random_state.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi,
return self
def transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Apply the approximate feature map to X.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
New data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
check_is_fitted(self, 'random_weights_')
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
projection = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.random_weights_)
projection += self.random_offset_
np.cos(projection, projection)
projection *= np.sqrt(2.) / np.sqrt(self.n_components)
return projection
class SkewedChi2Sampler(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Approximates feature map of the "skewed chi-squared" kernel by Monte
Carlo approximation of its Fourier transform.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <skewed_chi_kernel_approx>`.
skewedness : float
"skewedness" parameter of the kernel. Needs to be cross-validated.
n_components : int
number of Monte Carlo samples per original feature.
Equals the dimensionality of the computed feature space.
random_state : {int, RandomState}, optional
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
if RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator.
See "Random Fourier Approximations for Skewed Multiplicative Histogram
Kernels" by Fuxin Li, Catalin Ionescu and Cristian Sminchisescu.
See also
AdditiveChi2Sampler : A different approach for approximating an additive
variant of the chi squared kernel.
sklearn.metrics.pairwise.chi2_kernel : The exact chi squared kernel.
def __init__(self, skewedness=1., n_components=100, random_state=None):
self.skewedness = skewedness
self.n_components = n_components
self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model with X.
Samples random projection according to n_features.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
self : object
Returns the transformer.
X = check_array(X)
random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
n_features = X.shape[1]
uniform = random_state.uniform(size=(n_features, self.n_components))
# transform by inverse CDF of sech
self.random_weights_ = (1. / np.pi
* np.log(np.tan(np.pi / 2. * uniform)))
self.random_offset_ = random_state.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi,
return self
def transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Apply the approximate feature map to X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
New data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
check_is_fitted(self, 'random_weights_')
X = as_float_array(X, copy=True)
X = check_array(X, copy=False)
if (X < 0).any():
raise ValueError("X may not contain entries smaller than zero.")
X += self.skewedness
np.log(X, X)
projection = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.random_weights_)
projection += self.random_offset_
np.cos(projection, projection)
projection *= np.sqrt(2.) / np.sqrt(self.n_components)
return projection
class AdditiveChi2Sampler(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Approximate feature map for additive chi2 kernel.
Uses sampling the fourier transform of the kernel characteristic
at regular intervals.
Since the kernel that is to be approximated is additive, the components of
the input vectors can be treated separately. Each entry in the original
space is transformed into 2*sample_steps+1 features, where sample_steps is
a parameter of the method. Typical values of sample_steps include 1, 2 and
Optimal choices for the sampling interval for certain data ranges can be
computed (see the reference). The default values should be reasonable.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <additive_chi_kernel_approx>`.
sample_steps : int, optional
Gives the number of (complex) sampling points.
sample_interval : float, optional
Sampling interval. Must be specified when sample_steps not in {1,2,3}.
This estimator approximates a slightly different version of the additive
chi squared kernel then ``metric.additive_chi2`` computes.
See also
SkewedChi2Sampler : A Fourier-approximation to a non-additive variant of
the chi squared kernel.
sklearn.metrics.pairwise.chi2_kernel : The exact chi squared kernel.
sklearn.metrics.pairwise.additive_chi2_kernel : The exact additive chi
squared kernel.
See `"Efficient additive kernels via explicit feature maps"
A. Vedaldi and A. Zisserman, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
def __init__(self, sample_steps=2, sample_interval=None):
self.sample_steps = sample_steps
self.sample_interval = sample_interval
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Set parameters."""
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
if self.sample_interval is None:
# See reference, figure 2 c)
if self.sample_steps == 1:
self.sample_interval_ = 0.8
elif self.sample_steps == 2:
self.sample_interval_ = 0.5
elif self.sample_steps == 3:
self.sample_interval_ = 0.4
raise ValueError("If sample_steps is not in [1, 2, 3],"
" you need to provide sample_interval")
self.sample_interval_ = self.sample_interval
return self
def transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Apply approximate feature map to X.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
X_new : {array, sparse matrix}, \
shape = (n_samples, n_features * (2*sample_steps + 1))
Whether the return value is an array of sparse matrix depends on
the type of the input X.
msg = ("%(name)s is not fitted. Call fit to set the parameters before"
" calling transform")
check_is_fitted(self, "sample_interval_", msg=msg)
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
sparse = sp.issparse(X)
# check if X has negative values. Doesn't play well with np.log.
if (( if sparse else X) < 0).any():
raise ValueError("Entries of X must be non-negative.")
# zeroth component
# 1/cosh = sech
# cosh(0) = 1.0
transf = self._transform_sparse if sparse else self._transform_dense
return transf(X)
def _transform_dense(self, X):
non_zero = (X != 0.0)
X_nz = X[non_zero]
X_step = np.zeros_like(X)
X_step[non_zero] = np.sqrt(X_nz * self.sample_interval_)
X_new = [X_step]
log_step_nz = self.sample_interval_ * np.log(X_nz)
step_nz = 2 * X_nz * self.sample_interval_
for j in range(1, self.sample_steps):
factor_nz = np.sqrt(step_nz /
np.cosh(np.pi * j * self.sample_interval_))
X_step = np.zeros_like(X)
X_step[non_zero] = factor_nz * np.cos(j * log_step_nz)
X_step = np.zeros_like(X)
X_step[non_zero] = factor_nz * np.sin(j * log_step_nz)
return np.hstack(X_new)
def _transform_sparse(self, X):
indices = X.indices.copy()
indptr = X.indptr.copy()
data_step = np.sqrt( * self.sample_interval_)
X_step = sp.csr_matrix((data_step, indices, indptr),
shape=X.shape, dtype=X.dtype, copy=False)
X_new = [X_step]
log_step_nz = self.sample_interval_ * np.log(
step_nz = 2 * * self.sample_interval_
for j in range(1, self.sample_steps):
factor_nz = np.sqrt(step_nz /
np.cosh(np.pi * j * self.sample_interval_))
data_step = factor_nz * np.cos(j * log_step_nz)
X_step = sp.csr_matrix((data_step, indices, indptr),
shape=X.shape, dtype=X.dtype, copy=False)
data_step = factor_nz * np.sin(j * log_step_nz)
X_step = sp.csr_matrix((data_step, indices, indptr),
shape=X.shape, dtype=X.dtype, copy=False)
return sp.hstack(X_new)
class Nystroem(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Approximate a kernel map using a subset of the training data.
Constructs an approximate feature map for an arbitrary kernel
using a subset of the data as basis.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <nystroem_kernel_approx>`.
kernel : string or callable, default="rbf"
Kernel map to be approximated. A callable should accept two arguments
and the keyword arguments passed to this object as kernel_params, and
should return a floating point number.
n_components : int
Number of features to construct.
How many data points will be used to construct the mapping.
gamma : float, default=None
Gamma parameter for the RBF, polynomial, exponential chi2 and
sigmoid kernels. Interpretation of the default value is left to
the kernel; see the documentation for sklearn.metrics.pairwise.
Ignored by other kernels.
degree : float, default=3
Degree of the polynomial kernel. Ignored by other kernels.
coef0 : float, default=1
Zero coefficient for polynomial and sigmoid kernels.
Ignored by other kernels.
kernel_params : mapping of string to any, optional
Additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed
as callable object.
random_state : {int, RandomState}, optional
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
if RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator.
components_ : array, shape (n_components, n_features)
Subset of training points used to construct the feature map.
component_indices_ : array, shape (n_components)
Indices of ``components_`` in the training set.
normalization_ : array, shape (n_components, n_components)
Normalization matrix needed for embedding.
Square root of the kernel matrix on ``components_``.
* Williams, C.K.I. and Seeger, M.
"Using the Nystroem method to speed up kernel machines",
Advances in neural information processing systems 2001
* T. Yang, Y. Li, M. Mahdavi, R. Jin and Z. Zhou
"Nystroem Method vs Random Fourier Features: A Theoretical and Empirical
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2012
See also
RBFSampler : An approximation to the RBF kernel using random Fourier
sklearn.metrics.pairwise.kernel_metrics : List of built-in kernels.
def __init__(self, kernel="rbf", gamma=None, coef0=1, degree=3,
kernel_params=None, n_components=100, random_state=None):
self.kernel = kernel
self.gamma = gamma
self.coef0 = coef0 = degree
self.kernel_params = kernel_params
self.n_components = n_components
self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit estimator to data.
Samples a subset of training points, computes kernel
on these and computes normalization matrix.
X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_feature)
Training data.
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state)
n_samples = X.shape[0]
# get basis vectors
if self.n_components > n_samples:
# XXX should we just bail?
n_components = n_samples
warnings.warn("n_components > n_samples. This is not possible.\n"
"n_components was set to n_samples, which results"
" in inefficient evaluation of the full kernel.")
n_components = self.n_components
n_components = min(n_samples, n_components)
inds = rnd.permutation(n_samples)
basis_inds = inds[:n_components]
basis = X[basis_inds]
basis_kernel = pairwise_kernels(basis, metric=self.kernel,
# sqrt of kernel matrix on basis vectors
U, S, V = svd(basis_kernel)
S = np.maximum(S, 1e-12)
self.normalization_ = * 1. / np.sqrt(S), V)
self.components_ = basis
self.component_indices_ = inds
return self
def transform(self, X):
"""Apply feature map to X.
Computes an approximate feature map using the kernel
between some training points and X.
X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Data to transform.
X_transformed : array, shape=(n_samples, n_components)
Transformed data.
check_is_fitted(self, 'components_')
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
kernel_params = self._get_kernel_params()
embedded = pairwise_kernels(X, self.components_,
return, self.normalization_.T)
def _get_kernel_params(self):
params = self.kernel_params
if params is None:
params = {}
if not callable(self.kernel):
params['gamma'] = self.gamma
params['degree'] =
params['coef0'] = self.coef0
return params
| bsd-3-clause |
ZENGXH/scikit-learn | sklearn/utils/tests/ | 421 | 1349 | # Author: Brian M. Clapper, G Varoquaux
# License: BSD
import numpy as np
# XXX we should be testing the public API here
from sklearn.utils.linear_assignment_ import _hungarian
def test_hungarian():
matrices = [
# Square
([[400, 150, 400],
[400, 450, 600],
[300, 225, 300]],
850 # expected cost
# Rectangular variant
([[400, 150, 400, 1],
[400, 450, 600, 2],
[300, 225, 300, 3]],
452 # expected cost
# Square
([[10, 10, 8],
[9, 8, 1],
[9, 7, 4]],
# Rectangular variant
([[10, 10, 8, 11],
[9, 8, 1, 1],
[9, 7, 4, 10]],
# n == 2, m == 0 matrix
([[], []],
for cost_matrix, expected_total in matrices:
cost_matrix = np.array(cost_matrix)
indexes = _hungarian(cost_matrix)
total_cost = 0
for r, c in indexes:
x = cost_matrix[r, c]
total_cost += x
assert expected_total == total_cost
indexes = _hungarian(cost_matrix.T)
total_cost = 0
for c, r in indexes:
x = cost_matrix[r, c]
total_cost += x
assert expected_total == total_cost
| bsd-3-clause |
nkhuyu/FTRLp | | 1 | 31158 | from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
------------ Follow The Regularized Leader - Proximal ------------
FTRL-P is an online classification algorithm that combines both L1 and L2
norms, particularly suited for large data sets with extremely high dimensionality.
This implementation follow the algorithm by H. B. McMahan et. al. It minimizes
the LogLoss function iteratively with a combination of L2 and L1 (centralized
at the current point) norms and adaptive, per coordinate learning rates.
This algorithm is efficient at obtaining sparsity and has proven to perform
very well in massive Click-Through-Rate prediction tasks.
This module contains two objects...
* Follow-the-Regularized-Leader and Mirror Descent: Equivalent Theorems
and L1 Regularization, H. Brendan McMahan
* Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches, H. Brendan McMahan et. al.
from math import log, exp, fabs, sqrt
from csv import DictReader
from datetime import datetime
from random import random
def log_loss(y, p):
--- Log_loss computing function
A function to compute the log loss of a predicted probability p given
a true target y.
:param y: True target value
:param p: Predicted probability
:return: Log loss.
p = max(min(p, 1. - 10e-15), 10e-15)
return -log(p) if y == 1 else -log(1. - p)
class DataGen(object):
DataGen is an object to generate the data that is fed to the
It reads the data file one row at a time, hashes it
and returns it.
The names and types of columns must be passed to it, so that categorical,
target, numerical and identification columns can be treated differently.
It also keeps track of the name and position of all features to allow
the classifier to keep track of the coefficients by feature.
def __init__(self, max_features, target, descriptive=(), categorical=(), numerical=None, transformation=None):
The object initialized with the maximum number of features to be generated and the
names of the appropriate columns.
Categorical columns are hashed while numerical columns are kept as is, therefore
care must be taken with normalization and pre processing.
:param max_features: The maximum number of features to generate. It includes all
numerical and categorical features. Must be greater than the
number of numerical features.
:param target: The name of the target variable. It must be a binary variable taking
values in {0, 1}.
:param descriptive: Descriptive features that are used to identify the samples but
are not to be used for modelling, such as IDs, public
identifiers, etc.
:param categorical: Categorical variable to be hashed.
:param numerical: Numerical variable. These will not be hashed but will be used in
the modelling phase.
# --- Instance variables.
# Instance variables are created for columns names and the number of numerical
# columns in addition to all of the object's parameters.
# Stores the maximum number of features to generate while hashing = max_features
# Stores the name of the target variable.
self.y = target
# Stores a list with the names of all descriptive variables.
self.ids = descriptive
# Stores a list with the names of all categorical variables. = categorical
# Stores a list with the names of all numerical variables.
self.num = numerical
# Stores a dictionary with the names of numerical variable to apply a given function to.
self.tra = transformation if transformation is not None else {}
# Dictionary to store names
self.names = {}
# --- Numerical features
# Numerical features are indexed in sorted order. The number
# of features is determined by the variable size. The value
# of each feature is just the value read from the file. Start
# by defining what is numeric. If the user does not pass the
# names of all numerical features, the code will assume
# every columns that is not id, target or categorical is
# numeric and find their name when the training process begin.
if self.num is not None:
self.num_cols = sorted(self.num)
# Store the names in our names dictionary
self.names.update(dict(zip(self.num_cols, range(len(self.num_cols)))))
self.num_cols = []
# --- Something to build model on
# Make sure the user passed some information on the columns to
# be used to build the model upon
assert len( + len(self.num_cols) > 0, 'At least one categorical or numerical feature must ' \
'be provided.'
def _fetch(self, path):
This method is the core reason this object exists. It is a python generator
that hashes categorical variables, combines them to numerical variables and
yields all the relevant information, row by row.
:param path: Path of the data file to be read.
:return: YIELDS the current row, ID information, feature values and the target value.
even if the file does not contain a target field it returns a target value
of zero anyway.
for t, row in enumerate(DictReader(open(path))):
# --- Variables
# t: The current line being read
# row: All the values in this line
# --- Ids and other descriptive fields
# Process any descriptive fields and put it all in a list.
ids = []
for ID in self.ids:
del row[ID]
# --- Target
# Process target and delete its entry from row if it exists
# otherwise just ignore and move along
y = 0.
if self.y in row:
if row[self.y] == '1':
y = 1.
del row[self.y]
# --- Features
# Initialize an empty dictionary to hold feature
# indexes and their corresponding values.
x = {}
# --- Enough features?
# For the very first row make sure we have enough features (max features
# is large enough) by computing the number of numerical columns and
# asserting that the maximum number of features is larger than it.
if t == 0:
# --- Hash size
# Computes a constant to add to hash index, it dictates the
# number of features that will not be hashed
num_size = len(self.num_cols)
size = num_size + len(self.tra)
# Make sure there is enough space for hashing
assert > size, 'Not enough dimensions to fit all features.'
# --- Numerical Variables
# Now we loop over numerical variables
for i, key in enumerate(self.num_cols):
# --- No transformation
# If no transformation is necessary, just store the actual value
# of the variable.
x[i] = float(row[key])
# --- Transformations
# Create on the fly transformed variables. The user passes a map of the
# name of the new variable to a tuple containing the name of the original
# variable to be transformed and the function to be applied to it.
# Once completed the new name is appended to the names dictionary with its
# corresponding index.#
for i, key in enumerate(self.tra):
# Start by addition to the data array x the new transformed values
# by looping over new_features and applying the transformation to the
# desired old feature.
x[num_size + i] = self.tra[key][1](row[self.tra[key][0]])
# Create a key in names dictionary with the new name and its
# corresponding index.
self.names[key] = num_size + i
# --- Categorical features
# Categorical features are hashed. For each different kind a
# hashed index is created and a value of 1 is 'stored' in that
# position.
for key in
# --- Category
# Get the categorial variable from row
value = row[key]
# --- Hash
# One-hot encode everything with hash trick
index = (abs(hash(key + '_' + value)) % ( - size)) + size
x[index] = 1.
# --- Save Name
# Save the name and index to the names dictionary if its a new feature
# AND if there's still enough space.
if key + '_' + value not in self.names and len(self.names) <
self.names[key + '_' + value] = index
# Yield everything.
yield t, ids, x, y
def train(self, path):
The train method is just a wrapper around the _fetch generator to comply
with sklearn's API.
:param path: The path for the training file.
:return: YIELDS row, features, target value
# --- Generates train data
# This is just a generator on top of the basic _fetch. If this was python 3 I
# could use 'yield from', but I don't think this syntax exists in python 2.7,
# so I opted to use the explicit, less pythonic way.
for t, ids, x, y in self._fetch(path):
# --- Variables
# t: Current row
# ids: List of ID information
# x: Feature values
# y: Target values
yield t, x, y
def test(self, path):
The test method is just a wrapper around the _fetch generator to comply
with sklearn's API.
:param path: The path for the test file.
:return: YIELDS row, features
# --- Generates test data
# This is just a generator on top of the basic _fetch. If this was python 3 I
# could use 'yield from', but I don't think this syntax exists in python 2.7,
# so I opted to use the explicit, less pythonic way.
for t, ids, x, y in self._fetch(path):
# --- Variables
# t: Current row
# ids: List of ID information
# x: Feature values
# y: Target values
yield t, x
class FTRLP(object):
--- Follow The Regularized Leader - Proximal ---
FTRL-P is an online classification algorithm that combines both L1 and L2
norms, particularly suited for large data sets with extremely high dimensionality.
This implementation follow the algorithm by H. B. McMahan et. al. It minimizes
the LogLoss function iteratively with a combination of L2 and L1 (centralized
at the current point) norms and adaptive, per coordinate learning rates.
This algorithm is efficient at obtaining sparsity and has proven to perform
very well in massive Click-Through-Rate prediction tasks.
* Follow-the-Regularized-Leader and Mirror Descent: Equivalent Theorems
and L1 Regularization, H. Brendan McMahan
* Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches, H. Brendan McMahan et. al.
def __init__(self, alpha=1, beta=1, l1=1, l2=1, subsample=1, epochs=1, rate=0):
Initializes the classifier's learning rate constants alpha and beta,
the regularization constants L1 and L2, and the maximum number of
features (limiting factor of the hash function).
The per feature learning rate is given by:
eta = alpha / ( beta + sqrt( sum g**g ) )
:param alpha: Learning rate's proportionality constant.
:param beta: Learning rate's parameter.
:param l1: l1 regularization constant.
:param l2: l2 regularization constant.
# --- Classifier Parameters
# The FTRLP algorithm has four free parameters that can be tuned as pleased.
# Learning rate's proportionality constant.
self.alpha = alpha
# Learning rate's parameter.
self.beta = beta
# L1 regularization constant.
self.l1 = l1
# L2 regularization constant.
self.l2 = l2
# --- Log likelihood
# Stores the log likelihood during the whole
# fitting process.
self.log_likelihood_ = 0
self.loss = []
# --- Weight parameters.
# Lists and dictionaries to hold the weights. Initiate
# the weight vector z and learning rate n as None so that
# when self.train is called multiple times it will not
# overwrite the stored values. This essentially allows epoch
# training to take place, albeit a little bit ugly.
self.z = None
self.n = None
# The weight vector used for prediction is constructed on the fly
# and, in order to keep the memory cost low, it is a dictionary
# that receives values and keys as needed.
# --- Coefficients
# Lists to store the coefficients and their corresponding names.
# Initialized to None and constructed once the training method is
# completed. In case of multiple epochs, these quantities will be
# computed multiple times.
self.coef_ = {}
self.cname = None
# --- Target Ratio
# Store the ratio of each class of a binnary target variable to use
# it to make weighted discrete label predictions.
self.target_ratio = 0.
# --- Printing Rate
# Number of samples to train and predict on before printing
# current status
self.rate = rate
# --- Subsample
# While online methods can't be shuffle, combining subsampling of
# the training set with multiple epoch training gives similar results.
self.subsample = subsample
# --- Epochs
# something...
self.epochs = epochs
# --- Flag for partial fit
# Keeps a flag to allow the user to train multiple times
# without overwriting the object.
self.fit_flag = False
def _build_p(self, data_gen, path):
# Maybe is worth migrating the weight construction algorithm
# to here, I think it could clean up the code a little a bit
# in both train and predict methods.
def _clear_params(self):
If the fit method is called multiple times, all trained parameters
must be cleared allowing for a fresh start. This function simply
resets everything back to square one.
:return: Nothing
# All models parameters are set to their original value (see
# __init__ description
self.log_likelihood_ = 0
self.loss = []
self.z = None
self.n = None
self.coef_ = {}
self.cname = None
def get_params(self, deep=True):
A function to return a map of parameters names and values.
:param deep: Not sure yet, gotta check sklearn usage.
:return: Dictionary mapping parameters names to their values
ps = {'alpha': self.alpha,
'beta': self.beta,
'l1': self.l1,
'l2': self.l2,
'subsample': self.subsample,
'epochs': self.epochs,
'rate': self.rate}
return ps
def set_params(self, **params):
:param params:
for key, value in params.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def _update(self, y, p, x, w):
# --- Update weight vector and learning rate.
# With the prediction round completed we can proceed to
# updating the weight vector z and the learning rate eta
# based on the last observed label.
# To do so we will use the computed probability and target
# value to find the gradient loss and continue from there.
# The gradient for the log likelihood for round t can easily
# be shown to be:
# g_i = (p - y) * x_i, (round t)
# The remaining quantities are updated according to the
# minimization procedure outlined in [2].
:param y: True target variable
:param p: Predicted probability for the current sample
:param x: Non zero feature values
:param w: Weights
:return: Nothing
# --- Update loop
# Loop over all relevant indexes and update all values
# accordingly.
for i in x.keys():
# --- Compute Gradient of LogLoss
g = (p - y) * x[i]
# --- Update constant sigma
# Note that this upgrade is equivalent to
# (eta_(t, i))^-1 - (eta_(t - 1, i))^-1
# as discussed in [2].
s = (sqrt(self.n[i] + g * g) - sqrt(self.n[i])) / self.alpha
# --- Increment changes
# Finally, increment the appropriate changes to weights and
# learning rate vectors.
self.z[i] += g - s * w[i]
self.n[i] += g * g
def _train(self, data_gen, path):
--- Fitting method ---
Online fitting method. It takes one sample at a time, builds
the weight vector on the fly and computes the dot product of
weight vector and values and a prediction is made.
Then the true label of the target variable is observed and the
loss is added.
Once this is completed the weights are updated based on the
previously observed values.
:param data_gen: An instance of the DataGen class
:param path: The path to the training set
# Best way? Proper coding means no access to protected members...
if self.z is None and self.n is None:
self.z = [0.] *
self.n = [0.] *
# --- Start the clock!
start_time =
for t, x, y in data_gen.train(path):
# --- Variables
# t: Current row
# x: Feature values
# y: Target values
# --- Target Ratio Update
# Rolling calculation of the target average
self.target_ratio = (1.0 * (t * self.target_ratio + y)) / (t + 1)
# --- Stochastic sample selection
# Chose whether or not to use a sample in
# training time. Since online methods can't
# really be shuffle we can use this combined
# with multiple epochs to create heterogeneity.
#if random() > self.subsample and ((t + 1) % self.rate != 0):
if random() > self.subsample and (t + 1) % self.rate != 0:
# --- Dot product init.
# The dot product is computed as the weights are calculated,
# here it is initiated at zero.
wtx = 0
# --- Real time weights
# Initialize an empty dictionary to hold the weights
w = {}
# --- Weights and prediction
# Computes the weights for numerical features using the
# indexes and values present in the x dictionary. And make
# a prediction.
# This first loop build the weight vector on the fly. Since
# we expect most weights to be zero, the weight vector can
# be constructed in real time. Furthermore, there is no
# reason to store it, neither to clear it, since at each
# iteration only the relevant indexes are populated and used.
for indx in x.keys():
# --- Loop over indicator I
# x.keys() carries all the indexes of the feature
# vector with non-zero entries. Therefore, we can
# simply loop over it since anything else will not
# contribute to the dot product w.x, and, consequently
# to the prediction.
if fabs(self.z[indx]) <= self.l1:
# --- L1 regularization
# If the condition on the absolute value of the
# vector Z is not met, the weight coefficient is
# set exactly to zero.
w[indx] = 0
# --- Non zero weight
# Provided abs(z_i) is large enough, the weight w_i
# is computed. First, the sign of z_i is determined.
sign = 1. if self.z[indx] >= 0 else -1.
# Then the value of w_i if computed and stored. Note
# that any previous value w_i may have had will be
# overwritten here. Which is fine since it will not
# be used anywhere outside this (t) loop.
w[indx] = - (self.z[indx] - sign * self.l1) / \
(self.l2 + (self.beta + sqrt(self.n[indx])) / self.alpha)
# --- Update dot product
# Once the value of w_i is computed we can use to compute
# the i-th contribution to the dot product w.x. Which, here
# is being done inside the index loop, compute only coordinates
# that could possible be non-zero.
wtx += w[indx] * x[indx]
# --- Make a prediction
# With the w.x dot product in hand we can compute the output
# probability by putting wtx through the sigmoid function.
# We limit wtx value to lie in the [-35, 35] interval to
# avoid round off errors.
p = 1. / (1. + exp(-max(min(wtx, 35.), -35.)))
# --- Update the loss function
# Now we look at the target value and use it, together with the
# output probability that was just computed to find the loss we
# suffer this round.
self.log_likelihood_ += log_loss(y, p)
# --- Verbose section
if (self.rate > 0) and (t + 1) % self.rate == 0:
# Append to the loss list.
# Print all the current information
print('Training Samples: {0:9} | '
'Loss: {1:11.2f} | '
'Time taken: {2:4} seconds'.format(t + 1,
( - start_time).seconds))
# --- Update weights
# Finally, we now how well we did this round and move on to
# updating the weights based on the current status of our
# knowledge.
self._update(y, p, x, w)
# --- Coefficient names and indexes
# Bind the feature names to their corresponding coefficient obtained from
# the regression.
self.coef_.update(dict([[key, self.z[data_gen.names[key]]] for key in data_gen.names.keys()]))
def fit(self, data_gen, path):
Epoch wrapper around the main fitting method _train
:param data_gen: An instance of the DataGen class
:param path: The path to the training set
# --- Check fit flag
# Make sure the fit methods is starting from a clean slate by
# checking the fit_flag variable and calling the _clear_params
# function if necessary.
# While always calling _clear_params would do the job, by setting
# this flag we are also able to call fit multiple times WITHOUT
# clearing all parameters --- See partial_fit.
if self.fit_flag:
# --- Start the clock!
total_time =
# Train epochs
for epoch in range(self.epochs):
# --- Start the clock!
epoch_time =
# --- Verbose
# Print epoch if verbose is turned on
if self.rate > 0:
print('TRAINING EPOCH: {0:2}'.format(epoch + 1))
print('-' * 18)
self._train(data_gen, path)
# --- Verbose
# Print time taken if verbose is turned on
if self.rate > 0:
print('EPOCH {0:2} FINISHED IN {1} seconds'.format(epoch + 1,
( - epoch_time).seconds))
# --- Verbose
# Print fit information if verbose is on
if self.rate > 0:
'{0} SECONDS WITH LOSS {1:.2f} ---'.format(( - total_time).seconds,
# --- Fit Flag
# Set fit_flag to true. If fit is called again this is will trigger
# the call of _clean_params. See partial_fit for different usage.
self.fit_flag = True
def partial_fit(self, data_gen, path):
Simple solution to allow multiple fit calls without overwriting
previously calculated weights, losses and etc.
:param data_gen: An instance of the DataGen class
:param path: The path to the training set
# --- Fit Flag
# Start by reseting fit_flag to false to "trick"
# the fit method into keep training without overwriting
# previously calculated quantities.
self.fit_flag = False
# --- Fit
# Call the fit method and proceed as normal, path)
def predict_proba(self, data_gen, path):
--- Predicting Probabilities method ---
:param data_gen: An instance of the DataGen class
:param path: The path to the test set
:return: A list with predicted probabilities
# --- Results
# Initialize an empty list to hold predicted values.
result = []
# --- Start the clock!
start_time =
for t, x in data_gen.test(path):
# --- Variables
# t: Current row
# x: Feature values
# --- Dot product init.
# The dot product is computed as the weights are calculated,
# here it is initiated at zero.
wtx = 0
# --- Real time weights
# Initialize an empty dictionary to hold the weights
w = {}
# --- Weights and prediction
# Computes the weights for numerical features using the
# indexes and values present in the x dictionary. And make
# a prediction.
# This first loop build the weight vector on the fly. Since
# we expect most weights to be zero, the weight vector can
# be constructed in real time. Furthermore, there is no
# reason to store it, neither to clear it, since at each
# iteration only the relevant indexes are populated and used.
for indx in x.keys():
# --- Loop over indicator I
# x.keys() carries all the indexes of the feature
# vector with non-zero entries. Therefore, we can
# simply loop over it since anything else will not
# contribute to the dot product w.x, and, consequently
# to the prediction.
if fabs(self.z[indx]) <= self.l1:
# --- L1 regularization
# If the condition on the absolute value of the
# vector Z is not met, the weight coefficient is
# set exactly to zero.
w[indx] = 0
# --- Non zero weight
# Provided abs(z_i) is large enough, the weight w_i
# is computed. First, the sign of z_i is determined.
sign = 1. if self.z[indx] >= 0 else -1.
# Then the value of w_i if computed and stored. Note
# that any previous value w_i may have had will be
# overwritten here. Which is fine since it will not
# be used anywhere outside this (t) loop.
w[indx] = - (self.z[indx] - sign * self.l1) / \
(self.l2 + (self.beta + sqrt(self.n[indx])) / self.alpha)
# --- Update dot product
# Once the value of w_i is computed we can use to compute
# the i-th contribution to the dot product w.x. Which, here
# is being done inside the index loop, compute only coordinates
# that could possible be non-zero.
wtx += w[indx] * x[indx]
# --- Make a prediction
# With the w.x dot product in hand we can compute the output
# probability by putting wTx through the sigmoid function.
# We limit wTx value to lie in the [-35, 35] interval to
# avoid round off errors.
result.append(1. / (1. + exp(-max(min(wtx, 35.), -35.))))
# Verbose section - Still needs work...
if (t + 1) % self.rate == 0:
# print some stuff
print('Test Samples: {0:8} | '
'Time taken: {1:3} seconds'.format(t + 1,
( - start_time).seconds))
# All done, return the predictions!
return result
def predict(self, data_gen, path):
--- Predicting method ---
:param data_gen: An instance of the DataGen class
:param path: The path to the test set
:return: A list with predicted probabilities
# --- Probabilities
# Compute probabilities by invoking the predict_proba method
probs = self.predict_proba(data_gen, path)
# --- Return
# Return binary labels. The threshold is set using the mean value of the
# target variable.
return map(lambda x: 0 if x <= self.target_ratio else 1, probs) | mit |
Garrett-R/scikit-learn | sklearn/decomposition/tests/ | 40 | 7535 | import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises
from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings
from sklearn.decomposition import DictionaryLearning
from sklearn.decomposition import MiniBatchDictionaryLearning
from sklearn.decomposition import SparseCoder
from sklearn.decomposition import dict_learning_online
from sklearn.decomposition import sparse_encode
rng_global = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_samples, n_features = 10, 8
X = rng_global.randn(n_samples, n_features)
def test_dict_learning_shapes():
n_components = 5
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, random_state=0).fit(X)
assert_true(dico.components_.shape == (n_components, n_features))
def test_dict_learning_overcomplete():
n_components = 12
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, random_state=0).fit(X)
assert_true(dico.components_.shape == (n_components, n_features))
def test_dict_learning_reconstruction():
n_components = 12
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, transform_algorithm='omp',
transform_alpha=0.001, random_state=0)
code =
assert_array_almost_equal(, dico.components_), X)
code = dico.transform(X)
assert_array_almost_equal(, dico.components_), X, decimal=2)
# used to test lars here too, but there's no guarantee the number of
# nonzero atoms is right.
def test_dict_learning_nonzero_coefs():
n_components = 4
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, transform_algorithm='lars',
transform_n_nonzero_coefs=3, random_state=0)
code =[1])
assert_true(len(np.flatnonzero(code)) == 3)
code = dico.transform(X[1])
assert_equal(len(np.flatnonzero(code)), 3)
def test_dict_learning_unknown_fit_algorithm():
n_components = 5
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, fit_algorithm='<unknown>')
assert_raises(ValueError,, X)
def test_dict_learning_split():
n_components = 5
dico = DictionaryLearning(n_components, transform_algorithm='threshold',
code =
dico.split_sign = True
split_code = dico.transform(X)
assert_array_equal(split_code[:, :n_components] -
split_code[:, n_components:], code)
def test_dict_learning_online_shapes():
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_components = 8
code, dictionary = dict_learning_online(X, n_components=n_components,
alpha=1, random_state=rng)
assert_equal(code.shape, (n_samples, n_components))
assert_equal(dictionary.shape, (n_components, n_features))
assert_equal(, dictionary).shape, X.shape)
def test_dict_learning_online_verbosity():
n_components = 5
# test verbosity
from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
import sys
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
dico = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=20, verbose=1,
dico = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=20, verbose=2,
dict_learning_online(X, n_components=n_components, alpha=1, verbose=1,
dict_learning_online(X, n_components=n_components, alpha=1, verbose=2,
sys.stdout = old_stdout
assert_true(dico.components_.shape == (n_components, n_features))
def test_dict_learning_online_estimator_shapes():
n_components = 5
dico = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=20, random_state=0)
assert_true(dico.components_.shape == (n_components, n_features))
def test_dict_learning_online_overcomplete():
n_components = 12
dico = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=20,
assert_true(dico.components_.shape == (n_components, n_features))
def test_dict_learning_online_initialization():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features)
dico = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=0,
dict_init=V, random_state=0).fit(X)
assert_array_equal(dico.components_, V)
def test_dict_learning_online_partial_fit():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features) # random init
V /= np.sum(V ** 2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
dict1 = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, n_iter=10*len(X),
alpha=1, shuffle=False, dict_init=V,
dict2 = MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components, alpha=1,
n_iter=1, dict_init=V,
for i in range(10):
for sample in X:
assert_true(not np.all(sparse_encode(X, dict1.components_, alpha=1) ==
assert_array_almost_equal(dict1.components_, dict2.components_,
def test_sparse_encode_shapes():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features) # random init
V /= np.sum(V ** 2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
for algo in ('lasso_lars', 'lasso_cd', 'lars', 'omp', 'threshold'):
code = sparse_encode(X, V, algorithm=algo)
assert_equal(code.shape, (n_samples, n_components))
def test_sparse_encode_error():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features) # random init
V /= np.sum(V ** 2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
code = sparse_encode(X, V, alpha=0.001)
assert_true(not np.all(code == 0))
assert_less(np.sqrt(np.sum((, V) - X) ** 2)), 0.1)
def test_sparse_encode_error_default_sparsity():
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = rng.randn(100, 64)
D = rng.randn(2, 64)
code = ignore_warnings(sparse_encode)(X, D, algorithm='omp',
assert_equal(code.shape, (100, 2))
def test_unknown_method():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features) # random init
assert_raises(ValueError, sparse_encode, X, V, algorithm="<unknown>")
def test_sparse_coder_estimator():
n_components = 12
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
V = rng.randn(n_components, n_features) # random init
V /= np.sum(V ** 2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
code = SparseCoder(dictionary=V, transform_algorithm='lasso_lars',
assert_true(not np.all(code == 0))
assert_less(np.sqrt(np.sum((, V) - X) ** 2)), 0.1)
| bsd-3-clause |
dingocuster/scikit-learn | sklearn/neural_network/ | 206 | 12292 | """Restricted Boltzmann Machine
# Authors: Yann N. Dauphin <[email protected]>
# Vlad Niculae
# Gabriel Synnaeve
# Lars Buitinck
# License: BSD 3 clause
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from ..base import BaseEstimator
from ..base import TransformerMixin
from ..externals.six.moves import xrange
from ..utils import check_array
from ..utils import check_random_state
from ..utils import gen_even_slices
from ..utils import issparse
from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot
from ..utils.extmath import log_logistic
from ..utils.fixes import expit # logistic function
from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted
class BernoulliRBM(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM).
A Restricted Boltzmann Machine with binary visible units and
binary hiddens. Parameters are estimated using Stochastic Maximum
Likelihood (SML), also known as Persistent Contrastive Divergence (PCD)
The time complexity of this implementation is ``O(d ** 2)`` assuming
d ~ n_features ~ n_components.
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <rbm>`.
n_components : int, optional
Number of binary hidden units.
learning_rate : float, optional
The learning rate for weight updates. It is *highly* recommended
to tune this hyper-parameter. Reasonable values are in the
10**[0., -3.] range.
batch_size : int, optional
Number of examples per minibatch.
n_iter : int, optional
Number of iterations/sweeps over the training dataset to perform
during training.
verbose : int, optional
The verbosity level. The default, zero, means silent mode.
random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional
A random number generator instance to define the state of the
random permutations generator. If an integer is given, it fixes the
seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.
intercept_hidden_ : array-like, shape (n_components,)
Biases of the hidden units.
intercept_visible_ : array-like, shape (n_features,)
Biases of the visible units.
components_ : array-like, shape (n_components, n_features)
Weight matrix, where n_features in the number of
visible units and n_components is the number of hidden units.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM
>>> X = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
>>> model = BernoulliRBM(n_components=2)
BernoulliRBM(batch_size=10, learning_rate=0.1, n_components=2, n_iter=10,
random_state=None, verbose=0)
[1] Hinton, G. E., Osindero, S. and Teh, Y. A fast learning algorithm for
deep belief nets. Neural Computation 18, pp 1527-1554.
[2] Tieleman, T. Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines using
Approximations to the Likelihood Gradient. International Conference
on Machine Learning (ICML) 2008
def __init__(self, n_components=256, learning_rate=0.1, batch_size=10,
n_iter=10, verbose=0, random_state=None):
self.n_components = n_components
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.n_iter = n_iter
self.verbose = verbose
self.random_state = random_state
def transform(self, X):
"""Compute the hidden layer activation probabilities, P(h=1|v=X).
X : {array-like, sparse matrix} shape (n_samples, n_features)
The data to be transformed.
h : array, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Latent representations of the data.
check_is_fitted(self, "components_")
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float)
return self._mean_hiddens(X)
def _mean_hiddens(self, v):
"""Computes the probabilities P(h=1|v).
v : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer.
h : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Corresponding mean field values for the hidden layer.
p = safe_sparse_dot(v, self.components_.T)
p += self.intercept_hidden_
return expit(p, out=p)
def _sample_hiddens(self, v, rng):
"""Sample from the distribution P(h|v).
v : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer to sample from.
rng : RandomState
Random number generator to use.
h : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Values of the hidden layer.
p = self._mean_hiddens(v)
return (rng.random_sample(size=p.shape) < p)
def _sample_visibles(self, h, rng):
"""Sample from the distribution P(v|h).
h : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Values of the hidden layer to sample from.
rng : RandomState
Random number generator to use.
v : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer.
p =, self.components_)
p += self.intercept_visible_
expit(p, out=p)
return (rng.random_sample(size=p.shape) < p)
def _free_energy(self, v):
"""Computes the free energy F(v) = - log sum_h exp(-E(v,h)).
v : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer.
free_energy : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
The value of the free energy.
return (- safe_sparse_dot(v, self.intercept_visible_)
- np.logaddexp(0, safe_sparse_dot(v, self.components_.T)
+ self.intercept_hidden_).sum(axis=1))
def gibbs(self, v):
"""Perform one Gibbs sampling step.
v : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer to start from.
v_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer after one Gibbs step.
check_is_fitted(self, "components_")
if not hasattr(self, "random_state_"):
self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state)
h_ = self._sample_hiddens(v, self.random_state_)
v_ = self._sample_visibles(h_, self.random_state_)
return v_
def partial_fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model to the data X which should contain a partial
segment of the data.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data.
self : BernoulliRBM
The fitted model.
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float)
if not hasattr(self, 'random_state_'):
self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state)
if not hasattr(self, 'components_'):
self.components_ = np.asarray(
(self.n_components, X.shape[1])
if not hasattr(self, 'intercept_hidden_'):
self.intercept_hidden_ = np.zeros(self.n_components, )
if not hasattr(self, 'intercept_visible_'):
self.intercept_visible_ = np.zeros(X.shape[1], )
if not hasattr(self, 'h_samples_'):
self.h_samples_ = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_components))
self._fit(X, self.random_state_)
def _fit(self, v_pos, rng):
"""Inner fit for one mini-batch.
Adjust the parameters to maximize the likelihood of v using
Stochastic Maximum Likelihood (SML).
v_pos : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
The data to use for training.
rng : RandomState
Random number generator to use for sampling.
h_pos = self._mean_hiddens(v_pos)
v_neg = self._sample_visibles(self.h_samples_, rng)
h_neg = self._mean_hiddens(v_neg)
lr = float(self.learning_rate) / v_pos.shape[0]
update = safe_sparse_dot(v_pos.T, h_pos, dense_output=True).T
update -=, v_neg)
self.components_ += lr * update
self.intercept_hidden_ += lr * (h_pos.sum(axis=0) - h_neg.sum(axis=0))
self.intercept_visible_ += lr * (np.asarray(
v_pos.sum(axis=0)).squeeze() -
h_neg[rng.uniform(size=h_neg.shape) < h_neg] = 1.0 # sample binomial
self.h_samples_ = np.floor(h_neg, h_neg)
def score_samples(self, X):
"""Compute the pseudo-likelihood of X.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix} shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values of the visible layer. Must be all-boolean (not checked).
pseudo_likelihood : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
Value of the pseudo-likelihood (proxy for likelihood).
This method is not deterministic: it computes a quantity called the
free energy on X, then on a randomly corrupted version of X, and
returns the log of the logistic function of the difference.
check_is_fitted(self, "components_")
v = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)
# Randomly corrupt one feature in each sample in v.
ind = (np.arange(v.shape[0]),
rng.randint(0, v.shape[1], v.shape[0]))
if issparse(v):
data = -2 * v[ind] + 1
v_ = v + sp.csr_matrix((data.A.ravel(), ind), shape=v.shape)
v_ = v.copy()
v_[ind] = 1 - v_[ind]
fe = self._free_energy(v)
fe_ = self._free_energy(v_)
return v.shape[1] * log_logistic(fe_ - fe)
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model to the data X.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix} shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data.
self : BernoulliRBM
The fitted model.
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float)
n_samples = X.shape[0]
rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)
self.components_ = np.asarray(
rng.normal(0, 0.01, (self.n_components, X.shape[1])),
self.intercept_hidden_ = np.zeros(self.n_components, )
self.intercept_visible_ = np.zeros(X.shape[1], )
self.h_samples_ = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_components))
n_batches = int(np.ceil(float(n_samples) / self.batch_size))
batch_slices = list(gen_even_slices(n_batches * self.batch_size,
n_batches, n_samples))
verbose = self.verbose
begin = time.time()
for iteration in xrange(1, self.n_iter + 1):
for batch_slice in batch_slices:
self._fit(X[batch_slice], rng)
if verbose:
end = time.time()
print("[%s] Iteration %d, pseudo-likelihood = %.2f,"
" time = %.2fs"
% (type(self).__name__, iteration,
self.score_samples(X).mean(), end - begin))
begin = end
return self
| bsd-3-clause |
nutils/nutils | tests/ | 2 | 3723 | import doctest as _doctest, unittest, importlib, os, tempfile, pathlib, functools, warnings, subprocess, sys, treelog
import nutils.testing
_doctestlog = treelog.FilterLog(treelog.StdoutLog(), minlevel=1)
class DocTestCase(nutils.testing.ContextTestCase, _doctest.DocTestCase):
def __init__(self, test, *, requires=None, **kwargs):
self.__test = test
self.__requires = tuple(requires) if requires else ()
super().__init__(test, **kwargs)
def setUpContext(self, stack):
lines = self.__test.docstring.splitlines()
indent = min((len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) for line in lines[1:] if line.strip()), default=0)
blank = True
requires = list(self.__requires)
for line in lines:
if blank and line[indent:].startswith('.. requires:: '):
requires.extend(name.strip() for name in line[indent+13:].split(','))
blank = not line.strip()
missing = tuple(filter(nutils.testing._not_has_module, requires))
if missing:
self.skipTest('missing module{}: {}'.format('s' if len(missing) > 1 else '', ','.join(missing)))
if 'matplotlib' in requires:
import matplotlib.testing
import numpy
printoptions = numpy.get_printoptions()
if 'legacy' in printoptions:
stack.callback(numpy.set_printoptions, **printoptions)
def shortDescription(self):
return None
def __repr__(self):
return '{} ({}.doctest)'.format(, __name__)
__str__ = __repr__
doctest = unittest.TestSuite()
parser = _doctest.DocTestParser()
finder = _doctest.DocTestFinder(parser=parser)
checker = nutils.testing.FloatNeighborhoodOutputChecker()
root = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent
for path in sorted((root/'nutils').glob('**/*.py')):
name = '.'.join(path.relative_to(root).parts)[:-3]
if name.endswith('.__init__'):
name = name[:-9]
module = importlib.import_module(name)
for test in sorted(finder.find(module)):
if len(test.examples) == 0:
if not test.filename:
test.filename = module.__file__
doctest.addTest(DocTestCase(test, optionflags=_doctest.ELLIPSIS, checker=checker))
for path in sorted((root/'docs').glob('**/*.rst')):
name = str(path.relative_to(root))
with'utf-8') as f:
doc =
test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globs={}, name=name, filename=str(path), lineno=0)
if test.examples:
doctest.addTest(DocTestCase(test, optionflags=_doctest.ELLIPSIS, checker=checker, requires=['matplotlib']))
class sphinx(nutils.testing.TestCase):
def setUpContext(self, stack):
self.tmpdir = pathlib.Path(stack.enter_context(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='nutils')))
@nutils.testing.requires('sphinx', 'matplotlib', 'scipy')
def test(self):
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
app = Sphinx(srcdir=str(root/'docs'),
if app.statuscode:'sphinx build failed with code {}'.format(app.statuscode))
def load_tests(loader, suite, pattern):
# Ignore default suite (containing `DocTestCase`).
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite
| mit |
HesselTjeerdsma/Cyber-Physical-Pacman-Game | Algor/flask/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ | 7 | 119504 | #
# Author: Travis Oliphant 2002-2011 with contributions from
# SciPy Developers 2004-2011
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from scipy._lib.six import string_types, exec_, PY3
from scipy._lib._util import getargspec_no_self as _getargspec
import sys
import keyword
import re
import types
import warnings
from scipy.misc import doccer
from ._distr_params import distcont, distdiscrete
from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state, _lazywhere, _lazyselect
from scipy._lib._util import _valarray as valarray
from scipy.special import (comb, chndtr, entr, rel_entr, kl_div, xlogy, ive)
# for root finding for discrete distribution ppf, and max likelihood estimation
from scipy import optimize
# for functions of continuous distributions (e.g. moments, entropy, cdf)
from scipy import integrate
# to approximate the pdf of a continuous distribution given its cdf
from scipy.misc import derivative
from numpy import (arange, putmask, ravel, take, ones, shape, ndarray,
product, reshape, zeros, floor, logical_and, log, sqrt, exp)
from numpy import (place, argsort, argmax, vectorize,
asarray, nan, inf, isinf, NINF, empty)
import numpy as np
from ._constants import _XMAX
if PY3:
def instancemethod(func, obj, cls):
return types.MethodType(func, obj)
instancemethod = types.MethodType
# These are the docstring parts used for substitution in specific
# distribution docstrings
docheaders = {'methods': """\nMethods\n-------\n""",
'notes': """\nNotes\n-----\n""",
'examples': """\nExamples\n--------\n"""}
_doc_rvs = """\
``rvs(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1, size=1, random_state=None)``
Random variates.
_doc_pdf = """\
``pdf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Probability density function.
_doc_logpdf = """\
``logpdf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Log of the probability density function.
_doc_pmf = """\
``pmf(k, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Probability mass function.
_doc_logpmf = """\
``logpmf(k, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Log of the probability mass function.
_doc_cdf = """\
``cdf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Cumulative distribution function.
_doc_logcdf = """\
``logcdf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Log of the cumulative distribution function.
_doc_sf = """\
``sf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Survival function (also defined as ``1 - cdf``, but `sf` is sometimes more accurate).
_doc_logsf = """\
``logsf(x, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Log of the survival function.
_doc_ppf = """\
``ppf(q, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Percent point function (inverse of ``cdf`` --- percentiles).
_doc_isf = """\
``isf(q, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Inverse survival function (inverse of ``sf``).
_doc_moment = """\
``moment(n, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Non-central moment of order n
_doc_stats = """\
``stats(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1, moments='mv')``
Mean('m'), variance('v'), skew('s'), and/or kurtosis('k').
_doc_entropy = """\
``entropy(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
(Differential) entropy of the RV.
_doc_fit = """\
``fit(data, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Parameter estimates for generic data.
_doc_expect = """\
``expect(func, args=(%(shapes_)s), loc=0, scale=1, lb=None, ub=None, conditional=False, **kwds)``
Expected value of a function (of one argument) with respect to the distribution.
_doc_expect_discrete = """\
``expect(func, args=(%(shapes_)s), loc=0, lb=None, ub=None, conditional=False)``
Expected value of a function (of one argument) with respect to the distribution.
_doc_median = """\
``median(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Median of the distribution.
_doc_mean = """\
``mean(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Mean of the distribution.
_doc_var = """\
``var(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Variance of the distribution.
_doc_std = """\
``std(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Standard deviation of the distribution.
_doc_interval = """\
``interval(alpha, %(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)``
Endpoints of the range that contains alpha percent of the distribution
_doc_allmethods = ''.join([docheaders['methods'], _doc_rvs, _doc_pdf,
_doc_logpdf, _doc_cdf, _doc_logcdf, _doc_sf,
_doc_logsf, _doc_ppf, _doc_isf, _doc_moment,
_doc_stats, _doc_entropy, _doc_fit,
_doc_expect, _doc_median,
_doc_mean, _doc_var, _doc_std, _doc_interval])
_doc_default_longsummary = """\
As an instance of the `rv_continuous` class, `%(name)s` object inherits from it
a collection of generic methods (see below for the full list),
and completes them with details specific for this particular distribution.
_doc_default_frozen_note = """
Alternatively, the object may be called (as a function) to fix the shape,
location, and scale parameters returning a "frozen" continuous RV object:
rv = %(name)s(%(shapes)s, loc=0, scale=1)
- Frozen RV object with the same methods but holding the given shape,
location, and scale fixed.
_doc_default_example = """\
>>> from scipy.stats import %(name)s
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
Calculate a few first moments:
>>> mean, var, skew, kurt = %(name)s.stats(%(shapes)s, moments='mvsk')
Display the probability density function (``pdf``):
>>> x = np.linspace(%(name)s.ppf(0.01, %(shapes)s),
... %(name)s.ppf(0.99, %(shapes)s), 100)
>>> ax.plot(x, %(name)s.pdf(x, %(shapes)s),
... 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='%(name)s pdf')
Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function)
to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen"
RV object holding the given parameters fixed.
Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``:
>>> rv = %(name)s(%(shapes)s)
>>> ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')
Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``:
>>> vals = %(name)s.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], %(shapes)s)
>>> np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], %(name)s.cdf(vals, %(shapes)s))
Generate random numbers:
>>> r = %(name)s.rvs(%(shapes)s, size=1000)
And compare the histogram:
>>> ax.hist(r, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
>>> ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
_doc_default_locscale = """\
The probability density above is defined in the "standardized" form. To shift
and/or scale the distribution use the ``loc`` and ``scale`` parameters.
Specifically, ``%(name)s.pdf(x, %(shapes)s, loc, scale)`` is identically
equivalent to ``%(name)s.pdf(y, %(shapes)s) / scale`` with
``y = (x - loc) / scale``.
_doc_default = ''.join([_doc_default_longsummary,
_doc_default_before_notes = ''.join([_doc_default_longsummary,
docdict = {
'rvs': _doc_rvs,
'pdf': _doc_pdf,
'logpdf': _doc_logpdf,
'cdf': _doc_cdf,
'logcdf': _doc_logcdf,
'sf': _doc_sf,
'logsf': _doc_logsf,
'ppf': _doc_ppf,
'isf': _doc_isf,
'stats': _doc_stats,
'entropy': _doc_entropy,
'fit': _doc_fit,
'moment': _doc_moment,
'expect': _doc_expect,
'interval': _doc_interval,
'mean': _doc_mean,
'std': _doc_std,
'var': _doc_var,
'median': _doc_median,
'allmethods': _doc_allmethods,
'longsummary': _doc_default_longsummary,
'frozennote': _doc_default_frozen_note,
'example': _doc_default_example,
'default': _doc_default,
'before_notes': _doc_default_before_notes,
'after_notes': _doc_default_locscale
# Reuse common content between continuous and discrete docs, change some
# minor bits.
docdict_discrete = docdict.copy()
docdict_discrete['pmf'] = _doc_pmf
docdict_discrete['logpmf'] = _doc_logpmf
docdict_discrete['expect'] = _doc_expect_discrete
_doc_disc_methods = ['rvs', 'pmf', 'logpmf', 'cdf', 'logcdf', 'sf', 'logsf',
'ppf', 'isf', 'stats', 'entropy', 'expect', 'median',
'mean', 'var', 'std', 'interval']
for obj in _doc_disc_methods:
docdict_discrete[obj] = docdict_discrete[obj].replace(', scale=1', '')
_doc_disc_methods_err_varname = ['cdf', 'logcdf', 'sf', 'logsf']
for obj in _doc_disc_methods_err_varname:
docdict_discrete[obj] = docdict_discrete[obj].replace('(x, ', '(k, ')
_doc_allmethods = ''.join([docdict_discrete[obj] for obj in _doc_disc_methods])
docdict_discrete['allmethods'] = docheaders['methods'] + _doc_allmethods
docdict_discrete['longsummary'] = _doc_default_longsummary.replace(
'rv_continuous', 'rv_discrete')
_doc_default_frozen_note = """
Alternatively, the object may be called (as a function) to fix the shape and
location parameters returning a "frozen" discrete RV object:
rv = %(name)s(%(shapes)s, loc=0)
- Frozen RV object with the same methods but holding the given shape and
location fixed.
docdict_discrete['frozennote'] = _doc_default_frozen_note
_doc_default_discrete_example = """\
>>> from scipy.stats import %(name)s
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
Calculate a few first moments:
>>> mean, var, skew, kurt = %(name)s.stats(%(shapes)s, moments='mvsk')
Display the probability mass function (``pmf``):
>>> x = np.arange(%(name)s.ppf(0.01, %(shapes)s),
... %(name)s.ppf(0.99, %(shapes)s))
>>> ax.plot(x, %(name)s.pmf(x, %(shapes)s), 'bo', ms=8, label='%(name)s pmf')
>>> ax.vlines(x, 0, %(name)s.pmf(x, %(shapes)s), colors='b', lw=5, alpha=0.5)
Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function)
to fix the shape and location. This returns a "frozen" RV object holding
the given parameters fixed.
Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pmf``:
>>> rv = %(name)s(%(shapes)s)
>>> ax.vlines(x, 0, rv.pmf(x), colors='k', linestyles='-', lw=1,
... label='frozen pmf')
>>> ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``:
>>> prob = %(name)s.cdf(x, %(shapes)s)
>>> np.allclose(x, %(name)s.ppf(prob, %(shapes)s))
Generate random numbers:
>>> r = %(name)s.rvs(%(shapes)s, size=1000)
_doc_default_discrete_locscale = """\
The probability mass function above is defined in the "standardized" form.
To shift distribution use the ``loc`` parameter.
Specifically, ``%(name)s.pmf(k, %(shapes)s, loc)`` is identically
equivalent to ``%(name)s.pmf(k - loc, %(shapes)s)``.
docdict_discrete['example'] = _doc_default_discrete_example
docdict_discrete['after_notes'] = _doc_default_discrete_locscale
_doc_default_before_notes = ''.join([docdict_discrete['longsummary'],
docdict_discrete['before_notes'] = _doc_default_before_notes
_doc_default_disc = ''.join([docdict_discrete['longsummary'],
docdict_discrete['default'] = _doc_default_disc
# clean up all the separate docstring elements, we do not need them anymore
for obj in [s for s in dir() if s.startswith('_doc_')]:
exec('del ' + obj)
del obj
del s
except NameError:
# in Python 3, loop variables are not visible after the loop
def _moment(data, n, mu=None):
if mu is None:
mu = data.mean()
return ((data - mu)**n).mean()
def _moment_from_stats(n, mu, mu2, g1, g2, moment_func, args):
if (n == 0):
return 1.0
elif (n == 1):
if mu is None:
val = moment_func(1, *args)
val = mu
elif (n == 2):
if mu2 is None or mu is None:
val = moment_func(2, *args)
val = mu2 + mu*mu
elif (n == 3):
if g1 is None or mu2 is None or mu is None:
val = moment_func(3, *args)
mu3 = g1 * np.power(mu2, 1.5) # 3rd central moment
val = mu3+3*mu*mu2+mu*mu*mu # 3rd non-central moment
elif (n == 4):
if g1 is None or g2 is None or mu2 is None or mu is None:
val = moment_func(4, *args)
mu4 = (g2+3.0)*(mu2**2.0) # 4th central moment
mu3 = g1*np.power(mu2, 1.5) # 3rd central moment
val = mu4+4*mu*mu3+6*mu*mu*mu2+mu*mu*mu*mu
val = moment_func(n, *args)
return val
def _skew(data):
skew is third central moment / variance**(1.5)
data = np.ravel(data)
mu = data.mean()
m2 = ((data - mu)**2).mean()
m3 = ((data - mu)**3).mean()
return m3 / np.power(m2, 1.5)
def _kurtosis(data):
kurtosis is fourth central moment / variance**2 - 3
data = np.ravel(data)
mu = data.mean()
m2 = ((data - mu)**2).mean()
m4 = ((data - mu)**4).mean()
return m4 / m2**2 - 3
# Frozen RV class
class rv_frozen(object):
def __init__(self, dist, *args, **kwds):
self.args = args
self.kwds = kwds
# create a new instance
self.dist = dist.__class__(**dist._updated_ctor_param())
# a, b may be set in _argcheck, depending on *args, **kwds. Ouch.
shapes, _, _ = self.dist._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
self.a, self.b = self.dist.a, self.dist.b
def random_state(self):
return self.dist._random_state
def random_state(self, seed):
self.dist._random_state = check_random_state(seed)
def pdf(self, x): # raises AttributeError in frozen discrete distribution
return self.dist.pdf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def logpdf(self, x):
return self.dist.logpdf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def cdf(self, x):
return self.dist.cdf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def logcdf(self, x):
return self.dist.logcdf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def ppf(self, q):
return self.dist.ppf(q, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def isf(self, q):
return self.dist.isf(q, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None):
kwds = self.kwds.copy()
kwds.update({'size': size, 'random_state': random_state})
return self.dist.rvs(*self.args, **kwds)
def sf(self, x):
return self.dist.sf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def logsf(self, x):
return self.dist.logsf(x, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def stats(self, moments='mv'):
kwds = self.kwds.copy()
kwds.update({'moments': moments})
return self.dist.stats(*self.args, **kwds)
def median(self):
return self.dist.median(*self.args, **self.kwds)
def mean(self):
return self.dist.mean(*self.args, **self.kwds)
def var(self):
return self.dist.var(*self.args, **self.kwds)
def std(self):
return self.dist.std(*self.args, **self.kwds)
def moment(self, n):
return self.dist.moment(n, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def entropy(self):
return self.dist.entropy(*self.args, **self.kwds)
def pmf(self, k):
return self.dist.pmf(k, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def logpmf(self, k):
return self.dist.logpmf(k, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def interval(self, alpha):
return self.dist.interval(alpha, *self.args, **self.kwds)
def expect(self, func=None, lb=None, ub=None, conditional=False, **kwds):
# expect method only accepts shape parameters as positional args
# hence convert self.args, self.kwds, also loc/scale
# See the .expect method docstrings for the meaning of
# other parameters.
a, loc, scale = self.dist._parse_args(*self.args, **self.kwds)
if isinstance(self.dist, rv_discrete):
return self.dist.expect(func, a, loc, lb, ub, conditional, **kwds)
return self.dist.expect(func, a, loc, scale, lb, ub,
conditional, **kwds)
# This should be rewritten
def argsreduce(cond, *args):
"""Return the sequence of ravel(args[i]) where ravel(condition) is
True in 1D.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rand = np.random.random_sample
>>> A = rand((4, 5))
>>> B = 2
>>> C = rand((1, 5))
>>> cond = np.ones(A.shape)
>>> [A1, B1, C1] = argsreduce(cond, A, B, C)
>>> B1.shape
>>> cond[2,:] = 0
>>> [A2, B2, C2] = argsreduce(cond, A, B, C)
>>> B2.shape
newargs = np.atleast_1d(*args)
if not isinstance(newargs, list):
newargs = [newargs, ]
expand_arr = (cond == cond)
return [np.extract(cond, arr1 * expand_arr) for arr1 in newargs]
parse_arg_template = """
def _parse_args(self, %(shape_arg_str)s %(locscale_in)s):
return (%(shape_arg_str)s), %(locscale_out)s
def _parse_args_rvs(self, %(shape_arg_str)s %(locscale_in)s, size=None):
return self._argcheck_rvs(%(shape_arg_str)s %(locscale_out)s, size=size)
def _parse_args_stats(self, %(shape_arg_str)s %(locscale_in)s, moments='mv'):
return (%(shape_arg_str)s), %(locscale_out)s, moments
# Both the continuous and discrete distributions depend on ncx2.
# I think the function name ncx2 is an abbreviation for noncentral chi squared.
def _ncx2_log_pdf(x, df, nc):
# We use (xs**2 + ns**2)/2 = (xs - ns)**2/2 + xs*ns, and include the factor
# of exp(-xs*ns) into the ive function to improve numerical stability
# at large values of xs. See also `rice.pdf`.
df2 = df/2.0 - 1.0
xs, ns = np.sqrt(x), np.sqrt(nc)
res = xlogy(df2/2.0, x/nc) - 0.5*(xs - ns)**2
res += np.log(ive(df2, xs*ns) / 2.0)
return res
def _ncx2_pdf(x, df, nc):
return np.exp(_ncx2_log_pdf(x, df, nc))
def _ncx2_cdf(x, df, nc):
return chndtr(x, df, nc)
class rv_generic(object):
"""Class which encapsulates common functionality between rv_discrete
and rv_continuous.
def __init__(self, seed=None):
super(rv_generic, self).__init__()
# figure out if _stats signature has 'moments' keyword
sign = _getargspec(self._stats)
self._stats_has_moments = ((sign[2] is not None) or
('moments' in sign[0]))
self._random_state = check_random_state(seed)
def random_state(self):
""" Get or set the RandomState object for generating random variates.
This can be either None or an existing RandomState object.
If None (or np.random), use the RandomState singleton used by np.random.
If already a RandomState instance, use it.
If an int, use a new RandomState instance seeded with seed.
return self._random_state
def random_state(self, seed):
self._random_state = check_random_state(seed)
def __getstate__(self):
return self._updated_ctor_param(), self._random_state
def __setstate__(self, state):
ctor_param, r = state
self._random_state = r
return self
def _construct_argparser(
self, meths_to_inspect, locscale_in, locscale_out):
"""Construct the parser for the shape arguments.
Generates the argument-parsing functions dynamically and attaches
them to the instance.
Is supposed to be called in __init__ of a class for each distribution.
If self.shapes is a non-empty string, interprets it as a
comma-separated list of shape parameters.
Otherwise inspects the call signatures of `meths_to_inspect`
and constructs the argument-parsing functions from these.
In this case also sets `shapes` and `numargs`.
if self.shapes:
# sanitize the user-supplied shapes
if not isinstance(self.shapes, string_types):
raise TypeError('shapes must be a string.')
shapes = self.shapes.replace(',', ' ').split()
for field in shapes:
if keyword.iskeyword(field):
raise SyntaxError('keywords cannot be used as shapes.')
if not re.match('^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$', field):
raise SyntaxError(
'shapes must be valid python identifiers')
# find out the call signatures (_pdf, _cdf etc), deduce shape
# arguments. Generic methods only have 'self, x', any further args
# are shapes.
shapes_list = []
for meth in meths_to_inspect:
shapes_args = _getargspec(meth) # NB: does not contain self
args = shapes_args.args[1:] # peel off 'x', too
if args:
# *args or **kwargs are not allowed w/automatic shapes
if shapes_args.varargs is not None:
raise TypeError(
'*args are not allowed w/out explicit shapes')
if shapes_args.keywords is not None:
raise TypeError(
'**kwds are not allowed w/out explicit shapes')
if shapes_args.defaults is not None:
raise TypeError('defaults are not allowed for shapes')
if shapes_list:
shapes = shapes_list[0]
# make sure the signatures are consistent
for item in shapes_list:
if item != shapes:
raise TypeError('Shape arguments are inconsistent.')
shapes = []
# have the arguments, construct the method from template
shapes_str = ', '.join(shapes) + ', ' if shapes else '' # NB: not None
dct = dict(shape_arg_str=shapes_str,
ns = {}
exec_(parse_arg_template % dct, ns)
# NB: attach to the instance, not class
for name in ['_parse_args', '_parse_args_stats', '_parse_args_rvs']:
setattr(self, name,
instancemethod(ns[name], self, self.__class__)
self.shapes = ', '.join(shapes) if shapes else None
if not hasattr(self, 'numargs'):
# allows more general subclassing with *args
self.numargs = len(shapes)
def _construct_doc(self, docdict, shapes_vals=None):
"""Construct the instance docstring with string substitutions."""
tempdict = docdict.copy()
tempdict['name'] = or 'distname'
tempdict['shapes'] = self.shapes or ''
if shapes_vals is None:
shapes_vals = ()
vals = ', '.join('%.3g' % val for val in shapes_vals)
tempdict['vals'] = vals
tempdict['shapes_'] = self.shapes or ''
if self.shapes and self.numargs == 1:
tempdict['shapes_'] += ','
if self.shapes:
tempdict['set_vals_stmt'] = '>>> %s = %s' % (self.shapes, vals)
tempdict['set_vals_stmt'] = ''
if self.shapes is None:
# remove shapes from call parameters if there are none
for item in ['default', 'before_notes']:
tempdict[item] = tempdict[item].replace(
"\n%(shapes)s : array_like\n shape parameters", "")
for i in range(2):
if self.shapes is None:
# necessary because we use %(shapes)s in two forms (w w/o ", ")
self.__doc__ = self.__doc__.replace("%(shapes)s, ", "")
self.__doc__ = doccer.docformat(self.__doc__, tempdict)
# correct for empty shapes
self.__doc__ = self.__doc__.replace('(, ', '(').replace(', )', ')')
def _construct_default_doc(self, longname=None, extradoc=None,
docdict=None, discrete='continuous'):
"""Construct instance docstring from the default template."""
if longname is None:
longname = 'A'
if extradoc is None:
extradoc = ''
if extradoc.startswith('\n\n'):
extradoc = extradoc[2:]
self.__doc__ = ''.join(['%s %s random variable.' % (longname, discrete),
'\n\n%(before_notes)s\n', docheaders['notes'],
extradoc, '\n%(example)s'])
def freeze(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Freeze the distribution for the given arguments.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution. Should include all
the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``.
rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance
The frozen distribution.
return rv_frozen(self, *args, **kwds)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
return self.freeze(*args, **kwds)
__call__.__doc__ = freeze.__doc__
# The actual calculation functions (no basic checking need be done)
# If these are defined, the others won't be looked at.
# Otherwise, the other set can be defined.
def _stats(self, *args, **kwds):
return None, None, None, None
# Central moments
def _munp(self, n, *args):
# Silence floating point warnings from integration.
olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore')
vals = self.generic_moment(n, *args)
return vals
def _argcheck_rvs(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Handle broadcasting and size validation of the rvs method.
# Subclasses should not have to override this method.
# The rule is that if `size` is not None, then `size` gives the
# shape of the result (integer values of `size` are treated as
# tuples with length 1; i.e. `size=3` is the same as `size=(3,)`.)
# `args` is expected to contain the shape parameters (if any), the
# location and the scale in a flat tuple (e.g. if there are two
# shape parameters `a` and `b`, `args` will be `(a, b, loc, scale)`).
# The only keyword argument expected is 'size'.
size = kwargs.get('size', None)
all_bcast = np.broadcast_arrays(*args)
def squeeze_left(a):
while a.ndim > 0 and a.shape[0] == 1:
a = a[0]
return a
# Eliminate trivial leading dimensions. In the convention
# used by numpy's random variate generators, trivial leading
# dimensions are effectively ignored. In other words, when `size`
# is given, trivial leading dimensions of the broadcast parameters
# in excess of the number of dimensions in size are ignored, e.g.
# >>> np.random.normal([[1, 3, 5]], [[[[0.01]]]], size=3)
# array([ 1.00104267, 3.00422496, 4.99799278])
# If `size` is not given, the exact broadcast shape is preserved:
# >>> np.random.normal([[1, 3, 5]], [[[[0.01]]]])
# array([[[[ 1.00862899, 3.00061431, 4.99867122]]]])
all_bcast = [squeeze_left(a) for a in all_bcast]
bcast_shape = all_bcast[0].shape
bcast_ndim = all_bcast[0].ndim
if size is None:
size_ = bcast_shape
size_ = tuple(np.atleast_1d(size))
# Check compatibility of size_ with the broadcast shape of all
# the parameters. This check is intended to be consistent with
# how the numpy random variate generators (e.g. np.random.normal,
# np.random.beta) handle their arguments. The rule is that, if size
# is given, it determines the shape of the output. Broadcasting
# can't change the output size.
# This is the standard broadcasting convention of extending the
# shape with fewer dimensions with enough dimensions of length 1
# so that the two shapes have the same number of dimensions.
ndiff = bcast_ndim - len(size_)
if ndiff < 0:
bcast_shape = (1,)*(-ndiff) + bcast_shape
elif ndiff > 0:
size_ = (1,)*ndiff + size_
# This compatibility test is not standard. In "regular" broadcasting,
# two shapes are compatible if for each dimension, the lengths are the
# same or one of the lengths is 1. Here, the length of a dimension in
# size_ must not be less than the corresponding length in bcast_shape.
ok = all([bcdim == 1 or bcdim == szdim
for (bcdim, szdim) in zip(bcast_shape, size_)])
if not ok:
raise ValueError("size does not match the broadcast shape of "
"the parameters.")
param_bcast = all_bcast[:-2]
loc_bcast = all_bcast[-2]
scale_bcast = all_bcast[-1]
return param_bcast, loc_bcast, scale_bcast, size_
## These are the methods you must define (standard form functions)
## NB: generic _pdf, _logpdf, _cdf are different for
## rv_continuous and rv_discrete hence are defined in there
def _argcheck(self, *args):
"""Default check for correct values on args and keywords.
Returns condition array of 1's where arguments are correct and
0's where they are not.
cond = 1
for arg in args:
cond = logical_and(cond, (asarray(arg) > 0))
return cond
def _support_mask(self, x):
return (self.a <= x) & (x <= self.b)
def _open_support_mask(self, x):
return (self.a < x) & (x < self.b)
def _rvs(self, *args):
# This method must handle self._size being a tuple, and it must
# properly broadcast *args and self._size. self._size might be
# an empty tuple, which means a scalar random variate is to be
# generated.
## Use basic inverse cdf algorithm for RV generation as default.
U = self._random_state.random_sample(self._size)
Y = self._ppf(U, *args)
return Y
def _logcdf(self, x, *args):
return log(self._cdf(x, *args))
def _sf(self, x, *args):
return 1.0-self._cdf(x, *args)
def _logsf(self, x, *args):
return log(self._sf(x, *args))
def _ppf(self, q, *args):
return self._ppfvec(q, *args)
def _isf(self, q, *args):
return self._ppf(1.0-q, *args) # use correct _ppf for subclasses
# These are actually called, and should not be overwritten if you
# want to keep error checking.
def rvs(self, *args, **kwds):
Random variates of given type.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
scale : array_like, optional
Scale parameter (default=1).
size : int or tuple of ints, optional
Defining number of random variates (default is 1).
random_state : None or int or ``np.random.RandomState`` instance, optional
If int or RandomState, use it for drawing the random variates.
If None, rely on ``self.random_state``.
Default is None.
rvs : ndarray or scalar
Random variates of given `size`.
discrete = kwds.pop('discrete', None)
rndm = kwds.pop('random_state', None)
args, loc, scale, size = self._parse_args_rvs(*args, **kwds)
cond = logical_and(self._argcheck(*args), (scale >= 0))
if not np.all(cond):
raise ValueError("Domain error in arguments.")
if np.all(scale == 0):
return loc*ones(size, 'd')
# extra gymnastics needed for a custom random_state
if rndm is not None:
random_state_saved = self._random_state
self._random_state = check_random_state(rndm)
# `size` should just be an argument to _rvs(), but for, um,
# historical reasons, it is made an attribute that is read
# by _rvs().
self._size = size
vals = self._rvs(*args)
vals = vals * scale + loc
# do not forget to restore the _random_state
if rndm is not None:
self._random_state = random_state_saved
# Cast to int if discrete
if discrete:
if size == ():
vals = int(vals)
vals = vals.astype(int)
return vals
def stats(self, *args, **kwds):
Some statistics of the given RV.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional (continuous RVs only)
scale parameter (default=1)
moments : str, optional
composed of letters ['mvsk'] defining which moments to compute:
'm' = mean,
'v' = variance,
's' = (Fisher's) skew,
'k' = (Fisher's) kurtosis.
(default is 'mv')
stats : sequence
of requested moments.
args, loc, scale, moments = self._parse_args_stats(*args, **kwds)
# scale = 1 by construction for discrete RVs
loc, scale = map(asarray, (loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0) & (loc == loc)
output = []
default = valarray(shape(cond), self.badvalue)
# Use only entries that are valid in calculation
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *(args+(scale, loc)))
scale, loc, goodargs = goodargs[-2], goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-2]
if self._stats_has_moments:
mu, mu2, g1, g2 = self._stats(*goodargs,
**{'moments': moments})
mu, mu2, g1, g2 = self._stats(*goodargs)
if g1 is None:
mu3 = None
if mu2 is None:
mu2 = self._munp(2, *goodargs)
if g2 is None:
# (mu2**1.5) breaks down for nan and inf
mu3 = g1 * np.power(mu2, 1.5)
if 'm' in moments:
if mu is None:
mu = self._munp(1, *goodargs)
out0 = default.copy()
place(out0, cond, mu * scale + loc)
if 'v' in moments:
if mu2 is None:
mu2p = self._munp(2, *goodargs)
if mu is None:
mu = self._munp(1, *goodargs)
mu2 = mu2p - mu * mu
if np.isinf(mu):
# if mean is inf then var is also inf
mu2 = np.inf
out0 = default.copy()
place(out0, cond, mu2 * scale * scale)
if 's' in moments:
if g1 is None:
mu3p = self._munp(3, *goodargs)
if mu is None:
mu = self._munp(1, *goodargs)
if mu2 is None:
mu2p = self._munp(2, *goodargs)
mu2 = mu2p - mu * mu
mu3 = mu3p - 3 * mu * mu2 - mu**3
g1 = mu3 / np.power(mu2, 1.5)
out0 = default.copy()
place(out0, cond, g1)
if 'k' in moments:
if g2 is None:
mu4p = self._munp(4, *goodargs)
if mu is None:
mu = self._munp(1, *goodargs)
if mu2 is None:
mu2p = self._munp(2, *goodargs)
mu2 = mu2p - mu * mu
if mu3 is None:
mu3p = self._munp(3, *goodargs)
mu3 = mu3p - 3 * mu * mu2 - mu**3
mu4 = mu4p - 4 * mu * mu3 - 6 * mu * mu * mu2 - mu**4
g2 = mu4 / mu2**2.0 - 3.0
out0 = default.copy()
place(out0, cond, g2)
else: # no valid args
output = []
for _ in moments:
out0 = default.copy()
if len(output) == 1:
return output[0]
return tuple(output)
def entropy(self, *args, **kwds):
Differential entropy of the RV.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
scale : array_like, optional (continuous distributions only).
Scale parameter (default=1).
Entropy is defined base `e`:
>>> drv = rv_discrete(values=((0, 1), (0.5, 0.5)))
>>> np.allclose(drv.entropy(), np.log(2.0))
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
# NB: for discrete distributions scale=1 by construction in _parse_args
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0) & (loc == loc)
output = zeros(shape(cond0), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0), self.badvalue)
goodargs = argsreduce(cond0, *args)
place(output, cond0, self.vecentropy(*goodargs) + log(scale))
return output
def moment(self, n, *args, **kwds):
n-th order non-central moment of distribution.
n : int, n >= 1
Order of moment.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : float
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
if not (self._argcheck(*args) and (scale > 0)):
return nan
if (floor(n) != n):
raise ValueError("Moment must be an integer.")
if (n < 0):
raise ValueError("Moment must be positive.")
mu, mu2, g1, g2 = None, None, None, None
if (n > 0) and (n < 5):
if self._stats_has_moments:
mdict = {'moments': {1: 'm', 2: 'v', 3: 'vs', 4: 'vk'}[n]}
mdict = {}
mu, mu2, g1, g2 = self._stats(*args, **mdict)
val = _moment_from_stats(n, mu, mu2, g1, g2, self._munp, args)
# Convert to transformed X = L + S*Y
# E[X^n] = E[(L+S*Y)^n] = L^n sum(comb(n, k)*(S/L)^k E[Y^k], k=0...n)
if loc == 0:
return scale**n * val
result = 0
fac = float(scale) / float(loc)
for k in range(n):
valk = _moment_from_stats(k, mu, mu2, g1, g2, self._munp, args)
result += comb(n, k, exact=True)*(fac**k) * valk
result += fac**n * val
return result * loc**n
def median(self, *args, **kwds):
Median of the distribution.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter, Default is 0.
scale : array_like, optional
Scale parameter, Default is 1.
median : float
The median of the distribution.
See Also
Inverse of the CDF
return self.ppf(0.5, *args, **kwds)
def mean(self, *args, **kwds):
Mean of the distribution.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
mean : float
the mean of the distribution
kwds['moments'] = 'm'
res = self.stats(*args, **kwds)
if isinstance(res, ndarray) and res.ndim == 0:
return res[()]
return res
def var(self, *args, **kwds):
Variance of the distribution.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
var : float
the variance of the distribution
kwds['moments'] = 'v'
res = self.stats(*args, **kwds)
if isinstance(res, ndarray) and res.ndim == 0:
return res[()]
return res
def std(self, *args, **kwds):
Standard deviation of the distribution.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
std : float
standard deviation of the distribution
kwds['moments'] = 'v'
res = sqrt(self.stats(*args, **kwds))
return res
def interval(self, alpha, *args, **kwds):
Confidence interval with equal areas around the median.
alpha : array_like of float
Probability that an rv will be drawn from the returned range.
Each value should be in the range [0, 1].
arg1, arg2, ... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter, Default is 0.
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter, Default is 1.
a, b : ndarray of float
end-points of range that contain ``100 * alpha %`` of the rv's
possible values.
alpha = asarray(alpha)
if np.any((alpha > 1) | (alpha < 0)):
raise ValueError("alpha must be between 0 and 1 inclusive")
q1 = (1.0-alpha)/2
q2 = (1.0+alpha)/2
a = self.ppf(q1, *args, **kwds)
b = self.ppf(q2, *args, **kwds)
return a, b
## continuous random variables: implement maybe later
## hf --- Hazard Function (PDF / SF)
## chf --- Cumulative hazard function (-log(SF))
## psf --- Probability sparsity function (reciprocal of the pdf) in
## units of percent-point-function (as a function of q).
## Also, the derivative of the percent-point function.
class rv_continuous(rv_generic):
A generic continuous random variable class meant for subclassing.
`rv_continuous` is a base class to construct specific distribution classes
and instances for continuous random variables. It cannot be used
directly as a distribution.
momtype : int, optional
The type of generic moment calculation to use: 0 for pdf, 1 (default)
for ppf.
a : float, optional
Lower bound of the support of the distribution, default is minus
b : float, optional
Upper bound of the support of the distribution, default is plus
xtol : float, optional
The tolerance for fixed point calculation for generic ppf.
badvalue : float, optional
The value in a result arrays that indicates a value that for which
some argument restriction is violated, default is np.nan.
name : str, optional
The name of the instance. This string is used to construct the default
example for distributions.
longname : str, optional
This string is used as part of the first line of the docstring returned
when a subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `longname` exists
for backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses.
shapes : str, optional
The shape of the distribution. For example ``"m, n"`` for a
distribution that takes two integers as the two shape arguments for all
its methods. If not provided, shape parameters will be inferred from
the signature of the private methods, ``_pdf`` and ``_cdf`` of the
extradoc : str, optional, deprecated
This string is used as the last part of the docstring returned when a
subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `extradoc` exists for
backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses.
seed : None or int or ``numpy.random.RandomState`` instance, optional
This parameter defines the RandomState object to use for drawing
random variates.
If None (or np.random), the global np.random state is used.
If integer, it is used to seed the local RandomState instance.
Default is None.
Public methods of an instance of a distribution class (e.g., ``pdf``,
``cdf``) check their arguments and pass valid arguments to private,
computational methods (``_pdf``, ``_cdf``). For ``pdf(x)``, ``x`` is valid
if it is within the support of a distribution, ``self.a <= x <= self.b``.
Whether a shape parameter is valid is decided by an ``_argcheck`` method
(which defaults to checking that its arguments are strictly positive.)
New random variables can be defined by subclassing the `rv_continuous` class
and re-defining at least the ``_pdf`` or the ``_cdf`` method (normalized
to location 0 and scale 1).
If positive argument checking is not correct for your RV
then you will also need to re-define the ``_argcheck`` method.
Correct, but potentially slow defaults exist for the remaining
methods but for speed and/or accuracy you can over-ride::
_logpdf, _cdf, _logcdf, _ppf, _rvs, _isf, _sf, _logsf
Rarely would you override ``_isf``, ``_sf`` or ``_logsf``, but you could.
**Methods that can be overwritten by subclasses**
There are additional (internal and private) generic methods that can
be useful for cross-checking and for debugging, but might work in all
cases when directly called.
A note on ``shapes``: subclasses need not specify them explicitly. In this
case, `shapes` will be automatically deduced from the signatures of the
overridden methods (`pdf`, `cdf` etc).
If, for some reason, you prefer to avoid relying on introspection, you can
specify ``shapes`` explicitly as an argument to the instance constructor.
**Frozen Distributions**
Normally, you must provide shape parameters (and, optionally, location and
scale parameters to each call of a method of a distribution.
Alternatively, the object may be called (as a function) to fix the shape,
location, and scale parameters returning a "frozen" continuous RV object:
rv = generic(<shape(s)>, loc=0, scale=1)
frozen RV object with the same methods but holding the given shape,
location, and scale fixed
Statistics are computed using numerical integration by default.
For speed you can redefine this using ``_stats``:
- take shape parameters and return mu, mu2, g1, g2
- If you can't compute one of these, return it as None
- Can also be defined with a keyword argument ``moments``, which is a
string composed of "m", "v", "s", and/or "k".
Only the components appearing in string should be computed and
returned in the order "m", "v", "s", or "k" with missing values
returned as None.
Alternatively, you can override ``_munp``, which takes ``n`` and shape
parameters and returns the n-th non-central moment of the distribution.
To create a new Gaussian distribution, we would do the following:
>>> from scipy.stats import rv_continuous
>>> class gaussian_gen(rv_continuous):
... "Gaussian distribution"
... def _pdf(self, x):
... return np.exp(-x**2 / 2.) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi)
>>> gaussian = gaussian_gen(name='gaussian')
``scipy.stats`` distributions are *instances*, so here we subclass
`rv_continuous` and create an instance. With this, we now have
a fully functional distribution with all relevant methods automagically
generated by the framework.
Note that above we defined a standard normal distribution, with zero mean
and unit variance. Shifting and scaling of the distribution can be done
by using ``loc`` and ``scale`` parameters: ``gaussian.pdf(x, loc, scale)``
essentially computes ``y = (x - loc) / scale`` and
``gaussian._pdf(y) / scale``.
def __init__(self, momtype=1, a=None, b=None, xtol=1e-14,
badvalue=None, name=None, longname=None,
shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None):
super(rv_continuous, self).__init__(seed)
# save the ctor parameters, cf generic freeze
self._ctor_param = dict(
momtype=momtype, a=a, b=b, xtol=xtol,
badvalue=badvalue, name=name, longname=longname,
shapes=shapes, extradoc=extradoc, seed=seed)
if badvalue is None:
badvalue = nan
if name is None:
name = 'Distribution'
self.badvalue = badvalue = name
self.a = a
self.b = b
if a is None:
self.a = -inf
if b is None:
self.b = inf
self.xtol = xtol
self.moment_type = momtype
self.shapes = shapes
self._construct_argparser(meths_to_inspect=[self._pdf, self._cdf],
locscale_in='loc=0, scale=1',
locscale_out='loc, scale')
# nin correction
self._ppfvec = vectorize(self._ppf_single, otypes='d')
self._ppfvec.nin = self.numargs + 1
self.vecentropy = vectorize(self._entropy, otypes='d')
self._cdfvec = vectorize(self._cdf_single, otypes='d')
self._cdfvec.nin = self.numargs + 1
self.extradoc = extradoc
if momtype == 0:
self.generic_moment = vectorize(self._mom0_sc, otypes='d')
self.generic_moment = vectorize(self._mom1_sc, otypes='d')
# Because of the *args argument of _mom0_sc, vectorize cannot count the
# number of arguments correctly.
self.generic_moment.nin = self.numargs + 1
if longname is None:
if name[0] in ['aeiouAEIOU']:
hstr = "An "
hstr = "A "
longname = hstr + name
if sys.flags.optimize < 2:
# Skip adding docstrings if interpreter is run with -OO
if self.__doc__ is None:
dct = dict(distcont)
self._construct_doc(docdict, dct.get(
def _updated_ctor_param(self):
""" Return the current version of _ctor_param, possibly updated by user.
Used by freezing and pickling.
Keep this in sync with the signature of __init__.
dct = self._ctor_param.copy()
dct['a'] = self.a
dct['b'] = self.b
dct['xtol'] = self.xtol
dct['badvalue'] = self.badvalue
dct['name'] =
dct['shapes'] = self.shapes
dct['extradoc'] = self.extradoc
return dct
def _ppf_to_solve(self, x, q, *args):
return self.cdf(*(x, )+args)-q
def _ppf_single(self, q, *args):
left = right = None
if self.a > -np.inf:
left = self.a
if self.b < np.inf:
right = self.b
factor = 10.
if not left: # i.e. self.a = -inf
left = -1.*factor
while self._ppf_to_solve(left, q, *args) > 0.:
right = left
left *= factor
# left is now such that cdf(left) < q
if not right: # i.e. self.b = inf
right = factor
while self._ppf_to_solve(right, q, *args) < 0.:
left = right
right *= factor
# right is now such that cdf(right) > q
return optimize.brentq(self._ppf_to_solve,
left, right, args=(q,)+args, xtol=self.xtol)
# moment from definition
def _mom_integ0(self, x, m, *args):
return x**m * self.pdf(x, *args)
def _mom0_sc(self, m, *args):
return integrate.quad(self._mom_integ0, self.a, self.b,
# moment calculated using ppf
def _mom_integ1(self, q, m, *args):
return (self.ppf(q, *args))**m
def _mom1_sc(self, m, *args):
return integrate.quad(self._mom_integ1, 0, 1, args=(m,)+args)[0]
def _pdf(self, x, *args):
return derivative(self._cdf, x, dx=1e-5, args=args, order=5)
## Could also define any of these
def _logpdf(self, x, *args):
return log(self._pdf(x, *args))
def _cdf_single(self, x, *args):
return integrate.quad(self._pdf, self.a, x, args=args)[0]
def _cdf(self, x, *args):
return self._cdfvec(x, *args)
## generic _argcheck, _logcdf, _sf, _logsf, _ppf, _isf, _rvs are defined
## in rv_generic
def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Probability density function at x of the given RV.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
pdf : ndarray
Probability density function evaluated at x
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), dtyp)
putmask(output, (1-cond0)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args+(scale,)))
scale, goodargs = goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-1]
place(output, cond, self._pdf(*goodargs) / scale)
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logpdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Log of the probability density function at x of the given RV.
This uses a more numerically accurate calculation if available.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
logpdf : array_like
Log of the probability density function evaluated at x
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), dtyp)
putmask(output, (1-cond0)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args+(scale,)))
scale, goodargs = goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-1]
place(output, cond, self._logpdf(*goodargs) - log(scale))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def cdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Cumulative distribution function of the given RV.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
cdf : ndarray
Cumulative distribution function evaluated at `x`
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._open_support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond2 = (x >= self.b) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), dtyp)
place(output, (1-cond0)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 1.0)
if np.any(cond): # call only if at least 1 entry
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._cdf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logcdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Log of the cumulative distribution function at x of the given RV.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
logcdf : array_like
Log of the cumulative distribution function evaluated at x
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._open_support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond2 = (x >= self.b) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), dtyp)
place(output, (1-cond0)*(cond1 == cond1)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 0.0)
if np.any(cond): # call only if at least 1 entry
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._logcdf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def sf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Survival function (1 - `cdf`) at x of the given RV.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
sf : array_like
Survival function evaluated at x
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._open_support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond2 = cond0 & (x <= self.a)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), dtyp)
place(output, (1-cond0)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 1.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._sf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logsf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
Log of the survival function of the given RV.
Returns the log of the "survival function," defined as (1 - `cdf`),
evaluated at `x`.
x : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
logsf : ndarray
Log of the survival function evaluated at `x`.
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
x, loc, scale = map(asarray, (x, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
dtyp = np.find_common_type([x.dtype, np.float64], [])
x = np.asarray((x - loc)/scale, dtype=dtyp)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0)
cond1 = self._open_support_mask(x) & (scale > 0)
cond2 = cond0 & (x <= self.a)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), dtyp)
place(output, (1-cond0)+np.isnan(x), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 0.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((x,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._logsf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def ppf(self, q, *args, **kwds):
Percent point function (inverse of `cdf`) at q of the given RV.
q : array_like
lower tail probability
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
x : array_like
quantile corresponding to the lower tail probability q.
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
q, loc, scale = map(asarray, (q, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0) & (loc == loc)
cond1 = (0 < q) & (q < 1)
cond2 = cond0 & (q == 0)
cond3 = cond0 & (q == 1)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = valarray(shape(cond), value=self.badvalue)
lower_bound = self.a * scale + loc
upper_bound = self.b * scale + loc
place(output, cond2, argsreduce(cond2, lower_bound)[0])
place(output, cond3, argsreduce(cond3, upper_bound)[0])
if np.any(cond): # call only if at least 1 entry
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((q,)+args+(scale, loc)))
scale, loc, goodargs = goodargs[-2], goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-2]
place(output, cond, self._ppf(*goodargs) * scale + loc)
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def isf(self, q, *args, **kwds):
Inverse survival function (inverse of `sf`) at q of the given RV.
q : array_like
upper tail probability
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
location parameter (default=0)
scale : array_like, optional
scale parameter (default=1)
x : ndarray or scalar
Quantile corresponding to the upper tail probability q.
args, loc, scale = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
q, loc, scale = map(asarray, (q, loc, scale))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (scale > 0) & (loc == loc)
cond1 = (0 < q) & (q < 1)
cond2 = cond0 & (q == 1)
cond3 = cond0 & (q == 0)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = valarray(shape(cond), value=self.badvalue)
lower_bound = self.a * scale + loc
upper_bound = self.b * scale + loc
place(output, cond2, argsreduce(cond2, lower_bound)[0])
place(output, cond3, argsreduce(cond3, upper_bound)[0])
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((q,)+args+(scale, loc)))
scale, loc, goodargs = goodargs[-2], goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-2]
place(output, cond, self._isf(*goodargs) * scale + loc)
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def _nnlf(self, x, *args):
return -np.sum(self._logpdf(x, *args), axis=0)
def _unpack_loc_scale(self, theta):
loc = theta[-2]
scale = theta[-1]
args = tuple(theta[:-2])
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Not enough input arguments.")
return loc, scale, args
def nnlf(self, theta, x):
'''Return negative loglikelihood function.
This is ``-sum(log pdf(x, theta), axis=0)`` where `theta` are the
parameters (including loc and scale).
loc, scale, args = self._unpack_loc_scale(theta)
if not self._argcheck(*args) or scale <= 0:
return inf
x = asarray((x-loc) / scale)
n_log_scale = len(x) * log(scale)
if np.any(~self._support_mask(x)):
return inf
return self._nnlf(x, *args) + n_log_scale
def _nnlf_and_penalty(self, x, args):
cond0 = ~self._support_mask(x)
n_bad = np.count_nonzero(cond0, axis=0)
if n_bad > 0:
x = argsreduce(~cond0, x)[0]
logpdf = self._logpdf(x, *args)
finite_logpdf = np.isfinite(logpdf)
n_bad += np.sum(~finite_logpdf, axis=0)
if n_bad > 0:
penalty = n_bad * log(_XMAX) * 100
return -np.sum(logpdf[finite_logpdf], axis=0) + penalty
return -np.sum(logpdf, axis=0)
def _penalized_nnlf(self, theta, x):
''' Return penalized negative loglikelihood function,
i.e., - sum (log pdf(x, theta), axis=0) + penalty
where theta are the parameters (including loc and scale)
loc, scale, args = self._unpack_loc_scale(theta)
if not self._argcheck(*args) or scale <= 0:
return inf
x = asarray((x-loc) / scale)
n_log_scale = len(x) * log(scale)
return self._nnlf_and_penalty(x, args) + n_log_scale
# return starting point for fit (shape arguments + loc + scale)
def _fitstart(self, data, args=None):
if args is None:
args = (1.0,)*self.numargs
loc, scale = self._fit_loc_scale_support(data, *args)
return args + (loc, scale)
# Return the (possibly reduced) function to optimize in order to find MLE
# estimates for the .fit method
def _reduce_func(self, args, kwds):
# First of all, convert fshapes params to fnum: eg for stats.beta,
# shapes='a, b'. To fix `a`, can specify either `f1` or `fa`.
# Convert the latter into the former.
if self.shapes:
shapes = self.shapes.replace(',', ' ').split()
for j, s in enumerate(shapes):
val = kwds.pop('f' + s, None) or kwds.pop('fix_' + s, None)
if val is not None:
key = 'f%d' % j
if key in kwds:
raise ValueError("Duplicate entry for %s." % key)
kwds[key] = val
args = list(args)
Nargs = len(args)
fixedn = []
names = ['f%d' % n for n in range(Nargs - 2)] + ['floc', 'fscale']
x0 = []
for n, key in enumerate(names):
if key in kwds:
args[n] = kwds.pop(key)
if len(fixedn) == 0:
func = self._penalized_nnlf
restore = None
if len(fixedn) == Nargs:
raise ValueError(
"All parameters fixed. There is nothing to optimize.")
def restore(args, theta):
# Replace with theta for all numbers not in fixedn
# This allows the non-fixed values to vary, but
# we still call self.nnlf with all parameters.
i = 0
for n in range(Nargs):
if n not in fixedn:
args[n] = theta[i]
i += 1
return args
def func(theta, x):
newtheta = restore(args[:], theta)
return self._penalized_nnlf(newtheta, x)
return x0, func, restore, args
def fit(self, data, *args, **kwds):
Return MLEs for shape (if applicable), location, and scale
parameters from data.
MLE stands for Maximum Likelihood Estimate. Starting estimates for
the fit are given by input arguments; for any arguments not provided
with starting estimates, ``self._fitstart(data)`` is called to generate
One can hold some parameters fixed to specific values by passing in
keyword arguments ``f0``, ``f1``, ..., ``fn`` (for shape parameters)
and ``floc`` and ``fscale`` (for location and scale parameters,
data : array_like
Data to use in calculating the MLEs.
args : floats, optional
Starting value(s) for any shape-characterizing arguments (those not
provided will be determined by a call to ``_fitstart(data)``).
No default value.
kwds : floats, optional
Starting values for the location and scale parameters; no default.
Special keyword arguments are recognized as holding certain
parameters fixed:
- f0...fn : hold respective shape parameters fixed.
Alternatively, shape parameters to fix can be specified by name.
For example, if ``self.shapes == "a, b"``, ``fa``and ``fix_a``
are equivalent to ``f0``, and ``fb`` and ``fix_b`` are
equivalent to ``f1``.
- floc : hold location parameter fixed to specified value.
- fscale : hold scale parameter fixed to specified value.
- optimizer : The optimizer to use. The optimizer must take ``func``,
and starting position as the first two arguments,
plus ``args`` (for extra arguments to pass to the
function to be optimized) and ``disp=0`` to suppress
output as keyword arguments.
mle_tuple : tuple of floats
MLEs for any shape parameters (if applicable), followed by those
for location and scale. For most random variables, shape statistics
will be returned, but there are exceptions (e.g. ``norm``).
This fit is computed by maximizing a log-likelihood function, with
penalty applied for samples outside of range of the distribution. The
returned answer is not guaranteed to be the globally optimal MLE, it
may only be locally optimal, or the optimization may fail altogether.
Generate some data to fit: draw random variates from the `beta`
>>> from scipy.stats import beta
>>> a, b = 1., 2.
>>> x = beta.rvs(a, b, size=1000)
Now we can fit all four parameters (``a``, ``b``, ``loc`` and ``scale``):
>>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =
We can also use some prior knowledge about the dataset: let's keep
``loc`` and ``scale`` fixed:
>>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =, floc=0, fscale=1)
>>> loc1, scale1
(0, 1)
We can also keep shape parameters fixed by using ``f``-keywords. To
keep the zero-th shape parameter ``a`` equal 1, use ``f0=1`` or,
equivalently, ``fa=1``:
>>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =, fa=1, floc=0, fscale=1)
>>> a1
Not all distributions return estimates for the shape parameters.
``norm`` for example just returns estimates for location and scale:
>>> from scipy.stats import norm
>>> x = norm.rvs(a, b, size=1000, random_state=123)
>>> loc1, scale1 =
>>> loc1, scale1
(0.92087172783841631, 2.0015750750324668)
Narg = len(args)
if Narg > self.numargs:
raise TypeError("Too many input arguments.")
start = [None]*2
if (Narg < self.numargs) or not ('loc' in kwds and
'scale' in kwds):
# get distribution specific starting locations
start = self._fitstart(data)
args += start[Narg:-2]
loc = kwds.pop('loc', start[-2])
scale = kwds.pop('scale', start[-1])
args += (loc, scale)
x0, func, restore, args = self._reduce_func(args, kwds)
optimizer = kwds.pop('optimizer', optimize.fmin)
# convert string to function in scipy.optimize
if not callable(optimizer) and isinstance(optimizer, string_types):
if not optimizer.startswith('fmin_'):
optimizer = "fmin_"+optimizer
if optimizer == 'fmin_':
optimizer = 'fmin'
optimizer = getattr(optimize, optimizer)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid optimizer" % optimizer)
# by now kwds must be empty, since everybody took what they needed
if kwds:
raise TypeError("Unknown arguments: %s." % kwds)
vals = optimizer(func, x0, args=(ravel(data),), disp=0)
if restore is not None:
vals = restore(args, vals)
vals = tuple(vals)
return vals
def _fit_loc_scale_support(self, data, *args):
Estimate loc and scale parameters from data accounting for support.
data : array_like
Data to fit.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
Lhat : float
Estimated location parameter for the data.
Shat : float
Estimated scale parameter for the data.
data = np.asarray(data)
# Estimate location and scale according to the method of moments.
loc_hat, scale_hat = self.fit_loc_scale(data, *args)
# Compute the support according to the shape parameters.
a, b = self.a, self.b
support_width = b - a
# If the support is empty then return the moment-based estimates.
if support_width <= 0:
return loc_hat, scale_hat
# Compute the proposed support according to the loc and scale estimates.
a_hat = loc_hat + a * scale_hat
b_hat = loc_hat + b * scale_hat
# Use the moment-based estimates if they are compatible with the data.
data_a = np.min(data)
data_b = np.max(data)
if a_hat < data_a and data_b < b_hat:
return loc_hat, scale_hat
# Otherwise find other estimates that are compatible with the data.
data_width = data_b - data_a
rel_margin = 0.1
margin = data_width * rel_margin
# For a finite interval, both the location and scale
# should have interesting values.
if support_width < np.inf:
loc_hat = (data_a - a) - margin
scale_hat = (data_width + 2 * margin) / support_width
return loc_hat, scale_hat
# For a one-sided interval, use only an interesting location parameter.
if a > -np.inf:
return (data_a - a) - margin, 1
elif b < np.inf:
return (data_b - b) + margin, 1
raise RuntimeError
def fit_loc_scale(self, data, *args):
Estimate loc and scale parameters from data using 1st and 2nd moments.
data : array_like
Data to fit.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
Lhat : float
Estimated location parameter for the data.
Shat : float
Estimated scale parameter for the data.
mu, mu2 = self.stats(*args, **{'moments': 'mv'})
tmp = asarray(data)
muhat = tmp.mean()
mu2hat = tmp.var()
Shat = sqrt(mu2hat / mu2)
Lhat = muhat - Shat*mu
if not np.isfinite(Lhat):
Lhat = 0
if not (np.isfinite(Shat) and (0 < Shat)):
Shat = 1
return Lhat, Shat
def _entropy(self, *args):
def integ(x):
val = self._pdf(x, *args)
return entr(val)
# upper limit is often inf, so suppress warnings when integrating
olderr = np.seterr(over='ignore')
h = integrate.quad(integ, self.a, self.b)[0]
if not np.isnan(h):
return h
# try with different limits if integration problems
low, upp = self.ppf([1e-10, 1. - 1e-10], *args)
if np.isinf(self.b):
upper = upp
upper = self.b
if np.isinf(self.a):
lower = low
lower = self.a
return integrate.quad(integ, lower, upper)[0]
def expect(self, func=None, args=(), loc=0, scale=1, lb=None, ub=None,
conditional=False, **kwds):
"""Calculate expected value of a function with respect to the
The expected value of a function ``f(x)`` with respect to a
distribution ``dist`` is defined as::
E[x] = Integral(f(x) * dist.pdf(x))
func : callable, optional
Function for which integral is calculated. Takes only one argument.
The default is the identity mapping f(x) = x.
args : tuple, optional
Shape parameters of the distribution.
loc : float, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
scale : float, optional
Scale parameter (default=1).
lb, ub : scalar, optional
Lower and upper bound for integration. Default is set to the
support of the distribution.
conditional : bool, optional
If True, the integral is corrected by the conditional probability
of the integration interval. The return value is the expectation
of the function, conditional on being in the given interval.
Default is False.
Additional keyword arguments are passed to the integration routine.
expect : float
The calculated expected value.
The integration behavior of this function is inherited from
lockwds = {'loc': loc,
'scale': scale}
if func is None:
def fun(x, *args):
return x * self.pdf(x, *args, **lockwds)
def fun(x, *args):
return func(x) * self.pdf(x, *args, **lockwds)
if lb is None:
lb = loc + self.a * scale
if ub is None:
ub = loc + self.b * scale
if conditional:
invfac = (self.sf(lb, *args, **lockwds)
- self.sf(ub, *args, **lockwds))
invfac = 1.0
kwds['args'] = args
# Silence floating point warnings from integration.
olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore')
vals = integrate.quad(fun, lb, ub, **kwds)[0] / invfac
return vals
# Helpers for the discrete distributions
def _drv2_moment(self, n, *args):
"""Non-central moment of discrete distribution."""
def fun(x):
return np.power(x, n) * self._pmf(x, *args)
return _expect(fun, self.a, self.b, self.ppf(0.5, *args),
def _drv2_ppfsingle(self, q, *args): # Use basic bisection algorithm
b = self.b
a = self.a
if isinf(b): # Be sure ending point is > q
b = int(max(100*q, 10))
while 1:
if b >= self.b:
qb = 1.0
qb = self._cdf(b, *args)
if (qb < q):
b += 10
qb = 1.0
if isinf(a): # be sure starting point < q
a = int(min(-100*q, -10))
while 1:
if a <= self.a:
qb = 0.0
qa = self._cdf(a, *args)
if (qa > q):
a -= 10
qa = self._cdf(a, *args)
while 1:
if (qa == q):
return a
if (qb == q):
return b
if b <= a+1:
# testcase: return wrong number at lower index
# python -c "from scipy.stats import zipf;print zipf.ppf(0.01, 2)" wrong
# python -c "from scipy.stats import zipf;print zipf.ppf([0.01, 0.61, 0.77, 0.83], 2)"
# python -c "from scipy.stats import logser;print logser.ppf([0.1, 0.66, 0.86, 0.93], 0.6)"
if qa > q:
return a
return b
c = int((a+b)/2.0)
qc = self._cdf(c, *args)
if (qc < q):
if a != c:
a = c
raise RuntimeError('updating stopped, endless loop')
qa = qc
elif (qc > q):
if b != c:
b = c
raise RuntimeError('updating stopped, endless loop')
qb = qc
return c
def entropy(pk, qk=None, base=None):
"""Calculate the entropy of a distribution for given probability values.
If only probabilities `pk` are given, the entropy is calculated as
``S = -sum(pk * log(pk), axis=0)``.
If `qk` is not None, then compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence
``S = sum(pk * log(pk / qk), axis=0)``.
This routine will normalize `pk` and `qk` if they don't sum to 1.
pk : sequence
Defines the (discrete) distribution. ``pk[i]`` is the (possibly
unnormalized) probability of event ``i``.
qk : sequence, optional
Sequence against which the relative entropy is computed. Should be in
the same format as `pk`.
base : float, optional
The logarithmic base to use, defaults to ``e`` (natural logarithm).
S : float
The calculated entropy.
pk = asarray(pk)
pk = 1.0*pk / np.sum(pk, axis=0)
if qk is None:
vec = entr(pk)
qk = asarray(qk)
if len(qk) != len(pk):
raise ValueError("qk and pk must have same length.")
qk = 1.0*qk / np.sum(qk, axis=0)
vec = rel_entr(pk, qk)
S = np.sum(vec, axis=0)
if base is not None:
S /= log(base)
return S
# Must over-ride one of _pmf or _cdf or pass in
# x_k, p(x_k) lists in initialization
class rv_discrete(rv_generic):
A generic discrete random variable class meant for subclassing.
`rv_discrete` is a base class to construct specific distribution classes
and instances for discrete random variables. It can also be used
to construct an arbitrary distribution defined by a list of support
points and corresponding probabilities.
a : float, optional
Lower bound of the support of the distribution, default: 0
b : float, optional
Upper bound of the support of the distribution, default: plus infinity
moment_tol : float, optional
The tolerance for the generic calculation of moments.
values : tuple of two array_like, optional
``(xk, pk)`` where ``xk`` are integers with non-zero
probabilities ``pk`` with ``sum(pk) = 1``.
inc : integer, optional
Increment for the support of the distribution.
Default is 1. (other values have not been tested)
badvalue : float, optional
The value in a result arrays that indicates a value that for which
some argument restriction is violated, default is np.nan.
name : str, optional
The name of the instance. This string is used to construct the default
example for distributions.
longname : str, optional
This string is used as part of the first line of the docstring returned
when a subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `longname` exists
for backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses.
shapes : str, optional
The shape of the distribution. For example "m, n" for a distribution
that takes two integers as the two shape arguments for all its methods
If not provided, shape parameters will be inferred from
the signatures of the private methods, ``_pmf`` and ``_cdf`` of
the instance.
extradoc : str, optional
This string is used as the last part of the docstring returned when a
subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `extradoc` exists for
backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses.
seed : None or int or ``numpy.random.RandomState`` instance, optional
This parameter defines the RandomState object to use for drawing
random variates.
If None, the global np.random state is used.
If integer, it is used to seed the local RandomState instance.
Default is None.
This class is similar to `rv_continuous`, the main differences being:
- the support of the distribution is a set of integers
- instead of the probability density function, ``pdf`` (and the
corresponding private ``_pdf``), this class defines the
*probability mass function*, `pmf` (and the corresponding
private ``_pmf``.)
- scale parameter is not defined.
To create a new discrete distribution, we would do the following:
>>> from scipy.stats import rv_discrete
>>> class poisson_gen(rv_discrete):
... "Poisson distribution"
... def _pmf(self, k, mu):
... return exp(-mu) * mu**k / factorial(k)
and create an instance::
>>> poisson = poisson_gen(name="poisson")
Note that above we defined the Poisson distribution in the standard form.
Shifting the distribution can be done by providing the ``loc`` parameter
to the methods of the instance. For example, ``poisson.pmf(x, mu, loc)``
delegates the work to ``poisson._pmf(x-loc, mu)``.
**Discrete distributions from a list of probabilities**
Alternatively, you can construct an arbitrary discrete rv defined
on a finite set of values ``xk`` with ``Prob{X=xk} = pk`` by using the
``values`` keyword argument to the `rv_discrete` constructor.
Custom made discrete distribution:
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> xk = np.arange(7)
>>> pk = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.2)
>>> custm = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm', values=(xk, pk))
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
>>> ax.plot(xk, custm.pmf(xk), 'ro', ms=12, mec='r')
>>> ax.vlines(xk, 0, custm.pmf(xk), colors='r', lw=4)
Random number generation:
>>> R = custm.rvs(size=100)
def __new__(cls, a=0, b=inf, name=None, badvalue=None,
moment_tol=1e-8, values=None, inc=1, longname=None,
shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None):
if values is not None:
# dispatch to a subclass
return super(rv_discrete, cls).__new__(rv_sample)
# business as usual
return super(rv_discrete, cls).__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, a=0, b=inf, name=None, badvalue=None,
moment_tol=1e-8, values=None, inc=1, longname=None,
shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None):
super(rv_discrete, self).__init__(seed)
# cf generic freeze
self._ctor_param = dict(
a=a, b=b, name=name, badvalue=badvalue,
moment_tol=moment_tol, values=values, inc=inc,
longname=longname, shapes=shapes, extradoc=extradoc, seed=seed)
if badvalue is None:
badvalue = nan
self.badvalue = badvalue
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.moment_tol = moment_tol = inc
self._cdfvec = vectorize(self._cdf_single, otypes='d')
self.vecentropy = vectorize(self._entropy)
self.shapes = shapes
if values is not None:
raise ValueError("rv_discrete.__init__(..., values != None, ...)")
self._construct_argparser(meths_to_inspect=[self._pmf, self._cdf],
# scale=1 for discrete RVs
locscale_out='loc, 1')
# nin correction needs to be after we know numargs
# correct nin for generic moment vectorization
_vec_generic_moment = vectorize(_drv2_moment, otypes='d')
_vec_generic_moment.nin = self.numargs + 2
self.generic_moment = instancemethod(_vec_generic_moment,
self, rv_discrete)
# correct nin for ppf vectorization
_vppf = vectorize(_drv2_ppfsingle, otypes='d')
_vppf.nin = self.numargs + 2
self._ppfvec = instancemethod(_vppf,
self, rv_discrete)
# now that self.numargs is defined, we can adjust nin
self._cdfvec.nin = self.numargs + 1
self._construct_docstrings(name, longname, extradoc)
def _construct_docstrings(self, name, longname, extradoc):
if name is None:
name = 'Distribution' = name
self.extradoc = extradoc
# generate docstring for subclass instances
if longname is None:
if name[0] in ['aeiouAEIOU']:
hstr = "An "
hstr = "A "
longname = hstr + name
if sys.flags.optimize < 2:
# Skip adding docstrings if interpreter is run with -OO
if self.__doc__ is None:
dct = dict(distdiscrete)
self._construct_doc(docdict_discrete, dct.get(
# discrete RV do not have the scale parameter, remove it
self.__doc__ = self.__doc__.replace(
'\n scale : array_like, '
'optional\n scale parameter (default=1)', '')
@np.deprecate(message="`return_integers` attribute is not used anywhere any "
" longer and is deprecated in scipy 0.18.")
def return_integers(self):
return 1
def _updated_ctor_param(self):
""" Return the current version of _ctor_param, possibly updated by user.
Used by freezing and pickling.
Keep this in sync with the signature of __init__.
dct = self._ctor_param.copy()
dct['a'] = self.a
dct['b'] = self.b
dct['badvalue'] = self.badvalue
dct['moment_tol'] = self.moment_tol
dct['inc'] =
dct['name'] =
dct['shapes'] = self.shapes
dct['extradoc'] = self.extradoc
return dct
def _nonzero(self, k, *args):
return floor(k) == k
def _pmf(self, k, *args):
return self._cdf(k, *args) - self._cdf(k-1, *args)
def _logpmf(self, k, *args):
return log(self._pmf(k, *args))
def _cdf_single(self, k, *args):
m = arange(int(self.a), k+1)
return np.sum(self._pmf(m, *args), axis=0)
def _cdf(self, x, *args):
k = floor(x)
return self._cdfvec(k, *args)
# generic _logcdf, _sf, _logsf, _ppf, _isf, _rvs defined in rv_generic
def rvs(self, *args, **kwargs):
Random variates of given type.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
size : int or tuple of ints, optional
Defining number of random variates (Default is 1). Note that `size`
has to be given as keyword, not as positional argument.
random_state : None or int or ``np.random.RandomState`` instance, optional
If int or RandomState, use it for drawing the random variates.
If None, rely on ``self.random_state``.
Default is None.
rvs : ndarray or scalar
Random variates of given `size`.
kwargs['discrete'] = True
return super(rv_discrete, self).rvs(*args, **kwargs)
def pmf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Probability mass function at k of the given RV.
k : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information)
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
pmf : array_like
Probability mass function evaluated at k
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray((k-loc))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k <= self.b) & self._nonzero(k, *args)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, np.clip(self._pmf(*goodargs), 0, 1))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logpmf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Log of the probability mass function at k of the given RV.
k : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter. Default is 0.
logpmf : array_like
Log of the probability mass function evaluated at k.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray((k-loc))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k <= self.b) & self._nonzero(k, *args)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._logpmf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def cdf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Cumulative distribution function of the given RV.
k : array_like, int
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
cdf : ndarray
Cumulative distribution function evaluated at `k`.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray((k-loc))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k < self.b)
cond2 = (k >= self.b)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2*(cond0 == cond0), 1.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, np.clip(self._cdf(*goodargs), 0, 1))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logcdf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Log of the cumulative distribution function at k of the given RV.
k : array_like, int
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
logcdf : array_like
Log of the cumulative distribution function evaluated at k.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray((k-loc))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k < self.b)
cond2 = (k >= self.b)
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2*(cond0 == cond0), 0.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._logcdf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def sf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Survival function (1 - `cdf`) at k of the given RV.
k : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
sf : array_like
Survival function evaluated at k.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray(k-loc)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k < self.b)
cond2 = (k < self.a) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = zeros(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 1.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, np.clip(self._sf(*goodargs), 0, 1))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def logsf(self, k, *args, **kwds):
Log of the survival function of the given RV.
Returns the log of the "survival function," defined as 1 - `cdf`,
evaluated at `k`.
k : array_like
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
logsf : ndarray
Log of the survival function evaluated at `k`.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
k, loc = map(asarray, (k, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
k = asarray(k-loc)
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args)
cond1 = (k >= self.a) & (k < self.b)
cond2 = (k < self.a) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = empty(shape(cond), 'd')
place(output, (1-cond0) + np.isnan(k), self.badvalue)
place(output, cond2, 0.0)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((k,)+args))
place(output, cond, self._logsf(*goodargs))
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def ppf(self, q, *args, **kwds):
Percent point function (inverse of `cdf`) at q of the given RV.
q : array_like
Lower tail probability.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
k : array_like
Quantile corresponding to the lower tail probability, q.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
q, loc = map(asarray, (q, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (loc == loc)
cond1 = (q > 0) & (q < 1)
cond2 = (q == 1) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
output = valarray(shape(cond), value=self.badvalue, typecode='d')
# output type 'd' to handle nin and inf
place(output, (q == 0)*(cond == cond), self.a-1)
place(output, cond2, self.b)
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((q,)+args+(loc,)))
loc, goodargs = goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-1]
place(output, cond, self._ppf(*goodargs) + loc)
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def isf(self, q, *args, **kwds):
Inverse survival function (inverse of `sf`) at q of the given RV.
q : array_like
Upper tail probability.
arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
instance object for more information).
loc : array_like, optional
Location parameter (default=0).
k : ndarray or scalar
Quantile corresponding to the upper tail probability, q.
args, loc, _ = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
q, loc = map(asarray, (q, loc))
args = tuple(map(asarray, args))
cond0 = self._argcheck(*args) & (loc == loc)
cond1 = (q > 0) & (q < 1)
cond2 = (q == 1) & cond0
cond = cond0 & cond1
# same problem as with ppf; copied from ppf and changed
output = valarray(shape(cond), value=self.badvalue, typecode='d')
# output type 'd' to handle nin and inf
place(output, (q == 0)*(cond == cond), self.b)
place(output, cond2, self.a-1)
# call place only if at least 1 valid argument
if np.any(cond):
goodargs = argsreduce(cond, *((q,)+args+(loc,)))
loc, goodargs = goodargs[-1], goodargs[:-1]
# PB same as ticket 766
place(output, cond, self._isf(*goodargs) + loc)
if output.ndim == 0:
return output[()]
return output
def _entropy(self, *args):
if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
return entropy(
return _expect(lambda x: entr(self.pmf(x, *args)),
self.a, self.b, self.ppf(0.5, *args),
def expect(self, func=None, args=(), loc=0, lb=None, ub=None,
conditional=False, maxcount=1000, tolerance=1e-10, chunksize=32):
Calculate expected value of a function with respect to the distribution
for discrete distribution.
func : callable, optional
Function for which the expectation value is calculated.
Takes only one argument.
The default is the identity mapping f(k) = k.
args : tuple, optional
Shape parameters of the distribution.
loc : float, optional
Location parameter.
Default is 0.
lb, ub : int, optional
Lower and upper bound for the summation, default is set to the
support of the distribution, inclusive (``ul <= k <= ub``).
conditional : bool, optional
If true then the expectation is corrected by the conditional
probability of the summation interval. The return value is the
expectation of the function, `func`, conditional on being in
the given interval (k such that ``ul <= k <= ub``).
Default is False.
maxcount : int, optional
Maximal number of terms to evaluate (to avoid an endless loop for
an infinite sum). Default is 1000.
tolerance : float, optional
Absolute tolerance for the summation. Default is 1e-10.
chunksize : int, optional
Iterate over the support of a distributions in chunks of this size.
Default is 32.
expect : float
Expected value.
For heavy-tailed distributions, the expected value may or may not exist,
depending on the function, `func`. If it does exist, but the sum converges
slowly, the accuracy of the result may be rather low. For instance, for
``zipf(4)``, accuracy for mean, variance in example is only 1e-5.
increasing `maxcount` and/or `chunksize` may improve the result, but may also
make zipf very slow.
The function is not vectorized.
if func is None:
def fun(x):
# loc and args from outer scope
return (x+loc)*self._pmf(x, *args)
def fun(x):
# loc and args from outer scope
return func(x+loc)*self._pmf(x, *args)
# used pmf because _pmf does not check support in randint and there
# might be problems(?) with correct self.a, self.b at this stage maybe
# not anymore, seems to work now with _pmf
self._argcheck(*args) # (re)generate scalar self.a and self.b
if lb is None:
lb = self.a
lb = lb - loc # convert bound for standardized distribution
if ub is None:
ub = self.b
ub = ub - loc # convert bound for standardized distribution
if conditional:
invfac = self.sf(lb-1, *args) - self.sf(ub, *args)
invfac = 1.0
# iterate over the support, starting from the median
x0 = self.ppf(0.5, *args)
res = _expect(fun, lb, ub, x0,, maxcount, tolerance, chunksize)
return res / invfac
def _expect(fun, lb, ub, x0, inc, maxcount=1000, tolerance=1e-10,
"""Helper for computing the expectation value of `fun`."""
# short-circuit if the support size is small enough
if (ub - lb) <= chunksize:
supp = np.arange(lb, ub+1, inc)
vals = fun(supp)
return np.sum(vals)
# otherwise, iterate starting from x0
if x0 < lb:
x0 = lb
if x0 > ub:
x0 = ub
count, tot = 0, 0.
# iterate over [x0, ub] inclusive
for x in _iter_chunked(x0, ub+1, chunksize=chunksize, inc=inc):
count += x.size
delta = np.sum(fun(x))
tot += delta
if abs(delta) < tolerance * x.size:
if count > maxcount:
warnings.warn('expect(): sum did not converge', RuntimeWarning)
return tot
# iterate over [lb, x0)
for x in _iter_chunked(x0-1, lb-1, chunksize=chunksize, inc=-inc):
count += x.size
delta = np.sum(fun(x))
tot += delta
if abs(delta) < tolerance * x.size:
if count > maxcount:
warnings.warn('expect(): sum did not converge', RuntimeWarning)
return tot
def _iter_chunked(x0, x1, chunksize=4, inc=1):
"""Iterate from x0 to x1 in chunks of chunksize and steps inc.
x0 must be finite, x1 need not be. In the latter case, the iterator is infinite.
Handles both x0 < x1 and x0 > x1. In the latter case, iterates downwards
(make sure to set inc < 0.)
>>> [x for x in _iter_chunked(2, 5, inc=2)]
[array([2, 4])]
>>> [x for x in _iter_chunked(2, 11, inc=2)]
[array([2, 4, 6, 8]), array([10])]
>>> [x for x in _iter_chunked(2, -5, inc=-2)]
[array([ 2, 0, -2, -4])]
>>> [x for x in _iter_chunked(2, -9, inc=-2)]
[array([ 2, 0, -2, -4]), array([-6, -8])]
if inc == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot increment by zero.')
if chunksize <= 0:
raise ValueError('Chunk size must be positive; got %s.' % chunksize)
s = 1 if inc > 0 else -1
stepsize = abs(chunksize * inc)
x = x0
while (x - x1) * inc < 0:
delta = min(stepsize, abs(x - x1))
step = delta * s
supp = np.arange(x, x + step, inc)
x += step
yield supp
class rv_sample(rv_discrete):
"""A 'sample' discrete distribution defined by the support and values.
The ctor ignores most of the arguments, only needs the `values` argument.
def __init__(self, a=0, b=inf, name=None, badvalue=None,
moment_tol=1e-8, values=None, inc=1, longname=None,
shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None):
super(rv_discrete, self).__init__(seed)
if values is None:
raise ValueError("rv_sample.__init__(..., values=None,...)")
# cf generic freeze
self._ctor_param = dict(
a=a, b=b, name=name, badvalue=badvalue,
moment_tol=moment_tol, values=values, inc=inc,
longname=longname, shapes=shapes, extradoc=extradoc, seed=seed)
if badvalue is None:
badvalue = nan
self.badvalue = badvalue
self.moment_tol = moment_tol = inc
self.shapes = shapes
self.vecentropy = self._entropy
xk, pk = values
if len(xk) != len(pk):
raise ValueError("xk and pk need to have the same length.")
if not np.allclose(np.sum(pk), 1):
raise ValueError("The sum of provided pk is not 1.")
indx = np.argsort(np.ravel(xk))
self.xk = np.take(np.ravel(xk), indx, 0) = np.take(np.ravel(pk), indx, 0)
self.a = self.xk[0]
self.b = self.xk[-1]
self.qvals = np.cumsum(, axis=0)
self.shapes = ' ' # bypass inspection
# scale=1 for discrete RVs
locscale_out='loc, 1')
self._construct_docstrings(name, longname, extradoc)
@np.deprecate(message="`return_integers` attribute is not used anywhere any"
" longer and is deprecated in scipy 0.18.")
def return_integers(self):
return 0
def _pmf(self, x):
return[x == k for k in self.xk],
[np.broadcast_arrays(p, x)[0] for p in], 0)
def _cdf(self, x):
xx, xxk = np.broadcast_arrays(x[:, None], self.xk)
indx = np.argmax(xxk > xx, axis=-1) - 1
return self.qvals[indx]
def _ppf(self, q):
qq, sqq = np.broadcast_arrays(q[..., None], self.qvals)
indx = argmax(sqq >= qq, axis=-1)
return self.xk[indx]
def _rvs(self):
# Need to define it explicitly, otherwise .rvs() with size=None
# fails due to explicit broadcasting in _ppf
U = self._random_state.random_sample(self._size)
if self._size is None:
U = np.array(U, ndmin=1)
Y = self._ppf(U)[0]
Y = self._ppf(U)
return Y
def _entropy(self):
return entropy(
def generic_moment(self, n):
n = asarray(n)
return np.sum(self.xk**n[np.newaxis, ...] *, axis=0)
@np.deprecate(message="moment_gen method is not used anywhere any more "
"and is deprecated in scipy 0.18.")
def moment_gen(self, t):
t = asarray(t)
return np.sum(exp(self.xk * t[np.newaxis, ...]) *, axis=0)
@np.deprecate(message="F attribute is not used anywhere any longer and "
"is deprecated in scipy 0.18.")
def F(self):
return dict(zip(self.xk, self.qvals))
@np.deprecate(message="Finv attribute is not used anywhere any longer and "
"is deprecated in scipy 0.18.")
def Finv(self):
decreasing_keys = sorted(self.F.keys(), reverse=True)
return dict((self.F[k], k) for k in decreasing_keys)
def get_distribution_names(namespace_pairs, rv_base_class):
Collect names of statistical distributions and their generators.
namespace_pairs : sequence
A snapshot of (name, value) pairs in the namespace of a module.
rv_base_class : class
The base class of random variable generator classes in a module.
distn_names : list of strings
Names of the statistical distributions.
distn_gen_names : list of strings
Names of the generators of the statistical distributions.
Note that these are not simply the names of the statistical
distributions, with a _gen suffix added.
distn_names = []
distn_gen_names = []
for name, value in namespace_pairs:
if name.startswith('_'):
if name.endswith('_gen') and issubclass(value, rv_base_class):
if isinstance(value, rv_base_class):
return distn_names, distn_gen_names
| apache-2.0 |
TheWeiTheTruthAndTheLight/senior-design | src/spark/ | 1 | 2970 | import pickle
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import islice, tee
from os import listdir
from random import shuffle
import numpy as np
from nlp import *
from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectPercentile, SelectKBest, f_classif
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
def trainTest(X, y, classifiers, reduce=0, splits=10, trainsize=0.8, testsize=0.2):
sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=splits, test_size=testsize, train_size=trainsize)
results = []
for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(sss):
X_train = X[train_index]
y_train = y[train_index]
X_test = X[test_index]
y_test = y[test_index]
if reduce > 0:
print("Features before reduction: " + str(X_train.shape))
reducer = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k=reduce)
X_train = reducer.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
X_test = reducer.transform(X_test)
print("Features after reduction: " + str(str(X_train.shape)))
support = reducer.get_support()
for classifier in classifiers:
print("Starting to train %s"%str(type(classifier)))
s =, y_train)
traintime = ( - s).total_seconds()
score = classifier.score(X_test, y_test)
if reduce > 0:
results.append((classifier, traintime, score, support))
results.append((classifier, traintime, score))
print("%s\tTime: %d\tScore:\t%f" %(str(type(classifier)), traintime, score))
return results
def flattenDict(feature):
d = {}
for key, value in feature.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for subkey, subvalue in value.items():
d[subkey] = subvalue
d[key] = value
return d
def flatten(X,y=None):
if y:
return (flattenDict(x) for x in X), y
return (flattenDict(x) for x in X)
def split_feat(gen, n):
def create_generator(it, n):
return (item[n] for item in it)
G = tee(gen, n)
return [create_generator(g, n) for n, g in enumerate(G)]
def predict(listOfString, classifier, dvp, cleanTokens):
listOfFeats = [flattenDict(feature(s, cleanTokens)) for s in listOfString]
X = dvp.transform(listOfFeats)
prediction = classifier.predict(X)
invert_op = getattr(classifier, "predict_proba", None)
if callable(invert_op):
preProb = classifier.predict_proba(X)
return {'classifier':classifier, 'prediction': prediction, 'prediction_probabilities':preProb}
return {'classifier':classifier, 'prediction': prediction}
return r
| mit |
ashtonwebster/tl_algs | tests/ | 1 | 1149 | # coding: utf-8
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import random
from tl_algs import tnb
RAND_SEED = 2016
random.seed(RAND_SEED) # change this to see new random data!
This example is taken from the paper [1]. Not all results are the same
due to arithmetic errors in the paper.
[1] Ma, Y., Luo, G., Zeng, X., & Chen, A. (2012). Transfer learning
for cross-company software defect prediction. Information and
Software Technology, 54(3), 248-256.
X_train = pd.DataFrame([[2,1,3], [1,2,2], [1,3,4]])
X_test = pd.DataFrame([[2,1,3], [1,2,3]])
y_train = pd.Series([False, False, True])
# data is already discretized so we specify discretize=False
w = tnb.TransferNaiveBayes(test_set_X=X_test,
conf, y_pred = w.train_filter_test()
# 0.936 obtained by manual computation
assert abs(conf[0] - 0.936) < 0.001
| mit |
solin319/incubator-mxnet | docs/ | 23 | 6968 | # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os, re, subprocess
import mock
from recommonmark import parser
curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
libpath = os.path.join(curr_path, '../python/')
sys.path.insert(0, libpath)
sys.path.insert(0, curr_path)
# -- mock out modules
MOCK_MODULES = ['scipy', 'scipy.sparse', 'sklearn']
for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES:
sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock()
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| apache-2.0 |
robcarver17/pysystemtrade | sysobjects/production/ | 1 | 8184 | from copy import copy
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from syscore.objects import success, arg_not_supplied, missing_data
class timedEntry(object):
These four functions normally overriden by an inheriting class
def required_argument_names(self) -> list:
## We pass **kwargs and *args to these functions, but the args have to be given names
return ["test1", "test2"] # compulsory args
def _name_(self) -> str:
# name used for labelling so __repr__ can be generic
return "timedEntry"
def containing_data_class_name(self) -> str:
## this makes sure we don't mix and match different types of timed storage
return "sysdata.production.generic_timed_storage.listOfEntries"
def _argument_checks(self, kwargs: dict):
## used to check that certain kwargs meet certain filters
## inherited version should raise exception if problems
def __init__(self, *args, date: datetime.datetime=arg_not_supplied):
Can pass either a single dict (which can include 'date') or the arguments in the order of required_arguments
>>> timedEntry(1,2)._arg_dict_excluding_date
{'test1': 1, 'test2': 2}
>>> timedEntry(dict(test1=1, test2=2))._arg_dict_excluding_date
{'test1': 1, 'test2': 2}
>>> timedEntry(dict(test1=1, test2=2), date = datetime.datetime(2012,1,1))
timedEntry 2012-01-01 00:00:00: {'test1': 1, 'test2': 2}
>>> timedEntry(dict(test1=1, test2=2, date = datetime.datetime(2012,1,1)), date = datetime.datetime(2012,1,12))
timedEntry 2012-01-01 00:00:00: {'test1': 1, 'test2': 2}
args_as_dict = self._resolve_args(args, date)
def _resolve_args(self, args: tuple, date:datetime.datetime) -> dict:
## We can either be passed a dict or a list of args
## If we're passed a dict, we put the date in if available
## Otherwise it's a list and
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], dict):
args_as_dict = self._resolve_args_passed_as_dict(args, date)
return args_as_dict
args_as_dict = self._resolve_args_passed_as_star_args(args, date)
return args_as_dict
def _resolve_args_passed_as_dict(self, args: tuple, date: datetime.datetime) -> dict:
args_as_dict = args[0]
if DATE_KEY_NAME not in args_as_dict:
args_as_dict[DATE_KEY_NAME] = date
return args_as_dict
def _resolve_args_passed_as_star_args(self, args: tuple, date: datetime.datetime) -> dict:
required_args = self.required_argument_names
assert len(required_args) == len(args)
except BaseException:
raise Exception(
"Expecting to be passed arguments of length %d to match %s, instead got %d arguments" %
(len(required_args), str(required_args), len(args)))
args_as_dict = {}
for arg_name, arg_value in zip(required_args, args):
args_as_dict[arg_name] = arg_value
args_as_dict[DATE_KEY_NAME] = date
return args_as_dict
def _init_data_from_passed_args(self, args_as_dict: dict):
date = args_as_dict.pop(DATE_KEY_NAME)
if date is arg_not_supplied:
date =
assert type(date) is datetime.datetime
self._date = date
for arg_name in args_as_dict.keys():
setattr(self, arg_name, args_as_dict[arg_name])
self._arg_names = list(args_as_dict.keys())
def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return self._date
def arg_names(self)-> list:
return self._arg_names
def _all_arg_names_including_date(self) -> list:
return [DATE_KEY_NAME]+self.arg_names
def _arg_dict_excluding_date(self) -> dict:
result = dict([(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.arg_names])
return result
def _arg_dict_including_date(self) -> dict:
result = dict([(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self._all_arg_names_including_date])
return result
def __repr__(self):
return "%s %s: %s" % (self._name_,, str(self._arg_dict_excluding_date))
def as_dict(self):
return self._arg_dict_including_date
def from_dict(timedEntry, entry_as_dict: dict):
return timedEntry(entry_as_dict)
def check_args_match(self, another_entry):
my_args = self.arg_names
another_args = another_entry.arg_names
assert my_args == another_args
except BaseException:
raise Exception(
"Parameters for %s (%s) don't match with %s" % (self._name_,
return success
class listOfEntriesAsListOfDicts(list):
def as_list_of_entries(self, class_of_entry_list):
class_of_each_individual_entry = class_of_entry_list.as_empty()._entry_class()
list_of_class_entries = [class_of_each_individual_entry.from_dict(
entry_as_dict) for entry_as_dict in self]
return class_of_entry_list(list_of_class_entries)
def as_plain_list(self):
return list(self)
class listOfEntries(list):
A list of timedEntry
def _entry_class(self):
return timedEntry
def __init__(self, list_of_entries: list):
self._arg_names = []
for entry in list_of_entries:
def arg_names(self) -> list:
return getattr(self, "_arg_names", [])
def as_list_of_dict(self) -> list:
list_of_dict = [entry.as_dict() for entry in self]
return listOfEntriesAsListOfDicts(list_of_dict)
def from_list_of_dict(cls, list_of_dict: listOfEntriesAsListOfDicts):
class_of_each_individual_entry = cls.as_empty()._entry_class()
list_of_class_entries = [class_of_each_individual_entry.from_dict(
entry_as_dict) for entry_as_dict in list_of_dict]
return cls(list_of_class_entries)
def as_empty(listOfEntries):
return listOfEntries([])
def sort(self):
super().sort(key=lambda x:
def final_entry(self):
if len(self) == 0:
return missing_data
return self[-1]
def append(self, item):
previous_final_entry = self.final_entry()
if len(self) > 0:
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("%s ; can't add to list" % e)
## no entries yet, init argument names
self._arg_names = item.arg_names
def delete_last_entry(self):
def _as_list_of_dates_and_dict_of_lists(self) -> (list, dict):
:return: list of lists; date
list_of_dates = [ for item in self]
dict_of_lists = {}
arg_names = self.arg_names
for entry in self:
for item_name in arg_names:
existing_list = dict_of_lists.get(item_name, [])
existing_list.append(getattr(entry, item_name, None))
dict_of_lists[item_name] = existing_list
return (list_of_dates, dict_of_lists)
def as_pd_df(self):
:return: pd.DataFrame
if len(self) == 0:
return missing_data
) = self._as_list_of_dates_and_dict_of_lists()
self_as_df = pd.DataFrame(dict_of_lists, index=list_of_dates)
self_as_df = self_as_df.sort_index()
return self_as_df
| gpl-3.0 |
ianlini/feagen | feagen/tests/ | 1 | 3903 | from __future__ import unicode_literals
from io import StringIO
import feagen as fg
from feagen.decorators import (
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
class LifetimeFeatureGenerator(fg.FeatureGenerator):
@will_generate('memory', ('data_df',))
def gen_data_df(self):
csv = StringIO("""\
0, 68, 50, 60.1, 170.5, f, 22000
1, 59, 41, 90.4, 168.9, m, 19000
2, 52, 39, 46.2, 173.6, m, 70000
3, 68, 25, 93.9, 180.0, m, 1000000
4, 99, 68, 65.7, 157.6, f, 46000
5, 90, 81, 56.3, 170.2, f, 17000
return {'data_df': pd.read_csv(csv, index_col='id')}
@will_generate('h5py', 'lifetime')
def gen_lifetime(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
return data_df['lifetime']
@will_generate('h5py', ['weight', 'height'])
def gen_raw_data_features(self, data):
data_df = data['data_df']
return data_df[['weight', 'height']]
@will_generate('memory', 'mem_raw_data')
def gen_mem_raw_data(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
return data_df[['weight', 'height']].values
@will_generate('h5py', 'man_raw_data', manually_create_dataset=True)
def gen_man_raw_data(self, data, create_dataset_functions,
data_df = data['data_df']
dset = create_dataset_functions['man_raw_data'](
shape=(data_df.shape[0], 2))
dset[...] = data_df[['weight', 'height']].values
@will_generate('pandas_hdf', ['pd_weight', 'pd_height'])
def gen_raw_data_table(self, data):
data_df = data['data_df']
result_df = data_df.loc[:, ['weight', 'height']]
result_df.rename(columns={'weight': 'pd_weight', 'height': 'pd_height'},
return result_df
@will_generate('pandas_hdf', 'pd_raw_data')
def gen_raw_data_df(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
return data_df[['weight', 'height']]
@will_generate('pandas_hdf', 'pd_raw_data_append', manually_append=True)
def gen_raw_data_append_df(self, data, will_generate_key, append_functions):
df = data['pd_raw_data'].value
@will_generate('h5py', 'BMI')
def gen_bmi(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
bmi = data_df['weight'] / ((data_df['height'] / 100) ** 2)
return bmi
@require(('{dividend}', '{divisor}'))
@will_generate('h5py', r'(?P<dividend>\w+)_divided_by_(?P<divisor>\w+)',
def gen_divided_by(self, will_generate_key, data, re_args):
division_result = data['{dividend}'].value / data['{divisor}'].value
return division_result
@will_generate('pickle', 'train_test_split')
def gen_train_test_split(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
train_id, test_id = train_test_split(
data_df.index, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
return (train_id, test_id)
@require(('data_df', 'train_test_split'))
@will_generate('h5py', 'is_in_test_set')
def gen_is_in_test_set(self, data, will_generate_key):
data_df = data['data_df']
_, test_id = data['train_test_split']
is_in_test_set = data_df.index.isin(test_id)
sparse_is_in_test_set = csr_matrix(is_in_test_set[:, np.newaxis])
return sparse_is_in_test_set
| bsd-2-clause |
sarahgrogan/scikit-learn | examples/cluster/ | 337 | 2747 | """
Online learning of a dictionary of parts of faces
This example uses a large dataset of faces to learn a set of 20 x 20
images patches that constitute faces.
From the programming standpoint, it is interesting because it shows how
to use the online API of the scikit-learn to process a very large
dataset by chunks. The way we proceed is that we load an image at a time
and extract randomly 50 patches from this image. Once we have accumulated
500 of these patches (using 10 images), we run the `partial_fit` method
of the online KMeans object, MiniBatchKMeans.
The verbose setting on the MiniBatchKMeans enables us to see that some
clusters are reassigned during the successive calls to
partial-fit. This is because the number of patches that they represent
has become too low, and it is better to choose a random new
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import extract_patches_2d
faces = datasets.fetch_olivetti_faces()
# Learn the dictionary of images
print('Learning the dictionary... ')
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=81, random_state=rng, verbose=True)
patch_size = (20, 20)
buffer = []
index = 1
t0 = time.time()
# The online learning part: cycle over the whole dataset 6 times
index = 0
for _ in range(6):
for img in faces.images:
data = extract_patches_2d(img, patch_size, max_patches=50,
data = np.reshape(data, (len(data), -1))
index += 1
if index % 10 == 0:
data = np.concatenate(buffer, axis=0)
data -= np.mean(data, axis=0)
data /= np.std(data, axis=0)
buffer = []
if index % 100 == 0:
print('Partial fit of %4i out of %i'
% (index, 6 * len(faces.images)))
dt = time.time() - t0
print('done in %.2fs.' % dt)
# Plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(4.2, 4))
for i, patch in enumerate(kmeans.cluster_centers_):
plt.subplot(9, 9, i + 1)
plt.suptitle('Patches of faces\nTrain time %.1fs on %d patches' %
(dt, 8 * len(faces.images)), fontsize=16)
plt.subplots_adjust(0.08, 0.02, 0.92, 0.85, 0.08, 0.23)
| bsd-3-clause |
linuxlizard/q60 | | 1 | 2104 | #!python
# Q&D remove bezel (black along top/left). Untuned firmware can capture parts
# of the plastic bezel holding the glass.
# davep
import sys
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage.filters
import imtools
from basename import get_basename
import rgbtogray
def find_bezel( ndata ):
gray = rgbtogray.togray(ndata)[0:50,0:50]
gray = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter( gray, size=(5,5) )
print ndata.shape
numrows = ndata.shape[0]
numcols = ndata.shape[1]
print "rows={0} cols={1}".format(numrows,numcols)
# Do we have a narrow band of black followed by white?
# look for bezel along the top
col = 50
pixel_diff = 10
# search for bezel vertically
diffs = np.diff( gray[:,-1] )
print diffs
print diffs.min(), diffs.max(), np.mean(diffs), np.median(diffs)
bezel_row = 0
for row,d in enumerate(diffs) :
if d > pixel_diff :
bezel_row = row
# search for bezel horizonstally
diffs = np.diff( gray[-1,:] )
print diffs
print diffs.min(), diffs.max(), np.mean(diffs), np.median(diffs)
bezel_col = 0
for col,d in enumerate(diffs) :
if d > 10 :
bezel_col = col
# plt.gray()
# plt.grid()
# plt.plot(d)
# best guess, no bezel found
return bezel_row, bezel_col
def debezel( infilename, outfilename ) :
ndata = imtools.load_image(infilename,dtype="uint8")
print ndata.shape
bezel_edges = find_bezel( ndata )
if bezel_edges is None :
# no bezel edges found
return False
bezel_row,bezel_col = bezel_edges
print "row={0} col={1}".format(bezel_row,bezel_col)
ndata2 = ndata[bezel_row:,bezel_col:,:]
return True
def main() :
infilename = sys.argv[1]
basename = get_basename(infilename)
outfilename = "{0}_debezel.tif".format(basename)
debezel_done = debezel( infilename, outfilename )
if __name__=='__main__' :
| apache-2.0 |
tsbischof/photon_correlation | python/photon_correlation/ | 1 | 2022 | #!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import csv
import bz2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
def force_aspect(ax,aspect=1):
im = ax.get_images()
extent = im[0].get_extent()
class FLID(object):
def __init__(self, filename=None):
self.intensity = list()
self.arrival_time = list() = list()
self.counts = list()
if filename is not None:
def from_filename(self, filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
bz2_name = "{}.bz2".format(filename)
if os.path.exists(bz2_name):
filename = bz2_name
if filename.endswith("bz2"):
open_f = lambda x:, "rt")
open_f = open
with open_f(filename) as stream_in:
def from_stream(self, stream_in):
reader = csv.reader(stream_in)
time_bins = (next(reader), next(reader))
for left, right in zip(time_bins[0][3:], time_bins[1][3:]):
self.arrival_time.append((float(left), float(right)))
for line in reader:
self.intensity.append((float(line[0]), float(line[1])))[2]))
self.counts.append(list(map(int, line[3:])))
def make_figure(self):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_ylabel("Counts per bin")
| bsd-3-clause |
JT5D/scikit-learn | examples/ | 1 | 2253 | """
Plotting Learning Curves
A learning curve shows the validation and training score of a learning
algorithm for varying numbers of training samples. It is a tool to
find out how much we benefit from adding more training data. If both
the validation score and the training score converge to a value that is
too low, we will not benefit much from more training data and we will
probably have to use a learning algorithm or a parametrization of the
current learning algorithm that can learn more complex concepts (i.e.
has a lower bias).
In this example, on the left side the learning curve of a naive Bayes
classifier is shown for the digits dataset. Note that the training score
and the cross-validation score are both not very good at the end. However,
the shape of the curve can be found in more complex datasets very often:
the training score is very high at the beginning and decreases and the
cross-validation score is very low at the beginning and increases. On the
right side we see the learning curve of an SVM with RBF kernel. We can
see clearly that the training score is still around the maximum and the
validation score could be increased with more training samples.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.learning_curve import learning_curve
digits = load_digits()
X, y =,
plt.title("Learning Curve (Naive Bayes)")
plt.xlabel("Training examples")
train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve(
GaussianNB(), X, y, cv=10, n_jobs=1)
plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores, label="Training score")
plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores, label="Cross-validation score")
plt.title("Learning Curve (SVM, RBF kernel, $\gamma=0.001$)")
plt.xlabel("Training examples")
train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve(
SVC(gamma=0.001), X, y, cv=10, n_jobs=1)
plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores, label="Training score")
plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores, label="Cross-validation score")
| bsd-3-clause |
aflaxman/scikit-learn | sklearn/datasets/ | 32 | 8031 | """Automatically download MLdata datasets."""
# Copyright (c) 2011 Pietro Berkes
# License: BSD 3 clause
import os
from os.path import join, exists
import re
import numbers
# Python 2
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from urllib2 import quote
from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
# Python 3+
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.request import urlopen
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import io
from shutil import copyfileobj
from .base import get_data_home
from ..utils import Bunch
def mldata_filename(dataname):
"""Convert a raw name for a data set in a filename.
dataname : str
Name of dataset
fname : str
The converted dataname.
dataname = dataname.lower().replace(' ', '-')
return re.sub(r'[().]', '', dataname)
def fetch_mldata(dataname, target_name='label', data_name='data',
transpose_data=True, data_home=None):
"""Fetch an data set
If the file does not exist yet, it is downloaded from . does not have an enforced convention for storing data or
naming the columns in a data set. The default behavior of this function
works well with the most common cases:
1) data values are stored in the column 'data', and target values in the
column 'label'
2) alternatively, the first column stores target values, and the second
data values
3) the data array is stored as `n_features x n_samples` , and thus needs
to be transposed to match the `sklearn` standard
Keyword arguments allow to adapt these defaults to specific data sets
(see parameters `target_name`, `data_name`, `transpose_data`, and
the examples below). data sets may have multiple columns, which are stored in the
Bunch object with their original name.
dataname : str
Name of the data set on,
e.g.: "leukemia", "Whistler Daily Snowfall", etc.
The raw name is automatically converted to a URL .
target_name : optional, default: 'label'
Name or index of the column containing the target values.
data_name : optional, default: 'data'
Name or index of the column containing the data.
transpose_data : optional, default: True
If True, transpose the downloaded data array.
data_home : optional, default: None
Specify another download and cache folder for the data sets. By default
all scikit-learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.
data : Bunch
Dictionary-like object, the interesting attributes are:
'data', the data to learn, 'target', the classification labels,
'DESCR', the full description of the dataset, and
'COL_NAMES', the original names of the dataset columns.
Load the 'iris' dataset from
>>> from sklearn.datasets.mldata import fetch_mldata
>>> import tempfile
>>> test_data_home = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> iris = fetch_mldata('iris', data_home=test_data_home)
(150, 4)
Load the 'leukemia' dataset from, which needs to be transposed
to respects the scikit-learn axes convention:
>>> leuk = fetch_mldata('leukemia', transpose_data=True,
... data_home=test_data_home)
(72, 7129)
Load an alternative 'iris' dataset, which has different names for the
>>> iris2 = fetch_mldata('datasets-UCI iris', target_name=1,
... data_name=0, data_home=test_data_home)
>>> iris3 = fetch_mldata('datasets-UCI iris',
... target_name='class', data_name='double0',
... data_home=test_data_home)
>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(test_data_home)
# normalize dataset name
dataname = mldata_filename(dataname)
# check if this data set has been already downloaded
data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
data_home = join(data_home, 'mldata')
if not exists(data_home):
matlab_name = dataname + '.mat'
filename = join(data_home, matlab_name)
# if the file does not exist, download it
if not exists(filename):
urlname = MLDATA_BASE_URL % quote(dataname)
mldata_url = urlopen(urlname)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
e.msg = "Dataset '%s' not found on" % dataname
# store Matlab file
with open(filename, 'w+b') as matlab_file:
copyfileobj(mldata_url, matlab_file)
# load dataset matlab file
with open(filename, 'rb') as matlab_file:
matlab_dict = io.loadmat(matlab_file, struct_as_record=True)
# -- extract data from matlab_dict
# flatten column names
col_names = [str(descr[0])
for descr in matlab_dict['mldata_descr_ordering'][0]]
# if target or data names are indices, transform then into names
if isinstance(target_name, numbers.Integral):
target_name = col_names[target_name]
if isinstance(data_name, numbers.Integral):
data_name = col_names[data_name]
# rules for making sense of the data format
# (earlier ones have priority):
# 1) there is only one array => it is "data"
# 2) there are multiple arrays
# a) copy all columns in the bunch, using their column name
# b) if there is a column called `target_name`, set "target" to it,
# otherwise set "target" to first column
# c) if there is a column called `data_name`, set "data" to it,
# otherwise set "data" to second column
dataset = {'DESCR': ' dataset: %s' % dataname,
'COL_NAMES': col_names}
# 1) there is only one array => it is considered data
if len(col_names) == 1:
data_name = col_names[0]
dataset['data'] = matlab_dict[data_name]
# 2) there are multiple arrays
for name in col_names:
dataset[name] = matlab_dict[name]
if target_name in col_names:
del dataset[target_name]
dataset['target'] = matlab_dict[target_name]
del dataset[col_names[0]]
dataset['target'] = matlab_dict[col_names[0]]
if data_name in col_names:
del dataset[data_name]
dataset['data'] = matlab_dict[data_name]
del dataset[col_names[1]]
dataset['data'] = matlab_dict[col_names[1]]
# set axes to scikit-learn conventions
if transpose_data:
dataset['data'] = dataset['data'].T
if 'target' in dataset:
if not sp.sparse.issparse(dataset['target']):
dataset['target'] = dataset['target'].squeeze()
return Bunch(**dataset)
# The following is used by test runners to setup the docstring tests fixture
def setup_module(module):
# setup mock urllib2 module to avoid downloading from
from sklearn.utils.testing import install_mldata_mock
'iris': {
'data': np.empty((150, 4)),
'label': np.empty(150),
'datasets-uci-iris': {
'double0': np.empty((150, 4)),
'class': np.empty((150,)),
'leukemia': {
'data': np.empty((72, 7129)),
def teardown_module(module):
from sklearn.utils.testing import uninstall_mldata_mock
| bsd-3-clause |
lekshmideepu/nest-simulator | pynest/examples/spatial/ | 20 | 3879 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST. If not, see <>.
Create two populations of pyramidal cells and two populations of interneurons
Create two populations of pyramidal cells and two populations of interneurons
on a 30x30 grid. Connect with two projections, one pyr->pyr, one pyr->in, and
BCCN Tutorial @ CNS*09
Hans Ekkehard Plesser, UMB
import nest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
nest.CopyModel('iaf_psc_alpha', 'pyr')
nest.CopyModel('iaf_psc_alpha', 'in')
# same positions for all populations
pos = nest.spatial.grid(shape=[30, 30], extent=[3., 3.])
a_pyr = nest.Create('pyr', positions=pos)
a_in = nest.Create('in', positions=pos)
b_pyr = nest.Create('pyr', positions=pos)
b_in = nest.Create('in', positions=pos)
nest.Connect(a_pyr, b_pyr, {'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli',
'p': 0.5,
'mask': {'circular': {'radius': 0.5}}})
nest.Connect(a_pyr, b_in, {'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli',
'p': 0.2,
'mask': {'circular': {'radius': 1.}}})
# plot targets of neurons in different grid locations
# obtain node id for center: pick first node of composite
ctr_index = 30 * 15 + 15
ctr_id = a_pyr[ctr_index:ctr_index + 1]
# get all projection targets of center neuron
conn = nest.GetConnections(ctr_id)
tgts = conn.get('target')
tpyr = nest.GetTargetPositions(ctr_id, b_pyr)[0]
tin = nest.GetTargetPositions(ctr_id, b_in)[0]
tpyr_x = np.array([x for x, y in tpyr])
tpyr_y = np.array([y for x, y in tpyr])
tin_x = np.array([x for x, y in tin])
tin_y = np.array([y for x, y in tin])
# scatter-plot
plt.scatter(tpyr_x - 0.02, tpyr_y - 0.02, 20, 'b', zorder=10)
plt.scatter(tin_x + 0.02, tin_y + 0.02, 20, 'r', zorder=10)
# mark locations with background grey circle
plt.plot(tpyr_x, tpyr_y, 'o', markerfacecolor=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
markersize=10, markeredgewidth=0, zorder=1, label='_nolegend_')
plt.plot(tin_x, tin_y, 'o', markerfacecolor=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
markersize=10, markeredgewidth=0, zorder=1, label='_nolegend_')
# mark sender position with transparent red circle
ctrpos = nest.GetPosition(ctr_id)
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(ctrpos, radius=0.15, zorder=99,
fc='r', alpha=0.4, ec='none'))
# mark mask positions with open red/blue circles
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(ctrpos, radius=0.5, zorder=2,
fc='none', ec='b', lw=3))
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Circle(ctrpos, radius=1.0, zorder=2,
fc='none', ec='r', lw=3))
# mark layer edge
plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle((-1.5, -1.5), 3.0, 3.0, zorder=1,
fc='none', ec='k', lw=3))
# beautify
plt.axes().set_xticks(np.arange(-1.5, 1.55, 0.5))
plt.axes().set_yticks(np.arange(-1.5, 1.55, 0.5))
plt.axis([-1.6, 1.6, -1.6, 1.6])
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'box')
| gpl-2.0 |
tapomayukh/projects_in_python | sandbox_tapo/src/skin_related/AI_Surface_Recognition/src/ | 1 | 14805 | # Hidden Markov Model Implementation
import pylab as pyl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
#from enthought.mayavi import mlab
import scipy as scp
import scipy.ndimage as ni
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('sandbox_tapo_darpa_m3')
import rospy
#import hrl_lib.mayavi2_util as mu
import hrl_lib.viz as hv
import hrl_lib.util as ut
import hrl_lib.matplotlib_util as mpu
import pickle
import ghmm
# Returns mu,sigma for 20 hidden-states from feature-vectors(123,35) for Smooth, Moderate, and Rough Surface Models
def feature_to_mu_sigma(fvec):
index = 0
m,n = np.shape(fvec)
#print m,n
mu = np.matrix(np.zeros((1,1)))
sigma = np.matrix(np.zeros((1,1)))
DIVS = m/1
while (index < 1):
m_init = index*DIVS
temp_fvec = fvec[(m_init):(m_init+DIVS),0:]
#if index == 1:
#print temp_fvec
mu[index] = scp.mean(temp_fvec)
sigma[index] = scp.std(temp_fvec)
index = index+1
return mu,sigma
# Returns sequence given raw data
def create_seq(fvec):
m,n = np.shape(fvec)
#print m,n
seq = np.matrix(np.zeros((1,n)))
DIVS = m/1
for i in range(n):
index = 0
while (index < 1):
m_init = index*DIVS
temp_fvec = fvec[(m_init):(m_init+DIVS),i]
#if index == 1:
#print temp_fvec
seq[index,i] = scp.mean(temp_fvec)
index = index+1
return seq
if __name__ == '__main__':
### Simulation Data
tSamples = 400
datasmooth ='smooth.mat')
datamoderate ='medium.mat')
datarough ='rough.mat')
simulforce = np.zeros((tSamples,150))
datatime = np.arange(0,4,0.01)
dataforceSmooth = np.transpose(datasmooth['force'])
dataforceModerate = np.transpose(datamoderate['force'])
dataforceRough = np.transpose(datarough['force'])
j = 0
for i in dataforceSmooth:
simulforce[:,j] = i
j = j+1
j = 50
for i in dataforceModerate:
simulforce[:,j] = i
j = j+1
j = 100
for i in dataforceRough:
simulforce[:,j] = i
j = j+1
Fmat = np.matrix(simulforce)
# Checking the Data-Matrix
m_tot, n_tot = np.shape(Fmat)
#print " "
#print 'Total_Matrix_Shape:',m_tot,n_tot
mu_smooth,sigma_smooth = feature_to_mu_sigma(Fmat[0:tSamples,0:50])
mu_moderate,sigma_moderate = feature_to_mu_sigma(Fmat[0:tSamples,50:100])
mu_rough,sigma_rough = feature_to_mu_sigma(Fmat[0:tSamples,100:150])
#print [mu_smooth, sigma_smooth]
# HMM - Implementation:
# 10 Hidden States
# Force as Continuous Gaussian Observations from each hidden state
# Three HMM-Models for Smooth, Moderate, Rough Surfaces
# Transition probabilities obtained as upper diagonal matrix (to be trained using Baum_Welch)
# For new objects, it is classified according to which model it represenst the closest..
F = ghmm.Float() # emission domain of this model
# A - Transition Matrix
A = [[1.0]]
# B - Emission Matrix, parameters of emission distributions in pairs of (mu, sigma)
B_smooth = np.zeros((1,2))
B_moderate = np.zeros((1,2))
B_rough = np.zeros((1,2))
for num_states in range(1):
B_smooth[num_states,0] = mu_smooth[num_states]
B_smooth[num_states,1] = sigma_smooth[num_states]
B_moderate[num_states,0] = mu_moderate[num_states]
B_moderate[num_states,1] = sigma_moderate[num_states]
B_rough[num_states,0] = mu_rough[num_states]
B_rough[num_states,1] = sigma_rough[num_states]
B_smooth = B_smooth.tolist()
B_moderate = B_moderate.tolist()
B_rough = B_rough.tolist()
# pi - initial probabilities per state
pi = [1.0] * 1
# generate Smooth, Moderate, Rough Surface models from parameters
model_smooth = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(F,ghmm.GaussianDistribution(F), A, B_smooth, pi) # Will be Trained
model_moderate = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(F,ghmm.GaussianDistribution(F), A, B_moderate, pi) # Will be Trained
model_rough = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(F,ghmm.GaussianDistribution(F), A, B_rough, pi) # Will be Trained
trial_number = 1
smooth_final = np.matrix(np.zeros((30,1)))
moderate_final = np.matrix(np.zeros((30,1)))
rough_final = np.matrix(np.zeros((30,1)))
while (trial_number < 6):
# For Training
total_seq = Fmat[0:tSamples,:]
m_total, n_total = np.shape(total_seq)
#print 'Total_Sequence_Shape:', m_total, n_total
if (trial_number == 1):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,1:5]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,51:55]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,101:105]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+1:j+5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+51:j+55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+101:j+105]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 2):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,0],total_seq[0:tSamples,2:5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,50],total_seq[0:tSamples,52:55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,100],total_seq[0:tSamples,102:105]))
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+0],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+2:j+5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+50],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+52:j+55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+100],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+102:j+105]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 3):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,0:2],total_seq[0:tSamples,3:5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,50:52],total_seq[0:tSamples,53:55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,100:102],total_seq[0:tSamples,103:105]))
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+0:j+2],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+3:j+5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+50:j+52],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+53:j+55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+100:j+102],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+103:j+105]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 4):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,0:3],total_seq[0:tSamples,4:5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,50:53],total_seq[0:tSamples,54:55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq[0:tSamples,100:103],total_seq[0:tSamples,104:105]))
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+0:j+3],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+4:j+5]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+50:j+53],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+54:j+55]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+100:j+103],total_seq[0:tSamples,j+104:j+105]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 5):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,0:4]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,50:54]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,100:104]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+0:j+4]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+50:j+54]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+100:j+104]))
j = j+5
train_seq_smooth = (np.array(total_seq_smooth).T).tolist()
train_seq_moderate = (np.array(total_seq_moderate).T).tolist()
train_seq_rough = (np.array(total_seq_rough).T).tolist()
#m,n = np.shape(train_seq_smooth)
#print m,n
#print train_seq_smooth
final_ts_smooth = ghmm.SequenceSet(F,train_seq_smooth)
final_ts_moderate = ghmm.SequenceSet(F,train_seq_moderate)
final_ts_rough = ghmm.SequenceSet(F,train_seq_rough)
# For Testing
if (trial_number == 1):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,0]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,50]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,100]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+50]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+100]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 2):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,1]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,51]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,101]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+1]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+51]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+101]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 3):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,2]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,52]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,102]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+2]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+52]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+102]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 4):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,3]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,53]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,103]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+3]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+53]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+103]))
j = j+5
if (trial_number == 5):
j = 5
total_seq_smooth = total_seq[0:tSamples,4]
total_seq_moderate = total_seq[0:tSamples,54]
total_seq_rough = total_seq[0:tSamples,104]
while (j < 50):
total_seq_smooth = np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+4]))
total_seq_moderate = np.column_stack((total_seq_moderate,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+54]))
total_seq_rough = np.column_stack((total_seq_rough,total_seq[0:tSamples,j+104]))
j = j+5
total_seq_obj = np.matrix(np.column_stack((total_seq_smooth,total_seq_moderate,total_seq_rough)))
smooth = np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(total_seq_obj,1)))
moderate = np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(total_seq_obj,1)))
rough = np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(total_seq_obj,1)))
m,n = np.shape(smooth)
print m,n
k = 0
while (k < np.size(total_seq_obj,1)):
test_seq_obj = (np.array(total_seq_obj[0:tSamples,k]).T).tolist()
new_test_seq_obj = np.array(sum(test_seq_obj,[]))
ts_obj = new_test_seq_obj
final_ts_obj = ghmm.EmissionSequence(F,ts_obj.tolist())
# Find Viterbi Path
path_smooth_obj = model_smooth.viterbi(final_ts_obj)
path_moderate_obj = model_moderate.viterbi(final_ts_obj)
path_rough_obj = model_rough.viterbi(final_ts_obj)
obj = max(path_smooth_obj[1],path_moderate_obj[1],path_rough_obj[1])
if obj == path_smooth_obj[1]:
smooth[0,k] = 1
elif obj == path_moderate_obj[1]:
moderate[0,k] = 1
rough[0,k] = 1
k = k+1
#print smooth.T
smooth_final = smooth_final + smooth.T
moderate_final = moderate_final + moderate.T
rough_final = rough_final + rough.T
trial_number = trial_number + 1
#print smooth_final
#print moderate_final
#print rough_final
# Confusion Matrix
cmat = np.zeros((3,3))
arrsum_smooth = np.zeros((3,1))
arrsum_moderate = np.zeros((3,1))
arrsum_rough= np.zeros((3,1))
k = 10
i = 0
while (k < 31):
arrsum_smooth[i] = np.sum(smooth_final[k-10:k,0])
arrsum_moderate[i] = np.sum(moderate_final[k-10:k,0])
arrsum_rough[i] = np.sum(rough_final[k-10:k,0])
i = i+1
k = k+10
while (i < 3):
while (j < 3):
if (i == 0):
cmat[i][j] = arrsum_smooth[j]
elif (i == 1):
cmat[i][j] = arrsum_moderate[j]
cmat[i][j] = arrsum_rough[j]
j = j+1
i = i+1
#print cmat
# Plot Confusion Matrix
Nlabels = 3
fig = pp.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
figplot = ax.matshow(cmat, interpolation = 'nearest', origin = 'upper', extent=[0, Nlabels, 0, Nlabels])
ax.set_title('Performance of HMM Models')
ax.set_xticklabels(['Smooth', 'Moderate', 'Rough'])
ax.set_yticklabels(['Smooth', 'Moderate', 'Rough'])
figbar = fig.colorbar(figplot)
i = 0
while (i < 3):
j = 0
while (j < 3):
j = j+1
i = i+1
| mit |
xiaoxiamii/scikit-learn | benchmarks/ | 297 | 1247 | # Author: Mathieu Blondel <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import time
import pylab as pl
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels
def plot(func):
random_state = check_random_state(0)
one_core = []
multi_core = []
sample_sizes = range(1000, 6000, 1000)
for n_samples in sample_sizes:
X = random_state.rand(n_samples, 300)
start = time.time()
func(X, n_jobs=1)
one_core.append(time.time() - start)
start = time.time()
func(X, n_jobs=-1)
multi_core.append(time.time() - start)
pl.figure('scikit-learn parallel %s benchmark results' % func.__name__)
pl.plot(sample_sizes, one_core, label="one core")
pl.plot(sample_sizes, multi_core, label="multi core")
pl.ylabel('Time (s)')
pl.title('Parallel %s' % func.__name__)
def euclidean_distances(X, n_jobs):
return pairwise_distances(X, metric="euclidean", n_jobs=n_jobs)
def rbf_kernels(X, n_jobs):
return pairwise_kernels(X, metric="rbf", n_jobs=n_jobs, gamma=0.1)
| bsd-3-clause |
jnez71/demos | signals/ | 1 | 2452 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
Tunes a linear IIR filter to have any specified impulse response.
The desired impulse response is specified over some finite time window.
Then the matched IIR filter can be said to "predict" the rest of this
function at times outside the window by simple simulation.
Since this tuning is not for a real-time application, instead of using
an iterative "adaptive filter" method, analytical least-squares was used.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function for forming an IIR-filter regression matrix given data x and order M
regmat = lambda x, M: np.hstack((np.ones((len(x), 1)), toeplitz(x, np.concatenate(([x[0]], np.zeros(M-1))))))
# Function that takes data x and regression matrix X and returns the autocor,, and crosscor, for x = x[1:].
cormats = lambda x, X: (,[1:]))
# Weird function to predict, take your pick
func = lambda t: np.arctan(np.cos(-0.01*t)+np.cos(0.01*t+2)+(np.sin(0.01*1/(t+10000)-np.pi/2)+np.sin(0.01*t)*np.sin(0.1*t)**2*np.exp(np.cos(0.001*np.sign(t-100)*np.sin(t)))))
# func = lambda t: 0.1*np.random.randn(np.shape(t)[0]) + np.arctan(np.cos(-0.01*t)+np.cos(0.01*t+2)+(np.sin(0.01*1/(t+10000)-np.pi/2)+np.sin(0.01*t)*np.sin(0.1*t)**2*np.exp(np.cos(0.001*np.sign(t-100)*np.sin(t)))))
# func = lambda t: np.cos(1*np.exp(-t/500)*t)
# Training data
samples = 1600
x = func(np.arange(0, samples))
# Filter order
M = 800
# Regression matrix
X = regmat(x[:-1], M)
# Optimal weights
w = npl.pinv(X).dot(x[1:])
# Full simulation time
T = 3000
time = np.arange(0, T)
# Prepare to record
y_pred = []
# Let the "filter" run "autonomously" for samples beyond the ones it trained on
for i, t in enumerate(np.arange(samples-1, T-1)):
filtout = w[0]
for d in np.arange(0, M):
filtout += w[d+1]*y_pred[t-d]
print("MSE: {}".format(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(np.subtract(func(time[samples:]), y_pred[samples:]))))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.plot(time, np.concatenate((x, func(time[samples:]))), 'g', linewidth=2, label="Desired Response")
ax.plot(time[samples-1:], y_pred[samples-1:], 'k', linewidth=1, label="Filter's Response")
ax.set_xlabel("Training Time (left) and Prediction Time (right)", fontsize=22)
| mit |
tensorflow/datasets | tensorflow_datasets/core/utils/ | 1 | 4240 | # coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Benchmark utils."""
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Union
from absl import logging
import dataclasses
from tensorflow_datasets.core.utils import tqdm_utils
import pandas as pd # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
except ImportError:
pd = Any
# pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation
StatDict = Dict[str, Union[int, float]]
class BenchmarkResult:
stats: 'pd.DataFrame'
raw_stats: 'pd.DataFrame'
def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
"""Colab/notebook representation."""
return '<strong>BenchmarkResult:</strong><br/>' + self.stats._repr_html_() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def benchmark(
ds: Iterable[Any],
num_iter: Optional[int] = None,
batch_size: int = 1,
) -> BenchmarkResult:
"""Benchmarks any iterable (e.g ``).
ds = tfds.load('mnist', split='train').batch(32).prefetch()
tfds.benchmark(ds, batch_size=32)
- Total execution time
- Setup time (first warmup batch)
- Number of examples/sec
ds: Dataset to benchmark. Can be any iterable. Note: The iterable will be
fully consumed.
num_iter: Number of iteration to perform (iteration might be batched)
batch_size: Batch size of the dataset, used to normalize iterations
statistics: The recorded statistics, for eventual post-processing
total = len(ds) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
except TypeError:
total = None
# Benchmark the first batch separatelly (setup overhead)
start_time = time.perf_counter()
ds_iter = iter(ds)
next(ds_iter) # First warmup batch
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('Cannot benchmark dataset with 0 elements.')
first_batch_time = time.perf_counter()
# Benchmark the following batches
i = -1
for i, _ in tqdm_utils.tqdm(enumerate(ds_iter), initial=1, total=total):
if num_iter and i > num_iter:
end_time = time.perf_counter()
if num_iter and i < num_iter:
'Number of iteration shorter than expected ({} vs {})'.format(
i, num_iter))
if i == -1: # No iteration besides the second batch
end_time = first_batch_time
print('\n************ Summary ************\n')
num_examples = (i + 1) * batch_size
stats = {
_log_stats('First included', start_time, end_time,
num_examples + batch_size),
_log_stats('First only', start_time, first_batch_time, batch_size),
_log_stats('First excluded', first_batch_time, end_time, num_examples)
raw_stats = {
'start_time': start_time,
'first_batch_time': first_batch_time,
'end_time': end_time,
'num_iter': i + 2, # First batch and zero-shifted
stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(stats, orient='index')
raw_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
raw_stats, orient='index', columns=['duration'])
return BenchmarkResult(stats=stats, raw_stats=raw_stats)
def _log_stats(msg: str, start: float, end: float,
num_examples: int) -> StatDict:
"""Log and returns stats."""
if not num_examples:
stats = {
'duration': 0.,
'num_examples': 0,
'avg': 0.,
total_time = end - start
stats = {
'duration': total_time,
'num_examples': num_examples,
'avg': num_examples / total_time,
print('Examples/sec ({}) {avg:.2f} ex/sec (total: {num_examples} ex, '
'{duration:.2f} sec)'.format(msg, **stats))
return stats
| apache-2.0 |
blondegeek/pymatgen | pymatgen/io/abinit/ | 2 | 74708 | # coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
Works for Abinit
import os
import shutil
import time
import abc
import collections
import numpy as np
import copy
from monty.collections import AttrDict
from monty.itertools import chunks
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from monty.fnmatch import WildCard
from pydispatch import dispatcher
from pymatgen.core.units import EnergyArray
from . import wrappers
from .nodes import Dependency, Node, NodeError, NodeResults, FileNode, check_spectator
from .tasks import (Task, AbinitTask, ScfTask, NscfTask, DfptTask, PhononTask, ElasticTask, DdkTask,
BseTask, RelaxTask, DdeTask, BecTask, ScrTask, SigmaTask, TaskManager,
DteTask, EphTask, CollinearThenNonCollinearScfTask)
from .utils import Directory
from .netcdf import ETSF_Reader, NetcdfReader
from .abitimer import AbinitTimerParser
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__author__ = "Matteo Giantomassi"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, The Materials Project"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Matteo Giantomassi"
__all__ = [
class WorkResults(NodeResults):
JSON_SCHEMA = NodeResults.JSON_SCHEMA.copy()
def from_node(cls, work):
"""Initialize an instance from a :class:`Work` instance."""
new = super().from_node(work)
# Will put all files found in outdir in GridFs
# Warning: assuming binary files.
d = {os.path.basename(f): f for f in work.outdir.list_filepaths()}
return new
class WorkError(NodeError):
"""Base class for the exceptions raised by Work objects."""
class BaseWork(Node, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Error = WorkError
Results = WorkResults
# interface modeled after subprocess.Popen
def processes(self):
"""Return a list of objects that support the `subprocess.Popen` protocol."""
def poll(self):
Check if all child processes have terminated. Set and return returncode attribute.
return [task.poll() for task in self]
def wait(self):
Wait for child processed to terminate. Set and return returncode attribute.
return [task.wait() for task in self]
def communicate(self, input=None):
Interact with processes: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and
stderr, until end-of-file is reached.
Wait for process to terminate. The optional input argument should be a
string to be sent to the child processed, or None, if no data should be
sent to the children.
communicate() returns a list of tuples (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
return [task.communicate(input) for task in self]
def returncodes(self):
The children return codes, set by poll() and wait() (and indirectly by communicate()).
A None value indicates that the process hasn't terminated yet.
A negative value -N indicates that the child was terminated by signal N (Unix only).
return [task.returncode for task in self]
def ncores_reserved(self):
Returns the number of cores reserved in this moment.
A core is reserved if it's still not running but
we have submitted the task to the queue manager.
return sum(task.manager.num_cores for task in self if task.status == task.S_SUB)
def ncores_allocated(self):
Returns the number of CPUs allocated in this moment.
A core is allocated if it's running a task or if we have
submitted a task to the queue manager but the job is still pending.
return sum(task.manager.num_cores for task in self if task.status in [task.S_SUB, task.S_RUN])
def ncores_used(self):
Returns the number of cores used in this moment.
A core is used if there's a job that is running on it.
return sum(task.manager.num_cores for task in self if task.status == task.S_RUN)
def fetch_task_to_run(self):
Returns the first task that is ready to run or
None if no task can be submitted at present"
`StopIteration` if all tasks are done.
# All the tasks are done so raise an exception
# that will be handled by the client code.
if all(task.is_completed for task in self):
raise StopIteration("All tasks completed.")
for task in self:
if task.can_run:
return task
# No task found, this usually happens when we have dependencies.
# Beware of possible deadlocks here!
logger.warning("Possible deadlock in fetch_task_to_run!")
return None
def fetch_alltasks_to_run(self):
Returns a list with all the tasks that can be submitted.
Empty list if not task has been found.
return [task for task in self if task.can_run]
def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Method called before submitting the calculations."""
def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.setup(*args, **kwargs)
def connect_signals(self):
Connect the signals within the work.
The :class:`Work` is responsible for catching the important signals raised from
its task and raise new signals when some particular condition occurs.
for task in self:
dispatcher.connect(self.on_ok, signal=task.S_OK, sender=task)
def disconnect_signals(self):
Disable the signals within the work. This function reverses the process of `connect_signals`
for task in self:
dispatcher.disconnect(self.on_ok, signal=task.S_OK, sender=task)
except dispatcher.errors.DispatcherKeyError as exc:
def all_ok(self):
return all(task.status == task.S_OK for task in self)
def on_ok(self, sender):
This callback is called when one task reaches status `S_OK`.
It executes on_all_ok when all tasks in self have reached `S_OK`.
logger.debug("in on_ok with sender %s" % sender)
if self.all_ok:
if self.finalized:
return AttrDict(returncode=0, message="Work has been already finalized")
# Set finalized here, because on_all_ok might change it (e.g. Relax + EOS in a single work)
self.finalized = True
results = AttrDict(**self.on_all_ok())
except Exception as exc:
self.history.critical("on_all_ok raises %s" % str(exc))
self.finalized = False
# Signal to possible observers that the `Work` reached S_OK"Work %s is finalized and broadcasts signal S_OK" % str(self))
if self._finalized:
return results
return AttrDict(returncode=1, message="Not all tasks are OK!")
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called once the `Work` is completed i.e. when all tasks
have reached status S_OK. Subclasses should provide their own implementation
Dictionary that must contain at least the following entries:
0 on success.
a string that should provide a human-readable description of what has been performed.
return dict(returncode=0, message="Calling on_all_ok of the base class!")
def get_results(self, **kwargs):
Method called once the calculations are completed.
The base version returns a dictionary task_name: TaskResults for each task in self.
results = self.Results.from_node(self)
return results
def get_graphviz(self, engine="automatic", graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None):
Generate task graph in the DOT language (only parents and children of this work).
engine: Layout command used. ['dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp', 'patchwork', 'osage']
graph_attr: Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph.
node_attr: Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes.
edge_attr: Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges.
Returns: graphviz.Digraph <>
from graphviz import Digraph
fg = Digraph("work", #filename="work_%s.gv" % os.path.basename(self.workdir),
engine="fdp" if engine == "automatic" else engine)
# Set graph attributes.
#fg.attr(label="%s@%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.relworkdir))
#fg.attr(fontcolor="white", bgcolor='purple:pink')
fg.attr(rankdir="LR", pagedir="BL")
#fg.attr(constraint="false", pack="true", packMode="clust")
fg.node_attr.update(color='lightblue2', style='filled')
# Add input attributes.
if graph_attr is not None:
if node_attr is not None:
if edge_attr is not None:
def node_kwargs(node):
return dict(
label=(str(node) if not hasattr(node, "pos_str") else
node.pos_str + "\n" + node.__class__.__name__),
edge_kwargs = dict(arrowType="vee", style="solid")
cluster_kwargs = dict(rankdir="LR", pagedir="BL", style="rounded", bgcolor="azure2")
# Build cluster with tasks in *this* work
cluster_name = "cluster%s" %
with fg.subgraph(name=cluster_name) as wg:
wg.attr(label="%s (%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
for task in self:
wg.node(, **node_kwargs(task))
# Connect task to children
for child in task.get_children():
# Test if child is in this cluster (self).
myg = wg if child in self else fg
myg.node(, **node_kwargs(child))
# Find file extensions required by this task
i = [dep.node for dep in child.deps].index(task)
edge_label = "+".join(child.deps[i].exts)
myg.edge(,, label=edge_label, color=task.color_hex,
# Connect task to parents
for parent in task.get_parents():
# Test if parent is in this cluster (self).
myg = wg if parent in self else fg
myg.node(, **node_kwargs(parent))
# Find file extensions required by this task
i = [dep.node for dep in task.deps].index(parent)
edge_label = "+".join(task.deps[i].exts)
myg.edge(,, label=edge_label, color=parent.color_hex,
# Treat the case in which we have a work producing output for tasks in *this* work.
#for work in self.flow:
# children = work.get_children()
# if not children or all(child not in self for child in children):
# continue
# cluster_name = "cluster%s" %
# seen = set()
# for child in children:
# if child not in self: continue
# # This is not needed, too much confusing
# #fg.edge(cluster_name,, color=work.color_hex, **edge_kwargs)
# # Find file extensions required by work
# i = [dep.node for dep in child.deps].index(work)
# for ext in child.deps[i].exts:
# out = "%s (%s)" % (ext,
# fg.node(out)
# fg.edge(out,, **edge_kwargs)
# key = (cluster_name, out)
# if key not in seen:
# fg.edge(cluster_name, out, color=work.color_hex, **edge_kwargs)
# seen.add(key)
return fg
class NodeContainer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Mixin classes for `Work` and `Flow` objects providing helper functions
to register tasks in the container. The helper function call the
`register` method of the container.
# TODO: Abstract protocol for containers
def register_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
Register a task in the container.
# TODO: shall flow.register_task return a Task or a Work?
# Helper functions
def register_scf_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a Scf task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = ScfTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_collinear_then_noncollinear_scf_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a Scf task that perform a SCF run first with nsppol = 2 and then nspinor = 2"""
kwargs["task_class"] = CollinearThenNonCollinearScfTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_nscf_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a nscf task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = NscfTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_relax_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a task for structural optimization."""
kwargs["task_class"] = RelaxTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_phonon_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a phonon task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = PhononTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_elastic_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register an elastic task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = ElasticTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_ddk_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a ddk task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = DdkTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_scr_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a screening task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = ScrTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_sigma_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a sigma task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = SigmaTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_dde_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a Dde task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = DdeTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_dte_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a Dte task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = DteTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_bec_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a BEC task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = BecTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_bse_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register a Bethe-Salpeter task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = BseTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def register_eph_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Register an electron-phonon task."""
kwargs["task_class"] = EphTask
return self.register_task(*args, **kwargs)
def walknset_vars(self, task_class=None, *args, **kwargs):
Set the values of the ABINIT variables in the input files of the nodes
task_class: If not None, only the input files of the tasks belonging
to class `task_class` are modified.
flow.walknset_vars(ecut=10, kptopt=4)
def change_task(task):
if task_class is not None and task.__class__ is not task_class: return False
return True
if self.is_work:
for task in self:
if not change_task(task): continue
task.set_vars(*args, **kwargs)
elif self.is_flow:
for task in self.iflat_tasks():
if not change_task(task): continue
task.set_vars(*args, **kwargs)
raise TypeError("Don't know how to set variables for object class %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
class Work(BaseWork, NodeContainer):
A Work is a list of (possibly connected) tasks.
def __init__(self, workdir=None, manager=None):
workdir: Path to the working directory.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
self._tasks = []
if workdir is not None:
if manager is not None:
def set_manager(self, manager):
"""Set the :class:`TaskManager` to use to launch the :class:`Task`."""
self.manager = manager.deepcopy()
for task in self:
def flow(self):
"""The flow containing this :class:`Work`."""
return self._flow
def set_flow(self, flow):
"""Set the flow associated to this :class:`Work`."""
if not hasattr(self, "_flow"):
self._flow = flow
if self._flow != flow:
raise ValueError("self._flow != flow")
def pos(self):
"""The position of self in the :class:`Flow`"""
for i, work in enumerate(self.flow):
if self == work:
return i
raise ValueError("Cannot find the position of %s in flow %s" % (self, self.flow))
def pos_str(self):
"""String representation of self.pos"""
return "w" + str(self.pos)
def set_workdir(self, workdir, chroot=False):
"""Set the working directory. Cannot be set more than once unless chroot is True"""
if not chroot and hasattr(self, "workdir") and self.workdir != workdir:
raise ValueError("self.workdir != workdir: %s, %s" % (self.workdir, workdir))
self.workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir)
# Directories with (input|output|temporary) data.
# The work will use these directories to connect
# itself to other works and/or to produce new data
# that will be used by its children.
self.indir = Directory(os.path.join(self.workdir, "indata"))
self.outdir = Directory(os.path.join(self.workdir, "outdata"))
self.tmpdir = Directory(os.path.join(self.workdir, "tmpdata"))
self.wdir = Directory(self.workdir)
def chroot(self, new_workdir):
self.set_workdir(new_workdir, chroot=True)
for i, task in enumerate(self):
new_tdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, "t" + str(i))
task.set_workdir(new_tdir, chroot=True)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._tasks)
def __iter__(self):
return self._tasks.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, slice):
return self._tasks[slice]
def chunks(self, chunk_size):
"""Yield successive chunks of tasks of lenght chunk_size."""
for tasks in chunks(self, chunk_size):
yield tasks
def opath_from_ext(self, ext):
Returns the path of the output file with extension ext.
Use it when the file does not exist yet.
return self.indir.path_in("in_" + ext)
def opath_from_ext(self, ext):
Returns the path of the output file with extension ext.
Use it when the file does not exist yet.
return self.outdir.path_in("out_" + ext)
def processes(self):
return [task.process for task in self]
def all_done(self):
"""True if all the :class:`Task` objects in the :class:`Work` are done."""
return all(task.status >= task.S_DONE for task in self)
def isnc(self):
"""True if norm-conserving calculation."""
return all(task.isnc for task in self)
def ispaw(self):
"""True if PAW calculation."""
return all(task.ispaw for task in self)
def status_counter(self):
Returns a `Counter` object that counts the number of task with
given status (use the string representation of the status as key).
counter = collections.Counter()
for task in self:
counter[str(task.status)] += 1
return counter
def allocate(self, manager=None):
This function is called once we have completed the initialization
of the :class:`Work`. It sets the manager of each task (if not already done)
and defines the working directories of the tasks.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object or None
for i, task in enumerate(self):
if not hasattr(task, "manager"):
# Set the manager
# Use the one provided in input else the one of the work/flow.
if manager is not None:
# Look first in work and then in the flow.
if hasattr(self, "manager"):
task_workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, "t" + str(i))
if not hasattr(task, "workdir"):
if task.workdir != task_workdir:
raise ValueError("task.workdir != task_workdir: %s, %s" % (task.workdir, task_workdir))
def register(self, obj, deps=None, required_files=None, manager=None, task_class=None):
Registers a new :class:`Task` and add it to the internal list, taking into account possible dependencies.
obj: :class:`AbinitInput` instance or `Task` object.
deps: Dictionary specifying the dependency of this node or list of dependencies
None means that this obj has no dependency.
required_files: List of strings with the path of the files used by the task.
Note that the files must exist when the task is registered.
Use the standard approach based on Works, Tasks and deps
if the files will be produced in the future.
The :class:`TaskManager` responsible for the submission of the task. If manager is None, we use
the `TaskManager` specified during the creation of the :class:`Work`.
task_class: Task subclass to instantiate. Default: :class:`AbinitTask`
:class:`Task` object
task_workdir = None
if hasattr(self, "workdir"):
task_workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, "t" + str(len(self)))
if isinstance(obj, Task):
task = obj
# Set the class
if task_class is None:
task_class = AbinitTask
task = task_class.from_input(obj, task_workdir, manager)
# Handle possible dependencies given either as dict or list.
if deps is not None:
if hasattr(deps, "items"):
deps = [Dependency(node, exts) for node, exts in deps.items()]
# Handle possible dependencies.
if required_files is not None:
return task
# Needed by NodeContainer
register_task = register
def path_in_workdir(self, filename):
"""Create the absolute path of filename in the working directory."""
return os.path.join(self.workdir, filename)
def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method called before running the calculations.
The default implementation is empty.
def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Creates the top level directory."""
# Create the directories of the work.
# Build dirs and files of each task.
for task in self:*args, **kwargs)
# Connect signals within the work.
def status(self):
Returns the status of the work i.e. the minimum of the status of the tasks.
return self.get_all_status(only_min=True)
def get_all_status(self, only_min=False):
Returns a list with the status of the tasks in self.
only_min: If True, the minimum of the status is returned.
if len(self) == 0:
# The work will be created in the future.
if only_min:
return self.S_INIT
return [self.S_INIT]
status_list = [task.status for task in self]
if only_min:
return min(status_list)
return status_list
def check_status(self):
"""Check the status of the tasks."""
# Recompute the status of the tasks
# Ignore OK and LOCKED tasks.
for task in self:
if task.status in (task.S_OK, task.S_LOCKED): continue
# Take into account possible dependencies. Use a list instead of generators
for task in self:
if task.status == task.S_LOCKED: continue
if task.status < task.S_SUB and all(status == task.S_OK for status in task.deps_status):
task.set_status(task.S_READY, "Status set to Ready")
def rmtree(self, exclude_wildcard=""):
Remove all files and directories in the working directory
exclude_wildcard: Optional string with regular expressions separated by `|`.
Files matching one of the regular expressions will be preserved.
example: exclude_wildard="*.nc|*.txt" preserves all the files
whose extension is in ["nc", "txt"].
if not exclude_wildcard:
w = WildCard(exclude_wildcard)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.workdir):
for fname in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
if not w.match(fname):
def rm_indatadir(self):
"""Remove all the indata directories."""
for task in self:
def rm_outdatadir(self):
"""Remove all the indata directories."""
for task in self:
def rm_tmpdatadir(self):
"""Remove all the tmpdata directories."""
for task in self:
def move(self, dest, isabspath=False):
Recursively move self.workdir to another location. This is similar to the Unix "mv" command.
The destination path must not already exist. If the destination already exists
but is not a directory, it may be overwritten depending on os.rename() semantics.
Be default, dest is located in the parent directory of self.workdir, use isabspath=True
to specify an absolute path.
if not isabspath:
dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.workdir), dest)
shutil.move(self.workdir, dest)
def submit_tasks(self, wait=False):
Submits the task in self and wait.
TODO: change name.
for task in self:
if wait:
for task in self: task.wait()
def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
Start the work. Calls build and _setup first, then submit the tasks.
Non-blocking call unless wait is set to True
wait = kwargs.pop("wait", False)
# Initial setup
self._setup(*args, **kwargs)
# Build dirs and files.*args, **kwargs)
# Submit tasks (does not block)
def read_etotals(self, unit="Ha"):
Reads the total energy from the GSR file produced by the task.
Return a numpy array with the total energies in Hartree
The array element is set to np.inf if an exception is raised while reading the GSR file.
if not self.all_done:
raise self.Error("Some task is still in running/submitted state")
etotals = []
for task in self:
# Open the GSR file and read etotal (Hartree)
gsr_path = task.outdir.has_abiext("GSR")
etot = np.inf
if gsr_path:
with ETSF_Reader(gsr_path) as r:
etot = r.read_value("etotal")
return EnergyArray(etotals, "Ha").to(unit)
def parse_timers(self):
Parse the TIMER section reported in the ABINIT output files.
:class:`AbinitTimerParser` object
filenames = list(filter(os.path.exists, [task.output_file.path for task in self]))
parser = AbinitTimerParser()
return parser
class BandStructureWork(Work):
"""Work for band structure calculations."""
def __init__(self, scf_input, nscf_input, dos_inputs=None, workdir=None, manager=None):
scf_input: Input for the SCF run
nscf_input: Input for the NSCF run defining the band structure calculation.
dos_inputs: Input(s) for the DOS. DOS is computed only if dos_inputs is not None.
workdir: Working directory.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
super().__init__(workdir=workdir, manager=manager)
# Register the GS-SCF run.
self.scf_task = self.register_scf_task(scf_input)
# Register the NSCF run and its dependency.
self.nscf_task = self.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={self.scf_task: "DEN"})
# Add DOS computation(s) if requested.
self.dos_tasks = []
if dos_inputs is not None:
if not isinstance(dos_inputs, (list, tuple)):
dos_inputs = [dos_inputs]
for dos_input in dos_inputs:
dos_task = self.register_nscf_task(dos_input, deps={self.scf_task: "DEN"})
def plot_ebands(self, **kwargs):
Plot the band structure. kwargs are passed to the plot method of :class:`ElectronBands`.
`matplotlib` figure
with self.nscf_task.open_gsr() as gsr:
return gsr.ebands.plot(**kwargs)
def plot_ebands_with_edos(self, dos_pos=0, method="gaussian", step=0.01, width=0.1, **kwargs):
Plot the band structure and the DOS.
dos_pos: Index of the task from which the DOS should be obtained (note: 0 refers to the first DOS task).
method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS.
step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh.
width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `plot_with_edos` method to customize the plot.
`matplotlib` figure.
with self.nscf_task.open_gsr() as gsr:
gs_ebands = gsr.ebands
with self.dos_tasks[dos_pos].open_gsr() as gsr:
dos_ebands = gsr.ebands
edos = dos_ebands.get_edos(method=method, step=step, width=width)
return gs_ebands.plot_with_edos(edos, **kwargs)
def plot_edoses(self, dos_pos=None, method="gaussian", step=0.01, width=0.1, **kwargs):
Plot the band structure and the DOS.
dos_pos: Index of the task from which the DOS should be obtained.
None is all DOSes should be displayed. Accepts integer or list of integers.
method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS.
step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh.
width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian.
kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `plot` method to customize the plot.
`matplotlib` figure.
if dos_pos is not None and not isinstance(dos_pos, (list, tuple)): dos_pos = [dos_pos]
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronDosPlotter
plotter = ElectronDosPlotter()
for i, task in enumerate(self.dos_tasks):
if dos_pos is not None and i not in dos_pos: continue
with task.open_gsr() as gsr:
edos = gsr.ebands.get_edos(method=method, step=step, width=width)
ngkpt = task.get_inpvar("ngkpt")
plotter.add_edos("ngkpt %s" % str(ngkpt), edos)
return plotter.combiplot(**kwargs)
class RelaxWork(Work):
Work for structural relaxations. The first task relaxes the atomic position
while keeping the unit cell parameters fixed. The second task uses the final
structure to perform a structural relaxation in which both the atomic positions
and the lattice parameters are optimized.
def __init__(self, ion_input, ioncell_input, workdir=None, manager=None, target_dilatmx=None):
ion_input: Input for the relaxation of the ions (cell is fixed)
ioncell_input: Input for the relaxation of the ions and the unit cell.
workdir: Working directory.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
super().__init__(workdir=workdir, manager=manager)
self.ion_task = self.register_relax_task(ion_input)
# Note:
# 1) It would be nice to restart from the WFK file but ABINIT crashes due to the
# different unit cell parameters if paral_kgb == 1
#paral_kgb = ion_input[0]["paral_kgb"]
#if paral_kgb == 1:
#deps = {self.ion_task: "WFK"} # --> FIXME: Problem in rwwf
#deps = {self.ion_task: "DEN"}
deps = None
self.ioncell_task = self.register_relax_task(ioncell_input, deps=deps)
# Lock ioncell_task as ion_task should communicate to ioncell_task that
# the calculation is OK and pass the final structure.
self.transfer_done = False
self.target_dilatmx = target_dilatmx
def on_ok(self, sender):
This callback is called when one task reaches status S_OK.
If sender == self.ion_task, we update the initial structure
used by self.ioncell_task and we unlock it so that the job can be submitted.
logger.debug("in on_ok with sender %s" % sender)
if sender == self.ion_task and not self.transfer_done:
# Get the relaxed structure from ion_task
ion_structure = self.ion_task.get_final_structure()
# Transfer it to the ioncell task (we do it only once).
self.transfer_done = True
# Unlock ioncell_task so that we can submit it.
elif sender == self.ioncell_task and self.target_dilatmx:
actual_dilatmx = self.ioncell_task.get_inpvar('dilatmx', 1.)
if self.target_dilatmx < actual_dilatmx:
self.ioncell_task.reduce_dilatmx(target=self.target_dilatmx)'Converging dilatmx. Value reduce from {} to {}.'
.format(actual_dilatmx, self.ioncell_task.get_inpvar('dilatmx')))
return super().on_ok(sender)
def plot_ion_relaxation(self, **kwargs):
Plot the history of the ion-cell relaxation.
kwargs are passed to the plot method of :class:`HistFile`
Return `matplotlib` figure or None if hist file is not found.
with self.ion_task.open_hist() as hist:
return hist.plot(**kwargs) if hist else None
def plot_ioncell_relaxation(self, **kwargs):
Plot the history of the ion-cell relaxation.
kwargs are passed to the plot method of :class:`HistFile`
Return `matplotlib` figure or None if hist file is not found.
with self.ioncell_task.open_hist() as hist:
return hist.plot(**kwargs) if hist else None
class G0W0Work(Work):
Work for general G0W0 calculations.
All input can be either single inputs or lists of inputs
def __init__(self, scf_inputs, nscf_inputs, scr_inputs, sigma_inputs,
workdir=None, manager=None):
scf_inputs: Input(s) for the SCF run, if it is a list add all but only link
to the last input (used for convergence studies on the KS band gap)
nscf_inputs: Input(s) for the NSCF run, if it is a list add all but only
link to the last (i.e. addditiona DOS and BANDS)
scr_inputs: Input for the screening run
sigma_inputs: List of :class:AbinitInput`for the self-energy run.
if scr and sigma are lists of the same length, every sigma gets its own screening.
if there is only one screening all sigma inputs are linked to this one
workdir: Working directory of the calculation.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
super().__init__(workdir=workdir, manager=manager)
spread_scr = (isinstance(sigma_inputs, (list, tuple)) and
isinstance(scr_inputs, (list, tuple)) and
len(sigma_inputs) == len(scr_inputs))
#print("spread_scr", spread_scr)
self.sigma_tasks = []
# Register the GS-SCF run.
# register all scf_inputs but link the nscf only the last scf in the list
# multiple scf_inputs can be provided to perform convergence studies
if isinstance(scf_inputs, (list, tuple)):
for scf_input in scf_inputs:
self.scf_task = self.register_scf_task(scf_input)
self.scf_task = self.register_scf_task(scf_inputs)
# Register the NSCF run (s).
if isinstance(nscf_inputs, (list, tuple)):
for nscf_input in nscf_inputs:
self.nscf_task = nscf_task = self.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={self.scf_task: "DEN"})
self.nscf_task = nscf_task = self.register_nscf_task(nscf_inputs, deps={self.scf_task: "DEN"})
# Register the SCR and SIGMA run(s).
if spread_scr:
for scr_input, sigma_input in zip(scr_inputs, sigma_inputs):
scr_task = self.register_scr_task(scr_input, deps={nscf_task: "WFK"})
sigma_task = self.register_sigma_task(sigma_input, deps={nscf_task: "WFK", scr_task: "SCR"})
# Sigma work(s) connected to the same screening.
scr_task = self.register_scr_task(scr_inputs, deps={nscf_task: "WFK"})
if isinstance(sigma_inputs, (list, tuple)):
for inp in sigma_inputs:
task = self.register_sigma_task(inp, deps={nscf_task: "WFK", scr_task: "SCR"})
task = self.register_sigma_task(sigma_inputs, deps={nscf_task: "WFK", scr_task: "SCR"})
class SigmaConvWork(Work):
Work for self-energy convergence studies.
def __init__(self, wfk_node, scr_node, sigma_inputs, workdir=None, manager=None):
wfk_node: The node who has produced the WFK file or filepath pointing to the WFK file.
scr_node: The node who has produced the SCR file or filepath pointing to the SCR file.
sigma_inputs: List of :class:`AbinitInput` for the self-energy runs.
workdir: Working directory of the calculation.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
# Cast to node instances.
wfk_node, scr_node = Node.as_node(wfk_node), Node.as_node(scr_node)
super().__init__(workdir=workdir, manager=manager)
# Register the SIGMA runs.
if not isinstance(sigma_inputs, (list, tuple)):
sigma_inputs = [sigma_inputs]
for sigma_input in sigma_inputs:
self.register_sigma_task(sigma_input, deps={wfk_node: "WFK", scr_node: "SCR"})
class BseMdfWork(Work):
Work for simple BSE calculations in which the self-energy corrections
are approximated by the scissors operator and the screening is modeled
with the model dielectric function.
def __init__(self, scf_input, nscf_input, bse_inputs, workdir=None, manager=None):
scf_input: Input for the SCF run.
nscf_input: Input for the NSCF run.
bse_inputs: List of Inputs for the BSE run.
workdir: Working directory of the calculation.
manager: :class:`TaskManager`.
super().__init__(workdir=workdir, manager=manager)
# Register the GS-SCF run.
self.scf_task = self.register_scf_task(scf_input)
# Construct the input for the NSCF run.
self.nscf_task = self.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={self.scf_task: "DEN"})
# Construct the input(s) for the BSE run.
if not isinstance(bse_inputs, (list, tuple)):
bse_inputs = [bse_inputs]
for bse_input in bse_inputs:
self.register_bse_task(bse_input, deps={self.nscf_task: "WFK"})
def get_mdf_robot(self):
"""Builds and returns a :class:`MdfRobot` for analyzing the results in the MDF files."""
from abilab.robots import MdfRobot
robot = MdfRobot()
for task in self[2:]:
mdf_path = task.outdir.has_abiext(robot.EXT)
if mdf_path:
robot.add_file(str(task), mdf_path)
return robot
class QptdmWork(Work):
This work parallelizes the calculation of the q-points of the screening.
It also provides the callback `on_all_ok` that calls mrgscr to merge
all the partial screening files produced.
def create_tasks(self, wfk_file, scr_input):
Create the SCR tasks and register them in self.
wfk_file: Path to the ABINIT WFK file to use for the computation of the screening.
scr_input: Input for the screening calculation.
assert len(self) == 0
wfk_file = self.wfk_file = os.path.abspath(wfk_file)
# Build a temporary work in the tmpdir that will use a shell manager
# to run ABINIT in order to get the list of q-points for the screening.
shell_manager = self.manager.to_shell_manager(mpi_procs=1)
w = Work(workdir=self.tmpdir.path_join("_qptdm_run"), manager=shell_manager)
fake_input = scr_input.deepcopy()
fake_task = w.register(fake_input)
# Create the symbolic link and add the magic value
# nqpdm = -1 to the input to get the list of q-points.
fake_task.set_vars({"nqptdm": -1})
# Parse the section with the q-points
with NetcdfReader(fake_task.outdir.has_abiext("")) as reader:
qpoints = reader.read_value("reduced_coordinates_of_kpoints")
# Now we can register the task for the different q-points
for qpoint in qpoints:
qptdm_input = scr_input.deepcopy()
qptdm_input.set_vars(nqptdm=1, qptdm=qpoint)
new_task = self.register_scr_task(qptdm_input, manager=self.manager)
# Add the garbage collector.
if self.flow.gc is not None:
def merge_scrfiles(self, remove_scrfiles=True):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
It runs `mrgscr` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final SCR file in the outdir of the `Work`.
If remove_scrfiles is True, the partial SCR files are removed after the merge.
scr_files = list(filter(None, [task.outdir.has_abiext("SCR") for task in self]))"Will call mrgscr to merge %s SCR files:\n" % len(scr_files))
assert len(scr_files) == len(self)
mrgscr = wrappers.Mrgscr(manager=self[0].manager, verbose=1)
final_scr = mrgscr.merge_qpoints(self.outdir.path, scr_files, out_prefix="out")
if remove_scrfiles:
for scr_file in scr_files:
except IOError:
return final_scr
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
It runs `mrgscr` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final SCR file in the outdir of the `Work`.
final_scr = self.merge_scrfiles()
return self.Results(node=self, returncode=0, message="mrgscr done", final_scr=final_scr)
# TODO: MergeDdb --> DfptWork(Work) postpone it because it may break pickle.
class MergeDdb:
"""Mixin class for Works that have to merge the DDB files produced by the tasks."""
def add_becs_from_scf_task(self, scf_task, ddk_tolerance, ph_tolerance):
Build tasks for the computation of Born effective charges and add them to the work.
scf_task: ScfTask object.
ddk_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance used in the DDK run.
None to use AbiPy default.
ph_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance used in the phonon run.
None to use AbiPy default.
(ddk_tasks, bec_tasks)
if not isinstance(scf_task, ScfTask):
raise TypeError("task `%s` does not inherit from ScfTask" % scf_task)
# DDK calculations (self-consistent to get electric field).
multi_ddk = scf_task.input.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tolerance)
ddk_tasks = []
for ddk_inp in multi_ddk:
ddk_task = self.register_ddk_task(ddk_inp, deps={scf_task: "WFK"})
# Build the list of inputs for electric field perturbation and phonons
# Each BEC task is connected to all the previous DDK task and to the scf_task.
bec_deps = {ddk_task: "DDK" for ddk_task in ddk_tasks}
bec_deps.update({scf_task: "WFK"})
bec_inputs = scf_task.input.make_bec_inputs(tolerance=ph_tolerance)
bec_tasks = []
for bec_inp in bec_inputs:
bec_task = self.register_bec_task(bec_inp, deps=bec_deps)
return ddk_tasks, bec_tasks
def merge_ddb_files(self, delete_source_ddbs=True, only_dfpt_tasks=True,
exclude_tasks=None, include_tasks=None):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
It runs `mrgddb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
delete_source_ddbs: True if input DDB should be removed once final DDB is created.
only_dfpt_tasks: False to merge all DDB files produced by the tasks of the work
Useful e.g. for finite stress corrections in which the stress in the
initial configuration should be merged in the final DDB.
exclude_tasks: List of tasks that should be excluded when merging the partial DDB files.
include_tasks: List of tasks that should be included when merging the partial DDB files.
Mutually exclusive with exclude_tasks.
path to the output DDB file
if exclude_tasks:
my_tasks = [task for task in self if task not in exclude_tasks]
elif include_tasks:
my_tasks = [task for task in self if task in include_tasks]
my_tasks = [task for task in self]
if only_dfpt_tasks:
ddb_files = list(filter(None, [task.outdir.has_abiext("DDB") for task in my_tasks \
if isinstance(task, DfptTask)]))
ddb_files = list(filter(None, [task.outdir.has_abiext("DDB") for task in my_tasks]))"Will call mrgddb to merge %s DDB files:" % len(ddb_files))
# DDB files are always produces so this should never happen!
if not ddb_files:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find any DDB file to merge by the task of " % self)
# Final DDB file will be produced in the outdir of the work.
out_ddb = self.outdir.path_in("out_DDB")
if len(ddb_files) == 1:
# Avoid the merge. Just copy the DDB file to the outdir of the work.
shutil.copy(ddb_files[0], out_ddb)
# Call mrgddb
desc = "DDB file merged by %s on %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, time.asctime())
mrgddb = wrappers.Mrgddb(manager=self[0].manager, verbose=0)
mrgddb.merge(self.outdir.path, ddb_files, out_ddb=out_ddb, description=desc,
return out_ddb
def merge_pot1_files(self, delete_source=True):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
It runs `mrgdvdb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DVDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
delete_source: True if POT1 files should be removed after (successful) merge.
path to the output DVDB file. None if not DFPT POT file is found.
natom = len(self[0].input.structure)
max_pertcase = 3 * natom
pot1_files = []
for task in self:
if not isinstance(task, DfptTask): continue
paths = task.outdir.list_filepaths(wildcard="*_POT*")
for path in paths:
# Include only atomic perturbations i.e. files whose ext <= 3 * natom
i = path.rindex("_POT")
pertcase = int(path[i+4:].replace(".nc", ""))
if pertcase <= max_pertcase:
# prtpot = 0 disables the output of the DFPT POT files so an empty list is not fatal here.
if not pot1_files: return None"Will call mrgdvdb to merge %s files:" % len(pot1_files))
# Final DDB file will be produced in the outdir of the work.
out_dvdb = self.outdir.path_in("out_DVDB")
if len(pot1_files) == 1:
# Avoid the merge. Just move the DDB file to the outdir of the work
shutil.copy(pot1_files[0], out_dvdb)
# FIXME: The merge may require a non-negligible amount of memory if lots of qpts.
# Besides there are machines such as lemaitre3 that are problematic when
# running MPI applications on the front-end
mrgdvdb = wrappers.Mrgdvdb(manager=self[0].manager, verbose=0)
mrgdvdb.merge(self.outdir.path, pot1_files, out_dvdb, delete_source=delete_source)
return out_dvdb
class PhononWork(Work, MergeDdb):
This work consists of nirred Phonon tasks where nirred is
the number of irreducible atomic perturbations for a given set of q-points.
It provides the callback method (on_all_ok) that calls mrgddb (mrgdv) to merge
all the partial DDB (POT) files produced. The two files are available in the
output directory of the Work.
def from_scf_task(cls, scf_task, qpoints, is_ngqpt=False, tolerance=None, with_becs=False,
ddk_tolerance=None, manager=None):
Construct a `PhononWork` from a :class:`ScfTask` object.
The input file for phonons is automatically generated from the input of the ScfTask.
Each phonon task depends on the WFK file produced by the `scf_task`.
scf_task: ScfTask object.
qpoints: q-points in reduced coordinates. Accepts single q-point, list of q-points
or three integers defining the q-mesh if `is_ngqpt`.
is_ngqpt: True if `qpoints` should be interpreted as divisions instead of q-points.
tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance to be used in the phonon run.
None to use AbiPy default.
with_becs: Activate calculation of Electric field and Born effective charges.
ddk_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance used in the DDK run if with_becs.
None to use AbiPy default.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
if not isinstance(scf_task, ScfTask):
raise TypeError("task `%s` does not inherit from ScfTask" % scf_task)
if is_ngqpt:
qpoints = scf_task.input.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=qpoints, shiftk=[0, 0, 0], kptopt=1).points
qpoints = np.reshape(qpoints, (-1, 3))
new = cls(manager=manager)
if with_becs:
new.add_becs_from_scf_task(scf_task, ddk_tolerance, ph_tolerance=tolerance)
for qpt in qpoints:
if with_becs and np.sum(qpt ** 2) < 1e-12: continue
multi = scf_task.input.make_ph_inputs_qpoint(qpt, tolerance=tolerance)
for ph_inp in multi:
new.register_phonon_task(ph_inp, deps={scf_task: "WFK"})
return new
def from_scf_input(cls, scf_input, qpoints, is_ngqpt=False, tolerance=None,
with_becs=False, ddk_tolerance=None, manager=None):
Similar to `from_scf_task`, the difference is that this method requires
an input for SCF calculation. A new ScfTask is created and added to the Work.
This API should be used if the DDB of the GS task should be merged.
if is_ngqpt:
qpoints = scf_input.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=qpoints, shiftk=[0, 0, 0], kptopt=1).points
qpoints = np.reshape(qpoints, (-1, 3))
new = cls(manager=manager)
# Create ScfTask
scf_task = new.register_scf_task(scf_input)
if with_becs:
new.add_becs_from_scf_task(scf_task, ddk_tolerance, ph_tolerance=tolerance)
for qpt in qpoints:
if with_becs and np.sum(qpt ** 2) < 1e-12: continue
multi = scf_task.input.make_ph_inputs_qpoint(qpt, tolerance=tolerance)
for ph_inp in multi:
new.register_phonon_task(ph_inp, deps={scf_task: "WFK"})
return new
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
Ir runs `mrgddb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
# Merge DDB files.
out_ddb = self.merge_ddb_files()
# Merge DVDB files.
out_dvdb = self.merge_pot1_files()
return self.Results(node=self, returncode=0, message="DDB merge done")
class PhononWfkqWork(Work, MergeDdb):
This work computes phonons with DFPT on an arbitrary q-mesh (usually denser than the k-mesh for electrons)
by computing WKQ files for each q-point.
The number of irreducible atomic perturbations for each q-point are taken into account.
It provides the callback method (on_all_ok) that calls mrgddb (mrgdv) to merge
all the partial DDB (POT) files produced. The two files are available in the
output directory of the Work. The WKQ files are removed at runtime.
def from_scf_task(cls, scf_task, ngqpt, ph_tolerance=None, tolwfr=1.0e-22, nband=None,
with_becs=False, ddk_tolerance=None, shiftq=(0, 0, 0), is_ngqpt=True, remove_wfkq=True,
Construct a `PhononWfkqWork` from a :class:`ScfTask` object.
The input files for WFQ and phonons are automatically generated from the input of the ScfTask.
Each phonon task depends on the WFK file produced by scf_task and the associated WFQ file.
scf_task: ScfTask object.
ngqpt: three integers defining the q-mesh
with_becs: Activate calculation of Electric field and Born effective charges.
ph_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance for the phonon run.
None to use AbiPy default.
tolwfr: tolerance used to compute WFQ.
ddk_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance used in the DDK run if with_becs.
None to use AbiPy default.
shiftq: Q-mesh shift. Multiple shifts are not supported.
is_ngqpt: the ngqpt is interpreted as a set of integers defining the q-mesh, otherwise
is an explicit list of q-points
remove_wfkq: Remove WKQ files when the children are completed.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
.. note:
Use k-meshes with one shift and q-meshes that are multiple of ngkpt
to decrease the number of WFQ files to be computed.
if not isinstance(scf_task, ScfTask):
raise TypeError("task `%s` does not inherit from ScfTask" % scf_task)
shiftq = np.reshape(shiftq, (3,))
if is_ngqpt:
qpoints = scf_task.input.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=ngqpt, shiftk=shiftq, kptopt=1).points
qpoints = ngqpt
new = cls(manager=manager)
new.remove_wfkq = remove_wfkq
new.wfkq_tasks = []
new.wfkq_task_children = collections.defaultdict(list)
if with_becs:
# Add DDK and BECS.
new.add_becs_from_scf_task(scf_task, ddk_tolerance, ph_tolerance)
# Get ngkpt, shift for electrons from input.
# Won't try to skip WFQ if multiple shifts or off-diagonal kptrlatt
ngkpt, shiftk = scf_task.input.get_ngkpt_shiftk()
try_to_skip_wfkq = True
if ngkpt is None or len(shiftk) > 1 and is_ngqpt:
try_to_skip_wfkq = True
# TODO: One could avoid kptopt 3 by computing WFK in the IBZ and then rotating.
# but this has to be done inside Abinit.
for qpt in qpoints:
is_gamma = np.sum(qpt ** 2) < 1e-12
if with_becs and is_gamma: continue
# Avoid WFQ if k + q = k (requires ngkpt, multiple shifts are not supported)
need_wfkq = True
if is_gamma:
need_wfkq = False
elif try_to_skip_wfkq:
# k = (i + shiftk) / ngkpt
qinds = np.rint(qpt * ngqpt - shiftq)
f = (qinds * ngkpt) % ngqpt
need_wfkq = np.any(f != 0)
if need_wfkq:
nscf_inp = scf_task.input.new_with_vars(qpt=qpt, nqpt=1, iscf=-2, kptopt=3, tolwfr=tolwfr)
if nband:
nbdbuf = max(2,nband*0.1)
nscf_inp.set_vars(nband=nband+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf)
wfkq_task = new.register_nscf_task(nscf_inp, deps={scf_task: ["DEN", "WFK"]})
multi = scf_task.input.make_ph_inputs_qpoint(qpt, tolerance=ph_tolerance)
for ph_inp in multi:
deps = {scf_task: "WFK", wfkq_task: "WFQ"} if need_wfkq else {scf_task: "WFK"}
#ph_inp["prtwf"] = -1
t = new.register_phonon_task(ph_inp, deps=deps)
if need_wfkq:
return new
def on_ok(self, sender):
This callback is called when one task reaches status `S_OK`.
It removes the WFKQ file if all its children have reached `S_OK`.
if self.remove_wfkq:
for task in self.wfkq_tasks:
if task.status != task.S_OK: continue
children = self.wfkq_task_children[task]
if all(child.status == child.S_OK for child in children):
path = task.outdir.has_abiext("WFQ")
if path:"Removing WFQ: %s" % path)
return super().on_ok(sender)
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.
Ir runs `mrgddb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
# Merge DDB files.
out_ddb = self.merge_ddb_files()
# Merge DVDB files.
out_dvdb = self.merge_pot1_files()
return self.Results(node=self, returncode=0, message="DDB merge done")
class GKKPWork(Work):
This work computes electron-phonon matrix elements for all the q-points
present in a DVDB and DDB file
def from_den_ddb_dvdb(cls, inp, den_path, ddb_path, dvdb_path, mpiprocs=1, remove_wfkq=True,
qpath=None, with_ddk=True, expand=True, manager=None):
Construct a `PhononWfkqWork` from a DDB and DVDB file.
For each q found, a WFQ task and an EPH task computing the matrix elements are created.
import abipy.abilab as abilab
# Create file nodes
den_file = FileNode(den_path)
ddb_file = FileNode(ddb_path)
dvdb_file = FileNode(dvdb_path)
# Create new work
new = cls(manager=manager)
new.remove_wfkq = remove_wfkq
new.wfkq_tasks = []
new.wfkq_task_children = collections.defaultdict(list)
if manager is None: manager = TaskManager.from_user_config()
tm = manager.new_with_fixed_mpi_omp(mpiprocs, 1)
# Create a WFK task
kptopt = 1 if expand else 3
nscf_inp = inp.new_with_vars(iscf=-2, kptopt=kptopt)
wfk_task = new.register_nscf_task(nscf_inp, deps={den_file: "DEN"},manager=tm)
new.wfk_task = wfk_task
# Read path and regular grid from DDB file
with abilab.abiopen(ddb_path) as ddb:
q_frac_coords = np.array([k.frac_coords for k in ddb.qpoints])
ddb_ngqpt = ddb.guessed_ngqpt
# If qpath is set, we read the list of q-points to be used to interpolate the DVDB file.
# The DVDB and DDB file have to correspond to a regular grid.
dvdb = dvdb_file
if qpath is None:
qpath = q_frac_coords
interp_inp = inp.new_with_vars(optdriver=7, eph_task=-5, ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt,
ph_nqpath=len(qpath), ph_qpath=qpath, prtphdos=0)
dvdb = new.register_eph_task(interp_inp, deps={wfk_task: "WFK", ddb_file: "DDB", dvdb_file: "DVDB"},
# Create a WFK expansion task
if expand:
fbz_nscf_inp = inp.new_with_vars(optdriver=8)
tm_serial = manager.new_with_fixed_mpi_omp(1,1)
wfk_task = new.register_nscf_task(fbz_nscf_inp, deps={wfk_task: "WFK", den_file: "DEN"},
new.wfk_task = wfk_task
if with_ddk:
kptopt = 3 if expand else 1
ddk_inp = inp.new_with_vars(optdriver=8,kptopt=kptopt)
ddk_task = new.register_nscf_task(ddk_inp, deps={wfk_task: "WFK", den_file: "DEN"}, manager=tm)
# For each qpoint
for qpt in qpath:
is_gamma = np.sum(qpt ** 2) < 1e-12
if is_gamma:
# Create a link from WFK to WFQ on_ok
wfkq_task = wfk_task
deps = {wfk_task: ["WFK","WFQ"], ddb_file: "DDB", dvdb: "DVDB" }
# Create a WFQ task
nscf_inp = nscf_inp.new_with_vars(kptopt=3, qpt=qpt, nqpt=1)
wfkq_task = new.register_nscf_task(nscf_inp, deps={den_file: "DEN"}, manager=tm)
deps = {wfk_task: "WFK", wfkq_task: "WFQ", ddb_file: "DDB", dvdb: "DVDB" }
# Create a EPH task
eph_inp = inp.new_with_vars(optdriver=7, prtphdos=0, eph_task=-2, kptopt=3,
ddb_ngqpt=[1,1,1], nqpt=1, qpt=qpt)
t = new.register_eph_task(eph_inp, deps=deps, manager=tm)
return new
def from_phononwfkq_work(cls, phononwfkq_work, nscf_vars={}, remove_wfkq=True, with_ddk=True, manager=None):
Construct a `GKKPWork` from a `PhononWfkqWork` object.
The WFQ are the ones used for PhononWfkqWork so in principle have only valence bands
# Get list of qpoints from the the phonon tasks in this work
qpoints = []
qpoints_deps = []
for task in phononwfkq_work:
if isinstance(task,PhononTask):
# Store qpoints
qpt = task.input.get("qpt", [0,0,0])
# Store dependencies
# Create file nodes
ddb_path = phononwfkq_work.outdir.has_abiext("DDB")
dvdb_path = phononwfkq_work.outdir.has_abiext("DVDB")
ddb_file = FileNode(ddb_path)
dvdb_file = FileNode(dvdb_path)
# Get scf_task from first q-point
for dep in qpoints_deps[0]:
if isinstance(dep.node,ScfTask) and dep.exts[0] == 'WFK':
scf_task = dep.node
# Create new work
new = cls(manager=manager)
new.remove_wfkq = remove_wfkq
new.wfkq_tasks = []
new.wfk_task = []
# Add one eph task per qpoint
for qpt,qpoint_deps in zip(qpoints,qpoints_deps):
# Create eph task
eph_input = scf_task.input.new_with_vars(optdriver=7, prtphdos=0, eph_task=-2,
ddb_ngqpt=[1,1,1], nqpt=1, qpt=qpt)
deps = {ddb_file: "DDB", dvdb_file: "DVDB" }
for dep in qpoint_deps:
deps[dep.node] = dep.exts[0]
# If no WFQ in deps link the WFK with WFQ extension
if 'WFQ' not in deps.values():
inv_deps = dict((v, k) for k, v in deps.items())
wfk_task = inv_deps['WFK']
wfk_path = wfk_task.outdir.has_abiext("WFK")
# Check if netcdf
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(wfk_path)
infile = 'out_WFQ' + extension
wfq_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wfk_path), infile)
if not os.path.isfile(wfq_path): os.symlink(wfk_path, wfq_path)
deps[FileNode(wfq_path)] = 'WFQ'
new.register_eph_task(eph_input, deps=deps)
return new
def on_ok(self, sender):
This callback is called when one task reaches status `S_OK`.
It removes the WFKQ file if all its children have reached `S_OK`.
if self.remove_wfkq:
for task in self.wfkq_tasks:
if task.status != task.S_OK: continue
children = self.wfkq_task_children[task]
if all(child.status == child.S_OK for child in children):
path = task.outdir.has_abiext("WFQ")
if path:"Removing WFQ: %s" % path)
# If wfk task we create a link to a wfq file so abinit is happy
if sender == self.wfk_task:
wfk_path = self.wfk_task.outdir.has_abiext("WFK")
# Check if netcdf
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(wfk_path)
infile = 'out_WFQ' + extension
infile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wfk_path), infile)
os.symlink(wfk_path, infile)
return super().on_ok(sender)
class BecWork(Work, MergeDdb):
Work for the computation of the Born effective charges.
This work consists of DDK tasks and phonon + electric field perturbation
It provides the callback method (on_all_ok) that calls mrgddb to merge the
partial DDB files produced by the work.
def from_scf_task(cls, scf_task, ddk_tolerance=None, ph_tolerance=None, manager=None):
Build tasks for the computation of Born effective charges from a ground-state task.
scf_task: ScfTask object.
ddk_tolerance: tolerance used in the DDK run if with_becs. None to use AbiPy default.
ph_tolerance: dict {"varname": value} with the tolerance used in the phonon run.
None to use AbiPy default.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
new = cls(manager=manager)
new.add_becs_from_scf_task(scf_task, ddk_tolerance, ph_tolerance)
return new
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called when all tasks reach S_OK
Ir runs `mrgddb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
# Merge DDB files.
out_ddb = self.merge_ddb_files()
return self.Results(node=self, returncode=0, message="DDB merge done")
class DteWork(Work, MergeDdb):
Work for the computation of the third derivative of the energy.
This work consists of DDK tasks and electric field perturbation.
It provides the callback method (on_all_ok) that calls mrgddb to merge the partial DDB files produced
def from_scf_task(cls, scf_task, ddk_tolerance=None, manager=None):
Build a DteWork from a ground-state task.
scf_task: ScfTask object.
ddk_tolerance: tolerance used in the DDK run if with_becs. None to use AbiPy default.
manager: :class:`TaskManager` object.
if not isinstance(scf_task, ScfTask):
raise TypeError("task `%s` does not inherit from ScfTask" % scf_task)
new = cls(manager=manager)
# DDK calculations
multi_ddk = scf_task.input.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tolerance)
ddk_tasks = []
for ddk_inp in multi_ddk:
ddk_task = new.register_ddk_task(ddk_inp, deps={scf_task: "WFK"})
# Build the list of inputs for electric field perturbation
# Each task is connected to all the previous DDK, DDE task and to the scf_task.
multi_dde = scf_task.input.make_dde_inputs(use_symmetries=False)
# To compute the nonlinear coefficients all the directions of the perturbation
# have to be taken in consideration
# DDE calculations
dde_tasks = []
dde_deps = {ddk_task: "DDK" for ddk_task in ddk_tasks}
dde_deps.update({scf_task: "WFK"})
for dde_inp in multi_dde:
dde_task = new.register_dde_task(dde_inp, deps=dde_deps)
# DTE calculations
dte_deps = {scf_task: "WFK DEN"}
dte_deps.update({dde_task: "1WF 1DEN" for dde_task in dde_tasks})
multi_dte = scf_task.input.make_dte_inputs()
dte_tasks = []
for dte_inp in multi_dte:
dte_task = new.register_dte_task(dte_inp, deps=dte_deps)
return new
def on_all_ok(self):
This method is called when all tasks reach S_OK
Ir runs `mrgddb` in sequential on the local machine to produce
the final DDB file in the outdir of the `Work`.
# Merge DDB files.
out_ddb = self.merge_ddb_files()
return self.Results(node=self, returncode=0, message="DDB merge done")
| mit |
ldirer/scikit-learn | sklearn/linear_model/tests/ | 378 | 1815 | import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
iris = load_iris()
random_state = check_random_state(12)
indices = np.arange([0])
X =[indices]
y =[indices]
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
class MyPerceptron(object):
def __init__(self, n_iter=1):
self.n_iter = n_iter
def fit(self, X, y):
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
self.w = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.float64)
self.b = 0.0
for t in range(self.n_iter):
for i in range(n_samples):
if self.predict(X[i])[0] != y[i]:
self.w += y[i] * X[i]
self.b += y[i]
def project(self, X):
return, self.w) + self.b
def predict(self, X):
X = np.atleast_2d(X)
return np.sign(self.project(X))
def test_perceptron_accuracy():
for data in (X, X_csr):
clf = Perceptron(n_iter=30, shuffle=False), y)
score = clf.score(data, y)
assert_true(score >= 0.7)
def test_perceptron_correctness():
y_bin = y.copy()
y_bin[y != 1] = -1
clf1 = MyPerceptron(n_iter=2), y_bin)
clf2 = Perceptron(n_iter=2, shuffle=False), y_bin)
assert_array_almost_equal(clf1.w, clf2.coef_.ravel())
def test_undefined_methods():
clf = Perceptron()
for meth in ("predict_proba", "predict_log_proba"):
assert_raises(AttributeError, lambda x: getattr(clf, x), meth)
| bsd-3-clause |
wanglei828/apollo | modules/tools/mapshow/libs/ | 3 | 2931 | #!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm as cmx
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
class TrajPathSubplot:
def __init__(self, ax): = ax
self.path_lines = []
self.path_lines_size = 30
self.colors = []
# self.colors = ['b','r', 'y', 'k']
for i in range(self.path_lines_size):
line, = ax.plot(
[0], [0],
c=self.colors[i % len(self.colors)],
ax.set_xlabel("x (m)")
# ax.set_xlim([-2, 10])
# ax.set_ylim([-6, 6])
# ax.set_ylabel("y (m)")
ax.set_title("PLANNING ACC")
def init_colors(self):
self.colors = []
values = range(self.path_lines_size)
jet = plt.get_cmap('brg')
color_norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1])
scalar_map = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=color_norm, cmap=jet)
for val in values:
color_val = scalar_map.to_rgba(val)
def set_visible(self, visible):
for line in self.path_lines:
def show(self, planning):
for i in range(len(planning.traj_path_x_history)):
if i >= self.path_lines_size:
print "WARNING: number of path lines is more than " \
+ str(self.path_lines_size)
speed_line = self.path_lines[self.path_lines_size - i - 1]
#"upper left", borderaxespad=0., ncol=5)
| apache-2.0 |
ahmadia/bokeh | sphinx/source/docs/tutorials/exercises/ | 23 | 2098 | ###
### NOTE: This exercise requires a network connection
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, VBox
# Here is some code to read in some stock data from the Yahoo Finance API
AAPL = pd.read_csv(
MSFT = pd.read_csv(
IBM = pd.read_csv(
output_file("stocks.html", title=" example")
# create a figure
p1 = figure(title="Stocks",
y_axis_label="Close price",
p1.below[0].formatter.formats = dict(years=['%Y'],
months=['%b %Y'],
days=['%d %b %Y'])
# EXERCISE: finish this line plot, and add more for the other stocks. Each one should
# have a legend, and its own color.
AAPL['Date'], # x coordinates
AAPL['Adj Close'], # y coordinates
color='#A6CEE3', # set a color for the line
legend='AAPL', # attach a legend label
# EXERCISE: style the plot, set a title, lighten the gridlines, etc.
# EXERCISE: start a new figure
# Here is some code to compute the 30-day moving average for AAPL
aapl = AAPL['Adj Close']
aapl_dates = AAPL['Date']
window_size = 30
window = np.ones(window_size)/float(window_size)
aapl_avg = np.convolve(aapl, window, 'same')
# EXERCISE: plot a scatter of circles for the individual AAPL prices with legend
# 'close'. Remember to set the x axis type and tools on the first renderer
# EXERCISE: plot a line of the AAPL moving average data with the legeng 'avg'
# EXERCISE: style the plot, set a title, lighten the gridlines, etc.
show(VBox(p1, p2)) # open a browser
| bsd-3-clause |
bsautermeister/machine-learning-examples | one_shot_learning/keras/ | 1 | 15282 | """
Trains a Siamese MLP on pairs of digits from the CIFAR100 small dataset.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
SEED = 42
def l1_distance_vector(vects):
x, y = vects
l1 = tf.abs(x - y)
return tf.keras.backend.maximum(l1, tf.keras.backend.epsilon())
def create_pairs(x, digit_indices, oversample_factor=1):
"""Positive and negative pair creation.
Alternates between positive and negative pairs.
pairs = []
labels = []
n = min([len(digit_indices[d]) for d in range(NUM_CLASSES)])
for o in range(oversample_factor):
for d in range(NUM_CLASSES):
for i in range(n - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
z1, z2 = digit_indices[d][i], digit_indices[d][j]
pairs += [[x[z1], x[z2]]]
rand_inc = np.random.randint(1, NUM_CLASSES)
rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(digit_indices[d]))
dn = (d + rand_inc) % NUM_CLASSES
z1, z2 = digit_indices[d][i], digit_indices[dn][rand_idx]
pairs += [[x[z1], x[z2]]]
labels += [1, 0]
return np.array(pairs), np.array(labels)
def create_base_cnn_network(input_shape):
"""Base CNN network to be shared (eq. to feature extraction).
inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=(1, 1), padding='same',
x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.225)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding='same',
x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.225)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(5e-4))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(5e-4))(x)
return tf.keras.models.Model(inputs, x)
def create_dense_siamese_model(input_shape):
base_network = create_base_cnn_network(input_shape)
input_a = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
input_b = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
processed_a = base_network(input_a)
processed_b = base_network(input_b)
# output_shape=lambda x: x[0]
embedding = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(l1_distance_vector)([processed_a, processed_b])
embedding = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(embedding)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(embedding)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(5e-4))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
prediction = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(5e-4),
model = tf.keras.models.Model([input_a, input_b], prediction)
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop()
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
def create_per_feature_nn_siamese_model(input_shape):
base_network = create_base_cnn_network(input_shape)
input_a = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
input_b = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
processed_a = base_network(input_a)
processed_b = base_network(input_b)
mid = 32
x1 = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[0] * x[1])([processed_a, processed_b])
x2 = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[0] + x[1])([processed_a, processed_b])
x3 = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.keras.backend.abs(x[0] - x[1]))([processed_a, processed_b])
x4 = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.keras.backend.square(x))(x3)
x = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()([x1, x2, x3, x4])
x = tf.keras.layers.Reshape((4, base_network.output_shape[1], 1), name='reshape1')(x)
# Per feature NN with shared weight is implemented using CONV2D with appropriate stride.
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(mid, kernel_size=(4, 1), activation='relu', padding='valid')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Reshape((base_network.output_shape[1], mid, 1))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(1, kernel_size=(1, mid), activation='linear', padding='valid')(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten(name='flatten')(x)
# Weighted sum implemented as a Dense layer.
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, use_bias=True, activation='sigmoid', name='weighted-average')(x)
model = tf.keras.models.Model([input_a, input_b], x, name='head')
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop()
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
def compute_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
"""Compute classification accuracy with a fixed threshold on distances.
pred = y_pred.ravel() < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD
return np.mean(pred == y_true)
def acc(y_true, y_pred):
"""Compute classification accuracy with a fixed threshold on distances.
return tf.keras.backend.mean(tf.equal(y_true, tf.cast(y_pred < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, y_true.dtype)))
def get_digit_indices(labels, examples_per_class):
digit_indices = [np.where(labels == i)[0] for i in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
return [di[:examples_per_class] for di in digit_indices]
def plot_values(train_values, valid_values, y_label):
epochs = range(1, len(train_values) + 1)
plt.plot(epochs, train_values, 'b')
if valid_values is not None:
plt.plot(epochs, valid_values, 'g')
def plot_examples_separated(image_pairs, labels, predictions):
num = image_pairs.shape[0]
fig = plt.figure(1)
for i in range(0, num):
# works because labels are alternating in unshuffled dataset
img0 = image_pairs[i, 0][:, :, 0]
img1 = image_pairs[i, 1][:, :, 0]
label = labels[i]
distance = predictions[i, 0]
fig.add_subplot(num // 2, 4, (i * 2 + 1))
fig.add_subplot(num // 2, 4, (i * 2 + 2))
plt.xlabel('==' if label == 0 else '!=')
def plot_examples(image_pairs, predictions):
num = image_pairs.shape[0]
fig = plt.figure(1)
for i in range(0, num):
img0 = image_pairs[i, 0][:, :, 0]
img1 = image_pairs[i, 1][:, :, 0]
distance = predictions[i, 0]
fig.add_subplot(num, 2, (2 * i + 1))
fig.add_subplot(num, 2, (2 * i + 2))
def main(args):
# results can still be non-deterministic when running on GPU, due to cuDNN
# the data, split between train and test sets
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.cifar100.load_data(label_mode='fine')
x_train = x_train.astype('float32')
x_test = x_test.astype('float32')
x_train /= 255
x_test /= 255
# create training+test positive and negative pairs
tr_digit_indices = get_digit_indices(y_train, args.examples_per_class)
tr_pairs, tr_y = create_pairs(x_train, tr_digit_indices, args.oversample)
te_digit_indices = get_digit_indices(y_test, args.examples_per_class)
te_pairs, te_y = create_pairs(x_test, te_digit_indices, args.oversample)
# network definition
input_shape = x_train.shape[1:]
if args.model == 'dense_head':
model = create_dense_siamese_model(input_shape)
elif args.model == 'per_feature_nn':
model = create_per_feature_nn_siamese_model(input_shape)
raise Exception('Unknown model type.')
# train
callbacks = []
if args.early_stopping:
callbacks.append(tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=20, monitor='val_acc'))
callbacks.append(tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_acc', factor=0.5, patience=10, verbose=1))
history =[tr_pairs[:, 0], tr_pairs[:, 1]], tr_y,
validation_data=([te_pairs[:, 0], te_pairs[:, 1]], te_y))
plot_values(history.history['loss'], history.history['val_loss'], 'Loss')
plot_values(history.history['acc'], history.history['val_acc'], 'Accuracy')
# load the best model from checkpoint
latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint('checkpoints')
# compute final accuracy on training and test sets
tr_pred = model.predict([tr_pairs[:, 0], tr_pairs[:, 1]])
te_pred = model.predict([te_pairs[:, 0], te_pairs[:, 1]])
if args.model == 'simple_head':
tr_acc = compute_accuracy(tr_y, tr_pred)
te_acc = compute_accuracy(te_y, te_pred)
tr_scores = model.evaluate([tr_pairs[:, 0], tr_pairs[:, 1]], tr_y, verbose=2)
tr_acc = tr_scores[1]
te_scores = model.evaluate([te_pairs[:, 0], te_pairs[:, 1]], te_y, verbose=2)
te_acc = te_scores[1]
print('>>> Accuracy on training set: {:.2f}%'.format(tr_acc * 100))
print('>>> Accuracy on test set: {:.2f}%'.format(te_acc * 100))
# plot first 20 examples
image_pairs = te_pairs[:20, :]
labels = te_y[:20]
predictions = te_pred[:20]
plot_examples_separated(image_pairs, labels, predictions)
# plot first 10 FPs
if args.model == 'simple_head':
# minimum
assessment_criteria = lambda new, prev: new < prev
# maximum
assessment_criteria = lambda new, prev: new > prev
image_pairs = []
labels = np.zeros(10)
predictions = np.zeros((10, 1))
index = 0
while len(image_pairs) < 10:
if assessment_criteria(te_pred[index], DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) and te_y[index] == 0:
image_pairs += [[te_pairs[index, 0], te_pairs[index, 1]]]
labels[len(image_pairs) - 1] = te_y[index]
predictions[len(image_pairs) - 1, 0] = te_pred[index, 0]
index += 1
image_pairs = np.array(image_pairs)
plot_examples(image_pairs, predictions)
# plot first 10 FNs
image_pairs = []
labels = np.zeros(10)
predictions = np.zeros((10, 1))
index = 0
while len(image_pairs) < 10:
if not assessment_criteria(te_pred[index], DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) and te_y[index] == 1:
image_pairs += [[te_pairs[index, 0], te_pairs[index, 1]]]
labels[len(image_pairs) - 1] = te_y[index]
predictions[len(image_pairs) - 1, 0] = te_pred[index, 0]
index += 1
image_pairs = np.array(image_pairs)
plot_examples(image_pairs, predictions)
# classify (using minimum distance)
print('Classifying test set...')
min_correct_counter = 0
median_correct_counter = 0
mean_correct_counter = 0
for t in tqdm(range(x_test.shape[0])):
test_img = x_test[t]
test_img_label = y_test[t]
n = min([len(tr_digit_indices[d]) for d in range(NUM_CLASSES)]) - 1
assessment_criteria = lambda new, prev: new > prev
min_aggregated_distance = -999
mean_aggregated_distance = -999
median_aggregated_distance = -999
min_aggregated_distance_label = -1
mean_aggregated_distance_label = -1
median_aggregated_distance_label = -1
for d in range(NUM_CLASSES):
image_pairs = []
for i in range(n):
z1 = tr_digit_indices[d][i]
img = x_train[z1]
image_pairs += [[img, test_img]]
image_pairs = np.array(image_pairs)
predictions = model.predict([image_pairs[:, 0], image_pairs[:, 1]])
min_distance = np.min(predictions)
if assessment_criteria(min_distance, min_aggregated_distance):
min_aggregated_distance = min_distance
min_aggregated_distance_label = d
median_distance = np.median(predictions)
if assessment_criteria(median_distance, median_aggregated_distance):
median_aggregated_distance = median_distance
median_aggregated_distance_label = d
mean_distance = np.mean(predictions)
if assessment_criteria(mean_distance, mean_aggregated_distance):
mean_aggregated_distance = mean_distance
mean_aggregated_distance_label = d
if test_img_label == min_aggregated_distance_label:
min_correct_counter += 1
if test_img_label == median_aggregated_distance_label:
median_correct_counter += 1
if test_img_label == mean_aggregated_distance_label:
mean_correct_counter += 1
print('Classification accuracy using MIN: {}'.format(min_correct_counter / x_test.shape[0]))
print('Classification accuracy using MEDIAN: {}'.format(median_correct_counter / x_test.shape[0]))
print('Classification accuracy using MEAN: {}'.format(mean_correct_counter / x_test.shape[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--max_epochs', type=int, default=500,
help='The maximum number of training epochs')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=32,
help='The batch size while training')
parser.add_argument('--examples_per_class', type=int, default=25,
help='Maximum number of examples per class')
parser.add_argument('--model', choices=['dense_head', 'per_feature_nn'], type=str,
help='The network model of the siamese, which mainly differs in the head model used')
parser.add_argument('--early_stopping', type=bool, default=True,
help='Whether to use early stopping or not')
parser.add_argument('--oversample', type=int, default=2,
help='Oversampling factor, that indicates the number of time the identical pair ' +
'of a positive-label is added, in order to get more different negative-label pairs')
args = parser.parse_args()
| mit |
zrhans/pythonanywhere | pyscripts/ | 1 | 9135 | """
import plotly.plotly as py # Every function in this module will communicate with an external plotly server
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
DATAFILE = r'/home/zrhans/w3/bns/bns_2016-1.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(DATAFILE, parse_dates=True, sep=',', header=0, index_col='DATA')
r0 = df.CH4
r1 = df.HCnM
r2 = df.HCT
t0 = df.DVE
# Definindo as series dedados
trace1 = go.Scatter(
r=r0,#[6.804985785265978, 3.389596010612268, 5.3814721107464445, 8.059540219420184, 5.318229227868589, 2.9850999356273773, 1.9665870023752283, 6.769265408206589, 4.073401898721205, 6.50437182526841, 7.556369818996649, 4.047456094066775, 7.386662496070009, 5.413624736983931, 7.470716531163242, 7.982110216939738, 4.737814080093381, 4.206453042929911, 5.478604804594065, 4.824520280697772, 5.599600609899737, 6.8667952170824735, 3.0856713662561464, 7.771810943227382, 3.6877944350967193, 5.360356685192225, 5.140446739300986, 6.045445680928888, 6.833920940193708, 3.6207694625408364, 3.9894305834039687, 5.3118244995018, 4.608213480282062, 6.640584716151912, 3.055188854482986, 7.492564163752965, 5.4850781777896715, 3.8977949966209358, 5.976245114026165, 5.447061560910957, 5.37703411681004, 4.690805787731301, 4.711640491184845, 3.629919329394875, 5.957668076372498, 5.357121284391151, 3.849235282821748, 6.250507136319218, 7.122243357145468, 3.399404233835391, 3.5105566722713313, 4.100997603660974, 4.096382100199779, 6.233583074805102, 3.939488526772935, 3.9254450773976983, 6.118132501462698, 3.9404503462852323, 7.583015573261159, 3.513202145338516],
t=t0,#[-30.352944361883697, -25.611459854524096, -12.425227452676078, 13.96138051872652, -4.9509328406707445, -25.692274190905437, 12.46876416157031, -4.913764107032951, -10.967380287631935, 30.814194054910676, 2.4749594311442737, 17.97554375239156, 0.7711305933623585, 6.137488485631386, -14.451963574013497, 28.184534112915948, 12.538680065954864, -8.983230337131154, 5.231285164762417, -64.48900253584051, 11.357486681772649, 3.4540747915125176, 13.924346613092862, -25.364002046782343, -16.81800638602268, -10.260051030559755, -13.212134125591882, 2.5793388653025744, 8.717574965852519, -10.675498719239487, -2.926366012522306, 25.195880754767717, 40.59032932155964, -9.121433630189772, -24.297362381339184, -3.1769445056889345, 10.85049841917252, -31.33205974736701, 4.849567462214266, 15.048276954124187, 3.2951046992599635, -6.197091873129837, -8.77857413578066, 29.549174119407287, -5.1374487928814645, 23.02686048794348, -6.634816578371129, 2.7550149918614695, 21.733250113653973, -24.816994960101756, -7.83054706253201, 28.325796210205855, 12.300977467795988, -21.563157240034112, -19.335516283813288, 26.146443170846787, -1.7060712026841085, 16.071723694996702, 2.053266302846965, -5.097911612332572],
trace2 = go.Scatter(
r=r1,#[3.488043923008057, 2.9184785763552368, 4.201827359971069, 8.227324606851074, 4.776690427237194, 3.041912303114453, 4.789947719076336, 5.663880780360856, 3.858262393172743, 8.260212881141047, 6.868624486428106, 5.7401975996748895, 6.594979282458134, 5.692703778211614, 5.337916574462772, 9.283604185175781, 5.7645908931363365, 4.028864552051332, 5.662344748373121, 0.42283723110061455, 6.201266463929336, 6.43926538131984, 5.096758513060891, 4.632081908733815, 3.4218461363102217, 4.369404703352921, 4.02833441941273, 5.80576719754376, 6.848189921425055, 3.8092955127795802, 4.385268183833586, 6.98332684554596, 7.396273186029126, 5.215125003141, 3.0861487792429205, 6.335394491488218, 6.0904147140584834, 2.4480560069033306, 5.942784020305152, 6.373129885590045, 5.454205341176391, 4.393337616563476, 4.2059446799773, 6.155542287959513, 5.119087171162872, 6.869860830828341, 4.104599860575049, 5.954348125582761, 8.092332877153778, 2.9617697054526295, 3.974012187582175, 6.373384128907529, 5.415409143179902, 3.876890919980343, 3.261446947424557, 6.145808529699159, 5.502451987192818, 5.571553295311899, 6.853049261089887, 4.140355074942654],
t=t0,#[14.80662578088746, 79.00634037258273, 49.02206554130045, 49.69908313603149, 54.137491082859476, 86.41932102054662, 96.95239193571373, 41.463488263612184, 67.13769169339066, 68.06103943971128, 42.68193032273406, 76.39865660811795, 42.19479347220856, 59.57788897461255, 27.510866799296068, 60.7534448322685, 68.37083279914752, 65.74802814945305, 58.53300837209963, -176.7441064584909, 61.17401857996598, 47.4515085890397, 84.4266531857914, 12.479346550525074, 72.48080276184626, 50.578831757750606, 51.560228240214684, 52.43785618126272, 51.586827992137934, 73.87294477733714, 70.21705692787259, 70.71429915430754, 82.23439442637098, 38.93539044700985, 84.7093666701594, 38.16582843645038, 61.70405365378903, 70.19695629244305, 54.454292590141606, 64.33489496861428, 58.273893146586325, 60.49982239038519, 59.155232538950266, 83.86561846759426, 47.87340989732011, 69.28260156593979, 71.1899104286971, 51.04839646304676, 59.427582415206295, 78.59873696166098, 75.75586451521559, 79.97048372322382, 73.89378024632016, 31.733411131690488, 68.08475117701943, 80.41107997857199, 48.92425070886502, 76.65025575535202, 42.18286436288056, 76.03333589453311],
trace3 = go.Scatter(
r=r2,#[1.855870835032611, 5.2869620620428215, 3.886013391943573, 6.282863313001057, 4.4534148477405155, 5.688008050761193, 7.330864282608489, 3.825660594787748, 4.989604176963506, 7.8974314697670955, 4.6566931130229525, 6.667153696311044, 4.4310062871369515, 5.346113253377259, 2.4799456958789263, 8.113477348526397, 6.081311682312096, 4.968216896207305, 5.24445392063028, 5.422207884171506, 5.792774616023354, 4.787580592225452, 6.784318637182092, 1.10893690948093, 5.138911105244, 4.042929657287297, 4.022892029681135, 4.828428791305017, 5.417378374307972, 5.378635210668265, 5.421097175459842, 7.1205619788552434, 8.349308539903586, 3.4104855883231204, 5.6283784708757345, 3.9149369761396855, 5.7639402623551526, 4.764374106798512, 5.076236267895072, 6.165558183200791, 5.105576516279834, 4.761036376933375, 4.5962495409437905, 7.504188411346776, 4.107031417919988, 6.920422299379973, 5.349128949563397, 4.798065719385607, 7.023251532304466, 5.283680965457643, 5.569071152430292, 7.383794908447646, 6.269233210443127, 2.656529645009885, 4.843984338804117, 7.247992361555254, 4.372959394411489, 6.570981081360247, 4.602479243892371, 5.6700520508263965],
t=t0,#[151.29425518111282, 147.1880250282001, 125.2821571123002, 87.0672979717481, 119.62789835678657, 147.74082414730458, 139.56459814488954, 101.39149710201973, 134.5601842795838, 104.02444470480259, 89.39314294483763, 123.19403140008181, 91.47434051519816, 113.33237361373538, 96.1499255673322, 93.28073452263222, 118.21556522583221, 132.32293737819631, 112.9411863909871, -179.74623313781393, 110.3035135586484, 97.7508361660772, 131.60808925703367, 115.49691923085226, 140.58118216037175, 123.39666211932598, 128.34200904453573, 107.6088103983526, 97.90468978746796, 137.12844797536522, 130.43124491245027, 112.2270844807976, 118.63020224581525, 106.05822558950737, 146.90810970600344, 90.27734955816595, 111.50528236323856, 151.0897425364386, 107.7213941567982, 111.30085499702685, 114.68027793629503, 126.56937949315531, 128.2189522328928, 125.35485719537647, 112.4180682532985, 111.79735567917727, 133.41805225814235, 105.18411684151033, 97.23103612064705, 146.66803680360073, 136.23931520140337, 121.79184419346764, 123.91132797113666, 129.86224497019268, 141.34395084996186, 123.27096774880371, 108.45882172345216, 124.41237705630053, 89.02711073868319, 134.8767011451154],
layout = go.Layout(
title='BSE01- Hidrocarbonetos - Médias horárias',
plot_bgcolor='rgb(223, 223, 223)',
#Gerando multiplos diagramas ld
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
# Tracando o objeto
filename='hans/BSE01/2016/ld_CH4', # name of the file as saved in your plotly account
| apache-2.0 |
andaag/scikit-learn | sklearn/manifold/ | 229 | 7169 | """Isomap for manifold learning"""
# Author: Jake Vanderplas -- <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause (C) 2011
import numpy as np
from ..base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from ..neighbors import NearestNeighbors, kneighbors_graph
from ..utils import check_array
from ..utils.graph import graph_shortest_path
from ..decomposition import KernelPCA
from ..preprocessing import KernelCenterer
class Isomap(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Isomap Embedding
Non-linear dimensionality reduction through Isometric Mapping
Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <isomap>`.
n_neighbors : integer
number of neighbors to consider for each point.
n_components : integer
number of coordinates for the manifold
eigen_solver : ['auto'|'arpack'|'dense']
'auto' : Attempt to choose the most efficient solver
for the given problem.
'arpack' : Use Arnoldi decomposition to find the eigenvalues
and eigenvectors.
'dense' : Use a direct solver (i.e. LAPACK)
for the eigenvalue decomposition.
tol : float
Convergence tolerance passed to arpack or lobpcg.
not used if eigen_solver == 'dense'.
max_iter : integer
Maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver.
not used if eigen_solver == 'dense'.
path_method : string ['auto'|'FW'|'D']
Method to use in finding shortest path.
'auto' : attempt to choose the best algorithm automatically.
'FW' : Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
'D' : Dijkstra's algorithm.
neighbors_algorithm : string ['auto'|'brute'|'kd_tree'|'ball_tree']
Algorithm to use for nearest neighbors search,
passed to neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance.
embedding_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
Stores the embedding vectors.
kernel_pca_ : object
`KernelPCA` object used to implement the embedding.
training_data_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Stores the training data.
nbrs_ : sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance
Stores nearest neighbors instance, including BallTree or KDtree
if applicable.
dist_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_samples)
Stores the geodesic distance matrix of training data.
.. [1] Tenenbaum, J.B.; De Silva, V.; & Langford, J.C. A global geometric
framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science 290 (5500)
def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, n_components=2, eigen_solver='auto',
tol=0, max_iter=None, path_method='auto',
self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors
self.n_components = n_components
self.eigen_solver = eigen_solver
self.tol = tol
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.path_method = path_method
self.neighbors_algorithm = neighbors_algorithm
self.nbrs_ = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors,
def _fit_transform(self, X):
X = check_array(X)
self.training_data_ = self.nbrs_._fit_X
self.kernel_pca_ = KernelPCA(n_components=self.n_components,
tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter)
kng = kneighbors_graph(self.nbrs_, self.n_neighbors,
self.dist_matrix_ = graph_shortest_path(kng,
G = self.dist_matrix_ ** 2
G *= -0.5
self.embedding_ = self.kernel_pca_.fit_transform(G)
def reconstruction_error(self):
"""Compute the reconstruction error for the embedding.
reconstruction_error : float
The cost function of an isomap embedding is
``E = frobenius_norm[K(D) - K(D_fit)] / n_samples``
Where D is the matrix of distances for the input data X,
D_fit is the matrix of distances for the output embedding X_fit,
and K is the isomap kernel:
``K(D) = -0.5 * (I - 1/n_samples) * D^2 * (I - 1/n_samples)``
G = -0.5 * self.dist_matrix_ ** 2
G_center = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(G)
evals = self.kernel_pca_.lambdas_
return np.sqrt(np.sum(G_center ** 2) - np.sum(evals ** 2)) / G.shape[0]
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Compute the embedding vectors for data X
X : {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree, NearestNeighbors}
Sample data, shape = (n_samples, n_features), in the form of a
numpy array, precomputed tree, or NearestNeighbors
self : returns an instance of self.
return self
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model from data in X and transform X.
X: {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree}
Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
return self.embedding_
def transform(self, X):
"""Transform X.
This is implemented by linking the points X into the graph of geodesic
distances of the training data. First the `n_neighbors` nearest
neighbors of X are found in the training data, and from these the
shortest geodesic distances from each point in X to each point in
the training data are computed in order to construct the kernel.
The embedding of X is the projection of this kernel onto the
embedding vectors of the training set.
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
X_new: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
X = check_array(X)
distances, indices = self.nbrs_.kneighbors(X, return_distance=True)
#Create the graph of shortest distances from X to self.training_data_
# via the nearest neighbors of X.
#This can be done as a single array operation, but it potentially
# takes a lot of memory. To avoid that, use a loop:
G_X = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.training_data_.shape[0]))
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
G_X[i] = np.min((self.dist_matrix_[indices[i]]
+ distances[i][:, None]), 0)
G_X **= 2
G_X *= -0.5
return self.kernel_pca_.transform(G_X)
| bsd-3-clause |
luis-rr/nest-simulator | pynest/examples/ | 13 | 5954 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST. If not, see <>.
Intrinsic currents spiking
This example illustrates a neuron receiving spiking input through
several different receptors (AMPA, NMDA, GABA_A, GABA_B), provoking
spike output. The model, `ht_neuron`, also has intrinsic currents
(I_NaP, I_KNa, I_T, and I_h). It is a slightly simplified implementation of
neuron model proposed in Hill and Tononi (2005) **Modeling Sleep and
Wakefulness in the Thalamocortical System** *J Neurophysiol* 93:1671
The neuron is bombarded with spike trains from four
Poisson generators, which are connected to the AMPA,
NMDA, GABA_A, and GABA_B receptors, respectively.
See also:
We imported all necessary modules for simulation, analysis and
import nest
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Additionally, we set the verbosity using `set_verbosity` to
suppress info messages. We also reset the kernel to be sure to start
with a clean NEST.
We define the simulation parameters:
- The rate of the input spike trains
- The weights of the different receptors (names must match receptor types)
- The time to simulate
Note that all parameter values should be doubles, since NEST expects doubles.
rate_in = 100.
w_recep = {'AMPA': 30., 'NMDA': 30., 'GABA_A': 5., 'GABA_B': 10.}
t_sim = 250.
num_recep = len(w_recep)
We create
- one neuron instance
- one Poisson generator instance for each synapse type
- one multimeter to record from the neuron:
- membrane potential
- threshold potential
- synaptic conductances
- intrinsic currents
See `` for more details on
`multimeter` configuration.
nrn = nest.Create('ht_neuron')
p_gens = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 4,
params={'rate': rate_in})
mm = nest.Create('multimeter',
params={'interval': 0.1,
'record_from': ['V_m', 'theta',
'g_AMPA', 'g_NMDA',
'g_GABA_A', 'g_GABA_B',
'I_NaP', 'I_KNa', 'I_T', 'I_h']})
We now connect each Poisson generator with the neuron through a
different receptor type.
First, we need to obtain the numerical codes for the receptor types
from the model. The `receptor_types` entry of the default dictionary
for the `ht_neuron` model is a dictionary mapping receptor names to
In the loop, we use Python's tuple unpacking mechanism to unpack
dictionary entries from our w_recep dictionary.
Note that we need to pack the ``pg`` variable into a list before
passing it to `Connect`, because iterating over the `p_gens` list
makes `pg` a "naked" GID.
receptors = nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron')['receptor_types']
for pg, (rec_name, rec_wgt) in zip(p_gens, w_recep.items()):
nest.Connect([pg], nrn, syn_spec={'receptor_type': receptors[rec_name],
'weight': rec_wgt})
We then connnect the multimeter. Note that the multimeter is
connected to the neuron, not the other way around.
nest.Connect(mm, nrn)
We are now ready to simulate.
We now fetch the data recorded by the multimeter. The data are
returned as a dictionary with entry ``'times'`` containing timestamps
for all recorded data, plus one entry per recorded quantity.
All data is contained in the ``'events'`` entry of the status dictionary
returned by the multimeter. Because all NEST function return arrays,
we need to pick out element ``0`` from the result of `GetStatus`.
data = nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]['events']
t = data['times']
The following function turns a name such as I_NaP into proper TeX code
$I_{\mathrm{NaP}}$ for a pretty label.
def texify_name(name):
return r'${}_{{\mathrm{{{}}}}}$'.format(*name.split('_'))
The next step is to plot the results. We create a new figure, and
add one subplot each for membrane and threshold potential,
synaptic conductances, and intrinsic currents.
fig = plt.figure()
Vax = fig.add_subplot(311)
Vax.plot(t, data['V_m'], 'b', lw=2, label=r'$V_m$')
Vax.plot(t, data['theta'], 'g', lw=2, label=r'$\Theta$')
Vax.set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
except TypeError:
Vax.legend() # work-around for older Matplotlib versions
Vax.set_title('ht_neuron driven by Poisson processes')
Gax = fig.add_subplot(312)
for gname in ('g_AMPA', 'g_NMDA', 'g_GABA_A', 'g_GABA_B'):
Gax.plot(t, data[gname], lw=2, label=texify_name(gname))
except TypeError:
Gax.legend() # work-around for older Matplotlib versions
Gax.set_ylabel('Conductance [nS]')
Iax = fig.add_subplot(313)
for iname, color in (('I_h', 'maroon'), ('I_T', 'orange'),
('I_NaP', 'crimson'), ('I_KNa', 'aqua')):
Iax.plot(t, data[iname], color=color, lw=2, label=texify_name(iname))
except TypeError:
Iax.legend() # work-around for older Matplotlib versions
Iax.set_ylabel('Current [pA]')
Iax.set_xlabel('Time [ms]')
| gpl-2.0 |
jblackburne/scikit-learn | sklearn/neighbors/tests/ | 38 | 6118 | import itertools
import pickle
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
import scipy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sklearn.neighbors.dist_metrics import DistanceMetric
from nose import SkipTest
def dist_func(x1, x2, p):
return np.sum((x1 - x2) ** p) ** (1. / p)
def cmp_version(version1, version2):
version1 = tuple(map(int, version1.split('.')[:2]))
version2 = tuple(map(int, version2.split('.')[:2]))
if version1 < version2:
return -1
elif version1 > version2:
return 1
return 0
class TestMetrics:
def __init__(self, n1=20, n2=25, d=4, zero_frac=0.5,
rseed=0, dtype=np.float64):
self.X1 = np.random.random((n1, d)).astype(dtype)
self.X2 = np.random.random((n2, d)).astype(dtype)
# make boolean arrays: ones and zeros
self.X1_bool = self.X1.round(0)
self.X2_bool = self.X2.round(0)
V = np.random.random((d, d))
VI =, V.T)
self.metrics = {'euclidean': {},
'cityblock': {},
'minkowski': dict(p=(1, 1.5, 2, 3)),
'chebyshev': {},
'seuclidean': dict(V=(np.random.random(d),)),
'wminkowski': dict(p=(1, 1.5, 3),
'mahalanobis': dict(VI=(VI,)),
'hamming': {},
'canberra': {},
'braycurtis': {}}
self.bool_metrics = ['matching', 'jaccard', 'dice',
'kulsinski', 'rogerstanimoto', 'russellrao',
'sokalmichener', 'sokalsneath']
def test_cdist(self):
for metric, argdict in self.metrics.items():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
D_true = cdist(self.X1, self.X2, metric, **kwargs)
yield self.check_cdist, metric, kwargs, D_true
for metric in self.bool_metrics:
D_true = cdist(self.X1_bool, self.X2_bool, metric)
yield self.check_cdist_bool, metric, D_true
def check_cdist(self, metric, kwargs, D_true):
if metric == 'canberra' and cmp_version(scipy.__version__, '0.9') <= 0:
raise SkipTest("Canberra distance incorrect in scipy < 0.9")
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric, **kwargs)
D12 = dm.pairwise(self.X1, self.X2)
assert_array_almost_equal(D12, D_true)
def check_cdist_bool(self, metric, D_true):
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric)
D12 = dm.pairwise(self.X1_bool, self.X2_bool)
assert_array_almost_equal(D12, D_true)
def test_pdist(self):
for metric, argdict in self.metrics.items():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
D_true = cdist(self.X1, self.X1, metric, **kwargs)
yield self.check_pdist, metric, kwargs, D_true
for metric in self.bool_metrics:
D_true = cdist(self.X1_bool, self.X1_bool, metric)
yield self.check_pdist_bool, metric, D_true
def check_pdist(self, metric, kwargs, D_true):
if metric == 'canberra' and cmp_version(scipy.__version__, '0.9') <= 0:
raise SkipTest("Canberra distance incorrect in scipy < 0.9")
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric, **kwargs)
D12 = dm.pairwise(self.X1)
assert_array_almost_equal(D12, D_true)
def check_pdist_bool(self, metric, D_true):
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric)
D12 = dm.pairwise(self.X1_bool)
assert_array_almost_equal(D12, D_true)
def test_pickle(self):
for metric, argdict in self.metrics.items():
keys = argdict.keys()
for vals in itertools.product(*argdict.values()):
kwargs = dict(zip(keys, vals))
yield self.check_pickle, metric, kwargs
for metric in self.bool_metrics:
yield self.check_pickle_bool, metric
def check_pickle_bool(self, metric):
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric)
D1 = dm.pairwise(self.X1_bool)
dm2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(dm))
D2 = dm2.pairwise(self.X1_bool)
assert_array_almost_equal(D1, D2)
def check_pickle(self, metric, kwargs):
dm = DistanceMetric.get_metric(metric, **kwargs)
D1 = dm.pairwise(self.X1)
dm2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(dm))
D2 = dm2.pairwise(self.X1)
assert_array_almost_equal(D1, D2)
def test_haversine_metric():
def haversine_slow(x1, x2):
return 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.sin(0.5 * (x1[0] - x2[0])) ** 2
+ np.cos(x1[0]) * np.cos(x2[0]) *
np.sin(0.5 * (x1[1] - x2[1])) ** 2))
X = np.random.random((10, 2))
haversine = DistanceMetric.get_metric("haversine")
D1 = haversine.pairwise(X)
D2 = np.zeros_like(D1)
for i, x1 in enumerate(X):
for j, x2 in enumerate(X):
D2[i, j] = haversine_slow(x1, x2)
assert_array_almost_equal(D1, D2)
np.sin(0.5 * D2) ** 2)
def test_pyfunc_metric():
X = np.random.random((10, 3))
euclidean = DistanceMetric.get_metric("euclidean")
pyfunc = DistanceMetric.get_metric("pyfunc", func=dist_func, p=2)
# Check if both callable metric and predefined metric initialized
# DistanceMetric object is picklable
euclidean_pkl = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(euclidean))
pyfunc_pkl = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(pyfunc))
D1 = euclidean.pairwise(X)
D2 = pyfunc.pairwise(X)
D1_pkl = euclidean_pkl.pairwise(X)
D2_pkl = pyfunc_pkl.pairwise(X)
assert_array_almost_equal(D1, D2)
assert_array_almost_equal(D1_pkl, D2_pkl)
| bsd-3-clause |
exepulveda/swfc | python/ | 1 | 3458 | import numpy as np
import math
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib as mpl
from case_study_bm import attributes,setup_case_study_ore,setup_distances
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cluster_utils import relabel
if __name__ == "__main__":
NC = 3
kmeans = np.int32(np.loadtxt('../results/final_bm_clusters_kmeans_%d.csv'%NC,delimiter=","))
pca = np.int32(np.loadtxt('../results/final_bm_clusters_pca_%d.csv'%NC,delimiter=","))
#fcew = np.loadtxt('../results/final_2d_clusters_fcew_4.csv',delimiter=",")
#fc = np.loadtxt('../results/final_2d_clusters_fc_4.csv',delimiter=",")
#sfcew = np.loadtxt('../results/final_2d_clusters_sfcew_4.csv',delimiter=",")
#swfc_no_target = np.loadtxt('../results/bm_clusters_swfc_3_no_target.csv',delimiter=",")[:,-1]
wfc = np.int32(np.loadtxt('../results/bm_clusters_wfc_%d.csv'%NC,delimiter=",")[:,-1])
swfc = np.int32(np.loadtxt('../results/final_bm_clusters_swfc_%d.csv'%NC,delimiter=","))
locations,data,min_values,max_values,scale,var_types,categories = setup_case_study_ore()
N,ND = data.shape
variables_include = set(['RockType','Fe','Fe_Rec','Ap','Mgt'])
#names = ['kmeans','pca','fcew','sfcew','fc','sfc']
names = ['kmeans','pca','WFC','SWFC']
labels = ["All"] + ["C"+str(k+1) for k in range(NC)]
cluster_target = swfc
clay_color = ['r','b','g','c','m','y']
#for i,cluster in enumerate([kmeans,pca,fcew,sfcew,fc,sfc]):
for i,cluster in enumerate([kmeans,pca,wfc,swfc]):
adjust_cluster = relabel(cluster_target,cluster,NC)
for var in range(ND):
if attributes[var] in variables_include:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
if var_types[var] == 3:
counter = Counter(data[:,var])
mostc = counter.most_common()
cats = len(mostc)
width = 0.4
ind = np.arange(NC+1)
counts = np.zeros((cats,NC+1))
for k,vc in mostc:
k = int(math.floor(k))
counts[k,0] = vc
for c in range(NC):
indices = np.where(np.int8(adjust_cluster)==c)[0]
counter = Counter(data[indices,var])
for k,vc in counter.most_common():
k = int(math.floor(k))
counts[k,c+1] = vc
sumc = np.zeros(NC+1)
for k in range(cats):, counts[k,:], width, bottom=sumc,color=clay_color[k])
sumc += counts[k,:]
d = [data[:,var]]
for c in range(NC):
d += [data[adjust_cluster==c,var]]
bx = ax.boxplot(d,labels=labels,showmeans=True)
| gpl-3.0 |
lancezlin/ml_template_py | lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/tests/ | 7 | 87414 | # pylint: disable=E1101
from pandas.compat import u, range, map, openpyxl_compat, BytesIO, iteritems
from datetime import datetime, date, time
import sys
import os
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import warnings
import operator
import functools
import nose
from numpy import nan
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex
from import read_csv
from import (
ExcelFile, ExcelWriter, read_excel, _XlwtWriter, _Openpyxl1Writer,
_Openpyxl20Writer, _Openpyxl22Writer, register_writer, _XlsxWriter
from import URLError
from pandas.util.testing import ensure_clean, makeCustomDataframe as mkdf
from pandas.core.config import set_option, get_option
import pandas.util.testing as tm
def _skip_if_no_xlrd():
import xlrd
ver = tuple(map(int, xlrd.__VERSION__.split(".")[:2]))
if ver < (0, 9):
raise nose.SkipTest('xlrd < 0.9, skipping')
except ImportError:
raise nose.SkipTest('xlrd not installed, skipping')
def _skip_if_no_xlwt():
import xlwt # NOQA
except ImportError:
raise nose.SkipTest('xlwt not installed, skipping')
def _skip_if_no_openpyxl():
import openpyxl # NOQA
except ImportError:
raise nose.SkipTest('openpyxl not installed, skipping')
def _skip_if_no_xlsxwriter():
import xlsxwriter # NOQA
except ImportError:
raise nose.SkipTest('xlsxwriter not installed, skipping')
def _skip_if_no_excelsuite():
def _skip_if_no_boto():
import boto # NOQA
except ImportError:
raise nose.SkipTest('boto not installed, skipping')
_seriesd = tm.getSeriesData()
_tsd = tm.getTimeSeriesData()
_frame = DataFrame(_seriesd)[:10]
_frame2 = DataFrame(_seriesd, columns=['D', 'C', 'B', 'A'])[:10]
_tsframe = tm.makeTimeDataFrame()[:5]
_mixed_frame = _frame.copy()
_mixed_frame['foo'] = 'bar'
class SharedItems(object):
def setUp(self):
self.dirpath = tm.get_data_path()
self.frame = _frame.copy()
self.frame2 = _frame2.copy()
self.tsframe = _tsframe.copy()
self.mixed_frame = _mixed_frame.copy()
def get_csv_refdf(self, basename):
Obtain the reference data from read_csv with the Python engine.
Test data path is defined by pandas.util.testing.get_data_path()
basename : str
File base name, excluding file extension.
dfref : DataFrame
pref = os.path.join(self.dirpath, basename + '.csv')
dfref = read_csv(pref, index_col=0, parse_dates=True, engine='python')
return dfref
def get_excelfile(self, basename):
Return test data ExcelFile instance. Test data path is defined by
basename : str
File base name, excluding file extension.
excel : io.excel.ExcelFile
return ExcelFile(os.path.join(self.dirpath, basename + self.ext))
def get_exceldf(self, basename, *args, **kwds):
Return test data DataFrame. Test data path is defined by
basename : str
File base name, excluding file extension.
df : DataFrame
pth = os.path.join(self.dirpath, basename + self.ext)
return read_excel(pth, *args, **kwds)
class ReadingTestsBase(SharedItems):
# This is based on ExcelWriterBase
# Base class for test cases to run with different Excel readers.
# To add a reader test, define the following:
# 1. A check_skip function that skips your tests if your reader isn't
# installed.
# 2. Add a property ext, which is the file extension that your reader
# reades from. (needs to start with '.' so it's a valid path)
# 3. Add a property engine_name, which is the name of the reader class.
# For the reader this is not used for anything at the moment.
def setUp(self):
super(ReadingTestsBase, self).setUp()
def test_parse_cols_int(self):
dfref = self.get_csv_refdf('test1')
dfref = dfref.reindex(columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
df1 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0, parse_cols=3)
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0,
# TODO add index to xls file)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, dfref, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, dfref, check_names=False)
def test_parse_cols_list(self):
dfref = self.get_csv_refdf('test1')
dfref = dfref.reindex(columns=['B', 'C'])
df1 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
parse_cols=[0, 2, 3])
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0,
parse_cols=[0, 2, 3])
# TODO add index to xls file)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, dfref, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, dfref, check_names=False)
def test_parse_cols_str(self):
dfref = self.get_csv_refdf('test1')
df1 = dfref.reindex(columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
df3 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0,
# TODO add index to xls, read xls ignores index name ?
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, df1, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1, check_names=False)
df1 = dfref.reindex(columns=['B', 'C'])
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
df3 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0,
# TODO add index to xls file
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, df1, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1, check_names=False)
df1 = dfref.reindex(columns=['B', 'C'])
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
df3 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0,
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, df1, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1, check_names=False)
def test_excel_stop_iterator(self):
parsed = self.get_exceldf('test2', 'Sheet1')
expected = DataFrame([['aaaa', 'bbbbb']], columns=['Test', 'Test1'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
def test_excel_cell_error_na(self):
parsed = self.get_exceldf('test3', 'Sheet1')
expected = DataFrame([[np.nan]], columns=['Test'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
def test_excel_passes_na(self):
excel = self.get_excelfile('test4')
parsed = read_excel(excel, 'Sheet1', keep_default_na=False,
expected = DataFrame([['NA'], [1], ['NA'], [np.nan], ['rabbit']],
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
parsed = read_excel(excel, 'Sheet1', keep_default_na=True,
expected = DataFrame([[np.nan], [1], [np.nan], [np.nan], ['rabbit']],
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
# 13967
excel = self.get_excelfile('test5')
parsed = read_excel(excel, 'Sheet1', keep_default_na=False,
expected = DataFrame([['1.#QNAN'], [1], ['nan'], [np.nan], ['rabbit']],
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
parsed = read_excel(excel, 'Sheet1', keep_default_na=True,
expected = DataFrame([[np.nan], [1], [np.nan], [np.nan], ['rabbit']],
tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed, expected)
def test_excel_table_sheet_by_index(self):
excel = self.get_excelfile('test1')
dfref = self.get_csv_refdf('test1')
df1 = read_excel(excel, 0, index_col=0)
df2 = read_excel(excel, 1, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, dfref, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, dfref, check_names=False)
df1 = excel.parse(0, index_col=0)
df2 = excel.parse(1, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, dfref, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, dfref, check_names=False)
df3 = read_excel(excel, 0, index_col=0, skipfooter=1)
df4 = read_excel(excel, 0, index_col=0, skip_footer=1)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1.ix[:-1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df4)
df3 = excel.parse(0, index_col=0, skipfooter=1)
df4 = excel.parse(0, index_col=0, skip_footer=1)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1.ix[:-1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df4)
import xlrd
with tm.assertRaises(xlrd.XLRDError):
read_excel(excel, 'asdf')
def test_excel_table(self):
dfref = self.get_csv_refdf('test1')
df1 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
df2 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet2', skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
# TODO add index to file
tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, dfref, check_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, dfref, check_names=False)
df3 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
df4 = self.get_exceldf('test1', 'Sheet1', index_col=0,
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df1.ix[:-1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(df3, df4)
def test_reader_special_dtypes(self):
expected = DataFrame.from_items([
("IntCol", [1, 2, -3, 4, 0]),
("FloatCol", [1.25, 2.25, 1.83, 1.92, 0.0000000005]),
("BoolCol", [True, False, True, True, False]),
("StrCol", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
# GH5394 - this is why convert_float isn't vectorized
("Str2Col", ["a", 3, "c", "d", "e"]),
("DateCol", [datetime(2013, 10, 30), datetime(2013, 10, 31),
datetime(1905, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 12, 14),
datetime(2015, 3, 14)])
basename = 'test_types'
# should read in correctly and infer types
actual = self.get_exceldf(basename, 'Sheet1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
# if not coercing number, then int comes in as float
float_expected = expected.copy()
float_expected["IntCol"] = float_expected["IntCol"].astype(float)
float_expected.loc[1, "Str2Col"] = 3.0
actual = self.get_exceldf(basename, 'Sheet1', convert_float=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, float_expected)
# check setting Index (assuming xls and xlsx are the same here)
for icol, name in enumerate(expected.columns):
actual = self.get_exceldf(basename, 'Sheet1', index_col=icol)
exp = expected.set_index(name)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, exp)
# convert_float and converters should be different but both accepted
expected["StrCol"] = expected["StrCol"].apply(str)
actual = self.get_exceldf(
basename, 'Sheet1', converters={"StrCol": str})
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
no_convert_float = float_expected.copy()
no_convert_float["StrCol"] = no_convert_float["StrCol"].apply(str)
actual = self.get_exceldf(basename, 'Sheet1', convert_float=False,
converters={"StrCol": str})
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, no_convert_float)
# GH8212 - support for converters and missing values
def test_reader_converters(self):
basename = 'test_converters'
expected = DataFrame.from_items([
("IntCol", [1, 2, -3, -1000, 0]),
("FloatCol", [12.5, np.nan, 18.3, 19.2, 0.000000005]),
("BoolCol", ['Found', 'Found', 'Found', 'Not found', 'Found']),
("StrCol", ['1', np.nan, '3', '4', '5']),
converters = {'IntCol': lambda x: int(x) if x != '' else -1000,
'FloatCol': lambda x: 10 * x if x else np.nan,
2: lambda x: 'Found' if x != '' else 'Not found',
3: lambda x: str(x) if x else '',
# should read in correctly and set types of single cells (not array
# dtypes)
actual = self.get_exceldf(basename, 'Sheet1', converters=converters)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def test_reading_all_sheets(self):
# Test reading all sheetnames by setting sheetname to None,
# Ensure a dict is returned.
# See PR #9450
basename = 'test_multisheet'
dfs = self.get_exceldf(basename, sheetname=None)
expected_keys = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Charlie']
tm.assert_contains_all(expected_keys, dfs.keys())
def test_reading_multiple_specific_sheets(self):
# Test reading specific sheetnames by specifying a mixed list
# of integers and strings, and confirm that duplicated sheet
# references (positions/names) are removed properly.
# Ensure a dict is returned
# See PR #9450
basename = 'test_multisheet'
# Explicitly request duplicates. Only the set should be returned.
expected_keys = [2, 'Charlie', 'Charlie']
dfs = self.get_exceldf(basename, sheetname=expected_keys)
expected_keys = list(set(expected_keys))
tm.assert_contains_all(expected_keys, dfs.keys())
assert len(expected_keys) == len(dfs.keys())
def test_reading_all_sheets_with_blank(self):
# Test reading all sheetnames by setting sheetname to None,
# In the case where some sheets are blank.
# Issue #11711
basename = 'blank_with_header'
dfs = self.get_exceldf(basename, sheetname=None)
expected_keys = ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3']
tm.assert_contains_all(expected_keys, dfs.keys())
# GH6403
def test_read_excel_blank(self):
actual = self.get_exceldf('blank', 'Sheet1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, DataFrame())
def test_read_excel_blank_with_header(self):
expected = DataFrame(columns=['col_1', 'col_2'])
actual = self.get_exceldf('blank_with_header', 'Sheet1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
# GH 12292 : error when read one empty column from excel file
def test_read_one_empty_col_no_header(self):
df = pd.DataFrame(
[["", 1, 100],
["", 2, 200],
["", 3, 300],
["", 4, 400]]
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, 'no_header', index=False, header=False)
actual_header_none = read_excel(
actual_header_zero = read_excel(
expected = DataFrame()
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual_header_none, expected)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual_header_zero, expected)
def test_read_one_empty_col_with_header(self):
df = pd.DataFrame(
[["", 1, 100],
["", 2, 200],
["", 3, 300],
["", 4, 400]]
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, 'with_header', index=False, header=True)
actual_header_none = read_excel(
actual_header_zero = read_excel(
expected_header_none = DataFrame(pd.Series([0], dtype='int64'))
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual_header_none, expected_header_none)
expected_header_zero = DataFrame(columns=[0], dtype='int64')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual_header_zero, expected_header_zero)
def test_set_column_names_in_parameter(self):
# GH 12870 : pass down column names associated with
# keyword argument names
refdf = pd.DataFrame([[1, 'foo'], [2, 'bar'],
[3, 'baz']], columns=['a', 'b'])
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as pth:
with ExcelWriter(pth) as writer:
refdf.to_excel(writer, 'Data_no_head',
header=False, index=False)
refdf.to_excel(writer, 'Data_with_head', index=False)
refdf.columns = ['A', 'B']
with ExcelFile(pth) as reader:
xlsdf_no_head = read_excel(reader, 'Data_no_head',
header=None, names=['A', 'B'])
xlsdf_with_head = read_excel(reader, 'Data_with_head',
index_col=None, names=['A', 'B'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(xlsdf_no_head, refdf)
tm.assert_frame_equal(xlsdf_with_head, refdf)
def test_date_conversion_overflow(self):
# GH 10001 : pandas.ExcelFile ignore parse_dates=False
expected = pd.DataFrame([[pd.Timestamp('2016-03-12'), 'Marc Johnson'],
[pd.Timestamp('2016-03-16'), 'Jack Black'],
[1e+20, 'Timothy Brown']],
columns=['DateColWithBigInt', 'StringCol'])
result = self.get_exceldf('testdateoverflow')
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
class XlrdTests(ReadingTestsBase):
This is the base class for the xlrd tests, and 3 different file formats
are supported: xls, xlsx, xlsm
def test_excel_read_buffer(self):
pth = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
expected = read_excel(pth, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
with open(pth, 'rb') as f:
actual = read_excel(f, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, actual)
with open(pth, 'rb') as f:
xls = ExcelFile(f)
actual = read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, actual)
def test_read_xlrd_Book(self):
import xlrd
df = self.frame
with ensure_clean('.xls') as pth:
df.to_excel(pth, "SheetA")
book = xlrd.open_workbook(pth)
with ExcelFile(book, engine="xlrd") as xl:
result = read_excel(xl, "SheetA")
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result)
result = read_excel(book, sheetname="SheetA", engine="xlrd")
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result)
def test_read_from_http_url(self):
url = (''
'pandas/io/tests/data/test1' + self.ext)
url_table = read_excel(url)
local_table = self.get_exceldf('test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(url_table, local_table)
def test_read_from_s3_url(self):
url = ('s3://pandas-test/test1' + self.ext)
url_table = read_excel(url)
local_table = self.get_exceldf('test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(url_table, local_table)
def test_read_from_file_url(self):
if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6):
raise nose.SkipTest("file:// not supported with Python < 2.6")
localtable = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
local_table = read_excel(localtable)
url_table = read_excel('file://localhost/' + localtable)
except URLError:
# fails on some systems
import platform
raise nose.SkipTest("failing on %s" %
' '.join(platform.uname()).strip())
tm.assert_frame_equal(url_table, local_table)
def test_read_from_pathlib_path(self):
# GH12655
from pathlib import Path
str_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
expected = read_excel(str_path, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
path_obj = Path(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
actual = read_excel(path_obj, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, actual)
def test_read_from_py_localpath(self):
# GH12655
from py.path import local as LocalPath
str_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
expected = read_excel(str_path, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
abs_dir = os.path.abspath(self.dirpath)
path_obj = LocalPath(abs_dir).join('test1' + self.ext)
actual = read_excel(path_obj, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, actual)
def test_reader_closes_file(self):
pth = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext)
f = open(pth, 'rb')
with ExcelFile(f) as xlsx:
# parses okay
read_excel(xlsx, 'Sheet1', index_col=0)
def test_creating_and_reading_multiple_sheets(self):
# Test reading multiple sheets, from a runtime created excel file
# with multiple sheets.
# See PR #9450
def tdf(sheetname):
d, i = [11, 22, 33], [1, 2, 3]
return DataFrame(d, i, columns=[sheetname])
sheets = ['AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC']
dfs = [tdf(s) for s in sheets]
dfs = dict(zip(sheets, dfs))
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as pth:
with ExcelWriter(pth) as ew:
for sheetname, df in iteritems(dfs):
df.to_excel(ew, sheetname)
dfs_returned = read_excel(pth, sheetname=sheets)
for s in sheets:
tm.assert_frame_equal(dfs[s], dfs_returned[s])
def test_reader_seconds(self):
# Test reading times with and without milliseconds. GH5945.
import xlrd
if LooseVersion(xlrd.__VERSION__) >= LooseVersion("0.9.3"):
# Xlrd >= 0.9.3 can handle Excel milliseconds.
expected = DataFrame.from_items([("Time",
[time(1, 2, 3),
time(2, 45, 56, 100000),
time(4, 29, 49, 200000),
time(6, 13, 42, 300000),
time(7, 57, 35, 400000),
time(9, 41, 28, 500000),
time(11, 25, 21, 600000),
time(13, 9, 14, 700000),
time(14, 53, 7, 800000),
time(16, 37, 0, 900000),
time(18, 20, 54)])])
# Xlrd < 0.9.3 rounds Excel milliseconds.
expected = DataFrame.from_items([("Time",
[time(1, 2, 3),
time(2, 45, 56),
time(4, 29, 49),
time(6, 13, 42),
time(7, 57, 35),
time(9, 41, 29),
time(11, 25, 22),
time(13, 9, 15),
time(14, 53, 8),
time(16, 37, 1),
time(18, 20, 54)])])
actual = self.get_exceldf('times_1900', 'Sheet1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = self.get_exceldf('times_1904', 'Sheet1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def test_read_excel_multiindex(self):
# GH 4679
mi = MultiIndex.from_product([['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 'b']])
mi_file = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'testmultiindex' + self.ext)
expected = DataFrame([[1, 2.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-01'), True],
[2, 3.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-02'), False],
[3, 4.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-03'), False],
[4, 5.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-04'), True]],
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'mi_column', header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'mi_column', header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
expected.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
expected.index = mi
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'mi_index', index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
expected.columns = mi
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'both', index_col=[0, 1], header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
expected.index = mi.set_names(['ilvl1', 'ilvl2'])
expected.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'mi_index_name', index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
expected.index = list(range(4))
expected.columns = mi.set_names(['c1', 'c2'])
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'mi_column_name',
header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
# Issue #11317
expected.columns = mi.set_levels(
[1, 2], level=1).set_names(['c1', 'c2'])
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'name_with_int',
index_col=0, header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
expected.columns = mi.set_names(['c1', 'c2'])
expected.index = mi.set_names(['ilvl1', 'ilvl2'])
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'both_name',
index_col=[0, 1], header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'both_name',
index_col=[0, 1], header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = read_excel(mi_file, 'both_name_skiprows', index_col=[0, 1],
header=[0, 1], skiprows=2)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def test_read_excel_multiindex_empty_level(self):
# GH 12453
with ensure_clean('.xlsx') as path:
df = DataFrame({
('Zero', ''): {0: 0},
('One', 'x'): {0: 1},
('Two', 'X'): {0: 3},
('Two', 'Y'): {0: 7}
expected = DataFrame({
('Zero', 'Unnamed: 3_level_1'): {0: 0},
('One', u'x'): {0: 1},
('Two', u'X'): {0: 3},
('Two', u'Y'): {0: 7}
actual = pd.read_excel(path, header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
df = pd.DataFrame({
('Beg', ''): {0: 0},
('Middle', 'x'): {0: 1},
('Tail', 'X'): {0: 3},
('Tail', 'Y'): {0: 7}
expected = pd.DataFrame({
('Beg', 'Unnamed: 0_level_1'): {0: 0},
('Middle', u'x'): {0: 1},
('Tail', u'X'): {0: 3},
('Tail', u'Y'): {0: 7}
actual = pd.read_excel(path, header=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def test_excel_multindex_roundtrip(self):
# GH 4679
with ensure_clean('.xlsx') as pth:
for c_idx_names in [True, False]:
for r_idx_names in [True, False]:
for c_idx_levels in [1, 3]:
for r_idx_levels in [1, 3]:
# column index name can't be serialized unless
# MultiIndex
if (c_idx_levels == 1 and c_idx_names):
# empty name case current read in as unamed levels,
# not Nones
check_names = True
if not r_idx_names and r_idx_levels > 1:
check_names = False
df = mkdf(5, 5, c_idx_names,
r_idx_names, c_idx_levels,
act = pd.read_excel(
pth, index_col=list(range(r_idx_levels)),
df, act, check_names=check_names)
df.iloc[0, :] = np.nan
act = pd.read_excel(
pth, index_col=list(range(r_idx_levels)),
df, act, check_names=check_names)
df.iloc[-1, :] = np.nan
act = pd.read_excel(
pth, index_col=list(range(r_idx_levels)),
df, act, check_names=check_names)
def test_excel_oldindex_format(self):
# GH 4679
data = np.array([['R0C0', 'R0C1', 'R0C2', 'R0C3', 'R0C4'],
['R1C0', 'R1C1', 'R1C2', 'R1C3', 'R1C4'],
['R2C0', 'R2C1', 'R2C2', 'R2C3', 'R2C4'],
['R3C0', 'R3C1', 'R3C2', 'R3C3', 'R3C4'],
['R4C0', 'R4C1', 'R4C2', 'R4C3', 'R4C4']])
columns = ['C_l0_g0', 'C_l0_g1', 'C_l0_g2', 'C_l0_g3', 'C_l0_g4']
mi = MultiIndex(levels=[['R_l0_g0', 'R_l0_g1', 'R_l0_g2',
'R_l0_g3', 'R_l0_g4'],
['R_l1_g0', 'R_l1_g1', 'R_l1_g2',
'R_l1_g3', 'R_l1_g4']],
labels=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
names=['R0', 'R1'])
si = Index(['R_l0_g0', 'R_l0_g1', 'R_l0_g2',
'R_l0_g3', 'R_l0_g4'], name='R0')
in_file = os.path.join(
self.dirpath, 'test_index_name_pre17' + self.ext)
expected = pd.DataFrame(data, index=si, columns=columns)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
actual = pd.read_excel(
in_file, 'single_names', has_index_names=True)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) = None
actual = pd.read_excel(in_file, 'single_no_names')
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
actual = pd.read_excel(
in_file, 'single_no_names', has_index_names=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
expected.index = mi
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
actual = pd.read_excel(
in_file, 'multi_names', has_index_names=True)
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
expected.index.names = [None, None]
actual = pd.read_excel(in_file, 'multi_no_names', index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
actual = pd.read_excel(in_file, 'multi_no_names', index_col=[0, 1],
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
def test_read_excel_bool_header_arg(self):
# GH 6114
for arg in [True, False]:
with tm.assertRaises(TypeError):
pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext),
def test_read_excel_chunksize(self):
# GH 8011
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext),
def test_read_excel_parse_dates(self):
# GH 11544
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext),
def test_read_excel_date_parser(self):
# GH 11544
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
dateparse = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test1' + self.ext),
def test_read_excel_skiprows_list(self):
# GH 4903
actual = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath,
'testskiprows' + self.ext),
'skiprows_list', skiprows=[0, 2])
expected = DataFrame([[1, 2.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-01'), True],
[2, 3.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-02'), False],
[3, 4.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-03'), False],
[4, 5.5, pd.Timestamp('2015-01-04'), True]],
columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(self.dirpath,
'testskiprows' + self.ext),
'skiprows_list', skiprows=np.array([0, 2]))
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def test_read_excel_squeeze(self):
# GH 12157
f = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test_squeeze' + self.ext)
actual = pd.read_excel(f, 'two_columns', index_col=0, squeeze=True)
expected = pd.Series([2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6], name='b') = 'a'
tm.assert_series_equal(actual, expected)
actual = pd.read_excel(f, 'two_columns', squeeze=True)
expected = pd.DataFrame({'a': [4, 5, 6],
'b': [2, 3, 4]})
tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
actual = pd.read_excel(f, 'one_column', squeeze=True)
expected = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name='a')
tm.assert_series_equal(actual, expected)
class XlsReaderTests(XlrdTests, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xls'
engine_name = 'xlrd'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlrd)
class XlsxReaderTests(XlrdTests, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'xlrd'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlrd)
class XlsmReaderTests(XlrdTests, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsm'
engine_name = 'xlrd'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlrd)
class ExcelWriterBase(SharedItems):
# Base class for test cases to run with different Excel writers.
# To add a writer test, define the following:
# 1. A check_skip function that skips your tests if your writer isn't
# installed.
# 2. Add a property ext, which is the file extension that your writer
# writes to. (needs to start with '.' so it's a valid path)
# 3. Add a property engine_name, which is the name of the writer class.
# Test with MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows as merged cells.
merge_cells = True
def setUp(self):
super(ExcelWriterBase, self).setUp()
self.option_name = 'io.excel.%s.writer' % self.ext.strip('.')
self.prev_engine = get_option(self.option_name)
set_option(self.option_name, self.engine_name)
def tearDown(self):
set_option(self.option_name, self.prev_engine)
def test_excel_sheet_by_name_raise(self):
import xlrd
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as pth:
gt = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2))
xl = ExcelFile(pth)
df = read_excel(xl, 0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(gt, df)
with tm.assertRaises(xlrd.XLRDError):
read_excel(xl, '0')
def test_excelwriter_contextmanager(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as pth:
with ExcelWriter(pth) as writer:
self.frame.to_excel(writer, 'Data1')
self.frame2.to_excel(writer, 'Data2')
with ExcelFile(pth) as reader:
found_df = read_excel(reader, 'Data1')
found_df2 = read_excel(reader, 'Data2')
tm.assert_frame_equal(found_df, self.frame)
tm.assert_frame_equal(found_df2, self.frame2)
def test_roundtrip(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.frame['A'][:5] = nan
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
# test roundtrip
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', index_col=None)
recons.index = self.frame.index
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', na_rep='NA')
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', index_col=0, na_values=['NA'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
# GH 3611
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', na_rep='88')
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', index_col=0, na_values=['88'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', na_rep='88')
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', index_col=0,
na_values=[88, 88.0])
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
# GH 6573
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'Sheet1')
recons = read_excel(path, index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
self.frame.to_excel(path, '0')
recons = read_excel(path, index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
def test_mixed(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.mixed_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.mixed_frame, recons)
def test_tsframe(self):
df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame()[:5]
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, recons)
def test_basics_with_nan(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.frame['A'][:5] = nan
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
def test_int_types(self):
for np_type in (np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
# Test values read come back as int (rather than float
# which is Excel's format).
frame = DataFrame(np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=(10, 2)),
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1')
int_frame = frame.astype(np.int64)
tm.assert_frame_equal(int_frame, recons)
recons2 = read_excel(path, 'test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(int_frame, recons2)
# test with convert_float=False comes back as float
float_frame = frame.astype(float)
recons = read_excel(path, 'test1', convert_float=False)
tm.assert_frame_equal(recons, float_frame,
def test_float_types(self):
for np_type in (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
# Test np.float values read come back as float.
frame = DataFrame(np.random.random_sample(10), dtype=np_type)
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1').astype(np_type)
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, recons, check_dtype=False)
def test_bool_types(self):
for np_type in (np.bool8, np.bool_):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
# Test np.bool values read come back as float.
frame = (DataFrame([1, 0, True, False], dtype=np_type))
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1').astype(np_type)
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, recons)
def test_inf_roundtrip(self):
frame = DataFrame([(1, np.inf), (2, 3), (5, -np.inf)])
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, recons)
def test_sheets(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.frame['A'][:5] = nan
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
# Test writing to separate sheets
writer = ExcelWriter(path)
self.frame.to_excel(writer, 'test1')
self.tsframe.to_excel(writer, 'test2')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.frame, recons)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test2', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.tsframe, recons)
self.assertEqual(2, len(reader.sheet_names))
self.assertEqual('test1', reader.sheet_names[0])
self.assertEqual('test2', reader.sheet_names[1])
def test_colaliases(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.frame['A'][:5] = nan
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
# column aliases
col_aliases = Index(['AA', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])
self.frame2.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=col_aliases)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
rs = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=0)
xp = self.frame2.copy()
xp.columns = col_aliases
tm.assert_frame_equal(xp, rs)
def test_roundtrip_indexlabels(self):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
self.frame['A'][:5] = nan
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
self.frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
# test index_label
frame = (DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2)) >= 0)
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1',
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1',
frame.index.names = ['test']
self.assertEqual(frame.index.names, recons.index.names)
frame = (DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2)) >= 0)
index_label=['test', 'dummy', 'dummy2'],
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1',
frame.index.names = ['test']
self.assertEqual(frame.index.names, recons.index.names)
frame = (DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2)) >= 0)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1',
frame.index.names = ['test']
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, recons.astype(bool))
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
index=False, merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
# take 'A' and 'B' as indexes (same row as cols 'C', 'D')
df = self.frame.copy()
df = df.set_index(['A', 'B'])
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, recons, check_less_precise=True)
def test_excel_roundtrip_indexname(self):
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4)) = 'foo'
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
xf = ExcelFile(path)
result = read_excel(xf, xf.sheet_names[0],
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
self.assertEqual(, 'foo')
def test_excel_roundtrip_datetime(self):
#, not sure what to test here exactly
tsf = self.tsframe.copy()
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
tsf.index = [ for x in self.tsframe.index]
tsf.to_excel(path, 'test1', merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(self.tsframe, recons)
# GH4133 - excel output format strings
def test_excel_date_datetime_format(self):
df = DataFrame([[date(2014, 1, 31),
date(1999, 9, 24)],
[datetime(1998, 5, 26, 23, 33, 4),
datetime(2014, 2, 28, 13, 5, 13)]],
index=['DATE', 'DATETIME'], columns=['X', 'Y'])
df_expected = DataFrame([[datetime(2014, 1, 31),
datetime(1999, 9, 24)],
[datetime(1998, 5, 26, 23, 33, 4),
datetime(2014, 2, 28, 13, 5, 13)]],
index=['DATE', 'DATETIME'], columns=['X', 'Y'])
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as filename1:
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as filename2:
writer1 = ExcelWriter(filename1)
writer2 = ExcelWriter(filename2,
datetime_format='DD.MM.YYYY HH-MM-SS')
df.to_excel(writer1, 'test1')
df.to_excel(writer2, 'test1')
reader1 = ExcelFile(filename1)
reader2 = ExcelFile(filename2)
rs1 = read_excel(reader1, 'test1', index_col=None)
rs2 = read_excel(reader2, 'test1', index_col=None)
tm.assert_frame_equal(rs1, rs2)
# since the reader returns a datetime object for dates, we need
# to use df_expected to check the result
tm.assert_frame_equal(rs2, df_expected)
def test_to_excel_periodindex(self):
frame = self.tsframe
xp = frame.resample('M', kind='period').mean()
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
xp.to_excel(path, 'sht1')
reader = ExcelFile(path)
rs = read_excel(reader, 'sht1', index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(xp, rs.to_period('M'))
def test_to_excel_multiindex(self):
frame = self.frame
arrays = np.arange(len(frame.index) * 2).reshape(2, -1)
new_index = MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays,
names=['first', 'second'])
frame.index = new_index
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', header=False)
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['A', 'B'])
# round trip
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
df = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=[0, 1],
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, df)
# GH13511
def test_to_excel_multiindex_nan_label(self):
frame = pd.DataFrame({'A': [None, 2, 3],
'B': [10, 20, 30],
'C': np.random.sample(3)})
frame = frame.set_index(['A', 'B'])
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
frame.to_excel(path, merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
df = read_excel(path, index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, df)
# Test for Issue 11328. If column indices are integers, make
# sure they are handled correctly for either setting of
# merge_cells
def test_to_excel_multiindex_cols(self):
frame = self.frame
arrays = np.arange(len(frame.index) * 2).reshape(2, -1)
new_index = MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays,
names=['first', 'second'])
frame.index = new_index
new_cols_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(40, 1), (40, 2),
(50, 1), (50, 2)])
frame.columns = new_cols_index
header = [0, 1]
if not self.merge_cells:
header = 0
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
# round trip
frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
df = read_excel(reader, 'test1', header=header,
index_col=[0, 1],
if not self.merge_cells:
fm = frame.columns.format(sparsify=False,
adjoin=False, names=False)
frame.columns = [".".join(map(str, q)) for q in zip(*fm)]
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame, df)
def test_to_excel_multiindex_dates(self):
# try multiindex with dates
tsframe = self.tsframe.copy()
new_index = [tsframe.index, np.arange(len(tsframe.index))]
tsframe.index = MultiIndex.from_arrays(new_index)
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
tsframe.index.names = ['time', 'foo']
tsframe.to_excel(path, 'test1', merge_cells=self.merge_cells)
reader = ExcelFile(path)
recons = read_excel(reader, 'test1',
index_col=[0, 1])
tm.assert_frame_equal(tsframe, recons)
self.assertEqual(recons.index.names, ('time', 'foo'))
def test_to_excel_multiindex_no_write_index(self):
# Test writing and re-reading a MI witout the index. GH 5616.
# Initial non-MI frame.
frame1 = DataFrame({'a': [10, 20], 'b': [30, 40], 'c': [50, 60]})
# Add a MI.
frame2 = frame1.copy()
multi_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(70, 80), (90, 100)])
frame2.index = multi_index
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
# Write out to Excel without the index.
frame2.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False)
# Read it back in.
reader = ExcelFile(path)
frame3 = read_excel(reader, 'test1')
# Test that it is the same as the initial frame.
tm.assert_frame_equal(frame1, frame3)
def test_to_excel_float_format(self):
df = DataFrame([[0.123456, 0.234567, 0.567567],
[12.32112, 123123.2, 321321.2]],
index=['A', 'B'], columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as filename:
df.to_excel(filename, 'test1', float_format='%.2f')
reader = ExcelFile(filename)
rs = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=None)
xp = DataFrame([[0.12, 0.23, 0.57],
[12.32, 123123.20, 321321.20]],
index=['A', 'B'], columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, xp)
def test_to_excel_output_encoding(self):
# avoid mixed inferred_type
df = DataFrame([[u'\u0192', u'\u0193', u'\u0194'],
[u'\u0195', u'\u0196', u'\u0197']],
index=[u'A\u0192', u'B'],
columns=[u'X\u0193', u'Y', u'Z'])
with ensure_clean('__tmp_to_excel_float_format__.' + self.ext)\
as filename:
df.to_excel(filename, sheet_name='TestSheet', encoding='utf8')
result = read_excel(filename, 'TestSheet', encoding='utf8')
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
def test_to_excel_unicode_filename(self):
with ensure_clean(u('\u0192u.') + self.ext) as filename:
f = open(filename, 'wb')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise nose.SkipTest('no unicode file names on this system')
df = DataFrame([[0.123456, 0.234567, 0.567567],
[12.32112, 123123.2, 321321.2]],
index=['A', 'B'], columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
df.to_excel(filename, 'test1', float_format='%.2f')
reader = ExcelFile(filename)
rs = read_excel(reader, 'test1', index_col=None)
xp = DataFrame([[0.12, 0.23, 0.57],
[12.32, 123123.20, 321321.20]],
index=['A', 'B'], columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, xp)
# def test_to_excel_header_styling_xls(self):
# import StringIO
# s = StringIO(
# """Date,ticker,type,value
# 2001-01-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-01-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-01-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-01-01,y,open ,12.1
# 2001-02-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-02-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-02-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-02-01,y,open ,12.1
# 2001-03-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-03-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-03-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-03-01,y,open ,12.1""")
# df = read_csv(s, parse_dates=["Date"])
# pdf = df.pivot_table(values="value", rows=["ticker"],
# cols=["Date", "type"])
# try:
# import xlwt
# import xlrd
# except ImportError:
# raise nose.SkipTest
# filename = '__tmp_to_excel_header_styling_xls__.xls'
# pdf.to_excel(filename, 'test1')
# wbk = xlrd.open_workbook(filename,
# formatting_info=True)
# self.assertEqual(["test1"], wbk.sheet_names())
# ws = wbk.sheet_by_name('test1')
# self.assertEqual([(0, 1, 5, 7), (0, 1, 3, 5), (0, 1, 1, 3)],
# ws.merged_cells)
# for i in range(0, 2):
# for j in range(0, 7):
# xfx = ws.cell_xf_index(0, 0)
# cell_xf = wbk.xf_list[xfx]
# font = wbk.font_list
# self.assertEqual(1, font[cell_xf.font_index].bold)
# self.assertEqual(1, cell_xf.border.top_line_style)
# self.assertEqual(1, cell_xf.border.right_line_style)
# self.assertEqual(1, cell_xf.border.bottom_line_style)
# self.assertEqual(1, cell_xf.border.left_line_style)
# self.assertEqual(2, cell_xf.alignment.hor_align)
# os.remove(filename)
# def test_to_excel_header_styling_xlsx(self):
# import StringIO
# s = StringIO(
# """Date,ticker,type,value
# 2001-01-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-01-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-01-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-01-01,y,open ,12.1
# 2001-02-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-02-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-02-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-02-01,y,open ,12.1
# 2001-03-01,x,close,12.2
# 2001-03-01,x,open ,12.1
# 2001-03-01,y,close,12.2
# 2001-03-01,y,open ,12.1""")
# df = read_csv(s, parse_dates=["Date"])
# pdf = df.pivot_table(values="value", rows=["ticker"],
# cols=["Date", "type"])
# try:
# import openpyxl
# from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
# except ImportError:
# raise nose.SkipTest
# if openpyxl.__version__ < '1.6.1':
# raise nose.SkipTest
# # test xlsx_styling
# filename = '__tmp_to_excel_header_styling_xlsx__.xlsx'
# pdf.to_excel(filename, 'test1')
# wbk = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
# self.assertEqual(["test1"], wbk.get_sheet_names())
# ws = wbk.get_sheet_by_name('test1')
# xlsaddrs = ["%s2" % chr(i) for i in range(ord('A'), ord('H'))]
# xlsaddrs += ["A%s" % i for i in range(1, 6)]
# xlsaddrs += ["B1", "D1", "F1"]
# for xlsaddr in xlsaddrs:
# cell = ws.cell(xlsaddr)
# self.assertTrue(
# self.assertEqual(,
# self.assertEqual(,
# self.assertEqual(,
# self.assertEqual(,
# self.assertEqual(,
# mergedcells_addrs = ["C1", "E1", "G1"]
# for maddr in mergedcells_addrs:
# self.assertTrue(ws.cell(maddr).merged)
# os.remove(filename)
def test_excel_010_hemstring(self):
if self.merge_cells:
raise nose.SkipTest('Skip tests for merged MI format.')
from pandas.util.testing import makeCustomDataframe as mkdf
# ensure limited functionality in 0.10
# override of #2370 until sorted out in 0.11
def roundtrip(df, header=True, parser_hdr=0, index=True):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, header=header,
merge_cells=self.merge_cells, index=index)
xf = ExcelFile(path)
res = read_excel(xf, xf.sheet_names[0], header=parser_hdr)
return res
nrows = 5
ncols = 3
for use_headers in (True, False):
for i in range(1, 4): # row multindex upto nlevel=3
for j in range(1, 4): # col ""
df = mkdf(nrows, ncols, r_idx_nlevels=i, c_idx_nlevels=j)
# this if will be removed once multi column excel writing
# is implemented for now fixing #9794
if j > 1:
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
res = roundtrip(df, use_headers, index=False)
res = roundtrip(df, use_headers)
if use_headers:
self.assertEqual(res.shape, (nrows, ncols + i))
# first row taken as columns
self.assertEqual(res.shape, (nrows - 1, ncols + i))
# no nans
for r in range(len(res.index)):
for c in range(len(res.columns)):
self.assertTrue(res.ix[r, c] is not np.nan)
res = roundtrip(DataFrame([0]))
self.assertEqual(res.shape, (1, 1))
self.assertTrue(res.ix[0, 0] is not np.nan)
res = roundtrip(DataFrame([0]), False, None)
self.assertEqual(res.shape, (1, 2))
self.assertTrue(res.ix[0, 0] is not np.nan)
def test_excel_010_hemstring_raises_NotImplementedError(self):
# This test was failing only for j>1 and header=False,
# So I reproduced a simple test.
if self.merge_cells:
raise nose.SkipTest('Skip tests for merged MI format.')
from pandas.util.testing import makeCustomDataframe as mkdf
# ensure limited functionality in 0.10
# override of #2370 until sorted out in 0.11
def roundtrip2(df, header=True, parser_hdr=0, index=True):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, header=header,
merge_cells=self.merge_cells, index=index)
xf = ExcelFile(path)
res = read_excel(xf, xf.sheet_names[0], header=parser_hdr)
return res
nrows = 5
ncols = 3
j = 2
i = 1
df = mkdf(nrows, ncols, r_idx_nlevels=i, c_idx_nlevels=j)
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
roundtrip2(df, header=False, index=False)
def test_duplicated_columns(self):
# Test for issue #5235
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
write_frame = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
colnames = ['A', 'B', 'B']
write_frame.columns = colnames
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'test1')
read_frame.columns = colnames
tm.assert_frame_equal(write_frame, read_frame)
# 11007 / #10970
write_frame = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]],
columns=['A', 'B', 'A', 'B'])
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1')
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'test1')
read_frame.columns = ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B']
tm.assert_frame_equal(write_frame, read_frame)
# 10982
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', index=False, header=False)
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'test1', header=None)
write_frame.columns = [0, 1, 2, 3]
tm.assert_frame_equal(write_frame, read_frame)
def test_swapped_columns(self):
# Test for issue #5427.
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
write_frame = DataFrame({'A': [1, 1, 1],
'B': [2, 2, 2]})
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['B', 'A'])
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'test1', header=0)
tm.assert_series_equal(write_frame['A'], read_frame['A'])
tm.assert_series_equal(write_frame['B'], read_frame['B'])
def test_invalid_columns(self):
# 10982
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
write_frame = DataFrame({'A': [1, 1, 1],
'B': [2, 2, 2]})
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['B', 'C'])
expected = write_frame.loc[:, ['B', 'C']]
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'test1')
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_frame)
with tm.assertRaises(KeyError):
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'test1', columns=['C', 'D'])
def test_datetimes(self):
# Test writing and reading datetimes. For issue #9139. (xref #9185)
datetimes = [datetime(2013, 1, 13, 1, 2, 3),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 2, 45, 56),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 4, 29, 49),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 6, 13, 42),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 7, 57, 35),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 9, 41, 28),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 11, 25, 21),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 13, 9, 14),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 14, 53, 7),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 16, 37, 0),
datetime(2013, 1, 13, 18, 20, 52)]
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
write_frame = DataFrame.from_items([('A', datetimes)])
write_frame.to_excel(path, 'Sheet1')
read_frame = read_excel(path, 'Sheet1', header=0)
tm.assert_series_equal(write_frame['A'], read_frame['A'])
# GH7074
def test_bytes_io(self):
bio = BytesIO()
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2))
writer = ExcelWriter(bio)
reread_df = read_excel(bio)
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread_df)
# GH8188
def test_write_lists_dict(self):
df = DataFrame({'mixed': ['a', ['b', 'c'], {'d': 'e', 'f': 2}],
'numeric': [1, 2, 3.0],
'str': ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']})
expected = df.copy()
expected.mixed = expected.mixed.apply(str)
expected.numeric = expected.numeric.astype('int64')
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, 'Sheet1')
read = read_excel(path, 'Sheet1', header=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(read, expected)
# GH13347
def test_true_and_false_value_options(self):
df = pd.DataFrame([['foo', 'bar']], columns=['col1', 'col2'])
expected = df.replace({'foo': True,
'bar': False})
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
read_frame = read_excel(path, true_values=['foo'],
tm.assert_frame_equal(read_frame, expected)
def raise_wrapper(major_ver):
def versioned_raise_wrapper(orig_method):
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
if openpyxl_compat.is_compat(major_ver=major_ver):
orig_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
msg = (r'Installed openpyxl is not supported at this '
r'time\. Use.+')
with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
orig_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return versioned_raise_wrapper
def raise_on_incompat_version(major_ver):
def versioned_raise_on_incompat_version(cls):
methods = filter(operator.methodcaller(
'startswith', 'test_'), dir(cls))
for method in methods:
setattr(cls, method, raise_wrapper(
major_ver)(getattr(cls, method)))
return cls
return versioned_raise_on_incompat_version
class OpenpyxlTests(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'openpyxl1'
check_skip = staticmethod(lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
def test_to_excel_styleconverter(self):
if not openpyxl_compat.is_compat(major_ver=1):
raise nose.SkipTest('incompatiable openpyxl version')
import openpyxl
hstyle = {"font": {"bold": True},
"borders": {"top": "thin",
"right": "thin",
"bottom": "thin",
"left": "thin"},
"alignment": {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "top"}}
xlsx_style = _Openpyxl1Writer._convert_to_style(hstyle)
def skip_openpyxl_gt21(cls):
"""Skip a TestCase instance if openpyxl >= 2.2"""
def setUpClass(cls):
import openpyxl
ver = openpyxl.__version__
if (not (LooseVersion(ver) >= LooseVersion('2.0.0') and
LooseVersion(ver) < LooseVersion('2.2.0'))):
raise nose.SkipTest("openpyxl %s >= 2.2" % str(ver))
cls.setUpClass = setUpClass
return cls
class Openpyxl20Tests(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'openpyxl20'
check_skip = staticmethod(lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
def test_to_excel_styleconverter(self):
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import styles
hstyle = {
"font": {
"color": '00FF0000',
"bold": True,
"borders": {
"top": "thin",
"right": "thin",
"bottom": "thin",
"left": "thin",
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "center",
"vertical": "top",
"fill": {
"patternType": 'solid',
'fgColor': {
'rgb': '006666FF',
'tint': 0.3,
"number_format": {
"format_code": "0.00"
"protection": {
"locked": True,
"hidden": False,
font_color = styles.Color('00FF0000')
font = styles.Font(bold=True, color=font_color)
side = styles.Side(style=styles.borders.BORDER_THIN)
border = styles.Border(top=side, right=side, bottom=side, left=side)
alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='top')
fill_color = styles.Color(rgb='006666FF', tint=0.3)
fill = styles.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=fill_color)
# ahh openpyxl API changes
ver = openpyxl.__version__
if ver >= LooseVersion('2.0.0') and ver < LooseVersion('2.1.0'):
number_format = styles.NumberFormat(format_code='0.00')
number_format = '0.00' # XXX: Only works with openpyxl-2.1.0
protection = styles.Protection(locked=True, hidden=False)
kw = _Openpyxl20Writer._convert_to_style_kwargs(hstyle)
self.assertEqual(kw['font'], font)
self.assertEqual(kw['border'], border)
self.assertEqual(kw['alignment'], alignment)
self.assertEqual(kw['fill'], fill)
self.assertEqual(kw['number_format'], number_format)
self.assertEqual(kw['protection'], protection)
def test_write_cells_merge_styled(self):
from pandas.formats.format import ExcelCell
from openpyxl import styles
sheet_name = 'merge_styled'
sty_b1 = {'font': {'color': '00FF0000'}}
sty_a2 = {'font': {'color': '0000FF00'}}
initial_cells = [
ExcelCell(col=1, row=0, val=42, style=sty_b1),
ExcelCell(col=0, row=1, val=99, style=sty_a2),
sty_merged = {'font': {'color': '000000FF', 'bold': True}}
sty_kwargs = _Openpyxl20Writer._convert_to_style_kwargs(sty_merged)
openpyxl_sty_merged = styles.Style(**sty_kwargs)
merge_cells = [
ExcelCell(col=0, row=0, val='pandas',
mergestart=1, mergeend=1, style=sty_merged),
with ensure_clean('.xlsx') as path:
writer = _Openpyxl20Writer(path)
writer.write_cells(initial_cells, sheet_name=sheet_name)
writer.write_cells(merge_cells, sheet_name=sheet_name)
wks = writer.sheets[sheet_name]
xcell_b1 = wks.cell('B1')
xcell_a2 = wks.cell('A2')
self.assertEqual(, openpyxl_sty_merged)
self.assertEqual(, openpyxl_sty_merged)
def skip_openpyxl_lt22(cls):
"""Skip a TestCase instance if openpyxl < 2.2"""
def setUpClass(cls):
import openpyxl
ver = openpyxl.__version__
if LooseVersion(ver) < LooseVersion('2.2.0'):
raise nose.SkipTest("openpyxl %s < 2.2" % str(ver))
cls.setUpClass = setUpClass
return cls
class Openpyxl22Tests(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'openpyxl22'
check_skip = staticmethod(lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
def test_to_excel_styleconverter(self):
from openpyxl import styles
hstyle = {
"font": {
"color": '00FF0000',
"bold": True,
"borders": {
"top": "thin",
"right": "thin",
"bottom": "thin",
"left": "thin",
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "center",
"vertical": "top",
"fill": {
"patternType": 'solid',
'fgColor': {
'rgb': '006666FF',
'tint': 0.3,
"number_format": {
"format_code": "0.00"
"protection": {
"locked": True,
"hidden": False,
font_color = styles.Color('00FF0000')
font = styles.Font(bold=True, color=font_color)
side = styles.Side(style=styles.borders.BORDER_THIN)
border = styles.Border(top=side, right=side, bottom=side, left=side)
alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='top')
fill_color = styles.Color(rgb='006666FF', tint=0.3)
fill = styles.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=fill_color)
number_format = '0.00'
protection = styles.Protection(locked=True, hidden=False)
kw = _Openpyxl22Writer._convert_to_style_kwargs(hstyle)
self.assertEqual(kw['font'], font)
self.assertEqual(kw['border'], border)
self.assertEqual(kw['alignment'], alignment)
self.assertEqual(kw['fill'], fill)
self.assertEqual(kw['number_format'], number_format)
self.assertEqual(kw['protection'], protection)
def test_write_cells_merge_styled(self):
if not openpyxl_compat.is_compat(major_ver=2):
raise nose.SkipTest('incompatiable openpyxl version')
from pandas.formats.format import ExcelCell
sheet_name = 'merge_styled'
sty_b1 = {'font': {'color': '00FF0000'}}
sty_a2 = {'font': {'color': '0000FF00'}}
initial_cells = [
ExcelCell(col=1, row=0, val=42, style=sty_b1),
ExcelCell(col=0, row=1, val=99, style=sty_a2),
sty_merged = {'font': {'color': '000000FF', 'bold': True}}
sty_kwargs = _Openpyxl22Writer._convert_to_style_kwargs(sty_merged)
openpyxl_sty_merged = sty_kwargs['font']
merge_cells = [
ExcelCell(col=0, row=0, val='pandas',
mergestart=1, mergeend=1, style=sty_merged),
with ensure_clean('.xlsx') as path:
writer = _Openpyxl22Writer(path)
writer.write_cells(initial_cells, sheet_name=sheet_name)
writer.write_cells(merge_cells, sheet_name=sheet_name)
wks = writer.sheets[sheet_name]
xcell_b1 = wks.cell('B1')
xcell_a2 = wks.cell('A2')
self.assertEqual(xcell_b1.font, openpyxl_sty_merged)
self.assertEqual(xcell_a2.font, openpyxl_sty_merged)
class XlwtTests(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xls'
engine_name = 'xlwt'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlwt)
def test_excel_raise_error_on_multiindex_columns_and_no_index(self):
# MultiIndex as columns is not yet implemented 9794
cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('site', ''),
('2014', 'height'),
('2014', 'weight')])
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=cols)
with tm.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, index=False)
def test_excel_multiindex_columns_and_index_true(self):
cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('site', ''),
('2014', 'height'),
('2014', 'weight')])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=cols)
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, index=True)
def test_excel_multiindex_index(self):
# MultiIndex as index works so assert no error #9794
cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('site', ''),
('2014', 'height'),
('2014', 'weight')])
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 10), index=cols)
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
df.to_excel(path, index=False)
def test_to_excel_styleconverter(self):
import xlwt
hstyle = {"font": {"bold": True},
"borders": {"top": "thin",
"right": "thin",
"bottom": "thin",
"left": "thin"},
"alignment": {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "top"}}
xls_style = _XlwtWriter._convert_to_style(hstyle)
self.assertEqual(xlwt.Borders.THIN, xls_style.borders.right)
self.assertEqual(xlwt.Borders.THIN, xls_style.borders.bottom)
self.assertEqual(xlwt.Borders.THIN, xls_style.borders.left)
self.assertEqual(xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER, xls_style.alignment.horz)
self.assertEqual(xlwt.Alignment.VERT_TOP, xls_style.alignment.vert)
class XlsxWriterTests(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'xlsxwriter'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlsxwriter)
def test_column_format(self):
# Test that column formats are applied to cells. Test for issue #9167.
# Applicable to xlsxwriter only.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Ignore the openpyxl lxml warning.
import openpyxl
with ensure_clean(self.ext) as path:
frame = DataFrame({'A': [123456, 123456],
'B': [123456, 123456]})
writer = ExcelWriter(path)
# Add a number format to col B and ensure it is applied to cells.
num_format = '#,##0'
write_workbook =
write_worksheet = write_workbook.worksheets()[0]
col_format = write_workbook.add_format({'num_format': num_format})
write_worksheet.set_column('B:B', None, col_format)
read_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
read_worksheet = read_workbook.get_sheet_by_name(name='Sheet1')
# Get the number format from the cell. This method is backward
# compatible with older versions of openpyxl.
cell = read_worksheet.cell('B2')
read_num_format = cell.number_format
read_num_format =
self.assertEqual(read_num_format, num_format)
class OpenpyxlTests_NoMerge(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'openpyxl'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_openpyxl)
# Test < 0.13 non-merge behaviour for MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows.
merge_cells = False
class XlwtTests_NoMerge(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xls'
engine_name = 'xlwt'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlwt)
# Test < 0.13 non-merge behaviour for MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows.
merge_cells = False
class XlsxWriterTests_NoMerge(ExcelWriterBase, tm.TestCase):
ext = '.xlsx'
engine_name = 'xlsxwriter'
check_skip = staticmethod(_skip_if_no_xlsxwriter)
# Test < 0.13 non-merge behaviour for MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows.
merge_cells = False
class ExcelWriterEngineTests(tm.TestCase):
def test_ExcelWriter_dispatch(self):
with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'No engine'):
import xlsxwriter # noqa
writer_klass = _XlsxWriter
except ImportError:
if not openpyxl_compat.is_compat(major_ver=1):
raise nose.SkipTest('incompatible openpyxl version')
writer_klass = _Openpyxl1Writer
with ensure_clean('.xlsx') as path:
writer = ExcelWriter(path)
tm.assertIsInstance(writer, writer_klass)
with ensure_clean('.xls') as path:
writer = ExcelWriter(path)
tm.assertIsInstance(writer, _XlwtWriter)
def test_register_writer(self):
# some awkward mocking to test out dispatch and such actually works
called_save = []
called_write_cells = []
class DummyClass(ExcelWriter):
called_save = False
called_write_cells = False
supported_extensions = ['test', 'xlsx', 'xls']
engine = 'dummy'
def save(self):
def write_cells(self, *args, **kwargs):
def check_called(func):
self.assertTrue(len(called_save) >= 1)
self.assertTrue(len(called_write_cells) >= 1)
del called_save[:]
del called_write_cells[:]
with pd.option_context('io.excel.xlsx.writer', 'dummy'):
writer = ExcelWriter('something.test')
tm.assertIsInstance(writer, DummyClass)
df = tm.makeCustomDataframe(1, 1)
panel = tm.makePanel()
func = lambda: df.to_excel('something.test')
check_called(lambda: panel.to_excel('something.test'))
check_called(lambda: df.to_excel('something.xlsx'))
check_called(lambda: df.to_excel('something.xls', engine='dummy'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
nose.runmodule(argv=[__file__, '-vvs', '-x', '--pdb', '--pdb-failure'],
| mit |
madphysicist/numpy | numpy/lib/tests/ | 17 | 15119 | import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (
assert_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_raises
from numpy.lib.type_check import (
common_type, mintypecode, isreal, iscomplex, isposinf, isneginf,
nan_to_num, isrealobj, iscomplexobj, asfarray, real_if_close
def assert_all(x):
assert_(np.all(x), x)
class TestCommonType:
def test_basic(self):
ai32 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.int32)
af16 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float16)
af32 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float32)
af64 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float64)
acs = np.array([[1+5j, 2+6j], [3+7j, 4+8j]], dtype=np.csingle)
acd = np.array([[1+5j, 2+6j], [3+7j, 4+8j]], dtype=np.cdouble)
assert_(common_type(ai32) == np.float64)
assert_(common_type(af16) == np.float16)
assert_(common_type(af32) == np.float32)
assert_(common_type(af64) == np.float64)
assert_(common_type(acs) == np.csingle)
assert_(common_type(acd) == np.cdouble)
class TestMintypecode:
def test_default_1(self):
for itype in '1bcsuwil':
assert_equal(mintypecode(itype), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('f'), 'f')
assert_equal(mintypecode('d'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('F'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode('D'), 'D')
def test_default_2(self):
for itype in '1bcsuwil':
assert_equal(mintypecode(itype+'f'), 'f')
assert_equal(mintypecode(itype+'d'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode(itype+'F'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode(itype+'D'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('ff'), 'f')
assert_equal(mintypecode('fd'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('fF'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode('fD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('df'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('dd'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('dF'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('dD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('Ff'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode('Fd'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('FF'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode('FD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('Df'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('Dd'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('DF'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('DD'), 'D')
def test_default_3(self):
assert_equal(mintypecode('fdF'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('fdD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('fFD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('dFD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('ifd'), 'd')
assert_equal(mintypecode('ifF'), 'F')
assert_equal(mintypecode('ifD'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('idF'), 'D')
assert_equal(mintypecode('idD'), 'D')
class TestIsscalar:
def test_basic(self):
assert_(not np.isscalar([3]))
assert_(not np.isscalar((3,)))
class TestReal:
def test_real(self):
y = np.random.rand(10,)
assert_array_equal(y, np.real(y))
y = np.array(1)
out = np.real(y)
assert_array_equal(y, out)
assert_(isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
y = 1
out = np.real(y)
assert_equal(y, out)
assert_(not isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
def test_cmplx(self):
y = np.random.rand(10,)+1j*np.random.rand(10,)
assert_array_equal(y.real, np.real(y))
y = np.array(1 + 1j)
out = np.real(y)
assert_array_equal(y.real, out)
assert_(isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
y = 1 + 1j
out = np.real(y)
assert_equal(1.0, out)
assert_(not isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
class TestImag:
def test_real(self):
y = np.random.rand(10,)
assert_array_equal(0, np.imag(y))
y = np.array(1)
out = np.imag(y)
assert_array_equal(0, out)
assert_(isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
y = 1
out = np.imag(y)
assert_equal(0, out)
assert_(not isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
def test_cmplx(self):
y = np.random.rand(10,)+1j*np.random.rand(10,)
assert_array_equal(y.imag, np.imag(y))
y = np.array(1 + 1j)
out = np.imag(y)
assert_array_equal(y.imag, out)
assert_(isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
y = 1 + 1j
out = np.imag(y)
assert_equal(1.0, out)
assert_(not isinstance(out, np.ndarray))
class TestIscomplex:
def test_fail(self):
z = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
res = iscomplex(z)
assert_(not np.sometrue(res, axis=0))
def test_pass(self):
z = np.array([-1j, 1, 0])
res = iscomplex(z)
assert_array_equal(res, [1, 0, 0])
class TestIsreal:
def test_pass(self):
z = np.array([-1, 0, 1j])
res = isreal(z)
assert_array_equal(res, [1, 1, 0])
def test_fail(self):
z = np.array([-1j, 1, 0])
res = isreal(z)
assert_array_equal(res, [0, 1, 1])
class TestIscomplexobj:
def test_basic(self):
z = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
assert_(not iscomplexobj(z))
z = np.array([-1j, 0, -1])
def test_scalar(self):
assert_(not iscomplexobj(1.0))
def test_list(self):
assert_(iscomplexobj([3, 1+0j, True]))
assert_(not iscomplexobj([3, 1, True]))
def test_duck(self):
class DummyComplexArray:
def dtype(self):
return np.dtype(complex)
dummy = DummyComplexArray()
def test_pandas_duck(self):
# This tests a custom np.dtype duck-typed class, such as used by pandas
# (pandas.core.dtypes)
class PdComplex(np.complex128):
class PdDtype:
name = 'category'
names = None
type = PdComplex
kind = 'c'
str = '<c16'
base = np.dtype('complex128')
class DummyPd:
def dtype(self):
return PdDtype
dummy = DummyPd()
def test_custom_dtype_duck(self):
class MyArray(list):
def dtype(self):
return complex
a = MyArray([1+0j, 2+0j, 3+0j])
class TestIsrealobj:
def test_basic(self):
z = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
z = np.array([-1j, 0, -1])
assert_(not isrealobj(z))
class TestIsnan:
def test_goodvalues(self):
z = np.array((-1., 0., 1.))
res = np.isnan(z) == 0
assert_all(np.all(res, axis=0))
def test_posinf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isnan(np.array((1.,))/0.) == 0)
def test_neginf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isnan(np.array((-1.,))/0.) == 0)
def test_ind(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isnan(np.array((0.,))/0.) == 1)
def test_integer(self):
assert_all(np.isnan(1) == 0)
def test_complex(self):
assert_all(np.isnan(1+1j) == 0)
def test_complex1(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isnan(np.array(0+0j)/0.) == 1)
class TestIsfinite:
# Fixme, wrong place, isfinite now ufunc
def test_goodvalues(self):
z = np.array((-1., 0., 1.))
res = np.isfinite(z) == 1
assert_all(np.all(res, axis=0))
def test_posinf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array((1.,))/0.) == 0)
def test_neginf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array((-1.,))/0.) == 0)
def test_ind(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array((0.,))/0.) == 0)
def test_integer(self):
assert_all(np.isfinite(1) == 1)
def test_complex(self):
assert_all(np.isfinite(1+1j) == 1)
def test_complex1(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array(1+1j)/0.) == 0)
class TestIsinf:
# Fixme, wrong place, isinf now ufunc
def test_goodvalues(self):
z = np.array((-1., 0., 1.))
res = np.isinf(z) == 0
assert_all(np.all(res, axis=0))
def test_posinf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isinf(np.array((1.,))/0.) == 1)
def test_posinf_scalar(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isinf(np.array(1.,)/0.) == 1)
def test_neginf(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isinf(np.array((-1.,))/0.) == 1)
def test_neginf_scalar(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isinf(np.array(-1.)/0.) == 1)
def test_ind(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
assert_all(np.isinf(np.array((0.,))/0.) == 0)
class TestIsposinf:
def test_generic(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = isposinf(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.)
assert_(vals[0] == 0)
assert_(vals[1] == 0)
assert_(vals[2] == 1)
class TestIsneginf:
def test_generic(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = isneginf(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.)
assert_(vals[0] == 1)
assert_(vals[1] == 0)
assert_(vals[2] == 0)
class TestNanToNum:
def test_generic(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = nan_to_num(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.)
assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0]))
assert_(vals[1] == 0)
assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2]))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
# perform the same tests but with nan, posinf and neginf keywords
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = nan_to_num(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.,
nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_equal(vals, [30, 10, 20])
assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[[0, 2]]))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
# perform the same test but in-place
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.
result = nan_to_num(vals, copy=False)
assert_(result is vals)
assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0]))
assert_(vals[1] == 0)
assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2]))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
# perform the same test but in-place
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.
result = nan_to_num(vals, copy=False, nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_(result is vals)
assert_equal(vals, [30, 10, 20])
assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[[0, 2]]))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
def test_array(self):
vals = nan_to_num([1])
assert_array_equal(vals, np.array([1], int))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
vals = nan_to_num([1], nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_array_equal(vals, np.array([1], int))
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
def test_integer(self):
vals = nan_to_num(1)
assert_all(vals == 1)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.int_)
vals = nan_to_num(1, nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_all(vals == 1)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.int_)
def test_float(self):
vals = nan_to_num(1.0)
assert_all(vals == 1.0)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.float_)
vals = nan_to_num(1.1, nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_all(vals == 1.1)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.float_)
def test_complex_good(self):
vals = nan_to_num(1+1j)
assert_all(vals == 1+1j)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
vals = nan_to_num(1+1j, nan=10, posinf=20, neginf=30)
assert_all(vals == 1+1j)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
def test_complex_bad(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
v = 1 + 1j
v += np.array(0+1.j)/0.
vals = nan_to_num(v)
# !! This is actually (unexpectedly) zero
assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
def test_complex_bad2(self):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
v = 1 + 1j
v += np.array(-1+1.j)/0.
vals = nan_to_num(v)
assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
# Fixme
#assert_all(vals.imag > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals))
# !! This is actually (unexpectedly) positive
# !! inf. Comment out for now, and see if it
# !! changes
#assert_all(vals.real < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals))
def test_do_not_rewrite_previous_keyword(self):
# This is done to test that when, for instance, nan=np.inf then these
# values are not rewritten by posinf keyword to the posinf value.
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
vals = nan_to_num(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0., nan=np.inf, posinf=999)
assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[[0, 2]]))
assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10)
assert_equal(vals[[1, 2]], [np.inf, 999])
assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
class TestRealIfClose:
def test_basic(self):
a = np.random.rand(10)
b = real_if_close(a+1e-15j)
assert_array_equal(a, b)
b = real_if_close(a+1e-7j)
b = real_if_close(a+1e-7j, tol=1e-6)
class TestArrayConversion:
def test_asfarray(self):
a = asfarray(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
assert_equal(a.__class__, np.ndarray)
assert_(np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.floating))
# previously this would infer dtypes from arrays, unlike every single
# other numpy function
asfarray, np.array([1, 2, 3]), dtype=np.array(1.0))
| bsd-3-clause |
quaquel/EMAworkbench | docs/source/pyplots/ | 1 | 1058 | import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from analysis.pairs_plotting import pairs_scatter, pairs_density, pairs_lines
from expWorkbench.util import load_results
#load the data
experiments, results = load_results(r'../../../src/analysis/1000 flu cases.cPickle', zipped=False)
#transform the results to the required format
newResults = {}
#get time and remove it from the dict
time = results.pop('TIME')
for key, value in results.items():
if key == 'deceased population region 1':
newResults[key] = value[:,-1] #we want the end value
# we want the maximum value of the peak
newResults['max peak'] = np.max(value, axis=1)
# we want the time at which the maximum occurred
# the code here is a bit obscure, I don't know why the transpose
# of value is needed. This however does produce the appropriate results
logicalIndex = value.T==np.max(value, axis=1)
newResults['time of max'] = time[logicalIndex.T]
pairs_density((experiments, newResults)) | bsd-3-clause |
saskartt/P4UL | pyRaster/ | 1 | 7475 | #!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
from mapTools import *
from utilities import filesFromList, writeLog
from plotTools import addImagePlot, addContourf, addScatterPlot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Author: Mikko Auvinen
[email protected]
University of Helsinki &
Finnish Meteorological Institute
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--filename",type=str, help="Name of raster data file.")
parser.add_argument("-fo", "--fileOut",type=str, help="Name of output Palm mesh file.",\
parser.add_argument("-iP","--iPivot", help="Local pixel ids [N,E] for the pivot in the raster file.",\
parser.add_argument("-N","--NxG", help="Number of points [Nx, Ny] in the 2D Palm grid.",\
type=int,nargs=2, default=[ 2048 , 1024])
parser.add_argument("-dx","--dxG", help="Resolution [dx, dy] of the 2D Palm grid.",\
type=float,nargs=2, default=[ 2. , 2.])
parser.add_argument("-r","--rLx", type=float,nargs=2, default=[ 0.9, 0.5],\
help="Pivot location [rLx, rLy] as ratio of Lx & Ly of grid domain (top left origo).")
parser.add_argument("-wd", "--windDir", type=float,default=270.0,\
help="Wind direction (deg) --> Rotation angle around the pivot point. North wind = 0deg")
parser.add_argument("-nr", "--noRotation", action="store_true",default=False,\
help="Do not rotate the grid.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--scale",type=float,\
help="Scale factor for the output. Default=1.", default=1.)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--printOn", help="Print the resulting raster data.",\
action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-pp", "--printOnly", help="Only print the resulting data. Don't save.",\
action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print intermediates onto the screen.",\
action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
writeLog( parser, args, args.printOnly )
# Renaming the argument variables for brevity and clarity:
filename = args.filename
fileOut = args.fileOut
NxG = args.NxG
iPv = args.iPivot
dxG = args.dxG
rLx = args.rLx
windDir = args.windDir
noRotation= args.noRotation
verbose = args.verbose
printOn = args.printOn
printOnly = args.printOnly
# Read in the underlying topography data and obtain the pivot coordinates.
dataOnly = False
Rdict= readNumpyZTileForMesh( filename )
R = Rdict['R']
nY = Rdict['rowCoords']
eX = Rdict['colCoords']
if( verbose ):
print(' [N] coords = {}...{}, [E] coords = {}...{}'\
.format(nY[0], nY[-1], eX[0], eX[-1] ))
Rdims = np.array(np.shape(R))
# Retain information about rotation
gridRot = Rdict['gridRot']
gridRot = 0
ROrig = Rdict['GlobOrig']
dPx = entry2Int( Rdict['dPx'] )
if( verbose ): print(' dPx = {} '.format(dPx))
# Pivot coordinates
pY = nY[iPv[0]]; pX = eX[iPv[1]]
print(' Origo in the Topography data: [N,E] = [{}, {}]'.format(ROrig[0],ROrig[1]))
print(' Pivot Coords in Topography data: [N,E] = [{}, {}]'.format(pY,pX))
#NY, EX = np.meshgrid(nY,eX)
Create Palm grid which obeys the X,Y-coordinate layout. This might cause confusion
so let's proceed carefully.
Even though the data is saved as raster array, the data points are now cell centers.
xbegin = dxG[0]/2. # First cell-centers.
ybegin = dxG[1]/2.
xend = NxG[0]*dxG[0] - xbegin # Last cell-center.
yend = NxG[1]*dxG[1] - ybegin
XgridCoords = np.linspace(xbegin,xend, NxG[0])
YgridCoords = np.linspace(ybegin,yend, NxG[1])
#Xg, Yg = np.meshgrid( XgridCoords, YgridCoords )
# Location of the pivot (indecies and coords) in the Palm grid. Not going into negative indices.
iPGx = np.maximum(int(rLx[0]*NxG[0])-1,0)
iPGy = np.maximum(int((1-rLx[1])*NxG[1])-1,0)
pXG = XgridCoords[iPGx]
pYG = YgridCoords[iPGy]
if( verbose ):
print ' Palm grid pivot indices: iPGx = {}, iPGy = {}'.format( iPGx, iPGy )
print ' Palm grid pivot coords: pXG = {}, pYG = {}'.format( pXG, pYG )
From palm coordinates to underlying topography coordinates.
We use the pivot point which is known for both systems.
dXT = pX - pXG
dYT = pY - pYG
#dXT = (pX - ROrig[1]) - pXG
#dYT = (pY - ROrig[0]) - pYG
XT = XgridCoords + dXT
YT = YgridCoords + dYT
print(' Coordinate transform: dXT = {}, dYT = {}'.format( dXT, dYT ))
print(' Transformed coords: XT = {}...{}, YT = {}...{}'\
.format(np.min(XT), np.max(XT),np.min(YT), np.max(YT)))
Rotate the new coordinates according to the wind direction:
Coordinate transformations for counterclockwise rotation.
# NOTE: At the pivot point XTR = pX
XTM, YTM = np.meshgrid( XT, YT )
if (noRotation):
theta = 0.
theta = 270. - windDir
if( theta != 0.):
XTRM,YTRM = rotateGridAroundPivot(XTM,YTM, pX, pY,theta, deg=True)
print(' No rotation! ')
XTRM = XTM.copy(); YTRM = YTM.copy()
Bottom Left : XTRM[0,0], YTRM[0,0]
Top Left : XTRM[-1,0], YTRM[-1,0]
Bottom Right : XTRM[0,-1], YTRM[0,-1]
Top Right : XTRM[-1,-1], YTRM[-1,-1])
XT = None; YT = None
XTM = None; YTM = None
Using the known transformed coordinates, we can extract the pixel values
at those locations and copy them to the Palm grid. The grid arrays origo is
located at the bottom left, which makes things a bit confusing here.
Irow = ((ROrig[0]-YTRM)/dPx ).astype(int)
Jcol = ((XTRM-ROrig[1])/dPx ).astype(int)
# Make sure the indecies don't run beyond the allowable bounds.
if (np.amin(Irow) < 0 or np.amin(Jcol) < 0):
# Warn the user about streching edges.
print("WARNING: Domain out of raster data bounds! Streching edge cells to fill the domain.")
Irow = np.maximum(Irow, 0); Jcol = np.maximum(Jcol, 0)
Irow = np.minimum(Irow, Rdims[0]-1); Jcol = np.minimum(Jcol, Rdims[1]-1)
#print " np.shape(Irow) = {}, Irow = {} ".format(np.shape(Irow) ,Irow[::4,::4])
#print " Jcol = {} ".format(Jcol[::4,::4] )
Xdims = np.array( np.shape(XTRM) )
PR = np.zeros( Xdims , float)
PR[::-1,:] = R[Irow,Jcol] # The row order must be reversed.
R = None
Reset the top left origo utilizing the NON-rotated coordinates. This
allows the relative position of different raster maps (with identical
coord. rotation) to be determined easily.
theta2 = gridRot/(np.pi/180.)
XTRM,YTRM = rotateGridAroundPivot(XTRM,YTRM, ROrig[1], ROrig[0],theta2, deg=True)
PROrig = np.array([ YTRM[-1,0], XTRM[-1,0] ]) # Reset top left origo
print(' Top left origo coords. (cell centers!): [N,E] = {}'.format(PROrig))
rotation = (theta+theta2)*(np.pi/180.)
# Retain unused keys from original raster
PRdict = Rdict.copy()
Rdict = None
PRdict['R'] = PR
PRdict['GlobOrig'] = PROrig
PRdict['gridRot'] = rotation
PRdict['dPx'] = np.array([dxG[0],dxG[1]])
if( not args.printOnly ):
saveTileAsNumpyZ( fileOut, PRdict)
# Print the raster map, first, in a coordinate system where x-axis is aligned with the windDir
# and, second, in its original orientation.
if( printOn or printOnly ):
figDims = 13.*(Xdims[::-1].astype(float)/np.max(Xdims))
fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=figDims)
fig = addImagePlot( fig, PR, args.fileOut )
CO = addContourf( XTRM, YTRM, PR[::-1,:], " Z(X,Y) ", "PALM DOMAIN ON MAP" )
XTRM = None; YTRM = None
PR = None; PRDict = None
| mit |
raymondxyang/tensorflow | tensorflow/contrib/learn/python/learn/preprocessing/tests/ | 137 | 2219 | # encoding: utf-8
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Categorical tests."""
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.learn_io import HAS_PANDAS
from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.preprocessing import categorical
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
class CategoricalTest(test.TestCase):
"""Categorical tests."""
def testSingleCategoricalProcessor(self):
cat_processor = categorical.CategoricalProcessor(min_frequency=1)
x = cat_processor.fit_transform([["0"], [1], [float("nan")], ["C"], ["C"],
[1], ["0"], [np.nan], [3]])
self.assertAllEqual(list(x), [[2], [1], [0], [3], [3], [1], [2], [0], [0]])
def testSingleCategoricalProcessorPandasSingleDF(self):
import pandas as pd # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
cat_processor = categorical.CategoricalProcessor()
data = pd.DataFrame({"Gender": ["Male", "Female", "Male"]})
x = list(cat_processor.fit_transform(data))
self.assertAllEqual(list(x), [[1], [2], [1]])
def testMultiCategoricalProcessor(self):
cat_processor = categorical.CategoricalProcessor(
min_frequency=0, share=False)
x = cat_processor.fit_transform([["0", "Male"], [1, "Female"],
["3", "Male"]])
self.assertAllEqual(list(x), [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1]])
if __name__ == "__main__":
| apache-2.0 |
jseabold/scikit-learn | examples/bicluster/ | 403 | 2011 | """
A demo of the Spectral Biclustering algorithm
This example demonstrates how to generate a checkerboard dataset and
bicluster it using the Spectral Biclustering algorithm.
The data is generated with the ``make_checkerboard`` function, then
shuffled and passed to the Spectral Biclustering algorithm. The rows
and columns of the shuffled matrix are rearranged to show the
biclusters found by the algorithm.
The outer product of the row and column label vectors shows a
representation of the checkerboard structure.
# Author: Kemal Eren <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_checkerboard
from sklearn.datasets import samples_generator as sg
from sklearn.cluster.bicluster import SpectralBiclustering
from sklearn.metrics import consensus_score
n_clusters = (4, 3)
data, rows, columns = make_checkerboard(
shape=(300, 300), n_clusters=n_clusters, noise=10,
shuffle=False, random_state=0)
plt.title("Original dataset")
data, row_idx, col_idx = sg._shuffle(data, random_state=0)
plt.title("Shuffled dataset")
model = SpectralBiclustering(n_clusters=n_clusters, method='log',
score = consensus_score(model.biclusters_,
(rows[:, row_idx], columns[:, col_idx]))
print("consensus score: {:.1f}".format(score))
fit_data = data[np.argsort(model.row_labels_)]
fit_data = fit_data[:, np.argsort(model.column_labels_)]
plt.title("After biclustering; rearranged to show biclusters")
plt.matshow(np.outer(np.sort(model.row_labels_) + 1,
np.sort(model.column_labels_) + 1),
plt.title("Checkerboard structure of rearranged data")
| bsd-3-clause |
eickenberg/scikit-learn | sklearn/tests/ | 22 | 1521 | import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true
from .. import lda
# Data is just 6 separable points in the plane
X = np.array([[-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]])
y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
y3 = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
# Degenerate data with 1 feature (still should be separable)
X1 = np.array([[-2, ], [-1, ], [-1, ], [1, ], [1, ], [2, ]])
def test_lda_predict():
LDA classification.
This checks that LDA implements fit and predict and returns
correct values for a simple toy dataset.
clf = lda.LDA()
y_pred =, y).predict(X)
assert_array_equal(y_pred, y)
# Assure that it works with 1D data
y_pred1 =, y).predict(X1)
assert_array_equal(y_pred1, y)
# Test probas estimates
y_proba_pred1 = clf.predict_proba(X1)
assert_array_equal((y_proba_pred1[:, 1] > 0.5) + 1, y)
y_log_proba_pred1 = clf.predict_log_proba(X1)
assert_array_almost_equal(np.exp(y_log_proba_pred1), y_proba_pred1, 8)
# Primarily test for commit 2f34950 -- "reuse" of priors
y_pred3 =, y3).predict(X)
# LDA shouldn't be able to separate those
assert_true(np.any(y_pred3 != y3))
def test_lda_transform():
clf = lda.LDA()
X_transformed =, y).transform(X)
assert_equal(X_transformed.shape[1], 1)
| bsd-3-clause |
yyjiang/scikit-learn | benchmarks/ | 290 | 1260 | """
Benchmark scikit-learn's Ward implement compared to SciPy's
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import pylab as pl
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3, linkage='ward')
n_samples = np.logspace(.5, 3, 9)
n_features = np.logspace(1, 3.5, 7)
N_samples, N_features = np.meshgrid(n_samples,
scikits_time = np.zeros(N_samples.shape)
scipy_time = np.zeros(N_samples.shape)
for i, n in enumerate(n_samples):
for j, p in enumerate(n_features):
X = np.random.normal(size=(n, p))
t0 = time.time()
scikits_time[j, i] = time.time() - t0
t0 = time.time()
scipy_time[j, i] = time.time() - t0
ratio = scikits_time / scipy_time
pl.figure("scikit-learn Ward's method benchmark results")
pl.imshow(np.log(ratio), aspect='auto', origin="lower")
pl.contour(ratio, levels=[1, ], colors='k')
pl.yticks(range(len(n_features)), n_features.astype(
pl.ylabel('N features')
pl.xticks(range(len(n_samples)), n_samples.astype(
pl.xlabel('N samples')
pl.title("Scikit's time, in units of scipy time (log)")
| bsd-3-clause |
vshtanko/scikit-learn | examples/cluster/ | 265 | 4081 | """
Comparison of the K-Means and MiniBatchKMeans clustering algorithms
We want to compare the performance of the MiniBatchKMeans and KMeans:
the MiniBatchKMeans is faster, but gives slightly different results (see
We will cluster a set of data, first with KMeans and then with
MiniBatchKMeans, and plot the results.
We will also plot the points that are labelled differently between the two
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans, KMeans
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances_argmin
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
# Generate sample data
batch_size = 45
centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
n_clusters = len(centers)
X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=3000, centers=centers, cluster_std=0.7)
# Compute clustering with Means
k_means = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10)
t0 = time.time()
t_batch = time.time() - t0
k_means_labels = k_means.labels_
k_means_cluster_centers = k_means.cluster_centers_
k_means_labels_unique = np.unique(k_means_labels)
# Compute clustering with MiniBatchKMeans
mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, batch_size=batch_size,
n_init=10, max_no_improvement=10, verbose=0)
t0 = time.time()
t_mini_batch = time.time() - t0
mbk_means_labels = mbk.labels_
mbk_means_cluster_centers = mbk.cluster_centers_
mbk_means_labels_unique = np.unique(mbk_means_labels)
# Plot result
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, right=0.98, bottom=0.05, top=0.9)
colors = ['#4EACC5', '#FF9C34', '#4E9A06']
# We want to have the same colors for the same cluster from the
# MiniBatchKMeans and the KMeans algorithm. Let's pair the cluster centers per
# closest one.
order = pairwise_distances_argmin(k_means_cluster_centers,
# KMeans
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters), colors):
my_members = k_means_labels == k
cluster_center = k_means_cluster_centers[k]
ax.plot(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], 'w',
markerfacecolor=col, marker='.')
ax.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markeredgecolor='k', markersize=6)
plt.text(-3.5, 1.8, 'train time: %.2fs\ninertia: %f' % (
t_batch, k_means.inertia_))
# MiniBatchKMeans
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters), colors):
my_members = mbk_means_labels == order[k]
cluster_center = mbk_means_cluster_centers[order[k]]
ax.plot(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], 'w',
markerfacecolor=col, marker='.')
ax.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markeredgecolor='k', markersize=6)
plt.text(-3.5, 1.8, 'train time: %.2fs\ninertia: %f' %
(t_mini_batch, mbk.inertia_))
# Initialise the different array to all False
different = (mbk_means_labels == 4)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
for l in range(n_clusters):
different += ((k_means_labels == k) != (mbk_means_labels == order[k]))
identic = np.logical_not(different)
ax.plot(X[identic, 0], X[identic, 1], 'w',
markerfacecolor='#bbbbbb', marker='.')
ax.plot(X[different, 0], X[different, 1], 'w',
markerfacecolor='m', marker='.')
| bsd-3-clause |
QUANTAXIS/QUANTAXIS | QUANTAXIS/QAFactor/ | 2 | 42360 | # /usr/bin/env python3
1. 个股查询
- QA_fetch_get_individual_financial: 查询个股指定时间段指定财务报表指定报告类型数据
2. 截面查询
- QA_fetch_get_crosssection_financial: 查询指定报告期指定报表指定报告类型数据
1. 截面查询
- QA_fetch_crosssection_financial
2. 高级查询
- QA_fetch_financial_adv
import datetime
import time
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
import pymongo
import tushare as ts
from QUANTAXIS.QAFactor.utils import QA_fmt_code, QA_fmt_code_list
from QUANTAXIS.QAFetch.QAQuery_Advance import QA_fetch_stock_list
from QUANTAXIS.QAFetch.QATushare import get_pro
from QUANTAXIS.QAUtil import (DATABASE, QASETTING, QA_util_date_int2str,
QA_util_date_stamp, QA_util_get_pre_trade_date,
QA_util_get_real_date, QA_util_log_info,
REPORT_DATE_TAILS = ["0331", "0630", "0930", "1231"]
SHEET_TYPE = ["income", "balancesheet", "cashflow"]
REPORT_TYPE = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '11']
def QA_fetch_get_individual_financial(
code: str,
start: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
end: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
report_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None,
sheet_type: str = "income",
report_type: Union[int, str] = 1,
fields: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None,
wait_seconds: int = 61,
max_trial: int = 3) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""个股财务报表网络查询接口,注意,这里的 start 与 end 是针对 report_date 进行范围查询
code (str): 股票代码
start (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 查询起始时间,默认为 None
end (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 查询结束时间,默认为 None
report_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime], optional): 报告期. 默认为 None,如果使用了 report_date, 则 start 与 end 参数不再起作用
sheet_type (str, optional): 报表类型,默认为 "income" 类型
(利润表 "income"|
资产负债表 "balancesheet"|
现金流量表 "cashflow"|
业绩预告 "forecast"|
业绩快报 "express")
report_type (Union[int, str], optional): 报告类型. 默认为 1。
(1 合并报表 上市公司最新报表(默认)|
2 单季合并 单一季度的合并报表 |
3 调整单季合并表 调整后的单季合并报表(如果有) |
4 调整合并报表 本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据,报告期为上年度 |
5 调整前合并报表 数据发生变更,将原数据进行保留,即调整前的原数据 |
6 母公司报表 该公司母公司的财务报表数据 |
7 母公司单季表 母公司的单季度表 |
8 母公司调整单季表 母公司调整后的单季表 |
9 母公司调整表 该公司母公司的本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据 |
10 母公司调整前报表 母公司调整之前的原始财务报表数据 |
11 调整前合并报表 调整之前合并报表原数据 |
12 母公司调整前报表 母公司报表发生变更前保留的原数据)
fields (Union[str, Tuple, List], optional): 指定数据范围,如果设置为 None,则返回所有数据. 默认为 None.
wait_seconds (int, optional): 等待重试时间. 默认为 61 秒.
max_trial (int, optional): 最大重试次数. 默认为 3.
pd.DataFrame: 返回指定个股时间范围内指定类型的报表数据
def _get_individual_financial(code, report_date, report_type, sheet_type, fields, wait_seconds, trial_count):
nonlocal pro, max_trial
if trial_count >= max_trial:
raise ValueError("[ERROR]\tEXCEED MAX TRIAL!")
if not fields:
df = eval(
f"pro.{sheet_type}(ts_code='{code}', period='{report_date}', report_type={report_type})")
df = eval(
f"pro.{sheet_type}(ts_code='{code}', period='{report_date}', report_type={report_type}, fields={fields})")
return df.rename(columns={"ts_code": "code", "end_date": "report_date"})
except Exception as e:
code, report_date, report_type, sheet_type, fields, wait_seconds, trial_count+1)
pro = get_pro()
report_type = int(report_type)
if (not start) and (not end) and (not report_date):
raise ValueError(
"[QRY_DATES ERROR]\tparam 'start', 'end' and 'report_date' should not be none at the same time!")
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = sorted(list(set([fields, "ts_code", "end_date",
"ann_date", "f_ann_date", "report_type", "update_flag"])))
if report_date:
report_date = pd.Timestamp(report_date)
year = report_date.year
report_date_lists = [
pd.Timestamp(str(year) + report_date_tail) for report_date_tail in REPORT_DATE_TAILS]
if report_date not in report_date_lists:
raise ValueError("[REPORT_DATE ERROR]")
if sheet_type not in ["income", "balancesheet", "cashflow", "forecast", "express"]:
raise ValueError("[SHEET_TYPE ERROR]")
if report_type not in range(1, 13):
raise ValueError("[REPORT_TYPE ERROR]")
report_dates = [report_date]
start = pd.Timestamp(start)
start_year = start.year
end = pd.Timestamp(end)
end_year = end.year
origin_year_ranges = pd.date_range(
str(start_year), str(end_year+1), freq='Y').map(str).str.slice(0, 4).tolist()
origin_report_ranges = pd.Series([
pd.Timestamp(year + report_date_tail) for year in origin_year_ranges for report_date_tail in REPORT_DATE_TAILS])
report_dates = origin_report_ranges.loc[(
origin_report_ranges >= start) & (origin_report_ranges <= end)]
df = pd.DataFrame()
for report_date in report_dates:
df = df.append(_get_individual_financial(
code=QA_fmt_code(code, "ts"),
df.code = QA_fmt_code_list(df.code)
return df.reset_index(drop=True)
def QA_fetch_get_crosssection_financial(
report_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp],
report_type: Union[int, str] = 1,
sheet_type: str = "income",
fields: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None,
wait_seconds: int = 61,
max_trial: int = 3) -> pd.DataFrame:
report_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp]): 报告期
report_type (Union[int, str], optional): 报告类型,默认值为 1.
(1 合并报表 上市公司最新报表(默认)|
2 单季合并 单一季度的合并报表 |
3 调整单季合并表 调整后的单季合并报表(如果有) |
4 调整合并报表 本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据,报告期为上年度 |
5 调整前合并报表 数据发生变更,将原数据进行保留,即调整前的原数据 |
6 母公司报表 该公司母公司的财务报表数据 |
7 母公司单季表 母公司的单季度表 |
8 母公司调整单季表 母公司调整后的单季表 |
9 母公司调整表 该公司母公司的本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据 |
10 母公司调整前报表 母公司调整之前的原始财务报表数据 |
11 调整前合并报表 调整之前合并报表原数据 |
12 母公司调整前报表 母公司报表发生变更前保留的原数据)
sheet_type (str, optional): 报表类型,默认为 "income".
(利润表 "income"|
资产负债表 "balancesheet"|
现金流量表 "cashflow"|
业绩预告 "forecast"|
业绩快报 "express")
fields (Union[str, List], optional): 数据范围,默认为 None,返回所有数据.
wait_seconds (int, optional): 查询超时时间, 默认为 61.
max_trial (int, optional): 查询最大尝试次数, 默认为 3.
pd.DataFrame: 指定报告期的指定财务报表数据
def _get_crosssection_financial(report_date, report_type, sheet_type, fields, wait_seconds, trial_count):
nonlocal pro, max_trial
if trial_count >= max_trial:
raise ValueError("[ERROR]\tEXCEED MAX TRIAL!")
if not fields:
f"pro.{sheet_type}_vip(period='{report_date}', report_type={report_type})")
df = eval(
f"pro.{sheet_type}_vip(period='{report_date}', report_type={report_type})")
df = eval(
f"pro.{sheet_type}_vip(period='{report_date}', report_type={report_type}, fields={fields})")
if df.empty:
return df
df.ts_code = QA_fmt_code_list(df.ts_code)
return df.rename(columns={"ts_code": "code", "end_date": "report_date"}).sort_values(by=['ann_date', 'f_ann_date'])
except Exception as e:
report_date, report_type, sheet_type, fields, wait_seconds, trial_count + 1)
# Tushare 账号配置
pro = get_pro()
# 设置标准报告期格式
report_date = pd.Timestamp(report_date)
report_type = int(report_type)
year = report_date.year
std_report_dates = [
str(year) + report_date_tail for report_date_tail in REPORT_DATE_TAILS]
# Tushare 接口支持的日期格式
if report_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") not in std_report_dates:
raise ValueError("[REPORT_DATE ERROR]")
# fields 格式化处理
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = sorted(list(set([fields, "ts_code", "end_date",
"ann_date", "f_ann_date", "report_type", "update_flag"])))
# 目前支持利润表,资产负债表和现金流量表
if sheet_type not in SHEET_TYPE:
raise ValueError("[SHEET_TYPE ERROR]")
if report_type not in range(1, 13):
raise ValueError("[REPORT_TYTPE ERROR]")
return _get_crosssection_financial(
# FIXME: Add Fetch Get Method of Daily Basic
def QA_fetch_get_daily_basic(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
trade_date: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime] = None,
fields: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
wait_seconds: int = 61,
max_trial: int = 3
) -> pd.DataFrame:
code(Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 指定股票代码,默认为 None,即对应交易日的全市场股票
trade_date(Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime], optional): 指定交易日期, 默认为 None, 即距离当前
fields(Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 默认为 None,如果指定为某一单个 str,默认返回 DataFrame 包括
wait_seconds (int, optional): 查询超时时间, 默认为 61.
max_trial (int, optional): 查询最大尝试次数, 默认为 3.
pd.DataFrame: 指定交易日指定范围指定标的的每日基本面指标信息
def _fetch_get_daily_basic(trade_date, fields, trial_count):
nonlocal pro, max_trial
if trial_count >= max_trial:
raise ValueError("[ERROR]\tEXCEED MAX TRIAL!")
if not trade_date:
trade_date = QA_util_get_pre_trade_date(, 1).replace("-", "")
trade_date = pd.Timestamp(trade_date).strftime("%Y%m%d")
if not fields:
qry = f"pro.daily_basic(trade_date={trade_date})"
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = list(set([fields] + ["ts_code", "trade_date"]))
fields = ",".join(fields)
qry = "pro.daily_basic(trade_date={trade_date}, fields={fields})"
df = eval(qry)
if df is None:
raise ValueError("[ERROR]")
return df
trade_date, fields, trial_count+1
pro = get_pro()
df = _fetch_get_daily_basic(
trade_date=trade_date, fields=fields, trial_count=0)
if df.empty:
return df
df = df.rename(columns={"ts_code": "code"})
df.code = QA_fmt_code_list(df.code)
df = df.set_index("code")
if not code:
return df
if isinstance(code, str):
code = (code,)
# exclude code which not in rtn dataframe
filter_idx = df.index.intersection(code)
return df.loc[filter_idx]
def QA_fetch_crosssection_financial(
report_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp],
report_type: Union[int, str] = 1,
sheet_type: str = "income",
fields: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
report_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp]): 报告期
report_type (Union[int, str], optional): 报告类型,默认为 1.
(1 合并报表 上市公司最新报表(默认)|
2 单季合并 单一季度的合并报表 |
3 调整单季合并表 调整后的单季合并报表(如果有) |
4 调整合并报表 本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据,报告期为上年度 |
5 调整前合并报表 数据发生变更,将原数据进行保留,即调整前的原数据 |
11 调整前合并报表 调整之前合并报表原数据)
sheet_type (str, optional): 报表类型,默认为 "income".
fields (Union[str, Tuple, List], optional): 子段,默认为 None,返回所有字段.
pd.DataFrame: 指定报告期指定报表数据
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = sorted(list(set([fields, "code", "report_date",
"ann_date", "f_ann_date", "report_type", "update_flag"])))
coll = eval(f"DATABASE.{sheet_type}")
report_date = pd.Timestamp(report_date).strftime("%Y%m%d")
cursor = coll.find(
"report_date": report_date,
"report_type": str(report_type)
res = pd.DataFrame([item for item in cursor])
if res.empty:
return pd.DataFrame()
res.report_date = pd.to_datetime(res.report_date, utc=False)
if not fields:
return res.drop(columns="_id")
return res.drop(columns="_id")[fields]
def QA_fetch_financial_adv(
code: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None,
start: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
end: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
report_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
report_type: Union[int, str] = None,
sheet_type: str = "income",
fields: Union[str, Tuple, List] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
code (Union[str, Tuple, List], optional): 指定股票代码或列表,默认为 None, 全市场股票
start (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 起始时间
end (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 结束时间
report_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 报告期
report_type (Union[int, str], optional): 报告类型,默认为 1.
(1 合并报表 上市公司最新报表(默认)|
2 单季合并 单一季度的合并报表 |
3 调整单季合并表 调整后的单季合并报表(如果有) |
4 调整合并报表 本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据,报告期为上年度 |
5 调整前合并报表 数据发生变更,将原数据进行保留,即调整前的原数据 |
11 调整前合并报表 调整之前合并报表原数据)
sheet_type (str, optional): 报表类型,默认为 "income".
fields (List, optional): 字段,默认为 None,返回所有字段.
pd.DataFrame: 指定条件的本地报表数据
if (not start) and (not end) and (not report_date):
raise ValueError(
"[DATE ERROR]\t 'start', 'end' 与 'report_date' 不能同时为 None")
if isinstance(code, str):
code = (code,)
if not report_type:
report_type = ("1", "2", "4", "5", "11")
if isinstance(report_type, int) or isinstance(report_type, str):
report_type = (str(report_type), )
report_type = list(map(str, report_type))
coll = eval(f"DATABASE.{sheet_type}")
qry = {}
if not report_date:
if not end:
end =
start = pd.Timestamp(start)
end = pd.Timestamp(end)
start_date_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(start)
end_date_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(end)
if not code:
qry = {
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gte": start_date_stamp,
"$lte": end_date_stamp
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gte": start_date_stamp,
"$lte": end_date_stamp
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
report_date_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(report_date)
if not code:
qry = {
"report_date_stamp": report_date_stamp,
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"report_date_stamp": report_date_stamp,
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = list(
set([fields, "code", "ann_date", "report_date", "f_ann_date"]))
elif fields:
fields = list(
set(list(fields) + ["code", "ann_date", "report_date", "f_ann_date"]))
cursor = coll.find(qry, batch_size=10000).sort([
("report_date_stamp", pymongo.ASCENDING),
("f_ann_date_stamp", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
if fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")[fields].set_index("code")
df.report_date = pd.to_datetime(df.report_date, utc=False)
df.ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.ann_date, utc=False)
df.f_ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.f_ann_date, utc=False)
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id").set_index("code")
df.report_date = pd.to_datetime(df.report_date, utc=False)
df.ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.ann_date, utc=False)
df.f_ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.f_ann_date, utc=False)
return df
def QA_fetch_last_financial(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
cursor_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None,
report_label: Union[int, str] = None,
report_type: Union[int, str, List, Tuple] = None,
sheet_type: str = "income",
fields: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""获取距离指定日期 (cursor_date) 最近的原始数据 (不包含在 cursor_date 发布的财务数据),
当同时输入 cursor_date 与 report_date 时,以 report_date 作为查询标准
这里的 report_type 仅支持 (1,4, 5) 三种类型,以避免混淆合并数据和单季数据等
柳工 (000528) 在 2018 年 8 月 30 日发布半年报,之后在 2018 年 9 月 29 日发布修正报告,
- 如果输入的 cursor_date 为 2018-08-31, 那么获取到的就是原始半年报,对应 report_type == 5
- 如果输入的 cursor_date 为 2018-09-30,那么获取到的就是最新合并报表,对应 report_type == 1
- 如果对应的 cursor_date 为 2019-08-31,需要获取 2018 年半年报,那么就返回柳工在 2019 年 8 月 29 日发布的上年同期基准,对应 report_type == 4
code (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 股票代码或股票列表,默认为 None, 查询所有股票
cursor_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp]): 查询截面日期 (一般指调仓日), 默认为 None
report_label (Union[str, int], optional): 指定报表类型,这里的类型分类为一季报,半年报,三季报,年报, 默认为 None,即选择距离 cursor_date 最近的报表类型
report_type (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): [description]. 报表类型,默认为 None. 即距离 cursor_date 最近的财报,不指定类型,避免引入未来数据
(1 合并报表 上市公司最新报表(默认)|
2 单季合并报表
4 调整合并报表 本年度公布上年同期的财务报表数据,报告期为上年度 |
5 调整前合并报表 数据发生变更,将原数据进行保留,即调整前的原数据)
sheet_type (str, optional): 报表类型,默认为 "income".
fields (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 字段, 默认为 None, 返回所有字段
pd.DataFrame: 复合条件的财务数据
def _trans_financial_type(x):
if x.empty:
return x
if sheet_type == "balancesheet":
# 资产负债表属于时点信息,直接返回
return x
if x.iloc[0].report_date[4:] in ['0331', '1231']:
# 一季报而言,单季合并与普通合并没有区别,直接返回
# 年报而言,不存在单季概念
return x.iloc[0]
if x.iloc[0].report_type in ['1', '4', '5']:
return x.iloc[0]
if x.iloc[0].report_type == '2':
# 尝试查找同一报告期报告类型为 '1' 或 '4' 的报表数据
# try:
# if (x.shape[0] > 1) & (x.iloc[1].report_date == x.iloc[0].report_date) & (x.iloc[1].report_type in ['1', '4']):
# return x.iloc[1]
# except:
# return pd.Series()
# 尝试直接利用单季数据进行拼接
cursor_x = x.loc[
0, 4) == x.iloc[0].report_date[:4]]
cursor_x = cursor_x.drop_duplicates(subset = ['report_date'], keep='first')
cursor_x = cursor_x.loc[cursor_x.report_date <=
cursor_x = cursor_x.fillna(0)
non_numeric_columns = sorted(["f_ann_date", "f_ann_date_stamp", "ann_date", "ann_date_stamp", "report_date", "report_date_stamp",
"update_flag", "report_type", "code", "report_label"])
columns = sorted(list(set(cursor_x.columns) - set(non_numeric_columns)))
rtn_se = cursor_x[columns].sum(axis=0)
rtn_se = rtn_se.append(cursor_x[non_numeric_columns].iloc[0])
return rtn_se
if isinstance(code, str):
code = (code,)
if not report_type:
report_type = ["1", "2", "4", "5"]
if isinstance(report_type, int):
report_type = str(report_type)
if isinstance(report_type, str):
if report_type not in ["1", "4", "5"]:
raise ValueError("[REPORT_TYPE ERROR]")
report_type = (report_type,)
report_type = list(set(report_type) & set('1', '2', '4', '5'))
if sheet_type not in SHEET_TYPE:
raise ValueError(f"[SHEET_TYPE ERROR]")
if report_label:
report_label = str(report_label)
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = list(
set([fields, "code", "ann_date", "report_date", "f_ann_date", "report_type"]))
elif fields:
fields = list(
set(fields + ["code", "ann_date", "report_date", "f_ann_date", "report_type"]))
coll = eval(f"DATABASE.{sheet_type}")
if (not code) and (not report_label):
# 为了加快检索速度,从当前日期往前至多回溯一季度,实际调仓时,仅考虑当前能拿到的最新数据,调仓周期一般以月, 季为单位,
# 最长一般为年报,而修正报表如果超过 1 个季度,基本上怼调仓没有影响,这里以 1 年作为回溯基准
qry = {
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gt": QA_util_date_stamp((pd.Timestamp(cursor_date) - pd.Timedelta(days=400)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
"$lt": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
cursor = coll.find(qry, batch_size=10000).sort([
("report_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING),
("f_ann_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
if not fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")[fields]
raise ValueError("[QRY ERROR]")
if sheet_type == "balancesheet":
return df.groupby("code").apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
return df.groupby("code").apply(_trans_financial_type).unstack()
if not report_label:
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gt": QA_util_date_stamp((pd.Timestamp(cursor_date) - pd.Timedelta(days=400)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
"$lt": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"report_type": {"$in": report_type}}
cursor = coll.find(qry, batch_size=10000).sort([
("report_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING),
("f_ann_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
if not fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")[fields]
raise ValueError("[QRY ERROR]")
if sheet_type == "balancesheet":
return df.groupby("code").apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
return df.groupby("code").apply(_trans_financial_type).unstack()
if not code:
qry = {
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gt": QA_util_date_stamp((pd.Timestamp(cursor_date) - pd.Timedelta(days=400)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
"$lt": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
"report_label": report_label
cursor = coll.find(qry, batch_size=10000).sort([
("report_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING),
("f_ann_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
if not fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")[fields]
raise ValueError("[QRY ERROR]")
if sheet_type == "balancesheet":
return df.groupby("code").apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
return df.groupby("code").apply(_trans_financial_type).unstack()
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"f_ann_date_stamp": {
"$gt": QA_util_date_stamp((pd.Timestamp(cursor_date) - pd.Timedelta(days=400)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
"$lt": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"report_type": {
"$in": report_type
"report_label": report_label
cursor = coll.find(qry, batch_size=10000).sort([
("report_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING),
("f_ann_date_stamp", pymongo.DESCENDING)])
if not fields:
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")[fields]
raise ValueError("[QRY ERROR]")
# df.report_date = pd.to_datetime(df.report_date, utc=False)
# df.ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.ann_date, utc=False)
# df.f_ann_date = pd.to_datetime(df.f_ann_date, utc=False)
if sheet_type == "balancesheet":
return df.groupby("code").apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
return df.groupby("code").apply(_trans_financial_type).unstack()
def QA_fetch_stock_basic(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
status: Union[str, List, Tuple] = 'L') -> pd.DataFrame:
code (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 股票代码或列表,默认为 None,获取全部股票
status (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 股票状态, 默认为 'L', 即仍在上市的股票,如果为 None, 则返回所有状态股票
pd.DataFrame: 股票基本信息
coll = DATABASE.stock_basic
if isinstance(code, str):
code = (code,)
if isinstance(status, str):
status = (status,)
qry = {}
if not status:
if not code:
qry = {}
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
if not code:
qry = {
"status": {
"$in": status
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"status": {
"$in": status
cursor = coll.find(qry)
res = pd.DataFrame(cursor)
if res.empty:
return res
res.list_date = pd.to_datetime(res.list_date, utc=False)
return res.drop(columns="_id").set_index("code")
def QA_fetch_stock_name(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
cursor_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp] = None
) -> pd.DataFrame:
code (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 股票代码或列表,默认为 None,查询所有股票.
cursor (Union[str, datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp], optional): 截止时间,股票名称距离 cursor_date 最近的名字
pd.DataFrame: 股票历史曾用名
coll = DATABASE.namechange
if isinstance(code, str):
code = [code]
qry = {}
if not code:
if not cursor_date:
qry = {}
qry = {
"start_date_stamp": {
"$lte": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"end_date_stamp": {
"$gte": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
if not cursor_date:
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"start_date_stamp": {
"$lte": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
"end_date_stamp": {
"$gte": QA_util_date_stamp(cursor_date)
cursor = coll.find(qry)
res = pd.DataFrame(cursor)
if res.empty:
return res
res.start_date = pd.to_datetime(res.start_date, utc=False)
res.end_date = pd.to_datetime(res.end_date, utc=False)
return res.drop(columns="_id").set_index("code").sort_values(by="start_date_stamp").drop_duplicates(keep="last").sort_index()
def QA_fetch_industry_adv(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
cursor_date: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None,
start: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None,
end: Union[str, datetime.datetime] = None,
levels: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
src: str = "sw"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
code (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 股票代码或列表,默认为 None, 查询所有股票代码.
cursor_date (Union[str, datetime.datetime], optional): 一般指调仓日,此时不需要再设置 start 与 end
start(Union[str, datetime.datetime], optional): 起始时间,默认为 None.
end(Union[str, datetime.datetime], optional): 截止时间, 默认为 None.
levels (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): [description]. 对应行业分级级别,默认为 None,查询所有行业分级数据
src (str, optional): 分级来源,默认为 "sw"(目前仅支持申万行业分类).
pd.DataFrame: 行业信息
coll = DATABASE.industry
if not code:
code = QA_fetch_stock_list().index.tolist()
if isinstance(code, str):
code = [code]
if isinstance(levels, str):
levels = [levels, ]
if not levels:
levels = ["l1", "l2", "l3"]
levels = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), levels))
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame()
if not cursor_date:
if not start:
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"level": {
"$in": levels
"src": src.lower()
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"level": {
"$in": levels
"src": src.lower(),
"in_date_stamp": {
"$lte": QA_util_date_stamp(pd.Timestamp(start).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
if coll.count_documents(filter=qry) < 1:
return pd.DataFrame()
cursor = coll.find(qry)
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
if end:
df_tmp = df_tmp.loc[df_tmp.out_date_stamp > QA_util_date_stamp(
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"level": {
"$in": levels
"src": src.lower(),
"in_date_stamp": {
"$lte": QA_util_date_stamp(pd.Timestamp(cursor_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
if coll.count_documents(filter=qry) < 1:
return pd.DataFrame()
cursor = coll.find(qry)
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(cursor).drop(columns="_id")
df_tmp.loc[df_tmp.out_date_stamp > QA_util_date_stamp(
df_tmp.in_date = pd.to_datetime(df_tmp.in_date, utc=False)
df_tmp.out_date = pd.to_datetime(df_tmp.out_date, utc=False)
return df_tmp.drop(columns=["in_date_stamp", "out_date_stamp"])
def QA_fetch_daily_basic(
code: Union[str, List, Tuple] = None,
start: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime] = None,
end: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime] = None,
cursor_date: Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime] = None,
fields: Union[str, Tuple, List]= None
) -> pd.DataFrame:
code (Union[str, List, Tuple], optional): 指定股票代码或列表, 默认为 None,获取全市场
start (Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime], optional): 起始日期,默认为 None
end (Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime], optional): 结束日期,默认为 None
cursor_date (Union[str, pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime], optional): 指定日期,与 start 和 end 冲突,只能选择 cursor_date
或者 start, end
fields (Union[str, Tuple, List], optional): 指定 fields
pd.DataFrame: 以日期,股票名为 Multiindex 的基本信息
if isinstance(code, str):
code = (code,)
if not code:
if (not start) and (not cursor_date):
raise ValueError(
"[ERROR]\tstart and end and cursor_date cannot all be none!")
if not cursor_date:
if not end:
end_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(
end_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(end)
start_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(start)
qry = {
"trade_date_stamp": {
"$gte": start_stamp,
"$lte": end_stamp
real_trade_date = QA_util_get_real_date(cursor_date)
trade_date_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(real_trade_date)
qry = {
"trade_date_stamp": trade_date_stamp
if (not start) and (not cursor_date):
raise ValueError(
"[ERROR]\tstart and end and cursor_date cannot all be none!")
if not cursor_date:
if not end:
end_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(
end_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(end)
start_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(start)
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"trade_date_stamp": {
"$gte": start_stamp,
"$lte": end_stamp
real_trade_date = QA_util_get_real_date(cursor_date)
trade_date_stamp = QA_util_date_stamp(real_trade_date)
qry = {
"code": {
"$in": code
"trade_date_stamp": trade_date_stamp
coll = DATABASE.daily_basic
cursor = coll.find(qry)
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor)
if df.empty:
return df
df = df.rename(columns={"trade_date": "date"}).drop(
columns="_id") = pd.to_datetime(, utc=False)
df = df.set_index(["date", "code"]).sort_index()
if not fields:
return df
return df[fields]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(QA_fetch_get_individual_financial(
# "000001", "2020-01-01", "2020-12-31"))
# print(QA_fetch_get_individual_financial(
# "000001", report_date="2020-03-31", fields="basic_eps"))
# print(QA_fetch_get_crosssection_financial('2020-03-31'))
# print(QA_fetch_crosssection_financial("2020-03-31", fields="basic_eps"))
# df = QA_fetch_financial_adv(start="2018-06-30", end="2018-09-30")
# print(df.loc['000528', ["report_date", "f_ann_date",
# "ann_date", "basic_eps", "report_type", "update_flag", "report_label"]])
# print(df)
# print(QA_fetch_stock_basic(status="D"))
# 最近财务数据获取测试
# print(QA_fetch_last_financial(
# code="000596", cursor_date="2020-10-08"))
# print(QA_fetch_last_financial(
# code=QA_fetch_stock_list().index.tolist(), cursor_date="2020-10-08"))
# print(QA_fetch_last_financial(
# code = '000001', cursor_date = '2020-10-08'
# ))
code = QA_fetch_stock_list().index.tolist()
cursor_date = '2020-10-08'
df_origin = QA_fetch_last_financial(code = code, cursor_date = cursor_date, sheet_type = "balancesheet")
# print(QA_fetch_last_financial(
# cursor_date="2018-08-31"))
# print(QA_fetch_last_financial(
# cursor_date="2018-08-31", code=["000528"], fields=["report_date", "ann_date", "f_ann_date", "update_flag"]))
# print(QA_fetch_financial_adv(
# cursor_date="2018-08-31"))
# 股票基本信息获取测试
# print(QA_fetch_stock_basic("000001"))
# print(QA_fetch_stock_basic(status=["P", "D"]))
# 行业获取测试
# print(QA_fetch_industry_adv(start="1998-01-01", end="2020-12-02").head())
# print(QA_fetch_industry_adv(["000001", "600000"],
# start="1998-01-01", end="2020-12-02"))
# print(QA_fetch_industry_adv(
# ["000001", "600000"], cursor_date="2020-12-02"))
# print(QA_fetch_stock_name(
# code=['000001', '000002'], cursor_date="20081009"))
# print(QA_fetch_daily_basic(cursor_date="2018-01-01"))
| mit |
peastman/msmbuilder | msmbuilder/lumping/ | 6 | 4084 | from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np
from ..msm import MarkovStateModel
class PCCA(MarkovStateModel):
"""Perron Cluster Cluster Analysis (PCCA) for coarse-graining (lumping)
microstates into macrostates.
n_macrostates : int
The desired number of macrostates in the lumped model.
kwargs : optional
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to MarkovStateModel. See
msmbuilder.msm.MarkovStateModel for possible options.
PCCA is a subclass of MarkovStateModel. However, the MSM properties
and attributes on PCCA refer to the MICROSTATE properties--e.g.
pcca.transmat_ is the microstate transition matrix. To get the
macrostate transition matrix, you must fit a new MarkovStateModel
object on the output (assignments) of PCCA().
def __init__(self, n_macrostates, pcca_tolerance=1e-5, **kwargs):
self.n_macrostates = n_macrostates
self.pcca_tolerance = pcca_tolerance
super(PCCA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def fit(self, sequences, y=None):
"""Fit a PCCA lumping model using a sequence of cluster assignments.
sequences : list(np.ndarray(dtype='int'))
List of arrays of cluster assignments
y : None
Unused, present for sklearn compatibility only.
super(PCCA, self).fit(sequences, y=y)
return self
def _do_lumping(self):
"""Do the PCCA lumping.
1. Iterate over the eigenvectors, starting with the slowest.
2. Calculate the spread of that eigenvector within each existing
3. Pick the macrostate with the largest eigenvector spread.
4. Split the macrostate based on the sign of the eigenvector.
# Extract non-perron eigenvectors
right_eigenvectors = self.right_eigenvectors_[:, 1:]
assert self.n_states_ > 0
microstate_mapping = np.zeros(self.n_states_, dtype=int)
def spread(x):
return x.max() - x.min()
for i in range(self.n_macrostates - 1):
v = right_eigenvectors[:, i]
all_spreads = np.array([spread(v[microstate_mapping == k])
for k in range(i + 1)])
state_to_split = np.argmax(all_spreads)
inds = ((microstate_mapping == state_to_split) &
(v >= self.pcca_tolerance))
microstate_mapping[inds] = i + 1
self.microstate_mapping_ = microstate_mapping
def partial_transform(self, sequence, mode='clip'):
trimmed_sequence = super(PCCA, self).partial_transform(sequence, mode)
if mode == 'clip':
return [self.microstate_mapping_[seq] for seq in trimmed_sequence]
elif mode == 'fill':
def nan_get(x):
x = int(x)
return self.microstate_mapping_[x]
except ValueError:
return np.nan
return np.asarray([nan_get(x) for x in trimmed_sequence])
raise ValueError
def from_msm(cls, msm, n_macrostates):
"""Create and fit lumped model from pre-existing MSM.
msm : MarkovStateModel
The input microstate msm to use.
n_macrostates : int
The number of macrostates
lumper : cls
The fit PCCA(+) object.
params = msm.get_params()
lumper = cls(n_macrostates, **params)
lumper.transmat_ = msm.transmat_
lumper.populations_ = msm.populations_
lumper.mapping_ = msm.mapping_
lumper.countsmat_ = msm.countsmat_
lumper.n_states_ = msm.n_states_
return lumper
| lgpl-2.1 |
sorgerlab/indra | indra/sources/trrust/ | 4 | 2252 | from copy import deepcopy
from indra.databases import hgnc_client
from indra.statements import Agent, IncreaseAmount, DecreaseAmount, Evidence
class TrrustProcessor(object):
"""Processor to extract INDRA Statements from Trrust data frame.
df : pandas.DataFrame
The Trrust table to process.
statements : list[indra.statements.Statement]
The list of INDRA Statements extracted from the table.
def __init__(self, df):
self.df = df
self.statements = []
def extract_statements(self):
"""Process the table to extract Statements."""
for _, (tf, target, effect, refs) in self.df.iterrows():
tf_agent = get_grounded_agent(tf)
target_agent = get_grounded_agent(target)
if effect == 'Activation':
stmt_cls = IncreaseAmount
elif effect == 'Repression':
stmt_cls = DecreaseAmount
pmids = refs.split(';')
for pmid in pmids:
stmt = make_stmt(stmt_cls, tf_agent, target_agent, pmid)
def make_stmt(stmt_cls, tf_agent, target_agent, pmid):
"""Return a Statement based on its type, agents, and PMID."""
ev = Evidence(source_api='trrust', pmid=pmid)
return stmt_cls(deepcopy(tf_agent), deepcopy(target_agent),
def get_grounded_agent(gene_name):
"""Return a grounded Agent based on an HGNC symbol."""
db_refs = {'TEXT': gene_name}
if gene_name in hgnc_map:
gene_name = hgnc_map[gene_name]
hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_id(gene_name)
if not hgnc_id:
hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_current_hgnc_id(gene_name)
if hgnc_id:
db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
up_id = hgnc_client.get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id)
if up_id and ',' not in up_id:
db_refs['UP'] = up_id
agent = Agent(gene_name, db_refs=db_refs)
return agent
hgnc_map = {
'CTGF': 'CCN2',
'CYR61': 'CCN1',
'MKL1': 'MRTFA',
'NOV': 'CCN3',
'RFWD2': 'COP1',
'SALL4A': 'SALL4',
'STAT5': 'STAT5A',
'TRAP': 'ACP5',
'AES': 'TLE5',
| bsd-2-clause |
kastnerkyle/sklearn-theano | sklearn_theano/utils/ | 9 | 5242 | import warnings
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit
from itertools import chain
from sklearn.utils import safe_indexing
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
# A port of sklearn 0.16 utilities
# to avoid validation issues in older sklearn
def check_consistent_length(*arrays):
"""Check that all arrays have consistent first dimensions.
Checks whether all objects in arrays have the same shape or length.
arrays : list or tuple of input objects.
Objects that will be checked for consistent length.
uniques = np.unique([_num_samples(X) for X in arrays if X is not None])
if len(uniques) > 1:
raise ValueError("Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples: %s"
% str(uniques))
def indexable(*iterables):
"""Make arrays indexable for cross-validation.
Checks consistent length, passes through None, and ensures that everything
can be indexed by converting sparse matrices to csr and converting
non-interable objects to arrays.
iterables : lists, dataframes, arrays, sparse matrices
List of objects to ensure sliceability.
result = []
for X in iterables:
if sp.issparse(X):
elif hasattr(X, "__getitem__") or hasattr(X, "iloc"):
elif X is None:
return result
def _num_samples(x):
"""Return number of samples in array-like x."""
if not hasattr(x, '__len__') and not hasattr(x, 'shape'):
if hasattr(x, '__array__'):
x = np.asarray(x)
raise TypeError("Expected sequence or array-like, got %r" % x)
return x.shape[0] if hasattr(x, 'shape') else len(x)
def train_test_split(*arrays, **options):
"""Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets
Quick utility that wraps input validation and
``next(iter(ShuffleSplit(n_samples)))`` and application to input
data into a single call for splitting (and optionally subsampling)
data in a oneliner.
*arrays : sequence of arrays or scipy.sparse matrices with same shape[0]
Python lists or tuples occurring in arrays are converted to 1D numpy
test_size : float, int, or None (default is None)
If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the
proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If
int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None,
the value is automatically set to the complement of the train size.
If train size is also None, test size is set to 0.25.
train_size : float, int, or None (default is None)
If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the
proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If
int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None,
the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.
random_state : int or RandomState
Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling.
splitting : list of arrays, length=2 * len(arrays)
List containing train-test split of input array.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
>>> a, b = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), range(5)
>>> a
array([[0, 1],
[2, 3],
[4, 5],
[6, 7],
[8, 9]])
>>> list(b)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> a_train, a_test, b_train, b_test = train_test_split(
... a, b, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
>>> a_train
array([[4, 5],
[0, 1],
[6, 7]])
>>> b_train
[2, 0, 3]
>>> a_test
array([[2, 3],
[8, 9]])
>>> b_test
[1, 4]
n_arrays = len(arrays)
if n_arrays == 0:
raise ValueError("At least one array required as input")
test_size = options.pop('test_size', None)
train_size = options.pop('train_size', None)
random_state = options.pop('random_state', None)
dtype = options.pop('dtype', None)
if dtype is not None:
warnings.warn("dtype option is ignored and will be removed in 0.18.")
force_arrays = options.pop('force_arrays', False)
if options:
raise TypeError("Invalid parameters passed: %s" % str(options))
if force_arrays:
warnings.warn("The force_arrays option is deprecated and will be "
"removed in sklearn 0.18.", DeprecationWarning)
if test_size is None and train_size is None:
test_size = 0.25
arrays = indexable(*arrays)
n_samples = _num_samples(arrays[0])
cv = ShuffleSplit(n_samples, test_size=test_size,
train, test = next(iter(cv))
return list(chain.from_iterable((safe_indexing(a, train),
safe_indexing(a, test)) for a in arrays))
| bsd-3-clause |
giorgiop/scikit-learn | examples/cluster/ | 346 | 2479 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Demo of DBSCAN clustering algorithm
Finds core samples of high density and expands clusters from them.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# Generate sample data
centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=centers, cluster_std=0.4,
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
# Compute DBSCAN
db = DBSCAN(eps=0.3, min_samples=10).fit(X)
core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(db.labels_, dtype=bool)
core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True
labels = db.labels_
# Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present.
n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)
print('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
print("Homogeneity: %0.3f" % metrics.homogeneity_score(labels_true, labels))
print("Completeness: %0.3f" % metrics.completeness_score(labels_true, labels))
print("V-measure: %0.3f" % metrics.v_measure_score(labels_true, labels))
print("Adjusted Rand Index: %0.3f"
% metrics.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels))
print("Adjusted Mutual Information: %0.3f"
% metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels))
print("Silhouette Coefficient: %0.3f"
% metrics.silhouette_score(X, labels))
# Plot result
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Black removed and is used for noise instead.
unique_labels = set(labels)
colors =, 1, len(unique_labels)))
for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors):
if k == -1:
# Black used for noise.
col = 'k'
class_member_mask = (labels == k)
xy = X[class_member_mask & core_samples_mask]
plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markeredgecolor='k', markersize=14)
xy = X[class_member_mask & ~core_samples_mask]
plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markeredgecolor='k', markersize=6)
plt.title('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
| bsd-3-clause |
armada-ai/esp-idf | tools/tiny-test-fw/Utility/ | 3 | 1681 | # Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import matplotlib
# fix can't draw figure with docker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# candidate colors
LINE_STYLE_CANDIDATE = ['b-o', 'r-o', 'k-o', 'm-o', 'c-o', 'g-o', 'y-o',
'b-s', 'r-s', 'k-s', 'm-s', 'c-s', 'g-s', 'y-s']
def draw_line_chart(file_name, title, x_label, y_label, data_list):
draw line chart and save to file.
:param file_name: abs/relative file name to save chart figure
:param title: chart title
:param x_label: x-axis label
:param y_label: y-axis label
:param data_list: a list of line data.
each line is a dict of ("x-axis": list, "y-axis": list, "label": string)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for i, data in enumerate(data_list):
plt.plot(data["x-axis"], data["y-axis"], LINE_STYLE_CANDIDATE[i], label=data["label"])
plt.tight_layout(pad=3, w_pad=3, h_pad=3)
| apache-2.0 |
r-mart/scikit-learn | sklearn/ensemble/tests/ | 365 | 6996 | """
Testing for the partial dependence module.
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises
from sklearn.utils.testing import if_matplotlib
from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import partial_dependence
from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import plot_partial_dependence
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn import datasets
# toy sample
X = [[-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]]
y = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
T = [[-1, -1], [2, 2], [3, 2]]
true_result = [-1, 1, 1]
# also load the boston dataset
boston = datasets.load_boston()
# also load the iris dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
def test_partial_dependence_classifier():
# Test partial dependence for classifier
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), y)
pdp, axes = partial_dependence(clf, [0], X=X, grid_resolution=5)
# only 4 grid points instead of 5 because only 4 unique X[:,0] vals
assert pdp.shape == (1, 4)
assert axes[0].shape[0] == 4
# now with our own grid
X_ = np.asarray(X)
grid = np.unique(X_[:, 0])
pdp_2, axes = partial_dependence(clf, [0], grid=grid)
assert axes is None
assert_array_equal(pdp, pdp_2)
def test_partial_dependence_multiclass():
# Test partial dependence for multi-class classifier
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1),
grid_resolution = 25
n_classes = clf.n_classes_
pdp, axes = partial_dependence(
clf, [0],, grid_resolution=grid_resolution)
assert pdp.shape == (n_classes, grid_resolution)
assert len(axes) == 1
assert axes[0].shape[0] == grid_resolution
def test_partial_dependence_regressor():
# Test partial dependence for regressor
clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, random_state=1),
grid_resolution = 25
pdp, axes = partial_dependence(
clf, [0],, grid_resolution=grid_resolution)
assert pdp.shape == (1, grid_resolution)
assert axes[0].shape[0] == grid_resolution
def test_partial_dependecy_input():
# Test input validation of partial dependence.
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), y)
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence,
clf, [0], grid=None, X=None)
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence,
clf, [0], grid=[0, 1], X=X)
# first argument must be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence,
{}, [0], X=X)
# Gradient boosting estimator must be fit
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence,
GradientBoostingClassifier(), [0], X=X)
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [-1], X=X)
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [100], X=X)
# wrong ndim for grid
grid = np.random.rand(10, 2, 1)
assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [0], grid=grid)
def test_plot_partial_dependence():
# Test partial dependence plot function.
clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, random_state=1),
grid_resolution = 25
fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1, (0, 1)],
assert len(axs) == 3
assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs)
# check with str features and array feature names
fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, ['CRIM', 'ZN',
('CRIM', 'ZN')],
assert len(axs) == 3
assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs)
# check with list feature_names
feature_names = boston.feature_names.tolist()
fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, ['CRIM', 'ZN',
('CRIM', 'ZN')],
assert len(axs) == 3
assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs)
def test_plot_partial_dependence_input():
# Test partial dependence plot function input checks.
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1)
# not fitted yet
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, X, [0]), y)
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, np.array(X)[:, :0], [0])
# first argument must be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
{}, X, [0])
# must be larger than -1
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, X, [-1])
# too large feature value
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, X, [100])
# str feature but no feature_names
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, X, ['foobar'])
# not valid features value
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf, X, [{'foo': 'bar'}])
def test_plot_partial_dependence_multiclass():
# Test partial dependence plot function on multi-class input.
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1),
grid_resolution = 25
fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1],
assert len(axs) == 2
assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs)
# now with symbol labels
target = iris.target_names[]
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), target)
grid_resolution = 25
fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1],
assert len(axs) == 2
assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs)
# label not in gbrt.classes_
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf,, [0, 1], label='foobar',
# label not provided
assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence,
clf,, [0, 1],
| bsd-3-clause |
bnaul/scikit-learn | sklearn/utils/tests/ | 4 | 23219 | import pytest
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy import linalg
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal
from numpy.random import RandomState
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs import (mean_variance_axis,
inplace_swap_row, inplace_swap_column,
count_nonzero, csc_median_axis_0)
from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs_fast import (assign_rows_csr,
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_allclose
def test_mean_variance_axis0():
X, _ = make_classification(5, 4, random_state=0)
# Sparsify the array a little bit
X[0, 0] = 0
X[2, 1] = 0
X[4, 3] = 0
X_lil = sp.lil_matrix(X)
X_lil[1, 0] = 0
X[1, 0] = 0
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
mean_variance_axis(X_lil, axis=0)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X_lil)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X_lil)
expected_dtypes = [(np.float32, np.float32),
(np.float64, np.float64),
(np.int32, np.float64),
(np.int64, np.float64)]
for input_dtype, output_dtype in expected_dtypes:
X_test = X.astype(input_dtype)
for X_sparse in (X_csr, X_csc):
X_sparse = X_sparse.astype(input_dtype)
X_means, X_vars = mean_variance_axis(X_sparse, axis=0)
assert X_means.dtype == output_dtype
assert X_vars.dtype == output_dtype
assert_array_almost_equal(X_means, np.mean(X_test, axis=0))
assert_array_almost_equal(X_vars, np.var(X_test, axis=0))
def test_mean_variance_axis1():
X, _ = make_classification(5, 4, random_state=0)
# Sparsify the array a little bit
X[0, 0] = 0
X[2, 1] = 0
X[4, 3] = 0
X_lil = sp.lil_matrix(X)
X_lil[1, 0] = 0
X[1, 0] = 0
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
mean_variance_axis(X_lil, axis=1)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X_lil)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X_lil)
expected_dtypes = [(np.float32, np.float32),
(np.float64, np.float64),
(np.int32, np.float64),
(np.int64, np.float64)]
for input_dtype, output_dtype in expected_dtypes:
X_test = X.astype(input_dtype)
for X_sparse in (X_csr, X_csc):
X_sparse = X_sparse.astype(input_dtype)
X_means, X_vars = mean_variance_axis(X_sparse, axis=0)
assert X_means.dtype == output_dtype
assert X_vars.dtype == output_dtype
assert_array_almost_equal(X_means, np.mean(X_test, axis=0))
assert_array_almost_equal(X_vars, np.var(X_test, axis=0))
def test_incr_mean_variance_axis():
for axis in [0, 1]:
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_features = 50
n_samples = 10
data_chunks = [rng.randint(0, 2, size=n_features)
for i in range(n_samples)]
# default params for incr_mean_variance
last_mean = np.zeros(n_features)
last_var = np.zeros_like(last_mean)
last_n = np.zeros_like(last_mean, dtype=np.int64)
# Test errors
X = np.array(data_chunks[0])
X = np.atleast_2d(X)
X_lil = sp.lil_matrix(X)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X_lil)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
incr_mean_variance_axis(X=axis, axis=last_mean, last_mean=last_var,
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_lil, axis=axis, last_mean=last_mean,
last_var=last_var, last_n=last_n)
# Test _incr_mean_and_var with a 1 row input
X_means, X_vars = mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis)
X_means_incr, X_vars_incr, n_incr = \
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=axis, last_mean=last_mean,
last_var=last_var, last_n=last_n)
assert_array_almost_equal(X_means, X_means_incr)
assert_array_almost_equal(X_vars, X_vars_incr)
# X.shape[axis] picks # samples
assert_array_equal(X.shape[axis], n_incr)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X_lil)
X_means, X_vars = mean_variance_axis(X_csc, axis)
assert_array_almost_equal(X_means, X_means_incr)
assert_array_almost_equal(X_vars, X_vars_incr)
assert_array_equal(X.shape[axis], n_incr)
# Test _incremental_mean_and_var with whole data
X = np.vstack(data_chunks)
X_lil = sp.lil_matrix(X)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X_lil)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X_lil)
expected_dtypes = [(np.float32, np.float32),
(np.float64, np.float64),
(np.int32, np.float64),
(np.int64, np.float64)]
for input_dtype, output_dtype in expected_dtypes:
for X_sparse in (X_csr, X_csc):
X_sparse = X_sparse.astype(input_dtype)
last_mean = last_mean.astype(output_dtype)
last_var = last_var.astype(output_dtype)
X_means, X_vars = mean_variance_axis(X_sparse, axis)
X_means_incr, X_vars_incr, n_incr = \
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_sparse, axis=axis,
assert X_means_incr.dtype == output_dtype
assert X_vars_incr.dtype == output_dtype
assert_array_almost_equal(X_means, X_means_incr)
assert_array_almost_equal(X_vars, X_vars_incr)
assert_array_equal(X.shape[axis], n_incr)
"X1, X2",
(sp.random(5, 2, density=0.8, format='csr', random_state=0),
sp.random(13, 2, density=0.8, format='csr', random_state=0)),
(sp.random(5, 2, density=0.8, format='csr', random_state=0),
sp.hstack([sp.csr_matrix(np.full((13, 1), fill_value=np.nan)),
sp.random(13, 1, density=0.8, random_state=42)],
def test_incr_mean_variance_axis_equivalence_mean_variance(X1, X2):
# non-regression test for:
# check that computing the incremental mean and variance is equivalent to
# computing the mean and variance on the stacked dataset.
axis = 0
last_mean, last_var = np.zeros(X1.shape[1]), np.zeros(X1.shape[1])
last_n = np.zeros(X1.shape[1], dtype=np.int64)
updated_mean, updated_var, updated_n = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X1, axis=axis, last_mean=last_mean, last_var=last_var, last_n=last_n
updated_mean, updated_var, updated_n = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X2, axis=axis, last_mean=updated_mean, last_var=updated_var,
X = sp.vstack([X1, X2])
assert_allclose(updated_mean, np.nanmean(X.A, axis=axis))
assert_allclose(updated_var, np.nanvar(X.A, axis=axis))
assert_allclose(updated_n, np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(X.A), axis=0))
def test_incr_mean_variance_no_new_n():
# check the behaviour when we update the variance with an empty matrix
axis = 0
X1 = sp.random(5, 1, density=0.8, random_state=0).tocsr()
X2 = sp.random(0, 1, density=0.8, random_state=0).tocsr()
last_mean, last_var = np.zeros(X1.shape[1]), np.zeros(X1.shape[1])
last_n = np.zeros(X1.shape[1], dtype=np.int64)
last_mean, last_var, last_n = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X1, axis=axis, last_mean=last_mean, last_var=last_var, last_n=last_n
# update statistic with a column which should ignored
updated_mean, updated_var, updated_n = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X2, axis=axis, last_mean=last_mean, last_var=last_var, last_n=last_n
assert_allclose(updated_mean, last_mean)
assert_allclose(updated_var, last_var)
assert_allclose(updated_n, last_n)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse_constructor", [sp.csc_matrix, sp.csr_matrix])
def test_incr_mean_variance_axis_ignore_nan(axis, sparse_constructor):
old_means = np.array([535., 535., 535., 535.])
old_variances = np.array([4225., 4225., 4225., 4225.])
old_sample_count = np.array([2, 2, 2, 2], dtype=np.int64)
X = sparse_constructor(
np.array([[170, 170, 170, 170],
[430, 430, 430, 430],
[300, 300, 300, 300]]))
X_nan = sparse_constructor(
np.array([[170, np.nan, 170, 170],
[np.nan, 170, 430, 430],
[430, 430, np.nan, 300],
[300, 300, 300, np.nan]]))
# we avoid creating specific data for axis 0 and 1: translating the data is
# enough.
if axis:
X = X.T
X_nan = X_nan.T
# take a copy of the old statistics since they are modified in place.
X_means, X_vars, X_sample_count = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X, axis=axis, last_mean=old_means.copy(),
last_var=old_variances.copy(), last_n=old_sample_count.copy())
X_nan_means, X_nan_vars, X_nan_sample_count = incr_mean_variance_axis(
X_nan, axis=axis, last_mean=old_means.copy(),
last_var=old_variances.copy(), last_n=old_sample_count.copy())
assert_allclose(X_nan_means, X_means)
assert_allclose(X_nan_vars, X_vars)
assert_allclose(X_nan_sample_count, X_sample_count)
def test_mean_variance_illegal_axis():
X, _ = make_classification(5, 4, random_state=0)
# Sparsify the array a little bit
X[0, 0] = 0
X[2, 1] = 0
X[4, 3] = 0
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=-3)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=-1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=-3, last_mean=None, last_var=None,
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=2, last_mean=None, last_var=None,
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
incr_mean_variance_axis(X_csr, axis=-1, last_mean=None, last_var=None,
def test_densify_rows():
for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
X = sp.csr_matrix([[0, 3, 0],
[2, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=dtype)
X_rows = np.array([0, 2, 3], dtype=np.intp)
out = np.ones((6, X.shape[1]), dtype=dtype)
out_rows = np.array([1, 3, 4], dtype=np.intp)
expect = np.ones_like(out)
expect[out_rows] = X[X_rows, :].toarray()
assign_rows_csr(X, X_rows, out_rows, out)
assert_array_equal(out, expect)
def test_inplace_column_scale():
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = sp.rand(100, 200, 0.05)
Xr = X.tocsr()
Xc = X.tocsc()
XA = X.toarray()
scale = rng.rand(200)
XA *= scale
inplace_column_scale(Xc, scale)
inplace_column_scale(Xr, scale)
assert_array_almost_equal(Xr.toarray(), Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
inplace_column_scale(X.tolil(), scale)
X = X.astype(np.float32)
scale = scale.astype(np.float32)
Xr = X.tocsr()
Xc = X.tocsc()
XA = X.toarray()
XA *= scale
inplace_column_scale(Xc, scale)
inplace_column_scale(Xr, scale)
assert_array_almost_equal(Xr.toarray(), Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
inplace_column_scale(X.tolil(), scale)
def test_inplace_row_scale():
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = sp.rand(100, 200, 0.05)
Xr = X.tocsr()
Xc = X.tocsc()
XA = X.toarray()
scale = rng.rand(100)
XA *= scale.reshape(-1, 1)
inplace_row_scale(Xc, scale)
inplace_row_scale(Xr, scale)
assert_array_almost_equal(Xr.toarray(), Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
inplace_column_scale(X.tolil(), scale)
X = X.astype(np.float32)
scale = scale.astype(np.float32)
Xr = X.tocsr()
Xc = X.tocsc()
XA = X.toarray()
XA *= scale.reshape(-1, 1)
inplace_row_scale(Xc, scale)
inplace_row_scale(Xr, scale)
assert_array_almost_equal(Xr.toarray(), Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xc.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(XA, Xr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
inplace_column_scale(X.tolil(), scale)
def test_inplace_swap_row():
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float64)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
swap = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('swap',), (X,))
swap = swap[0]
X[0], X[-1] = swap(X[0], X[-1])
inplace_swap_row(X_csr, 0, -1)
inplace_swap_row(X_csc, 0, -1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
X[2], X[3] = swap(X[2], X[3])
inplace_swap_row(X_csr, 2, 3)
inplace_swap_row(X_csc, 2, 3)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float32)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
swap = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('swap',), (X,))
swap = swap[0]
X[0], X[-1] = swap(X[0], X[-1])
inplace_swap_row(X_csr, 0, -1)
inplace_swap_row(X_csc, 0, -1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
X[2], X[3] = swap(X[2], X[3])
inplace_swap_row(X_csr, 2, 3)
inplace_swap_row(X_csc, 2, 3)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_inplace_swap_column():
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float64)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
swap = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('swap',), (X,))
swap = swap[0]
X[:, 0], X[:, -1] = swap(X[:, 0], X[:, -1])
inplace_swap_column(X_csr, 0, -1)
inplace_swap_column(X_csc, 0, -1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
X[:, 0], X[:, 1] = swap(X[:, 0], X[:, 1])
inplace_swap_column(X_csr, 0, 1)
inplace_swap_column(X_csc, 0, 1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, 4, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float32)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
swap = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('swap',), (X,))
swap = swap[0]
X[:, 0], X[:, -1] = swap(X[:, 0], X[:, -1])
inplace_swap_column(X_csr, 0, -1)
inplace_swap_column(X_csc, 0, -1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
X[:, 0], X[:, 1] = swap(X[:, 0], X[:, 1])
inplace_swap_column(X_csr, 0, 1)
inplace_swap_column(X_csc, 0, 1)
assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csc.toarray())
assert_array_equal(X, X_csr.toarray())
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1, None])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse_format", [sp.csr_matrix, sp.csc_matrix])
"missing_values, min_func, max_func, ignore_nan",
[(0, np.min, np.max, False),
(np.nan, np.nanmin, np.nanmax, True)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("large_indices", [True, False])
def test_min_max(dtype, axis, sparse_format, missing_values, min_func,
max_func, ignore_nan, large_indices):
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, -1, missing_values],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, missing_values, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=dtype)
X_sparse = sparse_format(X)
if large_indices:
X_sparse.indices = X_sparse.indices.astype('int64')
X_sparse.indptr = X_sparse.indptr.astype('int64')
mins_sparse, maxs_sparse = min_max_axis(X_sparse, axis=axis,
assert_array_equal(mins_sparse, min_func(X, axis=axis))
assert_array_equal(maxs_sparse, max_func(X, axis=axis))
def test_min_max_axis_errors():
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float64)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
min_max_axis(X_csr.tolil(), axis=0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
min_max_axis(X_csr, axis=2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
min_max_axis(X_csc, axis=-3)
def test_count_nonzero():
X = np.array([[0, 3, 0],
[2, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[9, 8, 7],
[4, 0, 5]], dtype=np.float64)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
X_csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
X_nonzero = X != 0
sample_weight = [.5, .2, .3, .1, .1]
X_nonzero_weighted = X_nonzero * np.array(sample_weight)[:, None]
for axis in [0, 1, -1, -2, None]:
assert_array_almost_equal(count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=axis),
assert_array_almost_equal(count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=axis,
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=2)
assert (count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=0).dtype ==
count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=1).dtype)
assert (count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=0, sample_weight=sample_weight).dtype ==
count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=1, sample_weight=sample_weight).dtype)
# Check dtypes with large sparse matrices too
# XXX: test fails on 32bit (Windows/Linux)
X_csr.indices = X_csr.indices.astype(np.int64)
X_csr.indptr = X_csr.indptr.astype(np.int64)
assert (count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=0).dtype ==
count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=1).dtype)
assert (count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=0,
sample_weight=sample_weight).dtype ==
count_nonzero(X_csr, axis=1,
except TypeError as e:
assert ("according to the rule 'safe'" in e.args[0]
and np.intp().nbytes < 8), e
def test_csc_row_median():
# Test csc_row_median actually calculates the median.
# Test that it gives the same output when X is dense.
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = rng.rand(100, 50)
dense_median = np.median(X, axis=0)
csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
sparse_median = csc_median_axis_0(csc)
assert_array_equal(sparse_median, dense_median)
# Test that it gives the same output when X is sparse
X = rng.rand(51, 100)
X[X < 0.7] = 0.0
ind = rng.randint(0, 50, 10)
X[ind] = -X[ind]
csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
dense_median = np.median(X, axis=0)
sparse_median = csc_median_axis_0(csc)
assert_array_equal(sparse_median, dense_median)
# Test for toy data.
X = [[0, -2], [-1, -1], [1, 0], [2, 1]]
csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
assert_array_equal(csc_median_axis_0(csc), np.array([0.5, -0.5]))
X = [[0, -2], [-1, -5], [1, -3]]
csc = sp.csc_matrix(X)
assert_array_equal(csc_median_axis_0(csc), np.array([0., -3]))
# Test that it raises an Error for non-csc matrices.
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_inplace_normalize():
ones = np.ones((10, 1))
rs = RandomState(10)
for inplace_csr_row_normalize in (inplace_csr_row_normalize_l1,
for dtype in (np.float64, np.float32):
X = rs.randn(10, 5).astype(dtype)
X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X)
for index_dtype in [np.int32, np.int64]:
# csr_matrix will use int32 indices by default,
# up-casting those to int64 when necessary
if index_dtype is np.int64:
X_csr.indptr = X_csr.indptr.astype(index_dtype)
X_csr.indices = X_csr.indices.astype(index_dtype)
assert X_csr.indices.dtype == index_dtype
assert X_csr.indptr.dtype == index_dtype
assert X_csr.dtype == dtype
if inplace_csr_row_normalize is inplace_csr_row_normalize_l2: **= 2
assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(X_csr).sum(axis=1), ones)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
def test_csr_row_norms(dtype):
# checks that csr_row_norms returns the same output as
# scipy.sparse.linalg.norm, and that the dype is the same as X.dtype.
X = sp.random(100, 10, format='csr', dtype=dtype, random_state=42)
scipy_norms = sp.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**2
norms = csr_row_norms(X)
assert norms.dtype == dtype
rtol = 1e-6 if dtype == np.float32 else 1e-7
assert_allclose(norms, scipy_norms, rtol=rtol)
| bsd-3-clause |
johnmgregoire/NanoCalorimetry | | 1 | 5551 | import numpy, h5py, pylab, copy
from PnSC_h5io import *
from PnSC_math import *
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
def myexpformat(x, pos):
for ndigs in range(5):
lab=(('%.'+'%d' %ndigs+'e') %x).replace('e+0','e').replace('e+','e').replace('e0','').replace('e-0','e-')
if eval(lab)==x:
return lab
return lab
def lia_ampphaseTEST(x, ptspercyc, ncyclewin=1., returnphase=True, pad=True, phaseshift=0.):
s=x*sinarr(ptspercyc, x, ph=phaseshift)
c=x*sinarr(ptspercyc, x, ph=numpy.pi/2.+phaseshift)
amp=(numpy.array([(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(s[i:i+npts])[0]))**2+(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(c[i:i+npts])[0]))**2 for i in numpy.arange(len(x)-npts)])**.5)*2./npts
if returnphase:
phase=numpy.array([numpy.arctan(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(s[i:i+npts])[0])/numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(c[i:i+npts])[0])) for i in numpy.arange(len(x)-npts)])
if pad:
amp=numpy.concatenate([amp[:npts//2], amp, amp[-1*(len(x)-len(amp)-npts//2):]])
if returnphase:
phase=numpy.concatenate([phase[:npts//2], phase, phase[-1*(len(x)-len(phase)-npts//2):]])
if returnphase:
return amp, phase
return amp
if 0:
if 0:
if 0:
if 0:
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphaseTEST(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
if 0:
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphase(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
if 1:
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphase(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
if 0:
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphase(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
if 0:
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphase(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
def sinarr(nptspercycle, npts, ph=0.):
if isinstance(npts, numpy.ndarray):
return numpy.sin(numpy.arange(npts)*2.*numpy.pi/nptspercycle+ph)
if 0:
z=3.*sinarr(ptspercyc, 500., .02)
hlist=[1, 2, 3]
ans=numpy.empty((len(z), len(hlist), 2), dtype='float32')
for j, h in enumerate(hlist):
ans[:, j, 0], ans[:, j, 1]=lia_ampphase(z, ptspercyc/h, ncyclewin=n1wcyc*h, phaseshift=0.)
la=ans[:, :, 0]
lp=ans[:, :, 1]
if 1:
for j in range(3):
for i in range(2):
ax1=pylab.subplot(3, 2, j*2+1+i)
pylab.plot(la[:, j], 'b')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(lp[:, j]*180./numpy.pi, 'r', alpha=.4)
for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():
if 1:
| bsd-3-clause |
ueshin/apache-spark | python/pyspark/pandas/plot/ | 14 | 30172 | #
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import matplotlib as mat
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.axes._base import _process_plot_format
from pandas.core.dtypes.inference import is_list_like
from import pprint_thing
from pyspark.pandas.plot import (
if LooseVersion(pd.__version__) < LooseVersion("0.25"):
from pandas.plotting._core import (
BarPlot as PandasBarPlot,
BoxPlot as PandasBoxPlot,
HistPlot as PandasHistPlot,
MPLPlot as PandasMPLPlot,
PiePlot as PandasPiePlot,
AreaPlot as PandasAreaPlot,
LinePlot as PandasLinePlot,
BarhPlot as PandasBarhPlot,
ScatterPlot as PandasScatterPlot,
KdePlot as PandasKdePlot,
from pandas.plotting._matplotlib import (
BarPlot as PandasBarPlot,
BoxPlot as PandasBoxPlot,
HistPlot as PandasHistPlot,
PiePlot as PandasPiePlot,
AreaPlot as PandasAreaPlot,
LinePlot as PandasLinePlot,
BarhPlot as PandasBarhPlot,
ScatterPlot as PandasScatterPlot,
KdePlot as PandasKdePlot,
from pandas.plotting._core import PlotAccessor
from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.core import MPLPlot as PandasMPLPlot
_all_kinds = PlotAccessor._all_kinds
class PandasOnSparkBarPlot(PandasBarPlot, TopNPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_top_n(data), **kwargs)
def _plot(self, ax, x, y, w, start=0, log=False, **kwds):
return, y, w, bottom=start, log=log, **kwds)
class PandasOnSparkBoxPlot(PandasBoxPlot, BoxPlotBase):
def boxplot(
# manage_xticks is for compatibility of matplotlib < 3.1.0.
# Remove this when minimum version is 3.0.0
def update_dict(dictionary, rc_name, properties):
"""Loads properties in the dictionary from rc file if not already
in the dictionary"""
rc_str = "boxplot.{0}.{1}"
if dictionary is None:
dictionary = dict()
for prop_dict in properties:
dictionary.setdefault(prop_dict, mat.rcParams[rc_str.format(rc_name, prop_dict)])
return dictionary
# Common property dictionaries loading from rc
flier_props = [
default_props = ["color", "linewidth", "linestyle"]
boxprops = update_dict(boxprops, "boxprops", default_props)
whiskerprops = update_dict(whiskerprops, "whiskerprops", default_props)
capprops = update_dict(capprops, "capprops", default_props)
medianprops = update_dict(medianprops, "medianprops", default_props)
meanprops = update_dict(meanprops, "meanprops", default_props)
flierprops = update_dict(flierprops, "flierprops", flier_props)
if patch_artist:
boxprops["linestyle"] = "solid"
boxprops["edgecolor"] = boxprops.pop("color")
# if non-default sym value, put it into the flier dictionary
# the logic for providing the default symbol ('b+') now lives
# in bxp in the initial value of final_flierprops
# handle all of the `sym` related logic here so we only have to pass
# on the flierprops dict.
if sym is not None:
# no-flier case, which should really be done with
# 'showfliers=False' but none-the-less deal with it to keep back
# compatibility
if sym == "":
# blow away existing dict and make one for invisible markers
flierprops = dict(linestyle="none", marker="", color="none")
# turn the fliers off just to be safe
showfliers = False
# now process the symbol string
# process the symbol string
# discarded linestyle
_, marker, color = _process_plot_format(sym)
# if we have a marker, use it
if marker is not None:
flierprops["marker"] = marker
# if we have a color, use it
if color is not None:
# assume that if color is passed in the user want
# filled symbol, if the users want more control use
# flierprops
flierprops["color"] = color
flierprops["markerfacecolor"] = color
flierprops["markeredgecolor"] = color
# replace medians if necessary:
if usermedians is not None:
if len(np.ravel(usermedians)) != len(bxpstats) or np.shape(usermedians)[0] != len(
raise ValueError("usermedians length not compatible with x")
# reassign medians as necessary
for stats, med in zip(bxpstats, usermedians):
if med is not None:
stats["med"] = med
if conf_intervals is not None:
if np.shape(conf_intervals)[0] != len(bxpstats):
err_mess = "conf_intervals length not compatible with x"
raise ValueError(err_mess)
for stats, ci in zip(bxpstats, conf_intervals):
if ci is not None:
if len(ci) != 2:
raise ValueError("each confidence interval must " "have two values")
if ci[0] is not None:
stats["cilo"] = ci[0]
if ci[1] is not None:
stats["cihi"] = ci[1]
should_manage_ticks = True
if manage_xticks is not None:
should_manage_ticks = manage_xticks
if manage_ticks is not None:
should_manage_ticks = manage_ticks
if LooseVersion(mat.__version__) < LooseVersion("3.1.0"):
extra_args = {"manage_xticks": should_manage_ticks}
extra_args = {"manage_ticks": should_manage_ticks}
artists = ax.bxp(
return artists
def _plot(self, ax, bxpstats, column_num=None, return_type="axes", **kwds):
bp = self.boxplot(ax, bxpstats, **kwds)
if return_type == "dict":
return bp, bp
elif return_type == "both":
return self.BP(ax=ax, lines=bp), bp
return ax, bp
def _compute_plot_data(self):
colname =
spark_column_name =
data =
# Updates all props with the rc defaults from matplotlib
# Gets some important kwds
showfliers = self.kwds.get("showfliers", False)
whis = self.kwds.get("whis", 1.5)
labels = self.kwds.get("labels", [colname])
# This one is pandas-on-Spark specific to control precision for approx_percentile
precision = self.kwds.get("precision", 0.01)
# # Computes mean, median, Q1 and Q3 with approx_percentile and precision
col_stats, col_fences = BoxPlotBase.compute_stats(data, spark_column_name, whis, precision)
# # Creates a column to flag rows as outliers or not
outliers = BoxPlotBase.outliers(data, spark_column_name, *col_fences)
# # Computes min and max values of non-outliers - the whiskers
whiskers = BoxPlotBase.calc_whiskers(spark_column_name, outliers)
if showfliers:
fliers = BoxPlotBase.get_fliers(spark_column_name, outliers, whiskers[0])
fliers = []
# Builds bxpstats dict
stats = []
item = {
"mean": col_stats["mean"],
"med": col_stats["med"],
"q1": col_stats["q1"],
"q3": col_stats["q3"],
"whislo": whiskers[0],
"whishi": whiskers[1],
"fliers": fliers,
"label": labels[0],
stats.append(item) = {labels[0]: stats}
def _make_plot(self):
bxpstats = list([0]
ax = self._get_ax(0)
kwds = self.kwds.copy()
for stats in bxpstats:
if len(stats["fliers"]) > 1000:
stats["fliers"] = stats["fliers"][:1000]
"showing top 1,000 fliers only",
ret, bp = self._plot(ax, bxpstats, column_num=0, return_type=self.return_type, **kwds)
self._return_obj = ret
labels = [l for l, _ in]
labels = [pprint_thing(l) for l in labels]
if not self.use_index:
labels = [pprint_thing(key) for key in range(len(labels))]
self._set_ticklabels(ax, labels)
def rc_defaults(
# Missing arguments default to rcParams.
if whis is None:
whis = mat.rcParams["boxplot.whiskers"]
if bootstrap is None:
bootstrap = mat.rcParams["boxplot.bootstrap"]
if notch is None:
notch = mat.rcParams["boxplot.notch"]
if vert is None:
vert = mat.rcParams["boxplot.vertical"]
if patch_artist is None:
patch_artist = mat.rcParams["boxplot.patchartist"]
if meanline is None:
meanline = mat.rcParams["boxplot.meanline"]
if showmeans is None:
showmeans = mat.rcParams["boxplot.showmeans"]
if showcaps is None:
showcaps = mat.rcParams["boxplot.showcaps"]
if showbox is None:
showbox = mat.rcParams["boxplot.showbox"]
if showfliers is None:
showfliers = mat.rcParams["boxplot.showfliers"]
return dict(
class PandasOnSparkHistPlot(PandasHistPlot, HistogramPlotBase):
def _args_adjust(self):
if is_list_like(self.bottom):
self.bottom = np.array(self.bottom)
def _compute_plot_data(self):, self.bins = HistogramPlotBase.prepare_hist_data(, self.bins)
def _make_plot(self):
# TODO: this logic is similar with KdePlot. Might have to deduplicate it.
# 'num_colors' requires to calculate `shape` which has to count all.
# Use 1 for now to save the computation.
colors = self._get_colors(num_colors=1)
stacking_id = self._get_stacking_id()
output_series = HistogramPlotBase.compute_hist(, self.bins)
for (i, label), y in zip(enumerate(, output_series):
ax = self._get_ax(i)
kwds = self.kwds.copy()
label = pprint_thing(label if len(label) > 1 else label[0])
kwds["label"] = label
style, kwds = self._apply_style_colors(colors, kwds, i, label)
if style is not None:
kwds["style"] = style
kwds = self._make_plot_keywords(kwds, y)
artists = self._plot(ax, y, column_num=i, stacking_id=stacking_id, **kwds)
self._add_legend_handle(artists[0], label, index=i)
def _plot(cls, ax, y, style=None, bins=None, bottom=0, column_num=0, stacking_id=None, **kwds):
if column_num == 0:
cls._initialize_stacker(ax, stacking_id, len(bins) - 1)
base = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
bottom = bottom + cls._get_stacked_values(ax, stacking_id, base, kwds["label"])
# Since the counts were computed already, we use them as weights and just generate
# one entry for each bin
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(bins[:-1], bins=bins, bottom=bottom, weights=y, **kwds)
cls._update_stacker(ax, stacking_id, n)
return patches
class PandasOnSparkPiePlot(PandasPiePlot, TopNPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_top_n(data), **kwargs)
def _make_plot(self):
class PandasOnSparkAreaPlot(PandasAreaPlot, SampledPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_sampled(data), **kwargs)
def _make_plot(self):
class PandasOnSparkLinePlot(PandasLinePlot, SampledPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_sampled(data), **kwargs)
def _make_plot(self):
class PandasOnSparkBarhPlot(PandasBarhPlot, TopNPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_top_n(data), **kwargs)
def _make_plot(self):
class PandasOnSparkScatterPlot(PandasScatterPlot, TopNPlotBase):
def __init__(self, data, x, y, **kwargs):
super().__init__(self.get_top_n(data), x, y, **kwargs)
def _make_plot(self):
class PandasOnSparkKdePlot(PandasKdePlot, KdePlotBase):
def _compute_plot_data(self): = KdePlotBase.prepare_kde_data(
def _make_plot(self):
# 'num_colors' requires to calculate `shape` which has to count all.
# Use 1 for now to save the computation.
colors = self._get_colors(num_colors=1)
stacking_id = self._get_stacking_id()
sdf =
for i, label in enumerate(
# 'y' is a Spark DataFrame that selects one column.
y =
ax = self._get_ax(i)
kwds = self.kwds.copy()
label = pprint_thing(label if len(label) > 1 else label[0])
kwds["label"] = label
style, kwds = self._apply_style_colors(colors, kwds, i, label)
if style is not None:
kwds["style"] = style
kwds = self._make_plot_keywords(kwds, y)
artists = self._plot(ax, y, column_num=i, stacking_id=stacking_id, **kwds)
self._add_legend_handle(artists[0], label, index=i)
def _get_ind(self, y):
return KdePlotBase.get_ind(y, self.ind)
def _plot(
cls, ax, y, style=None, bw_method=None, ind=None, column_num=None, stacking_id=None, **kwds
y = KdePlotBase.compute_kde(y, bw_method=bw_method, ind=ind)
lines = PandasMPLPlot._plot(ax, ind, y, style=style, **kwds)
return lines
_klasses = [
_plot_klass = {getattr(klass, "_kind"): klass for klass in _klasses}
_common_kinds = {"area", "bar", "barh", "box", "hist", "kde", "line", "pie"}
_series_kinds = _common_kinds.union(set())
_dataframe_kinds = _common_kinds.union({"scatter", "hexbin"})
_pandas_on_spark_all_kinds = _common_kinds.union(_series_kinds).union(_dataframe_kinds)
def plot_pandas_on_spark(data, kind, **kwargs):
if kind not in _pandas_on_spark_all_kinds:
raise ValueError("{} is not a valid plot kind".format(kind))
from pyspark.pandas import DataFrame, Series
if isinstance(data, Series):
if kind not in _series_kinds:
return unsupported_function(class_name="pd.Series", method_name=kind)()
return plot_series(data=data, kind=kind, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(data, DataFrame):
if kind not in _dataframe_kinds:
return unsupported_function(class_name="pd.DataFrame", method_name=kind)()
return plot_frame(data=data, kind=kind, **kwargs)
def plot_series(
ax=None, # Series unique
secondary_y=False, # Series unique
Make plots of Series using matplotlib / pylab.
Each plot kind has a corresponding method on the
``Series.plot`` accessor:
``s.plot(kind='line')`` is equivalent to
data : Series
kind : str
- 'line' : line plot (default)
- 'bar' : vertical bar plot
- 'barh' : horizontal bar plot
- 'hist' : histogram
- 'box' : boxplot
- 'kde' : Kernel Density Estimation plot
- 'density' : same as 'kde'
- 'area' : area plot
- 'pie' : pie plot
ax : matplotlib axes object
If not passed, uses gca()
figsize : a tuple (width, height) in inches
use_index : boolean, default True
Use index as ticks for x axis
title : string or list
Title to use for the plot. If a string is passed, print the string at
the top of the figure. If a list is passed and `subplots` is True,
print each item in the list above the corresponding subplot.
grid : boolean, default None (matlab style default)
Axis grid lines
legend : False/True/'reverse'
Place legend on axis subplots
style : list or dict
matplotlib line style per column
logx : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on x axis
logy : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on y axis
loglog : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on both x and y axes
xticks : sequence
Values to use for the xticks
yticks : sequence
Values to use for the yticks
xlim : 2-tuple/list
ylim : 2-tuple/list
rot : int, default None
Rotation for ticks (xticks for vertical, yticks for horizontal plots)
fontsize : int, default None
Font size for xticks and yticks
colormap : str or matplotlib colormap object, default None
Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that name
from matplotlib.
colorbar : boolean, optional
If True, plot colorbar (only relevant for 'scatter' and 'hexbin' plots)
position : float
Specify relative alignments for bar plot layout.
From 0 (left/bottom-end) to 1 (right/top-end). Default is 0.5 (center)
table : boolean, Series or DataFrame, default False
If True, draw a table using the data in the DataFrame and the data will
be transposed to meet matplotlib's default layout.
If a Series or DataFrame is passed, use passed data to draw a table.
yerr : DataFrame, Series, array-like, dict and str
See :ref:`Plotting with Error Bars <visualization.errorbars>` for
xerr : same types as yerr.
label : label argument to provide to plot
secondary_y : boolean or sequence of ints, default False
If True then y-axis will be on the right
mark_right : boolean, default True
When using a secondary_y axis, automatically mark the column
labels with "(right)" in the legend
**kwds : keywords
Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method
axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or numpy.ndarray of them
- See matplotlib documentation online for more on this subject
- If `kind` = 'bar' or 'barh', you can specify relative alignments
for bar plot layout by `position` keyword.
From 0 (left/bottom-end) to 1 (right/top-end). Default is 0.5 (center)
# function copied from pandas.plotting._core
# so it calls modified _plot below
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None and len(plt.get_fignums()) > 0:
with plt.rc_context():
ax = plt.gca()
ax = PandasMPLPlot._get_ax_layer(ax)
return _plot(
def plot_frame(
Make plots of DataFrames using matplotlib / pylab.
Each plot kind has a corresponding method on the
``DataFrame.plot`` accessor:
``psdf.plot(kind='line')`` is equivalent to
data : DataFrame
kind : str
- 'line' : line plot (default)
- 'bar' : vertical bar plot
- 'barh' : horizontal bar plot
- 'hist' : histogram
- 'box' : boxplot
- 'kde' : Kernel Density Estimation plot
- 'density' : same as 'kde'
- 'area' : area plot
- 'pie' : pie plot
- 'scatter' : scatter plot
ax : matplotlib axes object
If not passed, uses gca()
x : label or position, default None
y : label, position or list of label, positions, default None
Allows plotting of one column versus another.
figsize : a tuple (width, height) in inches
use_index : boolean, default True
Use index as ticks for x axis
title : string or list
Title to use for the plot. If a string is passed, print the string at
the top of the figure. If a list is passed and `subplots` is True,
print each item in the list above the corresponding subplot.
grid : boolean, default None (matlab style default)
Axis grid lines
legend : False/True/'reverse'
Place legend on axis subplots
style : list or dict
matplotlib line style per column
logx : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on x axis
logy : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on y axis
loglog : boolean, default False
Use log scaling on both x and y axes
xticks : sequence
Values to use for the xticks
yticks : sequence
Values to use for the yticks
xlim : 2-tuple/list
ylim : 2-tuple/list
sharex: bool or None, default is None
Whether to share x axis or not.
sharey: bool, default is False
Whether to share y axis or not.
rot : int, default None
Rotation for ticks (xticks for vertical, yticks for horizontal plots)
fontsize : int, default None
Font size for xticks and yticks
colormap : str or matplotlib colormap object, default None
Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that name
from matplotlib.
colorbar : boolean, optional
If True, plot colorbar (only relevant for 'scatter' and 'hexbin' plots)
position : float
Specify relative alignments for bar plot layout.
From 0 (left/bottom-end) to 1 (right/top-end). Default is 0.5 (center)
table : boolean, Series or DataFrame, default False
If True, draw a table using the data in the DataFrame and the data will
be transposed to meet matplotlib's default layout.
If a Series or DataFrame is passed, use passed data to draw a table.
yerr : DataFrame, Series, array-like, dict and str
See :ref:`Plotting with Error Bars <visualization.errorbars>` for
xerr : same types as yerr.
label : label argument to provide to plot
secondary_y : boolean or sequence of ints, default False
If True then y-axis will be on the right
mark_right : boolean, default True
When using a secondary_y axis, automatically mark the column
labels with "(right)" in the legend
sort_columns: bool, default is False
When True, will sort values on plots.
**kwds : keywords
Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method
axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or numpy.ndarray of them
- See matplotlib documentation online for more on this subject
- If `kind` = 'bar' or 'barh', you can specify relative alignments
for bar plot layout by `position` keyword.
From 0 (left/bottom-end) to 1 (right/top-end). Default is 0.5 (center)
return _plot(
def _plot(data, x=None, y=None, subplots=False, ax=None, kind="line", **kwds):
from pyspark.pandas import DataFrame
# function copied from pandas.plotting._core
# and adapted to handle pandas-on-Spark DataFrame and Series
kind = kind.lower().strip()
kind = {"density": "kde"}.get(kind, kind)
if kind in _all_kinds:
klass = _plot_klass[kind]
raise ValueError("%r is not a valid plot kind" % kind)
# scatter and hexbin are inherited from PlanePlot which require x and y
if kind in ("scatter", "hexbin"):
plot_obj = klass(data, x, y, subplots=subplots, ax=ax, kind=kind, **kwds)
# check data type and do preprocess before applying plot
if isinstance(data, DataFrame):
if x is not None:
data = data.set_index(x)
# TODO: check if value of y is plottable
if y is not None:
data = data[y]
plot_obj = klass(data, subplots=subplots, ax=ax, kind=kind, **kwds)
return plot_obj.result
| apache-2.0 |
zyhhhhhhh/cs446-machine-learning | hw3/hw3-code/python/ | 1 | 1600 | import gen
import algorithms
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def adagrad(y,x,r):
w = np.zeros(len(x[0])+1)
G = np.ones(len(x[0])+1)
error = []
errcount = 0
Q = []
q = 0
for i in range(len(x)):
if y[i]*(np.inner(w[0:-1],x[i])+w[-1]) <= 1:
errcount += 1
q += max(0, 1- y[i]*(np.inner(w[0:-1],x[i])+w[-1]))
for j in range(len(x[0])):
G[j] += (-y[i]*x[i][j])**2
G[-1] += y[i]**2
x_new = np.append(x[i],1)
for j in range(len(w)):
w[j] += r*y[i]*np.divide(x_new[j], np.power(G[j], 0.5))
return w[0:-1], w[-1], error, Q
def test_bonus():
w1, theta1, error_t,Q = adagrad(np.tile(dy, 50), np.tile(dx, (50, 1)), 1.5 )
index = np.linspace(0, 50 * 10000, num=50, endpoint=False, dtype=int)
# print(len(index))
error_plot = [error_t[i] for i in index]
for i in range(49,0,-1):
error_plot[i] = error_plot[i]-error_plot[i-1]
plt.plot(np.linspace(1,50,dtype = int),error_plot,color="blue")
plt.ylabel("# of mistakes")
plt.title("AdaGrad mistakes over rounds")
Q_plot = [Q[i] for i in index]
for i in range(49, 0, -1):
Q_plot[i] = Q_plot[i] - Q_plot[i - 1]
plt.plot(np.linspace(1, 50, dtype=int), Q_plot, color="blue")
plt.ylabel("hinge loss")
plt.title("hinge loss over rounds")
dy, dx = gen.gen(10, 20,40, 10000, True)
| mit |
google/active-qa | px/environments/ | 1 | 13115 | # Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Wraps the DocQA model for use as an environment.
The environment uses a DocQA model to produce an answer from a specified
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import gfile
from docqa.data_processing.document_splitter import FirstN
from docqa.data_processing.document_splitter import MergeParagraphs
from docqa.data_processing.document_splitter import ShallowOpenWebRanker
from docqa.data_processing.document_splitter import TopTfIdf
from docqa.data_processing.preprocessed_corpus import preprocess_par
from docqa.data_processing.qa_training_data import ParagraphAndQuestionDataset
from docqa.data_processing.span_data import TokenSpans
from docqa.data_processing.text_utils import NltkAndPunctTokenizer
from docqa.data_processing.text_utils import NltkPlusStopWords
from docqa.dataset import FixedOrderBatcher
from docqa.eval.triviaqa_full_document_eval import RecordParagraphSpanPrediction
from docqa.evaluator import AysncEvaluatorRunner
from docqa.evaluator import EvaluatorRunner
from docqa.model_dir import ModelDir
from docqa.triviaqa.build_span_corpus import TriviaQaOpenDataset
from docqa.triviaqa.build_span_corpus import TriviaQaWebDataset
from docqa.triviaqa.build_span_corpus import TriviaQaWikiDataset
from docqa.triviaqa.training_data import DocumentParagraphQuestion
from docqa.triviaqa.training_data import ExtractMultiParagraphs
from docqa.triviaqa.training_data import ExtractMultiParagraphsPerQuestion
from docqa.utils import ResourceLoader
class DocqaEnvironment(object):
"""Environment containing the DocQA model.
This environment loads a DocQA model and preprocessed data for the chosen
datasets. The environment is queried with a pointer to an existing datapoint,
which contains preprocessed documents, and a question. DocQA is run
using the given question against the documents and the top answer with its
score is returned.
def __init__(self,
"""Constructor loads the DocQA configuration, model and data.
precomputed_data_path: Path to the precomputed data stored in a pickle
corpus_dir: Path to corpus directory.
model_dir: Directory containing parameters of a pre-trained DocQA model.
nltk_dir: Folder containing the nltk package.
async: If greater than 0, run <async> evaluations in parallel.
batch_size: Maximum batch size.
corpus_name: Name of the corpus: "wiki" or "web".
debug_mode: If true, logs additional debug information.
filter_name: Type of the filter to select documents. Valid values are:
"linear", "tfidf", or "truncate".
load_test: If True, loads the test set as well.
max_answer_len: Maximum number of tokens an answer will have. Truncate if
it is longer.
max_tokens: Maximum number of tokens per paragraph.
n_paragraphs: Maximum number of paragraphs to be retrieved.
n_processes: Number of parallel processes to use whe loading the data.
step: Which step from the checkpoint the model will be loaded from.
When step="latest", the lastest checkpoint in model_dir will be used.
self.async = async
self.debug_mode = debug_mode
self.max_tokens = max_tokens
self.evaluators = [RecordParagraphSpanPrediction(max_answer_len, True)]
self.tokenizer = NltkAndPunctTokenizer(nltk_dir=nltk_dir)
datasets = ["train", "dev"]
if load_test:
print("Loading model...")
model_dir = ModelDir(model_dir)
self.model = model_dir.get_model()
print("Loading data...")
self.corpus_name = corpus_name
print("Setting up model")
# Tell the model the batch size (can be None) and vocab to expect. This will
# load the needed word vectors and fix the batch size to use when building
# the graph / encoding the input.
# This step is here to compute the vocabulary.
data_flattened = []
for val in
temp_data = ParagraphAndQuestionDataset(data_flattened,
FixedOrderBatcher(batch_size, True))
self.model.set_inputs([temp_data], ResourceLoader())
if self.async > 0:
self.evaluator_runner = AysncEvaluatorRunner(self.evaluators, self.model,
inputs = self.evaluator_runner.dequeue_op
self.evaluator_runner = EvaluatorRunner(self.evaluators, self.model)
inputs = self.model.get_placeholders()
input_dict = {p: x for p, x in zip(self.model.get_placeholders(), inputs)}
self.sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))
with self.sess.as_default():
pred = self.model.get_predictions_for(input_dict)
if step is not None:
if step == "latest":
checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint()
checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(step))
checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights()
if checkpoint is not None:
print("Using best weights")
print("Using latest checkpoint")
checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint)
def GetAnswers(self, questions, document_ids):
"""Computes an answer for a given question and document id.
Runs a DocQA model on a specified datapoint, but using the input
question in place of the original.
questions: List of strings used to replace the original question.
document_ids: A list of strings representing the identifiers for the
context documents.
A list
ValueError: If the number of questions and document_ids differ.
if len(questions) != len(document_ids):
raise ValueError("Number of questions and document_ids must be equal.")
# Prepare questions:
data_preprocessed = []
question_ids = []
for question, document_id in zip(questions, document_ids):
question_tokenized = self.tokenizer.tokenize_paragraph_flat(question)
original_paragraph_questions =[document_id]
for rank, original_paragraph_question in enumerate(
if rank == 0:
new_paragraph_question = DocumentParagraphQuestion(
data_preprocessed = ParagraphAndQuestionDataset(
FixedOrderBatcher(batch_size=len(questions), truncate_batches=True))
evaluation = self.evaluator_runner.run_evaluators(
# create a pandas dataframe that will have the following columns:
# question_id, doc_id, n_answers, para_end, para_start, predicted_start,
# predicted_end, predicted_score, rank, text_answer, text_em, text_f1
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(evaluation.per_sample)
answers = self.best_answers(dataframe)
# align questions and answers
output = [answers[question_id] for question_id in question_ids]
return output
def best_answers(self, dataframe):
"""Return the best answer based on the predicted score.
answers = {}
for question_id, text_answer, predicted_score, text_f1 in dataframe[[
"question_id", "text_answer", "predicted_score", "text_f1"
if question_id not in answers:
answers[question_id] = (text_answer, predicted_score, text_f1)
if predicted_score > answers[question_id][1]:
answers[question_id] = (text_answer, predicted_score, text_f1)
return answers
def load_data(self, precomputed_data_path, corpus_name, corpus_dir, nltk_dir,
datasets, filter_name, n_paragraphs, n_processes):
"""Load corpus and question-answer data onto memory.
if corpus_name.startswith("web"):
self.dataset = TriviaQaWebDataset(corpus_dir)
elif corpus_name.startswith("wiki"):
self.dataset = TriviaQaWikiDataset(corpus_dir)
self.dataset = TriviaQaOpenDataset(corpus_dir)
questions = []
if "train" in datasets:
if "dev" in datasets:
if "test" in datasets:
# wiki and web are both multi-document
per_document = corpus_name.startswith("web")
if per_document:
self.group_by = ["question_id", "doc_id"]
self.group_by = ["question_id"]
if gfile.Exists(precomputed_data_path):
print("Loading precomputed data from {}".format(precomputed_data_path))
with gfile.GFile(precomputed_data_path, "rb") as f: = pickle.load(f)
print("Building question/paragraph pairs...")
corpus = self.dataset.evidence
splitter = MergeParagraphs(self.max_tokens)
if filter_name is None:
# Pick default depending on the kind of data we are using
if per_document:
filter_name = "tfidf"
filter_name = "linear"
if filter_name == "tfidf":
para_filter = TopTfIdf(
NltkPlusStopWords(punctuation=True, nltk_dir=nltk_dir),
elif filter_name == "truncate":
para_filter = FirstN(n_paragraphs)
elif filter_name == "linear":
para_filter = ShallowOpenWebRanker(
n_to_select=n_paragraphs, nltk_dir=nltk_dir)
raise ValueError()
# Loads the relevant questions/documents, selects the right paragraphs,
# and runs the model's preprocessor.
if per_document:
prep = ExtractMultiParagraphs(
prep = ExtractMultiParagraphsPerQuestion(
prepped_data = preprocess_par(questions, corpus, prep, n_processes, 1000) = {}
for q in[q.question_id] = []
for rank, p in enumerate(q.paragraphs):
if q.answer_text is None:
ans = None
ans = TokenSpans(q.answer_text, p.answer_spans)[q.question_id].append(
para_range=(p.start, p.end),
print("Saving precomputed data to {}".format(precomputed_data_path))
with gfile.GFile(precomputed_data_path, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(, f, -1)
| apache-2.0 |
gronostajo/droogle | | 1 | 5821 | from collections import Counter
import gzip
from operator import itemgetter
from os import listdir, path
import re
import cPickle as pickle
import json
from math import log, sqrt
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, lil_matrix, coo_matrix
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
import unicodedata
__author__ = 'gronostaj'
def list_dirs(dirpath):
return [f for f in listdir(dirpath) if path.isdir(path.join(dirpath, f))]
def list_files(dirpath):
return [f for f in listdir(dirpath) if path.isfile(path.join(dirpath, f))]
class Serializer:
def serialize(obj, serializer, filename, gz=False, **kwargs):
if gz:
with'%s.gz' % filename, 'wb', 5) as f:
f.write(serializer.dumps(obj, **kwargs))
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
f.write(serializer.dumps(obj, **kwargs))
def deserialize(serializer, filename):
gz = filename.endswith('.gz')
if gz:
with, 'rb') as f:
obj = serializer.load(f)
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
obj = serializer.load(f)
return obj
def pickle(obj, filename, gz=True):
Serializer.serialize(obj, pickle, filename, gz)
def unpickle(filename):
return Serializer.deserialize(pickle, filename)
def to_json(obj, filename, gz=True):
Serializer.serialize(obj, json, filename, gz, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def from_json(filename):
return Serializer.deserialize(json, filename)
class Droogle:
SUFFIXES = ('%s.pickle', '%s.pickle.gz', '%s.json', '%s.json.gz')
_WORDMAP = 'wordmap'
_MATRIX = 'matrix'
_CHUNKS = 'chunks'
def __init__(self, indexdir):
dbs = {}
for req in (Droogle._WORDMAP, Droogle._MATRIX, Droogle._CHUNKS):
satisfying = [
path.join(indexdir, suffix % req)
for suffix in Droogle.SUFFIXES
if path.isfile(path.join(indexdir, suffix % req))
if not satisfying:
raise FileMissingError(req)
dbs[req] = satisfying[0]
self.dbs = {
k: Serializer.unpickle(f)
if f.endswith('.pickle') or f.endswith('.pickle.gz')
else Serializer.from_json(f)
for k, f in dbs.iteritems()
def _sanitize(str):
return re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', str.lower())
def _bagofwords(str):
return Counter(re.findall(r'\w+', str))
def _indexstring(filename, str, separator):
bags = {}
chunks = {}
wordset = set()
for i, chunk in enumerate(re.split(separator, str)):
bag = Droogle._bagofwords(Droogle._sanitize(chunk))
bags['%s_%d' % (filename, i)] = dict(bag)
chunks['%s_%d' % (filename, i)] = chunk
wordset = wordset | set(bag.keys())
return bags, chunks, wordset
def index(dirpath, inputfiles, separator):
bags = {}
chunks = {}
wordset = set()
for inputfile in inputfiles:
print("- Parsing file %s" % inputfile)
with open(path.join(dirpath, inputfile), 'r') as f:
thisbag, thischunks, thisset = Droogle._indexstring(inputfile,, separator)
wordset = wordset | thisset
print("- Building matrix")
wordmap = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(wordset)}
chunkmap = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(bags.keys())}
matrix = lil_matrix((len(wordset), len(bags)))
chunks = {chunkmap[n]: c for n, c in chunks.items()}
for chunkname, chunkid in chunkmap.iteritems():
bag = dict(bags[chunkname])
for word, quantity in bag.iteritems():
wordid = wordmap[word]
matrix[wordid, chunkid] = quantity
matrix = csr_matrix(matrix)
print("- Optimizing matrix")
nonzero = np.diff(matrix.indptr)
idf = lil_matrix(np.array(map(lambda c: log(len(wordset) / c), nonzero)))
matrix = matrix.transpose().multiply(idf)
normalize(matrix, copy=False)
matrix = matrix.transpose()
print("- Saving files")
Serializer.to_json(wordmap, path.join(dirpath, "%s.json" % Droogle._WORDMAP))
Serializer.pickle(matrix, path.join(dirpath, "%s.pickle" % Droogle._MATRIX))
Serializer.pickle(chunks, path.join(dirpath, "%s.pickle" % Droogle._CHUNKS))
return len(bags), len(wordset)
def query(self, string):
bag = Droogle._bagofwords(Droogle._sanitize(string))
norm = sqrt(reduce(lambda v, x: v + x ** 2, bag.values()))
bag = {k: v / norm for k, v in dict(bag).iteritems()}
bagmap = {
self.dbs[Droogle._WORDMAP][word]: count
for word, count in bag.iteritems()
if word in self.dbs[Droogle._WORDMAP]
bagmap = zip(*bagmap.items())
lookup = coo_matrix(
(bagmap[1], ([0] * len(bagmap[0]), bagmap[0])),
shape=(1, self.dbs[Droogle._MATRIX].shape[0])
results = [(self.dbs[Droogle._CHUNKS][i], lookup[0, i]) for i in xrange(self.dbs[Droogle._MATRIX].shape[1])]
return map(itemgetter(0), sorted(results, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True))
class FileMissingError(Exception):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename | gpl-2.0 |
kjung/scikit-learn | examples/applications/ | 81 | 5461 | """
Compressive sensing: tomography reconstruction with L1 prior (Lasso)
This example shows the reconstruction of an image from a set of parallel
projections, acquired along different angles. Such a dataset is acquired in
**computed tomography** (CT).
Without any prior information on the sample, the number of projections
required to reconstruct the image is of the order of the linear size
``l`` of the image (in pixels). For simplicity we consider here a sparse
image, where only pixels on the boundary of objects have a non-zero
value. Such data could correspond for example to a cellular material.
Note however that most images are sparse in a different basis, such as
the Haar wavelets. Only ``l/7`` projections are acquired, therefore it is
necessary to use prior information available on the sample (its
sparsity): this is an example of **compressive sensing**.
The tomography projection operation is a linear transformation. In
addition to the data-fidelity term corresponding to a linear regression,
we penalize the L1 norm of the image to account for its sparsity. The
resulting optimization problem is called the :ref:`lasso`. We use the
class :class:`sklearn.linear_model.Lasso`, that uses the coordinate descent
algorithm. Importantly, this implementation is more computationally efficient
on a sparse matrix, than the projection operator used here.
The reconstruction with L1 penalization gives a result with zero error
(all pixels are successfully labeled with 0 or 1), even if noise was
added to the projections. In comparison, an L2 penalization
(:class:`sklearn.linear_model.Ridge`) produces a large number of labeling
errors for the pixels. Important artifacts are observed on the
reconstructed image, contrary to the L1 penalization. Note in particular
the circular artifact separating the pixels in the corners, that have
contributed to fewer projections than the central disk.
# Author: Emmanuelle Gouillart <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import ndimage
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def _weights(x, dx=1, orig=0):
x = np.ravel(x)
floor_x = np.floor((x - orig) / dx)
alpha = (x - orig - floor_x * dx) / dx
return np.hstack((floor_x, floor_x + 1)), np.hstack((1 - alpha, alpha))
def _generate_center_coordinates(l_x):
X, Y = np.mgrid[:l_x, :l_x].astype(np.float64)
center = l_x / 2.
X += 0.5 - center
Y += 0.5 - center
return X, Y
def build_projection_operator(l_x, n_dir):
""" Compute the tomography design matrix.
l_x : int
linear size of image array
n_dir : int
number of angles at which projections are acquired.
p : sparse matrix of shape (n_dir l_x, l_x**2)
X, Y = _generate_center_coordinates(l_x)
angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_dir, endpoint=False)
data_inds, weights, camera_inds = [], [], []
data_unravel_indices = np.arange(l_x ** 2)
data_unravel_indices = np.hstack((data_unravel_indices,
for i, angle in enumerate(angles):
Xrot = np.cos(angle) * X - np.sin(angle) * Y
inds, w = _weights(Xrot, dx=1, orig=X.min())
mask = np.logical_and(inds >= 0, inds < l_x)
weights += list(w[mask])
camera_inds += list(inds[mask] + i * l_x)
data_inds += list(data_unravel_indices[mask])
proj_operator = sparse.coo_matrix((weights, (camera_inds, data_inds)))
return proj_operator
def generate_synthetic_data():
""" Synthetic binary data """
rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
n_pts = 36.
x, y = np.ogrid[0:l, 0:l]
mask_outer = (x - l / 2) ** 2 + (y - l / 2) ** 2 < (l / 2) ** 2
mask = np.zeros((l, l))
points = l * rs.rand(2, n_pts)
mask[(points[0]).astype(, (points[1]).astype(] = 1
mask = ndimage.gaussian_filter(mask, sigma=l / n_pts)
res = np.logical_and(mask > mask.mean(), mask_outer)
return res - ndimage.binary_erosion(res)
# Generate synthetic images, and projections
l = 128
proj_operator = build_projection_operator(l, l / 7.)
data = generate_synthetic_data()
proj = proj_operator * data.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
proj += 0.15 * np.random.randn(*proj.shape)
# Reconstruction with L2 (Ridge) penalization
rgr_ridge = Ridge(alpha=0.2), proj.ravel())
rec_l2 = rgr_ridge.coef_.reshape(l, l)
# Reconstruction with L1 (Lasso) penalization
# the best value of alpha was determined using cross validation
# with LassoCV
rgr_lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.001), proj.ravel())
rec_l1 = rgr_lasso.coef_.reshape(l, l)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.3))
plt.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('original image')
plt.imshow(rec_l2,, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('L2 penalization')
plt.imshow(rec_l1,, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('L1 penalization')
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=1, bottom=0, left=0,
| bsd-3-clause |
0asa/scikit-learn | sklearn/datasets/ | 19 | 7870 | """
Species distribution dataset
This dataset represents the geographic distribution of species.
The dataset is provided by Phillips et. al. (2006).
The two species are:
- `"Bradypus variegatus"
<>`_ ,
the Brown-throated Sloth.
- `"Microryzomys minutus"
<>`_ ,
also known as the Forest Small Rice Rat, a rodent that lives in Peru,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
* `"Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions"
S. J. Phillips, R. P. Anderson, R. E. Schapire - Ecological Modelling,
190:231-259, 2006.
* See examples/applications/
for an example of using this dataset
# Authors: Peter Prettenhofer <[email protected]>
# Jake Vanderplas <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from io import BytesIO
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join
from os.path import exists
# Python 2
from urllib2 import urlopen
PY2 = True
except ImportError:
# Python 3
from urllib.request import urlopen
PY2 = False
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets.base import get_data_home, Bunch
from sklearn.externals import joblib
DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME = "species_coverage.pkz"
def _load_coverage(F, header_length=6, dtype=np.int16):
"""Load a coverage file from an open file object.
This will return a numpy array of the given dtype
header = [F.readline() for i in range(header_length)]
make_tuple = lambda t: (t.split()[0], float(t.split()[1]))
header = dict([make_tuple(line) for line in header])
M = np.loadtxt(F, dtype=dtype)
nodata = header[b'NODATA_value']
if nodata != -9999:
M[nodata] = -9999
return M
def _load_csv(F):
"""Load csv file.
F : file object
CSV file open in byte mode.
rec : np.ndarray
record array representing the data
if PY2:
# Numpy recarray wants Python 2 str but not unicode
names = F.readline().strip().split(',')
# Numpy recarray wants Python 3 str but not bytes...
names = F.readline().decode('ascii').strip().split(',')
rec = np.loadtxt(F, skiprows=0, delimiter=',', dtype='a22,f4,f4')
rec.dtype.names = names
return rec
def construct_grids(batch):
"""Construct the map grid from the batch object
batch : Batch object
The object returned by :func:`fetch_species_distributions`
(xgrid, ygrid) : 1-D arrays
The grid corresponding to the values in batch.coverages
# x,y coordinates for corner cells
xmin = batch.x_left_lower_corner + batch.grid_size
xmax = xmin + (batch.Nx * batch.grid_size)
ymin = batch.y_left_lower_corner + batch.grid_size
ymax = ymin + (batch.Ny * batch.grid_size)
# x coordinates of the grid cells
xgrid = np.arange(xmin, xmax, batch.grid_size)
# y coordinates of the grid cells
ygrid = np.arange(ymin, ymax, batch.grid_size)
return (xgrid, ygrid)
def fetch_species_distributions(data_home=None,
"""Loader for species distribution dataset from Phillips et. al. (2006)
data_home : optional, default: None
Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
all scikit learn data is stored in '~/scikit_learn_data' subfolders.
download_if_missing: optional, True by default
If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
instead of trying to download the data from the source site.
The data is returned as a Bunch object with the following attributes:
coverages : array, shape = [14, 1592, 1212]
These represent the 14 features measured at each point of the map grid.
The latitude/longitude values for the grid are discussed below.
Missing data is represented by the value -9999.
train : record array, shape = (1623,)
The training points for the data. Each point has three fields:
- train['species'] is the species name
- train['dd long'] is the longitude, in degrees
- train['dd lat'] is the latitude, in degrees
test : record array, shape = (619,)
The test points for the data. Same format as the training data.
Nx, Ny : integers
The number of longitudes (x) and latitudes (y) in the grid
x_left_lower_corner, y_left_lower_corner : floats
The (x,y) position of the lower-left corner, in degrees
grid_size : float
The spacing between points of the grid, in degrees
This dataset represents the geographic distribution of species.
The dataset is provided by Phillips et. al. (2006).
The two species are:
- `"Bradypus variegatus"
<>`_ ,
the Brown-throated Sloth.
- `"Microryzomys minutus"
<>`_ ,
also known as the Forest Small Rice Rat, a rodent that lives in Peru,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
* `"Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions"
S. J. Phillips, R. P. Anderson, R. E. Schapire - Ecological Modelling,
190:231-259, 2006.
* See examples/applications/
for an example of using this dataset with scikit-learn
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
if not exists(data_home):
# Define parameters for the data files. These should not be changed
# unless the data model changes. They will be saved in the npz file
# with the downloaded data.
extra_params = dict(x_left_lower_corner=-94.8,
dtype = np.int16
if not exists(join(data_home, DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME)):
print('Downloading species data from %s to %s' % (SAMPLES_URL,
X = np.load(BytesIO(urlopen(SAMPLES_URL).read()))
for f in X.files:
fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
if 'train' in f:
train = _load_csv(fhandle)
if 'test' in f:
test = _load_csv(fhandle)
print('Downloading coverage data from %s to %s' % (COVERAGES_URL,
X = np.load(BytesIO(urlopen(COVERAGES_URL).read()))
coverages = []
for f in X.files:
fhandle = BytesIO(X[f])
print(' - converting', f)
coverages = np.asarray(coverages, dtype=dtype)
bunch = Bunch(coverages=coverages,
joblib.dump(bunch, join(data_home, DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME), compress=9)
bunch = joblib.load(join(data_home, DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME))
return bunch
| bsd-3-clause |
aray/spark | python/pyspark/ | 2 | 9636 | #
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Worker that receives input from Piped RDD.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import time
import socket
import traceback
from pyspark.accumulators import _accumulatorRegistry
from pyspark.broadcast import Broadcast, _broadcastRegistry
from pyspark.taskcontext import TaskContext
from pyspark.files import SparkFiles
from pyspark.serializers import write_with_length, write_int, read_long, \
write_long, read_int, SpecialLengths, PythonEvalType, UTF8Deserializer, PickleSerializer, \
BatchedSerializer, ArrowStreamPandasSerializer
from pyspark.sql.types import to_arrow_type, StructType
from pyspark import shuffle
pickleSer = PickleSerializer()
utf8_deserializer = UTF8Deserializer()
def report_times(outfile, boot, init, finish):
write_int(SpecialLengths.TIMING_DATA, outfile)
write_long(int(1000 * boot), outfile)
write_long(int(1000 * init), outfile)
write_long(int(1000 * finish), outfile)
def add_path(path):
# worker can be used, so donot add path multiple times
if path not in sys.path:
# overwrite system packages
sys.path.insert(1, path)
def read_command(serializer, file):
command = serializer._read_with_length(file)
if isinstance(command, Broadcast):
command = serializer.loads(command.value)
return command
def chain(f, g):
"""chain two functions together """
return lambda *a: g(f(*a))
def wrap_udf(f, return_type):
if return_type.needConversion():
toInternal = return_type.toInternal
return lambda *a: toInternal(f(*a))
return lambda *a: f(*a)
def wrap_pandas_udf(f, return_type):
# If the return_type is a StructType, it indicates this is a groupby apply udf,
# and has already been wrapped under apply(), otherwise, it's a vectorized column udf.
# We can distinguish these two by return type because in groupby apply, we always specify
# returnType as a StructType, and in vectorized column udf, StructType is not supported.
# TODO: Look into refactoring use of StructType to be more flexible for future pandas_udfs
if isinstance(return_type, StructType):
return lambda *a: f(*a)
arrow_return_type = to_arrow_type(return_type)
def verify_result_length(*a):
result = f(*a)
if not hasattr(result, "__len__"):
raise TypeError("Return type of the user-defined functon should be "
"Pandas.Series, but is {}".format(type(result)))
if len(result) != len(a[0]):
raise RuntimeError("Result vector from pandas_udf was not the required length: "
"expected %d, got %d" % (len(a[0]), len(result)))
return result
return lambda *a: (verify_result_length(*a), arrow_return_type)
def read_single_udf(pickleSer, infile, eval_type):
num_arg = read_int(infile)
arg_offsets = [read_int(infile) for i in range(num_arg)]
row_func = None
for i in range(read_int(infile)):
f, return_type = read_command(pickleSer, infile)
if row_func is None:
row_func = f
row_func = chain(row_func, f)
# the last returnType will be the return type of UDF
if eval_type == PythonEvalType.SQL_PANDAS_UDF:
return arg_offsets, wrap_pandas_udf(row_func, return_type)
return arg_offsets, wrap_udf(row_func, return_type)
def read_udfs(pickleSer, infile, eval_type):
num_udfs = read_int(infile)
udfs = {}
call_udf = []
for i in range(num_udfs):
arg_offsets, udf = read_single_udf(pickleSer, infile, eval_type)
udfs['f%d' % i] = udf
args = ["a[%d]" % o for o in arg_offsets]
call_udf.append("f%d(%s)" % (i, ", ".join(args)))
# Create function like this:
# lambda a: (f0(a0), f1(a1, a2), f2(a3))
# In the special case of a single UDF this will return a single result rather
# than a tuple of results; this is the format that the JVM side expects.
mapper_str = "lambda a: (%s)" % (", ".join(call_udf))
mapper = eval(mapper_str, udfs)
func = lambda _, it: map(mapper, it)
if eval_type == PythonEvalType.SQL_PANDAS_UDF:
ser = ArrowStreamPandasSerializer()
ser = BatchedSerializer(PickleSerializer(), 100)
# profiling is not supported for UDF
return func, None, ser, ser
def main(infile, outfile):
boot_time = time.time()
split_index = read_int(infile)
if split_index == -1: # for unit tests
version = utf8_deserializer.loads(infile)
if version != "%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2]:
raise Exception(("Python in worker has different version %s than that in " +
"driver %s, PySpark cannot run with different minor versions." +
"Please check environment variables PYSPARK_PYTHON and " +
"PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON are correctly set.") %
("%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2], version))
# initialize global state
taskContext = TaskContext._getOrCreate()
taskContext._stageId = read_int(infile)
taskContext._partitionId = read_int(infile)
taskContext._attemptNumber = read_int(infile)
taskContext._taskAttemptId = read_long(infile)
shuffle.MemoryBytesSpilled = 0
shuffle.DiskBytesSpilled = 0
# fetch name of workdir
spark_files_dir = utf8_deserializer.loads(infile)
SparkFiles._root_directory = spark_files_dir
SparkFiles._is_running_on_worker = True
# fetch names of includes (*.zip and *.egg files) and construct PYTHONPATH
add_path(spark_files_dir) # *.py files that were added will be copied here
num_python_includes = read_int(infile)
for _ in range(num_python_includes):
filename = utf8_deserializer.loads(infile)
add_path(os.path.join(spark_files_dir, filename))
if sys.version > '3':
import importlib
# fetch names and values of broadcast variables
num_broadcast_variables = read_int(infile)
for _ in range(num_broadcast_variables):
bid = read_long(infile)
if bid >= 0:
path = utf8_deserializer.loads(infile)
_broadcastRegistry[bid] = Broadcast(path=path)
bid = - bid - 1
eval_type = read_int(infile)
if eval_type == PythonEvalType.NON_UDF:
func, profiler, deserializer, serializer = read_command(pickleSer, infile)
func, profiler, deserializer, serializer = read_udfs(pickleSer, infile, eval_type)
init_time = time.time()
def process():
iterator = deserializer.load_stream(infile)
serializer.dump_stream(func(split_index, iterator), outfile)
if profiler:
except Exception:
write_int(SpecialLengths.PYTHON_EXCEPTION_THROWN, outfile)
write_with_length(traceback.format_exc().encode("utf-8"), outfile)
except IOError:
# JVM close the socket
except Exception:
# Write the error to stderr if it happened while serializing
print("PySpark worker failed with exception:", file=sys.stderr)
print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
finish_time = time.time()
report_times(outfile, boot_time, init_time, finish_time)
write_long(shuffle.MemoryBytesSpilled, outfile)
write_long(shuffle.DiskBytesSpilled, outfile)
# Mark the beginning of the accumulators section of the output
write_int(SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION, outfile)
write_int(len(_accumulatorRegistry), outfile)
for (aid, accum) in _accumulatorRegistry.items():
pickleSer._write_with_length((aid, accum._value), outfile)
# check end of stream
if read_int(infile) == SpecialLengths.END_OF_STREAM:
write_int(SpecialLengths.END_OF_STREAM, outfile)
# write a different value to tell JVM to not reuse this worker
write_int(SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION, outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read a local port to connect to from stdin
java_port = int(sys.stdin.readline())
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(("", java_port))
sock_file = sock.makefile("rwb", 65536)
main(sock_file, sock_file)
| apache-2.0 |
brightchen/h2o-3 | h2o-py/h2o/ | 1 | 78121 | import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
import os
import itertools
import functools
import os.path
import re
import urllib
import urllib2
import imp
import tabulate
from connection import H2OConnection
from job import H2OJob
from expr import ExprNode
from frame import H2OFrame, _py_tmp_key, _is_list_of_lists
from model import H2OBinomialModel,H2OAutoEncoderModel,H2OClusteringModel,H2OMultinomialModel,H2ORegressionModel
import h2o_model_builder
def lazy_import(path):
Import a single file or collection of files.
path : str
A path to a data file (remote or local).
:return: A new H2OFrame
return [_import(p)[0] for p in path] if isinstance(path,(list,tuple)) else _import(path)
def _import(path):
j = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="ImportFiles", path=path)
if j['fails']: raise ValueError("ImportFiles of " + path + " failed on " + str(j['fails']))
return j['destination_frames']
def upload_file(path, destination_frame=""):
Upload a dataset at the path given from the local machine to the H2O cluster.
path : str
A path specifying the location of the data to upload.
destination_frame : H2OFrame
The name of the H2O Frame in the H2O Cluster.
:return: A new H2OFrame
fui = {"file": os.path.abspath(path)}
destination_frame = _py_tmp_key() if destination_frame == "" else destination_frame
H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="PostFile", file_upload_info=fui,destination_frame=destination_frame)
return H2OFrame(raw_id=destination_frame)
def import_file(path=None, destination_frame="", parse=True, header=(-1, 0, 1), sep="", col_names=None, col_types=None, na_strings=None):
Import a frame from a file (remote or local machine). If you run H2O on Hadoop, you can access to HDFS
path : str
A path specifying the location of the data to import.
destination_frame :
(Optional) The unique hex key assigned to the imported file. If none is given, a key will automatically be generated.
parse :
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether the file should be parsed after import.
header :
(Optional) -1 means the first line is data, 0 means guess, 1 means first line is header.
sep :
(Optional) The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "", the parser will automatically detect the separator.
col_names :
(Optional) A list of column names for the file.
col_types :
(Optional) A list of types to specify whether columns should be forced to a certain type upon import parsing.
na_strings :
(Optional) A list of strings which are to be interpreted as missing values.
:return: A new H2OFrame
if not parse:
return lazy_import(path)
return H2OFrame(file_path=path, destination_frame=destination_frame, header=header, separator=sep, column_names=col_names, column_types=col_types, na_strings=na_strings)
def parse_setup(raw_frames, destination_frame="", header=(-1, 0, 1), separator="", column_names=None, column_types=None, na_strings=None):
raw_frames : H2OFrame
A collection of imported file frames
destination_frame :
(Optional) The unique hex key assigned to the imported file. If none is given, a key will automatically be generated.
parse :
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether the file should be parsed after import.
header :
(Optional) -1 means the first line is data, 0 means guess, 1 means first line is header.
sep :
(Optional) The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "", the parser will automatically detect the separator.
col_names :
(Optional) A list of column names for the file.
col_types :
(Optional) A list of types to specify whether columns should be forced to a certain type upon import parsing.
na_strings :
(Optional) A list of strings which are to be interpreted as missing values.
:return: A ParseSetup "object"
# The H2O backend only accepts things that are quoted
if isinstance(raw_frames, unicode): raw_frames = [raw_frames]
j = H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="ParseSetup", source_frames=[_quoted(id) for id in raw_frames])
if destination_frame: j["destination_frame"] = destination_frame
if not isinstance(header, tuple):
if header not in (-1, 0, 1):
raise ValueError("header should be -1, 0, or 1")
j["check_header"] = header
if separator:
if not isinstance(separator, basestring) or len(separator) != 1:
raise ValueError("separator should be a single character string")
j["separator"] = separator
if column_names: j["column_names"] = column_names
if column_types: j["column_types"] = column_types
if na_strings: j["na_strings"] = na_strings
return j
def parse(setup, h2o_name, first_line_is_header=(-1, 0, 1)):
Trigger a parse; blocking; removeFrame just keep the Vecs.
setup : dict
The result of calling parse_setup.
h2o_name : H2OFrame
The name of the H2O Frame on the back end.
first_line_is_header : int
-1 means data, 0 means guess, 1 means header.
:return: A new parsed object
# Parse parameters (None values provided by setup)
p = { 'destination_frame' : h2o_name,
'parse_type' : None,
'separator' : None,
'single_quotes' : None,
'check_header' : None,
'number_columns' : None,
'chunk_size' : None,
'delete_on_done' : True,
'blocking' : False,
if setup["destination_frame"]:
setup["destination_frame"] = _quoted(setup["destination_frame"])
if isinstance(first_line_is_header, tuple):
first_line_is_header = setup["check_header"]
if isinstance(setup["separator"], basestring):
setup["separator"] = ord(setup["separator"])
if setup["column_names"]:
setup["column_names"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["column_names"]]
p["column_names"] = None
if setup["column_types"]:
setup["column_types"] = [_quoted(name) for name in setup["column_types"]]
p["column_types"] = None
if setup["na_strings"]:
if _is_list_of_lists(setup["na_strings"]): setup["na_strings"] = [[_quoted(na) for na in col] if col is not None else [] for col in setup["na_strings"]]
setup["na_strings"] = [_quoted(na) for na in setup["na_strings"]] # quote the strings
setup["na_strings"] = '\"' + str(list(itertools.repeat(setup["na_strings"], len(setup["column_types"])))) + '\"'
p["na_strings"] = None
# update the parse parameters with the parse_setup values
p.update({k: v for k, v in setup.iteritems() if k in p})
p["check_header"] = first_line_is_header
# Extract only 'name' from each src in the array of srcs
p['source_frames'] = [_quoted(src['name']) for src in setup['source_frames']]
# Request blocking parse
j = H2OJob(H2OConnection.post_json(url_suffix="Parse", **p), "Parse").poll()
def parse_raw(setup, id=None, first_line_is_header=(-1, 0, 1)):
Used in conjunction with lazy_import and parse_setup in order to make alterations before
setup : dict
Result of h2o.parse_setup
id : str
An optional id for the frame.
first_line_is_header : int
-1,0,1 if the first line is to be used as the header
:return: An H2OFrame object
id = setup["destination_frame"]
fr = H2OFrame()
parsed = parse(setup, id, first_line_is_header)
fr._computed = True
fr._id = id
fr._keep = True
fr._nrows = int(H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("nrow", fr))._scalar()) #parsed['rows']
fr._ncols = parsed["number_columns"]
fr._col_names = parsed['column_names'] if parsed["column_names"] else ["C" + str(x) for x in range(1,fr._ncols+1)]
return fr
def _quoted(key, replace=True):
if key == None: return "\"\""
#mimic behavior in R to replace "%" and "&" characters, which break the call to /Parse, with "."
key = key.replace("%", ".")
key = key.replace("&", ".")
is_quoted = len(re.findall(r'\"(.+?)\"', key)) != 0
key = key if is_quoted else '"' + key + '"'
return key
def assign(data,id):
if data._computed:
data._id = id
data._keep=True # named things are always safe
return data
def which(condition):
condition : H2OFrame
A conditional statement.
:return: A H2OFrame of 1 column filled with 0-based indices for which the condition is True
return H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("h2o.which",condition))._frame()
def ifelse(test,yes,no):
Semantically equivalent to R's ifelse.
Based on the booleans in the test vector, the output has the values of the yes and no
vectors interleaved (or merged together).
test : H2OFrame
A "test" H2OFrame
yes : H2OFrame
A "yes" H2OFrame
no : H2OFrame
A "no" H2OFrame
:return: An H2OFrame
return H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("ifelse",test,yes,no))._frame()
def get_future_model(future_model):
Waits for the future model to finish building, and then returns the model.
future_model : H2OModelFuture
an H2OModelFuture object
:return: a resolved model (i.e. an H2OBinomialModel, H2ORegressionModel, H2OMultinomialModel, ...)
return h2o_model_builder._resolve_model(future_model)
def get_model(model_id):
Return the specified model
model_id : str
The model identification in h2o
:return: H2OModel
model_json = H2OConnection.get_json("Models/"+model_id)["models"][0]
model_type = model_json["output"]["model_category"]
if model_type=="Binomial": return H2OBinomialModel(model_id, model_json)
elif model_type=="Clustering": return H2OClusteringModel(model_id, model_json)
elif model_type=="Regression": return H2ORegressionModel(model_id, model_json)
elif model_type=="Multinomial": return H2OMultinomialModel(model_id, model_json)
elif model_type=="AutoEncoder": return H2OAutoEncoderModel(model_id, model_json)
else: raise NotImplementedError(model_type)
def get_frame(frame_id):
Obtain a handle to the frame in H2O with the frame_id key.
:return: An H2OFrame
return H2OFrame.get_frame(frame_id)
def ou():
Where is my baguette!?
:return: the name of the baguette. oh uhr uhr huhr
from inspect import stack
return stack()[2][1]
def no_progress():
Disable the progress bar from flushing to stdout. The completed progress bar is printed
when a job is complete so as to demarcate a log file.
:return: None
H2OJob.__PROGRESS_BAR__ = False
def show_progress():
Enable the progress bar. (Progress bar is enabled by default).
:return: None
H2OJob.__PROGRESS_BAR__ = True
def log_and_echo(message):
Log a message on the server-side logs
This is helpful when running several pieces of work one after the other on a single H2O
cluster and you want to make a notation in the H2O server side log where one piece of
work ends and the next piece of work begins.
Sends a message to H2O for logging. Generally used for debugging purposes.
message : str
A character string with the message to write to the log.
:return: None
if message is None: message = ""
H2OConnection.post_json("LogAndEcho", message=message)
def remove(object):
Remove object from H2O. This is a "hard" delete of the object. It removes all subparts.
object : H2OFrame or str
The object pointing to the object to be removed.
:return: None
if object is None:
raise ValueError("remove with no object is not supported, for your protection")
if isinstance(object, H2OFrame): H2OConnection.delete("DKV/"+object._id)
if isinstance(object, str): H2OConnection.delete("DKV/"+object)
def remove_all():
Remove all objects from H2O.
:return None
def removeFrameShallow(key):
Do a shallow DKV remove of the frame (does not remove any internal Vecs).
This is a "soft" delete. Just removes the top level pointer, but all big data remains!
key : str
A Frame Key to be removed
:return: None
rapids("(removeframe '"+key+"')")
return None
def rapids(expr, id=None):
Fire off a Rapids expression.
expr : str
The rapids expression (ascii string).
:return: The JSON response of the Rapids execution
return H2OConnection.post_json("Rapids", ast=urllib.quote(expr), _rest_version=99) if id is None else H2OConnection.post_json("Rapids", ast=urllib.quote(expr), id=id, _rest_version=99)
def ls():
List Keys on an H2O Cluster
:return: Returns a list of keys in the current H2O instance
return H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("ls")).as_data_frame()
def frame(frame_id, exclude=""):
Retrieve metadata for a id that points to a Frame.
frame_id : str
A pointer to a Frame in H2O.
:return: Meta information on the frame
return H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/" + urllib.quote(frame_id+exclude))
def frames():
Retrieve all the Frames.
:return: Meta information on the frames
return H2OConnection.get_json("Frames")
def download_pojo(model,path="", get_jar=True):
Download the POJO for this model to the directory specified by path (no trailing slash!).
If path is "", then dump to screen.
model : H2OModel
Retrieve this model's scoring POJO.
path : str
An absolute path to the directory where POJO should be saved.
get_jar : bool
Retreive the h2o genmodel jar also.
:return: None
java = H2OConnection.get( ""+model._id )
file_path = path + "/" + model._id + ".java"
if path == "": print java.text
with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
if get_jar and path!="":
url = H2OConnection.make_url("h2o-genmodel.jar")
filename = path + "/" + "h2o-genmodel.jar"
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
def download_csv(data, filename):
Download an H2O data set to a CSV file on the local disk.
Warning: Files located on the H2O server may be very large! Make sure you have enough hard drive space to accommodate the entire file.
data : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame object to be downloaded.
filename : str
A string indicating the name that the CSV file should be should be saved to.
:return: None
if not isinstance(data, H2OFrame): raise(ValueError, "`data` argument must be an H2OFrame, but got " + type(data))
url = "http://{}:{}/3/DownloadDataset?frame_id={}".format(H2OConnection.ip(),H2OConnection.port(),data._id)
with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
def download_all_logs(dirname=".",filename=None):
Download H2O Log Files to Disk
dirname : str
(Optional) A character string indicating the directory that the log file should be saved in.
filename : str
(Optional) A string indicating the name that the CSV file should be
:return: path of logs written (as a string)
url = 'http://{}:{}/Logs/download'.format(H2OConnection.ip(),H2OConnection.port())
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname)
if filename == None:
for h in response.headers.headers:
if 'filename=' in h:
filename = h.split("filename=")[1].strip()
path = os.path.join(dirname,filename)
print "Writing H2O logs to " + path
with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
return path
def save_model(model, path="", force=False):
Save an H2O Model Object to Disk.
model : H2OModel
The model object to save.
path : str
A path to save the model at (hdfs, s3, local)
force : bool
Overwrite destination directory in case it exists or throw exception if set to false.
:return: the path of the saved model (string)
path=os.path.join(os.getcwd() if path=="" else path,model._id)
return H2OConnection.get_json("Models.bin/"+model._id,dir=path,force=force,_rest_version=99)["dir"]
def load_model(path):
Load a saved H2O model from disk.
>>> path = h2o.save_model(my_model,dir=my_path)
>>> h2o.load_model(path) # use the result of save_model
path : str
The full path of the H2O Model to be imported.
:return: the model
res = H2OConnection.post_json("Models.bin/",dir=path,_rest_version=99)
return get_model(res['models'][0]['model_id']['name'])
def cluster_status():
TODO: This isn't really a cluster status... it's a node status check for the node we're connected to.
This is possibly confusing because this can come back without warning,
but if a user tries to do any remoteSend, they will get a "cloud sick warning"
Retrieve information on the status of the cluster running H2O.
:return: None
cluster_json = H2OConnection.get_json("Cloud?skip_ticks=true")
print "Version: {0}".format(cluster_json['version'])
print "Cloud name: {0}".format(cluster_json['cloud_name'])
print "Cloud size: {0}".format(cluster_json['cloud_size'])
if cluster_json['locked']: print "Cloud is locked\n"
else: print "Accepting new members\n"
if cluster_json['nodes'] == None or len(cluster_json['nodes']) == 0:
print "No nodes found"
status = []
for node in cluster_json['nodes']:
for k, v in zip(node.keys(),node.values()):
if k in ["h2o", "healthy", "last_ping", "num_cpus", "sys_load", "mem_value_size", "total_value_size",
"free_mem", "tot_mem", "max_mem", "free_disk", "max_disk", "pid", "num_keys", "tcps_active",
"open_fds", "rpcs_active"]: status.append(k+": {0}".format(v))
print ', '.join(status)
def init(ip="localhost", port=54321, size=1, start_h2o=False, enable_assertions=False,
license=None, max_mem_size_GB=None, min_mem_size_GB=None, ice_root=None, strict_version_check=False):
Initiate an H2O connection to the specified ip and port.
ip : str
A string representing the hostname or IP address of the server where H2O is running.
port : int
A port, default is 54321
size : int
THe expected number of h2o instances (ignored if start_h2o is True)
start_h2o : bool
A boolean dictating whether this module should start the H2O jvm. An attempt is made anyways if _connect fails.
enable_assertions : bool
If start_h2o, pass `-ea` as a VM option.s
license : str
If not None, is a path to a license file.
max_mem_size_GB : int
Maximum heap size (jvm option Xmx) in gigabytes.
min_mem_size_GB : int
Minimum heap size (jvm option Xms) in gigabytes.
ice_root : str
A temporary directory (default location is determined by tempfile.mkdtemp()) to hold H2O log files.
:return: None
H2OConnection(ip=ip, port=port,start_h2o=start_h2o,enable_assertions=enable_assertions,license=license,max_mem_size_GB=max_mem_size_GB,min_mem_size_GB=min_mem_size_GB,ice_root=ice_root,strict_version_check=strict_version_check)
return None
def export_file(frame,path,force=False):
Export a given H2OFrame to a path on the machine this python session is currently connected to. To view the current session, call h2o.cluster_info().
frame : H2OFrame
The Frame to save to disk.
path : str
The path to the save point on disk.
force : bool
Overwrite any preexisting file with the same path
:return: None
H2OJob(H2OConnection.get_json("Frames/"+frame._id+"/export/"+path+"/overwrite/"+("true" if force else "false")), "Export File").poll()
def cluster_info():
Display the current H2O cluster information.
:return: None
def shutdown(conn=None, prompt=True):
Shut down the specified instance. All data will be lost.
This method checks if H2O is running at the specified IP address and port, and if it is, shuts down that H2O instance.
conn : H2OConnection
An H2OConnection object containing the IP address and port of the server running H2O.
prompt : bool
A logical value indicating whether to prompt the user before shutting down the H2O server.
:return: None
if conn == None: conn = H2OConnection.current_connection()
H2OConnection._shutdown(conn=conn, prompt=prompt)
def deeplearning(x,y=None,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,training_frame=None,model_id=None,
Build a supervised Deep Learning model
Performs Deep Learning neural networks on an H2OFrame
x : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame containing the predictors in the model.
y : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame of the response variable in the model.
training_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame. Only used to retrieve weights, offset, or nfolds columns, if they aren't already provided in x.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
overwrite_with_best_model : bool
Logical. If True, overwrite the final model with the best model found during training. Defaults to True.
validation_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame object indicating the validation dataset used to construct the confusion matrix. If left blank, this defaults to the
training data when nfolds = 0
checkpoint : H2ODeepLearningModel
"Model checkpoint (either key or H2ODeepLearningModel) to resume training with."
autoencoder : bool
Enable auto-encoder for model building.
use_all_factor_levels : bool
Logical. Use all factor levels of categorical variance. Otherwise the first factor level is omitted (without loss of accuracy). Useful for variable
importances and auto-enabled for autoencoder.
activation : str
A string indicating the activation function to use. Must be either "Tanh", "TanhWithDropout", "Rectifier", "RectifierWithDropout", "Maxout", or "MaxoutWithDropout"
hidden : list
Hidden layer sizes (e.g. c(100,100))
epochs : float
How many times the dataset should be iterated (streamed), can be fractional
train_samples_per_iteration : int
Number of training samples (globally) per MapReduce iteration. Special values are: 0 one epoch; -1 all available data (e.g., replicated training data);
or -2 auto-tuning (default)
seed : int
Seed for random numbers (affects sampling) - Note: only reproducible when running single threaded
adaptive_rate : bool
Logical. Adaptive learning rate (ADAELTA)
rho : float
Adaptive learning rate time decay factor (similarity to prior updates)
epsilon : float
Adaptive learning rate parameter, similar to learn rate annealing during initial training phase. Typical values are between 1.0e-10 and 1.0e-4
rate : float
Learning rate (higher => less stable, lower => slower convergence)
rate_annealing : float
Learning rate annealing: \eqn{(rate)/(1 + rate_annealing*samples)
rate_decay : float
Learning rate decay factor between layers (N-th layer: \eqn{rate*\alpha^(N-1))
momentum_start : float
Initial momentum at the beginning of training (try 0.5)
momentum_ramp : float
Number of training samples for which momentum increases
momentum_stable : float
Final momentum after the amp is over (try 0.99)
nesterov_accelerated_gradient : bool
Logical. Use Nesterov accelerated gradient (recommended)
input_dropout_ratio : float
A fraction of the features for each training row to be omitted from training in order to improve generalization (dimension sampling).
hidden_dropout_ratios : float
Input layer dropout ratio (can improve generalization) specify one value per hidden layer, defaults to 0.5
l1 : float
L1 regularization (can add stability and improve generalization, causes many weights to become 0)
l2 : float
L2 regularization (can add stability and improve generalization, causes many weights to be small)
max_w2 : float
Constraint for squared sum of incoming weights per unit (e.g. Rectifier)
initial_weight_distribution : str
Can be "Uniform", "UniformAdaptive", or "Normal"
initial_weight_scale : str
Uniform: -value ... value, Normal: stddev
loss : str
Loss function: "Automatic", "CrossEntropy" (for classification only), "MeanSquare", "Absolute" (experimental) or "Huber" (experimental)
distribution : str
A character string. The distribution function of the response. Must be "AUTO", "bernoulli", "multinomial", "poisson", "gamma", "tweedie", "laplace",
"huber" or "gaussian"
tweedie_power : float
Tweedie power (only for Tweedie distribution, must be between 1 and 2)
score_interval : int
Shortest time interval (in secs) between model scoring
score_training_samples : int
Number of training set samples for scoring (0 for all)
score_validation_samples : int
Number of validation set samples for scoring (0 for all)
score_duty_cycle : float
Maximum duty cycle fraction for scoring (lower: more training, higher: more scoring)
classification_stop : float
Stopping criterion for classification error fraction on training data (-1 to disable)
regression_stop : float
Stopping criterion for regression error (MSE) on training data (-1 to disable)
quiet_mode : bool
Enable quiet mode for less output to standard output
max_confusion_matrix_size : int
Max. size (number of classes) for confusion matrices to be shown
max_hit_ratio_k : float
Max number (top K) of predictions to use for hit ratio computation(for multi-class only, 0 to disable)
balance_classes : bool
Balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)
class_sampling_factors : list
Desired over/under-sampling ratios per class (in lexicographic order). If not specified, sampling factors will be automatically computed to
obtain class balance during training. Requires balance_classes.
max_after_balance_size : float
Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0)
score_validation_sampling :
Method used to sample validation dataset for scoring
diagnostics : bool
Enable diagnostics for hidden layers
variable_importances : bool
Compute variable importances for input features (Gedeon method) - can be slow for large networks)
fast_mode : bool
Enable fast mode (minor approximations in back-propagation)
ignore_const_cols : bool
Ignore constant columns (no information can be gained anyway)
force_load_balance : bool
Force extra load balancing to increase training speed for small datasets (to keep all cores busy)
replicate_training_data : bool
Replicate the entire training dataset onto every node for faster training
single_node_mode : bool
Run on a single node for fine-tuning of model parameters
shuffle_training_data : bool
Enable shuffling of training data (recommended if training data is replicated and train_samples_per_iteration is close to \eqn{numRows*numNodes
sparse : bool
Sparse data handling (Experimental)
col_major : bool
Use a column major weight matrix for input layer. Can speed up forward propagation, but might slow down backpropagation (Experimental)
average_activation : float
Average activation for sparse auto-encoder (Experimental)
sparsity_beta : bool
Sparsity regularization (Experimental)
max_categorical_features : int
Max. number of categorical features, enforced via hashing Experimental)
reproducible : bool
Force reproducibility on small data (will be slow - only uses 1 thread)
export_weights_and_biases : bool
Whether to export Neural Network weights and biases to H2O Frames"
offset_column : H2OFrame
Specify the offset column.
weights_column : H2OFrame
Specify the weights column.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
keep_cross_validation_predictions : bool
Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models
:return: Return a new classifier or regression model.
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["y","training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.supervised(parms)
def autoencoder(x,training_frame=None,model_id=None,overwrite_with_best_model=None,checkpoint=None,
Build unsupervised auto encoder using H2O Deeplearning
x : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame containing the predictors in the model.
training_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame. Only used to retrieve weights, offset, or nfolds columns, if they aren't already provided in x.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
overwrite_with_best_model : bool
Logical. If True, overwrite the final model with the best model found during training. Defaults to True.
checkpoint : H2ODeepLearningModel
"Model checkpoint (either key or H2ODeepLearningModel) to resume training with."
use_all_factor_levels : bool
Logical. Use all factor levels of categorical variance. Otherwise the first factor level is omitted (without loss of accuracy).
Useful for variable importances and auto-enabled for autoencoder.
activation : str
A string indicating the activation function to use. Must be either "Tanh", "TanhWithDropout", "Rectifier", "RectifierWithDropout", "Maxout", or "MaxoutWithDropout"
hidden : list
Hidden layer sizes (e.g. c(100,100))
epochs : float
How many times the dataset should be iterated (streamed), can be fractional
train_samples_per_iteration : int
Number of training samples (globally) per MapReduce iteration. Special values are: 0 one epoch; -1 all available data
(e.g., replicated training data); or -2 auto-tuning (default)
seed : int
Seed for random numbers (affects sampling) - Note: only reproducible when running single threaded
adaptive_rate : bool
Logical. Adaptive learning rate (ADAELTA)
rho : float
Adaptive learning rate time decay factor (similarity to prior updates)
epsilon : float
Adaptive learning rate parameter, similar to learn rate annealing during initial training phase. Typical values are between 1.0e-10 and 1.0e-4
rate : float
Learning rate (higher => less stable, lower => slower convergence)
rate_annealing : float
Learning rate annealing: \eqn{(rate)/(1 + rate_annealing*samples)
rate_decay : float
Learning rate decay factor between layers (N-th layer: \eqn{rate*\alpha^(N-1))
momentum_start : float
Initial momentum at the beginning of training (try 0.5)
momentum_ramp : int
Number of training samples for which momentum increases
momentum_stable : float
Final momentum after the amp is over (try 0.99)
nesterov_accelerated_gradient : bool
Logical. Use Nesterov accelerated gradient (recommended)
input_dropout_ratio : float
A fraction of the features for each training row to be omitted from training in order to improve generalization (dimension sampling).
hidden_dropout_ratios : float
Input layer dropout ratio (can improve generalization) specify one value per hidden layer, defaults to 0.5
l1 : float
L1 regularization (can add stability and improve generalization, causes many weights to become 0)
l2: float
L2 regularization (can add stability and improve generalization, causes many weights to be small)
max_w2 : float
Constraint for squared sum of incoming weights per unit (e.g. Rectifier)
initial_weight_distribution : str
Can be "Uniform", "UniformAdaptive", or "Normal"
initial_weight_scale : str
Uniform: -value ... value, Normal: stddev
loss : str
Loss function: "Automatic", "CrossEntropy" (for classification only), "MeanSquare", "Absolute" (experimental) or "Huber" (experimental)
distribution : str
A character string. The distribution function of the response. Must be "AUTO", "bernoulli", "multinomial", "poisson", "gamma",
"tweedie", "laplace", "huber" or "gaussian"
tweedie_power : float
Tweedie power (only for Tweedie distribution, must be between 1 and 2)
score_interval : int
Shortest time interval (in secs) between model scoring
score_training_samples : int
Number of training set samples for scoring (0 for all)
score_duty_cycle : float
Maximum duty cycle fraction for scoring (lower: more training, higher: more scoring)
classification_stop : float
Stopping criterion for classification error fraction on training data (-1 to disable)
regression_stop : float
Stopping criterion for regression error (MSE) on training data (-1 to disable)
quiet_mode : bool
Enable quiet mode for less output to standard output
max_confusion_matrix_size : int
Max. size (number of classes) for confusion matrices to be shown
max_hit_ratio_k : float
Max number (top K) of predictions to use for hit ratio computation(for multi-class only, 0 to disable)
balance_classes : bool
Balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)
class_sampling_factors : list
Desired over/under-sampling ratios per class (in lexicographic order). If not specified, sampling factors will be automatically computed to obtain
class balance during training. Requires balance_classes.
max_after_balance_size : float
Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0)
diagnostics : bool
Enable diagnostics for hidden layers
variable_importances : bool
Compute variable importances for input features (Gedeon method) - can be slow for large networks)
fast_mode : bool
Enable fast mode (minor approximations in back-propagation)
ignore_const_cols : bool
Ignore constant columns (no information can be gained anyway)
force_load_balance : bool
Force extra load balancing to increase training speed for small datasets (to keep all cores busy)
replicate_training_data : bool
Replicate the entire training dataset onto every node for faster training
single_node_mode : bool
Run on a single node for fine-tuning of model parameters
shuffle_training_data : bool
Enable shuffling of training data (recommended if training data is replicated and train_samples_per_iteration is close to \eqn{numRows*numNodes
sparse : bool
Sparse data handling (Experimental)
col_major : bool
Use a column major weight matrix for input layer. Can speed up forward propagation, but might slow down backpropagation (Experimental)
average_activation : float
Average activation for sparse auto-encoder (Experimental)
sparsity_beta : float
Sparsity regularization (Experimental)
max_categorical_features : int
Max. number of categorical features, enforced via hashing Experimental)
reproducible : bool
Force reproducibility on small data (will be slow - only uses 1 thread)
export_weights_and_biases : bool
Whether to export Neural Network weights and biases to H2O Frames"
:return: H2OAutoEncoderModel
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised(parms)
def gbm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,training_frame=None,model_id=None,
Builds gradient boosted classification trees, and gradient boosted regression trees on a parsed data set.
The default distribution function will guess the model type based on the response column typerun properly the
response column must be an numeric for "gaussian" or an enum for "bernoulli" or "multinomial".
x : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame containing the predictors in the model.
y : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame of the response variable in the model.
training_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame. Only used to retrieve weights, offset, or nfolds columns, if they aren't already provided in x.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
distribution : str
A character string. The distribution function of the response. Must be "AUTO", "bernoulli", "multinomial", "poisson", "gamma", "tweedie" or "gaussian"
tweedie_power : float
Tweedie power (only for Tweedie distribution, must be between 1 and 2)
ntrees : int
A non-negative integer that determines the number of trees to grow.
max_depth : int
Maximum depth to grow the tree.
min_rows : int
Minimum number of rows to assign to terminal nodes.
learn_rate : float
An integer from 0.0 to 1.0
nbins : int
For numerical columns (real/int), build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point
nbins_cats : int
For categorical columns (enum), build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point. Higher values can lead to more overfitting.
validation_frame : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame object indicating the validation dataset used to contruct the confusion matrix. If left blank, this defaults to the training data when nfolds = 0
balance_classes : bool
logical, indicates whether or not to balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)
max_after_balance_size : float
Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0). Ignored if balance_classes is False, which is the default behavior.
seed : int
Seed for random numbers (affects sampling when balance_classes=T)
build_tree_one_node : bool
Run on one node only; no network overhead but fewer cpus used. Suitable for small datasets.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
keep_cross_validation_predictions : bool
Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models
score_each_iteration : bool
Attempts to score each tree.
offset_column : H2OFrame
Specify the offset column.
weights_column : H2OFrame
Specify the weights column.
:return: A new classifier or regression model.
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.supervised(parms)
def glm(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,training_frame=None,model_id=None,validation_frame=None,
intercept=None, Lambda=None, max_active_predictors=None, do_future=None, checkpoint=None):
Build a Generalized Linear Model
Fit a generalized linear model, specified by a response variable, a set of predictors, and a description of the error
x : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame containing the predictors in the model.
y : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame of the response variable in the model.
training_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame. Only used to retrieve weights, offset, or nfolds columns, if they aren't already provided in x.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
validation_frame : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame object containing the variables in the model.
max_iterations : int
A non-negative integer specifying the maximum number of iterations.
beta_epsilon : int
A non-negative number specifying the magnitude of the maximum difference between the coefficient estimates from successive iterations.
Defines the convergence criterion for h2o.glm.
solver : str
A character string specifying the solver used: IRLSM (supports more features), L_BFGS (scales better for datasets with many columns)
standardize : bool
A logical value indicating whether the numeric predictors should be standardized to have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 prior to training the models.
family : str
A character string specifying the distribution of the model: gaussian, binomial, poisson, gamma, tweedie.
link : str
A character string specifying the link function. The default is the canonical link for the family.
The supported links for each of the family specifications are:\n
"gaussian": "identity", "log", "inverse"\n
"binomial": "logit", "log"
"poisson": "log", "identity"
"gamma": "inverse", "log", "identity"
"tweedie": "tweedie"
tweedie_variance_power : int
numeric specifying the power for the variance function when family = "tweedie".
tweedie_link_power : int
A numeric specifying the power for the link function when family = "tweedie".
alpha : float
A numeric in [0, 1] specifying the elastic-net mixing parameter.
The elastic-net penalty is defined to be:
eqn{P(\alpha,\beta) = (1-\alpha)/2||\beta||_2^2 + \alpha||\beta||_1 = \sum_j [(1-\alpha)/2 \beta_j^2 + \alpha|\beta_j|],
making alpha = 1 the lasso penalty and alpha = 0 the ridge penalty.
Lambda : float
A non-negative shrinkage parameter for the elastic-net, which multiplies \eqn{P(\alpha,\beta) in the objective function.
When Lambda = 0, no elastic-net penalty is applied and ordinary generalized linear models are fit.
prior : float
(Optional) A numeric specifying the prior probability of class 1 in the response when family = "binomial". The default prior is the observational frequency of class 1.
lambda_search : bool
A logical value indicating whether to conduct a search over the space of lambda values starting from the lambda max, given lambda is interpreted as lambda minself.
nlambdas : int
The number of lambda values to use when lambda_search = TRUE.
lambda_min_ratio : float
Smallest value for lambda as a fraction of lambda.max. By default if the number of observations is greater than the the number of
variables then lambda_min_ratio = 0.0001; if the number of observations is less than the number of variables then lambda_min_ratio = 0.01.
beta_constraints : H2OFrame
A data.frame or H2OParsedData object with the columns ["names", "lower_bounds", "upper_bounds", "beta_given"], where each row corresponds to a predictor
in the GLM. "names" contains the predictor names, "lower"/"upper_bounds", are the lower and upper bounds of beta, and "beta_given" is some supplied starting
values for the
offset_column : H2OFrame
Specify the offset column.
weights_column : H2OFrame
Specify the weights column.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
keep_cross_validation_predictions : bool
Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models
intercept : bool
Logical, include constant term (intercept) in the model
max_active_predictors : int
(Optional) Convergence criteria for number of predictors when using L1 penalty.
Returns: A subclass of ModelBase is returned. The specific subclass depends on the machine learning task at hand (if
it's binomial classification, then an H2OBinomialModel is returned, if it's regression then a H2ORegressionModel is
returned). The default print-out of the models is shown, but further GLM-specifc information can be queried out of
the object.
Upon completion of the GLM, the resulting object has coefficients, normalized coefficients, residual/null deviance,
aic, and a host of model metrics including MSE, AUC (for logistic regression), degrees of freedom, and confusion
parms = {k.lower():v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
if "alpha" in parms and not isinstance(parms["alpha"], (list,tuple)): parms["alpha"] = [parms["alpha"]]
return h2o_model_builder.supervised(parms)
def start_glm_job(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,**kwargs):
Build a Generalized Linear Model
Note: this function is the same as glm(), but it doesn't block on model-build. Instead, it returns and H2OModelFuture
object immediately. The model can be retrieved from the H2OModelFuture object with get_future_model().
:return: H2OModelFuture
kwargs["do_future"] = True
return glm(x,y,validation_x,validation_y,**kwargs)
def kmeans(x,validation_x=None,k=None,model_id=None,max_iterations=None,standardize=None,init=None,seed=None,
Performs k-means clustering on an H2O dataset.
x : H2OFrame
The data columns on which k-means operates.\n
k : int
The number of clusters. Must be between 1 and 1e7 inclusive. k may be omitted if the user specifies the
initial centers in the init parameter. If k is not omitted, in this case, then it should be equal to the number of
user-specified centers.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
max_iterations : int
The maximum number of iterations allowed. Must be between 0 and 1e6 inclusive.
standardize : bool
Indicates whether the data should be standardized before running k-means.
init : str
A character string that selects the initial set of k cluster centers. Possible values are "Random": for
random initialization, "PlusPlus": for k-means plus initialization, or "Furthest": for initialization at the furthest
point from each successive center. Additionally, the user may specify a the initial centers as a matrix, data.frame,
H2OFrame, or list of vectors. For matrices, data.frames, and H2OFrames, each row of the respective structure is an
initial center. For lists of vectors, each vector is an initial center.
seed : int
(Optional) Random seed used to initialize the cluster centroids.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
:return: An instance of H2OClusteringModel.
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised(parms)
def random_forest(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,training_frame=None,model_id=None,mtries=None,sample_rate=None,
Build a Big Data Random Forest Model
Builds a Random Forest Model on an H2OFrame
x : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame containing the predictors in the model.
y : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame of the response variable in the model.
training_frame : H2OFrame
(Optional) An H2OFrame. Only used to retrieve weights, offset, or nfolds columns, if they aren't already provided in x.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique id assigned to the resulting model. If none is given, an id will automatically be generated.
mtries : int
Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split. If set to -1, defaults to sqrt{p} for classification, and p/3 for regression,
where p is the number of predictors.
sample_rate : float
Sample rate, from 0 to 1.0.
build_tree_one_node : bool
Run on one node only; no network overhead but fewer cpus used. Suitable for small datasets.
ntrees : int
A nonnegative integer that determines the number of trees to grow.
max_depth : int
Maximum depth to grow the tree.
min_rows : int
Minimum number of rows to assign to teminal nodes.
nbins : int
For numerical columns (real/int), build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point.
nbins_cats : int
For categorical columns (enum), build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point. Higher values can lead to more overfitting.
binomial_double_trees : bool
or binary classification: Build 2x as many trees (one per class) - can lead to higher accuracy.
validation_frame : H2OFrame
An H2OFrame object containing the variables in the model.
balance_classes : bool
logical, indicates whether or not to balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)
max_after_balance_size : float
Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0). Ignored if balance_classes is False, which is the default behavior.
seed : int
Seed for random numbers (affects sampling) - Note: only reproducible when running single threaded
offset_column : H2OFrame
Specify the offset column.
weights_column : H2OFrame
Specify the weights column.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
keep_cross_validation_predictions : bool
Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models
:return: A new classifier or regression model.
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.supervised(parms)
def prcomp(x,validation_x=None,k=None,model_id=None,max_iterations=None,transform=None,seed=None,use_all_factor_levels=None,
Principal components analysis of a H2O dataset.
k : int
The number of principal components to be computed. This must be between 1 and min(ncol(training_frame), nrow(training_frame)) inclusive.
model_id : str
(Optional) The unique hex key assigned to the resulting model. Automatically generated if none is provided.
max_iterations : int
The maximum number of iterations to run each power iteration loop. Must be between 1 and 1e6 inclusive.
transform : str
A character string that indicates how the training data should be transformed before running PCA.
Possible values are "NONE": for no transformation, "DEMEAN": for subtracting the mean of each column, "DESCALE":
for dividing by the standard deviation of each column, "STANDARDIZE": for demeaning and descaling, and "NORMALIZE":
for demeaning and dividing each column by its range (max - min).
seed : int
(Optional) Random seed used to initialize the right singular vectors at the beginning of each power method iteration.
use_all_factor_levels : bool
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether all factor levels should be included in each categorical column expansion.
If FALSE, the indicator column corresponding to the first factor level of every categorical variable will be dropped. Defaults to FALSE.
pca_method : str
A character string that indicates how PCA should be calculated.
Possible values are "GramSVD": distributed computation of the Gram matrix followed by a local SVD using the JAMA package,
"Power": computation of the SVD using the power iteration method, "GLRM": fit a generalized low rank model with an l2 loss function
(no regularization) and solve for the SVD using local matrix algebra.
:return: a new dim reduction model
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised(parms)
def svd(x,validation_x=None,training_frame=None,validation_frame=None,nv=None,max_iterations=None,transform=None,seed=None,
Singular value decomposition of a H2O dataset.
nv : int
The number of right singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 1 and min(ncol(training_frame), snrow(training_frame)) inclusive.
max_iterations : int
The maximum number of iterations to run each power iteration loop. Must be between 1 and
1e6 inclusive.max_iterations The maximum number of iterations to run each power iteration loop. Must be between 1
and 1e6 inclusive.
transform : str
A character string that indicates how the training data should be transformed before running SVD.
Possible values are "NONE": for no transformation, "DEMEAN": for subtracting the mean of each column, "DESCALE": for
dividing by the standard deviation of each column, "STANDARDIZE": for demeaning and descaling, and "NORMALIZE": for
demeaning and dividing each column by its range (max - min).
seed : int
(Optional) Random seed used to initialize the right singular vectors at the beginning of each power method iteration.
use_all_factor_levels : bool
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether all factor levels should be included in each categorical column expansion.
If FALSE, the indicator column corresponding to the first factor level of every categorical variable will be dropped. Defaults to TRUE.
svd_method : str
A character string that indicates how SVD should be calculated.
Possible values are "GramSVD": distributed computation of the Gram matrix followed by a local SVD using the JAMA package,
"Power": computation of the SVD using the power iteration method, "Randomized": approximate SVD by projecting onto a random subspace.
:return: a new dim reduction model
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised(parms)
def glrm(x,validation_x=None,training_frame=None,validation_frame=None,k=None,max_iterations=None,transform=None,seed=None,
Builds a generalized low rank model of a H2O dataset.
k : int
The rank of the resulting decomposition. This must be between 1 and the number of columns in the training frame inclusive.
max_iterations : int
The maximum number of iterations to run the optimization loop. Each iteration consists of an update of the X matrix, followed by an
update of the Y matrix.
transform : str
A character string that indicates how the training data should be transformed before running GLRM.
Possible values are "NONE": for no transformation, "DEMEAN": for subtracting the mean of each column, "DESCALE": for
dividing by the standard deviation of each column, "STANDARDIZE": for demeaning and descaling, and "NORMALIZE": for
demeaning and dividing each column by its range (max - min).
seed : int
(Optional) Random seed used to initialize the X and Y matrices.
ignore_const_cols : bool
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether to ignore constant columns in the training frame. A column is constant if all of its
non-missing values are the same value.
loss : str
A character string indicating the default loss function for numeric columns. Possible values are "Quadratic" (default), "L1", "Huber",
"Poisson", "Hinge", and "Logistic".
multi_loss : str
A character string indicating the default loss function for enum columns. Possible values are "Categorical" and "Ordinal".
loss_by_col : str
(Optional) A list of strings indicating the loss function for specific columns by corresponding index in loss_by_col_idx.
Will override loss for numeric columns and multi_loss for enum columns.
loss_by_col_idx : str
(Optional) A list of column indices to which the corresponding loss functions in loss_by_col are assigned. Must be zero indexed.
regularization_x : str
A character string indicating the regularization function for the X matrix. Possible values are "None" (default), "Quadratic",
"L2", "L1", "NonNegative", "OneSparse", "UnitOneSparse", and "Simplex".
regularization_y : str
A character string indicating the regularization function for the Y matrix. Possible values are "None" (default), "Quadratic",
"L2", "L1", "NonNegative", "OneSparse", "UnitOneSparse", and "Simplex".
gamma_x : float
The weight on the X matrix regularization term.
gamma_y : float
The weight on the Y matrix regularization term.
init_step_size : float
Initial step size. Divided by number of columns in the training frame when calculating the proximal gradient update. The algorithm
begins at init_step_size and decreases the step size at each iteration until a termination condition is reached.
min_step_size : float
Minimum step size upon which the algorithm is terminated.
init : str
A character string indicating how to select the initial Y matrix.
Possible values are "Random": for initialization to a random array from the standard normal distribution, "PlusPlus": for initialization
using the clusters from k-means++ initialization, or "SVD": for initialization using the first k (approximate) right singular vectors.
Additionally, the user may specify the initial Y as a matrix, data.frame, H2OFrame, or list of vectors.
recover_svd : bool
A logical value indicating whether the singular values and eigenvectors should be recovered during post-processing of the generalized
low rank decomposition.
:return: a new dim reduction model
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.unsupervised(parms)
def naive_bayes(x,y,validation_x=None,validation_y=None,training_frame=None,validation_frame=None,
balance_classes=None,max_after_balance_size=None, nfolds=None,fold_column=None,fold_assignment=None,
The naive Bayes classifier assumes independence between predictor variables conditional on the response, and a
Gaussian distribution of numeric predictors with mean and standard deviation computed from the training dataset.
When building a naive Bayes classifier, every row in the training dataset that contains at least one NA will be
skipped completely. If the test dataset has missing values, then those predictors are omitted in the probability
calculation during prediction.
laplace : int
A positive number controlling Laplace smoothing. The default zero disables smoothing.
threshold : float
The minimum standard deviation to use for observations without enough data. Must be at least 1e-10.
eps : float
A threshold cutoff to deal with numeric instability, must be positive.
compute_metrics : bool
A logical value indicating whether model metrics should be computed. Set to FALSE to reduce the runtime of the algorithm.
training_frame : H2OFrame
Training Frame
validation_frame : H2OFrame
Validation Frame
offset_column : H2OFrame
Specify the offset column.
weights_column : H2OFrame
Specify the weights column.
nfolds : int
(Optional) Number of folds for cross-validation. If nfolds >= 2, then validation must remain empty.
fold_column : H2OFrame
(Optional) Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation
fold_assignment : str
Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified Must be "AUTO", "Random" or "Modulo"
keep_cross_validation_predictions : bool
Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models
:return: Returns an H2OBinomialModel if the response has two categorical levels, H2OMultinomialModel otherwise.
parms = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k in ["training_frame", "validation_frame", "validation_x", "validation_y", "offset_column", "weights_column", "fold_column"] or v is not None}
return h2o_model_builder.supervised(parms)
def create_frame(id = None, rows = 10000, cols = 10, randomize = True, value = 0, real_range = 100,
categorical_fraction = 0.2, factors = 100, integer_fraction = 0.2, integer_range = 100,
binary_fraction = 0.1, binary_ones_fraction = 0.02, missing_fraction = 0.01, response_factors = 2,
has_response = False, seed=None):
Data Frame Creation in H2O.
Creates a data frame in H2O with real-valued, categorical, integer, and binary columns specified by the user.
id : str
A string indicating the destination key. If empty, this will be auto-generated by H2O.
rows : int
The number of rows of data to generate.
cols : int
The number of columns of data to generate. Excludes the response column if has_response == True.
randomize : bool
A logical value indicating whether data values should be randomly generated. This must be TRUE if either categorical_fraction or integer_fraction is non-zero.
value : int
If randomize == FALSE, then all real-valued entries will be set to this value.
real_range : float
The range of randomly generated real values.
categorical_fraction : float
The fraction of total columns that are categorical.
factors : int
The number of (unique) factor levels in each categorical column.
integer_fraction : float
The fraction of total columns that are integer-valued.
integer_range : list
The range of randomly generated integer values.
binary_fraction : float
The fraction of total columns that are binary-valued.
binary_ones_fraction : float
The fraction of values in a binary column that are set to 1.
missing_fraction : float
The fraction of total entries in the data frame that are set to NA.
response_factors : int
If has_response == TRUE, then this is the number of factor levels in the response column.
has_response : bool
A logical value indicating whether an additional response column should be pre-pended to the final H2O data frame. If set to TRUE, the total number
of columns will be cols+1.
seed : int
A seed used to generate random values when randomize = TRUE.
:return: the H2OFrame that was created
parms = {"dest": _py_tmp_key() if id is None else id,
"rows": rows,
"cols": cols,
"randomize": randomize,
"value": value,
"real_range": real_range,
"categorical_fraction": categorical_fraction,
"factors": factors,
"integer_fraction": integer_fraction,
"integer_range": integer_range,
"binary_fraction": binary_fraction,
"binary_ones_fraction": binary_ones_fraction,
"missing_fraction": missing_fraction,
"response_factors": response_factors,
"has_response": has_response,
"seed": -1 if seed is None else seed,
H2OJob(H2OConnection.post_json("CreateFrame", **parms), "Create Frame").poll()
return get_frame(parms["dest"])
def interaction(data, factors, pairwise, max_factors, min_occurrence, destination_frame=None):
Categorical Interaction Feature Creation in H2O.
Creates a frame in H2O with n-th order interaction features between categorical columns, as specified by
the user.
data : H2OFrame
the H2OFrame that holds the target categorical columns.
factors : list
factors Factor columns (either indices or column names).
pairwise : bool
Whether to create pairwise interactions between factors (otherwise create one higher-order interaction). Only applicable if there are 3 or more factors.
max_factors : int
Max. number of factor levels in pair-wise interaction terms (if enforced, one extra catch-all factor will be made)
min_occurrence : int
Min. occurrence threshold for factor levels in pair-wise interaction terms
destination_frame : str
A string indicating the destination key. If empty, this will be auto-generated by H2O.
:return: H2OFrame
factors = [data.names[n] if isinstance(n,int) else n for n in factors]
parms = {"dest": _py_tmp_key() if destination_frame is None else destination_frame,
"source_frame": data._id,
"factor_columns": [_quoted(f) for f in factors],
"pairwise": pairwise,
"max_factors": max_factors,
"min_occurrence": min_occurrence,
H2OJob(H2OConnection.post_json("Interaction", **parms), "Interactions").poll()
return get_frame(parms["dest"])
def network_test():
res = H2OConnection.get_json(url_suffix="NetworkTest")
def locate(path):
Search for a relative path and turn it into an absolute path.
This is handy when hunting for data files to be passed into h2o and used by import file.
Note: This function is for unit testing purposes only.
path : str
Path to search for
:return: Absolute path if it is found. None otherwise.
tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path)
while (True):
if (os.path.exists(possible_result)):
return possible_result
next_tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(tmp_dir)
if (next_tmp_dir == tmp_dir):
raise ValueError("File not found: " + path)
tmp_dir = next_tmp_dir
possible_result = os.path.join(tmp_dir, path)
def store_size():
Get the H2O store size (current count of keys).
:return: number of keys in H2O cloud
return rapids("(store_size)")["result"]
def keys_leaked(num_keys):
Ask H2O if any keys leaked.
@param num_keys: The number of keys that should be there.
:return: A boolean True/False if keys leaked. If keys leaked, check H2O logs for further detail.
return rapids("keys_leaked #{})".format(num_keys))["result"]=="TRUE"
def as_list(data, use_pandas=True):
Convert an H2O data object into a python-specific object.
WARNING: This will pull all data local!
If Pandas is available (and use_pandas is True), then pandas will be used to parse the data frame.
Otherwise, a list-of-lists populated by character data will be returned (so the types of data will
all be str).
data : H2OFrame
An H2O data object.
use_pandas : bool
Try to use pandas for reading in the data.
:return: List of list (Rows x Columns).
return H2OFrame.as_data_frame(data, use_pandas)
def set_timezone(tz):
Set the Time Zone on the H2O Cloud
tz : str
The desired timezone.
:return: None
rapids(ExprNode._collapse_sb(ExprNode("setTimeZone", tz)._eager()))
def get_timezone():
Get the Time Zone on the H2O Cloud
:return: the time zone (string)
return H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("getTimeZone"))._scalar()
def list_timezones():
Get a list of all the timezones
:return: the time zones (as an H2OFrame)
return H2OFrame(expr=ExprNode("listTimeZones"))._frame()
def turn_off_ref_cnts():
Reference counting on H2OFrame's allows for eager deletion of H2OFrames that go out of
scope. If multiple threads are spawned, however, and data is to live beyond the use of
the thread (e.g. when launching multiple jobs via Parallel in scikit-learn), then there
may be referers outside of the current context. Use this to prevent deletion of H2OFrame
:return: None
def turn_on_ref_cnts():
See the note in turn_off_ref_cnts
:return: None
class H2ODisplay:
Pretty printing for H2O Objects;
Handles both IPython and vanilla console display
THOUSANDS = "{:,}"
def __init__(self,table=None,header=None,table_header=None,**kwargs):
# one-shot display... never return an H2ODisplay object (or try not to)
# if holding onto a display object, then may have odd printing behavior
# the __repr__ and _repr_html_ methods will try to save you from many prints,
# but just be WARNED that your mileage may vary!
# In other words, it's better to just new one of these when you're ready to print out.
if self.table_header is not None:
print self.table_header + ":"
if H2ODisplay._in_ipy():
from IPython.display import display
# for Ipython
def _repr_html_(self):
if self.do_print:
return H2ODisplay._html_table(self.table,self.header)
def pprint(self):
r = self.__repr__()
print r
# for python REPL console
def __repr__(self):
if self.do_print or not H2ODisplay._in_ipy():
if self.header is None: return tabulate.tabulate(self.table,**self.kwargs)
else: return tabulate.tabulate(self.table,headers=self.header,**self.kwargs)
return ""
def _in_ipy(): # are we in ipy? then pretty print tables with _repr_html
return True
except NameError:
return False
# some html table builder helper things
def _html_table(rows, header=None):
table= "<div style=\"overflow:auto\"><table style=\"width:50%\">{}</table></div>" # keep table in a div for scroll-a-bility
if header is not None:
for row in rows:
return table.format("\n".join(table_rows))
def _html_row(row):
res = "<tr>{}</tr>"
entry = "<td>{}</td>"
entries = "\n".join([entry.format(str(r)) for r in row])
return res.format(entries)
def can_use_pandas():
return True
except ImportError:
return False
def h2o_deprecated(newfun=None):
def o(fun):
if newfun is not None: m = "{} is deprecated. Use {}.".format(fun.__name__,newfun.__name__)
else: m = "{} is deprecated.".format(fun.__name__)
def i(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(m, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
return i
return o
def import_frame(path=None):
Deprecated for import_file.
path : str
A path specifiying the location of the data to import.
:return: A new H2OFrame
warnings.warn("deprecated: Use import_file", DeprecationWarning)
return import_file(path)
| apache-2.0 |
bdh1011/wau | venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/compat/ | 15 | 2829 | """ support pre 0.12 series pickle compatibility """
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas
import copy
import pickle as pkl
from pandas import compat, Index
from pandas.compat import u, string_types
def load_reduce(self):
stack = self.stack
args = stack.pop()
func = stack[-1]
if type(args[0]) is type:
n = args[0].__name__
stack[-1] = func(*args)
except Exception as e:
# if we have a deprecated function
# try to replace and try again
if '_reconstruct: First argument must be a sub-type of ndarray' in str(e):
cls = args[0]
stack[-1] = object.__new__(cls)
# try to reencode the arguments
if getattr(self,'encoding',None) is not None:
args = tuple([arg.encode(self.encoding)
if isinstance(arg, string_types)
else arg for arg in args])
stack[-1] = func(*args)
if getattr(self,'is_verbose',None):
print(func, args)
stack[-1] = value
if compat.PY3:
class Unpickler(pkl._Unpickler):
class Unpickler(pkl.Unpickler):
Unpickler.dispatch = copy.copy(Unpickler.dispatch)
Unpickler.dispatch[pkl.REDUCE[0]] = load_reduce
def load_newobj(self):
args = self.stack.pop()
cls = self.stack[-1]
# compat
if issubclass(cls, Index):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args)
self.stack[-1] = obj
Unpickler.dispatch[pkl.NEWOBJ[0]] = load_newobj
# py3 compat
def load_newobj_ex(self):
kwargs = self.stack.pop()
args = self.stack.pop()
cls = self.stack.pop()
# compat
if issubclass(cls, Index):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Unpickler.dispatch[pkl.NEWOBJ_EX[0]] = load_newobj_ex
def load(fh, encoding=None, compat=False, is_verbose=False):
"""load a pickle, with a provided encoding
if compat is True:
fake the old class hierarchy
if it works, then return the new type objects
fh: a filelike object
encoding: an optional encoding
compat: provide Series compatibility mode, boolean, default False
is_verbose: show exception output
if encoding is not None:
up = Unpickler(fh, encoding=encoding)
up = Unpickler(fh)
up.is_verbose = is_verbose
return up.load()
| mit |
kit-cel/wt | wt/uebung/ | 1 | 5356 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
Simulation einer 2D Normalverteilung. Gezeigt werden neben zuf.
Realisierungen auch die Höhenlinie der Dichte für K=9.
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mp
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore
class Canvas(FigureCanvasQTAgg):
"""Ultimately, this is a QWidget"""
def __init__(self, parent=None, width=5, height=4, dpi=100):
"""Creates a figure and axes and draws periodically on it."""
# Create a figure and axes
fig = mp.figure.Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)
self.axes = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85))
# Initialize widget and update timer
super(Canvas, self).__init__(fig)
# plot parameter defaults
self.sigma1 = self.sigma2 = 1.0
self.rho = 0
self.points_per_update = 100
# plot data
draw_timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
clear_timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
clear_timer.start(20 * 1000)
def set_param(self, name, value):
"""Update a plot parameter, clear axes"""
setattr(self, name, value)
def reset(self):
"""Draw the theoretical contour line"""
self.axes.set_xlim(-6, 6)
self.axes.set_ylim(-5, 5)
def draw_contour_line(self):
"""Draw the theoretical contour line"""
# get parameters and math functions
o1, o2, r = self.sigma1, self.sigma2, self.rho
sqrt, sin, cos, pi = np.sqrt, np.sin, np.cos, np.pi
# calculate ellipse parameters
K = 3 ** 2
g = 0.5 * np.arctan(2 * r * o1 * o2 / (o2**2 - o1**2)) \
if o1 != o2 else pi/4
a = o1 * o2 * sqrt(K * (1 - r**2) / (
(o1 * sin(g)) ** 2 +
(o2 * cos(g)) ** 2 +
2 * r * o1 * o2 * sin(g) * cos(g)
b = o1 * o2 * sqrt(K * (1 - r**2) / (
(o1 * cos(g)) ** 2 +
(o2 * sin(g)) ** 2 -
2 * r * o1 * o2 * sin(g) * cos(g)
# add contour line (ellipse)
xy=(0, 0), width=2 * a, height=2 * b, angle=-180 / pi * g,
facecolor='none', edgecolor='r', zorder=2, linewidth=2
def plot_gaussian_samples(self):
"""Put some samples of the current distribution on the axes"""
o1, o2, r = self.sigma1, self.sigma2, self.rho
# get two std norm distributed vectors
x, y = np.random.normal(0, 1, (2, self.points_per_update))
# scaling parameters
r1, r2 = np.sqrt((1 + r) / 2), np.sqrt((1 - r) / 2)
# mix the random vectors to get desired correlation
x, y = o1 * (x * r1 + y * r2), o2 * (x * r1 - y * r2)
# plot and draw
self.axes.plot(x, y, 'ko', zorder=1, alpha=0.5, ms=2)
class FigureCanvasWithControls(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(FigureCanvasWithControls, self).__init__()
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
canvas = Canvas(self, width=5, height=4, dpi=100)
params = (('sigma1', 0.1, 2.0, 1.0),
('sigma2', 0.1, 2.0, 1.0),
('rho', -0.99, 0.99, 0.0))
# create a control for each figure parameter
for name, lo, hi, default in params:
row = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
# label
label = QtWidgets.QLabel(name)
row.addWidget(label, 0)
# value slider
slider = QtWidgets.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self)
slider.setRange(0, 200)
row.addWidget(slider, 1)
# value display
text = QtWidgets.QLineEdit()
row.addWidget(text, 0)
def update(name, lo, hi, text, value):
"""Convert int slider value to target range"""
value = value / slider.maximum() * (hi - lo) + lo
canvas.set_param(name, value)
# update figure canvas on value change
slider.valueChanged.connect(partial(update, name, lo, hi, text))
slider.setValue(round((default - lo) / (hi - lo) * slider.maximum()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = FigureCanvasWithControls()
| gpl-2.0 |
walterreade/scikit-learn | examples/svm/ | 80 | 2338 | """
One-class SVM with non-linear kernel (RBF)
An example using a one-class SVM for novelty detection.
:ref:`One-class SVM <svm_outlier_detection>` is an unsupervised
algorithm that learns a decision function for novelty detection:
classifying new data as similar or different to the training set.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager
from sklearn import svm
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5, 5, 500), np.linspace(-5, 5, 500))
# Generate train data
X = 0.3 * np.random.randn(100, 2)
X_train = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2]
# Generate some regular novel observations
X = 0.3 * np.random.randn(20, 2)
X_test = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2]
# Generate some abnormal novel observations
X_outliers = np.random.uniform(low=-4, high=4, size=(20, 2))
# fit the model
clf = svm.OneClassSVM(nu=0.1, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.1)
y_pred_train = clf.predict(X_train)
y_pred_test = clf.predict(X_test)
y_pred_outliers = clf.predict(X_outliers)
n_error_train = y_pred_train[y_pred_train == -1].size
n_error_test = y_pred_test[y_pred_test == -1].size
n_error_outliers = y_pred_outliers[y_pred_outliers == 1].size
# plot the line, the points, and the nearest vectors to the plane
Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
plt.title("Novelty Detection")
plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=np.linspace(Z.min(), 0, 7),
a = plt.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors='darkred')
plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0, Z.max()], colors='palevioletred')
s = 40
b1 = plt.scatter(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], c='white', s=s)
b2 = plt.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c='blueviolet', s=s)
c = plt.scatter(X_outliers[:, 0], X_outliers[:, 1], c='gold', s=s)
plt.xlim((-5, 5))
plt.ylim((-5, 5))
plt.legend([a.collections[0], b1, b2, c],
["learned frontier", "training observations",
"new regular observations", "new abnormal observations"],
loc="upper left",
"error train: %d/200 ; errors novel regular: %d/40 ; "
"errors novel abnormal: %d/40"
% (n_error_train, n_error_test, n_error_outliers))
| bsd-3-clause |
cpcloud/ibis | ibis/pandas/execution/ | 1 | 33772 | """Execution rules for generic ibis operations."""
import collections
import datetime
import decimal
import functools
import math
import numbers
import operator
from import Sized
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import toolz
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy
import ibis
import ibis.common.exceptions as com
import ibis.expr.datatypes as dt
import ibis.expr.operations as ops
import ibis.expr.types as ir
import ibis.pandas.aggcontext as agg_ctx
from ibis.compat import DatetimeTZDtype
from ibis.pandas.core import (
from ibis.pandas.dispatch import execute_literal, execute_node
from ibis.pandas.execution import constants
# By default return the literal value
@execute_literal.register(ops.Literal, object, dt.DataType)
def execute_node_literal_value_datatype(op, value, datatype, **kwargs):
return value
# Because True and 1 hash to the same value, if we have True or False in scope
# keys while executing anything that should evaluate to 1 or 0 evaluates to
# True or False respectively. This is a hack to work around that by casting the
# bool to an integer.
@execute_literal.register(ops.Literal, object, dt.Integer)
def execute_node_literal_any_integer_datatype(op, value, datatype, **kwargs):
return int(value)
@execute_literal.register(ops.Literal, object, dt.Boolean)
def execute_node_literal_any_boolean_datatype(op, value, datatype, **kwargs):
return bool(value)
@execute_literal.register(ops.Literal, object, dt.Floating)
def execute_node_literal_any_floating_datatype(op, value, datatype, **kwargs):
return float(value)
@execute_literal.register(ops.Literal, dt.DataType)
def execute_node_literal_datatype(op, datatype, **kwargs):
return op.value
ops.Literal, timedelta_types + (str,) + integer_types, dt.Interval
def execute_interval_literal(op, value, dtype, **kwargs):
return pd.Timedelta(value, dtype.unit)
@execute_node.register(ops.Limit, pd.DataFrame, integer_types, integer_types)
def execute_limit_frame(op, data, nrows, offset, **kwargs):
return data.iloc[offset : offset + nrows]
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, SeriesGroupBy, dt.DataType)
def execute_cast_series_group_by(op, data, type, **kwargs):
result = execute_cast_series_generic(op, data.obj, type, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(data.grouper.groupings)
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Series, dt.DataType)
def execute_cast_series_generic(op, data, type, **kwargs):
return data.astype(constants.IBIS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_TYPE[type])
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Series, dt.Array)
def execute_cast_series_array(op, data, type, **kwargs):
value_type = type.value_type
numpy_type = constants.IBIS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_TYPE.get(value_type, None)
if numpy_type is None:
raise ValueError(
'Array value type must be a primitive type '
'(e.g., number, string, or timestamp)'
lambda array, numpy_type=numpy_type: list(map(numpy_type, array))
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Series, dt.Timestamp)
def execute_cast_series_timestamp(op, data, type, **kwargs):
arg = op.arg
from_type = arg.type()
if from_type.equals(type): # noop cast
return data
tz = type.timezone
if isinstance(from_type, (dt.Timestamp, dt.Date)):
return data.astype(
'M8[ns]' if tz is None else DatetimeTZDtype('ns', tz)
if isinstance(from_type, (dt.String, dt.Integer)):
timestamps = pd.to_datetime(data.values, infer_datetime_format=True)
if getattr(timestamps.dtype, "tz", None) is not None:
method_name = "tz_convert"
method_name = "tz_localize"
method = getattr(timestamps, method_name)
timestamps = method(tz)
return pd.Series(timestamps, index=data.index,
raise TypeError("Don't know how to cast {} to {}".format(from_type, type))
def _normalize(values, original_index, name, timezone=None):
index = pd.DatetimeIndex(values, tz=timezone)
return pd.Series(index.normalize(), index=original_index, name=name)
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Series, dt.Date)
def execute_cast_series_date(op, data, type, **kwargs):
arg = op.args[0]
from_type = arg.type()
if from_type.equals(type):
return data
if isinstance(from_type, dt.Timestamp):
return _normalize(
data.values, data.index,, timezone=from_type.timezone
if from_type.equals(dt.string):
values = data.values
datetimes = pd.to_datetime(values, infer_datetime_format=True)
datetimes = datetimes.tz_convert(None)
except TypeError:
dates = _normalize(datetimes, data.index,
return pd.Series(dates, index=data.index,
if isinstance(from_type, dt.Integer):
return pd.Series(
pd.to_datetime(data.values, box=False, unit='D'),
raise TypeError("Don't know how to cast {} to {}".format(from_type, type))
@execute_node.register(ops.SortKey, pd.Series, bool)
def execute_sort_key_series_bool(op, data, ascending, **kwargs):
return data
def call_numpy_ufunc(func, op, data, **kwargs):
if data.dtype == np.dtype(np.object_):
return data.apply(functools.partial(execute_node, op, **kwargs))
return func(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.Negate, fixed_width_types + timedelta_types)
def execute_obj_negate(op, data, **kwargs):
return -data
@execute_node.register(ops.Negate, pd.Series)
def execute_series_negate(op, data, **kwargs):
return call_numpy_ufunc(np.negative, op, data, **kwargs)
@execute_node.register(ops.Negate, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_series_group_by_negate(op, data, **kwargs):
return execute_series_negate(op, data.obj, **kwargs).groupby(
@execute_node.register(ops.UnaryOp, pd.Series)
def execute_series_unary_op(op, data, **kwargs):
function = getattr(np, type(op).__name__.lower())
return call_numpy_ufunc(function, op, data, **kwargs)
@execute_node.register((ops.Ceil, ops.Floor), pd.Series)
def execute_series_ceil(op, data, **kwargs):
return_type = np.object_ if data.dtype == np.object_ else np.int64
func = getattr(np, type(op).__name__.lower())
return call_numpy_ufunc(func, op, data, **kwargs).astype(return_type)
def vectorize_object(op, arg, *args, **kwargs):
func = np.vectorize(functools.partial(execute_node, op, **kwargs))
return pd.Series(func(arg, *args), index=arg.index,
ops.Log, pd.Series, (pd.Series, numbers.Real, decimal.Decimal, type(None))
def execute_series_log_with_base(op, data, base, **kwargs):
if data.dtype == np.dtype(np.object_):
return vectorize_object(op, data, base, **kwargs)
if base is None:
return np.log(data)
return np.log(data) / np.log(base)
@execute_node.register(ops.Ln, pd.Series)
def execute_series_natural_log(op, data, **kwargs):
if data.dtype == np.dtype(np.object_):
return data.apply(functools.partial(execute_node, op, **kwargs))
return np.log(data)
(pd.Series, type(None)) + numeric_types,
(pd.Series, type(None)) + numeric_types,
def execute_series_clip(op, data, lower, upper, **kwargs):
return data.clip(lower=lower, upper=upper)
@execute_node.register(ops.Quantile, (pd.Series, SeriesGroupBy), numeric_types)
def execute_series_quantile(op, data, quantile, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
return aggcontext.agg(
data, 'quantile', q=quantile, interpolation=op.interpolation
@execute_node.register(ops.MultiQuantile, pd.Series,
def execute_series_quantile_sequence(
op, data, quantile, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
result = aggcontext.agg(
data, 'quantile', q=quantile, interpolation=op.interpolation
return list(result)
ops.MultiQuantile, SeriesGroupBy,
def execute_series_quantile_groupby(
op, data, quantile, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
def q(x, quantile, interpolation):
result = x.quantile(quantile, interpolation=interpolation).tolist()
res = [result for _ in range(len(x))]
return res
result = aggcontext.agg(data, q, quantile, op.interpolation)
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, type(None), dt.DataType)
def execute_cast_null_to_anything(op, data, type, **kwargs):
return None
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, datetime.datetime, dt.String)
def execute_cast_datetime_or_timestamp_to_string(op, data, type, **kwargs):
"""Cast timestamps to strings"""
return str(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, datetime.datetime, dt.Int64)
def execute_cast_datetime_to_integer(op, data, type, **kwargs):
"""Cast datetimes to integers"""
return pd.Timestamp(data).value
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Timestamp, dt.Int64)
def execute_cast_timestamp_to_integer(op, data, type, **kwargs):
"""Cast timestamps to integers"""
return data.value
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, (np.bool_, bool), dt.Timestamp)
def execute_cast_bool_to_timestamp(op, data, type, **kwargs):
raise TypeError(
'Casting boolean values to timestamps does not make sense. If you '
'really want to cast boolean values to timestamps please cast to '
'int64 first then to timestamp: '
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, (np.bool_, bool), dt.Interval)
def execute_cast_bool_to_interval(op, data, type, **kwargs):
raise TypeError(
'Casting boolean values to intervals does not make sense. If you '
'really want to cast boolean values to intervals please cast to '
'int64 first then to interval: '
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, integer_types + (str,), dt.Timestamp)
def execute_cast_simple_literal_to_timestamp(op, data, type, **kwargs):
"""Cast integer and strings to timestamps"""
return pd.Timestamp(data, tz=type.timezone)
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, pd.Timestamp, dt.Timestamp)
def execute_cast_timestamp_to_timestamp(op, data, type, **kwargs):
"""Cast timestamps to other timestamps including timezone if necessary"""
input_timezone =
target_timezone = type.timezone
if input_timezone == target_timezone:
return data
if input_timezone is None or target_timezone is None:
return data.tz_localize(target_timezone)
return data.tz_convert(target_timezone)
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, datetime.datetime, dt.Timestamp)
def execute_cast_datetime_to_datetime(op, data, type, **kwargs):
return execute_cast_timestamp_to_timestamp(
op, data, type, **kwargs
@execute_node.register(ops.Cast, fixed_width_types + (str,), dt.DataType)
def execute_cast_string_literal(op, data, type, **kwargs):
cast_function = constants.IBIS_TO_PYTHON_LITERAL_TYPES[type]
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(
"Don't know how to cast {!r} to type {}".format(data, type)
return cast_function(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.Round, scalar_types, (int, type(None)))
def execute_round_scalars(op, data, places, **kwargs):
return round(data, places) if places else round(data)
ops.Round, pd.Series, (pd.Series, np.integer, type(None), int)
def execute_round_series(op, data, places, **kwargs):
if data.dtype == np.dtype(np.object_):
return vectorize_object(op, data, places, **kwargs)
result = data.round(places or 0)
return result if places else result.astype('int64')
@execute_node.register(ops.TableColumn, (pd.DataFrame, DataFrameGroupBy))
def execute_table_column_df_or_df_groupby(op, data, **kwargs):
return data[]
@execute_node.register(ops.Aggregation, pd.DataFrame)
def execute_aggregation_dataframe(op, data, scope=None, **kwargs):
assert op.metrics, 'no metrics found during aggregation execution'
if op.sort_keys:
raise NotImplementedError(
'sorting on aggregations not yet implemented'
predicates = op.predicates
if predicates:
predicate = functools.reduce(
(execute(p, scope=scope, **kwargs) for p in predicates),
data = data.loc[predicate]
columns = {}
grouping_key_pairs = list(
zip(, map(operator.methodcaller('op'),
grouping_keys = [
if isinstance(by_op, ops.TableColumn)
else execute(by, scope=scope, **kwargs).rename(by.get_name())
for by, by_op in grouping_key_pairs
(, by.get_name())
for by, by_op in grouping_key_pairs
if hasattr(by_op, 'name')
source = data.groupby(grouping_keys)
source = data
new_scope = toolz.merge(scope, {op.table.op(): source})
pieces = [
execute(metric, scope=new_scope, **kwargs), name=metric.get_name()
for metric in op.metrics
# group by always needs a reset to get the grouping key back as a column
result = pd.concat(pieces, axis=1).reset_index()
result.columns = [columns.get(c, c) for c in result.columns]
if op.having:
# .having(...) is only accessible on groupby, so this should never
# raise
if not
raise ValueError(
'Filtering out aggregation values is not allowed without at '
'least one grouping key'
# TODO(phillipc): Don't recompute identical subexpressions
predicate = functools.reduce(
execute(having, scope=new_scope, **kwargs)
for having in op.having
assert len(predicate) == len(
), 'length of predicate does not match length of DataFrame'
result = result.loc[predicate.values]
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.Reduction, SeriesGroupBy, type(None))
def execute_reduction_series_groupby(
op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(data, type(op).__name__.lower())
variance_ddof = {'pop': 0, 'sample': 1}
@execute_node.register(ops.Variance, SeriesGroupBy, type(None))
def execute_reduction_series_groupby_var(
op, data, _, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(data, 'var', ddof=variance_ddof[])
@execute_node.register(ops.StandardDev, SeriesGroupBy, type(None))
def execute_reduction_series_groupby_std(
op, data, _, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(data, 'std', ddof=variance_ddof[])
(ops.CountDistinct, ops.HLLCardinality), SeriesGroupBy, type(None)
def execute_count_distinct_series_groupby(
op, data, _, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(data, 'nunique')
@execute_node.register(ops.Arbitrary, SeriesGroupBy, type(None))
def execute_arbitrary_series_groupby(op, data, _, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
how =
if how is None:
how = 'first'
if how not in {'first', 'last'}:
raise com.OperationNotDefinedError(
'Arbitrary {!r} is not supported'.format(how)
return aggcontext.agg(data, how)
def _filtered_reduction(mask, method, data):
return method(data[mask[data.index]])
@execute_node.register(ops.Reduction, SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_reduction_series_gb_mask(
op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
method = operator.methodcaller(type(op).__name__.lower())
return aggcontext.agg(
data, functools.partial(_filtered_reduction, mask.obj, method)
(ops.CountDistinct, ops.HLLCardinality), SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy
def execute_count_distinct_series_groupby_mask(
op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(
functools.partial(_filtered_reduction, mask.obj, pd.Series.nunique),
@execute_node.register(ops.Variance, SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_var_series_groupby_mask(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
return aggcontext.agg(
lambda x, mask=mask.obj, ddof=variance_ddof[]: (
@execute_node.register(ops.StandardDev, SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_std_series_groupby_mask(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
return aggcontext.agg(
lambda x, mask=mask.obj, ddof=variance_ddof[]: (
@execute_node.register(ops.Count, DataFrameGroupBy, type(None))
def execute_count_frame_groupby(op, data, _, **kwargs):
result = data.size()
# FIXME(phillipc): We should not hard code this column name = 'count'
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.Reduction, pd.Series, (pd.Series, type(None)))
def execute_reduction_series_mask(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
operand = data[mask] if mask is not None else data
return aggcontext.agg(operand, type(op).__name__.lower())
(ops.CountDistinct, ops.HLLCardinality), pd.Series, (pd.Series, type(None))
def execute_count_distinct_series_mask(
op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs
return aggcontext.agg(data[mask] if mask is not None else data, 'nunique')
@execute_node.register(ops.Arbitrary, pd.Series, (pd.Series, type(None)))
def execute_arbitrary_series_mask(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
if == 'first':
index = 0
elif == 'last':
index = -1
raise com.OperationNotDefinedError(
'Arbitrary {!r} is not supported'.format(
data = data[mask] if mask is not None else data
return data.iloc[index]
@execute_node.register(ops.StandardDev, pd.Series, (pd.Series, type(None)))
def execute_standard_dev_series(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
return aggcontext.agg(
data[mask] if mask is not None else data,
@execute_node.register(ops.Variance, pd.Series, (pd.Series, type(None)))
def execute_variance_series(op, data, mask, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
return aggcontext.agg(
data[mask] if mask is not None else data,
@execute_node.register((ops.Any, ops.All), (pd.Series, SeriesGroupBy))
def execute_any_all_series(op, data, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(aggcontext, (agg_ctx.Summarize, agg_ctx.Transform)):
result = aggcontext.agg(data, type(op).__name__.lower())
result = aggcontext.agg(
data, lambda data: getattr(data, type(op).__name__.lower())()
return result.astype(bool)
except TypeError:
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.NotAny, (pd.Series, SeriesGroupBy))
def execute_notany_series(op, data, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(aggcontext, (agg_ctx.Summarize, agg_ctx.Transform)):
result = ~aggcontext.agg(data, 'any')
result = aggcontext.agg(data, lambda data: ~data.any())
return result.astype(bool)
except TypeError:
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.NotAll, (pd.Series, SeriesGroupBy))
def execute_notall_series(op, data, aggcontext=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(aggcontext, (agg_ctx.Summarize, agg_ctx.Transform)):
result = ~aggcontext.agg(data, 'all')
result = aggcontext.agg(data, lambda data: ~data.all())
return result.astype(bool)
except TypeError:
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.Count, pd.DataFrame, type(None))
def execute_count_frame(op, data, _, **kwargs):
return len(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.Not, (bool, np.bool_))
def execute_not_bool(op, data, **kwargs):
return not data
@execute_node.register(ops.BinaryOp, pd.Series, pd.Series)
(ops.NumericBinaryOp, ops.LogicalBinaryOp, ops.Comparison),
(ops.NumericBinaryOp, ops.LogicalBinaryOp, ops.Comparison),
(ops.NumericBinaryOp, ops.LogicalBinaryOp, ops.Comparison),
@execute_node.register((ops.Comparison, ops.Add, ops.Multiply), pd.Series, str)
@execute_node.register((ops.Comparison, ops.Add, ops.Multiply), str, pd.Series)
@execute_node.register((ops.Comparison, ops.Add), str, str)
@execute_node.register(ops.Multiply, integer_types, str)
@execute_node.register(ops.Multiply, str, integer_types)
def execute_binary_op(op, left, right, **kwargs):
op_type = type(op)
operation = constants.BINARY_OPERATIONS[op_type]
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Binary operation {} not implemented'.format(op_type.__name__)
return operation(left, right)
@execute_node.register(ops.BinaryOp, SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_binary_op_series_group_by(op, left, right, **kwargs):
left_groupings = left.grouper.groupings
right_groupings = right.grouper.groupings
if left_groupings != right_groupings:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot perform {} operation on two series with '
'different groupings'.format(type(op).__name__)
result = execute_binary_op(op, left.obj, right.obj, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(left_groupings)
@execute_node.register(ops.BinaryOp, SeriesGroupBy, simple_types)
def execute_binary_op_series_gb_simple(op, left, right, **kwargs):
result = execute_binary_op(op, left.obj, right, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(left.grouper.groupings)
@execute_node.register(ops.BinaryOp, simple_types, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_binary_op_simple_series_gb(op, left, right, **kwargs):
result = execute_binary_op(op, left, right.obj, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(right.grouper.groupings)
@execute_node.register(ops.UnaryOp, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_unary_op_series_gb(op, operand, **kwargs):
result = execute_node(op, operand.obj, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(operand.grouper.groupings)
(ops.Log, ops.Round),
(numbers.Real, decimal.Decimal, type(None)),
def execute_log_series_gb_others(op, left, right, **kwargs):
result = execute_node(op, left.obj, right, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(left.grouper.groupings)
@execute_node.register((ops.Log, ops.Round), SeriesGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)
def execute_log_series_gb_series_gb(op, left, right, **kwargs):
result = execute_node(op, left.obj, right.obj, **kwargs)
return result.groupby(left.grouper.groupings)
@execute_node.register(ops.Not, pd.Series)
def execute_not_series(op, data, **kwargs):
return ~data
@execute_node.register(ops.NullIfZero, pd.Series)
def execute_null_if_zero_series(op, data, **kwargs):
return data.where(data != 0, np.nan)
@execute_node.register(ops.StringSplit, pd.Series, (pd.Series, str))
def execute_string_split(op, data, delimiter, **kwargs):
return data.str.split(delimiter)
(pd.Series, numbers.Real, str, datetime.datetime),
(pd.Series, numbers.Real, str, datetime.datetime),
def execute_between(op, data, lower, upper, **kwargs):
return data.between(lower, upper)
@execute_node.register(ops.DistinctColumn, pd.Series)
def execute_series_distinct(op, data, **kwargs):
return pd.Series(data.unique(),
@execute_node.register(ops.Union, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, bool)
def execute_union_dataframe_dataframe(op, left, right, distinct, **kwargs):
result = pd.concat([left, right], axis=0)
return result.drop_duplicates() if distinct else result
@execute_node.register(ops.IsNull, pd.Series)
def execute_series_isnull(op, data, **kwargs):
return data.isnull()
@execute_node.register(ops.NotNull, pd.Series)
def execute_series_notnnull(op, data, **kwargs):
return data.notnull()
@execute_node.register(ops.IsNan, (pd.Series, floating_types))
def execute_isnan(op, data, **kwargs):
return np.isnan(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.IsInf, (pd.Series, floating_types))
def execute_isinf(op, data, **kwargs):
return np.isinf(data)
@execute_node.register(ops.SelfReference, pd.DataFrame)
def execute_node_self_reference_dataframe(op, data, **kwargs):
return data
def execute_node_value_list(op, _, **kwargs):
return [execute(arg, **kwargs) for arg in op.values]
def execute_node_string_concat(op, args, **kwargs):
return functools.reduce(operator.add, args)
def execute_node_string_join(op, args, **kwargs):
return op.sep.join(args)
ops.Contains, pd.Series, (,
def execute_node_contains_series_sequence(op, data, elements, **kwargs):
return data.isin(elements)
ops.NotContains, pd.Series, (,
def execute_node_not_contains_series_sequence(op, data, elements, **kwargs):
return ~data.isin(elements)
# Series, Series, Series
# Series, Series, scalar
@execute_node.register(ops.Where, pd.Series, pd.Series, pd.Series)
@execute_node.register(ops.Where, pd.Series, pd.Series, scalar_types)
def execute_node_where_series_series_series(op, cond, true, false, **kwargs):
# No need to turn false into a series, pandas will broadcast it
return true.where(cond, other=false)
# Series, scalar, Series
def execute_node_where_series_scalar_scalar(op, cond, true, false, **kwargs):
return pd.Series(np.repeat(true, len(cond))).where(cond, other=false)
# Series, scalar, scalar
for scalar_type in scalar_types:
execute_node_where_series_scalar_scalar = execute_node.register(
ops.Where, pd.Series, scalar_type, scalar_type
# scalar, Series, Series
@execute_node.register(ops.Where, boolean_types, pd.Series, pd.Series)
def execute_node_where_scalar_scalar_scalar(op, cond, true, false, **kwargs):
# Note that it is not necessary to check that true and false are also
# scalars. This allows users to do things like:
# ibis.where(even_or_odd_bool, [2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5])
return true if cond else false
# scalar, scalar, scalar
for scalar_type in scalar_types:
execute_node_where_scalar_scalar_scalar = execute_node.register(
ops.Where, boolean_types, scalar_type, scalar_type
# scalar, Series, scalar
@execute_node.register(ops.Where, boolean_types, pd.Series, scalar_types)
def execute_node_where_scalar_series_scalar(op, cond, true, false, **kwargs):
return (
if cond
else pd.Series(np.repeat(false, len(true)), index=true.index)
# scalar, scalar, Series
@execute_node.register(ops.Where, boolean_types, scalar_types, pd.Series)
def execute_node_where_scalar_scalar_series(op, cond, true, false, **kwargs):
return pd.Series(np.repeat(true, len(false))) if cond else false
ibis.pandas.client.PandasTable, ibis.pandas.client.PandasClient
def execute_database_table_client(op, client, **kwargs):
return client.dictionary[]
ops.Floor: math.floor,
ops.Ln: math.log,
ops.Log2: lambda x: math.log(x, 2),
ops.Log10: math.log10,
ops.Exp: math.exp,
ops.Sqrt: math.sqrt,
ops.Abs: abs,
ops.Ceil: math.ceil,
ops.Sign: lambda x: 0 if not x else -1 if x < 0 else 1,
@execute_node.register(MATH_FUNCTION_TYPES, numeric_types)
def execute_node_math_function_number(op, value, **kwargs):
return MATH_FUNCTIONS[type(op)](value)
@execute_node.register(ops.Log, numeric_types, numeric_types)
def execute_node_log_number_number(op, value, base, **kwargs):
return math.log(value, base)
@execute_node.register(ops.IfNull, pd.Series, simple_types)
@execute_node.register(ops.IfNull, pd.Series, pd.Series)
def execute_node_ifnull_series(op, value, replacement, **kwargs):
return value.fillna(replacement)
@execute_node.register(ops.IfNull, simple_types, pd.Series)
def execute_node_ifnull_scalar_series(op, value, replacement, **kwargs):
return (
if pd.isnull(value)
else pd.Series(value, index=replacement.index)
@execute_node.register(ops.IfNull, simple_types, simple_types)
def execute_node_if_scalars(op, value, replacement, **kwargs):
return replacement if pd.isnull(value) else value
@execute_node.register(ops.NullIf, simple_types, simple_types)
def execute_node_nullif_scalars(op, value1, value2, **kwargs):
return np.nan if value1 == value2 else value1
@execute_node.register(ops.NullIf, pd.Series, pd.Series)
def execute_node_nullif_series(op, series1, series2, **kwargs):
return series1.where(series1 != series2)
@execute_node.register(ops.NullIf, pd.Series, simple_types)
def execute_node_nullif_series_scalar(op, series, value, **kwargs):
return series.where(series != value)
@execute_node.register(ops.NullIf, simple_types, pd.Series)
def execute_node_nullif_scalar_series(op, value, series, **kwargs):
return pd.Series(
np.where(series.values == value, np.nan, value), index=series.index
def coalesce(values):
return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x if not pd.isnull(x) else y, values)
def promote_to_sequence(length, obj):
return obj.values if isinstance(obj, pd.Series) else np.repeat(obj, length)
def compute_row_reduction(func, value, **kwargs):
final_sizes = {len(x) for x in value if isinstance(x, Sized)}
if not final_sizes:
return func(value)
final_size, = final_sizes
raw = func(list(map(promote_to_sequence(final_size), value)), **kwargs)
return pd.Series(raw).squeeze()
def execute_node_greatest_list(op, value, **kwargs):
return compute_row_reduction(np.maximum.reduce, value, axis=0)
def execute_node_least_list(op, value, **kwargs):
return compute_row_reduction(np.minimum.reduce, value, axis=0)
def execute_node_coalesce(op, values, **kwargs):
# TODO: this is slow
return compute_row_reduction(coalesce, values)
def execute_node_expr_list(op, sequence, **kwargs):
# TODO: no true approx count distinct for pandas, so we use exact for now
columns = [e.get_name() for e in op.exprs]
schema = ibis.schema(list(zip(columns, (e.type() for e in op.exprs))))
data = {col: [execute(el, **kwargs)] for col, el in zip(columns, sequence)}
return schema.apply_to(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns))
def wrap_case_result(raw, expr):
"""Wrap a CASE statement result in a Series and handle returning scalars.
raw : ndarray[T]
The raw results of executing the ``CASE`` expression
expr : ValueExpr
The expression from the which `raw` was computed
Union[scalar, Series]
raw_1d = np.atleast_1d(raw)
if np.any(pd.isnull(raw_1d)):
result = pd.Series(raw_1d)
result = pd.Series(
raw_1d, dtype=constants.IBIS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_TYPE[expr.type()]
if result.size == 1 and isinstance(expr, ir.ScalarExpr):
return result.item()
return result
@execute_node.register(ops.SearchedCase, list, list, object)
def execute_searched_case(op, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
if otherwise is None:
otherwise = np.nan
raw =, thens, otherwise)
return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
@execute_node.register(ops.SimpleCase, object, list, list, object)
def execute_simple_case_scalar(op, value, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
if otherwise is None:
otherwise = np.nan
raw = == value, thens, otherwise)
return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
@execute_node.register(ops.SimpleCase, pd.Series, list, list, object)
def execute_simple_case_series(op, value, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
if otherwise is None:
otherwise = np.nan
raw =[value == when for when in whens], thens, otherwise)
return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
@execute_node.register(ops.Distinct, pd.DataFrame)
def execute_distinct_dataframe(op, df, **kwargs):
return df.drop_duplicates()
| apache-2.0 |
aerospaceresearch/SiqNAL | Modules/ | 2 | 2245 | """
**Author :** *Jay Krishna*
This module computes the fourier transform, fourier transform power & inverse
fourier transform of the signal.
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift, ifft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def CalcFourier(signal):
This function calculates the fourier transform of a signal. The fourier transform's
zero frequency is shifted to the centre of the spectrum.
signal : ndarray
Numpy complex array of signal.
transform : ndarray
Numpy array of computed fourier transform.
transform = fftshift(fft(signal))
return transform
def CalcFourierPower(signal, fs, fc):
This function calculates the power of fourier transform of a signal in each frequency bin.
signal : ndarray
Numpy complex array of signal.
fs : float
Sampling frequency of the signal.
fc : float
Centre frequency of the signal.
frequency : ndarray
Numpy array of values of frequencies present in the signal.
transform : ndarray
Numpy array of computed fourier transform.
step = 1 / fs
pole = fs
value = np.absolute(signal)
transform = 20 * np.log10(value)
N = transform.shape[0]
frequency = np.arange((-1 * pole) / 2 + fc, pole / 2 + fc, fs / N)
return frequency, transform
def CalcIFourier(signal):
This function calculates the inverse fourier transform of a signal. The fourier transform's
zero frequency is shifted to the left of the spectrum.
signal : ndarray
Numpy complex array of signal.
isignal : ndarray
Numpy array of computed inverse fourier transform.
isignal = ifft(fftshift(signal))
return isignal
| mit |
vamsirajendra/nupic | external/linux32/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ | 69 | 28764 | """
The image module supports basic image loading, rescaling and display
from __future__ import division
import os, warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib import artist as martist
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
from matplotlib import cm
# For clarity, names from _image are given explicitly in this module:
from matplotlib import _image
from matplotlib import _png
# For user convenience, the names from _image are also imported into
# the image namespace:
from matplotlib._image import *
class AxesImage(martist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
zorder = 1
# map interpolation strings to module constants
_interpd = {
'nearest' : _image.NEAREST,
'bilinear' : _image.BILINEAR,
'bicubic' : _image.BICUBIC,
'spline16' : _image.SPLINE16,
'spline36' : _image.SPLINE36,
'hanning' : _image.HANNING,
'hamming' : _image.HAMMING,
'hermite' : _image.HERMITE,
'kaiser' : _image.KAISER,
'quadric' : _image.QUADRIC,
'catrom' : _image.CATROM,
'gaussian' : _image.GAUSSIAN,
'bessel' : _image.BESSEL,
'mitchell' : _image.MITCHELL,
'sinc' : _image.SINC,
'lanczos' : _image.LANCZOS,
'blackman' : _image.BLACKMAN,
# reverse interp dict
_interpdr = dict([ (v,k) for k,v in _interpd.items()])
interpnames = _interpd.keys()
def __str__(self):
return "AxesImage(%g,%g;%gx%g)" % tuple(self.axes.bbox.bounds)
def __init__(self, ax,
cmap = None,
norm = None,
resample = False,
interpolation and cmap default to their rc settings
cmap is a colors.Colormap instance
norm is a colors.Normalize instance to map luminance to 0-1
extent is data axes (left, right, bottom, top) for making image plots
registered with data plots. Default is to label the pixel
centers with the zero-based row and column indices.
Additional kwargs are matplotlib.artist properties
cm.ScalarMappable.__init__(self, norm, cmap)
if origin is None: origin = rcParams['image.origin']
self.origin = origin
self._extent = extent
self._filterrad = filterrad
self.axes = ax
self._imcache = None
def get_size(self):
'Get the numrows, numcols of the input image'
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array')
return self._A.shape[:2]
def set_alpha(self, alpha):
Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on
all backends
ACCEPTS: float
martist.Artist.set_alpha(self, alpha)
self._imcache = None
def changed(self):
Call this whenever the mappable is changed so observers can
update state
self._imcache = None
self._rgbacache = None
def make_image(self, magnification=1.0):
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array or the image attribute')
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.get_extent()
dxintv = xmax-xmin
dyintv = ymax-ymin
# the viewport scale factor
sx = dxintv/self.axes.viewLim.width
sy = dyintv/self.axes.viewLim.height
numrows, numcols = self._A.shape[:2]
if sx > 2:
x0 = (self.axes.viewLim.x0-xmin)/dxintv * numcols
ix0 = max(0, int(x0 - self._filterrad))
x1 = (self.axes.viewLim.x1-xmin)/dxintv * numcols
ix1 = min(numcols, int(x1 + self._filterrad))
xslice = slice(ix0, ix1)
xmin_old = xmin
xmin = xmin_old + ix0*dxintv/numcols
xmax = xmin_old + ix1*dxintv/numcols
dxintv = xmax - xmin
sx = dxintv/self.axes.viewLim.width
xslice = slice(0, numcols)
if sy > 2:
y0 = (self.axes.viewLim.y0-ymin)/dyintv * numrows
iy0 = max(0, int(y0 - self._filterrad))
y1 = (self.axes.viewLim.y1-ymin)/dyintv * numrows
iy1 = min(numrows, int(y1 + self._filterrad))
if self.origin == 'upper':
yslice = slice(numrows-iy1, numrows-iy0)
yslice = slice(iy0, iy1)
ymin_old = ymin
ymin = ymin_old + iy0*dyintv/numrows
ymax = ymin_old + iy1*dyintv/numrows
dyintv = ymax - ymin
sy = dyintv/self.axes.viewLim.height
yslice = slice(0, numrows)
if xslice != self._oldxslice or yslice != self._oldyslice:
self._imcache = None
self._oldxslice = xslice
self._oldyslice = yslice
if self._imcache is None:
if self._A.dtype == np.uint8 and len(self._A.shape) == 3:
im = _image.frombyte(self._A[yslice,xslice,:], 0)
im.is_grayscale = False
if self._rgbacache is None:
x = self.to_rgba(self._A, self._alpha)
self._rgbacache = x
x = self._rgbacache
im = _image.fromarray(x[yslice,xslice], 0)
if len(self._A.shape) == 2:
im.is_grayscale = self.cmap.is_gray()
im.is_grayscale = False
self._imcache = im
if self.origin=='upper':
im = self._imcache
fc = self.axes.patch.get_facecolor()
bg = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba(fc, 0)
im.set_bg( *bg)
# image input dimensions
numrows, numcols = im.get_size()
# the viewport translation
tx = (xmin-self.axes.viewLim.x0)/dxintv * numcols
ty = (ymin-self.axes.viewLim.y0)/dyintv * numrows
l, b, r, t = self.axes.bbox.extents
widthDisplay = (round(r) + 0.5) - (round(l) - 0.5)
heightDisplay = (round(t) + 0.5) - (round(b) - 0.5)
widthDisplay *= magnification
heightDisplay *= magnification
im.apply_translation(tx, ty)
# resize viewport to display
rx = widthDisplay / numcols
ry = heightDisplay / numrows
im.apply_scaling(rx*sx, ry*sy)
im.resize(int(widthDisplay+0.5), int(heightDisplay+0.5),
norm=self._filternorm, radius=self._filterrad)
return im
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.get_visible(): return
if (self.axes.get_xscale() != 'linear' or
self.axes.get_yscale() != 'linear'):
warnings.warn("Images are not supported on non-linear axes.")
im = self.make_image(renderer.get_image_magnification())
im._url = self.get_url()
l, b, widthDisplay, heightDisplay = self.axes.bbox.bounds
clippath, affine = self.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine()
renderer.draw_image(round(l), round(b), im, self.axes.bbox.frozen(),
clippath, affine)
def contains(self, mouseevent):
"""Test whether the mouse event occured within the image.
if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent)
# TODO: make sure this is consistent with patch and patch
# collection on nonlinear transformed coordinates.
# TODO: consider returning image coordinates (shouldn't
# be too difficult given that the image is rectilinear
x, y = mouseevent.xdata, mouseevent.ydata
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.get_extent()
if xmin > xmax:
xmin,xmax = xmax,xmin
if ymin > ymax:
ymin,ymax = ymax,ymin
#print x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
if x is not None and y is not None:
inside = x>=xmin and x<=xmax and y>=ymin and y<=ymax
inside = False
return inside,{}
def write_png(self, fname, noscale=False):
"""Write the image to png file with fname"""
im = self.make_image()
if noscale:
numrows, numcols = im.get_size()
im.resize(numcols, numrows)
rows, cols, buffer = im.as_rgba_str()
_png.write_png(buffer, cols, rows, fname)
def set_data(self, A, shape=None):
Set the image array
ACCEPTS: numpy/PIL Image A"""
# check if data is PIL Image without importing Image
if hasattr(A,'getpixel'):
self._A = pil_to_array(A)
elif ma.isMA(A):
self._A = A
self._A = np.asarray(A) # assume array
if self._A.dtype != np.uint8 and not np.can_cast(self._A.dtype, np.float):
raise TypeError("Image data can not convert to float")
if (self._A.ndim not in (2, 3) or
(self._A.ndim == 3 and self._A.shape[-1] not in (3, 4))):
raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data")
self._imcache =None
self._rgbacache = None
self._oldxslice = None
self._oldyslice = None
def set_array(self, A):
retained for backwards compatibility - use set_data instead
ACCEPTS: numpy array A or PIL Image"""
# This also needs to be here to override the inherited
# cm.ScalarMappable.set_array method so it is not invoked
# by mistake.
def set_extent(self, extent):
"""extent is data axes (left, right, bottom, top) for making image plots
self._extent = extent
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
corners = (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)
if self.axes._autoscaleon:
self.axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
self.axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))
def get_interpolation(self):
Return the interpolation method the image uses when resizing.
One of 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning',
'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian',
'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos',
return self._interpolation
def set_interpolation(self, s):
Set the interpolation method the image uses when resizing.
ACCEPTS: ['nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'bicubic' | 'spline16' |
'spline36' | 'hanning' | 'hamming' | 'hermite' | 'kaiser' |
'quadric' | 'catrom' | 'gaussian' | 'bessel' | 'mitchell' |
'sinc' | 'lanczos' | ]
if s is None: s = rcParams['image.interpolation']
s = s.lower()
if s not in self._interpd:
raise ValueError('Illegal interpolation string')
self._interpolation = s
def set_resample(self, v):
if v is None: v = rcParams['image.resample']
self._resample = v
def get_interpolation(self):
return self._resample
def get_extent(self):
'get the image extent: left, right, bottom, top'
if self._extent is not None:
return self._extent
sz = self.get_size()
#print 'sz', sz
numrows, numcols = sz
if self.origin == 'upper':
return (-0.5, numcols-0.5, numrows-0.5, -0.5)
return (-0.5, numcols-0.5, -0.5, numrows-0.5)
def set_filternorm(self, filternorm):
"""Set whether the resize filter norms the weights -- see
help for imshow
ACCEPTS: 0 or 1
if filternorm:
self._filternorm = 1
self._filternorm = 0
def get_filternorm(self):
'return the filternorm setting'
return self._filternorm
def set_filterrad(self, filterrad):
"""Set the resize filter radius only applicable to some
interpolation schemes -- see help for imshow
ACCEPTS: positive float
r = float(filterrad)
self._filterrad = r
def get_filterrad(self):
'return the filterrad setting'
return self._filterrad
class NonUniformImage(AxesImage):
def __init__(self, ax,
interp = kwargs.pop('interpolation', 'nearest')
AxesImage.__init__(self, ax,
AxesImage.set_interpolation(self, interp)
def make_image(self, magnification=1.0):
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array')
x0, y0, v_width, v_height = self.axes.viewLim.bounds
l, b, r, t = self.axes.bbox.extents
width = (round(r) + 0.5) - (round(l) - 0.5)
height = (round(t) + 0.5) - (round(b) - 0.5)
width *= magnification
height *= magnification
im = _image.pcolor(self._Ax, self._Ay, self._A,
height, width,
(x0, x0+v_width, y0, y0+v_height),
fc = self.axes.patch.get_facecolor()
bg = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba(fc, 0)
im.is_grayscale = self.is_grayscale
return im
def set_data(self, x, y, A):
x = np.asarray(x,np.float32)
y = np.asarray(y,np.float32)
if not ma.isMA(A):
A = np.asarray(A)
if len(x.shape) != 1 or len(y.shape) != 1\
or A.shape[0:2] != (y.shape[0], x.shape[0]):
raise TypeError("Axes don't match array shape")
if len(A.shape) not in [2, 3]:
raise TypeError("Can only plot 2D or 3D data")
if len(A.shape) == 3 and A.shape[2] not in [1, 3, 4]:
raise TypeError("3D arrays must have three (RGB) or four (RGBA) color components")
if len(A.shape) == 3 and A.shape[2] == 1:
A.shape = A.shape[0:2]
if len(A.shape) == 2:
if A.dtype != np.uint8:
A = (self.cmap(self.norm(A))*255).astype(np.uint8)
self.is_grayscale = self.cmap.is_gray()
A = np.repeat(A[:,:,np.newaxis], 4, 2)
A[:,:,3] = 255
self.is_grayscale = True
if A.dtype != np.uint8:
A = (255*A).astype(np.uint8)
if A.shape[2] == 3:
B = zeros(tuple(list(A.shape[0:2]) + [4]), np.uint8)
B[:,:,0:3] = A
B[:,:,3] = 255
A = B
self.is_grayscale = False
self._A = A
self._Ax = x
self._Ay = y
self._imcache = None
def set_array(self, *args):
raise NotImplementedError('Method not supported')
def set_interpolation(self, s):
if s != None and not s in ('nearest','bilinear'):
raise NotImplementedError('Only nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolations are supported')
AxesImage.set_interpolation(self, s)
def get_extent(self):
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('Must set data first')
return self._Ax[0], self._Ax[-1], self._Ay[0], self._Ay[-1]
def set_filternorm(self, s):
def set_filterrad(self, s):
def set_norm(self, norm):
if self._A is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot change colors after loading data')
cm.ScalarMappable.set_norm(self, norm)
def set_cmap(self, cmap):
if self._A is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot change colors after loading data')
cm.ScalarMappable.set_cmap(self, norm)
class PcolorImage(martist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
Make a pcolor-style plot with an irregular rectangular grid.
This uses a variation of the original irregular image code,
and it is used by pcolorfast for the corresponding grid type.
def __init__(self, ax,
cmap = None,
norm = None,
cmap defaults to its rc setting
cmap is a colors.Colormap instance
norm is a colors.Normalize instance to map luminance to 0-1
Additional kwargs are matplotlib.artist properties
cm.ScalarMappable.__init__(self, norm, cmap)
self.axes = ax
self._rgbacache = None
self.set_data(x, y, A)
def make_image(self, magnification=1.0):
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array')
fc = self.axes.patch.get_facecolor()
bg = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba(fc, 0)
bg = (np.array(bg)*255).astype(np.uint8)
l, b, r, t = self.axes.bbox.extents
width = (round(r) + 0.5) - (round(l) - 0.5)
height = (round(t) + 0.5) - (round(b) - 0.5)
width = width * magnification
height = height * magnification
if self.check_update('array'):
A = self.to_rgba(self._A, alpha=self._alpha, bytes=True)
self._rgbacache = A
if self._A.ndim == 2:
self.is_grayscale = self.cmap.is_gray()
A = self._rgbacache
vl = self.axes.viewLim
im = _image.pcolor2(self._Ax, self._Ay, A,
(vl.x0, vl.x1, vl.y0, vl.y1),
im.is_grayscale = self.is_grayscale
return im
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.get_visible(): return
im = self.make_image(renderer.get_image_magnification())
def set_data(self, x, y, A):
if not ma.isMA(A):
A = np.asarray(A)
if x is None:
x = np.arange(0, A.shape[1]+1, dtype=np.float64)
x = np.asarray(x, np.float64).ravel()
if y is None:
y = np.arange(0, A.shape[0]+1, dtype=np.float64)
y = np.asarray(y, np.float64).ravel()
if A.shape[:2] != (y.size-1, x.size-1):
print A.shape
print y.size
print x.size
raise ValueError("Axes don't match array shape")
if A.ndim not in [2, 3]:
raise ValueError("A must be 2D or 3D")
if A.ndim == 3 and A.shape[2] == 1:
A.shape = A.shape[:2]
self.is_grayscale = False
if A.ndim == 3:
if A.shape[2] in [3, 4]:
if (A[:,:,0] == A[:,:,1]).all() and (A[:,:,0] == A[:,:,2]).all():
self.is_grayscale = True
raise ValueError("3D arrays must have RGB or RGBA as last dim")
self._A = A
self._Ax = x
self._Ay = y
self.update_dict['array'] = True
def set_array(self, *args):
raise NotImplementedError('Method not supported')
def set_alpha(self, alpha):
Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on
all backends
ACCEPTS: float
martist.Artist.set_alpha(self, alpha)
self.update_dict['array'] = True
class FigureImage(martist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
zorder = 1
def __init__(self, fig,
cmap = None,
norm = None,
offsetx = 0,
offsety = 0,
cmap is a colors.Colormap instance
norm is a colors.Normalize instance to map luminance to 0-1
kwargs are an optional list of Artist keyword args
cm.ScalarMappable.__init__(self, norm, cmap)
if origin is None: origin = rcParams['image.origin']
self.origin = origin
self.figure = fig
self.ox = offsetx
self.oy = offsety
self.magnification = 1.0
def contains(self, mouseevent):
"""Test whether the mouse event occured within the image.
if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.get_extent()
xdata, ydata = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
#print xdata, ydata, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
if xdata is not None and ydata is not None:
inside = xdata>=xmin and xdata<=xmax and ydata>=ymin and ydata<=ymax
inside = False
return inside,{}
def get_size(self):
'Get the numrows, numcols of the input image'
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array')
return self._A.shape[:2]
def get_extent(self):
'get the image extent: left, right, bottom, top'
numrows, numcols = self.get_size()
return (-0.5+self.ox, numcols-0.5+self.ox,
-0.5+self.oy, numrows-0.5+self.oy)
def make_image(self, magnification=1.0):
if self._A is None:
raise RuntimeError('You must first set the image array')
x = self.to_rgba(self._A, self._alpha)
self.magnification = magnification
# if magnification is not one, we need to resize
ismag = magnification!=1
#if ismag: raise RuntimeError
if ismag:
isoutput = 0
isoutput = 1
im = _image.fromarray(x, isoutput)
fc = self.figure.get_facecolor()
im.set_bg( *mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba(fc, 0) )
im.is_grayscale = ( == "gray" and
len(self._A.shape) == 2)
if ismag:
numrows, numcols = self.get_size()
numrows *= magnification
numcols *= magnification
im.resize(numcols, numrows)
if self.origin=='upper':
return im
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.get_visible(): return
# todo: we should be able to do some cacheing here
im = self.make_image(renderer.get_image_magnification())
renderer.draw_image(round(self.ox), round(self.oy), im, self.figure.bbox,
def write_png(self, fname):
"""Write the image to png file with fname"""
im = self.make_image()
rows, cols, buffer = im.as_rgba_str()
_png.write_png(buffer, cols, rows, fname)
def imread(fname):
Return image file in *fname* as :class:`numpy.array`.
Return value is a :class:`numpy.array`. For grayscale images, the
return array is MxN. For RGB images, the return value is MxNx3.
For RGBA images the return value is MxNx4.
matplotlib can only read PNGs natively, but if `PIL
<>`_ is installed, it will
use it to load the image and return an array (if possible) which
can be used with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`.
TODO: support RGB and grayscale return values in _image.readpng
def pilread():
'try to load the image with PIL or return None'
try: import Image
except ImportError: return None
image = fname )
return pil_to_array(image)
handlers = {'png' :_png.read_png,
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
ext = ext.lower()[1:]
if ext not in handlers.keys():
im = pilread()
if im is None:
raise ValueError('Only know how to handle extensions: %s; with PIL installed matplotlib can handle more images' % handlers.keys())
return im
handler = handlers[ext]
return handler(fname)
def pil_to_array( pilImage ):
load a PIL image and return it as a numpy array of uint8. For
grayscale images, the return array is MxN. For RGB images, the
return value is MxNx3. For RGBA images the return value is MxNx4
def toarray(im):
'return a 1D array of floats'
x_str = im.tostring('raw',im.mode,0,-1)
x = np.fromstring(x_str,np.uint8)
return x
if pilImage.mode in ('RGBA', 'RGBX'):
im = pilImage # no need to convert images
elif pilImage.mode=='L':
im = pilImage # no need to luminance images
# return MxN luminance array
x = toarray(im)
x.shape = im.size[1], im.size[0]
return x
elif pilImage.mode=='RGB':
#return MxNx3 RGB array
im = pilImage # no need to RGB images
x = toarray(im)
x.shape = im.size[1], im.size[0], 3
return x
else: # try to convert to an rgba image
im = pilImage.convert('RGBA')
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown image mode')
# return MxNx4 RGBA array
x = toarray(im)
x.shape = im.size[1], im.size[0], 4
return x
def thumbnail(infile, thumbfile, scale=0.1, interpolation='bilinear',
make a thumbnail of image in *infile* with output filename
*infile* the image file -- must be PNG or PIL readable if you
have `PIL <>`_ installed
the thumbnail filename
the scale factor for the thumbnail
the interpolation scheme used in the resampling
if True, the default backend (presumably a user interface
backend) will be used which will cause a figure to be raised
if :func:`` is called. If it is False,
a pure image backend will be used depending on the extension,
'png'->FigureCanvasAgg, 'pdf'->FigureCanvasPDF,
See examples/misc/
.. htmlonly::
Return value is the figure instance containing the thumbnail
basedir, basename = os.path.split(infile)
baseout, extout = os.path.splitext(thumbfile)
im = imread(infile)
rows, cols, depth = im.shape
# this doesn't really matter, it will cancel in the end, but we
# need it for the mpl API
dpi = 100
height = float(rows)/dpi*scale
width = float(cols)/dpi*scale
extension = extout.lower()
if preview:
# let the UI backend do everything
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)
if extension=='.png':
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
elif extension=='.pdf':
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import FigureCanvasPDF as FigureCanvas
elif extension=='.svg':
from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import FigureCanvasSVG as FigureCanvas
raise ValueError("Can only handle extensions 'png', 'svg' or 'pdf'")
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1], aspect='auto', frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
ax.imshow(im, aspect='auto', resample=True, interpolation='bilinear')
fig.savefig(thumbfile, dpi=dpi)
return fig
| agpl-3.0 |
ssaeger/scikit-learn | benchmarks/ | 397 | 8900 | """
Random projection benchmark
Benchmarks for random projections.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import gc
import sys
import optparse
from datetime import datetime
import collections
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.externals.six.moves import xrange
from sklearn.random_projection import (SparseRandomProjection,
def type_auto_or_float(val):
if val == "auto":
return "auto"
return float(val)
def type_auto_or_int(val):
if val == "auto":
return "auto"
return int(val)
def compute_time(t_start, delta):
mu_second = 0.0 + 10 ** 6 # number of microseconds in a second
return delta.seconds + delta.microseconds / mu_second
def bench_scikit_transformer(X, transfomer):
clf = clone(transfomer)
# start time
t_start =
delta = ( - t_start)
# stop time
time_to_fit = compute_time(t_start, delta)
# start time
t_start =
delta = ( - t_start)
# stop time
time_to_transform = compute_time(t_start, delta)
return time_to_fit, time_to_transform
# Make some random data with uniformly located non zero entries with
# Gaussian distributed values
def make_sparse_random_data(n_samples, n_features, n_nonzeros,
rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
data_coo = sp.coo_matrix(
(rng.randint(n_samples, size=n_nonzeros),
rng.randint(n_features, size=n_nonzeros))),
shape=(n_samples, n_features))
return data_coo.toarray(), data_coo.tocsr()
def print_row(clf_type, time_fit, time_transform):
print("%s | %s | %s" % (clf_type.ljust(30),
("%.4fs" % time_fit).center(12),
("%.4fs" % time_transform).center(12)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Option parser
op = optparse.OptionParser()
dest="n_times", default=5, type=int,
help="Benchmark results are average over n_times experiments")
dest="n_features", default=10 ** 4, type=int,
help="Number of features in the benchmarks")
dest="n_components", default="auto",
help="Size of the random subspace."
" ('auto' or int > 0)")
dest="ratio_nonzeros", default=10 ** -3, type=float,
help="Number of features in the benchmarks")
dest="n_samples", default=500, type=int,
help="Number of samples in the benchmarks")
dest="random_seed", default=13, type=int,
help="Seed used by the random number generators.")
dest="density", default=1 / 3,
help="Density used by the sparse random projection."
" ('auto' or float (0.0, 1.0]")
dest="eps", default=0.5, type=float,
help="See the documentation of the underlying transformers.")
help="Comma-separated list of transformer to benchmark. "
"Default: %default. Available: "
help="Set input space as a dense matrix.")
(opts, args) = op.parse_args()
if len(args) > 0:
op.error("this script takes no arguments.")
opts.n_components = type_auto_or_int(opts.n_components)
opts.density = type_auto_or_float(opts.density)
selected_transformers = opts.selected_transformers.split(',')
# Generate dataset
n_nonzeros = int(opts.ratio_nonzeros * opts.n_features)
print('Dataset statics')
print('n_samples \t= %s' % opts.n_samples)
print('n_features \t= %s' % opts.n_features)
if opts.n_components == "auto":
print('n_components \t= %s (auto)' %
print('n_components \t= %s' % opts.n_components)
print('n_elements \t= %s' % (opts.n_features * opts.n_samples))
print('n_nonzeros \t= %s per feature' % n_nonzeros)
print('ratio_nonzeros \t= %s' % opts.ratio_nonzeros)
# Set transformer input
transformers = {}
# Set GaussianRandomProjection input
gaussian_matrix_params = {
"n_components": opts.n_components,
"random_state": opts.random_seed
transformers["GaussianRandomProjection"] = \
# Set SparseRandomProjection input
sparse_matrix_params = {
"n_components": opts.n_components,
"random_state": opts.random_seed,
"density": opts.density,
"eps": opts.eps,
transformers["SparseRandomProjection"] = \
# Perform benchmark
time_fit = collections.defaultdict(list)
time_transform = collections.defaultdict(list)
print("Generate dataset benchmarks... ", end="")
X_dense, X_sparse = make_sparse_random_data(opts.n_samples,
X = X_dense if opts.dense else X_sparse
for name in selected_transformers:
print("Perform benchmarks for %s..." % name)
for iteration in xrange(opts.n_times):
print("\titer %s..." % iteration, end="")
time_to_fit, time_to_transform = bench_scikit_transformer(X_dense,
# Print results
print("Script arguments")
arguments = vars(opts)
print("%s \t | %s " % ("Arguments".ljust(16),
print(25 * "-" + ("|" + "-" * 14) * 1)
for key, value in arguments.items():
print("%s \t | %s " % (str(key).ljust(16),
print("Transformer performance:")
print("Results are averaged over %s repetition(s)." % opts.n_times)
print("%s | %s | %s" % ("Transformer".ljust(30),
print(31 * "-" + ("|" + "-" * 14) * 2)
for name in sorted(selected_transformers):
| bsd-3-clause |
raghavrv/scikit-learn | examples/ensemble/ | 392 | 2114 | """
Prediction Intervals for Gradient Boosting Regression
This example shows how quantile regression can be used
to create prediction intervals.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
def f(x):
"""The function to predict."""
return x * np.sin(x)
# First the noiseless case
X = np.atleast_2d(np.random.uniform(0, 10.0, size=100)).T
X = X.astype(np.float32)
# Observations
y = f(X).ravel()
dy = 1.5 + 1.0 * np.random.random(y.shape)
noise = np.random.normal(0, dy)
y += noise
y = y.astype(np.float32)
# Mesh the input space for evaluations of the real function, the prediction and
# its MSE
xx = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)).T
xx = xx.astype(np.float32)
alpha = 0.95
clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(loss='quantile', alpha=alpha,
n_estimators=250, max_depth=3,
learning_rate=.1, min_samples_leaf=9,
min_samples_split=9), y)
# Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis
y_upper = clf.predict(xx)
clf.set_params(alpha=1.0 - alpha), y)
# Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis
y_lower = clf.predict(xx)
clf.set_params(loss='ls'), y)
# Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis
y_pred = clf.predict(xx)
# Plot the function, the prediction and the 90% confidence interval based on
# the MSE
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(xx, f(xx), 'g:', label=u'$f(x) = x\,\sin(x)$')
plt.plot(X, y, 'b.', markersize=10, label=u'Observations')
plt.plot(xx, y_pred, 'r-', label=u'Prediction')
plt.plot(xx, y_upper, 'k-')
plt.plot(xx, y_lower, 'k-')
plt.fill(np.concatenate([xx, xx[::-1]]),
np.concatenate([y_upper, y_lower[::-1]]),
alpha=.5, fc='b', ec='None', label='90% prediction interval')
plt.ylim(-10, 20)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
| bsd-3-clause |
prheenan/Research | Personal/EventDetection/Util/ | 1 | 15554 | # force floating point division. Can still use integer with //
from __future__ import division
# This file is used for importing the common utilities classes.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys,os
from scipy import interpolate
from Research.Perkins.AnalysisUtil.ForceExtensionAnalysis import FEC_Util
from scipy.stats import norm
from GeneralUtil.python import CheckpointUtilities,GenUtilities,PlotUtilities
import csv,re
from IgorUtil.PythonAdapter import TimeSepForceObj,DataObj,ProcessSingleWave
class ForceExtensionCategory:
def __init__(self,number,directory=None,sample=None,velocity_nm_s=None,
self.category_number = number = directory
self.velocity_nm_s = velocity_nm_s
self.sample = sample
self.has_events = has_events = None
self.downsample_factor =downsample
self.scores = None
if (downsample is not None):
self.is_simulated = False
def set_scores(self,scores):
self.scores = scores
def set_data(self,data):
sets the pointer to the list of TimeSepForce objects for this category
data: list of TimeSepForce objects
""" = data
def _base_curated(data_base=None):
data_base: where the network drive lives.
the base to the curated data for the masters thesis
if (data_base is None):
data_base = FEC_Util.default_data_root()
network = data_base
base_directory = network + "/4Patrick/CuratedData/Masters_CSCI/"
return base_directory
def get_positives_directory(*args,**kwargs):
reads the (csv) file at file_path, cachine it to cache_directory,
reading in events
see _base_curated
positive categories base directory
base_directory = _base_curated(*args,**kwargs)
positives_directory = base_directory + "Positive/650nm-4x-bio/csv/"
return positives_directory
def get_protein_directory(*args,**kwargs):
the same as get_positives_directory, except for protein
see get_positives_directory
string to the protein base
base_directory = _base_curated(*args,**kwargs)
return base_directory + "Positive/4nug2_alpha3D_MarcAndre/csv/"
def read_and_cache_file(file_path,cache_directory,has_events=False,force=True):
reads the (csv) file at file_path, cachine it to cache_directory,
reading in events
file_path: where the file lives
cache_directory: where to cache the file
has_events: if this file has events
force: if true, force a read
TimeSepForce Object
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
cache_file = cache_directory + file_name+ ".pkl"
func_to_call = FEC_Util.read_time_sep_force_from_csv
return CheckpointUtilities.getCheckpoint(cache_file,func_to_call,force,
def get_category_data(r_obj,force,cache_directory,limit):
gets the data for a single category data, caching on a per-data basis
r_obj: the category object to use
others: see set_and_cache_category_data
list of time,sep,force objects to use
# restart the limit each category
limit_tmp = limit
data_in_category = []
# get the label for this dataset.
dir_v =
all_files = GenUtilities.getAllFiles(dir_v,ext=".csv")
kwargs =dict(cache_directory=cache_directory,
has_events = r_obj.has_events,force=force)
# reach all the files until we reach the limit
for f in all_files:
data_file_tmp = read_and_cache_file(f,**kwargs)
limit_tmp = limit_tmp - 1
if (limit_tmp <= 0):
return data_in_category
def set_and_cache_category_data(categories,force,cache_directory,limit):
loops through each category, reading in at most limit files per category,
caching the csv files to cache_directory
categories: list of ForceExtensionCategory objects. will have their
data set with the appropriate TimeSepForce objects
force: whether to force re-reading
cache_directory: where to save the files
limit: maximum number of files to each (per category)
nothing, but sets the data of set_categories
for i,r_obj in enumerate(categories):
data = get_category_data(r_obj,force,cache_directory,limit)
# set the data in this category
def category_read(category,force,cache_directory,limit,debugging=False):
Reads in all the data associated with a category
category: ForceExtensionCategory object
force: if true, force re-reading
cache_directory: if force is not true, where to re-read from
limit: maximum number to re-read
list of TimeSepForce objects
return get_category_data(category,force,cache_directory,limit)
except OSError as e:
if (not debugging):
if (category.category_number != 0):
return []
# just read in the files that live here XXX just for debugging
file_names = GenUtilities.getAllFiles(cache_directory,ext="csv.pkl")
all_files = [CheckpointUtilities.getCheckpoint(f,None,False)
for f in file_names]
return all_files
def simulated_read(downsample_from,category,limit):
a function which reads in the first [limit] force extension curves from
downsample_from, slicing the data by category.downsample_factor (assumed
> 1)
categories: list of categories to read in
force_read,cache_directory,limit): see Learning.get_cached_folds
n_step = int(category.downsample_factor)
tol = 1e-9
assert n_step > 1, "simulation should have downfactor > 1"
assert abs((n_step-int(n_step))) < tol,\
"simulation should have integer downfactor"
data = []
for l in range(limit):
tmp =[l]
slice_v = slice(0,None,n_step)
data_tmp = FEC_Util.MakeTimeSepForceFromSlice(tmp,slice_v)
return data
def read_categories(categories,force_read,cache_directory,limit):
a function to read in a most limit force-extension curves, caching as we go
categories: list of categories to read in
force_read,cache_directory,limit): see Learning.get_cached_folds
for c in categories:
# skip simulated categories initially
if (c.is_simulated):
data_tmp = category_read(c,force_read,cache_directory,limit)
# POST: actual data is set up. go ahead and get any simulated data
# get the lowest loading rate data to downsample
loading_rates_effective = [c.velocity_nm_s
if not c.is_simulated else np.inf
for c in categories]
highest_sampled_idx = np.argmin(loading_rates_effective)
# use the highest sampled
highest_sampled_category = categories[highest_sampled_idx]
for c in categories:
if (not c.is_simulated):
vel_eff = highest_sampled_category.velocity_nm_s*c.downsample_factor
c.velocity_nm_s = vel_eff
file_path = "{:s}_sim_{:.1f}".format(cache_directory,c.velocity_nm_s)
data_tmp = CheckpointUtilities.\
return categories
def protein_categories(base_directory=get_protein_directory()):
protein_meta = [ [base_directory,"NUG2",500]]
# create objects to represent our data categories
protein_categories = [ForceExtensionCategory(i,*r,has_events=True)
for i,r in enumerate(protein_meta)]
return protein_categories
def get_categories(positives_directory,use_simulated=False,only_lowest=False):
get all the categories associated with the loading rates we will use
positives_directory: base directory where things live
use_simualted: for timing experiments, create down-sampled data
only_lowest: if true, return only the lowest category
list of ForceExtensionCategory
# tuple of <relative directory,sample,velocity> for FEC with events
max_load = 1000
positive_meta = \
[[positives_directory + "1000-nanometers-per-second/","650nm DNA",max_load],
[positives_directory + "500-nanometers-per-second/","650nm DNA",500],
[positives_directory + "100-nanometers-per-second/","650nm DNA",100]]
if (only_lowest):
positive_meta = [positive_meta[0]]
# create objects to represent our data categories
positive_categories = [ForceExtensionCategory(i,*r,has_events=True)
for i,r in enumerate(positive_meta)]
if (use_simulated):
downsample_factors = sorted([2,3,4,10,20,100,1000])
kw = lambda i: dict(number=(len( positive_categories) + i))
simulated_categories = [ForceExtensionCategory(downsample=d,**kw(i))
for i,d in enumerate(downsample_factors)]
simulated_categories = []
return simulated_categories[::-1] + positive_categories
def get_events(file_name):
given a file formatted like an event file, reads them in
file_name: path to read.
list of tupels like <name of event, start index, end of index>
# get the file without the '.pxp' extension
f_no_ext = file_name[:-4]
# add on the suffix for the events ( by convention)
f_events = f_no_ext + "_events.txt"
# read in the (csv) file
assert os.path.isfile(f_events) , \
"Couldn't find event file for {:s}".format(f_events)
# POST: event file exists
# the syntax is <name,start of event, end of event> separated by commss
with open(f_events) as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
data = [ [str(r[0].strip()),int(r[1]),int(r[2])]
for r in spamreader]
return data
def read_single_directory_with_events(directory):
Reads in pxp files and their associated events
directory: where to read the pxp (each is assumed to have
pxp_files,data = FEC_Util.read_single_directory(directory)
# each pxp file should have events associated with it
events = [get_events(f) for f in pxp_files]
# create a tuple of everything...
combined = [(file_name,dat,ev) \
for file_name,dat,ev in zip(pxp_files,data,events)]
return combined
def get_id(x):
Gets the id associated with the string x
x: probably something like the name of a trace
id (e.g. Image0004_Force would give Image0004)
id_regexpr = r"""
(\D+ # any number of non-numbers
\d+) # any number of digits
\D?""" # anything *not* a digit
match = re.match(id_regexpr,x,re.VERBOSE)
assert match is not None , "Couldn't find id of {:s}".format(x)
def set_events_of_data(data,events):
sets the events of all the data traces
data: list of time_sep_force objects
events: list of <Trace Name, start,end> giving the events
nothing but sets the object's events appropriately
id_data = [get_id(d.Meta.Name) for d in data]
# possible the data was double-annotated; get rid of duplicate events
events_id_unique = ["".join(str(v) for v in e) for e in events]
_, idx = np.unique(events_id_unique,return_index=True)
events = [events[i] for i in idx]
# POST: each event in events is unique
id_events = [get_id(e[0]) for e in events]
# determine matches; may have multiple events
eq = lambda x,y: x == y
id_parity_check = []
data_to_ret = []
for idx_tmp,(id_data_tmp,d) in enumerate(zip(id_data,data)):
# find which index (in id_events) corresponds to id_data_tmp
# XXX quadratic time... small numbers (hundreds), dont care
matching_idx = [j for j,id_ev in enumerate(id_events)
if eq(id_ev,id_data_tmp)]
# make sure we have at least one event for the data...
if (len(matching_idx) == 0):
print("Couldnt find events for {:s}, removing".
# POST: have at least one
# get the actual events
events_matching = [events[i] for i in matching_idx]
# add the events to the TimeSepForce Object. Note that
# an event 'e' is like <name,start,end> so we just get the starts
# and ends
starts_and_ends = [e[1:] for e in events_matching]
Events = [TimeSepForceObj.Event(*s) for s in starts_and_ends]
# set the events of the data
assert len(id_parity_check) == len(set(id_parity_check)) , "Double jeopardy"
# POST: an event only mapped to one FEC_Util
n_events = len(id_events)
n_matched =len(id_parity_check)
if (n_matched < n_events):
unused = [events[i] for i in range(n_events)
if i not in id_parity_check]
print("Warning: The following events were unused: {:s}".format(unused))
print("{:d}/{:d} events matched".format(n_matched,n_events))
return data_to_ret
def output_waves_in_directory_to_csv_files(input_directory,output_directory):
reads all the waves from all pxp files in input_directory and outputs
as csv files
input_directory: where to search for pxp files
output_directory: where to put the csv files
Nothing, prints as it goes.
d,d_out = input_directory, output_directory
# make the output directory
# go through each PXP in this directory
print("Looking in {:s} for force-extension curves...".format(d))
files_data_events = read_single_directory_with_events(d)
n_curves = sum([len(d) for _,d,_ in files_data_events])
print("Found {:d} curves".format(n_curves))
for file_path,data,ev in files_data_events:
data = set_events_of_data(data,ev)
# POST: all data are set. go ahead and save them out.
n = len(data)
for i,dat in enumerate(data):
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
meta_name = dat.Meta.Name
output_path = d_out + file_name + meta_name+ ".csv"
print("\t Saving out {:s} ({:d}/{:d})".format(meta_name,i+1,n))
| gpl-3.0 |
birdsarah/bokeh | bokeh/sampledata/ | 45 | 1542 | '''
This module provides the periodic table as a data set. It exposes an attribute 'elements'
which is a pandas dataframe with the following fields
elements['atomic Number'] (units: g/cm^3)
elements['atomic mass'] (units: amu)
elements['CPK'] (convention for molecular modeling color)
elements['electronic configuration']
elements['electronegativity'] (units: Pauling)
elements['atomic radius'] (units: pm)
elements['ionic radius'] (units: pm)
elements['van der waals radius'] (units: pm)
elements['ionization enerygy'] (units: kJ/mol)
elements['electron affinity'] (units: kJ/mol)
elements['phase'] (standard state: solid, liquid, gas)
elements['bonding type']
elements['melting point'] (units: K)
elements['boiling point'] (units: K)
elements['density'] (units: g/cm^3)
elements['type'] (see below)
elements['year discovered']
element types: actinoid, alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, halogen, lanthanoid, metal, metalloid, noble gas, nonmetal, transition metalloid
from __future__ import absolute_import
from os.path import dirname, join
import pandas as pd
except ImportError as e:
raise RuntimeError("elements data requires pandas ( to be installed")
elements = pd.read_csv(join(dirname(__file__), 'elements.csv'))
| bsd-3-clause |
giorgiop/scikit-learn | sklearn/manifold/tests/ | 121 | 4301 | from itertools import product
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal,
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import manifold
from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn import pipeline
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less
eigen_solvers = ['auto', 'dense', 'arpack']
path_methods = ['auto', 'FW', 'D']
def test_isomap_simple_grid():
# Isomap should preserve distances when all neighbors are used
N_per_side = 5
Npts = N_per_side ** 2
n_neighbors = Npts - 1
# grid of equidistant points in 2D, n_components = n_dim
X = np.array(list(product(range(N_per_side), repeat=2)))
# distances from each point to all others
G = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors,
for eigen_solver in eigen_solvers:
for path_method in path_methods:
clf = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_components=2,
G_iso = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(clf.embedding_,
assert_array_almost_equal(G, G_iso)
def test_isomap_reconstruction_error():
# Same setup as in test_isomap_simple_grid, with an added dimension
N_per_side = 5
Npts = N_per_side ** 2
n_neighbors = Npts - 1
# grid of equidistant points in 2D, n_components = n_dim
X = np.array(list(product(range(N_per_side), repeat=2)))
# add noise in a third dimension
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
noise = 0.1 * rng.randn(Npts, 1)
X = np.concatenate((X, noise), 1)
# compute input kernel
G = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors,
centerer = preprocessing.KernelCenterer()
K = centerer.fit_transform(-0.5 * G ** 2)
for eigen_solver in eigen_solvers:
for path_method in path_methods:
clf = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_components=2,
# compute output kernel
G_iso = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(clf.embedding_,
K_iso = centerer.fit_transform(-0.5 * G_iso ** 2)
# make sure error agrees
reconstruction_error = np.linalg.norm(K - K_iso) / Npts
def test_transform():
n_samples = 200
n_components = 10
noise_scale = 0.01
# Create S-curve dataset
X, y = datasets.samples_generator.make_s_curve(n_samples, random_state=0)
# Compute isomap embedding
iso = manifold.Isomap(n_components, 2)
X_iso = iso.fit_transform(X)
# Re-embed a noisy version of the points
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
noise = noise_scale * rng.randn(*X.shape)
X_iso2 = iso.transform(X + noise)
# Make sure the rms error on re-embedding is comparable to noise_scale
assert_less(np.sqrt(np.mean((X_iso - X_iso2) ** 2)), 2 * noise_scale)
def test_pipeline():
# check that Isomap works fine as a transformer in a Pipeline
# only checks that no error is raised.
# TODO check that it actually does something useful
X, y = datasets.make_blobs(random_state=0)
clf = pipeline.Pipeline(
[('isomap', manifold.Isomap()),
('clf', neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier())]), y)
assert_less(.9, clf.score(X, y))
def test_isomap_clone_bug():
# regression test for bug reported in #6062
model = manifold.Isomap()
for n_neighbors in [10, 15, 20]:
model.set_params(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), 2))
| bsd-3-clause |
ChanderG/scikit-learn | doc/sphinxext/numpy_ext/ | 408 | 8061 | import re
import inspect
import textwrap
import pydoc
from .docscrape import NumpyDocString
from .docscrape import FunctionDoc
from .docscrape import ClassDoc
class SphinxDocString(NumpyDocString):
def __init__(self, docstring, config=None):
config = {} if config is None else config
self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
NumpyDocString.__init__(self, docstring, config=config)
# string conversion routines
def _str_header(self, name, symbol='`'):
return ['.. rubric:: ' + name, '']
def _str_field_list(self, name):
return [':' + name + ':']
def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
out = []
for line in doc:
out += [' ' * indent + line]
return out
def _str_signature(self):
return ['']
if self['Signature']:
return ['``%s``' % self['Signature']] + ['']
return ['']
def _str_summary(self):
return self['Summary'] + ['']
def _str_extended_summary(self):
return self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
def _str_param_list(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_field_list(name)
out += ['']
for param, param_type, desc in self[name]:
out += self._str_indent(['**%s** : %s' % (param.strip(),
out += ['']
out += self._str_indent(desc, 8)
out += ['']
return out
def _obj(self):
if hasattr(self, '_cls'):
return self._cls
elif hasattr(self, '_f'):
return self._f
return None
def _str_member_list(self, name):
Generate a member listing, autosummary:: table where possible,
and a table where not.
out = []
if self[name]:
out += ['.. rubric:: %s' % name, '']
prefix = getattr(self, '_name', '')
if prefix:
prefix = '~%s.' % prefix
autosum = []
others = []
for param, param_type, desc in self[name]:
param = param.strip()
if not self._obj or hasattr(self._obj, param):
autosum += [" %s%s" % (prefix, param)]
others.append((param, param_type, desc))
if autosum:
# GAEL: Toctree commented out below because it creates
# hundreds of sphinx warnings
# out += ['.. autosummary::', ' :toctree:', '']
out += ['.. autosummary::', '']
out += autosum
if others:
maxlen_0 = max([len(x[0]) for x in others])
maxlen_1 = max([len(x[1]) for x in others])
hdr = "=" * maxlen_0 + " " + "=" * maxlen_1 + " " + "=" * 10
fmt = '%%%ds %%%ds ' % (maxlen_0, maxlen_1)
n_indent = maxlen_0 + maxlen_1 + 4
out += [hdr]
for param, param_type, desc in others:
out += [fmt % (param.strip(), param_type)]
out += self._str_indent(desc, n_indent)
out += [hdr]
out += ['']
return out
def _str_section(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
out += ['']
content = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(self[name])).split("\n")
out += content
out += ['']
return out
def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
out = []
if self['See Also']:
see_also = super(SphinxDocString, self)._str_see_also(func_role)
out = ['.. seealso::', '']
out += self._str_indent(see_also[2:])
return out
def _str_warnings(self):
out = []
if self['Warnings']:
out = ['.. warning::', '']
out += self._str_indent(self['Warnings'])
return out
def _str_index(self):
idx = self['index']
out = []
if len(idx) == 0:
return out
out += ['.. index:: %s' % idx.get('default', '')]
for section, references in idx.iteritems():
if section == 'default':
elif section == 'refguide':
out += [' single: %s' % (', '.join(references))]
out += [' %s: %s' % (section, ','.join(references))]
return out
def _str_references(self):
out = []
if self['References']:
out += self._str_header('References')
if isinstance(self['References'], str):
self['References'] = [self['References']]
out += ['']
# Latex collects all references to a separate bibliography,
# so we need to insert links to it
import sphinx # local import to avoid test dependency
if sphinx.__version__ >= "0.6":
out += ['.. only:: latex', '']
out += ['.. latexonly::', '']
items = []
for line in self['References']:
m = re.match(r'.. \[([a-z0-9._-]+)\]', line, re.I)
if m:
out += [' ' + ", ".join(["[%s]_" % item for item in items]), '']
return out
def _str_examples(self):
examples_str = "\n".join(self['Examples'])
if (self.use_plots and 'import matplotlib' in examples_str
and 'plot::' not in examples_str):
out = []
out += self._str_header('Examples')
out += ['.. plot::', '']
out += self._str_indent(self['Examples'])
out += ['']
return out
return self._str_section('Examples')
def __str__(self, indent=0, func_role="obj"):
out = []
out += self._str_signature()
out += self._str_index() + ['']
out += self._str_summary()
out += self._str_extended_summary()
for param_list in ('Parameters', 'Returns', 'Raises', 'Attributes'):
out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
out += self._str_warnings()
out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
out += self._str_section('Notes')
out += self._str_references()
out += self._str_examples()
for param_list in ('Methods',):
out += self._str_member_list(param_list)
out = self._str_indent(out, indent)
return '\n'.join(out)
class SphinxFunctionDoc(SphinxDocString, FunctionDoc):
def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, config={}):
self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
FunctionDoc.__init__(self, obj, doc=doc, config=config)
class SphinxClassDoc(SphinxDocString, ClassDoc):
def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, func_doc=None, config={}):
self.use_plots = config.get('use_plots', False)
ClassDoc.__init__(self, obj, doc=doc, func_doc=None, config=config)
class SphinxObjDoc(SphinxDocString):
def __init__(self, obj, doc=None, config=None):
self._f = obj
SphinxDocString.__init__(self, doc, config=config)
def get_doc_object(obj, what=None, doc=None, config={}):
if what is None:
if inspect.isclass(obj):
what = 'class'
elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
what = 'module'
elif callable(obj):
what = 'function'
what = 'object'
if what == 'class':
return SphinxClassDoc(obj, func_doc=SphinxFunctionDoc, doc=doc,
elif what in ('function', 'method'):
return SphinxFunctionDoc(obj, doc=doc, config=config)
if doc is None:
doc = pydoc.getdoc(obj)
return SphinxObjDoc(obj, doc, config=config)
| bsd-3-clause |
apologist/eoddata-client | | 1 | 1736 | import os
import re
from setuptools import setup
from pypandoc import convert
if == 'nt':
'c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Pandoc\\psandoc.exe')
def read_md(f):
return convert(f, 'rst', format='md')
except OSError:
return open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
except ImportError:
print('warning: pypandoc module not found, '
'could not convert Markdown to RST')
def read_md(f):
return open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
def get_version(package):
"""Return package version as listed in `__version__` in ``."""
init_py = open(os.path.join(package, '')).read()
return"__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]", init_py).group(1)
VERSION = get_version('eoddata_client')
description='Client to get historical market data from EODData web service.',
author_email='[email protected]',
license='Public Domain',
keywords=['market', 'data', 'trading', 'stocks', 'finance'],
'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
'License :: Public Domain',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
install_requires=['requests', 'pandas'],
| unlicense |
shikhardb/scikit-learn | sklearn/gaussian_process/ | 18 | 34542 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Vincent Dubourg <[email protected]>
# (mostly translation, see implementation details)
# Licence: BSD 3 clause
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg, optimize
from ..base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from ..metrics.pairwise import manhattan_distances
from ..utils import check_random_state, check_array, check_X_y
from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from . import regression_models as regression
from . import correlation_models as correlation
MACHINE_EPSILON = np.finfo(np.double).eps
def l1_cross_distances(X):
Computes the nonzero componentwise L1 cross-distances between the vectors
in X.
X: array_like
An array with shape (n_samples, n_features)
D: array with shape (n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2, n_features)
The array of componentwise L1 cross-distances.
ij: arrays with shape (n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2, 2)
The indices i and j of the vectors in X associated to the cross-
distances in D: D[k] = np.abs(X[ij[k, 0]] - Y[ij[k, 1]]).
X = check_array(X)
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
n_nonzero_cross_dist = n_samples * (n_samples - 1) // 2
ij = np.zeros((n_nonzero_cross_dist, 2),
D = np.zeros((n_nonzero_cross_dist, n_features))
ll_1 = 0
for k in range(n_samples - 1):
ll_0 = ll_1
ll_1 = ll_0 + n_samples - k - 1
ij[ll_0:ll_1, 0] = k
ij[ll_0:ll_1, 1] = np.arange(k + 1, n_samples)
D[ll_0:ll_1] = np.abs(X[k] - X[(k + 1):n_samples])
return D, ij
class GaussianProcess(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
"""The Gaussian Process model class.
regr : string or callable, optional
A regression function returning an array of outputs of the linear
regression functional basis. The number of observations n_samples
should be greater than the size p of this basis.
Default assumes a simple constant regression trend.
Available built-in regression models are::
'constant', 'linear', 'quadratic'
corr : string or callable, optional
A stationary autocorrelation function returning the autocorrelation
between two points x and x'.
Default assumes a squared-exponential autocorrelation model.
Built-in correlation models are::
'absolute_exponential', 'squared_exponential',
'generalized_exponential', 'cubic', 'linear'
beta0 : double array_like, optional
The regression weight vector to perform Ordinary Kriging (OK).
Default assumes Universal Kriging (UK) so that the vector beta of
regression weights is estimated using the maximum likelihood
storage_mode : string, optional
A string specifying whether the Cholesky decomposition of the
correlation matrix should be stored in the class (storage_mode =
'full') or not (storage_mode = 'light').
Default assumes storage_mode = 'full', so that the
Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix is stored.
This might be a useful parameter when one is not interested in the
MSE and only plan to estimate the BLUP, for which the correlation
matrix is not required.
verbose : boolean, optional
A boolean specifying the verbose level.
Default is verbose = False.
theta0 : double array_like, optional
An array with shape (n_features, ) or (1, ).
The parameters in the autocorrelation model.
If thetaL and thetaU are also specified, theta0 is considered as
the starting point for the maximum likelihood estimation of the
best set of parameters.
Default assumes isotropic autocorrelation model with theta0 = 1e-1.
thetaL : double array_like, optional
An array with shape matching theta0's.
Lower bound on the autocorrelation parameters for maximum
likelihood estimation.
Default is None, so that it skips maximum likelihood estimation and
it uses theta0.
thetaU : double array_like, optional
An array with shape matching theta0's.
Upper bound on the autocorrelation parameters for maximum
likelihood estimation.
Default is None, so that it skips maximum likelihood estimation and
it uses theta0.
normalize : boolean, optional
Input X and observations y are centered and reduced wrt
means and standard deviations estimated from the n_samples
observations provided.
Default is normalize = True so that data is normalized to ease
maximum likelihood estimation.
nugget : double or ndarray, optional
Introduce a nugget effect to allow smooth predictions from noisy
data. If nugget is an ndarray, it must be the same length as the
number of data points used for the fit.
The nugget is added to the diagonal of the assumed training covariance;
in this way it acts as a Tikhonov regularization in the problem. In
the special case of the squared exponential correlation function, the
nugget mathematically represents the variance of the input values.
Default assumes a nugget close to machine precision for the sake of
robustness (nugget = 10. * MACHINE_EPSILON).
optimizer : string, optional
A string specifying the optimization algorithm to be used.
Default uses 'fmin_cobyla' algorithm from scipy.optimize.
Available optimizers are::
'fmin_cobyla', 'Welch'
'Welch' optimizer is dued to Welch et al., see reference [WBSWM1992]_.
It consists in iterating over several one-dimensional optimizations
instead of running one single multi-dimensional optimization.
random_start : int, optional
The number of times the Maximum Likelihood Estimation should be
performed from a random starting point.
The first MLE always uses the specified starting point (theta0),
the next starting points are picked at random according to an
exponential distribution (log-uniform on [thetaL, thetaU]).
Default does not use random starting point (random_start = 1).
random_state: integer or numpy.RandomState, optional
The generator used to shuffle the sequence of coordinates of theta in
the Welch optimizer. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed.
Defaults to the global numpy random number generator.
theta_ : array
Specified theta OR the best set of autocorrelation parameters (the \
sought maximizer of the reduced likelihood function).
reduced_likelihood_function_value_ : array
The optimal reduced likelihood function value.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
>>> X = np.array([[1., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8.]]).T
>>> y = (X * np.sin(X)).ravel()
>>> gp = GaussianProcess(theta0=0.1, thetaL=.001, thetaU=1.)
>>>, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
The presentation implementation is based on a translation of the DACE
Matlab toolbox, see reference [NLNS2002]_.
.. [NLNS2002] `H.B. Nielsen, S.N. Lophaven, H. B. Nielsen and J.
Sondergaard. DACE - A MATLAB Kriging Toolbox.` (2002)
.. [WBSWM1992] `W.J. Welch, R.J. Buck, J. Sacks, H.P. Wynn, T.J. Mitchell,
and M.D. Morris (1992). Screening, predicting, and computer
experiments. Technometrics, 34(1) 15--25.`
_regression_types = {
'constant': regression.constant,
'linear': regression.linear,
'quadratic': regression.quadratic}
_correlation_types = {
'absolute_exponential': correlation.absolute_exponential,
'squared_exponential': correlation.squared_exponential,
'generalized_exponential': correlation.generalized_exponential,
'cubic': correlation.cubic,
'linear': correlation.linear}
_optimizer_types = [
def __init__(self, regr='constant', corr='squared_exponential', beta0=None,
storage_mode='full', verbose=False, theta0=1e-1,
thetaL=None, thetaU=None, optimizer='fmin_cobyla',
random_start=1, normalize=True,
nugget=10. * MACHINE_EPSILON, random_state=None):
self.regr = regr
self.corr = corr
self.beta0 = beta0
self.storage_mode = storage_mode
self.verbose = verbose
self.theta0 = theta0
self.thetaL = thetaL
self.thetaU = thetaU
self.normalize = normalize
self.nugget = nugget
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.random_start = random_start
self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y):
The Gaussian Process model fitting method.
X : double array_like
An array with shape (n_samples, n_features) with the input at which
observations were made.
y : double array_like
An array with shape (n_samples, ) or shape (n_samples, n_targets)
with the observations of the output to be predicted.
gp : self
A fitted Gaussian Process model object awaiting data to perform
# Run input checks
self.random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
# Force data to 2D numpy.array
X, y = check_X_y(X, y, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True)
self.y_ndim_ = y.ndim
if y.ndim == 1:
y = y[:, np.newaxis]
# Check shapes of DOE & observations
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
_, n_targets = y.shape
# Run input checks
# Normalize data or don't
if self.normalize:
X_mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
X_std = np.std(X, axis=0)
y_mean = np.mean(y, axis=0)
y_std = np.std(y, axis=0)
X_std[X_std == 0.] = 1.
y_std[y_std == 0.] = 1.
# center and scale X if necessary
X = (X - X_mean) / X_std
y = (y - y_mean) / y_std
X_mean = np.zeros(1)
X_std = np.ones(1)
y_mean = np.zeros(1)
y_std = np.ones(1)
# Calculate matrix of distances D between samples
D, ij = l1_cross_distances(X)
if (np.min(np.sum(D, axis=1)) == 0.
and self.corr != correlation.pure_nugget):
raise Exception("Multiple input features cannot have the same"
" target value.")
# Regression matrix and parameters
F = self.regr(X)
n_samples_F = F.shape[0]
if F.ndim > 1:
p = F.shape[1]
p = 1
if n_samples_F != n_samples:
raise Exception("Number of rows in F and X do not match. Most "
"likely something is going wrong with the "
"regression model.")
if p > n_samples_F:
raise Exception(("Ordinary least squares problem is undetermined "
"n_samples=%d must be greater than the "
"regression model size p=%d.") % (n_samples, p))
if self.beta0 is not None:
if self.beta0.shape[0] != p:
raise Exception("Shapes of beta0 and F do not match.")
# Set attributes
self.X = X
self.y = y
self.D = D
self.ij = ij
self.F = F
self.X_mean, self.X_std = X_mean, X_std
self.y_mean, self.y_std = y_mean, y_std
# Determine Gaussian Process model parameters
if self.thetaL is not None and self.thetaU is not None:
# Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters
if self.verbose:
print("Performing Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the "
"autocorrelation parameters...")
self.theta_, self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_, par = \
if np.isinf(self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_):
raise Exception("Bad parameter region. "
"Try increasing upper bound")
# Given parameters
if self.verbose:
print("Given autocorrelation parameters. "
"Computing Gaussian Process model parameters...")
self.theta_ = self.theta0
self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_, par = \
if np.isinf(self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_):
raise Exception("Bad point. Try increasing theta0.")
self.beta = par['beta']
self.gamma = par['gamma']
self.sigma2 = par['sigma2']
self.C = par['C']
self.Ft = par['Ft']
self.G = par['G']
if self.storage_mode == 'light':
# Delete heavy data (it will be computed again if required)
# (it is required only when MSE is wanted in self.predict)
if self.verbose:
print("Light storage mode specified. "
"Flushing autocorrelation matrix...")
self.D = None
self.ij = None
self.F = None
self.C = None
self.Ft = None
self.G = None
return self
def predict(self, X, eval_MSE=False, batch_size=None):
This function evaluates the Gaussian Process model at x.
X : array_like
An array with shape (n_eval, n_features) giving the point(s) at
which the prediction(s) should be made.
eval_MSE : boolean, optional
A boolean specifying whether the Mean Squared Error should be
evaluated or not.
Default assumes evalMSE = False and evaluates only the BLUP (mean
batch_size : integer, optional
An integer giving the maximum number of points that can be
evaluated simultaneously (depending on the available memory).
Default is None so that all given points are evaluated at the same
y : array_like, shape (n_samples, ) or (n_samples, n_targets)
An array with shape (n_eval, ) if the Gaussian Process was trained
on an array of shape (n_samples, ) or an array with shape
(n_eval, n_targets) if the Gaussian Process was trained on an array
of shape (n_samples, n_targets) with the Best Linear Unbiased
Prediction at x.
MSE : array_like, optional (if eval_MSE == True)
An array with shape (n_eval, ) or (n_eval, n_targets) as with y,
with the Mean Squared Error at x.
check_is_fitted(self, "X")
# Check input shapes
X = check_array(X)
n_eval, _ = X.shape
n_samples, n_features = self.X.shape
n_samples_y, n_targets = self.y.shape
# Run input checks
if X.shape[1] != n_features:
raise ValueError(("The number of features in X (X.shape[1] = %d) "
"should match the number of features used "
"for fit() "
"which is %d.") % (X.shape[1], n_features))
if batch_size is None:
# No memory management
# (evaluates all given points in a single batch run)
# Normalize input
X = (X - self.X_mean) / self.X_std
# Initialize output
y = np.zeros(n_eval)
if eval_MSE:
MSE = np.zeros(n_eval)
# Get pairwise componentwise L1-distances to the input training set
dx = manhattan_distances(X, Y=self.X, sum_over_features=False)
# Get regression function and correlation
f = self.regr(X)
r = self.corr(self.theta_, dx).reshape(n_eval, n_samples)
# Scaled predictor
y_ =, self.beta) +, self.gamma)
# Predictor
y = (self.y_mean + self.y_std * y_).reshape(n_eval, n_targets)
if self.y_ndim_ == 1:
y = y.ravel()
# Mean Squared Error
if eval_MSE:
C = self.C
if C is None:
# Light storage mode (need to recompute C, F, Ft and G)
if self.verbose:
print("This GaussianProcess used 'light' storage mode "
"at instantiation. Need to recompute "
"autocorrelation matrix...")
reduced_likelihood_function_value, par = \
self.C = par['C']
self.Ft = par['Ft']
self.G = par['G']
rt = linalg.solve_triangular(self.C, r.T, lower=True)
if self.beta0 is None:
# Universal Kriging
u = linalg.solve_triangular(self.G.T,, rt) - f.T,
# Ordinary Kriging
u = np.zeros((n_targets, n_eval))
MSE =, 1),
(1. - (rt ** 2.).sum(axis=0)
+ (u ** 2.).sum(axis=0))[np.newaxis, :])
MSE = np.sqrt((MSE ** 2.).sum(axis=0) / n_targets)
# Mean Squared Error might be slightly negative depending on
# machine precision: force to zero!
MSE[MSE < 0.] = 0.
if self.y_ndim_ == 1:
MSE = MSE.ravel()
return y, MSE
return y
# Memory management
if type(batch_size) is not int or batch_size <= 0:
raise Exception("batch_size must be a positive integer")
if eval_MSE:
y, MSE = np.zeros(n_eval), np.zeros(n_eval)
for k in range(max(1, n_eval / batch_size)):
batch_from = k * batch_size
batch_to = min([(k + 1) * batch_size + 1, n_eval + 1])
y[batch_from:batch_to], MSE[batch_from:batch_to] = \
eval_MSE=eval_MSE, batch_size=None)
return y, MSE
y = np.zeros(n_eval)
for k in range(max(1, n_eval / batch_size)):
batch_from = k * batch_size
batch_to = min([(k + 1) * batch_size + 1, n_eval + 1])
y[batch_from:batch_to] = \
eval_MSE=eval_MSE, batch_size=None)
return y
def reduced_likelihood_function(self, theta=None):
This function determines the BLUP parameters and evaluates the reduced
likelihood function for the given autocorrelation parameters theta.
Maximizing this function wrt the autocorrelation parameters theta is
equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the assumed joint Gaussian
distribution of the observations y evaluated onto the design of
experiments X.
theta : array_like, optional
An array containing the autocorrelation parameters at which the
Gaussian Process model parameters should be determined.
Default uses the built-in autocorrelation parameters
(ie ``theta = self.theta_``).
reduced_likelihood_function_value : double
The value of the reduced likelihood function associated to the
given autocorrelation parameters theta.
par : dict
A dictionary containing the requested Gaussian Process model
Gaussian Process variance.
Generalized least-squares regression weights for
Universal Kriging or given beta0 for Ordinary
Gaussian Process weights.
Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix [R].
Solution of the linear equation system : [R] x Ft = F
QR decomposition of the matrix Ft.
check_is_fitted(self, "X")
if theta is None:
# Use built-in autocorrelation parameters
theta = self.theta_
# Initialize output
reduced_likelihood_function_value = - np.inf
par = {}
# Retrieve data
n_samples = self.X.shape[0]
D = self.D
ij = self.ij
F = self.F
if D is None:
# Light storage mode (need to recompute D, ij and F)
D, ij = l1_cross_distances(self.X)
if (np.min(np.sum(D, axis=1)) == 0.
and self.corr != correlation.pure_nugget):
raise Exception("Multiple X are not allowed")
F = self.regr(self.X)
# Set up R
r = self.corr(theta, D)
R = np.eye(n_samples) * (1. + self.nugget)
R[ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]] = r
R[ij[:, 1], ij[:, 0]] = r
# Cholesky decomposition of R
C = linalg.cholesky(R, lower=True)
except linalg.LinAlgError:
return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par
# Get generalized least squares solution
Ft = linalg.solve_triangular(C, F, lower=True)
Q, G = linalg.qr(Ft, econ=True)
# DeprecationWarning: qr econ argument will be removed after scipy
# 0.7. The economy transform will then be available through the
# mode='economic' argument.
Q, G = linalg.qr(Ft, mode='economic')
sv = linalg.svd(G, compute_uv=False)
rcondG = sv[-1] / sv[0]
if rcondG < 1e-10:
# Check F
sv = linalg.svd(F, compute_uv=False)
condF = sv[0] / sv[-1]
if condF > 1e15:
raise Exception("F is too ill conditioned. Poor combination "
"of regression model and observations.")
# Ft is too ill conditioned, get out (try different theta)
return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par
Yt = linalg.solve_triangular(C, self.y, lower=True)
if self.beta0 is None:
# Universal Kriging
beta = linalg.solve_triangular(G,, Yt))
# Ordinary Kriging
beta = np.array(self.beta0)
rho = Yt -, beta)
sigma2 = (rho ** 2.).sum(axis=0) / n_samples
# The determinant of R is equal to the squared product of the diagonal
# elements of its Cholesky decomposition C
detR = (np.diag(C) ** (2. / n_samples)).prod()
# Compute/Organize output
reduced_likelihood_function_value = - sigma2.sum() * detR
par['sigma2'] = sigma2 * self.y_std ** 2.
par['beta'] = beta
par['gamma'] = linalg.solve_triangular(C.T, rho)
par['C'] = C
par['Ft'] = Ft
par['G'] = G
return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par
def _arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function(self):
This function estimates the autocorrelation parameters theta as the
maximizer of the reduced likelihood function.
(Minimization of the opposite reduced likelihood function is used for
self : All parameters are stored in the Gaussian Process model object.
optimal_theta : array_like
The best set of autocorrelation parameters (the sought maximizer of
the reduced likelihood function).
optimal_reduced_likelihood_function_value : double
The optimal reduced likelihood function value.
optimal_par : dict
The BLUP parameters associated to thetaOpt.
# Initialize output
best_optimal_theta = []
best_optimal_rlf_value = []
best_optimal_par = []
if self.verbose:
print("The chosen optimizer is: " + str(self.optimizer))
if self.random_start > 1:
print(str(self.random_start) + " random starts are required.")
percent_completed = 0.
# Force optimizer to fmin_cobyla if the model is meant to be isotropic
if self.optimizer == 'Welch' and self.theta0.size == 1:
self.optimizer = 'fmin_cobyla'
if self.optimizer == 'fmin_cobyla':
def minus_reduced_likelihood_function(log10t):
return - self.reduced_likelihood_function(
theta=10. ** log10t)[0]
constraints = []
for i in range(self.theta0.size):
constraints.append(lambda log10t, i=i:
log10t[i] - np.log10(self.thetaL[0, i]))
constraints.append(lambda log10t, i=i:
np.log10(self.thetaU[0, i]) - log10t[i])
for k in range(self.random_start):
if k == 0:
# Use specified starting point as first guess
theta0 = self.theta0
# Generate a random starting point log10-uniformly
# distributed between bounds
log10theta0 = np.log10(self.thetaL) \
+ self.random_state.rand(self.theta0.size).reshape(
self.theta0.shape) * np.log10(self.thetaU
/ self.thetaL)
theta0 = 10. ** log10theta0
# Run Cobyla
log10_optimal_theta = \
np.log10(theta0), constraints,
except ValueError as ve:
print("Optimization failed. Try increasing the ``nugget``")
raise ve
optimal_theta = 10. ** log10_optimal_theta
optimal_rlf_value, optimal_par = \
# Compare the new optimizer to the best previous one
if k > 0:
if optimal_rlf_value > best_optimal_rlf_value:
best_optimal_rlf_value = optimal_rlf_value
best_optimal_par = optimal_par
best_optimal_theta = optimal_theta
best_optimal_rlf_value = optimal_rlf_value
best_optimal_par = optimal_par
best_optimal_theta = optimal_theta
if self.verbose and self.random_start > 1:
if (20 * k) / self.random_start > percent_completed:
percent_completed = (20 * k) / self.random_start
print("%s completed" % (5 * percent_completed))
optimal_rlf_value = best_optimal_rlf_value
optimal_par = best_optimal_par
optimal_theta = best_optimal_theta
elif self.optimizer == 'Welch':
# Backup of the given atrributes
theta0, thetaL, thetaU = self.theta0, self.thetaL, self.thetaU
corr = self.corr
verbose = self.verbose
# This will iterate over fmin_cobyla optimizer
self.optimizer = 'fmin_cobyla'
self.verbose = False
# Initialize under isotropy assumption
if verbose:
print("Initialize under isotropy assumption...")
self.theta0 = check_array(self.theta0.min())
self.thetaL = check_array(self.thetaL.min())
self.thetaU = check_array(self.thetaU.max())
theta_iso, optimal_rlf_value_iso, par_iso = \
optimal_theta = theta_iso + np.zeros(theta0.shape)
# Iterate over all dimensions of theta allowing for anisotropy
if verbose:
print("Now improving allowing for anisotropy...")
for i in self.random_state.permutation(theta0.size):
if verbose:
print("Proceeding along dimension %d..." % (i + 1))
self.theta0 = check_array(theta_iso)
self.thetaL = check_array(thetaL[0, i])
self.thetaU = check_array(thetaU[0, i])
def corr_cut(t, d):
return corr(check_array(np.hstack([optimal_theta[0][0:i],
optimal_theta[0][(i +
self.corr = corr_cut
optimal_theta[0, i], optimal_rlf_value, optimal_par = \
# Restore the given atrributes
self.theta0, self.thetaL, self.thetaU = theta0, thetaL, thetaU
self.corr = corr
self.optimizer = 'Welch'
self.verbose = verbose
raise NotImplementedError("This optimizer ('%s') is not "
"implemented yet. Please contribute!"
% self.optimizer)
return optimal_theta, optimal_rlf_value, optimal_par
def _check_params(self, n_samples=None):
# Check regression model
if not callable(self.regr):
if self.regr in self._regression_types:
self.regr = self._regression_types[self.regr]
raise ValueError("regr should be one of %s or callable, "
"%s was given."
% (self._regression_types.keys(), self.regr))
# Check regression weights if given (Ordinary Kriging)
if self.beta0 is not None:
self.beta0 = check_array(self.beta0)
if self.beta0.shape[1] != 1:
# Force to column vector
self.beta0 = self.beta0.T
# Check correlation model
if not callable(self.corr):
if self.corr in self._correlation_types:
self.corr = self._correlation_types[self.corr]
raise ValueError("corr should be one of %s or callable, "
"%s was given."
% (self._correlation_types.keys(), self.corr))
# Check storage mode
if self.storage_mode != 'full' and self.storage_mode != 'light':
raise ValueError("Storage mode should either be 'full' or "
"'light', %s was given." % self.storage_mode)
# Check correlation parameters
self.theta0 = check_array(self.theta0)
lth = self.theta0.size
if self.thetaL is not None and self.thetaU is not None:
self.thetaL = check_array(self.thetaL)
self.thetaU = check_array(self.thetaU)
if self.thetaL.size != lth or self.thetaU.size != lth:
raise ValueError("theta0, thetaL and thetaU must have the "
"same length.")
if np.any(self.thetaL <= 0) or np.any(self.thetaU < self.thetaL):
raise ValueError("The bounds must satisfy O < thetaL <= "
elif self.thetaL is None and self.thetaU is None:
if np.any(self.theta0 <= 0):
raise ValueError("theta0 must be strictly positive.")
elif self.thetaL is None or self.thetaU is None:
raise ValueError("thetaL and thetaU should either be both or "
"neither specified.")
# Force verbose type to bool
self.verbose = bool(self.verbose)
# Force normalize type to bool
self.normalize = bool(self.normalize)
# Check nugget value
self.nugget = np.asarray(self.nugget)
if np.any(self.nugget) < 0.:
raise ValueError("nugget must be positive or zero.")
if (n_samples is not None
and self.nugget.shape not in [(), (n_samples,)]):
raise ValueError("nugget must be either a scalar "
"or array of length n_samples.")
# Check optimizer
if self.optimizer not in self._optimizer_types:
raise ValueError("optimizer should be one of %s"
% self._optimizer_types)
# Force random_start type to int
self.random_start = int(self.random_start)
| bsd-3-clause |
Schwittleymani/ECO | src/python/nlp/ | 2 | 3090 | import argparse
import pprint
import glob
import sys
import gensim
import util
import numpy
import json
import os
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
def process_arguments(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='configure Word2Vec model building')
parser.add_argument('--model_path', action='store', help='the path to the model')
parser.add_argument('--txt_path', action='store', help='path containing text files which are all loaded')
parser.add_argument('--output_file', action='store', help='the text file to store all vectors in')
params = vars(parser.parse_args(args))
return params
class LineVectorCombination(object):
vector = 0
sentence = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
params = process_arguments(sys.argv[1:])
input_path = params['model_path']
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(input_path, binary=True)
# this raises an exception if the model type is different..
except Exception:
# just use the other mothod of loading..
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(input_path)
txt_path = params['txt_path']
data_300d = []
originals = []
original_vectors = []
original_sentences = []
text_files = glob.glob(txt_path + '/*.txt')
for file in text_files:
line = 'loading file ' + str(text_files.index(file)) + '/' + str(len(text_files))
index = 0
for line in open(file, 'r'):
vector_words = []
word_count = 0
for word in line.split():
word_count += 1
# skip vocab unknown word
if word_count > 5:
vector = gensim.matutils.unitvec(numpy.array(vector_words).mean(axis=0))
combined = LineVectorCombination()
combined.sentence = line
combined.vector = vector
vlist = vector.tolist()
intlist = []
for number in vlist:
intnumber = int(number*10000)
data_300d.append({"sentence": line, "point": intlist})
index += 1
output_file = params['output_file']
# X = numpy.array(original_vectors)
# tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, learning_rate=200, perplexity=20, verbose=2).fit_transform(X)
# data_2d = []
# for i, f in enumerate(original_sentences):
# point = [(tsne[i, k] - numpy.min(tsne[:, k]))/(numpy.max(tsne[:, k]) - numpy.min(tsne[:, k])) for k in range(2)]
# data_2d.append({"sentence": os.path.abspath(original_sentences[i]), "point": point})
with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile:
#json.dump(data_2d, outfile)
json.dump(data_300d, outfile)
| apache-2.0 |
bestwpw/BDA_py_demos | demos_ch5/ | 19 | 5055 | """Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed
Chapter 5, demo 1
Hierarchical model for Rats experiment (BDA3, p. 102).
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.special import gammaln
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Edit default plot settings (colours from
plt.rc('font', size=14)
plt.rc('lines', color='#377eb8', linewidth=2)
plt.rc('axes', color_cycle=(plt.rcParams['lines.color'],)) # Disable color cycle
# rat data (BDA3, p. 102)
y = np.array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 5, 2,
5, 3, 2, 7, 7, 3, 3, 2, 9, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
10, 4, 4, 4, 5, 11, 12, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 16, 15,
15, 9, 4
n = np.array([
20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 18, 17, 20, 20, 20,
20, 19, 19, 18, 18, 25, 24, 23, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 49, 19,
46, 27, 17, 49, 47, 20, 20, 13, 48, 50, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
48, 19, 19, 19, 22, 46, 49, 20, 20, 23, 19, 22, 20, 20, 20, 52, 46,
47, 24, 14
M = len(y)
# plot the separate and pooled models
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 250)
# separate
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
lines = plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x[:,None], y[:-1] + 1, n[:-1] - y[:-1] + 1),
# highlight the last line
line1, = plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, y[-1] + 1, n[-1] - y[-1] + 1), 'r')
plt.legend((lines[0], line1),
(r'Posterior of $\theta_j$', r'Posterior of $\theta_{71}$'))
plt.title('separate model')
# pooled
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, y.sum() + 1, n.sum() - y.sum() + 1),
linewidth=2, label=(r'Posterior of common $\theta$'))
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=20)
plt.title('pooled model')
# compute the marginal posterior of alpha and beta in the hierarchical model in a grid
A = np.linspace(0.5, 6, 100)
B = np.linspace(3, 33, 100)
# calculated in logarithms for numerical accuracy
lp = (
- 5/2 * np.log(A + B[:,None])
+ np.sum(
gammaln(A + B[:,None])
- gammaln(A)
- gammaln(B[:,None])
+ gammaln(A + y[:,None,None])
+ gammaln(B[:,None] + (n - y)[:,None,None])
- gammaln(A + B[:,None] + n[:,None,None]),
# subtract the maximum value to avoid over/underflow in exponentation
lp -= lp.max()
p = np.exp(lp)
# plot the marginal posterior
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(p, origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=(A[0], A[-1], B[0], B[-1]))
plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r'$\beta$', fontsize=20)
plt.title('The marginal posterior of alpha and beta in hierarchical model')
# sample from the posterior grid of alpha and beta
nsamp = 1000
samp_indices = np.unravel_index(
np.random.choice(p.size, size=nsamp, p=p.ravel()/p.sum()),
samp_A = A[samp_indices[1]]
samp_B = B[samp_indices[0]]
# add random jitter, see BDA3 p. 76
samp_A += (np.random.rand(nsamp) - 0.5) * (A[1]-A[0])
samp_B += (np.random.rand(nsamp) - 0.5) * (B[1]-B[0])
# Plot samples from the distribution of distributions Beta(alpha,beta),
# that is, plot Beta(alpha,beta) using the posterior samples of alpha and beta
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,10))
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x[:,None], samp_A[:20], samp_B[:20]), linewidth=1)
plt.title(r'Posterior samples from the distribution of distributions '
# The average of above distributions, is the predictive distribution for a new
# theta, and also the prior distribution for theta_j.
# Plot this.
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(x, np.mean(beta.pdf(x, samp_A[:,None], samp_B[:,None]), axis=0))
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=20)
plt.title(r'Predictive distribution for a new $\theta$ '
r'and prior for $\theta_j$')
# And finally compare the separate model and hierarchical model
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 250)
# first plot the separate model (same as above)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# note that for clarity only every 7th distribution is plotted
plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x[:,None], y[7:-1:7] + 1, n[7:-1:7] - y[7:-1:7] + 1),
# highlight the last line
plt.plot(x, beta.pdf(x, y[-1] + 1, n[-1] - y[-1] + 1), 'r')
plt.title('separate model')
# And the hierarchical model. Note that these marginal posteriors for theta_j are
# more narrow than in separate model case, due to borrowed information from
# the other theta_j's.
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
# note that for clarity only every 7th distribution is plotted
lines = plt.plot(
y[7::7] + samp_A[:,None,None],
n[7::7] - y[7::7] + samp_B[:,None,None]
# highlight the last line
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=20)
plt.title('hierarchical model')
| gpl-3.0 |
superbobry/hyperopt-sklearn | hpsklearn/ | 6 | 2032 | import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
class ColumnKMeans(object):
def __init__(self,
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.init = init
self.n_init = n_init
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.tol = tol
self.precompute_distances = precompute_distances
self.verbose = verbose
self.random_state = random_state
self.copy_x = copy_x
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.output_dtype = None
def fit(self, X):
rows, cols = X.shape
self.col_models = []
for jj in range(cols):
)[:, jj:jj + 1])
def transform(self, X):
rows, cols = X.shape
if self.output_dtype is None:
output_dtype = X.dtype # XXX
output_dtype = self.output_dtype
rval = np.empty(
(rows, cols, self.n_clusters),
for jj in range(cols):
Xj = X[:, jj:jj + 1]
dists = self.col_models[jj].transform(Xj)
feats = np.exp(-(dists ** 2))
# -- normalize features by row
rval[:, jj, :] = feats / (feats.sum(axis=1)[:, None])
assert np.all(np.isfinite(rval))
return rval.reshape((rows, cols * self.n_clusters))
| bsd-3-clause |
rhyolight/nupic | external/linux32/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ | 69 | 42655 | """
A module for finding, managing, and using fonts across platforms.
This module provides a single :class:`FontManager` instance that can
be shared across backends and platforms. The :func:`findfont`
function returns the best TrueType (TTF) font file in the local or
system font path that matches the specified :class:`FontProperties`
instance. The :class:`FontManager` also handles Adobe Font Metrics
(AFM) font files for use by the PostScript backend.
The design is based on the `W3C Cascading Style Sheet, Level 1 (CSS1)
font specification <>`_.
Future versions may implement the Level 2 or 2.1 specifications.
Experimental support is included for using `fontconfig
<>`_ on Unix variant plaforms (Linux, OS X,
Solaris). To enable it, set the constant ``USE_FONTCONFIG`` in this
file to ``True``. Fontconfig has the advantage that it is the
standard way to look up fonts on X11 platforms, so if a font is
installed, it is much more likely to be found.
- documentation
- font variant is untested
- font stretch is incomplete
- font size is incomplete
- font size_adjust is incomplete
- default font algorithm needs improvement and testing
- setWeights function needs improvement
- 'light' is an invalid weight value, remove it.
- update_fonts not implemented
Authors : John Hunter <[email protected]>
Paul Barrett <[email protected]>
Michael Droettboom <[email protected]>
Copyright : John Hunter (2004,2005), Paul Barrett (2004,2005)
License : matplotlib license (PSF compatible)
The font directory code is from ttfquery,
import os, sys, glob
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import afm
from matplotlib import ft2font
from matplotlib import rcParams, get_configdir
from matplotlib.cbook import is_string_like
from matplotlib.fontconfig_pattern import \
parse_fontconfig_pattern, generate_fontconfig_pattern
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
verbose = matplotlib.verbose
font_scalings = {
'xx-small' : 0.579,
'x-small' : 0.694,
'small' : 0.833,
'medium' : 1.0,
'large' : 1.200,
'x-large' : 1.440,
'xx-large' : 1.728,
'larger' : 1.2,
'smaller' : 0.833,
None : 1.0}
stretch_dict = {
'ultra-condensed' : 100,
'extra-condensed' : 200,
'condensed' : 300,
'semi-condensed' : 400,
'normal' : 500,
'semi-expanded' : 600,
'expanded' : 700,
'extra-expanded' : 800,
'ultra-expanded' : 900}
weight_dict = {
'ultralight' : 100,
'light' : 200,
'normal' : 400,
'regular' : 400,
'book' : 400,
'medium' : 500,
'roman' : 500,
'semibold' : 600,
'demibold' : 600,
'demi' : 600,
'bold' : 700,
'heavy' : 800,
'extra bold' : 800,
'black' : 900}
font_family_aliases = set([
# OS Font paths
MSFolders = \
r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders'
MSFontDirectories = [
r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',
X11FontDirectories = [
# an old standard installation point
# here is the new standard location for fonts
# documented as a good place to install new fonts
# common application, not really useful
OSXFontDirectories = [
home = os.environ.get('HOME')
if home is not None:
# user fonts on OSX
path = os.path.join(home, 'Library', 'Fonts')
path = os.path.join(home, '.fonts')
def get_fontext_synonyms(fontext):
Return a list of file extensions extensions that are synonyms for
the given file extension *fileext*.
return {'ttf': ('ttf', 'otf'),
'otf': ('ttf', 'otf'),
'afm': ('afm',)}[fontext]
def win32FontDirectory():
Return the user-specified font directory for Win32. This is
looked up from the registry key::
\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Fonts
If the key is not found, $WINDIR/Fonts will be returned.
import _winreg
except ImportError:
pass # Fall through to default
user = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, MSFolders)
return _winreg.QueryValueEx(user, 'Fonts')[0]
except OSError:
pass # Fall through to default
except OSError:
pass # Fall through to default
return os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'Fonts')
def win32InstalledFonts(directory=None, fontext='ttf'):
Search for fonts in the specified font directory, or use the
system directories if none given. A list of TrueType font
filenames are returned by default, or AFM fonts if *fontext* ==
import _winreg
if directory is None:
directory = win32FontDirectory()
fontext = get_fontext_synonyms(fontext)
key, items = None, {}
for fontdir in MSFontDirectories:
local = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, fontdir)
except OSError:
if not local:
files = []
for ext in fontext:
files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.'+ext)))
return files
for j in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(local)[1]):
key, direc, any = _winreg.EnumValue( local, j)
if not os.path.dirname(direc):
direc = os.path.join(directory, direc)
direc = os.path.abspath(direc).lower()
if os.path.splitext(direc)[1][1:] in fontext:
items[direc] = 1
except EnvironmentError:
except WindowsError:
return items.keys()
return None
def OSXFontDirectory():
Return the system font directories for OS X. This is done by
starting at the list of hardcoded paths in
:attr:`OSXFontDirectories` and returning all nested directories
within them.
fontpaths = []
def add(arg,directory,files):
for fontdir in OSXFontDirectories:
if os.path.isdir(fontdir):
os.path.walk(fontdir, add, None)
except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, ValueError):
return fontpaths
def OSXInstalledFonts(directory=None, fontext='ttf'):
Get list of font files on OS X - ignores font suffix by default.
if directory is None:
directory = OSXFontDirectory()
fontext = get_fontext_synonyms(fontext)
files = []
for path in directory:
if fontext is None:
for ext in fontext:
files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.'+ext)))
files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.'+ext.upper())))
return files
def x11FontDirectory():
Return the system font directories for X11. This is done by
starting at the list of hardcoded paths in
:attr:`X11FontDirectories` and returning all nested directories
within them.
fontpaths = []
def add(arg,directory,files):
for fontdir in X11FontDirectories:
if os.path.isdir(fontdir):
os.path.walk(fontdir, add, None)
except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, ValueError):
return fontpaths
def get_fontconfig_fonts(fontext='ttf'):
Grab a list of all the fonts that are being tracked by fontconfig
by making a system call to ``fc-list``. This is an easy way to
grab all of the fonts the user wants to be made available to
applications, without needing knowing where all of them reside.
import commands
except ImportError:
return {}
fontext = get_fontext_synonyms(fontext)
fontfiles = {}
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("fc-list file")
if status == 0:
for line in output.split('\n'):
fname = line.split(':')[0]
if (os.path.splitext(fname)[1][1:] in fontext and
fontfiles[fname] = 1
return fontfiles
def findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf'):
Search for fonts in the specified font paths. If no paths are
given, will use a standard set of system paths, as well as the
list of fonts tracked by fontconfig if fontconfig is installed and
available. A list of TrueType fonts are returned by default with
AFM fonts as an option.
fontfiles = {}
fontexts = get_fontext_synonyms(fontext)
if fontpaths is None:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
fontdir = win32FontDirectory()
fontpaths = [fontdir]
# now get all installed fonts directly...
for f in win32InstalledFonts(fontdir):
base, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if len(ext)>1 and ext[1:].lower() in fontexts:
fontfiles[f] = 1
fontpaths = x11FontDirectory()
# check for OS X & load its fonts if present
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
for f in OSXInstalledFonts(fontext=fontext):
fontfiles[f] = 1
for f in get_fontconfig_fonts(fontext):
fontfiles[f] = 1
elif isinstance(fontpaths, (str, unicode)):
fontpaths = [fontpaths]
for path in fontpaths:
files = []
for ext in fontexts:
files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.'+ext)))
files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.'+ext.upper())))
for fname in files:
fontfiles[os.path.abspath(fname)] = 1
return [fname for fname in fontfiles.keys() if os.path.exists(fname)]
def weight_as_number(weight):
Return the weight property as a numeric value. String values
are converted to their corresponding numeric value.
if isinstance(weight, str):
weight = weight_dict[weight.lower()]
except KeyError:
weight = 400
elif weight in range(100, 1000, 100):
raise ValueError, 'weight not a valid integer'
return weight
class FontEntry(object):
A class for storing Font properties. It is used when populating
the font lookup dictionary.
def __init__(self,
fname ='',
name ='',
style ='normal',
weight ='normal',
size ='medium',
self.fname = fname = name = style
self.variant = variant
self.weight = weight
self.stretch = stretch
self.size = str(float(size))
except ValueError:
self.size = size
def ttfFontProperty(font):
A function for populating the :class:`FontKey` by extracting
information from the TrueType font file.
*font* is a :class:`FT2Font` instance.
name = font.family_name
# Styles are: italic, oblique, and normal (default)
sfnt = font.get_sfnt()
sfnt2 = sfnt.get((1,0,0,2))
sfnt4 = sfnt.get((1,0,0,4))
if sfnt2:
sfnt2 = sfnt2.lower()
sfnt2 = ''
if sfnt4:
sfnt4 = sfnt4.lower()
sfnt4 = ''
if sfnt4.find('oblique') >= 0:
style = 'oblique'
elif sfnt4.find('italic') >= 0:
style = 'italic'
elif sfnt2.find('regular') >= 0:
style = 'normal'
elif font.style_flags & ft2font.ITALIC:
style = 'italic'
style = 'normal'
# Variants are: small-caps and normal (default)
# !!!! Untested
if name.lower() in ['capitals', 'small-caps']:
variant = 'small-caps'
variant = 'normal'
# Weights are: 100, 200, 300, 400 (normal: default), 500 (medium),
# 600 (semibold, demibold), 700 (bold), 800 (heavy), 900 (black)
# lighter and bolder are also allowed.
weight = None
for w in weight_dict.keys():
if sfnt4.find(w) >= 0:
weight = w
if not weight:
if font.style_flags & ft2font.BOLD:
weight = 700
weight = 400
weight = weight_as_number(weight)
# Stretch can be absolute and relative
# Absolute stretches are: ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed,
# semi-condensed, normal, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded,
# and ultra-expanded.
# Relative stretches are: wider, narrower
# Child value is: inherit
# !!!! Incomplete
if sfnt4.find('narrow') >= 0 or sfnt4.find('condensed') >= 0 or \
sfnt4.find('cond') >= 0:
stretch = 'condensed'
elif sfnt4.find('demi cond') >= 0:
stretch = 'semi-condensed'
elif sfnt4.find('wide') >= 0 or sfnt4.find('expanded') >= 0:
stretch = 'expanded'
stretch = 'normal'
# Sizes can be absolute and relative.
# Absolute sizes are: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large,
# and xx-large.
# Relative sizes are: larger, smaller
# Length value is an absolute font size, e.g. 12pt
# Percentage values are in 'em's. Most robust specification.
# !!!! Incomplete
if font.scalable:
size = 'scalable'
size = str(float(font.get_fontsize()))
# !!!! Incomplete
size_adjust = None
return FontEntry(font.fname, name, style, variant, weight, stretch, size)
def afmFontProperty(fontpath, font):
A function for populating a :class:`FontKey` instance by
extracting information from the AFM font file.
*font* is a class:`AFM` instance.
name = font.get_familyname()
# Styles are: italic, oblique, and normal (default)
if font.get_angle() != 0 or name.lower().find('italic') >= 0:
style = 'italic'
elif name.lower().find('oblique') >= 0:
style = 'oblique'
style = 'normal'
# Variants are: small-caps and normal (default)
# !!!! Untested
if name.lower() in ['capitals', 'small-caps']:
variant = 'small-caps'
variant = 'normal'
# Weights are: 100, 200, 300, 400 (normal: default), 500 (medium),
# 600 (semibold, demibold), 700 (bold), 800 (heavy), 900 (black)
# lighter and bolder are also allowed.
weight = weight_as_number(font.get_weight().lower())
# Stretch can be absolute and relative
# Absolute stretches are: ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed,
# semi-condensed, normal, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded,
# and ultra-expanded.
# Relative stretches are: wider, narrower
# Child value is: inherit
# !!!! Incomplete
stretch = 'normal'
# Sizes can be absolute and relative.
# Absolute sizes are: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large,
# and xx-large.
# Relative sizes are: larger, smaller
# Length value is an absolute font size, e.g. 12pt
# Percentage values are in 'em's. Most robust specification.
# All AFM fonts are apparently scalable.
size = 'scalable'
# !!!! Incomplete
size_adjust = None
return FontEntry(fontpath, name, style, variant, weight, stretch, size)
def createFontList(fontfiles, fontext='ttf'):
A function to create a font lookup list. The default is to create
a list of TrueType fonts. An AFM font list can optionally be
fontlist = []
# Add fonts from list of known font files.
seen = {}
for fpath in fontfiles:'createFontDict: %s' % (fpath), 'debug')
fname = os.path.split(fpath)[1]
if fname in seen: continue
else: seen[fname] = 1
if fontext == 'afm':
fh = open(fpath, 'r')
except:"Could not open font file %s" % fpath)
font = afm.AFM(fh)
except RuntimeError:"Could not parse font file %s"%fpath)
prop = afmFontProperty(fpath, font)
font = ft2font.FT2Font(str(fpath))
except RuntimeError:"Could not open font file %s"%fpath)
except UnicodeError:"Cannot handle unicode filenames")
#print >> sys.stderr, 'Bad file is', fpath
try: prop = ttfFontProperty(font)
except: continue
return fontlist
class FontProperties(object):
A class for storing and manipulating font properties.
The font properties are those described in the `W3C Cascading
Style Sheet, Level 1
<>`_ font
specification. The six properties are:
- family: A list of font names in decreasing order of priority.
The items may include a generic font family name, either
'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', or 'monospace'.
In that case, the actual font to be used will be looked up
from the associated rcParam in :file:`matplotlibrc`.
- style: Either 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique'.
- variant: Either 'normal' or 'small-caps'.
- stretch: A numeric value in the range 0-1000 or one of
'ultra-condensed', 'extra-condensed', 'condensed',
'semi-condensed', 'normal', 'semi-expanded', 'expanded',
'extra-expanded' or 'ultra-expanded'
- weight: A numeric value in the range 0-1000 or one of
'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium',
'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy',
'extra bold', 'black'
- size: Either an relative value of 'xx-small', 'x-small',
'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large' or an
absolute font size, e.g. 12
The default font property for TrueType fonts (as specified in the
default :file:`matplotlibrc` file) is::
sans-serif, normal, normal, normal, normal, scalable.
Alternatively, a font may be specified using an absolute path to a
.ttf file, by using the *fname* kwarg.
The preferred usage of font sizes is to use the relative values,
e.g. 'large', instead of absolute font sizes, e.g. 12. This
approach allows all text sizes to be made larger or smaller based
on the font manager's default font size, i.e. by using the
:meth:`FontManager.set_default_size` method.
This class will also accept a `fontconfig
<>`_ pattern, if it is the only argument
provided. See the documentation on `fontconfig patterns
<>`_. This support
does not require fontconfig to be installed. We are merely
borrowing its pattern syntax for use here.
Note that matplotlib's internal font manager and fontconfig use a
different algorithm to lookup fonts, so the results of the same pattern
may be different in matplotlib than in other applications that use
def __init__(self,
family = None,
style = None,
variant= None,
weight = None,
stretch= None,
size = None,
fname = None, # if this is set, it's a hardcoded filename to use
_init = None # used only by copy()
self._family = None
self._slant = None
self._variant = None
self._weight = None
self._stretch = None
self._size = None
self._file = None
# This is used only by copy()
if _init is not None:
if is_string_like(family):
# Treat family as a fontconfig pattern if it is the only
# parameter provided.
if (style is None and
variant is None and
weight is None and
stretch is None and
size is None and
fname is None):
def _parse_fontconfig_pattern(self, pattern):
return parse_fontconfig_pattern(pattern)
def __hash__(self):
l = self.__dict__.items()
return hash(repr(l))
def __str__(self):
return self.get_fontconfig_pattern()
def get_family(self):
Return a list of font names that comprise the font family.
if self._family is None:
family = rcParams['']
if is_string_like(family):
return [family]
return family
return self._family
def get_name(self):
Return the name of the font that best matches the font
return ft2font.FT2Font(str(findfont(self))).family_name
def get_style(self):
Return the font style. Values are: 'normal', 'italic' or
if self._slant is None:
return rcParams['']
return self._slant
get_slant = get_style
def get_variant(self):
Return the font variant. Values are: 'normal' or
if self._variant is None:
return rcParams['font.variant']
return self._variant
def get_weight(self):
Set the font weight. Options are: A numeric value in the
range 0-1000 or one of 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book',
'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold',
'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black'
if self._weight is None:
return rcParams['font.weight']
return self._weight
def get_stretch(self):
Return the font stretch or width. Options are: 'ultra-condensed',
'extra-condensed', 'condensed', 'semi-condensed', 'normal',
'semi-expanded', 'expanded', 'extra-expanded', 'ultra-expanded'.
if self._stretch is None:
return rcParams['font.stretch']
return self._stretch
def get_size(self):
Return the font size.
if self._size is None:
return rcParams['font.size']
return self._size
def get_size_in_points(self):
if self._size is not None:
return float(self._size)
except ValueError:
default_size = fontManager.get_default_size()
return default_size * font_scalings.get(self._size)
def get_file(self):
Return the filename of the associated font.
return self._file
def get_fontconfig_pattern(self):
Get a fontconfig pattern suitable for looking up the font as
specified with fontconfig's ``fc-match`` utility.
See the documentation on `fontconfig patterns
This support does not require fontconfig to be installed or
support for it to be enabled. We are merely borrowing its
pattern syntax for use here.
return generate_fontconfig_pattern(self)
def set_family(self, family):
Change the font family. May be either an alias (generic name
is CSS parlance), such as: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive',
'fantasy', or 'monospace', or a real font name.
if family is None:
self._family = None
if is_string_like(family):
family = [family]
self._family = family
set_name = set_family
def set_style(self, style):
Set the font style. Values are: 'normal', 'italic' or
if style not in ('normal', 'italic', 'oblique', None):
raise ValueError("style must be normal, italic or oblique")
self._slant = style
set_slant = set_style
def set_variant(self, variant):
Set the font variant. Values are: 'normal' or 'small-caps'.
if variant not in ('normal', 'small-caps', None):
raise ValueError("variant must be normal or small-caps")
self._variant = variant
def set_weight(self, weight):
Set the font weight. May be either a numeric value in the
range 0-1000 or one of 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal',
'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold',
'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black'
if weight is not None:
weight = int(weight)
if weight < 0 or weight > 1000:
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
if weight not in weight_dict:
raise ValueError("weight is invalid")
self._weight = weight
def set_stretch(self, stretch):
Set the font stretch or width. Options are: 'ultra-condensed',
'extra-condensed', 'condensed', 'semi-condensed', 'normal',
'semi-expanded', 'expanded', 'extra-expanded' or
'ultra-expanded', or a numeric value in the range 0-1000.
if stretch is not None:
stretch = int(stretch)
if stretch < 0 or stretch > 1000:
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
if stretch not in stretch_dict:
raise ValueError("stretch is invalid")
self._stretch = stretch
def set_size(self, size):
Set the font size. Either an relative value of 'xx-small',
'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'
or an absolute font size, e.g. 12.
if size is not None:
size = float(size)
except ValueError:
if size is not None and size not in font_scalings:
raise ValueError("size is invalid")
self._size = size
def set_file(self, file):
Set the filename of the fontfile to use. In this case, all
other properties will be ignored.
self._file = file
def set_fontconfig_pattern(self, pattern):
Set the properties by parsing a fontconfig *pattern*.
See the documentation on `fontconfig patterns
This support does not require fontconfig to be installed or
support for it to be enabled. We are merely borrowing its
pattern syntax for use here.
for key, val in self._parse_fontconfig_pattern(pattern).items():
if type(val) == list:
getattr(self, "set_" + key)(val[0])
getattr(self, "set_" + key)(val)
def copy(self):
"""Return a deep copy of self"""
return FontProperties(_init = self)
def ttfdict_to_fnames(d):
flatten a ttfdict to all the filenames it contains
fnames = []
for named in d.values():
for styled in named.values():
for variantd in styled.values():
for weightd in variantd.values():
for stretchd in weightd.values():
for fname in stretchd.values():
return fnames
def pickle_dump(data, filename):
Equivalent to pickle.dump(data, open(filename, 'w'))
but closes the file to prevent filehandle leakage.
fh = open(filename, 'w')
pickle.dump(data, fh)
def pickle_load(filename):
Equivalent to pickle.load(open(filename, 'r'))
but closes the file to prevent filehandle leakage.
fh = open(filename, 'r')
data = pickle.load(fh)
return data
class FontManager:
On import, the :class:`FontManager` singleton instance creates a
list of TrueType fonts based on the font properties: name, style,
variant, weight, stretch, and size. The :meth:`findfont` method
does a nearest neighbor search to find the font that most closely
matches the specification. If no good enough match is found, a
default font is returned.
def __init__(self, size=None, weight='normal'):
self.__default_weight = weight
self.default_size = size
paths = [os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'], 'fonts', 'ttf'),
os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'], 'fonts', 'afm')]
# Create list of font paths
for pathname in ['TTFPATH', 'AFMPATH']:
if pathname in os.environ:
ttfpath = os.environ[pathname]
if ttfpath.find(';') >= 0: #win32 style
elif ttfpath.find(':') >= 0: # unix style
paths.append(ttfpath)'font search path %s'%(str(paths)))
# Load TrueType fonts and create font dictionary.
self.ttffiles = findSystemFonts(paths) + findSystemFonts()
for fname in self.ttffiles:'trying fontname %s' % fname, 'debug')
if fname.lower().find('vera.ttf')>=0:
self.defaultFont = fname
# use anything
self.defaultFont = self.ttffiles[0]
self.ttflist = createFontList(self.ttffiles)
if rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts']:
# Load only the 14 PDF core fonts. These fonts do not need to be
# embedded; every PDF viewing application is required to have them:
# Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique,
# Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique,
# Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, Symbol,
# ZapfDingbats.
afmpath = os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'],'fonts','pdfcorefonts')
afmfiles = findSystemFonts(afmpath, fontext='afm')
self.afmlist = createFontList(afmfiles, fontext='afm')
self.afmfiles = findSystemFonts(paths, fontext='afm') + \
self.afmlist = createFontList(self.afmfiles, fontext='afm')
self.ttf_lookup_cache = {}
self.afm_lookup_cache = {}
def get_default_weight(self):
Return the default font weight.
return self.__default_weight
def get_default_size(self):
Return the default font size.
if self.default_size is None:
return rcParams['font.size']
return self.default_size
def set_default_weight(self, weight):
Set the default font weight. The initial value is 'normal'.
self.__default_weight = weight
def set_default_size(self, size):
Set the default font size in points. The initial value is set
by ``font.size`` in rc.
self.default_size = size
def update_fonts(self, filenames):
Update the font dictionary with new font files.
Currently not implemented.
# !!!! Needs implementing
raise NotImplementedError
# Each of the scoring functions below should return a value between
# 0.0 (perfect match) and 1.0 (terrible match)
def score_family(self, families, family2):
Returns a match score between the list of font families in
*families* and the font family name *family2*.
An exact match anywhere in the list returns 0.0.
A match by generic font name will return 0.1.
No match will return 1.0.
for i, family1 in enumerate(families):
if family1.lower() in font_family_aliases:
if family1 == 'sans':
family1 == 'sans-serif'
options = rcParams['font.' + family1]
if family2 in options:
idx = options.index(family2)
return 0.1 * (float(idx) / len(options))
elif family1.lower() == family2.lower():
return 0.0
return 1.0
def score_style(self, style1, style2):
Returns a match score between *style1* and *style2*.
An exact match returns 0.0.
A match between 'italic' and 'oblique' returns 0.1.
No match returns 1.0.
if style1 == style2:
return 0.0
elif style1 in ('italic', 'oblique') and \
style2 in ('italic', 'oblique'):
return 0.1
return 1.0
def score_variant(self, variant1, variant2):
Returns a match score between *variant1* and *variant2*.
An exact match returns 0.0, otherwise 1.0.
if variant1 == variant2:
return 0.0
return 1.0
def score_stretch(self, stretch1, stretch2):
Returns a match score between *stretch1* and *stretch2*.
The result is the absolute value of the difference between the
CSS numeric values of *stretch1* and *stretch2*, normalized
between 0.0 and 1.0.
stretchval1 = int(stretch1)
except ValueError:
stretchval1 = stretch_dict.get(stretch1, 500)
stretchval2 = int(stretch2)
except ValueError:
stretchval2 = stretch_dict.get(stretch2, 500)
return abs(stretchval1 - stretchval2) / 1000.0
def score_weight(self, weight1, weight2):
Returns a match score between *weight1* and *weight2*.
The result is the absolute value of the difference between the
CSS numeric values of *weight1* and *weight2*, normalized
between 0.0 and 1.0.
weightval1 = int(weight1)
except ValueError:
weightval1 = weight_dict.get(weight1, 500)
weightval2 = int(weight2)
except ValueError:
weightval2 = weight_dict.get(weight2, 500)
return abs(weightval1 - weightval2) / 1000.0
def score_size(self, size1, size2):
Returns a match score between *size1* and *size2*.
If *size2* (the size specified in the font file) is 'scalable', this
function always returns 0.0, since any font size can be generated.
Otherwise, the result is the absolute distance between *size1* and
*size2*, normalized so that the usual range of font sizes (6pt -
72pt) will lie between 0.0 and 1.0.
if size2 == 'scalable':
return 0.0
# Size value should have already been
sizeval1 = float(size1)
except ValueError:
sizeval1 = self.default_size * font_scalings(size1)
sizeval2 = float(size2)
except ValueError:
return 1.0
return abs(sizeval1 - sizeval2) / 72.0
def findfont(self, prop, fontext='ttf'):
Search the font list for the font that most closely matches
the :class:`FontProperties` *prop*.
:meth:`findfont` performs a nearest neighbor search. Each
font is given a similarity score to the target font
properties. The first font with the highest score is
returned. If no matches below a certain threshold are found,
the default font (usually Vera Sans) is returned.
The result is cached, so subsequent lookups don't have to
perform the O(n) nearest neighbor search.
See the `W3C Cascading Style Sheet, Level 1
<>`_ documentation
for a description of the font finding algorithm.
debug = False
if prop is None:
return self.defaultFont
if is_string_like(prop):
prop = FontProperties(prop)
fname = prop.get_file()
if fname is not None:'findfont returning %s'%fname, 'debug')
return fname
if fontext == 'afm':
font_cache = self.afm_lookup_cache
fontlist = self.afmlist
font_cache = self.ttf_lookup_cache
fontlist = self.ttflist
cached = font_cache.get(hash(prop))
if cached:
return cached
best_score = 1e64
best_font = None
for font in fontlist:
# Matching family should have highest priority, so it is multiplied
# by 10.0
score = \
self.score_family(prop.get_family(), * 10.0 + \
self.score_style(prop.get_style(), + \
self.score_variant(prop.get_variant(), font.variant) + \
self.score_weight(prop.get_weight(), font.weight) + \
self.score_stretch(prop.get_stretch(), font.stretch) + \
self.score_size(prop.get_size(), font.size)
if score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_font = font
if score == 0:
if best_font is None or best_score >= 10.0:'findfont: Could not match %s. Returning %s' %
(prop, self.defaultFont))
result = self.defaultFont
else:'findfont: Matching %s to %s (%s) with score of %f' %
(prop,, best_font.fname, best_score))
result = best_font.fname
font_cache[hash(prop)] = result
return result
_is_opentype_cff_font_cache = {}
def is_opentype_cff_font(filename):
Returns True if the given font is a Postscript Compact Font Format
Font embedded in an OpenType wrapper. Used by the PostScript and
PDF backends that can not subset these fonts.
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == '.otf':
result = _is_opentype_cff_font_cache.get(filename)
if result is None:
fd = open(filename, 'rb')
tag =
result = (tag == 'OTTO')
_is_opentype_cff_font_cache[filename] = result
return result
return False
# The experimental fontconfig-based backend.
if USE_FONTCONFIG and sys.platform != 'win32':
import re
def fc_match(pattern, fontext):
import commands
fontexts = get_fontext_synonyms(fontext)
ext = "." + fontext
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput('fc-match -sv "%s"' % pattern)
if status == 0:
for match in _fc_match_regex.finditer(output):
file =
if os.path.splitext(file)[1][1:] in fontexts:
return file
return None
_fc_match_regex = re.compile(r'\sfile:\s+"([^"]*)"')
_fc_match_cache = {}
def findfont(prop, fontext='ttf'):
if not is_string_like(prop):
prop = prop.get_fontconfig_pattern()
cached = _fc_match_cache.get(prop)
if cached is not None:
return cached
result = fc_match(prop, fontext)
if result is None:
result = fc_match(':', fontext)
_fc_match_cache[prop] = result
return result
_fmcache = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'fontList.cache')
fontManager = None
def _rebuild():
global fontManager
fontManager = FontManager()
pickle_dump(fontManager, _fmcache)"generated new fontManager")
fontManager = pickle_load(_fmcache)
fontManager.default_size = None"Using fontManager instance from %s" % _fmcache)
def findfont(prop, **kw):
global fontManager
font = fontManager.findfont(prop, **kw)
if not os.path.exists(font):"%s returned by pickled fontManager does not exist" % font)
font = fontManager.findfont(prop, **kw)
return font
| agpl-3.0 |
opengeostat/pygslib | sandbox/ | 1 | 6603 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
# using naming on
import subprocess
import copy
import pandas as pd
import pygslib
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
__vmodel_par = \
""" Parameters for VMODEL
{outfl} - file for variogram output
{ndir} {nlag} - number of directions and lags
{ivdir_} - azm, dip, lag distance (array with shape [ndir,3])
{nst} {c0} - nst, nugget effect
def vmodel(parameters, gslib_path = None, silent = False):
"""vmodel(parameters, gslib_path = None)
Funtion to calculate variogram models using
the vmodel.exe external gslib program.
parameters : dict
dictionary with parameters
gslib_path : string (default None)
absolute or relative path to gslib excecutable programs
silent: boolean
if true external GSLIB stdout text is printed
pandas.DataFrame with variograms
The dictionary with parameters may be as follows::
parameters = {
'outfl' : str or None, # path to the output file or None (to use '_xxx_.out')
'nlag' : int, # number of lags
'ivdir' : 2D array of floats, # azm,dip,lag distance (array with shape [ndir,3])
'c0' : float, # nugget effect
'it' : int, # list of structure types (array with shape [nst])
'cc' : float, # list of structure variances (array with shape [nst])
'ang1' : float, # list of structure 1st rotation (array with shape [nst])
'ang2' : float, # list of structure 2nd rotation (array with shape [nst])
'ang3' : float, # list of structure 3rd rotation (array with shape [nst])
'a_hmax' : float, # list of structure maximum horizontal ranges (array with shape [nst])
'a_hmin' : float, # list of structure minimum horizontal ranges (array with shape [nst])
'a_vert' : float} # list of structure vertical ranges (array with shape [nst])
the parameters nst (number of structures) and ndir (number of directions)
are theduced from arrays ivdir and it
see for more information
if gslib_path is None:
if == "posix":
gslib_path = '~/gslib/vmodel'
gslib_path = 'c:\\gslib\\vmodel.exe'
mypar = copy.deepcopy(parameters)
if mypar['outfl'] is None:
mypar['outfl'] = '_xxx_.out'
# handle parameter arrays
ivdir = np.array (mypar['ivdir'])
it = np.array (mypar['it'], dtype = int)
cc = np.array (mypar['cc'])
ang1 = np.array (mypar['ang1'])
ang2 = np.array (mypar['ang2'])
ang3 = np.array (mypar['ang3'])
a_hmax = np.array (mypar['a_hmax'])
a_hmin = np.array (mypar['a_hmin'])
a_vert = np.array (mypar['a_vert'])
assert (ivdir.ndim==2)
assert (it.ndim==cc.ndim==ang1.ndim==ang2.ndim==ang3.ndim==a_hmax.ndim==a_hmin.ndim==a_vert.ndim==1)
assert (it.shape[0]==cc.shape[0]==ang1.shape[0]==ang2.shape[0]==ang3.shape[0]==a_hmax.shape[0]==a_hmin.shape[0]==a_vert.shape[0])
mypar['ndir'] = ivdir.shape[0]
mypar['nst'] = it.shape[0]
assert (set(it).issubset(set([1,2,3,4,5]))) # is a correct variogram type?
mypar['ivdir_'] = pd.DataFrame.to_string(pd.DataFrame(ivdir),index= False, header=False) # array to string
mypar['vst_'] = ''
for i in range(mypar['ndir']):
mypar['vst_'] = mypar['vst_'] + str (it[i]) + \
' ' + str (cc[i]) + \
' ' + str (ang1[i]) + \
' ' + str (ang2[i]) + \
' ' + str (ang3[i]) + \
' - it,cc,ang1,ang2,ang3 \n' + \
' ' + str (a_hmax[i]) + \
' ' + str (a_hmin[i]) + \
' ' + str (a_vert[i]) + \
' - a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert \n'
par = __vmodel_par.format(**mypar)
print (par)
fpar ='_xxx_.par'
with open(fpar,"w") as f:
# call pygslib
# this construction can be used in a loop for parallel execution
p=subprocess.Popen([gslib_path, fpar],
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
result = p.returncode
if p.returncode!=0:
raise NameError('gslib declus NameError' + str(stderr.decode('utf-8')))
if ~silent:
print (stdout.decode('utf-8'))
print (stdout)
# put results in pandas
nvarg = 1
ndir = mypar['ndir']
nlag = mypar['nlag'] + 2
ignore = np.arange(0,nvarg*ndir*nlag+ndir*nvarg,nlag+1) # list to ignore variogram headers
# a) read resulting file
vg = pd.read_csv(mypar['outfl'],
skiprows = ignore,
delim_whitespace= True,
names = ['Lag',
'average separation',
'var funct',
'number of directions',
'covariance ',
# b) add extra variables from headers
vg['Variogram'] = np.repeat(range(nvarg), ndir*nlag) # variogram number = row index on parameter['ivpar']
vg['Direction'] = np.tile(np.repeat(range(ndir), nlag),nvarg)
vg['tail'] = np.nan
vg['head'] = np.nan
vg['type'] = np.nan
vg['cut'] = np.nan
# clean a bit zeros and variogram at distance zero
vg.loc[vg['correlation']==1,'var funct']=None
vg = vg.set_index(['Variogram', 'Direction', 'Lag'])
# prepare figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
for i in vg.index.levels[0]:
for j in vg.index.levels[1]:
vg.loc[i,j].plot(kind='line', x= 'average separation', y = 'var funct', ax=ax, label = 'v{} d{}'.format(i,j))
return vg, fig, ax
| mit |
google-research/google-research | rllim/ | 1 | 6988 | # coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""RL-LIM Experiments on real datasets.
Understanding Black-box Model Predictions using RL-LIM.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import lightgbm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model
from rllim import data_loading
from rllim import rllim
from rllim import rllim_metrics
def main(args):
"""Main function of RL-LIM for synthetic data experiments.
args: data_name, train_no, probe_no, test_no,
seed, hyperparameters, network parameters
# Problem specification
problem = args.problem
# The ratio between training and probe datasets
train_rate = args.train_rate
probe_rate = args.probe_rate
dict_rate = {'train': train_rate, 'probe': probe_rate}
# Random seed
seed = args.seed
# Network parameters
parameters = dict()
parameters['hidden_dim'] = args.hidden_dim
parameters['iterations'] = args.iterations
parameters['num_layers'] = args.num_layers
parameters['batch_size'] = args.batch_size
parameters['batch_size_inner'] = args.batch_size_inner
parameters['lambda'] = args.hyper_lambda
# Checkpoint file name
checkpoint_file_name = args.checkpoint_file_name
# Number of sample explanations
n_exp = args.n_exp
# Loads data
data_loading.load_facebook_data(dict_rate, seed)
print('Finished data loading.')
# Preprocesses data
# Normalization methods: either 'minmax' or 'standard'
normalization = args.normalization
# Extracts features and labels & normalizes features
x_train, y_train, x_probe, _, x_test, y_test, col_names = \
'train.csv', 'probe.csv', 'test.csv')
print('Finished data preprocess.')
# Trains black-box model
# Initializes black-box model
if problem == 'regression':
bb_model = lightgbm.LGBMRegressor()
elif problem == 'classification':
bb_model = lightgbm.LGBMClassifier()
# Trains black-box model
bb_model =, y_train)
print('Finished black-box model training.')
# Constructs auxiliary datasets
if problem == 'regression':
y_train_hat = bb_model.predict(x_train)
y_probe_hat = bb_model.predict(x_probe)
elif problem == 'classification':
y_train_hat = bb_model.predict_proba(x_train)[:, 1]
y_probe_hat = bb_model.predict_proba(x_probe)[:, 1]
print('Finished auxiliary dataset construction.')
# Trains interpretable baseline
# Defines baseline
baseline = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=1)
# Trains baseline model, y_train_hat)
print('Finished interpretable baseline training.')
# Trains instance-wise weight estimator
# Defines locally interpretable model
interp_model = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=1)
# Initializes RL-LIM
rllim_class = rllim.Rllim(x_train, y_train_hat, x_probe, y_probe_hat,
parameters, interp_model,
baseline, checkpoint_file_name)
# Trains RL-LIM
print('Finished instance-wise weight estimator training.')
# Interpretable inference
# Trains locally interpretable models and output
# instance-wise explanations (test_coef) and
# interpretable predictions (test_y_fit)
test_y_fit, test_coef = rllim_class.rllim_interpreter(x_train, y_train_hat,
x_test, interp_model)
print('Finished instance-wise predictions and local explanations.')
# Overall performance
mae = rllim_metrics.overall_performance_metrics(y_test, test_y_fit,
print('Overall performance of RL-LIM in terms of MAE: ' +
str(np.round(mae, 4)))
# Black-box model predictions
y_test_hat = bb_model.predict(x_test)
# Fidelity in terms of MAE
mae = rllim_metrics.fidelity_metrics(y_test_hat, test_y_fit, metric='mae')
print('Fidelity of RL-LIM in terms of MAE: ' + str(np.round(mae, 4)))
# Fidelity in terms of R2 Score
r2 = rllim_metrics.fidelity_metrics(y_test_hat, test_y_fit, metric='r2')
print('Fidelity of RL-LIM in terms of R2 Score: ' + str(np.round(r2, 4)))
# Instance-wise explanations
# Local explanations of n_exp samples
local_explanations = test_coef[:n_exp, :]
final_col_names = np.concatenate((np.asarray(['intercept']), col_names),
pd.DataFrame(data=local_explanations, index=range(n_exp),
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Inputs for the main function
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='regression or classification',
help='minmax or standard',
help='rate of training samples',
help='rate of probe samples',
help='random seed',
help='main hyper-parameter of RL-LIM (lambda)',
help='dimensions of hidden states',
help='number of network layers',
help='number of iterations',
help='number of batch size for RL',
help='number of batch size for inner iterations',
help='the number of sample explanations',
help='file name for saving and loading the trained model',
args_in = parser.parse_args()
# Calls main function
| apache-2.0 |
John-Keating/ThinkStats2 | code/ | 68 | 68825 | """This file contains code for use with "Think Stats" and
"Think Bayes", both by Allen B. Downey, available from
Copyright 2014 Allen B. Downey
License: GNU GPLv3
from __future__ import print_function, division
"""This file contains class definitions for:
Hist: represents a histogram (map from values to integer frequencies).
Pmf: represents a probability mass function (map from values to probs).
_DictWrapper: private parent class for Hist and Pmf.
Cdf: represents a discrete cumulative distribution function
Pdf: represents a continuous probability density function
import bisect
import copy
import logging
import math
import random
import re
from collections import Counter
from operator import itemgetter
import thinkplot
import numpy as np
import pandas
import scipy
from scipy import stats
from scipy import special
from scipy import ndimage
from io import open
ROOT2 = math.sqrt(2)
def RandomSeed(x):
"""Initialize the random and np.random generators.
x: int seed
def Odds(p):
"""Computes odds for a given probability.
Example: p=0.75 means 75 for and 25 against, or 3:1 odds in favor.
Note: when p=1, the formula for odds divides by zero, which is
normally undefined. But I think it is reasonable to define Odds(1)
to be infinity, so that's what this function does.
p: float 0-1
Returns: float odds
if p == 1:
return float('inf')
return p / (1 - p)
def Probability(o):
"""Computes the probability corresponding to given odds.
Example: o=2 means 2:1 odds in favor, or 2/3 probability
o: float odds, strictly positive
Returns: float probability
return o / (o + 1)
def Probability2(yes, no):
"""Computes the probability corresponding to given odds.
Example: yes=2, no=1 means 2:1 odds in favor, or 2/3 probability.
yes, no: int or float odds in favor
return yes / (yes + no)
class Interpolator(object):
"""Represents a mapping between sorted sequences; performs linear interp.
xs: sorted list
ys: sorted list
def __init__(self, xs, ys):
self.xs = xs
self.ys = ys
def Lookup(self, x):
"""Looks up x and returns the corresponding value of y."""
return self._Bisect(x, self.xs, self.ys)
def Reverse(self, y):
"""Looks up y and returns the corresponding value of x."""
return self._Bisect(y, self.ys, self.xs)
def _Bisect(self, x, xs, ys):
"""Helper function."""
if x <= xs[0]:
return ys[0]
if x >= xs[-1]:
return ys[-1]
i = bisect.bisect(xs, x)
frac = 1.0 * (x - xs[i - 1]) / (xs[i] - xs[i - 1])
y = ys[i - 1] + frac * 1.0 * (ys[i] - ys[i - 1])
return y
class _DictWrapper(object):
"""An object that contains a dictionary."""
def __init__(self, obj=None, label=None):
"""Initializes the distribution.
obj: Hist, Pmf, Cdf, Pdf, dict, pandas Series, list of pairs
label: string label
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
self.d = {}
# flag whether the distribution is under a log transform
self.log = False
if obj is None:
if isinstance(obj, (_DictWrapper, Cdf, Pdf)):
self.label = label if label is not None else obj.label
if isinstance(obj, dict):
elif isinstance(obj, (_DictWrapper, Cdf, Pdf)):
elif isinstance(obj, pandas.Series):
# finally, treat it like a list
if len(self) > 0 and isinstance(self, Pmf):
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
def __str__(self):
cls = self.__class__.__name__
return '%s(%s)' % (cls, str(self.d))
__repr__ = __str__
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.d == other.d
def __len__(self):
return len(self.d)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.d)
def iterkeys(self):
"""Returns an iterator over keys."""
return iter(self.d)
def __contains__(self, value):
return value in self.d
def __getitem__(self, value):
return self.d.get(value, 0)
def __setitem__(self, value, prob):
self.d[value] = prob
def __delitem__(self, value):
del self.d[value]
def Copy(self, label=None):
"""Returns a copy.
Make a shallow copy of d. If you want a deep copy of d,
use copy.deepcopy on the whole object.
label: string label for the new Hist
returns: new _DictWrapper with the same type
new = copy.copy(self)
new.d = copy.copy(self.d)
new.label = label if label is not None else self.label
return new
def Scale(self, factor):
"""Multiplies the values by a factor.
factor: what to multiply by
Returns: new object
new = self.Copy()
for val, prob in self.Items():
new.Set(val * factor, prob)
return new
def Log(self, m=None):
"""Log transforms the probabilities.
Removes values with probability 0.
Normalizes so that the largest logprob is 0.
if self.log:
raise ValueError("Pmf/Hist already under a log transform")
self.log = True
if m is None:
m = self.MaxLike()
for x, p in self.d.items():
if p:
self.Set(x, math.log(p / m))
def Exp(self, m=None):
"""Exponentiates the probabilities.
m: how much to shift the ps before exponentiating
If m is None, normalizes so that the largest prob is 1.
if not self.log:
raise ValueError("Pmf/Hist not under a log transform")
self.log = False
if m is None:
m = self.MaxLike()
for x, p in self.d.items():
self.Set(x, math.exp(p - m))
def GetDict(self):
"""Gets the dictionary."""
return self.d
def SetDict(self, d):
"""Sets the dictionary."""
self.d = d
def Values(self):
"""Gets an unsorted sequence of values.
Note: one source of confusion is that the keys of this
dictionary are the values of the Hist/Pmf, and the
values of the dictionary are frequencies/probabilities.
return self.d.keys()
def Items(self):
"""Gets an unsorted sequence of (value, freq/prob) pairs."""
return self.d.items()
def Render(self, **options):
"""Generates a sequence of points suitable for plotting.
Note: options are ignored
tuple of (sorted value sequence, freq/prob sequence)
if min(self.d.keys()) is np.nan:
logging.warning('Hist: contains NaN, may not render correctly.')
return zip(*sorted(self.Items()))
def MakeCdf(self, label=None):
"""Makes a Cdf."""
label = label if label is not None else self.label
return Cdf(self, label=label)
def Print(self):
"""Prints the values and freqs/probs in ascending order."""
for val, prob in sorted(self.d.items()):
print(val, prob)
def Set(self, x, y=0):
"""Sets the freq/prob associated with the value x.
x: number value
y: number freq or prob
self.d[x] = y
def Incr(self, x, term=1):
"""Increments the freq/prob associated with the value x.
x: number value
term: how much to increment by
self.d[x] = self.d.get(x, 0) + term
def Mult(self, x, factor):
"""Scales the freq/prob associated with the value x.
x: number value
factor: how much to multiply by
self.d[x] = self.d.get(x, 0) * factor
def Remove(self, x):
"""Removes a value.
Throws an exception if the value is not there.
x: value to remove
del self.d[x]
def Total(self):
"""Returns the total of the frequencies/probabilities in the map."""
total = sum(self.d.values())
return total
def MaxLike(self):
"""Returns the largest frequency/probability in the map."""
return max(self.d.values())
def Largest(self, n=10):
"""Returns the largest n values, with frequency/probability.
n: number of items to return
return sorted(self.d.items(), reverse=True)[:n]
def Smallest(self, n=10):
"""Returns the smallest n values, with frequency/probability.
n: number of items to return
return sorted(self.d.items(), reverse=False)[:n]
class Hist(_DictWrapper):
"""Represents a histogram, which is a map from values to frequencies.
Values can be any hashable type; frequencies are integer counters.
def Freq(self, x):
"""Gets the frequency associated with the value x.
x: number value
int frequency
return self.d.get(x, 0)
def Freqs(self, xs):
"""Gets frequencies for a sequence of values."""
return [self.Freq(x) for x in xs]
def IsSubset(self, other):
"""Checks whether the values in this histogram are a subset of
the values in the given histogram."""
for val, freq in self.Items():
if freq > other.Freq(val):
return False
return True
def Subtract(self, other):
"""Subtracts the values in the given histogram from this histogram."""
for val, freq in other.Items():
self.Incr(val, -freq)
class Pmf(_DictWrapper):
"""Represents a probability mass function.
Values can be any hashable type; probabilities are floating-point.
Pmfs are not necessarily normalized.
def Prob(self, x, default=0):
"""Gets the probability associated with the value x.
x: number value
default: value to return if the key is not there
float probability
return self.d.get(x, default)
def Probs(self, xs):
"""Gets probabilities for a sequence of values."""
return [self.Prob(x) for x in xs]
def Percentile(self, percentage):
"""Computes a percentile of a given Pmf.
Note: this is not super efficient. If you are planning
to compute more than a few percentiles, compute the Cdf.
percentage: float 0-100
returns: value from the Pmf
p = percentage / 100.0
total = 0
for val, prob in sorted(self.Items()):
total += prob
if total >= p:
return val
def ProbGreater(self, x):
"""Probability that a sample from this Pmf exceeds x.
x: number
returns: float probability
if isinstance(x, _DictWrapper):
return PmfProbGreater(self, x)
t = [prob for (val, prob) in self.d.items() if val > x]
return sum(t)
def ProbLess(self, x):
"""Probability that a sample from this Pmf is less than x.
x: number
returns: float probability
if isinstance(x, _DictWrapper):
return PmfProbLess(self, x)
t = [prob for (val, prob) in self.d.items() if val < x]
return sum(t)
def __lt__(self, obj):
"""Less than.
obj: number or _DictWrapper
returns: float probability
return self.ProbLess(obj)
def __gt__(self, obj):
"""Greater than.
obj: number or _DictWrapper
returns: float probability
return self.ProbGreater(obj)
def __ge__(self, obj):
"""Greater than or equal.
obj: number or _DictWrapper
returns: float probability
return 1 - (self < obj)
def __le__(self, obj):
"""Less than or equal.
obj: number or _DictWrapper
returns: float probability
return 1 - (self > obj)
def Normalize(self, fraction=1.0):
"""Normalizes this PMF so the sum of all probs is fraction.
fraction: what the total should be after normalization
Returns: the total probability before normalizing
if self.log:
raise ValueError("Normalize: Pmf is under a log transform")
total = self.Total()
if total == 0.0:
raise ValueError('Normalize: total probability is zero.')
#logging.warning('Normalize: total probability is zero.')
#return total
factor = fraction / total
for x in self.d:
self.d[x] *= factor
return total
def Random(self):
"""Chooses a random element from this PMF.
Note: this is not very efficient. If you plan to call
this more than a few times, consider converting to a CDF.
float value from the Pmf
target = random.random()
total = 0.0
for x, p in self.d.items():
total += p
if total >= target:
return x
# we shouldn't get here
raise ValueError('Random: Pmf might not be normalized.')
def Mean(self):
"""Computes the mean of a PMF.
float mean
mean = 0.0
for x, p in self.d.items():
mean += p * x
return mean
def Var(self, mu=None):
"""Computes the variance of a PMF.
mu: the point around which the variance is computed;
if omitted, computes the mean
returns: float variance
if mu is None:
mu = self.Mean()
var = 0.0
for x, p in self.d.items():
var += p * (x - mu) ** 2
return var
def Std(self, mu=None):
"""Computes the standard deviation of a PMF.
mu: the point around which the variance is computed;
if omitted, computes the mean
returns: float standard deviation
var = self.Var(mu)
return math.sqrt(var)
def MaximumLikelihood(self):
"""Returns the value with the highest probability.
Returns: float probability
_, val = max((prob, val) for val, prob in self.Items())
return val
def CredibleInterval(self, percentage=90):
"""Computes the central credible interval.
If percentage=90, computes the 90% CI.
percentage: float between 0 and 100
sequence of two floats, low and high
cdf = self.MakeCdf()
return cdf.CredibleInterval(percentage)
def __add__(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the sum of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf or a scalar
returns: new Pmf
return self.AddPmf(other)
except AttributeError:
return self.AddConstant(other)
def AddPmf(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the sum of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
for v2, p2 in other.Items():
pmf.Incr(v1 + v2, p1 * p2)
return pmf
def AddConstant(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the sum a constant and values from self.
other: a number
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
pmf.Set(v1 + other, p1)
return pmf
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the diff of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
return self.SubPmf(other)
except AttributeError:
return self.AddConstant(-other)
def SubPmf(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the diff of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
for v2, p2 in other.Items():
pmf.Incr(v1 - v2, p1 * p2)
return pmf
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the product of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
return self.MulPmf(other)
except AttributeError:
return self.MulConstant(other)
def MulPmf(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the diff of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
for v2, p2 in other.Items():
pmf.Incr(v1 * v2, p1 * p2)
return pmf
def MulConstant(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the product of a constant and values from self.
other: a number
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
pmf.Set(v1 * other, p1)
return pmf
def __div__(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the ratio of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
return self.DivPmf(other)
except AttributeError:
return self.MulConstant(1/other)
__truediv__ = __div__
def DivPmf(self, other):
"""Computes the Pmf of the ratio of values drawn from self and other.
other: another Pmf
returns: new Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for v1, p1 in self.Items():
for v2, p2 in other.Items():
pmf.Incr(v1 / v2, p1 * p2)
return pmf
def Max(self, k):
"""Computes the CDF of the maximum of k selections from this dist.
k: int
returns: new Cdf
cdf = self.MakeCdf()
return cdf.Max(k)
class Joint(Pmf):
"""Represents a joint distribution.
The values are sequences (usually tuples)
def Marginal(self, i, label=None):
"""Gets the marginal distribution of the indicated variable.
i: index of the variable we want
Returns: Pmf
pmf = Pmf(label=label)
for vs, prob in self.Items():
pmf.Incr(vs[i], prob)
return pmf
def Conditional(self, i, j, val, label=None):
"""Gets the conditional distribution of the indicated variable.
Distribution of vs[i], conditioned on vs[j] = val.
i: index of the variable we want
j: which variable is conditioned on
val: the value the jth variable has to have
Returns: Pmf
pmf = Pmf(label=label)
for vs, prob in self.Items():
if vs[j] != val:
pmf.Incr(vs[i], prob)
return pmf
def MaxLikeInterval(self, percentage=90):
"""Returns the maximum-likelihood credible interval.
If percentage=90, computes a 90% CI containing the values
with the highest likelihoods.
percentage: float between 0 and 100
Returns: list of values from the suite
interval = []
total = 0
t = [(prob, val) for val, prob in self.Items()]
for prob, val in t:
total += prob
if total >= percentage / 100.0:
return interval
def MakeJoint(pmf1, pmf2):
"""Joint distribution of values from pmf1 and pmf2.
Assumes that the PMFs represent independent random variables.
pmf1: Pmf object
pmf2: Pmf object
Joint pmf of value pairs
joint = Joint()
for v1, p1 in pmf1.Items():
for v2, p2 in pmf2.Items():
joint.Set((v1, v2), p1 * p2)
return joint
def MakeHistFromList(t, label=None):
"""Makes a histogram from an unsorted sequence of values.
t: sequence of numbers
label: string label for this histogram
Hist object
return Hist(t, label=label)
def MakeHistFromDict(d, label=None):
"""Makes a histogram from a map from values to frequencies.
d: dictionary that maps values to frequencies
label: string label for this histogram
Hist object
return Hist(d, label)
def MakePmfFromList(t, label=None):
"""Makes a PMF from an unsorted sequence of values.
t: sequence of numbers
label: string label for this PMF
Pmf object
return Pmf(t, label=label)
def MakePmfFromDict(d, label=None):
"""Makes a PMF from a map from values to probabilities.
d: dictionary that maps values to probabilities
label: string label for this PMF
Pmf object
return Pmf(d, label=label)
def MakePmfFromItems(t, label=None):
"""Makes a PMF from a sequence of value-probability pairs
t: sequence of value-probability pairs
label: string label for this PMF
Pmf object
return Pmf(dict(t), label=label)
def MakePmfFromHist(hist, label=None):
"""Makes a normalized PMF from a Hist object.
hist: Hist object
label: string label
Pmf object
if label is None:
label = hist.label
return Pmf(hist, label=label)
def MakeMixture(metapmf, label='mix'):
"""Make a mixture distribution.
metapmf: Pmf that maps from Pmfs to probs.
label: string label for the new Pmf.
Returns: Pmf object.
mix = Pmf(label=label)
for pmf, p1 in metapmf.Items():
for x, p2 in pmf.Items():
mix.Incr(x, p1 * p2)
return mix
def MakeUniformPmf(low, high, n):
"""Make a uniform Pmf.
low: lowest value (inclusive)
high: highest value (inclusize)
n: number of values
pmf = Pmf()
for x in np.linspace(low, high, n):
pmf.Set(x, 1)
return pmf
class Cdf(object):
"""Represents a cumulative distribution function.
xs: sequence of values
ps: sequence of probabilities
label: string used as a graph label.
def __init__(self, obj=None, ps=None, label=None):
If ps is provided, obj must be the corresponding list of values.
obj: Hist, Pmf, Cdf, Pdf, dict, pandas Series, list of pairs
ps: list of cumulative probabilities
label: string label
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
if isinstance(obj, (_DictWrapper, Cdf, Pdf)):
if not label:
self.label = label if label is not None else obj.label
if obj is None:
# caller does not provide obj, make an empty Cdf
self.xs = np.asarray([]) = np.asarray([])
if ps is not None:
logging.warning("Cdf: can't pass ps without also passing xs.")
# if the caller provides xs and ps, just store them
if ps is not None:
if isinstance(ps, str):
logging.warning("Cdf: ps can't be a string")
self.xs = np.asarray(obj) = np.asarray(ps)
# caller has provided just obj, not ps
if isinstance(obj, Cdf):
self.xs = copy.copy(obj.xs) = copy.copy(
if isinstance(obj, _DictWrapper):
dw = obj
dw = Hist(obj)
if len(dw) == 0:
self.xs = np.asarray([]) = np.asarray([])
xs, freqs = zip(*sorted(dw.Items()))
self.xs = np.asarray(xs) = np.cumsum(freqs, dtype=np.float) /=[-1]
def __str__(self):
return 'Cdf(%s, %s)' % (str(self.xs), str(
__repr__ = __str__
def __len__(self):
return len(self.xs)
def __getitem__(self, x):
return self.Prob(x)
def __setitem__(self):
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def __delitem__(self):
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def __eq__(self, other):
return np.all(self.xs == other.xs) and np.all( ==
def Copy(self, label=None):
"""Returns a copy of this Cdf.
label: string label for the new Cdf
if label is None:
label = self.label
return Cdf(list(self.xs), list(, label=label)
def MakePmf(self, label=None):
"""Makes a Pmf."""
if label is None:
label = self.label
return Pmf(self, label=label)
def Values(self):
"""Returns a sorted list of values.
return self.xs
def Items(self):
"""Returns a sorted sequence of (value, probability) pairs.
Note: in Python3, returns an iterator.
a =
b = np.roll(a, 1)
b[0] = 0
return zip(self.xs, a-b)
def Shift(self, term):
"""Adds a term to the xs.
term: how much to add
new = self.Copy()
# don't use +=, or else an int array + float yields int array
new.xs = new.xs + term
return new
def Scale(self, factor):
"""Multiplies the xs by a factor.
factor: what to multiply by
new = self.Copy()
# don't use *=, or else an int array * float yields int array
new.xs = new.xs * factor
return new
def Prob(self, x):
"""Returns CDF(x), the probability that corresponds to value x.
x: number
float probability
if x < self.xs[0]:
return 0.0
index = bisect.bisect(self.xs, x)
p =[index-1]
return p
def Probs(self, xs):
"""Gets probabilities for a sequence of values.
xs: any sequence that can be converted to NumPy array
returns: NumPy array of cumulative probabilities
xs = np.asarray(xs)
index = np.searchsorted(self.xs, xs, side='right')
ps =[index-1]
ps[xs < self.xs[0]] = 0.0
return ps
ProbArray = Probs
def Value(self, p):
"""Returns InverseCDF(p), the value that corresponds to probability p.
p: number in the range [0, 1]
number value
if p < 0 or p > 1:
raise ValueError('Probability p must be in range [0, 1]')
index = bisect.bisect_left(, p)
return self.xs[index]
def ValueArray(self, ps):
"""Returns InverseCDF(p), the value that corresponds to probability p.
ps: NumPy array of numbers in the range [0, 1]
NumPy array of values
ps = np.asarray(ps)
if np.any(ps < 0) or np.any(ps > 1):
raise ValueError('Probability p must be in range [0, 1]')
index = np.searchsorted(, ps, side='left')
return self.xs[index]
def Percentile(self, p):
"""Returns the value that corresponds to percentile p.
p: number in the range [0, 100]
number value
return self.Value(p / 100.0)
def PercentileRank(self, x):
"""Returns the percentile rank of the value x.
x: potential value in the CDF
returns: percentile rank in the range 0 to 100
return self.Prob(x) * 100.0
def Random(self):
"""Chooses a random value from this distribution."""
return self.Value(random.random())
def Sample(self, n):
"""Generates a random sample from this distribution.
n: int length of the sample
returns: NumPy array
ps = np.random.random(n)
return self.ValueArray(ps)
def Mean(self):
"""Computes the mean of a CDF.
float mean
old_p = 0
total = 0.0
for x, new_p in zip(self.xs,
p = new_p - old_p
total += p * x
old_p = new_p
return total
def CredibleInterval(self, percentage=90):
"""Computes the central credible interval.
If percentage=90, computes the 90% CI.
percentage: float between 0 and 100
sequence of two floats, low and high
prob = (1 - percentage / 100.0) / 2
interval = self.Value(prob), self.Value(1 - prob)
return interval
ConfidenceInterval = CredibleInterval
def _Round(self, multiplier=1000.0):
An entry is added to the cdf only if the percentile differs
from the previous value in a significant digit, where the number
of significant digits is determined by multiplier. The
default is 1000, which keeps log10(1000) = 3 significant digits.
# TODO(write this method)
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def Render(self, **options):
"""Generates a sequence of points suitable for plotting.
An empirical CDF is a step function; linear interpolation
can be misleading.
Note: options are ignored
tuple of (xs, ps)
def interleave(a, b):
c = np.empty(a.shape[0] + b.shape[0])
c[::2] = a
c[1::2] = b
return c
a = np.array(self.xs)
xs = interleave(a, a)
shift_ps = np.roll(, 1)
shift_ps[0] = 0
ps = interleave(shift_ps,
return xs, ps
def Max(self, k):
"""Computes the CDF of the maximum of k selections from this dist.
k: int
returns: new Cdf
cdf = self.Copy() **= k
return cdf
def MakeCdfFromItems(items, label=None):
"""Makes a cdf from an unsorted sequence of (value, frequency) pairs.
items: unsorted sequence of (value, frequency) pairs
label: string label for this CDF
cdf: list of (value, fraction) pairs
return Cdf(dict(items), label=label)
def MakeCdfFromDict(d, label=None):
"""Makes a CDF from a dictionary that maps values to frequencies.
d: dictionary that maps values to frequencies.
label: string label for the data.
Cdf object
return Cdf(d, label=label)
def MakeCdfFromList(seq, label=None):
"""Creates a CDF from an unsorted sequence.
seq: unsorted sequence of sortable values
label: string label for the cdf
Cdf object
return Cdf(seq, label=label)
def MakeCdfFromHist(hist, label=None):
"""Makes a CDF from a Hist object.
hist: Pmf.Hist object
label: string label for the data.
Cdf object
if label is None:
label = hist.label
return Cdf(hist, label=label)
def MakeCdfFromPmf(pmf, label=None):
"""Makes a CDF from a Pmf object.
pmf: Pmf.Pmf object
label: string label for the data.
Cdf object
if label is None:
label = pmf.label
return Cdf(pmf, label=label)
class UnimplementedMethodException(Exception):
"""Exception if someone calls a method that should be overridden."""
class Suite(Pmf):
"""Represents a suite of hypotheses and their probabilities."""
def Update(self, data):
"""Updates each hypothesis based on the data.
data: any representation of the data
returns: the normalizing constant
for hypo in self.Values():
like = self.Likelihood(data, hypo)
self.Mult(hypo, like)
return self.Normalize()
def LogUpdate(self, data):
"""Updates a suite of hypotheses based on new data.
Modifies the suite directly; if you want to keep the original, make
a copy.
Note: unlike Update, LogUpdate does not normalize.
data: any representation of the data
for hypo in self.Values():
like = self.LogLikelihood(data, hypo)
self.Incr(hypo, like)
def UpdateSet(self, dataset):
"""Updates each hypothesis based on the dataset.
This is more efficient than calling Update repeatedly because
it waits until the end to Normalize.
Modifies the suite directly; if you want to keep the original, make
a copy.
dataset: a sequence of data
returns: the normalizing constant
for data in dataset:
for hypo in self.Values():
like = self.Likelihood(data, hypo)
self.Mult(hypo, like)
return self.Normalize()
def LogUpdateSet(self, dataset):
"""Updates each hypothesis based on the dataset.
Modifies the suite directly; if you want to keep the original, make
a copy.
dataset: a sequence of data
returns: None
for data in dataset:
def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):
"""Computes the likelihood of the data under the hypothesis.
hypo: some representation of the hypothesis
data: some representation of the data
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def LogLikelihood(self, data, hypo):
"""Computes the log likelihood of the data under the hypothesis.
hypo: some representation of the hypothesis
data: some representation of the data
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def Print(self):
"""Prints the hypotheses and their probabilities."""
for hypo, prob in sorted(self.Items()):
print(hypo, prob)
def MakeOdds(self):
"""Transforms from probabilities to odds.
Values with prob=0 are removed.
for hypo, prob in self.Items():
if prob:
self.Set(hypo, Odds(prob))
def MakeProbs(self):
"""Transforms from odds to probabilities."""
for hypo, odds in self.Items():
self.Set(hypo, Probability(odds))
def MakeSuiteFromList(t, label=None):
"""Makes a suite from an unsorted sequence of values.
t: sequence of numbers
label: string label for this suite
Suite object
hist = MakeHistFromList(t, label=label)
d = hist.GetDict()
return MakeSuiteFromDict(d)
def MakeSuiteFromHist(hist, label=None):
"""Makes a normalized suite from a Hist object.
hist: Hist object
label: string label
Suite object
if label is None:
label = hist.label
# make a copy of the dictionary
d = dict(hist.GetDict())
return MakeSuiteFromDict(d, label)
def MakeSuiteFromDict(d, label=None):
"""Makes a suite from a map from values to probabilities.
d: dictionary that maps values to probabilities
label: string label for this suite
Suite object
suite = Suite(label=label)
return suite
class Pdf(object):
"""Represents a probability density function (PDF)."""
def Density(self, x):
"""Evaluates this Pdf at x.
Returns: float or NumPy array of probability density
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def GetLinspace(self):
"""Get a linspace for plotting.
Not all subclasses of Pdf implement this.
Returns: numpy array
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def MakePmf(self, **options):
"""Makes a discrete version of this Pdf.
options can include
label: string
low: low end of range
high: high end of range
n: number of places to evaluate
Returns: new Pmf
label = options.pop('label', '')
xs, ds = self.Render(**options)
return Pmf(dict(zip(xs, ds)), label=label)
def Render(self, **options):
"""Generates a sequence of points suitable for plotting.
If options includes low and high, it must also include n;
in that case the density is evaluated an n locations between
low and high, including both.
If options includes xs, the density is evaluate at those location.
Otherwise, self.GetLinspace is invoked to provide the locations.
tuple of (xs, densities)
low, high = options.pop('low', None), options.pop('high', None)
if low is not None and high is not None:
n = options.pop('n', 101)
xs = np.linspace(low, high, n)
xs = options.pop('xs', None)
if xs is None:
xs = self.GetLinspace()
ds = self.Density(xs)
return xs, ds
def Items(self):
"""Generates a sequence of (value, probability) pairs.
return zip(*self.Render())
class NormalPdf(Pdf):
"""Represents the PDF of a Normal distribution."""
def __init__(self, mu=0, sigma=1, label=None):
"""Constructs a Normal Pdf with given mu and sigma.
mu: mean
sigma: standard deviation
label: string
""" = mu
self.sigma = sigma
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
def __str__(self):
return 'NormalPdf(%f, %f)' % (, self.sigma)
def GetLinspace(self):
"""Get a linspace for plotting.
Returns: numpy array
low, high =*self.sigma,*self.sigma
return np.linspace(low, high, 101)
def Density(self, xs):
"""Evaluates this Pdf at xs.
xs: scalar or sequence of floats
returns: float or NumPy array of probability density
return stats.norm.pdf(xs,, self.sigma)
class ExponentialPdf(Pdf):
"""Represents the PDF of an exponential distribution."""
def __init__(self, lam=1, label=None):
"""Constructs an exponential Pdf with given parameter.
lam: rate parameter
label: string
self.lam = lam
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
def __str__(self):
return 'ExponentialPdf(%f)' % (self.lam)
def GetLinspace(self):
"""Get a linspace for plotting.
Returns: numpy array
low, high = 0, 5.0/self.lam
return np.linspace(low, high, 101)
def Density(self, xs):
"""Evaluates this Pdf at xs.
xs: scalar or sequence of floats
returns: float or NumPy array of probability density
return stats.expon.pdf(xs, scale=1.0/self.lam)
class EstimatedPdf(Pdf):
"""Represents a PDF estimated by KDE."""
def __init__(self, sample, label=None):
"""Estimates the density function based on a sample.
sample: sequence of data
label: string
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
self.kde = stats.gaussian_kde(sample)
low = min(sample)
high = max(sample)
self.linspace = np.linspace(low, high, 101)
def __str__(self):
return 'EstimatedPdf(label=%s)' % str(self.label)
def GetLinspace(self):
"""Get a linspace for plotting.
Returns: numpy array
return self.linspace
def Density(self, xs):
"""Evaluates this Pdf at xs.
returns: float or NumPy array of probability density
return self.kde.evaluate(xs)
def CredibleInterval(pmf, percentage=90):
"""Computes a credible interval for a given distribution.
If percentage=90, computes the 90% CI.
pmf: Pmf object representing a posterior distribution
percentage: float between 0 and 100
sequence of two floats, low and high
cdf = pmf.MakeCdf()
prob = (1 - percentage / 100.0) / 2
interval = cdf.Value(prob), cdf.Value(1 - prob)
return interval
def PmfProbLess(pmf1, pmf2):
"""Probability that a value from pmf1 is less than a value from pmf2.
pmf1: Pmf object
pmf2: Pmf object
float probability
total = 0.0
for v1, p1 in pmf1.Items():
for v2, p2 in pmf2.Items():
if v1 < v2:
total += p1 * p2
return total
def PmfProbGreater(pmf1, pmf2):
"""Probability that a value from pmf1 is less than a value from pmf2.
pmf1: Pmf object
pmf2: Pmf object
float probability
total = 0.0
for v1, p1 in pmf1.Items():
for v2, p2 in pmf2.Items():
if v1 > v2:
total += p1 * p2
return total
def PmfProbEqual(pmf1, pmf2):
"""Probability that a value from pmf1 equals a value from pmf2.
pmf1: Pmf object
pmf2: Pmf object
float probability
total = 0.0
for v1, p1 in pmf1.Items():
for v2, p2 in pmf2.Items():
if v1 == v2:
total += p1 * p2
return total
def RandomSum(dists):
"""Chooses a random value from each dist and returns the sum.
dists: sequence of Pmf or Cdf objects
returns: numerical sum
total = sum(dist.Random() for dist in dists)
return total
def SampleSum(dists, n):
"""Draws a sample of sums from a list of distributions.
dists: sequence of Pmf or Cdf objects
n: sample size
returns: new Pmf of sums
pmf = Pmf(RandomSum(dists) for i in range(n))
return pmf
def EvalNormalPdf(x, mu, sigma):
"""Computes the unnormalized PDF of the normal distribution.
x: value
mu: mean
sigma: standard deviation
returns: float probability density
return stats.norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)
def MakeNormalPmf(mu, sigma, num_sigmas, n=201):
"""Makes a PMF discrete approx to a Normal distribution.
mu: float mean
sigma: float standard deviation
num_sigmas: how many sigmas to extend in each direction
n: number of values in the Pmf
returns: normalized Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
low = mu - num_sigmas * sigma
high = mu + num_sigmas * sigma
for x in np.linspace(low, high, n):
p = EvalNormalPdf(x, mu, sigma)
pmf.Set(x, p)
return pmf
def EvalBinomialPmf(k, n, p):
"""Evaluates the binomial PMF.
Returns the probabily of k successes in n trials with probability p.
return stats.binom.pmf(k, n, p)
def EvalHypergeomPmf(k, N, K, n):
"""Evaluates the hypergeometric PMF.
Returns the probabily of k successes in n trials from a population
N with K successes in it.
return stats.hypergeom.pmf(k, N, K, n)
def EvalPoissonPmf(k, lam):
"""Computes the Poisson PMF.
k: number of events
lam: parameter lambda in events per unit time
returns: float probability
# don't use the scipy function (yet). for lam=0 it returns NaN;
# should be 0.0
# return stats.poisson.pmf(k, lam)
return lam ** k * math.exp(-lam) / special.gamma(k+1)
def MakePoissonPmf(lam, high, step=1):
"""Makes a PMF discrete approx to a Poisson distribution.
lam: parameter lambda in events per unit time
high: upper bound of the Pmf
returns: normalized Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for k in range(0, high + 1, step):
p = EvalPoissonPmf(k, lam)
pmf.Set(k, p)
return pmf
def EvalExponentialPdf(x, lam):
"""Computes the exponential PDF.
x: value
lam: parameter lambda in events per unit time
returns: float probability density
return lam * math.exp(-lam * x)
def EvalExponentialCdf(x, lam):
"""Evaluates CDF of the exponential distribution with parameter lam."""
return 1 - math.exp(-lam * x)
def MakeExponentialPmf(lam, high, n=200):
"""Makes a PMF discrete approx to an exponential distribution.
lam: parameter lambda in events per unit time
high: upper bound
n: number of values in the Pmf
returns: normalized Pmf
pmf = Pmf()
for x in np.linspace(0, high, n):
p = EvalExponentialPdf(x, lam)
pmf.Set(x, p)
return pmf
def StandardNormalCdf(x):
"""Evaluates the CDF of the standard Normal distribution.
x: float
return (math.erf(x / ROOT2) + 1) / 2
def EvalNormalCdf(x, mu=0, sigma=1):
"""Evaluates the CDF of the normal distribution.
x: float
mu: mean parameter
sigma: standard deviation parameter
return stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
def EvalNormalCdfInverse(p, mu=0, sigma=1):
"""Evaluates the inverse CDF of the normal distribution.
p: float
mu: mean parameter
sigma: standard deviation parameter
return stats.norm.ppf(p, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
def EvalLognormalCdf(x, mu=0, sigma=1):
"""Evaluates the CDF of the lognormal distribution.
x: float or sequence
mu: mean parameter
sigma: standard deviation parameter
Returns: float or sequence
return stats.lognorm.cdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
def RenderExpoCdf(lam, low, high, n=101):
"""Generates sequences of xs and ps for an exponential CDF.
lam: parameter
low: float
high: float
n: number of points to render
returns: numpy arrays (xs, ps)
xs = np.linspace(low, high, n)
ps = 1 - np.exp(-lam * xs)
#ps = stats.expon.cdf(xs, scale=1.0/lam)
return xs, ps
def RenderNormalCdf(mu, sigma, low, high, n=101):
"""Generates sequences of xs and ps for a Normal CDF.
mu: parameter
sigma: parameter
low: float
high: float
n: number of points to render
returns: numpy arrays (xs, ps)
xs = np.linspace(low, high, n)
ps = stats.norm.cdf(xs, mu, sigma)
return xs, ps
def RenderParetoCdf(xmin, alpha, low, high, n=50):
"""Generates sequences of xs and ps for a Pareto CDF.
xmin: parameter
alpha: parameter
low: float
high: float
n: number of points to render
returns: numpy arrays (xs, ps)
if low < xmin:
low = xmin
xs = np.linspace(low, high, n)
ps = 1 - (xs / xmin) ** -alpha
#ps = stats.pareto.cdf(xs, scale=xmin, b=alpha)
return xs, ps
class Beta(object):
"""Represents a Beta distribution.
def __init__(self, alpha=1, beta=1, label=None):
"""Initializes a Beta distribution."""
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
def Update(self, data):
"""Updates a Beta distribution.
data: pair of int (heads, tails)
heads, tails = data
self.alpha += heads
self.beta += tails
def Mean(self):
"""Computes the mean of this distribution."""
return self.alpha / (self.alpha + self.beta)
def Random(self):
"""Generates a random variate from this distribution."""
return random.betavariate(self.alpha, self.beta)
def Sample(self, n):
"""Generates a random sample from this distribution.
n: int sample size
size = n,
return np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.beta, size)
def EvalPdf(self, x):
"""Evaluates the PDF at x."""
return x ** (self.alpha - 1) * (1 - x) ** (self.beta - 1)
def MakePmf(self, steps=101, label=None):
"""Returns a Pmf of this distribution.
Note: Normally, we just evaluate the PDF at a sequence
of points and treat the probability density as a probability
But if alpha or beta is less than one, we have to be
more careful because the PDF goes to infinity at x=0
and x=1. In that case we evaluate the CDF and compute
if self.alpha < 1 or self.beta < 1:
cdf = self.MakeCdf()
pmf = cdf.MakePmf()
return pmf
xs = [i / (steps - 1.0) for i in range(steps)]
probs = [self.EvalPdf(x) for x in xs]
pmf = Pmf(dict(zip(xs, probs)), label=label)
return pmf
def MakeCdf(self, steps=101):
"""Returns the CDF of this distribution."""
xs = [i / (steps - 1.0) for i in range(steps)]
ps = [special.betainc(self.alpha, self.beta, x) for x in xs]
cdf = Cdf(xs, ps)
return cdf
class Dirichlet(object):
"""Represents a Dirichlet distribution.
def __init__(self, n, conc=1, label=None):
"""Initializes a Dirichlet distribution.
n: number of dimensions
conc: concentration parameter (smaller yields more concentration)
label: string label
if n < 2:
raise ValueError('A Dirichlet distribution with '
'n<2 makes no sense')
self.n = n
self.params = np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * conc
self.label = label if label is not None else '_nolegend_'
def Update(self, data):
"""Updates a Dirichlet distribution.
data: sequence of observations, in order corresponding to params
m = len(data)
self.params[:m] += data
def Random(self):
"""Generates a random variate from this distribution.
Returns: normalized vector of fractions
p = np.random.gamma(self.params)
return p / p.sum()
def Likelihood(self, data):
"""Computes the likelihood of the data.
Selects a random vector of probabilities from this distribution.
Returns: float probability
m = len(data)
if self.n < m:
return 0
x = data
p = self.Random()
q = p[:m] ** x
def LogLikelihood(self, data):
"""Computes the log likelihood of the data.
Selects a random vector of probabilities from this distribution.
Returns: float log probability
m = len(data)
if self.n < m:
return float('-inf')
x = self.Random()
y = np.log(x[:m]) * data
return y.sum()
def MarginalBeta(self, i):
"""Computes the marginal distribution of the ith element.
i: int
Returns: Beta object
alpha0 = self.params.sum()
alpha = self.params[i]
return Beta(alpha, alpha0 - alpha)
def PredictivePmf(self, xs, label=None):
"""Makes a predictive distribution.
xs: values to go into the Pmf
Returns: Pmf that maps from x to the mean prevalence of x
alpha0 = self.params.sum()
ps = self.params / alpha0
return Pmf(zip(xs, ps), label=label)
def BinomialCoef(n, k):
"""Compute the binomial coefficient "n choose k".
n: number of trials
k: number of successes
Returns: float
return scipy.misc.comb(n, k)
def LogBinomialCoef(n, k):
"""Computes the log of the binomial coefficient.
n: number of trials
k: number of successes
Returns: float
return n * math.log(n) - k * math.log(k) - (n - k) * math.log(n - k)
def NormalProbability(ys, jitter=0.0):
"""Generates data for a normal probability plot.
ys: sequence of values
jitter: float magnitude of jitter added to the ys
returns: numpy arrays xs, ys
n = len(ys)
xs = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
if jitter:
ys = Jitter(ys, jitter)
ys = np.array(ys)
return xs, ys
def Jitter(values, jitter=0.5):
"""Jitters the values by adding a uniform variate in (-jitter, jitter).
values: sequence
jitter: scalar magnitude of jitter
returns: new numpy array
n = len(values)
return np.random.uniform(-jitter, +jitter, n) + values
def NormalProbabilityPlot(sample, fit_color='0.8', **options):
"""Makes a normal probability plot with a fitted line.
sample: sequence of numbers
fit_color: color string for the fitted line
options: passed along to Plot
xs, ys = NormalProbability(sample)
mean, var = MeanVar(sample)
std = math.sqrt(var)
fit = FitLine(xs, mean, std)
thinkplot.Plot(*fit, color=fit_color, label='model')
xs, ys = NormalProbability(sample)
thinkplot.Plot(xs, ys, **options)
def Mean(xs):
"""Computes mean.
xs: sequence of values
returns: float mean
return np.mean(xs)
def Var(xs, mu=None, ddof=0):
"""Computes variance.
xs: sequence of values
mu: option known mean
ddof: delta degrees of freedom
returns: float
xs = np.asarray(xs)
if mu is None:
mu = xs.mean()
ds = xs - mu
return, ds) / (len(xs) - ddof)
def Std(xs, mu=None, ddof=0):
"""Computes standard deviation.
xs: sequence of values
mu: option known mean
ddof: delta degrees of freedom
returns: float
var = Var(xs, mu, ddof)
return math.sqrt(var)
def MeanVar(xs, ddof=0):
"""Computes mean and variance.
Based on
xs: sequence of values
ddof: delta degrees of freedom
returns: pair of float, mean and var
xs = np.asarray(xs)
mean = xs.mean()
s2 = Var(xs, mean, ddof)
return mean, s2
def Trim(t, p=0.01):
"""Trims the largest and smallest elements of t.
t: sequence of numbers
p: fraction of values to trim off each end
sequence of values
n = int(p * len(t))
t = sorted(t)[n:-n]
return t
def TrimmedMean(t, p=0.01):
"""Computes the trimmed mean of a sequence of numbers.
t: sequence of numbers
p: fraction of values to trim off each end
t = Trim(t, p)
return Mean(t)
def TrimmedMeanVar(t, p=0.01):
"""Computes the trimmed mean and variance of a sequence of numbers.
Side effect: sorts the list.
t: sequence of numbers
p: fraction of values to trim off each end
t = Trim(t, p)
mu, var = MeanVar(t)
return mu, var
def CohenEffectSize(group1, group2):
"""Compute Cohen's d.
group1: Series or NumPy array
group2: Series or NumPy array
returns: float
diff = group1.mean() - group2.mean()
n1, n2 = len(group1), len(group2)
var1 = group1.var()
var2 = group2.var()
pooled_var = (n1 * var1 + n2 * var2) / (n1 + n2)
d = diff / math.sqrt(pooled_var)
return d
def Cov(xs, ys, meanx=None, meany=None):
"""Computes Cov(X, Y).
xs: sequence of values
ys: sequence of values
meanx: optional float mean of xs
meany: optional float mean of ys
Cov(X, Y)
xs = np.asarray(xs)
ys = np.asarray(ys)
if meanx is None:
meanx = np.mean(xs)
if meany is None:
meany = np.mean(ys)
cov =, ys-meany) / len(xs)
return cov
def Corr(xs, ys):
"""Computes Corr(X, Y).
xs: sequence of values
ys: sequence of values
Corr(X, Y)
xs = np.asarray(xs)
ys = np.asarray(ys)
meanx, varx = MeanVar(xs)
meany, vary = MeanVar(ys)
corr = Cov(xs, ys, meanx, meany) / math.sqrt(varx * vary)
return corr
def SerialCorr(series, lag=1):
"""Computes the serial correlation of a series.
series: Series
lag: integer number of intervals to shift
returns: float correlation
xs = series[lag:]
ys = series.shift(lag)[lag:]
corr = Corr(xs, ys)
return corr
def SpearmanCorr(xs, ys):
"""Computes Spearman's rank correlation.
xs: sequence of values
ys: sequence of values
float Spearman's correlation
xranks = pandas.Series(xs).rank()
yranks = pandas.Series(ys).rank()
return Corr(xranks, yranks)
def MapToRanks(t):
"""Returns a list of ranks corresponding to the elements in t.
t: sequence of numbers
list of integer ranks, starting at 1
# pair up each value with its index
pairs = enumerate(t)
# sort by value
sorted_pairs = sorted(pairs, key=itemgetter(1))
# pair up each pair with its rank
ranked = enumerate(sorted_pairs)
# sort by index
resorted = sorted(ranked, key=lambda trip: trip[1][0])
# extract the ranks
ranks = [trip[0]+1 for trip in resorted]
return ranks
def LeastSquares(xs, ys):
"""Computes a linear least squares fit for ys as a function of xs.
xs: sequence of values
ys: sequence of values
tuple of (intercept, slope)
meanx, varx = MeanVar(xs)
meany = Mean(ys)
slope = Cov(xs, ys, meanx, meany) / varx
inter = meany - slope * meanx
return inter, slope
def FitLine(xs, inter, slope):
"""Fits a line to the given data.
xs: sequence of x
returns: tuple of numpy arrays (sorted xs, fit ys)
fit_xs = np.sort(xs)
fit_ys = inter + slope * fit_xs
return fit_xs, fit_ys
def Residuals(xs, ys, inter, slope):
"""Computes residuals for a linear fit with parameters inter and slope.
xs: independent variable
ys: dependent variable
inter: float intercept
slope: float slope
list of residuals
xs = np.asarray(xs)
ys = np.asarray(ys)
res = ys - (inter + slope * xs)
return res
def CoefDetermination(ys, res):
"""Computes the coefficient of determination (R^2) for given residuals.
ys: dependent variable
res: residuals
float coefficient of determination
return 1 - Var(res) / Var(ys)
def CorrelatedGenerator(rho):
"""Generates standard normal variates with serial correlation.
rho: target coefficient of correlation
Returns: iterable
x = random.gauss(0, 1)
yield x
sigma = math.sqrt(1 - rho**2)
while True:
x = random.gauss(x * rho, sigma)
yield x
def CorrelatedNormalGenerator(mu, sigma, rho):
"""Generates normal variates with serial correlation.
mu: mean of variate
sigma: standard deviation of variate
rho: target coefficient of correlation
Returns: iterable
for x in CorrelatedGenerator(rho):
yield x * sigma + mu
def RawMoment(xs, k):
"""Computes the kth raw moment of xs.
return sum(x**k for x in xs) / len(xs)
def CentralMoment(xs, k):
"""Computes the kth central moment of xs.
mean = RawMoment(xs, 1)
return sum((x - mean)**k for x in xs) / len(xs)
def StandardizedMoment(xs, k):
"""Computes the kth standardized moment of xs.
var = CentralMoment(xs, 2)
std = math.sqrt(var)
return CentralMoment(xs, k) / std**k
def Skewness(xs):
"""Computes skewness.
return StandardizedMoment(xs, 3)
def Median(xs):
"""Computes the median (50th percentile) of a sequence.
xs: sequence or anything else that can initialize a Cdf
returns: float
cdf = Cdf(xs)
return cdf.Value(0.5)
def IQR(xs):
"""Computes the interquartile of a sequence.
xs: sequence or anything else that can initialize a Cdf
returns: pair of floats
cdf = Cdf(xs)
return cdf.Value(0.25), cdf.Value(0.75)
def PearsonMedianSkewness(xs):
"""Computes the Pearson median skewness.
median = Median(xs)
mean = RawMoment(xs, 1)
var = CentralMoment(xs, 2)
std = math.sqrt(var)
gp = 3 * (mean - median) / std
return gp
class FixedWidthVariables(object):
"""Represents a set of variables in a fixed width file."""
def __init__(self, variables, index_base=0):
variables: DataFrame
index_base: are the indices 0 or 1 based?
colspecs: list of (start, end) index tuples
names: list of string variable names
self.variables = variables
# note: by default, subtract 1 from colspecs
self.colspecs = variables[['start', 'end']] - index_base
# convert colspecs to a list of pair of int
self.colspecs = self.colspecs.astype(
self.names = variables['name']
def ReadFixedWidth(self, filename, **options):
"""Reads a fixed width ASCII file.
filename: string filename
returns: DataFrame
df = pandas.read_fwf(filename,
return df
def ReadStataDct(dct_file, **options):
"""Reads a Stata dictionary file.
dct_file: string filename
options: dict of options passed to open()
returns: FixedWidthVariables object
type_map = dict(byte=int, int=int, long=int, float=float, double=float)
var_info = []
for line in open(dct_file, **options):
match = r'_column\(([^)]*)\)', line)
if match:
start = int(
t = line.split()
vtype, name, fstring = t[1:4]
name = name.lower()
if vtype.startswith('str'):
vtype = str
vtype = type_map[vtype]
long_desc = ' '.join(t[4:]).strip('"')
var_info.append((start, vtype, name, fstring, long_desc))
columns = ['start', 'type', 'name', 'fstring', 'desc']
variables = pandas.DataFrame(var_info, columns=columns)
# fill in the end column by shifting the start column
variables['end'] = variables.start.shift(-1)
variables.loc[len(variables)-1, 'end'] = 0
dct = FixedWidthVariables(variables, index_base=1)
return dct
def Resample(xs, n=None):
"""Draw a sample from xs with the same length as xs.
xs: sequence
n: sample size (default: len(xs))
returns: NumPy array
if n is None:
n = len(xs)
return np.random.choice(xs, n, replace=True)
def SampleRows(df, nrows, replace=False):
"""Choose a sample of rows from a DataFrame.
df: DataFrame
nrows: number of rows
replace: whether to sample with replacement
returns: DataDf
indices = np.random.choice(df.index, nrows, replace=replace)
sample = df.loc[indices]
return sample
def ResampleRows(df):
"""Resamples rows from a DataFrame.
df: DataFrame
returns: DataFrame
return SampleRows(df, len(df), replace=True)
def ResampleRowsWeighted(df, column='finalwgt'):
"""Resamples a DataFrame using probabilities proportional to given column.
df: DataFrame
column: string column name to use as weights
returns: DataFrame
weights = df[column]
cdf = Cdf(dict(weights))
indices = cdf.Sample(len(weights))
sample = df.loc[indices]
return sample
def PercentileRow(array, p):
"""Selects the row from a sorted array that maps to percentile p.
p: float 0--100
returns: NumPy array (one row)
rows, cols = array.shape
index = int(rows * p / 100)
return array[index,]
def PercentileRows(ys_seq, percents):
"""Given a collection of lines, selects percentiles along vertical axis.
For example, if ys_seq contains simulation results like ys as a
function of time, and percents contains (5, 95), the result would
be a 90% CI for each vertical slice of the simulation results.
ys_seq: sequence of lines (y values)
percents: list of percentiles (0-100) to select
returns: list of NumPy arrays, one for each percentile
nrows = len(ys_seq)
ncols = len(ys_seq[0])
array = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))
for i, ys in enumerate(ys_seq):
array[i,] = ys
array = np.sort(array, axis=0)
rows = [PercentileRow(array, p) for p in percents]
return rows
def Smooth(xs, sigma=2, **options):
"""Smooths a NumPy array with a Gaussian filter.
xs: sequence
sigma: standard deviation of the filter
return ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(xs, sigma, **options)
class HypothesisTest(object):
"""Represents a hypothesis test."""
def __init__(self, data):
data: data in whatever form is relevant
""" = data
self.actual = self.TestStatistic(data)
self.test_stats = None
self.test_cdf = None
def PValue(self, iters=1000):
"""Computes the distribution of the test statistic and p-value.
iters: number of iterations
returns: float p-value
self.test_stats = [self.TestStatistic(self.RunModel())
for _ in range(iters)]
self.test_cdf = Cdf(self.test_stats)
count = sum(1 for x in self.test_stats if x >= self.actual)
return count / iters
def MaxTestStat(self):
"""Returns the largest test statistic seen during simulations.
return max(self.test_stats)
def PlotCdf(self, label=None):
"""Draws a Cdf with vertical lines at the observed test stat.
def VertLine(x):
"""Draws a vertical line at x."""
thinkplot.Plot([x, x], [0, 1], color='0.8')
thinkplot.Cdf(self.test_cdf, label=label)
def TestStatistic(self, data):
"""Computes the test statistic.
data: data in whatever form is relevant
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def MakeModel(self):
"""Build a model of the null hypothesis.
def RunModel(self):
"""Run the model of the null hypothesis.
returns: simulated data
raise UnimplementedMethodException()
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
| gpl-3.0 |
Eomys/MoSQITo | mosqito/validations/sharpness/ | 1 | 8440 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec 15 16:36:37 2020
@author: wantysal
# Third party imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Local application imports
from mosqito.functions.sharpness.comp_sharpness import comp_sharpness
from mosqito.functions.shared.load import load
# Signals and results from DIN 45692_2009E, chapter 6
broadband = np.zeros((20), dtype=dict)
broadband[0] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_250.wav",
"type": "Broad-band",
"S": 2.70,
broadband[1] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_350.wav",
"S": 2.74,
broadband[2] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_450.wav",
"S": 2.78,
broadband[3] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_570.wav",
"S": 2.85,
broadband[4] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_700.wav",
"S": 2.91,
broadband[5] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_840.wav",
"S": 2.96,
broadband[6] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_1000.wav",
"S": 3.05,
broadband[7] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_1170.wav",
"S": 3.12,
broadband[8] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_1370.wav",
"S": 3.20,
broadband[9] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_1600.wav",
"S": 3.30,
broadband[10] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_1850.wav",
"S": 3.42,
broadband[11] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_2150.wav",
"S": 3.53,
broadband[12] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_2500.wav",
"S": 3.69,
broadband[13] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_2900.wav",
"S": 3.89,
broadband[14] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_3400.wav",
"S": 4.12,
broadband[15] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_4000.wav",
"S": 4.49,
broadband[16] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_4800.wav",
"S": 5.04,
broadband[17] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_5800.wav",
"S": 5.69,
broadband[18] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_7000.wav",
"S": 6.47,
broadband[19] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\broadband_8500.wav",
"S": 7.46,
# Test signal as input for sharpness (from DIN 45692)
narrowband = np.zeros((21), dtype=dict)
narrowband[0] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_250.wav",
"type": "Narrow-band",
"S": 0.38,
narrowband[1] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_350.wav",
"S": 0.49,
narrowband[2] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_450.wav",
"S": 0.6,
narrowband[3] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_570.wav",
"S": 0.71,
narrowband[4] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_700.wav",
"S": 0.82,
narrowband[5] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_840.wav",
"S": 0.93,
narrowband[6] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_1000.wav",
"S": 1.00,
narrowband[7] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_1170.wav",
"S": 1.13,
narrowband[8] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_1370.wav",
"S": 1.26,
narrowband[9] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_1600.wav",
"S": 1.35,
narrowband[10] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_1850.wav",
"S": 1.49,
narrowband[11] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_2150.wav",
"S": 1.64,
narrowband[12] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_2500.wav",
"S": 1.78,
narrowband[13] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_2900.wav",
"S": 2.06,
narrowband[14] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_3400.wav",
"S": 2.40,
narrowband[15] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_4000.wav",
"S": 2.82,
narrowband[16] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_4800.wav",
"S": 3.48,
narrowband[17] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_5800.wav",
"S": 4.43,
narrowband[18] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_7000.wav",
"S": 5.52,
narrowband[19] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_8500.wav",
"S": 6.81,
narrowband[20] = {
"data_file": r".\mosqito\validations\sharpness\data\narrowband_10500.wav",
"S": 8.55,
def validation_sharpness(noise):
"""Test function for the script sharpness_din
Test function for the script sharpness_din with .wav filesas input.
The input files are provided by DIN 45692_2009E
The compliance is assessed according to chapter 6 of the standard.
One .png compliance plot is generated.
sharpness = np.zeros((len(noise)))
reference = np.zeros((len(noise)))
for i in range(len(noise)):
# Load signal
sig, fs = load(True, noise[i]["data_file"], calib=1)
# Compute sharpness
S = comp_sharpness(True, sig, fs, method="din")
sharpness[i] = S["values"]
# Load reference value
reference[i] = noise[i]["S"]
noise_type = noise[0]["type"]
check_compliance(sharpness, reference, noise_type)
def check_compliance(sharpness, reference, noise_type):
"""Check the compliance of sharpness calc. to DIN 45692
The compliance is assessed according to chapter 6 of the
standard DIN 45692_2009E.
One .png compliance plot is generated.
sharpness : numpy.array
computed sharpness values
reference : numpy.array
reference sharpness values
tst : bool
Compliance to the reference data
# Frequency bark axis
barks = np.arange(2.5, len(sharpness) + 2.5, 1)
# Test for DIN 45692_2009E comformance (chapter 6)
S = sharpness
tstS = (S >= np.amin([reference * 0.95, reference - 0.05], axis=0)).all() and (
S <= np.amax([reference * 1.05, reference + 0.05], axis=0)
# Tolerance curves definition
tol_low = np.amin([reference * 0.95, reference - 0.05], axis=0)
tol_high = np.amax([reference * 1.05, reference + 0.05], axis=0)
# Plot tolerance curves
barks, tol_low, color="red", linestyle="solid", label="tolerance", linewidth=1
plt.plot(barks, tol_high, color="red", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1)
if tstS:
"Test passed ",
bbox=dict(facecolor="green", alpha=0.3),
"Test not passed",
bbox=dict(facecolor="red", alpha=0.3),
# Plot the calculated sharpness
plt.plot(barks, sharpness, label="MOSQITO")
plt.title("Sharpness of " + noise_type + " noises", fontsize=10)
plt.xlabel("Center frequency [bark]")
plt.ylabel("Sharpness, [acum]")
+ "validation_sharpness_"
+ noise_type
+ "_noise"
+ ".png",
# test de la fonction
if __name__ == "__main__":
# generate compliance plot for broadband noise
| apache-2.0 |
cpcloud/arrow | python/pyarrow/tests/ | 1 | 30472 | # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import datetime
import pickle
import pytest
import struct
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas.util.testing as tm
import pickle5
except ImportError:
pickle5 = None
import pyarrow as pa
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import get_logical_type
import pyarrow.formatting as fmt
def test_total_bytes_allocated():
assert pa.total_allocated_bytes() == 0
def test_getitem_NULL():
arr = pa.array([1, None, 2])
assert arr[1] is pa.NULL
def test_constructor_raises():
# This could happen by wrong capitalization.
# ARROW-2638: prevent calling extension class constructors directly
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pa.Array([1, 2])
def test_list_format():
arr = pa.array([[1], None, [2, 3, None]])
result = fmt.array_format(arr)
expected = """\
assert result == expected
def test_string_format():
arr = pa.array([u'', None, u'foo'])
result = fmt.array_format(arr)
expected = """\
assert result == expected
def test_long_array_format():
arr = pa.array(range(100))
result = fmt.array_format(arr, window=2)
expected = """\
assert result == expected
def test_to_numpy_zero_copy():
arr = pa.array(range(10))
old_refcount = sys.getrefcount(arr)
np_arr = arr.to_numpy()
np_arr[0] = 1
assert arr[0] == 1
assert sys.getrefcount(arr) == old_refcount
arr = None
import gc
# Ensure base is still valid
assert np_arr.base is not None
expected = np.arange(10)
expected[0] = 1
np.testing.assert_array_equal(np_arr, expected)
def test_to_numpy_unsupported_types():
# ARROW-2871: Some primitive types are not yet supported in to_numpy
bool_arr = pa.array([True, False, True])
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
null_arr = pa.array([None, None, None])
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_to_pandas_zero_copy():
import gc
arr = pa.array(range(10))
for i in range(10):
np_arr = arr.to_pandas()
assert sys.getrefcount(np_arr) == 2
np_arr = None # noqa
assert sys.getrefcount(arr) == 2
for i in range(10):
arr = pa.array(range(10))
np_arr = arr.to_pandas()
arr = None
# Ensure base is still valid
# Because of py.test's assert inspection magic, if you put getrefcount
# on the line being examined, it will be 1 higher than you expect
base_refcount = sys.getrefcount(np_arr.base)
assert base_refcount == 2
def test_array_getitem():
arr = pa.array(range(10, 15))
lst = arr.to_pylist()
for idx in range(-len(arr), len(arr)):
assert arr[idx].as_py() == lst[idx]
for idx in range(-2 * len(arr), -len(arr)):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
for idx in range(len(arr), 2 * len(arr)):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
def test_array_slice():
arr = pa.array(range(10))
sliced = arr.slice(2)
expected = pa.array(range(2, 10))
assert sliced.equals(expected)
sliced2 = arr.slice(2, 4)
expected2 = pa.array(range(2, 6))
assert sliced2.equals(expected2)
# 0 offset
assert arr.slice(0).equals(arr)
# Slice past end of array
assert len(arr.slice(len(arr))) == 0
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
# Test slice notation
assert arr[2:].equals(arr.slice(2))
assert arr[2:5].equals(arr.slice(2, 3))
assert arr[-5:].equals(arr.slice(len(arr) - 5))
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
n = len(arr)
for start in range(-n * 2, n * 2):
for stop in range(-n * 2, n * 2):
assert arr[start:stop].to_pylist() == arr.to_pylist()[start:stop]
def test_array_iter():
arr = pa.array(range(10))
for i, j in zip(range(10), arr):
assert i == j
assert isinstance(arr, collections.Iterable)
def test_struct_array_slice():
# ARROW-2311: slicing nested arrays needs special care
ty = pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int8()),
pa.field('b', pa.float32())])
arr = pa.array([(1, 2.5), (3, 4.5), (5, 6.5)], type=ty)
assert arr[1:].to_pylist() == [{'a': 3, 'b': 4.5},
{'a': 5, 'b': 6.5}]
def test_array_factory_invalid_type():
arr = np.array([datetime.timedelta(1), datetime.timedelta(2)])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_array_ref_to_ndarray_base():
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])
refcount = sys.getrefcount(arr)
arr2 = pa.array(arr) # noqa
assert sys.getrefcount(arr) == (refcount + 1)
def test_array_eq_raises():
# ARROW-2150: we are raising when comparing arrays until we define the
# behavior to either be elementwise comparisons or data equality
arr1 = pa.array([1, 2, 3], type=pa.int32())
arr2 = pa.array([1, 2, 3], type=pa.int32())
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
arr1 == arr2
def test_array_from_buffers():
values_buf = pa.py_buffer(np.int16([4, 5, 6, 7]))
nulls_buf = pa.py_buffer(np.uint8([0b00001101]))
arr = pa.Array.from_buffers(pa.int16(), 4, [nulls_buf, values_buf])
assert arr.type == pa.int16()
assert arr.to_pylist() == [4, None, 6, 7]
arr = pa.Array.from_buffers(pa.int16(), 4, [None, values_buf])
assert arr.type == pa.int16()
assert arr.to_pylist() == [4, 5, 6, 7]
arr = pa.Array.from_buffers(pa.int16(), 3, [nulls_buf, values_buf],
assert arr.type == pa.int16()
assert arr.to_pylist() == [None, 6, 7]
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pa.Array.from_buffers(pa.int16(), 3, [u'', u''], offset=1)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
pa.Array.from_buffers(pa.list_(pa.int16()), 4, [None, values_buf])
def test_dictionary_from_numpy():
indices = np.repeat([0, 1, 2], 2)
dictionary = np.array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], dtype=object)
mask = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, False])
d1 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices, dictionary)
d2 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices, dictionary, mask=mask)
for i in range(len(indices)):
assert d1[i].as_py() == dictionary[indices[i]]
if mask[i]:
assert d2[i] is pa.NULL
assert d2[i].as_py() == dictionary[indices[i]]
def test_dictionary_from_boxed_arrays():
indices = np.repeat([0, 1, 2], 2)
dictionary = np.array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], dtype=object)
iarr = pa.array(indices)
darr = pa.array(dictionary)
d1 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(iarr, darr)
for i in range(len(indices)):
assert d1[i].as_py() == dictionary[indices[i]]
def test_dictionary_from_arrays_boundscheck():
indices1 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
indices2 = pa.array([0, -1, 2])
indices3 = pa.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
dictionary = pa.array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
# Works fine
pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices1, dictionary)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowException):
pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices2, dictionary)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowException):
pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices3, dictionary)
# If we are confident that the indices are "safe" we can pass safe=False to
# disable the boundschecking
pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices2, dictionary, safe=False)
def test_dictionary_with_pandas():
indices = np.repeat([0, 1, 2], 2)
dictionary = np.array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], dtype=object)
mask = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, False])
d1 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices, dictionary)
d2 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(indices, dictionary, mask=mask)
pandas1 = d1.to_pandas()
ex_pandas1 = pd.Categorical.from_codes(indices, categories=dictionary)
tm.assert_series_equal(pd.Series(pandas1), pd.Series(ex_pandas1))
pandas2 = d2.to_pandas()
ex_pandas2 = pd.Categorical.from_codes(np.where(mask, -1, indices),
tm.assert_series_equal(pd.Series(pandas2), pd.Series(ex_pandas2))
def test_list_from_arrays():
offsets_arr = np.array([0, 2, 5, 8], dtype='i4')
offsets = pa.array(offsets_arr, type='int32')
pyvalues = [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e', b'f', b'g', b'h']
values = pa.array(pyvalues, type='binary')
result = pa.ListArray.from_arrays(offsets, values)
expected = pa.array([pyvalues[:2], pyvalues[2:5], pyvalues[5:8]])
assert result.equals(expected)
# With nulls
offsets = [0, None, 2, 6]
values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
result = pa.ListArray.from_arrays(offsets, values)
expected = pa.array([values[:2], None, values[2:]])
assert result.equals(expected)
# Another edge case
offsets2 = [0, 2, None, 6]
result = pa.ListArray.from_arrays(offsets2, values)
expected = pa.array([values[:2], values[2:], None])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_union_from_dense():
binary = pa.array([b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd'], type='binary')
int64 = pa.array([1, 2, 3], type='int64')
types = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], type='int8')
value_offsets = pa.array([0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3], type='int32')
result = pa.UnionArray.from_dense(types, value_offsets, [binary, int64])
assert result.to_pylist() == [b'a', 1, b'c', b'b', 2, 3, b'd']
def test_union_from_sparse():
binary = pa.array([b'a', b' ', b'b', b'c', b' ', b' ', b'd'],
int64 = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0], type='int64')
types = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], type='int8')
result = pa.UnionArray.from_sparse(types, [binary, int64])
assert result.to_pylist() == [b'a', 1, b'b', b'c', 2, 3, b'd']
def test_union_array_slice():
# ARROW-2314
arr = pa.UnionArray.from_sparse(pa.array([0, 0, 1, 1], type=pa.int8()),
[pa.array(["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4])])
assert arr[1:].to_pylist() == ["b", 3, 4]
binary = pa.array([b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd'], type='binary')
int64 = pa.array([1, 2, 3], type='int64')
types = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], type='int8')
value_offsets = pa.array([0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3], type='int32')
arr = pa.UnionArray.from_dense(types, value_offsets, [binary, int64])
lst = arr.to_pylist()
for i in range(len(arr)):
for j in range(i, len(arr)):
assert arr[i:j].to_pylist() == lst[i:j]
def test_string_from_buffers():
array = pa.array(["a", None, "b", "c"])
buffers = array.buffers()
copied = pa.StringArray.from_buffers(
len(array), buffers[1], buffers[2], buffers[0], array.null_count,
assert copied.to_pylist() == ["a", None, "b", "c"]
copied = pa.StringArray.from_buffers(
len(array), buffers[1], buffers[2], buffers[0])
assert copied.to_pylist() == ["a", None, "b", "c"]
sliced = array[1:]
buffers = sliced.buffers()
copied = pa.StringArray.from_buffers(
len(sliced), buffers[1], buffers[2], buffers[0], -1, sliced.offset)
assert copied.to_pylist() == [None, "b", "c"]
assert copied.null_count == 1
# Slice but exclude all null entries so that we don't need to pass
# the null bitmap.
sliced = array[2:]
buffers = sliced.buffers()
copied = pa.StringArray.from_buffers(
len(sliced), buffers[1], buffers[2], None, -1, sliced.offset)
assert copied.to_pylist() == ["b", "c"]
assert copied.null_count == 0
def _check_cast_case(case, safe=True):
in_data, in_type, out_data, out_type = case
in_arr = pa.array(in_data, type=in_type)
casted = in_arr.cast(out_type, safe=safe)
expected = pa.array(out_data, type=out_type)
assert casted.equals(expected)
def test_cast_integers_safe():
safe_cases = [
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i1'), 'int8',
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i4'), pa.int32()),
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i1'), 'int8',
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='u4'), pa.uint16()),
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i1'), 'int8',
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='u1'), pa.uint8()),
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i1'), 'int8',
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='f8'), pa.float64())
for case in safe_cases:
unsafe_cases = [
(np.array([50000], dtype='i4'), 'int32', 'int16'),
(np.array([70000], dtype='i4'), 'int32', 'uint16'),
(np.array([-1], dtype='i4'), 'int32', 'uint16'),
(np.array([50000], dtype='u2'), 'uint16', 'int16')
for in_data, in_type, out_type in unsafe_cases:
in_arr = pa.array(in_data, type=in_type)
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
def test_cast_column():
arrays = [pa.array([1, 2, 3]), pa.array([4, 5, 6])]
col = pa.column('foo', arrays)
target = pa.float64()
casted = col.cast(target)
expected = pa.column('foo', [x.cast(target) for x in arrays])
assert casted.equals(expected)
def test_cast_integers_unsafe():
# We let NumPy do the unsafe casting
unsafe_cases = [
(np.array([50000], dtype='i4'), 'int32',
np.array([50000], dtype='i2'), pa.int16()),
(np.array([70000], dtype='i4'), 'int32',
np.array([70000], dtype='u2'), pa.uint16()),
(np.array([-1], dtype='i4'), 'int32',
np.array([-1], dtype='u2'), pa.uint16()),
(np.array([50000], dtype='u2'), pa.uint16(),
np.array([50000], dtype='i2'), pa.int16())
for case in unsafe_cases:
_check_cast_case(case, safe=False)
def test_cast_timestamp_unit():
# ARROW-1680
val =
s = pd.Series([val])
s_nyc = s.dt.tz_localize('tzlocal()').dt.tz_convert('America/New_York')
us_with_tz = pa.timestamp('us', tz='America/New_York')
arr = pa.Array.from_pandas(s_nyc, type=us_with_tz)
# ARROW-1906
assert arr.type == us_with_tz
arr2 = pa.Array.from_pandas(s, type=pa.timestamp('us'))
assert arr[0].as_py() == s_nyc[0]
assert arr2[0].as_py() == s[0]
# Disallow truncation
arr = pa.array([123123], type='int64').cast(pa.timestamp('ms'))
expected = pa.array([123], type='int64').cast(pa.timestamp('s'))
target = pa.timestamp('s')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
result = arr.cast(target, safe=False)
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_cast_signed_to_unsigned():
safe_cases = [
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i1'), pa.uint8(),
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='u1'), pa.uint8()),
(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='i2'), pa.uint16(),
np.array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='u2'), pa.uint16())
for case in safe_cases:
def test_unique_simple():
cases = [
(pa.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]), pa.array([1, 2, 3])),
(pa.array(['foo', None, 'bar', 'foo']),
pa.array(['foo', 'bar']))
for arr, expected in cases:
result = arr.unique()
assert result.equals(expected)
result = pa.column("column", arr).unique()
assert result.equals(expected)
result = pa.chunked_array([arr]).unique()
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_dictionary_encode_simple():
cases = [
(pa.array([1, 2, 3, None, 1, 2, 3]),
pa.array([0, 1, 2, None, 0, 1, 2], type='int32'),
[1, 2, 3])),
(pa.array(['foo', None, 'bar', 'foo']),
pa.array([0, None, 1, 0], type='int32'),
['foo', 'bar']))
for arr, expected in cases:
result = arr.dictionary_encode()
assert result.equals(expected)
result = pa.column("column", arr).dictionary_encode()
result = pa.chunked_array([arr]).dictionary_encode()
assert result.chunk(0).equals(expected)
def test_cast_time32_to_int():
arr = pa.array(np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype='int32'),
expected = pa.array([0, 1, 2], type='i4')
result = arr.cast('i4')
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_cast_time64_to_int():
arr = pa.array(np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype='int64'),
expected = pa.array([0, 1, 2], type='i8')
result = arr.cast('i8')
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_cast_timestamp_to_int():
arr = pa.array(np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype='int64'),
expected = pa.array([0, 1, 2], type='i8')
result = arr.cast('i8')
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_cast_date32_to_int():
arr = pa.array([0, 1, 2], type='i4')
result1 = arr.cast('date32')
result2 = result1.cast('i4')
expected1 = pa.array([, 1, 1),, 1, 2),, 1, 3)
assert result1.equals(expected1)
assert result2.equals(arr)
def test_cast_date64_to_int():
arr = pa.array(np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype='int64'),
expected = pa.array([0, 1, 2], type='i8')
result = arr.cast('i8')
assert result.equals(expected)
pickle_test_parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize(
('data', 'typ'),
([True, False, True, True], pa.bool_()),
([1, 2, 4, 6], pa.int64()),
([1.0, 2.5, None], pa.float64()),
(['a', None, 'b'], pa.string()),
([], None),
([[1, 2], [3]], pa.list_(pa.int64())),
([['a'], None, ['b', 'c']], pa.list_(pa.string())),
([(1, 'a'), (2, 'c'), None],
pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int64()), pa.field('b', pa.string())]))
def test_array_pickle(data, typ):
# Allocate here so that we don't have any Arrow data allocated.
# This is needed to ensure that allocator tests can be reliable.
array = pa.array(data, type=typ)
for proto in range(0, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
result = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(array, proto))
assert array.equals(result)
def test_array_pickle5(data, typ):
# Test zero-copy pickling with protocol 5 (PEP 574)
picklemod = pickle5 or pickle
if pickle5 is None and picklemod.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL < 5:
pytest.skip("need pickle5 package or Python 3.8+")
array = pa.array(data, type=typ)
addresses = [buf.address if buf is not None else 0
for buf in array.buffers()]
for proto in range(5, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
buffers = []
pickled = picklemod.dumps(array, proto, buffer_callback=buffers.append)
result = picklemod.loads(pickled, buffers=buffers)
assert array.equals(result)
result_addresses = [buf.address if buf is not None else 0
for buf in result.buffers()]
assert result_addresses == addresses
np.arange(10, dtype=np.int64),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.int32),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.int16),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.int8),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.uint64),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.uint32),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.uint16),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.uint8),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32),
np.arange(10, dtype=np.float16),
def test_to_numpy_roundtrip(narr):
arr = pa.array(narr)
assert narr.dtype == arr.to_numpy().dtype
np.testing.assert_array_equal(narr, arr.to_numpy())
np.testing.assert_array_equal(narr[:6], arr[:6].to_numpy())
np.testing.assert_array_equal(narr[2:], arr[2:].to_numpy())
np.testing.assert_array_equal(narr[2:6], arr[2:6].to_numpy())
('type', 'expected'),
(pa.null(), 'empty'),
(pa.bool_(), 'bool'),
(pa.int8(), 'int8'),
(pa.int16(), 'int16'),
(pa.int32(), 'int32'),
(pa.int64(), 'int64'),
(pa.uint8(), 'uint8'),
(pa.uint16(), 'uint16'),
(pa.uint32(), 'uint32'),
(pa.uint64(), 'uint64'),
(pa.float16(), 'float16'),
(pa.float32(), 'float32'),
(pa.float64(), 'float64'),
(pa.date32(), 'date'),
(pa.date64(), 'date'),
(pa.binary(), 'bytes'),
(pa.binary(length=4), 'bytes'),
(pa.string(), 'unicode'),
(pa.list_(pa.list_(pa.int16())), 'list[list[int16]]'),
(pa.decimal128(18, 3), 'decimal'),
(pa.timestamp('ms'), 'datetime'),
(pa.timestamp('us', 'UTC'), 'datetimetz'),
(pa.time32('s'), 'time'),
(pa.time64('us'), 'time')
def test_logical_type(type, expected):
assert get_logical_type(type) == expected
def test_array_uint64_from_py_over_range():
arr = pa.array([2 ** 63], type=pa.uint64())
expected = pa.array(np.array([2 ** 63], dtype='u8'))
assert arr.equals(expected)
def test_array_conversions_no_sentinel_values():
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype='int8')
refcount = sys.getrefcount(arr)
arr2 = pa.array(arr) # noqa
assert sys.getrefcount(arr) == (refcount + 1)
assert arr2.type == 'int8'
arr3 = pa.array(np.array([1, np.nan, 2, 3, np.nan, 4], dtype='float32'),
assert arr3.type == 'float32'
assert arr3.null_count == 0
def test_array_from_numpy_datetimeD():
arr = np.array([None,, 4, 4)], dtype='datetime64[D]')
result = pa.array(arr)
expected = pa.array([None,, 4, 4)], type=pa.date32())
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_array_from_py_float32():
data = [[1.2, 3.4], [9.0, 42.0]]
t = pa.float32()
arr1 = pa.array(data[0], type=t)
arr2 = pa.array(data, type=pa.list_(t))
expected1 = np.array(data[0], dtype=np.float32)
expected2 = pd.Series([np.array(data[0], dtype=np.float32),
np.array(data[1], dtype=np.float32)])
assert arr1.type == t
assert arr1.equals(pa.array(expected1))
assert arr2.equals(pa.array(expected2))
def test_array_from_numpy_ascii():
arr = np.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''], dtype='|S5')
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr)
assert arrow_arr.type == 'binary'
expected = pa.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''], type='binary')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
mask = np.array([False, True, False])
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr, mask=mask)
expected = pa.array(['abcde', None, ''], type='binary')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
# Strided variant
arr = np.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''] * 5, dtype='|S5')[::2]
mask = np.array([False, True, False] * 5)[::2]
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr, mask=mask)
expected = pa.array(['abcde', '', None, 'abcde', '', None, 'abcde', ''],
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
# 0 itemsize
arr = np.array(['', '', ''], dtype='|S0')
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr)
expected = pa.array(['', '', ''], type='binary')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
def test_array_from_numpy_unicode():
dtypes = ['<U5', '>U5']
for dtype in dtypes:
arr = np.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''], dtype=dtype)
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr)
assert arrow_arr.type == 'utf8'
expected = pa.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''], type='utf8')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
mask = np.array([False, True, False])
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr, mask=mask)
expected = pa.array(['abcde', None, ''], type='utf8')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
# Strided variant
arr = np.array(['abcde', 'abc', ''] * 5, dtype=dtype)[::2]
mask = np.array([False, True, False] * 5)[::2]
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr, mask=mask)
expected = pa.array(['abcde', '', None, 'abcde', '', None,
'abcde', ''], type='utf8')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
# 0 itemsize
arr = np.array(['', '', ''], dtype='<U0')
arrow_arr = pa.array(arr)
expected = pa.array(['', '', ''], type='utf8')
assert arrow_arr.equals(expected)
def test_buffers_primitive():
a = pa.array([1, 2, None, 4], type=pa.int16())
buffers = a.buffers()
assert len(buffers) == 2
null_bitmap = buffers[0].to_pybytes()
assert 1 <= len(null_bitmap) <= 64 # XXX this is varying
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00001011
# Slicing does not affect the buffers but the offset
a_sliced = a[1:]
buffers = a_sliced.buffers()
a_sliced.offset == 1
assert len(buffers) == 2
null_bitmap = buffers[0].to_pybytes()
assert 1 <= len(null_bitmap) <= 64 # XXX this is varying
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00001011
assert struct.unpack('hhxxh', buffers[1].to_pybytes()) == (1, 2, 4)
a = pa.array(np.int8([4, 5, 6]))
buffers = a.buffers()
assert len(buffers) == 2
# No null bitmap from Numpy int array
assert buffers[0] is None
assert struct.unpack('3b', buffers[1].to_pybytes()) == (4, 5, 6)
a = pa.array([b'foo!', None, b'bar!!'])
buffers = a.buffers()
assert len(buffers) == 3
null_bitmap = buffers[0].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00000101
offsets = buffers[1].to_pybytes()
assert struct.unpack('4i', offsets) == (0, 4, 4, 9)
values = buffers[2].to_pybytes()
assert values == b'foo!bar!!'
def test_buffers_nested():
a = pa.array([[1, 2], None, [3, None, 4, 5]], type=pa.list_(pa.int64()))
buffers = a.buffers()
assert len(buffers) == 4
# The parent buffers
null_bitmap = buffers[0].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00000101
offsets = buffers[1].to_pybytes()
assert struct.unpack('4i', offsets) == (0, 2, 2, 6)
# The child buffers
null_bitmap = buffers[2].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00110111
values = buffers[3].to_pybytes()
assert struct.unpack('qqq8xqq', values) == (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a = pa.array([(42, None), None, (None, 43)],
type=pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int8()),
pa.field('b', pa.int16())]))
buffers = a.buffers()
assert len(buffers) == 5
# The parent buffer
null_bitmap = buffers[0].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00000101
# The child buffers: 'a'
null_bitmap = buffers[1].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00000001
values = buffers[2].to_pybytes()
assert struct.unpack('bxx', values) == (42,)
# The child buffers: 'b'
null_bitmap = buffers[3].to_pybytes()
assert bytearray(null_bitmap)[0] == 0b00000100
values = buffers[4].to_pybytes()
assert struct.unpack('4xh', values) == (43,)
def test_invalid_tensor_constructor_repr():
# ARROW-2638: prevent calling extension class constructors directly
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_invalid_tensor_construction():
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_struct_array_flatten():
ty = pa.struct([pa.field('x', pa.int16()),
pa.field('y', pa.float32())])
a = pa.array([(1, 2.5), (3, 4.5), (5, 6.5)], type=ty)
xs, ys = a.flatten()
assert xs.type == pa.int16()
assert ys.type == pa.float32()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [1, 3, 5]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [2.5, 4.5, 6.5]
xs, ys = a[1:].flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [3, 5]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [4.5, 6.5]
a = pa.array([(1, 2.5), None, (3, 4.5)], type=ty)
xs, ys = a.flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [1, None, 3]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [2.5, None, 4.5]
xs, ys = a[1:].flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [None, 3]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [None, 4.5]
a = pa.array([(1, None), (2, 3.5), (None, 4.5)], type=ty)
xs, ys = a.flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [1, 2, None]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [None, 3.5, 4.5]
xs, ys = a[1:].flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [2, None]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [3.5, 4.5]
a = pa.array([(1, None), None, (None, 2.5)], type=ty)
xs, ys = a.flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [1, None, None]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [None, None, 2.5]
xs, ys = a[1:].flatten()
assert xs.to_pylist() == [None, None]
assert ys.to_pylist() == [None, 2.5]
def test_nested_dictionary_array():
dict_arr = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays([0, 1, 0], ['a', 'b'])
list_arr = pa.ListArray.from_arrays([0, 2, 3], dict_arr)
assert list_arr.to_pylist() == [['a', 'b'], ['a']]
dict_arr = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays([0, 1, 0], ['a', 'b'])
dict_arr2 = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays([0, 1, 2, 1, 0], dict_arr)
assert dict_arr2.to_pylist() == ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', ['ns', 'us', 'ms', 's'])
def test_timestamp_units_from_list(unit):
x = np.datetime64('2017-01-01 01:01:01.111111111', unit)
a1 = pa.array([x])
a2 = pa.array([x], type=pa.timestamp(unit))
assert a1.type == a2.type
assert a1.type.unit == unit
assert a1[0] == a2[0]
| apache-2.0 |
james-jz-zheng/jjzz | | 1 | 4779 | import yahoo_finance as yhf
from sklearn import *
import os.path, os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
def next_biz_day(d):
nd = d+dt.timedelta(days=1)
return nd if nd.weekday() in range(5) else next_biz_day(nd)
def prev_biz_day(d):
pd = d-dt.timedelta(days=1)
return pd if pd.weekday() in range(5) else prev_biz_day(pd)
def get_raw(s_name, start, end):
FILE_PATH = 'C:\\Temp' # os.environ.get('TEMP')
file_name = FILE_PATH + '\\' + s_name + start + end + '.txt'
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
with open(file_name,'r') as f:
raw = pickle.load(f)
raw = yhf.Share(s_name).get_historical(start,end)
with open(file_name,'w') as f:
pickle.dump(raw, f)
return raw
def get_s(s_name, start, end, field):
return [float(i[field]) for i in get_raw(s_name, start, end)]
def get_diff(arr):
return [0] + [2.0*(arr[i+1] - arr[i])/(arr[i+1] + arr[i]) for i in range(len(arr) - 1)]
def sigmoid(z):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-1.0 * z))
def nomalize(arr):
x = np.array(arr)
min, max = x[np.argmin(x)], x[np.argmax(x)]
return ((x - min) / (max - min))*2.0 -1
def average(arr, ndays):
a = [[arr[0]] * i + arr[:-i] if i>0 else arr for i in range(ndays)]
k = np.zeros_like(a[0])
for i in range(ndays):
k += np.array(a[i])
return np.array(k) / float(ndays)
def ave_n(n):
return lambda x:average(x, n)
def merge_fs(fs):
return fs[0] if len(fs) == 1 else lambda *args: (merge_fs(fs[1:]))(fs[0](*args))
# --- Run parameters ---
x_names = 'MSFT|AAPL|GOOG|FB|INTC|AMZN|BIDU'.split('|')
y_name = 'BIDU'
percentage_for_training = 0.95
se_dates = [dt.datetime(*d) for d in [(2013,1,3), (2017,4,3)]]
input_start, input_end = [d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in se_dates]
se_dates = [next_biz_day(d) for d in se_dates]
predict_start, predict_end = [d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in se_dates]
# training dataset selection
lwfs = [
# label, weight, methods
('Close', 5.0, [get_s, get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Open', 3.0, [get_s, get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('High', 1.0, [get_s, get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Low', 1.0, [get_s, get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Volume', 1.0, [get_s, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Close', 1.0, [get_s, ave_n(5), get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Open', 1.0, [get_s, ave_n(5), get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
('Close', 0.5, [get_s, ave_n(10), get_diff, nomalize, sigmoid]),
train_X_all = zip(*[w*(merge_fs(fs)(i, input_start, input_end, l)) for i in x_names for l,w,fs in lwfs])
train_Y_all = [1 if i>0 else 0 for i in get_diff(get_s(y_name, predict_start, predict_end, 'Close'))]
print "Running for input X({0}) and Y({1})...".format(len(train_X_all), len(train_Y_all))
if len(train_X_all) != len(train_Y_all):
raise Exception("### Uneven input X({0}) and Y({1}), please Check!!!".format(len(train_X_all), len(train_Y_all)))
n_train_data = int(len(train_X_all)*percentage_for_training)
train_X, train_Y = train_X_all[:n_train_data], train_Y_all[:n_train_data]
test_X, test_Y = train_X_all[n_train_data:], train_Y_all[n_train_data:]
# fit and predict
def fit_and_predict(sklnr, train_X, train_Y, test_X): ,train_Y)
out_Y = sklnr.predict(test_X)
actual_vs_predict = zip(*[test_Y, out_Y])
matched_count = [1 if i[0]==i[1] else 0 for i in actual_vs_predict]
accuracy = 1.0* sum(matched_count)/len(matched_count)
print 'Accuracy: {0}% Train({1}):Test({2}) - Model: {3}'.format(
str(sklnr).replace('\n',' '))
# choose different learners
learner = [
# neural_network.MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=1e-5,hidden_layer_sizes=(10, 2), random_state=1)
# run
for l in learner:
fit_and_predict(l, train_X, train_Y, test_X)
| gpl-3.0 |
tum-camp/survival-support-vector-machine | survival/io/ | 1 | 1824 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import numpy
from import loadarff as scipy_loadarff
import pandas
__all__ = ["loadarff"]
def _to_pandas(data, meta):
data_dict = {}
attrnames = meta.names()
for name in attrnames:
tp, attr_format = meta[name]
if tp == "nominal":
raw = []
for b in data[name]:
# replace missing values with NaN
if b == b'?':
data_dict[name] = pandas.Categorical(raw, categories=attr_format, ordered=False)
arr = data[name]
p = pandas.Series(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
data_dict[name] = p
# currently, this step converts all pandas.Categorial columns back to pandas.Series
return pandas.DataFrame(data_dict)
def loadarff(filename):
"""Load ARFF file
filename : string
Path to ARFF file
data_frame : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
DataFrame containing data of ARFF file
data, meta = scipy_loadarff(filename)
return _to_pandas(data, meta)
| gpl-3.0 |
aleksandr-bakanov/astropy | astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/ | 2 | 30823 | # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from matplotlib.axes import Axes, subplot_class_factory
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, Bbox, Transform
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, BaseCoordinateFrame
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import BaseHighLevelWCS
from .transforms import CoordinateTransform
from .coordinates_map import CoordinatesMap
from .utils import get_coord_meta, transform_contour_set_inplace
from .frame import RectangularFrame, RectangularFrame1D
from .wcsapi import IDENTITY, transform_coord_meta_from_wcs
__all__ = ['WCSAxes', 'WCSAxesSubplot']
VISUAL_PROPERTIES = ['facecolor', 'edgecolor', 'linewidth', 'alpha', 'linestyle']
class _WCSAxesArtist(Artist):
"""This is a dummy artist to enforce the correct z-order of axis ticks,
tick labels, and gridlines.
FIXME: This is a bit of a hack. ``Axes.draw`` sorts the artists by zorder
and then renders them in sequence. For normal Matplotlib axes, the ticks,
tick labels, and gridlines are included in this list of artists and hence
are automatically drawn in the correct order. However, ``WCSAxes`` disables
the native ticks, labels, and gridlines. Instead, ``WCSAxes.draw`` renders
ersatz ticks, labels, and gridlines by explicitly calling the functions
``CoordinateHelper._draw_ticks``, ``CoordinateHelper._draw_grid``, etc.
This hack would not be necessary if ``WCSAxes`` drew ticks, tick labels,
and gridlines in the standary way."""
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
class WCSAxes(Axes):
The main axes class that can be used to show world coordinates from a WCS.
fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
The figure to add the axes to
rect : list
The position of the axes in the figure in relative units. Should be
given as ``[left, bottom, width, height]``.
wcs : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS`, optional
The WCS for the data. If this is specified, ``transform`` cannot be
transform : `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`, optional
The transform for the data. If this is specified, ``wcs`` cannot be
coord_meta : dict, optional
A dictionary providing additional metadata when ``transform`` is
specified. This should include the keys ``type``, ``wrap``, and
``unit``. Each of these should be a list with as many items as the
dimension of the WCS. The ``type`` entries should be one of
``longitude``, ``latitude``, or ``scalar``, the ``wrap`` entries should
give, for the longitude, the angle at which the coordinate wraps (and
`None` otherwise), and the ``unit`` should give the unit of the
coordinates as :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` instances. This can
optionally also include a ``format_unit`` entry giving the units to use
for the tick labels (if not specified, this defaults to ``unit``).
transData : `~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`, optional
Can be used to override the default data -> pixel mapping.
slices : tuple, optional
For WCS transformations with more than two dimensions, we need to
choose which dimensions are being shown in the 2D image. The slice
should contain one ``x`` entry, one ``y`` entry, and the rest of the
values should be integers indicating the slice through the data. The
order of the items in the slice should be the same as the order of the
dimensions in the :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS`, and the opposite of the
order of the dimensions in Numpy. For example, ``(50, 'x', 'y')`` means
that the first WCS dimension (last Numpy dimension) will be sliced at
an index of 50, the second WCS and Numpy dimension will be shown on the
x axis, and the final WCS dimension (first Numpy dimension) will be
shown on the y-axis (and therefore the data will be plotted using
``data[:, :, 50].transpose()``)
frame_class : type, optional
The class for the frame, which should be a subclass of
:class:`~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.BaseFrame`. The default is to use a
def __init__(self, fig, rect, wcs=None, transform=None, coord_meta=None,
transData=None, slices=None, frame_class=None,
super().__init__(fig, rect, **kwargs)
self._bboxes = []
if frame_class is not None:
self.frame_class = frame_class
elif (wcs is not None and (wcs.pixel_n_dim == 1 or
(slices is not None and 'y' not in slices))):
self.frame_class = RectangularFrame1D
self.frame_class = RectangularFrame
if not (transData is None):
# User wants to override the transform for the final
# data->pixel mapping
self.transData = transData
self.reset_wcs(wcs=wcs, slices=slices, transform=transform, coord_meta=coord_meta)
self.format_coord = self._display_world_coords
self._display_coords_index = 0
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._set_cursor_prefs)
self.patch = self.coords.frame.patch
self._wcsaxesartist = _WCSAxesArtist()
self._drawn = False
def _display_world_coords(self, x, y):
if not self._drawn:
return ""
if self._display_coords_index == -1:
return f"{x} {y} (pixel)"
pixel = np.array([x, y])
coords = self._all_coords[self._display_coords_index]
world = coords._transform.transform(np.array([pixel]))[0]
coord_strings = []
for idx, coord in enumerate(coords):
if coord.coord_index is not None:
coord_strings.append(coord.format_coord(world[coord.coord_index], format='ascii'))
coord_string = ' '.join(coord_strings)
if self._display_coords_index == 0:
system = "world"
system = f"world, overlay {self._display_coords_index}"
coord_string = f"{coord_string} ({system})"
return coord_string
def _set_cursor_prefs(self, event, **kwargs):
if event.key == 'w':
self._display_coords_index += 1
if self._display_coords_index + 1 > len(self._all_coords):
self._display_coords_index = -1
def _hide_parent_artists(self):
# Turn off spines and current axes
for s in self.spines.values():
if self.frame_class is not RectangularFrame1D:
# We now overload ``imshow`` because we need to make sure that origin is
# set to ``lower`` for all images, which means that we need to flip RGB
# images.
def imshow(self, X, *args, **kwargs):
Wrapper to Matplotlib's :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`.
If an RGB image is passed as a PIL object, it will be flipped
vertically and ``origin`` will be set to ``lower``, since WCS
transformations - like FITS files - assume that the origin is the lower
left pixel of the image (whereas RGB images have the origin in the top
All arguments are passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`.
origin = kwargs.pop('origin', 'lower')
# plt.imshow passes origin as None, which we should default to lower.
if origin is None:
origin = 'lower'
elif origin == 'upper':
raise ValueError("Cannot use images with origin='upper' in WCSAxes.")
# To check whether the image is a PIL image we can check if the data
# has a 'getpixel' attribute - this is what Matplotlib's AxesImage does
from PIL.Image import Image, FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM
except ImportError:
# We don't need to worry since PIL is not installed, so user cannot
# have passed RGB image.
if isinstance(X, Image) or hasattr(X, 'getpixel'):
X = X.transpose(FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
return super().imshow(X, *args, origin=origin, **kwargs)
def contour(self, *args, **kwargs):
Plot contours.
This is a custom implementation of :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour`
which applies the transform (if specified) to all contours in one go for
performance rather than to each contour line individually. All
positional and keyword arguments are the same as for
# In Matplotlib, when calling contour() with a transform, each
# individual path in the contour map is transformed separately. However,
# this is much too slow for us since each call to the transforms results
# in an Astropy coordinate transformation, which has a non-negligible
# overhead - therefore a better approach is to override contour(), call
# the Matplotlib one with no transform, then apply the transform in one
# go to all the segments that make up the contour map.
transform = kwargs.pop('transform', None)
cset = super().contour(*args, **kwargs)
if transform is not None:
# The transform passed to self.contour will normally include
# a transData component at the end, but we can remove that since
# we are already working in data space.
transform = transform - self.transData
transform_contour_set_inplace(cset, transform)
return cset
def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs):
Plot filled contours.
This is a custom implementation of :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf`
which applies the transform (if specified) to all contours in one go for
performance rather than to each contour line individually. All
positional and keyword arguments are the same as for
# See notes for contour above.
transform = kwargs.pop('transform', None)
cset = super().contourf(*args, **kwargs)
if transform is not None:
# The transform passed to self.contour will normally include
# a transData component at the end, but we can remove that since
# we are already working in data space.
transform = transform - self.transData
transform_contour_set_inplace(cset, transform)
return cset
def plot_coord(self, *args, **kwargs):
Plot `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or
`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` objects onto the axes.
The first argument to
:meth:`~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes.plot_coord` should be a
coordinate, which will then be converted to the first two parameters to
`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. All other arguments are the same as
`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. If not specified a ``transform`` keyword
argument will be created based on the coordinate.
coordinate : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
The coordinate object to plot on the axes. This is converted to the
first two arguments to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`.
See Also
matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot : This method is called from this function with all arguments passed to it.
if isinstance(args[0], (SkyCoord, BaseCoordinateFrame)):
# Extract the frame from the first argument.
frame0 = args[0]
if isinstance(frame0, SkyCoord):
frame0 = frame0.frame
native_frame = self._transform_pixel2world.frame_out
# Transform to the native frame of the plot
frame0 = frame0.transform_to(native_frame)
plot_data = []
for coord in self.coords:
if coord.coord_type == 'longitude':
elif coord.coord_type == 'latitude':
raise NotImplementedError("Coordinates cannot be plotted with this "
"method because the WCS does not represent longitude/latitude.")
if 'transform' in kwargs.keys():
raise TypeError("The 'transform' keyword argument is not allowed,"
" as it is automatically determined by the input coordinate frame.")
transform = self.get_transform(native_frame)
kwargs.update({'transform': transform})
args = tuple(plot_data) + args[1:]
return super().plot(*args, **kwargs)
def reset_wcs(self, wcs=None, slices=None, transform=None, coord_meta=None):
Reset the current Axes, to use a new WCS object.
# Here determine all the coordinate axes that should be shown.
if wcs is None and transform is None:
self.wcs = IDENTITY
# We now force call 'set', which ensures the WCS object is
# consistent, which will only be important if the WCS has been set
# by hand. For example if the user sets a celestial WCS by hand and
# forgets to set the units, WCS.wcs.set() will do this.
if wcs is not None:
# Check if the WCS object is an instance of `astropy.wcs.WCS`
# This check is necessary as only `astropy.wcs.WCS` supports
# wcs.set() method
if isinstance(wcs, WCS):
if isinstance(wcs, BaseHighLevelWCS):
wcs = wcs.low_level_wcs
self.wcs = wcs
# If we are making a new WCS, we need to preserve the path object since
# it may already be used by objects that have been plotted, and we need
# to continue updating it. CoordinatesMap will create a new frame
# instance, but we can tell that instance to keep using the old path.
if hasattr(self, 'coords'):
previous_frame = {'path': self.coords.frame._path,
'color': self.coords.frame.get_color(),
'linewidth': self.coords.frame.get_linewidth()}
previous_frame = {'path': None}
if self.wcs is not None:
transform, coord_meta = transform_coord_meta_from_wcs(self.wcs, self.frame_class, slices=slices)
self.coords = CoordinatesMap(self,
self._transform_pixel2world = transform
if previous_frame['path'] is not None:
self._all_coords = [self.coords]
# Common default settings for Rectangular Frame
for ind, pos in enumerate(coord_meta.get('default_axislabel_position', ['b', 'l'])):
for ind, pos in enumerate(coord_meta.get('default_ticklabel_position', ['b', 'l'])):
for ind, pos in enumerate(coord_meta.get('default_ticks_position', ['bltr', 'bltr'])):
if rcParams['axes.grid']:
def draw_wcsaxes(self, renderer):
if not self.axison:
# Here need to find out range of all coordinates, and update range for
# each coordinate axis. For now, just assume it covers the whole sky.
self._bboxes = []
# This generates a structure like [coords][axis] = [...]
ticklabels_bbox = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
ticks_locs = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
visible_ticks = []
for coords in self._all_coords:
for coord in coords:
for coords in self._all_coords:
for coord in coords:
coord._draw_ticks(renderer, bboxes=self._bboxes,
for coords in self._all_coords:
for coord in coords:
coord._draw_axislabels(renderer, bboxes=self._bboxes,
def draw(self, renderer, inframe=False):
# In Axes.draw, the following code can result in the xlim and ylim
# values changing, so we need to force call this here to make sure that
# the limits are correct before we update the patch.
locator = self.get_axes_locator()
if locator:
pos = locator(self, renderer)
if self._axisbelow is True:
elif self._axisbelow is False:
# 'line': above patches, below lines
# We need to make sure that that frame path is up to date
super().draw(renderer, inframe=inframe)
self._drawn = True
# MATPLOTLIB_LT_30: The ``kwargs.pop('label', None)`` is to ensure
# compatibility with Matplotlib 2.x (which has label) and 3.x (which has
# xlabel). While these are meant to be a single positional argument,
# Matplotlib internally sometimes specifies e.g. set_xlabel(xlabel=...).
def set_xlabel(self, xlabel=None, labelpad=1, **kwargs):
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = kwargs.pop('label', None)
if xlabel is None:
raise TypeError("set_xlabel() missing 1 required positional argument: 'xlabel'")
for coord in self.coords:
if 'b' in coord.axislabels.get_visible_axes():
coord.set_axislabel(xlabel, minpad=labelpad, **kwargs)
def set_ylabel(self, ylabel=None, labelpad=1, **kwargs):
if ylabel is None:
ylabel = kwargs.pop('label', None)
if ylabel is None:
raise TypeError("set_ylabel() missing 1 required positional argument: 'ylabel'")
if self.frame_class is RectangularFrame1D:
return super().set_ylabel(ylabel, labelpad=labelpad, **kwargs)
for coord in self.coords:
if 'l' in coord.axislabels.get_visible_axes():
coord.set_axislabel(ylabel, minpad=labelpad, **kwargs)
def get_xlabel(self):
for coord in self.coords:
if 'b' in coord.axislabels.get_visible_axes():
return coord.get_axislabel()
def get_ylabel(self):
if self.frame_class is RectangularFrame1D:
return super().get_ylabel()
for coord in self.coords:
if 'l' in coord.axislabels.get_visible_axes():
return coord.get_axislabel()
def get_coords_overlay(self, frame, coord_meta=None):
# Here we can't use get_transform because that deals with
# pixel-to-pixel transformations when passing a WCS object.
if isinstance(frame, WCS):
transform, coord_meta = transform_coord_meta_from_wcs(frame, self.frame_class)
transform = self._get_transform_no_transdata(frame)
if coord_meta is None:
coord_meta = get_coord_meta(frame)
coords = CoordinatesMap(self, transform=transform,
# Common settings for overlay
self.overlay_coords = coords
return coords
def get_transform(self, frame):
Return a transform from the specified frame to display coordinates.
This does not include the transData transformation
frame : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` or :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` or str
The ``frame`` parameter can have several possible types:
* :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance: assumed to be a
transformation from pixel to world coordinates, where the
world coordinates are the same as those in the WCS
transformation used for this ``WCSAxes`` instance. This is
used for example to show contours, since this involves
plotting an array in pixel coordinates that are not the
final data coordinate and have to be transformed to the
common world coordinate system first.
* :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance: it is
assumed to be a transform to the world coordinates that are
part of the WCS used to instantiate this ``WCSAxes``
* ``'pixel'`` or ``'world'``: return a transformation that
allows users to plot in pixel/data coordinates (essentially
an identity transform) and ``world`` (the default
world-to-pixel transformation used to instantiate the
``WCSAxes`` instance).
* ``'fk5'`` or ``'galactic'``: return a transformation from
the specified frame to the pixel/data coordinates.
* :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` instance.
return self._get_transform_no_transdata(frame).inverted() + self.transData
def _get_transform_no_transdata(self, frame):
Return a transform from data to the specified frame
if isinstance(frame, WCS):
transform, coord_meta = transform_coord_meta_from_wcs(frame, self.frame_class)
transform_world2pixel = transform.inverted()
if self._transform_pixel2world.frame_out == transform_world2pixel.frame_in:
return self._transform_pixel2world + transform_world2pixel
return (self._transform_pixel2world +
transform_world2pixel.frame_in) +
elif frame == 'pixel':
return Affine2D()
elif isinstance(frame, Transform):
return self._transform_pixel2world + frame
if frame == 'world':
return self._transform_pixel2world
coordinate_transform = CoordinateTransform(self._transform_pixel2world.frame_out, frame)
if coordinate_transform.same_frames:
return self._transform_pixel2world
return self._transform_pixel2world + coordinate_transform
def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
# FIXME: we should determine what to do with the extra arguments here.
# Note that the expected signature of this method is different in
# Matplotlib 3.x compared to 2.x.
if not self.get_visible():
bb = [b for b in self._bboxes if b and (b.width != 0 or b.height != 0)]
if bb:
_bbox = Bbox.union(bb)
return _bbox
return self.get_window_extent(renderer)
def grid(self, b=None, axis='both', *, which='major', **kwargs):
Plot gridlines for both coordinates.
Standard matplotlib appearance options (color, alpha, etc.) can be
passed as keyword arguments. This behaves like `matplotlib.axes.Axes`
except that if no arguments are specified, the grid is shown rather
than toggled.
b : bool
Whether to show the gridlines.
if not hasattr(self, 'coords'):
if which != 'major':
raise NotImplementedError('Plotting the grid for the minor ticks is '
'not supported.')
if axis == 'both':
self.coords.grid(draw_grid=b, **kwargs)
elif axis == 'x':
self.coords[0].grid(draw_grid=b, **kwargs)
elif axis == 'y':
self.coords[1].grid(draw_grid=b, **kwargs)
raise ValueError('axis should be one of x/y/both')
def tick_params(self, axis='both', **kwargs):
Method to set the tick and tick label parameters in the same way as the
:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params` method in Matplotlib.
This is provided for convenience, but the recommended API is to use
and :meth:`~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.CoordinateHelper.grid`.
axis : int or str, optional
Which axis to apply the parameters to. This defaults to 'both'
but this can also be set to an `int` or `str` that refers to the
axis to apply it to, following the valid values that can index
``ax.coords``. Note that ``'x'`` and ``'y``' are also accepted in
the case of rectangular axes.
which : {'both', 'major', 'minor'}, optional
Which ticks to apply the settings to. By default, setting are
applied to both major and minor ticks. Note that if ``'minor'`` is
specified, only the length of the ticks can be set currently.
direction : {'in', 'out'}, optional
Puts ticks inside the axes, or outside the axes.
length : float, optional
Tick length in points.
width : float, optional
Tick width in points.
color : color, optional
Tick color (accepts any valid Matplotlib color)
pad : float, optional
Distance in points between tick and label.
labelsize : float or str, optional
Tick label font size in points or as a string (e.g., 'large').
labelcolor : color, optional
Tick label color (accepts any valid Matplotlib color)
colors : color, optional
Changes the tick color and the label color to the same value
(accepts any valid Matplotlib color).
bottom, top, left, right : bool, optional
Where to draw the ticks. Note that this can only be given if a
specific coordinate is specified via the ``axis`` argument, and it
will not work correctly if the frame is not rectangular.
labelbottom, labeltop, labelleft, labelright : bool, optional
Where to draw the tick labels. Note that this can only be given if a
specific coordinate is specified via the ``axis`` argument, and it
will not work correctly if the frame is not rectangular.
grid_color : color, optional
The color of the grid lines (accepts any valid Matplotlib color).
grid_alpha : float, optional
Transparency of grid lines: 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
grid_linewidth : float, optional
Width of grid lines in points.
grid_linestyle : str, optional
The style of the grid lines (accepts any valid Matplotlib line
if not hasattr(self, 'coords'):
# Axes haven't been fully initialized yet, so just ignore, as
# Axes.__init__ calls this method
if axis == 'both':
for pos in ('bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right'):
if pos in kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot specify {pos}= when axis='both'")
if 'label' + pos in kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot specify label{pos}= when axis='both'")
for coord in self.coords:
elif axis in self.coords:
elif axis in ('x', 'y') and self.frame_class is RectangularFrame:
spine = 'b' if axis == 'x' else 'l'
for coord in self.coords:
if spine in coord.axislabels.get_visible_axes():
# In the following, we put the generated subplot class in a temporary class and
# we then inherit it - if we don't do this, the generated class appears to
# belong in matplotlib, not in WCSAxes, from the API's point of view.
class WCSAxesSubplot(subplot_class_factory(WCSAxes)):
A subclass class for WCSAxes
| bsd-3-clause |
Eric89GXL/scikit-learn | sklearn/decomposition/ | 4 | 25539 | """ Principal Component Analysis
# Author: Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]>
# Olivier Grisel <[email protected]>
# Mathieu Blondel <[email protected]>
# Denis A. Engemann <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from math import log, sqrt
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.special import gammaln
from ..base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from ..utils import array2d, check_random_state, as_float_array
from ..utils import atleast2d_or_csr
from ..utils import deprecated
from ..utils.extmath import (fast_logdet, safe_sparse_dot, randomized_svd,
def _assess_dimension_(spectrum, rank, n_samples, n_features):
"""Compute the likelihood of a rank ``rank`` dataset
The dataset is assumed to be embedded in gaussian noise of shape(n,
dimf) having spectrum ``spectrum``.
spectrum: array of shape (n)
data spectrum
rank: int,
tested rank value
n_samples: int,
number of samples
dim: int,
embedding/empirical dimension
ll: float,
The log-likelihood
This implements the method of `Thomas P. Minka:
Automatic Choice of Dimensionality for PCA. NIPS 2000: 598-604`
if rank > len(spectrum):
raise ValueError("The tested rank cannot exceed the rank of the"
" dataset")
pu = -rank * log(2.)
for i in range(rank):
pu += (gammaln((n_features - i) / 2.)
- log(np.pi) * (n_features - i) / 2.)
pl = np.sum(np.log(spectrum[:rank]))
pl = -pl * n_samples / 2.
if rank == n_features:
pv = 0
v = 1
v = np.sum(spectrum[rank:]) / (n_features - rank)
pv = -np.log(v) * n_samples * (n_features - rank) / 2.
m = n_features * rank - rank * (rank + 1.) / 2.
pp = log(2. * np.pi) * (m + rank + 1.) / 2.
pa = 0.
spectrum_ = spectrum.copy()
spectrum_[rank:n_features] = v
for i in range(rank):
for j in range(i + 1, len(spectrum)):
pa += log((spectrum[i] - spectrum[j]) *
(1. / spectrum_[j] - 1. / spectrum_[i])) + log(n_samples)
ll = pu + pl + pv + pp - pa / 2. - rank * log(n_samples) / 2.
return ll
def _infer_dimension_(spectrum, n_samples, n_features):
"""Infers the dimension of a dataset of shape (n_samples, n_features)
The dataset is described by its spectrum `spectrum`.
n_spectrum = len(spectrum)
ll = np.empty(n_spectrum)
for rank in range(n_spectrum):
ll[rank] = _assess_dimension_(spectrum, rank, n_samples, n_features)
return ll.argmax()
class PCA(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Principal component analysis (PCA)
Linear dimensionality reduction using Singular Value Decomposition of the
data and keeping only the most significant singular vectors to project the
data to a lower dimensional space.
This implementation uses the scipy.linalg implementation of the singular
value decomposition. It only works for dense arrays and is not scalable to
large dimensional data.
The time complexity of this implementation is ``O(n ** 3)`` assuming
n ~ n_samples ~ n_features.
n_components : int, None or string
Number of components to keep.
if n_components is not set all components are kept::
n_components == min(n_samples, n_features)
if n_components == 'mle', Minka\'s MLE is used to guess the dimension
if ``0 < n_components < 1``, select the number of components such that
the amount of variance that needs to be explained is greater than the
percentage specified by n_components
copy : bool
If False, data passed to fit are overwritten and running
fit(X).transform(X) will not yield the expected results,
use fit_transform(X) instead.
whiten : bool, optional
When True (False by default) the `components_` vectors are divided
by n_samples times singular values to ensure uncorrelated outputs
with unit component-wise variances.
Whitening will remove some information from the transformed signal
(the relative variance scales of the components) but can sometime
improve the predictive accuracy of the downstream estimators by
making there data respect some hard-wired assumptions.
`components_` : array, [n_components, n_features]
Components with maximum variance.
`explained_variance_ratio_` : array, [n_components]
Percentage of variance explained by each of the selected components. \
k is not set then all components are stored and the sum of explained \
variances is equal to 1.0
`n_components_` : int
The estimated number of components. Relevant when n_components is set
to 'mle' or a number between 0 and 1 to select using explained
`noise_variance_` : float
The estimated noise covariance following the Probabilistic PCA model
from Tipping and Bishop 1999. See "Pattern Recognition and
Machine Learning" by C. Bishop, 12.2.1 p. 574 or It is required to
computed the estimated data covariance and score samples.
For n_components='mle', this class uses the method of `Thomas P. Minka:
Automatic Choice of Dimensionality for PCA. NIPS 2000: 598-604`
Implements the probabilistic PCA model from:
M. Tipping and C. Bishop, Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 61, Part 3, pp. 611-622
via the score and score_samples methods.
Due to implementation subtleties of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD),
which is used in this implementation, running fit twice on the same matrix
can lead to principal components with signs flipped (change in direction).
For this reason, it is important to always use the same estimator object to
transform data in a consistent fashion.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]])
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=2)
PCA(copy=True, n_components=2, whiten=False)
>>> print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[ 0.99244... 0.00755...]
See also
def __init__(self, n_components=None, copy=True, whiten=False):
self.n_components = n_components
self.copy = copy
self.whiten = whiten
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model with X.
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
self : object
Returns the instance itself.
return self
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model with X and apply the dimensionality reduction on X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
U, S, V = self._fit(X)
U = U[:, :self.n_components_]
if self.whiten:
# X_new = X * V / S * sqrt(n_samples) = U * sqrt(n_samples)
U *= sqrt(X.shape[0])
# X_new = X * V = U * S * V^T * V = U * S
U *= S[:self.n_components_]
return U
def _fit(self, X):
""" Fit the model on X
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples and
n_features is the number of features.
U, s, V : ndarrays
The SVD of the input data, copied and centered when
X = array2d(X)
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
X = as_float_array(X, copy=self.copy)
# Center data
self.mean_ = np.mean(X, axis=0)
X -= self.mean_
U, S, V = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
explained_variance_ = (S ** 2) / n_samples
explained_variance_ratio_ = (explained_variance_ /
if self.whiten:
components_ = V / (S[:, np.newaxis] / sqrt(n_samples))
components_ = V
n_components = self.n_components
if n_components is None:
n_components = n_features
elif n_components == 'mle':
if n_samples < n_features:
raise ValueError("n_components='mle' is only supported "
"if n_samples >= n_features")
n_components = _infer_dimension_(explained_variance_,
n_samples, n_features)
if 0 < n_components < 1.0:
# number of components for which the cumulated explained variance
# percentage is superior to the desired threshold
ratio_cumsum = explained_variance_ratio_.cumsum()
n_components = np.sum(ratio_cumsum < n_components) + 1
# Compute noise covariance using Probabilistic PCA model
# The sigma2 maximum likelihood (cf. eq. 12.46)
if n_components < n_features:
self.noise_variance_ = explained_variance_[n_components:].mean()
self.noise_variance_ = 0.
# store n_samples to revert whitening when getting covariance
self.n_samples_ = n_samples
self.components_ = components_[:n_components]
self.explained_variance_ = explained_variance_[:n_components]
explained_variance_ratio_ = explained_variance_ratio_[:n_components]
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = explained_variance_ratio_
self.n_components_ = n_components
return (U, S, V)
def get_covariance(self):
"""Compute data covariance with the generative model.
``cov = components_.T * S**2 * components_ + sigma2 * eye(n_features)``
where S**2 contains the explained variances.
cov : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
Estimated covariance of data.
components_ = self.components_
exp_var = self.explained_variance_
if self.whiten:
components_ = components_ * np.sqrt(exp_var[:, np.newaxis])
exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
cov = * exp_var_diff, components_)
cov.flat[::len(cov) + 1] += self.noise_variance_ # modify diag inplace
return cov
def get_precision(self):
"""Compute data precision matrix with the generative model.
Equals the inverse of the covariance but computed with
the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency.
precision : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
Estimated precision of data.
n_features = self.components_.shape[1]
# handle corner cases first
if self.n_components_ == 0:
return np.eye(n_features) / self.noise_variance_
if self.n_components_ == n_features:
return linalg.inv(self.get_covariance())
# Get precision using matrix inversion lemma
components_ = self.components_
exp_var = self.explained_variance_
if self.whiten:
components_ = components_ * np.sqrt(exp_var[:, np.newaxis])
exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
precision =, components_.T) / self.noise_variance_
precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / exp_var_diff
precision =,, components_))
precision /= -(self.noise_variance_ ** 2)
precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / self.noise_variance_
return precision
def transform(self, X):
"""Apply the dimensionality reduction on X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
New data, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
X = array2d(X)
if self.mean_ is not None:
X = X - self.mean_
X_transformed = fast_dot(X, self.components_.T)
return X_transformed
def inverse_transform(self, X):
"""Transform data back to its original space, i.e.,
return an input X_original whose transform would be X
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
New data, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_components is the number of components.
X_original array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
If whitening is enabled, inverse_transform does not compute the
exact inverse operation as transform.
return fast_dot(X, self.components_) + self.mean_
def score_samples(self, X):
"""Return the log-likelihood of each sample
See. "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning"
by C. Bishop, 12.2.1 p. 574
X: array, shape(n_samples, n_features)
The data.
ll: array, shape (n_samples,)
Log-likelihood of each sample under the current model
Xr = X - self.mean_
n_features = X.shape[1]
log_like = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
precision = self.get_precision()
log_like = -.5 * (Xr * (, precision))).sum(axis=1)
log_like -= .5 * (n_features * log(2. * np.pi)
- fast_logdet(precision))
return log_like
def score(self, X, y=None):
"""Return the average log-likelihood of all samples
See. "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning"
by C. Bishop, 12.2.1 p. 574
X: array, shape(n_samples, n_features)
The data.
ll: float
Average log-likelihood of the samples under the current model
return np.mean(self.score_samples(X))
@deprecated("ProbabilisticPCA will be removed in 0.16. WARNING: the covariance"
" estimation was previously incorrect, your output might be different "
" than under the previous versions. Use PCA that implements score"
" and score_samples. To work with homoscedastic=False, you should use"
" FactorAnalysis.")
class ProbabilisticPCA(PCA):
"""Additional layer on top of PCA that adds a probabilistic evaluation"""
__doc__ += PCA.__doc__
def fit(self, X, y=None, homoscedastic=True):
"""Additionally to, learns a covariance model
X : array of shape(n_samples, n_features)
The data to fit
homoscedastic : bool, optional,
If True, average variance across remaining dimensions
""", X)
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
n_components = self.n_components
if n_components is None:
n_components = n_features
explained_variance = self.explained_variance_.copy()
if homoscedastic:
explained_variance -= self.noise_variance_
# Make the low rank part of the estimated covariance
self.covariance_ =[:n_components].T *
if n_features == n_components:
delta = 0.
elif homoscedastic:
delta = self.noise_variance_
Xr = X - self.mean_
Xr -=, self.components_.T), self.components_)
delta = (Xr ** 2).mean(axis=0) / (n_features - n_components)
# Add delta to the diagonal without extra allocation
self.covariance_.flat[::n_features + 1] += delta
return self
def score(self, X, y=None):
"""Return a score associated to new data
X: array of shape(n_samples, n_features)
The data to test
ll: array of shape (n_samples),
log-likelihood of each row of X under the current model
Xr = X - self.mean_
n_features = X.shape[1]
log_like = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
self.precision_ = linalg.inv(self.covariance_)
log_like = -.5 * (Xr * (, self.precision_))).sum(axis=1)
log_like -= .5 * (fast_logdet(self.covariance_)
+ n_features * log(2. * np.pi))
return log_like
class RandomizedPCA(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Principal component analysis (PCA) using randomized SVD
Linear dimensionality reduction using approximated Singular Value
Decomposition of the data and keeping only the most significant
singular vectors to project the data to a lower dimensional space.
n_components : int, optional
Maximum number of components to keep. When not given or None, this
is set to n_features (the second dimension of the training data).
copy : bool
If False, data passed to fit are overwritten and running
fit(X).transform(X) will not yield the expected results,
use fit_transform(X) instead.
iterated_power : int, optional
Number of iterations for the power method. 3 by default.
whiten : bool, optional
When True (False by default) the `components_` vectors are divided
by the singular values to ensure uncorrelated outputs with unit
component-wise variances.
Whitening will remove some information from the transformed signal
(the relative variance scales of the components) but can sometime
improve the predictive accuracy of the downstream estimators by
making their data respect some hard-wired assumptions.
random_state : int or RandomState instance or None (default)
Pseudo Random Number generator seed control. If None, use the
numpy.random singleton.
`components_` : array, [n_components, n_features]
Components with maximum variance.
`explained_variance_ratio_` : array, [n_components]
Percentage of variance explained by each of the selected components. \
k is not set then all components are stored and the sum of explained \
variances is equal to 1.0
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import RandomizedPCA
>>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]])
>>> pca = RandomizedPCA(n_components=2)
RandomizedPCA(copy=True, iterated_power=3, n_components=2,
random_state=None, whiten=False)
>>> print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[ 0.99244... 0.00755...]
See also
.. [Halko2009] `Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms
for constructing approximate matrix decompositions Halko, et al., 2009
.. [MRT] `A randomized algorithm for the decomposition of matrices
Per-Gunnar Martinsson, Vladimir Rokhlin and Mark Tygert`
This class supports sparse matrix input for backward compatibility, but
actually computes a truncated SVD instead of a PCA in that case (i.e. no
centering is performed). This support is deprecated; use the class
TruncatedSVD for sparse matrix support.
def __init__(self, n_components=None, copy=True, iterated_power=3,
whiten=False, random_state=None):
self.n_components = n_components
self.copy = copy
self.iterated_power = iterated_power
self.whiten = whiten
self.mean_ = None
self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the model with X.
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
self : object
Returns the instance itself.
return self
def _fit(self, X):
"""Fit the model to the data X.
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples and
n_features is the number of features.
X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features)
The input data, copied, centered and whitened when requested.
random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
if hasattr(X, 'todense'):
warnings.warn("Sparse matrix support is deprecated"
" and will be dropped in 0.16."
" Use TruncatedSVD instead.",
# not a sparse matrix, ensure this is a 2D array
X = np.atleast_2d(as_float_array(X, copy=self.copy))
n_samples = X.shape[0]
if not hasattr(X, 'todense'):
# Center data
self.mean_ = np.mean(X, axis=0)
X -= self.mean_
if self.n_components is None:
n_components = X.shape[1]
n_components = self.n_components
U, S, V = randomized_svd(X, n_components,
self.explained_variance_ = exp_var = (S ** 2) / n_samples
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = exp_var / exp_var.sum()
if self.whiten:
self.components_ = V / S[:, np.newaxis] * sqrt(n_samples)
self.components_ = V
return X
def transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Apply dimensionality reduction on X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
New data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
# XXX remove scipy.sparse support here in 0.16
X = atleast2d_or_csr(X)
if self.mean_ is not None:
X = X - self.mean_
X = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.components_.T)
return X
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Apply dimensionality reduction on X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
New data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
X = self._fit(atleast2d_or_csr(X))
X = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.components_.T)
return X
def inverse_transform(self, X, y=None):
"""Transform data back to its original space.
Returns an array X_original whose transform would be X.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)
New data, where n_samples in the number of samples
and n_components is the number of components.
X_original array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
If whitening is enabled, inverse_transform does not compute the
exact inverse operation of transform.
# XXX remove scipy.sparse support here in 0.16
X_original = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.components_)
if self.mean_ is not None:
X_original = X_original + self.mean_
return X_original
| bsd-3-clause |
peterfpeterson/mantid | Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/plots/ | 3 | 5597 | # Mantid Repository :
# Copyright © 2019 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
# NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
# Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
# This file is part of the mantid package
Defines a set of custom axis scales
from mantid.plots.utility import mpl_version_info
from matplotlib.scale import ScaleBase
from matplotlib.ticker import (AutoLocator, NullFormatter,
NullLocator, ScalarFormatter)
from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
import numpy as np
class PowerScale(ScaleBase):
"""Scales the data using a power-law scaling: x^gamma
# Name required by register_scale. Use this is set_*scale
# commands
name = 'power'
def __init__(self, _axis, **kwargs):
Any keyword arguments passed to ``set_xscale`` and
``set_yscale`` will be passed along to the scale's
gamma: The power used to scale the data.
if mpl_version_info() > (3,):
super(PowerScale, self).__init__(_axis)
super(PowerScale, self).__init__()
gamma = kwargs.pop("gamma", None)
if gamma is None:
raise ValueError("power scale must specify gamma value")
self._gamma = float(gamma)
def get_transform(self):
Return a PowerTransform that does the actual scaling
return PowerScale.PowerTransform(self._gamma)
def set_default_locators_and_formatters(self, axis):
Set the locators and formatters to automatic and scalar
def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin, vmax, minpos):
Limit the domain to positive values for even or fractional
if not self._gamma.is_integer() or self._gamma % 2 == 0:
if not np.isfinite(minpos):
minpos = 1e-300 # This value should rarely if ever
# end up with a visible effect.
return (minpos if vmin <= 0 else vmin,
minpos if vmax <= 0 else vmax)
return vmin, vmax
class PowerTransform(Transform):
# There are two value members that must be defined.
# ``input_dims`` and ``output_dims`` specify number of input
# dimensions and output dimensions to the transformation.
# These are used by the transformation framework to do some
# error checking and prevent incompatible transformations from
# being connected together. When defining transforms for a
# scale, which are, by definition, separable and have only one
# dimension, these members should always be set to 1.
input_dims = 1
output_dims = 1
is_separable = True
has_inverse = True
def __init__(self, gamma):
super(PowerScale.PowerTransform, self).__init__()
self._gamma = gamma
def transform_non_affine(self, a):
"""Apply the transform to the given data array
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
out = np.power(a, self._gamma)
if not self._gamma.is_integer():
# negative numbers to power of fractions are undefined
# clip them to 0
out[a <= 0] = 0
return out
def inverted(self):
Return the type responsible for inverting the transform
return PowerScale.InvertedPowerTransform(self._gamma)
class InvertedPowerTransform(Transform):
input_dims = 1
output_dims = 1
is_separable = True
has_inverse = True
def __init__(self, gamma):
super(PowerScale.InvertedPowerTransform, self).__init__()
self._gamma = gamma
def transform_non_affine(self, a):
if not self._gamma.is_integer() or self._gamma % 2 == 0:
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
out = np.power(a, 1. / self._gamma)
# clip negative values to 0
out[a <= 0] = 0
# negative numbers to power of non-integers are undefined and np.power
# returns nan. In the case of where we have a fractional power with
# an odd denominator then we can write the power as
# (-a)^(1/b) = (-1)^1(a^(1/b)) = -1*a^(1/b)
negative_indices = (a < 0.)
if np.any(negative_indices):
out = np.copy(a)
np.negative(a, where=negative_indices, out=out)
np.power(out, 1. / self._gamma, out=out)
np.negative(out, where=negative_indices, out=out)
out = np.power(a, 1. / self._gamma)
return out
def inverted(self):
return PowerScale.PowerTransform(self._gamma)
class SquareScale(PowerScale):
# Convenience type for square scaling
name = 'square'
def __init__(self, axis, **kwargs):
kwargs['gamma'] = 2
super(SquareScale, self).__init__(axis, **kwargs)
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pompiduskus/scikit-learn | examples/ | 288 | 6236 | """
Feature Union with Heterogeneous Data Sources
Datasets can often contain components of that require different feature
extraction and processing pipelines. This scenario might occur when:
1. Your dataset consists of heterogeneous data types (e.g. raster images and
text captions)
2. Your dataset is stored in a Pandas DataFrame and different columns
require different processing pipelines.
This example demonstrates how to use
:class:`sklearn.feature_extraction.FeatureUnion` on a dataset containing
different types of features. We use the 20-newsgroups dataset and compute
standard bag-of-words features for the subject line and body in separate
pipelines as well as ad hoc features on the body. We combine them (with
weights) using a FeatureUnion and finally train a classifier on the combined
set of features.
The choice of features is not particularly helpful, but serves to illustrate
the technique.
# Author: Matt Terry <[email protected]>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.datasets.twenty_newsgroups import strip_newsgroup_footer
from sklearn.datasets.twenty_newsgroups import strip_newsgroup_quoting
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import SVC
class ItemSelector(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""For data grouped by feature, select subset of data at a provided key.
The data is expected to be stored in a 2D data structure, where the first
index is over features and the second is over samples. i.e.
>> len(data[key]) == n_samples
Please note that this is the opposite convention to sklearn feature
matrixes (where the first index corresponds to sample).
ItemSelector only requires that the collection implement getitem
(data[key]). Examples include: a dict of lists, 2D numpy array, Pandas
DataFrame, numpy record array, etc.
>> data = {'a': [1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 8],
'b': [9, 4, 1, 4, 1, 3]}
>> ds = ItemSelector(key='a')
>> data['a'] == ds.transform(data)
ItemSelector is not designed to handle data grouped by sample. (e.g. a
list of dicts). If your data is structured this way, consider a
transformer along the lines of `sklearn.feature_extraction.DictVectorizer`.
key : hashable, required
The key corresponding to the desired value in a mappable.
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def fit(self, x, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, data_dict):
return data_dict[self.key]
class TextStats(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Extract features from each document for DictVectorizer"""
def fit(self, x, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, posts):
return [{'length': len(text),
'num_sentences': text.count('.')}
for text in posts]
class SubjectBodyExtractor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Extract the subject & body from a usenet post in a single pass.
Takes a sequence of strings and produces a dict of sequences. Keys are
`subject` and `body`.
def fit(self, x, y=None):
return self
def transform(self, posts):
features = np.recarray(shape=(len(posts),),
dtype=[('subject', object), ('body', object)])
for i, text in enumerate(posts):
headers, _, bod = text.partition('\n\n')
bod = strip_newsgroup_footer(bod)
bod = strip_newsgroup_quoting(bod)
features['body'][i] = bod
prefix = 'Subject:'
sub = ''
for line in headers.split('\n'):
if line.startswith(prefix):
sub = line[len(prefix):]
features['subject'][i] = sub
return features
pipeline = Pipeline([
# Extract the subject & body
('subjectbody', SubjectBodyExtractor()),
# Use FeatureUnion to combine the features from subject and body
('union', FeatureUnion(
# Pipeline for pulling features from the post's subject line
('subject', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='subject')),
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(min_df=50)),
# Pipeline for standard bag-of-words model for body
('body_bow', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer()),
('best', TruncatedSVD(n_components=50)),
# Pipeline for pulling ad hoc features from post's body
('body_stats', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('stats', TextStats()), # returns a list of dicts
('vect', DictVectorizer()), # list of dicts -> feature matrix
# weight components in FeatureUnion
'subject': 0.8,
'body_bow': 0.5,
'body_stats': 1.0,
# Use a SVC classifier on the combined features
('svc', SVC(kernel='linear')),
# limit the list of categories to make running this exmaple faster.
categories = ['alt.atheism', 'talk.religion.misc']
train = fetch_20newsgroups(random_state=1,
test = fetch_20newsgroups(random_state=1,
y = pipeline.predict(
| bsd-3-clause |
Subsets and Splits